LM^^n^T'-^-^W^ ^ *..^i^^. ^»*"^'^^'- j«fe^^ F V-|\/3 CON CAL. & VA. HOISTING WORKS. FOURTH WARD SCHOOL. <2> ^~ o ■■■■■yB||fl|^ o § o ^ § %"Sr^ • |A • '^C^ j: i« •* "^^y^, 4^ ^ § 1 % C/) o b« c c © 2 't .. . ,1 Loo rodu ^^ 0- ^^^H^^^>%'^ < § ^^^^B^ Q ii < > u z < ■ •■M o ^ Ii <© ■o s *^ CARNIVAL COnniTTEES, Director General, W V Ryan. IvlTKRARY. G C Ross, Rev H A R Ramsay, A E Kaye, W J Feily, W A Burns, Jos Carpenter. ATHLKTICS. Wm Blake, N I Morgan, R Y Gibson, M G Kdwards, Wyman Rvans, H Conrad, J F T,yneh. vSHOOTING. W G Douglass, D P Morgan, W R Stock, John McGrath, Frank Ouirk, C J Rvans. GRAND MARSHAIvvS. T R Ryan, J H Kinkead, Wm Sutherland. T F McCuimack, Henry Patey. CARRIAGES. R J Dwyer, Herman Levy, Walter Drysdale, R S Meacham, J W Kitson. MARDI C;RAS. C R McDonald, W O Woodbury, Mike Cahalan, I) J Sullivan Paul Coryelb G H Hester, Rd Piper, H J Sutherland, J Steffan, Jr, A R Swift, H Tobener, V Kohlcr, A Powers, C McGuigan, W Morau. B.nJ^tlibr«ry THERE IS SATISFACTION In knowing; that what you drink is always pure and healthful. THE COMSTOCK SODA WORKS Makes such goods only. Call for its pro- ducts during the Carnival. The purest ingredients and most scientific methods only are employed in the manufacture of our unexcelled carbonated drinks. :: :: D.. DESMOND - - Manager No. 21 South C. Street. Phone 283. GEO. HENNING Wniolesale and retail dealer in and importer of :: :: FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS SMOKER'S ARTICLES A novel line of Stationery and Notions. D^Mler in Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and ()ro-;nis. - - - S7-89 South C Street. Virginia City, Nevada. CARNIVAL COnMITTEES«=Continued. AUDITING. W V Ryan, J W Eckley, R C Ileiiisch. MUSIC. (.; ir Hester, Prof Wise, VV T Moraii. SALUTK AND FIRKWORKS. Wilson Locklin, Ferdinand Beck, James McKinty. RECEPTION. A J McDonell, W E Sharon, Rev T M Tubman, F P I^angan, H E Tobener, G McM Ross, A J Canavan. ATTRACTION AND CONCHvSSION. \V V Ryan, J W F:ckley, R C Heinsch, F A Blake, Georj^e D Pyne, A J McDonell. DECORATION. H J E Scheel, F O Broili, W W Wright, A I. Murphy, James Mahoney, Jake Peyser. ACCOMMODATION. H P Beck, J W Sexsmith, J W Milligan. TRANSPORTATION. N C Prater, J R Ryan, J W Eckley. PUBLICITY AND PROMOTION. W T Moran, A R Powers, Clayton J^elknap, W J Mooney . Ernest Heckert. MILITARY. Col F C Lord, D L Brown, D M Ryan, G D Pyne, J A Conboie. FIREMEN. M E Nevin, M Dandurand, J A Coughlin, V Bastian. FLOATS. J D Cameron, F J Kohler, W A Mcintosh, Thomas Dick, K C Swift, Willis Jones, P F vShay. CARNIYAL QUEF:N. Jake Rosenbaum, A C Tufifts, J J Kernan, Wm vSouthwell, Kaufman Colin, II p; Tol)ener, A C Kyle. finest Stock. Bc$t of Service. Che Delta Saloon and €lub Rooms Jill tbe standara brands of liquors kept in stock Sole agents for Western Nevada for A.J. Stevens and Lee Stanley Union Made Cigars. Private Rooms for the accomnaodation of patrons. THOMAS F. SHORT = = Proprietor NO. 6 SOUTH C STREET. HATCH BROS A Dependable place to Get Dependable Goods. Tfu' Finest line of Groceries and Provisions That can Ix' Piociired at Prices that are Right. C A 1. 1 KO R N I A mark: ET Thf' Finest [jne of BEEF, MUTTON, VE4L, PORK, ETC. Quality and Service Unexcelled. W. E. STOCK = " Pi'op While in Virginia Don't Fail to Visit THE CROSBY COMPANY'S DEPARTMENT STORE We carry a large assortment of Carpets, rngs, Art Squares, Mattings, Iron Beds, Mattresses. In fact everything in the line of Furniture and General Merchandise. We call Special Attention to our CARNIVAL aOODS Our hand-carved canes are something new in this line and are attractive and ornamental. Everyone has them. Get one and be in the swim. 1©, 23, 30 ISTortti C Stx^^t. A. F. FIOIST Wliolusale and Retail Dealer in trie Finest of WINES AND LIQUORS The r(^ta.il department is ktiown every- where for {ho qualily of its go(»ds. :: Ne>ct door to Wells; Kriro-o CLAVTON H. BBLKNAF^ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR=AT=LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Office, Biack Building = = = Virginia WM. SCHAUM AND THE sH:]NrjPLTH: saj^oon Are still located in the most convenient place for Carnival trade. A quiet place for rest and refreshment, where the best goods are dispensed as they should be, and where the most corteous treatment is accorded to all. Lots of room and everybody made welcome. C STREET NEAR UNION Pacific States Mining and Investment Co. This Coiiipany has been establisheil eleven years and lias agents, brokers or own Ifices in the principal cities of America and ICurope. Kntire stock issues taken over for sale. (Companies incorporated under the laws of instate. Stock issues miderwritten and guaranteed by gold bonds. Reports on mines furnished in French, < Jerinan. Spanish or any European language. Special facilities for preparing maps for publication in prospectuses, newspapers, etc. We do ;ir own work. Money loaned and interest-bearing or dividend-paying investments rnished. StricI est confidence observed. Inquiries attended to. Bank references. I'i(jspectuses of a superior and attractive kind prepared without charge for the literary work to companies placing their stock sales with us. Mining, industrial and agricultural projects wanted. Prompt attention to all cor- respondence, 'r^cnd for sample copy of the "Pacific States Investor," an up-to-date r.nruicial pai)er. with rapidly increasing circulation in the United States, Canada, Me.