^^\Avv^v\ GIFT OF Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/breretonfamilyhiOObrerrich JOHN BRERETON BRERETON A FAMILY HISTORY BY JOHN BRERETON Htcttion SAN FRANCISCO JOHN BRERETON I919 Copyright tgig^ by John Bririton Frinted by Taylor & Taylor, 8an Francisco BRERETON A FAMILY HISTORY 388483 BRERETON A FAMILY HISTORY BIOGRAPHY is history in action. All should take pride in knowing something regarding their forefa- thers, where they came from, and what they have done. This work gives an outline of the Brereton family history in England, Ireland, and America, from A. D. 1066 to the present, but does not attempt a detailed pedigree of the different branches, or as- sume to prove "royal descent from Nor- man, Saxon, and Celt"; that is left to such works as ''Ormerod's History of Cheshire," "Memoirs of the Brereton Family," by Sir Fortunatus Dwarris, and "The Breretons of Cheshire," by Robert Maitland Brereton. These scholarly works are mostly occupied with English records, touch lightly on Irish Breretons, and say little or nothing of Amer- ican families, of whom no account has been attempted before. The causes that led Breretons from Eng- BRERETON land to Ireland and America were historic, and are treated here from that view-point. The loss of family records, early variations in spelling the name, families bearing names derived from ours, make a romance of interest, and are noted as a part of this "Brereton." The sources from which material has been gathered are many: several histories of Cheshire, extracts from old town and church archives, antiquarian and curious chronicles, colonial documents, records from army and civil life in Europe and America, have each yielded their quota. Years of correspondence withBreretons and other families over the world has made the work possible. Failure of a few to answer letters, be- cause too modest to tell their story, and a total lack of records by others, have made it difficult to make the history complete. The war has broken into many families and de- layed the work; but as the first collection of American Breretons, it may awaken interest and keep laudable family pride from losing A FAMILY HISTORY its inspiring influence, by prompting fathers to recite to their sons the worthy deeds of their grandsires. Foolish boasting and cheap family pride have brought pedigrees into disrepute, but it is now known as a scientific fact in biology that heredity counts for more than environment — that we pass on to our descendants only that which we have in- herited from our ancestors; therefore, the greater need of careful selection in mar- riage, and cultivating our best traits to be- come full - grown men, and thus control destiny. Many family pedigrees are made up of guesses and assumptions based on hearsay; but we are fortunate in having definite rec- ords on file, and a landed estate, known as "Brereton," near Chester, England, since A. D. 1066. Few subjects are more interesting than the origin of English family names. There were not many such until after the Norman Conquest. In early times single names were common to every nation — the Bible gives no others — and many great historic characters 3 BRERETON are so known at the present time. Most fam- ily names had their origin in some peculiar- ity, trade, or location, which at first was added to distinguish each from others of the same name. ^^John" was long or short, lived on a hill or in a forest, was a smith, tailor, or mason. Through the Middle Ages almost every name was written with "le," *'de," or "atte," indicating that "John" was a clerk, or lived in the woods or at the tavern. In time these prefixes were dropped, and the trade, location, or peculiarity became fixed as a family name, as it is today. The same name often had many origins, because there were many bakers, farmers, shepherds, many a wolf, fox, or fisher, each the begin- ning of similar family names. Brereton had but one origin, beginning with the Norman Conquest, preserved in "The Roll of Battle Abbey" and "Domes- day Book," and perpetuated in the manor of "Brereton," in Cheshire, England. This was the first Brereton home, and so con- tinued since A. D. 1066, when William the Conqueror confiscated most of the Saxon A FAMILY HISTORY estates and gave them to his Norman bar- ons. Domesday Book describes this estate as "Brereton," and all who bear the name are doubtless descended from those Norman set- tlers of eight hundred and fifty years ago. Battle Abbey was built by William to commemorate his victory at Hastings, A.D. 1066, and the historic "Roll" is said to con- tain the names of six hundred and twenty- nine chiefs of the Norman nobles who fol- lowed the King to victory. The original roll was destroyed by fire, but of three copies taken from it the name "Brereton," in vari- ous forms of spelling, is found in each. Spell- ing was not an exact science then as now; Beardsley, in his work on names, gives an instance of one hundred and thirty-seven different ways of spelling "Mannering" among Cheshire records, often differing many times in the same line, written by the same hand. All doubt about the name is removed by Domesday Book, which locates and de- scribes the estate known as "Brereton," and S BRERETON is SO known, with its "Brereton Hall," to the present time. It is there spelled "Bretone," while in copies of "The Roll of Battle Ab- bey" it is "Bretoun," "Breton," and "Bere- ton," variations similar to the curious ways strangers attempt to spell it today. In 1086, Domesday Book was prepared at command of the King, being a census of all land, stock, property and people then in England. It was done for the purpose of as- sessing war-tax for support of the govern- ment. The original is one of the most valued relics of the treasures of England; copies taken from it are held priceless in the great libraries of the world. The extract here giv- en is in the ancient Latin, many abbrevi- ations being filled in to make it intelligible to those not familiar with the original form in which it was written. "Isdem Gislebertus (de Venables) ; tenet Bretone; Ulviet tenuit. Ibi ii hi- dae geldabiles. Terre est iv carucarum in dominio, est una et ii bovarii, et ii villani,et iii bordarii. Ibi una acra pra- 6 A FAMILY HISTORY ti. Silva una leuva longa, et dimidia lata, et molinum de xii denariis. De hac terra ii homines eius unam hidam, et habent una carucum, cum ii servis, et ii villanis, et iv bordariis. Totum tem- pore R. Edwardi valebat xx solidos, modo similiter. Wasta invenitur." This when freely translated reads: "The same Gilbert de Venables holds Brereton. ^,-^~— ;^-— i Wulfgeat previously held it^here is l^ndj^^J^J^J^ enough for four plows in the demesne. '^ jL--^ There are one or two oxmen, and two vil- lains, and three bordars. There is one acre ^ of meadow, woodland one league long and half a league wide, and a mill paying twelve- pence tax. Of this land two men, retainers of his, hold one hide and have one plow, with two serfs, and two villains, and four bordars. The whole in the time of King Edward (1066) was taxed twenty shillings, now (1086) to be taxed the same. Gilbert found it waste." This record gives a history of the times. Wulfgeat, the former owner, lost this estate 7 BRERETON and twelve others of vast extent, as shown on the same page in Domesday Book. A "hide" was about one hundred and twenty acres, a "plow" included six oxen and as many oxmen. Serfs, villains, and bordars were different grades of bondmen. Cheshire was the last to yield to the Normans ; so, in punishment, all Saxon owners were driven out and Earl Hugh, nephew to the Con- queror, was given the county as a palatinate, or small kingdom. This Hugh Lupus (the Wolf) created nine barons, who, with him, ruled Cheshire. Gilbert de Venables was one of the barons, also others whose names we shall meet later, as the Breretons were related and married into the families of these barons for hundreds of years after- wards. After the Roll of Battle Abbey (1066) and DomesdayBook(1086) ,the next record was about 1087, in the reign of William Ru- fus, when a charter, given Gilbert de Ven- ables, was witnessed by Ralph de Brereton. These parchments, with their signatures and seals, still exist among the town and 8 A FAMILY HISTORY church records of Cheshire. Dates then were not as now; the year began at Christ- mas, or Easter, or some other church holy- day, or with the reign of the King. Much labor is involved to make sure of exact time, but the variation is not great. '^ About 1176, Ralph de Brereton, a grand- son of the first Ralph, is witness in a grant of Marton to Richard de Davenport. About 1194, William de Brereton, son of this