til IP Hi HDB UCLA MAP LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Royal Geographical Society, UCLA MAP LIBRARY ec'd 2 4 N.ov 1964 File: CONTAINING THE TITLES OF ALL WORKS UP TO DECEMBER 1893. COMPILED BY HUGH ROBERT MILL, D.Sc. LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY BY JOHN MURRAY, 50 ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1895. Map Library CONTENTS. PAGES PREPACK v-viii GENERAL ALPHABETICAL AUTHORS' CATALOGUE 1-521 APPENDIX I. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS ' 525-612 APPENDIX II. GOVERNMENT, ANONYMOUS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS - 615-769 APPENDIX III. TRANSACTIONS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS 771-833 1893889 PREFACE. THE first Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society was prepared by the Secretary, Dr Norton Shaw, in 1852. It was superseded in 1865 by a larger Catalogue, comprising 542 pages octavo, giving the contents of the Library down to that date. This was arranged in one alphabet, according to authors' names, as far as possible, but with subject headings for anonymous books, and extensive sub-divisions under "Voyages," " Transactions," &c. This Catalogue bears marks of having been rapidly compiled and not very carefully revised. In 1871 an Appendix of 136 pages was prepared by Mr Godfrey M. Evans, of the British Museum, containing the accessions up to the end of 1870. Mr Evans also prepared a Classified Catalogue brought up to 1870. The accessions for the ten years 1870-80 were catalogued by Mr E. C. Rye, at that time Librarian to the Society, and his is an admirable piece of work, the revision having been very thorough. It consists of 380 pages, and necessarily follows the classification of the main Catalogue and its first Supplement, but uniformity was introduced into the cataloguing of compound names, and some im- provements were made in the manner of entering official publications. On my appointment as Librarian in March 1892, it became my duty to prepare a third Supplement to the Catalogue, containing the accessions for the ten years ending in 1890. This was completed, with the aid of Mr Vincent S. B. Hawkins, the Assistant-Librarian, in February 1893. But after estimates had been obtained for printing the third supplement as a volume of 420 pages, the Library Committee decided to incorporate the Catalogue of 1865 and the three appendices, and to print the whole as one volume. The additional material was prepared for the printer, and after several experiments the form now adopted was arrived at as the best and most convenient ; the use of double columns being necessary in order that the whole might be contained in a single volume. The one aim kept in view was to produce a Catalogue of the most con- venient form for the use of Fellows of the Society and practical geographers. No attempt was made to give a bibliographical description of the books or a full transcript of the title-pages. Nor are the contents of books, except in the great collections of travels in Appendix I., noted, save in a few cases, and papers in journals are not catalogued. The size of the volumes is vi PREFACE. only approximately given by the terms folio, quarto, octavo, &c., and some inconsistency may be found in this respect, as it was not considered advis- able to delay the Catalogue for six months in order that the size of the sheets on which each book was printed could be ascertained. When the place of publication was London it is not noted, and where no town is given London is to be understood. The names of other towns are given as currently written in English, although on the book they may be latinised or in a foreign form. The titles in their entirety or in a slightly abbreviated form, are given in the language in which the book is written, except in the case of Russian, where it seemed better to translate than to transliterate the Russian into Roman letters. The words [In Russian] are added to these titles in every case. The present Catalogue includes all books, pamphlets, periodicals, and other printed papers, in the possession of the Royal Geographical Society in May 1895, which had been published up to 3ist December 1893, but new editions of works previously catalogued are included down to 1895. The Catalogue is arranged in four divisions, obviating the difficulties of reference arising from a mixed system of Author and Subject headings in the same alphabet. i. GENERAL ALPHABETICAL AUTHORS' CATALOGUE. The object of this Catalogue is to show which of the works of each Author are in the Library. It is arranged in strict alphabetical order according to surnames. The names of important ships have been added to those of authors, and in most cases biographical notices have been entered under the name of the subject of the memoir as well as that of the author. Where the biographical notice is anonymous, it appears under the name of the subject only. The convenience of these transgressions of the rule will, we believe, excuse the inconsistency. The entries are of three kinds : (i.) Titles of books distinguished by a small circle following the number which indicates their size, e.g., 8, for an octavo book. Papers in the Erganzungshefte of " Petermann's Mittheil- ungen," and in the Supplementary Papers of the Royal Geographical Society, are included. (2.) Pamphlets of less than 100 pages, and kept unbound or in plain cardboard covers, including extracts from periodicals, reprints, and cuttings. These are distinguished by a star, e.g., 8*, for an octavo pamphlet. (3.) Cross-references to names of joint-authors, and to the authors of papers noticed in Appendices I. and II., as well as to the early travellers whose works are noticed in Appendix I. In many cases the alphabetical arrangement of names presents serious difficulties, and in spite of much care some anomalies remain in the text. The inconvenience due to this cause is, however, minimised by the copious use of cross-references. The difficulty arises sometimes from uncertainty as to the true surname, e.g., E. de Bourgade la Dardye, or A. Bouquet de la Grye. In such cases the titles are given under PREFACE. Vll the name to which it seemed most natural to refer, with cross-references under the other names. Following the rule adopted in Mr Rye's supple- ment, foreign names in de, d', le, von, or van, e.g., De Candolle, D'Anville. Le Blanc, von Richthofen, van Noort, are given under the initials of the main word ; but names in De la, Du, Von der, Van der, are given under D or V. Where such names belong to Englishmen or Americans, the article or preposition is in all cases treated as part of the name, e.g., De Ranee, Le Messurier. Where deviations from this rule escaped notice until the proof was in pages, a cross-reference is inserted in the proper place. For the sake of uniformity, names in Mac appear as if fully spelled even when the authors use the form M l or Me; but the use of a capital or small letter following Mac or Fitz which does not affect the alphabetical arrangement is in accordance with the authors' usage. The contraction St is placed along with Saint. Russian names in Ch are sometimes given under Teh or Tsch when occurring only in French or German titles. The military, naval, or other official designations of authors are given merely for the purpose of allowing the author to be more easily recognised. As a rule, the highest rank reached by an author is stated when this was known ; but some cases may have been overlooked, and in other cases reasons, which will be apparent on reading the entry, make a deviation from the rule advisable. Every effort has been made to give the works of different authors of the same name correctly ; but there are a few cases in which it was found impossible to ascertain whether certain books were by a particular author or by a contemporary of the same name. The Christian names or initials of some authors, particularly of Frenchmen, could not be discovered without an expenditure of time that seemed unjustifiable. The 521 pages of the alphabetical Catalogue were revised carefully by Lieut.-Col. J. Dalton and Mr E. G. Ravenstein, members of the Library Committee, whose corrections were of the utmost value. 2. APPENDIX I. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. The collections are arranged alphabetically under the names of their compilers when these are known, and the anonymous works are placed at the end in chronological order. The contents are reprinted, with corrections when necessary, and many additions, from the previous Catalogue and Supple- ments. 3. APPENDIX II. GOVERNMENT, ANONYMOUS, AND OTHER MISCEL- LANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. These are incapable of alphabetical arrangement, except so far as concerns the larger divisions. The continents are given in alphabetical order, the chief countries in each also arranged alphabeti- cally ; and whenever the number of publications to be catalogued is large enough the countries are subdivided, the divisions being indicated, for convenience of reference, by letters of the alphabet. The ultimate arrangement under each head is chronological. When authors' names occur, they are as a rule referred to in the alphabetical part of the Cata- yiii PREFACE. logue, to which the Appendices are subordinate and supplementary. In this Appendix the pamphlets have not been distinguished from the bound volumes. 4. APPENDIX III. TRANSACTIONS AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. The Library of the Society is particularly rich in sets of transactions and periodicals, and these have recently been put in thorough order by Dr James Murie, by whom this Appendix has been compiled and revised directly from the works. The arrangement is geographical, as in the case of Appendix II. The continents are arranged alphabetically, the countries and the towns in each country being also in alphabetical order. Notes and comments on the sets of serials are given in a brief form when necessary. A new Subject Catalogue of the Library is at present in course of compilation, in which the principal contents of all the geographical books and periodicals belonging to the Society will be classified, and so the Library will be made for the first time fully available for geographical study. In preparing this Catalogue for press, I have received much helpful advice from the President, Mr Clements R. Markham, C.B., and from Mr J. Scott Keltie, as well as great assistance from Lieut-Col. Dalton, Mr Ravenstein, Dr Murie, Mr Vincent Hawkins, and especially from Mr Edward Heawood, M.A. HUGH ROBERT MILL, Librarian, K.G.S. \ SAVILE Row, LONDON, W., 2-jth May 1895. CATALOGUE. A. ... Abd-el-Qader et sa Nouvelle Capitale. Map. 8* Paris, 1840 A K. See Hennessy, J. B. N. Aa, Van der. See under Robide van der Aa ; Van der Aa. Abad, J. R. La Republica Dominicana, Reseiia General Geografico-Estadistica. 8 Santo Domingo, 1 888 Puerto Rico en la Feria. Exposicion de Ponce en 1882. Memoria redactada de orden de la junta directiva de la misma, por Don Jose Ramon Abad. 8 Ponce, 1885 Abbadie, Antoine d'. Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques ; Voyage a Olinda. 4* Paris, 1836-37 Voyage en Abyssinie. 8* Paris, 1839 Note sur le haul Fleuve Blanc. 8* Paris, 1849 Reponses de Falasha dits Juifs d'Abys- sinie aux questions faites par M. Luzzato. 8* Paris, 1850 Observations relatives au cours du Nil et aux lacs de 1'Afrique Centrale. 8* Paris, 1851 Geodesic d'Ethiopie, ou Triangulation d'une partie de la Haute Ethiopie, executee selon des methodes nouvelles. Verifiee et redigee par Rodolphe Radau. Maps. Imperfect. 4 Paris, 1860-73 Description d'un instrument pour la pratique de la Geodesic expeditive. 4* Paris, 1863 Geographic de 1'Ethiopie. Ce que j'ai entendu, faisant suite a ce que j'ai vu. Premier volume. 8 f Paris, 1890 and J. A. Chaho. Etudes Grammati- cales sur la Langue Euskarienne. 8 Paris, 1836 Abbadie, Arnauld d'. Douze Ans dans la Haute Ethiopie (Abyssinie). Vol. I. Map. 8 Paris, 1868 Abbate, Enrico. Guida al Gran Sasso d'ltalia, publicata per cura della Sezione di Roma del Club Alpino Italiano. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 12 Rome, 1888 Abbate Pasha, Dr. De la pretendue Sphericite de la Terre connue des An- ciens Egyptiens. 8* Cairo, 1893 Abbate Pasha, Dr. II Genio e 1'obbiet- tivo di Colombo. In rapporto alle con- dizione geografiche contemporanee dell' Egitto. 8* Naples, 1893 Abbe, Cleveland. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, 843 : The Mecha- nics of the Earth's Atmosphere (a Col- lection of Translations). 8 Washington, 1891 See United States, H, /; : Appendix 2. Abbot, H. L. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most prac- ticable and economical route for a Rail- road from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. 6. 4 Washington, 1857 See Humphreys. Abbott, Charles C. Primitive Industry ; or, Illustrations of the Handiwork, in Stone, Bone, and Clay, of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America. (Peabody Academy of Sci- ence. ) Map and illustrations. 8* Salem, Mass., 1881 Abbott, Major F. Selections from the Report of, on the Grand Trunk Road from Goorsahai Gunge to Dehlie, 1844. Plate. (In India Records, N.-W. Provinces, Vol. 2.) Allahabad, 1856 Abbott, Francis. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations for twenty years for Hobart Town, from Jan, 1841 to Dec. 1860. 4* Hobart, 1 86 1 Results of Five Years' Meteorological Observations for Hobart Town, with which are incorporated the results of twenty-five years' observations. 4* Hobart, 1872 Abbott, Capt. J. Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St Petersburg during the late Russian invasion of Khiva. Map and portrait. 2 vols. 8 1843 See India, G : Appendix 2. Abbott, Samuel W. On the Geographi- cal Distribution of certain Causes of Death in Massachusetts. Maps. 8 Boston, Mass. [1893] ABD-ABU. Abd-er-Razzak. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 22 : Appendix I. Abdoul-Kerim. See Schefer. Abdy, E. S. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of North America, from April 1833 to October 1834. 3 vols. 12 1835 Abel, C. Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country, in the years 1816 and 1817. Maps and plates. 4 1818 Abel, Sir Frederick. The Work of the Imperial Institute. Address delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain . . . 22nd April 1887. Map. 8* 1887 Abel-Remusat, J. P. See Remusat. Abendroth, . Ritzebiittel und das Seebad zu Cuxhaven. Map and plates. 8 Hamburg, 1818 Abercrombie, Lieut. R. Rajendraname ; or, History of Coorg. With an English Translation by Lieut. R. Abercrombie. 4* Mangalore, 1857 Abercromby, Hon. John. A Trip through the Eastern Caucasus, with a chapter on the Languages of the Country. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 889 Abercromby, Hon. Ralph. Principles of Forecasting by means of Weather Charts. Issued by the authority of the Meteorological Council. Charts, &c. 8 1885 Weather : a Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day. Illustrations. Small 8 1887 Seas and Skies in many Latitudes ; or, Wanderings in Search of Weather. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 888 See Symons. Abercromby, Sir Ralph. See Pinckard. Aberdeen, Earl of. See Walpole, Travels : Appendix i. Abert, Col. J. J. Report on the Com- merce of the Lakes and Western Rivers. Washington, 1841 Report on the subject of Rivers and Harbours. 8 Washington, 1850 Abich, H. Geognostiche Reise zum Ararat und Verschiittung des Thales von Arguri, 1840. 8 Berlin, N.D. Meteorologische Beobachtungen in Transcaucasien. 4* Berlin, N.D. Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geolo- gische Stellung im Russischen Armenien, Palseontologischer Theil. Plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1857 Sur la Structure et Geologic du Daghestan. Plate. 4* St Petersburg, 1862 Aperu de mes Voyages en Trans- caucasie en 1864. 8* Moscow, 1865 Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss der Thermalquellen in den Kaukasischen Landern. Lief. i. Map. 4* Tiflis, 1865 Abich, H. Einleitende Grundziige der Geologic der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman. Plates. 4* St Petersburg, 1865 Karten und Profile zur Geologic der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman. Als Beitrag, &c. 4* Tiflis, 1866 Translation by A. Phyladelphyn of Abich's "Earthquakes at Shamack and Erzeroum in May 1859." [In Russian.] Maps. 8* N. P., N. D. Zur Geologic des siidosclichen Kau- kasus. Bemerkungen von meinen Reisen imjahrei865. 8* St Petersburg, 1866 Report on Explorations in Naphtha districts in the Trans-Kuban District and the Peninsula of Tamand. fin Russian.] 8* Tiflis, 1867 Bemerkungen tiber die Geroll- und Triimmer-ablagerungen aus der Gletsch- erzeit im Kaukasus. 8* St Petersburg, 1871 Ueber die Lage der Schneegrenze und die Gletscher der Gegenwart im Kau- kasus. Small 8* St Petersburg, 1877 Ein Cyclus fundamentaler baro- metrischer Hohenbestimmungen auf dem Armenischen Hochlande. 4* St Petersburg, 1880 See Baer and Helmersen, 13. Abney, Capt. W. de W. See Cunning- ham, C. D. Aboulfeda (or Abulfeda, or Abu-Ufeda). Geographic de. Traduite de 1'Arabe, et accompagnee de Notes, et d'eclaircis- sements, par M. Reinaud. Maps. Vol. I and Vol. 2, Part I. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1848 Geographic d'Aboulfeda. Traduite de 1'Arabe en Fran9ais et accompagnee de Notes par M. Stanislas Guyard. Tome II., Seconde partie, cotitenant la fin de la traduction du texte Arabe et 1'Index general. 4 Paris, 1883 See De la Roque; Pocock ; also Astley, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I ; Thevenot, Vol. I : Appendix i. About, E. Rome Contemporaine. 2nd edition. 8 Paris, 1861 Abrahall, Chandos Hoskyns. Arctic Enterprise : a Poem. 8* 1856 The Career of Franklin : an Ode ; with other Poems. 12* 1860 Abu'abd Allah Baka Ad-din Al-Janadi. See Omarah. Abu Ishak-el-Farssi-el-Istachri. See Madini. Abu'l Ghazi Bahader Khan. A General History of the Turks, Moguls, and Taters, vulgarly called Tartars, together with a Description of the Countries they inhabit ; the Genealogical History of the Taters. Translated from the MS. in the Mogul Language by Abu'l Ghazi Bahader Khan of Khowarazm. 2 vols. 8. 2 Maps. 1730 ABU ADA. Abu Riha el Biruni. See Alberuni. Abu Talib Hussyny. See Timur. Aby-Serour, Mordokhai. Premier etab- lissment des Israelites a Timbouktou. Plate and map. 8 Incomplete [Paris, 1870] Acerbi, Joseph. Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in 1798-99. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1802 Acheson, Fred. Collection and Storage of Water in Victoria. See Victoria, Prize Essays : Appendix 2. Achmet, Chan. See Appendix i ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9. Ackermann, Dr Carl. Beitrage zur physischen Geographie der Ostsee. Map and tables. 8 Hamburg, 1883 Acland, H. W. The Plains of Troy. Map. Royal 8 Oxford, 1839 Acosta, Joaquin. Compendio Historico del Descubrimiento y Colonizacion de la Nueva Granada, en el Siglo Decimo sexto. Map and plates. 8 Q Paris, 1848 See Jomard. Acosta, Joseph. Historia natural y moral de las Indias. En que se tratan las cosas notables del cielo . . . y los ritos de los Indies. Sq. 8 Madrid, 1 608 The Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies. Intreating of the Remarkable Things of Heaven . . . together with the Manners ... of the Indians. Translated from the Spanish by E. G. [Edward Grimston]. Sq. 8 1604 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 60, 61 ; Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 5: Appendix I. Acosta, Dr Nicolas. See Rada. Acuna, Father Christoval de. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 24; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 16 : Appendix i. Acunha, Tristano d'. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Adalbert of Prussia, Prince. Travels in the South of Europe and in Brazil, with a Voyage up the Amazon and Xingu : with Introduction by Baron Humboldt. Translated by Sir R. H. Schomburgk and J. E. Taylor. Plates. 2 vols. 8 1849 Adam, Alex. Roman Antiquities. 8 Edinburgh, 1797 Summary of Geography and History, both Ancient and Modern. Maps. 8 1797 Adams, Arthur. Notes from a Journal of Research into the Natural History of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H. M.S. " Samarang," &c. 8 1848 Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria. Frontispiece. 8 C 1870 Adams, Arthur. See Belcher. Adams, A. L. Field and Forest Rambles ; with Notes and Observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada. Maps and plates. 8 1873 On a Fossil Saurian Vertebra (Arcto- saurus Osborni) from the Arctic Regions. 8* Dublin, 1875 Adams, Clement See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Adams, Cyrus C. Railroad Develop- ment in Africa. (From the Engineering Magazine, February 1893.) Map and illustrations, 8* 1893 Adams, Edwin. Geography Classified : a Systematic Manual of Mathematical, Physical, and Political Geography ; with Geographical, Etymological, and His- torical Notes. 12" 1863 Adams, Francis. The Australians : a Social Sketch. 8 1893 Adams, F. O. Despatches from Mr Adams, Her Majesty's Secretary of Legation at Yedo, respecting the Deterioration of Silk in Japan. (Including Report by Mr Robertson, Her Majesty's Consul at Kanagawa, on Silk Cultivation in fapan.) Map. Folio* Yedo, 1871 The History of Japan from the earliest period to the present times. Maps and plans. 2 vols. 8 1874-75 Adams, J. The Flowers of Modern Travels : being Elegant, Entertaining, and Instructive Extracts, selected from the works of the most celebrated travel- lers. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 12 1792 Adams, J. Q. Letters on Silesia, written during a tour through that Country in the years 1800, 1801. Map. 8 1804 Adams, Capt. John. Remarks on the Country extending from Cape Pal mas to the River Congo ; with an Account of the European Trade with the West Coast of Africa. Maps. 8 1823 Adams, John. See Juan. Adams, Robert. The Narrative of a Sailor, who was wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa in 1810, was detained three Years in Slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and resided several months in the City of Timbuctoo ; with Notes and an Appendix. Map. 4 1816 Adams, W. B. Baikie, and C. Barren. Manual of Natural History for the Use of Tra%'ellcrs : being a Description of the Families of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, with Remarks on the Practical Study of Geology and Meteorology ; to which are appended Directions for Collecting and Preserving. 12 1854 ADA AGU. Adams, William. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 8; Harris, Vol. i; Kerr, Vol. 8; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 ; Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Adamson, John. Obituary Notice of. 8* Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1856 Adanson, M. A Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia. Map. 8 1759 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Adderley, Sir Augustus. The West Indies at the Colonial and Indian Exhi- bition. 8* 1887 Addison, Charles G. Damascus and Palmyra : a Journey to the East, with a Sketch of the State and Prospects of Syria under Ibrahim Pasha. Coloured plates. 2 vols. 8 1838 Addison, Joseph. Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701, 1702, 1703. 3rd edition. 12 1726 See " The World Displayed," Vol. 19, p. 609: Appendix I. Addison, Lancelot. West Baibary ; or, a Short Narrative of the Revolutions of the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco ; with an Account of the Present Cus- toms, &c. 8 Oxford, 1671 See Pinkerton, Vol. 15 : Appendix I. Adelung, Friedrich von. Kritisch- litenrische Uebersicht der Reisenden in Russland bis 1700, deren Berichte be- kannt sind. 2 vols. 8 St Petersburg, 1846 See Baer and Helmersen, 4. Addling, J. C. Grammatisch-kritisches Worterbuch der Hoch-Deutschen Mun- dart. Mit D. W. Soltau's Beytragen; revidirt und berichtiget von F. X. Schon- berger. 4 vols. 4 Vienna, 1811 and J. S. Vater. Mithridates ; oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit clem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in beynahe fiinfhundert Sprachen und Mundarten. 3 vols. Vol. i, Asia; Vol. 2, Europe; Vol. 3, Africa. 8 Berlin, 1806-16 Adhemar, J. Revolutions de la Mer. Plates. 8 Paris, 1842 Adolph, J. G. B. Mathematische und physische Erdbeschreibung mit beson- derer Rticksicht auf Europa. Portrait and maps. 8 Mayence, 1829 Adolphus, John Leycester. Letters from Spain, in 1856-57. 8 1858 Adrichromius, Christianus. Theatrum Terrce Sancta: et Biblicarum Historiarum cum tabulis geographicis. Maps. Folio Cologne, 1600 "Adventure" and "Beagle." See Fitzroy, King ; Macdouall, John. Affarosi, D. Cammillo. Notizie Istoriche clella Citta di Reggio di Lombardia. Part i. 4 Padua, 1755 Agapito, Conte G. Descrizione di Trieste. 12 Vienna, 1830 Le Grotte di Adlersberg, &c. 12 Vienna, 1823 Agapitoff, N. Programme for the Study of Shamanism in Siberia. [In Russian.] 8* Irkutsk, 1884 Agas, Ralph. Civitas Londinum : a Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Facsimile by W. II. Overall and E. J. Francis. 4* 1874 Agassiz, Prof. Alexander. On the Embryology of Echinoderms. 4* 1864 North American Acalephse. 4* Cambridge, Mass., 1865 Letter (No. i) to C. P. Patterson on the Dredging Operations of the United States Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," during parts of January and February 1878. 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1878 Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer " Blake " in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880. 2 vols. Charts and I'llustralions. 8 Boston, Mass., 1888 Agassiz, Louis. Etudes sur les Glaciers. Plates. Folio Neuchatel, 1840 Lake Superior, its Physical Char- acter, Vegetation, and Animals, com- pared with those of other and similar Regions. With a Narrative of the Tour, by J. Elliot Cabot. Plates. S' J Boston, Mass., 1850 Glacial Phenomena in Maine. 8* Boston, Mass., 1867 Address delivered on the Cen- tennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander von Humboldt, under the auspices of the Boston Society of Natural History. 8* Boston, Mass., 1869 Louis Agassiz, his Life and Corre- spondence. Edited by Elizabeth Gary Agassiz. 2 vols. Illustrations. Crown 8 1885 See Desor ; Hartt. and Mrs Agassiz. A Journey in Brazil. Plates. 8 1868 Agg, Alfred J. See Victoria Geological Survey : Appendix 2. Agoub. See Mengin. "Agricola." Description of the Barossa Range and its Neighbourhood in South Australia. By " Agricola. " Illustrated from Original Drawings . . . by G. F. Angas. Map and plates. 4 l %49 Agueros, F. P. G. de. Sec Molina, J. Aguilar, Jorge d'. See Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Ap- pendix I. AGU-ALB. Aguirre, Lope de, and Pedro de Ursua. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 28 : Ap- pendix I. Ahmid Bin Abubekr Bin Wahshih. Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters Explained ; with an Account of the Egyptian Priests, their Classes, Initiation, and Sacrifices, in Arabic and in English, by Joseph Hammer. 4 1806 Ahrling, Ewald. Carl von Linnes Bref- vexling. 8* Stockholm, 1885 Aime, G. See Algeria, A : Appendix 2. Ainsworth, Robert. Thesaurus Linguae Latinoe Compendiarius ; or, A Compen- dious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue. 4 1783 Ainsworth, W. Account of the Caves of Ballybunian, County of Kerry. 8 Dublin, 1834 Ainsworth, W. The Scarborough Guide. Plan. 1 8 York, 1811 Ainsworth, William Francis. Re- searches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea. Maps. 8 1838 - Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia. Maps and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8 1842 Report on the Feasibility of establish- ing Telegraphic Communication between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. 8* 1856 The Euphrates Valley Railway. Map. 1872 A Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1888 The River Karun. 12 1890 See Petachia. Airy, Sir G. B. Mathematical Tracts. Plates. 8 Cambridge, 1842 Plan of the Buildings and Grounds of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, with Explanation and History. Plate. 4 1847 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors for 1840 and 1852. 4 r Treatise on Trigonometry. Revised by Hugh Blackburn. 8 1855 The Transits of Venus, 1874 and 1882. On the Preparatory Arrangements for the Observation of the Transits, &c. N.D. Determination of the Longitude of Valentia in Ireland by Transmission of Chronometers. 4* N.D. Aitken, John. On Oceanic Circulation. Edinburgh, 1874 Akers, C. E. Argentine, Patagonian, and Chilian Sketches, with a few Notes on Uruguay. Crown 8 1893 Aksakof. Memoirs of the Aksakof Family : a Sketch of Russian Rural Life Seventy Years Ago. 8 Calcutta, 1871 AksakofT, M. M. Recherches sur le Commerce aux Foires de 1'Ukraine. [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1858 Alabaster, C., and others. Reports of Journeys in China and Japan, performed by Mr Alabaster, Mr Oxenham, Mr Markham, and Dr Willis, of Her Majesty's Consular Service in those Countries. Map. Folio* 1869 Alamanni, Luigi. La Coltivazione ; e le Api di Giovanni Rucellai, con Anno- tazioni del Dr G. B. da Prato, e di R. Titi. Portraits. 8 Milan, 1804 Alarchon, Fernando. See Burney, Vol. I ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3, p. 549 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Alba, Duquesa de Berwick y de. Autografos de Cristobal Colon y Papeles de America, los Publica la Duquesa de Berwick y de Alba, Condesa di Siruela. Facsimile autograph letters. Folio Madrid, 1892 Albanie, William de. See Arundel, Earl of; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Albarracin, Santiago J. Estudios gen- erales sobre los Rios Negro, Limay y Collon-Cura, y Lago de Nahuel Huapi. Con numerosas vistas de los parajes re- corridos, desde la barra del Rio Negro, hasta el limite occidental del lago de Nahuel-Huapi, &c. Vol. r. Plates. Oblong 12 Buenos Ayres, 1886 " Albatross." See United States, I : Ap- pendix 2. Alberdi, Juan Bautista. Organization de la Confederation Argentina. 2 vols. 8 Besancon, 1858 See Wheelwright. Alberius, Eug. Disquisitio de Galilei Galileii circa Jovis Satellites Lucubra- tionibus, qure in J. et R. Pittiana Palatina Bibliotheca adservantur. 8* Florence, 1843 Risposta sul preteso ritrovamento delle Effemeridi Galileiane dei Satelliti di Giove. 8* Marseilles, 1844 Ultime Parole a' suoi Galileiani sui Satelliti di Giove. 8* Bologna, N.D. "Albert." SeeMohn. Alberti, L. De Kafiers aan de Zuidkust van Afrika, Natuur en Geschiedkundig beschreven. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1810 Description Physique et Historique des Cafres, sur la Cote meridionale de 1'Afrique. Map and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1811 ALB ALE. Alberuni. An Account of the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws, and Astrology of India, about A.D. 1030. An English Edition, with Notes and Indices, by Dr Edward C. Sachau. 2 vols. 8 1888 Albornoz, Mariano Martin. Breves Apuntes sobre las Regiones Amazonicas. Map. 8* Lima, 1885 Albuquerque, Affonso d'. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 53, 55, 62, 69 ; Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; La- harpe, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. I , Book 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I ; A General Collection of Voyages, p. 610 : Appen- dix I. Alcazova, Simon de. See Burney, Vol. I ; Callander, Vol. I : Appendix i. Alcedo, Col. Don Antonio de. Geo- grahical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated from the Spanish, with large Additions and Compilations from Modern Voyages and Travels, and from original and authentic information, by G. A. Thomson. 5 vols. 4 1812 ' ' Alceste. " See Macleod, J. Alcock, Colonel. The Relative Power of Nations. 8* 1872 Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Elements of Japanese Grammar, for the use tf Beginners. Small folio Shanghai, 1851 The Capital of the Tycoon : a Nanative of a Three Years Residence in Japan. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1863 Art and Art Industries in Japan. Plates. 8 1878 See Margary ; Treacher. Alcock, T. Travels in Russia, Persia, Turkey, and Greece, in 1828-29. Map ami plate. [Not published.] 8 1831 See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix i. Aldersey, Laurence. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2, p. 547 : Appendix i. Alema, V. F. See Schmeller. Aleman, L. Grammaire elementaire de la Langue Quichee. 8* Copenhagen, 1885 "Alert" and " Discovery." See Nares. "Alert," H.M. Ship. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo- Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1881-82. Plates. 8 Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels from India to England, with a Visit lo the Burman Empire, and a Journey through Persia, Asia Minor, European Turkey, &c., in 1825-26. Maps and plates. 4 1827 - Visit to the Cavern Temples of Adjunta, in the East Indies. Plate. 4* 1829 Alexander, Sir J. E. Travels to the Seat of War in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829, with Sketches of the Impeiial Fleet and Aimy, &c. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1830 Transatlantic Sketches, compr'sing Visits to (he most Interesting Scenes in North and South Ameiica and the West Indies. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 1833 Narrative of a Voyage of Observation among the Colonies of Western Africa, and of a Campaign in Kaffir-Land, in 1835. Illustrated by Major Michell. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1837 Expedition of Discovery into the In'eii' r of Africa, through the hitherto undescribed Countries of the Great Na- maquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras. Map. 2 vols. 8 1838 L'Acadie ; or, Seven Years' Explora- tions in Biitish America. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1849 Notes on ihe Maories of New Zealand, with Suggestions for their Pacification and Preservation. 8* N.P., N.I). Alexander, J. H. International Coinage for Great Britain ar d the United States : a Note inscribed to the Hon. James A. Pearce. 8* Baltimore, 1855 International Coinage : a Note. 12* Oxford, 1857 An Inquiry into the English System of Weights and Measures. 12* Oxford, 1857 Alexander, Prof. W. D. A Brief History of Land Titles in the Hawaiian Kingdom. 8* Honolulu, 1882 A Brief Account cf the Hawaiian Government Survey, its Objects, Methods, and Results. 8* Honolulu, 1889 The Relations between the Hawaiian Islands and Spanish America in early times. 8* [Honolulu], 1892 Alexander, R. Note regarding the Population of Zillah Muttra. [From Selections from the India Records, N.W. Provinces, Vol. i] Allahabad, 1855 Alexander, Sir William. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10: Appendix i. Alexander VI., Pope. See Borgia ; also Purchas, Vol. I, Book 2 : Appendix I. Alexander the Great. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book I : Appendix I. Alexis, M. G. Methodologie theorique ( t appliquee de Geographic ; ou Manuel clu Maitre, etablissant la maniere de mettre en neuvre les differents ouvrages : manuels de 1'eleve, Exercices cartograph- iques, Atlas, Cartes murales, ecrites ou nineties, Tableau Carte, Reliefs, qui composent le Cours de Geographic. i rc . Partie, Theorie generate et applica- tion a la Geographic locale. New edition. 12 Liege, 1883 ALF ALL. Alfano, Guiseppe Maria. Compendio portatile di tutte Ie Dodici Provincie che compongono il Regno di Napoli. 12 Naples, 1798 Alfonso X., Regis F.omanorum et Castelle, Tabutoe Astronomicse. Opera et arte mirifica viri solertis Johanis Hamman de Landoia dictus Ilertzog. Blackletter. 2nd edition. [With correspondence re- specting the Astronomical Tables of King Alfonso the Tenth, of Leon and Castille, between Augustine of Olmutz and John Lucilius Santritter of Heil- brunn.] Small 4 Venice, 1492 Libros del Saber de Astronomia, copilados, anotados, y comentados por Don Manuel Rico y Sinobas. Plates. Vols. I and 2 (1863), 3 (1864), 4 (1866), 5 pt. 1(1867). Large folio Madrid Alford, C. J. Geological Features of the Transvaal, South Africa. Maps, &c. 8 1891 Alfred the Great. A Description of Europe, and the Voyages of Ohthere and Wulfsian, written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great ; with his Account of the Mediterranean Islands, of Africa, and of the History of the World to the year B.C. 1413, chiefly taken from Orosius : containing a Fac- simile Copy of the whole Anglo-Saxon Text from the Cotton MS., and also from the first part of the Lauderdale MS. ; a Printed Anglo-Saxon Text, based upon these MSS. ; and a Literal Engl ; sh Translation and Notes, by the Rev. Joseph Rosworth, D.D. 4 1855 See Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix I. Algar, F. A Hand-Book to the Colony of Victoria (Australia). 8 1869 Algazeli, Mahomet. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix i. Alhacen. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i : Appendix i. AH Bey. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1803-7. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1816 AH Mohammed Khan. Political and Statistical History of Gujarat, translated from the Persian, with Annotations and an Historical Introduction by J. Bird. Royal 8 J 1835 Alls, Harry [Hyppolite Percher]. A la Conquete du Tchad. (Le Figaro, Supple- ment Litteraire, No. 48.) Illustrations and map. 8* [Paris, 1890] La Mission Paul Crampel. (Supple- ment du Journal des Debats du Lundi i6Fevrier 1891.) Map. 8* [Paris, 1891] A la Conquete du Tchad. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1891 Alishan, L. M. D. Armenian Popular Songs, translated into English. 8* Venice, 1852 Introduction to the Geography of the Physical World and the Geography of Europe. [In Armenian.] Maps and woodcuts. 4 Venice, 1853 Le Haygh, sa Periode et sa Fete. 8* Paris, 1860 Physiographic de 1'Armenie. 8* Venice, 1861 Assises d'Antioche, reproduites en Francois et publiees au sixieme Cen- tenaire de la mort de Sempad le Connet- able, leur ancien traducteur Armenian. Dediees a I'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de France, par la Societe Mekhithariste de Saint-Lazare. [Trans- lated by Prof. Leon Alishan.] 4 Venice, 1876 Schirac, Canton d'Ararat, Pays de la Grande Armenie, Description Geographi- que, illustree (en Armenien). Maps and illustrations. 4 Venice, 1881 Sissouan, Description Physique, Geo- graphique, Historique, et Litteraire de la Cilicie Armenienne et Histoire de Leon le Magnifique. [Prospectus.] Illustra- tions. 4* Venue, 1885 Tableau Succinct de 1'Histoire et de la Litterature de 1'Armenie. 8* Venice, N.D. Allan, George. The Land of the Duallas. Notes of Life in the Cameroons. 12* Newrastle-upon-Tyne, 1885 Allan, William. Description of Direct Line Ipswich to Warwick (Brisbane to Sydney). Map. 4* 1890 Allart, Maurice. See Vsevolojsky. Allatif, Abd. See Pinkerton, Vol. 15: Appendix I. Alleizette, C. d'. See Vaillant. Allen, Charles H. A Visit to Queens- land and her Goldfields. 8 1870 See Gurney. Allen, Grant. Science in Arcady. 8 1892 Bates of the Amazons. (From the Fortnightly Review, for December 1892. ) Large 8* 1892 Allen, John. Speciminalchnographica; or, A Brief Narrative of several New Inven- tions and Experiments, particularly the Navigating a Ship in a Calm, the Im- provement of the Engine to Raise Water by Fire, &c. Plate. Small 4 1730 Allen, J. A. Catalogue of the Mammals of Massachusetts ; with a Critical Revision of the Species. 8 Cambridge, Mass., 1849 See United States, G, a: Appendix 2. ALL AMI. Allen, Lieut. Henry T. Report of an Expedition to the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk Rivers, in the Territory of Alaska, in the year 1885. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1887 Allen, Capt. William. The Dead Sea, a New Route for India. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1855 See Beck, William. Allen, Capt. W., and Dr T. R. H. Thomson. Narrative of the Expedition to the River Niger in 1841. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1848 Allen, W. Pessoa. Portugal e Africa. Primeira parte. A Questao do Zaire. 8* Lisbon, 1884 O Porto de Leixoes. 8* Lisbon, 1891 Allgemeine Historic . . . 1748-74. For full Title and Contents, see Appendix I. Allison. See Pinkerton, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Allman, Professor. The Method and Aim of Natural History Studies : being an Introduction to a Course of Lectures on Natural History, delivered to Work- ing Men in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. 8* Edinlmrgh, 1 868 Altnada, Andre Alvares d'. Tratado breve dos Rios de Guine do Cabo- Verde, desde o Rio do Sanaga ate aos Baixos de Sant' Anna, &c., 1594. Pub- licado por Diogo Kopke. Map. 8 Oporto, 1841 Almagro, Diego d' (or Almagrus Didacus). See Gottfried ; Laharpe, Vol. 10 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15: Appendix I. Almami Sanankoroh (or Almami Samodu), his Early Years and Con- quests. MS. Folio N.D. Almansor, Jacob. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Almaraz, Ramon. Memoria acerca de los Terrenos de Metlaltoyuca presentada al Ministerio de Fomento por la Comision exploradora. Plates. 8* Mexico, 1866 Almeida, A. J. P. d'. Principles de Geo- logia. Small folio* Coimbra, 1838 Almeida, A. Lopes da Costa. Roteiro Geral dos Mares, Costas, Ilhas, e Baixos recontrecidos no Globo. 8 Lisbon, 1845 Almeida, J. B. Ferreira d'. See Por- tugal, B : Appendix 2. Almeida, Manuel d'. See Gottfried ; Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Almeida, P. Camena d'. Les Pyrenees. 8 Paris, 1893 Almeida, Serra R. F. de. Geographical Description of the Captaincy of Matto Grosso. MS. 12* 1797 Almeyda (or D' Almeida), Francisco de. See Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i ; Collection of Voyages, p. 610 : Ap- pendix I, Alston, E. R. On the Mammalia of the West of Scotland. Compiled, with others, for the British Association Meeting, 1876. 12* Glasgow, 1876 Alt. See Brampton and Alt, in Eyries, Vol. 4 : Appendix I . Altamirano, Padre Diego Francisco. See Ballivian. Alured, Bishop. See Hakluyt, Vol 2 ; Kerr, Vol. i ; Gottfried : Appendix I. Alvarado, P. de. See Cortes ; also Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Alvarez, Francisco. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 64 ; Purchas, Vol. 2 ; Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix i. Alvarez, Pedro. See Ramusio, Vol. i : Appendix i. Alvear, Don Diego, i. Historical and Geographical Account of the Province of Misiones (Paraguay), by Don Diego Alvear, one of the Spanish Boundary Commissioners [MS. in Spanish]. 2. Description of various Provinces and Districts, chiefly in Upper Peru, under the Vice Roy of Buenos Aires, 1780 [MS. in Spanish]. 3. Account of the Population of the several Provinces of Chili and their Productions [MS. in Spanish]. Folio. N. p., N.D. See Angelis, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Alves, Capt. W. See Dalrymple, Reper- tory, Vol. i : Appendix i. Alviella, Comte G. d'. See Becker, J. ; also see Goblet d'Alviella. Amadas, Philip. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3, p. 549 : Appendix i. Amat di S. Filippo, Pietro. Delle Relazioni Antiche e Moderne fra 1'Italia e 1'India. Memoria premiata dalla Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Maps. 8 Rome, 1886 Amante, Fedele. Considerazioni sulle formole adoperate comunemente dai Geografi, per calcolare le posizioni Geografiche dei vertici dei triangoli geodetici. Plates. 4 Naples, 1837 Sulle formole da usarsi ne' calcoli geodetici per la riduzione degli angoli all' orizzonte della Stazione. 4 Naples, 1837 Atnari Michele. Bibliotheca Arabo- Sicula ossia raccolta di testi Arabici che toccano la Geografia, la Storia, le Bio- grafie, e la Bibliografia della Sicilia. 8 Leipzig, 1857 Amelineau, E. La Geographic de 1'Egypte a 1'Epoque Copte. Large 8 Paris, 1893 Americus Vespucius. See Vespucci. Amicis, E. de. Morocco, its People and Places. Translated byC. Rollin-Tilton. Plates. 4 N.D. AMI-AND. Amico et Statella, Vitti M. Lexicon Topographicum Siculum, in quo Sicilse Urbes, Oppida, cum vetusta, turn ex- tantia, Montes, Flumina, Portus, ad- jacentes Insulae, ac singula loca descri- buntur, illustrantur. Plans. 3 vols. in 6. 4 Palermo, 1757-60 Amigorena, J. F. de. See Angelis, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Amoretti. See Maldonado ; Pigafetta, A. Ampere, J. J. Voyage en Esjypte et en Nuliie. 8 Paris, 1868 Amrein, K. C. Marco Polo : Oeffent- licher Vortrag, gehalten in der Geograph- isch-Kommerziellen Gesellschaft in St Gallen. 8* Zurich, 1879 1889, Weltausstellung in Paris. Schweiz, geographische und cosmogra- phische Karten und Apparate, Klasse, 1 6. 8* Zurich, 1890 Amunategui, M. L. La Cuestion de Limites entre Chile i la Republica Argentina. Vols. 1-3. 4 Santiago, 1879-80 Anacharsis. Recueil de Cartes Geograph- iques, Plans, Vues, et Medailles de 1'Ancienne Grece, relatifs an Voyage du jeune Anacharsis. 2nd edition. 4" Paris, 1789 See Barthelemy. Anaman, Jacob Benjamin. Anaman's Gold Coast Almanack for 1890. [i Sheet.] Ancelle, J. Les Explorations au Senegal et dans les contrees voisines, depuis 1'Antiquite jusqu'a nos jours ; precede d'une Notice Ethnographique sur notre Colonie, par le General Faidherbe. Map. 12 Paris, 1886 Anchieta, Joseph de. See Colleccao de Noticias, Vol. I, p. 610: Appen- dix i. Andagoya (or Andagoza), Pascual de. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 34, Appendix I. Anderson, Adam. Historical and Chrono- logical Deduction of the Origin of Com- merce, from the Earliest Accounts, containing an History of the Great Commercial Interests of the British Empire ; to which is prefixed an Introduction, exhibiting a view of the Antient and Modern State of Europe, and of the Foreign and Colonial Com- merce, Shipping, Manufactures, Fisheries, &c., of Great Britain and Ireland, and their influence on the Landed Interest ; with Appendices on the Modern Politico- Commercial Geography of the several Countries of Europe. Maps, 4 vols. 4 1801 Anderson, Dr A. See Dalrymple, Oriental Repertory, Vol. I : Appendix I. Anderson, JEncas. A Narrative of the British Embassy to China, in the years 1792-94. 3rd edition. 8 1796 Anderson, A. H. Notes of a Journey to the Auriferous Quartz Regions of Southern India, with facts relating thereto. 12* 1880 Anderson, Andrew A. Twenty - five Years in a Waggon in the Gold Regions of Africa. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1887 Anderson, Benjamin. Narrative of a Journey to Mussardu, the Capital of the Western Mandingoes. Map. 12* Ne~v York, 1870 See Blyden. Anderson, Sir C. H. J. The Lincoln Pocket Guide : being a Short Account of the Churches and Antiquities of the County, and of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln, com- monly called the Minster. Map ami plan. 12 1880 Anderson, G. Remarks on the Hus- bandry and Internal Commerce of Bengal. 8 Calcutta, 1804 Anderson, H. L. Census of the Sawunt Waree State, for 1851. Census Table. [From the India Records, No. 10] Bombay, 1855 Anderson, Johann. Nachrichten von Island, Gronland, und der Strasse Davis. 8 Hamburg, 1746 Description Physique, Historique, Civile et Politique de 1'Islande. 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1764 Anderson, J. W. Notes of Travel in Fiji and New Caledonia, with some Remarks on South Sea Islanders and their Languages. Map ami plates. 8 1880 The Prospector's Handbook: aGuide for the Prospector and Traveller in Search of Metal - bearing or other Valuable Minerals. Illustrations. 12 1886 Anderson, James. Glaciation and Raised Beaches in Jura and Islay. (From the Trans. Geol. Soc., Glasgow, Vol. 8, Part 2.) 8* [Glasgow, 1888] Anderson, John. Observations on the Restoration of Banca and Malacca to the Dutch, as affecting the Tin Trade and General Commerce of Pinang, the Result of a Political and Commercial Mission to the States of Perak, Salengore, and Colong in 1818. 4 Prince of Wales Island, 1824 Mission to the East Coast of Sum- matra, in 1823, under the direction of the Government of Prince of Wales Island ; including Historical and De- scriptive Sketches of the Country . . . and a Visit to the Batta Cannibal States in the Interior. Maps and plates. 8 1826 Anderson, John. DuraDen: aMonograph of the Yellow Sandstone and its Remark- able Fossil Remains. Plates. 8 1859 AND. Anderson, John. A Report on the Ex- pedition to Western Yunan via Bhamo. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1871 Mandalay to Momein : a Narrative of the Two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875 under Colonel Edward B. Sladen and Colonel Horace Browne. Maps and plans. 8 1876 - The Selungs of the Mergui Archi- pelago. Plates. 8* 1890 English Intercourse with Siam in the Seventeenth Century. Map. 8 1890 Anderson, Richard. Lightning Con- ductors, their History, Nature, and Mode of Application. 3rd edition. Ilhistrations. 8 1885 Anderson, Major William. An Attempt to Identify some of the Places mentioned in the Itinerary of Hiuan Thsang. (Ex- tract from the Bengal Asiatic Journal.} 8* Calcutta, 1847 Anderson, Capt. W. C. Papers relative to the Introduction of revised Rates of Assessment into the Hoongoond and part of the Uthnee Talookas and (he Yadwar Mahal of the Gokak Talooka, all of the Belgaum Collectorate ; with an Appendix, bringing up the Revenue His- tory of these Districts to 1862-63. Map and diagrams, [From the India Selec- tions, No. 8 1.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1864 Andersson, Charles John. A Journey to Lake 'Ngami. 12* 1854 Lake 'Ngami, or Explorations and Discoveries during Four Years Warder- ings in the Wilds of South - Western Africa. Map and plates. Royal 8 1856 The Okavango River : a Narrative of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure. Plates. 8 1 86 1 Notes of Travel in South Africa. (Edited by L. Lloyd.) Plate. 8 1875 Andersson, N. J. See Virgin. Andia y Varela, Jose de. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix I. Andrada, J. Paiva de. Manica. Map. 8* 1891 Andrade, F. d'. Mt-moires sur les con- naissances scientifique de Don loam de Castro. 8* Paris, N.n. Andrade, J. I. Memoria dos Feitos Macaenses contra los Piratas da China, e da entrada violenta dos Inglezes na Cidade de Macao. 12 Lisbon, 1835 Andrade, Jeronimo Jose Nogueira d'. DescripcaS do estado, em que ficavao os Negocios da Capitania de Mossambique nos fins de Novembro de 1789; com algumas Observa9oens e Reflexoens sobre os mesmos Negocios e sobre as causas da Decadencia do Commercio e dos Estal'il- ecimentos Portuguezas na Costa Oriental d'Afiica, escripta no anno de 1790. MS. 4 Andrae, C. G. Den Danske Gradmaaling. Vols. I to 4. 4 Copenhagen, 1872-84 Problemes de haute Geodesic. 4* Copenhagen, N.D. i er Cahier : Formation et Calcul des Triangles geodesiques. 2 e Cahier : Calcul des Latitudes, des Longitudes, et des Azimuts sur le Spher- oi'de. 1882 3 e Cahier : Determination du Spher- oi'de Terrestre par la Combinaison des Mesures Geodesiques avec les Observa- tions Astronomiques. Plate 1883 Andreas, F. C. See Stolze. Andree, Karl. Geographic des Welt- handels : mit geschichtlichen Erlauter - ungen. Erster Band, zweite Auflage. Durchgesehen und erganzt von Richard Andree. Portrait. 8 Stuttgart, 1877 ZweiterBand. Die aussereuropaischen Erdtheile. 8 Stuttgart, 1872 - DritterBand. Europa,bearbeitet von II. Glogau, T. Minoprio, Lorenz Brauer, M. Haushofer, Jos. Fischer: erstellalfte, eMer Theil. 8 Stuttgart, 1877 DritterBand. Europa, zweite Halfte, bearbcitet von Dr Max Haushofer. 8 Stuttgart, 1877 Andree, Richard. Ethnographische Paral- lelen und Vergleiche. Plates. 8 Stuttgart, 1878 and E. Deckert. llandels- und Verkehrs- Geographic. Lehrbuch fiir Handelsschulen und verwandte Lehr- anstalten. Bearbeitet von Emil Deckert. Zugleich zweite Auflage von Richard Andree's Handels- und Verkehrs- Geo- graphic. 8 Stuttgart, 1882 Andreossy, Comte. Voyage a 1'em- bouchure de la Mer-Noire, ou Essai sur la Bosphore. 8 Paris, 1818 Andrew, John A. Address to the Two Branches of the Legislature of Massa- chusetts, 8th January 1864; together with accompanying Documents. 8* Boston, Mass., 1864 Andrew, Sir W. P. The Scinde Railway and its Relations to the Euphrates Valley and other Routes to India. Maps. 8* 1856 - Memoir on the Euphrates Valley Route to India, with Official Corres- pondence. Maps. 8 J 857 - The Indus and its Provinces, their Political and Commercial Importance considered in connection with Improved Means of Communication. Maps. 8 1857 - Port of Kurrachee : Depth of Water, and Commerce, 1856-57. Map. 8* 1857 - The Punjaub Railway : a Selection from Official Correspondence regarding the Introduction of Railways into the Punjaub. Map. 8* 1857 AND ANS. ii Andrew, Sir W. P. Letter to Sir Stafford H. Northcote on the Euphrates Valley- Railway. Folio * 1867 On the Completion of the Railway System of the Valley of the Indus. A Letter to His Grace the Duke of Argyll. Maps. 8* 1869 The Euphrates Route to India. Letters Addressed to the British and Turkish Governments, &c. 8* 1871 The Euphrates Valley Route to India in connection with the Central Asian Question. Map. 8* 1873 - The Bolan and Khyber Railways. Reprinted from the Times. With a Memorandum by Sir Henry Green on Portable Railways in Military Opera- tions. Small 8* 1879 Euphrates Valley Route to India. Map. Large 8* 1880 Our Scientific Frontier. Map. 8 1880 Andrews, Capt. Journey from Buenos Ayres through the Provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta to Potosi, thence by the Deserts of Caranja to Arica, and to Santiago de Chili and Coquimbo. 2 vols. 8 1827 Andrews, C. C. Brazil, its Condition and Prospects. 8 New York, 1887 Andrews, John. Historical Atlas of Eng- land, Physical, Political, Astronomical, Civil and Ecclesiastical, Biographical, Naval, Parliamentary, and Geographical, Ancient and Modern, from the Deluge to the Present Time. [Imperfect, and no maps.] 4 1797 See Dalrymple, Oriental Repertory, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Andrews, J. R. Life of Oliver Crom- well, to the Death of Charles the First. 8 1870 Andrews, W. H. C. A Pamphlet and Map of Southern Morocco; or, " Siis " and the " Ait Bon Amaran." 8* 1884 Andros, A. C. Pen and Pencil Sketches of a Holiday Scamper in Spain. Map and plates. 8 1860 Angas, George French. Australia : a Popular Account of its Physical Features, Inhabitants, Natural History, and Produc- tions, with the History of its Colonisa- tion. Map. 8 N. D. Polynesia : a Popular Description ot the Physical Features, Inhabitants, Natural History, and Productions of the Islands of the Pacific ; with an Account of their Discovery, and of the Progress of Civilisation and Christianity amongst them. Map. 8" [1866] Angel, Manuel Uribe. Geografia General y Compendio Historico del Estado de Antioquia en Colombia. Maps and plates. Large 8 Paris, 1885 Angelis, Pedro de. Biographia del Seiior General Arenales y Juicio sobre la memoria historica de su segunda Campafia a la Sierra del Peru en 1821. Maps. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1832 Coleccion de Obras y Documentos relatives a la Historia, Antigua y Moderna, de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata. 6 vols. Folio Buenos Ayres, 1836-37 For Contents, see Appendix i. Historical Sketch of Pepys' Island, in the South Pacific Ocean. Plate. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1842 Memoria Historica sobre los Derechos de Soberania y Dominio de la Con- federacion Argentina a la Parte Austral del Continente Americano, comprendida entre las Costas del Oceano Atlantico y la Gran Cordillera de los Andes, desde la Boca del Rio de la Plata, hasta el Cabo de Hornos, inclusa la Isla de los Estados, la Tierra del Fuego, y el Estrecho de Magellanes en toda su extension. Royal 8* Buenos Ayres, 1852 See Parish. Angelo, M. See Astley, Vol. 3; Churchill, Vol. i; Pinkerton, Vol. 16; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Angelos, Chr. See Purchas, Vol. i,Book i : Appendix i. Angiolello, G. M. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Ankel, Otto. Grundziige der Landesnatur des Westjordanlandes. Entwurf einer Monographic des Westjordanischen Paliistina, mit einem Vorworte von Prnf. Dr Th. Fischer. 8 Frankfort, 1887 Annandale, Charles. Scotland in Pre- historic Times : a Brief Summary of what is known regarding the Country and its Inhabitants in times anterior to the Roman Invasion. Illustrations. Large 8* 1892 Annenkoff, Lieut. -Gen. M. N. See H eyfelder. Anrique, R. Nicolas. Diario del Coman- dante Benjamin Muiioz Gamero a los lagos de Llanquihue, Todos-Santos, y Nahuelhuapi en 1849 ; con una intro- duccion biografica. 8* Valparaiso, 1893 See Beranger. Anselmi, T. Grande e Complete Trat- tato di Pronunzia Inglese. Small 8 Naples, 1867 Anson, George, Lord. An Authentic Account of his Expedition, &c. 8 1744 - Voyage Round the World, 1704-44, compiled from Papers and other Materials of Lord Anson, and published under his direction by Richard Walter, Chaplain of H. M.S. "Centurion." Plates. 2 vols. 4 1748 Life of. By Sir John Barrow. Por- trait. 8" 1839 ANS APR Anson, George, Lord. See Burney, Vol. 5 ; Callander, Vol. 3; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 11 ; World Displayed, Vol. 7 ; New Collection, Vol. 3 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix i. Ansted, D. T. Physical Geography. 4th edition. Maps. 12 1870 and Robert Gordon Latham. The Channel Islands ; with Illustrations by P. J. Naftel. 8 1862 "Antelope." Narrative of the Shipwreck of the " Antelope," East India pacquet, on the Pelew Islands, situated on the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean, in August 1783. Plates. 12 Perth, 1788 Anthony of Armenia. See Haitho. Antillon, Don Isidore. Geographic Phy- sique et Politique de 1'Espagne et du Portugal. 8 Paris, 1823 Antinori, Orazio. Sopra alcuni resti di Citta antiche tuttora esistenti in Tunisia nella Provincia del Fas-el-Riah. Due lettere. See Gubernatus, E. de : Lettere sulle Tunisia, &c. 16 Florence, 1867 See Petermann and Hassenstein ; Inner Afrika, No. 10. Antipow, Q. See Baer and Helmersen, Vol. 22. Antonelli. See Italy, A : Appendix 2. Antonescu-Remusi, P. S. Dictionar Geografic al Judetului Vlasca. 8 Bucharest, 1891 Anuchin, D. N. Contributions to the 1 1 istory of theKnowledge of Siberia before Yennak. [In Russian.] 4 Moscow, 1890 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Proposition d'une Mesure de la Terre, dont il resulte une diminution considerable dans sa circonference sur les Paralleles. Map. 12 Paris, 1735 Eclaircissemens geographiques sur la Carte de 1'Inde. 4* Parts, 1753 A Geographical Illustration of the Map of India. Translated from the French of Mons. d' Anville . . ; with some Ex- planatory Notes and Remarks by William Herbert. Map. 4 1759 Index ad Specimen Geographicum (to facilitate reference to d'Anville's Map of Ancient Greece). 4 1762 Considerations generales sur 1'etudeet les connoissances que demande la com- position des ouvrages de Geographic. Small 8 Paris, 1777 Dissertation sur les Sources du Nil, pour prouver qu'on ne les a point encore decouvertes. 4* [Paris, N.D.] Memoire concernant les Rivieres de 1'interieur de 1'Afrique, sur les notions tirees des Anciens et des Modernes. 4* [Paris, N.D.] Memoire sur les mesures du Schene Egyptien et du Stade qui servoit a le composer. 4* [Paris, N.D.] Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'. Discussion de la mesure de la Terre par Eratosthene. 4* [Paris, N.D.] L'Euphrate et le Tigre. Map. 4* Paris, 1779 Notices des Ouvrages de, precedees de son Eloge par M. Dacier. 8* Paris, 1802 Compendium of Ancient Geography. Translated from the French, with Pro- legomena and Notes by the Translator. Maps. 2 vols. 8 1810 CEuvres. Publiees par M. de Manne. Portrait and map. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1834 Vol. I. Connoissances Geographiques Generales : Traite et Memoires sur les Mesures Anciennes et Modernes : avec Table Analytique des Matieres, et cartes qui s'y rapportent. Vol. 2. Memoire et Abrege de Geo- graphic Ancienne et Generate, avec Table et Nomenclature des Noms de Lieux Anciens et Denominations Modernes correspondantes, suivis des cartes qui s'y rapportent. Aoust, Virlet d'. Coup d'ceil general sur la Topographic et la Geologic du Mexique et 1'Amerique Centrale. 8* Paris, 1865 - Les Origines du Nil. 8* Paris, 1872 Apel, F. H. Drei Monate in Abyssinien und Gefangenschaft unter Konig Theo- dorus II. 8* Zurich, 1866 Apianus, Petrus, and Gemma Frisius. Cosmographia, sive Descriptio Universi Orbis ; adjecti sunt alii, turn Gemma.' Frisii, turn aliorum Auctorum ejus ar- gumenti Tractatus ac Libelli varii, quorum seriem versa pagina demonstrat. Woodcuts and diagrams, some movable. Small folio. Antwerp, 1 584 Apollonius Rhodius, The Argonautics of. By Francis Fawkes. Frontispiece. 8 1780 Apostolides, S. Our Lord's Prayer, in One Hundred different Languages, &c. 12 [1869] Appell, J. W. Monuments of Early Christian Art. Sculptures and Cata- comb Paintings. Illustrative Notes, collected in order to promote the repro- duction of remains of Art belonging to the early centuries of the Christian Era. 8 1872 Appleton's General Guide to the United States and Canada. Illustrated with Railway Maps, Plans of Cities, and Table of Railway and Steamboat Fares. 12 Edinburgh, 1892 See Conkling. APP ARE. Appun, Carl Ferdinand. Unter den Tropen : Wanclerungen clurch Venezuela, am Orinoco, durch Britisch Guyana and am Amazonenstrome in den Jahren 1849- 68. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Jena, 1871 Aragao, A. C. T. de. Breve Noticia sobre o Descobrimento da America. Large 8* Lisbon, 1892 Arago, M. F. Instructions relatives au Voyage de Circumnavigation de la Bonite. 4 Paris, 1835 Lettre a M. A. de Humboldt, sur les Precis d'Astronomie de M. de Ponte- coulant, et 1'Academie des Sciences. 8* Paris, 1840 Arago, J. Promenade autour du Monde pendant 1817-20, sur les corvettes 1'Uranie et la Physicienne, commandees par M. Freycinet. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1822 Aramayo, A. Extracts from a Work on Bolivia by Avelino Aramayo, pub- lished in London in 1863. 8* 1874 Aramon, D'. Le Voyage de Monsieur D'Aramon, Ambassadeur pour le Roy en Levant. Escript par Noble Horn me Jean Chesneau, public et annote par Ch. Schefer. (Recueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Geographic. . . . Public sous la direction de Ch. Schefer et H. Cordier.) Vol. 8. Illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1887 Arana, D. B. Historia de la Guerra del Pacirico (1879-80). Maps. 8 Santiago, 1880 The same. Tomo II. (1880-81). Map and plan. 8" Santiago, 1881 Vida e Viagens de Fernao de Magal- haes. Traduccao de Hespanhol de Fernando de Magalhaes Villas - Boas. Com um Appendice original. Map. 8 Lisbon, 1881 Aranha, Brito. Subsidies para a Historia do Jornalismo nas Provincias ultramarinas Portuguezas. 8 Lisbon, 1885 Aranzadi, Telesforo de. Ateneo de Madrid : Fauna Americana. 4 Madrid, 1892 Arata, P. See Peragallo. Araujo Porto Alegre, Manoel de. Co- lombo : Poema. Large 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1892 Arber, Edward. See Howell, J. Arbousset, Thomas, and F. Daumas. Relation d'un Voyage d'exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Capde Bonne- Esperance en 1836. Map and plates. Paris, 1842 Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the North-east of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Translated by John Croumbie Brown. 8 Cape Town, 1846 Arbuthnot, Alex. J. Papers relating to Public Instruction, comprising a Memo- randum of the Proceedings of the Madras Government in the Department of Public Instruction ; with an Appendix. [From the India Records, No. 2.] Royal 8 Madras, 1855 Report on Public Instruction in the Madras Presidency for 1855-56. [From the India Selections, No. 35.] Tables. Royal 8 Madras, 1856 Arbuthnot, Lieut. G. Herzegovina, or Omer Pasha and the Christian Rebels ; with a Brief Account of Servia, its Social, Political, and Financial Condition. Maps and plates. 8 1862 Archbell, James. Grammar of the Bech- uana Language. 8 Grahamstown, 1837 Archer, Gabriel. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Archer, Lieut. Joseph. Statistical Sur- vey of the County of Dublin, with Obser- vations on the Means of Improvement. Map. 8 Dublin, 1801 Archer, Major. Tours in Upper India, and in Parts of the Himalaya Mountains. 2 vols. 8 1833 Archer, W. H. Statistical Notes on the Progress of Victoria from the Foundation of the Colony, 1835-60. First Series. 4 Melbourne, 1861 Statistical Register of Victoria, from the Foundation of the Colony ; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855. 8 Melbourne, 1854 See Victoria, C : Appendix 2. Archer, Hon. W. See Whiting. Archer, W. J. Report of a Journey in the Vice-Consular District of Chiengmai, Siam. Maps. Folio* 1888 Extracts from a Journal kept on a Visit to Chiengtung in May and June 1888. Map. Folio* 1889 Report on a Journey in the Me-Kong Valley. Map. Folio* 1892 Archer, William. See Nansen. Archiac, Viscount d'. See Sedgwick and Murchison ; Tchihatchef. Archibald, E. D. See Symons. Arconati, Viscount G. Diario di un Viaggio in Arabia Petrea (1865)^. 4. Maps and photographs. Atlas. 4 Turin, 1872 Ardoino, A. See Cabeza de Vaca. Ardouin, B. Etudes sur 1'Histoire d'Haiti, suivies de la Vie du General^ J. M. Borgella. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 Paris, 1853 Arenales, General. Biografia, y Juicio sobre la Memoria Historica de su scgunda campana a la Sierra del Peru en 1821. Por P. de Angelis. Maps. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1832 ARE ARN. Arendarenko, . Darwaz and Karate- ghin. [Russian Abstract.] From the Russian Military Journal, for November and December 1883. 4* 1884 Argal (or Argoll), Sir Samuel. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. Argout, Maurice d'. See Rees. Argovie, J. Muller d'. See France, B : Appendix 2. "Ariel." See Glen. Arias, Don F. G. See Angelis, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Arias, Juan Luis. Sec Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25 : Appendix I. Aristotle, The Life and Writings of. By P^rederick A. Trendelenburg ; trans- lated from the German by G. Long. 8 N.D. Armas, Juan Ignacio de. Les Cranes dits deformes : Memoire lu en Espagnol a la Societe Anthropologique de la Havane, le i er Novembre 1885. 8* Havana, 1885 Armenio, R. A Liberta5ao des Ra$as de Cor por uma revolu^ao na applica^ao das Machinas a Vapor. Relatorio das Con- ferenias Scientificas pelo rapido atraves- sador dos Desertos e das Savanas. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1873 Armentia, Padre Nicolas. Biblioteca Boliviana de Geografia e Historia. I. Navegacion del Madre de Dios. Map. 8 La Paz, 1887 See Ballivian. Arminjon, V. F. II Giappone e il Viaggio della corvetta "Magenta" nel 1866. Map. 8 Genoa, 1869 Armit, R. H. The Wind in his Circuits ; with the Explanation of the Origin and Cause of Circular Storms and Equinoctial Gales. Diagrams and chart. 8" 1870 Light as a Motive Power : a Series of Meteorological Essays. Vol I. Plates. 8 1875 The History of New Guinea and the Origin of the Negroid Race : a Resume of Past Exploration, Future Capabilities, and the Political, Commercial, and Moral Aspect of the Island. 8* 1876 Armit, Capt. W. E. Armit's Expedition into New Guinea. (Cuttings from the Melbourne Argus.} Maps. 4* 1883 Armstrong, Alex. Personal Narrative of the Discovery of the North- West Passage, with Incidents of Travel and Adventure during nearly Five Years' Service in the Arctic Regions, while in Search of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. Map and plate. 8 1857 Armstrong, A. Shantung (China) : a General Outline of the Geography and History of the Province, &c. Map and illustration. Small 4 Shanghai, 1891 Armstrong, James, John Young, and David Robertson. Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils ; with Intro- duction by Professor Young. Compiled for the British Association Meeting, 1876. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Armstrong, John, R.E. History of the Island of Minorca. Map and plates. 8" 1752 Arnaud, d'. Documents et Observa- tions sur le Cours du Bahr-el-Abiad, ou du Fleuve Blanc, et sur quelques autres points de Geographic. Map. 8* Paris, 1843 - See Jomard. Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by Cara- van. 2 vols. 8 1877 Arnold, E. Sec Nicholls, K. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Seas and Lands [Travels]. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 8 1891 Arnold, R. Arthur. From the Levant, the Black Sea, and the Danube. 2 vols. 8 1868 Arnold, Dr Thomas. History of Rome. Vol. 2. 8 1840 - The Second Punic War : being Chapters of the History of Rome. Edited by William T. Arnold. Maps. Crown 8 1886 Arnold, Mrs William. See Lebon and Pelet. Arnot, F. S. From the Zambesi to Benguella. Extracts from the Diary and Letters of Frederick Stanley Arnot, 1884. Map. 16* Glasgow [1885] --- Among the Garenganze in Central Africa : being the Diary and Letters of Fred. Stanley Arnot, from March to Sep- tember 1886. Map and illustration. 12* [1887] -- Garenganze, No. 2. Six Months more Among the Garenganze : Letters from September 1886 to March 1887 of Fred. Stanley Arnot. Map and illustration. 12* [1887] - Garenganze, or Seven Years' Pioneer Mission Work in Central Africa. Maps and illustrations. 8 -- Bihe and Garenganze, or Four Years' Further Work and Travel in Central Africa. 8 [1893] Arnot, Sandford. See Asia, General : Appendix 2. Arnott, F. S. Report on the Hill Fort of Powagur, in the Rewa Kanta, pre- pared June 1838. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 ARR AST. Arrian. Expeditionis Alexandri libri septem, et Historia Indica, ex Bonav. Vulcanii Interpretatione Latina, post variam aliorum industriam, ita lacunis vel cognitis vel ignotis etiamnum et obscuris supj>letis, ita Auctoris in Grsecse Lingure native usu pnestantia et facultate restituta ex plurium Manuscriptorum et pisesertim unius optimi collatione, ut nunc demun prodire hie autor videri debeat, opera J. Gronovii. (Gr. et. Lat.) Portrait. Folio Leyden, 1704 History of Alexander's Expedition. Translated by Rooke. To which is pre- fixed Mr Leclerc's Criticism upon Quintus Curtius. Map. 2 vols. 8 1729 Voyage round the Euxine Sea. Translated by W. and T. Falconer. Maps and plates. 4 Oxford, 1805 See Ramusio, Vols. i, 2 ; Vincent, Vol. I : Appendix i. Arriens, N. A. T. Aanteekeningen om- trent eenige vulkanen van den Indischen Archipel. Map. 8* [Batavia, 1865] Arrow, Sir Frederick. A Fortnight in Egypt at the Opening of the Suez Canal. Map. 8* 1869 Arroyo, Jose Miguel. Resena de los trabajos cientificos de la Sociedad Mexi- cana de Geografia y Estadistica en el ano de 1865. [Sep. Cop. from Bol. Soc. Mex. Geogr. y Estad., Tom. 12, No. i.] Large 8* Mexico, 1865 Artaria. 6V. B. . . ., J. M. H. Itineraire du Royaume d'Alger. 8 Toulon, 1830 B. . . ., M. V. From London to Lahore. By M. V. B. Map. 8* 1868 Babbage, B. H. The Currents of the Air and the Ocean. Nos. I, 2, 3. 4* Adelaide, 1869 Babbage, Charles. Tables of Logarithms of the Natural Numbers I to 108,000. 2nd edition. 8 1831 See Quetelet. Babbs, R. The Gold Fields of South Africa, and the way to reach them. 12* N.D. Baber. Memoirs of Zehir-ed-Din Mu- hammed Baber, Emperor of Hindustan, written by himself, in the Jaghatai Turki. Translated byj. Leydenand W. Erskine, with Notes and a Geographical and His- torical Introduction ; together with a map of the countries between the Oxus and Jaxartes, and a Memoir regard- ing its construction by C. Waddington. Map. 4 1826 Baber, E. Colborne. Notes on the Road through Western Yunnan, from Tali to T'eng-yu'eh. [Foreign Office Publica- tion.] Folio* 1877 Report on the Route followed by Mr Grosvenor's Mission between Tali-hi and Momein. Map. [Parly. Rep.] Folio* 1878 Report on a Journey to Ta-Chien-Lu. [Parly. Rep.] Folio* 1879 Travels and Researches in Western China. R. G. S. Supplementary Papers. Vol. I. Maps. Large 8 1886 See Gill, W. ; Lacouperie. Babinet, J. Atlas Universel de Geo- graphic, systeme Ilomalographique. Woodcuts. 4* Paris, 1855 Babington, B. G. See Asia, General : Appendix 2. Babst, J. J. See Danckwerth. "Bacchante" Cruise. The Cruise of Her Majesty's ship " Bacchante," 1879- 82. Compiled from the Private Jour- nals, Letters, and Note-Books of Prince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wales, with Additions by John N. Dalton. 2 vols. Maps, charts, plans, and illustra- tions. 8 1886 Bach, J. F. Introduction & la Connais- sance des Montagnes, Vallees, Lacs, et Rivieres de la Suisse ; pour servir a 1' Explication de la Carte en Relief de Bauerkeller. Revu par J. B. B. Eyries. 8* Paris, 1842 Bach, Mauricio. Descripcion de la Nueva Provincia de Otuquis en Bolivia. Map. 4* Buenos Ay res, 1843 Ditto. 2nd edition. 4* Buenos Ayres, 1843 Reimpresion Publicada per el Dr Antonio Quijarro. Map. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1885 Bache, Prof. A. D. Report on an Application of the Galvanic Circuit to an Astronomical Clock and Telegraph Register in determining Local Differ- ences of Longitude, and in Astronomical Observations generally. 8* 1849 Notices of the Western Coast of the United States. U.S. Coast Survey, Dec. 1850. 8* Washington, 1851 Additional Notes of a Discussion of Tidal Observations made in connection with the Coast Survey at Cat Island, Louisiana. Plan. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1852 Tide Tables for the principal Sea- ports of the U.S. 8* New York, 1855 The Tides of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the U.S., the Gulf Stream, and the Earthquake Waves of Dec. 1854. Maps. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1856 Tide Tables for ihe Use of Navigators, prepared from the Coast Survey Obser- vations. Map. 8* New York, 1857 On the Heights of the Tides of the United States, from Observations in the Coast Survey. Plates. 8* Washington, 1858 Lecture on the Gulf Stream. Plans. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1860 On the Influence of the Moon on the Declination of the Magnetic Needle. Plate. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1861 Records and Results of a Magnetic Survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent States, in 1840-41.' 8* Washington, 1863 On the Heights of the Tides of the United States ; on the Winds of the Western Coast; and on the Measurement of a Base on Epping Plains, Maine, U.S. Plates. 8* V.P., V.D. Bachmaier, A. Dictionnaire Pasigra- phique, precede de la grammaire. 12" Augsburg, 1868 Pasigraphisches Worterbuch zum Gebrauche fur die deutsche Sprache. Augsburg, 1868 Pasigraphical Dictionary and Gram- mar. 12 1871 Bachmann, Prof. J. See Fellenberg. Back, Capt. Sir G. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833-35. Map and plates. 8 1836 BAG BAD. Back, Capt. Sir G. Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. " Terror," under- taken with a view to Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores, in 1836-37. Map and plates. 8 1838 Backer, Louis de. See Rubriques. Backhoff, F. I. See Churchill, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Backhouse, James. Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. Maps and plates. 8 1843 Backstrom, . Voyage to Spitzbergen. See Pinkerton, Vol. i: Appendix i. Bacon, Francis. See Verulam. Bacon, Roger. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i : Appendix I. Bacon, Thomas. First Impressions and Studies from Nature in Hindostan ; em- bracing an Outline of the Voyage to Calcutta, and Five Years' Residence in Bengal and the Doab, from MDCCCXXXI. to MDCCCXXXVI. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1837 Baddeley, P. F. H. Whirlwinds and Dust-Storms of India : an Investigation into the Law of Wind and Revolving Storms at Sea. Plates. 2 vols. Royal 8 1860 Baddeley, M. J. B. Guides by. Thorough Guide Series. Maps and plans. 12 The Peak District of Derbyshire and Neighbouring Counties. 3rd edition 1884 The English Lake District. 3rd edition 1884 Ditto. 5th edition 1889 The Highlands of Scotland (as far as Stornoway, Lochinver, and Lairg), with a full Description of the various Routes from England and the principal places of interest upon them, including Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melrose, and the Falls of Clyde. 1881 Scotland. Part I. Edinburgh, Glas- gow, and the Highlands as far north as Aberdeen, Inverness, Gairloch, and Stornoway, with a full Description of the various approaches and chief places of interest in the Lowlands, ist edition 1885 Ditto. 5th edition 1887 Scotland, Part 2. The Northern Highlands. Containing a full Descrip- tion of Aberdeen, Inverness, Loch Maree, and Gairloch, and of the Mainland north of those places in the Counties of Aber- deen, Banff, Elgin, and Nairn, Inver- ness, Ross, Cromarty, Sutherland, and Caithness. 1st and 3rd editions 1883-86 Scotland. Part 3. The " Lowlands," including Edinburgh and Glasgow and all Scotland south of those places 1886 Baddeley's Guides continued. Ireland. Part I. Northern Counties, including Dublin and Neighbourhood. 1887 [For Part 2, see Ward, C. S.] Baddeley, M. J. B., and C. S. Ward. North Wales. Parti. Chester, Rhyl, Llandudno, Bangor, Llanrwst, Bettws- y-Coed, Carnarvon, Llanberis, Bedd- gelert, and Ffestiniog Sections 1887 Part 2. Llangollen, Bala, Dolgelley, Barmouth, Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Welsh- pool, Llanidloes, Machynlleth, and Aberystwith Sections 1885 South Wales and the Wye District of Monmouthshire 1886 South Devon and South Cornwall, including Dartmoor and the Scilly Isles. 2nd edition 1885 Ditto. 3rd edition 1889 [For North Devon, &c., and for other Guides of the Series, see Ward, C. S.] Baden-Powell, B. H. Handbook of the Economic Products of the Punjab, with a Combined Index and Glossary of Technical Vernacular words. Vol I. Economic Raw Produce. [By ' ' Baden H. Powell."] Plates. 8 Roorkee, 1868 Handbook of the Manufactures and Arts of the Punjab. Forming Vol. 2 to the " Handbook of the Economic Pro- ducts of the Punjab." Plates. 8 Lahore, 1872 Baden- Powell, B. F. S. In Savage Isles and Settled Lands : Malaysia, Austral- asia, and Polynesia, 1888-91. Map and illustrations. 8 1 892 Baden-Powell, G. S. New Homes for the Old Country : a Personal Experi- ence of the Political and Domestic Life, the Industries, and the Natural History of Australia and New Zealand. Map and plates. 8 1872 Baden-Powell, W. Canoe Travelling : Log of a Cruise on the Baltic, and Practical Hints on Building and Fitting Canoes. Map and illustrations. Small 8 1871 Badger, Rev. George Percy. Descrip- tion of Malta and Gozo. Maps and plates. 12 Malta, 1838 - The Nestorians and their Rituals, with the Narrative of a Mission to Meso- potamia and Coordistan in 1842-44, and a Visit in 1850. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1852 Description of Malta and Gozo, im- proved on that by George Percy Badger. Map and illustrations. 12 Malta, 1858 Visit to the Isthmus of Suez Canal Works. Map. 8* 1862 See Hakluy t Soc. Publ. , 44 : Ap- pendix i. Badgley, J. See Roussin. BAD BAE. 21 Badia, lodoco Del. See Dante, Ignatius. Baedeker, K. Handbooks for Travellers. Maps and plans. 12 Leipzig and London Mittel- und Nord-Deutschland 1872 Northern Germany. (5th edition) 1873 Ditto. (Qth edition) 1886 Ditto, (roth edition) 1890 Siid-Deutschland und Oesterreich. (i6th edition) 1873 Southern Germany and Austria, in- cluding the Eastern Alps. (3rd edition) 1873 Siid-Baiern, Tirol und Salzburg, Steier- mark, Karnthen, Krain und Istrien. (l6th edition) 1874 Southern Germany and Austria, in- cluding Hungary and Transylvania. (6th edition) 1887 - Ditto. (7th edition) 1891 The Eastern Alps, including the Bava- rian Highlands, The Tyrol, Salzkam- mergut, Styria, and Carinthia. (4th edition) 1879 - Ditto, with Carniola, and Istria. (6th edition) 1888 Ditto. (7th edition) 1891 Oesterreich und Ungarn. (i6th edi- tion) 1873 Les Eords du Rhin, depuis Bale jusqu'a la frontiere de Hollande. Coblenz, 1864 Die Rheinlande von der Schweizer bis zur Hollandischen Grenze. ( i8th edition) 1874 The Rhine from Rotterdam to Con- stance. (5th edition) 1873 Ditto. (8th edition) 1882 Ditto. (loth edition) 1886 Ditto, (i i th edition) 1889 Ditto. (i2th edition) 1892 Belgien und Holland. (i2th and I3th editions) 1873-75 Belgium and Holland. (4th edition) 1875 Ditto. (8th edition) 1885 Ditto, (gth edition) 1888 Ditto, (roth edition) 1891 Ditto. Including the grand Duchy of Luxembourg (nth edition) 1893 Die Schweiz, nebst den angrenzenden Theilen von Ober-Italien, Savoyen und Tirol. (i5th and i6th editions) 1873-75 Switzerland, and the adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol 1867 Ditto. (6th edition) 1873 Ditto. (7th and 8th editions) 1877 Ditto, (nth edition) 1885 - Ditto. (i3th edition) 1889 Ditto. (i4th edition.) Maps, plans, and panoramas. 12 1891 Ditto. ( 1 5th edition) 1893 Baedeker's Handbooks continued. Paris and its Environs, with Routes from London to Paris, and from Paris to the Rhine and Switzerland. (4th edition) 1874 Le Nord de la France jusqu'a la Loire, excepte Paris 1884 Northern France from Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire, ex- cluding Paris and its Environs 1889 Le Midi de la France depuis la Loire et y compris la Corse 1885 Southern France 1891 Italien. Erster Theil. Ober-Italien bis Livorno, Florenz, und Ravenna, nebst Ausflug nach Nizza und nach Ajaccio (Corsica). (i2th edition) 1889 Zweiter Theil. Mittel-Italien und Rom. (gth edition) Dritter Theil. Unter - Italien und Sicilien, nebst Ausfliigen nach den Liparischen Inseln, Sardinien, Malta, Tunis, und Corfu, (gth edition) 1889 Italy. First Part : Northern Italy, including Leghorn, Florence, and An- cona, and the Island of Corsica. (3rd edition) 1874 Northern Italy, including Leg- horn, Florence, Ravenna, the Island of Corsica, and Routes through France, Switzerland, and Austria. (7th edition) 1886 - Ditto. (8th edition) 1889 - Ditto, (gth edition) 1892 Second Part : Central Italy and Rome. (4th edition) 1875 Second Part : Central Italy and Rome, (gth edition) 1886 - Ditto. (loth edition) 1890 Italy. Second Part : Central Italy and Rome, (i ith edition. ) Maps, plans, &-'f. 1893 - Third Part : Southern Italy, Sicily, and Excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Athens. (5th edition) 1875 Third Part : Southern Italy and Sicily, (gth edition) 1887 Ditto. (loth edition) 1890 Palaestina und Syrien 1875 Palestine and Syria 1876 Palestine and Syria. (2nd edition.) Maps, plan, and panorama 1894 [1893] /Egypten, Erster Theil : Unter- /Kgypten bis zum Fayiim, und die Sinai- Halbinsel 1877 Zweiter Theil : Ober-/Egypten und Nubien bis zum zweiten Katarakt 1891 Egypt. First Part : Lower Egypt, with the Fayiim and the Peninsula of Sinai 1878 Ditto. (2nd edition) 1885 Second Part: Upper Egypt 1892 22 BAE. Baedeker's Handbooks continued. Great Britain : England, Wales, and Scotland as far as Loch Maree and the Cromarty Firth 1887 - Ditto. (2nd edition) 1890 Griechenland 1883 Greece Ditto. (and edition.) Maps and plans 1894 [1893] London and its Environs. (6th edition) 1887 Ditto. (8th edition.) Maps and plans. 12 1892 Norway and Sweden. (3rd edition) 1885 Ditto. (4th edition) 1889 West- und Mittel- Russland 1883 The United States ; with an Excursion into Mexico. 1893 The Dominion of Canada ; with New- foundland, and an Excursion to Alaska 1894 Baer, K. E. von. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Temperatur in Nowaja Semlja. 8* \St Petersburg} 1837 Ueber den taglichen Gang der Temperatur in Nowaja Semlja. 8* [St Petersburg} 1837 Ueber das Klima von Nowaja-Semlja und die mittlere Temperatur insbe- sondere. 8* St Petersburg, 1837 Expedition a Novaia Zemlia et en Lapponie. 8* St Petersburg, 1837-38 Sur la frequence des Orages dans les regions Arctiques. 8* St Petersburg, 1839 - Klima der Kirgisen-Steppe. 4* 1840 Why are the Right Hanks of our Rivers flowing Northwards high, and the Left depressed? [In Russian.] 8* [Moscow, 1857] - Der Alte Lauf des Armenischen Araxes. Maps. 8* 1857 Dattel-Palmen an den Ufern des Kaspischen Meeres, sonst und jetzt. 8* 1859 Crania Selecta ex Thesauris Anthro- pologicis Academue Imperialis Petro- politanse : Iconibus et Descriptionibus. Plates. 4* St Petersburg, 1859 Ueber Papuas und Alfuren : einCom- mentar zu den beiden ersten Abschnitten der Abhandlung, Crania Selecta ex Thesauris Anthropologicis, &c. 4* St Petersburg, 1859 - Kaspische Sludien. Maps. 8 St Petersburg, 1859 Ditto. VIII. Ueber ein allgemeines Gesetz in der Gestaltung der Flussbetten. 8* 1860 Ueberdasbehauptete Seichter-werden des Asowschen Meeres. Map. 8* 1861 Das flinfzigjahrige Doctor-Jubilaum des Geheimraths, am 291)1 August [864. Portrait. 4* St Petersburg, 1865 Baer, K. E. von. Nachrichten liber Leben und Schriften des Herrn Geheimrathes. Portrait. 4* St Petersburg, 1865 Berichte liber die Anmeldung eines mit der Haul gefundenen Mammuths und die zur Bergung desselben ausger- iistete Expedition. Plates. 8* St Petersburg, 1866 Das neuentdeckte Wrangells-Land. Small 8* Dor pat, 1868 See infra, Baer and Helmersen, 4, 7, 9, 16, 18. and Gr. von Helmersen. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angranzenden Lander Asiens. Vols. 1-26 (Atlas to 23). 8 St Petersburg, 1839-71 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Wrangell, Centre- Adm. von. Statistische und ethnographische Nachrichten liber die Russischen Besitzungen an der Nordwestkiiste von Amerika. Map. 8 1839 Vol. 2. Gens, Gen. -Major. Nach- richten liber Chiwa, Buchara, Chokand, und den nordwestlichen Theil des Chinesischen Staates ; bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Gr. v. Helmersen. Map. 8 1839 Vol. 3. Hagemeister, Jules de. Essai sur les Ressources Territoriales et Commerciales de 1'Asie Occidentale, le caractere des habitans, leur indus- trie, et leur organisation municipale. 8 ' 1839 Vol. 4. Herausgegeben von K. E. von Baer 1841 Adelung, Fried. Ueber die alteren auslandischen Karten von Russland. Baer. Eine alte Abbildung der Ruinen von Madshar. Plate. Hofmann, Ernst. Geognostische Beo- bachtungen auf einer Reise von Dorpat bis Abo. Schrenck, Alex. Gust. von. Skizze der Vegetation auf der Insel Hochland im Finnischen Meerbusen. Map. Kb'ppen, P. von. Ueber Wald- und Wasser-Vorrath im Gebiete der obern und mittleren Wolga. Map. Baer. Neueste Nachrichten liber die nbrdlichste Gegend von Sibirien zwischen den Fliissen Pjassida und Chatanga in Fragen und Antworten abgefasst. Vol. 5- Helmersen, G. von. Reise nach dem Ural und der Kirgisensteppe, in I833-35- Part I. 1841 Vol. 6. Helmersen, Gr. von. Reise nach dem Ural und der Kirgisensteppe in den Jahren 1833 und 1835. P art 2 - Maps, profiles. 1843 Vol. 7. Nachrichten aus Sibirien und der Kirgisensteppe, gesammelt oder herausgegeben von K. E. von Baer. 8 1845 BAE. Bacr, K. E. von, andGr. vonHelmersen. CONTENTS, Vol. 7 continued. Dahl, W. F. Bemerkungen iiber L. Zimmermann's Entwurf des Kriegs- theaters Russlands gegen Chiwa, und die beigefiigte Geographische Analyse, &c. 1840 Dahl. Ueber den Kumyss. Baer. Nachrichten aus Ost-Sibirien, gesanimelt vom Herausgeber. Schrenk, A. Bericht iiber eine, im Jahre 1840, in die ostliche Dsungarische Kirgisensteppe unternommene Reise. Middendorff, A. T. von. Bericht iiber die ornithologischen Ergebnisse der naturhistorischen Reise nach Lapp- land, wahrend des Sommers 1840. Nachtrag des Herausgebers. Map. Vol. 8. Eichwald, E. Neuer Beitrag zur Geognosie Esthlands und Finn- lands. Plates 1843 UeberdieObolenund densilurischen Sandstein von Esthland und Schweden. Plate 1843 Ueber das Seifengebirge des Ural und seine organischen Einschliisse. 1843 Vol. 9. Baer, K. E. von. Kurzer Bericht iiber wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und Reisen, welche zur nahern Kenntniss des Russichen Reichesin Bezug auf seine Topographic, physische Beschaffenheit, seine Naturproducte, den Zustand seiner Bewohner u. s. w. in der letzten Zeit ausgefiihrt, fortgesetzt oder eingeleitet sind. 8 1845 Vol. 10. Pogodin, . Nestor, eine historisch-kritische Untersuchung iiber den Anfang der Russischen Chroniken. 1844 Danilowitsch, . Ueber die Litauis- chen Chroniken. 1844 Vol. II. Koppen,P. von. Ueber einige Landes - Verhaltnisse der Gegend zwischen dem Untern-Dnjepr und dem Asow'schen Meere. Plate 1845 Teetzmann, F. Ueber die Siidrussis- chen Steppen und iiber die darin im Taurischen Gouvernement belegenen Besitzungen des Herzogs von Anhalt- Kothen. 1845 Middendorff, A. T. von. Bericht iiber einen Abstecher durch das Innere von Lappland, wahrend der Sommer- Expedition im Jahre 1840. 1845 Vol. 12. Hofmann, E. Reise nach den Goldwaschen Ost-Sibiriens. Maps and plate 1847 Vol. 13. Koppen, P. von. Kurzer Bericht iiber eine im Jahre 1846 von St Petersburg nach Kasan, Wjatka, und Wologda gemachte Reise. 1849 Abich, II. Die Besteigung des Ararat am 29 Juli 1845. Baer, K. E. von, andGr. von Helmersen. CONTENTS, Vol. 13 continued. Warelius, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss Finnlands in ethnographischer Bezie- hung. 1849 Buhse, F. A. Bergreise von Gilan nach Asterabad. 1849 Vol. 14. Helmersen, G. von. Reise nach den Altai, im Jahre 1834. Maps. 1848 Vol. 15. Basiner.T. F. J. Naturwissen schaftliche Reise durch die Kirgisen- steppe nach Chiwa. Map and plates. 1848 Vol 1 6. Baer, K. E. von. Peter's des Grossen Verdienste um die Erweiterung der geographischen Kenntnisse. Maps 1872 Vol. 17. Lehmann, Alex. Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand in den Jahren 1841 und 1842; nach denhinterlassenen Schriften desselben bearbeitet, und mit Anmerkungen versehen von G. von Helmersen ; mit einen zoologischen Anhange von J. F. Brandt. Maps and plates. 8 1852 Vol. 18. Bode, A. Verbreitungs- Granzen der wichtigsten Holzgewachse des Europaischen Russlands. 1856 Beitrag zur Wiirdigung der Forst- wirthschaft in Russland. Maps 1856 Baer, K. E. von. Die uralte Wald- losigkeit der siidrussischen Steppe. 1856 Noschel, A. Bemerkungen iiber die naturhistorischen, insbesondere die geognostich - hydrographischen, Ver- haltnisse der Steppe zwischen den Fliissen Or und Turgai, Kumak, und Syr-Daria. 1856 Wesselowsky, C. Tabellen iiber mittlere Temperaturen im Russischen Reiche. 1856 Vol. 19. Bode, A. Notizen gesammelt auf einer Forstreise durch einen Theil des Europaischen Russlands. Plates 1854 Vol. 20. Wlangali's Reise nach der ostlichen Kirgisensteppe, iibersetzt von Dr Loewe ; herausgegeben von G. von Helmersen. Map. 8 1856 Vol. 21. Helmersen, G. von, und K. Pacht. Geognostische Untersuchungen in den mittleren Gouvernements Russ- lands, zwischen der Diina and Wolga, in 1850 und 1853. Plates. 8 1858 Vol. 22. Antipow, Q. Character der Erzfiihrung und Zustand des Bergbaus im Ural. Plate 1861 Vol. 23. Radde, G. Berichte iiber Reisen im Siiden von Ost-Sibirien. (And Atlas, oblong 4") 1861 BAE BAI. Baer, K. E. von, andGr. von Helmersen. CONTENTS continued. Vol. 24. Helmersen, Gr. von. Der Peipus-See und dieobereNarova. 1860 Die Geologic in Russland. 1860 Gerstfeldt, G. von. Der Verkehr Russ- lands mil Westasien. Map 1860 Vol. 25. Schmidt, J., Glehn, P. von, und Brylkin, A. D. Reisen im Gebiete des Amurstromes und auf der Insel Sachalin. Maps 1868 Vol. 26. Meinshausen, K. Nachrichten liber das Wilui-Gebiet in Ostsibirien. Map 1871 Baffin, William. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appen- dix I. and Bylot. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Baggallay, Henry C. Access to Liver- pool, with suggested Improvements. Map. 8* 1884 Bagge, A. H. Report on the Settle- ment of the Siam and Tenasserim Boundary. [From the India Records, No. 50.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1866 Bagnols, Loais du Cue. Memoires sur 1'Intendance de la Flandre. 12 Brussels, 1739 Baguet, A. Rio-Grande do Sul et le Paraguay. 8 Antwerp, 1873 Baikie, R. Observations on the Neil- gherries, including an Account of their Topography, Climate, Soil, and Produc- tions. Edited by W. H. Smoult. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1834 Baikie, Dr William Balfour. Narrative of an Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kwo'ra and Binue (commonly known as the Niger and Tsada) in 1854. Map and plates. 8 1856 Observations on the Hausa and Fulfulde Languages, with Examples. Privately printed. -8* 1861 Reports on the Geographical Position of the Countries in the Neighbourhood of the Niger, and on other matters con- nected with his Expedition. Map. Folio 1862 Despatches from, relative to the Trade of the River Niger, and to the eligibility of Central Africa as a future Cotton Field. Map. Folio* [1862] Notes of a Journey from Bida in Nupe to Kano in Hausa, performed in 1862, by Dr W. B. Baikie, R.N., extracted from portions of Dr Baikie's Journals in possession of the Foreign Office. [Foreign Office publication.] Folio* 1866 See Adams ; Reichardt. Bailey, Capt. George W. Report upon Alaska and its People, giving Statistics as to the Numbers, Location, Pursuits, and Social Condition of the Inhabitants, the Climate, Productions, and General Resources of the Country, and of the Commerce, Ocean Currents, &c. Map and plate. 8* Washington, 1880 Bailie, A. C. The Amandebele. 8* Grahamstown, 1885 Baillie, Alexander F. A Paraguayan Treasure : the Search and the Discovery. Map and p Jans. Crown 8 1887 Kurrachee (Karachi): Past, Present, and Future. Map, plans, and photo- graphs. Large 8 1890 Baillie, Marianne. First Impressions of a Tour upon the Continent in 1818, through Parts of France, Italy, Switzerland, the Borders of Germany, and a Part of French Flanders. Plates. 8 1819 Lisbon in 1821-2-3. Plates. 2 vols. 12 1825 See Phillips [3], Vol. I : Appen- dix I. Baily, Francis. Account of John Flam- steed. Compiled from his own MSS., and other Authentic Documents ; to which is added his British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged by Francis Baily. 4 1835 Supplement to the above. 4 1837 The Catalogue of Stars of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, containing the Mean Right Ascensions and North Polar Dis- tances of 8,377 Fixed Stars, reduced to January 1850, together with their Annual Precessions, Secular Variations, and Proper Motions, as well as the Logarith- mic Constants for Computing Precession, Aberration, and Nutation, with a Preface explanatory of their Construction and Application. 4 1845 Journal of a Tour in Unsettled Parts of North America in 1796-97, with a Memoir of the Author. 8 1856 See Herschel, Sir John F. W. Baily, John. Central America, describ- ing the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, the Natural Features, &c. Plates. 8 1850 Baily, Lieut. J. See Juarros. Baily, L. C. Ship's Course Corrector. One leaf. 8* N.D. Bain, Joseph, and Charles Rogers. Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, notarii publici et scribae capi- tuli Glasguensis, A.n. 1499-1513; also Rental Book of Diocese of Glasgow, A.D. 1509-70. Edited by Joseph Bain and the Rev. Charles Rogers. [Gram- pian Club Publications.^ Vols. I and 2. 8 Edinburgh, 1875 BAt BAL. Baines, Thomas. Explorations in South- West Africa, being an Account of a Journey in 1861-62 from Walvisch Bay to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 864 The Gold Regions of South-Eastern Africa ; accompanied by a Biographical Sketch of the Author. Map in cover, photographs, &-Y. 8 1877 See Lord, W. B. Baird, Major A. W. A Manual for Tidal Observations, and their Reduction by the Method of Harmonic Analysis, with an Appendix containing Auxiliary Tables to facilitate the computations. Illustra- tions. 8 1886 Spirit Levelling Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. R.G.S. Supplementary Papers, Vol. I. Large 8 1886 and E. Roberts. Tide-Tables for the Indian Ports for the years 1881-87. 6 vols. 12 See Hill ; Rogers. Baird, Prof. S. F. Directions for Col- lecting, Preserving, and Transporting Specimens of Natural History, prepared for the use of the Smithsonian Institution. 8* Washington, 1852 Ditto. 2nd edition. 8* Washington, 1854 See United States, K ; California : Appendix 2. Baker, A. Southern Servia as a British Market. Map. 8* 1888 Baker, A. C. See United States, E, Hydrogr. Off. Publ., No. 35 : Ap- pendix 2. Baker, F. Report on the Butesur Fair of 1871. [From No. 2 of Vol. 6 of India Records, N.-W. Provinces.] 8 1872 Baker, Capt. George. Sec Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. i : Appendix I. Baker, Hon. James H. The Sources of the Mississippi, their Discoveries, Real and Pretended : a Report read before the Minnesota Historical Society, 8th Febru- ary 1887. 8* Saint Paul, Minn., 1887 Baker, J. Turkey in Europe. Maps. 8 1877 Baker, Marcus. Boundary Line be- tween Alaska and Siberia. Map. 8* Washington, 1882 Baker, Sir Samuel White. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. Plates. The Albert N'yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Explorations of the Nile Sources. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1866 Ditto. New edition. Map and illustrations. 8 1888 The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. Maps and plates. 8 1867 Baker, Sir Samuel White. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. Frontispiece. 8 1879 Ismaili'a : a Narrative of the Expedi- tion to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, organised by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1874 Another edition. Map and illus- trations. 8 i 886 Wild Beasts and their Ways : Re- miniscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1890 See James, F. L. Baker, R. See Kerr, Vol. 7; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Baker, Thomas Turner. The Recent Operations of the British Forces at Rangoon and Martaban. Plates. 8 1852 Baker, Valentine. Clouds in the East : Travels and Adventures on the Perso- Turkoman Frontier. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 8 1876 War in Bulgaria : a Narrative of Per- sonal Experiences. 2 vols. Maps and plans. 8 1879 Baker, Major W. E. Letter on the proposed Canal between Loodianah and Ferozpore, May 1847. Map. [From the India Records, Vol. 2. (N.-W. Pro- vinces).] 8 Agra, 1856 Baker, W. G. Realistic Elementary Geo- graphy, taught by Picture and Plan, embracing Direction, the Elements of Maps, Definitions, &c. ; the Pictorial Examples are derived chiefly from the Geographical Features of England. Maps and illustrations. 12 1 888 Bakewell. F. C. Considerations respect- ing the Figure of the Earth in relation to the action of Centrifugal Force, and to the attempts to determine the Ellipticity of the Globe by Pendulum Observa- tions. 8* 1862 A Dynamical Theory of the Figure of the Earth, proving the Poles to be elongated. 8* 1867 Balarin de Raconis, J. See Varthema. Balbi, Adriano. Essai Statistique sur le Portugal et 1'Algarve. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1822 Introduction a 1'Atlas Elhnographique clu Globe. 8 Paris, 1826 Abrege de Geographic, redige sur un nouveau Plan d'apres les derniers Traites de Paix, et les Decouvertes les plus recentes. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1833 Abrege de Geographic, augmente cl'une Table generale alphabetique. 8 Paris, 1834 Allgemeine Erdbeschreibung. Eine systematische Encyclopadie der Erd- kunde. 2 vols. in I. Royal 8 Budapest, 1842 26 BAL. Balbi, Adriano. Elemens de Geographic Generale, ou Description abregee de la Terre, d'apres ses divisions Politiques coordonnees avec ses grandes Divisions Naturelles, selon les dernieres Trans- actions et les Decouvertes les plus recentes. Maps. 12 Paris, 1843 Notice sur 1'Histoire Militaire des Elephans, &c., del Cav. Armandi. 8* Milan, 1843 Dell' Influenza degli Elementi Itlro- Atmosferici sulle Forze di Popolazione. 8* Milan, 1844 Elementi di Geografia Generale ossia Descrizione compendiata della Terra. Maps. 12 Turin, 1844 Miscellanea Italiana, ragionamenti di Geografia e Statistica patria. Raccolti e ordinati da Eugenic Balbi. 8 Milan, 1845 Delle Primarie Altitudini del Globo, saggio d'Ipsometria generale. 4* Milan, 1845 Della Popolazione del Portogallo dall' epoca Romana ai tempi nostri. 12* Milan, 1846 Degli Studii Geografici in generale, e spezialmente in Italia. 8* Milan, 1846 San Marino. 8* [Milan, 1846] See Malte-Brun. and Eugenic Balbi. L'Austria e le primarie Potenze. 12 Milan, 1846 Nuovi Elementi di Geografia, saggio d'una Descrizione Generale della Terra. Maps. 12 Turin, 1851 - Principii generali della Geografia. 12 Milan, 1864 Balbi, Eugenic. Regione Britannica. (From Vol. 4 of " Gea ossia La Terra de- scritta"). 8* Trieste, 1856 La Nostra Patria. Brevi Notizie di Geografia Italiana. 12* Milan, 1861 Studii di Geografia Elementare. 12 Milan, 1862 MondoAntico : Parteprima, L'Europa. 12 Milan, 1863 Ditto. Parte seconda e terza. L'Asia e 1'Africa. 12 Milan, 1864 Saggio di Geografia elementare fisica e politica. 2nd edition. 12 Milan, 1867 Nuovo Mondo. Mondo Marittimo. 12 Milan, 1868 I Momenti della Geografia nell' Evo medio e moderno. 8* Pavia, 1877 Balbi, Gaspare. Viaggio dell' Indie Ori- entali di G. Balbi. . . . Nelquale si contiene quanto egli in detto viaggio ha veduto per lo spatio di 9 Anni con- sumati in esso dal 1579 fino al 1588, &c. 12 Venice, 1590 See Gottfried ; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Balboa, Miguel Cavello. See Ternaux- Compans, Vol. 15 : Appendix i. Balboa, V. N. de. See Vasco Nunes. Balcarce, M. Buenos-Ayres, sa Situation presente, ses lois Liberates, sa population Lnmigrante, ses Progres Commerciaux et Industriels. 8* Paris, 1857 Balch, Samuel W. History's Misleading Chronology. Reprinted from Education, Jan. 1893. 8* Yonkers, N. Y., 1893 Baldaeus, Philippus. Naauwkeurige Be- schry vinge van Malabar en Choromandel. Derzelver aangrenzende Ryken, en het machtige Eyland Ceylon. Nevens een omstandige en grondigh doorzochte ont- dekking en wederlegginge van de Af- goderye der Oost-Indische Heydenen. . . . Zijnde hier by gevoeght een Malabaarsche Spraak-Konst, &c. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1672 See Veth ; Churchill, Vol. 3 : Appen- dix i. Baldelli Boni, G. B. Storia delle rela- zioni vicendevoli dell' Europa e dell' Asia dalla Decadenza di Roma fino alia Dis- truzione del Califfato. 2 vols. 4 Florence, 1827 Baldi, Bernardino. La Nautica: Poema. 8* Milan, 1813 Baldrich, J. Amadeo. Las Comarcas virgenes. El Chaco Central Norte. Map. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1889 Baldwin. Archbishop. Itinerary through Wales, A.D. 1588. By Giraldus de Barri ; translated by Sir R. C. Hoare. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1806 See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Baldwin, D. D. Catalogue : Land and Fresh Water Shells of the Hawaiian Islands. 8* Honolulu, 1893 Baldwin, J. D. Pre-Historic Nations; or, Inquiries concerning some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity, and their probable relation to a still Older Civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia. Small 8 Ne-M York, 1875 Baldwin. T. See Lippincott. Baldwin. William C. African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, &c., from 1852 to 1860. Maps and plates. 8 1863 Bale, W. M. Australian Museum : Cata- logue of the Australian Hydroid Zoo- phytes. Plates. 8 Sydney, 1884 Balfour, Surgeon - General Edward. Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Commercial, Industrial, and Scientific, &c. 8 Madras, 1857 The Timber Trees, Timber and Fancy Woods, as also the Forests, of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia. Royal 8 Madras, 1862 BAL-BAN. 27 Balfour, Surgeon - General Edward, The Influence exercised by Trees on the Climate and Productiveness of the Peninsula of India. Folio* 1878 Report upon the Government Central Museum and the Local Museums in the Provinces, for 1855-56; with Appen- dices. [From the India Records, No. 39.] Royal 8 Madras, 1857 The Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern Southern Asia, Commercial, In- dustrial, and Scientific; Products of (he Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal King- doms, Useful Arts and Manufactures. 3 vols. 3rd edition. 8 1885 Balfour, F. C. The Life of Sheikh I lazin Mohammed Ali. Written by him- self. Translated from two Persian MSS 8* 1830 Balfour, Sir G. Trade and Salt in India Free. 8* 1875 Balfour, Prof. Isaac Bayley. Botany of Socotra. Forming Vol. 31 of the Trans- actions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Map and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1888 Ball, E. A. Reynolds. Mediterranean Winter Resorts : a Practical Handbook to the Principal Health and Pleasure Resorts on the Shores of the Mediter- ranean. Map, illustrations. 12 1 888 Ditto, 2nd edition. Map and ilhis- t rat ions. 12 1892 Ball, John. Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers : a Series of Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by J. Ball. Maps and plates. 8 1859 A Guide to the Eastern Alps. Maps. 12 1874 The Central Alps, including the Bernese Oberland, and all Switzerland excepting the neighbourhood of Monte Rosa and the Great St Bernard, with Lombardy and the adjoining portion of Tyrol. Maps. 12 1876 A Guide to the Western Alps. Maps. 12 1877 Notes of a Naturalist in South America. Map. Crown 8 1887 On the Measurement of Heights by the Barometer. R.G.S. Supplementary Papers. Vol. 2. Large 8 1889 See Hooker. Ball, Lieut. See Philip ; Pelham, Vol. I : Appendix I. Ball, Sir Robert S. Atlas of Astronomy. Small 4 1892 Ball, Prof. Valentine. On the Ancient Copper Miners of Singhln'tm. 8* [Calcutta, 1869] Notes on the Geology of the Vicinity of Port Blair, Andaman Islands. 8* [Calcutta, 1870] Ball, Prof. Valentine. Notes on Birds observed in the Neighbourhood of Port Blair, Andaman Islands, during the month of August 1869. 8* [Calcutta, 1870] Names of Birds, &c., in Four of the Aboriginal Languages of Western Ben- gal. 8* [Calcutta, 1871] On the Forms and Geographical Distribution of Ancient Stone Imple- ments in India. Map and plates. Small 8* Dublin, 1879 Jungle Life in India, or the Journey and Journals of an Indian Geologist. Map and plates. 8 1880 Travels in India, by Jean Baptiste Tavernier, Baron of Aubonne. Trans- lated from the original French edition of 1676, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, Notes, Appendices, &c. Maps, portraits, &c. 2 vols. Large 8 1889 See India, C : Appendix 2. Ballhorn, F. ' Grammatography. Royal 8 1861 Ballivian. M. V. Exploraciones y Noti- cias Hidrograficas de los Rios del Norte de Bolivia : Primera Parte Traduc- ciones, reproducciones y documentos ineditos ; Segunda Parte Diario del Viage al Madre de Dios hecho por el P. Fr. Nicolas Armentia, en los aiios de 1884 y 1885, en calidad de Comisionado para explorar el Madre de Dios, y su distancia al rio Acre, y para fundar algu- nas misiones entre las tribus araonas. Small 8 La faz, 1890 Documentos Historicos de Bolivia Historia de la Mision de los Mojos, por el Padre Diego Francisco Altamirano, de la Compania de Jesus. 8 La Paz, 1891 and Eduardo Idiaquez. Diccionario Geografico de la Republica de Bolivia. Tomo Primero, Departamento de la Paz. Large 8 La Paz, 1890 Noticia Politica, Geografica, y Comer- cial de Bolivia, escrita para el " States- man's Year-Book. " 8* La Paz, 1891 Ballon. Maturin M. Due South : Cuba, Past and Present. 8 New York, 1885 Balmat, J. See Carrier. " Bamang-Wato. " To Ophir Direct, or the South African Gold Fields ; with a Map showing the Route taken by Hartley and Mauch, in 1866-67. Map. 8* 1868 Banare. See Chambeyron. Banbury, G. A. Lethbridge. Sierra Leone, or the White Man's Grave. Illustrations. 8 1 888 Bancroft, Edward. Essay of the Natural History of Guiana, in South America ; containing a Description of many curious Productions in the Animal and Vege- table Systems of that Country, and an Account of the Religion, Manners, and Customs of several Tribes of its Indian Inhabitants. Frontispiece. 8 1769 28 BAN. Bancroft, G. See Heeren. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. 5 vols. Maps. 8 1875-76 The Works of Hubert Howe Ban- croft. 39 vols. [including above]. Por- trait, maps. 8 San Francisco, 1883-90 CONTENTS. Vol. 6. History of Central America, vol. i, 1501-30. Vol. 7. Ditto, vol. 2, 1530 1800. Vol. 8. Ditto, vol. 3, 1801-87. Vol. 9. History of Mexico, vol. I, 1516-21. Vol. 10. Ditto, vol. 2, 1521-1600. Vol. ii. Ditto, vol. 3, 1600-1803. Vol. 12. Ditto, vol. 4, 1804-24. Vol. 13. Ditto, vol. 5, 1824-61. Vol. 14. Ditto, vol. 6, 1861-87. Vol. 15. History of the North Mexican States and Texas, vol. I, 1531-1800. Vol. 16. Ditto, vol. 2, 1801-89. Vol. 17. History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. Vol. 18. History of California, vol. I, 1542-1800. Vol. 19. Ditto, vol. 2, 1801-24. Vol. 20. Ditto, vol. 3, 1825-40. Vol. 21. Ditto, vol. 4, 1840-45. Vol. 22. Ditto, vol. 5, 1846-48. Vol. 23. Ditto, vol. 6, 1848-59. Vol. 24. Ditto, vol. 7, 1860-90. Vol. 25. History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming, 1540-1888. Vol. 26. History of Utah, 1540-1886. Vol. 27. History of the North - West Coast, vol. I, 1543-1800. Vol. 28. Ditto, vol. 2, 1800-46. Vol. 29. History of Oregon, vol. I, 1834-48. Vol. 30. Ditto, vol. 2, 1848-88. Vol. 31. History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-89. Vol. 32. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887. Vol. 33. History of Alaska, 1730-1885. Vol. 34. California Pastoral, 1769-1848. Vol. 35. California Inter Pocula. Vol. 36. Popular Tribunals, vol. I. Vol. 37. Ditto, vol. 2. Vol. 38. Essays and Miscellany. Vol. 39. Literary Industries. Bandeira, Marquez de Sa da. Fails et Considerations relatives aux Droits du Portugal sur les territoires de Molembo, de Cabinde, et d'Ambriz, et autres lieux de la cote Occidentale d'Afrique. Maps and plans. 8* Lisbon, 1855 O Trabalho rural Africano e a Ad- Colonial. 8 Lisbon, 1873 Bandinel, James. Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as connected with Europe and America, from the In- troduction of the Trade into Modern Europe down to the present time, especially with reference to the efforts made by the British Government for its extinction. Royal 8 1842 Baness, J. F. Index Geographicus Indi- cus, being a list, alphabetically arranged, of the Principal Places in Her Imperial Majesty's Indian Empire, with Notes and Statements, Statistical, Political, and Descriptive, of the several Provinces and Administrations of the Empire, the Native States, Independent and Feudatory, at- tached to and in political relationship with each ; and other information relat- ing to India and the East. Maps. 8 1881 Banister. T. See Hakluyt, Vol. i : Ap- pendix i. Banks, Sir Joseph. See Troil, Uno von. Bankes, Thomas. A Modern, Authentic, and Complete System of Universal Geo- graphy, including all the late important Discoveries made by the English, and other celebrated Navigators of various Nations, in the different Hemispheres, and containing a Genuine History and Description of the whole World. Maps and plates. 2 vols. Folio N.D. Banning, Emile. L'Afrique et la Confer- ence Geographique de Bruxelles. Map. 8 Brussels, 1877 Ditto. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 8 Brussels, 1878 Le Partage Politique de 1'Afrique d'apres les Transactions Internationales les plus recentes( 1885 a 1888). Map. 8 Brussels, 1888 Bannister, Saxe. Memoir respecting British Interests, and the Interests of the Native Tribes at and near Natal, in South-Eastern Africa. Map. 8* 1838 Control of the Privy Council over the Administration of Affairs at Home, in the Colonies, and in India. 8* 1844 On the Right to be heard on Petitions to the Crown, and the Control of the Privy Council (by Appeal) over Indian, &c., Affairs. 8* 1844 Classical Sources of the History of the British Isles, or the Rise and Fall of the Romans in Britain. Map. 8 1849 Pictorial Maps for the Illustration of Extrait du Rapport lu dans la premiere seance solennelle de la Societe de Geo- graphic de Lisbonne, le 7 Mars 1877, par R. A. Pequito. 8* Lisbon, 1878 the Land, the Sea, and the Heavens, on the Walls of large Buildings and Geo- ramas, and Lectures on Geography. 8* 1849 Records of British Enterprise beyond Sea, from the Earliest Original Sources to the Present Time. Vol. I, Part I. 8* 1849 BAN BAR. 29 Bannister, Saxe. Journal of the First French Embassy to China, 1698-1700. Translated from an unpublished MS. by Saxe Bannister ; with an Essay on the Friendly Disposition of the Chinese Government and People to Foreigners. 8 1859 Some Revelations in Irish History ; or, Old Elements of Creed and Class Conciliation in Ireland [including T. Sheridan's Discourse on the Rise and Power of Parliaments, 1677]. Square 8 1870 Prospects and Progress of British Colonisation and Foreign Commerce. 8* N.D. Baptista, J. Renato. Africa Oriental. Caminho de Ferro da Beira a Manica, 1891. Maps and plates. 4 Lisbon, 1892 Baraban, Leopold. A Travers la Tunisie : Etudes sur les Oasis, les Dunes, les Forets, la Flore, et la Geologic. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1887 Baralt, Raphael M. Resumen de la Historia de Venezuela, desde el Descu- brimiento de su territoria por los Castel- lanos en el Siglo XV., hasta 1797 ; ha cooperado a el en la parte relativa a las guerras de la Conquista de la Costa- Firme el Ramon Diaz. Portraits. 8 Paris, 1841 and Ramon Diaz. Resumen de la Historia de Venezuela, desde 1797 hasta 1830 ; tiene al fin un breve Bosquejo Historico que comprende 1831 hasta 1837. Portraits. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1841 Barante, C. J. Essai sur le Department de 1'Aude. 8* Geneva, 1802 Baratti, Giacomo. The late Travels of S. Giacomo Baratti, an Italian Gentle- man, into the remote Countries of the Abissins, or of Ethiopia Interior. . . ; together with a Confirmation of this Relation drawn from the writings of Damianus de Goes and Jo. Scaliger. . . . Translated by G. D. 8 1670 Bar bar o, J., and A. Contarini. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 49; Kerr, Vol. I ; Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Barber, G. D. Ancient Oral Records of the Cimri, or Britons, in Asia and Europe, recovered through a literal Aramitic translation of the Old Welsh Bardic Relics. 8 1815 Barberena, S. J. Descripcion Geo- grafica y Estadistica de la Republica del Salvador. 8 San Salvador, 1892 Barbey, William. See Stefani. Barbiani, D. G. and B. A. Memoire sur les Tremblements de Terre dans 1'ile de Zante ; avec une introduction par Alexis Perrey. 8* [Paris, 1864] Barbichon, D. M. Dictionnaire complet de tous les Lieux de la France et de ses Colonies ; contenant la nomenclature et la description exacte sous les Rapports Geographiques, Statistiques, Commer- ciaux, Historiques et Administratifs, des Villes, Bourgs, Villages, et Hameaux composant les 37,207 communes de la France, &c. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1831 Barbie du Bocage, J. G. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix i. Barbie du Bocage, V. A. Madagascar, possession Francaise depuis 1642. Map by V. A. Malte-Brun. 8 Paris, 1859 Barbiellini, C. A. Nuova Descrizione Geografica d' Italia, Antica e Moderna. Map. 2 vols. 8 Milan, 1806 Barbier de Meynard, C. Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique, et Litleraire de la Perse et des Contrees adjacentes. Extrait du Mo'djem El-Bouldan de Yaqout, et complete a 1'aide de docu- ments Arabes et Persans pour la plupart inedits. 8 Paris, 1861 Dictionnaire Turc-Francais ; Sup- plement aux Dictionnaires publics jusqu'a ce jour. 2 vols. (II e series, Vols. 4 and 5 of Publications de 1'Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes.) Large 8 Paris, 1 88 1 -86 Barbier, J. V. Essai d'un Lexique Geographique. Table. 8* Paris, 1886 See Auerbach. Barbinais, L. G. de la. See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12, p. 605 : Appendix I. Barbosa, Da Cunha. See Santarem. Barbosa, Duarte or Odoardo. See Hak- luyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 35 ; Ramusio, Vol. i ; Collec5ao de Noticias, Vol. 2, p. 610 : Appendix I. Barbot, J. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Churchill, Vol. 5 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 3, 4, p. 602 : Appendix I. Barca, Madame C. de la. Life in Mexico during a Residence of Two Years in that Country ; with a Preface by W. II. Prescott. 8 1843 Barcena, M. Viaje a la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa, datos para la Geologia y la Flora de los Estados de Morelos y Guerrero. Plates. 8* Mexico, 1874 Description de la Ciudad de Guada- lajara, capital del Estado de Jalisco. Plans. 8* Mexico, 1880 See Castillo. Barclay, Edgar. Mountain Life in Algeria, llhistrations. Royal 8 1882 Barclay, H. See South Australia, A: Ap- pendix 2. Barclay, J. G. Astronomical Observa- tions taken at the Private Observatory, Ley ton, Essex. Vols. 1-4, 1862-77. 4 1865-78 BAR. Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King ; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Maps. 8 Philadelphia, 1857 Barco, Martin de el. Argentina y Con- quista del Rio de la Plata [a Poem]. Folio* Madrid, 1730 Bard, Samuel A. Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. Maps and illustra- tions. 12 1857 Baretus, John. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Appendix I. Bar din, L. I. La Topographic enseignee par des Plans-Reliefs et des dessins . . . Introduction. 4* Afetz, 1859 La Topographic enseignee par des dessins. 4* Paris, 1867 See Huber, W. Barents, W. See Hakluy t Soc. Publ. , Vol. 54; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix i. Baretti, S. J. See "The Modern Traveller," p. 610 : Appendix I. Baretti. See Dictionaries : Appendix 2. Baring, Sir E. See Egypt, A : Appendix 2. Baring - Gould, Sabine. Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas. Map and plates. Royal 8* 1863 Barker, And. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Barker, Edmund. See Astley, Vol. i : Appendix i. Barker, James N. Sketches of the Primitive Settlements on the River Delaware. 8* Philadelphia, 1828 Barker, T. H. On the Relative Value of Ozonometers. 8* 1856 Barker, W. Burckhardt. Lares and Penates ; or, Cilicia and its Governors, being a Short Historical Account of that Province from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Edited by W. F. Ains- worth. Woodcuts. 8 1853 - Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language, with Dialogues and Vocabu- lary. 12 1854 Barker, Capt. W. C. On the Lighting up the Entrance to Bombay Harbour, &c. 8* Bombay, 1862 Barkley, George. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Barkley, H. C. Between the Danube and Black Sea, or Five Years in Bul- garia. Map. Small 8 1876 A Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia, giving a Sketch of the Char- acters, Manners, and Customs of both the Mussulman and Christian Inhabitants. 8 1891 Barlow, A. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix i. Barlow, J, W., and D. P. Heap. Report of a Reconnaissance in Wyoming and Montana Territories, 1871 : Letters, &c. Map. 8* 1872 Barlow, S. L. M. See Catalogues, A Appendix 2. Barlow, Peter. Essay on Magnetic Attrac- tions, and on the Laws of Terrestrial and Electro Magnetism ; with an Appen- dix containing the Result of Experiments on Shipboard from lat. 61 5' S. to lat. 80 N. Plates. 8 1824 Barlow, Peter W. On Some Peculiar Features of the Water-bearing Strata of the London Basin. Edited by Charles Manby. 8* 1855 Barnard, Lieut. A Three Years Cruise in the Mozambique Channel for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 12 1848 Barnard, M. R. See Schiibeler. Barne, Jorge. See Angelis, Vol. 5 : Ap- pendix i. Barnes, G. C. Notes on the System of Irrigation prevailing in the Upper Valleys of the Kangra District. Map. [In the India Records, N. W. Provinces, Vol. 2.] Allahabad, 1856 Barnes' Hawaiian Geography. Maps and illustrations. Small 4 New York, N.D. Barnett, Capt. E. West India Pilot. From Cape North of the Amazons to Cape Sable in Florida, with the Out- lying Islands, the Caribbean Sea, from Barbadoes to Cuba ; with the Bahama and Bermuda Islands, and Florida Strait. 2 vols. 8 1859-61 See United Kingdom, A: Appendix 2. Baron, Rev. R. On the Flora and Geology of Madagascar ; with Two Papers on Fossils and Rock Specimens from Madagascar, by R. B. Newton and F. H. Hatch. Maps and plate. 8* 1889 See Madagascar : Appendix 2. Baron, S. See Churchill, Vol. 6 ; Pink- erton, Vol. 9 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Barr, Capt. J. T. Narrative of the Nature of the British Relations with the Native States in the Province of Katty- war, with Notes. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Information relative to the Wander- ing Tribes in the Province of Kattywar. [From the India Records, No. 37.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Barr, William. Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur, and from thence to Cabul . . ; including Travels in the Punjab, a Visit to the City of Lahore, and a Narrative of Operations in the Kyber Pass undertaken in 1839. Plates. 12 1844 Barral. See Silas, F. Barrande, Joachim. Defense des Colonies. [Geological. ] Parts i and 3. Map and plate. 8* Prague, 1861 and 1865 BAR. Barraud, C. D. See New Zealand : Ap- pendix 2. Barret, Dr Paul. Senegambie et Guinee : la Region Gabonaise ; 1'Afrique Occi- dentale, la Nature et 1'IIomme noir. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1888 Barret, W. See Kerr, Vol. 8: Ap- pendix i. Barrett, Alfred. See Yates, James. Barrett, C. R. B. Essex : Highways, Byways, and Waterways. Illustrations. Small 4 1892 Ditto. 2nd series. Illustrations. Small Barrett- Lennard, Capt. C. E. Travels in British Columbia, with the Narrative of a Yacht Voyage round Vancouver's Island. Frontispiece. 8 1862 Barrington, Dairies. The Probability of reaching the North Pole discussed. Small 4 1775 - The Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted ; with an Appendix containing Papers on the same Subject, and on a North -West Passage, by Colonel Beaufoy. 8 1818 Barrio, Don Paulino del. Noticia sobre el Torreno Carbonifero de Coronel i Lota. Map and plates. Folio* Santiago, 1857 Barren, C. See Adams. Barren, Lieut. -Col. The Cadastral Sur- vey of India, R.G.S. Supplementary Papers, Vol. I. Large 8 1886 Barros, J. de. Da Asia de Joao de Barros e de Diogo de Couto. Nova ediao. Plates. 24 vols. 12 Lisbon, 1777-88 CONTENTS. Da Asia de Joao de Barros. Dos feitos que os Portuguezes fizeram na con- quista e descubrimento das terras e mares de Oriente. [4 decades, each in 2 parts] 1777 Vida de Joao de Barros, por Manoel Severim de Faria, e Indice geral das quatro decadas da sua Asia 1778 Continuacao da Asia de Joao de Barros, por Diogo de Couto. Da Asia de Diogo do Couto. Dos feitos, &c. [as above]. Decada IV., 2 pts., 1778; V., pt. i, 1779; pt. 2, 1780; VI., 2 pis., 1781 ; VII., pt. i, 1782, pt. 2, 1783; VIII. and IX., 1786; X., 2 pts., XI. and XII., 1788. Indice geral das Decadas de Couto. N.D. See Astley, Vol. I ; Ramusio, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Barrow, Major E. G. Routes in Dardi- stan and Kafiristan. 8* Simla, 1886 - Report on the British Trans-Salween Districts of Indo-China. Map and plan. 8 Simla, 1890 Barrow, Sir George. Ceylon, Past and Present. Map. 8 1857 Barrow, John [Author of the Geographical Dictionary}. A Collection of Authentic, Useful, and Entertaining Voyages and Discoveries, digested in a Chronological Series. Vol. I. Plates. 12 1765 Barrow, Sir John. Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa in 1797-98, including cursory Observations on the Geology, Geography, and Natural History of the Southern part of that Continent, and Sketches of the Physical and Moral Characters of the various Tribes surrounding the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1801-4 Travels in China, containing Descrip- tions, Observations, and Comparisons, made and collected in the course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Journey from Pekin to Canton. Plates. 4 1804 Voyage to Cochin-China in 1792-93 ; to which is annexed an Account of a Journey made in 1801-2 to the Residence of the Chief of the Booshuana Nation, being the remotest point in the Interior of Southern Africa to which Europeans have hitherto penetrated. Map and plates. 4 1806 Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, undertaken chiefly for the purpose of discovering a North-east, North-west, or Polar passage between the Atlantic and Pacific, from the Earliest Periods of Scandinavian Navigation to the Departure of the Recent Expeditions under Captains Ross and Buchan. Map. 8 1818 The Life of George, Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet. 8 1839 Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the year 1818 to the Present Time, abridged and arranged from the Original Narratives, with Occasional Remarks. Maps and portraits. 8 1846 An Autobiographical Memoir of, including Reflections, Observations, and Reminiscences at Home and Abroad, from Early Life to Advanced Age. Por- trait. 8 1847 Barrow, John. Excursions in the North of Europe, through parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, in 1830 and 1833. Map. 8 1834 Tour Round Ireland, through the Sea-Coast Counties, in 1835. Map and plates. 8 1836 Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem, in 1834. Plates. 8 1837 BAR. Barrow, John. Tour in Austrian Lom- bardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840. 8 1841 The Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Admiral Sir Francis Drake. 8 1843 Tour on the Continent by Rail or Road, in 1852, through Northern Ger- many, Austria, Tyrol, Austrian Lom- bardy, &c. Map. 12 1853 Barrow, J. Expeditions on the Glaciers ; including an Ascent of Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Col du Geant, and Mont Muet. Portrait. 8 1864 Barry, David. See Juan. Barry, Frederick W. See Cyprus : Ap- pendix 2. Barry, Dr Martin. Ascent of Mont Blanc in 1834. Plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1836 Barry, John Warren. Studies in Corsica, sylvan and social. Map and ilhistra- tions. 8 1893 Barth, Dr Henry. Wanderungen durch die Kiistenlander des Mittelmeeres, 1845 - "]. Erster Band. Das Nordafrikanische Gestadeland. Map. 8 Berlin, 1849 Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken in 1849-55. Maps and plates. 5 vols. 8 1857 Reise von Trapezunt durch die nord- liche Halfte Klein-Asiens nach Scutari im Ilerbst 1858, mit einer Karte von Dr A. Petermann (Erganzungsheft Vol. I, Petermann's Mittheilungen). Maps and plates. 4 Got ha, 1860 Sammlung und Bearbeitung Central- Afrikanischer Vokabularien. . . . Col- lection of Vocabularies of Central- African Languages. . . . Part I. Larger Vocabularies of the Kanuri, Teda, Hausa, Ful-ful-de, Sonoai, Logone, Wandala, Bagiimma, and Maba Languages. In- troductory Remarks, Chap. 1-6, &c. Large 8 Got ha, 1862 Collection of Vocabularies of Central- African Languages. Part 2. Intro- ductory Remarks, Chap. 7-12. Analysis of the Fulfulde, Songai, Logone, Wan- dala, Bagrimma, and Maba Languages. Part 3, Nouns. Royal 8 Gotha, 1863-66 - Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, including accounts of Tripoli, the Sahara, the remarkable kingdom of Bornu, and the Countries around Lake Chad. (Minerva Library.) Map and illustrations. 12 1890 Ditto. (II.) Including accounts of Timbuktu, Sokoto, and the Basins of the Niger and Benuwe. (Minerva Lib- rary). Illustrations. 12 1890 Dr Balfour Baikie's Thatigkeit am unteren Niger, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Flussschwellen dieses Stromes und derjenigen des Tsad- und Nilbeckens. Tables. 8* Berlin, N.D. Barth, Dr Henry. See Hodgson, W. B. ; Jomard ; Malte-Brun ; Petermann ; Schauenberg. Bartholemaeus, . Breves in Sphseram Meditatiunculse, includentes Methodum et Isagogen in Universam Cosmo- graphiam ; hoc est, Geographic pariter atque Astronomiae initia ac Rudimenta Suggerentes. Woodciits. 12 Cologne, 1563 [Bound np with works by Borrhaus, Theodoricns, . See Pouchet, G, Beaver, P. African Memoranda relative to an Attempt to Establish a British Settlement on the Island of Bulama, on the Western Coast of Africa, in the year 1792 ; with a brief Notice of the Neigh- bouring Tribes, Soil, Productions, &c. , and some Observations on the Facility of Colonising that part of Africa with a view to Cultivation, and the Introduction of Letters and Religion to its Inhabitants, but more particularly as the means of gradually abolishing African Slavery. Maps. 4 1805 Becher, Capt. A. B. Tables of Mast- Head Angles, for 5 feet intervals from 30 to 280 feet, and s r arying distances from a Cable's-length to 4 miles, with their application to Nautical Surveying, also the Determination of Distance by Sound. 16 1854 The Landfall of Columbus on his First Voyage to America ; with a Translation of the Baron Bonnefoux's History of his previous Life, and a Chart showing his Track from the Landfall to Cuba. Map. 8 1856 Tables for Reducing Foreign Lineal Measure into English, and English Measure into Foreign. Parti. 8 N.D. Navigation of the Atlantic Ocean, with an Account of the Winds, Weather, and Currents found therein throughout the year, according to the most approved authorities ; including Extensive Extracts from The Nautical Magazine. 4th edi- tion. Charts. 8 1883 Becher, Ernst. See Dorn, A. Becher, H. C. R. A Trip to Mexico : being Notes of a Journey from Lake Erie to Lake Tezcuco and back, with an Appen- dix about the Ancient Nations and Races who inhabited Mexico before and at the time of the Spanish Conquest, and the Ancient Stone and other Structures and Ruins of Ancient Cities found there. Photographs. Square 8 Toronto, 1880 Bechet, Eugene. Cinq Ans de sejour au Soudan Franfaise. Map. 12 Paris, 1889 Beck, Dr Giinther Ritter von. See Paulitschke. Beck, L. C. Die Aufgaben der Geo- graphic, mit Beriicksichtigung der Handelsgeographie. 8* Stuttgart, 1884 Beck, Lewis C., W. W. Mather, E. Emmons, T. A. Conrad, and L. Vanuxem. The New York Geological and Mineralogical Reports for 1837. 8" Albany, N. Y., 1840 Beck, William. New Waterway to the East by a Valley of Passengers, N.B., suggested by Captain Allen, R.N., in 1855 : Thoughts on its Advantages and Feasibility. Plans and section. 8* 1882 EEC BEH. Becker, George F. See United States, G, c (Monographs, Vol. 3) : Appen- dix 2. Becker, Jerome. La Vie en Afrique, ou Trois ans dans 1'Afrique Centrale ; avec Preface du C te Goblet d'Alviella, et Appendices, &c. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1887 Becker, M. A. Wilhelm Haidinger. 8* Vienna, 1871 Becker, W. G. E. Journal einer Bergman- nischen Reise durch Ungarn und Sieben- biirgen. Plates. 2 vols in I. 12 Freiburg, 1815 Beckford, W. Italy ; with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, by the Author of "Vathek." 2 vols. 8 1834 Beckwith, Lieut. E. G. Report of Ex- ploration of a Route for the Pacific Rail- road, near the 38th and 39th Parallels of Latitude, from the Mouth of the Kansas to Sevier River, in the Great Basin. Maps Washington, 1854 Beddard, F. E. See United Kingdom, H, Challenger : Appendix 2. Bedeau, Lieut. -Gen. A. See De la Moriciere. Bedford, E. J. See United Kingdom, A (Sailing Directions) : Appendix 2. Bedot, Maurice. See Pictet. Beebe, Lewis H. The Dense Water of the Ocean, its Rivers and Currents. 8* {Philadelphia, 1884] Beecham, John. Ashantee and Gold Coast : being a Sketch of the History, Social State, and Superstitions of the Inhabitants of those Countries. Map. 12 1841 Beechey, Capt. F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, performed in H. M. S. "Blossom," 1825-28. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1831 Zoology of Voyage, compiled from the Collections and Notes made by Capt. Beechey, the Officers, and Naturalist of the Expedition, by J. Richardson, N. A. Vigors, G. T. Lay, N. T. Bennett, R. Owen, J. E. Gray, Rev. Dr W. Buck- land, and G. B. Sowerby. Coloured plates. 4 1839 Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, performed in H.M.SS. "Dorothea" and "Treat," 1818 ; with a Summary of all the Early Attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the Pole. Map and plates. 8 1843 Report on Observations on the Tidal Streams of the English Channel and the German Ocean, in 1848-50 ; with Charts and Tables giving the Direction of the Stream in all Parts of the Channel and North Sea. Maps. 4 1851 Beechey, Capt. F. W. and H. W. Proceedings of the Expedition to Explore the Northern Coast of Africa from Tripoly eastward, in 1821 and 1822, compre- hending an Account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica, and of the Ancient Cities composing the Pentapolis. Maps and plates. 4 1828 Beeckman. See Pinkerton, Vol. n : Appendix I. Beele, Baron S. Van de. See Van der Tuuk. Begat, P. Expose des Operations Geo- desiques relatives aux travaux Hydro- graphiques executes sur les Cotes Septen- trionales de France. 4 Paris, 1839 - Traite de Geodesic a 1'Usage de Marins, ou Methodes et Formulas Tri- gonometriques relatives au Leve et a la Construction des Cartes Hydrographiques. Plates. 8 Paris, 1839 Begg, Alexander. The Great Canadian North-West, its Past History, Present Condition, and Glorious Prospects. 8* Montreal, 1881 -- Canada and its National Highway. Large 8* 1886 - The Great North-West of Canada : a Paper read at Conference, Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 8th June 8* 1886 Emigration : a Paper read at Con- ference, Indian and Colonial Exhibition, London, 23rd July 1886. 8* 1886 - The Canadian Pacific Railway : a Paper read at the Birmingham Meeting of the British Association, 2nd September 1886. Map. 8* 1886 Beglar, J. B. See India, A : Appendix 2. Behm, Dr E. Die modernen Ver- kehrsmittel : Dampfschiffe, Eisenbahnen, Telegraphen (Erganzungsheft, 19 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 2 coloured maps. 4 Gotha, 1867 See Petermann and Hassenstein. - and Dr H. Wagner Die Bevol- kerung der Erde. I. (Erganzungsheft, 33 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 4 Gotha, 1872 - Die Bevolkerung der Erde. II. (Erganzungsheft, 35 Petermann's Mit- theilungen. ) 2 coloured maps. 4 Gotha, 1874 Ditto. III. (Erganzungsheft, 41 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 4 Gotha, 1875 -- Ditto. IV. (Erganzungsheft, 49 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 2 coloured maps, 4 Gotha, 1877 - Ditto. V. (Erganzungsheft, 55 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 2 maps. 4 Got ha, 1878 BEH BEK. 39 Behm, Dr E. and Dr H. Wagner. Die Bevo'lkerung der Erde. VI. (Ergan- zungsheft, 62 Petermann's Mitthei- lungen.) 3 maps. 4 Gotha, 1880 Ditto. VII. (Erganzungsheft, 69 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) 2 maps. 4 Gotha, 1882 See also Wagner, H. Behrens, H. The Natural History of Hart/ - Forest, in His Majesty King George's German Dominions. Trans- lated by J. Andree. 8 1730 Behring, Capt. See Harris, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appen- dix i. Beilby, J. W. Reasons Suggestive of Mining on Physical Principles for Gold and Coal. 12* Melbourne, 1875 Beke, Dr Charles T. Origines Biblicse ; or, Researches in Primeval History. Map. 8 1834 On the Geological Evidence of the Advance of the Land at the Head of the Persian Gulf. 8* 1835 On the Complexion of the Ancient Egyptians. 8* 1836 On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf, and on the Non-identity of Babylon and Babel. 8* 1836 Additional Remarks. 8* 1837 Vertheidigung gegen Dr Paulus liber Origines Biblicse. 8 Leipzig, 1836 On the Passage of the Red Sea by the Israelites, and its Locality, and on the Situation of Mount Sinai. Map. 8* 1838 On the Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldea. 8* 1839 Route from Ankober to Dima. 8* 1841 Abyssinia : being a Continuation of Routes in that Country. 8* Map [1842] Memoire justificatif en rehabilitation des Peres Pierre Paez et Jerome Lobo, Missionnaires en Abyssinie, en ce qui concerne leurs visiles a la Source de 1'Abai (le Nil) et a la Cataracte d'Alata. Map. 8* Paris, 1842 On the Countries south of Abys- sinia. Map. 8* [1844] On the Languages and Dialects of Abyssinia, and the Countries to the south. 8* 1845 A Statement of Facts relative to the Transactions between the Writer and the late British Political Misssion to the Court of Shoa, in Abessinia. 8* 1846 Christianity among the Gallas. 8* 1847 Description of the Ruins of the Church of Martula Mariam, in Abessinia. Plates. 4* 1847 On the Korarima, or Cardamom of Abessinia. 8* 1847 Essay on the Sources of the Nile in the Mountains of the Moon. 8* Edinburgh, 1848 Beke, Dr Charles T. On the Origin of the Gallas. 8* 1848 Remarks on the Mats'hafa Tomar, or the Book of the Letter, an Ethiopic MS. in the University of Tubingen. 8* 1848 On the Sources of the Nile : being an Attempt to Assign the Limits of the Basin of that River. 8* 1849 On the Geographical Distribution of the Languages of Abessinia and the Neighbouring Countries. Map. 8* Edinbtirgh, 1849 Ueber die Geographische Verbreitung der Sprachen von Abessinien und der Nachbarlander. Map. 8* 1849 Letter to M. Daussy, President of the Geographical Society of France. 8* 1850 Observations sur la Communication supposee entre le Niger et le Nil. 8* 1850 Enquiry into M. Antoine d'Abbadie's Journey to KarTa to Discover the Source of the Nile. Map. 8* 1851 Reasons for Returning the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France, and for withdrawing from its Member- ship. 8* 1851 A Summary of Recent Nilotic Dis- covery. 8* 1851 The Sources of the Nile : being a General Survey of the Basin of that River and of its Head Streams, with the History of Nilotic Discovery. Maps. 8 1860 On the Mountains forming the Eastern Side of the Basin of the Nile, and the Origin of the Designation of " Mountains of the Moon " as applied to them. 8* Edinburgh, 1861 The French and English in the Red Sea. 8* 1862 A Few Words with Bishop Colenso on the subject of the Exodus of the Israelites, and the Position of Mount Sinai. 8* 1862 Views in Ethnography : the Classifica- tion of the Language, the Progress of Civilisation, and the Natural History of Man. 8 1863 Who Discovered the Sources of the Nile? a Letter to Sir Roderick I. Murchison, with an Appendix. 8* 1863 On the Sources of the Nile. 8* 1864 The British Captives in Abyssinia. 8* 1865 The same. 2nd edition. Map. 8* 1867 The Idol in Horeb. Small 8 1871 The late Dr Charles Beke's Dis- coveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian. Edited by his Widow. Map and plates. 8 1878 See Lacerda, 4 o BEK BEL. Beke, Emily. Jacob's Flight ; or, A Pil- grimage to Harran and thence in the Patriarch's Footsteps into the Promised Land. Map and plates. 8 1865 Summary of the late Dr Beke's pub- lished Works, and of his inadequately requited public services. Small 8* Tunbridge Wells, 1867 Belavenetz, I. Deviations of the Com- pass and the Compass Observatory. [In Russian. ] Plate. 8 St Petersburg, 1863 Fixing the Compass in the Submarine Boat. [In Russian.] Plates. 8* St Petersburg, 1867 Belcher, Sir Edward. Treatise on Nautical Surveying : containing an out- line of the Duties of the Naval Sur- veyor, with Cases applied to Naval Evolutions, and Miscellaneous Rules and Tables useful to the Seaman or Traveller. Plans and plates. 8 1835 Directions for the River Gambia. 8 Narrative of a Voyage round the World performed in H.M.S. " Sulphur," 1836-42, including Details of the Naval Operations in China from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1843 Directions for the River Douro, 1833. 8 2nd edition 1847 Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang," during 1843-46, employed Surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago ; accompanied by a brief Vocabulary of the Principal Languages, with Notes on the Natural History of the Islands by A. Adams. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 1848 The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. " Samarang," under the command of Sir E. Belcher, during the years 1843-46, by J. E. Gray, Sir J. Richardson, A. Adams, L. Reeve, and A. White. Edited by Arthur Adams. Plates. 4 1850 The Last of the Arctic Voyages : being a Narrative of the Expedition in H.M.S. "Assistance," in search of Sir John Franklin, during 1852-54 ; with Notes on the Natural History, by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, T. Bell, J. W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. Maps and plates. 2 vols. Royal 8 1855 See Smyth, Admiral W. H. and Capt. W. T. Bate. China Pilot: Appendix, No. 2, General Obser- vations on the Coasts of Borneo, the Sulu, and Mindoro Seas, with Sailing Directions for Palawan Passage and Island. 8 1859 Beldam, Joseph. Recollections of Scenes and Institutions in Italy and the East. Plates. 2 vols. 8 1851 Belgrand, E., and G. Lemoine. Note sur 1'Etat probable des Eaux courantes du Bassin de la Seine dans 1'ete et 1'automne de 1870. 8* Paris, 1870 Belknap, G. E. See United States, E, a (No. 54) : Appendix 2. Bell, Charles N. Our Northern Waters : a Report presented to the Winnipeg Board of Trade regarding the Hudson's Bay and Straits, being a Statement of their Resources in Minerals, Fisheries, Timber, Furs, Game, and other Products ; a'so Notes on the Navigation of these Waters, together with Historical Events and Meteorological and Climatic Data. Maps. 8* Winnipeg, 1884 The Selkirk Settlement and the Settlers : a Concise History of the Red River Country, from its Discovery, in- cluding Information extracted from original documents lately discovered, and Notes obtained from Selkirk Settle- ment Colonists. Illustrations. 8* Winnipeg, 1887 Bell, Clara. See Ebers. Bell, Col. C. W. Bowdler. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Bell, Dugald. On the Glacial Phenomena of Scotland, with Reference to the Reports of the Boulder Committee of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 8* Glasgow, 1888 Bell, Horace. The Great Indian Desert. 8* [1889] Bell, H. C. P. The Maldive Islands : an Account of the Physical Features, Climate, History, Inhabitants, Produc- tions, and Trade. Maps and diagram. Folio Colombo, 1883 Bell, James. New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales, repre- senting under each Article respectively the Population of the Towns and Parishes, according to the Census of 1831, and the State of the Elective Franchise as fixed by the Provisions of the Reform Bill. Maps. 4 vols. 8 Glasgow, 1837-38 System of Geography, Popular and Scientific ; or a Physical, Political, and Statistical Account of the World and its Various Divisions. Maps and plates. 6 vol*. 8 Glasgow, 1838 Bell, James Stanislaus. Journal of a Residence in Circassia during the years 1837, 1838, and 1839. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1840 See Tempsky. Bell, John. Travels from St Petersburg in Russia to Diverse Parts of Asia. 2 vols. in I. Map. 4 Glasgow, 1763 Ditto. 2 vols. Maps. 4 Glasgow, 1763 BEL. Bell, John. Travels from St Petersburg in Russia to various Parts of Asia. Maps. 2 vols. 8 1788 See Pinkerton, Vol. 7 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6, p. 608: Appendix i. Bell, Col. Mark S. China: being a Military Report on the North-Eastern Portions of the Provinces of Chih-Liand Shan-Tung, Nanking and its Approaches, &c. ; together with an Account of the Chinese Civil, Naval, and Military Ad- ministrations, &c. &c., and a Narrative of the Wars between Great Britain and China. Maps and plates. Vol. I. Large 8 Simla, 1884 Afghanistan as a Theatre of Opera- tions, and as a Defence to India. Map. 8* 1885 Imperial Strategic Communications with Special Reference to the Turko- Persic - Indian Line, and the Strategic Considerations influencing its Alignment. Map. 8 Simla, 1885 Turkey in Asia and Persia. Sections 2 and 3 : Reconnaissances in Mesopo- tamia, Armenia, Kurdistan, and Azar- liaijan in 1885-86. Forming Appendix I to Central Asia, Part 5, and Routes in Central Asia, Section I. Compiled by Lieut. -Colonel C. M. MacGregor (1872). Maps, plans, and plates. Large 8 Simla, 1889 Extracts from a Letter from Colonel M. S. Bell to Major-General Chapman, Quartermaster General in India, dated Suian-fu, i8th April 1887. Folio.* Letter on proposed Journey to Kash- garia. Map. Folio* 1887 Reports of proceedings in Kashgaria and Manchuria, with Sketch Map, dated from Peking, 2Oth March 1887. Folio.* China : Reconnaissance Journey through the Central and Western Pro- vinces, from Peking through Shansi, Shensi, Kansuh,and Sin-Kiangto Ladakh and India, together with Notes on the Districts adjoining the Route taken and the Roads traversing them. 2 vols. Vol. i, India via Peking to Hami ; Vol. 2, Hami via Yarkand to India. Maps, plans, and plates. Large 8 Calcutta, 1888 A Visit to the Kari'm River and Kum. (From Black-wood's Magazine, April 1889.) Map. 8* 1889 Isfahan to Bushire : Roads and Re- sources of Southern Persia. (From Black-Mood's Magazine.} 8* 1889 Bell, Robert. Wayside Pictures through France, Belgium, and Holland. Illus- trations. 8" i 849 Bell, Dr Robert. The "Medicine-Man," or Indian and Eskimo Notions of Medi- cine. 8* Montreal, 1886 Bell, Dr Robert. On Glacial Phenomena in Canada. 8* Washington, 1890 The Nickel and Copper Deposits of Sudbury District, Canada. Illustrations. RoyalS* Rochester, U.S., 1891 Bell, T. L. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Bell, Dr William. Ein Versuch den Ort Schiringsheal der fiinfmal in dem Periplus von Othere und Wulfstan ent- haltend in der anglosachsischen Ueber- setzung von Orosius des Konigs Alfred, &c. 8* 1847 On the Head of Janus found on a British Coin. 8* N.D. See Lepsius. Bell, W. Letter from Koslogir, on Forest Culture. 4* Edinburgh, 1868 Bell, W^. A. New Tracks in North America: a Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, during 1867-68. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1869 Ditto. With Contributions by General W. J. Palmer, Major A. R. Calhoun, C. C. Parry, M.D., and Captain W. F. Colton. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 8 1870 Bellasis, A. F. An Account of the Ancient and Ruined City of Brahmina- bad, in Sindh, situated on a branch of the Old Bed of the Indus. MS. Folio* Kurrachee, 1854 Report on the Southern Districts of the Surat Collectorate. [From the India Records, No. 2.] Plate. Royal 8 Bombay, 1854 Bellefonds, A. Linant de. Journal of a Navigation on the Bahr-el-Abiad : De- scription of a Journey across the Pro- vince of Atbara, in a direction from South-West to North-East. Map. 4 1828 Memoire sur le Lac Moeris. Map. 4* Alexandria, 1843 L'Etbaye, pays habile par les Arabes Bicharieh : Geographic, Ethnologic, Mines d'or. Map and plates. 8. Folio Atlas Paris, 1858 Memoires sur les Principaux Travaux d'utilite publique executes en Egypte. 8. Accompanied by Folio Atlas Paris, 1872-73 Bellefonds, E. Linant de. Meteoro- logical Tables, February to July 1875 : Observations made in Various Localities near the Victoria Nyanza. MS. Folio* 1875 Bellemo, Vincenzo. I Viaggi di Nicolo de' Conti. Maps. 12 Milan, 1883 Bellew, Dr H. W. Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857 . . ; with an Account of the Country and People. Plates. 8 1862 BEL BEN. Bellew, Dr H. W. A General Report on the Yusufzais. Map. 8 Lahore, 1864 Record of the March of the Mission to Seistan under the command of Major- General F. R. Pollock. [From the India Records, No. 104.] Calcutta, 1873 From the Indus to the Tigris : a Narrative of a Journey through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan, and Iran, in 1872 ; together with a Synoptical Grammar and Voca- bulary of the Brahoe Language, and a Record of the Meteorological Observa- tions and Altitudes on the march from the Indus to the Tigris. 8 1874 Kashmir and Kashgar : a Narrative of the Journey of the Embassy to Kash- gar in 1873-74. 8 1875 The History of Kashgharia. 4 Calcutta, 1875 Afghanistan and the Afghans : being a Brief Review of the History of the Country and Account of its People, with Special Reference to the Present Crisis and War with the Amir Sher AH Khan. Small 8 1879 Bellin, S. Description Geographique de la Guyajine : contenant les Possessions et les Etablissemens des Fran9ois, des Espagnoh, des Portugais, des Hollandois, dans ces vastes Pays ; le Climat, les Productions de la Terre, et les Animaux ; leurs Habitans, Moeurs, Coutumes, et le Commerce qu'on y peut faire. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1763 Bellingshausen, Capt. Voyage round the World in the sloops " Vostok " and "Mirnye" in 1819-21. [In Russian.] 2 vols. in I. 4 St Petersburg, 1831 Bellitti, D. Ant. Silvestro. Delle Stufe e de' Bagni di Sciacca. Plates. Folio Palermo, 1783 Belloni, Antonio. Memoria Idrometrica sopra il Fiume Arno. Plate. Small folio* Venice, 1778 Bellonius, Petrus. Plurimarum singular- ium et memorabilium rerum in Grsecia, Asia, Aigypto, Judsea, Arabia, aliisq. exteris Provinciis ab ipso Conspectarum Observationes, C. Clusius Atrebas e Gallicis Latinas faciebat. Illustrations. 12 Antwerp, 1589 Be Hot, J. R. Journal d'un Voyage aux Mers Polaires, execute a la Recherche de Sir John Franklin, en 1851-52 ; precede d'une Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de 1'Auteur par M. Julien Lemer. Por- trait and map. 8 Paris, 1854 Lines on the Loss of. 8* Manchester, 1853 Belluno, G. S. da. See Pellegrini. Belly, Felix. A Travers 1'Ame'rique Centrale, le Nicaragua, et le Canal Inter- oceanique. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1867 See G amend. Belmar, A. de. Voyage aux Provinces Bresiliennes du Para et des Amazones en 1860, precede d'un rapide coup d'ceil sur le littoral du Bresil. 8 1861 Beloch, Dr Julius. Campanien : Topo- graphic, Geschichte, und Leben der Umgebung Neaprfs im Alterthum. 8, Atlas 4 Berlin, 1879 Die Bevolkerung der Griechisch- Romischen Welt. Erster Theil. His- torische Beitrage zur Bevolkerungslehre. Leipzig, 1886 Beloe, Rev. W. See Herodotus. Belon, M. See Ray, John : Appendix i. Belt, T. The Naturalist in Nicaragua : a Narrative of a Residence at the Gold Mines of Chontales, and Journeys in the Savannahs and Forests ; with Observa- tions on Animals and Plants in reference to the Theory of Evolution of Living Forms. Map. 8 1874 The Glacial Period in the Southern Hemisphere (Reprint from the Quarterly Journal of Science, July 1877). 8* 1877 Beltrame, Giovanni. Di un Viaggio sul Fiume Bianco nell' Africa Centrale : Lettera. Maps. 8* Verona, 1861 II Sennaar e lo Sciangallah. 2 vols. Map and plate. 12 Verona, 1879 II Fiume Bianco e i Denka. Map. 12 Verona, 1881 Beltrami, Costantino. Costantino Bel- trami da Bergamo : Notizie e Lettere pubblicate per cura del Municipio di Bergamo, e dedicate alia Societa Storica di Minnesota. 8* Bergamo, 1865 Beluacensis Vicentius. See Vicentius. Belzoni, G. Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Exca- vations in Egypt and Nubia, and a Jour- ney to the Coast of the Red Sea in Search of the Ancient Berenice, and another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Plate. 4 1820 The same. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 1822 See Walpole, Travels : Appendix I. Benaduci, Lorenzo B. Idea de una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional. Frontispiece. 4 Madrid, 1746 Benard, E. Nicaragua and the Inter- oceanic Canal. 8* Washington, 1874 Ben Batuta. See Ibn Batuta. Beneke, F. W. On the Warm Saline Springs of Nauheim (near Frankfort- o/M). Translated and abridged from the German by S. Sutro. Tables. 8 1860 Benicken, F. W. Die Elemente der Militar-Geographie von Europa. Map. 8 Weimar, 1821 Benisch, Dr A. See Petachia, BEN. 43 Benjamin, Rabbi, of Tudela. Itiner- arium Benjamini Tudelensis. Ex Heb- raico Latinum factuin B. A. Montano. 8 Antwerp, 1575 Itinerary. Translated and edited by A. Asher. 2 vols. 8 1840 See Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Benjamin, I. J. Empfehlungsschreiben der grossten Gelehrten Europa. 8* Hanover, 1862 Reise in den ostlichen Staaten der Union und San Francisco. Portrait. 8 Hanover, 1862 Eight Years in Asia and Africa from 1846 to 1855 ; with a Preface by Dr B. Seemann, and the Bible Notes from Benjamin of Tudela, R. Petachia, P. Teix- eira, and Ritter's Erdkunde. Map and woodcuts. 8 Hanover, 1863 Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. Portrait and illustrations. Large 8 1887 Benko, Freiherr Jerplim von. Reise S. M. Schitfes "Zrinyi" iiber Malta, Tanger, und Teneriffa nach West-Indien in den Jahren 1885 und 1886. Map. 8 Pola, 1887 Die Reise S. M. Schiffes " Frunds- berg " im Rothen Meere, und an den Kiistens von Vorderindien und Ceylon in den Jahren 1885-86. Map and plans. 8 Pola, 1888 Reise S. M. Schiffes " Albatros," unter Commando des k. k. Fregatten- Kapitans Arthur Miildner, nach Siid- Amerika, dem Caplande, und West Afrika, 1885-86. Map. 8 Pola, 1889 Das Datum auf den Philippinen. 8* Vienna, 1890 Die Schiffs - Station der k. und k. Kriegs - Marine in Ost-Asien : Reisen S. M. Schiffe "Nautilus" und "Aurora," 1884-88. Maps. Large 8 Vienna, 1892 Benmohel, N. L. Epea Pteroenta : conveying Revelations of the Past. 8 Dublin, 1 86 1 Benmohel, N. L. 2a/2aAcua>v, ^VCOD- Inscription de Treves ; avec une Digres- sion sur 1'Origine du Langage. 8* Dublin, 1868 [Bennassuti, Dr G.] Guida e Compen- dio Storico della Citta di Verona e cenni intorno alia sua Provincia. Maps. 18 Verona, 1825 Benndorf, Otto. Altgriechisches Brot. 8* Vienna, N.D. See Turkey in Asia, A: Appendix 2. Bennet, J. H. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean ; or, The Genoese Rivieras, Italy, Spain, Corfu, Greece, The Archipelago, Con- stantinople, Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, Algeria, Tunis, Smyrna, Asia Bennet, J. H. continued. Minor, with Biarritz and Arcachon, as Winter Climates. (5th edition.) Maps and plates. Small 8 1875 Bennet, J. W. Ceylon and its Capa- bilities : an Account of its Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions, and Commercial Facilities ; to which are added Details of its Statistics, Pilotage, and Sailing Directions. Map and plates, coloured. 4 1843 Bennett, F. Debell. Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe, from 1833-36, comprising Sketches of Poly- nesia, California, the Indian Archi- pelago, &c. ; with an Account of South- ern Whales, the Sperm Whale Fishery, and the Natural History of the Climates visited. Map and frontispiece. 2 vols. 8 1840 Bennett, George. Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China ; being the Journal of a Naturalist in those Countries during 1832-34. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 8 1834 Gatherings of a Naturalist in Aus- tralasia : being Observations principally on the Animal and Vegetable Produc- tions of New South Wales, New Zea- land, and some of the Austral Islands. Coloured plates, &c. 8 1860 Bennett, James F. The South Australian Almanack and General Directory, 1841, 1842. 8 Adelaide, 1841 Bensengra, V. N. Instructions for the Study of Comparative Psychology. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1879 Benson, Capt. George. Sketch of Christmas Island. 8* 1838 Benson, Robert. Sketches of Corsica, or a Journal written during a Visit to that Island in 1823 ; with an Outline of its History, and Specimens of the Language and Poetry of the People. Plates. 8 1825 Benson, William. Universal Phono- graphy : an attempt to select and classify the principal sounds of Human Speech, and to denote them by one Set of Symbols for Easy Writing and Print- ing ; with an Appendix on the Use of Phonography for the Blind. 8* 1887 Bent, J. Theodore. The Cyclades, or Life among the Insular Greeks. Map. Small 8 1885 The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland : being a Record of Excavation and Ex- ploration in 1891 ; with a Chapter on the Orientation and Mensuration of the Temples by R. M. W. Swan. Map and illustrations. 8 1892 Ditto. New edition. Small 8 1893 Mashonaland and its People. (From the Contemporary Review. ) 8* 1893 44 BEN BER. Bent, J. Theodore. The Sacred City of the Ethiopians : being a Record of Travel and Research in Abyssinia in 1893 5 with a Chapter by Professor H. D. Miiller on the Inscriptions from Yeha and Aksum, and an Appendix on the Morphological Character of the Abyssinians by J. G. Garson, M.D. Map and illustrations. 8 1893 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 87: Appendix i. Bent, S. An Address delivered before the St Louis Mercantile Library Association, 6th Ian. 1872, upon the Thermal Paths to the Pole. Maps. 8* St Louis, 1872 Bentham, G. See Orsted, A. S. Bentley, C. S. A New Theory of the Tides, folio* 1879 Bentley, Rev. W. Holman. Dictionary and Grammar of the Kongo Language, as spoken at St Salvador, the ancient capital of the Old Kongo Empire, West Africa. 8 1886 The same. Compiled and prepared for the Baptist Mission on the Kongo River, West Africa. 8 1887 Life on the Congo ; with an Intro- duction by the Rev. George Grenfell. Map and illustrations. 12 1887 Bentley, T. Select Views in Mysore, by Mr Home. See Home. Benyowsky, Count Mauritius Augustus de. Memoirs and Travels of ; consisting of his Military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamchatka, his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern Pacific Ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton in China ; with an Account of the French Settle- ment he was appointed to form upon the Island of Madagascar. Written by him- self; translated from the Original Manu- script. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1790 Benzoni, Hieronym. Novoe Novi Orbis Historiae, id est, rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentals hactenus gestarum, et acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres ; Urbani Calvetonis opera ex Italicis commentariis descripti, &c. ; his ab eodem adjuncta est, De Gallorum in Floridam expeditione, &c., brevis his- toria. 12 Geneva, 1600 - See Gottfried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 21 ; Purchas, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Beranger, Don Carlos de. Relacion Jeografica de la Provincia de Chiloe. Publicada por primera vez con una Introduccion i notas esplicativas por Nicolas Anrique. Royal 8* Santiago, 1893 Berard, A. Description Nautique des Cotes de 1'Algerie, suivie de Notes par De Tessan. Plates. 8 Paris, 1837 Berchet, Guglielmo. La Repubblica di Venezia e la Persia. Photographs. 8 Turin, 1865 Relazione dei Consoli Veneti nella Siria. 8 Turin, 1866 II Planisferio di Giovanni Leardo dell' anno 1452. 4* Venice, 1880 Berchtold, Count Leopold. An Essay to Direct and Extend the Inquiries of Patriotic Travellers ; to which is added a Catalogue of the most Interesting European Travels up to 1787. 2 vols. in i. 12 1789 Berdmore, Septimus. Report on the Inzer Estate, situate in the Government of Orenberg . . ; accompanied by Plans. Folio 1865 Berenger-Feraud, L. J. B. Les Peup- lades de la Senegambie. 8 Paris, 1879 Berengier, T. La Nouvelle-Nursie. Histoire d'une Colonie Benedictine dans PAustralie occidentale (1846-78). Map and plates. 8 Paris [1879] Beresford, B. See Kotzebue, A. Berg, A. Bid rag til Kundskab om Foero- erne. 8* Nykjobin in Zee land, 1889 Bergen, W. C. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 4th edition. 8 1876 Seamanship. 3rd edition. 8 1877 Berger, Capt. Directions for the Use of the Patent Sphereometer, invented for the purpose of obviating all abstruse Calculations in Navigation, likewise for facilitating passages from one place to another. 8* N.D. Berger, Dr Hugo. Die Geographischen Fragmente des Eratosthenes. 8 Leipzig, 1880 Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen. Erste Abthei- lung. Die Geographic der lonier. 8 Leipzig, 1887 The same. Zweite Abtheilung. Die Varbereitungen flir die Geographic der Erdkugel. 8 Leipzig, 1889 The same. Dritte Abth. Die Geo- graphic der Erdkugel. 8 Leipzig, 1891 The same. Vierte Abth. Die Geo- graphic der Griechen unter clem Einflusse der Romer. 8 Leipzig, 1893 Bergeron, P. Voyages faits principale- ment en Asie dans les xii., xiii., xiv., et xv. Siecles, par Benjamin de Tudele, Jean du Plan-Carpin, N. Ascelin, Guil- laume de Rubruquis, Marc Paul Venitien, Haiton, Jean de Mandeville, et Ambroise Contarini ; accompagnes de 1'histoire des Sarasins et des Tartares, et precedez d'une Introduction concernant les voyages et les nouvelles decouvertes des princi- paux voyageurs. 2 vols. in I. Maps. 4 The Hague, 1735 BER. 45 Bergh, Augustus. An Essay on the Causes of Distant Alternate Periodic Inundations over the Low Lands of each Hemisphere, suggesting the means where- by the Earth's surface is renovated . . . 8 1830 Die ersten Elemente der Erdbeschrei- bung. I2 a Berlin, 1830 Berghaus, Heinrich. Asia. Geo-IIydro- graphisches Memoir zur Erklarung und Erlauterung der reduzirten Karte von Hinterindien, Persischer Golf, Philip- pinen, Sulu-Ins. Assam, und seinen Nachbar - Landern Bhotan, Djyntia, Katschlar, Muniper; nebst Bemerkungen iiber die nordlichen Provinzen des Birma- Reichs, Syrien, Arabia, und dem Nil- Lande. Maps. 2 vols. 4 Gotha, 1832-35 Allgemeine Lander und Vtilkerkunde ; nebst eineni Abris der physikalischen Erdbeschreibung. Frontispiece and tables. 6 vols. 8 Stuttgart, 1837-44 Annalen derErd-, Vb'lker- undStaaten- kunde (continuation of "Hertha"). See Germany, Stuttgart : Appendix 3. Physikalischer Atlas. Geographi- sches Jahrbuch zur Mittheilung aller wichtigern neuen Erforschungen. Maps. Parts I to 4. 4* Gotha, 1850-52 Berghaus, Heinrich, and Hoffman. Hertha, Zeitschrift fur Erd-, Volker- und Staatenkunde. See Germany, Stuttgart: Appendix 3. Bergman, Torbern. Physicalische Be- schreibung der Erdkugel, auf Veranlass- ung der Cosmographischen Gesellschaft. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von L. H. Rohl. mates. 2 vols. 8 Greifswald, 1791 Bergmann, J. Untersuchungen iiber die freienWalliseroderWalserinGraubunden und Vorarlberg. Map. 8 Vienna, 1844 Bergmann, Minna J. A. See Wissmann. Bergner, Rudolf. Rumanian. Eine Darstellung des Landes und der Leute. Map and illustrations. 8 Breslau, 1887 Bergsma, P. A., and L. Backer Overbeek. Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Weersgesteldbeid ter Kuste van Atjeh. Maps. 4 Batavia, 1877 Bergstraesser, Dr. Die Verbindung des Caspischen mil dem Schwarzen Meere. Map. 4* Gotha, 1859 - De la Reunion de la Mer Caspienne a la Mer Noire. Map. 8* Paris, 1861 Berjeau, J. P. Calcoen : a Dutch Narra- tive of the Second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut, printed at Antwerp circa 1504 ; with Introduction and Trans- lation. Square 8* 1874 Berkley, J. J. Surveys by the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Company of the North-Eastern extension from Mun- mar to Mirzapore. Map. Royal 8 1855 Berkley, J. J. Extracts from a Report relating to the Nerbudda River and Valley. [From the India Records, Nos. 14 and 19.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Berlepsch, H. A. Die Gotthard-Bahn. ( Erganzungsheft, 65 Petermann's Mit- theilungen). 3 coloured maps. 4 Gotha, 1 88 1 Berlioux, Etienne Felix. La Traite Orientale : Histoire des Chasses a 1'homme organisees en Afrique depuis quinze ans, pour les Marches de 1'Orient. Map. 8 Paris, 1870 The Slave Trade in Africa in 1872, principally carried on for the supply of Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Zanzibar ; with a Preface by Joseph Cooper. 8 1872 Doctrina Ptolemrci ab injuria recenti- orum vindicata, sive Nilus superior et Niger verus, hodiernus Eghirren, ab anti- quis explorali. Maps. 8 Paris, 1874 Andre Brue, on 1'origine de la Colonie Fran9aise du Senegal, avec line Carte de la Senegambie. 8 Paris, 1874 La premiere Ecole de Geographic Astronomique et la prochaine decouverte du pays des Garamantes. 8* Lyons, 1878 Les Anciennes Explorations et les futures decouvertes de 1'Afrique Centrale. 2nd edition. Map. 8* Lyons, 1879 Lecture de la Carte de France : Le Jura. Maps. 8 Paris, 1880 Les Atlantes : Histoire de 1'Atlantis et de 1'Atlas primitif, ou introduction a 1'histoire de 1' Europe. Large 8 Paris, 1883 Les Chetas sont des Scythai. Small folio* Lyons, 1888 Bermudes, B. See Wertheman. Bermudez, John. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Appendix I. Bernard (the Wise). See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 612 : Appendix I. Bernard, Dr. L'Algerie qui s'en va. Illustrations. 12 Paris [1887] Bernard, Capt. F. De Lyon a la Me- diterranee. Map and illustrations. Small 8 Paris, 1855 Quatrc mois dans le Sahara : Journal d'un Voyage chez les Touareg suivi d'un aper9u sur la deuxieme Mission du Colonel Flatters. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1 88 1 Bernard, H., and E. Tissot. Itineraire pour 1'Isthme de Suez et les grandes villes d'Egypte (Vocabulaire Francais- Egyptien). Map. 12 Paris, 1869 Bernard, W. D. See Hall, W. II. 4 6 BER. Bernardin, R. J. Classification de 100 Caoutchoucs et Gutta-Perchas. 8* Ghent, 1872 Les Richesses naturelles du Glbe et 1'Exposition Universelle de Vienne. 8* Ghent, 1873 Classification de 250 Fecules. 8* Ghent, 1876 L'Afrique Centrale : Etude sur ses produits commerciaux. Map. 8* Ghent, 1877 Bernardine. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Ap- pendix i. Bernatz, John Martin. Scenes in Ethiopia, designed from nature ; with Descriptions of the Plates, and Extracts from a Journal of Travel in that Country. 2 vols in I. Oblong folio 1852 Bernays, L. A. The Duty of States in the Teaching of the Science and Technology of Plant Life. 8 s Brisbane, 1875 Acclimatisation Society of Queens- land. [Report for the year 1879.] Folio* [Brisbane} 1880 - Economic Tropical Horticulture in Northern Queensland. Folio [Brisbane} 1880 Cultural Industries for Queensland : Papers on the Cultivation of useful Plants suited to the Climate of Queensland ; their value as Food, in the Arts, and in Medicine ; and Methods of Obtaining their Products. First Series. 8 Brisbane, 1883 Berncastle, Dr. A Voyage to China, including a Visit to the Bombay Presi- dency, the Mahratta Country, the Cave Temples of Western India, Singapore, the Straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the Cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. Plan and plates. 12 1850 Berndt, G. Das Val d' Anniviers und das Bassin de Sierre. (Erganzungsheft, 68 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Coloured map. 4 Got ha, 1882 Der Alpenfohn. (Erganzungsheft, 83 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1886 Berneaud, A. T. de. A Voyage to the Isle of Elba ; with Notices of the other Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Trans- lated from the French by William Jerdan. Map. 8 1814 Bernegg. See Sprecher von Bernegg. Bernier, Francois. Travels in the Mogul Empire. Translated by Irving Brock. 2 vols in I. 8 1826 Travels in the Mogul Empire, A.D. 1656-68. A Revised edition by Archi- bald Constable. Maps and ilhtstrations. 8 1891 See Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Laharpe, Vol. 5 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 8 ; Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. II : Appendix I. Bernier, T. Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique, Archeologique, Biographique et Bibliographique du Hainaut. 12 Mons, 1879 Bernouilli, J. Nachrichten von Italien. Band 3. Sicilien, &c. 8 Leipzig, 1782 Description Historique et Geograph- ique de 1'Inde, &c. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 4 Berlin, 1786-89 CONTENTS. Vol. I. J. Tieffenthaler. LaGeographie de 1'Indoustan 1 786 Vol. 2. Anquetil du Perron. Les re- cherches Historiques et Geographiques sur 1'Inde 1787 Vol. 3. Part I. Memoires de Jacques Rennell ; Plan d'Administration pour 1'Inde 1788 Vol. 3. Part 2. Divers Memoires His- toriques et Geographiques 1789 Bernouilli, Raphael. La Souanetie Libre : Episode d'un Voyage a la Chaine Cen- trale du Caucase. Illustrations. 4 Paris, 1875 Bert, Paul. See Chailley. Berthelot, S. See Webb, P. Berthezene, Baron. , Dix-huit Mois a Alger, ou recit des Evenemens qui s'y sont passes 1830-31. 8 Montpellier,^^ Bertius, P. Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum, Libri Quinque cum Lu- culentis Singularum Tabularum Expli- cationibus. Maps and illustrations. Oblong 8 Amsterdam, 1606 Bertolotti, A. Passeggiate nel Canavese. Vols. I to 4. 8 Ivrea, 1867-70 Bertolotti, David. Viaggio ai tre Laghi di Como, Lugano, e Maggiore. 16 Como, 1825 Bertou, Comte de. Le Mont Hor, le Tombeau d'Aaron. Cades : etude sur 1'Itineraire des Israelites dans le Desert. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1860 Bertram, J. G. See Gallon, Francis, Vacation Tourists. Bertrand, A. Departamento de Tarapaca : Aspecto Jeneral del Terreno, su Clima i sus Producciones. Map. 8* Santiago, 1879 Voyage au Cachemire. 8* Geneva, 1884 Passage de Test a 1'ouest du Detroit de Magellan et des canaux lateraux de la Patagonie. 8* Geneva, 1888 Souvenirs de 1'Exposition Africaine, Londres, 1890 : Expose d'une Com- munication faite a la Societe de Geo- graphic de Geneve. 8* Geneva, 1891 Expose d'une Communication sur Tientsin, Peking, la grand muraille de - Chine, Residence Imperiale de Djehol (Mongolie interieure), les tombeaux des Mings, la Passe de Nan-Koou, faite a la Societe de Geographic de Geneve le 6 Janvier 1893. 8* Geneva, 1893 BER BEY. 47 Bertranci, P. J. B. Precis de 1'Histoire Physique, Civile et Politique, de la Ville de Boulogne-sur-Mer et de ses Environs, depuis les Morins jusqu'en 1814. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 Boulogne, 1828-29 Bertus. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Besant, Sir Walter. Captain Cook. Portrait. Small 8 1890 The Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. By Walter Besant. 4th edition. Portrait. Small 8 1883 Bescherelle, E. See France, B (Cape Horn) : Appendix 2. Bescherelle, M., and G. Deva'rs. Grand Dictionnaire de Geographic Uni- verselle, Ancienne et Moderne, &c. 4 vols. 4 Paris, 1857 Beschi, Pere Constant. Memoire sur la Vie, les Ouvrages, et les Travaux Aposto- liques, par M. Eug. Sice. 8* Paris, 1841 Beschoren, Max. Sao Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul. (Erganzungsheft, 96 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1889 Besobrasof, W. De 1'Influence de la Science Economique sur la Vie de 1'Europe Moderne. 4* St Petersburg, 1867 Besse, Jean-Charles de. Voyage en Crimee, au Caucase, en Georgie, en Armenie, en Asie-Mineure et a Con- stantinople, en 1829 et 1838, pour servir a 1'Histoire de Hongrie. Plates. 8 Paris, 1838 Bessel's Refraction-Tables as Employed at the Cape of Good Hope. 4 N.D. Bessels, Emil. Die Amerikanische Nord- pol-Expedition. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1879 - See " Polaris." Besson, . See Yule, C. B. Best, Capt. Abel Dottin. Journal of an Excursion into the Interior of the Nor- thern Island of New Zealand. 8* [Auckland, 1842] Best, Capt. S., and Major H. C. Cotton. Irrigation Reports and Maps of the Presidency of Madras. [From the India Records, Vol. 2] 1855-64 Memorandum on the System of Irrigation in the Madras Presidency. [From the India Records, Vol. 2.] Plates. Madras, 1855-64 Best, Capt. Thomas. ^Gottfried; Kerr, Vol. 9; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4: Appendix I. Betagh, William. Voyage round the World : being an Account of a Re- markable Enterprise, begun 1719, chiefly to Cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ocean, relating to the True Historical Facts of that whole affair. Map. 8 1728 Betagh, William. See Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 14 : Appendix i. Beteta, Gregorio de. See Ternaux- Compans, Vol. 20 : Appendix i. Betham- Edwards, M. The Roof of France ; or, The Gausses of the Lozere. 8 1889 Bethencourt, J. de. See Avezac ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 46: Appendix i. Bethune, Adm. C. R. D. Note on a Method of Reducing the Apparent Dis- tance of the Moon from Sun or Star to the True Distance. 8* N.D. -- Tables for Travellers, adapted to the pocket or sextant case. 24 1872 - See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. i, 30: Appendix i. Bethune, Baron Leon. Les Missions Catholiques d'Afrique. 8 Lille, 1889 Bettelheim, Dr Anton. See Ruge ; Smith (Bishop). Betts, John. Exercises on Interrogatory Maps : Europe, England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland. 4 parts. 18* N.D. Beule, . See Circourt. Beurmann, Moritz von. See Peter- mann and Hassenstein. Bevan, G. P. Primer of the Industrial Geography of Great Britain and Ireland. 12 1880 - Home Geography of England and Wales for the use of Schools. Maps. 8 Bevan, Theodore F. [Mr Bevan's Dis- coveries in New Guinea. Newspaper Cuttings.] 8* 1887 - Mr Theodore F. Bevan's Fifth Ex- pedition to British New Guinea. Map and illustrations. 8 [Sydney] 1 888 - Toil, Travel, and Discovery in British New Guinea. Maps. 8 1890 Bevan, W. L. The Student's Manual of Ancient Geography. Edited by William Smith. Maps and cuts. 12 1867 and H. W. Phillott. Medieval Geography : an Essay in Illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi. 8 1873 Beveridge, H. Annual Address to the Asia- tic Society of Bengal. 8* Calcutta, 1891 - Sahibganj and Rajmahal. (From the Calcutta Review.} 8* 1893 Beveridge, Bishop W. Institutionum Chronologicarum, Lib. II., una cum Totidem Arithmeticis Chronologicse Libellis. Small 4 1669 Beverley, H. Report on the Census of Bengal, 1872. Maps. Folio Calcutta, 1872 Bevir, J. L. Visitor's Guide to Orvieto. 12* ' 1884 Beyer's Guide to Western Norway ; with the Coast-route to the North Cape and Overland Routes to Christiania, by Viljam Olsvig. Maps and panoramic view. 12 Bergen [1887] 4 8 BEY BIG. Beynen, L. R. K. See Koolcmans Beynen. Beyrich, E. Ueber geognostische Beo- bachtungen G. Schweinfurth's in der Wiiste zwischen Cairo und Sues. Maps. Large 8* Berlin, 1882 Bezaure, G. de. Le Fleuve Bleu : Voyage dans la Chine Occidentale. Map and plates. 1 6 Paris, 1879 Bezold, Wilhelm von. Ueber ziindende Blitze im Konigreich Bayern, wahrend des Zeitraumes 1833 bis 1882. Map. 4* [Munich, 1886] Bezzenberger, Dr A. See Miiller, Dr A. ; also Germany, C (Forschungen, &c. , Vol. 3) : Appendix 2. Bhatta Bhavabhiiti. The Maha Vira Charita ; or, The History of Kama, a Sanscrit Play. (In the Deva-Nagare Character.) Edited by Francis H. Trithen. Royal 8 1848 Bianchi, . See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix I. Bianchi, V. See Schrenck and Maxi- mowicz, 4. Bianco, Andrea. L'Atlante di Andrea Bianco dell' Anno 1436, in dieci Tavole. Facsimile Fotografico nella Grandezza dell' Originale che si conserva nella Biblioteca Marciana, con Illustrazione di Oscarre Peschel. 4* Venice, 1871 Bianconi, G. Guida del Forestiere par la Citta di Bologna e suoi Sobborghi. 2 vols. Map and plates. 12 Bologna, \^>2Q Guida di Bologna. Map and plates. 12 Bologna, 1826 Bianconi, J. Joseph. De Mari olim occu- pante planities et Colles Italire, Gnecise, Asiie Minoris, &c., et de /Etate Terreni quod Geologi appellant Marnes Bleues. Plate. 5 parts. 4* Bologna, 1846-52 Bicheno, J. E. Ireland and its Economy. 8 1830 Bickersteth. Miss M. Japan as we saw it ; with a Preface by the Bishop of Exeter. Map and illustrations. 8 1 893 Bickmore, Dr Albert S. The Ainos, or Hairy Men of Yesso, Saghalien, and the Kurile Islands. 8* New Haven, 1868 Travels in the East Indian Archi- pelago. Maps*and plates. 8 1868 Biddle, John. See Cabot, S. Biddlecombe, G. Directions for Entering the River Tagus. 8 1848 and 1854 Biddulph, C. E. The "Friend of London," or the Rajputs of Meywar. 8* 1891 Four Months in Persia, and a Visit to the Trans-Caspian. Large 8 1892 Physical Geography of Persia. (From the Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Revieiv, July 1892.) Large 8* 1892 Biddulph, J. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. Map and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1880 Biddulph, W. See Churchill, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Appendix I. Bidermann, Dr H. J. See Germany, C (Forschungen, &c., Vols. I and 2) : Appendix 2. Bidwell, C. T. The Isthmus of Panama. Plate. 8 1865 The Balearic Isles. Map and plates. 12 1876 The Cost of Living Abroad : Reports and Statistics showing the Prices of House Rent, &c. , at the present time, and compared with those of the year 1858, at most of the principal places in Foreign Countries ; . . with an Appendix showing Hotel Charges, &c. 12 1876 Account of the Aborigines of the Island of Puerto Rico. Compiled from "La Historia Geographica Civil y Politica de la Isla de San Juan Bautista de Puerto Rico," by Fray Inigo Abbad ; published at Madrid in 1788. 8* 1879 Bieberstein, Marschall. See Reineggs, DrJ. Biedma, Luis H. de. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 9 ; Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 20: Appendix i. Biedermann, Dr W. G. A. Petrefacten aus der Umgegend von Winterthur. Die Braunkohlen von Elgg. Plates. 4* Winterthur, 1863 Petrefacten aus der Umgegend von Winterthur, Viertes Heft, Reste aus Vel- theim. Plates. 4* Winterthur, 1873 Cheloniens Tertiaires des Environs de Winterthur. Traduction Francaise par O. Bourrit. Plates. 4* Winterthur, N.D. Bielenstein, Dr A. Die Grenzen des Lettischen Volksstammes und der Letti- schen Sprache in der Gegenwart und im 13 Jahrhundert ; ein Beitrag zur ethno- logischen Geographic und Geschichte Russlands. With atlas. 4 St Petersburg, 1892 Bielz, E. A. Siebenbttrgen : ein Hand- buch fiir Reisende nach eigenen zahlrei- chen Reisen und Ausfliigen in diesem Lande. 2nd edition. Maps and plans. 12 Vienna, 1885 Biffart, M. See United Kingdom, G : Appendix 2. Bigelow, John. Jamaica in 1850, or the Effect of Sixteen Years of Freedom on a Slave Colony. 12 New York, 1851 Bigelow, Poultney. Paddles and Politics down the Danube. Illustrations. Crown 8 1892 Biggar, E. B. See Canada, B : Appendix 2. Bigg - Wither, T. P. Pioneering in South Brazil : Three Years of Forest and Prairie Life in the Province of Parana. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1878 Bigsby, John J. The Shoe and Canoe ; or, Pictures of Travel in the Canadas. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1850 BIK BIR. 49 Bikkers, A. V. W. On Spelling Reform, together with Clinton's International Pronunciation Table. 8 1877 Bilbrough, E. Ernest. See Brett, H. Bilderbeck, L. von. Wegweiser fiir Fremde im Aachen, Burtscheid, und ihren Umgebungen, nebst einem Ausflug nachSpa. Map. 8* Aix la Chapelle, 1825 Bilgrami, Syed Hossain, and C. Will- mott. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of His Highness the Nizam's Dominions. 2 vols. Map. Large 8 Bombay, 1883-84 Bilioth, Edouard, and Abbe Cottret. L'lle de Rhodes. Map, plan, and illus- trations. Large 8 Rhodes, 1881 Bille, Capt. Steen. Beretning om Cor- vetten Galathea's Reise omkring Jorden, 1845-47. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 8 Copenhagen, 1849-51 Billecocq. See Pallas. Billinghurst, Guillermo E. Reconoci- miento Militar del Rio Desaguadero y de la Altiplanicie Anclina. Plate. Large 8 Lima, 1880 Estudio sobre la Geographia de Tarapaca (paginas de un libro) trabajo escrito para el Ateneo de Iquique. 8* Santiago, 1 886 La Irrigacion en Tarapaca. Maps and plates. Large 8* Santiago, 1893 Billings, Capt. See Sarychef ; also Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Billing's, E. Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the Island of Anticosti, with Descriptions of some new Genera and Species. Cuts. 8 Montreal, 1866 See Canada, A : Appendix 2. Billings, John S. See United States, A (Tenth Census, Vols. II and 12): Ap- pendix 2. Binder, Henry. Au Kurdistan en Meso- potamie et en Perse (Mission scientifique du Ministere de ('Instruction publique). Map and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1887 Bineteau, H. Note sur les usages des populations indigenes de la Cochinchine Francaise. Map. 8* Paris, 1863 Notice sur la Basse-Cochinchine. 8* Paris, 1864 Binger, Capt. L. G. Du Niger au Golfe de Guinea par Kong. Map. 8* Paris, 1889 Esclavage, Islamisme et Christianisme. 8 Paris, 1891 Du Niger au Golfe de Guinee par le pays de Kong et le Mossi (1887-89). 2 vols in I . Map and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1892 Bingham, J. Elliot. Narrative of the Expedition to China, from the Commence- ment of the War to the Present Period. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 1842 D Binney, W. G. See Gould, A. A. Binnie, A. R. On Mean or Average Rainfall. 8* 1892 Binning, Robert B. M. Journal of Two Years' Travel in Persia, Ceylon, &c. 2 vols. 8 1857 Biolley, Paul. Costa Rica and her Future. Translated from the French by Cecil Charles. Map. 8 Washington, D.C., 1889 Biondelli, B. Scoperta dell' America fatta nel Secolo X. da alcuni Scandinavi. 8* Milan, 1839 Sullo Stato attuale della Sardegna. 8* Milan, 1841 Biot, Edouard. Memoire sur divers Mineraux Chinois appartenant a la Collection du Jardin du Roi. 8* Paris, 1839 Recherches sur la Hauteur de quel- ques Points Remarquables du Territoire Chinois. 8* Paris, 1840 Recherches sur la Temperature ancienne de la Chine. 8* Paris, 1840 Etudes sur les Montagnes et les Cavernes de la Chine, d'apres les Geo- graphies Chinoises. 8* Paris, 1840 Dictionnaire des Noms Anciens et Modernes des Villes et Arrondissements compris dans 1'Empire Chinois. Map. Royal 8* Paris, 1842 Memoire sur les Changemens du cours inferieur du Fleuve Jaune. Map. 8* Parts, 1843 Memoire sur 1'Extension Progressive des Cotes Orientates de la Chine, depuis les Anciens Temps. 8* Paris, 1844 Sur la Direction de 1'Aiguille aimantee en Chine et sur les Aurores Boreales observees dans ce meme pays. 4* Paris, 1844 Le Tcheou-Li, ou Rites des Tcheou. Traduit du Chinois par Biot; avec Table Analytique. Map and plates. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1851 Biot, J. B. Relation du Voyage de De- couvertes, execute par ordre des Etats- Unis d'Amerique, pendant 1838-1842. Redigee par le Lieut. Charles Wilkes. Map. 4 Paris, 1849 Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de, par Alfred Maury. 12* Pan's, 1851 See Kiefer ; Maury, A. Birago, Gen. On the Projected Canal between the Danube and the Black Sea. Folio* 1839 Birch, S. See Ebers, G. ; Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Birch, W. De G. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 53, 55, 62: Appendix i. Bird, Charles. A Short Sketch of the Geology of Yorkshire. Map and plates. Small 8 1 88 1 BIR BLA. Bird, Isabella L. [Mrs Bishop]. The Hawaiian Archipelago : Six Months among the Palmgroves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. Map and plates. Small 8 1875 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan : an Ac- count of Travels in the Interior, including Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo and the Shrines of Nikko and Ise. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. Small 8 1880 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. New edition, abridged. Illustrations. Crown 8 1885 The Golden Chersonese, and the Way thither. Maps and illustrations. 8 ' 1883 Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, in- cluding a Summer in the Upper Karun Region, and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8 1891 A Journey through Lesser Tibet. 8* [1892] Among the Tibetans. (From the Leisure Hour for February and March 1893.) Illustrations. 4* 1893 Bird, James. Abyssinia, Eastern Africa, and the Eihiopic Family of Languages Reviewed. Table. 8* Bombay, 1845 Discourse on the Object and Progress of Investigation into Oriental Literature and Science. 8* Bombay, 1845 Birdwood, Sir George. See Stevens, Henry. and William Foster. The Register of Letters, &c., of the Governour and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, 1600-19. Large 8 1893 Birkbeck, M. Tour in France in 1814. 8 1815 Birkmyre,W. See Victoria, C : Appendix 2. Birlinger, Dr A. Schwabisch-Augs- burgisches Worterbuch. 8 Munich, 1864 See Germany, C (Forschungen, &c., Vol. 4) : Appendix 2. Birt, W. R. Tabulae Anemologicae ; or, Tables of the Wind, exhibiting a New Method of Registering the Direction of the Wind, by which the Variations of the Upper and Lower Currents of the Atmosphere, at several stations, are shown at one view. Nos. I and 2. 4* 1835 Biscari, Ignazio Paterno [Principe di]. Viaggio per tutte le Anticheita della Sicilia. Map and plates. 12 Palermo, 1817 Bischof, Gustav. Die Gestalt der Erde und der Meeresflache, und die Erosion des Meeresbodens. 8* Bonn, 1867 Bischoff, James. Sketch of the History of Van Diemen's Land, and an Account of the Van Diemen's Land Company. Maps and plates. 8 1 832 Biscoe, John. Journal of a Voyage towards the South Pole, on board the brig "Tula," under the command of John Biscoe, with cutter "Lively" in company, 1830-32. MS. Folio. Bishop, Mrs. See Bird, Isabella L. Bishop, N. H. Voyage of the Paper Canoe : a Geographical Journey of 2,500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, during the years 1874-75. ^ a P and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1878 Bishop, William Henry. Old Mexico and her Lost Provinces : a Journey in Mexico, Southern California, and Arizona, by way of Cuba. Maps and illustrations. 8 , 1883 Bissachere. M. de la. Etat actual du Tunkin, de la Cochinchine, et des Royaumes de Gamboge, Laos, et Lac-tho. . . . Traduit d'apres les Relations Originales, &c. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1812 Bissel, J. Joannis Bisselii, e Societate Jesu, Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historise, Periculorum Petri de Victoria, ac Sociorum eius, Libri xv. 16 Munich, 1647 Joannis Biselii e Societate Jesu, Palre- stinse, sen Terrse - Sanctse Topothesia, secundum Regiones ac Tribus expressa. Maps. 12 Amberg, 1659 Bissell, Capt. Austin. See Dalrymple, A. Bissuel, Capt. H. Les Touareg de T Quest. Map. Large 8* Algiers, 1888 Bissy, R. de Lannoy de. Voyage du R. P. Mercui des Missionnaires d'Alger de Quilemane au Lac Nyassa et retour, 1889-90. Map. 8* Spinal, 1892 Bizemont, Vicomte Henri de. La France en Afrique ; Algerie et Tunisie ; Senegal et Dependances ; Gabon et Congo. 8* Paris, 1883 Blaauw, W. H. The Barons' War, in- cluding the Battles of Lewes and Eves- ham. 8 1871 Black, James A. Memoir on the Roman Garrison at Mancunium, and its probable Influence on the Population and Lan- guage of South Lancashire. 8* Edinburgh, 1856 Black, C. B. Itinerary through Corsica by its Rail, Carriage, and Forest Roads. Illustrated by Jive maps and one plan. 12* Edinburgh, 1888 Black, C. E. D. A Memoir on the Indian Surveys, 1875-90. Map and frontispiece. Folio 1891 See Popowski. Black, J. G. See Hutton and Ulrich. Black, J. M. An Account of the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius of April 1 872. Chart and plate. 8* 1874 Black, William George. Heligoland and the Islands of the North Sea. 12 1888 BLA. Black's Picturesque Tourist of England and Wales. Maps and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1854 Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1859 Blackbourne, H. S. A and B Tables for Correcting the Longitude and facilitating Simmer's Method on the Chart. 8 1883 Blackie, Miss C. Geographical Etymo- logy : a Dictionary of Place-Names, giving their Derivations ; with an Intro- duction by John Stuart Blackie. 3rd edition. 12 1887 Blackie, Dr W. G. A Supplement to the Imperial Gazetteer, &c. 8 1868 The Imperial Gazetteer : a General Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Poli- tical, Statistical, and Descriptive, with a Supplement bringing the Geographical Information down to the latest dates. Half volumes, I and 2. Plates 1872 On Geography and Etymology: What these Embrace. Sketch of the Present State of our Knowledge of the Island of New Guinea. Map. 8* Glasgow, 1884 Commercial Education : an Address to the Educational Institute of Scotland, on Saturday, I7th March 1888. 8* Glasgow, 1888 Blackwell. J. H. Report of the Examina- tion of the Mineral Districts of the Ner- budda Valley. [From the India, Bombay, Records, No. 44.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 Blackwell. Thomas Evans. Results of a Series of Experiments on the Discharge of Water of Waterfalls or Weirs. Plates. 8 1851 Blackwood, Capt. F. P. Sailing Directions for the Outer Passage from Sydney to Torres Strait. 8 '847 Blackwood's Educational Series, edited by Professor Meiklejohn. Geographical Readers, Standards I. -VI., 6 vols. Illustrations. 12 1883 Bladen, F. M. Historical Records of New South Wales, Vol. 2, 1793-95. Plans. 8 Sydney, 1893 Blaikie, Prof. W. G. The Personal Life of David Livingstone, chiefly from his unpublished Journals and Correspondence in the possession of his Family. By William Garden Blaikie. Portrait and map. 8 1880 Bla'r, Lieut. A. Survey of the Andamans. [From the India Records, No. 24.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1858 Blake, C. C. On certain "Simious" Skulls, with especial reference to a Skull from Louth, in Ireland. 8* N.D. Blake, E. Vale. Arctic Experiences, con- taining Capt. George E. Tyson's won- derful Drift on the Ice-floe, a History of the "Polaris" Expedition, the Cruise of the "Tigress," and Rescue of the " Polaris " Survivor? ; to which is added a general Arctic Chronology. Map and plates. 8 New York, 1874 Blake, Prof. J. F. A Visit to the Vol- canoes of Italy. (From Proc. Geologists' Assoc., August 1889.) 8* 1889 Blake, William P. Description of the Fossils and Shells collected in Cali- fornia. 8* Washington, 1855 Notice of Remarkable Strata con- taining the Remains of Infusoria and Polythalamia in the Tertiary Formation of Monterey, California. 8* Washington, 1855 Observations on the Physical Geo- graphy and Geology of the Coast of California, from Bodega Bay to San Diego. Maps. 4* Washington, 1855 On the Rate of Evaporation on the Tulare Lakes of California. 8* Washington, 1856 On the Grooving and Polishing of Hard Rocks and Minerals by Dry Sand, and Remarks on the Geology of Cali- fornia, &c. 8* Washington, N.D. Blakesley, Joseph Williams. Four Months in Algeria, with a Visit to Carthage. Maps and plates. 8 Cambridge, 1859 Blakiston, J. R. The Geographical Reader, in Seven Books. 7 vols. 12 N.D. How to Teach Geography : an Intro- duction to J. R. Blakiston's Glimpses of the Globe. 12* N.D. Blakiston, Capt. Thomas W. Report on the Exploration of two Passes through the Rocky Mountains in 1858. Map. 8 Woolwich, 1859 Five Months on the Yang-Tsze, with a Narrative of the Exploration of its Upper Waters ; illustrated by A. Barton. Maps and plates. 8 1862 Blanc, Henry. A Narrative of Captivity in Abyssinia ; with some Account of the late Emperor Theodore, his Country and People. Plates. 8* 1868 Blanc, L. G. Handbuch des Wissenswur- digsten aus der Natur und Geschichte derErdeund ihrer Bewohner . . ; achte Auflage, durchgesehen, berichtigt, fort- gesetzt, und vermehrt von Dr Henry Lange. Vol. I. Maps. 8 Brunswick, 1868 Blanc, Vincent le. Les Voyages Fameux qu'il a fails depuis 1'age de douze ans jusques a soixante, aux quatre parties du Monde ; a scavoir, aux Indes Orientales et Occidentals, en Perse et Pegu ; aux Royaumes de Fez, de Maroc, et de Guinee, et dans toute 1'Afrique interieure, BLA BLI. Blanc, Vincent le continued. depuis le Cap cle Bonne Esperance jusques en Alexandrie, par les terres de Mono- motapa, du Preste Jean et de 1'Egypte ; aux iles de la Mediterranee, et aux principales Provinces de 1'Europe, &c. ; le tout recueilly de ses Memoires par le Sieur Coulon. Small 4 Paris, 1648 The World Surveyed ; or, The Famous Voyages and Travailes of V. Le Blanc. . . Originally written in French, and faith- fully rendered into English by Francis Brooke, Gent. Folio 1660 Blanchard, Emile. Les preuves de la dislocation de 1'extremite sud-est du Continent Asiatique pendant 1'age mod- erne de la Terre. 4* Paris, 1890 Blanchet, A. P. Projet d'un Canal inter- oceanique maritime a grande Section a travers le grand Isthme Americain par le Nicaragua ... 4* Bourges, 1875 See Pouchet. Blanckenhorn, Dr Max. Die geognos- tischen Verhaltnisse von Afrika. ( Ergan - zungsheft, 90 Petermann's Mittheil- lungen). Map. 4 Gotha, 1888 Blane, D. A. Miscellaneous Information connected with the Districts of Jhalawar, Kattywar, Muchoo Kanta, Hallar, Soruth, Burda, Gohelwar, Oond Surweya, and Babriawar. [From the India, Bombay, Records, No. 37.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Blanford, H. F. Report of the Meteor- ological Reporter to the Government of Bengal : Meteorological Abstract for the year 1873. 8* Calcutta, 1874 The Rudiments of Physical Geography for the use of Indian Schools, and a Glossary of the Technical Terms em- ployed. Plates. 12 1874 Report on the Meteorology of India in 1879, '80, '81', '82, '83, '84, '85. Maps and charts. 4 Cakiitta, 1881-87 A Practical Guide to the Climates and Weather of India, Ceylon, and Burmah, and the Storms of Indian Seas, based chiefly on the Publications of the Indian Meteorological Department. Diagrams. 8 1889 An Elementary Geography of India, Burma, and Ceylon. 12 1890 See Gastrell, J. E. ; also India, C (Palaeontologica Indica) : Appendix 2. Blanford, Dr W. T. Account of a Visit to Puppadoung, an extinct Volcano in Upper Burma. Map. 8* Calcutta, 1862 Notes on a Journey in Northern Abyssinia. 8* [Calcutta, 1868] Observations on the Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia. Map and plates. 8 1870 On the Mineral Resources of India. 8* 1873 Blandford, Dr W. T. The First Part (Mammalia) of a General Work on the Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burmah. 8 1888-91 Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, on the 2ist of February 1890. 8* 1890 See Medlicott; also India, C; Persia: Appendix 2. Blanqui, M. , Algerie : Rapport sur la Situation Economique de nos Posses- sions dans le Nord de 1'Afrique. 8 Paris, 1840 Blaramberg, de. De la position des trois forteresses Tauro-Scythes dont parle Strabon. Maps, plans. 8 Odessa, 1831 Blaremberg, Lieut- Gen. Catalogue of Trigonometrical and Astronomical Posi- tions determined in the Russian Empire and along its Frontiers up to 1860. Maps. [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1863 Blasius, J. H. Reise im Europaischen Russland in den Jahren 1840 und 1851. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 8 Brunswick, 1844 Blatna and Rotzmital. See Horky. Blazek, Gabriel. Entwurf einer Theorie der Meeresstromungen. Map. 8* Prague, 1876 Bleek, W. H. J. De Nominum Generibus Linguarum Africa Australis, Coptics;, Semiticarum aliarumque Sexualium. 8 Bonne, 1851 The Languages of Mosambique : Vocabulary of the Dialects of Lourenzo Marques, Inhambane, Sofala, Tette, Sena, Quellimane, Mosambique, Cape Delgado, Anjoane, the Maravi, Mudsau,&c., drawn up from the MSS. of Dr W. Peters, &c. Oblong 12 1856 A Brief Account of Bushman Folk- lore and other texts. Folio 1875 See Cape Colony : Appendix 2. Blefkens, Dithmar. See Gottfried ; Pur- chas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix i. Bleicher, G. Les Vosges, le sol et les habitants. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1890 Blennerhassett, Rose, and Lucy Slee- man. Adventures in Mashonaland. By two Hospital Nurses. 8 1893 Blerzy, H. Les Colonies Anglaises de la Malaisie : Penang, Malacca, Singapore, et Sarawak. 8 Paris, 1865 La Telegraphic Oceanique. 8* Paris, 1866 Bligh, G. See Eyries, Vol. 3: Ap- pendix I. Bligh, Lieut. William. Narrative of the Mutiny on Board II. M.S. "Bounty," and the subsequent Voyage of part of the Crew in the ship's boat from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the East Indies. Maps. 4 1790 BLI BLU. Bligh, Lieut. William. A Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of Mis Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the Bread-fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's ship " The Bounty," com- manded by Lieut. William Bligh ; includ- ing an Account of the Mutiny on board said Ship, c. Plates. 8 Dublin, 1792 Blink, Dr H. Het Kongo- Land en zijne Bewoners in bettrekking tot de Europe- esche Staatkunde en den Handel. Map. 8 Haarlem, 1891 Nederland en zijne Bewoners: Hand- boek der Aardrijkskunde en Volken- kunde van Nederland, met Kaarten en Afbeeldingen. 3 vols. 8 Amsterdam , N.D. See Germany, C (Forschungen, &c., Vol. 4) : Appendix 2. Bliss, Richard. Classified Index to the Maps in the Royal Geographical Society's Publications, 1830-83. Large 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1886 Block, Eugen. Hilfstafeln zur Berech- nung der Polaris-Azimute zunachst mil Rticksicht auf die Zeitbestimmung im Verticale des Polarsterns. 4* St Petersburg, 1875 Block, Maurice. Bevolkerung des Franzosischen Kaiserreichs, in ihren wichtigsten statistischen Verhaltnissen. Maps. 12 Got ha, 1861 L'Europe, Politique et Sociale. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 Paris, 1892 Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of Penn- sylvania. Map ami diagram. 8 Harrisburg, 1889 Blois, John T. Gazetteer of the State of Michigan, in three parts ; containing a General View of the State, with a succinct History from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; and an Appendix, con- taining the usual Statistical Tables, and a Directory for Emigrants, &c. 12 Detroit, Mich., 1838 Blomberg, Albert. See Sweden, A, Geo- logiska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Blome, R. A Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories of America to which the English are related, viz., Barbadoes, St Christophers, Nievis or Nevis, Antego, St Vincent, Dominica, Montserrat, An- guilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New York, New England, Newfoundland. Taken from the Notes of Sir Thomas Linch, Knight, Governour of Jamaica, and other experienced Persons in the said places. 12 1672 "Blonde," H.M.S. See Pacific Islands: Appendix 2. Blore, W. L. Statistics of the Cape Colony. 8 Cape Town, 1871 Blosseyille, Ernest de. Histoire des Colonies Penales de 1'Angleterre dans 1'Australie. 8 Paris, 1831 Blount, H. A Voyage into the Levant : a Breife Relation of a Journey lately performed by Master II. B. , Gentleman, from England by the way of Venice, into Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Bosnah, Hungary, Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, Rhodes, and Egypt, unto Gran Cairo ; with particular Observations concerning the Moderne Condition of the Turkes and other People under that Empire. 12 1636 See Churchill, Vol. 7; Gottfried; Pin- kerton, Vol. 10: Appendix I. Bloxam, George W. See Transactions, Anthropological Institute, Index to Publi- cations: Appendix 3. Blumcke, Kurt. Der Aufstand in Deutsch Ostafrika und seine Niederwerkung im nordlichen Theil mit einem Nachwort iiber die Deutsche und die Englische Emin Pascha Expedition. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Berlin, N.I>. Blume, C. L. Toelichtingen aangaande de Nasporingen op Borneo van O. Miiller. 8* Lcyden, 1842 Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Organisation Communale des Indigenes des Philip- pines places sous la domination Espag- nole. Traduit de I'AIlemand . . . par A. Hugot. 8* Paris, 1881 Versuch einer Ethnographic der Philip- pinen. (Erganzungsheft, 67 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Gotha, 1882 Vocabular einzelner Ausdriicke und Redensarten, welche clem Spanischen der Philippinischen Inseln eigenthiimlich sind ; mit einem Anhange : Bibliotheca Philippina ; Alphalietisch geordnete Sammlung einer Anzahl von Druck- schriften und Manuscripten linguistischen, geographischen, ethnographischen, his- torischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Inhalts die auf die Philippinen Bezug haben. 8* [Leit merits, 1882] The same. II. Theil. 8* [Leitmeritz, 1885] Die Sprachgebiete Europas am Aus- gange des Mittelalters, verglichen mit den Zustanden der Gegenwart. 8* {Prague, 1883] Breve Diccionarrio Etnografico de Filipinas. 12* Manila, 1889 Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der einge- borenen Stamme der Philippinen und der von ihnen gesprochenen Sprachen. 8* Berlin, 1890 54 BLU BOD. Blumhardt, C. H. [No. i, Vol. 9, of the Church Missionary Record, consisting of Extracts from the Journal of C. H. Blumhardt, during his Voyage to Abys- sinia.] 8* 1838 Blundell, B. The Contributions ofj. L. Peyton to the History of Virginia, and of the Civil War in America, 1861-65, Reviewed. 8* 1868 Blundevile, M. His Exercises, contain- ing Eight Treatises. [On Navigation.] 4th edition. Small 8 1613 Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1879 A Pilgrimage to Nejd, the Cradle of the Arab Race. A Visit to the Court of the Arab Emir, and " Our Persian Cam- paign." 2nd edition. 2 vols. Map, portraits, ami illustrations. Small 8 1881 Blunt, G. W. Memoirs of the Dangers and Ice in the North Atlantic Ocean. Maps. 8 New York, 1856 Blyden, Dr E. W. Appendix to Benj. Anderson's Journey to Musadu. Small 8* New York, 1870 Report on the Falaba Expedition, 1872. Map. Folio* Freetown, 1872 Christianity, Islam, and the Negro Race ; with an Introduction by the Hon. Samuel Lewis. 8 1887 Blyth, Bishop. See Lees, G. R. Blyth, Edward. See Speke. Blytt, A. On Variations of Climate in the Course of Time. 8* Christiania, 1 886 The Probable Cause of the Displace- ment of Beach-lines : an Attempt to compute Geological Epochs. Plate. 8* Christiania, 1889 Additional Note to the probable Cause of the Displacement of Beach- lines. 8* [1889] The Displacement of Beach-lines : Second Additional Note (read 1 5th February 1889). 8* 1889 Boas, Dr Franz. Baffin Land. (Ergan- zungsheft, 80 Petermann's Mittheilun- gen). Maps and sketches. 4 Gotha, 1885 Boblaye, E. P. de. See Greece (Morea) : Appendix 2. Bocage. See Barbie du Bocage. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Opera, tradotta di Latt. in volgare da M. Niccolo Liburnio, doue per ordine d'Alfabeto si tratta diffusamente de' Monti, Selva, Boschi, Fonti, Laghi, Stagni, Paludi, Golfii, e Mari, dell' Universe Mondo, d'Asia, Africa, ed Europa. 12 Florence, 1598 Boccardo, Gerolamo. Fisicadel Globo. Spazi, climi e meteore, corso completo di Geografia Fisica e di Meteorologia. Maps. 8 Genoa, 1862 Boccaro, Antonio. See Portuguese Con- quests, p. 612 : Appendix i. Bock, Carl. The Head Huntersof Borneo : a Narrative of Travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito, also Journeyings in Sumatra. Map and coloured plates. Large 8 1881 Templesand Elephants: theNarrative of a Journey of Exploration through Upper Siam and Lao. Map, coloured plates, and illustrations. 8 1884 [1883] Reis in Oost- en Zuid-Borneo van Koetei naar Banjermassin, ondernomen op last der Indische Regeering in 1879 en 1880; met Aanteekeningen en Bij- lagen van P. J. B. C. Robide van der Aa, eene historische Inleiding over Koetei en de Betrekkingen van dit Leenrijk tot de Regeering van Neder- landsch-Indie, door S. W. Tromp, en een Atlas van 30 ethnografische platen in Kleurendruk en Schetskaart. 4 The Hague, 1887 Bocthor, Ellious. Dictionnaire Franais- Arabe ; revu et augmente par A. Caussin de Perceval. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1828-29 Boddam-Whetham, J. W. Pearls of the Pacific. Plates. 8 1876 Across Central America. 8 1877 Roraima and British Guiana, with a Glance at Bermuda, the West Indies, and the Spanish Main. Map and plate. 8 1879 Bodde, D. An Essay to show that Pe- troleum may be used with advantage in Manufacturing Operations for the pur- pose of heating Steam - boilers and generating Steam. 8* N.P., N.D. Boddy, Rev. Alexander A. To Kairwan the Holy : Scenes in Mohammedan Africa. Map and plates. Crown 8 1885 With Russian Pilgrims : being an Account of a Sojourn in the White Sea Monastery, and a Journey by the old Trade Route from the Arctic Sea to Moscow ; Appendix, giving a full His- tory of the Solovetsk Obitel, by the Archimandrite Meletii. Maps and ilhis- trations. Small 8 [1892] Bode, A. Notizen gesammelt auf einer Forstreise durch einen Theil des Euro- paischen Russlands. Plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1854 See Baer and Helmersen, 18, 19. Bode, Baron C. A. de. Travels in Luri- stan and Arabistan. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1845 See Khanikoff, N. de. Bode, J. E. Anleitung zur physischen, mathematischen, und astronomischen Kenntniss der Erdkugel. Map. Small 8 Berlin, 1820 Bodenham, Roger. See Hakluyt, Vols. 2, 3: Appendix I. BOD BOI. 55 Bodin, J. F. Recherches Historiques sur la Ville de Saumur. Plates. Vol. I. 8 Saumur ; 1812 [Bodley, J. E. C.] The Portuguese in East Africa. (From Black-Mood's Maga- zine.) 8* 1888 Bodmer, Albert. Terrassen und Thalstufen der Schweiz, ein Beitrag zur Erklarung der Thalbildung. Profiles. 4* Zurich, 1880 Boeck, C. Bemserkninger angaaende Graptolitherne. Plates. 4* Christiania, 1851 See Gaimard. Boeck, E. van den. See International Congresses (Geological) : Appendix 2. Boedo, E. C. Estuclios sobre la Nave- gacion del Bermejo y Colonizacion del Chaco. Map. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1873 Boegner, J. Die Entstehung der Quellen, und die Bildung der Mineralquellen. 12* Frankfo rt-a-M. , 1843 Das Erdbeben und seine Erschein- ungen. Map. 12 Frankfort- a- M., 1847 Boehmer, George H. Observations on Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes in Iceland within Historic Times. Trans- lated and condensed from a History by Th. Thoroddsen. 8* Washington, 1886 Boelhouwer, J. C. Herinneringen van mijn verblijf op Sumatra's Westkust gedurende de Jaren 1831-34. 8* The Hague, 1841 Boetticher. J. G. Geographical, His- torical, and Political Description of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia, to which are added Statistical Tables of all the States of Europe, translated from the German of J. G. Boetticher . . . Map (in 3 sheets, by Capt. Chauchard, &c. ) and plans. 4 1800 Bogle, G., and T. Manning. See Markham, C. R. ; also Eyries, Vol. 14: Appendix I. Bogue, Adam. Steam to Australia, its General Advantages considered ; the different Proposed Routes for connecting London and Sydney compared ; and the expediency of forming a Settlement at Cape York, in Torres Strait, pointed out, in a Letter to Earl Grey. Map. 8* Sydney, 1848 Boguslawski, Dr Georg von. Hand- buch der Ozeanographie. Band I. Raumliche, physikalische und chemische Beschaffenheit der Ozeane. Illustrations. 8 Stuttgart, 1884 and Dr Otto Kriimmel. The same. Band 2. Die Bewegungsformen des Meeres, von Dr Otto Kriimmel ; mil einem Beitrage von Prof. Dr K. Zoppritz. Map and figures. 8 Stuttgart, 1887 Bbhm, Dr August. Die alien Gletscher der Enns und Steyr. Map and plate. Large 8 Vienna, 1885 See Penck ; Penck's Abhandlungen, I. Bbhm, Dr Richard. Von Sansibar zum Tanganjika : Briefe aus Ostafrika, nach dem Tode des Reisenden, mit einer biographischen Skizze herausgegeben von Herman Schalow. Map and portrait. 8 Leipzig, 1888 Bbhmert, Dr Victor. Die Ergebnisse der sachsischen Gewerbezahlung vom 5 Juni 1862. Zeits. des K. Sachsischen Statistischen Bureaus 2, Supplement heft, Jahrg. 1886. 4* Dresden, 1886 Bohn, H. G. See Humboldt, Alex. von. Bohun, Henry. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2: Appendix i. Boicoof, Saedor Jacowits. See Gott- fried: Appendix I. Boid, Capt. A Description of the Azores, or Western Islands, from Personal Obser- vation ; comprising Remarks on their Peculiarities, Topographical, Geological, Statistical, &c., and on their hitherto neglected condition. Map and plates. 8 1835 Boie, F. Tagebuch gehalten auf einer Reise durch Norwegen im Jahre 1817; herausgegeben mit Anmerkungen von H. Boie. Map. Small 8 Schles-wig, 1822 Boileau, A. H. E. Tour through the Western States of Rajwara in 1835, comprising Beekaner, Jesulmer, and Jodhpoor ; with the passage of the Great Desert, and visit to the Indus and Buhawulpoor. Map and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1837 Letter on the -Elliptical Tunnel Bridge at Sconce. Plate. 8* 1849 Extract of a Letter from, on the Con- struction of Metalled Roads and Bridges. [From the India Records, Vol. 2, N.-W. Provinces.] Allahabad, 1849 Boileau, J. T. A New and Complete Set of Traverse Tables, showing the Differences of Latitude and the De partures to every minute of the Quadrant, and to five places of Decimals ; together with a Table of the Lengths of each Degree of Latitude and corresponding Degree of Longitude from the Equator to the Poles. Plates. 8 1839 A Collection of Tables, Astronomical, Meteorological, and Magnetical ; also, for Determining the Altitudes of Moun- tains, Comparison of French and English Weights and Measures, &c., Computed in the Office of the H.E.I.C.'s Magnetic Observatory, Simla. 4* Uniballa, 1850 Papers regarding Suspension Bridges in the North-Western Provinces. [From the India Records, N.-VV. Provinces, Part 29.] Agra, 1856 BOI BON. Boisgelin, Louis de. Ancient and Modern Malta ; containing a Full and Accurate Account of ... Malta and Goza, the History of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem, &c. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1805 Boissier, Dr E., and Dr F. A. Buhse. Aufzahlung der auf einer Reise durch Transkauka^ien und Peri-iengesammelten Pflanzen. Map and plates. 4 Moscow, 1860 Bokemeyer, DrHeinrich. DieMolukken, Geschichte and quellenmassige Darstel- lung der Eroberung und Verwaltung der Ostindischen Gewiirzinseln durch die Niederlander ; mit einem Anhange von bisherungedruckten Aktenstiicken. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1888 Boldakoff, J. M. Translation of Sir T. Smith's Voyage in Russia. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1893 "Boldrewood, Ralph." Dps and Downs: a Story of Australian Life. 12 1878 Bolduc, J. B. Z. Mission de la Colombie. Lettre et Journal, 1842-43. 8* Quebec , N.D. Bolet-Paraza, Don Nicanor. The Re- public of Venezuela. (From The New England Magazine. ) Illustrations. 8* [Boston, Mass.} 1892 Bolingbroke, Henry. See Phillips [i], Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Bollaert, William. Antiquarian, Eth- nological, and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chile, with Observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial, and other Monuments of the Peruvian Nations. Plates. 8 1860 Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Yucatan. 8* [1865] Contributions to an Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. 8* N.I). See Hakiuyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 28: Appendix I. Bompiana, Sofia. Italian Explorers in Africa. (From the Leisure Hour.) Ilhistrations. 4* 1888 Bon, Dr Gustave le. Les Monuments de 1'Inde. Maps, plans, and illustra- tions. Large 4 Paris, 1893 Bonanza, Joao. Historia da Luzitania e da Iberia . . . Vol. I. [Imperfect.'} Plates. 4 Lisbon, 1887 Bonany, Sebastian. Balanza General del Comercio de la Isla de Cuba en 1841-42. 2 vols. 8 Havana, 1842-43 Bonaparte, Prince Charles Lucien. Note sur les Oiseaux des lies Marquises ; Note sur les Salanganes et sur leurs Nids ; Especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux d'Asie et d'Amerique, et tableaux paralleliques des Pelagiens ou Gavioe, &c. 4 Paris, 1855 Bonaparte, Prince Charles Lucien. Catalogue des Oiseaux d'Europe. 8* Paris, 1857 Notes sur le Genre Moquinus, nouvelle forme intermediate aux Turnides, aux Laniides, et aux Muscicapides. Plate. 8* Paris, 1857 Parallelismo fra la tribu' dei Cantori Fissirostri e quella dei Volucri Hianti e dei Notturni ovvero Insidenti. 8* Turin, 1857 Bonaparte, Prince Louis Lucien. Re- marques sur certaines Notes, certaines Observations, et certaines Corrections dont M. J. Vinson, a accompagne 1'Essai sur la langue Basque par F. Ribary. 8 Paris, 1877 Remarques diverses sur la langue Basque. 8 1 884 Bonaparte, Pierre-Napoleon. Un Mois en Afrique. 8 Paris, 1850 Bonaparte, Prince Roland. Les premiers Voyages des Neerlandais dans 1'Insulinde (1595-1602). Map. 8* Versailles, 1884 Les premiers Voyages des Neerlandais dans 1'Insulinde (1595-1602). Map. 4* Versailles, 1884 Les Habitants de Suriname : Notes recueillies a 1'Exposition Coloniale d' Amsterdam en 1883. Maps and plates. Folio Paris, 1884 Les recents Voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle-Guinee. Map. 4* Versailles, 1885 Les derniers Voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle-Guinee. Map. 4* Versailles, 1885 Note on the Lapps of Finmark. Small 4* Paris, 1886 La Nouvelle-Guinee : III e notice. Le Fleuve Augusta. Map. Small 4* Paris, 1887 The same. IV notice. Le Golfe Huon. Maps. Small 4* Paris, 1888 La Laponie et la Corse. 8* Geneva, 1889 Le Glacier de 1'Aletsch et le Lac de Marjelen. Plates. 4* Paris, 1889 Le premier Etablissement des Neer- landais a Maurice. Plates. 4* Paris, 1890 Une Excursion en Corse. Plates. 4 Paris, 1891 Bonar, Dr Horatius. The Land of Promise : Notes of a Journey from Beer- sheba to Sidon. Maps and plates. 8 1858 Boncarut, A. Manual de la Navigation dans le Rio de la Plata, d'apres les Docu- ments Nautiques les plus recents. 8 Paris, 1857 Boncompagni. D. B. See Hugo. Bond, H. Letters from Daeka on the Zambesi, South Africa. 8* 1874 BON BOO. 57 Bond, G. P. and W. C. See Peirce, B. Bone, William. Mason's Hygrometer, a Table for obtaining the Dew - point and Moisture by Inspection. Royal 8* 1843 Boner, Charles. Transylvania, its Pro- ducts and its People. Maps and plates. 8 D 1865 Boner, Robert. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4 : Appendix I. " Bonite." See Vaillant. Bonnell, Geo. W. Topographical De- scription of Texas, with an Account of the Indian Tribes. 18 Austin, Texas, 1840 Bonnal, Dr F. Arcachon : Notice medicale. Deuxieme edition. 12* Bordeaux, 1881 Bonneau, Etienne. La Gaule d'Homere. Fragments d'un livre. 8* Paris, 1884 Bonnemain, Captain. See Cherbonneau. Bonnetain, Paul. Le Monde Pittoresque et Monumental : L'Extreme Orient. Maps and illustrations. 4 Paris [1887] Bonney, Prof. T. G. The Glaciers of Gunversdahl (Justedal). 8* [1870] - The Lofoten Islands. 8* [1870] - The Story of our Planet. Illustra- tions. Large 8 1893 The Year Book of Science. Edited for 1 892 by Professor T. G. Bonney. 1893 See Symons. Bonnycastle, Sir Richard H. Spanish America, or a Descriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Do- minions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Continental and Insular. Maps and plate. 2 vols. 8 1818 Newfoundland in 1842 : a Sequel to "The Canadas in 1841." Map ami plates. 2 vols. 8 1842 Canada and the Canadians in 1846. 2 vols. 8 1846 Bonola Bey, Dr F. L'Egypte et la Geographic : Sommaire historique des Travaux Geographiques executes en Egypte sous la Dynastic de Mohammed Aly. 8 Cairo, 1889 La Question des Noms Geographiques on Egypte. 8* Cairo, 1893 Bonpland, A. See Humboldt, Alex. von. Bonsdorff, A. Zur Bestimmung der Con- stanten des Erdellipsoids aus Gradmes- sungen. 8* St Petersburg, 1888 Bontekoe, or Bontekoes, W. J. See Laharpe, Vol. 4 ; Thevenot, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appen- dix i. Bontier, P., and J. Le Verrier. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 46: Ap- pendix i. Bonvalot, Gabriel. En Asie Centrale : DC Moscou en Bactriane. Map and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1884 En Asie Centrale : Du Kohistan a la Caspienne. Map and illustrations. 1 2 Paris, 1885 Du Caucase aux Indes a travers le Pamir. Map and ilhislrations. 4 Paris, 1889 [1888] - Through the Heart of Asia over the Pamir to India. Translated from the French by C. B. Pitman. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 4 1889 A Travers le Thibet. Supplement au Journal Le Temps, Janvier 1891. Map and illus' rations. 4* Paris, 1891 Across Thibet ; with Illustrations from Photographs taken by Prince Henry of Orleans. Translated by C. B. Pitman. Map. 2 vols. Large 8 1891 De Paris au Tonkin a travers le Tibet inconnu. Map and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1892 Bonwick, J. Geography of Australia and New Zealand. 3rd edition. 12 Melbourne, 1856 The Wild White Man and the Blacks of Victoria. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 Melbourne, 1863 Astronomy for Young Australians. 12 Melbourne, 1864 Daily Life and Origin of the Tas- manians. Map and plates. 8 1870 The Last of the Tasmanians, or the. Black War of Van Dieman's Land. Plates. 8 1870 The Mormons and the Silver Mines. Small 8 1872 The Resources of Queensland. Map. 12 1880 The British Colonies and their Re- sources. 4 vols. Maps. Crown 8 1886 French Colonies and their Resources. Map. Crown 8 1886 Early Struggles of the Australian Press. Facsimiles. 8* 1890 Boose, James R. Imperial Federation: Titles of Publications relating to the British Colonies, their Government, &c., in connection with Imperial Policy. 8* 1889 See Crozet's Voyage. Booth, A. The Stranger's Intellectual Guide to London for 1839-40. 12 1839 Booth, E. Carton. Homes Away from Home, and the Men who make them in Victoria. Map. 8 1869 Booth, James C. Memoirs of the Geo- logical Survey of the State of Delaware ; including the Application of the Geo- logical Observations to Agriculture. 8 Dover, 1841 Boothby, Richard. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. BOR BOS. Borchgravie, Emile de. La Serbie ad- ministrative, economique, et commerci- ale. 8 Brussels, 1883 Borchgravie, J. de. A Travers I'Afrique. Brussels, 1877 Borda, de. See Verdun. Bordalo, F. M. See Lopes de Lima. Borde, G. P. L. Histoire de 1'Ile de La Trinidad sous le gouvernement Espagnol. Premiere partie. 8 Paris, 1876 Bordier, Dr A. Bibliotheque des Sciences Contemporaines : La Geographic Medi- cale. Maps. 12 Pan's, 1884 Bordone, Benedetto. Libro di, nel qual si Ragiona de tutte 1'Isole del Mondo, con li lor nomi Antichi e Moderni, His- toric, e modi del loro vivere, &c. Maps and woodcuts. 3 Books in I Folio vol. Venice, 1528 Borel, L. Voyage a la Gambie : De- scription des Rives de ce Fleuve et des Populations qui les habitent. 8* [1865] Borelli, Jules. Divisions, Subdivisions, Langues et Races des regions Amhara, Oromo, et Sidama. 4 [ Paris] N. D. Ethiopie Meridionale : Journal de mon voyage aux pays Amhara, Oromo, et Sidama, Septembre 1885 a Novembre 1888. Maps and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1890 Borey, T. See Reniger and Borey, in Hakluyt, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Borgen, Prof. Dr. Ueber die Berech- nung eines einzelnen Hoch oder Niedrig- wassers nach Zeit und Hohe. 4* Berlin See Polar Regions, Arctic, G : Appen- dix 2. Borges de Figueiredo, A. C. See Cata- logues, A : Appendix 2. Borggreve, Dr B. See Germany, C (Forschungen, &c., Vol. 3): Appendix 2. Borgia, Pope. Pope Borgia's Arbitration. [Newspaper Cuttings.] 8* N.D. Borrhaus, Martinus. Cosmographise Elementa Commentatio, Astronomica, Geographica. Woodcuts. 12 Basle, 1555 Astronomica - Geographica. Wood- cuts. 12 Basle, 1555 [Bound up with works by Barthole- mcEUS, Theodorictis , &-Y. , the zv/io/e entitled ' ' Cosmographia. "] Borlase, W. Observations on the An- cient and Present State of the Islands of Scilly, and their Importance to the Trade of Great Britain. Map and plates. 4 Oxford, 1756 Borne, William. A Regiment for the Sea, containing verie necessarie matters for all sorts of men and trauailers ; whervnto is added an Hidrographicall discourse touching the fine seueral passages into Cattay, written by William Borne, newly corrected and amended by Thomas Hood, D. in Phisicke, who hath added a new Regiment, and Table of Declina- Borne, William continued. tion ; whereunto is also adioyned the Mariners Guide, with a perfect Sea Carde, by the said Thomas Hood. Woodcuts. Small 8 1596 Borough, C. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 ; Appendix i. Borrer, Dawson. A Journey from Naples to Jerusalem, by way of Athens, Egypt, and the Peninsula of Sinai ; with a Translation of M. Linant de Belle- fond's Memoire sur le Lac Moaris. Map and plates. 8 1845 Borri, Christoforo. Relatione della nuova Missione clelli pp. della Com- pagnia di Giesu all regno della Cocin- cina. 12 Rome, 1631 See Churchill, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Borring, L. E. See Rafn. Borrow, George. Zincali ; or, An Ac- count of the Gypsies of Spain. 2 vols. 8 1843 The Bible in Spain, or the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula, with a Biographical Introduction. 2nd edition. Illustrations. Crown 8 1889 Borsari, Ferdinando. La Letteratura degl' indigeni Americani. 8* Naples, 1888 Una Pagina di Storia Argentina : I. La Conquista della Pampa ; II. Un sessennio di Presidenza. 8* Naples, 1888 Geografia, Etnologica, e Storica della Tripolitania, Cirenaica, e Fezzan, con cenni sulla storia di queste Regione e sul silfio della Cirenaica. 8 Turin, 1888 L'Atlantide saggio di Geografia Pre- istorica. 8* Naples, 1889 Le Zone Colonizzabili dell' Eritrea e delle finitime regioni etiopiche. Maps. 8 Milan, 1890 Etnologia Italica : Etruschi, Sardi e Siculi nel XIV secolo prima dell' era volgare. 8* 1891 Borthwick, J. D. Three Years in Cali- fornia. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1857 Bortzell, A. See Sweden, A : Appen- dix 2. Bory de Saint- Vincent. See Saint- Vincent. Bos, Lambert. Antiquities of Greece, with Notes by Leisner. Translated by Stockdale. 8 1772 Bosanquet, C. See Spence, Wm. Boschini, Marco. L'Arcipelago, con tutte le Isole, Scogli Secche, e Bassi Fondi, con i Mari, Golfi, Seni, Porti, Citta, e Castelli ; nella Forma, che si vedono al tempo presente ; con una suc- cinta narrativa de i loro Nomi, Favole, e Historic, tanto antiche quanto moderne. Maps. 8 Venice, 1658 BOS BOD. 59 Bosnian, W. A New and Accurate Description of the Coasts of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts, containing a Geographical, Political, and Natural History of the Kingdoms and Countries, with a Parti- cular Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of all the European Settlements, &c. [Translated from the Dutch.] 2nd edition. Maps, plates. 8 1872 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Bossay, P. A. Poulain de. Recherches sur Tyr et Paltetyr. Maps. 4 [Paris, 1844] Essais de restitution et d'interpreta- tion d'un passage de Scylax. Map. 8 Paris, 1863 See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 7, p. 612 ; Appendix I. Bossi, B. Viage Pinteresco por los Rios Parana, Paraguay, Sn. Lorenzo, Cuyaba, y el Arino tributario del grande Ama- zonas ; con la descripcion de la Provincia de Mato Grosso, bajo su aspecto Fisico, Geografico, Mineralojico, y sus produc- ciones naturales. Illustrations. Imperial 8 Paris, 1863 Viaje descriptive de Montevideo a Valparaiso, por el Estrecho de Magallanes i Canales Smith, Sarmiento, Inocentes, Concepcion, Wide, i Messiers. 8* Santiago, 1874 Exploracion de la Tierra del Fuego con el Vapor Oriental Charrua. Map. 8* Montevideo, 1882 La Causa Principale del Terremoti e di altre Perturbazioni della Natura. 8* Porto Manrizio, 1887 Bossi, Luigi. Guida di Milano. 2 vols. 8 Milan, 1818 Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, scritta e corredata di nuove osservazioni di note storico-critiche, e di un' Appendice di documenti rari o inediti. Plates. 8 Milan, 1818 Guide des Etrangers a Milan, et dans les Environs de cette Ville. 18 Milan, 1819 Bossu, . Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes occidentales ; contenant tine Relation des differens peuples qui habitent les environs du grand Fleuve Saint-Louis, appele vulgairement le Mississipi, &c. (2 parts in I, 2nd edition.) 12 Paris, 1768 Bostock, John. See Pliny. Bos well, E. Civil Division of the County of Dorset methodically arranged. Map. 8 Sherborne, 1795 Boswell, J. An Account of Corsica : the Journal of a Tour to that Island ; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. Map. 8 Glasgow, 1768 Boswell, J. Boswelliana : the Common- place Book of James Boswell ; with a Memoir and Annotations by the Rev. Charles Rogers, and Introductory Re- marks by the Rt. Hon. Lord Houghton. Frontispiece. 8 1874 Bosworth, J. A. C. A Manual of the Nellore District in the Presidency of Madras. Map in cover. 8 Madras, 1873 Bosworth, Rev. Dr J. The Origin of the Germanic and Scandinavian Languages and Nations, with a Sketch of their Literature, and short Chronological Specimens . . . ; with a Map of European Languages. 8 1836 The Origin of the Dutch, with a Sketch of their Language and Literature, and Short Examples, tracing the Pro- gress of their Tongue and its Dialects ; also a Map of European Languages, indicating not only the Oriental origin of Europeans, but that the Dutch were amongst the earliest Teutonic tribes settled in Europe. (2nd edition.) 8 1846 See Alfred the Great. Boteler, T. Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia, per- formed in His Majesty's ships " Leven" and " Barracouta," from 1821 to 1826, under the command of Capt. F. W. Owen, R.N. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1835 Botelho, Sebastiao Xavier. Memoria Estatistica sobre os Dominios Portu- guezes na Africa Oriental. Maps. 8 Lisbon, 1835 Botella y de Hornos, F. de. Espaiia Geografia, Morfologica y Etiologica ; observaciones acerca de la Constitucion Orografica de la Peninsula, y leyes de direccion de sus Sierras Cordilleras, Costas, y Rios Principales. Maps. 4 Madrid, 1886 Botfield, B. Shropshire, its History and Antiquities. Plates. 4 1860 Bottcher, Ernst. Orographie und Hydro- graphic des Kongobeckens. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1887 Bottego. See V , G. D. Bottis, Gaetano de. Ragionamento Istorico Intorno all' Eruzione del Vesuvio che comincio il di 29 Luglio dell' anno 1779, e continue sino al giorno 15 del seguente mese di Agosto. Plates. 4 Naples, 1779 Boucard, Adolphe. See Guatemala : Appendix 2. Bouche, Pierre. Sept ans en Afrique Occidentale : la Cote des Esclaves et le Dahomey. Map. 12 Paris, 1885 Boucher de Perthes, J. Antiquites Cel- tiques et Antediluviennes : Memoire sur 1'Industrie primitive et les Arts & leur origine. 3 vols. Plates. 8 Paris, 1847-64 6o BOU. Boucher, F. The Indian Archipelago : a Concise Account of the Principal Islands and Places of the Indian Archipelago. Map. 12 1857 Bouchette, Joseph. The British Domi- nions in North America ; or, A Topo- graphical and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape Breton ; with Statis- tical Tables and Tables of Distances, &c. Plates. 2 vols. 4 1832 - Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada. 4 1832 Boudewijnse, J. See Catalogues, A : Appendix 2. Boue, Ami. Turquie d'Europe, ou Ob- servations sur la Geographic, Geologic, &c.,de cet Empire. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1840 - Itineraires dans la Turquie d'Europe. 2 vols. in I. 8 Vienna, 1854 - Ueber die Oro-Potamo-Limne (Seen) und Lekavegraphie (Becken) des Terti- aren der Europaischen Tiirkei, und Winke zur Ausfiillung der Liicken un- serer jetzigen geographischen und geo- gnostischen Kenntnisse dieser Halbinsel. Alaps. 8* Vienna, 1879 Autobiographic du Docteur Medecin Ami Boue ne a Hambourg le 16 mars 1794 et mort comme Aulrichien a Vienne. 8 Vienna, 1879 - Die Europaische Tiirkei (La Turquie d'Europe par A. Boue, Paris, 1840) : Deutsch herausgegeben von der Boue- Stiftungs Commission der Kais. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften in Wien. 2 vols. Portrait. 4 Vienna, 1889 Bouet-Willaumez, Comte E. Descrip- tion Nautique des Cotes de 1'Afrique Occidentale comprises entrele Senegal et 1'Equateur. Maps, plates. Paris, 1846 Bougainville, Jean Pierre, Baron de. Memoire sur les Decouvertes et les Etablissements fails le long des Cotes d'Afrique par Hannon, Amiral de Carthage. 4 [Paris, 1779] Bougainville, Louis Antoine de. Voyage autour du Monde par la Fregate la " Boudeuse " et la Flute "I'Etoile," 1766-69. Maps. 4 Paris, 1771 Voyage autour du Monde par la Fregate du,Roi "La Boudeuse" et la Flute " L'Etoile," en 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769- Seconde edition, augmentee. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1772 - Journal de la Navigation autour du Globe de la " Thetis "et " 1'Esperance," 1824-26. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1837 See Burney, Vol. 5 ; Kerr, Vol. 13 ; Laharpe, Vol. 18 ; "The Modern Tra- veller," Vol. 4, p. 610 : Appendix I. Bougard, Lieut. Le Petit Flambeau de la Mer, ou le Veritable Guide des Pilotes Cotiers ; ou il est clairement enseigne la maniere de naviguer le long de toutes les Cotes de France, d'Angleterre, d'Irlande, d'Espagne, . . . &c. Revii, corrige et augmente. Derniere edition. Illus- trations. Square 8 Havre, 1731 Bouguer, Sig. Nuovo Trattato di Navi- gazione, che Contiene la Teoria e la Practica del Pilotaggio. Tradotlo in Italiano, con Continuazione dal V. Brunacci. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 Leghorn, 1795 Bouguer's Voyage to Peru. See Pinker- ton, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Bouigu, Edouard de. Description de ITnvention de Voitures roulant sur des Rails mobiles tournants et parcourant toutes les Routes, les Champs et les Deserts. Illustrations. 4 [Marseilles, 1874] Boiiinais, A., and A. Paulus. La Cochinchine Contemporaine. Map. 8 Paris, 1884 [1883] L'Indo - Chine Fran9aise Contem- poraine. Cochinchine. 2 e edition, revue et augmentee. Cambodge, Tonkin, An- nam. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1885 - La France en Indo-Chine. (3rd edition.) Map. 12 Paris, 1890 Bouillet, M. N. Atlas Universel d'His- toire et de Geographic contenant i e La Chronologic, 2 e La Genealogie, 3 La Geographic. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1865 - Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographic . . . Nouvelle Edition. 8 Paris, 1867 Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographic contenant i e 1'Histoire, 2 e La Biographic, 3 e La Mythologie, 4 e La Geographic, ancienne et moderne. Nouvelle edition, par L. G. Gourraigne. Large 8 Paris, 1893 Boulangier, Commandant. Essai sur les Origines de la Mediterrane : Nouvelle Methode de Geographic et de Carto- graphic. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1890 Boulger, D. C. The Life of Yakoob Beg, Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet, Ameer of Kashgar. Map. 8 1878 Boult, Joseph. Speculations on the former Topography of Liverpool and the Neighbourhood. Part I. 8* Liverpool, 1866 Further Observations on the alleged Submarine Forests on the Shores of Liverpool Bay and the River Mersey. Privately printed. 8* Liverpool, 1866 Bouniceau, Prosper. De Paris au Cap. ou le Chemin de Fer Transsaharien. 8* Paris, 1880 BOU BOV. 61 Bouquet, Col. See Knox's New Collec- tion, Vol. 2, p. 608 : Appendix I. Bouquet de la Grye, A. Pilote des Cotes Quest de France. Tom. I. Maps. 8 Paris, 1869 Bourchier, Capt. W. Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to England, de- scribing the Author's Shipwreck in the "Nauiilus" in the Red Sea, Journeys across the Nubian Desert, &c. Map. 12 1834 Bourdieu, Capit. L. du. Notes sur quelques Ports de 1'ile de Haiti. 8* Paris, 1844 Bourdonnais, Comte A. Make de la. See De la Bourdonnais. Bourgade la Dardye, E. de. Paraguay. Map and illustrations. 12 Part's [1889] Paraguay, the Land and the People, Natural Wealth, and Commercial Capa- bilities. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1892 Bourgoing, J. F. Tableaux de 1'Espagne Moderne. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1797 See Phillips [i], Vol. 9 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Bourgoing, P. de. See Cortambert. Bourjolly, Gen. Projets sur 1'Algerie. Map. 8 Paris, 1847 Bourke, John G. Notes upon the Gentile Organisation of the Apaches of Arizona. 8* N.P., N.D. The Snake-Dance of the Moquis of Arizona : being a Narrative of a Journey from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Vil- lages of the Moqui Indians of Arizona, with a Description of the Manners and Customs of this peculiar People, and especially of the revolting religious rite the Snake-Dance ; to which is added a brief Dissertation upon Serpent Worship in general, with an Account of the Tablet Dance of the Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico, &c. Plates. 8 1884 Compilation of Notes and Memoranda bearing upon the Use of Human Ordure and Human Urine in Rites of a Reli- gious or Semi-Religious character among various Nations. 8* Washington, 1888 Bourne, Benjamin Franklin. The Cap- tive in Patagonia, or Life among the Giants : a Personal Narrative. Plates. 12 Boston, Mass., 1853 Bourne, F. S. A. Commercial Report on a Journey through the Provinces of Ssuch'uan, Yun-nan, Kwang-si, and Kuei- chou, from 26th October 1885 to 5th May 1886. Part I. Ch'ung-ching Fu to Pi- chieh Hsien. Map. Folio* 1886 - Ditto. Part 2. Pi-chieh Hsien to Yunnan- Fu. Map. Folio* 1887 Bourne, F. S. A. Report of a Journey in South-Western China. Maps. Folio* 1888 Bourne, G. Australian Expedition : Journal of Landsborough's Expedition in Search of Burke and Wills. 8 Melbourne, 1863 Bourne, John. Indian River Navigation : illustrating the Practicability of opening up some thousands of miles of River Navigation in India, by the use of a new kind of Steam Vessel adapted to the Navigation of Shallow and Shifting Rivers. Map. 8* 1849 Bourne, H. R. Fox. The Story of our Colonies. New edition. Maps. 8 1888 Bournon, Comte de. Traite complet de la Chaux Carbonatee et de 1'Arra- gonite, auquel on a joint une Introduc- tion a la Mineralogie en general, une Theorie de la Cristallisation et son appli- cation. Plates. 3 vols. 4 1808 Bourrit, O. Journey to the Glaciers in the Duchy of Savoy. Translated by Davy. 12 Norwich, 1776 Description des Vallees de Glace et des Hautes Montagnes que forment la chaine des Alpes Pennines et Rhetiennes. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 Geneva, 1783 Description des Glacieres et Glaciers de Savoye. Plates. 8 Geneva, 1785 Description des Cols, ou Passages des Alpes. 2 vols. 8 Geneva, 1803 See Ziegler. Boussingault, M., and Dr Roulin. Viajes cientificos a los Andes Ecuato- riales, 6 coleccion de Memorias sobre fisica, quimica e historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador, y Venezuela. Traducidas, &c., por J. Acosta. 8 Paris, 1849 Boutroue, Alexandre. Rapport sur une Mission Archeologique en Portugal et dans le sud de 1'Espagne. Plates. Large 8* Paris, 1893 L'Algerie et la Tunisie a travers les Ages. Maps. Large 8 Paris, 1893 See Martins, J. P. Bouvet, Joachim. See Astley, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Bouvet, Lozier. See Burney, Vol. 5 ; Callander, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Bouzet, E. du. Instructions a donner aux Batiments venant en Nouvelle-Caledonie par le Cap de Bonne- Esperance. 8 / Paris, 1858 Bovallius, Carl. Antiquites ceramiques trouvees dans le Nicaragua en 1882-83. Illustrations. 8* N.l'., N.n. Nicaraguan Antiquities. Maps and plates. 4* Stockholm, 1886 Resa i Central-Amerika, 1881-83. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Upsala, 1887 62 BOV BOY. Bove, Giacomo. Expedition Austral Argentina : Informes preliminares pre- sentados a los Ministros del Interior y de Guerra y Marina de la Republica Argentina, y publicados bajo la direccion del Institute Geografico Argentine. Maps and plates. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1883 Patagonia, Terra del Fuoco, Mari Australi ; Rapporto del Tenente Gia- como Bove, Capo della Spedizione al Comitato Centrale per le Esplorazioni Antartiche. Parte I. Maps and illus- trations. Large 8 Genoa, 1883 Bovis's History of Cochin China. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Bowditch, Nath. Memoir. By his son N. Ingersoll Bowditch. Portrait. 4 Boston, Mass., 1839 See Pickering, John. Bowditch, T. Edward. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee ; with a Statistical Account of that Kingdom, and Geographical Notices of other parts of the Interior of Africa. Map and plates. 4 1819 Essay on the Geography of North- Western Africa. Maps. 12 Part's, 1821 Account of the Discoveries of the Portuguese in the Interior of Angola and Mozambique, with a Note on a Geo- graphical Error of Mungo Park. Maps. 1824 Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo, in 1823, while on his Third Voyage to Africa; to which is added a Narrative of the Voyage to its comple- tion, with Occurrences from Mr Bow- ditch's arrival in Africa to his death, a Description of the English Settlements on the River Gambia, with Zoological and Botanical Descriptions, and Trans- lations from the Arabic. Plates. 4 1825 See Mollien ; Eyries, Vol. u ; Phillips [3], Vol. I : Appendix I. Bowdler, Col. C. W. See Bell. Bowen, C. C. See Galton, Vacation Tourists, 1860. Bowen, Emanuel. A Complete System of Geography. 2 vols. Maps. Folio 1747 Bowen, Sir George Ferguson. Ithaca in 1850. 8 1854 Bower, Capt. H. Diary of a Journey across Tibet. Maps and illustrations. Calcutta, 1893 Bowerbank, James Scott. A History of the Fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London Clay. Part I. Plates. 8 1840 Bowie, J. See British South Africa, A : Appendix 2. Bowker, Colonel J. H. Other Days in South Africa. 8* [1884] Bowles, S. Our New West : Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. . . . Map, por- traits, and plates. 8 1869 Bowles, W. Inlroduccion a la Historia Natural y a la Geografia Fisica de Es- pana. Small 4 Madrid, 1775 Bowring, Sir John. A Visit to the Philippine Islands. Plates. 8 1850 The Kingdom and People of Siam, with a Narrative of the Mission to that country in 1855. Map, facsimiles, and plates. 2 vols. 8 1857 Bowring, J. Wybor z BasnictwiCeskeho : Cheskian Anthology, being a History of the Poetical Literature of Bohemia, with translated specimens. 12 1832 Bowring, J. See Phillips [3], Vol. 3: Appendix I. Bowyear. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. I : Appendix I. Boxhorn, M. Z. Marci Zuerii Boxhornii Theatrum, sive Hollandise Comitatus et Urbium nova descriptio, qua omnium Civitatum, pnecipuorumq. locorum Icones, Origines, Incrementa, Res domi forisq. gestse, Jura, Privilegia, Immuni- tates, ipsis Principum tabulis expressa, et Viri illustres, exhibentur. Maps. Ob- long 8 Amsterdam, 1632 Boyd, Major A. J. Reminiscences of the Chincha Islands. 8* Brisbane, 1892 Boyd, Benjamin. On the Expediency of Transferring the Unemployed Labour of Van Diemen's Land to New South Wales. 8* Sydney, 1847 Steam to Australia and New Zealand. 8* 1850 Boyd, C. R. Resources of South- West Virginia, showing the Mineral Deposits of Iron, Coal, Zinc, Copper, and Lead, also the staples of the various Counties, Methods of Transportation, Access, &c. Map and plates. 8 Ne-a York, 1881 Boyd, R. N. Chili : Sketches of Chili and the Chilians during the War 1879-80. Map and illustrations. Small 8 1881 Opening Address, Session 1890-91, of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, read I7th December 1890. Large 8* 1890 Boyd, . See Eyries, Vol. 13 ; Appen- dix I. Boyde, Capt. Henry. Several Voyages to Barbary, containing an Historical and . Geographical Account of the Country, with the Hardships, Suffer- ings, and manner of Redeeming Chris- tian Slaves ; together with a curious Description of Meguinez, Oran, and Alcazar, with a Journal of the late Siege and Surrender of Oran ; to which are added, the Maps of Barbary and BOY BRA. Boyde, Capt. Henry Continued. the Sea-coasts, the Prospects of Meg- uinez and Alcazar, an exact Plan of Oran, and a View of the Ancient Ro- man Ruins near Meguinez, the whole illustrated with Notes, Historical and Critical. 2nd edition. 8 1736 Boye, J. See Lutke. Boyle, Frederick. Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo. Plate. 8 1865 The Free Indian Tribes of Central America. 8* 1867 A Ride across a Continent : a Per- sonal Narrative of Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1868 Boyle, R. Vicars. Imperial Government Railways, Japan : Report on the Routes for the Main Trunk Lines through Cen- tral Japan, viz., from Tokio to Kioto and across to Niigata. Map. 8* Kobe, 1876 Descriptive Reports of Lines laid out from Kioto, via Otsu and Maibara to Tsuruga, and from Maibara to Kano, Miya, and Doda. Map. 8* Kobe,\%-]6 Braam, A. E. van. An Authentic Ac- count of the Embassy of the Dutch East India Company to the Court of the Em- peror of China in the years 1794 and 1795. Translated from the original of M. L. E. Moreau de St Mery. 2 vols. Map. 8 1798 Brabant, Arthur Baring-. See Popowski. Brabner, J. H. F. The Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales. Vol. I, Aar-Cat. Maps and plates. Large 8 1893 Vol. 2, Cau-Goa ; Vol. 3, Gob-Les 1894 Bracciolini, Francesco. Lo Scherno degli Dei : poema Piacevole. Portrait. 8 Milan, 1804 Brace, C. L. The Norse-Folk: a Visit to the Homes of Norway and Sweden. Plates. 8 1857 Brackenbury, Major C. B. See United Kingdom : Appendix 2. Brackenbury, Major-General Henry. The River Column : a Narrative of the Advance of the River Column of the Nile Expeditionary Force, and its Re- turn down the Rapids : with maps by Major the Hon. F. L. L. Colborne. Crown 8 1885 Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisi- ana, containing Geographical, Statisti- cal, and Historical Notices of that vast and important portion of America. 12 Baltimore, 1817 Voyage to South America, 1817-18, in the Frigate "Congress." 2 vols. 8 1820 -See Eyries, Vol. 9; Phillips [3], Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Bradbury, John. Travels in the Interior of America in 1809-11, including a De- cription of Upper Louisiana, the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ten- nessee, with the Illinois and Western Territories. 8 Liverpool, 1817 Bradford, Alex. W. American Anti- quities, and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8 New York, 1843 Bradley, John. A Narrative of Travel and Sport in Burmah, Siam, and the Malay Peninsula. 8 1876 Bradshaw, B. Dictionary of Mineral Waters, Climatic Health Resorts, Sea Baths, and Hydropathic Establishments, and edition. Map and plans. 12 1883 ABC Dictionary to the United States, Canada, and Mexico, showing the most Important Towns and Points of Interest ; with Maps, Routes, &c. , also Large General Skeleton Map show- ing the various Steamship Routes to various points. 12 1886 Brady, W. Glimpses of Texas, its Di- visions, Resources, Development, and Prospects. 12* Houston, 1871 Braekstad, H. L. See Hovgaard. Bragge, W. Bibliotheca Nicotiana : a First Catalogue of Books about Tobacco. Square 8 [Privately printed] 1874 Braim, T. H. History of New South Wales, from its Settlement to the close of 1844. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1846 Braithwaite, S. Supplement to Sir John Ross's Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage. 4* 1835 Bramall, Henry. The Mineral Resources of New Zealand. Map. 8 Liverpool, 1883 Bramer, K. See Germany, C (For- schungen, &c., Vol. 2) : Appendix 2. Brampton and Alt. See Eyries, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Brand, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Branda, Paul. Le Haut-Mekong ou le Laos ouvert. Map. 8 Paris, 1887 The same. New edition. Maps Paris, 1889 Brandes, H. Ueber das Zeitalter des Geographen Eudoxos und des Astrono- men Geminos. Ueber die antiken Na- men und die geographische Verbreitung der Baumwolle im Alterthum. Zwei geographisch - antiquarische Untersuch- ungen. 8 Leipzig, 1866 Brandes, Dr J. L. A. See Groeneveldt. Brandis, Sir Dietrich. Report on the Teak Forests of Pegu for 1856. Tables. [From the India Records, No. 28.] 1860 Ditto, for 1857-60 ; with Appendix. Tables. [From the India Records, No. 31.] Calcutta, 1 86 1 6 4 BRA ERE. Brandis, Sir Dietrich. Progress Report of the Forests of the Tenasserim and Martaban Provinces, for 1858-60. Map and tables. [From the India Records, No. 29.] Calcutta, 1861 Report on the Attaran Forests for 1860 ; with Appendix. [From the India Records, No. 32.] Calcutta, 1861 - Reports on the Teak Forests in Pegu and the Tenasserim and Martaban Pro- vinces, 1860-61 ; to which is added, Correspondence regarding the opening of the Pegu Forests to Private Enterprise. Tables. [From the India Records, No. 35.] Calcutta, 1862 Progress Report of Forest Adminis- tration in British Burmah, 1861-62. Map. [From the India Records, No. 37.] 1863 See Collins, J. ; Leeds. Brandstetter, Prof. Dr R. Charakter- isirung der Epik der Malaien. Large 8* Lucerne, 1891 Malaio-Polynesische Forschungen. 2. Die Beziehungen des Malagasy zum Malaiischen. 4 Lucerne, 1893 Brandt, J. F. Mittheilungen liber die Naturgeschichte des Mammoth oder Mamout (Elephas primigenius). Plates. 8* St Petersburg, 1866 See Baer and Helmersen, 17 ; Hel- mersen and Schrenck, I. Branner, J. C. The /Eolian Sandstones of Fernando de Noronha. Illustrations. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1890 Brash, Richard R. Inishcaltra and its Remains. 8* 1866 Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbe E. Charles. Lettres pour servir d'lntro- duction a 1'Histoire Primitive des Nations Civilisees de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. [French and Spanish.] 4 Mexico, 1851 Aperus d'un Voyage dans les Etats de San-Salvador et de Guatemala. 8* Paris, 1857 Histoire des Nations civilisees du Mexique et de 1'Amerique - Centrale durant les siecles anterieurs a Christophe Colomb, &c. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1857-59 Brassey, Lady. A Voyage in the " Sun- beam : " Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months. gth edition. Maps and illustrations. 8 1880 In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 1885 The Last Voyage, to India and Australia, in the "Sunbeam." Map, chart, ami illustrations. 8 1889 Brassey, Lord. On the Examination of Adjusters of Compasses. 4* 1871 See Grenfell, W. P. Brauer, F. See "Novara." Brauer, Lorenz. See Andree, Karl. Braumiiller, J. G. Der wichtigste Kanal in Europa, durch eine Vereinigung des Schwarzen Meeres mit der Ost und Nord See vertmittelst der Weichsel und des Dniesters erneuert vorgeschlagen. 4* Berlin, 1815 Brauns, D. Geology of the Environs of Tokio. Plates. 4 Tokio, 2541 (1881) Bravais, A. Sur les Lignes d'Ancien Niveau de la Mer dans le Finmark. Map. 8* Paris, N.D. See Gaimard, P. Brawern, H. See Churchill, Vol. i : Appendix i. Bray, W. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Brazza, P. Savorg-nan de. Les Voyages deSavorgnan de Brazza, Ogooue et Congo (1875-82). Par D. Neuville and C. Breard. Portrait and map. 8 Paris, 1884 Conference faite par P. Savorgnan de Brazza, le 21 Janvier 1886, en la seance extraordinaire tenue par la Societe de Geographic. Portrait and map. 4* Parts, 1886 Texte Public et Coordonne par Napoleon Ney : Conferences et Lettres de P. Savorgnan Brazza sur ses Trois Explorations dans 1'ouest Africain de 1875 a 1886. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1887 See Nardi. Breard, C. See Brazza ; Neuville. Brebner, J. M. See India, D : Appen- dix 2. Breeks, James Wilkinson. An Account of the Primitive Tribes and Monuments of the Nllagiris. Photographs. 4 1873 Breen, Henry H. St Lucia, Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive. Map. 8 1844 Brehm, Dr A. E. See Heuglin. Bremner, Robert. Excursions in the Interior of Russia. Portraits. 2 vols. 8 1839 Excursions in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Portraits. 2 vols. 8 1840 Bremond, Alphonse. Le Guide Toulous- ain. Troiseme edition. Map and plan. 1 8 Toulouse, 1868 Brenchley, J. L. Jottings during the Cruise of H. M. S. " Cura9oa " among the South Sea Islands in 1865. Map and plates. 4 1873 Brenchley, Julius. See Remy. Brennecke, . Sir Isaac Newton : Ora- tion. [In German.] 8* Posen, 1866 Brenner, Dr Oscar. Die achte Karte des Olaus Magnus vom Jahre 1539, nach dem Exemplar der Miinchener Staatsbib- liothek. Map. 8* Chruliania, 1886 Olaus Magnus und seine Karte des Nordens. Small 8* Christiania, 1886 BRE BRI. Brent, G. S. Notes on a Map of the World : Fasciculus I., On the Con- figuration of Continents. 8* 1850 Brenton, Capt. E. P. See St Vincent. Brereton, Rev. C. D. An Address, with a Proposal for the Foundation of a Church, Mission House, and School at Sarawak. Maps. 8* 1846 Brerewood, Edward. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book I : Appendix I. Breton, Lieut. Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Diemen's Land, during 1830-33. Plates. 8 1834 Bretschneider, E. On the Study and Value of Chinese Botanical Works, with Notes on the History of Plants and Geographical Botany from Chinese Sources. Plates. 8 Foochcnv, 1870 Fu - Sang ; or, Who Discovered America? 8* 1870 On the Knowledge possessed by the AncientChinese of the Arabs and Arabim Colonies and other Western Countries mentioned in Chinese Books. 8* 1871 Notes on Chinese Mediaeval Travellers to the West. 8* Shanghai, 1875 Archaeological and Historical Re- searches on Pekin and its Environs. Plates. 8* Shanghai, 1876 Die Pekinger Ebene und das benach- barte Gebirgsland. (Ergiinzungsheft, 46 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1876 Recherches Archeologiques et Histor- iques sur Pekin et ses Environs. Tra- duction Francaise par V. Cpllin de Plancy. [No. 12 of Publ. del'Ecoledes Langues Orient. Viv.] Maps, plate. 8 Paris, 1879 Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources : Fragments towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia, from the I3th to the I7th Century. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1888 Brett, H. Handy Guide to New Zealand. Edited by E. Ernest Bilbrough. Maps and illustrations. 12 Auckland, 1890 See Sherrin and Wallace. Brett, W. H. The Indian Tribes of Guiana, their Condition and Habits, &c. Map and plates. 8 1 86 8 Brewer, Henry. See Callander, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Brewin, W. See Harvey, T. Bricchetti-Robecchi. See Robecchi. Bridel, Philippe. See Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. Bridge, B. A Treatise on the Construc- tion, Properties, and Analogies of the Three Conic Sections. 8 1831 Bridge, John. A Visit to the Isle of Wight, by Two Wights. 16 1884 Bridge, John. From Tilbury to Torbay, 1885-87. 12 1888 Bridges, F. D. Journal of a Lady's Travels round the World. Map ami plates. 8 1883 Brie, J. de. See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Briere, A. Lettres sur le Transsaharien. 8* Paris, 1881 Brierley, J. See Casalis. Briggs, David. Design for a Bridge over the Nurbudda, near Jubbulpoor. Plates. [From the India Records, Vol. 2, N.W. Provinces.] 8 Agra, 1856 Report on the Operations connected with the Hindostan and Thibet Road, from 1850 to 1855. Maps. [From the India Records, No. 16.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1856 Briggs, Henry George. The Cities of Gujarashtra, their Topography and His- tory illustrated in the Journal of a Recent Tour. 4 Bombay, 1850 The Parsis, or Modern Zerdusthians. 8 Edinburgh, 1852 Briggs, Major-Gen. John. Brief Notes relative to the History of the Rajas of Satara, commencing with 1707 ; and to the Satara Jageerdars. [From the India Records, No. 41.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 Brigham, W. T. Historical Notes on the Earthquakes of New England, 1638- 1869. 4 Boston, Mass., 1871 Guatemala, the Land of the Quetzal : a Sketch. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 Bright, Richard. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, with some Remarks on the State of Vienna during the Congress, 1814. Maps and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1818 Brignon, Le Hen. See Burney, Vol. 5 ; Callander, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Brine, Admiral Lindesay. The Taeping Rebellion in China : a Narrative of its Rise and Progress, based upon original documents and information obtained in China. Map and plans. 8 186;. Travels amongst American Indians, their Ancient Earthworks and Temples. Illustrations. 8 1894 Brine, F. Iceland and the Faroes. 8* [1881] Brinkley, John, Bishop of Cloyne. Elements of Plane Astronomy. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Laby. Plates. 8 Dublin, 1845 Brinton, Dr Daniel G. Notes on the Floridian Peninsula, its Literary History, Indian Tribes, and Antiquities. 8 Philadelphia, 1859 The Lineal Measures of the Semi- Civilised Nations of Mexico and Central America. 8* Philadelphia, 1885 66 BRI BRO. Brinton, Dr Daniel G. On the Ikono- matic Method of Phonetic Writing, with Special Reference to American Archae- ology. 8* Philadelphia, 1886 A Review of the Data for the Study of the Prehistoric Chronology of America. Address before the Section of Anthro- pology, American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8* Salem, Mass., 1887 Were the Toltecs an Historic Nation- ality? 8* Philadelphia, 1887 On Etruscan and Libyan Names: a Comparative Study. 8* 'Philadelphia, 1890 The American Race : a Linguistic Classification and Ethnographic Descrip- tion of the Native Tribes of North and South America. 8 New York, 1891 Anthropology, as a Science, and as a branch of University Education in the United States. 8* Philadelphia, 1892 The Tribute Roll of Montezuma Part I. The Written Language of the Ancient Mexicans. Reprinted 2Oth May 1892, from Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. 17. 4* N.P., 1892 Reminiscences of Pennsylvania Folk- Lore. 8* 1892 Analytical Catalogue of Works and Scientific Articles. 8* N.P., 1892 Further Notes on the Betoya Dialects, from unpublished sources. 8* [Philadelphia} 1892 Further Notes on Fuegian Languages. 8* [Philadelphia'] 1892 Address delivered on Columbus Day, 2ist October 1892, at the . . . Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 8* Philadelphia, 1892 Studies in South American Native Languages. 8 Philadelphia, 1892 The Etrusco- Libyan Elements in the Song of the Arval Brethren. 8* [1893] The Native Calendar of Central America and Mexico : a Study in Linguistics and Symbolism. 8* Philadelphia, 1893 Ethnology. On various supposed relations between the American and Asian Races. Reprinted from Memoirs of the International Congress of An- thropology, Chicago. 8* Chicago, 1893 See Thomas, Cyrus. Brisbane, Captain. See Weddell, James. Brisbane, General Sir Thomas Mak- dougall. Reminiscences of General Sir T. M. Brisbane. Portraits and plates, Privately printed. 4 Edinburgh, 1860 See New South Wales, D : Appendix 2. Brisse, A., and L. de Rotrou. The Draining of Lake Fucino, accomplished by His Excellency Prince Alexander Torlonia : an Abridged Account, His- torical and Technical. English transla- tion by V. de Tivoli, jun. 4; Atlas, folio Rome, 1876 Brisson, . See Saugnier. Bristowe, Lindsay W., and Philip B. Wright. The Handbook of British Hondurasfor 1888-89, com prising Histori- cal, Statistical, and General Information concerning the Colony. Map. 8 1888 The same, for 1889-90. Map. 8 1889 The same, for 1890-91. Map. 8 1890 The same, for 1891-92. Map. Large 8 1891 The same, for 1892-93. Map. Large 8 1892 ' ' Britannicus. " The Dominican Republic and the Emperor Soulouque: being Remarks and Strictures on the Misstate- ments, and a Refutation of the Calum- nies, of M. D'Alaux ; preceded by a concise Account of the Historical Events of the Dominican Republic, and a glance at the Peninsula of Samana. By "Britannicus." 8* Philadelphia, 1852 Brito, P. J. M. de. Memoria Politica sobre a Capitania de Santa Catharina, escripta no Rio de Janeiro em 1816. 8 Lisbon, 1829 Britton, J. Descriptive Sketches of Tun- bridge Wells and the Calverley Estate. Maps and plates. 8 1832 Broadfoot, Lieut. James S. Reports on Parts of the Ghilzi Country, and on some of the Tribes in the neighbourhood of Ghazni ; and on the Route from Ghazni to Dera Ismail Khan by the Ghwalari Pass, 1839. Edited by Major William Broadfoot. R. G. S. Supple- mentary Papers, Vol. I. Map. Large 8 1886 Broadfoot, Major William. The Career of Major George Broadfoot, C.B., Governor-General's Agent North-West Frontier, 1844-45, m Afghanistan and the Punjab. Compiled from his Papers, and those of Lords Ellenborough and Hardinge. Portrait and maps. 8 1888 Broadhead, G. C. See United States, K (Missouri) : Appendix 2. Broca, Paul. On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the genus Homo. Edited by C. C. Blake. 8 1864 Brocchi, G. B. Giornale delle Osser- vazioni fatte ne' Viaggi in Egitto, nella Siria e nella Nubia. 5 vols. and Atlas. 8 Bassano, 1841-43 Broch, O. J. Le Royaume de Norvege et le Peuple Norvegien, ses Rapports Sociaux, Hygiene, Moyens d'Existence, Sauyetage, Moyens de Communication et Economic. Rapport au Congres de Bruxelles. Plate. 8 Christiania, 1876 Brockedon, W. Illustrationsof the Passes of the Alps by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1828 BRO. Brockett, W. E. Narrative of a Voyage from Sydney to Torres Straits in Search of the Survivors of the " Charles Eaton." Plates. 8 Sydney, 1836 Brocklehurst, Thomas Unett. Mexico To-day : a Country with a Great Future, and a glance at the Prehistoric Remains and Antiquities of the Montezumas. Map and illustrations. 8 1 883 Brocklesby, J. Elements of Physical Geography, together with a Treatise on the Physical Phenomena of the United States. Maps. 4 Philadelphia, 1868 Brocquiere, Bertrandon de la. See Hak-luyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Brodhead, John Romeyn. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Maps. 10 vols. 4 Albany, N.Y., 1856-58 Reports of, relative to the Colonial History of New York. 8 New York, 1845 Brodie, Sir Benjamin C. Address to the Ethnological Society of London, 1853 ; followed by a Sketch of the Recent Progress of Ethnology, by R. Cull. 8* 1853 - Ditto. 8* 1854 Brodie, Lieut. See India, I : Appen- dix 2. Brodie, \Valter. Pitcairn's Island and the Islanders in 1850, with Extracts from his Private Journal, and a few Hints upon California ; also the Reports of all the Commanders of Her Majesty's ships that have touched at the above Island since 1800. Portrait and plates. 8 1851 Brodribb, W. A. A Plain Statement of Facts, addressed to the Small and Large Capitalists, and the Labouring Classes in England and elsewhere, on the great Capabilities and Natural Advantages of the Australian Colonies, particularly New South Wales and Victoria, for Emigration. 8 1862 Gipps Land and its Explorers. [Ex- tract, Australian Newspaper.] 8* N.D. Recollections of an Australian Squatter, or Leaves from my Journal since 1835. 8 Sydney [1883] Brogger, V/. C. See Sweden, A : Ap- pendix 2. Broke, George. With Sack and Stock in Alaska. Maps. 12 1891 Brongniart, A. See Cuvier ; also Greece, Morea : Appendix 2. Broniouius de Biezerfedea, Martin. See Purchas, Vol. 3. Book 3: Appendix i. Bronner, F. J. Parallelismus der Fluss- systeme Europas, Asiens, Afrikas, und Amerikas, Vergleichungen der wich- tigsten Strome dieser Erdteile. 8* Munich, 1885 Brooke, Sir A. de Capell. Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark to the North Cape. Maps and plates. 4 1823 - Winter in Lapland and Sweden. Map and plates. 4 1827 Sketches in Spain and Morocco. 1831 8 Plates. 2 vols. Brooke, Francis. See Blanc, V. Le. Brooke, Capt. J. C. Report of a Tour through the Districts of Ajmere and Mairwara, N.W. Provinces [India Re- cords, Part 32, N. W. Provinces] Calcutta, 1858 Brooke, Sir James, Rajah of Sarawak. Letter from Borneo, with Notices of the Country and its Inhabitants. 8* 1842 - See Keppel ; Mundy, R. Brooke, R. Extracts from the Journal of an Excursion to Explore the Mahavil- laganga (Ceylon). 8* Colombo, 1833 Brooke, T. H. History of the Island of St Helena, from its Discovery by the Portuguese to the year 1823. 2nd edition. Plate. 8 1824 Brookes, R. General Gazetteer, or Com- pendious Geographical Dictionary, con- taining Descriptions of every Country in the known World, with their Towns, People, Natural Productions, &c. Re- vised and corrected to the present period by A. G. Findlay. Maps. 8 1854 Brooks, C. W. Early Migrations: Early Maritime Intercourse of Ancient Western Nations, Chronologically ar- ranged and Ethnologically considered. Frontispiece. 8* San Francisco, 1876 - Japanese Wrecks, stranded and picked up adrift in the North Pacific Ocean, Ethnologically considered. Map. 8* San Francisco, 1876 - Origin of the Chinese Race, Philo- sophy of their Early Development, with an Inquiry into the Evidences of their American Origin. Map. 8* San Francisco, 1876 - On the "Jeannette" Arctic Expedition and the missing Whalers. Maps. 8* San Francisco, 1880 - The Object of Arctic Explorations. (Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. ) 8* San Francisco, 1881 - Early Discoveries of Wrangel Land : some Evidence regarding conflicting Claims ; Plans of the Rodgers Expedi- tion. (Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. ) 8* San Francisco, 1881 -- Arctic Drift and Ocean Currents illustrated by the discovery on an Ice- Floe oft the Coast of Greenland of relics from the American Arctic steamer "Jeannette." Chart, 8* San Francisco, 1884 - See Pierce, H. A. 68 BRO. Brooks, Francis. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Brooks, H. Natal : a History and Description of the Colony, including its Natural Features, Productions, Industrial Condition, and Prospects. Edited by Dr R. J. Mann. Photographs and coloured plates. 8 1876 Brooks, Shirley. Russians of the South. 12. [Bound with M'Culloch's " Russia and Turkey."] 1854 Brooks, W. A. Euphrates, the Road to the East. Maps. 8* N. D. Honduras and the Interoceanic Rail- way : Report on the Line and its Pro- spects. ... 8* 1874 Brossary, Chiron du. Instructions Nau- tiques sur 1'Atterage et la Navigation de la Plata. 8 Paris, 1845 Brosselard, Henri. Voyage de la Mission Flatters au pays des Touareg Azdjers. Map and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1883 Brosselard-Faidherbe, Capt. Casa- mance et Mellacoree : Penetration au Soudan. Maps and illustrations. 4 Paris [1892?] Brosses, Charles de. Histoire des Navi- gations aux Terres Australes. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1761 See Pinkerton, Vol. u: Appendix I. Brosset, F. Description Geographique de la Georgie par le Tsarevitch Wakh- oucht, publiee d'apres 1'original Auto- graphe. Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1842 Rapports sur un Voyage Archeologique dans la Georgie et dans I'Armenie, execute en 1847-48. 8; and Atlas, oblong 8 St Petersburg, 1849-51 Histoire de la Georgie, depuis 1'Anti- quite jusqu'au xix e . Siecle. Traduite du Georgien. 4 vols. 8 St Petersburg, 1849-58 Brough, Bennett Hooper. Tacheometry, or Rapid Surveying. 8* 1887 Brough, Louisa. See Umlauft. Broughton, E. Six Years' Residence in Algiers. 8 l8 39 Broughton, Lord. Italy : Remarks made in several Visits from 1816 to 1854. 2 vols. 8 1859 Broughton, . See Eyries, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Broughton, Thomas Duer. Letters written in a Mahratta Camp during the year 1809, descriptive of the Character, Manners, Domestic Habits, and Religious Ceremonies of the Mahrattas. Plates. 4 I8l 3 Broughton, W. R. A Voyage of Dis- covery to the North Pacific Ocean ; in which the Coast of Asia from the lat. of 35 North to the lat. of 52 North, the Island of Insu (commonly known under the name of the Land of Jesso), the North, South, and East Coasts of Japan, Broughton, W. R. continued. the Lieuchieux and the Adjacent Isles, as well as the Coast of Corea, have been Examined and Surveyed. Performed in His Majesty's sloop "Providence" and her Tender, in the years 1795, '96, '97, '98. Maps, plates. 4 1 804 Broun, Sir Richard. European and Asiatic Intercourse via British Columbia by means of a Main Through Trunk Railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Map. 8* 1858 Broun, Capt. Thomas. Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. (N.Z. Institute.) Parts 5-7 ( I vol.) 8 Wellington, 1893 - See New Zealand, A : Appendix 2. Brown, Alexander. The Genesis of the United States : a Narrative of the Move- ment in England, 1605-16, which resulted in the Plantation of North America by Englishmen ; disclosing the Contest be- tween England and Spain for the Possession of the Soil now Occupied by the United States of America ; set forth through a Series of Historical Manu- scripts now first printed, together with a reissue of rare Contemporaneous Tracts, accompanied by Bibliographical Memo- randa, Notes, and brief Biographies. 2 vols. Maps and portraits. 8 1890 Brown, Arnold. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix i. Brown, A. Samler. Madeira and the Canary Islands : a Practical and Com- plete Guide for the Use of Invalids and Tourists. 2nd edition. Maps. 12 1890 Brown, C. Barrington. Geological Report on the Districts bordering on the Curiebrong, Ireng, Takutu, Rupununi, and Upper Essequebo Rivers. Folio* Demerara, 1871 Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. Map and plates. 8 1876 and W. Lidstone. Fifteen Thou- sand Miles on the Amazon and its Tributaries. Map and plates. 8 1878 Brown, E. An Account of Several Travels through a great Part of Ger- many, in Four Journeys, from Norwich to Colen, &c. Plates. Square 8 1677 Travels in Divers Parts of Europe. Plates. Folio 1685 Brown, Rev. G. Notes on the Duke of York Group, New Britain, and New Ireland. (From the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1877.) 8* 1878 and B. Danks. A Dictionary of the Duke of York Islands Language, New Britain Group ; also a Grammar of the same, and an Introduction. MS. 8 Sydney, 1882 Brown, H. A. A Winter in Albania. 8 1888 BRO. 69 Brown, H. Y. L. Western Australia : Geological Description of Country to the North-East of Champion Bay. Map. Folio* Perth, W.A., 1871 Brown, J. A. Palaeolithic Man in N.-W. Middlesex: the Evidence of his Existence, and the Physical Conditions under which he lived, in Ealing and its neighbourhood, illustrated by the con- dition and culture presented by certain existing savages. Frontispiece and plates. 8 1887 Brown, John. The North-West Passage, and the Plans for the Search for Sir John Franklin : a Review. Maps and plate. 8 1858 A Sequel to the North-West Passage. Map and facsimile. 8 1860 Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de, par M. de la Roquette. Portrait. 4* Paris, 1863 Brown, Rev. J. Croumbie. Hydrology of South Africa, or Details of the former Hydrographic condition of the Cape of Good Hope, and of Causes of its present Aridity. 8 1875 See Arbousset and Daumas. Brown, J. E. A Practical Treatise on Tree Culture in South Australia. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 8 Adelaide, 1881 See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Brown, Rev. J. T. See Underbill. Brown, Capt. Lewis. Private Journal kept while in the Murree Hills, also during his Occupation of the Fort of Kahun, and during his Retreat to Poola- jee, from 8th April to 1st October 1840. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Report showing the number of Fortified Places within the Districts under the Pahlunpoor Superintenclency, prepared in 1844. [From the India Records, No. 25.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Brown, M. See Mueller, Baron Sir F. Brown, Marie A. The Icelandic Dis- coverers of America, or Honour to whom Honour is Due. Illustrations. Small 1887 Brown, P. Hume. Early Travellers in Scotland. Edited by P. Hume Brown. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1891 See Kirk and Thoresby. Brown, R. Annual Report of the Munni- pore Political Agency for 1868-69. [From the India Records, No. 78.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1870 Brown, Richard. A History of the Island of Cape Breton, with some Account of the Discovery and Settlement of Canada, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. Maps and plate. 8 1869 Notes on the Northern Atlantic, for the use of travellers. Map. SmallS 1880 Brown, Dr Robert. Vancouver- Island Exploration, 1864. [With unpublished sketches.] 8* Victoria, B.C., 1865 A Monograph of the Coniferous genus Thuja, Linn., and of the North American Species of the Genus Libocedrus, Endl. 8* 1867 Florula Discoana : Contributions to the Phyto-Geography of Greenland within the Parallels of 68 and 70 North Latitude. 8* Edinburgh, 1868 Notes on the History and Geographical Relations of the Pinnipedia frequenting the Spitzbergen and Greenland Seas. 8* [1868] Observations on the Medicinal and Economic Value of the Oulachan. 8* 1868 On the Mammalian Fauna of Green- land. 8* [1868] On the Nature of the Discoloration of the Arctic Seas. 8* Edinburgh, 1868 Synopsis of the Birds of Vancouver Island. 8* 1868 Noteson the History and Geographical Relations of the Cetacea frequenting Davis Strait and Baffin's Bay. 8* 1868 On the Geographical Distribution and Physical Characteristics of the Coal- Fields of the North Pacific Coast. 8 Edinburgh, 1869 On the Geographical Distribution of the Coniferae and Gnetacese. 8* Edinburgh, 1869 Das Innere der Vancouver- Insel. Map. 4* CW/z[i869] On Arctic Exploration. 8* Edinburgh, 1870 - Physics of Arctic Ice. 8* 1871 Descriptions of some new or little- known Species of Oaks from North-West America. 8* 1871 Die geographische Verbreitung der Coniferen und Gnetaceen. Map. 4* Gotha, 1872 Geological Notes on the Noursoak Peninsula, Disco Island, and the country in the vicinity of Disco Bay, North Greenland. 8* Glasgow, 1875 The Countries of the World : being a Popular Description of the various Con- tinents, Islands, Rivers, Seas, and Peoples of the Globe. 6 vols. Maps and plates. Small 4 [1877-81] Notes on the recent Progress of Botany in Denmark. 8* 'N.D. The Races of Mankind : being a Popular Description of the Character- istics, Manners, and Customs of the Principal Varieties of the Human Family. 4 vols. Plate. s. .Small 4 N.D. The Peoples of the World : being a Popular Description of the Characteristics, Conditions, and Customs of the Human Family. 6 vols. Illustration*. 4 1882 BRO BRU. Brown, Dr Robert. Our Earth and its Story : a Popular Treatise on Physical Geography. Edited by Robert Brown, Ph. D. 3 vols. Maps, coloured plates, and illustrations. 4 1887-89 The Adventures of Thomas Fellow, of Penryn, Mariner, Three and Twenty Years in Captivity among ihe Moors. Written by himself; and edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Dr Robert Brown. Illustrations. 8 1890 The Story of Africa and its Explorers. 3 vols. Illustrations. 4 1892-94 See Dickie, G. ; Green, A. H. ; Rink. Brown, Lieut.-Col. R. H. The Fay um and Lake Mceris ; with a Prefatory Note by Colonel Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff, and illustrations from photographs by the Author. 4 1892 Brown, Samuel. On the Statistical Pro- gress of the Kingdom of Italy. 8* 1866 Browne, A. H. The Political Economy of Indian Famines. 8* Bombay, 1877 Browne, Lieut.-Col. Edmond Charles. The Coming of the Great Queen: a Narra- tive of the Acquisition of Burma. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 888 Browne, Edward. See Harris, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Browne, Edward G. A Year amongst the Persians : Impressions as to the Life, Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, received during twelve months residence in that country in the years 1887-88. Map. 8 1893 Browne, J. Ross. Report of the Debates in the Convention of California on the Formation of the State Constitution in 1849. 8 Washington, 1850 Browne, Lieut. R. A. Russia and the Invasion of India. (From Journal, United Service Institution of India.) 8* 1893 Browne, W. H. See Maclean, A. J. Browne, W. G. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, -from the year 1792 to 1798. Plates. 4 1799 The same. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 4 1806 See Pinkerton, Vol. 15 ; Wai pole, Travels : Appendix I Browne, Walter Raleigh. [A Memoir.] Excerpt, Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 79. 8* 1885 Browning, George. The Edda Songs and Sagas of Iceland. 12* 1876 Browning, Walter Westcott. Ireland. Handbook of Railway Distances. Map. Large 8 1874 Brownrigg, Rev. Canon. The Cruise of the "Freak": a Narrative of a Visit to the Islands in Bass and Banks' Straits, with some Account of the Islands. Map and plates. 8* Launceston, Tasmania, 1876 Bruce, James. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in 1768-73. 5 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1790 Travels into Abyssinia to Discover the Source of the Nile. Abridged by S. Shaw. 12 1790 Account of the Life and Writings of. By Alexander Murray. Map and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1808 The Life of Bruce, the African Traveller. By F. B. Head. Maps, plate. 12 1830 See Robinson, F. Bruce, John. Annals of the Honourable East India Company, from their Estab- lishment by the Charter of Queen Elizabeth, 1600, to the Union of the London and English East India Com- panies, 1707-8. 3 vols. 4 1810 Bruce, R. B. J. Notes on the Dera Ghazee Khan Desert, North-Weslern Frontier of India, and its Border Tribes. [No. 9 of New Series of Selections from the Records of the Government of Panjab and its Dependencies.] Royal 8 Lahore, 1871 Brucker, J. Decouvreurs et Missionaires dans 1'Afrique Centrale au XVI e et au XVII s Siecle. 8* Lyons, 1878 Decouverte des grands lacs de 1'Afrique Centrale et des sources du Nil et du Zai're au seizieme Siecle. Map. 8* Lyons, 1878 Positions Geographiques determinees par deux Missionaires Jesuites dans le Turkestan Oriental et la Dzoungarie en 1756, d'apres deux lettres inedites des PP. Amiot et Gaubil. 8* Lyon s, 1880 Benoit de Goes, Missionaire Voyageur dans.l'Asie Centrale, 1603-7. Lyons, 1879 Bruckner, Dr E. Das Klima cler Eiszeit. 8* Davos, 1891 Ueber Schwankungen der Seen und Meere. Vortrag IX. Deutschen Geo- graphentage in Wien, 1892. 8* Berlin, 1891 Eiszeit-Studien in den stidostlichen Alpen. 8* Berne, 1891 Ueber die angebliche Aenderung der Entfernung zwischen Jura und Alpen. Separatabdruck aus dem XL Jahres- bericht Geog. Ges. Bern, 1891-92. 8*. Ueber den Einfluss der Schneedecke auf das Klima der Alpen. [Berlin] 1893 Bericht liber das Projekt einer Erd- karte im Masstab I : 1,000,000. 8* Berne, 1893 SeePenck ; Penck's Abhandlungen, I. Brucks, Capt. George Barnes. Me- moir descriptive of the Navigation of the Gulf of Persia. [From the India Records, No. 24.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 See Jones, Felix. BRU. Brue, Andre. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Laharpe, I ; Allgemeine Historic, 2 : Appendix i. Brugsch Pasha, H. Reise der k. preus- sichen Gesandtschaft nach Persien, 1860 und 1 86 1. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Leipzig, 1862-63 Dictionnaire Geographique de 1'An- cienne Egypte : contenant par ordre Alphabetique la Nomenclature comparee des Noms propres Geographiques qui se Rencontrent sur les Monuments et dans les Papyrus. Folio Leipzig, 1879 A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, derived entirely from the Monuments, to which is added a Dis- couise on the Exodus of the Israelites. Translated and edited from the German by Philip Smith. 2nd edition, with a New Preface, Additions, and Original Notes by the Author. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1881 Bruguiere, Louis. Orographie de 1'Europe. Map and plates. 4 Paris, 1830 See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 3, p. 611 : Appendix I. Bruhns, Karl. Alexander von Humboldt. eine wissenschaftliche Biographic. 3 vols. Portraits. 8 Leipzig, 1872 Resultate aus den meteorologischen Beobachtungen angestellt an funfund- zwanzig konigl. Sachsischen Stationen imjahrei87i. 4 Leipzig, 1874 Brulle, . See Greece, Morea : Ap- pendix 2. Brumund, Jan Frederik Gerrit. See Leemanns, C. ; Veth, P. J. Brun, Cornelius le. Voyages de, par la Moscovie en Perse, et aux Indes Orien- tales . . . On y a ajoiite la route qu'a suivie Mr Isbrants, Ambassadeur de Moscovie, en traversant la Russie et la Tartarie, pour se rendre a la Chine ; et quelques Remarques contre MM. Chardin et Kempfer. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Small folio Amsterdam, 1718 Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East Indies, containing an accurate Description of what is most Remarkable in those Countries . . . ; to which is added an Account of the Journey of Mr Isbrants . . . through Russia and Tartary to China ; together with Remarks on the Travels of Sir J. Chardin and Mr Kempfer. Translated. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1737 Jrun, Isidore le. Tableau Statistique et Politique des Deux Canadas. 8 Paris, 1833 Jrunet, J. New Guide to Boulogne-sur- Mer and its Environs. Map and plates. 18 Boulogne, 1858 Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres : contenant, I. Un Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique ; II. Une Table en forme de Catalogue Raisonne. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1842-44 Brunet, G., and P. Deschamps. Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Supplement, contenant i un complement du Dictionnaire Bibliogra- phique de M. J.-Ch. Brunet. . . See Deschamps. Brunner, Samuel. Reise nach Sene- gambien und den Inseln des griinen Vorgebiirges, in Jahre 1838. 8 Berne, 1840 Brunnhofer, Dr H. Iran und Turan : historisch-geographische und ethno- logische Untersuchungen iiber den alte- sten Schauplatz der Indischen Urge- schichte ; Einzelbeitrage zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Fiinftes Heft. 8 Leipzig, 1889 Brunnmark, Gustavus. A Short Intro- duction to Swedish Grammar, adapted for the use of Englishmen. 2nd edition. 8 Stockholm, 1820 Brun-Renaud, C. le. Les possessions Fran9aises de 1'Afrique Occidentale. Maps. 12 Paris, 1886 Brun-Rollet, M. Le Nil Blanc et le Soudan, etudes sur 1'Afrique Centrale, mceurs et coutumes des Sauvages. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1855 Bruns, Paul Jacob. Neue systematische Erdbeschreibung von Afrika. 6 vols. Maps. 8 Nuremberg, 1799 Branson, Alfred. Prairie du Chien (Wisconsin), its Present Position and Future Prospects. 12* Milwaukee, 1857 Brunton, John. Description of the Line and Works of the Scinde Railway. Edited by C. Manby and J. Forrest. Maps. 8* 1863 Remarks upon the Ruins of the Ancient City of Brahminabad in the Province of Scinde. MS. 4* Kurrachee, 1866 Brunton, Dr T. L., and J. Fayrer. On the Nature and Physiological Action of the Poison of Naja Tripudians, and other Indian Venomous Snakes. Parts I and 2. 8 1873-74 Bruton, W. See Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Hakluyt, Vol. 5: Appendix I. Bruun, P. J. Notices sur la Topographic Ancicnne de la Nouvelle Russie et de la Bessarabie. 12* Odessa, 1857 Bruyn, C. Le. See Brun. Bruyssel, Ernest van. La Republique Argentine, ses Ressourccs naturclles, ses Colonies Agricoles, son importance comme Centre d'Immigration. 8 Brussels, 1888 BRU Bl)C. Bruyssel, Ernest van. Orientale del Uruguay. La Republique 8 Brussels, 1889 - La Republique du Paraguay. 8 Brussels, 1893 Bryan, F. T. See United States, K, Texas : Appendix 2. Bryan, Margaret. A Compendious Sys- tem of Astronomy in a course of familiar lectures . . . : Trigonomet- rical and Celestial Problems, with a Key to the Ephemeris, &c. Plates. 4 1797 Bryans, J. W. The Retention of Can- dahar, briefly considered as a Military, Civil, and Religious Question. 8* 1880 Bryant, W. C. Picturesque America : a Delineation, by Pen and Pencil, of the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Forests, Waterfalls, Shores, Canons, Valleys, Cities, and other Picturesque Features of the United States, with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by eminent American Artists. Edited by William Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. 4 N.D. Bryce, Dr James. Cyclopaedia of Geo- graphy, Descriptive and Physical, forming a New General Gazetteer of the World and Dictionary of Pronunciation. Map and illustrations. 8 Glasgow, 1856 and K. Johnston. The Library Cyclopaedia of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Political, and Historical, form- ing a New Gazetteer of the World. New edition. Woodcuts. Small 4 1880 Bryce, J. Annan. Transcaucasia and Ararat : being Notes of a Vacation Tour in Autumn of 1876. Frontispiece and map. Small 8 1877 Bryce, Rev. Professor. Manitoba, its Infancy, Growth, and present condition. Map and illustrations. Small 8 1882 Bryden, H. A. Kloof and Karoo : Sport, Legend, and Natural History in Cape Colony, with a Notice of the Game Birds, and of the present Distribution of the Antelopes and larger Game. Illustra- tions. 8 1889 Gun and Camera in Southern Africa : a Year of Wanderings in Bechuanaland, the Kalahari Desert, and the Lake River Country, Ngamiland ; with Notes on Colonisation, Natives, Natural History, and Sport. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 Brydges, Sir Harford Jones. Account of the Transactions of H. M. Mission to the Court of Persia in 1807-11, with a brief History of the Wahauby. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1834 Brydone, Patrick. Voyage en Sicile et a Malthe. Traduit par Demeunier. 2 vols. Map. 8 Amsterdam, 1776 Brydone, Patrick. A Tour through Sicily and Malta, in a Series of Letters to Wm. Beckford, Esq. A new edition. 2 vols. Map. 8 1790 - Ditto. New edition. Map. 8 1806 Brylkin, A. D. See Schmidt, F. B. Buch, Leopold von. Description Phy- sique des lies Canaries, suivie d'une Indication des principaux Volcans du Globe. Traduit par C. Boulanger. 8 Paris, 1836 Die Baren-Insel nach M. B. Keilhau geognostisch beschrieben. Plate. 4* Berlin, 1847 Ueber die Juraformation auf der Erd- flache. Map. 8* Berlin, 1853 Ueber Ceratiten, besonders von denen, die in Kreidebildungen sich finden. Plate. 8* N.P., N.D. Buchan, Dr Alexander. Handy Book of Meteorology. 2nd edition. 8 1868 The Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere over the Globe for the Months and for the Year. Parti. [An Extract.] 8* [Edinburgh, 1858] the Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere and the prevailing Winds over the Globe for the Months and for the Year. Part 2. Plates. 4* Edinburgh, 1869 Note on the Determination of Heights, chiefly in the Interior of Continents, from Observations of Atmospheric Pres- sure. 8* [Edinburgh, 1869] The Temperature of London for 130 Years, from 1763 to 1892. (From the Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society for 1892.) Large 8* 1892 See United Kingdom, H, "Chal- lenger " : Appendix 2. Buchan, St John. Lightning Jottings of Seringapatam. 4* Bangalore, 1883 [ ] To the Kaveri Falls. Map. Small 8* Bangalore, 1886 Buchanan, Francis. See Hamilton, F. ; also Pinkerton, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Buchanan, John. The Shire Highlands (East Central Africa) as Colony and Mission. Map and plan. 8 1885 Buchanan, J. Y. On the Occurrence of Sulphur in Marine Muds and Nodules, and its bearing on their Mode of Forma- tion. 8* [Edinburgh, 1890] On the Composition of Oceanic and Littoral Manganese Nodules. Map and plate. 4* Edinburgh, 1891 On the Composition of some Deep- Sea Deposits from the Mediterranean. 8* Edinburgh, 1891 See United Kingdom, H, " Chal- lenger " : Appendix 2. Buchenroder, W. L. von. See British South Africa, A : Appendix 2. Buchholz, Reinhold. See Heinersdorff. BUGBUI. Buchner, Eug. See Schrenck and Maxim- owicz. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Keiches, Vol. 2. and T. Pleske. See Helmersen and Schrenck, 4. Buchner, L. A. Ueber die Beziehungen der Chemie zur Rechtspflege. 4 Munich, 1875 Buchner, M. Reise durch den Stillen Ozean. 8 Breslau, 1878 Buchner, Max. Kamerun Skizzen und Betrachtungen. 8 Leipzig, 1887 Buchon, J. A. C., et J. Tastu. Notice d'un Atlas en Langue Catalane, Manu- scrit de 1'an 1375. 4 Paris, 1839 Buchta, Richard. Der Sudan unter agyptischer Herrschaft : Riickblicke auf die letzten sechzig Jahre ; nebst einem Anhange : Briefe Dr Emin Pascha's und Lupton Bey's an Dr Wilhelm Junker, 1883-85. Maps and portraits. 8 Leipzig, 1888 See Junker. Buck, Walter J. See Chapman, A. Buckingham, B. H. ; George C. Foulk; Walter M'Lean. Observationsuponthe Korean Coast, Japanese- Korean Ports, and Siberia. Map. 8 Washington, 1883 Buckingham, J. S. Travels in Palestine, through the countries of Bashan and Gilead, east of the River Jordan. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1822 Travels among the Arab Tribes inhabiting the countries east of Syria and Palestine, including from Nazareth to the mountains beyond the Dead Sea, and through the Plains of the Hauran. Map and illustrations. 4 1825 Travels in Mesopotamia, including a Journey from Aleppo to Bagdad ; with Researches on the Ruins of Nineveh, Babylon, and other ancient cities. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1827 Travels in Assyria, Medea, and Persia, including a Journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros to Hamadan, the Ancient Ecbatana, Researches in Ispahan and the Ruins of Persepolis. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1830 America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. 3 vols. Portrait, map, and woodcuts. 8 1841-45 Autobiography of, including his Voy- ages, &c. (Vol. 2.) 8 1855 Buckland, Rev. William. Reliquiae Diluvianse ; or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena attesting the Action of an Universal Deluge. Maps, plates, and table. 4" 1 824 Buckle, Major C. Papers relative to the Improvement of the Forest Revenue of the Panch Mahals. [From the India Records, No. 77.] Map Bombay, 1863 Buckley, Robert Burton. Irrigation Works in India and Egypt. Maps and plates. Large 8 1893 Buckman, J. See Murchison. Bucquoi, Jakob de. Aanmerkelyke ont- moetingen in de zestien jaarige Reize naa de Indie'n. Map and plates. Small 8 Haarlem, 1744 Buddingh, D. Een Woord over het tegenwoordige Standpunt en de Weten- schappelijke Beoefening der Natuurlijke Aardrijksbeschrijving. 8 Haarlem, 1846 Budge, E. A. Wallis. Description of - the Tombs of Mechu, Ben, and Se- Renpu, discovered by Major-General Sir F. Grenfell in 1885. 8 [1887] The Nile : Notes for Travellers in Egypt. Map and plans. 12 1890 Buelna, Eustaquio. Peregrinacion d los Aztecas, y nombres Geograficos Indi- genas de Sinai oa. 8* Mexico, 1887 Constitucion de la Atmosfera o leyes que rigen la densidad, peso, altitud y temperatura del aire. 8* Mexico, 1889 Buffier, P. Geografia Universale, ex- posta ne' different! modi che possono abbreviare lo Studio, e facilitar 1'uso di questa Scienza, col Soccorso de' Versi Artificial!, e col Trattato della Sfera. Maps. 12 Venice, ,1751 Bugeaud, M. Memoire sur notre Etab- lissement dans la Province d'Oran par suite de la Paix. Map. 8 Paris, 1838 De 1'Etablissement de Legions de Colons Militaires dans les possessions Fran9aises du Nord de 1'Afrique. Map. 8 Paris, 1838 Biihler, Georg. See India, A: Appen- dix 2. Buhse, Dr F. A. Nachrichten liber drei pharmacologisch-wichtige Pflanzen und tiber die grosse Salzwiiste in Persien. 8* [Moscow, 1850] Eine Reise durch Transkaukasien und Persien in den Jahren 1847-49. 8* Moscow, 1855 Helmersen, 13; Boissier. Buist, George. Outline of the Opera- tions of the British Troops in Scinde and Afghanistan betwixt November 1838 and November 1841 ; with Remarks on the Policy of the War. Plate. Small 8 Bombay, 1843 Result of the Comparison of the Ob- servations of Nine Different Barometers, read every half-hour for twenty-four successive hours. 8* Bombay, 1843 Memoir of. Plates. 8* Cupar, 1846 Annals of India for the year 1848 : an Outline of the Principal Events which have occurred in the British Dominions in India from 1st January 1848 to the end of the second Seikh War in March 1849. 8 Bombay, 1849 74 BUI- BUR. Buist, George. Manual of Physical Re- search for India. Part I. 8 Bombay, 1852 Index to Books and Papers on the Physical Geography, Antiquities, and Statistics of India. 8* Bombay, 1852 Notes on a Journey through part of Kattiawar and Goozerat, in January 1855. Plates. 8 1855 Corrections of a few of the Errors contained in Sir W. Napier's Life of his brother Sir Charles Napier, in so far as they affect the Press of India, in a Letter addressed to the Author. 8* 1857 See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Bulard, . Sur un Nouveau Systeme de Representation d'Observations Meteoro- logiques continues faites a 1'Observatoire National d'Alger. 4* [Paris, 1873] Bulgaria, Thomas. Russland in historis- cher, statistischer, geographischer, &c. , Beziehung. Geschichte ; Erster Band, mit 2 Karten. Statistik ; Erster Band, mit 3 Karten. 8 Riga, 1839 Bulger, G. E. Notes of a Tour from Bangalore to Calcutta, thence to Delhi, and subsequently to British Sikkim, during the early part of 1867. 8 Secunderabad, 1869 Bulhoes, E. Lobo de. Les Colonies Portugaises, Court Expose de leur Situa- tion Actuelle. 8 Lisbon, 1878 Bulkeley, J. See Kerr, Vol. 17 : Ap- pendix i. Bulkeley, Owen T. The Lesser Antilles : a Guide for Settlers in the British West Indies, and Tourists' Companion. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1 889 Bullar, John. Hints to Assist the In- quiries of Visitors : being Brief Notices of Local Antiquities in Southampton and its Neighbourhood ; also, On the Objects worthy of Attention in an Excursion round the Isle of Wight, by John Drew. Map. 8* Southampton, 1846 " Bulldog" Voyage. See Wallich. Buller, E. W. Semi-Azimuths : a New Method of Navigation. Parti. 8 1893 Buller, F. P. Chowkeedaree Assessment in Shahjehanpore. [From the India Re- cords, Vol. i,N.W. Provinces.] 8 1855 Buller, Sir Walter. L. New Zealand Ex- hibition, 1865 : Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 8 Dunedin, 1865 A Classified List of Mr S. William Silver's Collection of New Zealand Birds (at the Manor-House, Letcomb Regis), with short Descriptive Notes. Plates. 8 1888 See New Zealand, A : Appendix 2. Bullo, C. La vera Patria di Nicolo de' Conti e di Giovanni Caboto. Studi e Document!. 8 Chioggia, 1880 Bullo, C. II Viaggio di M. Piero Querini e le Relazionie della Repubblica Veneta colla Svezia. 8 Venice, 1881 Bullock, C. J. See United Kingdom, A (China Sea) : Appendix 2. Bullock, W. Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico, containing Remarks on the Present State of New Spain, its Natural Productions, &c. 2 vols. Plan and plates. 12 1825 Bullock, W. Polish Experiences during the Insurrection of 1863-64. Map. Small 8 1864 Bullock, W. H. Across Mexico in 1864-65. Map and plates. 8 1866 Bulychef, I. Travels in Eastern Siberia. Part I. [In Russian.] Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1856 Bunbury, C. J. F. Journal of a Resi- dence at the Cape of Good Hope, with Excursions into the Interior. Plates. 8 1848 Bunbury, Sir Edward H. A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans, from the Earliest Ages till the Fall of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1879 Bunbury, S. A. A Summer in Northern Europe, including Sketches in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Aland Islands, Gothland. 2 vols. 8 1856 Bunce, Daniel. See Zuchold, E. A. Bundey, W. H. Notes of a Re- turn Voyage from England to South Australia, via Ceylon, Singapore, China, Japan, California, Honolulu, and New Zealand. 8 Adelaide, 1882 Bunge, Dr Alexander. See Schrenck and Maximowicz, 3. Bunge, E. Hospicio de Invalidos para la Republica Argentina. [Supplement to No. 47 of El Invalido Arentino.~\ Fo.* Bunsen, Ernest de. The Origin of the Saracens. 8* N. D. Bunsen, Georgius. De Azania, Africa; Littore Orientali, Commentatio Philo- logica. Map. 8* Bonn, 1852 Bunnett, F. E. See Vambery. Buonanno, G. I due Rarissimi Globi di Mercatore nella Biblioteca Governativa di Cremona. 8* Cremona, 1890 Burat, Amedee. Description des Terrains Volcaniques de la France Centrale. Plates. 8 Paris, 1833 Voyages sur les Cotes de France. Plates. 8 Paris, 1880 Burbidge, F. W. The Gardens of the Sun, or a Naturalist's Journal on the Mountains and in the Forests and Swamps of Borneo and the Sulu Archi- pelago. Plates. 8 1880 A Trip to the Sooloo Archipelago. 8* 1884 Burchell, W. J. Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1822 BUR. 75 Burckhardt, C. The Wildbad Spa in the Kingdom of Wiirtlemberg. Map and plans. 12* Stuttgart, 1863 Burckhardt, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia. Maps and portrait. 4 1819 - Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Maps. 4 1822 Travels in Arabia in 1814-15, com- prehending an Account of those terri- tories in Hecljaz which the Mohamme- dans regard as sacred. 2 vols. Maps. 1829 Arabic Proverbs, or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians illustrated from their Proverbial Sayings current at Cairo, Translated and Ex- plained. 4 1830 Notes on the Bedouins and the Wahabys. 2 vols. Map. 8 1831 See Phillips [3], Vol. 2, New Voyages and Travels : Appendix I. Burdo, A. Niger et Benue : Voyage dans 1' Afrique Centrale. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1880 The Niger and Benue. Map and plates. 8 " 1880 Burdwood, J. Tide Tables for the Brit- ish and Irish Ports for 1865 ; also the Times and Heights of High Water at Full and Change for the Principal Places on the Globe. Computed by J. Burd- wood, Staff Commander. 8 1864 A Method for Finding the Latitude by the Simultaneous Altitudes of Two Stars. 2nd edition. 8* 1869 Sun's True Bearing, or Azimuth Tables, computed for Intervals of Four Minutes between the Parallels of Lati- tude 30 and 60 inclusive. 2nd edition. 1869 Burdy, . The Life of the Rev. Philip Skelton. [Bound up with the Lives of Dr Pocock, Dr Pearce, and Dr Newton.] 2 vols. 8 1816 Buret, Eugene. Question d'Afrique, de la double Conquete de 1'Algerie par la Guerre et la Colonisation. 8 Paris, 1842 Buret and Desor. See Ritter, Carl, p. 403. Burgess, Capt. Boughey. A brief His- tory of the Royal United Service Institu- tion. 8* 1887 Burgess, Dr J. On Hypsometrical Measurements by Means of the Baro- meter and the Boiling-point Thermo- meter. 8 Calcutta, 1859 Remarks on the Bombay Tidal Ob- servations for 1 86 1, and other Papers relative to the Tides, Weights, and Measures, &c. 8* 1863 Notes of a Visit to Satrunjaya Hill, near Palitana, in September 1868. 16* Bombay, 1868 Burgess, Dr J. The Rock-cut Temples of Ajanta ; with an Account of a Trip to Aurangabad and Elora. 12* Bombay, 1868 Notes of a Visit to Somnath, Girnar, and other places in Kathiawad, in May 1869. 1 6* Bombay, 1869 Memorandum on the Survey of Architectural and other Archzeological Remains, with Lists of the Rock-Excava- tions, Temples, Mosques, &c., in the Bombay Presidency, Sindh, Berar, Central Provinces, and Haidarabad. Folio* Bombay, 1870 See India, A : Appendix 2. Burgess, Richard. On the Egyptian Obelisks in Rome, and Monoliths as Ornaments of Great Cities ; with a Dis- cussion. 4* 1858 Burgkhardt, Dr J. See Germany, C, For- schungen, &c. , Vol. 3 : Appendix 2. Burgo, Giovanni Battista de. Viaggio di cinque anni in Asia, Africa, ct Europa del Turco . . . ; con la descrittione di Gierusalem, Gran Cairo, Alessandria, Constantinopoli, et altre Citta di Tur- chia, &c. 12 Milan [1686] Burgst, Baron Nahuijs van. Beschou- wingen over Nederlandsch Indie. 8 The Hague, 1847 Burkart, Joseph. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico in 1825 bis 1834 : Bemerk- ungen iiber Land, Produkte, Leben und Sitten der Einwohner, und Beobacht- ungen aus dem Gebiete der Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbaukunde, Meteorologie, Geographic, &c. ; mit einem Vorworte von Dr J. Noggerath. 2 vols. in i. Maps and plates. 8 Stuttgart, 1836 Burke and Wills. See Westgarth. Biirkli, A., and A. E. von der Linth. Die Wasserverhaltnisse der Sladt Zurich und ihrer Umgebung. Map. 8* Zurich, 1871 Burmeister, Dr Herman. Geologische Bilder zur Geschichte der Erde und ihrer Bewohner. Vol. 2. 2nd edition. 12 Leipzig, 1855 Anales del Museo piiblico de Buenos Aires, &c. Entrega I. Plates. Folio Buenos Ay res, 1864 Los Caballos fosiles de la Pampa Argentina. Plates. Folio Buenos Ay res, 1875 Physikalische Beschreibung der Ar- gentinischen Republik, nach eigenen und den vorhandenen Fremden, Beobachtung- en entworfen. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1875 Description physique de la Republique Argentine, d'apres des observations per- sonelles et etrangeres : Vol. I. (Traduite par E. Maupas) and II. {Traduite par E. Daireaux). 8 J Paris, 1876 7 6 BUR. Burmeister, Dr Herman. Description physique de la Republique Argentine ; d'apres des observations personelles et etrangeres : Vol. III. (Traduite par E. Daireaux), Animaux Vertebres, i ere ptie. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1879 Vol. V. (Traduite par E. Daireaux), Lepidopteres, i ere ptie. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1878 Atlas, livraisons I and 2. 4 Buenos Ay res, 1879-80 Bericht iiber die Feier des 5o-jahrigen Doctor - Jubilaeums des, begangen den igth December 1879, in Buenos Aires. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1880 Atlas de la Description Physique de la Republique Argentine. Le Texte traduit en Francais avec le concours de E. Daireaux. Deuxieme Section. Mam- miferes, Deuxieme Livraison. Die See- hunde der Argentinischen Kiisten. Plates. Folio Buenos Ay res, 1883 The same. Troisieme Livraison. Osteologie der Gravigraden. i. Abth Scelidotherium und Mylodon. Part i. Plates. Folio Buenos Ay res, 1886 Los Caballos fosiles de la Pampa Argentina : Supplemento. Die fossilen Pferde der Pampas formation, beschrieben von Dr Hermann Burmeister, Director des Museo Nacional in Buenos Aires. Nachtrags-Bericht. Plates. Large folio Buenos Ay res, 1889 See Petermann. Burn, Jacob Henry. Descriptive Cata- logue of the London Traders', Tavern, and Coffee-house Tokens current in the Seventeenth Century ; presented to the Coporation Library by Henry Benj. Hanbury Beaufoy. Portraits. 8 1855 Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlementsof North America, with Observations upon the State of the Colonies. 4 !775 See Pinkerton, Vol. 13 : Appendix i. Burnaby, Capt. F. A Ride to Khiva: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. Map, and maps in cover. Small 8 1876 On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1877 Burne, Sir Owen Tudor. British Agents in Afghanistan. 8* [1879] Burnell, Arthur Coke. See Yule. Burnes, Sir Alexander. A Memoir of a Map of the Eastern Branch of the Indus, giving an account of ihe altera- tions produced in it by the Earthquake of 1819, and Bursting of the Dams in 1826, &c. MS. Small 4 1827-28 Travels into Bokhara : being the Account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary, and Persia ; also a Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the Sea to Lahore, in 1831-33. 3 vols. Mad and plates. 8 1834 Burnes, Sir Alexander. Leech, Lord, and Wood's Reports ; Political, Geo- graphical, and Commercial, on Scinde, Affghanistan, and adjacent Countries, in 1835-37. By Order of Government. Maps. 4 Calcutta, 1839 Cabool : a Personal Narrative of a Journey to, and Residence in, that city in 1836-38. Plates. 8 1843 Burnes, James. A Narrative of a Visit to the Court of Sinde ; a Sketch of the History of Cutch . , and some Remarks on the Medical Topography of Bhooj. Maps. 8 1831 Medical Topography of Bhooj. [From India Records, No. 15.] Bombay, 1855 Burnet, Bishop Gilbert. See Harris, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Burnett, G. See Murray, Hugh. Burney, Capt. James. Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. 5 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1803-17 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] A Chronological History of North- Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigationsof the Russians. Maps. 8 1819 Burney, W. See Falconer, W. Burnouf, E. M. Burnoufonthe History of Buddhism in India. [A Review.] 8* [1844] Burr, G. D. Short Essay on Sketching Ground without Instruments, deriving its Principles from a few Elementary Pro- blems in Geometry, and Showing the Practical Method of performing them. Plates. 8 1830 Treatise on Practical Surveying and Topographical Plan Drawing, with a Short Essay on Sketching Ground with- out Instruments. Plates. 8 1829-30 Burr, Higford. A Trip to South America. 8* 1866 Burrough, Sir John. See Astley, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i, p. 600: Appendix i. Burrough, C., Stephen, and Capt. W. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix I. Burrows, Montagu. Historic Towns : Cinque Ports. Maps. 12 1888 Burslem, Capt. Rollo. Peep into Toor- kisthan. Map and plates. 8 1846 Burton, Lieut. -Gen. E. F. An Indian Olio. Illustrations. 12 [1888] Burton, Frances B. Thoughts on Physical Astronomy, with Practical Observations. 8* 1842 Burton, Isabel, Lady. The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton. 2 vols. Portraits, illustrations, and maps. 8 '893 The Reviewer reviewed. 12* x.n. Burton, Sir Richard F. Scinde, or the Unhappy Valley. 2 vols. 8 1851 BUR BUS. 77 Burton, Sir Richard F. Goa and the Blue Mountains, or Six Months on Sick Leave. Map and plates. 8 1851 Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1855 Notes relative to the Population of Sind, and the Customs, Language, and Literature of the People. [India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 First Footsteps in East Africa, or an Exploration of Ilarar. Map and plates. 8 1856 The Lake Regions of Central Africa : Picture of Explorations. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1860 The Lake Regions of Central Africa : a Picture of Exploration. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1860 The Lake Regions of Central Africa, with Notices of the Lunar Mountains and the Sources of the White Nile. [Vol. 29, R.G.S. Journal.] Map. 8 1860 City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California. Map and plates. 8 1861 Abeokuta and the Camaroons Moun- tains : an Exploration. 2 vols. Por- trait, map, and plates. 8 1863 - Wanderings in West Africa, from Liverpool to Fernando Po. By a F. R.G.S. 2 vols. Map and plate 8 1863 A Mission to Gelele, King of Da- home ; with Notices of the so-called "Amazons," the Grand Customs, the Yearly Customs, the Human Sacrifices, the Present State of the Slave Trade, and the Negro's Place in Nature. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1864 Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil, with a full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines ; also, Canoeing down 1,500 miles of the great River Sao Francisco, from Sahara to the Sea. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1869 Letters from the Battlefields of Para- guay. Map and plates. 8 1870 Proverbia Communia Syriaca 8* 1871 Zanzibar : City, Island, and Coast. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1872 Ultima Thule ; or, A Summer in Iceland. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1876 - The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianitic Cities : a Fortnight's Tour in North-Western Arabia. 8 1878 The Land of Midian (Revisited). 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1879 Burton, Sir Richard F. Camoens, his Life and his Lusiads. 2 vols. 12 1881 See Burton, Isabel ; Camoens ; Hitch- man ; Lacerda ; Leared ; Malte-Brun ; Rainy; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 51 : Appendix i. and V. L. Cameron. To the Gold Coast for Gold : a Personal Narrative. 2 vols. Frontispiece and maps. Crown 8 1883 and C. F. T. Drake. Unexplored Syria : Visits to the Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Antilibanus, the Northern Libanus, and the 'Alah. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1872 and James M 'Queen. The Nile Basin : Part i, Showing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy's Western Lake-Reservoir, in a Memoir read before the Royal Geo- graphical Society, I4th November 1864, with Prefatory Remarks by R. F. Burton ; Part 2, Captain Speke's Discovery of the Source of the Nile, a Review, by James M 'Queen. Maps. 8 1864 and J. E. Stocks. Brief Notes rela- tive to the Division of Time, and Articles of Cultivation in Sind ; with Remarks on the Modes of Intoxication in that Pro- vince. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1853 Burton, W. K. See Milne. Burwood, John, and Commander C. B. Yule. Australia Directory : Vol. i. From Cape Leeuwin to Port Stephens, including Bass Strait and Tas- mania. Vol. 2. East Coast, Torres Strait, and Coral Sea. Vol. 3. North, North-West, and West Coasts. 8 1853-59-63 Tide-Tables for the British and Irish Ports ; also the Times and Heights of High Water at Full and Change for the Principal Places on the Globe, for the years 1856-64. 6 vols. 8 1855-63 Tables of the Sun's True Bearing or Azimuth, from Sunrise to 10 h. A.M. and from 2 h. P.M. to Sunset, at intervals of Four Minutes, for the Parallels of 49 and 50 North. 8 1862 Bury, Viscount. Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 vols. 8 1865 Busbequius, A. G. The Four Epistles of, concerning his Embassy into Turkey. . . . 12 1694 Busby, James. Authentic Information relative to New South Wales and New Zealand. 8 1832 Biisching, Anton Friedrich. Magazin fur die neue Historic und Geographic. 1 6 vols. in 8. Maps. 4 /mate; ft- M Halle, 1779-81 BUS BUT. Biisching, Anton Friedrich. Neue Erdbeschreibung. 9 vols. 12 Hamburg, 1770-71 CONTENTS. Vol. i. Danemark, Norwegen, Schwe- den, und das Russische Reich. Vol. 2. Preussen, Polen, Hungarn, und die Europaische Turkey. Vol. 3. Portugall, Spanien, und Frank- reich. Vol. 4. Italien, und Gross-Britannien. Vol. 5. Das Deutsche Reich ; Bohmen, Oestreichische, Burgundische, West- phalische, Chur-Rheinische und Ober- Rheinische Kreis. Vol. 6. Schwabische, Bayerische, Fran- kische, und Obersachsische Kreis. Vol. 7. Niedersachsische Kreis. Unter- schiedene unmittelbare Reichslander. Vol. 8. Niederlande, Helvetica, Schle- sien, und Glatz. Vol. 9. Lander von Asia. Bushby, G. A., and Major Harris. Re- ports on the " Oothaeegeerahs," or Pro- fessional Thieves of the Tehree, Dutteah, Shahgurh, and Chundeyree, or Banpoor States. [From the India Records, N.W. Provinces, Vol. I.] Agra, 1855 Bushell, S. W. Ancient Roman Coins from Shansi. 8* Peking, 1886 Businger, Rev. Canon. Itineraire du Mont-Righi et duLac desquatre Cantons, precede de la Description de la Ville de Lucerne. Map and plates. 8 Lucerne, 1815 Busk, G. Remarks on a Collection of 150 Ancient Peruvian Skulls, presented to the Anthropological Institute by T. J. Hutch- inson. Plates. 8* [1874] Buss, Dr Ernst. Die ersten 25 Jahre des Schweizer Alpenclub. 12* Glarus, 1889 Busse, T. Literature of the Amur Region. [In Russian.] 8 St Pettrslnirg, 1882 Bussy, Genty de. De 1'Etablissement des Fran9ais dans la Regence d'Alger, et des moyens d'en assurer la prosperite. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1839 Bustinza, Julian de. Memoria sobre Propriedad, Extension, Ubicacion, &c., de los Terrenes cedidos a la empresa del Ferro-Carril Central Argentine en la Pro- vincia de Santa-Fe. 8* Rosario, 1866 Butakoff. Alexey. Survey of the Sea of Aral. Map. 8* 1852 Bute, Marquess of. On the Ancient Language of the Natives of Tenerife : a Paper contributed to the Anthropo- logical Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 8* 1891 Buteux, . Notions generates sur la geologic du Department de la Somme. Butler, E. D. Az olcso ebed. The Cheap Dinner ; translated from the German into Hungarian and English. With an Allegory and a Few Fables, by Fay ; translated from the Hungarian into English and German. Plate. 12* N. D. Butler, G. G., and F. P. Fletcher-Vane. The Sea Route to Siberia, followed by a brief Account of the Natural Resources of the Country. Maps. 4* [1890] Butler, Prof. J. D. French Fort at Prairie du Chien and Tay-cho-pe-rah : the Four Lake Country. 8* \_Madisoii\ N.D. Butler, Major John. Travels and Adven- tures in the Province of Assam. Map and plates. 8 1855 Butler, Samuel. Sketch of Modern and Antient Geography. 8 1830 Butler, Col. Sir W. F. The Great Lone Land : a Narrative of Travel and Ad- venture in the North-West of America. Map. 8 1872 The Wild North Land : being the Story of a Winter Journey, with Dogs, across Northern North America. 4th edition. Map. 8 1874 Akim Foo : the History of a Failure. Map, plate. 8 1875 The Campaign of the Cataracts : being a Personal Narrative of the Great Nile Expedition of 1884-85, with Illus- trations from Drawings by Lady Butler ; also a Map of the Nile from the Medi- terranean to the Equatorial Lakes. 8 1887 Butrigarius, G. See Kerr, Vol. 6: Ap- pendix i. Butterworth, J. A. The Gem Geo- graphy : a New System of Elementary Geography. Part I. England and Wales. Maps. 12* [1877] Biittikofer, J. Reisebilder aus Liberia : Resultate geographischer, naturwissen- schaftlicher und ethnographischer Un- tersuchungen wahrend der Jahre 1879-82 und 1886-87. I- Band. Reise und Charakterbilder. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 Leytien, 1890 Buttmann. A. Kurzgefasste Geographic von Alt-Griechenland : ein Leitfaden fur den Unterricht in der griechischen Geschichte und die griechische Lecture aut hoheren Unterrichts-Anslalten. 8 Berlin, 1872 Biittner, Dr Richard. Reisen im Kongo- lande, Ausgefiihrt im Auftrage der Afri- kanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Dritte Auflage. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1890 Button, Sir Thomas. Some Particulars of the Voyage of, for the Discovery of a North-West Passage to China, Cathay, and Japan, 1612. 8* 1853 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 ; All- N.P., N.D, gemeine Historic, Vol. 17: Appendix i. BUT CAD. 79 Butts, Lieut, de. Rambles in Ceylon. 8 1841 Buxton, Edward North. Short Stalks ; or, Hunting Camps, North, South, East, and West. Illustrations. 8 . 1892 Buxton, Sir Thomas Powell. The African Slave Trade and its Remedy. Map. 8 1840 See Pigafetta, F. Byam, George. Wanderings in some of the Western Republics of America ; with Remarks upon the Cutting of the Great Ship Canal through Central America. Map and plates. 8 1850 Bylot and Baffin. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5: Appendix I. Byng, Admiral Sir George. An Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, in the years 1718, '19, and '20, under the command of Sir George Byng, Bart. Collected from the Admiral's Manuscripts, and other original papers. 3rd edition. 8* 1739 Byrne, J. C. Twelve Years' Wanderings in the British Colonies, from 1835 to 1847. Maps. 2 vols. 8 1848 Byrne, Oliver. How to Measure the Earth with the Assistance of Railroads. 8* Newcastle, 1838 The Art of Dual Arithmetic. Small 4* 1878 Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 4 l8 7S Byron, Commodore Hon. John. Narra- tive of the Loss of the " Wager ; " with an Account of the great Distresses suffered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-46. 8 1832 See Callander, Vol. 3 ; Hawkesworth, Vol. i; Kerr, Vols. 12, 17; Laharpe, Vol. 18; " The Modern Traveller," Vol. 4; p. 610: Appendix I. Cabanes, Don Franc. Xavier de. Guia General de Correos, Postas y Caminos del Reino de Espana. 8 Madrid, 1830 Cabeaus, Nicolaus. Philosophia Mag- netica in qua Magnetis natura penitus explicatur, et omnium qiie hoc Lapide cernuntur causre propriae afferuntur ; nova etiam Pyxis construitur, quoe propriam Poli elevationem, cum suo Meridiano, ubiquedemonstrat. Wooddits. Folio Ferrara, 1629 Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez. Nau- fragios de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, y Relacion de la Jornada que hizo a la Florida con el Adelantado Panfilo de Narvaez. Folio N.P., N.D. Comentarios de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Adelantado y Governador del Rio de la Plata. Folio N.P., N.I), Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez. Exa- men apologetico de la historica Nar- racion de los Naufragios, Peregrin- aciones, i Milagros de Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Baca en les Tierras de la Florida i del Nuevo Mexico, contra la incierta i mal reparada Censura del P. Honorio Filipono . . . por Don Antonio Ardoino. Folio Madrid, 1736 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 81 ; Kerr, Vol. 5 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 ; Ternaux - Compans, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Cabot, J. Eliot. See Agassiz, Louis. Cabot, J. and S. Jean et Sebastien Cabot, leur origine et leurs Voyages : Etude d'histoire critique ; suivie d'une Carto- graphic, d'une Bibliographic, et d'une Chronologic des Voyages au Nord-Ouest de 1497 a 1550 d'apres des Documents inedits par Henry Harrisse. (No. I de Recueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Geographic depuis le XIII e jusqu'a la fin du XVI e siecle, public sous la diiection de MM. Ch. Schefer et Henri Cordier. ) Maf>. Large 8 Paris, 1882 See Stevens, H. ; Tarducci, F. Cabot, Sebastian. Memoir of; with a Review of the History of Maritime Dis- covery. Illustrated by Documents from the Rolls. By John Biddle. 8 1831 Review [in French] of J. F. Nicholls's Life of, &c. 8* Paris, 1878 See Stevens ; a/ri? Burney, Vol. I ; Gott- fried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5; Kerr, Vol. 6; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 ; Ramusio, Vol. 2 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vols. 13, 16, 17 : Ap- pendix i. Cabral, Pedro A. See Astley, Vol. i ; Gottfried ; Laharpe, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I, p. 599; General Collection of Voyages, p. 618; The World Displayed, Vol. 8, p. 609 :. Appendix I. Cabral, Stefano, and Fausto del Re. Monumenti Antichi o della Citta e del Territorio di Tivoli. Map. 8 Rome, 1776 Cabrera, A. de. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 16, p. 605; Appendix i. Cabrera, P. Felix. See Del Rio. Cabrillo, J. Rodriguez. See Burney, Vol. i : Appendix I. Cabrol, Elie. Voyage en Grece, 1889 : Notes et Impressions. Plans and plates. 4 Paris, 1890 Cadamosto, Aluise da. See Astley, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 2 ; Laharpe, Vol. I ; Ramusio, Vol. I ; Collec9ao de Noticias, Vol. 2, p. 610 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2 ; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610 : Appendix I. 8o CAD CAL. Cadell, Francis. Exploration in Northern Territory [South Australia]. 4 1868 Cadell, W\ A. Journey in Carniola, Italy, and France, in 1817-18. 2 vols. Map mid plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1820 Caerden, P. van. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 8: Appendix I. Cagnazzi, Luca de S. Saggio sulla Popolazione del Regno di Puglia. Parte Prima. Map. 8 Naples, 1820 Cailliatte. C. Les Explorations Anglnises dans 1'Afrique equatoriale : Samuel Baker au lac de Louta-N'zige. 8* [Paris] N.D. Cailliaud. Frederic. Voyage & Meroe, au Fleuve Blanc, au-dela de Fazoql dans le midi du Royaume de Sennar, a Syouah et dans cinq autres Oasis, 1819-22. 4 vols. Plates. 8 Paris, 1826 Atlas to same. 2 vols. Folio Paris, 1823 See Phillips [3], Vol. 7: Appendix I. Caillie, Rene. Journal d'un Voyage a Temboctou et a Jenne, dans 1'Afrique Centrale, precede d'Observations faites chez les Maures Braknas, les Nalous et et d'autres peuples, pendant les annees 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828. 3 vols. Portrait, map, and plates. 8 Paris, 1830 Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo, and across the Great Desert to Morocco, in 1824-28. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1830 - Notice Historique sur la Vie et les Voyages de. Par M. Jomard. Portrait. 8* Paris, 1839 Caine, W. S. A Trip round the World in 1887-88. Illustrations. 8 1888 Picturesque India : a Handbook for European Travellers. Alap and illus- trations. 8 i 890 Calancha, Antonio de la. Coronica moralizada del Orden de San Augustin en el Peru, con sucesos egenplares en esta Monarquia. Plates. Folio Barcelona, 1638 Caldas, Francisco Jose de. Semanario de la Nueva Granada, Miscelanea de Ciencias, Literatura, Artes, e Industria. Nueva edicion, . . . con el cuadro original de la Geografia de las Plantas del Baron de Humboldt. 8 Paris, 1849 Caldcleugh, Alex. Travels in South America during 1819-21, containing an Account of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1825 Caldecott, Alfred. English Colonisation and Empire. Maps. Small 8 1891 Caldecott, R. M. The Life of Baber, Emperor of Hindostan. Map. 8 1844 Calder, Mrs E. H. S. See Meyer. Calder, H. Report on the General Con- dition of the Colony of Tasmania. MS. Folio 1867 Calder, J. E. Some Account of the Wars, Extirpation, Habits, &c., of the Native Tribes of Tasmania. 12 Hobart , ify $ Calderon, C. , and Edward E. Britton. Colombia, 1893. ^ a P an< i illustrations. 8 New York, 1893 Calderon y Arana, Salvador. Los Grandes Lagos Nicaragiienses (en la America Central). Map. 8* Madrid, 1882 and F. Quiroga y Rodriguez. Erupcion Ofitica del Ayuntamiento de Molledo (Santander). Plate. 8* Madrid, 1877 Calindri, Gabrielle. Saggio Statistico- Storico del Stato Pontificio. 4 Perugia, 1829 Calisch, J. M. See Dictionaries, Dutch : Appendix 2. Call, R. E. See United States, G, c: Appendix 2. Callander, J. Terra Australis Cognita ; or, Voyages to the Terra Australis or Southern Hemisphere, during the Six- teenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1766-68 [For full Title and Contents of the three volumes, see Appendix I.] Callejo y Angulo, P. del. Description de 1'Isle de Sicile, et de ses Cotes Mari- times. Maps and plans. 8 Amsterdam, 1734 Gallery, J. M. The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language. [Specimen.] 8 1842 Callwell, Capt. C. E. See United King- dom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. Calmet, P. Antiquities, Sacred and Pro- fane ; or, A Collection of Critical Dis- sertations on the Old and New Testa- ments. Done into English, with Notes, by N. Tindall. Plates. 4 1727 Calvert, Albert F. Pearls, their Origin and Formation. 12* 1892 The Mineral Resources of Western Australia. 12 1893 Recent Explorations in Australia (1891 Expedition). Map, plan, and illustrations. 8* Taunton, 1893 Western Australia and its Gold-Fields; with Government Map. 12 1893 The Discovery of Australia ; with Maps and illustrated Appendix. 4 1893 Calvert, Frank. Contributions to the Ancient Geography of the Troad, con- sisting of Investigations relative to the Sites and Remains of Colonme and of Ophrynium ; with a Notice of a Bronze Weight found on the Site of the Helle- spontic Abydos. Map and plate. 8 1 86 1 Contributions towards the Ancient Geography of the Troad : On the Site ofGergis. Plate. 8 N.D. CAL CAM. 81 Calvert, James. See Williams and Calvert. Calvert, John. Gold Rocks of Great Britain and Ireland, and a General Outline of the Gold Regions of the World, with a Treatise on the Geology of Gold. 8 1853 See Wallace, A. Calvert, J. Vazeeri Rupi, the Silver Country of the Vazeers, in Kulu, its Beauties, Antiquities, and Silver Mines ; including a Trip over the Lower Hima- layah Range and Glaciers. J\Iap and plates. 8 1873 Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo. Administra- cion Soto. Republica de Costa Rica. Apuntamientos Geograficos, Estadisticos, e Historicos. 8 San Jose" de Costa Rica, 1886-87 Camara, Antonio Alves. Analyse dos Instrumentos de Sondar e Perscrutar os segredos da Naturesa Submarinha. Seguida de um Appendice contendo estudus feitos sobre as causas de varia9ao de densidade das agoas no porto de Montevideo. Illustrations. Large 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1878 Ensaio sobre as Construc96es Navaes IndigenasdoBrasil. Illustrations. Large 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1888 Relatorio dos Estudos feitos no Interior do Porto da Bahia relativa- mente ao local mais appropriado para a mudanca do Arsenel de Marinha da mesma provincia e construc9oes de diques. Plan. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1884 Camarda, Dimitri. Dora d' Istria : Fyletia e Arbenore prej Kanekate Lao- shima. Portrait. 8* Leghorn, 1867 Camargo, Alonzo de. .S^Burney, Vol. i ; Callander, Vol. i : Appendix I. " Cambridge," Ship. See Salvin. Caniden, William. Britain, or a Choro- graphicall Description of the most Flourishing Kingdomes, England, Scot- land, and Ireland, and the Islands adjoyning, out of the depth of Anti- quitie : beautified with Mappes of the severall Shires of England. Written first in Latine by William Camden, Clarenceux K. of A. ; translated newly into English by Philemon Holland, Doctour in Physick ; Finally Revised, Amended, and Enlarged, with sundry Additions by the said Author. Folio 1637 Britannia. Newly translated into English, with large Additions and Im- provements, by Bishop Edmund Gibson. Maps. Folio 1695 Camenzind, B. La Bolivie : Lettres d'un Voyageur Suisse. 8* Neuchatel, 1886 Cameron, C. H. SeeCey]on: Appendix 2. Cameron, Col. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. F Cameron, J. F. Aerial Navigation. 8* New York, 1881 Cameron, John. Our Tropical Posses- sions in Malayan India : being a De- scriptive Account of Singapore, Penang, Province Wellesley, and Malacca, &c. Plates. 8 1865 Cameron, Peter. The Insecta of the West of Scotland. Published for the British Association Meeting, 1876. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Cameron, Capt. V. L. Copies of Letters as to the outlet of Lake Tanganyika and its supposed connection with the Congo. Folio" 1874 Across Africa. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1877 The same. New edition, with New and Original Matter and Corrected Maps. Illustrations. 8 1 885 The Trade of Central Africa, Present and Future. 8* 1877 Our Future Highway. 2 vols. Map and plates. Small 8 1880 The Log of a Jack Tar ; or, The Life of Tames Choyce, Master Mariner, now first published ; with O'Brien's Captivity in France. Edited by Commander V. Lovett Cameron, with Introduction and Notes. Illustrations. 8 1891 See Burton, Sir Richard. Cameron, W. Kola Glanggi or Klanggi, Pahang. 8* [1882] On the Patani. Maps. 8* N.D. Camoens, Luis de. The Lusiad ; or, The Discovery of India, an Epic Poem. Translated from the original Portuguese by W. J. Mickle. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Map. 8 1 798 Os Lusiadas (The Lusiads). Eng- lished by Richard Francis Burton (edited by his wife, Isabel Burton). 2 vols. 12 1880 A Memoria de Luiz de Camues. 8* Loaniia, 1881 Campagnon, Sieur. See Astley, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Campana, Visconti, and W. H. Smyth. Adriatic Pilot. From the Surveys of, and the Portolano of Marieni. 8 1861 Campbell, Allan. Report on Parana and Cordova Railway, &c. Map. 8* 1861 Campbell, Archibald. Voyage round the World, 1806-12, in which Japan, Kams- chatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands were visited ; includ- ing a Narrative of the Author's ship- wreck on the Island of Sannack . . . ; with an Account of the Present State of the Sandwich Islands. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1816 Campbell, A. D. Grammar of the Teloo- goo Language. 4 Madras, 1820 CAM. Campbell, A. D. Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly termed the Gentoo, peculiar to the Hindoos of the North - Eastern Provinces of the Indian Peninsula. 4 Madras, 1821 Campbell, A. J. See Campbell, F. A. Campbell, Sir Colin. See Rees. Campbell, C. W. Report of a Journey in North Corea, in September and October 1889. [Foreign Office Report.] Map. Folio * 1891 Campbell, Donald. A Journey over Land to India, partly by a Route never gone before by any European. 4 1 795 Narrative of the Extraordinary Ad- ventures and Sufferings by Shipwreck and Imprisonment of; comprising the Occurrences of Four Years in an Over- land Journey to India. Plates. 18 1808 Campbell, F. Imperial Federation Series of Colonial State - Paper Catalogues. Edited by Frank Campbell. No. I. Cape of Good Hope, 1892. 8* 1893 Campbell, F. A. A Year in the New Hebrides, Loyalty Islands, New Cale- donia ; with an Account of the Early History of the New Hebrides Missions, by A. J. Campbell ; a Narrative of the Voyages of the " Dayspring," by D. M'Donald ; and an Appendix, contain- ing a Contribution to the Phytography of the New Hebrides, by Baron von Mueller. Map and plates. 12 Geelong, 1873 Campbell, Lord George. Log Letters from "The Challenger." Chart. 8 1876 Campbell, Sir George. The British Empire. Crown 8 [1887] Campbell, Lieut.-Col. James. Excur- sions, Adventures, and Field-Sports in Ceylon, its Commercial and Military Importance. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1843 Campbell, John. Political Survey of Great Britain : being a Series of Reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of this Island. 2 vols. 4 1774 Travels in South Africa, 1812-13, undertaken at the request of the Mis- sionary Society. Map and plates. 8 1815 Second Journey into South Africa, 1819. Map and coloured plates. 2 vols. 8 J 1822 See Eyries, Vol. n : Appendix i. Campbell, J. F. Frost and Fire : Natural Engines, Tool-marks, and Chips ; with Sketches taken at Home and Abroad by a Traveller. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1865 Campbell, M. R. See United States, G, c : Appendix 2. Campbell, Robert. Pilgrimage to my Motherland, or Reminiscences of a Sojourn among the Egbas and Yorubas of Central Africa in 1859-60. Map. 12 1861 Campbell, Thomas. Letters from the South, written during a Journey to Algiers. 12 Philadelphia, 1836 The same. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1837 Campbell, T. M. A. J. Notes on the Island of Corsica in 1868. Plate. 12 1868 Campbell, W. Observations on the Dis- covery of Gold in Victoria, with the Report of the Select Committee on the Claims for the Discovery of Gold in Victoria. 8 Edinburgh, 1856 India in Six, and Australia in Sixteen, Days. 8* 1883 Campbell, Rev. W. A few Notes from the Pescadores. 12* Amoy, 1886 The Gospel of St Matthew in Formo- san, edited from Gravius's edition of 1661. 16 1888 The same. (Sinkang Dialect) with Corresponding Versions in Dutch and English, edited from Gravius's edition of 1661. 4 1888 An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, published in London in 1650, and now reprinted with copious Appendices. 2 vols. Portraits, map, and plan. 12 1889 Campbell, W. M. See India, F, c (Ac- count, &c.): Appendix 2. Campbell-Johnston, A. R. South Africa, its Difficulties and Present State, sug- gested by a recent Visit to that Country. 8* 1877 Campe, Joachim Heinrich. Neue Sam- mlung merkwtirdiger Reisebeschreibung- en fiir die Jugend. 8 vols. in 4. Plates. 12 Brtinswick, 1806-17 Campen, J. van. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 5: Appendix i. Campen, Samuel Richard van. The Dutch in the Arctic Seas. In Two volumes ; with Illustrations, Maps, and Appendix. Vol. I. A Dutch Arctic Expedition and Route. 3rd edition. 8 1878 See Jonge ; Tollens. Campenhausen, Baron. See Phillips [2], Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Campense, Albert. See Ramusio, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Camper, de Nourquer du. See Eyries, Vol. 12: Appendix I. Camperio, Capt. Manfredo. See Gessi. Campomanes, de. "La Industria Popular" and " La Historia de los Tem- plarios." [Reprinted by J. D. Wagener, and forming Vols. I and 2 of the "Coleccion de las mejores Obras Es- panolas."] Small 8 Hamburg, 1795 CAM CAP. Campos, A. M. de. Un Congres per- manent de Geographic en Portugal au XVe Siecle. 12 Leiria, 1878 Campos, Navarro y. Itinerary of a Journey performed by command of the Prince Regent of Portugal in 1808, from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. [MS. in Por- tuguese.] 4 N.D. Canale, M. G. Degli antichi Navigatori e scopritori Genovesi. 8 Genoa, 1846 Canamaque, Francisco. Recuerdos de Filipinas. 2 vols. 12 Madrid, 1877-79 Cande, de Maussion. Notice sur le Golfe de Honduras, et la Republique du Centre Amerique. 8* Paris, 1842 Candelier, H. Rio-Hacha et les Indiens Goajires. 8 Paris, 1893 Candidius, G. See Churchill, Vol. i : Appendix i. Candish, Sir Thomas. See Cavendish. Candolle, A. de. Hypsometric des Environs de Geneve. 4 Paris, 1839 La Vie et les Ecrits de Sir W. J. Hooker. 8* Paris, 1866 Lois de la Nomenclature Botanique. 8 Paris, 1867 Candolle, A. P. de. Catalogus Plantarum Horti Botanici Monspeliensis, addito Observationum circa Species novas aut non satis cognitas fascicule. 8 Montpellier, 1813 Notice sur la Longevite des Arbres, et les Moyens de la constater. 8* Geneva, 1831 Canepa, Pietro. Quale sia il limite fra le Alpi e gli Appennini. 8* Genoa, 1878 Canner, Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix i. Canstein, Baron P. von. Einige Begleit- worte zur Charte von der Verbreitung der nutzbarsten Pflanzen iiber den Erd- korper. 8 Berlin, 1834 Cantley, N. Memorandum of Circum- stances which affect the Value of Forest Land in the Colony of Mauritius, to- gether with the Approximate Valuation of all Private Forest Land contained therein, mere fragments of small area excepted. Map. Folio N.D. First Annual Report on the Forest Department, Straits Settlements, its Organisation and Working. Folio* Singapore, 1885 Straits Settlements. Report on the Forest Department, for the year 1886. Folio* Singapore, 1887 Canto, Ernesto do. Os Corte Reaes : Memoria historica, acompanhada de muitos documentos ineaitos. Small square 8 Ponta Delgada, 1883 J. D. do. New Pocket Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Lan- guages, abridged from Vieyra's Dic- tionary, with many alterations and improvements. 18 1826 Cantova, P. J. Antonio de. Carolines. Decouverte et Description des lies Gar- banzos, d'apres le Manuscrit de PArchivo de Indias, de Seville, intitule : Secretaria de Nueva Espana. Ecclesiastico. Au- diencia de Filipinas. Descubrimiento y Descripcion de las islas Garbanzos. 8* Paris, 1 88 1 See Burney, Vol. 5 ; Callander, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Capadose, Lieut-Col. Sixteen Years in the West Indies. 2vols.ini. 12 1845 Capello, Brito. Guide pour 1'usage des Cartes des Vents et des Courants du Golfe de Guinee. Traduit du Portugais par West et Le Gras. Maps. 8 Paris, 1862 Capello, H., and R. Ivens. De Ben- guella as Terras de lacca : Descripcaa de uma viagem na Africa Central e Occidental, comprehendendo narra96es, aventuras e estudos importantes sobre as cabeceiras dos rios Cu-nene, Cu-bango, Lu-ando, Cu-anza, e Cu-ango. . . . Expedi9ao organisada nos annos de 1877-80. 2 vols. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 8 Lisbon, 1 88 1 From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca : Description of a Journey into Central and West Africa [as above]. Translated by Alfred Elwes, Ph.D. .2 vols. Maps, portraits, and illustra- tions. 8 1882 De Angola a Contra-Costa. De- scripcao de uma viagem atravez do continente Africano comprehendendo narrativas diversas, aventuras e impor- tantes descobertas entre as quaes figuram a das origens do Lualaba, caminho entre as duas costas, visita as terras da Garan- ganja, Katanga, e ao curso do Luapula, bem como a descida do Zambeze, do Choa ao Oceano. 2 vols. Maps and ilhistrations. 8 Lisbon, 1886 Caplin, . See Perrot. Capo di Vacca. See Cabeza de Vaca. Capocci, E. Viaggio alia Meta, al Morronc, ed alia Maiella. 4* N.P., N.D. Capper, Benj. Pitto. Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, con- taining Geographical, Topographical, and Statistical Accounts of every District, Object, and Place in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the various small Islands dependent on the British Empire. Maps. 8" 1808 Capper, James. Observations on the Passage to India through Egypt. . . . 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 8" 1 785 Observations on the Winds and Mon- soons, with Notes Geographical and Meteorological. Map. 4 1801 Journal [in India]. [ Title-page want- ing.] 4 N.D. CAP CAR. Capper, John. The Three Presidencies of India : a History of the Rise and Pro- gress of the British Indian Possessions, &c. Plates [map wanting]. 8 1853 Capper, S. J. The Shores and Cities of the Boden See : Rambles in 1879 and 1880. Maps and plates. 8 1881 Capreolus, Jacobus. Sphsera Jacobi Capreoli, moderatoris Scholse Harcu- riame, professoris philosophise. 12 Paris, 1623 Capron, E. S. History of California, from its Discovery to the Present Time ; with a Journal of the Voyage from New- York, via Nicaragua, to San Francisco, and back vid Panama. Map. 12 Boston, Mass., 1854 Capron, H. See Japan : Appendix 2. Capus, Guillautne. The Agriculture of the Aryan Tribes in the Sub-Pamirian Region. 8* N.D. A Travers le Royaume de Tamerlan (Asie Centrale), Voyage dans la Siberie Occidentale, le Turkestan, la Boukharie, aux bords de 1'Amou-Daria, a Khiva et dans 1'Oust-Ourt. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1892 Caraboeuf, . See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix i. " Caracciolo. " Viaggio di Circumnaviga- zione della Regia Corvetta " Caracciolo" (Commandante C. de Amezaga), negli Anni 1881-82-83-84. 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Rome, i885-[i88;] Caracciolo, Henry. How was America Peopled? An Essay on the Origin of the Natives of America found by Colum- bus. 12* 1893 Carate, A. de. See Zarate. Cardenas y Cano, Gabriel de. Ensayo cronologico, para la Historia general de la Florida . . . desde el ano de 1512 . . . hasta el de 1 722. Folio Madrid, 1723 Cardenas, J. See Wertheman. Carder, Peter. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Cardiel, P. Jose. See Angelis, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Cardon, J. Publicazioni Geografiche stampate in Italia fra il 1800 e il 1890. Saggio di Catalogo. 8 Koine, 1892 Cardoso, Luiz. Diccionario Geografico, ou Noticia Historica de todasas Cidades, Villas, Lugares, e Aldeas, Rios, Ribeiras, e Serras dos Reynos de Portugal, e Al- garve, com todas as cousas raras, que nelles se encontrao, assim antigas, como modernas. Vols. I and 2, A-C. 2 vols. Small folio Lisbon, 1747-51 Cardozo de Castellobranco e Torres, J. C. Feo. Memorias contendo a Bio- graphia de Vice Almirante Luiz da Motta Feo e Torres, a Historia dos Governa- dores e Capitaens Generaes de Angola, Cardozo continued. desde 1575 ate 1825, e a Descripcao Geo- graphica e Politica dos Reinos de Angola e de Benguella. Maps. 8 Paris, 1825 Careri, Dr J. F. Gemelli. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Burney, Vol. 4 ; Churchill, Vol. 4 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine His- toric, Vols. 5, 12: Appendix I. Careri, , and Licata. Club Africano di Napoli : Relazione del Progetto di Spedizione ad Assab. Map. 8* Naples, 1880 Carette, E. See Algeria, A : Appendix 2. Carey and Dalgleish. Journey in Chinese Turkistan and Northern Tibet ; and General Prejevalsky on the Oro- graphy of Northern Tibet. R.G.S. Supplementary Papers, Vol. 3, Part I. Map. Large 8 1890 Carey, Sir George. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4: Appendix i. Carey, H. C., and J. Lea. The Geo- graphy, History, and Statistics of America and the West Indies, exhibiting a correct account of the Discovery, Settle- ment, and Progress of the various King- doms, States, and Provinces of the Western Hemisphere. Plates. 8 [? 1824] Carey, Col. W. The Crustacean Diving Dress. 12* Southampton, 1891 Carey, William. See Smith, Dr G. Carjaval, . See Callander, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Carles, W. R. Report on a Journey in Corea. 8* [Shanghai, 1884] Report on a Journey in two of the Central Provinces of Corea, in October 1883. 8* 1884 Report of a Journey in the North of Corea. 8* 1885 Report of a Journey from Soul to the Phyong Kang Gold - Washings, dated I2th May 1885. 8* 1885 Report of a Journey in the North of Corea. 8* 1885 Life in Corea. Alaps and illustra- tions. 8 1888 Carless, T. G. Memoir on the Delta of the Indus. Report upon the Portions of the River Indus, surveyed in 1836-37, accompanied by a Journal. Memoir on the Province of Lus ; and Narrative of a Journey to Beyla. Memoir on the Bay, Harbour, and Trade of Kurachee. [From the India Records, No. 17] Bombay, 1855 Carlet, Capt. D. See Kerr, Vol. 7; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I: Appendix I. Carli, Denis de. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Churchill, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 16 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 4 : Appen- dix i. Carlieri, Jacopo. Notizie varie dell' Imperio della China, e di qualche altro Paese adiacente, con la vita di Confucio. 12 Florence, 1697 CAR. Carling, John. Dominion of Canada : Emigration to the Province of Ontario. Maps. 8* Toronto, 1869 Carlini, Francesco. Dell' Ampiezza dell Arco di Meridiano, che attraversando la Pianura di Lombardia, e terminato dai Parallel! di Zurigo e di Geneva, premessa una Notizia sui gradi del Meridiano di Roma e di Torino. Plan. 8* Milan, 1843 Carlisle, Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters. 8 1854 Carlisle, Nicholas. Historical Account of the Origin of the Commission appointed to inquire concerning Charities in Eng- land and Wales, and an Illustration of several Old Customs and Words. 8 1828 Carlleyle, A. C. L. See India A : Ap- pendix 2. Carlsen, E. Optegnelser fra den osterrigsk- ungarske Polarexpedition. (1872-74.) 12* Tromsbe, 1875 Carlson, F. F. Minnesteckning ofver Erik Gustaf Geijer. 8* Stockholm, 1870 Carlsson, G. A. See Sweden, A: Ap- pendix 2. Carlyle, Professor J. D. See Walpole, Turkey : Appendix i. Carlyle, Rev. J. E. South Africa and its Mission Fields. 8 1878 The Fetichism of West Africa. 8* [1881] African Colonies and Colonisation, with Notices of Recent Annexations. Maps. 8 Glasgow, 1885 Carmichael, D. F. A Manual of the District of Vizagapatam in the Presidency of Madras. Plate, map, and plates in cover. 8 Madras, 1869 Carmichael-Smyth, Major R. The Em- ployment of the People and the Capital of Great Britain, in her own Colonies, ... by Undertaking the Construction of a Great National Railway between the Atlantic and the Pacific, from the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova Scotia, to the Mouth of Frazer's River, in New Caledonia. Maps. 8* 1849 Carmoly, E. See Eldad. Carnarvon, Earl of. Recollections of the Druses of the Lebanon, and Notes on their Religion. 8 1860 Carnbee, P. M. de. See Siebold. Carne, J. Letters from the East. Plate. 8 1826 See Bartlett, W. H. Carne, Louis de. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese Empire. Map. 8 1872 Carnes, J. A. Journal of a Voyage from Boston to the West Coast of Africa ; with a full description of the manner of Trading with the Natives on the Coast. 8 1853 Carneyro, Antonio de Maris. Hydro- grafia la mas curiosa que asta oy a luz a Salido, recopilada de varies y escogidos Authores de la Nauegacion. 4 San Sebastian, 1675 Caron, E. De Saint-Louis au Port de Tombouktou : Voyage d'une canonniere Fran9aise, suivi d'un Vocabulaire Sonra'i. Maps. Large 8 Paris, 1891 Caron, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Carosi, J. P. v. Reisen clurch verschie- dene Polnische Provinzen. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1781 Carpenter, J. See Nasmyth. Carpenter, Nathanael. Geographic De- lineated Forth in Two Bookes, contain- ing the Sphericall and Topicall Parts thereof. 2nd edition. Small 8 Oxford, 1635 Carpenter, DrW. B. On the Temperature of the Atlantic. 8* 1874 Report on Scientific Researches carried on during the months of August, September, and October 1871, in H.M. Surveying Ship ' ' Shearwater." Tables. 8* 1872 See Jordan, W. L. ; and Jeffreys ; also United Kingdom, H, "Challenger": Appendix 2. Carpentier, Jean le. See Nieuhoff. Carpin [or Carpini], Jean du Plan de. Relation des Mongols ou Tartares : pre- ceclee d'une Notice sur les Anciens Voyages de Tartarie en General, par M. d'Avezac. Map. 4 Paris, 1838 See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Gottfried ; Hak- luyt, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 ; Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix i. Carpmael, Charles. Report of the Meteorological Service of the Dominion of Canada, for the year ending 3ist December 1880. 8 Ottawa, 1882 Carr, John. A Synopsis of Practical Philosophy . . . ; to which are subjoined Small Tables of Logarithms . . . 2nd edition. 18 1843 Carr, Sir J. A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany, in the Summer and Autumn of 1806. Map and plates. 4 1 807 - See Phillips [2], Vols. 3, 5, 8 : Ap- pendix i. Carra, M. Histoire de la Moldavia et de la Valachie, &c. 8 Neuchatel, 1781 Carrasco, Domingo Martin. Repre- sentacion . . . al Soberano Congreso' de 1853 ... en uso del derecho que la Ley le concede. Folio* Lima, 1853 Carrasco, E. Calendario y Guia de Forasteros de la Republica Peruana para los anos de 1850, 1851, 1852. 3 vols. 12 Lima, 1849-51 86 CAR. Carrasco, Gabriel. Datos Estadisticos de la Provincia de Santa-Fe (Republica Argentina). Plan. 8 Rosario, 1881 Descripcion Geografica y Estadistica de la Provincia de Santa-Fe escrita para la Exposicion Continental de Buenos Aires. Plates. 8 Rosario, 1882 - Ditto. (3rd edition.) 8 Jfosan'o, 1884 Carre, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Carrere, F., and P. Holle. Dela Sene- gambie Franaise. 8 Paris, 1855 Garret, Jules. Le Deplacement Polaire : Preuves des Variations de 1'Axe Ter- restre. Map. 12 Paris, 1877 Carrick, R. New Zealand's Lone Lands : being brief Notes of a Visit to the out- lying Islands of the Colony. Alaps and illustrations. 8 Wellington, 1892 Carrier, Michel. Notice Biographique sur J. Balmat, dit Mont Blanc. Portrait. Small 8* Geneva, 1854 Carrington, Richard C. A Catalogue of 3,755 Circumpolar Stars, Observed at Redhill in 1854, 1855, and 1856, and Reduced to Mean Positions for 1855-60. Plates. 4 1857 Carrington, Robert C. Foreign Measures and their English Values. 8* 1864 - Table of Metres, Feet, and Fathoms. 8 1873 Glossary for French Charts. 12 Calcutta, 1879 See India : Appendix 2. Carroll, B. R. Historical Collections of South Carolina, embracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, and other Documents relating to the History of that State, from its First Discovery to its Independence in 1776. 2 vols. Map. 8 Ntw York, 1836 Carron, Wm. Narrative of an Expedi- tion, undertaken under the Direction of the late Mr Assistant-Surveyor E. B. Kennedy, for the Exploration of the Country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York. Map. 8" Sydney, 1849 Carruthers, John. Report on the Trian- gulation of portions of the North-West of South Australia. Folio* Adelaide, 1892 Carruthers, W. On the Structure and Affinities of Lepidodendron and Cala- mites. Plates. 8* N.D. See West Indies, A : Appendix 2. Carstensen, A. Riis. Two Summers in Greenland : an Artist's Adventures among Ice and Islands, in Fjords and Mountains. Map and illustrations. 8 1890 Carta, J. B. Nouvelle Description de la Ville de Milan. 12 Milan, 1819 Carter, SirG. T. Report on Blue-Book for i885[Sierre-Leone]. 8* Bathurst, 1886 Report on the Gambia for 1885. [Parliamentary Paper.] 8* 1887 Carter, H. J. A Geographical Descrip- tion of certain Parts of the South-East Coast of Arabia, with an Essay on the Comparative Geography of the whole of this Coast. 8* Bombay, 1851 Geological Observations on the Igneous Rocks of Maskat and its Neighbourhood, and on the Limestone Formation at their Circumference. 8* Bombay, 1850 Memoir on the Geology of the South- East Coast of Arabia. Plate. 8* Bombay, 1852 See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Carter, Lieut. Thomas T. Report on the Survey Operations, Abyssinia. 8 1868 Carteret, Captain P. See Hawkesworth ; Kerr, Vol. 12 ; Laharpe, Vol. 18 ; Modern Traveller, p. 610: Appendix I. Carthaus, Dr E. Aus dem Reich von Insulinde, Sumatra, und dem malaiischen Archipel. 8 Leipzig, 1891 Cartier, Jacques. Relation originate du Voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534. Documents inedits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada (Nouvelle serie), publics par H. Michelant et A. Rame ; accornpagnes de deux portraits de Cartier et de deux Vues de son Manoir. (Note sur le Manoir de Jacques Cartier par M. A. Rame.) 8 ' Paris, 1867 See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 12 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Cartwright, George. A Journal of Transactions and Events during a Resi- dence of nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. Maps and portrait. 4 Neivark, 1792 Cartwright, John. See Churchill, Vol. 7 ; Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Cams-Wilson, Cecil. Musical Sand : a Paper read before the Bournemouth Society of Natural Science, on Friday Evening, 2nd November 1888. 12* . Poole, 1888 Carusso, C. D. Importance de la Carto- graphic Officielle: Etude sur 1' "Ordnance Survey " du Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagneetd' Irlande. 8* Geneva, 1886 NoUce sur les Cartes Topographiques de 1'Etat-Major General d Autriche- Hongrie. 8* Geneva, 1887 Carvalho, A. Nunes de. See Castro, I. Carvalho, Henrique Augusto Dias de. O Lubuco. Algumas Observa9oes sobre O Livro do Sr Latrobe Bateman intitu- lado "The First Ascent of the Kasai " [with the English Translation]. 4 Lisbon, 1886 L'Influence de la Civilisation et de la Colonisation Latine et surtout Portugaise en Afrique. 8* Lisbon, 1889 CAR CAS. Carvalho, Henrique Augusto Dias de. Expedi^ao Portugueza ao Muati- anvua. Methodo pratico para fallar a Lingua da Lunda contendo narra$6es historicas dos diversos povos. 8 Lisbon, 1889 Ditto. Descripcao da Viagem a Mussumba do Muatianvua. Vol. I. De Loanda ao Cuango. Maps and illustrations. 8 Lisbon, 1890 Ditto. Ethnographia e Historia Tra- dicional dos Povos da Lunda. Maps and ilhtstrations. 8 Lisbon, 1890 Memoria. A Lunda ou os Estados do Muatianvua, dominios da soberania de Portugal. 8 Lisbon, 1890 Carvalho, Jose Carlos de. Meteorite de Bendego : Rapport presente au Ministere de I'Agriciilture, du Commerce, et des Travaux Publics et a la Societe de Geographic de Rio de Janeiro, sur le deplacement et le transport du Meteorite de Bendego de 1'interieur de la Pro- vince de Bahia au Musee National. Plan and plates. 4* Rio de Janeiro, 1888 Carvallo, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 1 6 : Appendix I. Carve, T. Itinerarium Thomte Carve Tipperariensis, sacellani majoris Anglo- rum, Scotorum et Hibernorum, sub exer- citu Cresarese Majestatis militantium cum historia facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly, et aliorum. (Nova Editio : Quaritch.) Square 8 1859 Carver, J. Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. Maps and plates. 8 1778 Gary, John. Itinerary of the Great Roads throughout England, Wales, and Scot- land. Maps. 8 1812 Casa, Giovanni della. Opere. 4 vols. 8 Milan, 1806 Casalis, E. Les Bassoutos, ou Vingt-trois annees de sejour et d'observations au Sud de 1'Afrique. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1859 The Basutos ; or, Twenty-three Years in South Africa. Map and plates. 8 1861 My Life in Basutoland : a Story of Missionary Enterprise in South Africa. Translated from the French, by J. Brierley. Crown 8 1889 Casalis, Prof. G. Dizionario Geografico, Storico, Statistico, Commerciale, degli stati di S.M. il Re di Sardegna. Vols. 6 to 14. 9 vols. 8 Turin, 1840-46 Casanueva, Francisco. Inmigracion Asiatica : Informe sobre si conviene a Chile la Inmigracion de los Chinos. 4 Santiago de Chile, 1880 Casartelli, Rev. L. C. Notes of a Course of Lectures on Commercial Geography. 12. Manchester, 1884 Casas, Bartolome de Las. Historia de las Indias. 5 vols. 8 Madrid, 1875-76 Istoria 6 brevissima relatione della Destruttione dell' Indie Occidentali. Trad, di Francesco Bersabita. 4 Venice, 1626 Conquista dell Indie Occidentali. Tradotta di Marco Ginammi. Square 8 Venice, 1645 See Laharpe, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. 4; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15; Cartas de Indias, p. 612 : Appendix i. Casati, Major G. Ten Years in Equa- toria, and the Return with Emin Pasha. Translated from the original Italian Manu- script by the Hon. Mrs J. Randolph Clay, assisted by Mr J. Walter Savage Landor. 2 vols. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 1891 Casdagli, A. S. flaxr 'Evpov TOV Ai^iy/co-Twva. [Greek Translation of " How I Found Livingstone," by H. M. Stanley.] Map. 8 Smyrna, 1877 Casoni, L. Vannicelli. Relazione alia Santita di nostro Signore Papa Pio IX. sulla eseguita Revisione dell' Estimo rustico nelle provincie di Camerino e Perugia. Maps. Folio Rome, 1848 Ditto. Delle Provincie componenti la Sezione delle Marche. Map and tables. Folio Rome, 1847 Cassas, L. F. See Phillips [i], Vol. i : Appendix I. Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland : being a complete Topographi- cal Dictionary of the United Kingdom. [In progress.] Maps and ilhtstrations. Large 8 1893, &c. Casseneuve, J. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic (J. Barbot), Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Cassini, M. Voyage en 1768, pour eprouver les Montres Marines, inventees par M. le Roy ; avec le Memoire sur la meilleure maniere de mesurer le terns en mer, qui a remporte le Prix double au jugement de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences ; contenant la Description de la Montre a Longitudes, 1766, par M. le Roy. Map and plates. 4 Paris, 1770 A Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, &c. See Auteroche, Abbe" Chappe d'. Casstrom, S. N. Occhiata sullo stato della Geografia nei tempi Antichi e Moderni. 8* Pisa, 1824 Castagnoso, Michele de. Storia della Spedizione Portoghese in Abissinia nel Secolo xvi. 8* Rome, 1888 Castaneda, H. L. de. See Kerr, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Castaneda, Pedro de. See Ternaux- Compans, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Castell, P. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 20: Appendix I. CAS CAU. Castellan, A. L. Lettres sur la Moree et les lies de Cerigo, Hydra, et Zante. 2 parts. Plates. 8 Paris, 1808 See Phillips [3], Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Castellani, C. See General, Catalogues : Appendix 2. Castillo, Antonio del, and Mariano Barcena. Antropologia Mexicana : el Hombre del Penon, Noticia sobre el Hallazgo de un Hombre prehistorico en el Valle de Mexico. Plates. 8* Mexico, 1885 Castillo, Capt. Bernal Diaz del. See Diaz. Castillo, Rafael del. Gran Diccionario geografico, estadistico, e historico de Espana, y sus Provincias de Cuba, Puerto Rico, Filipinas, y posesiones de Africa. 4 vols. Maps and illustrations. 4 Barcelona, 1889-92 Castle, Henry James. Engineering Field-Notes on Parish and Railway Sur- veying and Levelling, with Plans and Sections, &c., and a Traverse Table. Maps and plates. 8 1847 Castle, W. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Ap- pendix i . Castleton, Capt. Samuel. See Gott- fried ; Purchas, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Castlenau, Francis de. Vues et Souvenirs de 1'Amerique du Nord. Plates. 4 Pans, 1842 Expedition dans les Parties Centrales ' de 1'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para, executee par Ordre du Gouvernement Francais, pendant les annees 1843 a 1847. 15 vols. 8, 4, and folio, viz : Histoire du Voyage. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1850 Itineraires et Coupe geologique. Plates, partly coloured. Folio Paris, 1852 Geographic. Maps, coloured outlines. Folio Paris, 1853 Vues et Scenes. Plates, some coloured. 4 Paris, 1853 Antiquites des Incas et autres Peuples Anciens. Plates. 4 Paris, 1854 Botanique. Chloris Andina. 2 vols. Plates. 4 Paris, 1855 Zoologie. Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares. 3 vols. Coloured plates. 4 Paris, 1855-57 Renseignement sur 1'Afrique Centrale et sur une Nation d'Hommes a Queue qui s'y trouvent d'apres le rapport des Negres du Soudan, esclaves a Bahia. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1851 Castracane, F. See United Kingdom, H, "Challenger" Reports: Appendix 2. Castro, Cristobal Vaca de. See Cartas de Inclias, p. 612 : Appendix i. Castro, Don Joam de. Vida de, por J. Freye de Andrada. Portrait. 18 Lisbon, 1747 Roteiro em que se contem a viagem que fizeram os Portuguezes no anno de 1541, partindo da nobre Cidade de Goa atee Soez, que he no fim, e stremidade do Mar Roxo, com o sitio e pintura de todo o Syno Arabico . . . tirado a luz pela primeira vez do manuscrito original e acrescentado com o itinerarium Maris Rubri, &c. . . . pelo Doutor Antonio Nunes de Carvalho. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1833 Vida de, escripta por J. F. de Andrada, Impressa conforme a primeira edi9ao de 1651. Adjuntao se algumas breves notas, auctorizadas com Docu- mentos Originates e ineditos por D. Francisco de S. Luiz. Portrait. Small 4 Lisbon, 1835 Primeiro Roteiro da Costa da India ; desde Goa ate Dio ; Narrando a Viagem que fez O Vice-Rei D. Garcia de Noronha em soccorro desta Ultima Cidade, 1538- 39. Plates. 8 Oporto, 1843 Roteiro de Lisboa a Goa, annotado por Joao de Andrade Corvo. Maps and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1882 Memoire sur les connaissances scienti- fiques de, par F. D'Andrade. 8* Paris, N.D. See Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Ap- pendix i. Castro, Padre J. B. Mappade Portugal. 5 vols. 12 Lisbon, 1745-58 Cat, E. Notice sur la Carte de 1'Ogooue. Map. 8* Paris, 1890 Catlin, George. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1841 Notes of Eight Years' Travels and Residence in Europe. Plates. 2 vols. 1848 Catalogueof Indian Collection. 8 1848 Steam-Raft, suggested as a Means of Security to Human Life upon the Ocean. Plates. 8* Manchester, 1860 Catlow, A. and M. E. Sketching Rambles, or Nature in the Alps and Apennines. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1861 Catrou, Francois. History of the Mogul Dynasty in India, from its foundation by Tamerlane in 1399 to the accession of Aurengzebe in 1657. Translated from the French. 8 1826 Cauce, F. See Tellez. Cautley, Col. Sir Probyn T. Report on the Khirkee and Chuttupoor Bunds, December 1848. Map and plates. [From the India Records, N. W. Provinces, Vol. 2] Ag>-a, 1856 CAU CES. 89 Cautley, Col. Sir Probyn T. Memo- randa on Hall and Ainslie's Brickmaking Machines, as used in the Roorkee Brickfields. [From the India Records N.W. Provinces, Vol. 2] Agra, 1856 Report on the influence of the Jumna Canals on the Jumna River. Plate. [From the same] Agra, 1856 Ganges Canal : a disquisition on the Heads of the Ganges and Jumna Canals, North-Western Provinces, in reply to strictures by Sir Arthur Cotton. Maps. 8* Privately printed, 1864 Ganges Canal : a Valedictory Note to Major- General Sir Arthur Cotton re- specting the Ganges Canal. 8* Privately printed, 1 864 Cave, Laurence Trent. The French in Africa. Maps. 8 1859 Cavellat, Gulielmus. Elementale Cos- mographicum, quo totius et Astronomic et Geographic rudimenta, certissimis brevissimisque docentur apodixibus; adi- unximus hinc libro Cosmographiae Intro- ductionem cum quibusdam Geometric ac Astronomic principiis ad earn rem nece sariis. Diagrams. 12 Paris, 1550-51 Cavenagh, Capt. Orfeur. Rough Notes on the State of Nepal, its Government, Army, and Resources. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1851 Cavendish [or Candish], Sir Thomas. Life and Voyages. See Drake, Sir F. ; also Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12 : Appen- dix i. Caviezel, M. Tourists' Guide to the Upper Engadine. Translated from the German. Map. 12 1877 Cayley, Arthur. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1806 Cayley, Dr H. Report on the Route to the Karakash River via the Changchenmoo Valley and Pass. [From the India Records, No. 2 (Punjab)] Lahore, 1868 and W. H. Reynolds. Report on the Roads through Ladakh to Yarkand ; with a Letter and Memorandum from Major T. G. Montgomerie on the sub- ject. Folio* Simla, 1871 Cazal, P. Manoel Ayres de. Corografia Brazilica, ou Relacao Historico-Geogra- fica do Reino do Brazil. 2 vols. 8" Rio de Janeiro, 1817 Cazeneuve, Dr Paul. De 1'Alimentation chez les peuples sauvages et les peuples civilisds. 8 4 Lyons, 1882 Cazwini, Zakarija Ben Muhammed Ben Mahmud el. Kosmographie. Heratisgegeben von Ferdinand Wlisten- feld. [In Arabic.] Vols. I and 2. 8 Gotttngen, 1848-49 Cecchi, A. Da Zeila alle Frontiere del Caffa : Viaggi di Antonio Cecchi, publi- cati a cura e spese della Societa Geogra- fica Italiana. 2 vols. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 8 Rome, 1885-86 Cecil, Evelyn. Notes of my Journey round the World. Illustrations. 8 Cecille, M. Extrait du Rapport a la Pro- tection de la Peche de la Baleine, pend- ant 1837-39. 8* Paris, 1840 Cella, P. Delia. See Della Cella. Cellarius, Christophorus. Notitia Or- bis Antiqui sive Geographia Plenior, ab ortu rerumpublicarum ad Constantinorum tempora Orbis terrarum faciem declarans. 2 vols. Maps. 4 Leipzig, 1701-6 Geographia Antiqua. By S. Patrick. 6th edition. Maps. 8 1816 Geographia Antiqua, recognita denuo, et ad veterum novorumque scriptorum fidem, historicorum niaxime, identidem castigata ; edidit Samuel Patrick. Maps. 8 1821 Celoria, Giovanni. See Issel. " Centurion," Ship. See Kerr, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Centurione, P. See Pierling. Cernik, Josef. Technische Studien- Expedition clurch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris nebst Ein- und Ausgangs- Routen durch Nord-Syrien. (Erga'n- zungsheft, 44 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen). Maps. 4 Gotha, 1875 Ditto (Erganzungsheft, 45). Maps. 4 Gotha, 1875 Cernuschi, H. Mecanique de 1'Echange. 8 Paris, 1865 La Monnaie bimetallique. Small 8 Paris, 1876 Bi-metallic Money, and its bearings on the Monetary Crises in Germany, France, England, and the United States. 2nd edition. Small 8 1876 See Jacquemart. Cerquero, Don Jose Sanchez. Memoria sobre la posicion Geografica de Sevilla. Small 8* San Fernando, 1832 Ceruti, Antonius. Statuta Communitatis Novaric. 4 Novara, 1878 Cervati, Doraenico. Studi e Considera- zioni intorno ai Porti e segnatamente su quello di S. Venere, e del bisogno di costruirsi un nuovo Porto a Napoli con un Dock. Plan. 8 Naples, 1859 Cervelli, Aug. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 6ll : Appendix I. Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples : a Narra- tive of Researches and Excavations dur- ing Ten Years' Residence as American Consul in that Island. Maps and plates. 8 1877 CEU CHA. Ceuleneer, A. de. Type d'Indien du Nouveau Monde represente sur un bronze antique du Louvre : Nouvelle Contribu- tion a 1'Interpretation d'un fragment de Cornelius Nepos. Plates. 8* Brussels, 1890 Cevallos, P. T. Compendio de la His- toria del Ecuador. Segunda edicion. 12 Guayaquil, 1885 Cevasco, M. Statistique de la Ville de Genes. 2 vols. 8 Genoa, 1838 Chabas, F. Les Pasteurs en Egypte. 4* Amsterdam, 1 868 Chack, Martin. See Burney, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Chaddock, G. A. South-Eastern Africa. Explorations by a Member of the Mer- cantile Marine Service Association. Map. 8* TfiQf 1005 Narrative of a Voyage of Exploration in the s.s. "Maud," on the East Coast of Africa, undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the Value of Waterways hitherto unexplored, and with the object of establishing Trade thereon, in British interests. Alaps. 8* Liverpool, 1890 Chadwick. J. O. Perseverance in Arctic Exploration : an Enquiry whether the advantages which may be expected to result from a successful Expedition to the North Pole are sufficient to justify further efforts in the attempt. 8* 1877 Chaffanjon, J. L'Orenoque et le Caura : Relation de Voyages executes en 1886 et 1887. Alaps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1889 Chagas, M. P. Os Descobrimentos Por- tuguezes e os de Colombo. Tentative de Coordena9ao Historica. 8 Lisbon, 1892 Chaggi, Memet. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I : Appendix I. Chaho, J. A. Voyage en Navarre pend- ant 1'Insurrection des Basques (1830-35). Plates. 8 Paris, 1836 See Abbadie, Antoine d'. Chaigneau, Michel D. Souvenirs de Hue (Cochinchine). Map, plate, and plan. 8 Paris, 1867 Chaille - Long Bey, Colonel. Central Africa : Naked Truths of Naked People. An Account of Expeditions to the Lake Victoria Nyanza and the Makraka Niam- Niam, west of the Bahr-el-Abiad (White Nile). Photograph, map, and plates. 8 1876 L'Egypte et ses Provinces perdues. 8 Paris, 1892 Chailley, Joseph. Paul Bert au Tonkin. Portrait. 12 Paris, 1887 Chailley- Bert, J. La Colonisation de 1'Indo-Chine; 1'experience Anglaise. 12 Paris, 1892 Chaillu. See Du^Chaillu. Chaix, Prof. Emile. La Circulation Oceanique generale. 8* Geneva, 1890 Chaix, Prof. Emile. Une Course a PEtna. 12* Geneva, 1890 L'Irrigation de 1'Egypte. 8* N.P., N.D. La Vallee del Bove et la Vegetation de la Region superieure de 1'Etna. Plates. 8* Geneva 1891 L'Eruption de 1'Etna en 1892. Plates. 8* Geneva, 1893 Chaix, Prof. Paul. Precis de Geo- graphic Elementaire. 12 Geneva, 1843 Histoire de 1'Amerique Meridionale au Seizieme Siecle, comprenant les De- couvertes et Conquetes des Espagnols et des Portugais dans cette partie du monde, Perou. Map. 2 vols in i. 12 Paris, 1853 Des Canaux qui unissent a la Neva le Bassin du Volga. Map. 8* Geneva, 1856 Explorations Arctiques : Le Dr Kane, MacClintock. Part 2. 8* Geneva, 1860 Esquisse Chronologique des Voyages sur le Senegal et la Gambie. Map. 8 Geneva, 1866 LtudesurPEthnographie del'Afrique. 8* Geneva, N.D. Isthme de 1'Amerique Centrale. 8* N.D. Le Bassin du Mississippi au Seizieme Siecle. Maps. 8* N.P., N.D. "Challenger" Voyage. Preliminary Reports, Nos. I to 7. Maps. Folio 1873-76 The "Challenger" Expedition Papers, by Sir Wyville Thomson, Mr Murray, Mr Moseley, Mr Buchanan, and the late Dr von Willemoes-Suhm, communicated by permission of the Lords of the Admir- alty to the Royal Society, and printed in their Proceedings. Charts, sections, and plates. 8 1876 Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76, under the command of Captain George S. Nares and Captain Frank Tourle Thomson. Prepared under the superintendence of the late Sir C. Wyville Thomson, and now of John Murray. 4 Charts and plates :- - Reports: Zoology. Vols. 1-32. Plates. Large 4 1880-89 Narrative of the Cruise, with General Account of the Scientific Re- sults of the Expedition. Vol. I (in 2 parts) 1885 Narrative. Vol. 2. Magnetical Observations, &c. 1882 Physics and Chemistry. Vols. I and 2 1884 and 1889 Botany. 2 vols. 1885-86 Deep- Sea Deposits 1891 Summary of Results. 2 parts 1895 [For Contents, see United Kingdom, H ; Appendix 2.] CHA. Challes, de. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 1 8 : Appendix I. Challice, J. A. Scheme for the Effectual Suppression of the East African Slave Trade. 8* 1869 The same. Appendix, 1871 ; Ad- denda, 1872. 8* 1872 Chalmers, Andrew. Transylvanian Re- collections : Sketches of Hungarian Travel and History. 12* 1880 Chalmers, Rev. James. On the Manners and Customs of some of the Tribes of New Guinea. 8* [G/asgom, 1886] Pioneering in New Guinea. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 - and W. Wyatt Gill. Work and Adventure in New Guinea, i877-8s- Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1885 Chalmers, John. The Origin of the Chinese : an attempt to trace the con- nection of the Chinese with Western . Nations in their Religion, Superstitions, Arts, Language, and Traditions. Small 8 1868 Chaloner, Sir Thomas. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Chaloner, Edward, and Fleming. The Mahogany-Tree, its Botanical Char- acter, Qualities, and Uses, with practical suggestions for selecting and cutting it in the regions of its growth in the West Indies and Central America ; with No- tices of the projected Interoceanic Com- munication of Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec. Map and plates. 8 Liverpool, 1850 Chambaud, Louis. Nouveau Diction- naire Fran9ois - Anglois et Anglois- Fran9ois ; contenant la signification des Mots, avec leurs differens usages. Revue, corrigee, augmentee de plusieurs mille nouveaux articles, par Jean Perrin. 2 vols. 4 1778 Chamberlain, Basil Hall. The Lan- guage, Mythology, and Geographical Nomenclature of Japan, viewed in the light of Aino Studies, including " An Ainu Grammar" by John Batchelor, and a Catalogue of Books relating to Yezo and the Ainos. (Memoirs of the Litera- ture College, Imperial University of Japan, No. I.) Large 8 Tokio, 1887 Chamberlin, T. C. See United States, G, c ; K (Wisconsin) : Appendix 2. Chambers, Charles. The Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency. 4 1878 and F. Chambers. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, in the years 1879 to 1882. Folio Bombay, 1883 - See Robinsori, G, T, Chambers, Capt. Report on Irrigation from the Taptee River ; with Plans in a separate case. [From the India Records] 8 Bombay, 1861 Chambers, C. H. See Gastaldi, B. Chambers, F. Report on the Administra- tion of the Meteorological Department in Western India for the year 1878-79. Folio* Bombay, 1879 See Robinson, G. T., and Chambers, C. Chambers, George F. Handbook of Descriptive and Practical Astronomy. Plates. 12 London, 1861 The Handbook Dictionary : a Prac- tical and Conversational Dictionary of the English, French, and German Lan- guages, in parallel columns, for the use of Travellers and Students. 12 1883 Chambers, Robert. Ancient Sea-Margins, as Memorials of Changes in the Relative Level of Sea and Land. Map and plate. 8 1848 Tracings of Iceland and the Faroe Islands. 12* 1856 Chambers, Trant. See Myers, F. Chambers, William. Things as they are in America. 8 1854 Chambeyron, and Banare. Instruc- tions Nautiques sur la Nouvelle-Cale- donie . . . ; suivies d'une Note sur les Isles Loyalty par M. Jouan. [No. 458 of the Publ. of the Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine.] Maps. 8 Paris, 1869 Chamerovzow, Louis A. Borneo Facts versus Borneo Fallacies : an Inquiry into the alleged Piracies of the Dyaks of Serebas and Sakarran. 8* 1851 Chamich, Father Michael. History of Armenia, from B.C. 2247 to A.D. 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian Era. Translated from the Original Armenian by J. Audall; to which is Appended a Continuation of the History by the Translator from 1780 to the present date. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1827 Chamier, Capt. My Travels ; or, An Unsentimental Journey through France, Switzerland, and Italy. 3 vols. 8 1855 Chamisso, Adelbert von. Reise um die Welt mit der Romanzoffischen Entdeckungs-Expedition in 1815-18, auf der Brigg Rurik, Capt. Otto v. Kotzebue. Maps and portraits. 2 vols. 12 Leipzig, 1846 Chamondopoulon, Mena D. Tewypa^ia Jpixri/o/ KUt HoAiTi/o/. Illustrations. I2 Athens, 1888 Champion, P. Industries Anciennes et Modernes de 1'Empire Chinois d'apres des notices traduites du Chinois par Stanislas Julien. Plates. 8 Paris, 1869 CHA. Champlain, S- de. CEuvres de Champlain, publiees sous la patronage de 1'Universite Laval par I'AbbeC.-H. Laverdiere. 2nd edition. 6 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Quebec, 1870 See Marcel ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 23 ; Purchas, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Champlouis, Nau de. Notice sur la Carte de 1'Afrique sous la domination des Remains . . . d'apres les travaux de Fr. Lacroix. 4* Paris, 1864 Champollion, . See Young, T. Chancellor, Richard. See Hakluyt, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2: Appendix I. Chandler, Dr R. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 2 vols. in I. Maps and plates. 4 1817 Chandless, W. Visit to the Salt Lake : being a Journey across the Plains and a Residence in the Mormon Settlements at Utah. Map. 8 1857 Chandoin, E. Trois Mois de Captivite au Dahomey. Illustrations. 12 Parts, 1891 Chandra Das, Sarat. Narrative of a Journey to Lhasa in 1881-82. Map. Folio Calcutta, 1885 Chanler, W. Astor. See Davis, R. H. Chanter, J. R. Lundy Island : a Mono- graph, Descriptive and Historical, with Notices of its Distinguishing Features in Natural History. Map. 12 1877 Chantre, Ernest. Etudes Paleoethno- logiques, ou Recherches Geologico-Ar- cheologiques sur 1'industrie et les Moeurs de 1'homme des temps antehistoriques dans le nord clu Dauphine et les environs de Lyon. Plates. 4 Paris, 1867 Notice Historique sur la vie et les travaux de J. J. Fournet. 8* Lyons, 1870 Recherches Anthropologiques dans le Caucase. 5 vols. 4 Paris Tome Premier. Periode Prehistorique. Map and plates 1885 Tome Second. Periode Protohis- torique. Texte. Illustrations 1886 The same. Atlas 1886 Tome Troisieme. Periode Historique. Plates 1887 Tome Quatrieme. Populations actu- elles. Map and plates 1887 Chantreau, P. N. Voyage Philoso- phique, Politique, et Litteraire, fait en Russe 1788 et 1789. 2 vols. in I. Maps and plates. 12 Hamburg, 1794 Chanvalon,T. de. Voyage a la Martinique, contenant diverses Observations sur la Physique, 1'Histoire Naturelle, 1'Agri- culture, les Moeurs et les Usages de cette Isle, faites en 1751 et dans les annees suivantes. Map. 4 Paris, 1763 Chapin, Frederick H. Mountaineering in Colorado : the Peaks about Estes Park. Illustrations. Crown 8 Boston, Mass., 1889 The Land of the Cliff-Dwellers. Illustrations. 8 Boston, Mass., 1892 Chaplain, William. See Marshall, T. Chaplin, William. Report exhibiting a View of the Fiscal and Judicial System of Administration introduced into the Conquered Territory above the Ghauts, under the Authority of the Commissioner in the Dekhan. 8 Bombay, 1838 Chapman, Abel, and Walter J. Buck. Wild Spain (Espana Agreste) : Records of Sport with Rifle, Rod, and Gun ; Natural History and Exploration. Illus- trations. 8 1893 Chapman, C. A Voyage from South- ampton to Cape Town. Plates. 8 1872 Chapman, F. R. Notes on the Depletion of the Fur-Seal in the Southern Seas. (Reprinted from the Canadian Record of Science, October 1893.) 8* 1893 Chapman, James. Travels in the Interior of South Africa, comprising Fifteen Years' Hunting and Trading, with Journeys across the Continent from Natal to Walvisch Bay, and Visits to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 D 1868 Chapman, Capt. J. J. Some Additional Remarks upon the Ancient City of Anurajapura or Anuradhapura, and the Hill Temple of Mehentele, in the Island of Ceylon. Map and plates. 8* N.u. Chapman, L. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Chappe, Abbe. See Auteroche. Chappell, Lieut. Voyage of H.M.S. " Rosamond" to Newfoundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador. Map and plates. 8 1818 Chardin, Sir John. Travels into Persia and the East Indies ; to which is added the Coronation of the Present King of Persia, Solyman the Third. Maps and plates. Folio 1686 Sir John Chardin's Travels in Persia. Never before translated into English. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1720 Voyages du Chevalier Chardin en Perse, et autres lieux de 1'Orient. Por- trait and plates. 4 vols. 4 Amsterdam, 1735 Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de 1'Orient. . . . Nouvelle edition, . . . par L. Langles. 10 vols. Plates. 8 and Atlas, folio Paris, 1811 See Brun ; also Harris, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 ; New Collection, Vol. 6, p. 608 ; The World Displayed, Vols. 15, 1 6, p. 609 : Appendix I. Chardon, M. Tableau Historique et Politique de Marseille, Ancienne et Moderne. 12 Marseilles, 1826 Charles, Cecil. See Biolley. CHA. 93 Charlevoix, Pierre-Frangois-Xavier de. Histoire de 1'Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue, ecrite particulierement sur des Memoires manuscrits du P. Jean- Baptiste le Pers, et sur les Pieces originales qui se conservent au Depot de la Marine. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1730 Histoire et Description Generate de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1744 The same. 6 vols. Maps. 12 Paris, 1744 Histoire du Paraguay. 6 vols. Maps. 12 Paris, 1757 Journal of a Voyage to North- America, undertaken by order of the French King ; containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of that Country, particularly Canada, ... in a Series of Letters. . . . Translated from the French. 2 vols. Map. 8 1761 The History of Paraguay ; contain- ing ... a Full and Authentic Account of the Establishments formed there by the Jesuits from among the savage Natives. . . . Written originally in French. 2 vols. 8 Dublin, 1769 See Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 14, 16 : Appendix I. Charnay, Desire. The Ancient Cities of the New World : being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America, from 1857-1882. Translated from the French by J. Gonino and Helen S. Conant. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 1887 Charnock, Job. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 75- Charnock, Richard Stephen. Local Etymology : a Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names. 8 I&S9 Verba Nominalia, or Words Derived from Proper Names. 8 1866 Charon, Manuel. Estado Comercial del Amazonas Peruano. 8* Lima, 1877 Charpentier, J. F. W. Mineralogische Geographic der Chursiichsischen Lande. Views. 4 Leipzig, 1778 Chase, J. C. See Wilmot. Chasseaud, G. W. The Druses of the Lebanon, their Manners, Customs, and History ; with a Translation of their Religious Code. Map. 8 1855 Chassinat, Dr R. See Denis, A. Chaste, De. Voyage to Tercera. See Pinkerton, Vol. I : Appendix I. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem et de Jerusalem a Paris, en allant par la Grece, et revenant par 1'Egypte, la Barbaric, et 1'Espagne. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1812 Chateauvieux, F. Lillin de. See Phillips [3]> Vol. I : Appendix I. Chatelain. Hell. Die Grundziige des Kimbundu oder der Angola-Sprache. Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift fur Afrikanische Sprachen, 1889. Heft 4. 8* 1889 Chattertpn, Lady. The Pyrenees, with Excursions into Spain. Plates. 2 vols. 8 1843 Chauchard, Capt. See Boetticher. Chaudouet, F. See Lecousturier. Chaumont, de. Relation de 1'Ambas- sade a la Cour du Roi de Siam. Plates. 1 6 Paris, 1687 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Chausenque, M. Les Pyrenees, ou Voyages Pedestres dans toutes les regions de ces Montagnes. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1834 Chauvenet, W. Astronomy. 2 vols. 8 1868 Chavanne, Joseph. Der Golf- und Polar- strom im Ost-Spitzbergischen Meere. 8* Vienna, 1875 Die geographische Ausstellung auf dem zweiten internationalen Geographen- Congresse zu Paris. 8* Vienna, 1875 Central-Afrika nach dem gegenwar- tigen Stande der geographischen Kennt- nisse. 8* Vienna, 1876 Die Englische Nordpolexpedition 1875-76 unter Capitan Nares, und ihre Resultate. Map. 12* Vienna, 1877 Ueber Sonnenflecken. 12* Vienna, 1879 Die Sahara, oder Von Oase zu Oase. Bilder aus dem Natur und Volksleben in der grossen afrikanischen W r tiste. Map and plates. 8 Vienna, 1879 Die mittlere Hohe Afrika's. Map. 8* Vienna, 1881 Afrika im Lichte unserer Tage. Map. 12* Vienna, 1881 Reisen und Forschungen im alien und neuen Kongostaate. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Jena, 1887 See Hellwald, F. von. Chavero, Alfredo. Calendario Azteca, ensayo arqueologico. 2nd edition. Plate. Small 8* Mexico, 1876 - La Piedra del Sol. Plates. 4* Chazallon, A. M. R Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France, pour 1'an 1839. 1 8 Paris, 1839 - Memoire sur les divers moyens de se procurer une Base, par la Mesure directe, par la Vitesse du son, par des Observa- tions Astronomiques ; description d'un Nouvel Instrument pour mesurer la Vitesse du Vent, et formules relatives a la Resolution des Triangles Geodesiques. Plates. 8* Paris, 1857 94 CHA CHI. Chazallon, A. M. R., and Liesseau. Annuaire des Mareesdes Cotes de France pour les ans 1849-65 [wanting 1856]. 2 vols. 16 Paris, 1848-65 Cheadle, Dr W. B. See Milton. Cheap, Capt. David. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Cheever, Rev. Henry T. Life in the Sandwich Islands ; or, The Heart of the Pacific as it was and is. 8* 1851 Chelmicki, J. C. Carlos de. Corografia Cabo-Verdiana, ou Descrip^ao Geogra- phico-Historica de Provincia das Ilhas de Cabo- Verde e Guine. Vol. I. Plan and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1841 Chelu, A. De 1'Equateur a la Mediter- ranee, le Nil, le Soudan, 1'Egypte. Maps. 4 Paris, 1891 Chenery, Leonard. See United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Chenier, M. The Present State of the Empire of Morocco, its Animals, Pro- ducts, Climate . . . ; with the Language, Religion, . . . Customs, and Character of the Moors, the History of the Dynas- ties since Edris, the Naval Force and Commerce of Morocco, and the Char- acter. . . of the reigning Emperor. Trans- lated from the French. 2 vols. 8 1788 Cherbonneau, M. A. Relation du Voy age de M. le Capitaine de Bonnemain a K'Dames, 1856-57. Map. 8* Paris, 1857 Cherge, Ch. de. Le Guide du Voyageur a Poitiers, . . . suivi de 1'Itineraire de Tours a Poitiers, &c. 12 Poitiers, 1851 Cherkasski, Prince A. B. A Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva in 1717. Translated from the Russian by R. Michell. 8* 1873 Cherry, F. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 : Appendix i. Chesneau, Jean. See Aramon. Chesney, General F. R. Reports on the Navigation of the Euphrates. Plate. Folio 1833 - Expeditions for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris in 1835-37 ; preceded by Geographical and Historical Notices of the Regions situated between the Rivers Nile and Indus. Maps and plates. 4 vols. [Vols. I and 2 only.] 4 1850 Remarks on the Tubular Life-Boat invented by H. Richardson, Esq. Plate. I2 * 1853 Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and 1829. Maps. 8 1854 Narrative of the Euphrates Expedi- tion carried on by order of the British Government during the years 1835, I ^36, and 1837. Appendices. Map and plates. 8 1868 Alexander the Great's Invasion of India. (From the Journal of the U.S. Institute of India. ) Maps. 8* 1889 Chesson, F. W. The War in Zululand. 8* 1879 Chester, Anthony. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Chester, Sir W. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Chester, Henrietta M. Russia, Past and Present. Adapted from the Ger- man of Lankenau and Oelnitz. Map and illustrations. 8 1 88 1 Chevalier, E. See Vaillant. Chevalier, M. Description of the Plain of Troy ; with a Map of that Region delineated from an actual survey. Trans- lated, with Notes and Illustrations, by A. Dalzel. Maps. 4 Edinburgh, 1791 Chevandier, Eugene. Kecherches sur la composition elementaire des differents bois, et sur le rendement annuel d'un hectare de Forets. 8 Paris, 1844 "Chevert," Ship. See British New Guinea : Appendix 2. Chevillard, Abbe Similien. Siam et les Siamois. 12 Paris, 1889 Chewings, Charles. The Sources of the Finke River. (Reprinted from the Ade- laide Observer.) Map. 8* Adelaide, 1886 Cheyne, J. P. An Expedition to the Arctic Regions in search of Franklin. [Voyage of H. M.S. "Enterprise," Sir James Ross, 1848-49.] 4* 1873 Cheyney, R. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Chickering, Jesse. Statistical View of the Population of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1840. 8 Boston, Mass., 1846 Chijs. See Van der Chijs. Child, Theodore. The Spanish American Republics. Illustrations. 4 1892 Childe, Alex. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix I. Chilton, John. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Chimmo, Lieut. W. Voyage of H. M.S. "Torch." (From the Nautical Maga- zine.) 8* 1857 Chimmo, W. Natural History of the Euplectella Aspergillum ("Venus's Flower- Basket"), from the Philippine Islands, &c. Plates. 4* 1878 Chippindall, Lieut. W. W. Observa- tions on the White Nile in 1875. MS. Folio* [1888] Chirita, C. Dictionar Geografic al Judetului lasi. 8 Bucharest, 1888 Dictionar Geografic al Judetului Vasluiu. 8 Bucharest, 1889 See Filipescu-Dubu. Chisholm, G. G. Longman's School Geography. Illustrations. Crown 8 1886 Longman's School Geography for Australasia. Illustrations. Crown 8 1888 CHI-CHU. Chisholm, G. G. Handbook of Com- mercial Geography. Maps. 8 3 1889 Handbook of Commercial Geography. 3rd edition. Maps. 8 1892 A Smaller Commercial Geography. 12 1890 An Examination of the Coal and Iron Production of the principal Coal and Iron producing Countries of the World, with reference to the English Coal Question. Diagram. 8" 1890 Letter addressed to the Members of Council of the Royal Geographical Society on the System of Orthography for Native Names of Places. 4* [1890] Longman's School Geography for India and Ceylon. Illttstrations. Crown 8 1891 See Stanford, E. ; White, A. G. and C. H. Leete. Longman's School Geography for North America. Illustrations. 8 New York, 1890 and Prof. J. A. Liebmann. Long- man's School Geography for South Africa. Illustrations. 8 1891 Chishull. Edmund. Travels in Turkey and back to England. Folio 1747 Chittenden, G. B. See United States (Surveys) : Appendix 2. Chittenden, Newton H. Official Report of the Exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Government of British Columbia. Illustrations. 8 Victoria, B.C., 1884 Chodyxo, General. [Survey of the Caucasus. In French.] Lithographed. Map. i* 1857-63 Chodzko, Leonard. Tableau de la Pologne, Ancienne et Moderne. See Malte-Brun, V. A. Choffat, Paul, and P. de Loriol. Mate- riaux pour 1'Etude Stratigraphique et Paleontologique de la Province d'Angola. Plates. 4 Geneva, 1888 Cholet, Comte de. Voyage en Turquie d'Asie, Armenie, Kurdistan, et Meso- potamie. Map and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1892 Choris, L. Voyage pittoresque autour du Monde. Plates. Folio Paris, 1822 Choroschchin, , and von Stein. Die Russischen Kosakenheere. (Erganzungs- heft, 7 1 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Plate and map. 4 Got ha, 1883 Choyce, James. See Cameron, V. L. Christaller, Rev. J. G. A Grammar of the Asante and Fante Language called Tshi [Chwee Twi] ; based on the Akuapem Dialect, with reference to the other (Akan and Fante) Dialects. 8 Basle,i%T$ A Dictionary of the same, with a Grammatical Introduction, and Appen- dices on the Geography of the Gold Coast, and other subjects. 8 asle, 1881 Christaller, Rev. J. G. Sprachproben aus clem Sudan. Separatabdruck aus der " Zeitschrift fiir Afrikanische Sprachen," 1889-90. Heft 2. 8* Schorndorf, 1889 Sprachproben vom Sudan zwischen Asante und Mittel Niger. Separat- abdruck aus der "Zeitschrift fur Afrik- anische Sprachen," 1889-90. Heft 2. 8* Schorndorf, 1890 Christie, A. T. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Christie, S. H. Discussion of Magnetical Observations made by Captain Back during his late Arctic Expedition. 4* 1836 Christison, D. Meteorological Observa- tions at San Jorge, Central Uruguay, in 1867-68, and on Pamperos there, with the Relation of these and other Storms at San Jorge and Buenos Ayres to each other. Large 8* 1880 The Gauchos of San Jorge, Central Uruguay. 8* 1881 Christmas, H. Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, including a Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia. 3 vols. 8 1851 Christopher, J. S. Natal, a Cotton, Sugar, Grazing, and Agricultural Country ; with a Map of the Colony, and a Vocabulary of the Natal or Zulu Language. 8 N.D. Christy, H. See Lartet, Edouard. Christy, T. New Commercial Plants and Drugs. Nos. 7 to 1 1 . Illustrations. 8* 1884-87 New and Rare Drugs. 8* 1888 Chubinski, P. P. Ethnographical Ex- pedition to Western Russia. Vol. 5. [In Russian.] Small 4 St Petersburg, 1874 Chuckerbutty, T. Thoughts on Popular Education. 8* Calcutta, 1870 Church, Col. G. E. Bolivia and Brazil in the Amazon Valley. 8* 1870 The Rapids of the Madeira Branch of the Amazon River : a Preliminary Re port upon the Madeira and Mamore Railway, based upon the Maps and Surveys made by the Engineers, Jose and Francisco Keller. Map. 8* 1870 Explorations made in the Valley of the River Madeira from 1749 to 1868. 8 1875 The Route to Bolivia via the River Amazon : a Report to the Govern- ments of Bolivia and Brazil. Maps. 8" 1877 Report of Mr George Earl Church upon Ecuador. 8* Washington, 1883 The Venezuela Central Railway and its Sources of Traffic. 8* 1888 See Keller, Jose. CHU CLA. Church, John A. The Great Wall of China. (From the Engineering Maga- zine, February 1893.) 8* 1893 Churchill, A. and J. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Maps and plates. 8 vols. Folio 1707-47 [For full Title and Contents of the eight volumes, see Appendix I . ] Churchill, Col. C. H. Mount Lebanon : a Ten Years' Residence from 1842 to 1852, describing the Manners, Customs, and Religion of its Inhabitants, with Historical Records of the Mountain Tribes. 3 vols. 8 1853 The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule from 1840 to 1860. 8 1862 Churchill, G. C. See Gilbert, J. Churchward, William B. My Consu- late in Samoa : a Record of Four Years' Sojourn in the Navigators Islands, with Personal Experiences of King Malietoa Laupepa, his Country and his Men. 8 1887 Churi, Joseph H. Sea, Nile, the Desert, and Nigritia : Travels in company with Capt. Peel, R.N., 1851-52; with 13 Arabic Songs . . . translated . . . and set to Musical Annotation, with other Arabic Songs. 8 1853 Chydenius, K. Svenska Expeditionen till Spetsbergen ar 1861 under ledning af Otto Torell. Ur Deltagarnes Anteck- ningar och andra Handlingar. Map and plates. Large 8 Stockholm, 1865 Chy Fa Hian. See Fa Hian. Cialdi, Commendat. Alessandro. Navi- gazione del Tevere e della sua Foce in Fiumicino. Plates. 8 Rome, 1845 Sul Tevere, sulla Linea piu con- veniente pet la Unione dei due Mari e sulla Marina Mercantile dello Stato Pontificio. 8* Rome, 1847 Osservazioni Idraulico-Nautiche sui Porti Neroniano ed Innocenziano in Anzio. Plan. 8* Rome, 1848 Risultati di Studi Idrodinamici, Nautici e Commerciali sul Porto di Livorno. Plan. 8* Florence, 1853 Appendice. Plan. 8* Rome, 1855 Sul Porto-Canale di Pesaro. Plan. 8* Pesaro, 1857 Sul Nuovo Emissario del Lago di Bientina e sulla Botte sotto 1'Arno. Map. 8* Rome, 1857 [The above six are bound in I vol.] Cenni sul Moto ondoso del Mare e sulle Correnti di Esso. Plate. 4 Rome, 1856 Sul Moto ondoso 'del Mare e sulle Correnti di esso, Specialmente su Quelle Littorali. Seconda edizione. Plates. 8 Rome, 1866 Cialdi, Commendat. Alessandro. Les Ports-Canaux. Maps. 8* Rome, 1866 Port - Said a M. Ferdinand de Lessep. . . . Lettre du Comm. A. Cialdi . . . avec un Post-scriptum. 8* Rome, 1868 Le Phenomene du Flot Courant, a propos du Naufrage de la Fregatte Russe " Alexandre-Newski." Lettre, &c. 8* Rome, 1869 A MS. Translation into French of part of the work " Cenni sul Moto ondoso del Mare," &c. Folio* N.P., N.D. See Tessan. Ciampi, Sebastiano. Viaggio in Polonia, nella state del 1830. 8 Florence, 1831 Cicalek, Dr Theodor. Die Colonien des Deutschen Reiches. 8* Vienna, 1885 See Dorn, A. Cie^a de Leon, Pedro de. Parte Primera de la Chronica del Peru, que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias, la descrip- cion dellas, las fundaciones de las neuvas ciudades, los ritas y costumbres de los Indios, y otras cosas estranas dignas de ser sabidas. 12 Antwerp, 1554 The Seventeen Years' Travels of Peter de Ciezo through the mighty Kingdom of Peru, and the large Provinces of Car- tagena and Popayan in South America, from the City of Panama, on the Isthmus, to the Frontiers of Chile. Map. Small square 8 1709 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 33, 68 : Appendix I. Cintra, Capt. Pedro de. See Astley, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Circourt, Comte Adolphe de. Remarks on "Les Monnaies d'Athenes," par M. Beule. (Extrait des Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, Novembre 1858.) 8* Paris, 1858 Les Russes sur PAmur. Compte Rendu. (Extrait des Nouvelles Annales des Voyages.) 8* Paris, 1862 Cirera, P. Ricardo. El Magnetismo Terrestre en Filipinas. 4* Manila, 1893 Citus, G. F. See Pierling. Civiale, A. Les Alpes au Point de Vue de la Geographic Physique et de la Geologic : Voyages photographiques dans le Dau- phine, la Savoie, le Nord de 1'Italie, la Suisse, et le Tyrol. [2 Maps separate.] Plates. 8 Paris, 1882 Clain, P. Paul. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Clancey, J. C. Aid to Land-Surveying (Larger edition ; in English only), containing complete Sets of Logarithmic, Traverse, Levelling, and other Tables, and accompanied with 542 illustrations on the subject. Folio Calcutta, 1882 CLA. 97 Clancey, J. C. Aid to Land-Surveying (in English and Burmese), accompanied by 234 illustrations on the subject, and edition. Folio Rangoon, 1890 Calculating Tables for Use in Burma. Folio Rangoon, 1890 Examination Questions in Surveying. and edition. Illustrations.. Folio Rangoon, 1892 Claparede, Arthur de. Annuaire Uni- versel des Societes de Geographic, 1892- 93. 12 Geneva, 1893 Clapperton, Capt. Hugh. Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soc- catoo ; to which is added the Journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the Sea Coast, partly by a more Eastern Route. Map and portrait. 4 1829 See Denham, D. ; Lander, R. Claray, George. See Heusser. Clark, Captain. See Lewis and Clark, Phillips [i], Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Clark, G. B. The Transvaal and Bechu- analand. 2nd edition. 8* [1883] Clark, Henry James. Trinidad, a Field for Emigration. 8* Port -of -Spain, 1 886 Clark, J. Leslie. Emigration to Vene- zuelan Guayana, &c. 8* 1868 Clark, Sir James. The Sanative Influence of Climate ; with an Account of the Best Places of Resort for Invalids in England, the South of Europe, &c. 8 1841 Clark, John. Lectures on Accompts, or Book-keeping, after the Italian manner, by Double Entry of Debtor and Creditor. Small 4 1732 Clark, John. Proposed Plan for Ocean Telegraphy. Two Papers. 8* 1 86 1 Clark, John A. Glimpses of the Old World, or Excursions on the Continent and in Great Britain. 2 vols. 8 1840 Clark, J. W. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Clark, Latimer. Manual of the Transit Instrument. Small 8 1884 -Transit Tables for 1886; giving the Greenwich Mean Time of Transit of the Sun and of certain Stars for every day in the year ; with an Ephemeris of the Sun, Moon, and Planets. 12 1886 [1885] Transit Tables for 1887 ; giving the Greenwich Mean Time of Transit of the Sun and of certain Clock Stars for every day in the year. Computed from the "Nautical Almanac for Popular Use." 12 1887 Clark, P. D. G. The Peruvian Corporation Limited : Report on the Central Territory of Peru. 4* 1891 Clark [or Clarke], Rev. W. See New Collection, Vol. 5, p. 608 ; The Modern Traveller, Vol. 4, p. 610: Appendix I. Clark, Dr Thomas. See Lankester. Clark, William B. See Williams, G. H. Clark, W. G. Peloponnesus, 1856: Notes of Study and Travel. Map and plans. 8 1858 See Gallon, Vacation Tourisls. Clarke, Sir A., J. R. Bell, and G. Moyle. The Kandahar Railway. 8* 1880 Clarke, Sir Andrew. See Hawkshaw. Clarke, Col. A. R. Comparisons of Ihe Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Auslralia, made al Ihe Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, under the direction of Sir Henry James. Plates. 4 1866 Geodesy. 8 Oxford, 1880 See James, Sir H. Clarke, C. B. A Class-Book of Geo- graphy. Maps. 12 1889 Clarke, E. D. The Tomb of Alexander : a Disserlation on the Sarcophagus broughl from Alexandria, and now in Ihe British Museum. Plates. 4 Cambridge, 1805 Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. [For Conlenls, see Appendix I.] Clarke, Lieut-Col. F. C. H. Col. Sosnoffsky's Expedilion lo China in J 874-75. Abridged and labulaled from Ihe Russian. (From Ihe Journal of Ihe Royal Geographical Sociely, 1877.) 8* 1878 Slalislics and Geography of Russsian Tarkeslan. Folio 1879 See Fabrilius ; also United Kingdom, G (War Office Publ.) : Appendix 2. Clarke, Hyde. Gazetteer of Mines in Chili. MS. Folio 1856 Colonizalion, Defence, and Railways in our Indian Empire. Map. 8* 1857 On Geological Surveys. 8* 1859 On Ihe Organizalion of Ihe Army of India, wilh especial reference lo Ihe Hill Regions. Map. 8* 1859 Olloman Railway Company : Report on the Traffic of Smyrna, with Statistics of Trade, &c. 12* 1860 The Imperial Ottoman, Smyrna and Aidin Railway, its Position and Prospects. Map. 12* ' Constantinople, 1861 The Warings or Waranghians. 12 Constantinople, N.D. Memoir on the Comparative Grammar of Egyptian, Coptic, and Ude. 8* 1873 Serpent and Siva Worship and Myth- ology in Central America, Africa, and Asia. 8* 1876 On Prehistoric Names of Weapons. 8* . 1876 Himalayan Origin and Connection of the Magyar Ugrian. 8* 1877 See Long and Porter. CLA CLO. Clarke, Hyde. The Early History of the Mediterranean Populations, &c., in their Migrations and Settlements, illus- trated from Autonomous Coins, Gems, Inscriptions, &c. 8* 1882 The Iberian and Belgian Influence and Epochs in Britain. 8* 1883 Examination of the Legend of Atlantis in reference to Protohistoric Communi- cation with America. 8* 1886 The Picts and Pre-Celtic Britain. 8* 1887 Clarke, Major H. W. The Sextant. 12* 1885 See United States, K (New York) : Appendix 2. Clarke, James. Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lanca- shire ; with an Account, Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive, of the adjacent Country ; and a Sketch of the Border Laws and Customs. 2nd edition. Maps. Folio 1789 The Delineator ; or, A Picturesque, Historical, and Topographical Descrip- tion of the Isle of Wight. Map. 12 Newport, 1812 Clarke, John. An Essay upon the Education of Youth in Grammar Schools; . . . to which is added, An Essay upon Study, &c. 12 Dublin, 1736 Clarke, J. Stanier. Progress of Maritime Discovery, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Eighteenth Century, forming an Extensive System of Hydro- graphy. Maps and plates. 4 1803 Naufragia ; or, Historical Memoirs of Shipwrecks, and of the Providential Deliverance of Vessels. Frontispiece. Small 8 1805 Clarke, R. Remarks on the Topography and Diseases of the Gold- Coast. Map and plate. 8* 1860 Clarke, Richard F. See Lavigerie. Clarke, W. B. New South Wales Inter- colonial and Philadelphia International Exhibitions. Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales, and Notes on the Geological Collection of the Department of Mines . . . ; also Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, and Notes on the Iron and Coal Deposits, Wallerawang, and on the Diamond Fields, by Prof. Liversidge. Maps and plates. 8 Sydney, 1875 Remarks on the Sedimentary Forma- tions of New South Wales, illustrated by references to other Provinces of Austral- asia. 4th edition. Maps. %> Sydney, 1878 Clarus, Ludwig. Das Passionsspiel zu Ober-Ammergau. Zweite umgearbeitete und verbesserte Auflage. Plate. [In- complete.] 8 Munich, 1860 Clauzel. Marechal. Nouvelles Observa- tions sur la Colonisation d'Alger. Map. 8 Paris, 1833 Clavering, Capt. Voyage. See Sabine. Clavigero, F. Saverio. History of Mexico : Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians' MSS., and Ancient Paintings of the Indians ; to which are added, Critical Dissertations on the Land, Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico. Translated from the Italian by C. Cullen. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1787 Storia della California. 2 vols. in I. Map. 8 Venice, 1789 Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de. See Hak- luyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 26 : Appendix i . Clay, Hon. Mrs J. R. See Casati. Clayborne, Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 : Appendix I. Clayton, J. W. Scenes and Studies ; or, Errant Steps and Stray Fancies. 8 1870 Cleghorn, Dr Hugh. The Forests and Gardens of South India. Map and plates. 8 1861 Report upon the Forests of the Punjab and the Western Himalaya. Maps. 8 Roorkee, 1864 Notes on the Botany and Agriculture of Malta and Sicily. 8* Edinburgh, 1870 Clement, A. Souvenirs d'un Sejour en Mesopotamie. Map. 8 [1865 ?] Clenard, Nicolaas. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Clennell, W. J. Report of an Overland Journey from Amoy to Foochow and back. 8* 1892 Clerk, Capt. Claude. See Blackwood, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Clerk, Mrs Godfrey. See Frere, A. M. Clerke, Capt. See Pelham, Vol. i : Appendix I. Clever, Charles P. New Mexico, her Resources, her Necessities for Railroad Communication with the Atlantic and Pacific States, her Great Future. 8* Washington, 1868 Clifford, H. J. See Hall, Capt. Basil. Clipperton, Capt. John. See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Clissold, F. Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc, i8th August 1822; with Appendix upon the Sensations experienced at Great Elevations. 8* 1823 Clodd, Edward. See Bates, H. W. Clogher, Robert Bishop of. A Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again. Translated from a Manu- script written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with some Missionaries de Propaganda Fide at Grand Cairo ; to which are added, Remarks on the Origin of Hieroglyphics, and the Mythology of the Ancient Heathens. Plates. Small 4 1753 Thesame. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 13 CLO COG. 99 Clone. Capt. G. C. Renseignements Hydrographiques sur la Mer d'Azof. Maps and plates. 8* Paris, 1856 Pilote de Terre - Neuve. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Paris, 1869 Clover, Richardson. See United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Clugnet, L. Geographic de la Soie : Etude geographique et statistique sur la production et la commerce de la Soie en cocon. Map. 8 Lyons, 1877 Clutterbuck, Walter J. The Skipper in Arctic Seas. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 About Ceylon and Borneo : being an Account of Two Visits to Ceylon and One to Borneo. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1891 See Lees, J. A. Cluverius, P. Introductions in Univer- sam Geographiam, tarn veterem quam novam. Lib. VI. accessit Bertii Brevi- arium Orbis terrarum. Plate. 32 Oxford, 1657 The same. Plate. 32 Amsterdam, 1670 Philippi Cluverii Introductio in Uni- versam Geographiam. Map and plates. 4 17" Philippi Cluverii Gedanensis. Sicilia Antiqua. Maps and plates. Folio Leyden, N.D. Clyde, Dr James. School Geography, loth edition. 8 Edinburgh, 1866 The same. 24th edition. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1890 Elementary Geography ; with Ap- pendix on Sacred Geography. 25th edition. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1892 Coats, Capt. W. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 12 : Appendix i. Cobharn, C. Delaval. An Attempt at a Bibliography of Cyprus. 12* A?U0Sta,l886 Cochard, Leon. Paris, Boukara, Samar- cande : Notes de Voyage. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1891 Cochelet, C. Narrative of the Ship- wreck of the "Sophia," in 1819, on the West Coast of Africa, and of the cap- tivity of part of the crew in the Desert of Sahara. Map and plates. 8 1822 See Phillips [3], Vol. 9: Appendix I. Cochran, William. Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor ; or, Notes from the Levant. Illustrations. 8 1887 Cochrane, Capt. C. S. Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, during 1823-24. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 ' 1825 Cochrane, Capt. J. Dundas. Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, from the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Ocean and Kamt- chatka. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1824 Ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 12 1825 Cockburn, Col. Appendix to Report on Emigration. Map. [Parliamentary Re- port.] Folio* 1828 Cockerell, . See Walpole, Travels : Appendix 2. Cocks, Alfred Heneage. Notes of a Naturalist on the West Coast of Spitz- bergen. 8* [1882] Cocks, Richard. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vols. 66, 67 ; Astley, Vol. i ; Purchas, Vols. 1,2; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Codazzi, Col. Rapport sur les Travaux Geographiques, &c., dans la Venezuela. 4* 1841 Jeografia fisica i politica de las Pro- vincias de la Nueva Granada. 4* Bogota, 1858 Codine, J. Memoire Geographique sur la Mer des Indes. 8 Paris, 1868 Codrington, Dr R. H. The Melanesian Languages. Maps. 8 Oxford, 1885 The Melanesians : Studies in their Anthropology and Folk-Lore. Map and illustrations. 8 Oxford, 1891 Coello, Francisco. Projecto de las Lineas Generales de Navegacion y de Ferro-Carriles en la Peninsula Espanola. Map. 8 Madrid, 1855 Noticias sobre las vias, poblaciones y Ruinas Antiguas, especialmente de la epoca Romana, en la Provincia de Alava. Map. 8 Madrid, 1875 La Cuestion del Rio Muni. Maps. 8* Madrid, 1889 Franc, de Luxan, and Augustin Pascual. Rasenas Geografica, Geo- logica, y Agricola de Esj ana. Small folio Madrid, 1859 Coen, C. J. Reise van Maarten Gerritsz Vries in 1643, naar het Noorden en Oosten van Japan, volgens het Journal gehouden door C. J. Coen ; op het schip "Castricum," naar het Handschrift, met bijlagen uitgegeven door P. A. Leupe; met Aanteekeningen over Japan en de Aino-Landen en Zeemansgids naar de Kurilen, door P. F. von Siebold. Map and facsimile. 8 Amsterdam, 1858 See Vries, M. G. Coen, Gustavo. Le Grandi Stracle del Commercio Internazionale proposte fino dal Secolo xvi. 12 Leghorn, 1888 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Our New Way round the Woild. Map and plates. 8 ' 1869 Coffin, . See Pearce, N. Cogan, Henry. See Pinto. Coghlan, J. B. See United States, Hydrogr. Off. Publ., No. 45: Appendix 2. Coghlan, T. A. The Wealth and Pro- gress of New South Wales, 1886-87, 1888-89. Maps and tables. 8 Sydney, 1887-89 100 COG COL. Coghlan, T. A. New South Wales : Statistical Register for 1891 and previous years. Large 8 Sydney, 1892 The Wealth and Progress of New South Wales, 1892. Map and diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1893 Coincy, L. de. Quelques mots sur la Cochinchine en 1866. 8* Paris, 1866 Coke, E. T. A Subaltern's Furlough : Descriptive of Scenes in various parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, during the Summer and Autumn of 1832. Plates. 8 1833 Coke, Hon. Henry J. A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and Cali- fornia, with a Glance at some of the Tropical Islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich Isles. Por- trait. 8 1852 Colange, L. de. The National Gazetteer : a Geographical Dictionary of the United States, compiled from the latest Official Authorities and Original Sources ; em- bracing a comprehensive Account of every State, Territory, County, City, Town, and Village throughout the Union, with Populations from the last National Census ; with all useful information pertaining to Railroads, Navigation, &c., &c. Large 8 [1884] Colban, Madame. See Hansteen. Colbeck, James Alfred. Letters from Mandalay, 1878-88. Edited by George H. Colbeck. 12 1892 Colborne, Major Hon. F. L. L. See Brackenbury. Colby, Col. Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Vol. I. Maps, plans, and plates. 4 Dublin, 1837 Cold, Conrad. Kiistenveranderungen im Archipel. 2nd edition. Maps. 8* Munich, 1886 Colding. A. Extiait d'un Memoire sur les lois des courants dans les conduites ordinaires et dans la mer. 4* Copenhagen [1873] Cole, G. R. Fitz-Roy. Transcaucasia. 8* 1877 Jon Jonsonn's Saga : the Genuine Autobiography of a Modern Icelander. 8* 1877 The Peruvians at Home. Crown 8 1884 Cole, H. H. See Catalogues, C: Appen- dix 2. Cole, J. W. Russia and the Russians ; with a Sketch of the Progress and Encroachments of Russia from the Time of the Empress Catherine. 8 1854 Cole, Nathan. The Royal Parks and Gardens of London, their history and mode of embellishment ; with hints on the propagation and culture of the Plants e.nployed, &c. Illustrations. 8 1877 Cole, R. A. An Elementary Grammar of the Coorg Language. 8 Bangalore, 1867 Colebrooke, Lieut. -Col. See Ceylon : Appendix 2. Coleman, Col. Houston Displayed ; or, Who Won the Battle of San Jacinto? By a Farmer in the Army. 8* Bastrop, Tex., 1841 Colenso, William. New Zealand Ex- hibition, 1865. Essay on the Botany of the North Island of New Zealand. 8 Dunedin, 1865 Coleridge, S. T. Six Months in the West Indies, in 1825. Map. 8 1825 Coles, John. Summer Travelling in Ice- land : being the Narrative of Two Journeys across the Island by unfre- quented routes ; with a Historical Introduction, and some Hints as to the Expenses and necessary Preparations for a Tour in Iceland ; with a Chapter on Askja, by E. Delmar Morgan ; contain- ing also a literal translation of three Sagas. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 1882 Colladon, Daniel. Resume historique des etudes geologiques et des travaux d'exca- vation entrepris en France et en Angle- terre en vue de 1'execution d'un chemin de fer sous la Manche. Renseignements et details officiels sur les premieres etudes pour la perforation mecanique et 1'aeration des longs tunnels par 1'air comprime. 8* Paris, 1883 Collens, J. H. Guide to Trinidad : a Handbook for the Use of Tourists and Visitors. Map and frontispiece. 8 Port-of- Spain, 1887 The same. 2nd edition. Illustra- tions. 8 1888 The Trinidad Official and Commer- cial Register and Almanack, 1892. 8 Port -of -Spain, 1891 Collett, Capt. H. See Central Asia, A: Appendix 2. Collet, Robert. See Norway, A (North Atlantic Expedition): Appendix 2. Colleville, Rev. Menlle de. Belgique et Congo, ou Richesse, Bienfaisance, et Gloire : Vers et Notes. 8* Brighton, 1 886 Colin, E. Observatoire Royal de Mada- gascar : Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Tananarive, par le R. P. E. Colin, S.J., 1889. 8* Antananarivo, 1890 Observations Meteorologiques faites a Tananarive, par le R. P. E. Colin, S. J. , Observatoire Royal de Madagascar. Vol. 2. 8* Antananarivo, 1891 Colinza, Stephen. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book I : Appendix I. COL. 101 Collier, J. P., and Capt W. H. Smyth. Letters on Certain Passages in the Life of Admiral Sir John Hawkins. 4 1850 Collingridge, George. The Fantastic Islands of the Indian Ocean and of Australasia in the Middle Ages, and their significance in connection with the early Cartography of Australia. 8* Sydney, 1892 Collingwood, Cuthbert. Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea. Illustrations. 8 1 868 Collingwood, J. T. See Waitz. Collins, David. Account of the English Colony in New South Wales ; with Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, &c., of the Native Inhabitants of that Country ; to which are added some Particulars of New Zealand, com- piled from the MSS. of Lieut. -Governor King. Maps and plates. 4 !79^ Collins, Francis. See Lull, E. P. Collins, F. See Phillips [2], Vol. 6 : Ap- pendix i. Collins, J. Report on the Caoutchouc of Commerce : being Information on the Plants yielding it, their Geographical Distribution, Climatic Conditions, and the Possibility of their Cultivation and Acclimatisation in India ; with a Me- morandum on the same subject by Dr Brandis. Maps and plates. Small 4 1872 Collins, Lewis. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, embracing its History, Anti- quities, and Natural Curiosities ; Geo- graphical, Statistical, and Geological Descriptions. Maps, portraits, and plates. 8 Cincinnati, 1847 Collins, Perry M'Donough. A Voyage Down the Amoor ; with a Land Journey through Siberia, and Incidental Notices of Manchooria, Kamschatka, and Japan. Plates. 12 1860 Collinson, John. Descriptive Account of Captain Bedford Pirn's project for an International Atlantic and Pacific Junc- tion Railway across Nicaragua, Report, and Estimate of Cost. Maps. 8* 1866 - and W. A. Bell. The Denver Pacific Railway, its Present Position and Future Prospects. Map. 8* 1870 Collinson, Admiral Sir R. China Pilot. East Coast, from Hongkong to Shanghai. Edited by Robert Loney. 8 1855 The Coasts of China and Tartary, from Canton River to the Sea of Okhotsk, with the adjacent Islands. 8 1858 Journal of H.M.S. "Enterprise," on the Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin's Ships by Behring Strait, 1850- 55. by Capt. Richard Collinson ; with a Memoir of his other services. Edited by his brother Major-General T. B. Col- linson. R.E. Frontispiece, portrait, and maps. 8 1889 Collinson, Admiral Sir R. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 38 : Appendix I. Collinson, Major Maitland, and Staff- Commander J. C. Richards. On Fog-Signals, &c. Plates. 8* [1876] Colmer, J. G. The Dominion of Canada as it will appear to the Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1884. Map. 8* 1884 Colnett, Capt. J. Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, for the purpose of extend- ing the Spermaceti Whale Fisheries and other objects of Commerce, by ascer- taining the Ports, Bays, Harbours, and Anchoring Berths in certain Islands and Coasts in those Seas. Maps and plates. 4 1798 Colomb, Sir J. C. R. Colonial Defence and Colonial Opinion. Small 8* 1877 The Naval and Military Resources of the Colonies. Small 8* 1879 See White. Colon, Christoval and Fernando. See Columbus. Colquhoun, Archibald R. Across Chryse: being the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration through the South China Border Lands from Canton to Mandalay. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1883 The Truth about Tonquin : being the Times Special Correspondence. 12 [1884] English Policy in the Far East : being the Times Special Correspondence. 8 1885 Amongst the Shans ; with upwards of Fifty whole-page Illustrations, and a Historical Sketch of the Shans, by Holt S. Hallett ; preceded by an Introduction on the Cradle of the Shan Race, by Terrien de Lacouperie. Map. 8 1885 Exploration in Southern and South- western China. R.G.S. Supplementary Papers, Vol. 2. Maps. Large 8 1889 and Holt S. Hallett. Report on the Railway Connexion of Burmah and China ; with Account of Exploration- Survey by Holt S. Hallett, accompanied by Surveys, Vocabularies, and Appendices. Maps and illustrations. Folio [ 1 884] Colquhoun, E. P. See Ulrichs. Colquhoun, P. A Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire in every quarter of the World, including the East Indies. 4 1815 Colthurst, Capt. See Kerr, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Colthurst, Miss. A Natural Scale of Heights, .by the application of which the Measures of different Countries are re- duced to a Common Measure known to all Geographers. Table. Folio (folded 8*) N.i). ioi COL COM. Colton's Traveler and Tourist's Route- Book through the United States of America and the Canadas ; containing the Routes and Distances on the Great Lines of Travel, by Railroads, Stage Roads, Canals, Lakes, and Rivers. Map. 12 Neiv York, 1851 Colton, C. Tour of the American Lakes, and among the Indians of the Norih- West Territory, in 1830, disclosing the Character and Prospects of the Indian Race. 2 vols. 8 1833 Columbus, Bartholomew. See Wieser. Columbus, Christopher. Carta de Cris- tobal Colon enviada He Lisboa a Barce lona en Marzo de 1493. Nueva edicion critica ; conteniendo las variantes de los diferentes textos, juicio sobre estos, re- flexiones tendentes a mostrar a quien la Carta fue escrita, y varias otras Noticias, por el Seudonimo de Valencia. Map. 1 6 Vienna, 1869 La Historia de D. Fernando Colon, en la qual se da particular y verdadera relacion de la Vida y Hechos de el Almi- rante D. Christoval Colon su padre, y del descubrimiento de las Indias Occi- dentales . . . que tradujo de Espaiiol en Italiano Alonso de Ulloa ; y aora, por no parecer el Original Espanol, facada del traslado Italiano. Folio N.P., N.D. Lettera rarissima di Cristoforo Co- lombo riprodotta e illustrate dal Cavaliere Ab. Morelli. Small 8 Bassano, 1810 Letter of, describing his First Voyage to the Western Hemisphere. Small 8* Neiv York, 1875 Los Restos de Colon. Informe de la Real Academia de la Historia al Gobierno de S. M. sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los verdaderos restos de Cristoval Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de Santo Domingo. Plates. 12* Madrid, 1879 Origine, patria e gioventu di Cristo- foro Colombo. Studi critici e docu- mentari con ampla analisi degli atti di Salinerio per Celsus. Large 8 3 Lisbon, 1886 De Insulis nuper inventis. The Letter of Christopher Columbus announc- ing the Discovery of the New World : a Facsimile of the Earliest Edition, with Illustrations, reproduced for John S. Kennedy, President of the Lenox Library. 12 New York, 1890 The Spanish Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant' Angel Escribano de Racion of the Kingdom of Aragon, dated I5th February 1493. [Reprinted in facsimile.] Translated and edited from the Unique Copy of the Original Edition (printed at Barcelona early in April 1493. ) 4 1891 Christophe Colomb et ses Historiens Espagnols. 8* Paris, 1892 Columbus, Christopher. IlisownBook of Privileges, 1502. Photographic Fac- simile of the MS. Transliteration by G. P. Barwick ; Introduction by Henry Harrisse. Compiled and edited by B. F. Stevens. Plates. Folio 1893 See Bossi, L. ; Elton, C. J. ; Fox, G. V.; Harrisse; Markham, C. R. ; Peragallo ; Peretti ; Radlinsky ; Rein ; Ruge ; Silva ; Urbani ; Varnhagen ; also Burney, Vol. I ; Churchill, Vol. 2 ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 2, 43, 86 ; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 3 ; Knox's Collection, Vol. i ; Laharpe, Vol. 9 ; Navarette, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 12; Purchas, Vol. i; Cartas de Indias, p. 612; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 14; A General Collection, p. 610 ; The World Displayed, Vol. I, p. 609: Ap- pendix i. Columbus Documents. Raccolta di Documenti e Studi pubblicati dalla R. Commissione Colombiana per quarto centenario dalla scoperta dell' America. Large 4 Koine Part i. Vols. i, 2, and 3 ; and Sup- plement to Vol. 3 1894 Part 2. Vols. 2 and 3 1894 Part 3. Vols. I and 2 1892-93 Part 4. Vols. i and 2 1892-93 Part 6. Unico 1893 Columbus, Ferdinand. See Lazzaroni ; Lollis ; Peragallo. Colvile, Col. H. E. A Ride in Petticoats and Slippers. Map and frontispiece. Small 8 1880 The Accursed Land ; or, First Steps on the Water- Way of Edoni. Map and frontispiece. Crown 8 1884 See United Kingdom, G : Appendix 2. Colvile, Mrs Zelie. Round the Black Man's Garden. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 Colvin, Verplanck. State of New York : Report on the Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness of New York, for the years 1872, 1873. Maps. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1873, ^74 Combes, Ed. , et M. Tamisier. Voyage en Abyssinie, dans le Pays des Galla, de Choa, et d'Ifat ; precede d'une Excur- sion dans 1'Arabie-Heureuse, 1835-37. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1838 Combette, Ch. Geographic Commerciale des Colonies Fra^aises. 8 Paris, 1890 Comelin, Fran. Philemon de la Motte, and Jos. Bernard (Mathurin-Trinitarian Fathers). Voyage to Barbary for the Redemption of Captives in 1720; with lists of more than 400 Slaves ransomed from Mequinez, also exact draughts of that place, Alcasar, Oran, and its neigh- bourhood. Maps and plates. 8 D 1735 Comnos, Dr G. Ueber Nummerirungs- systeme fUr wissentlich geordnete Bib- liotheken. 8 Athens, 1874 COM-CON. io 3 Comoy. Etude pratique sur les Marees Fluviales, et Notamment sur le Mascaret, application aux Travaux de la partie maritime des Fleuves. Text and Atlas [in one]. Plates. 8 Paris, 1881 Compagnon, . See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Compiegne, Marquis de. L'Afrique Equatoriale,Okanda-Bangouens-Osyeba. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1875 The same. Gabonais-Pahouins-Gal- lois. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1875 Notice Necrologique sur M. le Mar- quis de Compiegne, par C. Guillemine. 8* Cairo, 1877 Compte, Louis le. Memoirs and Observa- tions . . . made in a late Journey through the Empire of China, and published in several Letters. Translated from the Paris edition, and illustrated with Figures. 8 1697 Nouveaux Memoires sur 1'etat present de la Chine. 3 vols. 12 Vols. I and 2, 3rd edition, 1697 ; Vol. 3, 2nd edi- tion, 1700 Part's Memoirs and Remarks made in above Ten Years' Travels through the Empire of China. From the French. Plates. 8 1738 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 ! The World Displayed, Vol. 16: Appendix I. Compton, G. T. See Zsigmondy. Compton, Edward. See Compton, Theo- dore. Compton, Theodore. A Mendip Valley, its Inhabitants and Surroundings : being an enlarged and illustrated edition of Winscombe Sketches ; with original illustrations by Edward Compton, and a Chapter on the Geological History of the Mendips by Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan. 8 1892 Comstock, Lieut. -Col. C. B. See United States, H, a (Professional Papers) : Ap- pendix 2. Conant, Helen S. See Charnay. Condamine, C. M.dela. R elation abregee d'un Voyage fait dans 1'Interieur de 1'Amerique Meridionale, depuis la Cote de la Mer de Sud jusqu'aux Cotes du Bresil et de la Guiana, en descendant la Riviere des Amazones. Map. 8 Paris, 1745 A Succinct Abridgment of a Voyage made within the inland parts of South America, from the Coasts of the South Sea to the Coasts of Brazil and Guiana, down the River of Amazons. Map. 8 1747 Journal du Voyage fait par Ordre clu Roi, a 1'Equateur, servant cl'Introduction Historique a la Mesure des trois premiers Degres du Meridian ; avec Supplement, servant de reponse a quelques objections. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1751-52 Condamine, M. de la. See Laharpe, Vol. ii; Pinkerton, Vol. 14; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 15, 16 : Appendix I. Conder, Major C. R. The High Sanc- tuary at Jerusalem. Plates. 4* 1878 Tent Work in Palestine : a Record of Discovery and Adventure. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1879 Heth and Moab : Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. Published for the Committee of the Palestine Explora- tion Fund. Map and plates. 8 1883 Syrian Stone-Lore ; or, The Monu- mental History of Palestine. Published for the Committee of the Palestine Ex- ploration Fund. Maps and illustrations. 8 1886 Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite In- scriptions. Plates. 8 1887 Palestine. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 Conder, Josiah. Modern Traveller : a Description of the various Countries of the Globe. 30 vols. Maps and plates. 12 1831 Dictionary of Geography, Ancient and Modern, comprising a succinct Description of all the Countries of the Globe, and a Glossary of Geographical Terms. 12 1834 See Pringle, T. Condrea, Petru. Dictionar Geografic al Judetului Roman. 8 Bucharest, 1891 Condurateanu, D. P. Dictionar Geo- grafic al Judetului Dambovita. 8 Bucharest, 1890 Coninck, Fred. de. Du Percement de 1'Isthme de Suez, nouvelles considera- tions. 8* Havre, 1859 Coningham, W. See Fitz- James. Conklin, E. Picturesque Arizona : being the Result of Travels and Observations in Arizona during the Fall and Winter of 1877. Plates. 8 New York, 1878 Conkling, A. R. Appleton's Guide to Mexico, including a Chapter on Guate- mala, and an English- Mexican Vocab- ulary. 3rd edition. Map and illustra- tions. 8 New York, 1889 Conn, W. See Mandat-Grancey. Connell, Robert. St Kilda and the St Kildians. Crown 8 1887 Connemara, Lord. See Rees, J. D. Connor, Bernard. See Harris, Vol. 2 ; New Collection, Vol. 4: Appendix i. Connor, E. J. A Table of Products, Quotients, Squares, and Roots. 4* 1867 Table of Sines, &c. 8 Bombay, \?&a Conolly, Lieut. Arthur. Journey to the North of India, Overland from England through Russia, Persia, and Afighaun- istaun 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1838 1O4 CON COO. Conolly, John. Address to the Ethnolo- gical Society of London ; with a Sketch of the Recent Progress of Ethnology by R. Cull. 8* 1855 "Conquina." See Shields. Conrad, F. W. Canal de Suez : Etat de la Question. 8* The Hague, 1858 Conring, A. von. Marroco, das Land und die Leute : allgemeine geograph- ische und ethnographische Verhaltnisse. Verfassung ; Stadte ; Land ; Bewohner ; Handelsbeziehungen ; Produkte ; poli- tische Verhaltnisse ; Europaer und deren Vertreter. Map and plan. 8 Berlin, 1880 Conring, von. Nocheinmal dieAuswan- derung nach Uruguay. 8* Berlin, 1864 Cons, Henri. La Province Romaine de Dalmatic. Map. 8 Paris, 1882 Consett, Matthew. A Tour through Sweden, Swedish- Lapland, Finland, and Denmark. Plates. 4 1789 Constable, A. See Bernier. Constable, Commander C. G., and Lieut. A. W. Stiffe. Memorandum on the Recent Surveying Operations in the Persian Gulf, in 1857-60; with a brief Review of the Existing Charts, and a Table of Maritime Positions. 8* 1862 - La Pilote du Golfe Persique, com- prenant le Golfe d'Omman . . . Traduit de 1'Anglais par M. Hocquart. 2 parts. 8 Paris, 1866 See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. Constantin, Dr (Baron von Ettings- hausen). See New South Wales : Ap- pendix 2. Constantin, Vicomte de. L'Archiman- drite Pa'isi et 1' Ataman Achinoff, une Expedition religieuse en Abyssinie. 3rd edition. Frontispiece. 12 Paris, 1891 Constantine the Great. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Contarini, Ambrose. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 49; Kerr, Vol. 2: Ap- pendix I. Conte, Dr John Lawrence le. See Scudder. Conti, Nicolo. See Bellemo ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 22 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I ; Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix i. Conway, Gordon, L. Administration Report on the Railways in India for 1886-87. Map and diagrams. Folio 1887 Conway, Sir W. M. Climbers' Guide to the Central Pennine Alps. 16 1890 Climbers' Guide to the Eastern Pen- nine Alps. 32 1891 See Dent, C. T. Conway and Coolidge's Climbers' Guides : The Central Alps of the Dauphiny. By W. A. B. Coolidge, H. Duhamel, and T. Perrin. 32 1892 Conway and Coolidge^s Maps of the Dauphiny Alps. - The Lepontine Alps. By W. M. Conway and W. A. B. Coolidge. 32 1892 Conwell, Eugene Alfred. On an In- scribed Cromleac near Rathkenny, Co. Meath. Plates. 8* 1866 Conwentz, H. See Sweden, A (Ser. C., No. 120) : Appendix 2. Conybeare, H. C. A. Note on Pargana Dudhi of the Mirzapur District, with Special Reference to its Land Assess- ment. Maps. Folio* Allahabad, 1879 Conybeare, W. D. , and William Phillips. Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales ; with an Introductory Compen- dium of the General Principles of that Science, and Comparative Views of the Structure of Foreign Countries. Part I. Maps. 8 1822 Conygrave, J. F. Handbook of South Australia. Plan and illustrations. 8 1886 Coode, Sir John. The Respective Values of British and Irish Produce exported to British Possessions, and of the Im- ports to the United Kingdom from those Possessions, during the years 1874 and 1884. Diagrams. 8* ' 1886 Norman River Bar. Plans. Folio* {Brisbane] 1888 Cook, George H. Report on the Varie- ties of Salt. 8* Albany, N.Y., 1853 Cook, Capt. James. Voyage toward the South Pole and round the World, per- formed in H.M.S. "Resolution" and "Adventure," 1772-75; in which is included Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings in the "Adventure" during the separation of the ships. 2 vols. Portraits, maps, and plates. 4 1777 Voyages dans 1'Hemisphere Austral et autour du Monde, en 1772-75, dans lequel on a insere la Relation du Capit. Furneaux et Forster. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1778 Voyages of Discovery. Edited by John Barrow. Plates. Small 4 Edinburgh, 1860 Centenaire de la Mort de Cook, celebre le 14 Fevrier 1879 (Cartographic et Bibliographic par James Jackson). Map. 8* Paris, 1879 See Besant ; Hawkesworth ; Kippis ; Simpson ; Wales ; Wharton ; also Kerr, Vols. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; Laharpe, Vols. 19-24; Pinkerton, Vol. n; Modern Traveller, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. coo. 105 Cook, Capt. James, and Capt. James King 1 . Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemi- sphere, to determine the Position and Extentof the West Side of North America, its Distance from Asia, and the Practica- bility of a Northern Passage to Europe ; under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in H.M.S. the "Re- solution" and "Discovery," 1776-80. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4. [2 copies] 1784 Maps and Plates to above. Large folio. Cook, John. See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Ap- pendix I. Cook, John M. The Nile Expedition, 1884-85. Mr John M. Cook's Visit to the Soudan : an Address, delivered at the Royal Normal College for the Blind, Upper Norwood. 8* ' [1885] Cook, Samuel. The Jenolan Caves : an Excursion in Australian Wonderland. Map and plates. 4 1889 Cook, Capt. S. E. Sketches in Spain in 1829-30-31 and 1832. 2 vols. 8 1834 Cooke, Col. A. C. Routes to Abyssinia. Maps. 8* 1867 - The same. Another edition ; with a Preface by Sir H. James. 8* 1867 See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. Cooke, C. Kinloch. Australian Defences and New Guinea. Compiled from the Papers of the late Major-General Sir Peter Scratchley ; with an Introductory Memoir. Portrait and maps. 8 1887 Cooke, G. Wingrove. China : being The Times Special Correspondence from China in 1857-58, with Corrections and Additions. Map and plates. 12 1858 Cooke, Lieut. -Col. Philip St George. Official Journal of a March from Santa Fe, in New Mexico, to San Diego, in Upper California. 8* Washington, 1849 Cooke, Thomas Fothergill. Authorship of the Practical Electric Telegraph of Great Britain, or the Brunei Award Vindicated ; in seven Letters, &c. 8 Bath, 1868 Cooke, William Fothergill. The Elec- tric Telegraph : Was it Invented by Pro- fessor Wheatstone ? 2 vols. Cuts. 8 1856-57 The same. 4th edition. 8 1866 Cooke, Colonel W. S. -SV^United King- dom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. Cooley, W. Desborough. History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. 12 1830-31 Histoire Generate des Voyages de Decouvertes Maritimes et Continentales depuis le Commencement du Monde jusqu'a nos jours. Traduite de 1'Anglais par Ad. Joane et Oldnick. 3 vols. 12 1840 Cooley, W. Desborough. Negroland of the Arabs Examined and Explained ; or, An Inquiry into the Early History and Geography of Central Africa. Map. 8 1841 Inner Africa Laid Open, in an At- tempt to Trace the Chief Lines of Com- munication across that Continent south of the Equator ; with the Routes to the Muropue and the Cazembe, Moenemoezi, and Lake Nyassa ; the Journeys of Krapf and Rebmann on the Eastern Coast, and the Discoveries of Oswell and Living- stone in the heart of the country. Map. 8 1852 Claudius Ptolemy and the Nile ; or, An Enquiry into that Geographer's real merits and speculative errors, his know- ledge of Eastern Africa, and the authen- ticity of the Mountains of the Moon. Map. 8 1854 Dr Livingstone's Reise vom Fluss Liambey nach Loanda, in 1853-54* kritisch und kommentarisch beleuchtet. Map. 4* Got ha, 1855 Memoir of the Lake Regions of East Africa Reviewed (in reply to Capt. R. Burton). 8* 1864 Dr Livingstone's Errors. 8* [1865] Memoire sur le Tacuy de Barros. 8* Parts, 1869 - Notice sur P. Paez. 8* Paris, 1872 Dr Livingstone and the Royal Geo- graphical Society. Small 8* 1874 Physical Geography, or the Terraque- ous Globe and its Phenomena. Maps, plate, &c. 8 1876 See Parrot, F. Coolidge, Rev. W. A. B. Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide- Books. 12 1889 Was ist eine " Erste Besteigung." Separatabdruck aus No. 375 vom 26 Mai 1893, der Oesterr. Alpen-Zeitung. Large 8* Vienna, 1893 Die Deutsch redenden Gmeinden im Grauen oder Oberen Bunde (Rhatien) der Schweiz. Separatabdruck aus Nos. 376-7, Oesterr. Alpen-Zeitung. Large 8* 1893 See Conway, W. M. H. Duhamel, and F. Perrin. Guide du Haut-Dauphine. Map. 12 Grenoble, 1887 - The same. Supplement. 12 Grenoble, 1890 Coope, W. J. Swazieland as an Imperial Factor. Maps. 8* N.D. Cooper, . Method of Adjusting and Using the Ilydropneumatic Baroscope, with Tables for the Direct Determina- tion of the Difference of Level. [2 leaves.} Tables. 4* N.P., N.I). io6 coo-coR. Cooper, Augustus. The Colonies of the United Kingdom : a Descriptive and Statistical Work of Reference, contain- ing also some Important and Serious Facts connected with the Over-Popula- tion, Distress, and Chronic Scarcity of Employment in England. 3rd edition. 8 Brighton, 1888 Cooper, A. J. The Unequal Distribution of Heat over the Earth's Surface ; or, New Theory of Tropical Heat, Polar Cold, Mountain Snows, and the Earth's Di- urnal Revolution. 8* Liverpool, 1878 Cooper, Charlotte F. See Pfeiffer. Cooper, E. J. Catalogue of Stars near the Ecliptic observed at Markree during 1848-56, and whose places are supposed to be hitherto unpublished. 4 vols. 8 Dublin, 1851-56 Cooper J. G. See United States, K (Cali- fornia) : Appendix 2. Cooper, Joseph. The Lost Continent ; or, Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa, 1875. AIa P- 8 l8 75 See Berlioux. Cooper, J. Rhodes. NewZealand Settler's Guide : a Sketch of the Present State of the Six Provinces, with a Digest of the Constitution and Land Regulations. Maps. 12 1857 Cooper, Thomas. Men of the Time : a Dictionary of Contemporaries, containing Biographical Notices of Eminent Charac- ters of Both Sexes. 9th edition, revised by Thomas Cooper. 8 1875 The same. Neweds. 1887, 1891, 1895 Cooper, T. T. Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce in Pigtail and Petticoats ; or, An Overland Journey from China towards India.. Map and plate. 8 1871 The Mishmee Hills : an Account of a Journey made in an Attempt to Pene- trate Thibet from Assam to open new Routes for Commerce. Map and plates. 12 1873 Cooper, W\ M. Track from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. Map. Large 8* Sydney, 1885 Coorengel, J. G. See Robide Van der Aa. Coote, Sir Charles. Statistical Survey of the County of Armagh, with Obser- vations on the Means of Improvement. Maps. 8 Dublin, 1804 Coote, C. H. Shakspere's New Map in "Twelfth Night." Small 8* 1878 See Schoner, Johann ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 72 : Appendix I. Coote, Walter. Wanderings, South and East. Charts and illustrations. 8 1882 The Western Pacific : being a De- scription of the Groups of Islands to the North and East of the Australian Con- tinent. Charts and illustrations. 12 1883 Cope, E. D. An Examination of the Reptilia and Batrachia obtained by the Orton Expedition to Equador and the Upper Amazon, with Notes on other Species. 8* Philadelphia, 1868 See United States, G, a (Reports, Vol. 3) : Appendix 2. Copland, John. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Copland, Rev. P. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4 : Appendix I. Copland, Samuel. History of the Island of Madagascar, comprising a Political Account of the Island, the Religion, &c., of its Inhabitants, and its Natural Pro- ductions. Map. 8 1822 Coppinger, R. W. Cruise of the "Alert": Four Years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene Waters, 1878-82. Plates. Large 8 1883 Coquilhat, Camille. Sur le Haut-Congo. Maps and ilhistrations. 8 Paris, 1888 Cora, Prof. Guido. Da Brindisi a Bombay sguardo Fisico, Politico, Etnografico, Storico ; Economico sulla Linea di Navigazione da Brindisi a Bombay attra- verso il Canale di Suez. 8* Casale, 1869 Spedizione Italiana alia Nuova Guinea. 12* Rome, 1872 II Tanjanika, Bacino chiuso. Map. 4* [Turin, 1873] Cenni Generali intorno ad un Viaggio nella Bassa Albania (Epiro), ed a Tripoli di Barberia compiuto dal Set- tembre 1874 al Gennaio 1875. Map. 4* Turin, 1875 Cenni sui Lavori del Comitato Polare Internationale (Sessioni d'Amburgo, 1879, e di Berna, 1880), e sulla Pro- gettata Stazione Scientifica Italiana nelle Emisfero Meridionale. Lettura fatta il 5 Dicembre 1880 alia Societa Geo- grafica Italiana. 8* Koine, 1880 Sulle Progettate Stazioni per Osser- vazioni Fisiche Sistematiche nelle Regioni Polari. 4* [Rome} 1880 Cenni Intorno all' Attuale Indirizzo degli Studi Geografici. 8* Turin, 1881 Note Cartografiche sulla Reggenza di Tunisi. 2nd edition. 8* Turin, 1881 II Sahara : Appunti e Considerazioni di Geografia Fisica. Map. 8* Rome, 1882 1'Hegiaz Settentrionale tra El-Wigh, Medina e Bedr Honen. Map and plans. Small folio* [Turin] 1885 Delia Superficie Terrestre come Oggetto Precipuo della Geografia. 4* Turin, 1885 I Precursor! di Cristoforo Colombo verso 1'America, Conferenza tenteta allo Societa Geografica. Italiana il 30 Marza 1885. 8* Roma, 1886 COR. 107 Cora, Prof. Guido. Balcanica Penisola. (Dal Supplemento alia 6a Edizione della Enciclopedia Italiana. ) 4* Turin, 1889 Della opportunita di costituire un comitato apposilo per promuovere siste- maticamente la Corografiascientific adella Regione Italiana e Proposta per 1'attua- zone pratica dell' Idea. 8* Genoa, 1892 Coraboeuf, M. Les Operations Geode- siques des Pyrenees. Alap. 4 Paris, 1831 Corbaux, Fanny. On the Comparative Physical Geography of the Arabian Frontier of Egypt, at the Earliest Epoch of Egyptian History and at the Present Time. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1848 Corbin, Diana Fontaine Maury. A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury. Compiled by his daughter Diana Fon- taine Maury Corbin. 8 1888 Corcelle, J. Industries et Richesses du Bugey. 8* Bourg, 1885 Cordeau, A. See Filon. Cordeiro, Luciano. Viagens : Hespanha e Frana. 12 Lisbon, 1874 - Viagens : Franca, Baviera, Austria, e Italia. 12 Lisbon, 1875 De la part prise par les Portugais dans la Decouverte de 1'Amerique. 8* Lisbon, 1876 Portugal e o Movimento Geographico Moderno. 8* Lisbon, 1877 Noticia do Cunene. 12* Lisbon, 1878 L'Hydrographie Africaine au XVI e Siecle, d'apres les Premieres Explora- tions Portugaises. 8* Lisbon, 1878 Catalogos e indicis as Publica9aoes da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. 8 Lisbon, 1889 Descobertas e Descobridores, Diogo Cao. Memoria apresentada a loa sessao do Congresso Internacional dos Orienta- listas. Plates. 8* Lisbon, 1892 See Figueiredo, B. de ; Moraes ; also Portugal, B : Appendix 2. Cordero, Manuel D. See Segura. Cordes, Simon de. See Burney, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Cordier, H. A Narrative of the Recent Events in Tong-king. 8* Shanghai, 1875 Bibliotheca Sinica. Dictionnaire Bib- liographique des Ouvrages relatifs a FEmpire Chinois. 2 vols. Large 8 Paris, 1878-85 Essai d'une Bibliographic des Ouv- rages publics en Chine par les Euro- peans au XVII 6 et au XVIII 6 Siecle. 4* Paris, 1883 Le Conflit entre la France et la Chine : Etude d'Histoire Coloniale et de droit International. 8* Paris, 1883 Le Consulat de France a Hue sous la Restauration : Documents inedits tires des Archives des Departements des Affaires Etrangeres de la Marine et des Colonies. 8 Paris, 1884 Cordier, H. Le Colonel Sir Henry Yule. 8* Paris, 1890 See Odoric de Pordenone ; also Cata- logues : Appendix 2. Cordiner, James. Description of Cey- lon, containing an Account of the Country, Inhabitants, and Natural Pro- ductions ; with a Tour round the Island in 1800, the Campaign in Candy in 1803, and a Journey to Ramisseram in 1804. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 4 1807 Cordova, A. de. See Phillips [3], Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Cordova, Franciscus Hernandez de. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 3 ; Laharpe, Vol. 9 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Cordova, J. de. Texas, her Capabilities and Resources : the Substance of Two Lectures, &c. 8* Manchester, 1858 Corio, Lodovico. I Commerci dell' Africa. Pubblicazione della Societa d'Esplorazione Commerciale in Africa. 12 Milan, 1890 Cormack, W. E. Narrative of a Journey across the Island of Newfoundland. 8 St John's, Newfoundland, 1856 Cornado, F. Vasquez de. See Burney, Vol. I ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Cornejo, Adrian F. See Angelis, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Cornelissen, J. E. On the Temperature of the Sea at the Surface near the South- point of Africa. Tables. 4* Utrecht [1868] Cornelius, C. S. Grundriss der physik- alischen Geographic. 8 Halle, 1851 Cornelius, Elias. Tour in Virginia. See Phillips [3], Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Cornwall, Ira, junior. St John and the Province of New Brunswick. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 St John, N. D. Cornwall, Richard, Earl of. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Cornwallis, Kinahan. Two Journeys to Japan, 1856-57. 2 vols. 8 1859 Cornish, W. R. Report on the Census of the Madras Presidency, 1871 ; with Appendix containing the Results, &c. 2 vols. Folio Madras, 1874 Cornwell, James. A School Geography. (47th edition.) Maps. 8 1870 Coronado. See Cornado. Coronelli, J. Isolario dell' Atlante Veneto. Parti. Maps. Folio yiem'ce,i6g6 Correa, Caspar. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 42 : Appendix I. Correa da Silva, C. E. Uma Viagem ao Estabelecimento Portuguez de S. Joao Baptista de Ajuda na Costa da Mina, em 1865. Plan. 8 Lisbon, 1866 COR. Correal, F. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15 : Appendix I. Corry, Joseph. Observations upon the Windward Coast of Africa ; the Religion, Character, Customs, &c., of the Natives, with a System upon which they may be Civilised, and a Knowledge attained of this extraordinary quarter of the Globe, and upon the Natural and Commercial Resources of the Country, made in 1805-6; with an Appendix. Plates. 4 1807 Corsali, Andrea. See Ramusio, Vol. i : Appendix i. Cortambert, E. De 1'Orthographie Geographique. 8* Parts, 1846 Notice biographique du Baron C. A. Walckenaer. 8* Paris, 1853 Parallele de la Geographic et de 1'Histoire. 8* Paris, 1854 Rapport sur le Voyage dans la Tur- quie d'Europe, par M. Viquesnel ; et Notice Statistique sur 1'Empire Otto- man. 8 Paris, 1857 Coup-d'oeil Historique sur les Voy- ages et sur les Progres de la Geographic depuis 1800 jusqu'en 1856. Royal 8* Lagny, N.D. Esquisse de la Geographic, de 1'Eth- nographie et de 1'Histoire naturelle d'une partie d'Afrique Australe Interieure (du cours superieur du Fleuve Orange au cours du Zambeze). Royal 8* Paris, 1858 Tableau General de 1'Amerique : Rapport sur les Progres de 1'Ethno- graphie et de la Geographic en Amer- ique pendant 1858 et 1859. 8 Paris, 1860 Dernieres Explorations en Australie : Burke, 1860-61 ; Macdouall Stuart, 1 86 1. 8* ' Paris, N.D. Trois des plus Anciens Monuments Geographiques du Moyen Age, con- serves a la Bibliotheque Nationale. Maps. 8* Paris, 1877 and L. de. Rosny. Tableau de la Cochin-Chine, redige sous les auspices de la Societe d'Ethnographie . . . pre- cede d'une introduction par Paul de Bourgoing. Map, plan, and plates. 8 Paris, 1862 Corte-Real, Caspar. See Canto; Harrisse; also Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 ; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 86: Ap- pendix i. Cortes, Hernan or Fernando. Carta de relacion . . . por . . . D. Fernando Cortes, en la qual hace relacion de las Tierras i Provincias sin cuento que a descubierto nuevamente en el Jucatan, del ano de 19 a esta parte, &c. Folio Seville, 1522 Cortes, Hernan or Fernando. Carta tercera de relacion . . . por D. Fernando Cortes . . . de las cosas sucedidas ... en la conquista . , . de la ... Ciudad de Temixtitan. Folio [Cuioacatt] 1522 Carta, o quarta relacion, que Fer- nando Cortes . . . embio al . . . Senor Don Carlos ... en la qual estan otras Cartas y Relaciones que los Capitanes Pedro de Alvarado y Diego de Godoy embiaron al dicho Capitan Fernando Cortes. Folio N.P., 1524 See Gayangos ; also Burney, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 40 ; Harris, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 3 ; Laharpe, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 5 ; Ra- musio, Vol. 3 ; New Collection, Vol. I, p. 607; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 ; The World Displayed, Vols. i, 2: Ap- pendix i. Cortes, J. D. Bolivia, Apuntes jeogra- ficos, estadisticos, de Costumbres descrip- tivos e historicos. Small 8 Paris, 1875 Corti, Siro. Le Provincie d' Italia, studi- ate sotto 1'aspetto Geografico e Storico. 1 2 Maps and illustrations Turin i. Provincia di Firenze 1887 2. Pisa 1886 3. Livorno 1886 4. Lucca 1886 5. Massa Carrara 1886 6. Arezzo 1886 7. Siena 1886 3 (jTO c ' c 'Ct.O 1886 9. Regione Siciliana 1886 10. Provincia di Palermo 1886 ii. Messina 1886 12. Catania 1886 13. Caltanissetta 1886 14. Girgenti 1886 15. Trapani 1886 1 6. Siracusa 1886 17. Milano 1887 T O "IJin'rri v*-*- 1887 19. Como 1887 20. Brescia 1887 21. Cremona 1887 22. Mantova 1887 - p 1887 24. Sondrio 1887 25. Napoli 1888 26. Caserta 1888 27. Salerno 1888 28. Avellino 1888 29. Benevento 1888 30. Bari 1888 31. Foggia 1888 32. Lecce 1889 33. Regione Calabrese. Provincia di Potenza 1889 34. Catanzaro 1889 35. Cosenza 1889 36. Reggio 1889 COR COT. 109 Corti, J ate so contin 37- 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44- 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50. 5 1 - 52. 53- 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. en >iro. Le Provincie d'lta' tto 1'aspetto Geografico e wed: Provincia di Chieti lia, studi- Storico 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 l8qo 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1893 1893 iKm Teramo Campobasso Torino Cuneo Novara Alessandria Cagliari Sassari P rtM ' ' r ^ unz Verona r> C i Un Rovigo Udine Bologna Ferrara Cosson, E. continued. esques, Algerie, Tunisie, et Maroc. Vol. i, Premiere partie, Historique et Ge"o- graphie. Maps. 8 Paris, 1881 The same. Vol. 2, Supplement ,a la Corvo, J. d'Andrade. Des Lignes Iso- goniques au Seizieme Siecle. Maps. 8* Lisbon, 1881 Estudos sobre as Provincias Ultra- marinas. 4 vols. 8 Lisbon, 1883-87 " Corwin." Cruise of the Revenue- Steamer "Corwin" in Alaska and the N.-W. Arctic Ocean in 1881 : Notes and Memoranda, Medical and Anthro- pological, Botanical, Ornithological. Plates. 4* Washington, 1883 Coryat, Thomas- Crudities. Reprinted from the edition of 1611 ; to which are now add-d his Letters from India, &c., and Extracts relating to him from various authors ; being a more particular Account of his Travels (mostly on foot) in different parts of the Globe, with his Orations, Character, Death, &c. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1776 See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vols. i, 2: Appendix I. Cosa, J. de la. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Cosmas Indopleustes. See Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix l. Cosson, E. A. de. The Cradle of the Blue Nile : a Visit to the Court of King John of Ethiopia. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1877 Days and Nights of Service with Sir Gerald Graham's Field Force at Suakin. Plan and illustrations. 8 1886 Cosson, E. Compendium Florae Atlanticse seu Expositio Methodica Plantarum om- nium in Algeria necnon in regno Tune- tano et imperio Maroccano hucusque notarum : ou Flore des Etats Barbar- partie Historique et Flore des Etats Barbaresques, Renonculacees-Cruciferes. 8 Paris, 1883-87 Costa, B. F. de. Notes on a Review of " The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen," in the North American Review for July. 16* Charlestown, 1869 Cabo de Baxos ; or, The Place of Cape Cod in the old Cartology, with Notes on the neighbouring Coasts. Map. 8* New York, 1881 Arctic Exploration, with an Account of Nicholas of Lynn. Maps. 8* New York, 1881 Myvynan Archaiology : the Pre- Columbian Voyages of the Welsh to America. 8* Albany, N. Y., 1891 Costa, Claudio Adriano da. Revisao do Recenseamento da Populacao de Portugal em 1838. Small 8* ' Lisbon, 1840 Costa, E. Mendes da. See Troil. Costa, Pereira da. Commissao Geologica de Portugal. Molluscos Fosseis. Gas- teropodes dos Depositos terciarios de Portugal, com a versao franceza por M. Dalhunty. Plates. 8 Lisbon, 1866 Costa, W. H. de. In Memoriam. 12* Charlestown, 1878 Costa Riva, A. da. See Gama, Vasco da. Costantini, Giuseppe -Antonio. La Verita del Diluvio Universale vindicata dai dubbj, e Demostrata nelle sue Testi- monianze. 4 Venice, 1747 Coste, . Voyage d'Exploration sur le Littoral de la France et de 1'Italie. 2nd edition. 4 Paris, 1861 Costello C. P. See India, I (Assam) : Appendix 2. Costello, Louisa S. A Pilgrimage to Auvergne, from Picardy to Le Velay. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1842 Cotteau, E. Promenade dans 1'Inde et a Ceylan. 12 Paris, 1880 Promenades dans lesdeux Amerique*, 1876-77. Maps. 12 Paris, 1880 De Paris au Japon a travers la Siberie, Voyage execute du 6 Mai au 7 Aout 1 88 1. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1883 Un Touriste dans 1'Extreme Orient : Japon, Chine, Indo-chine, et Tonkin (4 Aout 188124 Janvier 1882). Maps and illustrations. 1 2 Paris, \ 884 Voyage autour du Monde (1884-85) : Malaisie Australie NouvelleCaledonie Tahiti Mexique. Map. 8 [Paris] 1885 Voyage aux Volcans de Java. Illus- trations. 8* Paris, 1 886 COT COV. Cotteau, E. Quelques Notes sur Sarawak (Borneo). 8* Paris, 1886 Les Nouvelles-Hebrides. Map. 8 Paris, 1886 En Oceanic : Voyage autour clu Monde en 365 jours, 1884-85. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1888 Voyage au Caucase et en Transcas- pienne, 24 fuillet n Octobre 1887. Map and illustrations. 8* Paris, 1888 Une Ascension au Pic de Teneriffe. Illustration. 8* Auxerre, 1890 Cotterill H. B. African Slave Traffic. 8* 1875 See Elton, J. F. Cotton, Sir A. Communication with the Egyptian Soudan by the Congo. In a Letter to the Postmaster-General. 8* Dorking, N. i>. Cotton, Major H. C. See Best, Capt. S. Cotton, Sir Sidney. Nine Years on the North-West Frontier of India, from 1854 to 1863. 8 1868 Cottrell, Charles Herbert. Recollec- tions of Siberia in 1840-41. Map. 8 1842 Coudreau, Henri A. La France Equi- noxiale : Etudes et Voyage a travers les Guyanes et 1'Amazonie. 2 vols., and Atlas. 8 Paris, 1886-87 Chez nos Incliens. Qua.tre annees dans la Guyane Fran?aise (1887-91). Map and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1893 Coues, Dr Elliot. An Account of the various Publications relating to the Travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a Commentary on the Zoological results of their Expedition. 8 Washington, 1876 See United States, G, a : Appendix 2. Coullier, Ph. J. Tables des Principales Positions Geographiques du Globe, re- cueillies et rnises en ordre d'apres les Authorites les plus modernes, en deux parties, renfermant les expressions de position de tous les points maritimes connus, classes par ordre alphabetique, avec les Noms des Observateurs ou des Auteurs auxquels les chiffres sont dus ; plus un Appendice. 8 Paris, 1828 Guide des Marins pendant la Naviga- tion Nocturne, ou Description Generate des Phares, Fanaux, &c. , constants pour la surete de la Navigation. Plate. 8 Paris, 1829 Description Gene"rale des Phares, Fanaux, et Remarques, existant sur les Plages Maritimes du Globe, a 1'usage de la Navigation. 16 Paris, 1839 Coulon, . See Blanc, Vincent le. Coulter, John. Adventures in the Pacific, with Observations on the Natural Pro- ductions, Manners, and Customs of the Natives of the various Islands. 8 Dublin, 1847 Coulthard, Capt. S. See India, C (Geo- logical Papers) : Appendix 2. Coulter, John M. See United States, G, a : Appendix 2. Counsel, Edward A. Road from Marl- borough to the Pieman River, Tasmania. Folio* Hobart, 1878 Courcy, Marquis de. L'Empire du Milieu [China], Description Geogra- phique, precis Historique, &c. 8 Paris, 1867 Courcy, Pol de. De Rennes a Brest et a Saint Malo : Itineraire, descriptif et historique. Small 8 Paris, 1864 De Nanles a Brest, a Saint-Nazaire, a Rennes, et a Napoleonville : Itineraire, descriptif et historique. Map. Small 8 Paris, 1865 Courteille, A. Pavet de. See Pavet de Courteille ; Ubicini. Courthop, Nath. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix I. Courtin, M. de. Travaux des Fonts et Chausees depuis 1800. 8 Paris, 1812 Courtney, W. Memoir of the Sawunt Waree State, 1843 ; with continuation to the close of the year 1853, by Major J. W. Auld. Map and table. [From the India Records, No. 10] Bombay, 1855 Courtney, Capt. S. See Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Cousens, H. Archaeological Survey of Western India, No. 12 : an Account of the Caves at Nadsur and Karsambla. Plates. 4* Bombay, 1891 Coutinho, Fernando. See Gottfried : Appendix i. Coutinho, Jose J. da C. de Azevedo. Ensaio Economico sobre o Commercio de Portugal. 8 Lisbon, 1816 Ensaio Economico sobre o Com- mercio de Portugal e suas Colonias. 3rd edition. Small 8 Lisbon, 1828 Coutinho, J. M. da Silva. Relatorio da explora9ao do Rio Purus. 4* 1862 Considera9oes geraes sobre os rios que descem da cordilheira dos Andes, nas proximidades du Cuzco, cachoeiras do Puriis e Hyurua. 4* 1863 Relatorio da explora9ao do Rio Ma- deira. 4* Rio de Janeiro [1864] Explorao do Rio Hyupura. 4* Rio de Janeiro [1864] Couto, Diogo do. Da Asia. See Barros, J. de. Covarrubias, Francisco Diaz. Viaje de la Comision Astronomica Mexicana al Japon, para observar el transito del planeta Venus por el disco del sol, el 8 de Diciembre de 1874. Illustrations. Large 8 Mexico, 1876 Covel, Dr John. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 87 : Appendix I. COV CRA. ill Coverte [or Corvette], Capt. R. See Astley, Vol. I ; Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Gott- fried ; Kerr, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Covino, F. De Turin a Chambery ; ou, Les Valleesde la Dora riparia et de 1'arc et le Tunnel des Alpes Coltiennes. Tra- duction de N. Gachet. Maps and plates. 12 Turin, 1871 Cowan, Frank. The City of the Royal Palm, and other Poems. 8* Rio Je Janeiro, 1884 Fact and Fancy in New Zealand : The Terraces of Rotomahana, a Poem ; to which is Prefixed a Paper on Geyser Eruptions and Terrace Formations, by Josiah Martin. 8* Auckland, N.Z., 1885 A Visit in Verse to Halemaumau. 8* Honolulu, 1885 Australia : a Charcoal Sketch. 8* Greensburg, Pa., 1886 Cowan, Rev. W. D. List of Madagascar Birds, together with the Native Names among a few of the different Tribes. 8* Antananarivo, 1881 The Bara Land : a Description of the Country and People. Map and plates. 8* Antananarivo, 1 88 1 The Tanala. Map. 8* Faravohitra, 1881 Cowan, T. See Victoria, B : Appendix 2. Cowell, J. J. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Cowen, Charles. Witwatersrand, Johan- nesburg, and other Gold Fields. 12* Johannesburg, 1887 Cowley, Capt. See Callander, Vol. 2 ; Hacke ; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appen- dix i. Cowper, B. Harris. Cyprus, its Past, Present, and Future. 12 N.D. Cox, . See Eyries, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Cox, . See New Zealand, A : Ap- pendix 2. Cox, E. T. Third and Fourth Annual Re- ports of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the years 1871 and 1872. Sections, maps separate. 8 Indianapolis, 1872 See Owen, D. D. Cox, Guillermo E. Viaje en las Rejiones Septentrionales de la Patagonia, 1862-63. Royal 8 Santiago de Chile, 1863 - Expedition across the Southern Andes of Chili, with the object of opening a new line of communication from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean by the Lake of Nahuel-Huapi and the Rivers Limay and Negro. (Translated by Sir W. Parish.) Map. 8* 1864 Cox, Capt. Hiram. Journalof a Residence in the Burman Empire, and more par- ticularly at the Court of Amarapoorah. Plates. 8 ,g 2I Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the Narrative of a Resi- dence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, among various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, and a Journey across the American Continent. 2 vols. 8 1831 Coxe, Tench. A View of the United States of America, in a Series of Papers written at various times between the years 1787 and 1794. 8 J 795 Coxe, William. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 4 1784 Travels in Switzerland, and in the Country of the Grisons. Maps and plates. Large paper. 2 vols. Folio 1794 The same. 6th edition. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1803 Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America ; to which are added the Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. Maps. 8 1804 See Pelham, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Coxon, Capt. John. See Dalrymple, Tracts, Vol. 2 ; Appendix I. Cozzens, S. W. The Marvellous Coun- try ; or, Three Years in Arizona and New Mexico. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 1875 Cozzika, Jean. Question d'Abyssinie au Peuple de la Grande-Bretagne. Public [i.e. translated from the Greek] par S. M. Mavrogordato. Folio * Constantinople, 1867 Crab, P. Van der. See Robide van der Aa. Craik, Dr Henry. Swift : Selections from his Works. Edited, with Life, Introductions, and Notes, by Henry Craik. 2 vols. Small 8 Oxford, 1893 Craik, Mrs. An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." With illustrations by C. Napier Hemy. 4 1884 Cram, Capt. Thomas Jefferson. Re- ports of the Topographical Bureau in relation to Internal Improvements in the Territory of Wisconsin. Maps. 8* Washington, 1840 Reports, Plans, and Estimates for the Improvement of the Neenah, Wiskonsin, and Rock Rivers, the Haven of Rock River, and a Pier at the Northern Extremity of Winnebago Lake. Maps. 8* Washington, 1840 Cramer, J. A. A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. Map and Man. 8 1828 A Geoerrnnhical and Historical De- scription of Asia Minor. 2 vols. M1>. 8" 1832 CRA. Cramer, J. A. Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy. 2 vols. With a map and flan of Koine. 8 Oxford, 1832 Cramer, LudwigW. Vollstandige Besch- reibung des Berg-, Hiitten-,und Hammer- wesens in den sammtlichen hochfiirstlich Nassau- Usingischen Landen. Vol. i, Part I. 8 Frankfort-a-M., 1805 Crampel, P. See Alis. Cramp, W. B. See Phillips [3], Vol. 9 : Appendix i. Crantz, D. Historic von Gronland, ent- haltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner, &c., insbe^ondere die Geschichte der dortigen Mission der Evangelischen Briider zu Neu-Herrnhut und Lichtenfels. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Plates. 12 Leipzig, 1770 History of Greenland, including an Account of the Mission carried on by the United Brethren in that Country to the Present Time, and a Sketch of the Mission in Labrador. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1820 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 20 : Appendix I. Crasto, J. de. See Portuguese Conquests : Appendix 2. Craufurd, G. M. See Fidler. Craven, A. E. Observations sur 1'Helix Ligulata, Fer., de Madras. Plate. 8* Brussels [1869] Quelques Observations sur le Hyalsea Tridentata, Lamarck. Plate. 8* Brussels [1873] Monographic du Genre Sinusigera, D'Orb. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1877 Craven, Hon. R. Keppel. Tour through the Southern Provinces of Naples. Map and plates. 4 1821 Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of [for- merly Lord Lindsay]. Bibliotheca Lindesiana : Collations and Notes, No. 3, Grands et Petits Voyages of De Bry, by Ludovic, Earl of Crawford and Balrarres. Plates. 4 1884 Dun Echt Observatory Publications Vols. i and 2. Mauritius Expedition, 1874. Division i. 4 Dun Echt, Aberdeen, 1876-77 Vol. 3. Mauritius Expedition, 1874. Division 2. Determinations of Longitude and Latitude. Map and diagram. 4 Dun Echt, Aberdeen, 1885 Crawford, John Martin. Industries of Russia. Editor of the English Transla- tion, John Martin Crawford, U.S. Con- sul-General to Russia. 5 vols. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1893 CONTENTS. Vols. i and 2. Manufactures and Trade, with a General Industrial Map by the Depart, of Trade and Manufactures, Ministry of Finance for the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Crawford, John Martin continued. Vol. 3. Agriculture and Forestry, with coloured Maps. Vol. 4. Mining and Metallurgy, with a set of Mining Maps by A. Heppen, &c. Vol. 5 Siberia and the Great Siberian Railway, with a General Map by the Department of Trade, &c. See Dokuchaev. Crawford, Hon. J. Coutts. New Zealand Exhibition, 1865 : Essay on the Geology of the North Island of New Zealand. 8 Dunedin, 1865 Recollections of Travel in New Zea- land and Australia. Maps and plates. 8 1880 Crawford, Robert. Across the Pampas and the Andes. Map and ilhistrations. Crown 8 1884 Reminiscences of Foreign Travel. 8 1888 Crawford, R. W. A Letter to the Secretary of State for India on the Constitution and Management of the East Indian Railway Company. 8* 1867 Crawfurd, John. History of the Indian Archipelago ; containing an Account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Reli- gions, &c., of its Inhabitants. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1820 Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1827 ; with an Appendix con- taining a Description of Fossil Remains, by Professor Buckland and Mr Clift. Map and plates. 4 1829 Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Courts of Siam and Cochin-China, exhibiting a view of the actual state of those King- doms. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1830 A Sketch of the Geography of Borneo. 8* 1852 A Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent Countries. Map. 8 1856 A Few Notes on Sir Charles Lyell's "Antiquity of Man," and on Prof. Huxley's "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature." 8* 1863 On the Migration of Cultivated Plants in reference to Ethnology : Articles of Food. 8 1866 Naturalisation of the Bark of Peru in India. 8* 1866 On the Supposed Aborigines of India as distinguished from its Civilised In- habitants. 8* 1867 On the Classification of the Races of Man according to the Form of the Skull. 8* 1867 On the Skin, the Hair, and the Eyes, as Tests of the Races of Man. 8* 1867 CRA CRO. Crawfurd, John. On the Vegetable and Animal Food of the Natives of Australia in reference to Social Position, with a Comparison between the Australians and some other Races of Man. 8* 1867 On the History and Migration of Cultivated Plants yielding Intoxicating Potables and Oils. 8 1868 See Murray, Hugh. Crawfurd, Oswald. Report on the Bar and Navigation of the Douro. Plans. 8* 1866 - Portugal, Old and New. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 880 Round the Calendar in Portugal. Illustrations. 8 1890 Crawshay, G. The Immediate Cause of the Indian Mutiny, as set forth in the Official Correspondence. 8* [1857] Creagh, J. Over the Borders of Christen- dom and Eslamiah : a Journey through Hungary, Slavonia, Servia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, and Montenegro, to the North of Albania, in the Summer of 1875. 2 vols. 8 1876 Crealock, H. Foreign Politics and Eng- land's Foreign Policy. Map. 8* 1873 Credner, Dr G. R. Die Deltas (Ergan- zungsheft, 56 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen). 3 sheets of maps. 4 Gotha, 1878 - Die Reliktenseen (Erganzungsheft, 88 Petermann's Mittheilungen). 2 maps. 4 Gotha, 1887 Die Reliktenseen (Erganzungsheft, 89 Petermann's Mittheilungen). Maps. 4 Gotha, 1888 Cremazy, Laurent. Notes sur Mada- gascar. 8* Paris, 1883 Cremer, Leo. Ein Ausflug nach Spitz- bergen. Map and illustrations. 8* Berlin, 1892 Crescentio, Bartolomeo. Nautica Medi- terranea. Map and plates. 4 Rome, 1607 Crevaux, Dr J. Voyages dans I'Amerique du Sud : contenant, I. Voyage dans 1'interieur des Guyanes (1876-1877), exploration du Maroni et du Vary ; II. De Cayenne aux Andes (1878-1879) exploration de 1'Oyapock, du Paron, de I'l5a, et du Yapura; III. A travers la Nouvelle Grenade et le Venezuela ( 1880- 1881), exploration, en compagnie de M. E. Le Janne, duMagdalena.du Guaviare, et de 1'Orenoque ; IV. Excursion chez lez Guaraounos (1881). Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Paris, 1883 See Thouar. Criado, Matias Alonso. La Republica del Paraguay. Map. Folio Montevideo, 1888 Crijalva, H. de. 5^Grijalva, in Burney, Vol. I : Appendix I. "Cringle, Tom." Australian Sandbar Harbours and Rivers, with Hints on the Sea Defences of Melbourne. 8* Melbourne, 1 866 Earthquake Waves : Are they pos- sible ? 1 6* Melbourne, 1 868 Crofutt, G. A. Crofutt's New Overland Tourist and Pacific Coast Guide. Vol. 2. Illustrations. 8 Chicago, 1879-80 Croizier, Marquis de. La Perse et les Persans : Nasr-Eddin-Schah, le Nouvel Iran et 1'equilibre Asiatique. 8* Paris, 1873 L'Art Khmer : Etude historique sur les Monuments de 1'Ancien Cambodge; avec un apercu general sur 1'Architecture Khmer, et une liste complete des monu- ments explores, suivi d'un Catalogue, raisonne du Musee Khmer de Compiegne. Map and illustrations. 8* Paris, 1875 Les Exploratetirs du Cambodge. Portraits. Large 8* Paris, 1878 Les Monuments de 1'Ancien Cam- bodge, classes par provinces. 12* Paris, 1878 See Legrand. Croll, Dr James. On Ocean Currents. 8* 1870 On the Cause of the Motion of Glaciers. 8* 1870 On Ocean Currents. Part 3. On the Physical Cause of Ocean Currents. 8* 1871 and 1874 The " Challenger's " Crucial Test of the Wind and Gravitation Theories of Oceanic Circulation. 8* ['875] The Wind Theory of Oceanic Cir- culation : Objections examined, and Further Remarks on the " Crucial-Test " Argument. 8* 1875 On the Thickness of the Antarctic Ice and its Relations to that of the Glacial Epoch. (Reprint from the Quarterly Journal of Science, January 1879-) 8* 1879 Stellar Evolution, and its Relations to Geological Time. 8 1889 Crome, F. G. Geographisch-historische Beschreibung des Landes Syrien. Das siidliche Drittheil oder das Land Pala- stina. Map. Small 8 Gbttingen, 1834 Cronau, Rudolf. Amerika: Die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung von der altesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. Eine Festschrift zur 4OO-jahrigen Jubelfeier der Entdeckung Amerikas durch Christoph Columbus. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 4 Leipzig, 1892 Croockewit, J. H. Banka, Malakka, en Billiton, Verslagen aan het Bestuur van Neerlandsch Indie, in 1849-50. 8 The Hague, 1852 Crookes, William. The Atlantic Cable and its Teachings. (From the Quarterly Journal of Science, No. i.) 8* 1864 CRO CUL. Cronise, T. F. The Natural Wealth of California . . . together with a Detailed Description of each County. 8 San Francisco, 1868 Cross, R. Report to the Under Secretary of State for India on the Pitayo Chin- chona, and on proceedings while employed in collecting Chinchona Seeds in 1863. Map. 8* ' 1865 Cross, Whitman. See United States, G, c : Appendix 2. Crosse, Landor R. See Blackwood, Vol. 5: Appendix i. Crouch, Archer P. On a Surf-bound Coast ; or, Cable-Laying in the African Tropics. 8 1887 Glimpses of Feverland : or, A Cruise in West African Waters. Map. 8 1889 Crow, Arthur H. Highways and Bye- ways in Japan : the Experiences of Two Pedestrian Tourists. Map and frontis- piece. Small 8 1883 Crowe, Eyre Evans. The Greek and the Turk, or Powers and Prospects in the Levant. 8 1853 Crowther, J. See Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4: Appendix I. Crowther, Bishop Samuel A. Voca- bulary of the Yoruba Language . . . ; to which are prefixed the Grammatical Elements of the Yoruba Language. 12 1843 A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language . . . ; together with Introductory Remarks by O. E. Vidal. 8 1852 Journals and Notices of the Native Missionaries in the River Niger, 1862. 12 1863 A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Nupe Language. 8 1864 Niger Mission : Report of the Over- land Journey from Lokoja to Bida, on the River Niger, and thence to Lagos. 8* 1872 The River Niger : a Paper read before the Royal Geographical Society, nth June 1877 ; with a brief Account of Missionary Operations ... in the Niger Territory. 8* 1877 Itinerant Information in the Niger Mission. 12* Tuwon, Brass, 1884 Lists of certain Places on the Niger, Binwe, the Interior Countries, and the Bight. 8* Brass [1884] See Schon. and J. Christopher Taylor. The Gospel on the Banks of the Niger : Journals and Notices of the Native Missionaries accompanying the Niger Expedition of 1857-59. Map. 8 1859 Crozals, J. de. Les Peulhs : Elude d'Ethnologie Africaine. 8 Paris, 1883 Crozet, M. Journaux de Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, commence sous les ordres de M. Marion. On a joint a ce Voyage un Extrait de celui de M. de Surville dans les memes Parages. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1783 Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zea- land, the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines, in the years 1771-72. Trans- lated by H. Ling Roth ; with a Preface, and a brief reference to the Literature of New Zealand, by Jas. R. Boose. Map and illustrations. 8 1891 Cruickshank, Robert. Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast of Africa, including an Account of the Native Tribes. 2 vols. 8 1853 Cruls, L. Instruccoes para as Commissoes Brazileiras que tern de observar a Passa- gem de Venus pelo disco do Sol em 5-6 de Dezembro de 1882. Plates. 4* Rio de Janeiro, 1882 Cruz, Caspar da. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I : Appendix I. Cruz, Luis de la. See Angelis, Vol. i : Appendix I. Cubas, Antonio Garcia. The Republic of Mexico in 1876. Translated into English by George E. Henderson. Plates. Large 8 Mexico, 1876 Cuadro Geografico, Estadistico, De- scriptivo e Historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 8 Mexico, 1885 Etude Geographique, Statistique, Descriptive et Historique des Etats Unis Mexicains. 8 Mexico, 1889 Cudmore, P. The Civil Government of the States, and the Constitutional History of the United States. 2nd edition. 8 New York, 1875 Cuervo, Antonio B. Resiimen de la Geografia, Historica, Politica, Estadis- tica, i Descriptiva de la Nueva Granada. 1 8* De Torres A may a, 1852 Cuervo, Marquez Carlos. Prehistoria y Viajes : Tierradentro Los Paeces, San Augustin, El Llano, &c., &c. Illustra- tions, 8* Bogota, 1893 Cuinet, Vital. La Turquie d'Asie : Geographic, administrative, statistique, descriptive et raisonnee dechaque province de 1'Asie Mineure. Tomes 1-3. Maps. 4 Paris, 1890-94 Culbertson, J. A New Theory of the Cause of Tides. 8* Glasgow, 1867 Cull, R. See Conolly, John. Cullen, C. See Clavigero. Cullen, Edward. Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal. Maps. 8* 1852 Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal, with a Full History of the Scotch Colony of Darien. Maps. 8* 1853 Over Darien by a Ship Canal : Reports of the mismanaged Darien Expedition of 1854. 8* 1856 CUL CUR. Cullen, Edward. Republic of New Granada as a Field for Emigration. 8* Dublin, 1858 The Darien Indians and the Ship Canal. 8* [1867] Cullen, E. A. Report on the Burrum River. Folio* Brisbane, 1888 Cumberland, Earl of. See Astley, Vol. i ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Pinkerton, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 4 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I: Appendix I. Cumberland, Stuart. The Queen's High- way from Ocean to Ocean. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 Gumming, C. F. Gordon. At Home in Fiji. 2 vols. l\[ap and illustrations. 8 1881 In the Himalayas and on the Indian Plains. Illustrations. 8 1884 Wanderings in China. 2 vols. Por- trait, map, and illustrations. 8 1886 Two Happy Years in Ceylon. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 1 892 Gumming, J. Gordon. See Piassetsky. Gumming, Rev. J. G. Isle of Man, its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Legendary. Map and plates. 8 1848 Guide to the Isle of Man, with the means of access thereto, &c. Map. 12 1861 Gumming, R. Gordon. Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. 2 vols. Map and plates. 1850 Cummings, Samuel. The Western Pilot, containing Charts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers; with a Gazetteer. 8 Cincinnati, 1840 Cummins, J. See Kerr, Vol. 17: Ap- pendix i. Cunha. See Da Cunha. Cuningham, William. The Cosmo- graphical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographic, Hydrographie, or Nauigation. Cufs. Folio 1559 Cuningham, W. M. Proposed Railway through Siberia. Map. 8* 1891 Cunningham, Sir Alexander. The Bhilsa Topes, or Buddhist Monuments of Central India ; comprising a Brief Historical Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Buddhism ; with an Account of the Opening and Examination of the various groups of Topes around Bhilsa. Map and plates. 8 1854 Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical, with Notices of the surround- ing Countries. Maps and plates. Royal 1854 Mahabodhi, or the great Buddhist Temple under the Bodhi-tree at Buddha- Gaya. Plates. 4 1892 See India, A : Appendix 2. Cunningham, C. D., and Capt. W. de W. Abney. The Pioneers of the Alps. Portraits. 4 1887 Cunningham, James. See Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Cunningham, Peter. Handbook for London, Past and Present. 2 vols. 8 1849 Cunningham, R. O. Notes on the Natural History of the Strait of Magellan and West Coast of Patagonia, made during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Nassau" in the years 1866, '67, '68, and '69. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1871 Cunningham, W. The Growth of Eng- lish Industry and Commerce during the Early and Middle Ages. 8 Cambridge, 1890 Cuny, Charles. Observations generates sur le Memoire sur le Soudan de M. le Comte d'Escayrac de Lauture. 8* Paris, 1858 Journal de Voyage de Siout a El- Obeid 1857-58. Introduction par Malte- Brun. Map. 8 Paris, 186; Cunynghame, Lieut. -Gen. Sir A T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black Seas, especially in Daghestan, and on the Frontiers of Persia and Turkey, during the Summer of 1871. Maps. 8 1872 "Curagoa." See Brenchley. CurionJ, Giulio. Sulla successione Nor- male dei diversi membri del Terreno Triasico nella Lombardia. Plates. 4* Milan, 1855 Curley, E. A. Nebraska, its Advantages, Resources, and Drawbacks. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Curling, J. J. Coastal Navigation. Chart and diagrams. 8 1 885 Curr, Edward M. The Australian Race, its Origin, Languages, Customs, Place of Landing in Australia, and the Routes by which it spread itself over that Continent. 4 vols. (Vols. 1-3, 8; Vol. 4, folio). Map and ilhistrations Melbourne, 1886-87 Currie, Sir Donald. Thoughts upon the Present and Future of South Africa, and Central and Eastern Africa. 8* 1877 Maritime Warfare : the Importance to the British Empire of a Complete System of Telegraphs, Coaling Stations, and Graving Docks. 8* 1877 Cursetjee, Manockjee. A Few Passing Ideas for the Benefit of India and Indians. 8 Bombay, 1853 Curson, Cardinal Robert. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Curtis, John G. C. Tables for Correct- ing Lunar Distances ; with Rules for Finding the Errors and Rates of Chrono- meters. 8 1836 Curtis, Joseph S. See United States, G, c : Appendix 2. CUR D. Curtis, Richard H. See Scott. Curtis, . Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. (Based on Guyot's Meteoro- logical and Physical Tables.) Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, 844. 8 Washington, 1893 Curtius, E. , and F. Adler. Olympia und Umgegend. Maps and plan. 8* Berlin, 1882 Curzon, Hon. George N. Russia in Central Asia in 1889, and the Anglo- Russian Question; with Append ices and an Index. Map and illustrations. 8 1889 Persia and the Persian Question. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1892 Curzon, Hon. Robert. Armenia : a Year at Erzeroom, and on the Frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. Map and woodcuts. 8 1854 Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. 6th edition. Illustrations. 8 1881 Gushing. . Territory of Oregon : Re- port in Relation to Territory of the United States beyond the Rocky Moun- tains. 8* Washington, 1839 Cushman. J. B. Legislative Honors to the Memory of President Lincoln. Message of Gov. Fenton to the Legisla- ture, communicating the Death of Presi- dent Lincoln. Obsequies of President Lincoln in the Legislature. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1865 Cusieri, Odoardo. Storia Fisica e Politica dell' Egitto, della sua remota Anlichita sino all' Epoca presente 1842. 3 vols. 8 Florence, 1845 Cuspinianus. J. De Turcarum Origine, Religione, &c. 1 6 Leyden, 1654 Cust, Dr R. N. A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies. 2 maps in cover. 8 1878 Table of Languages and Dialects of the East Indies. Square 8* 1878 Linguistic and Oriental Essays, writ- ten from the year 1846 to 1878. Map. 8 1880 A Sketch of the Modern Languages of Africa. 2 vols. Map and portraits. 8 1883 The Railway over the Sahara, from Algeria to the Senegal, and the Destruc- tion of Colonel Flatters. Map. 8* 1884 Malaisch - Polynesische Abtheilung. 7 Internationaler Orientalisten - Con- gress, Wien. Mittheilung iiber unsere gegenwartige Kenntniss der Sprachen Oceaniens. 8* 1886 Linguistic and Oriental Essays, writ- ten from the year 1847 to 1887. Second series. Maps. 8 1887 Three Lists of Bible Translations actually accomplished, corrected up to 1st August 1890: I. Alphabetical; 2. Geographical ; 3. Linguistic. Frontis- piece. Square 8 U 1890 Cust, DrR. N. L'Occupation de 1'Afrique paries Missionaires Chretiens de 1'Europe et de 1'Amerique du Nord. 8* Geneva, 1891 Africa Rediviva ; or the Occupation of Africa by Christian Missionaries of Europe and North America. Maps and frontispiece. 8 1891 [Communication on the above subject.] International Geographical Congress, Bern, Switzerland: Africa Section. 8*1891 The Ethics of African Geographical Explory. 8* [1892] Remarks on the Position of the British Political Interests in Eastern Equatorial Africa in 1892. Map. 8* Hertford, 1892 Essay on the Progress of African Philology up to the year 1893. Pre- pared for the Congress of the World at Chicago, U.S. With three Appendices. 8* 1893 Custer, G. A. My Life on the Plains. 8" N.D. Custine, Marquis de. Russia. Abridged from the French. 12 1854 Cutler, T. Notes on Spa and its Chaly- beate Springs. Frontispiece. Small 8 Brussels, 1854 Cutting, H. A. Observations on Ozone, and its Relation to Disease. 8* Vermont, 1874 Cuvier, Baron G. Essay on the Theory of the Earth. Translated from the French of M. Cuvier by Robert Kerr ; with Mineralogical Notes and an Account of Cuvier's Geological Discoveries, by Pro- fessor Jameson. Plate. 8 Edinburgh, 1813 Discours sur les Revolutions de la Surface du Globe, et sur les changemens qu'elles ont produits dans le Regne Animal. Plates. 4 Paris, 1826 and Alex. Brongniart. Essai sur la Geographic Mineralogique des Environs de Paris. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1811 Cybulz, G. Anwendung der Plastik beim Unterricht im Terrainzeichnen. Plate, Leipzig, 1 86 1 " Cygnet," Ship. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Czerny, Dr Franz. Die Wirkungen der Winde auf die Gestaltung der Erde. ( Erganzungsheft, 48 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Chart. 4 Gotha, 1877 D , M. A. The History of Prussia, from the Times of the Knights of the Cross and Sword to the Occupation of Hanover, 1867. Compiled ... by M. A. D. 16 1869 DAA DAL. 117 Daa, Ludvigf K. Om Forholdet mellem det gamle og ny Fastlands Urbeboere. 8* Christiania, 1857 Daalmans, Aegidius. A Belgian Phy- sician's Notes on Ceylon in 1687-89. Translated from the Dutch by D. W. Ferguson. (Extracted from Journal, No. 35, Volume 10, of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch.) 8* 1887 Da Cunha, J. Gerson. Notes on the History and Antiquities of Chaul and Bassei n . Maps, plates, and photograph s. Royal 8 Bombay, 1876 Da Cunha, L. M. do Couto de Albu- querque. Memorias para a Historia da Pra9a de Mazagao, revistas pelo Levy Maria Jordao. 4* Lisbon, 1864 Da Cunha, Nuno and Tristano. See Gottfried : Appendix i. Dadelszen, E. J. von. The New Zealand Official Year-Book, 1893. Map. 8 Wellington, 1893 Report on the Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 5th April 1891. Dia- grams. 8 Wellington, 1893 Daendels, H. W. Brieven, betreffende het Bestuur der Kolonien, en bevattende eene beoordeling van een Werkje, over dat onderwerp uitgegeven, getiteld : Java. 8 Amsterdam, 1816 D'Afflitto, D. L. Guida di Napoli. 2 vols in i. 8 Naples, 1834 D'Agua, Ize, and J. Almeida. Algumas considera9oes acerca dos productos re- mettidos para a Exposi9ao de Vienna de Austria no fim de Janeiro de 1873. & Lisbon, 1873 Dahl, W. F. See Baer and Helmersen, 7. Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton. Memoir of John A. Dahlgren, Rear-Admiral, United States Navy. Portraits, map, and illustrations. 8 Boston, Mass. , 1 882 Dahse, Paulus. The Gold Coast. Translated from the German by Harry Bruce Walker. Map. 8* Liverpool, 1882 Daireaux, E. Buenos-Ayres, la Pampa, et la Patagonie. Map. 12 Paris, 1877 Dairs, J. The Jews in Roumania. 8* 1872 Dairs, J. B. On the Peculiar Crania of the Inhabitants of certain Groups of Islands in the Western Pacific. 4 Haarlem, 1866 D'Albertis, L. M. Journal of the Expedi- tion for the Exploration of the Fly River. [Newspaper cuttings.] 8* Sydney, 1877 - The same. Map. 8* Sydney, 1877 New Guinea Exploration. Extract from the Log-Book of the Steam-Launch " Neva." (N. S. W. Legislative As- sembly Publication.) Folio* [Sydney, 1877] New Guinea : What I did and what I saw. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1880 See British New Guinea : Appendix 2, D'Albuquerque. See Albuquerque. Dalby, Isaac. See Mudge, Capt. ; Williams, Lieut. -Col. E. Dale, R. Notes of an Excursion to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the Republic of Mexico. Map and plates. 8 1851 Dale, Sir Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Dalence, Jose Marie. Bosquejo Esta- distico de Bolivia. 8 Chuquisaca, 1851 Dalhunty, . See Portugal, A: Appen- dix 2. Dall, William H. Alaska and its Re- sources. Map and plates. 8 Boston, \$"JQ Harbors of Alaska, and the Tides and Currents in their Vicinity. Plates. 4* [Washington, 1873] Report of Geographical and Hydro- graphical Operations on the Coast of Alaska. Map. 4 [Washington, 1873] Report on Mount St Elias. Map and plate. 8* [Washington, 1875] On the so-called Chukchi and Na- mollo People of Eastern Siberia. [Philadelphia'] 1881 Notes on Alaska and the Vicinity of Bering Strait. Map. 8* [New Haven, Conn., 1881] See United States, F : Appendix 2. Dallam, Thomas. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol., 87 : Appendix i. Dallas, A. G. San Juan, Alaska, and the North- West Boundary. 8 1873 Dallas, James. See Catalogues, A : Ap- pendix 2. Dallas, R. C. The History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Estab- lishment of their Chief Tribe at Sierra Leone, including the Expedition to Cuba for the purpose of procuring Spanish Chasseurs, and the State of the Island of Jamaica for the last ten years ; with a Succinct History of the Island previous to that period. 2 vols. Maps and ilhis- trations. 8 1 803 Dallas, W. L. Memoir of the Winds and Monsoons of the Arabian Sea and North Indian Ocean. Plates. 4* Calcutta, 1887 The Climatology of Afghanistan. (FromJ. United Service I. of India, Vol. 20, No. 88.) 8* [Simla, 1891] Dallas, W. S. See Humboldt, A. von. Dalla Torre, K. W. V. See Switzer- land, B : Appendix 2. Dalla Vedova, G. II Concetto Popolare e il Concetto Scientifico della Geografia. 8* Rome, 1880 Pellegrino Matteucci eel il suo Diario inedito. Map. 8* Rome, 1885 See Ragazzi. Dallaway, J. Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, with Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad. Map and plates. 4 1797 u8 DAL. Dallet, C. Histoire de 1'Eglise de Coree. precedee d'une Introduction sur 1'His- toire, les Institutions, la Langue, les Moeurs, et Coutumes Coreennes. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1874 D'Almeida. See Almeida. D'Almeida, William Harrington. Life in Java ; with Sketches of the Javanese. 2 vols. 8 1864 Dalrymple, Alexander. Historical Col- lection of the several Voyages and Dis- coveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols. in I. Maps. 4 1770-71 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] Collection of Nautical Memoirs and Journals, mostly published originally at the charge of the East India Company, now reprinted for the use of the Royal Navy. 4 1806 CONTENTS. Dalrymple, Alexander. Essay on Nautical Surveying. M'Cluer, John. Description of the Coast of India, 1787-90. Dalrymple, A. General Remarks for the use of those who have not been ac- customed to Navigate unfrequented Seas. Macaulay, Hugh. Directions for En- tering the Harbour of Olinchy, on the west side of the island Hai-lin, adjacent to the S. Coast of China. Howel, Mr. Memoir of the harbour Heong-Kong. Bissell, Capt. Austin. Voyage from England to the Red Sea, and along the East Coast of Arabia to Bombay, 1798-99. Inverarity, Captain David. Memoir of a Chart of the N.W. Coast of Mada- gascar, 1803 ; and Comoro Islands, by the Hon. Thomas Howe, 1766. Dalrymple, A. Memoir of a Chart of the Passages at the Southern Extremity of Asia. Dalrymple, A. Catalogue of Authors who have written on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, and Chaco, 1807. Tracts, from 1764 to 1808. 3 vols. [For Contents, see Appendix I.] Tracts, from 1769 to 1793. 4 CONTENTS. Vox Populi Vox Dei : Lord Weymouth's Appeal to a General Court of India Proprietors considered J 7^9 Scheme of a Voyage to Convey the Con- veniences of Life to New Zealand 1771 Two Letters to the Court of Directors for Affairs of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, concerning the proposed Supervisorship ^69 Dalrymple, Alexander continued. Letter to Dr Hawkesworth, occasioned by some groundless and illiberal im- putations in his Account of the late Voyages to the South 1773 Observations on Dr Hawkesworth's Pre- face to the 2nd edition. Reply to a Letter from Andrew Stuart, Esq., to the Hon. the Directors of the East India Company. [Account of the subversion of the Legal Government at Madras by imprisoning the Governor, Lord Pigot, in August 1776.] Explanation of the Map of the East India Company's Lands on the Coast of Choromandel 1778 Memoir on Watering the Circars 1793 Tracts, from 1791 to 1807. Royal 8 CONTENTS. Memorial to the East India Company 1791 The Poor Man's Friend 1795 A Fragment on the India Trade, 1791 1797 Thoughts of an Old Man, of Independent Mind though Dependent Fortune, on the Present High Price of Corn 1800 Longitude : a Full Answer to the Advertisement concerning Mr Earn- shaw's Timekeeper in the Morning Chronicle, 4th February, and Times, 1 3th February 1806 On the Catholic Question, properly Roman Catholic Question 1807 Notes on Two Letters to Brother Abraham concerning the Roman Catholics 1807 Catalogue of Printed Books and Tracts by, before 1st January 1792. Catalogue of Authors who have written on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay, and Chaco. [With Manuscript and other Additions by Sir Woodbine Parish to 1840.] 4 1807 Oriental Repertory: Vol. i,from April 1791 to January 1793 ; Vol. 2, concluded in 1808. Maps and plates. 4 1793-1808 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] Dalrymple, G. Elphinstone. On the New Settlement in Rockingham Bay, and advance of Colonisation over North- Eastern Australia, including Mr Dal- rymple's Report on his Journey from Rockingham Bay to the Valley of La- goons. 8 1865 The Syrian Great Eastern Railway to India, by an entirely New Route. 8* 1878 See Smith, Joseph W. Dalton, Capt. E. T. Correspondence and Journal of his Progress in a late Visit to a Clan of Abors on the Dihing River. [From the India Records, No. 23] Bengal, 1855 Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. Lithograph portraits. Large 4 Calattta, 1872 DAL DAN. 119 Dalton, Henry G. The History of British Guiana . . . ; together with an Account of its Climate, Geology, Staple Products, and Natural History. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1855 Dalton, Lieut. -Col. J. C. .SVplates. 4 1820 Daniell, W. F. Sketches of the Medical Topography and Native Diseases of the Gulf of Guinea, Western Africa. 8 1849 Observations on the Copals of West- ern Africa. 8* 1857 Danielssen, D. C. See Norway, A (North Atlantic Expedition) : Appendix 2. Danilowitsch, . See Baer and Helmer- sen, 10. Dankovsky, Gregor. Die Griechen als Stamm- und Sprachverwandte der Sla- wen. Historisch und Philologisch. 8 Pressburg, 1828 Danks, B. See Brown and Danks. Danti, Egnatio. Egnazio Danti, Cosmo- grafo e Matematico e le sue opere in Firenze. Memoria Storica di lodoco Del Badia. 8* Florence, 1881 Danvers, F. C. India (Spon's Informa- tion for Colonial Engineers, edited by J. T. Hurst, No. 3). Map. 8 1877 Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Records of the India Office. Vol. I, Part I. Map. 8 1887 Bengal, its Chief Agents and Gover- nors. 8* [1888] Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Portuguese Records relating to the East Indies con- tained in the Archive da Torre do Tombo, and the Public Libraries at Lisbon and Evora. 8 1892 Danvers, Juland. Report to the Secre- tary of State for India in Council on Railways in India to the end of the year 1859. The same, for the years 1860-61, 1861-62, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, 1865-66, 1866-67, 1867-68, 1868-69, 1879-80. Maps. Folio 1860-69, 1880 Dapontes, Constantin. Ephemerides Daces, ou Chronique de la Guerre de quatre ans ( 1 736- 1 739). Publiee, traduite, et annotee par Emile Legrand. I. Texte Grec. [No. 14 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] 8 Paris, 1880 Ditto. ,11. Traduction. [No. 15 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Portrait. Large 8 Paris, 1881 -Ditto. III. [No. 20 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient, Viv.] Large 8 Paris, 1888 DAP DAR. 121 Dapper, O. BeschryvingdesKeizerryksvan Taisingof Sina, vertoont in de Benaming, Grens-palen, Steden, Stroomen, Bergen, Gewassen, Dieren, Gods-dienst, Tale, Letteren, &c. Plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1670 Gedenkwaerdig Bedryf der Neder- landsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de Kuste en in het Keizerrijk van Taising of Sina ; behelzende het tweede Gezandschap aen den Onderkoning Sing- lamong en Veldheer Taising Lipoui ; door J. van Kampen en K. Nobel. Ver- volgt met een verhael van het voorgeval- len des jaers 1603, 4, en 6, op de Kuste van Sina, en ontrent d'Eilanden Tayo- wan, Formosa, ay en Quemuy, onder't gezag van B. Bort ; en het derde Gezand- schap aen Konchy, Tartarsche Keizer van Sina en Oost-Tartarye, onder P. van Hoorn. [Imperfect.] Map omd plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1670 Asia, of Naukeurige beschryving van het rijk des Grooten Mogols, en een groot gedeelte van Indie'n ; behelsende de Landschappen van Kandahar, Kabul, Multan, Ha'ikan, Bukkar, Send of Diu, Jesselmeer, Attak, Penjab, Kaximir, Jangapore, Dely, Mando, Malva, Chitor, Utrad, Zuratte of Kambaye, Chandisch, Narvar, Gwaliar, Indostan, Sanbat, Bakar, Nagrakat, Dekan, en Visiapour ; beneffens een volkome beschryving van geheel Persie, Georgie, Mengrelie, en andere Gebuur-gewesten, vertoont in de Benamingen, Grens-palen, Steden, Ge- wassen, Dieren, c. Map and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1672 Naukeurige Beschryving van Asie ; behelsende de gewesten van Mesopo- tamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolic, of Klein Asie ; beneffens eene volkome Beschrijving van gantsch, Gelukkigh, Woest, en Petreesch of Steenigh Arabic. Vertoont in een bondigh ontwerp van's Lants benamingen, bepalingen, verdeil- ingen, steden, vlekken, gewassen, dieren, zeden, en aert der inwoonders, bestiering, geschiedenissen en godsdienst, inzonder- heit die van d'oude Arabieren, Mahomet en Mahometanen. 2 vols. Map and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1680 Description de 1'Afrique, contenant les Noms, la Situation, et les Confins de toutes ses Parties, leurs Rivieres, leurs Villes, et leurs Habitations, leurs Plantes et leurs Animaux ; les Coutumes, la Langue, les Richesses, la Religion, et le Gouvernement de ses Peuples. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1686 Beschryving van Eilanden der Archi- pel, eertijts Egeesche Zee, nu Archipel, en de Eilanden Cyprus, Rhodos, S. Ste- fanio, Karpathos, Kasos, Kos of Lango, Nizaria, &c. [Imperfect.] Maps and plates. Folio 1688 Dapper, O. Naukeurige beschryving van Morea eertijts Peloponnesus; ende Eilan- den, gelegen onder de Kusten van Morea, en binnen en buitende Golf van Venetien; waer onder de voornaemste Korfu, Cefa- lonia, Santa Maura, Zanten, en andere in grooten getale ; behelzende derzelver Lantschappen, Steden, Rivieren, Poelen, Bergen, Gewassen, Dieren, &c. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1688 D'Aramon. See Aramon. Darapsky, Dr L. Las Aguas Mineralis de Chile. Illustrations. 8 Valparaiso, 1890 Darby, William. View of the United States, Historical, Geographical, and Statistical. Maps. 18 Philadelphia, 1828 and Theodore Dwight. A New Gazetteer of the United States of America : containing a Copious Descrip- tion of the States, Territories, Counties, Parishes, Districts, Cities, and Towns ; Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, and Canals ; Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, and the Arts generally, of the United States ; also the Extent, Boundaries, and Natural Productions of the Principal Sub- divisions, the Latitude and Longitude of Cities and Towns, and their Bearing and Distance from Important Places, with the Population of 1830. 8 Hartford, Conn., 1833 Dard, J. Dictionnaire Francais-Wolof, Fra^ais-Bambara, suivi du Dictionnaire Wolof-Fran$ais. 8 Paris, 1825 Grammaire Wolofe, ou meihode pour etudier la Langue des Noirs qui habitent les Royaumes de Bourba-Yolof, de Walo, de Darnel, de Bour-Sine, de Saloume, de Baole, en Senegambie ; suivie d'un Ap- pendice ou sont etablies les particularites les plus essentielles des Principales Langues de 1'Afrique Septentrionale. 8 Paris, 1826 Dardye. See Bourgade la Dardye. Daron, Etienne Acjogh'ig de. Histoire Universelle. Traduite de 1'Armenien et annotee par E. Dulaurier. i fere partie. [18 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Large 8 Paris, 1883 Darondeau, B. Melanges Hydrographi- ques, ou Recueil de Documents relatifs a 1'Hydrographie et a la Navigation ; Extraits des Annales Maritimes et Coloniales publiees par MM. Bajot et Poirre. 3 vols. in 2. Maps. 8 Paris, 1846 Notice sur les Erreurs des Compas dues aux attractions locales a bord des Navires en Bois et en Fer, suivie d'ln- structions sur les moyens de determiner ces Erreurs et de les corriger. 8* Paris, 1858 122 DAR DAU. Darondeau, J. B. Tableau General des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes de Hollande et de Belgique. 8 Paris, 1849 Tableau General des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes Orientales de 1'Amerique du Nord. 8 Paris, 1851 Tableau General des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes de la Mediterranee, de la Mer Noire et de la Mer d'Azoff. 8 Paris, 1852 .S^Horsburgh, J ; Kerhallet ; Vaillant. Darrah, H. Z. See India, I (Assam) : Appendix 2. Darwin, Charles. Geological Observa- tions on the Volcanic Islands visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle," together with some brief Notices on the Geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope : being the second part of the Geology of the Voyage of the " Beagle," &c. Map. 8 London, 1844 Geological Observations on South America : being the third part of the Geology of the Voyage of the ' ' Beagle " . . . 1832 to 1836. Map. 8 1846 The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. 2nd edition. Plates. Small 8 1874 The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, including an Autobiographical Chapter. Edited by his son Francis Darwin. 3 vols. Portraits and illustra- tions. 8 1887 Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle" Round the World, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. (From the corrected and enlarged edition of 1845.) Illustrations. 12 1889 The same. A new edition. Illustra- tions. 8 i 890 On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs ; also Geological Observa- tions on the Volcanic Islands and parts of South America visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle." With ... a Critical Introduction to each work by Prof. John W. Judd, F.R.S. Maps and illustrations. 12 1890 See Fitzroy. Darwin, Prof. G. On Maps of the World. Plate. 8* 1875 Darwin, Major Leonard. On the Pro- jection and Use of Maps for Military Purposes. Folio* 1 890 See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. Das. See Chandra Das. Dassel, T. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Dassy, G. F. Notes on Sueis, with Tables of Exports and Imports. 8* Constantinople, 1859 Dati, Giuliano. La Lettera dell' Isole che ha trovato nuovamente il Re di Spagna. Poemetto in ottava rima. Pub- licato per cura di Gustavo Uzielli. 12 Bologna, 1873 Daubeny, C. A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos, of Earthquakes and of Thermal Springs ; with Remarks on the Causes, &c. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 1848 Daubeny, Henry. The Climate of San Remo as adapted to Invalids. 8"' 1865 Daubree, A. Experiences Synthetiques re- latives aux Meteorites. Rapprochements auxquels ces experiences conduisent, tant pour la Formation de ces Corps Plane- taires que pour celle du Globe Terrestre. 8* Paris, 1866 Rapport sur les progres de la Geologic Experimentale. 4* Paris, 1867 - - Les Eaux Souterraines aux Epoques Anciennes, role qui leur revient dans 1'Origine et les / Modifications de la Substance de 1'Ecorce terrestre. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1887 Les Eaux Souterraines a 1'Epoque Actuelle, leur Regime, leur Temperature, leur Composition au point / de vue du role qui leur revient dans 1'Economie de 1'Ecorce terrestre. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1887 Recherches experimentales sur le role possible des Gaz a hautes tempera- tures donnes de Ires fortes pressions et animes d'un Mouvement fort rapide dans divers Phenomenes Geologiques. 8* Paris, 1891 Application de la methode experi- mentale au role possible des Gaz Souter- rains dans 1'histoire des Montagnes Vol- caniques. 8* Paris, 1892 Daulphinois, Nicholas N. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. D'Audiffret Pasquier, Duke. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ. : Appen- dix 2. Daumas, F. See Arbousset. D au mas . Lieut. -Col. Le Sahara Algerien : Etudes Geographiques, Statistiques, et Historiques, sur la Region au sud des Etablissements Fra^ais en Algerie. Map. Royal 8 Paris, 1845 and Fabar. La Grande Kabylie : Etudes Historiques. Table. Royal 8 Paris, 1847 Daunou, P. C. F. De la America Meri- dional, con algunas Observaciones acerca de este importante objeto. 8* Buenos Ayres, N. D. Daussy, Pierre. Second Memoire sur les Marees de Cotes de France. 8 Paris, 1838 L'Influence de la Pression Atmo- spherique sur le. Niveau moyen de la Mer. 8* Paris, 1839 DAU DAY. 123 Daussy, Pierre. Nouvelle Methode pour calculer la Marche des Chronometres. 8* Paris, 1841 Table des Positions Geographiques des principaux lieux clu Globe. 1836, '37, 40, '41, '42, '43, '44, '46, '47, '48, '50, 'Si. '54-56- 8* Memoire Descriptif de la Route de Tehran a Meched et de Meched a Jezd, reconnue en 1807 par M. Truilhier, suivi d'un Memoire les Observations faites en 1807, par le Capitaine Truilhier, dans son Voyage en Perse. Maps. 8 Paris, 1841 Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de, par M. de la Roquette. Portrait. 8* Paris, 1 86 1 See Hell, X. H. de ; Truilhier, Capt. Davenport and Comelati. See Diction- aries, Italian : Appendix 2. Davey, Thomas. See Canada, G : Ap- pendix 2. David, A. Journal de mon troisieme Voyage d'Exploration dans 1'Empire Chinois. 2 vols. Maps. Small 8 Paris, 1875 David, T. W. Edgeworth. See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. Davids, Arthur Lumley. Grammar of the Turkish Language, with a Discourse on the Language and Literature of the Turkish Nations, a copious Vocabulary, Dialogues, a Collection of Extracts in Prose and Verse, and lithographed Specimens of various Ancient and Mod- ern Manuscripts. 4 1832 Davidson, Prof. George. Directory for the Pacific Coast of the United States. 8 Washington, 1858 The Abrasions of the Continental Shores of N.W. America, and the sup- posed ancient Sea-levels. 8* 1873 The Shoaling of the Bar at the En- trance to San Francisco Harbour. 8*" [San Francisco, 1884] Identification of Sir Francis Drake's Anchorage on the Coast of California in the year 1 579. Maps and plates. Large 8* [1890] The Discovery of Ilumboldt Bay, California. Maps and plate. 8* San Prancisco, 1891 Early Voyages on the North -West- ern Coast of America. 8* [Washington, 1894] See United States, , Coast and Geodetic Survey : Appendix 2. Davidson, G. F. Trade and Travel in the Far East ; or, Recollections of Twenty-one Years passed in Java, Singa- pore, Australia, and China. 12 1846 Davidson, James Wood. The Florida of To-Day : a Guide for Tourists and Settlers. Maps and illustrations. 12 New York, 1889 Davidson, John. Notes taken during Travels in Africa. Plates. 4 Privately printed, 1 839 Davie, J. Constanse. Letters from Pa- raguay, describing the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, the Presidencies of Rioja Minor, Nombre de Dios, St Mary, and St John, &c. 8 1805 Davies, E. W. L. Algiers in 1857, its Accessibility, Climate, and Resources Described, with especial reference to English Invalids. Plates. 8 1858 Davies, John. See Olearius. Davies, R. H. Report on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on the North- Western Boundary of British India. 8 Lahore, 1862 Central Asia. Report on the Trade and Resources of the Countries on the North-Western Boundary of British India. [Parliamentary Report.] Folio* 1864 Davies, Walter. General View of the Agriculture and Domestic Economy of South Wales ; containing the Counties of Brecon, Caermarthen, Cardigan, Gla- morgan, Pembroke, Radnor. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1815 Davies, William. The Pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its Mouth to its Source ; with some account of its Tributaries. Map and plates 1873 Davies, William. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Davila, Gil Gonzales. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Davila, Pedrarias. See Hakluyt Soc. Pub!., Vol. 34; Gottfried: Appendix I. Davis, Andrew M 'Farland. The Journey of Moncacht-Ape, an Indian of the Yazoo Tribe, across the Continent, about the year 1700. 8* Worcester, Mass., 1883 Davis, Rear- Admiral Charles H. Report on Interoceanic Canals and Railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps. 8 Washington, 1867 See "Polaris"; Schubert; also United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Davis, C. O. The Life and Times of Patuone, the celebrated Ngapuhi Chief. Portrait. 