\- iro and all jjarls of Eurtjpe. • 326 Post Street, San Francisco, Cal. W^M. H. HANCOCK —PROPRIETOR OF THE— LAFAYETTE MARKET 1 his is wlicrc yon g«'t tlie best th(^ market affords in th(^ line of fiiH' m^nts, butter, eggs, etc. GILLICi BUILDING = = SOUTH C STREET m mi be Sure to meet Vour frienas at PEARSON & McCOURT'S iUliere Vou aim find tbt eitolctsi ii)m%, Ciquor$ and Cigars No. 7 Nortli C Street. R. C. HKINSCH Agent Wells, fargo $ €0.'$ express. mutual Cife Insurance Company and tbe Leading fire Insurance Companies of tbe morld. : : THE CENTRAL MARKET This old stMinl still ni;iintMins tlie rpf>ntation \hi\t has m i«lo it fHmous. Whf^n yon 'want soinf'lhing real- ly fine in the line of rne;jts yon may hn snre thnt yonr w.mts OMn he filled hf^n» heder thnn atanv other ]>l?ire. HENRY NFXEIQH. QUEEN VIRGINIA I. (Miss Lillian Richards. REMEMBER ]£. 5. H)w^er 8. Co CORNER C AND TAYLOR 5TREET5 CAN SUPPLY YOU Wmi ANYTHING IN TIII^: LIXI<: OF r #n 6enr$ ana Boys' Turnisbing Goods Boots and Shoes SHSHsS THRY ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated Iborsesboe Xine of Clotbina GIVE THEM A CALL The Comstock, its Past and Future. The history of the Comstock is replete with glory and stories of great achievements. Its glory is the glory of the State, the Pacific Coast, and, in no small degree, of the nation. Its wondrous mines were the first thing to attract attention to Nevada. The output of the^e mines at one time saved the credit of the country. Their wealth contributed to the upbuilding of San Francisco and some of the principal cities of the East and Europe. A complete history of the lode would require vol- umes of matter and years of preparation. It is not the purpose of this little volume to attempt anything elaborate, but to simply tell of conditions as they are, J. ixroRRis. Dry Goods, Fancy (loods, Shirt Waists, Skirts, Suits, Complete Line of Summer Un- derwear, Hosiery and Corsets, New Ribbons, Hair Ornaments, Satcliels, Handkerchiefs, Sun' Umbrellas, Etc. :: :: :: :: MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS J. D^ORRIS. and so much of the past as hears on the present and future. The year IS^U inaiked the heginning of operations, and since that time the mines have produced the enormous sum of over $500,000,000. The claim has l)een made that the mines are worked out, hut there is no hetter answer to this statement than to point to the new methods and macliinery heing adopted and in- stalled to work the mines to hetttr advMutage. In the hist three years electrical equipment has been added to nearly all the mines, and the installation has made a marked reduction in the cost of operating. The most important step taken by the management of the mines in the last few years was the installation of the hydraulic pumps in the C. & C. shaft about six years ago. At that time very little work was being JOHN McGRATH WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN - FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES and CHOICE LIQUORS. Fresh Roasted Coff<^(^, Fin(^ Teas, ('lockery, (Jhisswarr. NO. 44 SOUTH C STRERT = - VIRGINIA IT. IRosenbaum IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Men's and Boys' Clothing Jr^ Gents' Furnishing: 'X^;! Goods, Hats, Caps, i ^ Trunks, Valises and a New Swell Line of Boots and Shoes. t We are sole Agents —for the— CELEBRATED SCHLOSS BROS. FINE CLOTHING Every garment ('(pui I in make and fit to any Custom Miuli^. Clollnng. :: ;: ;: BLUE FRONT, 66 SOUTH C STREET, VIRGINIA done in any of the mines, and it was the opinion of not a few that real mining here was a thing of the past. After studying the situation the present system of hydraulic elevators was installed and have been in successful operation ever since. To prove the value of the investment in the pumping machinery it is only necessary to state that since the pumps were started the water has been lowered 500 feet in that shaft and DAVIS DRILL. bullion to the value of $1,000,000 has been extracted from the mine. The management then decided to lower the water to the 2500 level, or 500 feet more. To do this it was necessary to cut the largest underground station in the world to accommodate the necessary machinery. Three giant ReiHler electric pumps were pi need in the excavation and have demonstrated their ability to lower the water. It is confidently expected, and in fact there is a certainty, that the work of the pumps will be the means of developing high-grade ore bodies, not to con- sider the ore that is known to exist below the present water level. It is also planned to drain the Gold Hill mines,; and when this is accomplished