last Ralph, received a deed at the time of his marriage to Margery, daughter of Randle de Torhaunt, eight witnesses sign- ing the contract. This William was knight- ed by Henry III in 1208, the beginning of honors held in the Brereton family for over five hundred years. In 1216, Sir Ralph de Brereton, son of William, granted land to "Brereton" church, as shown by parish records still in existence. About 1232, this Sir Ralph received pay- ment of "half a salt works" for some public services done in Cheshire. During the year 1250,Sir William Brere- 9 BRERETON ton was witness to legal documents in Ches- ter. In 1307, another William Brereton was witness to four deeds still on file there. The same year, William le Brereton, Kt, was witness to deeds of sale in Chester. Sir William Brereton, Kt., son and heir of Ralph, married a daughter of Sir Rich- ard de Sandbach, in fulfillment of a con- tract made with William de Venables. About 1275, Sir William Brereton mar- ried Roesia, daughter of Ralph de Vernon. This wedding united the Breretons with the Vernons of "Haddon Hall," so well de- scribed by Majors in the novel "Dorothy Vernon." This Sir William later gave one hundred marks for the marriage of their daughter Margery to Thomas de Daven- port in 1301. He was knighted by Edward III in 1321. In 1342, Sir William and his wife, Roe- sia, united in a deed of lands in Brereton parish. Roesia must have believed in "wom- an's rights" and had her name put in the deeds. This Sir William received indulgen- ces from the Pope for services rendered in lO I A FAMILY HISTORY the Crusades to the Holy Sepulchre, about 1350. Now let us inquire about the Brereton coat of arms. Why was it adopted, and what does it signify? Every knight engaged in the Crusades wore armor and had some in- signia which distinguished him from others in battle. Frequently these indicated his name or some important event in the family history. The motto "Opitulante Deo" (With the aid of God) needs no explanation; it is a beautiful sentiment, in accord with the best thought of past and present. But why the bear? We attempt only a few guesses: Per- haps those old warriors thought the first half of the name sounded like bear; or, in times when the stars had much to do with life, the Ursa Major — great bear, or dip- per — with its pointers to the north star, may have signified that Breretons were to be guides to travelers in the journey of life ; or the word "bear," to support, carry, endure, bear and forbear. Pope says, "'Tis the bear's talent not to kick but to hug" ; this is mod- 11 BRERETON ern in its application, suggesting that Brere- tons should never be ^'knockers." The coat of arms illustrated is that found in Brereton Hall, the recognized Brereton standard; but there were many others be- longing to different branches, as given in Fairbirns' Book of Crests, including bears in several attitudes, a unicorn and a fierce- looking dragon. The little seal, used in the book and stationery, is my design, express- ing the essential facts of the family history — its English origin, 1066; its emblem, the bear; its faith, "Opitulante Deo" (With the aid of God) ; and the name Brereton. May they never grow less ! A reliable authority says: "Many Breton lords are known to have followed William the Conqueror into England." The estate was doubtless named "Bretone," after that part of France, and the family occupying it took the name, as was then the custom. The following items in heraldry should be clear, to avoid ridiculous mistakes, into which ambitious and recently rich Ameri- cans sometimes fall : A coat of arms may in- 12 A FAMILY HISTORY elude the shield, emblems, supporters, hel- met, crest, motto, and ornaments. No wom- an except a queen may bear a crest; unmar- ried women may not bear the family arms on a knight's shield, but use the same design on a lozenge ( ) instead. In confining our genealogy to the one line of ''Breretons of Brereton Hall," we give but a glimpse of what might be done if we were to follow other branches, a score of them, each having won renown, and pro- duced men of even greater attainments. But space forbids; so we refer our readers to other works, where they may find lists of noted names. Our aim is not to tell all, but try to inform those not acquainted with the family history, and if possible "stir up the gifts that are within" those who have failed to measure up to their full stature of man- hood. Returning to the records, we find that William de Brereton, son of the previous Sir William, died before his father, leaving a son of the same name. 13 BRERETON In 1354, Sir William Brereton, heir to his grandfather, married EUena, daughter of David de Egerton, a descendant of the Norman barons; by this alliance the Brere- ton estates were greatly extended, placing their social standing among the best in Eng- land. In 1386, Sir William Brereton, son of the above, married Anylla, daughter of Sir William Venables, a descendant of Gilbert de Venables, first baron of Cheshire, and grantee of the first Brereton estate, three hundred years before. By a second mar- riage, to Elena, daughter of Sir William Massey of Tatton Hall, in 1426, the Brere- ton holdings were among the great estates of England, including the manors of Mal- pas and Picton, with lands in WoodhuU, Crouton, Charlton, and Norwich. William de Brereton, son of the above, married Alice, sister and heiress of Sir Richard Corbett of Leighton ; this William died during the life of his father. About this time the '*de" was dropped from Eng- lish names, as it was simply a descriptive 14 A FAMILY HISTORY term and never a title, nor represented any special honor. In 1409, a record says that King Henry removed the Mayor of Chester and placed Sir William Brereton in charge as military governor. William Brereton, on the death of his grandfather, in 143S, was found heir to the vast estates of Brereton, and also the estates of his step-mother, in Tilston and HerthuU, as recorded in 1438. He v^as knighted in 1485. His son, William Brereton, died issue- less, breaking the line of descent, the suc- cession passing to his nephew, son of Sir An- drew Brereton, in 1507. On December 7, 1496, a deed was re- corded to Ralph Brereton, brother of Sir Randle Brereton of Malpas. This Sir Ran- dle was Chamberlain and Knight of the Bedchamber to Henry VII and Henry VIII. His son, John Brereton, about 1534, started the Norfolk branch of Breretons, from which many noted families have sprung. In 1507, Sir William Brereton held vast 15 BRERETON estates, and also had control of the appoint- ment of clergymen to churches at Brereton, Malpas, Tilston, and St. John's. As a side-light on court life of the period, there is a record of one Sir William Brere- ton of Malpas, whom Henry VIII suspect- ed of being too familiar with the Queen, Anne Boleyn. He was confined in the tower of London, and later the King gave orders to "muzzle the bear," meaning to take his head off; so Sir William died May 17,1536, and two days later the Queen, mother of Queen Elizabeth, was beheaded. There is a legend that ever since that event the bear on the Brereton arms has been muzzled, but in free America we have left the bear free also. In 1537, the wealthy Nunnery of Chester was dissolved, and its property confiscated by the King, as part of the policy of the "reformation." In 1541, these buildings and grounds were granted to "Urian Brereton, the elder, and his son, free of taxes," for favors done the King. For a century this place was used as a manorial residence by the Breretons, but was destroyed in 1646 by i6 A FAMILY HISTORY Cromweirs army, led by Sir William Brere- ton. Sir William Brereton, grandson of the Lord High Marshal of Ireland, 1540, was married to Jane, daughter of Sir Peter War- burton of Arley. Sir William Brereton, born in 1550, mar- ried Margaret, granddaughter of the Earl of Rutland, being the same family, and about the time Dorothy Vernon married in- to the Rutland family. This Sir William built Brereton Hall in 1586, the corner- stone of which is said to have been laid by Queen Elizabeth. He was created "Lord Brereton of Leighlin" in Ireland, May 11, 1624. John, eldest son of Lord Brereton, died in his father's lifetime, leaving a son, Wil- liam, the second Lord Brereton, who suc- ceeded his grandfather in 1631 ; but having sided with the King against Parliament, lost most of his estates, suffering great financial and social reverses. William, the third Lord B rereton, through loyalty to the King, lost the barony of Mal- 17 BRERETON pas. He was a scholarly man, being credited with founding the Royal Society in 1658. John, the fourth Lord Brereton, and