12 Auckland, 1876 Davis, Edw. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix i. Davis, E. J. Anatolica ; or, The Journal of a Visit to some of the Ancient Ruined Cities of Caria, Phrygia, Lycia, and Pisidia. Map and plates. 8 1874 Life in Asiatic Turkey : a Journal of Travel in Cilicia (Pedias and Trachoea), Isauria, and parts of Lycaonia and Cap- padocia. Map and plates. 8 1879 Davis, G. G. See Keely. 124 DAY DAW. Davis, James Davidson. Contributions towards a Bibliography of New Zealand. 12* Wellington, 1887 Davis, Joachin, and M. Perez. Tablero del Palenque. Traducido por J. Davis and M. Perez. (From the Anales del Museo National.) Plates. 4* Mexico, 1880 Davis, John. See Markham, C. R. ; also Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vols. 3, 4; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 5, 59; Kerr, Vols. 8, 10; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 1,17: Appendix I. Davis, John. See Westgarth. Davis, Joseph Barnard. Thesaurus Craniorum : Catalogue of the Skulls of the Various Races of Man in the Col- lection of J. B. D. Plates. 8 1867 Davis, Capt. J. E. See United King- dom, A, Miscellaneous : Appendix 2. and P. L. H. Davis. Sun's True Bearing ; or, Azimuth Tables, computed for intervals of four minutes, &c., with Variation Chart, and Instructions in Danish, &c. Map. 8 1875 Davis, Richard Harding. An American in Africa [W. A. Chanler]. (From Harper's Magazine, March 1893.) Por- trait. 8* 1893 Davis, Sir J. F. Chinese Novels, trans- lated from the Originals ; to which are added Proverbs and Moral Maxims, collected from their Classical Books, &c., with Observations on the Language and Literature of China. 8 1822 Chinese Moral Maxims, with a Free and Verbal Translation. 8* Macao, 1823 The Chinese : a General Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabit- ants. 2 vols. Woodcuts. 12 1836 Chusan ; with a Survey Map of the Island. 8* 1853 China : a General Description of that Empire and its Inhabitants ; with the History of Foreign Intercourse down to the Events which produced the Dissolu- tion of 1857. Vol. I only. Illustrations. 8 1857 Chinese Miscellanies : a Collection of Essays and Notes. 8 1 865 Davis, J. W., and F. A. Lees. West Yorkshire : an Account of its Geology, Physical Geography, Climatology, and Botany. Part I, Geography; Part 2, Physical Geography and Botanical Topo- graphy. Maps and plates. 8 1878 Davis, N. Ruined Cities within Numidian and Carthaginian Territories. Map and plates. 8 London, 1862 Davis, Lieut. S. See Turner, Capt. Samuel. Davis, William. See Churchill, Vol. 7 : Appendix I, Davis, Prof. William M. On the Classi- fication of Lake Basins. 8* Boston, Mass., 1882 The Little Mountains east of the Catskills. Plate. 8* [1882] Geographic Methods in Geologic In- vestigation. Lecture delivered before the National Geographic Society at Washington, 27th April 1888. (From the National Geographic Magazine, Vol. I, No. I.) 8* 1888 The Rivers and Valleys of Pennsyl- vania. Map. 8* Washington, 1889 Structure and Origin of Glacial Sand Plains. Plate. 8* Washington, 1890 and J. Walter Wood, junr. The Geographic Development of Northern New Jersey. Large 8* Salem, Mass., 1890 Davison, G. M. Traveller's Guide through the Middle and Northern States, and the Provinces of Canada. 8 Saratoga Springs, 1840 Davison, . See Walpole, Turkey : Ap- pendix I. Davy, John. An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants, with Travels in that Island. Map and plates. 4 1821 Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta, with Remarks on Constantinople and Turkey. Plates. 2 vols. 8 1842 See Eyries, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Davy, John. See Purchas, Vol. i : Ap- pendix I. Dawkins, Prof. W. Boyd. Cave Hunt- ing: Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe. Plate. 8 1874 Early Man in Britain, and his Place in the Tertiary Period. Woodcuts. 8 1880 Dawson, Alfred. See Leyland. Dawson, Dr George M. British North American Boundary Commission. Report of the Geology and Resources of the Region in the Vicinity of the Forty- Ninth Parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, with Lists of Plants and Animals collected, and Notes on the Fossils. Maps and plates. 8 Montreal, 1875 Notes and Observations on the Kwakiool People of Vancouver Island. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol. 5, Sec. 2, 1887.) Plate. 4* Montreal, 1888 Geological and Natural History. Survey of Canada : Report on an Explo- ration in the Yukon District, N.W.T., and adjacent Northern Portion of British Columbia, 1887. Maps and plates. Large 8 Montreal, 1888 DAW-DEC. 125 Dawson, Dr George M. Notes on the Indian Tribes of the Yukon District, and adjacent Northern Portion of British Columbia. 8* [Montreal, 1889] Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada : The Mineral Wealth of British Columbia, with an Annotated List of Localities of Minerals of Econo- mic Value. Large 8 Montreal, 1889 On Some of the Larger Unexplored Regions of Canada. Map. 8* Ottawa, 1890 On the Later Physiographical Geo- logy of the Rocky Mountain Region in Canada, with Special Reference to Changes in Elevation and to the History of the Glacial Period. (From the Trans- actions of the Royal Society of Canada, Vol. 8, sec. 4.) Maps. 4* 1890 On the Glaciation of the Northern Part of the Cordillera ; with an Attempt to Correlate the Events of the Glacial Period in the Cordillera and Great Plains. (From The American Geologist for September 1890. ) 8* 1890 Notes on the Shuswap People of British Columbia. (Reprint from Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada.) Map. 4* 1891 Note on the Geological Structure of the Selkirk Range. (Bulletin of the Geological Society of America,} Vol. 2, pp. 165-176.) 8* Rochester, 1891 Notes on the Geology of Middleton Island, Alaska. (From Bulletin Geol. Soc.. Am., Vol. 4.) Large 8* 1892 See Mackenzie, A. ; Selwyn ; also Canada, A : Appendix 2. and A. Sutherland. Elementary Geography of the British Colonies. Illustrations. 12 1892 Dawson, Sir J. William. Observations on the Geology of the Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Map and sections. 8* [1884] British Association for the Advance- ment of Science : Address by Sir T- William Dawson. 8* 1886 - The Geology of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island ; or, Acadian Geology. 4th edition. Map and illustrations. Large 8 1891 See Canada, A, Geological Survey : Appendix 2. and B. J. Harrington. Report on the Geological Structure and Mineral Resources of Prince Edward Island. Map and plates. 8" Montreal, 1871 Dawson, Commander L. S. Memoirs of Hydrography, including brief Biographies of the Principal Officers who have served in H.M. Naval Surveying Service be- tween the years 1 750 and 1885. 2 parts. Portraits. Large 8 Eastbourne, 1885 Dawson, S. J. Rapport sur 1'Exploration dela Contree situee entre le LacSuperieur et la Colonie de la Riviere Rouge et entre ce dernier endroit et les rivieres Assiniboine et Saskatchewan. Maps. 4 [Also in English.] Toronto, 1859 Day, Capt. C. R. See Mockler-Ferry- man. Day, David. S. See United States, G, c (Statisiical Papers) : Appendix 2. Day, F. The Fishes of India : being a Natural History of the Fishes known to Inhabit the Seas and Freshwaters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Vols. I and 2. Plates. 4 1876-78 Day, St John V. The Iron and Steel Industries of Scotland. [Bound up with Papers by John Fergusson, John Mayer, and James Paton, for the British Association Meeting at Glasgow, 1876.] 12 Glasgow, 1876 Dayman, Commander Jos. Deep-Sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean, between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M.S. "Cyclops," in 1857. Maps and plates. 8 1858 De . Par French names such as De Candolle, see under principal word. Deakin, Hon. Alfred. Irrigated India : an Australian View of India and Cey- lon, their Irrigation and Agriculture. Map. 8 1893 Deane, A. Ceylon. (Spon's Information for Colonial Engineers, edited by J. T. Hurst, No. I.) 8* 1875 Deane, H. S. Report on a Preliminary Survey of the State of Perak, its Position, Boundaries, Area, what Portions are Available for Plantations, the Various Means of Transport, and the Description of Survey adapted to its Present and Future Requirements. 8* Singapore, 1880 Debaize, Abbe, et sa Mission Geogra- phique et Scientifique dans 1'Afrique Centrale, par Alfred Rabaud. Portrait. 8 Marseilles, 1880 Debenham, J. A New Theory of the Tides, in which the Errors of the Usual Theory are Demonstrated. 8* 1846 Debes, L. J. Fasroce et Fteroa reserata. Del er : Faerceernis oc Fserceeske Ind- hyggeris Beskrifvelse, &c. 12 Copenhagen, 1673 Dechen, H. von. Anzeige der geognostis- chen Karte von Deutschland, England, Frankreich, und den Nachbarlandern. 8* Berlin, 1839 Sammlung der Hohenmessungen in der Rhein provinz, geordnet nach den Methoden und den Linien der Nivelle- ments, &c. 8 Bonn, 1852 GeognostischerFtihrer indasSiebenge- birge am Rhein. Mit mineralogisch- petrographischen Bemerkungen von Dr G. vom Rath. Map. 12 Bonn, 1861 126 DEC-DEL. Dechen, H. von. Geognostischer Fiihrer zu der Vulkanreihe der Vorder-Eifel. 12 Bonn, 1 86 1 Geognostischer Fiihrer zu demLaacher See und seiner vulkanischen Umgebung. 12 Bonn, 1864 Dechevrens, Marc. Recherches sur les principaux Phenomenes de Meteorologie et de Physique Terrestre. 8* Versailles, 1877 Recherches sur les Variations des Vents a Zi-Ka-Wei, d'apres les observa- tion faites de 1873 a 1877. 4* Zi-Ka-Wei, 1877 La Lumiere Zodiacale etudiee d'apres les observations faites de 1875 a 1879. Plate. 4* Zi-Ka-Wei, 1879 Le Typhon du 31 Juillet 1879. 4* Zi-Ka-Wei, 1879 Dechy, Moriz von. Mittheilungen iiber Bergreisen im Kaukasus, 1884-87. Folio* Vienna, 1889 Recherches sur 1'Orographie et la Glaciologie du Caucase Central. [Extrait d'une lecture donnee a la seance du 9 Aoiit au Congres du Paris.] 8* Paris, 1889 The Ascent of Maglich. Map and illustrations. 8* 1889 Neuere Forschungen und Bergreisen im Kaukasischen Hochgebirge. I and 2. 12* Vienna, 1889-91 Bergfahrten in den Alpen der Herze- gowina. Separatabdruck aus Nos. 350 und 351, der Oesterr- Alpen Zeitung. Plate. Large 8* Vienna, 1892 Decken. See Von der Decken. Deckert, Emil. Die Civilisatorische Mission der Europaer unter den wilden Volkern. 8* Berlin, 1881 Die Staaten von Mitteleuropa : fiir kaufmannische und gewerbliche Fach- schulen und Realschulen, sowie zum Selbstunterricht. 8 Leipzig, 1883 Ueber die geographischen Grund- voraussetzungen der Hauptbahnen des Wei tverkehrs. Verkehrsgeograph ische Studie. 8* Leipzig, 1883 Die Kolonialreiche und Kolonisa- tionsobjekte der Gegenwart : Kolonial- politische und Kolonialgeographische Skizzen. 12 Leipzig, 1884 See Andree. Decotter, N. Geographic de Maurice et de ses Dependances. 12* Maurititis, 1891 Geography of Mauritius and its De- pendencies. 12* Mauritius, 1892 Deflers, A. Voyage au Yemen. Excur- sion botanique. Plates. 8 Paris, 1889 Defoe, D. (continued by Richardson). A Tour through the Island of Great Britain. Divided into Circuits or Journies. 8th edition. 4 vols. Maps. 16 1778 Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe. New edition, revised and corrected for the advancement of nautical education. Illustrated by technical and geographical annotation. Illustrations. 8 1815 Defremery, C. See Ibn Batuta. Degrandpre. L. Voyage a la Cote occi- dentale d'Afrique, fait dans les annees 1786 et 1787 ; contenant la Description des mceurs, usages, lois, gouvernement, et commerce des Etats du Congo, fre- quentes par les Europeens, et un precis de la traite des Noirs ainsi qu 'elle avail lieu avant la Revolution franchise ; suivi d'un Voyage fait au Cap de Bonne- Esperance, contenant la description militaire de cette colonie. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 8 Paris, 1801 D'Hericourt. See Rochet d'Hericourt. Deguignes, Joseph. See Guignes. Deichmann, L. B. See Petersen. De Jongh, J. J. Costa Rica. [Cutting from Spanish Post.} 8* N.P. , 1875 De la Barca. See Barca. De la Beche, Sir Henry T. A Geo- logical Manual. 12 1832 How to Observe Geology. Woodcuts. 12 1835 Mining, Quarrying, and Metallurgical Processes and Products. 8* 1851 De la Boulaye. See Pallas. De la Bourdonnais. Comte A. Make. Un Fran9ais en Birmanie : Notes de Voyage. 3rd edition. Map. 12 Paris, 1886 De la Brocquiere, B. See Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. De la Caille, N. L. Journal Historique du Voyage fait au Cap de Bonne-Esper- ance ; precede d'un Discours sur la Vie de 1' Auteur, suivi de Remarques et de Reflexions surlesCoutumes des Hottentots et des Habitans du Cap. Map. 12 Paris, 1763 De la Condamine. See Condamine. De la Croix, J. Errington. Les Mines d' Etain de Perak (Presqu' lie de Malacca). Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1 882 De la Cruz, Don Luis. Viage de D. L. de la Cruz por los Indies des de Chile a Buenos Ayres, 1806. Map. MS. Folio Delaneld, John J. An Inquiry into the Origin of the Antiquities of America ; with an Appendix on the Causes of the Superiority of the Men of the Northern over those of the Southern Hemisphere, by James Lakey, M.D. Plates and Jac- simile. 4 New York, 1839 De la Gironiere, P. Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux lies Philip- pines, avec un aperfu sur la geologic et la nature du sol de ces iles, sur ses habitants ; sur le regne mineral, le regne vegetal et le regne animal ; sur 1'agri- culture, 1'industrie, et le commerce de cet archipel. 2nd edition. Map and illus- trations. Small folio Paris, 1857 DEL. 127 De la Grye. See Bouquet de la Grye. De la Haie, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Delaire, A. Geneve et le Mont Blanc : Notes de Science et de Voyage. 8* Paris, 1876 De la Jonchere, L. Demonstration de I'lmmobilitezdelaTerre. 12* Paris, 1728 Explication du Flux et du Reflux de la Mer. 12* Paris, 1728 De la Lande, M. Voyage en Italic. 3rd edition. 7 vols. Small 8 Geneva, 1790 De la Loubere. A New Historical Re- lation of the Kingdom of Siam, wherein a Full and Curious Account is given of the Chinese Way of Arithmetick and Mathematick Learning. Done out of French, by A. P. Gen. Maps and plates. Folio 1693 De la Marck. See Parchappe. De la Marmora, Comte Albert. Itine- raire de 1'Ile de Sardaigne, pour faire suite au Voyage en cette contree. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, and plates. 8 Turin, 1860 Delamarre, Casimir. Un Pluriel pour un Singulier et le Panslavisme est de- truit dans son principe. 8 Paris, 1868 Un Peuple Europeen de quinze millions oublie devant 1'histoire : Petition au Senat de 1'Empire demandant une reforme dans 1'enseignement de 1'histoire. 8 Paris, 1869 La situation economique de I'Espagne; noeud Gordien de sa situation politique. 8* Paris, 1869 De la Martiniere. H. M. P. Morocco : Journeys in the Kingdom of Fez, and to the Court of Mulai Hassan ; with Itineraries constructed by the Author, and a Bibliography of Morocco from 1844 to 1887; with a Preface by Lieut.-Col. Trotter. Maps. 8 1889 Delambre, M. Rapport fait a 1' Academic des Sciences, sur les Memoires inedits de M. de Paravey relatifs a 1'Origine Chal- deenne des Zodiaques et a 1'age qui resulte de ceux retrouves en Egypte. 8* Paris, 1832 De la Moriciere and Lieut. Gen. A. Bedeau. Projets de Colonisation pour les Provinces D'Oran et de Con- stantine. 8 Paris, 1847 De la Motraye, A. Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa ; containing a great variety of Geogra- phical, Topographical, and Political Observations ... on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Crim and Noghaian Tartaries, Circassia, Sweden, Lapland, Prussia, Russia, Poland, &c. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1723-32 De la Motte, . Le Nil : Premiere Conference faite le 16 Juillet 1880 a la Societe de Geographic de Paris, touchant ses etudes sur le Bassin du Nil. 4* Paris, 1880 Bassin du Nil, Soudan, Nubie, Egypte. 4* Paris, 1883 De la Nauze, . Remarques sur Eratos- thene, a 1'occasion de la latitude de Syene. 8* [Paris, 1879] Delano, Capt. Amasa. Narrative of Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, comprising Three Voyages round the World, to- gether with a Voyage in the Pacific Ocean and Oriental Islands. Map and plates. 8 Boston, Mass., 1817 Pitcairn's Island. 8* N.P., N.D. De la Noe, G., and E. de Margerie. Les Formes du Terrain. Plates. 4 Paris, 1888 De la Perouse. See Laperouse. De la Peyrere, Isaac. See Churchill, Vol. 2; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 18 : Appendix i. De la Peyronie. See Pallas. De la Planche, H. Description Hydro- graphique de la Cote Orientale de la Coree et du Golfe d'Osaka. Traduite du Russe par M. H. de la Planche. Maps. 8 Paris, 1861 See Reineke. De la Porte, L. See Mendoza, J. G. de ; Walckenaer ; also Recueil des Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix I. De la Richarderie, G. Boucher. Biblio- theque Universelle des Voyages. 6 vols. Paris, 1808 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] De la Richerie, E. G. Etablissements francais de 1'Oceanie. 8* Paris, 1865 De la Rive, A. Nouvelles Recherches sur les Auroras Boreales et Australes, et Description d'un Appareil qui les repro- duit avec les Phenomenes qui les accom- pagnent. Plate. 4* Geneva, 1862 De la Roche, Ant. See Burney, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. De la Roche, J. F. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. De ,la Roche - Poncie, . Note sur 1'Evaluation des distanc en Mer. 8* Paris, 1860 De la Rochette. See Vincent, Vol. I : Appendix I. De la Roque, J. Voyage dans la Palestine, vers le Grand Emir, Chef des Princes Arabes du Desert, connus sous le nom dc Bedouins, ou d'Arabes Scenitcs . . . ; avec la Description generale d'Arabie, faite par le Sultan Ismael Abulfcda. Plates. 12 Amsterdam, 1718 Voyage de Syrie et du Mont-Liban. 2 vols in I. 12 Paris, 1722 128 DEL. De la Roque, J. A Voyage to Arabia the Happy, by way of the Eastern Ocean and the Streightsof the Red Sea, performed by the French in 1708-10. Map and plates. 12 1730 De la Roquette, Dezos. Sur les Decou- vertes faites en Greenland. 8* Paris, 1835 Recherches sur 1'Origine, 1'Etymo- logte, et la Signification Primitive de quelques Noms de lieu en Normandie. Traduites du Danois par M. de la Roquette. 8* Pan's, 1835 Notice Biographique sur la Vie et les Travaux de Prof. Keilhau. 8* Parts, 1838 Notice sur les Mines de Cuivre d'Alten (Norvege). Map. 8* Paris, 1839 Norvege : Extrait de 1'Encyclopedie Moderne, Vol. 22. 8* Paris, 1849 Le Prince Galitzin et le Lieut. Bellot, Notices Biographiques. Portrait, map, and facsimile. 8* Paris, 1854 Notice sur la vie et les travaux de John Brown. 4* Paris, 1863 Note sur 1'Ile d'Hai-nan, sur les Religieux de la Mission de la Chine. 8* Paris, N.D. Le Cosmographe Espagnol Martin Fernandez de Enciso : Etude Biogra- phique. 8* N.P., N.D. Notice Necrologique sur. Royal 8* Poissy, N.D. 6VeDaussy; Eyries; Franklin; Hell; Hansteen ; Humboldt ; Jomard ; Prevost. De la Rosa, Presb. A. Estudio de la Filosofia y riqueza de la Lengua Mexicano. 8* Guadalajara, 1889 De la Sagra, Ramon. Historia Econo- mico- Politica y Estadistica de la Isla de Cuba, 6 sea de sus progresos en la Pob- lacion, la Agricultura, el Comercio y las Rentas. 4 Havana, 1831 Historia fisica, politica, y natural de la Isla de Cuba. 12 vols. in 8. Maps and plates. Folio Paris, 1840-56 CONTENTS. Primera Parte. Historia fisica y politica. 1. Introduccion, Geografia, Clima, Poblacion, Agricultura 1842 2. Comercio maritime, Rentas y Gastos, Fuerza Armada 1842 Segunda Parte. Historia Natural. 3. Mamiferos y Aves (por Alcides D'Orbigny) 1845 4. Reptiles (por Cocteau y Bibron) y Peces 1843 5. Moluscos (por A. D'Orbigny) 1845 6. Foraminiferas (por A. D'Orbigny) 1840 7. Crustaceos, Aragnides, e Insectos (Guerin Meneville, H. Lucas, Jacquelin Duval, De Selys Long- champs, Bigot) 1856 8. Atlas de Zoologia 1855 De la Sagra, Ramon continued. 9. Botanica (Criptogamia o Plantas Cellulares, por Camilo Montagne) 1845 10. and ii. Botanica (Fanerogamia o Plantas Vasculares, por A. A. Richard) 1845-50 12. Atlas de Botanica 1855 Cuba en 1860, o sea Cuadra de sus Adelantos en la Poblacion, la Agricul- tura, el Comercio, y las Rentas Publicas. Suplemento a la primera parte de la " Historia politica y natural de la Isla Cuba." Folio Paris, 1862 See Poey, A. De la Salle, R. See Sparks. De la Torre, Bertrand. See Callander, i : Appendix i. De la Torre, Count Raymond. See Colleccao de Noticias : Appendix i. De la Torre, Jose Maria. Nuevo Com- pendio de Geografia Universal, y par- ticular de la Monarquia Espanola. Plates. 8* Havana, 1852 Nueva Tabla de Cuentas ; con el sistema Metrico aplicado a todo la Monarquia Espanola y multitud de noticias litiles. Part2. 18* Havana, 1852 Compendio de Geografia, Fisica, Politica, Estadistica, y Comparada de la Isla de Cuba. 8* Havana, 1854 Nuevos Elementos de Geografia e Historia de la Isla de Cuba. 18* Havana, 1856 De la Valle, Pietro. See Delia Valle. De la Vega, Garcilasso. Commentaries Reales, que tratan del Origen de los Vncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su Idolatria, Leyes, y Govierno en Pax y en Guerra, de sus vidas y conquistas, y de todo lo que fue aquel Imperio y su Re- publica, antes que los Espanoles pas- saran a el. 2 vols in I. Small folio Lisbon, 1609-17 Historia general del Peru : Trata el descubrimiento de el ; y como lo ganaron los Espanoles ; las Guerras civiles que huvo entre Pizarros y Almagros, sobre la partija de la tierra ; castigo y levan- tamiento de Tyranos, y otros sucesos particulares, &c. 2nd edition. Folio Madrid, 1722 Primera parte de los Commentaries Reales, que tratan del Origen de los Yncas, &c. 2nd edition. Small folio Madrid, 1723 La Florida del Inca : Historia del Adelantado, Hernando de Soto . . . y de otros heroicos Caballeros Espanoles e Indies . . ; van enmendadas en esta impresion, muchas erratas de la primera : y anadida copiosa tabla de las cosas notables ; y el Ensaio Cronologico, que contiene, las sucedidas, hasta en el ano de 1722. Folio Madrid, 1723 DEL DEM. 129 De la Vega, Garcilasso. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 41, 45, 60; Kerr, Vol. 5 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 7 : Appendix i. De la Warre, Lord. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Delaporte, L. Voyage au Cam bodge : L' Architecture Khmer. Maps and plates. Paris, 1880 Delavaud, L. Les Portugais dans I'Afrique Centrale avant le XVII e Siecle. 8* Rochefort, 1879 La Politique Coloniale de l'Allemagne. (From " Annales de 1'Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques.") Large 8* Paris, 1888 Del Badia, J. See Dante. D'Elbee, Sieur. See Elbee. Delcros, Comm. Notice sur les Altitudes du Mont-Blanc et du Mont-Rose, deter- minees par des Mesures Barometriques et Geodesiques. Royal 8* Versailles, 1851 Delegorgue, Adolphe. Voyage dans I'Afrique Australe, notamment dans le territoire de Natal, dans celui des Cafres, Amazoulous, et Makatisses, et jusqu'au Tropique du Capricorne, execute durant les annees 1838-44, c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. S J Paris, 1847 Delesse, A. Lithologie des Mers de France et des Mers principales du Globe. Map. 8 ; Atlas, folio Paris [1871] Rapport sur un Memoire, intitule " Etude des deformations subies par les terrains de la France." 8* Paris, 1872 Les Oscillations des Cotes de France. Map. 8* Paris, 1872 Carte agricole de la France. Map. Small 8* Paris, 1874 Notice sur les Travaux scientifiques de M. Delesse. 4* Paris, 1869 Delgado, J. F. N. Noticia acerca das Grutas de Cesareda Commissao geologica de Portugal. Opusc. I. 1867 (Terrenos paleozoicos de Portugal). Sobre a existencia do terreno siluriano no Baixo Alemtejo. Map and plates. 4* Lisbon, 1876 Delhoste, Capt. E. P. Report on the Routes leading from Kurachee to Jerruk, with an Account of the Town of Jerruk ; Report on the Country between Kurachee Tatta, and Sehwan. [From the India Records, No. 17] Bombay, 1855 " Delight" (Ship). See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. )ella * Delia Casa, Giovanni. See Casa. Delia Cella, Paolo. Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary to the Western Frontier of Egypt in 1817, with Instructions for Navigating the Great Syrtis. Translated by A. Aufrere. Map. 8" 1822 Delia Penna, H. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Delia Valle, Pietro. Travels in East India and Arabia Deserta ; whereunto is added a Relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East Indies. Map. Folio. 1665 Viaggi di . . . il Pellegrino, descritti da lui medisimo in 54 lettere familiari . . . aU'erudito . . . suo amico Mario Schipano. Diuisi in tre parti, cioe, la Turchia, la Persia, e 1'India. [Parte prima, La Turchia ; Parte seconda, in 2 vols., La Persia ; Parte terza, L'India, c'ol ritorno in patria.] 4 vols. 12 Bologna, 1672-81 Ditto. 4 vols. 12 Bologna, 1677-81 Les Fameux Voyages de Pietro Delia Valle. 4 vols. Plate and portraits. 4 Paris, 1664-70 See Pennesi ; also Pinkerton, Vol. 9 ; Thevenot, Vol. I ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 84, 85 : Appendix I. Dellon, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. De Long, George W. The Voyage of the "Jeannette": the Ship and Ice Journals of George W. De Long, Lieut. - Commander U.S.N., and Commander of the Polar Expedition of 1879-81. Edited by his wife Emma De Long. 2 vols. Portraits, maps, charts, and illustrations. 8 1 883 See Melville. Del Re, Giuseppe. Descrizione Reali Domini di qua del Faro nel Regno delle due Sicilie. Vols. I, 2, 3 [Part i.] Maps. Naples, 1830-35-36 Del Rio, Capt. Antonia. Description of the Ruins of an ancient City discovered near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Gau- temala in Spanish America ; followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or a Critical Investigation and Research into the History of the Americans, by Dr P. Felix Cabrera. Plates. 4 1822 Demay, Charles. Histoire de la Colon- isation Allemande. 12 Paris, 1889 Demersay, L. Alfred. Histoire Physique, Economique, et Politique du Paraguay et des Etablissements des Jesuites. 2 vols. Royal 8 Paris, 1860-65 Demeunier, . See Brydone, P. DemidorT,Anatolede. Travels in Southern Russia and the Crimea, through Hungary, Wallachia, and Moldavia, during 1837. 2 vols. Map and plates. Royal 8 1855 Dempsey, J. M., and W. Hughes. Our Ocean Highways : Condensed Uni- versal Hand Gazetteer and International Route Book, by Ocean, Road, or Rail ; being a Complete Book of Reference and Guide for the Traveller to every known Port and chief City in the Whole World, &c. Maps. 12 1871 DEM DEN, Demtch.enka, Y. The Aralo-Caspian District in Relation to Climate. [In Russian.] Small 8* Kiev, 1871 Denaix, . Rapports et Notice sur les Travaux Geographiques et Historiques. 8* Paris, 1833 Geographic Prototype de la France. Map. 8 Paris, 1841 Dendy, W. C. The Beautiful Islets of Britaine. 8 1857 Islets of the Channel. Maps. 8 1858 Denes, Franz. Wegweiser durch die Ungarischen Karpathen. Im Auftrage des Ungarischen Karpathenvereins. Maps and illustrations. 12 Iglo, 1888 Denham, Major Dixon, and Capt. Hugh Clapperton. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa in 1822-24, extending across the Great Desert to the Tenth Degree of Northern Latitude, and from Kouka in Bornou to Sackatoo, the capital of the Fellatah Empire ; with an Appendix. Maps and plates. 4 1826 Denham, Capt. H. M. Sailing Directions for the Bristol Channel. 8 1839 Report on some Islands and Reefs in the South-Western Pacific Ocean. 8 i855 Hydrographic Notices : Australia, East Coast, South Coast ; Mediter- ranean Sea, Alexandria Harbour, Indian Ocean, Eastern Archipelago, Banka Strait, China Sea ; Directions for the Si Kiang or West River, the Yang- tze- Kiang, the Gulf of Pe-Chile, and for the Tien-Tsin Ho or Pei Ho ; Japan Islands. 8 1856-59 Deniker, . See Levasseur. Deniker, J. Essai d'une Classification des Races Humaines basee uniquement sur lesCharacteres Physiques. 8* Paris, 1889 See France, B, a : Appendix 2. Denina, C. Tableau Historique, Statis- tique, et Moral de la Haute- Italic. 8 Paris, 1805 Denis, A. Promenade Pittoresque et Statistique dans le Departement du Var, ou Etudes Historiques, Geologiques, Mineralogiques, Botaniques, Agricoles, Industrielles, et Manufacturieres sur ce Departement. Plates. Folio Toulon [1833] Hyeres Ancien et Moderne. Pro- menades Pittoresques, Scientifiques, et Litteraires sur son Territoire, ses En- virons et ses lies. Quatrieme edition tres augmentee et entierement refondue par le Docteur R. Chassinat. Frontispiece, map, and plan. Small 8 Hyeres, N.D. Denis, Ferdinand. Portugal. Plates. 8 Paris, 1846 Denis, Ferdinand. Le Genie de la Navigation : Statue en Bronze, executee par M. Daumas pour la ville de Toulon. Plate. 8 Paris, 1847 See Rang. Denison, Sir W. Varieties of Vice- Regal Life. 2 vols. Map. 8 1878 Denman, Commander Hon. , R. N. Practical Remarks on the Slave Trade, and on the existing Treaties with Por- tugal. 2nd edition. 8* 1839 Dennett, R. E. Seven Years among the Fjort, being an English Trader's Experi- ences in the Congo District. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1887 Denniee, Baron. Precis Historique et Administratif de la Campagne d'Afrique. Plates. 8 Paris, 1830 Dennis, George. The Cities and Ceme- teries of Etruria. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Map, plans, and illustrations. 8 1883 Dennis, J. S. Extract from Surveyor's Report of Township Surveys in Mani- toba, Keewatin, and North-West Ter- ritories. Map. 8* Ottawa, 1877 Navigation of Hudson's Bay. 8* Ottawa [1878] Denniston, . See New Zealand, A: Ap- pendix 2. Dennys, N. B. Notes for Tourists in the North of China. Maps and plans. 8 Hongkong, 1866 Report on the Newly-opened Ports of K'uing Chow (Hoi-How) in Hainan and of Hai-Phong in Tonquin (visited in April 1876). Maps. 8 Hongkong, 1876 Denon, Vivant. Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les Campagnes du Bonaparte. 2 vols. Plates. 4; Plates, folio 1802 The same. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 4 1809 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Translated by Arthur Aikin. 3 vols. 8; Plates, 4 1803 Dent, C. T. Mountaineering : with Con- tributions by W. M. Conway, D. W. Freshfield, C. E. Mathews, C. Pilk- ington, Sir F. Pollock, H. G. Willink, and an Introduction by Mr Justice Wills. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 8 1892 Dent, Edward J. On the Errors of Chronometers, and Explanation of a New Construction of the Compensation Balance. 8 1842 A Description of the Dipleidoscope, or Double Reflecting Meridian and Altitude Instrument. 8 1844 On the Aneroid Barometer, a newly invented Portable Barometer. 8 1849 On the Construction and Manage- ment of Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. 8 1850 DEN DES. Dent, Hastings Charles. A Year in Brazil, with Notes on the Abolition of Slavery, the Finances of the Empire, Religion, Meteorology, Natural History, &c. Maps and illustrations. 8 1886 Dentrecasteaux, Vice -Admiral. Voyage de Dentrecasteaux, envoye a la recherche de La Perouse . . . Redige par M. de Rossel. 2 vols. and Atlas. Charts, plans, &c. 4 Paris, 1 808 Denzler, H. H. Die Meereshohe des Chasseral, als Grundlage des Schweizeri- schen Hohennetzes. 8* N.P., 1864 Depons, F. Travels in South America during 1801-4, containing a Description of the Caraccas, and an Account of the Discovery, Conquest, Topography, &c., of the Country ; with a View of the Manners and Customs of the Spaniards and the Native Indians. 2 vols. in i. Map. 8 1807 See Phillips [2], Vol. I : Appendix I. Deporter, Com. V. Apropos du Trans- saharien. Extreme-sud de 1'Algerie : le Gourara, le Touat, In-Salah, leTidikelt, le pays des Touareg Hoggar, 1'Adrar, Tin Bouctou, Agades, 1888-89. Map in separate case. 8 Algiers, 1890 La Question du Touat. Sahara Algerien, Gourara, Touat, Tidikelt, Cararanes, et Transsaharien. Deux Con- ferences. Map. 8* Algiers, 1891 Depping, G. B. Merveilles et Beautes de la Nature en France. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1812 Depree, G. C. See India, F, b : Appen- dix 2. De Ranee, Charles E. The Water Supply of England and Wales, its Geo- logy? Underground Circulation, Sur- face Distribution, and Statistics. Maps. 8 1882 De Rancy, M. See Rancy. Derby, Lieut. Geo. H. Report of the Reconnaissance of the Gulf of California and the Colorado River, made in 1850- 51. Map. 8* Washington, 1852 Derby, Orville A. On the Carboniferous Brachiopoda of Itaitiiba, Rio Tapajos, Prov. of Para, Brazil. [Bulletin of the Cornell University (Science), Vol. I, No. 2.] Plates. 8* Ithaca, N. K, 1874 Physical Geography and Geology of Brazil. Translated from "A Geographia Physica do Brazil," and reprinted from The Rio News, of 5th, 15th, and 24th December 1884. Maps. 8* [Rio de Janeiro, 1884] Contribuicao para o Estudo da Geo- graphia Physico do Valle do Rio Grande. [Rio de Janeiro, 1885] Os Picos Altos do Brazil. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1889 Derenbourg, J. Essai sur 1'Histoire et la Geographic de la Palestine, d'apres les Thalmuds et autres sources Rabbiniques. Part i. 8 Paris, 1867 Derenbourg, Hartwig. Les Manuscrits Arabes de 1'Escurial. Tome I. [Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv., II e Serie, Vol. 10.] Frontispiece. Large 8 Paris, 1884 Ousama Ibn Mounkiah, un Emir Syrien au Premier Siecle des Croisades (1095-1188). Parts i and 2. [He Series, Vol. 12, ist and 2nd parts, of the same.] Large 8 Paris, 1886 and 1889 Derfelden de Hinderstein, Baron G. F. von. Memoire Analytique, pour servir d'explication a la Carte Generale des Possessions Neerlandaises dans le Grand Archipel Indien. 4 The Hague, 1844 Dermer, Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. De Ricci, J. H. See Ricci. Dernschwam, H. See Kiepert, H. De Roos, Hon. Fred. Fitzgerald. See Roos. De Rossi, Stefano. See Issel. Deschamps, Leon. Histoire de la Question Coloniale en France. 8 Paris, 1891 Deschamps, P., et G. Brunet. Manuel du Libraire et de 1'Amateur de Livres. Supplement, contenant i un comple- ment du Dictionnaire Bibliographique deM.J.-Ch. Brunet. . . . 2 La Table Raisonnee des Articles. i. (A M.) 8 Paris, 1878 Supplement, ii. (N Z.) 8 Paris, 1880 Deschanel, Paul. Leb Interets Francais dans 1'Ocean Pacifique : I. Mission Catholique des Gambier Archipels des Tuamotus, des Marquises, Tubuai, Cook, Wallis He Rapa, &c. ; 2. Les Nou- velles-Hebrides Geographic Histoire Colonisation Fran$aise Liberes et recidivistes Politique de 1'Australie Negociations Anglo- Francaises. 12 Paris, 1888 Des Farges. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix I. Desfontaines, L. R. See Peyssonnel. Desgodins, C. H. La Mission du Thibet de 1855 a 1870. Map. 8 Verdun, 1872 Le Thibet d'apres la Correspondance des Missionnaires. 2nd edition. Map. 8 Paris, 1885 Desgraz, C. See Vincendon-Dumoulin. Desiderius, H. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Desjardins, Ernest. Rhone et Danube. Nouvelles Observations sur les Fosses Mariennes et le Canal du Bas-Rhone ; Embouchures du Danube comparees a celles du Rhone ; Projet de Canalisa- tion maritime du Bas-Danube. {Large paper.} Map. 8 Paris, 1870 132 DES DIA. Desjardins, Ernest. Geographic His- torique et Administrative de la Gaule Romaine. Vols. I, 2, 3, and 4. Maps and plates. Large 8 Paris, 1876-93 Desjobert, A. La Question d'Alger, Politique, Colonisation, Commerce. 8 Paris, 1837 L'Algerie en 1844. 8 Paris, 1844 L'Algerie en 1846. 8 Paris, 1846 Desmarest, Citoyen. Geographic-Phy- sique. Encyclopedic Methodique. 5 , v.-ls. 4 Paris, 1795 Des Michels, Abel. Tam tu Kinh, ou le livre des phrases de truis caracteres, avec le grand commentaire de Vu'o'ng tan thang. Texte, transcription An- namite et Chinoise, explication litterale et tra'luction completes. [No. 17 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Large 8 Paris, 1882 Les Poemes de 1'Annam. Luc van Tien ca Dien. Texte en caracteres figuratifs, transcription en caracteres latin*, et tiaduction. [No. 19 ofPubl.de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Laige 8 Paris, 1883 The same. Kim Van Kieu Tan Truyen. Public et traduit pour la premiere fois par Abel Dts Michels. Vol. I, and Vol. 2, Pts. I and 2. [ll e Seri'e, Vols. 14 and 15 (2 parts) of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Large 8 Paris, 1884-85 Desmoulins, M. Renseignements Hydro- graphiques et Statistiques sur la Cote de Syrie. 8* Paris, 1862 Des Muss, O. See Abyssinia ; Voyage en Abyssinie, 1839-43, Part 4 : Appendix 2. Desor, E. Nouvelles Excursions et Sejours dans les Glaciers et les hautes regions des Alpes de M. Agassiz et de ses compagnons de voyage. Accom- pagnees d'une Notice sur les Glaciers de 1'AUee-Blanche et du Val-Ferret par M. Agassiz, et d'un Aperu sur la Structure Geologique des Alpes par M. Studer. Maps. 8 Paris, 1845 Dessiou, J. F. Le Petit Neptune Fran- cais ; or, French Coasting Pilot for the Coast of Flanders (Belgium) Channel, the Bay of Biscay, and Mediterranean. To which is added, the Coast of Italy from the River Var to Cape Spartivento, with the North Coast of Sicily and the Island of Corsica. Maps. 4 1805 D'Estrey, Comte Meyners. See Estrey. Detcheverry, Leonce. Nossi-Be. Large 8* Paris, 1881 Devaux, Javier. Ueterminacion de la Lonjitud por la observacion de las Ocultaciones de Estrellas por la Luna. Nuevo Metodo para predecir la oculta- cion i calcular la Lonjitud. Plates. 8 Santiago de Chile, 1890 De Vea, Ant. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. De Veaux, S. The Traveller's Own Book to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls, and Canada ; containing Routes, Distances, Conveyances, Expenses, Use of Mineral Waters, Baths, Description of Scenery, &c. Maps and plates. 18 Buffalo, 1841 Deverell, F. H. All Round Spain, by Road and Rail, with a Short Account of a Visit to Andorra. Map in cover. 8 1884 Devereux, W. C. A Cruise in the " Gorgon " ; or, Eighteen Months on H.M.S. "Gorgon," engaged in the Suppression of the Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa ; including a Trip up the Zambesi with Dr Livingstone. Map. 8 1869 Fair Italy : The Riviera and Monte Carlo. Comprising a Tour through North and South Italy and Sicily, with a Short Account of Malta. Post 8 1884 "De Vergulde Draeck," Ship. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25: Appendix I. Deveria, G. Histoire des Relations de la Chine avec 1'Annam -Vietnam du XVI e au XIX e Siecle. [Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv., Vol. 13.] Map. 8 Paris, 1880 La Frontiere Sino-Annamite. Des- cription Geographique et Ethnographique d'apres des Documents Officiels Chinois traduits pour la premiere fois. [Publ. de I'Ecole des Langues Orientales Viv., III e Serie, Vol. I.] Maps and illustra- tions. Large 8 Paris, 1886 Dewar, J. Gumming. Voyage of the " Nyanza," R.N.Y.C. : being the Record of a Three Years' Cruise in a Schooner- Yacht in the Atlantic and Pacific, and her subsequent Shipwreck. Map and illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1892 D'Ewes, J. Sporting in both Hemi- spheres. Plates. 8 1858 Dewey, G. See United States, E, a (No. 56) : Appendix 2. De Windt, Harry. See Windt. Deydier, . La Locomotion Aerienne. Plate. 8* Oran, 1877 D'Halloy, J. J. d'Omalius. See Halloy. D'Herbelot, M. See Herbelot. Diaz, Augustin. A Brief Report on the Organisation, Objects, and Development of the Works of the Geographical Ex- ploring Commission in the Republic of Mexico. 8* New Orleans, 1885 Diaz (or Dias), Bartholomew. See General Collection of Voyages, p. 610: Appendix I. Diaz del Castillo, Conquistador Bernal. The Memoirs of, written by himself; containing a True and Full Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. 2 vols. 8 DIA DIL. 133 Diaz del Castillo, Conquistador Bernal. See Cartas cie Indias, p. 612; Kerr, Vols. 3, 4 : Appendix i. Dicey, E. A Month in Russia during the Marriage of the Czarevitch. Portraits. 8 1867 Dicey, Capt. W. Report on the Creek Navigation from Akyab to Toungoop. [From the India Records, No. 19, Public Works Dept.] 8 Calcutta, 1856 Dick, A. H. Compendium of Mathe- matical Geography ; with a Preface by Laurie. 12 1863 Dick, W. A. T. Report on the Working of the Government Botanical Gardens in the N.W. Provinces, 1867-68. [From the India Records, N.W. Prov., Part I.] 8 Allahabad, 1868 Dickens, Lieut. C. H. Memorandum of Experiments on, and Analysis of, Specimens of Kunkur, on the Grand Trunk Road, near Naubutpore. [From the Records of India, N.W. Prov., Vol. 2] 8 Agra, 1855-64 Dickenson, Jonathan. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Dickenson, W. B. Dudu-Masu, Coco- Reedi, or Hook Money of Ceylon. 8* 1850 Dickie, George. Notes of Algae collected on the Coast of North- West America by Mr R. Brown. 8* [1868] - Notes of Mosses and Hepatic?e, col- lected by Robert Brown, Esq., on the North-West Coast of America. 8* [1868] See Inglefield ; Lindsay. Dickinson, John. India : its Govern- ment under a Bureaucracy. 8 1853 Dickson, Consul J. Report on the Jaffa- Jerusalem Railway (with plans). [Foreign Office Reports, 1893 : Miscellaneous Series, No. 288, Turkey.] 8* 1893 Dickson, Walter. The Antarctic Voyage of Her Majesty's hired Barque "Pagoda" [1844-45]. (From United Service Maga- zine, June and July 1850.) 8* 1850 Dickson, W. G. Gleanings from Japan. Illustrations. 8 1889 Dickson, Oscar. See Nordenskiold. Dickson, William P. See Mommsen. Dictionaries. See General: Appendix 2. Dicuil, . See Letronne, A. Dieffenbach, Ernest. New Zealand, and its Native Population. 8* 1841 - Travels in New Zealand, with Con- tributions to the Geography, Geology, Botany, and Natural History. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1843 Diego, E. de. Viajes y Descubrimientos en el Polo Norte, 12 Madrid, N.D, Diehl, Charles. Excursions in Greece to recently explored Sites of Classical interest : Mycenae, Tiryns, Dodona, Delos, Athens, Olympia, Eleusis, Epi- daurus, Tanagra ; a popular Account of the results of recent Excavations. Translated by Emma R. Perkins ; with an Introduction by Reginald Stuart Poole. 8 1893 Diemer, Dr L. Das Leben in der Tro- penzone speziell in Indischen Archipel. Nach Dr van der Burg's " De Geneesheer in Nederlandsch Indie" (i Band, 2 Auflage), mil Genehmigung des Autors. 8 Hamburg, 1887 " Dido," H.M.S. See Keppel. Diener, Dr Carl. Libanon. Grundlinien der physischen Geographic und Geologic von Mittel-Syrien. Map and photo- graphs. 8 Vienna, 1886 Der Gebirgsbau der Westalpen. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1891 Diest, W. von. Von Pergamon liber den Dindymos zum Pontus, [Ergan-zungs- heft, 94 Petermann's Mittheilungen.] Photograph and maps. 4 Got ha, 1889 Dietrich Bey, L. Ville d'Alexandrie Municipalite : Rapport sur 1'assainisse- ment de la Ville. 3 parts. Large 8 Alexandria, 1892-93 Dietz, Rudolph. Die Gewerbe im Gross- herzogthum Baden, ihre Statistik, ihre Pflege, ihre Erzeugnisse. 8 Karlsruhe, 1863 Dieulafoy, Marcel. L'Acropole de Suse d'apres les fouilles executees en 1884, 1885, 1886, sous les auspices du Musee du Louvre. Illustrations. Large 4 Paris, 1893 Diez, de. See Sidi Aly. Diez de Games, Gutierre. Cronica de Don Pedro Niiio, Conde de Buelna. 4 Madrid, 1782 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth. Greater Britain : a Record of Travel in English- speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867. 2nd edition. Vol. 2 only. Maps and plates. 8 1869 - The same. 8th edition. With Addi- tional Chapters on English Influence in Japan and China, and on Hong Kong and the Straits Settlements. Crown 8 1885 Gerrymandering in Africa. (From The United Service Magazine, November 1890.) Map. 8* 1890 Problems of Greater Britain. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1890 D'lllens and Funk. See Illens. Dillon, Hon. A. A Winter in Iceland and Lapland. 2 vols. 8 1840 Dillon, J. Talbot. Travels through Spain, with a View to Illustrate the Natural History and Physical Geography of that Kingdom. Map and plates. 4 1782 See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. 134 DIL DOD. Dillon, Capt. P. Narrative and Successful Result of a Voyage to the South Seas to Ascertain the Actual Fate of La Perouse's Expedition ; interspersed with Accounts of the Religion, Manners, Customs, and Cannibal Practices of the South Sea Islanders. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1829 Dilthey, Richard. Der wirthschaftliche Werth von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Map. 12* Dusseldorf, 1889 Dilworth, H. W. See Kouli Khan. Dinarte, Sylvio. Innocencia : a Story of the Prairie Regions of Brazil. Trans- lated from the Portuguese, and illustrated, by James W. Wells. 12 1889 Dingelstedt, V. Le Regime Patriarcal et le droit coutumier des Kirghiz. 8 Paris, 1891 Dinger, W. J. De Nadeelen van onze tegenwoordige Muntregelingen. Plate. 8* Batavia, 1887 Dingman, Benjamin. Ten Years in South America. Part 2, Bolivia. 8 Montreal, 1876 Dionysius. Dionysii Orbis Descriptio ; cum Commentariis Eustathii, Archi- episcopi Thessalonicensis. Maps. Small 8 Oxford, 1710 Diodorus Siculus. See Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix I. Diosdado, Abbate. L'Eroismo di Fer- dinando Cortese confirmato contro le censure nemiche. 12 Rome, 1806 Disbrowe, Lieut. H. F. Historical Sketch connected with the Tribe of Amul- gavine. [From the India Records, No. 24.] 8 Bombay, 1856 See Hennell ; Kemball. Distant, W. L. A Naturalist in the Transvaal. Coloured plates, &c. 8 1892 Disturnell's Guide through the Middle, Northern, and Eastern States ; contain- ing a Description of the Principal Places, Canals, Railroad and Steamboat Routes, Tables of Distances, c. Map. 12 Neiv York, 1847 Ditmar, K. von. See Schrenck and Maximowicz, Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, &c. , 7. Dittenberger, Friederich. Hand- und Lehrbuch der reinen Geographic nach natiirlichen Grenzen nebst einem poli- tisch-statistischen Anhange. 2 vols. 8 Karlsruhe, 1818 Dix, John A. A Winter in Madeira, and a Summer in Spain and Florence. 2nd edition. Plates. 12 New York, 1851 Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagonia. Illustrations. 8 1880 Memories of a Great Lone Land. (From the Westminster Review, March 1893.) 8* 1893 Dixon and Portlock. See Portlock et Dixon, in Vol. i of Eyries : Appendix I. Dixon, Col. C. J. Sketch of Mairwara ; giving a Brief Account of the Origin and Habits of the Mairs, their Subjugation, Civilisation, and Conversion into an Industrious Peasantry. Maps and plates. 4 1850 Report on Ajmeer and Mairwara, illustrating the Settlement of the Land Revenue and the Revenue Administra- tion of those Districts up to the com- mencement of 1853. 4 Agra, 1853 Dixon, E. T. The Effect of the Rota- tion of the Earth on the Motion of Pro- jectiles. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution, May 1893.) 8* 1893 Dixon, Capt. George. Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America, 1785-88. Maps and plates. 4 1789 Dixon, William Hepworth. Robert Blake, Admiral and General at Sea ; based on Family and State Papers. Plate. 8 1852 New America. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1867 British Cyprus. Coloured frontispiece. 8 1879 Dobbie, Capt. Robert Shedden. Pocket Dictionary of English and Hindustani. 12 1847 Dobbs, Arthur. An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the North-West part of America . . ; with an Abstract of Captain Middleton's Journal, and Observations upon his behaviour during his voyage, and since his return, &c. Map. 4 1744 See Middleton, C. Dobell, Peter. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia ; with a Narrative of a Residence in China. 2 plates. 8 1830 Dobree, T. S. Sketch of the Territory of Sabah, Borneo, lately ceded to a British Association ; with Report and Analysis of Soils by J. Hughes, and an Appendix. Maps. 4 1879 Doberck. W. Observations and Re- searches made at the Hongkong Obser- vatory, in the year 1884. Folio* Hongkong, 1885 Dobrizhoffer, Martin. Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay. Translated from the Latin. 3 vols. 8 1822 Dobson, George. Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia : Notes of a Journey from St Petersburg to Samar- kand. Maps and illustrations. 12 1890 D'Ochoa, C. O. See Pemberton. Dochard, Surgeon. See Gray, W. Dodd, J. S. Traveller's Directory through Ireland. Maps. 8 Dublin, 1801 " Doddington," East Indiaman. See. Plaisted. DOD DOM. 135 Dodge, F. S. See Emersons. Dodtnan, G. Sutherland. A Voyage round the World in 500 Days : giving an Account of the Principal Parts to be Visited, with a Brief Description of the Scenery, and all particulars connected with the undertaking. Map and plates. Small 8 1879 Dods, P. Gazetteer of the Central Pro- vinces. Part I, Baitool, Belaspore, Bhundara. 8 Nagpore, 1867 Dodshon, Edward. The Railway and General Freighter's Protection Agency. Diagram. Folio* Manchester, 1890 Dodsworth, Edward. See Elkington in Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4 : Appendix I. Dodwell, Edward. A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1819 Dodwell, H. Geographic Veteris Scrip- tores Graeci Minores ; cum Interpretatione Latina, Dissertationibus, ac Annotationi- bus, Gr. et Lat., edidit J. Hudson. 2 vols. Oxford, 1698-1700 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Hannonis Periplus Scylacis Periplus Agatharchides de Mari Rubro Arriani Periplus Ponti Euxini Periplus Maris Erythrsei eidem vulgo adscriptus Nearchi Peraplus ex Arriani Indicis Marciani Heracleotse periplus, cum fragmentis Artemidori et Menippi Anonymi periplus Maris Euxini. VOLUME 2. Dicsearchi Status Grease Dicsearchi Descriptio Montis Pelii Isidori Chara- ceni Mansiones Parthicse Scymni Chii, vulgo Marciani Heracleotse, Orbis Descriptio Scymni Fragmenta a Luca Holstenio collecta Plutarchi Libellus de Fluviis adscriptus Agathemeri Compendiariarum Geographic Expo- sitionum Strabonis Epitome. Doe, F. M. Notice des Principaux Monuments de la Ville de Troyes. 12 Troyes, 1838 Doeller, Dr C. Ueber die Capverden, nach dem Rio Grande und Futah- Djallon, Reiseskizzen aus Nord-West- Afrika. Map and illustrations. 4 Leipzig, 1884 Doering, Oscar. Observaciones Meteoro- logicas practicadas en Cordoba (Repub- lica Argentina) durante el ano de 1884. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1885 The same, 1885. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1886 - Resultados de algunas Mediciones Barometricas en la Sierra de Cordoba. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1886 Doering, Oscar. La Variabilidad Inter- diurna de la Temperatura en algunos puntos de la Republica Argentina y de America del Sur en general. III. Variabilidad de la Temperatura de Ushnaia. 8* Buenos Ayres, \ 886 The same. IV. Variabilidad de la Temperatura en Concordia. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1887 Doering, Dr D. Adolfo. See Argentine Rep., D : Appendix 2. Dohrandt, F. See Schmidt, C. Dolby-Tyler, Charles H. See Peru : Appendix 2. Dokuchaev, Prof. V. V. The Russian Steppes : Study of the Soil in Russia, its Past and Present. Published by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Crown Domains, for the World's Colum- bian Exposition at Chicago ; editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1893 Dollen, W. Resultate einer astrono- misch - geodatischen Verbindung zwi- schen Pulkowa und den Ufern des Ladogasees. 8* N. P., 1858 Die Zeitbestimmung vermittelst des tragbaren Durchgangsinstruments im Verticale des Polarsterns. 4* St Petersburg, 1863 The same. Zweite Abhandlung. 4* St Petersburg, 1874 Zeitstern-Ephemeriden auf das Jahr 1886 flir die Zeitbestimmung vermittelst des tragbaren Durchgangsinstruments im Verticale des Polarsterns. 4* Si Petersburg, 1886 Stern-Ephemeriden auf das Jahr 1887 zur Bestimmung von Zeit und Azimut mittelst des tragbaren Durchgangs- instruments im Verticale des Polarsterns. Large 8* St Petersburg, 1886 The same, 1888. Large 8* St Petersburg, 1887 The same, 1889. Large 8* St Petersburg, 1888 Large 8* St Petersburg, 1890 _ Description of the Atmospheric Recorder, or Self-Regis- tering Apparatus for the various Changes of the Barometer, Thermometer, &c. Plate. RoyalS* N.D. Dolomieu, Deodat de. Voyage aux lies de Lipari fait en 1781, ou Notices sur les lies ^ioliennes, pour servir a 1'Histoire des Volcans. 8 Paris, 1783 See Pinkerton, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. " Dolphin," Cruise of. See Lee, S. P. Dombay, Francisci de. Grammatica linguce Mauro - Arabicre juxta vernaculi idiomatis usum ; accessit Vocabularium Latino- Mauro-Arabicum. Plate. Small 4 Vienna, 1800 The same, 1891 Dollond, George. 136 DOM -DOR. Domenech, Abbe Em. Missionary Ad- ventures in Texas and Mexico : a Personal Narrative of Six Years' Sojourn in those Regions. Translated from the French. Map. 8 1858 Manuscrit Pictographique Americain, precede d'une Notice sur 1'Ideographie des Peaux-Rouges. 8 Pan's, 1860 Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1860 Domeyko, Ignacio. Viaje a las Cordil- leras de Talcaide Chilian. 8* 1849 Memoria sobre la Colonizacion en Chile. 8* [1850] Dominguez, Luis L. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 8 1 : Appendix I. Domis, H. I. De Residentie Passoeroeang op het Eiland Java. Map and plates. 8 The Hague, 1836 Donaldson, J. W. See Key, T. H. Donaldson, Thomas. The Public Do- main, its History, with Statistics, with References to the National Domain, Colonisation, Acquirement of Territory, the Survey, Administration, and Several Methods of Sale and Disposition of the Public Domain of the United States ; with Sketch of Legislative History of ihe Land States and Territories, and References to the Land System of the Colonies, and also that of several Foreign Governments. 3rd edition. Maps and diagrams. 8 Washington, 1884 Eleventh Census of the United States, Robert P. Porter, Superintendent. Extra Census Bulletin : Indians Eastern Band of Cherokees of North Carolina. Maps and plates. 4* Washington, 1892 Extra Census Bulletin : Indians The Six Nations of New York Cayugas, Mohawks (Saint Regis), Oneidas, Onon- dagas, Senecas, Tuscaroras. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1892 Doniphan's Expedition. See Wislizenus. Donkin, John G. Trooper and Redskin in the Far North-West : Recollections of Life in the North-West Mounted Police, Canada, 1884-88. Map and portrait. 8 1889 Donkin, Lieut. -General Sir R. Dis- sertation on the Course and Probable Termination of the Niger. Maps. 8 1829 Doolittle, Rev. Justus. Social Life of the Chinese, with some Account of their Religious, Governmental, Educational, and Business Customs and Opinions, with special but not exclusive reference to Fuhchau. 2 vels. Plates. 12 1866 Doolittle, Thomas. Earthquakes Ex- plained and Practically Improved : occa- sioned by the late Earthquake on 8th September 1692, in London, many other parts in England, and beyond Sea. 18 1693 D'Orbigny, A. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale (le Bresil, la Republique Orientale de 1'Uruguay, la Republique Argentine, la Patagonie, la Republique du Chili, la Republique de Bolivia, la Republique du Perou), execute pendant les Annees 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831,1832,611833. gvols. Smallfolio Parts, 1835-47 CONTENTS. VOLS. I. AND II. Partie Historique. Portrait 1835-43 VOL. III. Pt. I. Historique (1844). Pt. 2. Geographic (1846). Pt. 3. Geologic (1842). Pt. 4. Paleon- tologie (1842). VOL. IV.- Pt. I. L'Homme Ameri- cain (de 1'Amerique Meridionale), considere sous ses Rapports Phy- siologiques et Moraux (1838-39). Pt. 2. Mammiferes [by A. D'Or- bigny and P. Gervais], (1847). Pt. 3. Oiseaux (1835-44). VOL. V. Pt. I. Reptiles (1847). Pt. 2. Poissons [by A. Valen- ciennes] (1847). Pt. 3. Mollusques (1835-43). Pt. 4. Zoophytes (i 839- 46). Pt. 5. Foramini feres (1839). VOL. VI. Pt. I. Crustaces [by A. Milne Edwards and H. Lucas] (1843). Pt. 2. Insectes [by E. Blanchard and A. Brulle] (1837-43). VOL. VII. Pts. I and 2. Crypto- gamie ; Sertum Patagonicum ; Cryp- togames de la Patagonie, et Florula Boliviensis ; Cr> ptogames de la Bolivia [by C. Montague] (1839). Pt. 3. Palmiers; Palmetum Orbig- nianum ; Descriptio Palmarum in Paraguaria et Bolivia crescentium [by C. F. P. von Martius] (1847). VOL. VIII. Atlas Historique, Geo- graplrque, Geologique, Paleonto- logique, et Botanique (1847). VOL. IX. Atlas Zoologique (1847). L'Homme Americain (de I'Amerique Meridionale), considere sous ses Rapports Physiologiques et Moraux. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1839 Dore, Gustave. See Taine. Doria, G. I Naturalisti Italiani alia Nuova Guinea e specialmente delle loroscoperte Zoologische. Part i. 8 Rome, 1878 D'Orleans. See Orleans. Dorn, Alexander. Die Seehafen des Weltverkehrs, dargestellt von Josef Ritter von Lehnert, Johann Holeczek, Dr Karl Zehden, Dr Theodor Cicalek, Ernst Becher, Rudolf Pajer, Adolf Schwarz [and, in the case of Vol. 2, the follow- ing additional names], Robert Miiller, Friedrich Ritter Miiller von Elblein, Eduard Edlen von Friedenfels, Alfred Freiherrn von Koudelka, unter Redac- tion von Alexander Dorn. I Band. DOR DOV. 137 Dorn, Alexander continued. Hafen Europas sowie der Asiatischen und Afrikanischen Kiisten des Mittel- meerbeckens. 2 Band. Hafen ausser- halb Europas und des Mittelmeerbeckens. Plans and il hist rat ions. Large 8 Vienna, 1891-92 Dorn, B. Melanges Asiatiques. [Einige Bemerkungen zur Geographic Persiens ; Ausziige aus zwei morgenlandischen Schiiftstellern, betreffend das Kaspische Meer und angranzende Lander ; Mor- genlandische Benennungen derFahrzeuge auf dem Kaspischen Meere.] 8 St Petersburg^ 1870 Inventaire des Monnaies des Khalifes Orientaux, et de plusiers autres Dynas- ties. 8* St Petersburg, 1877 See Neamet Ullah. Dornseiffen, Dr J. See Holland : Ap- pendix 2. Dorpfeld, Dr W. See Schliemann. Dorsey, James O. Omaha and Ponka Letters. [Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology Publ. ] 8* Washington, 1891 See United States, G, b : Appen- dix 2. D'Orsey, Rev. J. D. Portuguese Dis- coveries, Dependencies, and Missions in Asia and Africa. Small 8 1893 Doucette, M. dela. Histoire, Antiquites, Usage, Dialectes des Hautes - Alpes. Map and platei. 8 Paris, 1820 Doue, J. M. Bertrand de. De la Fre- quence comparee des Vents superieurs et inferieurs sous leclimatdu PuyenVelay, et de leur distribution. 8* Versailles, 1851 Quatrieme Memoire sur la frequence et la capacite pluvieuse des Vents superi- eurs et inferieurs sur la Station du Puy. 8* Paris, 1857 Dougall, John. See Torino de San Miguel. Doughty, C. M. On the Jostedal-broe Glaciers in Norway. Plate. 8* 1866 Documents Epigraphiques recueillis dans le Nord de 1'Arabie. [The author's account of his travels is given in English.] Mates. 4 Paris, 1884 Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 vols. Map, plates, &*c. Cambridge, 1888 Douglas, Lieut. C. Report on the River Jumna, between Agra and Ooreah. Plate. [From the India Records, N.-W. Pro- vinces, Part 2.] 8 Agra, 1855-64 Douglas, Capt. See Eyries, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix I. Douglas, Prof. Robert K. China. Map and illustrations. 8 1882 Douglass, James Nicholas. The Wolf Rock Lighthouse ; with an Abstract of the Discussion upon the Paper. Plates. 1870 Doull, Alex. Report and Outline of a Plan by which an Extensive Railway may be constructed in the British North American Colonies, combining its execu- tion with an enlarged scheme of Colon- isation and Reclamation of Waste Land. Maps. 8* 1850 Employment and Colonisation of the Million, based upon a proposed Railway Communication from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 8" 1851 Project for Opening a North-West Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by means of a Railway on Brit- ish Territory. 8* 1852 Dounton. See Downton. Douthwaite, A. W. Notes on Corea. 1 6* Shanghai, 1884 Douville, J. B. Voyage au Congo et dans 1'Interieur de 1'Afrique Equinoxiale, 1828-30. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1832 Atlas to the same. 4 Paris [l&yt] Ma Defense, ou Reponse a 1'Anonyme Anglais du Foreign Quarterly Review, sur le Voyage au Congo ; avec Projet de Voyage en Afrique. 8* Paris, 1832 Voyage au Congo et dans 1'Interieur de 1'Afrique Equinoxiale, &c. [A Re- view of the Work, and of M. Douville's Reply, " Ma Defense," &c.J 8* 1832 Trente mois de ma Vie, quinze mois avant et quinze mois apres mon Voyage au Congo ; suivie de details sur les Mceurs et les Usages des Habitans du Bresil et de Buenos Ayres, et d'une Description de la Colonie Patagonia. 8 Paris [1833] Dove, Prof. H. W. Repertorium der Physik. Band IV. Meteorologie, speci- fische Warme, strahlende Warme. Maps andplates. 8 Berlin, 1841 Remarks on his recently-constructed Maps of the Monthly Isothermal Lines of the Globe, and on some of the principal conclusions in regard to Climatology deducible from them ; with an Intro- ductory Notice by Col. Edward Sabine. 8* 1849 Die Verbreitung der Warme auf der Oberflache der Erde erlautert durch Iso- thermen, thermische Isanomalen, und Temperaturcurven. Maps and tables. 4* Berlin, 1852 The Distribution of Heat over the Surface of the Globe, illustrated by Iso- thermal, Thermic Isabnormal, and other Curves of Temperature. Folio 1853 Die Verbreitung der Warme in der ncirdlichen Hemisphere innerhalb des 40. Breitengrades, auf zwei von II. Kie- pert entworfenen Karten : I, Karte der nordlichen Hemisphere; 2, Karte der Nordpolarliinder. 8* Berlin, 1855 138 DOV DRA. Dove, Prof. H. W. The Law of Storms considered in connection with the Or- dinary Movements of the Atmosphere. 2nd edition. Translated by R. H. Scott. Charts. 8 1862 Die Monats- und Jahresisothermen in der Polarprojec.ion, &c. Maps. Oblong 4 Berlin, 1864 Dove, Dr Karl. Das Klima des ausser- tropischen Siidafrika mit Beriicksichti- gung der geographischen und wirtschaft- lichen Beziehungen nach klimatischen Provinzen dargestellt. Maps. 8 Gottingen, 1888 Kulturzonen von Nord-Abessinien. (Erganzungsheft, 97 Petermann's Mit- theilungen). Map. 4 Gotha, 1890 Studien iiber Ostafrika. 3. Die mut- masslichen Verbreitungsgungen der [Ma- laria in Ostafrika. 4* Stuttgart, 1891 Niederschlagsmengen am Kap der Guten Hoffnung. 4* Gotha, 1892 Ueber meteorologische und verwandte Beobachtungen in Slidwestafrika. 8* Dow, A. See Ferishta. Downes, John. Occultations of Planets and Stars by the Moon during 1853. 4* Washington, 1853 Downton, Lieut-General Nicholas. See Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vols. 7, 8, 9 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 : Appendix i. Doyne, W. T. Report upon the Plains and Rivers of Canterbury, New Zealand. Plans. Folio * Christchurch, 1864 Second Report upon the River Wai- makariri and the Lower Plains of Canter- bury, New Zealand. Folio * Christchurch, 1865 Dozon, Aug. See Nalivkine, V. P. Drach, S. M. Deductions from Mr Glaisher's "Meteorological Corrections." 8* 1851 Observations on Base-Length of Great Pyramid, and Royal Coffer's Di- mensions. 8* 1872 Hypothetical Phoenician Mariner's Guide, or Supposed Names on Euro- pean, &c. , Coasts, as derived from the Hebrew Language, on the presumption that the Phoenician Commonsense Names were distorted by their Greek successors to form the base of the Lying Legends passing current in the World as the Greek-Latin Mythology. MS. " Drache." Die Ergebnisse der Unter- suchungsfahrten S. M. Knbt, "Drache" (Kommandant Korvetten-Kapitan Holz- hauer), in der Nordsee in den Sommern 1 88 1, 1882, und 1884. Maps, &>c. 4 Berlin, 1886 Dragovna, Marko. Pokushai za Biblio- graphiju o Tsornoi Gori sastalvno Marko Dragovna. 8 Cettinje, 1892 Drake, C. F. Tyrwhitt. Modern Jeru- salem ; with a Memoir. 8 1875 See Burton, R. F. Drake, Sir Francis. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier ; in- cluding an Introductory View of earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and the History of the Buccaneers. Portraits. 1 6 Edinburgh, 1831 See Barrow ; Peralta ; also Hakluyt . Soc. Publ., Vols. 4, 1 6 ; Burney, Vol. I ; Callander, Vol. i ; Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vols. 2, 3, 4 ; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6; World Displayed, Vol. 5 ; New Collection, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 1,12: Appendix I. Drake, George. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Drake, John. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4: Ap- pendix i. Dralet, M. Description des Pyrenees, considerees principalement sous^es Rap- ports de la Geologic, de I'Economie Politique, Rurale et Forestiere, de 1'In- dustrie et du Commerce. 2 vols. Afaps and tables. 8 Paris, 1813 Draper, Lyman C. Madison, the Capital of Wisconsin, its Growth, Progress, Condition, Wants, and Capabilities. 8* Madison, Wis., 1857 Drapiez, M. Notice sur 1'Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles. Plates. 12* Brussels, 1836 The same. Plate. 12* Brussels, 1842 Drasche, R. von. Die Insel Reunion (Bourbon) im Indischen Ocean. Eine geologisch - petrographische Studie, mit einem Anhange iiber die Insel Mauritius. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna, 1878 Drayson, Major - General Alfred W. Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa. Plates. 8 1858 Drayton, Michael. [Poly-Olbion.] A Chorographicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other parts of this Renowned Isle of Great Britain, with intermixture of the most Remarkable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures, and Com- modities of the same. Divided into two Bookes ; the latter containing Twelve Songs, never before Imprinted, Digested into a Poem by Michael Drayton, Esquire. With a Table added, for Direc- tion to those Occurrences of Story and Antiquitie, whereunto the Course of the Volume easily leades not. Frontispiece and portrait. 12 1622 [1876] The same, continued. 12 [1876] DRA DUG. 139 Drayton, Michael. The Second Part, or a Continuance of Poly-Olbion from the Eighteenth Song. Containing all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, and Forests, intermixed with the most Remarkable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures, and Commodities of the East and Northern Parts of this Isle, lying betwixt the two famous Rivers of Thames and Tweed. 12 1622 [1876] Drew, F. The Possibility of Applying the Roman Alphabet generally to the Languages of India. 8* [1875] The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories : a Geographical Account. Maps and plates. 8 1875 The Northern Barrier of India : a Popular Account of the Jummoo and Kashmir Territories. Map and plates. 8 1877 Drew, John. See Bullar. Driesch, Gerard Corn, von den. His- torische Nachricht von der Rom. Kaiserl. Gross -Botschaft nach Constantinopel ; worinnen ganz besondere Nachrichten von der Tiirken Policey, Religion, Griechischen Antiquitaten, &c. Por- traits and plates. Small 4 Nuremberg^ 1723 Driver, J. Letters from Madeira, in 1834. 12 1838 Drouillet, L. Les Isthmes Americains. Projet d'une Exploration Geographique Internationale des Terrains qui semblent presenter le plus de Facilites pour le Percement d'un Canale Maritime Inter- oceanique. Map. 8* Paris, 1876 Drouville. See Eyries, Vol. 14 ; Appen- dix i. Drovetti, Chev. Lettre sur une Nouvelle Mesure du Coudee trouvee a Memphis. Plate. 4* Paris, 1827 See Phillips [3] New Voyages and Travels, vol. 7 ; Appendix I. Droysen, J. G. Stadtegriindungen Alex- anders und seiner Nachfolger. 8 N.P., 1843 Drude, Dr Oscar. Die Florenreiche der Erde. (Erganzungsheft, 74 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1884 Handbuch der Pflanzengeographie. (Bibliothek Geographischer Handblicher, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr Friedrich Ratzel.) Maps. 8 Stuttgart, 1890 Drummond, Alex. Travels through dif- ferent Cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several Parts of Asia, as far as the Banks of the Euphrates, in a Series of Letters, containing an Account of what is most Remarkable in their Present State, as well as in their Monuments of Antiquity. Maps and plates. Folio '754 Drummond, A. T. The Distribution of Canadian Forest Trees in its Relation to Climate and other Causes. 8 Montreal, 1885 Drummond, Major H. Report on the Deposits of Graphite near Almorah, 1850. [From the India Records, Vol. I, N.W. Provinces.] Plate. 8 Agra, 1855 Drummond, Prof. Henry. Tropical Africa. Maps and illustrations. 8 1888 Tropical Africa. 4th edition. Map and illustrations. 8 1891 Drury, Capt. Revised Sailing Directions for the Northern Part of the Colony of New Zealand. 12 Auckland, 1854 Drury, Colonel Heber. Reminiscences of Life and Sport in Southern India. 12 1890 Drury, Robert. The Pleasant and Surpris- ing Adventures of R. D., during his Fifteen Years Captivity on the Island of Madagascar. Written by himself. 12 1826 Madagascar, or Robert Drury's Jour- nal during Fifteen Years Captivity on that Island. [Title -page imperfect.] Small 8 N.D. See Lafond de Lurcy, Vol. 6 : Appen- dix I. Drygalski, Dr Erich von. Die Geoidde- formationen der Eiszeit. 8* Berlin, 1887 UeberBewegungen derKontinentezur Eiszeit und ihren Zusammenhang mit den Warmeschwankungen in der Erdrinde. 8* Berlin, 1889 Grdnlands Gletscher und Inlandeis. Plates. 8* Berlin, 1892 Dubail, , and Grieze. Cartes croquis de Geographic militaire .... 8 Paris, 1875 Dubois, Abbe J. A. Description of the Character. Manners, and Customs of the People of India, and of their Institutions, Religious and Civil. 4 1817 Dubois, Marcel. Examen de la Geogra- phic de Strabon : Etude Critique de la Methode et des Sources. Large 8 Paris, 1891 Du Bois Reymond, Emil. Gedacht- nissredeauf Paul Erman. 4* Berlin, 1853 Dubourdieu, Rev. John. Statistical Survey of the County of Down, with Observations on the Means of Improve- ment. Map and plates. 8 Dublin, 1802 Statistical Survey of the County of Antrim, wiih Obseivations on the Means of Improvement. Maps and plates. 8 Dublin, 1812 Dubrovin. See Prejevalsky. Ducat, Lieut. W. M. Report on Project for Reclaiming Land between Bombay and Trombay ; with a Memorandum by Lieut. -Col. A. De Lisle. Maps. [From the India Records, No. 68, Bombay.]i863 140 DUG DUH. Ducat, Lieut. W. M. Papers relating to Canal Irrigation in Sind, with Sugges- tions for its Improvement. Maps. [From the India Records, No. 69, Bombay.] 1863 Ducatel, J. T. Annual Report of the Geo- logist of Maryland, 1837, 1838, and 1839, and a Treatise on Lime-Burning. 3 pts. Maps and plates. 8* Annapolis, 1837-39 Report on the New Map of Maryland, 1834. 8* Annapolis, 1834 and J. H. Alexander. Reports of the Geologist and Engineer on the New Map of Maryland, 1835-36. Maps. 2 parts. 8* Baltimore, 1835-37 Du Cerceau, Father. See Krusinski. Du Chaillu, Paul B. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa ; with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Chace of the Gorilla, Crocodile, and other Animals. Map and plates. 8 1861 Voyages et Aventures dans 1'Afrique Equatoriale, Moeurs et Coutumes des Habitans, &c. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1863 A Journey to Ashango-Land, and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa. Map and plates. 8 1867 - The Land of the Midnight Sun : Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and Northern Finland ; with Descriptions of the Inner Life of the People, their Manners and Customs, the Primitive Antiquities, &c. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 1881 Duchemin, I. Experiences pratiques de la Boussole circulaire faites a bord des Navires de 1'Etat en 1873, 1874, et 1875. Square 8* Paris, 1875 Ducket, G. See Hakluyt, Vol. i : Ap- pendix I. Dudley, Robert. Dell' Arcano del Mare. 3 vols. Plates. Folio Florence, 1646-47 See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Due, Lieut. See Hansteen. Dufau et Guadet. Dictionnaire Uni- versel abrege de Geographic Ancienne comparee. 2 vols. in I. Map. 8 Paris, 1820 Duff, A. The Proposed Mission to Lake Nyassa . . . : Statement submitted to the Commission of the Free Church of Scot- land. Map separate. 8* Edinburgh, 1875 Duff, Sir Mountstuart E. Grant. A Political Survey. Maps. 8* Edinburgh, 1868 Address to the Royal Historical So- ciety. 8* 1892 Dufferin, Lord. Letters from High Lati- tudes : being an Account of a Voyage to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen in 1856. Maps and plates. 8 1857 Speech of, with the Comments of the English Press. 8* 1874 Duffy, Bella. The Tuscan Republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa, and Lucca), with Genoa. (The Story of the Nations Series. ) Map and illustrations. 8 1892 Du Fief, Prof. J. Cours gradue de Geo- graphic, redige conformement au Pro- gramme du Gouvernement a 1'usage de 1'Enseignement moyen du degre supe- rieur. 4th edition. 12 Brussels, 1873 Congres International de Geographic Commerciale. Deuxieme Session. Rap- port presente a la Societe Beige de Geo- graphic, le 3 Novembre 1879. 8* Brussels, 1879 La Question du Congo depuis son origine jusqu' aujourd'hui : , Explora- tions, Associations du Congo, Etal Inde- pendantdu Congo, Conference de Berlin, Geographic du Bassin du Congo. Maps. 8* Brussels, 1885 La Densite de la Population en Bel- gique et dans les autres pays du Monde. 8* Brussels, 1887 Le Partage de 1'Afrique entre les puissances Europeennes. Map. 8* Brussels, 1890 H. M. Stanley a la Societe Royale Beige de Geographic de Bruxelles. 8* Brussels [1890] Dufourny. A. Royaume de Belgique, Ministere de 1'Agriculture, de 1'Industrie, et des Travaux publics. Guide du Batelier, ouvrage public d'apres les ordres du Gouvernement. Edition de 1889. Maps and plans. 12 Brussels, 1889 Dufrenoy, , and Elie de Beaumont. Recherches sur les Terrains Volcaniques des deux Siciles compares a ceux de la France centrale. Maps. Small 8 1838 Dufton, Henry. Narrative of a Journey through Abyssinia, in 1862-63 > with an Appendix on "The Abyssinian Cap- tives Question." Maps. 8 1867 Dugdale. See Varenius. Du Halde, J. B. Description Geogra- phique, Historique, Chronologique, Poli- tique, et Physique de 1'Empire de la Chine et de Tartarie Chinoise. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Imp. folio Paris, 1735 Description Geographique, Historique . . . et Physique de 1'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise, &c. 4 vols. Maps and plates. 4 The Hague, 1736 A Description of the Empire of China, and Chinese Tartary, together with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet . . . From the French of J. B. du Halde, with Notes ... by the translator. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Folio. 1738-41 The General History of China: con- taining a Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political, and Physical Description of the Empire of China, Chinese-Tartary, Corea and Thibet, &c. 3rd edition. 4 vols. 8 1741 DUH DUN. Du Halde, J. B. See The World Dis- played, Vol. 1 6, p. 609 : Appendix I. Duhamel, H. See Conway and Coolidge. Duke, Joshua. Ince's Kashmir Handbook: a Guide for Visitors. 12 Calcutta, 1888 Appendix to Ince's Guide to Kashmir, Rawal Pindi to Srinagar : a Detailed Account of the New Jhelum Valley Road ; together with a Brief Note of Five other Routes leading into the Valley. Maps in separate cover. 12 Calcutta, 1892 Duke, Surgeon-Major O. T. A His- torical and Descriptive Report on the Districts of Thal-Chotiali and Harnai, with the adjacent Country inhabited by Biluch and Pathan Tribes. Maps. Folio. Calcutta, 1883 Du Lac, Perrin. See Phillips [i], Vol. 6, A Collection of Modern and Con- temporary Voyages and Travels : Ap- pendix i. Dulaurier, E. See Daron. Dulcken, H. W. See Peters ; Pfeiffer. Dumergue, E. Machaerus, the Prison House of John the Baptist, its Geogra- phical and Biblical Locality identified. Douglas, 1875 The Chotts of Tunis ; or, The Great Inland Sea of North Africa in Ancient Times. Map. 12* 1883 Dumont, P. J. See Phillips [3], Vol. 2, New Voyages and Travels : Appen- dix i. Dumoulin, V. See Kulczyeki, A. Dunant, J. Henry. Notice sur la Regence de Tunis. 8 Geneva, 1858 Dunant, P. L. Recherchessurle Mouve- ment de la Population de la Ville de Geneve de 1845-72. Tables. 4 Geneva, 1876 Dunbar, . See Phillips [i], Vol. 6, A Collection of Modern Contemporary Voy- ages and Travels : Appendix i. "Dunbar," Ship. See New South Wales, E : Appendix 2. Duncan, Charles. Campaign with the Turks in Asia. 2 vols. Map. 8 1855 Duncan, Colonel F. The Nile Expedition of 1 885. 8* {.Woolwich, 1887] Duncan, George. Geography of India . . . 4th edition. 12 Madras, 1868 - The same. loth edition. 16" 1880 Duncan, John. Travels in Western Africa in 1845 and 1846, comprising a Journey from Whydah through Dahomey to Adofoodia, in the Interior. 2 vols. Map. 1847 Duncan, P. M. Cassell's Natural His- tory. Vols. 1-6. Plates. 4 [1877-83] See India, C (Palasontologia Indica) : Appendix 2. Dundonald, Earl of, and H. R. Fox Bourne. The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, tenth Earl of Dundonald, &c. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1869 Duner, N., and A. E. Nordenskiold. Explanatory Remarks in illustration of a Map of Spitzbergen. 8* Stockholm, 1865 Dunglison, Robley. A Public Discourse in Commemoration of Peter S. du Ponceau, late President of the American Philosophical Society. 8* Philadelphia, 1844 Dunlop, Alexander. Notes on the Isthmus of Panama, with Remarks on its Physical Geography, and its Prospect? in connection with ihe Gold Regions, Gold Mining, and Washing. 8* 1852 Dunlop, Charles. Brazil as a Field (01 Emigration, its Geography, Climate, &c. 8* [1866] Dunlop, R. H. W. Hunting in the Hima- laya ; with Notices of Customs and Coun- tries from the Elephant Haunts of the Dehra Doon to the Bunchowr Tracks in Eternal Snow. Map and plates. 8 1860 Dunlop, W. B. The March of the Mongol. (Reprinted from the Asiatic Quarterly Review for January 1889.) 8* 1889 The Key of Western China. (Re- printed from the Asiatic Quarterly Review fa* April 1889.) 8* 1889 Dunmore, Earl of. The Pamirs: being a Narrative of a Year's Expedition on horseback and on foot through Kash- mir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, and Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 1893 Dunn, A. J. St Louis du Rhone, the New French Port in the Mediterranean. Map. 8* 1880 Dunraven, Earl of. The Great Divide : Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Summer of 1874. Map and plates. 8 1876 Dunsford, H. A. H. The Opening of the Arctic Sea. Map. 12* 1890 Dunsterville, Commander Edward. The Lights of the British Islands. Cor- rected to 1856. 8 1856 - The L'ghts of the Coasts and Lakes of British North America. Cimc'ed to 1856. 8 1856 The Lighthouses, Lighted Beacons, and Floati.ig Lights of the United Slates. Corrected to 1856. 8 1856 - The Lights of the West India Islands and adjacent Coasts. Corrected to 1856. 8 1856 Admiralty Catalogue of Charts, Plans, Views, and Sailing Directions. 8 1860 The Admiralty List of the Belgian, Dutch, Hanoverian, Danish, Prussian, Russian, Swedish and Norwegian Lights. Corrected to 1860. 8 1860 {Also Eleven other Admiralty Lights, published in 1860-62.] Dunton, John. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. 142 DUN DUR. Dunwoody, H. H. C. See United States (Signal Service) : Appendix 2. Dupaty, President. Travels through Italy in 1785. 8 1788 Du Pays, A. J. See Joanne (Hollande). Du Perier, . General History of all Voy- ages and Travels throughout the Old and New World, from the First Ages to this Present Time, illustrating both the Ancient and Modern Geography ; con- taining an accurate Description of each Country, its Natural History and Pro- ducts, the Religion, Customs, Manners, Trade, c., ot the Inhabitants, and whatsoever is curious and remarkable in any kind. Plates. 8 1708 Du Perier, Lieut. Notes sur 1'Atterrissage du Rio de la Plata, et sur les differentes Routes que Ton peut suivre pour remonter ce Fleuve jusqu'a Buenos Ayres. 8 Paris, 1842 Duperrey, Capit. L. I. Voyage autour du Monde, execute par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette " La Coquille," pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824, et 1825. 9 vols. 5 vols., 4, Atlas ; and 4 vols., folio Paris, 1826-30 Vol. I. Partie Historique [all pub- lished] 1829 Vol. 2. Hydrographie et Physique. Maps 1829-30 Vol. 3. Botanique, par D'Urville, Bory de St Vincent et Brongniart ; Cryptogamie, par Bory de St Vin- cent, 1828 ; Phanerogamic, par Brongniart, 1829. Vol. 4. Zoologie. Vol. i. Par Lessen et Garnot 1826 Vol. 5. Zoologie. Vol.2. Par Lessen et Guerin Meneville 1830 Vol. 6. Histoire du Voyage. Atlas 1826 Vol. 7. Hydrographie. Atlas 1827 Vol. 8. Histoire Naturelle, Botanique. Atlas 1826 Vol. 9. Histoire Naturelle, Zoologie. Atlas 1826 Magnetisme Terrestre. 8 Paris, 1834 Du Perron, A. See Bernouilli, J. Du Petit-Thouars, A. Voyage autour du Monde sur la fregate "La Venus," pendant les annees 1836-39 Paris Relation. Vols. 1-4. Map. 8 1840-43 Zoologie (1855) et Botanique (1864). [Forming Vol. 5.] 8 Physique, par U. de Tessan. Vols. 6-10. 8 1842-44 Atlas Pittoresque. Folio 1841 de Zoologie. Folio 1846 de Botanique. Folio 1846 Hydrographique. Folio 1845 Dupin, Baron Charles. Canal Maritime de Suez. Deux Rapports a 1'Academie des Sciences. 8* Paris, 1857-58 Duponchel, A. Le , Chemin de Fer de 1'Afrique Centrale : Etude Geographique. Map. 8* Monipellier, 1875 Commission superieure du Chemin de Fer Trans-Saharien. Notes sur 1'or- ganisation du Service des Etudes et la reglementation des chantiers de construc- tion. Map. 8* Montpellier, 1879 Le Chemin de Fer Trans-Saharien, Jonction Coloniale entre 1'Algerie et le Soudan. Etudes preliminaires du projet, et Rapport de Mission. Maps. 8 Paris, 1879 La Circulation des Vents a la Surface du Globe : Principes fondamentaux de la Nouvelle Theorie. 4* Paris, 1891 La Circulation des Vents et de la Pluie dans 1 'Atmosphere. 8* Paris, 1892 Dupont, E. Societe Beige des Ingenieurs et des Industriels : Conference donnee a la Societe le 29 Fevrier 1888, sur les Resultats de 1'Exploration Scientifique qu'il a faite au Congo en Juillet-Decembre 1887. 8* Brussels, 1888 Lettres sur le Congo : Recit d'un Voy- age scientifique entre 1'Embouchure du Fleuve et le Confluent du Kassai. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1889 Dupre Deloire, E. F. M. Voyage a la Grande-Chartreuse, 1822. 12 Valence, 1830 Une Visile a la Chartreuse pres de Pavie. Plates. 12 Milan, 1861 Guida al Sacro Monte di Varallo. Nuovaedizione. Plates. 12 Varallo, N.D. Dupre, . See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Ap- pendix i. Dupuis, Hanmer L. The Holy Places: a Narrative of Two Years Residence in Jerusalem and Palestine, with Notes on the dispersed Canaanite Tribes. 2 vols. 8 1856 Dupuis, Joseph. Journal of a Residence in Ashantee, comprising Notes and Re- searches relative to the Gold Coast and the Interior of Western Africa. Chiefly collected from Arabic MSS. and Informa- tion by the Moslems of Guinea. Map and plates. 4 1824 Dupuis, J. L'Ouverture du Fleuve Rouge au Commerce et les Evenements du Tong-Kin, 1872-73 : Journal de Voyage et d'Expedition. Map and portrait. 4 Paris, 1879 Dupuy, R. Geography of Mauritius, for use in Schools and Colleges. Map. 12 Port Louis, 1892 Dupuy, . L'etat de 1'enseignement de la geographic en France. 8 Paris, N.D. Durand, Abbe E. J. Considerations generates sur 1'Amazone. 8* Paris, 1871 Les Indiens du Bresil, et en particulier du Bassin de I'Amazone. 8* Bordeaux, 1872 DUR. Durand, Abbe E. J. Coup d'ceil sur 1'ensemble des voies navigables de 1'Amerique du Sud, et du Bassin de 1'Amazone en particulier. 8* Bordeaux, 1872 Le Rio Negro du Nord et son bassin. 8* Paris, 1872 L'Amazone Bresilien. 8* Paris, 1873 Le Solimoes ou Haut Amazone Bresilien. 8* Paris, 1873 Le Rio Doce. 8* Paris, 1873 Voyages au Chimborazo, a 1'Altar, et Ascension au Tunguragua. [Stiibel, translated.] 8* Paris, 1874 Les Missions Catholiques Fra^aises. Texte 12, Atlas 4 Paris, 1874 Durand, J. P. L. See Phillips [i], Vol. 4 ; [2] Vol. I : Appendix I. Durand, T. See Nery. D'Urban, Sir Benjamin. Proceedings of the Board of Relief for the Destitute in Graham Town during 1834-35. 8 Cape Town, 1836 D'Urban, Portia. Dissertation sur le Passage du Rhone et des Alpes par Annibal. Map. 8 Paris, 1821 Recueil des Itineraires Anciens, com- prenant 1'Itineraire d'Antonin, la Table de Peutinger, et un Choix des Periples Grecs. 4 Paris, 1845 Duret, Theodore. Voyage en Asie : Le Japon, la Chine, la Mongolie, Java, Ceylan, 1'Inde. 12 Paris, 1874 Durham, F. A. The Lone Star of Liberia : being the Outcome of Reflec- tions on our own People. 8 1892 Durier, C. Le Mont- Blanc. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1877 Durlacher, Alfred. Report on the Con- dition of the Colony of Western Australia, as shown by the Census taken 3ist De- cember 1859. Folio Freemantle, 1860 Duro, Cesareo Fernandez. Disquisi- ciones Nauticas. Conformacion, adorno y armamento de Naves Antiquas. Mo- letias y sufrimientos de sus tripulantes. Como eran las Carabelas de Colon. Los colores Nacionales. Prestigio y signifi- cacion de la bandera y el fanal. Buques Coraceros en el Siglo XV., y otras noticias. 8 Madrid, 1876 La Mar descrita por los Mareados. Mas Disquisciones, &c. ft 1 Madrid, 1877 Navegaciones de los Muertos, y Vani- dades de los vivo-. Libro Tercero de las Disquisiciones Nauticas. 8 Madrid, 1878 Los Ojos en el cielo. Libro Cuarto Durocher, J, See Gaimard, Paul. Durrant, W. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. D'Urville, Dumont J. Voyage de la corvette " L' Astrolabe," execute par Ordre du Roi, pendant les annees 1826, '27, '28, '29, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont D'Urville, &c. 13 vols. in 12 8, and I vol. 4; Atlas, 3 vols. in 7 folio, and I vol. elephant folio Paris, 1830-35 Histoire du Voyage, par Dumont D'Urville. 5 vols. Illustrations 1830-33 Philologie, par Dumont D'Urville. 2 vols. in i de las Disquisiciones Nauticas 8 Madrid, 1879 Colon y Pinzon. Informe relative a los pormenores de descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo presentado a la Real Academia de la Historia. 4 Madrid, 1883 Botanique, par A. Lesson et A. Richard 1832 Zoologie, par J. R. C. Quoy et J. P. Gaimard. 4 vols. 1830-33 Faune Entomologique de 1'Ocean Pacifique, par J. A. Boisduval. i ere ptie, Lepidopteres, 1832 ; 2 me ptie, .Coleopteres et autres ordres, 1835 in i. Observations Nautiques, Meteorolo- giques, Hydrographiques, et de Phy- sique. Par Dumont D'Urville. 2 parts in i. 4 1833-34 Atlas. Historique, 3 vols. ^ -- Botanique, I vol. j-Fol. 1833 -- Zoologie, 3 vols. J - Hydrographique. Elephant folio 1833 Rapport sur les Operations de la Campagne de la corvette " 1' Astrolabe. " Maps. 8* Paris, 1838 -- Expedition au Pole Antarctique des corvettes " 1' Astrolabe " et la "Zelee." Maps. 8* Paris, 1840 -- Notice Necrologique, par M. de la Roquette. Royal 8* Poissy, N.D. - Voyage au Pole Sud et dans 1'Oceanie sur les corvettes " L' Astrolabe " et " La Zelee," execute par ordre du Roi pendant les annees 1837, '38, '39, '40, sous le com- mandement de M. J. Dumont D'Urville, &c. 22 vols. in n, 8; Atlas, 7 vols. in 5, folio Paris Histoire du Voyage, par Dumont D'Urville. 10 vols. in 5 1842-46 Anthropologie, par Dumoutier. 8 1854 Zoologie, par Hombrom et Honore Jacquinot, 5 vols. in 2, 1846-54 (Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par Pucheran ; Reptiles et Poissons, par A. Guichenot; Crustaces, par H. Jacquinot et H. Lucas ; Insectes, par E. Blanchard ; Mollusques, Coquilles, et Zoophytes, par L. Rousseau). 144 DUR DYK. D'Urville, Dumont J. Voyage au Pole Sud et dans 1'Oceanie sur les corvettes " L' Astrolabe " et "La Zelee" con- tinued. Botanique, par Hombron et H. Jacquinot. 2 vols. in I, 1845 an ^ 1853 (Plantes cellulaires, par C. Montagne ; Plantes vasculaires, par J. Decaisne). Hydrographie, par C. A. Vincendon Dumoulin. 2 vols. in i. 1843 ar >d 1851. Tables. Geologic, Mineralogie, et Geographic Physique du Voyage, par J. Grange. 2 vols. in i. 1848 and 1854 Atlas Pittoresque. 2 vols. 1846 Botanique 1852 \ Anthropologie 1842-47 Vin I. Geologic 1847 J Zoologie 1842-53 Hydrographique 1847 [South Sea Vocabularies.] Part 2 of Philology of the "Voyage de Decouvertes de TAstrolabe.'" 8 Paris, 1834 Dutens, J. V. See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Duthie, J. F. Report on a Botanical Tour in Kashmir. Vol. I. (No. I of Records of the Botanical Survey of India. ) 8* Calcutta, 1893 Duthu, J. B. Navegacion Aerea al alcance de los sabios trabajos y observa- ciones de 1870 a 1880. Plate. 8* Madrid, 1880 Dutreuil de Rhins, J. L. Le Royaume d'Annam et les Annamites. Maps and plates. 1 6 Paris, 1879 L'Asie Centrale (Thibet et Regions limitrophes). Text 4, and Atlas folio Paris, 1889 Dutrieux, . Note sur une affection cutanee parasitaire observee dans 1'Af- rique orientale. 8* [Ghent?} 1879 La Question Africaine au point de vue commercial. 8* Brussels, 1880 Contribution a 1'Etude des Maladies et de 1'Acclimatement des Europeens dans 1'Afrique intertropicale. 8 Ghent, 1880 Dutt, Jogesh Chunder. The Memory of the Early Arab Trade with India. (From The National Magazine. ) Large 8* Calcutta, 1888 Old Relics in Kamrup. 12* Calcutta, [1891] Dutton, Capt. Clarence E. The Hawaiian Islands and People. Lectures delivered at the U.S. National Museum, 9th February and I5th March 1884, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institu- tion and of the Anthropological and Biological Societies of Washington. Folio* Washington, 1884 Volcanoes. Folio* Washington, 1884 Dutton, Capt. Clarence E. See United States, G, c : Appendix 2. Dutton, Francis. South Australia and its Mines, with an Historical Sketch of the Colony, under its several Administra- tions, to the period of Captain Grey's departure. Maps and plates. 8 1846 Dutton, Hely. Observations on Mr Archer's Statistical Survey of the County of Dublin. Maps. 8 Dublin, 1802 Du Val, P. Traite de Geographic qui donne la Connoissance et 1'usage du Globe et de la Carte, avecque les Figures necessaires pour ce sujet ; et des Tables pour connoistre dans les Cartes, les Pays, les Provinces, et les principales Villes du Monde. 12 Paris, 1672 Duvaucel, A. See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Ap- pendix i. Duveyrier, H. Exploration du Sahara ; Les Touareg du Nord. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1864 La Tunisie. Paris, 1 88 1 Liste de Positions Geographiques en Afrique (Continent et lies). i er fasc. A G. 4* Paris, 1884 La Confrerie Musselmane de Sidi, Mohammed Ben All Es-Senousi, et son domaine geographique en 1'annee 1300 de l'hegire= 1883 de notre ere. Map. 8 Paris, 1884 Duvivier, Gen. Solution de la Question de 1'Algerie. Maps. 8 Paris, 1841 Algerie. Quatorze Observations sur le dernier Memoire du Gen. Bugeaud. 8 Paris, 1842 Abolition de 1'Esclavage, Civilisation du Centre de 1'Afrique. 8* Paris, 1845 "Dwarf." See Bax. Dwight, Theodore. See Mosquera. Dybowski, Jean. La Route du Tchad, du Loango au Chari. Map and illustra- tions. Large 8 Paris, 1893 Dyer, A. S. Christian Liberia, the Hope of the Dark Continent. With reference to the Work and Mission of Edward S. Morris of Philadelphia. Portrait. 12* 1879 Dyer, Lieut. G. L. Geography of the Sta. 8* Washington, 1889 - See United States, E, a (No. 77): Appendix 2. Dyer, W. T. Thistleton. See West Indies, A : Appendix 2. Dykes, James William Ballantine. Salem, an Indian Collectorate. 8 1853 EAC EDE. 145 Eachard, Lawrence. The Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter : being a Geo- graphical Index of all the considerable Cities, Patriarchships, Bishopricks, Uni- versities, Dukedoms, Earldoms ; Im- perial and Hance Towns, Ports, Forts, Castles, &c. , in Europe; of all the Empires, Kingdoms, Islands, Provinces, Peninsulas, &c., in Asia, Africa, and America. 12 J 7 2 4 Eales, H. L. See India, B: Appendix 2. Eardley - Wilmot, A. P. What our Transports did in the Crimea in the Embarkation of the Turkish Army from Bulgaria to Eupatoria in the Spring of 1855. 8* 1867 Earl, George Windsor. Observations on the Commercial and Agricultural capabilities of" the North Coast of New Holland, and the Advantages to be derived from the establishment of a Settlement in the vicinity of Raffles Bay. 8 1836 The Eastern Seas ; or, Voyages and Adventures in the Indian Archipelago in 1832-34, comprising a Tour of the Island of Java ; Visits to Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, &c. ; also an Account of the Present State of Singapore ; with Observations on the Commercial Re- sources of the Archipelago. Maps. 8 1837 The Native Races of the Indian Archipelago : Papuans. Plates. 8 1853 A Correspondence relating to the Discovery of Gold in Australia. 8* 1853 A Handbook for Colonists in Tropical Australia. Maps. 8 Pinang, 1863 See also Kolff, D. H. Earnshaw's Timekeeper. See Dalrymple, Tracts, Vol. 3. East, Major C. J. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. East, D. J. Western Africa : its Condi- tion, and Christianity the Means of its Recovery. 12 1844 Eastman, J. R. Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and Detroit, Michigan ; Carlin, Nevada, and Austin, Nevada. 4* Washington, 1874 Eastwick, Edward B. Venezuela ; or, Sketches of Life in a South American Republic ; with the History of the Loan of 1864. Map. 8 1868 See Murray's Handbooks, Asia. Eastwick, R. W. Egerton. Deli, in Sumatra. (From The Fortnightly Re- view, November 1893. Bound up with " The Ice Age and its Work," by A. R. Wallace.) 8* 1893 K Eaton, D. The Englishman's Guide to Nice. Loose map. 12 Nice, 1875 Eaton, D. C. See United States, H, a (Prof. Papers): Appendix 2. Ebel, J. G. Anleitung auf die niitzlichste und genussvollste Art in der Schweitz zu reisen. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Zurich, 1793 Schilderung der Gebirgsvolker der Schweiz. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1798-1802 Eberhard, L. D. Wegweiser durch die preussischen Staaten. 8 Berlin, 1831 Ebers, G. Egypt, Descriptive, Histori- cal, and Picturesque. Translated from the original German, by Clara Bell ; with an Introduction and Notes by S. Birch. Vol. i. Illustrations. Large 4 [1878] Durch Gosen zum Sinai, aus dem Wanderbuche und der Bibliothek. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig;, 1881 Ebn-ed-din El Eghwati, Hadji. See Asia (General) : Appendix 2. Ebn Batuta. See Ibn Batuta. Ebn Haukal, an Arabian Traveller of the Tenth Century. Oriental Geography, translated by Sir W. Ouseley. Map. 4 1800 Ebn Khaldoun. Histoire de 1'Afrique sous la Dynastic des Aghlabites, et de la Sicile, sous la Domination Musulmane ; accompagne d'une Traduction Francaise et de Notes, par A. Noel des Vergers. Arabe et Fran9ais. 8 Paris, 1841 Ebn-Omar el-Tounsy, Cheykh Mo- hammed. Voyage au Darfour. Traduit de 1'Arabe ; et Preface contenant des remarques sur la Region du Nil-Blanc superieur. Maps ami plates. 8 Paris, 1845 VoyageauOuaday. Traduit del' Arabe par Perron ; Preface par Jomard. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1851 Eckardt, H. Matthaeus Merian, Skizze seines Lebens und ausfuhrliche Besch- reibung seiner Topographia Germanise nebst Verzeichniss der darin enthaltenen Kupferstiche. Eine kulterhistorische Studie von H. Eckardt. Portrait. 8 Basle, 1887 Eckardt, M. Der Archipel der Neu Hebriden. Plates. 8 Hamburg, 1882 Eckeberg, Charles Gustavus. A Short Account of the Chinese Husbandry. See Osbeck, P., "A Voyage to China," &c. ; also The Modern Traveller, p. 610: Appendix I. Eddv. C. W. Assisted Colonisation. 8* 1870 Edelfelt, E. G. Notes on New Guinea. [Newspaper cuttings.] 8* Melbourne, 1884 Edelmann, M. T. Neucs Hygrometer. Plate. 8* N.P., N.D 146 EDE EGL. Eden, Hon. Ashley. Evidence of, taken before the Indigo Commission sitting in Calcutta. 8* Calcutta, 1860 Eden, C. H. China, Historical and De- scriptive. Map and plates. 12 1877 Frozen Asia : a Sketch of Modern Siberia. Together with an Account of the Native Tribes inhabiting that Region. Map. Small 8 1879 See Warburton. Eden, Richarde. The History of Trauayle in the West and East Indies, and other Countreys lying eyther way, towarcles the Fruitfull and Ryche Moluccaes, as Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, /Egypte, Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, and Giapan ; with a Discourse of the North- west Passage. Small 8 J 577 See Martyr ; Varthema. Edgcumbe, Richard. A Missing Page in Alpine History. (From The National Review, October 1893.) 8 * l8 93 Edgar. Genealogical Collections con- cerning the Scottish House of Edgar ; with a Memoir of James Edgar, Private Secretary to the Chevalier St George. Frontispiece. Small 4 1873 Edgar, J. W. Report on a Visit to Sikhim and the Thibetan Frontier in October, November, and December 1873. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1874 Edgar, King. See Hakluyt, Vols. 1,2: Appendix I. Edge, Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Edgley, J. C. The Origin and Features of Mountain Systems ; with Remarks on the Ancient Glaciers of Wales. Plate. 8* [1887] Edlund, E. Ueber die Bildung des Eises im Meere. Plate. 8* [Leipzig, N.D.] Edrisi. See Hartmann. Edmund and Edward, Princes. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix I. Edward the Confessor. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Edward, David B. The History of Texas ; or, The Emigrant's Guide to the Climate, Soil, and Productions of that Country, Geographically arranged. Map. 12 Cincinnati, 1836 Edwardes, Charles. Rides and Studies in the Canary Islands. Illustrations. 8 1888 Sardinia and the Sardes. 8 1889 Edwardes, Major Herbert B. A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 1848-49. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1851 Edwards, A. See Hakluyt, Vol. i : Ap- pendix i. Edwards, Amelia B. A Thousand Miles up the Nile. Maps and plates. 4 1877 - Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers. Par f rait and illustrations. 8 1892 Edwards, Bryan. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 London, 1794 The same. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1801 Historical Survey of the Island of Saint Domingo, together with an Account of the Maroon Negroes in the Island of Jamaica in 1793-94; a l so a Tour through the Islands of Barbadoes, St Vincent, Antigua, Tobago, and Gren- ada, in 1791-92, by Sir W. Young. Maps and plates. 4 1801 Edwards, Capt. See Hamilton, G. ; also Eyries, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Edwards, Charles. Texas and Coahuila ; with an Exposition of the last Coloniza- tion Law. 8* New York, 1834 Edwards, E. Milne. Investigafoes Geo- graphicas dos Portuguezes. Traducfao de Rodrigo Affonso Pequito. 8* Lisbon, 1879 Edwards, Lieut. . See Logan, P. Edwards, Matilda Betham. Through Spain to the Sahara. Plate. 8 1868 Edwin, King. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Eedes, J. The Coast of South Africa : Gigantic Structures or Sea-Wails super- seded. 8* Grahamstown, 1862 Egede, Hans. Description of Greenland, showing the Natural History, Situation, Boundaries, and Face of the Country, the Rise and Progress of the Old Norwegian Colonies, the Ancient and Modern In- habitants, &c. Map and plates. 8 1745 Description of Greenland, with an Historical Introduction and a Life of the Author. Map and woodcuts. 8 1818 Egerton, Lady Francis. Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land in May and June 1840. Plates. 8 1841 Egerton, Lady Henrietta Grey. Alaska and its Glaciers. (From The Nineteenth Century, December 1892.) 8* 1892 Egerton, Sir P. de M. Grey. See Murchison ; also India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Egerton, Hon. W. An Illustrated Hand- book of Indian Arms . . . ; with an In- troductory Sketch of the Military History of India. Map and plates. 8 1880 Egilsson, S. See Grondal. Egli, Dr J. J. Die Entdeckung der Nil- quellen. 8* Zurich, 1867 Die Schweiz. Illustrations. 12 Leipzig 1886 Geschichte der geographischen Namenkunde. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1886 Kleine Schweizerkunde, ein Leitfaden in genauem Anschluss an des Verfassers " Neue Schweizerkunde." I4th edition. 12* St Gallen, 1 886 EGL ELD. 147 Egli, Dr J. J. Etymologisch-geogra- phisches Lexikon. Separat-Ausgabedes lexikalischen Theils der " Nomina Geo- graphica, Versuch einer allgemeinen geographischen Onomatologie. " Small 4 Leipzig, 1880 Nomina Geographica. Sprach- und Sacherklarung von 42,000 geograph- ischen Namen aller Erdraume. 2nd edition. Large 8 Leipzig, 1893 Egmont, J. ^Egidius van, and John Heyman. Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the Islands of the Archipelago, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, &c. Translated from the Low Dutch. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1759 Egui, Bernard de. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Eguiluz, Diego de. Historia de la Mision de Mojos en la Republica de Bolivia escrita en 1696 por el P. Diego de Eguiluz. Publicada con varies Docu- mentos ineditos referentes a esa Mision, Biografias, y Notas, por Enrique Torres Saldamando. Entregas i a - y 2 a - 8* Lima, 1884 Ehrenberg, C. G. Natur und Bildung der Coralleninseln und Corallenbanke in Rothen Meere. 4* Berlin, 1834 Ehrenberg, G. See Rose. Ehrenmalm, Arwid. See Pinkerton, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 20 : Ap- pendix i. Ehrenreich, Dr P. Beitrage zur Volker- kuncle Brasiliens. Plates. Folio Berlin, 1891 Ehrmann, T. F. Kommodore Phillip's Reise nach der Botany-Bai auf Neu- holland. Map. 12 Stuttgart, 1789 Beitrage zur Lander- und Staaten- kunde der Tartarei. Aus Rusischen Berichten. Mit einer Einleitung. Bib- liothek der neuesten und wichtigsten Reisebeschreibungen zur Erweiterung der Erdkunde . . . herausgegeben von M. C. Sprengel, fortgesetzt von T. F. Ehrmann. Vierzehnter Band. Map. 8 Weimar, 1804 Eichhoff, F. G. Parallele des, Langues de 1'Europe et de 1'Inde, ou Etude e 4 metres de circonference. Plates. 8* Paris, 1888 Finati, Giovanni. Narrative of the Life and Adventures of, who, under the assumed name of Mahomet, made the Campaigns against the Wahabees for the Recovery of Mecca and Medina, and since acted as Interpreter to European Travellers in some of the parts least visited of Asia and Africa. Translated from the Italian, and edited by W. J. Bankes. 2 vols. Map. 12 1830 Finch, John. Travels in the United States of America and Canada, with some Ac- count of their Scientific Institutions, and Notices of the Geology and Mineralogy of those Countries; to which is added, an Essay on the Natural Boundaries of Empires. 8 1833 Natural Boundaries of Empires, and a New View of Colonisation. 12 1844 Finch, John. To South Africa and Back : being the Narrative of a Journey through Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, and the Transvaal, including Visits to the Diamond and Gold Fields. Portrait and illustrations. 12 1 890 Finch, Richard. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix i. Finch, Wm. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Finck, H. T. The Pacific Coast Scenic Tour from Southern California to Alaska, the Canadian Pacific Railway, Yellow- stone Park, and the Grand Canon. Map and illustrations. 8 1891 Findlay, A. G. On the various Descrip- tions of Lighthouses and Beacons, their Construction, and the Method of Illu- mination employed therein. 4 1847 Direciory for the Navigation of the Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, &c., from the Strait of Magalhaens to the Arctic Sea, and those of Asia and Australia, its Winds, Currents, and other Phenomena. 2 vols. Map. 8 1851 Findlay, A. G. Description and List of the Lighthouses of the World. Illustra- tions. 8 1861 Directory for the Navigation of the South Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, &c., from the Strait of Magalhaens to Panama, and those of New Zealand, Australia, &c. ; its Winds, Currents, and Passages. Map. 8 1863 A Directory for the Navigation of the Indian Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, &c. , from the Cape of Good Hope to the Strait of Sunda and Western Australia, including also the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, &c. Maps. 8 1866 The same. 2nd edition 1870 Remarks on Dr Livingstone's Last Journey, in Relation to the Probable Ultimate Sources of the Nile. Map. 8* 1867 A Sailing Directory for the Ethiopic or South Atlantic Ocean, including the Coasts of South America and Africa. 5th edition. Maps. 8 1867 The same. 7th edition 1871 A Sailing Directory for the Medi- terranean Sea, including the Adriatic Sea, Black Sea, the Archipelago, and the Coast of Africa. Map and profiles. 8 "1868 A Directory for the Navigation of the Indian Archipelago, China, and Japan, from the Straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the Passages East of Java, to Canton, Shanghai, the Yellow Sea, and Japan, &c. Maps. 8 1870 The same. 3rd edition 1889 A Directory for the Navigation of the North Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, &c., from Panama to Behring Strait and Japan, &c. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 1870 The same. 3rd edition 1886 A Directory for the Navigation of the South Pacific Ocean ; with Descriptions of its Coasts, Islands, &c. , from the Strait of Magalhaens to Panama, and those of New Zealand, Australia, &c. 3rd edition. Map. 8 1871 - The same. 5th edition 1884 - A Description and List of the Light- houses of the World, 1872-73. 8 1873 -- The same. 2Oth edition. Plate. 8 1880 - See Brookes, R. ; Martin ; Purdy. Finlay, George. Remarks on the Topo- graphy of Oropia and Diacria. Map. Athens, 1838 HapaTrjprja-tis CTTI TT/sev EA/^e KOU EAAaSi Trpowrro/JiKT/s ytas. 8* Athens, 1869 FIN FIS. 161 Finlayson, George. The Mission to Siam, and Hue, the Capital of Cochin- China, in 1821-22. From the Journal of the late G. Finlayson ; with a Memoir of the Author by Sir T. Stamford Raffles. Plate. 8 1826 Finley, J. P Certain Climatic Features of the Two Dakotas. [Bulletin of the Weather Bureau.] Tables, charts, and diagrams. 4 Washington, 1893 See United States, H, b (Professional Papers, No. 4) : Appendix 2. Finnis, John. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix i. Finsch, Dr Otto. Neu-Guinea und seine Bewohner. Map. 8 Bremen, 1865 Catalog der Ausstellung ethnographi- scher und naturwissenschaftlicher Samm- lungen. (WestSibirische Forschungsreise, 1876. See Ver. f. d. Deutsche Nord- polarfahrt, 1876.) 8* Bremen, 1877 Reise nach West-Sibirien im Jahre 1876. Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1879 Bemerkungen iiber einige Eingeborne des Atoll Ontong-Java (" Njua"). 8* [Berlin, 1881] Ueber seine in den Jahren 1879 bis 1882 unternommenen Reisen in der Siiclsee. 8* Berlin, 1882 Die Rassenfrage in Oceanien. 8* Berlin, 1882 Ueber weisse Papuas. 8* [Berlin, 1883] Ueber Naturprodukte der westlichen Siidsee, besonders der deutschen Schutz- gebiete. 8* Berlin, 1887 Samoafahrten. Reisen in Kaiser Wilhelms-Land und Englisch-Neu- Guinea in den Jahren 1884 u. 1885 an bord des deutschen dampfers "Samoa." Portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8; Atlas, 4 Leipzig, 1888 See Lindeman ; Sommier and Giglioli. Fiorauante, C. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Fiore, Giovanni. Delia Calabria Illus- trata, opera varia Istorica ; in cui, non solo regolatamente si descrive con perfetta Corografia la situazione, Pro- montori, Porti, Seni di Mare, Citta, Castella, Fortezze, nomi delle medesime, e lor Origine, ma anche con esatta Cronologia si registrano i Dominant!, 1'antiche Republiche, e fatti di Armi in esse accaduti, dagli anni del Mondo 306 fin al corrente di Cristo 1690. Vol. I. Map. Folio Naples, 1691 Fiorini, Matteo. Le projezioni delle Carte Geografiche. Text and Atlas. 8 Bologna, 1881 Sopra la projezione Cartografica isogo- nica. Nota. 4* Bologna, 1882 L Fiorini, Matteo. The same. Nota Seconda. Plate. 4* Bologna, 1883 Misure linerari, superficiali ed an- golari offerte dalle Carte Geografiche. Florence, 1886 Le Projezioni quantitative ed equi- valenti della Cartografia. 8* Rome, 1887 Le Projezioni Cordiformi nella Carto- grafia. 8* Rome, 1889 Gerardo Mercatore e le sue Carte Geografiche. 8* Rome, 1890 I globi di Gerardo Mercatore in Italia. 8* Rome, 1890 Fischer, Andreas. Zwei Kaukasus Ex- peditionen. Map and ilhistrations. 12 Bertie, 1891 Fischer, C. A. See Phillips [i], Vols. 3 and 5 : Appendix i. Fischer, C. T. Untersuchungen auf clem Gebiet der alten Lander- und Volker- kunde. Erstes Heft. De Hannonis Car- thaginiensis Periplo. 8 Leipzig, 1893 Fischer . See Kiepert, Dr H. Fischer, Dr G. A. Ueber die jetzigen Verhaltnisse im siidlichen Galla-Lande und Wito. 8* Hamburg, 1877 Das Massai-Land (Ost-aequatorial Afrika). Bericht liber die im Auftrage der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Ham- burg ausgefuhrter Reise von Pangani bis zum Naiwascha-See. Map and illustra- tions. 8 Hambiirg, 1885 Mehr Licht im dunkeln Weltteil. Betrachtungen iiber die Kolonisation des tropischen Afrika unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Sansibar-Gebiets. 8 Hambiirg, 1885 Fischer, F. A. Travels in Spain in 1797 and 1798. 8 1802 Fischer, J. See Andree, Karl. Fischer, Dr Theobald. Beitrage zur phy- sischen Geographic der Mittelmeerlander, besonders Sicilien. Maps. ^Leipzig, 1877 Studien iiber das Klima der Mittel- meerlander. ( Erganzungsheft, 58 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1879 Die Dattelpalme. (Erganzungsheft, 64 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1 88 1 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Erd- kunde und der Kartographie in Italien im Mittelalter. Sammlung mittelalter- licher Welt- und Seekarten Italienischen Ursprungs und aus Italienischer Biblio- theken und Archiven. 8 Venice, 1886 Landeskunde der drei sudeuropaischen Halbinseln. Zweite Halfte. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Leipzig, 1893 See Ankel. Fisher, Alexander. A Journal of a Voy- age of Discovery to the Arctic Regions in H.M. Ships " Hecla" and " Griper," in 1819-20. Maps. 8 1821 See Phillips [3], Vol. I : Appendix i. 162 FIS-FLE. Fisher, Fred. H. Cyprus, our New Colony, and what we know about it. Maps. 12 1878 See India, O (N.W. Provinces) : Ap- pendix 2. Fisher, G. Memorials of, relating to the Expedition of General Mexia against Tampico in 1835 ; presented to the Congress of the Republic of Texas. 8* Houston, Texas, 1840 Fisher, Rev. Osmond. Physics of the Earth's Crust. 8 1881 The same. 2nd edition. Frontis- piece. 1889 Fisher, R. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Fiske, John. The Discovery of America ; with some Account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, &c. Crown 8 1892 Fitch, Asa. The most Pernicious Species of United States Insects and the Cur- culio. 8* Albany, N. Y., 1860 Fitch, Ralph. See Gottfried; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Fitton, W. H - A geological Sketch of the Vicinity of Hastings. Plate. 1 2 1833 Fitzalan, Eugene. See Mueller. Fitzclarence, Colonel. Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt, to England, in the latter end of the year 1817 and the beginning of 1818. Maps and plates. 4 1819 See Phillips [3], Vol. I : Appendix I. Fitzgerald, C. The Gambia, and its proposed Cession to France. Map. 8* 1875 Fitzgerald, J. E. An Examination of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hud- son's Bay Company with reference to the grant of Vancouver's Island. Map. 12 1847 Fitzgerald, W. W. A. Report on the Native Cultivation, Products, and Capa- bilities of the Coast Lands of the Melindi District. 4* [1891] Report on the Spice and other Culti- vation of Zanzibar and Pemba Islands. 8* 1892 Fitzherbert, Captain Humphrey. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 5 : Appendix i. Fitz-James, Capt. James. The Last Journals of, of the Lost Polar Expedi- tion. Edited by W. Coningham. 8 Brighton. N.D. Fitzmaurice, Hon. W. E. Cruise to Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. Plates. 4 1834 Fitz- Patrick, T. An Autumn Cruise in the /Egean ; or, Notes of a Voyage in a Sailing Yacht. Maps, plan, and illustrations. Crown 8 1886 Fitzroy, Admiral Robert. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships "Adventure" and "Beagle." See King, P. P. Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle" during the years 1832 to 1836. Edited by Charles Darwin. [Fossil Mammalia, by R. Owen ; Mam- malia, by G. R. Waterhouse ; Birds, by J. Gould ; Fish, by Leonard Jenyns ; Reptiles, by Thos. Bell.] 3 vols. Coloured plates. 4 1840-43 Sailing Directions for South America. Part 2 : La Plata, Patagonia, Falkland and Staten Islands, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. 8 1848 Further Considerations on the Great Isthmus of Central America. Map. 8* . [1853] Swinging Ship for Deviation. 2 editions. 8* 1857-59 Meteorological Papers compiled by Authority of the Board of Trade. See United Kingdom, B : Appendix 2. Report of the Meteorological Depart- ment of the Board of Trade, 1855, '57, '58, '62. 4 parts. 8 1857-62 Great Circle Sailing. 12 1858 Report of the Meteorological Depart- ment of the Board of Trade, 1858. 8 1858 Barometer and Weather Guide. 1859 and 1861. 2 editions. 8* 1859-61 Notes on Meteorology. 8 1859 Passage Table and General Sailing Directions. 8 1859 Barometer Manual. 8 1861 Brief Sketch of the Scientific Cart-er of the late. By Sir R. I. Murchison. 8* 1865 Flacourt, E. de. Histoire dc la grande Isle de Madagascar. 2 parts. 4 Paris, 1758 Flagg, Edmund. Report of the Com- mercial Relations of the United States. 4 vols. 4 Washington, 1856 Flahault, C. Nordenskiold, Notice sur sa vie et ses Voyages. Map and portrait. 8 Paris, 1 880 Flamsteed, John. See Baily, Francis. Flawes, Capt. W. See "Voyages," p. 597 : Appendix I. Fleetwood, Edward. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Flegel, E. Vom Niger-Beniie ; Briefe aus Afrika. Herausgegeben von Karl Flegel. 8 Leipzig, 1890 Fleischmann, C. L. Memorial of, in Relation to the Smithsonian Legacy. 8* Washington, 1839 Fleming, A. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Fleming and Tibbins. See Dictionaries (French), General : Appendix 2. FLE FLO. 163 Fleming, Francis. Southern Africa : a Geography and Natural History of the Country, Colonies, and Inhabitants, from the Cape of Good Hope to Angola. Map. 8 1856 Fleming, George. Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary : being a Summer's Ride beyond the Great Wall of China. Map and plates. 8 1863 Fleming, Sandford. Short Sunday Service for Travelling Parties. 16 Montreal, 1877 Report on Surveys and Preliminary Operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January 1877. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1877 Canadian Pacific Railway : Reports and Documents in reference to the Location of the Line and a western Terminal Harbour. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1878 Report in reference to the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1879 Report and Documents in reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway, 1880. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1880 Papers on Time-Reckoning and the Selection of a Prime Meridian to be Common to all Nations. Diagrams. 8* Toronto, 1879 England and Canada : a Summer Tour between Old and New West- minster, with Historical Notes. Map. Crown 8 1884 Universal or Cosmic Time ; together with other Papers, &c., in the possession of the Canadian Institute respecting the Movement for reforming the Time- System of the World, &c. (From Proc. Can. Inst.) Plate. 8* Toronto, 1885 Time- Reckoning for the Twentieth Century. From the Smithsonian Re- port for 1886. 8* Washington, 1889 Flemyng, Francis P. Mauritius, or the Isle of France : being an Account of the Island, its History, &c. Map and plates. 1 6 1862 Fletcher, Giles. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 20; Purchas, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Fletcher, J. C, and D. P. Kidder. Brazil and the Brazilians portrayed in Historical and Descriptive Sketches. 9th edition. Map and plates. 8 1879 Fletcher, Rev. J. P. Notes from Nineveh, and Travels in Mesopotamia, Assyria, and Syria. 2 vols. 8 1850 Fletcher, Price. Queensland, its Re- sources and Institutions . . . Edited by Price Fletcher. Map. 8 1886 Fletcher- Vane, F. P. See Butler, G. G. Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, Comte de. Voyage fait par Ordre clu Roi en 1768-69, a differentes parties du Monde, pour eprouver en Mer les Horloges Marines inventees par M. F. Berthoud. 2 vols. Maps. 4 Paris, 1773 Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, Comte de. Discoveriesof the French in I768and 1769, to the South-east of New Guinea, with the Subsequent Visits to the same Lands by English Navigators, who gave them new names ; to which is Prefixed an Historical Abridgement of the Voyages and Discoveries of the Spaniards in the same Seas. Translated from the French. Charts and plates. 4 1791 A Voyage round the World, per- formed during the years Etienne Marchand. . . . from the French. 2 vols. See Marchand. 1790-92, by Translated 4 1801 Fleury, A. A. de Padua. Explora9ao do Rio Ivahy. 4* Rio de Janeiro [1864] Flicke, Capt. Robert. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Flinders, Capt. Matthew. Observations on the Coasts of Van Diemen's Land, on Bass's Strait and its Islands, and on part of the Coasts of New South Wales. 4 1801 Voyage to Terra Australis, under- taken for the purpose of completing the Discovery of that vast Continent, in 1801-3, m H.M.S. "Investigator," and subsequently in the "Porpoise" and "Cumberland " ; with an Account of the Shipwreck of the "Porpoise," arrival of the "Cumberland" at Mauritius, and Imprisonment of the Commander during six years and a half in that island. 3 vols. Atlas and plates. 4 1814 See Eyries, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Flinn, D. Edgar. Ireland, its Health- Resorts and Watering- Places ; with Maps showing Distribution of Temperature and Rainfall throughout Ireland. Frontis- piece. 8 1888 Flint, Timothy. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley, with a con- densed Physical Geography of the Atlantic, United States, &c. 2 vols. in i. 8 Cincinnati, 1832 " Florence," Cruise of the. See Tyson, E. Flores Arenas, F. Obras Escogidas. I. Obras Poeticas. 8 Cadiz, 1878 Florianus, . Chronica Minora (His- torise Hungaricrc Fontes Domestici, Vol. 4.) 4 Budapest, 1885 Florio-Sartori, Florindo. The Island of Caprera and the Hero of the Two Worlds : a Geographical and Historical Account. Map and illustrations. 12 Naples, 1888 L'Isola di Caprera e 1'Eroe dei due Mondi : Cenni Geografici e Storici. Map and illustrations. 8 Naples, 1888 164 FLO FOR. Floris, P. W. See Gottfried ; Astley, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3; Thevenot, Vol. I : Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Flotte D'Argencon, Comte Magloire de. Nouveau Portulan de la Mediter- ranee, ou Guide complet du Pilote, sur toutes les Cotes, lies, Banes, et Ports compris depuis Cadix jusqu'a la Mer Noire. 2 vols. 8 Toulon, 1829 Flower, Charles E. Algerian Hints for Tourists. Frontispiece. 12 1889 Flower, W. B. Illustrated Guide to Baden-Baden. Based on the German. Maps. 12 Baden-Baden, 1865 Flower, Sir W. H. See West Indies, A : Appendix 2. Floyer, Ernest Ayscoghe. Unexplored Baluchistan : a Survey, with Observa- tions Astronomical, Geographical, Bo- tanical, &c., of a Route through Mekran, Bashkurd, Persia, Kurdistan, and Turkey. Map and illustrations. 8 1882 - Etude sur le Nord-Etbai entre le Nil et la Mer Rouge. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Cairo, 1893 Fliigel, Dr J. G. See Hermann, G. Fliigel, G. T. Courszettel der vornehm- sten Handelsplatze in Europa, nebst anderen zu den Wechselgeschafften dienlichen Nachrichten. 6th edition. 12 Frankfurt a. M., 1788 " Fly, "H. M.S. See Jukes. Foa, Edouard. Ethnographic : Lc Dahomey. 4* [Paris, 1891] Fockt, C. T. See Hartleben. Foder6, F. E. Voyage aux Alpes Mari- time*, ou Histoire Naturelle, Agraire, Civile, et Medicale, du Comte de Nice et pays limitrophes. 2 vols. in I. 8 Paris, 1821 Foetterle, Franz. Die geologische Uebersichtskarte des mittleren Theiles von Siid-Amerika ; mit einem Vorworte von W. Haidinger. Map, 8* Vienna, 1854 Bericht iiber die Durchstechung der Landenge von Suez. 8* Berlin [1857] Fogg, W. P. Arabistan, or The Land of " The Arabian Nights": being Travels through Egypt, Arabia, and Persia, to Bagdad. With an Introduction by Bayard Taylor. Plates. 8 1875 Foledo, R. Geografia de Centre-America. Adoptada por el Supremo Gobierno como testo de enseiianza en la Re- publica. Small square 8 Guatemala, 1874 Follada, J. B. de la. See Burney, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Folque, F. Memoria sobre os Trabalhos Geodesicos executados em Portugal. 2 vols. 4 Lisbon, 1841 and 1852 See Collec9ao de Noticias, Vol. 7, p. 6ll : Appendix i. Fonseca, Jose G. de. See Colleccao de Noticias, Vol. 4, p. 6n : Appendix i. Fontaine, W. M. See United States, G,c (Monographs) : Appendix 2. Fontane, Marius. Le Canal Inter- oceanique et le Canal de Suez. 4* Paris, 1879 Fontanedo, H. d'E. See Ternaux-Com- pans, Vol. 20 : Appendix I. Fontaney, Jean de. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appen- dix i. Fontanier, V. .Voyages dans 1'Inde et dans le Golfe Persique, par 1'Egypte et la Mer Rouge. Map. 8 Paris, 1844 Fontbonne, G. de. Projet d'un Canal 1 nteroceanique a niveau des deux Oceans dans le Darien. Maps and plans. Small 8* Sancerre, 1875 Fonte, Bartholomew de. See Burney, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix i. Fontenay, Peter von. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Fonton, F. La Russie dans PAsie- Mineure, ou Campagnes du Marechal Paskevitch en 1828 et 1829 ; et Tableau du Caucase. 8 Paris, 1840 Fontpertuis, Ad.-F. de. La Nouvelle Guinee, sa Geographic, ses Races, et ses Explorateurs. 4* N.P., N.D. Foote, H. Stuart. Texas and the Texans ; or, Advance of the Anglo- Americans to the South-West, including a History of Leading Events in Mexico, from the Conquest by Fernando Cortes to the Termination of the Texan Revolu- tion. 2 vols. 12 Philadelphia, 1841 Foote, R. Bruce. On the Distribution of Stone Implements in Southern India. Map. 8* 1868 See India, C (Palseont. Ind.) : Ap- pendix 2. Forbes, A. California : a History of Upper and Lower California, from their First Discovery to the Present Time ; comprising an Account of the Climate, Soil, Natural Productions, Agriculture, Commerce, &c. Map and plates. 8 1839 Forbes, Charles. Vancouver Island, its Resources and Capabilities as a Colony. Prize Essay. 8 Victoria, B. C., 1862 Notes on the Physical Geography of Vancouver Island. Map. 8* [1864] Forbes, Charles S. Iceland, its Vol- canoes, Geysers, and Glaciers. Map and plates. 8 1860 Forbes, D. On the Aymara Indians of Bolivia and Peru. Plates. 8 1870 Forbes, Edward. The Relations of Natural History to Geology and the Arts. 8* 1851 FOR. 165 Forbes, Edward. The Natural History of the European Seas. Edited and continued by K. Godwin-Austen. Map. 12 1859 See Seemann ; Spratt. Forbes, Frederick. Thesis on the Nature and History of Plague, as observed in the N. -W. Provinces of India. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1840 Forbes, Commander F. E. Five Years in China, from 1842 to 1847 ; with an Account of the Occupation of the Islands of Lai man and Borneo by Her Majesty's Forces. Woodcuts. 8" 1848 Six Months' Service in the African Blockade, 1848. Map. 8 1849 - Dahomey and the Dahomans : being the Journals of Two Missions to the King of Dahomey, and Residence at his Capital in 1849 and 1850. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1851 Forbes, G. F. Report on Cotton in the Southern States of North America. Folio* 1866 Forbes, Dr H. O. On Some of the Tribes of the Island of Timor. Plates. 8* 1884 A Naturalist's Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago : a Narrative of Travel and Exploration from 1878 to 1883. Map and illustrations. 8 1885 On Attempts to Reach the Owen Stanley Peak : a Report to the Royal Scottish Geographical Society on the New Guinea Expedition. Map. 8* Edinburgh, 1 888 British New Guinea as a Colony. 8* [1892] - The Chatham Islands and their Story. (From the fortnightly Review for May 1893.) 8* 1893 The Chatham Islands and their Rela- tion to a former Southern Continent. (Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3.) Map. Large 8 1 893 The Geographical Society [of Aus- tralasia] and Mr H. O. Forbes. [News- paper cuttings.] 12* N.P., N.r>. Forbes, Mrs H. O. Insulinde : Ex- periences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago. Map. Crown 8 1887 Forbes, James. Oriental Memoirs : a Narrative of Seventeen Years' Residence in India. 2nd edition. Revised by ... the Countess de Montalembert. 2 vols. 8 1834 Forbes, Prof. James D. Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other Parts of the Pennine Chain ; with Observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Edinburgh, 1843 - Norway and its Glaciers, visited in 1851 ; with Excursions to the High Alps of Dauphine, Berne, and Savoy. Afaps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1853 Forbes, Prof. James D. Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers. Plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1859 Forbes, John. A Physician's Holiday ; or. A Month in Switzerland in the Sum- mer of 1848. Map and illustrations. 8 1850 Forbes, Litton. Two Years in Fiji. Small 8" 1875 Forbes, Major. Eleven Years in Ceylon, comprising Sketches of the Field Sports and Natural History of that Colony, and an Account of its History and Anti- quities. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1840 Forbiger, A. Handbuch der alten Geo- graphie. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1842-48 Forbin, Comte. Voyage dans le Levant en i8i7et 1818. Plate. 8 Paris, 1819 - See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Phillips [3], Vols. i, 2, 9: Appendix I. Force, Peter. Remarks on the English Maps of Arctic Discoveries in 1850 and 1851. 8* Washington, 1852 Forchhammer, E. Papers on Subjects relating to the Archaeology of Burma. [Various sizes and dates. ] Map and plates. Forchhammer, G. HansChristian Oersted. Et Mindeskrift laest i det Kong. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Mode, 7th Nov- ember 1851. 8* Copenhagen, 1852 Bidrag til skildringen af Danmarks Geographiske Forhold i deres Afhren- gighed af Landets indre Geognostiske Bygning. 4* Copenhagen, 1858 Om Sovandets Bestanddele og deres Fordeling i Ilavet. Atap. 4* Copenhagen, 1859 Notitser angaaende den sandsynlige Forekomst af Juraformationen i det nordlige Jylland. 8* Copenhagen, 1863 Forchhammer, P. W. Topographic von Athen. Map. 8 Kiel, 1841 Ditto, another edition. Got tinge n, 1873 Die Griindung Roms. Map. 8* Kiel, 1868 Daduchos. Einleitung in das Ver- slandniss der Hellenischen Mythen, Mythensprache, und mythischen Bauten. Plates. 8* Kiel, 1875 DasErechtheion. Plates. 4* Kiel, 1879 Mykena und der Ursprung der My- kenischen Funde. 8 Kiel, 1880 Das goldene Vliess und die Argonau- ten. 8* N.P., N.u. Ueber das mythische und geograph- ische Wissen des /Eschylos, oder die Wanderungen der lo. Map. 4* N.I'., N.D. Erklarung der Ilias auf Grund der in der beigegebenen original Karte von Spratt und Forchhammer dargestellten topischen und physischen. Eigenthiim- lichkeiten der Troischen Ebene. Ein Beitrag zur Erledigung der Homerischen Frage. 4" Kiel, 1884 166 FOR. Forchhammer, P. W. Prolegomena zur Mythologie als Wissenschaft, uncl Lexikon der Mythensprache. Large 8 Kiel, 1891 Die Kyanen uncl die Argonauten. Map. 8* Kiel, 1891 Ford, Francis Clare. Argentine Re- public. Reports, &c. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1866 Ford, Isaac N. Tropical America. Illustrations. 8 1893 Forel, Dr F. A. Le Lac Leman : Precis Scientifique. 12* Basle, 1886 La Capacite du Lac Leman. 8* 1888 Le Leman. Monographic linmolo- gique. 2 vols. Maps. 8" Lausanne, 1892-95 Foreman, Henry. The Routes to Aus- tralia considered in reference to Com- mercial and Postal Interests. By the Directors of the Australian Direct Steam Navigation Company via Panama, in a Letter to the Right Hon. Viscount Canning. Map. 8* 1854 Foreman, J. The Philippine Islands : a Historical, Geographical, Ethnographi- cal, Social, and Commercial Sketch of the Philippine Archipelago and its Political Dependencies. Map and frontispiece. 8 1890 Forester, T. Rambles in Norway among the Fjelds and Fjords of the Central and Western Districts. 12 1855 Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia, with their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition. Map and plates. Imperial 8 1858 Forlong, F. G. R. Report on the Toun- goop Mountain Road. [From the India Records, No. 19.] 8 Calcutta, 1856 See Fraser and Forlong. " Forlorn Hope," Ship. &^ M'Cormick, R. Formaleoni, Vincenzio. Saggio sulla Nautica Antica de' Veneziani ; con una illustrazione d'alcune carte Idrografiche antiche della Biblioteca di S. Marco, che dimostrano 1'Isole Antille prima della scoperta di Cristoforo Colombo. Maps. Small 4 Venice, 1783 Fornando, D. See Peragallo. Forni, G. Viaggio nell' Egitto e nell' Alta Nubia. 2 vols. Plates . 8 Milan, 1859 Forrest, Lieut.-Col. A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India. Map and coloured plates. Large 4 1824 Forrest, Alexander. Western Australia. North-West Exploration : Journal of Expedition from De Grey to Port Darwin. Map and plates. Folio* Perth, W.A., 1880 Forrest, George W. See India, K (Bombay) : Appendix 2. Forrest, Sir John. Newspaper cuttings referring to his Australian Explorations [Inquirer and Commercial News\ 8* 1874 Explorations in Australia : I. Ex- plorations in Search of Dr Leichardt and Party : II. From Perth to Adelaide, around the great Australian Bight ; III. From Champion Bay, across the Desert to the Telegraph and to Adelaide ; with an Appendix on the Condition of Western Australia. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Journal of Proceedings of the Western Australian Exploring Expedition through the Centre of Australia, from Champion Bay on the West Coast to the Overland Telegraph Line between Adelaide and Port Darwin. Map and plates. Folio* Perth, W.A., 1875 Report on the Kimberley District, North -Western Australia. Map and plates. Folio* Perth, IV. A., 1883 - The Kimberley District, North - Western Australia. Folio* [1886] Forrest, J. See Longridge ; Murray, John ; Peniston. Forrest, Thomas. Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambangan ; including an Account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other Islands, and a Vocabu- lary of the Magindano Tongue. Maps and plates. 4 1780 Forrester, Joseph James. Papers relat- ing to the Improvement of the Navigation of the River Douro, from its mouth to the Barca de Vilvestre in Spain, and to the Maps of that River, and of the Wine District of the Alto-Douro. 8* Oporto, 1844 Documents relating to Mr Fon ester's Topographical Works of the Wine Dis- tricts of the Alto-Douro and River Douro, ordered to be published by the Muni- cipal Chamber of Oporto. 8* Oporto, 1848 The Oliveira Prize Essay on Portugal; with the Evidence regarding that Country taken before a Committee of the House of Commons in May 1852, and the Author's Surveys of the Wine Districts of the Alto-Douro. Map. 8 1853 Memoria sobre o Curativo da Molestia nas Videiras. Map Oporto, 1857 Forsell, Carl. Statistik ofver Sverige. Map. 8 Stockholm, 1833 Nagra underrattelser horande till Kartan ofver Sodra delen af Swerige och Norrige eller Skandinavien. 4* Stockholm, 1826 FOR 167 Forskal, Petrus. Descriptiones Anima- lium, Avium, Amphbiorum, Piscium, Insectorum, Vermium, qure in itinere Orientali observavit Petrus Forskal, Prof. Haun : Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Adjuncta est Materia Medica Kahirina atque Tabula Maris Rubi Geographica. Map. 4 Copenhagen, 1775 Flora Egyptiaco-Arabica, sive descrip- tiones Plantarum, quas per /Egyptum Inferiorum ec Arabiam Felicem cletexit, illustravit Petrus Forskal, Prof. Haun : Post mortem auctoris Carsten Niebuhr. Accedit Tabula Arabiae Felicis Geo- graphica- Botanica. Map. 4 Copenhagen, 177$ Forster, Dr A. E. Verzeichniss der in Druck veroffentlichten Arbeiten von Friedrich Simony . . . Large 8* Vienna, 1893 Forster, Brix. Deutsch-Ostafrika, Geo- graphic und Geschichte der Colonie. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1890 Forster, Rev. Charles. Historical Geo- graphy of Arabia, or the Patriarchal Evidences of Revealed Religion ; with an Appendix containing Translations, and an Alphabet and Glossary of the Hamyaritic Inscriptions recently dis- covered in Hadramaut. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1844 The One Primeval Language traced experimentally through Ancient Inscrip- tions in Alphabet Characters of Lost Powers from the Four Continents, in- cluding the Voice of Israel from the Rocks of Sinai, and the Vestiges of Patriarchal Tradition from the Monu- ments of Egypt, Etruria, and Southern Arabia ; with Plates, Glossaries, and Translations ; the Harmony of Primeval Alphabets, in case. 2 vols. 8 1851 The Israelitish Authorship of the Sinaitic Inscriptions vindicated against the incorrect "Observations" in the " Sinai and Palestine " of the Rev. A. P. Stanley. 8 1856 Essay addressed to Lord Lyndhurst on the True Date of Korah's Rebellion, or its Date in the Margin of our English Bible, B.C. 1471, the true one; with an Introductory Letter to the Bishop of Winchester. 8* Privately printed, 1864 Forster, Dr F. Statistisch-topographisch- historische Uebersicht des Preuszischen Staats. Map. 8 Berlin, N.D. Vienne : Guide illustre par le Dr Fr. Forster. loth edition. Map and plates. 12 Vienna, 1873 Forster, George. Voyage round the World in H.M. sloop "Resolution," commanded by Capt. Cook, 1772-75. Map. 2 vols. 4 1777 Forster, George. Journey from Bengal to England, through the Northern Part of India, Kashmire, Afghanistan, and Persia, and into Russia, by the Caspian Sea. 2 vols. Map. 4 1798 See Eyries, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Forster, J. Reinhold. Observations made during a Voyage round the World, on Physical Geography, Natural History, and Ethic Philosophy, especially on the Earth and its Strata, Water and the Ocean, the Atmosphere, the Changes of the Globe, Organic Bodies, and the Human Species. Chart and table. 4 1778 Geschichte der Entdeckungen und Schiff-fahrten im Norden. Maps. Small 8 Frankfurt, a. d. Oder, 1784 History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Translated from the German. Maps. 4 1786 See Bartolomeo ; Granger ; Kalm ; Osbeck ; Riedesel ; Thunberg ; also Kerr, Vol. I ; Laharpe, Vol. 21 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Appendix i . and George Forster. Characteres Generum Plantarum, quas in itinere ad Insulas Maris Australis, Collegerunt, Descripserunt, Delinearunt, annis 1772- 75. Plates. 4 1776 Forsyth, Joseph. Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters in Italy. 2 vols. 8 1824 Forsyth, Capt. J. The Highlands of Central India : Notes on their Forests and Wild Tribes, Natural History, and Sports. Plates. 8 1872 Forsyth, Sir T. D. Memorandum on Routes from the Punjab to Eastern Turkistan. [From the India Records (Punjab), No. 2.] 8 Lahore, 1868 Trade Routes between Northern India and Central Asia. 8* {Exeter, 1869] Report of a Mission to Yarkund in 1873, under Command of Sir T. D. Forsyth, with Historical and Geographical Information regarding the Possessions of the Ameer of Yarkund. Map in cover, and photographs. 4 Calcutta, 1875 Ditto, German translation in Ergan- zungsheft, 52 Petermann's Mittheilun- gen. Map. 4 Got ha, 1877 Autobiography and Reminiscences of Sir Douglas Forsyth. Edited by his Daughter. Map and portrait. 8 1887 See Prejevalsky. Forsyth, W. The Rules of Evidence as applicable to the Credibility of History. 8 V 1874 Fort, G. Seymour. British New Guinea. Report on British New Guinea, from Data and Notes by the late Sir Peter Scratchley, Her Majesty's Special Com- missioner. Folio* Brisbane, 1 886 168 FOR FOW. Fortescue, G. K. A Subject Index of the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Museum in the years 1880-85. Compiled by G. K. P'ortescue. 4 1886 Fortescue, Hon. John W. The Influence of Climate on Race. (From the Nine- teenth Century, May 1893.) 8* 1893 Fortescue, W. I. See Tudor. Fortia. See Pinkerton, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Fortin, P. The Straits of Belle Isle. 8* Montreal, 1877 Fortis, Alberto. Travels into Dalmatia : containing General Observations on the Natural History of that Country and the Neighbouring Islands . . . ; to which are added, by the same Author, Obser- vations on the Island of Cherso and Osero. Translated from the Italian, &c. Maps and plates. 4 1778 Fortunat, Dantes. Nouvelle Geographic de 1'Ile d'Hai'te, contenant des Notions historiques et topographiques sur les autres Antilles. Map and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1888 Fortune, Robert. Journey to the Tea Countries of China, including Sung-lo and the Bohea Hills ; with a Short Notice of the East India Company's Tea Plantations in the Himalaya Mountains. Map and plates. 8 1852 Report upon the Tea Plantations of Deyra, Kumaon, and Gurhwal, N.W. Provinces, 1851. [From the India Re- cords, N.W. Prov.,Vol. I.] Agra, 1855 Residence among the Chinese, In- land, on the Coast, and at Sea : being a Narrative of Scenes and Adventures during a Third Visit to China, from l8 53-5 6 - Plates. 8 1857 Yedo and Peking : a Narrative of a Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China, &c. Map and plates. 8 1863 Forwood, W. H. See Sheridan. Foster, Dr C. Le Neve. See Lock. and William Topley. On the Superficial Deposit of the Valley of the Medway, with Remarks on the Denuda- tion of the Weald. Plates. 8* 1865 Foster, Capt. See Tiark. Foster, Major Hubert. Uganda. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publ.: Appendix 2. Foster, John. Fosteriana : consisting of Thoughts, Reflections, and Criticisms of John Foster, selected from Periodical Papers not hitherto published in a col- lective form, and edited by Henry G. Bohn. 12 1858 Foster, J. J. The Jenolan Caves. Map and plan. 8 Sydney, 1890 Foster, J. W. The Mississippi Valley, its Physical Geography, including Sketches of the Topography, Botany, Climate, &c. Maps and sections. 8 1869 Foster, J. W., and J. D. Whitney. Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District, in the State of Michigan. Part I, Copper Lands. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1850 Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District. Part 2, The Iron Region, together with the General Geology. Plates. 8 Washington, 1851 Foster, William. See Bird wood. Fossett, F. Colorado, ils Gold and Silver Mines, Farms and Stock Ranges, and Health and Pleasure Resorts : Tourist's Guide to the Rocky Mountains. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1879 Fotherbye, R. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 : Appendix I . Fotheringham, L. M. Adventures in Nyassaland : a Two Years' Struggle with Arab Slave-dealers in Central Africa. Illustrations. 8 1 89 1 Foucauld, Vicomte C. de. Reconnais- sance au Maroc, 1883-84. Text and Atlas. 4 Paris, 1888 Foulk, George C. See Buckingham. Fouque, F. Santorin et ses Eruptions. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1879 Fouquet, . See Callander, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Foureau, F. Une Mission au Ta'lemayt (Territoire d'In-Salah) en 1890. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1890 Fournel, Marc. La Tripolitaine, les Routes du Soudan. 12 Paris, 1887 Fournereau, L. Les Ruines Kmers du Camlxxlge-Siamois. 8* Paris, 1889 Fournet, J. J. See Chantre, Ernest. Fournier, C. I. N. Guide de 1'Etranger a Lyon. Map. 12 Lyons, 1826 Fowler, George. Three Years in Pers ; a, with Travelling Ad ventures inKoordistan. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1841 History of the War . . . l>etween Turkey and Russia, and Russia and the Allied Powers of England and France . . . to the end of 1854. Maps. 12 i55 Fowler, H. A Narrative of a Journeyacross the Unexplored Portion of British Hon- duras, with a Short .Sketch of the History and Resources of the Colony. Map and photograph. 8 Belize, 1879 A Paper on a Living Ancient City said to Exist in Central America at the Present Time, in almost the same state in which the Cities were found in the Country at ihe time of the Conquest, with an Account of its People. 8* [Belize, 1880] FOX FRA. 169 Fox, General C. R. Engravings of Unpublished or Rare Greek Coins, with Descriptions: Part i, Europe; Part 2, Asia and Africa. 2 Parts. Plates. 4* 1862 On a Coin of Glauconnesus. 8* 1869 Fox, Edward. Pleasure Paths of Travel. 8 1857 Fox, Gustavus V. The First Landfall of Columbus : Is there, extant, evidence enough to prove the First Landing-Place of Columbus in the New World ? Maps. Large 8 Neiv York, 1883 Fox, Robert W. Observations on Mineral Veins. Plates. 8* Falinoutli, 1837 Fox, William. Brief History of the Wes- leyan Missions on the Western Coast of Africa, including Biographical Sketches ; with some Account of the European Settlements, and of the Slave Trade. Map and plates. 8 1851 Fox, Hon. W. Hot Springs District of the North Island. Folio* Wellington, 1874 " Fox," Ship. See M'Clintock, Sir F. L. ; Malte-Brun. Foxe, John. See Ilakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix I. Foxe, Capt. Luke. North-West Fox ; or, Fox from the North-West Passage, beginning with King Arthvr, Malga, Octhvr, the two gems of Iseland, Estotiland and Dorgia ; following with Briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, 1 ludson. Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hankridge ; together with the Courses, Distance, Latitudes, Longitudes, Varia- tions, Depths of Seas, Sets of Tydes, Currents, Races, and Over-falls ; with other Observations, Accidents, and Re- markable Things. . . . Small 8 1635 - .SwHakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 ; All- gemeine Historic, Vol. 17: Appendix I. Foy, Richard. Renseignements Nautiques sur quelques Ports de 1'Oceanie, de la Nouvelle Hollande, et de la Mer Rouge. 8 Paris, 1866 Fraas, Oscar. Aus dem Orient. Geo- logische Beobachtungcn am Nil, auf der Sinai- Halbinsel und in Syrien. Plates. 8 Stttttgart, 1867 Fracastoro, Hieronomo. See Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix i. Fraissinet, E. Le Japon, Histoire et Description ; Mceurs, Coutumes et Re- ligion. . . . Nouvelle edition aug- mentee . . . par V. A. Malte-Brun. 2 vols. Map. 12 Paris, 1864 Framji, Dhanjibhai. Grammar of the Huzvarash or proper Pehlvi Language, as read by the Zoroastrians of Iran and India. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 On the Origin and Authenticity of the Arian Family of Languages, the Zand Avesta and the Huzvarash. In- scriptions. 8" Bombay, 1861 Francesetti, L. Lettres sur les Vallees de Lanzo. Plates. Small 4 Turin, 1823 FranchetA. See France,]}, a: Appendix2. Francia, Dictator. See Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Francis, Francis, junr. Saddle and Mocassin. 8 1887 Francisco, Domingo. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4: Appendix I. Francklin, William. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in . . . 1786-87 ; together with a Short Account of the Remains of the celebrated Palace of Persepolis, &c. 8" 1 790 See Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Appendix i. Francceur, L B. Geodesic, ou Traite de la Figure de la Terre et ses Parties. . . . Quatrieme edition, revue et corrigee sur les manuscrits inedits de M. Francceur, par M. Francoeur fils ; augmentee de Notes sur la Mesure des Bases, par M. Hossard. l^lates. 8 Paris, 1865 Francois, Curt von. Die Erforschung des Tschuapa und Lulongo. Reisen in Centralafrika. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1888 See Wissmann. Francq, F. de. De la Formation et de la Repartition des Reliefs Terrestres. MSS. 4 1856 Frank, Guiseppe. Viaggio a Parigi e per una gran parte dell' Inghilterra e della Scozia, per quanto concerne Spe- dali, Carceri, Stabilimenti di Pubblica Beneficenza e d'Instruzione Medica. 2 vols. in i. Tables. 8 Milan, 1813 Frankland, George. Report on the Transactions of the Survey Department of Van Diemen's Land, from the foun- dation of the Colony to the end of Col. Arthur's administration. 8 Hobart, 1837 Franklin, James. The Present State of Hayti (Si Domingo), with Remarks on its Agriculture, Commerce, Laws, Religion, Finances, and Population, &c. 8 1828 Franklin, Capt. Sir John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-22 ; with an Appendix on various subjects relating to Science and Natural History. Maps and plates, some coloured. 4 . 1823 Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827 ; including an Account of the Progress of a Detachment to the eastward, by John Richardson. Maps and plates. 4 1828 Report of the Committee appointed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to Inquire into the Report on the recent Arctic Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin ; together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, and Papers connected with the subject. Maps, f Parly. Rep.] Folio 1852 i ;o FRA FRE. Franklin, Capt. Sir John. Additional Papers relative to the Arctic Expedition under the Orders of Captain Austin and Mr William Penny. Maps. Folio 1852 Papers relative to the recent Arctic Expedilions in Search of Sir John Franklin and the Crews of H.M.S. " Erebus" and " Terror." Maps. Folio 1854 Notice Biographique, par M. de la Roquette. Portrait, maps, and facsimile. 4* N.P., N.D. See Kane ; Kennedy, W. ; Markham, A. H. ; Osborn ; Petermann ; Richard- son, Sir John ; Seemann ; Snow ; also Eyries, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Franklin, Lady. Letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, I2th April 1856. Folio* 1856 Letter to Viscount Palmerston. 8* 1857 Franklin, W. See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Franz, J. Flinf Inschriften und fiinf Stadte in Kleinasien. Maps. 4* Berlin, 1840 Franzoj, Augusto. Continente Nero. Note di Viaggio. Map and illustra- tions. 8 Turin, 1885 Fraser, Alexander. Note by the Secre- tary to the Chief Commissioner, British Burmah [A. F.], in the Public Works Department, on a Proposal, by Colonel Fraser, the Chief Engineer, to Promote the Construction of a Railway from Rangoon to Prome. Folio* Rangoon, 1867 Fraser, Capt. F. G. R., and Capt. Forlong. Proposed New Route to Siam, Saigon, China, and Japan, across the Isthmus of Kraw. MS. Folio* 1862 Fraser, James Baillie. Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains, and to the Sources of the Jumna and Ganges. Map. 4 1820 Journey into Korasan in 1821-22, in- cluding some Account of the Countries to the North-East of Persia. Map. 4 1825 Travels and Adventures in Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea, with Notices on the Geo- logy and Commerce of Persia. 4 1826 - Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; with a Detailed View of its Resources, Government, Population, Natural History, and the Character of its Inhabitants, particularly the Wandering Tribes ; including a Description of Afghanistan and Beloochistan. Map and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1834 Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &c. ; with Sketches of the Character and Manners of the Koordish and Arab Tribes. Plate. 8 [1835?] Fraser, James Baillie. Winter Journey from Constantinople to Tehran, with Travels through various parts of Persia. 2 vols. 8 1838 See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix i. Fraser, John. See Threlkeld. Fraser, Malcolm A. C. Western Aus- tralian Year-book for 1890. Map. 8 Perth, W.A., 1891 Ditto, for 1892-93. Map. 8 Perth, IV. A., 1893 Fraser, Robert. General View of the Agriculture and Mineralogy, Present State and Circumstances, of the County of Wicklow, with Observations on the Means of their Improvement. Map. 8 Dublin, 1801 Gleanings in Ireland, particularly respecting its Agriculture, Mines, and Fisheries. 8 1802 Fraser, T. Notes on Individual Equip- ment for the East. From Personal Ex- perience. 8* 1878 Fraunhofer, Joseph von. Gesammelte Schriften, im Auftrage der mathematisch- physikalischen Classe der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissens- chaften, herausgegeben von E. Lommel. Portrait and illustrations. 4* Munich, 1 888 See Bauernfeind. Frazer, J. G. Totemism. 12 1887 The Golden Bough : a Study in Com- parative Religion. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 8 1890 Frazer, W. On Hy Brasil, a Traditional Island off the West Coast of Ireland, plotted in a MS. map written by Sieur Tassin, Geographer Royal to Louis XIII. Map. Small 8* 1879 Fream, Prof. W. A Report on Canada and its Agricultural Resources. Map and illustrations. 8* Ottawa, 1885 Across Canada. Map and illustra- tions. 8* Ottaiva, 1886 Agricultural Canada : a Record of Progress. Map. 8* 1889 Frederick, or Frederike, or Federici, Caesar. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Frederick VII., King of Denmark. Vestiges d'Asserbo et de Soborg, decou- verts par S. M. Frederic VII., Roi de Danemark. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1855 Sur la Construction des Salles dites des Geants. Woodcuts. 8* Copenhagen, 1857 Om Bygningsmaaden af Oldtidens Jsettestuer. Woodcuts. Royal 8* Copenhagen, 1862 Ueber den Bau der Riesenbetten der Vorzeit. Royal 8* Copenhagen, 1863 FRE. 171 Frederickson, A. D. Ad Orientem. Maps and illustrations. 8 1890 Fredholm, K. A. See Sweden, A, Geo- logiska Undersokning (C, 83) : Appen- dix 2. Freeden, W. von. Miltheilungen aus derNorddeutschen Seewarte. III. Uel)er die Dampferwege -zwischen dem Kanal und New York, nach den Journal- Auszu- gen der Dampfer des Norddeutschen Lloyd, 1860-67, nebst Wind und Wetter in derselben Zeit. Maps. 4* Hamburg, 1870 Mittheilungen aus der Norddeutschen Seewarte. IV. Die Normalwege der Hamburger Dampfer zwischen clem Kanal und New York, nach den Journal- Ausziigen derselben in den Jahren 1 860, 1869, 1872. Plates. 4* Hamburg, 1872 Jahres-Bericht der Norddeutschen Seewarte ftir das Jahr 1870. Large 8* Hamburg, N.D. SiebenterJahres-BerichtderDeutschen Seewarte fiir das Jahr 1874. Square 8 Hamburg, N.D. - See Arctic, H : Appendix 2. Freeman, Prof. Edward A. The His- torical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. Text and, maps. 8 1 88 1 Sicily : Phoenician, Greek, and Roman. (" The Story of the Nations " Series.) Map and illustrations. 8 1892 The History of Sicily from the Earliest Times. 4 vols. Maps. 8 Oxford, 1891-94 [Vol. 4. Edited from Posthumous MSS., with Supplements and Notes by Arthur J. Evans.] See White, A. S. Freeman, H. Stanhope. Grammatical Sketch of the Temahuq or Towarek Language. 8 i 862 Freeman, J. J. The Kaffir War: a Letter to Earl Grey, containing Remarks on the Causes of the piesent War, &c. 8* 1851 Tour in South Africa ; with Notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. Map. 12 1851 Freeman, R. Austin. A Journey to Bontiiku, in the Interior of West Africa. Map. Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3. Large 8 1892 Freeman, Thomas B. Extracts from the Journal of, on a Visit from Cape Coast to Ashantee, in the Interior of Western Africa. [Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Report, 1840.] 8* 1840 Freese, A. G. F. Reise-Handbuchdurch Schweden und Norwegen. Map. 12 Berlin, 1844 Freminvillt . See Phillips [3], Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Fremont, Lieut. J. C. See United States, E, a (No. 88) : Appendix 2. Fremont, Col. John Charles. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and Noith California in 1843-44. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1854 Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. 8* Washington, 1848 Life of, and his Narrative of Explora- tions and Adventures in Kansas, Ne- braska, Oregon, and California. Memoir by S. M. Smucker. Portrait and plates. 12 New York, 1856 French, S. G. See United Slates, K (Texas) : Appendix 2. Frenzel, Carl. Deutschlands Kolonien, Kurze Beschreibung von Land und Leuten unserer aussereuropaischen Besitz- ungen, Nach den neuesten Quellen bearbeitet von Carl Frenzel. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage, mil einer Beschrei- bung der Samoa Inseln, herausgegeben von G. Wende. Maps and illustrations. 8 Hanover, 1889 Frere, A. M. [Mrs Godfrey Clerk]. The Antipodes and Round the World ; or, Travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California. Plates. 8 1870 Frere, Sir H. Bartle E. Extracts from Rough Notes, containing information with reference to the relative sizes of the three Zillas into which the British Districts in Sind are divided, as compared with the older Zillas of the Bombay Presidency. [From the India Records, No. 17.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Narrative of the Early History, &c., of the Bhonslays of Satara. [From the India Records, No. 41.] Bombay, 1857 Speech of His Excellency the Right Hon. Sir Bartle Frere, Bart. , and others, delivered on the occasion of the Banquet given to His Excellency upon his return to Cape Town, ii th June 1 879. 8* 1879 Obituary Notice. By his daughter Mary E. J. Frere. 8* [1885] See India, C (Geological Papers) ; British Africa, Zanzibar : Appendix 2. Freshfield, Douglas W. Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan, including Visits to Ararat and Tabreez, and Ascents of Kazbek and Elbruz. Maps and plates. 8 1869 Italian Alps : Sketches in the Moun- tains of Ticino, Lombardy, the Trentino, and Venetia. Map and plates. Small 8 1875 - Climbs in the Caucasus. 8* [1888] Ostern in Afrika. I. Die Hiigel- region der Kiiste Kabyliens. 2. Der Tebel Juriura. Map andplate. Large 8* [Vienna} 1888 172 FRE FRI. Freshfield, Douglas W. Search and Travel in the Caucasus. (From " Proceed- ings" K.G.S.) Map and plates. 8* 1890 - The Forests of Abkhasia. 8* 1890 See Dent. - and Adm. W. J. L. Wharton. Hints to Travellers. 7th edition. See United Kingdom, Transactions R.G.S. : Appendix 2. Fresnel. See Jomard. Fresnoy, Abbe Lengletdu. Geographia Antiqua et Nova, or a System of Antient and Modern Geography. 4 1742 Methode pour etudier la Geographic; avec un Discours preliminaire sur 1'Etude de cette Science, et un Catalogue des Cartes, Relations, Voyages, et Descrip- tions necessaries pour la Geographic. Vol. I. 12 Paris, 1768 Freston, William. Report of the Con- ference presided over by the Duke of Manchester, on the Question whether Colonisation and Emigration may be made Self-supporting or even Profitable to those investing Capital therein ; with Appendix. 8* 1869 Frewer, Ellen E. See Holub, Dr E. ; Schweinfurth. Frey, Col. H. Campagne dans le Haut Senegal et dansle Haut Niger [1885-86]. Maps. 8 Paris, 1888 Cote Occidentale d'Afrique ; Vues, Scenes, Croquis. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Paris, 1890 Freycinet, Louis de. Voyage autour du Monde, entrepris par Ordre du Roi . . . execute sur les corvettes de S. M. " L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne," pen- dant les annees 1817, 1818, 1819, et 1820, &c. 9 vols. 4, and 4 folio Paris, 1826-44 CONTENTS. Ilistorique. 2 vols. in 3, 4, 1827-39 ; and Atlas, folio, 1825. Zoologie (by J. R. C. Quoy and P. Gaimard). 4; and Atlas, folio 1824 Botanique (by C. Gaudichaud). 4; and Atlas, folio 1826 Observations du Pendule. 4 1826 Magnetisme terrestre. 4 1842 Meteorologie. 4 1844 Navigation et Hydrographie. 4; and Atlas, folio 1826 See Peron. Freygan, M. and Mme. Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia, with an Account of a Journey into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia since the Time of Nadir Shah. Translated from the French. Map and plates. 8 1823 Frezier, . Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sucl aux Cotes du Chily ct du Perou, fait pendant les annees 1712, 1713, and 1714. Par M. Frezier. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1716 Frezier, . The same. Vol. 2. Plates and maps. 12 Amsterdam, 1717 A Voyage to the South Sea and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the years 1712, 1713, and 1714 . . . ; with a Postscript by Dr Edmund Halley, and an Account of the Settlement, Commerce, and Riches of the Jesuites in Paraguay. Maps and plates. Small 4 1717 Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sad aux Cotes du Chily et du Perou, 1712-14; avec une Reponse a la Preface Critique du livre intitule "Journal des Obser- vations Physiques, Mathematiques, et Botaniques du R. P. Feuillee," &c. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1732 See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 12, 15: Appendix I. Fricker, Dr Karl. Die Entslehung und Verbreitung des Anlarktischen Treil)eises. Ein Beit rag zur Geographic der Sud- polargebiele. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1893 Frickmann, A. Instructions pour la Navigation de la Cote Quest d'Ecosse. Traduites et mises en ordre par M. Frickmann. i re Partie. Hebrides ou lies de 1'Ouest. 8 Paris, 1869 See France, B, b (No. 501, &c.): Appendix 2. Friedenfels, Eduard Edler von. See Dorn, A. Friederich, A. C. A. Historisch-geo- graphische Uarstellung Alt- und Neu- Polens. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1839 Friederichsen, L. Zur Kartographie der Republik Costa- Rica, in Central Amerika. 8* Hamburg, 1877 Die Deutschen Seehafen. Ein prak- tisches Handbuch fiir Schiffskapitane, Rheder, Assekuradeure, Schifismakler, Behorden, &c. Erster Theil ; Die Hafen, Losch- und Ladeplatze an der Deutschen Ostseekiiste. Plans. 4 Hamburg, 1889 The same. Zweiter Theil ; Die Hafen, Losch- und I^adeplatze an der Deutschen Nordseekiiste. Maps and plans. 4 Hamburg, 1891 See Sievers. Friederici, Charles. Bibliotheca Orien- talis, or a complete List of Books, Papers, Serials, and Essays published in 1 88 1 in England and the Colonies, Germany and France, on the History, Languages, Religions, Antiquities, and Literature of the East. Compiled by Charles Friederici. 8 [1882] The same. Published in 1883 in England, &c. , compiled by Charles Friederici. [8th year.] 8 1883 Friedlander, Herman. See Phillips [3], Vol. 5, New Voyages and Travels : Ap- pendix I. Friedmann, S. Ueber die Ursache der nichtperioclischen Vorgange in der At- mosphare. 8* Vienna, 1866 FRI FRO. 73 Friele, Herman. Sec Norway, A (North Atlantic Expedition) : Appendix 2. Friend, C. Notes of an Excursion from the Banks of the Atrato to the Bay of Cupica, on the Coast of the Pacific, in the year 1827. 8* [!853] Fries, J. O. See Sweden, A (Geologiska Undersokning) : Appendix 2. Frilley, G., and J. Wlahovitj. Le Montenegro Contemporain. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1876 Frisby, Professor Edgar. See United States, D, Naval Observatory : Appen- dix 2. Fritsch, Gustav. Drei Jahre in Siid- Afrika. Reiseskizzen nach Notizen des Tagebuchs zusammengestellt. Coloured plates. 8 Breslau, 1868 Die Eingeborenen Slid - Afrika's, ethnographisch und anatomisch besch- rieben. Map ami plates. Large 8, and Atlas 4 Breslau, 1872 Fritsch, Dr K. von. Reisebilder von den Canarischen Inseln. (Erganzungsheft, 22 Petermann's Geographischen Mit- theilungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1867 and others. Tenerife geologisch topographisch dargestellt. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss vulkanischer Gebirge vnn K. v. Fritsch, G. Hartung, und W. Reiss. Eine Karte und sechs Tafeln mit Durchschnitten und Skizzen nebst erliiuterndem Text. Folio Winterthur, 1867 and W. Reiss. Geologische Besch reibung der Insel Tenerife. Ein Beitrag /ur Kenntniss vulkanischer Gebirge. 8* Winterthur, 1 868 -W. Reiss, and A. Stiibel, San- torin, The Kaimeni Islands. Maps and photographs. 4* 1867 Fritsche, H. Geographische, magnet- ische und hypsometrische Bestimmungcn an zwei und zwanzig in der Mongolei und dem nordlichen China gelegenen Orten, ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1868 und 1869. 4* 1870 Geographische, magnetische, und hyp- sometrische Bestimmungen an 27 im nordostlichen China gelegenen Orten . . . 1871. (From Repert. Meteorol. St Petersburg, Vol. 3.) 4* St Peterslmrg, 1873 Ein Beitrag zur Geographic und Lehre vom Erdmagnetismus Asiens und Europas. (Erganzungsheft, 78 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) 5 maps. 4 Gotha, 1885 On Chronology and the Construction of the Calendar, with special regard to the Chinese Computation of Time com- pared with the European. 8* St Petersburg, 1886 Ueber die Bestimmung der Geo- graphischen Lange und Breite und der Fritsche, H. continued. drei Elemente des Erdmagneti>mus durch Beobachtung zu Lande sowie erdmag- netische und geographische Messungen an mehr als tausend verschiedenen Orten in Asien und Europa ; ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1867-91. Maps. 8 St Petersburg, 1893 Die magnetischen Localabweichungen bei Moskau und ihre Beziehungen ?.ur dortigen Local-attraction. [Extract from B.S. imp. Naturalistes de Moscow, No. 4.] Maps. 8* 1893 See Schrenck. Frobel, Julius. Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States. Plates. 8 1859 and Oswald Heer. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der theoretischen Erdkunde. 8 Ziirich, 1834 Frobenius, Herman. Die Heiden-Neger des Aegyptischen Sudan. Map. 8 Berlin, 1893 Froberville, M. de. Rapport sur les Races Negres de 1'Afrique Orientale au Sud de 1'Equateur. 4* Paris, 1850 Frobin, Count de. See Forbin. Frobisher, Sir Martin. Instructions when going on a Voyage to the North-West Parts and Cathay, in the Time of Queen Elizabeth : a Letter from Sir Henry Ellis to S. Lyons. 4* 1816 See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Hak- luyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 5, 38; Pinkerton, Vol. 12 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Frodsham, Thomas, junior. Track to Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania. Folio* Hobart, 1878 Froger, Sieur. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Frolich, Erasmus. Notitia Elementaris Numismatum Antiquorum illorum, qua: Urbium liberarum, Regum et Principum, ac Personarum illustritem appellantur. Plates. 4 Vienna, 1758 Frome, Colonel. Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the Formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans, Military Reconnaissance, Levelling, &c., with the most useful Problems in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy. Plates. 8 1862 Fromentin, Eugene. Sahara et Sahel. I. Un etc dans le Sahara ; II. Uneannee dans le Sahel. Ilhistrations. Imp. 8 Paris, 1887 Fromm, Dr E. See Weigel. Froude, James Anthony. Occana, or England and her Colonies. Illustrations. 8 1886 The English in the West Indies, or the Bow of Ulysses. Illustrations. 8 1888 174 FRY GAG. Fry, Herbert. London in 1881. Illus- trated with Bird's-eye Views of the principal Streets. Illustrations. 8 1881 London Illustrated by Twenty Bird's- eye Views of the Principal Streets, also by a Map showing its Chief Suburbs and Environs, and by a Street-Map of Central London originally compiled by the late Herbert Fry. Crown 8 1890 Fuchs, Edmund, and E. Saladin. The Coal and Mineral Deposits of Indo-China. Translated and abstracted by Charles Smith. 8* 1883 Fuentes, Manuel A. Biblioteca Peruana, de Historia, Ciencias, y Litteratura. Colleccion de Escritos del anterior y presente siglo de los mas acreditados autores peruanos. i. (Antiguo Mercurio Peruano, i) ; ii. (do., 2); iii. (do., 3). 12 Lima, 1861 Lima, or Sketches of the Capital of Peru, Historical, Statistical, Adminis- trative, Commercial, and Moral. Plates and portraits. 8 Paris, 1866 Fulcherius Carnotensis. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Appendix I. Fulford, H. E. Report of a Journey in Manchuria. Folio* 1887 Fulljames, Major G. Geological and Statistical Notes on portions of the Rewa Kanta Districts, from the Camp of Baroda to Chota Oodepoor, East ; to Nandod and Laureea Bhurr, on the Ner- budda River, South-west ; and a Descrip- tion of the Iron Ores of these districts. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Bombay, 1856 See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Fulton, Major R. Report and Notes on the Country traversed by the Kyaing-ton- Chiengmai Mission in 1890-91. Maps and plans. 8 Simla, 1893 Fumagalli, Giuseppe. Bibliografia Etio- pica. Catalogo descrittivo e ragionato degli scritti pubblicati dalla invenzione della slampa fino a tutto il 1891 intorno alia Etiopia e regione limitrofe. 8 Milan, 1893 Funck. See Illens d' and Funck. Funnel, William. Voyage round the World, containing an Account of Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas in 1703-4, with his various Adven- tures, Engagements, &c. Maps and plates. 8 J707 See Callander, Vol. 3 ; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Fiirer, C. Christophori Fiireii ab Hai- mendorf, . . . Itinerarium ^igypti, Arabize, Paloestinre, Sytioe, aliarumque Regionum Orientalium, &c. Portrait and plates. Small 8 Nuremberg, 1621 Furneaux, Captain. See Cook. Fuss, G., A. Sawitsch, and G. Sabler. Beschreibung der zur Ermittelung des Hohenunterschiedes zwischen dem Schwarzen und dem Caspischen Meere. Herausgegeben von W. Struve. Map. 4 St Petersburg, \ 849 Fyers, Col. A. B. Itinerary of Principal and Minor Roads in the Island of Ceylon. 2nd edition. Part I, Principal Roads. Large 8* [Colombo, 1881] Fytche, Colonel Albert. Papers regard- ing the Coal Mines at Thatay Khyoung. [From the India Records, No. 39.] 8 Calcutta, 1863 Supplement to the British Burma Gazette, 2 1st December 1867: Letter on the Operation of the License Tax in British Burma, from Colonel A. Fytche to E. H. Lushington. 4* Rangoon, 1867 Narrative of the Mission to Mandalay in 1867. [India Office Rep.] Folio* Rangoon, 1867 Burma Past and Present, with Personal Reminiscences of the Country. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1878 G. G , R. Overland Communication with Western China. By R. G. Map. 8* Liverpool, 1872 Gabb, W. M. On the Indian Tribes and Languages of Costa Rica. 8* Philadelphia, 1875 See United States, K (California) : Appendix 2. Cachet, N. See Covino. Gadsby, John. My Wanderings : being Travels in the East in 1846-47, 1850-51, l8 5 2 -53- 2 vols - Map. Small 8 1864-65 Gaetan, Juan. See Callander, Vol. i ; Ramusio, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 1 8 : Appendix I. Gaffarel, P. Les Colonies Francaises. 8 Paris, 1880 Ditto. 4th edition. 8 Paris, 1888 Les Explorations Franfaises depuis 1870. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1882 L'Algerie. Histoire, Conquete, et Colonisation. Maps, coloured plates, and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1883 Gage, Thomas. Nouvelle Relation des Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, ses Diverses Aventures, et son retour par la Province de Nicaragua, jusques a la Havane ; avec la Description de la Ville de Mexique telle qu'elle estoit autrefois, et comme elle est a present. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Amsterdam, 1695 GAG GAL. 175 Gage, Thomas. Survey of the Spanish West Indies : being a Journal of 3,300 miles on the Continent of America, giving an Account of the Spanish Navigation thither, their Government, Castles, Ports, Negros, Mulattos, Indians, &c., . . . with a Grammar of the Indian Tongue called PoconchiorPocoman. Map. Small 8 1702 See Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Appendix i . Gaimard, Paul. Voyage en Islande et au Groenland, execute pendant les annees 1835 et 1836 sur la corvette " La Recherche," commandee par M. Tre- houart, dans le but de decouvrir les traces de "La Lilloise" ; public sous la direc- tion de M. Paul Gaimard. ... 8 vols. 8, I small 4, 2 imperial folio Paris, 1838-52 CONTENTS. Gaimard, Paul. Histoire du Voyage. Vol. i. 8 1838 Robert, Eugene. The same. Vol. 2. 8 1850 Mequet, Eugene. Journal du Voy- age. 8 1852 Marmier, Xavier. Histoire de 1'Islande. 8 1840 Litterature Islandaise. 8 1843 Lottin, Victor. Physique. 8 1838 Robert, E. Mineralogie et Geologic. 8 1840 The same. Atlas. Small 4 1838 Zoologie et Medicine. 8 1851 Atlas Historique [i and 2 in one]. Imperial folio. Atlas Zoologique, Medical, et Geogra- phique. Imperial folio. Voyages de la Commission Scientifique du Nord en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg, et aux Feroe, pendant les annees 1838, 1839, et 1840, sur la corvette " La Recherche," commandee par M. Fabvre ; publics sous la direction de M. Paul Gaimard. 16 vols. 8, 3 folio Paris, N.D. CONTENTS. Marmier, Xavier. Relation du Voyage. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 8 Ilistoire de la Scandinavie. 8 Litterature Scandinavie. 8 Martins, C. ; Vahl, J. ; Lsestadius, L. L. ; Bravais, A.; Duroclicr, J.; Siljestrom, P. A. ; Boeck, C. ; and Robert, E. Geographic Physique, Geographic Botanique, Botanique, et Physiologic. 2 vols. 8 Robert, E. Geologic, Mineralogie, et Metallurgie. 8 Durocher, J. Geologic, Mineralogie, Metallurgie, et Chimie. 8 Lottin, V.; Bravais, A.; Lilliehook, C. B. ; Siljestrom, P. A. ; Meyer, E. G. ; Larochc - Poncie 1 , J. De ; Fabvre, Le Capitaine, ct les Officers de la corvette "La Recherche." Magnetisme Terrestre. 3 vols. 8 Gaimard, Paul continued. Lottin, V. ; Bravais, A. ; Lilliehook, C. B. ; Siljestrom, P. A. ; Martins, C. ; Laroche- Poncie, J. De ; Lres- taclius, L. L. ; and Pettier, E. Meteorologie. 3 vols. 8 Lottin, V. ; Bravais, A. ; Lilliehook, C. B. ; and Siljestrom, P. A. Aurores Boreales. 8 Lottin, V. ; Bravais, A. ; Lilliehook, C. B. ; Laroche -Poncie, J. De; et les Officers de la corvette "La Re- cherche." Astronomic et Hydro- graphic. 8 Atlas Historique et Pittoresque. 2 vols. Imperial folio. Atlas de Physique, de Geologic, et de Zoologie. Imperial folio. See Freycinet. Galanti, Giuseppe M. Napoli e Contorni, nuova editione, intieramente riformata dall' editore Galanti. Maps and plates. 8 Naples, 1829 Galbraith, Joseph A., and Samuel Haughton. Manual of Mathematical Tables. 12 1860 Galbraith, William. Barometric Tables, by which the Heights of Mountains, the Difference of Levels, &c., may be Com- puted. 8 Edinburgh, 1833 Mathematical and Astronomical Tables, preceded by an Introduction containing the Construction of Logarithmic and Trigonometrical Tables, Plane and Spheri- cal Trigonometry, their Application to Navigation, Astronomy, Surveying, and Geodetical Operations. 8 Edinburgh, 1834 Trigonometrical Surveying, Levelling, and Railway Engineering. 8 1842 On Trigonometrical Surveying, and its Application to Correct the Maps and Charts of the Hebrides. Map. 8* 1844 Galiano, Pelayo Alcala. Memoria sobre la Situacion de Santa Cruz de Mar Pequena en la Costa Noroeste de Africa. 8* Madrid, 1878 Memoria sobre Santa Cruz de Mar Pequena y las Pesquerias en la Costa Noroeste de Africa. Maps. 8* Madrid, 1879 Mas Consideraciones sobre Santa Cruz de Mar Pequena. Map. 8* Madrid, 1879 Galiffe, J. A. Italy and its Inhabitants, an Account of a Tour in that Country in 1816-17. 2 vols. 8 1820 Galignani's Guide through Holland and Belgium. 18 Paris, 1824 Traveller's Guide through France. 8th edition. 16 Paris, 1827 Galindo, Colonel Don Juan. On Central America. 8* 1836 Galinier. Sec Ferret, A., and Galinicr. 1 7 6 GAL. Galitzin, Prince Emmanuel. La Fin- lande: Notes Kecueillies en 1848 pendant une Excursion deSt PetersbourgaTorneo. 2 vols. in I. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1852 Galland, M. Recueil des Kits et Cere- monies du Pelerinage de la Mecque, auquel on a joint divers Ecrits relatifs a la Religion, Sciences, et aux Mceurs des Turcs. 8 Amsterdam, 1764 Gallatin, Albert. The Right of the United States of America to the North- Eastern Boundary claimed by them. Maps. 8 New York, 1840 Memoir on the North-Eastern Bound- ary, in connection with Mr Jay's Map; with a Speech on the same subject by the Hon. Daniel Webster. Map. 8* New York, 1843 Galle, Dr Andreas. Dr A. Philippson's barometrische Hohenmessungen im Pelo- ponnes. 8* Berlin, 1889 Gallee, Prof. J. H. See Holland : Ap- pendix 2. Gallenga, A. Country Life in Piedmont. 8 1858 The Pearl of the Antilles. 12 1873 Gallieni, Commander. Mission d'Explora- tion du Haut-Niger. Voyage au Soudan Fran$ais (Haut-Niger et Pays de Segou), 1879-81. Maps and illustrations. Small folio Paris, 1885 Gallo, L. Storia del Cristianesimo nelF Impero Barmano, preceduta dalle Notizie del Paese. 3 vols. (forming Vols. 18, 19, and 20 of the "Collezione di Vite dei piu distinti Religiosi della Congregazione dei chierici RR. di S. Paoli detti Barna- biti"). 12 Milan, 1862 Gallo, V. Trattato di Navigazione. 2 vols. 8 Trieste, 1851 Gallois, L. Les Geographes Allemands de la Renaissance. Plates. 8 Paris, 1890 De Orontio Finneo, Gallico Geo- grapho. Plates. 8 Paris, 1890 Galloway, John Alex. Communication with India, China, &c. Observations on the Proposed Improvements in the Over- land Route via Egypt, with Remarks on the Ship Canal, the Boulac Canal, and the Suez Railroad. Map. 8 1844 Gait, John. Letters from the Levant. Map. 8 1813 Galton, Francis. Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa. Maps and plates. 8 1853 - The same, being an Account of a Visit to Damaraland in 1851, with a New Map, and an Appendix bringing up the History of Damaraland to a recent date, together with a Biographical Introduc- tion by the Editor ; also Vacation Tours in 1860 and 1861, by George Grove, Francis Galton, and W. C. Clark. [Minerva Library Series.] Portrait and illustrations. 8 1 889 Galton, Francis. Catalogue of Models and Specimens illustrative of the Art of Travel. 8* 1858 Art of Travel; or, Shifts and Con- trivances Available in Wild Countries'. Wood cuts. 12 1860 The same. 6th edition. Illustrations. 12 1876 Meteorographica, or Methods of Mapping the Weather. 600 illustra- tions. Oblong 4* 1863 On Stereoscopic Maps taken from Models of MountainousCountries. Photo- graph. 8* 1865 Vacation Tours and Notes of Travel in 1860. Maps. 8 1861 CONTENTS. Clark, W. G. Naples and Garibaldi. Spottiswoode, G. A. A Tour in Civil and Military Croatia and through part of Hungary. R. D. Sclavonic Races. G. H. K. A Gossip on a Sutherland Hill-side. Bowen, C. C. A Visit to Peru. Cowell, J. J. Graian Alps and Mount Iseran. Stephen, Rev. L. The Allelein-Horn. Hawkins, F. V. Partial Ascent of Mont Cervin (Matterhorn). Tyndall, J. From Lauterbriinnen to the ^Eggischhorn by the Lauwinen- Thor in one day. Clark, J. W. Journal of a Yacht Voyage to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Tozer, H. F. Norway. Galton, F. A Visit to North Spain at the Time of the Eclipse. Noel, Hon. R. Syrian Travel and Syrian Tribes. - Vacation Tours in 1861. Maps. 8 1862 CONTENTS. Weir, Rev. A. St Petersburg and Moscow. Marshall, W. The Country of Schamyl. Tozer, H. F. The Monks of Mount Athos. Young, Rev. C. The Amazon and Rio Madeira. Collinson, R. Nine Weeks in Canada. Sclater, P. L. A Naturalist's Impres- sions of Spain. Geikie, A. Geological Notes on Auvergne. Seemann, B. Fiji and its Inhabitants. Durrant, W. The Kru Coast, Cape Palmas, and the Niger. Grove, G. Nabloos and the Samari- tans. J. M. Christinas in Montenegro. GAL- CAN. 177 Galton, Francis. Vacation Tours in 1862-63. 8 1864 CONTENTS. Tristram, Rev. H. B. Winter Ride in Palestine. Bertram, J. G. Fish - Culture in France. Kennedy, C. Malcolm. The Turks of Constantinople. Gordon, Lady Duff. Letters from the Cape. Clark, W. G. Poland. Powell, David. The Republic of Paraguay. Tyrwhitt, Rev. R. St John. Sinai. Lubbock, Mrs. The Ancient Shell- Mounds of Denmark. Mayo, Charles. The Medical Service of the Federal Army. Greive, Rev. W. T. The Church and People of Servia. Gordon, Hon. Arthur. Wilderness Journeys in New Brunswick. On the Employment of Meteorological Statistics in determining the best course for a ship. 8* 1873 Galvano (or Galvam), Antonio. See Astley, Vol. I ; Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Hak- luyt, Vol. 4; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 30 ; Kerr, Vol. 2 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Gama, Antonio de S. da. Memoria sobre as Colonias de Portugal, situadas na Costa Occidental d' Africa, em 1814, precedida de um Discurso Preliminar, augmentada de alguns additamentos e notas. 8" Paris, 1839 Gama e Siva, L. da. Do Amazonas ao Oyapock. Relatorio da Commissao ao norte da Costa da Provincia do Para. 8* Parti, 1877 Gama, Stefano de. See Astley, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i : Appendix I. Gama, Vasco da. Roteiro da Viagem que em Descobrimento da India, pelo Cabo da Boa Esperanca, em 1497. Publicado por Diogo Kopke, e o A. da Costa Riva. Map and portrait. 8 Oporto, 1838 Roteiro da Viagem em 1497. Correcta e Augmentada de algumas Observa9oes principalmente Philologicas, por A. Herculano e o Barao do Castello de Paiva. Map, portraits, and facsimile. Lisbon, 1861 Vlamisches Tagebuch liber Vasco da Gama's zweite Reise 1 502 - 1 503. Heraus- gegeben von. H. C. G. Stier. 12* Brunswick, 1890 Reproduction in photo-lithography of a Letter in Portuguese from Godinho de Eredia, referring to the death of Vasco da Gama. Folio * [Lisbon, N. n. ] M Gama, Vasco da. See Berjeau; also Astley, Vol. I; Gottfried; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 42; Laharpe, Vol. i; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 2; Ramusio, Vol. i ; "A General Collection of Voyages," &c. ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i ; New Col- lection, Vol. 2, p. 608 ; " The World Displayed," Vol. 8, p. 609 : Appendix i. Gamazoff, M. Notes of a Voyage in Turkey and Persia (1848-52), by the late General Chirikoff, Russian Commissioner for defining the Turco-Persian Boundary. [In Russian.] Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1875 Gamba, Chev. Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale, et particulierement clans les Provinces situees au dela du Caucase, fait depuis 1820 jusqu'en 1824. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1826 Gambini, Raffaele. Dissertazioni intorno la Storia e la Fisica del Lago Trasimeno. 8 Perugia, 1826 Gambino, Giuseppe. Delia Popolarita e Diffusione degli studi Geografici : Pensieri e Suggerimenti ad uso di chi Insegna e di chi impara Geografia. 12 Paler/no, 1886 Gamble, J. Essay on the Different Modes of Communication by Signals, containing aHistory of the Progressive Improvements in this Art, from the First Accounts of Beacons to the most Approved Methods of Telegraphic Correspondence. Plates. 4 1797 Gamble, John G. Catalogue of Printed Books and Papers relating to South Africa. Part 2, Climate and Meteorology. 8* Cape Town, 1885 Cape of Good Hope. Altitudes above Sea-level of Places in South Africa south of 20 S. Latitude. 8* Cape Town, 1886 See Cape Colony, C : Appendix 2. Gamb6a, Pedro Sarmiento de. Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes en los afios de 1579 y 1580. Plates. 8 Madrid, 1768 See Burney, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Games, Gutierre Diez de. See Diez. Gamitto, Major A. C. P. O Muata Cazembe e os povos Maraves, Chevas, Muizas, Muembas, Lundas e outros da Africa Austral. Diario da Expediao Portugueza commandada pelo Major Monteiro, 1831-32. Map and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1854 See Lacerda, F. J. M. de ; Monteiro. Gamond, Thome de. Carte d' Etude du Canal de Nicaragua. Avec documents par Felix Belly. 4 Paris, 1858 Gamwell, S. C. The Official Guide and Handbook to Swansea and its District. Map. 12 Swansea, 1880 Gan, K. Notices of Ancient Greek and Roman Authors on the Caucasus. Part I. From Homer to the 6th Century A.D. [In Russian.] 8 Tijlis, 1884 GAN GAR. Can, K. The same. Part 2. Byzantine Writers. [In Russian.] 8 Tiflis, 1890 Gana, Henry Sewell. British Capital and Chilian Industry: Nitrates, Gold Mines, and Coal Mines ; with a Map of the Nitrate Fields, Gold and Coal Mines. 4 * 1889 Gancedo, Alejandro. MemoriaDescriptiva de la Provincia de Santiago del Estero. Map, plans, and plates. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1885 Gandini, F. Itineraire Postale et de Com- merce de 1' Europe. 12 Milan, 1828 Ganeval, A. La France dans 1' Europe, Commerciale et Industrielle. 12* Lyons, 1875 Ganglbauer, L. See Paulitschke. Gannet, Henry. On the Arable and Pasture Lands of Colorado. 8* Washington, 1878 A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States. [U. S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin No. 5.] 8 Washington, 1884 See Porter ; also United States, G, b, c : Appendix 2. Ganot, . Elementary Treatiseon Physics, Experimental and Applied. Translated by E. Atkinson. 7th edition. Plates. 8 1875 Projet d'Exploration au Pole Nord. Plate. 8* N.P., N.D. Ganzenmuller, Dr Konrad. Tibet, nach den resultaten geographischer Forsch- ungen frtiherer und neuester Zeit (mit einer Ein'.eitung von H. von Schla- gintweit-Sakunliinski). 8 Stuttgart, 1878 - How to Enliven Geographical In- struction, and to Lighten it. (Reprinted from the American Geographical Society, Bulletin No. 4, 1887.) 8* 1887 Erklarung geographischer Namen, zur Belebung des geographischen Unterrichts und zur Erleichtevung des Studiums der Erdkunde. 8* Vienna, 1888 Garay, Franciscus de. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Garay, Don Jose de. An Account of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the Republic of Mexico, with Proposals for Establish- ing aCommunication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, based upon the Sur- veys and Reports of a Scientific Commis- sion. Maps. 8" 1844 Reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuan- tepec, practicado en los aiios 1842 y 1843, conelobjetodeCommunicacionOceanica. Maps. 8 1844 Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, executed in 1842 and 1843, with the intent of establishing a Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps. 8 1844 Garcia, Diego. See Gottfried: Appen- dix i. Garcia, J. A. Relaciones de los Vireyes del Nuevo Reina de Granada, ahora Estados unidos de Venezuela, Estados unidos de Colombia y Ecuador. 8 New York, 1869 El Monitor Rebelde " Huascar," i sus Incidentes juzgados conforme a la Autoridad de la Ciencia, de la Lei, i de la Jurisprudencia Internacional. Large 8 Lima, 1877 Garcia y Cubas, A. Memoria para servir a la Carta General de la Republica Mexicana. Maps. 8 Mexico, 1861 Garcia y Garcia, Aurelio. Derrotero de la Costa del Peru. 8" Lima, 1863 The same. 2nd edition. 8 Lima, 1870 Peruvian Coast Pilot. Map. 8 New York, 1866 Garcia, P. A. See Angelis, Vols. 3, 4, 6 : Appendix i. Garcin, F. Au Tonkin : Un an chez les Muongs, souvenirs d'un officier. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1891 Gardiner, Comm. Allen F. Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country in South Africa, undertaken in 1835. Maps and coloured plates. 8 1 836 Visit to the Indians of the Frontiers of Chili. Map and plates. 12 1841 See Marsh and Stirling. Gardiner, Charles L. W. See Jonge. Gardner, A. K. Paris Illustrated. Plates. 8 1847 Gardner.ChristopherT. Translation [with Chinese text] of Inscription on Tablet at Hang Chow, recording the changing the T'ien Chu Tang (Roman Catholic Church) into the T'ien Hao Rung. 8* N.D. Appendices to Report on the Trade of Ichang for the year 1883, pub- lished in "China," No. 6 (1884). 8* Illustrations. Folio 1884 Report on the Consular District of Newchwang, by Christopher Thomas Gardner. 8* \_Newchwang, 1885] Gardner, G. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, principally through the Northern Provinces and the Gold and Diamond Districts, during the years 1836-41. Plate. 8 1846 Gargiolli, L. F. M. G. Description de la Ville de Florence et de ses Environs. 2vols. Map and plates. 8 Florence, 1819 Garlington, Ernest A. Report on Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1883, U.S. Signal Service Notes, No. 10. Chart. 8* Washington, 1883 GAR GAY. 179 Garneau, F. X. Histoire du Canada depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols. 8 Quebec, 1852 Garner, Robert. The Natural History of the County of Stafford, comprising its Geology, Zoology, Botany, and Meteor- ology ; also its Antiquities, Topography, Manufactures, &c. Plates. 8" 1844 Gamier, F. Notice sur le Voyage d'Ex- ploration effectue en Indo-Chine, par une Commission Francaise pendant les annees 1 866-68. Map. 8* Paris, 1869 Note sur 1' Exploration du Cours du Cambodge, par une Commission Scien- tifique Francaise. Map. 8* Paris , 1869 Voyage d'Exploration en Indo- Chine, eflectue pendant les annees 1866, 1867, et 1868, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates, and atlas folio. 4 Paris, 1873 De Paris an Tibet, Notes de Voyage. Map and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1882 Garnet, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Garrick, H. B. W. See India, A, Archaeological Survey : Appendix 2. Garson, Dr J. G. See Bent. Gasca, P. de la. See Cartas de Indias, p. 612 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15 : Appendix i. Caspar, F. Memorias para a Historia da Capitania de S. Vicente, hoje chamada de S. Paulo, do Estado do Brazil. 8 Lisbon, 1797 Gaspari, Adam C. Lehrbuch der Erd- beschreibung zur Erlauterung sowohl des neuen Methodischen Schulatlasses. 8 Weimar, 1811 Gasparrini, Guglielmo. Descrizione delle Isole di Tremiti, e del modo come renderle coltive. 8 Naples, 1838 Gastaldi, Bartolomeo. Alcuni dati sulle Punte Alpini situate fra la Levanna ed il Rocciamelone. Plates. 8* Turin, 1868 Lake Habitations and Pre-historic Remains in the Turbaries and Marl- Beds of Northern and Central Italy. Trans- lated from the Italian, and edited by C. II. Chambers. 8 ' 1865 See Martins, C. ; Vogt, C. Gastrell, Col. J. E. See India, F, a : Appendix 2. and Henry F. Blanford. Report on the Calcutta Cyclone of the 5th October 1864. Table. 8* Calcutta, 1866 Cyclone Report Maps and charts, without letterpress. Folio * Calcutta, 1865 Gastrell, William S. H. Argentine Republic : Report for the year 1892 on the General Condition of the Argentine Re- public. No. 1147, Diplomatic and Con- sular Reports on Trade and Finance, Foreign Office. 8* 1893 Gates, Sir Thomas. See Hakluyt, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Gatonbe, J. See Churchill, Vol. 6 : Ap- pendix i. Gatschet, A. S. Analytical Report upon Indian Dialects spoken in Southern California, Nevada, and on the Lower Colorado River. 8* Washington, 1876 - The Numeral Adjective in the Kla- math Language of Southern Oregon. 8* N.P., N.D. Gatterer, C. W. J. Beschreibung des Harz.es. Part I. 8 Nuremberg, 1792 Gatterer, Johann C. Kurzer Bcgriff der Geographie. 12 Gottingen, 1793 An Prvssorvm, Litvanorvm ceter- ormnqve popvlorvm letticorvm originem a Sarmatis liceat repetere ? Map. Small 4 N.P., 1792-95 Gaubil, Anthony. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Gauchez, Victor. Conference sur 1'Ap- plication du mouvement de la Mer. Plates. 8* Brussels, 1881 Gaudichaud. C. See Freycinet, Vaillant. Gaume, Monsignor. See Homer. Gaupillat, G. En Ballon Libre. Plate. 8* Paris, 1892 See Martel. Gaussin, P. L. J. B. Du Dialecte de Tahiti, de celui des lies Marquises, et en general de la Langue Polynesienne. 8 Paris, 1853 Gautier, J. Le Voyageur clans le Roy- aume des Pays-Bas. Map. 12 Brussels, 1827 Gavazzi, A. F. Meteorologijski odnosi mi Sljemenn god 1888. 8* N. P., 1889 Ditto, for 1889. 8* N.i 1 ., 1890 Vransko Jezero u Dalmaciji. Map. 8* Zagreb, 1889 Usce Rijeke Krke 8* Zagreb, 1890 Die Regenverhiillnisse Croaliens. Maps. 8* Vienna, 1891 Konstante sredne dnevne temperature zraka za hrvatske postaje. 8* Zagreb, 1893 Gawler, J. C. Sikhim. With Hints on Mountain and Jungle Warfare. Map and plates. 8 1873 Gay, Claudio. Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile, segun Documentos adquiridos en esta Republica durante doce aiios de Residencia en ella ; y publicada bajo los auspicios del Supremo Gobierno. 23 vols. Portrait, plates, and maps. 8, and 3 vols. large 4" Paris, 1844-54 Historia. 5 vols. 8 1844-49 Documentos sobre la Historia, la Esta- distica, y la Geografia. 2 vols. 8 1846-52 Botanica. Vols. 2 to 8. 8 1845-52 Zoologia. Vols. 2 to 8. 8 1847-54 Plates. 3 vols. Large 4" 1854 Gay, J. Bibliographic des Ouvrages re- latifs a 1'Afrique et a 1'Arabie. Cata- logue Methoclique. 8 San Reino, 1875 i8o GAY GEL. Gayangos, Pascual de. Cartas y Rela- ciones de Hernan Cortes al Emperaclor Carlos V. Large 8 rails, 1866 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum. Vol. 4. Large 8 1893 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 40: Appendix I. Gayet, Al. Itineraire illustre de la Haute Egypte, les anciennes capitales des, bords du Nil, avec Cartes de la Haute Egypte et de la Basse Egypte. 12 Paris Gaze, Anth. MeAeriov yewypa^ia IlaAata KCU Xea. 4 vols. Maps. 8 Venice, 1807 "Gazelle," Voyage of the. Die For- schungsreise S.M.S. "Gazelle," in den Jahren 1874 bis 1876, unter Kommando des Kapitan zur See Freiherrn von Sch- leinitz, herausgegeben von dem hydro- graphischen Amt des Reichs-Marine- Amts. 5 vols. 4 Berlin 1. Der Reisebericht. Maps and plates 1889 2. Physik und Chemie. Map and diagrams 1 888 3. Zoologie und Geologic. Plates 1889 4. Botanik. Plates 1889 5. Meteorologie 1890 Gazetteers and Geographical Dictionaries, see General : Appendix 2. Geare, Allen. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Geare, Captain M. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Geary, G. Through Asiatic Turkey : Narrative of a Journey from Bombay to the Bosphorus. 2 vols. Map and plates. Square 8" 1878 Burma after the Conquest, viewed in its Political, Social, and Commercial Aspects from Mandalay. 8 1886 Geddes, George. Rain : Evaporation and Filtration. 8* Albany, N. Y., 1855 Report on the Agriculture and In- dustry of the County of Onondaga, State of New York ; with an Introductory Account of the Aborigines. Map and plates. 8" Albany, N. Y., 1860 Gedeonoff, D. On the Geographical Position of Fifty Points in Turkish Armenia and Kurdistan : Observations made in 1889. [In Russian.] 4* St Petersburg, 1891 Geer, G. de. See Sweden, A : Appen- dix 2. Geiger, J. L. A Peep at Mexico : Narra- tive of a Journey across the Republic from the Pacific to the Gulf in December 1873 an d January 1874. Maps and photographs. 8 1874 Geiger, Dr Wilhelm. See Penck's Abhandlungen, 2. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Outlines of the Geology of the British Isles. 1 2 Edinburgh, 1864 The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. Maps and illustrations. 12 1865 The same, 2nd edition. 8 1887 Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography. Maps. 12 1878 Text Book of Geology. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 8 1885 The Teaching of Geography : Sug- gestions regarding Principles and Methods for the use of Teachers. 12 1887 An Elementary Geography of the British Isles. 18 1888 Annual Report of the Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geo- logy for the year ending December 31, 1892. 8* 1893 The Work of the Geological Survey : a Paper read before the Federated Insti- tution of Mining Engineers. (Extract from the Transactions of the Institution.) 8* 1893 See Galton, Vacation Tourists ; Mur- chison ; Symons. Geikie, Prof. James. The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man. Maps. 8 1874 The same. New edition. Plates and maps. 8 1 894 Fragments of Earth Lore : Sketches and Addresses, Geological and Geo- graphical. Maps and illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1893 Geilfus, Dr G. Das Leben des Geogra- phen, Dr lakob Melchior Ziegler; nach handschriftlichen Quellen, ein Denkmal der Freundschaft, von Dr G. Geilfus. Portrait. 8 Winterthur, 1884 Geinitz, Dr E. See Germany, C (Fors- chungen, &c., Vol. i) : Appendix 2. Geiseler, . Die Oster- Insel, eine Static prahistorischer Kultur in der Siidsee : Bericht des Kommandantern S. M. Kbt. " Hyane," Kapitanlieu- tenant Geiseler, iiber die < thnologische Untersuchung der Oster-Insel (Rapanui), an den Chef der Kaiserliclien Admiralitat. Map and plates. Large 8* Berlin, 1883 Geistbeck, Dr Alois. Die Seen der Deutschen Alpen. 8 plates of diagrams. Folio Leipzig, 1885 [Atlas to Paper in Mitt. Ver. Erclk., Leipzig, 1884.] Geistbeck, Dr Michael. Der Weltver- kehr. Telegraphic und Post, Eisen- bahnen und Schifiahrt in ihrer Ent- wickelung dargestellt. Maps and illus- trations. 8 Freiburg in Breisgau, 1887 Gelcich, Jozsef. See Austria- Hungary, B : Appendix 2. GEL GES. 181 Gell, Sir William. Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca. Map and plates. 4 1807 Itinerary of Greece ; with a Com- mentary on Fausanias and Strabo. Plates. 4 1810 Itinerary of the Morea : being a Collection of the Routes of that Penin- sula. Map. 8 1817 Narrative of a Journey in the Morea. Plates. 8 1823 Topography of Rome ancl its Vicinity. 2 vols. IVoodcuts. 8 1834 - Map to Topography of Rome. [In 8 covers.] Gemelli. See Careri. Gemma Frisius. See Phrysius. Gens, Major. ^'^Baerand Ilelmersen, 2. Gennes, M. de. See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Genth, Adolphus. The Iron Waters of Schwalbach in the Duchy of Nassau. 2nd edition. 8 Wiesbaden, 1855 Gentil, M. le. Voyage dans les Mers de 1'Inde, a 1'occasion clu Passage de Venus sur le Disque du Soleil, le 6 Juin 1761, et le 3 du meme mois 1769. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1779-81 Geoffrey, L. Memoir and Notice ex- planatory of a Chart of Madagascar and the North-Eastern Archipelago of Mau- ritius. Map. 4* 1819 George, C. Description of a Self- Replenishing Artificial Horizon. 8* 1876 Description of an Improved Double Sextant. Plate. 8* 1876 Description of a Mercurial Barometer. 8* 1876 George, E. S. See Osburn. Georgi, J. G. Geographisch-physikalischc und naturhistorische Beschreibung des Russischen Reichs. 9 vols. Maps. 8 Kimigsburg, 1797 [A Russian Translation of Georgi's " Russland : Beschreibung aller Nationen des Russichen Rciches," &c.] 2 vols., 4 parts. Plates. 4 {St Petersburg] 1 799 Georgii, Ludwig. Alte Geographic, beleuchtet durch Geschichte, Sitten, Sagen derVolker, und mil vcrgleichcnclen Beziehungen auf die neuere Lander- und Volkerkunde. 8 Stuttgart, 1838-40 Gepp, H. M. Sec Nansen. Gerando, A. de. La Transylvanie et ses Habitants. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Pan's, 1845 Gerard, Capt. A. Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya. Edited by Lloyd. Map. 8 1841 Gerard, E. The Land beyond the Forest : Facts, Figures, and Fancies from Tran- sylvania. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 1888 Gerard, Jules. Life and Adventures of, comprising his Ten Years Campaigns among the Lions of Northern Africa ; with a History and Description of Algeria. Plates. 12 1857 Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria. Plates. 12 1857 Gerbie, Frederic. Le Canada et 1'emigra- tion Fran9aise. 6th edition. Maps and illustrations. 8 Quebec, 1884 Gerbillon, J. F. See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Gerland, Dr George. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Abhandlungen aus dem Geographischen Seminar der Universitat Strassburg. i . Band. Maps and plates. 8 Stuttgart, 1887 Geographische Abhandlungen aus den Reichslanden Elsass-Lothringen. Mit Unterstlitzung der kaiserl. Regierung zu Strassburg, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr G. Gerland. Frstes Heft. Maps. 8 Stuttgart, 1892 Germain, A. Note sur Zanzibar et la Cote Orientale d'Afrique. 8* [Paris, 1868] Quelques Mots sur 1'Oman et la Sultan dc Maskate. 8* [Paris, 1868] Traite des projections des cartes geographiques. Plates. Royal 8 Paris, N.D. Gerritsz, Hessel. The Arctic North- East and West Passage : Detectio Freti Hudsoni, or Hessel Gerritsz's Collection of Tracts by himself, Massa, and De Quir, on the N.E. and W. Passage, Si- beria, and Australia. Reproduced, with the maps in photo-lithography, in Dutch and Latin, alter the editions of 1612 and 1613 ; augmented with a new English Translation by F. J. Millard, and an Essay on the Origin and Design of this Collection by S. Midler. Maps. Square 8 Amsterdam, 1878 Gerstaecker, F. Narrative of a Journey round the World, comprising a Winter Passage across the Andes to Chili, with a Visit to the Gold Regions of California and Australia, the South Sea Islands, Java, tStc. 3 vols. 8 1853 Gerstfeldt, G. von. Der Verkehr Russ- lands mil Westasien. 8 1862 See Baer and Ilelmersen, 24. Gesenius, W. Ueber die Himjaritische Sprache und Schrift. 8* N. P. 1841 Gesner, A. New Brunswick, with Notes for Emigrants. Comprehending the Early History, an Account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Com- merce, Timber, Manufactures, Agricul- ture, Fisheries, Geology, Natural History, Social and Political State, Immigrants, and contemplated Railways of that Province. 8 1847 182 GES-GIL. Gessi Pasha, Romolo. Setti Anni nel Sudan Egiziano. Esplorazioni Caccie e Guerra contro i Negrieri. Memorie di Romolo Gessi Fascia riunite e pubhlicatc da suo figlio Felice Gessi coordinate dal Cap. Manfredo Camperio. Map and illustrations. 8 Milan, 1891 Seven Years in the Soudan : being a Record of Explorations, Adventures, and Campaigns against the Arab Slave Hunters. Collected and edited by his son Felix Gessi. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8 1 892 Gestro, Raffaello. See Issel. Gether, A. Gedanken liber die Natur- kraft. 8 Oldenburg, 1862 Anmerkungen zu Gedanken iiber die Naturkraft. 8* Oldenburg, 1863 Gevrey, A. Essai sur les Comores. 8 Pondicherry, 1870 Ghedeonov. See Gedeonoff. Giacinto, P. Carlo. Saggio di Agricoltura per le Isole di Malta e Gozo. Small 8 Messina, 1811 Gibb, George D. On Canadian Caverns. Maps and plates. 8* 1 86 1 Gibbins, Rev. H. de B. The History of Commerce in Europe. Maps. 12 1891 Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ; with an Introductory Memoir of the Author. Portrait. Imperial 8 1836 Gibbon, Lieut. L. See Herndon. Gibbs, A., and W. I. Myers. Peruvian and Bolivian Guano, its Nature, Pro- perties, and Results. 8* 1844 Gibbs, E. J. England and South Africa. 1889 Gibbs, J. See Osorio. Gibert, Eugene. Le Mouvement Econo- mique en Portugal et le Vicomte de San Januario. Large 8* Paris, 1881 Gibson, A. See Hove, Dr. Gibson, Charles B. Emigration : a Paper read at the Burdett Hall, Lime- house, on 30th March 1868. 8* 1868 Gibson, Bishop Edmund. Sec Camclen. Gibson, John. Great Waterfalls, Catar- acts, and Geysers Described and Illus- trated. Map and illustrations. 8 1887 Gibson, T. A. Etymological Geography : being a Classified List of Terms of most frequent occurrence, entering into the Composition of Geographical Names. 12 Edinburgh, 1835 Gibson, Walter M. The Prison of Wel- tevreden, and a Glance at the East Indian Archipelago. Plates. 8 New York, 1855 Gibson, Com. William. See United States, E, a (No. 41, B) : Appendix 2. Giedroyc, Prince Romuald. Resume de I'llistoirc du Portugal au XIX C Siecle. Paris, 1875 Giffard, Edward. A Short Visit to the Ionian Islands, Athens, and the Morea. Plates. 12 1837 Giglioli, Dr E. H. Viaggio intorno al Globo della R. pirocorvetta Italiana "Magenta" neglianni 1865, '66, '67, '68. Relazione descrittiva e scientifica ; con uno Introduzione Etnologica di Paola Mantegazza. Maps and photographs. 4 Milan, 1875 Studi sulla razza Negrita. Plate. 8* Florence, 1876 II Brasile nel 1876. 8* Florence, 1877 La Scoperta di una Fauna abissale nel Mediterraneo, Prima Campagna talasso- grafica del R. piroscafo "Washington" sotto il commando del capitano di vascello G. B. Magnaghi. (Luglio, Settembre 1 88 1.) Relazione preliminare. 8* Rome, 1 88 1 Avifauna Italica: Elenco delle specie di uccelli stazionarie o di passagio in Italia colla loro, sinonimia volgare e con notizie piu specialmente intorno alle migrazioni ed alia nidificazione. 8 Florence, 1886 Esposizione Coloniale ed Indiana tenutain Londranel 1886. 8* Rome, 1887 Primo Resoconto dei Risultati della Inchiesta Ornitologica in Italia. Parte prima. Avifauna Italica, elenco siste- matico delle specie di uccelli stazionarie o di passaggio in Italia con nuovi nomi volgari e colle notizie sinqui fornitc dai Collaboratori nella inchiesta Ornito- logica. Map. 8 Florence, 1889 The same. Parte seconda. Avifaune Locali. Risultati della inchiesta Orni- tologica nelle singole Provincie. 8 Florence, 1890 The same. Parte terza ed ultima. Notizie d'Inclole Generale, Migrazioni, Nidificazione, Alimentazione, &c. 8 Florence, 1891 See Issel ; Scaramucci ; Sommier. and A. Issel. Proposte Generali per la Esplorazione Biologica completa del Mediterraneo e dei Mari adiacenti. 8* Rome, 1885 and A. Zannetti. Istruzioni Scienti- fiche pei Viaggiatori raccolte dal Prof. A. Issel. Istruzioni per fare le Osservazioni Antropologiche et Etnologiche. 8* Rome, 1880 Gilbard, Lieut-Col. G. J. A. Popular History of Gibraltar, its Institutions, and its Neighbourhood on both sides of the Straits, and a Guide-book to their principal places and objects of interest. Map and plate. Small 8 Gibraltar, 1882 Gilbert, Capt. B. See Gottfried; Pur- chas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix I. Gilbert, G. K. See United States, G, b, c : Appendix 2. Gilbert, G. M. Treatise on the Aerop- leustic Art, or Navigation in the Air by means of Kites or Buoyant Sails, with a Description of the Charvolant or Kite Carriage. Plates. Small 4* 1851 GIL 183 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey. See Ilakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Gilbert, J., and G. C. Churchill. The Dolomite Mountains : Excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, in 1 86 1, '62, and '63. Maps and coloured plates. 8 1864 Gilbert, Sir J. H. Remarques sur la Re- lation qui existe entre les Sommes de Temperature et la Production Agricole. 8* Geneva, 1886 Gilbert, P. Observations sur la Carte du Nil de M. Miani. 8* Brussels, N.D. Gilbert, Dr William. Gviliclmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, meclici Londinensi-;, de Magnete, magneticisque corporibus, et de magno Magnete Tcllure, Physiologia noua, plurimis et argumentis et ex peri - mentis demonstrata. Plates. Small folio 1600 Gilby, Dr. See Monson. Gilchrist, J. Borthwick. Hindoostanee Philology, comprising a Dictionary, English and Hindoostanee, with a Grammatical Introduction ; with a Plate exhibiting a comparative view of the Roman and Oriental characters used in the Hindoostanee Language. Vol. i. 8 1825 Gilder, W. H. Ice-Pack and Tundra: an Account of the Search for the "Jeannette," and a Sledge Journey through Siberia. Maps and illustrations. 8 1883 Schwatka's Search : Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin Records. A laps and illustrations. 8 N.n. Giles, Ernest. Diary of Explorations in Central Australia, August to November 1872. Folio* Adelaide, 1873 Geographic Travels in Central Aus- tralia from 1872 to 1874. Map. 8 Melbourne, 1875 The Journal of aForgotten Expedition. Map. 8 Adelaide, 1880 Australia twice Traversed, the Romance of Exploration : being a Narrative com- piled from the Journals of Five Exploring Expeditions into and through Central South Australia and Western Australia, from 1872 to 1876. 2 vo!s. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8 [2 copies. ] 1889 See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Giles, Geo. M. A Report of an Investi- gation into the Causes of the Disease-; known in Assam as Kala-Azar and Beri- Bcri. Plates. Large 8* Shillong, 1890 Giles, H. A. From Swatow to Canton Overland. 8* Shanghai, 1877 Giles, Pearce. The True Source of the Mississippi. Maps and frontispiece. 8* Buffalo, N. V., 1887 Gilii, Filippo Luigi. Risultati delle Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte nell' anno 1805. 8* Rome, 1806 Osservazioni Meteorologiche, 1806-7-8. Rome, 1807-9 Gill, David. Trigonometrical Survey of South African Colonies. 8* 1 879 Gill, Diogo. See " General Collection of Voyages," p. 610 : Appendix I. Gill, George. The Student's Geography, Physical and Descriptive, Industrial and Commercial, Political and Social, Ety- mological and Historical. Maps, &c. 12 1890 Gill, Mrs. Six Months in Ascension : an Unscientific Account of a Scientific Expedition. Map. Square 8 1878 Gill, Thomas. Bibliography of South Australia. 8 1886 Gill, Capt. W. The River of Golden Sand: the Narrative of a Journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah ; with an Introductory Essay by Colonel Henry Yule. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1880 The same. Condensed by Edward Col borne Baber ; edited, with a Memoir and Introductory Essay, by Colonel Henry Yule. Portrait, map, and illus- trations. Small 8 1883 Gill, Rev. W. Wyatt. New Guinea Re- visited : a Supplement to Mr M'Farlane's Papers in the April, May, June, and August Numbers of the Sunday Magazine, 1874. 8* 1874 Papers on New Guinea in the Leisure Hour. 8* 1875 Life in the Southern Isles, or Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea. Map and plates. 12 1876 Tristan D'Acunha. 8* 1877 Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia, with illustrative Clan Songs. 8 ' Wellington, 1880 Jottings from the Pacific. Illnstra tions. 8 1885 See Chalmers. Gillam, Capt. J. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 17 : Appendix i. Gillieron, J. Petit Atlas Phonetique du Valais Roman (Slid du Rhone). Oblong 12 Paris, N.D. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M. The United States Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during 1849-52. Vols. I, 2, 3, 6. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Washington, 1855-56 Gillmore, Parker. The Great Thirst Land : a Ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. Plate. 8 [1878] Through Gasa Land, and the Scene of the Portuguese Aggression : thcjourney of a Hunter in Search of Gold and Ivory. Map. 8 N. i). 1 84 GIL GLA. Gilly, W. S. Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont in the year 1823, and Researches among the Vaudois or Waldenses, Protestant Inhabitants of the Cottian Alps. 4th edition. Maps and plates. 8 1827 Gilmore, Q. A. See United States, H, a : Appendix 2. Gilmour, Rev. James. Among the Mongols. Map and illustrations. 8 N. D. More about the Mongols. Selected and arranged from the diaries and papers of James Gilmour, by Richard Lovett. 8 1893 Gilpin, V*. Observations, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in the year 1772, on several parts of England, particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland. 3rd edition. Vol. I. Plates. 8 1792 Ginanni, Francesco. Istoria Civile, e Naturale delle Pinette Ravennati, &c. 4 Rome, 1774 Cinders, A. Extracts from a Report on the Hanmer Plains Sanatorium. Map and plates. 8* 1891 Ginsburg, Dr Christian D. The Moabite Stone : a Fac-simile of the Original Inscription, with an English Translation, and a Historical and Critical Commen- tary. 4* 1870 Report on the Exploration of Moab. 8* 1872 Giordano, F. Cenni sulle Condizioni Fisico-Economiche di Roma e suo Ter- ritorio. Maps. 8 Florence, 1871 Giovio, P. Descriptio Britannire, Scotire, Hybernire, et Orchadum, ex libro Pauli Jovii, episcopi Nucer, de imperils, et gentibus cogniti orbis. 8 Venice, 1548 Gipps, Sir G. Report of the Progressive Discovery and Occupation of New South Wales, during the Period of his Adminis- tration of the Government. Maps. Folio* 1841 Girard, Charles. American Zoological, Botanical, and Geological Bibliography for 1851. 8* Ne-whaven, 1851 Girard,, Jules. La Photographieappliquee aux Etudes Geographiques. 12* Paris, 1871 Essai cl'Orographie Sousmarine de 1'Ocean Atlantique Septentrional. Map. 8* Paris, 1872 Les Explorations Sousmarines. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1874 Voyage dans les Highlands et les Hebrides. Map. 8* Paris, 1878 - La Nouvelle-Guinee. Historique de la Decouverte Description Geographique La Race Papoue Moeurs et Coutumes des Indigenes Produits du Sol Colonisation. Map. 8* Paris, 1883 Girard, M. B. Souvenirs de 1'Expedition de Tunisie. 8* Paris, 1883 Girard, P. S. Description Generale des differens Ouvrages a executer pour la Distribution des Eaux du Canal de 1'Ourcq dans 1'interieur de Paris, et devis detaille de ces Ouvrages. Map and plates. 4 Paris, 1810 Giraud, Victor. Les Lacs de 1'Afrique Equatoriale : Voyage d'Exploration exe- cute de 1883 a 1885. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Paris, 1890 Girava Tarragones, Hieronymo. Dos Libros de Cosmographia. Map. 4 Milan, 1556 Gironiere. See De la Gironiere. Giros (or De Quir) P. F. de. See Quiros. Gisborne, Lionel. Darien Ship-Naviga- tion. Engineer's Report. Maps. 8* 1852 - The Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Journal of the Expedition of Inquiry for the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps. 8 1853 Gisborne, William. The Colony of New Zealand, its History, Vicissitudes, and Progress. Map. 8 1888 Gislason, K. Donsk Ordabok med Islenzkum Pydingum. Small folio Copenhagen, 1851 Gistel, Dr Johannes. Maximilian der Erste, Konig von Bayern, oder des Oberstpostmeister Napoleon's Gefangen- schaft, Errettung vom Tode, und Flucht. 12* Munich, 1854 Das Heilbad zum Heiligen Kreuz- brunnen bei Wartemberg. 8* Straubing, 1856 Neueste Geographic und Statistik des Konigreichs Bayern. 8 Slraubing, 1856 Die siidwestbayerische Schweiz, oder das Algau im allgemeinen und ein Theil von Sonthofen insbesondere, &c. 8* Stranbing, 1857 Giustiniani, Lorenzo. Dizionario Geo- grafico-Ragionato del Regno di Napoli. 12 vols. 8 Naples, 1797-1816 Givry, A. P. Pilote Fran9ais. Instructions Nautiques, Partie des Cotes de France compris entre la Pointe de Barfleur et Dunkerque, et entre les Casquets et la Pointe de Barfleur, Environs de Cher- bourg. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1842-45 Memoire sur 1'Emploi des Chrono- metres a la Mer, et sur les Principales Observations dc 1' Astronomic Nautique. Plate. 8 Paris, 1846 Gladisheff, , and Muravieff. See Khanikoff; also Central Asia, B : Ap- pendix 2. Gladstone, W. E. See Laveleye ; Mac- kenzie and Irby ; Schlietnann. Gladwin, Francis. A Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal during theSoobah- daries of Azeem Us Shan, Jaffer Khan, Shuja Khan, Sirafraz Khan, and Alyvirdy Khan. Translated from the Persian by- Francis Gladwin. 8 Calcutta, 1788 GLA-GOD. 185 Glaisher, Ernest H. A Journey on the Berbice River and Wieroonie Creek. 8* Georgetown, 1885 Glaisher, James. On the Meteorology of Scotland, June 1856 to Sept. 1857. 8* On the Meteorology of England during the Quarters ending March, June, September, 1857 ; March, June, Sep- tember, December, 1858 ; March, June, 1859. 8* 1857-59 On the Determination of the Mean Temperature of every Day in the Year, from all the Thermometrical Observa- tions taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1814 to the end of 1856. 8* 1858 On the Meteorological and Physical Effects of the Solar Eclipse of I5th March 1858. Plates. 8* 1858 Glanius, . See Struys. Glas, George. History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. Translated from a Spanish MS. ; with an Enquiry into the Origin of the Ancient Inhabitants, and a Description of the Canary Islands and the Modern History of the Inhabitants. Map. 4 1764 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix i. Glaser, Eduard. Von Hodeida nach San 'a vom 24 April bis i Mai 1885. (Abdruck aus Dr A. Petermann'sMitteil- ungen, 1886, Heft i.) Map. 4* 1886 - The same. (Abdruck aus Dr A. Petermann's Mitteilungen, 1886, Heft 2.) 4* 1886 Siidarabische Streitfragen. 8* league, 1887 Skizze der Geschichte und Geographic Arabiens, von den altesten Zeiten bis zum Propheten Muhammad, nebst einem Anhange zur Beleuchtung der Geschichte Abessyniens im 3 und 4 Jahrhundert n. Chr. Zweiter Band. 8 Berlin, 1890 See Hommel. Glasfurd, C. L. R. Papers relating to the Dependency of Bustar. Map and plates. [From the India Records, No. 39] Calcutta, 1863 Glave, E. J. Our Alaska Expedition. (From Frank Leslie's Illustrated News- paper.} 4* New York, 1890-91 Six Years of Adventure in Congo- Land ; with an Introduction by H. M. Stanley. Illustrations. Large 8 1893 Glazier, Capt. Willard. Down the Great River : embracing an Account of the Discovery of the True Source of the Mississippi ; together with Views, De- scriptive and Pictorial, of the Cities, Towns, Villages, and Scenery on the Banks of the River, as seen during a Canoe Voyage of over Three Thousand Miles from its Head-Waters to the Gulf of Mexico. Portrait, maps, and illustra- tions. Small 8" Philadelphia, 1887 Glazier, Capt. Willard. Headwaters of the Mississippi; comprising Biographical Sketches of early and recent Explorers of the Great River, and a Full Account of the Discovery and Location of its True Source in a lake beyond Itasca. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 New York, 1893 See Harrower. Gleerup, E. See Moller. Glehn, P. von. See Schmidt, F. B. Gleichen, Count. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Glen, J. Foundering of the II. E.I. Co.'s gun-brig "Ariel." 8* 1872 Gliddon, George R. An Appeal to the Antiquaries of Europe on the Destruc- tion of the Monuments of Egypt. 8 1841 A Memoir on the Cotton of Egypt. 8* 1841 Glogau, H. See Andree, Karl. Gloucester, Duke of (Thomas of Wood- stock). See Ilakluyt, Vol. I : Appen- dix I. Glover, J. R. See Nicbuhr, C. Glover, Sir Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book i : Appendix i. Gliickselig, L. Prag und dessen Merk- wiirdigkeitcn. 2nd edition. Plates. 12 Prague, 1856 Glynn, Joseph. Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water as applied to drive Flour Mills and to give Motion to Tur- bines and other Hydrostatic Engines. Illustrations. 12* 1853 Gmelin, S. G. Reise durch Russland zur Untcrsuchung der drey Naturreiche. 4 vols-. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1774-84 See Laharpe, Vol. 8 ; Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 19 : Appendix i. Goalen, Lieut. Sec South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Gobanz, J. See Zollikofer. Gobat, Rev. Samuel. Journal of a Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia, in fur- therance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society ; with a Brief History of the Church of Abyssinia, by Professor Lee. Map. 8 1834 Gobineau, Comte de. Les Religions et les Philosophies dans 1'Asic Centrale. 2nd edition. 12 Paris, 1866 Goblet D'Alviella, Comte. Inde et Himalaya : Souvenirs de Voyage. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1877 See Becker, J. Godard, Leon. Description et Histoire du Maroc. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1 860 Godericus. Sec Ilakluyt, Vol. 2: Ap- pendix i. Godet, Theodore L. Bermuda, its His- tory, Geology, Climate, Products, Agri- culture, Commerce, and Government ; with Hints to Invalids. 8 1860 1 86 GOD-GOM. Godman, F. Du C. Natural History of the Azores or Western Islands. Map. 8 1870 See America, Central, A: Appendix 2. Godoy, Diego de. See Cortes ; also Gottfried : Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appen- dix I. Godwin-Austen, Colonel H. H. On the Glaciers of the Mustakh Range. Map. 8* [1864] - The Evidence of past Glacial Action in the Naga Hills, Assam. Map and plates. 8* Calcutta, 1875 Notes on the Geology of part of the Dafla Hills, Assam. Plate. 8* Calcutta, 1875 Goodwin-Austen, R. See Forbes, E. Goebel, Claus and Bergmann. Reise in die Steppe'n cles siidlichen Russlands. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Dorpat, 1838 Goebel, H. See Helmersen and Schrenck, 2. Goebel, K. Gedachtnisrede auf Karl von Nageli, gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. h. Akademie der Wissen- schaften. 4* Munich, 1893 Goeje, M. J. de. Das alte Belt des Oxus Amii-Darja. Map. Small 8 Ley den, 1875 Goes, Benoit de (or Benedictus). See Brucker, J. ; also Astley, Vol. 4 ; Gott- fried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 37; Pinkerton, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Gogorza, A. de. Canal Interoceanique du Darien : Lettres a la Societe de Geographic de Paris. Map. 4* 1870 Gohring, H. Informe al Supremo Gobierno del Peru sobre la Expedicion a los Valles de Paucartambo en 1873 al mando del Coronel D. Baltazar La Torre. 8, and oblong 8 vol. of photographs. Lima, 1877 Golberry, S. M. Xavier. Fragment d'un Voyage en Afrique pendant 1785-87, dans les Contrees Occidentals de ce Continent, comprises entre le Cap Blanc de Barbaric et le Cap de Palmes. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1802 Gold, F. See Ramond. Goldmann, C. S. The Financial, Statis- tical, and General History of the Gold and other Companies of Witwatersrand, South Africa. Plan. Large 8 1892 Goldie, Sir George Taubman. Alcohol and Civilisation in Central Africa. Folio* 1887 France and England on the Niger. (From the Paternoster Kcview, No. 4, January 1891.) Map. 4* 1891 Goldney, P. Sec Prcedy. Goldsmid, Sir Frederic J. An Historical Memoir on Shikarpoor, prior and subse- quent to the Ameers of Sind. Table. Memoir on the Syuds of Roree and Bukkur. Table. [From the India Records, No. 17.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Central Asia, and its Question. 8* 1873 Telegraph and Travel : a Narrative of the Formation and Development of Telegraphic Communication between England and India, under the orders of Her Majesty's Government, with inci- dental notices of the Countries traversed by the lines. Maps and plates. 8 1874 On Communications with British India under possible contingencies. Map. 8* 1878 James Outram, a Biography. 2 vols. Alaps and illustrations. 8 1 880 Persia, its Language and Literature : a Lecture. 8* 1892 See Vaughan ; also Persia : Appendix 2. Goldsmith, L. Statistics of France. 8 1832 Golindo, Lieut. R. E. Report of the Route from Mamu to Nushki. 8* [Simla, 1886] Golnitz, A. Itinerarium Belgico-Galli- cum. 24 Ley den, 1631 Compendium Geographicum, suc- cincla Methodo Adornatum. 12 Amsterdam, 1649 Golovin, Ivan. The Caucasus. Map. 8 1854 The Nations of Russia and Turkey, and their Destiny. 8 1854 Golownin, Capt. W. Recollections of Japan, comprising a particular Account of the Religion, Language, Government, Laws, &c., of the People, and Observa- tions on the Geography, Climate, &c., of the Country. 8 1819 Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan during the years 1811 to 1813, with Observations on the Country and the People. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8 1824 Gomara, Francisco Lopez de. Historia de las Indias, and Cronica de la Nueva- Espaiia. Folio [? Saragoca, 1552-53] Historia de Mexico, con el Descubri- miento de la Nueva-Espana, conquistada por el muy illustre y valeroso Principe Don Fernando Cortes. 12 Antwerp, 1554 See Burney, Vol. i ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 5 : Appendix I. Gomez, Stephan. Sec Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Gomme, George Laurence. English Topography: Parts 1-3. (The Gentle- man's Magazine Library : being a classi- fied Collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine, from 1731 to 1868.) 8 1891-93 COM GOR. 187 Gomot, F. Annuaire de F Algeria, 1842 ; avec des Lois, 1841. 8 Paris, 1842 Gonda, Bela de. La Regalarisation des 1'ortes de Fer et des autres Cataractes du bas Danube. Plates and illustrations. Large 8* Paris, 1892 Gondatti, N. L. Traces of Heathen Be- liefs among the nations of North -Western Siberia. [In Russian.] 8* Moscow, 1888 Gonino, J. See Charnay. Gonville (or Gonneville), B. P. de. Sec Callander, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historie, Vol. 1 8 : Appendix i. Gonzales, Manuel. See Churchill, Vol. 7 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 2 ; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610: Appendix I. Gooch, F. A. See United States, G, c : Appendix 2. Gooch, Fanny Chambers. Face to Face with the Mexicans : the Domestic Life, Educational, Social, and Business Ways, Statesmanship and Situation, Legendary and General History, of the Mexican People. Ilhistrations. Large 8 1890 Good, J. B. A Vocabulary and Outlines of Grammar of the Nitlakapamuk or Thompson Tongue (the Indian language spoken between Yale, Lillooet, Cache Creek, and Nicola Lake) ; together with a Phonetic Chinook Dictionary, adapted for use in the Province of British Columbia. Small 8* Victoria, B.C., 1880 Goode, Alexander. Account of the Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St Lazaro. Portrait. 8* Venice, 1825 Goode, G. Brown. See United States, A, (Tenth Census Publication), History and Present Condition of the Fishery Industries : Appendix 2. Goodenough, Commodore. See Mark- ham, C. R. Goodenough, Lieut. -General W. H., and Lieut-. Col. J. C. Dalton. The Army Book for the British Empire : a Record of the Development and Present Composition of the Military Forces, and their Duties in Peace and War. Maps and portraits. 8 1893 Goodisson, W. Historical and Topo- graphical Essay upon the Islands of Corfu, Leucadia, Cephalonia, Ithaca, and Zante ; with Remarks upon the Character, &c., of the Ionian Greeks. Maps and plates. 8 1822 Goodman, E. J. The Best Tour in Nor- way. Map and illustrations. Small 8 1892 Goodrich, Caspar F. See United States, E, l> . Appendix 2. Goodrich, J. King. An Account of the Progress in Geography in the year 1885. 8* Washington, 1886 Goodsir, R. Anstruther. Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound in Search of Friends with Sir John Franklin. Map and plate. 8 1850 Goos, P. The Lighting Coloinne or Sea- Mirror, containing the Sea-coasts of the Northern, Eastern, and Western Naviga- tion ; setting forth in divers necessarie Sea-cards all the Ports . . . , as also the Situation of the Northerly Countries as Island, the Strate Davids, the Isle of Jan Mayen, Bear - Island, Old - Greenland, Spitzbergen, and Nova Zembla . . . ; whereunto is added a brief instruction of the Art of Navigation, &c. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1670 Gopcevic, Spiridion. Makedonien und Alt-Serbien. Maps and illustrations. 4 Henna, 1889 Gordon and Gotch. The Australian Handbook (incorporating New Zealand and New Guinea) : Shippers' and Im- porters' Directory and Business Guides, for 1877, '78, '85, '88, '89, '90, '93. [Annual.] Maps and plans. Large 8 Gordon, Hon. A. H. Wilderness Journeys in New Brunswick, in 1862-63. Small 8 Stjohn, 1864 See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Gordon, A. R. Report of the Hudson's Bay Expedition under the command of Lieut. A. R. Gordon, R.N., 1884. Chart. 8* N.D. Report of the Second Hudson's Bay Expedition under the command of Lieut. A. R. Gordon, R.N., 1885. Plates and charts. 8 N.D. - Report of the Hudson's Bay Expe- dition of 1886 under the command of Lieut. A. R. Gordon, R.N. Charts and illustrations. 8 N.D. See Martin. Gordon, C. A. Our Trip to Burmah ; with Notes on that Country. Map, plates, ami photographs. 8 1876 Gordon, Gen. C. G. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa, 1874-79, with a portrait, and map of the Country prepared under Colonel Gordon's supervision, from origi- nal Letters and Documents. Edited by George Birkbcck Hill. 8 1881 Sec Hake ; Wilson, A. ; also W , C. M. Gordon, Rev. Daniel M. Mountain and Prairie : a Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg via Peace River Pass. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1 880 Gordon, Lady Duff. Letters from Egypt, 1863-65. 2nd edition. 8 1865 Last Letters from Egypt, to which are added Letters from the Cape ; with a Memoir by her daughter Mrs Ross. Plate. Small 8 1875 See Gallon, F., Vacation Tourists. 1 88 GOR GOT. Gordon, Col. E. S. On Fixing Positions by the more Simple Astronomical Obser- vations. For the use of R.A. Officers engaged in Exploration. 8* Woolwich, 1881 Gordon, Rev. G. N. The last Martyrs of Eromanga : being a Memoir of the Rev. George N. Gordon and Ellen Catherine Powell his Wife. Plate. 12 Halifax, N.S., 1863 Gordon, James. Lunar and Time Tables, adapted to New, Short, and Accurate Methods for Finding the Longitude by Chronometers and Lunar Distances. Maps. Royal 8 1853 Gordon, Lieut. L. C. Miranzai Expe- ditions, 1891. (From the " Proceed- ings of the Royal Artillery Institution.") Map. 8* Woolwich, 1891 Gordon, Lewis D. B. Report on the Scheme proposed to be carried out under the "Norfolk Estuary Act, 1846." 4* Glasgow, 1846 Report to the Committee of the Bedford Level Corporation, and to the Eau Hrink Commissioners on the Norfolk Estuary Scheme. 8* 1849 Gordon, M. F. Report on the Trade of Sonmeeanee, and Seaport of the Pro- vince of Lus. [From the India Records, No, 17.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Gordon, Peter. Fragment of thejournal of a Tour through Persia in 1820. 12 1833 See Murray, Hugh. Gordon, Robert. Report on the Irrawaddy River. Maps. Folio Rangoon, 1879-80 Hydraulic Work in the Irawadi Delta. Plates. 8* 1893 Gordon, Col. T. E. Yarkund Mission : Extract from the Journal of the Party of the Kashgar Embassy detached to the Pamir and Wakhan, from 2nd to igth April 1874. Folio* 1874 Yarkund Mission : Report by Lieut. - Col. T. E. Gordon, dated Yarkund, I7th May 1874. Folio* 1874 The Roof of the World : being a Nar- rative of a Journey over the high Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus sources of Pamir. Maps and plates. Square 8 1876 Journey to the Pamir. [In Russian.] St Petersburg, 1877 Gordon-Gumming 1 . See Gumming. Gore, Capt. See Pelham, Vol. i : Ap- pendix I. Gore, J. Howard. Geodesy. 12 1891 See United States, F, Coast and Geodetic Survey : Appendix 2. Gore, Montague. Sec Valentini. Gorges, Sir Arthur. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10 : Appendix i. Gorgolione, S. Portulano del Mare Mediterraneo. 8 Leghorn, 1815 "Gorgon." See Devereux. Gormaz, F. Vidal. Continuacion de los Trabajos de Esploracion del Rio Val- divia i sus afluentes. Maps. 8* Santiago, 1869 Reconocimientos de la costa com- prendida entre la rada de los Vilos i el Rio Choapa, i del Rio Valdivia i costa comprendida entre el morro Bonifacio i el Rio Maullin. Plan. 8* Santiago, 1870 - Esploracion de la Costa de Llanquihue i Archipielago de Chiloe. Plans. 8 Santiago, 1871 Esploracion del Seno de Reloncavi, Lago de Llanquihue i Rio Puelo. Plans. 8 Santiago, 1872 Esploracion de las Costas deColchagua i de Curico i de la Albufera de Vichuquen. Map and plans. 8* Santiago, 1873 Instrucciones sobre el litoral de Valdivia, entre Punta Galera i el Rio Tolte. Map. 8 Santiago, 1878 Jeografia Nautica i Derrotero de'las Costas del Peru. Santiago, 1879 Noticias del Desierto i sus Recursos. 8* Santiago, 1879 Jeografia Nautica de Bolivia. Map. 8* Santiago, 1879 Noticias sobre las Provincias Litorales correspondientes a los Departamentos de Arequipa, lea, Huancavelica i Lima, por la Oficina Ilidrografica. Map. 8* Santiago, 1880 Algunos Naufragios ocurridos en las Costas Chilenas desde su desctibrimiento hasta el anode 1800. 8* Valparaiso, 1890 Gorrie, Daniel. Summers and Winters in the Orkneys. Plate. 8 1868 Gorringe, H. H. See United States, E, a (Nos. 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 61) : Appendix 2. Gosnol, Capt. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix i. Gossellin, P. F. J. Geographic des Grecs analysee, ou les Systemes d'Eratosthenes, de Strabon, et de Ptolemee compares entre eux ct avec nos connoissances modernes. Maps. 4 Paris, 1790 Recherches sur la Geographic Syst- matique et Positive des Anciens, pour servir de base & 1'Histoire de la Geo- graphic Ancienne. 4 vols. Maps 4 Paris, 1798-1813 Gottberg, E. de. Des Cataractcs du Nil, et specialement de celles de Hannek et de Kay bar. Maps. 4* Paris, 1867 Gottfried, Johan Lodewyk. Newe Welt und Americanische Historien, inhaltende warhasstige und volkommene Beschrei- bungen aller West-Indianischen Lancl- schafften, Insulen, Konigreichen, und Provinzien. Seecusten, fliessenden und stehendcn Wassern, &c. (" Ilistoria Antipodum.") Maps and plates. Folio Frankfort, 1631 GOT GRA. 189 Gottfried, Johan Lodewyk. De aanmerkenswaardigste en alombero- emde Zee- en Landreizen der Portu- geezen, Spanjaarden, Engelsen, en allerhande Natien : zoo van Fransen, Italiaanen, Deenen, Hoogh- en Neder- Duitsen als van veele anclere Volkeren. Voornaamenlyk ondernomen tot Ondek- king van de Oost- en West-Indien, midsgaders andere verafgelegene Gewes- ten des Aardryks. 8 vols. Maps and plates. Folio. Ley den. [Title 1727 : 1706 where dated in detail.] For Con- tents, see Appendix i. Gottschalck, Friedrich. Almanach der Ritter-Orden. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1819 Gottsche, Dr C. Land uncl Leute in Korea. Map. 8* Berlin, 1886 Gbtz, Dr W. Die Verkehrswege im Dienste desWelthandels. Einehistorisch- geographische Untersuchung samt einer Einleitung fiir eine Wissenschaft von den geographischen Entfernungen. Maps. Stuttgart, 1888 Gould, Augustus A. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, published agreeably to an order of the Legislature. 2nd edition, comprising the Mollusca. Edited by W. G. Binney. Plates. 8 Boston, 1870 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp. Report on the History of the Discovery ol Neptune. 8* Washington, 1850 The Transatlantic Longitude, as Determined by the Coast Survey Ex- pedition of 1866 : a Report to the Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey. 4 Washington, 1869 Gould, Charles. Report upon the Subject of Gold in the Colony of Van Diemen's Land, referred to in the last Report of the Governor of Tasmania, 1862. Map. Folio* 1864 An Introduction to the Birds of Australia. 8 1848 Gould, , and Dowie. Instruction for making Gaspe, and Mitis and Rimouski, in the River St Lawrence. 8 1832 Gouldsbury, V. S. Correspondence re- lating to the Recent Expedition to the Upper Gambia, under the Administrator V. S. GouldsLury. Maps. Folio* 1881 Gourbillon, . See Phillips [3], Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Gourdault. J. La France Pittoresque. Illustrations. 4 Paris, 1893 Gourdin, H. See Rhodes, A. de. Gourgues, Dominicus. See Gottfried ; Ilakluyt, Vol. 3; Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 20: Appendix I. Gourdon, W. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix i. Gourraigne, L. G. See Bouillet. Gouy, E. See France, B, b : Appendix 2. " Governor Ready," Ship. See Wilson, T. B. Gowan, Lieut.-Col. W. E. The Trans- caspian Railway, its Meaning and its Future. Translated and Condensed from the Russian of I. Y. Vatslik. (From the J. United Service I. of India, Vol. 18, No. 75. Simla, 1889.) 4* 1889 See Kuropatkin, A. N. Gowen, J. R, Hints on Emigration to the New Settlement on the Swan and Canning Rivers, on the West Coast of Australia. Map and plate. 8* 1829 Gowing, Lionel F. Five Thousand Miles in a Sledge, a Mid-Winter Journey across Siberia. Map and illustrations. 8 1889 Goyer, Pierre de. See Nieuhoff; also Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appen- dix i. Graaf, de. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix i. Graaf, N. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Graah, W. A. Undersogelses-Reise til Ostkysten af Grondland, efter Kongelig Befaling uclfort i Aarene 1828-31. Plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1832 Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, sent by Order of the King of Denmark, in Search of the Lost Colonies. Translated from the Danish by G. Gordon M'Dougall, for the Royal Geographical Society of London. Map. 8 o ' '867 Graberg da Hemso, Count J. G. Annali di Geografia e cli Statistica. 2 vols. Maps. 8, Genoa, 1802 Lemons Elementaires deCosmographie, de Geographic, et de Statistique. 12 Genoa, 1813 Scandinavie vengee de 1'accusation d'avoir produit les Peuples barbares qui detruisirent 1'Empire de Rome. 8 Q Lyons, 1822 Notice Biographique, par L. J. E. G. 1 8* Florence, 1831 Das Sultanat Mogh'rib-ul-Aksa, oder Kaiserreich Marokko ; in Bezug auf Landes- Volks- uncl Staats-Kuncle besch- rieben. 8 Stuttgart, 1833 Specchio Geografico e Statistico dell' Iinpero di Marocco. Plates. 8 Genoa, 1834 Degli ultimi Progress! della Geografia. 8* Milan, 1839 Nota conccrnenta la Carta Nautica del Genovese Becario, fatta nell' anno 1435- Map. 1 6 Florence, N.n. See Rafn. Grabham, Michael C. The Climate and Resources of Madeira as regarding chiefly the necessities of Consumption and the Welfare of Invalids. Map and plate. 8 1870 i go GRA. Grablovitz, Giulio. Sulle osservazione mareografiche in Italia e specialmente su quelle fatti ad Ischia. 8* Genoa, 1893 Grac.a, Francisco Calheiros da. Memoire sur 1'origine ct la cause de 1'echauffement des eaux du Gulf Stream. Traduction par Desire Mouren. Small 8* A' i<} de Janeiro, 1875 - Memoria sobre a Determinacao das Linhas Magneticasdo Brazil. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1882 Estudos sobre a Barra de I aguna, Marco de 1882. 2nd edition. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1883 Grad, A. Charles. I.' Australia Interieure : Explorations et Voyages a travers le Continent Australien, 1860-62. Map. 8 Paris, 1864 Grad, C. Resultats Scientifiques des Ex- plorations de 1'Ocean Glacial a 1'Est de Spitzbergen en 1871. Map. 8* Paris, 1873 Graf, Prof. J. H. Die kartographischen Bestrebungen Johann Rudolf Meyers von Aarau, und andere zeitgenossische Versuche einer Vcrmessung der Schweiz. 8* Berne, 1883 Einige bernische Pioniere der Alpen- kunde aus dem XVI. bis XVIII. Jahr- hundert. 8* Bertie, 1891 Notice sur la plus ancienne carte connue du Pays de Neuchatel. Map. 8* Neuchatel, 1892 Beitrage zur Topographic und Geo- graphic der Schweiz. 8* Berne, 1893 Die Karte von Gyger und Haller aus dem Jahre 1620. 8* Berne, 1893 Die Einfiihrung der Stundenzonenzeit und ihre Bedeutung fiir Handel, Verkehr und das biirgerliche Leben Schweiz. 8* N.D. See Switzerland, A (Bibl. Nat. Suisse) : Appendix 2. Graham, Alexander, and H. S. Ashbee. Travels in Tunisia ; with a Glossary, a Map, a Bibliography, and fifty illustra- tions. Large 8 1887 Graham, C. C. Additional Inscriptions from the Hauran and the Eastern Desert of Syria. Edited, with a Preface and Notes, by John Hogg. 8* 1859 Graham, Major D. C. Statistical Re- port on the Principality of Kolhapoor ; to which are appended Extracts from brief Notes relative to Kolhapoor and its independent Jageerdars, by Major G. Malcolm ; together with copies of the Treaties, &c., entered into between the Hon. East India Company and the Kolhapoor State, between 1766 and 1829. Edited by R. Hughes Thomas. Maps, plates, facsimiles, and tables. [From the India Records, No. 8.] 8 Bombay, 1854 Graham, Major D. C. Historical Sketch of the Bheel Tribes inhabiting the Pro- vince of Khandesh ; accompanied by an Outline down to 1843, with continuation from 1843 to ^55, by Capt. J. Rose. Compiled and edited by R. II. Thomas. Map. [From the India Records, No. 26.] 8 Bombay, 1856 Glimpses of Abyssinia ; or, Extracts from Letters written while on a Mission from the Government of India to the King of Abyssinia in the years 1841, 1842, and 1843. Edited by his sister Anna, Lady Erskine. I2 U 1867 Graham, Lieut.-Col. J. D. Observations of the Magnetic Dip, at several posi- tions, chiefly on the South-Western, the North-Eastern, and Northern Frontiers of the United States, and of the Magnetic Declination at two positions on the River Sabine, made in 1840, 1842-45. 4* Philadelphia, 1846 Report on the Harbours of Lake Michigan. 8 Washington, 1857 Report on the Harbours, &c. , in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michi- gan. 8 Washington, 1857 A Lunar Tidal Wave in Lake Michi- gan Demonstrated. Plates. 8* Philadclpliia, 1860 Report on the Improvement of the Harbours of Lakes Michigan, St Clair, Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, 1860. 8 Washington, 1860 Reports in Relation to the Intersection of the Boundary Lines of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, being a portion of Mason and Dixon's Line. Map. 8 Washington, 1860 See Peirce, B. Graham, Maria. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, during part of the years 1821, '22, '23. Plates. 4 1824 Journal of a Residence in Chile during 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823. Plates. 4 1824 Graham, Lieut. S. L. See United States, E, a (No. 86) : Appendix 2. Graham, William. The Jordan and the Rhine, or the East and the West : being the Result of Five Years Residence in Syria, and Five Years Residence in Ger- many. 8 1854 Graham, William. See Phillips [3], Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Graham, W. W. Up the Himalayas : Mountaineering on the Indian Alps. [Three Papers from Good Words. ] Illus- trations. 8* N.u. Gramaye, J. B. Republica Namurcensis Hannonise et Lutsenburgensis. 18 Amsterdam, 1634 See Purchas, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. GRA. 191 Grambcheffsky, Colonel. Su Grom- chefsky. Grammont, Lucien de. Onze Mois de Sous- Prefecture en Basse-Cochinchine, contenant en outre une Notice sur la langue Cochinchinoise, des Phrases usuelles Francaises-Annamites, c. Map. 8 , Napoleon- Vendee, ,1863 Grand, Emile. Defense et Occupation de la Colonie d'Alger. Map. 8 Toulon, 1837 Grandidier, Alfred. Histoire Physique, Naturclle, et Politique de Madagascar. Vol. I Geographic Physique et Astro- nomique. Atlas. i re partie. 8 e fasci- cule. 4 Paris, 1878 Histoire de la Geographic de Mada- gascar. (Deuxieme tirage, revu et aug- mente en 1892.) Map. 4" Paris, 1885 Granel, Joaquin. Discursos pronunciados en el Senado Argentine en la discussion del Proyecto para fijar la Capital de la Nacion. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1867 Granger, . A Journey through Egypt. Translated by J. R. Forster. 8 1773 Granmont, . Sec Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Grant, Charles, Viscount de Vaux. The History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, and the Neighbouring Islands, from their First Discovery to the Present Time, composed principally from the Papers and Memoirs of Baron Grant, &c. Maps. 4 1801 Grant, C. The Gazetteer of the Central Provinces of India. 2nd edition. Map. 8 U Nagpur, 1870 Grant, C. Mitchell. The Gold Mines of Oriental Siberia. 8* [1870] Grant, Charles Scovell. West African Hygiene, or Hints on the Preservation of Health and the Treatment of Tropical Diseases, more especially on the West Coast of Africa. 2nd edition. 12 1884 Grant, Lieut. -Col. C. W. Indian Irri- gation : being a short Description of the System of Artificial Irrigation and Canal Navigation in India. 8* 1854 See India, C, Geological Papers : Appendix 2. Grant, J. See Eyries, Vol. 4: Appendix i. Grant, Col. James Augustus. A Walk across Africa, or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal. 8 1864 An African Explorer: the late Colonel J. A. Grant, C.B. (From Blackwoott 's Magazine, April 1892.) 8* 1892 See Nicholls, K. ; Nardi; Speke; Svvayne. Grant, Robert. See Johnston, A. K. Granville, A. B. St Petersburg : Travels to and from that Capital, through Flanders, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1828 Gras, A. le. Manuel tie la Navigation dans la Mer Adriatique, d'apres Marieni, Beautemps-Beaupre,&c., et lesdocuments les plus recents. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1855 Sailing Directions for the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmora, and the Bosphorus. 8 1855 Rentier de 1'Australie : Instructions pour Naviguer, sur la Cote Sucl et Est, detroit de Torres et Mer de Corail. Traduit et annote d'apres les travaux hydrographiques les plus recents. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1855-61 Phares des Mers du Globe, d'apres les Documents Francais et Etrangers. 8 Paris, 1856 Supplement au Livre des Phares. Etat general des Phares allumes ou modifies depuis la Publication du Livre des Phares. Corrige 1857. 8 Paris, 1857 Renseignements Hydrographiques sur les lies Formose et Lou-Tchou, la Coree, la Mer du Japon, les lies du Japon (Ports d'Hakodadi, Nangasaki, Simoda et Yedo), et la Mer d'Okhotsk. 8 Paris, 1859 Phares de la Mer du Nord (Belgique, Holland, Hanovre, Danemark, Norvege), la Mer Baltique (Prusse, Russie, Suede), et la Mer Blanche. Corriges 1859, '61, '62, '64, '69. 8 Pat is, 1859-69 Rentier de la Baie de Fundy et de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Paris, 1861 Phares des Cotes des lies Britanniques. Corriges 1861, '62, '63. 8 Paris, 1861-63 Phares des Cotes Orientales de I'Amerique du Sud. 1861-64. 8 Paris, 1861-64 Phares des Cotes Occidentales d'Afrique et des iles eparses de 1'Ocean Atlantique. Corriges 1862-63. Paris, 1862-63 Phares de la Mer des Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique. Corriges 1862-69. 8 Paris, 1862-69 Phares des Mers des Indes et de Chine, de 1'Australie, Terre de Van-Diemen, et Nouvelle-Zelande. Corriges 1862-63. 8 Paris, 1862-63 Phares de la Mer Mediterranee, de la Mer Noire, et de la Mer d'Azof (Espagne, France, Italic, Etatedel'Eglise,Autriche, Grece, Turquie, et Russie). Corriges 1862-63. 8 Paris, 1862-63 Phares des Cotes Nord et Quest de P'rance, et des Cotes Ouest d'Espagne et de Portugal. Corriges 1862-69. 8 U Paris, 1862-69 Phares des Cotes Orientales de l'Amerique Anglaise et des Etats-Unis, 1862-64. 8 Paris, 1862-64 Routier de la Cote Sud et Sud-est d'Afrique. De 1'Ile Robben a Natal. 8 Paris, 1863 192 GRA GRE. Gras, A. le. Instructions Nautiques sur la Mer Baltique et le Golfe de Finlande. 2 me edition. Tom. I. Plates. 8 Paris, 1864 Routier des Cotes N.O., Quest, et Sud d'Espagne. Plates. 8 Paris, 1869 Considerations generates sur la Mer Mediterranee. Resume des Vents, Courants, et Routes de cette Mer. Choix d'Extraits de documents nautiques empruntes a differents auteurs. 8 Paris, 1866 Description des Cotes du Royaume de Portugal, &c. Maps. 8 Paris, 1869 See Spratt, J. A. B. ; also France, B, b : Appendix 2. Grassi, Guido. See Issel. Graty, Colonel Alfred M. du. Memoire sur les Productions Minerales de la Con- federation Argentine. 8 Paris, 1855 La Republique du Paraguay. Maps and plates. 8 Brussels, 1862 Gravier, G. Creations d'Observatoires Circumpolaires. 8* Paris, 1877 Les Normands sur la Route des Indes. Square 8* Rouen, 1880 Etude sur une Carte inconnue, la premiere dressee par Louis Joliet en 1674. 8* Paris, 1880 See Soleillet. Gray, A. The Maldive Islands ; with a Vocabulary taken from Franois Pyrard de Laval, 1602-7. 8* 1878 Gray, David. Report on New Whaling Grounds in the Southern Seas. 8* Peterhead, 1891 Gray, G. R. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 5, Gallinoe. 12 1867 See " Erebus." Gray, John Edward. List of the Speci- mens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the Biitish Museum. 12 1844 Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. Part i. Testudinata (Tortoises). Plates. 4 1855 Synopsis of the Species of Starfish in the British Museum. Plates. 4 1866 See " Erebus." Gray, J. Errol. Diary of a Journey to the Bor Khamti country, and sources of the Irrawaddy, made by Mr J. Errol Gray, season 1892-93, from Assam. Folio* 1893 Gray, Robert. The Birds of the West of Scotland. Published for the Brit. Asso. Meeting, 1876. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Gray, Roderick. Tongariro, the Sacred Mountain of the Maori. 12* [1892?] Gray, T. See Spence. Gray, Major W., and Surgeon Dochard. Travels in Western Africa in 1818-21, from the River Gambia, through Woolli, Bondoo, Galam, &c., to the River Niger. Maps and plates. 8 1829 Gray, Mrs. Fourteen Months in Canton. Small 8 1880 Grazilhier, J. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allge- meine Historic (J. Barbot), Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Greathed, W. H. Report on the Com- munication between Calcutta and Dacca. [From the India Records, No. 19.] 8 Calcutta, 1856 Greaves, John. See Churchill, Vol. 2 ; Ray ; Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix i. Greely, General Adolphus W. Three Years of Arctic Service : an Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84, and the attainment of the Farthest North. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. Large 8 1 886 International Polar Expedition. Re- port on the Proceedings of the United States Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 4 Washington, 1 888 Will Dr Nansen succeed ? (From The Forum, August 1891.) 8* 1891 See United States, H, b : Appen- dix 2. Greely Relief Expedition. Report of Board of Officers to consider an Expedi- tion for the Relief of Lieut. Greely and Party. 8 Washington, 1884 Green, A. H. On the Natural History and Hunting of the Beaver on the Pacific Slope of the Rocky Mountains. With Notes by R. Brown. 8* 1870 R. Russell, J. R. Dakyns, J. C. Ward, C. Fox Strangways, W. H. Dalton, and T. V. Holmes. The Geology of the Yorkshire Coalfield. [Mem. Geol. Survey, England and Wales.] Frontispiece and plans. 8 1878 Green, A. O. A Practical Arabic Grammar. Part I. 2nd edition. 12 Oxford, 1887 Green, B. R. Numismatic Atlas of Ancient History, containing a Selection of 360 Grecian Coins of Kings, disposed in Chronological Order, from the Earliest Period to the Beginning of the Fourth Century ; from the Works of Havercamp, Pellerin, Duane, Visconti, Combe, Mionnet, &c. 21 Plates. Folio 1829 Green, Commander F. M. An Account of the Progress in Geography in the year 1884. 8* Washington, 1885 See United States, E, a (Nos. 63 and 65) : Appendix 2. Green, Major H. W. R. Report on the Affairs of Khelat, from 1857 to 1860. Map. [From the India Records, No. 34.] 8 Calcutta, 1861 GRE. 193 Green, J. Remarks in Support of the New Chart of North and South America. 4 Green, J. R. A Short History of the English People. Maps and tables. Small 8 1875 -- and Mrs Green. A Short Geo- graphy of the British Islands. Maps. 12 1884 Green, William. Picture of the New World in Miniature, in which the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, principal Islands, Colonies, and Discoveries of Europe, Asia, and America, are alpha- betically arranged, &c. 12 N.D. -- A Description of Sixty Studies from Nature, a Guide to the Beauties of the North of England. 12 1810 Green, William Spotswood. The High Alps of New Zealand, or a Trip to the Glaciers of the Antipodes, with an Ascent of Mount Cook. Frontispiece, maps, and sections. Small 8 1883 -- Among the Selkirk Glaciers : being the Account of a Rough Survey in the Rocky Mountain Regions of British Columbia. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 Green, W. L. Notice of Prof. Jas. D. Dana's "Characteristics of Volcanoes." 8* Honohilu, 1890 Greene, F. V. The Russian Army, and its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. 2nd edition, and Atlas. 8 1880 Greenhow, Robert. History and Present Condition of Tripoli, with some Accounts of the other Barbary States. 8* Richmond, Va., 1835 -- Memoir, Historical and Political, on the North-West Coast of America and the adjacent Territories. Map. 8 Washington, 1840 -- The History of Oregon and Cali- fornia, and the other Territories of the N.-W. Coast of America; accompanied by a Geographical View and Map of those Countries. 8 Boston, Mass., 1844 Greenough, George Bellas. Memoir of a Geological Map of England, to which is added an Alphabetical List of the Hills arranged according to Counties. 8* 1840 Greenough, W. W. See Krapf, J. L. Greenwood, Thomas. A Tour in the States and Canada : Out and Home in Six Weeks. Illustrations. Small 8 1883 Gregorieff, V. V. See Grigorief. Gregorovius, F. Corsica, in its Picture- sque, Social, and Historical Aspects. Translated by R. Martineau. 12 1855 Gregory, F. See Mueller, F. von. Gregory, F. A. A. Zeemans Gids voor de Vaarwaters van Java, naar en door den Molukschen Archipel en Terug. Uitgcgeven door Jacob Swart. 4 Amsterdam, 1853 N Gregory, Francis T. Journal of the N.-W. Australian Exploring Expedition, April to November 1861. 8 1862 Gregory, Col. J. F. See Sheridan. Gregory, Richard A. Elementary Phy- siography : being a Description of the Laws and Wonders of Nature. New edition. Illustrations. Small 8 1893 Grehan, A. Le Royaume de Siam. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 Paris, 1868 The same. 3rd edition. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1869 Greig, William. Hochelaga Depicta ; or the History and Present State of the Island and City of Montreal. Maps and plates. 12 Montreal, 1839 Greive, Rev. W. T. See Gallon, F., Vacation Tourists. Grelot, G. Relation Nouvelle d'un Voyage de Constantinople. Plates. 4 Paris, 1680 Grenfell, General Sir F. See Budge. Grenfell, Rev. George. See Bentley. Grenville, Sir R. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Greswell, Rev. W. P. Our South African Empire. 2 vols. Map. 8 1885 History of the Dominion of Canada. Under the auspices of the Royal Colonial Institute. Maps. Small 8 Oxford, 1890 Geography of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. Under the auspices of the Royal Colonial Institute. Maps. Crown 8 Oxford, 1891 Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi, with Notes on the Industries, Wealth, and Social Progress of the States and Peoples. Maps. Crown 8 Oxford, 1892 Outlines of British Colonisation ; with an Introduction by Lord Brassey. Crown 8 1893 Greuben, Otho F. van der. See Gott- fried : Appendix I. Greville, R. K. See Murray, Hugh. Grewingk, Dr C. Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der orographischen und geognos- tischen Beschaffenheit der Nord-West- Kiistc Amerikas, mit den anliegenden Inseln. Maps and plates. 8 St Peterslmrg, 1850 Ueber Eisschiebungen am Worzjarw- See in Li viand. Plate. 8* Dorpat, 1869 Grey, Edward. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 84, 85 : Appendix I. Grey, E. H. A Narrative of the Cruise of the yacht " Maria " among the Feroe Islands in the Summer of 1854. Map and plates. 4 1855 Grey, Sir George. Vocabulary of the Dialects of South-Western Australia. l8 Q 194 ORE GRI. Grey, Sir George. Journals of Two Ex- peditions of Discover}' in North West and Western Australia during 1837-39, describ- ing many newly discovered, important, and fertile Districts, with Observations on the Moral and Physical Condition of the Aboriginal Inhabitants, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1841 Poems, Traditions, and Chaunts of the Maories. [In the Maori Language.] 8 Wellington, 1853 Polynesian Mythology, and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as furnished by their Priests and Chiefs. Plates. 8 1855 Grey, H. The Classics for the Million : being an Epitome, in English, of the Works of the principal Greek and Latin Authors. 2nd edition. 12 1881 Griado, Matias Alonso. La Republica del Paraguay. Map. Large 8* Asuncion, 1 888 Gribble, J. D. B. A Manual of the District of Cuddapah in the Presidency of Madras. Maps, and map in cover. 8 Madras, 1875 Grieben, A. H. Uruguay ; ist dieses Land fur Wollproduction und Stam- mschaferein fiir deutsche Rechnung, und deutschen Auswanderern zu empfehlen ? 8* Berlin, 1864 Uruguay ; Viehzucht und Ackerbau auf den Estancien, wie sie betrieben werden, und wie sie betrieben werclen konnen. 8* Berlin, 1864 Grieben, Theobald. Zuverljissiger Weg- weiser im Harz und dessen Umgegend. Map. 12 Berlin, 1857 Grieben's Reise-Bibliothek. No. 38. Die Bohmischen Kurorte Franzensbad, Marienbad, Carlsbad, Teplitz. Mit Beriicksichtigung von Eger und Elster . . . Zweite Auflage. Maps and cuts. 1 6 Berlin, 1861 Grieg, James A. See Norway, A : Ap- pendix 2. Grierson, George A. An Introduction to the Maithill Language of North Bihar, containing a Grammar, Chrestomathy, and Vocabulary. Part I. Grammar; Part 2. Chrestomathy and Vocabulary. [Extra Numbers to Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal : Part i for 1880, and Part I for 1882.] 8 Calcutta, 1881-82 - The Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan. [Special Number of Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal : Part I for 1888.] Plates. 8 Calcutta, 1889 Grierson, Capt. J. M. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Griesbach, Carl Ludolf. Die Erdbeben in den Jahren 1867 und 1868. 8* Vienna, 1869 Griesbach, Carl Ludolf. On the Geology of Natal in South Africa. Map and plate. 8* 1871 Grieve, James. 6"^Krasheninnikov, S. P. Griffin, Appleton P. C. Discovery of the Mississippi : Bibliographical Account. Part 2. Secondary Authorities. Map. 8 [New York, 1883] Griffin, G. W. New South Wales, her Commerce and Resources. 8 Sydney, 1888 Griffin, James. A Plain and Popular System of Practical Navigation and Nau- tical Astronomy, comprising Methods for Ascertaining the Latitude by Meridian, Single and Double Altitudes, the Longi- tude by Chronometer and Lunar Observa- tions, and the Variation of the Compass by Amplitudes and Azimuths ; including a Journey from London to Madeira, a Set of requisite Tables, and an Appendix. Revised and considerably enlarged by W. Turnbull. Map and plates. 8 1854 Griffin, James. Flags, National and Mercantile. Plates. 8 Portsmouth, 1883 Griffin, L. H. The Rajas of the Punjab : being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab and their Political Rela- tions with the British Government. Large 8 Lahore, 1870 The Punjab Chiefs : Historical and Biographical Notices of the Principal Families in the Territories under the Punjab Government. Large 8 Lahore, 1865 The Burman and his Creed. (From The Fortnightly Review.) 8* 1890 Griffini, D. M. Delia Vita di Monsignor Gio. Maria Percoto .... Missionario ne' Regni di Ava e di Pegu. Plate. 4 Udine, 1781 Griffis, W. E. The Mikado's Empire. Map and plates. 8 New York, 1876 j Corea, the Hermit Nation. Map and illustrations. 8 1882 Griffith, . See Pemberton. Griffith, C. Darby. Speech on the subject of the Euphrates Railway and the Suez Canal, I5th August 1857. 8* '857 Griffith, Richard. Geological and Mining Survey of the Connaught Coal District in Ireland. Maps. 8 Dublin, 1818 Griffith, William. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan, and the neighbouring Countries. . . . Arranged by John M'Clelland. Plates. 8 Calcutta, 1847 See India, I : Appendix 2. Griffiths, Hon. Mrs Emily W. See Fiennes. Griffiths, J. Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia. Map and plates. 4 1805 GRI GRO. 195 Grigorief, V. V. Geography of Central .Asia: Kabul and Kafiristan. [In Russian.] Maf and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1867 The Bamian Route to Cabulistan from the Valley of the Oxus. Trans- lated by R. Michell. Folio* 1878 See Ritter, Carl. Grijalva, H. de. See Burney, Vol. i : Appendix i. Grijalva, Juan de. See Gottfried ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 13 : Appendix I. Grimes, J. Stanley. Geonomy : Creation of the Continents by the Ocean Currents. An advanced system of Physical Geology and Geography. 12 Philadelphia, 1885 Grimoult, . Renseignements Nautiques sur la Nouvelle Caledonie et les Isles Loyalty. 8 Paris, 1859 Grimston, Edward. See Acosta ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 60 : Ap- pendix i. Grindlay, Capt. Melville. View of the Present State of the Question as to Steam -Communication with India, with an Appendix. Map. 8* 1837 Grinfield, Edward William. The Chris- tian Cosmos : The Son of God the Revealed Creator. 12 1857 Grisebach, A. La Vegetation du Globe, d'apres sa Disposition suivant les Climats. Esquisse d'une Geographic Comparee des Pinnies. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Allemand, avec 1'autorisation et le concours de 1'Auteur, par P. de Tchihat- chef, avec des Annotations du traduc- teur. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1875-78 Grissinger, Dr Karl. Untersuchungcn iiber die Ticfen- und Temperatur - Ver- haltnisse des Weissensees in Karnten. Map and diagram. 4* [Gotha~\ 1892 Studien zur physischen Geographic der Tatra-Gruppe. 8* Vienna, 1893 - Artaria's Orts-Lexikon der Oester- reichisch-Ungarischen Monarchic (incl. Occupationsgebiet, 1885) nach der Zah- lung von 1890, enthaltend alle Orte mil mehr als 2,000 Einwohnern. 12* Vienna, 1893 Die Schneegrcnze in der " Hohen Tatra." 8* Vienna, N.D. Grodekoff, Col. N. The Kirghiz and Karakirghiz of the Syr-Daria Territory. Vol. i. Juridical Customs. [In Russian.] I>arge 8 Tashkent, 1889 See Marvin. Groeneveldt, W. P. Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malacca. Compiled from Chinese Sources. Map. 8 Jialavia, 1877 and Dr J. L. A Brandes. Cata- lojjus der Archeologische Verzameling van het Bataviaasch Gcnootschap van Kunstcn en Wetcnschappen. Mil Aan- teekeningen omtrent de op verschillende Groeneveldt and Brandes continued. Voorwerpen voorkomcnde Inscripties en een voorloopigen Inventaris der besch- reven Steenen. 8* Batavia, 1887 Grogniet, Francois. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Gromchefsky (or Grambchefsky), Capt. Report of his Journey in 1889-90. Translated by Capt. E. F. H. M'Swiney. (From the Journal of the U.S. Institution of India, Vol. 21, No. 89.) Map. 8* Simla, 1892 See Steveni. Grondal, B. Clavis Poetica Antique Linguae Septentrionalis, e Lexico Sveinbjornis Egilssonii Collecla. 8 Copenhagen, 1864 Groome, Francis H. Sec United King- dom, K, Scotland : Appendix 2. Grooss, A. Geologische Specialkarte des Grossherzogthums Hessen. Section Mainz. 8* Darmstadt, 1867 Groot, C. de. Herinneringen aan Bli- tong, Historisch, Lithologisch, Minera- logisch, Geographisch, Geologisch en Mignborwkundig. Plates. 8 The Hague, 1887 Groot, Dr J. J. M. de. Het Kongsiwezen van Borneo. Eine Verhandelung over den Grondslag en den Aard der Chineesche politicke vereenigingen in de Kolonien, mil eene Chineesche Geschiedenis van de Kongsi Lanfong. Maps. 8 The Hague, 1885 Gros, H. F. Les Boers et 1'Ouverture de 1'Afrique. 8* Geneva, 1884 Grose. See Grosse. Groser, Albert. South African Experi- ences in Cape Colony, Natal, and Pondo- land. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8* 1891 Grosier, Abbe. A General Description of China, containing the Topography of the Fifteen Provinces which compose this vast Empire, that of Tartary, the Isles, and other tributary Countries, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1 788 Groskurd, C. G. See Strabo ; Thunberg. Grosley, . See "The Modern Travel- ler," Vol. 4, on p. 610 : Appendix i. Gross, Anton Johann. Ilandbuch fur Rcisende durch die Oesterreichische Monarchic, mil besonderer Riicksicht auf die Siidlichen und Gebirgslander, namlich Oesterreich, Salzburg, Steier- mark, Illirien, Tirol, das Lombardisch- Venctianische Konigreiche und Dalma- tien. Plate. 8 Munich, 1834 Grosse, . See New Collection, Vol. 2, p. 608; "The World Displayed," Vol. 9, p. 609 : Appendix I. Grossi, Vincenzo. Relazione Sommaria del VI. Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti. [Torino, Set tembrc 1886.] 8* Rome, 1886 196 GRO GUE. Grossman, Dr Karl. Observations on the Glaciation of Iceland. (From the Glacialisfs Magazine.} Map and plate. 8* 1893 "Grosvenor," Indiaman. .S^Dalrymple, Tracts, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Groth, Dr Paul. Ueber die Molekular- beschaffenheit der Krystalle. Festrede gehalten in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen zur Feier des 1 29 Stiftungstages, am 28 Marz 1888. 4* Munich, 1888 Grotius, Hugo. Hugonis Grotii de Antiquitate Republics Batavioe liber singularis. [Title-page wanting.'} 8 [The Hague, 1610] De Rebus Belgicis, or the Annals and History of the Low Countrey Warrs. 8 1665 Grouner, . Histoire Naturelle des Glacieres de Suisse. [Translated by De Keralio.] Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1770 Grout, Rev. Lewis. Zulu-land, or Life among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-land, South Africa. Map and plates. 8 Philadelphia [1864] The Isizulu : a revised edition of a Grammar of the Zulu Language, with an Introduction and an Appendix. 8 1893 Grova, Manuel de. Epitome de la Relacion del Viaje de algunos Mercaderes de Sa. Malo a Moka 6 Mocca en Arabia en el Mar Bermejo, los anos de 1708 y dos sigueentes ; puesto en Espanol de Frances. Folio N.P., N.D. Grove, F. C. "The Frosty Caucasus": an Account of a Walk through part of the Range and an Ascent of Elbruz in the Summer of 1874. Plates. Small 8 1875 Grove, Sir George. Geography (Green's History Primer Series). 12 J&77 See Gallon. Grove, Sir W. R. On the Correlation of Physical Forces. 8 1846 On certain Phenomena of Voltaic Ignition and the Decomposition of Water into its Constitutent Gases by Heat. Plate. 4* 1847 Grover, Rev. H. M. Changes of the Poles and the Equator considered as a Source of Error in the Present Construction of the Maps and Charts of the Globe. Plate. 8* 1848 Grover, Capt. J. An Appeal to the British Nation in behalf of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly, now in Captivity in Bokhara. 8* 1843 Bokhara Victims. 8 1845 Lord Aberdeen and the Ameer of Bokhara. In Reply to the Edinburgh Review. 8* 1845 Growse, F. S. A Supplement to the Fatehpur Gazetteer. 8 Allahabad, 1887 Grubb, J. H., and Capt. T. Remon. Report on the Island of Kenn, in the Persian Gulf. Map. [From the India Records, No. 24.] 8 Bombay, 1856 Grube, Dr W. See Schrenck. Gruber, C. See Germany, C (Fors- chungen, &c., Vol. i) : Appendix 2. Grueber, Pere . See Thevenot, Vol. 4 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix i. Grunow, A. See ' ' Novara. " Gryalva, Jean de. See Grijalva. Guagnino, Alessandro. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Gualle (or Gali), F. See Burney, Vol. 2, 5 ; Callander, Vol. I ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Guarmani, Carlo. II Neged Setten- trionale. Itinerario da Gerusalemme a Aneizeh nel Cassim. Map. 8 Jerusalem, 1866 Gubbins, C. Report on the Settlement of Pergunnah Kurnaul. Plates. [From the India Records, Vol. I, N.W r . Provinces, 1855-64] Agra, 1855 Gubbins, J. H. A Dictionary of Chinese- Japanese Words in the Japanese Lan- guage. [In 3 parts.] 12 1889 Gubbio, Busone da. Fortunatus Siculus ossir L'Avventuroso Ciciliano. Romanzo storico scritto nel M.CCC.XL, pubblicato da G. F. Nott. 8 Florence, 1832 Gubernatis, Angelo de. Storia del Viaggiatori Italiani nelle Indie Orientali. 12 Leghorn, 1875 Gubernatis, Enrico de. Lettere sulla Tunisia e specialmente sulle province di Susa e Monastir, con aggiunta di due lettere Archeologiche di Orazio Antinori. Map and plates. 16 Florence, 1867 Gudbrandus Thorlacius (Bishop of Holen). See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. Guedes, O. L'Industrie miniere au Portugal. Renseignements Statistique's. 8 Lisbon, 1878 Gueluy, . Description de la Chine Occidentale (Moeurs et Histoire). Par un Voyageur. Traduit du Chinois par M. Gueluy, Missionnaire. Maps. 8 Louvain, 1887 Guerasimov, D. See Pierling. Guerin, J. Mesures Barometriques, suivies de quelques Observations d' Histoire Naturelle et de Physique, faites dans les Alpes Fran9aises, et d'un Precis de la Meteorologie d'Avignon. 24 Avignon, 1829 Guerin, M . Vocabulaire du clialecte Tayal ou Aborigene de 1'Ile Formose. 8* 1869 Guerin, V. Description de 1'Ile de Patmos et de 1'Ile de Samos. Maps. 8 Paris, 1856 CUE GUM. 197 Guerin, V. Description Geographique, Historique, et Archeologique de la Pale- stine, accompagnee de Cartes detaillees. Judee. Vols. 1-3. Map. Large 8 Paris, 1868-69 The same. 2 mc partie. Samarie. Vols. I and 2. Plates. Large 8 J Paris, 1874-75 The same. 3 me partie. Galilee. Vols. I and 2. Map. Large 8 Paris, 1880 Guerin- Menneville, . See Abyssinia (Voyage en Abyssinie, 1839-43, Part 4) : Appendix 2. Guerra, J. Alvarez. Viajes por Filipinas. De Manila a Albay (Primera edicion) ; De Manila a Marianas (Segunda edicion) ; De Manila a Tayabas (Segunda edicion). 3 vols. 12 Madrid, 1887 Guery, P. Sec Norie. Guest, Montague J. The Tunisian Question and Bizerta. Maps and illus- trations. 8 I 88 i Guettard and Monnet. Atlas et Descrip- tion Mineralogique de la France. Part I. 4 Paris, 1780 Atlas of Maps, &c. 4 />;'?> [1766- 79] Guevara, Father. The History of Para- guay, the Rio de la Plata, and Tucuman. [An abridged translation from the in- edited MS.] MS. Folio N.P. Guglielmini, Domenico. Delia Natura de' Fiumi : Trattato Fisico-Matematico ; con le Annotazioni di Eustachio Manfredi. 2 vols. Portrait and plates. 8 Milan, 1821 Guicciardini, Lodovico. Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi, altrimenti detti Germania Inferiore. Maps. Folio Antwerp, 1567 Guichenot, . See Abyssinia (Voyage en Abyssinie, 1839-43, Part 4) : Appendix 2. Guierra, C. See Gottfried ; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610 : Ap- pendix I. Guignes, Joseph de. Histoire Generale des I Inns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, &c. ; avant et depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'a present ; precedee d'une Introduction contenant des Tables Chronol. et Historiques des Princes qui ont regne dans 1'Asie. 4 vols. in 5. 4 Paris, 1756-58 See Pinkerton, Vol. u : Appendix I. Guigniaut, J. D. De 1'Etude de la Geographic en General et Historique en Particulier. 8* Paris, 1836 Guilbert, Abb6. Description Historique des Chateau, Bourg,et Forets de Fontaine- bleau. 2 vols. Small 8 Paris, 1731 Guillain, . Documents sur 1'IIistoire, la Geographic, et le Commerce de la partie occidentale de Madagascar. Map. 8 Paris, 1845 Guillain, . Documents sur 1'IIistoire, la Geographic, et le Commerce I'Afrique Orientale. Expose Critique des diverges notions acquises sur I'Afrique Orientale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu' a nos jours. Relation du Voyage d'Ex- ploration a la Cote Orientale d Afrique, execute pendant les annees 1846, 1847, et 1848, par le brick " Le Ducouedic." 3 vols. 8, and Atlas folio Paris, N.n. Guillaume, H. The Amazon Provinces of Peru as a Field for European Emigra- tion : a Statistical and Geographical Review of the Country and its Resources, including the Gold and Silver Mines ; together with a mass of Useful and Valuable Information. Map and illus- trations. Crown 8 1888 Guillemard, Dr F. H. H. The Cruise of the "Marchesa" to Kamschatka and New Guinea, with Notices of P'ormosa, Liu- Kin, and various Islands of the Malay Archipelago. 2 vols. Maps and illus- trations. 8 1886 The Life of Ferdinand Magellan, and the first Circumnavigation of the Globe, 1 480- 1521. Portrait, maps, and illustra- tions. Crown 8 1890 Guillemine, C. Notice sur M. de Com- piegne. , 8* Cairo, 1877 Guimet, Emile. Promenades Japonaises. Dessins d'apres nature par Felix Regamey. 2 vols. Illustrations. 4 Paris, 1878-80 Guiral, Leon. Le Congo Francais du Gabon a Brazzaville. Map and illustra- tions. 12 Paris, 1889 Gulbenkian, Calouste S. La Transcau- casie et la Peninsule d'Apcheron : Sou- venirs de Voyage. Maps. 12 Paris, 1891 La Peninsule d'Apcheron et le Petrole Russe. (From Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 May 1891.) 8* Paris, 1891 Guldberg, C. M., and H. Mohn. Etudes sur les Mouvements de 1'Atmo- sphere. Premiere partie. Plates. 4 C/trisliania, 1876 The same. Dcuxieme Partie. Plates. 4 Christ iania, 1880 Gumaelius, O. Sec Sweden, A : Appen- dix 2. Giimbel, C. W. Geognostische Beschrei- bung des Ost-bayerischen Grenzge- birges, oder des Bayerischen und Ober- pfalzer Waldgebirges. Map and plates. 8 Gotha, 1868 - Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber Tief- seeschlamm. 8* N.P. , 1870 Die geognostische Durchforschung Bayerns. 4* Munich, 1877 -. See Switzerland, B : Appendix 2. Gumpach, Johannes von. Letter to Norton Shaw, Esq., M.D., on the Subject of the True Figure and Dimen- sions of the Earth. 8* Privately printed, Guernsey, 1862 198 GUM GUY. Gumpach. Johannes von. The True Figure and Dimensions of the Earth, newly determined from the Results of Geodetic Measurements and Pendulum Observations. ... In a Letter to G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Diagrams. 8 1862 Gumprecht, Otto. Der mittlere Isonzo und sein Verhaltniss zum Natisone. Ein Beitrag zur Losung der Frage nach clem Alter des Isonzosystems. Map and profile. 8* Leipzig, 1886 Gumprecht, T. E. Earth und Overwegs Untersuchungsreise nach clem Tschad- see und in das Innere Africa. Maps. Royal 8 Berlin, 1852 See Stein and Horschelmann. Gunion, R. H. See India, B : Appendix 2. Gunnlaug, Bjorn, junior. De Mensura et delineatione Islandke interioris, cura Societatis Litterarite Islandioe his tem- porihus facienda. 12* Bessattadd, 1834 Giinther, A. See " Erebus;" also United Kingdom, H, "Challenger": Appen- dix 2. Giinther, Dr Siegmund. Lehrbuch der Geophysik und Physikalischen Geo- graphic. 2 vols. in I. 8 Stuttgart, 1884-85 - Ilandbuch der Mathematischen Geo- graphic (Bibliothek Geographischer Handbiicher herausgegeben von Prof. Dr Friedrich Ratzel.) J/lustrations. 8 Stuttgart, 1890 Johannes Kepler und der lellurisch- kosmischeMagnetismus. (Penck'sGeogr. Abhandlungen. Band 3, Heft 2.) Figures. I^arge 8* Vienna, 1888 - Lehrbuch der physikalischen Geo- graphic. Plates, &c. 8 Stuttgart, 1891 Luftdruckschwankungen in ihrem Einflusse auf die festen und fliissigen Bestandtheile der Erdoberflache. Dia- grams. 8 i 894 Guppy, H. B. The Solomon Islands and their Natives. Map and illustrations. Large 8 1887 - The Solomon Islands, their Geology, General Features, and Suitability for Colonization. Maps. Large 8 1887 Gurley, R. R. Address on African Colonization. 8* I'hiladelphia, 1839 - Report to the Secretary of State of the United States of Information in respect to Liberia. Map and plates. 8* Washington, 1850 Gurney, Anna. Extracts from the Kongs- skugg-sio, or Speculum Regale. Trans- lated by Anne Gurney. 8* [Norwich] N.D. Gurney, Henry, and C. H. Allen. Tri|x>li, Tunis, Algeria, and Morocco: Report to the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. 8* 1892 Gurney, John Henry. A List of the Diurnal Birds of Prey, with References and Annotations ; also a Record of Specimens preserved in the Norfolk and Norwich Museum. 8 1884 Gurney, Matthew. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Gusman, Nunno di. See Purchas, Vol. 4, BookS ; Ramusio, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Giissfeldt, Dr Paul. Bericht iiber eine Reise in den Centralen Chileno-Argen- tinischen Andes. Large 8* Berlin, 1884 Guthe, H. Lehrbuch der Geographic. 4th edition [by Hermann Wagner]. 8 Hanover, 1879 Guthrie, Mrs Maria. Tour performed in the years 1795-96 through the Tauricla or Crimea, the antient kingdom of Bos- phorus, the once powerful Republic of Tauric Cherson, and all the other Coun- tries on the North Shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy. Maps and plates. 4 1802 Guthrie, Mrs. Through Russia, from St Petersburg to Astrakhan and the Crimea. 2 vols. 8 1874 Guthrie, William. New System of Modern Geography, or a Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the several Kingdoms of the World ; the Astronomical part by J. Ferguson. 4 1788 Geographical, Historical, and Com- mercial Grammar, and Present State of the several Kingdoms of the World ; with a Geographical Index, &c. Maps. 8 1808 Compendio di Geografia Universale, Ragionata, Storica, e Commerciale. Maps. 8 Milan, 1810 Gutierrez, Donate. El Algodonero. 8* Mexico, 1885 Gutierrez, J. M. See Azara. Gutierrez, J. P. Memorias Historico- politicas del Jeneral. Vol. I. 8 Bogota, 1865 Gutuere. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Gutzlaff, Charles. Sketch of Chinese History, Ancient and Modern, com- prising a Retrospect of the Foreign Intercourse and Trade with China. 2 vols. Map and tables. 8 1 834 China Opened, or a Display of the Topography, History, Customs, &c., of the Chinese Empire. Revised by A. Reed. 2 vols. Map. 12 1838 and Peter du Ponceau. Two Letters on the Chinese System of Writ- ing. 4* Philadelphia, 1840 Guy, Lieut. See Jones, F. Guyot, Arnold. A Collection of Meteoro- logical Tables, with other Tables useful in Practical Meteorology. 8 Washington, 1852 GUY HAB. 199 Guyot, Arnold. Tables, Meteorological and Physical. 8 Washington, 1858 Ditto, 4th edition. Edited by William Libbey, jr. 8 Washington, 1884 The Earth and Man, or Physical Geography in its Relation to the History of Mankind. Abridged.] 5th edition, 1860; and 6th edition, 1863. 8 On the Appalachian Mountain System. (From the American Journal of Science, Vol. 31, March 1861.) Map. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1861 Geographic Physique Comparee, con- sideree dans ses Rapports avec 1'Histoire de 1'Humanite. Maps. 12 Paris, 1888 See Faure. Guyot, Ducloz. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Guzman, Alonzo Enriquez de. See Ilakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 29: Appendix I. Guzman, David J. Apuntamientos sobre la Topografia Fisica de la Republica del Salvador, comprendiendo ; su Historia Natural, sus Producciones, Industria, Comercio e Inmigracion, Climas, Esta- distica, &c. 8 San Salvador, 1883 Guzman, Dr Gustave E. See Guatemala : Appendix 2. Guzman, P. Luis. Historia de las Missiones que han hecho los Religiosos de la Com- paiiia de Jesus, en la India Oriental, y en los Reynos de la China y Japon. 2 vols. Folio Alcala, 1601 Guzman, Ruiz Diaz. Historia de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata. Map. Folio. MS. 1612 Gyatsho, Lama Scrap. See India, F, c : Appendix 2. Gylden, H. Untersuchungen itber die Constitution der Atmosphare und die Strahlenbrechung in derselben. 4* St Petersburg, 1866 Astronomiska lakttagelser och Under - sokningar antstalda pa Stockholm's Ob- servatorium. Vol. I. Nos. I and 2. 8* Stockholm, 1876, 1880 Gyllius, Petrus. P. Gyllii de Constan- tinopoleos Topographia lib IV. 16 Leyden, 1632 Gyory, Sandor. A Hangrendozer Kis- zamitasarol es Zongorak Hangolasarol Merseklet nelkiil tiszta Viszonyok szerint. 4 Budapest, 1858 H H , T. A Short Way to Know the World, or the Rudiments of Geography. By T. H. Frontispiece. 12 1712 Haacke, Dr Wilhelm. Bioekognphk Museenpflege und Kolonialthierkundc, Drei Abhandlungen verwandten Inhalts nebst einer Finleitung in die Biographic der Organismen. 8 Jena, 1886 Haafner, J. Travels on Foot through the Island of Ceylon. Translated from the Dutch. Illustrations. 8 1821 See Phillips [3], Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Haas, H. See Schneider. Haast, Sir Julius von. Report of a Topo- graphical and Geological Exploration of the Western Districts of the Nelson Province, New Zealand. 8 Nelson, 1 86 1 Report on the Geological Survey of the Province of Canterbury. Folio* Christchurch, 1864 Report on the Formation of the Canterbury Plains. Map and geological sections. Folio* Christchurch, 1864 Report on the Headwaters of the River Waitaki. 4* Christchurch [1865] Report on the Headwaters of the River Rakan. Maps and plates. Folio* Christchurch, 1866 Moas and Moa Hunters. Small 8* Christclnu-ch, 1871 Researches and Excavations carried on in and near the Moa Bone Point Cave, Sumner Road, in the year 1872. Small 8* Christchurch, 1874 Geology of the Provinces of Canter- bury and Westland, New Zealand. Maps and plates. 8 Christchurch, 1879 The Progress of Geology. 8* Dunedin, 1883 Humanism and Realism in their Re- lation to Higher Education. 8* Dunedin, 1883 In Memoriam : Ferdinand R. Von Hochstetter. Portraits. Large 8* Christchurch, 1884 Habenicht, H. Die Spuren der Schopf- ungsperioden in der Oberflachengestal- tung der Erde, und daraus abgeleitete Katastrophentheorie. Map and photo- graphs. 8* Gotha, 1875 Einige Gedanken liber die haupt- sachlichsten recenten Veranderungen der Erdoberflache. 8* Gotha, 1882 Vorschlag zur Erlangung exakter Positionen in Inner-Afrika. (From Ausland, Nr. 9, 1885.) 4* 1885 Ueber das Woher und Wohin des gegenwartigen geophysischen Zusstandes. Map. 8* Vienna, 1888 Das seismische Problem. Map. Large 8* Vienna, 1889 - Haufigkcit der Eisberge im Golf- strome und Klimaschwankungen. 4* 1892 Habersham, A. W. My Last Cruise ; or, Where we Went, and What we Saw : being an Account of Visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo Islands, the Coasts of China, Formosa, Japan, Kamlschatka, Siberia, and the Mouth of the Ampor River. Plates. 8 U Philadelphia, 1857 HAC HAI. Hacke, William. Collection of Original Voyages. [For full Title and Contents, see Appendix I.] Hacker, B. Wegweiser oder kurze Erklarung der Merkwiirdigkeiten und mahlerischen Ansichten in der Stadt Salzburg und der Umgebung. 3rd edi- tion. 12* Salzburg, 1830 Hadfield, William. Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands ; with the Cape Horn Route to Australia ; in- cluding Notices of Lisbon, Madeira, the Canaries, and Cape Verds. Woodcuts. 8 1854 Haeckel, Prof. Ernst. A Visit to Ceylon. Translated by Clara Bell. Small 8 1883 Indische Reisebriefe. 3rd edition. Illustrations. 8 Berlin, 1893 Haefkens, J. Reize naar Guatemala. Plates The Hague, 1827 Centraal Amerika, uit een Geschied- kundig, Aardrijkskundig en Statistiek Oogpunt beschouwd. Maps and plates. 8 Dordrecht, 1832 Haensel, John Gottfried. Letters on the Nicobar Islands, their Natural Pro- ductions, and the Manners, Customs, and Superstitions of the Natives. 8* 1812 Hafiz (the Persian Poet). See Nott. Haga, A. Nederlandsch Nieuw Guinea en de Papoesche Eilanden. Historische Bijdrage, 1500-1883. 2 vols. Map. 8 Batavia, 1884 Hage, C., and H. Tegner. Ueber die Bedingungen eines Handelsverkehrs mit dem westlichen Sibirien. Bericht iiber eine Spezial-Untersuchungs-Reise. Aus dem Danischen iibersetzt von Dr Richard Lehmann. Map. Small 8* Halle, 1 88 1 Hagemeister, Jules de. Commerce of New Russia, Moldavia, and Wallachia. Translated by Triebner. Map and tables. 8 1836 Essai sur les Ressources Territoriales et Commerciales de 1'Asie Occidentale, le Caractere des Habitans, &c. 8 St Petersburg, 1839 See Baer and Helmersen, 3. Hager, Carl. Die Marshall-Inseln in Erd- und Volkerkunde, Handel und Mission. Mit einem Anhang, Die Gilbert-Inseln. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1886 Kaiser Wilhelms-Land und der Bis- marck-Archipel. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 Leipzig [1886] Hagerty, Frank H. The Territory of Dakota : The State of North Dakota ; the State of South Dakota ; an Official Statistical, Historical, and Political Ab- stract ; Agricultural, Mineral, Commer- cial, Manufacturing, Educational, Social, and General Statements. 8 Aberdeen, S.D., 1889 Haggenmacher, G. A. Reise im Somali- Lande, 1874. (Erganzungsheft, 47 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1876 Hague, Arnold. See United States, G, c ; H, a : Appendix 2. Hahn, C. Aus dem Kaukasus : Reisen und Studien : Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Landes. 8 Leipzig, 1892 Hahn, Prof. F. G. Untersuchungen iiber das Aufsteigen und Sinken der Kiisten. 8 Leipzig, 1879 Insel-Studien. Versuch einer auf biographische und geologische Verhalt- nisse gegriindeten Eintheilung der Inseln. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1883 See Kirchhoff; Levasseur; also Ger- many, C (Forschungen, &c. , Vol. i): Appendix 2. Hahn, T. Die Sprache der Nama. 8* Leipzig, 1870 Hahnzog, A. G. Lehrbuch der Militar- Geographie von Europa. 2 vols. in i. 12 Magdeburg, 1820 Hahn-Hahn, Countess Ida. Travels in Turkey, the Holy Land, and Egypt. Translated from the German. Royal 8 1845 Haidinger, W. Bericht liber die geo- gnostische Uebersichts-Karte der Oes- terreichischen Monarchic. 8* Vienna, 1847 [Preface to.] Die Geologische Ueber- sichtskarte des mittleren Thieles von Slid-America. See Foetterle. Considerations on the Phenomena attending the Fall of Meteorites on the Earth. Translated by Marshall. 8* 1861 See Becker ; Hauer. Haiens, de la. See De la Haiens. Haig, General F. T. Report on the Navigation of the Godavery, 1854; with the Remarks of the Board of Public Works thereon, and a Memorandum by G. P. Tuke. Map. Royal 8 Madras, 1857 - Report of a Journey to the Red Sea Ports, Somali-Land, and Southern and Eastern Arabia. 8 [1887] Haigh, S. Sketches of Buenos Ayres, Chili, and Peru. Map. 8 1831 Hain, Victor-Armand. A la Nation sur Alger. 8 Paris, 1832 Haines, C. R. Gordon's Death : What is the Truth? (From The United Service Magazine.) 8* 1890 Haitho, Prince (Ayton or Hayton, or Anthonie of Armenia). See Kerr, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I ; Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. HAK HAL. Hake, A. Egmont. Events in the Taiping Rebellion : l>eing Reprints of MS. copied by General Gordon, in his own hand- writing ; with Monograph, Introduction, and Notes. Portrait and map. 8 1891 Hakewill, J. A Picturesque Tour of Italy, from Drawings made in 1816-17. Plates. Folio 1820 Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navi- gations, Voyages, Tramques, and Dis- coveries of the English Nation. 5 vols. [For Title and Contents, see Appendix I.] Hakluyt Society Publications. Volumes I to 87, from 1847 to '893. [For Contents of volumes, see Appendix I.] H. A. L., the "Old Shekarry." See Levison. Haldane, R. C. Subtropical Cultivations and Climates : a Handy Book for Planters, Colonists, and Settlers. Illus- trations. 8 1886 Haldeman, S. S. Report on the Present State of our Knowledge of Linguistic Ethnology, 1856. 8* Washington, 1856 Investigation of the Power of the Greek Z by means of Phonetic Laws. 8* N.P., N.D. On the Relations between Chinese and the Indo-European Languages. 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1857 Analytic Orthography : an Investiga- tion of the Sounds of the Voice and their Alphabetical Notation, including the Mechanism of Speech and its bearing upon Etymology. 4 Philadelphia, 1860 Hale, Horatio. Migrations in the Pacific Ocean. From the Volume on the Eth- nography and Philology of the U. S. Exploring Expedition under Charles Wilkes. Maps. 8* 1846 See Wilkes. Hale, Col. Lonsdale. Analytical Index to Major Clarke's Authorised Translation of " The Franco-German War, 1870-71." 8* 1890 Halfeld, H. G. F., and J. J. vonTschudi. Die Brasilianische Provinz Minas Geraes. (Erganzungsheft, 9 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Map. 4 Gotha, 1862 Halford, George Britton. Not like Man, Bimanous and Biped, nor yet Quadru- manous, but Cheiropodous. Plates. 8* Melbourne, 1863 Haliburton, R. G. The Dwarfs of Mount Atlas : Statements of Natives of Morocco and of European Residents there as to the existence of a Dwarf Race south of the Great Atlas ; with Notes as to Dwarfs and Dwarf Worship. 8* 1891 Racial Dwarfs in the Atlas and the Pyrenees. (Reprinted from the Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review.) 8* 1893 - The Holy Land of Punt. (Reprinted from the Academy, 8th July 1893.) 8* 1893 Hall, Rev. Alfred J. A Grammar of the Rwaguitl Language. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Vol. 6, section 2, 1888. 4* Montreal, 1889 Hall, Capt. Basil. Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Island ; with a Vocabulary of the Loo-Choo Language, by H. J. Clifford. Maps and plates. 4 1818 - Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico in 1820-22. 2 vols. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1825 - Travels in North America in 1827-28. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1829 Schloss Hainfeld, or a Winter in Lower Styria. 8 1836 - Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Royal 8 1852 Hall, Charles Francis. Life with the Esquimaux, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates 1864 Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall, his Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King William's Land, and Residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-69. Edited by Professor J. E. Nourse. Photograph, plates, maps, and map in pocket. 4 Washington, 1879 See MacClintock, Sir F. L. ; also " Polaris." Hall, Col. Francis. Colombia, in its Present State in respect of Climate, Soil, &c. Map. 8 1827 Hall, C. G. Strode. Report on the Mai Cussa. Map. Folio* [Brisbane} 1888 Hall, Edward H. The Great West: Travellers', Miners', and Emigrants' Guide and I land-Book to the Western, North-Western, and Pacific States and Territories ; with . . . complete Tables of Distances across the American Con- tinent. Map. 8 1867 Hall, E. S. See Whiting. Hall, Henry. Manual of South African Geography. Map. 12 Cape Town, 1859 Hall, Henry. See United States, A (Tenth Census, Vols. 8 and 22) : Ap- pendix 2. Hall, James. Contributions to the Pal- aeontology of New York, being some of the Results of Investigations made during 1855-58. Woodcuts. 8* New York, 1858 Maps and Plates of the Geological Sections of the United States of America. 4* New York, N.D. - See United States, H, a (Prof. Papers) : Appendix 2. 202 HAL HAM. Hall, James, and J. D.Whitney. Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa, embracing the Results of Investiga- tions made during 1855-57. Vol. I, Part I, Geology; Part 2, Paleontology. 2vols. Maps and plates. Royal 8 1858 Hall, James. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Hall, John. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 : Appendix I. Hall, John. Proposed Settlement of Prince Albert Land. Map. 8 Melbourne, 1862 Hall, Maxwell. Observations made on the Blue Mountain Peak. 4* [1887] The Jamaica Rainfall from 1870 to 1889. Supplement to the Jamaica Gazette of 2ist January 1892. Folio*. Hall, S. C., and Mrs Hall. Ireland, its Scenery, Character, &c. Vols. I and 3. Maps and plates. Imp. 8 N.D. Hall, Admiral Sir W. H. Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the " Nemesis," from 1840 to 1843 '> an d of the Combined Naval and Military Operations in China, comprising a Com- plete Account of the Colony of Hong Kong, and Remarks on the Character and Habits of the Chinese ; with Per- sonal Observations by W. D. Bernard. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1844 A few Remarks relative to the Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa. Extracted from the Voyage of the "Nemesis." 8* N.D. Our National Defences. Map. 8* 1876 andW. D. Bernard. The "Nemesis" in China, comprising a History of the late War in that Country, with an Account of the Colony of Hong Kong. Maps and plates. 8 U 1844 Hallberg, Baron von. See Phillips [3], Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Hallett, Holt S. Address of Mr Holt S. Hallett, upon New Markets and Extension of Railways in India and Burmah. 8* 1887 - Address of Mr Holt S. Hallett, upon Burmah, our Gate to the Markets of Western and Central China, treating with the Proposed Connection of Burmah with China by Railway. Delivered be- fore the Birmingham Chamber of Com- merce on the 26th May 1887. 8* 1887 A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States. Maps and illustrations. 1890 See Colquhoun. Halley, Edmund, his Life and Work. 8* 1880 See Frezier ; also Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Halloran, Alfred Laurence. Wae Yang Jin. Eight Months' Journal kept on Board one of Her Majesty's Sloops of War during Visits to Loochoo, Japan, and Pootoo. Plates. 8 1856 Halloy, J. J. D'Omalius d'. Elements de Geologic, ou Seconde Partie des Elements d'Inorganomie particuliere. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1839 Coup d'CEil sur la Geologic de la Belgique. Map. 8 Brussels, 1842 Des Races Humaines, ou Elements d'Ethnographie. 8 Paris, 1845 Halls, J. J. See Pearce. Haly, Lieut. -Col. R. H. O'Grady. The Nile above the Second Cataract : Precis of Information. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Quarter- Master-General's Department. Part I. Sarras to New Dongola ; Part 2. New Dongola to Abn-Hamed and Khartum. Maps. 8 1884 Hamel, H. See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Burney, Vol. 3 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 6: Appendix I. Hamel, J. Tradescant der Aeltere 1618 in Russland. Map and portrait. 4 1847 Der Dodo, die Einsiedler, und der erdichtete Nazarvogel. 8* St Petersburg, 1848 England and Russia : comprising the Voyages of John Tradescant the elder, Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chan- cellor, Nelson, and others, to the White Sea, &c. Translated by J. S. Leigh. 8 1854 Hamerton, Lieut. -Col. Atkins. In- formation on Various Points connected with his Highness the Imaum of Muskat, and the Nature of his Relations with the British Government, &c. (Bombay Records, xxiv., N.S.) 8 Bombay, 1856 Treaties, Engagements, &c. , concluded between Her Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Imaum of Muskat, and between the Hon. East India Com- pany and His Highness, 179810 1846. Treaty (concluded Sept. 1833) between the United States of America and the Imaum of Muskat. Treaty (concluded I7th Nov. 1844) be- tween the King of the French and the Imaum of Muskat. Hamilton, Capt. Alexander. A New Account of the East Indies. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1827 See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Hamilton, Archibald. On the Trade with the Coloured Races of Africa. 8 1868 Hamilton, A. G. A New Key to unlock every Kingdom, State, and Province in the known World. With a table. 12 Leeds, 1839 HAM. 203 Hamilton, Charles. Sketches of Life and Sport in South-Eastern Africa. Edited by F. G. H. Price. Plates. 8 1870 Oriental Zigzag, or Wanderings in Syria, Moab, Abyssinia, and Egypt. Plates. Small 8 1875 Hamilton, Charles. Historical Relation of the Origin, Progress, and final Dis- solution of the Government of the Rohilla Afgans in the Northern Pro- vinces of I lindostan. 8 1787 Hamilton, Lieut. -Col. D. Report on the Shevaroy Hills. 8* Madras, 1862 Report on the Pulni Mountains, 2nd series. 8* Madras, 1864 Report on the High Ranges of the Annamullay Mountains. 8* Madras, 1866 Hamilton, Francis [formerly Buchanan']. Journey from Madras, through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, for the express purpose of In- vestigating the State of Agriculture, Arts, Commerce, Religion, Manners, Customs, History (Natural and Civil), and Antiquities, in the Dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, and the Countries acquired by the Hon. East India Com- pany from Tippoo Sultaun. 3 vols. Plates. 4 1807 Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, and of the Territories annexed to this Dominion by the House of Gorkha. Map and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1819 See Eyries, Vol. 14 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Hamilton, G. A Voyage round the World in Her Majesty's frigate "Pandora," per- formed under the direction of Captain Edwards in the years 1790-92; with the Discoveries made in the South Sea, and the many Distresses experienced by the Crew from Shipwreck and Famine, in a Voyage of I,IOO miles in open boats between Endeavour Straits and the Island of Timor. 8 Berwick, 1 793 Hamilton, George. Experiences of a Colonist Forty Years Ago : a Journey from Port Phillip to South Australia in 1839, and a Voyage from Port Phillip to Adelaide in 1846. By an Old Hand. Illustrations. 8 U Adelaide, 1880 Hamilton, H. C. See Stralxx Hamilton, James. Wanderings in North Africa. Map and plates. 8 1856 Sinai, the Hedjaz, and Soudan : Wanderings around the Birth-place of the Prophet, and across the /Ethiopian Desert from Sawakin to Chartum. Maps. 8 1857 Hamilton, Walter. Geographical, Sta- tistical, and Historical Description of 1 lindostan and the adjacent Countries. 2 vols. Map. 4 1820 - The East India Gazetteer. 2 vols. Maps. 8" 1828 Hamilton, Rev. Wm. Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of An- trim, with the Antiquities, Manners, and Customs of that Country. Map and plates. 8 Dublin, 1790 Hamilton, Wm. Remarks on Several Parts of Turkey. Part I. /Egyptiaca, or some Account of the Antient and Modern State of Egypt, as obtained in 1 801-2. 4 1809 See Pinkerton, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Hamilton, Win. John. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia, with some Account of their Antiquities and Geology. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1842 Hamilton, W. R. No Mistake, or a Vin- dication of the Negotiators of the Treaty of 1783 respecting the North Eastern Boundary of the United States. 8* 1842 Hamley, Colonel Charles. See Black- wood, Vol. 4: Appendix i. Hamley, W. G. A New Sea and an Old Land, being Papers suggested by a visit to Egypt at the end of 1869. Plates. 8 1871 Hammard, C. F. E. Reise durch Ober- schlesien zur Russisch-Kayserlichen Armee nach der Ukraine. Vol. I. Maps. 8 Gotha, 1787 Hammer, de. See Recueil de Voy- ages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix i. Hammer, E. Ueber die geographisch- wichtigsten Kartenprojektionen insbe- sondere die zenitalen Entwiirfe nebst Tafeln zur Verwandlung von geogra- phischen Koordinaten in Azimutale. Plates. 8 Stuttgart, 1889 Hammer-Purgstall, Freiherr J. von. Denkmal auf das Grab der beyden letzten Grafen von Purstall. Plans. 8 Vienna, 1821 Geographic von Arabien (Jahrbiicher der Literatur). 8 Vienna, 1840 Abhandlung iiber die Siegel der Araber, Perser, und Tiirken. Plate. 4* Vienna, 1848 Bericht iiber die in den letzen vier Jahren 1845 48 zu Conslantinopel ged- ruckten und lithographirten Werken. [In two pamphlets.] 8* Vienna, 1849 - Uebersicht der Literaturgeschichte der Araber. 4* Vienna, 1850 - Ueber die Namen der Araber. 4* Vienna, 1852 - Das Kamel. 4* Vienna, 1854 - Ueber die Arabische Geographic von Spanien. 8* Vienna, 1854 Ueber die Arabischen Worter in Spanischen. 8* Vienna, 1855 Geschichte Wassaf's. Persisch her- ausgegeben und Deutsch iibersetzt. Vol. i. 4 Vienna, 1856 See Evliya Effendi. 2O4 HAM HAN. Hammer - Purgstall, Freiherr J. von. Ueber die Menschenclasse, welche von den Arabern " Schoubije " genannt wird. 8* Vienna, N.D. Hammond, H. W., and R. Spankie. Reports on the Frequency of Suits for Ouster. (Records, N.W. Provinces of India, Part 25.) Large 8 Agra, 1856 Hamor, Ralph. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. Hampton, . See Polybius. Hamy, Dr E. T. La Mappemonde d'Angelino Dulcert, de Majorque, 1339. 8* Paris, 1887 Note sur la Mappemonde de Diego Ribero (1529), conservee au Musee de la Propagande de Rome. 8* Paris, 1887 - Notice sur line Mappemonde Portu- gai'se anonyme de 1502, recemmenl decouverte a Londres. Maps. 8* Paris, 1887 Note sur une Carte Marine inedite de Giacomo Russo de Messine (1557). Map. 8* Paris, 1888 Les Origines de la Cartographic de P Europe Septentrionale. Maps. 8* Paris, 1889 Hanauer, Rev. J. E. See Lees, G. R. Hanbury, B. See Waddington, G. Hancock, John. Observations on the Climate, Soil, and Production of British Guiana, and on the Advantages of Emi- gration to, and Colonising the Interior of, that Country. 8* 1840 Hancock, J. On the Cause of the Appear- ance commonly termed Heat Lightning, and on certain Correlative Phenomena. 8* N.D. Hancock, Wm. Notes on the Physical Geography, Flora, Fauna, &c., of Nor- thern Formosa, with Comparisons be- tween that District and Hainan, and other Parts of China. Map. 4* [Tantui, 1882] Hann, Prof. Julius J. Ueber die War- meabnahme mil der Hohe im Asiatischen Monsungebiet. 8* Vienna, 1873 - Ueber gewisse betrachtliche Unregel- massigkeiten des Meeres-Niveaus. 8* Vienna, 1875 Zur barometrischen Hohenmessung. 8* Vienna, 1876 Zur Meteorologie der Alpengipfel. 8* Vienna, 1878 Untersuchungen iiber die Regen- verhaltnisse von Oesterreich - Ungarn. [Parts I and 2.] 8* Vienna, 1879, 1880 - Ueber den taglichen Gang einiger meteorologischen Elemente in Wien (Stadt). 8* 1881 - Ueber den taglichen Gang des Luft- druckes, der Temperatur, der Feuchtig- keit, Bewolkung und Windstarke auf den Plateaux der Rocky Mountains. 8* 1881 Hann, Prof. Julius J. Ueber die Tem- peratur der Stidlichen Hemisphere. 8* Vienna, 1882 Handbuch der Klimatologie. Illus- tration. 8 Stuttgart, 1883 Ueber die klimatischen Verhaltnisse von Bosnien und der 1 1 erzegowina. 8 [Vienna} 1883 Einige Resultate aus Major von Mechow's meteorologischen Beobach- tungen im Innern von Angola. 8* [Vienna} 1884 Beitrage /Air Kenntniss der Verthei- lung des Luftdruckes auf der Erdol>er- flache. Large 8* [Vienna} 1886 Bericht liber die Fortschritte der geographischen Meteorologie. 8* [1888] Resultate der meteorologischen Beo- bachtungen der franzosischen Polar- Expedition, 1882-83, am Cap Horn. Maps. Folio* [Vienna, 1889] - Temperatur-Mittel aus der Periode 1851-1885 fiir die osterreichischen Alpen und deren Grenz gebiete. 4* N.P.,N.D. Ueber die Luftfeuchtigkeit als kli- matischer Factor. 8 [ Vienna, 1 889] Zur Meteorologie des Sonnblickgipfels. 8* Vienna, 1889 Beitrage zur Arktischen Meteorologie. Nach den ' ' Contributions to our Know- ledge of the Meteorology of the Arctic Regions ; " Part 4 and Part 5. London, 1885-1888. Large 8* [Vienna} 1889 Die meteorologischen Ergebnisse der Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, 1881-83. Large 8* [Vienna} 1890 Resultate der meteorologischen Beo- bachtungen an der finnlandischen inter- nationalen Polarstation in Sodankylae. 4 1890 Die Ergebnisse der danischen inter- nationalen Polar- Expeditionen im Jahre 1882-83. 4 '1890 Resultate der meteorologischen Beo- bachtungen auf dem Gipfel von Pike's Peak (Colorado), 4,308 meter (14,134 feet), nach Beoliachtungen von November 1874 bis inclusive Juni 1888. 4* [1891] Studien iiber die Luftdruck- und Temperaturverhaltnisse auf dem Sonn- blickgipfel, nebst Bemerkungen iiber deren Bedeutung fiir die Theorie der Cyclonen und Anticyclonen. 8* Vienna, 1891 Die neue Anemometer- und Tem- peratur - Station auf dem Obergipfel (2,i4oM.). 4* 1893 Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen der niederlandischen in- ternationalen Polar- Expedition, 1882-83, in der Kara- See. Large 8 1893 What additional Stations are desired for Meteorological and for Climatological purposes. (Extract from the Papers of the Chicago Meteorological Congress, August 1893.) 8* Chicago, 1893 HAN HAR. 205 Hann, Prof. Julius J. Der tagliche Gang der Temperatur auf clem Obergipfel (2140 m.) und einige Folgerungen aus clem selben. 2 plates. 8* Vienna, 1893 See Kirchhoff; Penck's Abhand- lungen, 2 ; Rohlfs ; also Switzerland, B : Appendix 2. Hannah, John. Review of " Sheep Farm- ing in Buenos Ayres," &c., by Wilfred Latham, Esq. 16* Buenos Ayres, 1867 Hannan, Charles. A Swallow's Wing, a Tale of Pekin. 12 1888 Hannibal. A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. Maps. 8 Oxford, 1820 See Beaujour, Baron F. cle. Hannington, Rev. James. The Last Journals of Bishop Hannington, from ist August 1885 to the day of his death, 2Qth October 1885, containing a detailed Account of his Journey through Masai Land, his Capture and Imprisonment. 8 1886 Hanno. See Falconer, T. ; Fischer, C. T. ; Mann, Abbe ; also Ramusio, Vol. i : Appendix I. Hannonius, Joannes Taisnier. De'usu Sphaerae Materialis, hactenus ab omni- bus Philosophis, et Mathematicis magno studiosorum incommoclo ncglecto mine vero in Jucem tradito. 4 Cologne, 1559 Hanoteau, A. Essai de Grammaire cle la Langue Tamachek', renfermant les principes du Langage parle par les Imouchar'ou Touareg, des Conversations en Tamachek', des Facsimile d'ecriture en caracteres Tifinar'. Map. 8 Paris, 1860 and A. Letourneux. La Kabylie et les Continues Kabyles. 3 vols. Map and diagram. 8 Paris, 1872-73 "Hansa." See Koldewey. Hansen, Dr G. A. See Norway, A (North Atlantic Expedition) : Appendix 2. Hanson, P. T. See Hansteen, C. Hanson, William. Geographical Ency- clopaedia of New South Wales, including the Counties, Towns, and Villages within the Colony, with the Sources and Courses of the Rivers and their Tributaries . . . Map and diagrams. Large 8 Sydney, 1892 Hansteen, C. Untersuchungen liber den Magnetismus cler Ercle. Uebersetzt von P. T. Hanson. Maps and plates. 4 Christiania, 1819 Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Siberie. Traduits du Norvegien par Mine. Colban, et revus par MM. Sedillot et De la Roquette. Map. 8 Paris, 1857 See Sabine. and Lieut. Due. Resultate mag- netischer, astronomischer, und meteoro- logischer Beobachtungen auf einer Reise nach dem Oestlichen Sibirien in den Jah- ren 1828-30. Maps. 4 Christiania, ^b^ Han-way, Jonas. An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea, with a Journal of Travels from London through Russia into Persia, and back again through Russia, Germany, and Holland. 4 vols. in 3. Maps and plates. 4 1753 The same. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Maps. 4 1754 The same. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 4 1 762 See P ; also New Collection of Travels, Vol. 4 ; "The World Displayed," Vols. 14, 15, p. 609: Appendix I. Harant, Kristof. Gesta z Kralovstvi Ceskeho do Benatek, odtud do zeme Svate, zeme Judske a Dale do Egypta, a Potom na Horn Oreb, Sinai a Sv. Kateriny v Puste Arabii. 2 vols. Por- trait and plan. 8 Prague, 1854-55 Harbord, Rev. J. B. Glossary of Navi- gation : a Vade - Mecum for Practical Navigators of the Royal Navy, Mercantile Marine, and Yacht Squadrons, con- taining Explanations of the Technical Terms used in Nautical Geography, Meteorology, and Astronomy. 2nd edi- tion. Charts and diagrams. 1 6 Portsmouth, 1883 Harcourt, Capt. A. F. P. The Hima- layan Districts of Kooloo, Lahoul, and Spiti. Map and plates. Small 8 1871 See India, P (Selections, No. 10) : Appendix 2. Harcourt, E. Vernon. Sketch of Madeira, containing Information for the Traveller or Invalid Visitor. Maps. 8 1851 Harcourt, Robert. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix i. Harcus, W. South Australia, its History, Resources, and Productions. Plates and maps in cover. 8 1876 Hardcastle, E. L. F. See Smith, M. L. Hardegger, Dr D. Kammele von. See Paulitschke. Hardie, David. Notes on some of the more Common Diseases in Queensland in Relation to Atmospheric Conditions, 1887-91. Chart. 8 Brisbane, 1893 Hardine, . See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Hardman, . See Jermann. Hardman, Frederick. Scenes and Ad- ventures in Central America. Small 8" Edinburgh, 1852 Hardman, W. See Stuart, J. M''D. Hardwicke, . See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Ap- pendix i. Hardwicke's Annual Biography for 1857. See Wai ford. 206 HAR. Hardy, C. Forest Life in Acadie : Sketches of Sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion. Plates. 8 1869 Hare, Augustus J. C. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Illustrations. 12 1883 Cities of Central Italy, 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 12 1884 Days near Rome. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Illustrations. Crown 8 1884 North - Eastern France. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 South - Eastern France. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 South -Western France. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 Hare, Dr. Of the Conclusion arrived at by a Committee of the Academy of Sciences of France, agreeably to which Tornados are caused by Heat ; while, agreeably to Peltier's Report to the same body, certain Insurers had been obliged to pay for a Tornado as an Electrical Storm. 8* Philadelphia, 1852 Queries and Strictures respecting Espy's Meteorological Report to the Naval Department ; also, the Conclusion arrived at by a Committee of the Academy of Sciences of France agreeably to which Tornados are caused by Heat, &c. 8* Philadelphia, 1852 See Redfield. Hare, S. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Hare, Lieut. W. A. H. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Hareborne, M. W. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Hargrave, Joseph James. Red River. 8 Montreal, 1871 Hariot, P. See France, B, a ; Cape Horn : Appendix 2. Hariot, T. A Briefe and True Report of the new found Land of Virginia, of the Commodities, &c., discouered by the English Colony there. Plates. 4 [Re- print.] Frankfort o. M. 1595 Harkness, Henry. A Description of a Singular Alwriginal Race inhabiting the Summit of the Neilgherry Hills, or Blue Mountains of Coimbatoor, in the Southern Peninsula of India. Plates. 8 1832 Harkness, H. W., and J. P. Moore. Catalogue of the Pacific Coast Fungi. 8* [San Francisco, 1880] Footprints found at the Carson State Prison. Illustrations. 8* [1882] Harkness, Robert. See Murchison. Harman, Capt. H. J. See Walker, J. T. Harmon, D. W. (de Montreal). See Eyries, Vol. 8 ; Appendix i. Harnisch, Dr Albert. Badghis, Land und Leute, nach den geographischen Ergebnissen der afghanischen Grenzkom- mission von 1884-88. Large 8* Berlin, 1891 Harrington, B. J. See Dawson, J. W. Harrington, Mark W. See United States, C : Appendix 2. Harris, George W. The Practical Guide to Algiers. Map, plan, and illustra- tions. 12 [1890] "The" Practical Guide to Algiers. 2nd edition. Maps, plans, and illustra- tions. 12 1892 [1891] Ditto. 3rd edition. 12 1893 [1892] Ditto. 4th edition. 12 1894 [1893] Harris, John. Navigantium atque Itiner- antium Bibliotheca, or a compleat Col- lection of Voyages and Travels. The two editions of 1705 (2 vols.) and 1745 (2 vols. in 4). Maps, plates, and por- traits. Folio. [For full Titles and Con- tents, see Appendix I.] Harris, Joseph. The Description and use of the Globes and the Orrery. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 1732 Harris, Major. See Bushby, G. A. Harris, T. M. The Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alle- ghany Mountains, made in the Spring of the year 1803 ; with a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. Maps t &*c. 8 Boston, Mass., 1805 Harris, T. W. Entomological Corre- spondence of (edited by S. H. Scudder) Portrait. 8 Boston, 1869 Harris, Walter B. The Land of an African Sultan : Travels in Morocco, 1887-89. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1889 A Journey through the Yemen, and some General Remarks upon that Country. Map and illustrations. 8 1893 Harris, Sir William Cornwallis. Nar- rative of an Expedition into Southern Africa in 1836-37, from the Cape of Good Hope, through the Territories of the Chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. Map and plates. 8 Bombay, 1838 -- Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa, delineated from Life in their Native Haunts, during a Hunting Expedition from the Cape Colony as far as the Tropic of Capricorn, in 1836 and 1837, with Sketches of the Field Sports. Coloured plates. Large folio 1840 The Highlands of ./Ethiopia. 3 vols. Frontispiece. 8 Illustrations of the Highlands of /Ethiopia. Folio. - Introduction to the Second Edition of the Highlands of /Ethiopia. 8* 1844 HAR. 207 Harrison, Capt. C. W. J. Report on Katha Nuclei ee and the Swamps in its Valley. Allahabad, 1873 Harrison, J. Park. Inductive Proof of the Moon's Insolation. Tables. 8* 1867 - The Hieroglyphics of Easter Island. 8* 1874 Rejang Manuscripts on Bamboo. Plate. 4* 1875 Harrison, N. Distance Tables for Ob- jects at Sea. 8 1893 Harrison, R. Nine Years' Residence in Russia, from 1844 to 1853. Plates. 8 1855 See Catalogues, A : Appendix 2. Harrison, W. A A Manual of Physio- graphy. \2 1878 Harrison, W. H. Rough Notes con- nected with the Sucheen Estate in the Surat Collectorate. Map. Royal 8 Bombay \ 1856 Rough Notes connected with the Dhurumpoor and Banda Estates in the Surat Collectorate. Map. Bombay, 1856 Harrisse, Henry. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima : a Description of Works relating to America published between the years 1492 and 1551. 4 New York, 1866 - The same. Additions. 4 Paris, 1872 Notes on Columbus. Portrait and facsimiles. Folio Privately printed, New York, 1866 - Notes pour servir a 1'Histoire, a la Bibliographic et a la Cartographic de la Nouvelle- France et des Pays adjacents, 1545-1700. 8 Paris, 1872 Jean et Sebastien Cabot, leur origine et leurs voyages. Etude d'histoire critique . . . d'apres des documents inedits. (Vol. I, "Recueil de Voyages," &c.) Map. Large 8 Paris, 1882 Les Corte-Real et leurs Voyages au Nouveau Monde, d'apres des Documents nouveaux ou peu connus, tir^s des Archives de Lisbonne et de Modene, suivi du texte inedit d'un recit de la troisieme Expedition de Gaspnr Corte- Real, et d'une important e Carte nautique Portugaise de 1'annee 1502. (Vol. 3 of " Recueil de Voyages," &c.) Frontis- piece. Large 8 Paris, 1883 Christophe Colomb, son Origine, sa Vie, ses Voyages, sa Famille, et scs Des- cendants, d'apres des Documents inedils tires des Archives de Genes, de Savone, de Seville, et de Madrid. 2 vols. (Vol. 6 of the " Recueil de Voyages," &c.) Plates. Large 8 Paris, 1884 Christophe Colomb et S,avone. Ver- zellino et ses Memoirs. Etudes d'llis- toire Critique et Documentaire. 8 Genoa, 1887 Harrisse, Henry. Excerpta Colombini- ana : Bibliographic de Quatre Cents Pieces, Gothiques, Fra^aises, Italiennes, et Latines, du Commencement du XVl e Siecle, non decrites jusqu'ici, precedee d'une Histoire de la Bibliotheque Colom- bine et de son Fondateur. 8 Parts, 1887 Christophe Colomb : les Corses et le Gouvernment Francais. Large 8* Paris, 1890 The Discovery of North America : a Critical, Documentary, and Historic Investigation, with an Essay on the Early Cartography ol the New World, including Descriptionss of 250 Maps or Globes, existing or lost, constructed before the year 1536 ; to which are added a Chrono- logy of 100 Voyages westward, Projected, Attempted, or Accomplished between 1431 and 1504; Biographical Accounts of the 300 Pilots who first crossed the Atlantic ; and a copious list of the original names of American regions, caciqueships, &c. Maps. 4 1892 See Cabot ; Columbus ; Peragallo. Harrower, Henry D. Captain Glazier and his Lake : an Inquiry into the History and Progress of Exploration at the Head-waters of the Mississippi since the Discovery of Lake Itasca. Maps. 8* New York, 1886 Hart, Capt. H. Notes of a Visit to Zanzibar, 1834. [From the India Re- cords, No. 24.] 8 Bombay, 1856 Hart, H. C. Some Account of the Fauna and Flora of Sinai, Petra, and Wacly 'Arabah (Palestine Exploration Fund Publication). Alaps and plates. 4 1891 Hart, Capt. P. Lewis. Report on a Project for the Supply of Water to the Poona Cantonment. 2 vols. Plans and sections. Royal 8 Bombay, 1858 Hart, Capt S.V.W. Report on the Town and Port of Kurachee, &c. Bombay, 1855 Notes of a Visit to the Port of Son- meeanee, and the Country lying between Kurachee and Hinglaj, in the Lus Terri- tory, in 1840. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Hart, Sir Robert. Documents relating to i The Establishment of Meteorolo- gical Stations in China ; and 2 Proposals for Cooperation in the Publication of Meteorological Observations and Ex- change of Weather News by Telegraph along the Pacific Coast of Asia. Map. Folio Peking, 1869 Harting, J. E. See Mosenthal. Hartlaub, Dr G. See Emin Pasha. Hartland, W. E. See Quintus Curtius. Hartleben, A. Chronik der Zeit. Ereig- nisse und Operationen in Siid-Dalmatien. Von C. T. Fockt. I. Schilderung des Landes und Volkes und Vorgeschichte des Aufstandcs. Zweites Heft. Alaps and illustrations. 8* Vienna, 1882 208 HAR HAS. Hartleben, A. The same. 2. Von Moriz B. Zimmermann. Beginn der Opera- tionen und Vormarsch der K. K. Truppen die ersten Actionen. Die politische Lage. Drittes Heft. Maps and illustrations. 8* Vienna, 1882 Hartley, Sir C. A. Description of the Delta of the Danube, and of the Works recently executed at the Sulina Mouth. Edited by C. Manby and J. Forrest. Maps. 8 1862 - Notes on Public Works in the United States and in Canada, including a De- scription of the St Lawrence and the Mississippi Rivers and their main Tribu- taries. 8 1875 Inland Navigations in Europe : being one of the Series of Lectures delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1884-85. Maps. 8 1885 Hartmann, J. M. Commentatio cle Geo- graphia Africse Edrisiana. 4 Gottingen, 1691 Hartmann, R. Die Nigritier. Eine an- thropologisch - ethnologische Monogra- phic. Erster Theil. Plates. 8 Berlin, 1876 - Die Volker Afrikas. Plates. Small 8 Leipzig, 1879 Abyssinien und die iibrigen Gebiete der Ostkiiste Afrikas. Map and illustra- tions. Small 8 Leipzig, 1883 Hartt, C. F. Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil. By Louis Agassiz, and his Travelling Companions. Geo- logy and Physical Geography of Brazil. Maps and plates. 8 1870 - The Ancient Indian Pottery of Marajo, Brazil. 8* Salem, 1871 Notes on the Lingoa Geral, or Modern Tupi of the Amazonas. (From the Transactions of the American Philo- logical Association, 1872.) 8* 1872 On the Tertiary Basin on the Maranon. New Haven, Conn., 1872 Contributions to the Geology and Physical Geography of the Lower Ama- zonas : The Erere- Monte- Alegre District and the Table-Topped Hills ; with Supplement on the Devonian Brachio- poda of Erere, by Richard Rathbun. Plates. Small 8* Buffalo, N. Y., 1874 Preliminary Report of the Morgan Expedition, 1870-71. Report of a Re- connaisance of the Lower Tapajos. [Bulletin of the Cornell University (Science), Vol. I., No. i.] Sketch map. 8* Ithaca, N.Y., 1874 Notes on the Manufacture of Pottery among Savage Races. 12* Rio de Janeiro, 1875 Hartung, G. Tenerife geologisch-topo- graphisch dargestellt. See Fritsch, K. Hartwell, Abraham. See Pigafetta, F ; also Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Appendix I. Harvey, Rev. M. A Short History of Newfoundland, England's Oldest Colony. 2nd edition. Map. 12 1890 See Hatton, J. Harvey, Sir Robert G. See Willoughby. Harvey, Thomas, and William Brewin. Jamaica in 1866 : a Narrative of a Tour through the Island, with Remarks on its Social, Educational, and Industrial Condition. Map. 8 1867 Hase, H. Nachweisungen fiir Reisende in Italien. 12 Leipzig, 1821 Hasio, J. M. Regni Davidici et Salo- monsei, Descriptio Geographica et His- torica, una cum Delineatione Syrue et ^Egypti pro statu Temporum sub Seleu- cidis et Lagidis Regibus, &c. Maps and plates. Folio Nuremburg, 1739 Haskel, Daniel, and J. Calvin Smith. A Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America, containing a particular Description of the States, Territories, Counties, Districts, Parishes, Cities, Towns, and Villages, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, and Railroads ; with an Abstract of the Census and Statistics for 1840. 8 New York, 1843 Haslewood, Edward. New Colonies on the Uplands of the Amazon. 8* 1863 Hassall, Dr A. H. San Remo and the Western Riviera, Climatically and Medi- cally considered. Map, plan, and wood- cuts. Small 8 1879 Hassall, Charles. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Monmouth, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Map. 8 1812 Hassan, Vita. Die Wahrheit iiber Emin Pascha, die agyptische Aequatorial Pro- vinz und den Ssudan von Vita Hassan unter der Mitarbeit von Elie M. Baruck. Aus dem franzosichen Original iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Dr B. Moritz. Portrait and map. 8 Berlin, 1893 Hasse, F. C. A. Quantum Geographia Novissimis periegesibus et transmarinis Peregrinationibus profecerit. Pars I. Generalia Continens. 4* Leipzig, 1837 Hassel, G. Staats- und Address-Handburh der Teutschen Bundes-Staaten, 1816. 8 Weimar, 1816 Hassell, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix I. Hasselquist, Frederick. Voyages and Travels in the Levant in the years 1749, 1750, I7S 1 ) I75 2 > containing Observa- tions in Natural History, Physic, Agri- culture and Commerce, particularly on the Holy Land and the Natural History of the Scriptures. Map. 8 1706 Hasselt, A. L. van. See Veth, P. J. HAS HAW. 209 Hassenstein, Bruno. Ost-Afrika zwis- chenChartum unddcm Rothen Meerebis Suakin und Massaua. Anhang Th. von Heuglin : einarabischenSchriftstelleriiber die Bedja - Lander. (Erganzungsheft, 6 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1 86 1 See Petermann, Dr A. Hassenstein, D. Some Contributions to the Geographical and Cartographical Literature of the Indo-Chinese Frontier Territories ; with Note by Trelawney Saunders. Map. Folio* [1882] Hasskarl, J. K. Sec Junghuhn. Hassler, F. R. Second and Third Volumes of the Principal Documents re- lating to the Survey of the United States, from Oct. 1834 to Nov. 1836. 8 New York, 1835 Hassinger, John A. Catalogue of the Hawaiian Fxhibits at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889. 8* Honolulu, 1889 Haswell, William A. The Australian Museum, Sydney : Catalogue of the Australian Stalk- and Sessile-Eyed Crus- tacea. Plates. 8 Sydney, 1882 Hatch, Arthur. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix i. Hatch, F. H. See Baron, R. ; Posewitz. Hatch, John. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix i. Hatchett, Charles. On the Spikenard of the Ancients. Plate. 4* 1836 Hatt, P. See France, B, b (No. 570) : Appendix 2. Hatton, Frank. North Borneo: Explora- tions and Adventures on the Equator ; with Biographical Sketch and Notes by Joseph Hatton, and Preface by Sir Walter Medhurst. Map, portrait, and illustra- tions. 8" 1885 Hatton, Joseph. " The New Ceylon : " being a Sketch of British Borneo, or Sabah, from Official and other exclusive sources of information. Maps and frontis- piece. Crown 8 1881 See Streeter. and Rev. M. Harvey. Newfound- land, the Oldest British Colony, its History, its Present Condition, and its Prospects in the Future. Illustrations. 8 1883 Hatton - Richards, T. H. Royal Geo- graphical Society of Victoria : Travels with the Hon. Sir William MacGregor, Administrator of British New Guinea. 8* Melbourne [1890] Hauer, Ritter F. von. Zur Erinnerung an Wilhelm Haidinger. 8* Vienna, 1871 See " Novara." o Haughton, Rev. Samuel. The Solar aud Lunar Diurnal Tides on the Coasts of Ireland. 4* Dublin, 1855 Six Lectures on Physical Geography. 8 1880 See Galbraith, J. A. ; MacClintock, F. L.. Haun, Prof. See Forskal, P. Hauranne, E. D. de. Cuba et Les An- tilles. 2 and 3. 8* Paris, 1865 Haurigot, G. Le Senegal. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1887 Hauser, Capt. Paul. Das Klydoskop ; graphisches Tellurium. 8* Vienna, 1882 Die Aequator-Durchgange des Mon- des. Eine Untersuchungs - Probe des Mond - Einflusses auf die Witterung. Tables. 12* Buccari, 1886 Hausermann, K. See Estrey. Haushofer, M. See Andrce, Karl. Hauslab, Ritter von. Ueber die Boden- gestaltung in Mexico und deren Einfluss auf Verkehr und militarischen Angriff und Vertheidigung. Maps. 8* Vienna, 1864 Ueber die Naturgesetze cler ausseren Formen der Unebenheiten cler Erdober- fliiche. 8* Vienna, 1874 Havass, Rudolph. Bibliotheca Geogra- phica Hungarica : Bibliographia librorum de regno Hungarian, quovis sermone compositorum : itemque eorum librorum, quos scriptores Hungarici quavis lingua conscriptos et in quocunque Geographic argumento versantes ediderunt : cum prcefatione historiam litterarum hue spec- tantium illustrante. Scripsit in Acroasi. Large 8 Budapest, 1893 Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the. United States, or Sketches, Historical and Bibliographical, of the Progress of Information and Opinion respecting Ves- tiges of Antiquity in the United States. 4" Washington, 1856 Havers, G. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 84, 85 : Appendix I. Haverty, Martin. The Aran Isles : Re- port of the Excursion of the Ethnogra- phical Section of the British Association from Dublin to the Western Isles of Aran, in Sept. 1857. 8* Dublin, 1859 Haviland, Alfred. The Geographical Distribution of Disease in Great Britain. 2nd edition. Maps. Large 8 1892 Hawes, Lieut. A. G. S. See Satow. Hawes, Roger. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I : Appendix I. Hawkesworth, J. Account of the Voy- ages undertaken by the Order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1773 [For full Title and Contents, see Ap- pendix i.] 2IO HAW HAY. Hawkesworth, J. See Dalrymple. Hawkins, Bisset. Germany : the Spirit of her History, Literature, Social Condi- tion, and National Economy. 8 1838 Hawkins, F. V. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Hawkins, Sir John. See Gottfried ; Hak- luyt, Vols. 3, 4 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 57 ; Purchas, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Hawkins, Mary W. S. Plymouth Armada Heroes : the Hawkins Family. frustrations. Small 4 Plymouth, 1888 Hawkins, Sir Richard. The Observations of, on his Voyage to the South Sea, A.D. 1593. Folio 1622 See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. 2; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. i ; Pur- chas, Vol. 4, Book 7 : Appendix I. Hawkins, Mr. S^Walpole : Appendix I. Hawkins, Capt. William. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Purchas, Vol. i ; Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix I. Hawkridge, Capt. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Hawks, F. L. See Perry. Hawks, H. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Hawkshaw, Sir John. Reminiscences of South America, from two-and-a-half years Residence in Venezuela. 16 1838 Report to the Egyptian Government 'on the Suez Canal, Feb. 1863. Maps. Folio* 1863 and Sir Andrew Clarke. Copy Report by Mr Hawkshaw and Sir Andrew Clarke upon the possibility of combining Naval and Military Require- ments with the objects of Dover Harbour - Bill. Map. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1873 Copy of Final Report by Mr John Hawkshaw on Holyhead New Harbour. Map. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1873 Hawkwood, John. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Hawtrey, Emily. See Weber. Haxthausen, Baron von. Transcaucasia : Sketches of the Nations and Races be- tween the Black Sea and the Caspian. Plates. 8 1854 Tribes of the Caucasus, with an Ac- count of Schamyl and the Murids. 8 1855 The Russian Empire, its People, Institutions, and Resources. Translated by R. Farie. 2 vols. 8 1856 Hay, Admiral Sir J. C. Dalrymple. The Suppression of Piracy in the China Sea, 1849. Map. 8* 1889 Hay, J. O. Arakan, Past, Present, Future : a Resume of Two Campaigns for its Development. Map. 8 J 1892 Hayden, Everett. See United States, F, a : Appendix 2. Hayden, F. V. Preliminary Field Report of the United States Geological Survey of Colorado and New Mexico. 8 Washington, 1869 Sun Pictures of Rocky Mountain Scenery, with a Description of the Geographical and Geological Features, and some Account of the Resources of the Great West, containing thirty Panoramic Views along the line of the Pacific Railroad from Omaha to Sacra- mento. Photographs. 4 New York, 1870 The Hot .Springs and Geysers of the Yellowstone and Firehole Rivers. ( From the American Journal of Science, Vol. 3.) Map and illustrations. 8* 1872 The So - called Two - Ocean Pass. Plates. 8* Washington, 1879 The Great West, and Recent Explora- tions in the Yellowstone Park. Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1880 See Stanford, E. ; also United States, G, a : Appendix 2. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information relating to all Ages and Nations. I4th edition, containing the History of the World to August 1873. By Benjamin Vincent. 8 [1873] The same, igth edition. 1889 Haydon, G. H. Five Years' Experience in Australia Felix, comprising a Short Account of its Early Settlement and its Present Position, with many particulars interesting to intending emigrants. Plates. Large 8 1846 Hayes, A. A., jun. New Colorado and the Santa Fe Trail. Map and illustra- tions. Large 8 New York, 1880 Western Journeys, New and Old. (From the United Service Magazine, July 1885.) 8* New York, 1885 Hayes, Isaac I. Arctic Boat Journey in 1854. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Dr Norton Shaw. Map. 12 1860 The Open Polar Sea : a Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole in the schooner " United States." Maps and plates. 8 1867 The Land of Desolation : being a Personal Narrative of Adventure in Greenland. 8 1871 Hayes, Robert. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix I. Haygarth, W. See Walpole, Turkey : Appendix I. Haynes, Prof. Henry W. See Horsford. Haynes, Stanley L. A Ramble in the New Zealand Bush. 8 [1868] Hayter, H. H. Notes of a Tour in New Zealand. 12 Melbourne, 1874 Notes on the Colony of Victoria, Historical, Meteorological, and Statistical. 2nd edition. 12 Melbourne, 1876 HAY IIEC. Hayter, H. H. Victorian Year Book, containing a Digest of the Statistics of the Colony from 1873 to 1893. $ ee Victoria : Appendix 3. Hayward, George W. Statements of Routes between Yarkancl, Kashgar, Khotan, and British Territory. 8* 1869 I. Vocabularies of the Dialects of Dardistan, Wakhan, Shignan, and Rosh- nan. II. Tables of Routes. III. In- strumental Observations in the Gilgit and Yasin Valleys. IV. Re-calculated Elevations of Towns, Villages, Passes, and Encamping - grounds in Eastern Turkistan. Folio* Lahore, 1870 - Account of Explorations between British India and Eastern Turkistan. Folio* Calcutta, 1870 Hayward, John. New England Gazetteer, containing Descriptions of all the States, Counties, and Towns in New England, also the Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Capes, Bays, Harbours, Islands, &c. Plates. 8 Concord, 1839 Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, Past and Present, with a Glance at Hayti. Maps and plates. 8 1873 Hazen, Henry A. See United States, H, b : Appendix 2. Hazen, Major-Gen. W. B. See United States, II, b : Appendix 2. Hazin, Sheikh Mohammed Ali. The Life of, written by himself. Translated from, two Persian Manuscripts, and illus- trated with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geography, &c., which occur therein, by F. C. Belfour. [Oriental Translation Fund.] 8 1830 Head, Sir Edmund. Papers relative to the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settle- ment. Maps. Folio 1859 Head, Capt. F. B. Rough Notes taken during some Rapid Journeys across the Pampas and along the Andes. 8 1828 The Life of Bruce, the African Traveller. Maps and plates. 12 1830 Head, George. Forest Scenes and Inci- dents in the Wilds of North America : Ijeing a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canadas, and a Residence in the Woods on the Borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe.' 8" 1829 Headrick, Rev. Jas. View of the Miner- alogy, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Fisheries of the Island of Arran, with Notices of Antiquities, &c. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1807 Heanley, Rev. R. M. A Memoir of Edward Steere, D.D., third Missionary Bishop in Central Africa. Portrait and maps. Crown 8 1 888 Heap, D. P. See Barlow, J. W. Heard, J. Practical Grammar of the Rus- sian Language. 8 St Petersburg, 1827 Hearn, W. M. Statistical Report of the Colaba Agency. Map, plates, diagrams, and tables. Royal 8 Bombay, 1854 Hearne, Samuel. A Journey from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a North- West Passage, &c., 1769-72. Maps and plates. 4 1795 See Eyries, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Heath, Edwin R. Dialects of Bolivian Indians : a Philological Contribution from Material gathered during Three Years Residence in the Department of Beni, in Bolivia. 8* Kansas City, 1883 Heath, R. Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly. Map and plates. 8 1750 See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Heather, J. F. A Treatise on Mathe- matical Instruments, in which their Con- struction and the Methods of Testing, Adjusting, and Using them are Concisely Explained. 12 1863 Heatherington, A. A Practical Guide for Tourists, Miners, and Investors, and all Persons interested in the Development of the Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Tables. 12 Montreal, 1868 1860-1869. The Gold Yield of Nova Scotia. Table. 16* 1870 Heaton, J. H. Australian Dictionary ol Dates and Men of the Time, containing the History of Australasia from 1542 to date. 8 ' 1879 Heaviside, W. I. See India, F, c : Appendix 2. Heber, Bishop. Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825; with Notes upon Ceylon, and a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1829 Heberer, Michiel. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Hebert, E. Nomenclature et Classification Geologiques. 8* Paris, 1881 Hecquard, C. Elemens de Grammaire Franco-Serbe. 12 Belgrade, 1875 Hector, Sir James. On the Geology of the Country between Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean (between the 48th and 54th Parallels of Latitude) visited by the Government Exploring Expedition under Capt. J. Palliser( 1857-60). 8* 1861 On the Physical Features of the Central Part of British North America, and on its Capabilities for Settlement. 8* Edinburgh, 1861 Report on the Petroleum found at Taranaki. Folio* Wellington, 1866 Meteorological Report, 1868 ; includ- ing Abstracts for all previous years. 8 Wellington, 1869 The same, for 1870 ; with Returns for 1869. 8 Wellington, 1871 HEC HEI. Hector, Sir James. Handbook of New Zealand : Sydney International Exhibi- tion, 1879. Maps ami plates. 8 Wellington, 1879 Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department : Handbook of New Zealand. 4th edition. Revised. Maps and plates. 8 Wellington, 1 886 See New Zealand, A, c : Appendix 2. and W. S. W. Vaux. Notice of the Indians seen by the Exploring Expe- dition under Capt. Palliser. 8* N.b. Hedde, Isidore. Description Methodique des Produits divers recueillis dans un Voyage en Chine. Map and plates. Royal 8 St Etienne, 1848 De P Industrie Serigene en Algerie. Plates. 8* Lyon, 1851 Heddle, J. F. Memoir on the River Indus. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Hedger, Capt. T. On Sea and Shore : an Autobiography. Portrait. 12 Hull, 1891 Hedges, Sir William. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 74, 75, 78 : Appendix i. Hedstrom, Herman. See Sweden, A (Geologiska Undersokning) : Appendix 2. Heemskerke, Jacques van. See Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Heer, Oswald. Flora Tertiaria Helvetia : Die Tertiare Flora der Schweiz. 3 vols. Plates. Folio Winterthnr, 1855-59 Die Pflanzen der Pfahlbauten. Plates. 4* Zurich, 1865 Uel>er die Polarlander. Vortrag. 8* Zurich, 1867 Die Kreide-Flora der Arctischen Zone, gegrtindet auf die von den Schwedischen Expeditionen von 1870 und 1872 in Gronland und Spitzbergen gesammelten Pflanzen. Plates. 4 Stockholm [1874] Nachtrage zur Miocenen Flora Gron- lands enthaltend die von der Schwed- ischen Expedition im Summer 1870 gesammelten Miocenen Pflanzen. Plates. 4* Stock/to fm [1874] The Primaeval World of Switzerland. Edited by James Heywood. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1876 Recherches sur le Climat et la Vege- tation du Pays Tertiaire. Traduction de C. T. Gaudin. Map and plate. Folio Winterthur, N.I). Heeren, A. H. L. Ideen tiber die Politik, den Verkehr, und den Handel der vornehmsten Volker der alien Welt. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Gottingen, 1793-96 De Ceylone Insula, per Viginti fere Saecula Communi Terrarum Mariumque Australium Emporio. 4 Gottingen, 18^1 Historical Researches into the Poli- tics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Car- thaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Oxford, 1838 Heeren, A. H. L. The same. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 1850 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity : Asiatic Nations. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1846 A Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, from its Formation at the close of the 1 5th Century to its Re-establish- ment upon the Fall of Napoleon. 8 1846 Ancient Greece (translated by G. Bancroft). Also three historical treatises : I. Political Consequences of the Reforma- tion ; 2. The Rise, Progress, and Prac- tical Influence of Political Theories ; 3. The Rise and Growth of the Continental Interests of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 1847 A Manual of Ancient History, par- ticularly with regard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. 8 1847 Hegenitius, Godfr., and A. Ortelius. Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandicum et Gallo- Brabanticum. 32 Leyden, 1630 Heger, F. Barometrische Hohenmes- sungen in Nord-Griechenland. 4* Vienna, 1878 Heiderich, Dr Franz. Die mittlere Hohe Afrikas. 4* Got ha, 1888 Die mittleren Erhebungsverhaltnisse der Erdoberflache, nebst einem Anhange iiber den wahren Betrag des Luftdruckes auf der Erdoberflache. (Sonderalxlruck aus den Geographischen Abhandlungen herausgegel:>en von Prof. Dr Albrecht Penck. Band 5, Heft i.) Profile. Large 8* Vienna, 1891 Heilprin, Prof. Angelo. Explorations on the West Coast of Florida and in the Okeechobee Wilderness. (Trans. Wagner Instit.) Large 8 Philulelphia, 1887 The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals. Map. Small 8 1887 The Bermuda Islands : a Contribution to the Physical History and Zoology of the Somers Archipelago ; with an Exam- ination of the Structure of Coral Reefs. Illustrations. 8 Philadelphia, 1889 Explorations in Mexico : Barometric Observations among the High Volcanoes of Mexico, with a Consideration of the Culminating Point of the North American Continent. 8* Philaer- land, Westmoreland, Lancashire, and a part of the West Riding of Yorkshire. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 12 Carlisle, 1 808 Ditto. 7th edition. 12 Carlisle, 1816 Houtmann, C. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8: Appendix I. Houzeau, J. C. Histoire du Sol de 1'Europe. Map. 8 Brussels, 1857 Annales de 1'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles : Appendice a la nouvelle serie des Annales Astronomiques ; Vade- Mecum de 1'Astronome. 8 Brtissels, 1882 and A. Lancaster. Bibliographic Generate de 1'Astronomie, on Catalogue Methodique des Ouvrages, des Memoires, et des Observations Astronomiques publics depuis 1'origine de rimprimerie jusqu'en 1880. Tome 2. Large 8 Brussels, 1882 Hove, Dr. Tours for Scientific and Economical Research made in Guzerat, Kattiawar, and the Conkuns in 1787-88. Published from the MS. in the British Museum, under the care of A. Gibson. Plates. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Hovell, W. Hilton. Reply to "A Brief Statement of Facts, in connection with an Overland Expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip, in 1824," pub- lished by H. Hume. 8* Sydney, 1855 and H. Hume. Journey of Dis- covery to Port Phillip, New South Wales, in 1824-25. Map. 8 Sydney, 1837 HO V HUB. 229 Hovell-Thurlow, Hon. T. J. The Com- pany and the Crown. 2nd edition, revised and corrected. Map. 8 1867 Hovgaard, A. Nordenskiold's Voyage round Asia and Europe : a Popular Ac- count of the North-East Passage of the "Vega," 1878-80. Translated from the Danish by H. L. Breekstad. Maps atui illustrations. 8 1882 - The Danish-Arctic Expedition pro- posed by A. Hovgaard. Translated from the Danish by G. Zachariae. Circum- polar chart. 8* Copenhagen, 1882 Howard, B. Douglas. Life with Trans- Siberian Savages. Small 8 1893 Howard, F. See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Howard, Rev. G. B. See Philipos. Howard, J. Eliot. Creation and Pro- vidence, with especial reference to the Evolutionist Theory. 8* 1878 Howard, J. E. Memoirs of William Watts McNair, the First European Explorer of Kafiristan. Portraits. Oblong 12* N.D. Howard, John. The Stanley Geographical Questions. Standards I and 2. 12* Manchester, N.D. - The same. Standard 6. 12* Manchester, N.D. Howard, Luke. The Climate of London, deduced from Meteorological Observa- tions made in the Metropolis and at various places round it. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1833 Howard, Lord Thomas. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i : Appendix I. Howard, \V. Narrative of a Journey to the Summit of Mont Blanc, made in July 1819. 12* Baltimore, 1821 Howel, . See Dalrymple, Alex. Howell, A. P. Note on the State of Education in India during 1866-67. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1868 - Note on Jails and Jail Discipline in India, 1867-68 ; with Extracts from the Jail Reports of the several Governments and Administrations under the Govern- ment of India, for 1867. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1869 Howell, E. J. Mexico, its Progress and Commercial Possibilities. Map. 8 1892 Howell, G. R. African Explorations, Ancient and Modern : Sources of the Nile and Congo. 8* New York, 1878 Howell, James. Instructions for Foreine Travell, 1642, collated with the second edition of 1650. (English reprint, edited by E. Arber.) 12 1869 Howgate, H. W. Polar Colonization : Memorial to Congress, and Action of Scientific and Commercial Associations. Maps and photographs. 8* Washington, 1878 - Polar Colonization and Exploration. Map. 8* N.P., N.D. Howgate, H. W. See Tyson, E. Howitt, A. W. See Victoria, B : Ap- pendix 2. Howland, O. A. The New Empire : Reflections upon its Origin and Consti- tution, and its relation to the Great Republic. Map. 8 1891 Hewlett, S. B. Directions for using Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers in determining Altitudes, with Table and Examples. Plate. 12* 1859 Howley, J. P. Geography of Newfound- land. 2nd edition. Map. 12* 1877 Howorth, Sir H. H. Some Changes of Surface affecting Ancient Ethnography. 8* 1868 On the Westerly Drifting of Nomades, from the 5th to the igth Century: Part 5, Hungarians ; Part 6, Kirghises or Bourouts, Kazaks, Kalmucks, Euzbegs, and Nogays ; Part 9, Fins and allies. 8* N.D. History of the Mongols, from the 9th to the i gth Century. 4 vols. Maps. Large 8 PART i.- The Mongols proper and the Kalmuks. 1876 PART 2. The so-called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. Divisions I and 2. 2 vols. 1880 PART 3. The Mongols of Persia. 1888 The Mammoth and the Flood : an Attempt to Confront the Theory of Uniformity with the Facts of Recent Geology. 8 1887 Howse, Joseph. Grammar of the Cree Language, with which is combined an Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. 8 1844 - Words and Forms of Speech, pre- pared with a view to obtain their Equi- valents in various Indian Dialects. [2 leaves.~\ Folio* Cirencester, N. i>. Hozier, Capt. H. M. See He-Hand, T. J. ; also United Kingdom, G : Appendix 2. Hubbard, Gardiner G. South America. Map. 8* Washington, 1891 Hubbard, J. H. Sport in the Canadian North -West. Map. 8 1886 Hiibbe-Schleiden, W. Ethiopien. Stu- dien iiber West Afrika. Map. 8 Hamburg, 1879 Huber, Charles. Journal d'un Voyage en Arabic (1883-84). Maps and plates. Large 8 l^aris, 1891 Huber, W. Notice P>iographique sur Libre-Irmond Bardin. 8* Paris, 1868 Hiibertz, J. R. De Sindssyge i Danmark. Map. 4* Copenhagen, 1851 Hiibner, Baron von. Through the British Empire. 2 vols. Map. Crown 8 1886 Hiibner, Johann. Kurze Fragen aus der neuen und alien Geographic bis auf gegenwartige Zeit continuirt. . . . Map. 12 Leipzig, 1724 230 HUC HUG. Hue, E. R. Recollections of a Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China during 1844-46. Translated by Mrs Percy Sinnet. 12 1852 Souvenirs d'un Voyage dans la Tar- tarie, le Thibet, et la Chine pendant 1844-46. 2vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1853 L'Empire Chinois, faisant suite a 1'ouvrage intitule "Souvenirs d'un Voy- age dans la Tartarie et le Thibet." 2 vols. Map., 8 Paris, 1854 The Chinese Empire, forming a sequel to the work entitled " Recollec- tions of a Journey through Tartary and Thibet." 2 vols. Map. 8 1855 Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. Vol. I. 8 1857 Huddart, Joseph. Piloting Directory for Bristol Channel, St George's Channel, and all the Coasts of Ireland. Revised l.y John Purdy. 8 1837 Hudleston, W. H. On Deep Sea Inves- tigation : Presidential Address delivered at the Opening of the Session 1881-82 of the Geologists' Association. Map and diagrams. 8* 1882 - and J. F. Walker. On the Distri- bution of the Brachiopoda in the Oolitic Strata of Yorkshire. 8* N. p. , N. D. Hudson, Henry. See Read, J. M. ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 5, 27 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Hudson, T. S. A Scamper through America ; or, Fifteen Thousand Miles of Ocean and Continent in Sixty Days. Map. Small 8 1882 Hudson, W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata. Illustrations. 8 1892 Idle Days in Patagonia. Illustrated by Alfred Hartley and J. Smit. 8 1893 Hues, Robert. See Ilakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 79 : Appendix I. Hug, Arnold. Antiochia und der Auf- stand des Jahres 387 n. Chr. Plate. 4 Winter thur, 1863 Hiigel, Baron Karl A. A. von. Kasch- mir und das Reich der Siek. 3 vols. 8 Stuttgart, 1840-41 - Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab. Translated, with Notes, by Major T. B. Jervis. Maps and plates. Royal 8 1845 Das Kabul-Becken und die Gebirge zwischen dem Hindu Kosch und dem Sutlej. Maps. Folio Wien, 1850 Der Stille Ocean und die Spanischen Besitzungen im Ostindischen Archipel. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1860 In Memoriam. 4* N.D. Hughes, A. W. Outlines of Indian History, comprising the Hindu, Maho- medan, and Christian Periods. Maps. 12 1871 Hughes, A. W. A Gazetteer of the Province of Sindh. Maps and photo- graphs. 8 1874 The Country of Balochistan, its Geo- graphy, Topography, Ethnology, and History. [Vocabulary, and Road Routes.] Map in cover and photographs. 12 1877 Hughes, Edward. Outlines of Physical Geography, Descriptive of the Inorganic Matter of the Globe, and the Distribution of Organized Beings ; with Maps, com- piled by William Hughes. 12 1850 Hughes, G. Amoy and the surrounding Districts. Map. Square 8 Hong Kong, 1872 Hughes, J. See Dobreo. Hughes, Robert Edgar. Two Summer Cruises with the Baltic Fleet in 1854-55, being the Log of the " Pet," Yacht. Maps and plate. 8 1855 Hughes, T. S. Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1820 Travels in Greece and Albania. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1830 Hughes, Rev. W. Dark Africa and the Way Out, or a Scheme for Civilising and Evangelising the Dark Continent. Maps and illustrations. 12 1892 Hughes, William. Principles of Mathe- matical Geography, comprehending a Theoretical and Practical Explanation of the Construction of Maps, with Rules for the Formation of the various kinds of Map Projections. Plans. 8 1843 Remarks on Geography as a Branch of Popular Education, chiefly with refer- ence to the Principles upon which it should be Taught in Normal Schools. 8* 1847 Manual of British Geography, em- bracing the Physical, Industrial, and Descriptive Geography of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1851 Manual of European Geography, embracing the Physical, Industrial, and Descriptive Geography of the various Countries of Europe. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1851 The Australian Colonies, their Origin and Present Condition. 12 1852 Class-Book of Modern Geography, with Examination Questions. 12" 1859 The Study of Geography : a Lecture. 8* 1863 A Treatise on the Construction of Maps, comprehending an Inquiry into the Principles of Mathematical Geo- graphy and the Relations of Geography to Astronomy, with Rules for the Forma- tion of Map-projections. Plates. 12 1864 HUG HUM. 231 Hughes, William. The Geography of British History, a Geographical Descrip- tion of the British Islands at successive Periods, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Maps. 12 1866 A Class- Book of Physical Geography, with Examination Questions. New and enlarged edition. Map. 8 1868 Geography in its Relation to History: a Lecture, delivered at the Birkbeck In- stitution. 8* 1870 -- Geography in its Relation to Physical Science. 8* 1870 -- A Manual of Geography, Physical, Industrial, Political. Small 8 1873 A Class-Book of Modern Geography, with Examination Questions. New edi- tion, revised by J. Francon Williams. Small 8 1 88 1 -- See Dempsey ; Maunder. and J. F. Williams. The Advanced Class-Book of Modern Geography, Physi- cal, Political, Commercial. 12 1892 - The Geography of the British Colonies and Dependencies, Physical, Political, Commercial. Map. Small 8 1892 An Introduction to the Study of Geo- graphy, Mathematical, Physical, Political, and Commercial. Plate. Small 8 1893 Hughes, Major W. Gwynne. The Hill Tracts of Arakan. Map and frontispiece. 8 Rangoon, 1881 Hughes, Lieut. W. S. See United States, E, a (No. 64) : Appendix 2. Hugo, Comte Leopold. Extraits de deux Lettres addressees a D. B. Boncom- pagni. 4* Rome, 1876 HugOt, A. See Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Hugues, Luigi. Alcune considerazioni sul Primo Viaggio cli Amerigo Vespucci. 8* Rome, 1885 II Quarto Viaggio di Amerigo Ves- pucci. 8* [Rome, 1886] -- Sul Nome "America." 12* Turin, 1886 Seconda Me- 8* Rome, 1888 -- Guida por 1'Insegnamento della Geo- grafia nelle Scuole Primarie e Secondarie. Parte Prima La Regione Italiana, Primi Elementi di Geografia Generale. 8* Turin, 1888 Sopra due Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci (Anni 1500, 1501). 8* Rome, 1891 - Di alcuni Recenti Guidizi intorno ad Amerigo Vespucci, Osservazioni Critiche. 12* Turin, 1891 Huhn, E. H. T. Deutsch-Lothringen, Landes-, Volks-, und Ortskunde. 8 U Stuttgart, 1875 Huish, Robert. The Last Voyage of Capt. Sir John Ross to the Arctic Regions for the Discovery of the North- -- Sul Nome " America." morice, con un' Appendice. Huish, Robert continued. West Passage, in 1829 - 33 ; with an Abridgement of the Former Voyages of Capts. Ross, Parry, &c. Map and plates. 8 1835 Hull, Prof. Edward. The Coal-Fields of Great Britain, their History, Structure, and Resources; with Notices of the Coal- Fields of other Parts of the World. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 8 1873 Mount Seir, Sinai, and Western Palestine, being a Narrative of a Scien- tific Expedition. Published for the Com- mittee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Maps and illustrations. 8 1885 A Sketch of Geological History, being the Natural History of the Earth and of its Pre-Human Inhabitants ; with an Illustrative Diagram. Crown 8 1887 A Text - Book of Physiography, or Physical Geography, being an Introduc- tion to the Study of the Physical Pheno- mena of our Globe. Maps and plates. 12 1888 See Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. Hull, Hugh M. The Experience of Forty Years in Tasmania. Map and plates. 12 1859 Hull, Thomas A. Practical Nautical Surveying. 8* 1873 See Temple, G. T. Hullett, R. W. English Sentences, with Equivalents in Colloquial Malay. Com- piled for the use of Pupils at the Raffles Institution, Singapore. 12* 1887 Hulsius, Levinus. See Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Hultzch, E. See India, A : Appendix 2. Humann, Karl, and Otto Puchstein. Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien. Illustrations. Text 4, and Atlas large 4 Berlin, 1890 Humbert, Aime. Le Japon Illustre. 2 vols. Map, plans, and plates. Large 4 Paris, 1870 La Mer Interieure du Japon. Map. 8* [Geneva, 1866] Humble, W. Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy, comprising such terms in Botany, Chemistry, Comparative Ana- tomy, Conchology, Entomology, Palae- ontology, Zoology, and olher branches of Natural History, as are connected with the study of Geology. 2nd ed. 8 1843 Humboldt, Alexander von. Political Essays on the Kingdom of New Spain. 4 vols. Maps. 8 1811 - Plates to do. 8 1811 Researches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabit- ants of America, with Descriptions and Views of some of the most striking Scenes in the Cordilleras. Translated by Helen M. Williams. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1814 232 HUM. Humboldt, Alexander von. Essai Poli- tique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle- Espagne. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Map in cover. 8 Paris, 1825 Tableaux de la Nature, ou Considera- tions sur les Deserts, sur la Physionomie des Vegetaux, sur les Cataractes de 1'Orenoque, sur la Structure et 1'Action des Volcans dans les differentes Regions de la Terre, &c. Traduits de 1'Allemand par J. B. B. Eyries. 2 vols. in I. 8 Paris, 1828 Fragmens de Geologic et de Climat- ologie Asiatiques. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1831 Report upon a Letter by, to H.R.H. [the Duke of Sussex] the President of the Royal Society, respecting Terrestrial Magnetism. 8* 1836 Examen Critique de 1'Histoire de la Geographic du Nouveau Continent et des Progres de 1'Astronomie Nautique aux quinzieme et seizieme Siecles. 5 vols. 8 1836-39 Ueber die Hochebene von Bogota. 8* Berlin, 1838 Notice de deux tentatives d'ascension du Chimborazo. 8* Paris, 1838 Asie Centrale : Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagnes et la Climatologie comparee. 3 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1843 Kosmos : Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 5 vols. 8 Stuttgart, 1845-62 Cosmos : a Sketch of a Physical De- scription of the Universe. Translated from the German by E. C. Otte, B. H. Paul, and W. S. Dallas. 5 vols. 12 1849-58 Views of Nature ; or, Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation, with Scientific Illustrations. Translated by E. C. Otte and H. G. Bohn. Frontis- piece and facsimile. 12 1850 Travels and Researches of, by W. Macgillivray ; with a Narrative of Hum- boldt's most recent Researches, including his Journey to the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea, &c. Portrait and plates. 12 1853 Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de, par M. de la Roquette. Portraits and facsimile. 4* Paris, 1860 Festrede bei der von den naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereinen Berlins veranstal- teten Humboldt-Feier, von A. Bastian. 8* Berlin, 1869 See Adalbert ; Bruhns ; Kelley ; Macgillivray ; Mollhausen ; Paravey ; Rose ; Schwarzenberg. and Aime" Bonpland. Essai sur la Geographic des Plantes ; accompagne d un Tableau Physique des Regions Equinoxiales, fonde sur des mesures executees depuis le dixieme degre de Humboldt, A. von, and A. Bonpland continued. latitude boreale jusqu'au dixieme degre de latitude australe, pendant 1799-1803. 4 Paris, 1805 Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, 1799-1804, par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. Redige par Alexandre de Humboldt. Premiere Partie : Relation Historique. Tome premier. Map. 4 Paris, 1814 Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland. Deuxieme Partie : Recueil d'Observa- tions de Zoologie et d'Anatomie com- paree, faites dans 1'Ocean Atlantique, clans 1'Interieur du Nouveau Continent, et dans la Mer du Sud, pendant les Annees 1799-1803. Premier volume. Plates. 4 Paris, 1811 Ditto. Troisieme Partie : Essai Poli- tique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle- Espagne. [Par Alexandre de Humboldt. ] 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1811 Ditto. Quatrieme Partie. Astronomic. Recueil d'Observations Astronomiques, d'Operations Trigonometriques, et de Mesures Barometriques, faites pendant le cours d'un Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent depuis 1799 jusqu 'en 1803. Par Alex- andre de Humboldt ; redigees et cal- culees, d'apres les tables les plus exactes, par Jabbo Oltmanns. 2 vols. Plates. 4 Paris, 1810 Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804. Redige par Alexandre de Humboldt. 13 vols. (in 7). 8 Paris, 1816-26 Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Conti- nent, during 1799-1804, by Alex, de Humboldt and Aime Bonpland. Trans- lated by Helen M. Williams. 7 vols. in 6. Maps and plates. 8 1822-29 Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, during 1799-1804, by Alex, von Hmnlx>ldt and Aime Bonpland. Translated and edited by Thomasina Ross. 3 vols. (Bohn's Scientific Library.) 12 1852-53 Hume, Rev. A. Philosophy of Geogra- phical Names. 8* Liverpool, 1851 Geographical Terms, considered as tending to enrich the English Language. 8* Liverpool, 1859 Hume, A. O. Report on the Boureeah Gang of Robbers, 1855. [Records, N.W.P., No. 25.] Large 8 Agra, 1856 - Report upon the State and Progress of Education in the Etawah District for 1856, and on Hulgabundee Schools, 1859. [Records, N.W.P., No. 33.] Large 8 Allahabad, 1860 See Henderson. HUM HUO. 233 Hume, Hamilton. A Brief Statement of Facts in connection with an Overland Expedition from Lake George to Port Phillip, in 1824. Edited by the Rev. William Ross. 8 Sydney, 1855 The same. 2nd edition. Portrait, 8 Yass, 1873 See HovelL Hume, Dr. See Walpole : Appendix I. Humme, H. C. Abiasa, een Javaansch Tooneelstuk (Wajang), met een Hol- landsche vertaling en toelichtende nota. 8 The Hague, 1878 Hummel, D. See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Hummel, Dr Karl. Physische Geo- graphic. 8 Graz, 1855 Humphreys, Capt. A. A. Report on the Experiment of Sinking Artesian Wells upon the Public Lands ; Explora- tion of the Rio Colorado of the West ; Exploration in Nebraska, &c. 8 Washington, 1859 - and Lieut. H. L. Abbot. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississipi River, upon the Protection of the Alluvial Region against Overflow, and upon the Deepening of the Mouths, based upon Surveys and Investigations. Maps. 4 Philadelphia, 1861 Hunfalvy, J. See Magyar. Hunfalvy, Paul. Literarische Berichte aus Ungarn. Vols. 1-4. Plates. 8 Budapest, 1877-80 - Die Volker des Ural und ihre Sprachen. 8* Budapest, 1888 Hunnewell, J. Journal of the Voyage of the " Missionary Packet," Boston to Honolulu, 1826. Maps and plates. 4 Charlestown, 1880 Hunt, C. C. Journal of an Expedition to the Eastern Interior of Western Australia. [Cuttings from a Newspaper.] Fo* 1 866 Hunt, Dr. See Walpole, Robert : Ap- pendix i. Hunt, James. Introductory Address on the Study of Anthropology. 8* 1863 - Anniversary Address delivered be- fore the Anthropological Society of London, Jan. 1864. 8* 1864 - Anniversary Address delivered be- fore the Anthropological Society of London, 1866. 8* 1866 Farewell Address delivered at the Fourth Anniversary of the Anthropo- logical Society of London, 1867. 8* 1867 Hunt, J. See Vogt. Hunt, Robert. On the Importance of Cultivating Habits of Observation. 8* 1851 Hunt, R. S., and J. F. Randel. Guide to the Republic of Texas. Map. 18 New York, 1839 Hunt, Dr T. Sterry. Sur la Formation des Gypses et des Dolomies. 4* Pun's, 1867 Hunter, Archdeacon. A Lecture on the Grammatical Construction of the Cree Language, delivered on the 2nd April 1862. Large 8" 1875 Hunter, F. M. The Aden Handbook. 8* 1873 A Grammar of the Somali Language ; together with a short Historical Notice, and a few Exercises for Beginners ; con- cluding with an English-Somali and Somali-English Vocabulary. 16 Bombay, 1880 Report of a Visit made to the Amiri District in Jan. 1880. Folio* Bombay Report on the Province of Ilarrar. Map and plan. Folio* Aden, 1884 A Statistical Account of the British Settlement of Aden, in Arabia. Map and plan. 8 1887 Hunter, Henry. See Sonnini, C. S. Hunter, John. An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Nor- folk Island, with the Discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern Ocean, since the publication of Phillip's Voyage, compiled from the Official Papers ; including the Journals of Governors Phillip and King, and of Lieut. Ball ; and the Voyages from the first Sailing of the " Sirius" in 1787 to the Return of that ship's Com- pany to England in 1792. Portrait ^ ptates, maps, and charts. 4 1 793 Hunter, R. See Hislop ; also India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Hunter, Sir W. W. A Comparative Dictionary of the Non-Aryan Languages of India and High Asia, &c. 4 1868 The Annals of Rural Bengal. 4th edition. 8 1871 Orissa ; or, The Vicissitudes of an Indian Province under Native and British Rule. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1872 - A Statistical Account of Bengal. Vol. 1-20. Maps. 8 1875-76 Preliminary List of Places, Rivers, &c. , alphabetically arranged, for the Imperial Gazetteer of India. Folio 1877 - A Statistical Account of Assam. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1879 The Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 vols. Maps. 8 1881 - The same. 2nd edition. 14 vols. Maps. 8 1885-87 The Indian Empire, its History, People, and Products. Map 1882 Huntingdon, R. See Ray: Appendix I. Huntington, Earl of. See Ilakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Huot, J. J. N. See Malte-Brun. 234 HUR HYD. Hurlbert, J. B. The Climates, Produc- tions, and Resources of Canada. Maps. 8 Montreal, 1872 Physical Atlas, with Coloured Maps, showing the Geographical Distribution of Plants yielding Food, Climates, Flora, Soils, Regions of Summer Rains, Geo- logical Formations, and Hydrography of the Dominion of Canada. Folio Ottawa, 1880 Hurlbut, William H. Pictures of Cuba. 12 1855 Hurgrpnje, Or C. Snouck. Mekka. I. Die Stadt und ihre Herren ; II. Aus. dem heutigen Leben. Plans. [With Atlas.] 8 The Hague, 1888-89 - Bilder aus Mekka. Mit kurzem erlauterndem Texte. Folio Leyden, 1889 Hurtado, Diego. See Callande'r, Vol. i : Appendix I. Hutchings, James M. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Plates. 8 1865 Hutchinson, Col. A. H. Try Lapland : a Fresh Field for Summer Tourists. 2nd edition. Map and plates. Sm. 8 1870 Try Cracow and the Carpathians. Map and plates. Small 8 1872 Hutchinson, C. W. Reports on the Working of the District Daks in the North-Western Provinces, for the year 1872-73 Allahabad, 1873 Hutchinson, E. The Best Trade Route to the Lake Regions of Central Africa. Map. 8* 1877 The Lost Continent, its Re-dis- covery and Recovery. 8 N.u. Hutchinson, Capt. Gideon. Memoir on the Sawunt Waree State, prepared in 1818. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Hutchinson, Graham. A Treatise on the Causes and Principles of Meteorological Phenomena, &c. 8 Glasgow, 1835 Hutchinson, Margarite. See Pigafetta. Hutchinson, T. J. Impressions of Western Africa, with Remarks on the Diseases of the Climate, and a Report of the Peculiarities of Trade up the Rivers in the Bight of Biafra. 8 1858 - Ten Years' Wanderings among the Ethiopians, with Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Civilized and Un- civilized Tribes, from Senegal to Gaboon. 8 1861 - Details of a Journey through part of the Salado Valley and across some of the Argentine Provinces. Map. 8 1864 Buenos Ayres and Argentine Glean- ings ; with Extracts from a Diary of Salado Exploration in 1862 and 1863. Map and plates. 8 1865 - The Parana ; with Incidents of the Paraguayan War, and South American Recollections, from 1861 to 1868. Map and plates. 8 1868 Hutchinson, T. J. from Abroad. 8* Our Meat Supply Liverpool, 1871 - Two Years in Peru, with Exploration of its Antiquities. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1873 Hutchinson, W. Excursion to the Lakes in Westmorland and Cumberland, with a Tour through part of the Northern Counties, in 1773 and 1774. Plates. 8 1776 Hutton, Charles. Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary, containing an Explanation of the Terms, and an Account of the several Subjects, com- prised under the heads Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy, both Natural and Experimental ... 2 vols. Portrait and plates. 4 1815 Hutton, Capt. F. W. The Moas of New Zealand. (Extract from the J^ransac- tions of the New Zealand Institute, 1891.) Plates. 8* 1 89 1 - See New Zealand : Appendix 2. - and G. H. F. Ulrich. Report on the Geology and Gold Fields of Otago ; with Appendices by J. G. Black and J. McKerrow. Map and plates. 8 Dunedin, 1875 Hutton, William. Voyage to Africa ; including a Narrative of an Embassy to Ashantee in 1820 ; with Remarks on the Course and Termination of the Niger, and other Principal Rivers in that Country. Maps and plates. 8 1821 See Eyries, Vol. II : Appendix i. Huxley, Prof. T. H. Physiography : an Introduction to the Study of Nature. Maps and plates. 8 1877 The Aryan Question and Pre-Historic Man. (From The Nineteenth Century.) 8* 1890 See India, C (Palaeont. Ind.) : Ap- pendix 2. Huyshe, G. L. The Red River Expedi- tion. Maps. 8 1871 Huyssen van Kattendyke, W. J. C. Uittreksel uit het Dagboek van, gedu- rende zijn verblijf in Japan in 1857, 1858, en 1859. Map. 8 The Hague, 1 860 Hwen Thsang. See Hiouen Thsang. Hwui-li. See Beal. Hyades, Dr. See France, B, a : Appen- dix 2. Hyatt, Thaddeus. The Dragon-Fly, or Reactive Passive Locomotion : a Vacuum Theory of Aerial Navigation, based on the Principle of the Fan-Blower ; to which is appended some Remarks on Water and its Navigation. 4* 1882 Hyde, John. Geographical Concentration : an Historic Feature of American Agricul- ture. An Address delivered Ijefore the International Statistical Institute, 1 4th September 1893. 8* Washington, 1893 HYD IMP. 235 Hyde, John. See Schwatka. " Hydra." See Sholl ; Shortland. Hyland, J. Shearson. Ueber die Ges- teine des Kilimandscharo und dessen Umgebung. Plate. 8* 1888 Hyndman, H. M. See Yule, Sir H. Hyvernat, H. See Muller-Simonis. I. lambulus. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book i : Appendix i. larric, Pierre du. Troisiesme Partie de 1'Histoire des Choses plus memorables Advenues tant en Indes Orientales, qu'- autres pais de la Descouverte des Portu- gais . . . despuis 1600 jusques a 1610. Small 4 Bordeaux, 1614 - Thesaurus Rerum Indicarum. . . . Opus mine primum a M. Matthia Mar- tinez e gallico in latinam sermonem trans- latum. 4 vols. 12 Cologne, 1615 Ibanez e Ibaiiez, Carlos. Descripcion Geodesica de las Islas Baleares. Maps and plates. 8 Madrid, 1871 Ibbetson, D. C. J. See India, P : Ap- pendix 2. Iberri, Jose Ignacio. Prospectus of a Navigable Canal between Vera Cruz and Alvarado. Map. 12* Neiv York, 1827 Ibn Batuta, Travels of, in Asia and Africa, 1324-25. Translated from the abridged Arabic MS. copies preserved in the Public Library of Cambridge ; with Notes illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities, &c. , occurring throughout the work. 4 1829 Viagens Extensas e Dilatadas do Abu- Abdallah, mais conhecido pelo nome de Ben - Batuta. Traduzidas por Jose de Santo A. Moura. 2 vols. 8 Lisbon, 1840-55 - Voyages d'Ibn Batoutah ; texte Arabe, accompagne d'une traduction par C. Defremery et le Dr B. R. Sanguinetti ; avec Index. 4 vols. 8 Paris, 1853-59 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 37 : Appendix I. Ibn Haukal. See Ebn Haukal. Ibn Khaldun. See Ebn Khaldoun and Omarah-al- 1 lakami. Ibn Omar. See Ebn Omar. Ibrahim Hilmy, Prince. Zeitschrift fiir ^igyptische Sprache und Alterthums- kunde Jahrgang i.-xxin. 1863-85. In- haltsverzeichniss. 4* 1886 - The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan, from the Earliest Times to the year 1885 inclusive : a Bibliography, comprising Printed Books, Periodical Writings, and Papers of Learned So- cieties ; Maps and Charts, Ancient Papyri, Manuscripts, Drawings, &c. 2 vols. Vol. i, A-L, 4; Vol. 2, M-Z. With Appendix of Additional Works to May 1887. 4 1 886-88 Ideler, J. L. See Ritter, Carl. Ides, E. Ysbrant. Three Years' Travels from Moscow overland to China : thro' Great Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, &c., to Peking. . . . To which is annex'd an accurate description of China, done originally by a Chinese Author Printed in Dutch by the Direction of Burgomaster Witzen, formerly Ambassador in Eng- land ; and now faithfully done into Eng- lish. Plates. [Map wanting.} 4 1706 See Brim ; also Astley, Vol. 3 ; Harris, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Idiaquez, E. See Ballivian. Ihre, Johannis. Lexicon Lapponicum, cum interpretatione Vocabulorum Sueco- Latina et Indice Suecano-Lapponico ; . . . auctum Grammatica Lapponica a Erico Lindahl et Johanne Ohrling. 4 Stockholm, 1780 Ijzerman, J. W. Beschrijving der Oud- heden nabij de Grens der Residenties Soerakarta en Djogdjakarta ; with Atlas. Plates. 4 Batavia, 1891 Ikin, Arthur. Texas, its History, Topo- graphy, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Statistics ; with a Copy of the Treaty of Commerce entered into by the Republic of Texas and Great Britain. Map. 1 8 1841 Illens, d', and Funk. Plans et Journaux des Sieges de la derniere Guerre de Flandres. Rassembles par deux Capi- taines etrangers an Service de France. Maps and plans. 4 Strasburg, 1750 Imbault-Huart, Camille. Recueil de Documents sur 1'Asie Centrale. I. His- toire de 1'Insurrection des Tounganes sous le regne de Tao-Kouang (1820-28) d'apres les documents chinois ; II. De- scription Orographique du Turkestan chinois, traduite du Si yu t'ou tche ; HI. Notices geographiques et historiques sur les Peuples de 1'Asie Centrale, traduite du Si yu t'pu tche. [Vol. 16 of the Publ. de 1'Ecole des Langues Orient. Viv.] Maps. 8 Paris, 1881 Imbert, Louis. Congres National des Societes Franchises de Geographic. XIV e session, Tours, 1893. Projet de Creation d'un Bureau Colonial aupres des Societes de Geographic : Rapport Fait au Congres de Tours, le i cr Aout 1893. 8 Bordeaux, 1893 Imhaus, E. N. Les Nouvelles- Hebrides. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1890 Impey, E. Memoir on the Physical Character of the Nerbudda River and Valley ; with a Descriptive Detail of the Mineral Resources of the Nerbudda Valley, and on the Coal Beds in its Vicinity. [No. 14 of the India Records.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 2 3 6 IMR IRA. Imray, James F. Pilotage rates and re- gulations for the principal ports. 8 1858 - The Bay of Bengal Pilot. Maps. 8 1879 See United Kingdom, North Pacific Pilot, Part I : Appendix 2. - and W. H. Rosser. The Lights and Tides of the World, together with the Variation and Dip of the Magnetic Needle. Charts. 4 1869 Im Thurn, Everard F. Tables of Indian Languages of British Guiana, with an Appendix of Arawak Family Names. Folio* Georgetown, 1878 Notes on the Indians of Guiana. Nos. i to 8. Small 4 Georgetown, 1878-79 A Visit to the Corentyne River. Small 4* Georgetown, 1879 A Second Journey to the Kaieteur, in February-March 1879. Small 4* Georgetown, 1879 - The Boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela. Small 4* Georgetown, 1879 Among the Indians of Guiana : being Sketches, chiefly Anthropologic, from the Interior of British Guiana. Map and illustrations. 8 1883 - Visit of the Governor to the Pomeroon District (July 1887). (Reprinted from the Argosy.) 4* Deinerara, 1887 Primitive Games. (Reprinted from Timekri.) 8* Georgetown, 1890 Notes on British Guiana : a Paper read before the Royal Colonial Institute. 8* 1892 Inagaki, Manjiro. Japan and the Pacific, and the Japanese View of the Eastern Question. Maps. 8 1890 Inderwick, F. A. The Story of King Edward and New Winchelsea: the Edifi- cation of a Mediaeval Crown. 8 1892 Indio [do Brazil], Arthur. Memoria Descriptiva do Electro - Maregrapho Imaginado. 2nd edition. Plate. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1884 Ingersoll, Ernest. The History and Pre- sent Condition of the Fishery Industries : The Oyster Industry. Plates. 4 Washington, 1881 See United States, A : Appendix 2. Ingersoll, Joseph R. Address at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Colonisation Society, October 25, 1838 ; with the Annual Report. 8* Philadelphia, 1838 Ingigi, Luca. Villeggiature de' Bizantini, sul Bosforo Tracio. Opera del P. P. Ingigi tradotta dal P. Cherubino Azna- vor. Map and plate. 12 Venice, 1831 Inglefield, Sir Edward A. A New Theory of the Physical Causes of Terres- trial Magnetism, and some Remarks in connection therewith on the Aurora Borealis. 8* 1851 Inglefield, Sir Edward A. A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin, with a Peep into the Polar Basin ; with Short Notices by Professor Dickie on the Botany, and Dr Sutherland on the Meteorology and Geology. Map and plates. 8 !&53 Inglis, H. D. A Personal Narrative of a Journey through Norway, part of Sweden, and the Islands and States of Denmark. 12 1835 - The Channel Islands. Plates. 8 1835 Ingram, Ant. See Kerr, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Ingulphus (Abbot). See Hakluyt, Vol. 2; Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix I. Inman, James. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Revised by the Rev. James Williams Inman. 8 1862 - Nautical Tables, designed for the use of British Seamen. Revised by the Rev. James Williams Inman. Royal 8 1864 Ditto. New edition. 8 1872 Innes, Emily. The Chersonese with the Gilding off. 2 vols. Illustrations. Crown 8 1885 Inskip, G. H. Queen Charlotte Islands, on Western Coast of North America : Remarks for Sailing Directions, made in the year 1853. 8* 1856 Inskip, Rev. R. M. Navigation and Nau- tical Astronomy : containing Practical Rules, Notes, and Examples. 8 Port sea, 1865 Appendix to the Navigation and Nautical Astronomy : containing Expla- nations and Proofs of the Theory, Addi- tional Practical Rules and Examples, Local Duration, Use of Instruments, Taking Observations, Use of Charts, Definitions, &c. Plates. 8 Portsea, 1865 International Congresses and Con- ferences. See General : Appendix 2. Introcetta, Pere. See Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Inverarity, Capt. David. See Dalrymple, A. " Investigator." See Osborn, S. Inwards, Richard. The Temple of the Andes. Plates. 4 1884 Ipolyi, Arnold. A Deakmonostori XIII. szazadi Roman Basilika. Ilely es Miitor- teneti Monographia. 4 Budapest, 1 860 Iradier-Bulfy, Manuel. Primer Viaje de la Exploradora Zona de Corisco. Re- conocimiento de la Zona Ecuatorial de Africa en las Costas de Occidente ; sus Montaiias, sus Rios, sus Habitantes, Posesiones Espaiiolas del Golfa de Guinea. 8. Map. [Bound up with " Boletin de la Exploradora, Aiio i, Tomo i] Vitoria, 1 880 Irala, Domingo M. de. See Cartas de Indias, p. 612 : Appendix I. IRE IVE. 237 Irby, A. H. The Diary of a Hunter from the Punjab to the Karakorum Mountains. Map. 8 1863 Irby, A. P. See Mackenzie, G. M. Irby, Hon. C. Leonard, and James Mangles. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and Asia Minor, during 1817 and 1818. Maps and plates. 8 [Privately printed}, 1823 Irminger, C. Den Arctiske Stromning. Map. 8* Copenhagen, 1854 -- Stromninger og lisdrift ved Island. 8* Copenhagen, 1861 Notice sur les Peches du Danemark, des Isles Feroe, de 1'Islande et du Green- land. 8* Parts, 1863 Irons, W. The Settlers' Guide to the Cape of Good Hope and Colony of Natal. Compiled from Original and Authentic Materials. 12 1858 Irvine, J. The Ashantee Difficulty. 8* Liverpool, 1873 Irving, Dr A. Chemical and Physical Studies in the Metamorphism of Rocks, based on a Thesis (with Appendices). 8 1889 Irving, B. A. The Commerce of India : being a View of the Routes successively taken by the Commerce between Europe and the East, and of the Political Effects produced by the several changes. 8 1858 - The Great Lake, Lagoon, or Bay of Triton. Maps. Small 8* [Carlisle, N.D.] Irving, Edward. See Roberts, O. W. Irving, J. Report on a Species of Palsy, prevalent in Pergunnah Khyragurh, in Zillah Allahabad, from the Use of Kes- saree Dal, an Article of Eood. 8 1860 - Report of a Species of Palsy of the Lower Limbs, prevalent in Pergunnah Barrah, Zillah Allahabad. [From the India Records (N.W. Provinces).] 8 Allahabad, 1861 Irving, Roland Duer. See United States, G, c (Monographs and Bulletins) : Ap- pendix 2. Irving, Washington. History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. 4 vols. Maps. 8 1828 - Voyages and Discoveries of the Com- panions of Columbus. Map and plates. 12 1831 Irwin, Eyles. A Scries of Adventures in the course of a Voyage up the Red Sea, on the Coasts of Arabia and Eygpt ; and of a Route through the Desarts of The- bais, hitherto unknown to the European Traveller, in the year 1777, &c. Maps and plates 1780 The same, in the year 1777 '> wi tn a Supplement of a Voyage from Venice to Latichea, and of a Route through the Desarts of Arabia, by Aleppo, Bagdad, and the Tygris to Busorah, in the years 1780 and 1781. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 ' 1787 Irwin, Capt. F. Chidley. State and Position of Western Australia, com- monly called the Swan River Settle- ment. 8 1835 Isbister, Alexander K. A Proposal for a New Penal Settlement in connection with the Colonization of the Uninhabited Districts of British North America. 8* 1850 Isbrant Ides. Sec Brim ; Ides. Isenberg, C. W. Grammar of the Am- haric Language. 8 1842 See Krapf. and J. L. Krapf. Journals, detail- ing their Proceedings in the Kingdoms of Shoa, and Journeys in other Parts of Abyssinia in 1839-42; with a Geographi- cal Memoir of AbyssiniaandSouth-Eastern Africa, by J. McQueen. Maps. 8 1843 Ismail- Bey, Moustapha, and Colonel Moktar-Bey. Notices Biographiques de S. E. Mahmoud-Pacha el Falaki (1'Astro- nome). Portrait. 8* Cairo, 1 886 Issaverdens, J. Armenia and the Arme- nians : being a Sketch of its Geography, History, Church, and Literature. Vol. I. 12 Venice, 1874 - The same. Vol. 2. Ecclesiastical History. 12 Venice, 1875 Issel, Arturo. Istruzioni Scientifiche pei Viaggiatori ... in colloborazione dei Signori Giovanni Celoria, Michele Ste- fano de Rossi, Raffaello Gestro, Enrico Giglioli, Guido Grassi, Angiolo Manzoni, Antonio Piccone, Gustavo Uzielli, e Arturo Zannetti. Plates. 8 Rome, 1881 - II Terremoto del 1887 in Liguria. Map and plates. 8 Genoa [1887] See Giglioli. Istakhri. See Madini. Ivanoff, D. L. Brief Sketch of Geo- logical Researches on the Pamir. [In Russian.] Map. 8* 1885 - What is the Pamir? [In Russian.] 8* [1885] Ivanovsky, A. A. Anthropological Sketch of the Torguts in the Tarbagatai District of the Chinese Empire. [In Russian.] 4 Moscow, 1893 and A. D. Bozdestvensky. On Prof. N. J. Zograf's Anthropometri- cal Researches on the Male Popula- tion of the Vladimir, Yaroslaff, and Kostroma Governments. [In Russian.] 8* Moscow, 1893 Ivashintsov, Nikolai Aleksyevich. Hydrographical Researches on the Caspian Sea. Astronomical part. [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1866 Ivens, R. See Capello. Iver-Boty. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. 2 3 8 IVE-JAC. Ives, Edward. Voyage from England to India in 1754, and an Historical Narra- tive of the Operations of the Squadron and Army in India under Adam Watson and Colonel Clive in 1755-57; with the Manners, Customs, &c. , of several Na- tions of India ; and a Journey from Persia to England by an unusual Route. Maps and plates. 4 1773 Ives, Lieut. J. C. Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in J857-58. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1861 Voyage d'Exploration du Colorado en 1857 et 1858. Map. 8* N.P., N.D. Ixtlilxochitl, F. d'Alva. See Ternaux- Compans, Vols. 8, 12, 13 : Appendix I. Jack, Robert Logan. Report on the Bowen River Coalfield. Map and illus- trations. Folio* Brisbane, 1879 Report on the Geology and Mineral Resources of the District between Charters Towers .Goldfields and the Coast. Maps,&c. Folio* Brisbane, 1879 Report on Explorations in Cape York Peninsula, 1879-80. Folio* [Brisbane} 1 88 1 Stanthorpe Tin Mining District Pre- liminary Report. Folio* Brisbane, 1882 Report on the Little River Coalfield near Cooktown. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1882 Report on the Tin Mines of Her- berton, Western, and Thompson's Creek Districts, and the Silver Mines of the Dry River, Queensland. Maps and plans. Folio* Brisbane, 1883 Report on the Hodgkinson Gold Field. Maps and diagrams. Folio* Brisbane, 1884 Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. Map and plan. Folio* [Brisbane} 1884 Report on the Argentine [Star] Silver Mines, Kennedy District. Maps and section. Folio* [Brisbane} 1886 Handbook of Queensland Geology. 8* . Brisbane, 1886 Geological Observations in the North of Queensland, 1886-87. Maps. Folio* [Brisbane} 1887 Report on the Geological Features of the Mackay District. Plans. Folio* [Brisbane] 1887 Geology of the Russell River. Folio* [Brisbane} 1888 - The Mineral Wealth of Queensland. Map. 8* Brisbane, 1888 On Some Salient Points in the Geology of Queensland. 8* [Sydney, 1888] Jack, Robert Logan. Limestone Dis- trict, part ot the Palmer Gold field. Preliminary Report. Map. Folio* [Brisbane} 1888 - Report on the Limestone District, part of the Palmer Goldfield. Map. Folio* 1888 - Coal Discoveries on the Flinders. Folio* [Brisbane} 1888 Report on the Sellheim Silver Mines and Surrounding District. Maps and plan. Folio* [Brisbane} 1889 Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. Second Report. Folio* [Brisbane} 1889 - Tarduganba Gold Mine. Plan. Folio* [Brisbane} 1889 - Moondilla Gold Field. Folio* [Brisbane} 1891 - Notes on Broken Hill. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 Second Report on the Tin Mines near Cooktown. Maps. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 - Report on Chillagoe and Koorboora Mining Districts. Maps. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 - Report on the Kangaroo Hills Silver and Tin Mines. Maps. Folio* Brisbane, 1892 - Mount Morgan Gold Deposits. Third Report. Maps, plates, and views. Folio* Brisbane, 1892 - Second Report on the Normanby Gold Field. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1893 - Russell River Gold Field. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1893 - Grass-Tree Gold Field, near Mackay. Plans. Folio* Brisbane, 1893 -- See New South Wales, B : Appen- dix 2. Jackman, E. Set Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. I : Appendix i. Jackson, A. J. Report relating to the Suppression of Dacoity in Bengal for 1859. [From the India Records.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1860 Jackson, Lieut. -Col. Basil. Treatises on Military Surveying, including Sketching in the Field, Plan-Drawing, Levelling, Military Reconnaissance, &c. Plates. 8 1860 Jackson, C. T. On the Geology of the Public Lands belonging to the two States of Massachusetts and Maine. Second Annual Report. Map. 8 Boston, 1838 Jackson, E. Correspondence relating to the Suppression of Dacoity in Bengal. [From the India Records.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1855 Jackson, J. See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Jackson, James. Adolf-Erik Nordens- kiold. 8* Paris, 1880 JAC JAE. 239 Jackson, James. Liste Provisoire de Bibliographies Geographiques Speciales. 8* Paris, 1881 - Tableau de Di verses Vitesses, Ex- primes en Metres per Seconde. 8* [Parts, 1885] Ditto. Other editions. 1886, 1892 Socotora : Notes Bibliographiques. Large 8* Paris, 1892 See Cook. Jackson, James Grey. An Account of the Empire of Marocco, and the District of Suse ; . . to which is added an Accurate and Interesting Account of Timbuctoo, the Great Emporium of Central Africa. Map and plates. 4 1 809 - The same. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 4 1814 and El Hage Abd Salam Sha- beeny. Account of Timbuctoo and Housa, Territories in the Interior of Africa : with Notes Critical and Ex- planatory ; to which is added, Letters descriptive of Travels through West and South Barbary, and across the Mountains of Atlas, by J. Grey Jackson. Maps. 8 1820 Jackson, Col. J. R. Memoire sur les Seiches du Lac de Geneve, compose de 1803 a 1804. 4* Geneva, 1804 Observations on Lakes : being an Attempt to explain the Laws of Nature regarding them, the Cause of their For- mation and Gradual Diminution, the Different Phenomena they Exhibit, &c. Plate. 4 1833 What to Observe, or the Traveller's Remembrancer. Revised and edited by Dr Norton Shaw. 8 1861 Jackson, L. D'A. Hydraulic Manual. (Parts I and 2 in one.) 8 1875 Part I. Working Tables and Ex- planatory Text ; Part 2. Hydraulic Statistics, and Indian Meteorological Statistics, for the Use of Engineers. Canal and Culvert Tables, based on the Formula of Kutter, under a Modified Classification, with Explanatory Text and Examples. Plates. 8 1878 Jackson, Sheldon. Report on Education in Alaska. Maps and illustrations. 8 Washington, 1886 Jackson, T. G. Dalmatia, the Quarnero, and Istria ; with Cettigne in Montenegro and the Island of Grado. 3 vols. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 8 Oxford, 1887 Jackson, W. B. Report on Darjeeling. [From the India Records.] Plate. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1854 Jackson, W. H. See United States, G, a (Miscell. ) : Appendix 2. Jacob, Sir G. Le Grand. Observations on Ancient Copper Tablets excavated in the Sawunt Waree Districts. Facsimiles. [Records, No. IO, N.S.] 8 Bombay ,1%$$ Jacob, Sir G. Le Grand. [Reports, &c., in the Bombay Records, No. 37, N.S.] Large 8 Bombay, 1856 Report upon the General Condition, in 1842, of the Province of Kattywar, accompanied by Various Points of Information, principally of a Geogra- phical and Statistical Nature, connected with that Province. Map. Brief Historical, Geographical, and Statistical Memoir on Okhamundul. Extract from a Report on the District of Babriawar. Map. Report on the Iron of Kattywar, its Comparative Value with British Metal, the Mines, and Mode of Smelting the Ore. Jacob, Major John. Report on the States and Tribes connected with the Frontier of Upper Sind. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Jacob, Wm. Travels in the South of Spain, in 1809-10. Plates. [Imper- fect] 4 1811 - View of the Agriculture, Manufac- tures, &c. , of Germany, Holland, and France in 1819. 4 1820 "Jacob," Ship. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 6 : Appendix I. Jacobs, Dr Julius. Eenigen tija onder de Baliens. Eene Reisbeschrijving met aanteekeningen betreffende Hygiene Land- en Volkenbunde van de eilanden Bali en Lombok. Map and frontispiece. Imp. 8 Balavia, 1883 and J. J. Meijer. De Badoej's. 4 7^he Hague, 1891 Jacobsen, Capt. J. A. See Woldt. Jacquemart, A. L'Extreme Orient au Palais de 1'Industrie. Notices sur les Collections de M. H. Cernuschi. 8* Paris, 1874 Jacquemont, Victor. Correspondance avec sa Famille et plusieurs de ses amis pen- dant son Voyage dans 1'Inde, 1828-32. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1833 The same. Nouvelle edition. Vol. 2. 12 Paris, 1841 Jacques le Hermite. See Hermite. Jadrinzew N. Sibirien, Geographische, ethnographische, und historische Stu- dien. Mit Bewilligung des Verfassers nach dem Russischen bcarbeitet und ver- vollstandigt von Dr Ed. Petri. Illustra- tions. 8 Jena, 1886 Jaeger, Gustav. Dr Jaeger's Essays on Health-Culture. Translated and edited by Lewis R. S. Tomalin. 12 1887 Jaeger, H. Kamerun und Sudan, Ein Mahnwort an das deutsche Volk. Erster Teil. 8 Berlin, 1892 240 JAG JAM. Jagor, F. Singapore, Malacca, Java. Keiseskizzen. Plates. 8 Berlin, 1866 - Reisen in den Philippine!!. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1873 - Travels in the Philippines. Map and plates. 8 1875 Jaime, Lieut. . De Koulikoro a Tom- bouctou a bord du " Mage," 1889-90. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris Jakel, Ernest. Der Germanische Ur- sprung der lateinischen Sprache uncl des romischen Volkes. [An English review of the work.] 8* [1830] Jal, A. Archeologie Navale. 2 vols. Woodcuts. 8 Paris, 1840 Jalhay, Henry. See Nunez. James the First. The Poetical Remains of King James the First, of Scotland ; with a Memoir, and an Introduction to the Poetry, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Frontispiece. 8 Edinburgh, 1873 James, Edwin. Account of an Expe- dition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819-20. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, T. Say, &c. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1823 James, F. L. The Wild Tribes of the Soudan : an Account of Travel and Sport chiefly in the Base Country, being Personal Experiences and Adventures during Three Winters spent in the Soudan. Maps and plates. 8 1883 - The same. Second edition. With an Account of the Routes from Wady Halfah to Berber, by the author ; and a Chapter on Khartoum and the Soudan, by Sir Samuel Baker. Map and illus- trations. Crown 8 1884 - The Unknown Horn of Africa : an Exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River ; with additions by J. Godfrey Thrupp. Map and plates. 8 1888 - The same. Second edition. Contain- the Narrative Portion and Notes only ; with an Obituary Notice by J. A. and W. D. James. Map, portrait, and illus- trations. Crown 8 1890 James, Col. Sir Henry. Abstracts from the Meteorological Observations taken at the Stations of the Royal Engineers in the year 1853-54, &c. Map and tables. 4 1855 Meteorological Observations taken during 1829-52, at the Ordnance Survey Office, Phoenix Park, Dublin ; to which is added a Series of similar Observations made at other places in Ireland. Edited by Captain Cameron. Plate. 4 Dublin, 1856 Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangu- lation, and of the Figure, Dimensions, and Mean Specific Gravity of the Earth James, Col. Sir Henry continued. as derived therefrom. Drawn up by Capt. A. R. Clarke. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1858 Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey. Geodetical Tables, based on the Ele- ments of the Figure of the Earth given in the Account of the Principal Triangula- tion. 4 1858 Instructions for taking Meteorological Observations, with Tables for their Cor- rection, and Notes on Meteorological Phenomena. Diagrams, &c. 8 1860 Ordnance Survey Abstracts of the Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in England and Wales. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1 86 1 Ordnance Survey Abstracts of the Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in Scotland. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1861 - Note on the Block of Tin dredged up in Falmouth Harbour. Plates. 8* 1863 An Account of the Levelling from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea. By Captain C. W. Wilson. (From the Journal, R.G.S.) Map. 8* 1866 Notes on the Parallel Roads of Lochaber, with illustrative maps and sketches from the Ordnance Survey of Scotland. 4 Southampton, 1874 and Col. Alex. R. Clarke. On Projections for Maps applying to a very large extent of the Earth's Surface. Plate. 8* 1862 James, H. E. M. The Long White Moun- tain, or a Journey in Manchuria ; with some Account of the History, People, Administration, and Religion of that Country. Maps and illustrations. 8 1888 James, H. R. Report of a Journey to Kokan. [From the India Records.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1863 James, Lieut. Hugh. Report on the Purguna of Chandookah, in Upper Sind, with Appendices. [From the India Records.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 James, Capt. Thomas. The Dangerous Voyage of, in his intended Discovery of a North- West Passage into the South Sea ; with a Map for Sailing in those Seas, and Tables of the Variation of the Compass, &c. Map. 8 1740 See Churchill, Vol. 2 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5; Harris, Vol. 2; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 17; "The World Displayed," Vol. 10 : Appendix i. James, Thomas C. Memoir of, by Job R. Tyson. 8* Philadelphia, 1836 James, T. Horton. Six Months in South Australia ; with some Account of Port Phillip and Portland Bay, in Australia Felix. Maps. 8 1838 JAM JAV. 241 Jameson, J. S. Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Ex- pedition. Edited by Mrs J. S. Jameson. Portrait, map, and illustrations. 8 1 890 Jameson, Robt. Mineralogical Descrip- tion of the County of Dumfries. Map and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1805 See Cuvier ; Murray, Hugh. Jamieson, Alex. A Manual of Map- making and Mechanical Geography. Map and -woodcuts. 12 1846 Jamieson, Mrs. Topographical, Statisti- cal, and Domestic History of France. 12 1836 Jamieson, Robert. Is Central Africa to remain Sealed against Intercourse with the Civilised World ? a few Remarks addressed to those who desire the Amel- ioration of Africa. 8* Liverpool, 1844 The Inefficacy of Treaties for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade, and their Injurious Influences on British Commercial Interests in Africa ; with Suggestions for the Development of the Commercial Resources of Western Cen- tral Africa, and a short Notice of the Kingdom of Benin. Map. 8* 1859 Jancigny, Alfred de. See Noury. Janin, J. Voyage de Paris & la Mer. Description Historique des bords de la Seine. Plates. Small 8* Paris [1847] Jank6, Dr Janos. Das Delta des Nil, geologischer und geographischer Auf- ban des Deltas. Maps. 4 Budapest, 1890 Magyarorszag Hegyvidekeinek Csop- ortositasa. Large 8 Budapest, 1891 Kalotaszeg Magyar Nepe. Map and illustrations. 8 Budapest, 1892 Jannasch, Dr R. Die Deutsche Handels- expedition, 1886. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1887 See Roscher, W. Jannequin, Claude. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2 : Appen- dix I. Jansen, Prof. K. See Germany, C (For- schungen, &c., Vol. i) : Appendix 2. Janson, J. On the Corn-trade of the Odessa area. [In Russian.] Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1870 Janson, Charles W. Stranger in America : containing Observations made during a Residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners, and Customs of the People of the United States, with Biographical Particulars of Public Char- acters, and on the Slave Trade. Plates. 4 1807 Jansson, J. Accuratissima Orbis Antiqui Delineatio, sive Geographia vetus, Sacra et Profana, &c. Maps. Large folio Amsterdam, 1652 Janssen, Leon. See Eredia. Janvier, T. R. The Mexican Guide. Maps. 12 New York, 1886 Q Jaques, William H. Torpedoes for Na- tional Defence : a Practical and Concise Review of these Weapons, their useful- ness, application, cost, and most efficient types ; together with the results obtained at official trials, and a description and comparison of the Sims, Whitehead, and Howell, based upon official reports. Illustrations. Small 8 1886 Jardim, Major J. R. de Moraes. O Rio Araguaya. Relatorio de sua Ex- plora9ao pelo Major d'Engenheiros Joaquim R. de Moraes Jardim, pre- cedido de um Resume Historico sobre sua Navega9ao pelo Tenente Colonel d'Engenheiros, Jeronimo R. de Moraes Jardim, e seguiclo de um estudo sobre os Indies que habitam suas margens pelo Dr Aristides de Souza Spinola. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1880 Jardine, A. W. Report on Harbours and Rivers in Queensland. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 Jardine, Sir W. Memoirs of Hugh Edwin Strickland. Maps and plates. 8 1858 Jarrad, F. W. See United Kingdom, A : Appendix 2. Jarric, Pierre du. See larric. Jarves, James Jackson. History of the Sandwich Islands, embracing their Antiquities, Mythology, Legends, Dis- covery by Europeans in the Sixteenth Century, Re-discovery by Cook, with their Civil, Religious, and Political History, from the earliest traditional period to the present time. Map and plates. 8 Boston, Mass., 1843 Jarvis, E. Immigration into the United States. 8 Boston, Mass., 1872 - Infant Mortality. 8* Boston, Mass., 1873 Jaschke, Dr M. See Germany, C (For- schungen, &c. , Vol. 3) : Appendix 2. Jaubert, P. Amedee. Voyage en Armenie et en Perse, fait dans les annees 1805 et 1806, &c. Map. 8 Paris, 1821 See Paradis ; also Eyries, Vol. 14 ; Recueil de Voyages, p. 611, Vols. 2, 5, 6 : Appendix I . Jay, John. Statistical View of American Agriculture, its Home Resources and Foreign Markets ; with Suggestions for the Schedules of the Federal Census in 1860. 8 New York, 1859 Javorsky, Dr I. L. Travels of the Russian Mission in Afghanistan and the Khanate of Bokhara in 1878-79. [In Russian.] 2 vols [in one]. Maps and illustrations. 8 St Petersburg, 1882-83 242 JAV JER. Javorsky, Dr I. L. Reise der Russischen Gesandtschaft in Afghanistan uncl Buchara in den Jahren 1878-79. Aus clem Russi- schen iibersetzt uncl mil einem Vorwort und Anmerkungen versehen von Dr Ed. Petri. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Jena, 1885 "Jeannette" Expedition. Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry, convened at the Navy Department, Washington, D.C., 5th October 1882, in Pur- suance of a Joint Resolution of Con- gress, approved 8th August 1882, to Investigate the circumstances of the Loss in the Arctic Seas of the Exploring Steamer "Jeannette," &c. Plates and charts. 8 Washington, 1883 Jeans, H. W. Handbook for the Stars, containing Rules for Finding the Names and Positions of all the Stars of the First and Second Magnitude. Royal 8 1848 Jedina, Leopold von. Voyage de la Fregate autrichienne " Helgoland " autour de 1'Afrique. Illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1878 An Asiens Kiisten und Fiirstenhofen. Tagebuchblatter von der Reise Sr. Maj. Schiffe's " Fasana" und iiber den Aufen- thalt in Asiattechen Hafen in den Jahren 1887, 1888, und 1889. Map and illustra- tions. 4 Vienna, 1891 Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia. [ The map wanting. ] 8 1 787 Jeffreys, Dr J. Gwyn. Report of the Com- mittee appointed for Exploring the Coasts of Shetland by means of the Dredge. 8* 1863 and Dr W. B. Carpenter. Papers on the "Valorous" Expedition. Chart and sections. 8* 1876 Jeffries, D. A Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls, in which their importance is con- sidered, and plain rules are exhibited for ascertaining the value of both ; and on the true method of manufacturing Diamonds. 4th edition. . 12 1871 Jencken, Johann Ferdinand. Treatise on Light, Colour, Electricity, and Magnetism. Translated and Prefaced by Historical and Critical Essays by Henry D. Jencken. 8" 1869 Jenkins, Edward. State Emigration : an Essay. (2nd edition.) 8* 1869 Jenkins, H. L. Notes on the Burmese Route from Assam to the Hookoong Valley. Map. 8* 1869 See India, I : Appendix 2. Jenkins, R. Report on the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore. 8 Calcutta, 1827 Jenkinson, Anthony. See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. I ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 72, 73; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, ' Book 2 ; Thevenot, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Jenkinson, H. J. Practical Guide to the Isle of Man. Map in cover. 12 1874 Jenner, T. A Book of the Names of all Parishes, Market Towns, Villages, Ham- lets, and smallest places in England and Wales. Small 8 1668 Jenner, T. Mnemonic Geography. Part I. The Provinces of China. Map. 8 1869 That Goodly Mountain and Lebanon : being the Narrative of a Ride through the Countries of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, into Syria. Map and plates. Small 8 1873 Jenney, Walter P. See United States, G, b : Appendix 2. Jennings, Samuel. My Visit to the Gold- fields in the South East Wynaad. Map and plates. 8 1881 Jensen, J. A. D. Om Indlandsisen i Gronland. lanledning af Dr Nansen's Expedition. Map ami illustrations. 8* Copenhagen, 1888 Jentzsch, A. Berichte iiber die geolo- gische Durchforschung der Provinz Preussen im Jahre 1876. 4* Konigsberg, 1877 Das Relief der Provinz Preussen. Begleitworte zur Hohenschichten-Karte. Map. 4* Konigsberg, 1877 Jenzsch, Gustave. Considerations rela- tives a la Partie Mineralogique cles In- structions pour 1'Expedition Scientifique Bresilienne. 8* Dresden, 1857 Jephson, A. J. Mounteney. Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator : a Story of Nine Months' Experiences in the last of the Soudan Provinces. With the Revision and Co-operation of Henry M. Stanley. Maps and illustrations. 8 1890 Jephson, John Mounteney. Narrative of a Walking Tour in Brittany ; accom- panied by Notes of a Photographic Ex- pedition by Lovell Reeve. Photographs . wanting. 8 1&59 Jeppe, Friedrich. Transvaal Book Al- manac and Directory for 1879. 12 Pretoria, 1879 - The same, for 1881. 12 Maritzburg, 1 88 1 The same, for 1889. 8 Cape Town, 1889 Die Transvaalsche oder Siid-Afri- kanische Republik nebst einem Anhang : Dr Wangemann's Reise in Siid-Afrika, 1866-67 (Erganzungsheft, 24 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen). Map. 4 Got ha, 1868 Jerdan, W. See Berneaud. Jermann, E. Pictures from St Petersburg. Translated by Hardman. 12 1852 Jerningham, Hubert E. H. Report of the Expedition to the Unexplored Cox- comb Mountains in British Honduras. Plan. Folio* Belize, 1888 JER JOA. 243 Jerrold, W. Blanchard. A Brage-Beaker with the Swedes ; or, Notes from the North in 1852. Plates. 12 1854 Jersey, Countess of. Three Weeks in Samoa. (From the Nineteenth Century. ) 8* 1893 Jervis, A. E. S. See Layard, Austin. Jervis, Guglielmo [W. P.] The Mineral Resources of Central Italy, including a Description of the Mines and Marble Quarries. Map and plates. 8 1862 Supplement to ditto : containing an Account of the Mineral Springs, accom- panied by the most Reliable Analyses. 8 1868 I Tesori Sotterranei dell' Italia. Descrizione Topografica e Geologica di tutte le Localita nel Regno d'ltalia in cui rinvengonsi Minerali. . . . Repertorio d'Informazioni utili. 4 vols. Plates and illustrations. 8 U J\irin, 1873-89 Cenni geologici sulle Montagne Poste in prossimita al Giacimento di Antracite di Demonte. 8* Turin, 1874 Sul Giacimento di Carlxm fossile Antracitico di Demonte. 8* Milan, 1875 - The Anthracitic Coal of Demonte, near Cuneo, in the Italian Alps. 8* 1875 Guida alle Acque Minerali d'ltalia coll' indicazione delle proprieta fisiche, chimiche e mediche, delle singole sor- genti e cenni Storici, Geologici e Climato- logici, corredata di tre specchi sinottici, contenenti le migliori analisi chimiche. Province Meridionali. Plans and illus- trations. Large 8 Turin, 1876 - Delle Cause dei Movementi Tellurici e dei possibili ripari con riguardo Speciale al Terremoto Alpino dell' Inverno dell' anno 1887. 8* Turin, 1887 Jervis, Lieut. H. Narrative of a Journey to the Falls of the Cavery ; with an His- torical and Descriptive Account of the Neilgherry Hills. Plates. 8 1834 Jervis, Major T. B. Contributions to the Statistics of Western India, in 1823-30. 8 1830 Expediency and Facility of Establishing the Meteorological and Monetary Systems throughout India on a Scientific and Permanent Basis, grounded on an Ana- lytical Review of the Weights, Measures, and Coins of India. Tai'les. 8 Bombay, 1834 - Records of Ancient Science, exempli- fied and authenticated in the Primitive Universal Standard of Weights and Measures. 8 Calcutta, 1835 Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the Konkun. 8 Calcutta, 1840 - Review of a Narrative of the Cam- paign of the Army of the Indus in Sindh and Kabul in 1838-39. 8 Bombay, 1841 Jervis, Major T. B. Address delivered at the Geographical Section of the British Association, Newcastle - on - Tyne, de- scriptive of the State, Progress, and Prospects of the various Surveys and other Scientific Inquiries instituted by the Honourable East India Company throughout Asia, &c. 8* Torquay, N.I>. See Hiigel. Jesse, Capt. See Ferrier, J. P. Jesse, J. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Jessup, General J. S. See United States, H, c : Appendix 2. Jesuits. Lettere dell' India Orientale, scritte da' Reurendi Padri della Com- pagnia di Giesu. 12 Venice, 1580 Travels of several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Containing a General De- scription of the Most Remarkable Towns, with a Particular Account of the Cus- toms, Manners, and Religion of those several Nations Translated from the French. Plates. 8 1714 Nouvelles des Missions Orientales, reues a Londres par les Directeurs du Seminaire des Missions etrangeres, en 1 793> !794> I795> et 1796. Pouvant servir de suite aux Lettres Edifiantes des Missionnaires de ia Compagnie de Jesus. 12 1797 Nouvelles Lettres Edifiantes des Mis- sions de la Chine et des Indes Orientales. 8 vols. 12 Parts, 1818-23 Relations des Jesuites : contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans la Nouvelle-France, 1611 a 1672. 3 vols. Maps. Royal 8 Quebec, 1858 Jimenez, F. Memoria sobre la Deter- minacion Astronomica de la Ciudad de Cuernavaca. Map. 8* Mexico, 1866 Jimenez de la Espada, Marcos. Las Islas de los Galapagos y otras mas a poniente. Map. 8* [Madrid, 1892] Jimenez de la Romera, Waldo. Es- paiia sus Monumentos y Artes, su Naturaleza e Ilistoria : Cuba, Puerto- Rico y Filipinas. Illustrations. 8 Barcelona, 1887 Jinman, G. Winds and their Courses. 3rd edition. Charts, &>c. 8 1865 Cloud-bands and Earth-currents. 4* N.U. Jirecek, Dr Constantin. Beitrage zur antiken Geographic und Epigraphik von Bulgarien und Rumelien. 8 [Berlin], 1881 Joanne, A. and P. Collection des Guides- Joanne. Alaps, plans, and illustrations. Small 8 Paris De Bordeaux a Toulouse, &c. [1858] 244 JOA JOH. Joanne's Guides continued. Itineraire Descriptif, Historique et Artistique de la Hollande, par A. J. Du Pays. 1862 Itineraire generale de la France. I. De Paris a la Mediterranee ; Bourgogne, Franche-Comte, Savoie, &c. 1863 The same. II. Auvergne, Dauphine, Provence, Alpes- Maritimes, Corse, &c. 1865 Vosges et Ardennes. Maps and plans. 8 1868 Le Nord. 1870 The same. 2 me edn. 1878 Les Environs de Paris Illustres. 2 mc edn. 1872 Normandie. 2 ine edn. Augmentee d'un Appendice pour les Sles Anglaises de Jersey et de Guernsey. 1872 The same. 1887 Bretagne. 2 me edn. 1873 The same. Avec un Appendice pour les iles Anglaises de Jersey et de Guernsey. 1886 Les Pyrenees. 4 me edn. 1874 The same. 1885 Auvergne, Morvan, Velay, Cevennes. 2 me edn. 1874 De la Loire a la Garonne. 1875 Ptan- ischer Nachlass auf Cap Palmas. Plates. 4 Berlin, 1857 Kluge, Emil. Ueber Synchronismus und Antagonismus von vulkanischen Erup- tionen und Beziehungen derselben zu den Sonnenfleckcn und erdmagnetischen Variationen. Plate. 8* Leipzig, 1863 Klunzinger, C. B. Bilder aus Ol>er- agypten, der Wiiste und dem Rothen Meere. . .mil einem VorwortvonDrGeorg Schweinfurth. Plate. 8 Stuttgart, 1877 Upper Egypt, its People and its Pro- ducts : a Descriptive Account of the Manners, Customs, Superstitions, and Occupations of the People of the Nile Valley, the Desert, and the Red Sea Coast, with Sketches of the Natural His- tory and Geology ; with a Prefatory Notice by Dr Georg Schweinfurth. Plates. 8 1878 Klutschak, F. Auf der Reichenberg- Pardubitzer Bahn ins Gebirge. Map. 12 Prague, 1860 Klutschak, H. W. Als Eskimo unter den Eskimos. Eine SchilderungderErlebnisse der Schwatka' schen Franklin-Aufsuch- ungs Expedition in den lahren 1878-80. Maps and illustrations. 8 Vienna, 1 88 1 Kmety, George. Narrative of the Defence of Kars, 29th September 1855. Trans- lated from the German. 8* 1856 Knauz, Nandor. Kortan. 4 Budapest, 1876 Kner, R. See "Novara." Knight, C. Geography, or First Division of "The English Cyclopaedia." 4 vols. in 2, and Supplement [N.D.] 4 1854-55 Natural History, or Second Division of " The English Cyclopaedia." Supple- ment. 4 1870 The Land we Live in, a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour of the British Islands. Edited by C. Knight. 3 vols. Plates. Small folio N.D. Knight, Captain. Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. Plates. 8 1863 Knight, E. F. The Cruise of the "Falcon," a Voyage to South America in a 3O-ton Yacht. Maps ami illustra- tions. 2 vols. Post 8 1884 The Cruise of the "Alerte:" the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. Alaps and illustrations. 8 1 890 Where Three Empires Meet : a Narra- tive of Recent Travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. Map and illustrations. 8 1893 Knight, Francis. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. KNI KOE. 261 Knight, Henry Gaily. The Normans in Sicily: being a Sequel to "An Archi- tectural Tour in Normandy. " 12 1838 An Architectural Tour in Normandy, with some Remarks on Norman Archi- tecture, and edition. Plates. 12 1841 Knight, Captain, J. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 5, 56; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 : Appendix I. Knight, Sparrow. The Coals from Se- Shan (the Hills west of Peking) 4* Shanghai, 1867 Knight, William. Facts and Observations towards forming a New Theory of the Earth. 8 Edinburgh, 1819 A Diary in the Dardanelles, written on board the Schooner "Corsair" while beating through the Straits from Tenedos to Marmora. 12 1849 Knight-Bruce, G. W. H. Journals of the Mashonaland Mission, 1888 - 92. Edited, with an Introduction, by L. K. B. Maps and illustrations. 8 1892 Knighton, William. History of Ceylon, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with an Appendix containing an Account of "its Present Position. 8 1845 Tropical Sketches, or Reminiscences of an Indian Journalist. 2 vols. 8 1855 Knipping, E. Bemerkungen zur Karten- skizze des Weges von Tokio bis Yumotto (Nikko-Berge) und zuriick bis Matsudo am Yedogawa. Map. 4* Tokio, N.D. Local-Attraction beobachtet auf dem Gipfel des Futarasan (Nantaisan). Plate. 4* Tokio, N.D. Einige Angal>en ueber die vier letzten starken Erdbeben in Tokio. [i sheet. ~\ 4* Tokio, 1880 - Die Bahnbestimmung der Wirbel- stiirme durch Normalorter. Plate. 8* Berlin, 1882 Normalorter fiir die Taifune in den Chinesischen und Japanischen Gewas- sern des Jahrcs 1 880. Chart. Large 8* Berlin, 1882 Normalorter fiir die Taifune in den Chinesischen und Japanischen Meeren desjahres 1881. Chart. Large 8* Berlin, 1882 Knivet, Anthony. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Knolles, Richard. The Generall Historic of the Turkes, from the First Beginning of that Nation to the Rising of the Otho- man Familie, with all the Notable Expe- ditions of the Christian Princes against them, together with the Lives and Con- quests of the Othoman Kings and Em- perours, &c. Folio 1603 Knollys, Major Henry. English Life in China. 8 1885 Knollys, R. J. British Honduras : Out- lines of its Geography. 12* N.D. Knonau, Gerold Meyer von. Erdkunde der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. 2 vols. Map. 8 Zurich, 1838-39 Knorr, E. R. Papers on the Eastern and Northern Extensions of the Gulf Stream. From the German of Dr A. Petermann, Dr W. von Freeden, and Dr A. Miihry. Translated in the U.S. Hydrographic Office . . . by E. R. Knorr. Maps. 4 Washington, 1871 Supplements to the same. Vols I to 6. 4 Washington, 1872-75 Knotel, A. Der Niger der Alien, und andere wichtige fragen der alien Geo- graphic Afrika's. Map. 8* Glogau, 1866 Knowles, Commander. See West Indies, A : Appendix 2. Knox, A. A. The New Playground, or Wanderings in Algeria. 8 1881 Knox, J. New Collection of Voyages, &c. [For full Title and Contents, see Ap- pendix I, pp. 607-609]. Knox, Robert. A Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies, together with an Account of the Detain- ing in Captivity the Author and divers other Englishmen now living there, and of the Author's Miraculous Escape. Map and plates. Folio 1681 - See Philalethes. The History of Ceylon, &c. ; also Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia : Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life. Map and plates. 8 1871 Koch, Karl. Crimea and Odessa. Trans- lated by Horner. Map. 8 1855 Erlauterungen zu Karte des Kaukas- ischen Isthmus und Armeniens. 4 Merlin, N.D. Der Kaukasus : Landschafts-und Leb- ens-Bilder. Aus dem Nachlasse von Karl Koch, herausgegeben von Therese Koch. Portrait. 8 Berlin, 1882 Kochler, Dr F. See Diclionary : Ap- pendix 2 (General). Koechlin-Schwartz, A. Un Tourisle en Laponie: Le Soleil de Minuit, Karasjok, les Lapons, le Fjeld. Maps. 12 Paris, 1882 Un Touriste en Laponie. Map. 12 Paris [1883] Koelle, Rev. S. W. Polyglotta Africana, or a Comparative Vocabulary of nearly 300 Words and Phrases in more than 100 distinct African Languages. Folio 1845 Outlines of a Grammar of the Vei Language, together with a Vei- English Vocabulary, and an Account of the Dis- covery and Nature of the Vei Mode of Syllabic Writing. 8 1854 - Grammar of the Bornu or Kanun Language. 8 1854 262 KOE KOP. Koenig, . See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix I. Koestlin, C. H. Lettres sur 1'Histoire Naturelle de 1'Isle d'Elbe. [Zoological Appendix.] Map. 12 Vienna, 1780 Kohl, J. G. Russia : St Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, Riga, Odessa, the German Provinces on the Baltic, the Steppes, the Crimea, and the Interior of the Empire. Map. 8 1843 Austria : Vienna, Prague, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube ; Galicia, Styria, Moravia, Bukovina, and the Military Frontier. 8 1844 Kitchi - Garni : Wanderings round Lake Superior. 8 1860 Travels in Canada, and through the States of New York and Pennsylvania. Translated by Mrs Percy Sinnett. 2 vols. in I. 8 1 86 1 Geschichte des Golfstroms und seiner Erforsghung von den altesten Zeiten bis auf den grossen Amerikanischen Biirger- krieg, &c. Maps. 8 Bremen, 1868 Geschichte der Entdeckun;;sreisen und Schiftahrten zur Magellan 's-Strasse und zu den ihr benachbarten Landern und Meeren. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1877 Kol, J. C. Statistical Report on the Portuguese Settlements in India, de- scriptive of the Geographical Position of the Principal Ports, Territorial Divisions, &c. , with Notes, and an Account of the Convents suppressed in 1835. Extracted in 1850 from Official Documents, by Captain J. Cicilia Kol. Table. [From the India Records, No. 10] Bombay, 1855 Kolberg, Joseph. Nach Ecuador : Reise- bilder. 3rd edition. Map and illustra- tions. 8 Freibtirg im Breisgaii, 1885 Kolb, G. F. The Condition of Nations, Social and Political ; with Complete Comparative Tables of Universal Sta* tistics. Translated, edited, and collated to 1880 by Mrs Brewer; with Original Notes and Information by Edwin W. Streeter. 8 1880 Kolben, Peter. The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, or a Particular Account of the Several Nations of the Hottentots . . . together with a Short Account of the Dutch Settlement at the Cape. Translated by Medley. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1731 See Astley, Vol. 3 ; New Collection, Vol. 2, p. 608 ; " The World Displayed," Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Koldewey, Karl. Die erste Deutsche Nordpolar- Expedition in Jahre 1868, beschrieben von K. Koldewey, mit einem Vorwprt von A. Petermann. (Erganzung- sheft, 28 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Plate and maps. 4 Got ha, 1871 Koldewey, Karl. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870, unter Fuhrung des Kapitan Karl Koldewey. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Large 8 Leipzig, 1874 The German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70, and Narrative of the Wreck of the "Hansa" in the Ice. By Captain Koldewey ; translated and abridged by the Rev. L. Mercier, and edited by H. W. Bates. Maps and plates. 8 1874 See Kiepert, H. ; also Polar Regions, Arctic, H : Appendix 2. Koler, H. Einige Notizen iiber Bonny und die Kiiste von Guinea, seine Sprache und seine Bewohner ; mit einem Glos- sarium. 8 Gb'ttingen, 1848 Kolff, D. H. Reize door den weinig bekenden Zuidelijken Molukschen Ar- chipel en Langs de geheel Onbekende Zuidwest Kust van Nieuw-Guinea, in 1825-26. Map. 8 Amsterdam, 1828 - Voyages through the Southern and little - known parts of the Moluccan Archipelago, and along the previously unknown Southern Coast of New Guinea, in 1825-26. Translated by G. \V. Earl. Maps. 8 1 840 Koner, B. Literature of Anthropology, &c., for 1876. [In Russian.] 8* St Petersburg, 1878 Koner, W. Vortrag gehalten in der Sit- zung der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 19 Januar 1866. 8* Berlin, 1 866 Zur Erinnerung an das Fiinfzigjahrige Bestehen der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Plate. 8* Berlin, 1878 Konstantinidos, G. M. Topographia tes inson Kupron pros chresin ton demotikon scholeion upo G. M. Konstantinidon. Ekdosis deuterra. Genomene epi te basei tes telentaias apographe. 8* Larnaka, 1893 Koolemans Beynen, L. R. De Reis der " Pandora" naar de Noordpoolgewesten in den Zomer van 1875. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1876 De Reis der ' ' Pandora " in den Zomer van 1876. Alap. 4 Amsterdam, 1877 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 54: Ap- pendix I. Kopke, D. See Gama, Vasco da. Kopp, H. F. See Leonhard, C. C. Koppen, A. Zum fiinfzigjahrigen Julri- laum des Akademikers Gregor von Hel- mersen. 8* St Petersburg, 1878 Koppen, F. T. See Ilelmersen and Schrenck, Vols. 3, 4, 6 ; Schrenck and Maximowicz, Vols. 5, 6. Koppen, P. von. See Baer and Helmer- sen, Vols. 4, u, 13. Koppen, Prof. W. Die Schreibung Geo- graphischer Namen. 8* Hamburg, 1893 KOP KOT. 263 Koppin, . Der Mcmelstrom in hydro- technischer Beziehung. Maps. 4* Berlin, 1861 Kopsch, H. Geographical Notes on the Province of Kiangsi. (From China Review.) 8* N.D. Kiukiang Trade Reports for the years 1871-72 and 1873. Table. Small 4* Kiukiang, 1873-74 - The same, for 1874, 1875, l8 7 6 > l8 77- Map and tables. Small 4* [Shanghai, 1875-78] Report on the Trade at the Treaty Ports of China for 1875. Small 4* Shanghai, 1876 Reports on the Trade of Pakhoi for the years 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. 4* [Pakhoi, 1881-84] The Kaaba, or Great Shrine at Mecca, as described by Chinese ; with Notes on the Old Arab Trade, and Remarks on Mahommedanism in China. 8* Shanghai, 1884 Korabinsky, Job. Matthias. Geograph- isch-historisches uncl Produkten Lexikon von Ungarn. 8 Pressburg, 1876 Korber, Ph. Illustrirter Fremdenflihrer durch die Frankische Schweiz uncl das Fichtelgebirge, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Er- langen, und Coburg. Map and ilhistra- tions. 12 Bamberg, 1858 Koren, Johan. See Norway, A, Nor- wegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876- 78 : Appendix 2. Korner, F. Siid-Afrika : Natur- und Kulturbilder, mil einer historischen Ein- leitung und einer ausfiihrlichen Ueber- sicht der neueren Reisen. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1873 Korbsi, J. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Resultateder Pester Volkszahlung, 1870. 8* Budapest, 1871 Die Bauthatigkeit Pest's in den Jahren 1 870 uncl 1871. Large 8* Budapest, 1872 Ditto ; im Jahre 1872. Large 8* Budapest, 1873 Untersuchungen iiber die Einkom- mensteuer der Stadt Pest fur das Jahr 1870. Large 8 Budapest, 1873 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Pest. Ersterjahrgang. Large 8 Budapest, 1873 Projet d'un Recensement du Monde : Etude de Statistique internationale. 8* Paris, 1 88 1 Die Hauptstadt Budapest im Jahre 1 88 1. Resultate der Volksbeschreibung und Volkszahlung. Maps and plates. Large 8 Berlin, 1881-82 Publicationen des statistischen Bur- eaus der Hauptstadt Budapest, XVI. Die offentlichen Volksschulen der Haupt- stadt Budapest in den Schuljahren 1873- 74, 1874-75, l8 75-7 6 > und 1876-77. Large 8* />', ;-////, 1883 Korosi, J. The same. XVII. Die offent- lichen Volksschulen der Hauptstadt Buda- pest in den Schuljahren 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879-1880, und 1880-81. Large 8 Berlin, 1884 The same. XVIII. Die Sterblichkeit der Stadt Budapest in den Jahren 1876 bis 1 88 1, und deren Ursachen. Large Berlin, 1885 Exposition Nationale de 1885 a Budapest. Catalogue raisonne de 1'Ex- position du Bureau de Statistique de la Ville de Budapest. 8* Berlin, 1885 Die Bauthatigkeit Budapest's in den Jahren 1875-84. 4* Berlin, 1886 Die Sterblichkeit der Stadt Budapest in den Jahren 1882 bis 1885, und deren Ursachen. 4 Berlin, 1888 Koristka, Carl. Die Hohe Tatra in den Central Karpaten. (Erganzungsheft, 12 Petermann's Mittheilungen). Plates and map. 4 Got ha, 1864 Die Arbeiten der topographischen Abtheilung der Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen in den Jahren 1864-66. Map and plate. 4 Prague, 1869 Korthals, P. W. Topographische Schets van een Gedeelte van Sumatra. Plate. 8* Leyden, 1847 Koschi'tzky, Max von. Deutsche Co- lonialgeschichte. 2 vols. in I. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1887-88 Kostenko, Capt. Description of the Journey of a Russian Mission to Bokhara in 1870. Translated by R. Michell. 8* N.D. Koster, Henry. Travels in Brazil. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 1817 Kosutany, T. Magyarorszag Jellemzobb Dohanyainak. Pt. I Budapest, 1877 Koto, Prof. B. On the Cause of the Great Earthquake in Central Japan, 1891. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Col- lege of Science, Imperial University, Japan, Vol. 5, Part 4.) Plates. Large 8* 1893 Kotschy, Theodor. Reise in den Cili- cischen Taurus iiber Tarsus. Vorwort von C. Ritter. Map and plate. 8 Got ha, 1858 Die Vegetation und der Canal auf clem Isthmus von Suez. 4* Vienna, 1858 Der Nil, seine Quellen, Zufliisse, Lander, und deren Bewohner. Map. 8* Vienna, 1866 and J. Peyritsch. Plantes Tin- neennes, ou Description de quelques unes des Plantes recueillies par 1'Expedition Tinneennes sur les bords du Bahr-el- Ghasal et de ses affluents en Afrique Centrale. Published at the cost of Alex- andrine and John A Tinne. 27 coloured plates. Elpli. folio Vienna, 1867 264 KOT KRA. Kbttstorfer, Dr J. See Wolf. Kotula, B. Distributio Plantarum Vascu- losarum in Montibus Tatricis. 4* Cracow, 1889-90 Rozmieszczenie roslin naczyniowych w Tatrach. (Ueber die Verbreitung der Getasspflanzen in der Tatra). 8* Cracow, 1891 Kotzebue, A. von. The most remarkable year in the life of, containing an Account of his Exile into Siberia. Translated by B. Beresford. 3 vols. Plates. 12 1802 - Travels through Italy in the years 1804 and 1805. 4 vols. 12 1806 See Eyries, Vol. 6 ; Phillips [i], Vols. ii 4 : Appendix I. Kotzebue, Otto von. Narrative of a Journey into Persia in the suite of the Russian Embassy in 1817. Translated from the German. Plates. 8 1819 A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a North-East Passage, under- taken in the years 1815-18, &c. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1821 Koudelka, Alfred Freiherr von. See Dorn, A. Kouli Khan. The History of the life and surprising Transactions of Thomas Kouli Khan, late Sophi of Persia, including a complete view of all his military exploits, his conquest of India, and deposition and restoration of the Great Moghol. By H. W. Dilworth. Plates. 12 1758 Kouropatkine. See Kuropatkin. Koutorga, Prof. S. Description of a Geological Map of the Province of St Petersburg. MS. N.D. Kovalefsky, Maxime. Law and Custom in the Caucasus. [In Russian.] 2 vols. 8 Moscow, 1890 Kovalevsky, E. de. Les Kourdes et les Jesides, ou les adviateurs du demon. 8 Brussels, 1890 Kovalevsky, M. Pshaves: an Ethno- graphical Sketch. [In Russian.] 8* N.P., N.D. Krafft, Hugues. Souvenirs de notre Tour du Monde. Maps and plates. Small folio Paris, 1885 Krafft, Captain J. C. P. de. See United States, E, a (Navigation) : Appendix 2. Krahmer, . Die Russisch-asiatischen Grenzlande. [Translated from the Rus- sian of Venukoff.] Map. 8 Leipzig, 1874 Kramer, D. G. See Ritter. Kramer, Gustavus. Commentatio Critica de Codicibus qui Strabonis Geographica continent, Manuscriptis. 4* Berlin, 1840 Kranz, M. Natur- und Kulturleben der Zulus, nach vieljahrigen Beobachtungen, statistischen und climatischen Berichten geschildert. 12 Wiesbaden, 1880 Krapf, J. L. Three Chapters of Genesis translated into the Sooahelee Language. With an Introduction by W. W. Green- ough. 8* N.P., N.D. Imperfect Outline of the Elements of the Galla Language ; with Remarks con- cerning the Nation of the Gallas, by C. W. Isenberg. 12 1840 Vocabulary of the Galla Language. 1 2 1842 Vocabulary of Six East African Languages (Kisuaheli, Kinika, Kikamba, Kipokomo, Kihiau, Kigalla). 4 Tubingen, 1850 Outline of the Elements of the Kisuaheli Language, with special refer- ence to the Kinika Dialect. 8 Tubingen, 1850 Vocabulary of the Engiituk Eloi-K6b, or of the Language of the Wakuafi Nation in the interior of Equatorial Africa. 8 Tubingen, 1854 Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours, during an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa ; with an Appendix respecting the Snow-capped Mountains, the Sources of the Nile, the Languages and Literature of Abessinia and Eastern Africa, and a concise Account of Geographical Researches in Eastern Africa up to the Discovery of the Uyenyesi by Dr Livingstone, by E. G. Ravenstein. Portrait, maps, and plates. 8 1 860 A Dictionary of the Suahili Language ; with Introduction, containing an Out- line of a Suahili Grammar. Portrait. Large 8 1882 See Isenberg ; Mayer, J. Krarup, F. Zeniernes Rejse til Norden, et Tolknings Forsog. Maps. 12* Copenhagen, 1878 Krasheninnikov, Stefan Petrovich. The History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilsky Islands, with the Countries adjacent. . . Translated into English by James Grieve. Maps and plates. 4 Gloucester, 1 764 Beschreibung des Landes Kamtschatka. Maps and plates. 4 Lenigo, 1 766 Krause, Dr Arthur, and Dr Aurel Krause. Katalog ethnologischer Gegenstande aus dem Tschaktschenlande und clem Siidost- lichen Alaska. 8 Bremen, 1882 Krause, Dr Aurel. Die Tlinket Indianer. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach der Nord- west Kiiste von Amerika und der Beringstrasse ; ausgefiihrt im Auftrage der Bremer Geographisches Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1 880-81, durch die Doctoren Arthur und Aurel Krause, geschildert von Dr Aurel Krause. Map and illustrations. 8 fetw, 1885 Krause, F. M. See Victoria, B : Ap- pendix 2, KRA KUG. 265 Krause, Gottlob Adolf. Mittheilungen cler Riebeck'schen Niger - Expedition. I. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss cler Fulis- chen Sprache in Afrika. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1884 The same. 2. Proben cler Sprache von Ghat in cler Sahara mit Haussan- ischer und Deutscher Uebersetzung. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1884 Kreeft, Chr. First Russian Railroad, from St Petersburg to Zarscoe-selo and Pawlowsk. Translated from the Ger- man. 8* 1837 Kreil, Karl. Magnetische und Geogra- phische Ortsbestimmungen an den Kiisten des Adriatischen Golfes im Jahre 1854. Plate. 4* 1855 - Anleitung zu den magnetischen Beobachtungen. 8 Vienna, 1858 Kreitner, G. Report of the Third Inter- national Geographical Congress, Venice, September 1881. 8* 1882 Im fernen Osten, Reisen des Grafen Bela Szechenyi in Indien, Japan, China, Tibet, und Birma in den Jahren 1877- 1 880. Maps and illustrations. 8 Vienna, 1881 Krempelhuber, J. & "Novara." Krenner, J. A. Die Eishohle von Dob- schau. Plates. Folio Budapest, 1874 Kretschmann, E. See Verestchagin. Kretschmer, Konrad. Die physische Erdkunde im Christlichen Mittelalter. (Penck's Geographische Abhandlungen, Band IV., Heft I.) Royal 8 Vienna, 1889 Die Enldeckung Amerika's in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Geschichte des Welt- bildes. Large 4, with Atlas, folio Berlin, 1892 Kriegk, Georg Ludwig. Kurze phy- sisch - geographische Beschreibung der Umgegend von Frankfurt am Main, oder der Ebene des unteren Mains uncl des anslossenden Taunus. Imp. 8* Frankfort, 1839 Schriften zur allgemeinen Erdkunde. 8 Leipzig, 1840 Krishna, Pundit (A K). See Hennessy, J. B. N. Kromer, E. To the Top of Roraima. [Newspaper Cuttings.] 8* N.D. Krones, Dr F. von. See Germany, C : Appendix 2. Kropotkin, P. Orographical Sketch of the Districts of Minusinsk and Krasno- yarsk. [In Russian.] Map. 8* St Petersburg, 1873 - General Orographical Sketch of Eastern Siberia [In Russian.] Afap and tables. 8* St Petersburg, 1875 - Researches on the Glacier Period. [In Russian.] Maps and plates. Small folio St Petersburg, 1876 -^ What Geography ought to Ix;. (From the Nineteenth Century.} 8* 1885 Kruijt, J. A. Atjeh en de Atjehers. Twee jaren Blokkade op Sumatra's Noordoost-Kust. Maps and plates. 8 Leyden, 1877 Kriimmel, Professor Otto. Versuch einer vergleichenden Morphologic der Meeres- raume. 8 Leipzig, 1879 Bemerkungen iiber die Meeresstrom- ungen uncl Temperaturen der Falk- landsee. Maps. 4* Hamburg, 1882 Der Ozean. Eine Einfiihrung in die allgemeine Mecreskunde. Illustrations. 12 Leipzig, 1886 Die Temperaturverteilung in den Ozeanen. I. Die Oberflachentempera- turen. Maps. Large 8* [Weimar > 1887] Reisebeschreibung der Plankton-Ex- pedition. Maps and illustrations. 4 Kiel, 1892 Geophysikalische Beobachtungen der Plankton- Expedition. Maps. 4 Kiel, 1893 See Boguslawski ; Peschel. Kruse, C. Kurze Anzeigen und Erlauter- ungen iiber meinen Atlas zur Geschichte aller Europaischen Lander und Staaten. 12 Halle, 1812 Kruse, Dr F. See Seetzen. Krusenstern, Adam John de. Voy- age round the World, 1803-6, on Ixmrcl the ships " Nadeshda " and "Neva." Translated from the German by R. B. Hoppner. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1813 - Recueil de Memoires Hyclrograph- iques pour servir d'analyse et cl'explica- tion a 1'Atlas de 1'Ocean Pacifique. 2 vols. 4 St Petersburg, 1824-27 - Precis du Systeme, &c., de 1'In- struction publique en Russie. 8 Warsaw, 1837 (the first Russian Circumnavigator). Memoir of. Translated from the Ger- man by his daughter Madame Charlotte Bernhardi, and edited by Aclm. Sir John Ross. Portrait. 8 1856 Admiral J. A. von Krusenstern. [A biography in German.] 8* St Petersburg, 1869 See Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Krusenstern, Paul von. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land, im Jahre 1843. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1846 Krusinski, Father Jude. The History of the Revolution of Persia ; taken from the Memoirs of Father Krusinski, Procurator of the Jesuits at Ispahan, who lived Twenty Years in that Country. Done into English, from the Original, with Additions by Father Du Cerceau. 8 Dublin, 1729 Kugelberg, O. F. See Sweden, A (Geo- lotnskn. Undersiikning) : Appendix 2. 266 KUG LAB. Ktigelgen, P. von. See Schrenck and Maximowicz, Vol. 2. Kuhn, Carl. Ueber das Klima von Miinchen. 4* Munich, 1854 Kulczycki, A. Determination des Longi- tudes au Moyen des Chronometres. Observations pour la determination des longitudes des iles Taiti, Ana, Faarava, Taroa, Manihi, Auura, Rairoa. Dis- cussion par M. V. Dumoulin. 8 Paris, 1851 Kumlien, L. Contributions to the Natural History of Arctic America, made in con- nection with the Howgate Polar Expedi- tion, 1877-78. 8 Washington, 1879 Kunstmann, Friedrich. Afrika vor den Entdeckungen der Portugiesen. 4 Munich, 1853 Kuntze, C. E. O. Zur altesten Geschichte der Pflanzen. 4* N. P., N.D. Die Schutzmittel der Pflanzen gegen Thiere und Wetterungunst, und die Frage vom salzfreien Urmeer. Studien iiber Phytophylaxis und Phytogeogenesis. 8 Leipzig, 1877 Monographic der Gattung Cinchona, L. 8* Leipzig, 1878 Cinchona Arten, Hybriden und Cultur der Chininbaume. Monographische Studie nach eigenen Beoliachtungen in den Ampflanzungen auf Java und im Himalaya. Photographs. 8 Leipzig, 1878 Kuntze, Dr Otto. Urn die Erde. Reise- berichte eines Naturforschers. 8 Leipzig, 1 88 1 Kiinzel, Heinrich. Ober - Californien : eine geographische Schilderung fiir den Zweck Deutscher Auswanderung und Ansiedelung. Maps. 12* Darmstadt, 1848 Kupffer, A. T. Voyage dans les Environs de Mont Elbrouz, dans le Caucase, en 1829. Plate. 4 St Petersburg, 1830 - Travaux de la Commission pour fixer les Mesures et Poids de Russie. 2 vols. 4 St Petersburg, 1841 Resumes des Observations Meteor- ologiques . . . dans Russie. 4* St Petersburg, 1846 Recherches Experimentales sur 1'Elas- ticite des Metaux, faites & 1'Observatoire Physique Central de Russie. Vol. I [wants sheet 52.] Plates St Petersburg, 1860 Kuropatkin, A. N. Les Confins Anglo- Russes dans 1'Asie Centrale. Etude Historique, Geographique, Politique, et Militaire sur la Kachgarie. Traduite par G. Le Marchand. 12 Paris, 1879 Kashgaria, Eastern or Chinese Turk- istan : Historical and Geographical Sketch of the Country, its Military Strength, Industries, and Trade. Trans- lated from the Russian by Walter E. Gowan. Large 8 Calcutta, 1882 Kurz, S. Report on the Vegetation of the Andaman Islands. Map.\ Folio* [1867] Kuscinski, A. See Piassetsky. Kiittner, C. Gottlob. See Phillips [i], Vol. I : Appendix I. Kwast, Capt. Matthys. See Burney, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Kyle, Capt. H. D. Three MS. Copies of his Memoranda respecting Expeditions to Nodwenga, Fort Hare, and the Am- baca Country. L , H. A. "TheOldShekarry." See ' Levison. L , G. C. Useful Instructions for Travellers. 8 1793 L , W. Minicoy, the Island of Women. (From Black-wood's Magazine. ) 8* 1889 L , W. B. The Key to Fortune in New Lands. 12 1868 Diamonds and Gold : The Three Main Routes to the South African Ophir, and how to Equip for the Journey. By W. B. L. Map. Small 8* 1871 Labanoff, Prince Alexandre. Catalogue des Cartes Geographiques, Topograph- iques, et Marines, de la Bibliotheque du Prince Alexandre Labanoff de Rostoff, a Saint- Petersbourg. Suivi d'une Notice de Manuscrits. 8 Paris, 1823 Labat, Jean-Baptiste. Nouvelle Relation de 1'Afrique Occidentale. 5 vols. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1728 - Relation Historique de 1'Ethiopie Occidentale. 5 vols. Maps and illustra- tions. 12 Parts, 1732 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix I. Labillardiere, . Voyage in Search of La Perouse, performed by order of the Constituent Assembly, during the years 1791-94. Translated from the French. Map and plates. 4 1800 Account of a Voyage in Search of La Perouse, 1791-93, in the "Recherche" and " Esperance," under the command of Rear-Adm. Bruni d'Entrecasteaux. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8. Maps and plates 4 1802 See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Lablache, P. Vidal. See Vidal Ap- pendix i. " La Bonite " Voyage. See Vaillant. Labonne, Dr Henry. L' Islamic et 1'Archipel des Frercer. Maps and illus- trations. 12 Paris ^ 1888 Laborde, Comte Alex. de. Histoire abregee de la Mer du Sud. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1791 A View of Spain, comprising a De- scriptive Itinerary of each Province, and a General Statistical Account of the Country. Translated from the French. 5 vols. Mcps. 8 1809 LAB LAF. 267 Laborde, Comte Alex de. Itineraire dcscriptif de 1'Espagne. Troisieme edi- tion, revue, corrigee, et considerablement augmentee ; precede d'une Notice sur la Configuration de 1'Espagne et son climat, par M. de Humboldt; d'nn Aperusur la Geographic Physique, par M. le Col. Bory de Saint-Vincent ; et d'un Abrege His- torique de la Monarchic Espagnole et des invasions de la Peninsule jusqu'a nos jours. 6 vols. Plates. 8 Paris, 1827-30 Laborde, Leon de. Voyage de 1'Arabie Petree, par Leon de Laborde et Linant. Plates. Folio Paris, 1830 Journey through Arabia Petnea to Mount Sinai and the excavated City of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. Map and plates. 8 1836 Labre, A. R. P. Itinerario de Explorafao do Amazonas a Bolivia. 8* Be/em, 1887 Lacaille, Louis. Connaissance de Mada- gascar. 8 Paris, 1863 Lacassagne, Dr. Societe d'Anthro- pologie de Lyon. L'Homme Criminel compare a 1'Homme primitif. 8* Lyon, 1882 Lacaye, Dr H. Souvenirs de Madagascar. Voyage a Madagascar : Ilistoire, Popu- lation, Mceurs, Institutions. Map and plate. 8 Paris, 1 88 1 Lacerda, F. J. M. de. Journey to Cazembe in 1 798. Translated and anno- tated by Captain R. F. Burton. Also, Journey of the Pombeiros, P. J. Baptista and Amaro Jose, across Africa, from An- gola to Tette on the Zambeze ; translated by B. A. Beadle ; and a resume of the Journey of MM. Monteiroand Gammitto, by Dr C. T. Beke. Map. 8 1873 Lacerda, Jose de. Examen das Viagens do Dr Livingstone. Maps. 8 Lisbon, 1867 Portuguese African Territories. 8* 1865 Lacharme, L. de. Inter-Oceanic Canal Route of Paya. Map. 8* New York, 1874 Lachlan, Major R. On the Establishment of a System of Simultaneous Meteor- ological Observations, &c., throughout the British North American Provinces. 4* Toronto, 1854 On the Periodical Rise and Fall of the Great Canadian Lakes. 4* Toronto, 1854 A Paper and Resolutions in Advocacy of the Establishment of a Uniform System of Meteorological Observations through- out the whole American Continent. 8* Cincinnati, 1859 Lacouperie, Prof. A. Terrien de. The Old Numerals, the Counting-Rods, and the Swan-Pan in China. 8* 1883 The Yueh-ti and the Early Buddhist Missionaries in China. 12* 1887 The Miryeks or Stone-Men of Corea. 8* Hertford, 1887 Lacouperie, Prof. A. Terrien de. The Languages of China before the Chinese : Researches on the Languages spoken by the pre-Chinese Races of China proper, previously to the Chinese Occupation. 8 1887 Formosa ; Notes on MSS., Languages and Races (including a Note on Nine Formosan MSS. by E. Colborne Baber). Plates. 8* Hertford, 1887 - The Sinim of Isaiah not the Chinese. 8* [1887] The Old Babylonian Characters and their Chinese Derivates. 8* 1888 - Did Cyrus introduce Writing into India? 8* N.D. See Colquhoun. La Croix. See Pinkerton. Lacroix, Leon. Projet d'Exploration dans 1'Afrique Centrale par 1'Ouelle. Map. 8* Lille, 1881 Lacrole, Frederico and Julio. Proyecto presentado a las Honorables Camaras Legislativas sobre el Establecimiento de un Ferrocarril. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1866 Lacrole, Julio. Los Ferro-Carriles econ- omicos y el Porvenir de la Republica Argentina. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1866 Estudio sobre la distribucion de Agua en las Ciudades. 12* Buenos Ayres, 1866 Lacroze, V. I listoire du Christianisme des Indes. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 12 The Hague, 1757-58 Lacy, John. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Ladichere, A. M. Uriage et ses environs ; Guide pittoresque et descriptif. 2nd edition. Plates. Oblong 8 Uriage, N.D. Ladislaus Magyar. See Magyar ; Ronay. Ladrilleros, Juan. See Burney, Vol. i ; Callander, Vol. I : Appendix I. Laestadius, L. L. Sec Gaimard, Paul. Laerne, C. F. Van Delden. Brazil and Java : Report on Coffee Culture in America, Asia, and Africa, to H.E. the Minister of the Colonies. Plates, maps, and diagrams. 8 1 885 Laet, Joannes de. Ilispania sive de Regis Hispanise regnis et opibus Com- mentarius. 16 Leyden, 1629 Belgii Confoederati Respublica : sen Gelria:. Holland. Zeland. Traject. Fris. Transisal. Groning. chorographica Poli- ticaque descriptio. 16 Leyden, 1630 Persia, seu Regni Persici status, variaque itinera in atque per Persiam, cum aliquot iconibus incolarum. Plates. 1 6 Leyden, 1633 Lafitau, Pere. Ma-urs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux Moeurs des premier temps. 2 vols. J'/ates. 4 Paris, 1724 268 LAP LAM. Lafitau, Pere. Histoire des Decouvcrtes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 Paris, 1733 Lafitte, J. Le Dahome : Souvenirs de voyage et de Mission. 3rd edition. Map and plate. 8 Tours, 1874 Lafond de Lurcy, Capt. Gabriel. Quinze Ans de Voyages autour du Monde. 2 vols. 8 Parts, 1840 Voyages autour du Monde, et Nau- frages celebres. 8 vols. Portrait atid plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1844 [For Contents of these volumes, see Appendix I.] Lafone y Quevedo, Samuel A. Londres y Catamarca. Frontispiece, map, and 'plan. 8 Btienos Aires, 1888 Lafont, J. See Ward, C. Y. Lago, A. P. B. do. Survey of the Coast of the Province of Maranham, from Jericoacoara to the Island of St John, and of the Entrance of the Bay of St Marcos. 4 1821 Estatistica Historica-Geografica da Provincia do Maranhao. Tables. 8 Lisbon, 1822 Lagrange, C. Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. Exposition critique de la Methode de Wronski pour la Resolution des Problemes de Mecanique celeste, jire p ar tie. 4 Brussels, 1882 Lagus, W. Quelques Remarques et une proposition au sujet de la premiere Ex- pedition Russe aujapon. 8* Leyden,\'fr]'& Numi Cufici aliaque Orientis monu- menta vetera in Finlandia reperta. 8* Ley den, 1878 Laharpe, Col. F. C. La Neutralite des Gouvernans de la Suisse, 1789. 12 Paris, 1797 Laharpe, J. F. Abrege de 1'Histoire Generale des Voyages. 24 vols. 8 Paris, 1816 [For full Title and Contents of these volumes, see Appendix i.] Lahontan, Baron. New Voyages to North America, containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Con- tinent, their Customs, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Rivers ; a Geographical Description of Canada, &c. ; with an Account of the Author's Retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his Remarks on these Courts ; to which is added a Dictionary of the Algonquin Language. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1703 The same. 2nd edition. Vol. 2. 1735 See Pinkerton, Vol. 13; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 16: Appendix I. Lahovari, George Joan. Dictionar Geo- grafic al Judetului Arges. 8 Bucharest, 1888 Laing, Major Gordon A. Travels in the Timannee, Kooranko, and Soolima Coun- tries in Western Africa. Map and plates. 8 1825 See Morocco : Appendix 2. Laing, J. A Voyage to Spitzbergen, con- taining an Account of that Country, of the Zoology of the North, of the Shet- land Isles, and of the Whale Fishery ; with an Appendix containing an Histo- rical Account of the Dutch, English, and American Whale Fisheries, &c. 12 Edinburgh, 1822 Laing, Samuel. Journal of a Residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835, and 1836. 8 1836 The same. New edition. 12 1851 Tour in Sweden in 1838 ; comprising Obervations on the Moral, Political, and Economical State of the Swedish Nation. 8 1839 Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe. First series. 12 1854 Laird, Lieut. C. See United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Laird, E. K. The Rambles of a Globe Trotter in Australia, Japan, China, Java, India, and Cashmere. 2 vols. Map and photographs. 8 1875 Laird, Macgregor. Central Africa Com- pany " Limited." [Prospectus.] Map. 4* ' [1858] Statement made to the Central African Company. Map. Folio* 1858 and R. A. K. Oldfield. Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of Africa, by the River Niger, in 1832-34. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1837 Laird, William. Letters on the Export Coal Trade of Liverpool. Map and plates. 8* Liverpool, 1850 Lakey, Dr James. See Delafield. La Lande. See De la Lande. Lalanne, L. , and G. Lemoine. Sur les dernieres crues de la Seine. 4* Paris, 1879 Lai, Mohan. Travels in the Punjab, Afghanistan, and Turkistan, to Balk, Bokhara, and Herat ; and a Visit to Great Britain and Germany. 8 1846 Lallemand, Charles. Tunis et ses En- virons. Coloured illustrations. 4 Paris, 1890 La Tunisie, Pays de Protectorat Franais. Illustrations. 4 Paris, 1892 Lalor, J. Papers connected with a Report on the Hill Districts to the South-West of Mehur, in Sind. [From India Re- cords, No. 58.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1860 Lamalle, Bureau de. Geographic Phy- sique de la Mer Noire, de 1'Interieur de 1'Afrique, et de la Mediterranee. Maps. 8 Paris, 1807 LAM LAN. 269 Lamalle, Bureau de. Climatologie com- paree tie 1'Italie et de 1'Andalousie Anciennes et Modernes. 8* Paris, 1849 Lamansky, Eugene. Esquisse Geogra- phique du Bassin de la Mer d'Aral, et quelques Traits ties Moeurs ties Habitants de Boukhara, Khiva, et Kokan. 8* Paris, 1858 Lamarck, C. C. See Pallas. Lamarck, J. B. See Thunberg. Lamarck, J. P. A. de M. de. Histoire Naturelle ties Animaux sans Verlebres, &c. Vols. 5, 6, 7. 8 Paris, 1811-22 Lamartine, Alphonse de. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1832-33. 3 vols. Portrait. 8 1835 De quelques fails Bibliques, retrouves dans les Hieroglyphics Chinois, et Refu- tation de quelques Assertions de M. Kenan, suivi de Remarques sur quelqiies erreurs sur la Chine et Confucius. 8* Versailles, 1859 Lambert, C. and S. The Voyage of the "Wanderer." From the Journals and Letters of C. and S. Lambert. Edited by Gerald Young. Chart and illustra- tions. Large 8 1883 Lambert, Gustave. Projet de Voyage au Pole Nord ; Note lue a la Societe de Geographic, . . 1866. 8* Paris, 1866 Stand ties Nordpolaren Erforschungs- projektes ganz besonders in Bezug auf Betheiligung Preussens, Englands, Frank- reichs. 4* Gotha, 1867 La Question du Pole Nord. Lettres adressees a M. Jules Duval. 8* Paris, 1867 L'Expedition au Pole Nord. 8 Paris, 1868 See Malte-Brun. Lambert, J. Travels through Canada and the United States of North America, in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808 ; to which are added Biographical Notices and Anec- dotes of some of the Leading Characters in the United States. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1816 Lambert, Paul. Notice sur la Ville de Maroc. Plan. 8* [Paris, 1868] Laming 1 , James. Steam Communication with Australia : a Letter addressed to the Lord Mayor of London. Map. 8* 1856 Lamiral, . Affrique et le Peuple Affri- quain, considered sous tons leurs rapports avec notre Commerce et nos Colonies. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1789 Lament, J. Untersuchungen uber die Richtung und Starke ties Ertlmagnetis- mus an verschiedenen Puncten ties siid- westlichen Europa. Plates. 4" Munich, 1858 Lament, James. Seasons with the Sea- Horses ; or, Sporting Adventures in the Northern Seas. Map and plates. 8 1861 Meteorological Register, s.s. Yacht "Diana," 4th May to I2th Sept. 1869, and 22nd April to 24th Aug. 1870. MS. Chart. Small 4 Yachting in the Arctic Seas ; or, Notes of Five Voyages of Sport and Discovery in the Neighbourhood of Spit/.bergen and Novaya Zeinlya. Map and plates. 8 1876 Lamouroux, J. V. F. Resume d'un Cours Elementaire de Geographic Phy- sique ; augmentee d'une Table Analytique et d'une Table Alphabetique desMatieres, precedee d'un Notice Biographique. Portrait. 8 Paris, 1829 Lamprey, Jones. Further Remarks on the Ethnology of the Chinese. 8* 1867 Notes of a Journey in the North- West Neighbourhood of Pekin. 8* [1867] Lamprey, J. H. On certain Antiquities found in the Islands of the Pacific and South Seas. 8* N.D. Lancaster, Sir James. See Astley, Vol. i ; Burney, Vol. 2 ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt's Voyages, Vols. 2, 4 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 56; Kerr, Vol. 8; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 2 ; Purchas, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i; "The World Displayed," Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Lanckoronski, Comte Charles. Les Villes tie la Pamphylie et de la Pisidie. Ouvrage public avec le concours tie G. Niemann et E. Petersen, par le Comte Charles Lanckoronski. Tome premier : La Pamphylie. Maps, plans, and ilhis- trations. Large 4 Paris, 1890 The same. Tome second. La Pisidie. Illustrations. Large 4 Paris, 1893 Landau, Baron Wilhelm von. Travels in Asia, Australia, and America, com- prising the period between 1879 and 1887. Part I. 12 New York, 1888 Reisen in Asien, Australien, und Amerika. 12 Berlin, 1889 Lander, Richard. Records of Captain Clapperton's Last Expedition to Africa, with the subsequent Adventures of the Author. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1830 and John Lander. Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger, with a Narra- tive of a Voyage down that River to its Termination. 3 vols. Maps and plates. i 8 1833 Landmann, Abbe. Memoires au Roi sur la Colonisation tie 1'Algerie. 8 U Paris, 1845 270 LAN. Landor, A. H. Savage. Alone with the Hairy Ainu, or 3,800 Miles on a Tack- saddle in Yezo, and a Cruise to the Kurile Islands. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 A Journey round Yezo and up its larger Rivers. Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3. Map. Large 8 1893 Landor, Edward Wilson. Adventures in the North of Europe illustrative of the Poetry and Philosophy of Travel. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1836 Landor, J. W. Savage. See Casati. Landsborough, W. Journal of an Expe- dition from Carpentaria in Search of Burke and Wills. Map and portraits. 8 Melbourne, 1862 Newspaper Cuttings, containing the Journal of his Expedition to Carpentaria in 1866. Folio* 1866 See Westgarth. Landseer, John. Salxean Researches, in a Series of Essays and Lectures, on the Engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea, Egypt, and Canaan ; illustrations of Babylonian Cylinders and other Inedited Monuments of Antiquity. 4 1823 Landt, Rev. G. Description of the Feroe Islands. Translated from the Danish. Map and plates. 8 1810 Lane, E. W. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833-35. 2 vols. Woodcuts. 8 1836 The same. 5th edition. 2 vols. Small 8 1871 See Poole. Lane, Henrie. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Apjxmdix I. Lane, James C. Report of the Surveys of the Rivers Atrato, Pata, and Baudo, showing the Practicability of Construct- ing a Ship Canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; also the Act to incorporate the Atlantic and Pacific Canal Company passed by the Legisla- ture of New York. Maps. 8* New York, 1856 Lane-Poole, Stanley. Cairo : Sketches of its History, Monuments, and Social Life ; with numerous illustrations by G. L. Seymour, Harry Fenn, J. D. Wood- ward, and others. Square 8 1892 Lanessan, J. L. de. , L'Expansion Co- loniale de la France. Etude Economique, Politique, et Geographique sur les Etab- lissements Fran9ais d'Outre-Mer. Maps. 8 Paris, 1886 La Tunisia. Map. 8 Paris, 1887 L'Indo-Chine Fra^ais. Etude Poli- tique, Economique, et Administrative sur la Cochin Chine, le Cambodge, 1'Annam, et le Tonkin. Maps. 8 Paris, 1889 Lanfranconi, E. Koyep. Europa viziutai es a Dunafolyam Szabalyozasanak fontos- sagarol kiilonos tekintettel a Deveny es Gonyokoyti vorrabra. Small folio Pressburg, 1 880 Ueber die Wasserstrassen Mittel- Europa's und die Wichtigkeit der Regu- lirung des Donaustromes, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Strecke zwischen Theben-Gonyo. Small folio Pressburg, 1 880 Des Voies de Communication par Eau de 1'Europe centrale, et de 1'Im- portance de la Regularisation au Danube, specialement du Passage entre Thebes et Gonyo. Atlas of plates. Folio Vienna, 1881 Rettung Ungarns vor Ueberschwem- mungen. Maps. Folio Budapest, 1882 Lang, Andrew. See Romilly. Lang, J. Dunmore. View of the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation, demonstrating their Ancient Discovery and Progressive Settlement of the Con- tinent of America. 8 1834 An Historical Account of New South Wales to the close of 1836, both as a Penal Settlement and as a British Colony. 2 vols. Map. 8 1837 The same, from the Founding of the Colony in 1788 to the present day. 2 vols. Map and plate. Small 8 1875 Lang, R. H. Cyprus, its History, its Present Resources, and Future Prospects. Maps and plates. 8 1878 Lang, Lieut. -Col. W. Names, Titles, &c. , of the Principal Chiefs of Katty war, with brief Historical Notices of some of them. List of Fortified Places in the Province of Kattywar. [From the India Records, No. 37.] Large map separate. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Langdon, W. B. A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Chinese Collection, now exhibiting at St George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, London ; with Condensed Accounts of the Genius, Government, History, Literature, Agriculture, Arts, Trades, Manners, Customs, and Social Life of the People of the Celestial Empire. Illustrations. 8 1842 Lange, Sir Daniel A. The Isthmus of Suez Canal Question, viewed in its Political bearings. 8* 1859 Reflections in the Egyptian Desert. 12* 1862 Sir Daniel Lange and the Suez Canal : Debates in Parliament. Large 8* 1890 Lange, Dr Henry. Siidbrasilien, die Pro- vinzen Sao Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul- Santa Catharina und Parana mit Riick, sicht auf die Deutsche Kolonisation. 2nd edition. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1885 LAN LAR. 271 Lange, H. M. Het Eiland Banka en zijne Aangelegenheden. Maps and table. 8 'sHertogcnbosch , 1 850 Lange, Laurence. See Astley, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Langegg, F. A. See Junker von Langegg. Langen, L. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Langenbeck, Dr R. Die Theorieen iiber die Entstehung der Koralleninseln und Korallenriflfe und ihre Bedeutung fur geophysische Fragen. 8 Leipzig, 1890 Langeveldt van Hemert, A. J. See Robide Van der Aa. Langler, J. R. The Main Facts of Popular Astronomy and Mathematical Geography: a Manual for Students. 12 1871 Pictorial Geography for Young Be- ginners. Woodcuts. Small 4 1874 Langles, L. Memoire sur les Oasis. See Horneman, F. &tfMepgin; Norden; Pallas; Thun- berg. Langley, S. P. See United States, II, b : Appendix 2. Langlois, Victor. Voyage dans la Cilicie et dans les Montagnes du Taurus, execute pendant les annees 1852-53. Plates. 8 Paris, 1 86 1 See Ptolemy. Langsdorff, G. H. von. Voyages and Travels in various Parts of the World, 1803-7. 2 vols. Portrait and plates. 4 1813 See Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Lanier, Alejo Helyecio. Geografia de la Isla de Pinos 6 notas Hidrograficas, Topograficas, &c. Small4* Havana, 1836 Lanier, Sydney. Florida, its Scenery, Climate, and History ; with an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken ; and a Chapter for Consumptives : being a complete Handbook and Guide. Illustrations. 12 Philadelphia [1875] Lankenau, H. von, and L. v. d. Oelsnitz. Das heutige Russland. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1877 Lankester, Edwin, M.D., and Peter Redfern, M.D. Reports made to the Directors of the London (Watford) Spring Water Company, on the Results of Microscopical Examinations of the Organic Matters and Solid Contents of Waters supplied from the Thames and other Sources ; with a Chemical Report on the Quality of various Specimens of Water from Chalk Springs near Watford, by Thomas Clark, M.D. Woodcuts and tables. 8* 1852 Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the Wilds of North America. Edited by C. R. Weld. 12 1854 Lans, W. H. Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Kolonie Suriname. 8 The Hague, 1842 Lansdell, Dr Henry. Russian Central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv. 2 vols. Frontispiece, maps, and illustrations. 8 1885 Through Central Asia ; with a Map and Appendix on the Diplomacy and Delimitation of the Russo - Afghan Frontier. Ilhistrations. 8 1887 Diplomacy and Delimitation of the Russo-Afghan Frontier. (Being the Ap- pendix to the Author's work, "Through Central Asia.") 8* 1887 Chinese Central Asia : a Ride to Little Tibet. 2 vols. Maps and illus- trations. 8 1893 Lanzerota, . See "A General Collec- tion of Voyages," p. 610 : Appendix i. Lanzoni, Prof. Primo. Stato Inde- pendente del Congo. Compendio di geografia fisica, politic.i, storica e com- merciale. Map, portrait, and illustra- tions. 12 Florence, 1888 Lapel in, M. T. de. Reconnaissance Hydrographique des Cotes Occidentales du Centre-Amerique. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1854 La Perouse, Jean Francois Galaup de. Voyage de, autour du Monde, 1780-88; redige par L. A. Milet-Mureau. 2 vols. Portrait. 4, and Atlas folio J 799 See Lesseps ; also Eyries, Vol. I ; Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Laplace, Capt. Voyage autour du Monde, par les Mers de 1'Inde et de Chine, execute sur la Corvette de 1'etat "La Favourite," pendant 1830-32. 4 vols. Map. 8 t Paris, 1833-35 Lapparent, A. de. L'Ecorce terrestre et son relief. 4* [Paris, 1884] Lapworth, Prof. C. The Crust of the Earth : Address to the Geological Section of the British Association, Edinburgh. 8* 1892 Larcom, T. A. See Petty. Larfeuil, M. de. Guide du Colon en Algerie, et Description des Productions de ce beau Pays. 8 Paris, 1848 "La Recherche." See Gaimard; Laroche- Poncie, J. de. Larenaudiere, : de. See Malte-Brun. Largeau, V. Le Pays de Rirha, Ouargla : Voyage a Rhadames. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1879 Le Sahara Algerien, les Deserts de 1'Erg. 2nd edition. Maps and illustra- tions. 12 Paris, 1 88 1 La Ronciere Le Noury. See Noury. Larpent, Sir George. See Porter. La Roque. See De la Roque. Larrabure y Unanue, E. Canete : Apuntes Geograficos, Historicos, Estadis- ticos, y Arqueologicos. 12* Lima, 1874 272 LAR LAU. Larranaga, A. E. Curso de Geografia del Peru adoptado para la Ensenanza de los Colegios por la Direccion General de Estudios. 12* Lima, 1864 Larrieu, Abbe. La Grande Muraille de Chine, cm il est prouve que cette Muraille telle qu'elle est communement decrite non seulement n'existe pas, mais nieme n'a jamais existe ; suivi d'un article sur la Barriere de I'ieux du Leao Tong. 8* Paris, 1887 Lartet, Edouard. Note sur Deux Nou- veaux Sireniens Fossiles des Terrains Tertiaires du Basin de la Garonne. Plate. 8* Paris, 1866 and H. Christy. Reliquiae Aqui- tanioe : being Contributions to the Archae- ology and Palaeontology of Perigord and the adjoining Provinces of Southern France. Edited by T. Rupert-Jones. Maps and plates. 4 1865-75 Lartet, Louis. Recherches sur les Varia- tions de Salure de 1'Eau de la Mer Morte en Divers Points de sa Surface, et a Differ- entes Profondeurs, ainsi que sur 1'Origine probable des sels qui entrent dans sa composition. 8* [Paris, 1866] See Luynes. Lartigue, . Exposition du Systeme des Vents, ou Traite du Mouvement de 1'Air a la Surface du Globe, et dans les Regions elevees de I'Atmosphere. Maps. 8 Paris, 1855 Lasalle, A. de. See Vaillant. Lasaulx, A. von. Sicilien. Ein geo- graphisches Charakterbild. 8* Bonn, 1879 Der Aetna. Nach den Manuscripten des verstorbenen Dr Wolfgang Sartorius, Freiherrn von Waltershausen. 2 vols. Maps, plates, and portrait. 4 Leipzig, 1880 Las Casas. See Casas. Laslett, T. Timber and Timber Trees, Native and Foreign. Small 8 1875 Lassalle, Charles. La Science Geogra- phique clevant le Congres de la Sorbonne. (In No. 7 of " La Province," July 1886.) Small 8* Paris, 1886 Lassen, Christian. Zur Geschichte der Griechischen und IndoskythischenKonige in Baktrien, Kabul, und Indien. 8 Bonn, 1838 Lastarria, J. V. Lecciones de Jeografia Moderna . . . Nuevamente anadida 'por Santos Torncro. loth edition. 12 Valparaiso, 1858 - Historia Jeneral de la Republica de Chile desde su Independencia hasta nuestros dias. Plates. 8 Santiago, 1866 Lastarria, V. A. Represas para Augmentar las Aguas del Rio Rimac. Memoria presentada al Empresario Constructor Sr. D. Dionisio Derteano. Plans. 8 Lima, 1876 Latham, Robert Gordon. Natural His- tory of the Varieties of Man. 8 1850 The Ethnology of the British Islands. 12 1852 The Ethnology of Europe. 12 1852 On the Subjectivity of certain Classes in Ethnology. 8* !8S3 - The Native Races of the Russian Empire. Map and plate. 12 1 854 Descriptive Ethnology. 2 vols. 8" 1859 Opuscula : Essays, chiefly Philological and Ethnographical. 8 1860 See Prichard, J. C. Latham, Wilfrid. The States of the River Plate. 2nd edition. Map. 8 1868 Latif, Syad Muhammad. History of the Panjab, from the remotest antiquity to the present time. Large 8 Calcutta, 1891 Latimer, Isaac. A Summer Climate in Winter : Notes on Travel in the Islands of TenerifFe and 'Grand Canary. 2nd edition. Maps. 12 Plymouth, 1887 Latimer, S. Francis. The English in Canary Isles : being a Journal in Teneriffe and Gran Canaria, with latest information. Maps and illustrations. 12 Plymouth, 1888 Latreille, . Families Naturelles du Regne Animal. 8 Paris, 1825 Latrie, L. de Mas. Notice sur la Con- struction d'une Carte de 1'Ile de Chypre. 8 Paris, 1862 L'lle de Chypre, sa Situation Pre- sente et ses Souvenirs du Moyen Age. Map. 12 Paris, 1879 Latrobe, C. J. Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 1815 and 1816, with some Account of the Missionary Settle- ments of the United Brethren near the Cape of Good Hope. Map and plate. 4 1818 The Rambler in Mexico, 1834. Map. 8 1836 Negro Education, Windward and Lee- ward Islands. [Parliamentary Paper.] Polio* 1838 Negro Education, British Guiana and Trinidad. [Parliamentary Paper.] Folio* 1839 See Eyries, Vol. II : Appendix i. Latzina, Francis. The Argentine Re- public as a Field for European Emigra- tion : a Statistical and Geographical Review of the Country and its Resources, with all its various features. Map. Folio* Buenos Ayres, 1883 Geografia de la Republic Argentina. Maps. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1888 Diccionario Geografico Argentino. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1891 Laube, G. C. Die Echinoiden der Oester- reichisch-Ungarischen oberen Tertiaer- ablagerungen. Plates. 4* Vienna, 1871 Laudonniere, Rene de. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. LAU LAV. 273 Laughton, J. K. Physical Geography in its Relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents. Small 8 1870 An Introduction to the Practical and Theoretical Study of Nautical Surveying. 12 1872 An Address delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Meteorological Society, 1 7th January 1883. 8* 1883 The same. i6th January 1884. 8* Laugier, E. Usage du Cercle Meridien portatif pour la Determination des Posi- tions Geographiques. Plate. 4 Paris, 1852 Launay, L. de. See Martel, E. A. Laurent, Peter. Classical Tour through various Parts of Greece, Turkey, and Italy in 1818-19. Coloured plates. 4 1821 Manual of Ancient Geography, or the Student his own Instructor, with copious Indexes of Ancient and Modern Names, and an Analysis of the Work, with Ques- tions for Self-Examination. Map. 8 Oxford, 1840 Lauridsen, P. Bibliographia Groenlandica eller Fortegnetse paa Voerker, Afhand- linger og danske Manuskripter, der handle om Gronland indtil Aaret 1880, incl. Paa Grundlag af C. G. F. Pfaff's Samlinger. 8 Copenhagen, 1890 Vitus J. Bering og de Russiske Opdagelsesrejser fra 1725-43. Maps. 8 Copenhagen, 1885 Meddelelser om Gronland. Trettende hefte. 8 Copenhagen, 1890 Laurie, R. H., and J. Whittle. New Piloting Directory for the Different Channels of the River Thames, with the Navigation thence to Yarmouth and to Dover, to which are annexed the New Rates of Pilotage. 8 1816 Laurie, Colonel W. F. B. Ashe Pyee, the Superior Country, or the Great Attrac- tions of Burma to British Enterprise and Commerce. Small 8 1882 Lauser, Dr W. Ein Herbstausflug nach Siebenbtirgen. Illustrations. 8* Vienna, 1886 Lauterburg, Robert. Versuch zur Auf- stellung einer allgemeinen Uebersicht der aus der Grosse und Beschaffenheit der Flussgebiete abgeleiteten Schweizer- ischen Stromabflussmengen, &c. 2nd edition. 8* Berne, 1876 Lauture, Count d'Escayrac de. Le Desert et le Soudan. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1853 De 1'Influcnce que le Canal des deux Mers exercera sur le Commerce en general et sur celui de la Mer Rouge en particulier. 8* Paris, 1855 Lauture, Count d'Escayrac de. Memoire sur le Soudan : Geographic Naturelle et Politique, Histoire et Ethnographic, Mceurs et Institutions de 1'Empire des Fellatas, du Bornou, du Baguermi, du Waday, du Darfour. Map. 8 Paris, 1855-56 Memoire sur le Ragle, ou Hallucina- tion du Desert. 8* Paris, 1855 La Turquie et les Etats Musulmans en general. 8 Paris, 1858 Notice sur le Darfour, et sur le Voyage de M. le Dr Cuny dans cette contree. 8* Paris, 1859 Analytic Universal Telegraphy : an International Telegraphic Language. 8* 1862 Notice sur les Deplacements des deux Principaux Fleuves de la Chine. Maps. 8* Paris, 1862 On the Telegraphic Transmission of the Chinese Characters. Plates. 4* Paris, 1862 Sketch of Tables for the Analytic Universal Telegraphy. 12* 1863 Ditto. A Short Explanation of the same. 12* 1863 Memoires sur la Chine : Histoire, Religion, Gouvernement, Coutumes. [Title wanting.] Maps and woodcuts. 4 Paris, 1864 See Malte-Brun. Laval, Francois Pyrard de. See Pyrard. Laval, P. , Comp. de Jesus. Voyage de la Louisiane [en Amerique], 1720; dans lequel sont Traitees diverses Matieres de Physique, Astronomic, Geographic, et Marine. L'on y a joint les Observations sur la Refraction ... la Correction de la Carte de la Cote de Provence .... Maps, plans, and tables. 4 Paris, \ 728 Lavalle, J. A. de. Juan de la Torre (uno de los trece de la isla del Galle). 12* Lima, 1885 Lavallee, T. Physical, Historical, and Military Geography. From the French of Th. Lavallee ; edited, with Additions and Corrections, by Captain Lendy. 8 1868 Lavalley, A. Extrait du Compte rendu des Travaux de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils, Seances des 7 et 21 Septembre 1866. Communication faite par M. A. Lavalley sur les Travaux d'Execution du Canal Maritime de PIsthme de Suez. Map and plates. 8* Paris, 1866 Laveau, G. ,L. de. See Mouraviev. Laveleye, Emile de. La Peninsule des Balkans : Vienne, Croatie, Bosnie, Serbie, Bulgarie, Roumelie, Turquie, Rou- manie. 2vols. Small 8 Brussels, 1886 The Balkan Peninsula. Translated by Mrs Thorpe ; edited and revised for the English Public by the Author, with an Introductory Chapter upon the most recent events, &c. Map. 8 1887 Lavellee, Joseph. See Phillips [i], Vol. I : Appendix I. 274 LAV LEA. Laverdant, Desire. Colonisation cle Madagascar. Map. 8 Paris, 1844 Lavigerie, Cardinal, and the African Slave Trade. Edited by Richard F. Clarke. 8 1889 Documents sur la fondation de 1'ceuvre Antiesclavagiste. 8 St Cloud, 1889 Lettre faisant hommage a Sa Majeste le Roi Leopold II. des documents sur la fondation de 1'ceuvre antiesclavagiste, publics a 1'occasion de la Conference de Bruxelles. 8* Algiers, 1889 Lettre a M. le President de la Con- ference Internationale de Bruxelles pour 1'esclavage relativement aux evenements recents de 1'Ouganda. 8* Algiers, 1890 Law, William John. Some Remarks on the Alpine Passes of Strabo. 8* 1846 Criticism of Mr Ellis's New Theory concerning the Route of Hannibal. Map. 8* 1855 Reply to Mr Ellis's Defence of his Theory in the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology. 8* 1856 The Alps of Hannibal. 2 vols. Map. 8 1866 Lawrence, Edwin. The Progress of a Century, or the Age of Iron and Steam. 8* 1886 Lawrence, Sir John. An Account of the Formal Commencement of the Pun- jaub Railway at Lahore. Map. 8* 1859 Lawrence, J. W. Footprints, or Incidents in early history of New Brunswick, 1783- 1883. Portraits and illustrations. 8 Stjohn, 1883 Lawrence, R. F. See Sinclair, A. C. Laws, Dr Robert. Table of Concords and Paradigm of Verb of the Chinyanja Language as spoken at Lake Nyasa. Oblong 12* Edinburgh, 1885 and Mrs Laws. The Tshigunda Language of the Lower Zambesi Region, East Africa : Vocabularies. 12 Edinburgh, 1886 Lawson, C. Allen. British and Native Cochin. 8 1861 Lawson, Capt. J. A. Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea. Map and plate. 8 1875 Lawson, Thomas, M.D. See United States, H, c : Appendix 2. Lawson, W. Manual of Modern Geo- graphy, Physical, Political, and Com- mercial. Maps and illustrations. 12 1879 Lawson, W. R. Spain of To-day : a Descriptive, Industrial, and Financial Survey of the Peninsula ; with a full Account of the Rio Tinto Mines. Crown 8 1890 Lay, G. Tradescant. Chinese as they are, their Moral, Social, and Literary Character ; a new Analysis of the Lan- guage, with Succinct Views of their principal Arts and Sciences. Woodcuts. 8 1841 Lay, G. Tradescant. See Japan : Ap- pendix 2. Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Nineveh and its Remains ; with an Account of a Visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis or Devil- worshippers ; and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 ' 1849 Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon ; with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert ; being the Result of a Second Expedition. Maps and plates. 8 1853 La Premiere Campagne de la Crimee, ou les Batailles Memorables de 1' Alma, de Balaklava, et d'Inkermann. Traduction par A. E. S. Jervis. Small 8 Brussels, 1855 Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia, including a Residence among the Bakhtiyari and other Wild Tribes before the Discovery of Nineveh. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 See Rawlinson, H. C. Layard, Edgar Leopold. The Birds of South Africa : a Descriptive Catalogue of all the known Species occurring south of the 28th Parallel of South Latitude. 8 1867 Layard, Mrs Granville. Through the West Indies. 12 1887 Layfield, Dr Eglambie. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Lazari, V. See Marco Polo. Lazzaroni, M. A. Cristoforo Colomlio : Osservazioni critiche sui punti piu rile- vanti e controversi della sua vita. 2 vols. 4 Milan, 1892 Lea, J. See Carey, H. C. Lea, Rev. T. S. The Island of Fernando Noronha in 1887. See Ridley, H. N. Leach, Boynton. See United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Leahy, Edmund. Report of the Danube Canal. Folio 1855 Leake, Lieut. -Col. William Martin. The Topography of Athens ; with some Remarks on its Antiquities. Maps and plates. 8 1821 Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor ; with Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of that Country. Map. 8 1824 Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution ; with a few Remarks on the Present State of Affairs in that Country. Map. 8 1826 Travels in the Morea. 3 vols. Map and plans. 8 1830 Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vols. Maps, plans, and plates. 8 1 &3S Peloponnesiaca : a Supplement to Travels in the Morea. Maps. 8 1846 LEA LED. 275 Leake, Lieut-Col. William Martin. On the Claim to the Islands of Cervi and Sapienza. 8* 1850 Numismata Hellenica : a Catalogue of Greek Coins ; with Notes, a Map and Index, an Appendix, and Supplement. 2 vols. 4 1854-59 On some Disputed Questions of Ancient Geography. Map. 8 1857 Plates of Coins to accompany Notes on Syracuse. 8 N.D. See Walpole, Travels : Appendix i. Leal, Dr Oscar. Viagem as Terras Goyanas (Brazil Central). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Leal, F. A. La Republique Dominicaine, Territoire, Climat, Agriculture, Industrie, Commerce, Immigration, et Annuaire Statistique. 8* Paris, 1888 Lear, Edward. Journal of a Landscape Painter in Albania, Illyria, &c. Map and plates. Royal 8 1852 Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria, &c. Map and plates. Royal 8 1852 Leardo, Giovanni. See Berchet. Leared, Arthur. Morocco and the Moors : being an Account of Travels, with a general Description of the Country and its People. Plates. 8 1876 A Visit to the Court of Morocco. Map and illustrations, 8 1879 Morocco and the Moors. 2nd edition. Revised and edited by Sir Richard Burton. Map, plans, and illustrations. 8 1891 Le Beau, C. See Beau. Le Blanc, Vincent. See Blanc. Lebon, Andre, and Paul Pelet. France as it is. Specially written for English Readers, and translated from the French by Mrs William Arnold. Maps. 8 1888 Le Bon, Dr Gustave. See Bon. Lebour, G. A. The Geology of the Redesdale Ironstone District. Maps. 8* Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1873 On the Limits of the Yoredale Series in the North of England. 8* 1875 On the Geological Relations of the Secondary Iron Ores of France. Map and plate. 8* Newcastle-ttpon-Tyne, 1876 The Carrara Marbles : a Chapter in the History of Continental Geology. 8* 1876 Outlines of the Geology of Northum- berland and Durham. [2nd edition, as regards Northumberland.] Maps and plates. 12 Newcastle-upon-iyne, 1886 Le Brun or Le Bruyn. See Brun. Lechevalier, J. B. Voyage cle la Pro- pontide et du Pont-Euxin. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1 800 Lecky, Capt. S. T. S. The Danger Angle and Off-Shore Distance Tables. 12 1882 "Wrinkles" in Practical Navigation. Revised edition. Charts and illustra- tions. Large 8 1884 Leclerc, C. Bibliotheca Americana : Histoire, Geographic, Voyages, Archeo- logie, et Linguistique des deux Ameriques et des lies Philippines. 8 Paris, 1878 Leclerc, F. Le Texas et sa Revolution. Map. 8 Paris, 1840 Leclerc, Max. Les Peuplades de Mada- gascar. Map and illustrations. 8* Paris, 1887 Leclerc, . See Arrian. Leclercq, Jules. La Terre de Glace : Feroe, Island, les Geysers, le Mont Ilekla. Map, plan, and plates. 12 Paris, 1883 Les Geysers de la Terre des Mer- veilles. 8* Brussels, 1885 Voyage an Mexique, de New- York a Vera-Cruz en suivant les Routes de Terre. Map, &-V. 12 Paris, 1885 Une Visite au Volcan de Jorullo (Mexique). 8* Paris, 1886 La Terre des Merveilles, Promenade au Pare National de l'Amerique du Nord. Maps and illustrations. 12 fan's, 1886 Du Caucase aux Monts Alai', Trans- caspie, Boukhari, Ferganah. Map. 12 Paris, 1890 Les Monuments de Samarcande. 8* Brussels, 1890 Histoire des ascensions de 1' Ararat. 8* [1891] Voyage au Mont Ararat. Map and frontispiece. 12 Paris, 1892 Excursion on Mt. Ararat. 8* 1893 Lecomte, Capt. . Corps expeditionnaire du Tonkin. Marche de Lang-pon a Tuyenquan. Maps and diagrams. 8 Paris, 1888 Le Compte, Louis. See Compte. Lecoq, H. Elemens de Geographic Physique et de Meteorologie, ou Resume des notions acquises sur les grands Pheno- menes et les grandes Lois de la Nature. Plates. 8 Paris, 1836 Elemens de Geologic et d'Hydro- graphie, ou Resume des notions acquises sur les grandes Lois de Nature. Plates. 8 Brttssels, 1839 Lecousturier, A. F. Dictionnaire des Postes aux Lettres du Royaumc de France, suivie de la Division Territoriale. 8 Paris, 1819 and F. Chaudouet. Dictionnaire Geographique des Postes aux Lettres de tons les Departemens de la Republique Francaisc. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1802 Ledebpur, C. F. von. Reise durch das Altai-Gebirge und die Soongorische Kirgisen Steppe. 2 vols. Tables, 8 Berlin, 1829 276 LED LEG. Ledyard, John. Memoirs of the Life and Travels of, from his Journals and Corres- pondence, by Jared Sparks. 8 1828 Travels and Adventures, comprising his Voyage with Capt. Cook's Third and Last Expedition, his Journey on foot 1 300 miles round the Gulf of Bothnia to St Petersburgh, his Adventures and Residence in Siberia, and his Explora- tory Mission to Africa. 8 1834 Lee, . Catalogue of Oriental Manu- scripts, purchased in Turkey. 4 [1830 and 1840] Lee, H. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. New Editions, with Revisions, and a Biography of the Author, by Robert E. Lee. Maps, plates, and plans. Large 8 1869 Lee, J. E. See Keller, F. ; Merk. Lee, Lionel. See Ceylon : Appendix 2. Lee, Robert. Last Days of Alexander, and the First Days of Nicholas, Emperor of Russia. 8 1854 Lee, Robert E. See Lee, H. Lee, Rev. Dr S. See Belzoni in Walpole's Travels : Appendix I. Lee, Sidney. See Biography, General : Appendix 2. Lee, Lieut. S. P. Report and Charts of the Cruise of the U.S. Brig "Dol- phin," made under direction of the Navy Department. 8 Washington, 1854 Leech, Lieut. Vocabularies of Seven Languages spoken in the Countries West of the Indus ; with Remarks on the Origin of the Afghans. 8* Bombay, 1838 Leech, R. Memoiron the Trade, &c., of the Port of Mandvee in Kutch. [From India Records, No. 15.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Leeds, H. Progress Report of Forest Ad- ministration in British Burmah, 1862-63, accompanied by a Memorandum thereon by Dr D. Brandis. [From India Records, No. 40.] Plate.' 8 Calcutta, 1864 Leem, . See Pinkerton, Vol. i : Appendix I. Leemans, C. Boro-Boedoer op het Eiland Java, afgebeeld door en onder toezigt van F. C. Wilsen, met toelichtenden en ven- klarenden tekst naar de geschreven en gedrukteverhandelingenvan F. C. Wilsen, J. F. G. Brumund en andere Bescheiden bewerkt, en uitgegeven op last van Zijne Excellcntie den Minister van Kolonien. 3 vols. 8, and Atlas folio Ley den, 1837 Boro-Boudour dans 1'Ile de Java, dessine par ou sous la direction de Mr F. C. Wilsen, avec texte descriptif et explicatif; redige d'apres les memoires manuscrits et imprimes de MM. F. C. Wilsen, J. F. G. Brumund, et autres Documents, et public d'apres les ordres de son Excellence le Ministre des Colonies. Plates. 8 Leyden, 1874 Lees, F. R. Sailing Directions for South Australia. 12 Sydney, 1839 Lees, G. Robinson. Jerusalem Illustrated ; with a Preface by the Right Rev. Bishop Blyth of Jerusalem ; and an Appendix illustrating the models of Herr Baurath von Schickritter, with descriptive letter- press, translated by the Rev. J. E. Hanauer. Illustrations. 8 J 893 Lees, James. The Six Months' Seasons of the Tropics. 12* 1860 Lees, J. A., and W. J. Clutterbuck. "B.C. 1887." A Ramble in British Columbia. Maps and illustrations. 8 1888 Lees, W. Nassau. Another Word on Tea Cultivation in Eastern Bengal. 8* Calcutta, 1867 Leete, C. H. See Chisholm. Le Favre, J. See Favre. Lefebvre, A. Memoire sur les Ouragans de la Mer des Indesau Sud de 1'Equateur. Tables. 8 Paris, 1852 Lefebvre, Paul. Souvenirs de 1'Indo- Chine ; Faces Jaunes, Mceurs, et Costumes de 1'Extreme-Orient. 12 Paris, 1886 Lefebvre, Th6ophile. See Abyssinia, Voyage en Abyssinie, &c. : Appendix 2. Lefils, Florentin. La Topographic du Ponthieu d'apres les anciennes cartes. 8* N.P., N.D. Lefroy, Henry Maxwell. Memoir and Journal of an Expedition organised by the Colonial Government of Western Australia for Exploring the Interior of the Colony Eastward. Map and table. Folio* [Perth, W.A.] 1863 Lefroy, Sir J. H. Memorials of the Dis- covery and Early Settlement of the Bermudas or Somers Islands, 1515-1685. Compiled from the Colonial Records and and other Original Sources. Vol i, 1515-1652. Map. Large 8 1877 Ditto, 1511-1687. Vol. 2, 1650-1687. Map and plates. Large 8 1879 Diary of a Magnetic Survey of a Portion of the Dominion of Canada, chiefly in the North-Western Territories, executed in the years 1842-44. Charts and diagrams. 8 1883 Le Gentil. See Gentil. Leger, Eugene. Trois mois de sejour en Moldavie. 8 Paris, 1861 Leger, Louis. See Nestor. Legge, Alfred O. Sunny Manitoba, its Peoples and its Industries. Map and plates. 8 1893 Legge, J. The Chinese Classics ; with a Translation, critical and exegetical, Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. (In 7 volumes.) Vols. I, 2, and 3. Large 8 Hongkong, 1861-65 LEG LEI. 277 Legge, James. A Record of Bhuddhistic Kingdoms : being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Bhuddist Books of Disci- pline. Translated and Annotated, with a Corean Recension of the Chinese Text. Map and plates. Small 4 Oxford, 1886 Leggett, Eugene. Notes on the Mint- Towns and Coins of the Mohamedans, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Map and table. 8 1885 Legh, Thomas. Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country beyond the Cataracts. Map and facsimile. 4 1816 Le Grand, Abbe. See Ribeyro. Legrand, Dr. La Nouvelle Societe Indo- Chinoise fondee par M. le Marquis cle Croizier et son ouvrage 1'Art Khmer. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1878 Legrand, Emile. Recueil de Poemes Historiques en Grec vulgaire relatifs a la Turquie et aux Principautes Danubiennes. Large 8 [Publ. de 1'Ecole des Langues Orient Viv., Vol. 5] Paris, 1877 See Dapontes. Legrand, Marcellin. Specimen de Carac- teres Chinois, graves sur acier et fondus en types mobiles. Royal 8* Paris, 1859 Legrand, . See Lobo. Le Gras, A. See Gras. Leguat, Francois. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 82, 83 : Appendix i. Lehmann, A. See Baer and Helmersen, 17- Lehmann, Johann George. Die Lehre der Situation-Zeichnung, oder Anweisung zum richtigen Erkennen und genauen Abbilden der Erd-Oberflache, in topo- graphischen Charten und Situation- Planen. Herausgegeben und ink Erlau- terungen versehen von G. A. Fischer. 2 vols in I. Small folio Dresden, 1820 Lehmann, Dr Richard. Zur Erweiterung der wissenschaftlichen Stationsbeobach- tung in fremden Landern. 8* Munich, 1884 - Vorlesungen iiljer Hiilfsmittel und Methode des geographischen Unter- richts. Vol. I (8 parts). Maps. Royal 8 Halle, 1885-91 Anleitung zum Gebrauche der Debes' schen Zeichenatlanten. 8* Leipzig, 1888 See Hage and Tegner ; also Germany, C : Appendix 2. Lehnert, Josef Ritter von. See Dorn, A. Lehninger, J. A. Description de la Ville de Dresde et de ses Environs. Map. 12 Dresden, 1782 Leichhardt, Ludwig. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia, from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a dis- tance of upwards of 3000 miles, during 1844-45. Plates. 8 1847 Leichhardt, Ludwig. Dr Ludwig Leich- hardt's Briefe an seine Angehorigen. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Geogra- phischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg von Dr G. Neumayer und Otto Leichhardt ; mit einem Anhange ; Dr Ludwig Leich- hardt als Naturforscher und Entdeckungs- reisender, von Dr G. Neumayer. Map and portrait. 8 Hamburg, 1881 See Mueller, F. von ; Zuchpld, E. A. Leidy, Joseph. See United States, G, a : Appendix 2. Leigh, Capt. Charles. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix i. Leigh, J. S. See Hamel. Leigh, W. H. Reconnoitering Voyages and Travels ; with Adventures in the New Colonies of South Australia, a particular description of the Town of Adelaide and Kangaroo Island, and an Account of the Present State of Sydney and parts adjacent ; including Visits to Nicobar, and other Islands in the Indian Seas, Calcutta, the Cape of Good Hope, and St Helena, during 1836-38. Plates. 8 1840 Leigh's New Pocket Road-Book of Ireland, on the Plan of Reichard's Itineraries, containing an Account of all the Direct and Cross Roads, &c. Maps. 12 1827 Leipoldt, Dr Gustav. Ueber die mittlere Hohe Europa's. 8 Plauen, 1874 Die Leiden des Europaers im Afri- kanischen Tropenklima und die Mittel zu deren Abwehr. Ein Beitrag zur Forde- rung der deutschen Kolonisationsbestre- bungen. 8 Leipzig, 1887 See Peschel. Leitner, Dr G. W. The Languages and Races of Dardistan. Maps in cover, plates, and photographs. 4 Lahore, 1877 Section I. of Linguistic Fragments discovered in 1870, 1872, and 1879, by G. W. Leitner, relating to the Dialect of the Magadds and other wander- ing Tribes ; the Argots of Thieves ; the Secret Trade-Dialects and Systems of Native Cryptography in Kabul, Kash- mir, and the Punjab ; followed by an Account of Shawl Weaving, &c. , &c. Plates. 4* Lahore, 1882 - The same. Appendix to "Changars" and Linguistic Fragments ; Words and Phrases illustrating the Dialects of the Same and Me, as also of Dancers, Mirasis, and Dorns. 4* Lahore, 1882 Rough Accounts of Itineraries through the Hindukush and to Central Asia. Map and plate. 8* N.D. On the Sciences of Language and of Ethnography, with General Reference to the Language and Customs of Hunza. 8* N.D. 27 8 LEI LEN. Leitner, Dr G. W. A Collection of Speci- mens of Commercial and other Alphabets and Handwritings, as also of Multiplica- tion Tables, current in Various Parts of the Panjab, Sind, and the North-West Provinces. Folio* Lahore, N.D. La Langue, la. Religion, et les Moeurs des Habitants du Hounza. 8* {Paris, 1890] Hunza, Nagyr, and the Pamir Regions. Map and illustrations. Large 8* [1891] Dardistan in 1866, 1886, and 1893 : being an Account of the History, Re- ligions, Customs, Legends, Fables, and Songs of Gilgit, Chilis, Kanclia (Gab- rial), Yasin, Chitral, Hunza, Nagyr, and other parts of the Hindu Kush. . . . Map and illustrations. 4 Waking, 1893 The Hunza and Nagyr Handbook : being an Introduction to a Knowledge of the Language, Race, and Countries of Hunza, Nagyr, and a part of Yasin. 2nd edition. 4 Waking, 1893 Lejean, Guillaume. La Gaule de 1 Anonyme de Ravenne. (Extract from Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, Vol. 12.) 8* Paris, 1856 Ethnographic de la Turquie d' Europe. (Erganzungsheft, 4 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Afaps. 4 Got ha, 1861 Theodore II., le Nouvel Empire 1'Abyssinie, et les interets Franfais dans le Sud de la Mer Rouge. Portrait. 12 Paris [1865] Voyage aux Deux Nils (Nubie, Kor- dofan, Soudan Oriental), execute de 1860 a 1864, par ordre de 1'Empereur. 4, and Atlas folio Paris, 1865 - L'Abyssinie en 1868. 8* Paris, 1868 Lelewel, Joachim. Geographic du Moyen Age. 4 vols. Maps. 8, and Atlas Brussels, 1852 Le Long, J. See Long. Lelorrain, . See Phillips [3], Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Le Maire, Jacob. See Maire. Le Marchand, G. See Kuropatkin. Le Mascrier. See Mascrier. Lemer, Julien. See Bellot. Le Messurier, Colonel A. From London to Bokhara, and a Ride through Persia. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 889 A Trip to Bokhara. (From Journal of the United Service Institution of India, October 1889.) 8* Simla, 1889 Lemire, C. La Colonisation Francaise, en Nouvelle-Caledonie et Dependances. Maps, plates, and photographs. Square 8 Paris, 1878 - L'Indo-Chine : Cochinchine Fran- 9aise ; Royaume de Cambodge, Roy- aume d'Annam et Tonkin. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1884 Lemoine, G. Sur les variations du mode de repartition de la pluie entre les differentes epoques de 1'annee pour une meme region. 8* Paris, 1869 See Lalanne, L Lemon, W. C. See Dalrymple, Re- pertory, Vol. i : Appendix i. Le Monnier, Franz, See Monnier. Le Moyne, A. See Moyne. Lempriere, J. Classical Dictionary, con- taining a copious Account of all the Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors, with the Value of Coins, Weights, and Measures used among the Greeks and Romans, and a Chronological Table. 8 1806 Lempriere, William. Tour from Gib- raltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, Tarudant, and thence over Mount Atlas to Morocco. Map. 8 1791 See Pinkerton, Vol. 15 : Appendix I. Lendenfeld, R. von. The Glacial Period in Australia. Map and plates. 8* Sydney, N.D. Der Tasman Gletscher. (Erganzungs- heft, 75 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1884 - Forschungsreisen in den Australis- chen Alpen. (Erganzungsheft, 87 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1887 Australische Reise. Illustrations. Large 8 Innsbruck, 1892 Lendy, Captain. Physical, Historical, and Military Geography. From the French of Th. Lavallee. 8 1868 Lennep, H. J. van. Travels in little- known parts of Asia Minor ; with illus- trations of Biblical Literature, and Re- searches in Archaeology. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1870 Lenormant, Francois. LaGrande-Grece, Paysages et Histoire : Littoral de la Mer lonienne. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1881 The same. Tome III. La Calabre. 8 Paris, 1884 Lentheric, C. Les Villes mortes du Golfe de Lyon : Illiberris, Ruscino, Narbon, Agde, Maguelone, Aigues- mortes, Aries, Les Saintes - Maries. Maps. 12 Paris, 1876 La Grece et 1'Orient en Provence ; Aries, Le Bas Rhone, Marseille. Maps. 12 Paris, 1876 La Provence Maritime, Ancienne et Moderne. Maps. 12 Paris, 1880 Le Rhone : Histoire d'un fleuve. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1892 Lenz, Dr Oscar. Skizzen aus Westafrika. Map. 8 Berlin, 1878 Reise vom Okandeland bis zur Miin- dung des Schebeflusses. Maps. 8* Vienna, 1878 LEN LES. 279 Lenz, Dr Oscar. Timbuktu. Reise durch Marokko, die Sahara uncl den Sudan. Ausgeftihrt im Auftrage der Afrikanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland in den Jahren i879und 1880. avols. Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1884 Nyassa-Shire. 4* [Stuttgart] 1892 Leo Africanus, John (a More borne in Granada, and brought up in Barbaric). Geographical Historic of Africa ; before which, out of the best Ancient and Moderne Writers, is prefixed a generall description of Africa, and also a particu- lar treatise of all the Maine Lands and Isles undescribed by John Leo. Trans- lated and collected by John Pory. Map. 4 1600 Africoe Descriptio, ix. lib. absoluta. 24 Leyden, 1632 See Purchas, Vol. 2 ; Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix I. Leon, Juan Ponce de. See Ponce. Leonard, Bishop of Sidon. See Pur- chas, Vol. i, Book I : Appendix i. Leonard, James. Information on the Discovery and Character of the Tea Plant in Assam. 8 1839 Leonhard, C. C., J. H. Merz, and K. F. Kopp. Systematischtabellarische Uebersicht und Characteristik der Min- eralkorper, in Oryktognostischer und orologischer Hinsicht. Folio Frankfort, 1806 Leonhard, Richard. Der Stromlaufder mittleren Oder. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwiirde . . . Universitat Breslau. Maps. 8* Breslau^ 1893 Lepage, Henri. La Ville de Nancy et ses Environs, Guide du Voyageur. Plates. 12 Nancy, 1844 Lepe, Diego de. See Gottfried : Appen- dix i. Lepechin, Iwan. Tagebuch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russ- ischen Reiches in 1768-69, aus dem Russischen uebersetzt von C. H. Hase. 3 vols. Plates. 4 Altenbtirg, 1774 Lephay, J. See France, B, a : Appen- dix 2. Le Plongeon, Alice D. Here and There in Yucatan. Illustrations. 12 New York, [1889] Mayapan and Maya Inscriptions. 8* Worcester, U.S., 1881 Le Plongeon, Augustus. Vestiges of the Mayas, or Facts tending to Prove that Communications and Intimate Relations must have existed, in very remote times, between the Inhabitants of Mayab and those of Asia and Africa. 8 New York, 1881 Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches 1 1 , 500 years ago ; their relation to the Sacred Mysteries of Le Plongeon, Augustus continued. Egypt, Greece, Chaldea, and India ; Free- Masonry in Times anterior to the Temple of Solomon. Portrait and illustrations. 8 New York, 1886 Le Predour, M. See Horsburgh, J. Lepsius, Dr Richard. A Tour from Thebes to the Peninsula of Sinai in 1845. 12 1846 Denkmaler aus Egypten und Ethio- f>ien nach den Zeichnungen der Preuss- ischen Expedition auf Befehl Seiner Majestat des Konigs, 1842-45. (Vorlau- fige Bemerkungen. ) 4* Berlin, 1849 - Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, in 1842-45. Edited, with Notes, by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie. Maps and plates. 8 1852 Briefe aus Aegypten, Aethiopien, und der Halbinsel des Sinai, geschrieben in den Jahren 1842-45, wahrend der auf Befehl S. Maj. d. K. Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preussen ausgefiihrten wissen- schaftlichen Expedition. Plate. 8 Berlin, 1852 - The XXII. Egyptian Royal Dynasty, with some Remarks on XXVI. and other Dynasties of the New Kingdom. Translated by W. Bell. Plates. 4* 1858 See G ermany, C, Forschungen , &c. , Vol. i ; Handbiicher zur Deutschen Landes und Volkskunde, Vol. I : Appendix 2. Lerch, P. Ein Blick auf die Resultate der Hissar'schen Expedition. 8* [St Petersburg, 1875] Lerio (or Lerius), John. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 4 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 1 6 : Appendix I. Leris, G. de. Le Monde Pittoresque e Monumental : 1'Italie du Nord. Illus- trations. 4 Paris, 1889 Le Roux, Hugues. See Roux. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. De la Colonisa- tion chez les Peuples Modernes. yd edition. 8 Paris, 1886 L'Algerie et la Tunisie. 8 Paris, 1887 De la Colonisation chez les Peuples Modernes. 4th edition. 8 Paris, 1891 Le Roy, P. L. A Narrative of the Singular Adventures of Four Russian Sailors who were Cast Away on the Desert Island of East-Spitzbergen. See Staehlin, J. von. An Account of the New Northern Archi- pelago, &c. See Pinkerton, Vol. I : Appendix I. Le Roy, Rev. Father. See Roy. Le Sage, H. Notions on the Choro- graphy of Brazil by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo. 8 Leipzig, 1873 Lescarbot, Marke. See Purchas, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Leslie, A. See Nordenskiold. Leslie, D. The Native Custom of " Hlonipa." 12* N.D. 280 LES LEU. Leslie, Robert C. See Rogers. Leslie, Dr Rolph. A Few Practical Hints for Travellers in the Tropics. Small 8* N.D. Lespy, V. See Molyneux, R. G. Lesquereux, L. See Gwen ; also United States, G, a, c, Geological Survey of the Territories, Vol. 8, Part 3 The Creta- ceous and Tertiary Floras : Appendix 2. Lessar, . Account of Mr Lessar's Ride from Askhabad to Herat. Russian Ab- stract, No. 19. (From the Golos, Nos. 236 and 239, ist (i3th) and 4th (i6th) September.) Translated by Robert Michell. Folio* 1882 Lesseps, Ferdinand de. The Isthmus of Suez Question. Maps. 8 1855 Percement de 1'Isthme de Suez. Ex- pose et Documents Officiels. Maps Paris, 1855 New Facts and Figures relative to the Isthmus of Suez Canal ; with a Reply to the Edinburgh Review, by St Hilaire. 8 1856 Percement de 1'Isthme de Suez. Rap- port et Projet de la Commission Inter- nationale. 3 e Serie. 8 Paris, 1856 Inquiry into the Opinions of the Com- mercial Classes of Great Britain on the Suez Ship Canal. Maps. 8 1857 Percement de 1'Isthme de Suez. Actes Constitutifs de la Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. 6 me Serie. Maps and plans. 8 1866 The History of the Suez Canal : a Personal Narrative. Translated by Sir H. Drummond Wolff. 12 1876 Addresses at the De Lesseps Banquet, iven at Delmonico's, ist March 1880. New York, 1880 See Colombia ; Panama : Appendix 2. Lesseps, J. B. B. Journal Historique du Voyage de M. de Lesseps, Consul de France, employe dans 1'Expedition de M. le Comte de la Perouse. 2 vols. Maps. Small 8 Paris, 1790 Travels in Kamtschatka during the years 1787 and 1788. Translated from the French. 2 vols. in i. 8 *79O See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Lesson, Dr A. Les Polynesiens, leur Origine, leurs Migrations, leur Langage. Ouvrage redige d'apres le Manuscrit de 1'Auteur, par Ludovic Martinet. 4 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1880-84 Lester, C. Edwards. Sam Houston and his Republic. Portrait. 8 New York, 1846 Le Strange, Guy. Palestine under the Moslems : a Description of Syria and the Holy Land, from A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the works of the Medi- aeval Arab Geographers. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 8 1 890 Le Strange, Guy. See Schumacher ; also Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. Letellier, L. Victor. Vocabulaire Ori- ental, Francais, Italien, Arabe, Turc, et Grec. Compose pour la Conversation usuelles et dans lequel se Trouve Figuree la Prononciation a 1'Aide des Lettres Franchises. Oblong 8 Paris, 1838 Lethbridge, Sir Roper. See Thornton. Letourneux, A. See Hanoteau ; Playfair. Letronne, A. Recherches Geographiques et critiques sur le livre De mensura orbis terrae, compose en Irlande au commence- ment du neuvieme Siecle par Dicuil, suivies du texte restitue par A. Letronne. 8 Paris, 1814 L'Isthme de Suez. Le Canal de Jonction des deux Mers sous les Grecs, les Romains et les Arabes. 8 Paris, 1841 OZuvres Choisies de A. J. Letronne. . . . Par E. Fagnan. Deuxieme Serie. Geographie et Cosmographie. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1883 Lettres , Edifiantes et Curieuses des Mis- sions Etrangeres. 26 vols. 1780-83 [ForContents, see Voyages and Travels: Appendix i.] Leubel, A. G. El Peru en 1860, 6 sea Anuario Nacional. 12 Lima, 1861 Leucander. See Whiteman in Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Leupe, P. A. De Reizen der Neder- landers naar Nieuw-Guinea en de Papo- esche Eilanden in de I7 (le en i8 de Eeuw. Maps. 8 The Hagtie, 1875 See Coen, C. J. ; Vries, M. G. Leutemann, H. Graphic Pictures of Native Life in Distant Lands, illustrating the Typical Races of Mankind ; with Explanatory Text by Professor A. Kirchoff. Translated from the Ger- man by George Philip, jun. Plates. 4 1888 Leutholf, J. Jobi Ludolfi alias Leutholf dicti Historia yEthiopica, sive Brevis et Succincta Descriptio Regni Habessin- orum, quod vulgo male Presbyteri Jo- hannis vocatur, &c. Map and plates. Folio Frankfort-o-M., 1681 A New History of Ethiopia, being a Full and Accurate Description of the Kingdom of Abissinia . . . called the Empire of Prester John. By the Learned Job Ludolphus. Made English by J. P., Gent. Plates. Folio 1682 The same. 2nd edition. To which is added ... a Preface . . . with the Life of Gregorius Abba. Made English by J. P., Gent. Map and plates. Folio 1684 LEU LEW. 281 Leutholf, J. Jobi Ludolfi, alias Leutholf dicti, ad suam Historiam ^Ethiopicam antehac editam Commentarius. Maps and plates. Folio Frankfort-o-M., 1691 Psalterium Davidis, ^Ethiopice et Latine. . . . Accedunt /Ethiopice tantum Hymni et Orationes aliquot Vet. et Novi Testament!, item Canticum Canticorum. Small 4 Frankfort-o-M., 1701 Levaillant, F. Voyage dans 1'Interieur de 1'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne- Esperance, dans les annees 1780-85. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 4 Paris, 1790 The same. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1790 Second Voyage dans 1'Interieur de 1'Afrique, par le Cap deBonne-Esperance. 3 vols. in 2. Plates. 8 Paris, An. III. [1794-95] The same, dans les annees 1783-85. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, An. IV. [1795-96] Levasseur, Prof. Emile. Inauguration du Buste du DrCrcvaux. 8* Nancy, 1885 La Statistique Graphique. Maps and diagrams. 8 1885 La Statistique Officielle en France ; Organisation, Travaux, et Publications des Services de Statistique des differents Ministeres precedee d'un apercu Histor- ique. Large 8* Nancy, 1885 Statistique de la Superficie et de la Population des Contrees de la Terre. Maps. Large 8 Rome, 1887 Les Alpes et les grandes Ascensions. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1889 Le Bresil. Deuxieme edition, illustree de gravures, cartes, et graphiques, accom- pagnee d'un Appendice . . . et d'un Album de Vues du Bresil. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1889 Le Bresil. (Extrait de la Grande Encyclopedic. ) Map and illustrations. 4* Paris, 1889 Note sur la valeur de la production Agricole. 8* Paris, 1891 Note sur la methode d'Enseignement de la Geographic. 8* [1891 ?] L'Europe. (Extrait de la Grande Encyclopedic, Tome 16. ) Par E. Levas- seur, avec la collaboration de MM. Hahn, Trouessart, et Deniker. Map. 4* Paris, 1892 Superficie et Population : les Etats d'Europe ; Division de la Terre en Cinq Parties du Monde. 4* [Paris] 1892 La Erance et ses Colonies. Geo- graphic et Statistique. New edition. 3 vols. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1893 Levchine, Alexis de. Description des Hordes et des Steppes des Kirghiz- Kazaks, ou Kirghiz-Kaissaks. Traduite tin Russe par V. de Pigny. Map and plates. 8" Paris, 1840 Level, Andres A. Nomenclator de Vene- zuela, contentivo de su censo en orden Alfabetico. 2 vols. Folio Caracas, 1883 "Leven" and " Barracouta." See Boteler ; Owen. Leverson, Capt. J. J. See United King- dom, G, War Office Publ. : Appendix 2. Leveson, H. A. The High Lands of the Cameroons and Ambas Bay, giving some Description of this most eligible site for a flourishing European colony, and showing its peculiar natural advantages as a Sanita- rium, Trading Settlement, Naval Station, and Coaling Depot. Folio* 1871 Levesque, Pierre-Charles. Histoire de Russie ; nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee, et conduite jusqu'a la Mort de 1'Imperatrice Catherine II. 8 vols. Maps. 8 Hamburg, 1800 Levey, G. C. A Handy Guide to the River Plate, including the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Paraguay, their Physical Features, Resources, Railways, and Finances. Map. 12 N.D. Levieux, Fernand. Considerations Geo- graphiques sur les Centres de Civilisation. Map. 8* Brussels, 1892 Levison, H. A. [" The Old Shekarry "] : The Projected Sub-Marine Telegraph Cable to India and Australia considered as being the most direct, expeditious, and secure line of communication, . . . and compared with existing land lines. Map. 8* 1869 Camp Life and its Requirements for Soldiers, Travellers, and Sportsmen. Part I. Plates. 8 1872 Levy, W. Hanks. Blindness and the Blind ; or, A Treatise on the Science of Typhlology. Small 8 1872 Lewin, F. M. See Jochmus. Lewin, T. The Life and Epistles of St Paul. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1875 Lewin, Thomas. The Invasion of Britain by Julius Qesar. Maps. 8 J 859 Lewin, Col. T. H. The Hill Tracts of Chittagong and the Dwellers therein ; with Comparative Vocabularies of the Hill Dialects. 8 Calcutta, 1869 Wild Races of South-Eastern India. 12 1870 A Fly on the Wheel ; or, How I helped to govern India. Maps and illustrations. 8 1884 Lewis, E. W. Physical Geography : a Series of Facts and Theories arranged upon the Basis of Questions set at the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examina- tions. 12" 1880 Lewis, George. On a Visit to Ceylon, and the Relation of Ceylonese Beetles to the Vegetation there. 8* 1882 Lewis, Prof. H. See Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. 282 LEW LIE. Lewis, J. W. See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Lewis, Matthew Gregory. Journal of a Residence among the Negroes in the West Indies. 12 1845 Lewis, Hon. Samuel. See Blyden. Lewis, Tayler. State Rights : a Photo- graph from the Ruins of Ancient Greece ; with appended Dissertations on the Ideas of Nationality, of Sovereignty, and the Right of Revolution. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1865 Lewis and Clarke, Capts. Travels to the Source of the Missouri River, and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804-6. Maps. 4 1814 See Coues ; also Eyries, Vol. 9 ; Phillips [i], Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Lewis's New Traveller's Guide, or a Pocket Edition of the English Counties, containing all the Direct and Cross Roads in England and Wales. Maps. 12 1819 Ley, W. Clement. Aids to the Study and Forecast of Weather. Charts. 8* 1880 Leybold, F. Excursion a las Pampas Arjentinas, 1871. Map. 8 Santiago, 1873 Leycester, Lieut. Greek Inscriptions discovered in the Islands of Santorin and Milo. Edited by John Hogg. 8* N.P., N.D. Leyden, John. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa ; enlarged and completed to the Present Time, with Illustrations of its Geography, Natural History, and the Moral and Social Condition of its Inhabitants, by Hugh Murray. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1817 See Murray, Hugh. Leyds, J. J. K. "Tellus et Homo": Eenige onderzoekingen op Geophysisch Anthropologisch en aanverwant Gebied. (Stellingen en Desiderata.) 8* Amsterdam, 1885 Leyland, John. The Peak of Derbyshire, its Scenery and Antiquities ; with illus- trations by Alfred Dawson and Herbert Railton. 8 1891 - The Yorkshire Coast and the Cleve- land Hills and Dales ; with illustrations by Alfred Dawson and Lancelot Speed. 1892 Leyland, R. W. Round the World in 124 Days. Map and photographs. 8 Liverpool, 1880 Leys, P. Borneo. Despatch from Consul- General Leys to Earl Granville. Map. Folio* 1883 Leys, T. W. See Sherrin and Wallace. Leyst, E. Katalog der Meteorologischen Beol>achlungen in Russland und Finn- land. Vierter Supplement - l)and zum Repertorium fur Meteorologie heraus- gegeben von der Kaiserlichen Academie der Wissenschaften. 4 St Petersburg, 1887 L'Heremite, Admiral J. See Hermite. Lhotsky, Dr J. A Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps: being an Account of the Geographical and Natural Relations of the Country traversed, its Aborigines, &c., together with some General Informa- tion respecting the Colony of New South Wales. 8 Sydney, 1835 Liagre, J. Cosmographie Stellaire. Plates. 12 Brussels, 1884 Liais, E. Explora9ao dos Rios S. Fran- cisco e das Velhas. 4* [Rio tie Janeiro, 1863] Climats, Geologic, Faune, et Geo- graphic Botanique du Bresil. Map. Large 8 Paris, 1872 Lias, Brau de Saint-Pol. Deli et les Colons-Explorateurs Franais. 8* Paris, 1877 Exploration et Colonisation. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1878 Percement de PIsthme de Panama. Maps and plates. 8* Paris, 1879 Perak et les Orangs-Sakeys : Voyage dans 1'Interieur de la Presqu'ile Malaise. Maps and illustrations . 12 Paris, 1883 He de Sumatra, chez les Atches, Lohong. Map and illustrations. \ 2 Paris, 1884 De France a Sumatra par Java, Singapour, et Pinang ; les Anthropo- phages. ATaps and plates. 12 Paris, 1884 Libbey, William, junr. See Guyot. Libert, Abbe. Voyage Pittoresque sur le Rhin depuis Mayence jusqu'a Dusseldorf, d'apres 1'Allemand. Map and plates. 8 Frankfort-o-M., 1807 Lichtenstein, Henry. Travels in Southern Africa in 1803-6. Translated from the German by Anne Plumptre. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1812-15 See Eyries, Vol. II : Appendix I. Licquet, Theod. Rouen : Precis de son Histoire, son Commerce, son Industrie, ses Manufactures, ses Monumens. 12 Rotten, 1831 Liddell and Gordon, Messrs. Report on the Proposed Railway between the Danube and the Black Sea (from Tcher- navoda to Kustendjie), and the Free Port at Kustendjie. Map. 8* 1857 Liddell, H. G. ^^Dictionaries, General: Appendix 2. Lidsky, S. A. Expedition in Turkestan and Bokhara in 1887. [In Russian.] 8* Lidstone, W. See Brown, C. B. Lieber, O. M. Notes on the Geology of the Coast of Labrador. 4* Wasktttgton[l%&O\ LIE- LIN. 283 Liebig, J. V. Induction und Deduction. 