the Comstock , will once again lead the bullion producing districts of the #t^M. On the Brunswick lode, east of the Comstock, work has been resumed in the properties where some good ore was extracted a few years ago. The most advanced method of prospecting is in use there — that of boring into the earth by the use of the Davis drilL But by far the most interesting and important en- terprise- is the great Butters reduction plant in Six- mile Canyon^ r'J^he erection of the plant was begun about two years ago to work the large deposits of tail- ings near at hand. Since that time the owners of the enterprise have contracted for some of the low-grade ores of the Comstock. • This city could live for years on the latter resource, and when these ores — of which there are millions of tons — begin to yield to modern methods and treatment, the old lode will, without a doubt, become the best mining town in the world. Altogether there are many chances for improvement and investment. The future is bright for renewed activity, and there is not a property that will not some day come to the front again. There is one hope that the author of this article will take the opportunity to express: Now that the people have shown what they can do in the matter of concerted action, in bringing the carnival into real existence, let them continue in the same spirit to upbuild the old town. They can do it and do it better than they know. MARVSVILLE SALOON One of the Cosiest Resorts in Town Where a pleasant time is sure to be had, and good Drinks and Cigars are handed to pa- . trons by a man who knows his business. .^ Courteous treatment and a desire to please (jveryone make this a popular place. Private Rooms for the accommodation of patrons. I. PARDEILLAN = = = C ST. AND SUTTON AVENUE Wholesale and Retail LIQUOK. DEALER. Groceries f^incl Provisions ^ NO. Hi NORTH C STREET, VIRGINIA. FOUNDED 1868. JAlxTES Yl. JUIDGrE: ATTORNEV=AT=LAW CARSON CITY - - NEVADA For Your Accommodation. There will be no cause for anyone getting weary for a lack of places to rest. All the fraternal organiza- tions have made preparations to receive and entertain strangers. The halls mentioned below are all large and comfortable and everybody will be made to feel at home. Following are the locations of the various halls and the organizations conducting the same: Masonic Hall, C Street, near Sutton Avenue; Ma- sonic Lodges and Order Eastern Star. Knights of Pythias Hall, B Street, near Union; Knights of Pythias. Odd Fellows' Hall, C Street; Odd Fellows, Rebeccas, Workmen, Degree of Honor and Knights of Honor. Young Men's Institute Hall, C Street; Young Men's and Young Ladies' Institutes. THE CARSON GOOD GOODS Right where you cross from the Postoffice. ^ S v> ^ ^ ^ -g tJ v> <4> AGENCY OF THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Transacts a General Banking Business J. W. ECKLEY, AGENT VIRGINIA « = = - NEVADA Wk^L Ajy EVERYBODY KNOWS THE NUM- IZV^ V-Ar4 ber and the ])hice, and knows the courteous treatment and fine goods dispensed at this place. Special Carnival prpparatioji«. PETE GllONINI ' = 62 SOITH C SSREET Smoke Porto De Oro You may have seen better days, but you never smoked better cigars than the Porto DC Oro History of the Carnival. The idea of holding a carnival on the Comstock was first mentioned about a year ago. At that time assu- rances were received that sufficient money would be forthcoming to carry the project to a successful termi- nation. Nothing further was done in the matter until April of this year, when the first celebration meeting was held. Great enthusiasm prevailjed and it was evident that the old Comstock would have a celebration that would eclipse anything heretofore attempted in the State. Committees were appointed to solicit funds and money was subscribed at a rate that surprised even the most sanguine. The matter began to receive the attention of the out- side world and applications began to come from many quarters for concessions and privileges. At home it aroused the public from a state of lethargy, everyone seemed to enter into the spirit of the occasion, and an enthusiasm that can hardly be equalled anywhere was the outcome of the decision to celebrate. The various committees have labored long and faith- fully. It has been the desire of every person connected with the carnival to leave nothing undone that would add to the pleasure of those who will be in attendance. How well they have succeeded is for the public to de- termine. The Official Carnival Program is offered to the pub- lic in the hope that it may be of some value. The in- formation that it contains has been carefully compiled and comprises practically cuerything that will be of value to visitors. Cbe Tnternational fiotel ncvada'$ Tatnotts Rostlery Ha8 recently l)een refitted throughout at an enornjous expense. The dining service has been brought u]) to the very liiejhest standard. Cbe Bar Connected willi th(^ Motel has hcen iiriprovc*! until tlio whoUi cstaldislmient is one of the leadiiu^ Cai'avan- s:iries on the Pacific^ C'oast. C. A. AHERN. M. CAHALAN. WM. BLAKC. GEO. HESTER. WM. RYAN. OiRECTOA General. f. A. BLAKE. J. m:. DAVIS Leading Bookseller and Stationer LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF CjPs.K.ISri\7jPLL NOVELTIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. GAS BALLOONS, SQUEAKING BALLOONS, 'FIRE WORKS, FLAGS, TORPEDO CANES, CARNIVAL CANES, CARNIVAL BUHONS RICHARDSON ice Cream Soda and Candies Under personal charge of Mr. Richardson during Car- nival Week. THE NEVADA BREWERY JUST &ELOW THE C. & C. WORKS, A SHADY SPOT. A COOl RESORT. A GREEN LAWN And a most delightful place to take your lunch and while away a pleasant hour. 