Francis, his brother, the fifth Lord Brere- ton, both dying without issue, title to "Brereton Hall" in 1722 passed through the female line to the Holts of Aston, Warwick- shire, after being in the Brereton family continuously for six hundred and fifty-six years. It has since passed from the Holts, having been sold to satisfy other claims, but retains the old name, and is shown to visit- ors as '^Brereton Hall." Old Chester, the county seat of Cheshire, near which Brereton Hall is located, is among the most interesting places in all England. The ancient wall with its towers stands as a relic of the past. The Romans held it for four hundred years, and remains of their works are found twenty feet beneath the present surface. It was a border fort held against Welsh invasion for centuries. There are many ancient ruins, buildings, and castles, the best-known being Hawarden Castle, the home of the great Gladstone, 18 A FAMILY HISTORY which is about twenty - five miles from Brereton Hall. Brereton Hall is situated on a gentle rise on the bank of the Croco, two miles north of Sandbach, Cheshire, England, located on the estate known as "Brereton" since the Norman Conquest in 1066, and recorded in Domesday Book in 1086. The principal front of the hall faces west, having wings terminating in gables, and two lofty octag- onal towers, enriched with large bay win- dows and various ornaments in the mixed style of Queen Elizabeth, with the rose and portcullis, the royal arms, and those of the family. Over the door is the date, 1S86. Sev- eral inscriptions set within rich framework of stucco are of special interest, a sample of which is here given : "Though thou be for thy pedigree accounted as ancient as Saturn, In wisdom as wise as Solomon, in power as mightie as Alexander, In wealth as rich as Croesus, or for thy beauty as Flora; 19 BRERETON Yet if thou be careless of religion, and neglect the true service of the ever living God : Thou art a Caytife most vyle and miserable." The following is the quaint description written long ago by Ormerod: "Brereton standeth upon the London way, at Blackmere, or Brereton lake, and hath a Fair, which is held on Brereton green, on Lammasday, be- ing the first day of August. Not far off is the Parish church of Brereton, and near unto the church the goodly Manor - place, newly builded, all of brick, the like whereof is not in all the country. Therefore it is not to be omit- ted by visitors, and not so much for its buildings, as for the number of ancient and valient Knights and gentlemen who had and have their origin thence." Burke, the great English authority on genealogy, says: "The last Lord Brereton 20 A FAMILY HISTORY was a lineal descendant of the nine earls of Chester, of whom the first was Hugh Lu- pus, nephew of William the Conqueror." A social incident in the passing of the es- tates is recorded in the family of the second Lord Brereton (1611-1664), during the tri- umph of Cromwell and losses of all who supported the King's cause. Lord William Brereton had ten children, of whom but one married. There were six daughters, Anne, Mary, Frances, Jane, Margaret and Elisa- beth. All lived to good old age — Mary, 80; Anne, 85. Think of the old manor in its dark days, with fortune gone, and these girls left in social neglect! As a contrast to this, there are many rec- ords in old English churches of child-mar- riages, especially among the landed gentry, who desired the union of their houses with others of large fortunes, or, in case of death, to save them from confiscation by the King, as the law then permitted. Richard, Duke of York, at four years, was married to Anne Mowbray, daughter of the Duke of Nor- folk, she being six years old. James Ballard, 21 BRERETON at ten years, was given two apples by Anne, "a big girl," if he would marry her. The temptation was effective ; but after the cere- mony, he cried to go home, and they never met again until November 8, 1S6S, five years later, when a divorce was sought, and the church dignitaries and learned judges set them free. At Brereton church, in 1552, John Somerford,aged three years, and Jane, daughter of Sir William Brereton, aged two and a half years, were held in arms, and prompted to respond to the vows of matri- mony. The record was made April 15, 1564, when the said Jane, being twelve years old, refused to ^'ratify" the marriage or have the said John for her husband, so the courts granted a "divorce." Two more items, out of a thousand that might be taken from the records of "Merrie England, in the good old times," before the days of modern wage slavery and present corrupt social conditions: In 1322, a tower was built on the walls of Chester, the pay- roll for labor being preserved. Masons were paid threepence per day, carpenters three- 22 A FAMILY HISTORY pence, laborers twopence, women for carry- ing rock one penny; this was under munici- pal ownership. In 1086, as recorded in Domesday Book, a work-ox was valued at two shillings, the best being two and a half shillings. How the happy farmer of today would enjoy selling four- and five-year-old steers at fifty and sixty-five cents each! Let us now inquire what other Breretons have been doing. We have followed the rec- ords of the heirs to the fortunes and honors of the family estate and Brereton Hall. But what were the younger sons and their de- scendants doing? The line of inheritance having been brok- en in 1722, no Brereton has proven title, through the eldest son, to be "Brereton of Brereton Hall," but younger branches may have as good blood and be entitled to as high a place in the intellectual and social world. If any have lost out in the race, now is an opportune time to lay foundations and build for the future. Shakespeare says, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have 23 BRERETON greatness thrust upon them." We have searched many sources, and find Breretons known to fame in the fields of war and in professional and civil life, in Europe and America, from which we select a few achievements. In 1300, Gilbert de Brereton was rector of Astbury, near Brereton. In 1344, Hermo Brereton (son of Sir William and Roesia) was rector of Brereton church. Thomas de Brereton was rector of Brereton church in 1433. Humphrey Brereton of Malpas was a writer and courtier of note during the War of the Roses (1455-1485), playing a part in diplomacy between Lord Stanley, Henry VII, and Richard III. John, Thomas, and Peter, sons of Sir Randle Brereton, were all clergymen (1530- 1550). Cuthbert Brereton (1570-1613), grandson of the Rev. John Brereton of Nor- folk, was a lawyer and statesman of that time. Sir William Brereton of Chester in 1604 was appointed to arbitrate a dispute be- 24 A FAMILY HISTORY tween two prominent families as to "which shall sit highest in the church and foremost go in processions." Wise William, and hap- py age, when such social problems were so easily solved I Thomas Brereton of Malpas (1660-1700) was a poet and dramatist of note. In 1635, John Brereton, Mayor of Ches- ter, established an exhibition of fine horses, offering a prize of "a silver bell worth eight pounds"; this fair has been an annual event down to the present. Thomas Brereton (1691-1722) studied at Oxford, and was author, dramatist, and cus- toms officer of the British Government in Chester. Owen Salsbury Brereton (1715-1798), son of Thomas Brereton of Chester, studied at Cambridge, and was a noted scholar and archaeologist. Captain William Brereton, of the Royal Navy, military governor of Manila, 1762- 1765. Lieutenant - Colonel Thomas Brereton (1782-1832) commanded British forces in 25 BRERETON West Indies and Cape Town, South Africa. General Sir William Brereton, K. C. B., K. H. (1788-1864)— son of Major Robert Brereton, who fought at CuUoden — com- manded at Waterloo, and Sebastopol, 1812. Major William R. Brereton, of Kildare, was nephew of above. The Rev. Charles Brereton (1814-1895), .^ son of John Brereton, LL. D., Bedford, studied at Oxford; was Canon of Ely, and author. The Rev. Charles D. Brereton (1820- 1876) studied at Cambridge; was British consular chaplain in Spain. Alfred Brereton, executive of British railroad service in India. The Rev. Joseph Lloyd Brereton, educa- tional reformer, founded a school of practi- cal methods for sons of country gentlemen. William Westropp Brereton (1810- 1867), was a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin; Queen's Counselor, Irish bar, Dub- lin. William W. Brereton, M.R.C.S.I., Pro- fessor of Surgery, Queen's College, Dublin. 