8* Munich, 1865 Liebmann, Prof. J. A. See Chisholm. Liebschen, Dr G. Japan's . landwirth- schaftliche und allegemeinwirthschaft- licheVerhaltnis.se. Maps. 8 Jena, 1882 Liechtenstern, J. M. F. von. Hand- buch der neuesten Geographic des Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates. 3 vols. 8 Vienna, 1817-18 Liegeard, Stephen. La Cote d'Azur. Illustrations. 4 Paris [1888] Lieussou, A. Recherches sur les Variations de la Marche des Pendules et des Chronometres, suivies d'un Projet d'Organisation clu Service des Chrono- metres Appartenant a la Marine. 8 Paris, 1854 Light, Capt. See Walpole, Turkey : Ap- pendix I. Light, Henry. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Lebanon, and Cy- prus, in the year 1814. Plates. 4 1818 Ligon, R. See Recueil de divers Voyages, p. 595 : Appendix I. Liliencron, R. von. Ueber den Inhalt der allgemeinen Bildung in der Zeit der Scholastik. 4* Munich, 1876 Lilliehook, C. B. See Gaimard, Paul. Lima, Lopez de. See Santarem. Linant de Bellefonds. See Bellefonds. Lincoln, William. History of Worcester, Massachusetts, from its earliest Settle- ment to September 1836. Map. 8 Worcester, 1837 Lind, Dr J. See Troil. Linda, Luca de. Descriptio Orbis et Omnium ejus rerum Publicarum. 8 Amsterdam, 1665 Lindahl, Erico. See Ihre. Lindau, W. A. Vergissmeinnicht. Ein Taschenbuch fiir den Besuch der Sach-- sischen Schweiz und der angranzenden Theile Bohmens. Plate. [Map want- ing.'} 8 Dresden, 1823 Merkwiirdigkeiten Dresdens und der Umgegend. Maps. 24 Leipzig, 1832 Lindeman, Moritz. Die arktische Fisch- erei der deutschen Seestadte, 1620-1868. In vergleichender Darstellung. (Ergan- zungsheft, 26 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) 2 charts. 4 Got ha, 1869 Polar-Nachrichten. 4* Gotha, 1879 - Die Seefischereien, ihre Gebiete, Betrieb und Ertrage, 1869-78. (Ergan- zungsheft, 60 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 18 Der Norddeutsche Lloyd, Geschichte und Handbuch. Tables, maps, and illus- trations. 8 Bremen, 1892 See Polar, Arctic, H : Appendix 2. and O. Finsch. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870 unter Flihrung des Kapitan Kolde- wey. Volksausgabc. Afaps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1875 Lindenberg, Paul. See Schiitt. Linder, M. Etude sur les Terrains de Transport du Departement de la Gironde, suivie de Considerations sur la Forma- tion du Terrain Quaternaire en general. 8 Bordeaux, 1868 Lindhagen, D. G. Geografiska Orts- bestamningar pa Spetsbergen af Prof. A. E. Nordenskiold. 4* Stockholm, 1863 Lindhagen, G. See Struve, W. Lindley, John. The Vegetable Kingdom ; or, The Structure, Classification, and Uses of Plants illustrated upon the Natural System. 3rd edition, with cor- rections and additional Genera. Ilhistra- tions. 8 1853 Lindley, Walter, and J. P; Widney. California of the South, its Physical Geo- graphy, Climate, Resources, Routes of Travel, and Health-Resorts : being a complete Guide-Book to Southern Cali- fornia. Maps andilhistrations. 8 New York, 1888 Lindsay, A. W. C. Report on the Mysore General Census of 1871. Map. 8 Bangalore, 1874 Supplement to the same. Appendices A to H. 8 Bangalore, 1875 Lindsay, D. See South Australia, A: Ap- pendix 2. Lindsay, David B. Remarks on the Opening of Trade and Cultivation of Tropical Products in the Kingdom of Usambara, East Africa. 8* 1885 Lindsay, H. H. Report of Proceedings on a Voyage to the Northern Ports of China in the ship " Lord Amherst." 2nd edition. 8 1834 Lindsay, John. Voyage to the Coast of Africa in 1758, containing an Account of the Expedition to, and taking of the Island of Goree, by the Hon. Aug. Keppel. Map and plates. 4 1759 Lindsay, Lord. Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land. 8 1847 See Crawford and Balcarres. Lindsay, Rev. T. M. See Moir. Lindsay, W. Lauder. Experiments on the Dyeing Properties of Lichens. 8""' Edinburgh, 1854 The Flora of Iceland. 8* Edinburgh, 1861 On the Geology of the Gold-Fields of Auckland, New Zealand. 8* 1862 On the Geology of the Gold-Fields of Otago, New Zealand. [2 leaves.] 8* 1862 - The Lichen-Flora of Greenland; with Notes of DiatomaceEC from Danish Green- land collected by Robert Brown, by Prof. Dickie. 8* [Edinburgh, 1870] Lindsay, W. S. History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. 4 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 883 284 LIN LIV. Lindstrom, A. See Sweden, A : Appen- dix 2. Lindstrom, G. Om Trias och Juraforsten- ingar fran Spetsbergen. Plates. 4* Stockholm, 1865 See Richthofen. Lindt, J. W^. Picturesque New Guinea ; with an Historical Introduction, and Supplementary Chapters on the Manners and Customs of the Papuans. Accom- panied with Fifty full-page Autotype Illustrations from Negatives of Portraits from Life, and Groups and Landscapes from Nature. 4 1887 Linet, Ph. See Taylor, C. E. Link, H. F. See Pelham, Vol. 2: Ap- pendix I. Linna, Nicolaus de. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix I. Linnaeus, C. Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland. Now first published from the Original Manuscript Journal of the celebrated Linnaeus, by J. E. Smith. 2vols. 8 1811 See Ahrling. Linnarsson, J. G. O. See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Linschoten, J. H. van. Discourse of Voyages into the East and West Indies. Maps. Folio 1598 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 70, 71 ; Astley, Vol. i ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i ; also India : Appendix 2. Linth, A. Escher von der. Geologische Bemerkungen liber das Nordliche Vorarl- berg und einige angrenzende Gegenden. Plates. 4 Zurich, 1853 Liorel, Jules. Races Berberes Kabylie du Jurjura. Preface de Emile Masqucray. 12 Paris, N.D. Liot, Capt. W. B. Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec ; or, Considerations upon the Question of Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Plates. 8 1849 Lippencott, J. B. A Complete Pro- nouncing Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary of the World. Edited by J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. 2 vols. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1885 New edition. Royal 8 l^hiladelphia, 1893 Lisiansky, Urey. A Voyage round the World, in the years 1803-4-5-6, performed by order of His Imperial Majesty Alexander the First, Emperor of Russia, in the ship "Neva." Por- trait and maps. 4 1814 Sec Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Lisle, A. de. See Ducat. Lisle, de. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 19 : Appendix I. Lissignol, E. See Mueller, F. von. Lista, Ramon. Viaje al Pais de los Tehuelches. Exploraciones en la Pata- gonia Austral. Maps and plates. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1879 Exploracion de la Costa Oriental de la Patagonia, bajo los auspicios del Gobierno Nacional. Plate. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1880 Mis Exploraciones y Descurimientos en la Patagonia, 1877-80. Maps, por- traits, ami plates. Large 8 Buenos Ay res, 1880 - El Territorio de las Missiones. Maps and plates. Small folio Buenos Ay res, 1883 Viaje al Pais de los Onas, Tierra del Fuego. Map and plates. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1887 Lister, Christopher. See Withrington, R., in Burney, Vol. 2 ; and Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Lithgow, William. Travels and Voyages through Europe, Asia, and Africa for Nineteen Years ; containing an Account of the Religion ... of the several Countries . . . and a Description of Jerusalem . . ; also a Narrative of the Tortures he suffered in the Spanish Inqui- sition, &c. 1 1 th edition. Plates. 8 1770 Little, Archibald John. Through the Yang-tse Gorges ; or, Trade and Travel in Western China. Map. 8 1888 Notes on Western China and the Opening of Ch'ung-King. 8* [1890] See Hosie. Little, Lieut. C. B. See West. Little, Rev. Henry W. Madagascar, its History and People. Map. 8 1884 Littlehales, G. W. See United States, E, a, Hyclrographic Office Publs. : Ap- pendix 2. Littrow, H. von. Ueber Seekarten neuerer Art, und iiber die Darstellung des Meeres- grundes. Square 8* Budapest, 1874 Littrow, Karl von. Verzeichniss geogra- phischer Ortsbestimmungen nach den neuesten Quellen und mil Angabe der- selben. 8 Leipzig, 1844 Die Culminationspunkte der Oest- lichen Central- Alpen. 8* Vienna, 1853 - Ueber das allgemeine Niveau der Meere. 8* Vienna, 1853 Liveing, Edward H. Transylvanian Gold Mining. Map. 8* Newcastle- upon - Tyne, 1 886 Liversidge, Prof. A. List of Scientific Papers and Reports by Professor Archi- bald Liversidge. 8* Sydney, N.D. - The Minerals of New South Wales. 2nd edition. 4 \Sydney, 1882] - The Minerals of New South Wales, &c. Map and diagrams. Large 8 1 888 See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. LIV LOB. 285 Livingstone, David. South-Central Africa and its Explorer : being the Report of a Meeting held in Cape Town, Nov. 12, 1856, in honour of the Rev. Dr Living- stone ; with Notes by the Astronomer- Royal. 8* Cape Town, 1856 Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, including a Sketch of Six- teen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West Coast, thence across the Continent, down the River Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean. Maps and plates. 8 1857 Outlines of his Missionary Journeys and Discoveries in Central South Africa. Map. 8* 1857 Narrative of Discoveries. 12* 1857 Analysis of the Language of the Bechuanas. 4* 1858 Cambridge Lectures ; with a Prefatory Letter by Professor Sedgwick. Edited, with Life, Notes, &c., by W. Monk. Portrait and map. 8 1 858 The Farewell Livingstone Festival. 8* [1858] Newspaper Cuttings. 8* 1872 Report to the Subscribers by the Livingstone Search and Relief Com- mittee. 8* 1872 Despatches in 1 870-7 1 -72. Folio* 1872 The Finding of Dr Livingstone by II. M. Stanley. Plates. 8 N.D. - The Last Journals of David Living- stone in Central Africa ; continued by a Narrative of his Last Moments and Sufferings, obtained from his Faithful servants Chuma and Susi. Edited by Horace Waller. 2 vols. Plates and loose map. 8 ^74 See Blaikie ; Johnston ; Montefiore ; Riso ; Stanley, Dean ; Stanley, II. M. ; Vallat. and Charles Livingstone. Narra- tive of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries, and of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858- 64. Map and plates. 8 1865 Lizzoli, L. Osservazioni sul dipartimento dell' Agogna. 8 Milan, 1802 Ljungstedt, Sir Andrew. An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China, and of the Roman Catholick Church and Mission in China ; with a Supplementary Chapter descriptive of the City of Canton. Maps and plates. 8 Boston, Mass., 1836 Llaurado, Andre de. Quatrieme Con- gres International de Navigation Interi- eure, Manchester, 1890. La Navigation Interieure en Espagne. Folio* 1890 Lloyd, G. T. Thirty-three Years in Tas- mania and Victoria: being the actual experience of the Author, interspersed with Historic Jottings, Narratives, and Counsel to Emigrants. Map. Sm. 8 1862 Lloyd, H. E. See Orlich. Lloyd, J. A. Account of Levellings carried across the Isthmus of Panama to ascer- tain the relative Height of the Pacific Ocean at Panama and of the Atlantic at the mouth of the River Chagres ; ac- companied by Geographical and To- pographical Notices of the Isthmus. 4* 1829 Lloyd, L. Scandinavian Adventures, with some Account of the Northern Fauna. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Royal 8 1854 Lloyd, Susette Harriet. Sketches of Ber- muda. Plates. 8 1835 Lloyd, Major Sir W. Narrative of a Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya Mountains, via Gwalior, Agra, Delhi, and Sirhind ; with Capt. A. Gerard's Account of an attempt to penetrate to Garoo and the Lake Manasarowara. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1840 See Gerard, A. Loaisa, Garcia de. See Loyasa. Lobate, Jose G. Estudio quimico-indus- trial de los varios Productos del Maguey Mexicano y Analisis Quimico del Aqua- ruiel y el Pulque. 12 Mexico, 1884 Lobeck, Justo Florian. Ojeada retros- pectiva sobre la marcha que, desde los tiempos antiguos hasta nuestros dias, se ha seguido al tratar de la Mitolojia Clasica. Estudio primero. 8* Santiago, 1862 Lobley, J. Logan. Mount Vesuvius : a Descriptive, Historical, and Geological Account of the Volcano ; with a Notice of the recent Eruption, and an Appendix containing Letters by Pliny the Younger, &c. Map, plate, and section. 8* 1868 Mount Vesuvius and its surroundings. Map and illustrations. 8 1889 Lobo, Jerome. Voyage Historique d'Abis- sinie. Traduite clu Portugais, continuee et augmentee de plusieurs dissertations, lettres et memoircs, par M. Legrand. Maps. 4 Paris, 1728 Voyage to Abyssinia, containing a Narrative of the dangers he underwent in his attempt to pass from the Indies into Abyssinia; with a Description of the Coasts of the Red Sea, History, Laws, Religion, &c. , of the Abyssens ; Ad- mission of the Jesuits into Abyssinia in 1622 and Expulsion in 1634 ; a Description of the Nile ; with a Con- tinuation of the History, by Legrand. 8 1735 See Gottfried ; Pinkerton, Vol. 15 ; Ray ; Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Lobysevitsch, Theodore. La Ligne Militaire du Syr-Daria. 8* St Petersburg, 1865 286 LOG LOL. Loch, H. B. Personal Narrative of Occurrences during Lord Elgin's Second Einljassy to China, 1860. Maps and portrait. 8 1869 Lock, Alfred G. Gold, its Occurrence and Extraction, embracing the Geo- graphical and Geological Distribution, and the Mineralogical Characters of Gold- bearing Rocks ; a Bibliography of the subject, and a Glossary of English and Foreign Technical Terms. Frontispiece, maps, and illustrations. Large 8 1882 Lock, C. G. W. The Home of the Eddas. With a chapter on the Sprengisandr, by Dr C. Le Neve Foster. 8 1879 Locke, John. Meteorology of the Sea : Weather Maps, Storm Telegraphs, and the submarine Atlantic Cable. 8* Dublin, 1860 Polar Exploration, Arctic and Ant- arctic. Diagrams. 8* Dublin, 1861 Remarkable Discoveries in Central Australia ; with an Improved Map showing the additional routes of Stuart and Burke: Second Paper. 8* Dublin, 1862 The same, with Map showing the principal routes, including Stuart's Third and Successful Attempt to reach the Northern Coast : Third Paper. 8* Dublin, 1863 Lockhart, William. The Medical Mission- ary in China, a Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience. Plate. 8 1861 Lockhart, Capt. W. S. A. See Mou- raviev ; also Asia, Central : Appendix 2. Lockwood, Anthony. A brief Descrip- tion of Nova Scotia, with Plates of the principal Harbours, including a particular Account of the Island of Grand Manan. Plates. 4 1818 Lockyer, Prof. J. Norman. Outlines of Physiography : the Movements of the Earth. Illustrations. 12 1887 See Symons. Locusteanu, C. Dictionar Geografic al Judetului Romanati. 8 Bucharest, 1889 Loczy, Professor. Rapport de la Com- mission d'Etudes du Lac Balaton pour 1891. Large 8* Budapest, 1891 Loescher, Abraham. See Pausanius. Loewy, B. See Victoria, C : Appendix 2. Lbffler, Prof. Dr. E Forso'g paa en geognostisk Tydning af Landenes Over- fladeforhold. 8* Copenhagen, 1876 - Haandbog i Geographien. Maps. 8 Copenhagen, t 1866 Quelques Reflexions sur les Etudes Geographiques, leur but et leur situation actuelle. Small 8* Copenhagen, 1879 The Vineland Excursions of the Ancient Scandinavians. 8 Copenhagen, 1883 Lof strand, G. See Sweden, A -.Appendix 2. Loftie, W. J. A History of London. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1883 Loftus, A. J. Notes of a Journey across the Isthmus of Kra, made with the French Government Survey Expedition, January to April 1883 ; with Explanatory Map and Sections, and Appendix con- taining Reprint of Report to the Indian Government by Captains Fraser and Forlong in 1863. 8* Singapore, 1883 A New Years Paper on the Develop- ment of the Kingdom of Siam. Map. 8* 1890 The Kingdom of Siam, its Progress and Prospects. Map and portraits. 8* 1891 Loftus, W. Kennett. Travels and Re- searches in Chaldea and Susiana ; with an Account of Excavations at Warka, the " Erech " of Nimrod, and Shush, ' ' Shushan the Palace " of Esther, in 1849-52. Maps and plates. 8 1857 Logan, J. Richardson. The Rocks of Pulo Ubin, with some Remarks on the Formation and Structure of the Hypogene - Rocks, and on the Metamorphic Theory. 4* Singapore, 1846 Ethnology of the Indo-Pacific Islands. Part 2. Appendix. The Semitic and African Numerals. 8* fencing, 1855-56 Logan, Josias. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Logan, Capt. P. Journal of a Journey from Brisbane Town to St George's Pass ; with an Account of his Murder by the Natives of New South Wales, by Lieutenant Edwards. Folio Sydney, 1826-30 Logan, William. Malabar. 2 vols. Maps, chart, and plates. 8 Madras, 1887 A Collection of Treaties, Engage- ments, and other Papers of importance relating to British Affairs in Malabar. Edited with Notes by W. Logan. 2nd edition. Large 8 Madras, 1891 Logan, Sir William E. Plans of Various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron and the River Ottawa, to accompany the Geological Reports for 1853-56. 4 Toronto, 1857 Loher F. von. Cypern. Reiseberichte tiber Natur und Landschaft, Volk und Geschichte. Small 8 Stuttgart, 1878 Cyprus, Historical and Descriptive. Adapted from the German of Franz von Loher, with much additional matter by Mrs A. Batson Joyner. Maps. Square 8 1878 Lok, Capt. John. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. i : Appendix I. Lok, Michael. See Burney, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Lollis, Cesare De. Cristoforo Colombo nella Leggenda e nella Storia. 8 Milan, 1892 LOM-LOP. 287 Lomba. Ramon Lopez. La Repiiblica Oriental del Uruguay. Obra de Esta- distica escrita con el fin de hacer conocer bajo todos sus aspectos principales el pais y las incomparables ventajas que ofrece a la Emigracion Europea. Map. Large 8 Montevideo, 1884 Lombard, H. C. Climatologie Medicale. Atlas de la distribution geographique des maladies dans leurs rapports avec les climats. 4 Paris, 1880 Lombardini, Elia. Saggio Idrologico sul Nilo. Maps. 4* Milan, 1864 Essai sur 1'Hydrologie du Nil. 2 maps, I diagram. 4* Paris, 1865 Lommel, Eugen. Georg Simon Ohm's wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Festrede gehalten in der bffentlichen Sitzung der K. B. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen am 28 Marz 1889. 4* Munich, 1889 See Fraunhofer. Long, Baron de. Pilote Norvegien d'apres lestravaux de ladirection Hydrographique de Norvege, reunis et traduits. Plates. 8 Paris, 1858 Long, C. Chaille. See Chaille-Long. Long, Major E. H. See Eyries, Vol. 9 : Appendix i. Long, Prof. George. See Xenophon's ' ' Anabasis. " See Herodotus ; Trendelenburg. and G. R. Porter. The Geography of Great Britain. Part I. England and Wales; with Statistics to 1850 by Hyde Clarke. 8 N.D. G. R. Porter, and G. Tucker. America and the West Indies Geo- graphically Described. Maps. 8 1845 Long, Henry Lawes. Campaign of Alex- ander in AfTghanistan. Map. 8* 1848 - Survey of the Early Geography of Western Europe, as Connected with the First Inhabitants of Britain, their Origin, language, Religious Rites, and Edifices. Map and plates. 8 1859 Long, J. le. La Republique Argentine. Etude sur sa situation economique et son e"tat financier en 1876. 2nd edition. 8* Bordeatix, 1876 Les Pampas de la Republique Argen- tine. 2nd edition. Map. 8* Paris, 1878 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North- American Indians ; with an Account of the Posts situated on the River Saint Lawrence, Lake Ontario, &c. ; to which is added a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language ... a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, &c. Map. 4 1791 Long, Rev. J. Peeps into Social Life in Calcutta a Century Ago. 8* Calcutta, 1868 Long, Rev. J. The Social Condition of the Muhammadans of Bengal, and the Remedies. 8* Cakiitta, 1869 Oriental Proverbs and their Uses. 8* 1875 On Russian Proverbs, as illustrating Russian Manners and Customs. 8* 1876 The Position of Turkey in Relation to British Interests in India. 8* 1876 The Eastern Question in its Anglo- Indian Aspect. Small 8* 1877 The Slavonic Provinces of Turkey : a Tour in the Autumn of 1875. 8* 1876 A Visit to Russia in 1876. 8* N.D. Proverbs, English and Keltic, with their Eastern Relations. 8* N.D. - Village Communities in India and Russia. 8* Calcutta, N.D. - The Russian Bugbear : Turkey, Russia, and India. 8* N. p., N.D. Notes on a Visit to Moscow and Kief in 1873 in Reference to the Russian Church, Bible Circulation, and Social Reform. 8* N.D. Longman, William. Suggestions for the Exploration of Iceland. Map. 8* [Printed by the Alpine Club} 1861 Longman's School Geographies. See Chisholm. Longnon, A. Geographic de la Gaule au VI e Siecle. Maps. 8 1878 Longobard, . See Purchas, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Longridge, James Atkinson. The Hooghly and the Mutla. Edited by C. Manby andj. Forrest. Map. 8* 1864 Longstaff, G. B. Studies in Statistics, Social, Political, and Medical. Maps and diagrams. 8 1 89 1 Rural Depopulation. Read before the Royal Statistical Society, 2oth June 1893. 8* 1893 Longstaff, L. W. Notes on the Contents of the Wimbledon Free Public Library (September 1888). 3rd edition. 8* 1888 Loomis, Elias. An Introduction to Prac- tical Astronomy, with a Collection of Astronomical Tables. 8 New York, 1863 Lopatinsky, L. Russo - Kabardinian Vocabulary. Published by the Educa- tional Department of the Caucasus. [In Russian.] 8 Tijlis, 1890 Lopes de Lima, Jose Joaquim. Ensaios sobre a Statistica das Possessoes Portu- guezas na Africa Occidental e Oriental, na Asia Occidental, na China, e na Oceania, e Continuados por Francisco Maria Bordalo. 5 vols. Maps and tables. 8 Lisbon, 1844-62 Vol. I. Das Ilhas de Cabo-Verde no Mar Atlantico e suas Dependencias na Guine" Portugueza ao Norte do Equador. 288 LOP LOU. Lopes de Lima, Jose Joaquim con- tinued. Vol. 2. Das Ilhas de S. Thome e Principe no Golfo de Guine, e sua Dependencia o Forte de S. Joao Baptista d'Ajuda na Costa de Leste, Chamada dos Popos Alem da Mina. Vol. 3. De Angola e Benguella e suas Dependencias na Costa Occidental d' Africa ao sul do Equador. Vol. 4. De Moambique e suas Depen- dencias na Costa Oriental da Africa ao sul do Equador. Vol. 5. Estadoda India, Parte Primeira. Goa, Damao, Diu, e suas Depen- dencias. See Santarem. Lopez de Legaspi, Michael. See Burney, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Lopez, Duarte or Edouardo. See Piga- fetta, F ; also Astley, Vol. 3 ; Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 6 ; Allgemeine Historie, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Lopez, Don Hippolito Ruiz, First Bo- tanist, and Chief of the Expedition to Peru and Chili : Historical Eulogium of. Translated from the Spanish. 8* Salisbury, 1831 Lopez, Juan Joze. Ueber die okono- mischen und politischen Beziehungen Deutschlands mit den La Plata-Staaten, und Europas mit den iibrigen Hispano- Amerikanischen Republiken. 4* Berlin, N.D. Lopez y Raraajo. Antonio Maria. Breve Descripcion de las Cosas mas Notables que Existen en la insigne Ciudad de Alcala de Henares. 4* Madrid, 1861 Lopez, Thome. See Ramusio, Vol. i ; Colleccao de Noticias, p. 610, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Lopez, Vicente F. Historiadela Republica Argentina su Origen su Revolucion y su Desarrollo Politico hasta 1852. 2 vols. Planispheres. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1883 Lorck, Andreas. Hermann von Salza, Sein Itinerar. Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde der philosophischen Facultat der Universitat zu Kiel. 8* Kiel, 1880 Lord, Eliot. See United States, G, c, Geological Survey [King] Monographs, Vol. 4, Comstock Mining and Miners : Appendix 2. Lord, Rev. H. See Churchill, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Lord, J. K. The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1866 Lord, W. B. , and T. Baines. Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life, Travel, and Exploration. Plates. 8 1876 Lorenz, Otto. Catalogue General de la Librairie Fran9aise depuis 1840. Table des Matieres, 1840-1875. [Vols. 7 and 8 of the whole work.] 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1878-80 The same. Tome Neuvieme. (Tome Premier du Catalogue de 1876-85, A H.) 8 Paris, 1886 The same. Tome Dixieme. (Tome Second du Catalogue de 1876-85, I Z. ) 8 Paris, 1887 The same. Tome Onzieme. (Table des Matieres des Tomes IX. et X., 1876- 85.) Paris, 1888 See Jordell. Lorenzen, Chr. C. Dannevirke og Omegn. Map. 12* Hadersleben, 1863 Lorentz, Dr Pablo G. See Argentine, D : Appendix 2. Loriol, . La France : Description Geographique, Statistique, et Topo- graphique, Alsace, Haut-Rhin et Bas- Rhin, Seine Inferieure et Orne, Eure et Loire, et Puy de Dome. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1834 Loriol, P. de. See Choffat. Lome, Marquis of. A Trip to the Tropics, and Home through America. 2nd edition. Frontispiece. 8 1867 Canadian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil. Map and illustrations. 4 1885 Our Railway to the Pacific. With Illustrations by H. R. II. Princess Louise. Reprinted from Good Words. Large 8* 1886 Canadian Life and Scenery ; with Hints to intending Emigrants and Settlers. Illustrations. 12 1886 Lortet, Dr. La Syrie d'Aujourd 'hui : Voyages dans la Phenicie, le Liban, et la Judee 1875-80. Maps and illustrations. Folio Paris, 1884 Loti, Pierre. Au Maroc. 12 Paris, 1890 Lottin de Laval, . Voyage dans la Peninsule Arabique du Sina'i et 1'Egypte Moyenne, Histoire, Geographic, Epi- graphie. 4 Paris, 1855-59 Lottin, Victor. See Gaimard, Paul. Lottner, F. H. Geognostische Skizze des Westfalischen Steinkohlen-Gebirges. 8* Iserlohn, 1863 Loughman, T. C., and Lieut. H. B. Sandford. Brief Notes relative to the Satara Jageerdars. [From India Records, No. 41] Bombay, 1857 Louis XVIII., King of France. Rela- tion d'un Voyage a Bruxelles et a Cob- lentz, 1791. Portrait. 32 Paris, 1823 Louis, J. A. H. A Few Words on the Present State and Future Prospects of Sericulture in Bengal. 8* 1880 LOU LUC. 289 Loureiro, J. de. Flora Cochinchinensis, Sistens 1'lantas in Regno Cochin-China nascentes, quihus acceclunt Alia; Obser- vata_> in Sinensi Imperio, Africa Orien- tali, Indireque Locis Variis .... 2 vols. in I. 4 Lisbon, 1790 Loutfy Bey, Antoun Youssef. Projet d'une ligne de Chemin de Fer reliant 1'Egypte a la Syrie, Note lue a la Societe Khediviale de Geographic du Caire le 20 Mars 1891. Map. 8* Cairo, 1891 Louw, P. J. F. De Derde Javaansche Successie-Oorlog (1746-1755). Large 8 Batavia, 1889 Loven, S. Om en Marklig i Nordsjon Lefvande Art af Spongia. Plate. 8* Stockholm, 1868 Lovett, Major. See Persia : Appendix 2. Lovett, Richard. James Gilmour of Mongolia, his Diaries, Letters, and Reports. Portraits, maps, and illustra- tions. 8 I 892 See Gilmour. Low, C. R. History of the Indian Navy (1613-1863). 2 vols. 8 1877 Low, Hugh. Sarawak, its Inhabitants and Productions. Plates. 8 1848 Low, Sampson. See Catalogues, A, Eng- lish Catalogue of Books : Appendix 2. Lowe, F. See Smyth, W. Lowell, Percival. Choson, the Land of the Morning Calm : a Sketch of Korea. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 [1885] Lowenberg, J. See Peschel. Lowenorn, P. Beskrivelse til Kaartet over Foeroerne. 4* Copenhagen, 1805 New Sailing Directory for the Catte- gat, the Sound, and the Belts ; with Directions for the Belt by Mr John Bain and other British Officers, and Descrip- tions of the New Lights and Alterations to the present time. 8 ^44 See Mas. Lowenstern, Isidore. Les Etats-Unis et la Ilavane : Souvenirs d'un Voyageur. 8 Paris, 1842 - Remarques sur la Deuxieme Ecriture Cuneiforme de Persepolis. 4* Paris, 1850 Lowl, Dr Ferdinand. Die Granitkerne des Kaiserwaldes bei Marienlwl. Ein Problem der Gebirgskunde. Maps and profiles. 4* Prague, 1885 See Germany, C, Forschungen, &c., Vol. 2 : Appendix 2. Low's Discovery of the Banians. See Pinkerton, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Lowth, George T. Wanderer in Arabia, or Western Footsteps in Eastern Tracks. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1855 Lbwy, Rev. A. Half a Century of Pro- gress in the Knowledge and Practice of Judaism. 8* 1893 Lowy, Rev. A. See Catalogues, A : Ap- pendix 2 (General). Loyasa, Garcia Jofre de. See Burney, Vol. i ; Callander, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Navaretti, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Loyer, Godfrey. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Lozano, Pedro. Descripcion Choro- graphica del Terreno, Rios, Arboles y Animales de las dilatadissimas Pro- vincias del Gran Chaco, Gualamba, y de los ritos . . . de las . . . Naciones . . . qui le habitan. Con una Cabal Rela- cion Historica, &c. Map. Square 8 Cordova, 1733 See Angelis, Vol. I : Appendix I. Luard, C. H. See Williams, J. M. Lubafsky, A. Juridical Monographs and Researches. Vol. 4. [In Russian.] Small 8 St Petersburg, 1878 Lubbock, Sir John. Pre-Historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 1869 - The Origin of Civilisation, and the Primitive Condition of Man : Mental and Social Condition of Savages. Plates. 8 1870 Lubbock, Mrs. See Gallon, F., Vacation Tourists. Luc, Jean Andre de. Lettres Physiques et Morales sur 1'IIistoire de la Terre et de FHomme. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1779 Introduction & la Physique Terrestre par les Fluides Expansibles . . . pour servir de suite et de Developpement aux Recherches sur les Modifications de 1'Atmosphere. 2 vols. Tables. 8 Paris, 1805 Traite Elementaire de Geologic. 8 Paris, 1806 Histoire du Passage des Alpes par Annibal, dans laquelle on Determine d'une maniere precise la Route de ce General, depuis Carthagene jusqu'au Tesin, d'apres la Narration de Polybe, comparee aux Recherches Faites sur les Lieux. Map Geneva, 1825 Luca, Ferdinand de. La Societal Geo- grafica Italiana : Memoria. 8* Naples, 1 86 1 Luca, Giuseppe de. Carte Nautiche del Medio Evo Disegnate in Italia. Map. 4* Naples, 1866 Storia Concetto Limiti della Geografia. 8 Naples, 1881 Luca, Jean de. See Gottfried ; Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix i. Lucas, C. P. Introduction to a Histori- cal Geography of the British Colonies. Maps. 12 Oxford, 1887 Historical Geography of the British Colonies. 3 vols. Maps. 12 Oxford, 1888-94 290 LUC LUM. Lucas, Paul. Voyage au Levant. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 1 2 The Hague, \ 709 Voyage dans la Grece, 1'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine, et 1'Afrique. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Paris, 1712 Voyage fait en 1714, &c., dans la Turquie, 1'Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute et Basse Egypt, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Amsterdam, 1720 Lucca, Gaudentio di. The Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca : being the substance of his Examination before the Fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy. . . . Copied from the Original Manuscript in St Mark's Library at Venice, with Critical Notes of the learned Signor Rhedi. . . . Translated from the Italian. 8 1774 Liidde, J. G. Die Methodik der Erdkunde. 8* Magdelmrg, 1842 Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Erdkunde. Vol. I. Maps. 8 Magdeburg, 1842 Die Geschichte der Methodologie der Erdkunde ; in ihrer ersten Grundlage, vermittelst einer historisch - kritischen Zusammenstellung der Literatur der Me- thodologie der Erdkunde. 8 Leipzig, 1849 Die Sonne im Dienste der Karto- graphie ; kritische Erorterungen zur Geschichte der neueren Kartographie, nach Reliefs von C. Raaz, G. Wolder- mann, C. Bamberg, Fr. Schilling. New ed. by Franz Matthes. 8* Wei mar, 1874 Ludlam, A. New Zealand Exhibition, 1865 : Essay on the Cultivation and Acclimatisation of Trees and Plants. 8* Dimedin, 1865 Ludlow, J. Malcolm. British India, its Races and its History, considered with Reference to the Mutinies of 1857. 2 vols. 12 Cambridge, 1858 Ludolphus, Job. See Leutholf. Ludwig, R. Versuch einergeographischen Darstellung von Hessen in der Tertiarzeit. Map. 8 Darmstadt, 1855 Geologische Skizze des Grossherzog- thums Hessen. 4* Darmstadt, 1867 Ludwig Salvator, Archduke of Austria. Levkosia. Plates. 4 Prague, 1872 Yacht-Reisen in den Syrten, 1873. Plates. 4 Prague, 1874 EineSpazierfahrtim Golfe von Korinth. Map and plates. 4 Prague, 1876 Um die Welt ohne zu wollen. 12 Prague, 1881 Hobartown. Plates. 4 Prague, 1886 LoseBlatterausAbazia. 4 Vienna,i?&6 Paxos und Antipaxos im lonischen Meere. Illustrations. 4 Vienna, 1887 Die Kaymenen, Juli 1874. Plates. 4* Prague, 1875 Die Balearen in Wort und Bild. 7 vols. in 9. Maps and plates. Folio Leipzig, 1869-91 Die Liparischen Inseln. 5 parts. Maps and plates. Folio Prague, 1893-95 Lugard, Capt. F. D. Imperial British East Africa Compariy : Reports of Capt. Lugard on his Expedition to Uganda. 4 Reports. 4 and Folio* V. D. The Rise of our East African Em- pire : Early Efforts in Nyassaland and Uganda. 2 vols. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 8 ^93 Lugrin, Charles H. New Brunswick (Canada), its Resources, Progress, and Advantages. Maps, &c. 8 1886 Luhdorf, Baron von Augustus. Die heissen Quellen am Amur bei Neu- Michailowsk, im Bezirke Nicolajefsk. 8* Hamburg, 1882 Luillier, Sieur. Voyage aux Grandes Indes, avec une Instruction pour le Commerce des Indes Orientales. Plate. 12 The Hague, 1706 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Luks, H. T. Das Reichsland Elsass- Lothringen ; Topographisch-statistisches Handbuch mil kriegsgeschichtlichen Notizen und besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Vogesen. Small 8 Metz, 1875 Luksch, J. Veroffentlichungen der Com- mission fiir Erforschung des ostlichen Mittelmeeres. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber Lothnngen und physikalische Beobach- tungen im Sommer 1891. Map. Large 8* Vienna, 1891 Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die physika- lisch-oceanographischen Arbeiten im Sommer 1893. Map. 8* Vienna, 1893 See Wolf, Julius. Luksie, Abel. Neueste Beschreibung und vollstandiges Orts-Lexicon von Bosnien und der Herzegovina. 12 Prague, 1878 Lull, E. P., and F. Collins. Reports of Explorations and Surveys for the location of Inter-oceanic Ship-canals through the Isthmus of Panama and by the Valley of the River Napipi, by U.S. Naval Expedi- tions, 1875. Maps and plans. 4 Washington, 1879 Lullin, E. L'Utilisation des Forces Motrices du Rhone et la Regularisation du Lac Leman. 12* Geneva, 1890 Institution d'un Meridien Central Unique, et d'une heure universelle avec maintien de 1'heure locale. Maps. 8* Geneva, 1892 Lumholtz, Carl. Blandt Menneskesedere Fire Aars Reise i Australien. Maps and illustrations. 8 Copenhagen, 1888 Among Cannibals : an Account of Four Years' Travels in Australia, and of Camp Life with the Aborigines of Queens- land. Maps and illustrations. 8 1889 Lumsden, Gen. Sir H. L. The Mission to Kandahar, with Appendices ; with Supplementary Report on the Expedition into Upper Meeranzye and Koorrum in 1856. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1860 LUM LYM. 291 Lumsden. J. G. Observations on a Map prepared by him showing the Possessions of His Highness the Rao, and the Depend- ent Chiefs, &c., in Kutch. [From the India Records, No. 15.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Lumsden, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Peter. See Central Asia, A : Appendix 2. Lumsden, Col. Thomas. A Journey from Merut in India to London, through Arabia, Persia, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, and France, during the years 1 8 19 and 1820. Map. 8 1822 Lund, T. W. M. Como and Italian Lake-land. Maps, plan, and illustrations. Crown 8 1887 Lundbohm, H. See Sweden, A, Geolo- giska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Lundgren, W. T. Hamn-Lexikon. 8 Stockholm [1881] See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Lupton Bey. See Buchta. Luro, E. Le Pays d'Annam : Etude sur 1'Organisation Politique et Sociale des Annamites. 8 Paris, 1878 Luschan, F. von. See Turkey in Asia, A : Appendix 2. Lush, Charles. See India, C, Geological Papers on Western India : Appendix 2. Lushington, Mrs Charles. Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of Egypt, 1827-28. 8 1829 Lussan, Raveneau de. Journal du voy- age fait a la mer du Sud. See Oexmelin. Lutke, Admiral Frederic. Voyage autour du Monde, sur la Corvette " Le Seuia- viue," 1826-29. Traduit du Russe par J. Boye. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1835-36 Vols. I and 2. Partie Historique. Vol. 3. Les Travaux de MM. les Natur- alistes, rediges par Alex. Postels. The same. Partie Nautique. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1836 Lutz, Markus. Geographisch-statistisches Handlexikon der Schweiz, fur Reisende und Geschaftsmanner ; nebst einem Wegweiser durch die Eidsgenossenchaft, sammt Nachrichten fiir Reisende liber Postenlauf, Geldeswerth, und Gasthcife. 8 Aarau, 1822 Lux, A. E. Von Loanda nach Kimbundu : Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise im aqua- torialen West Afrika, 1875-76. Maps and plates. 8 Vienna, 1880 Die Balkanhalbinsel (mil Ausschluss von Griechenland), physikalische und ethnographische, Schilderungen und Stadtebilder. Map and illustrations. 8 Freiburg, 1887 Luynes, Due de. Voyage d'Exploration a la Mer Morte, a Petra, et sur la rive gauche du Jourdain. CEuvre posthume public par ses petits-fils sous la direction Luynes, Due de continued. de M. le Comte de Vogue. 3 vols. and Atlas. Imperial 4 Paris, N.I). Vol. i. Relation du Voyage. Vol. 2. De Petra a Palmyre, par M. Vignes ; Voyage de Jerusalem a Karak et a Chaubak, par MM. Mauss et Sauvaire. Vol. 3. Geologic, par M. Louis Lartet. Luze, Edouard de. La Transcription et la Prononciation des Noms Geographiques Etrangers. 8* Paris, 1883 Lyall, Sir Alfred. The Rise of the British Dominion in India. Maps. 8 1893 Lyall, R. Travels in Russia, the Krimea, the Caucasus, and Georgia. 2 vols. Map. 8 1825 Lycklama, Chevalier A. Nijeholt T. M. Voyage en Russie au Caucase et en Perse, dans la Mesopotamie, le Kurdistan, la Syrie, la Palestine, et la Turquie, execute pendant les annees 1866-68. 4 vols. in 2. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1872-75 Lyde, Lionel W. The Glasgow Series of Elementary Geography. 4 vols. 12 Glasgow, 1892-93 Lydekker, Richard. Catalogue of the Remains of Siwalik Vertebrata contained in the Geological Department of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Part I. Mammalia. 8* Calcutta, 1885 The same. Part 2. Aves, Reptilia, and Pisces. 8* Calcutta, 1886 Catalogue of the Remains of Pleistocene and Pre-historic Vertebrata contained in the Geological Department of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 8* Calcutta, 1886 See India, C, Palteontologia Indica : Appendix 2. Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of Geology: being an Attempt to explain the former Changes on the Earth's Surface by refer- ence to causes now in operation. 2 vols. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 8 1830 Ditto. 4 vols. 12 1835 Travels in North America, with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 '845 Second Visit to the United States of North America. 2 vols. 8 1849 Principles of Geology, or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants considered as illustrative of Geology. Maps and plates. 8 1853 Ditto. loth edition. 2 vols. 8 1868 Elements of Geology. 6th edition. 8 1865 The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man ; with an Outline of Glacial and Post-Tertiary Geology, and Remarks on the Origin of Species. 4th edition. Illustrations. 8 l &73 Lyman, B. S. Topography of the Punjab Oil Region. Map. 4* Philadelphia, 1872 LYM MAC. Lyman, B. S. See Japan : Appendix 2. Lynch, T. K. A Visit to the Suez Canal. Plates. Small 4 1866 Lynch, Lieut. W. F. Report of an Examination of the Dead Sea. Map. 8* Washington, 1849 Official Report of the United States Expedition to Explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. Map and plates. 4 , Baltimore, 1852 Lyndes, T. See Cherry, in Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 : Appendix I. Lyndon, J. W. See Foole, F. Lyne, Charles. The Industries of New South Wales. Illustrations. Large 8 Sydney, 1882 New Guinea: an Account of the Establishment of the British Protectorate over the Southern Shores of New Guinea. Illustrations. 12 1885 Lynn, Capt. See Murray, Hugh. Lyon, Capt. G. F. Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in 1818-20, with Geographical Notices of Soudan and the Course of the Niger. Alap and plates. 4 1821 The Private Journal of Capt. G. F. Lyon during the recent Voyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry. Map and plates. 8 1825 A Brief Narrative of an Unsuccessful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay ... in the year 1824. Map and plates. 8 1825 Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in 1826, with some Account of the Mines. 2 vols. 12 1828 Lyon, S. S. L. See Owen, D. D. Lyons, Dr R. D. Forest Areas in Europe and America, and probable Future Timber Supplies. Square 8 1884 See Canada, B : Appendix 2. M- M F. B. Die Seen der Vorzeit in Oberkrain und die Felsenschliffe der Save. 8* Laibach, 1863 M , M. Studii Antropologici di M.M. 1 6 Florence, 1856 Maack. R. Journey on the Amur in 1855. [In Russian.] Portrait. 4 Si Petersburg, 1859 Journey along the Valley of the Ussuri. [In Russian.] 2vols.ini. Maps and plates. Folio St Petersburg, 1861 Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch. The Travels of, written by his attendant Archdeacon, Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic. Translated by F. C. Belfour : Part I, Anatolia, Romelia, and Moldavia ; 2, Wallachia, Moldavia, and the Cossack Country ; 3, The Cossack Country and Macarius continued. Muscovy ; 4, Muscovy ; 5, Muscovy ; 6, Moscow, Novogorocl ; 7, Novogorod, Moscow, and the Cossack Country ; 8, Moldavia and Wallachia ; 9, Black Sea, Anatolia, Syria. [Oriental Translation Fund.] 2 vols. 4 1829-36 MacArthur, W. A British Protectorate in Fiji. 8* 1873 MacArthur, Lieut. W. P., and Lieut. W. A. Bartlett. U.S. Coast Survey: Sailing Directions for the Western Coast of the United States, from Monterey to Columbus River. Folio Washington, 1850 MacC -- , H. E. Instructions for Royal Engineer Officers at Singapore, by H. E. M'C. 8* N.D. MacCarthy, James. Paper on Siam, read before the Geographical Section of the British Association at Manchester, on September 5, 1887. 12* 1887 MacCarthy, John. Commercial and Tech- nical Report on West Indian and British Honduras Products at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. 8* 1886 MacCartney, Earl of. See Vincent (Dean), Vol. 2 : Appendix I. MacCartney, John. Memoir of a Map of the Punjab and Countries west of the Indus, extending from the 23rd to the 4 1st Degrees North Latitude, and from the 6oth to the 78th Degrees of East Longitude, constructed chiefly from infor- mation collected during the March of the Cabul Embassy in 1809. MS. Folio. Macaulay, Hugh. See Dalrymple, A. (Nautical Memoirs). Macbrair, Rev. R. Maxwell. Grammar of the Mandingo Language, with Vocabu- laries. 8 N.D. -- Sketches of a Missionary's Travels in Egypt, Syria, Western Africa, &c. 12 MacCall, Col. George A. Reports on New Mexico. 8* Washington, 1851 MacClellan, G. B. See Marcy. MacClelland, I. Some Inquiries in the Province of Kemaon relative to Geology and other Branches of Natural Science. Map and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1835 MacClintock, Sir F. Leopold. Remin- iscences of Arctic Ice-Travel in Search of Sir John Franklin and his Companions ; with Geological Notes and Illustrations by the Rev. Samuel Haughton. Map and plate. 8* Dublin, 1857 - The Voyage of the "Fox" in the Arctic Seas : a Narrative of the Dis- covery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions ; with Preface by Sir Roderick I. Murchison. 8 1859 MAC. 293 MacClintock, Sir F. Leopold. Fate of Sir John Franklin : the Voyage of the "Fox" in the Arctic Seas in Search of Franklin and his Companions. 3rd edi- tion: Maps and plates. 8 1869 - Fate of Sir John Franklin : the Voyage of the " Fox " in the Arctic Seas in Search of Franklin and his Com- panions. 5th edition ; with a Chapter on the Recent Searching Expeditions of Captain C. F. Hall and Lieut. . Schwatka, U.S.A. Maps and ilhtstra- tions. 8 1 88 1 MacCluer, John. See Dalrymple, A. ; also Eyries, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Maclure, Capt. Robert C. M. See Oslx>rn. MacClymont, James R. The Influence of Spanish and Portuguese Discoveries during the first Twenty Years of the i6th Century on the Theory of an Antipodeal Southern Continent. 8 1892 MacCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. Map. 8 [1877] MacConaghey, M. A. Memo, on the Mynpoorie System of Khusrah Survey. [From the Records of India, N.W. Provinces, Vol. 4.] 8 1870 MacCord, J. S. Meteorological Observa- tions made on the Island of St Helen, in the River St Lawrence, opposite Mon- treal, Canada. Plates. 8 Montreal, 1842 MacCormick, R. Narrative of a Boat Expedition up the Wellington Channel in 1852 in H.M.B. "Forlorn Hope," in Search of Sir John Franklin. Charts, illustrations, and plans. 4 1854 Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, and Round the World : being Personal Narratives of Attempts to Reach the North and South Poles, and of an Open Boat Expedition up the Wellington Channel ; to which are added an Autobiography, Appendix, portraits, maps, and numerous illustra- tions. 2 vols. Large 8 1884 MacCormick, Rev. W. T. A Ride across Iceland in the Summer of 1891. 8 1892 MacCosh, J. Topography of Assam. riates. 8 Calcutta, 1837 Advice to Officers in India. Plan. 8* 1856 A Paper on Assam and an Overland Communication with China. 4* 1873 On a new Floating Breakwater. Sm. 8* 1874 Nuova Italia ; or, Tours and Retours through France, Swit7,erland, and Italy : a Poem. 2 vols. 12 1872, 1875 - Grand Tours in many Lands : a Poem, in Ten Cantos. 12 1881 A Proposal for a Floating Ilarlxnir of Refuge. Plan. 12* Edinburgh, 1882 Macoun, John. See Canada, A, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey : Appendix 2. MacCoy, F. See Sedgwick ; also Victoria, A, Geological and Natural History Sur- vey : Appendix 2. MacCrindle, J. W. Ancient India, as described by Megasthenes and Arrian : being a Translation of the Fragments of the Indika of Megasthenes collected by Dr Schwanbeck, and of the firsjt part of the Indika of Arrian. Map. Small 8 1877 The Commerce and Navigation of the Erythraean Sea : being a Transla- tion of the Periplus Maris Erythnei, and of Arrian's Account of the Voyage of Nearkhos. Small 8 1879 Ancient India as described by Klesias the Knidian : being a Translation of the Abridgement of his " Indika " by Photios, and the Fragments of that Work preserved in other writers ; with Introduction, Notes, and Index. 8 1882 Ancient India as described by Ptolemy: being a Translation of the Chapters which describe India, and Central and Eastern Asia, in the Treatise on Geography written by Klaudios Ptolemaios, the celebrated Astronomer ; with Introduc- tion, Commentary, Map of India accord- ing to Ptolemy, and a very copious Index. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1885 The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great, as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch, and Justin : being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as" describe Alexander's Campaigns in Afghanistan, the Panjab,Sindh,Gedrosia, and Karmania ; with an Introduction, containing a Life of Alexander, copious Notes, Illustrations, Maps, and Indices. 8 1893 MacCulloch, John. Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man ; comprising an Account of their Geological Structure ; with Remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Vols. I and 2 8, and Vol. 3. 4 Edinburgh, 1819 MacCulloch, J. R. Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Maps 1832 Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire, including its Extent, Physical Capacities, Population, &c. 2 vols. 8 1847 Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. New edition, Revised, with a Supplement. Vol. i. Maps. 8 1854 294 MAC. MacCulloch, J. R. Russia and Turkey. From the "Geographical Dictionary." 12 1854 Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Com- mercial Navigation. New edition ; with numerous Corrections and Improvements, and a Supplement. Maps and plans. 8 1859 MacCulloch, Major W. Account of the Valley of Munnipore, and of the Hill Triljes ; with a Comparative Vocabulary of the Munnipore and other Languages. [From the Records of India, No. 27.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1859 Macdermot, William. The Darien Canal, What shall we do with our Convicts? [2 leaves.'} 4* 1857 MacDermott, A. See Horsey. MacDermott, P. L. British East Africa, or Ibea : a History of the Formation and Work of the Imperial British East Africa Company. Compiled by the authority of the Directors from Official Documents and the Records of the Company. Map ami frontispiece. 8 1893 Macdonald, Capt. A. Brief Historical Sketch of the Petty State of Baria, in the Rewa Kanta, prepared in 1819. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Macdqnald, Charles. See Velschow. Macdonald, Sir Claude. See Mockler- Ferryman. Macdonald, D. See Campbell, F. A. Macdonald, Rev. Duff. Africana ; or, The Heart of Heathen Africa. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1882 New Hebrides Linguistics, Intro- ductory .- Three New Hebrides Lan- guages (Efatese, Eromangan, Santo). 12 Melbourne, 1889 South Sea Languages : a Series of Studies on the Languages of the New Hebrides and other South Sea Islands. Vol. 2. Tangoan, Santo, Malo, Male- kula, Epi (Baki and Bierian), Tanna, and Futuna. 12 Melbourne, 1891 Macdonald, Duncan G. Forbes. British Columbia and Vancouver's Island : com- prising a Description of these Dependen- cies, their Physical Character, Climate, Natural History, Geology, Ethnology, Gold Fields, &c., also an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Native Indians. Map. 8 1862 Macdonald, James. See Phillips, Collec- tion ofModernand Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 11 : Appendix i. Macdonald, J. G. Journal ... on an Expedition from Port Denison to the Gulf of Carpentaria and back. Map and portrait. 12 Brisbane, 1865 Macdonell. Arthur A. Camping Voyages on German Rivers. Frontispiece and maps. Small 8 1890 MacDonnell. Sir Richard G. Australia, What it is, and what it may be : a Lec- ture. Map. 12* Dublin, 1863 Macdonell, Thomas. Extracts from his MS. Journals, containing Observations on New Zealand. 8 1834 Macdouall, John. Narrative of a Voyage to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego through the Straits of Magellan, in H.M. ships " Adventure " and "Beagle," in 1826-27. 12 1833 MacDougall George F. The Eventful Voyage of H.M. Discovery Ship " Reso- lute " to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin and the missing Crews of H.M. ships " Erebus " and " Terror," 1852-54. Map atui plates. 8 1857 Directions for making the Passage from the Downs to the White Sea ; including a Description of the Harbour of Hammerfest and other Anchorages on the Coast of Norway and Lapland, and of the Ports of Archangel ami Onega in the White Sea. 8 1858 Instructions Nautiques pour la Cote Sud-Est de la Nouvelle-Ecosse et la Baie de Fundy. 8 Paris, 1869 See United Kingdom, A, Admiralty Hydrogr. OlF. Publ. : Appendix 2. MacDougall, G. Gordon. See Graah. Mace, W. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8: Appendix i. Macedo, J. M. de. See Le Sage. Macedo, Mgr. de. Le Christophore : la Civilisation dans 1'Amazonie : Confer- ence faite a Manaos (Bresil). 2nd edi- tion. Large 8* Paris, 1885 MacFarlane, C. Constantinople in 1828. Plates. 4 1829 The same. 2nd edition ; to which is added an Appendix containing Re- marks and Observations to the Autumn of 1829. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1829 - Japan : an Account, Geographical and Historical, from the Earliest Period at which the Islands were known to Euro- peans to the Present Time. Map and woodcuts. 8 1852 History of British India, from the Earliest English Intercourse ; with Con- tinuation to the Fall of Delhi and the Relief of Lucknow. Map and plates. 12 1857 MacFarlane, J. The Coal Regions of America, their Topography, Geology, and Development. Maps. 8 New York, 1873 MacFarlane, P. Antidote against the Unscriptural and Unscientific Tendency of Modern Geology. Small 8 1871 MacFarlane, R. Notes on, and List of Birds and Eggs collected in Arctic America, 1861-66. 8* Washington, 1891 MAC. 295 MacFarlane, Rev. S. New Guinea. Parts I, 2, and 3. (From the Sunday Magazine. ) Large 8* 1 874 Among the Cannibals of New Guinea : being the Story of the New Guinea Mission of the London Missionary Society. Map and illustrations. 12 1888 See Australasia and Polynesia, British New Guinea : Appendix 2. Macfie. Matthew. Vancouver Island and British Columbia, their History, Re- sources, and Prospects. Maps and plate. 8 1865 MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. Map. 8 1874 Under the Northern Lights. Map and illustrations. 8 1876 MacGeachy, Edward. Suggestions towards a General Plan of Rapid Com- munication by Steam Navigation and Railways between the Eastern and Wes- tern Hemispheres. Maps. 8* 1846 Macgill, T. Travels in Turkey, Italy, and Russia ; with an Account of some of the Greek Islands. 2vols.ini. 12 1808 A Hand-book or Guide for Strangers visiting Malta. Map. 12 Malta, 1839 Macgillivray, John. Narrative of a Voy- age of H.M.S. "Rattlesnake," com- manded by Capt. Owen Stanley, 1846- 50 ; including Discoveries and Surveys in New " Guinea, the Louisiade Archi- pelago, &c. ; to which is added the Ac- count of E. B. Kennedy's Expedition for the Exploration of the Cape York Penin- sula. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1852 Macgillivray, Dr W. The Travels and Researches of Alex, von Humboldt. Plates. 8 1853 Natural History of Deeside and Brae- mar. Edited by E. Lankester. Maps. 8 1855 Macgowan, D. J. The Eagre of the Tsien-Tang River. 8* 1853 MacGregor, Sir Charles Metcalfe. A Military Report on the Country of Bhutan, containing all the Information of Military Importance which has l)een collected up to date (i2th July 1866). Map. Small folio Calcutta, 1873 Narrative of a Journey through the Province of Khorassan and on the N.W. Frontier of Afghanistan in 1875. 2 v ' s - Maps and plates. 8 1879 Wanderings in Balochistan. Maps, plates, and portrait. 8 1882 The Defence of India : a Strategical Study. Map. 8 Simla, 1884 The Life and Opinions of Major- General Sir Charles Metcalfe MacGregor, Quartermaster-General in India. Edited by Lady MacGregor. 2 vols. Maps, portrait, &c. 8 1 888 See Central Asia, A : Appendix 2. MacGregor, Fr. Coleman. Die Canar- ischen Inseln nach ihrem gegenwartigen Zustande. Maps and plates. 8 Hanover, 1831 MacGregor, James. Fifty Facts about Australasia. Map. 12 1883 MacGregor, John. British America. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1832 Commercial Statistics : a Digest of the Productive Resources, Commercial Legislation, Customs, Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws and Charges ; Shipping, Imports, and Exports ; and the Monies, Weights, and Measures of all Nations ; including all British Commer- cial Treaties with Foreign States. Vols. I and 2. Royal 8 1844 MacGregor, Dr John. Toil and Travel : being a True Story of Roving and Rang- ing when on a Voyage homeward bound round the World. Portrait. 8 1892 Macgregor, John. The "Rob Roy" on the Baltic : a Canoe Cruise through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Sleswig, Holstein, the North Sea, and the Baltic. 2nd edition. Maps and plate. Small 8 1867 The Voyage alone in the Yawl ' ' Rob Roy " from London to Paris, and back by Havre, the Isle of Wight, South Coast, &c., &c. 2nd edition. Plates. Small 8 1868 The " Rob Roy " on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth, &c. : a Canoe Cruise in Palestine and Egypt, and the Waters of Damascus. Maps and plates. 8 1869 A Thousand Miles in the " Rob Roy " Canoe on Rivers and Lakes of Europe. 8th edition. Map and plates. Small 8 1871 Macgregor, Sir William. Report on Visit of Inspection to the Island of Kiwai at mouth of Fly River. Folio* Brisbane, 1889 Inspection Tour of Fly River. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1889 Despatch from, giving Details of an Expedition undertaken to Explore the Course of the Fly River and some of its Affluents. Map and plans. Folio* 1890 Handbook of Information for Intend- ing Settlers in British New Guinea. Map. 8* Brisbane, 1892 Despatch reporting the proceedings in connection with the Delimitation of the Boundary between British and Dutch New Guinea. Folio* 1893 See Thomson, J. P. ; also Australasia and Polynesia, British New Guinea : Ap- pendix 2. Machado, J. J. See Portugal, B : Ap- pendix 2. 296 MAC. Machado, J. J. Kelatorio acerca dos Trabalhos para a Fixa$ao da Directriz do Caminho de Ferro projectado entre LourenO Marques e a Fronteira do Transvaal, apresentado a S. Ex. a o Ministro e Secretario d'Estado dos Nego- cios da Marinha e Ultramar por Joaquim Jose Machado, Major de Engenheria. 8* Lisbon, 1884 Macham, . See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix I. MacHenry, George. The Cotton Trade, its Bearing upon the Prosperity of Great Britain and Commerce of the American Republics considered in connection with Negro Slavery in the Confederate States. 1803 Macheras, Leonce. Chronique deChypre. Afovriov Ma^atpa XpoviKov KvTr/aov. Texte Grec, par E. Miller et C. Sathas. [Vol. 2, 2nd Series, Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Map. Large 8 Paris, 1882 Chronique de Chypre. Traduction Francaise, par E. Miller et C. Sathas. [Vol. 3, 2nd Series, Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Large 8 Paris, 1882 Machiavelli, Nicolo. Opere. Portrait and facsimile. 8 8 vols. 1813 Macintosh, Major-Gen. A. F. Military Tour in European Turkey, the Crimea, and on the Eastern Shores of the Black Sea. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1854 Macintyre, Major-Gen. Donald. Hindu- Koh : Wanderings and Wild Sport on and beyond the Himalayas. Illustrations. Maclver, Lewis. Imperial Census of 1 88 1 : Operations and Results in the Presidency of Madras. 5 vols. Map and diagrams. Folio Madras, 1883 Mackay, A. The Western World ; or, Travels in the United States in 1846-47, exhibiting them in their latest develop- ment, Social, Political, Industrial ; in- cluding a Chapter on California. Vol. 3. Map. Small 8 1849 Western India. Reports addressed to the Chambers of Commerce of Man- chester, Liverpool, Blackburn, and Glasgow. Edited by J. Robertson, with a Preface by T. Bazley. Maps. 8 1853 Mackay, Dr Alexander. Index to Manual of Geography. 12 1861 Outlines of Modern Geography. 16 1865 Facts and Dates, or the Leading Events in Sacred and Profane History, and the Principal Facts in the Various Physical Sciences. 2nd edition. 16 1870 Elements of Modern Geography. 7th edition 1870 Mackay, Dr Alexander. Outlines of Modern Geography: a Book for Be- ginners, nth edition. 12 1871 Manual of Modern Geography, Mathe- matical, Physical, and Political, on a New Plan, embracing a Complete Devel- opment of the River Systems of the Globe. 12 1871 Mackay, A. M. A. M. Mackay, Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda : Biography. By his Sister. Map and portrait. 8 1890 MacKeevor, Thomas. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix 2. Mackenna, Benjamin Vicuna. Explora- cion de las Lagunas Negra i del Encanado en las Cordilleras de San Jose i del Valle del Yeso. Maps. 12 Valparaiso, 1874 Catalogo del Museo historico del Sanla Lucia. Square 8 Santiago, 1875 Lautaro y sus Campanas contra San- tiago, 1553-57. 8 Santiago, 1876 Le Chili considere sous le Rapport de son Agriculture et de 1'Emigration Euro- peenne. Map. 12* Paris, 1855 La Edad del oro en Chile o sea una Demostracion Historica de la maravillosa abundancia de oro que ha existido en el pais, con una Resena de los grandes descubrimientos Argentiferos que lo han enriquecido, principalmente en el presente siglo, i Algunas Recientes Ex- cursiones a los Rejiones Auriferas de Catapilco i quebradas de Alvarado i Malcara. 8 Santiago, 1881 - Juan Fernandez : Historia Verdadera de la Isla de Robinson Crusoe. 8 Santiago, 1883 A Traves de los Andes : Estudio sobre la Mejor Ubicacion del Future Ferrocarril Interoceanico entre el Atlan- tico i el Pacifico en la America del sur [la Republics Arjentina i Chile]. Map. 12 Santiago, 1885 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Mon- treal, on the River St Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and !793 ; with a Preliminary Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Portrait and maps. 4 1801 See Eyries, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Mackenzie, Alexander. History of the Relations of the Government with the Hill Tribes of the North-East Frontier of Bengal. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1884 Report on the Administration of the Central Provinces for the year 1888-89. Map. 4 Nagpnr, 1889 Mackenzie, Alexander. Descriptive Notes on certain Implements, Weapons, &c., from Graham Island, Charlotte Islands, B.C. ; with an Introductory Note by Dr G. M. Dawson. Plates. 4* 1891 MAC. 297 Mackenzie, Colin. Brazil : Paper read before the British Association, at Aber- deen. 8* Aberdeen, 1885 Mackenzie, Mrs Colin. Life in the Mis- sion, the Camp, and the Zenana ; or, Six Years in India. 2nd edition. 2 vols. in I. Map ami plate. 8 1854 Mackenzie, Donald. North-West Africa : a Lecture on the Project for Opening Central Africa to Commerce and Civilisa- tion. 8* Liverpool, 1878 - The Flooding of the Sahara : an Account of the Proposed Plan for Open- ing Central Africa to Commerce and Civilisation from the North-West Coast ; with a Description of Soudan and Western Sahara, and Notes on Ancient Manuscripts, &c. Map ami illustrations. Crown 8 1877 Mackenzie, G. M., and A. P. Irby. The Turks, the Greeks, and the Slavons : Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Map and plates. 8 1867 - Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe ; with a Preface by W. E. Gladstone. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1877 Mackenzie, Sir G. Stewart. Travels in Iceland during 1810. Map and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1811 - The same. With Appendix. 4 Edinburgh, 1812 See Pinkerton, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Mackenzie, John. Ten Years North of the Orange River : a Story of Every-day Life and Work among the South African Tribes from 1859 to 1869. Map and plates. Small 8 Edinburgh, 1871 Austral Africa, Losing it or Ruling it : being Incidents and Experiences in Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, and Eng- land. 2 vols. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 8 1887 Mackenzie, K. R. H. See Lepsius. MacKerrow, J. See Mutton and Ulrich ; also New Zealand, B : Appendix 2. Mackinder, H. J., and M. E. Sadler. University Extension, Past, Present, and Future. Illustrations. 12 1891 Mackie, S. J. Thoughts on the Dover Cliffs. Map and plate. 8* 1863 MacKinlay. J. Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia (Burke Relief Expedition). Maps. 8" Melbourne, 1862 - Journal of Exploring Expedition . . . to Examine the Country of the Northern Territory recently annexed to South Australia, for the Purpose of Ascertain- ing the general Nature of the Country, &c. Map. Folio {Adelaide} 1866 - See Westgarth. MacKinnon, Rev. James. South African Traits. 8 Edinburgh, 1887 MacKinnon. L. B. Some Account of the Falkland Islands, from a Six Months' Residence in 1838 and 1839. Map. 8* 1840 MacKinnon, W. Alex. History of Civilisation and Public Opinion. 2 vols. 8 1849 Mackintosh, A. An Account of the Origin and Present Condition of the Tribe of Ramoossies, including the Life of the Chief Oorniah Naik. 8" Bombay, 1833 Mackintosh, Dr Andrew William. A Whaling Cruise in the Arctic Regions. 12* 1884 Mackintosh, D. The Scenery of England and Wales, its Character and Origin : being an Attempt to Trace the Nature of the Geological Causes, especially Denu- dation, by which the Physical Features of the Country have been produced. Illustrations. 8 .1869 Maclauchlan. Henry. Memoir written during a Survey of the Watling Street, from the Tees to the Scotch Border, in 1850-51. 8* 1852 Maclean, Arthur John, and William Henry Browne. The Catholicos of the East? and his People : being the Im- pressions of Five Years' Work in the. "Archbishop of Canterbury's Assyrian Mission." . . . Map and illustrations. 12 1892 MacLean, John. Notes of a Twenty-five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. 2 vols. 8 1849 MacLean, M. Echoes from Japan. Map and illustrations. 1 2 1 889 MacLean, Walter. See Buckingham. Maclear, Sir Tnomas. Astronomical Ob- servations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1834. Vol. i. 4 Cape 7'ozvn, 1840 Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy. 2 parts. 4 185 1-53 Maclelay, Wrri. See Australasia and Polynesia, New Guinea : Appendix 2. MacLeod, J. Voyage of H.M.S. " Alceste " to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew, with an Account of her Shipwreck. Map and plates. 8" 1819 A Voyage to Africa, with some Account of the Manners and Customs of the Dahomian People. 12 1820 MacLeod, J. Memoranda on the Pearl Banks and Pearl Fishery, the Sea Fishery, and the Salt Beds of Sind. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Bombay, 1855 Macleod, J. Lyons. Travels in Eastern Africa, with a Narrative of a Residence in Mozambique. 2 vols. Portrait and map. 8 1860 Madagascar and its People. Map. 8" 1865 298 MAC MAD. Macleod, Vf. C. Copy of Papers relating to the Route of Captain W. C. MacLeod from Moulmein to the Frontiers of China, and to the Route of Dr Richardson on his Fourth Mission to the Shan Provinces of Burmah, or Extracts from the same. Map. Folio 1869 MacMahon, Gen. A. R. The Karens of the Golden Chersonese. Map and plates. 8 1876 - Karenni and the Red Karens. 8* N.I). Far Cathay and Farther India. Illus- trations. 8 1893 [ J 892] Macmichael, William. Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, in the years 1817-18. Plates. 4 1819 - See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. I : Appendix I. MacMicking, Robert. Recollections of Manilla and the Philippines during 1848-50. 8 1851 Macmillan, George A. See Blackwood, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. MacMurdo, Lieut. J. Historical Sketch of the District of Okhamundul, in Kattywar. [From the India Records, No. 37.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Memoir on the Province of Kattywar ; accompanied by Remarks on the Runn of Kutch. [From the India Records, No. 37.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 MacMurray, T. The Free Grant Lands of Canada : from Practical Experience of Bush Farming in the Free Grant Dis- tricts of Muskoka and Parry Sound. Map. 8* Bracebridge (Ontario}, 1871 Macnabb, D. J. C. Handbook of the Haka or Baungshe Dialect of the Chin Language. 8 Rangoon, 1891 MacNair, F. Perak and the Malays : "Sarong" and "Krs. " Map and plates. 8 1878 MacNair, William Watts. See Howard. Macnamara, F. N. Climate and Medical Topography in their Relation to the Disease-Distribution of the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan Districts of British India. Map. 8 1880 Macneill, Telford. Water Supply of London, by Means of Natural Filtration of the Waters of the River Thames. Map. 8* 1866 Macomb, Lieut. M. M. See United States, II, a: Appendix 2. Maconochie, Capt. A. Australiana : Thoughts on Convict Management and other subjects connected with the Australian Penal Colonies. 8 1839 On the Management of Prisoners in the Australian Colonies. 4 [1840] Macoun, John. Manitoba and the Great North-West : the Field for Investment, the Home of the Emigrant. Maps and illustrations. 8 1883 Macoun, John See Canada, A, Geo- logical and Natural History Survey : Appendix 2. MacParlan. Dr James. Statistical Survey of the County of Donegal. Map. 8 Dublin, 1802 MacPherson, Duncan. Antiquities of Kertch, and Researches in the Cim- merian Bosphorus ; with Remarks on the Ethnological and Physical History of the Crimea. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. Folio 1857 Macpherson, W. Memorials of Service in India. From the Correspondence of the late Major Samuel Charters Mac- pherson, C.B. Map and plates. 8 1865 MacQueen, James. Geographical and Commercial View of Northern Central Africa, containing a Particular Account of the Course and Termination of the Great River Niger in the Atlantic Ocean. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1821 West India Colonies vindicated from Calumnies and Misrepresentations. 8 1824 A General Plan for a Mail Communi- cation by Steam between Great Britain and the Eastern and Western parts of the World, also to Canton and Sydney westward by the Pacific ; to which are added Geographical Notices of the Isthmus of Panama, Nicaragua, &c. Maps. 8 1838 - Geographical Survey of Africa, its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Population, &c. ; and a Letter on the Slave Trade and the Improvement of Africa. Map. 8 1840 Supplement to the Geographical Sur- vey of Africa, containing further details regarding Southern Africa. 8* 1840 - The Nile Expeditions and Contro- versy [from the Morning Advertiser, December 2, 1864] : in continuation of Burton and M 'Queen's " The Nile Basin." Small 4* 1864 The African Slave Trade. [Four Letters addressed to Lord Brougham, cut from Newspapers, together with four pages of MS.] Folio* [1867] See Burton ; Isenberg. MacSwiney, Capt. E. F. H. chefsky. Madden, R. R. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824-27. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1829 The Island of Cuba, its Resources, Progress, and Prospects, considered in relation especially to the influence of its prosperity on the interests of the British West India Colonies. 12 '853 Madden, T. M. The Principal Health Resorts of Europe and Africa for the Treatment of Chronic Diseases. 8 1876 MAD MAI, 299 Madini, Antonio. II Segistan ovvero il corso del Fiume Hindmend secondo Abu Ishak - el - Far s si - el - Istachri Geographo Arabo. Plate. 4 Milan, 1842 Madoc, Prince. See Stephens, Thomas. Madox, John. Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria, &c. , includ- ing a visit to the District of the Haouran. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1834 Madoz, Don Pascual. Diccionario Geografico-Estadfstico-Historico de Es- pana y sus Posesiones de Ultramar. 1 6 vols. in 8. 4 Madrid, 1846 The same. Art. Madrid ; Audiencia, Provincia, Intendencia, Vicaria, Partido y Villa. 4 Madrid, 1848-50 See Walton. Maeff, N. A., and B. W. Jrotzky. Russian Turkestan. [In Russian.] 8" Moscow, 1872 Maeso, Justo. See Parish. Maestre, Amaio. Descripcion geologica industrial de la Cuenca carbonifera de San Juan de las Abadesas en la provincia de Gerona, con pianos y cortes de dicha cuenca, y un mapa comparativo de proyectos de Ferro-carril. Maps. 4* Madrid, 1855 Maffeus. J. P. Historiarum Indicarum, libri XVI., selectarum item ex India Epistolarum eodem interprete libri IV., accessit Ignatii Loiolre Vita postremo recognita. Folio Florence, 1588 Magalhaes. Couto de. Trabalho pre- paratorio para aproveitamento do Selva- gem e do solo por elle occupado no Brazil. O Selvagem, I. Curso da Lingua geral segundo Ollendorf compre- hendendo o Texto original de Lendas Tupis. II. Origens, Costumes, Regiao Selvagem, methodo a empregar para amansal-os por intermedio das Colonias militares e do interprete militar. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1876 Magalhaes, Carlos de. Le Zaire et les Contrats de 1' Association Internationale. Conference faite le 21 Juin 1884, par C. Magalhaes. 8* Lisbon, 1884 Mage, M. E. Voyage dans le Soudan Occidental (Senegambie-Niger), 1863-66. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1868 Magellan. See Guillemard ; also Burney, Vol. I ; Callander, Vol. I ; Dalrymple, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 52; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15; Navarette, Vol. 4; Purchas, Vol. I ; Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 2; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. II ; General Collection, p. 610 ; Collec9ao de Noticlas, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix I. " Magenta." See Giglioli. Mager, Henri. Atlas Colonial ; avec Notices historiques et gcographiques. 4 /'a [i 886] Magini. G. A. See Ptolemy. Maguire, T. M. The Strategical Geo- graphy of Europe. (From Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institute. ) 8* 1893 Magyar, Ladislaus. Delafrika-le-velei es naplokivonatai Kiadta Hunfalvy Janos. Map. 8 Budapest, 1857 Reisen in Slkl-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1857. Aus dem Ungarischen von Johann Hunfalvy. Vol. I. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1859 Magyar Laszlo Delafrikai Utazasai 1849-57 evek ben. Map and plates. 8 Budapest, 1859 See Ronay, H. Mahomed Peer. See Masoom. Mahu, Jacob. See Burney, Vol. 2: Ap- pendix i. M - H . Report on Explorations in Nepal and Tibet by Explorer M H (Season 1885-86). Map. Folio* Dehra Dun, 1887 Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and Studies in Greece. 3rd edition. Map and plates. Crown 8 1887 and J. E. Rogers. Sketches from a Tour through Holland and Germany. Illustrations. 8 1889 Mahlmann, Dr W. Erganzungen zum 3 Theile (II. Bd. ) der Deutschen Aus- gabe von A. von Humboldt's Central- Asien. 8 Berlin, 1844 Mahmoud-Pacha el Falaki. See Ismail. Maiden, J. H. Wattles and Wattle-Barks: being Hints on the Conservation and Cultivation of Wattles, together with particulars of their value. Plates. Large 8* Sydney, 1890 Maillard, G. Promenade Historique et Pittoresque sur la Seine de Montereau a Paris et de Paris a Montereau en Bateaux a Vapeur. 2nd edition. Map. 16 Paris 1837 [Bound up with Montyel's " Pelerin- age sur la Soane."] Maillard, N. Doran. History of the Republic of Texas, from the Discovery of the Country to the Present Time, and the Cause of her Separation from the Republic of Mexico. Map. 8 1842 Maillet, de. See Mascrier. Mailly, E. Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de L. A. J. Quetelet. 12 Brussels, 1875 Main, Mrs. My Home in the Alps. 12 1892 Main, Rev. R. See Herschell ; Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory : Appendix 2. Mainberger, Charles. Une Semaine a Nuremberg : Description Precise de la Ville de Nuremberg et de ses Environs, precedee d'une Introduction Historique par Jean Scharrer. Map. 12 Nuremburg, 1838 300 MAT-MAL. Maire, Jacob le. Oost ende West Indische Spieghel waerin Beschreven warden de tweelaetsteNa-vigatienghedaen inde Jaeren 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617, ende 1618. De eene door den vermaerden Zee-Heldt Joris van Spilhergen door de Strate van Magellanes ende soo voudt om den gantschen Aerdt-Kloot met alle de Bataelhen soo te Water als te Lande gheschiet, &c., &c. Maps ami illustra- tions. Oblong small 8 Zii/phen, 1621 See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. 2 ; Churchill, Vol. 8 ; Dalrymple (Pacific), Vol. 2 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 10; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 3, II ; " The World Displayed," Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Maisey, Lieut. F. See Central Asia, A : Appendix 2". Maitland, A. Gibb. Geology and Mineral resources of the Upper Burdekin. Map and sections. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 Coolgarra Tin Mines and surrounding District. Map and sections. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 - The Geology of the Cooktown District. Afap and sections. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 - The Physical Geology of Magnetic Island, Queensland. Maps and sections. Folio* Brisbane, 1892 Maitland, C. The Church in the Cata- combs : a Description of the Primitive Church of Rome illustrated by its Sepul- chral Remains. Plate. 8 1846 Major, Dr C. J. Forsyth. See Stefani. Major, Richard Henry. The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed The Navigator, and its Results, &c. Maps. 8 1868 - See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 2, 6, 10,. 1 1, 14, 15, 17, 25, 43, 46, 50: Ap- pendix I. Major, J. R. See Dictionaries (Greek) : Appendix 2 (General). Malavialle, L. Le Partage Politique de 1'Afrique en Decembre 1891. 8* Montpellier [1892] Malchus, C. A. F. von. Handbuch der Militar-Geographie oder Erd und Staaten- Kunde von Europa. 2 vols. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1833 Malcolm, Lieut. - Col. Sketch of the Sikhs, a Singular Nation, who Inhabit the Provinces of the Penjab, situated between the Rivers Jumna and Indus. 8 1812 See Graham, Major D. C. Malcolm, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles. Addresses to the Ethnological Society of London. [2 pamphlets.] 8* 1845-46 Malcolm, Sir John. Political History of India, from 178410 1823. 2 vols. 8 1826 History of Persia, from the most Early Period to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8 1829 Malcolm, Sir John. Memoir of Central Indh, including Malwa and adjoining Provinces ; with the History of the Past and Present Condition of that Country. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1832 Malcolmson. J. G. See India, C, Geolo- gical Papers : Appendix 2. Malcom.Rev. Howard. Travels in South- Eastern Asia, embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China ; with Notices of numerous Missionary Stations, and a Full Account of the Burman Empire. 2 vols. Map. 8 1839 Travels in Hindustan and China. People's edition. Illustrations. Large 8 Edinburgh, 1840 - See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Maldonado, Lorenzo Ferrer. Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord-ouest, fatto 1'anno 1588. Tra- dotto da un Manoscritto Spagnuolo inedito da Carlo Amoretti. Maps. 4 Milan, 1811 See Navarette ; also Burney, Vols. 2, 5 : Appendix I. Malct, Arthur. Statement, containing the Names of the Towns and Villages in the Kutch Territory, their estimated Annual Revenue, &c. [From the India Records, No. 15.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Malet, Sir C. W. See Dalrymple, Re- pertory, Vol. I : Appendix I. Malet, Capt. G. G. See Masoom. Malet, H. P. New Pages of Natural History : Meteors and Meteorites Caves and their Contents Fossil Fish. 8 1868 Sunlight. 2nd edition. 12 1887 Malfatti, Bartolomeo. Scritti Geografici ed Etnografici. 8 Milan, 1869 Malfroy, Camille. Geyser Action at Rotorua, New Zealand : a Paper read before the Auckland Institute. Plates. 8* Wellington, 1892 Malgo King. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix I. Malheiro, Louren^o. Sociedade Propa- gadora de Contrecimentos Geographico- Africanos. Recep9ao e Conferencia do Ex" 10 Sr. Lourenco Malheiro, Engenheiro de Minas na Sociedade em 29 de Julho de 1 88 1. 8* Loanda, 1881 Malkin's Tour in Wales. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Malleson, Col. G. B. Herat, the Granary and Garden of Central Asia. Map. 8 1880 Mallet, Friedrich. Allgemeine oder mathematische Beschreibung der Erd- kugel, auf Veranlassung der Cosmo- graphischen Gesellschaft ; aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von L. H. Rohl. Plates. 8 Greifsivald, 1774 MAL. 301 Mallet, Robert. Account of Experiments made at Holyhead (North Wales) to ascertain the Transit-Velocity of Waves, analogous to Earthquake Waves, through the Local Rock Formations. Map and plates. 4* 1 86 1 The late Earthquake, and Earthquakes in general. 8* 1864 See Palmieri. Mallock, W. H. In an Enchanted Island ; or, A Winter's Retreat in Cyprus. Frontispiece. 8 1889 Malosse, P. Monumens Antiques de Saint- Kemy. 8 Avignon, 1818 Malte-Brun, Conrad. Precis de la Geo- graphie Universelle, on Description de toutes les Parties clu Monde, d'apres les Grandes Divisions Naturelles du Globe ; precedee de 1'IIistoire de la Geographic chez les Peuples Anciens et Modernes, et d'une Theorie generate de la Geographic, Mathematique, Physique, et Politique ; et accompagnee de Cartes, ,de Tableaux Analytiques, SynoptiquesetElementaires, et d'une Table alphabetique des Noms de Lieux. 8 vols. 8, Atlas folio Paris, 1812-29 Tableau de la Pologne Ancienne et Moderne. Maps. 8 Brussels, 1830 The same. . . . Nouvelle edition, entierement refondue, augmentee et ornee de cartes, par L. Chodzko. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1830 Traite Elementaire de Geographic. contenant un Abrege Methodique du Precis de la Geographic Universelle, divise en deux parties, celle des Principes et celle des Descriptions ; precede d'une Introduction Historique, et suivi d'un aperu de la Geographic Ancienne, Sacree et Profane ; termine d'apres de Plan et les Materiaux de ce celebre Geographic, par ses collaborateurs MM. Larenaudiere, Balbi, et Iluot. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1830-31 Precis de la Geographic Universelle ; revue, corrigee, mise dans un nouvel ordre, et augmentee de toutes les nouvelles Decouvertes, par M. J. J. N. Huot. 12 vols. 8, Atlas folio Paris, 1836-37 Malte-Brun, V. A. Coup-d'ceil d'en- semble sur les differentes Expeditions Arctiques entreprises a la Recherche de Sir J. Franklin, et sur les Decouvertes Geographiques, auxquelles elles ont donne lieu. Map. 8* Paris, 1855 Les Cartes Geographiques a 1'Exposi- tion Universelle de 1855. 8* Paris, 1855 Resume Historique de la Grande Exploration de 1'Afrique Centrale faite de 1850 a 1855, par J. Richardson, H. Earth, A. Overweg. Map. 8* Paris, 1856 Resume Historiquc des Explorations faites dans 1'Afrique Australe dc 1849 a 1856, par le Rev. Docteur David Living- stone. Map, 8* Paris, 1857 Malte-Brun, V. A. Sur 1'Expedition aux Sources du Nil, confiee au commandement de M. le Comte D'Escayrac de Lauture. 8* Paris, 1857 La France Illustree : Geographic, Histoire, Administration, et Statistique. Atlas. 3 vols. 4 Paris, 1858 Itineraire Historique et Archeologique de Philippeville a Constantine. Map. 8* Paris, 1858 Resume Historique de 1'Exploration faite dans 1'Afrique Centrale de 1853 a 1856, par le Dr Edouard Vogel. Map. 8* Paris, 1858 Resume Historiquc de 1'Exploration a la Recherche des Grands Lacs de 1'Afrique Orientale, faite en 1857-58, par R. F. Burton et J. H. Speke. Map. 8* Paris, 1859 La Destinee de Sir John Franklin devoilee; Rapport duCapiL MacClintock, Commandant du yacht " Fox, "suivi d'lin Resume analytique de 1'Expedition des navires "Erebus" et "Terror." Map. 8* 1860 Un Coup d'ceil sur le Yucatan : Ge'o- giaphie, Histoire, et Monuments. Map. 8* Paris [1865] Canal Interoceanique du Darien Amerique ; Notice Historique et Geo- graphique sur 1'etat de la question du Canal du Darien. Map. 8* Paris [186$] Resume Historique et Geographique de 1'Exploration de Gerhard Rohlfs au Touat et a In-calah d'apres le Journal de ce Voyageur, &c. Map. 8* Paris, 1866 Les trois projets (Anglais, S. Osborn ; Allemand, A. Petermann ; Francais, G. Lambert) d'Exploration au Pole Nord : expose historique et geographique de la question. Map. 8 Paris, 1 868 Notice sur les Voyages et les Travaux de M. le Comte Stanislas d'Escayrac de Lauture. 8* Paris, 1869 La France Vinicole : Nouveau Carte de la Distribution Topographique des Vignobles sur le sol Franais. Folio* [Paris, 1875] Aper5u de 1'Etat de nos connaissances Geographiques au moment de 1'ouverture du Congres International a Paris. Map. 8* Paris, 1875 L'Expedition polaire Anglaise en 1875. Map. 8* Paris, 1876 Tableau Geographique de la Distribu- tion Ethnographique des Nations et des Langues au Mcxique. Map. 8* Nancy, 1878 See Kelley, Moure ; Peney. 302 MAL MAN. Malte-Brun and Balbi. System of Uni- versal Geography, founded on the Works of; embracing a Historical Sketch of the Progress of Geographical Discovery, the Principles of Mathematical and Physical Geography, and a Complete Description, from the most recent sources, of the Political and Social Condition of all the Countries in the World. 8 Edinburgh, 1842 Maltzan, Baron Henri de. Pelerinage a la Mecque. 8* [1860] See Wrede. Malvezzi, Giuseppe Maria. Intorno alia Morte delle Conte Ugolino, ed alia retta intelligenza del verso i.xxv. del canto xxxin. della Divina Commedia. 8* Venice, 1860 Indice dei Manoscritti di Storia Veneta e d'altre materie posseduti. Venice, 1861 Elogio di Giambattista Torre. Por- trait. Small folio* Venice, 1863 Man, Colonel Alexander. Formosa, an Island with a romantic history. (Re- printed from the Asiatic Quarterly Re- view.) 8* 1892 Man, E. H. The Lord's Prayer trans- lated into the Bojingijida or South Andaman (Elakabeada) Language. With Preface, Introduction, and Notes by R. C. Temple. 8 Calcutta, 1877 On the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. With Report of Researches into the Language of the South Andaman Islands, by A. J. Ellis. Map and plates. 8 [1883] and R. C. Temple. A Grammar of the Bojingijida or South Andaman Language. 8* Calcutta, 1878 Manby, C. See Kelley ; Longridge ; Murray, John ; Peniston ; Yates. Manby, G. W. Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the year 1821. Plates. 4 1822 Mandane, Comte de. See St Andre, H. P. Mandat-Grancey, Baron E. de. Cow- boys and Colonels : Narrative of a Jour- ney across the Prairie and over the Black Hills of Dakota. From "Dans les Montagnes Rocheuses " of Baron E. de Mandat-Grancey. With additional Notes, not contained in the original edition, by William Conn, llhtstrations. 8 1887 Souvenirs de la Cote d'Afrique, Mada- gascar, Saint - Barnabe. Illustrations. 12 Paris, 1892 Mandelslo, Jean Albert de. Voyages celebres et remarquables fails de Perse aux Indes Orientales : contenant une Description nouvelle et tres-curieuse de 1'Indostan, de PEmpire du Grand-Mogol, des lies et Presqu'iles de 1'Orient, des Royaumes de Siam, du Japon, de la Mandelslo, Jean Albert de continued. Chine, du Congo, &c. Mis en ordre et publiez. . . par le Sr. Adam Olearius. . . . traduits dc 1'original par le Sr. A. de Wicquefort. New Edition. 2vols.ini. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1727 See Olearius ; also Harris, Vol. I ; All- gemeine Historic, Vol. n : Appendix i. Mandeville, Sir John. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. , which treatethof the Way to Hierusalem, and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Hands and Countryes. 8 1725 See Nicholson and Yule ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i : Appendix i. Manget, J. L. Chamounix, le Mont Blanc, ct les deux St Bernards. Map. 12 Geneva, 1843 Mangles, James. See Irby. Mangles, Capt. James. Illustrated Geography and Hydrography. Prospec- tuses of. Maps. 8* 1846 The same. Wellington Channel Section. Map. 8* 1851 Geography, Descriptive, Dclineative, and in Detail, and Hydrography in De- tail, Combined and Universally Applied. 8* 1849 A Few Remarks on the " Illustrated Geography and Hydrography." Mangourit, M. O. B. See Phillips, Col- lection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i.]> Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Mann, Abbe. Dissertation dans laquelle on tache de determiner precisement le port ou Jules-Cesar s'est embarque pour passer dans la Grande-Bretagne, et celui ou il y aborda ; ainsi que le jour precis ou il fit ce Voyage. 4* Paris, 1778 Memoire dans lequel on examine 1'opinion de plusieurs Auteurs anciens et modernes qui soutiennent que les Mers Noire, Caspienne, Baltique, et Blanche, ont anciennement communique ensemble. 4* Paris, 1779 Mann, Gustav. See India, I (Assam) : Appendix 2. Mann, Henry. Features of Society in Old and in New England. 12 Providence, A'./., 1885 Mann, John F. First Report on New Guinea. (Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, New South Wales Branch. ) 8* Sydney, 1889 Mann, Robert James. The Colony of Natal : an Account of the Character- istics and Capabilities of this British Dependency. Map. 8 1859 - Meteorological Observations made at Pietermaritzburg during 1865. Folio* [1866] - The Zulus and Boers of South Africa: a Fragment of recent history. 12* 1879 - See Brooks, H. MAN MAR. 303 Mamie, de. See Anville. Mannering, G. E. With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand Alps. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 1891 Mannert, Konrad. Germania, Rhaetia, Noricum, Pannonia, nach den Begriffen der Griechen und Romer ; zweyte vollig umgearbeitete Auflage. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1820 Geographic von Afrika. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1825 Manning, Thomas. See Markham, C. R. Mannl, Rodolphe. Carlslrad, and its Mineral Springs, Medically, Sociably, and Locally Considered. 8 Leipzig, 1847 Mansel. Sir Robert. See Purchas, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Mansfield, C. B. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate, in 1852-53. With Life by the Rev. C. Kingsley. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8 Cambridge, 1856 Mansfield, ]. S. Remarks on the African Squadron. 8* 1851 Mansfield, R. B. The Log of the "Water- Lily " (Thames Gig), during Two Cruises, in the Summers of 1851-52, on the Rhine, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Danube, and other streams of Germany. 3rd edition. 12 1854 Mansvelt, . See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Mantegazza, P. See Giglioli. Mantell, G. A. Notice of the Discovery by Mr Walter Mantell, in the Middle Island of New Zealand, of a Living Specimen of the Notornis. Plate. 4* 1852 Manzoni, Angiolo. See Issel. Manzoni, Renzo. El Yemen : Tre Anni nell' Arabia Felice, escursioni fatte dal Settembre 1877 al Marzo 1880. Maps, plan, and illustrations. Large 8 Rome, 1884 Mapother, E. D. Lisdoonvarna Spas, and some other Irish Watering-places. 3rd edition. Map and plates. 12* 1876 Marcel, Gabriel. Memoire inedit de Grossin sur Madagascar et Carte Manu- scrite. 8* Paris, 1883 Cartographic de la Nouvelle France, Supplement a 1'Ouvrage de M. Harrisse. 8* Paris, 1885 Documents pour 1'Histoire des Col- onies Fran9aises. I. Une Lettre inedite de Lescarbot, publiee avec une Notice Bibliographique sur 1'Auteur par Gabriel Marcel. 2. Le Surintendant Fouquet, Vice-Roi d'Amerique. 8* Paris, 1885 Memoire en requete de Champlain pour la continuation du paiement de sa Pension. 8* Paris, 1886 Note sur une Carte Catalane de Dulceri ante"rieure a 1' Atlas Catalan de J 375i I UG a l a Societ^ de Geographic de Paris, 7 Janvier 1887. 8* Parts, 1887 Marcel, Gabriel. Une Carte d'Amerique, datee de 1669. 8* Paris, 1891 - Note sur une Sphere terrestre en cuivre faite a Rouen a la fin du XVI e siecle. 4* Rouen, 1891 Marcet, Edouard. Australie : un Voyage a travers le Bush. Photographs. 8 Geneva, 1868 Marchais, Chev. des. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Marchand, Etienne. Voyage autour du Monde, 1790-92 ; precede d'une Intro- duction Ilistorique, auquel on a joint des Recherches sur les Terres Australes de Drake, et un Examen Critique du Voyage de Roggeween ; avec cartes et figures par C. P. Claret Fleurieu. 5 vols. 8. Vol. 6, maps, 4 Paris, 1798-1800 A Voyage round the World, per- formed during the years 1790-92. See Fleurieu, C. P. Claret de. See Eyries, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Marchand, G. le. See Kuropatkin. Marche, A. Trois Voyages dans PAfrique Occidentale, Senegal, Gamble, Casa- mance, Gabon, Ogooue. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1879 Li^on et Palaouan, Six Annees de Voyages aux Philippines. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1887 " Marchesa." Sec Guillemard. Marco Polo. Travels of, in the Thirteenth Century : l>eing a Description, by that early Traveller, of Remarkable Places and Things in the Eastern Partsof the World. Translated from the Italian, with Notes, by W. Marsden. Map. 4 1818 - The Travels of. Greatly amended and enlarged from valuable early MSS., with copious Notes, by Hugh Murray. Maps. 12 Edinburgh, 1844 I Viaggi. Tradotti da Rusticiano di Pisa, e Corredati d' Illustrazioni e di Documcnti da Vincenzo Lazari ; pub- blicati per cura di Lodovico Pasini. Map. 8 Venice, 1849 The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Newly translated and edited, with Notes, &c., by Col. Henry Yule. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1871 The same. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Le Livre de Marco Polo. Fac- simile d'un Manuscrit du XIV e Siecle conserve a la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm. 4 [Stockholm, 1882] SeeAmrein; Urbani de Gheltof ; also Astley, Vol. 4 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 7; Ramusio, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 ; Recueil des Voyages, Vol. I, p. 6ll : Appendix I. MAR. Marcou, Jules. Lettres sur les Roches du Jura, et leur Distribution Geogra- phique clans les Deux Hemispheres. Livre I. Les Monts Jura et 1'Angle- terre. Map. 8 Paris, 1857 Notes pour servir a une Description Geologique des Montagnes Rocheuses. 8* Geneva, 1858 Geology of North America ; with Reports on the Prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of Cali- fornia. Maps and plates. 4 Zurich, 1858 On a Second Edition of the Geolo- gical Map of the World. 8* [Boston, Mass., 1873] Origin of the name " America." 8* {Washington, 1875] Notes upon the First Discoveries of California and the Origin of its Name. Map. 8* Washington, 1878 and John Belknap Marcou. United States Geological Survey, J. W. Powell, Director. Mapoteca Geologira Ameri- cana : a Catalogue of Geological Maps of America (North and South), 1752-1881, in Geographic and Chronologic order. 8 Washington, 1884 Marcoy, Paul. Voyage a Travers 1'Amerique du Sud de 1'Ocean Pacifique a 1'Ocean Atlantique, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1869 Marcy, Capt. Randolph B. Prairie Traveller : a Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions. Maps. 12 New York, 1859 Report of his Explorations of the Big Witchita and Head Waters of the Brazos Rivers. 8* Washington, 1856 See United States, K (Texas) : Appen- dix 2. and Capt. G. B. M'Clellan. Ex- ploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in 1852 ; with Reports of the Natural History of the Country. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1854 Marenigh, Jean. Guide de Florence et d'autres Villes principales de Toscane. 2 vols. Map and plates. 12 Florence, 1822 Mares, Paul. Nivellement Barome- trique dans les Provinces d'Alger et de Constantine. Tables. 8 Versailles, 1864 Margary, Augustus Raymond. The Journey of, from Shanghae to Bhamo, and Irack to Manwyne . . ; with Con- cluding Chapter by Sir Rutherford Alcock. Map and portrait. 8 1876 Margerie, E. de, and Dr Albert Heim. Les Dislocations de 1'Ecorce Terrestre ; Essai de Definition et de Nomenclature ; Die Dislocationen der Erdrinde ; Ver- such einer Definition und Bezeichnung. Figures. 8 Zurich, 1888 Margerie, E. de, and F. Schrader. Apercu de la Structure Geologique des Pyrenees. Map and diagrams. 8* Paris, 1892 Margerie, E. de. See De la Noe ; Schrader. Margry, Pierre. Les Navigations Fran- 9aises et la Revolution Maritime du XI V e au XVP Siecle, d'apres les Docu- ments inedits, &c. 8 Paris, 1867 - Decouvertes et Etablissements des Fran9ais dans 1'Ouesl et dans le Sud de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, 1614-98 ; Memoires et Documents inedits. 3 vols. Maps ami plates. 8 Paris, 1879 - The same, 1614-1754. Memoires et Documents originaux. Vols. 4-6. Fac- simile and portraits. Large 8 Paris, 1 88 1 -88 Mariette-Bey, , Auguste. Aper9u de 1'Histoire d'Egypte depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la Conquete Musul- mane. 3rd edition. 12 Alexandria, 1872 Notice des Principaux Monuments exposes dans les Galeries Provisoires du Musee d'Antiquites Egyptiennes de S. A. le Khedive a Boulaq. 4th edition. 8 Paris, 1872 Itineraire de la Haute-Egypte, com- prenant une Description des Monuments Antiques des rives du Nil entre le Caire et la Premiere Cataracte. 12 Alexandria, 1872 The Monuments of Upper Egypt. A Translation by Alphonse Mariette of the "Itineraire de la Haute-Egypte." Map and plans. 12 Alexandria, 1877 Marignola, Johannes von. Reise in das Morgenland v. J. 1339-53- Aus dem Latein iibersetzt, geordnet und erlautert von J. G. Meinert. 8 Prague, 1820 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Marigny, E. Taitbout de. Portulan de la Mer Noire, et de la Mer d'Azov, ou Description des Cotes de ces deux Mers a 1'usage des Navigateurs. 12 Odessa, 1830 Three Voyages in the Black Sea to the Coast of Circassia, including Descrip- tions of the Ports, and the importance of their trade. Map and frontispiece. 8 1837 Pilote de la Mer Noire et de la Mer d'Azov : extrait de 1'Hydrographie de la Mer Noire et de la Mer d'Azov, com- paree a celles de 1'Antiquite et du moyen age du meme auteur. 8 Constantinople, 1850 - Black Sea Pilot. 8 1855 Marilaun, Ritter Fritz Kerner von. Untersuchungen iiber die Schneegrenze im Gebiete des mittleren Innthales. Plates. 4* Vienna, 1887 MAR. 305 Marinelli, Prof. Giovanni. La Superficie del Regno d'ltalia, secomlo i piu recenti stucli. Terza ediz. 8* Rome, 1884 Slavi, Tedeschi, Italiani nel cosiddetto " Litorale " Austriaco (Istria, Trieste e Gorizia). 8* Venice, 1885 Recenti studi Idrografici e Talasso- grafici nel Mediterraneo. 8* Padua, 1885 - Le Alpi Carniche, Nome, Limiti, Divisioni nella Storia e nella Scienza. Map. 8* Turin, 1888 Mariner, William. An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean ; with an Original Grammar and Vocabulary of their Lan- guage, compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr William Mariner by John Martin. 2 vols. Map and portra it. 8 1 8 1 8 See Eyries, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Markham, Admiral Albert Hastings. The Cruise of the "Rosario" amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands. Map and plates. 8 1873 A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia, and an Account of the Rescue of the Crew of the " Polaris"; with an Introduction by Rear-Admiral Sherard Osborn. Map and plates. 8 1874 The Great Frozen Sea : a Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the "Alert" during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Maps and plates. 8 1878 Northward Ho ! . . . ; including a Narrative ofCapt. Phipps's Expedition, by a Midshipman. Illustrations. Small 8 1879 A Polar Reconnaissance : being the Voyage of the "Isbjorn" to Novaya Zemlyain 1879. Maps and plates. 8 1881 Hudson's Bay and Strait. Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 2. 8 1887 Life of Sir John Franklin, and the North-West Passage. [The World's Great Explorers and Explorations Series.] Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1891 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 59 : Appendix i. Markham, Clements Robert. Franklin's Footsteps : a Sketch of Greenland, along the Shores of which his Expedition passed, and of the Parry Isles where the last traces of it were found. Map. 12 1853 Cuzco : a Journey to the Ancient Capital of Peru, with an Account of the History, Language, Literature, and Anti- quities of the Incas ; and Lima : a Visit to the Capital and Provinces of Modern Peru. Map and plates. 8 1856 Travels in Peru and India while Superintending the Collection of Chin- chona Plants and Seeds in South America, and their Introduction into India. Maps <*nd plates. 8 1862 u Markham, Clements Robert. A List of the Tribes in the Valley of the Amazon, including those on the Banks of the Main Stream and of all its Tributaries. 8* 1864 The same. New edition. 8* 1895 Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua, the Language of the Yncas of Peru. 8 1864 Chinchona Cultivation in Travancore and on the Pulney Hills : Expedition across an unfrequented Pass, from Peer- mede to the Cumbum Valley in Madura. Map. Folio * 1865 On the Origin and Migrations of the Greenland Esquimaux. Map. 8* N.D. On the Best Route for North Polar , Expeditions. 8* 1865 Further Report on Chinchona Cultiva- tion in India. 4* 1866 Report on the Irrigation of Eastern Spain. Maps and plate. 8 [1867] A History of the Abyssinian Expedi- tion . . . ; with a Chapter containing an Account of the Mission and Captivity of Mr Rassam and his Companions, by Lieut. W. F. Prideaux. Maps. 8 1869 Letter to the Under-Secretary of State for India on the Marine Surveys of India (with five Enclosures). Folio* 1871 A Memoir on the Indian Surveys. Maps. 4 1871 The same. 2nd edition 1878 Ollanta, an Ancient Ynca Drama. Translated from the original Quichua. Small 8 1871 The Threshold of the Unknown Region. [Arctic Exploration.] Maps. 8 1873 The same. 3rd and 4th editions 1875 A General Sketch of the History of Persia. Map. 8 U 1874 The Arctic Navy List, or a Century of Arctic and Antarctic Officers, 1773- 1873 ; together with a List of Officers of the 1875 Expedition, and their services. Map. 8* 1875 Commodore J. G. Goodenough : a Brief Memoir. Plate. Small 8 1875 Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. Edited, with Notes, an Introduction, and Lives of Mr Bogle and Mr Manning, by C. R. Markham. Map and plates. 8 1876 The same. 2nd edition 1879 Report on the Geographical Depart- ment of the India Office, 1867 to 1877. Small 8* [1877] A Refutation of the Report of the Scurvy Committee. 8* Portsmouth, 1877 The same. 2nd edition, with additions. 8* Portsmouth, 1877 306 MAR. Markham, Clements Robert Peru (in Sampson Low & Co. 's Series, " Foreign Countries and British Colonies"). Maps and illustrations. 12 1880 Peruvian Bark : a Popular Account of the Introduction of Chinchona Cultiva- tion into British India, 1860-80. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 1880 An Account of the Raleigh, Geo- graphical, and Kosmos Clubs. 8* 1880 Fifty Years' Work of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. 8 1881 The War between Peru and Chile, 1879-82. Maps. Crown 8 1882 Progress of Discovery on the Coasts of New Guinea, with Bibliographical Ap- pendix by E. C. Rye. Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppl. Paper, Vol. I, 1882-85. 8 1885 Famous Sailors of Former Times : the Story of the Sea Fathers. 2nd edition. Frontispiece. 12 1886 Sul Punto d'Approdo di Cristoforo Colombo. Map. Large 8* Rome, 1889 A Life of John Davis the Navigator, 1550-1605, Discoverer of Davis Straits. [The World's Great Explorers and Ex- plorations Series.] Maps and illustra- tions. Crown 8 1889 Latin-American Republics: a History of Peru. Maps and illustrations. 8 1892 Christopher Columbus. [The World's Great Explorers and Exploration Series. ] Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1892 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 24, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 41, 45, 47, 48, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 68, 79, 86 : Appendix I. Markham, Frederick. Shooting in the Himalayas : a Journal of Sporting Ad- ventures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladac, Thibet, Cashmere, &.c. Plates. 8 1854 Marlianus. Bartholomaeus. UrbisRomae Topographia . . . libris quinque com- prehensa, &c. Map and plates. Folio Bale, 1550 Marlowe, Capt. E. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Marmier, Xavier. See Gaimard, Paul ; Rafn and Mohnike. Marmora, Andrea. Historia di Corfu. Portrait. 4 Venice, 1672 Marni, N. Barbot de. Beschreibung der Astrachanskischen oder Kalmiicken- Steppe. Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1863 Marno, Ernst. Von Dabbeh nach Om- derman durch die westliche Bajuda- Steppe. 8* Vienna, [1870] Reisen im Gebiete des blauen und weissen Nil, im Egyptischen Sudan und den angrenzenden Negerlandern, in den Jahren 1869 bis 1873. Maps and plates. 8 Vienna, 1874 Reise in der Egyptischen Aequatorial- Provinz und in Kordofan, in den Jahren 1874-76. Maps and plates. 8 Vienna, 1878 Marquette, Pere, and Joliet. Voyage et Decouverte de quelques Pays et Nations de rAmerique Septentrionale, par le P. Marquette et Sr. Joliet. [Reprint.] Map. 8 Paris, 1 68 1 See Gottfried ; Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Marquez, Carlos Cuervo. Tierradentro, Los Paeces, San Agustin, El Llano, &c. Illustrations. 8 Bogota, 1893 Marquina, P. R. La Provincia de Tucu- man, breves apuntes. 8* Tucuman, 1890 Marr, Robert A. Observations on the Mississippi River, at Memphis, Tenn. 4* Washington, 1853 Marree, J. A. de. Reizen op en Besch- rijving van de Goudkust van Guinea. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 The Hague, 1817-18 Marriott, Saville, and R. H. Showell. Rough Notes connected wilh the Petty Estate of Jowar, in theTannaCollectorate. [From the Records of India, No. 25.] Map. Royal 8* Bombay, 1856 Marriott, William. Hints to Meteoro- logical Observers. 2nd ed. 8* 1887 Marryat, Frank S. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago. Plates. 4 1848 Marryat, Horace. Residence in Jutland, the Danish Isles, and Copenhagen. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1860 One Year in Sweden, including a Visit to the Isle of Gotland. 2 vols. Map ami plates. 8 1862 Marsden, Kate. On Sledge and Horse- back to Outcast Siberian Lepers. Illus- trations. 8 [1893] Marsden, Rev. Samuel. Memoirs of the Life and Lalxnirs of the Rev. Samuel Marsden, of Paramatta, Senior Chaplain of New South Wales, and of his early connection with the Missions to New Zealand and Tahiti. Edited by the Rev. J. B. Marsden. Portrait and illustra- tions. 8 N. D. See Nicholas, J. L. Marsden, William. On the Chronology of the Hindoos. Large 8* J79 History of Sumatra, containing an Account of the Government, Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Native Inhabitants ; with a Description of the Natural Productions, and a Relation of the Ancient Political State of that Island. Map and plates. 4 1811 Dictionary of the Malayan Language ; to which is prefixed a Grammar, with an Introduction and Praxis. 4 1812 Numismata Orientala Illustrata : The Oriental Coins, Ancient and Modern, of his Collection described and historically illustrated. 2 parts in I vol. Plates. 4 1823-25 MAR. 307 Marsden, William. Bibliotheca Mars- deniana Philologica et Orientalis : a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts collected with a view to the General Comparison of Languages, and to trie Study of Oriental Literature. ,4 Privately printed, 1827 Memoirsof a Malayan Family. Written by Themselves, and translated from the Original by W. Marsden. 8 1830 Miscellaneous Works : 4 1834 On the Polynesian, or East-Insular Languages. Maps and plates. On a Conventional Roman Alphabet, applicable to Oriental Languages. Thoughts on the Composition of a National English Dictionary. Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of, written by himself, with Notes from his Correspondence. 4 Privately printed, 1 838 Rudiments of the Malayu Language, being an Abridgement of Marsden's Malayan Grammar. 12 1847 See Marco Polo. Dalrymple, Reper- tory, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Marsh, Ant. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4: Appendix I. Marsh, A. E. W. Holiday Wanderings in Madeira. Illustrations. 8 1892 Marsh, Hon. George P. Compendious Grammar of the Old-Northern and Ice- landic Language, compiled and Trans- lated from the Grammars of Rask. 12 Burlington, Vt., 1838 Man and Nature, or Physical Geo- graphy as Modified by Human Action. 1864 Lecture on the Camel. 8* Washington, N.D. Marsh, Capt. H. C. A Ride through Islam : being a Journey through Persia and Afghanistan to India, via Meshed, Herat, and Kandahar. Map. 8 1877 Marsh, Rev. J. W., and W. H. Stirling. TheStory of Commander Allen Gardiner, R.N. ; with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America. 8th edition. 1874 Marsh, O. C. Introduction and Succes- sion of Vertebrate Life in America. 8 New Haven, Conn., 1877 See United States, G, c, and H, a, Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Vol. 8: Appendix 2. Marshall, Capt. See Phillip ; also Pelham, Vol. i : Appendix i. Marshall, C. The Canadian Dominion. Plates. 8 1871 Marshall, H. Ceylon : a General Descrip- tion of the Island and its Inhabitants ; with an Historical Sketch of the Conquest of the Colony by the English. Map. 8 1846 Marshall, Thomas. Statistical Reports on the Pergunnahs of Padshapoor, Belgom, Kalaniddee and Chandgurh, Khanapoor, Bagulkot, Badamy, and Hoondgoond, in the Southern Mahratta Country ; followed by a Letter from William Chaplain, and Observations by St John Thackeray. Tables. Folio Bombay, 1822 Marshall, W. See Galton, Vacation Tourists. Marsili, A. F. Danubius Pannonico- Mysicus, Observationibus Geographicis, Astronomicis, Hydrographicis, Historicis, Physicis perlustratus. 6 vols. (in 3). Map and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1726 Marsilli, L. F. G. van. Naturkundige Beschryving der Zeen. Plates. Folio The Hague, 1786 Martel, Aline. Sparte et les gorges du Taygete. 8* Paris, 1892 Martel, E. A. A Collection of Eleven Pamphlets, mainly relating to Researches in the Cevennes and in the Alps. [One Paper written jointly with L. de Launay.] 8 1884-88 - Karl von Sonklar. 8* [1885] Nouvelle Carte d'ltalie au ioo,ooo e . 8* [Paris, 1885] A Collection of Sixteen Pamphlets, relating to Subterranean Explorations. [One Paper written jointly wim G. Gau- pillat.] 8 1885-93 Le GoufTre du Puits de Padirac. Illustrations. 4* Paris, 1890 Carte d'Autriche au 75,ooo e . 8* [Paris, 1886] Le Causse Noir et Montpellier-le-Vieux (Aveyron). Plan and illustrations. 4* [Paris, 1886] Les Cevennes et la Region des Gausses (Lozere, Aveyron, Herault, Gard, Ar- deche). Map, plans, and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1890 - and L. de Launay. L'Homme Paleolithique et la Poterie Paleolithique dans la Lozere. 8* Paris, 1 886 and G. Gaupillat. Sur la Formation des sources dans I'interieur des plateaux calcaires des Gausses. 4* [Paris, 1889] Sur 1'Exploration et la Formation des Avens des Gausses. 4* [J'aris, 1889] Compte-rendu sommaire de la Cin- quieme Campagne Souterraine. 8* 1892 Le Tindoul de la Vayssiere (Aveyron). Plan. 8* Paris, 1892 Marten, C. R. The Province of South- land, New Zealand : General Descrip- tion of Country, Climate, Resources, and other particulars. (From Colonial News.) Map. 12* 1871 Marten, Nathaniel. See Astley, Vol. i ; Purchas, Vol. I , Book 3 : Ap- pendix i. Martens, E. von. See Asia (General); New Zealand, A : Appendix 2. 308 MAR. Martens, F. Vojagie naar Greenland of Spitsbergen, mils gaders een net verhaal der Walvis Vanghst en der zelve behande- ling. Plates. 12 Dordrecht, N. D. - See Vries ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 18; "Voyages," 1711 (p. 597): Appendix i. Martens, G. von. See Asia (General) : Appendix 2. Marthe, F. Was bedeutet Carl Ritter fiir die Geographic ? 8* Berlin, 1 880 Martial, L. F. See France, B, a (Cape Horn) : Appendix 2. Martin, Arthur B. See Norie. Martin, Benjamin. The Natural History of England, or a Description of each particular County in regard to the Curious Productions of Nature and Art. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1759-63 Martin, Frederick. The Statesman's Yearbook, Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World, for the years 1869-82. 8 Martin, F. R. En resa i vestra Sibirien utford ar 1891 med understod af Vegasti- pendiet. I. Etnografiska och Arkeolo- giska forskningar i Surgutska Kretsen. 2. Arkeologiska undersokningar i guver- nementet Tomsk. (From Ynier. ) Illus- trations. 8* Stockholm, 1892 Martin, Isaac. See Knox's New Collec- tion, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Martin, James. Explorations in North- Western Australia. 8* [1863] Journal of a Voyage to the Glenelg River, North-West Australia, in June and July 1863. Small 4* Perth, 1864 and F. K. Panter. Report for the Information of H.E. the Governor of Western Australia, and the Promoters of the North- Western Expedition of 1864, on the Voyage and the Resources of the Districts explored. Small 4* Perth, 1864 Martin, John. See Mariner. Martin, J. M. The Changes of Exmouth Warren. Part II. Maps. 8* [1876] Martin, Josiah. See Cowan, F. Martin, J. Ranald. Official Report on the Medical Topography and Climate of Cal- cutta.withNoticesofits Prevalent Diseases, Endemic and Epidemic. 4 Calcutta, 1839 Martin, K. Bericht iiber eine Reise nach Niederlandisch West-Indien und darauf gegriindete Studien. Erster Theil. Land und Leute ; Zweiter Theil. Geologic. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Large 8 Leyden, 1888 Martin, M. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, containing a Full Account of their Situation, Extent, Soils, Product, Harbours, Bays, Tides, Anchor- ing-Places, and Fisheries ; the Antient and Modern Government, Religion, and Customs of the Inhabitants ; a particular Account of the Second Sight, &c. Map and plate. 8 1716 Martin, M. See Pinkerton, Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix i. Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of the British Colonies. Vol. I, Asia ; Vol. 2, West Indies; Vol. 3, North America ; Vol. 4, Africa and Australasia ; Vol. 5> Europe. 5 vols. Maps. 8 1834-35 Colonial Policy of the British Empire. Part I, Government. 8* 1837 The History, Antiquities, Topography, and Statistics of Eastern India, com- prising the Districts of Behar, Shahabad, Bhagulpoor, Goruckpoor, Dinajepoor, Puraniya, Rungpoor, and Assam, in Relation to their Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Agriculture, Commerce, Manu- factures, Fine Arts, Population, Religion, Education, Statistics, &c. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1838 History of the Colonies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Austral- asia, Africa, and Europe, comprising the Area, Agriculture, &c. , of each Colony, with the Charters and the Engraved Seals. From the Official Records of the Colonial Office. Map. 8 1843 Reports, Minutes, and Despatches on the British Position and Prospects in China. 8 1846 The Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancouver's Island, with an Exposition of the Chartered Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Cor- poration. Map. 8 1849 Report to the Shareholders of the Liguanea and General Mining Company of Jamaica, and of the Annotto Bay Mining Association. 8* 1851 Report on Hong Kong ; Report on Chusan ; and Minute on the British Position and Prospects in China ; with Governor Davis's Dispatch. Maps. Folio* 1857 Martin, W. Notes on the Cape of Good Hope, its Climate, &c., &c. 8* Calcutta, 1856 Martin, Major T. Rough Notes on the City of Poona. [From the India Records, No. 79.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1864 Martin, Staff -Commander W. R. A Text-book of Ocean Meteorology, com- piled from the Sailing Directories for the Oceans of the World by Alex. George Findlay. Charts. 8 1887 Martineau, Harriet. Eastern Life, Pre- sent and Past. 3 vols. 8 1848 : British Rule in India, a Historical Sketch. 12 1857 Martinet, Ludovic. See Lesson. Martinez, Carlos Walker. Pajinas de un Viaje al t raves de la America del Sur. 8 Santiago, 1876 MAR. 309 Martinez, J. J. Un Trou a la Terre. Puits d'Observation, Deuxieme Appel. 8* San Francisco, 1886 Martinez, Matthia. See larric. Martiniere, Bruzen la. Le Grand Dic- tionnaire, Geographique et Critique. 10 vols. Folio The Hague, 1726-39 See Vries. Martinioni, G. See Sansovino. Martinius, M. DC Bello Tartarico His- toria. Plates. 16 Amsterdam, 1655 Martins, , Charles. Du Spitzberg au Sa- hara, Etapes d'un Naturaliste au Spitz- Ijerg, en Laponie, en Ecosse, en Suisse, en France, en Italic, en Orient, en Egypte, en Algerie. Plates. 8 Paris [1865] Sur la possibilite d'atteindre le Pole Nord, &c. 8* Pan's, 1866 Les Glaciers actuels et la Periode Glaciaire. 8* Pan's [1867] See Gaimard, Paul. and B. Gastaldi. Essai sur les Terrains Superficiels de la Vallee clu P6 aux Environs de Turin, compares a ceux du Bassin Helvetique. Map. 4* Versailles, N.D. Martins, J. P. de Oliveira. Les Ex- plorations des Portugais anterieures a la decouverte de 1'Amerique. . . . Traduite de 1'Espagnol par Alexandre Boutroue. Map. 8* Paris, 1893 Martiny, F. W. Handbuch fur Reisende nach dem Schlesischen Riesengebirge und der Grafschaft Glatz. Map and plates. 12 Breslau, 1812 Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. Von dem Rechtszustancle unter den Ureinwohncrn Brasiliens. Map. 4 Munich, 1832 Die Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Amerikanischen Menschheit. 8* Munich, 1839 - Versuch eines Commentars liber die Pflanzen, in den Werken von Marcgrav und Piso iiber Brasilien. i. Krypto- gamen. 4* Munich, 1853 Wortersammlung Brasilianischer Sprachen : Glossaria Linguarum Brasili- ensium ; Glossarios de Diversas Lingoas e Dialectos, que Fallao os Indios no Impcrio do Brazil ; Beitrage zur Ethno- graphic und Sprachenkunde Amerika's zumal Brasiliens. II. 8 Leipzig, 1867 Die Fiel>er-Rinde, der China-Baum, sein Vorkommen, und seine Cultur. 8* N.P., N.D. - Dictionnairc Galibi. Dictionarium Gallice, Latine, ct Galibi. 8* N.P., N.D. Das Naturell, die Krankhcitcn, das Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von. See Meissner ; Schramm : Spix. Martus, H. C. E. Astronomische Geo- graphic : ein Lehrbuch angewandter Mathematik. Illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1880 Martyn, Henry. See Smith, George. Martyr, Peter. The Decades of the Newe Worlde, or West India : conteyn- ing the Navigations and Conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular De- scription of the Most Ryche and Large Landes and Islandes lately founde in the Weste Ocean, perteyning to the Inherit- ance of the Kinges of Spayne. From the Latin, by Richard Eden. {Title and pp. 226-8 wanting.] 4 !555 De Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orlie, Decades Tres. Item ejusdem de Baby- lonica Legatione, lib. 3, et Item de Rebus /Ethiopicis, Indicis, Lusitanicis, et Hispanicis opuscula. Small 8 Cologne, 1574 See Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Marvin, Charles. The Eye-Witnesses' Account of the Disastrous Russian Cam- paign against the Akhal Tekke Turco- mans, describing the March across the Burning Desert, the Storming of Den- geel Tepe, and the Disastrous Retreat to the Caspian. Maps, plans, ami portraits. 8 1880 Colonel Grodekoft's Ride from Samar- Arztthum, und die Ileilmittcl der Urbc- wohner Brasiliens. 12 Munich, N.D. - Die Pflanzen und Thiere des Trop- ischen America. 4* [Munich, N.U.] cand to Herat, through Balkh and the Uzbek States of Afghan Turkestan ; with his own Map of the March-route from the Oxus to Herat. Portrait. Small 8 1880 - The Russians at Merv and Herat, and their Power of Invading India. Maps and illustrations. 8 1883 The Russian Railway to Herat and India ; with an Introduction by Arminius Vaml)ery, and a Facsimile of General Annenkoff s Map of the Projected Route. 8* 1883 The Petroleum of the Future. Baku, the Petrolia of Europe : a Historical Sketch, showing the Immense and Inex- haustible Character of the Petroleum Deposits of the Caspian Region, from the Earliest Times. Map. 8* [1883] The Russians at the Gates of Herat. Map and portraits. 12 [1885] The African Question. English Africa: Shall Boer and German sway it ? Map. 8* [1887] - The Petroleum Question. Our Un- appropriated Petroleum Empire : Oil Discoveries in the Colonies. Maps. 8* [1889] Marzolla, Benedetto. Descrizione dell' Isola Ferdinandea, al Mezzo-giorna della Sicilia. Plates. Oblong 12* Naples, 1826 3io MAS MAT. Mas, Barlatier de. Instructions Nau- tiques sur les Cotes d' Islamic, redigees d'apres ses Observations pendant cinq Campagnes dans ces Parages et les Notes Manuscrites de M. le Contre-Amiral danois P. de Lowenorn. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1862 Mascrier, - le. Description de 1'Egypte, contenant plusiers Remarques curieuses sur la geographic ancienne et moderne de ce pa'is, &c. Compose sur les memoires de M. de Maillet. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1735 The same. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 12 The Hague, 1740 Mas Latrie, L. de. See Latrie. Mason, Dr and Mrs. See Phayre. Mason, G. H. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. 12 1855 Mason's Hygrometer : Uses to which it is applicable. \7\uo leaves.~\ With Tables. 8* N.r>. Masoom, Mahomed. History of Sind, embracing the period from A.I). 7 IQ to A.D. 1590; written in Persia at the close of the i6th Century, and translated into English in 1846 by Captain G. G. Malet, assisted by Peer Mahomed. Edited by R. H. Thomas. [From the India Records, No. 3.] 8 Bombay, 1855 Masqueray, Emile. See Liorel. Massa. See Gerritsz. Massaja, Guglielmo. I miei Trentacinque Anni di Missione nell' alta Etiopia. Vols. I-II. Illustrations. 4 Rome, 1885-93 Massalongo, C. See France, B, a (Cape Horn) : Appendix 2. Masselin, J. G. Dictionnaire Universale des Geographies, Physique, Historique, et Politique, du Monde Ancien, du Moyen Age, et des Temps Modernes, com- parees. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1827 Masson, Charles. Narrative of various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the Panjab, and Kalat ; with an Account of the Insurrection at Kalat, and a Memoir on Eastern Balochistan. 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1844 See Wilson, H. H. Masterman, G. F. Seven Eventful Years in Paraguay : a Narrative of Personal Experience amongst the Paraguayans. Map. 8 1869 Matani, Antonio. Ragionamento Filo- sofico Istorico sopra la Figura della Terra. 8* Pisa, 1760 Mateer, S. "The Land of Charity:" a Descriptive Account of Travancore and its People. Map and plates. Small 8 1871 Matelief, C. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Matham, A. Voyage d'Adrien Matham au Maroc (1640-41). Journal de Voyage, public pour la premiere fois ; avec Notice Biographique de 1'auteur, Introduction et Notes, par F. de Hellwald. Large 8 The Hague, 1866 Mather, W. W. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio. Map and plates. 8 Columbus, 1838 Mathers, Edward P. The Gold Fields Revisited, being Further Glimpses of the Gold Fields of South Africa. Maps. 8 Durban, 1887 Golden South Africa, or the Gold Fields Revisited : being Further Glimpses of the Gold Fields of South Africa. Maps. 8 1888 - The same. 4th edition. Maps and plans. 8 1889 Zambesia, England's El Dorado in Africa : being a Description of Mataljele- land and Mashonaland, and the less known adjacent Territories, and an Account of the Gold Fields of British South Africa. Maps ana illustrations. 8 [1891] Mathews, C. E. See Dent, C. T. Mathews, E. D. Report to the Directors ' of the Madeira and Mamore Railway Co. "Limited." 8* 1875 Up the Amazon and Madeira Rivers, through Bolivia and Peru. Map and plates. 8 1879 British Guiana and Venezuela. Map. 8* [1888] Mathews, H. J. G. Long: In Memoriam. . 8* 1879 Mathews, W. The Flora of Algeria, con- sidered in Relation to the Physical His- tory of the Mediterranean Region, and supposed Submergence of the Sahara. Map. 8 1880 Mathiesen, General H. Etude sur les Courants et sur la Temperature des eaux de la nier dans 1'Ocean Atlantique. Map. 4* Christiania, 1892 Mathison, G. F. Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands during 1821-22. Maps. 8 1825 Matkovic, Dr P. Topographische Karte des Gebietes St Michel di Lemmo in Istrien gezeichnet von Fra Mauro. Map. 8* Vienna, 1859 Putovanja Po-Balkanskom Poluotoka XVI. Vieka. X. Putopis Marka Antuna Pigafette, ili, drugo putovanje Antuna Vrancica u Carigrad 1 567 godine. Large 8 Zagrebn, 1890 Matters, C. H. From Golden Gate to Golden Horn, and many other World- wide Wanderings, or 50,0x30 Miles of Travel over Sea and Land. Portrait. 12 Adelaide, 1892 Matteucci, Pellegrino. (SpedizioneGessi- Matteucci. ) Sudan e Gallas. Map. 12 Milan, 1879 MAT MAU. Matthes. Dr B. F. Eenige proeven van Boegineesche en Makassaarsche Poezie. 8* The Hague, 1883 Matthews, J. W. Incwadi Yami ; or, Twenty Years' Personal Experience in South Africa. Illustrations. 8 1887 Matthews, Washington. See United States, G, a (Miscell.) : Appendix 2. Mauch, Karl. Reisen im Inneren von Sud-Afrika. Map. 4* Gotka, 1870 Reisen im Inneren von Siid-Afrika, 1865-72. (Erganzungsheft, 37 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1874 Maucroix, D'Estr. de. Note sur le Bane de Feroe. 8* Paris, 1846 Maudru, J. B. Elemens Raisonnes de la Langue Kusse, ou Principes Generaux de la Gnunidaire appliques a la Langue Russe. Tables. 8 Paris, 1802 Maudslay, A. P. See Central America, A (Hiologia Centrali - Americana) : Ap- pendix 2. Mauduit, A. F. Adhesions des Savants Franfais et Etrangers aux Opinions emises dans de livre " Decouverte dans la Troade et dans les Traductions d'Homere." 4* Paris, 1842-51 Maunder, Samuel, and William Hughes. The Treasury of Geography, Physical, Historical, Descriptive, and Political ; containing a Succinct Account of every Country in the World, preceded by an Introductory Outline of the History of Geography. Maps and plates. 12 1856 - The same. New edition. 1867 Maundrell, Henry. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A.D. 1697. Illustrations. 8 Oxford, 1703 - The same. 7th edition ; to which is now added an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the Country of Mesopotamia, with an Index to the whole work. Illus- trations. 8 Oxford, 1749 The same. Also a Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and hack again. Translated from a MS. by the Prefetto of Egypt, by l.ishop R. Clayton. Plates. 8 1 8 10 See Harris, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 10 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 ; "The World Displayed," Vol. n: Ap- pendix i. Maunoir, C. Congres des Societes Sa- vantes : Discours prononce a la Seance^ Generate du Congres le Samedi, 31 Mai 1890. Large 8* Pan's, 1890 See France, Transactions, L'Annee Geogr. , p. 799: Appendix 2. Maunsell, R. Grammar of the New Zealand Language. 3rd edition. 12 Me/bourne, 1882 Maupertius. See Pinkerton, Vol. I ; "The World Displayed," Vol. 20; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Maurer, Franz. DieNikobaren: Colonial- Geschichte und Beschreibung nebst moti- virtem Vorschlage zur Colonisation dieser Inseln durch Preussen. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1867 Maurice, Col. J. F. See United Kingdom, G : Appendix 2. Maurice, Thomas. The History of Hindostan. Part I. The Indian Cos- mogony and Chronology. Plates. 4 1790 Indian Antiquities ; or, Dissertations relative to the Antient Geographical Divisions, the Pure System of Primeval Theology, the Grand Code of Civil Laws, the Original Form of Government, the widely-extended Commerce, and the various and profound Literature of Hin- dostan ; compared throughout with the Religion, Laws, Government, and Litera- ture of Persia, Egypt, and Greece. . . . 7 vols. (Vol. I, 1806 ; 2, 1806 ; 3, 1794 ; 4, 1800; 5, 1794; 6 (two parts in one vol.), 1796; 7, 1800.) Plates. 8 1794-1800 Observations connected with Astro- nomy and Ancient History, Sacred and Profane, on the Ruins of Babylon, as recently visited and described by C. J. Rich. Plates. 4 1816 Mauro, Fra. See Matkovic. Maury, Alfred. Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de J. B. Biot. 12* Paris, 1851 Maury, L. F. A. Histoire des Grandes Forets de la Gaule et de 1'Ancienne France, precedee de Recherches sur 1'Histoire des Forets de 1'Angleterre, de 1'Allemagne, et de 1'Italie. 8 Paris, 1850 Maury, Lieut. M. F. Abstract Log for the use of American Navigators, prepared under the Direction of Commodore Lewis Warrington. 4 Washington, 1848 Investigations of the Winds and Currents of the Sea. 4 Washington, 1851 Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the " Wind and Current Charts " approved by Commodore Lewis Warrington. 3rd edition. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1851 Another, approved by Commodore Charles Morris. 4th edition. Alaps and plates. 4 Washington, 1852 Another edition, enlarged and im- proved. 7th edition. Alaps and plates. Philadelphia, 1855 Another edition, approved by Capt. D. N. Ingraham. 8th edition, enlarged and improved. 2 vols. Vol. I, 1858; Vol. 2, 1859. Alaps and plates. 4 Washington, 1858-59 312 MAU MAY. Maury, Lieut. M. F. Co-operation of the Principal Maritime Nations in col- lecting materials for " Wind and Current Charts." [Two leaves.'} 4* Washington, 1852 Letter concerning Lanes for the Steamers crossing the Atlantic. Plans. 4* New York, 1855 Physical Geography of the Sea. Maps. 8 1855 Obsen'ations sur la Navigation des Paquebots qui traversent PAtlantique ; Routes a suivre pour eviter les Abordages en Mer. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1856 Resume de la partie physique et descriptive des Sailing Directions par Mr E. Tricault. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1857 Letter to C. W. Field on Nautical Directions for Sailing from Valentia to Newfoundland. 8* Washington, 1857 Instructions Nautiques destinees a accompagner les Cartes de Vents et de Courants. Traduites par Lieut. Ed. Vaneechout. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1859 Astronomical Observations made during the years 1849 and 1850, at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington. Vol. 5. 4 Washington, 1859 Nautical Monographs. No. I, The Winds at Sea ; No. 2, The Barometer at Sea. 2 parts. Plates. 4 Washington, 1859-61 Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteorology : being a Reconstruction and Enlargement of the Eighth Edition of "The Physical Geography of the Sea." Maps and diagrams. 8 1 860 - The Physical Survey of Virginia : Geographical Position ; its Commercial Advantages and National Importance. Maps. 8 Richmond, Va., 1868 A Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury, U.S.N. and C.S.N., author of " Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteor- ology." Compiled by his daughter Diana Fontaine Maury Corbin. 8 1888 See Tricault. Mauss and Sauvaire. See Luynes. Mauve, Carl. Erlauterungen zu der Flotzkarte des Oberschlesischen Stein- kohlengebirges zwischen Beuthen, Glei- witz Nikolai, und Myslowitz. 8* Breslau, 1860 Maver, J. See Zuniga, Martinez de. Mavidal, J. Le Senegal, son etat present et son avenir. Map. 8 Paris, 1863 Mavor, W. The British Tourist's or Traveller's Pocket Companion through England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 6vols. Maps and plates. 12 1798 Maw, G. On the Disposition of Iron in Variegated Strata. Plates. 8* 1868 See Hooker and Ball. Maw. Lieut. H. L. Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Provinces of Peru, and descending the River Maranon or Amazon. Map. 8 1829 A Letter to the Editor of the Edin- burgh Review, in Answer to his Criticism on a " Journal of a Passage down the River Maranon," &c. 8* N.I). Mawe, J. Mineralogy of Derbyshire, with a Description of the most interesting Mines in the North of England, Scotland, and Wales ; with a Glossary of the Phrases used by the Miners. Plates. 8 1802 Mawe, John. Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly the Gold and Diamond Districts of that Country ; including a Voyage to the Rio de la Plata, and an Historical Sketch of the Revolution of Buenos Ayres. Map and plates. 4 1812 Maxmilian. Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied. See Wied-Neuwied. Maximowicz, . Scientific Results of Prejevalsky's Travels in Central Asia. Botany. 2 parts. 4 St Petersburg, 1889 See Schrenck. Maxwell, J. R. The Negro Question ; or, Hints for the Physical Improvement of the Negro Race, with special re- ference to West Africa. Small 8 1892 May, C. See Churchill, Vol. 6: Ap- pendix I. May, Henry. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. May, John. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Maydell, Baron Gerhard. Reisen und Forschungen im Jakutskischen Gebiet, Ostsibiriens in den Jahren 1861-71. Erster Theil. Band i, Vierte Folge. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angrenzenden Lander Asiens . . . herausgegeben von L. von Schrenck und Fr. Schmidt. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1893 Mayer, Brantz. Mexico: Aztec, Spanish, and Republican ; a Historical, Geogra- phical, &c. , account of that Country, from the Invasion by the Spaniards to the Present Time ; with a View of the Ancient Aztec Empire and Civilisation, a Historical Sketch of the late War, and Notices of New Mexico and California. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Hartford, Conn., 1852 Mayer, Friedrich. Niirnberg im neun- zehnten Jahrhundert, mit stetem Riick- blick auf seine Vorzeit. [Map and plates wanting.} 8 Nuremberg, 1843 Mayer, J. Kurze Worter-Sammlung, in Englisch, Deutsch, Amharisch, Gallan- isch, Guraguesch ; herausgegeben von Dr L. Krapf. 8 Bale, 1878 MAY MEE. 313 Mayer, John. The Engineering and Shipbuilding Industries of Glasgow and the Clyde. [Bound up with other Papers for the British Association Meeting at Glasgow, 1876.] 12 Glasgow, 1876 Mayer, Luigi. Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Caramania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored, from the original Drawings in the possession of Sir R. Ainslie. The text in English and French. Coloured plates. Folio 1803 Mayerberg, Baron Augustus de. Iter in Moschoviam A. L. Barents de Mayer- berg . . . et H. G. Caluuccii . . . ab Augustissimo Romanorum Imperatore Leopoldo, ad Tzarem et Magnum Ducem Alexium Mihalowicz, anno 1661 ablega- torum ; Descriptum ab ipso A. L. Barone de Mayerberg, cum Statutis Moschoui- ticis ex Russico in Latinum idioma ab eodem translatis. Folio [Privately printed, 1 66 1 ] Mayes, C. See Victoria, C : Appendix 2. Mayet, Valery. Voyage dans le Sucl de la Tunisie. Deuxieme edition. Map. 12 Paris, 1887 Mayne, R. C. Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island, &c. Maps and plates. 8 1862 Mayne, Capt. R. C. Practical Notes on Marine Surveying and Nautical Astro- nomy. Maps. Small 8 J 874 Mayo, Charles. See Gallon, F., Vacation Tourists. Mayo, Earl of. Proposed Expedition to Ovampo-Land, landing at Mossamedes, S.W. Coast of Africa. [Printed for private circulation.] Map. 8 1882 De Rebus Africanis : the Claims of Portugal to the Congo and adjacent Littoral, with Remarks on the French Annexation. Map. 8 1883 Mayr, Emil. Neu-Siid-Wales im Jahre 1 88 1. Map. 8* Vienna, 1884 Mayr, G. L. See "Novara." Mayson, John Schofield. The Malays of Capetown. 8* Manchester, 1861 Me. For Names beginning Me or M' , see under Mac . Meade, H. A Ride through the Disturbed Districts of New Zealand ; together with some Account of the South Sea Islands. Maps and plates. 8 1870 Meade, Wm. An Experimental Inquiry into the Chemical Properties, &c. , of the Mineral Waters of Ballston and Saratoga, in the State of New York. Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1817 Meadows, Thomas Taylor. The Chinese and their Rebellions, viewed in connec- tion with their National Philosophy, Ethics, Legislation, and Administration ; Meadows, Thomas Taylor continued. with an Essay on Civilisation in the East and West. Maps. 8 1856 Means, J. O. American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions. The Proposed Mission in Central Africa. [A Paper read at the Annual Meeting at Syracuse, N.Y. , 8th October 1879.] Map. 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1879 Meares, John. Voyages made in the years 1 788 and 1 789, from China to the North-West Coast of America ; to which are prefixed an Introductory Narrative of a Voyage performed in 1786 from Bengal in the ship " Nootka," Observations on the Probable Existence of a North-West Passage, and some Account of the Trade between the North-West Coast of America and China, and the latter Country and Great Britain. Maps and plates. 4 1790 See Eyries, Vol. i : Appendix i. Measor, H. P. A Tour in Egypt, Arabia Petrrea, and the Holy Land, in the years 1841-42. Plate. Small 8 1844 Meath, Earl of. A Britisher's Impres- sions of America and Australasia. (From the Nineteenth Century. ) 8* 1893 Mechow, Major von. See Hann. Medhurst, W. H. China, its State and Prospects, with special reference to the Spread of the Gospel. Map. 8 1838 Medhurst, Sir Walter. See Hatton, F. Medina, J. T. Ensayo acerca de una Mapoteca Chilena 6 sea de una coleccion de los titulos de los mapas, pianos, y vistas relativos a Chile, arreglados crono- logicamente, con una Introduccion His- torica acerca de la Geografia y Cartografia del pais. 12* Santiago, 1889 Medina, Pietro da. L'Arte del Navegar, in laqual si contengono lere gole, dechia- rationi, secreti, e avisi, alia bona Navega- tion necessarii. Tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volgar Italiano. Diagrams. Small 4 Venice, 1555 Medlicott, H. B. Note on the Reh Efflorescence of North- Western India, and on the Waters of some of the Rivers and Canals. 8* 1862 The Coal of Assam : Results of a Brief Visit to the Coal-Fields of that Province in 1865. 8* 1865 and W. T. Blanford. A Manual of the Geology of India. 2 vols. Map. Small 4 Calcutta, 1879 See India, C : Appendix 2. " Medusa," Shipwreck of the. 12 N. I). See Picard. Meech, L. W. On the Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon Different Latitudes of the Earth. Plates. 4* Washington, 1856 MEE MEL. Meek, F. B. See United States, G, a ; K, California, Missouri : Appendix 2. Megiserus, Hieronymus. An Ancient Account of Madagascar, A.n. 1609. Translated from the German of Hier- onymus Megiserus ; with Introductory Notice by James Sibree, junr. 8* Antananarivo, N.D. Meidinger, Henri. Dictionnaire Etymo- logique et Comparatif, des Langues Teuto-Gothiques ; avec des racines Slaves, Romanes, et Asiatiques, qui prouvent 1'origine commune de toutes ces langues. Tracluit de 1'Allemand. 8 Frankfort-o-AL, 1833 Die Deutschen Volksstamme. 8 Frankfort-o-AI., 1833 Zur Statistik Erankfurts : Wohn- platze, Bevolkerung, Brod- und Fleisch- verbrauch, Gewerb- und Armenwesen. 12 Frankfort-o-M., 1848 - Die Deutschen Strome in ihren Verkehrs und Handels Verhaltnissen. 4 vols in 2. Maps. 12 Leipzig, 1853 Meijer, J. J. See Jacobs. Meiklejohn, Prof. J. M. D. On the Best and the Worst Methods of Teaching Geography : a Short Lecture to School- masters. 8* 1869 A New Geography, on the Compara- tive Method, with Maps and Diagrams. 8 1889 Meinardus, Dr W. Klimatischen Ver- haltnisse des nordostlichen Theils des Indischen Ozeans. 4* Altona, 1894 Meinecke, Gustav. Koloniales Jahrbuch, herausgegeben von Gustav Meinecke, Zweiter Jahrgang, das Jahr 1889. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1890 - The same. Dritter Jahrgang, das Jahr 1890. Map. 8 Berlin, 1891 The same. Vierter Jahrgang, Das Jahr 1891. Maps ami illustrations. 8 Berlin, 1892 The same. Sechster Jahrgang das Jahr 1893. 8 Berlin, 1894 Meinert, J. G. See Marignola. Meinicke, Dr Carl E. Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans, eine geographische Mono- graphic. 2 vols in I. 8 Leipzig, 1875-76 Das Eestland Australien, eine geo- graphische Monographic. 2 vols in i. 8 Prenzlmii, 1837 - Die Siidseevolker und das Christen- thum, eine ethnograp'hische Unter- suchung. 8 Prenzlow, 1844 - Die Insel Pitcairn. 4* Prenzlow, 1858 See Petennann. Meinshausen, K. See Baer and Hel- mersen, Vol. 26. Meinsma, J. J. Babad Tanah Djawi in Proza. Javaansche Geschiedenis Loopende tot het jaar 1647 der Javaan- sche Jaartelling. Eerste Stuk : Tekst. 8 Tht Hague, 1874 Meinsma, J. J. The same. Tweede Stuk : Aanteekeningen. 8 The Hague, 1877 Meisner, H. See Rohricht, R. Meissner, C. F. Denkschrift auf Carl Eriedr. Phil, von Martins. 4* Munich, 1869 Mejoff, V. J. Catalogue of Russian Litera- ture, Geography, &c. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1867-68, 1873, 1874, 1877, 1880 Recueil clu Turkestan : comprenant des Livres et des Articles sur 1'Asie Centrale en general et le Province du Turkestan en particulier. Tomes 1-416. L'Indicateur Systematique et Alpha- lietique. 4 St Petersburg, 1878-88 Mela Britannicus. Remarks touching Geography, especially that of the British Isles, comprising Strictures on the Hier- archy of Great Britain. By Mela Britan- nicus. 12 1825 Mela, Pomponius. Pomponii Melae de Chorographia, libri tres . . . Edidit Notisque Criticis instruxit G. Parthey. 8 Berlin, 1867 Meldrum, Charles. A Meteorological Journal of the Indian Ocean for March 1853, with a Summary of the Results of the Observations, &c. Charts and diagrams. 4* Mauritius, 1856 On the Hurricane and Weather in the Indian Ocean, from the 6th to the iSthEebruary 1860. 8* 1860 Melena, Elpis. Erlebnisse und Beobach- tungen c ines mehr als 2O-jahrigen Aufen- thaltes auf Kreta. Map and illustra- tions. 4 Hanover, 1892 [1891] Meletii, Archimandrite. See Boddy. Melgunof, G. Das si'idliche Ufer des Kaspischen Meeres, oder die Nord- provinzen Persians. Map and plate. 8 Leipzig, 1868 Melik-Beglaroff, J. D. Archaeological Survey of Bengal : Report, 1887. By Joseph Daviditch Melik-Beglaroff. Plate. 8* Calcutta, 1888 - The same. Report, 1888. By Joseph Daviditch Melik - Beglaroff. Plans. 8* Calcutta, 1888 Melliss, J. C. St Helena: a Physical, Historical, and Topographical Descrip- tion of the Island, including its Geology, Eauna, Elora, and Meteorology. Map and plates. Large 8 1875 Mello, Carlos de. Geographia Economica de Portugal. Portugal Maritimo. [Vol. 1 ; Part I ?] Illustrations. 12* Lisbon, 1888 Mello, Gorge de. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Mello, Homem de. Subsidies to the For- mation of the Physical Map of Brazil. 4* Rio de Janeiro, 1876 Melly, George. Khartoum and the Blue and White Niles. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1851 MEL MER. 315 Melnikow, M. Geologische Erforschung des Verhreitungsgehietes tier Phosphorite am Dnjester. Map. 8* N.P. [1885] Melvill of Carnbee, and H. D. A. Smits. Seaman's Guide round Java to the Islands east of Java, and through the Straits of Banca and Gaspar. ist, 2nd, and 3rd editions. 8 1850-53 See Siebold, B. F. Melville, George W. In the Lena Delta : a Narrative of the search for Lieut. -Commander De Long and his Companions ; followed by an Account of the Greely Relief Expedition, and a pro- posed method of reaching the North Pole. Edited by Melville Philips. Maps and illustrations. 8 1885 Melville, Henry. The Present State of Australia, including New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, and New Zealand ; with a De- scription of the Aborigines and their Habits. Map ami plate. 8 1851 Melville, Herman. Typee : a Narrative of a Four Months' Residence among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands, or a Peep at Polynesian Life. Map. 12 1847 - The same. New edition, with a Memoir of the Author, and Illustrations. 8 1893 Omoo : a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas, being a Sequel to the " Residence in the Marquesses Islands." Map. 12 1847 The same. New edition, with a Memoir of the Author, and Illustrations. 8 1893 Memminger, J. D. G. Kleine Beschrei- bung von Wiirtemberg. 12 Stuttgart, 1826 Menard, . Histoire des Antiquites de la Ville de Nismes et de ses Environs. New edition. Plates. 8 Nismes, 1822 Histoire des Antiquites de la Ville de Nismes et de ses Environs. [With which is bound " Le Guide des Etrangers a Vienne (Isere)," by M. Rey, 1819.] Plates. 8 Nismes, 1826 Menard. Rene. Le Monde vu par les Artistes. Geographic Artistique. Plates. 8 Paris, 1881 Mendana, Alvaro de. See Burney, Vols. I, 2; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix i. Mendelssohn, Dr G. B. Das German- ische Europa. 8 Merlin, 1836 Mendenhall, Dr T. C. Measurements of the Force of Gravity at Tokio and on the Summit of Fujinoyama. 4* Tokyo, 2541 [1881] See United States, F, Coast and Geodetic Survey : Appendix 2. Mendez, Diego, of Segura. See Gott- fried : Appendix I. Mendez, Julio. Realidad del Equilibrio Hispano-Americano, y Necesidad de la Neutralizacion perpetua de Bolivia. Primera parte. Atacama y El Chaco. 12* Lima, 1874 Mendez Pinto. See Pinto. Mendon^a, J. de. Colonias e Possessoes Portuguezas. 2nd edition. 12 Lisbon, 1877 Mendoza, Alvaro de. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix i. Mendoza, E. Apuntes para un Catalogo Razonado de las palabras Mexicanas In- troducidas al Castellano. 4* Mexico, 1872 Mendoza, Francis Lopez de. See Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 20: Appendix i. Mendoza, G. Las Piramides de Teoti- huacan. Plates. 4* Mexico, 1878 Mendoza, Juan Gonzales de. Histoire du Grand Royaurne de la Chine, situe aux Indes Orientales, Divisee en Deux Parties. Traduite en Fran9ois par Luc de la Porte. 8 Paris, 1588 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 14, 15; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Mendoza, P. de. See Allgemeine His- torie, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Mendozza, Ant. di. See Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Menezes, Duartede. See Gottfried; Pur- chas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Menezes, Luiz de. Historia de Portugal Restaurado. 4vols. in 2. & Lisbon, 1751 Mengin, Felix. Histoire de 1'Egypte sous le Gouvernement de Mohammed- Aly . . . Ouvrage enrichi de Notes par MM. Langles el Jomard, et precede d'une Introduction Historique par M. Agoub. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1823 Menon, P. S. A History of Travancore, from the Earliest Times. Illustrations. Small 8 Madras, 1875 Mense, Dr. Rapport sur 1'Etat Sanitaire de Leopold ville de Novembre 1885 a Mars 1887. (Publications de 1'Etat Inde- pendant du Congo, No. I.) 8* Brussels Mentelle. . Geographic Comparee, ou Analyse de la Geographic, Ancienne et Moderne, des Peuples de tous les Pays et de tous les Ages : Italic Moderne. 8 Paris, 1780 The same. Geographic, Physique et Politique. 8 Paris, 1783 Menzel, Wolfgang. Europe in 1840. Translated from the German. 8 Edinburgh, 1841 Mequet, Eugene. See Gaimard, Paul. Mer, Auguste. Memoire sur le Periple d'Hannon. Map. 8 Paris, 1885 Mera, Juan Leon. Catecismo de Geo- grafia de la Republica del Ecuador. Segunda edicion. 12* Guayaquil, 1884 M creator, Bartholomew. See Banho- lemseas. MER MEU. Mercator, G. Gerard Mercator : sa Vie et ses (Euvres ; par Raemdonck. Plates. Imperial 8 St Nicolas, 1869 See Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Mercer, A. History of Dunfermline. 12 Dunfermline, 1828 Mercer, Hon. C. Fenton. Report on the Inter-Oceanic Connection of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of Lake Nicaragua and the River St Juan. Maps. 8 Washington, 1839 Mercier, Ernest. Histoire cle 1'Afrique Septentrionale (Berberie), depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la Con- quete Francaise (1830). 3 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1888-91 Mercier, Hon. Honore. General Sketch of the Province of Quebec. 8* Quebec, 1890 Mercui. See Bissy. " Mercury " Brig. See Mortimer. Meredith, Mrs Charles. My Home in Tasmania, during a Residence of Nine Years. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1852 Meredith, H. See Eyries, Vol. II : Appendix I. Merensky, A. Wie erzieht man am besten Neger zur Plantagen-Arbeit. 8* Berlin, 1886 Erinnerungen aus dem Missionsleben in Siidost-Afrika (Transvaal), 1859-82. Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1888 Merewether, Serjeant. Speech before the Committee of the House of Commons on the Taff Vale Railway Bill. 8* 1840 Merewether, Capt. W. L. Report of, with other Papers relating to, the Enlarge- ment of the Bigaree Canal, in Upper Sind. [From the India Records, No. 42.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 Report on Places lately Visited be- tween Aden and Suez. Map. Folio* N.I). Merian, Matthaeus. See Eckardt, H. Merick, Andrew. See Burney, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Merin, . See Churchill, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Merk, Conrad. Excavations at the Kesslerloch near Thayngen, Switzerland, a Cave of the Reindeer Period. Trans- lated by J. E. Lee. Plates. 8 1876 Merleker, Karl Friedrich. Historisch- politische Geographic ; oder allgemeine Lander- und Volkerkunde. Viertes Buch, der historisch-comparativen Geographic. Erster Theil : Die Continente Asien, Afrika, und Australien. 8 Darmstadt, 1841 Merolla da Sorrento, Jerome. See Ast- ley, Vol. 3; Churchill, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 1 6 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan : a Record of Travel and Observation in the Countries of Moab, Gilead, and Bashan ; with an Introduction by Professor Ros- well D. Hitchcock. Map and ilhistra- tions. 8 1 88 1 The Jaffa and Jerusalem Railway. (From Scribner's Magazine.) Illustra- tions. Large 8* 1893 Merriman, C. C. Lectures, Essays, and Published Articles on Scientific and Literary Subjects, and on Foreign Travel. Illustrations. 8 Rochester, N. Y., 1885 Merz, J. H. See Leonhard, C. C. Mesa, P. A. de. Junta General de Estadistica. Reconocimiento Hidrologico del Valle del Ebro. 4 Madrid, 1865 Mesny, William. Tungking. 12 1884 Messedaglia, G. B. Diario Storico Militare delle Rivolte al Soudan dal 1878 in poi. Maps. 8* Alessandria, 1886 Meston. A. Report on the Scientific Expedition to the Bellenden-Ker Range [Wooroonooran], North Queensland. Folio* 1889 Metcalfe, F. Oxonian in Norway. 2 vols. 8 1856 Oxonian in Thelemarken ; or, Notes of Travel in South-Western Norway. 2 vols. 8 1858 The Oxonian in Iceland ; or, Notes of Travel in that Island in the Summer of 1860, with Glances at Icelandic Folk- lore and Sagas. Small 8 1 86 1 Metchnikoff, Leon. La Civilisation et les grands I 1 leu ves histonques ; avec une Pre facede M. Elisee Reclus. 12 Paris, 1889 Meteren, EmanuelVan(Meteranus). See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10 : Appendix I. Methold, William. See Gottfried; Theve- not, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Methuen, Henry H. Life in the Wilder- ness ; or, Wanderings in South Africa. Plates. 12 1846 Mettenius, G. See " Novara." Metz, F. The Tribes inhabiting the Neil- gherry Hills, their Social Customs and Religious Rites. 12 Mangalore, 1864 Metzger, Emil. Beitrage zur Karto- graphie von Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, speziell von Java. [Incomplete.] 4* [Lahr, 1882] Notes on the Dutch East Indies, 1888. (Reprinted from \heScottish Geographical Magazine.) 8* 1888 Meucci, F. II Globo Celeste Arabico del Secolo xi. esistente nel Gabinetto degli Strumenti Antichi di Astronomia, di Fisica, e di Matematica del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori. Map. 8* Florence, 1878 Meurs, John. Creta, Cyprus, Rhodus, sive de Nobilissimarum harum Insularum rebus et Antiquitatibus. Small 8 Amsterdam, 1675 MEY MIC. 317 Meyen, F. J. F. Grundriss der Pflanzen- geographie, mit ausfiihrlichen Untersuch- imgen iiber das Vaterland, den Anbau und den Nutzen der vorziiglichsten Culturpflanzen, welche den Wohlstand der Volker begriinden. Table. 4 Berlin, 1836 Keise um die Erde, ausgefuhrt auf dem SchifF " Princess Louise," Commandirt von Capitain W. Wendt, 1830-32. His- torischer Bericht. 2 vols. Maps. 4 Berlin, 1834-35 Meyendorff, Baron G. de. Voyage d'Orenbourg a Boukhara fait en 1820, a travers les Steppes qui s'etendent a Test de la Mer d'Aral et au-dela de 1'ancien Jaxartes. Map, coloured frontispiece, and plates. 8" Paris, 1826 Journey of the Russian Mission from Orenbourg to Bokhara. Translated by Col. Monteith. 8 Madras, 1840 Meyer, A. B. Einige Bemerkungen liber den Werth, welcher im Allgemeinen den Angaben in Betrefi'der Herkunft mensch- licher Schiidel aus dem ostindischen Archipel beizumessen ist. 8* Vienna, 1874 Ueber einen bemerkenswerthen Far- benunterschied der Geschlechter bei der Papageien, Gattung Eclectus (Wagler), &c. 8* Vienna [1874] Uebersicht der von mir auf Neu Guinea und den Inseln Jobi, Mysore, und Mafoor im Jahre 1873 gesammelten Amphibien. 8* Berlin, 1874 - Ueber drei neue auf Neu Guinea entdeckte Papageien. 8* Vienna [1874] Anthropologische Mittheilungen iiber die Papuas von Neu Guinea. I. Aeusserer physischer habitus. Plate. 8* Vienna, 1874 Ueber die Mafoor'sche und einige andere Papua-Sprachen auf Neu Guinea. 8* Vienna, 1874 Ausziige aus den auf einer Neu Guinea Reise im Jahre 1873, gefiihrten Tage- biichern von ; als Erlauterung zu den Karten der Geelvink-Bai und des Mac- Cluer-Golfes. Folio Dresden, 1875 KoniglichesEthnographisches Museum zu Dresden. I. Bilderschriflen des Ostindischen Archipels und der Stidsee. Plates. Folio Leipzig, 1881 Meyer, C. E. H. von. See Zittel. Meyer, E. G. See Gairnard, Paul.- Meyer, Dr Hans. Zum Schneehorn des Kilimandscharo ; 40 Photographien aus Deutsch-Ostafrika mit Text. 4" Berlin [1888] Across East African. Glaciers : an Account of the First Ascent of Kili- manjaro. Translated from the German by E. H. S. Calder. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 1 89 1 Meyer, Dr H. A. Biologische Beobach- tungen bei kiinstlicher Aufzucht des Herings der westlichen Ostsee. 8 Berlin, 1878 Meyer, H. A. E, Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Aborigines of the Southern and Eastern Portions of the fettled Districts of South Australia . . . ; preceded by a Grammar, showing the Construction of the Language as far as at present known. 8 Adelaide, 1843 Meyer, H. J. Meyers Reisebiicher : Der Orient, Hauptrouten durch Aegypten, Palastina, Syrien, Ttirkei, Griechenland. Erster Band : Aegypten. Maps and plans. 1 6 Leipzig, 1881 Zweiter Band : Syrien, Palastina, Griechenland, und Tiirkei. Maps and plans. 1 6 Leipzig, 1882 Meyer, Dr Hugo. Anleitung zur Bear- beitung meteorologischer Beobachtungen fiir die Klimatologie. 8" Berlin, 1891 Meyers, J. See Danckwerth. Meyers, J. R. See Graf. Meynard. See Barbier de Meynard. Mezo-Kovesd. See Ujfalvy. Mezzabarba, C. A. See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Miall, L. C. See India, C., Pakeontologia Indica : Appendix 2. Miani, G. Memoria dedicata al Sig. Roderick Murchison [On the Nile, and Africa generally]. 12* Constantinople, 1865 II Viaggio di Giovanni Miani al Mon- butto. Map and plate. 8* Rome, 1875 See Gilbert, P. Miansarof, M. Bibliographia Caucasica et Transcaucasica : Essai d'une Biblio- graphic Systematique relative au Caucase, a la Transcaucasie, et aux Populations des Contrees. I. 8 St Petersburg, 1874-76 Michael, James. Persian Fables from the Anwari Sooheyly of Hussein Vaiz Kashify; with a Vocabulary. 4 1827 Michaelis, E. H. Ueber die Darstellung des Hochgebirges in topographischen Karten. 8* Berlin, 1845 - Barometrische Hohenbestimmungen in Elsass, Rheinbayern, Baden, und Wiirtemberg. 8* Berlin, N.D. Michaelis, Hermann. Von Hankau nach Sutschou. ( Ergiinzungsheft, 91 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps and sketches. 4 Gotha, 1888 Michael of Tripoli. See Ray : Appendix i. Michailow, . See Phillips, New Voy- ages and Travels [3], Vol. 7: Appendix I. Michaud, . Biographic Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. Nouvelle edition. 45 vols. Large 8 Paris, 1854 Michaux, F. A. See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i], Vol. I : Appendix I. MIC MID. Michel, de. See Joutel. Michel, A. F. See Rondot. Michel F. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 6 1,1 : Appendix I. Michelburne, Sir Edward. See Astley, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. I : Appendix I. Michele, G. di. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Michelena y Rojas, Francisco. Viajes Cientificos en Todo el Mundo, 1822-42. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Madrid, \ 843 - Exploracion Oficial por la primera vez desde el Norte de la America del Sur siempre por Rios, entrando por las bocas del Orinoco, de los Valles de este mismo y del Meta, Casiquiare, Rio- Negro 6 Guaynia y Amazonas, hasta Nauta en al alto Maranon 6 Amazonas, Arriba de las bocas del Ucayali, Bajada del Amazonas hasta el Atlantico . . . Viaje a Rio de Janeiro desde Belen en el Gran Para, por el Atlantico ... en los anos de 1855 hasta 1859. Map. 8 Brussels, 1867 Michell, John. Conjectures concerning the Cause and Observations upon the Phrenomena of Earthquakes, particularly of that Great Earthquake of November 1755. Plate. Small 4 1760 Michell, J. and R. The Russians in Cen- tral Asia, their Occupation of the Kirghiz Steppe and the Line of the Syr-Daria, their Political Relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and Kokan ; also Descriptions of Chinese Turkestan and Dzungaria. By Capt. Valikhanof, M. Veniukof, and other Russian Travellers. Translated from the Russian. Map. 8 1865 Michell, Robert. Account of a Russian Mission to Kashgar in October 1868. Compiled from Captain Reinthal's Re- port; with a few Introductory Remarks. Folio* [1870] Summary of Statistics of the Russian Empire. 8* 1872 - Memorandum on the Country of the Turkomans, giving an Account of the Russian Occupation of the East Coast of the Caspian. Map. Small folio* 1873 - The same. [Reprinted and ampli- fied.] Map. 8* N.I). Epitome of Correspondence relating to Merv ; with Historical and Geographical Accounts of the Place, and Itineraries. Map. Folio* 1875 Analysts of Water in the Wells in the Transcaspian Region. (From the Rus- sian Invalide\ [i sheet. ~\ Folio* 1881 Russian Contribution to Central Asian Michelot, Henry. Le Portulan de la Mer Mediterranee, ou le vrai Guide des Pilotes costiers. 4 Amsterdam, 1754 Michelotti, Giuseppe Teresio. Saggio Idrografico del Piemonte. Maps and plate. 4 Rome, 1803 Michelsen, E. H. The Merchant's Poly- glot Manual in Nine Languages, &c. 8 1860 Michelson, W. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Micheovo, Mattheo di. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Michie, A. The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg, through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tar- tary, &c. Maps and plates. 8 1864 - Korea. 8* [1892] Michiels, A. V. Neerlands Souvereiniteit over de Schoonste en Rijkste Gewesten van Sumatra. 8* Amsterdam, 1846 Michow, Dr H. Die altesten Karten von Russland, eine Beitrag zur histor- ischen Geographic. Maps. Large 8* Hamburg, 1888 Die schulgeographische Ausstellung auf dem geographischen Weltkongress zu Bern, 1891. Large 8* 1892 Caspar Vopell, ein Kolner Karten- Cartography and Geography. I. 8* N.D. See Cherkasski ; Fedchenko ; Grigo- rief ; Kostenko ; Lessar ; Petrusevitch ; Valikhanof; also Central Asia, B : Ap- pendix 2. zeichner des 16 Jahrhunderts. Seperat- abdruck aus " Festschrift der Ham- burgischen Amerika-Feier. Plates, &c. 4* 1892 Katalog der Bibliothek der Geo- graphischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. 8 Hamburg, 1893 Michler, Lieut. N. Report of the Survey of an Interoceanic Ship Canal near the Isthmus of Darien. Maps. Royal 8 Washington, 1861 Mickle, William Julius. The Lusiad. Translated by W. J. Mickle. Map. 8 1798 Middendorff, A. T. von. Bericht liber die Beendigung der Expedition nach Udskoy Ostrog, auf die Schantaren und clurch das dstliche Grenzgebirge. 8* St Petersburg, j845 Geognostische Beobachtungen auf seiner Reise durch Sibirien. Bearbeitet von G. von. Helmersen. 4* N.P., 1840 Voyage Scientifique dans la Sil>erie- Occidentale. 8* N.I'., 1844 Voyage a Oudskoi. 8* N. P., 1844 Reise in der aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens wahrend die Jahre 1843 und 1844. Vols. i, 2, and 3. Plates. Folio St Petersburg, 1847-48 - Karten-Atlas zu Dr A. v. Midden- dorffs Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens. Folio St Petersburg, 1859 Anikiev, eine Insel im Eismeere, in der Gegend von Kola. 8* St Petersburg, 1860 MID -MIL. 319 Middendorff, A. T. von. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit von Vorbereitungen fiir den Empfang vorweltlicher Sibirischer Riesenthiere. 8* N.r., 1860 - Sibirische Reise. Vol. 4, Part I. Uebersicht der Natur Nord- und Ost- Sibiriens ; Geographic, Hydrographie, Orographie, und Geognosie. Folio St Petersburg, 1860 See Baer and Helmersen, Vols. 7> Middendorff, E. W. Peru : Beobach- tungen und Studien iiber das Land und seine Bewohner wahrend eines 25-jahriger Aufenthalts. I. Band : Lima. Plates, e.] See Lacerda. Monteiro, J. M. de Souza. Diccionairo Geographico das Provincias e Possessoes Portuguezas no Ultramar. 8 Lisbon, 1850 Monteiro, Rose. Delagoa Bay, its Natives and Natural History. Illustrations. Crown 8 1891 Monteith, Lieut. -Gen. William. Notes on Georgia and the New Russian Con- quests beyond the Caucasus ; also a Description of the Frontier of Russia and Persia as settled by the Commissioners in 1828-29. 8* Privately printed, N. r>. Narrative of the Conquest of Finland by the Russians in 1808-9. By a Russian Officer; edited by Gen. Monteith. Map. 8 1854 Kars and Erzeroum, with the Cam- paigns of Prince Paskiewitch in 1828-29 ; and an Account of the Conquests of Russia l>eyond the Caucasus. Map and plates. 8 1856 See Meyendorff. Montemont, Alb. Londres : Voyage a cette Capitale et ses Environs. Alap. 8 Paris, N.I). See Phillips, New Voyages and Tra- vels [3], Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Montesinos, L.Fernando. SeeTernaux- Compans, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Montfaucon, Bernard de. The Travels of the Learned Father Montfaucon, from Paris through Italy. Plates. 8 1712 Montgomerie, John E. , and A. F. R. de Horsey. A Few Words collected from the languages spoken by the Indians in the Neighlxnirhood of Columbia River and Puget's Sound. 8* 1848 Montgomerie, Col. T. G. See Cayley and Reynolds ; also India, Trigonometri- cal Surveys : Appendix 2. Montgomery, Robert. Statistical Report of the District of Cawnpoor, 1848. Maps. 4 Calcutta, 1849 Monticelli, T. Opere dell'. 2 vols. in i. 4 Naples, 1841 Montjau, E. M. de. De 1'Emigration des Chinois au point de vue des interets Europeens. 8* Paris, 1873 Montpereux, F. Dubois de. Voyage autour du Caucase, chez les Tcherkcsses et les Abkhases, en Colchide, Georgia, Armenie, et en Crimee. 3 vols. 8, and Atlas folio Paris, 1839 Montravel, M. L. de Tardy de. In- structions pour Naviguer sur la Cote Septentrionale du Hrc'sil et le Fleuve des Amazones. 8 Paris, 1847 Montravel, M. L. de Tardy de. Instructions Nautiques pour Naviguer sur les Cotes des Guyanes. 8 Paris, 1851 Instructions sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie suivies de Renseignements Hydrograph- iques et autres sur la Mer du Japan et la Mer d'Okotsk. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1857 Montriou, Lieut. C. W. Report on the Harlxnir and Town of Sonmeeanee. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Montry and Fraissinet. See Siel>old. Montule, Edward de. See Phillips, New Voyages and Tiavels [3], Vols. 5, 9: Appendix I. Montyel, Evariste Marandon de. Pelerinage sur la Soane de Lyon a Chalon. Map. 16 Clialon, 1838 Moodie, Donald. The Record ; or, A Series of Official Papers relative to the Condition and Treatment of the Native Tribes of South Africa. Compiled, trans- lated, and edited by D. Moodie. Part I, 1649-1720. 4 Cape Town, 1838 Moodie, Lieut. J. W. D. Ten Years in South Africa, including a Particular Description of the Wild Sports of that Country. 2 vols. 8 1835 Moodoo Kistnaa. See Dalrymple, Tracts, Vol. I : Appendix I. Moon, G. Washington. Men and Women of the Time : a Dictionary of Contemporaries. 1 3th edition. Large 8 1891 Moor, J. H. Notices of the Indian Archipelago and Adjacent Countries : a Collection of Papers relating to Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Nias, the Philippine Islands, Sulus, Siam, Cochin China, Malayan Peninsula, &c. Maps. 4 Singapore, 1837 Moorcroft, W., and G. Trebeck. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab, in Laclakh and Kashmir, in Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, and Bokhara, from 1819 to 1825. 2 vols. Map. 8 1841 Moore, Francis. Travels into the In- land Parts of Africa, containing a De- scription of the several Nations for the space of 600 miles up the River Gambia ; with Capt. Stibbs's Voyage in 1723, and Extracts from the Nubian's Geo- graphy, &c., concerning the Niger-Nile, or Gambia. Map and plates. 8 1738 - Description of Texas, containing Sketches of its History, Geology, Geo- graphy, and Statistics. Map and plates. Philadelphia, 1840 See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6; "The World Dis- played," Vol. 17, p. 609; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. 326 MOO MOR. Moore, Frederic. See Catalogues, C (India Museum) : Appendix 2. Moore, Hon. G. F. Evidences of an Inland Sea [in Australia], collected from the .Natives of the Swan River Settle- ment. 8 Dublin, 1837 Moore, H. C. The Tidal Wave in the Wye and Severn. 8* [1893] Moore, Joseph, junr. Outlying Europe and the Nearer Orient : a Narrative of Recent Travel. 8 Philadelphia, 1880 The Queen's Empire ; or, Ind and her Pearl. Map and plates. 8 1886 Moore, J. M. New Zealand for the Emi- grant, Invalid, and Tourist. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 890 Moore, J. P. See Harkness, H. W. Moore, Richard. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Moore, William. Log-Book of the schooner " Eliza Scott," from July 1838 to Sept. 1839, during her Voyage from London to New Zealand, on Discovery to the Southward, and to Madagascar, and Return to London ; with Remarks. Kept by W. Moore, Chief Mate. MS. 4 1838-39 Moraes, J. A. da Cunha. Africa Occi- dental : Album Photographico e Descrip- tivo ; com uma Introduc9ao de Luciano Cordeiro. Primeira parte. (Do Rio Quillo as Ambriz.) Oblong 8 Lisbon, 1885 The same. Com uma Introducao : ideas geraes sobre Angola. Segunda parte. (Loanda, Cazengo, Rios Dande, e Quanza. ) Oblong 8 Lisbon, 1886 Morant, E. W. L. Letters regarding the Subject of Trees, Forests, and Rainfall, and the Natural Irrigation of the Treeless Deccan. 12* Bombay, 1877 Morant, G. C. Chili and the River Plate in 1891 : Reminiscences of Travel in South America. Illustrations. 12 1891 Morant, P. See Falle. Mordecai, E. R. Food of the Shad of the Atlantic Coast of the United States (Alosa pnestabilis, de Kay), and the Functions of the Pyloric Coeca. Plate. 12* Philadelphia, 1860 Morelet, A. lies Aores : Notice sur 1'Histoire Naturelle des Acores, suivie d'une description desMollusq ues terrestres de cet Archipel. Plates. Large 8 Paris, 1860 See Squier, M. F. Morell, J. R. Scientific Guide to Switzer- land. 8 1867 Morelli, Jacopo. Dissertazione intorno ad alcuni Viaggiatori eruditi Veneziani poco noti, pubblicata nelle faustissime nozze del Conte Leonardo Manino con la Contessa Foscarina Giovanelli. Frontis- piece. 4 Venice, 1803 See Columbus. Moreno, F. Petroleum in Peru from an industrial point of view. Map. 8* Lima, 1891 Moreno, F. P. Apuntes sobre las Tierras Patagonicas. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1878 Viaje a la Patagonia Austral. 1876-77. I. Map and plates. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1879 El origen del Hombre Sud- Americano ; razas y civilizaciones de este Continente. Contribuciones al estudio de las colec- ciones del Museo Antropologico y Arque- ologico. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1882 Moreno, J. L. Compendio de Jeografia de Bolivia redactada para el uso de la juven- tud. Segunda edicion. 12 Santiago, 1879 Nociones de Geografia de Bolivia. 12* Sucre, 1886 The same. 12* Sucre, 1889 Nociones de Geografia de Bolivia : Partes Politica y Descriptiva. 6th edition. 12* Sucre, 1891 Moresby, J. Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea and the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, a Cruise in Polynesia, and Visits to the Pearl-shelling Stations in Torres Straits of H.M.S. " Basilisk." Map and plates. 8 1876 Moresby, Comm. Robert. Nautical Directions for the Maldiva Islands and the Chegos Archipelago. 8 1840 and T. Elwon. Sailing Directions for the Red Sea. 8 1841 Moreton, J. Some Account of the Physi- cal Geography of Newfoundland. Maps. 8* [1864] Moreton, Samuel H. Milford Sound and the Scenery of the West Coast of the Middle Island of New Zealand. 8* Invercargill, 1882 A Scramble over the Lake Mountains. 8* Invercargill, 1885 A Scramble over the Mountains. [New Zealand.] From The Weekly Times, Invercargill, N.Z., 7th February 1885. 8* Invercargill, 1885 Morfill, W. R. Poland. ("Story of the Nations" Series.) Map. 8 1893 Morga, Antonio de. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 39 ; Burney, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Morgan, Prof. C. L. See Compton, Theodore. Morgan, D. Lloyd. See Nordenskiold, G. Morgan, E. Delmar. Notes on the recent Geography of Central Asia from Russian Sources. Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppi. Papers, Vol. i. Map. 8 U 1885 Remarks on the Early Discovery of Australia. Maps. Large 8* 1891 See Coles ; Prejevalsky ; also Ilakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 72, 73: Appendix I. MOR. 327 Morgan, Sir Henry. See Sharp, Capt. B. , and others ; Esquemeling, John ; also Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Morgan, Henry J. The Dominion An- nual Register and Review. See Canada, Toronto : Appendix 2. Morgan, J. A Complete History of Algiers ; to which is prefixed an Epitome of the General History of Barbary from the Earliest Times, interspersed with many Curious Remarks and Passages not touched on by any writer whatsoever. 2 vols. (hound in i). 4 1728-29 Morgan, J. ,de. Mission Scientifique au Caucase : Etudes Archeologiques et His- toriques. Tome I. Les Premiers Ages des Metaux dans I'Armenie Russe. Tome 2. Recherches sur les Origines des Pen pies du Caucase. 2 vols. in i. Maps and illustrations. 4 Parts, 1889 Morgan, Lady. Italy. 2 vols. in i. 4 1821 Morgen, C. Durch Kamerun von Slid nach Nord : Reisen und Forschungen im Hinterlande 1889 bis 1891. Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1893 Morier, James. Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constanti- nople, 1808-9. Maps and plates. 4 1812 A Second Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constanti- nople, between the years 1810 and 1816 ; with a Journal of the Voyage by the Brazils and Bombay to the Persian Gulf, &c. Maps and plates. 4 1818 See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Morier, Sir R. Copy of a Despatch from Sir R. Moiier, and other Correspondence respecting attempts to establish Com- mercial Relations with Siberia through the Kara Sea. Map. Folio* 1888 Moris, H. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 : Appendix i. Moris, . See Sidi-Aly. Moritz, August. Lebenslinien der me- teorologischen Stationen am Kaukasus ; eine Uel>ersicht der Tagebiicher, welche in dem meteorologischen Archive des Tiflisschen Observatoriums aufbewahrt werden. Map and table. Folio* St Petersburg, 1859 Rectification d'une Erreur decouverte dans la Table de M. Regnault, relative a la force expansive de la vapeur d'eau. Lettre a M. Lenz. 8* 1865 - The Thermal Springs of Lankeran. [In Russian.] 8* [Tijlis} 1865 Uelier die Anwendung des Pistor'schen Reflections-Kreises zum Messen von Angular- Distanzcn zwischen terrestrisch- en Objecten. 8* 1865 On the Caspian Sea. [In Russian.] Plate. 8* Tiflis, 1865 Schemacha und seine Erdbel>en. 8* Tiflis, 1872 Moritz, August. Olivet. Reply to M. G. respecting Meteorological Observations. [In Russian.] 8* Tiflis, 1876 Das Reflexions-Thermometer. Plate. 12* Tijiis, 1876 See Stebnetzky. and H. Abich. Materials for a Climatology of the Caucausus. Meteoro- logical Observations. Vol. I (parts I and 3), Vol. 2 (3 parts). [In Russian and German.] 8 Tiflis, 1877-80 and H. Kiefer. Tables for Calcula- tion of Barometric Altitudes. [In Rus- sian and, in part, German.] 4 Tiflis, 1870 Moritz, Dr B. See Hassan. Moritz, C. P. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Morley, Wm. Letter to Maj.-Gen. John Briggs, on the Discovery of Part of the Second Volume of the Jami' al Tawarikh of Rashid al Din. Plate. 8* 1839 Morley, William H. Descriptive Cata- logue of the Historical Manuscripts in the Arabic and Persian Languages, preserved in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 8 1854 Morlot, A. von. Erlauterungen zur geologischen Uebersichtskarte der nord- ostlichen Alpen. Map. 8 Vienna, 1847 Moro, Gaetano. Report of the Com- munication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Map. 8 1845 Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Additional Observa- tions to the Report. Maps. 8 1845 Morrell, Capt. Benj. Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethi- opic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean, 1822-31. Com- prising Critical Surveys of Coasts and Islands, with Sailing Directions ; and an Account of some new and valuable Dis- coveries, including the Massacre Islands ; to which is prefixed a brief Sketch of the Author's early life. Portrait. 8 New York, 1832 Morris, Alex. Nova Brittannia ; or, British North America, its Extent and Future. 8 Montreal, 1858 Morris, D. The Colony of British Hon- duras, its Resources and Prospects, with particular reference to its Indigenous Plants and Economic Productions. Map. 8 1883 A Report upon the Present Position and Prospects of the Agricultural Re- sources of the Island of St Helena. Map. 8* 1884 Annual Report of the Public Gardens ... of Jamaica for the year ended 3Oth September 1884. Folio* Kingston, 1885 328 MOR MOS. Morris, D. F. van Braam. Reizen van, naar de Noordkust van Neclerlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Erste vaart op de Am- berno, of Rochussen Rivier, medege- deeld door P. J. B. C. Robide van der Aa. Maps. 8* \The Hague, 1885] Morris, E. E. CasselPs Picturesque Australasia. 4 vols. Illustrations. 1889-90 Morris, Henry. A Geography, principally intended for the Use of India. 12 Madras, 1864 A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Godavery District in the Presidency of Madras. Map in cover. 8 1878 Morris, John. See India, C, Palreonto- logia Indica : Appendix 2. Morris, Prof. J. See Murchison. Morris, J. H. Report on the Administra- tion of the Central Provinces for the year 1867-68 8 Nagpore [1868] Morris, R. The Etymology of Local Names ; with a short introduction to the Relationship of Languages. Teutonic names. 12* . N.D. Morrison, Walter. The Recovery of Jerusalem : a Narrative of Exploration and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land. By Capt. Wilson, Capt. Warren, &c. With an Introduction by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley ; edited by W. Morri- son. Maps and plates. 8 1871 [1870] Morritt. See Walpole, Turkey : Appen- dix I. Morrona, Alessandro da. Pisa Antica e Moderna. Map. 8 Pisa, 1821 Morse, E. S. Shell Mounds of Omori. Plates. 4* Tokio, 1879 Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow-Release. (From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. 17.) 8* 1885 Japanese Homes and their Surround- ings. (Peabody Academy of Science : Memoirs, Vol. 2). Illustrations. Small folio Boston, Mass., 1 886 Morse, Jedidiah. Report of the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, comprising a Tour in 1820 for the purpose of ascertaining the Actual State of the Indian Tribes in our Country. Map and portrait. 8 New Haven, Conn., 1822 Morse, Sidney E. System of Geography for the Use of Schools. Maps and wood- cuts. 4 New York, 1845 Morsier, F. de. Expedition au Pole Nord : Esquissc des projets proposes jusqu'a ce jour pour son execution. 8* [1867] Mortillet Gabriel. Guide du Baigneur et de PEtranger a Aix-les-Bains (Savoie). (Notes statistiques et historiques sur la Savoie.) 16* ChambJry, 1855 Mortillet, G. de. Collection Prehistorique. [Illustrated Catalogue.] 8 N.D, Mortimer, George. Observations and Remarks made during a Voyage to the Islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Islands near Van Diemen's Land ; Ota- heite, Sandwich Islands ; Owhyhee, the Fox Islands on the North- West Coast of America, Tinian, and from thence to Canton, in the brig " Mercury," &c. Maps and plate. 4 i?9l Morton, Alexander. Notes of a Trip to New Guinea. 8* [Hobart, N.D.] Handbook for the Use of the Members of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science : Hol.art Meet- ing, 1892. Map and plan. 12 Hobart, 1891 Morton, Samuel G. Crania Americana ; or, A Comparative View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America, with an Essay on the Varieties of the Human Species. Map' and plates. Folio Philadelphia, 1839 - Crania /Egyptiaca ; or, Observations on Egyptian Ethnography, derived from Anatomy, History, and the Monuments. Plates. 4 Philadelphia, 1844 Morton, W. J. South African Diamond Fields, and the Journey to the Mines. 8 New York, 1877 Mortsell, E. See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Mosca-Barzi, Carlo. Saggio di una Nuova Spiegazione del Flusso e Riflusso del Mare. Plates. 4 Pesaro, 1764 Moschini, Giann Antonio. Guida per la Citta di Pad ova, all' amico delle Belle Arti. Map and plates. 12 Venice, 1817 Moseley, Prof. H. N. Oregon, its Re- sources, Climate, People, and Produc- tions. Map. 12 1878 Notes by a Naturalist on the "Chal- lenger " : being an Account of various Observations made during the Voyage of H.M.S "Challenger" round the World, in the years 1872-76, under the command of Capt. Sir G. S. Nares and Capt. F. T. Thomson. Map, coloured plates, andwood- cuts. 8 1879 The same. New edition. 8 1892 Mosenthal, Julius de, and J. E. Harting. Ostriches and Ostrich Farming. Plates. 8 1877 Moser, Henri. A Travers 1'Asie Centrale, la Steppe Kirghize, le Turkestan Russe, Boukhara, Khiva, le Pays des Turco- mans et la Perse, Impressions dc Voyage. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Paris [1885] Moser, Louis. The Caucasus and its People ; with a brief History of their Wars, and a Sketch of the Achievements of the renowned Chief Shamyl. 8 1856 Mosquera, Gen. T. C. de. Memoria sobre la Geografia, Fi'sica y Politica, de la Nueva Granada. Map. 8 New York, 1852 MOS MOU. 329 Mosquera, Gen. T. C. de. Memoir of the Physical and Political Geography of New Granada ; translated from the Spanish, by Theodore Dwight. Map. 8 New York, 1853 Compendio de Geografia, General, Politica, Fisica, y especial de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. 8 1866 Moss, Dr. Edward L. Shores of the Polar Sea : a Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Map, chromo- lithographs, and engravings. Large folio 1878 Moss, Frederick J. Through Atolls and Islands in the Great South Sea. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8 1 889 Mossman, Samuel. Australasia and Australia ; contributed to the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. 4 Edinburgh, 1853 and T. Banister. Australia Visited and Revisited : a Narrative of Recent Travels and Old Experiences in Victoria and New South Wales. Maps. 8 1853 Mott, Albert J. On the Literature of Expeditions to the Nile. 8* [Liverpool, 1867] Notes on Easter Island. 8* Liverpool, 1 88 1 Mott, F. T. The Fruits of all Countries : a Preliminary Catalogue. Oblong 8* Leicester, 1883 Motta, Alexio da. See Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix I. Motte, Standish. Outline of a System of Legislation for securing Protection to the Aboriginal Inhabitants of all Countries Colonised by Great Britain. 8* 1840 Mouat, Dr Fred. J. Rough Notes of a Trip to Reunion, the Mauritius, and Ceylon ; with Remarks on their Eligibility as Sanitaria for Indian Invalids. Map and woodcuts. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1852 Adventures and Researches among the Andaman Islanders. Map and illus- trations. 8 i 863 Moubach, A. C. G. Zorgdrager'sbloeyende Opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche Visscherij, &c. , met eene korte Historische Beschryving der Noor- derc Gewesten, voornamentlyk Groen- landt, Yslandt, Spitsbergen, NovaZembla, Jan Mayen Eilandt, de Straat Davis, en al't aamerklykste in d'Ontdekking deezer I^anden en in de Visscherij voorgevalten, met Byvoeging van de Walvischvangst. Maps and plate. 4 Amsterdam, 1720 Mouchez, Ernest. Observations Chrono- metriques faites pendant la Campagne de Circumnavigation de la corvette " La Capricieuse." 8 Paris, 1855 Nouveau Manuel de la Navigation dans le Rio de la Plata d'apres les Docu- ments Francais et Espagnols. 8 Paris, 1862 Mouchez, Ernest. Longitudes Chrono- metriques des principaux points de la Cote clu Bresil. 8 Paris, 1863 Recherches sur la Longitude de la Cote Orientale de 1'Amerique clu Sud. 8* Paris, 1866 Les Cotes clu Bresil, Description et Instructions Nautiques. Maps. 8 Paris, 1866 Mouette, Sieur. See Tellez ; also Gott- fried : Appendix I. Mouhot, Henri. Travels in the Central Parts of Index-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos during 1858-60. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1864 Moulle, A. Memoire sur la Geologic generate et sur les Mines de Diamants de 1'Afrique clu Sud. Maps, plans, and sections. 8 Paris, 1885 Mounsey, A. H. A Journey through the Caucasus and the Interior of Persia. Map. 8 1872 - The Satsuma Rebellion : an Episode of Modern Japanese History. Maps. Small 8 1879 " Mountaineer." A Summer Ramble in the Himalayas, with Sporting Adventures in the Vale of Cashmere. Plate. 8 1860 Mounteney-Jephson, A. J. See Jephson. Mouqueron, P. A. See Paz Soklan, M. Moura, J. Le Royaume clu Cambodge. 2 vols. Maps, plans, and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1883 Moura, J. de Santo A. See Ibn liatuta. Mouravieff and Gladisheff.. See Khani- koff, Y. B. Mouraviev, N. Voyage en Turcomanie eta Khiva, 1819-20 ; contenant le Journal de son Voyage, le Recit de la Mission clont il etait charge, la Relation dc sa Captivite dans la Khivie, la Description Geographique et Historique clu Pays. Traduit clu Russe par M. G. Lacointe de Laveau ; revu par J. B. Eyries et J. Klaproth. Map and plate. 8 Paris, 1823 Journey to Khiva through the Turco- man Country, 1819-20. Translated from the Russian (1824) by Philipp Strahl, Bonn ; and from the German (1871) by Captain W. S. A. Lockhart. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1871 See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Moure, J. G. Amedeo, and V. A. Malte-Brun. Tratado de Gok, Guide, Directory, and Almanac for 1863. Small 8 Buenos Ayres, 1863 From Europe to Paraguay and Matto- Grosso. Map. 8 1877 Handbook of the River Plate: com- prising the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Paraguay. 5th edition. Maps. Small 8 Buenos Ayres, 1885 Mullens, Joseph. Missions in South India Visited and Described. Map. Royal 8 1854 Mullens, Rev. J. Twelve Months in Madagascar. Map and plates. 8 1875 Miiller, Albert. On the Dispersal of Non-migratory Insects by Atmospheric Agencies. 8* 1871 Ein Fund vorgeschichtlicher Stein- geriithe l>ei Basel. Photograph. Large 8* JiMe, 1875 Miiller, Dr August. Orientalische Biblio- graphic unter Mitwirkung der Herren Prof. Dr A. Bezzenberger, Dr Th. Gleiniger, Dr R. J. H. Gottheil, Dr Joh. Miiller, Prof. Dr H. L. Strack, Dr K. Vollers, Dr Th. Ch. L. Wijnmalen, u.a. ; und mil Unterstiitzung der Deut- schen Morgenland. Gesellschaft. Her- ausgegeben von Prof. Dr A. Miiller. Vols. I to 5. 8 Berlin, 1888-93 [Continued to date under the editorship of Dr E. Kuhn, with the co-operation of Dr Lucian Scherman and others.] Miiller, C. Geographi Greed Minores : e codicibus recognovit, prolegomenis an- notatione indicibus instruxit, tabulis Deri incisis illustravit. 2 vols. and Atlas. 8 Paris, 1855-61 VOL. I. Hannonis Carthaginiensis Peri- plus. Scylacis, ut fertur, Periplus. Dicsearchi, ut fertur, Periegesis. Aga- tharchidis de Mari Erythrseo Libri. Scymni Chii, ut fertur, Periegesis. Dionysii Calliphontis F. Periegesis. Isidori Characeni Mansiones Parthicce. Anonymi Periplus Maris Erythrrei. Arriani Indica et Ponti Periplus. Anonymi Periplus Ponti Euxini. Anonymi Stadiasmus Maris Magni. Marciani Heracleensis Peripli. VOL. 2. Dionysii Anaplus Bospori. Dionysii Periegesis. Avieni Para- phrasis. Prisciani Paraphrasis. Eus- tathii Commentarii. Anonymi Para- phrasis. Scholia in Dionysium. Nicephori Geographia. Agathemeri Geographia. Anonymi Geographia. Anonymi Orbis Descriptio. Chres- tomathia Straboniana. Pseudoplutarchi Liber de Fluviis. and T. Miiller. Fragmenta Histori- corum Gnecorum. Apollodori Biblio- theca cum Fragmentis. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1874 Miiller, Christian. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 20; Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Miiller, C. O. History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Oxford, 1830 Miiller, Ferdinand. Considerations sur la Prevision des Tempetes, et specialement sur celles du I au 4 Decembre 1863. Plates. 4* St Petersburg, 1864 Unter Tungusen und Jakuten : Erleb- nisse und Ergebnisse der Olenek-Ex- pedition der kaiserlich Russischen Geo- graphischen Gesellschaft in St Petersburg. Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1882 Miiller, F. H. Historisch-geographische Darstellung des Stromsystems der Wolga. 8 Berlin, 1839 332 MUL MUN. Muller, Ferdinand Max. Proposals for a Missionary Alphabet, submitted to the Alphabetical Conferences held at the Residence of Chevalier Bunsen, Jan. 1854. Table. 8* 1854 The Sacred Books of the East. Vols. 1-33, 37, 4i- 8 Oxford, 1879-94 Muller, Dr Friedrich. Die Aequatoriale Sprachfamilie in Central Afrika. 8* Vienna, 1892 See " Novara." Muller, Dr G. F. H. See Ritter ; Seetzen. Muller, Prof. H. D. See Bent. Muller, Dr Johannes. DieIIumlx>ldts-Bai und Cap Bonpland in Neu-Guinea : eth- nographisch und physikalisch untersucht durch eine Niederlanclisch-indische Com- mission. Plates. 4* Berlin, 1864 Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesellschaften Deutschlands in neun- zehnten Jahrhundert. Bibliographic ihren Veroffenllichungen seit ihrer Begriindung bis auf die Gegenwart. Ersie Lief. 4 Berlin, 1883 Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesellschaften Deutschlands, &c. Liefe- rungen4-n. 4 Berlin, 1884-87 See Muller, Dr A. Muller, Robert. See Dorn, A. Muller, Salomon. Berigten over Sumatra, &c. Map. 8* Amsterdam, 1837 Reizen en Onderzoekingen in den Indischen Archipel, gedaan op last der Nederlandsche Indische Regering, in 1828 en 1836. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1857 Geschiedenis der Noordsche Com- pagnie. 8 Utrecht, 1874 See Gerritsz. Muller, Willi. Die Umsegelung Afrikas durch Phiinizische Schiffer urns Jahr 600 v. Chr. Geb. 8 Rathenow, N. u. Muller- Beeck, George. Reise-Notizen von Teneriffa. Chart and illustrations. Large 8* Frankfort-o-M., 1879 Muller- Beeck, F. G. Unsere wissen- schaftliche Kenntniss von Korea. Vor- trag gehalten am 4 Juli 1882, in der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Greifs- wald. Plate. 8* Greifswald, 1882 - Eine Reise durch Portugal. Map. 8 Hamburg, 1883 Miiller-Simonis, P. Relation des Mis- sions scientifiques de MM. H. Hyvernat et P. Miiller-Simonis (1888-89). D" Caucase au Golfe Persique i travers 1'Armenie, le Kurdistan, et la Mesopo- tamie . . . suivie de notices sur la geographic et 1'histoire ancienne de 1'Armenie, et les inscriptions cuneiformes du bassin de Van, par H. Hyvernat. Maps and illustrations. Large 4 Paris, 1892 Muller, Frederik. Catalogue de Livres, Atlas, Portraits, et Planches sur la Russie. 8* Amsterdam, 1870 Les Indes Orientales. Catalogue de Livres sur les Possessions Neerlandaises aux Indes. 8 Amsterdam, 1882 Muller, Dr George A. Laguet or Laghetto : a Historical Sketch of its Shrine. Illustration. 12* Nice, 1884 Muller, G. F., and P. S. Pallas. Con- quest of Siberia ; and the History of the Transactions, Wars, Commerce, &c. , carried on between Russia and China from the Earliest Period. 8 1842 Muller, H. C. Frcroernes Fuglefauna med Bemrerkninger om Fuglefangsten. 8* Copenhagen, 1863 Muller, Hendrik P. N. Een Bezoek aan de Delagoa-Baai en de Lijdenburgsche Goudvelden. Illustrations. 8* Haarlem, 1887 Beknopt Verslag van de Voordracht over Oost- Afrika Gehouden door den Heer Hendrik P. N. Muller, naar Aan- leiding Zijner Reizen in Afrika, op 19 Maart 1887 in het Nederlandsch Aar- clrijkskundig Genootschap. Map. 8* Amsterdam [1887] Herinneringen nit Afrika. Frag- ment van een Reisverhaal. Natal. 12* 1888 Zuid-Afrika. Maps and plates. 8 Leyden [1889] Industrie des Cafres du sucl-est de 1'Afrique. Collection recueillie sur les lieux, et Notice ethnographique. De- scription des objets represented par Joh. F. Snelleman. Plates. 4 Leyden [1893 ?] Muller, Jean. Histoire des Suisses. Tra- duite de 1'Allemand. Vols. 1-6. 8 Lausanne, 1 795 -97 Muller, Vsevolod. Ossete Studies. Part 3. [In Russian.] 8 Moscow, 1887 Milliner, Johann. Die Bevolkerungs- dichte Tirols. Map. 8* [Vienna, 1889] Mumsen, Dr Jacob. Rcise nach Nor- wegen im 1788. 12 Hamburg, 1789 Mun, T. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 5: Appendix i. Munch, Peter Andreas. Jus Nauticum Recentius quod inter Norvegos olini valuit. 4* Christ iania, 1838 Symbolic ad Historiam Antiquiorem rerum Norvegicarum. 2 Facsimiles. 4* Christ iania, 1850 Aslak Bolts Jordelx>g. Fortegnelse over Jordegods og Andre Herligheder tilhorende Erkebiskopsstolen i Nidaros, affattet ved Erkebiskop Aslak Bolts foranstaltning, 1432-49. 8 Christiania, 1852 MUN MUR. 333 Munch, Peter Andreas. Olafs Konungs Tryggvasunar. Kong Olaf Tryggvescins Saga, forfattet paa Latin hcnimocl Slut- ningcn af del Tolfte Aarhundrcde af Odd Snorrcson ; udgiven af P. A. Munch. Facsimile. 8 Christiania, 1853 - Ved Paul Botten Hansen. 8* Christiania, 1863 - and C. R. Unger. .Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga. Udforligere Saga om Kong Olaf den llellige, efter det reldste fuldstrcndige pcrgaments Haand- skrift i det store Kongelige Bihliothek i Stockholm. Udgivet efter faranstaltning af det Akademiske Collegium ved det Kong. Norske Fredericks Universitei. 8 Christiania, 1853 Mundella, A. J. See Plener. Mundy, D. L. Rotomahana, and the Boiling Springs of New Zealand. A Photographic Series of Sixteen Views, with Descriptive Notes by F. von Hoch- stetter. 4 1875 Mundy, Gen. GodfreyC. Our Antipodes, or a Residence and Rambles in the Australasian Colonies ; with a Glimpse of the Gold Fields. Vols. I and 3. Plates. 8 1852 Pen and Pencil Sketches in India : Journal of a Tour in India. Map and plates. 8 1858 Mundy, Capt. Rodney. Narrative of the Events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the Occupation of Labuan, from the Journals of James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak ; with a Narrative of the Opera- tions of II. M.S. "Iris." 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1848 Munier, . Essai d'une Methode Gene- rale propre a etendre les Connoissances des Voyageurs, ou Recueil d'Observa- tions relatives a 1'IIistoire, a la Reparti- tion des Impots, au Commerce, aux Sciences, aux Arts, et a la Culture des Terres ; le tout appuye sur des fails exacts, et enrichi d'experiences utiles. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1779 Munk, J. See Monck ; also Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Munro, H. T. See Stott. Munro, J. A. R. See Hogarth. Munster, Sebastian. Cosmographia Uni- versalis. [Title wanting.] Maps and plates. Folio Bale, 1550 Miinzenberger, E. F. A. Abessinicn und seine Bedeutung fur unsere Zeit . . . herausgegeben von Joseph Spill- mann, S. J. Map and illustrations. 8 Freiburg ini Brcisgau, \ 892 Munzinger, Werner. Ueber die Sitlen und das Recht der Bogos ; mil cinem Vorwort von J. M. Ziegler. Map. 4* Winter thur, 1859 Munzinger, Werner. Ostafrikanische Studien. Map. 8 Schaffhansen, 1864 Bericht an den Schweizerischen Bundesrath vom 27 Marz, 1863. 12* N.P., 1863 Ostafrikanische Studien von [Re- view]. 12* N.P. , N.D. - See Heuglin ; Wild, G. Muraviev. See Mouraviev. Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. Sup- plementary Remarks on the Strata of the Oolitic Series, and the Rocks associated with them, in the Counties -f Sutherland and Ross, and in the Hebrides. Plate. 4* 1827 On the Relations of the Tertiary and Secondary Rocks forming the Southern Flanks of the TyroleseAlps near Bassano. Plate. 8* 1829 Outline of the Geology of the Neigh- bourhood of Cheltenham. Plate, 8* Cheltenham, 1834 The same. New edition, augmented and revised by J. Buckman and H. E. Strickland. Map and plates. 8 Cheltenham, 1845 The Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Heieford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Mon- mouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Staf- ford ; with Descriptions of the Coal- Fields and Overlying Formations. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 4 I&39 First Sketch of some of the Results of a Second Geological Survey of Russia. 8* [1841] Two Vols. of Geographical Addresses, 1844-61, 1863-71. 8 1844-71 Additional Remarks on the Deposit of CEningen in Switzerland. 8* J 846 On the Silurian Rocks and their Associates in Parts of Sweden ; with a Postscript. Plate. 8* 1847 On the Geological Structure of the Alps, Caipathians, and Apennines. 8* 1849 On the Development of the Permian System in Saxony, as communicated by Prof. Naumann. 8* 1849 On the Earlier Volcanic Rocks of the Papal States, and the adjacent parts of Italy. 8* 1850 On the Vents of Hot Vapour in Tuscany, and their Relations to Ancient Lines of Fracture and Eruption. 8* 1850 On the Distribution of the Hint Drift of the South-East of England to the South and North of the Weald, and over the Surface of the South Downs. 8* 1851 334 MUR Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. On the Slaty Rocks of the Sichon, and on the Origin of the Mineral Springs of Vichy. (2 papers.) 8* 1851 Vol. of Pamphlets on the Geology of Scotland ; with Geological Map of Scot- land, and Explanations. Plates. 8 1851-62 On the meaning of the term " Silurian System " as adopted by Geologists in various countries during the last ten years. 8* 1852 Siluria : the History of the Oldest known Rocks containing Organic Re- mains ; with a Brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold over the Earth. Maps and plates. 8 1854 Additional Observations on the Silurian and Devonian Rocks near Christiania in Norway. 8* 1855 Note on the Relative Position of the Strata, near Ludlow, containing the Ichthyolites described by Sir P. Egerton. Plates. 8* ' 1857 The Silurian Rocks and Fossils of Norway, as described by M. T. Kjerulf ; those of the Baltic Province of Russia, by Prof. Schmidt ; and both compared with their British Equivalents. 8* 1858 Table showing the Vertical Range of the Silurian Fossils of Britain. 8* 1859 Siluria : the History of the Oldest Fossiliferous Rocks and their Founda- itons ; with a Brief Sketch of the Distri- bution of Gold over the Earth, including "The Silurian System." Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 8 1 859 On the Commercial and Agricultural Value of certain Phosphate Rocks of the Anguilla Isles in the Leeward Islands. 8* 1859 Supplemental Observations on the Order of the Ancient Stratified Rocks of the North of Scotland. 8* 1860 On the Inapplicability of the New Term "Dyas"tothe "Permian"Groupof Rocks, as proposed by Dr Geinitz. 8* 1861 On the Permian Rocks of North- Eastern Bohemia. 8* 1863 On the Gneiss and other Azoic Rocks, and on the superjacent Palaeozoic Forma- tions of Bavaria and Bohemia. Woodcuts. 8* 1863 Biographical Notice of. 4* Geneva, 1866 Siluria : a History of the Oldest Rocks in the British Isles and other Countries ; with Sketches of the Origin and Distribu- tion of Native Gold, the General Succes- sion of Geological Formationsand Changes of the Earth's Surface. 4th edition (in- cluding "The Silurian System"). Map and plates. 8 1867 Review of Professor Alphonse Favre's Geological Researches in the Vicinity of Mont Blanc. 8* iSGS Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. Letter from Sir R. I. Murchison to the London Scotsman, and leader thereon, "Where is Livingstone ?" 8* 1869 Biographical Notice, by G. von Helmersen. 8* St Petersburg, 1871 On the Distribution of the Superficial Detritus of the Alps, as compared with that of Northern Europe. 8* N.D. On the Superficial Detritus of Sweden, and on the Probable Causes which have affected the Surface of the Rocks in the Central and Southern Portions of that Kingdom. 8* N.D. Brief Review of the Classification of the Sedimentary Rocks of Cornwall. 8* N.U. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, based on his Journals and Letters ; with Notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, and a Sketch of the Rise and Growth of Palaeozoic Geology in Britain, by Archibald Geikie. 2 vols. Portraits. 8 1875 See MacClintock, F. L. ; Miari ; Sedgwick, A. ; also India, C, Geological Papers : Appendix 2. - and Robert Harkness. On the Permian Rocks of the North- West of England, and their Extension into Scot- land. 8* 1864 and Prof. J. Morris. On the Palaeo- zoic and their associated Rocks of the Thuringerwakl and the Ilarz. 8* 1855 and H. E. Strickland. On the Upper Formations of the New Red Sand- stone System in Gloucestershire, Wor- cestershire, and Warwickshire. Map and plate. 4* 1837 - Edouard de Verneuil, and Count Alex, von Keyserling. On the Geo- logical Structure of the Central and Southern Regions of Russia in Europe, and of the Ural Mountains. Royal 8* 1842 The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. Vol. I, Geology; Vol. 2, Paleontologie. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1 845 Ditto. Plates and maps. 4, in case. Murphy, B. F. Memoir on the Gold Coast, or a Political Description of the Value, Resources, and Present State of that highly interesting Country, and a Demonstration of the Means whereby it may be completely subjugated. Maps. Small 4. MS. 1831 Murphy, H. C. The Voyage of Giovanni Verrazzano : a Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America. Maps. 8 New York, 1875 Murphy, J. Cavanah. History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain : containing General History of the Arabs. Map. 4 1816 Murphy, J. L. The Figure of the Earth. 8* 1853 MUR. 335 Murphy, J. M. Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 8 1879 Murr, C. G. von. See Bayer. Murray, Alexander. Report upon the Geographical Survey of Newfoundland for the year 1870. Map and plates. 8* St John's, 1870 Copy of Letter respecting the Lumber Capabilities and General Fertility of the Country in the Neighbourhood of the Gander River, Newfoundland. 8* [St John's, 1874] Glaciation of Newfoundland. 4* 1882 Murray, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. 2 vols. 8 1856 Murray, Andrew. The Geographical Dis- tribution of Mammals. Maps and plates. 4- 1866 Murray, Mrs Elizabeth. Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain, and the Canary Islands. 2 plates. 8 1859 Murray, Hon. George. See Callander, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Murray, Hon. Henry A. Lands of the Slave and the Free ; or Cuba, the United States, and Canada. Maps and plates. 8 1857 Murray, Hugh. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; including the Substance of the late Dr Leyden's Work on that subject. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1818 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1820 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America ; including the United States, Canada, the Shore of the Polar Sea, and the Voyages in Search of a North- West Passage. Vol. i. Map. 8 1829 The United States of America, their History from the Earliest Period : their Industry, Commerce, Banking Transac- tions, and National Works ; their Insti- tutions and Character, Political, Social, and Literary ; and a Survey of the Terri- tory, and Remarks on the Prospects and Plans of Emigration ; with Illustrations of Natural History by James Nicol. 3 vols. Portraits and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1844 assisted by W. Wallace, R. Jame son, W. J. Hooker, and W. Swain- son. Encyclopaedia of Geography : comprising a Complete Description of the Earth, Physical, Statistical, Civil, and Political ; exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Struc- ture, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Murray, Hugh, and others continued. Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. 2 vols. Maps and wood- cuts. 8 i 834 Murray, Hugh, J. Crawford,'P. Gordon, Capt. T. Lynn, W. Wallace, and G. Burnett. Historical and Descriptive Accotmt of China : its Ancient and Modern History, Language, Literature, Religion, Government, Industry, Man- ners, and Social State ; Intercourse with Europe from the Earliest Ages ; Survey of its Geography, Geology, Botany, and Zoology, &c. 3 vols. Map and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1836 Historical and Descriptive Account of British America : comprehending Canada (Upper and Lower), Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Ed- ward Island ; the Bermudas and the Fur Countries ; their History from the Earliest Settlement, &c. ; also an Account of the Manners and Present State of the Abori- ginal Tribes : to which is added a Full Detail of the Principles and best Modes of Emigration ; with Illustrations of the Natural History, by J. Wilson, R. K. Greville, and Prof. Traill. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1839 Murray, Hugh, Prof. Jameson, and J. Wilson. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; with Illustra- tions of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology. Maps and woodcuts. 1 2 Edinburgh, 1840 See Marco Polo. Murray, James. Notes on the Climate and Diseases of the Satara Territory. Table. [From the India, Bombay Selections, No. 41.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 Murray, John. Handbooks for Travel- lers. Maps ami plans. Post 8. Travel-Talk : being a collection of Questions, Phrases, and Vocabularies, in English, German, French, and Italian, intended to serve as interpreter to Eng- lish Travellers abroad or Foreigners visiting England. i6th edition. 1882 [UNITED KINGDOM.] London, as it is. 2nd edition. 1874 Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. 2nd and 4th editions. 1865, 1888 Kent and Sussex. 3rd edition. 1868 Sussex. 4th edition. 1877 The same. 5th edition. 1893 Kent. 5th edition. 1892 Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somerset- shire. 2nd and 4th editions. 1869,1882 Westmorland, Cumberland, and the Lakes. 2nd edition. 1869 Shropshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire. 1870 336 MUR. Murray, John. Shropshire and Cheshire. 2nd edition. 1879 Lancashire. 2nd edition. 1880 Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cam- bridgeshire. 1870 The same. 3rd edition 1892 Devon and Cornwall. 8th edition. 1872 Devonshire. 9th and loth editions. 1879, 1887 Cornwall. 9th, loth, and nth edi- tions. 1879, 1882, 1893 Durham and Northumberland. 2nd edition. 1873 The same. New edition. 1890 Yorkshire. 2nd and 3rd editions. 1874, 1882 Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire. 2nd and 3rd editions. 1872, 1884 Berks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire ; in- cluding a particular Description of the University and City of Oxford, and the Descent of the Thames to Maidenhead and Windsor. 2nd and 3rd editions. 1872, 1882 Oxfordshire. 1894 Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leices- tershire, and Staffordshire. 2nd edition. 1874 The same. 3rd edition. 1892 Northamptonshire and Rutland. 1878 England and Wales ; alphabetically arranged for the use of travellers. 1878 The same. 2nd edition. 1890 Lincolnshire. 1890 The English Lakes included in the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. 1889 North Wales. 4th and 5th editions. 1874, 1885 South Wales and its borders, includ- ing the River Wye. 2nd and 4th edi- tions. 1870, 1890 Scotland. 3rd and 5th editions. 1873, 1884 Ireland. 3rd and 4th editions. 1871, 1878 [EUROPEAN CONTINENT.] The Continent : Part I. Being a Guide to Holland, Belgium, Rhenish Prussia, and the Rhine from Holland to Mayence. i8th and 1 9th editions. 1873, i876 The same. Part II. Being a Guide to North Germany from the Baltic to the Black Forest, the Hartz, Thiiringer- wald, Saxon Switzerland, Riigen, the Giant Mountains, Taunus, Odenwald, and the Rhine Countries from Frankfurt to Basle, c. 1 8th and 1 9th editions. 1874, 1877 Paris. 1874, 1879 The same. New edition. 1882 Murray, J. France Alsace and Lorraine: being a Guide to Normandy, Brittany; the rivers Seine, Loire, Rhone, and Garonne; the French Alps, Dauphine, the Pyrenees, Provence, and Nice, &c. ; the railways and principal roads. 1 2th edition. Parts I. and II. 1873 The same. Part I. Containing Artois, Picardy, Normandy, Brittanny, the Seine and Loire, the Garonne, Bor- deaux, Limousin, Gascony, the Pyrenees, &c. 1 5th edition. 1879 The same. Part II. I5th edition. 1881 - The same. Parts I. and II. i6th edition. 1882-84 The same. 2 vols. i8th edition. 1892 Holland and Belgium. 2Oth and 2lst editions. 1881, 1889 North Germany from the Baltic to the Black Forest, and the Rhine from Hol- land to Basle. 2oth edition 1886 Southern Germany : being a Guide to Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, &c. , the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea. I2th and I4th editions. 1873, 1879 South Germany and Austria. I4th edition. With a Supplement. 1881 The same. 1 5th edition. 2 parts. 1890 Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. I5th edition. 1874 The same (including the Italian Lakes, and part of Dauphine). 1 6th edition. 2 vols. J 879 Switzerland. I7th edition. 2 vols. 1886 The same. i8th edition. 2 parts. 1891-92 Portugal : a Complete Guide for Lisbon, Cintra, Mafra, the British Battle- fields, Alcobaca, Batalha, Oporto, &c. 3rd and 4th editions 1864, 1887 Spain, by Richard Ford. 2 vols. 1855 Part I. Andalucia, Ronda and Gra- nada, Murcia, Valencia, and Cata- lonia ; the Portions best suited for the Invalid. A Winter Tour. Part 2. Estremadura, Leon, Galicia, the Asturias, the Castiles (Old and New), the Basque Provinces, Arra- gon, and Navarre. A Summer Tour. - The same. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th editions. 1869, 1878, 1882, 1888, 1892 The Riviera, comprising Provence and Dauphine, and the Coast line from Mar- seilles to Genoa. 1890 Rome and its Environs, nth, I3th, and I4lh editions. 1873, 1881, 1888 Northern Italy : States of Sardinia, Lombardy and Venice, Parma and Pia- cenza, Modena, Lucca, Massa-Carrara, and Tuscany, as far as the Val d'Arno. 1842 MUR. 337 Murray, John. Northern Italy : com- prising Turin, Milan, Pavia, Cremona, the Italian Lakes, Bergamo, Brescia, Verona, Mantua, Vicenza, Padua, Venice, Fer- rara, Bologna, Ravenna, Rimini, Mo- dena, Parma, Piacenza, Genoa, the Riviera, and the intermediate towns and routes. I3th, I5th, and i6th editions. 1874, 1883, 1891 Central Italy, including the Papal States, Rome, and the Cities of Etruria. 1843 The same, including Florence, Lucca, Tuscany and its off-lying islands, Um- bria, the Marches, and part of the late patrimony of St Peter. 8th, loth, and nth editions. 2 vols. 1874, 1880, 1889 Southern Italy : being a Guide for the Continental Portion of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, including the City of Naples and its Suburbs, Pompeii, Her- culaneum, Vesuvius, the Islands of the Bay of Naples, and that portion of the. Papal States which lies between the Contorni of Rome and the Neapolitan Frontier. By Octavian Blewitt 1853 The same. Part I., comprising the Continental States and Island of Sardinia, Lombardy, and Venice. 1858 The same. Part II., Parma, Piacenza, Modena, Florence, Pisa, Lucca, and Tuscany as far as the Val d'Arno. 1858 The same. Comprising the Provinces of the Abruzzi, Terra di Lavoro, Naples, the Principati, Benevento, Capitanata, Molise, Basilicata, Terra di Bari, Terra d'Otranto, Calabria, &c. 7th and 8th editions. 1873, 1878 The same. 8th edition. 1883 The same, and Sicily. 9th edition. 2 parts. 1890 The Islands of Corsica and Sardinia. 1868 The Mediterranean, its Cities, Coasts, and Islands. By Lieut. -Col. Sir R. L. Playfair. 2nd edition, 2 parts in I vol., and 3rd edition. 2 vols. 1882, 1890 The Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, and Constantinople, includ- ing a Description of Malta. 1840 Greece, describing the Ionian Islands, Continental Greece, Athens, and the Pelo- ponnesus, the Islands of the Aige&n Sea, Albania, Thessaly, and Macedonia. 4th edition. 1872 - The same. Including the Ionian Islands, Continental Greece, the Pelo- ponnese, the Islands of the yEgean, Crete, Albania, Thessaly, and Mace- donia, and a Detailed Description of Athens, Ancient and Modern, Classical and Mediaeval. 2 parts. 5th edition. 1884 Northern Europe. Part II., Finland and Russia. 1849 Y Murray, John. Russia, Poland, and Fin- land. 2nd and 3rd editions (including the Crimea, Caucasus, and Central Asia). 1868, 1875 The same, including the Crimea, Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia. 4th edition. 1888 The same. 5th edition. 1893 Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 3rd edition. 1871 Norway. 5th and 7th editions. 1874, 1880 The same. 8th edition. 1892 Sweden, Stockholm and its vicinity. 4th and 6th editions. 1875, 1883 Denmark, with Sleswig and Holstein. 4th edition. 1875 The same, and Iceland. 5th and 6th editions. 1883, 1893 [AsiA.] Syria and Palestine : including an Account of the Geography, History, Antiquities, and Inhabitants of these Countries, the Peninsula of Sinai, Edom, and the Syrian Desert ; with detailed De- scriptions of Jerusalem, Petra, Damascus, and Palmyra. 2 vols. 1858 Syria and Palestine, including an Account of the Geography, History, Antiquities, and Inhabitants of these countries ; the Peninsula of Sinai, Edom, and the Syrian Desert ; with detailed Descriptions of Jerusalem, Petra, Damas- cus, and Palmyra. Parts I. and II. 2nd edition. 1868 The same. New edition. 1892 Turkey in Asia, including Constan- tinople, the Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Brousa and Plain of Troy. 2nd and 4th editions (including the Isles of Cyprus, Rhodes, &c., Smyrna, Ephesus, and the Routes to Persia, Bagdad, Moosool, &c.) 1871, 1878 India : being an Account of the three Presidencies, and of (he Overland Route ; intended as a Guide for Travellers, Officers, and Civilians ; with vocabularies and dialogues of the spoken languages of India. Part I. Madras ; Part II. Bombay. 1859 The same. The Bengal Presidency ; with an account of Calcutta City. 1882 The same. The Bombay Presidency: with an account of Bombay City. 2nd edition. 1881 The same. The Madras Presidency; with a notice of the Overland Route to India. By E. B. Eastwick. 2nd edition. 1879 - The same. The Punjab, Western Rajputana, Kashmir, and Upper Sinclh. 338 MUR NAD. Murray, John. India and Ceylon ; in- cluding the Provinces of Bengal, Horn- bay, and Madras (the Pan jab, North- West Provinces, Rajputana, Central Pro- vinces, Mysore, &c. ), the NafjVe States, and Assam. Maps and plans 1891 Central and Northern Japan : being a Guide to Toki5, Kioto Uzaka, Hako- date, Nagasaki, and other cities ; the most interesting parts of the Main Is- land ; Ascents of the Principal Moun- tains, Descriptions of Temples, and Historical Notes, &c. By E. M. Satow, C.M.G., and Lieut. A. G. S. II awes. 2nd edition. 1884 Japan. 3rd edition. Revised . . . by'B. H. Chamberlain and W. B. Mason. 1891 [AFRICA.] Egypt ; including Descriptions of the Course of the Nile through Egypt and Nubia, Alexandria, Cairo, the Pyramids, and Thebes, the Suez Canal, the Penin- sula of Mount Sinai, the Oases, the Fyoom, &c. 4th edition. 1873 Lower and Upper Egypt, &c. In 2 parts. 6th and 7th editions. 1880, 1888 - The same. 8th edition. 1891 Algeria. By Lieut. -Col. Sir R. L. Play fair. 1874 Algeria and Tunis : Algiers, Oran, Constantine, Carthage, &c. 2nd and 3rd editions. 1878, 1887 [AUSTRALASIA.] New Zealand, Auckland, the Hot Lake District, Napier, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, the Buller, the West Coast Road, Christchurch, Mount Cook, Dunedin, Otago, the Southern Lakes, the Sounds, &c. By F. W. Pennefather, LL.D. Maps and plans 1893 Murray, John. On the North Sea, with Remarks on some of its Friths and Estuaries. Edited by C. Manby and J. Forrest. Maps. 8 1862 Murray, Dr John. See "Challenger." Murray, Rev. J. H. Travels in Uruguay, South America ; together with an Ac- count of the Present State of Sheep- Farming and Emigration to that Country. Map and illustrations. 8 1871 Murray, Kenric B. Commercial Geo- graphy, considered especially in its Rela- tion to New Markets and Fields of Produc- tion for British Trade. Chart. 12 [1887] Murray, Hon. R. Dundas. Cities and Wilds of Andalucia. 8 1853 Murray, Hon. Mrs S. Guide to the Beauties of Scotland, to the Lakes of Westmorland, Cumberland, Lancashire, &c. 2 vols. 8 !799 Murray, Reginald A. F. Victoria : Geology and Physical Geography. Map and illustrations. 8 Melbourne, 1887 See Victoria, B : Appendix 2. Murray, R. W. South Africa, from Arab Domination to British Rule. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 89 1 Murray, Rev. T. Boyles. Pitcairn, the Island, the People, and the Pastor ; to which is added a Short Notice of the Original Settlement and Present Condi- tion of Norfolk Island. Plates. 12 1860 The same ; revised, and brought up to date, by the Rev. C. C. Elcum. Chart and illustrations. 12 1885 Musaeus. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book i : Appendix I. Musgrave, Capt. Thomas. See Norman, W. II. ; Shillinglaw. Musgrave, G. M. Ramble through Nor- mandy : or, Scenes, Characters, and Incidents in a Sketching Excursion through Calvados. Plates. 8 1855 Mushketof, J. V. Turkestan : a Geo- logical and Orographical Description, from materials collected during Travels undertaken during the years 1874 to 1880. [In Russian.] Vol. I. Map and plates St Petersburg, 1886 Musschenbroek, S. C. J. W. van. Het vaarwater van de Schipbreukelingen van het stoomship " Koning der Neder- landen " en de kansen op him Behoud. Maps. 8* Amsterdam, 1 88 1 Musson, Eugene. Letter to Napoleon III. on Slavery in the Southern States, by a Creole of Louisiana. 8* 1862 Musters, Capt. G. C. At Home with the Patagonians : a Year's Wanderings over Untrodden Ground, from the Straits of Magellan to the Rio Negro. Map and plates. 8 1871 Myers, Francis, and Trant Chambers. The Victorian Tourists' Railway Guide. Edited by " Telemachus " (Francis Myers). Maps. 8 Melbourne, 1892 N Naber, Prof. S. A. See Holland : Ap- pendix 2. Nachtigal, Dr Gustav. Letter to Cheva- lier Negri from Boornou. 8* N.D. - Sahara und Sudan. Ergcbnisse sechsjiihriger Reisen in Afrika. 3 vols. Portrait, maps, and plates. 8 Berlin, 1879-89 - Trauerfeier fur Gustav Nachtigal, 17 Mai 1885. 8* Berlin, 1885 Erinnerungcn an Gustav Nachtigal. Portrait. 8 Berlin, 1887 Nadar, . See Silas, F. Nadarov, I. P. The Southern Ussurian District at the Present Time. (Trans- lated by Lieut. -Col. J. C. Dalton from the Proceedings of the Russian Imperial Geographical Society, Vol. 25, 1889, No. 3). Map. Folio* 1890 NAG NAU. 339 Nagamaiya, V. Report on the Census of Travancore, taken on the I7th February 1881 A.I). (7th Mausy 1056 M.E.), along with the Imperial Census of India. 8 Trcvandrum, 1884 Nalivkine, V. P. Histoire du Khanat de Khokand. Traduit du Russe par Aug. Dozon. [II I c Serie, Vol. 4 of Publica- tions de 1'Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes. ] Large 8 Paris, 1889 Namur, A. Tables de Logarithmes a 12 decimates jusqu'a 434 Milliards. 8 Brussels, 1877 Nansen, Dr Fridtjof. The First Crossing of Greenland. Translated from the Nor- wegian by Hubert Majendie Gepp. 2 vols. Maps ami illustrations. 8 1890 Towards the North Pole. ma/t's Magazine. ) Map. 8* 1890 - Plan til en ny Polarekspedition. Map. 8* [1890] A New Route to the North Pole. (From The Forum.} 8* 1891 Eskimoliv, med Illustrationes af Otto Binding. 8 Christ iania, 1891 Eskimo Life. Translated by William Archer. Illustrations. 8 See Jensen. and H. Mohn. Durchquerung von Gninland. (Erganzungsheft, 105 I'eter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Maps, &c. 4 Got ha, 1892 Naoroji, Dadabhai. The Financial Ad- ministration of India. 8* [^70] Napier, Col. C. J. The Colonies : treating of their Value generally of the Ionian Islands in particular. Mates. 8 1833 Napier, E. Remarks on Ancient Troy and the Modern Troad. 8 N.D. Reminiscences of Syria and the Holy Land. 2 vols. Map and plates. Small 8 [1847] Napier, Col. E. Elers. Excursions in Southern Africa, including a History of the Cape Colony, an Account of the Native Tribes, &c. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1850 Napier, G. F. See VolschinofF. Napier, Capt. the Hon. G. C. Collec- tion of Journals and Reports received from Capt. the Hon. G. C. Napier, Bengal Staff Corps, on Special Duty in Persia, 1874. 8 1876 Napier, Sir William. History of General Sir Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde, and Campaign in the Cutchee Hills. Maps and plates. 8 1851 Napp, R. Die Argentinische Republik. Im Auftrag des Argentin. Central-Comite's fur die Philadelphia Ausstellung, und mil dem Beistand mehrerer Mitarbeitcr. Maps. 8 Jiitciws Ay res, 1876 Narborough, Capt. Sir John. See Burney, Vol. 3 ; Callander, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, 12: Appendix I. Nardi, Francesco. Del Clima di Gon- docoro : Memoria. 4* [flowe] 1861 Diffusione Geographica della Vite : Memoria. 4* Koine, 1862 Sui piu recenti progress! della Geo- grafia. Parte i. 4* Rome, 1862 Sulla Scoperta delle Origini del Nilo fatta da Speke e Grant : Memoria. 4* Koine, 1864 - Ricordi di un Viaggio in Oriente, &c. 8 Rome, 1 866 Sullo stato presente dei lavori pel taglio dell' Istmo di Suez. 4* [Kome, 1867] - Ricerche sui limiti della vita animale nel mare profondo. 4* 1869 Sulle ultime Ricerche nell' Oceano polare artico. Map. 8* Koine, 1872 Europei in America avanti Colomlx). 12* Koine, 1875 Spedizione nell' Africa Equatoriale del Conte Pietro di Brazza-Savorgnan. 4* Kome, 1876 Nares, Sir G. S. Investigations of the Gibraltar Strait Current. Map and plates. 8* 1872 Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-76 in H.M. ships "Alert "and " Discovery," with Notes on the Natural History, edited by H. W. Feilden, Naturalist to the Expedition. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1878 See "Challenger"; Moseley ; also Arctic, C, b : Appendix 2. Narrien, John. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy ; including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. 8 1845 Narvaes, Pamphilio de. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Nasmyth, J., and J. Carpenter. The Moon considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite. Plates. Small 4 1874 "Nassau." See Cunningham, R. O. Nassiri Khosrau. See Schefer, C. Nathorst, A. G. Om Floran i Skanes Kolforande Bildningar. I. (Hefts I and 2) and II. Plates. 4 Stockholm, 1878-79 Annexe explicative a la Carte geolo- gique generate dc la Suede, publiee par 1' Institut Royal Geologique de Suede a 1' e'chelle de I : 1,000,000. Feuille me'ri- dionale, par A.-G. Nathorst. 8* {Stockholm, 1884] See Sweden, A, Geologiska Under- sokning : Appendix 2. Naumann, Dr E. Notes on Secular Changes of Magnetic Declination in Japan. Map and plate. 8* [Tokyo, 1882] Uelx:r den Ban und die Entstehung der Japanischen Inseln. 8* Berlin, 1885 Die Japanische Insetwelt : eine geo- graphisch, geologisch Skizze. Maps. 8* Vienna, 1887 340 NAU NEK. Naumann, Dr E. Die Erscheinungen des Erdmagnetismus in ihrer Abhangigkeit von Bau der Erdrinde. 8* Stuttgart, 1887 Terrestrial Magnetism as Modified by the Structure of the Earth's Crust, and Proposals concerning a Magnetic Survey of the Globe. Plates. 8* [1889] Neue Beitrage zur Geologic und Geo- graphic Japans. (Erganzungsheft, 108 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1893 Vom Goldnen Horn zu den Quellen des Euphrat. Reisebriefe, Tagebuch- blatter und Studien iiber die Asiatische Tiirkei und die Anatolische Bahn. Map and illustrations. 4 Munich, 1893 and M. Neumayr. Zur Geologic und Palaontologie von Japan. Maps and plates. 4* Vienna, 1890 Navarette, Don Martin Fernandez de. Coleccion de los Viages y Descu- brimientos, que hicieron por Mar los Espaiioles desde fines del Siglo XV. , con varios Documentos ineditos concernientes a la Historia de la Marina Castellana y de los Establecimientos Espaiioles en Indias. 5 vols. Maps. 4 Madrid, 1825-37 [For Contents, see Appendix i.] Examination of the Account given by Lorenzo Ferrer Maldonado, of the Discovery of the Strait of Anian, and Notices of the principal Expeditions which have been made in search of that Passage, and of a Communication be- tween the Atlantic Ocean and the South Seas. [MS. in Portuguese.] Small 4 1792 Relations des Quatre Voyages entre- pris pour la decouverte du Nouveau- Monde de 1492 a 1504, suivies de diverses Lettres et Pieces inedites ex- traites des Archives de la Monarchic Espagnole. 3 vols. Maps and portraits. 8 Paris, 1828 See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Churchill, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Nazarov, P. See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Ap- pendix I. Neale, F. A. Eight Years in Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor, from 1842-50. 2 vols. 8 1852 Narrative of a .Residence at the Capital of the Kingdom of Siam, with a Description of the Manners, Customs, and Laws of the Modern Siamese. Map and illustrations. 8 1852 Neamet Ullah. History of the Afghans. Translated from the Persian of Neamet Ullah, by Bernhard Dorn. 2 parts in I. [Oriental Translation Fund.] 4 1829 Nearchus's Voyage. See Harris, Vol. I ; Vincent, Dean : Appendix I. Nebel, C. Voyage Pittoresque et Archaeo- logique dans la partie la plus interessante du Mexique. Folio Paris, 1836 Neck, J. C. van. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Needham, J. F. Report on the Abor Villages beyond the British Frontier. Map and plates. Folio* [Calcutta, 1885] - Report on his Visit to the Alx>r Villages outside the British Territory. Folio* [Calctttta, 1886] - Visit to the Zayul Valley in Eastern Tibet. Folio* {Calcutta} 1 886 Journey along the Lohit Brahmaputra between Sadiya in Upper Assam and Rima in South Eastern Tibet. (Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 2.) Map, 8 1889 Neelmeyer-Vukassowitsch, H. Russ- land. Europiiisches und Asiatisches Russland. 8 Leipzig, 1887 Neff, Felix. See Monson, Lord. Negri, Cristoforo. Del vario grado d'Importanza degli Stati Odierni. 8 Milan, 1841 Movimento della Navigazione Na- zionale ed estera, nei porti dello stato e della Navigazione Nazionale, all' estero. Plate. 8 Turin, 1851 L'Emigrazione Italiana al Plata. 8* 1863 La Grandezza Italiana : Studi Con- fronti e Desiderii. 8 Turin, 1864 La Storia Antica restituita a verita e raffrohtata alia Moderna. 8 Turin, 1865 Due Mesi di Escursione alle Coste Belgiche, Olandesi, e Germaniche. 8* Florence, 1871 Riflessioni sui progetti ferroviarie fra 1'Europa e 1'Asia. 8* Rome, 1878 Spedizione Artica Svedese. 8* [Rome, 1878] Discorso Pronunciato nell' Universita di Padova in occasione della gita fatta dai Membri del Terzo Congresso Geografico Internazionale da Venezia in quella citta. 8* Venice, 1881 Elenco di Portolani. 8* N.P., N.D. Negri, Gaetano. See Stoppani. Neil, A. Annual Report on Meteorological Observations registered in the Punjab, 1868. Folio Lodiana, 1869 - Report on the Meteorology of the Punjab for the year 1869. Charts. Folio Lahore, 1870 Neil, Rev. James. Palestine Explored, with a view to its present Natural Fea- tures, and to the prevailing Manners, Customs, Rites, and Colloquial Expres- sions of its People which throw light on the figurative language of the Bible. Plates. Small 8 1882 Nekkeib Khan. See Asia, General : Ap- pendix 2. NEL NEU. Nelkenbrecher, J. G. Allgemeines Taschenbuch der Miinz-, Maass-, und Gewichtstunde, der Wechsel-, Geld-, und Fondscourse, u. s. w. fur Banquiers und Kaufleute. Herausgegeben von F. G. Feller, und mil neuen Miinz-Tabellen versehen von H. C. Kandelhardt. 12 Berlin, 1848 Nelson, Joseph. Direct Route through the North- West Territories of Canada to the Pacific Ocean : Proposed Hud- son's Bay and Pacific Ra-lway and New Steamship Route. Map. 8* 1893 - The North-West of Canada. (From the Westminster Review.} Large 8* 1893 Nelson, J. H. The Madura Country : a Manual compiled by order of the Madras Government. Map in cover. 8 Madras, 1868 Nelson, W. Five Years at Panama : the Trans- Isthmian Canal. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1891 " Nemesis." See Hall, W. H. Nemeth, Ladislaus von. See Teleki von Szek. Nerciat, Baron de. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix I. Nerker, Dass Gossein. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Nery, F. J. de Santa Anna. Aux Etats Unis du Bresil : Voyages de M. T. Durand. Illustrations. Imperial 8 Paris, N.D. Le Pays des Amazones 1'El-Dorado les Terres a Caoutchouc. Maps and illus- trations. Large 8 1885 La Place de Para. Large 8* Paris, 1887 L'Emigrazioni Italiana ed II Nuovo Disegno di Legge. 8* Paris, 1 888 Guide de 1'Emigrant au Bresil, public par fes soins du Syndicat du Comite Franco-Bresilien pour 1'Exposilion Uni- verselle de 1889 ct redige sous la di- rection de M. F.-J. De Santa- Anna Nery. 12 Paris, 1889 Le Bresil en 1889, avec une Carte de 1'Empire en Chromolithographie, des tableaux statistiques, des graphiques et des cartes. Ouvrage public paroles soins du Syndicat du Comite Franco-Bresilien pour 1'Exposition Universelle de Paris avec la Collaboration de nombreux Kcrivains du Bresil sous la direction de M. F.-J. de Santa- Anr.a Nery. 8 Paris, 1889 L'Emigration et 1'Immigration pen- dant les dernieres annees : Communi- cation faite au premier Congres Geogra- phique Italien tenu a Genes du 18 au 25 Septembre 1892. 8* Paris, 1892 Nesbit, A. A Treatise on Practical Mensuration, to which is added a Treatise on Levelling. Woodcuts. 12 1864 Nestor. Chronique dite de Nestor. Tra- duite sur le texte Slavon-Russe, avec Introduction et Commentaire Critique par Louis Leger. [Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv., II. e Serie, Vol. 13.] Large 8 Paris, 1884 Netto, C. On Mining and Mines in Japan. 4* Tokyo, 1879 Netto, Ladislau. Investigafoes Historicas e Scientificas sobre o Museu Imperial e Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Plate. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1870 - Apuntamentos relativos a Botanica applicada no Brazil. 8* Rio de Janeiro, 1871 Le Museum National de Rio de Janeiro et son influence sur les sciences naturelles au Bresil. 8* Paris, 1889 Neubauer, Adolphe. La Geographic du Talmud. (Etudes Talmudiques, i.) 8 Paris, 1868 Neufville, Capt. J. B. On the Geo- graphy and Population of Assam. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Neuman and Baretti. See Dictionaries, A, Spanish : Appendix 2. Neumann, Carl Friedrich. Pilgerfahrten Buddhistischer Priester von China nach Indien. Part I. 8* Leipzig, 1833 Grundriss zu Vorlesungen liber Lander- und Volkerkunde und allgemeine Sta- tistik. 8* Munich, 1840 Russland und die Tscherkessen. 8 Stuttgart, 1840 Geschichte des Englischen Reiches in Asien. 2 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1867 Neumann, Dr C., and Dr J. Partsch. Physikalische Geographic von Griechen- land, mil besonderer Rlicksicht auf das Alterthum. 8 Breslau, 1885 Neumann, Gustav. Geographisches Lexi- kon des Deutschen Reichs. 2 vols. Plans. Small 8, and Atlas folio Leipzig, 1883 Neumann, Dr L. See Penck's Abhand- lungen, I. Neumayer, Prof. George. .Discussion of the Meteorological and Magnetical Observations made at the Flagstaff Ob- servatory, Melbourne, during, the years 1858-63. Tables. 4" Mannheim, 1867 On the Lunar Atmospheric Tide at Melbourne. 8* 1867 On a Scientific Exploration of Central Australia. Map. 8* 1868 Results of the Magnetic Survey of the Colony of Victoria executed during the years 1858-64. Maps and plate. 4 Mannheim, 1869 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beo- bachtungen auf Reisen ; mil besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bediirfnisse der kaiser- lichen Marine verfasst von P. Ascherson. A. Bastian, &c. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1875 342 NEU-NE^. Neumayer, Prof. George. The same. In Einzel - Abhancllungen . . . heraus- gegeben von Dr G. Neumayer. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Maps ami illustrations. 8 Berlin, 1888 See Leichhardt ; also Arctic, G, Inter- national Polar Observations: Appendix 2. Neumayr, M. Seellolub; Naumann, E. ; also Victoria, D: Appendix 2. Neuville, D., and C. Breard. Les Voyages de Savorgnan de Brazza, 1875- 82. Portrait and map. 8 Paris, 1884 " Neva." See d'Albertis ; Lisiansky. Neves, Jose Accursio das. Considera- oes I'oliticas, e Commerciaes sobre os Descobrimentos, e Possessoes dos Por- tuguezes na Africa e na Asia. 12 Lisbon, 1830 New, Rev. C. Life, Wanderings, and Labours in Eastern Africa ; with an Account of the first successful Ascent of the Equatorial Snow Mountain, Kilima Njaro, and Remarks upon East African Slavery. Portrait, map, and plates. Small 8 1873 Newall, Major-General D. J. F. The Highlands of India Strategically Con- sidered, with special reference to their Colonization as Reserve Circles, Military, Industrial, and Sanitary. Map ami illus- trations. 8 1 882 The same. Vol. 2 : being a Chronicle of Field Sports and Travel in India. Illustrations. 8 1887 Newberie (or Newbery), John. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Newberry, J. S. Reports on the Geology, Botany, and Zoology of Northern Cali- fornia and Oregon, made to the War Department. Plates. 4 Washington, 1857 - The U.S. Sanitary Commission in the Valley of the Mississippi during the War of the Rebellion 1 861-66. Final Report. 8 Cleveland, 1871 See United States, G. c, Surveys ; K, Ohio : Appendix 2. Newbery, J. C. See Victoria, B ; Appen- dix 2. Newbold, Capt. T. J. Political and Statistical Account of the British Settle- ments in the Straits of Malacca, viz., Pinang, Malacca, and Singapore ; with a History of the Malayan States of the Peninsula of Malacca. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1839 On some Ancient Mounds of Scorious Ashes in Southern India. 8* N.r., N.D. Mineral Resources of Southern India. 8* N.P., N.D. On the Processes prevailing among the Hindus, and formerly among the Egyptians, of Quarrying and Polishing Newbold, Capt. T. J. continued. Granite, its Uses, &c. ; with a few Re- marks on the tendency of this Rock in India to Separate by Concentric Exfolia- tion. 8* N.P. , N.D. On the Site of Hai, or Ai, a Royal City of the Canaanites ; with a Notice of those of Nob, Azmaveth, and other Cities of Benjamin, the "Mount of the Amale- kites." &c. 8* N.I'. , N.D. Visit from Wadi Tor to Gebel Nakus, or the Mountain of the Bell, Peninsula of Mount Sinai. 8* N.P., N.D. See India, C, Geological Papers: Ap- pendix 2. Newcomb, Simon. On the Right Ascen- sions of the Equatorial Fundamental Stars and the Corrections necessary to Reduce the Right Ascensions of different Catalogues to a Mean Homogeneous System. 4* Washington, 1872 Researches on the Motion of the Moon. Part I. Reduction and Discussion of Observations of the Moon before 1750. 4 Washington, 1878 Newland, H. Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden : lx;ing Extracts from the Journal of a Fisherman. 1'lates. Small 8 1854 Newland, S. The Far North Country. 8* Adelaide, 1887 The Parkengees, or Alx>riginal Tribes on the Darling River. 8* Adelaide, 1889 Newlands, John A. R. On the Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on Relations among the Atomic Weights. Tables. 12* 1884 Newman, F. W. Essay towards a Gram- mar of the Berber Language. 8* 1836 Newman, J. Instructions necessary to be attended to in using the Standard or Portable Mountain Barometer. 8* 1841 Newport, Capt. Chr. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Kerr, Vol. 9 : Appen- . clix i. Newton, Sir C. T. On the Study of Archeology. 8* 1850 Travels and Discoveries in the Levant. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Large 8 1865 Newton, Henry. See United States, G, b, Surveys : Appendix 2. Newton, R. B. See Baron Newton, Sir I. See Brennecke ; Varenius. Newton, Professor A. See West India Islands : Appendix 2. Newton, Dr Thomas. Life of himself [bound up with the Lives of Dr Zachary Pearce, Dr E. Pocock, and Rev. P. Skelton] 2 vols. 8 1816 Ney, Napoleon. See Brazza. Neyrat, Alexandre- Stanislas. L'Athos : Notes d'une excursion a la Presqu'ile et a la Montague des Moines. Plates. 12 Paris, 1880 NIB NIE. 343 Nibby, Antonio. Viaggio Antiquario ne' contorni cli Roma. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8 Koine, 1819 See I'ausanius. Nibby, Antoine. Itineraire de Rome et de ses Environs. 1 1 th edition. Maps, plans, and plates. 12 A'ome, 1876 Niccolini, Ant. Tavola Metrica-Chrono- logica delle varie Altezze tracciate dalla Superficie del Mare fra la Costa cli Amalfi ed il Promontorio cli Gaeta, &c. 4* Naples, 1849 Nicholas, Sir Harris. The Chronology of History, containing Tables, Calcula- tions, and Statements indispensable for Ascertaining the Dates of Historical Events, &c. New edition. 12 [1838] Nicholas, J. Liddiard. Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand in 1814-15, in company with the Rev. S. Marsden. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1817 See Eyries, Vols. 5 and 6 : Appendix I. Nicholas, W. See Victoria Geological Survey: Appendix 2. Nicholay, N. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 6 : Appendix I. Nicholls, C. F. Probability of a Deep Lead of Gold round Melbourne. 8* Mel/tour ne, 1865 Nicholls, Capt. George. See Telford. Nicholls, K., E. Arnold, and Col. J. A. Grant. Remarks on a Proposed Line of Telegraph overland from Egypt to the Cape of Good Hope. 8* 1876 Nichols, Thomas. See Astley, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Nichols, W. See Kerr, Vol. 8 : Ap- pendix i. Nicholson, Edward Byron, and Henry Yule. Jehan de Mandeville. 4* Edinburgh, 1883 Nicholson, G. Cambrian Traveller's Guide. 8 J Stourport, 1808 Nicholson, H. A. See United States, G, a, Surveys : Appendix 2. Nicholson, John. An Account of the Establishment of the Fatemite Dynasty in Africa, being the Annals of that Pro- vince from the year 290 of the Heg'ra to the year 300. Extracted from an ancient Arabic MS. ascribed to El Mas' udi . . . with an Introduction and Notes. 8 Bristol, 1840 Nicholson, Prof. Shield. See White. Nicol, James. See Murray, Hugh. Nicol, James. The Climate of Llandudno. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 12* 1886 Nicol, John. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix i. Nicol, William. On Fossil Woods from Newcastle, New South Wales. Plate. 8* Edinburgh, 1833 Observations on the Structure of Recent and Fossil Conifene. Plates. 8* Edinburgh, 1834 Nicolay, C. G. The Oregon Territory : a Geographical and Physical Account of that Country and its Inhabitants, with Outlines of its History and Discovery. Map. 1 8 1846 - Proposal to Establish a Missionary College on the North-West Coast of British America. 8* ^53 - Principles of Physical Geography : being an Inquiry into Natural Phenomena and their Causes. Maps and diagrams. 8" " 1858 Nicollet, J. N. Report intended to Illus- trate a Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River. 8 Wash ington , 1843 Nicolo, M. M. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Nicols, A. The Puzzle of Life, and How it has been put together. 2nd edition. Plates. Small 8" 1877 Nicolson, . Essai sur Pllistoire Nat- urelle de St Domingue. Plates. 8 Paris, 1776 Nicolson, W. The English Historical Library, in Three Parts, giving a Short View and Character of most of our His- torians either in Print or Manuscript ; with an Account of our Records, Law- Books, Coins, and other matters service- able to the Undertakers of a General His- tory of England. 2nd edition. Folio 1741 Nicuessa (or Nicueza), Diego de. See Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 ; General Collection of Voyages, &c., p. 610: Appendix I. Niebuhr, Carsten. Beschreibung von Arabien aus eigenen Beobachtungen uncl im Lancle selbst gesammleten Nachrichten abgefasset. Maps and plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1772 Description de 1' Arabic d'apres les observations et recherches faites dans le pays meme. 4 Copenhagen, 1773 Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien uncl andernumliegenden Lanclern. Maps and plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1774 - Voyage en Arabic et en d'autres pays circonvoisins, traduit de 1'Allemand. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Amsterdam, I774~& - Travels through Arabia, and other Countries in the East. Translated into English by Robert Heron. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 U Edinburgh, 1792 Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien uncl andern umliegenden Lanclern. Vol. 3. Reisen clurch Syrien uncl Palastina, nach Cypern, uncl clurch Kleinasien uncl die Turkey nach Deutschland uncl Danne- mark ; mil Niebuhr's Astronomischen Beobachtungen uncl einigen kleineren Abhancllungen herausgegeben von J. R. Glover uncl J. Olshausen. Maps and plates. 4 Hamburg, 1837 344 NIE- NOB. Niebuhr, Carsten. See Forskal, P. ; also Pinkerton, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Niederlein, Gustavo. See Argentine, D, Patagonia : Appendix 2. Niel, O. Geographic de 1'Algerie. I. Geographic Physique, Agricole, Indus- trielle, et Commerciale. 12 Bona, 1876 Nielsen, Dr Yngvar. Handbook for Travellers in Norway. Translated from the Original Fourth Edition. Maps. 12 Christiania, 1 886 Niemann, George. See Lanckoronski ; also Turkey in Asia, A : Appendix 2. Niemann, G. K. Bloemlezing uit Male- ische Geschriften. 2 vols. 12 The Hague, 1870-71 Geschiedenis van Tanette. Boegin- esche Tekst met Aanteekeningen . . . Feestgave ter gelegenheid van het zesde Internationale Congres der Orientalisten te Leiden. 8 The Hague, 1883 Nieuhoff, Jean. L'Ambassade de la Compagnie Orientale des Provinces Unies vers 1'Empereur de la Chine, ou Grand Cam de Tartarie, faite par les S 1 " 5 - Pierre de Goyer et Jacob de Keyser ; illustree d'une tres-exacte Description des Villes, Bourgs, Villages, Ports de Mers, et autres Lieux plus considerables de la Chine . . . Mis en Francois . . . par Jean Le Carpentier. Maps and plates. Folio Leyden, 1665 Legatio Batavica, ad Magnum Tar- tarke Chamum Sungteium, modernum Sinae Imperatorem ; Historiarum Narra- tione, quse Legatis in Provinces Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung, Peking, et Aula Imperatoria ab anno 1655 ad annum 1657 obtigerunt, ut et ardua Sinensium in bello Tartarico fortuna, Provinciarum accurata Geographia, urbium delineatione, per Joannem Nieuhovium. Latinitate donata per G. Horniam. Map and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1668 Het Gezandtschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den Grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegen- woordigen Keizer van China ; waar in de gedenkwaerdigste Geschiedenissen, die onder het Reizen door de Sineesche Landtschappen, Quantung, Kiangsi, Nan- king, Xantung en Peking, en aan het Keizerlyke Hof te Peking, zedert den jaare 1655-57. Beneffens een naauwke- urige beschryvinge der Sineesche Steden, Dorpen, Regeering, Weetenschappen, Handwerken, &c., en oorlogen tegen de Tarters. Door Joan Nieuhof. Plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1693 See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Churchill, Vol. 2 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 2 : Pinker- ton, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Nieuwpoort, C. See Newport, Capt. C. Nikitin, Athanasius. See Hakluyt Soc. PubL, Vol. 22: Appendix i. Nilsson, S. Petrificata Suecana Forma- tionis Cretacese, descripta et iconibus illustrata. Pars Prior, Vertebrata et Mollusca sistens. Plates. Folio Lund, 1827 Skandinaviska Nordens Urinvanare, &c. Plates. 4 Lund, 1838-43 Report on the Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. Translated from the Swedish, by Dr Norton Shaw. [2 leaves.] 8* 1848 Nimmo, J. The Proposed American Inter-oceanic Canal in its Commercial Aspects. 8 Washington, 1880 Nino, Alfonso. See Gottfried ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 13; General Col- lection of Voyages, &c. : Appendix i, p. 6 10. Niox, G. Expedition du Mexique, 1861- 67. Recit Politique et Militaire. 8, and Atlas folio Paris, 1874 Nissen, Heinrich. Italische Lancles- kunde. Erster Band : Land und Leute. 8 Berlin, 1883 Nizza (or Nica), Marco da. See Pausa- nias ; also Burney, Vol. I ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Nobile, Antonio. Modo di determinare le differenze di Longitudini Geografiche per via delle Stelle Cadenti. 4* Naples, 1840 Memoria sulle Maree del Golfo di Napoli. 4* Naples, 1841 Memoria sulle Stelle Cadenti. 4* Naples, 1841 Nobiling. Nachrichten iiber den Zustand des Rheinstroms innerhalb des Preuss- ischen Gebietes und iiber die zu dessen Regulirung und weiterer Schiflbarmach- ung ausgefiihrten Bauwerke. Map. 4* Berlin, 1856 Noble, C. F. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2. Noble, Daniel. The Brain and its Physiology, a Critical Disquisition on the Methods of Determining the Rela- tions subsisting between the Structure and Functions of the Encephalon. 8 1846 Noble, Frederic Perry. Africa at the Columbian Exposition. (From Our Day.} 8* 1892 The Chicago Congress on Africa. (Extract from Our Day.) 8* 1893 Noble, James. Review of his Arabic Vocabulary and Index for Richardson's Arabic Grammar. See Miscellaneous, p. 769 : Appendix 2. NOB NOR. 345 Noble, John. Descriptive Handbook of the Cape Colony, its condition and re- sources. Map and plates. 12 Cape Town, 1875 - South Africa, past and present ; a short History of the European Settle- ments at the Cape. 12 1877 History, Productions, and Resources of the Cape of Good Hope. Maps and coloured illustrations. 8 Cape Town, 1 886 Illustrated Official Handbook of the Cape and South Africa : a rtstimi of the History, Conditions, Populations, Productions, and Resources of the several Colonies, States, and Territories. Map and illustrations. 8 Cape Town, 1893 See Fairbridge, C. A. Nocentini, Lodovico. La Scoperta dell' America, attribuita ai Cinesi. [Extract from Proceedings of the Genoa Geogra- phical Congress.] Large 8* 1892 Nodal, B. Garcia de and Gon^alo de. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol.' 18: Appen- dix I. Noel, Hon. R. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Noel, S. B. J. Premier Essai sur le Departement de la Seine Inferieure, con- tenant les Districts de Gournay, Neuf- chatel, Dieppe, et Cany. 8 Rouen, 1795 Noel, O. Histoire du Commerce du Monde depuis les temps les plus recules. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 4 Paris, 1891-94 Nogueira, A. F. A Ra$a Negra. 8 Lisbon, 1880 Noirot, Ernest. A Travers le Fouta Djallon et le Bambouc (Soudan occi- dental). Souvenirs de Voyage. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris [ 1 884] Nollet, Michael. Geography Epitomiz'd, in French and English : containing the Principles of Geography, the Use of Maps, and the Description of all Coun- tries in the World, &c. 8 1738 Nolloth, Capt. M. S. Notes during a Cruise in the Mozambique. 8* 1857 On the Submergence of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable. 8* 1858 Noort (or Van Noort), Oliver. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. u, 12: Appendix i. Norden, Fred. Lewis. Travels in Egypt and Nubia; translated and enlarged, with Observations from Ancient and Modern Authors, by P. Templeman. Map and platej. 8 1757 Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie. Nou- velle edition, &c. , par L. Langles. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, \ 795 Nordenskiold, Baron Adolf Erik. Geo- grafisk och Geognostisk Beskrifning ofver Nordostra Delarne af Spetsbergen och Hinlopen Strait. Map. 4* Stockholm, 1863 Sketch of the Geology of Spits- bergen. 8* Stockholm, 1867 - Redogorelse for en Expedition till Gronland, ar 1870. Maps and plate. 8* Stockholm, 1871 - 'Redogorelse for den Svenska Polar - expeditionen, ar 1872-73. Maps. 8* Stockholm, 1875 - The Arctic Voyages of, 1858-79. Maps and illustrations. 8 1879 Sur la Possibilite de la Navigation Commerciale dans la Mer Glaciale de Siberie. 8* Stockholm, 1880 The Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Europe ; with a Historical Review of previous Journeys along the Nojth Coast of the Old World. Trans- lated by AJexander Leslie. 2 vols. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. 8 1881 " Vega" - Expeditionens Vetenskap- liga lakttagelser Bearbetade af Deltagare i resan och andra forskare. Vols. 1-5. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Stockholm, 1882-87 Om Broderna Zenos Resor och de aldsta Kartor ofver Norden. Maps and facsimile. Large 8* Stockholm, 1883 Den Svenska Expeditionen till Gron- land ar 1883. 8* Stockholm, 1883 0m en Marklig Globkarta fran borjan af sextonde seklet. Facsimiles. 8 Stockholm, 1884 Studien und Forschungen veranlasst durch meine Reisen im hohen Norden. Herausgegeben von Adolf Erik Freiherrn von Nordenskiold. Ein popularwissens- chaftliches Supplement zu die Umsege- lung Asiens urjd Europasauf der " Vega." Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1885 Gronland. Seine Eiswiisten im In- nern und seine Ostkiiste. Schilderung der zweiten Dicksonschen Expedition ausgefiihrt im Jahre 1883. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1886 Den forsta pa verkliger iakttagelser Grundade Karta ofver norra Asien. Maps. 8* [Stockholm, 1887] La Seconde Expedition Suedoise au Gronland (1'Inlandsis et la Cote Orien- tale). Entreprise aux frais de M. Oscar Dicfcson, trackiite du Suedois avec 1'Auto- risation de 1'auteur par Charles Ralx>t. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1888 - Vtkast rill en Svensk Antarktisk Expedition. 8* 1890 See Duner; Rosny ; also United States, A, e, Navigation : Appendix 2. 346 NOR NOT. Nordenskiold, G. Redogorelse for den Svenska Expeditionen till Spetsl>ergen, 1890. Plates. 8* Stockholm, 1892 The Cliff Dwellers of the Mesa Verde, South-Western Colorado ; their Pottery and Implements. Translated by D. Lloyd Morgan. Plans, plates, &=c. 4 Chicago, 1893 Nordenskiold, N. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Schrammen in Finnland. Map and plate. 4* Helsingfors, 1863 Nordenskiold, Otto. See Sweden, A, Geologiska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. Map and plates. 8 1874 Nordhoff, J. B. See Germany, C, Fors- chungen. &c. , Vol. 4 : Appendix 2. Norfolk, Duke of. See I lakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Norie, J. W. Guide du Marin et du Calx>teur sur les Cotes est de la Mer du Nord depuis le Cap Grisnez jusqu'au nord du Danemark, sur les Cotes de la Mer Baltique, sur les Cotes ouest de Norwege et sur celles de la Mer Blanche. Traduit par P. Guery. 8 Paris, 1863 A Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation, containing all necessary In- struction for keeping a Ship's Reckoning at Sea. Augmented and improved, and adapted to the New Nautical Almanac, by Arthur B. Martin. Maps and plates. 8 1864 Norman, B. W. Rambles in Yucatan, or Notes of Travel through the Peninsula, including a visit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kaljah, Zayi, and Uxmal. Map and plates. 8 New York, 1843 Norman, C. B. Armenia, and the Cam- paign of 1877. Maps and plans. 8 [1878] Colonial France. Map. 8 1886 Norman, Henry. The Real Japan : Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics. Illustrations. 8 1892 [1891] Norman, John Henry. A Colloquy upon the Science of Money. 8* 1889 Norman's Single Grain System for determining the par value of all Moneys of Account, and Gold and Silver Coins, between all Countries ; also for ascer- taining the Comparative Weights of fine Gold or Silver, indicated by relative Prices throughout the World. 8* 1887 Local Dual Standards : Gold and Silver Standard Currencies ; the Ex- changes brought within the comprehen- sion of all. 4* N.D. - John Henry Norman, Esq. Re- printed (by permission) from the Bankers' Magazine, February 1890. Portrait. 8* 1890 See Sharland. Norman, J. M. Quelques Observations de Morphologic Vegetale faites au Jardin Botanique de Christiania. Plates. 4* Ch ristia nia, 1857 Norman, Capt. W. H., and Capt. Thomas Musgrave. Journals of the Voyage and Proceedings of H.M.C.S. "Victoria" in search of Shipwrecked People at the Auckland and other Islands. Map. 8* Melbotirne [1865] Normann, C. Oplyminger om Bcseilingen af Arsuk-Fjorden i Syd-Gronland. 8" Copenhagen, 1866 Noronha, Garcia de. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Norris, Lieut. J. A. See United States, E, rt, Navigation : Appendix 2. Nort, Olivier du. Description du Penible Voyage fait entour de 1'Univers . . . par Sr. Olivier du Nort d'Utrecht . . . pour traversant le Destroict de Magellanes, descouvrir les Costes de Cica, Chili, et Peru, . . . y puis passant les Molucques, et circomnavigant le Globe du Monde, &c. Maps and plans. 4 Amsterdam, 1610 North, Frederic W. See British South Africa, E : Appendix 2. North, Marianne. Recollections of a Happy Life : being the Autobiography of Marianne North. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8 1892 North, S. N. D. See United States, A, Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. 8 : Appendix 2. Northleigh, J. Observations made in Two Voyages through most parts of Europe. 8 1720 See Harris, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Norton, C. L. A Handbook of Florida. Maps and plans. 