'i£f^^i\!',^t'^i'!mih Nevada Brewery Beer MADE IN A SCIENTIFIC HANNER FROM THE PUREST MATERIALS, JOHN REICK & CO. PROPS, King Comstock's Court. Following are the names of the participants who will make up King Comstock's Court during Carnival time: King Comstock I., Wra. H. Blake; Lord High Herald, Charles McDonald; Tit Tat Too (the jester) George Hester; Too Tat Tit, (the jesterine) Mike Cahalan; Page to His Majesty, Wm. Ryan; Page to Any Good Thing, Kauffman Cohn; Knights from Hobo Land, Avery Powers and W. T. Moran; Count Filler Upski, cup bearer, J. H. Sutherland. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ON THE FOURTH. The first special leaving Virginia on the Fourth is scheduled at 9 o'clock, providing conditions justify. Second special will leave at 12 o'clock, midnight. By an ovf^sight the name of Violet Dunlop, Crown Bearer to the^ Queen, was omitted from the names com- prising the Queen's Ci)urt. Virginia Evening Chronicle Best Advertising Medium in the County of Storey. LARGEST CIRCULATION. jPl. m:. cole ►^i^ APOTHECARY -^1^ 88 SOUTH C STREET The Headquarters for Kodak Supplies THE PALACE SALOON WRIGHT & FOLEY - - PROPRIETORS Although this resort has been opened but a short time the proprietors are known all over the State as first-class mixologists, and the house has become noted for the quality of its CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS NO. 22 SOUTH C STREET, VIRGINIA. COL. WM. SUTHERLAND. Chicf or STArr. Carnival Program. FIRST DAY-JULY 2. Following is a detailed program of the Carnival. It is believed to be complete enough to be a reliable guide. Where this sign * occurs, the reader is referred to an- other part of the book, where the event is more fully- described. 10 A. M. — The Comstock Carnival becomes a reality. The event will be proclaimed by the ringing of bells, the blowing of whistles, the firing of salutes and the booming of cannon. From this hour on all the merri- ment of a carnival will be in continuous order. 10:30 A. M. Bicycle race for Comstock boys. Two prizes for the winners. 11 A. M. — Free vaudeville entertainment on the Mid- way. A fine show will be given, after which the best Midway ever seen will run in full blast. 2 p. M. — Special free vaudeville entertainment before the Queen's throne. A feature of the performance will be Charles Bigney's high dive from a 90-foot tower. Professor Earlston will then make his first spectacular balloon ascension from these grounds. 7 p. M. — And the night shall be turned to day. At this hour will occur the greatest electrical display ever witnessed in the State. Twelve strokes of the corporation bell will be the signal for the formation of the Coronation parade. The line will form on B street, right resting on Taylor. The line of march will be as follows: South on B street to junction of B and C, north on C to Carson, thence to B, to Taylor, thence to the throne on the Gould t^ Curry grounds. The pageant will be arranged as follows: Mounted police; Grand Marshal, Hon. Geo. F. Turrittin and Chief Aid^, Col. \Vm. Sutherland; the Comstock band. Royal musicians; Company A, Captain D. M. Ryan; Company B, Captain George D. Pyne; Her Gracious Majesty, Qaeen Virginia I and her Court. The Queen^s retinue is as follows: Prime Minister, Sir Frank P. Langan; Maids to Her Majesty, Ladies Mary McCarthy, Lizzie Kitson, Mary Muckle, Laura Schweiss, Gladys Jones, Anna Johnson, Lydia Luke, Elizabeth McCormack, Frances Leonard and Alice Woodbury; pages, Mignon de Neuf and Bunnie Nulty. Master of Ceremonies, Sir Kaufman Cohn; Herald, Grant Marsh; Queen's Coachman, Edward i\IcManus; Footman, Russell Chegwidden; Coachman to Her Majesty's Maids, James Hobbs; Footman, Avery Powd- ers; Guard of Honor, Wesley Sexsmith, R. Y. Gibson, Wellington Werrin and Henry Fanning. Upon the arrival of the royal party at the throne the Royal ^lusicians will render an overture, after which wnll occur the imposing ceremonies of crowning the Queen. The choir will render the coronation ode Trib. On the Comstock this remarkable liniment is well known. It does what it promises so well, so thor- oughly, and it is so easy to use — so clean and conven- ient — that it is a general favorite. Trib does not promise to cure everything, but it does fulfill every promise. Trib is the most effective remedy yet found for sprains and bruises. For insect bites and stings, chaf- ings, bruises and ''hives" it is the best application known. Druggists sell Trib -25c, 50c, |l. The 50c is the economical size for most uses. Trib Co., Carson Nevada. and the keys of the city will be delivered by Lord High Mayor Pyne. Sir Frank P. Lansjan will then read the Queen^s proclamation to her loyal subjects. The ceremonies will be followed by a splendid vaudeville entertainment including a high dive. The royal party will then proceed in state to National Guard hall where the coronation ball will be held. During the evening the great shows on the Midway will have all their alluring attractions before the pub- lic. Carnival Program. SFXOND DAY-JULY 3. 