26 A FAMILY HISTORY Colonel Edward Fitzgerald Brereton served in British South Africa. ^^Breretons of Brinton," Norfolk, show a record of ten generations. William Fitzgerald Brereton, Liverpool, leaves a family of noted ability, three sons and two daughters, all filling important places in their several fields: Austin Brere- ton, London, dramatic journalist and critic; author "Life of Henry Irving." Bernard J. S. Brereton, Tacoma, Washington, expert in forestry and lumber; author; has six sons — Bernard Duane, Charles Austin, Wil- liam Albert, Walter Fitzgerald, Charles Stanley, Vernon — a good way to keep the family name and brains alive. Stanley Brere- ton, Vancouver, B. C, lumber broker. Iso- line Brereton Kerez and Mary Layola Whiteside, in war service in Europe. Colonel Thomas Brereton, 'Rathurlis, Tipperary, served in British army. Lieuten- ant-Colonel John Brereton, of same family, served in British army. Franc Sadlier Brereton, D. D. S., San Francisco, Califor- nia. Captain Fred Sadlier Brereton, author 27 BRERETON of many books; active in great war. J. Sad- lier Brereton, public accountant, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cloudsley Brereton, son of Cap- tain Shovell H. Brereton, educator and au- thor, London and Paris. David Brereton, born 1732, at Killurine, Kings County, Ireland, had three sons; Dr. Joshua Brereton, born 1762, surgeon, TuUa- more and Dublin; David Brereton (1768- 1831) who remained on the estate in Killu- rine ; and John B rereton, of Rathdrum, Kings County, Ireland. John Brereton (1799- 1851), of Rathdrum, son of the above, had four sons : William, a sea captain, who mar- ried a cousin of Sir C. Bridge, and his son is Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Brereton; Samu- el, a surgeon in the British army, who died in Bagdad, 1880; John Brereton, who went to NewZealand in 1880; and George Brere- ton, New Haven, Connecticut, U. S. A., whose son graduated from Yale, and whose daughter studied in Paris. The first David above was also great-grandfather of the au- thor of this book. At present the Breretons in the profes- 28 A FAMILY HISTORY sional and industrial life of Great Britain are too numerous to record here, many tak- ing part in the great European struggle. Directories of London, Dublin, and other cities give many addresses. Many Breretons in America are of Irish origin, and it is fitting that some account be given of the causes and time of their going there. Terms quoted below are common in histories of that period. The Anglo-Nor- man invasion of Ireland, during the twelfth century, introduced elements that later be- came factors in the struggle against Eng- land. At first the motive of these settlers was to change Ireland into an English colony. The "English Pale" included several coun- ties around Dublin, where Irish dress and customs were forbidden by repressive laws which prohibited marriage or any dealings with the "mere Irish"; but in spite of laws many became "English rebels," adopting Irish customs and religion. Doubtless some of these "adventurers" were Breretons, who settled in Ireland at an early date, account- ing for some Breretons being Roman Cath- 29 BRERETON olics; but, regardless of religion, all who bear the name are derived from the same Norman stock, dating back to A. D. 1066. Many great Irish characters are of Eng- lish or other than Celtic origin. The Duke of Ormond was related to the Kings of Eng- land. He was honored by the title "Butler of Ireland," and later this official title was adopted as the family name — Butler, Ger- aldines, or Gerald, noted Norman - Welsh leaders, became Fitzgerald (meaning ''son of Gerald") , a name that has given glory to Ireland over the world. Charles S. Parnell, the great Irish leader, was of an American mother; his father's people moved from Cheshire into Ireland about 1660. Edmund Burke came of an English father, was edu- cated in England, and was a member of the English church. Henry Grattan was of An- glo-Norman stock, and a Protestant. Even Saint Patrick was of Scotch or French ori- gin. The romance of such a record consists in those non-Celtic people becoming ardent Irish patriots. This is no reflection on any race, but corrects the common impression 30 A FAMILY HISTORY that Ireland is altogether Celtic, while in fact much of its glory comes from leaders of Anglo-Norman-Irish stock. A few authentic records of Breretons in Ireland are given as evidence of their influ- ence. In 1548 John Brereton was military com- mander of Wexford, where he suppressed roving bands of robbers, and established or- der in his district. In ISSO, Captain Andrew Brereton held the estate of "Lucale" in Ulster, where he resisted the O'Neills of Tyrone, and in a personal encounter "slew seven assailants, including two brothers of the Countess." In 1563, he is called "the turbulent farmer of Lucale," and, to escape the vengeance of the natives, sold his estate of thirty-two thou- sand acres to the Earl of Kildare and moved to other parts. In 1534, Sir William Brereton was active in suppressing "Fitzgerald's rebellion," and was made Lord High Marshal of Ireland in 1540, but died soon after, and was buried in Kilkenny. His son. Captain Brereton, 31 BRERETON was also engaged with him in this war. An- drew Brereton, another son, in 15S0 married Catherine, daughter of Sir Andrew Fitz- simons, of a noted Anglo-Irish family. In 1551, a company of "Anglo-Irish gen- tlemen," among whom was a Brereton, agreed to settle Kings and Queens counties, they to have the lands confiscated from the O'Mores and O'Conors, on condition that they "keep out the Irish rebels." In 1635, Sir William Brereton made a tour of Ireland, writing a description of the peoples and the conditions there. He was a man of unusual ability, as may be seen from his journal, preserved among the Clarendon manuscripts and printed by the Chetham Society. The following are sample prices paid by him in Ireland, 1635 : "Eggs, seven for one penny; pullets threepence: Veal and mutton one penny per pound : Large salmon threepence, large cod twopence : 3^ A FAMILY HISTORY One hundred fresh herrings three- pence." This was Sir William, the Parliamentary general, who took sides with Cromwell, and defeated Lord Byron of the King's forces at Chester. Breretons claiming descent from Sir Wil- liam, Lord High Marshal of Ireland, should study Irish history, and note that those in Ireland previous to 16S0 probably were Roman Catholics or English royalists, and were driven out or crushed by Crom- well. Therefore, Breretons who are Catho- lics, or came from Ireland to America in Colonial day^^have best historic grounds for making this claim. Breretons who have been influential in Ireland since Cromwell's time are more apt to be descended from follow- ers of Sir William, the Parliamentary gen- eral, as land grants made to Protestants by Cromwell show. Prendergast's history of Ireland gives the name of Sir William Brereton as getting grants of four thousand eight hundred and twenty-six acres in Tip- 33 BRERETON perary; also, "Major Brereton, of Colonel Sadlier's division, was granted lands in Tip- perary, about 1645." In a private letter just at hand from W. F. Butler, Irish historian of Dublin, he gives me names of Breretons who were granted lands in Ireland about 1645, as fol- lows: "Henry Brereton of Dublin, lands in Cavin; Sir Thomas Brereton, lands in Tip- perary. Among English officers who were paid in Irish land-grants were Robert Brereton, Captain Samuel Brereton, and William Brereton." These doubtless were some of the forefathers of many Breretons who trace their ancestors to Ireland. From 1541, under Henry VIII and Elizabeth, through Cromwell's time, to William III, 1690, practically all Ireland was "trans- planted," the most active "Papists" being banished to Spain and America, their prop- erty being confiscated, leaving Ireland with- out leaders, the poorest natives only being retained as serfs to cultivate the soil. This forced migration accounts for many early American families with Irish names, espe- 34 A FAMILY HISTORY cially in the South. The mass of Irish immi- grants came to the United States much later. These vast estates of the old Irish gentry, confiscated from Roman Catholics, were sold or given to English Protestants, whose descendants have since held large tracts, as absentee landlords, in Ireland. Owing to poor crops, high taxes, and con- stant political agitation, conditions in Ire- land grew worse, prompting many enter- prising people to move to America. Among these were Breretons, some amidst pioneer conditions, losing trace of their origin, hav- ing no record as to where their fathers came from or when they landed in America. But the name unites us, and this history aims to give a background, in hope of clearing a way for each family to find its