12 1891 Norwood, Col. R. See Churchill, Vol. 6 : Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. Noschel, A. Bemerkungen iiber die naturhistorischen, insl>esondere die geog- nostisch-hydrographischen Verhaltnisse der Steppe zwischen den Flussen Or und Turgai, Kumak, und Syr-Darja. Mil einem Vorwort von G. v. Helmersen. Map. 8* St Petersburg, 1854 See Baer and Helmersen, 18. Nostitz, Countess. See Heifer, J. W. Nott, John. Hafiz : Select Odes, trans-' lated into English Verse ; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 4 1787 Nott, Samuel. Slavery and the Remedy; or, Principles and Suggestions for a Remedial Code, with a Reply and Appeal to European Advisers. 8 Boston, Mass., 1859 Nottage, Charles G. In Search of a Climate. Illustrations. Large 8 1894 [1893] NOU NUG. 347 Nourse, Prof. J. E. The Maritime Canal of Suez : Brief Memoir of the Enterprise from its Earliest Date, and comparison of its probable results with those of a TShip Canal across Darien. Maps and plate. 8* Washington, 1870 - Reports of Foreign Societies on awarding Medals to the American Arctic Explorers, Kane, Hayes, Hall. Plate. 8* [Washington} 1876 The Maritime Canal of Suez, from its Inauguration I7th November 1869 to the year 1884. Charts and plates. 8 Washington, 1884 See Hall, C. F. Noury, Vice - Admiral Baron de la Ronciere de. Notice Biographique, par Alfred dejancigny. Portrait. 8* Evreux, 1881 Nova (or Nueva), Juan de. See Astley, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I ; Gottfried : Appendix I. "Novara." Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde, in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf-Urbair. 3 vols. Maps and plates. Large 8 Vienna, 1861-62 Official Publications connected with the Voyage of the " Novara." 4" Medizinischer Theil. Von Eduard Schwarz. Map and plates 1861 Nautisch-Physicalischer Theil. Plates and charts 1862-5 Statistisch - commercieller Theil von Dr Karl von Scherzer. Bd. I . Maps 1864 - The same. Bd. 2. Maps 1865 Geologischer Theil. Bd. I. Abtheil- ung I. Geologic von Neu-Seeland. Beitrage zur Geologic der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson, von Dr Fer- dinand von Hochstetter. Alap and plates 1864 The sanle. Abtheilung 2. I'ala- ontologie von Neu-Seeland. Beit- rage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora und der Provinzen Auckland und Nelson, von F. Unger, Karl Zittel, E. Suess, Felix Karrer, F. Stoliczka, G. Stache, und Gustav Jaeger, redigirt von F. von Hoch- stetter, Moriz Homes, und Franz Ritter von Hauer. Plates 1864 Bd. 2, von F. von Hochstetter, A. E. Reuss, und C. Schwager. Plates. 1866 Linguistischer Theil, von Dr Friedrich Miillcr. 1867 Anthropologischer Theil. Erste Ab- theilung von E. Zuckerkandl. Zweiter Abtheilung. Korpermes- sungen, an Individuen verschiedenen Menschenracen vorgcnommen durch Novara." Official Publications Anthro- pologischer Theil continued. Dr Karl Scherzer und Dr E. Schwarz, bearbeitet von Dr A. Weisbach. l^ablcs. Dritte Abtheilung. Eth- nographic, auf Grund des von Dr Karl Scherzer gesammelten Mate- rials bearbeitet von Dr F. Miiller. Photographs and map 1868-75 Zoologischer Theil. Bd. i. (Wir- belthiere. ) Saugethiere, von J. Zelebor ; Vogel, von A. v. Pelzeln ; Reptilien und Amphibien, von F. Steindachner; Fische, von R. Kner. Plates 1869 - Bd. 2, Abtheilung I : A. Cole- optera, von L. Redtenlxicher ; Hymenoptera, von H. de Saussure und J. Sichel ; Formicidre, von G. L. Mayr ; Neuroptera, von F. Brauer. Plates. 1868. B. Diptera,- von J. R. Schiner ; liemiptera, von G. L. Mayr. Plates 1868 The same. Abth. 2 : Lepidop- tera, von Cajetan Felder und Rudolf Felcler. Text. 1864-67. Atlas, von Cajetan Felder, Rudolf Felder, und A. F. Rogenhofer. 2 vols. 1864-67 The same. Abth. 3: Crusta- ceen, von C. Heller. Plates 1865 Botanischer Theil. 13 d. I. Spo- renpflanzen, von A. Grunow, J. Krempelhuber, H. W. Keichardt, G. Mettenius, J. Milde, redigirt von Eduard Fenzl. Plates 1870 See Scherzer. Novikoff, Madame Olga. See Winclt. Novo y Colson, Pedro de. Historia de las Exploraciones Articas hechas en busca del Paso del Nordeste. Map and portrait. 8 Madrid, 1880 Nowak, Alois. Offenes Schreiben an den Hon. Captain Wilson, derzeit in Palastina. 8* Prague, 1866 Nowel, T. See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appen- dix i. Nowrojee, Jehangeer, and Hirjeebhoy Merwanjee. Journal of a Residence of Two Years and a Half in Great Britain. 8 1841 Nozhet-Elhadi. Histoire de la Dynaslie Saadienne au Maroc (1511-1670), par Mohammed Esseghir Ben Elhadj Ben Alxlallah Eloufrani. Texte Arabe public Par O Hondas. (IIl e Series. , Vols. 2 and 3 of Publications de 1'Ecole des I>angues Orientales Vivantcs. ) 2 vols. Large 8 Paris, 1888 Nueva, Juan de. See Nova. Nugent, Dr Thomas. The Grand Tour, or a Journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France ; to which is added the " European Itinerary." 4 vols. 12 1778 348 NUG ODO. Nugent, Dr Thomas. See "The Modern Traveller," Vol. 4, p. 610: Appendix I. Nugnez von Vela, B. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15 : Appendix I. Nunes, J. C. Formulario dos Medica- mentos para os Hospitaes da Provincia de S. Thome e Principe. 8 Lisbon, 1874 Nunez, Alvaro. See Cabeza de Vaca. Nunez, Ricardo, and Henry Jalhay. La Republique de Colombie : Geo- graphic, Histoire, Organisation Politique, Agriculture, Commerce, Industrie, Statis- tique, Tarif douanier, Indicateur Com- merciel, &c. Map. Large 8 Brussels, 1893 Nunnes (or Nunnez, or Nonius), M. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 : Appendix i. Nursingrow, A. V. G. V. Juggarow Observatory, Dalra Gardens, Vizaga- patam. Results of Meteorological Ob- servations, 1887, with an Introduction. Plates. 12* Calcutta, 1888 - The same, 1889, with an Introduc- tion. 12* Calcutta, 1890 - The same, 1890, with an Introduc- tion. 12* Calcutta, 1891 The same, 1891, with an Introduc- tion. Portraits. 12* Calcutta, 1892 Nyary, Baro Albert. A heraldika Vezer- fonala. 4 Budapest, 1886 Nylander, Gustavus Reinhold. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom Language. 12 1814 Nyren, M. Die Polhohe von Pulkowa. 4* St Petersburg, 1873 Nystrom, J. G. Informe al Supremo Gobierno del Peru sobre una Espedicion al interior de la Kepublica. Maps. 8* Lima, 1868 o Oakes, Lieut. R. F. Survey Report of the Northern Portion of the Pegu District, 1856. [From the Indian Records, No. 15.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1856 Gates, Frank. Matabele Land and the Victoria Falls : a Naturalist's Wander- ings in the Interior of South Africa. From the Letters and Journals of the late Frank Oates, edited by C. G. Oates. Maps, portrait, ami plates. 8 1881 Oband, Nicholas de. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Ober, Frederick A. Camps in the Carib- bees : the Adventures of a Naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. Illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1880 Travels in Mexico and Life among the Mexicans, i. Yucatan. 2. Central and Southern Mexico. 3. The Border States. Maps and illustrations. 8 Boston, Mass., 1884 Ober, P. Interlaken et ses Environs. 12 Berne, 1857 Oberlin, H. G. Propositions Geologiques du Ban de la Roche. Illustrations. 4 Strasburg, 1 806 O'Brien, H. de Lacy. Banking in Persia. 8* 1868 Ditto. Another edition. 8* 1873 O'Brien, Patrick. Journal of a Residence in the Danubian Principalities, in the Autumn and Winter of 1853. 12 1854 O'Brien, . See Cameron, V. L. O' Byrne, William R. A Naval Bio- graphical Dictionary, comprising the Life and Services of every living Officer in H.M. Navy, from the Rank of Admiral of the Fleet to that of Lieutenant in- clusive. 8 i 849 O'Callaghan, E. A. Remonstrance of New Netherland, and the Occurrences there : addressed to the High and Mighty Lords States-General of the United Netherlands, on the 28th July 1649 ; with Secretary Van Tienhoven's Answer. Translated from the Original Dutch MS. by E. A. O'Callaghan. 4 Albany, N.Y., 1856 O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary His- tory of the State of New York ; arranged under direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan. 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1850 Ocampo, Gonzale d', and Sebastian d' Ocampo. See Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13; "A General Collection of Voyages," p. 610: Appendix i. Occum Chamnam. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Ochoa, C. Olloba d'. See Pemberton. Ockley, Simon. An Account of South- West Barbary, containing what is most Remarkable in the Territories of the King of Fez and Morocco ; written by a Person who had been a Slave there a considerable time, and published from an Authentick Manuscript, &c. Two letters. Map. 12* 1713 Octher or Othere. See Hakluyt, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix I. O'Curry, J. E. See Popper. O'Donovan, Edmond. The Merv Oasis : Travels and Adventures east of the Caspian during the years 1879-80-81, in- cluding Five Months' Residence among the Tekkes of Merv. 2 vols. Portrait, map, facsimiles of docitments. 8 1882 Odoric de Pordenone [or Odoricus Beatus, or Oderic of Portenau, or Oderico de Udine]. Les Voyages en Asie au XIV e Siecle du Bienheureux Frere Odoric de Pordenone, Religieuxde Saint-Francois, publiees avec une Introduction et des Notes par Henri Cordier. [Recueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Geographic depuis le ODO-OLD. 349 Odoric de Pordenone continued. XIII e jusqu'a la fin du XVI C Siecle public sous la direction de MM. Ch. Schefer et Henri Cordier. 10. ] Fac- similes, &c. Large 8 Parts, 1891 See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. I ; Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Oehlschlaeger, Emil. Posen : Kurz gefasste Geschichte und Beschreibung der Stadt Posen : ein illustrirter Fiihrer flir Einheimische und Fremde. Plan. 8 Posen, 1866 Oelsnitz. See Lankenau. CErsted, Prof. , Biography of. 8* 1872 Oesterley, Dr Hermann. I listorisch-geo- graphisches Worterbuch des Deutschen Mittelalters. Large 8 Gotha, 1883 Oexmelin, Alexandra Olivier. Ilistoire des Aventuriers Flibustiers, qui se sont signales dans les Indes, 3 vols. ; Vol. 3 contains Le journal du voyage fait a la Mer du Sud, par le Sieur Raveneau de Lussan. 12 Lyons, 1774 Ogawa, K. See Milne and Burton. Ogilby, John. Africa : being an Accurate Description of the Religions of /Egypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, /Ethiopia, and the Abyssines, with all the adjacent Islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, &c. Maps and plates. Folio 1670 America : being the latest and most Accurate Description of the New World, containing the Original of the Inhabitants, and the remarkable Voyages thither ; the Conquest of the vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large Provinces and Territories, with the several European Plantations in those parts . . . and a Survey of what hath been discovered of the Unknown South-Land and the Arctick Region. Maps and plates. Folio 1671 Asia : the first part, being an Accurate Description of Persia and the several Provinces thereof, the vast Empire of the Great Mogol, and other parts of India, &c. Plates. Folio 1673 Britannia, or the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales actually surveyed, with a Geographical and Historical De- scription of the Principal Roads. 100 Maps. Folio 1698 See Montanus ; Owen, J. Ogilvie, Dr Maria M. Contributions to the Geology of the Wengen and St Cassian Strata in Southern Tyrol. (From Journal Geological Society, Vol. 49.) Maps and sections. 8* '893 Ogilvie, William. Exploratory Survey of Part of the Lewes, Tat-on -due, Por- cupine, Bell, Trout, Peel, and Mackenxie Rivers, 1887-88, 8* Ottawa, 1890 Ogilvy, John. An Account of Ber- muda, Past and Present. Compiled and summarised from numerous sources, with Original Observations. 8* Hamilton, Bermuda, 1883 Ogilvy, T. Miscellaneous Information relative to Kutch, furnished by his High- ness the Rao. [Bombay Records, No. 15, N.S.] RoyalS Bombay, 1855 Statement showing the Names of the Rewa Kanta Tributaries and the Fortified Places. [Bombay Records, No. 23, N. S. ] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Report on the Revenue, Resources, &c. , of the lapsed Satara Territory, with Extracts from Reports on the same subject, by Lieuts. H. B. Sandford and A. C. Parr ; to which is added a Report, dated August 1851, by Mr George Vary, of the Measures adopted by him for im- proving the Cleaning of Native Cotton, and for introducing the Cultivation of New Orleans Cotton into the Satara Districts. [Bombay Records, No. 41, N.S.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 - Memoir on the Satara Territory. [Boml>ay Records, No. 41, N.S.] Royal 8" Bombay, 1857 Ogle, Nathaniel. The Colony of Western Australia : a Manual for Emigrants to that Settlement or its Dependencies, with an Appendix. Map and plates. 8 1839 Ohrling, Joh. See Ihre. Ohrwalder, Father Joseph. See Wingate. O'Jeda, Alonso d'. See Gottfried ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 13 ; A General Collection of Voyages, &c. : Appendix I. Olafsen and Povelsen. See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i], Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Olascoago, M. J. Estudio Topografico de la Pampa y Rio Negro : comprende el itinerario de todas las columnas de operaciones que ocuparon el Desierto y clevaron la linea de frontera sobre dicho Rio. Map and plates. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1 880 La Conquete de la -Pampa : Recueil des documents relatifs a la Campagne du Rio Negro. . . . Precede d'une Etude Topographique par Manuel J. Olascoaga ; suivi du Rapport du General Villegas sur 1'Expedition a Nahuel-Huapi, et d'une Notice sur ('importance des territories de la Pampa et du Limay. Map. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1881 Olaus Magnus. See Brenner, O. Oldfield, Capt. J. R. Letters on the Breakwater in the Jumna, at Agra, 1847 and 1848. [From the India Records, Vol 2, N.W. Prov.] Folio 1855 Oldfield, R. A. K. See Laird, M. Oldham, C. F. Notes on the lost River of the Indian Desert. Alap. 8* [1874] 350 OLD-OLI. Oldham, H. Yule. The Discovery of the Cape Verde Islands. ( Reprint from the von Richthofen Festschrift.) 4* 1892 Oldham, R. D. On Probable Changes in the Geography of the Punjab and its Rivers : an Historico - Geographical Study. Map. 8* Calcutta, 1887 A Bibliography of Indian Geology : being a List of Books and Papers relating to the Geology of British India and adjoining Countries published previous to the end of 1887. 8* Calcutta, 1888 A Manual of the Geology of India, chiefly compiled from the Observations of the Geological Survey. Stratigraphical and Structural Geology, 2nd edition. Map and plates. Large 8 Calc^ltta, 1 893 Oldham, T. See India, C, Palreontologia Indica : Appendix 2. Oldham, W. Historical and Statistical Memoir of the Ghazeepoor District. Part I. Maps and plates. Folio Allahabad, 1870 " Old Shekarry." See Levison. Olearius, Adam. The Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein to the great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, begun in the year MDCXXXIII. and finished in MDCXXXIX., containing a compleat History of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, and other adjacent countries . . ; whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies, containing a Particular Description of Indosthan, the Mogul's Empire, the Oriental Islands, Japan, China, &c. , . . . faithfully rendered into English by John Davies of Kidwelly. Maps and plates. Small folio 1662 - Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renom- mez fails en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse . . . Traduits de 1'Original et Augmen- tez par le Sr. de Wicquefort. . . . [New edition.] 2 vols. in I. Maps and plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1727 See Mandelslo. Oliff, A. S. See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. Oliphant, J. E. Notes connected with the Estate of Camlxxy, in the Kaira Col- lectorate. Map. [From the India Re- cords, No. 26.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Oliphant, Laurence A Journey to Katmandu, the Capital of Nepaul, with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor ; including a Sketch of the Nepaulese Ambassador at Home. Map. 8 1852 The Russian Shores of the Black Sea in 1852 ; with a Voyage down the Volga, and a Tour through the Country of the Don Cossacks. Maps and plates. 8 1 854 - The Coming Campaign. 8* 1855 Minnesota and the Far West. Maps Oliphant. Laurence. The Trans-Cauca- sian Campaign of the Turkish Army under Omer Pasha. Maps and plates. 8" 1856 Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mis- sion to China and Japan in 1857-59. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1859 On the Bayanos River, Isthmus of Panama. Map. 8* 1865 African Explorers. Maps. 8* Boston, Mass., 1877 - The Land of Gilead, with Excursions in the Lebanon. Maps and plates. 8 1880 - The Land of Khemi : Up and Down the Middle Nile. Plates. 8 1882 - Haifa ; or, Life in Modern Palestine. 8 1887 Episodes in a Life of Adventure ; or, Moss from a Rolling Stone. 8 1887 See Schumacher ; also Blackwood, Vols. I, 2, and 6: Appendix I. Oliphant, Mrs. See Blackwood, Vol. 6: Appendix I. Oliveira, Benjamin. A Few Observations upon the Works of the Isthmus of Suez Canal made during a Visit in 1863. 8* 1863 Letters upon the Capabilities of the Island of Teneriffe as a Winter Residence, and the Climate and General History of the Island of Madeira. 8* 1864-65 A Visit to the Spanish Camp in Morocco during the late War. 8* Privately printed, 1865 Oliver, D. Flora of Tropical Africa : Vol. I. Ranunculacece to Connaracere ; Vol. 2. Leguminosa: to Ficoidese ; Vol. 3. Umbelliferre to Ebenacere. 8 1868-77 Oliver, Edward E. Across the Border ; or, Pathan and Biloch. Maps and illus- trations. 8 1890 Oliver, Lieut. -Col. J. R. A Course of Practical Astronomy for Surveyors ; with the Elements of Geodesy. 8 Kingston, 1883 Oliver, Capt. S. P. Madagascar and the Malagasy ; with Sketches in the Pro- vinces of Tamatave, Betanimena, and Ankova. Plates. 8 [1865] Les Hovas et autres Tribus caracteris- tiques de Madagascar. 8* Guernsey, 1869 - The Dolmen-Mounds and Amorpho- lithic Monuments of Brittany. 8* 1872 The True Story of the French Dis- pute in Madagascar. Map. 8 1885 Madagascar, an Historical and De- scriptive Account of the Island and its Former Dependencies. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1886 Madagascar ; or, Robert Drury's and woodcuts. 8 Journal, during Fifteen Years' Captivity on that Island ; and a Further Descrip- tion of Madagascar by the Abbe Alexis O LI -ORE. Oliver, Capt. C. P. continued. Rochon. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Captain Pasfield Oliver, R. A. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 890 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 82, 83 : Appendix I. Oliver and Boyd's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, Descriptive and Statistical, with Etymological Notices ; being a Geo- graphical Dictionary for Popular Use ; with Atlas of 32 maps. Small 8 Edinburgh, 1879 Olivier, Aime, Vicomte de Sanderval. De 1'Atlantique au Niger par le Foutah- Djallon. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1882 Olivier, J. Taereelen en Merkwaardighe- den uit Oost-Indie. Deel I. Plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1836 Olivier, . See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appen- dix I. Ollive, C. Climat de Mogador et de son Influence sur la Phthisic. 8* Paris, 1875 Olmsted, Denison. Address on the Scien- tific Life and Lalxmrs of William C. Redfield. Portrait. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1857 Olmsted, Fred. Law. Journey in the Sealxxird Slave States ; with Remarks on their Economy. 8 1856 A Journey in the Back Country. 8 1860 - Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom, &c. 2vols.ini. 8 1861 Olsen, O. T. The Fisherman's Practical Navigator. Map ami plates. 8 Grimsby, 1878 - The Fisherman's Nautical Almanac, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1892, and 1893. Map. Small 8 Olshaussen, J. See Niebuhr, C. Olsvig, V. See Beyer's Guide to Western Norway. Oltmanus, Jabbo. See Humlxtldt and Bonpland. Omarah Al-Hakami, Najm Ad-Din. Yaman, its Early Mediaeval History; also the Abridged History of its Dynasties by Ibn Khaldun, and an Account of the Karmathians of Yaman by Abu 'Abd Allah Baha Ad -din Al-Janadi. The Original Texts, with Translation and Notes, by Henry Cassels Kay. Map. 8 1892 Ommanney, Admiral Sir E. Hydro- graphical Remarks on the White Sea, in the Summer of 1854. 8* 1855 Ommanney, Lieut. . Synopsis of the Cruises of H.M.S. " Espiegle," for 1881 to 1885. 8* Devon fort, N.I). Onate, Juan de. .S'^Toletus, in Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix I. O'Neill, Henry E. Letter to Earl Gran- ville regarding a Visit to the District of Angoche, Mozambique. Folio* 1881 - The Mozambique and Nyassa Slave Trade. 8* 1885 O'Neill, T. Sketches of African Scenery from Zanzibar to the Victoria Nyanza : being a Series of Coloured Lithographic Pictures from Original Sketches, by the late Mr Thomas O'Neill, of the Victoria Nyanza Mission of the Church Missionary Society. 4* 1878 Ong-tae-hae. The Chinaman Abroad, or a Desultory Account of the Malayan Archipelago, particularly of Java. By Ong - tae - hae. Translated from the Original. [No. 2 of the Chinese Mis- c ellan y. ] Map. Small 8* Shanghai, 1849 Onwhyn's Guide to North and South Wales and the Wye. Plates. 12 1853 Oppel, Dr A. Terra incognita : eine kurzgefasste Darstellung der stufen- weisen Entwickelung der Erdkenntnis vom Ausgange des Mittelalters bis zur Gegemvart und der derzeitigen Ausdeh- nung der unerforschten Gebiete. Maps. 8* Bremen, 1891 Oppelt, Gustave. Navigation aerienne par les Ballons ; Point d'appui, Appareil de direction, Systeme Oppelt. 8* Brussels, 1882 Oppert, E. A Forbidden Land : Voyages to the Corea ; with an Account of its Geography, History, Productions, and Commercial capabilities, &c. Charts and plates. 8 1880 Oppert, Gustav. Der Presbyter Johannes in Sage und Geschichte : ein Beitrag zur Voelker- und Kirchenhistorie und zur Heldcndichtung des Mittelalters. 8 Berlin, 1864 Oppert, J. Les Inscriptions Assyriennes des Sargonides et les Pastes de Ninive. 8* Versailles, 1862 Orbegozo, Juan de. Reconocimiento del Istnio de Tehuantepec en 1825. 12* Jalapa, 1831 Orbigny, A. d'. See D'Orbigny. Orcutt, Rev. J. African Colonisation. 8* New York, N.D. Ord, H. St. G. Report on Condition of the British Settlements on the West Coast of Africa. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio* 1865 Ordonez y Aguiar, Ramon de. Historia de la Creadon del Cielo, y de la Tierra conforme al Sistema de la Gentilidad Americana ; Theologia de los Culebras, Figurada en ingeniosos Gerogliphicos, Siml)olos, Emblemas, y Metaphoras ; 1 )iluvio Universal, Dispersion de las Gentes, verdadero orfgen de los Indios, su salida de Chaldea, su transmigracion a estas partes Septentrionales. . . . MS. Folio 1 796 O'Reilly, Comm. Twelve Views in the Black Sea and the Bosphorus, from Sketches made on the spot during the period of service of H.M.S. " Retribu- bution," with a short Account of each Drawing. Folio 1856 352 (3 RE ORT. O'Reilly, J. P. Explanatory Notes and Discussion of the Nature of the Prismatic forms of a Group of Columnar Basalts, Giant's Causeway. Plates. 4* Dublin, 1879 On the Correlation of Lines of Direc- tion on the Earth's Surface. 4* Dublin, 1879 Orellana, Franciso de. See Hakluyt Soc. Puhl. , Vol. 24: Appendix I. O'Riley, E. Journal of a Tour east from Tounghoo to the Salween River. [ From the India Records, No. 20.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1856 Notices on Karen Nee, the Country of the " Kaya," or Red Karens, 1857. [From the India Records, No. 24.] Royal Calcutta, 1858 Orleans, Prince Henri d". De Paris an Tonkin par terre. (From Revue des Deux Mondes.) Map. 8* 1891 See Bonvalot. Orleans, Pere Pierre Joseph d'. See Hakluyt Soc. Puhl., Vol. 17 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix I. Orlich, Capt. Leopold von. Travels in India, including Sinde and the Punjab. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 ^45 Orme, Robert. A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the year 1745 ; to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Estab- lishments made by Mahommedan Con- querors in Indostan. 4th edition. Vols. I and 2. 8 Madras, 1861 A Collection of Maps and Plans to accompany alxwe, being Vol. 3 of the new edition of that work, &c. 8 Madras, 1862 Ormiston, Thomas. Report on Improve- ments proposed at the Harbour of Fama- gousta, Cyprus, dated loth January 1880. Maps. Folio* 1880 Ormsby, John. Autumn Rambles in North Africa. Plates. 8 1864 Oropeza, Samuel. Intereses Nacionales : Cuestion de Limites entre las Republicas de Bolivia y del Peru. 8* Sucre, 1888 Limites entre la Republica de Bolivia y la Republica Argentina. 8 Sucre, 1892 Orozco y Berra, Juan. Apuntes sobre Cayo Arenas. Maps. 12* Mexico, 1886 Orozco y Berra, Manuel. Geografia. de las Lenguas y Carta Etnografica de Mexico, precedidas de un ensayo de Clasificacion de las mismas Lenguas y de apuntes para las Irmiigraciones de las Tribus. Map. 8 Mexico, 1864 Memoria para el Piano de la Ciudad de Mexico, formada de orden del Minis- terio de Fomento. Plan. 12 Mexico, 1867 Materiales para una Cartografia Mexi- cana. 4 Mexico, 1871 Orozco y Berra, Manuel. Apuntes para la Historia de la Geografia en Mexico. 8 Mexico, 1881 Orpen, G. H. The Song of Dermot and the Earl : an old French Poem, from the Carew Manuscript, No. 596, in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lamljeth Palace. Edited, with literal Translation and Notes, a facsimile, and a map, by Goddard Henry Orpen. 12 Oxford, 1892 Orpen, J. M. Some Principles of Native Government illustrated ; and the Peti- tions of the Basuto Tribe regarding Land, Law, Representation, and Dis- armament to the Cape Parliament con- sidered. Maps. 8 Cape Town, 1880 Orr, Lieut. R. H. See United States, E, a, Navigation : Appendix- 2. Orsolle, E. Le Caucase et la Perse. Map and plan. 12 Paris, 1885 Orsted, A. S. Centralamerikas Rubiaceer. (Bestemmelser og Beskrivelser mesten- deels af G. Bentham.) 8* 1852 Orsted, H. C. See Forchhammer, G. Orsua, P. de. See Ursua. Ortelius, Abraham. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : The Theatre of the Whole World set forth. Maps. Folio 1606 EcclesiseLondino-Batavae Archivum, Tomus Primus. Abraham! Ortelii [Geo- graphi Antuerpiensis] et Virorum Erudi- torum ad eundem et ad Jacobum Colium Ortelianum [Abraham! Ortelii Sororis Fileum.] Epistolae. cum aliquot aliis Epistolis et Tractatibus quibos dam ab utroque Collectis [1524-1628]. Ex Auto- graphis mandante Ecclesia Londino Batava edidit Joannes Henricus Hessels. 4 Cambridge, 1887 Orth, Albert. Pamphlets, 8; contain- ing: Bericht liber die Bodenarten, Boden- karten und bes. Geologischen Karten aufderWeltausstellungzuWieni873. Land wirthschaftliche Beziehungen Geo- graphischen Ausstellung zu Paris vom 15 Juli bis 15 August 1875. Ueber Untersuchung und kartograph- ische Aufnahme des Bodens und Untergrundes grosser Stadte. Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grund- lagen der Bodenkunde. Landwirthschaft. Die Schwarzerde und ihre Bedeutung ftir die Kultur. Beitrage zur Meereskunde. Map. Ueber einige Aufgaben der wissen- schaftlichen Meereskunde. Ueber die Anforderungen der Geo- graphic und der Land- und Forstwirth- schaft an die geognostische Kartographie des Grand und Bodens. 8* [Berlin, 1877] Ortolani, G. E. Nuovo Dizionario, Geo- grafico, Statistico, e Biografico della Sicilia, Antica e Moderna. Map. 8 Palermo. 1819 ORT OST. 353 Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon, or Across the Continent of South America. Map and plates. 8 1870 The same. 3rd edition. 8 New York, 1876 Ortroy, F. van. Esquisse Geographique de 1'Afghanistan. 8 Brussels, 1888 Orueta y Duarte, Domingo de. Informe sobre los Terremotos Ocurridos en el Sud de Espana en Diciembre de 1884, y Enero de i Small folio Orville, Pere de. Appendix i. Osbeck, Peter. Map and photographs. Malaga, 1885 See Thevenot, Vol. 4 : A Voyage to China and the East Indies. Together with a Voyage to Suratte, by Olof Toreen ; and an Account of the Chinese Husbandry, by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg. Translated from the German, by John Reinhold Forster. To which are added, a Faunula and Flora Sinensis. 2 vols. 8 1771 See "The Modern Traveller," Vol. 4, p. 610 : Appendix i. Osborn, Admiral Sherard. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, or Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions in search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the years 1850-51. -Map and coloured plates. Small 8 1852 - The same. New edition (including the Career, Last Voyage, and Fate of Captain Sir John Franklin). Small 8 1865 The Discovery of the North-West Passage by H.M.S. " Investigator," by Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850-54. Edited by Comm. S. Oslx>rn. (From the Logs and Journals of Capt. M'Clure.) Illus- trated by Comm. S. G. Cresswell. Map and plates. 8 1856 - The same. 4th edition. 8 1865 Quedah, or Stray Leaves from a Journal in Malayan Waters. Map and plates. 8 1857 Cruise in Japanese Waters. 8 1859 - The Career, Last Voyage, and Fate of Capt. Sir John Franklin. Map and plates. 12 1860 - The Past and Future of British Re- lations in China. Afaps. 8 1860 - Japanese Fragments, with Facsimiles of Illustrations by Artists of Yedo. Plates. Small 8 1861 On the Exploration of the North Polar Region. 8* 1865 Quedah ; a Cruise in Japanese Waters ; the Fight on the Peiho. Map. Small 8 1865 On the Exploration of the North Polar Basin. 8* 1872 See Markham, A. II. ; also Black- wood, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. z Osborne, T. See Churchill, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix i. Osburn, Wm. Account of an Egyptian Mummy ; with an Appendix containing the Chemical and Anatomical details of the Examination of the Body, by E. S. George, T. P. Teale, and R. Hey. Plates. Royal 8* Leeds, 1828 Osculati, Gaetano. Note d'un Viaggio nella Persia e nelle Indie Orientali negli 1841-42. Plate. 8* Monza, 1844 Esplorazione delle Regioni Equatorial! lungo il napo ed il flume delle Amazzoni : Frammento di un Viaggio fatto nelle due Americhe negli anni 1846-48. Maps and coloured plates. Royal 8 Milan, 1850 Osgood, Charles S., and H. M. Batchelder. Historical Sketch of Salem, 1626-1879. 4 Salem, Mass., 1879 Osgood's Handbooks for Travellers. 12 Boston, Mass. A Guide to the Chief Cities and Popular Resorts of New England, . . . with the Western and Northern Borders from New York to Quebec. Maps and plans. [Two editions.] 1873 an d 1875 A Guide to the Chief Cities and Popular Resorts of the Middle States, and to their Scenery and Historic At- tractions : with the Northern Frontier from Niagara Falls to Montreal ; also Baltimore, Washington, and Northern Virginia. Maps and plans J 874 A Guide to the Chief Cities, Coasts, and Islands of the Maritime Provinces of Canada, and to their Scenery and His- toric Attractions ; with the Gulf and River of St Lawrence to Quebec and Montreal, also Newfoundland and the Labrador Coast. Maps and plans 1875 Osorio, Jerome. History of the Portu- guese, during the Reign of Emmanuel ; containing all their Discoveries, from the Coast of Africk to the farthest parts of China ; their Battles by Sea and Land, their Sieges, and other Memorable Exploits ; with a Description of those Countries, and a particular Account of the Religion, Government, and Customs of the Natives ; including also their Dis- covery of the Brazils, and their Wars with the Moors. Translated by J. Gibbs. 2 vols. 8 1752 Ostani, Luciano. Note di Viaggio e cenni di Statistica dell' America Meri- dionale Conferenza tenuta ad Udine e Venezia, 1886-87. 8* Venice, 1887 Osten-Sacken, C. R. On the so-called Bugonia of the Ancients, and its relation to Eristalis tenax, a two- winged insect. 8* Florence, 1893 354 OST OWE. Osten-Sacken, Baron F. von der. Ueber- sicht der geographischen Leistungen in Russland wahrend der Regierung Kaiser Alexander II. 8* St Peter sbtirg, 1880 and F. J. Ruprecht. Sertum Tian- schanicum, Botanische Ergebnisse einer Reise im mittleren Tian-schan. 4* Si Petersburg, 1869 Ostroumoff, N. V. A Geography of the Turkestan Country ; with a short Ac- count of the Khanales of Bokhara and Khiva, and a map of the country. Com- piled by N. V. Ostroumoff, Samarkand, 1891. Translated by Staff- Lieutenant E. Peach. (From the Journal of the United Service Institution of India.) Map. 8* 1893 O'Sullivan, D. R. Tierra del Fuego. (From the Fortnightly Review, January 1893.) Large 8* 1893 Oswald, F. L. Streifziige in den Urwal- dern von Mexico und Central-Amerika. Illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1881 Othere or Octher. See Hakluyt, Vol 2 ; Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix 2. Otis, F. N. Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad, together with a Tra- veller's Guide and Business Man's Hand- Book for the Panama Railroad and its Connections. Map and plates. 8 New York, 1862 Otondo, Isidro. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Otte, E. C. See Humboldt, Alex, von ; Quatrefages. Otter, Capt. H. C. Scotland: North- West Coast. Little Minch. 8* 1859 See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. and W. Stanton. Western or Outer Hebrides. Sailing Directions for the Sound of Harris. Plates. 8* 1859 Oudemans, J. A. C. Verslag van de Bepaling der Geographische Ligging van Punten op of nabij de Oostkust van Celebes, verrigt in September-December 1864. Map. 8* [Batavia, 1865] - Die Triangulation von Java, ausge- fiihrt vom Personal des geographischen Dienstes in Niederlandisch Ost-Indicn. Erste Abtheilung. Vergleichung der Maasstabe des Repsold'schen Basis-Mess- Apparates mit dem Normalmeter. Plates. 4 Batavia, 1875 The same. Zweite Abtheilung. 4 The Hague, 1878 Die Triangulation von Java. Dritte Abtheilung. Plans and plates. 4 The Hague, 1891 Oudiette, Charles. Dictionnaire Geo- graphique et Topographique des Treize Departemens qui composaient les Pays- Bas Autrichiens, Pays de Liege et de Oudiette, Charles continued. Stavelo, les Electorats de Treves, May- ence, et Cologne, et les Duches de Juliers, Gueldre, Cleves, &c. , reunis a la France. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1804-5 Ouseley, Sir William. Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia : Extracted and Translated from the " Jehan Ara," a Per- sian Manuscript. [Persian and English.] Map and plate. 12 !?99 Travels in various Countries of the East, more particularly Persia, in 1810- 12. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 4 1819-23 See Ebn Haukal ; Sadik Isfahani ; also Eyries, Vol. 14: Appendix i. Outhier, Abbe. Journal d'un Voyage an Nord en 1736 and 1737. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1744 See Pinkerton, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Outram, F. B. Note on Native Perio- dicals and Presses, 1858. [India Records, No. 33.] Large 8 Allahabad, 1860 Outram, Sir James. Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Affghanistan in 1838-39. Plans. 12 1840 Narrative of a Journey from Khelat to Sonmeeanee, with a Description of the Route traversed. [From the India Re- cords, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 See Goldsmid, P'. J. Outram, Joseph. A Hand-Book of In- formation for Emigrants to Nnva Scotia. 12* Halifax, N.S., 1864 Ovalle, Alonso de. See Churchill, Vol. 3; Pinkerton, Vol. 14: Appendix I. Overbury, Sir Thomas. See Churchill, Vol. 7: Appendix I. Overweg, A. See Petermann. Ovieda, Andrea. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Appendix I. Oviedo, alias de Valdes, Gon^alo Fer- nandez de. " Breve sumario," "General i Natural Historia de Indias." [ Title lost.] Folio N.P. [1526?] See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 5 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 ; Ternaux - Compans, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Ovington, J. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Owen, David Dale. Reports of a Geo- logical Reconnoisance of the Chippewa Land District of Wisconsin and the Northern Part of Iowa. Maps. 8 Washington, 1848 - Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory. Made under Instructions from the U.S. Treasury Department. Maps and plates. 4 Philadelphia, 1852 Illustrations to the same. 4 OWE PAG. 355 Owen, David Dale. Second and Third Reports of the Geological Survey in Ken- tucky, made during 1856-57. Assisted by R. Peter, S. S. Lyon, L. Lesquereux, and E. T. Cox ; with maps and ilhistra- tions separate. 2 vols. Imperial 8 Frankfort, Kentucky, 1857 First and Second Reports of a Geo- logical Reconnoissance of the Northern and Middle and Southern Counties of Arkansas, made during 1857-60. 2 vols. Plates. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1858-60 Owen, E. Observations on the Earths, Rocks, Stones, and Minerals about Bristol. 12 1754 Owen, John. Britannia Depicta, or Ogilby Improved : l>eing an actual Survey of all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads of England and Wales, compiled from the best Authorities. Maps. Small 4 1764 Owen, Capt. R. Nautical Memoir, de- scriptive of the Surveys made in H. M. Ships " Blossom " and " Thunder," from 1829 to 1837 ; to which is appended an Essay on the Management and Use of Chronometers. 8 N. D. Owen, Sir Richard. Anatomy of the King-Crab. Plates. 4* 1873 See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Owen, Capt. W. F. W. Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes by Chro- nometer of Places in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, principally on the West and East Coasts of Africa. Erom the Observations of H. M.S. "Leven"and "Barracouta" in 1820 to 1826. 4 1827 Narrative of Voyage to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagas- car, performed in II. M. ships "Leven" and "Barracouta." 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1833 Oxley, John. Journals of Two Expedi- tions into the Interior of New South Wales in 1817-18. Maps and plates. 4 1820 - See Wallis ; also Eyries, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Oxnam, John. See Burney, Vol. r ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Ozanne, J. W. Three Years in Roumania. Small 8 1878 See Stumm. Ozell, J. See Tournefort. P , M. de. An Historical Account of the Present Troubles of Persia and Georgia. In a Continuation of Mr Hanway's History to the end of 1753, by M. de P. Translated. 4* 1756 P. A. See India, E, c : Appendix 2. Pacheco. See Astley, Vol. i : in Appen- dix i. Pacht, R. See Baer and Helmersen, 21. Packard, Dr A. S. Notes on the Phy- sical Geography of Labrador. Maps. 8* {New York, 1887] Who first saw the Labrador Coast ? Geographical Evolution of Labrador. 8* {New York, 1888] - The Labrador Coast : a Journal of Two Summer Cruises to that region ; with Notes on its Early Discovery, on the Eskimo, on its Physical Geography, Geology, and Natural History. Maps and illustrations. 8 Neiv York, 1891 Packe, Charles. A Guide to the Pyrenees. 2nd edition. Alaps, dia- grams, and tables. 12 1867 Padilla, D. Matius de la Mota. His- toria de la Conquista de la Provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, escrita ... en 1742. 4 Mexico, 1870 Paez, P. See Cooley, W. D. Paez, Ramon. Travels and Adventures in South and Central America. First series: Life in the Llanos of Venezuela. Map and plates. 8 1868 Paganini, Luigi Pio. La Fototopografia in Italia. Alaps and ilhtstrations. Large 8* Rome, 1889 Page, Dr David. Advanced Text-Book of Physical Geography. 12 1864 Handbook of Geological Terms, Geology, and Physical Geography. 2nd edition. Small 8 1865 Page, Frederick. The Principle of the English Poor Laws illustrated and defen- ded, by an Historical View of Indigence in Civil Society. 8 1830 , Page, T. Report on the proposed Harbour of Refuge, New Basin, and Dock, at Maryport. 4* 1865 Report of the Exploration and Survey of the River La Plata and Tributaries. 8* Washington, 1856 La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. New edition, containing further explorations in La Plata, made during the years 1859 and 1860, under the orders of the United States Govern- ment. Map and plates. 8 New York, 1873 Pagel, Lieut. Louis. La Latitude par les Hauteurs hors du Meridien, Methode facile et courte pour determiner la Position de 1'Observateur par les Hau- teurs ; Aper9u sur les Distances Lun- aires, &c. 8* Paris, 1847 Pagels, G. See Moller, P. Pagenstecher, H. A. Die Insel Mall- orka. Reiscskizzc. Woodcuts. 8 Leipzig, 1867 356 PAG PAL. Pages, de. Voyages autour du Monde, et vers les deux Poles, par terre et par mer, pendant les annees 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, et 1774, 1776. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1782 Pages, Leon. Histoire de la Religion Chretienne au Japon depuis 1 598 jusqu'a 1651. 8 Paris, 1869 See Dictionaries, B, Japanese-French : Appendix 2. Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania ; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1839 The same. New edition. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1855 Paget, Lieut.-Col. W. H., and Lieut. A. H. Mason. A Record of the Expe- ditions against the North-West Frontier Tribes, since the Annexation of the Punjab ; compiled from Official Sources, by Lieut.-Col. W. H. Paget, in 1873. Revised and brought up to date by Lieut. A. H. Mason, in 1884. Maps. 8 m [1885] Pagliardini, Tito. Essays on the Anal- ogy of Languages. Second Essay : The International Alphabet, or a Plea for Phonetic Spelling. 12 1864 Paijkull, C. W. En Sommer i Island. Map and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1867 Bidrag till Kannedomen om Islands Bergsbyggnad. Map. 4* Stockholm, 1867 See Sweden, A (Geologiska Under- sokning) : Appendix 2. Paine, Nathaniel. See Salisbury, S. Paiva Manso, Visconde de. Historia do Congo. 8 Lisbon, 1877 Pajer, Rudolf. See Dorn, A. Pajot, Elie. Simples renseignements sur 1'Ile Bourbon. 12 Paris, 1887 Pakington, John Slaney. The Ground we Tread : an Elementary Lecture on* Geology. Plate. 8* 1854 Palacky, Dr Jan. Zmepeis vseobecny ve- decky srovnavaci. Vol. I, Part I. Berbersko. (Marokko, Alzirsko, Tun- issko.) 8 Prague, 1857 Palafos, Joan de. See Thevenot, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Palander, Lieut. See Black wood, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Palassou, . Memoires pour servir a PHistoire Naturelle des Pyrenees et des Pays adjacents. 8 Pan, 1815 Paleocapa, P. Observations sur le Dis- cours prononc^ par M. Stephenson de 1'Isthme de Suez. 8* Paris, 1857 Palgrave, W. C. See British South Africa, C : Appendix 2. Palgrave, William Gifford. Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, 1862-63. 2 vo ' s - Map. 8 1865 The same. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8 Palgrave, William Gifford. Notes d'un Voyage au travers de 1'interieur de 1'Arabie, de Gaza a El-Khatif, sur le Golfe Persique, en 1862-63, P ar (* Palgrave. [A Review.] Map. 8* 1866 Dutch Guiana. Map and plan. 8 1876 Report on the General Condition of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay ; its Population, Productions, Trade, Com- merce, and Finance for the year 1884. Folio* [1885] Ulysses, or Scenes and Studies in many Lands. 8 1887 Pallas, P. S. Voyages en differentes Provinces de 1'Empire de Russie, et dans 1'Asie Septentrionale ; traduits de 1'Alle- mand, par G. de la Peyronie. 5 vols., and Atlas (forming Vol. 6). Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1789-93 Voyages . . . traduits de 1'Allemand par le C. Gauthier de la Peyronie ; revus et enrichis de Notes par les C. C. Lamarck, Langles, et Billecocq. Ap- pendix, contenant les Descriptions des Animaux et des Vegeteaux observes dans les Voyages, avec des Notes et Observa- tions par C. C. Lamarck. New edition. 8 vols. 8, and plates 4 (forming Vol. 9) Paris, 1793 Tableaux Physiques et Topographiques de la Tauride : tires du Journal d'un Voyage fait en 1794. 4 St Petersbtirg, 1 795 Second Voyage de Pallas, ou Voyages entrepris dans les Gouvernemens Meridi- onaux de 1'Empire de Russie, pendant les annees 17936! 1794, par M. le Professeur Pallas. Traduit de 1'Allemand par MM. de la Boulaye et Tonnelier. 4 vols. Plates. 8, and Atlas 4 Paris, 1811 Pallegoix, Mgr. Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam, comprenant la Topo- graphic, Histoire Naturelle, Moeurs et Coutumes, Legislation, Langue, &c. 2 vols. Map and plates. 12 Ligny, 1854 Palliser, Capt. John. The Solitary Hunter, or Sporting Adventures in the Prairies. Plates. 12 1857 - Papers relative to the Exploration of that Portion of British North -America which lies between the Northern Branch of the River Saskatchewan and the Frontier of the United States, and between the Red River and the Rocky Mountains. [Parly. Paper] Maps and plates. Folio 1859 Journals, Detailed Reports, and Ob- servations relative to the Exploration of that Portion of British North-America which, in Latitude, lies between the British Boundary Line and the Height of Land or Watershed of the Northern or Frozen Ocean respectively ; and in PAL PAR. 357 Palliser, Capt. John continued. Longitude, between the Western Shore of Lake Superior and the Pacific Ocean, 1857-60. [Parly. Paper.] Folio 1863 Pallme, Ignaz. Beschreibung von Kor- dofan und einigen angranzenden Landern, nebst einen Ueberblick iiber den dasigen Handel, die Sitten und Gebrauche der Einwohner, und die unter der Regierung Mehemed Ali's stattgefundenen Sklaven- jagden. 8 Stuttgart, 1843 Pallu, Francesco. Breve, e compendiosa Relatione de' Viaggi de tre Vescovi Francesi, che dalla S. Mem. di Papa Alessandro VII. furono mandati Vicarij Apostolici a i Regni della Cina, Cocin- cina, e Tonchino, con il racconto di quanto hanno operate per lo stablimento delle loro Missioni. Tradotta dalla Franceseinlingualtaliana. 12 /\ owe, 1669 Palmarts, J. Projet d'Exploration au Pole Nord. 8* Brussels, 1880 Palmer, Aaron Haight. Memoir, Geo- graphical, Political, and Commercial, on the Present State, Productive Resources, and Capabilities for Commerce of Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic Islands of the Northen Pacific Ocean. Maps. 8* Washington, 1848 - Letter to the Hon. J. M. Clayton, enclosing a Paper, Geographical, Politi- cal, and Commercial, on the Independent Oriental Nations. 8* Washington, 1849 Documents and Facts illustrating the Origin of the Mission to Japan autho- rised by the Government of the United States, May 1851. 8* Washington, 1857 Palmer, Prof. E. H. The 'Desert of the Exodus : Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wander- ings, undertaken in Connection with the Ordnance Survey of Sinai and the Palestine Exploration Fund. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1871 See Besant ; also Dictionaries, B : Ap- pendix 2. Palmer, F. J. Floods in the Thames Val- ley, and the Relief of London Bridge and its Approaches. Maps and plates. 8 J 1877 Palmer, G. Kidnapping in the South Seas : l>eing a Narrative of a Three Months' Cruise of II. M.S. " Rosario." riates. 8 Edinburgh, 1871 Palmer, Major H. Spencer. On a Determination of Latitude at Mount Elgin, in the Kan-Lung Peninsula. Folio* Hong Kong, 1882 Palmer, J. Linton. On some Tablets found in Easter Island. Plate. 8* Liverpool, 1876 Palmgren, L. ^Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Palmieri, Luigi, and Arcangelo Scacchi. Delia Uegione Vulcanica del Monte Vul- ture e del Tremuoto ivi avvenuto nel di 14 Agosto 1851. Maps and plates. 4 Naples, 1852 Palmieri, Luigi. The Eruption of Vesuvius in 1872 ; with Notes by R. Mallet. Plates. 8 1873 Palomino, P. Alvares. See Gottfried, Appendix I. Palyakoff, J. S. Travels in the Valley of the Obi. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1877 Pananti, Filippo. Avventure e Osser- vazioni sopra le Coste di Barbeira. Plates. 8 Mendrisio, 1841 Pancrazi, D. G. M. Antichita Siciliane spiegate. 2 vols. Map and plates. Folio Naples, 1751-52 Pancritius, A. Hagringar. Reise durch Schweden, Lappland, Norwegen, und Danemark im Jahre 1850. 8 Konigsberg, 1852 " Pandora." See Hamilton, G. : Koole- mans Beynen ; Young, Sir A. Panet, . Instructions redigees par une Commission de la Societe de Geographic pour le Voyage de M. Panet du Senegal en Algerie. 8* Paris, 1849 Pansch, . See Arctic, H. : Appendix 2. Panter, F. K. See Martin. Pantussof, N. N. On the Kulclja Region. [In Russian.] 8 Kazan, 1881 War of the Mussulmans against the Chinese. Part i, Text [in Taranchi dia- lect]. Part 2, Appendices [in Russian]. 8* Kazan, 1881 Ferghana, according to the Memoirs of Sultan Baber. [In Russian.] 8* St Petersburg, 1884 Pappe, L. Fierce Capensis Medicte Pro- dromus ; or, An Enumeration of South African Plants used as Remedies by the Colonists of the Cape of Good Hope. Map_. 8* Cape Town, 1857 Paquier, J. B. Le Pamir : Etude de Geographic Physique et Historique sur 1'Asie Centrale. Maps. 8 J Paris, 1876 Paradis, Venture de. Grammaire et Dictionnaire abreges de la Langue Ber- bere. Revus par P. A. Jaubert. 8 Paris, 1844 - Notice Biographique, par Jomard. 4* Pan's, 1844 Paravey, Chevalier de. Reponse a 1'Article de M. Riambourg sur 1'Anti- quite Chinoise. 8* Epernay, 1836 Dissertation sur les Amazones dont le Souvenir est conserve en Chine ; ou Comparaison de ce que nous apprennent les Monumens Indiens et les Livres Chinois, sur les Niu-Mou-Yo, avec les Documens que nous ont laisses les Grecs. Plate. 8 Paris, 1840 Nouvelles Preuves que le Pays du Fou- Sang mentionne dans les livres Chinois est 1'Amerique. Plate. 8* [Paris, 1847] Refutation de 1'Opinion emise par M. Jomard que les Peuples d'Amerique n'ont jamais eu aucun rapport avec ceux de 1'Asie. 8* Paris, 1849 358 PAR. Paravey, Chevalier de. Memoire sur la decouverte tres ancienne en Asie et clans 1'Indo- Perse, de la Poudre a Canon et des Armes a Feu. Royal 8* Paris, 1850 Des Traces de la Bible, retrouvees dans les Livres Indous, et specialement d'Abel, type du sacrifice sans tache. 8* Paris, 1851 Recherches sur le Nepenthes des Grecs, dans les Livres Botaniques Chinois. 8* Versailles, 1860 De 1'origine Orientale des Polonais et d'un usage ancien de ce Peuple celebre et guerrier .par excellence. Plate. 8* Paris, 1861 Du Signe Interrogatif des divers Peuples, et des fausses idees de 1' Europe sur les Hieroglyphics. Dissertation. 8* Lyons, 1865 Du Planisphere de Denderah et des Zodiaques anciens. 8* [Paris, 1866] Recherches sur les Noms primitifs de Dieu. 12* [Koanne, N. D.] Dissertation sur les Centaures et les Amazones. 8* Routine, N.n. Parbury, George. Hand-Book for India and Egypt, comprising the Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to England, by way of the River Ganges, the North- West of Hindostan, the Himalayas, the Rivers Sutledge and Indus, Bombay, and Egypt ; and Hints for the Guidance of Passengers by that and other Overland Routes to the Three Presidencies of India. Map. 8 1841 Parchappe, , and de la Marck. Observations Chronometriques et autres faites en 1853, dans 1'Archipel des Porno', ous. 8 Paris, 1857 Pardoe, Miss. The City of the Sultan, and Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1836. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1837 The River and the Desert, or Recol- lections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse. 2 vols. 12 1838 Paris, C. Voyage d'Exploration de Hue en Cochinchine par la Route Mandarine. Maps and illustrations. 8 Pan's, 1889 Paris, Matthew. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 ; Vol. 3, Book I : Appendix I. Paris, T. Clifton. Letters from the Py- renees, during Three Months' pedestrian wanderings amidst the Wildest Scenes of the French and Spanish Mountains, in 1842. Woodcuts. 8 1843 Parish, John. Translation of " A Voyage to the Island of Mauritius, or Isle of France, the Isle of Bourbon, the Cape of Good Hope, &c." By a French Officer. 8 1775 Parish, Sir Woodbine. Analysis of the " Coleccion de Obras y Documentos relatives a la Historia Antigua y Moderna de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata ; Parish, Sir Woodbine continued. ilustrados con notas y Disertaciones, por Pedro de Angelis. " Buenos Aires, 1836. 8* [1837] Buenos Ayres and the Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, their Present State, Trade, and Debt ; with some Account of the Progress of Geographical Dis- covery in those parts of South America during the last Sixty Years. Maps and plates. 8 1838 The same, from their Discovery and Conquest by the Spaniards to the Establishment of their Political Inde- pendence ; with some Account of their Present State, Trade, Debt, &c. ; an Appendix of Historical and Statistical Documents, and a Description of the Geology of the Pampas. 2nd edition. Map and illustrations. 8 1852 Buenos Aires y las Provincias de Rio de la Plata. Traducido y Aumentado con notas y Apuntes por Justo Maeso. Map and plates. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1853 - See Cox, G. ; Dalrymple, A. ; Pentland. Parisot, V. See Vosgien. Park, A. How I Teach Geography. 12* 1883 Park, Mungo. Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, performed under the Direction and Patronage of the African Association in the years i795> *796> anc l 1797 ; with an Appendix, containing Geographical Illustrations of Africa, by Major Rennell. Maps and plates. 4 1799 The same. 4th edition. Map, portrait, and plates. 8 1800 The same ; with an Account of a subsequent Mission to that Country in 1805, to which is added an Account of the Life of Mr Park. A new edition [Vol. 2 only]. Last Journey and Life. Map. 8 1816 The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa in the year 1805 ; together with other Documents, Official and Private, relating to the same Mission ; to which is prefixed an Account of the Life of Mr Park. Map. 4 1815 -Papers in MS. on 3 slips. [Slip A. On this is written "Crescent Transport," the name of the vessel that conveyed Mungo Park and party from Portsmouth to Goree ; Register of Observations for Longitude ; no date (about 1805). Slip B. MM. On the Rate of the Watch during the Passage to Goree. Slip C. A Rough Register of Observations for Longitude made during the Passage to Goree.] See Rios ; Thomson ; also Eyries, Vol. II ; Pelham, i; Pinkerton, 16 : Appendix I. PAR. 359 Parke, Lieut. J. G. Report of Explora- tions for that Portion of a Railway Route, near the thirty second Parallel of Latitude, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande, and Pimas Villages on the Gila. Maps. 8 Washington, 1854 Parke, Dr T. H. My Personal Experi- ences in Equatorial Africa as Medical Officer of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedi- tion. Map and illustrations. 8 1891 Guide to Health in Africa, with Notes on the Country and its Inhabitants ; with Preface by H. M. Stanley. 12 1893 Parker, E. H. Report on Annam. Map. Folio* 1892 Parker, Francis W. How to Study Geography. 12 New York, 1889 Parker, Gilbert. Round the Compass in Australia. Illustrations. 8 1892 Parker, P. Journal of an Expedition from Singapore to Japan ; with a Visit to Loo- Choo. 12 1838 Parker, T. Jefiery. The Skeleton of the New Zealand Crayfishes. No. 4 of Studies in Biology for New Zealand Students. Diagrams. Large 8* Wellington, N.Z., 1889 Parker, William. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Parkes, W. Euphrates Valley Railway : Report on the Ports of the Persian Gulf. Charts. 8* 1872 Parkin, George R. Round the Empire; with a Preface by the Earl of Rosebery. Mas and illustrations. 12 1 892 Parkinson, J. C. The Ocean Telegraph to India, a Narrative and a Diary. Map, plates, and tables. Small 8 1870 Parkinson, R. Im Bismarck-Archipel, Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen auf der Insel Neu-Pommern (Neu-Britannien). Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1887 Parkinson, Sydney. A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in His Majesty's ship "The Endeavour." Map and illustrations. 4 !773 Parkman, F. The Discovery of the Great West. Map. 8 Boston, Mass., 1869 See Horsford. Parkyns, Mansfield. Life in Abyssinia : being Notes collected during Three Years Residence and Travels in that Country. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1853 Parlatore, P. Etudes sur la Geographic Botanique de PItalie. 8* Paris, 1878 Parlby, Major Samuel. Rational Theory as to the Cause of the Varieties of Temperature in the different Latitudes of the Earth's Surface, and according to the Scriptural Account of the Creation. 8* i854 Parmentier, Jean and Raoul. Le Dis- cours de la Navigation de Jean et Raoul Parmentier dc Dieppe, Voyage a Sumatra en 1529. Description de Pisle de Sainct- Parmentier, Jean and Raoul contd. Dominigo. Publiee par C. Schefer. [Vol. 4 of Recueil de Voyages, &c. ] Map. Large 8 Paris, 1883 Paroletti, Modeste. Turin et ses Curiosi- tes, ou Description Ilistorique de tout ce que cette Capitale offre de remarq liable dans ses Monumens, ses Edifices et ses Environs. Map. 8 Turin, 1819 Turin, a la portee de 1'Etranger, ou Description des Palais, Edifices, et Monu- mens de Science et d'Art, &c. Map and plates. Small 8 Turin, 1838 Parr, A. C. See Ogilvy, T. Parrot, Friedrich. Reise zum Ararat. 2 parts. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1834 Journey to Ararat, translated by W. D. Cooley. Map and woodcuts. 8 1845 See Engelhardt. Parry, Francis. The Sacred Maya Stone of Mexico, and its Symbolism. Plates and illustrations. Imperial 4 1893 Parry, Admiral Sir William Edward. Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in 1819-20 in H.M. ships "Hecla" and "Griper"; with an Appendix containing the Scientific and other Observations. Charts and plates. 4 1 82 1 Journal of a Second Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 1821-23, in H.M. ships "Fury" and "Hecla." Maps and plates. 4 1824 Appendix to the Second Voyage. Plates. 4 1825 Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage to the Pacific, performed 1824-25, in H.M. ships "Hecla" and "Fury." Charts and plates. 4 1826 Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, in Boats fitted for the purpose, and attached to H.M. ship "Hecla," in 1827. Charts and plates. 4 1828 - Brief Memoir of. 8* 1855 Memoirs, by the Rev. Edward Parry. Portrait. Crown 8 1857 See Huish, R. ; also Eyries, Vol. 8 ; Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Parsons, Abraham. Travels in Asia and Africa : including a Journey from Scan- deroon to Aleppo, and over the Desert to Bagdad and Bussora ; a Voyage from Bussora to Bombay, and along the Western Coast of India ; a Voyage from Bombay to Mocha and Suez in the Red Sea ; and a Journey from Suez to Cairo and Rosetta. Plates. 4 1808 Parsons, J. West India Directory : Sail- ing Directions from Puerto Escoces to Sasardi, and for Boca Chica and Bay of Cartagena. 8 1857 360 PAR PAU. Parsons, Hon. J. L. The Northern Territory, with a Glance at the East : a Lecture delivered . . . igth May 1887. 8* Adelaide, 1887 Parsons, R. M. Observations made while proceeding from New Westminster to Lake La Hache. Maps. 8* New Westminster, B.C., 1862 Parthey, G., and M. Pinder. Itiner- arium Antonini Augusti et Hierosolymi- tanum. Map. [i sheet of Codices.] 8 Berlin, 1848 Parthey, G. See Mela, Pomponius. Parthey, H. Ueber den Oberlauf des Nil nach Ptolemseus. Map. 8* Berlin, 1864 Partsch, Dr Joseph. Die Insel Korfu. (Erganzungsheft, 88 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1887 Die Insel Leukas. (Erganzungsheft, 95 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1889 Kephallenia und Ithaka. (Ergan- zungsheft, 98 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen. ) Map, plans, and sketches. 4 Got ha, 1890 See Neumann, C. Pasco, Capt. Crawford. Presidential Address: Section E, Geography. Aus- tralian Assoc. Advancement of Science. 8* Hobart, 1892 Pashino, Petr Ivanovich. Turkistan in 1866. [In Russian.] Map and plates. 4 \St Petersburg] 1868 Pashley, R. Travels in Crete. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 Cambridge, 1837 Pasini, L. See Marco Polo. Pasius. See Purchas, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Paske, Major Edward H. Tea Cultiva- tion in the Kangra District. [From the India Records.] 8 Lahore, 1869 Pasos, I. de. See Angelis, Vol. 4: Ap- pendix i. Paspati, A. G. Etudes sur les Tchin- ghianes, ou Bohemiens de 1'Empire Otto- man. 8 Constantinople, 1870 Passarge, Louis. Aus Baltischen Lanclen; Studien und Bilder. 12 Glogaii, 1878 Passos, F. P. Estrada de Ferro D. Pedro II. (parte em trafego). Relatorio do anno de 1878. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1879 - The same. Relatorio do anno de 1879. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1880 Passy, F. See Saillens. Pasumot, F. Voyages Physiques dans les Pyrenees, en 1788 et 1789: Histoire Naturelle d'une partie de ces Montagnes. Maps. 8 Paris, 1797 Paterson, William. A Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hot- tentots and Caffraria, in the years 1777" 78-79. Map and plates. 4 1789 Central America. [From an MS. in the British Museum, 1701.] Map. 8 1857 Paterson's Roads in England and Wales. See Mogg. Paton, A. A. Servia, the Youngest Mem- ber of the European Family ; or, a Resi- dence in Belgrade, and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844. 8 1845 Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic, including Dalmatia, Croatia, and the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Em- pire. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1849 The Goth and the Hun ; or, Tran- sylvania, Debreczin, Pesth, and Vienna in 1850. 8 1851 Paton, James. The Textile Industries of Glasgow and the West of Scotland. [Bound with other Papers, by St John V. Day, John Mayer, and James Paton, for the British Association Meeting at Glasgow, 1876.] 12 Glasgow, 1876 Paton, Walter B. The Handy Guide to Emigration to the British Colonies. New edition. Maps. 12 1886 Paton, William Agnew. Down the Islands : a Voyage to the Caribees ; with illustrations from drawings by M. J. Burns. Large 8 1888 Patrick, S. See Cellarius, C. Patten, Robert. Report of the Locating Survey of the St Croix and Lake Superior Railroad. Map. 8* Madison, 1856 Patterson, A. J. The Magyars, their Country and Institutions. 2 vols. Alap. Small 8 1869 Patterson, Carlisle P. See United States, F : Appendix 2. Patterson, William J. The Dominion of Canada : with particulars as to its Extent, Climate, Agricultural Resources, Fish- eries, Mines, Manufacturing and other Industries; also Details of Home and Foreign Commerce ; including a Sum- mary of the Census of 1 88 1. 8 Montreal, 1883 Patton, Jacob Harris. Natural Resources of the United States. 8 1888 Paul, B. H. See Humboldt, Alex. von. Paul of Aleppo. See Macarius. Paula. Pilgrimage of the holy Paula. See Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. Paulet, Lord George. See Simpson. Paulitschke, Dr Philipp. Die Afrika Literatur in der Zeit von 1500 bis 1750 n. Ch. , ein Beitrag zur Geographischen Quellenkunde. 8 Vienna, 1882 Ueber die Etymologic und Schreib- weise einiger geographischer Namen Ost- Afrika's. 8* Vienna, 1884 Die geographische Erforschung der Adal-Lander und Harars in Ost-Afrika; mil Riicksicht auf die Expedition des Dr. Med. Dominik Kammel, Edlen von Hardegger. Large 8 Leipzig, 1884 PAU PAZ. Paulitschke, Dr Philipp. Die Sudan - lander nach dem gegenwartigen Stande der Kenntnis. Map. 8 Freiburg, 1885 Dr D. Kammel von Hardegger's Ex- pedition in Ost-Afrika : Beitrage zur Ethnographic und Anthropologie der Somal, Galla, und Harari. Maps and plates. Folio Leipzig, 1886 - Harar : Forschungsrerse nach den Somal- und Galla-Landern Ost-Afrikas. Ausgefiihrt von Dr Kammel von Hard- ** e g er > unc l Prof. Dr Paulitschke. Nebst Beitragen von Dr Giinther Hitter von Beck, L. Ganglbauer, und Dr Heinrich Wichmann. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1888 - Die Wanderungen der Oromo oder Galla Ost-Afrika's. Plate. 4* Vienna, 1889 Ethnographic Nordost - Afrikas : die Materielle Cultur der Danakil, Galla, und Somal. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1893 Pauly, F. Topographic von Dannemark, einschlieszlich Islands, und der Faroer. 12 Altona, 1828 Pausanias. Pausaniae de tola Grrecia libri decem. . . . Abrahamo Loeschero inter- prete. Folio Basle, 1550 Viaggio Istorico della Grecia. 5 vols. 4 Rome, 1792 Pausaniae Grsecioe Descriptio. Greece Recensuit ex Codd. et aliunde Emendavit, Explanavit, J. F. Facius ; Romuli Amassei Interpretationem Latinam Continens. 4 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1794-96 Descrizione della Grecia. Tradotta da A. Nibby. 4 vols. in 2. Map. 8 Koine, 1817 - The Description of Greece by Pau- sanias. Translated from the Greek, with Notes. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1824 Pauthier, G. Memoire sur 1'Origine et la Propagation de la Doctrine du Tao, fondee par Lao-tseu, &c. : Critique litte- raire. 8* Paris, 1831 Reponse a 1'Examen Critique de M. S. Julien. 8* Paris, 1842 Vindicine Sinicce : Derniere Reponse a M. S. Julien ; suivie d'un Parallele de sa Nouvelle Traduction de Lao-Tseu, avec une traduction precedente, et avec Supplement. 8* Paris, 1842-43 Vindicke Sinicoe Novae. No. I. J. P. Atel-Remusat. 8* Paris, 1872 See Julien ; Khanikoff, N. Pavet de Courteille, A. Miradj-Nameh d'apres le manuscrit Ouigour de la Bibliotheque nationale. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1882 Paxton, J. D. Letters from Palestine, during a Residence there, 1836-38. 12 1839 Payer, Julius von. Die Adamello - Presanella-Alpen, nach den Forschungen und Aufnahmen von . (Erganzungs- heft, 17 Petermann's Mittheilungcn.) Coloured plate and map. 4 Got ha, 1865 Payer, Julius von. Die Ortler-Alpen (Sulden-Gebiet, und Monte Cevedale), nach den Forschungen und Aufnahmen von . (Erganzungsheft, 1 8 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Coloured plate and map. 4 Got ha, 1867 Die westlichen Ortler-Alpen (Trafoier Gebiet), nach den Forschungen und Auf- nahmen von . (Erganzungsheft, 23 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Coloured plate and map. 4 Got ha, 1 868 Die siidlichen Ortler-Alpen, nach den Forschungen und Aufnahmen von . (Erganzungsheft, 27 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Map and coloured plate. 4 Got ha, 1869 Die centralen Ortler-Alpen (Gebiete: Martell, Laas, und Saent), nebst einem Anhange zu den Adamello- Presanella- Alpen. (Erganzungsheft, 31 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Plate and map. 4 Got ha, 1872 Die 6'sterreichisch-ungarische Nordpol- Expedition in den Jahren 1872-74, nebst einer Skizze der zweiten deutschen Nordpol-Expedition 1869-70, und der Polar- Expedition von 1871. Maps and plates. 8 Vienna, 1876 New Lands within the Arctic Circle: Narrative of the Discoveries of the Austrian ship ' ' Tegetthoff " in the years 1872-74. 2 vuls. Maps and plates. 8 1876 See Weyprecht ; also Arctic, B : Ap- pendix 2. Payne, Edward John. History of Euro- pean Colonies. Maps. 12 1877 History of the New World called America. Vol. I. Royal 8 Oxford, 1892 Payne, F. F. Eskimo of Hudson's Strait. 8* Toronto, 1889 A few Notes upon the Eskimo of Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson's Strait. 8* [1889] Payne, J. A. O. Lagos and West African Almanack and Diary for 1894. Illustra- tions. Large 8 ^93 Table of Principal Events in Yoruba History, with certain other matters of general interest. Large 8 Lagos [1893] Payne, Rt. Rev. John. Grebo Grammar : for the use of the Protestant Episcopal Mission at Cape Pal mas and parts adjacent, West Africa. Small 8 New York, 1882 Pays, A. J. du. See Joanne. Payton, E. W. Round about New Zealand: being Notes from a Journal of Three Years' Wanderings in the Anti- podes. Map and illustrations. 8 1 888 Paz Soldan, Manuel Rouaud y. Nota pasada al Sr. Comisario de Limites . . . sobre la Exploracion del Rio Yavari, per el Secretario de la Comision. 4* J\ini, 1867 362 PAZ FEB. Paz Soldan, Manuel Rouaud y. Dos Ilustres Sabios [Lorente et Raimondi] vimlicados. 4* Lima, 1868 Estudio sobre la Altura dc las Mon- tanas, aplicado especialmente al Misti o Volcan de Are(juipa. 4* Lima, 1868 Ensayo de una teoria del Magnetismo terrestre en el Peru. 8* Lima, 1869 Kesumen de las Observaciones Me- teorologicas hechas en Lima durante el Ano de 1869, accompanado de dos Memorias : i Adiciones y Correcciones al Estudio de la Altura de la Montanas; y, 2 Sobre la Position geografica de Lima. 8* Lima, 1870 Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe. Historia del Peru Independiente. Primer periodo 1819-22. Large 8 Lima, 1868 The same. Segundo periodo, 1822- 27. II. Large 8 Lima, 1874 Diccionario Geografico, Estadistico del Peru, contiene ademas la Etimologia Aymara y Quechua de las principales Poblaciones, Lagos, Rios, Cerros, &c. Folio Lima, 1877 Geografia Argentina, Orografia, Hi- drografia, Limites. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1885 Paz Soldan, Mateo. Geografia del Peru, obra postuma ; corregida y aumentada por su Hermano Mariano F. Paz Soldan. Vol. I. Portrait. 4 Paris, 1862 Geographic du Perou. . . Corrigee et " augmentee par . . . Mariano F. Paz Soldan. . . Traduction Franaise par P. Arsene Mouqueron, avec la collaboration de Manuel Rouaud y Paz Soldan. Large 8 Paris, 1863 Peace, Walter. Notes on Natal. 8* 1893 Peach, Lieut. E. See Ostroumoff. Peach, B. N. See Tudor. Peacock, D. M. A System of Conic Sections, adapted to the study of Natural Philosophy. 8 1817 Peacock, D. R. Original Vocabularies of Five West Caucasian Languages. ( From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 19, Part I.) 8* [1887] Peacock, Capt. G. On the Supply of Nitrate of Soda and Guano from Peru, with the history of their first introduction into this country, &c. Map. 8* Exeter, 1878 Notes on the Isthmus of Panama and Darien, also on the River St Juan, Lakes of Nicaragua, &c. , with reference to a Railroad and Canal for joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps and plans. 8 Exeter, 1879 The Guinea or Gold Coast of Africa, formerly a Colony of Axumites, or ancient Abyssinians, in the reign of King Solomon, and the veritable Ophir of Scripture, now an undisputed Colony of Great Britain. Map and plans. 8* 1880 Peacock, Capt. G. See Colombia (Panama) : Appendix 2. Peacock, R. A. On Steam as the Motive Power in Earthquakes and Volcanoes, and on Cavities in the Earth's Crust. 8* Jersey, 1 866 Physical and Historical evidences of vast Sinkings of Land on the North and West Coast's of France, and South- western Coasts of England, within the Historical Period. Maps. 8 1868 Peal, S. E. A Peculiarity of the River Names in Asam and some of the countries adjoining. 8* [Calcutta, 1879] The Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. (Extract from the Journal of the Asiatic Society.) 8* 1892 See India, I (Assam) : Appendix 2. Pearce, J. A. Speech on the Coast Sur- vey of the United States. 8* Washington, 1849 Pearce, Nathaniel. The Life and Adven- tures of N. Pearce, written by himself, during a residence in Abyssinia from. . . 1810 to 1819. Together with Mr Coffin's account of his Visit to Gondar. Edited by J. J. Halls. 2 vols. 8 1831 Pearce, Dr Zachary. Life of Himself [bound up with the Lives of Dr Pocock, Dr Thomas Newton, and Rev. P. Skelton]. 2 vols. 8 1816 Pearse, E. A. Plans and Details of a Machine for Aerial Navigation, to be called an Aerial Carriage ; also a Scheme for an Expedition to the North Pole, to be done in Three Months, at a Cost of Two Thousand Pounds. Folio* 1880 Pearson, A. N. Brief Sketch of the Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency in 1 88 1. Plates. 8* [Bombay, 1882] Pearson, C. H. Historical Maps of England during the First Thirteen Centuries ; with Explanatory Essays and Indices. 2nd edition. Folio 1870 Pearson, Charles H. National Life and Character : a Forecast. 8 J&93 Pearson, John B. A Series of Observed Lunar Distances, with Explanations and Analysis. Oblong 8 Cambridge, 1879 Pearson, W. H. See Canada, A: Appen- dix 2. Peary, Mrs Josephine Diebitsch. My Arctic Journal : a Year among Icefields and Eskimos ; with an Account of the Great White Journey across Greenland, by Robert E. Peary. Illustrations. 8 1893 Pease, Alfred E. Biskra and the Oases and Desert of the Zibans, with Informa- tion for Travellers. Maps and illustra- tions. 12 1893 Pebrer, P. Taxation, Revenue, Expendi- ture, Power, Statistics, and Debt of the whole British Empire, &c. 8 1833 PEC PEL. 363 Peche, Thomas. See Burney, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Pechuel-Loesche, Dr. Kongoland : i. Amtliche Berichte und Denkschriften iiber das BelgischeKongo-Unternehmen; 2. Unterguinea und Kongostaat als Handels- und Wirtschaftsgebiet, nebst einer Liste der Faktoreien bis zum Jahre 1887. 8 Jena, 1887 Peck, Rev. E. J. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, together with Hymns, Addresses, &c. , for the use of the Eskimo of Hudson's Bay. 12 1881 Peck, J. M. Guide for Emigrants to the West ; containing Sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, with the Territories of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and the adjacent parts. 18 Boston, Mass., 1836 Peck, William. A Popular Handbook and Atlas of Astronomy, designed as a Complete Guide to a Knowledge of the Heavenly Bodies, and as an Aid to those possessing Telescopes. Plates, illustra- tions, diagrams, &*c. 4 189x1 Peckham, S. F. See United States, A (Tenth Census, Vol. 10) : Appendix 2. Pecoul, Capt. A. Account and Descrip- tion of the Sounding-Log, serving to Sound without entirely Stopping the Vessel, &c. 8 Afar seizes, 1855 Pector, Desire. Indication Approxima- tive de Vestiges laisses par les Popula- tions Precolombiennes du Nicaragua. Deuxieme edition. 8* Paris, 1889 - The same. 2"' e partie. Map and plates. 8* Paris, 1889 Apercu des principales communica- tions relatives a la Linguistique faites au Congres International des Americanistes. (Huitieme Session, Paris, 1890.) 8* Paris, 1891 Expose sommaire des voyages et travaux geographiques au Nicaragua dans le cours du XIX e Siecle. (Congres Inter- nationale Geographique, Paris, 1889.) Large 8* Paris, 1891 Considerations sur quelques Noms Indigenes de localites de 1'Isthme Centre - Americain. Large 8* Paris, 1892 Notice sur 1'Archeologie du Salvador pre-Colombien. 4* Paris, 1892 Etude economique sur la Kepublique de Nicaragua. Maps. 8 Neuchatel, 1893 Peek, C. E. See United Kingdom, Rous- don Observatory, p. 827 : Appendix 3. Peel, Capt. W. A Ride through the Nubian Desert. Map. 8 1852 Peet, . Letter from, on a New Chinese Geography. (Missionary Herald, July 1850.) 8* Boston, Mass., 1850 Peez, Carl. Mostar und sein Cultur- kreis. Ein Stadtebild aus der Hercego- vina. Plan and it 'lust 'rations. 8 Leipzig, 1891 Pegoletti (or Pegolotti), F. B. See Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix I. Peiffer, E. Legende Territoriale de la France, pour servir a la Lecture des Cartes Topographiques. Alaps. 8 Paris, 1877 Peirce, Benjamin. The Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory, in Massa- chusetts, determined from Transits of Stars over the Prime Vertical, observed during the months of December 1844 and January 1845, by W. C. Bond, Major J. D. Graham, and G. P. Bond. 4* Tables of the Moon, constructed for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4 Washington, 1865 Peirce, H. A. Early Discoveries of the Hawaiian Islands in the North Pacific Ocean ; evidences of Visits by Spanish Navigators during the i6th Century. Ethnologically considered, by Charles Wolcott Brooks. 8* San Francisco, 1880 Pelagius Cambrensis. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Pelet, Paul. See Lebon. Pelham, Cavendish. The World, or the Present State of the Universe : being a General and Complete Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels, Selected, Arranged, and Digested from the Narra- tives of the latest and most Authentic Travellers and Navigators. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1808-10 [For Contents of the two vols., see Appendix i.] Pelham, Edward. See Hakluyt. Soc. Publ., Vol. 18; Churchill, Vol. 4: Ap- pendix i. Pelion, M. D. Considerations Politiques et Militaires sur 1'Algerie. 8 Paris, 1838 Pellegrini, Giuseppe. Elogio di G. Segato da Belluno. 8* Florence, 1836 Pelleschi, Giovanni. Eight Months on the Gran Chaco of the Argentine Re- public. Crown 8 1886 Pelletreau, A. Le Chemin de Fer Trans- Saharien : Etude des clivers Traces pro- poses. 8 Constantine, 1879 Pellicer de Tovar, Joseph. Mission Evangelica al Reyno de Congo par la Serafica Religion de los Capuchinos. 8 Madrid, 1649 Pellissier, E. See Algeria, A : Appendix 2. Pellow, Thomas. See Brown, R. Pelly, Sir Lewis. Memoir on the Khy- poor State in Upper Sind, with Notes. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 - Remarks on a Recent Journey to Shirauz ; with an Account of the Country between Bushire and Shirauz, and a Brief Account of the Province of Fars. Map. Folio* Bombay, 1863 364 PEL PEN. Pelly, Sir Lewis. Visit to Lingah, Kishm, and Bunder Abbass. 8* 1864 Report on Route from Bushire to Shiraz, via Geesekan and Feroozabad. Map and plates. Small folio* 1864 Report of Journey from Bunder Ab- bass to Cape Jashk. Map. Folio* 1864 Remarks concerning the Pearl Oyster- beds of the Persian Gulf. Folio* 1865 Pelsart (or Pelsaert), Capt. Francis. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25; Cal- lander, 2; Harris, I: Pinkerton, n; Allgemeine Historic, 12 : Appendix I. Pelt, Daniel van. See Tollens. Pelzeln, A. von. Ueber die Malayische Saugethier- Fauna. Map. 4* Vienna, 1876 See Holub ; ' ' Novara. " Pemberton, Capt. R. Boileau. Report on the Eastern Frontier of British India ; with an Appendix ; and a Supplement by Dr Bay field on the British Political Relations with Ava. Maps. 8 CuZcutta, 1835 Report on Bootan ; with an Appen- dix, 1838. Maps. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1838 Ambassade au Boutan : Journal abrege du Voyage en 1837-38. Redige par M. Griffith ; accompagne de Notes par Ch. Olloba d'Ochoa. Map. 8* Paris, 1840 See India, I, Assam : Appendix 2. Pena, Carlos Maria de, and Honore Roustan. The Oriental Republic of Uruguay at the World's Columbian Exhibition, Chicago, 1893. Geography, Rural Industries, Commerce, General Statistics. Translated into English by J. J. Rethore. Map. Large 8 Montevideo, 1893 Penafiel, Dr Antonio. See Mexico : Ap- pendix 2. Penck, Dr Albrecht. Mensch uncl Eiszeit. Maps. 4* Brunswick, 1884 -Der Alte Rheingletscher auf dem Alpenvorlande. 8* Munich, 1886 - Der Brenner. 8* [Munich} 1887 - Ueber Denudation dcr Erdoberfiache. 12* Vienna, 1887 Die Hottinger Brcccie. 8* Vienna, 1887 Die Ueberschwemmungen des Jahres 1888. 12* 1888 Die Bildung der Durchbruchthaler. 12* Vienna, 1888 Das Endziel der Erosion und Denu- dation. Vortrag gehalten auf dem VIII. Deutschen Geographentage zu Berlin. 8* Berlin, 1889 Die Gletscher der Ostalpen. 12* 1889 Theorien iiber das Gleichgewicht der Erdkruste. 12* Vienna, 1889 Ziele der Erdkunde in Oesterreich. 8* Vienna, 1889 Penck, Dr Albrecht. Geographische Bildersammlungen. Vortrag gehalten auf dem VIII. Deutschen Geographen- tage zu Berlin. 8* Berlin, 1889 Der Flacheninhalt der 6'sterreichisch- ungarischen Monarchic. 8* Vienna, 1889 Die Glacialschotter in den Ostalpen ; mit einem Anhange enthaltend die Hauptergebnisse der von A. Penck, E Bruckner, und Bohm, bearbeiteten Prei- saufgabe liber "die Vergletscherung der Ostalpen." 12* Vienna, 1890 Noes geologische Uebersichtskarte der Alpen. 12* Vienna, 1890 Der Ausbruch des Tarawera und Rotomahana auf Neu-Seeland. 8* [ Vienna, N. D. ] DieDonau. Plates. 12* Vienna, 1891 Der Neunte Deutsche Geographentag in Wien. 8* Vienna, 1891 Die Geographic an der Wiener Uni- versitat. 8* Vienna, 1891 Die Formen der Landoberflache, ein Vortrag gehalten auf dem 9 Deutschen Geographentage in Wien im Jahre 1891. 8* Berlin, 1891 - Die Erdkarte im Massstabe von I : 1,000,000. 4* Munich, 1891 Bericht der Central-Kommission fiir Wissenschaftliche Landeskunde von Deutschland liber die zwei Geschafts- jahre von Ostern, 1891, bis Ostern 1893. (Sonder-Abdruck aus den Verhandlungen des X Deutschen Geographentages in Stuttgart, 1893.) 8* Vienna, 1893 Bericht iiber die Exkursion des X Deutschen Geographentages nach Ober- Schwaben und dem Bodensee, 10-14 April 1893. 8* Berlin, 1893 See Kirchhoff. A. Bohm, and A. Rodler. Bericht iiber eine gemeinsame Excursion in den Bohmerwald. 8* [ Vienna, 1887] Penck's Geographische Abhandlungen. Band I., 1886. Large 8 Vienna, 1887 Heft I. Briickner, Dr E. Die Ver- gletscherung des Salzach - Gebietes nebst Beobachtungen iiber die Eiszeit in der Schweiz. Map and plates 1 886 Heft 2. Neumann, Prof. Dr Lud- wig. Orometrie des Schwar/.waldes. Map and plate. Large 8 1886 Heft 3. Bohm, Dr A. Eintheilung der Ostalpen. Map 1887 - The same. Band II., 1887. Large 8 Vienna, 1888 Heft i. Geiger, Dr Wilhelm. Die Pamir - Gebiete ; eine geographischc Monographic. Map 1887 Heft 2. Hann, Dr Julius. DieVer- theilung des Luftdruckes in Mittel- und Siideuropa. Maps 1887 Heft 3. Soyka, Dr Isidor. Die Schwankungen des Grundwassers 1888 PEN PER. L 365 Penck's Geographische Abhandlungen. Band III. Large 8 Vienna, 1889 Heft I. Sievers, Dr W. Die Corclil- lere von Merida, nebst Bemerkungen liber das karibische Gebirge. Ergeb- nisse einer . . . 1884-85 ausgefiihrten Reisen. Map 1888 Heft 2. Giinther, Dr S. Johannes Kepler und cler tellurisch-kosmische Magnetismus. 1888 Heft 3. Woeikof, Dr A. Der Einfluss einer Schneedecke auf Boden, Klima, und Wetter. 1889 The same. Band IV. Heft I. Kretschmer, Konrad. Die physische Erdkunde im Christlichen Mittelalter. 1889 The same. Band V. Heft i. Arbeiten des Geographis- chen Institutes der k.k. Universitat Wien. (Heiderich, Karowski, Swar- owsky. ) Plates 1891 Heft 3. Cvijic, Dr Jovan. Das Karstphanomen. 1893 Heft 4. Forster, Dr A. E. Die Temperatur fliessender Gewasser Mitteleuropas. Diagram 1894 Pendleton, N. G. On Military Posts from Council Bluffs to the Pacific Ocean. Map. 8* Washington, 1842 Peney, Alfred. Les dernieres Explora- tions dans la Region du Haul Eleuve Blanc. Extraits de ses Papiers et de son Journal de Voyage ; mis en Ordre, ac- compagnes de Notes, par Malte-Brun. Map. 8* Paris, 1863 Penington, John. Scraps Osteologic and Archaiological. 8* Philadelphia, 1841 Peniston, William Michael. Public Works in Pernambuco, in the Empire of Brazil. Edited by C. Manby and J. Forrest. 8* 1863 Penn, J. See United Kingdom, A, Hy- drogr. Oft". Publ. : Appendix 2. Pennant, T. A Tour in Scotland, '769. 3rd edition. Plates. 4 Warrington, 1774 A Tour in Scotland, and Voyage to the Hebrides, 1772. Parts I and 2. Plates. 4 1774-76 - A Journey from London to the Isle of Wight. 2 vols. (in i). Maps and plates. 4 1 80 1 Tours in Wales. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1810 - The Journey from Chester to London, with Notes. Plates. 8 1811 See Pinkerton, Vol. 3; Appendix i. Pennefather, Captain C. Cruise of the Queensland Government schooner "Pearl" in the Gulf of Carpentaria. [Report of the Exploration of the Coen, Archer, and Batavia Rivers.] Plan. Folio* [Brisbane} 1880 Report on Further Survey of Point Parker, Gulf of Carpentaria. Chart. Folio* Brisbane, 1882 Pennefather, F. W. See Murray's Hand- books. New Zealand. Pennesi, Giuseppe. Pietro della Valle e i suoi viaggi in Turchia, Persia, e India. Map. 8* Rome, 1890 Tunisi e il suo nuovo porto (Estratto Pennazzi, Luigi. La Grecia Moderna. Illustrations. 8 Milan, 1879 Pennefather, Captain C. Explorations in the Gulf of Carpentaria, and Surveys in the Vicinity of Point Parker. Map. Folio* [Brisbane] 1880 dalla Rassegna Navale, Anno I. No. 7). 8* [Palermo, N.D.] L'impresa del Panama. 8* Florence, 1893 Penney, Stephen. Concise Navigating Directions for the River Thames ; in- cluding all the Pools, Reaches, and Channels, from London Bridge to the South Foreland and Orfordness, and for the English Channel to Beachy Head ; also for the Port of Dunkerque, and the approaches to the Scheldt. Charts. Oblong 12 1892 Penning, W. Henry. A Guide to the Gold Fields of South Africa. Map. 12* Pretoria, 1883 - The Geology of the Southern Trans- vaal. 8 1893 Penny, Rev. Alfred. Ten Years in Me- lanesia. Chart and i /lustrations. 1 2 [1887] Penny, Capt. See Sutherland, P. C. Penny, William. See Franklin, Sir John. Penrose, F. C. On Certain Anomalies in the Construction of the Parthenon, Athens. 4* 1847 Pentland, J. B., and Sir Woodbine Parish. Notices on the Bolivian Andes and Southern Affluents of the Rivers Amazons and Beni. Map. 8* 1835 Pepe, Lieut. -Gen. Scenes and Events in Italy from 1847 to 1849, including the Siege of Venice. 2 vols. 12 1850 Pepe, Jose\ Espedicion a Bariloche : Apuntes de Viaje. 12* Valparaiso, 1885 Pequito, R. A. A Sociedade de Geo- graphia de Lislx>a e o Marquez de Sa de Bandeira. 8* Lisbon, 1877 Peragallo, P. L'Autenticita delle His- toric di Fernando Colombo, e le Critiche del Signer Enrico Harrisse, con ampli frammenti del testo Spagnuolo di D. Fernando. Large 8 Geneva, 1884 - Riconferma dell' Autenticita delle Historic di Fernando Colombo. Risposta alle osservazione dell' Uff. Prof. Dottore Pietro Arata. 8 Geneva, 1885 Cristoforo Colombo e la sua Famiglia. Rivista generate degli errori del Sig. E. I larrisse, Studi Storico-critici. Large 8 Lisbon, 1888 366 PER. Peralta, Manuel M. de. Costa Rica, its Climate, Constitution, and Resources. 8* 1873 Costa- Rica, Nicaragua, y Panama, en el Siglo XVI. ; su Historia y sus Limites segun los Documentos del Ar- chivo de Indias de Sevilla del de Simancas, &c., recogidos y Publicados con Notas y Aclaraciones Historicas y Geograficas. Map. 8 Madrid, 1883 Francisco Drake en el mar del sur. 8* [Madrid} 1883 El' Canal Interoceanico de Nicaragua y Costa- Rica en 1620 and en 1887. Relaciones de Diego de Mercado y Thos. C. Reynolds, con otros Documentos Recogidos y Austados. 8* Brussels, 1887 Perceval, A. Caussin de. See Bocthor. Perceval, Westby Brook. New Zealand : a Paper read before the Royal Colonial Institute. 8* 1892 Percher, Hyppolite. See under notn de plume Alis, Harry. Percival, James G. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. 8* Madison, 1856 Percival, Robert. Account of the Island of Ceylon, containingits I Iistory,Geography, Natural History, with the Manners and Customs of its various Inhabitants ; with the Journal of an Embassy to the Court of Candy. Maps. 4 1803 See Eyries, Vol. 13 : Appendix i. Percival, William Spencer. The Land of the Dragon : my Boating and Shooting Excursions to the Gorges of the Upper Yangtze. Plan and frontispiece. 8 1889 Percy, George. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Peredolsky, V. S. Remains of the Stone- Age Inhabitants of the Shores of Lake Ilmen, the Banks of the Volkhov, and the Territory of Novgorod Veliky. fin Russian.] 8* St Petersburg, 1893 Peregrinus, Gulielmus. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Pereira, Father. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Pereira, Feliciano Ant. Marques. Viagem da Corveta " Dom Joao I.," a Capital do Japao, 1 860. Map. 8 Lisbon, 1863 Pereira, F. F. Taboa Geografico-Estatis- tica Luzitana, ou Diccionario abreviado de todas as Cidades, Villas, e Freguezias de Portugal ; com o Appendix d'uma breve Noticia das actuaes Possessoens de Portugal no ultramar. 4 Oporto, 1839 Pereira, F. M. E. Historia de Minas 'Ademas Sagad Rei de Ethiopia. Texto Ethiopico. 8* Lisbon, 1888 Pereira, Ricardo S. Les Etats-Unis de Colombie, Precis d'Histoire et de Geo- graphic, Physique, Politique, et Com- merciale. Maps. 8 Paris, 1883 Perelaer, M. T. H. Een Kwart eeuw tusschen de Keerkringen. 4 vols. 8 Rotterdam, 1884-85 1. Naar den Equator met een voorspel: van Pastoor Soldaat. 2. In het land der zon. 3. Op snee verguld. 4. Naar den eindpaal eener Loopbaan. Perera, Galeotta. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i : Appendix i. Peretti, Abbe J. Christophe Colomb, Francais, Corse, et Calvais : Etude His- torique sur la Patrie du Grand Amiral de 1'Ocean. 12 Paris, 1888 Pereyaslawzewa, Dr Sophie. Mono- graphic des Turbellaries de la Mer Noire. Plates. 8 Odessa, 1892 Perez, Felipe. Geografia General, fisica y politica de los Estados Unidos de Colombia, y Geografia particular de la Ciudad de Bogota. Tomo Primero. 8 Bogota, 1883 Geografia General del Nuevo Mundo y particular de cada uno de los paises y Colonias que lo conponen. 12 Bogota, 1888 Perez, Martin. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8: Appendix I. Perez- Resales, Vicente. Essai sur le Chili. Maps and table. 8 Hamburg, 1857 Perkins, Emma R. See Diehl. Perkins, George J. Mackay : an Essay upon the Rise, Progress, Industries, Resources, and Prospects of the Town and District of Mackay. 8* Mackay, 1888 Perkins, Guillermo. Las Colonias de Santa Fe, su Origen, Progreso, y actual Situa- cion ; con Observaciones generates sobre la- Emigracion a la Republica Argentina. [Spanish and English.] 8 Kosario, 1864 Relacion de la Espedicion a el Rey en el Chaco. Map. 8* Rosario, 1867 Perkins, James. A Tour round the Globe. Letters to the City Press. 12 1891 Perley, M. H. Hand-book of Information for Emigrants to New Brunswick. Map. 12* St John's, N.B., 1854 Peron, M. F., and Louis Freycinet. Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, sur les corvettes le " Geo- graphe," le " Naturaliste," et la goelette le " Casuarina," pendant 1800-4. 3 v l s - Plates 4, and Maps large 4, 2 vols. Paris, 1807-16 See Pinkerton, Vol. 1 1 ; Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i], Vol. n : Appendix I. Perouse, Comte de la. See La Perouse. Peroz, Etienne. Au Soudan Fran9ais. Souvenirs de Guerre et de Mission. Map. 8 Paris, 1889 PER. 367 Perret. Paul. Les Pyrenees Fra^aises. Premiere Partie : Lourdes Argeles Cauterets Luz Saint Sauveur Bareges. II. Le Pays Basque et la Basse- Navarre. III. L'Aclouri, la Ga- ronne et le Pays de Foix. 3 vols. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1881-84 Perrey, Alexis. Circulaire relative a 1'Observation des Tremblements de Terre. 8* Paris, 1854 Documents relatifs aux Tremblements de Terre au Chili. Royal 8* Lyons, 1854 Bibliographic Seismique. 8 Dijon, 1855 Note sur les Tremblements de Terre en 1858, avec Supplements pour les annees anterieures. 8* Brussels, 1860 - The same, 1859. 8* Brussels, 1861 - The same, 1860. 8* Brussels, 1862 Documents sur les Tremblements de Terre et les Phenomenes Volcaniques au Japon. 8* Lyons, 1862 Propositions sur les Tremblements de Terre et les Volcans. 8* Paris, 1863 Documents sur les Tremblements de Terre et les Phenomenes Volcaniques dans 1'Archipel des Kouriles et au Kamtschatka. 8* Lyons, 1863 Note sur les Tremblements de Terre en 1861, avec Supplements pour les annees anterieures. 8 Brussels, 1863-66 The same, 1862. 8 Brussels, 1864 - The same, 1863. 8 Brussels, [1865] - The same, 1864. 8* Brussels, 1866 Documents sur les Tremblements de Terre et les Phenomenes Volcaniques des iles Aleutiennes, de la Peninsule d'Aljaska et de la Cote Nord d'Amerique. 8 Dijon, 1866 See Barbiani. Perrier, Amelia. A Winter in Morocco. Plates. Small 8 1876 Perrin, F. See Conway and Coolidge. Perron, A. du. Zend-Avesta : Ouvrage de Zoroastre, contenant les Idees Theo- logiques, Physiques, et Morales de ce Legislateur, les Ceremonies du Culte Religieux qu'il a etabli, et plusieurs traits importans relatifs a 1'ancienne His- toire des Perses. Traduit en Franjois, avec des Remarques ; et accompagne de plusieurs Traites propres a eclaircir les Matieres qui en sont 1'objet, par M. Anquetil du Perron. 3 vols. Plates. 4 Paris, 1771 Perron, E. [Jean Vendor]. In Memoriam Tschingel. 8* 1892 See Algeria, A (Exploration, Vol. 10, &c. ) : Appendix 2. Perrot, A. M. Rapport sur le Plan des iles Wanikoro, ou de la Perouse ; grave" par M. Caplin. 8* Paris, N.D. Perrot, A. M., and Alex. Aragon. Dictionnaire Universel de Geographic Moderne : Description Physique, Poli- tique, et Historique, de tous les Lieux de la Terre. 2 vols. Maps. Small folio Paris, 1837 Perrot, Georges. Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Asie Mineure. 8 Paris, 1864 Perry, Sir Erskine. On the Geographical Distribution of the Principal languages of India, and the feasibility of introducing English as a Lingua Franca. Map. 8* 1852 A Bird's- Eye View of India ; with Extracts from a Journal kept in the Provinces, Nepal, &c. 12 1855 Perry, Commodore M. C. The En- largement of Geographical Science, a consequence to the Opening of New Avenues to Commercial Enterprise. Paper read before the American Geogra- phical and Statistical Society, 6th March 1856. 8* New York, 1856 Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, '53, and '54, by order of the Government of the United States. Compiled from the Original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his Officers, at his request and under his supervision, by Francis L. Hawks. 3 vols. in 4. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1856 Vol. i. Narrative. Vol. 2. Plates and Maps, in two parts. Vol. 3. United States Japan Expedition. Observa- tions on the Zodiacal Light, from 2nd April 1853 to 22nd April 1855, made chiefly on board the United States steam-frigate "Mississippi" during her late cruise in Eastern Seas, and her voyage homeward ; with conclu- sions from the data thus obtained, by the Rev. George Jones. Persoz, J. See Rondot. Pert, Sir Thomas. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix i. Perthes, Justus. Justus Perthes in Gotha, 1785-1885 Portraits. 4 N.D. Katalog der Atlanten, Karten und Periodischen Schriften aus dem Verlage von Justus PcrthesGeographischeAnstalt. 4 Gotha, 1886 Pertuiset, E. Expedition Pertuiset a la Terre de Feu : Rapport envoye aux Societes geographiques. Small 8* Paris, 1874 Pertusier, C. La Bosnie, consider^ dans ses rapports avec 1'Empire Ottoman. Frontispiece. 8 Paris, 1822 See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 8 : Appendix I. 368 PER PET. Pertz, G. H. Der alteste Versuch zur Entdeckung des Seeweges nach Ostindien im Jahre 1291. 4 Berlin, 1859 Pertz, Karolvs Avgvstvs Fridericvs. De Cosmographia Ethici, liber tres. 8 Berlin, 1853 Perucca, Aristide. In Birmania. Por- trait, map, and plates. 8 1 886 Pery, G. A. Geographia e Estatistica Geral cle Portugal e Colonias. Maps. 8 Lisbon, 1875 Peschel, Oscar. Geschichte des Zeit- alters der Entdeckungen. 8 Stuttgart, 1858 Geschichte der Erdkunde bis auf A. v. Humboldt und Carl Ritter. Maps. 8 Munich, 1865 Neue Probleme der vergleichenden Erdkunde als Versuch einer Morphologic der Erdoberflache. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1870 Volkerkunde. 3rd edition. 8 Leipzig, 1876 The Races of Man and their Geo- graphical Distribution. Small 8 1876 The same. 3rd edition. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1878 Abhandlungen zur Erd- und Volker- kunde ; herausgegeben von J. Ldwen- berg. 3 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1877-79 Europaische Staatenkunde mit einen Anhang ; Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Mit Benutzung der hinterlassenen Manuscripte Oscar Pes- chel's nach den Originalquellen bear- beitet von Otto Kriimmel. Erster Band. Allgemeiner Theil ; Das Russische Reich, Skandinavien, Danemark, Das Britische Reich. [No more published.] 8 Leipzig, 1880 Physische Erdkunde. Nach den hinterlassenen Manuskripten Oscar Peschel's selbstanclig bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Gustav Leipoldt. Zweite . . Auflage. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1884-85 See Bianco. Pestalozzi, John Henry. See Raumer. Pet, Arthur. See Ilakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix i. " Pet," Cruises of the. See Hughes, R. E. Petachia, Rabbi, of Ratisbon. Travels of, who in the latter end of the Twelfth Century visited Poland, Russia, Little Tartary, the Crimea, Armenia, Assyria, Syria, the Holy Land, and Greece. Hebrew and English, with Explana- tory Notes by the Translator, Dr A. Benisch, and W. F. Ainsworth. 12 1856 Petelin, Evesko. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix I. Peter, Bruno. See Reiss and Stiihel. Peter, R. See Owen, D. D. Petermann, Dr Augustus. Statistical Notes to the Cholera Map of the British Isles, 1831-33. 8* 1849 Sir John Franklin, the Sea of Spitz- bergen, and Whale Fisheries in the Arctic Regions. 8* 1852 Historical Summary of the Five Years' Search after Sir John Franklin, from 1st January 1848 to 1st January 1853. 8* N.D. An Account of the Progress of the Expedition to Central Africa performed by order of Her Majesty's Foreign Office, under Messrs Richardson, Earth, Overweg, and Vogel, in the years 1850-51-52-53, consisting of Maps and Illustrations, with Descriptive Notes. Constructed and compiled from official and private materials by Augustus Peter- mann. Folio !854 Spitzbergen und die arktische Central-Region. (Erganzungsheft, 16 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1865 Erforschung der arktischen Central- Region durch eine Deutsche Nordfahrt. Map. 4* [Gotha, 1865] Das nordlichste Land der Erde. Map. 4* [Got ha, 1867] Die Deutsche Nordpol-Expedition, 1868. 4* [Got ha, 1868] Eine Kartenskizze von Dr Living- stone's neuen Forschungen. Maps. 4* [Gotha, 1870] Australien nach clem Stancle der geographischen Kenntniss in 1871, mit geographisch-statistischem Kompendium von C. E. Meinicke. (Erganzungsheft, 29 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 4 coloured maps. 4 Got ha, 1871 The same. (Erganzungsheft, 30 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1871 Die neue Oesterreichische Nordpolar Expedition unter dem Commando von Weyprecht und Payer. 4* Gotha, 1872 Die Sud-Amerikanischen Republiken Argentina, Chile, Paraguay und Uruguay nach dem Stancle der geographischen Kenntniss in 1875. Nach originalen und offiziellen Quellen kartographisch dargestellt von A. Petermann. Nebst einem geographisch-statistischen Com- pendium von Prof. Dr H. Burmeister. (Erganzungsheft, 39 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Map. 4 Gotha, 1875 Dr Livingstone's Erforschung des oberen Congo. 4* \Gotha, 1872] Geographic und Erforschung der Polar Regionen [Nordenskiold, Finsch, Nares]. Maps. 4* [Gotha, 1876] The Expedition to the North Pole. Letter to the President of the R.G.S., 8th December 1876. MS. 8* Gotha, 1876 PET. 369 Petermann, Dr Augustus. See Malte- Brun ; Koldeway ; also Arctic, H, Ap- pendix 2 ; Germany, Gotha : Appendix 3. and Bruno Hassenstein. Inner- Afrika, nach dem Stande der geo- graphischen Kenntniss im Jahre 1861 nach den Quellen bearbeitet. Erste Abtheilung : Nubische Wiiste, Bajuda- Steppe, Darfur, Kordofan, und Takale, Land der Dinka und Nuehr, Dar Fertit, u.s. w. (Erganzungsheft, 7 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) 2 coloured maps. 4 Gotha, 1862 Inner-Afrika. Dr E. Behm's Land und Folk derTebu ; M. von Beurmann's Travels in 1862. (Erganzungsheft, 8 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1862 Inner-Afrika. Antinori's Reise, 1860 und 1 86 1 ; Beurmann's Reise. (Ergan- zungsheft, 10 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1862 Inner - Afrika. Memoire zu den Karten : Reisen von Heuglin, Morlang, Harnier. (Erganzungsheft, n Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) 4" Gotha, 1862 Peters, Dr Carl. Stanley and Emin Pasha. ( From Contemporary Review. ) 8* 1890 New Light on Dark Africa : being the Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Expedition, its Journeyings and Adventures among the Native Tribes of Eastern Equatorial Africa, on the Lake Baringo and the Victoria Nyanza. Translated from the German by II. W. Dulcken, Ph.D. Map and ilhistra- tioiis. 8 1891 Peters, C. H. F. Report on the Deter- mination of the Longitude of Elmira. 8" Albany, N. Y., 1864 Report on the Longitude and Latitude of Ogdensburgh. 8 1865 Peters, J. C. A Treatise on the Origin, Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. 12 New York, 1866 Peters, C. T. Medico-topographical Report on Muscat. Folio* 1875 Peters, W. See Rohlfs. Petersen, Carl. Erindringer fra Polar- landene Optegnede af, 1850-55. Udgivne af Lieut. L. B. Deichmann. Map. 1 2 Copenhagen, 1857 Den sidste Franklin-Expedition med " Fox," Capt. M'Clintock. Portrait, maps, plates, and facsimiles. 8 Copenhagen, 1 860 Petersen, W. See Schrenck and Maxi- niowicz, Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, &c. , 4. Peterson, E. See Lanckoronski ; also Turkey-in-Asia, A : Appendix 2. 2 A Petherick, John. Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa, with Explorations from Khartoum on the White Nile to the Regions of the Equator. Map. 8 1861 Land Journey westward of the White Nile, from Abu Kuka to Gondo- koro. Map. 8* [1864] Petit, P. See France, B, a : Appendix 2. Petit, V. Cannes : Promenades des Etran- gers dans la Ville et ses Environs. Crown 8 Cannes [1866] Petit-Thpuars. See Du Petit-Thouen. Petitot, Emile. Dictionnaire de la Langue Dene-Dindjie, dialectes Montagnais ou Chippewayan, Peaux de Lievre et Loucheux ; renfermant en outre un grand nombre de termes propres a sept autres Dialectes de la meme Langue ; precede d'une Monographic des Dene- Dindjie d'une Grammaire, et de tableaux Synoptiques des Conjugaisons. [Biblio- theque de Linguistique et d'Ethnographie Americaines, publiee par Alph. L. Pinart, Vol. 2.] 4 Part's, 1876 Vocabulaire Fran9ais - Esquimaux. Dialecte des Tchiglit des benches du Mackenzie et de 1'Anderson ; precede d'une Monographic de cette tribu et de notes grammaticales. [Bibliotheque de Linguistique et d'Ethnographie Ameri- caines, publiee par M. Alph. L. Pinart, Vol. 3.] 4 Paris, 1876 Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-Ouest. [LesLitteratures Populaires de toutes les Nations, Tome 23.] 12 Paris, 1886 Traditions Indiennes du Canada Nord-Ouest. Textes Originaux et Tra- duction Litterale. 8 A leu f on t 1887 En Route pour la Mer Glaciale. Illustrations. 12 Paris [1887] - Les Grands Esquimaux. Map and illustration. 12 Paris, 1887 La Femme aux Metaux. Legencle Nationale des Dene Couteaux-Jaunes du Grand Lac des Esclaves, Canada Nord- Ouest. 8* Meaux, 1888 Quinze ans sous le Cercle polaire. Mackenzie, Anderson, Youkon. Map and illustration. \ 2 Paris, 1 889 Autour du Grand Lac des Esclaves. Map and portrait. 12 Paris, 1891 Petley, E. W. Notes on Marmagao (Goa), Portuguese India. 8* N.D. Petri, Dr E. See Jadrinzew ; Javorskij. Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Tell el Hesy (Lachish). Illustrations. 4 1891 Petroff, Ivan. Department of the In- terior, Census Office : Report on the Population, Industries, and Resources of Alaska. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1884 See United States, A (Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. 8) : Appendix 2. 370 PET P1IA. Petrusevitch, Major-Gen. Nicholas. The Turcomans: Part I. The Turcomans inhabiting the Country between the Uzboi (ancient bed of the Oxus) and the Northern confines of Persia ; Part 2. The North-eastern Provinces of Khoras- san ; Part 3. Routes from Astrabad to Meshed ; Part 4. Critique on Sir Henry Rawlinson's " Roads to Merv." (From the Journal of the Caucasus Branch of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Vol. n, No. i, for 1880.) Trans- lated by Robert Michell. Folio* [1879] Pettersen, Karl. Lofoten og Vesteraalen. Map. 8* Tromso, 1880 Om Internationela Polarexpeditioner. 8* Stockholm, 1883 Det Europreiske Polarhav i Som- meren 1885. Map. 8* Stockholm, 1886 Petterson, A. L. F. See Sweden, A: Appendix 2. Petty, William. History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called " The Down Survey," A.n. 1655-56. Edited by T. Aiskew Larcom. Small 4 Dublin, 1851 Petzholdt, A. Turkestan : auf Grund- lage einer im Jahre 1871, unternom- menen Bereisung des Landes. Map. Small 8* Leipzig, 1874 Peuchet, J. Dictionnaire Universe! de la Geographic Comme^ante. 5 vols. 4 Paris, 1799-1800 Statistique Elementaire de la France. 8 Paris, 1805 Peucker, Dr Karl. Ueber Gelandedar- stellung auf Schulkarten. Ein Vortrag gehalten auf dem X. Deutschen Geo- graphentag in Stuttgart im Jahr 1893. Berlin, 1893 Peyer, Gustav. Geschichte des Reisens in der Schweiz ; eine Culturgeschicht- liche Studie. 12 Bdle, 1885 Peyret, Alejo. Cartas sobre Missiones. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1881 Peyrere, Isaac de la. See De la Peyrere. Peyssonnel, de. Observations His- toriques et Geographiques sur les Peuples Barbares qui ont habile les bords du Danube et du Pont-Euxin. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1765 Peyssonnel, J. A., and L. R. Desfon- taines. Voyages dans les Regences de Tunis et d'Alger. Publics par Dureau de la Malle. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1838 Peyton, John Lewis. The Adventures of my Grandfather ; with Extracts from his Letters, and other Family Docu- ments, &c. 8 1867 - The American Crisis, or Pages from the Note-Book of a State Agent during the Civil War. 2 vols. 8 1867 History of Augusta County, Virginia. 8 Staunton, 1882 See Blundell. Peyton, Capt. Walter. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I , Book 4 : Appendix I. Pezzana, Angelo. L'Antichita del Map- pamondo de' Pizigani, fatto nel 1367, vendicata dalle accuse del Padre Pelle- grini. 12* Parma, 1807 Pezzi, C. B. Di Giovanni Cabotta rivela- tore del settentrionale emisfero d'America con document! inediti. Plate. 8 Venice, 1881 Pezzl, Johann. Beschreibung der Haupt und Residenz-Stadt Wien. 5th edition. 12 Vienna, 1824 - Beschreibung von Wien ; verbessert und vermehrt von Franz Ziska. 18 Vienna, 1826 Pfaff, C. G. F. See Lauridsen. Pfeiffer, Ida. A Lady's Voyage round the World. A selected Translation by Mrs Percy Sinnett. 12 1851 Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway, r rom the German, by Charlotte Fenimore Cooper. 8 1852 A Woman's Journey round the World, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor. Translated from the German. Plates. 8 1852 - Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy. Translated from the German, by H. W. Dulcken. Plates. 8 1853 Pfeil, Joachim, Graf. Vorschlage zur praktischen Kolonisation in Ost-Afrika. 8* Berlin, 1888 Account of Travels in East Africa ; Journeys through Kutu and Exploration oftheUlanga. MS. 4 1888 Pfeil, L., Graf. von. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte unserer Erde. Map. 8* Berlin, 1853 Cometen und Meteore, die Haupt- Ursachen der Erd-Revolutionen. 8* Berlin, 1854 Kometische Stromungen auf der Erdoberflache. Maps ami plates. Small 8* Berlin, 1879 Pfoundes, C. The Folk-Lore of Old Japan. 8* Birmingham [1880] Notes on the History of" Old Japan," and the History of Eastern Adventure, Exploration, and Discovery, and Foreign Intercourse with Japan. 8* 1882 Pfund, J. Essai Meteorologique. 12 Cairo, 1877 See Zarb. Phayre, Lieut. -Col. R. Report on the Subject of his Tour among the Karen Mountain Tribes (East India), and the Efforts of the Rev. Dr and Mrs Mason for the Spread of Education and Civiliza- tion among them. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1861 PHA riA. 371 Phayre, Lieut. -Col. R. Report on the Road to Mahabuleshwur, via Ambur Khind and Mundur Dew. Maps. [From the India Records, No. 65.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1862 - See Yule, Sir II. Phelps, Thomas. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. " Philalethes." The History of Ceylon, from the Earliest Period to the year MDCCCXV. ... By Philalethes, A.M. Oxon. To which is subjoined, R. Knox's Historical Relation of the Island, with an Account of his Captivity, &c. Map and plates. 4 1817 Philebert, Gen. C. La Conquete paci- fique cle PInterieur Africain, Negres, Musulmans, et Chretiens. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1889 Philigret, Capt. Canal Maritime de Suez : Observations Hydrographiques dans la Baie de Peluse. 8* Paris, 1857 Philip, George, junr. See Leutemann. Philipos, E. The Syrian Christians of Malabar, otherwise called the Christians of S. Thomas. Edited by the Rev. G. B. Howard. 12 1869 Philippe, Charles. See Possot. Philippi, Dr R. A. Reise durch die Wiiste Atacama auf Befehl der Chilen- ischen Regierung im Sommer 1853-54. Maps and plates. 4 Halle, 1860 - Jeografia. La Isl-i de Pascua i sus habitantes. Large 8* Santiago de Chile, 1873 Descripcion de algunos Idolos Peruanos del Museo Nacional de Chile. Plates. Large 8* Santiago, 1891 Philipps, Thomas. Advantages of Emi- gration to Algoa Bay and Albany, South Africa. 12* 1864 Philippson, Dr Alfred. Zur Ethnographic des Peloponnes. Map. 4 [Gotha~\ 1880 Studien iiber Wasserscheiden. 8* Leipzig, 1886 Bericht iiber eine Reise durch Nord- und Mittel-Griechenland. Map. 8* Berlin, 1890 - Der Isthmos von Korinth. Eine geologisch-geographische Monographic. Map and illustrations. 8* Berlin, 1890 - Peloponnesische Bergfahrten. Illus- trations. 8* Vienna, 1891 Der Peloponnes, Versuch einer Landes- kunde auf geologischer Grundlage. Large 8 Berlin, 1892 Philips, Melville. See Melville, G. W. Philips, Miles. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Phillip, Governor Arthur. Voyage to Botany Bay, with an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, compiled ifrom authentic papers ; to which are Phillip, Governor Arthur continued. added the Journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall, with an Account of their New Discoveries. Map and plates. 4 1789 See Pelham, Vol. I : Appendix I. Phillippo, James M. The United States and Cuba. 8 1857 Phillipps-Wolley, Clive. Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus. 8 1881 Savage Svanetia. 2 vols. Illus- trations. Crown 8 1883 A Sportsman's Eden. 8 1888 Phillips, H. A Brief Account of the Earthquake at Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), on Monday, 26th August 1878. 8* 1879 Phillips, J. The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-Coast of Yorkshire ; with Essays on the Climate, Scenery, and Ancient Inhabitants of the County. Plates. 8 1853 Vesuvius. Map and plates. Small 8 Oxford, 1869 Phillips, Major J. Scott. Interpretations, showing Scriptural Reasons for the Study of Prophecy ; the Re-Settlement of the Seed of Abraham in Syria and Arabia Scripturally explained ; with Geographi- cal Proofs and Maps. 12 1860 Phillips, Capt. T. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Churchill, Vol. 6 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Phillips, Sir Richard. New Voyages and Travels, consisting of Originals and Translations. 9 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1819-23 [For Contents, see Appendix i.] Phipps, Capt. Constantine John. A Voyage towards the North Pole under- taken by His Majesty's command, 1773. Maps, plates, and tables. 4 1774 Voyage au Pole Boreal, fait en 1773, par ordre du Roi d'Angleterre. Traduit de 1'Anglois. Maps. 4 Paris, 1775 See Markham, A. H ; also Pinkerton, Vol. i : Appendix i. Phrysius, Gemma. De Principiis Astro- nomic et Cosmographiae, deque usu Globi ab eodem editi ; item, de Orbis Divisione, et Insulis rebusque nuper in- ventis. 12 Antwerp, 1553 Phythian, J. C. Scenes of Travel in Norway. Small 8 [1877] Piaggia, C. Dell' Arrive fra i Niam- Niam, e del Seggiorno sul lago Tzana in Abissinia. 8* Lucca, 1877 Piassetsky, P. Voyage a travers la Mongolie et la Chine [with Sosnofsky]. Traduit du Russe, . . . par Aug. Kuscinski. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Parts, 1883 Russian Travellers in Mongolia and China. Translated by J. Gordon-dim- ming. 2 vols. Illustrations. Small 8 1884 372 PIA PIG. Piat, Alfred. Projet cle Creation an moyen cle Ressources d'execution a tirer de 1'oeuvre meme d'un Port de Guerre et de Commerce en eau profonde a Calxmrg (Calvados), pour suppleer a 1'insurnsance irremediable de'Cherbourg et du Havre. Map and plans." 4* Paris, 1887 Picard, Charlotte. La Chaumiere Afri- caine. [Shipwreck of the "Medusa."] Map. 12 Dijon [? 182-] Piccone, Antonio. See Issel. Pichardo, Don Esteban. Diccionario Pro- vincial Casi-Razonado de Voces Cubanas. 8 Havana, 1849 Geografia de la Isla de Cuba. Royal 8 Havana, 1854 Nueva Carta Geotopografica de la Isla de Cuba. 8* Havana, 1870 Memoria Justificativa de la Carta Geo - Coro - Topo - Grafica del Departa- mento Occidental de la Isla de Cuba hasta el limite Oriental de Nueva Filipina. 4 parts. 8* Havana, N.D. Pichat, A. Geographic Militaire du Bassin du Rhin. Map and plans. 8 Paris, 1876 Pichon, Dr Louis. Un Voyage au Yunnan. Map. 12 Paris, 1893 Pickering, C. See Wilkes. Pickering, John. A Lecture on Tele- graphic Language. 8* Boston, Mass., 1833 Remarks on the Indian Languages of North America. Royal 8* 1836 Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, Presi- dent of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; including an Analysis of his Scientific Publications. 8* Boston, Mass., 1838 Memoir on the Language and Inhabi- tants of Lord North's Island. 4* Cambridge, Mass., 1845 Picking, Capt. H. F. See United States, E, a, Hydrographic Office Publications : Appendix 2. Picot, E. See Urechi. Picquet, Charles. Table Alphabetique en forme d'ltineraire, des Rues, Ruelles, Culs-de-Sac, &c., &c. , qui se trouvent dans le Plan Routier de la Ville de Paris et de ses Faubourgs. 8 Paris, 1805 Catalogue Methodique d'un choix de Globes et Spheres, d'Atlas et de Cartes, Astronomiques, Geographiques, Topo- graphiques, &c. 8 Paris, 1837 Pictet, Camille, and Maurice Bedot Compte Rendu d'un voyage scientifique dans 1'archipel Malais. 8* Geneva, 1893 Pictet, J. P. Itineraire des Vallees autour du Mt. -Blanc. Map. 12 Geneva, 1818 Piddington, Henry. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal, 3rd to 5th June 1839. Maps. 8* Calcutta, 1839 Piddington, Henry. Ten Memoirs on the Law of Storms as applying to the Tempests of the Indian and Chinese Seas, 1839-42. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1839-43 The Horn-Book of Storms for the Indian and China Seas. Diagram. 8 Calcutta, 1845 Piedrahita, L. F. de. Historia General de las Conquistas del nuevo reyno de Granada. Folio Amberes [N.D. ? 1688] Pieraggi, E. See Scrope. Pierce, Josiah, junr. The Economic Use of the Plane-Table in Topographical Surveying ; with an Abstract of the Dis- cussion upon the Paper. Plate. 8* 1888 Pierling, P. L'ltalie et la Russie au XVI e siecle : Voyages de Paoletto Centurione a Moscow, Dmitri Guerasi- mov a Rome, Gian Francesco Citus a Moscow. 12 Paris, 1892 Pierotti, Ermete. Une Caravane pour la Syrie, la Phenice, et la Palestine. 12* Lausanne, 1869 Pierrepont, Edward. Fifth Avenue to Alaska. Maps. Small 8 1884 Piesse, Louis. Vichy et ses Environs. Plan. Small 4 Paris, 1855 Guide aux Eaux Thermales du Mont Dore, de Sainte Alyre, de Royat, de la Bourboule, et de Saint Nectaire, avec la Description du Clermont Farrand. 12 Paris, 1856 See Joanne. Pigafetta, Antonio. Primo Viaggio in- torno al Globo Terracqueo ossia Rag- gunglio della Navigazione alle Indie Orientali per la via d'Occidente fatta dal Cavaliere Antonio Pigafetta . . . 1519- 22. Ora pubblicato per la prima volta . . . e corredato di note da Carlo Amoretti. Con un Transunto del Trattato di Navi- gazione dello stesso autore. Maps. 4 Milan, 1800 Premier Voyage autour du Monde, par le Chev r . Pigafetta, sur 1'escadre de Magellan . . . 1519-22; suivi de 1'Ex- trait du Traite de Navigation du meme auteur ; et d'une Notice sur le Chevalier Martin Behaim, &c. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, An. 9 [1801] See Matkovic ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 52; Pinkerton, Vol. n ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 2 ; Ramusio, Vol. I : Appendix i. Pigafetta, Filippo. Relatione del Reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade. Tratta dalli Scritti et Ragionamente di Odoardo Lopez, Portoghese, per Filippo Pigafetta, con dissegni vari di Geografia, di piante, d'habiti, d'animali, e altro. Maps and plates. Small square 8 Rome, 1591 PIG PIN. 373 Pigafetta, Filippo. A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, a Region of Africa, and of the Countries that border rounde about the same. Drawen out of the Writinges and Discourses of Odoardo Lopez a Portingall, by Philippe Pigafetta. Translated out of Italian by Abraham Hartwell. Plates. Small 4 1597 A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, and of the Surrounding Countries : Drawn out of the Writings and Dis- courses of the Portuguese Duarte Lopez, by Filippo Pigafetta, in Rome, I59 1 - Newly translated from the Italian ; and edited, with Explanatory Notes, by Margarita Hutchinson ; with facsimiles of the original maps, and a Preface by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. 8 1881 - See Churchill, Vol. 8; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 7 : Appendix I. Piggot, J. Persia, Ancient and Modern. 8 1874 Pigou, F. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Pijnappel, Dr J. Geographic van Nederlandsch-Indie. 8 The Hague, 1868 Pike, Nicholas. Sub-tropical Rambles in the Land of the Aphanapteryx : Personal Experiences, Adventures, and Wander- ings in and around the Island of Mauri- tius. Map and plates. 8 1873 Pike, Zebulon, M. Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories of North America : comprising a Voyage from St Louis, on the Mississippi, to the Source of that River, and a Journey through the Interior of Louisiana and the Norlh- Eastern Provinces of New Spain, in 1805-7. Maps. 4 1811 See Eyries, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Pike, Warburton. The Barren Ground of Northern Canada. Map. 8 1892 Pilkington, C. See Dent, C. T. Pilkington, J. View of the Present State of Derbyshire, with an Account of its most remarkable Antiquities. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Derby, 1789 Pilling, James Constantino. Biblio- graphy of the Siouan Language. 8* Washington, 1887 Bibliography of the Eskimo Lan- guage. 8 Washington, 1887 - Bibliography of the Iroquoian Lan- guages. Large 8 Washington, 1 888 Bibliography of the Muskhogean Languages. Large 8 Washington, 1889 Bibliography of the Algonquian lan- guages (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology). Facsimiles. 8 Wasliington, 1891 Ditto. Bibliography of the Atha- pascan Languages. 8 Washington, 1892 Pilling, James Constantine. Ditto. Bibliography of the Salishan Languages. 8 Washington, 1893 Ditto. Bibliography of the Chinook - an Languages (including the Chinook Jargon). 8* Washington, 1893 Pillsbury, J. E. See United States, E, , Hydrographic Office Publications, No. 410 : Appendix 2. Pilot, Rev. W. Geography of Newfound- land, for the use of Schools. Map. 12* N.D. Pirn, Bedford. An Earnest Appeal to the British Public on behalf of the missing Arctic Expedition. 8* 1857 - Notes on Cherbourg. Map. 8* 1858 The Gate of the Pacific. Maps and plates. 8* 1863 - The Negro and Jamaica. 8* 1866 An Essay on Feudal Tenures. 8* 1871 Pimenta, Nicholas. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Pimodan, Capt. de. De Goritz a Sofia : Istrie, Dalmatic, Montenegro, Grece, Turquie, Bulgarie. 8 Paris, 1893 Pina, A. de. Deux Ans dans le Pays des Apices. (Ilesdela Sonde.) 12 Paris, 1880 Pinart, A. L. Les Aleoutes et leur Origine. 8* Paris [1872] Catalogue des Collections Rapportees de 1'Amerique Russe (aujourd'hui Terri- toire d'Aliaska). 8* Paris, 1872 Eskimaux et Koloches : Idees Reli- gieuses et Traditions des Kaniagmioutes. 8* Paris, 1873 Notes surles Koloches. 8* Paris, 1873 Voyage a la Cote Nord-ouest d'Amer- ique d'Ounlashka a Kadiak (lies Aleouti- ennes et Peninsula d'Aliaska). Map. 8* Paris, 1874 - Sur les Atnahs. 8* J'aris, 1875 La Caverne d'Aknanh, lie d'Ounga (Archipel Shumagin, Alaska). Plates. Large 4* J'aris, 1875 Voyages a la Cote Nord-ouest de 1'Amerique, executes durant les annees 1870-72. Vol. i, Part I. (Histoire naturelle.) Plates. Large 4 Paris, 1875 La Chasse aux Animaux Marins et les Pecheries chez les indigenes de la Cote Nord-ouest d'Amcrique. 8* Boulogne, 1875 Bibliotheque de Linguistique et d'Ethnographie /Vmericanes. Vol. I. 4' Paris, 1875 See Petitot. Pinchot, Gifford. Biltmore Forest, the property of Mr George W. Vandcrbilt : an account of its treatment, and the results of the first year's work. Map and illustrations. 8* Chicago, 1 893 Pinckard, G. Notes on the West Indies, written during the Expedition under the command of the late General Sir Ralph Abercromby ; including Observatians on 374 PIN PIT. Pinckard, G. continued. the Island of Barbadoes, and the Settle- ments captured by the British Troops upon the Coast of Guiana. 3\ r ols. 8 1806 Pindar, Sir Paul. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Pinder, M. See Parthey, G. Pinder, W. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10: Appendix I. Pingle, R. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Pingre, Canon . See Verdun. Pingre, R. Russia ; or, Miscellaneous Observations on the Past and Present State of that Country and its Inhabitants. Plates. 8 1833 Pinkas, Julio. Commissao de Estudos da Estrada de Ferro do Madeira e Mamore. Relatorio apresentado a S. Ex. o Sr. Conselheiro Joas Ferreira de Moura, Ministro e Secretario de Estado dos Negolios da Agricultura, Commercio e Obras Publicas. Maps and photo- graphs. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1885 Pinkerton, John. Modern Geography : a Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies, with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles, in all Parts of the World, including the most Recent Discoveries and Political Alterations ; the Astrono- mical Introduction by the Rev. S. Vince. 2 vols. Maps. 4 1802 Another edition. The Astronomical Introduction by M. la Croix. Translated by J. Pond. 2 vols. Maps. 4 1811 A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World, many of which are now first translated into English. 17 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1808-14 [For Contents of these volumes, see Appendix I.] Pinteado, A. A. See Astley, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Pinto, A. de Serpa. How I Crossed Africa, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, through unknown Countries, Dis- covery of the Great Zambesi, &c. Trans- lated from the Author's manuscript, by Alfred Elwes. 2 vols. Maps and illus- trations. 8 1 88 1 Pinto, Fernan Mendez. Historia Oriental de las Peregrinaciones de Fernan Mendez Pinto, Portugues, adonde se escriven muchas, y muy estranas cosas que vio, y oyo en los Reynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao, que vulgarmente se llama Siam, Calamiiiam, Peguu, Martauan, y otros muchos de aquellas partes Orientales, de que en estas nuestras de Occidente ay muy ppca, o ninguna noticia. . . . Traduzido de Portugues en Castellano por . . . Francisco de Herrera Mal- donado, &c. Folio Madrid, 1627 Pinto, Fernan Mendez. Les Voyages advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidellement traduits de Portugais en Franois par le Sieur Bernard Figuier. Small 4 Paris, 1645 The Voyages and Adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, the Portu- guese. Done into English by Henry Cogan. With an Introduction by Arminius Vambery. (The Adventure Series.) Map and illustrations. 8 1891 See Laharpe, Vol. 4 ; Purchas, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appen- dix i. Pinzas, J. M. See Wertheman. Pinzon, Vincent Yanes. See Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historie, Vol. 13; General Collection of Voyages and Travels, p. 610: Appendix i. Piotrowski, Rufin. My Escape from Siberia. [Translated.] Portrait and map. 8 1863 Piry, A. Theophile. Le Saint Edit: Etude de Litterature Chinoise. 4 Shanghai, 1879 Pisonis, Gulielmi. Medici Amstekeda- mensis, de Indise utriusque re naturali et medica, Libri quatuordecim. Plates. Folio Amsterdam, 1658 Pissis, A. Geografia fisica de la Republica de Chile. Small 8, and Atlas oblong 4 Paris, 1875 Pitcairn, W. D. Two Years among the Savages of New Guinea ; with Introduc- tory Notes on North Queensland. Map. Crown 8 1891 Pitfield, Alex. See Waller, Richard. Pitman, C. B. See Bonvalot. Pitman, Sir Isaac. Manual of Phono- graphy, or Writing by Sound : a Natural Method of Writing by Signs that represent Spoken Sounds, adapted to the English Language as a Complete System of Phonetic Shorthand. 12* 1860 The Phonographic Teacher : a Guide to a Practical Acquaintance with the Art of Phonetic Short-hand. 12* 1860 The Phonographic Reader : . . . Les- sons in Phonetic Short-hand. 12* 1860 Pitman, R. B. On the Practicability of Joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of America. Map. 8 1825 Pittakys, K. S. L'Ancienne Athenes, ou la Description des Antiquites d'Athenes. Plates. 8 Athens, 1835 Pittier, H. Apuntaciones, sobre el clima y geografia de la Republica de Costa Rica. Resultados de las Observaciones practicadas en el aiio de 1889. (De los Anales d. Instil, fisico-geograf. nacional. Tomo 2, 1889.) 12* Sanjost', 1890 - Viaje de Exploracion al Valle del Rio Grande de Terraba. Map. 12* San J oses filants observes a Paris de 1853 a 1859. 4* Paris, 1859 Description de deux magnifiques Aurores Boreales observees a la Havane. [2 leaves. ] Royal 8* Versailles, 1859 Constitution des Halos observes 3 la I lavane, et de leur rapport avec les Phases de la Lune. Royal 8* Versailles, 1859 TOE POL. 377 Poey, Andres. Aurore Boreale-orientale observee a la Havane dans la nuit du 24 au 25 Mars 1860. 4* Versailles, 1860 Loi de la Coloration et de la Decolor- ation des Etoiles, du Soleil et des Planetes. Royal 8* Versailles, 1 860 Sur les Eclairs sans Tonnerre, ob- servees a la Havane, pendant 1'annee 1859 dans le Sein des Cumulo Stratus isoles de 1'Horizon. [2 leaves.~\ Royal 8* Versailles, 1860 Experiences sur les Ombres Prisma- tiques, observees a la Havane, en rapport avec la Declinaison du Soleil et 1'etat atmospherique. Royal 8* Versailles, 1861 Table Chronologique de quotre cents Cyclones qui ont sevi dans les Indes Occidentales et dans 1'Ocean Atlantique Nord. 8* Paris, 1862 Relation Historique et Theorie des Images Photo-Electriques de la Foudre, observees depuis 1'an 360 de notre Ere jusqu'en 1860. 16 Paris, 1864 See France, B, b, Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine, No. 513 : Appendix 2. Poey, Felipe. Compendio de la Geografia de la Isla deCuba. Parte I. Topografia. 12* Havana, 1836 The same, 3rd edition. 8* Havana, 1842 Pogge, Paul. Im Reiche des Muata Jamwo. Tagebuch meiner im Auftrage der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erfor- schungAequatorial-Afrika'sin die Lunda- Staaten untcrnommenen Reise. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1880 See Wissmann. Pogodin, . See Baer and Helmersen, 10. Pogson, Norman Robert. Report of the Government Astronomer upon the Pro- ceedings of the Observatory, in connexion with the Total Eclipse of the Sun on i8th August 1868, as observed at Ma- sulipatam, Vunpurlhy, Madras, and other Stations in Southern India. Plates. 8 1868 - Telegraphic Determinations of the Difference of Longitude between Karachi, Avanashi, Roorkee, Pondicherry, Colom- bo, Jaffna, Muddapur, and Singapore, and the Government Observatory, Madras. Madras, 1884 See India, N, Madras Observations : Appendix 2. Pogson, Captain W. R. A History of the Boondelas. Map and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1828 Narrative during a TourtoChateegaon, 1831. Map and plate. 8 Seramporc, 1831 Pohl, John Emanuel. Reise im innern von Brasilien : auf allerhochsten Befthl seiner MajestJit des Kaisers von Oester- reich, Franz des Ersten, in 1817-21. Vol. i. 4 Vienna, 1832 Pohl, J. J., and J. Schabus. Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetre!! abgelesenen Barometerstande auf die Normaltemper- atur von o Celsius. 8* Vienna, 1852 Tafeln zur Vergleichung und Reduc- tion der in verschiedenen Langenmassen abgelesenen Barometerstande. 8* Vienna, 1852 Pointis, M. de. A Genuine and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers in the year 1697 . . . By the Sieur Pointis ; with a Preface giving an Account of the Original of Carthagena in 1532, &c. Small 8 [1740] [Bound with a "Journal of the Expe- dition to La Guira and Porto Cavallos " ; and " Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Cuba."] See Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Poire, Eugene. La Tunisie Franaise. 12 Paris, 1892 Poiret, Abbe. Voyage en Barbaric, on Lettres ecrites de 1'Ancienne Numidie pendant 1785-86, sur la Religion, les Coutumes, et les Moeurs des Maures et des Arabes-Bedouins ; avec un Essai sur 1'Histoire Naturelle de ce pays. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1789 Pokorny, Dr A. See Kirchhoff. Polack, J. S. New Zealand : being a Narrative of Travels and Adventures during a Residence in that Country between 1831-37. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 * 1838 Polak, Dr J. E. Persien : das Land und seine Bewohner. Ethnographische Schilderungen. 2 vols. in I. 8 Leipzig, 1865 " Polaris." Narrative of the North Polar Expedition, U.S. ship " Polaris," Capt. Charles Francis Hall commanding. Edited under the direction of the Hon. G. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy, by Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis, U.S.N., U.S. Naval Observatory, 1876. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1876 Scientific Results of the United States Arctic Expedition, steamer " Polaris," C. F. Hall commanding. Vol. i. Physi- cal Observations. By Emil Bessels. Map and plates. 4 Washington, 1876 See Markham, A. II. Poli, Baldassare. SuIP insegnamcnto dell' Economia Politica o Sociale in Inghiltcrra. 8* Milan [1862] Poljakow, J. S. Journey to the Island of Sakhalin, 1881-82. [In Russian.] Map. 8* St Petersburg, 1883 Reise nach der Insel Sachalin in den Jahren 1881-82. Aus dem Russischen iiberset/t von Dr A. Ar/.runi. 8* Her tin , 1884 378 POL FOR. Pollen, J. H. A Description of the Trajan Column. Plate. 8 1874 Pollexfen, Lieut. J. J. Report on the Rajpeepla and adjoining Districts, sur- veyed 1852 to 1855. Map. Statistical Return of the Rajpeepla Districts. Dis- putes within the Rajpeepla Territory, and between that Territory and the adjoining. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Pollington, Viscount. Half round the Old World. Being some account of a Tour in Russia, the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey, 1865-66. Map. 8 1867 Pollnitz, Charles Lewis, Baron de. Memoirs : being the Observations he made in his late Travels from Persia through Germany, Italy, France, Flan- ders, Holland, England, &c. ; discover- ing not only the Present State of the Chief Cities and Towns, but the Charac- ters of the Principal Persons at the Several Courts. 4 vols. 8 I 537 Pollock, Sir F. See Dent, C. T. Pollock, Major. -Gen. F. L. See Bellew. Polo, Marco. See Marco Polo. Polybius. The General History of Poly- bius, translated from the Greek by Mr Hampton. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8 1809 Pomba, C. Notizie Sopra una Nuova Carta d'ltalia in rilievo a superficie curva nella scala di I : 1,000,000 tanto per le altezze come per le distanze. Large 8* Turin, 1884 Pombeiros, Journey of the. See Lacerda. Pompe van Meerdervoort, J. L. C. Vijf Jaren in Japan (1857-63). Bij- clragen tot de Kennis van het Japansche Keizerrijk en zijne Bevolking. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Leyden, 1867-68 Ponceau, Peter du. See Gutzlaff. Ponce, John (Juan Ponce de Leon). A Voyage to /Ethiopia, made in the years 1698, 1699, and 1700 ; describing particularly that famous Empire, like- wise the kingdoms of Dongola, Sennar, part of Egypt, &c., with the Natural History of those Parts. Faithfully trans- lated from the French original. 8 1709 See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 5 ; Pinker- ton, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13; A General Collection of Voyages and Travels, p. 610 : Appendix I. Ponce, Jules. Le Fleuve Blanc : Notes Geographiques et Ethnologiques et les Chasses a 1'Elephant dans le Pays des Dinka et des Djour. Map. 8 Paris, 1863 Pond, J. See Pinkerton. Pontanus, J. J. See Pinkerton, Vol. I : Appendix I. Ponte, G. M. da. Osservazioni sul Di- partimento del Serio. 8 Bergamo, 1803 Ponte, G. M. da. Dizionario Odeporico o sia Storico- Politico-Naturale clella Provincia Bergamasca. 3 vols. Map. 8 Bergamo, 1819 Pontoia, Diego. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Pontoppidan, Bishop Erich. Natural History of Norway. Translated from the Danish. Map and plates. Folio 1755 See "The World Displayed," Vol. 20: Appendix i. Ponz, Jean de Leon. See Ponce. Ponzi, Giuseppe. Sulle correnti di lava scoperte dal taglio della ferrovia di Albano. 4* [Rome, 1859] Storia naturale dell' Agro Pontino. 8* Rome, 1865 Pool, Garrit Thomasz. See Hakluyt Society's Publications, Vol. 25 ; Callan- der, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Poole, F. Queen Charlotte Islands : a narrative of discovery and adventure in the North Pacific. Edited by J. W. Lyndon. Maps and plates. 8 1872 Poole, Henry. On the Meteorology of the Albion Mines, Nova Scotia. 8* 1854 Poole, Jonas. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix i. Poole. Reginald Stuart. See Diehl. Poole, Sarah. The Englishwoman in Egypt : Letters from Cairo, written during a Residence there in 1842-44, with E. W. Lane. 2 vols. in I. 18 1851 Poorun, Geer Goosain. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Pope, C. VV. The Dehra Dun Forests. (From the Calcutta Review.) 8* 1893 Pope, Capt. John. Report of an Explor- ation of the Territory of Minnesota. Map. 8* Washington, 1850 Report of Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the thirty- second parallel of latitude, from the Red River to the Rio Grande. Maps. 8 Washington, 1854 Popoff, Constantine. See Tolstoi. Popowski, Josef. The Rival Powers in Central Asia, or the struggle between England and Russia in the East. Trans- lated from the German ... by Arthur Baring Brabant, and edited by Charles E. D. Black. Map. 8 1893 Popper, Julius. The Popper Expedition, Tierra del Fuego. A lecture delivered at the Argentine Geographical Institute, 5th March 1887. (Translated from the Bulletin of the Institute by J. E. O'Curry.) Map. 8* Buenos Ayres\\Wf]\ Porcacchi, Thomaso. L'isole piu famose del Mondo descritte, e Intagliate da Girolamo Poro. Maps. Folio Padua, 1620 Porcher E. A. See Smith, R. M. FOR 1'OS. 379 Porcheron, D. P. Ravennatis Anonymi, qui circa Sceculum vii., vixit de Geo- graphia, lib. v. Ex MS. Codice Biblio- thecte Regime eruit et Notis illustravit D. P. Porcheron. Small 8 Parts, 1688 "Porcupine" and "Lightning." See Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. Porena, Filippo. La Scienza Geografica secondo le piu recente dottrine. 8* Kome, 1885 Poro, G. See Porcacchi. Porras, Franciscus de. See Gottfried : Appendix I. Porta, Antonio. Relacion del Recono- cimiento de la Costa de Guatemala desde Omoa hasta la Punta de Manabique, y desde la Barra del Rio de Montagua hasta donde se la une el de Chicosapote, a 14 leguas de la Ciudacl de Guatemala. Folio* N.P., 1792 Portal, Sir Gerald H. Correspondence respecting his Mission to Abyssinia. Folio* 1888 My Mission to Abyssinia. Map and illustrations. 8 1892 [1891] Porte, L. de la. See De la Porte. Portenger H. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Porter, G. R. See Long, G. Porter, Sir James. Turkey, its History and Progress ; continued to the present time, with Memoir, by Sir George Larpent. 2 vols. Portraits. 8 1854 Porter, J. L. Five Years in Damascus ; including an Account of the History, Topography, and Antiquities of that City ; with Travels and Researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, and the Hauran. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1855 The same, with Travels and Re- searches in Palmyra, Lebanon, the Giant Cities of Bashan, and the Hauran. 2nd edition. Map and plates. 8 1870 Porter, Sir Robert Ker. Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden during 1805-8. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 4 1809 Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c., during the years 1817-20. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1821-22 See Eyries, Vol. 14: Appendix I. Porter, Robert P. See United States, A, Tenth Census* 1880, Vol. 7 : Appendix 2. - H. Gannett, and W. P. Jones. The West, from the Census of 1880 : a History of the Industrial, Commercial, Social, and Political Development of the States and Territories of the West from 1800 to 1880. Map and diagrams. Large 8 Chicago, 1882 Porter, Thomas C. Sec United States, G, a, Surveys : Appendix 2. Porter, Major W. Life in the Trenches before Sevastopol. 12 1856 Portlock, J. E. Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Map and plates. 8 Dttblin, 1843 Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel. Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America, 1785-88. Maps and plates. 4 1789 See Pelham, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Portlock, and Dixon. See Eyries, Vol. I : Appendix I. Portman, M. V. A Manual of the Anda- manese Languages. 12 1887 Portus, ^Emilius. Lexicon lonicon Hellenorromaicon : hoc est Dictionarium lonicum Gneco-latinum, quod indicem in omnes Herodoti libros continet, &c. (ed. nov.) 8 1823 Pory, John. See Leo Africanus. Posade, Clemente Barrial. Historia Geologico-Geografica de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, Relacionada con la Industria, la Agricultura, y la Gana- deria. [Newspaper Cuttings from La Democracia, Montevideo, 27th November 18754*0?.] Large 8* 1875-76 Posewitz, Dr Theodor. Borneo : Ent- deckungsreisen und Untersuchungen, gegenwartiger Stand der geologischen Kenntnisse, Verbreitung der nutzbaren Mineralien. Maps. Large 8 Berlin, 1889 Borneo, its Geology and Mineral Resources. Translated from the German by Frederick H. Hatch, Ph.D. Maps. Royal 8 1892 Possart, P. A. F. K. Handbuch fiir Reisende in Schweden. 12 Pforzheim, 1841 Statistik und Geographic von Kurland. 8 Stuttgart, 1843 Possot, Denis, and Charles Philippe. Le Voyage de la Terre Sainte. Com- pose par Maitre Denis Possot, et Acheve par Messire Charles Philippe, 1532. Public et annote par Ch. Schefer. [Re- cueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Geographic, De- puis le XIII e jusqu'a la fin duXVI e siecle. Public" sous la direction de MM. Ch. Schefer et Henri Cordier, XL] Maps and plates. Large 8 Paris, 1890 Postans, Marianne. Cutch ; or, Random Sketches taken during a Residence in one of the Northern Provinces of Western India, interspersed with Legends and Traditions. Plates. 8 1839 Postans, T. Personal Observations on Sindh, the Manners and Customs of its In- habitants, and its ProductiveCapabilities; with a Sketch of its History. Map and illustrations. 8 1843 Memorandum relative to the Trade in Indigo carried on by the Countries lx>rder- ingon the Indus; Report on the Munchur Lake, and Arul and Nam Rivers ; Mis- POS POW. Postans, T. continued. cellaneous Information relative to the Town of Shikarpoor, the Trade carried on between that Town and Kandahar, and the Silk-trade between Shikapoor and Khorasan. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Postel, Raoul. A Travers la Cochin- Chine. Map and plan. 12 Paris, 1887 Postels, Alex. See Lutke. Postlethwayt, Malachy. Universal Dic- tionary of Trade and Commerce, adapting the same to the Present State of British Affairs in America, since the last Treaty of Peace in 1763 ; with great variety of new remarks and illustrations, together with everything essential that is contained in Savary's Dictionary ; also all the Material Laws of Trade and Navigation relating to these Kingdoms, and the Customs and Usages to which all Traders are subject. 2 vols. Alaps. Folio 1766 Postolacca, Achilles. Synopsis Nvmorvm Vetervm qvi in Mvseo Nvmismatico Athenarvm Pvblico adservantvr. 4 Athens, 1878 Poston, C. D. Arizona. 8* N.D. Potanin, G. N. Sketches of North -Western Mongolia. [In Russian.] 4 vols. in 3. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1881-83 The Tanguto-Tibetan Borderland of China and Central Mongolia : Journey of G. N. Potanin, 1884-1886. [In Russian.] Vols. I and 2. Alaps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1893 Pote, R. G. Nineveh : a Review of its Ancient History and Modern Explorers. Illustrations. 12 N.D. Potent! de Pistoia, Giuseppe. Legende des Matieres contenues dans la Carte Itineraire, Historique et Statistique, des Chemins de Fer, et des autres voies de communication a vapeur de 1'Europe Centrale. 8* Brussels, 1846 Potiche, Vicomte de. La Baie du Mont Saint-Michel et ses approches. Creation historique de la Baie etablie par 1'Ar- cheologie, la Geographic, 1'Histoire, la Geologic ainsi que par les voies Romaines et les lies de la Manche. Maps. 4 Paris, 1891 Potocki, Comte Jean. Memoire sur un Nouveau Peryple du Pont Euxin. Map. 4 Vienna, 1796 Voyage dans les Steps d' Astrakhan et duCaucase,Ilistoire Primitive des Peuplcs qui ont habile anciennement ces Contrees. Notes et Tables par Klaproth. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1829 ' ' Potomac " Frigate. See Reynolds. Potter, John, Archbishop of Canterbury . Archiuolojjia Grreca ; or, The Antiquities of Greece. 2 vols. Plates. 8 I75 1 Pottier, E. See Gaimard, Paul. Pottinger, Lieut. Henry. Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde ; with a Geo- graphical and Historical Account. Map. 4 1816 See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Poucel, Benjamin. Mes Itineraires dans les Provinces du Rio de la Plata, 1854- 57. Province de Catamarca. 8* Paris, 1864 La Province de Catamarca. 8* {Paris, 1864] Rapport sur le Rejistro Estadistico de la Republique Argentine. Maps. 8 Marseilles, 1 868 A propos de la Guerre du Paraguay. [Criticism of Hutchinson's Parana.~\ 4* Marseilles [1869] Pouchet, Georges. De la Pluralite des Races Humaines : Essai Anthropo- logique. 8 Paris, 1858 Programme d'une Geographic Noso- logique, a propos du Traite de Geographic et de Statistique Medicales du Dr Boudin. 8* Paris, 1859 The Plurality of the Human Race. Translated and edited by Hugh J. C. Beavan. 8 1864 Pouchet, J., and G. Sautereau. Canal Interoceanique Maritime de Nicaragua. Notes et Documents presentes au Con- gres de Geographic de Paris du 15 Mai 1879 a 1'appui de Projet de M. Ar.-P. Blanchet. Map. 4 " Paris, 1879 Pouqueville, F. C. Travels in the Morea, Albania, and other Parts of the Ottoman Empire, comprehending ... an His- torical and Geographical Description of the Ancient Epirus. Translated by Anne Plumptre. Maps and plates. 4 1813 See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i], Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix I. Poussie, Dr E. Manuel de Conversation en Trentc Langues. 3rd edition. Ob- long 12 Paris, 1891 Poussin, G. T. Travaux d'Ameliorations Interieures Etats - Unis d'Amerique, 1824-31. 4 Paris, 1834 Poussin, J. de la Vallee. Les Voyages d'Exploration sur 1'Inlandsis du Groen- land. 8* Brussels, 1893 Pouyanne, J. Note sur 1'Etablisscment de la Carte au i : 2,ooo,coo e de la Region comprise entre le Touat et Timbouktou. Alap. 8 Algiers, 1883 Powell, Rev. Baden. The Order of Na- ture considered in Reference to the Claims of Revelation. 8 1859 Powell, David. Sec Gallon, F., Vacation Tourists. Powell, F. T. , and R. Ethersay. Memoir on the Survey of Paumben Pass and Adam's Bridge. 8* 1837 POW PRA. Powell, Major J. W. Exploration of the Coloracla River of the West and its Tributaries. Explored in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872; issued under the direc- tion of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Maps ami illustrations. 4 Washington, 1875 Outlines of the Philosophy of the North American Indians. 8* New York, 1877 - Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States ; with a more Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah. 2nd edit. Maps. 4 Washington, 1879 Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, with Words, Phrases, and Sentences to be collected. 2nd edition. Charts. 4 Washington, 1880 First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, 1879-80. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1881 - Second do., 1 880-81. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Third do., 1881-82. Map and illus- trations. Folio Washington, 1884 Fourth do., 1882-83. Illustrations. 4 Washington, 1886 Fifth do., 1883-84. Maps and illus- trations. 4 Washington, 1887 - Sixth do., 1884-85. Maps ami illus- trations. 4 Washington, 1888 Seventh do., 1885-86. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1891 Eighth do., 1886-87. Plates. 4 Washington, 1891 - Ninth do., 1887-88. Maps, plates, and illustrations. 4 Washington, 1892 Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1 880-81. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1882 - Third do., 1881-82. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1883 - Fourth do., 1882-83. Maps and illustrations. 4 Washington, 1884 - Fifth do., 1883-84. Maps and illus- trations. 4 Washington, 1885 Sixth do., 1884-85. Maps ^and plates. 4 Washington, 1885 Seventh do., 1885-86. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1 888 Eighth do., 1886-87. 2 parts. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1889 - Ninth do., 1887-88. Maps and illus- trations. 4 Washington, 1889 - Tenth do., 1888-89. 2 parts. Geo- logy. Maps and plates. 4" Washington, 1890 Eleventh do., 1889-90. 2 parts. Plates. 4 Washington, 1891 - Twelfth do., 1890-91. 2 parts. Maps and plates. 4" Washington, 1891 Thirteenth do., 1891-92. 3 parts. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1892-93 Powell, Major J. W. See United States, B, c ; G, a, Geographical and Geological Surveys : Appendix 2. Powell, Wilfred. Wanderings in a Wild Country ; or, Three Years amongst the Cannibals of New Britain. Map and illustrations. 8 1883 Power, E. R. On the Agricultural, Com- mercial, Financial, and Military Statistics of Ceylon. 8* 1863 Power, Hon. L. G. The Whereabouts of Vinland. (From the New England Magazine.) Illustrations. 4* 1892 Power, John. Description of the Province of Sancto Domingo del Darien in South America . . . in the year 1754. Trans- lated from the Original in the National Archives of Bogota, for the Panama Star and Herald. . . . Extracted and ar- ranged by J. Power. [Title in MS.~\ 12* Panama, 1868 Power, W. Tyrone. Sketches in New Zealand, with Pen and Pencil ; from a Journal kept from July 1846 to June 1848. Plates. 8 1849 Recollections of a Three Years' Resi- dence in China ; including Peregrinations in Spain, Morocco, Egypt, India, Aus- tralia, and New Zealand. Plate. 12 1853 Powles, J. D. New Granada, its Internal Resources. Maps. 8 1863 Powles, L. D. The Land of the Pink Pearl ; or, Recollections of Life in the Bahamas. Map and frontispiece. 8 1888 Prado Angelo, Sarrea de Souza. Africa Occidental Portugueza : Angola Caminho de ferro entre Loanda e Ambaco, pri- meiros estudos technicos ; Memoria de- scriptiva e planta topographica. 8 Lisbon, 1877 Prance, R. H. Australian Agricultural Company : Letter to the Shareholders. 8* 1877 Pratt, A. E. To the Snows of Tibet through China. Map and illustrations. Large 8 1892 Prandi, F. See Ripa. Pratt, Rev. G. A Comparison of the Dialects of East and West Polynesian, Malay, Malagasy, and Australian. 8* [Sydney, 1886] Pratt, James Jerram. Sheep and Stock Farming ; or, Where to Go. Remarks on the South African or Transvaal Re- public, with Information relative to the Settlement of New Scotland. 8* [1867] Pratt, Peter. See Quintus Curtius. Pratz, Le Page du. Ilistoirede la Loui- siane. 3 vols. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1875 3 82 PRA PRI. Prax, M. Instructions pour le Voyage de, dans le Sahara Septentrional. 8* Paris, 1847 Prazmovski, A. Rapport sur les Travaux de 1'Expedition de Bessarabie en 1852, pour terminer les Operations de la Mesure de 1'Arc du Meridien. 8* 1853 Preaudeau, A de. Ministere des Travaux Publics, Ponts et Chaussees : Direction des Routes et de la Navigation, Service Hydrometrique du Bassin de la Seine, Manuel Hydrologique du Bassin de la Seine. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1884 Preece, J. R. Journey from Shiraz to Jashk. Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. I. Map. 8 1885 Preedy, Capt. H. W., Capt. A. B. Rath- bone, and Major P. Goldney. List of, and brief Information in regard to, all Chiefs and Persons of Importance residing within the Kurachee, Hyderabad, and Shikarpoor Collectorates. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Report on the Hilly Region forming the Western Part of the Kurrachee Col- lectorate. [From the India Records, No. 35.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Prejevalsky,Col. N. M. Mongolia and the Country of Tangut. [In Russian.] Vol. i. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1875 Mongolia, the Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet, being a Narrative of Three Years' Travel in Eastern High Asia. Translated by E. Delmar Morgan, with Introduction and Notes by Col. Henry Yule. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1876 De Kouldja par le Tian-Schan jusqu'au Lob Nor. (From Journal de St Ptters- bourg.} Folio* 1878 Reise an den Lob Nor und Altyn Tag, 1876-77. (Erganzungsheft, 53 Petermann's Mittheilungen). 2 maps. 4 Got ha, 1878 From Kulja, across the Tian Shan to Lob-Nor. Translated by E. D. Morgan ; including Notices of the Lakes of Central Asia ; with Introduction by Sir T. Douglas Forsyth. Maps. 8 1879 Third Journey to Central Asia from Zaisan via Hami to Tibet and the Head- waters of the Yellow River. [In Russian.] Maps ami plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1883 Reisen in Tibet und am oberen Lauf des Gelben Flusses in den Jahren 1879 bis 1880 ; aus dem Russischen frei in das Deutsche iibertragen und mil Anmer- kungen versehen von Stein-Nordheim. Map and illustrations. 8 Jena, 1884 Fourth Journey to Central Asia, 1883-85. [In Russian.] Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1888 Prejevalsky, Col. N. M. Scientific Resultsof the Travelsof N. M. Prejevalsky in Central Asia. Botany, 2 parts. [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1889 Nikolai Mikhailovitch Prejevalsky. Biographical Sketch by I. F. Dubrovin. [In Russian.] Map, portraits, and plates. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1890 Prentiss, Henry M. The North Pole and the South Pole. (From the Over- land Monthly.} 8* San Francisco, 1890 Prescott, William H. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilisation, and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortes. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Map and portraits. 8 1844 See Barca. Preston, Sir Amias. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Preston, T. R. Three Years' Residence in Canada from 1837-39 ; with Notes on a Winter Voyage to New York, and Journey thence to the British Posses- sions. 2 vols. 8 1840 Preston, W. See Wallis. Prestwich,Prof.J. Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at Different Depths beneath the Surface, reduced and collated from the various Observations made between the years 1749 and 1868, discussed. Map and sections. 4* 1875 Pretty, Francis. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 2 : Appendix I. Prevost, Abbe A. F. Histoire Generate des Voyages. 20 vols. 7'rtrw, 1746-89 [For full Title, see Appendix I.] Prevost, Constant. Notes sur 1'Ile Julia, pour servir a 1'Histoire de la For- mation des Montagnes Volcaniqucs. Plates. 4* N.D. Notice sur, par M. de la Roquette. 8* Paris, 1856 Prevost, Florent. See Abyssinia : Ap- pendix 2. Preyer, W. , and F. Zirkel. Reise nach Island im Sommer 1860. Mit wissen- schaftlichen Anhangen. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1862 Price, Major David. Essay towards the History of Arabia prior to the Birth of Mahommed. 4 1824 See Asia, General, Oriental Languages : Appendix 2. Price, Edward. Norway. Views of Wild Scenery, and Journal. Plates. 4 1834 Price, F. G. H. See Hamilton, Charles. Price, John Ed-ward. A Descriptive Ac- count of the Guildhall of the City of London, its History and Associations, compiled from Original Documents. Facsimile charters, maps, and other illustrations. Folio 1 886 Price, John Spencer. The Early History of the Suez Canal. 8* N.D. PRI PRO. 383 Price, Julius M. From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea : the Narrative of a Journey in 1890 and 1891 across Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, and North China. Portrait, map, and ilhistrations. 8 1892 Price, Rev. Roger. Report of his visit to Zanzibar and the Coast of Eastern Africa. Map. S 1876 Price, Sir Rose L. The Two Americas : an Account of Sport and Travel, with Notes on Men and Manners, in North and South America. Plates. 8 1877 Price, William. Journal of Travels of the British Embassy to Persia, through Armenia and Asia Minor to Constanti- nople and Smyrna, with the Voyage back to England ; also a Dissertation upon the Antiquities of Persepolis. 2vols.ini. Plates. Oblong folio 1833 Price, Rev. W. Salter. My Third Campaign in East Africa : a Story of Missionary Life in troublous times. 2nd edition. Map and ilhistrations. 8 1891 - See Taylor, Rev. W. E. Prichard, James Cowles. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 4 vols. Map and plates. 8 N.I). - The same. 3rd edition. 4 vols. Plates. 8 1836 - The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations proved by a comparison of their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages. Forming a Supplement to " Researches into the Physical History of Mankind." 8 Oxford, 1831 The same. Edited by R. G. Latham. 8 Pring, Capt. Martin. See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 5, and Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix i. Pringle, M. A. Towards the Mountains of the Moon : a Journey in East Africa. Maps. 8 1884 Pringle, Thomas. Narrative of a Resi- dence in South Africa. New edition, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Josiah Cornier. 8 1848 Prinsep, E. A. Sealkote, Punjab : Sta- tistical Account of the Sealkote District, geographically sketched, in the years 1855 to 1860. Folio N.P., N.D. - Report on the revised Settlement of Sealkote District in the Amritsur divi- sion. Small folio Lahore, 1865 Prinsep, G. A. An Account of Steam Vessels and of Proceedings connected with Steam Navigation in British India. Map and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1830 Sketch of the Proceedings and Present Position of the Saugor Island Society and its Lessees. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1831 Prinsep, Henry T. History of the Political and Military Transactions in India during the Administration of the Marquess of Hastings, 1813-23. Enlarged from the Narrative published in 1820. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1825 Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia, their Social and Political Condition, and the Religion of Boodh as there existing . . . 2nd edition. 12 1852 The India Question in 1853. 8 1853 On the Extinction of Human Races. 8* 1839 On the Relations of Ethnology to other Branches of Knowledge. 8* Edinburgh, 1847 Prichard, J. T. The Inaugural Lecture of the London Association in aid of Social Progress in India. 8* 1871 Pricket, Abacuck. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Prickett, M. History of the Priory Church of Bridlington, in the East Riding of the County of York. Plates. 8 Cambridge, 1836 Prida y Arteaga, F. de. Le Mexique tel qu'il est aujourd' hui. 2nd edition. Map and portraits. 8 Paris, 1891 Prideaux, Lieut. W. F. See Markham, C. R. Pridham, Charles. Historical, Political, and Statistical Account of Ceylon and its Dependencies. 2 vols. Map. 8 1849 Primisser, Alois. Die kaiserlich-konig- liche Ambraser-Sammlung. 8 Vienna, 1819 Prior, James. See Phillips, New Voy- ages and Travels [3], Vols. 1,2: Appen- dix I. Prisse, E. Oriental Album : Characters, Costumes, and Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile, illustrated from Designs taken on the spot ; with De- scriptive Letterpress by James A. St John. Large folio 1848 Pritchett, George J. Ecuador Waste Lands. 8* 1858 Report of his Mission to the Republic of Ecuador. Map. 8* 1858 Pritchett, Morris. Some Account of the African Intermittent Fever which occurred on board H.M. steam-ship "Wilberforce," in the River Niger, . . . comprising an Inquiry into the Causes of Disease in Tropical Climates. Map and plate. 8 1843 Proano, Victor. Carta en Defensa de la Ciencia Geografica, de lallonraNacional, de la Propiedatl Moral, y de la "Via Proaiia." 8* Quito, 1884 Procopius. See Turkey in Asia, B : Appendix 2. 384 PRO-PTO. Procter, John R. Information for Emi- grants: the Climate, Soils, Timbers, &c. , of Kentucky, contrasted with those of the North-west. Map. 8* Frankfort, Ky., 1881 Proctor-Sims, R. Bhavnagar State Rail- way : Reports, with General Plan and Section. Map. Folio* N.P., N.D. Prokesch, Anton von. Erinnerungen aus /Egypten und Kleinasien. 2 vols. 8 Vienna, 1829-30 Land zwischen den Katarakten des Nil. Map. 8 1831 Reise ins Heilige Land in 1829. 12 Vienna, 1831 Proskowetz, Dr Max von. Vom Newa- strand nach Samarkand, durchRussland, auf neuen Geleisen nach Inner- Asien ; init einer Einleitung von H. Vambery. Maps and illustrations. 8 Vienna, 1889 Eine Fahrt nach Russisch- Asien. 8* Vienna, 1890 La Moravie. (Extrait clu Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic tie Lyon. ) Lyons, 1892 Proudfoot, W. Jardine. Barrow's Travels in China : an Investigation into the Origin and Authenticity of the " Facts and Observations " related in the work. 8 1861 Prout, Major H. G. Rapport de sa Reconnaissance entre Khartoum et Obei- yad. (Moniteur Egyptien, i9thand2Oth September 1875.) Large 8* 1875 General Report on the Province of Kordofan, submitted to General C. P. Stone, Chief of the General Staff, Egyptian Army, by Major H. G. Prout, Corps of Engineers, commanding Expe- dition of Reconnaissance made at El- Obeiyad (Kordofan), I2th March 1876. Maps and plates. 8 Cairo, 187? "Providence." See Broughton, W. R. Proyart, Abbe. Histoire de Loango, Ka- kongo, et autres Royaumes d'Afrique ; redigee d'apres les Memoires des Prefets Apostoliques de la Mission Francoise. Map. 12 Paris, 1776 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Prschewalsky (or Przewalsky). See Prejevalsky. Pruen, S. T. The Arab and the African : Experiences in Eastern Equatorial Africa during a Residence of Three Years. Portrait and illustrations. Crown 8 1891 Prunelli, Domenico. Almanacco Marit- timo ad uso di tutte le Classi de' Navi- ganti, 1842. Part 2, e 1846. Ancona, 1845-46 Prus, Madame. Residence in Algeria. 8 1852 Pryer, W. B., and F. Witti. Diaries of Messrs Pryer and Witti. Map and plate. [Bound with other papers of the Brit. N. Borneo Assoc.] 4* [1881] Ptolemy, Claudius. Liber Quadripartiti Ptolomei id est quattuor tractatuum : in radicanti discretione per Stellas, de futuris et id hoc Mundo conslructionis et destructionis contingentibus. [Black- letter.] Small 4 Venice, 1484 [Bound with " Tabule Astronomice illustrissimi Alfonsii Regis Castelli." Venice, 1483.] Geographies Enarrationis Libri octo, Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete, anno- tationes Joannis de Regio Monte in errores commissos a Jacobo Angelo in translatione sua. Folio Strasbnrg, 1525 Geographic Claudii Plolemrei, libri VIII., partim a Bilibaldo Pirckheymero translati ac commentario illustrati, partim etiam Grccorum antiquissimorumque ex- emplariorum collatione emendati atque in integrum restituti. Maps. Folio. Bale, \ 552 Geographic vniversae tvm veteris, tvm novae absolvtissimvm opus, duo- bus voluminibus distinctum, in quorum priore habentur Cl. Ptolemci Pelvsiensis Geographies; enarrationis libri octo : Quorum primus, qui praecepta ipsius facultatis omnia complectitur, commen- tarijs vberrimis, illustratus est a lo. Antonio Magino Patavino. In secundo volumine insunt Cl. Ptolemcei, antique orbis tabulae XXVII. ad priscas historias intelligendas summe necessarise. Et tabula; XXXVII. recentiores, quibus vniuersi orbis pictura, ac facies, singular- umq ; eius partium regionum, ac pro- uinciarum ob oculos patet nostro sa_'culo congruens. Vna cum ipsarum tabularum copiosissimis expositionibus, quibus sin- guise orbis partes, prouincic, regiones, imperia, regna, ducatus, & alia dominia, prout nostro tempore se habent, exacte describuntur. Auctoreeodemlo. Ant. Ma- gino Patavino, Mathematicarum in Almo Bononiensi Gymnasio Publico Professore, I 597- 4 Cologne and Arnheim, 1597 Geografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra, partita in due volumi ; nel Primo de' quali si contengono gli otto Libri della Geografia di Cl. Tolomeo ; nel secondo vi sono poste XXVII. tavole antiche di Tolomeo, e XXXVII. altre Moderne, tutte reviste e in alcuni luoghi accresciute e illustrate da ricchissimi Commentarii dal Sig. Gio. Ant. Magini. Opera utilissima e specialmente necessaria allo studio dell' Historic, dal Latino nell' Italiano tradotta dal R. D. Leonardo Cernoti. Maps. Folio Venice, 1598 Geographic, libri octo, Grseco-Latino. Latine primum recogniti et emendati, cum tabulis geographicis ad mentein auctoris restitutis per G. Mercatorem ; jam vero ad Gr. et Lat. exemplaria a P. Montano iterum recogniti, et pluribus locis castigati. Maps. Folio Frankfort and Amsterdam, 1605 PTO PUR. 385 Ptolemy, Claudius. Geographic tie Ptolemee, reproduction photolithogra- phique du Manuscrit Grec du Monastere de Vatopedi au Mont Athos, executee d'apres les cliches obtenus sous la direction de M. Pierre de Sewastianoff, et precedee d'une Introduction Historique sur le Mont Athos, les Monasteres, et les depots litteraires de la presqu'ile sainte, par Victor Langlois. Folio Paris, 1867 LTroAe/xouov Fewy- Claudii Ptolemrei Geographia: E codicibus recognovit, pro- legomenis, annotatione, indicibus, tabulis instruxit, Carolus Miillerus. Voluminis Primi Pars Prima. Large 8 Paris, 1883 A List of Editions of Ptolemy's Geo- graphy, 1475-1730. 8* New York, 1886 See Plate, William ; Rylands. Puchstein, Dr Otto. Bericht tiber eine Reise in Kurdistan. Map and plan. Large 8* Berlin, 1883 See Humann. Pudsey, . See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : App. I. Puggaard, C. Deux Vues Geologiques pour servir a la Description Geologique du Danemark. Plates. Folio* Copenhagen, 1853 Description Geologique de la Penin- sule de Sorrento dans le Royaume de Naples ; contenant de Nouvelles Obser- vations sur les Dolomies. Map. 8* Copenhagen, 1858 Notice sur les calcaires plutonises de la Peninsule de Sorrento. 8* Paris, 1859 Memoire sur les calcaires plutonises des Alpes Apuennes et du Monte Pisano. 8* Paris, 1 860 Pugh, Theophilus P. Brief Outline of the Geographical Position, Population, Climate, Resources, Capabilities, Form of Government, Land Laws, Trade, Revenue, &c., of the Colony of Queens- land. 12 Brisbane, 1861 Queensland Almanac, Directory, Law Calendar, Gazetteer, &c. , from 1862 to 1893. Maps and plates. 12 Brisbane Pullan, R. Popplewell. The Principal Ruins of Asia Minor, &c. See Texier, Charles. Pullan, Lieut. W. J. L. See Kellet, Capt. H. Pulli, Pietro. Tratta Teorico- Practice su la Raccolta del Nitro di Napoli. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Naples, 1813-17 Pumpelly, Raphael. Notice of an Ac- count of Geological Observations in China, Japan, and Mongolia. (From the American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 41). 8* 1866 Pumpelly, Raphael. Northern Trans- continental Survey : First Annual Report of Raphael Pumpelly, Director of the Survey, September 1882. 12* New York, 1882 2 6 Pumpelly, Raphael. See United States, A, Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. 15: Ap- pendix 2. Purchas, Samuel, his Pilgrimage, or Re- lations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages. 3rd edition. Folio 1617 His Pilgrimes, in Five Books. . . . Maps and illustrations. 4 vols. Folio 1625 [For full Title and Contents, see Ap- pendix I. Also see Thevenot, Vol. I in same Appendix.] Purdy, Col. E. S. Psychrometrical Observations taken at Fascher, Darfour, 1876. 8* Cairo, 1877 Purdy, John. Memoir, Descriptive and Ex- planatory, to accompany the New Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, and comprising Instructions, General and Particular, for the Navigation of that Sea. 8 1817 New Sailing Directory for the Ethi- opic, or Southern Atlantic Ocean, to the Rio de la Plata and the Cape of Good Hope, &c., including the Islands between the two Coasts. 8 1829 Second edition. 8 1837 Third edition, Revised and Corrected by A. G. Findlay. 8 1845 New Sailing Directory for the Strait of Gibraltar and the Western Division of the Mediterranean Sea. 8 1832 New Sailing Directory for the Gulf of Venice, and the Eastern or Levantine Division of the Mediterranean Sea ; to- gether with the Sea of Marmora and the Euxine or Black Sea. 8 1834 Brasilian Navigator ; or, Sailing Di- rectory for all the Coasts of Brasil, &c., from the River Para to the Rio de la Plata, including General Instructions for the Routes both from England and from North America, with Descriptions and Directions for the Madeira, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands, Fernando Noronha, &c. 8 1844 Sailing Directions for the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. 8 1846 See Huddart ; White, Capt. M. and Alex. G. Findlay. Memoir, Descriptive and Explanatory, to accom- pany the Charts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean ; and comprising Instructions, General and Particular, for the Naviga- tion of that Sea. Corrected, &c., by A. G. Findlay. 9th edition. 8 1845 Eleventh edition. Materially im- proved by A. G. Findlay. Maps. 8 1861 New Piloting Directory for the Differ- ent Channels of the Thames and Medway, with the Navigation between Orfordness and Folkestone . . . Revised, &c., by A. G. Findlay. 8 1846 386 PUR-QUE. Purdy, John, and A. G. Findlay. British American Navigator : Sailing Directory for the Island and Banks of Newfoundland, the Gulf and River of St Lawrence, Breton Island, Nova Scotia, the Bay of Funday, and the Coasts thence to the River Penobscot, &c. 2nd edition. 8 1847 Colombian Navigator. Vol. I. Sail- ing Directory for the Bermuda Islands, the Eastern and Southern Coasts of the United States, and the States of Texas. Improved by A. G. Findlay. 2nd edition. Map. 8 1847 The same, Vol. 2. Sailing Directory for the Northern Part of the West Indies and the Mexican Sea, . . . including the Description of the Florida or Gulf Stream. Improved by A. G. Findlay. 4th edition. 8 1848 Sailing Directory for the Windward and Gulf Passages, the Bahama Islands and Channels, the Islands of Hayti, Jamaica, and Cuba, the Coast of Florida, the Martyrs, &c., and the Florida or Gulf Stream. Revised and Corrected by A. G. Findlay. 4th edition. 8 1848 Sailing Directory for the English Channel and Southern Coasts of Ireland. Revised, &c., by Alex. G. Findlay. 8 1849 Memoir, Descriptive and Explanatory, of the Northern Atlantic Ocean. I2th edition. By A. G. Findlay. Charts and woodcuts. 8" 1865 Pursglove, W. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 : Appendix I. Purves, J. See General, International Geological Congress : Appendix 2. Purvis, Comodoro. Sobre los Avances del, en el Rio de la Plata. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1843 Puseley, D. The Rise and Progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand ; in which will be found the Increase and Habits of Population, Table of Revenue and Expenditure, Commercial Growth, and Present Position of each Dependency, &c. 8 1858 Putiata, D. V. Expedition to Khingan in 1891 : a Description of the Route taken. [In Russian.] Maps and plans. 8* St Petersburg, 1893 Puydt, Lucien de. La Verite sur le Canal Interoceanique de Panama. 8* Paris, 1879 Pycroft, J. W. The Claim to the Fore- shores of the Sea Coast and Tidal Rivers in ... Devon and Cornwall by Her Majesty's Commissioners of Woods and Forests examined and considered. 4* 1854 Arena Cornubije ; or, The Claims of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests to the Sea-Coast and Banks of Tidal Rivers in Cornwall and Devon examined. 4 1856 Pyrard de Laval, Francois. See Gray, A. ; also Harris, Vol. i ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vols. 76, 77, 80 ; Laharpe, Vol. 3 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8; "The World Dis- played," Vol. 10 : Appendix I. Quadri, Antoine. Huh Jours a Venise. Plates. 12 Venice, 1825 Otto Giorni a Venezia. Map and plates. 12 Venice, 1830 - The same. Seconda Edizione. Parte Seconda. Compendio della Storia Veneta diviso in otto epoche, dalle origione di Venezia nell' anno 421 sino alia caduta della Repubblica nell' anno 1797. 12 Venice, 1826 Quatrefages, A. de. The Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. Translated by E. C. Otte. 2 vols. 8 1857 Les Polynesiens et leurs Migrations. Maps. 4 Parts [iS6$?] Discours prononce a 1'ouverture de 1'Assemblee Generale du 19 Decembre 1890. (Compte Rendu, Societe de Geo- graphic.) 8* Paris, 1890 Quatrelles. . Un Parisien dans les Antilles : Saint-Thomas Puerto- Rico La Havane La vie de Province sous les Tropiques. Plates. 12 Paris, 1883 Quentin, Ch. An Account of Paraguay, its History, its People, and its Govern- ment. From the French. 8* 1865 Quesada, V. G. La Patagonia y las Tierras Australes del Continente Ameri- cano. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1875 Quetelet, L. A. J. Eclipse de Soleil du 1 5 Mars 1858: Notice. 8* Brussels, 1858 Bolide observe dans la soiree du 4 Mars 1 863., 8* Brussels, 1863 Sur les Etoiles filantes periodiques du mois d'Aout 1867, et sur les Orages ob- serves en Belgique pendant Pete de 1867, &c., 8* Brussels [l^6j] Etoiles filantes du milieu de Novembre 1867 et Etat de 1' Atmosphere a la meme epoque. 8* Brussels [1867] Sur la Loi Statistique des tailles humaines, et sur la regularite que suit cette loi dans son developpement a chaque age. 8* Brussels, 1868 Physique Sociale, ou Essai sur le Developpement desFacultesde 1'Homme. Vol. 2. 8 Brussels, 1869 Notice sur Charles Babbage. 12* Brussels, 1873 Unite de 1'Espece Humaine. 8* N. P., N.D. Quetelet, Ernest. Sur Petal de PAtmo- sphere a Bruxelles pendant Pannee 1865. 8* Brussels, N.D See Mailly. QUE-RAD. 387 Quetin, . Guide du Voyageur en Algerie, Itinerairedu Savant, del' Artiste, de 1'IIomme du Monde, &c. 2nd edition, to which is added a French- Arabic Vocabulary. 12 Paris, 1847 Quiggin's Guide through the Isle of Man. Map and plates. 12 Douglas, ,1842 Quijarro, Dr Antonio. Los Territories del Noroeste de Bolivia: Vias de Co- imtnicacion que les Corresponden. J\Iap. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1892 Propuestas de Ferro-Carriles para los Departamentos del sud y del Oriente de Bolivia. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1893 See Bach, M. Quin, Michael J. Steam Voyages on the Seine, the Moselle, and the Rhine ; with Railroad Visits to the 1'rincipal Cities of Belgium. 2 vols. 8 1843 Quintus Curtius. The History of Alex- ander the Great. Translated, with Ori- ginal Notes, by Peter Pratt. 2 vols. Map. 8 18-21 Alexander in India : a portion of the History of Quintus Curtius. Edited for Schools and Colleges by W. E. Hartland and E. Raven. Map. 12 Cambridge, 1879 Quirini (or Quirino), Piero. See Kerr, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 ; Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Quiroga, Don Francisco. Apuntes de un Viage por el Sahara occidental. Plate. 8* [1886] Quiroga, P. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Quiros (or Quir, or Giros), Pedro Fernandez de. Historia del Descubri- miento de las Regiones Austriales. Publi- cada por Don Justo Zaragoza. 3 \ols. Maps and plan. 8 Madrid, 1876-82 See Gerritz ; also Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. 2 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Pur- chas, Vol. 4, Book 7 ; Allgemeine His- torie, Vol. 18 : Appendix I. Quoy, J. R. C. See Freycinet. R How about Fiji? or Annexation versus Non- Annexation ; with an Account of the various Pr<>| osals for Cession, and a Short Sketch of the Natural Aspects of the Group. By"R." 8* 1874 R , V. P. Memoriasobre Emigracion, Inmi^racion, iColonizacion, por V. P. R. 8" Santiago, 1854 Rabaud, Alfred. Zanzibar : La Cote ori- entale d'Afrique et I'Afrique equatoriale. Maps. 8 Marseilles, 1881 Rabot, Charles. See Nordenskiold. Raconis, J. B. de See Varthema. Rada, Dr Emeteris Villamil de. La Lengua de Adan y el Hombre de Tiah- nanaco; con una indroduccion del Doctor Nicolas Acosta. 8 La Paz, 1888 Radau, R. La Geographic de Precision en Afrique. 8* Paris [? 1886] See Abbadie. Radcliff, Rev. T. On the Agriculture of Eastern and Western Flanders. Map and plates. 8 1819 Radcliffe, William. The Natural History of East Tartary, traced through the three Kingdoms of Nature ; rendered into English from the French Translation. 8 1789 Raddatz, Dr H. Das Kaffernland des untern Olifant. Map. 4* Gotha, 1 886 Radde, Dr Gustav. Reisen im Siiden von Ost-Sibirien in den Jahren 1855-59. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1862-63 Berichte iiber die biologisch-geograph- ischen Untersuchungen in den Kaukas- uslandern, im Auftrage der Civil-Haupt- verwaltung der Kaukasischen Statthalter- schaft ausgefiihrt. Jahrgang i. Reisen im Mingrelischen Hochgebirge und in seinen clrei Langenhochthalern, Rion, Tskenis-Tsquali, und Ingur. Maps and plates. 4 Tiflis, 1866 Vier Vortrage iiber den Kaukasus gehalten im Winter 1873-74 in den grosseren Stadten Deutsct)lands. (Ergan- zungsheft, 36 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen). Maps. 4 Gotha, 1874 Die Chews'uren und ihr Land (ein monographischer Versuch) untersucht im Sommer 1876. Map and plates. 8 Cassel, 1878 The Ornithological Fauna of the Caucasus : a Systematic and Biologico- geographical description of Caucasian birds. [In Russian.] Maps and plates. 4 Tiflis, 1884 Reisen an der Persisch-Russischen Grenze. Talysch und seine Bewohner. Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1 886 Die Fauna und Flora des siidwest- lichen Caspi Gebietes ; wissenschaft- liche Beitrage zu den Reisen an der Persisch-Russischen Grenze. Plates. Leipzig, 1886 Sendschreiben an Herrn Prof. Dr Liebe, zweitein Vorsitzenden des Deut- schen Vereins zum Schutze der Vogel- welt. 8* Tiflis, 1889 Aus den Dagestanischen Hochalpen, vom Schah-dagh zum Dully und Bogos. (Erganzungsheft, 85 Petermann's Mit- theilungen). Maps and illustrations. 4 Gotha, 1887 Karabagh. Bericht iiber die im Sommer 1890 im Russischen Karabagh von Dr Gustav Radde und Dr Jean Valentin ausgefiihrte Reise. (Erganzungs- heft, 100 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Gotha, 1800 See Baer and Helmersen, 23. 388 RAD RAF. Raders, Baron R. F. van. De Vestiging van Nederlanders te Surinam aan- bevolen. 8* The Hague, 1854 Radford, A. Jottings on the West Indies and Panama. 12 1886 Radiot, Paul. Le Transsaharien trans- atlantique. 8* Paris, 1891 Radius, J. S. C. de. Characteristic Features of Russian and Slavic Poetry, with specimens, translated by English Authors. 12 1854 Radlinsky, Prof. A. G. Alessandro Magno ; influenzadelle sue Conquiste sulF 1 Asia e sull' Europa. 8* Mantua, 1857 L'America prima di Cristoforo Colombo. 8* Mantita, 1857 Radloff, Dr Wilhelm. Aus Sibirien : Lose Blatter aus dem Tagebuche eines reisenden Linguisten. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. Small 8 Leipzig, 1884 Die Hausthiere der Kirgisen. 8* N.P., N^D. Rae, Edward. The Land of the North Wind, or Travels among the Laplanders and the Samoyedes. Maps and plates. Small 8 1875 - The Country of the Moors : a Journey from Tripoli in Barbary to the City of Kairwan. Map and plates. 8 1877 The White Sea Peninsula : a Journey in Russian Lapland and Karelia. Map and illustrations. 8 1881 Rae, Dr John. Narrative of an Expedi- tion to the Shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847. Maps. 8 1850 Voyages and Travels of, in the Arctic Regions. Copy of a Letter from Dr Rae, Feb. 1856. 8* 1856 On some physical properties of ice ; on the transposition of Boulders from below to above the Ice ; and on Mammoth- remains. 8* 1874 - Snow-huts, Sledges, and Sledge Journeys. 8* 1875 Arctic and Sub- Arctic Life. 8* 1877 Rae, John. See New South Wales, D : Appendix 2. Raemdonck, Dr J. van. Gerard Mer- cator : sa Vie et ses CEuvres. Plates. Imp. 8 St Nicolas, 1869 La Geographic Ancienne de la Pales- tine : Letlre de Gerard Mercator a Andre Masius, datee de Duisbourg 22 Mai 1567. Map. 4* St Nicolas, 1884 Relations Commerciales entre Gerard M creator etChristophe Plantina Anvers. 4* St Nicolas, 1884 Les Spheres Terrestre et Celeste de Gerard Mercator (1541 et 1551). 8* St Nicolas, 1885 Raffenel, Anne. Nouveau Voyage dans le Pays des Negres, suivi d'etudcs sur la Colonie du Senegal, et de documents historiques,geographiques et scientifiques. Tome I. Plates. Large 8 Paris, 1856 Raffenel, . See Jomard. Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. Sub- stance of a Minute recorded in 1814 on the Introduction of an Improved System of Internal Management, and the Estab- lishment of a I^and Rental, on the Island of Java. 4 [Privately printed} 1814 History of Java. 2 vols. 8, and separate volume of Plates 4 1830 Memoir of the Life and Public Services of, particularly in the Govern- ment of Java, 1811-16, and of Bencoolen and its Dependencies, 1817-24 ; with details of the Commerce and Resources of the Eastern Archipelago, and Selec- tions from his Correspondence. By his Widow. With Appendix. Portrait, maps, and plates. 4 1830 Raffray, Achille. Afrique Orientale : Abyssinie. Map and plates. 12 Paris, 1876 Rafinesque. C. S. The Ancient Monu- ments of North and South America. 8* Philadelphia, 1838 Rafn, Prof. Charles Christian. Frerey- inga Saga, eller Fyeroboernes Historic, i den Islandske Grundtext, med Fa;r6isk og Dansk Oversrettelse. Map and fac- simile. Royal 8 Copenhagen, 1832 Frereyinga Saga, oder Geschichte der Bewohner der Faroer im Islandischen Grundtext mil Faroischer, Danischer, und Deutscher Uebersetzung. Herausgegeben von C. C. Rask und G. C. F. Mohnike. Map and facsimile. Royal 8 Copenhagen, 1833 Antiquitates Americanee, sive Scrip- tores Septentrionales rerum Ante-Colum- bianarum in America. Samling af dei nordens Oldskrifter indeholdte Efterret- ninger am de gamle Nordljoers Opdagel- sesreiser til America fra del lode til del I4de Aarhundrede. Imperial 4 Copenhagen, 1837 Wiadomosc o odkryciu Ameryki Wdziesiatym Wieku ; na Francuzkie przelozyl, Ksawery Marmier ; na Nie- mieckie G. Mohnike ; a Podlug tych przekladow na Polskie przetlumaczyl, J. K. Trojanski. 12 Cracow, 1838 Memorie sur la Decouverte de 1'Amerique au dixieme siecle. Traduit par Xavier Marmier. 8* Paris, 1838 Memoria sulla scoperta dell' America nel secolo clecimo, dettata in Lingua Danese, e tradotta da J. Graberg da Hemso. 8* Pisa, 1839 Americas Opdagelse i det tiende Aarhundrede. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1841 Supplement to the Antiquitates Americans;. Maps ami plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1841 Americas Arctiske Landes gamle Geographic efter de nordiske Oldskrifter, Maps and plates. 8* Copenhagen, 1845 RAF RAM. 389 Rafn. Prof. Charles Christian. Anti- quites Americaines d'apres les Monu- ments Historiques cles Islandais et des Anciens Scandinaves. Map. 4 Copenhagen, 1845 Apercu de 1'Ancienne Geographic des Regions Arctiques de 1'Amerique. Maps, 8* Copenhagen, 1847 Remarks on a Danish Runic Stone, from the eleventh century, found in the central part of London. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1854 Antiquites de 1'Orient, Monuments Runographiques. 8* Copenhagen, 1856 Inscription Runique du Piree, inter- pretee. [French and Danish.] Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1856 Cabinet d'Antiquities Americaines a Copenhague. Rapport Ethnographique. Maps. 8 Copenhagen, 1858 Inscriptions Runiques du Slesvig Meridional, interpreters. Map. 8* Copenhagen, 1861 Renseignements sur les premiers Habi- tants de la Cote Occidentale du Groen- lancl. Traduits en Groenlandais par Samuel Kleinschmidt. Map and plate. 4* 1864 Notices of the Life and Writings of, by L. E. Borring. 8* Copenhagen, 1864 The Discovery of America by the Northmen : Connection of the Northmen with the East. [2 leaves.'} 8* N.I>. Rafn, Prof. C. C. , and Jon Sigurdsson. Saga Jatvardar Konungs hins Helga udgiven cfter Islandske Oldboger af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-selskab. 8* Copenhagen, 1852 Ragazzi, Dr Vincenzo. Da Antoto ad Ilarar. Note di Viaggio . . . con pre- fazione e carta del Prof. G. Dalla Vedova. 8* Rome, 1888 Ragosin, V. Volga. Vol. I [in Russian.] Plates. 8, and Atlas (Vol. i) folio St Petersburg, 1880 Raikes, . See Walpole, Travels : Ap- pendix i. Raikes, Charles. Notes on the North- Western Provinces of India. 8 1852 Raikes, Stanley Napier. Memoir and Brief Notes relative to the Kutch State. [From the India Records, No. 15]. Por- trait and map. Royal 8 Bombay,^^ Memoir on the Thurr and Parkur Districts of Sind, 1856. [From the India Records, No. 54.] Map and plate. Royal 8 Bombay, 1859 Raikes, T. A Visit to St Petersburg in the winter of 1829-30. 8 1838 Raimondi, Antonio. Analisis de las Aguas Termales de Yura, Aguas minerales d Jesus, y Aguas potables de Arequipa. Table. 8* Areqnipa, 1864 Raimondi, Antonio. Apuntes sobre la Provincia Literal de Loreto (Peru). Maps. 12* Lima, 1862 El Departamento de Ancachs y sus Riquezas Minerales. 4 Lima, 1873 El Peru. 2 vols. Map, plan, and plates. 4 Lima, 1874-76 Rainaud. Armand. Le Continent Austral ; hypotheses et decouvertes. Large 8 Paris, 1893 Rainolds. R. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 : Appen- dix i. Rainy, W. The Censor Censured ; or, The Calumnies of Capt. Burton on the Africans of Sierra Leone refuted, &c. ; with some Remarks on the Sierra Leone Exhibition. 8 1865 Raisin, Miss Catharine A. See Elliot, G. F. S. Raleigh, Sir Walter. History of the World ; with Life by Oldys, also his Trial. 2 vols. Portrait and maps. Folio 1736 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, by Arthur Cay ley. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1 806 See Whitehead ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publications, Vol. 3 ; Astley, Vol. i ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt's Voyages, Vols. 2, 4 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Pinkerton, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. I, 16 : Ap- pendix i. Ramage, G. A. See Ridley Rambaud, Alfred. La France Cotaniale, Histoire Geographic Commerce. Par Alfred Rambaud, avec la collaboration d'une Societe de Geographes et de Voy- ageurs. 6th edition. Maps. 8 Paris, 1893 Rambert, Eugene. Les Alpes Suisses : Etudes d'Histore Naturelle, les Plantes Alpines, la Question du Foehn, le Voyage du Glacier, la Flore Suisse et ses Origines. 12 Lausanne, 1888 Ramchundra. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima, solved by Algebra. Reprinted under the Superintendence of Augustus de Morgan. 8 1859 Rame, Alfred. Note sur le Manoir cl Jacques Cartier. See Cartier, J. Ramirez, Santiago. Nolicia Historica de la Requeza Minera de Mexico y de su actual estado de Explotacion. 8 Mexico, 1884 Ram6n, L. P. de. See Bartoli. Ramond, L. Observations faites dans les Pyrenees pour servir de suite a des Observations sur les Alpes. Maps. 8 Paris, 1789 Voyages au Mont- Perdu, et dans la partie adjacent e des Hautes- Pyrenees. Plates. 8 Paris, 1801 390 RAM RAP. Ramond, L. Travels in the Pyrenees, containing a Description of the Principal Summits, Passes, and Vallies. Translated from the French, by F. Gold. 8 1813 See Pinkerton, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Ramos-Coelho, Jose. Historia do Infante D. Duarte, irmao de El-Rei D. Joao IV. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Lisbon, 1889-90 Ramsay, Sir Andrew C. The Physical Geology arjd Geography of Great Britain. 3rd edition. Map. Small 8 1872 New edition. Map and plates . 8 1894 See Stanford, E. Ramsay, E. P. See New South Wales, A, Australian Museum Publications : Ap- pendix 2. Ramsay, J. The Vascular Flora of the West of Scotland. Published for the British Association Meeting, 1876. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Ramsay, Prof. W. M. The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. Roy. Geo. Soc. Suppf. Papers, Vol. 4. Maps and tables. Large 8 1890 Ramusio, Gio. Battista. Delle Naviga- tioni et Viaggi. 3 vols. Maps. Folio Venice, Vol. I, 1613 ; Vol. 2, 1583 ; Vol. 3, 1606 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] II Viaggio di Giovan Leone e le Navigazioni di Alvise de ca Da Mosto, di Pietro di Cintra, di Annone, di un piloto Portoghese e di Vasco di Gama ; quali si leggono nella raccolta di Giovam- battista Ramusio. With portrait of Ramusio. Large 8 Venice, 1837 Ranee. See De Ranee. Rancy, M. de. Description, Geo- graphique, Historique, et Statistique de la Navarre. 8 Toulouse, 1817 Rand, M'Nally & Co.'s Handy Guide to Chicago and World's Columbian Exposi- tion. Plan and illustrations. 12 Chicago, 1892 Rand, Rev. Silas Tertius. Dictionary of the Language of the Micmac Indians who reside in Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, and Newfoundland. 4 Halifax, N.S., 1888 Randel, J. F. See Hunt, R. S. Rands, William H. The Paradise Gold Field. Plan and sketch. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 The Cape River Gold Field. Map, diagram, and sections. Folio* Brisbane, 1891 - The Styx River Gold Field. Map and plate. Folio* Brisbane, 1892 Geological Observations in the Cook- town District. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1893 Rang, Sahder, and Ferdinand Denis. Fondation de la Regence d' Alger, Histoire des Barberousse, Chronique Arabe du Rang, Sander, and F. Denis contd. XVI e Siecle, public sur un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Royale, avec un Appendice et des Notes ; Expedition de Charles- Quint ; AperU historique et statist ique du Port d' Alger. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1837 Ranke, Johannes. See Switzerland, B : Appendix 2. Ranke, Leopold. History of Servia and the Servian Revolution. Translated by Mrs A. Kerr. Map. 8 1847 Rankin, Daniel J. The Portuguese in East Africa. (From the Fortnightly Review, February 1890.) 8* 1890 Arab Tales : translated from the Swahili Language into the Tugulu Dia- lect of the Makua Languages, as spoken in the immediate vicinity of Mozambique; together with comparative Vocabularies of Five Dialects of the Makua Language. Map. 12 [N.D., 1891?] The Discovery of the Chinde Entrance to the Zambesi River. (From the Fort- nightly Review, December. ) 8* 1892 - The Zambesi Basin and Nyasaland. Map and illustrations. 8 Edin., 1893 Ranking, J. Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the I3th Century, by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants ; and the local agreement of history and tradition with the remains of Elephants and Mastodontes found in the New World, &c. Maps aitd.plates. 8 1827 Ransome, J. Leslie. The Eruptive Rocks of Point Bonita. Bulletin of the Depart- ment of Geology of the University of California, Vol. i, No. 3. Large 8* Berkeley, Ca/., 1893 Ranuzzi, Annibale. Saggio di Geografia Pura, owero Primi Studi sull' Anatomia della Terra. 8* Bologna, 1840 Notizia sullo stato attuale degli Studi Geografici in Italia. 12* Bologna, 1843 AnnuarioGeografico Italiano, 1844-45. 2 vols. 1 2 and 8 Bologna, 1844-45 Raper, Lieut. Henry. The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 2nd edition. The same. The same. The same. The same. The same. 5th edition. 6th edition, loth edition. 1 2th edition. I9th edition. 1842 1854 1857 1870 1877 1881 Supplement to the First Edition of the Practice of Navigation. 8 1842 Maritime Positions, constituting Table loof the Practice of Navigation. 8 1850 Rules for Finding Distances and Heights at Sea. 8* 1831, 1859, and 1866 Tables of Logarithms to six places : containing Logarithms of Numbers from I to 10,000 ; and of Sines, Tangents, and Secants for every half-minute ; with proportional parts for Seconds. 8 1846 RAP RAV. 391 Raper, Lieut. Henry. See United King- dom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. Rapier R. C. Remunerative Railways for New Countries ; with some Account of the First Railway in China. Plates. 4 1878 Rask, Rasmus. Singalesisk Skriftlaere. 8* Colombo, 1821 Vejledning til Akra-Sproget paa Kysten Ginea, rnetl et Tiling om Akvam- buisk. 12* Copenhagen, 1828 A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue ; with a Praxis. . . . Translated from the Danish by B. Thorpe. 8 Copenhagen, 1830 Raesonneret Lappisk Sproglsere, efter den Sprogart, som Bruges af Fjceldlap- perne i jx>rsangerfjorden i Finmarken ; en Omarbejdelse af Prof. Knud Leems Lappiske Grammatica. 12 Copenhagen, 1832 Rassam, Hormuzd. Narrative of the British Mission to Theodore, .King of Abyssinia ; with Notices of the Countries traversed from Massowah, through the Soodan, the Amhara, and back to Annesley Bay, from Magdala. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1869 See Markham, C. R. Rat, J. Numa. The Elements of the Hausa Language, or a Short Introduc- tory Grammar of the Language. 16* 1889 Rath, G. vom. See Dechen ; Rein. Rathbone, A. B. See Preedy. Rathbun. Richard. See Hartt. Ratte, A. Felix. See New South Wales, A, Australian Museum Publications : Appendix 2. Ratti, C. G. Instruzione di quanto puo' vedersi di piu' bello in Geneva. Map and plates. 8 Genoa, 1780 "Rattlesnake," H.M.S. See Macgilli- vray, John. Rattray, Alex. Vancouver Island and British Columbia : where they are, what they are, and what they may become. Maps ami plates. 8 1862 Ratzel, Dr Friedrich. Aus Mexico, Reiseskizzen aus den Jahren 1874 und 1875. Map. 8 Breslau, 1878 Anthropo-Geographie oder Grundziige cler Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte. 8 Stuttgart, 1882 The same. Zweiter Teil : Die geo- graphische Verbreitung dcs Menschen. Maps. 8 Stuttgart, 1891 Volkerkunde. 3 vols. Maps and illustrations Leipzig, 1887-88 Vol. I. Die Naturvolker Afrikas. Vol. 2. Die Naturvolker Ozeaniens, Amerikas, und Asiens. Vol. 3. Die Kulturvolker der Alien und Neuen Welt, Ratzel, Dr Friedrich. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. I. Physikalische Geographic und Naturcharacter. Maps. 8 Munich, 1878 Ditto. 2. Politische und Wirtschafts- Geographie. Map. 8 Munich, 1893 See Ernin Pasha ; also Germany, C, Forschungen zur Deutschen Landes, &c. , Vol. 4 : Appendix 2. Raulin, V. Description Physique et Na- turelle de 1'Ile de Crete. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1869 Raumer, Karl von. Lehrbuch der allge- meinen Geographic. 8 Leipzig, 1835 Palastina. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1850 Life and System of J. H. Peslalozzi. Translated by J. Tilleard. 8 1855 Rauwolf, Leonhart. See Ray : Ap- pendix i. Raven, T. E. See Quintus Curtius. Ravenstein, Augustus. Die vierte Stadt- Erweiterung. Map. 8* Frankfurt-a-M., 1857 Ravenstein, E. G. Statistic View of the Population, the Religions, and Languages of Europe in 1855. Maps. 4* 1855 A Concise Account of Geographical Discovery in Eastern Africa. Map. 8* 1860 The Russians on the Amur, its Dis- covery, Conquest, and Colonisation. Maps and plates. 8 1861 Geographic und Statistik des Britischen Reichs. 8 Leipzig, 1863 Denominational Statistics of England and Wales. 8* 1870 Reisehandbuch fiir London, England, und Schottland. Maps and plates. 8 Hildburghansen, 1870 London, England, Schottland, und Irland. Meyer's " Reisebiicher. " 3rded. Maps and plates. 12 Leipzig, 1876 Census of the British Isles, 1871 : The Birthplaces of the People and the Laws of Migration. Maps. 12* 1876 Population of Russia and Turkey. 8* 1877 Cyprus, its Resources and Capabilities; with Hints for Tourists. Maps. 12* 1878 Celtic Languages in the British Isles. Maps. 8* 1879 Somal and Galla Land. 8* 1884 Bathyhypsographical Maps. Maps. 8* 1886 Livingstone and Lake Bangweola. 8* 1889 Geographical Co-ordinates in the Valley of the Upper Nile. 8* 1889 The Laws of Migration. 2nd paper. Maps. 8* 1889 Lake Regions of Central Africa. 8* 1891 Rivers, Plains, and Mountains. 8* 1891 The Field of Geography. 8* 1891 Lands still available for European Settlement. Maps. 8* 1891 392 RAV RAZ. Ravenstein, E. G. Report on Meteoro- logical Observations in British East Africa for 1893. Large 8* 1893 See Johnston ; Krapf, J. L. ; Reclus, E. ; Stanford, E. Raverty, Major H. G. Dictionary of the Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or Language of the Afghans. 4 1 860 Grammar of the Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or Language of the Afghans ; in which the Rules are illustrated by Examples . . . together with Translations from the Articles of War, &c. 4 1860 TheGulshan-I-Roh; being Selections, Prose and Poetical, in the Pus'hto or Afghan Language. 4 1860 The Gospel for the Afghans ; being a Short Critical Examination of a Small Portion of the New Testament in the Pus'hto or Afghan Language, and a Comparison between it and the Original Greek from which it is said to have been made. 8 1864 Muscovite Proceedings on the Afghan Frontier. (From the United Service Gazette."] Map. Small 4* 1885 Notes on Afghanistan and part of Baluchistan, Geographical, Ethnogra- phical, and Historical, extracted from the Writings of little known Afghan and Tajzik Historians, Geographers, and Genealogists ; the Histories of the Ghuris, the Turk Sovereigns of the Dilhi King- dom, the Mughal Sovereigns of the House of Timur, and other Muhamma- dan Chronicles ; and from Personal Ob- servations. Folio [1880-] 1888 The Mihran of Sind and its Tribu- taries : a Geographical and Historical Study. (Reprinted tram. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.] 8* 1892 Ravinet, Theodore. Dictionnaire Hyclro- graphique de la France, contenant la Description des Rivieres et Canaux flot- tables et navigables dependans du Do- maine Public ; suivi de la Collection complete des Tarifs des Droits de Navi- gation. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1824 Rawley, William. See Verulam. Rawlings, Thomas. The Confederation of the British North American Provinces, their Past History and Future Prospects, including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay Territory. Plates. 8* 1865 What shall we do with the Hudson's Bay Territory? Colonize the "Fertile Belt," which contains Forty Millions of Acres. 8* 1866 Rawlins, John. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 6 : Appendix I. Rawlinson. George. The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World ; or, The History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldoea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia. 4th ed. 3 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1879 Rawlinson, George. History of Phoenicia. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 889 See Herodotus. Rawlinson, Gen. Sir Henry C. Notes on the Direct Overland Telegraph from Constantinople to Kurrachi. Map. 8* 1861 - Outlines of Assyrian History, col- lected from the Cuneiform Inscriptions ; some Remarks by Layard. Report of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1852. 8* 1852 England and Russia in the East : a Series of Papers on the Political and Geographical Condition of Central Asia, and edition. Map. 8 1875 Biography, with portrait. (From Leisure Hour, August 1877.) 8* 1877 See Herodotus. Rawson, Sir Rawson W. Report on the Bahamas for the year 1864. 8 1866 Report upon the Rainfall of Barbados, and upon its Influence on the Sugar- Crops, 1847-71 ; with two Supplements, 1873-74. 4 Barbados, 1874 Synopsis of the Tariff and Trade of the British Empire. Tables. 8 1888 - Sequel to do. Tables. 8 1889 Analysis of the Maritime Trade of the United Kingdom, 1889-91, with special reference to Proposals for the Establish- ment of a British Zollverein. 8* 1892 Ray, John. Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages. 2 vols. 8 1738 [For Contents, see Appendix i. ; also Harris, Vol. 2, in same Appendix.] Ray, P. H. See United States, K, Alaska : Appendix 2. Ray, R. C. See United States, E, a, Navigation : Appendix 2. Raymond, Captain G. See Astley, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 8: Appendix i. Raymond, Walter. Saldanha Bay Har- bour, its Special Capabilities for Colonisa- tion. Map. 8* 1867 Raynal, F. E. Les Naufrages, ou Vingt Mois sur un Recif des iles Auckland. Map and plates. Large 8 Paris, 1870 Raynal, Guillaume Thomas. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablis- semens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. IO vols. Plates and tables. 8 Geneva, 1781 A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies . . . Newly translated from the French, by J. O. Justamond. 8 vols. Maps. 8 1788 Razoumowsky, Comte Gregoire de. CEuvres : contenant Voyage Mineral- ogique et Physique de Bruxelles a Lausanne, Luxembourg, Lorraine, Cham- pagne, Franche-Comte, Aigle, &c. Map. 8 Lausanne, 1784 - Voyages Mineralogiques dans le Gouvernement d'Aigle, et une partie du Vallais. Map. 8 Lausanne, 1784 REA REC. 393 Read, John Meredith. A Historical In- quiry concerning Henry Hudson, his friends, relatives, and early life, in con- nection with the Muscovy Company and discovery of Delaware Bay. 8 Albany, N. V., 1866 Read, W. T. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, with special table, diagram, and rules adapted for navigating iron ships. 8 1869 Reade, E. A. Memorandum upon the Improvement of the Navigation of the Ganges between Allahabad and Revel- gunge. [From the Indian Records, N. W. Provinces, Vol. 2.] Plates. Large 8 Agra, 1855 Reade, Winwood. The Martyrdom of Man. Small 8 1872 The African Sketch-Book. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Small 8 1873 The Story of the Ashantee Campaign. Small 8 1874 See Rohlfs ; Schweinfurth. Reade, T. Mellard. The Origin of Moun- tain Ranges considered experimentally, structurally, dynamically, and in relation to their Geological History. Plates. 8 1886 Rebello, Gabriel. See Colleccao de Noticias, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. "Recherche." See Gaimard. Reclus, Armand. Panama et Darien. Voyages d'Exploration (1876-78). Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1881 See Wyse. Reclus, Elie. Ethnography and Ethnology. (From Vol. 8 of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica, "gth edition. ) 4* Edinburgh, 1878 Reclus, Elisee. La Terre : Description des Phenomenes de la Vie du Globe. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1868-69 La Terre : Description des Pheno- menes de- la Vie du Globe. I. Les Continents. Deuxieme edition. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1870 The Earth : a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Translated by B. B. Woodward. 3rd edition. Maps. 8 1877 - The Earth : a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Edited by Prof. A. H. Keane. Maps. Large 8 ' 1 886 The Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life : a Descriptive History of the Life of the Glol>e. Edited by Prof. A. II. Keane. Maps. Large 8 1887 Nouvelle Geographic Universelle : la Terre et les Hommes. 19 vols. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1876-94 Reclus, Elisee continued. Vol. i. L'Europe Meridionale (Grece, Turquie, Roumanie, Serbie, Italic, Espagne, et Portugal) 1876 Vol. 2. --La France 1877 Vol. 3. L'Europe Centrale (Suisse, Austro-Hongrie, Allemagne) 1878 Vol. 4. L'Europe du A Nord - Quest (Belgique, Hollande, lies Britaniques) 1879 Vol. 5. L'Europe Scandinave et Russe 1880 Vol. 6. -L'Asie Russe 1881 Vol. 7. L'Asie Orientale 1882 Vol. 8. L'Inde et 1'Indo-Chine 1883 Vol. 9. L'Asie Anterieure 1884 Vol. 10. L'Afrique Septentrionale.: Premiere , partie, Bassin du Nil, Soudan Egyptien, Ethiopie, Nubie, Egypte 1885 Vol. ii. L'Afrique Septentrionale: Deuxieme partie, Tripolitaine, Tunisie, Algerie, Maroc, Sahara 1886 Vol. 12. L'Afrique Occidentale. Archi- pels Atlantiques, Senegambie, et Soudan Occidental 1887 Vol. 13. L'Afrique Meridionale. lies de 1'Atlantique Austral, Gabonie, Congo, Angola, Cap, Zambeze, Zanzi- bar, Cote de Somal 1888 Vol. 14. Ocean et Terres Oceaniques. lies de 1'Oc^an Indien, Insulinde, Philippines. Micronesie, Nouvelle- Guinee, Melanesie, Nouvelle - Cale- donie, Australie, Polynesie 1889 Vol. 15. Amerique Boreale, Greenland, Archipel Polaire, Alaska, Puissance du Canada, Terre-Neuve 1890 Vol. 16. Les Etats-Unis 1892 Vol. 17. Indes Occidentales : Mexique, Isthmes Americains, Antilles 1891 Vol. 18. Amerique du Sud : Les Regions Andiries, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colom- bie, Ecuador, Perou, Bolivie, et Chili 1893 Vol. 19. Amerique du Sud : L'Ama- zonie et La Plata, Guyanes, Bresil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Republique Argen- tine 1894 The Earth and its Inhabitants. The Universal Geography, edited by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. Vols. 1-14. Maps and ilhistrations. Large 8 N.I). Vol. I. Southern Europe (Greece, Turkey in Europe, Roumania, Servia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal). Vol. 2. France and Switzerland. Vol. 3. Austria - Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Vol. 4. The British Isles. Vol. 5. The North - East Atlantic, Islands of the North Atlantic, Scan- dinavia, European Islands of the Arctic Ocean, Russia in Europe. 394 REC -REE. Reclus, Elisee. The Earth and its In- habitants continued. Vol. 6. Asiatic Russia. Vol. 7. East Asia. Vol. 8. India and Indo-Ohina. Vol. 9. South- Western Asia. Vol. 10. North-East Africa. Vol. II. North-West Africa. Vol. 12. -West Africa. Vol. 13. South and East Africa. Vol. 14. Australasia. Voyage a la Sierra-Nevada de Sainte- Marthe. Paysages de la Nature tropi- cale. Seconde edition. Map. and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1881 East and West. Large 8* N. D. and F. J. Vergara. Colombia. Traducida y anotada con autorizacion del autor por F. J. Vergara y Velasco. 8 Bogota, 1893 See Metchnikoff. Recupero, G. Discorso storico sopra 1'acque vomitate da Mongibello e suoi ultimi fuochavvenuti nel mese di Marzo del corrento anno MDCCLV. 8* Catania, 1755 Reden, Freiherr Fr. von. Das Konig- reich Hannover statistisch beschrjeben, zunachst in Beziehung auf Landwirth- schaft, Gewerbe und Handel. 2 vols. 8 Hanover, 1839 Redfern, Dr Peter. See Lank,ester, Edwin. Redfield. William C. On the Courses of Hurricanes, with Notices of the Tyfoons of the China Sea and other Storms. 8* New York, 1838 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the History and Causes of Steamboat Explosions, and the Means of Prevention. 8* New York, 1839 - Whirlwinds excited by fire, with further Notices of the Tyfoons of the China Sea. 8* 1839 Remarks relating to the Tornado which visited New Brunswick (in New Jersey), June 19, 1835. Map. 8* New York, 1841 - Replies to Dr Here's Objections to the Whirlwind Theory of Storms ; with some evidence of the Whirling Action of the Providence Tornado of Aug. 1838. 8* New York, 1842 On Three several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their relations to the Northers of Mexico and Central America, with Notices of other Storms. Maps. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1846 Cape Verde and Hatteras Hurricane, of Aug. -Sept. 1853, with a Hurricane Chart, and notices of various Storms in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, North of the Equator. 8* New Haven, Conn., 1854 Redfield, William C. Observations in relation to the Cyclones of the Western Pacific. Map. 4* Washington, 1857 Cursory Remarks and Suggestions on various topics irr Meteorology. By an Amateur Observer. 8* N.P., N.D. On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. Map, 8* N.r.,N.o. Redhouse, J. W. On the significations of the term "The Turks." 8* 1878 See General, Dictionaries, A : Ap- pendix 2. Redman, J. B. Thames Tides. (Cuttings from Engineering.) 4* 1878 Redway, Jacques W. Climate and the Gulf Stream. (Reprinted from The Forum for October.) Large 8* 1890 - The Influence of Rainfall on Com- mercial Development : a Study of the Arid Region. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, October.) 8* 1892 Text- Books of Geography. (From the Educational Review for February.) 8* New York, 1893 Reed, A. See Gutzlaff. Reed, Sir E. J. Japan, its History, Traditions, and- Religions ; with the Narrative of a Visit in 1879. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1880 Reed, Lieut. H. A. Photography applied to Surveying. 2nd edition. Plates. 4 New York, 1889 Reed, J. See Burney, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Reed, J. W, and J. W. King. See United Kingdom, A., Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. Reehorst, K. P. (tertius). New^ Dic- tionary of Technical Terms, &c. 8 1841 Reenen, Jacob van. A Journal of a Journey from the Cape of Good Hope, undertaken in 1790 and 1791, in search of the Wreck o^ the Hon. E.I.C. ship the "Grosvenor," with additional Notes by Capt. Edw. Riou. Map. 4* 1792 Rees, J. D. Notes of a Journey from Kasveen to Hamadan, across the Kara- ghan Country. Map. 8* Madras, 1885 Seventh Tour of Lord Connemara. Malabar, South Canara, Goa, Bellary, Cuddapah, North Arcot, and Nellore. Map. Folio* [Madras, 1888] Tenth Tour. Calcutta, Darjeeling, Allahabad, Simla, Quetta, Kurrachee, and Bombay. Map. Folio* [1889] Eleventh Tour. Coconada, Raja- mundry, Ellore, Bezwada, Singareni, and Hyderabad. Map. Folio* [1890] Visit to the Eurasian Settlements of Whitefield and Sansmond by Lord Connemara, Governor of Madras. Map. Folio* [1890] A Fortnight in Finland. (From the National Review, October 1 893.) 8* 1893 REE REI. 395 Rees, L. E. Runtz. Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknow, from its Com- mencement to its Relief by Sir Colin Campbell. Map and portrait. 8 1858 Rees, O. van. Overzight van cle Geschie- denis der Preanger- Regentschappen. 8 Batavia, 1877 Rees, P. van. Quelques Erreurs de MM. Maurice d'Argout et La Place relevees et refutees. 8 Utrecht, 1843 Reeve, Edward. See St Julian. Reeve, L. See Jephson, J. M. Reeves, A. M. The Finding of Wineland the Good : the History of the Icelandic Discovery of America. Edited and Translated from the Earliest Records. Plates. 4 1890 Regamy, F. See Guimet. Regel, Dr Fritz. Die Entwickelung der Ortschaften im Thiiringerwald. (Ergan- zungsheft, 76 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) Map. 8 Got ha, 1884 Regis, Jean Baptiste. See Astley, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. Regnard, P. Sur un dispositif destine a eclairer les eaux profondes. [Bound with the Prince of Monaco's " Sur 1'emploi de nasses," &c. , &c.] Illustration. 4* Paris, 1888 Regnard, . Vol. 4 of his works. 12 Paris, 1818 See Pinkerton, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Reichardt, C. A. L. Grammar of the Fulde Language ; with an Appendix of some Original Traditions and portions of Scripture translated into Fulde ; together with Eight' Chapters of the Book of Genesis translated by the late Dr Baikie. 8 1876 Reichardt, H. W. See "Novara." Reichenbach, O. On Some Properties of the Earth. Plate. 8 1880 On Some of the Remarkable Features in the Evolution of the Earth. 8* 1884 Colonel Clark's Determination of the Eccentricity of the Equator. Letter to Dr A , March 1887. 8* 1887 Law in the Face of the Earth. 8* 1889 Supplements to " On Some Properties of the Ea,rth." 8* N.I'., N.D. Reid, Surg. -Lieut. -Col. A. S. Chin- Lushai Land : including a description of the various Expeditions in the Chin- Lushai Hills, and the final annexation of the country. Maps and illiisti ations. 8 Calcutta, 1893 Reid, G. H. An Essay on New South Wales, the Mother-Colony of the Aus- tralias. Map. 8 Sydney, 1876 Five Free Trade Essays. 8 Melbourne, 1877 Reid, Lieut. -Col. W. An Attempt to Develop the Law of Storms by means of Facts arranged according to Place and Time, and hence to point out a Cause for the Variable Winds, with the view to Practical Use in Navigation. Charts and woodcuts. 8 1838 The Progress of the Development of the Law of Storms and of the Variable Winds, with the Practical Application of the subject to Navigation. Maps and woodcuts. 8 1849 See United Kingdom, B, Meteoro- logical Office Publications : Appendix 2. Reiff, C. P. See General, Dictionaries, A : Appendix 2. Reille, G. See Horsburgh, J. Rein, Prof. Dr J. J. Gerhard vom Rath, Ein kurzes Lebensbild. (Aus der Sitzung der Niederrheinischen Gesell- schaft fur Natur und Heilkunde zu Bonn, am 7 Mai 1 888.) 8* 1888 Der Nakasendo in Japan. (Erganz- ungsheft, 38 Petermann's Mittheilun- gen.) Maps. 4 Goth a, 1880 Japan : Travels and Researches under- taken at the Cost of the Prussian Govern- ment. Translated from the German. Maps, photographs, and illustrations. Large 8 1884 Japan, nach Reisen und Studien im Auftrage der koniglich preussischen Regierung dargestellt. Zweiter Band, Land und Forstwirthschaft, Industrie und Handel. Maps and plates Leipzig, 1886 The Industries of Japan, together with an Account of its Agriculture, Forestry, Arts, and Commerce. From Travels and Excursions undertaken at the Cost of the Prussian Government. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 1889 Columbus und seine vier Reisen nach dem Westen. Natur und hervorragende Erzeugnisse Spaniens. Illustrations and maps. 8 Leipzig, 1892 See Kirchhoff. Reinach, Solomon. See Tissot. Reinaud, J. T. Relation des Voyages fails par les Arabes et les Persans dans 1'Inde et a la Chine dans le IXe Siecle. 2 vols. 24 1845 - Memoire Geographique, Historique, et Scientifique sur 1'Inde anterieurement an milieu du XI C Siecle d'apres les Ecrivains Arabes, Persans, et Chinois. Map. 4 Paris, 1849 Papport sur le Tableau des Dialectes de 1'Algerie et des Contrees voisines, de M. Geslin. 8* Paris, 1856 Question Scientifique et Personelle, an sujet des dernieres Decouvertes sur la Geographic et 1'Histoire de 1'Inde. 8* Paris, 1859 396 REI REM. Reinaud, J. T. Memoire sur le Com- mencement et la Fin clu Royaume cle la Mesene, et de la Kharacene, et sur I'Epoque de la Redaction du Periple de la Mer Erythree, d'apres les temoignages Grecs, Latins, Arabes, Persans, Indiens, et Chinois. 8 Paris, 1861 Another edition. 4* Paris, 1864 Relations Politiques et Commerciales de 1'Empire Remain avec 1'Asie Orient- ale (1'IIyrcanie, 1'Inde, la Bactriane, et la Chine) pendant les cinq premiers Siecles de 1'Ere Chretienne, d'apres les temoign- ages, Latins, Grecs, Aral>es, Persans, Indiens, et Chinois. Maps. 8 Paris, 1863 See AlKwlfeda. Reinbeck, G. See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Reineggs, Dr J. Allgemeine historisch- topographische Beschreibunjj des Kau- kasus. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Enoch Schroder. Plates. Small 8 Got ha, 1776 and Marshal Bieberstein. General, Historical, and Topographical Descrip- tion of Mount Caucasus ; with a Catalogue of Plants indigenous to the Country. Translated by C. Wilkinson. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1807 Reineke, M. Description Hydrographique des Cotes Septentrionales de la Russie, Cote de la Laponie et Mer Blanche. Traduction du Russe par H. de la Planche. 2 parts. 8 Paris, 1860-62 Reiner, Ignatius. Sailing Directions for, and Remarks on, the Tides and Currents of the Strait of Gibraltar. 8 1826 Reinthal, Capt. See Michell. Reinwardt, Caspar George Carl. Reis naar het Oostelijk Gedeelte van den Indischen Archipel, in 1821. Uit zijne nagelaten Aanteekeningen Opgesteld, met een Levensberigt en Bijlagen ver- meerderd, door W. H. de Vriese. Plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1858 Waarnemingen aangaande de gestel- heid van den Grond van het Eiland Arulja, en het goud Aldaar Gevonden. Map. 4* N.P., N.D. See Veth. Reiss, W. Tenerife geologisch-topo- graphisch dargestellt. See Fritsch, K. von, and others. and A. Stiibel. Alturas principales tomadas en la Republica del Ecuador, en los anos de 1870 y 1871. 4 Quito, 1871 Alturas tomadas en la Republica de Colombia, en los anos de 1868 y 1869. 4 Quito, 1872 Peruvian Antiquities. The Necropolis of Ancon in Peru. [Part I.] A series of Illustrations of the Civilisation and In- Reiss, W., and A. Stiibel continued. dustry of the Empire of the Incas, being the results of Excavations made on the spot. Plates. Folio 1891 Reisen in Sud - Amerika. Geo- logische Studien in der Republik Colom- bia. III. Astronomische Ortsbestimmun- gen bearbeitet von Bruno Peter. 4 Berlin, 1893 Reiter, Dr Hanns. Die Siidpolarfrage und ihre Bedeutung fur die genetische Gliederung der Erdol>erflache. Map. 4* Weimar, 1886 Relandus, Hadrianus. Iladriani Relandi Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illus- trata. 2 vols. Maps. 4 Utrecht, 1714 Remele, P. See Rohlfs. Remington, A. Statement relative to the Names of the Towns and Villages in the Province of the Rewa Kanta. [From the India Records, No. 33.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Remen, Capt. T. Report on Bassadore, situated on the North-Western Side of the Island of Kishm, in the Persian Gulf, with a Plan of the Roads by Midshipman H. H. Hewett. [From the India Records, No. 24.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 See Grubb. Remondino, P. C. The Mediterranean Shores of America. Southern California, its Climatic, Physical, and Meteorologi- cal Conditions. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Philaiielphia, 1892 Remusat, J. P. Abel. Recherches sur les Langues Tartares, ou Memoires sur differens points de la Grammaire et cle la Litterature des Mandchous, des Mongols, des Ouigours et des Tibetains. Vol. I. 4 Paris, 1820 Nouveaux Melanges Asiatiques, ou Retueil de Morceaux de Critiques et de Memoires relatifs aux Religions, aux Sciences, aux Coutumes, a 1'Histoire et a la Geographic des Nations Orientales. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1829 See Fa Hian ; Pauthier. Remy, Jules. Ka Mooolelo Hawaii : Ilis- toire de 1'Archipel Havaiien (lies Sand- wich). Texte et Traduction, precedes d'une Introduction sur 1'etat physique, moral et politique du pays. 8 Paris, 1862 Ascension de MM. Brenchley et Remy au_ Maunaloa, Polynesie. Extrait du Journal de M. Jules Remy. 8* Chalons-sur-Marnc, 1892 and Julius Brenchley. Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City ; with a Sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons, and an Introduction on the Religious Movement in the United States. 2 vols. Map and plates. Royal 8 1861 REN RES. 397 Renaud, G. L'Afrique centrale d'apres Cameron. Map. 4* Paris, 1876 Renaud, J. Les Ports clu Tonkin. 8* Paris, 1886 La Question des Ports du Tonkin, Ha'i- Phong, Quang-yen, Honegac. Map. 8* Paris, 1887 Renaudot, Eusebius. Ancient Accounts of India and China, by two Mahom- medan Travellers, who went to those parts in the gth century ; translated from the Arabic, by ... E. Renaudot, with Notes, Illustrations, &c. 8 1733 See Harris, Vol. I : Appendix I. Rencke, Karl Chr. Breslau : ein Weg- weiser fiir Frenide und Einheimische. Map. 12 Breslau, 1808 Renefort, Souchu de. Relation du premier Voyage de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales en 1'Isle de Madagascar ou Dauphine. 1 6 Paris, 1668 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Rengger, J. R. Reise nach Paraguay in den Jahren 1818 bis 1826. Aus des Verfassers handschriftlichem Nachlasse, herausgegeben von A. Rengger. Map and plates. 8 Aarau, 1835 and Longchamps. The Reign of Dr Joseph G. R. de Francia in Paraguay, being an Account of a Six Years' Resi- dence in that Republic, from July 1819 to May 1825. 8 1827 Reniger, R. See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Rennell, Major James. Roads in Bengal and Bahar. Map. 12 1778 Memoir of a Map of Hindoostan, or the Mogul's Empire ; with an Examina- tion of some Positions in the former System of Indian Geography, and some Illustrations of the present one ; with a complete Index of Names to the Map. 2nd edition. Maps. 4 1785 The same ; with an Introduction illustrative of the Geography and Present Division of that Country. . . isted. 1788 The same. 3rd edition. '793 Memoir of a Map of the Peninsula of India . . . ; with ... an Account of the Site and Remains of the Ancient City of Beejanaggur. 4 1793 Illustrations (chiefly Geographical) of the history of the expedition of Cyrus from Sardis to Babylonia, and the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks from thence to Trebisonde and Lydia ; with an Ap- pendix containing an inquiry into the Ixist method of improving the Geography of the Analmsis, &c., explained by three maps. Map. 4 1816 - The Geographical System of Hero- dotus Examined and Explained, by a comparison with those of other Ancient Authors and with Modern Geography. ... 2 vols. Portrait and maps. 8 1830 Rennell, Major James. Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia. 2 vols. 8, and Atlas large folio 1831 An investigation of the Currents of the Atlantic Ocean, and of those which pre- vail between the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic. Map and charts. 8 1832 See Hornemann, F. ; Park, Mungo ; Yule, H. ; also Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Renneville, R. A. C. de. Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi a PEstablissement et aux Progrez de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, &c. 10 vols. Plates. 12 Rouen, 1725 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] Rennie, Dr D. F. Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British Embassy at Peking. 2 vols. Plates. Small 8 1865 Bhotan and the Story of the Dooar War, including Sketches of Three Months' Residence in the Himalayas, and Narrative of a Visit to Bhotan in May 1865. Map and plates. 8 1866 Rennie, George. On the Quantity of Heat developed by Water when rapidly agi- tated ; with a Continuation of Experiments to determine the Resistances of Screw- propellers when revolving in Water at different Depths and Velocities. Plate. 8* 1857 Rennie, G. B. Suggestions for the Im- provement of the River Danube, between Isatcha and the Sulina entrance. Plans. 8* 1856 Rennie, Sir John. An Account of the Drainage of the Level of Ancholme, Lincolnshire. Map. 8* 1845 An Historical, Practical, and Theo- retical Account of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound. Portrait and plates. Large folio 1848 Repetti, Emanuele. Dizionario Geo- grafico, Fisico, Storico della Toscana ; contenente la Descrizione di tutti i Luoghi del Granducato, Ducato di Lucca, Garfagnana e Lunigiana ; con Supple- mento. 6 vols. [Vols. 2 and 3 imperfect.] Maps and tables. 8 Florence, 1833-45 Reresby, Sir John. The Travels and Memoirs of Sir John Reresby ; the former (now first published) exhibiting a View of the Governments and Society in the principal States of Europe during the time of Cromwell's usurpation ; contain- ing a multiplicity of facts not generally known, with Anecdotes and Secret History of the Courts of Charles II. and James II. 3rd edition. 8 1831 " Research." Auriferous Drifts in Austral- asia, or the Cause and its Continuity of the great Geological Convulsions, and the Theory of the Origin and Position of Auriferous Drifts. By " Research. " 8* Melbourne, 1868 398 RES RHO. Restrepo, V. Estudio sobre las Minas de Oro y Plata de Colombia. 2nd edition. 8 Bogota, 1888 Le Miniere d'Oro e d'Argento deJlo Republica di Colombia. 8* Rome, 1890 Rethore, J. J. See Pena and Roustan. Retzius, G. Finska Kranier jamte nagra Natur- och Literatur-Studier inom andra omraden af Finsk Antropologi. Plates. Folio Stockholm, 1878 Reuilly, J. Voyage en Crimee et sur les bords de la Mer Noire, pendant 1'annee 1803 ; suivi d'un Memoire sur le Com- merce de cette Mer, &c. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1806 See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [l], Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Reunert, Theodore. Diamonds and Gold in South Africa. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 Reusch, Dr Hans. Kortfattet Geografi. Maps and illustrations. 8* Christiania, 1886 Bommeloen og Karmoen med om- givelser. [An English Summary of the Contents.] Udgivet af den geologiske undersdgelse. Maps and illustrations. 4 Christiania, 1888 Reuss, A. E. See "Novara." Renter, E. De 1'Industrie Agricole dans la Province de Luxemlxmrg, et renseigne- ments divers sur le Grand - Duche de Luxembourg. 8 Luxemburg, 1875 Projet de Creation d'une Colonie Agricole Beige dans 1'Afrique Centrale, ou Manuel du Colon Beige. 12* Brussels, 1877 Colonies Nationales dans 1'Afrique Centrale sous la Protection de Postes Militaires. 8* Brussels, 1878 Revett, Nicholas. See Stuart, J. Revoil, Georges. Voyages au Cap des Aromates (Afrique Orientale). Map and plates. Small 8 Paris, 1880 Faune et Flore des Pays Somalis (Afrique Orientale). Plate. 8 Paris, 1882 La Vallee du Darror : Voyage aux Pays Somalis (Afrique Orientale). Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1882 Revy, J. J. Hydraulics of Great Rivers : The Parana, the Uruguay, and the La Plata Estuary. Chart and plates. Large 4 , 1874 Rey, . Le Guide des Etrangers a Vienne (Isere). [Bound with Histoire des An- tiquites de Nismes. ] Plate. 8 Lyons, 1819 Rey, Capt. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Rey, Dr H. Le Tonkin. 8 Paris, 1888 Rey, W. Les Grisonset la Haute Engadine. 8 Geneva, 1850 Reyer, Dr E. Allgemeine Geschichte des Zinnes. 8* Vienna, 1880 Zinn : eine geologisch-montanistisch historische Monografie. 8* Berlin, 1881 Bewegungen in losen Massen. Large 8* [*%//] 1 88 1 Studien liber das Karst-Relief. Map. 8* Vienna, 1881 Geologic des Zinnes. 8* Vienna, 1881 Aus Toskana : geologisch-technische und kultur-historische Studien. Plates. 8 Vienna, 1884 Kupfer in den Vereinigten Staaten. 4* Vienna, 1 886 Die Eisenindustrie der Vereinigten Staaten. 4* 1887 Theoretische Geologic. Maps and illustrations. 8 Stuttgart, 1888 Zwei Profile durch die Sierra Nevada. Profiles. 8* N.D. Geologische und geographische Ex- perimente. 2. Heft. Vu-lkanische und Massen-Eruptionen. Plates. 8* Leipzig, 1892 Ursachen der Deformationen und der Gebirgsbildung. Plates. 8* Leipzig, 1892 Colonisation tropischer Lander ; Ueberwindung der Sanitaren Hinder- nisse. 8* Vienna, N.D. Reyes, Rafael. Apuntamientos Estadis- ticos sobre la Republica del Salvador. 8* San Salvador, 1888 Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the U.S. Frigate " Potomac," under the command of Comm. John Downes, during the Cir- cumnavigation of the Globe, 1831-34 ; including a Particular Account of the Engagement at Quallah-Battoo, on the Coast of Sumatra, with all the Official Documents relating to the same. Plates. 8 New York, 1835 Address on the Subject of a Surveying and Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas ; with Correspond- ence and Documents. 8 New York, 1836 Reynolds, T. C- See Peralta. Reynolds, W. H. See Cayley, H. Rhedi, Signer. See Lucca, G. di. Rhodes, A. Jerusalem as it is. Plates. Small 8 1865 Rhodes, Alessandro de. Relazione de' felici success! della Santa Fede Predicata da' Padri della Com p. di Giesu nel Regno di Tunchino. 8 Milan, 1651 Voyages et Missions du Pere A. de Rhodes, S.J. , en la Chine et autres Royaumes de 1'Orient, avec son retour en Europe par la Perse et 1'Armeme. Nouvelle edition, conforme a la premiere de 1653 ; Annotee par le Pere H. Gourdin, de la meme Compagnie, et ornee d'une carte de tous les Voyages de 1'auteur. 8 1884 See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 10 : Appendix I. RHO RIC. 399 Rhodes, Major Godfrey. Tents and Tent- Life, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; to which is added the Practice of Encamping an Army in Ancient and Modern Times ; with a Supplement. Plates. 8 1859 Rhodes, Thomas. Rhodes' Steamship Guide and Holidays Afloat : a Com- plete Handbook of Coasting Trips and Ocean Voyages. Map and portrait. 12 1889-90 Rialle, Girard de. Memoire sur 1'Asie Centrale, son Histoire et ses Populations. 8* Paris, 1874 Ribary, F. See Bonaparte, Prince L. L. Ribault, Capt. J. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ.,Vol. 7> Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 3 ; Gottfried ; Ternaux-Compan, Vol. 20 : Appendix I. Ribeiro, C. Estudos Prehistoricos em Portugal : Noticia de. Algumas Esta9oes e Monumentos Prehistoricos. Map and plates. 4 Lisbon, 1878-80 Des Formations Tertiaires du Portugal. 8* Paris, 1880 Ribeiro. See Ribeyro. Ribeiro, J. S. Historia dos Estaljeleci- mentosScientificos, Litterarios e Artisticos de Portugal, nos successivos Reinados da Monarchia, Vols. 1-18. 8 Lisbon, 1871-93 Ribeiro, M. F. Relatorio acerca do Service de Saude Publica na Provincia de S. Thome e Principe no anno de 1869. 8 Lisbon, 1871 A Provincia de S. Thome e Principe suas Dependencias. Plates. 8 Lisbon, 1877 As Conferencias e o Itinerario do Viajante Serpa Pinto atravez das terras da Africa Austral nos Limites das Pro- vincias de Angola e Moambique Bie a Shoshong ; Junho a Dezembro de 1878. Estudo Critico e Documentado. Maps. 8 Lisbon, 1879 A Colonisa9ao Luso - Africana zona Occidental. Diagrams. 8 Lisbon, 1884 Ribeyro, Capt. Joas. Histoire de 1'Isle de Ceylan. Traduite du Portugais, par Monsr. 1'Abbe Le Grand. Maps and plates* 12 Amsterdam, 1701 See Coleccao de Noticias, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Riccardi, G. Ricerche Istoriche e Fisiche sulla Caduta delle Marmore. Maps. 8 Koine, 1825 Ricci, J. H. de. Fiji : Our New Pro- vince in the South Seas. Maps. Small 8 1875 British Trade and English Ports. Maps. 8* 1889 Ricci, R. H. de. Rambles in Istria, Dalmatia, and Montenegro. 8 1875 Ricciolio, Giovanni Battista. Geo- graphic et Hydrographire Reformatoe, nuper recognitse, et auctse, libri duo- decim. Folio Venice, 1672 Riccius, Matthieu. Histoire de 1'Expedi- tion Chretienne an Royaume de la Chine entreprinse par les PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus . . . Tiree des Commentaires du P. Matthieu Riccius par le P. Nicolas Trigault . . .Traduicte par le Sr. D. F. de Riquebourg-Trigault. 12 Lyons, 1616 Rice, Lewis. Mysore and Coorg. A Gazetteer compiled for the Government of India. Vols. 1-3. Maps. 8 Bangalore, 1876-78 Rice, W. Notes on the Geography of Europe, Physical and Political, intended to Serve as a Text- Book for the use of Elementary Classes, and as a I land-Book to the Wall-Map. 12* 1877 Rich, C. J. Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon. 3rd edition. Plates. 8 1818 Narrative of a Residence in Koordis- tan, and on the Sites of Ancient Nineveh ; with Journal of a Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad, and an account of a Visit to Shirauz and Persepolis. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1836 Richard, . Guide du Voyageur en Italic. 8 Paris, 1833 Richard, Achille. Tentamen Florae Abys- sinicse, &c. 2 vols. [1845]. See Abys- sinia, Voyage en Abyssinie, &c., Part 3 : Appendix 2. Richard, L. Ilinu Sarfu dan Nahu deri Bhasajawi, Atau Malayu. Cours Theo- rique et Pratique de la Langue Commer- ciale de 1'Archipel d'Asie dite Malaise, &c. 8 Bordeaux, 1872 - Kitab Pada Meniata - Kan Bhasa Jawi, Atau Malayu. Dictionnaire de la Laqgue Commerciale de 1'Archipel d'Asie \[dite Malaise], telle qu'elle se parle a Strtnatra, Singapour, Borneo, les Celelies, les cotes de Chine, du Cam- bodge [Saigon], de Siam, de Java, &c. 8 Bordeaux, 1873 Richard the First. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix i. Richarderie, G. B. de la. See De la Richarderie. Richards, Admiral Sir G. H. Vancouver Island Pilot : Sailing Directions for the Coasts of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, from the entrance of Juan de Fuca Strait to Burrard Inlet and Naniamo Harlxnir. 8 1861 A Memoir of the Hydrographical De- partment of the Admiralty. Folio* 1868 - The Arctic Expedition of 1875-76: a Reply to its Critics. 8* 1877 Memorandum to the Royal Society [on the subject of Antarctic Expedition]. [I sheet. ,] 4* 1887 40O RIC. Richards, Admiral Sir G. H. Report on the Present State of the Navigation of the River Mersey (1888). Plan and chart. 8* 1889 The same (1889). Maps. 8* 1890 The same ( 1 890). Map and appendix. Large 8.* 1891 The same (1891). Map and appendix. 8* 1892 The same (1892). Map and appendix. 8* 1893 The same (1893), with Appendix. 8* 1893 See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. and General Sir Andrew Clarke. Report on the Maritime Canal connect- ing the Mediterranean at Port Said with the Red Sea at Suez. Maps ami plans. Folio* 1870 and F. J. Evans. New Zealand Pilot. 8 1859 Richards, John. China : Harbours of Kok-si-Kon and Takau-Kon, at the South- West End of Tai-Wan or Formoza. 8* 1855 China Pilot. Appendix 13, 14, 16, 17, 18. Gulf of Siam, La Perouse Strait, Gulf of Tartary, Kuril Islands, and Sea of Okhotsk, Yang-tse-Kiang, East Coast. 8 1856-57 China Pilot. Appendix No. I. Gulf of Siam. (From the Surveys made in H.M.S. "Saracen," between the years 1856-58.) 8 1858 The Jersey Island Pilot, comprising the Coast of Jersey and Outlying Reefs ; with Directions for the Violet and other Channels and Passages into the Bays and Harbours. 8 1866 Rentier de 1'Ile Jersey. . . . Traduit de 1' Anglais par M. Jules Vavin. 8 Paris, 1866 See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. Richards, Thomas. New South Wales in 1 88 1 ; being a Brief Statistical and De- scriptive Account of the Colony up to the end of the year. Extracted chiefly from Official Records. 2nd issue. Map and diagram. 8 Sydney, 1882 Richards, . History of Tonquin. See Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Richardson, Dr. See Macleod, W. C. Richardson, James. Touarick Alphabet, with the Corresponding Arabic and English Letters ; Vocabularies of the Ghadamsee and Touarghee languages, by Taleb Ben Mousa Ben El-Kasem. Folio 1847 Mons. Caillie's Account of Timbucloo compared with the Information procured by Mr James Richardson during his late Tour through the Great Desert. MS. Folio* 1847 Richardson, James. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in 1845-46; containing Adventures amongst the Touaricks and other Tribes of Saharan People, including a Description of the Oases and Cities of Ghat, Ghadames, and Mourzak. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1848 Decline of Geographical Discovery, being an Appeal to the British Public on behalf of Geographical Science. 8* 1849 - Narrative of a Mission to Centra Africa, in 1850-51. 2 vols. 8 1853 - Travels in Morocco. Edited by his Widow. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1860 - Tour of Nine Months through the Heart of the Great Desert of Sahara. MS. Folio, pp. 20, and Second Notice, "The Touaricks," pp. 18 N.D. "Aheer." MS. Folio* N.D. Richardson, Sir John. Report on North American Zoology. 8 '837 On the Frozen Soil of North America. 8* Edinburgh, 1841 Arctic Searching Expedition : a Journal of a Boat Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in Search of the Discovery Ships under command of Sir John Franklin ; with an Appendix on the Physical Geography of North America. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1851 Polar Regions. (Article from the " Encyclopaedia Britannica.") Map. 4* Edinburgh, 1859 The Polar Regions. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1861 See ' Erebus " ; Franklin ; Seemann. Richardson, Sir James, W. Swain- son, and Rev. W. Kirby. Fauna Boreali Americana ; or, The Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, containing Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History collected on the late Northern Land Expeditions under com- mand of Sir John Franklin. 4 vols. Plates. 4 Norwich, 1829-37 Part I. Quadrupeds, by Richardson 1829 Part 2. Birds, by Swainson and Richardson 1831 Part 3. Fish, by Richardson 1836 Part 4. Insects, by Kirby 1837 Richardson, Rev. J. Lights and Shadows : or Chequered Experiences among some of the I leathen Tril>es of Madagascar. Map and plate. 8* Antananarivo, 1877 Richardson, J. A Smaller Manual of Modern Geography, Physical and Politi- cal. 12 1880 See Malte-Brun, V. A. RIC-RID. 401 Richardson, Ralph. The Ice Age in Britain considered in relation to the Depth of the North Atlantic Ocean as determined by recent and earlier Deep-Sea Soundings. 8* Edinburgh, 1876 Richardson, Robert. Travels along the Mediterranean and Parts adjacent, . . . 1816-17-18, extending as far as the Second Cataract of the Nile, Jerusalem, Da- mascus, Balbec, &c. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1822 Richardson, William. A Catalogue of 7,385 Stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemi- sphere, prepared from Observations made in 1822-26 at the Observatory at Para- matta, New South Wales. Plate. 4 1835 Richter, Dr E. Geschichte der Schwan- kungen der Alpengletscher. Plate. 8* Vienna, 1891 See Germany, C ; Handbiicher zur Deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, Vol. 3 : Appendix 2. Richter, G. Manual of Coorg : a Gazetteer of the Natural Features of the Country and the Social and Political Condition of its Inhabitants. Map and plates. 8 Mangalore, 1870 Richter, R. Das Thiiringische Schieferge- birge. Map ami plate. 8* 1869 Richthofen, Ferdinand, Freiherr von. Geognostische Beschreibung der Umge- gend von Predazzo, Sanct Cassian und der Seisser Alpein Slid Tyrol. Map and plates. 4 Gotha, 1860 Die Metallproduktion Californiens und der angrenzenden Lander. (Erga'n- zungsheft, 14 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen). 4 Gotha, 1864 The Comstock Lode, its Character, and the probable mode of its continuance in depth. 8* San Francisco, 1866 Letters (and Report) : I. On the Province of Hunan, 1870; 2. On the Province of Hupeh, 1870 ; 3. On the Provinces of Honan and Shansi, 1870 ; 4. On the Provinces of Chekiang and Nganhwei, 1871 ; 5. On the Regions of Nanking and Chinkiang, 1871 ; 6. From Singan-fu, on the Rebellion in Kansu and Shensi, 1872; 7. On the Pro- vinces of Chili, Shansi, Shensi, Sz'chwan, with Notes on Mongolia, Kansu, Yunnan, and Kwei-chau, 1872. Folio Shanghai, 1870-72 Ueber die centralasiatischen Seiden- strassen bis zum 2 Jahrhundert n. Chr. Berlin, 1877 China : Ergebnisse eigener Reisen und darauf gegrlindeter Studien. Erster Band : Einleitender Theil. Maps. 4 Berlin, 1877 The same. Zweiter Band. Das nordliche China. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Berlin, 1882 2 C Richthofen, Ferdinand, Freiherr von. The same. Vierter Band : Palaeon- tologischer Theil. Enthaltend Abhand- lungen von Dr Wilhelm Dames, Dr Emanuel Kayser, Dr G. Lindstrom, Dr A. Schenk, und Dr Conrad Schwager. Plates. 4 Berlin, 1883 Aufgaben und Methoden der heutigen Geographic : Akademische Antrittsrede, gehalten in der Aula der universitat Leipzig am 27 April 1883. 8* Leipzig, 1883 Fiihrer fiir Forschungsreisende : An- teilung zu Beobachtungen iiber Gegen- stande der Physischen Geographic und Geologic. 8 Berlin, 1886 Richthofen Testimonial. Festschrift Ferdinand Freiherrn von Richthofen zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 5 Mai, 1893 dargebracht von seinen Schiilern. Portrait and maps. 4 Berlin, 1893 Rickard, Major F. Ignacio. The Mineral and other Resources of the Argentine Republic (La Plata) in 1869. 8 1870 Ricketts, H. Report on the Forays of the Wild Tribes of the Chittagong Frontier. [From the India Records, Bengal, No. n.] Map. 8 Calcutta, 1853 Papers relating to the South -West Frontier : comprising Reports on Purulia or Maubhoom, Chota Nagpore, Sub- Division of Kornda, Hazareebaugh, Sumbhulpore, and South-West Frontier Agency. [From the India Records, Bengal, No. 20.] Maps and plans. 8 Calcutta, 1855 Reports on the Districts of Pooree and Balasore. [From the India Records, Bengal, No. 30.] 8 Calcutta, 1859 Ricour, Capt. La Carte du Maroni. Map. 8* Paris, 1892 Ricketts, L. D. See United States, K, Wyoming : Appendix 2. Riddel, A. A Grammar of the Chinyanja Language as spoken at Lake Nyassa, with Chinyanja -English and English- Chinyanja Vocabularies. 16 Edinburgh, 1880 Riddell, R. A. See Wilson, Joseph. Riddle, J. A Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, especially adapted for the Use of Students, gth edition. Revised by Albert Escott. 8 1871 Tables to do. gth edition. 8 1877 Ridgway, Robert. See United States, H, a : Appendix 2. Ridley, Henry Nicholas, and G. A. Ramage. Notes on the Botany of Fernando Noronha. (Extracted from the Linnoean Society's Journal, Vol. 27.) With a Paper on some Geographical Details of the Island, by Rev. T. S. Lea. Maps, photographs, &c. 8* 1890 4O2 RIE RIO. Riebeck, Dr Emil. The Chittagong Hill Tribes ; Results of a Journey made in the year 1882 by Emil Riebeck. Trans- lated by Prof. A. H. Keane. Map and plates. I^arge folio 1885 See Krause. Riedel, Dr J. G. F. Inilah Kitab Taman- Wandji namanja jah itu babarapa hhikajat Orang-Orang jang ampunja tjeritra. 8* Ujong Parian g, 1862 Inilah pintu gerbang pengatahuwan itu apatah dibukakan guna Orang-Orang padudokh tanah Minahasa ini. Small 4* Batavia, 1862 Die Landschaft Dawan oder West- Timor. Maps. 8* [Bremen, 1887] De Eedaflegging bij de Tooe-oen- lx>eloe in de Minahasa, and De Tiwoekar of Steenen graven in de Minahasa. Plate. 8* N.P., N.I). De Uitbarsting van den Awoeh- Taroena in 1856. 8* N.P., N.D. Note sur 1'Ile Rote. 4* N.D. Riedesel, Baron. Travels through Sicily and that part of Italy formerly called Magna Grrecia. Translated by J. R. Forster. 8 1773 Riemann, O. ^ Rectifications au Texte des Cartes des lies loniennes. 8 Paris, 1880 Rienzi, G, L. Domeny de. Oceanic, ou Cinquieme Partie du Monde : Revue Geographique et Ethnographique de la Malaisie, de la Micronesie, de la Poly- nesie, et de la Melanesie. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1836 Riesbeck, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Rigaud, S. P. On the Relative Quanti- ties of Land and Water on the Surface of the Terraqueous Globe. 4* Cambridge, 1837 Rigby, Lieut. -Col. C. P. Report on the Zanzibar Dominions. [From the India Records, No. 59.] Roy. 8 Bombay, 1861 Riggenbach, Dr A. Was man aus den taglichen Wetterkarten der Schweizer. Meteorologischen Centralanstalt ersieht. Maps. 12 Bdle, 1882 Riley, Athelstan. Narrative of a Visit to the Assyrian Christians in Kurdistan, undertaken at the request of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, in the autumn of 1884. 8* N.D. Athos, or the Mountain of the Monks. Map and illustrations. 8 1887 Riley, Gen. B. See Smith, Gen. P. F. Riley. H. T. See Pliny. Riley, James. Loss of the American brig "Commerce," wrecked on the Western Coast of Africa in August 1815; with an Account of Tombuctoo, and of the hitherto undiscovered Great City of Was- sanah. Map. 4 1817 Ringgold, Cadwalader. A Series of Charts, with Sailing Directions, embrac- ing Surveys of the Farallones, Entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, &c. , and Sacramento River. 4 Washington, 1851 Rink, Dr Hendrik. Om den Geogra- phiske Beskaffenhed af de danske Han- delsdistrikter i Nordgronland tilligemed en Udsigt over Nordgronlands Geognosi. Map. 4* Copenhagen, 1852 De danske Handelsdistrikter i Nord- gronland, deres Geographiske Beskas- senhed og produktive Erhvervskilder. Map. 8 Copenhagen, 1852-55 Grbnland Geographisk og Statistisk beskrevet. Sondre Inspecktorat. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1857 Om den formeentlige Opdagelse af Gronlands Nordkyst og et aabent Polar- hav, om den saakaldte Humboldts- Gletscher og andet, Gronlands lisclan- nelser vedkommende, som findes besk- revet i Reise-vrerket : "Arctic Explora- tions, 1853-55, by E. K. Kane." 8* N.D. On the Supposed Discovery by Dr E. K. Kane, U.S.N., of the North Coast of Greenland, and of an Open Polar Sea, as described in " Arctic Ex- plorations in the years 1853, 1854, 1855." Condensed from the Danish by Dr Shaw. Map. 8* if ' Om Eskimoernes Herkomst. 8* Copenhagen, 1871 Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo ; with a Sketch of their Habits, Religion, Language, and other Peculiarities. Trans- lated from the Danish by the Author ; edited by Dr Robert Brown. Illustra- tions. 8 1875 Danish Greenland, its People and its Products. Edited by Robert Brown. Map and plates. Small 8 1877 The Eskimo Tribes, their Distribu- tion and Characteristics, especially in regard to Language ; with a Compara- tive Vocabulary. Map. 8 1887 Rio, J. M. del. Cuadro Sinoptico Crono- logico de las Naciones Antiquas. [i sheet.'} 4* {Lima, 1885] Rios, Joseph de Mendoza. Complete Collection of Tables for Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. [Imperfect.] 4 1805 [This copy belonged to Mungo Park, and was recovered at the Town of Lome, in Nuphi, Central Africa, and conveyed thither from the Town of Boussa, when that place was destroyed, about 1842. It was presented to Lietit. J. H. Glover, attached to the Niger Expedition under Dr Baikie, Jan. 21, 1858; with three slips of Paper in MS. by Mtingo Park.} Riou, Capt. E. See Reenen, J. Van. RIP RIT. 403 Ripa, Father. Memoirs of, during Thir- teen Years' Residence at the Court of Peking in the Service of the Emperor of China. Translated from the Italian, by F. Prandi. 12 1844 Riquebourg-Trigault, D. F. de. See Riccius. Risley, H. H. The Tribes and Castes of Bengal : Anthropometric data. 2 vols. Large 8 Calcutta, 1891 Riso, J. de. Le ultime Scoperte di Sir Samuele Baker e del Rev. Dottore David Livingston sulle sorgenti del Nilo. 8* Florence, 1873 La Ferrovia dell' Eufrate. 8* Florence, 1873 Ritchie, Archibald Tucker. The Dyna- mical Theory of the Formation of the Earth. 2 vols. 8 1850 Ritchie, J. Ewing. To Canada with Emi- grants : a Record of Actual Experiences. Illustrations. Crown 8 1885 Ritter, Carl. Die Erdkunde im Verhalt- niss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen : oder Allgemeine vergleich- ende Geographic, als sichere Grundlage des Studiums und Unterrichts in physika- lischen und historischen Wissenschaften. Parts I and 2. 8 Berlin, 1817-18 The same. 2nd edition. 21 vols. 8 Berlin, 1822-58 CONTENTS. I. Thl. I Buch. Afrika 1822 II. Thl. 2 Buch. Die Erdkunde von Asien. Bd. I. Der Norden und Nord- Osten von Hoch-Asien 1832 III. Thl. 2 Buch. Ditto. Bd. II. Der Nord-Osten und der Siiden von Hoch- Asien 1833 IV. Thl. 2 Buch. Ditto. Bd. III. Der Siid-Osten von Hoch-Asien ; dessen Wassersysteme und Gliederungen gegen Osten und Siiden 1834 V. Thl. 2 Buch. Ditto. Bd. IV. I Abtheil. Die Indische Welt 1835 VI. Thl. 2 Buch. Ditto. Bd. IV. 2 Abtheil. Die Indische Welt 1836 VII. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. V. West- Asien, Uebergang von Ost- nach West- Asien 1837 VIII. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VI. i Abtheil. West-Asien, Iranische Welt 1838 IX. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VI. 2 Abtheil. West Asien 1840 X. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VII. i Abtheil. Das Stufenland des Euphrat- und Tigrissystems XI. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VII. 2 Abtheil. Euphrat- und Tigrissystems 1844 XII. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VIII. i Abtheil. Die Ilalbinsel Arabien 1846 XIII. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VIII. i Abtheil. Forsetzung 1847 Ritter, C&rlcontimted. XIV. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. VIII. 2 Abtheil. Die Sinai-Halbinsel, Palas- tina, und Syrien. I Abschnitt. Die Sinai-Halbinsel 1848 XV. Thl. 3 Buch. The same. 2 Ab- schnitt. i Abth. Palastina und Syrien 1850 XVI. Thl. 3 Buch. The same. 2 Absch. 2 Abth. Fortsetzung, Palastina, und Syrien. Map and plan 1852 XVII. Thl. 3 Buch. The same. 3 Abschnitt. Syrien 1854 XVIII. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditto. Bd. IX. Klein- Asien. Theil I. Plates 1858 XIX. Thl. 3 Buch. Ditlo. Bd. IX. Klein-Asien. Theil. II. 1859 Ideler, J. L. Namen- und Sach- Verzeichniss zu Carl Ritter's Erdkunde von Asien. I. Bd. Ost-Asien. (Zu Band II. bis VI. des ganzen Werkes. ) 8 Berlin, 1841 Miiller, G. F. H. The same. II. Bd. West Asien. (Zu Band VII. bis XI. des ganzen Werkes. ) 8 Berlin, 1849 Ueber das historische Element in der geographischen Wissenschaft. 4* Berlin, 1834 Geographic Generale Comparee ; ou, Etude de la Terre dans ses Rapports avec la Nature et avec 1'Histoire de 1'Homme. Afrique. Traduit par Buret et Desor. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1836 Die Stupas (Topes) oder die archi- tectonischen Denkmaler an der Indo- Baktrischen Konigsstrasse, und die Colosse von Bamiyan. Map. 8 Berlin, 1838 Ueber die geographische Verbreitung des Zuckerrohrs. Map. 4 Berlin, 1840 The Colonisation of New Zealand. Translated from the German. Small 8* 1842 Ueber die Asiatische Heimat und die Asiatische Verbreitungsphare der Platane, des Olivenbaums, des Feigenbaums, der Granate, Pistacie, und Cypresse. 8 [Berlin, 1844] Blick in das Nil Quell-land. Map. 8* Berlin, 1844 Der Jordan und die Beschiffung des Todten Meeres. Map. 8* Berlin, 1850 Ueber raumliche Anordnungen auf der Aussenseite des Erdballs, und ihre Functionen im Entwicklungsgange der Geschichten. 8* Berlin, 1850 Einleitung zur allgemeinen verglei- chenden Geographic, und Abhandlungen zur Begrlindung einer mehr wissenschaft- lichen Behandlung der Erdkunde. 8 Berlin, 1852 404 KIT ROB. Ritter, Carl. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Baumwolle, und ihr Verhaltniss zur Industrie der Volker alter und neuer Zeit. Part I. Antiquarischer Theil. 4* Berlin, 1852 Geschichte der Erdkunde, und der Entdeckungen : Vorlesungen an der Uni- versitat zu Berlin gehalten. Heraus- gegeben von H. A. Daniel. Portrait. 8 Berlin, 1861 Allgemeine Erdkunde : Vorlesungen an der Universitat zu Berlin gehalten. Herausgegeben von H. A. Daniel. 8 Berlin, 1862 Geography of Asia. Translated into Russian from the German of Carl Ritter by V. V. Grigor'ev. [In Russian.] Map ami plate. 8 [St Petersburg, 1869] Geographisch-Statistisches Lexikon. 2 vols. Large 8 Leipzig, 1864-65 The same. Other editions 1874, 1883, 1894 Die Stupas oder die architektonischen Denkmale an der grossen Konigsstrasse zwischen Indien, Persien, und Baktrien. 8* Berlin, N.D. Die Heuschreckenplage der Lander der alien Welt. 8* N.r., N.D. Der Indische Feigenbaum, Asvattha ; die Banjane (Ficus Indica). Ihre Ver- breitung um die Indischen Gestade von clem Sunda-Archipel bis Afrika ; der Pagodenbaum . . . der Buddhabaum (Ficus religiosa), &c. 8* Berlin, N.D. Der Elephant Indiens, nach seiner Verbreitungssphare und seinen Einfluss auf das Leben des Orients. 8* [Berlin, N.D.] Lowen- und Tiger- Land in Asien ; der Bengalische Tiger (Felis Tigris) in Indien und seine Verbreitungssphare durch Ostasien ; der Guzuratisch Lowe (Felis Leo Goojeratensis) in Indien und seine Verbreitungssphare durch Westasien. 8 Berlin, N.D. Die Opium Cultur und die Mohn- pflanze. 8* [Berlin, N.D.] Ueber Ausbreitung der Seidenzucht in Asien. 8* N.P., N.D. Carl Ritter, ein Lebensbild nach seinem handschriftlichen Nachlass, dar- gestellt von D. G. Kramer. Zweite durchgesehene und mit einigen Reise- briefen vermehrte Ausgabe. Erster Theil. Nebst einen Bildniss Ritters. Zweiter Theil. Die Reisebriefe enthal- tend. 8 Halle, 1875 See Jomard ; Werne ; Wrangell ; Zim- merman, Carl. Rittich, A. F. Die Ethnographic Russ- lands. (Erganzungsheft, 54 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Maps. 4 Got ha, 1878 Rivera, Carlo A. de. Tavole di Riduzione dei Pesi e delle Misure delle due Sicilie in 1840. 8 Naples, 1841 Rivero, F. de. Memoria o scan Apunta- mientos sobre la Industria Agricola del Peru, y sobre algunos medios que pudieran adoptarse para remediar su decadencia. 4* Lima, 1845 Rivett-Carnac. See India, G, Cotton Reports : Appendix 2. Riviere, E. Voyage dans 1'Asie Centrale. Collections d' histoire naturelle et d' ethnographic. 4* N.D. Rivoli, J. Die Serra da Estrella. (Ergan- zungsheft, 6 1 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1880 Rivoyre, Denis de. Obock, Mascate, Bouchire, Bassorah. Maps and illustra- tions. 12 Paris, 1883 Les Francais a Obock. Map and illustrations. 8 Parts, N.D. Riza, Qouly Khan. Relation de 1'Am- bassade au Kharaezm. Traduite et annotee par Charles Schefer. [No. IV. Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] Map. Large 8 Paris, 1879 Robb, Dr J. Old Calabar : Inland Tribes and Regions. Map. 8* 1872 Notes on the Meteorology of Zanzibar, East Africa. 8* 1880 Robecchi - Bricchetti, Captain Luigi. All' oasi di Giove Ammone. Portrait, map, and illustrations. 4 Milan, 1890 Itinerario del viaggio da Obbia ad Alula. Maps. 4* [Rome, 1891] - Tradizione Storiche dei Somali Miguirtini Raccolta in Obbia. 4* Koine, 1891 Robelo, Cecilio A. Nombres Geograficos Mexicanos del Estado de Morelos. 8* Cuernavaca, 1887 Vocabulario Comparative Castellano y Nahuatl. 2nd edition. 8* Cuernavaca, 1889 Robert, Eugene. See Gaimard, Paul. Robert, Fritz. Senegambien. 4* 6V Gallen, N.D. Afrika als Handelsgebiet : West-, Slid-, und Ost-Afrika. 8 Vienna, 1883 Robert of Normandy. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Appendix I . Robert of St Remigius. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Appendix I. Robert, Lieut. -Col. Henry M. See United States, H, a, Analytical and Topical Index to the Reports of the Chief of Engineers, &c. : Appendix 2. Roberts, A. A. Memorandum regarding the Bridge of Boats at Delhi. [From the India Records, N.W. Provinces, Vol. I.] Plates. 