10 A. M. — Baseball game at Recreation grounds for a purse and championship of State. Virginia vs. Car- son. 10:30 A. M. — First match of shooting tournament.* 11a. m. — Free entertainment on the Midway. The Queen and Court will visit the various attractions after the free vaudaville. 1 p. M. — Children's parade and reception.* The parade will form near the Fourth Ward school, and will move north on C street to Carson, to B, and south on B to Opera House. The column will be as follows: Sheriff and Chief of Police; Grand Marshal and Chief Aid; Band; Dewey Cannon Boys; Silver City float; Car of State; Queen and Court; Director General, Secretary and Treasurer. 2 p. M. — Free vaudeville on the Midway, followed by the various attractions. 2:*]0 P.M. — ^"Broncho Busting" contest at Recrea- tion grounds. t] p. M. — Special high dive at the Queen's throne. 4 p. M. — Double-handed drilling contest, open to all. First prize, $35; second, $25. 7:30 p. M.— Reception in honor of Her Majesty and Court before the throne. A fine vaudeville show will be a feature of this event, including a sensational dive. 8 p. M. — At this hour will occur a magnificent dis- play of fireworks, one of the finest ever seen on the Coast. 9 p. M. — Grand Carnival dance at National Guard hall. Queen Virginia I and her Court will attend. €Amm\ Program. THIRD DAY-JULY 4. 10 A. M.~ Second match of shooting tournament. 11 A. Ai. — Independence Day parade, 'i'he line will be preceded by a iloat bearing the daylight fireworks. No one should miss this display, as the exhibition will be a magnificent spt^ctacle and a rare treat. Sheriff and Chief of Police and Deputies, mounted. Grand Marshal, Hon. (ieo. F. Turrittin. Chief of Staff, Col. Wm. Sutherland. Assistant Marshals. Neil West, Reno D. P. Morgan Robt. Grimmoii, Reno Rufe Heiirichs J. H. Steffari, ]r. Alex. Wise Aids, Joseph R Ryan - Col F C Lord vSheriff Wni Ivinney, Carson Capt H J Gosse, Reno Hon P L Flanigan, Reno A Livingston, Carson Hon R Sadler, Carson S M Sample, Reno Robert Parry, Reno J >,I Benton, Jr. Carson P H^Mulcahy, Carson H M Martin, Reno F L Wildes, Carson Major D L Brown M R Averill, Tonopah Hon Andrew Maute, Carson Hon. S Spindel Hon Jas G Sweeney, Carson W J Bennett Hon E D Kelley, Carson Fred W Clark Hon Hugh Trembath Hon F Button, VVinnemucca J H L Wedekind, Reno H J Kinkead, Tonopah James McKinty John McGrath Frank Higgison J W Richards Geo H Hester Chas E McDonald Dr H H Cavell, Carson Frank Rogers, Genoa Prof Orvis Ring, Carson W G Douglass Hon J B Gallagher, Yerington Wm Zeigler Chas E Murphy W E Stock Roy Barry E D Boyle, Como A h Hansen Warren L Lackey J P Devney Sheriff John Hayes, Reno Samuel Piatt, Carson . Will U Mackey, Carson Judge Smith, Dayton Samuel Wheeler, Reno Thos Mayne. Silver City Captain Davis, Dayton Barney Reymers, Yeringtou J j Winn, Silver City F D Quirk Regalia GiMivl Marshal, yellow sash; ('hiof of Staff, r(^(\ and silver sash; Assistant Marshals, blue sashes; Aids, red, white and blue sashes. First Division. In charge of D. P. Morgan, and H. J. Kinkead. His Excellency, Gov. John Sparks and Staff. Comstock Band. Company A, N. N. G., Captain D. M. Ryan. Company B, N. N. G., Captain George D. Pyne. Members of Grand Army in carryall. Queen Virginia I. and Court. W. V. Ryan, Director General; R. C. Heinsch, Secre- tary, and J. W. Eckley, Treasurer, in carriage. Second Division. In charge of Assistant Marshals Robt. Grimraon of Reno, and Rufe Henrichs and Aids. Wheelman^s Band, of Reno. Divide Hose Company. Virginia School Boys with Dewey Cannon. Gold Hill School Float. Rebekah Float. Young Ladies^ Institute Float. Order of Eastern Star Float. Third Division. In charge of Assistant Marshals J. F. Steffan, Jr., and Prof. Alex. Wise and Aids. Eagle Band, of Reno. Reno Eagles' Aerie, Reno Wheelmen's Club. Virginia Miners' Union and Float. Enterprise Float. Nevada Brewery Float. Hon. A. J. McDonell, President of the Day; Hon. H. F. Bartine, of Carson, Orator; Rev. Fred R. Winsor, Chaplain; Miss Pearl Roush, Poet- ess; George Eckley, Reader of Declara- tion of Independence, in carriage. Citizens in carriages. Route of Procession. The procession will form as follows; Right of First Division resting on South C street opposite Odd Fel- lows building; right of Second Division resting on cor- ner of Flowery and South C streets; right