proper place on the genealogical tree. Early accounts of Breretons in America are important, not alone for those who have no records, but to help others find theit place and relationship by research.The first known was John Brereton of Chester, who studied at Cambridge, 1 587- 1589, and went 35 BRERETON on a voyage of discovery to Virginia with Captain Gosnold in 1602. The Dictionary of National Biography, writing of this, says: "On Friday, May 14, 1602, the voyagers made the headland which they named Cape Cod. Here Gosnold and Brereton went ashore on white sand, the first spot in New England ever trodden by English feet. Doubling the cape and passing Nantucket, they touched at Martha's Vineyard, and passing round Dover Cliff, entered Buz- zards Bay." (All named first by Brereton.) Captain John Smith, in his "Adventures and Discourses," writes: "Master John Brereton and the account of his voyage fair- ly turned my brains^ and impelled me to cast in my lot with Gosnold and Wingfield, and make that subsequent voyage, which re- sulted in planting and colonization of Vir- ginia in 1607." This Brereton account is re- printed in the Massachusetts Historical Col- lection, also in Captain John Smith's history of Virginia; a copy of the original sold in 1878 for sixteen hundred dollars. These re- prints may be found in every large library, 36 A FAMILY HISTORY and should be read, as it is beautifully writ- ten, and all should know that, though no Brereton came over in the "Mayflower," they were represented on the ground before it landed, and this John Brereton may have stood on Plymouth Rock before the Pil- grims hallowed it by their feet. A few quotations from the Brereton ac- count may whet the appetite, or satisfy those not privileged to read it all: "In May we sowed for trial, wheat, barley, oats, pease, which in fourteen days sprung up nine inches." Captain Gosnold made Brereton the leader in trading with the Indians for furs and copper. Of them he writes: "These people (Indians) are exceeding courteous, gentle of disposition, and well conditioned, excelling all others that we have seen for shape of body and lovely favor, I think they excell all the people of America; of stature much higher than we, of complexion much like a dark olive, their eyebrows and hair black, which they wear long, tied up behind in knots, whereon they prick feathers of fowls, in fashion of a coronet. We saw but 37 BRERETON three of their women; they were low in stature, and were fat and well favored, and much delighted in our company: the men are very dutiful towards them. Though our diet and lodging were none of the best, yet we had no sickness, and were much fatter and in better health than in England. On June the 18th, being Friday, we left the fair land with many sorrowful eyes. Returning we landed at Exmouth, England, on Fri- day, July 23rd, being absent in all four months." The full account is well worth reading, as it gives the first impression of the country. Friday seems to have been Brereton's lucky day. After the settlement of Jamestown col- ony, in 1607, great interest was aroused in England, and a second charter was granted by the King in 1609. It was signed by six hundred and fifty-seven names, including twenty-one peers, ninety-six knights, fifty- three captains, twenty-eight esquires, fifty- eight gentlemen, and other "adventurers," among whom was Thomas Brereton. In 1612, a third charter was secured, by 38 A FAMILY HISTORY petition of three hundred and twenty-five gentlemen, including Thomas Brereton and "John Brereton, a merchant of London." Following these names in brackets is a note, thus: [Britain, Britton, Bretton, Braxton], indicating different ways of spelling these names on the records. Each of the petition- ers was to pay thirty-seven pounds ten shil- lings to equip the expedition, and were to receive in return a "chance" for lands or other interest in the new world. Captain John Smith in the account of his adventures with Powhatan and Pocahontas tells of Edward Brereton, who was a "soul- dier captured by the Salvages" and "set to kill fouel" ; also, he was one of four chosen to accompany Smith to the lodge of Pow- hatan, after "Captain Newport refused to go unless a guard of 120 should accompany him." The amusing thing in the record is that Brereton's name is spelled "Edward Burton," "Brynton," and "Brinton" in dif- ferent parts of the same narrative. Even John Brereton, of Gosnold's voyage, known to have been a scholar, signed his name 39 BRERETON "Brierton," as appears in the original; an example of times when gentlemen were more familiar with the sword than the pen. To spell and pronounce the name has been a problem, even in the family, as is evident from records of earliest times. In Cheshire memorial windows, tablets, and records, dating from 1200 to 1600, it was occasional- ly written "Breto," "Brert," "Berreton," "Breerton," ^'Brerton," "Bretone," "Brier- ton," several different spellings appearing in the same inscription. Some were doubt- less abbreviations, as was the custom in those times. How to pronounce the name seems easy to most of us, but strangers find it difficult, and there is a difference, even among ourselves, because we seldom meet Breretons outside our own family, to stand- ardize our accents. Some give e the long sound as "Breerton"; but I much prefer the broad sound, making the first part rhyme with care, fare, brare. Practice this a min- ute and you have it. The following records of Breretons who settled in America during Colonial days 40 A FAMILY HISTORY have been found; but owing to different ways of spelling the name it has been diffi- cult to follow up clues at this distance from original sources. The Maryland records give a hint of what may be done in Virginia and adjoining states by those located near there, if willing to make the search. In 1628, Sir William Brereton held in- terests in Massachusetts, being a director in a company that promoted the settlement of Charlestown, now included in the munici- pality of Boston. In 1670,John Winthrop, of Boston, wrote Lord Brereton relating to the settlement of New England. This letter is on file in the English archives. During the parliamentary agitation in England, many gentlemen of both sides lost their estates, and others fled the country to save their lives. These Cavaliers went to Virginia,' Maryland, and adjoining colo- nies, to make new homes and lay founda- tions for the future United States. Among them were ancestors of Washington, Jeffer- son, Randolph, Madison, and some Brere- 41 BRERETON tons, as shown by records preserved in the archives of the states. William Brereton (Bretton, Britton), gentleman, settled on the Potomac, Mary- land, in 1637. He ^^transported himself, his wife, one child, and three able menser- vants," for which he was granted seven hun- dred and fifty acres in St. Marys County. He was a burgess of the assembly in 1649, and gave land for a church on St. Clemens Bay in 1661. Breton's Bay and Britton, Maryland, mark the locality of his estate. September 9, 1659, a tract of land called "Brereton" was surveyed in Cecil County, Maryland, for "William Bretton, gent." This may have been the same Brereton as above. June 5, 1675, a tract of three hundred and fifty acres, entitled "Brereton's Chance," was granted William Brereton, for "trans- porting himself, his wife, his son William, and four able men." This was evidently a different William Brereton, as it was thirty- seven years later, and he brought four men, while the other brought but three. 