8 Agra, 1855 Roberts, C. The South-African Traveller's Handlx>ok, containing Zulu Kafir, Xosa Kafir, and Dutch ... for the use of the Army, &c. 12 1879 Roberts, C. G. D. The Canadian Guide- Book. The Tourists' and Sportsman's Guide to Eastern Canada and Newfound- ROB. 405 Roberts, C. G. D. continued. land, including full descriptions of routes, cities, points of interest, summer resorts, fishing places, &c. , in Eastern Ontario, . . . the Lake St John country, the Maritime Provinces, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 12 1892 Roberts, E. See Baird, A. W. ; Rogers, M. W. Roberts, Emma. Scenes and Character- istics of Hindostan, with Sketches of Anglo-Indian Society. 2 vols. 8 1837 Roberts, Capt. G. See Astley, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 2; "The World Displayed," Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Roberts, Dr G. De Dehli a Bombay : fragment d'un Voyage dans les Provinces Interieures de 1'Incle en 1841. 8* Paris, 1843 Roberts, George. Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England in past centuries. 8 1856 RobeVts, H. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Roberts, Rev. J. See Asia, General, Oriental Languages : Appendix 2. Roberts, Morley. The Western Avernus, or Toil and Travel in Further North America. Map. 8 1887 Roberts, N. See Hacke ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix i. Roberts, Orlando W. Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America ; describing a Tourney up the River San Juan, and Passage across the Lake of Nicaragua to the City of Leon ; pointing out the Advantages of a direct Commercial Intercourse with the Natives ; with Notes and Observations by Edward Irving. Map. 12 Edinburgh, 1827 Roberts, Dr R. D. The Earth's History : an Introduction to Modern Geology. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 Roberts, W. Milnor. Note on the Sao Francisco River, Brazil. Small 8* 1 880 Robertson, Sir Daniel Brooke. Report respecting his Visit to Haiphong and Ilansi in Tonquin. [Parly. Rep.] Folio* 1876 Robertson, George. On the Mud Banks of Narrakal and Allippey, two Natural Harlxmrs of Refuge on the Malabar Coast. 8* Edinburgh, 1873 Robertson. David. See Armstrong, James. Robertson, Lieut. H. D. Historical Narrative of the City of Cambay, from Sanskrit and Persian Books and Oral Tradition, comprising a brief Sketch of the Province of Guzerat at various periods. [ From the India Records, No. 26. ] Table. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Robertson, J. See Mackay, A. i, J. A. See Johnston, T. B. Robertson, J. P. A Political Manual of the Province of Manitoba and the North- West Territories. Map and illustrations. 8 Winnipeg, 1887 Robertson, J. P. and W. P. Letters on Paraguay : comprising an Account of a Four Years' Residence in that Republic under the Government of the Dictator Francia. 3 vols. [Title of 3rcl volume : " Francia's Reign of Terror," being the continuation of " Letters on Paraguay"]. Plates. 8 1839 Letters on South America : comprising Travels on the Banks of the Parana and Rio de la Plata. 3 vols. 8 1843 Robertson, Dr Milne. Report upon certain Peculiar Habits and Customs of the Aborigines of Western Australia. 12* Perth, W.A., 1879 Robertson, R. B. See Adams, F. O. Robertson, . Copy of Mr Robertson's Report of his Tour in Coimbatore. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1878 Robertson, W. History of Ancient Greece, till it became a Roman Province. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1793 Robertson, W. Parish. Visit to Mexico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan, and United States, with Observations and Adventures on the Way. 2 vols. Map atid plates. 8 1853 Robertson, . Tour in the Isle of Man. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Robida, A. La Vieille France : Texte, Dessins, et Lithographes. 4 faris[i8g^] Robide van der A a, P. J. B. C. Reizen naar Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea, onder- nomerj op Last der Regeering van Neder- landsch-Indie in de Jaren 1871, 1872, 1875-76, door de Heeren P. Van der Crab en J. E. Tcysmann, J. G. Coorengel, en A. J. Langeveldt van Hemert en P. Swaan, met geschied en aardrijkskundige Toelichtingen. Maps. 8 The Hague, 1879 See Bock ; Morris. Robin, C. C. Voyages dans 1'Interieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occiden- tale, et clans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint-Dominique, pendant les annees 1 802-6 . . . suivie de la Flore Louisia- naise. 3 vols. Map and plate. Small 8 Paris, 1807 Robinson, Capt. Queensland. Extracts from the Correspondence respecting the Proposed Station near Cape York ; with additional Correspondence by Capt. Robinson. 4* Brisbane, 1863 Robinson, C. New South Wales, the Oldest and Richest of the Australian Colonies. Maps. 8 Sydney, 1873 The Progress and Resources of New South Wales. 8* Sydney, 1877 406 ROB-ROC. Robinson, Dr Edward. Biblical Re- searches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrsea, 1838. 3 vols. Maps. 8 1841 - Topography of Jerusalem. From the Bibliotheca Sacra. 8 New York, 1846 Biblical Researches in Palestine and adjacent Regions : a Journal of Travels, in 1838 and 1852, by E. Robinson, Eli Smith, and others. 3 vols. Maps. 8 1856 Robinson, Frederick. Refutation of Lieut. Wellsted's Attack upon Lord Valentia's Work upon the Red Sea, with Comparative Diagrams showing the In- ventions of Bruce. Maps. 4* 1842 Robinson, George. Travels in Palestine and Syria. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1837 Robinson, Commr. G. T. , and C. and F. Chambers. Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observations made at the Govern- ment Observatory, Bombay, in the years 1865 to 1870. 4 Bombay, 1872 Robinson, Sir Hercules. Despatch with Report of the Resident Commissioner of Basutoland, for the year ending 3Oth June 1887, and Secretary of State's reply thereto. Folio* 1887 Robinson, H. J. Colonial Chronology : a Chronology of the Principal Events connected with the English Colonies and India, from the Close of the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time. Maps. 4 1892 Robinson, Sir John. Notes on Natal : an Old Colonist's Book for New Settlers. 12 1872 Robinson, John. Check List of the Ferns of North America, North of Mexico. 8 Sa/ern, 1873 Robinson, J. H. Journal of an Expedition 1,400 miles up the Orinoco and 300 up the Arauca. Plates. 8 1822 See Eyries, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Robinson, P. Cyprus, its Physical, Com- mercial, Economical, Historical, and Social Aspects. Map. 8* 1878 Robinson, Sara T. L. Kansas, its Interior and Exterior Life. Plates. 8 Boston, Mass., 1856 Robinson, Thomas. Natural History of Westmoreland and Cumberland. 8 1709 Robinson, William. Descriptive Account of Asam, with a Sketch of the Local Geography, and a Concise History of the Tea-plant of Asam ; to which is added a short Account of the Neighbouring Tribes, exhibiting their History, Manners, and Customs. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1841 Report on the Laccadive Islands, dated I gth May 1848. 8 Madras, 1841 Robinson, Sir William. Prince Edward Island. Report to accompany the Blue Book of Prince Edward Island for the year 1870, by Lieut. -Governor Robinson. 8 Charlottetown, 1871 Robinson, Sir William. Tobacco, its Ups and Downs in England, and How to Cultivate and Cure it in the West Indies. 8* Port-of -Spain, 1886 Robinson, Sir W. C. F. The Physical Geography of the South-West of Western Australia. Map. 8* Adelaide, 1886 Robson, Thomas Charles. A Treatise on Marine Surveying. Plates. 8 1834 Roca, General J. A. See Argentine, D, Patagonia : Appendix 2. Rochas, A. Beau de. Oasis et Soudan. La Penetration du Soudan consideree dans ses Rapports avec la creation de Grandes Oasis Sahariennes. 8* Paris, 1888 Roche, W. M. Oliver's Shipping Law Manual. 8 1879 Rochelle, Roux de. Etats-Unis d' Amerique ; Histoire et Description des Peuples, de leurs Religions, Moeurs, Coutumes, &c. Plates. 8 Paris, 1837 Rocher, Emile. La Province Chinoise du Yiin-nan. 2 vols. Maps. Large 8 Paris, 1879-80 Rochet d'Hericourt, C. E. X. Voyage sur la Cote Orientale de la Mer Rouge dans le pays d'Adel et le Royaume de Choa. Map and plates. 8* Plates, 1841 Considerations geographiques et covn- merciales sur le Golfe Arabique, le pays d'Adel, et le royaume de Choa. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1841 Second Voyage sur les deux rives de la Mer Rouge dans le pays des Adels et le royaume de Choa. Map and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1846 Rochon, A. Voyages a Madagascar, a Maroc, et aux Indes Orientales. [2 vols. only.] Map. 12 Paris, An. x., 1801 A Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. Translated from the French ... to which is added a Memoir on the Chinese Trade. Map. 8 1792 See Oliver, S. P. ; also Pelham, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Rockhill, W. Woodville. Udanavarga : a Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon, compiled by Dharmatrata. Trans- lated from the Tibetan. 8 1883 The Life of the Buddha, and the Early History of his order : derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur ; followed by Notices on the Early History of Tibet and Khoten. Translated by W. Woodville Rockhill. 8 1884 Through Northern China to the Koko-Nor. (From the Century Maga- zine. ) Maps and illustrations. 8* 1890 The Land of the Lamas : Notes of a Journey through China, Mongolia, and Tibet. Maps and illustrations. 8 1891 ROC ROG. 407 Rockhill, W. Woodville. Tibet : a Geo- graphical, Ethnographical, and Historical Sketch, derived from Chinese sources. ( From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.} 8 N.D. The same. Art. 2. 8 1891 Rockstroh, E. Informe de la Comision Cientifica del Institute Nacional de Guatemala, nombradapor el Sr. Ministro de Instruccion Publica para el estudio de los fenomenos volcanicos en el Lago de Ilopango de la Republica del Salvador. Plan. 8* Guatemala, 1880 Rockwell, John A. Report on Canal and Railway Routes between the At- lantic and Pacific Oceans. Maps. 8 Washington, 1849 Rodd, Rennell. The Customs and Lore of Modern Greece ; with 7 full-page illustrations by Tristram Ellis. 8 1892 Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo- Russian Dispute : an account of Russia's Advance towards India, based upon the Reports and Experi- ences of Russian, German, and British Officers and Travellers, with a description of Afghanistan and of the Military Re- sources of the Powers concerned. Maps and illustrations. 8 1885 Rodiger, E. Ueber zwei altathiopische Inschriften. 4* Halle, 1839 Versuch iiber die Himjaritischen Schriftmonumente, mit einem Vorwort an Gesenius. 8 Halle, 1841 Rodler, Dr A. Bericht iiber eine Geo- logische Reise im westlichen Persien. 8*' Vienna, 1889 See Penck, A. Rodman, Hugh. See United States, E, a, Hydrographic Office Publications, No. 93 : Appendix 2. Rodrigues, Joao Barboza. Rio Jana- pery : Pacifica5ao dos Crichanas. Map and plate. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1885 Rodrigues, J. C. The Panama Canal, its History, its Political Aspects, and Financial Difficulties. 12 1885 Rodriguez, A. Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos del Gobierno, Tratados inter- nacionales, y Acuerdos del Superior Tribunal de Justicia de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Large 8 Montevideo, 1856 The same. Part 2. Large 8 Montevideo, 1859 The same. Part 3. Large 8 Afontevideo, 1 866 Rodriguez, J. I. See Zeledon. Rodriguez, Manuel. El Maranon y Amazonas. Historia de los descubri- mientos, cntradas y reduccion de Na- ciones, . . en las dilatadas montanas y mayores rios de la America. Small folio Madrid, 1684 Rodriguez, Maximo. Relacion Diaria, Viage de la Isla de Amat, alias Otagiti, 1774. MS. Square 8 1774 Rodwell, G. F. Etna : a History of the Mountain and its Eruptions. Maps and plates. Small 8 1878 Roe, Sir Thomas. See Churchill, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Laharpe, Vol. 4 ; Pinker- ton, Vol. 8; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4; Thevenot, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. II ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Roebuck, J. A. The Colonies of Eng- land : a plan for the government of some portion of our Colonial possessions. 8 1849 Rcediger, E. See Rodiger. Roepstorff, F. A. de. Vocabulary of dialects spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles, with a short account of the natives, their customs and habits, and of previous attempts at Colonisation. 8 Calcutta, 1875 Notes on the Inhabitants of the Nicobars. (From the Proc. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal for January and June 1881.) 8* 1881 See General, Dictionaries, B: Appen- dix 2. Roesler, R. Die Aralseefrage. 8* Vienna, 1873 Roger, Baron. Recherches Philosophiques sur la Langue Ouolofe, suivies d'un Vocabulaire abrege Franfais-Ouolof. 8 Paris, 1829 See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix i. Roger, J. C. Celticism a Myth. 2nd edition. 1889 Roger, P. Percement de 1'Isthme Ameri- cain par un Canal Interoceanique : Journal des Voyages, Explorations, et Travaux relatifs a la Ligne du Darien. Large 8* Paris, 1864 Rogers, Major B. On the Prevention of Crime. 8* 1874 Rogers, Rev. Charles. Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland. Vol. I. [Grampian Club Publications.'} Frontispiece. 8 1 87 1 Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James the Sixth, with preliminary observations. [Gram- pian Club Publications.'} 8 1873 The Scottish House of Roger, with notes respecting the families of Playfair and Haldane of Bermony. 2nd edition. 8 Edinburgh, 1875 See Bain, J. ; James the First ; Scot. Rogers, Capt E. Campaigning in Western Africa and the Ashantee invasion. Map. Small 8 1874 Rogers, Henry D. Report on the Geolo- gical Survey of the State of New Jersey. Map. 8 Philadelphia, 1836 408 ROG ROH. Rogers, Henry D. Geology of the State of New Jersey : being a final Report. Maps. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 Geology of Pennsylvania. First to Sixth Annual Reports. Maps. S Harrisburg, 1836-42 On the Laws of Structure of the more disturbed Zones of the Earth's Crust. 4* Edinburgh, 1856 Rogers, J. E. See Mahaffy. Rogers, M. E. Domestic Life in Palestine. 8 1862 Rogers, Major M. W.,and E. Roberts. Tide Tables for the Indian Ports for the year 1883 (also January 1884). 12 [1882] The same, for the year 1890 (also January 1891). Parts I and 2. 12 [1883] See Baird ; Hill. Rogers, Capt. Woodes. Life aboard a British Privateer in the time of Queen Anne : being the Journal of Captain Woodes Rogers, Master Mariner. With Notes and Illustrations by Robert C. Leslie. 8 1889 See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3 ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; La- harpe, Vol. 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 3; "The World Displayed," Vol. 6: Appendix i. Rogge, Dr H. C. pendix 2. Roggewein, Jacob. Callander, Vol. 3 : See Holland : Ap- See Burney, Vol. 4; Dalrymple, Pacific, Vol. 2; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. n ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 ; " The World Displayed," Vol. 9 : Appendix i. Rogozinski, S. S. Pod Rownikiem. Odczyty S. S. Rogozinskiego wypo wiedziane w Sali Radnej miasta krakowa. [Near the Equator : Lectures in Cracow. ] 8* Cracow, 1886 Rohl, L. H. See Mallet, F. Rohlfs, Dr Gerhard. Tagebuch seiner Reise durch Marokko nach Tuat, 1864. 4* Gotha, 1865 Neueste Briefe von, und Rtickblick auf seine bisherigen Reisen in Afrika in den Jahren 1861 bis 1865 ; ;&f Tagebuch seiner Reise von Tuat nach Ghadames, 1864. Map. 4* \Gotha, 1866] Neueste Nachrichten aus dem Inneren Afrika's. 4* [Got ha} 1867 Reise durch Nord- Afrika vom Mittel- landischen Meere bis zum Busen von Guinea, 1865-67. I. Halfte : Von Tri- poli nach Kuka (Fesan, Sahara, Bornu). (Erganzungsheft, 25 Petermann's Mit- theilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1868 Reise durch Nord-Africa, vom Miltel- landischen Meere bis zum Busen von Guinea, 1865 bis 1867. 2. Hafte : Von Kuka nach Lagos. (Erganzungsheft, 34 Petermann's Mittheilungen). 4 Got ha, 1872 Rohlfs, Dr Gerhard. Reise durch Ma- rokko, Uebersteigung des grossen Atlas, Exploration der Oasen von Tafilet, Tuat und Tidikelt und Reise durch die grosse Wiiste iiber Rhadamesnach Tripoli. Map and portrait. 8 Bremen, 1868 Im Auftrage Sr. Majestat des Konigs von Preussen mit dem Englischen Ex- peditionscorps in Abessinien. Map, portrait, and tables. 8 Bremen, 1869 Land und Volk in Afrika. Berichte aus den Jahren 1865-70. Bremen, 1870 Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien. Beschreibung der im Auftrage Sr. Majestat des Konigs von Preussen in den Jahren 1 868 und 1869 ausgefiihrten Reise. 2 vols. (in i). Maps, plates, and photograph. Small 8 Bremen, 1871 Mein erster Aufenthalt in Marokko und Reise siidlich vom Atlas durch die Oasen Draa und Tafilet. Small 8 Bremen, 1873 Expedition nach der Libyschen Wiiste, 1873-74, in Photographien von P. Remele. [Album of fifty Photographs.] Adventures in Morocco and journeys through the Oases of Draa and Tafilet; with an Introduction by Winwood Reade. 8 1874 Quer durch Afrika : Reise vom Mittelmeer nach dem Tschad-See und zum Golf vom Guinea. 8 Leipzig, 1854-75 Expedition zur Erforschung der Libyschen Wiiste unter der Auspicien Sr. Hoheit des Chedive von Aegypten Ismail-Pascha im Winter 1873-74 ausge- fiihrt. I. Reisebericht. Maps, plates, and photographs. 8 Cassel, 1875 The same. II. Physische Geographic und Meteorologie : Bearbeitet von W. Jordan. Maps and tables. 4 Cassel, 1876 Die Becleutung Tripolitaniens an sich und als Ausgangspunkt fiir Entdeck- ungsreisende. Map. 8* Weimar, 1877 Neue Beitrage zur Entdeckung und Erforschung Africas. 8 Cassel, 1881 Kufra : Reise von Tripolis nach der Oase Kufra ; ausgefiihrt im Auftrage der Afrikanischen Gesellschaftin Deutsch- land, nebst Beitragen von P. Ascherson, J. Hann, F. Karsch, W. Peters, A. Stecker. Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1 88 1 Meine Mission nach Abessinien, auf Befehl Sr. Majestat des Deutschen Kaisers im Winter 1880-81, unternommen von Gerhard Rohlfs. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1883 Quid novi ex Africa? 8 Cassel, 1886 ROM ROS. 409 Rohricht, Reinhold. Bibliotheca Geo- graphica Palaestinae. Chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf die Geographic des Heiligen Landes bezliglichen Literatur von 333 ki s 1878 und Versuch einer Cartographic. 8 Berlin, 1890 and Heinrich Meisner. Deutsche Pilgerreisen nach dem Heiligen Lande. 8 Berlin, 1880 Rpissard de Bellet, Baron. La Sardaigne a vol d'oiseau en 1882, son His- toire, ses Moeurs, sa Geologic, st-s richesses metalliferes et ses productions de toute sorte. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Paris, 1884 Rojas, E. Philosophic de la Morale. Traduit par V. Touzet. 8 St Gerinain-en-Laye, 1870 Rokh, Shah. See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Kerr, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Rolamb, Nicholas. See Churchill, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Holland, Georges. La Region de Ouargla. Map. 4* [Paris, 1883] Chemin de Fer Transsaharien : Geo- logic du Sahara Algerien et aper^u Geo- logique sur le Sahara de 1'Ocean Atlantique a la Mer Rouge. Texte, Extrait des Documents relatifs a la Mission de Laghouat-El-Golea-Ouargla- Biskra, publics par le Ministere des Travaux publics (Rapport Geologique). Folio Paris, 1890 The same. Geologic et Hydrologie du Sahara Algerien. Planches accom- pagnant les deux volumes de Texte, Extrait des Documents, &c. (Rapports Geologique et Hydrologique.) Folio Paris, 1890 Le Transsaharien : Reponse a M. Duponchel. 4* N.D. Romanovski, M. Notes on the Central Asiatic Question. 8 Calctilta, 1870 Romer, Mrs. Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia, and Pales- tine in 1845-46. 2 vols. Plates 8 1846 Romilly, H. H. Report on the Labour Trade in New Britain and New Ireland. Folio* [1884] The Western Pacific and New Guinea : Notes on the Natives, Christian and Cannibal, with some Account of the old Labour Trade. Map. Crown 8 1886 From my Verandah in New Guinea : Sketches and Traditions ; with an Intro- duction by Andrew Lang. Map. 8 1889 R6nay, H. Abstracts of the Travels of Ladislaus Magyar in South Africa, 1849- 57. MS. SquareS* N.D. R6nay, Jaczint. Jellemisme, vagy az Angol, Franczia, Magyar, Nemet, Olasz, Orosz, Spanyol, Nemzet, No, Ferfiu es eletkorok Jellemzese lelektani szem- pontbol. 8 Gyorott, 1847 R6nay, W. A Tuzimado Boles az 6s- Vilagok, Emlekeirol. [History of the Development of the Globe.] Plates. 8 Budapest, 1 860 Rondot, M. Natalis. Notice du Vert de Chine, et de la Teinture en Vert chez les Chinois ; suivie d'une Etude des Proprietes Chimiques et Tinctoriales du Lo-Kao, par M. J. Persoz ; et de Re- cherches sur la Matiere Colorante des Nerpruns Indigenes, par M. A. F. Michel. Plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1858 Commerce de la France avec la Chine. Royal 8* Lyons, 1860 - Pe-King et la Chine : Mesures, Mon- naies et Banques Chinoises. Royal 8* Paris, 1 86 1 Roon, Albrecht von. Grundziige der Erd- Volker- und Staatenkunde ; mit einem Vorwort von Carl Ritter. Zweite Abtheil ; Physische Geographic. 8 Berlin, 1838 Roorda, T. De Wajangverhalen van Pala-Sara, Pandoe en Raden Pandji, in het Javaansch, met aanteekeningen. \_ Javanese.] 8 The Hague, 1869 See Veth. Roos, Hon. Fred. Fitzgerald de. Per- sonal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826. Plates. 8 1827 Roque. See De la Roque. Roquefeuil, Camille de. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 9 : Ap- pendix I. Roquette, de la. See De la Roquette. Roosevelt, T. Hunting Trips of a Ranch- man : Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains. Illustrations. Large 8 1886 Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail. Illustrations. 4 Rosales, H. See Victoria, C: Appendix 2. Resales, Manuel Landeata. Recopila- cion Geografica, Estadistica, e Historica de Venezuela. 2 vols. Oblong 4 Caracas, 1889 Roscher, Albrecht. Ptolemreus und die Handelsstrassen in Central-Africa. Maps. 8* Gotha, 1857 Roscher, W., and R. Jannasch. Kolo- nien : Kolonial Politik und Auswanderung. 8 Leipzig, 1885 Roscoe, Thomas. Wanderings and Ex- cursions in North Wales. Map and plates. 8 1853 - Wanderings and Excursions in South Wales, with the Scenery of the River Wye. Map and plates. 8 1854 4io ROS. Rose, G. Reise nach clem Ural, clem Altai, und dem Kaspischen Meere von A. von Humboldt, G. Ehrenberg, und G. Rose. Mineralogisch-geognosticher Theil und historischer Bericht der Reise. 2 vols. Maps mid plates. 8 Berlin Vol. i. Reise nach dem nordlichen Ural und dem Altai 1837 Vol. 2. Reise nach dem sikllichen Ural und dem Kaspischen Meere 1842 Rose, H. J. Untrodden Spain and her Black Country : being Sketches of the Life and Character of the Spaniard of the Interior. 2 vols. 8 1875 Rose, J. See Graham, D. C. Rose, W. S. See Phillips [3], Vol. i : Appendix i. Rosebery, Earl of. See Parkin. Rosen, G. Das Haram von Jerusalem und der Tempelplatz des Moria. Maps. 8*^ Gotha, 1866 Rosen, P. G. Die astronomisch-geoda- tischen Arbeiten der topographischen Abtheilung des Schwedischen General- stabes. Erster Band. Heft 2, 3. 4 Stockholm, 1885, 1890 Die astronomisch - geodatischen Ar- beiten der topographischen Abtheilung des Schwedischen Generalstabes. Zweiter Band. Heft I. Plates. 4 Stockholm, 1888 Projet cle mesure d' un arc du meridien de 4 20' an Spitzberg. Map. Large 8* Stockholm, 1893 Rosen, Baron Victor. Les Manuscrits Arabes de 1'Institut des Langues Ori- entales. 8 St Petersburg, 1877 Rosenberg, C. B. H. von. Reistogten in de Afdeeling Gorontalo gedaan op last der Nederlandsch Indische Regering. Plates and maps. 8 Amsterdam, 1865 Reis naar de Zuidoostereilanden. Plates. 8 The Hague, 1867 Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbai op Nieuw-Guinea in dejahren 1869 en 1870, ambtenaar belast met wetenschappelijke onderzoekingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. Maps and plates. 4 The Hague, 1875 Der Malayische Archipel. Land und Leute in Schilderungen, gesammelt wahrend eines dreissigjahrigen Aufen- thaltes in den Kolonien. (Vorwort von Professor P. J. Veth. ) Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1878-79 Rosencoat, de. Reconaissance Hydro- graphique des Cotes Occidentales du Centre Amerique, Province de Veraguas (Nouvelle-Grenade). 8 Paris, 1857 Rosenheyn, Max. Die Marienburg, das Haupthaus der deutschen Ordens-Ritter. Plates and plan. 16 Leipzig, 1858 Rosenwall, P. Bemerkungen eines Russen eber Preussen und dessen Bewohner, desammelt auf einer im Jahr 1814 durch dieses Land unternommenen Reise. Small 8 Alayence, 1817 Rosetti, Emilio. Ferrovia Trasandina. Relazione sulla practicabilita di una Stra la Ferrata attraverso le Ande nella direzione del Passo chiamato del Planchon nel Sud clella Provincia di Mendoza. Traduzione Italiana. Map. Folio* Buenos Ayres, 1870 Rosier, J. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix I. Rosiwal, A. See Hohnel. Roskoschny, Dr Hermann. Europas Kolonien. Das Kongogebiet und seine Nachbarlander. Nach den neuesten Quellen geschildert. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Leipzig, N.D. The same. West-Africa von Senegal zum Kamerun. Nach den neuesten Quellen geschildert. Dritte Auflage. Maps and illustrations. 4 Leipzig, N.u. Die Wolga und ihre Zufliisse : Ges- chichte, Ethnographic, Hydro- und Oro- graphie nebst Mitteilungen tiber das Klima des Wolga-gebietes. 8 Leipzig, 1887 Rosny, Leon de. L'Orient. 8* Paris, 1860 Discours prononce a 1'ouverture du Cours de Japonais. 8* Paris, 1863 Varietes Orientales, historiques, geo- graphiques,scientifiques,bibliographiques et litteraires. 12 Paris, 1872 Les documents ecrits de 1'Antiquite Americaine. Compte-rendu d'une Mis- sion Scientifique en Espagne et en Portugal. (No. 3 of Memoires de la Societe d' Ethnographic.) Map and plates. 4* Paris, 1882 Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm : Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Japonaise deNordenskiold, coordonne, revu, annote et public par Leon de Rosny, et precede d'une Introduction par le Marquis d'Herveyde Saint Denys. 8 Paris, 1883 Kami yo-no maki : Histoire des Dynasties Divines. Publiee en Japonais, traduite pour la Premiere fois sur le Texte Original, accompagnee d'une glose inedite composee en Chinois et d'un Commentaire perpetuel redige en Francais par Leon de Rosny. (Vol. i. II e Serie. Vol. 16 of Publications de 1'Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes.) Large 8 Paris, 1884 and 1887 Les Religions de I'Extreme Orient. Le9on d'ouverture faite a 1'Ecole pratique des Hautes-Etudes. 8* Paris, 1886 Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 8 Paris Chan-hai-king. Antique Geographic Chinoise traduite pour la premiere fois sur le texte original. Tome I. 8 Paris, 1891 See Cortambert. Rosny, Lucien de. Les Antilles : Etude d'Ethnographie et d'Archeologie Ameri- caines. (Memoires de la Societe d'Eth- nographie.) Paris, 1886 ROS. 411 Ross, A. Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River : being a Narrative of the Expedition fitted out byj. J. Astor. Map. 8 1849 Ross, A. , and A. Sinclair. The Peruvian Corporation, Limited. Report on Land in Peru suitable for Agriculture. 4* 1893 Ross, Dr A. M. The Birds of Canada ; with Descriptions of their Habits, Food, Nests, Eggs, Times of Arrival and De- parture. Plates and woodcuts. Small 8 Toronto, 1871 U.S. Centennial Exhibition. Cata- logue to illustrate the Animal Resources of the Dominion of Canada : list of Fur- bearing, Useful, and Injurious Animals, and the Native and Migratory Birds. 8 Toronto, 1876 Catalogue of Mammals, Birds, Rep- tiles, and Fishes of the Dominion of Canada. 8 Montreal, 1878 Ross, David. The Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh : Sketches, Historical and Descriptive. Map. 8 1883 - Military Transport by Indian Rail- ways. Map and plates. 8 Lahore, 1883 Ross, Lieut. -Col. E. C. Report on a Visit to Kej, and Route through Mekran from Gwaclur to Kurrachee. Folio* 1865 Notes on Mekran. Map. Folio* 1865 Report on the Coast of Mekran from Cape Jask to Gwadur. Map. Folio* 1867 Report of a Tour from Shiraz to Bushire, with route map. Folio* 1875 - Memorandum descriptive of the Route between Sohar and El Bereymee in Oman. Folio* 1876 Memorandum on Tribal Divisions in the Principality of Oman. To accom- pany Table of Tribes. Tables. Folio* N.D. Ross, J. South Australia. Mr J. Ross's Explorations, 1874. Journal and Map. Folio* N.P. [1875] Ross, Sir James Clark. The Position of the North Magnetic Pole. 4* 1834 A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, 1839-43. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1847 See " Erebus" and " Terror." Ross, John. History of Corea, Ancient and Modern, with Description of Manners and Customs, Language and Geography. Maps and plates. 8 Paisley [1880] Ross, Adm. Sir John. Voyage of Dis- covery in H.M.'s ships "Isabella" and " Alexander," for the purpose of explor- ing Baffin's Bay and inquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage. Charts ami plates. 4 1819 Ross, Adm. Sir John. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North- West Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during 1829-33, including the Reports of Capt. J. C. Ross, and the Discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole. Portrait, charts, and plates. 4 1835 Appendix to do. Coloured plates. 4 1835 Explanation and Answer to Mr Braith- waite. 4* 1835-36 See Huish, R. ; Krusenstern ; also Eyries, Vol. 7: Appendix i. Ross, Ludwig. On the Topography of Halicarnassus, with Guichard and Dale- champ's Account of the Final Destruc- tion of the Mausoleum ; translated, with Notes, by John Hogg. 8 Cambridge, 1854 Ross, Malcolm. A Complete Guide to the Lakes of Central Otago, the Switzerland of Australasia. Maps and illustrations. 8 Wellington, 1889 Aorangi ; or, The Heart of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Maps and plates. 8* Wellington, 1892 Ross, Mars, and H. Stonehewer- Cooper. The Highlands of Cantabria ; or, Three Days from England. Map and illustrations. 8 1 885 Ross, Thomasina. See Humboldt and Bonpland ; Tschudi. Ross, W. A. Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. 8 ^49 Ross, Col. W. A. Pyrology, or Fire Analysis. 8* 1872 Rosser, W. H. Notes on the Physical Geography and Meteorology of the South Atlantic ; together with Sailing Direc- tions for the Principal Ports of Call and for the Islands : to which is appended a Catalogue of all the doubtful Islands, Rocks, and Shoals. Maps and plates. 8 1862 A Ship's Position at Sea : Practical Methods of Finding the Latitude and Longitude by two Altitudes of the Sun, or other celestial objects, and of Deter- mining the bearing of the Land from a single Altitude. Chart. 8 1862 The Stars : how to know them and how to use them. Plates. 8 1865 The Seaman's Guide to the Islands of the North Pacific. See United King- dom, A, North Pacific Pilot, Part 2 : Appendix 2. A Self-Instructor in Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, for the Local Marine Board Examinations and for use at Sea. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 1 868 Lunars and Lunar Tables : being various Methods of Finding the true Lunar Distance, and thence the Longi- tude. 8 1875 412 ROS ROW. Rosser, W. H. A Self-Instructor in Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, for the Local Marine Board Examinations and for use at Sea. 3rd edition. Plates. 8 1876 Stellar Navigation, with New A, B, and C Tables for finding by easy methods Latitude, Longitude, and Azimuths ; Latitudes and Declinations ranging to 68 N. or S. 4 1883 See Imray ; also United Kingdom, North Pacific Pilot : Appendix 2. Rosset, C. W. The Maldive Islands. (From the Graphic, i6th October 1886.) Illustrations. Folio* 1886 Rossi, Stefano de. See Issel. Roth, Abraham. The Doldenhorn and Weisse Frau ascended for the first time, by Abraham Roth and Edmund von Fellenberg. Map atid plates. 8 Coblentz, 1863 Roth, H. Ling. Franco-Swiss Dairy- ing. 8* 1885 - Further Remarks on the Roots of the Sugar-Cane. Plates. 8* 1885 Arbere : a Short Contribution to the Study of Peasant Proprietorship. 8* 1885 Bibliography and Cartography of His- paniola. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 2.) 8 1887 See Crozet's Voyage. Roth, J. F. Niirnbergs neueste Beschrei- bung und Verfassung, nebst einem Ver- zeichniss der Kaufleute, &c. Plates. 12 Nuremberg, 1813 Roth, Prof. J. R. Schilderung der Natur- verhaltnisse in Siid-Abyssinien. 4* Munich, 1851 Rothpletz, A. Das Karwendelgebirge. Map, plates, and sections. 8* Munich, 1888 Rottiers, Colonel. Itineraire de Tiflis a Constantinople. Maps and plates. 8 Brussels, 1829 Rotzmital und Blatna, L. von. See Horky. Roudaire, Capt. Rapport a M. le Mini- stre de l'Instructi f on Publique sur la Mis- sion desChotts. Etudes relatives au Projet de Mer Interieure. Map. 8 Paris, 1877 Rouge, Vicomte J. ,de. Geographic Ancienne de la Basse-Egypte. Map. 8 Paris, 1891 Rouhaud, Hippolyte. Les Regions Nou- velles : Histoire du Commerce et de la Civilisation au Nord de 1'Ocean Pacifique. 8 Paris, 1 868 Rouire, Dr . L'Emplacement de la Mer Interieure d'Afrique. Map. 8* Paris, 1884 - La decouverte de la Mer Interieure Africaine. 4* [Paris, 1884] Des divers Systemes Modernes ayant assimile le pays de Gabes a la Region de Triton. Map. 8* Tours, 1886 Rouire, Dr . Sur les Dolmens de 1'Enfida. Large 8* [Paris, 1887] La decouverte du Bassin Hydro- graphique de la Tunisie Centrale et 1'Emplacement de 1'Ancien Lac Triton (ancienne Mer Interieure d : Afrique). Maps. 8 Paris, 1887 Roujouz, H. de. Essai sur PAtterage et 1'Entree de la Rade de Brest par Temps Brumeux, avec un Batiment a Vapeur. Plates. 8 Parts, 1868 Rousseau, Alphonse. Geographic Gene- rale de la Bosnie et de 1'Herzegovine. 8 1868 Rousset, L. A Travers la Chine. Map. 12 Paris, 1878 Roussillon, Due du. Origines, Migra- tions, Philologie, et Monuments Antiques. Parts I, 2. 8* 1867 Roussin, Amiral le Baron. Memoir on the Navigation of the West Coast of Africa, from Cape Bojador to Mount Souzos, 1817-18. Translated from the French by Lieut. J. Badgley. 4 1827 [Bound up with Capt. Owen's Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes.] Pilote du Bresil, ou Description des Cotes de 1'Amerique Meridionale ; com- prises entre Pile Santa-Catarina et celle de Maranao, avec les Instructions neces- saires pour atterir et Naviguer sur ces Cotes, 1819-20. 8 Paris, 1827 Roustan, Honore. La Republique de 1'Uruguay a 1'Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1889. Map. 4 Montevideo, 1889 See Pena. Routier, Gaston. L' Agriculture, la Flore, les Mines, et la Faune de Madagascar. 4* Rouen, 1890 Rouvier, C. Cartes du Congo Franais : Note sur la Construction des Cartes levees pendant le cours d'une Mission au Congo en 1885-86. Map. 8* Paris, 1887 Rouwolf, Leendert. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix I. Roux, Hugues le. Au Sahara. Illus- trations. 12 Paris, N.D. Roux, Jules Ch. Le Canal de Panama en 1886. Map, plans, and plates. 4 Marseilles, 1886 Rouzier, S. Dictionnaire geographique et administratif universel d'Haiti illustre . . . ou Guide General en Haiti. Vol. i, A F. Maps and illustrations. 8 Paris [1891] Vol. 2, G H. Map and illustra- tions. 8 Paris, 1894 Rowan, J. J. The Emigrant and Sports- man in Canada : some Experiences of an old Country Settler, with Sketches of Canadian Life, Sporting Adventures, and Observations on the Forests and Fauna. Map. 8 1876 Rowe, G. S. See Williams and Calvert. ROW RUS. 413 Rowell, G. A. On the Change of Tempera- ture in Europe, and the Variation of the Magnetic Needle. Map. 8* 1853 Rowlands, C. Henry M. Stanley : The Story of his Birth in 1841 to his Dis- covery of Livingstone in 1871. Plates. Small 8 1872 Rowlands, Rev. Daniel. The Fish- guard Invasion by the French in 1797. Some passages taken from the diary of the late Reverend Daniel Rowlands, some time Vicar of Llanfiangelpenybont. Illustrations. 8 1892 Rowles, Richard. See Astley, Vol. i ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Rowley, Henry. The Story of the Uni- versities' Mission to Central Africa, from its commencement, under Bishop Mac- kenzie, to its withdrawal from the Zambesi. Maps and plates. 8 1866 Roxas, S. A. 'de. See Angelis, Vol. i : Appendix i. Roxburgh, Dr Wm. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. i : Appendix I. Roy, Rev. Father Le. A Travers le Zanguebar. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1884 Roy, Josef Jansz. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Royle, John F. Essay on the Productive Resources of India. Royal 8 1840 Ruard de Card, E. El Arbitraje Inter- nacional en el pasado, en el presente i en el porvenir. (Traducido del frances. ) 8* Santiago de Chile, 1877 Rubriques, William de. Ambassadeur de Saint Louis en Orient. Recit de son Voyage. Traduit de 1'Original Latin et Annote par Louis de Backer. 12 Paris, 1877 See Astley, Vol. 4 ; Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. I ; Harris, Vol. I ; Kerr, Vol. i ; Pinkerton, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Rucellai, G. See Alamanni. Rudge, Thomas. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Gloucester. Maps. 8 1807 Rudinger, N. Ueber die Wege und Ziele der Hirnforschung. 4 Munich, 1893 Rudler, F. W. See Stanford. Ruelens, C. See Eredia. Ruge, Dr Sophus. Ueber Compas und Compaskarten. Map. 8* Dresden [1868] Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeck- ungen. Maps and illustrations. 8 Berlin, 1881-83 - Abhandlungen und Vortrage zur Geschichte der Erdkunde. 8 Dresden, 1888 Ruge, Dr Sophus. Christoph Columbus. (Fuhrende Geister. Eine Sammlung von Biographieen. Herausgegeben von Dr Anton Bettelheim. Vierter Band. ) Map and portrait. 12 Dresden, 1892 Rugendas, M. Malerische Reise in Bra- silien. Plates. Folio Paris, 1835 Ruggerius. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Ruidiaz y Caravia. Eugenio. La Florida. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Madrid, 1893-94 Ruis, Augustin. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Rumbold, Sir Horace. The Great Silver River : Notes of a Residence in Buenos Ayres in 1880 and 1881. Illustrations. 8 1887 Rukt, Shah. See Rokh. Rumford, Count. The Complete Works of. 4 vols. 8 Boston, Mass., 1870-75 See Ellis, G. E. [additional volume]. Rumsey, Commr. R. Murray. Report on Survey of the Ancobra River, and on the Axim Gold Region, West Africa. Sketch maps. Folio* 1882 Randall, Major F. M. Manual of the Siyin Dialect spoken in the Northern Chin Hills. 8 Rangoon, 1891 The Siyin Chins. Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3. Map. Large 8 1893 Randall. Thomas. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 5, 8: Appendix I. Rupibus, Petrus de. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Riippel, Eduard. Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem petraischen Arabien, vorziiglich in geographisch - statistischer Hinsicht. 8 1829 Reise in Abyssinien. 2 vols. 8 Frankfort-o-M., 1838-40 Ruschenberger, Dr W. S. W. Narra- tive of a Voyage round the World during the years 1835, 1836, and 1837 ; includ- ing a Narrative of an Embassy to the Sultan of Muscat and the Kingdom of Siam. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1838 Rusden, G. W. The Discovery, Survey, and Settlement of Port Phillip. Maps. 8* 1872 History of Australia. 3 vols. Map. 8 1883 - History of New Zealand. 3 vols. Afap, plans, and plates. 8 1883 Aureretanga : Groans of the Maoris. 8* 1888 The Great Refusal, by Vindex. 8* 1890 The Law of Libel. 8* 1890 Rush, George. Accounts of Ascents in the Nassau and Victoria Balloons, 1838, 1849, and 1850; with a Description of Rush's Registered Dials for the Im- proved Aneroid Barometer, and Ap- pendix by W. H. Jones. 8* 1851 414 RUS. Ruskin, John. The Future of England. [A Paper read at the R.A. Institution.] 8* 1869 Russegger, Joseph. Beitrage zur Physiog- nomik, Geognosie, und Geographic des Afrikanischen Tropenlandes. 8* 1840 Reisen in Europa, Asien, und Africa ; mil l^esonderer Riicksicht auf die natur- wissenchaftlichen Verhaltnisse der be- treffenden Lander, in 1835-41. Vol. i. 8 Stuttgart, 1841 Russell, Alexander. The Natural His- tory of Aleppo and Parts adjacent ; together with an Account of the Climate, Inhabitants, and Diseases, particularly of the Plague. Coloured plates. 4 1756 The same. 2nd edition. Notes by P. Russell. 2 vols. 4 1794 See "The World Displayed," Vol. 13, p. 609 : Appendix i. Russell, Dr. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Russell, Hon. F. A. Rollo. See Symons, G. J. Russell, Major Frank S. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Russell, G. See Phillips, Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. I : Appendix I. Russell, Count Henry. Biarritz and Basque Countries. Map. Small 8 1873 Souvenirs d'un Montagnard (1858-88). Small 8 Pan, 1888 Russell, H. C. Abstract of Meteorological Observations made in New South Wales, up to the end of 1869 ; with Remarks on the Climate. 8* Sydney, 1871 Results of Meteorological Observa- tions made in New South Wales, during the years 1872-84. 4 vols. Diagrams. 8 1873-92 Climate of New South Wales, De- scriptive, Historical, and Tabular. Diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1877 Storms on the Coast of New South Wales. Maps. 8* 1878 Results of Rain Observations made in New South Wales during 1878. Map. 8* Sydney, 1879 Results of Rain and River Observa- tions made in New South Wales during 1879. 8* Sydney, 1880 Papers read before the Astronomical Section of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 1878-79. 8* {Sydney, 1879-80] The "Gem" Cluster in Argo. Plate. 8* [Sydney, 1880] The Went worth Hurricane. Map. 8* [Sydney, 1880] Note upon a Sliding-Scale for cor- recting Barometer Readings to 32 F. and Mean Sea-Level. Diagram, 8* \Sydf v, 1880] Russell, H. C. Some New Double Stars and Southern Binaries. Diagrams. 8* [Sydney, 1 880] Recent Changes in the Surface of Jupiter. Diagrams. 8* [Sydney, 1881] Thunder and Hail Storms in New South Wales. Diagram. 8* [Sydney, 1881] Results of Rain and River Observa- tions made in New South Wales, during 1880. Map and diagram. 8* [Sydney, 1881] Results of Double Star Measures made at the Sydney Observatory, New South Wales, 1871-81. Diagrams. 8* Sydney, 1882 Transit of Mercury, 8th November 1 88 1. 8* [Sydny, 1882] Results of Rain and River Observa- tions made in New South Wales, during 1 88 1. Map and diagrams. 8* Sydney, 1882 - The same, during 1883 and 1884. Maps and diagrams. 8* Sydney, 1884-85 - The same, during 1885. Map and diagrams. 8* Sydney, 1886 Anniversary Address. (Delivered to the Royal Society of N.S.W., 6th May 1885.) 8* 1885 Local Variations and Vibrations of the Earth's Surface. Diagrams. 8* [Sydney, 1 886] Notes upon the History of Floods in the River Darling. Diagram. 8* [Sydney, 1887] Notes upon Floods in Lake George. Diagrams. 8* [Sydney, 1887] Results of Rain and River Observa- tions made in New South Wales, and part of Queensland, during 1886. Maps and diagrams. 8* Sydney, 1 887 Results of Meteorological Observa- tions, 1885-1889. Diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1887-91 On the New Self- Recording Thermo- meter. 8* [1888] Astronomical and Meteorological Workers in New South Wales, 1778 to 1860. 8* [Sydney, 1888] Proposed Method of Recording Varia- tions in the direction of the Vertical. [Sydney, 1888] The Source of the Underground Water in the Western Districts. 8* [1889] Results of Rain, River, and Evapora- tion Observations made in New South Wales, during 1887 and 1888. Map and diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1888-89 Results of Rain, River, and Evapora- tion Observations made in New South Wales, during 1 889. Maps and diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1890 Preparations now lacing made in Sydney Observatory for the Photographic Chart of the Heavens. Plate, 8* 1891 RUS SAA. 415 Russell, H. C. Hailstorms. Chart. 8* Sydney, 1892 Physical ' Geography and Climate of New South Wales. 2nd edition. Maps. 8* Sydney, 1892 Results of Meteorological Observa- tions made in New South Wales during 1890, under the direction of H. C. Russell. Map. 8 Sydney, 1892 Diagram of Isothermal Lines of New South Wales. Large 8* Sydney, 1892 Results of Rain, River, and Evapora- tion Observations made in New South Wales, 1890-92. Maps. 8 Sydney, 1891-93 Pictorial Rain Maps. Map. 8* Sydney, 1893 Moving Anticylones in the Southern Hemisphere. (From the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No. 85, January 1893.) Diagrams. Large 8* 1893 On Meteorite No. 2 from Gilgoin Station. 8* Sydney, 1893 President's Address at the First Meet- ing of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science. 8* N.D. Russell, Henry Stuart. The Genesis of Queensland : an Account of the First Exploring Journeys to and over Darling Downs ; the Earliest Days of their Occupation . . ; a Resume of the Causes which led to Separation from New South Wales. With portrait and maps. Large 8 Sydney, 1888 Russell, Israel C. An Expedition to Mount St Elias, Alaska. Maps and plates. Large 8 Washington, 1891 See United States, G, c, Surveys : Appendix 2. Russell, Bishop Michael. Palestine, or the Holy Land, from the earliest period to the present time. 3rd edition. Map and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1832 View of Ancient and Modern Egypt, with an Outline of its Natural History. Map and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1832 Nubia and Abyssinia ; comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural His- tory. Map and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1833 History of the Present Condition of the Barbary States ; comprehending a View of their Civil Institutions, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, Commerce, Agriculture, and Natural Productions. Map ami plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1835 History of Ancient and Modern Egypt, its Temples and Monuments. Map and plates. 12 1852 Russell, Robert. Natal, the Land and its Story : a Geography and History for the use of Schools. Map. 12 Pietermaritzbtirg, 1 89 1 The same. 3rd edition. Map Pietermaritzburg) 1894 Russell, Dr W. H. A Visit to Chile and the Nitrate Fields of Tarapaca, &c. Maps aitd illustrations. 4 1890 Rust, . Die deutsche Emin Pascha- Expedition. Map. 8 Berlin, 1890 Riitimeyer, L. Beitrage zu einer Palseon- tologischen Geschichte der Wiederkauer zunachst an Linne's Genus Bos. 8* Bale, 1865 Ueber Thai- und See-Bildung. Bei- trage zum Verstandniss der Oberflache der Schweiz. Map. 4* Bale, 1869 Rutter, W. See Kerr, Vol. 7; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Ruxton, George F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. Small 8 1847 The Oregon Question, &c. See United States, K, Oregon Question : Appendix 2. Ryan, P. See Sadlier. Ryan, W. Redmond. Personal Adven- tures in Upper and Lower California in 1848-49. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1851 Ryder, C. Forslag og Plan til en Un- dersogelse af Gronlands 6'stkyst fra 66 til 73. N. Br. 8* Copenhagen, 1890 - Den Ostgronlandske Expedition. Maps. 4* Copenhagen^ 1892 Rye, E. C. New Guinea Bibliography. (Extracted from the Royal Geographical Society's Supplementary Papers, Vol. i.) 8* 1884 Rykatschew, M. Ueber den Auf- und Zugang der Gewasser des Russischen Reiches ; Zweiter Supplementband zum Repertorium fiir Meteorologie heraus- gegeben von der Kaiserlichen Academic der Wissenschaften. Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1887 Results with Monro's Anemograph, 1883-85. [In Russian] St Petersburg, 1889 Rylands, Thomas Glazebrook. The Geography of Ptolemy Elucidated. Maps and illustrations. 4 Dublin, 1893 "Rynda." See Tilley. S , V. de. Zambesia : the Anglo- Luso- ' African Difficulty Explained. By V. de S. 8* 1890 Sa, G. de. See Portuguese Voyages, &c., p. 612 : Appendix I. Sa, Pedro de. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Saabye, Hans Egede. Bruchstiikke eines Tagebuches gehalten in Gronlandin 1770 bis 1778, aus dem Danischen iibersetzt von G. Fries. Map. 8 Hamburg, 1817 See Egede, Hans. Saavedra, A. See Burney, Vol. i ; Cal- lander, Vol. I ; Navarette, Vol. 5 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix I. 4 i6 SAB-SAI. Sabatier, Camille. Touat, Sahara, et Soudan. Etude geographique, politique, economique, et militaire. Afap. 8 Paris, 1891 Sabine, Gen. Sir Edward. Account of Experiments to Determine the Figure of the Earth by means of the Pendulum vibrating Seconds in different Latitudes, as well as on various other subjects of Philosophical Inquiry. (Also containing a Brief Account of Capt. Clavering's Voyage to the Arctic Regions.) Maps. 4 1825 Report on the Phenomena of Ter- restrial Magnetism : being an Abstract of the " Magnetismus der Erde" of Prof. Ch. Hansteen. Maps. 8 1836 Report of the Variations of the Mag- netic Intensity observed at different points of the Earth's Surface. Maps. 8* 1838 Discussion of Magnetic Observations made during the Voyages of H.M. ships "Adventure" and "Beagle," 1826-36. 8 1838 Report on the Magnetic Isoclinal and Isodynamic Lines in the British Islands. Plates. 8* 1839 Observations made at the Magnetic Observatories of Toronto in Canada, Trevandrum in the East Indies, and St Helena, during a remarkable Magnetic Disturbance on the 2.5th and 26th of September 1841. 8 1841 Observations made at the Magneti- cal and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto, in Canada, 1840-48 ; with Ab- stracts of Observations to 1855 inclusive. Plates. 4 1845-57 Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Ho- barton, in Van Diemen Island, and by the Antarctic Naval Expedition, 1841-48; with Abstracts of the Observations from 1841 to 1848 inclusive. 3 vols. Plates. 4 1848-53 Observations on Days of Unusual Magnetic Disturbance, made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories under the Departments of the Ordnance and Admiralty, 1840-44. Vol. I. 4 1851 Some of the Results obtained at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories. 8* 1854 On the Magnetic Variation in the Vicin- ity of the Cape of Good Hope. 8* 1855 Results of the Magnetic Observations at the Kew Observatory from 1857 and 1858 to 1862 inclusive. Nos. I and 2. Plates. 4 1863 Note on a Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government and the President and Council of the Royal Society regarding Meteorological Obser- vations to be made by Sea and Land. 8* 1866 See Wrangell. Sabir, C. de. Esquisse Ethnographique des Manegres. 8* Paris, 1861 Sachau, Dr Edward. Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. Maps aitd plates. 8 Leipzig, 1883 See Alberuni. Sachs, C. Aus den Llanos : Schilderung einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise nach Venezuela. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1879 Sachs, Capt. H. See Stumm. Sacken. See Osten Sacken. Sacy, Baron de. See Walckenaer. Sadik Isfahani. The Geographical Works of, translated by J. C. from original Persian MSS. in the Collection of Sir William Ouseley, the Editor; also, "A Critical Essay on various manuscript works, Arabic and Persian, illustrating the History of Arabia, Persia, Turko- mania, India, Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, and Spain," translated by J. C. from a Persian manuscript in the same collec- tion. [Oriental Translation Fund.] 8 1832 Sadler, M. E. See Mackinder. Sadlier, Capt. G. Forster. Diary of a Journey across Arabia, from El Khatif in the Persian Gulf to Yambo in the Red Sea, during the year 1819. Compiled from the Records of the Bombay Govern- ment, by P. Ryan. Map. 8 Bombay, 1866 Saewulf, Relation des Voyages de, a Jeru- salem et en Terre-Sainte, 1102-3. 4 Paris, 1839 See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix I. Safarik, Pawel Josef. Slowansky Nar- odopis. 12 Prague, 1849 Safford, James M. Geological Recon- noissance of the State of Tennessee : First Report. 8 Nashville, Tenn., 1856 Sagot, . Catalogue des Dessins et Plans sur le Mont Saint-Michel. Folio* N.D. Saillens, R. Nos droits sur Madagascar et nos griefs contre les Hovas examines impartialement, par R. Saillens ; avec une Preface de M. Frederic Passy, et un Appendice contenant des Documents Officiels inedits. 8 Paris, 1885 Sainsbury, W. Noel. Calendar of State Papers : Colonial Series East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office and elsewhere. Royal 8 1862 St Andr, D. de. Renseignements Nau- tiques sur les Cotes de Patagonie. 8 Paris, 1862 St Andre, H. Pougetde. La Colonisation de Madagascar sous Louis XV., d'apres la Correspondance inedite du Comte de Mandane. 12 Paris, 1886 SAI. 417 St Bris, Thomas de. Discovery of the Origin of the Name of America. Illus- trations. 8 New York, 1888 Sainte - Croix, . Examen Critique des Anciens Historiens d'Alexandre-le- Grand. 2nd edit. Maps. 4 Paris, 1810 Saint-Denys, Baron Juchereau de. Con- siderations Statistiques, Ilistoriques, Mil- itaires, et Politiques, sur la Regence d'Alger. Map. 8 Paris, 1831 Saint-Denys, Marquis d'Hervey de. Sec Rosny. Saint- Hilaire, A. de. Voyages dans FInterieur du Bresil. 2 vols. in 4. Plate. 8 Paris, 1833 Saint-Hilaire, J. Barthelemy. Egypt and the Great Suez Canal : a Narrative of Travels. 8 1857 Saint-Hilaire, I. G. See Greece, Morea: Appendix 2. L'Inde Anglaise, son etat actuel son avenir ; precedee d'une Introduction sur F Angleterre et la Russie. 8 Paris, 1887 Sainthill, Richard. An Olla Podrida ; or, Scraps, Numismatic, Antiquarian, and Literary. 2 vols. Portraits, plates, and facsimiles. Royal 8 Privately printed, 1844-53 Numismatic Crumbs. Plate. Royal 8* 1855 St John, Bayle. Village Life in Egypt, with Sketches of the Said. 2vols. 8 1852 Travels of an Arab Merchant in Soudan . . . Abridged from the French. 8 1854 Subalpine Kingdom ; or, Experiences and Studies in Savoy, Piedmont, and Genoa. 2 vols. 8 1856 Saint John, Earl of. Life and Corres- pondence. By Capt. E. P. Brenton. 2 vols. Portrait and map. 8 1838 St John, H. C. Notes and Sketches from the Wild Coasts of Nipon ; with Chapters on Cruising after Pirates in Chinese Waters. Maps and plates. Small 8 Edinburgh, 1880 St John, Horace Roscoe. A Life of Christopher Columbus. Plate. 16 1850 The Indian Archipelago, its History and Present State. 2 vols. 8 1853 St John, J. A. History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. Maps. 8 1842 St John, J. Augustus. Journal of a Resi- dence in Normandy. 8 Edinburgh, 1831 St John, James A. See Prisse. St John, O. Notes on the Geology of North-Eastern New Mexico. Plates. 8* [Washington] 1876 St John, Sir Spenser. Life in the Forests of the Far East. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1862 Ilayti, or the Black Republic. Map. 8 1884 St Julian, Charles. Official Report of Central Polynesia ; with a Gazetteer of Central Polynesia, by Edward Reeve, and other documents appended. Folio* Sydney, 1857 Saint-Martin, Vivien de. Histoire des Decouvertes Geographiques des Nations Europeennes dans les Diverses Parties du Monde . . . d'apres les sources originates pour chaque Nation, &c. Vols. 2 and 3 : Asie Mineure. Map. 8 Paris, 1845-46 Recherches sur les Populations Pri- mitives et les plus Anciennes Traditions du Caucase. 8 Paris, 1847 Memoire Historique sur la Geographic Ancienne du Caucase, depuis Fepoque des Argonautes jusqu'aux Guerres de Mithridate. 8 Paris, 1847 Les Huns Blancs, ou Ephthalites des Historiens Byzantins. 8 Paris, 1849 Etude sur la Geographic Grecque et Latine de Flnde, et en particulier sur Flnde de Ptolemee. Maps. 4 Paris, 1858 The same. 3'" Memoire. Le Bassin du Gange. 4 Paris, N.D. Memoire Analytique sur la Carte de FAsie Centrale et de Flnde, construite d'apres le Si-yu-ki, &c., pour les Voyages de Hiouen-Thsang, 629-645. Map. 8 Paris, 1858 Etude sur la Geographic et les Pop- ulations Primitives du Nord-Ouest de Flnde, d'apres des Hymnes Vediques ; precede d'un Aper9u de Fetat actuel des etudes sur Flnde Ancienne. 8 Paris, 1860 Sur les Anciens Sites de la Tripoli- taine. 8* Paris, 1861 Le Nord de FAfrique dans FAntiquite Grecque et Romaine. Etude Historique et Geographique. Maps. Royal 8 Paris, 1863 Histoire de la Geographic et des Decouvertes Geographiques depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Large 8 Paris, 1873 Atlas accompanying the same. Folio Paris, 1874 Nouveau Dictionnaire de Geogra- phic Universelle. I (A-C), 2 (D-J), 3 (K-M), 4 (N-Q), 5 (R-S), 6 (so-z). 6 vols. 4 Paris, 1879-95 L'Annee Geographique. See France, Paris : Appendix 3. St Matthew. Issal'-Anjilo, kila Matti ye men safe. Mandinga Kangoto. 12 1837 Saint-Mery, L. E. Moreau de. Descrip- tion Topographique et Politique de la partie Espagnole de Fisle Saint-Dom- ingue, avec des Observations Generates sur le Climat, Population, Productions, &c. 2 vols. 8 Philadelphia, 1796 See Braam. 4i8 Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de. A Voyage to the Isle of France, the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope. Translated from the French. 8 1 800 Saint-Pol-Lias, Brau de. See Lias. Saint- Priest, de. Memoires sur 1'Ambassade de France en Turquie, et sur le Commerce des Fran9ais dans le Levant. [No. 7 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] 8 Paris, 18 J 7 Saint-Sauveur, Andre Grasset, jeune. Voyage Historique, Litteraire, et Pittor- esque dans les Isles et Possessiones ci-devant Venitiennes du Levant ; savoir : Corfou, Paxo, Bucintro, Parga, Prevesa, Vonizza, Sainte-Maure, Thiaqui, Cepha- lonie, Zante, Strophades, Cerigo, et Cerigotte. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1810 See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 8 : Appendix I . St Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Essais sur les lies Fortunees et 1'Atlan- tique Atlantide, ou Precis de 1'Histoire Generale de 1'Archipel des Canaries. Maps. 4 Paris [1803] Voyage dans les quatre principales lies des Mers d'Afrique pendant 1801 ; avec 1'Histoire de la Traversee du Capit. Baudin jusqu'au Port-Louis de 1'Ile Maurice. 3 vols. 8 Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1804 See Greece (Morea) : Appendix 2; also Phillips [i], Vol. 2: Appendix I. Saker, A. Dualla Lesson Book. No. 2. Cameroons River. 16 Biinbia, 1847 Sala, G. Augustus. Journey due North, being Notes of a Residence in Russia in 1856. 8 1859 Saladin, E. See Fuchs. Salant, Rev. S. See Montefiore, Sir M. Salazer, Domingo. See Cartas de Indias : Appendix i. Salbanke, Joseph. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 : Appendix I. Saldamando, Enrique Torres. See Eguiluz. Saldanha da Gama, A. de. Memoria sobre as Colonias de Portugal, situadas na Costa Occidental d'Africa. 8 Paris, 1839 Sale, George. The Koran, commonly called the Alkoran of Mohammed. Translated into English from the Original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes taken from the most approved Commentators, to which is prefixed a Preliminary Dis- course by George Sale. 8 N.D. Salel-Ibn-Razik. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 44: Appendix i. Salis, A. de. La Correction des Torrents en Suissc : Expose raisonned'ouvrages exe- cutes. Redige par ordre du Departement Federal de 1'Interieur. Premiere Livrai- son. Maps and plaies. 4 Berne, 1891 Salis, A. de. Ditto. Deuxieme Livraison. Plates. 4 Berne, 1892 Sails, C. U. de. Travels through various Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples in 1789. Translated by A. Aufrere. Con- chological Appendix. Maps and plates. 8 1795 Salisbury, Stephen, junior. A Partial Index to the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society from its Foundation in 1812 to 1880; to which is added a Table of Contents of all the Publications and Reprints of the Society to April 1883, ... by Nathaniel Paine. 8 Worcester, Mass., 1883 Salmoiraghi, A. Apercu sur les Nou- veaux Tacheometres dits les cleps. Illus- trations. Small folio Milan, 1884 Salmon, N. See Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4 : Appendix I. Salmon, William. A Table for finding the Latitude from the Altitude of the Polar Star, observed at any hour in the Northern Hemisphere. Royal 8* 1850 Salot des Noyers, M. Instructions sur les lies et les Passages du grand Archipel d'Asie, &c. 5 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1867-68 Pilote de la Manche. . . . Traduit de 1'Anglais. See King, J. W. Salt, Henry. Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior of that Country in 1809-10, in which are included an Account of the Portuguese Settlements on the East Coast of Africa, a Narrative of late events in Arabia Felix, and some particulars respecting the Aboriginal African Tribes extending from Mosam- bique to the Borders of Egypt, with Vo- cabularies of their respective Languages. Maps a nd plates. 4 1814 Voyage en Abyssinie, entrepris par ordre du Gouvernement Britannique en 1809-10 ; traduit par F. Henry. 2 vols. 8, and Atlas oblong 8 Paris, 1816 See Eyries, Vol. 14: Appendix I. Saltijkov, N. Du niveau moyen de la mer Baltique a Cronstadt. [In Russian.] Large 8 [57 Petersburg, 18' Salvatierra, P. P. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Salvator, Archduke Ludwig. See Ludwig. Salvin, H. Journal written on board His Majesty's ship " Cambridge," from January 1824 to May 1827. Plate. Small 8 Newcastle, 1829 Salvin, O. See Central America, A, Bio- logia Centrali-Americana : Appendix 2. Salvo, Marquis de. See Phillips, Col- lection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 6 : Ap- pendix i. SAL SAN. 419 Salvolini, Francois. Tradoction et Analyse Gramniaticale des Inscriptions sculptees sur I'Obelisque Egyptien dc Paris. Plalc-s. 4 Paris, 1837 Salza, Hermann von. Sec Lorck. Samanez y Ocampo, Jose B. Explora- cion de los Kios Peruanos Apurimac, Eni, Tambo ; Ucayali y Urubamba . . . en 1883 y 1884, Diario de la Expedicion. Map. 8* Lima, 1885 " Samarang." Sec Belcher. Sampaio, Fr. Xavier R. de. See Coleccao de Noticias, Vol. 6, p. 611 : Appendix I. Sampayo, Lopo Vaz de. See Gottfried : Appendix i. Samper, Jose M. Note sur les Societes ou Entreprises fondees a Paris pour la Colonisation on la Canalisation del'Isthnie du Darien. 8* Paris, 1862 Sampson, G. Vaughan. Statistical Survey of the County of Londonderry, with Ob- servations of the Means of Improvement. Maps and plates. 8 Dub/in, 1802 Samuelson, James. Roumania, Past and Present. Maps and illustrations. 8 1882 Bulgaria, Past and Present : Histori- cal, Political, and Descriptive. Map ami illustrations. 8 1 888 India, Past and Present : Historical, Social, and Political. Map and illustra- tions. 8 1890 San Bartolomeo. Sec Bartolomeo. Sancho, Pedro. See Ilakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 47; Purchas, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Sandeman, Major. Transliteration of Burmese Words into English. Folio* 1881 Sandeman , Patrick. Monthly Tables of Daily Means of Meteorological Elements, deduced from Observations taken at the Observatory at Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana, . . . during eleven years commencing 1846. 4 Greenock, 1857 Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India: their Haunts and Habits from Personal Observation ; with an Account of the Modes of Captur- ing and Taming Elephants. Maps and plates. Square 8 1878 Sanderson, John. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix i. Sanderson, Percy. Report on the Foreign Trade of Roumania during the year 188-3. Folio* 1885 Sandford, H. B. See Ogilvy, T. ; Loughman, T. C. Sandford, Dr H. H., Bishop of Tas- mania. A Mutton Bird Island. (From the New Review.} 8* 1892 Sands, J. Out of the World ; or, Life in St Kilda. Plates. 12 Edinburgh, N.i>. Sandwich, John, Earl of. Voyage round the Mediterranean in 1738-39, written by himself ; to which are prefixed Memoirs Sandwich, John, Earl of continued. of the Noble Author's Life. Portrait and plates. 4 1799 Sandwith, Humphry. A Narrative of the Siege of Kars, and of Travels and Ad- ventures in Armenia and Lazistan ; with Remarks on the Present Stale of Turkey. 3rd edition. Frontispiece, map, and plan. 8 1856 Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610, containing a De- scription of the Turkish Empire, /Egypt, the Holy Land, the remote parts of Italy and Hands adjoining. Map and illustra- tions. Folio 1615 Sec Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Ap- pendix i. Sandys, John Edwin. An Easter Vaca- tion in Greece ; with Lists of Books on Greek Travel and Topography, and Time-tables of Greek Steamers and Rail- ways. Map and flan. 12 1887 Sanford, H. S. The Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe ; also a Report on the Administrative Changes in France since the Revolution of 1848. 8 Washington, 1854 Sanford, Major . See Jones, Major H. Sangermano, Rev. Father. Description of the Burmese Empire, compiled chiefly from Native Documents ; translated from the MS. by W. Tandy. (Oriental Transla- tion Fund.) 4 Koine, 1833 Sanguinetti, Dr B. R. See Ibn Batuta. Sanjana, Darab Dastur Peshotan. The Position of Zoroastrian Women in Remote Antiquity, as illustrated in the Avesta, the Sacred Books of the Parsees : being a Lecture delivered at Bombay on the 1 8th of April 1892. 12 Bombay, 1892 San Januario, Viscount. Missao do Visconde de San Januario nas Republicas da America do Sul, 1878 e 1879. 8 Lisbon, 1880 Mission of Viscount San Januario to the Republics of South America, 1878 and 1879. 8*' Buenos Ayres, 1881 Sans, R. Monner. El Reino de Hawaii : apuntes Geograficos, Ilistoricos, y Es- tadisticos. Plan and portrait. 8 Barcelona, 1883 Liberia : apuntes Ilistoricos, Geo- graficos, y Estadisticos. 8* Barcelona, 1884 Importancia y Necesidad del Estudio de la Geografia : Discurso leido ante la Sociedad Barcelonesa de Amigos de la Instruccion en la recepcion publica del socio D. R. Monner Sans. Large 8* Barcelona, 1887 Sans, Rafael. Biblioleca Boliviana de Geografia e Historia. II. Memoria Historica del Colegio de Misiones de San Jose de la Paz. Map and plates. 8 La Paz, 1888 420 SAN SAR. Sanson, Joseph. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 3 : Ap- pendix I. Sanson, N. Geographic de 1'Europe. Maps. 4 Paris, N.D. Sansovino, Francesco. Venetia Citta noblissima et singolare descritta, con aggiunta da G. Martinioiii. Small 4 Venice, 1663 Santarem, Vicomte de. L'Introduction des Precedes relatifs a la Fabrication des Etoffes de Sole dans la Peninsula His- panique, sous la Domination des Arabes. 8* Paris, 1838 - Analyse du Journal de la Navigation de la Flotte qui est allee a la Terre du Bresil en 1530-32, par Pedro Lopes de Sousa. 8* 1840 Memoria sobre a Prioridade dos Descobrimentos Portuguezes na Cosla d' Africa Occidental. 8 Paris, 1841 Recherches sur la Priorite de la Decouverte des Pays situes sur la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique, au-dela du Cap Bojador, et sur les Progres de la Science Geographique apres les Navigations des Portugais au XV e Siecle. 8 Paris, 1842 Sur la Veritable Date des Instruc- tions donnees a un des Premiers Capi- taines qui sont alles dans 1'Inde apres Cabral. 8* Paris, 1846 - Rapport sur un Memoire de M. de Silveira, relativement a la Decouverte des Terres du Pretre Jean et de la Guinee par les Portugais. 8* Paris, 1846 - Rapport sur 1'Ouvrage de M. Lopes de Lima, " Essais Statistiques sur les Possessions Portugaises en Outre-Mer. " 8* Paris, 1846 Examen des Assertions contenues dansun Opuscule, intitule, " Sur la Pub- lication des Monuments de la Geogra- phic," 1847. 8* Paris, 1847 Memoire sur la question de savoir a quelle Epoque 1'Amerique Meridionale a cesse d'etre representee dans les Cartes Geographiques comme une ile d'une grande etendue. 8* Paris, 1847 Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de Da Cunha Barbosa. 8* Paris, 1847 Essai sur 1'Histoire de la Cosmo- graphic et de la Cartographic pendant le Moyen-Age, et sur les Progres de la Geographic apres les grandes Decou- vertes du XV e Siecle, pour servir d'ln- troduction et d'Explication a 1'Atlas compose de Mappemonde et de Portu- lans, et d'autres Monuments Geogra- phiques, depuis le VI e Siecle de notre .re jusqu'au XVII e . 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1849-52 Statement of Facts, proving the Right of the Crown of Portugal to the Territories situated on the Western Coast of Africa lying between the fifth degree and twelve minutes, and the Santarem, Vicomte fa continued. eighth degree of South latitude. Trans- lated from the Portuguese. 8 1856 Quadro Elementar das Rela^oes Politicas e Diplomaticas de Portugal, com as diversas Potencias do Mundo, desde o principio do XVI. Seculo da Monarchia Portugueza ate 'aos nossos dias ; continuado e dirigido pelo Socio da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lislxm Luiz Augusto Rebello da Silva. Vols. i, 2 (1842); Vols. 3, 4(1843); Vol. 4 pte. 2 a (1844) ; Vol. 5 (1845) ; v ols. 6 (1850) and 7 (1851) in one; Vol. 8 (1853) ; Vol. 9 (1854) ; Vol. 15 (1854) ; Vol. 16(1858); Vol. 17(1859); Vol. 18 (1860). 8 Paris and Lisbon Memoria sobre o Estabelecimento de Macau. 8 Lisbon, 1879 Recherches Historiques, Critiques, et Bibliographiques sur Americ Vespuce et ses Voyages. 8 Paris, N. D. Notice sur Plusieurs Monuments Geographiques inedits du Moyen Age et du XVI e Siecle que se Trouvent dans quelques Bibliotheques de 1'Italie, avec Notes. 8* Paris, N.D. Sante, Gerret van. Alphabetische Naam- Lyst van alle de Groenlandsche en Straat-Davissche Commandeurs, die ze- dert het Jaar 1700 op Greenland, en zedert het Jaar 1719 op de Straat-Davis, voor Holland en andere Provincien hebben gevaaren. Plate. 4 Haarlem, 1770 Santesson, Henrik. See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Santos, Joao dos. Ethiopia Oriental, e varia Historia de coosas notaucis do Oriente. Small folio Evora, 1609 Ethiopia Oriental. [Reprint in the Bibliotheca de Classic' s Portuguezes.] 12 Lisbon, 1891 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I . Santvoort, J. Schouw. Plan van een Onderzoekingstocht in Midden-Sumatra. [Tijds. Aardrijks. Genoots. Biibladen. Eerste Deel. I.] Maps. 4* Aisterdai, 1876 Sapeto, Prof. Guiseppe. Viaggio e Missione Cattolica fra i Mensa i Bogos e gli Habab, con un cenno geografico e storico dell' Abissinia. 8 Kotne, 1857 - Etiopia. Map, 12 Koine, 1890 Sapunov, Y. The River Western Duna : historical and geographical sketch, fin Russian.! Maps Vitebsk, 1893 Sarauw, C. von. See Central Asia, B : Appendix 2. Sarbadhicary, S. A Sojourn in India : her Manners, Customs, Religion and its Origin. 12 1890 Sargeaunt, Lieut. -Col. , R. A. Adminis- tration Report on the Railways in India for 1892-93. Maps. Folio 1893 SAR SAU. 421 Sargent, Charles S. See United States, A (Tenth Census, Vol. 9) : Appendix 2. Sargent, Winthrop. Plan of an Ancient Fortification at Marietta, Ohio ; with Introduction by H. I. Bowditch. [2 leaves, and plans. ] 4* N.P., N.D. Saris, John. See Astley, Vol. I ; Gott- fried ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Purchas, Vol. I ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i : Appendix I. Saritschev, . See Sarychef, Sarmento, Dr F. M. See Portugal, Lisbon : Appendix 3. Sarmento, Affonso de Moraes. Chemin tie Fer du Zambeze. Map and tables. 4* Lisbon, 1889 Sarmiento, P. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Cal- lander, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Laharpe, Vol. 15; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12: Appendix I. Sars, Prof. GeorgOssian. NorgesFersk- vandskrebsdyr. Fo'rste Afsnit. Branchio- poda. I Cladocera Ctenopoda, &c. Plates. 4* Christ iania, 1865 See Norway, North Atlantic Expedi- tion ; United Kingdom, H, Challenger Reports : Appendix 2. Sars, Michael. Om Siphonodentalium Vitreum, en ny slaegt og art af dentali- dernes familie. Plates. 4* Ch ristia nia, 1 86 1 Beskrivelse over Lophogaster Typicus, en Mserkvcerdig form af de Lavere Tifoddede Krebsdyr. Plates. 4* Christiania, 1862 Om de i Norge forekommende fossile Dyrelevninger fra quartrerperioden, et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historic. Plates. 4 Chrisftania, 1865 Memoires pour servir a la connais- sance des Crinoi'des Vivants. Plates. 4* Christiania, 1868 Michael Sars. Nogle Trrek af en Naturforskers Levnet og Arbeider Bio- grafi af P. Chr. Asbjornsen. Small 8* Copenhagen, 1870 and T. Kjerulf. Jagttagelser over den Postpliocene eller Glaciale Forma- tion i en del af del sydlige Norge. Map. 4* Christiania, 1860 Sartori, Fr. Naturwunder des Oester- reichischen Kaiserthumes. 4vols. Plates. 12 Vienna, 1810 Sartorius, C. Importancia de Mexico para la Emigracion Alemana, traducida del Aleman por Augustin S. de Tagle. Map. 8* Mexico, 1852 Mexico and the Mexicans : Land- scapes and Popular Sketches. Plates. 4 1859 Sarychef or (Sarytschew), Capt. Voy- ages along the N.E. Coast of Siberia, and Arctic and Pacific Oceans, during eight years with the Geographical and Astro- nomical Expedition under the command Sarychef (or Sarytschew), Capt. contd. of Capt. Billings from 1785 to 1793. [In Russian.] 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1802 See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 5 : Appendix i. and Billings. See Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Sass, H. A Journey to Rome and Naples, performed in 1817 ; giving an account of the present state of Society in Italy, and containing Observations on the Fine Arts. 8 1818 Sathas, C. See Macheras. Satow, Sir Ernest Mason. Essay towards a Bibliography of Siam. 8 Singapore, 1886 The Jesuit Mission Press in Japan, 1591-1610. Plates. 4 1888 - See Murray's Handbook for Japan ; also Siam : Appendix 2. and Lieut. A. G. S. Hawes. Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan : being a Guide to Tokio, Kioto, Ozaka, an rnit einer Vorrede von Dr Paul Kayser. 2 vols. Large 8 I^ipzig, 1889 Schulthess, F. Expeditions Suedoises de 1876 au Yenissei. Maps. 8 Upsala, 1877 Schultz, Friedrich. Ueber den allge- meinen Zusammenhang der Hohen. Map. 4 Weimar, 1803 Schultz, Woldemar. Studien liber agrar- ische und physikalische Verhaltnisse in Sildbrasilien, in Ilinblick auf die Colon- isation und die freie Ein wanderung. Map. 8*, and Atlas folio Leipzig, 1865 Schultze, Dr E. See Germany, C : Ap- pendix 2. Schultzen, Walter. Ost-Indische Reyse. Plates. Small folio Amsterdam, 1676 Schulz, G. Descripcion Geognostica del Reino de Galicia. Map. Small 8* Madrid, 1835 Schulz, K. See Zsigmondy. Schulze, F. W. On Periodical Change of Terrestrial Magnetism. 8* 1879 Schulze, J. M. F. Kleines Lehrbuch der natiirlichen Granz- und Landerkunde, nebst einer vorhergehenden Abhandlung tiber Geographic und geographische Lehrmethode. 12 Halle, 1787 Schumacher, Gottlieb. Across the Jordan : being an Exploration and Survey of part of Hauran and Jaulan ; with Additions by Laurence Oliphant and Guy le Strange. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1886 DerDscholan. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1886 The Jaulan. With all the original maps and illustrations. 8 1888 Pella. Plan and illustrations. 12 1888 Northern 'Ajliin "Within the De- capolis. " Maps, plans, and illustrations. 8 1890 Schumann, Dr Carl. Kritische Unter- suchungen liber die Zimtlander. (Ergiin- zungsheft, 73 Petermann's Mittheil- ungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1883 Schiirmann, C. W. Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language, spoken by the Natives inhabiting the Western Shores of Spencer's Gulf ; with a Collection of Grammatical Rules. 8 Adelaide, 1844 See Teichelmann. Schiitt, Otto H. Reisen im slidwest- lichen Becken des Congo, nach den Tagebiichern und Aufzeichnungen des Reisenden ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Paul Lindenberg. [Forms Part 4 of " Beitrage zur Entdeckungsgeschichte Afrika's.] Maps. 8 Berlin, 1881 Schuver, Juan Maria. Reisen im oberen Nilgebiet. (Erganzungsheft, 72 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1883 Schuyler, E. Turkestan : Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkestan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1876 Schvarcz, Gyula. A Fajtakerdes Szin- vonala harom evelott. 8 Budapest, 1861 Schwab, M. le. Bibliographic de la Perse. 8 Paris, 1875 Schwager, Dr Conrad. Sec Richthofen; " Novara. " Schwanbeck, Dr. See M'Crindle, J. W. Schwaner, C. A. L. M. Borneo, be- schrijving van het Stroomgebied van den Barito en Reizen langs ccnige voorname Rivieren van het Zuid-Oostclijk gcdeelte van dat eiland, in 1843-47. 2 vols. Map and plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1853 Schwartner, M. von. Statistik des Koni- greichs Ungarn. 2 vols. 8 Budapest, 1 809- 1 1 Schwarz, Adolf. See Dorn, A. 43 SCII. Schwarz, Dr Bernhard. Montenegro : Schilderung einer Reise (lurch das Innere, nebst Entwurf einer Geographic des Landes. Map and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1883 Die Erschliessung cler Gebirge von den altesten Zeiten bis auf Saussure (1787). Nach Vorlesungen an der koniglichen Bergakademie zu Freiberg i. S. fiir Geo- graphen, Kulturhistoriker und Militars. 8 Leipzig, 1885 Kamerun. Reise in die Hinterlande der Kolonie. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1886 Quer durch Bithynien, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss Kleinasiens. Map. 8 Berlin, 1889 Schwarz, Christopher Gottlieb. Unter- suchungen vom Meere, die auf Veranlas- sung einer Schrift, De Columnis Herculis, welche . . . Herr C. G. Schwarz herausgegeben, . . . von einem Liebhaber der Naturlehre und der Philologie vorge- tragen werden. Small 4 Leipzig, 175 Schwarz, Eduard. Reine natiirliche Geo- graphic von Wiirtemberg. Map. 8 Stuttgart, 1832 See " Novara ; " Scherzer. Schwarz, T. Ueber Fels und Firn : die Bezwingung der machtigsten Hochgipfel der Erde durch den Menschen. Nach Berichten aus friiherer und spaterer Zeit fiir junge wie alte Freunde der Berge. 8 Leipzig, 1884 Schwarzenberg, F. A. Alexander von Humboldt ; or, What may be accom- plished in a Lifetime. 8 1866 Schwarzott, J. G. Die Hercules- Bader bei Mehadia. 12 Vienna, 1831 Schwatka, Lieut. Search for Franklin Remains. (Cuttings from New York Herald.) Map. Small 4 1880 Along Alaska's Great River : a Popular Account of the Travels of the Alaska Exploring Expedition of 1883, along the Great Yukon River, from its Source to its Mouth. Maps and illustra- tions New York, [1885] Wonderland, or Alaska and the In- land Passage ; with a Description of the Country traversed by the Northern Pacific Railroad, by John Hyde. Map and illustrations. Small 4* St J'aul, 1 886 See M'Clintock, Sir F. L. Schweder, E. Ueber die Weltkarte des Kosmographen von Ravenna : Versuch einer Rekonstruction der Karte. Maps. 8* Kiel, 1886 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. Bos- nien, das Land und seine Bewohner : geschichtlich, geographisch, ethnogra- phisch, und social-politisch geschildcrt. 2nd edition. Map and plates. 8 Vienna, 1879 Die Adria : Land und Seefahrten im Bereiche des Adriatischen Meeres. Map, plans, and illustrations. 8 Vienna, 1883 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. Das Mittelmeer. Map and illustrations. 8 Freiburg in Breisgau, 1 888 See Kirchner. Schweinfurth, Dr G. Pflanzengeogiaph- ische Skizze des gesammten Nil-Gebiets und der Uferlander des Rothen Meeres. {Incomplete.} Map. 4* [Got ha, 1868] The Heart of Africa : Three Years' Travels and Adventures in the Un- explored Regions of Central Africa, from 1868 to 1871. Translated by Ellen E. Frewer ; with an Introduction by Win- wood Reade. 2 vols. Maps ami plates. 8 1873 Linguislische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Centralafrika. 8* Berlin, 1873 The same, and edition. 1874 Artes Africanai : Illustrations and De- scriptions of Productions of the Industrial Arts of Central African Tribes. [In German and English.] Plates. 4 N.TJ. Ueber die Art des Reisens in Afrika. 8 Berlin, 1875 La Terra incognita dell' Egitto pro- priamente detto. Map. 8* Milan, 1878 Ueber die geologische Schichten- gliederung des Mokattam bei Cairo. Map, plate, and sections. 8* 1883 Das Volk von Socotra. 8* Leipzig, 1883 Alte Baureste und hicroglyphische Inschriften im Uadi Gasus ; mit Bemer- kungen von Prof. A. Erman. Map and plate. 4* Berlin, 1885 Sur une Ancienne digue en pierre aux environs de Ilelouan. Maps. 8* N.P. [1885]. Les Ateliers des Outils. en Silex dans le Desert Oriental de 1'Egypte ; sur la clecouverte d'une faune paleozoique dans le gres d'Egypte ; la vraie Rose de Jericho (Asteriscus Pygmceus Coss. et Dur). Les dernieres decouvertes Bo- taniques dans les Anciens. tombeaux de 1'Egypte. 8* [Cairo, 1886] Reise in das Depressionsgebiet im Umkreise des Fajiim im Januar 1886. Map. 8* 'Berlin, 1886 Zur Topographic der Ruinenstatte des alien Schet (Krokodilopolis - Arsinoe). Nebst Zusatzen von U. Wilcken. Map. 8* Berlin, 1887 Surunerecente Exploration Geologique de 1'Ouadi Arabah. 8* Cairo, 1888 Sur la r Flore des Anciens Jardins Arabes d'Egypte. 8* Cairo, 1888 Le Piante Utili dell' Eritrea. 8* Naples, 1891 -l'-gyptens auswartige Beziehungen hinsichtlich der Culturgewachse. 8* Berlin, 1891 Erinnerungen von einer Fahrt nach Sokotra. (From Westermann's Illitstr. Monalshefte.) Illustrations. 8* [1891] SCH-SCO. Schweinfurth, DrG. Abyssinische Pflan- zennamen : eine alphabetische Aufzah- lung von Namen einheimischer Gewachse in Tigrinja, sowie in anderen Semitischen und HamitischenSprachenvon Abyssinien unter Beifligung der Botanischen Art- Ijezeichnung. 4* Berlin, 1893 Translation of a Note by Dr Schwein- furth on the Salt in the Wady Rayan. 4* [Cairo, 1893] - Ueber Balsam und Myrrhe. Sonder- abdruck aus den Berichten der pharnia- ceutischen Gesellschaft. 8* Berlin [ 1 893] and P. Ascherson. Primitive Flora; Marmaricrc, mit Beitragen von I*. Tauliert. Plate. 8 Rome, 1893 See Beyrich ; Emin Pasha. Schwoy, F. J. Topographic vom Mark- grafthum Mahren. 3 vols. 8 Vienna, 1793-94 Schynse, August Wilhelm. Zwei Jahre am Congo. Erlebnisse und Schilder- ungen. Ilerausgegeben von Karl lies- pers. Illustrations. 8 Cologne, 1889 Mit Stanley und Emin Pascha durch Deutsch Ost-Africa. Ilerausgegeben von Karl Hespers. 8 Cologne, 1890 A Travers 1'Afrique avec Stanley et Emin Pacha : Journal de Voyage du Pere Schynse, public par Charles Hespers. 12 Paris, 1890 Scidmore, Miss E. Ruhamah. Alaska, its Southern Coast and the Sitkan Archipelago. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 Boston, Mass. [1885] Jinrikisha Days in Japan. Illustra- tions. 8 Q New York, 1891 Sclater, P. L. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists ; also West Indies, A : Ap- pendix 2. Scobel, A. Die geographischen und Kultur-Verhaltnisse Mexicos. Map. 8* Leipzig, 1883 Die Verkehrswege Mexicos und ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Map. 8* Bremen, 1887 Scoresby, William. Account of the Arctic Regions ; with a History and Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1820 Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery ; including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland, made in 1822. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1823 The Franklin Expedition ; or, Con- siderations on Measures for the Discovery and Relief of our absent Countrymen in the Arctic Regions. Maps. 8 1850 The Life of William Scoresby ; by his nephew R. E. Scoresby - Jackson. Portrait, map, and plates. 12 1 86 1 Scoresby-Jackson, Dr R. E. On the Influence of Weather upon Disease and Mortality. Map and plates. 4* Edinburgh, 1863 See Scoresby. Scot, Edmund. See Astley, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 8 ; Purchas, Vol. I , Book 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Scot,' Sir John, of Scotstarvet. The staggering state of Scottish Statesmen from 1550 to 1650; with a Memoir of the Author and Historical Illustrations by the Rev. Charles Rogers. 8 Edinburgh, 1872 Scot, W. L. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book IO : Appendix I. Scott, Alexander. Remarks on the Natural History of Socotra : being an Account of the Expedition to the Island under the auspices of the Royal Society of London, in February and March 1880. 8* 1881 Scott, Alexander. See Phillips [3], Vol. 9 : Appendix i. Scott, Arthur, and Lewis Atkinson. A Short History of Diamond Cutting ; with a Preface by Edwin W. Streeter. 12* N.I). Scott, Charles H. The Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Crimea : comprising Travels in Russia, a Voyage down the Volga to Astrachan, and a Tour through Crim Tartary. 8 1854 The Danes and the Swedes : being an Account of a Visit to Denmark, includirtg Schleswig - Holstein and the Danish Islands, with a Peep into Jutland. 8 1856 Colonel. A Journal of a Residence in the Esmailla of Abdel-Kader, and of Travels in Moroco and Algiers. Portrait, 8 1842 Scott, Rev. D. C. A Cyclopedic Dic- tionary of the Mang'anja Language spoken in British Central Africa. Crown 8 Edinburgh, 1892 Scott, G. B. See Blackwood, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Scott, H. J. South Australia in 1887. 8 Adelaide, 1887 Scott, James George (Shway Yoe). France and Tonking : a Narrative of the Campaign of 1884 and the Occupation of Further India. Map and plans. 8 1885 Burma as it was, as it is, and as it will be. Small 8 1886 The British Shan States. ( The Asiatic Quarterly Review, July 1889.) 8* 1889 Scott, Hon. J. R., and C. P. Sprent. Reports on the Western Country of Tasmania. Folio* Hobart, 1877 Scott, Robert. See Dictionaries, A : App. 2. Scott, Robert H. Report of an Inquiry into the connection between Strong Winds and Barometrical differences. 8* 1868 432 SCO SEE. Scott, Robert H. Barometer Manual. Board of Trade. 8* 1871 The History of the Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey. 8 1885 See Symons, G. J. ; also United King- dom, B, Appendix 2. and Richard H. Curtis. On the Working of the Harmonic Analyser at the Meteorological Office. 8 1886 Scott-Moncrieff, Sir Colin. See Brown, Major R. H. Scrafton, Luke. Reflections on the Government of Indostan ; with a Short Sketch of the History of Bengal from 1739 to 1756, and an Account of the English Affairs to 1758. 8 1770 Scratchley, Sir P. See Cooke, C. K. ; Fort. Scribner, G. Hilton. Where did Life Begin ? a Brief Inquiry as to the Pro- bable Place of Beginning, and the Natural Courses of Migration therefrom, of the Flora and Fauna of the Earth. Small 8 New York, 1883 Scroggs, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Scrope, G. Poulett. Considerations on Volcanos, the Probable Causes of their Phenomena, &c., leading to the Estab- lishment of a New Theory of the Earth. Map and plates. 8 1825 The Geology and Extinct Volcanoes of Central P'rance. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 8 1858 Memoire sur le Mode de Formation des Cones Volcaniques et des Crateres. Traduit de 1'Anglais, par E. Pieraggi. Plate and woodcuts. 8* Paris, 1860 Scudder, S. H. Revision of the Stylated Fossorial Crickets. 4* Salem, Mass., 1869 A Year of Exploration in North America : President's Address before the Appalachian Mountain Club, 9th January 1878. 8* Boston, Mass., 1878 Description of an Articulate of Doubtful Relationship of the Tertiary Beds of Florissant, Colorado. 4* 1882 Nomenclator Zoologicus : an Alpha- betical List of all Generic Names that have been employed by Naturalists for Recent and Fossil Animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1879. 2 parts. 1st, Supplemental List; 2nd, Universal Index. 8 Washington, 1882 Dr John Lawrence LeConte: a Memoir read to the National Academy of Science ; with an Appendix on the Ancestry of the Family. Portrait. 8* N.P., 1884 See Harris, C. W. Scully, William. Brazil, its Provinces and Chief Cities, the Manners and Cus- toms of the People, &c. Map. 8 1866 Sealsfield, Charles. See Blackwood, Vol. 3: Appendix I. Seaman, William. Grammatica Linguie Turcica 1 . Small 4 Oxford, 1670 Sebald, Dr H. See Schouw. Secchi, A. Escursione Scientifica fatta a Norcia ad Occasione clei Terremoti del 22 Agosto 1859. 4 Rome, 1860 Secchi, P. A. Misura della Base Trigonometrica eseguita sulla Via Appia, I ^54-55. Plates. Folio Koine, 1858 Sedgwick, Adam. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic Rocks ; with a Detailed Systematic De- scription of the British Pakeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museums of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, by Frederick McCoy. Fasc. 2. Plates. 4 1852 and Sir Roderick I. Murchison. On the Structure and Relations of the Deposits contained between the Primary Rocks and the Oolitic Series in the North of Scotland. Maps and plates. 4 1828 A Sketch of the Structure of the Eastern Alps ; with Sections through the Newer Formations on the Northern Flanks of the Chain, and through the Tertiary Deposits of Styria, &c. ; with Supplementary Observations by Sir R. I. Murchison. Maps and plates. 4 1831 Description of a Raised Beach in Barnstaple or Bideford Bay, on the North-west Coast of Devonshire. Wood- cuts. 4 1836 On the Physical Structure of Devon- shire, and on the Subdivisions and Geo- logical Relations of its Older Stratified Deposits, &c. Map and plates. 4* 1837 Classification of the Older Stratified Rocks of Devonshire and Cornwall. 8* 1839 On the Distribution and Classification of the Older or Pakeozoic Deposits of the North of Germany and Belgium, and on their Comparison with Formations of the same Age in the British Isles ; followed by a Description of the Fossil Mollusca by M. E. de Verneuil and Viscount D'Archiac. 4 1842 Sedgwick, James. The True Principle of the Law of Storms, practically arranged for both Hemispheres. Diagrams. Royal 8* 1852 Sedgwick, Professor. See Livingstone. Sedillot, . Notice sur une Carte Routiere de Mesched a Bokhara et de Bokhara a Balkh, d'apres la Traduction de M. Garcin de Tessy. Maps. 8* Paris, 1852 - See Hansteen. Seebohm, F. The Crisis of Emancipa- tion in America. 8* 1865 Seebohm, Henry. Siberia in Europe : a Visit to the Valley of the Petchora in North-east Russia ; with Descriptions of the Natural History, Migration of Birds, &c. Map and illustrations. 8 1880 SEE SEM. 433 Seebohm, Henry. Siberia in Asia : a Visit to the Valley of the Yenesay in East Siberia ; with Description of the Natural History, Migration of Birds, &c. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1882 Seeley, H. G. The Fresh- water Fishes of Europe : a History of their Genera, Species, Structure, Habits, and Distribu- tion. Illustrations. Large 8 1886 Seeley, J. R. See Trendell. Seemann, Berthold. Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Herald," 1845-51, under the command of Capt. Henry Kellett : being a Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Three Cruises to the Arctic Regions in search of Sir John Franklin. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1853 The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Herald" . . . Edited by Prof. Edward Forbes ; Vertebrals, in- cluding Fossil Mammals, by Sir John Richardson. Plates. 4 1854 Viti : an Account of a Government Mission to the Vitian or Fijian Islands in the years 1 860-6 1. Map and plates. 8 1862 See Galton, Vacation Tourists ; Kittlitz. Seetzen, Ulrich Jasper. Brief Account of the Countries adjoining the Lake of Tiberias, the Jordan, and the Dead Sea. Map. 4* Bath, 1810 Reisen durch Syrien, Palastina, Pho- nicien, die Transjordan- Lander, Arabia Petraea, und Unter-Aegypten. Heraus- gegeben und commentirt von Prof. Dr F. Kruse in Verbindung mit Prof. Dr Hinrichs, Dr G. F. H. Miiller, und mehreren andern Gelehrten. Vols. I and 2 in one. 8 Berlin, 1854 Seguin, J. Les Antiquitez d'Arles, traitees en maniere d'entretien et d'ltineraire. Small 4 Aries, 1687 Segura, JoseC. , and Manuel D. Cordero. Resena sobre el cultivo de algunas Plantas industriales que se explotan en la Repiiblica. Plates. 8 Mexico, 1884 Seilliere, Ernest. Une Excursion a Ithaque : Dessins de Pierre Vignal d'apres les photographies de 1'auteur. 4 Paris, 1892 Seidel, Ludwig. Untersuchungen iiber die Lichtstarke der Planeten Venus, Mars, Jupiter, und Saturn. 4 Munich, 1859 Sein-ko. See Taw Sein-ko. Selberg, Eduard. Reis naar Java en Bezoek op het Eiland Madura ; vrij vertaald, naar het Hoogduitsch . . . door W. L. de Sturler. Map. 8 Amsterdam, 1846 Selby, W. B. Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon. [From the India Records, No. 51.] Plans. Royal 8 Bombay, 1859 Selby, W. B. Directions for approaching Bombay. 8* N.P., N.D. Seler, Dr Edward. Reisebriefe aus Mexiko. Illustrations. 8 Berlin, 1889 Selfridge, T. O. Reports of Explora- tions and Surveys to ascertain the Prac- ticability of a Ship-Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Darien. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1874 Selim, Capt. Premier Voyage a la re- cherche des Sources du Bahr-el-Abiad ou Nil-Blanc. 8* Paris, 1840 Sella, V., and D. Vallino. Monte Rosa and Gressoney. Illustrations. Oblong 8 [1890] Nel Caucaso Centrale. Note di Escursioni colla Camera oscura. Map and illustrations. 8 Turin, 1890 Selous, Frederick Courteney. A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa : being a Nar- rative of Nine Years spent amongst the Game of the Far Interior of South Africa, containing Accounts of Explora- tions . . ; with full Notes upon the Natural History and Present Distribu- tion of all the large Mammalia. 2nd edition. Map and illustrations. 8 1890 Travel and Adventure in South-east Africa : being the Narrative of the last Eleven Years spent by the Author on the Zambesi and its Tributaries ; with an Account of the Colonisation of Mashuna- land, and the progress of ' the Gold Industry of that Country. Map and illustrations. 8 1893 Selwyn, Alfred R. C. See Stanford, E. ; also Victoria, D : Appendix i. and George H. F. Ulrich. Inter- colonial Exhibition Essays, 1 866. Notes on the Physical Geography, Geology, and Mineralogy of Victoria. Map and plates. 8* Melbourne, 1866 and G. M. Dawson. Descriptive Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Dominion of Canada. Map. 8 Montreal, 1884 Selwyn, Capt. J. H. Explanation of the Floating Cylinders for Laying Telegra- phic Submarine Cables. Plate. 4* N.D. Semenoff, P. Geographico - Statistical Lexicon of the Russian Empire. [In Russian.] 5 vols. Large 8 St Petersburg, 1863-85 Semmes, Raphael. My Adventures Afloat : a Personal Memoir of My Cruises and Services in " The Sumter " and "Alabama." Vol.2. 8 1869 Semper, Dr Karl. Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner. Sechs Skizzen. Maps. 8 Wiirzburg, 1869 Die Palau-Inseln im Stillen Ocean. 8 Leipzig, 1873 434 SEM-SIIA. Semple, R. See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Sen, . Le Relief du Mont-Blanc et des Sommites Environnantes. 8* Geneva, 1844 See Jomard. Senhouse, Humphrey le Fleming. Graham Island. [Copy of a Letter dated 5th August 1831.] 8* [1831] Senillosa, Don F. Programa de un Curso de Geometria. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1825 Memoria sobre los Pesos y Medidas. 8* Buenos Ay res, 1835 Senior, N. W. A Journal kept in Turkey and Greece in the Autumn of 1857 and the beginning of 1858. Maps and plates. 8 1859 "Senjawin." See Kittlitz. Seoane, Guillermo A. Tribunales de Arbitraje : Centra-Memorandum sobre algunas Reclamaciones Francesas pre- sentado al Tribunal Franco-Chileno. 8 Santiago, 1885 Sepp, Ant. See Churchill, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix i. Sequeira, Diego Lopez de. See Gott- fried : Appendix I. Sequeira, Gonsalo de. See Gottfried : Appendix i. Serena, Carla. Mon Voyage : Souvenirs personnels I. De la Baltique a la Mer Caspienne ; 2. Une Europeenne en Perse. Portrait and frontispiece. 12 Paris [1881] Hommes et Choses en Perse. Por- trait and plates. 12 Paris, 1883 Serrano, M. Ramon. Derrotero del Estrecho de Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego i Canales de la Patagonia. Desde el Canal de Chacao hasta el Cabo de Hornos. Plates. I/arge 8 Santiago de Chile, 1891 Serrant, Emile. Le Bispain pour 1' Ali- mentation du Soldat en Campagne et du Marin. 8* Paris, N.D. Les Mines d'Or du Bambouk. 8* Paris, 1888 Serrurier, L. Professor Schlegel's zoo- genaamcle Kritiek van het Japansch- Nederlandsch en Japansch- Engelsch Woordenboek. Deel 3. 8* Leyden, 1893 Sessions, Frederick. The Gonds of Central India, their Country, Religion, and Customs. (Reprinted from The Friends^ Quarterly Examiner. ) 8* N. D. Sesti, Don Battista G. Piante delle Citta, &c., di Milano. 4 Milan, 1707 Seton, G. St Kilda, Past and Present. Map and plates. 8 1878 Seton-Karr, H. W. Shores and Alps of Alaska. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 Ten Years' Wild Sports in Foreign Lands, or Travels in the Eighties. 8 1889 Settimanni, Cesare. D'une nouvelle Methode pour determiner la Parallaxe du Soleil. 8* Florence, 1869 D'un seconde Nouvelle Melhode pour determiner la Parallaxe du Soleil. 8* Florence, 1870 Seue, C. de. La Neve de Justedal et ses Glaciers. Map and plates. 4* Christ iania, 1870 Windrosen des siidlichen Norwegens. Tables. 4* Christ iania, 1876 Historisk Beretning om Norges Geografiske Opmaaling fra den Stiftelse i 1773 indtil Udgangen af 1876. Maps. 8 Christianid, 1876 Seume, G. J. A Tour through Part of Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Den- mark, &c., during the summer of 1805. Translated from the German. Plates. 8 1807 See Phillips [i], Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Seve, Edouard. La Patria Chilena : le Chili telqu'ilest. I. 8 Valparaiso, 1876 Seward, A. C. Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate : being the Sedgwick Prize Essay for the year 1892. 8 1892 Seward, William. Journal of a Voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia to England, 1740. 8 1740 Sewastionoff, Pierre de. See Ptolemy. Sewell, Robert. See Weber, A. Sewerzow, N. Travels in Turkestan and Researches in the Thian-Shan. [In Russian.] Maps and illustrations. 8 St Petersburg, 1873 Erforschungdes Thian-Schan-Gebirgs- Systems, 1867. (Erganzungsheft, 42 and 43 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) Col- oured map. 4 Gotha, 1875 Sexe, S. A. Mrerker efter en listid i Omegnen af Hardangerfjorden. Map. 4* Christiania, 1866 Boiumbneen, i Juli 1868. Universi- tets- Program for Forste Semester 1869. Plate. 4* Christiania, 1869 Seyd, Ernest. California and its Re- sources : a Work for the Merchant, the Capitalist, and the Emigrant. Maps and plates. 8 1858 Seymour, G. L. See Lane-Poole, S. Seymour, H. D. Russia on the Black Sea and Sea of Azof : being a Narrative of Travels in the Crimea and bordering Provinces. Maps. 8 1855 Shabeeny, . See Jackson, J. G. Shadwell, C. F. A. Tables for Facili- tating the Approximate Prediction of Occultations and Eclipses for any parti- cular place. Diagrams. 8 1847 Tables for Facilitating the Determina- tion of the Latitude at Sea by the Simul- taneous Altitudes of two Stars. 8 1849 Tables for Facilitating the Determina- tion of the Latitude and Time at Sea by Observations of the Stars. 8 1854 SHA. 435 Shadwell, C. F. A. Formuke of Navi- gation and Nautical Astronomy, on 12 Cards, in case. 12 1856 and 1859 Tables for Facilitating the Reduction of Lunar Observations. 8 1860 Notes on the Management of Chrono- meters and the Measurement of Meridian Distances. 8 1855 and 1861 Notes on Interpolation, Mathematical and Practical. 8 1879 Shaffner, Tal. P. The Telegraph Manual: a Complete History and Description of the Semaphoric, Electric, and Magnetic Telegraphs of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, Ancient and Modern. Portraits and illustrations. 8 New York, 1859 Shahamet Ali. The Sikhs and Afghans, in connection with India and Persia, immediately before and after the death of Ranjeet Singh. 8 1847 Shakespear, A. Memoir of the Statistics of the North-Western Provinces of the Bengal Presidency. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1848 Shakespear, John. Muntakhabat-i-Hindi : or Selections in Hindustani, with Verbal Translations or particular Vocabularies, and a Grammatical Analysis of some parts. Vol. i. 4 1824 Shakespear, Capt. Sir Richmond. See Black wood, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Shaler, Prof. N. S. Aspects of the Earth : a Popular Account of some familiar Geo- logical Phenomena. Illustrations. 8 1890 Nature and Man in America. Crown 8 1892 Share, James M. Great Circle Tables for the North Atlantic, by which the Great Circle and Mercator Courses, &c., may be easily found ; together with Short Practical Rules and Corresponding Ex- amples in Great Circle Sailing. 4 1852 The Lee Shore, or Loss of H.M.S. " Warrior," and other Poems. 12 1856 Tables for Ascertaining a Ship's Distance from the Summit of High Land, having taken its Altitude above the Sea Horizon with a Sextant ; with a Short Distance Table. 4 1857 t'harland, Emily Cruwys. Coin of the Realm ; what is it ? or Talks about Gold and Silver Coins . . . ; also, as an Appendix, an Exchange Calculus (Five Papers), and a Memorandum on Money, with Valuable and Original Tables by John Henry Norman. 8 1888 Sharp, Capt. Bartholomew, and others. Voyages and Adventures in the South Sea ; also Capt. Van Horn with his Buc- canieres surprizing of la Vera Cruz ; to which is added the true Relation of Sir Henry Morgan his Expedition against the Spaniards in the West Indies, and Sharp, Capt. B., &c. continued. his taking Panama, together with the President of Panama's Account of the same Expedition ; and Col. Beeston's adjustment of the Peace between the Spaniards and English in the West Indies. 8 1684 See Callander, Vol. 2 ; Hacke : Ap- pendix i. Sharp, David. An Address read before the Entomological Society of London. 8* 1889 Sharp, Samuel. See "The Modern Traveller," Vol. 4, p. 610: Appendix i. Sharpe, R. B. See " Erebus " and " Terror." Sharpe, Reginald R. Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, circa A.D. 1350-70, enrolled and preserved among the Archives of the Corporation at the Guildhall. Edited [with an Introduc- tion] by Reginald R. Sharpe, D.C.L. 8 1885 Sharpe, Samuel. History of Egypt, from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640. 8 1846 Sharpe, A. Report, dated from Sumlx), S.W. corner of Tanganyika, 8th Sep- tember 1890, and addressed to Consul- General Johnston. Folio* 1892 Sharpey, Alex. See Astley, Vol. i ; Gottfried; Kerr, Vol. 8; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 ; Allgemeine Historic,, Vol. I : Appendix I. Shaw, Barnabas. Memorials of South Africa. Map and plate. 8 1840 Shaw, Miss Flora L. Letters from Queensland. By The Times Special Correspondent. 12 ^93 Letters from South Africa. By The Times Special Correspondent. Re- printed from The Times of July, August, September, and October 1892. Crown 8 1893 Shaw, George A. Madagascar and France : with some Account of the Island, its People, its Resources, and Development. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1885 Madagascar of To-day : an Account of the Island, its People, Resources, and Development. Illustrations. 32 1886 Shaw, Dr J. Ramble through the United States, Canada, and the West Indies. 8 1856 Shaw, J. The Geography of South Africa, Physical and Political. 12 1878 Shaw, Dr Norton. Introductory Notice to Dr Isaac I. Hayes's " Boat Journey," with Lists of Arctic Expeditions and Works. 12* 1860 See Hayes; Jackson, Col. J. R. ; Nilsson ; Rink. Shaw, Peter. See Varenius. 436 SHA SHI. Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashghar [formerly Chinese Tartary], and Return Journey over the Karakoram Pass. Maps and plates. 8 1871 Shaw, Thomas. Travels, or Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. Maps and plates. 4 1757 Travels, with some Account of the Author. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1808 See Pinkerton, Vol. 15; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6; "The World Dis- played," Vols. n, 17, 18 : Appendix i. Shaw, William. See Dictionaries, A, Gaelic : Appendix 2. Shaw's Tour in the West of England. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Sheafer, Messrs. See United States, K, Pennsylvania : Appendix 2. " Shearwater." See Carpenter, W. B. Shedden, Robert. Nautical Obervations, &c., taken during the Voyage of the " Nancy Dawson " to Behring Strait, &c. 3 vols. MS. Folio 1848-49 Sheepshanks, R. Reply to Mr Babbage's Letter " On the Planet Neptune and the Royal Astronomical Society's Medal." 8* 1847 Sheil, Lady. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. Plates. 8 1856 Shelbourne, Major Sidney F. Inter- oceanic Ship Canal : San Bias Route. Map. 8* New York, 1880 Comparative View of the Panama and San Bias Routes for an Interoceanic Canal. 8* New York, 1880 Sheldon, J. P. To Canada and through it with the British Association. Map and illustrations. 8 Ottawa, 1885 Sheldon, Mrs M. French. Sultan to Sultan : Adventures among the Masai and other Tribes of East Africa. Map, portrait, and illustrations. Small 4 1892 Shelley, G. E. A Handbook to the Birds of Egypt. Plates. Large 8 1872 Shelvocke, George. A Voyage round the World by the way of the Great South Sea, performed in the years 1719-20-21-22, in the "Speedwell" of London . . . till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandes, in May 1720; and afterwards continu'd in the "Recovery," the "Jesus Maria," and " Sacra Familia," &c. Map and plates. 8 1726 The same, in the year 1718. 2nd edition. Maps ami plates. 8 1757 See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Callander, Vol. 3 ; Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. Shepard, J. S. Over the Dovrefjelds. Plate. Small 8 1873 Shepherd, C. W. The North-West Peninsula of Iceland : being the Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Spring and Summer of 1862. Map and plates. 8 1867 Shepherd, W. Homeward through Mongolia and Siberia. Map. 8* 1880 Shepherd, Major W. Prairie Ex- periences in handling Cattle and Sheep. Map and illustrations. 8 1884 Sheridan, Lieut. -General P. H. Report, dated 2Olh September 1881, of his Ex- pedition through the Big Horn Mountains, Yellowstone National Park, &c. ; to- gether with Reports of Lieut. -Col. J. F. Gregory, Surgeon W. H. Forwood, and Capt. S. C. Kellogg. Maps. 8* Washington, 1882 Report of an Exploration of Parts of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, in 1882 ; with the Itinerary of Col. Jas. F. Gregory, and a Geological and Botanical Report by Surgeon W. H. Forwood. Map. 8* Washington, 1882 and W. T. Sherman. Reports of Inspection made in the summer of 1877 of country north of the Union Pacific Railroad. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1878 Sherley, Sir A. See Shirley. Sherman, O. T. See United States, H, b, Signal Service : Appendix 2. Sherman, W. T. See Sheridan. Sherriff, William. Report on the North- ern Shan States. Map and illustration. Folio* Rangoon, 1889 Sherrin, R. A. A., and J. H. Wallace. Brett's Historical Series. Early History of New Zealand : From Earliest Times to 1840, by R. A. A. Sherrin ; from 1840 to 1845, by J. H. Wallace. Edited by Thomson W. Leys. Illustrations. 4 Auckland, 1890 Sherwill, Capt. W. S. Report on the Rivers of Bengal. Maps. Papers of 1856, '57, and '58, on the Damoodah Embankments, &c. Afaps. [From India Records, No. 29.] Royal 8 Bengal, 1858 Shields, G. O. The Big Game of North America, its Habits, Habitat, Haunts, and Characteristics ; How, when, and where to Hunt it. ... Edited by G. O. Shields ( ' ' Conquina "). Illustrations. 8 1890 Shillibeer, Lieut. J. Narrative of the "Briton's" Voyage to Pitcairn's Island, including a Sketch of the Present State of the Brazils and of Spanish South America. Plates. 8 1818 See Eyries, Vol. 6 : Appendix i. Shillinglaw, John J. Narrative of Arctic Discovery, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; with Details of Measures adopted for the Relief of Sir John Franklin. Maps and portrait. 8 1850 SHI SIB. 437 Shillinglaw, John J. Cast away on the Auckland Isles : a Narrative of the Wreck of the "Grafton," and of the Escape of the Crew after twenty months' suffering, from the Private Journals of Capt. Thus. Musgrave ; with a Map, and some Account of the Auck- lands. 8 Melbourne, 1865 Historical Records of Port Phillip : the First Annals of the Colony of Victoria. Map and plates. 8 Melbourne, 1879 Shipley, John B. The Full Significance of 1492. 12 New York, 1890 and Marie A. Shipley. The Eng- lish Re-discovery and Colonisation of America. Crown 8 [1890] Shipley, Mrs John B. Suppressed His- torical Facts : Roman Catholic Evidence confirming Leif Erikson's Discovery of America. 12 New York, 1890 Shipp, Barnard. The History of Hernando de Soto and Florida, or Record of the Events of Fifty-six Years, from 1512 to 1568. Maps. Large 8 Philadelphia, 1881 Shirley (or Sherley), Sir Anthony. Voyages to the West Indies, Central America, Newfoundland, and Persia. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix i. Shirley, William. Letter to the Duke of Newcastle ; with a Journal of the Siege of Louisburg, and other Operations of the Forces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton. 8* 1746 Sholl, T. C. The North-West Settle- ments. [Cuttings from a Newspaper, containing an Account by T. C. Sholl of a North Australian Exploring Expedi- tion.] Folio* N.P., 1866 Shoolbred, J. N. On the Changes in the Tidal Portion of the River Mersey and in its Estuary. Maps. 8* 1876 Shooter, Joseph. The Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu Country. Map and plates. 8 1857 Shore, Hon. Henry Noel. The Flight of the Lapwing : a Naval Officer's jottings in China, Formosa, and Japan. Map and illustrations. 8 1 88 1 Shortland, Edward. Maori Religion and Mythology, illustrated by Translations of Traditions, Karakia, &c. ; to which are added Notes on Maori Tenure of Land. Small 8 1882 Shortland, Lieut. See Phillip, Governor Arthur; /wPelham, Vol. i : Appendix I. Shortland, P. F. Bay of Fundy : Re- marks for Sailing Directions, made be- tween the years 1850-55. 8 1856 Bay of Fundy Pilot, from Baccaro Point to Q noddy Head, including the Grand Manan Island. 8 1857 Shortland, P. F. Sounding Voyage of Her Majesty's ship "Hydra," 1868. Plates. Square 8 1869 Shortrede, Robert. Compendious Loga- rithmic Tables, embracing Logarithms to Numbers and Numbers to Logarithms, with Logarithmic Sines and Tangents to every Five Minutes of the Quadrant. 8 Edinburgh, 1844 Logarithmic Tables, to Seven Places of Decimals, containing Logarithms to Numbers from I to 120,000. . . . Royal 8 Edinburgh, 1844 Shortt, J. Topographical Report on the Political Districts of Raigurh, Sarungurh, Sonepore, and Sumbulpore. [From the India Records, No. 23] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1855 Showell, R. H. Rough Notes on the Petty Estate of Jowar. See Marriott. Shreeve, W. Whitaker. Sierra Leone, the Principal British Colony on the Western Coast of Africa. 8 1847 Shuck, J. L. Portfolio Chinensis, or a Collection of authentic Chinese State Papers illustrative of the History of the Present Position of Affairs in China ; with a Translation, Notes, and Introduc- tion. 8 Macao, 1840 Shufeldt, R. W. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the Practica- bility of a Ship - Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the way of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Maps, plates, and profiles. 4 Washington, 1872 Shumard, B. F. Report on the Geo- logical Survey of the State of Missouri. See United States, K (Missouri) : Ap- pendix 2. and G. C. Swallow. Descriptions of New Fossils from the Coal Measures of Missouri and Kansas. 8* St Louis, 1858 Shurtleff, Nath. B. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, in New Eng- land, 1633-89. 8 vols. in 6. 4 Boston, Mass., 1855-57 Shway Yeo. See Scott, J. G. Sibree, James, junr. Madagascar and its People : Notes of a Four Years' Resi- dence ; with a Sketch of the History, Position, and Prospects of Mission Work amongst the Malagasy. 8 [1870] South-East Madagascar : being Notes of a Journey through the Tanala, Tai- moro, and Taisaka Countries, in June and July 1876. Map. 12* Antananarivo, N. D. The Great African Island : Chapters on Madagascar, a Popular Account of Recent Researches, &c. Maps and plates. 8 1880 A Madagascar Bibliography : includ- ing Publications in the Malagasy Lan- guage and a List of Maps of Madagascar. 8 Antananarivo, 1885 438 SIB SIL. Sibree, James, junr. See Megiserus. Sibley, Dr. See Phillips [i], Vol. 6: Appendix I. Sibthorp, Dr. See Walpole, Turkey : Appendix I. Sibthorpe, A. B. C. The Geography of Sierra Leone. Revised, corrected, and enlarged. 2nd edition. 16* N.D. - The Geography of the Surrounding Territories of Sierra Leone. 16* 1892 Sice, Eugene. Traite des Lois Mahome- tanes, ou Recueil des Lois, Usages, et Coutumes des Musulmans du Decan. 8 Paris, 1841 Sichel, J. See " Novara." Sickler, F. K. L. Handbuch der alien Geographic fuer Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht, mil sleter Ruecksicht auf die Numismatische Geographic, &c. 2 vols. 8 Cassel, 1822 Sidenbladh, Elis. See Sweden, A (Geo- logiska Undersokning) : Appendix 2. Sidi-Aly. Relation des Voyages de Sidi- Aly fils d'Houtian, nomme ordinaire- menl Katibi Roumi, Amiral de Soliman II. Ecrile en Turk ; traduite de 1'alle- mand, sur la version de M. de Diez, par M. Moris. 8 Paris, 1827 Sidney, Samuel. The Three Colonies of Australia New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, their Pastures, Copper Mines, and Gold Fields. Map and illus- trations. 8 i 853 Sidoti, Jean Baptiste. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Siebold, C. Th. E. Ueber Partheno- genesis. 4* Munich, 1862 Siebold, Carl Theodor von. See Hertwig. Siebold, Ph. Fr. de. , Voyage au Japon pendant 1823-30. Edition Francaise, redigee par Montry et Fraissinet, Vols. i and 5. 8 Paris, 1838 and 1840 Leltre sur 1'utilite des Musees Ethno- graphiques, et sur 1'importance de leur creation dans les Etals Europeens qui possedent des Colonies, ou qui entretien- nent des Relations Commerciales avec les autres parties du Monde. Royal 8* Paris, 1843 Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben- und Schutz- landern ; Jezo mil den Siidlichen Kurilen, Kraflo, Koorai, und den Liukiu-Inseln, &c. Vols. 1-6. Maps ami plates. Folio Ley den, 1852 See Vries. and P. Melvill de Carnbee. Le Moniteur des Indes-Orientales et Occi- dentales, recueil de Memoires et de Notices Scientifiques et Industriels, de Nouvelles et de Fails importants con- cernant les Possessions Neerlandaises d'Asie et d'Amerique, 1846-49. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 The Hague, 1847-49 Sieger, Dr Robert. Die Schwankungen der hocharmenischen Seen seit 1800 in Vergleichung, mil einigen verwandlen Erscheinungen. Diagrams. 8* Vienna, 1888 Glelscher- und Seespiegelschwank- ungen. 12* Munich, 1888 Neue Beilrage zur Statistik der Sees- piegelschwankungen. 8* Vienna, 1888 Schwankungen der innerafrikanischen Seen. 8* Vienna, N.I). Seenschwankungen und Strandvers- chiebungen in Skandinavien. (Sonder- abdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesells- chaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin XXVIII. Band 1893. No. I und 6.) 8* Berlin, 1893 Sievers, Dr W. Ueber die Abhangig- keil der jelzigen Confessionsverleilung in Siidwestdeutschland von den friiheren Territorialgreneen. (Inaugural disserta- tion zur Erlangung der Philosophischen Doctorwiirde an der Universitat Got- tingen. ) 4 Hainbrirg, 1883 Reise in der Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria. Illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1887 Venezuela, mil einer Karte der Vene- zolanischen Cordillere, bearbeitet und gezeichnel auf Basis der Sievers'schen Forschungen von L. Friederichsen. 8 Hamburg, 1888 See Penck, Geographische Abhand- lungen, Band 3. Siewers, Carl. See Tromholt. Sighelmus, . See Hakluyl, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. i ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 : Appendix i. Sigismund, Reinhold. Die Aromata in ihrer Bedeulung fiir Religion, Sillen, Gebrauche, Handel, und Geographic des Altertums bis zu den erslen Jahrhun- derten unserer Zeitrechnung. 8 Leipzig, 1884 Sigsbee, C. D. See Uniled Slates, F, Coast and Geodelic Survey : Appen- dix 2. Sigurdsson, Jon. See Rafn. Silas, Ferdinand. The Gianl Balloon ; an Account of its Construclion, and of the Two Ascenls made by Nadar, lo- gelher wilh various Scienlific Nolices respecting the Helice, or Screw, applied to Aerial Navigation ; compiled from ihe French of MM. Babinet, Barral, and Nadar. 8* 1863 Silas, F. See Scherzer. Siljestrom, P. A. See Gaimard, Paul. Silliman, Benjamin. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Silva, A. C. da. See Portugal, Lisbon : Appendix 2. Silva Figueroa, Garcia. Sec Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix i. SIL SIM. 439 Silva, J. M. Pereira da. Christovam Columbo e o clescobrimento da America. 8 A'io tie Janeiro, 1892 Silva, Luiz A. Rebello da. See Santarem. Silva, Nuno da. See Callander, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Kerr, Vol. IO : Ap- pendix I. Silveira, de. See Santarem. Silver, J. M. W. Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs. Illustrated by native drawings reproduced in ... chromo-lithography. 4 1867 Silver, S. W. Handbook to South Africa. Map. Small 8* 1872 The same, including the Cape Colony, Natal, the Diamond Fields, the Trans- Orange Republics, &c., also a Gazetteer. 2nd edition. Plates. Small 8 1876 The same, 3rd edition, including the Transvaal, Orange Free State, &c. Map and plates. Small 8 1880 Handbook for Australia and New Zealand, with Seasons' Chart of the World. Small 8 1874 The same, 3rd edition, including the Fiji Islands. Map. Small 8 1880 The same, with New Map of the. Colonies. 5th edition. 1886 Handbook to the Transvaal, British South Africa : its natural features, indus- tries, population, and gold-fields. Map. Small 8 1877 Handbook to Canada : a Guide for Travellers and Settlers in the Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, North - West Territories, &c. 2nd edition. Map. Crown 8 1884 Handbook to South Africa : including the Cape Colony, the Diamond Fields, Natal, British Bechuanaland, Bechuana- land Protectorate, Zambesia and its Gold Fields, the Transvaal and its Gold Fields, Orange Free State, &c: Also a Gazetteer and map. 4th edition. Illustrations. 12 1891 See Buller, W. L. Silvestre, J. L'Empire d'Annam et le Peuple Annamite ; Aperju sur la Geo- graphic, les Productions, ['Industrie les Ma-lire et les coutumes de 1'Annam, Map. 12 Paris, 1889 Silvestri, Carlo. Istorica e geografica descrizione delle antiche paludi Adriane, ora chiamate Lagune di Venezia . . . con notizie della citta di Adria, e Gavello . . . di Rovigo . . . e delle terre di Lendinara e Badia. Maps. Small 4 Venice, 1736 Sime, James. Geography of Europe. Illustrations. 12 1890 Simler, Josias. loske Simleri Vallesire et Alpium descriptio. 8 Leyden, 1633 Simmonds, P. L. The Commercial Pro- ducts of the Vegetable Kingdom, con- sidered in their various uses to Man and in their relation to the Arts and Manu- factures, forming a Practical Treatise and Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer. 8 1854 Waste Products and Undeveloped Substances : a Synopsis of progress made in their economic utilisation during the last quarter of a century at home and abroad. 3rd edition. 12 1876 Tropical Agriculture : a Treatise on the culture, preparation, commerce, and consumption of the principal products of the Vegetable Kingdom. 8 1877 The Commercial Products of the Sea ; or, Marine Contributions to Food, In- dustry, and Art. 8 1879 Simms, F. W. A Treatise on the Principal Mathematical and Drawing Instruments employed by the Engineer, Architect, and Surveyor ; with a Descrip- tion of the Theodolite, together with Instructions in Field-work. Woodcuts. 12 1847 A Treatise on the Principal Mathe- matical Instruments employed in Sur- veying, Levelling, and Astronomy, ex- plaining their Construction, Adjustments, and Use ; with an Appendix and Tables. Diagrams. 8 _ 1850 The Sextanf and its Applications ; including the Correction of Observations for Instrumental Errors, and the Deter- mination of Latitude, Time, and Longi- tude, by various methods, on Land and Sea, with Examples and Tables. 8 1858 Simon, Gabriel. Voyage en Abyssinie et chez les Gallas-Raias : L'Ethiopie, ses mceurs, ses traditions, le Negouss Johannes, les Eglises monolithes de Lali- bela. Map and illustrations. 8 Paris, 1885 Simon, G. E. China : its Social, Politi- cal, and Religious Life. From the French of G. Eug. Simon. 8 1887 Simon, Pedro. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 28 : Appendix I. Simond, L. Journal of a Tour and Resi- dence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1817 Switzerland in 1817-19 ; with an Historical Sketch of the Manners and Customs of Ancient and Modern Helvetia. 2 vols. 8 1823 See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Simonin, L. La Toscane et la Mer Tyrrhenienne : Etudes et Explorations. 12 Paris, 1868 440 SIM SIR. Simonoff, L. J. Description of an Astro- nomical Observatory of the Imperial Kazan University. [In Russian.] Plates. 8* St Petersburg, 1838 Simonsen, Vedel. Biedrag til Danske Slottes og Herreborges . . . Historic. 12 Odense, 1840 Biedrag til Odense Byes Aeldre Historic. Vol. I. 12 Odense, 1842 Samlinger til Hagenskov Slots, nuvae- rende Frederiksgaves, Historic. 12* Odense, 1842 Simony, Dr Friedrich. Das Dachstein- gebiet, ein geographisches Charakterbild aus den Osterreichischen Nordalpen. Erste Lieferung. Photographs, &*c. 4 Vienna, 1889 Das Schwinden des Karlseisfeldes nach 50 jahrigen Beobachtungen und Aufnahmen. Photographs. 8 Vienna, 1891 Begleitwort zur zweiten Lieferung des Werkes das Dachsteingebiet. Plates. 4 Vienna, 1893 Verzeichniss der in Druck veroffent- lichten Arbeiten von Friedrich Simony, von Dr A. E. Forster. Large 8 Vienna, 1893 Simpson, Alex. The Sandwich Islands : Progress of Events since their Discovery by Capt. Cook, their Occupation by Lord George Paulet, their Value and Importance. Maps. 8 !&43 The Oregon Territory, &c. See United States, K (Oregon) : Appendix 2. Simpson, Edward. See United States, E, a, Hydrographic Office Publications, No. 92 : Appendix 2. Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a Journey round the World during 1841- 42. 2 vols. Map and portrait. 8 1847 Simpson, Capt. James H. Report of the Route from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa- Fe, New Mexico. Maps. 8* Washington, 1850 Report of Wagon Road Routes in Utah Territory. 8* Washington, 1859 Simpson, John. Results of Thermo- metrical Observations made at the "Plover's" Wintering - place, Point Barrow. Plate. 8* 1857 Simpson, J. H. See United States, K (Texas) : Appendix 2. Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of the Dis- coveries on the North Coast of America effected by the Officers of the Hudson's Bay Company during 1836-39. Map. 8 1843 Simpson, W. A Private Journal kept during the Niger Expedition, from the commencement in May 1841 until the recall of the Expedition in June 1842. 8 1843 Sims, A. A Vocabulary of Kibangi, as spoken by the Babangi (commonly called Bayansi) on the Upper Congo, from Kwa Mouth (Kasai) to Liboko (Bangala). English-Kibangi. 12 1 886 A Vocabulary of the Kiteke, as spoken by the Bateke (Batio) and kindred Tribes on the Upper Congo. English- Kiteke. 12 1886 Simson, Alfred. Travels in the Wilds of Ecuador and the Exploration of the Putumayo River. Map. Crown 8 1886 Simson, Robert. Account of the Life and Writings of, by W. Trail. Portrait and plate. 4 Bath, 1812 Sinclair, A. See Ross, A. Sinclair, A. C. , and R. Fyfe Lawrence. The Handbook of Jamaica for 1883, comprising Historical, Statistical, and General Information concerning the Island. 8 - The same, for 1884-85. The same, for 1885-86. The same, for 1886-87. Map. The jame, for 1887-88. Map. The same, for 1888 89. Map. 1883 1884 1885 8 1886 8 1887 8 1888 Shetland and the Edinburgh, 1840 The Statistical Sinclair, Catherine. Shetlanders. 8 Sinclair, Sir John. Account of Scotland, drawn up from the Communications of the Ministers of the different Parishes. 21 vols. 8 Edit tint rgh , 1 7 9 ' - 99 Analysis of I he Statistical Account of Scotland, wiih a General View of the History of that Country. Part 2. 8 1826 The Correspondence of the Right Honourable Sir J. Sinclair. . . . Illus- trated by Facsimiles of Two Hundred Autographs. 2 vols. Map ami portrait. 8 . 1831 Sinding, Otto. See Nansen. Sinkel, E. Ma Vie de Marin. Vol. I. Small 8 Brussels, 1872 Sinnett, Mrs Percy. See Hue; Moll- hausen ; Pfeiffer. Sintra, Pedro di. See Cintra. Sionita, Gabriel. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Sipiere, Clement. Le Cinquieme Con- gres National des Societes Francaises de Geographic a Bordeaux. Compte Renclu. 8 Toulouse, 1882 Sirotka, Prince Radwil. Journey to the Holy Land, 1582-84. [In Russian.] St Petersburg, 1879 Sirr, Henry Charles. China and the Chinese : their Religion, Character, Cus- toms, and Manufactures, and the Evils arising from the Opium Trade. 2 vols. 8 1849 SIT SMI. 441 Sitgreaves, Capt. L. Report of a.\\ Ex- pedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1854 Siu, Paul. Dissertation on the Silk Manufacture and the Cultivation of the Mulberry. Translated from the works of Tseu-Kwang-K'he, called also Paul Siu. Plates. 8 Shanghai, 1849 Skalkofsky's Russian Trade in the Pacific Ocean : Economic Investigations of the Russian Trading and Sea Routes on the Coasts of Eastern Siberia, Korea, China, Japan, and California. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1883 Skeen, W. Adam's Peak : Legendary, Traditional, and Historic Notices of the Samanala and Sri-pada ; with a Descrip- tive Account of the Pilgrim's Route from Colombo to the Sacred Foot-print. Map. Square 8 1870 Skelton, Rev. P. See Burdy. Skertchly, J. A. Dahomey as it is : being a Narrative of Eight Months' Residence in that Country . . ; also an Appendix on Ashantee. Map and plates. 8 1874 Skertchly, S. B. J. See Miller, S. H. Skinner, A. M. Geography of the Malay Peninsula. Part I. Maps. 8* N.P., N.r>. Skinner, J. E. Hilary. Roughing it in Crete in 1867. Map. 8 1868 Skinner, Joseph. The Present State of Peru ; comprising its Geography, Topo- graphy, Natural History, &c. 4 1805 Skinner, Major Thomas. Excursions in India, including a Walk over the Himalaya Mountains to the Sources of the Jumna and the Ganges. 2 vols. 8 1832 Adventures during a Journey overland to India by way of Egypt, Syria, and the Holy Land. [Vol. 2 only.] 8 1837 Skinner, Walter R. The Mining Manual for 1888, containing full Particulars of Mining Companies, and of all those registered from June 1887, together with a List of Mining Directors. 8 Skippon, Sir Philip. See Churchill, Vol. 6 ; Harris, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Skrine, Henry. A General Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain, with their several Courses, their peculiar Characters, and the Countries through which they flow, and the entire Sea Coast of our Island. Maps. 8 1801 Skrine's Tour in Wales. See Pinkerton, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Slack, Captain Charles. Tourists' and Students' Manual of Languages. 4th edition.. 12 1891 Introduction to Swahili : for the use of Travellers, Students, and others. Map. 12 1891 Slade, Adolphus. Turkey, Greece, and Malta. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1837 Slade, John. Narrative of the late Pro- ceedings and Events in China. 8 Canton, 1839 Sladen, Sir E. B. Trade through Burmah to China : an Address read to the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, on I4th November 1870. Map. 8* Glasgow, 1870 Copy of Major Sladen's Report on the Bhamo Route : Official Narrative of the Expedition to explore the Trade Routes to China via Bhamo, under the guidance of Major E. B. Sladen, Political Agent, Mandalay ; with connected Papers. Map. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1871 See Anderson, John. Sladen, W. P. See India, C (Pakeonto- logia Indica) ; United Kingdom, H, "Challenger" Reports : Appendix 2. Slafter, Rev. Edmund F. History and Causes of the Incorrect Latitudes as recorded in the Journals of the Early Writers, Navigators, and Explorers, re- lating to the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1535-1740. Illustrations. 8* Boston, Mass., 1882 Reconnaissance of the Defences of Norumbega. See Horsford. Sleeman, Major-Gen. Sir W. H. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. 2 vols. Plates. Royal 8 1844 Journey through the Kingdom of Oude in 1849-50, with Private Corres- pondence relative to the Annexation of Oude to British India. 2 vols. Map. 8 1858 Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. A new edition. Edited by Vincent Arthur Smith. (No. 5 of Constable's Oriental Miscellany. ) 2 vols. 8 1893 Sleeman, Lucy. See Blennerhassett. Slevin, T. E. The Magnetic Pole. Figures. 8* San Francisco, 1882 Sloane, Hans. Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christ- ophers, and Jamaica, with the Natural History of the last of these islands . . ; with some Relations concerning the neighbouring Continent and Islands of America. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1707 Small, H. B. Canadian Forests, Forest Trees, Timber, and Forest Products. 8 Montreal, 1884 Smart, Dr T. William Wake. See Warne. Smeaton, Donald Mackenzie. The Loyal Karens of Burma. Crown 8 1887 Smellie, Thomas D. Ocean and Air Currents. 8* Glasgow, 1885 Smirnove, J. See Plescheef. SMI. Smishlyaer, D. The Perm Region (Perm- skiy Krai). A collection of information on the Government of Perm, published by the Local Statistical Committee. 2 vols. [In Russian.] Perm, 1892-93 Smit, J. See Hudson. Smith, A. See United Kingdom, A (Hydrogr. Off. Publ. ) : Appendix 2. Smith, Agnes. Through Cyprus. Map and illustrations. 8 1887 Smith, Albert. Month at Constantinople. Illustrations. 8 1850 Mont Blanc ; with a Memoir by Ed- mund Yates. Woodcuts. 12 1860 See Black wood, Vol. \ : Appendix i. Smith, Dr Andrew. Report of the Expe- dition for Exploring Central Africa from the Cape of Good Hope, 1834. 8* Cape Town, 1836 Smith, Dr Archibald. Peru as it is : a Residence in Lima and other parts of the Peruvian Republic, comprising an Ac- count of the Social and Physical Features of that Country. 2 vols. in I. 8 1839 Smith, Archibald. Instructions for the Construction of the Best Table of the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Deviations observed on 4, 8, 16, or 32 Points ; and for the Adjustment of the Table on a change of Magnetic Latitude. 8* 1850 Practical Rules for Ascertaining and Applying the Deviations of the Compass caused by the Iron in a Ship ; with Supplement, being Instructions for the Computation of a Table of the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Observations made on 4, 8, 16, or 32 points, and a Graphic Method of Correcting the Devi- ations of a Ship's Compass. 8* 1855-59 Instructions for Correcting the Devi- ation of the Compass. 8* 1857 A Graphic Method of Correcting the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Observations made on 4 or more Points. Diagrams. 8* 1859 Smith, A. R. Bibliotheca Americana : a Catalogue of ... Books and Pamphlets illustrating the History and Geography of North and South America and the West Indies. 8 1874 Smith, Cecil. The Ruins of Persepolis. (From Mac inillan ''s Magazine, Feb. 1893.) 8* 1893 Smith, Charles. See Fuchs and Saladin. Smith, C. H. M. Road report from Vador to the Chamalang Valley by the Mawariki Mountain, and back to Saki Sarwar by the Shahidani Pass. Maps and plates. Large 8* Calcutta, 1883 Smith, C. I. Statistical Report on the Mysore. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1854 Smith, C. Michie. Results of Observa- tions of the Fixed Stars, made with the Smith, C. Michie continued. Meridian Circle, at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the years 1861- 90. See India, N (Madras Astronomical Observations) : Appendix 2. Smith, Charles Roach. Notes on some of the Antiquities of France, made during a Fortnight's Excursion in 1854. Plate. 8* 1855 Smith, Lieut. Charles Stewart. Ex- plorations in Zanzibar Dominions. ( Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 2. ) Map. Large 8 1887 Smith. D. A True Key to the Assyrian History, Sciences, and Religion : being an Introduction to the History of the Remarkable Discovery of the Primitive Alphabet. 8 1869 Smith, Edward. Account of a Journey through North-Eastern Texas, in 1849, for the purposes of Emigration. Maps. 12 1849 Smith, E. A. See "Erebus" and "Terror." Smith, Eli. See Robinson, E. Smith, E. R. The Araucanians, or Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. Small 8 New York, 1855 Smith, Sir C. Euan. See Persia : Ap- pendix 2. Smith, Capt. Francis. An Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage by Hudson's Straits to the Western and Southern Ocean of America, in 1746 and 1747, in the ship " Cali- fornia.'' By a Clerk of the " California." 2 vols. Maps. 8 1748 Smith, F. Harrison. Through Abys- sinia : an Envoy's Ride to the King of Zion. Map and illustrations. 8 1890 Smith, F. Hopkinson. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Illustrations. 12 1889 Smith, F. Porter. A Vocabulary of Proper Names, in Chinese and English, of Places, Persons, Tribes, and Sects in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits, and adjacent Countries. Large 8* Shanghai, 1870 The Oils of Chinese Pharmacy and Commerce. 8* ^74 Smith, Bishop George. Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Con- sular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong-Kong and Chusan, in 1844-46. 2nd edition. Map and plates. 8 1847 Narrative of a Visit to Lewchew, or Loo Choo, in 1850 ; with the Report of the Loochoo Mission Society for i85i-5 2 and Extracts from the Journal of Dr Bettelheim, 1850-52. Map. 12 1853 Smith, George. The Chaldean Account of Genesis : containing the description of the Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod ; Baby- SMI. 443 Smith, George continued. Ionian Fables, and Legends of the Gods ; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Plates. 8 1876 Assyrian Discoveries : an Account of Explorations and Discoveries on the Site of Nineveh, during 1873 and I ^74- Map and plates. 8 1876 Smith, Dr George. The Life of John Wilson, for fifty years Philanthropist and Scholar in the East. Maps and plates. 8 1878 Fifty Years of Foreign Missions, or the Foreign Missions of the Free Church of Scotland in their year of Jubilee, 1879- 80. 1 4th edition. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 Edinburgh, 1880 The Students' Geography of India : the Geography of British India, Politi- cal and Physical. Maps. Crown 8 1882 Short History of Christian Missions, from Abraham and Paul to Carey, Livingstone, and Duff. Small 8 Edinburgh, 1884 The Life of William Carey, D.D. Portrait and illustrations. 8 1885 Stephen Hislop, Pioneer Missionary and Naturalist in Central India from 1844 to 1863. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8 1888 A Modern Apostle, Alexander N. Somerville, D.D., 1813-1889, in Glas- gow, Scotland, and Ireland ; India and America ; Australasia and Austral- Africa; Spain, France, and Italy ; Germany and Russia ; Greece and Turkey ; Austro- Hungary and Slavonia. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 8 1890 Henry Martyn, Saint and Scholar, from A.D. 1893 First Modern Missionary to the Moham- medans, 1781-1812. Portrait and illus- trations. 8 1892 The Conversion of India, Pantsenus to the Present Time, 193-1893. Illustrations. 8 See Mitchell, Mrs M. Smith, G. A. The Advantages of the Far West of America as compared with other fields of Emigration. 8* 1870 Smith, Prof. George Adam. On some Unpublished Inscriptions from the Hauran and Gilead. (From the Critical Review, January 1892.) Plates. 8* Edinburgh, 1892 Smith, Rev. G. Furness. Uganda : its Story and its Claim. Illustrated by Lancelot Speed. Oblong 12* [1892] Smith, Col. H. See Blackwood, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Smith, H. H. Brazil, the Amazons, and the Coast. Map ami -woodcuts. 8 1879 Smith, Col. Sir Rolled. Report on the Beni Amer Country. Map. Folio Suakin, 1892 Smith, James. Voyage and Shipwreck of St Paul, with Dissertations on the Writings of St Luke, and the Ships and Navigation of the Antients. Maps. 8 1848 Smith, Mrs James. The Booandik Tribe of South Australian Aborigines : a Sketch of their Habits, Customs, Legends, and Language ; also an account of the efforts made by Mr and Mrs James Smith to Christianise and civilise them. Illustrations. 12 Adelaide, 1880 Smith, Captain John. The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Cap- taine John Smith in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629 ; his accidents and sea-fights in the Straights ; his service and stratagems of warre in Hun- garia, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Mol- davia . . . Tartaria . . . Gambia . . . Together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer- Isles, New England, and their proceed- ings since 1624 to this present 1629 ; as also of the new Plantations of the great river of the Amazons, the lies of St Christopher, Meirs, and Barbados in the West Indies. Plate. 4 1630 - The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Capt. lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africka, and America, beginning about the yeere 1593 and con- tinued to this present 1629 [from edition of 1629] ; The General Historic of Vir- ginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles [from the edition of 1627]. 2 vols. Portrait, maps, and plates. 8 Richmond, Va., 1819 See Churchill, Vol. 2 ; Gottfried ; Pinkerton, Vol. 13 ; Purchas, Vols. 2, Book 8, and 4, Books 9, 10: Appendix I. Smith, J. Calvin. See Haskel. Smith, Dr J. E. A Sketch of a Tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 1787. 3 vols. 8 1793 See Linnceus. Smith, J. L. Clifford. Narrative of the discovery of the Great Central Lakes of Africa: Tanganyika, Victoria Nyanza, Albert Nyanza, and Nyassa. Map. Small 8* Halifax, 1877 Smith, J. W. Report to the Mexican Gulf Railway Company. Alap. 8* Liverpool, 1847 Smith, Joseph W. , and G. E. Dalrymple. Report of the Proceedings of the Queens- land Government schooner "Spitfire" in search of the Mouth of the River Burdekin, on the North-Eastern Coast of Australia ; and of a portion of that Coast extending from Gloucester Island to Halifax Bay. 8* Brisbane, 1860 Smith, Lieut. Explorations on the Victoria Nyanza. (From The Church Missionary Intelligencer ami Record.} 8* 1878 444 SMI SMY. Smith, Mary H. The Earth and its In- habitants : Common School Geography. (Guyot's Geographical Series.) Maps. 4 New York, 1870 Smith, M. L., andE. L. F-. Hardcastle. Survey of the Valley of Mexico. [Con- gress Report.] Map. 8* Washington, 1849 Smith, Gen. Persifor F., and Gen. B. Riley. Report on the Geology and Topography of California. See United States, K, California : Appendix 2. Smith, Philip. See Schliemann. Smith, R. B. Italian Irrigation : being a Report on the Agricultural Canals of Piedmont and Lombardy. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8, and Atlas 1855 Smith, R. Bosworth. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. 2nd edition. Small 8 1876 Carthage and the Carthaginians. Maps and plates. Small 8 1878 Uganda. Two Letters to the Times. 8* 1882 Smith, Sir R. Murdoch. Persian Art. Plate. 8 [1876] and Comm. E. A. Porcher. His- tory of the Recent Discoveries at Cyrene, made during an Expedition to the Cyre- naica in 1 860-61, under the auspices of H.M. Government. Map and plates. 4 1864 Smith, Robert. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix i. Smith, Lieut. R. S. A Manual of Topo- graphical Drawing. Plates. Royal 8 New York, 1854 Smith, S. Percy. The Eruption of Tara- wera : a Report to the Surveyor-General. Maps and plates. 8 Wellington, 1886 [1887] - The Kermadec Islands, their Capa- bilities and Extent. Map and illustra- tions. 8* Wellington, 1887 See New Zealand, B : Appendix 2. Smith, Thomas. De Republica An- glorum. 16 Leyden, 1641 Smith, Thomas. The Wonders of Nature and Art, or a Concise Account of what- ever is Curious and Remarkable in the World, ii vols.. [Vol. 3 missing.] Plates. 1 8 1803-4 Smith, Capt. Thomas. Narrative of a Five Years' Residence at Nepaul, from 1841 to 1845. 2 vo ' s - 8 1852 Smith, Thomas. See Boldakoff; also Ray : Appendix I. Smith, Vincent Arthur. See Sleeman ; also India, A, Archaeological Survey : Appendix 2. Smith, Sir Wm. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2 vols. Woodcuts. 8 1856 The Student's Manual of Ancient Geography. See Bevan, W. L. Smith, William. A New Voyage to Guinea : Describing the Customs, Man- ners, Soil, Climate . . . and whatever else is Memorable among the Inhabitants, &c. Plates. 8 1745 See Astley, Vol. 3 ; Laharpe, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Smith, W. Anderson. Benderloch, or Notes from the West Highlands. 2nd edition. Map. Crown 8 Paisley, 1883 - Loch Creran : Notes from the West Highlands. 8 1887 Smith, W. F. See United States, K, Texas : Appendix 2. Smith, W. H. Birmingham and its Vicinity, as a Manufacturing and Com- mercial District. Map and plates. 8 1836 Smith, W. H. Canada, Past, Present, and Future : being a Historical, Geographi- cal, Geological, and Statistical Account of Canada West. 2 vols. Maps. 8 Toronto, 1851 Smith, William R. History of Wisconsin, in three parts, Historical, Document- ary, and Descriptive. Vols. I and 3. 8 Madison, Wis., 1854 Smith, W. Wilson Hind. A Boy's Scrambles, Falls, and Mishaps in Morocco. Illustrations. Small 8 N'. D. Smith- Delacour, E. W. Shironga Vo- cabulary, or Word Book on the Language of the Natives of Delagoa Bay, South- East Coast of Africa. Map. 8 1893 Smits, D. H. A. See Melvill. Smollett, Dr. See "The Modern Tra- veller," Vol. 4, p. 610: Appendix I. Smoult, W. H. See Baikie, R. Smucker, Samuel M. Arctic Explora- tions and Discoveries during the Nine- teenth Century, being Detailed Accounts of the several Expeditions to the North Seas, both English and American, by Ross, Parry, Back, Franklin, M'Clure, &c., including the First Grinnell Expedi- tion. Woodcuts. 12 New York, 1857 See Fremont. Smyth, Prof. Charles Piazzi. Report to the Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department on the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, 1846. 4 Edinburgh,, 1846 Contributions to a Knowledge of the Phenomena of the Zodiacal Light. Plate. 4* Edinburgh, 1852 On the Total Solar Eclipse of 1851. Plate. 4* Edinburgh, 1852 - Report to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh, Noveml>er 1852. 4 Edinburgh, 1852 On Raising Water for the Purposes of Irrigation in the Colonies. Woodcuts. 8* 1853 SMY. 445 Smyth, Prof. Charles Piazzi. Descrip- tion of New and Improved Instruments for Navigation and Astronomy. [Paris Universal Exhibition of 1855.] Royal 8 Edinburgh, 1855 Experiences with a Free-Revolver Stand for a Telescope at Sea during a Voyage to Teneriffe in 1856. 8 1856 Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vols. II (1849-54) and 12 (1855-59). Plates. Oblong 4 Edinburgh, 1857-63 - Extracts from the Letterpress of the Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Vols. II and 12 (1849-54.) Plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1857 - Report on the TenerifTe Astrono- mical Experiment of 1856. Plates. 4 1858 Teneriffe : an Astronomer's Experi- ment, or Specialities of a Residence above the Clouds. Photo-stereograph plates. 8 " 1858 - Three Cities in Russia. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 862 Report read to the Special Meeting of H.M. Government Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, nth November and 4th December 1864. 2 parts. 4* Edinburgh, 1864 On an Equal-surface Projection for Maps of the World, and its Application to certain Anthropological Questions. Maps. 8* Edinburgh, 1870 A Poor Man's Photography at the Great Pyramid in ... 1865, compared with that of the Ordnance Survey Establishment subsidised by London Wealth ... at the same place four years afterwards : a Discourse, &c. 8 1870 Our Inheritance in the Great Pyra- mid. Fourth and much enlarged edition, including all the most important Dis- coveries up to the time of publication. Plates. 8 1880 Madeira Spectroscopic : being a Revision of 21 Places in the Red Half of the Solar Visible Spectrum at Madeira during the Summer of 1 88 1. Plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1882 Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, being Vol. 15 for 1878 to 1886, containing only the remainder of the Star Catalogue, Discussion, and Ephemeris for 1830 to 1890, of which the first four hours ap- peared in Vol. 14. 4 Edinburgh, 1886 Smyth, R. Brough. Mining and Mineral Statistics, with Notes on the Rock For- mations of Victoria ; to which is added a Sketch of a new Geological Map of Victoria. 8 Melbourne, 1873 Smyth, R. Brough. The Aborigines of Victoria, with Notes relating to the Habits of the Natives of other parts of Australia and Tasmania. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1878 See Victoria, B : Appendix 2. Smyth, Lieut. W., and F. Lowe. Narra- tive of a Journey from Lima, Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon, under- taken with a View of Ascertaining the Practicability of a Navigable Communi- cation with the Atlantic by the Rivers Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon. Maps and plates. 8 1836 Smyth, Admiral Wm. Henry. Memoir descriptive of the Resources, Inhabitants, and Hydrography of Sicily and its Islands. Maps and plates. 4 1824 Sketch of the Present State of the Island of Sardinia. Map and plates. 8 1828 Account of a Private Observatory re- cently erected at Bedford. 4* 1831 Some Remarks on an Error respecting the Site and Origin of Graham Island. Map. 4* 1832 Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Imperial Large Brass Medals. 4 Bedford, 1834 Observations of Halley's Comet. IVate. 4* 1836 Nautical Observations on the Port and Maritime Vicinity of Cardiff. Map. 8 Cardiff, 1840 The Mediterranean : a Memoir, Phy- sical, Historical, and Nautical. 8 1844 On some Roman Vestigia recently found at Kirkby Thore, in Westmoreland. Woodcuts. 4* 1845 Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Family Coins, belonging to the Duke of Northumberland. 4 Privately printed, 1856 Notice of Certain Relics found near Aylesbury, with Further Remarks on Rubbings. 8* 1859 The Cycle of Celestial Objects con- tinued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859; with a Notice of Recent Discoveries, including Details from the /Ecles Hart- wellianDe. Map, plates, facsimile, and woodcuts. 4 Privately printed, 1860 Letter on a "Double-Faced" Brass in Stone Church ; with a Few Remarks on the Desecration and Robberies in Sacred Edifices. 8* 1860 A Word More on the " Double- Faced " Brass in Stone Church, with a Few Particulars respecting that Edifice, &c. Plate. 8* 1 86 1 Sidereal Chromatics : being a Reprint, with Additions, from the " Bedford Cycle of Celestial Objects," and its " Hartwell Continuation," on the Colours of Multiple Stars. Plate. Royal 8 Privately printed, \ 864 446 SMY SOL. Smyth, Admiral Wm. Henry. The Sailor's Word-Book : an Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms . . . Revised for the Press by Vice-Admiral Sir E. Belcher. 8 1867 See Campana. Smyth, W. W. A Year with the Turks, or Sketches of Travel in the European and Asiatic Dominions of the Sultan. Map. 8 1854 Smythe, Mrs. Ten Months in the Fiji Islands ; with an Introduction and Ap- pendix by Colonel W. J. Smythe. Maps and plates. 8 1864 Smythies, Right Rev. C. A. Mission Work on Lake Nyassa. [Cuttings from Manchester Guardian.] N.D. A Journey from Matope on the Upper Shire to Newala on the Rovuma ... in 1885. 12* Zanzibar, 1885 A Journey to Lake Nyassa, and Visit to the Magwangwara and the Source of the Rovuma. 8* Zanzibar [1887] Snelgrave, Capt. W. A New Account of some Parts of Guinea and the Slave Trade. Map. Small 8 1734 See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Laharpe, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3: Appendix i. Snellemann, J. F. Daniel David Veth. Portrait. 8* Haarlem, 1885 - See Muller, H. P. N. ; Veth, P. J. Snider, A. La Creation et ses Mysteres Devoiles : Ouvrage ou 1'on expose claire- ment la Nature de tous les Etres, les Elements dont ils sont composes, et leurs Rapports avec le Globe et les Astres ; la Nature et la Situation du Feu du Soleil ; 1'Origine de 1'Amerique et de ses Habitants Primitifs ; la Formation forcee de Nouvelles Planetes ; 1'Origine des Langues, et les Causes de la Variete des Physionomies ; le Compte courant de 1'Homme avec la Terre, &c. Plates. 8 , Paris, 1858 Les Emanations : Recherches sur 1'Origine et la Formation forcee et per- petuelle des Mondes. [2nd edition.] 8* Paris, 1860 Nouvelle Theorie sur la formation des Cometes et leur raison d'etre. 8* Paris, 1 86 1 Snider-Pellegrini, A. Du Developpe- ment du Commerce de 1'Algerie avec PInterieur de 1'Afrique, et d'une Route par Terre d'Alger au Senegal par Tom- bouctou ; precede d'Observations sur 1'Algerie et le Maroc. 8* Paris, 1857 Storia della Casa d' Austria dalla sua origine sino al giorno d'oggi. 8 Turin, 1861 Snodgrass, Major. Narrative of the Burmese War, detailing the Operations of Major-General Campbell's Army, from its Landing at Rangoon in 1824 to the Con- clusion of a Treaty of Peace at Yandaboo in 1826. Map and plates. 8 1827 Snow, Robert. Observations of the Aurora Borealis, from September 1834 to September 1839. 12* 1842 Snow, W. Parker. Voyage of the " Prince Albert " in Search of Sir John Franklin : a Narrative of Every-day Life in the Arctic Seas. Map and plates. 8 1851 Two Years' Cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, Patagonia, and in the River Plate. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1857 On the Lost Polar Expedition and Possible Recovery of its Scientific Docu- ments ; with an Introduction and Supple- mentary Remaiks, containing an Analysis and Critical Examination of Facts and Opinions on the Subject, demonstrating the Probability of Survivors yet being found. 8* 1860 Ocean Relief Depots, and Exploring in the Far North. 8* [Edinburgh'] 1880 Character Sketch of W. Parker Snow, Sailor, Explorer, and Author. 4* N.D. Scares, Joaquim Pedro Celestino. Bosquejo das Possessoes Portuguezas no Oriente ou resumo de algumas derrotas da India e da China. [Vol. I.] Plans, plates, and tables. 6 Lisbon, 1851 Documentos Comprovativos do Bos- quejo das Possessoes Portuguezas no Oriente. Vol. 3. [Goa.] Tables. 8 Lisbon, 1853 Quadros Navaes, ou Collec^ao dos Folhetins Maritimos do Patriota seguidos de huma Epopeia Naval Portugueza. 3 vols. 8 Lisbon, 1861-63 Soares, Lopez. See Astley, Vol. i ; Gott- fried : Appendix i. Soares, Dr S. F. Estatistica do Com- mercio maritimo do Brazil do exercicio de 1872-73. (2a Parte. Commercio maritimo geral, Importa9ao e Exporta- 9&o. Organizada pela Commissao diri- gida pelo Dr Sebasiiao Ferreira Soares.) Vol.2. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1882 The same. (3a Parte. Commercio de longo curso por provincias. Or- ganizada, &c.) Vol. 3. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1882 The same. (4a Parte. Commercio de Cabotagem por Provincias. Generos nacionaes. Organizada, &c.) Vol. 5- 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1884 Soetbeer, Dr Adolf. Edelmetall-Produk- tion. (Erganzungsheft, 57 Petermann's Mittheilungen. ) 3 coloured tables. 4 Got ha, 1879 Solander, Dr Daniel. See Troil. Solander, E. Observations du Magne- tisme Terrestre faites a Upsala. 4 charts. 4 Stockholm, 1893 Soldan. See Paz Soldan. SOL SON. 447 Soldner, J. Bcstimmung des Azimuths von Altomiinster, uncl dadurch der Lage des Meridians, auf dem nordlichen Frauen-Thurme zu Miinchen. 8 Munich, 1813 Soleillet, Paul. Exploration du Sahara Central : Avenir de la France en Afrique. 8* Paris, 1876 L' Afrique Occidentale : Algerie, Mzab, Tildikelt. Map. Small 8 Avignon, 1877 Voyage a Segou, 1878-79 ; redige d'apres les Notes et Journaux de Voyage de Soleillet, par Gabriel Gravier. Map and portrait. 8 Paris, 1887 Soleyman, Pasha. See Astley, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 6 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Solinus, C. Julius. Polyhistor, Rerum toto Orbe Memorabilium thesaurus locu- pletissimus ; huic ob argument! simili- tudinem Pomponii Melre de Situ Orbis, libros tres, fide diligentiaque summa recognitos, adjunximus ; cum Indice rerum atque verlx)rum. Maps. Folio Bale, 1538 Solis, Don Antonio de. Historia de la Conquista de Mejico, Poblacion y Pro- gresos de la America Septentrional conocida por el nombre . de Nueva Espaiia. 2 vols. 18 Parts, 1827 Solis, G. C. de. L'Origine di molte Citta del Mondo et particularmente di tutta Italia ... col principio del Regno de Longobardi, &c. 8 Venice, 1592 Solis, Juan (or Jean Dias) de. See Burney, Vol. i ; Gottfried ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 13 ; A General Collec- tion of Voyages and Travels, p. 610 : Appendix I. Solms, Marie de. Nice. 12 Florence, 1854 Solomon, George. Population and Prosperity, or Free versus Slave Pro- duction. 8* Kingston, Jamaica, 1859 Solomon, Job Ben. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Soltera, Maria. A Lady's Ride across Spanish Honduras. Illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1884 Soltykoff, Prince Alexis. Voyages dans I'lndc. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Map. 8 Paris, 1851 Solvyns, F. Baltazard. Les Hindous, ou Description de leursMoeurs,Coutumes, et Ceremonies. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Plates. Folio Paris, 1 8 io- 1 2 Somera, Josef. Voyage to the Palaos or Pelew Islands. See Burney, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Somerville, Alexander N. See Truter and Somerville, in Vol. 1 1 of Eyries : Appendix i. Somerville, Lieut. Boyle T. A Vocabu- lary in various Dialects used in some Islands of the New Hebrides, South Pacific. Oblong 8 1892 Somerville, Mary. On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences. Plates. 12 1836 Physical Geography. 2 vols. Por- trait. 12 1848 - The same. 6th edition, thoroughly revised by H. W. Bates. Portrait. 8 1870 Sommer, Jean Adolphe. Repertoire Analytique et Descriptif pour la Carte d'Athenes et ses Environs publiee en 1841. 4 Munich, 1841 Sommer, Job. Gottfr. Das Kaiserthum Oesterreich, geographisch-statistisch dar- gestellt. 8 Prague, 1839 Taschenbuch zur Verbreitung Geo- graphisqher Kenntnisse, 1841. Plates. 12 Prague, 1841 Sommers, Sir G. See Summers. Sommier, S. Fra i Basckiri (Capitolo di un Libro inedito). 8* [Florence} N.D. - Un' Estate in Siberia fra Ostiacchi, Samoiedi, Sirieni, Tatari, Kirghisi, e Baskiri. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Florence, 1885 Prima Ascensione Invernale al Capo Nord e ritorno attraverso la Lapponia e la Finlandia. Map and illustrations. 8* Koine, 1886 Due Communicazioni fatte alia Societa d'Antropologia sui Lapponi e sui Fin- landesi Settentrionali. 8* 1886 Sirieni Ostiacchi e Samoiedi dell' Ob. Prima parte. Map and illustrations. 4 Florence, 1887 - Una Genziana Nuova per 1'Europa. 8* 1888 - Note di Viaggio. i. Esposizione Uralo-Siberiana di Ekaterinburg, Cere- missi degli Urali e del Volga. 2. Mordva Popolazione di Astrakan Kalmucchi. Illustrations. 4* Florence, 1889 and E. H. Giglioli. II Dottor Finsch alia Nuova Guinea. [Florence, 1889] Sommieres, Col. L. C. V. de. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 4 : Appendix r. Sonklar, Carl A. von. Ein Condensations Hygrometer. Plate. 8* Vienna, 1856 Der neuerliche Ausbruch des Suldner- gletschersin Tirol. Map. 8* Vienna, 1857 Ueber den Zusammenhang der Glet- scherschwankungen mit den meteorolo- gischen Verhaltnissen. 8* Vienna, 1858 - Grundziige einer Hyetographie des Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Map and tables. Royal 8* Vienna, 1 860 - Die Oetzthaler Gebirgsgruppe, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Orographie und Gletscherkunde. Plate. 8 Got ha, 1860 448 SON SOU. Sonklar, Carl A. von. Von den Glets- chern der Diluvialzeit. Royal 8* Vienna, 1862 Von den Alpen. 2 parts. (Oesterr. Revue, 3 band, 1864.) Maps. 8* [1864] Die Gebirgsgruppe der Hohen-Tauern, mil besonderer Riicksichtauf Orographie, Gletscherkunde, Geologic, und Meteor- ologie. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1866 Die Zillerthaler Alpen, mil besonderer Riicksicht auf Orographie, Gletscher- kunde und Geologic. (Erganzungsheft, 32 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 3 waps. 4 Got ha, 1872 Leitfaden der Geographic von Europa, fur hohere Lehranstalten. 2nd edition. 8 Vienna, 1876 Lehrbuch der Geographic fiir die k. k. Militar-, Real-, und Kadeten-Schulen. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1877 The same. 2nd edition. 8 1880 Von den Ueberschwemmungen. Ent- haltend : Allgemeine Beschreibung, Chronik der Ueberschwemmungen und Mittel der Abwehr. 8 Vienna, 1883 See Martel ; also Switzerland, B, Alps : Appendix 2. Sonnenschein, A. See Kirchhoff. Sonnenstern, M. von. See Central America, Nicaragua : Appendix 2. Sonnerat, M. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee, dans lequel on trouve la Descrip- tion des Lieux, des Observations Phy- siques et Morales, et des details relatifs a 1'Histoire Naturelle dans le Regne Animal et le Regne Vegetal. Plates. 4 Paris, 1776 Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine, 1774-81. 2 vols. Plates. 4 Paris, 1782 Sonnini, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, undertaken by order of the old Government of France. Translated by Henry Hunter. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1 799 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt. Translated from the French. Map and plates. 4 1800 Travels in Greece and Turkey. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1801 - The same. 4 1801 The same. Collection of plates. 4 1801 Voyage dans la Haute et Basse Egypte. Illustrations. 3 vols. Small 8, and vol. of plates 4 Paris, 1 798 See Pelham, Vol. I : Appendix I. Sonnleithner, H. von. Skizze liber den Oesterreichischen Reisenden, Virgil von Helmreichen. 8 Vienna, 1852 Sonora, Marques de. Informe General que en virtud de Real Orden instruyo y entrego el Excmo. Sr. Marques de Sonora siendo visitador General de este Reyno Sonora, Marques de continued. al Excmo. Sr. Virrey Frey D. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua con fecha de 31 de Diciembre de 1771. 8 Mexico, 1867 Sopwith, T. Notes of a Visit to Egypt, by Paris, Lyons, Nismes, Marseilles, and Toulon. Plates. 12 1857 Soraluce y Zubizarreta, Nicolas de. Las Excmas, juntas y diputaciones de Guipiizcoa y Juan Sebastian del Cano inmortal Protorodeador del Mundo ante la Historia. 8* Vitoria, 1883 Sorby, Dr H. C. On the Motions of Waves as illustrating the Structure and Formation of Stratified Rocks. 8* 1855 On the Terraces in the Valley of the Tay north of Dunkeld. 8* Edinburgh, 1856 On the Physical Geography of the Tertiary Estuary of the Isle of Wight. Map. 8* Edinburgh, 1857 Sbrensen, N. G. See Sweden, A, Geo- logiska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Soria, Pablo. Informe del Comisionado de la Sociedad del Rio Bermejo, a los Senores Accionistas. Small 4 Buenos Ayres, 1831 Sosa, P. See Wyse. Sosnoffsky, Col. J. Russian Scientific- Commercial Expedition to China in 1874- 75. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1876 See Clarke, F. C. H. ; Piassetsky. Sotheby, S. Leigh. Principia Typo- graphica : on the Block-Books, or Xylo- graphic Delineations of Scripture His- tory issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany during the I5th Century ; on their Connexion with the Origin of Printing ; and on the Character of the Water-marks in the Paper of the Period. 3 vols. in I. Plates. Folio 1858 Soto, Fernando de. See Gottfried; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 9 ; Kerr, Vol. 5 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 ; Ternaux- Compans, Vol. 20 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 1 6 : Appendix i. Soubeiran, J. Leon. L'Afrique Australe Temperee. Map. 8* [Montpellier, 1882] L'Observatoire de 1'Aigoual. 8* {Montpellier, 1883] Souleyet, L. See Vaillant. Sousa, Francisco de. Tratado das Ilhas Novus e dos Portuguezes que forao de Viana, e das Ilhas dos Aores a povoar a Terra Nova do Bacalhao. 2nd edition. Map. 8* Ponta Delgada, 1884 Sousa. See Faria y Sousa. Sousa, Pedro Lopes de. Diario da Nave- ga9ao da Armada q ue foi a Terra do Brasil, em 1530, sob a Capitania-Mor Martini A. de Sousa. Publicado por F. A. de Varnhagen. Portrait. 8 Lisbon, 1839 See Santarem. Southam, T. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. SOU SPE. 449 Southesk, Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains : a Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport, and Adven- ture during a Journey through the Hud- son's Bay Company's Territories in 1859 and 1860. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Sowerby, J. The Forest Cantons of Switzerland, Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, Unterwalden. Map. 12 1892 Sowerby, W. Reports on the Survey of the Mineral Deposits in Kumaon, and on the Iron Smelting Operations ex- perimentally conducted at Dechouree. [India Records, No. 17.] Map and plates Calcutta, 1856 - Report on the Government Iron Works at Kumaon, with Plans, Specifi- cations, and Estimates . . . and Remarks on the Iron Deposits of the Himalayas. [India Records, No. 26.] Map and plates Calcutta, 1859 Soyaux, Herman. Deutsche Arbeit in Afrika : Erfahrungen und Betrach- tungen. 8 Leipzig, 1888 Soyka, Dr Isidor. See Penck's Abhand- lungen. Spaight, A. W. The Resources, Soil, and Climate of Texas. Map. 8 Calves ton, 1882 Spalding, H. Khiva and Turkestan. Translated from the Russian. Map. Small 8 1874 Spalding, J. W. Japan, and Around the World : an Account of Three Visits to the Japanese Empire. Plates. 8 1856 Spallanzani. Abbe Lazzaro. Travels in the Two Sicilies and some parts of the Apennines. Translated from the Italian. 4 vols. Plates. 8 1798 Spanberg, . See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix i. Spankie, R. See Hammond, H. W. Spark (or Sparke), J. See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix i. Sparks, Jared. Life and Travels of John Ledyard. 8" 1828 American Biography : Lives of Robert Cavelier de la Salle and Patrick Henry. 12 Boston, Mass., 1844 Sparrey, Francis. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Sparrman, Andrew. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Circle, and round the World, but chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from 1772-76. Translated from the Swedish. 2 vols. Plates. 4 1785 Speed, John. A Prospect of the most famous parts of the World . . . with these kingdoms therein contained, Grecia . . . &c. ; together with all the provinces, counties, and shires contained in that large theater of Great Brittaine's Empire. [Imperfect copy.] Maps and plates. Folio 1631 Speed, Lancelot. See Leyland, John; Smith, Rev. G. F. Speedy, Mrs. My Wanderings in the Soudan. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. Crown 8 1884 Speedy, T. C. S. Report on the Pro- vince of Larut in Perak, Straits Settle- ments. 4* Singapore, 1875 Speir, Mrs. Life in Ancient India. Map ami illustrations. 8 1856 Speke, Capt. John Hanning. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Portraits, maps, and plates. 8 1863 What led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Map and frontis- piece. 8 Edinburgh, 1864 - An octavo Pamphlet of 43 pages, con- taining water-colour drawings of parts of various African Mammals, taken out by Capts. Speke and Grant, with inter- polated original drawings by both those travellers. 8* N.D. An octavo Pamphlet, originally con- taining coloured lithographs of African Birds, and a Report on a Zoological Collection from the Somali country by Edward Blyth, 1860, with interpolated original drawings by Capts. Speke and Grant. 8* N.D. See Malte-Brun ; Nardi ; Swayne, G. C. ; also Blackwood, Vol. i : Ap- pendix i . Spelman, Edward. The Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and the Retreat of the Ten Thousand Greeks. Translated from the original Greek of Xenophon. 8 1812 Spence, J. M. Primera Ascension al Pico de Naiguata. 8* Caracas, 1872 Illustrations of Venezuela: Catalogue of Works of Art, &c., collected during eighteen months' travel in that Republic, 1871-72. 8* Manchester, 1873 Venezuela : its people and its pro- ducts. 8* Manchester, 1874 The Land of Bolivar ; or, War, Peace, and Adventure in the Republic of Venezuela. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1878 Spence, Lancelot M. Dalrymple. The Civil Service Geography . . . arranged especially for Examination Candidates and the Higher Forms of Schools. Revised throughout by T. Gray. Maps. 1 6 1867 Spence, William. The Radical Cause of the Present Distresses of the West-India Planters pointed out ; with Remarks on the Publications of Sir W. Young, C. Bosanquet, and J. Lowe, relative to the Value of the West-India Trade. 8 1807 450 SPE SPR. Spencer, Capt. Edmund. Travels in Circassia, Krim Tarlary, c. , including a Steam Voyage down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black Sea, in 1836. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1837 - Travels in the Western Caucasus, including a Tour through Imeritia, Mingrelia, Turkey, Moldavia, Galicia, Silesia, and Moravia in 1836. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1838 Travels in European Turkey in 1850, through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Mace- donia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus ; with a Visit to Greece and the Ionian Isles, and a Homeward Tour through Hungary and the Slavonian Provinces of Austria on the Lower Danube. 2 vols. Map atui plates. 8 1851 Tour of Inquiry through France and Italy, illustrating their present Social, Political, and Religious Condition. 2 vols. 8 1853 Turkey, Russia, the Black Sea, and Circassia. Map and illustrations, some coloured. 8 1854 Spencer, Herbert. On alleged " Spon- taneous Generation," and on the hypothe- sis of physiological units. 8* 1868 Spencer, J. A. The East : Sketches of Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. Map and plates. 8 1850 Spener, Jacobus Carolus. Notitia Ger- manise Antiquse, ab ortu Reipublicre ad Regnorum Germanicorum in Romanis Provinciis stabilimenta, Germanise et Germanicarum Civitatum statum et con- ditionem plene declarans ; ex fide dignis monumentis argumentum perfecit et Novis Tabulis Geographicis instruxit, accessit conspectus Germanire Media;, qualis seculo VI. et post paulo sequentibus seculis fuit. Maps. Small 4 Halle, 1717 Spice, R. P. A Brief Account of a Tour from Westminster to the extreme North of Norway. 8* 1878 Spiers, R. Phene. See Fergusson, James. Spilbergen, Admiral George. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Callander, Vol. 2 ; Harris, I ; Kerr, 10 ; Laharpe, 15 ; Allgemeine Historic, 8, 12 : Appendix i. Spillman, Joseph. Sec Miinzenberger. Spilman, James. A Journey through Russia into Persia, by two English Gentle- men, . . . 1739, from Petersburg, in order to make a discovery how the Trade from Great Britain might be carried on from Astracan over the Caspian. 8* 1742 Spilsbury, F. B. See Phillips [i], Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Spinola, Dr A. de Souza. See Jardim. Spittel. Der Weichselstrom von Mon- tauerspitze bis zur Miindung. Maps and plates. 4* Berlin, 1862 Spittler, L. T. Geschichte des Fiirsten- thums Hannover seit den Zeiten der Reformation bis zu Ende des Sieben- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. 8 Hanover, 1798 Spix, J. B. von, and C. F. P. von Martius. Reise in Brasilien auf Bcfehl Sr. Majestat Maximilian Joseph I., Konigs von Baiern, in den Jahren 1817 bis 1820. 3 vols. 4 Atlas eleph. folio Munich, 1823-31 Travels in Brazil in 1817-20, under- taken by command of the King of Bavaria. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1824 Sporer, J. Novaja Semla in geograph- ischer, naturhistorischer, und volkswirth- schaftlicher Beziehung. ( Erganzungsheft, 21 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Map. 4 Got ha, 1867 See Polar Regions, Arctic, H : Ap- pendix 2. Spottiswoode, G. A. See Gallon, Vaca- tion Tourists. Spottiswoode, W. A Tarantasse Journey through Eastern Russia in 1856. Map and plates. 8 1857 On a Method for determining Longi- tude by means of Observations on the Moon's greatest Altitude. 4* 1860 Spratt, Admiral T. A. B. Report of Deep Soundings between Malta and the Archipelago in 1856-57, with Remarks on the best Means of obtaining Deep Soundings. Map. 8 1857 Report on the Delta of the Danube, with Plans and Sections. Folio* 1857 Remarks on the Comparative Con- ditions of the different Mouths and Branches of the Danube. Maps and plans. [Parly. Rep.] Folio* 1858 An Investigation on the Effect of the Prevailing Wave Influence on the Nile's Deposits. Maps. Folio* 1859 A Dissertation on the True Position of Pelusium and Farama. Maps. Folio* 1859 Sailing Directions for the Island of Crete or Candia. 8* 1861 Instructions sur 1'ile de Crete ou Candie. Traduction par A. le Gras. 8* Paris, 1861 - Travels and Researches in Crete. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1865 On the Evidences of the rapid Silting in progress at Port Said, the entrance to the Suez Canal. Maps. 8* 1870 A Suggestion for the Improvement of the Entrance to the Mersey. Map. 8* 1880 Report on the Present State of the Navigation of the River Mersey, 1880. Plans. 8* 1 88 1 The same, 1882. Plan. 8* 1883 SPR SQU. Spratt, Admiral T. A. B. The same, 1883. Chart and plans. 8* 1884 - The same, 1884. Plan. 8* 1885 - The same, 1885. Plan. 8* 1886 Remarks on the Dorian Peninsula and Gulf; with Notes on the Temple of Latona there. Map. 4* 1886 See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. : Appendix 2. and Prof. E. Forbes. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1847 Sprecher von Bernegg, Hektor. Die Verteilung der bodenstandigen Bevol- kerung im Rheinischen Deutschland im Jahre 1820. Ein Beitrag zur Methodik der Dichtigkeitskarten und zur Anthropo- geographie des siidwestlichen und west- lichen Deutschland. Map. 8* Gb'ttingcn, 1887 Sprengel, M. C. Geschichte der wich- tigsten geographischen Enldeckungen bis zur Ankunft der Portugiesen in Japan, 1542. 12 Halle, 1792 Sec Ehrmann. Sprent, C. P. See Scott, J. R. Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm. Scenes and Studies of Savage Life. Plate. 8 1868 Spruce, Richard. Report on the Expe- dition to procure Seeds and Plants of the Cinchona Succirubra, or Red Bark Tree [in Ecuador]. 8 1861 Notes on the Valleys of Piura and Chira in Northern Peru, and on the Cultivation of Cotton therein. 8* 1864 On the River Purus, a tributary of the Amazon. 8* 1864 Palmre Amazonica:, sive Enumeratio Palmarum in itinere suo per regiones America; a-quatorialeslectarum. 8 [1871] Spry, W. J. J. The Cruise of Her Majesty's ship "Challenger": Voyages over many Seas, Scenes in many Lands. Map and plates. 8 1876 Sprye, Capt. Richard. Commerce with Western and Interior China, Thibet and Tartary, across British Pegue from the Port of Rangoon to Esmok on I he South- Western Frontier of China Proper; with Introduction and Notices by the Press. RoyalS* [Privately printed} 1860 - The Western - Inland- Provinces of China Proper, Geographically and Com- mercially considered in connection with British- Eastern- Pegue and the Port of Rangoon. Map. 8* [ Privately printed] \ 862 Commerce with Wcstein and Cen- tral China, Thibet, and Tartary. In- troduction to Notices by the Press [and various Press Notices.] 4* [1868] - The Sprye Route to Western China. [A Cutting from The Engineer of 24th December 1869.] Map. Small 8* 1869 Sprye, Captain Richard, and R. H. F. Sprye. Aerial Telegraph to Hong- Kong and the Open Ports of China, and a New Commerce with the vast West of that Empire across Eastern-Pegue from Rangoon. 8* [Privately printed} 1862 Sprye, R. H. F. and C. H. F. The British and China Railway, from H.M. Port of Rangoon, in the Bay of Bengal, through Pegue and Burmah to the Yunnan Province of China, with Loop- Lines to Siam and Cambogia, Tonquin and Cochin-China. Map. Royal 8* 1858 Spurway, Thomas. See Gottfried ; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 : Appendix I. Squier, E. G. Antiquities of the State of New York. Being the Results of Extensive Original Surveys and Explora- tions, with a Supplement on the Antiqui- ties of the West. Plates. 8 Biiffalo, N. Y., 1851 - Travels in Central America, particu- larly in Nicaragua ; with Descriptions of its Aboriginal Monuments, Scenery, and People, their Languages, Institutions, Religions, &c. 2 vols. Maps and coloured plates. 8 New York, 1853 Honduras Interoceanic Railway : Preliminary Report. Maps. 8* New York, 1854 Do. Supplementary Report. 8* 1856 Notes on Central America, particu- larly the States of Honduras and San Salvador, their Geography, Topography, Climale, &c. , and the proposed Hon- duras Inter-Oceanic Railway. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1855 Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America, chiefly from the Spanish Archives ; pub- lished in the Original, with Transla- tions, Illustrative Notes, Maps, and Bio- graphical Sketches. No. i. Square 8 New York, 1860 Honduras : Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical. Map. 8 1870 The Primeval Monuments of Peru compared with those in other parts of the World. 8* 1870 Observations on the Geography and Archaeology of Peru. 8* 1870 - Peru. Incidents of Travel and Ex- ploration in the Land of the Incas. Plates. 8" 1877 Nicaragua : its People, Scenery, Monuments, Resources, Condition, and Proposed Canal. Map and illustrations. 8 New York, 1860 Squier, M. F. Travels in Central America, including Accounts of some Regions unexplored since the Conquest. From the French of the Chevalier Arthur Morelet ; Introduction and Notes by E. G. Squier. Alap and plates. 8 1871 452 SQU STA. Squire, Col. See Walpole, Turkey, Ap- pendix i. Squire, Jane. Proposal to determine our Longitude. Small 4 1742 Stache, G. Die projectirte Verbindung des Algerisch-tunesischen Chott-Gebietes mil clem Mittelmeere. 8* Vienna, 1875 See " Novara." Stack, E. Six Months in Persia. 2 vols. Maps. 12 1882 Stade, Hans. See Ilakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 51 ; Gottfried ; Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Staehlin, J. von. An Account of the New Northern Archipelago lately discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamts- chatka and Anadir. Translated from the German Original : also a Narrative of the Singular Adventures of Four Russian Sailors who were cast away on the Desert Island of East-Spitzbergen. By P. L. Le Roy. Translated from the German original. 8 !774 Stahlberger, E. Die Ebbe und Fluth in der Rhede von Fiume. Diagrams. 4 Budapest, 1874 Stainbank, H. E. Coffee in Natal, its Culture and Preparation. Small 8* 1874 Stairs, Capt. See Moloney. Stallibrass, E. On Deep-Sea Sounding in connection with Submarine Tele- graphy. Plates. 8* 1887 Stanford, C. Catalogue of the Geo- logical Maps, Sections, and Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, under the Superintendence of Sir Roderick I. Murchison. 8 N.D. Stanford, E. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, based on Hell- wald's "Die Erde und ihre Volker." Maps and plates. 8 Europe. By F. W. Rudler and Geo. G. Chisholm. Edited by Sir Andrew C. Ramsay ; with Ethnologi- cal Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1885 Asia. With Ethnological Appendix by Augustus H. Keane ; edited by Sir Richard Temple. 1882 The same. 2nd edition 1886 Africa. Edited and extended by Keith Johnston ; with Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1878 The same, by the late Keith John- ston. Revised and corrected by E. G. Ravenstein ; with Ethnological Ap- pendix by A. H. Keane. 4th edition 1884 North America. Edited and en- larged by Prof. F. V. Hayden and Prof. A. R. C. Selwyn. 1883 Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Edited and ex- tended by H. W. Bates, with Ethnolo- gical Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1878 The same. 3rd edition 1885 Stanford E. continued. Australasia. Edited and extended by Alfred R. Wallace . . . ; with Ethnological Appendix by A. H. Keane. 1879 The same. 4th edition. 1884 The same. (New issue. ) Austral- asia, Vol. i ; Australia and New Zealand. By Alfred R. Wallace. 1893 A Catalogue of Maps, Atlases, Books, and other Publications issued or sold by Edward Stanford. 8 1890 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their His- tory. 4th edition. Maps. 8 1857 - The Mission of the Traveller. [Funeral Sermon on Dr Livingstone : from Good Words.~\ 8* 1874 See Morrison ; Whitty. Stanley, Bishop Edward. Heads for the Arrangement of Local Information in every Department of Parochial and Rural Interest. 8* 1848 Stanley, H. Chinese Manual, with Com- mentary or Explication : Recueil de Phrases Chinoises, composees de quatre Caracteres, et dont les Explications sont rangees dans 1'ordre Alphabetique Francais. Chinese, French, and English. Folio* 1854 Stanley, Hon. H. E. J. See Stanley of Alderley, Lord. Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone: Travels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa ; including Four Months' Residence with Dr Livingstone. Maps and plates. 8 1872 - The same. 2nd edition 1873 Coomassie and Magdala : the Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. Maps and plates. 8 1874 Through the Dark Continent ; or, The Sources of the Nile around the great Lakes of Equatorial Africa, and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1878 -The same. Small 8 1880 - The Congo, and the Founding of its Free State : a Story of Work and Ex- ploration. 2 vols. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 1885 - The Story of Emin's Rescue as told in H. M. Stanley's Letters. Published with Mr Stanley's permission, and edited by J. Scott Keltic. Map. 12 1890 In Darkest Africa ; or, The Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria. 2 vols. Maps and illus- trations. 8 i 890 The same. 2 vols. 4 1890 STA STE. 453 Stanley, H. M. Mr H. M. Stanley's March through the Great Forest Region of Central Africa, from the Congo to the Nile Lakes ; with Sketches and Descriptions by Officers of the Emin Relief Expedi- tion. Special Number of the Illustrated London News. Folio 1890 Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa. (From Harper's Magazine, March 1893.) Illustrations. 8* 1893 See Casdagli ; Glave ; Jephson ; Mon- tefiore ; Parke, T. H. ; Peters ; Row- lands ; Schynse ; Troup ; Wauters ; Werner ; Yule and Hyndman. Stanley, J. M. Catalogue of the Por- traits of North American Indians, with his Sketches of Scenery, &c. 8 Washington, 1852 Stanley of Alderley, Lord. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 35, 39, 42, 49, 52, 64 : Appendix i. Stanley, William Ford. Experimental Researches into the Properties and Motions of Fluids, with Theoretical Deductions therefrom. Illustrations. 8 1881 Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnois- sance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. Maps and plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1852 Stanton, R. B. Availability of the Canons of the Colorado River of the West for Railway purposes. Map and plates. 8* [1892] Starke, Mariana. Information and Directions for Travellers on the Con- tinent. 8 1829 Statkowski, B. Problemes de la Clima- tologie clu Caucase. 8 Paris, 1879 Statter, Dover. The Decimal System as a whole in its relation to Time, Measure, Weight, Capacity, and Money in unison with each other. Diagram. 8* 1856 Stauber, Anton. Das Stuinia ; together \\ith a Description of the Country and its various Inhabitants. Map and plates. 8 1862 Sternberg, C. G. von. Reise durch Tyrol in die Oesterreichischen Provinzen Italiens. Plates. 4 Vienna, 1811 Sterndale, R. A. Sconce, or Camp Life on the Satpur.i Range, a Tale of Indian Adventure. Map and plates. 8 1877 Sterrett, J. R. Sitlington. An Epi- graphical Journey in Asia Minor. [Archreological Institute of America : Papers of the American School of Classi- cal Studies at Athens, Vol. 2, 1883-84.] Maps. 8 Boston, Mass., 1888 The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor. The same. Vol. 3, 1884-85. Maps. 8 Boston, Mass., 1888 Stetson, G. R. The Liberian Republic as it is. 8* Boston, Mass., 1881 STE. 455 Steuart, Lieut. C. J. A Short Account of the Chootas, a Tribe inhabiting por- tions of the Valley of the Hubb and of the Country adjacent to the Western Frontier of Scinde. Map and plates. [Bombay Records, No. 5> N.S.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1854 Steuart, James. Notes on Ceylon and its Affairs, with Observations on the Anti- quity of Point de Galle, and on the Pearl Fishery. Map and plate. 8 Privately printed, 1 862 Steub, Ludwig. Ueber die Url ewohner Ratiens und ihren Zusammenhang mit den Etruskern. 8 Munich, 1843 Steudner, . See Ileuglin. Steveni, W. Barnes. Colonel Gramb- cheflsky's Pamir Explorations and the Indian Government. Portrait. Large 8* N.I). Colonel Grambcheffsky's Expeditions in Central Asia, and the Recent Events on the Pamirs. Map. Large 8* N.D. See Gromchefsky. Stevens, B. F. See Columbus. Stevens, C. Ellis. The City, a Study, with practical bearings. 2nd edition. 8* New York, N.D. Stevens, G. S. Report: Aden, 2Oth February 1880. Map. Folio* 1880 The same. 27th September 1880. Maps. Folio* 1 880 Stevens, Henry. Historical and Geo- graphical Notes, 1453-1530. Maps. 8 New Haven, Conn., 1869 Sebastian Cabot John Cabot = o. 12* Boston, Mass., 1870 Bibliotheca Geographica et Historica; or, A Catalogue ... of rare and valuable Ancient and Modern Books, Maps . . . &c., illustrative of Historical Geography and (ieographical History, &c. Part I. Frontispiece. 8 1872 The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies, as Recorded in the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603. Containing an Account of the Formation of the Company ; the First Adventure, and Waymouth's Voy- age in Search of the North-West Pass- age. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript, by Henry Stevens of Ver- mont. With an Introduction by Sir George Bird wood. 8 1886 See I-'chc'iner. Stevens, John. See Ilerrera, A. de Stevens, J. J. Report of Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad, near the Forty-seventh and Forty-ninth Parallels, from St Paul to Puget Sound. Maps. 8 Washington, 1854 See United States, II, c : Appen- dix 2. Stevens, Sacheverel. Sec Stephens. Stevens, Samuel. Directions for Collect- ing and Preserving Specimens of Natural History in Tropical Climates. 8* N.D. Stevens, S. The New Route of Com- . merce by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Maps. 8* 1871 - The New Route of Commerce by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec : Argument demonstrating the advantages which the Tehuantepec possesses over all other Routes across the American Isthmus. 8* \_New York} 1872 Stevens, Thomas. Around the World on a Bicycle, from San Francisco to Teheran. Ilhtstrations. 8 1887 - Around the World on a Bicycle, from Teheran to Yokohama. Illustra- tions. 8 1888 Stevens, Thomas. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Keir, Vol. 7 ; Pur- chas, Vol. I, Book 3, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Stevenson, James. Notes on the Country between Kilwa and Tanganika. Maps. 8* Glasgow, 1877 - The Civilisation of South -Eastern Africa, including remarks on the ap- proach to Nyassa by the Zambesi, and Notes on the Country between Kilwa and Tanganika. 3rd edition. Maps. 8* Glasgow, 1877 - The Water Highways of the Interior of Africa, with Notes on Slave-Hunting and the Means of its Suppression. Maps. 8* Glasgow, 1883 The Arabs in Central Africa and at Lake Nyassa, with Correspondence with H.M. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the attitude of Portugal. Maps. 8* Glasgow, 1888 The Arab in Central Africa. Map. 8* Glasgow, 1888 Stevenson, William. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Surrey. Map. 8 1809 Stevenson, W. See Kerr, Vol. 18 : Ap- pendix i. Stevenson, W. B. Historical and Des- criptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1825 Stewardson, Henry C. See Turkey in Asia, B, Palestine : Appendix 2. Stewart, Charles. History of Bengal, from the first Mohammedan Invasion until the virtual Conquest by the Eng- lish, A.i>. 1757. Map. 4 1813 See Timur. Stewart, C. See Mirza Abu Taleb Khan. Stewart, C. S. A Visit to the South Seas, in the United States ship "Vin- cennes," during the years 1829 and 1830 ; including Scenes in Brazil, Peru, Manilla. the Cape of Good Hope, and St Helena, 2 vols. Plates. 8 1832 45 6 STE STO. Stewart, Lieut-Col. D. H. Report on the Soudan. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio* 1883 Stewart, Dr James. See Africa, General, D : Appendix 2. Stewart, J. On the Zambesi. 8* N.D. Stibbs, Capt. Bartholomew. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Stier, H. C. G. See Gama, Vasco da. Stierlin, R. Alpen-Ansicht vom Gurten bei Bern. 8* Berne, 1868 Stiffe, Capt. A. W. Survey of the Mouth of the Indus, in March 1867. Folio* N.D. The same. Folio* 1877 Baluchistan Province of Las Baila : Journal of a Visit to Baila via Soumiyani, in March 1878. Folio* [1885] See United Kingdom, A, Hydrogr. Off. Publ. ; and India Return of Wrecks, &c. : Appendix 2. Stillman, J. D. B. Seeking the Golden Fleece: a Record of Pioneer Life in Cali- fornia ; to which is annexed Footprints of Early Navigators, other than Spanish, in California ; with an Account of the Voyage of the schooner "Dolphin." Plates. 8 San Francisco, 1877 Stirling, A. An Account, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of Orissa Proper, or Cuttack. In Two Parts : Part I General Description, Boundaries (Ancient and Modern), Soil, Productions, Geology, Rivers, Towns, &c. ; Part 2 Chronology and History. MS. Folio The same. Letterpress copy. Plates. 4 N.P., N.D. Stirling, V. H. See Marsh, J. W. Stirton, Dr J. Cryptogamic Flora of the West of Scotland. Published for the British Association Meeting, 1876. 12 Glasgow, 1876 See United Kingdom, K : Appen- dix 2. Stizenberger, E. Index Lichenum Hy- perboreorum. 12 St Gall, 1876 Stockdale, F. W. L. A Concise His- torical and Topographical Sketch of Hastings, Winchelsea, and Rye, includ- ing also several other places in the vicinity of those ancient towns. Plates. 8 1817 Stocks, J. E. Practical Remarks on the Plants of Sind, and the uses of certain Wild Plants in Medicine, the Arts, and Domestic Economy. [Bombay Records, No. 17, N.S.] Royal 8* Bombay, 1855 See Burton, R. F. Stockwell, G. S. The Republic of Li- beria, its Geography, Climate, Soil, and Productions, with a History of its Early Settlement. 12 New York, 1868 Stocqueler, J. H. Fifteen Months' Pil- grimage through Untrodden Tracts in Khuzistan and Persia, in 1831-32, in a Journey from India to England through parts of Turkish Arabia, Armenia, Russia, and Germany. 8 1832 The Overland Companion, being a Guide for the traveller to India via Egypt. 12 1850 Stoddart, J. The Meteorology of Ceylon in 1883, and Average Results from 1869. 4 [1884] Stoddart, Col. See Wolff, J. Stoffel, Col. Baron. See United King- dom, G, War Office Publications : Ap- pendix 2. Stok, J. P. van der. See Van der Stok. Stokes, Prof. G. G. See Symons, G. J. Stokes, H. J. An Historical Account of the Bel^aum District in the Bombay Presidency. [Bombay Records, No. 115, N.S.] Royal 8* Bombay, 1870 Stokes, Capt. J. Lort. Discoveries in Australia, with an Account of the Coasts and Rivers Explored and Surveyed dur- ing ihe Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle" in 1837-43 ; also a Narrative of Capt. Owen Stanley's Visits to the Islands in the Arafura Sea. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1846 Stokes, Robert. Regulated Slave Trade : Evidence given before the Select Com- mittee of the House of Lords in 1849. Plate. 8 1851 Stolberg, F. L. Graf zu. Reise in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Italien, und Sicilien. 3 vols. 8 Leipzig, 1794 See Pelham, Vol. 2: Appendix i. Stoliczka, F. A Brief Account of the Geological Structure of the Hill Ranges between the Indus Valley in Ladak and Shah-i-dula on the Frontier of Yarkand Territory. 8* Calcutta, 1874 Geological Notes on the Route traversed by the Yarkand Embassy from Shah-i-dula to Yarkand and Kashgar. 8* Calcutta, 1874 Geological Observations made on a Visit to the Chaderkul, Thian Shan Range. 8* Calczttta, 1874 See " Novara ; " also India, C, Palseon- tologia Indica : Appendix 2. Stoll, Otto. Zur Ethnographic der Re- publik Guatemala. Map. 8 Ziirich, 1884 Guatemala, Reisen und Schilderungen aus den Jahren 1878-83. Maps and illus- trations. 8 Leipzig, 1886 Stolpe, M. See Sweden, Geologiska Undersiikning : Appendix 2. Stolpyanski, N. " Narodnaya Azbuka. " [Russian Primer.} 12* St Petersburg, 1872 Stolze, F., and F. C. Andreas. Die Handelsverhaltnisse Persiens. (Ergan- zungsheft, 77 Petermann's Mitthcil- ungen). Map. 4 Got ha, 1885 STO STR. 457 Stone, Octavius C. A Few Months in New Guinea. Maps and plates. 8 1880 Stone, Olivia M. Tenerife and its Six Satellites ; or, The Canary Islands, Past and Present. 2 vols. Maps and illus- trations. 8 1887 Stonehewer-Cooper, H. Coral Lands. 2 vols. Photographs. 8 1880 See Ross, Mars. Stoneman, John. See Purchas, Vol.* 4, Book 10 : Appendix i. Stone's Dunedin and Invercargill Com- mercial, Municipal, and General Direc- tory ; Otago and Southland Gazetteer. Almanac, and Companion for 1886. Maps. Small 8 Dunedin, N.Z., 1886 Stoney, Capt. H. Butler. Residence in Tasmania ; with a Descriptive Tour through the Island, from Macquarie Harbour to Circular Head. Map and plates. 8 1856 - Victoria ; with a Description of its principal cities Melbourne and Geelong. and Remarks on the Present State of the Colony, including an Account of the Ballarat Disturbances. Maps and plates. 8 1856 Stoppani, Antonio. Carattere Marino dei grandi Anfiteatri Morenici' dell' alta Italia. Estratto dall' opera Geologia d'ltalia per A. Stoppani e Gaetano Negri compresa nella grande publicazione : L'ltalia sotto 1'aspetto Fisico, Storico, Letterario, Artistico, ecc. : Opera divisa in tre parti : II dizionario corOgrafico dell' Italia, I trattate scientifici sull' Italia, e 1'Atlante Geografico, Slorico, ecc., dell' Italia. Maps and illustra- tions. Large 8* Milan, 1877 Story, John. See Churchill, Vol. 7 : Ap- pendix I. Story, 'W. See Victoria, C : Appendix 2. Stott, J. G. The Killin Hills, by J. G. Stott. Tables giving all the Scottish Mountains exceeding 3,000 feet in height, by H. T. Munro. 8* N.D. Stout, B. Narrative of the Loss of the ship "Hercules," on the Coast of Caf- fraria, the i6th of June 1796; also a Circumstantial Detail of his Travels through the Southern Deserts of Africa and the Colonies, to the Cape of Good Hope ; with an Introductory Address to the Rt. Honourable John Adams. 8 1798 Stow, G. W. See Jones, T. Rupert. Stow, John. A Hermit's Idea that the Stars are the Homes of the Heavenly Hosts, &c., &c. 4* 1862 Stow, J. P. South Australia, its History, Productions, and Natural Resources. Maps, plan, and illustrations. 8 Adelaide, 1883 The same. 2nd edition. 8 Adelaide, 1884 Strabo. Strabonis de Situ Orbis. Vol. i. 24 Leyden, 1557 Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum, Libri XVII.; accedunt huic edition!, ad Casaubonianam iii expressse, notse in- tegrse G. Xylandri, Is. Casauboni, F. Morellii, J. Palmerii; selectee vero ex scriptis P. Meruke, J. Meursii, P. Cluverii, L. Holstenii, C. Salmasii, S. Bocharti, Is. Vossii, E. Spanhemii, C. Cellarii aliorumque; subjiciuntur Chresto- mathiae Gnec. tt Lat. 2 vols. Folio Amsterdam, 1707 Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum, Libri XVII., Graece et Latine, cum variorum, prrecipue Casauboni, animad- versionibus, juxta Editionem Amstelod- amensem. Codicum MSS. collationem, Annotationes, et Tabulas Geographicas, adjecit T. Falconer ; subjiciuntur Chres- tomathire Gr. et Lat. 2 vols. Maps. [Large paper.] Folio Oxford, 1807 Strabon's Erdbeschreibung in sieben- zehn Biichern . . . Verdeutscht von Christoph Gottlieb Groskurd. 4 vols. 8 Berlin and Stettin, 1831-34 Strabonis Geographica, recensuit, Commentario Critico instruxit, Gustavus Kramer. 3 vols. 8 Berlin, 1844 Geography of Strabo. Literally trans- lated, with Notes, by H. C. Hamilton and \V. Falconer. 3 vols. 12 1854-57 See Dubois ; Tozer. Strachan, Capt. John. Explorations and Adventures in New Guinea. Portrait, maps, and illustrations. 8 1 888 Strachan, R. Principles of Weather Forecasts and Storm Prevision. 2nd edition. 8* 1868 On the Weather of Thirteen Autumns, Winters, Springs, and Summers ; and on the Annual Means of Thirteen Years' Observations at London. [Extract from Quarterly Journal of Meteorological Society, ii.] Chart. 8* N.I). Results of Meteorological Observa- tions made at Asuncion, Paraguay. 8* [1885] Strachey, Capt. Henry. Narrative of a Journey to the Lakes Cho-Lagan or Kakas Tal, and Cho-Mapan or Manasa- rowar, and the Valley of Pruang, in Tibet, in 1846. Map. 8 Calcutta, 1848 Physical Geography of Western Tibet. Map. 8* 1854 Strachey, John. Observations on the different Strata of Earths and Minerals, more particularly of such as are found in the Coal Mines of Great Britain. Plate. Small 4 1727 Strachey, J. Notes regarding the trade of the Moradabad District. [Records, N.W. Prov., Part 22.] Royal 8* Agra, 1855 Strachey, Sir John. India. Map. 8 1888 458 STR. Strachey, Gen. R. Introductory Lecture on Scientific Geography. 8* 1877 Lectures on Geography, delivered before the University of Cambridge, during the Lent Term 1888. Crown 8 Strachey, William. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 6 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Strahan, G. See India, F, c, Trigono- metrical Survey : Appendix 2. Strahl, Philipp. See Mouraviev. Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann von. Das nord- und ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia, in so weit solches das gantze Russische Reich mil Siberien und der grossen Tatarey in sich begreiflet, in einer historisch-geographischen Beschrei- bung der alien und neuern Zeiten . . . vorgestellet. Nebst einer. . . . Tabula Polyglotta von zwey und dreissigerley Arten Tatarischer Volcker Sprachen und einem Kalmuckischen Vocabulario, &c. Map and plates. 4 Stockholm, 1730 An Historico-Geographical Descrip- tion of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia ; but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, . . . with Table of the Dialects of thirty- two Tartarian Nations, and a Vocabulary of the Kalmuck-Mungalian Tongue, &c. Square 8 1738 Strahorn, R. E. To the Rockies and Beyond, or a Summer on the Union Pacific Railroad and Branches : Saunter- ings in the popular Health, Pleasure, and Hunting Resorts of Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana, &c. Plates. 8 Omaha, 1879 Stralisky, J. Account of the Survey of the Russian Empire during the Reign of the Emperor Alexander II. [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1874 Strangford, Viscountess. The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863 ; with a Vi>it to Montenegro. Plates. 8 1864 Strauss, Johann Jansen. Reise clurch Italien, Griechenland, Liefland, Moskau, die Tatarei, Medien, Persien, die Tiirkei, Japan, und Ostin.-lien ; worin ausser den Schicksalen des Verfassers, die Merk- wiirdigkeiten, Lebensarten, Sitten, und Gebrauche der durchreis'ten Lander l>eschrieben werden ; angefangen im 1647 und beendigt 1673. 8 Gotha, 1832 Strecker, Wilhelm. Topographische Mittheilungen fiber Iloch - Armenien. Map. 8* Jlcrlin, 1861 Streeter, Edwin W. Precious Stones and Gems, their History and distinguish- ing Characteristics. Plates. 8 1877 The Great Diamonds of the World. Edited and annotated by Joseph Ilatton and A. II. Keane. 8 [1882] Sec Scott and Atkinson. Street's Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory for 1888-89. Maps. Large 8 1888 Strehler, Dr. Bijzonderheden wegens Batavia en deszelfs omstreken ; uit het Dagboek, gedurende twee Reizen cler- waarts in 1828-30. ... Uit het Hoog- duitsch. 8 Haarlem, 1833 Streich, Victor. Scientific Results of the "Elder " Exploring Expedition : Geology and Meteorology. Map and illustra- tions. 8* [Adelaide, 1893] Strelbitsky, J. Superficie de 1'Europe. Publication du Comite Central Russe de Statistique. Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1882 Stretch, Richard H. Illustrations of the Zygrenidae and Bombycidas of North America : Vol. i, Parts i to 9. 8 1872-93. Streyc, Daniel. Beskrivelse over den 6 Islandia, fra Polsk oversat af E. M. Thorson ; med Anmserkninger af S. Jonasson. 8* Copenhagen, 1859 Strickland, H. E. On the True Method of Discovering the Natural System in Zoology and Botany. 8* 1840 Report on the Recent Progress and Present State of Ornithology. 8* 1845 On Geology in relation to the Studies of the University of Oxford. 8* Oxford, 1852 See Jardine, W. ; Murchison. Stringer, C. E. W. Report of a Journey to the Laos State of Nan, Siam. Map. Folio* 1888 Stringer, M. Opera Mineralia Explicata ; or, The Mineral Kingdom within the Dominions of Great Britain display 'd : being a compleat History of the Ancient Corporations of the City of London, of and for the Mines, the Mineral and the Battery Works. 8 1713 Strobl, Heinrich. Kreta : eine geo- graphisch-historische Skizze. Map. 4 Munich, 1875-76 Strom, Hans. Physisk og Oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Fogderiet Sondmor, beliggende i Bergens Stift i Norge. 2 parts. Plates. 4 SoriJe, 1762 Strong, Fred. Greece as a Kingdom, or a Statistical Description of that Country, from the arrival of King Oth<>, in 1833, down to the present time. 8 1842 Strong, Capt. John. See Burney, Vol. 4: Appendix i. Strover, G. A. Memorandum on the Metals and Mineials of Upper Burmah. Folio* 1873 Stroza, Peter. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book I : Appendix I. Struckmann, C. Ueber die Verander- ungen in der geographischende, Ver- breitung der hoheren wildlebenden. STR STU. 459 Struckmann, C. contimied. Tiere im mittleren Europa und Speciell in Deutschland seit deralten Quartarzeit bis zurGegen wart. [Incomplete.] Large 8* [LaAr, 1882] Struve, F. G. W. Table des Positions Geographiques principales de la Russie. 4* St Petersburg, 1843 Resultate der in den Jahren 1816 bis 1819 ausgefiihrten, astronomisch- trigonometrischen Vermessung Livlands. Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1844 Description de 1'Observatoire du Poulkowa. Plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1845 Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen in der Europiiischen Tiirkei, in Kaukasien, und Klein-Asien. 4 Si Petersburg, 1845 Ueber den Fliicheninhalt der 37 westlichen Gouvernements und Pro- vinzen des Europaischen Russlands. Plate. 4* St Petersburg, 1845 - Rapport fait a 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences sur unc Mission Scientifique dont il fut charge en 1847. 4* St Petersburg, 1849 Expose Historique des Travaux executes jusqu'a la fin dc 1'Annee 1851, pour la Mesure de 1'Arc du Meridien, entre Fuglenojs 70 40' ct Ismai'1 45 20' ; suivi de deux Rapports de M. G. Lind- hagen sur 1'Expedition de Finnmarken, et surles Operations de Lappome. Maps. 4* St Petersburg, 1852 Sur la Jonction des Operations Geodesiques Russes et Autrichiennes, executee par oidre des deux Gouverne- ments. 8* St Petersburg, 1853 Arc du Meridien de 25 20' entre le Danube et la Mer Glaciale, mesure, depuis 1816 jusqu'en 1855, sous la Direction de C. de Tenner, N. H. Selander, Chr. Hansteen, et F. G. W. Struve. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1857-60 - Vergleichungen der Wiener Masse mil mehreren auf der Kaiserl. Russischen Hauptsternwarte zu Pulkowa befind- lichen Masseinheiten. 8 Vienna, 1861 and O. W\ Expedition Chrono- metrique entre Altona et Greenwich, pour la Determination de la Longitude Geographique de 1'Observatoire Central de Russie. Plates. 4 St Petersburg, \ 846 Struve, H. Landkarlen; ihre Herstellung undihreFehlergrenzen. 8* Berlin, 1887 Struve, Otto W. Determination des Positions Geographiques de Novgorod, Moscou, Riazan, Lipetsk, Voroneje, et Toula. 4 St Petersburg, 1843 Rcsultats Geographiques du Voyage en Perse en 1838-39. 4* St Petersburg, 1851 Expeditions Chronometriques de 1845 et 1846. 2 parts. 4 St Petersburg, 1853-54 Struve, Otto W. Positions Geogra- phiques determinees en 1847, par le Lieut. -Col. Lemin dans le Pays des Cosaques du Don. Map. 4 St Petersburg, 1855 - Recueil de Memoires presentes a 1'Academie des Sciences, par les Astro- nomes de Poulkova, ou offerts a 1'Obser- vatoire Central par d'autres Astronomes du Pays. Vol. 2. Map and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1859 - Librorum in Bibliotheca Specuke Pulcovensis anno 1858 exeunte conten- torum Catalogus Systematicus. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1860 - Ueber einen vom General Schubert an die Akademie gerichteten Antrag, betreffend die Russisch-Scandinavische Meridian-Gradmessung. 8 1861 Uebersicht der Thatigkeit der Nicolai- Haupsternwarte. Portrait. 4 St Petersburg, 1865 Tabula: auxiliares ad Transitus per Planum primum verticale reducendos inservien es. 4* St Petersburg, 1868 - Tabulae Quantitatum Bessebianarum, proannis 1875-79. 8 St Petersbiirg, 1871 - Die Beschliisse der Washingtoner Meridian Conferenz. 8* StPcterbnrg, 1885 Struys, Jean. Les Voyages de Jean Struys en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes, et en plusieurs autres pais etrangers, &c. 4 Amsterdam, 1681 The same. Par M. Plates. 1 2 The same. Vols. Glanius. 3 vols. A'otien, 1724 i and 3. Plates. Lyons, 1782 Physical Descrip- 18 Strzelecki, P. E. de. tion of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Maps and 'plates. 8 1845 Stuart, James, and Nicholas Revett. The Antiquities of Athens, and other places in Greece ; with the Supple- mentary Volume by C. Cockerell, W. Kinnard, &c. ; together with the Un- edited Antiquities of Attica, comprising the Architectural Remains of Eleusis, Rhamnus, Sunium, and Thoricus, by the Society of Dilettanti. 5 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1825-33 Stuart, J. M'Douall. Journal of an Expedition into the Unexplored Country to the North- West and South -West o'f Port Augusta, South Australia. Map. Folio* 1858 Explorations across . . . Australia, 1861-62. Map. 8* Melbourne, 1863 Journals of Explorations in Australia, 1858-62, when he fixed the Centre of the Continent and successfully crossed it from Sea to Sea. Edited from Mr Stuart's MS. by W. Hnrdman. Portrait, maps, and plates. 8 1864 See Westgarth. 460 STU SUL. Stuart, J. M. The Ancient Gold Fields of Africa : from the Gold Coast to Mashona- land. Maps and plates. 4 N.D. Stuart, Lieut. -Col. Journal of a Resi- dence in Northern Persia and the Ad- jacent Provinces of Turkey. 8 1854 Stuart, Villiers. Nile Gleanings concern- ing the Ethnology, History, and Art of Ancient Egypt, as revealed by Egyptian Paintings and Bas-Reliefs ; with Descrip- tions of Nubia and its great rock tem- ples to the Second Cataract. Map and plates. 8 1879 Egypt after the War : being the Narrative of . a Tour of Inspection (undertaken last autumn), including ex- periences among the Natives, with descriptions of their Homes and Habits ; in which are embodied Notices of the latest Archaeological Discoveries, and a revised account of the Funeral Canopy of an Egyptian Queen. Maps and plates. Large 8 1883 Stubel, A. W. Reiss und A. Stiibel, Reisen in Siid-Amerika. Skizzen aus Ecuador dem 6. Deutschen Geograph- entage ; gewidmet von Alphons Stubel. Illustrations. Folio Berlin, 1 886 See Reiss. Stuckle, Henri. Le Commerce de la France avec le Soudan. 12* Paris, 1864 Studer, B. Ueber die natiirliche Lage von Bern. Map. 4 Berne, 1859 Geschichte der physischen Geo- graphic der Schwei'z bis 1815. 8 Berne, 1863 Studley, T. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. Stukeley, T. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Stumm, H. Der russische Feldzug nach Chiwa. i Theil. Historische und mili- tar-statistische Uebersicht des russis- chen Operationsfeldes in Mittelasien. Maps. Large 8 Berlin, 1875 - Russia in Central Asia : Historical Sketch of Russia's progtess in the East up to 1873, and of the Incidents which led to the Campaign against Khiva ; with a Description of the Military Districts of the Caucasus, Orenburg, and Turkestan. Translated into English by J. W. Ozanne and Captain H. Sachs. Maps. 8 1885 See Vincent, C. E. H. Stumpf.J. .S>Switzerland,B: Appendix 2. Stur, D. Geologic der Steiermark. 4 Graz, 1871 Sturge, Edmund. West India: "Com- pensation " to the Owners of Slaves, its History and its Results. 8* 1893 Sturge, Mrs George. See Heifer. Sturgis, William. The Oregon Question. Map. 8* Boston, Mass., 1845 Sturler, W. L. de. Proeve eener Besch- rijving van het Gebied van Palembang, &c. Map. 8 Groningen, 1843 Redevoering over de natuurlijke Voordeelen van Bodem en Luchtstreek op Java, &c. 8* Groningen, 1847 See Selberg. Sturt, Capt. Charles. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia during 1828-31 ; with Observations on the Soil, Climate, and General Resources of New South Wales. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1834 Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia during 1844-46 ; to- gether with a Notice of the Province of South Australia in 1847. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1849 Sturz, J. J. German Emigration to British Colonies. Small 8 1860 - Der Nord- und Ostsee Kanal durch Holstein ; Deutschlands Doppelpforte zu seinen Meeren und zum Weltmeere. Map. 8* Berlin, 1864 Schafzucht und Wollproduction fiir deutsche Rechnung in Uruguay, als Grundlage fiir deutsche Ansiedelungen inLaPlata-Flussgebiete. 8* Berlin, 1864 Neue Beitrage iiber Brasilien und die La Plata- Lander. 8* Berlin, 1865 Die deutsche Auswanderung und die Verschleppung deutscher Auswanderer ; mit speciellen Documenten iiber die Auswanderung nach Brazilien zur Wider- legungfalscher Angaben. 8* Berlin, 1868 Circular [in German] relative to Emigration to Paraguay. 4* Berlin, 1869 Stutfield, Hugh E. M. El Maghreb : 1,200 Miles' Ride through Morocco. Map. Crown 8 1886 Stiiwe, F. Die Handelsziige der Araber unter den Abbassinden durch Afrika, Asia, und Osteuropa. Map. 8 Berlin, 1836 Suchet, Marechal. Memoires sur ses Campagnes en Espagne depuis 1808 jusqu'en 1814. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 Paris, 1828 Sucksbich, R. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9: Appendix I. Suess, Eduard. Das Antlitz der Erde. Erster Band. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Leipzig, 1885 : Ditto. Zweiter Band. Maps. Large 8 Leipzig, 1888 See Hohnel ; "Novara. " Sulaka, Simon. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book i : Appendix I. Suleiman Pasha. See Soleyman. Sulivan, B. J. Derrotero de las islas Malvinas. 8* Santiago, 1883 Sulivan, Capt. G. L. Dhow chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on the Eastern Coast of Africa : Narrative of five years' experiences in the suppression of the Slave Trade. Map. 8 1873 SUL SWA. 461 Sullivan, Edward. The Bungalow and the Tent; or, A Visit to Ceylon. 8 1854 Sullivan, John T. Report of Historical and Technical Information relating to the Problem of Interoceanic Communication by Way of the American Isthmus. Maps, plans, and profiles. 4 Washington, 1883 Sullivan, Robert. Geography General- ised ; or, An Introduction to the Study of Geography on the Principles of Classi- fication and Comparison. Maps and illustrations. 8 1863 Summers, James. Lecture on the Chinese Language and Literature, delivered in King's College, London, 131!! April 1853. 12* 1853 Sumner, Hon. Charles. Speech . . . on the Cession of Russian America to the United States. 8* Washington, 1867 Supan, Dr Alexander. Archiv fur Wirts- chaftsgeographie. (Erganzungsheft, 84 Petermann's Mittheilungen). Maps. 4 Got ha, 1886 See Wagner and Supan. Surre, Herbert. See Blackwood, Vol. 4 : Appendix i. "Susan," Ship. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2: Appendix I. Sutcliffe, Thomas. The Earthquake of Juan Fernandez, as it occurred in 1835 ; with a Refutation of several Misstatements that have been published in the Nautical Magazine of 1837 and the Public Papers. Plates. Royal 8* Manchester, 1839 Sixteen Years in Chile and Peru from 1822 to 1839. By the retired Governor of Juan Fernandez. 8 [1841] Sutherland, Alexander. Geography of Victoria. 12 1893 See Dawson, G. M. Sutherland, D. A Tour up the Straits from Gibraltar to Constantinople ; with the Leading Events in the Present War between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the commencement of the year 1789. 8 1790 Sutherland, Lieut. -Col. J. Original Matter contained in Lieut. - Colonel Sutherland's Memoir on the KafTers, Hottentots, and Bosjemans, of South Africa : Heads 1st and 2nd, Commen- taries and Notes on the Text used in the compilation of the Memoirs. 8 Cape 7 'own, 1847 Sutherland, Peter C. Journal of a Voyage in Baffin's Bay and Barrow Straits in 1850- 51, performed by H.M. ships "Lady Franklin" and "Sophia," under the Command of Capt. Penny, in Search of the Missing Crews of H.M. ships " Ere- bus" and "Terror"; with a Narrative of Sledge Excursions on the Ice of Wellington Channel, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1852 Sutro, A. The Sutro Tunnel to the Comstock Lode in the State of Nevada, Importance of its Construction, and Revenue to be derived therefrom. Map. 8* New York, 1866 Svanberg, Jons. Exposition des Opera- tions faites en Lapponie, pour la deter- mination d'un Arc du Meridien, en 1801- 3 ; par Ofverbom, Svanberg, Holmquist, et Palander. 8 Stockholm, 1805 Svedmark, E. See Sweden, A, Geologiska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Svenonius, F. V. See Sweden, A, Geolo- giska Undersokning : Appendix 2. Svoboda, Alexander. The Seven Churches of Asia, as seen in their Present Condi- tion, and other Eastern Subjects. [De- scriptive Catalogue of Paintings.] 8* 1869 Svoboda, Dr. Futschau-fu am Minflusse. 8* [Vienna, 1888] Annam und das franzosische Cochin- china. Maps, 8* [I'tenna, 1 888] Ein kurzer Besuch auf den Nicobaren. Map and plates. 8* Vienna, 1888 Die Nikobaren-Inseln und ihre Be- wohner. Maps and plates. 8* Vienna, 1889 Swaan, P. See Robide van der Aa. Swain, G. F. Statistics of Water Power employed in manufacturing in the United States. (Publ. of the American Statis- tical Association, NS., No. i, March 1888.) 8* Boston, 1888 Swainson, W. A Treatise on the Geo- graphy and Classification of Animals. 12 1835 Observations on the Climate of New Zealand, principally with reference to its Sanative character. 8* 1840 See Murray, Hugh; Richardson, Sir J. Swallow, G. C. Geological Report of the Country along the Line of the South- western Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of Missouri ; with Memoir of the Pacific Railroad. Map. 8 St Louis, 1859 See Shumard. Swan, C. A. Letters and Diary of C. A. Swan, of Garenganze, September 1888 to May 1889. 12* 1890 Notes on the Grammatical Construc- tion of Chiluba (the language of the Luba people), as spoken in Garenganze, Central Africa ; with brief Vocabularies in Luba-English and English-Luba, and six chapters in Chiluba from the Gospel of John. 12 Bath [1892] Swan, R. See Burney, Vol. 4 ; Kerr, 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 5 : Appendix i. Swan, R. M. W. See Bent, J. T. Swank, James M. Department of the Interior : Tenth Census of the United States. Francis A. Walker, Superin- tendent. Statistics of the Iron and Steel Production of the United States. Maps. 4 Washington, 1881 462 SWA SYM. Swanus. Sec Hakluyt, Vol. 2; Kerr, Vol. i : Appendix i. Swart, Jacob. Vernieuwde Uitgave van Douwes Zeeman's Tafelen, of Grond- beginselen der dadelijke Zeevart Kunde. Vierde Druk. 8 Amsterdam, 1844 See Schroder, J. F. L. ; Tasman. Swayne, Lieut. E. J. E. Expedition to the Nogal Valley. R.G.S. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3. Map. Large 8 1893 See Swayne, Capt. H. G. C. Swayne, George C. Lake Victoria : a Narrative of Explorations in Search of the Source of the Nile, compiled from the Memoirs of Captains Speke and Grant. Map and plates. 8 1 868 Swayne, Capt. H. G. C. Journal of two Expeditions across Somali-land to the Webbe Shabeyli River. Map. Folio 1893 and Lieut. E. J. E. Swayne. Report on the Reconnaissance of North- ern Somali-land, February to November 1891. Folio Bombay, 1892 Sweetser. M. F. King's Handbook of the United States. Planned and edited by Moses King. Text by M. F. Sweetser. Maps and illustrations. 8 U 1 89 1 Swettenham, F. A. Journal kept during a Journey across the Malay Peninsula. 8* [Pahang, 1885] Swift, Jonathan. See Craik. Swinburne, Henry. Travels in the Two Sicilies, 1777-80. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1783-85 The same. 2nd edition. 4 vols. Plates. 8 1 790 Travels through Spain in the years 1775 and 1776, in which several Monu- ments of Roman and Moorish Architec- ture are illustrated by accurate Drawings taken on the spot. 2nd edition, to which is added a Journey from Bayonne to Marseilles. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1787 Swindells, R. A Summer Trip to the Island of St Michael, the Azores. Map and plates. 12 [Privately printed], Manchester, 1877 Swinhoe, Robert. Narrative of the North China Campaign of 1860, con- taining personal experiences of Chinese character, and of the moral and social condition of the country, together with a de-cription of the interior of Pekin. Map and plates. 8 1861 - Notes on the Island of Formosa. Map and coloured plates. 8 1863 On the Chinese Dialect spoken in Hainan. 4* 1870 Reports of Special Mission to the Yang-tsze-Kiang, &c. Folio* 1870 A Revised Catalogue of the Birds of China and ils Islands, &c. 8* 1871 The Natural History of Hainan. Plates. Small 8 1871 Swire, H. See Blackwood, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Sydow, E. von. Begleitworte zuin Wand-Atlas iiber alle Theile der Erde. 8 Got ha, 1839 - Ein Nachruf. 8 Berlin, 1873 Sykes, Col. W. H. On a portion of Dukhun, East Indies. Map. 4* 1836 Discussion of Meteorological Observa- tions taken in India, at various heights, embracing those at Dodabetta on the Neelgherry Mountains, at 8,640 feet above the level of the Sea. Plates. 4 1850 Traits of Indian Character. 8* 1859 - Notes on the Progress of the Trade of England with China since 1833, and on its present condition and prospects. 8* 1861 - The Taeping Rebellion in China, its Origin, Progress, and Present Con- dition. 8* 1863 See India, C, Geological Papers : Ap- pendix 2. "Sylvanus." Rambles in Sweden nnd Gottland ; with Etchings by the Way- side, by Sylvanus. Plates. 8 1847 Symes, Major Michael. Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava in 1795. Maps and plates. 4 1800 See Eyries, Vol. 13 ; Pelham, Vol. 2 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Appendix I. Symington, Andrew James. Pen and Pencil Sketches of Faroe and Iceland ; with Translations from the Icelandic. Woodcuts. 8 1862 Symonds, Admiral Thomas W. C. Our Great Peril, if War overtake us with our Fleet deficient in Number, Struc- ture, and Armament. 8* Newton Abbot, N.D. Symons, G. J. Rainfall Tables of the British Isles for 1866-80. 8 1883 The Eruption of Krakatoa, and sub- sequent Phenomena. Report of the Krakatoa Committee of the Royal So- ciety, viz. : Hon. R. Abercromby, E. D. Archibald, Prof. T. G. Bonney, Sir F. J. Evans, Dr A. Geikie, Prof. J. W. Judd, J. N. Lockyer, Hon. F. A. R. Russell, R. II. Scott, Prof. G. G. Stokes, Lieut. -Gen. Strachey, G. J. Symons, Capt. W. J. L. Wharton. Edited by G. J. Symons. Maps and illustrations. 4 1 888 Symons, Lieut. Thomas W. Report of an Examination of the Upper Columbia River and the Territory in its vicinity in September and October 1881, to deter- mine its navigability, and adaptability to Steamboat transportation. Maps and illustrations. 4 Washington, 1882 SYN TAS. 463 Synge, Capt. Millington H. Great Britain one Empire : on the Union of the Dominions of Great Britain by inter- communication with the Pacific and the East via British North America. Map. 1852 Szabad, E. Hungary, Past and Present, embracing its History from the Magyar Conquest to the present time. 8 Edinburgh, 1854 Szaszky, J. Tomka. Introductio in Orbis hodierni Geographiam, ad ad- curatissimas quasque Calcographorum Tabulas, Methodo quantum ejus fieri licuit facili, directoque ordine, adnexa simul naturalis atque Civilis Regnorum habitus, descriptione ; Prsefatus est, de falis Geographic priscis ac recentioribus M- Belius. 8 Presburg, 1748 Szechenyi, Count Bela. Die wissens- chaftlichen Ergebnisse der Reise des Grafen Bela Szechenyi in Ostasien 1877-80. Erster Band. Die Beobach- tungen wahrend der Reise. Map, plates, &*c. 4, and Atlas large 4 Vienna, 1893 Szek. See Teleki. T , Comte de. Sur les routes du Danube a Constantinople. 8* Paris, 1828 Tachard, Guy. Second Voyage du Pere Tachard et des Jesuites envoyez par le Roy au Royaume de Siam, con tenant diverses remarques d'Histoire, de Phy- sique, de Geographic, et d'Astronomie. Plates. Square 8 Paris, 1686 See Laharpe, Vol. 5 ; Allgemeine Historic, 10 : Appendix I. Tafel, Theophilus Luc. Frid. De Thessalonica ejusque Agro : Dissertatio Geographica. 8 Berlin, 1839 De Via Militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia, et Thracia jungebantur : Dissertatio Geographica. 4 Tubingen, 1842 Tagle, A. S. de. Sec Sartorius. Tagliabue, E. Dieci Anni a Massaua. Considerazioni politico coloniali. 8* Milan, 1888 Taine, H. Voyage aux Pyrenees. Troisieme edition, illustree par Gustave Dore. 8 Paris, 1860 Taintor, E. C. Geographical Sketch of the Island of Hainan. Map. 4* Canton, 1868 - The Alxirigines of Northern Formosa. 8* Shanghai, 1874 Taiso, . See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Tait, M. Yorkshire, its Scenes, Lore, and Legends, elaborated from a Prize Essay written for the Bradford Geo- graphical Exhibition, 1887 ; with maps by E. D. King. Square 12 Leeds, 1888 Talbot, Thorp. The New Guide to the Lakes and Hot Springs, and a Month in Hot Water. Illustrations. 8 Auckland, N.Z., 1882 Tallenay, Jenny de. Souvenirs de Vene- zuela : Notes de Voyage. Illustrations. 12 Paris, 1884 Tamborrel, Joaquin de Mendizabul. Tesis leida en el examen profesional de Ingeniero Geografo sustentado en la escuela nacional de Ingenieros. Plate. Mexico, 1 884 Tancoigne, . A Narrative of a Journey into Persia, and Residence at Teheran, containing a Descriptive Itinerary from Constantinople to the Persian Capital . . . Map and frontispiece. 8 1820 Tandy, W. See Sangermnno. Tanner, Prof. Henry. The Canadian North- West, and the advantages it offers for Emigration purposes. [2nd edition.] Map ami illustrations. 8* 1886 Successful Emigration to Canada. Revised edition. Map. 8* Ottawa, 1886 British Columbia, its Agricultural and Commercial capabilities, and the advantages it offers for Emigration pur- poses. Illustrations. 8* 1887 Tanner, H. S. American Traveller, or Guide through the United States. Maps. 12 Philadelphia, 1840 - Description of the Canals and Rail- roads of the United States, compre- hending Notices of all the Works of Internal Improvement throughout the several States. Maps. 8 New York, 1840 The Traveller's Handbook for the State of New York and the Province of Canada. Maps. 12" New York, 1844 Tappenbeck. Lieut. . Bericht von Lieutenant Tappenbeck. [On a Journey on the Congo.] 8* [Berlin, 1886] Tarducci, T. R. Di Giovanni e Sel>as- tiano Caboto : Memorie raccolte e docu- mentate. Large 8 Venice, 1892 Tarnovski, Lieut. G. Review of the Trans-Caspian Region for 1891 and 1892. [In Russian.] 8 Askhabad, 1893 Tasman, Abel Jansz. Journaal van de Reis naar het Onbekendc Zuidland, 1642, met de Schepen " Heemskcrck " en de "Zeehaen." Medegedeeld en met eenige Aanteekeningen voorzien door Jacob Swart. Map. 8" Amsterdam, 1860 See Burney, Vol. 3 ; Callander, Vol. 2; Dalrymple, Pacific, Vol. 2; Harris, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 1 1 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12 ; "Voyages," p. 597 : Appendix I. Tassy, Garcin de. Les Auteurs Hin- doustanis et leurs Ouvrages. 8* Paris, 1868 464 TAS TAY. Tassy, Garcin de. Bag o Bahar, Le Jardin et le Printemps : Poeme Hindou- stani. Traduit en Francais. [No. 8 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] 8 Paris, 1878 Tate, T. Notes on a Voyage to the Arctic Seas in 1863. 12 Alnwick, 1864 Tattam, Henry. Compendious Grammar of the Egyptian Language, as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic Dialects ; with Observations on the Bashmuric ; . . . with an Appendix consisting of the Rudi- ments of a Dictionary of the Ancient Egyptian Language in the Enchorial Character, by Thomas Young. 8 1830 Tatton, J. See Astley, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. i, Book 3 : Appendix i. Taubert, P. See Schweinfurth and Ascherson. Taubman-Goldie. See Goldie. Taunt, Emory H. Report of Lieutenant Taunt of a Journey on the River Congo. 8 Washington, 1887 Tavara, Santiago. Memoria de la Cun- stitucion Medica del Callao en el Ano 1877. 12* Callao, 1878 Tavares Bastos. A livre Navegacao do Amasonas. [Journal do Para, Nos. 22, 23, e 24 ; Jan. 28, 29, 30, 1864.] 3 Nos. Folio* Para, 1864 Tavernier, John Baptista. The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier . . . through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies, finished in the year 1670 . . . made English by J. P. Plates. Small folio 1678 Recueil de Plusieurs Relations et Traitez singuliers et curieux de J. B. Tavernier. [For full Titles and Contents, see Ap- pendix i.] See Ball, V. ; also Harris, Vol. I ; Pinkerton, Vol. 8 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 10, II : Appendix I. Taw Sein-ko. A Preliminary Study of the Kalyani Inscriptions of Dhamma- chetti, 1 476 A. D. Plates. 4* Bombay, 1893 Notes on an Archaeological Tour through Ramannadesa (the Talaing country of Burma). Reprinted from the Indian Antiquary. Plate. ^* Bombay, 1893 Taylor, A. Dundas. On the Harbours of India. 8* Liverpool, 1870 - The Indian Directory, for the Guid- ance of Commanders of Steamers and Sailing Vessels, founded upon the work of the late Captain James Horsburgh: Part the First, containing the East Indies and interjacent parts of Africa and South America. Revised, extended, and illus- trated, with Charts of Winds, Currents, Passages, Variation, and Tides. Small 4 1874 See United Kingdom, A, Admiralty Publ. ; India, D, Marine Surveys and Returns of Wrecks : Appendix 2. Taylor, A. J. Imperial Federation versus Australian Independence. 8* Hobart, 1889 A Chat about the Aborigines of Tas- mania. With some Reflections on the subject, . . . also some Notes on the Shell Mounds at Little Swanport. 8* Hobart [1891] Taylor, Annie R. An Englishwoman in Thibet. (From the National Review for September 1893.) 8* 1893 Taylor, Bayard. Visit to India, China, and Japan in 1853. 8 1855 Taylor, C. E. Leaflets from the Danish West Indies, descriptive of the Social, Political, and Commercial Condition of these Islands ; with a Portrait of the Author, and a Biographical Sketch written by Ph. Linet. Illustrations. 8 1888 Taylor, Elizabeth I. See Tiele, C. P. Taylor, Ellen M. Madeira, its Scenery, and how to see it ; with Letters of a Year's Residence, and Lists of the Trees, Flowers, Ferns, and Seaweeds. Frontis- piece, map, and plan. Crown 8 1882 The same. 2nd edition. Frontispiece, map, and plan. Crown 8 1889 Taylor, G. A Ramble through Southern Formosa. (From The China Review.} Sketches. 8* N.P. [1888] Taylor, G. Cavendish. Adventures with the British Army, from the Commence- ment of the War to the Taking of Sebastopol. 2 vols. 8 1856 Taylor, J. Words and Places ; or, Etymo- logical illustrations of History, Ethno- logy, and Geography. 3rd edition. Maps. 12 1873 Taylor, Major John. Travels from England to India, in 1789, by the way of the Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, and over the Great Desart to Bussora ; with Instructions for Travellers, and an Account of the Expense of Travelling, &c. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1799 Taylor, J. E. See Adalbert. Taylor, J. G. Travels in Kurdistan, with Notices of the Sources of the Eastern and Western Tigris, and Ancient Ruins in their Neighbourhood. 8* [1865] Taylor, Mrs. Lunar Tables, by which the True Distance is obtained from the Apparent Altitudes, and the usual tedious preparations avoided previous to clearing a Lunar Distance. 8 1835 Taylor, N. See Vicforia, B : Appen- dix 2. Taylor, Capt. R. Historical and other Information connected with the Province of Oman, Muskat, and the adjoining Country ; the Islands of Bahrein, Ormus, Kishm, and Karrack ; and other Ports and Places in the Persian Gulf: prepared in 1818. [From the India Record, No. 24.] Maps. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 TAY TEB. 465 Taylor, Capt. R. Report on the Naviga- tion of the River Gogra. Plans. [India Records, Part 31, N.W. Provinces.] Large 8* Calcutta, 1858 Taylor, Rev. Richard. Te Ika a Maui ; or, New Zealand and its Inhabitants, illustrating the Origin, Manners, Cus- toms, . . . and Language of the Natives ; together with the Geology, Natural His- tory, Productions, and Climate of the Country, &c. Map and plates. 4 1855 The same. 2nd edition. Plates. 8 1870 Taylor, Richard C. Two Reports on the Coal Lands, Mines, and Improvements of the Dauphin and Susquehanna Coal Company, and of the Geological Exami- nations, Present Condition, and Prospects of the Stony Creek Coal Estate, Penn- sylvania ; with an Appendix containing tables and statistical information. Maps. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 Taylor, T. G. Meteorological Obser- vations made at the Meteorological Bungalow on Dodabetta, 8,640 feet above the level of the sea, in 1847-48. 8* Madras, 1848 See India, N, Madras Observations : Appendix 2. - and J. Caldecott. Observations on the Directions and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Southern India. Map. 8* Madras, 1839 Taylor, Rev. W. E. African Aphorisms, or Saws from Swahili-Land; with a Pre- face by the Rev. W. Salter Price. 12 1891 Taysen, F. See Blackwood, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Tchernycheff, T. Hauteurs absolues determinees dans 1'Oural Meridional en 1882-85, calculees sans la direction du Gen. A. deTillo. 4 St Petersburg^ 1886 Notes sur les Travaux executes par 1'Expedition de Timane en 1890. [In Russian.] Map. Large 8 \St Petersburg, 1891] Tchihatcheff, P. de. Voyage Scientifique dans 1'Alta'i Oriental et les parties ad- jacentes de la Frontiere de Chine. Plates. Large 4 Paris, 1 845 Memoire relatif a la Constitution Geologique de 1' Altai. 4* Paris, 1845 Notice of Researches in Asia Minor. 8 1849 "Miscellanea." 8 Paris, &c. Including: Notice of Researches in Asia Minor. !$49 Memoire sur les Terrains Jurassique, Cretace\ et Nummulitique de la Bithynie, de la Galatie, et de la Paphlagonie. 1851 Depots Nummulitiques et Diluviens de la Presqu'ile de Thrace. Map 1851 Le Paix de Zurich et le nouveau Con- gres Europeen. ^59 Tchihatcheff, P. At. continued. Italic et Turquie. J 859 Lettres sur la Turquie. 1859 L'Asie Mineure et 1'Empire Ottoman : Etat Actuel et Richesses Naturelles de 1'Asie Mineure, situation Politique, Mili- taire, et Financiere de la Turquie. 8 Paris, 1850 Asie Mineure : Description Physique, Statistique, et Archeologique de cette contree. 8 vols. Royal 8, and Atlas 4 Paris I e Partie Geographic Physique com- paree. J'lates 1853 H e Partie Climatologie et Zoologie. Plates 1856 1 1 I e Partie Botanique. 2 vols. 1860 IV e Partie Geologic. 3 vols. Vol. I, 1857 ; Vols. 2 and 3, 1869. Map and plate. Paleontologie. Atlas of plates, 1860 (par A. D'Archiac, P. Fischer, and E. de Verneuil). 1866 Depots Tertiaires d'une partie de la Cilicie Trachee, de la Cilicie Champetre, et de la Cappadoce ; Depots Tertiaires du Midi de la Carie et d'une partie sep- tentrionale de la Pisidie ; Depots Paleo- zoiques de la Cappadoce et du Bosphore. Map. 8 Paris, 1854 Lettre sur les Antiques de 1'Asie Mineure, addressee a M. Mohl. 8* Paris, 1854 Considerations Historiques sur les Phenomenes de Congelation constates dans le Bassin de la Mer Noire. Large 8* Pferatffef [1855] Etudes sur la Vegetation des Hautes Montagnes de 1'Asie - Mineure et de 1'Armenie. 8* Paris, 1857 Le Bosphore et Constantinople ; avec Perspectives des Pays Limitrophes. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1864 Reisen in Kleinasien und Armenien, 1847-63. (Erganzungsheft, 20 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen. ) Map. 4 Got ha, 1867 Une Page sur 1'Orient. 12 Paris, 1868 Espagne, Algerie, et Tunisie : Lettres a Michel Chevalier. Map. 8 Paris, 1880 - Preface de la nouvelle edition de " 1'Asie Cenlrale " de Humboldt. 8* N.P., N.D. Klein-Asien. Map and illustrations. 12 Leipzig, 1887 Etudes de Geographic et d'Histoire Naturelle. 8 Florence, 1890 See Grisebach. Tchirikoff, Gen. E. I. See Gamazoff. Tchirikow. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Teale, T. P. See Osburn, W. Tebbutt, John. Meteorological Observa- tions made at the Private Observatory of J. Tebbutt, Jun., Windsor, N.S.W., 1863-66. 8 Sydney, 1868 4 66 TEB TEM. Tebbutt, John. The same, 1867-68-69-70. Folio The same, 1871-76. Sydney, 1874 Folio Sydney, 1877 See Churchill, Techo, F. Michel del. Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Tecla, Maria. See Purchas, Vol. i, Book I : Appendix I. Teenstra, M. D. Beknopte Beschrijving van de Nederlandsche Overzeesche Be- 'zittingen ... in Oost- en West-Indien, &c. Map and plate. 8 Groningen, 1846 Teetzmann, F. See Baer and Helmer- sen, ii. " Tegetthoff." See Payer. Tegg, James. New South Wales Pocket Almanac and Remembrancer for 1840. 1 8 Sydney, 1840 Tegner, H. See Hage. Tegoborski, M. L. de. Commentaries on the Productive Forces of Russia. 2 vols. 8 1855 Teichelmann, C. G., and C. W. Schiir- mann. Outlines of a Grammar, Voca- bulary, and Phraseology of the Aboriginal Language of South Australia spoken by the Natives in and for some distance around Adelaide. 8 Adelaide, 1840 Teignmouth, Lord. Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland, and of the Isle of Man. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1836 Teixeira, P. See Tellez ; also Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 16 : Appendix I. Teleki von Szek, D. Reisen durch Ungern und einige angranzende Lander ; aus dem Ungrischen iibersetzt durch Ladislaus v. Nemeth. Portrait. 8 Pesth, 1825 Telfer, Capt. J. Buchan. The Crimea and Transcaucasia : being a Narrative of a Journey in the Kouban, in Gouria, Georgia, Armenia, Ossety, Imeritia, Swannety, and Mingrelia, and in the Tauric range. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1876 Armenia and its People. Large 8* 1891 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 58; Ap- pendix I. Telford, Thomas, and Capt. George Nicholls. Ship Canal for the Junction of the English and Bristol Channels : Reports, with an Appendix. 8* 1824 Tellez, Balthazar. The Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia . . . Travels of the Sieur Mouette in the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco [1670] ; Travels of Peter Teixeira from India to Italy, by land [after 1600] ; Voyage to Madagascar, the adjacent Islands, and Coast of Africk, by F. Cauche [after 1638]. Maps. Small 4 1710 See Thevenot, Vol. 4 ; Recueil de divers Voyages, p. 595 : Appendix i. Tellier, J. Essai d'Etude positiviste sur le Sud Algerien. 8* Brussels, 1878 Temminck, C. J. Coup d'reil general sur les possessions Neerlandaises dans 1'Inde Archipelagique. 3 vols. 8 Leyden, 1846-49 Temple, Edmond. Travels in various parts of Peru, including a Year's Resi- dence in Potosi. 2 vols. Map und plales. 8 1830 Temple, Sir Grenville T. Excursions in the Mediterranean, Algiers, and Tunis. 2 vols. Maps, plates, and facsimiles. 8 1835 Travels in Greece and Turkey, being the Second Part of Excursions in the Mediterranean. 2 vols. Plales. 8 1836 Sketch of the Campaign of Kostan- tinah, in 1837. 8* 1839 Temple, Lieut. G. T. Hydrography, Past and Present. Map. 8* 1879 Statement in Vindication of Com- mander T. A. Hull, R.N., Superin- tendent of Charts at the Admiralty. 8* 1880 Pleasure Cruise to the Land of the Midnight Sun, in the Orient Company's s.s. " Chimborazo. " Map and illustra- tions. 4* [1889] Notes on a Winter Cruise in the West Indies by the Orient Company's s.s. "Garonne," November 1893. Map and illustrations. 4* 1 893 See United Kingdom, A, Sailing Directions : Appendix 2. Temple, Sir Richard. Report on the Moquddumee Biswahdaree Settlement of Pergunnah Barrah, Zillah Allahabad. [From the India Records, Part 27, N.W. Provinces.] Agra, 1856 Report showing the Relations of the British Government with the Tribes, Independent and Dependent, on the N.W. Frontier of the Punjab, from annexation in 1849 to the close of 1855. [From the India Records, No 12.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1856 Report on the Mahanuddy and its Tributaries, and the Resources and Trade of the adjacent countries. [From the India Records, No. 43, Public Works Department.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1864 India in 1880. Maps. 8 1880 Men and Events of My Time in India. 8 1882 Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kash- mir, Sikkim, and Nepal. Edited, with Introductions, by his son Richard Carnac Temple. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1887 Palestine. Illustrations. 4 1888 See Stanford, E. Temple, Richard Carnac. Notes on the Transliteration of the Burmese Alpha- bet into Roman Characters ; to which is TEM THE. 467 Temple, Richard Ca.rna.ccontinued. attached a Note on the Vocal and Con- sonantal Sounds of the Peguan or Talaing Language. Folio* Rangoon, 1876 Notes on the Formation of the Country passed through by the 2nd Column, Tal Chotiali Field Force, during its march from Kala Abdullah Khan in the Khojak Pass to Lugari Barkhan, Spring of 1879. Map. 8* Calcutta, 1879 Rough Notes on the Distribution of the Afghan Tribes about Kandahar. Maps. S* 1879 Remarks on the Afghans found along the Route of the Tal Chotiali Field Force, in the Spring of 1879. Parts I and 2. Maps and plates. 8* {Calcutta, 1880] - The Legends of the Punjab. 8* Bombay, N.D. See Man. Templeman, P. See Norden. Templeton, Frederick. Statement made to the Directors of the British American Land Company, on the Eastern Town- ships of Lower Canada. 8 1836 Tempsky, G. F. von Mitla. A Narra- tive of Incidents and Personal Adven- tures on a Journey in Mexico, Guate- mala, and Salvador, in 1853-55. Edited by J. S. Bell. Map ami plates. 8 1858 Tenison-Woods, Rev. J. E. See Woods. Ten Kate, Dr H. F. C. Reizen en Oncler- zoekingen in Noord Amerika. Maps and plates. 8 Ley den, 1885 Sur les Cranes de Lagoa-Santa. 8* Paris, 1885 Legends of the Cherokees. (Re- printed from Journal of American Folk- Lore, Vol. 2, No. 4.) 8* N.I>. N.D. - Zuni Fetiches. Plate. 4* 1890 Tennant, Lieut. -Col. J. F. Report on Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on nth and I2th December 1871, made by order of the Government of India, at Dodabetta, near Ootacamund. Plates. 4* 1875 Tennant, Robert. Sardinia and its Re- sources. Map and illustrations. Large 8 1885 Tennent, Sir James Emerson. Ceylon : an Account of the Island, Physical, Historical, and Topographical, with Notices of its Natural History, Antiqui- ties, and Productions. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1860 Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon, with Narratives and Anecdotes, &c. Illustrations. 8 1861 Tenore e Gussoni. Viaggio alia Meta, al Morrone, ed alia Maiella [Abruzzo]. 4 N.D. Ten Rhyne, . See Churchill, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Teran, Ignacio. Teoria de la Lluvia 6 sea ; un ensayo de razones sobre el modo como se verifica el fenomeno de la lluvia. 12* Sucre, 1890 Ternant, Victor de. L'Exposition des Colonies and de 1'Inde a Londres, ,1886 : Rapport presente a la Societe des Etudes Coloniales et Maritimes, par son delegue a 1'Exposition. 8* Pan's, 1887 Ternaux - Com pans, H. Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine, ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a 1'Asie et a 1'Afrique qui ont paru depuis la Decouverte de I'lmprimerie jusqu'en 1700. 8 fan's, 1841 Essai sur 1'Ancien Cundinamarca. 8 Paris, N.D. Voyages, Relations, et Memoires Originaux, pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Decouverte de 1'Amerique. 20 vols. in 10. 8 Paris, 1837-41 [For Contents of these volumes, see Appendix I.] Terry, Charles. New Zealand, its Ad- vantages and Prospects as a British Colony; with an Account of the Aborigines, &c. Map and plates. 8 1842 Terry, Edward. Voyage to East India . . . Reprinted from the edition of 1655. Map and plates. 8 1777 See Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. 2 ; Thevenot, Vol. i : Appendix I. Tessan, U. de. Rapport verbal sur un Ouvrage imprime de M. Cialdi intitule " Sul moto ondoso del Mare, &c. " 4* Paris, 1866 See Du Petit-Thouars. Tessy, Garcin de. See Sedillot. Tevet, Andrea. Historia dell' India America, delta altramente Francia An- tarctica. Tradotta cli Francese, da G. Horologgi. 12 Venice, 1561 Texeira, Peter. See Teixeira. Texier, C. Description tie 1'Armenie, la Perse, et la Mesopotamie. 2 vols. Plates. Folio Paris, 1842 and R. Popplewell Pullan. The Principal Ruins of Asia Minor illustrated and described. Map and plates. Folio 1865 Teysmann, J. E. See Robide van der Aa. Thackeray, Col. E. T. From Assam to Kashmir : Notes on Sport and Travel. Illustrations. 8* N.D. Thackeray, St John. See Marshall, T. Thayer, Russell. Earthquakes : a Scien- tific Investigation of the Method of Action of these Terrestrial Phenomena, and a Theory of their Primary Cause. Plan. 8* Philadelphia, 1886 Theal, G. M'Call. Compendium of the History and Geography of South Africa. 3rd edition. 8 1878 4 68 THE T HO. Theal, G. M'Call. History of the Boers in South Africa ; or, The Wanderings and Wars of the Emigrant Farmers from their leaving the Cape Colony to the acknow- ledgment of their Independence by Great Britain. Maps. 8 1887 History of South Africa. [1486-1691.] Maps. 8 1888 The same. [1691-1795.] Maps and frontispiece. 8 1888 The same. [1795-1834.] Maps. 8 1891 The same. The Republics and Native Territories from 1854 to 1872. Map. 8 1889 Thebaeus. See Purchas, Vol. i , Book I : . Appendix i. Thenaud, Jean. Le Voyage d'outremer (Egypte, Mont Sinay, Palestine) de Jean Thenaud Gardien du convent des Cordeliers d'Angouleme; suivi de la Relation de 1'Ambassade de Domenico Trevisan aupres du Sudan d'Egypte, 1512. Public et annote par Ch. Schefer. [Kecueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Geographic depuis le XIII e jusqu'a la fin du XVI e Siecle. Public sous la direction de MM. Ch. Schefer et Henri Cordier. Vol. 5.] Plate. Large 8 Paris, 1884 Theodoricus, Sebastianus. Novce Ques- tiones Sphaene, hoc est, de Circulis Ccelestibus et primo mobili, in gratiam studiosse inventutis scriptae. Woodcut diagrams (some movable). 12 Wittenberg, 1567 [Bound up with other works and en- titled " Cosmographia. "] Thevenot, J. P. E. Traite des Maladies Europeens dans les Pays Chaucls, et specialement au Senegal ; ou E*sai Statistique, Medical, et Hygienique sur le Sol, le Climat, et les Maladies de cette partie de 1'Afrique. 8 Paris, 1840 Thevenot, Jean de. Troisieme partie des Voyages de, contenant la Relation de 1'Indostan, des Nouveaux Mogols, et des autres Peuples et Pays des' Indes. 4 Paris, 1684 Travels into the Levant, viz., Turkey, Persia, the East Indies. Portrait and plates. Folio 1687 - See Harris, Vol. 2; "The World Displayed," Vols. n, 12; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Thevenot, Melchizedec. Relation de divers Voayges [sic] curieux qui n'ont point este publiees . . . [For full Title and Contents, see Ap- pendix i.] TheVoz, F. and E. See Turkey in Asia, B, Palestine : Appendix 2. Thibaut, . Journal de 1'Expedition a la Recherche des Sources du Nil, 1839-40. 8* Paris, 1856 Thiebaut de Berneaud, Arsenne. See Berneaud. Thielmann, Max von. Streifziige im Kaukasus, in Persien, und in der Asia- tischen Tiirkei. Map and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1875 Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia. Translated by Charles Heneage. 2 vols. Map and plates. Small 8 1875 Vier Wege durch Amerika. Maps and plates. 4 Leipzig, 1879 Thoemmel, Gustav. Geschichtliche, Politische und Topografisch-statistische Beschreibung des Vilajet Bosnien, das ist das eigentliche Bosnien, nebst tiirkisch Croatien, der Ilercegovina und Rascien. 8 Vienna, 1867 Thorn, Alex. Inquiry into the Nature and Course of Storms in the Indian Ocean South of the Equator. Maps and diagrams. 8 1845 Thoma, Dr C. Dasunterirdische Eisfeld, bei der Dornburg, am siidlichen Fusse des Westerwaldes. Map. 12* Wiesbaden, 1841 Thoman, Fedor. Metrologie Espagnole. 8* Paris [ 1 870] Thomas, A. Etymologisches Worterbuch geographischer Namen, namentlich solcher aus dem Bereiche der Schul Geographic. 8 Breslau, 1886 Thomas, Charles ap. To the Summit of the Andes by Rail. 12* Gravesend, N.D. Thomas, Cyrus. A Study of the Manu- script Troano ; with an Introduction by D. G. Brinton, M.D. [From "Contri- butions to North American Ethnology," Vol. 5.] Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 Work in Mound Exploration of the Bureau of Ethnology. 8* Washington, 1887 The Circular, Square, and Octagonal Earthworks of Ohio. Illustrations. 8* Washington, 1 886 The Problem of the Ohio Mounds. Illustrations. 8* Washington, 1889 Catalogue of Prehistoric Works east of the Rocky Mountains. Large 8 Washington, 1891 See United States, G, a (Surveys) : Appendix 2. Thomas, E. Early Armenian Coins. 8* 1867 Thomas, Edward. The Indian Balhara, and the Arabian Intercourse with India in gth and following Centuries. 4* 1882 Thomas, H. T. Untrodden Jamaica. Map and illustrations. 8* Kingston, Jamaica, 1 890 THO. 469 Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers and an Account of Newspapers ; to which is prefixed a Concise View of the Dis- covery and Progress of the Art in other Parts of the World. 2 vols. Facsimiles. 8 Worcester, Mass., 1810 Thomas, J. , and T. Baldwin. Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer. See Lippincott. Thomas, J. See Astley, Vol. I : Appen- dix i. Thomas, Julian. Cannibals and Convicts : Notes of Personal Experiences in the Western Pacific. Map and portraits. 8 1886 Thomas, of Woodstock. See Gloucester, Duke of. Thomas, P. U. Essai de Statistique de 1'ile de Bourbon : suivi d'un projet de Colonisation de 1'Interieur de cette ile. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1828 Thomas, R. H. See Graham, D. C. ; Keily. Thomas, Commr. T. E. L. See Kellet, Capt. ; also India : Appendix 2. Thomas, T. M. Eleven Years in Central South Africa. Map and plates. 8 [1872] Thomason, A. Men and Things in America. 12 1838 Thomason, Hon. James. Despatches and Minutes, Vol. 2. [From the India Records, Part 41.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1858 Thomassen, E. S. Biographical Sketch of Nicholas de Miklouho-Maclay. Plate and portraits. 8* 1882 Thomassy, M. R. Note sur 1'Hydrologie Maritime et sur les Lignes d'Equisalure de 1'Ocean Atlantique. 8* Paris, 1860 Thompson, C. W. Report on Route Survey : Accra to Prahsue. Sketch map. Folio* [Elmina, 1882] Manual of the Sextant, containing Instructions for its Use in determining Time, Latitude, Longitude, and the Variation of the Compass. 8 1887 Thompson, David. See Tyrrell. Thompson, Edward H. Explorations at Labna, Yucatan. Plan. 8* 1887 Extracts from Letters on Explorations in Yucatan. 8* 1888 The Ancient Structures of Yucatan not Communal Dwellings, and Yucatan at the Time of its Discovery. (From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 2ist October 1892.) Plates. 8* Worcester, Mass., 1893 Thompson, George. Travels and Ad- ventures in Southern Africa, comprising a View of the Present State of the Cape Colony. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1827 The War in Paraguay, with a His- torical Sketch of the Country and its People, and Notes upon the Military Engineering of the War. Maps. 8 1869 Thompson, G "Confederation in South Africa," and " Delagoa Bay." [Extracts from the Empire newspaper] N.P., 1874 Thompson, G. A. Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala from Mexico. Map. 12 1829 Thompson, J. G. Complete Phonetic Alphabet, based upon Lepsius's Standard Alphabet. 8* Bombay, 1859 Pointed and Unpointed Romanic Alphabets compared, in Six Versions of Luke xiv. 18-20. 8* Mangalore, 1859 Thompson, Robert, and John Hogg. Sketches of Kertch, its larger Tumuli, and some other Remains. Map and plates. 8 s 1857 Thompson, R. Report on Forests of Tuppehs Doodhee, Bara and Pulwa, Pcrgunnah Singrowlee, District Mirza- poor, 1869. [Records, Vol. 2, Part 2, 2nd Series, N.W. Prov.] 8 Allahabad, 1869 Thompson, William Mann. Improved Systems of Chaining for Land and Engineering Surveys. 8* 1888 Thomson, Arthur S. Story of New Zealand, Past and Present, Savage and Civilised. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1859 Thomson, Sir C. Wyville. The Depths of the Sea : an Account of the General Results of the Dredging Cruises of H.M. ships "Porcupine" and "Lightning" during the Summers of 1868, 1869, and 1870. Maps and plates. 8 1873 The Voyage of the "Challenger." The Atlantic : a Preliminary Account of the General Results of the Exploring Voyage of H. M.S. " Challenger " during the year 1873 and the early part of the year 1876. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1877 See " Challenger" Voyage. Thomson, David. Lunar and Horary Tables, &c. 5 1st edition. 8 1856 Thomson, Capt. F. T. See "Challenger." Thomson, Dr James. On the Grand Cur- rentsof Atmospheric Circulation. 4* 1892 Thomson, John. The Antiquities of Cambodia : a series of Photographs taken on the spot, with Letterpress de- scription. Oblong 4 Edinburgh, 1867 Notes on Cambodia and its Races. 8* 1867 Illustrations of China and its People : a series of two hundred Photographs, with Letterpress descriptive of the places and people represented. 4 vols. Folio 1873-74 The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China ; or, Ten Years' Travels, Ad- ventures, and Residence abroad. Plates. 8 1875 - The Land and the People of China. Map and plates. 12 1876 470 TIIO. Thomson, John. Through Cyprus with the Camera in the Autumn of 1878. 2 vols. Photographs. 4 J&79 Thomson, Joseph. To the Central African Lakes and back : the Narrative of the Royal Geographical Society's East Cen- tral African Expedition, 1878-80 ; with short Biographical Notice of the late Mr Keith Johnston. Maps and portraits. Small 8 1881 Thro.ugh MasSi Land : a Journey of Exploration among the Snowclad Vol- canic Mountains and Strange Tribes of Eastern Equatorial Africa, being the Narrative of the Royal Geographical Society's Expedition to Mount Keniaand I,ake Victoria Nyanza, 1883-84. 3rd edition. Maps and illustrations. 8 1885 Up the Niger to the Central Sudan. [Cuttings from Good Words, January, February, April, and May 1886.] Map and illustrations. Large 8* 1886 Travels in the Atlas and Southern Morocco : a Narrative of Exploration. Maps and illustrations. 8 1889 Mungo Park and the Niger. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 Thomson, J. P. The Island of Kadavu. Map. 8* {Edinburgh, 1889] Sir William MacGregor's Upper Fly River Exploration, British New Guinea. 8* {Brisbane, 1890] Notes on the Brisbane River Floods. 8* {Brisbane, 1890] British New Guinea. Map and illus- trations. Royal 8 1892 Exploration and Discoveries in British New Guinea since the Proclamation of Sovereignty. 8* {Hobart, 1892] Practical Suggestions to Travellers.- {Sydney, 1892] Sketch of the Duntdin, 1858 Thomson, J. Turnbull. Province of Otago. 8* See New Zealand, B : Appendix 2. Thomson, Thomas. Travels in Sweden in 1812. Maps and plates. 4 1813 Thomson, Dr Thomas. Western Hima- laya and Tibet : a Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India in 1847-48. Maps and plates. 8 1852 See Hooker, Sir J. D. Thomson, William. New Methods of rinding the Apparent Time and the Sun's Altitude for any given place and time ; and finding the Latitude by Double Altitudes, and also by a single Altitude of the Sun. 8 Bombay, 1848 Thomson, Sir William (Lord Kelvin). Polar Icecaps and their Influence in changing Sea Levels. 8* [Glasgow, 1888] Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book ; or, Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, Scenes and Scenery, of the Holy Land. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1859 Thorburn, John. Struggles m Africa, and how I transported a steam-boat on wheels 1,600 miles across the country. 12* N.D. Thorburn, S. S. Bannu, or our Afghan Frontier. Map. 8 1876 Thorden, K. M. Om Telefonen. 8* {Upsala, 1884] Verlds telegrafnatet, betraktadt huf- vudsakligen fran geografisk synpunkt. 