of Third Division resting on corner of Silver and South C streets. The line will be formed at 10:30 o'clock sharp. The procession will move at 11 o'clock. The column will move through C street to Carson street, to B street, south on B to junction of C street, north on C to Car- Bon street, to B, along B to a point north of the Opera House, where the procession will be reviewed by the Grand Marshal and dismissed. G. F. TURRITTIN, Grand Marshal. Immediately after the parade the following exercises will be held at the Operr House: Music — Band. Prayer — Rev. F. R. Winsor. r When in need of anything in the line of Paints Oil, Varnish and Window Shades, or House Lin- ings write to us and you will find WE ARE IT For promptness and attention to your orders. We endeavor to ship by next train after receipt of letter, if possible. lo the Wall Paper Line We carry a very large stock with many varieties of patterns in the Latest Colorings and Up to Date Effects. I Ingrains, Imitation Burlaps, Varnished. Bronzes, Pressed Papers and Varnished Tijes, Porteous Decorative Co. 135 VIRGINIA STREET, j jRENO . • . NEVADA I Opening address — Hon. A. J. McDonell. Song — Choir. Poem — Miss Pearl Roush. Song — Choir. Reading of Declaration of Independence — Master George Eckley. Song — Choir. Oration — Hon. H. F. Bartine. Benediction — Rev. F. R. Winsor. Music — Band. 2 p.m. — Bicycle races, six hundred and three hun- dred yard sprints. Handsome trophies for the winners. 3:30 p. M. — Reception before the Queen^s throne, in- cluding a free vaudeville and thrilling high dive and balloon ascension. 6 p. M.~ At this hour King Comstock and party will arrive on a special train from Patagonia, and the event will be announced by din seldom, if ever, heard before. After thi-5 hour every perso!i on th*' s-r(^ot. must conceal his identity or will be summarily dealt with. His Quirkship, Sheriff Quirk, will deliver the key of the city to His Majesty, who will proceed to the Opera House and then assume direction of affairs, after Qaeen Virginia I has been discovered and de- throned. 7 p. M. — The grand Mardi Gras parade will form on B street, right resting on Taylor. The line of march will be as follows: Along B street to Ridge, to C to Carson to B, thence to the Opera House, where the parade will disband and all will partake of the festiv- ities of the Mardi Gras ball. - The pageant will be arranged as follows: Lord High Herald, Royal band, King Comstock I. and Court, Rebecca float. Eastern Star float, Young Ladies^ Institute float, three Silver City floats, Car of State, Comstock Horrible band. Miners' Union float, Mardi Gras volunteers, Chinese band, Chinese float, Coxey's army, decorated bicycles. Judges on Day Parade Floats— Wm. W^v, Geo. Hawkes and Harry Sutherland. FRANK P. LANGAN, Prime Ministcr to HcR Majesty. J. W. ECKLEY, Treasurer. HON. G. F. TURRITTIN, Grand Marshal. THE SAWDUST CORNER T. T. WILLIAMS, NO. 2 SOUTH C ST This Kesort, known all over the Coast, is he tier prepared than ever for the reception of Carnival visitors. Wfien you are in want of a Good Drink or a Fine Imported Cigar This is the place to get it, and you will find something doing every minute during Carni- val week. Take the hunch. :-: :-: FRANK J. SULLIVAN l)b:ALKi{ IN Candie^s, Faracy Gr3ro(3e:rie:s, This is the hest place in town to get your Carnival Novelties, including Refreshments, Fireworks, FAc. NEVADA GRANGE LIVERY AND SALE STABLES The hest place in town for transient stock. Hay, (irain and Charcoal for sale. Ice de- livered in this city and Gold Hill on short notice. All kinds of rigs at the lowest rates. JOHN L. GODFREY, C Street Near 5utton Ave. Carson City, the seat of government of the State of Nevada, is beautifully located in Eagle Valley, with the snow-clad Sierras on the west and the Sweetwater range on the south. It is essentially a healthy city having an abundant supply of pure mountain water ^ good drainage, etc., and bears the reputation of being one of the cleanest cities in the country. Its citizens are prosperous and progressive. Any- thing that will in anyway contribute to the material advancement of the town is energetically planned and carried out. The business houses whose announce- ments appear on these pages are progressive and are recommended to the public for their fair dealing and their studious attention to the wants of their patrons. The State Capitol, Orphans' Home, State Prison, Federal Building, State Printing Omoe, V. & T. Rail- road shops, United States Mint and Governnient Indian School are located there and furnish employment to a large number of men. The city is also a distril)utinout eight years at a, cost of $4,500,000. It is nearly four miles long, and taps the central part of the Comstock Lode at a deptfi of 1,650 feet. Virginia City's water snf)ply is brought from the Sierra Nevada mountains through three iron pipes, which deliver 10,000,000 gallons each 21 hours. Cost of works, $2,.S00,000. VIRGINIA LUMBER YARD R. S. MEACHAM, Manager. All kinds of