42 A FAMILY HISTORY November IS, 1675, ^'Mr. William Brereton, one of his Lordship's justices of ye county of Somersett," married Nicholas Toadvin and Sarah Lowry, foreparents of many prominent Maryland families of the present time. These records are important, because the land described as ^^Brereton's Chance" has been held by descendants of the Breretons for over two hundred years; but the spell- ing of the name has been changed to "Brew- ington," no one knows just when or why. I am indebted to Senator Marion V. Brew- ington, Salisbury, Maryland, for photo- graphic copies of documents preserved in Annapolis, Maryland, showing ten different spellings of the name, several on the same page, in the same handwriting. The old family Bible records show the gradual change in spelling, as, "Brereton," "B reun- ion," "Brewington." One branch of this in- teresting family spells the name "F. W. Bruington, Cripple Creek, Colo.," another holds to the original spelling — "George W. Brereton, Peninsular Junction, Md." Henry 43 BRERETON Scott Brewington, attorney, Baltimore, Maryland, stoutly maintains that his name is Brereton, but for business reasons spells it otherwise. The Rev. Julius A. Brewington, Lewisville, Pennsylvania, is another, proud to claim his origin from Brereton stock. Old tombstones and records in Maryland show "Brereton" as the original spelling of Brewington. This Colonial family, in all its connections, is talented in many ways, hold- ing high positions in society and business. It is hoped they may all find it convenient to return to the standard form of spelling the historic name. Carter Braxton, a prominent Virginia planter, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, is credited with deriving wealth from his ancestors, but his biogra- phers give no hint of whom they were. This is unfortunate, as the name and what is known of the man show many Brereton characteristics. A few names, correctly spelled, appear, as — "Colonel Thomas Brereton, of North- umberland county, Virginia," an officer in 44 A FAMILY HISTORY the Colonial army in 1680; Robert Brere- ton, a chaplain in the army in 1741 ; "Lieut. Edward Brereton," 1755; "Edward Brere- ton, ensign," 1756. I have been unable to trace the descendants of these Breretons; they probably are lost in the female line, or, through incorrect spelling, exist under other names resembling ours.AmongRhode Island records, in 1661, Francis Brayton is mentioned four different times as a commis- sioner of Portsmouth colony, and in 1774 Captain David Brayton is recorded as an officer of the militia. In 1786, Stephen Bray- ton of North Providence was appointed a commissioner of roads by William Brenton, the Governor of Rhode Island. How sug- gestive this sounds! Let someone make a study of early Rhode Island records for the origin of these names. Their prominence in public affairs indicates that they may have been Breretons whose names were incorrect- ly spelled by the clerk, and in time their families fell into the same custom. The historical romance, "Janice Mere- dith," represents Colonel John Brereton as 45 BRERETON the hero of that story. He was one of Wash- ington's aides. All who read the book will agree that Brereton acted up to the best traditions of the family, as courtier and sol- dier. The first census of the United States, tak- en in 1790, gives many family names as Brewerton, Brenton, Breyton, Brewington, Brayton, Braxton, Britton, etc., from New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Dela- ware, Maryland, and Virginia. A note in the preface says: ''No attempt has been made to correct the spelling of these names; they are printed as written on the records." The given names, William, John, David, Thomas, Daniel, Joshua, Stephen, Henry, Francis, Samuel, and George, are all there, strongly suggesting the family inheritance. If the good people of these names in Ameri- ca could trace back their pedigree, I am persuaded many of them might find their origin in Brereton of Cheshire. The following pages contain names and addresses of American Brereton families that deserve a fuller treatment of their his- 46 A FAMILY HISTORY tory, but most of them have been reluctant to give any account of themselves and their doings. I have been compelled to issue w^hat I could gather, hoping to stir up interest in family genealogy, later to collect more facts to complete the records, and tell of achieve- ments along lines of professional and indus- trial life. Most European genealogies are made up of the names of sons v^ho have inherited es- tates and honors from notable fathers. Is it not greater to be an American, descended from noble ancestors, but to have succeeded by our own efforts in a new and greater coun- try? Modesty may be a desirable trait of character, but self-depreciation never helps to success. Often while gentlemen courte- ously step aside some bull-necked fellow rushes ahead and wins the race. Although it is never wise to be crude or boastful, it is often necessary to be aggressive in our ef- forts, and duly appreciative of our endow- ments. To inherit a family name that has held a high place for eight hundred and fif- ty years is no small privilege, and should in- 47 BRERETON spire US to live on higher planes. Every Brereton should feel proud of this heritage, and in all honorable ways endeavor to add fresh laurels to his lineage and make sub- stantial additions to the family history. Re- member your forefathers were with Wil- liam the Conqueror, and fought in the bat- tle of Hastings in 1066; and that they were leaders in the Crusades, the English Revo- lution and Commonwealth, also in the American Revolution on both sides, and scores of them are in the great war for de- mocracy. Surely no one of the name or blood should fail to attempt the greatest possible things in the life of the present. All should struggle for the best training, and by com- bined talent and energy, in some worthy work or profession, attain to the highest pos- sible usefulness in society. Learn to look at life seriously, and try to surpass the heroism shown in war by mental and moral heroism in the arts of peace. In the female line, those who lose the name by marriage should re- tain it as a middle name, and always give it to their children as a first or second name. 48 A FAMILY HISTORY Let all who read this search diligently for family records, and send copies of reliable data, including their photographs, that I may know an enlarging circle and have a constantly growing Brereton biography. An important matter, having much to do with perpetuating the name, is here added in all seriousness, because it may transform many lives. If there are bachelor Breretons, this book will fail in a part of its mission if they are not moved to embark on the sea of matrimony. Also there may be some splen- did Brereton girls that do not care to lose the name by such an adventure. Permit me to say that I am Brereton from both parents, my mother being a Brereton as well as my father, though very remotely related. If such a fortunate combination could happen in Ireland, why not in America? We owe something to the human race and to the Brereton name, as well as to ourselves. Shakespeare puts it: "Seeds spring from seeds, and beauty breedeth beauty, Thou wast begot, to beget is now thy duty ; And so in spite of death, thou shalt survive, In that thy likeness shall be left alive." 49 BRERETON I am sure some of the fairies came across with me, for they often help in many ways. Now I shall commission them to suggest a day-dream to every bachelor, in which he shall see a home and fortune, not in gold, but a splendid helpmeet, and in the distant shadows a group of little Breretons playing pranks with him on the floor, while an angel looks on and smiles. Let all bachelor Breretons and marriage- able girls know that when they read this the fairies are after them, and some day may overtake and touch them with their magic wands, bewitching and luring them into paradise. Talk about the high cost of living is nonsense; love finds and provides a way; and as to the failures in married life, there are more failures outside than inside; there- fore, of two paths choose the better. The au- thor stands ready to help the good fairies by introducing lonesome souls. Who will lead the procession to the nuptial altar? The long-time theory of "evolution through en- vironment" is giving place to the more re- cent conclusions of science, that HEREDITY 50 A FAMILY HISTORY has most to do with destiny. The best brawn and brain should be perpetuated. The unfit are sure to breed; let the superior regard it as a sacred duty. Here follow authentic records of Ameri- can Brereton families, placed in groups of close relationship, so far as could be learned, by long correspondence. The Rev. Andrew Brereton, rector of Newtown, near Dublin; M. A. of Dublin College; descended from Sir William Brereton, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. His son, Thomas Brereton, merchant of Dublin, later styled "Gent," had one son. Captain Thomas Brereton, in govern- ment service, sailed for America, located in Baltimore. Dr. John A. Brereton, his son, surgeon in United States army, 1821-1839. Captain Thomas J. Brereton, graduate West Point; U. S. army, 1839-1858. Wil- liam D. Brereton, son of the above, of An- napolis, Maryland; has two noted sons — Lieutenant William D. Brereton, in United States navy, and Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis H. Brereton, aviation corps, U. S. service. 