Lumber, Wood, Coal, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of every description constantly on hand. Pi'ices Low as the Lowest. :: :: :: :: OFFICE AND YARD COR. C AND MILL ST., VIRGLNIA When you cannot procure what you desire in ^ DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, ETC. IN YOUR OWN TOWN Sena to U$ for Samples. lUe mill Cbeerfully Submit them. S. B. COHEN, EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE, CARSON CITY. NEVADA. WHEN IN CARSON GO TO THE flIbaQitolia : Saloon A quiet, gentleman's resort, well and favor- ably known throughout the Sitite. To find a Good Drink or a Fine Imported Cigar This is the place to get it, and you will find that the aim of the management is to please. B. ROSENBROCK . CARSON CITY Children's Day. One of the greatest days of the Carnival will be the children's parade and reception. The parade will be composed of the school children of this city, Gold Hill, Silver City and all those in attendance frora . surrounding towns Several elaborate floats will be in the parade, and altogether the affair will be one of the most imposing events of the Carnival. Following the parade the Queen and her maids will tender the children a reception at the opera house. A vaudeville and musical entertainment will be pro- vided, souvenirs of the occassion will be presented to all present, and the managers aim to make the affair a memorable one. The reception is designed for the benefit oi children, and the general public will under- stand the circumstances. The house will be taxed to its utmost capacity, and for this reason escorts will be allowed to enter only to accompany small children. Adults will easily comprehend the situation and are requested to help the committee in this matter by heeding this rule. JOIN THE PROCESSION GOING TO HARRY P. BECK'S 87 50UTH C STREET To see his fine line of Indian Baskets, Curios, Novelties, Carnival Postal Cards, Souvenir Canes, etc. NICELY FURNISHED ROOHS TO RENT E Cosy Resort J\ Convenient Place THE MONARCH SALOON The Finest of- Wines, Liquors and Cigars Every possible attention given to patrons and Treatment accorded that will be remembered. ELI BARKLEY, PROPRIETOR OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT - CARSON CITY Cbe Jlrlindton l)ou$e W. BROUGHER, PROPRIETOR jfirst Clnee in ]£vcr^ anb all IRespccte Headquarters for Tourists and Commercial Travelers Well Lighted Free Sample Rooms. CARSON CITY - - NEVADA SHAW'S HOT SPRINGS ANTONIO BENENATO, PROPRIETOR A free buss to and from the Springs every day in the year. These Springs are noted for their medicinal prop- erties, curing Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria, Diseases of the Liver, etc. The minerals in the water are Iron, Soda, Borax, Magnesia, Arsenic and Salt. Board, Rooms and Baths $2 per day. CARSON CITY - - = NEVADA A. LIVINGSTON -Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic- Wines, Liquors and Cigars Diagonally Opposite the Government Building CsLxsoro. City - - nsr(S\za.cla Places to 5ee. The Comstock offers many interesting sights for vis- itors. There is hardly a mine or hoisting works that does not offer some attraction. All have large and complicated machinery, and are complete in every detail. All are within easy reach and are sights well worth seeing. The Butters plant, in Six-mile Canyon, is one of the largest reduction works on the continent, and every- body who can spare the time should visit the works. A drive of thirty minutes through a picturesque can- yon will bring a person to the place: For the more adventurous a climb to the summit of Mount Davidson is well worth the effort. One of the Nothing Too flood For Our Cnstomers The Best Staple and Fancy Groceries GEO. H. HESTER'S IN Till-: (3ILL10 l^MILDINO 30-32=34 C STREET • = VIRGINIA most magnificent views in the world is unfolded in every direction. A panarama of plains and valleys, mountains and rivers, and towns and settlements de- light the eye. Words cannot describe the beauty or extent of the view. There are several routes, but the best — through Taylor ravine — requires about an hour and a half for the ascent. The Nevada Brewery grounds offer a delightful place to rest. Plenty of shade trees and pretty little summer houses attract many people regularly. Dur- ing Carnival week special preparations will be made for visitors, and you will never regret making a visit to this popular resort. Ten minutes from C street, and close to the C. & C. shaft, which everybody will want to see. tU Sacramento Saloon ANDY TODD, PROPRIETOR CHOICE WINES, UQIORS AND CIGARS Comfortable Card and Billiard Rooms in Connection. The Old Stand, South Carson St. Carson City. BRIGGS HOUSE CARSON CITY, NEVADA. GILBERT BRIGGS = = PROPRIETOR The fame of the Kitchen and Dining Room receives its praise from the patrons. Meals 25 cents. Rooms from 50 cents up. Be$t Rotel in the State Spacious Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Electrically lighted throughout, and Telephone service to all points. :: WHEN IN CARSON STOP