51 BRERETON The latter has been awarded the American Medal of Honor, the French Croix de Guerre, and the Cross of the Legion of Honor, for heroism and efficiency with General Pershing in France. Hon. Henry E. H. Brereton, State As- sembly, Albany, New York. Thomas J. Brereton, B. A., C. E., pub- lisher, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania; has four sons — Thomas L. Brereton, in business in Philadelphia, and three younger sons, Seaton L., Francis M., O'Hara D., all in United States service in France. This fam- ily shows almost one hundred years of mili- tary service, and six generations in Ameri- ca. A good example of how to keep the name honored and perpetuated. Stephen Brereton (1792-18SS) descended from Henry Brereton, of Maryland, prob- ably of Colonial stock; moved to Illinois in 1835; Edward P. Brereton (1826-1897), and Charles L. Brereton, merchant, both of Pekin, Illinois; Stephen W. Brereton, real estate, and Page W. Brereton, attorney, both of Denver, Colorado; James T. Brereton, 52 A FAMILY HISTORY United States internal revenue collector, Peoria, Illinois. Samuel Brereton (1794-1854), located in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1818; John Brere- ton (1811-1854), Washington, D. C; Wil- liam H. Brereton (1826-1894), Omaha, Ne- braska; William H. Brereton, Jr., attorney, Washington, D. C. ; George T. and Robert L. Brereton, Omaha, Nebraska; Charles, Edward, and Louise Brereton, Tacoma Park, Washington, D. C; James I. Brere- ton, music dealer, Bridgeport, Connecticut; Charles R. Sharretts, chief clerk War De- partment, Catonville, Maryland, a loyal son of a Brereton mother. This large family connection has been in Government service for many years, and is probably descended from early Colonial stock of Maryland. Henry Brereton (1730-1775), of Coloni- al stock, from Maryland; Thomas Brereton (1756-1820), son of above, moved to Dela- ware at an early date; David Wolf Brereton (1796-1846), located at Lewes, Delaware, as shown by old record; Daniel W. Brere- ton (1831 - 1910), many years postmaster, 53 BRERETON Lewes, Delaware; Miss Ella Brereton, in Government service in Philadelphia; J. M. Brereton, bandmaster, Richmond, Virginia. A closely related branch, descended from Henry Brereton — ^James A.Brereton (1813- 1888), Angola, Delaware; James L. Brere- ton (1848-1901), contractor; Arthur M. Brereton, auditor, Philadelphia; Frank Brereton, Millsboro, Delaware. A family now widely scattered in Ameri- ca is here recorded so far as known: The Rev. John Brereton (1645), fourth son of Lord Brereton, rector of Beverly, Yorks, England; The Rev. Thomas Brereton (1685), son of above, canon of Winchester, England; John Brereton, M. D. (1717- 1784), son of Thomas, Winchester, Eng- land; The Rev. John Brereton (1744-1811), Wilts, England; The Rev. Henry Brere- ton (1783-1867), four children, moved to America about 1869; John W. Brere- ton, jeweler, Richmond, Virginia; Francis Brereton (1848-1901), musician and jewel- er, left four children, as follows: Edith B. Dfmmitti!^ Azusa, California; Frances R. A FAMILY HISTORY B. Covey, Topeka, Kansas; Mabel Blanch B. Bell, Camp Verde, Arizona; Henry H. Brereton, Camp Verde, Arizona. Other members of this branch: John Brereton, Toronto, Canada; Thomas A. Brereton, Clive, Alberta, Canada; Francis Brereton, in business, Winnipeg, Canada; C. P. Brereton, Strathclain, Canada; Thomas Brereton, Stonewall, Canada. Robert Maitland Brereton (1834-1912), of Norfolk branch, had noted career as civil engineer in England, India, and Califor- nia; author of "The Breretons of Cheshire," v^hich shows a family record of twenty-six generations of Breretons; has left four chil- dren of talent to do honor to the name in America. George Brereton, moved from Kings County, Ireland, to Queens County; John Brereton, son of above, Mt. Rath, Queens County, moved to Paterson, New Jersey, leaving two sons of note — Colonel John J. Brereton, West Point, U. S. army, 1877- 1904, and Lieutenant Percy H. Brereton, U. S. revenue cutter service; George Brere- . SS BRERETON ton, son of George above, Kings County, Ireland, left a large family, some engaged in the great war; Gilbert Brereton, a son, in business, Brantford, Canada. Edwin George Brereton, Cheshire, Eng- land, the first home of Breretons; Edwin George Brereton (1835-1899), son of above, came to United States in 18S0, locating in Lacon, Illinois, conducting a carriage fac- tory many years; Edwin George Brereton (1872-1916), a son, moved to Los Angeles, California; Miss Hazel Brereton, an only child, is the last of this branch. John C. Brereton (1811-1882), Tippera- ry and Kings County, Ireland, leaves two sons — Daniel M. Brereton, in mercantile business, San Francisco, California, and the Rev. Edward F. Brereton (1844- 1904), Roman Catholic priest, Sydney, Aus- tralia. Wm. H. Brereton, President State Bank, Provo, Utah, descended from three genera- tions named Richard Brereton, moved from Cheshire to Utah in 1860. Edward Brereton, merchant, Temple- 56 A FAMILY HISTORY more, Tipperary, Ireland; James Brereton, his son, in same business, moved to Man- chester, England, 184S; William J. Brere- ton, son of above, moved to New York City. James Brereton (1820-1898), Manches- ter, moved to Ohio, U. S., 1865; has two sons — Louis Brereton, iron manufacturer, Salem, Ohio, and J. P. Brereton, insurance business, Ashtabula, Ohio; John Brereton (1853-1917), son of James above, has two daughters — Annie and May Brereton, To- ledo, Ohio. The Rev. James E. Brereton, clergyman, Emmetsburg, Iowa, son of Peter Brereton, who moved from Manchester, England, to Illinois in 1857; has two sons — Harold L. Brereton, M. D., in United States medical service, and Loring D. Brereton, sanitary engineer, Emmetsburg, Iowa. Sylvester Brereton (1835-1906), cabinet- maker, Dublin, Ireland; William J. Brere- ton, Dublin, came to America in 1886; died in New York in 1904; had three sons — Wil- liam J., Thomas P., and Sylvester Brereton, New York; Joseph P. Brereton, son of Syl- 51 BRERETON vester, in upholstering business, New York; James Brereton, Corona, Long Island; Jo- seph Brereton, New York; and others of whom I have failed to get any data. William Brereton (1851-1914), son of John Brereton, London, moved to United States in 1869; was in hardware business, Brooklyn, New York, now conducted by his son-in-law, F. T. Apel, whose son is named Brereton Apel, to perpetuate the name. William Brereton, Dublin, moved to United States in 1885; has three sons — Wil- liam, Jr., newspaper man, Buffalo, New York; John E. and Charles A., in United States army. George Brereton, Nantwich, Cheshire, head gardener to Lord Tallmach; John Brereton (1848-1900), Crewe,England; had three sons — Harry, engineer, in England; Sydney, killed in France; Earnest, came to United States in 1905, East Liverpool, Ohio. Patrick B rereton ( 1 826- 1 898 ) , stock deal- er, Kildare, Ireland; his son, Edward J. Brereton, came to United States in 1895; in life insurance, Hartford, Connecticut. 58 A FAMILY HISTORY William E. Brereton, Baker, Montana; John A. Brereton and Mrs. Cassie Brereton Cothron, Spokane, Washington. Arthur Brereton, moved from Ireland to Montreal, Canada, in 1846; had two sons, Henry and Thomas, who left large families in vicinity of Montreal; Henry Brereton (1826-1901), Montreal, Canada, nine sons, four have families; Thomas Brereton, cab- inetmaker, died in 1885 — his sons, Thomas and John, in business; John Brereton, son of Henry, railroad conductor — five sons, eight daughters; Thomas Brereton, in cartage business, Montreal — son and daughter; William Brereton (1866-1915)— son, Ed- ward, in army, and daughter, Ella H., lives in Montreal; Benjamin Brereton, farmer — two sons and one daughter — also near Mon- treal. Benjamin B. Brereton (1806-1877), son of William Brereton, attorney, Banagher, Ireland, moved to Boonville, Missouri, 1848; was in mercantile business before and during the Civil War. Two daughters and a son — ^Jane L. Brereton- Fowler, Seda- 59 BRERETON lia, Missouri (eleven children and fifteen grandchildren, one son a doctor, others in business and farming) ; Ruth M. Brereton- Davis, Boonville, Missouri (seven children and eleven grandchildren) ; Frederick B. Brereton, Sedalia, Missouri (five children and sixteen grandchildren). All this group are cousins of the author and are all doing well in several lines of business and manu- facturing. All w^ere born and raised on Mis- souri farms. George Brereton, Kings County, Ire- land, moved to Wisconsin in 1850; father of seven children — John, Hugh, Arthur, George, Harriett, Ellen, and Elisabeth, all having large families, making a colony, and for a time a postofiice (Brereton) in Dane County, Wisconsin. All the families are v^ell educated, some attending the Univer- sity and Normal School ; mostly devoted to farming, but some in professions and busi- ness. A family widely scattered, and successful in business