AT The Briggs House DURING CARNIVAL WEEK DRINK California Brewery Beer It is Pure, Healthful and Invigorating. The Retail Department keeps but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars RICHARD SCHWEISS, PROPRIETOR D STREET, OPPOSITE THE NATIONAL GUARD HALL J. & J. RAYGRAFT livery. Sale and Feed Stables Horses boarded by Day, Week or Month on Reasonable Terms. Carson St., Carson City, and West riain St., Qenoa SAMUEL PLATT AnORNEV-AT-LAW Office State Banic & Trust Co. Building. CARSON CITY - - - NEVADA To Whom Honor is Due. Following are the names of the Executive and Finance Committees, who have labored hard to make the Carnival a success. In a great measure nearly everything has depended on the Executive Committee, and the Finance Committee has distinguished itself in collecting the large sum that stands to its credit: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. First Ward— J R Ryan, Avery Powers, G McM Ross, R Galli- gan, F C Lord, Wilson Locklin, J F Steffan. ^ Second Ward — ^J H Kinkead, Andrew Young, James McKinty, W T Mooney, Wm Sutherland, W C Moran, James Quirk. Third W^ard— John McGrath, W A Burns, A J McDonell, W G Douglas, F P Langan, A C Kyle, W E Sharon Fourth Ward— R A Bulmer, J M Purrington, J W Kitson, H Goram, Frank Higgison, G O Ross, M C Dandurand. Gold Hill— H E Tobener, A E Kaye, A J Canavan, H M Clem- mons, John Brad}-. , At Large— W^ V Ryan, .1 W Kckley, R C Heinsch, F A Blake. FINANCE COMMITTEE. First Ward— D B Desmond, T F Short, J W Sexsmith. Second Ward— C A Ahern, J M Davis, John McCourt. Third Ward — Tom V Foley, vSol Rosenbanm, Geo. Hester. Fourth Ward — Roy Barry, H Conrad, A L Hansen. Gold Hill— J F Lynch. J A Coughlin. At Large— F J Kohler, J P Devney, E J Dwyer, j B Kenny, D P Morgan, W J Bennett, Wyman Evans. COFFIN & LARCOMBE DEALERS IN Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Flour and Orain. Caadies, Nuts Tobaccos and Cigars. Sierra Street, North Side of Railroad Track. RENO ... - NEVADA The Shooting Tournament. The Virginia Gun Club has arranged a grand shoot- ing tournament for the second and third days of the Carnival. The event promises to be the biggest ever held in the State. The contests will be held at the new club grounds near the C. and C. side track, which may be reached by way Mill street. Following is the program as arranged by the committee: JULY THIRD — GRAND HANDICAP SHOOT. First event — Fifteen targets; $1 entrance; open to all. Second event — Twenty targets; $1 50 entrance; $5 added. Third event — Twenty-five dollar trophy; open to all clubs on the coast. A. H. MANNING, Pres. H. J. DARLING, Manager. Nevada Hardware & Supply Comp y (vSiiccessors to A. H. Maiiiiiii<(.) IRON, STEEL, COAL, MINING SUPPLIES, HARDWARE, STOVES, RANGES, FARM IMPLEMENTS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. Plumbing, Tinning and Gas Fitting. RENO NEVADA Fourth event— Ten doubles, $1 50 entrance; $10 added. Fifth event— Twenty-five targets; |2 entrance; |15 added. JULY FOURTH — GRAND HANDICAP SHOOT. First event— Twenty targets; $1 50 entrance. Second event — Ten doubles; $1 50 entrance; $10 added. Third event — Twenty-five targets; trophy club shoot. Fourth event — Twenty-five targets; $2 entrance; $15 added. Fifth event—Ten doubles; $1 50 entrance; $5 added. Sixth event— Twenty-five targets; $2 entrance; 10 added. Magna traps used in all events. FjPlR.K hotel FORMERLY THE ORHSBY HOUSE. CARSON CITY, NEVADA. This well-known and popular hotel has been thoroughly renovated from top to bottom, the now manngemont sparing no expense to make this the most popular house in the State. Rates $1 25 to $2 50 per day. :: :: :: GEORGE E. ALLEN - - PROPRIETOR RICHARD KIRMAN, A. J. McCONE, President, Vice-President. H. M. GORHAM, C. E. MACK, Secretary. Treasurer. G. E, NOLAN, Manager. Nevada Engineering Worits MANUFACTURERS OF MINING AND SPECIAL MACHINERY. DEALERS IN ENGINEERING EQUIPMENTS AND SUPPLIES. RENO . - » NEVADA Harron, Ridard & McCone Machinery Merchants. 21 AND 23 FREnONT 5T, 5AN FRANCISCO » « « CAL. BAKERSFIELD, CAL. LOS ANQELE5, CAL. R. C. HEINSCH. Secretary. MAYOR GEORGE D. PYNE. CROWN POINT BRIDGE. LIS OF ISTEVjOlIDjOl. Reno, the metropolis of Nevada, is situated near the western boundary of the State on the banks of the Truckee river. In the last few years it has had a mar- velous growth, and this growth is more than a mere boom. It is estimated that the assessed valuation of property within the city this year will be one million dollars more than last year. BonCTOft LlbflTT Reno is the seat of several large and growing enter- prises and is well situtted for nearly every class of manufacturing. The Truckee is one of the best power streams in the west and is being used more and more for this purpose every year. The surrounding country contains some of the best farming land in the world and its products are increasing in value with every liarvest. There is also a decided activity in mining, for within a few miles of the city lies the famous Wede- kind, nn«; [?(■ \. !V*>i!f^.^l