in several states, is as follows: Richard Brereton, stock-dealer, near Tulla- 60 A FAMILY HISTORY more, Ireland; Daniel Brereton, son of above, also a stock-dealer, had four chil- dren come to United States; David Brere- ton, contractor, son of Daniel, moved to Delaware in 1847, then to Canada; William D. Brereton, his son, established the town of Brereton, Illinois, and is now in investment business in Denver, Colorado; William H. Brereton, his son, is a mining engineer in Denver, Colorado; Charles Brereton, son of David above, of Clinton, Iowa, leaves a large family there; a sister, Hannah, mar- ried James Hanover, of Alpena, Michigan, in banking business; another sister, Kath- erine, married Albert Hutton, and this family has large interests in North Caro- lina; George N. Hutton, of Hickory,North Carolina, is a son of Katherine ; another son is named A. Brereton Hutton, indicating the mother's loyalty to the ancestral heritage. Here follows a most interesting group of families spelling the name "Brierton," com- ing mostly from the region of Kildare, Ire- land, their forefathers being stock-raisers in that part of Ireland famous for raising fine 61 BRERETON blooded racehorses. James Brierton (1837- 1893), son of Mathew Brierton, came to America in 1856; was superintendent of iron works; had seven children, one of whom is Mrs. Nettie Brierton-Townsend, whose husband is in the banking business at Festus, Missouri. James L. Brierton, son of James above, is a ship-builder and manager of a transporting company in New Orleans. All are much interested in their ancestral origin. There is a family in Hartford, Connecti- cut, whose grandfather, Thomas Brierton (1820-1895), lived in Wicklow County, Ireland, and was in the cattle business there; Philip Brierton came to America in 1870; Thomas Brierton and family live in Hart- ford, Connecticut. Another family, descended from James Brierton, of Kildare, Ireland, is that of Thomas Brierton, son of James, who had two sons that came to America after their father's death. Thomas Brierton, located in South Orange, New Jersey. John William Brierton (1846-1875) came to California 62 A FAMILY HISTORY in 1866. He was a landscape gardener. His daughter, Miss Mary Brierton, is now a teacher in San Francisco. Other members of this branch of the fam- ily in Ireland and America have failed to report in time. It is interesting to know that this is the form in which John Brereton, who visited Cape Cod in 1602, signed his name to his account of the voyage written for Sir Walter Raleigh. Names given in this history are but a few of the Breretons who have served their country in professional and public callings; there are many more unrecorded — farmers, mechanics, and citizens engaged in produc- tive employment, who have enriched the world by honest industry, but whose names are difficult to secure. As an indication of the far-flung energy of the family, there are now seven parishes or towns in England named Brereton, one in South Africa, two in Canada, one in Illi- nois, one in Wisconsin, and others in process of forming. The record of my branch of Breretons 63 BRERETON follows, hoping it may lead others to collect data of their family history, beginning with the earliest authentic records. Fill in a blank page or two of facts as secured, then send a copy to me. This will make the book more valuable to each family as the years pass, and may prompt our children's children to render nobler service to the world, and re- flect honor on the name in centuries to come. The Breretons were closely related to the family of Sir Robert Digby, whose mother was a daughter of John, Duke of York. Sir Robert's son, Essex Digby, rector of Gea- shel, Kings County Ireland, married Let- tice Brereton about 1640. This relationship may have induced my branch of Breretons to settle in Ireland, on the Digby estate, about two hundred years ago. This was not far from Slieve Bloom mountain and for- est, where Finn, the great hero of Irish leg- ends, was born. June 10, 1772, an indenture, with map of lands near Tullamore, Kings County, Ireland, between Lord Henry Digby and David Brereton, was executed on parch- 64 A FAMILY HISTORY ment, with seals in wax, all well preserved, and now in my possession. The old home, built of stone, with its great fireplace in the kitchen, around which servants sat long evenings, telling stories of fairies they had seen and talked with, and blood-curdling cries of banshees they had heard in the bogs, foretelling death or other evils soon to befall the family, are among my early recollections. High - walled en- closures and great oak barriers, to protect against the O'Mores and O'Conors, were still there. Long avenues, bordered with whitethorn hedges; meadows with daisy rings, where fairies danced, and from which skylarks rose to sing; bogs with stacks of turf, behind which banshees cried — these are all memories of my childhood days on the ancestral estate in Erin. The breaking up of the old home, forsaking associations rooted for generations, broke my parents' spirit — but that is a tale too sad for these pages, so we close with the family record. David Brereton, born 1732, acquired an estate in Killurine, Kings County, Ireland, 65 BRERETON some time previous to 1772, the date of the parchment record in my possession. There were three sons — Dr. Joshua Brereton, sur- geon, Tullamore and Dublin; John Brere- ton, of Rathdrum, Kings County, record of whose family is given on page 28; David Brereton (1768-1831), heir to the estate, of w^hose family none but John had issue. John Brereton (1810-1888), son of Da- vid, and heir to the estate, married Cath- erine Brereton, daughter of William Brere- ton, attorney, Banagher, thus making the author a Brereton from both parents. The family, with five children, moved to To- ronto, Canada, in 1861. David Brereton (1850-1881); one son, Ira D. Brereton, Buffalo, New York. William R. Brereton (1851-1906), pub- lisher, Boston, Massachusetts; one son, Ar- thur T. Brereton. Richard L. Brereton (1853-1910), mer- chant, Toronto ; two sons, Fred A. and Her- bert. John Brereton, clergyman, San Francis- co, California; six children. 66 A FAMILY HISTORY •= ' > - ' " Louisa A. Brereton, married Joseph A. Sansome, St. Paul, Minnesota; five chil- dren. John Brereton, clergyman, born at TuUa- more, Kings County, Ireland; moved to Canada with parents in 1865 ; married Elis- abeth M.Emerson, Toronto; came to United States in 1880. Six children — Veronica L. O. Brereton, married Morley P. Hender- son, Palermo, California; Emerson D. Brereton, in business, Oroville, California; Keturah M. Brereton, in office business, Or- oville, California; John Brereton, Jr., pub- lic accountant, Oroville, California; Ruth Brereton, married Ralph M. Fowler, Lin- coln, California; Louise E. Brereton, teach- er, San Francisco. Preparing these records has enlarged my circle of friends — may I not call them ''cousins"? In early life I thought there were no Breretons in America except our own family; later I learned of some, then met them; now I know hundreds, and am proud of them. Some may wonder why the book is not larger, for it might have been if 67 BRERETON more letters had been answered and more words had been used ; but the facts are giv- en as collected, and that is the best I could do, owing to the modesty of many families. Volumes have been written about Brere- tons in England, and some in Ireland, and those inclined may read of them there. I am mostly interested in America and in the present, but hope that the early history of each family may be searched out. Many letters have been received that shall be kept among my most precious treas- ures, and I hope to get others from those who study these pages. Criticize, revise, commend; for some day a few more pages may be added to the records. In saying farewell, I extend to you my hand with my heart in it. Let us be more than friends, for we are all related. Let us resolve that the name shall be made more honorable by our actions. Breretons were gentlemen of old; however hard the lot of some may be, let us never be less than gen- tlemen at heart, in these more modern days in America. 68 ■: .v:^*5:....vr;v GENERAL LIBRARY ^ '^ ' ^ ■^■.^•i^Mmmmmmmg UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— BERKELEY |H RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the } date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 1 RECEIVED , '■(*•' 'SIH^'Sg-KA " l-OAN OJBEB. '''""^'iBHARYLGim 1 iVlAR 1 2 1982 . LD 21-100m-l,'54(1887sie i ))476 A^ereton, « r l505^QO F866 ^B — 3rereton. u family history 3a8483 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY liiiiiiliiiii