8* {Upsala, 1884] De Telegrafiska Undervaltenslednin- garna. 8* " {Stockholm, 1885] Den Elektriska Telegrafen, dess Ut- veckling och nuvarande tillstand. 8* {Stockholm, 1885] Thoreau, Henry D. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. 12 Boston, Mass., 1849 Thorel, C. Notes Medicales du Voyage d'Exploration du Mekong et de Cochin- chine. 8 Paris, 1870 Thoresby, R. See Kirk, T. Thorn, F. M. See United States, F: Appendix 2. Thorne, James. Rambles by Rivers : the Duddon, the Mole, the Adur, Arun, and Wey, the Lea, the Dove. Woodcuts. 18 1844 The same. The Avon. Woodcuts. I 8 1845 Handbook to the Environs of London, alphabetically arranged, containing an Account of every Town and Village, and of all places of interest within a circle of twenty miles round London. 2 vols. Small 8 1876 Thorne, Robert. See Kerr, Vol. 6; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 ; Hakluyt Soc. Pub!., Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Thornton, Bertram. The Comparative Climatology of London and the chief English Health Resorts. Map. 12* 1891 Thornton, Edward. Chapters of the Modern History of British India. 8 1840 History of the British Empire in India. 6 vols. Maps. 8 1841-45 Gazetteer of the Countries adjacent to India on the North-West, including Sinde, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, the Punjab, &c. 2 vols. 8 1844 A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East-India Com- pany, and of the Native States on the Continent of India. 4 vols. Map. 8 1854 A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the Viceroy of India. Revised and edited by Sir Roper Leth- bridge and Arthur N. Wollaston. 8 1886 Thornton, John. Advanced Physiography. Map and illustrations. 12 1890 THO-THU. 471 Thornton, J. W. The Landing at Cape Anne ; or, The Charter of the first Per- manent Colony on the Territory of the Massachusetts Company. From the original MS. ; with an inquiry into its authority, and a history of the Colony, 1624-28. Plate. 8 Boston, Mass, 1850 Thornton, Thomas. The Present State of Turkey ; or, A Description of the Political, Civil, and Religious Constitu- tion, Government, and Laws of the Ottoman Empire ; together with the Geographical, Political, and Civil State of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. 4 1807 Thornton, W. T. Indian Public Works and cognate Indian Topics. Map. Small 8 1875 Thoroddsen, Th. Oversight over de Islandske Vulkaners Historic. (Avec un resume" en francais.) Map. 8 Copenhagen, 1882 Fra Islands indre Hojland, en Rejse- beretning fra Sommeren 1889. Map. 4* {Copenhagen} N.D. De varme Kilder paa Hveravellir i Island. Map. 8* {Stockholm} 1889 Nogle Bemaerkninger om de Islandske Findesteder for Dobbelspath. Figures. 8* {Stockholm, 1890] Reisen in Island und einige Ergeb- nisse seiner Forschungen. 8* Berlin, 1892 Rejse i Vester-Skaptafells Syssel paa Island i Sommeren 1893. (From the Tidskrift of the Royal Danish Geo- graphical Society, 1893-94.) Map. 4* Copenhagen, 1893 See Boehmer. Thorp, Robert. Cashmere Misgovern- ment. 8* 1870 Thorpe, B. See Rask. Thorpe, W. G. Ipplepen ; Round and About an Old Devon Village. 8* 1889 Thorpe, Mrs. See Laveleye. Thorson, E. M. See Slreyc. Thouar, A. A la recherche de la mission Crevaux. [Cutting from the Revue Occidental (3), IV., No. 7.] 4* {Paris, 1884] Explorations dans 1'Amerique du Sud. Maps and illustrations. 12 Paris, 1891 Thoulet, J. Oceanographie Statique. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1890 Les Courants de la Mer et le Gulf- Stream. [Reprint from the publication of the French Association for the Advancement of Science.] 8* 1893 Introduction a 1'Etucle de la Geo- graphie Physique. 8 Paris, 1893 Thoyon, . Renseignements sur quel- ques Mouillages de la Cote d'Islandc et de Norvege. Plates. 8 Paris, 1865 Threlkeld, L. E. Australian Grammar, comprehending the Principles and Na- tural Rules of the Language as spoken by the Aborigines in the vicinity of Hunter's River, Lake Macquarie, &c., New South Wales. 8 Sydney, 1834 An Australian Language as spoken by the Awabakal, the People of Awaba or Lake Macquarie (near Newcastle, New South Wales), being an Account of their Language, Traditions, and Customs. Rearranged, condensed, and edited, with an Appendix, by John Fraser. Map and plates. 8 Sydney, 1892 Thrum, T. G. Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1890: a Handbook of In- formation on Interesting Matters relating to the Hawaiian Islands. 8 Honolulu , 1889 Thrupp, Joseph Francis. Antient Jerusalem : a new Investigation into the History, Topography, and Plan of the City, Environs, and Temple, &c. Map and plates. 8 Cambridge, 1855 Thrupp, J. Godfrey. See James, F. L. Thucydides. See Wheeler, J. T. Thuillier, Sir H. L. General Reports on the Topographical Surveys of India. See India, F, b : Appendix 2. and R. Smyth. A Manual of Sur- veying for India, detailing the mode of operations on the Trigonometrical, Topo- graphical, and Revenue Surveys of India. 3rd edition. Maps, plates, &c. 8 Calcutta, 1875 Thunberg, Carl. P. Reisen in Europa, Afrika, und Asien, vorziiglich in Japan, wahrend der Jahre 1770 bis 1779, iiber- setzt von K. Sprengel, und mil Anmer- kungen begleitet von J. R. Forster, aus clem Schwedischen frey iibersetzt von C. H. Groskurd. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 8 Berlin, 1792-94 Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, made between the years 1770 and 1779. Vol. 3, containing a voyage to Japan and travels in different parts of that Empire in the years 1775 and 1776. 3rd edition. 8 1796 The same. Vol. 4, containing travels in the Empire of Japan, and in the Islands of Java and Ceylon, together with the voyage home. Plates. 8 1795 Voyages au Japon, par le Cap de Bonne- Esperance, les iles de la Sonde, &c., 1770-78. Traduits, rediges, et aug- mentes de notes considerables sur la Religion, le Gouvernement, le Com- merce, 1'Industrie, et les Langues de ces differentes contrees, particulierement sur le Javan et le Malai, par L. Langles ; et revus, quant a la partie de 1'Histoire naturelle, par J. B. Plates. 4 Lamarck. 2 vols. Paris, 1796 472 THU TIS. Thunberg, Carl P. The same. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1796 See Pinkerton, Vol. 16 : Appendix i. Thurn. See Im Thurn. Thwaites, R. G. Epochs of American History : The Colonies, 1492-1750. Maps. 12 1891 Thys, Capt. . Au Congo et au Kassai : Conferences donnees a la Societe Beige des Ingenieurs et des Industriels. [Bound with maps entitled " Le Kassai et la Louloa de Kwamouth a Louebo leves a bord du Steamer ' Stanley.'"] 8 Brussels, 1 888 Tiarks, J. L. Report on Capt. Foster's Chronometrical Observations in H.M.S. "Chanticleer." 8 N.D. Tickell, Major R. Reports on River Breakwaters. [India Records, Vol. 2, N.W.Prov.] Plate. Large 8 ^^,1855 Tiedemann, Adolf von. Tana-Baringo- Nil. Mit Karl Peters zu Emin Pascha. 2nd edition. Map t portrait, and illustra- tions. 8 Berlin, 1892 Tiedemann, B. von. See United King- dom, War Office : Appendix 2. Tieffenthaler, J. See Bernoulli. Tiele, C. P. Western Asia, according to the most recent discoveries. Rectorial address on the 31 8th anniversary of the Leyden University, Feb. 8, 1893. Trans- lated by Elizabeth J.Taylor. 8 1893 Tiele, P. A. Memoire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neer- landais reimprimes dans les collections de De Bry et de Hulsius et dans les collections Hollandaises du XVII 6 siecle, et sur les anciennes editions Hollandaises des Journaux de Navigateurs etrangers ; la plupart en la possession de Frederick Muller a Amsterdam. Plate. 8 Amsterdam, 1867 Nederlandsche Bibliographic van Land en Volkenkunde. Large 8 Amsterdam, 1884 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 71: Appendix I. Tietkens, W. H. An Account of the latest Exploring Expedition across Australia. 12* [1877] Journal of the Central Australian Exploring Expedition, 1889, under the' command of W. H. Tietkens. Map. Small 8* Adelaide, 1891 See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Tighe, William. Statistical Observations relative to the County of Kilkenny, made in 1800 and 1811. Maps and plates. 8 Dublin, 1802 Tilleard, J. See Pestalozzi. Tilley, H. A. Japan, the Amoor, and the Pacific ; with Notices of other places, com- prised in a voyage of circumnavigation in the Imperial Russian corvette "Rynda" in 1858-60. Plates. 8 1861 Tillinghast, William H. Notes on the Historical Hydrography of the Handker- chief Shoal in the Bahamas. Large 8* Cambridge, Mass. 1881 Tillo, Alexis de. Terrestrial Magnetism in Orenburg, 1830-70. [In Russian.] Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1872 Notice sur le Congres des Geographies Allemands a Halle [12-14 Avril 1882.] 8* . [Leipzig, 1882] See Tchernycheff. Timberlake, Lieut. Henry, who accom- panied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in 1762, Memoirs of; con- taining whatever he observed remark- able, or worthy of public notice, during his Travels to and from that Nation ; wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Inhabitants are authentically described. Map and plate. 8 1765 Timberley, H. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 : Appendix I. Timkovski, J. Voyage a Peking a travers la Mongolie, in 1820 et 1821. . . . Tra- duit du Russe. . . . Public, avec des Corrections et des Notes, par M. J. Klaproth, &c. 2 vols. 8, and Atlas folio Paris, 1827 Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, and Residence in Pekin in 1820-21 ; with Corrections and Notes by J. von Klaproth. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1827 Timur. The Mulfuzat Timury, or Auto- biographical Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur. Written in the Jagtay Turky Language, turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny, and translated into English by Major Charles Stewart. [Oriental Translation Committee publi- cation.] Map. 4 1830 Tindal, J. G. A. See Schroder, J. F. L. Tinne, John A. Geographical Notes of Expeditions in Central Africa, by three Dutch Ladies. Maps. 8 Liverpool, 1864 Tinter, Prof. Dr W. Publication fiir die Internationale Erdmessung. Astro- nomische Arbeiten der Oesterreichischen Gradmessungs-Commission. Large 4 Vienna, 1891 Tippenhauer, L. Gentil. Die Insel Haiti. Maps and plates. Folio Leipzig, 1893 Tippoo, Sultan. See Dalrymple, Re- pertory, Vol. I : Appendix I. Tischner, August. The Sun changes its Position in Space, therefore it cannot be regarded as being "in a condition of rest." Portrait. 16 Leipzig, 1883 The Fixed Idea of Astronomical Theory. Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1885 Tison, Thomas. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3; Kerr, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. TIS TOL. 473 Tissandier, Albert. Voyage autour du Monde : Inde et Ceylan, Chine et Japon, 1887-90-91. Illustrations. 4 Paris, 1892 Tissanier, Joseph. Relation du Voyage du P.Joseph Tissanier, de la Compagnie de Jesus, depuis la France, iasqu'au Royaume de Tunquin ; avec ce qui s'cst passe de plus memorable dans cette Mission durant les annees 1658-59-60. [Bound up with Jacques Le Favre's Letter upon China.] 12 Paris, 1663 Tissot, Charles. Recherches sur la Geo- graphic comparee de la Mauretanie Tin- gitane. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1877 Le Bassin du Bagrada et la Voie Romaine de Carthage a Hippone par Bulla Regia. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1881 Exploration Scientifique de la Tunisie, Geographic comparee de la Province Romaine d'Afrique. Tome Premier. Geographic Physique Geographic His- torique Chorographie. Maps, plans, and plates. 4 Paris, 1884 The same. Tome Second. Choro- graphie Reseau Routier. Ouvrage public d'apres le Manuscrit de 1'Auteur ; avec des Notes, des Additions, et im Atlas, par Salomon Reinach. 4 Paris, 1888 Tissot, E. See Bernard, H. Tissot, M. A. Memoire sur la Representa- tion des Surfaces et les Projections des Cartes Geographiques. 8 Paris, 1881 Tissot, Victor. Unknown Switzerland. Translated from the I2th edition, by Mrs Wilson. 12 1889 Tizard, T. H. Contribution to the Meteorology of Japan. 4* 1876 Tobler, Titus. Dritte Wanderung nach Palastina in 1857 ; Ritt durch Philistaa, Fussreisen in Gebirge Judaas und Nach- lese in Jerusalem. Map. 8 Got ha, 1859 Bibliographia Geographica Palaes- tinae : Zunachst kritische Uebersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreib- ungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land. 8* Leipzig, 1867 Bibliographia Geographica Palneslime ab anno cccxxxm. usque ad annum M. 8 Dresden, 1875 Ilinera et Descriptiones Terra; Sanctae, lingua latina srec. 4-11, exarata I. 8 Geneva, 1877 and A. Molinier, Itinera Hiero- solymitana et Descriptiones Terrre Sancte bellis sacris anteriora. 8 Geneva, 1879 Tod, Lieut. -Col. J. Annals and Anti- quities of Rajastihan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 1829 Travels in Western India, embracing a Visit to the Sacred Mounts of the Jains and the most celebrated Shrines of Hindu Faith between Rajpootana and the Indus ; with an Account of the ancient City of Nehrwalla. Plates. 4" 1839 Todd, Charles. Rainfall in South Aus- tralia and the Northern Territory during 1887 ; with Weather Characteristics of each Month. Map. Folio* Adelaide, 1888 See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Todd, D. P. A Continuation of De Damoiseau's Tables of the Satellites of Jupiter to the year 1900. [Published for the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.'} 4* Washington, 1876 Todkill, Anas. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix i. Toeppen, Dr Hugo. Die Doppelinsel Nowaja Semlja. Geschichte ihrer Ent- deckung. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1878 Hundert Tage in Paraguay. Reise in's Innere. Paraguay im Hinblick auf Deutsche Kolonisations - Bestrebungen. Map. 8 Hamburg, 1885 Torino de San Miguel, Vicente. Der- rotero de las Costas de Espana en el Mediterraneo, y su Correspondiente de Africa, para Inteligencia y uso de las Cartas Esfericas. Descripciones de las islas Pithiusas y Baleares. Small 4 Madrid, 1787 Derrotero de las Costas de Espana en el Oceano Atlantico y de las Islas Azores 6 Terceras, para Inteligencia y uso de las Cartas Esfericas. 4 Madrid, 1789 Espana Maritima, or Spanish Coasting Pilot, containing Directions for Navigat- ing the Coasts and Harbours of Spain, in the Atlantic, with the Coast of Portugal. Translated by John Dougall. 2 vols. Charts and plans. 4 1814 Toletus, L. T. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 : Appendix i. Tolhausen. See General ; Dictionaries, A : Appendix 2. Toll, Baron Eduard. See Schrenck and Maximowicz : Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, &c., Vol. 3. Tollens, Hendrik. The Hollanders in Nova Zembla[ 1 596-97]. An Arctic Poem, translated from the Dutch of Hendrik Tollens by Daniel van Pelt ; with a Pre- face and a Historical Introduction by Samuel Richard van Campen ; including Notes. Frontispiece. 12 New York and London, 1884 Tolmie, W. Eraser. See Canada, A, Geological and Natural History Survey : Appendix 2. Tolstoi, Graf D. A. See Schrenck and Maximowicz : Beitrage ~r\\\ Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches, &c. , Vols. I, 2; Helmeisen and Schrenck, Vol. 8. Tolstoi, Leon. What I Believe. Trans- lated from the Russian, by Constantine Popoff. 8 1885 Tolstoy, G. The First Forty Years of Intercourse between England and Russia, 1553-93. [In Russian.] Crown 8 St Petersburg, 1875 474 TOM TOS. Tomalin, Lewis R. S. See Jaeger. Tomaschek, Wilhelm. Die vorslawische Topographic der Bosna, Herzegowina, Crnagora und der angrenzenden Ge- biete. 8* Vienna, 1880 Centralasiatische Stuclien. 2. Die Pamir-Dialekte. 8* Vienna, 1880 Zur Kunde der Hamus-Halbinsel : Topographische, Archaologische, &c., Miscellen. 8* Vienna, 1882 The same. 2. Die Handelswege im 12 Jahrhnndert nach den Erkundigungen des Arabers Idrisi. 8* Vienna, 1887 Zur historischen Topographic von Persien. I. Die Strassenzitge der Tabula Peutingerana. 8* Vienna, 1883 The same. 2. Die Wege durch die Persische Wtiste. Map. 8* Vienna, 1885 Topographische Erlauterung der Ktis- tenfahrt Nearchs vom Indus bis zum Euphrat. 8* Vienna, 1890 Tombleson, W. Tombleson's Views of the Rhine, edited by W. G. Fearnside. 8 1832 Tombleson's U pper Rhine. Map and plates. 8 [1840?] Tomlinson, Thomas. The Congo Treaty. Map. 8* 1884 Tomson, R. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3: Ap- pendix I. Tonnelier. See Pallas. Tonsberg, C. Norway: Illustrated Hand- book for Travellers. Maps and plates. 12 Christiania, 1875 Tooke, W. See Pelham, Vol. 2: Ap- pendix I. Tootal, A. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 51 : Appendix i. Topinard, Dr Paul. La Societe, 1'Ecole, le Laboratoire, et le Musee Broca. Large 8* Paris, 1890 De la Notion de Race en Anthro- pologie. 8* N. P., N.D. Topley, William. Notes on the Physical Geography of East Yorkshire. 8* Hertford, 1866 On the Lower Cretaceous Beds of the Bas-Boulonnais, with Notes on their English equivalents. 8* 1868 On the Comparative Agriculture of England and Wales. 8* 1871 Geology of the Straits of Dover. Map and plates. 8* 1872 On the Agricultural Geology of the Weald. Map. 8* 1872 The National Geological Surveys of Europe. 8* 1885 Report of the Committee on the Erosion of the Sea-Coasts of England and Wales. Map. 8* 1886 Geology in its Relation to Hygiene. 8* 1890 See General, International Geological Congress : Appendix 2. Topping, M. See Dalrymple, Repertory, Vol. I : Appendix i. Toreen, Olof. A Voyage to Suratte, China, &c., 1750-52. See Osbeck, P. A Voyage to China, &c. See " The Modern Traveller," Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Torell, Otto. On the Causes of the Glacial Phenomena in the North-Eastern portion of North America. Map. 8* Stockholm, 1878 See Sweden, A : Appendix 2. Torelli, Luigi. Carta della Malaria dell' Italia. Map. 4* Florence, 1882 Torlonia, Prince D. A. Prosciugamenta del Lago Fucino. Diagrams. 8 Florence, 1871 See Brisse and Rotrou. Tornebohm, A. E. See Sweden, A : Ap- pendix 2. Tornero, R. S. Chile ilustrado : Guia descriptive del Territorio de Chile, de las capitales de provincia, de los puertos principales. Plates. 4 Valparaiso, 1872 Tornoe, H. See Norway, A, Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78 : Appendix 2. Tornquist, S. L. See Sweden, A : Ap- pendix 2. Torquemada, F. Juan de. Primera (Segunda y Tercera) parte de los Veinte i un libros i rituales Monarchia Indiana, con el origen y guerras de los Indies occidentales, de sus Poblacones, Descu- brimiento,Conquista, Conversion, y otras cosas maravillosas de la mesma tierra. 3 vols. Map. Folio Madrid, 1723 Torre, Bertrand de la. See De la Torre. Torre, Count Raymonde de la. See De la Torre. Torrend, J. A Comparative Grammar of the South-African Bantu Languages, comprising those of Zanzibar, Mozam- bique, the Zambesi, Kafirland, Ben- guela, Angola, the Congo, the Ogowe, the Cameroons, the Lake Region, &c. Map. Large 8 1891 Torrens, H. On the Greek Legends of the Coins of the Indo-Scythian Princes ofCabul. 8* N.D. Torrens, Henry D. Travels in Ladak, Tartaiy, and Kashmir. Plates. 8 1862 Torrente, Mariano. Geografia Universal, Fisica, Politica, e Historica. 2 vols. Maps. Folio Madrid, 1827-28 Torres, Louis Vaez de. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., 25, 39; Burney, Vol. 2: Appendix i. Torres, Simon Perez de. Viaje del Mundo. P'olio N.P., N.D. Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo. Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli e la Circumnavigazione dell' Africa secondo la testimonianza di un contemporaneo. 8* Florence, 1891 See Uzielli; V., B. A. TOT TOZ. 475 Totten, G. M. Communication of the Board of Directors of the Panama Rail- road Company to the Stockholders; with an Appendix, containing Tables of the Grades, Tangents, and Curves of the Panama Railroad, and Observations upon the Levels of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Map. 8* New York, 1855 See United States, E, a, Hydrogr. Off. Publ., Nos. 50 and 52 : Appendix 2. and S. Schroeder. See United States, E, a, Hydro. Off. Publ., No. 60. Toula, Franz. Eine geologische Reise in den westlichen Balkan und in die be- nachbarten Gebiete. Map. 8* Vienna, 1876 Reisen und geologische Untersuch- ungen in Bulgarien : Vortrag gehalten den 19 Marz 1890. Map and ilhislra- tions. 12*. Vienna, 1890 Der Stand der Geologischen Kenntnis der Balkanlander. Map. 8* Berlin, 1891 See Hohnel. Tournefort, Pitton de. Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, fait par ordre clu Roi, contenant 1'Histoire Ancienne et Moderne de plusieurs lies de 1'Archipel, de Constantinople, des Cotes de la Mer Noire, de 1'Armenie, de la Georgie, des Frontieres de Perse et de 1'Asie Mineure ; avec les Plans des Villes et des Lieux considerables ; le Genie, les Meurs, le Commerce, et la Religion des differens Peuples qui les habitent ; et 1'Explication des Medailles et des Monumens Antiques. Maps and plates. 4 Amsterdam, 1718 A Voyage into the Levant, &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 1718 The same. Translated by J. Ozell. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1741 Toussaint, . Indicateur complet de la Ville de Caen: Guide des Etrangers. 18* Caen, 1835 Touzet, V. See Rojas, E. Towerson, W. See Towrson. Townley, . See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix i. Townsend, F. T. Wild Life in Florida, with a Visit to Cuba. Map and plates. 8 1875 Townsend, Horatio. Statistical Survey of the County of Cork, with Observations on the Means of Improvement. 8 Dublin, 1810 Townsend, Joseph. A Journey through Spain in 1786-87 ; and Remarks in pass- ing through a part of France. 3 vols. Map and plates. 8 1792 Townsend, J. K. Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c. ; with a Scientific Appendix. 8" Philadelphia, 1839 Townshend, S. Nugent. Our Indian Summer in the Far West : an Autumn Tour of Fifteen Thousand Miles in Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and the Indian Territory. Illustrated by J. G. Hyde. Photographs. 4 1880 Townson, Robert. Travels in Hungary; with a Short Account of Vienna in 1793. Map and plates. 4 1797 Towrson, W. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hak- luyt, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Towson, John Thomas. Tables to facilitate the Practice of Great Circle Sailing and the Determination of Azi- muths. Chart. 8 1854 On Ice Impediments in Australia^ Voyages. 8* 1855 The Principles of Great Circle and Composite Sailing, with Observations made from more recent Voyages. Chart. 8* Liverpool, 1855 Tables for the Reduction of the Ex- Meridian Altitudes. 8 1856 See United Kingdom, A, Admiralty : Appendix 2. Toynbee, Capt. Henry. On the Normal Circulation and Weight of the Atmos- phere in the North and South Atlantic Oceans, so far as it can be proved by a steady Meteorological Registration dur- ing five voyages to India. Map. 8* 1865 Report ... on the Meteorology of the North Atlantic, between the parallels of 40 and 50 N. . . . ; with Remarks on the difference in the Winds and Weather experienced, according as the ship's course is Westerly or Easterly, &c. Tables. 8 1869 Report to the Committee of the Meteorological Office on the use of Isobaric Curves, and a line of greatest Barometric change in attempting to fore- tell Winds ; with some Practical Sugges- tions for Seamen, and a few Remarks on Buys Ballot's Law. Charts. 8* 1869 On the Physical Geography of the part of the Atlantic which lies between 20 N. and 10 S., and extends from 10 to 40 W. Tables. 8* 1876 On the Great Hurricane, the Tracks of American Storms, and the Ordinary Winds of I he N. Atlantic, in August 1873. Maps. 8* 1877 Report of the Gales experienced in the Ocean District adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope, &c. Plates. 4 1882 Weather Forecasting for the British Islands by means of a Barometer, the Direction and Force of Wind and Cirrus Clouds. Diagrams. 12* 1890 Tozer, Henry Fanshawe. Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, including Visits to Mounts Ida, Athos, Olympus, and Pelion . . . ; with Notes on the 476 TOZ TRE. Tozer, Henry Fanshawe continued. Ballads, Tales, and Classical Superstitions of the Modern Greeks. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8" 1869 Lectures on the Geography of Greece. Map. Small 8 1873 Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor. Map and plates. 8 1881 The Islands of the Aegean. Maps. Small 8 Oxford, 1890 Selections from Strabo ; with an In- troduction on Strata's Life and Works. Maps and plans. 8 Oxford, 1893 See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Tozetti, J. T. Voyage Mineralogique, Philosophique, et Historique en Toscane. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1792 Tracey, Capt. Notes on the Antechamber of the G real Pyramid. 8* Edinburgh ,1871 Trafford, F. W. C. Amphiorama, ou La Vue du Monde des Montagnes de la Spezia. Map. 8* Zurich, 1874 - The same. 2 me Notice. 8* Ziirich, 1875 The same. 8* Lausanne, 1875, 1877 Souvenir de 1'Amphiorama, ou la Vue du Monde pendant son passage dans une Comete. 8* Ziirich, 1 880-81 Trail, W. Account of the Life and Writings of Robert Simson. Portrait and plate. 4 Bath, 1882 Traill, G. W. An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal, including their varieties ; with a Notice of the principal Foreign and British localities in which they occur. 12 Edinburgh, 1867 Statistical Report on the Bhotia Metals of Kamaon. 4* N. I). Traill, Dr T. S. Physical Geography. Plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1838 See Murray, Hugh. Tramezzino, Michele. Diversi avisi particolari dall' Indie di Portogallo ricevuti, dall' anno 1551 fino al 1558, dalli Reverendi Padri della Compagnia di Giesu . . . Tradotti nuovamente clalla lingua Spagnuola nella Italiana. 12 N. P., N.u. Trap, J. P. Statistik-Topographisk Beskrivelse af Kongeriget Danmark. 5 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1858-60 Trask, Dr John B. Report on the Geology of the Coast Mountains, and part of the Sierra Nevada, embracing their industrial Resources in Agriculture and Mining. 8* 1854 Report on the Geology of Northern and Southern California, embracing the Mineral and Agricultural Resources of those Sections. 8* Washington, 1856 Traubenberg, Dr Paul Freiherr Rausch von. Hauptverkehrswege Persiens. Ver- such einer Verkehrsgeographie dieses Landes. Maps and profiles. 8 Halle a S., 1890 Trautwein,Th. Register Oesterr.Deutsch. Alpenvereins, 1863-86. [See Austria- Hungary, Vienna, in Appendix 3.] 8 Munich, 1887 Bibliographic der Alpinen Literatur, 1871. 8* N.P., N.D. Trau twine, John C. Rough Notes of an Exploration for an Inter-Oceanic Canal Route by way of the Rivers Atrato and San Juan, in New Granada, South America. Map. 8 Philadelphia, 1854 Travers, H. De La Cour. Leiter to Sir Bartle Frere on Development of Trade on the East Coast of Africa. 8* Cape Town, 1877 Travers, W. T. L. See New Zealand, D : Appendix 2. Travideani, . See Aveiio. Treacher, Governor. Handbook of British North Borneo. Compiled from Reports received from Governor Treacher and other Officers in the British North Borneo Company's Service ; with an Introduction by Sir Rutherford Alcock. Maps. 8 1886 Trebeck, . See Moorcroft. Tregear, Ed-ward. The Maori in Asia. 8* Wellington, 1885 The Aryan Maori. Plate. 8 Wellington, 1885 The Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Large 8 Wellington, 1891 A Paumotuan Dictionary. (From \hejournal of the Polynesian Society). 4 parls. Large 8* N.D. and H. Williams. Descriplion and Vocabulary of Niue, or Savage Island. (From/ourti. Polynes. Soc.) 8* N.D. Trehouart, . See Gaimard. Tremeaux, . Voyage au Soudan Oriental et dans 1'Afrique Septentrionale pendant 1847-48. 12* Paris, 1853 Tremenheere, Col. C. W. On a Coast Current from the Mouths of ihe Indus towards Kurrachee Harbour. Folio* 1865 Trench, F. The Russo-Indian Question historically, strategically, and politically considered ; wilh a Sketch of Central Asiatic Politics. Maps. 8 1869 Trendelenburg, Frederick A. The Life and Writings of Aristotle. Translated from the German, by G. Long. 8* N.D. Trendell, A. J. R. Her Majesty's Colonies : a Series of Original Papers issued under the Authority of the Royal Commission. Compiled and edited by A. J. R. Trendell ; with Introduclion by J. R. Seeley. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 1886 - The Colonial Year Book for the year 1890; with Introduction by J. R. Seeley. Maps. 8 1890 Tresilian, F. H. Remarks on Christmas Island. 8* 1838 Trevelyan, Arthur. Nolice regarding some Experiments on Ihe Vibralion of Heated Metals. 4* Edinburgh, 1831 TRE TRO. 477 Trevelyan, Sir W. C., Bart. Notions of the Americans, picked up by a Travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. 8 1828 - Vegetation and Temperature of the Faroe Islands. 8* Edinburgh, 1835 - The same. 4* Florence, 1837 Trevisan, D. See Thenaud. Tricault, E. Explication et usage des "Wind and Current Charts." Extrait des "Sailing Directions" du Lieut. Maury. Plates. 8* Paris, 1857 See Maury, M. F. Trigault, Nicholas (Trigantius). See Riccius ; also Purchas, Vols. 2, Book IO; 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Trinius, August. Thiiringer Wander- buch. 2 vols. 8 Minden in West/., 1886-88 Triplett, Robert. Bon Harbour (on the Ohio River), its Advantages for Manu- facturing. [The Western Journal, Feb. 1849.] "8* St Louis, 1849 Tripp, W. B. Rainfdl in South Africa. Map. 8* [1886] - Rainfall of South Africa, 1842 86. (From Quarterly Journal Royal Meteoro- logical Society, \o\. 14.) Maps. 8* [1888] Tristram, H. B. The Great Sahara: Wanderings South of the Atlas Moun- tains. Maps and plates. 8 1860 The Land of Israel : a Journal of Travels in Palestine, undertaken with special reference to its physical character. Map. 8 1865 - The Land of Moab : Travels and Discoveries on the east side of the Dead Sea and the Jordan ; with a Chapter on the Persian Palace of Mashita, by Jas. Fergusson. Map and plates. 8 1873 - The same. 2nd edition. 1874 See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Trivier, E. Mon Voyage au Continent Noir. La "Gironde," en Afrique. Maps and portrait. 12 Paris, 1891 Tr6il, Uno von. Letters on Iceland, containing Observations on the Natural History of the Country, Antiquities, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, &c. &c., made during a Voyage under- taken in 1772 by Sir Joseph Banks, assisted by Dr Solander, Dr J. Lind, and other Literary and Ingenious Gentle- men ; with Notes and Additions by the Translator ; the whole revised and corrected by E. Mendes da Costa. Map. 8 1783 See Pinkerton, Vol I : Appendix I. Trojanski, J. K. See Rafn and Mohnika. Trollope, Anthony. The West Indies and the Spanish Main. Map. 8 1859 Australia and New Zealand. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1873 South Africa, 2 vols. Map. 8 1878 Trollope, T. Adolphus. A Summer in Brittany. Edited by F. Trollope. 2 vols. Plates. 8 [1840] Tromholt, Sophus. Under the Rays of the Aurora Borealis in the Land of the Lapps and Kvrens. Original edition, edited by Carl Siewers. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 1885 Trommsdorff, J. B. Pharmacopoca Aus- triaca. 8 Vienna, 1818 Tromp, S. W. See Bock. Tronson, J. M. Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, Kamtschatka, Siberia, Tartary, and various parts of the Coast of China. Maps and plates. 8 1859 Trotter, Courts. Among the Islands of the South Pacific, Fiji. (From Black- ivoocfs Magazine, April 1888.) 8* 1888 - The same. Tonga and Samoa. (From Blackinood's Magazine, June 1888.) 8* 1888 - Impressions of Australia ; with an Account of the Fish River Caves. (From B lac kwoocTs Magazine, July 1888.) 8* 1888 Memoir of Colonel Sir Henry Yule. 8* [Edinburgh, 1891] Trotter, Lieut. -Col. H. Account of the Survey Operations in connection with the Mission to Yarkand and Kashgar in J 873-74. Maps [one in cover]. 4 Calcutta, 1875 See India, F, c, Surveys, Trigono- metrical : Appendix 2. Trotter, Capt. H. D. Sec Wilson, J. L. Trotter, Lieut-Col. J. K. See United Kingdom, G, War Office : Appendix 2. Trotter, Capt. J. M. See Asia, Central : Appendix 2. Trotter, Lieut. -Col. P. D. Our Mission to the Court of Marocco in 1880 under Sir John Drummond Hay. Map and illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1881 See De la Martiniere. Trouessart, . See Levasseur. Troup, J. Rose. With Stanley's Rear Column. Map and illustrations. 8 1890 Troutbeck, J. Survey and Present State of the Scilly Islands. 8 Shcrborne^.D. Trow, J. Manitoba and North-West Territories. Map. Small 8 Ottawa, 1878 Trowbridge, T. C. Pamphlets : in- cluding I. The Physical Geography of Turkey (from the Transatlantic, November 1872) ; 2. Proposals for establishing a Christian College and Medical School in Central Turkey, 1873. Education in Turkey (from the Princeton Theological Review, October 1870) ; 3. The Americans in Turkey (from the Nonconformist, 23rd April "873) > 4- Robert College, Constanti- nople. Large and small 8* V.P., V. n. Trowbridge, Prof. W. P. See United States, A, Tenth Census, 1880, Vols. 1 6 and 22 : Appendix 2. 478 TRO TUR. Trow, . New York City Directory. See Wilson, H. Troyon, F. Monuments de 1'Antiquite dans 1'Europe Barbara. 8 Lausanne, 1868 Triibner's Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars of the Principal Languages and Dialects of the World. 2nd edition. 8 1882 Truilhier, Capt. Memoire descriptif de la Route de Tehran a Meched et de Meched a lezd, reconnue en 1807; avec Observations dans son Voyage en Perse, par M. Daussy. Maps. 8 Paris, 1841 Trumpp, Ernest. Sindhi Reading-Book, in the Sanscrit and Arabic Characters. 8 1858 - Grammar of the Sindhi Language compared with the Sanskrit- Prakrit and the cognate Indian Vernaculars. 8 1872 Nanak, der Stifter der Sikh Religion. 4* Munich, 1876 Trutch, Joseph W. British Columbia : Overland Coach Road. Minute of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, 1868. Folio* New Westminster, 1868 Truter and Somerville. See Eyries, Vol. ir : Appendix i. Tschernyschew, Th. Notes sur les Travaux, executes par 1'Expedition de Timane en 1890. [In Russian.] Map. Large 8 [St Petersburg, 1891] See Tchernichef. Tschihatscheff, P. von. See Tchihatcheff. Tschudi, Johann Jacob von. Travels in Peru during 1838-42, on the Coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordilleras and the Andes into the Primeval Forests. Trans- lated from the German, by T. Ross. frontispiece. 8 1847 - Reise durch die Andes von Slid- Amerika, von Cordova nach Cobija, im Jahre 1858. (Erganzungsheft, 2 Peter- mann's Mittheilungen.) Illustrations and maps. 4 Got ha, 1860 Reisen diirch Siidamerika. 5 vols. in 3. Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1866-69 Der Tourist in der Schweiz, und dem angrenzenden Siid-Deutschland, Ober- Italien, und Savoyen. 25th edition. Maps, plans, &*c. 12 St Gallen, 1883 Tseu-Kwang-K'he. See Siu. Tucker, Luther H. American Glimpses of Agriculture in Great Britain. 8* Albany, N.Y., 1860 Tuckey, Capt. James Kingston. Mari- time Geography and Statistics, or a Description of the Ocean and its Coasts, Maritime Commerce, Navigation, &c. 4 vols. 8 1815 Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816; to which is Tuckey, Capt. Jas. Kingston contd. added the Journal of Professor Smith, some general Observations on the Country and its Inhabitants, and an Appendix on the Natural History of Congo. Afap and plates. 4 1818 See Eyries, Vols. 4, n ; Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels [i], Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Tudor, John R. The Orkneys and Shet- land, their Past and Present State ; with chapters on Geology by Benjamin W. Peach and John Home, and Notes on the Flora of the Orkneys by William Irvine Fortescue, and Notes on the Flora of Shetland by Peter White. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 8 1883 Tuke, G. P. See Haig. Tullberg, S. A. See Sweden, A : Ap- pendix 2. Tully, Richard. Narrative of a Ten Years' Residence at Tripoli, in Africa. From the Original Correspondence in the possession of the family of the late Richard Tully, Esq. , the British Consul. 2nd edition. Map and plates. 4 1817 Tuma, Anton. Griechenland, Makedonien und Siid-Albnnien, oder : Die siidliche Balkan- Halbinsel. 8 Hanover, 1888 Tupac Amaru. See Angelis, Vol. 5 ; Kerr, Vol. 5 : Appendix I. Tupper, M. F. A Hymn for all Nations, 1851; translated into Thirty Languages [upwards of Fifty Versions] ; the Music composed expressly by S. Sebastian Wesley. 8 1851 Turenne, Cte. Louis de. Quatorze Mois dans 1'Amerique du Nord (1875-76). 2 vols. Map. 12 Paris, 1879 Turnbull, David. Travels in the West : Cuba, with Notices of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade. Map. 8 1840 Turnbull, John. Voyage round the World in 1800-1804, in which the Author visited the principal islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the English Settlements of Port Jackson and Nor- folk Island. 3 vols. 12 1805 See Eyries, Vol. 3 ; Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages [i], Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Turnbull, M. A Manual of the improved Newtonian Astronomical Globe. 2nd edition. Illustrations. 4* Toronto, 1887 Turnbull, William. Elements of Spherical Astronomy, comprising the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere; with Tables of Formulae, and Rules for Calculating the Declinations, &c., of the Heavenly Bodies, the Times of their Rising, Setting, and Culminating. Diagrams. 8 1849 TUR TWI. 479 Turnbull, William. Treatise on Trigono- metrical Surveying, comprising full and detailed Solutions of all the most Import- ant Cases of Triangulation that usually occur in the Surveying of a Country or a Sea Coast. 8 1849 Key to the Exercises of Spherical Astronomy, comprising full Solutions of all the Examples, c. 8 1850 A New Practical System of Spherical Trigonometry, comprising the Stereo- graphic Projection of the Circles of the Sphere, together with the Construction and Calculation of all the cases of Right and Oblique Angled Spherical Triangles. Diagrams. 8 1850 Key to the Exercises of Spherical Trigonometry, comprising Solutions in full of all the Examples, &c. 8 1850 The Mariner's Daily Assistant, com- prising the Principles of Plane, Traverse, Parallel, Middle Latitude, Mercator's, Oblique and Current Sailing, with Rules for finding the Latitude; with the Journal of a Voyage from London to Madeira, and an Appendix. Alap and plates. 8 1854 Turneham, Robert. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I . Turner, D. Account of a Tour in Nor- mandy, undertaken chiefly for the pur- pose of investigating the Architectural Antiquities of the Duchy ; with Observa- tions on its history, on the country, and on the inhabitants. 2 vols. in I. Plates. 8 1820 Turner, Rev. George. Nineteen Years in Polynesia : Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific. Map and plates. 8 1861 Samoa a Hundred Years ago, and long before ; together with Notes on the Cults and Customs of twenty-three other Islands in the Pacific ; with a Preface by E. B. Tylor. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 1884 Turner, George. " Under Canvas," or Tents, their early origin, construction, and uses. Small 8* 1878 Turner, M. The Beverley Guide : being a Description of whatever is curious in the Town. 12 Beverley, 1830 Turner, Capt. Samuel. Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet, containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan, and part of Tibet ; Views by Lieut. S. Davis ; and Observations, Botanical, Mineralogical, and Medical, by R. Saunders. Map and plates. 4 1806 See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appendix I. Turner, Thomas. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Turner, Thomas A. Argentina and the Argentines : Notes and Impressions of a Five Years' Sojourn in the Argentine Republic, 1885-90. Illustrations. 8 1892 Turner, W. Journal of a Tour in the Levant. 3 vols. Map and plates. 8 1820 See Dalrymple, Repertory : Ap- pendix I. Turner, William. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix i. Turner, Prof. W. See Whipple, A. W. Turner-Turner, J. Three Years' Hunt- ing and Trapping in America and the Great North- West. Illustrated by Con- stance Iloare. Maps and illustrations. 4 1888 Tumour, Hon. George. The Maha- wanso, in Roman Characters, with the Translation subjoined ; and an Introduc- tory Essay on Pali Budhistical Literature. Vol. i. 4 Ceylon, 1837 Turpin, . See Pinkerton, Vol. 9 : Ap- pendix i. Turquand, W. J. Historical, Statistical, and other Notes, connected with the Penth Estate, in the Nasik Sub-Collec- torate. Map. Proceedings connected with the Succession to the Penth Estate, in consequence of the Death, in 1837, of Dulput Rao, Raja of that Estate. Table. [Bombay Records, No. 26, N.S.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Tiirr, . Szegedin et les Inondations de la Tisza. Les Portes de Fer du Danube. 4* Paris, 1879 Tiirst, C. ^^Switzerland, B: Appendix 2. ' ' Tuscarora. " See United States, E, a, Hy- drogr. Off. Publ., No. 54: Appendix 2. Tutschek, Charles. Dictionary of the Galla Language, published by L. Tutschek. Part I. Galla-English-Ger- man. 8 Munich, 1844 Tvethe, M. B. Norges Statistik. 8 Christiania, 1848 Twells, Dr. The Life of Dr Edward Pocock. [Bound up with the lives of Dr Pearce, Dr Newton, and Rev. Philip Skelton.] 2 vols. 8 1816 Twining, Thomas. Travels in India a Hundred Years ago, with a Visit to the United States : being Notes and Re- miniscences by Thomas Twining, a Civil Servant of the Honourable East India Company. Preserved by his son Thomas Twining, of Twickenham, and edited by the Rev. William H. G. Twining. Map ami portrait. 8 ^93 Twiss, Sir Travers. On Consular Jurisdiction in the Levant, and the Status of Foreigners in the Ottoman Law Courts. 8* 1880 An International Protectorate of the Congo River. 8* 1883 48o TWI UJF. Twiss, Sir Travers. Sir Travers Twiss et le Congo : Reponse a la Revue de Droit international et de Legislation comparee et au Law Magazine and Review, par un Membre de la Societe Royal de Geo- graphic d'Anvers. 8 Brussels, 1884 Twynam, E. District Surveyor Twynam to the Surveyor General, transmitting Memorandum of Measurement of Base line at Newcastle, with Field Notes, &c. Diagrams and sections. Folio* Goulburn, 1879 Tyler, Major. See United Kingdom, G ; War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Tylor, Alfred. On the Formal ion of Deltas, and on the evidence and cause of great changes in the sea-level during the Glacial Period, with the laws of denudation and river levels. Plate. 8* 1872 Tylor, Charles. A Historical Tour in Franconia in the Summer of 1852. Map and plates. 8 Brighton, 1852 Tylor, Prof. Edward B. Anahuac, or Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern. Map and plates. 8 1861 - Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization. 8 1865 Anthropology : an Introduction to the Study of Man and Civilization. Illustrations. Small 8 1881 See Turner, George. Tyndale, John Warre. The Island of Sardinia, including Pictures of the Manners and Customs of the Sar- dinians, and Notes on the Antiquities and Modern Objects of Interest in the Island ; to which is added some Account of the House of Savoy. 3 vols. Map and plates. 8 1849 Tyndall, Prof. John. On the Physical Phenomena of Glaciers. On the Veined Structure of Glaciers. 4* 1859 Remarks on Ice and Glaciers. 8* 1859 Glaciers of the Alps : being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phe- nomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. 8 1860 On Faraday as a Discoverer. 8 1868 Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Plates. Small 8 1871 The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers. Illustrations. 9th edition. 8 1885 New Fragments. Small 8 1892 See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Tyrrell, J. B. Notes to accompany a preliminary Map of the Duck and Riding Mountains in North-Western Manitoba. Map. 8* Montreal, 1888 Tyrrell, J. B. A Brief Narrative of the Journeys of David Thompson, in North- Western America. 8* Toronto, 1888 Post-Tertiary Deposits of Manitoba and the adjoining Territories of North- Western Canada. Large 8* Washington, 1890 Tyrwhitt, Rev. R. St John. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Tyson, E. The Cruise of the "Florence;" or, Extracts from the Journal of the pre- liminary Arctic Expedition of 1877-78. (Edited by Capt. H. W. Howgate.) 12 Washington, 1879 Tyson, J. R. Discourse on ihe Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race in the United Slates. 8* Philadelphia, 1836 Tyson, Philip T. Reporl upon the Geo- logy of California. See United States, K, California : Appendix 2. u. Ubicini, A., and Pavet de Courteille. Etat present de 1'Empire Ottoman, Stalislique, Gouvernemenl, Administra- tion, Finances, Armee, Communautes non Musulmanes, &c., d'apres le Salna- meh (Annuaire Imperial), pour 1'annee 1293 de 1'Hegire (1875-76), et les docu- ments officiels les plus recenls. 8 Paris, 1876 U. G. [Lama]. .SV^India, Y,c: Appendix 2. Uggeri, Ange. Journee Pilloresque des Edifices de Rome Ancienne. [Text in French and Italian.] 3 vols. in 2. Map and plates. Oblong 4 Rome, 1 800 Uhde, Adolph. Die Lander am untern Rio Bravo del Norte. Atap. 8 Heidelberg, 1 86 1 Uhle, J. P. Der Winter in Oberagypten als klimatisches Heilmittel. Plates. 12 Leipzig, 1858 Ujfalvy-Bourdon, Marie de. De Paris a Samarkand, le Ferghanah, le Kouldja et la Siberie Occidentale : Impressions de Voyage d'une Parisienne. Portrait, maps, and plates. 4 Paris, 1 880 Ujfalvy de Mezo-Kovesd, C. E. de. Les Migrations des Peuples, et particuliere- menl celle des Touraniens. Maps. Large 8 Paris, 1873 - Leon d'Ouverlure d'un Cours de Geographic Hislorique et Politique de 1'Asie Centrale, a 1'Ecole des Langues Orienlales Vivanles. 8* Paris, 1878 - Expedition Scientifique Fran9aise en Russie, en Siberie, et dans le Turkestan. Maps, plates, and tables. Large 8 Paris Vol. I. Le Kohistan, le Ferghanah, et Kouldja, avec un Appendice sur la Kachgharie. 1878 UJF URC. 481 Ujfalvy de Mezo - Kovesd, C. E. de. Expedition Scientifique Franaise en Russie, en Siberie, et dans le Turkestan continued. Vol. 2. Le Syr-Daria, le Zerafchane, le pays des Sept-rivieres, et la Siberie Occidentale. 1879 Vol. 3. Les Bachkirs, les Vepses, et les Antiquites Finno-Ougriennes et Altai'ques, precedes des Resultats Anthropologiques d'un Voyage en Asie Centrale. 1880 Vol. 4. Atlas Anthropologique des Peuples de Ferghanah. 1879 Vol. 5. Atlas, des Etoffes, Bijoux, Aiguieres, Emaux, &c., de 1'Asie Centrale. 1880 Vol. 6. Atlas Archeologique des Anti- quites Finno-Ougriennes et Altai'ques de la Russie, de la Siberie, et du Turkestan. 1880 Resultats Anthropologiques d'un Voyage en Asie Centrale, communiques au Congres Anthropologique de Moscou. 8* Paris, 1880 Aus dem westlichen Himalaja, Erleb- nisse, und Forschungen. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1884 Ukert, F. A. Ueber die Art der Griechen und Romer die Entfernungen zu bestim- men und iiber das Stadium. 12 Weimar, 1813 Ulloa, Antonio de. Memoires Philoso- phiques, Historiques, Physiques, con- cernant la Decouverte de 1'Amerique, ses anciens habitans, leurs mceurs, leurs usages, leur connexion avec les nouveaux habitans, &c. Traduit par M. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Paris, 1787 See Juan, Don Jorge ; also Callander, Vol. 3 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 14 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15 ; Knox's New Collec- tion, Vol. I : Appendix I. Ulloa, Capt. Francesco. See Burney, Vol. I ; Callander, Vol. I ; Hakluyt, Vol. 3 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Ulrich, G. H. F. See Hutton ; Selwyn ; also South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Ulrich, Melchior. Die Seitenthaler des Wallis und der Monterosa. 8* Zurich, 1850 Das Lotschenthal, der Monte Leone, der Portiengrat, und die Diablerets. 8* Zurich, 1851 Der Geltengrat, das Heremence- und Bagnethal, das Einfischthal und der Weissthorpass. Map. 8* Zurich, 1853 Flrichs, H. N. Topography of the Harbours, and Position of the Long Walls, of Athens. Translated from the Modern Greek, by Ewing Pye Colquhoun. Map. 8 1847 Jmfreville, Edward. The Present State of Hudson's Bay and of the Fur Trade ; the Present State of Nova Scotia ; with 2 H Umfreville, a Brief Account of Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North America. 2nd edition. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1887 Urrilauft, Dr Friedrich. Afrika in karto- graphischer Darstellung von Herodot bis heute. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1887 Die Alpen, Handbuch dergesammten Alpenkunde. Maps and illustrations. 8 Vienna, 1887 The Alps. Translated by Louisa Brough. Map and illustrations. 8 Underbill, E. Bean. The West Indies, their Social and Religious Condition. 8 1862 and Rev. J. T. Brown. Two Ad- dresses on Emancipation in the West Indies. 8* 1861 " Undine." Our Cruise in the "Undine," the Journal of an English Pair-oar Ex- pedition through France, Baden, Rhenish Bavaria, Prussia, and Belgium. By the Captain. Map and plates. 8 1854 Ungar, Ad. Central-Afrika, ein neuer und wichtiger Ansiedlungspunkt fur deutsche Colonisten. 2 parts. 8* Stuttgart, 1850 Unger, F. Die Insel Cypern einst und jetzt. 8* Vienna, 1866 and T. Kotschy. Die Insel Cypern : ihrer physischen und organischen Natur, mitRticksicht auf ihre friihereGeschichte. Map and plates. 8 Vienna, 1865 Upham, Edward. The Mahavansi, the Raja-Ratnacari, and the Raja-Vali, forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon ; also a Collection of Tracts illustrative of the Doctrines and Literature of Buddhism. 3 vols. 8 1823 Upham, Warren. See Wright, G. F. Upton, Col. See Dalrymple. Repertory, Vol. i : Appendix i. " Uranie" and " Physicienne." See Freycinet. Urban. See D'Urban. Urban! de Gheltof, G. M. Terzo Con gresso Geografico Internazionale in Venezia. La Collezione del Doge Marino Faliero e i tesori di Marco Polo. 8* Venice, 1881 The same. Le Scoperte Americane di Amerigo Vespucci negli anni 1504 e 1505. Small 8* Venice, 1881 The same. Lettera inedita di Cris- toforo Colombo ai Signori Venitiani. 12* Venice, 1881 Urcullu, Jose de. Tratado Elementar de Geografia, Astronomica, Fizica, Ilis- torica, 6 Politica, Antiga e Moderna. 3 vols. Plates. 8 Oporto, 1835 Grammatica Inglesa, reducida a viente y siete Lecciones. 8 Cadiz, 1845 482 URE VAL. Urechi, Gregoire. Chronique de Mol- davie depuis le milieu du XIV e siecle jusqu'a 1'an 1594. Avec traductipn par Emile Picot. [No. 9 of Publ. de 1'Ec. des Langues Orient. Viv.] 8 Paris, 1878-86 Urmston, Sir J. Brabazon. Observa- tions on the China Trade, and on the Importance and Advantages of removing it from Canton to some other part of the Coast. 8 [Privately printed} 1833 Urquhart, David. Exposition of the Causes and the Consequences of the Boundary Differences between Great Britain and the United States, sub- sequently to their adjustment by arbitra- tion. Map. 4 [Privately printed} Liverpool, 1839 The Spirit of the East. 2 vols. Map. 8 1839 The Pillars of Hercules ; or, A Nar- rative of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. 2 vols. 8 1850 The Lebanon (Mount Souria) : a History and a Diary. 2 vols. 8 1860 Ursino, Alex. Relation concerning the Coast of Terra Firma, &c. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 7 : Appendix i. Ursua, Pedro de. Expedition in Search of El Dorado. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 16; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 28 : Appendix i. Urville. See D'Urville. Uslar, Baron P. K. The Ethnography of the Caucasus. Philology. The Ab- khasian Language. [In Russian.] Por- trait. 8 Tiflis, 1887 Ethnography of the Caucasus. Philo- logy, Part 2. The Language of the Chechens. [In Russian.] 8 Tiflis, 1888 The same. Philology. The Avar Language. [In Russian.] 8 Tiflis, 1889 The same. Philology. Part 4. The Lak Language. [In Russian.] 8 Tiflis, 1890 Ussher, Archbishop. See Churchill, Vol. 7 : Appendix i. Ussher, John. A Journey from London to Persepolis ; including Wanderings in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia, Kur- distan, Mesopotamia, and Persia. Plates. 8 1865 Ussing, T. Algreen, and P. S. Ussing. Den legale Meclicins Grundscetninger og Resultater. 8 Copenhagen, 1834 Utiesenovic, O. Die Naturschatze im nordlichen Croatien. Map. 8* Vienna, 1879 Uzielli, Gustavo. Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci. Serie Seconda. Plate. 8 Koine, 1884 Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli Iniziatore della Scoperta d'America : Ricordo del Solstizio d'Estate del 1892. 8 Florence, 1892 See Dati ; Issel. Uztariz, Geronymo de. The Theory and Practice of Commerce and Maritime Affairs. Translated from the Spanish by John Kippax. 2 vols. 8 1751 V. V , B. A. Qui a imprime la primiere lettre de Christoph Colomb ? 8* Leipzig, 1892 Christophe Colomb et Toscanelli. 8* Paris, 1893 V , G. D. La Spedizione Bottego. Relazione sommaria di G. D. V. Map. 8* Koine, 1893 Vaca, Cabeza de (or Vacca, Capo di). See Cabeza de Vaca. Vacani, Baron Camillo. Della Laguna di Venezia e dei Fiumi nelle attigue Provincie. Map. 8 Florence, 1867 Vaccarone, Luigi. Statistica delle Prime Ascensioni nelle Alpi Occidentali. Terza edizione. 12 Turin, 1890 Vahl, J. See Gaimard, Paul. Vail, E. A. Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du Norcl. Maps and plates coloured. 8 Paris, 1840 Vaillant, Admiral A. N. Voyage autour du Monde, execute pendant les annees 18366! 1837 sur la Corvette "LaBonite," commandee par M. Vaillant. 15 vols. 8; 3 vols. eleph. folio Paris, 1841-52 Lasalle, A. de. Relation du Voyage. 3 vols. (Vol. i with //ato. ) 8 1845, 1851, 1852 Darondeau, B., and E. Chevalier. Physique. Observations meleorologiques. Vol. I, 1840; Vol. 2, 1841. 8 Observations magnetiques. Vol. I, 1842 ; Vol. 2, 1846. 8 Laurent, . Zoophytologie. 8 1844 Gaudichaud, G. Botanique. 8 Introduction. Vols. I and 2, 1851. Cryptogames cellulaires et vasculaires, par Montagne, Leveille, and Spring. Vol. i, 1844-46. Explication des Planches de 1' Atlas, par C. d'Alleizette. 8 1866 Eydoux, , and L. Souleyet. Zoologie. Vol. i, 1841 ; Vol. 2, 1852. 8 Album Ilistorique. Plates. Eleph. folio N.L>. Atlas (Zoologie). Eleph. folio N.D. Atlas (Botanique). Eleph. folio N.D. Valbezen, E. de. Les Anglais et 1'Inde. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1875 Valderrama, Adolfo. Bosquejo Historico de la Poesia Chilena. 8 Santiago, 1866 Valdes, G. F. de. See Oviedo. Valdes, Julio Cesar. LaPaz de Ayacucho. Relacion Historica, Descriptiva, y Com- mercial. 8* La Paz, 1890 VAL VAN. 483 Valdes, Julio Cesar. Rectificaciones Geogr.ificas a un Dictionario Espagnol. Small 8* La Paz, 1891 Valdez, Francisco Travassos. Six Years of a Traveller's Life in Western Africa. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1861 Africa Occidental : Noticias e Con- sideracoes. Vol. i. Portrait and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1864 Da Oceania a Lisboa Viagem. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1866 Valente, A. J. Sous do Combate Anglo- LUJ.O, on O Sonho de John Bull Bully pelo auctor da Historia "Angola e Congo." 4 Lisbon, 1890 Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802-6. 4 vols. 3 vols. 8, Vol. 4 (plates) 4 1811 See Robinson, F. ; also Phillips [i], Vol. II : Appendix I. Valentin, Dr Jean. See Radde. Valentini, Baron de. Description of the Seat of War in European Turkey. Trans- lated by Montague Gore. 8 !&54 Valentyn, Francois. Oud en Niew Oost- Indien. 8 vols. Folio Dordrecht, 1724-26 [For full Title and Contents, see Ap- pendix i.] Valesio, H. See Ramusio, Vol. 2 : Ap- pendix i. Valguanera, Mariano. Origine ed Anti- chitadi Palermo. SmallS Palermo, 1614 Valignanus. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Valikhanof, Captain. A Journey to Kash- garin 1858. Translated from the Russian, by Robert Michell. Folio* [1868] See Michell. Vallat, Gustave. Livingstone. Poeme, par Gustave Vallat. 8* Monlins, 1876 Valle, P. della. See Delia Valle. Vallee, E. J. C. Explora9ao do Rio Araguaya. 4* Rio de Janeiro [ 1 864] Vallee, Leon. Essaid'une Bibliographic de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et Dependances. 12'"" Paris, 1883 Vallentin, Florian. Les Alpes Cotiicnnes et Graies, Geographic Gallo-Romaine. Map. 8" Paris, 1883 Vallin, Acisclo Fernandez. Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de ciencias exactas, fisicas, y naturales en la Recep- tion Publica. Portrait. Large 8 Madrid, 1893 Vallino, D. See Sella. Vallon, A. Influence des Courants sur la Navigation a la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique. 8 Paris, 1860 Vallot, J. L'Observatoire du Mont Blanc. 4* [Paris] 1891 Valois, Alfred de. Mexique, Havane, ct Guatemala : Notes de Voyage. 12 Paris [1862] "Valorous." II. M.S. "Valorous:" Deep- Sea Soundings and Temperatures, North AtlanticOcean,i875. Chart. Folio 1875 Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Central Asia : being the Account of a Journey from Teheran across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samar- cand, performed in ... 1863. Map ami plates. 8 1 864 History of Bokhara, from the Earliest Period down to the Present, composed for the first time after Oriental known and unknown Historical Manuscripts. 8 1873 Centralasien und die Englisch-Rus- sische Grenzfrage. 8 Leipzig, 1873 Central Asia and ihe Anglo- Russian Frontier Question : a Series of Political Papers. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. Small 8 1874 Arminius Vambery, his Life and Ad- ventures, written by Himself. 3rd edition. Portrait and plates. 8 1884 See Marvin ; Pinto, F. M. Vambery, Hermann. Cagataische Sprach- studien, enthaltend grammatikalischtn Umriss, Chrestomatbie, und Worterbuch der Cagataischen Sprache. 4 Leipzig, 1867 Die Sarten und ihre Sprache. 8* [Leipzig, 1890] See Proskowetz. Van Braam, A. E. See Braam. Van Bruyssel, Ernest. See Bruyssel. Van Campen, Samuel Richard. See Campen. Vancouver, Charles. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Devon, with Observations on the Means of its Improvement. Maps and plates. 8" 1808 Vancouver, Capt. George. Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World ; in which the Coast of North-West America has been carefully examined and accurately sur- veyed, principally with a view to as- certain the existence of any navigable communication between the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, 1790-95. 3 vols. Plates. 4 1798 See Eyries, Vol. 2 ; Pelham, Vol. i : Appendix I. Van den Berg, H. P. J. Brieven aan een Suikerfabrikant over de Muntkwestic in verband tot de Landbouw-Nijverheid. 8 Batavia, 1888 Van den Berg, L. W. C. Le Hadhra- mout et les Colonies Arabes dans 1'Archipel Indien. Map and plates. Large 8 Batavia, 1886 Van den Bosch, J. Nederlandsche Be/it- tingen, in Azie, Amerika, en Afrika, in derzelver toestand en aangelcgenheid voor dit Rijk, Wysgeerig, Staatshuis- VAN. Van den Bosch, J. continued. houdkundig en Geographisch beschouwd, met byvoeging der noordige Tabellen, en eenen Atlas nieuwe Kaarten. 2 vols. Vignettes. 8, Atlas folio (1817) Amsterdam, 1818 Van den Broeck, Ernest. Etude sur le Dimorphisme des Foraminiferes et cles Nummulites en Particulier. 8* Brussels, 1893 See General, International Geological Congress: Appendix 2. Van den Broek, Peter. See Allgemeine Historic, Vols. 3, 8, 18 : Appendix I. Van den Gheyn, J. Le Plateau de Pamir d'apres les Recentes Explorations. Map. 8* Brussels, 1883 Van den Hagen, S. See Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 8 : Appendix I. Van den Heuvel, Dr. Debarquement des Elephants. Plates. 8* [Brussels} 1879 Van de Putte, S. See Veth, P. J. Van der Aa, A. J. Nederlands Oost- Indie, of Beschrijving der Nederlandsche Bezittingen in Oost-Indie, &c. Eerste deel. Maps and plates. ?>Ajiisterdam,i?>^6 The same. Tweede deel., pp. 1-192. 8 Amsterdam, 1846 Van der Aa, Pieter. Naaukeurige Ver- sameling der gedenk-waardigste Zee- en Land- Reysen na Oost- en West-Indien, mitsgaders andere Gewesten, ter eerster Ontdekking en soo vervolgens van ver- scheyde Volkeren, meerendeels door Vorsten, of Maatschappyen derwaarts gesonden, gedaan, . . . 1246-1670. 27 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Ley den, 1707 [For Contents, see Appendix i, p. 595-] Van der Aa. See Robicle Van der Aa. Van der Broek, W. Palmer. Javaansche Vertellingen, bevattende de Lotgevallen van een Kantjil, en Reebok, en andere Dieren. [Injavan, -with Dutch notes.] 8 The Hague, 1878 Van der Chijs, J. A. Neerlands Streven tot openstelling van Japan voor den Wereldhandel, &c. 8 Amsterdam, 1867 Nederlandsch - Indisch Plakaatboek, 1602-1811. 8 Batavia 1 deel., 1602-42. 1885 2 deel., 1642-77. 1886 3 deel., 1678-1709. 1886 4 deel., 1709-43. 1887 5 deel., 1743-50. 1888 6 deel., 1750-54. 1889 7 deel., 1755-64. 1890 8 deel., 1765-75. 1891 9 deel. Nieuwe Statuten van Batavia. 1891 10 deel., 1776-87. 1892 11 deel., 1788-94. 1893 Catalogus der Numismatische Ver- zameling van het Bataviaasch Genoot- schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Tweede en Derde druk. 8 Batavia, 1877-86 Van der Chijs, J. A. De Vestiging van het Nederlandsche Gezag over de Banda- Eilanden (1599-1621). Map. Large 8 Batavia, 1886 Dagh- Register gehouden int Casteel Batavia vant passerende daer ter plaetse als over geheel Nederlandts-India, anno 1640-41. Imperial 8 Batavia and the Hague, 1887 - The same. Anno 1653. 1888 The same. Anno 1661. 1889 - The same. Anno 1663. 1891 The same. Anno 1664. 1893 Van der Hart, C. Reize rondon het Eiland Celebes en naar eenige der Moluksche Eilanden, in 1850. Maps and plates. 8 The Hague, 1853 Van der Kemp, P. H. Billiton-Opstellen. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6. 4* Batavia, 1886 Resume van gewestelijke rapporten over de Kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch- Inclie. 8 Batavia, 1889 Van der Maelen, Ph. Diclionnaire Geo- graphique de la Province de Liege, precede d'un Fragment du Memorial de 1'Etablissement Geographique de Brux- elles, fonde par Ph. Van der Maelen. Plates and tables. 8 Brussels, 1831 Ditto, de la Province de Namur. Maps and tables. 8 Brussels, 1832 Ditto, de la Province de Hainaut. Tables. 8 Brussels, 1833 Ditto, de la Province d'Anvers. Tables. 8 Brussels, 1834 Ditto, de la Flandre Orientale. 8 Brussels, 1834 Ditto, du Limbourg. 8 Brussels, 1835 Ditto, de la Flandre Occidentale. 8 Brussels, 1836 Ditto, du Luxembourg. 8 Brussels, 1838 L'Etablissement Geographique de Bruxelles. 8 , Brussels, 1831 Lettre sur 1'Etablissement Geogra- phique de Bruxelles, fonde en 1830. 8* Brussels, 1836 Van der Stell, S. See British South Africa, A : Appendix 2. Van der Stok, Dr J. P. Rainfall in the East Indian Archipelago : Fourth year, 1882. 8 Batavia, 1883 Van der Tuuk, H. N. Les Manuscrits Lampongs, en possession de M. le Baron Sloet van de Beele. 4 Leyden, 1868 - Maleisch Leesboek. 8* ' 1868 Van de Velde, C. W. M. Toelichtende Aanteekeningen behoorende bij de Kaart van het Eiland Java. 8 Leyden, 1847 Narrative of a Journey through Syria and Palestine in 1851 and 1852. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1854 Memoir to accompany the Map of the Holy Land. 8 Gotha, 1858 VAN VAU. 485 Van de Velde, C. W. M. Discours sur la Palestine. 8* Geneva, 1864 Notes on the Map of the Holy Land. 2nd edition. 8* Gotha, 1865 Vaneechout, E. See Maury. Van Egmont. See Egmont. Van Hasselt, A. L. See Veth, P. J. Van Hoorn, Lord. See Hoorn. Van Kampen, N. G. See Kampen. Van Linschoten. See Linschoten. Van Noort, Oliver. See Noort. Van Pelt, Daniel. See Tollens. Van Reenen, Jacob. See Reenen. Vanrenen, D. C. See India, F, a ; F, d: Appendix 2. Vansleb, . See Ray : Appendix i. Van Slyke, L. L. See Emersons. Varenius, B. Geographia Generalis, in qua Affectiones Generates Telluris ex- plicantur. Plates. 1 6 Amsterdam, 1671 Bernhardi Vareni Med. D. Descriptio Regni Japonic et Siam ; Item de Japoni- orum Religione et Siamensium ; De Diversis omnium Gentium Religionibus ; Quibus, proemissa Dissertatione de variis Rerum publicarum generil>us, adduntur qurcdam de Priscorum Afrorum fide excerpta ex Leone Africano. 12 Cambridge, 1673 Geographia Generalis, in qua Affec- tiones Generales Telluris explicantur, summa cura quam plurimis in locis emendata, et XXXIII. schematibus novis, ?ere incisis, una cum Tabb. Aliquot qure desiderabantur ; aucta et illustrata ab Isaaco Newton. Plates. 8 Cambridge, 1681 Complete System of General Geo- graphy, explaining the Nature and Pro- perties of the Earth ; improved and illustrated by Sir Isaac Newton and Dr Jurin. Translated, with Notes, by Dugdale, and revised by Peter Shaw. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1 7^5 Varnhagen, Francisco Ad. de. Reflexoes Criticas sobre o Escripto do Seculo XIV. impresso com o titulo de Noticia do Brasil, no tomo 3. da Colleccao de Not. Ultr. 8 Lisbon, 1839 Vespuce et son premier Voyage : ou Notice d'une Decouverte et Exploration primitive du Golfe du Mexique et des Etats-Unis en 1497 et 1498. 8 Paris, 1858 Examen de quelqucs points de 1'His- toire Geographique du Bre'sil, ou Analyse Critique du Rapport de M. d'Avezac, sur la Recente Histoirc Generate du Bresil. Map. 8* Paris, 1858 La Verdadera Guanahani de Colon : Memoria communicada a la Facultad de Humanidades. Map. Royal 8* Santiago, 1864 Varnhagen, Francisco Ad. de. Amerigo Vespucci, son Caractere, ses ecrits (meme les moins authentiques), sa vie, et ses navigations, avec une Carte indiquant les routes. Folio Lima, 1865 Sull' Importanza d'un Manoscritto inedito della Biblioteca Imperiale di Vienna, per verificare quale fu la prima Isola scoperta dal Colombo, ed anche altri punti della Storia della America. Discorso. Map. 8 Vienna, 1869 Das wahre Guanahani des Columbus. Uebersetzung von * * Maps. 8 Vienna, 1869 See Sousa, P. L. de. Varthema (or Verthema), Ludovico di [sometimes called Barthema, and Verto- nioman or Vertomanus]. The Nauigation and Vyages of Lewis Wertomannus, Gentelman of the Citie of Rome, to the Regions of Arabia, Egypte, Persia, Syria, Ethiopia, and East India, both within and without the Ryuer of Ganges, &c. , in the Yeere of our Lorde 1503 ; conteyning many notable and straunge thinges, both hystoricall and naturall. Translated out of Latine into Englyshe by Richard Eden, in the yeereofour Lord 1576. [Privately printed for the Aungervyle Society.] 8 Edinburgh , 1 884 Les Voyages de Ludovico di Var- thema, ou le Viateur en la plus grande partie d'Orient. Traduits de PItalien en Francais par J. Balarin de Raconis ; publics et annote's par M. Ch. Schefer. [Recueil de Voyages . . .], Vol. 9. Maps. Large 8 Paris, \ 888 See Hakluyt, Vol. 4 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ. , Vol. 32 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Purchas, Vol. 2 ; Ramusio, Vol. i : Appendix I. Vary, George. See Ogilvy, T. Vasco Nunes (or Nunez), de Balboa. See Gottfried. Vasconcellos, J. L. de. See Portugal, B ; Appendix 2. Vasey, Dr J. The Grasses of the United States : being a Synopsis of the Tribes and Genera, with Descriptions of the Genera, and a List of the Species. 8* Washington, 1883 Vasi, Mariano di. Itinerario Instruttivo da Roma a Napoli e delle sue Vicinanze. Map and plates. 12 Rome, 1816 Itinerario di Roma, antica e moderna. 2 vols. Map and plates. 12 1819-20 Vasquez de Coronado, Francesco. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 : Appendix I. Vatslik, J. Y. See Gowan. Vaughan, Lieut. H. B. Report of a Journey through Persia. Map and plate*. 8 Calcutta, 1890 A Journey through Persia. With Notes by Sir Frederick Goldsmid. [Roy. Gcog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3.] Large 8 D 1892 486 VAU YEN. Vaughan, William. Memoir of William Vaughan ; with Miscellaneous Pieces relative to Docks, Commerce, &c. Por- trait. 8 1839 Vaugondy, Robert de. Institutions Geographiques. Plates. 8 Paris, 1766 Vauhello, Le Saulnier de. Mc'moire sur les Atterages des Cotes Occidentales de France, et Precis des Operations Hydro- graphiques et Astronomiques, faites en 1828 et '29 sur les Bricks "la Badine " et " PAlsacienne." 4 / J arM, 1833 Vause, R. Notes from the East, descrip- tive of a Trip to Zanzibar and back. 12* Natal, 1877 Vautibault, Gazeau de. Le Trans- Saharien. 12* Paris, N.I). Vaux, H. del. Dictionnaire Geographique et Statistique de la Province de Liege. 8 Lit'ge, 1835 Vaux, W. S. W. Nineveh and Perse- polis : an Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia, with an Account of the recent Researches in those Countries. Plates. 8 1851 Vavin, Jules. See Richards, John. Vayrac, Abbe de. Etat present de 1'Espagne. 3 vols. 12 Amsterdam, 1719 Vayssieres, A. Souvenirs d'un Voyage en Abyssinie. 32 Brussels, 1857 Vaz, Lopez. See Callander, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 7 ; General Col- lection, p. 610 : Appendix I. Vea, Anto de. Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Veaux, S. de. The Traveller's Own Book to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls, and Canada ; containing Routes, Dis- tances, Conveyances, Expenses, Use of Mineral Waters, Baths, Description of Scenery, &c. Maps and plates. 18 Bttffalo, 1841 Vedova, G. Dalla. See Dalla Vedova. Veer, Gerrit de. Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi e Zelandesi, al Setten- trione nella Norvegia, Moscovia, e Tar- taria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini, done scopersero il Mare di Veygatz, la Nuova Zembla, et un Paese nell Ottan- tesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia. Small 4 Venice, 1599 See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 13, 54 ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3: Appendix i. Veer, Gustav de. Prinz Heinrich der Seefahrer und seine Zeit ; mit einer Einleitung iiber die Geschichte des Portugiesischen Handels und Seewesens bis zum Anfange des 15 Jahrhunderts. Portrait. 8 Danzig, 1864 Vega, Garcilaso de la. See De la Vega. Vega, Luis Salinas. Catalogo General de Archives o' Sea. Doumentos relatives a Bolivia encontrados en el archive de Indias y en el de la Real Academia de la Historia. 8* La Paz, 1889 Veitch, S. F. T. Views in Central Abyssinia, with Portraits of the Natives of the Galla Tribes. By a German Traveller ; with Descriptions by S. F. T. Veitch. Plates. Oblong 8 1868 Vekeman, G. Voyages au Canada. Plates. Nannir, 1885 Velain, C. Description Geologique de la presqu'ile d'Aden, de 1'ile de la Reunion, des iles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam. Map, plates, and photographs. 4 Paris, 1878 Passage de Venus sur le Soleil (9 Decembre 1874) : Expedition Fran9aise aux Iles Saint Paul et Amsterdam ; Observations generates sur la Faune des deux Iles suivies d'une Description des Mollusques. [From "Archives de Zoologie Experimtntale et Generale, " T. 6, 1877.] Maps and plates. 8* Paris, 1877 Velasco, Juan de. See Ternaux-Com- pans, Vols. 18, 19 : Appendix I. Velasques, Diego. See Gottfried : Ap- pendix i. Velschow, Franz A. On the Cause of Trade Winds ; with Discussion by Charles Macdonald. Maps. 8 [1890] Venedey, I. Romerthum, Christenthum, und Germanenthum, und deren wechsel- seitiger Einfluss bei der Ungestaltung der Sclaverei des Altherthums, in die Leibeigenschaft des Mittelalters. 8 Frankfurt, 1840 Venegas, Miguel. A Natural and Civil History of California, containing an ac- curate Description of that Country, &c. Translated from the original Spanish. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1759 Veneon, Jean. [E. Perrin.] In Memo- riam, Tschingel. 8* [1892] Veness, W. T. El Dorado ; or, British Guiana as a Field for Colonisation. Maps. 8 1867 Venezia, Baldassare. Dizionario Sta- tistico dei Paesi del Regno delle Due Sicilie. 8 Naples, 1818 Venukoff, M. Travels on the Confines of Russian Asia, &c. [In Russian.] Small 8 \_St Petersburg 1 868 Sketch of the Japanese Archipelago. [In Russian.] Parts I and 2. Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1871 Attempt at a Military Sketch of the Russian Frontiers in Asia. [In Russian.] Map 8 St Petersburg, 1873 Die Russisch-Asiatischen Grenzlande, aus dem Russischen iibersetzt von - Krahmer. 8 Leipzig, 1874 On the Geographical Conditions of the Existence and the Progress of the Russian People. [In Russian.] 8* [St Petersburg] N.i). - Russia and the East. [In Russian.] Small 8 St Petersburg, 1877 YEN VER. 487 Venukoff, M. Aper9u Sommaire cle la partie meridionale de la Province Lit- torale de la Siberia. Map. 8* {Paris, 1884] Du Dessechement des Lacs dans 1'Asie Centrale. Map. 8* [Parts'] 1886 The Canal of Panama. [In Russian.] 8* [1887] Progres de la Cartographic dans 1'Empire Russe. 8* [Paris, 1889] Les Voyageurs Russes en Asie depuis 20 ans, 1854-74. [Table in Russian and French.] 8* N.P., N.D. : Liste des Voyageurs Russes en Asie depuis ['occupation par les Russes du bassin de 1' Amour et du Semiretchie : 1854-80. [Also in Russian. ] 12* N.P., N.D. On Geographical Discoveries Asiatic Russia, 1577-1877. [In Russian.] 8* N.P., N.D. Apercu Ilistorique des Decouvertes Geographiques faites dans la Russie d'Asie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Map. 8* Paris [1879?] La Tunisie contemporaine (fevrier 1893). [In Russian.] 8* 1893 The Indian Ocean. [In Russian.] Large 8* [1893] See Michell ; also Central Asia, A : Appendix 2. "Venus." Voyage autour du monde. See Du Petit-Thouars. Venuti, Ridolfino. Descrizione Topo- grafica delle Antichita di Roma. 2 vols. Map and plates. 4 Rome, 1824 Vera, Gerardo di. See Veer, Gerrit de. Verbeek, R. D. M. Krakatau. 8. Maps, plates, &c., in separate case, 4 Batavia, 1886 Notice jointe aux Cartes de 1'edition Fran9aise de Krakatau. 4* N.P. , N.D. Verbiest, Ferdinand. See Hakluyt Soc. Pul>l. , Vol. 17 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. Verdan, D. Guide Historique et Descriptif de Wiesbade et de ses Environs. 12* Wiesbaden [1860] Verdun de la Crenne, - de, Le Chevalier de Borda, and le Chanoine Pingre. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1771 et 1772 en diverscs parties de 1'Europe, de 1'Afrique, et de 1'Amer- ique ; pour verifier 1'utilite de plusieurs methodes et inslrumens, servant a deter- miner la Latitude et la Longitude, tant du vaisseau que des cotes, Isles, et Ecueils qu'on reconnoit : suivi de re- cherches pour rectifier les cartes hydro- graphiques. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, I7?8 Vereker, Hon. H. P. British Ship- masters' Hand-Book to Rio Grande do Sul. Plates. 12 1860 Verestchagin, V. Skizzen und Erin- nerungen, aus clem Russischen iibersetzt von E. Kretschmann. Illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1885 Vassili Verestchagin, Painter Soldier Traveller : Autobiographical Sketches. Translated from the German and the French by F. H. Peters. 2 vols. Illus- trations. 8 1887 und Frau Verestchagin. Reise- skizzeri aus Indien. I. Bandchen, Ost- Himalaya ; 2. Bandchen, Kaschmir, Ladak. Illustrations. 12 Leipzig, 1882-85 Vergara, Jose Ignacio. Anuario de la Oficina Central Meteorolojica de Santiago de Chile. 8 Santiago, 1879 Observaciones Meteorolqjicas hechas en el Observatorio Astronomico de Santiago, 1873-81. Diagrams. Small 4 Santiago, 1884 The same. 1882-84. Diagrams. 8 Santiago, 1885 Vergara, R. G. Noticias sobre las Pro- vincias del litoral correspondiente al Departamento de Lima, i de la Pro- vincia constitucional del Callao, por la Oficina Hidrografica. Map. 8 Santiago, 1879 Los Descubridores del Estrecho de Magallanes i sus primeros Exploradores. 1553-84. Map. 8 Santiago, 1880 Vergara y Velasco, F. J. See Reclus. Vergers, A. Noel des. Histoire de 1'Afrique. See Ebn-Khaldoun. Vernazani, Miguel. See Angelis, Vol. 5 : Appendix i. Verneuil, E. de. See Sedgwick, A. ; Tchihatchef. Verney, Sir Harry. A Route from the Atlantic to the Pacific through British Territory. (From Fraset's Magazine.) 8* 1869 Vernon, Francis. See Ray : Appendix i. Verrazzano, Giov. See Murphy ; also Gottfried ; Hakluyt Voyages, Vol. 3 ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 7; Ramusio, Vol. 3; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 15: Appendix I. Verrier, J. le. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 46 : Appendix i. Verteuil, L. A. A. de. Trinidad, its Geography, Natural Resources, Adminis- tration, Present Condition, and Pros- pects. 8 1858 -The same. 2nd edition. Map. 8 1884 Verthema, Ludovico. See Varthema. Verulam, Francis, Lord. Sylva Sylva- rum, or a Natural History, in Ten Centuries ; whereunto is newly added the History Naturall and Experimentall of life and death, or of the prolongation of life. Published after the author's death by Win. Rawley. 6th edition. Small folio 1651 4 88 Vespucci, Amerigo (or Vespucis, or Vespucius, Americus). See Hugues ; Santarem ; Urbani de Gheltof ; Varn- hagen ; also Burney, Vol. i ; Callander, Vol. I ; Gottfried ; Kerr, Vol. 3 ; Nava- rette, Vol. 3 ; Ramusio, Vol. I ; Allge- meine Historic, Vols. 13, 18, &c. ; Co- leccao de Noticias, Vol. 2, p. 610 ; General Collection of Voyages, p. 610 ; Cartas de Indias, p. 612 : Appendix I. Vesselowsky, C. Du Climat de la Russie. 8* St Petersburg, 1855 Epoques des Debacles et de la Prise par les Glaces de la Dwina, a Arkhangel. 8* St Petersburg, 1856 Vetch, Capt. James. Inquiry into the Means of Establishing a Ship Naviga- tion between the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. Map. 8* 1843 On Havens of Safety. Map and plates. 4* 1844 Plans and Papers on the subject of a Harbour at Port Natal, South Africa. Plates. Folio* 1859 Vetch, Capt. Sec India, I : Appendix 2. Veth, D. D. Daniel David Veth, door Prof. P. J. Veth. Portrait. 8* N. P., 1885 See Snellemann ; Veth, P. J., Midden- Sumatra. Veth, P. J. Borneo's Wester- Afdeeling : Geographisch, Statistisch, Historisch voorafgegaan door eene algemeene Schets des ganschen Eilands. 2 vols. Plates. 8 Zaltbommel, 1854 and 1856 . Het Eiland Flores. 8* [Amsterdam, 1855] Over de Physische Geographic van den Indischen Archipel. [Translated from A. R. Wallace.] 8* Zaltbommel, 1865 Geographische Aanteekeningen betrek - kelijk het Eiland Flores. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1876 Geographische Aanteekeningen be- treffende de Kei-Eilanden. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 Het Landschap Deli op Sumatra. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 Het Landschap Aboeng en de Abo- engers op Sumatra. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 Beccari's Reis van Makasser naar Kendari. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 - Een Woord bij de Kaart van Dieng- Gebergte. Map. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 Geographische Aanteekeningen om- trent de Oostkust van Atjeh. 4* Amsterdam, 1877 Notizia su Selajar e isole adiacenti. Map. 8* Turin, 1880 Midden-Sumatra : Reizen en Onder- zoekingen der Sumatra-Expedilie, uitge- rust door het Aardrijkskunclig Genoot- schap, 1877-79; beschreven door de Veth, P. J. continued. Leden der Expeditie onder Toezicht van Prof. P. J. Veth. 4 vols. in 3. Plates. 4 Leyden CONTENTS. Eerste Deel. Reisverhaal. Eerste Gedeelte, door A. L. van Hasselt en Job. F. Snelleman. Plates 1881 2 Gedeelte, door C. H. Cornelis- sen, A. L. van Hasselt, en J. F. Snelleman. Map and plates 1882 Tweede Deel. Aardrijks kundige Beschrijving, met Atlas, door D. D. Veth. Plate 1882 Derde Deel. Volksbeschrijving en Taal, door A. L. van Hasselt. I Gedeelte, I Afdeeling. Plate. 1882. 2 Afdeel. Ethnographische Atlas, met Verklarenden Tekst. 1881 2 Gedeelte. De Talen en Letterkunde van Midden-Sumatra, door A. L. van Hasselt. Plate 1881 Vierde Deel. Natuurlijke Historic ; Eerste Gedeelte, Fauna, door Joh. F. Snelleman. 2 vols. Plates 1887-92 2 Gedeelte. Flora, door A. L. van Hasselt en Dr J. G. Boerlage. Plates 1884 Ontdekkers en Onderzoekers. Ze- vental Levensschetsen, ter tweede verbe- terde en vermeerderde Uitgave bijeen- verzameld. 8 Leyden, 1884 I. Philippus Baldaeus ; 2. Samuel van de Putte ; 3. Caspar George Carl Reinwardt ; 4. Jan Frederik Gerrit Brumund ; 5. Taco Roorda ; 6. Wolter Robert van Hoevell ; 7. Jan Karl Jacob de Jonge. Johan Mauritz Mohr. [From De Gids, 1885, No. 7.] Plate. 8* 1885 Hendrik Adriaan van Reede tot Drakestein. 8* [1887] De Nederlanders in Afrika. 8* Leyden, 1893 See Rosenberg ; also Dutch East Indies : Appendix 2. and C. M. Kan. Bibliografie van Nederlandsche Boeken, Brochures, Kaarten, &c., over Afrika. 8 Utrecht, 1876 Viani, P. See Astley, Vol. 3: Appendix i. Vibe, A. Hoidemaalinger i Norge fra Aar 1774 til 1860. 8 Ckristiania, 1860 Kiisten und Meer Norwegens. Mit einer Karte von Dr A. Petermann, und zwei original Ansichten, in chromolith. Ausgefuhrt von Bernatz. (Erganz.ungs- heft, i Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Coloured map and plates. 4 Got ha, 1 860 Vicary, Capt. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Vicentius Beluacensis. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book i : Appendix i. VIC VIN. 489 "Victoria," Ship. See Norman, W. H. Victorica, Dr Don Benjamin. See Moyano. Vidal, E. E. Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, with Descriptions of the Scenery, and of the Costumes, Manners, &c., of the Inhabi- tants of those Cities and their Environs. 24 coloured plates. 4 1820 Vidal-Lablache, P. Des Divisions Fonda- mentales clu sol Franfaise. 8* Paris, 1888 Viedma, Don Francisco de. Informe general de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, de la Sierra, cuya capital es la Ciudad de Cochabamba, comprehend la Descripcion Geografica de toda ella con sus verdadera latitudes, y longitudes, frutos, y comer- cios, demostrando su estado en la Balanza del interne y externo, asi entre la misma Provincia, como en las de este Reyno, y los de Espana, y se proponen los medios mas adaptados a su prosperidad, con- ciliando el libre comercio con las misiones de Moxos y Chiquitos. Lo dirige el Go- bernador Intendente de ella Don Francisco de Viedma. [With this is a Report by Don Alvarez de Sotomayer. ] MS. Folio 1793 Viele, E. L. The Topography and Phy- sical Resources of the State of New York. 8* [New York, 1875] Vignal, Pierre. See Seilliere. Vigne, G. T. Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, and a Residence at the Court of Dost Mohamed. Map and plates. 8 1840 Vignes, . See Luynes. Vignoles, Charles. International Exhi- bition of 1862 . . : Model of the Pas- sage of the Tudela and Bilbao Railway across the Chain of the Cantabrian Pyrenees, through the Basque Provinces in the North of Spain. Map and table. 8* 1862 Vignon, Louis. La France dans 1'Afrique du Nord, Algerie, et Tunisie. Map. 8 Paris, 1887 Vigoni, Pippo. Abissinia : Giornale di un Viaggio. Map and plates. 8 Milan, 1881 Viguier, Maurice. La Geographic dans les Chaires de 1'Universite. 8* Avignon, 1893 Villafane, J. A. de. Quilatador de la Plata, Oro, y Piedras. Small 8 Valladolid, 1572 Villalobos, Ruy Lopez de. See Burney, Vol. I : Appendix I. Villaneuva, A. Salitres i Guanos del Desierto de Atacama : Clasificacion i Analisis de varias plantas halladas en el Desierto. 8* Santiago, 1878 Villaret, E. de. Dai Nippon (le Japon). Maps. 8 Paris, 1889 Villarino, Don Basilio. No. i. Don Basilic Villarino's Survey and Diary of his Exploration of the great River Negro in Patagonia, to its Sources in the Cordillera of the Andes, 1782. [MS. in Spanish.] Map. No. 2. Diary of his Voyage from the Rio Negro to Examine the Coasts, the Bay of All Saints, the Isles of Buen Success, and to verify the Mouth of the Rio Colorado, and to ascend it, 1787. (The original paper.) [MS. in Spanish.] Folio N.P., V.D. Villault, Sieur. See Astley, Vol. 2 ; Laharpe, Vol. 2 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 3 : Appendix i. Villaumez. See Bouet-Villaumez. Villavicencio, Enrique. Republica de Costa- Rica: Historia, Geografia, &c. 12* ^ 1886 Villavicencio, Manuel. Geografia de la Republica del Ecuador. Maps and plates [maps separate]. 8 Neiv York, 1858 Villavicencio, Dr R. La Republica de Venezuela bajo el punto de vista de la Geografia y Topografia Medicus y de la Demografia. 8 Caracas, 1880 Villegagnon. See Callander, Vol. i : Appendix I. Villehuet, Bourde de. The Manoeuverer, or Skilful Seaman : being an Essay on the Theory and Practice of the various Movements of a Ship at Sea, as well as of Naval Evolution in general. Trans- lated by the Chevalier de Sauseuil. Plates. 4 1788 Vilovo, J. S. von. Die Felsengen des Kazan und die Donau- uncl Theiss-Regu- lirung. Maps. 8 Vienna, 1879 Vince, Rev. S. See Pinkerton. Vincendon-Dumoulin, C. A., and C. Desgraz. IlesMarquisesouNouka-Hiva, histoire, geographic, moeurs, et considera- tions generates. Maps. 8 Paris, 1843 and C. P. de Kerhallet. Descrip- tion Nautique de la Cote N. du Maroc. Plates. 8 Paris, 1857 Manuel de la Navigation dans le Detroit de Gibraltar. Map and plates. 8 Pan's, 1857 Vincent, Benjamin. See Haydn ; also Catalogues, A (Royal Institution): Ap- pendix 2. Vincent, C. E. H. Russia's Advance East- ward : based on the Official Reports of Lieutenant Hugo Stumm, to which is appended other information on the sub- ject, and a minute Account of the Rus- sian Army. Map. 12 1874 Vincent, F. The Land of the White Elephant: Sights and Scenes in South- Eastern Asia, a Personal Narrative of Travel and Adventure in Farther India, embracing the Countries of Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin-China (1871-72). Maps and plates. 8 1873 490 VIN VOL. Vincent, Frank. In and Out of Central America, and other Sketches and Studies of Travel. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 New York, 1890 Around and About South America : Twenty Months of Quest and Query. Map, plan, and charts. 8 New York, 1890 Vincent, J. E. Matthew. Problems of Australian Colonization. 12* 1892 Vincent, Prof. M. C. Report on the St Genevieve Glass-Sand Property of Southern Missouri. 8* 1869 Vincent, Dean William. The Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vols. Portrait and maps. 4 1807 [For Contents of Volumes, see Appen- dix I.] Vinci, Leonardo da. See Uzielli. Vincke, V. See Kiepert. ' ' Vindex. " See Rusden. Vines, . Report on the Trade and Navigation of the Port of Islay, for the years 1870 and 1871, and touching the Resources, Traffic, Communications, and General Condition of Southern Peru. 8* 1872 Vining, Edward P. An Inglorious Columbus, or Evidence that Hwui Shan and a party of Buddhist Monks from Afghanistan discovered America in the 5th Century A. D. Map. 8 New York, 1885 Vink, . See Callander, Vol. 2 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appendix I. Vinson, A. Voyage a Madagascar au Couronnement de Radama II. Plates. Large 8 Paris, 1865 Vinson, J. See Bonaparte, Prince L. L. Viquesnel, A. Coup d'CEil sur quelques points de 1'Histoire generale des peuples Slaves et de leurs voisins les Turcs et les Finnois. 4 Lyons, 1865 Virgin, C. A. Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenics Resa omkring Jorden under Befal af C. A. Virgin, aren 1851-53, Vetenskapliga laktlagelser. 4 Stockholm Vol. I. Bolanik. Andersson, N. J. Om Galapagos - oarnes Vegetation. Plates [1857] Vol. 2. Zoologi. i. Insecta. Plates 1858-68 The same. Annulata. Plates N.D. Vol. 3. Fysik. [Also in French.] Maps 1858-74 Virlet d'Aoust. See Aoust, V. d'. Virlet, Theodore. See Greece (Morea) : Appendix 2. Viscaino, Sebastian. See Burney, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Visconti, Ferd. Sistema Metrico della Citla di Napoli. 8 Naples, 1838 Vissering, S. Handleiding tot weten- schappelijke Waarnemingen ten Behoeve van Reizigers, Koloniale Ambtenaren, Consuls, en andere Residenten in vreemde Gewesten. Small 8 Utrecht, 1875 Vivaldi, . See Avezac. Vivien, M. Recherches sur 1'Histoire de 1'Anthropologie. 8* Paris, N.D. Vlamingh, Willem de. See H.ikluyt Soc. Pub!., Vol. 25 ; Callander, Vol. 3 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 : Appen- dix i. VoeikoJF, . See Woeikof. Vogel, Dr E. See Malte-Brun ; Peter- mann ; Schauenburg. Vogel, Hermann. Beobachtungen von Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen am sechs- fiissigen Refractor und zwolffussigen Aequatoreal der Leipziger Sternwarte ausgefiihrt. 8* Leipzig, 1867 Vogel, Sir Julius. The Official Handbook of New Zealand : a Collection of Papers by experienced Colonists on the Colony as a whole, and on the several Provinces. Plates. 8 1875 New Zealand and the South Sea Islands, and their Relation to the Empire. 8* 1878 Vogt, Carl. Lectures on Man, his place in Creation, and in the History of the Earth. Edited by J. Hunt. 8 1864 Su alcuni antichi Cranii Umani rinvenuti in Italia. Lettera . . . al Signor B. Gastaldi. 8* 1866 Vogue, Vicomte E. M. de. Syrie, Palestine, Mont Athos : Voyage aux pays du passe. Plates. 12 Paris, 1876 See Luynes. Volkersen, Capt. S. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25: Appendix i. Volkmann, Johann Jacob. Neueste Reisen durch die Vereinigten Nieder- lande, vorziiglich in Absicht auf die Kunstsammlungen, Naturgeschichte, Oekonomie und Manufacturer Map. 8 Leipzig, 1783 Vollers, Dr K. See Miiller, A. Volney, C. F. Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte pendant les annees 1783-85. 2nd edition [Large paper']. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Part's, 1787 Tableau Hu Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis cl'Amerique ; suivi d'Eclair- cissemens sur la Floride, sur la Colonie Fran9aise au Scioto, sur quelques Colonies Canadiennes, et sur les Sauvages. 2 vols. Maps ami plates. 8 Parts, 1803 See Pel ham, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Volschinoff, N. A. The Siberian Railway. Translated by G. F. Napier. (From the journal of the U.S. Institution of India, No. 91.) 8* 1892 VOL WAA. 491 Volter, Daniel. Die Grundlinien der mathematischen Geographic und die physikalische Beschreibung von Afiika und Asien. 8 Esslingeu, 1841 Lehrbuch der politischen Geographic. 8 Esslingen, 1845 Von den Steinen, K. See Steinen. Von der Decken. Baron Carl Claus. Reisen in Ost-Afrika in den Jahren 1859- 65. Vols i, 2, 3 (in 3 parts), 4. Map, plates, and tables. 4 Leipzig, 1869-79 Abridged Translation of Von der Decken's Journey up the River Juba (1865). MS. 4* N.D. Von der Gabelentz, Prof. Georg. The Language-; of Melanesia. (From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 18, Part 4.) 8* [1886] Von der Horck, Alexander Humboldt v. H. The Question of Arctic Discovery, and its Valuable Results ; with an Account of the Author's Recent Explorations in the Spitzbergen Seas, and a Boat Journey through Russian and Finnish Lapland. Address delivered before the American Geographical Society, 2gth November 1876. 8* New York, 1876 Meine Expedition nach dem Polar- meer und die Riickreise von Vadso durch Lappland und Finnland. 8* Berlin, 1876 Meine Reise nach dem Polarmeer und iiber die Bewohner der Nordkiiste. mate. 8* Berlin, 1876 The Physical Condition and Psychical Characteristics of the Races inhabiting the North Coast of Europe. 8* Berlin, 1876 The Physical Condition and Distinctive Characteristics of the Lappland ers and the Races inhabiting the North Coast of Europe. 8* [1877] Auszug aus der von der meclicinischen Facultat der Friedrich-\Vilhelms-Uni- versitat zu Berlin gekronten Preisschrift. Small 8* Berlin, N.D. Von der Linth, A. E. See Biirkli. Von Orlich, Capt. L. See Orlich. Von Siebold, C. T. See Ilertwig. Von Troil. See Troil. Vopell, Caspar. See Michow, H. " Voringen. " See Norway, Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78 : Appendix 2. Vos, J. Zeevaartkundige Beschrijving van de Kust van Guyana tusschen Cayenne en Demerary, behoorende bij de Kaart dezer Kust. Chart. 8 Amsterdam, 1854 "Vosgien" Dictionnaire Geographique Universe! ; avec un Tableau Synoptique par departement, et Appendices, par V. Parisot. Alaps. 8 Paris, 1836 " Vossenbosch," Ship. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25 : Appendix i. Vossion, Louis. Rapport sur la possibilite d'etablir des relations Commerciales entre la France et la Birmanie. 8* Paris, 1879 Le Commerce de 1'Ivoire a Khartoum et au Soudan Egyptien. 8" Paris, 1892 Vossius, Isaacus. De Nili et aliorum fluminum origine. Maps. 8 The Hague, 1666 Voyages and Travels, Collections of. See Appendix I. Voysey, Dr. See India, C (Geological Papers) : Appendix 2. Vretos, A. P. La Bulgarie ancienne et moderne, sous le rapport Geographique, Historique, Archeologique, Statistique, et Commercial. 8 Saint-Petersburg, 1856 Vries, G. de. De Zeeweringen en Water- schappen van Noord- Holland. 8 Haarlem, 1864 Vries, M. G. Reize van Maarten Gerritsz Vries in 1643 naar het Noorden en Oosten van Japan, volgens het Journal gehouden door C. J. Corn, op het schip " Castri- cum "... vermeerderd door P. A. Leupe ; met . . . geographische en ethnographische Aanteekeningen, tevens dienende tot een Zeemansgids naar Jezo, Krafto en de Kurilen, en stukken over de Taal en Voortbrengselen der Aino- Landen, van P. F. von Siebold. Map. 8 Amsterdam, 1858 See Burney, Vol. 3, Appendix i. Vries, S. de. De Noordsche Weereld ; vertoond in twee nieuwe aenmercklijcke derwaerts gedaene Reysen : d'eene van de Heer Martiniere, door Norweegen, Lapland, Boranday, Siberien, Samojessie, Ys-land, Greenland, en Nova-Zembla, &c. ; d'andere van de Hamburger Fred- erick Martens, verright nae Spitsbergen of Greenland in't jaer 1671, &c. Plates. Square 8 Amsterdam, 1685 Vsevolojsky, N. S. Dictionnaire Geo- graphique Historique de 1'Empire de Russie. 2 vols. 8 Moscmv, 1813 The same. [3rd edit.], augmenteed'un Supplement . . . par Maurice Allart. 2 vols. in i. 8 St Petersburg, 1833 Vyse, Griffin W. Report on the Irriga- tion and Inundation of the Nile. 8"" 1878 Vyse, Col. Howard. Operations carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837 ; with an Account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt, and an Appendix. 3 vols. Maps, plans, and plates. Imperial 8 1840-42 W W , C. M. Colonel C. G. Gordon, C.B., and Abyssinia. 8* 188- Waagen, W. Ueber die geographische Vertheilung der Fossilen Organismen in Indien. Map. 4* Vienna, 1878 See India, C, Pala:ontologia Indica : Appendix 2. 492 WAD WAG. Waddell, Dr L. A. On some New and Little- Known Hot Springs in South Bihar. (Reprinted from \he Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 59, Part 2, No. 3.) 8* Calcutta, 1890 Place- and River-Names in the Dar- jiling District and Sikhim. (From the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 60, Part I, No. 2, 1891.] 8* 1891 Discovery of the exact Site of Asoka's Classic Capital of Pataliputra, the Pali- bothra of the Greeks, and Description of the Superficial Remains. Map, plate, and plans. 4* Calcutta, 1892 Identification of the Old Orissan port of Chitratala, the Che-li-ta-lo of Hieun Tsiang. (From the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, December 1892.) 8* 1892 A List of Sikhim Birds, showing their Geographical Distribution. [Proof.] 4* 1893 Waddington, Alfred. Overland Com- munication by Land and Water through British North America. 8* Victoria, B.C., 1867 Overland Route through British North America, or the Shortest and Speediest Road to the East. Map. 8* 1 868 Sketch of the proposed Line of Over- land Railroad through British North America. 8* 1869 Waddington, G., and B. Hanbury. Journal of a Visit to some parts of Ethiopia. Maps and plates. 4 1822 Wade, Sir Thomas Francis, and Walter Caine Hillier (Yii Yen Tzu Erh Chi). A Progressive Course, designed to assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as spoken in the Capital and the Metro- politan Department. 3 vols. 4 Shanghai, 1886 Wadstrom, C. B. An Essay on Colon- isation, particularly .applied to the Western Coast of Africa, &c. Maps and plate. 4 1 794 Wafer, Lionel. New Voyage and De- scription of the Isthmus of America, with an Account of the Form and Make of the Country, the Coasts, Hills, Rivers, &c. ; to which are added the Natural History, by a F.R.S., and Davis's Ex- pedition to the Gold Mines in 1702. Map and plates. 8 1 704 See Callander, Vol. 2 ; Knox's New Collection, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Wagener, G. On a New Seismometer. Folio* {Kioto] 1880 Wagener, Z. See Churchill, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Waghorn, Lieut. Thomas. Two Letters on the Extension of Steam Navigation from Singapore to Port Jackson, Aus- tralia. 8* 1846-47 Wagner, Prof. Hermann. Patrokles am KaraBugas? 8* Gb'ttingen, 1885 Bericht liber die Entwickelung der Methodik und des Studiums der Erd- kunde. 8* Got ha, 1888 Festrede im Namen der Georg- Augusts-Universitat zur Akademischen Preisverteilung am 4, Juni 1890. 4* Gottingen, 1890 Hermann Berghaus. 4* Gottingen, 1890 - Ueber das von S. Giinther 1888, herausgegebene Spatmittelalterliche Ver- zeichnis geographischer Koordinaten- werte. 8* Gottingen, 1891 Die dritte Weltkarte Peter Apians v. J. 1530, und die Pseudo - Apianische Weltkarte von 1551. 4* Gottingen, 1892 Geographische Jahrbuch. 1881 and onwards. 8 See Guthe ; also Germany, Gotha : Appendix 3. and E. Behm (subsequently H. Wagner and A. Supan). Die Bevol- kerung der Erde. Nos. I. -IX. (Ergan- zungshefte, 33, 35, 41, 49, 55, 62, 69, 101, 107 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) Got ha, 1872-93 and H. Wichmann. Geographische Gesellschaften, Congresse,und Zeitschrif- ten. 12* Gotha, 1880 Wagner, Johann Christoph. Das mach- tigeKayser-Reich Sina, unddieAsiatische Tartarey vor Augen gestellet, in aussfiihr- licher Beschreibung der Konigreiche, Provinzien, LandscharTten,Stadte. Fliisse, Berge, Gevvachse, Baume, Friichte, Thiere, Gevcigel, Fische, &c. , so in diesen weit-entlegenen Welt-Gegenden sich finden ; wie auch solcher Volcker Landes-Regierung, Ehren-Stellen, Got- zen-Dienst . . . neben vielen andern wunderseltsamen Merckwiirdigkeiten. Map and plates. Folio Augsburg, 1688 Wagner, Dr Moritz. Der Kaukasus und das Land der Kosaken in der Jahren 1843 bis 1846. 12 Leipzig, 1850 Travels in Persia, Georgia, and Koordistan, with Sketches of the Cos- sacks and the Caucasus. From the German. 3 vols. 8 1856 Beitrage zu einer physisch-geograph- ischen Skizze des Isthmus von Panama. Mil einer Karte. [Erganzungsheft, 5 Petermann's Mittheilungen.] Map. 4 Gotha, 1 86 1 Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen im Tropischen Amerika. 8 Stuttgart, 1870 and Carl Scherzer. Die Republik Costa Rica in Central-Amerika, mil be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Naturver- haltnisse und der Frage der Deutschen Auswanderung und Colonisation. Reise- studien und Skizzen aus den Jahren 1853 und 1854. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1856 WAG WAL. 493 Wagner, S. C. Natur-Wunder und Lan- der-Merkwiirdigkeiten. 6 vols. 12 Berlin, 1802-11 Wahl, F. S. Giinther. Altes und neues Vorder- und Mittel-Asien, oder Prag- matisch - Geografische, Fysische, und Staiislische Schilderung und Geschichte des Persischen Reichs, von den altesten Zeiten bis auf diesen Tag. Vol. i. 8 Leipzig, 1795 Wahl, Maurice. L' Algeria. 2nd edition. 8 Paris, 1889 [1888] Wahlen, E. Wahre Tagesmittel und tagliche Variation der Temperatur an 18 Slationen des Russischen Reiches. Dritter Supplementband zum Reper- torium fiir Meteorologie. 4 St Petersburg, 1 886 Wahlenberg, G. De Vegetatione et Climate in Helvetia Septentrionali inter Flumina Rhenum et Arolam, &c. Map. 8 Zurich, 1813 Wahlquist, A. H. See Sweden, A (Geo- logiska Undersokning) : Appendix 2. Wahlstedt, L. J. Exposition Inter- nationale d' Amsterdam en 1883 : Cata- logue de la Collection des Semences Suedoises, avec une Introduction Topo- graphique Climatologique, &c. Map. Lund, 1883 Waitz, T. Introduction to Anthropology. Edited by J. T. Collingwood. 8 1863 Wakefield, E. Jerningham. Adventure in New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844, with some Account of the Beginning of the British Colonisation of the Islands. 2 vols. 8 1845 Wakefield, Rev. M. Vocabulary of the Kavirondo Language. 12 1887 Wakefield, Thomas. Footprints in Eastern Africa, or Notes of a Visit to the Southern Galas. 8* 1866 Wakhoucht, Tsarevitch. See Brosset. Walch, Garnet. Victoria in 1880. Illus- trated by Charles Turner. 4 Melbourne \\?&\\ Walckenaer, Baron C. A. Dicuili liber de mensura orbis terrte. 8 Paris, 1807 Le Monde Maritime, ou Tableau Geographique et Ilistorique de 1'Archipel d'Orient, de la Polynesie, et de 1'Australie, &c. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1819 Recherches Geographiques sur 1'In- terieur de 1'Afrique Septentrionale, com- prenant 1'Histoire des Voyages entrepris ou executes jusqu'a ce jour penetrer dans 1'Interieur du Soudan; ('exposi- tion des Syslemes Geographiques qu'on a formes sur cette Contree ; 1'Ana- lyse de divers Itineraires Arabes pour determiner la position de Timbouctou ; et 1'examen des connaissances des Anciens relativement a 1'InteVieur de 1'Afrique ; Walckenaer, Baron C. A.. continued. suivies d'un Appendicc, contenant divers Itineraires, traduits de 1'Arabe par M. le Baron de Sacy, et M. de la Porte. Map. 8 Paris, 1821 Geographie Ancienne, Historique et CompareedesGaules Cisalpine et Trans- alpine ; suivie de PAnalyse Geographique des Itineraires Anciens. 3 vols. 8, and Atlas 4 Paris, 1839 Notice Biographique, par M. Cortam- bert. 8* Paris, 1853 and Jomard. Rapport sur un Pied Remain trouve dans la Foret de Maul- evrier (pres de Caudebec). Plate. 4 Paris, 1839 Walcott, Charles D. See United States, G, c, Surveys : Appendix 2. Walcott, P. See Mueller, F. von. Waldo, Frank. See United States, II, b (Signal Service) : Appendix 2. Wales, Prince George of (Duke of York). See "Bacchante." Wales, William. RemarksonMrForster's Account of Captain Cook's last Voyage round the World in the years 1772, '73, '74, and '75. 8 1778 See Vincent, Vol. I : Appendix I. Walford, Edward. Ilardwicke's Annual Biography for 1857, containing Original and Selected Memoirs of Celebrated Characters who have died during the year 1856. 12 1857 Walker, Col. Alex. Reports: Reports on the Resources, &c. , of the Districts of Noriad, MaturMondeh, Beeja- poor, Dholka, Dundooka, and Gogo, the Tuppa of Napar, and the Kusba of Ran- poor, inGuzerat ; with brief Notes relative to the Fort of Kaira, the Chouth of Cam- bay, the former Condition of Guzerat, &c., to the close of the last Century. Proceedings adopted in 1804 and 1807, consequent on an application from certain Chiefs in the Province of Kattywar, soliciting the Protection of the British Government, &c. Report on the Districts of Jhalawar, Muchoo Kanta, Nowanuggur, Gohelwar, Poorbunder, Sorulh, Ilallar, and Katty- war Proper, in Kattywar. Review of the Proceedings (to May 1808) of the lion. East India Company's Government in the Western Peninsula of Guzerat ; accompanied by Miscellaneous Information connected with the Province of Kattywar. Transfer from the Gaekwar State to the British Government of the Annual Tribute payable by the Thakoor of .Bhownuggur; negotiated in 1808. [Bom- bay Records, No. 39, Part I, N.S.] Large 8 Bombay, 1856 Walker, F. A. See United States, A, Census Reports : Appendix 2. 494 WAL. Walker, Rev. F. A. L'Orient, or a Journal of my Tour in the East, 1st March to 30th June 1882. 8 1882 Nine Hundred Miles up the Nile, 3rd November to 9th February 1884. 8 1884 The Botany and Entomology of Ice- land. 8* N. D. Walker, J. B. Notes illustrating Charts of the Cross and Old Calabar Rivers, June 1871 ; and Notes of a Visit to the Old Calabar and Qua Rivers, the Ekoi Country, and the Qua Rapids. I4th May 1875. (From the United Presbyterian Missionary Record, Sept. 1872, March and April 1876.) Maps. 8* Walker, Captain J. G. See United States, E, a : Appendix 2. Walker, James J. A Year's Insect- Hunting at Gibraltar. (From the Entomologisf s Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1888.) 8* 1888 Walker, Gen. J. T. Explorations of the Great Sanpo River of Tibet during 1877, in connection with the operations of the Survey of India. Maps. 8* [Calcutta, 1879] Captain Henry John Harman, Royal Engineers. 12* [1883] See India, F, c and d : Appendix 2. Walker, Mrs. Untrodden Paths in Ron- mania. Illustrations. 8 1 888 Walker, Robert. The Five Threes, 33,333 Miles by Land and Sea : Holiday Notes. Illustrations. 8 1884 Walker, Samuel Abraham. Missions in Western Africa among the Soospos, &c., being the first undertaken by the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. Map. 8 Dublin, 1845 Walker, William. On the Social and Economic Position and Prospects of the British West India Possessions. 8 1873 British Guiana at the Paris Exhibi- tion : Catalogue of Exhibits ; to which are prefixed some Illustrative Notices of the Colony. Edited by Wm. Walker. Map and plate. 8 1878 Walker, W. B. Cyclical Deluges: an Explication of the chief Geological Phenomena of the Globe by proofs of Periodical Changes of the Earth's Axis ... 12 1871 Walker, Walter Frederick. The Azores, or Western Islands: a Political, Commer- cial, and Geographical Account. Maps and illustrations. 8 1882 Wall, G. P., and J. G. Sawkins. Re- port on the Geology of Trinidad, &c. Maps and plates. 8 U 1860 Wall, H. Beresford de la Poer. Manual of Physical Geography of Australia. Plates. 12 Melbourne, 1883 Wallace, Albert. Jottings referring to the Early Discovery of Gold in Australia, and some Remarks relative to the Veteran Gold Miner, John Calvert. Sydney, N.D. Wallace, Capt. A. The Occupation of the Southern Shan Country at the commence- ment of 1887. (From the J. United Service of India, Vol. 18, No. 75, Simla.) 8* 1889 Wallace, Dr Alfred Russel. Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro ; with an Account of the Native Tribes, and Obsertations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. Map and plates. 8 1853 The same. 2nd edition. [The Minerva Library of Famous Books.] Map, por- trait, and illustrations. Crown 8 1889 Palm Trees of the Amazon and their uses. Map and plates. 8 J&53 On the Law which has regulated the Introduction of New Species. 8* 1855 The Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise : a Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1869 Another edition. Maps and plates. Small 8 1872 Another edition 1886 The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with a Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as eluci- dating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface. 2 vols. Maps and plates 1876 Island Life, or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, including a Revision and attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climates. Maps. 8 1880 The same. 2nd edition. Maps, dia- grams, &c. Small 8 1 892 Inaccessible Valleys : a Study in Physical Geography. (From the Nine- teenth Century, March 1893.) 8* 1893 The Ice Age and its Work. Part i. Erratic Block and Ice Sheets. (From the Fortnightly ftevie-iV,No\em\>Q't.) 8* 1893 See Stanford. Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie. Russia. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1877 - Egypt and the Egyptian Ouestion. 8 1883 Wallace, E. A. The Guahivos. 8* Detnerara, 1887 Wallace, Edward J. The Oregon Question determined by the Rules of International Law. 8* 1846 Wallace, J. H. See Sherrin and Wallace. Wallace, Prof. Robert. India in 1887 as seen by Robert Wallace. Maps and illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1 888 The Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia and New Zealand. Maps and illustrations. 8 1891 WAL. 495 Wallace, Major R. Historical Sketch of the Native States under the Control of the Political Agent in the Kewa Kanta, pre- pared in 1854. [Records, Bombay, No. 23, N.S.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1856 Wallace, W. See Murray, Hugh. Wallach, H. See Kaufmann, Waller, Rev. Horace. Remarks on the Bilious Intermittent Fever of Africa, its treatment, and precautions to be used in dangerous localities. 8* 1873 - The Title -Deeds to Nyassa-Land. Map. 8* 1887 Trafficking in Liquor with the Natives of Africa. 8* [1887] On some African Entanglements. 8* [1888] Nyassaland : Great Briiain's Case against Portugal. Maps. 8* 1890 --"Ivory, Apes, and Peacocks:" an African Contemplation. 12 1891 Health Hints for Central Africa; with Remarks on "Fever," its treatment, and Precautions lo be used in dangerous localities. 5th edition. 16* 1893 - Heligoland for Zanzibar, or One Island full of Freemen for Two full of Slaves. 8* 1893 See Livingstone ; Young, E. D. Waller, J. A. See Phillips, New Voyages and Travels [3], Vol. 3: Appendix I. Waller, Richard. Memoirs for a Natural History of Animals, containing the Ana- tomical descriptions of several Creatures dissected by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. Englished by Alex. Pitfield. [Bound with the following book.] Folio 1688 The Measure of the Earth : being an Account of several Observations made for that purpose by divers Members of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. Translated out of the French by Richard Waller, Fellow of the Royal Society. Plates. Folio 1688 Wallich, G. C. Notes on the Presence of Animal Life at Vast Depths in the Sea, with Observations on the Nature of the Sea-Bed, as bearing on Submarine Ttle- graphy. 8* [Privately printed] 1860 The North-Atlantic Sea-Bed : com- prising a Diary of the Voyage on board H.M.S. "Bulldog" in 1860, and Ob- servations on the Presence of Animal Life, and the Formation and Nature of Organic Deposits, at great Depths in the Ocean. Part I. Map and plates. 4 1862 The Atlantic Deep-Sea Bed and its Inhabitants. (Quarterly Journal of Science, No. I.) Plate. 8* 1864 Wallis, Capt. James. An Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales and its dependent Settlements, in illustration of Twelve Views from Draw- ings taken on the spot by Capt. Wallis, Wallis, Capt. ]&mKS continued. engraved by W. Preston, a convict ; with a Map of Port Macquarie by J. Oxley. Folio 1821 Wallis, Capt. S. See Hawkesworth ; Kerr, Vol. 12 ; Laharpe, Vol. 18 ; "The Modern Traveller." Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Walraff, W. J. Geographische Ver- breitung, Geschichte, und kommerzielle Bedeutung der Haifa (Stipa tenacissima, L.), nebst Karte des Verbreitungsgebietes. Bonn, 1890 Walpole, Lieut. Hon. Fred. Four Years in the Pacific in H.M.S. "Collingwood," from 1844 to 1848. 2vols. Frontispiece. 8 1849 The Ansayrii and the Assassins, with Travels in the Further East in 1850-51, including a Visit to Nineveh. 3 vols. Portrait. 8 1851 Walpole, Robert. Memoirs relating to European and AsiaticTurkey, edited from Manuscript Journals. Map and plates. 4 1817 Travels in various Countries of the East. Maps, &c. 4 1820 [For Contents, see Appendix I.] Walpole, Thomas. Journal of the late Campaign in Egypt : including Descrip- tions of that Country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice, and Macri; with an Appendix containing official papers and documents. Maps and plates. 4 1803 Walras, Leon. Theorie de la Monnaie. Plates. 8 Lausanne, 1886 Walsh, R. Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England. 3rd edition. Maps. 8 1829 Journey from Constantinople to Eng- land. 12 1831 Waltenberger, A. Die Rhatikonkette, Lechlhaler- und Vorarlberger Alpen. (Erganzungsheft, 40 Petermann's Mit- theilungen.) Maps. 4 Gotha, 1875 Walter, Capt. Charles. Historical Sketch of Kutch. [Bombay Records, No. 15, N.S.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Walter, Rev. Richard. See Anson. Walters, H. Journey across the Pandua Hills, near Silhet, in Bengal. Plates. 4* N. n. Waltershausen, W. Sartorius von. See Lasaulx. Waltham, Edward. Our Journey to Fez. 8* 1882 Walther, Dr Johannes. Allgemeine Meereskunde. Map and illustrations. 12 Leipzig, 1893 Walton, William. Letter relating to the Affairs of Portugal. 8* 1829 Sketch of the River Ebro, showing its course through Spain . . . from the Spanish of Don Pascual Madoz. 8 1852 496 WAL WAR. Waltzemiiller, Martin. [Hylacomylus.] Ses Ouvrages et ses Collaborateurs . . . par un Geographe Bibliophile. 8 Paris, 1867 "Wanderer," Voyage of. See Lambert. "Wanderer." Notes on the Caucasus. By Wanderer. 8 1883 Wangemann, Dr. See Jeppe. Wappaus, Dr J. E. Die Republiken von Siidamerika. Part I. Venezuela. 8 Gottingen, 1843 Deutsche Auswanderung und Colonisa- tion. 8 Leipzig, 1846 See Stein and Horschelmann. Warburg, Dr Charles. Fever Tincture and Tonic Medicine. Portrait. 12* N.D. Warburton, Eliot. Darien, or the Mer- chant Prince : a Historical Romance. 3 vols. 8 1852 Warburton, George. Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. Portraits. 8 1850 Hochelaga, or England in the New World. Edited by Eliot Warburton. 4th edition. 2 vols. Plate. 8 1851 Warburton, Col. P. Egerton. Journey across the Western Interior of Australia ; with an Introduction and Additions by C. H. Eden. Edited by H. W. Bates. Map and plates. 8 1875 Warburton, Piers Eliot. Florida, Past, Present, and Future: being a Lecture on Florida, delivered in the Albert Hall, Edinburgh, on 24th March 1885. 12* 1885 Ward, Lieut. Aaron. See United States, E a, Hydrographic Office Publications, No. 94 : Appendix 2. Ward, C. S. " Thorough Guide" Series. Maps and plans. 12 North Devon and North Cornwall, from Exmoor to the Land's End. 3rd edition. 1885 The Eastern Counties, their Watering- Places, Cathedral Cities, together with the approaches from London. 2nd and 3rd editions. 1886 and 1892 Surrey and Sussex, including Tun- bridge Wells. 1890 See Baddeley. Ward, C. Y. Pilote du Golfe d'Aclen, Sokotra, et iles adjacentes ; Cotes de Somali et d'Arabie dans le Golfe d'Aclen ; Cote Estd'Arabie et iles adjacentes . . . Traduit par M. J. Lafont. 8 Paris, 1866 See United Kingdom, A : App. 2. Ward, E. Knapsack -Manual for Sports- men on the Field. 8 1872 Ward, Hon. Elijah. Atrato Ship Canal, its Importance to the Commerce of the United States and other Nations. 8* Washington, 1859 "Ward, F. O. Sur 1'Adoucissement, la Purification, et 1'Aeration Artificielle de 1'Eau des Grandes Villes, d'apres de nouveaux precedes Anglais. 8* Brussels, 1857 Ward, Herbert. Five Years with the Congo Cannibals. Illustrations. Large 8 1890 Ward, H. G. Mexico in 1827. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1828 Ward, Luke. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Hak- luyt, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Ward, Thomas Humphry. The Reign of Queen Victoria : a Survey of Fifty Years of Progress. 2 vols. Maps. 8 1887 Warden, D. B. A Chorographical and Statistical Description of the District of Columbia, the seat of the General Go- vernment of the United States. Map, plate, and tables. 8 Paris, 1816 Warden, Francis. Historical Sketches, &c. [Bombay Records, No. 24, N.S.] Large 8 Bombay, 1850 Brief Notes relative to the Province of Oman, prepared in 1819. Historical Sketch of the Joasmee Tribe of Arabs from 1747 to 1819 ; with continuations from 181910 1853 by Lieuts. S. Hennell, A. B. Kemball, and H. F. Disbrowe. Historical Sketch of the Uttoobee Tribe of Arabs (Bahrein) from 1716 to 1817; with continuations from 1817 to 1853 by Lieuts. Hennell, Kemball, and Disbrowe. Historical Sketch of the Wahabee Tribe of Arabs from 1795 to 1818 ; with continuations from 1819101853 by Lieuts. Hennell, Kembal, and Disbrowe. Notes relative to the Rise and Progress of the Arab Tribes of the Persian Gulf. His- torical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Government of Muskat, commenc- ing with the year 1694-95 anc ' continued to 1819; to which is added a Narrative of Events connected with that Govern- ment from 1819 to 1831, by Lieut. S. Hennell ; from 1832 to 1844, by Lieut. A. B. Kemball ; from 1844 to 1853, by Lieut. H. F. Disbrowe. Warden, M. See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2, p. 611 : Appendix I. Wardrop, Oliver. The Kingdom of Georgia : Notes of Travel in a Land of Women, Wine, and Song ; to which are appended Historical, Literary, and Political Sketches, Specimens of the National Music, and a compendious Bibliography. Maps and illustrations. 8 1888 Warelius, A. See Baer and Helmersen, 13. Waring, Edward Scott. A Tour to Sheeraz by the Route of Kazroon and Feerozabad ; with Remarks on the Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, and Literature of the Persians; to which is added a History of Persia from the death of Kureem Khan to the subver- sion of the Zund Dynasty. Plates. 4 1807 WAR WAT. 497 Waring-, Edward Scott. See Phillips, Collection of Modern and Contemporary Travels [i], Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Waring, George E., jun. See United States, A, Tenth Census, Vol. 18, 1880 : Appendix 2. Warne, Charles. The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset : an Account of Personal and other Researches in the Sepulchral Mounds of the Durotriges. Plates. Large folio 1866 Ancient Dorset : the Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish Antiquities of the County, including the Early Coinage, illustrated with plates and woodcuts ; also an Introduction to the Ethnology of Dorset, and other Archaeological Notices of the County, by Dr T. William Wake Smart. Large folio Bournemouth, 1872 Warren, Sir Charles. Underground Jerusalem : an Account of some of the principal difficulties encountered in its Exploration, and the results obtained ; with a Narrative of an Expedition through the Jordan Valley, and a Visit to the Samaritans. Plates and photo- graphs. 8 1876 See Morrison ; also Turkey in Asia, B ; South Africa, B : Appendix 2. Warren, Comte Edouard de. L'Inde Anglaise en 1843. [A Review.] 12* Paris, 1844 See Saulcy. Warren, George. See Churchill, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Warren, Lieut. G. K. Explorations in the Dacota Country in 1855. Maps. 8 Washington, 1856 Letter to the Hon. G. W. Jones, relative to Explorations of Nebraska Territory. Map. 8* Washington, 1858 Memoir to accompany the Map of the Territory of the United States, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, giving an Account of each of the Explor- ing Expeditions since A.D. 1800; with a detailed description of the method adopted in compiling the general Map. Maps. 4 Washington, 1859 An Essay concerning Physical Features exhibited in the Valley of the Minnesota River, and upon their signification. Maps. 8* Washington, 1874 See United States, II, a, Surveys : Appendix 2. Warren, Lieut. -Col. J. Kala Sankalita : a Collection of Memoirs on the Various Modes according to which the Nations of the Southern parts of India divide Time. 4 Madras, 1825 Warren, W. W. Life on the Nile, and Excursions on Shore between Cairo and Asouan ; also a Tour in Syria and Palestine in 1866-67. 12 Paris, 1867 2 i Warrington, Lewis. See Maury, M. F. ' ' Warrior, " H. M. S. See Share. Warwick, W. Van. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Washington, Major F. P. Lecture on the Methods and Processes of the Ordnance Survey, delivered at the Royal Engineer Institute, Chatham. 8* 1890 Washington, Capt. John. Eskimaux and English Vocabulary, for the use of the Arctic Expeditions. Oblong 12 1850 "Washington," Ship. See Giglioli. Wassa, Effendi. The Truth on Albania and the Albanians, Historical and Phy- sical. Translation by Edward St John Fairman. 8* 1879 Waterhpuse, Col. J. Report on the Operations connected with the Observa- tion of the Total Solar Eclipse of 6th April 1875 at Camorta in the Nicobar Islands. Folio Calcutta, 1875 The Application of Photography to the Reproduction of Maps and Plans by the Photomechanical and other processes. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1878 Notes on the Survey Operations in Afghanistan in connection with the Campaign of 1878-79 Map. 8* [Calcutta, 1879] Annual Address and Review, Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8* Calcutta, 1889 The same. 8* CalciMa, 1890 "Water Lily." Cruises of the "Water Lily." See Mansfield. Waterton, Charles. Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812-16-20 and 1824 ; with original Instructions for the perfect Preservation of Birds, &c., for Cabinets of Natural History. 8 1828 Wathen, George H. The Golden Colony, or Victoria in 1854 ; with Remarks on the Geology of the Australian Gold- Fields. Maps and illustrations. Small 4 1855 Watkis, Capt. H. B. B. The Anglo- Russian Question in Central Asia, and the Defence of India. (From \hzjournal, United Service Institution of India, Vol. 20, No. 88.) 8* [Simla, 1891] Watson, Col. C. M. The Campaign of Gordon's Steamers. Maps. 8* 1888 Comparative Vocabularies of the Languages spoken at Suakin : Arabic, Hadendoa, Beni- Ameer. 8* 1888 Watson, G. C. The Gregory South and Warrego Districts : Report on the Phy- sical Features of the Country. Map. Folio* Brisbane, 1882 Watson, H. C. Topographical Botany: being Local and Personal Records to- wards showing the Distribution of British Plants traced through the 112 Counties WAT WEB. Watson, H. C. continued. and Vice-Counties of England and Scot- land. Map. 8 Thames Ditton, 1873-74 Part I. Ranunculacere Coniferre. Part 2. Orchidacese Equisetacese. Watson, J. Forbes. Classified and De- scriptive Catalogue of the Indian Depart- ment in the International Exhibition, 1862. Imperial 8 1862 Watson, R. S. The Villages around Metz. 8* Newca>tle-upon-7'yne, 1870 A Visit to Wazan, the Sacred City of Morocco. Map and illustrations. 8 1880 Watson, Sereno. See. United States, H, a: Appendix i. Watson, T. Letter to Sir Bartle Frere on Telegraphic Communication in Africa. 8* Cape Town, 1877 Watson, William. A Philosophical Treatise on the Earth and its Satellites. MS. Folio* 1866 Watt, Alexander. Scientific Industries Explained, showing how some of the important articles of commerce are made. Small 8 Edinburgh, 1888 Watt, George. The Aboriginal Tribes ofManipur. Plates. 8* 1887 A Dictionary of the Economic Pro- ducts of India. By George Watt, M.B., assisted by numerous Contributors. 6 vols. (in 9). Large 8 Calcutta, 1889-93 Watt, Hugh. British Guiana and Vene- zuela: Two Lectures. 8* 1887 and 1888 Watt, , and W. Winterbottom. See Eyries, Vol. 10: Appendix i. Watteville, Baron de. Rapport a M. Waddington, Ministre de 1'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts, sur le service des Missions et Voyages Scientifiques en 1876. 8 Paris, 1877 Watts, John. Self-Made Men, or Sketches of those who have distinguished them- selves in Life by Industry and Self- Culture, &c. 8* Port of Spain, 1867 Watts, Lieut. See Phillip ; also Pelham, Vol. i : Appendix I. Watts, W. L. Snioland ; or Iceland, its Jokulls and Fjalls. 12 1875 Across the Vatna Jokull, or Scenes in Iceland ; being a Description of hitherto Unknown Regions. Plates. 12 1876 Watts, W. W. See Whitaker. Waugh, Gen. Sir A. Scott. Instructions for Topographical Surveying. Diagrams. 8* Roorkee, 1861 See India, F, c, Surveys, Trigono- metrical : Appendix 2. Wauters, Alphonse. Atlas Pittoresque des Chemins de Fer de la Belgique. Maps and plates. Oblong 8 Brussels, 1840 Guide Pittoresque du Voyageur a la Grotte de Han-sur-Lesse. Plates. 4* Brussels, 1841 Wauters, A. J. L'Afrique Centrale en 1522 : Le Lac Sachaf d'apres Martin Hy- lacomilus et Gerard Mercator ; quelques mots a propos de la doctrine Portugaise sur la Decouverte de 1'Afrique Centrale au XVI e siecle. Map. 8* Brussels, 1879 Les Beiges au Congo. [Numero Ex- traordinaire du Mouvement Geogra- phique.] Maps, portraits, and illustra- tions. Folio* 1885 Bibliotheque Geographique: Le Congo au Point de Vue Economique. Maps and illustrations 12 Brussels, 1885 - Stanley's Emin Pasha Expedition. Maps and illustrations. Small 8 1890 - Stanley au secours d'Emin-Pacha. Map, portrait, and illustrations. 12 Paris. 1890 L'Orthographie des Noms Geogra- phiques au Congo. Map. 8* Brussels, 1892 Wauwermans, Colonel. Liberia: His- toire de la Fondation d'un Etat Negre Libre. Maps. 12 Brussels, 1885 Wawn, William T. The South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade : a Record of Voyages and Expe- riences in the Western Pacific from 1875 to 1891. Illustrations. Large 8 1893 Waymouth (or Weymouth), Capt. George. See Gottfried ; Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 5; Purchas, Vol. 3; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. 17: Appendix I. Weakley, R. H. Narrative of a Journey into the Interior of Asia Minor. Plate. 4* 1867 Wears, W. G. The Prospects of Gold Mining in Venezuela. Plan. 8* [1888] The same, and a Guide to the Guayana Gold-Fields. Revised edition. Plan. 8* 1888 Weatherhead, Geo. Hume. An Account of the Beulah Saline Spa at Norwood, Surrey. Plate. 8 1832 Webb, Filippo Barker. Osservazioni intorno allo stato antico e presente dell' Agro Trojano. Map. 8 Milan, 1821 Webb, F. C. Up the Tigris to Bagdad. Plates. 8 1870 Webb, P., and S. Berthelot. Histoire Naturelle des lies Canaries. 3 vols. Plates. Large 4, and folio Atlas Paris, 1836-50 CONTENTS. Vol. i. Part i. L'Ethnographie et les Annales de la Conquete 1842 Part 2. LesMiscellaneesCanariennes .Vol. 2. Tart i. La Geographic Descrip- tive, la Statistique, et la Geologic 1839 Part 2. La Zoologie 1836-44 Vol. 3. Part i. La Geographic Botan- ique 1840 Part 2. Phytographia Canariensis 1836-50 WEB WEI. 499 Webb, W. W. The Currencies of the Hindu State of Rajputana. Map and plates. Large 8 1893 Webb, . .See Plaisted. Webb . See Eyries, Vol. 14 : Appen- dix i. Webber, Lieut. -Col. British Guiana: The Essequibo and Potaro Rivers, with an Account of a Visit to the recently discovered Kaieteur Falls. Maps and photographs. Large 8 1873 Webber, V. A. Journal of a Voyage round Cape Horn. 8 Swansea, 1859 Weber, Albrecht. Indische Skizzen : Vier bisher in Zeitschriften zerstreute Vortriige und Abhandlungen. Table. 8 Berlin, 1857 India and the West in the Old Days. Translated from the German by Emily Hawtrey ; edited by Robert Sewell. 8 Madras, 1887 Weber, Max Maria von. Die Wasser- strassen Nord-Europa's. Ergebnisse von im Auftrage des Herrn Konigl. Preuss. Ministers fiir offentliche Arbeiten unter- nomrnenen Studienreisen. Map and plans. 8 Leipzig, 1881 Webster, Daniel. See Gallatin. Webster, David. Topographical Dic- tionary of Scotland. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1817 Webster, Lieut. J. D. Report of a Survey of the Gulf Coast at the Mouth of the Rio Grande. Map. 8 Washington, 1850 Webster, W. D. See British South Africa, A: Appendix 2. Webster, W. H. B. Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in 1 828-30, in H.M. sloop "Chanticleer," under the command of Capt. Henry Foster. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1834 The Recurring Monthly Periods and Periodic System of the Atmospheric Actions, with Evidences of the Transfer of Heat and Electricity, and general Observations on Meteorology. Chart. 8 1857 Weddell, H. A. Aper9u d'un Voyage dans le Nord cle la Bolivie, et dans les parties voisines du Perou. Map. 8 Paris, 1852 Voyage dans le Nord de la Bolivie, et dans les parties voisines du Perou, ou Visite au District aurifere de Tipuani. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1853 Weddell, James. Voyage towards the South Pole, 1822-24, containing an Ex- amination of the Antarctic Sea to the 74th degree of latitude, and a Visit to Tierra del Fuego, with a particular Account of the Inhabitants ; to which is added much useful Information on the Coasting Navigation of Cape Horn and the adjacent Islands ; with Observations on the probability of reaching the South Weddell, James continued. Pole, and an Account of a Second Voyage by Capt. Brisbane to the same Seas. Maps and plates. 8 1827 Wedderburn, Alex. Statistical and Prac- tical Observations relative to the Province of New Brunswick. 4 St John, 1835 Weeks, Joseph D. See United States, A, Tenth Census, 1880, Vols. 10 and 20 : Appendix 2. Ween, C. van. See Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Weert, Sibald de. See Harris, Vol. i ; Kerr, Vol. 10 ; Laharpe, Vol. 15 ; Pur- chas, Vol. i, Book 2 : Appendix I. Weetman, Sydney. Notes on the Great Barrier Island. 8* [Auckland, 1889] Wegener, Dr Georg. Versuch einer Orographie des Kwen-Lun. Maps. 8* Marbtirg, 1891 See Himly. Weidmann, F. C. Darstellungen aus dem Steyermarkischen Oberlande. Map. 8 Vienna, 1834 Weigand, Dr Gustav. Von Berat iiber Muskopolje nach Gjordscha. Illustra- tions. 4* Brunswick, 1892 Weigel, T. O. T. O. Weigel's Syste- matisches Verzeichniss der Hauptwerke der Deutschen Literatur aus den Gebieten der Geschichte und Geographic von 1820-82. Bearbeitet von Dr E. Fromm. 4 Leipzig, 1887 Weihrauch, K. Zehnjahrigen Mittel- werthe (1865 bis 1875) nebst neunjah- rigen Stundenmitteln (1867 bis 1875) fiir Dorpat. Tables. 8* Dorpat, 1877 Weinhold, Dr K. See Germany, C : Ap- pendix 2; Forschungen, &c., Vol. 2. Weininger, H. Fremdenfiihrer durch Regensburg und dessen nachste Umge- bung. 1 6* Katisbon, 1863 Weir, A. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Weisbach, Dr A. See " Novara." Weise, Arthur James. The Discoveries of America to the year 1525. Maps. 8 1884 Weiskern, F. W. Topographic von Niederosterreich. 3 vols. Map. 8 Vienna, 1770 Weiss, Prof. Dr Edmund, und Dr Robert Schram. Publicationen fiir die Internationale Erdmessung. Astronom- ische Arbeiten des k. k. Gradmessungs Bureau. 5 vols. 4 Vienna, 1889-93 Weiss, Friedrich. Die Gesetze der Satellitenbildung. Einleitung zur Ge- schichte der Erde. Plates. 8 Got ha, 1860 Weiss, Kurt. Meine Reise nach dem Kilima - Ndjarogebiet im Auftrage der Deutsch Ostafrikanischen Gcsellschaft. Map. 12* Berlin, 1886 5 oo WEI WEN. Weisse, J. A. To the English-speaking Populations in Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Polynesia. 8* New York, 1873 Weissenborn, Herm. J. Chr. Ninive und sein Gebiet, mil Kiicksicht auf die neuesten Ausgrabungen im Tigristhale. Plates. 4* Erfurt, 1851 Welbe, John. See Burney, Vol. 4 : Ap- pendix I. Weld, Charles Richard. History of the Mace given to the Royal Society by King Charles the Second. Plate. Royal 8* 1846 A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents ; compiled from authentic documents. 2 vols. Plates. 8 A Vacation Tour in the United States and Canada. Map. Small 8 1855 A Vacation in Brittany. Illusti ations. 8 1856 The Pyrenees, West and East. Plate. 8 1859 Weld, I., jun. Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, '96, and '97. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1800 Weldon's Guide to Epping Forest, with a concise history of the Forest by Frederic Johnson. (Map missing.) Illustrations. 8* [1882] Wellesley, Capt. the Hon. W. Private Letter-Box (from November 1830 to June 1833) of H.M.S. " Sapphire," during her Voyage from Portsmouth to Bermuda, Gulf of St Lawrence, Halifax, Maran- ham, Para, La Guayra, Vera Cruz, &c. ; with some Account of the Indiarubber Tree, and Remarks made concerning the Passage to and Navigation upon the Northern Coast of Brazil; and of H.M.S. "Winchester" from Port Royal to Chatham. MS. Folio 1830-33 Wellesley, Marquis. Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence of Marquess Wel- lesley during his Administration in India. Edited by Mr Montgomery Martin. 5 vols. Portrait and maps. 8 1836-37 Wellington, Duke of. Despatches of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818. Compiled from official and authentic documents; with Index. 13 vols. 8 1837-39 Wells, J. C. The Gateway to the Polynia: a Voyage to Spitzbergen. Map and plates. 8 1873 Wells, James W. Exploring and Tra- velling Three Thousand Miles through Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Maranhao; with Appendix containing Statistics, &c. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 1 886 A Sketch of Brazil. [Supplement to Chamber of Commerce Journal. ] 4* 1887 A Survey journey in Santo Domingo, West Indies. Roy. Geog. Soc. Suppl. Papers, Vol. 3. Map. Large 8 1893 See Dinarte. Wells, R., jun., and J. W. Kelly. English - Eskimo and Eskimo - English Vocabularies ; preceded by Ethnogra- phical Memoranda concerning the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia. Maps. 8* Washington, 1890 Wells, William Henry. Geographical Dictionary, or Gazetteer of the Australian Colonies, their Physical and Political Geography, together with a brief Notice of all the Capitals, Principal Towns, and Villages ; also of Rivers, Bays, Gulfs, Mountains, Population, and General Statistics. Maps and plates. 8 Sydney, 1848 Wells, William V. Explorations and Adventures in Honduras, comprising Sketches of Travel in the Gold Regions of Olancho, and a Review of the His- tory and General Resources of Central America. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1857 Wellsted, Lieut. J. R. Travels in Arabia. 2 vols. Alaps and plates. 8 , I8 3 8 Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the Shores of the Persian Gull and the Mediterranean, including a Voyage to the Coast of Arabia and a Tour on the Island of Socotra. 2 vols. Map. 8 1840 See Robinson, F. Welsh, James. See Astley, Vol. I ; Ilakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i ; Ap- pendix I. W^elz, G. de. Saggio su i mezzi da molti- plicare prontamente le ricchezze della Sicilia. Maps and tables. 4 Paris, 1822 Wende, G. Deutschland's Kolonien. See Frenzel. Wendover, Roger. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I : Appendix I. Wenger, J. A Catalogue of Sanscrit and Bengalee Publications printed in Bengal. [From the India Records, No. 41.] 8 Calctttta, 1865 Wentworth, W. C. Statistical, His- torical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales and its dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land. 8 1819 WER WEY. Wereschagen, W. W. See Verestchagen. Werne, Ferdinand. Expedition zur Ent- deckungdcs WeissenNil. Miteinem Vor- worte von Carl Ritter. 8 Berlin, 1848 Feldzug von Sennaar nach Taka, Basa, und Beni-Amer, mil besonderem Hinblick auf die Volker von Bellad- Sudan. Map and portraits. 8 Stuttgart, 1851 African Wanderings, or an Expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa, and Beni- Amer, with a particular glance at the Races of Bellad Sudan. Translated by Johnson. Map. 12 1852 Reise durch Sennaar nach Mandera, Nasub, Cheli, im Lande zwischen dem blauen Nil und dem Atbara. Map and plates. 8 Berlin, 1852 Werner, B. von. Ein Deutsches Kriegs- schiff in der Siidsee. Zweite Auflage. Maps and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1889 Werner, J. R. A Visit to Stanley's Rear- Guard at Major Barttelot's Camp on the Aruhwimi, with an Account of River- Life in the Congo. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 8 1 889 - Major Barttelot's Camp on the Aruhwimi. (From Black-wood's Maga- zine, Feb. 1889.) Maps. 8* 1889 Wert, Sebald de. See Weert. Wertheman, Arthur. Informe de la Ex- ploracion de los Rios Pereno y Tambo. Map. 8* Lima, 1877 - Iquitos, the River Ferene, and Huanuco. [Newspaper Cuttings from El Nacional and El Pcruano, Septem- ber and November 1870, of Reports by Arthur Wertheman, B. Bermudes, Jose Cardenas, and Jose Manuel Pinzas. 8* 1870 Wertomannus, Lewis. See Varthema. Wesley, S. B. See Tupper. Wesseling, Peter. Vetera Romanorum Itineraria, sive Antonini August! Itinera- rium, cum integris Jos. Simleri, Hieron. Suritae,etAnd. SchotliNotis. Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum ; et Hieroclis Gram- maticiSynecilemus Curante I'etro Wessel- ingio, qui et suas addidit Adnotationes. Frontispiece. 4" Amsterdam, 1735 Wesselowsky, C. Tabellen liber mil tlere Temperaturen im Russischen Reiche. 8* \_St Petersburg, 1856] See Baer and Ilelmersen, 18. West, Edward W. A Memoir of the States of the Southern Maratha Country. [From the India Records, No. 113.] Map. Royal 8 Bombay, 1869 West, Lieut. J., and Lieut. C. B. Little. Gazetteer of Manipur, the country between it and Ava, and some ">f the adjacent Hill tracts. [No map.] , 1884 Westgarth, William, Tracks of M 'Kin- lay and Party across Australia, by John Davis, one of the Expedition. Edited from Mr Davis's Manuscript Journal ; with an introductory view of the recent Australian Explorations of M'Douall Stuart, Burke and Wills, Landsborough, &c. Map arid plates. 8 1863 - The Colony of Victoria, its History, Commerce, and Gold Mining, its Social and Political Institutions, down to the end of 1863 ; with Remarks, incidental and comparative, upon the other Aus- tralian Colonies. Map. 8 1864 Half-a-Century of Australasian Pro- gress : a Personal Retrospect. Part I, Itinerary of the Tour of a Revisit; Part 2, A Series of Articles on General Ques- tions of Australasia, the Colonies, and the Empire generally. Maps. 8 1889 Westgarth Prize Essays. Essays on the Street Re-alignment, Reconstruction, and Sanitation of Central London, and on the Re-Housing of the Poorer Classes, to which Prizes offered by William West- garth were awarded by the Society of Arls, 1885. Plans. 8 1886 Westmacott, R. M. Sketches in Aus- tralia. 18 Plates. Folio Privately printed, Exeter, N. D. Weston, A. Report on the Sugar In- dustry on the Clarence and Richmond Rivers. Folio* [Brisbane] 1882 Weston, Comm. Henry Burton. Tables for Finding the Longitude by Chrono- meter at Sunrise and Sunset. 8 1856 Wetmore, Alphonso. Gazetteer of the State of Missouri ; with an Appendix containing Frontier Sketches and Illus- trations of Indian Character. Frontis- piece. 8 St Louis, Miss., 1837 Wettstein, H. Die Stro'mungen des P'esten, Fliissigen und Gasformigen, und ihre Bedeutung fur Geologic, Astronomic, Klimatologie, und Meteorologie. Maps. 8 Zurich, 1880 Wex, Gustav von. Zweite Abhandlung iiber die Wasserabnahme in den Quellen, Fliissen und Striimen bei gleichzeitigt r Steigerung der Ilochwasser in den Culturlandern. 4* Vienna, 1879 Wey, William. The Itineraries of William Wcy, Fellow of Eton College, to Jerusalem A. n. 1458 and A.D. 1462 ; and to Saint James of Compostella, A.D. 1456. From the original Manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Large square 8 [Roxburghe Cltib~\ 1857 Map illustrating the Itineraries of 1458 and 1462. In facsimile, from the original in the Bodleian Library. Large square 8 1867 Weymouth, George. Voyage to the North-West. See Waymouth. 502 WEY WHE. Weyprecht, Carl. Grundprincipien dor arktischen Forschung. 4* [Triest, 1875] An Address delivered by Carl Wey- precht before the 48th Meeting of German Naturalists and Physicians at Graz, on the 1 8th September 1875 : Fundamental Principles of Scientific Arctic Investiga- tion. 4* Vienna, 1875 Die Metamorphosen des Polareises. Map and plate. 8 Vienna, 1879 and J. Payer. Berichte des Oester- reichisch - ungarischen Nordpol-Expedi- tion, 1872 bis 1874. 8* Vienna, 1874 La Spedizione Austro - Ungarica al Polo Nord, 1872-74 : Rapporti ufficiali dell imperiale regia Marina al Comitato della Spedizione, &c. Map. 8* Rome, 1874 .feWullerstorf-Urbair, Wiggins ; also Polar Regions, Arctic, B, German and Austrian Exped. : Appendix 2. Whall, W. B. Handy-Book of the Tides, with Twelve Charts showing the State of the Tide at every hour at Dover. Oblong 8* N.D. The same, with Fifteen Charts. 4th edition. Oblong 8* N.D. Wharton, Adm. W. J. L. Hydrographi- cal Surveying : a Description of the Means and Methods employed in con- structing Marine Charts. 8 1882 Orthography on Admiralty Charts. Folio* 1884 Captain Cook's Journal during his First Voyage round the World, made in H.M. bark "Endeavour," 1768-71. A literal transcription of the original MS. , with Notes and Introduction. Maps and facsimiles. 4 1893 See Freshfield ; Symons ; also United Kingdom, A, Admiralty [Hydrogr. Off. Publ.] : Appendix 2. Wheatstone, Charles. The Universal Telegraph, invented 1839, improved 1858. 8* Glasgow, N.D. Wheeler, Daniel. Extracts from the Letters and Journals of Daniel Wheeler, now engaged in a Religious Visit to some of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean, Van Diemen's Land, and New South Wales, accompanied by his son C. Wheeler. 1839 Wheeler, Sir George. See Ray : Ap- pendix i. Wheeler, Capt. George M. Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice, Italy, 1 88 1 ; accompanied by data concerning the principal Government Land and Marine Surveys of the World. Maps. 4 Washington, 1885 See United States, H, a : Appendix 2. Wheeler, J. Talboys. An Analysis and Summary of Thucydides ; with a Chronological Table of Principal Events, Money, Distances, &c., reduced to English Terms, a Skeleton Outline of the Geography, Abstracts of all the Speeches, &c. 12 Oxford, 1850 An Analysis and Summary of Hero- dotus ; with a Synchronistical Table of Principal Events, Tables of Weights, Measures, Money, and Distances, an Outline of the History of Geography, and the Dates completed from Gaisford, Baehr, &c. ; with explanatory Notes, including Histories of Assyria, Baby- lonia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Scythia, &c., digested from other Ancient Writers and Modern Researches. 2nd edition. 12 1852 An Analysis and Summary of Old Testament History and the Laws of Moses, with a Connexion between the Old and New Testaments. 12 Oxford, 1852 An Analysis and Summary of New Testament History, including the P'our Gospels, harmonized into one continuous Narrative, the Acts of the Apostles, and continuous History of St Paul, an Analysis of the Epistles and Book of Revelation, the Critical History, Geo- graphy, &c. ; with Copious Notes, His- torical, Geographical, and Antiquarian. 12 Oxford, 1852 Popular Abridgment of the Old and New Testament History, for Schools, Families, and General Reading. Maps. I 8 1854 The Geography of Herodotus de- veloped, explained, and illustrated, from Modern Researches and Discoveries. Maps. 8 1854 Journal of a Voyage up the Irrawaddy to Mandalay and Bhamo. 8* Rangoon, 1871 Wheeler, O. E. Gazetteer of Arabia. Part 4. Aden. Map. Large 8* Simla, 1884 Somali-land, or the North-East Horn of Africa, from the Gulf of Tajourah to the Equator. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Simla, 1884 Wheelwright, W. Statements and Docu- ments relative to the Establishment of Steam Navigation in the Pacific, with Copies of the Decrees of the Govern- ments of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, grant- ing exclusive privileges to the under- taking. Map. 8 1838 Report on Steam Navigation in the Pacific, with an Account of the Coal Mines of Chile and Panama. 8* 1843 Introductory Remarks on the Pro- vinces of La Plata, and the Cultivation of Cotton ; Parana and Cordova Rail- WHE Will. 503 Wheelwright, W. continued, way, Report of Allan Campbell ; Pro- posal for an Inter - oceanic Railway between the Rio de la Plata and Pacific. Map. 8* 1 86 1 Ferro-Carril a la Ensenada. 8* Buenos Ayres, 1870 La Vida y los Trabajos Industriales de W. Wheelwright en la America del Sud, por J. B. Alberdi. 8 Paris, 1876 Wheler, George. A Journey into Greece. Plates. Small folio 1682 Whetham. See Boddam-Whetham. Whewell, Dr William. Address de- livered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society. 8* 1839 Researches on the Tides, Additional Note to the Eleventh Series of. 4* 1840 - The same. Thirteenth Series : On the Tides of the Pacific, and on the Diurnal Inequality. Map. 4* 1848 Astronomy and General Physics, con- sidered with reference to Natural Theo- logy. ( Bridge water Treatise. ) 12 1847 Whiddon, Capt. See Kerr, Vol. 7 ; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Whipple, Lieut. A. W. Report of an Expedition from San-Diego to the Co- lorado ; with a Vocabulary of the Yuma (or Cuchan) Language. 8 Washington, 1851 Report of Explorations for a Railway Route near the Thirty-fifth Parallel of Latitude, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Maps. 8 Washington, 1854 T. Ewbank, and Prof. W. Turner. Report upon the Indian Tribes, with Vocabularies of North American Languages. Illustrations. 4 Washington, 1855 Whipple, G. M. On the Relation be- tween the Height of the Barometer, the Duration of Sunshine, and the Amount of Cloud, as observed at the Kew Observatory. 8* 1879 On the Relation existing between the Duration of Sunshine, the Amount of Solar Radiation, and the Temperature indicated by the Black-Bulb Thermo- meter in vactw. 8* ^79 On the Rate at which Barometric Changes traverse the British Isles. 8* 1880 Whishaw, Fred. J. Out of Doors in Tsarland : a Record of the Seeings and Doings of a Wanderer in Russia. 8 1893 Whitaker, Alex. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 : Appendix I. Whitaker, W. List of Works on the Geology, &c., of Cornwall. 8* Truro, 1875 A List of Works relating to the Geo- logy of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 8* N.D. Whitaker, W. List of Works on the Geo- logy, Mineralogy, and Paleontology of Cheshire. 8* Liverpool, 1876 - List of Works on the Geology of Hertfordshire. 8* [1876] List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Paleontology of Wales (to the end of 1873). 8* [1880] List of Works on the Geology and Paleontology of Oxfordshire, of Berk- shire, and of Buckinghamshire. 8* [1882] Easter Excursion, 1887 : Preliminary Excursion to Southampton, in conjunc- tion with the Hampshire Field Club. (Reprinted from Proceedings of the Geo- logists' Association.} 8* 1887 and W. H. Dalton. List of Works on the Geology, &c., of Essex. 8* [1889] and W. W. Watts. List of Works on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Palae- ontology of Shropshire. 8* Oswestry, 1889 Whitbourne, Capt. R. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10 : Appendix i. White, Arnold. Recent Experiments in Colonisation. (From Contemporary Review.) 8* 1890 White, A. Silva. On the Achievements of Scotsmen during the igth Century in the Fields of Geographical Exploration and Research : a Report to the Paris Geographical International Congress of 1889. 8* Edinburgh, 1889 The Development of Africa. Maps. 8 1890 The same. 2nd edition. Maps. Crown 8 1892 Britannic Confederation : a Series of Papers by Admiral Sir John Colomb, Prof. E. A. Freeman, G. G. Chisholm, Prof. Shield Nicholson, M. II. Hervey, and Lord Thring. Edited, with Intro- duction, by A. Silva White. 8 1892 White, C. A. See United States, G, c, Surveys : Appendix 2. White, F. W. Notes on the Province of Chekiang. Map. Small 8* Bath, 1875 White, Gilbert. Natural History of Selborne. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1813 White, John. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. Plates. 4 1790 White, Joseph. See Pocock. White, Capt. Martin. Sailing Directions for the English Channel, including a General Description of the South Coasts of England and Ireland, and a Detailed Account of the Channel Islands. 8 1850 and John Purday. Portulan des Cotes de la Manche, du Canal de Bristol, et de la Cote sud d'Irlande, traduit des Instructions Anglaises. Illustra- tions. 8 Paris, 1855 White, Peter. See Tudor. 54 WHI. White, Robert. Madeira, its Climate and Scenery; containing Medical and General Information, &c. Map and plates. 12 1851 On the Open Water at the Great Polar Basin. 4* 1856 White, T. See Hakluyt, Vol. 3; Kerr, Vol. 7 : Appendix I. White, T. H. Fragments of Italy and the Rhineland. 12 1841 White, Col. T. Pilkington. The Ord- nance Survey of the United Kingdom. Crown 8 1886 White, W. Post Office Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada. 8 Montreal, 1872 White, Walter. Erebus and Terror : a Poem. 12* N.D. Papers on Railway and Electric Com- munications, Arctic and Antarctic Ex- plorations, and the Sanitary Movement. 8 Edinburgh, 1850-51 On Foot through the Tyrol in 1855. 1856 Whiteaves, J. F. See Canada, A : Ap- pendix 2. Whitehead, Charles. The Life and Times of Sir Walter Raleigh, with copious extracts from his "History of the World." Plates. 8 1854 Whitehouse, . Reply to the Statement of the Directors of the Atlantic Tele- graph Company, published in the Daily News, aoth September, and Times, 22nd September 1858. Royal 8* 1858 Whitehouse, F. Cope. The Pyramids, Bahr Yusuf, Moeris, the Labyrinth, and the Sphinx. Illustrations and facsimile map. 4 1 88 1 Lake Moeris, from Recent Explora- tions in the Moeris Basin and Wadi Fadhi. Map. 8* [1882] Is Fingal's Cave Artificial ? Illustra- tions. Large 8* New York, 1882 Le Lac Moeris et son emplacement d'apres de nouvelles recherches. 8* Paris, 1882 Pithorn and the Lake of Moeris. 8* 1883 The latest researches in the Moeris Basin. 8* 1884 The Fayoum and the Land of Goshen. Map. 8* 1884 Moeris, the Wonder of the World. Maps and sections. 8* New York, 1884 Lake Moeris and the Construction of the Pyramids. 4* Buffalo, 1884 Moeris, Labyrinth, Minotaur, Pit- horn. Maps. Large 8 1885 The Bahr Yusuf and the prophecy of Jacob. Maps. 8* 1886 The Rai'an Moeris, or Storage Reser- voir of Middle Egypt. Map. Large 8* 1887 Ptolemaic Maps, with special reference to Lake Moeris. Maps. Large 8* 1 890 Whitehouse, F. Cope. The Raiyan Project. Illustrations. 8* 1890 The Raiyan Moeris. Maps. 8* New York, 1890 Memorandum on the Raiyan Project. Folio* N.P. [1891?] Note sur trois cartes Ptolemaiques de 1'Afrique Septentrionale, 1'Egypte, et la Syrie. 8* 1892 The RaiySn Moeris and the Ptolemaic Maps. Maps. 8* 1892 How to Save Egypt. Reprinted from the Fortnightly Review. Maps. The Fayum and Lake Moeris. Engineering. ) Maps. 8* The Pyramid-Hill of Gizeh. tr at ions. 8* 1893 (From 1893 Illus- Whiteman, Andrew (alias Leucander). See Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 2 ; Kerr, Vol. I : Appendix I. Whitfield, Robert P. See United States, G, b, G, c, H, a : Appendix 2. Whitford, John. Trading Life in Western and Central Africa. Map. Small 8 Liverpool, 1876 The Canary Islands as a Winter Resort. Maps and illustrations. 12 1890 Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode. A Journal of the Swedish Ambassy in 1653 and 1654, from the Commonwealth of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland ; with an Appendix of Original Papers. 2 vols. 4 1772 Whiting, George. The Products and Resources of Tasmania, as illustrated in the International Exhibition, 1862 ; with an Appendix, containing Papers on the Vegetable Products exhibited by Tas- mania by the Hon. W. Archer, and on the Climate of Tasmania by E. S. Hall. 8 Hobart, 1862 Whiting, W. H. C. See United States, K, Texas : Appendix 2. Whitley, Nicholas. On the Climate of the British Islands in its Effects on Cultivation. Map. 8 1850 On some Peculiarities of the Climate of the South-West of England, and on the Temperature of its Soils, Springs, and Rivers. 8* 1855 On the Temperature of the Sea, and its Influence on the Climate and Agri- culture of the British Isles. Chart. 8* 1868 Whitmee, Rev. S. J. Polynesia: Islands, Races, Missions. Map. 12* N.D. Whitney, G. H. Handbook of Bible Geography, containing the Name, Pro- nunciation, and Meaning of every Place, Nation, and Tribe mentioned in both the Canonical and Apocryphal Scriptures. 3rd edition. Maps and plans. 8 1877 WHI WIE. 505 Whitney, J. D. The Yosemite Guicle- Book : a description of the Yosemite Valley and the adjacent region of the Sierra Nevada, and of the Big Trees of California. Maps and plates. 4 Cambridge, Mass., 1869 The same. 2nd edition. 12 Cambridge, Mass., 1871 - The same. A new edition. 1874 Geographical and Geological Surveys. 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1875 Are we Drying up ? 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1876 The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. (Vol. I of "Con- tributions to American Geology. ") Maps and plates. 4 Cambridge, Mass., 1 880 The Climatic Changes of later Geo- logical Times : a Discussion based on Observations made in the Cordilleras of North America. 4 Cambridge, Mass., 1882 Names and Places : Studies in Geo- graphical and Topographical Nomen- clature. 12 Cambridge, Mass., 1 888 The United States : Facts and Figures illustrating the Physical Geography of the Country and its Material Resources ; written for, and published in part in the " Encyclopeedia Britannica," gth edition. 8 Boston, Mass., 1889 Ditto. Supplement I : Population, Immigration, Irrigation. Boston, Mass., 1894 Whitney, J. P. Colorado, in the United States of America : Schedule of Ores con- tributed by sundry persons to the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867; with some information about the Region and its Resources. Maps. 4* 1867 Whitney, Milton. See United States, C : Appendix 2. Whitney, W. N. A Concise Dictionary of the Principal Roads, Chief Towns, and Villages of Japan, with Populations, Post Offices, &c. ; together with Lists of Ken, Kuni, Kori, and Railways. Compiled from Official Documents. Map. 12 Tokyo, 1889 Whittle, J. See Laurie, R. H. Whittington, Nicholas. See Kerr, Vol. 9 ; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4 : Appendix I. Whitty, John Irwine. Proposed Water Supply and Sewerage for Jerusalem; with Description of its Present State and Former Resources, . . . and an Intro- duction by Canon Stanley. Maps and plate. 8 1863 Water Supply of Jerusalem, Ancient and Modern. Map. 8* 1864 Whitworth, R. P. Bailliere's New South Wales Gazetteer and Road Guide, con- taining the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the Colony. Map. 8 Sydney, 1866 Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years 1860-69. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 8 18/1 The same, 4th edition. Maps and illustrations. 8 1893 The Ascent of the Matterhorn. Maps and plates. 8 1880 How to Use the Aneroid Barometer. Large 8 1891 - Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 1892 The same. Supplementary Appendix. Illustrations. Large 8 1891 Ascents in the Himalayas. (From the Leisure Hour for January and February 1893.) 4* 1893 Whymper, Frederick. Travel and Ad- venture in the Territory of Alaska, . . . and in various other parts of the North Pacific. Map and plates. 8 1868 \Afhyte, W. A. A Land Journey from Asia to Europe : being an Account of a Camel and -Sledge Journey from Canton to St Petersburg through the Plains of Mongolia and Siberia. Maps and plate. 1871 Wichmann, Dr H. Stanley's Zug zu Dr Emin-Pascha. Map. 4* [Got ha} 1889 See Paulitschke; also General, Miscel- laneous : Appendix 2. Wickersham, Hon. James. Is it "Mount Tacoma " or " Rainier " ? What do His- tory and Tradition say ? 12* Tacoma, 1893 Wickham, H. A. Rough Notes of a Journey through the Wilderness, from Trinidad to Para, Brazil, by way of the Great Cataracts of the Orinoco, Atabapo, and Rio Negro. Plates. 8 1872 Widdicombe, John. Fourteen Years in Basutoland : a Sketch of African Mission Life. Illustrations. 12 [1891] Widdrington, Capt. S. E. Spain and the Spaniards in 1843. 2 vols. 8 1844 Widney, J. P. California of the South. See Lindley. Wiebe, E. Ueber die Reinigung und Entwassirung der Stadt Berlin. 8 Merlin, 1861 Wiebel, K. W. M. Die Insel Helgo- land : Untersuchungen iiber deren Gro'sse in Vorzeit und Gegenwart, vom Stand- punkte der Geschichte und Geologic. Maps and plate. 4 Hamburg, 1818 Wied-Neuwied, Maxmilian, Prinz zu. Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1815 bis 1817. Plates and maps. 2 vols. 4; and Atlas, 2 vols. folio Frankfort o. M., 1821 Voyage dans PInterieur de I'Amerique du Nord pendant 1832-34. Vol. I, part I ; and Vol. 2. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1840-41 WIE WIL. Wiener, C. Perou et Bolivie : Recit de Voyage, suivi d'Etucles Archeologiques et, Ethnographiques, et de Notes sur 1'Ecriture et les Langues des Populations Indiennes. Maps and plates. 4 I y an's,iS8o Chili and Chiliens. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1888 Wienmann, F. L. See Plener. Wieser, Dr Franz. Magalhaes-Strasse und Austral-Continent, auf den Globen des Johannes Schoner. Maps. 8 Innsbruck, 1 88 1 Die Karte des Bartolomeo Colombo iiber die vierte Reise des Admirals. Plates. 8 Innsbruck, 1893 Wiggins, Capt. J. The Austro-German Polar Expedition, under the command of Lieut. Weyprecht. Translated from the German. 8* Bishopswearmouth, 1875 Newspaper Extracts descriptive of Voyages to the Obi and Yennesei Rivers, North Siberia. 8* N.D. Wijkander, A. Observations Meteoro- logiques de 1'Expedition Arctique Sue- doise, 1872-73. Plate. 4* Stockholm, 1875 Wilbraham, Ed. B. Ascent of Mont Blanc in 1830. 8* 1832 Wilbraham, Capt. Richard. Travels in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia, and along the Southern Shore of the Lakes of Van and Urumiah, in 1837. Map and plates. 8 1839 Wilcken, U. See Schweinfurth. Wilcocke, S. Hull. History of the Vice- royalty of Buenos Ayres, containing the most accurate details relative to the Topography, History, &c., of that valu- able Colony. Map and plates. 8 1807 Wilcocks, Alexander. Thoughts on the Influence of Ether in the Solar System, its relations to the Zodiacal Light, Comets, the Seasons, and Periodical Shooting Stars. Plate. 4 Philadelphia, 1864 Wilcox, Lieut. R. Memoir of a Survey of Assam and the Neighbouring Countries, executed in 1825-6-7-8. Map. 4 [Calcutta, 1832] Memoir of a Survey of Assam and the Neighbouring Countries, executed in 1825-28. [From the India Records, No. 23] Calcutta, 1855 See India, I, Assam : Appendix 2. Wild, G. Von Kairo nach Massaua, eine Erinnerung an Werner Munzinger ; mit einem Vorwort iiber das Leben Mun- zinger's, von Peter Dietschl. Map and plates. 12* Olten, 1879 Wild, Heinrich. DieTemperatur-Verhiilt- nisse des Russischen Reiches. 4, and folio Atlas St Petersburg, 1 88 1 Bericht iiber eine neue Verification der Schwingungszahl der Normal-Stimm- gabel Russlands im physikalischen Cen- tral-Observatorium. 8* Si Petersburg, 1885 Wild, Heinrich. Die Regen-Verhaltnisse des Russischen Reiches. 5. Supple- mentband zum Repertorium fiir Meteoro- logie herausgegeben von der kaiserlichen Academic der Wissenschaften. 4, and folio Atlas St Petersburg, 1887 Annalen des Physikalischen Central- Observatoriums, and Repertorium fiir Meteorologie. See Russia, St Peters- burg : Appendix 2. - Mittheilungen der Int. Polar Com- mission. See Polar Regions, Arctic, G : Appendix 2. Wild, John James. Letter to Lord Brougham, containing Proposals for a Scientific Exploration of Egypt and Ethiopia. Plates. 8 1850 Wild, John James. Thalassa : an Essay on the Depth, Temperature, and Currents of the Ocean. Charts and diagrams. 8 1877 At Anchor: a Narrative of Experiences Afloat and Ashore during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger," from 1872 to 1876. Map and plates. 4 1878 Wilde, Dr Eduardo. Arrendamiento de las Obras de Salubriclad de la Capitol. 12 Btienos Ayres, 1887 Wilde, Henry. On the Causes of the Phenomena of Terrestrial Magnetism, and on some Electro-mechanism for exhibiting the Secular Changes in its Horizontal and Vertical Components. [In English and French.] Maps and plate. 4* 1890 Wilde, R. T. Remarks Introductory and Explanatory on his Topographic Model of the City and Peninsula of Aden. 12* 1844 Wilde, W. R. Narrative of a Voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe, and along the Shores of the Mediterranean, including a Visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Telmessus, Cyprus, and Greece. Maps and woodcuts. 8 Dublin, 1852 Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiqui- ties of Stone, Earthen, and Vegetable Ma- terials, in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy. Woodcuts. 8 Dublin, 1857 Wiley, William H., and Sara King. The Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellow- stone. Reprinted from Engineering. Illustrations. 4 [1893] Wilkes, Capt. Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 5 vols. Maps and illustrations. 8 Philadelphia, 1845 The same. 5 vols. and Atlas. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. Imperial 8 Philadelphia, 1845 The same. Vol. 7. Ethnography and Philology. By Horatio Hale. 4 Philadelphia, 1846 The same. Condensed and abridged. Royal 8 1845 WIL. 507 Wilkes, Capt. Charles. The same. Vol. 15, The Geographical Distribution of Animals and Plants; Part I, Chrono- logical Observations on introduced Animals and Plants. By C. Pickering. 8 1854 Theory of the Winds ; to which is added Sailing Directions for a Voyage round the World. Map. 8 Philadelphia, 1856 See Biot, J. B. Wilkins, Colonel H. St Clair. Recon- noitring in Abyssinia : a Narrative of the Proceedings of the Reconnoitring Party, prior to the arrival of the main body of the Expeditionary Field Force. Maps and coloured plates. 8 1870 Wilkins, Jacob. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Wilkins, W. Atheniensia, or Remarks on the Topography and Buildings of Athens. Map and plate. 8 1816 Wilkins, W. The Geography of New South Wales, Physical, Industrial, and Political. 1 6 Sydney, 1863 Australasia : a Descriptive and Pic- torial Account of the Australian and New Zealand Colonies, Tasmania, and the adjacent Lands. Maps and illustra- tions. Crown 8 1888 Wilkinson, C. See Reineggs. Wilkinson, C. S. See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. Wilkinson, George Blakiston. South Australia, its Advantages and its Re- sources, &c. 12 1848 Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner. Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt : being a Short Account of the Principal Objects worthy of Notice in the Valley of the Nile to the Second Cataract and Wadee Samneh, with the Fyoom, Oases, and Eastern Desert, from Sooez to Bere- nice ; with Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians and the Productions of the Country. Plates. 8 1835 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts. Manufactures, &c. 3 vols. Plates. 8 1837 A second series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, in- cluding their Religion, Agriculture, &c. 2 vols. and vol. of Plates, &c. 8 1841 Dalmatia and Montenegro ; with a Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and Remarks on the Slavonic Nations, the History of Dalmatia and Ragxisa, the Uscocs, &c. Vol. 2. Map and plates. 8 1848 Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians. Vol. I. Woodcut illustra- tions. 1 2 1 854 Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner. The Egyp- tians in the Time of the Pharaohs : being a Companion to the Crystal Palace Egyptian Collections ; to which is added an Introduction to the Study of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, by S. Birch. Plates and woodcuts. 12 1857 See Herodotus. Wilkinson, J. J. G. The African, and the True Christian Religion his Magna Charta. 12 1892 Wilkinson, T. The Trip from Tama- tave to the Capital. [Cuttings from a Newspaper, describing a Journey in Madagascar.] 4* [1867] Willard, Emma. Ancient Geography, as connected with Chronology, and pre- paratory to the Study of Ancient History ; to which are added Problems on the Globes, and Rules for the Construction of Maps. 12 Hartford, Conn., 1831 Wille, C. See Norway, A, Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78 : Appendix 2. Wille, C. F. See Norway, A, Norway Pilot : Appendix 2. "Willem Barents." See Polar Regions, Arctic, D : Appendix i. Wilier, T. J. Het Eiland Boeroe. Uit- gegeven door J. P. Cornets de Groot van Kraaijenburg. Map. 8 Amsterdam, 1858 Willett, Mark. History, Antiquities, and Scenery of Monmouthshire, with Glossary. 12 Chepsto-M, 1813 William of Tyre. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 : Appendix I. William I. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appen- dix I. Williams, Albert, jun. See United States Surveys, G, c : Appendix 2. Williams, B. On the Land of Ditmarsh and the Mark Confederation. 4 1858 Williams, C. The Armenian Campaign : a Diary of the Campaign of 1877 in Armenia and Koordistan. Maps. Square 8 1878 Williams, Clement. Memorandum on the Question of British Trade with Western China via Burmah. [Lithographed. ] Map. 4* 1864 - Through Burmah to Western China : being Notes of a Journey in 1863 to Establish the Practicability of a Trade- Route between the Irawaddi and the Yang-tse-Kiang. Map and plates. 8 1868 Williams, Lieut. -Col. Edward, Capt. W. Mudge, and I. Dalby. An Ac- count of the Trigonometrical Survey in England and Wales, carried on in 1791 to 1794. Plates. 4 1795 Williams, Lieut. E. C. S. Geography of the Province of Pegu, and on the working of the Topographical Survey. 508 WIL. Williams, Lieut. E. C. S. continued. [From the India Records, No. 20, Foreign Department.] Royal 8 Calcutta, 1856 Williams, George. Historical and De- scriptive Memoir on the Town and Environs of Jerusalem. 8 1849 The Holy City : Historical, Topo- graphical, and Antiquarian Notices of Jerusalem. 2nd edition, with additions, including an Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre by R. Willis. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1849 Williams, G. H., and W. B. Clark. Outline of the Geology and Physical Features of Maryland. Maps and plates. 4 Baltimore, 1893 Williams, Hon. George W. A Report, upon the Congo-State and Country, to the President of the U.S. of America. 8* N.P., 1890 An Open Letter to His Serene Majesty Leopold II., King of the Bel- gians and Sovereign of the Independent State of Congo. 8* N. p., 1890 A Report upon the Proposed Congo Railway. 8* N.P., 1890 Williams, Helen M. See Humboldt and Bonpland. Williams, J. Observations of Comets, from B.C. 611 to A. n. 1640, extracted from the Chinese Annals. Translated, with Introductory Remarks, and an Appendix comprising the Tables neces- sary for reducing Chinese Time to European Reckoning, and a Chinese Celestial Atlas. 4 1871 Williams, Rev. John. Two Essays on the Geography of Ancient Asia, intended partly to illustrate the Campaigns of Alexander and the Anabasis of Xeno- phon. Maps. 8 1829 Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands ; with Remarks on the Natural History of the Islands, and the Origin, Languages, Traditions, and Usages of the Inhabitants. Map and plates. 8 1837 Williams, Jonathan. Thermometrical Navigation : being a Series of Experi- ments and Observations tending to prove that, by ascertaining the Relative Heat of the Sea- Water from time to time, the Passage of a Ship through the Gulf Stream, and from Deep Water into Soundings, may be Discovered in Time to avoid Danger. . . . Map. 8 Philadelphia, 1799 Williams, J. Butler. Practical Geodesy, comprising Chain Surveying and the use of Surveying Instruments, Levelling, and Tracing of Contours ; together with Sanitary Surveys of Towns, Trigono- metrical, Colonial, Mining, and Maritime Surveying. Plate and woodcuts. 8 1855 Williams, J. F. See Hughes, W. Williams, J. J. Report upon the Loca- tion of the Tehuantepec Railway and Carriage Road across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; with the Map and Pro- files as approved by the Government of Mexico, 1st July 1870, and his Report on the subject of a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to unite the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8* [New York] 1870 Williams, J. M. Memorandum on Rail- way Communication with Western China and the intermediate Shan States from the Port of Rangoon in British Burma. Map. Folio* 1865 and C. H. Luard. Copies of the Survey Report, dated the i5th June 1867, and of the Journals, Maps, Sec- tions, &c., attached thereto, respecting Rangoon and Western China, &c. Folio* 1867 Williams, Ralph C. British South- Central Africa. Vol. 2. [Magazine Article.] 8* N.P., N.D. Williams, S. Wells. The Middle Kingdom: a Survey of the . . . Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. 2 vols. Map and plates. Small 8 1848 The same. Revised edition. 2 vols. Map and illustrations. 8 1883 Williams, T. See Phillips [i], Vol. 8 : Appendix i. Williams, T. , and J. Calvert. Fiji and the Fijians. Edited by Geo. Stringer Rowe. Map and plates. 12 1870 Williams, Dr Theodore. The Value of Meteorological Instruments in the Selec- tion of Health Resorts. 8* 1892 Williams, T. C. An Appeal on behalf of the Ngatiraukawa Tribe. 8 Wellington, 1873 Williams, W. Traveller's and Tourist's Guide through the United States of America, Canada, &c. Map. 18 Philadelphia, 1851 Williams, William. Vocabulary of the Languages of the Aborigines of the Adelaide District, and other Friendly Tribes of the Province of South Australia. 8* Adelaide, 1839 Williams, William. Climbing Mount St Elias. ( From Scribner's Magazine. ) Ma/> and illustrations. 8* 1889 Williamson, Alexander. Notes on the North of China, its Productions and Communications. 8* 1867 Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia, with someAccount of Corea. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1870 Williamson, Isabelle. Old Highways in China. Map and illustrations. 8 1884 Williamson, Lieut. R. S. Report of a Reconnaisance and Survey in California, in connection with Explorations for a WIL. 59 Williamson, Lieut. R. S. continued. Practicable Railway Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean in 1853. Maps. 8 Washington, 181:4 Willich, Charles M. Popular Tables, with additional Tables of Natural or Hyperbolic Logarithms, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Geography, &c. 12 1853 Willinck, T. P. M. Reize om de Wereld gedaan in de Jaren 1823-24, met Z.M. Korvet " Lynx." Plate. 8 Breda, 1836 Willink, H. G. See Dent, C. T. Willis, N. P. See Bartlett, W. H. Willis, Robert. Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. See Williams, G. Willkomm, Moritz. Die Ilalbinsel der Pyrenaen, eine geographisch-statistische Monographic, nach den neuesten Quellen und nach eigener Anschauung. 8" Leipzig, 1855 Willmott, C. See Bilgrami. Willoughby, Francis. See Harris, Vol. 2; Ray : Appendix I. Willoughby, Sir Hugh. See Hakluyt, Vol. I ; Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 ; Pink- erton, Vol, I : Appendix I. Willoughby, Major Sir J. C. East Africa, its Big Game : the Narrative of a Sporting Trip from Zanzibar to the Borders of the Masai ; with Postscript by Sir Robert G. Harvey. Maps ami illus- trations. 8 A Narrative of further Excavations at Zimbabye (Mashonaland). Illustra- tions. 12 1893 Willoughby, J. P. Historical Sketch of the Petty State of Baria, in the Rewa Kanta; with Information relative to the Mineral and Vegetable Productions, and Notices of the various Tribes, &c. [From the India Records, No. 23.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1889 Wills, Alfred. Wanderings among the High Alps. Plates. Post 8 1856 Wills, C. J. In the Land of the Lion and Sun, or Modern Persia : being Experi- ences of Life in Persia during a Residence of Fifteen Years in various parts of that Country, from 1866 to 1881. Frontis- piece. 8 1883 Persia as it is : being Sketches of Modern Persian Life and Character. Crown 8 1886 Wills, J. T. Emin Bey, Gordon's Lieu- tenant. Map. 8* [1886] Wills, Mr Justice. See Dent, C. T. Wills, W. John. Successful Explorations through the Interior of Australia, from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Map and portraits. 8 1863 Willson, J. See India, I ; Assam : Ap- pendix 2. Willson, Thomas B. The Handy Guide to Norway ; with Maps, and an Appendix on the Elora and Lepidoptera of Norway by R. C. R. Jordan, M.D. 12 1886 - The Handy Guide to Norway. 3rd edition. 1891 Willson, W. G. The Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal in June 1872. 8* [Calcutta, 1872] Report to the Government of Bengal: Meteorological Abstract for the year 1874. Folio Calcutta, 1875 Administration Report to the Govern- ment of Bengal for the year 1874-75. Folio [Calcutta, 1875] Willughby, Francis. See Willoughby. Wilmot, A. History of the Zulu War. Map and portrait. 8 1880 Geography of South Africa, for the use of Higher Classes in Schools. 3rd edition. Map. 12 Cape 7^own, 1883 and J. C. Chase. History of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, from its Discovery to the year 1819 by A. Wilmot, and from 1820 to 1 868 by the Hon. John Centlivres Chase. 8 Cape Toivn, 1869 Wilsen, F. C. See Leemans, C Wilson, Andrew. The " Ever- Victorious Army : " a History of the Chinese Cam- paign under Lt. -Colonel C. G. Gordon, and of the Suppression of the Tai-ping Rebellion. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1868 The Abode of Snow : Observations on a Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya. Plate. 8 Edinburgh, 1875 See Blackwood, Vols. 2, 3, 5, 6 : Ap- pendix i. Wilson, Rev. C. T.,andR. W. Felkin. Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1882 Wilson, Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles W. The Euphrates Valley Railway. By an Austrian Officer. Translated by Capt. C. Wilson. Map. 8* 1872 From Korti to Khartum : a Journal of the Desert March from Korti to Gubat, and of the Ascent of the Nile in General Gordon's Steamer. Maps. Crown 8 1885 Extracts from a Paper on the Utilisa- tion of the Ordnance Survey Maps, with special reference to Local Administration and the Sale and Transfer of Land, read at the Meeting of the British Association at Manchester. 8* 1887 - Picturesque Palestine, Sinai, and Egypt. Edited by Colonel Wilson, assisted by th.; most eminent Palestine Explorers, &c. In 4 vols. Vol. i. Illustrations. 4* N.I). See Morrison. WIL WIN. Wilson, Sir Daniel. Pre-historic Man : Researches into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and New World. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1862 Wilson, D. Bishop Wilson's Journal Letters, addressed to his family, during the P'irst Nine Years of his Indian Episcopate. 8 1 863 Wilson, Erasmus. Cleopatra's Needle ; with brief Notes on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks. Plates. Small 8 [1878] Wilson, H. Trow's New York City Directory . . . ist May 1868. Map. 8 New York, 1868 Wilson, Horace H. Ariana Antiqua: a Descriptive Account of the Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan ; with a Descrip- tion of the Buildings called Topes, by C. Masson. Maps and plates. 4 1841 Description of Select Coins, from Originals or Drawings in the possession of the Asiatic Society. Plates. 4* N. D. See Mill, James. Wilson, J. See Murray, Hugh. Wilson, John. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 : Appendix I. Wilson, John. See Smith, George. Wilson, John. Indian Caste. 8 1877 Wilson, Capt. J. A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, performed in the years 1796-97-98, in the ship "Duff." Compiled from Journals of the Officers and the Missionaries, &c.; with a pre- liminary discourse on the Geography and History of the South Sea Islands, and an Appendix on the Natural and Civil State of Otaheite. Maps and plates. 4 1 799 See Eyries, Vol. 3 ; Appendix I. Wilson, J. A. Remarks on Australian and New Zealand Climatology, relative to our Droughts, Rains, and Hot Winds. [Cuttings from the Daily Southern Cross. ] 4* 1864 The Story of Te Waharoa : a Chapter in early New Zealand History. 8* Auckland, 1 866 Wilson, Hon. J. Bowie. Report on the Present State and Future Prospects of Lord Howe Island. Maps and photo- graphs. 4* Sydney, 1882 Wilson, James Harrison. China : Travelsand Investigations in the "Middle Kingdom ; " a Study of its Civilisation and Possibilities, with a Glance at Japan. Map. 8 New York, 1887 Wilson, James S. On the Gold Regions of California. 8* 1854 Wilson, Joseph. History of Mountains, Geographical and Mineralogical, to ac- company a Picturesque View of the Prin- cipal Mountains of the World in their respective proportions of height above the level of the sea painted by Robert Andrew Riddell. 3 vols. 4 1807-10 Wilson, J. Leighton. The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa ; with Notes by Capt. H. D. Trotter. Map. 8 1851 - - Western Africa, its History, Condi- tion, and Prospects. Map and plates. 1856 Wilson, J. Spottiswopde. Geological Mechanism, or an Epitome of the His- tory of the Earth. Frontispiece. 12 Wilson, Mrs. See Tissot, V. Wilson, Ralph. Voyage to the East Indies. See Gottfried; Purchas, Vol. I, Book 4 : Appendix I. Wilson, Robert Anderson. Mexico and its Religion ; with Incidents of Travel in that Country during . . . 1851-54, and Historical Notices, &c. Illustrations. 8 1856 A New History of the Conquest of Mexico, &c. 8 1859 Wilson, R. T. History of the British Ex- pedition to Egypt ; to which is subjoined a Sketch of the Present State of that Country and its Means of Defence. 2nd edition. Maps and plates. 4 1803 Wilson, Sir Samuel. Salmon at the Anti- podes : being an Account of the Successful Introduction of Salmon and Trout into Australian Waters. Map and photograph. Small 8 1879 Wilson, Thomas. Nozrani in Egypt and Syria. Maps. 12 1846 Wilson, T. B. Narrative of a Voyage round the World ; comprehending an Ac- count of the Wreck of the ship "Governor Ready" in Torres Straits, and Description of the British Settlements on the Coasts of New Holland, more particularly Raffles Bay, Melville Island, Swan River, and King George's Sound. Map and plates. 8 1835 Wilson, T. Letter to Sir J. Wolsten- holme on the Ormuz War. See Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 : Appendix I. Wilson, Thomas W. The Island of Cuba in 1850 : being a Description of the Island, its Resources, Productions, Com- merce, &c. Royal 8* New Orleans, 1850 Wilson, W. See Pelham, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Wilson, William Rae. Travels in Nor- way, Sweden, Denmark, Hanover, Germany, Netherlands, &c. Plates. 8 1826 Winchester, Earl of. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Winchester, J. W. Topographical Re- port on the City of Tatta and its Environs. [From the India Records, No. 17.] Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 Winchell, N. H. and H. W. See United States, K, Minnesota : Appendix 2, WIN. Winchell, N. H., and Arthur Winslow. The Size and Scale of Maps : a Discus- sion. 8* [1893] Winderlich, C. Das deutsche Land und seine Bewohner. 8 Leipzig, 1852 Windhara, Capt. T. See Astley, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 2; Kerr, Vol. 7; Allge- meine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix i. Windisch, K. G. von. Geographic des Konigreichs Ungarn, und Siebenbiirgen. 3 vols. 8 Pressburg, 1780-90 Windsor. The Royal Windsor Guide ; with a Brief Account of Eton, Virginia Water, and the Surrounding Neighbour- hood. 12 Windsor, N.D. Windt, H. de. From Pekin to Calais by Land. Map and illustrations. 8 1889 Siberia as it is ; with an Introduction by Her Excellency Madame Olga Novi- koff ("O. K."). Illustrations. 8 1892 Windus, John. Journey to Mequinez, the Residence of the present Emperor of Fez and Morocco, on the occasion of Comm. Stewart's Embassy thither for the Redemption of the British Captives in 1821. [Large paper. ] Plates. 8 1825 See Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 ; Pinkerton, Vol. 15; "The World Dis- W)layed," Vol. 17 : Appendix I. ines, Frederick Howard. Sec United States, A, Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. 21 : Appendix 2. Wingate, Major F. R. Chronological Index of the Events in the Sudan for the years 1881-89 inclusive. Prepared . . . for the Intelligence Division of the War Office. 12* 1890 Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan : being an Account of the Rise and Pro- gress of Mahdiism, and of subsequent Events in the Sudan to the present time. Maps and plans. 8 1891 - Ten Years' Captivity in the Mahdi's Camp, 1882-92. From the Original Manuscripts of Father Joseph Ohrwalder ; with Maps and Illustrations by Walter C. Horsley. 8 1892 The Sudan, Past and Present. (From Proceedings, Royal Artillery Institution, Vol. 19.)' Map and plan. 8* [1892] Wingfield, Col. Anthony. See Hakluyt, Vol. 2 ; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10 : Ap- pendix i. Wingfield, C. J. Report on the Trade of Nujeebabad, Keerutpoor, &c. [From the India Records, N.W. Provinces, Part 22.] Alap Agra, 1855 Wingfield, W. F. Tour in Dalmatia, Albania, and Montenegro, with an Historical Sketch of the Republic of Ragusa. 8 1859 Winkler, G. G. Island, seine Bewohner, Landesbildung und vulcanische Natur. Map and woodcuts. 8 Brunswick, 1861 Winkler, T. C. Musee Teyler : Catalogue systematique de la Collection Paleonto- logique. 8 Haarlem, 1 866 Winkopp, P. A. Neuestes Staats- Zeitungs- Reise- Post- und Handlungs- Lexikon, oder Geographisch, Ilistorisch, Statistisches Handbuch von alien fiinf Theilen der Erde. Vol. I, A bis D. 4 Leipzig, 1804 Winlock, Joseph. Tables of Mercury, for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 4* Washington, 1864 Winnecke, C. See South Australia, A : Appendix 2. Winser, Henry J. The Yellowstone National Park : a Manual for Tourists ; with an Appendix containing Railroad Lines and Rates, &c. Maps and illus- trations. 12 New York, 1883 Winslow, Arthur. See Winchell ; also United States, K, Missouri: Appendix 2. Winslow, E. See Purchas, Vol. 4, Book JO: Appendix I. Winsor, Dr Justin. A Bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography. Large 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1884 Narrative and Critical History of America. Vols. I to 8. Maps, portraits, and illustrations. 4 1886-1889 CONTENTS. Vol. i Aboriginal America. Vol. 2. Spanish Explorations and Settle- ments in America from the I5th to the 1 7th Century 1886 Vol. 3. English Explorations and Settlements in North America, 1497- 1689 1886 Vol. 4. French Explorations and Settlements in North America, and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700 1886 Vol. 5. The English and French in North America, 1689-1763 1887 Vol. 6. The United States of North America. Part I 1888 Vol. 7. The same. Part 2 1888 Vol. 8. The Later History of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America 1889 Christopher Columbus, and how he received and imparted the spirit of Dis- covery. Maps, portraits, &c. 8 [1891] The Pageant of Saint Lusson, Sault Ste. Marie, 1671. 8* Ann Arbor, Mich., 1892 The Results in Europe of Cartier's Explorations, 1542-1603. 8* Cambridge, Mass., 1892 The Anticipations of Cartier's Voyages, 1492-1534. Facsimiles of the Maillo maps. 8 Cambridge, Mass., 1893 America Prefigured : an Address at Howard University, 2ist October 1892. Small 4* Cambridge, Mass., 1893 See Horsford. 512 WIN WOH. Winstanley, W. A Visit to Abyssinia : an Account of Travel in Modern Ethi- opia. 2 vols. Small 8 1881 Winter, C. F. Het Boek Adji-Saka, oude fabelachtige geschieclenis van Java, van de Regering van Vorst Sindoela te galoeh tot aan de Stichling van Madja- Pa'it, door Vorst Soesoeroeh ; met een uitvoerig Bijvoegsel tot het Javaansche woordenboek van Gericke en Roorcla. 8 Amsterdam, 1857 Winter, Christopher T. Six Months in British Burmah, or India beyond the Ganges, in 1857. Plates. 8 1858 Winter, John. See Callander, Vol. i ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4; Kerr, Vol. 10 : Ap- pendix I. Winter, J. W. "Gigantic Inhumanity": South African Notes on Woman Slavery in Natal, Confederation, and the Diamond and Gold Fields. Plate. 8* 1877 Winterberg, A. Malta: Geschichte und Gegenwart. Map. 12 Vienna, 1879 Winterbotham, W. Historical, Geo- graphical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. Plates. 1795 Winterbottom, W. See Eyries, Vol. 10 : Appendix i. " Winterton." A Narrative of the Loss of the "Winterton," East Indiaman, wrecked on the Coast of Madagascar in 1792, . . . to which is subjoined a Short Account of the Natives of Madagascar, with Suggestions as to their Civilisation. By a Passenger in the Ship. Map and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1820 Winthrop, T. The Canoe and the Saddle: Adventures among the North-Western Rivers and Forests, and Isthmiana. 5th edition. Small 8 Boston, Mass., 1863 Wise, Henry. Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from India, China, &c. , performed by ships in the Honourable East India Company's Service ; with Remarks on the Advantages of Steam Power. Plates. Royal 8 1839 Wisely, Lieut. See United Kingdom, G, War Office Publications : Appendix 2. Wislicenus, Dr W. F. Handbuch der geographischen Ortsbestimmungen auf Reisen zum Gebrauch fiir Geographen und Forschungsreisende. 8 Leipzig, 1891 Wislizenus, A. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition, in 1846 and 1847; with a Scientific Appendix. Maps. Royal 8 Washington, 1848 Wisotzki, Dr Emil. Hauptfluss und Nebenfluss : Versuch einer begrifflichen Nachbildung derselben. 8 Stettin, 1889 Wissmann, Hermann von. UnterDeut- scher Flagge quer durch Afrika von West nach Ost, von 1880 bis 1883, ausgeflihrt von Paul Pogge und Hermann Wissmann. 2 Auflage. Maps, portraits, and illustra- tions. 8 Berlin, 1889 Meine zweite Durchquerung Aequa- torial-Afrikas vom Congo zum Zambesi wahrend der Jahre 1886 und 1887. Maps and illustrations. 8 Frankfnrt-a-O. [1890] My Second Journey through Equa- torial Africa, from the Congo to the Zambesi, in the years 1886 and 1887. Translated from the German, by Minna J. A. Bergmann. Map and illustrations. 8 1891 Ludwig Wolf, Curt von Francois, and Hans Mueller. Im Innern Afrikas ; die Erforschung des Kassai wahrend der Jahre 1883-84-85. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 Leipzig, 1888 Wither. See Bigg-Wither. Withrington, R. See Burney, Vol. 2 ; Hakluyt, Vol. 4 : Appendix I. Witte, Dr Hans. See Germany, C: Appendix 2. Witti, F. See Pryer. Wittington, Nicholas. See Whittington. Witsen, Burgomaster. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 25: Appendix I. Witt, Georgius. Disputatio Medica In- auguralis : De Cholera epidemica India: Orientalis. 4 Leyden, 1830 Wittman, W. Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the Desert into Egypt, during the years 1799, 1800, and 1801, in company with the Turkish Army and the British Military Mission. Map and plates. 4 1803 Wlangali, . Reise nach der ostlichen Kirgisen Steppe. Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1856 See Baer and Helmersen, 20. Woeikof, Dr Alexander von. Die At- mospharische Circulation. Verbreitung des Luftdruckes, derWindeund derRegen aufderOberflachederErde. (Erganzungs- heft, 38 Petermann's Mittheilungen.) 3 maps. 4 Got ha, 1874 Gletscher und Eiszeiten in ihrem Ver- haltnisse zum Klima. 8* Berlin, 1881 Fliisse und Landseen als Produkte des Klima's. 8* Berlin, 1885 Die Klimate der Erde, nach clem Russischen, vom Verfasser besorgte, be- deutend veranderte Deutsche Bear- beitung. 2 vols. Diagrams. 8 Jena, 1887 [1886] See Penck's Abhandlungen, 3. WoeiTs Reisehandbiicher : West Indien zur Reise und zum Aufenthalt. Map and plates. 12 Vienna, 1887 Wohlgemuth, Emil Edler von. See Polar Regions, Arctic, G : Appendix I. WOL WOO. Woldt, A. Capitain Jacobsen's Reise an cler Nordwestkuste Amerikas, 1881-83, zum Zwecke ethnologischer Sanimlungen und Erkundigungen, nebst Beschreibung personlicher Erlebnisse ; fiir den Deut- schen Leserkreis bearbeitet von A. Woldt. Maps and illustrations, 8 Leipzig, 1884 Wohltmann, Dr F. Die natiirlichen Faktoren der tropischen Agrikultur und die Merkmale ihrer Beurteilung. (Hand- buch der Tropischen Agrikultur fiir die Deutschen Kolonieen in Afrika auf wis- senschaftlicher und praktischer Grund- lage. Erster Band. ) Large 8 Leipzig,i&()2 Wolf, Heinrich. Die barometrischen Hohenbestimmungen der k. k. Geolo- gischen Reichsanstalt, 1858-60. Royal 8 Vienna, 1863 Wolf, P. P. Geschichte, Statistik und Topographic von Tirol. 8 Munich, 1880 Wolf, Julius, and Josef Luksch. Bericht an die koniglich Ungarische Seebehorde in Fiume iiber die von Professor Emil Stahlberger, und den Berichterstattern am Bord des Dampfbootes "Nautilus," im Sommer 1874, ausgefiihrte Vorexpedition zum Zwecke physikalischer Untersuch- ungen langs derOstkiistedes Adriatischen Meeres, Fiume 1875. (i Bericht.) Map and plates. Large 8* Fiume, 1877 and Dr J. Kbttstorfer. Ditto, iiber die am Bord der Dampfyacht "Deli," und des Dampfbootes "Nau- tilus," wiihrend des Sommers 1875, durchgefiihrten physikalischen Unter- suchungen im Nordbecken der Adria, Fiume 1876. (2 Bericht.) Map and plates. 8* Fiume, 1877 Ditto, iiber die am Bord der Dampf- yacht "Deli," wiihrend des Sommers 1876, durchgefiihrten physikalischen Un- tersuchungen im Adriatischen Meere, Fiume 1877. (3 Bericht.) Map and plates. Large 8* Fiume, 1878 Ditto, iiber die am Bord der Dampf- yacht " Deli," und des Dampfbootes "Nautilus," im Zeitraume von i875"bis 1877, durchgefiihrten physikalischen Un- tersuchungen im Quarnero, Fiume 1878. (4 Bericht.) Map and plates. Large 8* Fiume, 1878 Physikalische Untersuchungen in der Adria. Map. 8* Vienna, 1887 Wolf, Dr Ludwig. Volksstamme Central- Afrikas. ( Verhandl. der Berlin anthropol. Gesell.) 8* [Berlin] 1886 Die Erforschung des Sankuru. Afap, 4* [Gotha] 1888 Dr Ludwig Wolf's letzte Reise nach der Landschaft Barbar (Bariba) oder Borgu ; die Hohenmessungen Dr L. Wolfs auf seiner letzten Reise nach Barbar oder Borgu. Map. 8* [Berlin, 1891] See Wissmann. Wolf, Prof. O. See Fellenberg. Wolf, Theodor. Geografia y Geologia del Ecuador. Map and illustrations. Large 8 Leipzig, 1872 Ein Besuch der Galapagos-Inseln. Maps. Small 8* Heidelberg, 1879 Wolfe, Commr. James. Sailing Directions for the Lower Shannon and for Lough Derg. 8 1843 Sailing Directions, &c., with some Hydrographic Notices of Lough Ree and Lough Erne. 8 1850 Wolff, Sir H. D. Reports by Sir H. Drummond Wolff on the Administration of Egypt. [Foreign Office Report, No. 5, 1887.] Folio 1887 Wolff, Henry W. Rambles in the Black Forest. 8 1890 The Country of the Vosges. Map. 8 1891 Wolff, Joseph. Journal of, in a Series of Letters to Sir Thomas Baring, containing an Account of his Missionary Labours from 1827-31 and 1835-38. 8 1839 Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara in 1843-45, to ascertain the f e of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly. 8 1846 Travels and Adventures. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1860 Wolff, Dr Willy. Von Banana zum Kiamwo, eine Forschungsreise in West Afrika, im Auftrage der Afrikanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Map. 8 Leipzig, 1889 Wolkenhauer, Dr W. Geographische Nekrologie fiir die Jahre 1888-89-90. 8* Got ha, 1891 Ditto, 1891 und 1892. 8* Gotha, 1893 Zeittafel zur Geschichte der Karto- graphie. 8* Bremen, 1893 Wollaston, A. N. See Thornton, E. Wollzogen, Baron von, and von Wurmb. Briefe auf ihren Reisen nach Afrika und Ostindien in den Jahren 1774 bis 1792. Plate. 12 Gotha, 1794 Wolseley, General Viscount. Narrative of the Red River Expedition. See Black- wood, Vol. I : Appendix I. Wolstans, . See Hakluyt, Vol. I : Appendix I. Wonner, E. De las Industrias y del Desarrollo Industrial en la Republics Oriental del Uruguay, especialmente en Montevideo. 4 Montevideo, 1889 Wood, . See Knox's New Collection, Vol. 6 : Appendix I. Wood, Capt. Benjamin. Voyage towards the East Indies. Sec Astley, Vol. I ; Gottfried; Hacke ; Kerr, Vol. 8; Pur- chas, Vol. I, Book 3: Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. I : Appendix I. Wood, C. Sec India, F, c, Trans-Hima- layan Explorations : Appendix 2. 514 WOO. Wood, C. F. A Yachting Cruise in the South Seas. Photographs. 8 1875 Wood, Charles W. Through Holland. Illustrations. 8 1877 Letters from Majorca. Illustrations. 8 1888 Wood, Harrie. See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. Wood, Herbert. Notice sur une cause probable du changement de direction survenu dans le cours de 1'Amou-Daria - par lequel son embouchure a etc trans- portee de la Caspienne a 1'Aral. 8* Geneva, 1875 The Shores of Lake Aral. Maps. 8 1876 Wood, Capt. J. See Account of several late Voyages," p. 599; Allgemeine His- toric, Vol. 17 : Appendix I. Wood, Capt. John. Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by the Route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan. Map. 8 1841 Twelve Months in Wellington, Port Nicholson ; or Notes for the Public and the New Zealand Company. Small 8* 1843 New Zealand and its Claimants ; with some Suggestions for the Preservation of the Aborigines, briefly considered in a Letter to the Premier. 8* 1845 Report on the River Indus. [Records, No. 17, Bombay, N.S.] Woodcuts. Royal 8 Bombay, 1855 A Journey to the Source of the River Oxus ; with an Essay on the Geo- graphy of the Valley of the Oxus, by Col. H. Yule. New edition. Maps and frontispiece. 8 1872 Wood, J. Walter, jun. See Davis, W. M. Wood, Robert. The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor, in the Desart. Plates. Large folio 1753 The Ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis, in Ccelo Syria. Plates. Large folio 1757 Woodard (or Woodward), Capt. David. The Narrative of Capt. David Woodard, and Four Seamen, who lost their Ship while in a Boat at Sea, and surrendered themselves up to the Malays in the Island of Celebes; with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Country, and a Description of the Harbours and Coasts. Maps. 8 1805 See Phillips, Modern and Contem- porary Voyages [i], Vol. i: Appendix I. Woodbridge, W. Charming. System of Universal Geography, on the Principles of Comparison and Classification. Maps and woodcuts. 12 Hartford, Conn. ,1831 Report on the Navigation of the Great Lakes, and the Construction and Com- pletion of Harbour Improvements, &c. 8* Washington, 1843 Woodcock, W. J. Scripture Lands : being a Visit to the Scenes of the Bible. Plates. 8 1849 Woodford, C. M. A Naturalist among the Head-Hunters : being an Account of Three Visits to the Solomon Islands in the years 1886, '87, and '88. Maps and illustrations. Crown 8 1890 Woodley, Capt. William. The System of the Universe, with Diagrams showing the Daily Motion of the Sun, Moon, &c., round the Earth . . . Plates. 8 1832 Treatise on the Divine System of the Universe . . . ; with an Introduction refuting the Solar System of Copernicus, the Newtonian Philosophy, and Mathe- matics. Plate. 8 1834 The Descriptive Use of the Universal Time-piece, exhibiting the Universal Method for finding the Longitude by the apparent true place of the Moon, and for determining correctly the Green- wich Time at Sea. 8 ^34 The Practical Almanac and Astro- nomical Ephemeris for 1840, with a Treatise. 12 1840 Woods, Henry. Elementary Palaeonto- logy for Geological Students. 12 Cambridge, 1893 Woods, Rev. Julian E. Tenison. North Australia, its Physical Geography and Natural History. 8* Adelaide, 1864 A History of the Discovery and Exploration of Australia, or an Account of the Progress of Geographical Discovery in that Continent from the earliest period to the present day. 2 vols. Map and frontispiece. 8 1865 Fish and Fisheries of New South Wales. Illustrated. Large 8 Sydney, 1882 See New Zealand, A : Appendix 2. Woodstock, Thomas of. See Gloucester, Duke of. Woodthorpe, Col. R. G. The Lushai Ex- pedition, 1871-72. Frontispiece. 8 1873 The Aka Expedition. (From the Journal of the United Service Institution of India, Oct. 1889.) Maps and plates 8* [Simla, 1889] The Lushai Country. Map and illus- trations. 8* [1889] Woodward, A. S. See New South Wales, B : Appendix 2. Woodward, B. B. See Reclus, Elisee. Woodward, D. See Woodard. Woodward, Henry. On Volcanoes. 8* 1871 Woodward, Horace B. The Geology of England and Wales : a Concise Account of the Lithological Characters, Leading Fossils, and Economic Products of the Rocks ; with Notes on the Physical Features of the Country. Ma t> and plates. 8 1876 WOO WRI. 515 Woodward, Horace B. The same. 2nd edition. Map and illustrations. 8 1887 The Scenery of Norfolk. 8* {Norwich] 1882 Woodward, H. P. See Western, Australia: Appendix 2. Woodward, Rev. H. W. Collections for a Handbook of the Boondei Language. 12 [1882] Woodward, R. S. On the Form and Position of the Sea Level. (Geological Survey Bulletin.) 8 Washington, 1888 Latitudes and Longitudes of certain Points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico. (Geological Survey Bulletin.) 8 Washington, 1889 Woodward, Samuel. Descriptive Outline of the Roman Remains in Norfolk. Map, 4* 1831 Woolhouse, W. S. B. Tables of Con- tinental Lineal and Square Measures. 8* 1836 The Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations, and an Analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan Calendars. 12 1863 Worcester, Joseph E. Elements of Geo- graphy, Modern and Ancient. 12 Boston, Mass., 1839 See General, Dictionaries, A : Ap- pendix 2. Wordsworth, Christopher. Greece : Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical ; and a History of the Characteristics of Greek Art illustrated by G. Scharf. Plates. Imperial 8 1853 Worms, Henry. The Earth and its Mechanism : being an Account of the various Proofs of the Rotation of the Earth, with a Description of the Instru- ments used in the Experimental Demon- strations ; to which is added the Theory of Foucault's Pendulum and Gyroscope. Woodcuts. 8 1862 Worsaae, J. J. A. Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Woodcuts. 8 1852 Worsfold, W. B. A Visit to Java ; with an Account of the Founding of Singapore. Illustrations. 8 1893 Wortabet, Gregory M. Syria and the Syrians, or Turkey in the Dependencies. 2 vols. Portrait. 8 1856 Worth, R. N. Tourist's Guide to Somersetshire, Rail and Road. Map and plan. Small 8 1881 Wrag, R. See Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. 2 : Appendix I. Wragge, Clement L. Remarks on the "Red Glow." (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia.) 8* 1884 Wrangell, Adm. Ferdinand von. Reise langs der Nordkiiste von Sibirien und auf clem Eismeere in 1820-24 > nach den handschriftlichen Journalen und Notizen bearbeitet von G. Engelhardt ; herausgegeben nebst einem Vorwort von C. Ritter. 2 vols. in I. Map. 8 Berlin, 1839 -- Statistische und Ethnographische Nachrichten iiber die Russischen Besit- zungen an der Nordwestkiiste von Amerika. Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1839 - Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea in 1820-23. Edited by Major E. Sabine. Map. 8 1840 Another edition, with additions. Map and portrait. 12 See Baer and Helmersen, I. Wraxall, N. A Tour through some of the Northern parts of Europe, particu- larly Copenhagen, Stockholm, and St Petersburgh. 3rd edition. Map. 8 1776 A Tour round the Baltic, through the Northern Counties of Europe, parti- cularly Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Prussia. 4th edition. 8 1807 Wray, L., jun. Notes on Perak ; with a Sketch of its Vegetable, Animal, and Mineral Products. Map. 8* 1886 Wrede, Adolph von. Reise in Hadramaut, Beled Beny 'Yssa und Beled el Hadschar ; herausgegeben mil einer Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Erklarung der In- schrift von 'Obne versehen von Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan. Map and fac- simile. 8 Brunswick, 1870 Wren, Walter. See Astley, Vol. i : Ap- pendix i. Wrenne, G. See Hakluyt, Vol. i : Ap- pendix i. Wright, . See Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4, p. 611 : Appendix i. Wright, Bryce. Description of the Collection of Gold Ornaments from the " Huacas " or Graves of some Aboriginal Races of the North- Western Provinces of South America, belonging to Lady Brassey. Illustrations. 8* 1884 A Catalogue raisonnt of the Natural History, Ethnological Specimens, and Curiosities collected by Lady Brassey during the Voyages of the " Sunbeam," 1876-83. Illustrations. 8 1885 Wright, C. Darwinism : being an Ex- amination of Mr St George Mivart's "Genesis of Species." 8* 1871 Wright, Edward. See Astley, Vol. i ; Allgemeine Historic, Vol. I : Appendix I. Wright, G. Frederick. The Ice Age in North America and its bearings upon the Antiquity of Man ; with an Appendix on the Probable Cause of Glaciation, by Warren Upham. Maps and illustrations. 8 New York, 1889 WRI XEN. Wright, G. N. Guide to the Giant's Causeway. Map and plates. 12 1823 Wright, Rev. G. N. The Shores and Islands of the Mediterranean, drawn from Nature by Sir G. Temple, Leitch, Major Irton, and Lieut. Allen ; with an Analysis of the Mediterranean, and De- scription of the Plates by the Rev. G. N. Wright. 4 1843 Wright, J. O. See General, Catalogues, A, Barlow's American Library : Ap- pendix 2. Wright, Philip B. See Bristowe. Wright, Col. Richard. A Brief Sketch of the Lands and Mines of the Republic of the Equator, with a few observations. Maps. 12* 1838 Wright, Thomas. Essay on the State of Literature and Learning under the Anglo-Saxons. 8 1839 Lecture on the Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of the Ages of Paganism. 8* Liverpool, 1854 Early Christianity in Arabia : an His- torical Essay. 8 1855 On the Early History of Leeds, in Yorkshire, and on some Questions of Prehistoric Archaeology agitated at the present time. 8* Leeds, 1864 Wright, Col. von. See United King- dom, G, War Office : Appendix 2. Wronski, . See Lagrange. Wrottesley, Lord. Speech in the House of Lords, on Lieut. Maury's Plan for Improving Navigation. 8* 1853 Wroughton, Major R. Memoranda on the Mode of Surveying adopted in the Revenue Surveys. [Records, N.W. Prov., Vol. 2.] Large 8 Agra, 1856 Wulfstein, . Sec Kerr, Vol. I : Ap- pendix I. Wiillerstorf-Urbair, Baron B. von. Zur wissenschaftlichen Verwerthung des An- eroides. 4* Vienna, 1871 Die Meteorologischen Beobachtungen und die Analyse des Schiffcurses wahrend der Polarexpedition unter Weyprecht und Payer, 1872-74. 4* Vienna, 1875 Bernhard Freiherr v. Wiillerstorf. Ein Blatt pietatvoller Erinnerung von Dr Karl v. Scherzer. 8* Munich, 1883 See "Novara"; Scherzer. Wurmb, von. See Wollzogen. Wiistenfeld, F. Die Strasse von Bacra nach Mekka mil der Landschaft Dharija. Map. 4* Gottiugen, 1871 Das Gebiet von Medina : nach ara- bischen Geographen beschrieben. Map. Square 8* Gottingen, 1873 Wuttke, Heinrich. Die Kosmographie des Istrier Aithikos im lateinischen Auszuge des Hieronymus aus einer Leipziger Handschrift zum erstenmale besonders herausgegeben. Map and plate. 8 Leipzig, 1853 Wundt, Theodor. Die Besteigung des Cimone della Pala ; ein Album fiir Kletterer und Dolimiten - Freunde. 2nd edition. Plates. Oblong 8 Stuttgart [1893] Wyche, Sir P. See Egypt, B, Short Relation of the River Nile : Appendix 2. Wyld, James. Gold Fields of Australia : Notes on the Distribution of Gold through- out the World, including Australia, Cali- fornia, and Russia. 3rd edition ; to which is added a Gazetteer of the Gold Diggings of Australia. 8* 1853 Geographical and Hydrographical Notes to accompany Mr Wyld's Maps of the Ottoman Empire and the Black Sea. Map. 12 1854 Index to Map of India, alphabetically arranged, with Geographical Positions correctly ascertained. Maps. 8 N.D. Notes on Map of Afghanistan, Pun- jaub, &c. 8* N.D. - The same. Oblong 8* N. D. Wylde, A. B. '83 to '87 in the Soudan ; with an Account of Sir William Hewett's Mission to King John of Abyssinia. 2 vols. Map. 8 " 1888 Wylie, A. Notes on Chinese Literature ; with Introductory Remarks on the pro- gressive advancement of the Art, and a list of Translations from the Chinese into various European Languages. 4 Shanghai, 1867 Wyse, Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte. Canal Interoceanique, 1876-77: Rapport sur les Etudes de la Commission Inter- nationale d'Exploration de 1'Isthme du Darien. 4 Paris, 1877 Canal Interoceanique, 1877-78 : Rap- port sommaire de la Commission Inter- nationale d'Exploration. 4* Paris, 1878 Le Canal de Panama ; 1'Isthme Americain; Explorations, Comparaison des traces Etudes, Negociations, etat des Travaux. Map, plan, and illustra- tions. Small folio Paris, 1886 Canal Interoceanique de Panama: Mis- sion de 1890-91 en Colombie: Rapport general. Plan. Small folio Paris, 1891 A. Reclus, and P. Sosa. Canal Interoceanique 1877-88: Rapports sur les etudes de la Commission Internationale d'Exploration de 1'Isthme Americain, par L. N.-B. .Wyse, A. Reclus, et P. Sosa. Maps. 4 Paris, 1879 Wyse, Sir T. An Excursion in the Pelo- ponnesus in the year 1858. Edited by Winifrede M. Wyse. 2 vols. Plates. Large 8 1865 X. Xavier, Francis. See Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 : Appendix I. Xenophon's Anabasis [Greek]. Edited by Professor George Long. 8 1831 XEN-Y1T. Xenophon. See Spelman. Xerez, Francisco de. Conquista del Peru. Folio N.P., N.D. See Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 47; Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 7 ; Ramusio, Vol. 3 ; Ternaux-Compans, Vol. 4: Appendix I. Ximenez, R. P. F. Francisco. Las Historias del Origen de los Indios de esta Provincia de Guatemala ; exacta- mente segun el Texto Espanol del MS. Original, y aumentado con una Intro- duccion y Anotaciones por el Dr C. Scherzer. 8 1857 Y. Yarnall, Professor M. Sec United States, Naval Observatory, D : Appendix 2. Yaschenko, . On the Amu - Daria, between Chardjui and Kelif. [In Rus- sian.] Plates. 8* St Petersburg, 1891 Yate, Capt. A. C. England and Russia Face to Face in Asia : Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. Maps, portraits, and plates. 8" 1887 Notes on a Journey to Tashkent and back in September-October 1890. 8* The same. (From the Journal of the United Service Institution of India, Vol. 20, No. 88.) 8* [Simla, 1891] The Transcaspian Railway, and the power of Russia to occupy Herat. 8* Simla, 1891 Yate, Col. C. E. Northern Afghanistan, or Letters from the Afghan Boundary Commission. Maps. 8 1888 Yates, Edmund. See Smith, Albert. Yates, James. Remarks on " Gesenius' palaographische Studien tiber phonizische und punische Schrift." 8* N.D. On the Limes Rhxticus and Limes Transrhenanus of the Roman Empire. Map and woodcuts. 8* 1852 On the French System of Measures, Weights, and Coins, and its adaptation to general use ; with an Abstract of the Discussion upon the Paper. Edited by C. Manby. 8* 1854 Narrative of the Origin and Forma- tion of the International Association for obtaining a Uniform Decimal System of Measures, Weights, and Coins. 8* 1856 - What is the Best Unit of Length? 8* 1858 On the Excess of Water in the Region of the Earth about New Zealand, its Causes and its Effects. 8* 1862 Some Account of a Volume contain- ing portions of Ptolemy's Geography, and of the "Geographi Gneci Minores." 1864 and Alfred Barrett. Improvements Ydiaquez, A. de. Le Perou en 1889 : Notice Geographique, Statistique, et Commerciale a 1'usage des Emigrants, Capitalistes, Industriels, et Explorateurs. Map. Large 8 Havre, 1890 Yeates, Thomas. Dissertation on the Antiquity, Origin, and Design of the Principal Pyramids of Egypt, particularly of the Great Pyramid of Ghizeeh, with its Measures, as reported by various authors. Plates. 4* 1833 Remarks on the History of Ancient Egypt, from Mizraim to Cambyses the Son of Cyrus, and to the end of the Persian Government in that Country. 8 1835 Yeats, Dr John. Technical, Industrial, and Trade Education : a Manual of recent and existing Commerce, from the year 1789101872. Small 8 1872 The Growth and Vicissitudes of Com- merce, from B.C. 1500 to A.I). 1789. Map and chart. Small 8 1872 On Commercial Training. Small 8 1873 The Natural History of the Raw Materials of Commerce, illustrated by Synoptical Tables and a folio Chart ; a copious List of Commercial Products, and their Synonymes in the principal European and Oriental Languages ; a Glossary and an Index ; with an Indus- trial Map, printed in colours. 3rd edition. Crown 8 1887 The Technical History of Commerce, or the Progress of the Useful Arts. 3rd edition. Map. Crown 8 1887 The Growth and Vicissitudes of Com- merce in all Ages : an Historical Narra- tive of the Industry and Intercourse of Civilised Nations; with Charts of Caravan Routes, and Appendix. 3rd edition. Crown 8 1887 Recent and Existing Commerce; with Statistical Supplement, Maps showing Trade -Areas, and Tabulated List of Places important in Business or Trade. 3rd edition. Crown 8 1887 The Golden Gates of Trade with our Home Industries : introductory to a Study of Mercantile Economy and of the Science of Commerce. Map. 8 1890 Map Studies of the Mercantile World, in Arithmetic, with a Vindication of the Decimal Principle. 8* 1860 auxiliary to our Foreign and Colonial Trade, and illustrative of part of the Science of Commerce. 8 1890 Yepes, Joaquim Lopez. Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Cristiana en Lengua Otomi, con un Vocabulario del mismo Idioma. Square 8 Mexico, 1826 " Yittadairn. " Moyarra, an Australian Legend, in Two Cantos. Frontispiece. 12 1891 YOL YUL. Yolland, Capt. William. Ordnance Survey : an Account of the Measurement of the Lough Foyle Base in Ireland, with its Verification and Extension by Triangulation ; together with the various Methods of Computation followed on the Ordnance Survey, and the Requisite Tables. Plates. 4 1847 Ordnance Survey : Astronomical Ob- servations made with Airy's Zenith Sector, from 1842 to 1850, for the Deter- mination of the Latitudes of various Trigonometrical Stations used in the Ordnance Survey of the British Isles. Map and plates. 4 1852 York, Duke of. See " Bacchante." Young, Sir Allen. Remarks on Korea. Map. 8* 1865 Cruise of the " Pandora." (From the private Journal kept by Allen Young, Commander of the Expedition.) Map and photographs. 8 1876 Young, Arthur. Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. 8 1768 Six Months' Tour through the North of England. 4 vols. Plates. 8 1770 Travels during the years 1787, '88, and '89, undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the Cultiva- tion, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity of the Kingdom of France. Maps. 4 Bury St Ediminds, 1792 General View of the Agriculture of the County of Norfolk. Map and plates. 8 1804 See Pinkerton, Vols. 3,4 : Appendix i. Young, C. See Gallon, Vacation Tourists. Young, Charles A. A Text-book of General Astronomy for Colleges and Scientific Schools. Illustrations. 8 Boston, Mass., 1889 The Elements of Astronomy. 8 Boston, Mass., 1890 Young, E. D. The Search for Livingstone: a Diary kept during the investigation of his reported murder. Revised by Rev. Horace Waller. Map and plates. 16 1868 Nyassa : a Journal of Adventures whilst exploring Lake Nyassa, Central Africa, and establishing the Settlement of " Livingstonia." Revised by Horace Waller. Maps. 12 1877 Young, E. R. Stories from Indian Wig- wams and Northern Camp-Fires. Ilhts- trations. 8 1893 Young, Frederick. Transplantation the True System of Emigration. 2nd edition. 8* 1869 Young, F. Imperial Federation of Great Britain and her Colonies. 8 1876 Young, Sir Frederick. A Winter Tour in South Africa. Maps and photographs. 8 1890 Young, G. A History of Whitby and Streoneshalh Abbey ; with a Statistical Survey of the Vicinity to the distance of twenty-five miles. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Whitby, 1817 Young, Gerald. See Lambert, C. and S. Young, J. Physical Geography. Small 8 1874 Young, Jess. Recent Journey of Explora- tion across the Continent of Australia, its Deserts, Native Races, and Natural History. 8 New York, 1878 Young, Prof. John. See Armstrong, J. ; also United Kingdom, K: Appendix 2. Young, Robert. The Martyr Islands of the New Hebrides and adjacent groups. Map. 12* Edinburgh, 1889 The Success of Christian Missions : Testimonies to their Beneficial Results. 8 1890 Trophies from African Heathenism. Map. Crown 8 1892 Young, Thomas. An Account of some Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities, in- cluding the Author's Original Alphabet, as extended by M. Champollion, with a Translation of five unpublished MSS. 8 1823 See Tattam. Young, Sir W. The West-India Common- place Book, compiled from Parliamentary and Official Documents, showing the Interests of Great Britain in its Sugar Colonies. &c. Map. 4 1807 See Edwards, B. ; Spence, Wm. Younghusband, Capt. F. E. A Journey through Manchuria, Mongolia, and Chinese Turkestan. 8* Lahore, 1888 Younghusband, Captain G. J. Eighteen Hundred Miles on a Burmese Tat through Burmah, Siain, and the Eastern Shan States. Map and illustrations. 8 1888 The Invasion of India by Russia. (From the Nineteenth Century.} 8* 1893 Yovnani, F. Paul, and J. Mekhitarist. Concise Geography of the Whole Earth ; with the New Arrangements of Kingdoms. [In the Armenian Language.] 12 Vienna, 1835 Yoxall, J. H. The Pupil-Teachers' Geo- graphy, Political, Physical, and Physio- graphical. Crown 8 N.D. Ytiarte, C. Bosnie et Herzegovine : Souvenirs de Voyage pendant 1'Insurrec- tion. Map and plates. 12 Part's, 1876 Ysbrant-Ydes. See Ides. Yule, Charles B. Routier de 1'Australie (Cotes Nord, N.O. et Quest . . .) Tracluit de 1'Anglais par M. Besson. Vol. 3. 8 Paris, 1 866 YUL-ZEL. 519 Yule, Charles B. See United Kingdom, A, Admiralty ; the Australia Directory : Appendix 2. Yule, Col. Sir Henry. The African Squadron Vindicated. 8* 1850 Narrative of Major Phayre's Mission to the Court of Ava ; with Notices of the Country, Government, and People; and Notes on the Geological Features of the Banks of the River Irawadee, and of the Country North of the City of Amarapoora, by Thomas Oldham. Maps and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1856 Narrative of the Mission sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855 ; with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. Map and plates. 4 1858 Notes on Hwen Thsang's Account of the Principalities of Tokharistan. Map. 8* 1872 Sketch of the Geography and History of the Upper Amu-Daria. Translated by O. Fedchenko ; with Supplementary Matter and Notes by A. Fedchenko, N. Khanikoff, and the Author. [In Russian.] Map. 8 St Petersburg, 1873 Afghanistan. [Article in the " Ency- clopaedia Britannica," gth edition.] 4' [Edinburgh, 1875] Major James Rennell, F.R.S. 8* [1881] See Cordier ; Gill, Capt. W. ; Marco Polo ; Nicholson, E. B. ; Prejevalsky ; Trotter, C. ; Wood, J. ; also Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vols. 31, 36, 37, 74, 75, 78 : Appendix I. and Arthur Coke Burnell. Hobson- Jobson : being a Glossary of Anglo- Indian Colloquial Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical, and Discursive. 8 1886 and H. M. Hyndman. Mr Henry M. Stanley and the Royal Geographical Society : being the Record of a Protest. 8* 1878 Yule, Major P. Remarks on the disputed North-Western Boundary of New Bruns- wick, bordering on the United States of North America ; with an Explanatory Sketch. Map. 8* 1838 z. Zabala, Amado Osorio. Vocabulary of the Fan Language in Western Africa, south of the Equator, with Spanish inter- pretation, prepared on the spot. 12 1887 Zachariae, G. See Hovgaard. Zacharias, Dr O. See Germany, C, For- schungen zur Deutschen Landes-, &c. Vol. 4 : Appendix 2. Zagursky, L. Note on the Investigation of Caucasian Languages. [In Russian.] 4* Moscow, 1880 Zahn, F. M. Nochmals sechs Jahre Missions - Arbeit in Westafrica. Vier Freistatten im Sclavenlande. Map. 8* Bremen, 1870 Zahrtmann, Vice-Admiral C. C. Danish Pilot. 8 1853 Remarks on the Voyages to the Northern Hemisphere ascribed to the Zeni of Venice. 8* 1835 Zamacola, D. J. A. Historia de las Naciones Bascas, de una y otra parte del Pirineo Septentrional y costas del Mar Cantabrico. 3 vols. 8 Auch, 1818 Zannetti, A. See Giglioli ; Issel. Zaragoza, Justo. See Quiros. Zarate, Augustin de. Historia del Des- cubrimiento y Conquista de la Provincia del Peru. Folio Ambers, 1555 See Kerr, Vols. 4 and 5 : Appendix i. Zarb, J. H. Rapport fait a S.E. le General Stone Pacha . . . sur les Specimens Botaniques . . . colliges pendant les Expeditions Egyptiennes au Kordofan et au Darfour en 1875 et 1876 par le D r . Pfund. Par J. H. Zarb. Small 4 Cairo, 1875 Zarco, Gonzalez. See General Collection of Voyages and Travels, p. 610 : Ap- pendix I. Zaremba, C. W. The Merchants' and Tourists' Guide to Mexico. Maps. 8 Chicago, 1883 Zeballos, E. S. La Conquista de Quince Mil Leguas : Estudio sobre la Transla- cion de la Frontera Sud de la Republica al Rio Negro. Maps and plans. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1878 The same, 2nd edition. Maps. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1878 Congreso Cientifico Internacional Sud- Americano. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1878 Descripcion Amena de la Republica Argentina. Tomo 3. A Traves de las Cabanas. Illustrations. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1888 Zehden, Dr Karl. See Dorn, A. Zeilderus, Martinus. Itinerarium Ger- manise et Regnorum vicinorum. 1 8 Ulm, 1653 Regnorum Danise et Norwegke ut et Ducatuum Slesvici et Holsatioe, Re- gionumque ad ea spectantium, Descriptio Nova. Plans. 16 Amsterdam, 1655 Zeithammer, A. O. Ideen zur Begrtindung eines Oesterreichischen Ethnographischen Museums. Royal 8* Vienna, 1860 Zeleber, J. &rne, W. Voyage overland from Constantinople to London, 1588. Wrag, R. Description of a Voyage to Constantinople and Syria, '1593-95 ; wherein is shewed the manner of delivering the Second Present by M. Ed. Barton, Her Majestie's Ambassa- dour, to Sultan Murad Can, the Emperour of Turkic. Voyages made ^vithout the Straight of Gibraltar to the South and South- East Quarters of the World, wherein also mention is made of certaine Sea- fights, and other Memorable Acts performed by the English Nation : Voyage of Macham, the First Discoverer of the Isle of Madera, 1344. First Two Voyages to Barbary, 1551-52. Windam, T. Voyage to Guinea and Benin, 1553. Lok, J. Voyage to Guinea, 1554. Towrson, W. Three Voyages to Guinea, the Castle of Mina, and the River Sestos, 1555-57. Voyage made to Guinea at the charges of Sir W. Gerard, Sir W. Chester, &c., 1562. Baker, Rt. Two Voyages to Guinea, 1562-63. 548 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Hakluyt, Vol. 2 continued. The successe of another Voyage to Guinea, at the direction of Sir W. Gerard and others, 1564. Fenner, Geo. Voyage to Guinea and the Isles of Capo Verde, 1 566. Hogan, Edm. Voyage and Ambassage to the Emperour of Marocco, 1577. Stukeley, T. Voyage into Barbary, 1578. Stevens, T. Voyage about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa, in the East India, 1579. Lancaster, J. Memorable Voyage alxnit the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the Easterne Coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori, as far as the maine land of Malacca, and thence home again, begun 1591. Roberts, II. Voyage and Ambassage to Mully Hamet, Emperor of Marocco, 1585- Evesham, John. Voyage of two of Sir W. Raleghs pinases to the Azores ; which tooke the Governour of the Isle of S. Michael, and Pedro Sar- miento, Governour of the Streights of Magellan, in 1586. Drake, Sir Francis. Voyage to Cadiz, and the Memorable Exploits and Services performed by him as well there as at diverse other places upon the Coast of Spaine and Portugale, and 'his taking the great East Indian Carak, called the " Sant Philip," neere the Isle of S. Michael, 1587. Welsh, James. Two Voyages to Benin, beyond the Countrey of Guinea, in Africa, 1588-90. Voyage to Spaine and Portugale, written (as it "is thought) by Colonel Anthonie Wingfield, 1589. Cumberland, Earle of. Voyage to the Azores, 1589. Fight performed by ten marchants Ships of London against 12 Spanish Gallies in the Streit of Gibraltar", 1590. The Valiant Fight performed in the Streit of Gibraltar by the "Centurion" of London against five Spanish Gallies, I59I- True Report of the Fight alxnit the Isles of the Azores between H.M.S. the " Revenge, " under Sir Richard Grinvile, and an Armada of the King of Spaine, I591- Voyage of certaine Ships of London to the Coast of Spaine and the Azores, 1591. Reported by Robert Flick. VOLUME 3. Relation concerning the Estate of the Island and Castle of Arguin, and touching the rich and secret Trade from the inland of Africa thither, written in 1491. Hakluyt, Vol. 3 continued. Rainolds, R., and T. Dassell. Voyage to the Rivers Senega and Gambra, neere the Coast of Guinea, 1591. Two Briefe Relations concerning the Cities and Provinces of Tombuto and Gago, and the Conquest by the King of Marocco, written in 1594. White, T. The taking of two Spanish Ships, laden with Quicksilver and with the Pope's Bulles, bound for the West Indies, 1592. The taking of the Mightie and Rich Carak called the " Madre de Dios," and of the "Santa Clara," a biskaine of 600 tunnes, as likewise the firing of another Great Carak called the "Santa Cruz," 1592. The firing and sinking of the Stout and Warlike Carak called the " Cinquo Chaguas," 1592. Report of the casting away of the Ship " Tobie," neere Cape Espartel, on the Coast of Barbary, 1 593. Voyages to America. The most ancient Voyage and Discovery of the West Indies, performed by Madoc, the sonneof Guined, Prince of North Wales, 1 1 70. Columbus, Christopher. Offer of the Discovery of the West Indies to King Henry VII., with the King's accept- ance of the said offer. Voyages undertaken for the Finding of a North- West Passage to the North parts of America, to Meta Incognita, and the backeside of Groenland, as farre as 72 deg. 12 mitt. : Sebastian Calxrta. Voyage to the North part of America, for the Discovery of a North-West Passages as far as 58 deg. of lat., and from thence back againe all along the Coast till he fell with some part of Florida, 1497. A Briefe Extract concerning the Dis- covery of Newfoundland. Gilbert, Sir Humfrey. Discourse to Prove a Passage by the North-West to Cataya and the East Indies. Frobisher, M. Voyages of Discovery to the West and North-West, in Search for a Passage to China, 1576-78. A Generall and Briefe Description of the Country and Condition of the People which are found in Meta Incognita. Davis, John. Voyages for the Discovery of a North-West Passage, 1585-86. Voyage and Course of which the Ships "Sunshine" and " Northstarre" held, after M. John Davis had sent them from him to Discover a Passage betweene Greenland and Iseland, 1587. HAKLUYT. 549 Hakluyt, Vol. 3 continued. Zeno, Nicholas and Anthony. Voyage to the Yles of Frisland, Island, Engronland, Estotiland, Drogeo, and Icaria, begun 1380. Voyages made to Newfottndland, to the Isles of Ramea, and the Isle of As- sumption, otherwise called Natiscotec, as also the Coasts of Cape Briton and Arambec : Voyage of two Ships, whereof one was called the " Dominus vobiscum," for the Discovery of the North Parts, 1527. Hore, M. Voyage to Newfoundland and Cape Briton, in 1536. Gilbert, Sir Humfrey. Voyage to New- foundland, 1583. The First Discovery of the Isle of Ramea, made by , in the Ship " Bona- venture," 1591. Fisher, R. Voyage of the Ship ' ' Mari- gold " unto Cape Briton, and beyond, to latitude 44 deg. and a halfe, 1593. Drake, Geo. Voyage to the Isle of Ramea, 1593. Voyage of the "Grace" of Bristol! up the Gulfe of S. Laurence to the North- West of Newfoundland, as far as the Isle of Assumption or Natiscotec, 1594. Leigh, C. Voyage to Cape Briton and the Isle of Ramea, 1597. Voyages made for the Discovery of the Gulfe of Saint Laurence, to the West of Newfoundland, and from thence up the River of Canada to Hochelaga, Saguenay, and other places : Cartier, Jacques. Voyages to Newfound- land, the Gulfe of Saint Laurence and the Grand Bay, up the River of Canada to Hochelaga and Saguenay, 1534, 1540. Roche, John Francis de la. Voyage with three Ships to the Countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, 1542. Voyages and Navigations of the Eng- lish to Virginia, and of the several! Discoveries thereof, chiefly at the charges of Sir Walter Ralegh : First Voyage, made to the Coast of Virginia, by Philip Amadas and A. Barlow, 1584. Second Voyage, made by Sir R. Grinvile, 1585, at what time the First Colonie was there left under M. Ralfe Lane. Third Voyage, made in 1586, for the Reliefe of the Colonie. Fourth Voyage, made in 1587, wherein was transported the Second Colonie. Fifth Voyage, made by John White in 1590. Hakluyt, Vol. 3 continued. Voyages to the Coast and Inland of Florida : Verazzono, John de, a Florentine. Voyage to the Coast of Florida, sailing from thence northerly to the latitude of 50 deg., 1524. Ribault, John. Voyages to Florida, 1562 and 1565. Laudonniere, Capt. Rene. Voyage to Florida, 1564. Gourgues, Capt. Dominique. Voyage to Florida, 1567. Description of the West Indies in general, but more particularly of Florida. Voyages made from Ntieva Galicia and Nueva Biscaya, in New Spaine, to New Mexico, Cibola, andQuivira: Marco de Nica, Friar. Voyage from the town of S. Michael in Culiacan, to the Kingdome of Ceuola, or Cibola, situate about 30 deg. of latitwde to the North of Nueva Espanna, 1539. Vasquez de Coronado, Francis. Voyage from Nueva Galicia to Cibola, Acuco, Tiguex, Quivira, and to the Westerne Ocean, 1540. Ruis, Frier Augustin. Voyage to the 15 Provinces of New Mexico, 1581. Espejo, Ant. de. Voyage 'from the Valley of S. Bartholomew, .in Nueva Galicia, to New Mexico, 158.2. Voyages made for the discovery of the Gulf of California, &c. : Ulloa, Francisco de. Voyage by the Coasts of Nueva Galicia, and Culiacan, into the Gulfe of California, called El mar vermejo, as also on the backside of Cape California, as far as 30 deg., 1539- Alarchon, Fernando. Voyage and Dis- covery, to the bottome of the Gulfe of California, and 85 leagues up the River Buena Guia, 1540. Drake, Sir Francis. Voyage and Course held from the haven of Guatulco, on the backside of Nueva Espanna, to the North-West of California, as far as 43 deg., and backe again to 38 deg., where he entrenched himselfe on land, called the Countrey Nova Albion, and tooke possession on behalfe of Her Majestie. Gualle, Francis. Voyage from the haven of Acapulco in New Spaine, to the Islands of the Lucones, or the Philip- pinas, the haven of Manilla, and to Macao, in China ; and fro.ni Macao by the Lequeos, the Isles of Japan, and by the North-West part of Ame- rica in 37^ deg. backe againe to Acapulco, 1582-84. 550 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Hakluyt, Vol. 3 continued. Voyages to Mexico and to all the Prin- cipal Provinces thorowout the Great and Large Kingdome of New Spaine, even as farre as Nicaragua and Panama, and from thence to Peru, &>. : Tomson, R. Voyage into New Spaine, 1555- Bodenham, Roger. Voyage to Sant Juan de Ullua, in the Bay of Mexico, and to the City of Mexico, 1564. Chilton, John. Voyage to all the prin- cipall parts of Nueva Espanna, and to divers places in Peru, 1568. Hawks, H. Voyage to Nueva Espanna, in which countre he travelled for five yeres, 1572. Philips, Miles. Voyage, 1568, a little to the North of Panuco, from whence he travelled to Mexico, and afterward to sundry other places. Hortop, Job. Travels to the North of Panuco, 1586. Relation of the Haven of Tecuanapa, a most convenient Place for Building Ships, situate upon the South Sea, not farre from Nicaragua. Pert, Sir Thomas, and Sebastian Cabot. Voyage to Brasil, Santa Domingo, and Sant Juan de Puerto Rico, 1516. Tison, Thomas. Voyage to the West Indies, before 1526. Hawkins, Sir John. Voyages to the West Indies, the Coast of Guinie, the Isle of Dominica, the Coast of Tierra Firma, Nueva Espanna, the Cape of S. Anton, upon the West end of Cuba, and thorow the Chanel of Bahama, 1562-68. VOLUME 4. Drake, Sir Francis. Voyages to Nombre de Dios and Dariene, about 1572. Oxnam, J. Voyage to the West India, and over the Streight of Dariene into the South Sea, 1575. Barker, And. Voyage to the Coast of Tierra Firma, and the Bay of the Honduras, in the West Indies, 1576. Drake, Sir Francis. Expedition to the West Indies, wherein were taken the Cities of Saint Jago, S. Dominigo, Cartagena, with the Fort and Towne of S. Augustin in Florida, 1585-86. Michelson, W., and W. Mace. Voyage to the Bay of Mexico, 1589. Carey, Sir George. Relation of a Memorable Fight, made the I3th June '59 1 * against certain Spanish Ships and Gallies in the West Indies. Newport, Chr. Voyage to the Isles of Dominica, S. Juan de Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and to the Bay of the Honduras, 1591. Hakluyt, Vol. 4 continued. King, Captain W. Voyage to the Bay of Mexico, 1592. May, Henry. Voyage to the East Indies, who in his return homeward by the West Indies, suffered ship- wracke upon the Isle of Bermuda, I59I-93- Duddeley, Sir Robert. Voyage to the Isle of Trinidad and the Coast of Paria ; with his returne homeward by the Isles of Granata, Santa Cruz, Sant Juan de Puerto Rico, Mona, Zacheo, the sholdes called Abreojos, and the Isle of Bermuda, 1 594-95. Preston, Sir Amias. Voyage to the West Indies, 1595. Drake, Sir Francis, and Sir John Hawkins. Last Voyage to the Islands and Maine of the West Indies, 1595, in which Voyage both died. Sherley, Sir Antony. Voyage to S. Jago, Dominica, Margarita, along the Coast of Tierra Firma, to the Isle of Jamaica, the Bay of the Honduras, thirty leagues up Rio Dolce, and Newfound- land, 1596. Parker, W. Voyage to Margarita, Jamaica, Truxillo, Puerto de Cavallos, &c., with his surprize of Campeche, the chief town of Jucatan, 1596-97. Voyages made for the Discovery of the Empire of Guiana : Ralegh, Sir Walter. Voyage, 1595. Voyages to the Coast of Brasills, >SrY., and the River of Plate : Keymis, L. The Second Voyage, 1596. Masham, T. Account of the Third Voyage in the '"Wat," begun 1596. Hawkins, W. Voyages to Brasil, 1530-32. Reniger, R., and T. Borey. Voyage to Brasil, 1540. Pudsey. Voyage to Baya, in Brasil, 1 542. Hare, S. Voyage to Brasil, 1580. Lancaster, James. Voyage to the Towne of Fernambuck in Brasil, 1594. Voyage of two Englishmen to the River Plate, 1527. Drake, John. Voyage up the River Plate, 1582. A Ruttier which declareth the situation of the Coast of Brasil, from the Isle of Santa Catelina unto the mouth of the River of Plate, and all along up within the said River, as farre as it is navigable with small barkes. Voyages to the Streights of Magellan, the South Sea along the Coasts of Chili, Peru, Nicaragua, and Nueva Galicia, to the Headland of Cali- fornia, and to the North- IVest as far as 43 with an Appendix contain- ing Extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton on his Voyage for the Dis- covery of the North-West Passage in 1741-42. Edited by John Barrow. 8 1852 VOLUME 13. Veer, Gerrit de. True Description of Three Voyages by the North-east towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch in 1 594-96 ; with their Discovery of Spitzbergen, their Residence of Ten Months in Novaya Zemlya, and their Safe Return in Open Boats. Translated by W. Philip, 1609. Edited by C. T. Beke. Maps and plates. 8 1853 VOLUMES 14 and 15. Mendoza, Padre Juan Gonzalez de. His- tory of the Great and Mighty King- dom of China, and the Situation thereof. Reprinted from the Early Translation of R. Parke. Edited by Sir George T. Staunton, Bart., with an Introduction by R. H. Major. 2 vbls. 8 1853 VOLUME 16. Drake, Sir Francis. The World Encom- passed ; lieing his next Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. Collated with an unpublished Manuscript of Francis Flet- cher, with Appendices illustrative of the same Voyage, and Introduction, by W. S. W. Vaux. 8 1854 VOLUME 17. D'Orleans, Pere Pierre Joseph. History of the Two Tartar Conquerors of China, including the Two Journeys into Tar- tary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the Suite of the Emperor Kang-Hi ; to which is added Father Pereira's Jour- ney into Tartary in the Suite of the same Emperor, from the Dutch of N. Witsen. HAKLUYT SOCIETY. 553 Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. ijcontd. Translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere ; with an Introduction by R. H. Major. 8 1854 VOLUME 18. Collection of Documents on Spitsbergen and Greenland. Edited, with Notes, by Adam White. Maps and plates. 8 1855 Marten, F. Voyage into Spitzbergen and Greenland, with some Account of the Weather, 1671. Peyrere, Isaac de la. Histoire du Greenland, 1663. Translated. Pellham, Edward. God's Power and Providence shewed in the Miraculous Preservation and Deliverance of Eight Englishmen, in Green-land, nine moneths and twelve dayes, anno 1630. VOLUME 19. Middleton, Sir Henry. Voyage to Ban- tam and the Maluco Islands. From the edition of 1606. Annotated and edited by Bolton Corney. Maps and plates. 8 1855 VOLUME 20. Russia at the Close of the Sixteenth Cen- tury. Edited by E. A. Bond. 8 1856 Fletcher, Giles. Treatise "Of the Russe Common Wealth. " Horsey, Sir Jerome. Travels ; now for the first time printed entire from his MS. VOLUME 21. Benzoni, Girolamo. History of the New World, showing his Travels in Ame- rica, from 1541 to 1556; with some Particulars of the Island of Canary. Translated and edited by Rear-Admiral W. H. Sm>th. Woodcuts. 8 1857 VOLUME 22. India in the Fifteenth Century : being a Collection of Narratives of Voyages to India in the Century preceding the Por- tuguese Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, translated into English. Edited, with an Introduction, by R. H. Major. 8 1857 Abd-er-Razzak. Narrative of my Voy- age into Mindoostan, 1442. Conti, Nicolo. Travels in the East in the early part of the I5th century. Nikitin, Athanasius. Travels to India. Stefano, Hieronimo di Santo. Account of the Journey of, from Cairo to India, 1499. VOLUME 23. Champlain, Samuel. Narrative of a Voy- age to the West Indies and Mexico in 1599-1602. Translated from the Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 2$contd. Original MS., with a Biographical Notice and Notes, by Alice Wilmere. Edited by Norton Shaw. Maps and plates, y 1859 VOLUME 24. Expeditions into the Valley of the Ama- zons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited, with Notes, by Clements R. Markham. Map. 8 1859 Pizarro, Gonzalo. Expedition to the Land of Cinnamon, 1539-42. By G. Inca de la Vega. Orellana, Francisco de. Voyage down the River of the Amazons, 1540-41. By A. de Herrera. Acuna, Father Christopher de. New Discovery of the Great River of the Amazons, 1639. List of the Principal Tribes of the Valley of the Amazons. VOLUME 25. Early Voyages to Terra Australia, now called Australia ; a Collection of Docu- ments and Extracts from early MS. Maps, illustrative of the History of Discovery on the Coast of that Island, from the Begin- ning of the 1 6th Century to the Time of Capt. Cook. Edited, with an Introduc- tion and a Supplement, by R. H. Major. Maps. 8 1859 Arias, Juan Luis. Memorial respect- ing the Exploration, Colonization, and Conversion of the Southern Land. Torres, Luis Vaez de. Relation con- cerning the Discoveries of Quiros, as his Almirante, 1607. Extract from the Book of Dispatches from Batavia, 1644. Pelsart, Capt. Francis. Voyage and Shipwreck on the Coast of New Hol- land, and his succeeding Adventures, 1628. Pool, Gerrit Thomasz. Voyage to the South Land, 1629. Account of the Wreck of the Ship " De Vergulde Draeck " on the South Land, and the Expeditions undertaken, lx)th from Batavia and the Cape of Good Hope, in Search of the Survivors, 1655-59. Volkersen, Capt. S. Description of the West Coast on the South Land, 1658. Witsen, Burgomaster. Extract [on New Guinea] translated from his " Noord en Oost Tartarye." Dampier, Capt. W. Observations on the Coast of New Holland in 1687-88. Adventures of, who, with others, 1686-87, 'eft Capt. Sherpe in the South Seas, and travelled back over Land through the Country of Darien. 554 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. 2$contd. Vlamingh, Willem de. Some Particu- lars relating to the Voyage to New Holland, 1696. Extract from the Journal of a Voyage made to the Unexplored South Land, by Order of the Dutch East India Company, 1696-97. Translated from the Dutch. Dampier, Capt. W. Observations on the Coast of New Holland, 1699. Detail of the Discoveries and Notice- able Occurrences in the Voyage of the Fluyt " Vossenbosch," &c. , Despatched by the Goverment of India, 1705, from Batavia by way of Timor to New Holland. Trans- lated from the Dutch. The Houtman's Abrolhos in 1727. Translated. Major, R. H. Supplement, on the Dis- covery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601. VOLUME 26. CJavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de. Narrative of the Embassy of, to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, 1403-6. Trans- lated, with Notes, a Preface, and an Introductory Life of Timour Beg, by Clements R. Markham. Map. 8 1859 VOLUME 27. Hudson, Henry, the Navigator. The Ori- ginal Documents, in which his Career is Recorded. Collected, partly Trans- lated, and Annotated, with an Introduc- tion, by George Asher. 8 1860 VOLUME 28. Ursua, Pedro de, and Lope de Aguirre. Expedition of, in Search of El Dorado and Omagua. Translated from Fray Pedro Simon's "Conquest of Tierra Firme," by W. Bollaert ; with an Intro- duction by C. R. Markham. Map. 8 1861 VOLUME 29. Guzman, Don Alonzo Enriquez de. Life and Acts of, 1518 to 1543. Trans- lated from an Original and Inedited MS. in the National Library at Madrid ; with Notes and an Introduction l.y C. R. Markham. 8 1862 VOLUME 30. Galvano, Antonio. Discoveries of the World, from the First Original unto 1555 ; corrected, quoted, and published in England by R. Hakluyt (1601). Now reprinted, with the Original Portuguese Text, and edited by Vice-Admiral Be- thune. 8 1862 Hakluyt Soc. Publ. continued. VOLUME 31. Jordanus, Friar (circa 1330). Mirabilia Descripta. The Wonders of the East. Translated from the Latin, with a Com- mentary, by Col. Henry Yule. 8 D 1863 VOLUME 32. Varthema, Ludovica di. Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, 1503 to 1508. Translated from the Italian edition of 1510, with a Preface by J. Winter Jones, and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by G. Percy Badger. Map. 8 1863 VOLUME 33. Cieza de Leon, Pedro de. The Travels of, A.I). 1532-50, contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduc- tion, byC. R. Markham. Map. 8 1864 VOLUME 34. Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierre Firme or Castilla del Oro, and of the Discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and Nicaragua, written by Pascual de Andagoya. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by C. R. Markham. Map. 8 1865 VOLUME 35. A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, by Duarte Barbosa, a Portuguese. Translated from an early Spanish Manuscript in the Barcelona Library, with Notes and a Preface, by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. 8 1866 VOLUMES 36 and 37. Cathay and the Way thither : being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China. Translated and edited by Col. H. Yule . . . ; with Essay on the Intercourse be- tween China and the West previous to the Discovery of the Cape Route. 2 vols. 8* 1866 [Contains Travels of Oderic, Marig- nolli, Ibn Batuta, Goes, &c.] VOLUME 38. The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher in Search of a Passage to Cathaia and India by the North- West, A.D. 1576-78. Reprinted from the first edition of Hakluyt's Voyages, with Selections from Manuscript Documents in the British Museum and State Paper Office, by Rear-Admiral Richard Collinson. Por- trait and maps. 8 1 868 VOLUME 39. The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Camlxxlia, Japan, and China, at the Close of the Sixteenth Century, by HAKLUYT SOCIETY. 555 Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. y^contd. Antonio de Morga. Translated from the Spanish, with Notes and a Preface, and a Letter from Luis Vaez de Torres describing his voyage through the Torres Straits, by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. Maps and plate. 8 1868 VOLUME 40. The Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V., containing an Account of his Expedition to Honduras. Translated from the original Spanish by Don Pascual de Gayangos. 8 1868 VOLUME 41. First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Vol i. 8 1869 VOLUME 42. The Three Voyages of Vasco da Gama and his Viceroyalty, from the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa. Accompanied by Original Documents. Translated from the Portuguese, with Notes and an Intro- duction, by the Hon. HenryE. J.Stanley. Portrait, plate, &c. 8 1869 VOLUME 43. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other Original Documents, relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 2nd edition. Maps and plate. 8 1870 VOLUME 44. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, by Salil-Ibn-Razik, from A.n. 661-1856. Translated from the Original Arabic, and edited, with Notes, Appen- dices, and an Introduction, continuing the History down to 1870, by George Percy Badger. Map. 8 1871 VOLUME 45. First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated and edited, with Notes, an Introduction, and an Analytical Index, by Clements R. Markham. Vol. 2 (containing Hooks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). Maps. 8 1871 VOLUME 46. The Canarian, or Book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in the year 1402, by Messire Jean de Bethen- court. Composed by Pierre Bontier and Jean le Verrier. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by R. II. Major. Map and portrait. 8 1872 VOLUME 47. Reports on the Discovery of Peru. I. Report of Francisco de Xeres, Secretary to Francisco Pizarro ; 2. Report of Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. tfcontd. Miguel de Astete on the Expedition to Pachacamac ; 3. Letter of Hernando Pizarro to the Royal Audience of Santo Domingo ; 4. Report of Pedro Sancho on the Partition of the Ransom of Atahuallpa. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Map. 8 1872 VOLUME 48. Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas. Translated from the original Spanish Manuscripts, and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. 8 1873 VOLUME 49. Travels to Tana and Persia, by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. Trans- lated from the Italian, and edited, with an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 8 1873 VOLUME 50. The Voyages of the Venetian brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno to the Northern Seas, in the Fourteenth Century, &c. Translated and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Richard Henry Major. Maps. 8 1873 VOLUME 51. The Captivity of Hans Stacle of Hesse, in A.I). 1547-55, among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. Translated by Albert Tootal, Esq., of Rio de Janeiro, and annotated by R. F. Burton. 8 1874 VOLUME 52. The First Voyage round the World by Magellan. Translated from the Accounts of Pigafetta and other contemporary writers, accompanied by Original Docu- ments, with Notes and an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. Portrait^ map, &c. 8 ' 1874 VOLUME 53. The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of India. Translated from the Portuguese edition of 1774, with Notes and an Introduction, by Walter de Gray Birch. Vol. I. Maps and plate. 8 1875 VOLUME 54. The Three Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic Regions (1594, '95, and '96), by Gerrit de Veer. Second Edition, with an Introduction, by Lieutenant Koolemans Beyrien. Map and plates. 8 r876 VOLUME 55. The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dallxxjuerque. Vol.2. Map ami plates. 8 1877 556 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Hakluyt Soc. Publ. continued. VOLUME 56. The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt. , to the East Indies, with Abstracts of Journals of Voyages to the East Indies during the Seventeenth Century, pre- served in the India Office ; and the Voyage of Capt. John Knight (1606) to seek the North-West Passage. Edited by Clements R. Markham. 8 1877 VOLUME 57. The Hawkins' Voyages during the Reigns of Henry VIII., Queen Elizabeth, and James I. Edited, with an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Portrait. 8 1878 VOLUME 58. The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427. Translated from the Heidelberg MS. edited in 1859 by Professor Karl Friedrich Neumann, by Commander J. Buchan Telfer ; with Notes by Professor P. Brunn ; and a Preface, Introduction, and Notes by the Translator and Editor. Map. 8 1879 VOLUME 59. The Voyages and Works of John Davis the Navigator. Edited, with an Intro- duction and Notes, by Albert Hastings Markham. Map, &"c. 1880 The Map of the World, A.D. 1600. Called by Shakspere ' ' The New Map, with the Augmentation of the Indies." To illustrate the Voyages of John Davis. [In cover.] 1880 VOLUME 60. The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, by Father Joseph de Acosta. Reprinted from the English translated edition of Edward Grimston, 1604, and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Vol. I. The Natural History (Books I, 2, 3, and 4). Issued with this work is also a " Map of Peru ; to illustrate the Travels of Cieza de Leon, in 1532-50; the Royal Commentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega (1609); and the Natural and Moral History of the Indies, by Father Joseph de Acosta (1608)." 8 1880 VOLUME 61. The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, by Father Joseph de Acosta. Edited by Clements R. Markham. Vol. 2. The Moral History (Books 5, 6, and 7). 8 1880 VOLUME 62. The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. 3. Maps and por- traits. 8 1880 Hakluyt Soc. Publ. continued. VOLUME 63. The Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-22. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Maps and frontispiece. 8 1881 VOLUME 64. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-27. By Father Francisco Alvarez. Translated from the Portuguese, and edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. Map. 8 1881 VOLUME 65. The Historye of the Bermudaes or Summer Islands. Edited, from a MS. in the Sloane Collection, British Museum, by General Sir J. Henry Lefroy. Map, plate, and portraits. 8 1882 VOLUMES 66 and 67. Diary of Richard Cooks, Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-22, with Correspondence. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. 2 vols. 8 1883 VOLUME 68. The Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru. By Pedro de Cieza de Leon. Translated and Edited, with Notes and an Intro- duction, by Clements R. Markham. 8 1883 VOLUME 69. The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dallxjquerque. Vol. 4. Plates. 8 1884 VOLUMES 70 and 71. The Voyage of John Huyghen Van Lin- schoten to the East Indies. From the Old English Translation of 1598. The First Book, containing his Description of the East. Edited, the first volume by the late Arthur Coke Burnell, Ph.D., the second volume by Mr P. A. Tiele. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 8 1885 VOLUMES 72 and 73. Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia, by Anthony Jenkinson, and other Englishmen ; with some Account of the P'irst Intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia by way of the Caspian Sea. Edited by E. Delmar Morgan and C. H. Coote. 2 vols. Maps, frontispiece, &c. 8 1886 VOLUME 74. The Diary of William Hedges, Esq. (afterwards Sir William Hedges), during his Agency in Bengal, as well as on his Voyage out and return overland ( 1681-87). Transcribed for the press, with Intro- ductory Notes, &c. , by R. Barlow, Esq., and illustrated by copious extracts from Unpublished Records, &c. , by Colonel Henry Yule. Vol. i. The Diary, with Index. 8 1887 HAKLUYT SOCIETY HARRIS. 557 Hakluyt Soc. Publ. continued. VOLUME 75. The same. Vol. 2. Containing Notices regarding Sir William Hedges, Docu- mentary Memoirs of Job Charnock, and other Biographical and Miscellaneous Illustrations of the Time in India. Portraits. 8 1888 VOLUME 76. The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Translated into English from the Third French Edition of 1619, and edited, with Notes, by Albert Gray, assisted by H. C. P. Bell. Vol. I. Map and illustrations. 8 1887 VOLUME 77. The same. Vol. 2. Part I. Illustra- tions 8 ..'.._ 1888 VOLUME 78. Diary of W. Hedges. Vol. 3. Contain- ing Documentary Contributions to a Biography of Thomas Pitt, Governor of Fort St George ; with Collections on the Early History of the Company's Settle- ment in Bengal, and on Early Charts and Topography of the Hugli River. Map and portraits. 8 1889 VOLUME 79. Tractatus de Globis et eorum usu. A Treatise descriptive of the Globes con- structed by Emery Molyneux, and published in 1592. By Robert Hues. Edited, with Annotated Indices and an Introduction, by Clements R. Markham. Map ami frontispiece. 8 1889 VOLUME 80. The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Vol. 2. Part 2. Charts and plates. 8 1890 VOLUME 81. The Conquest of the River Plate (1535* !555)- I- Voyage of Ulrich Schmidt to the Rivers la Plata and Paraguai, from the Original German Edition, 1567. 2. The Commentaries of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, from the Original Spanish Edition, 1855. With Notes and Introduction by Luis S. Dominguez. Map. 8 1891 VOLUMES 82 and 83. The Voyage of Fra^ois Leguat of Bresse to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope. Transcribed from the First English Edition. Edited and Annotated by Captain Pasfield Oliver. 2 vols. 8 1891 VOLUMES 84 and 85. The Travels of Pietro Delia Valle in India, from the Old English Translation of 1664 by G. Havers. Edited, with a Hakluyt Soc. Publ., Vol. %^contd. Life of the Author, and Introduction and Notes, by Edward Grey. 2 vols. 8 1892 VOLUME 86. The Journal of Christopher Columbus (during his First Voyage, 1492-93), and Documents relating to the Voyages of Gaspar Corte Real. Translated, with Notes and an Introduction, by C. R. Markham. Facsimile maps. 8 1893 VOLUME 87. Early Voyages and Travels in the Le- vant. I. The Diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600. 2. Extracts from the Diaries of Dr John Covel, 1670-79. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Theodore Bent. Portrait. 8 1893 Harris, John. Naviganlium atque Itiner- antium Bibliotheca ; or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels, con- sisting of above four hundred of the most Authentick Waiters ; beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c. , in English ; Ramusio in Italian; Thevenot, &c., in French ; De Bry, and Grynsei Novus Orbis, in Latin ; the Dutch East India Company, in Dutch ; and continued with others of note, &c. 2 vols. Maps, por- traits, and plates. Folio 1705 Another edition of the same, consisting of above 600 of the most Authentic Writers, beginning with Hackluit, Pur- chass, &c. , in English ; Ramusio, Alaman- dini, Carreri, &c., in Italian ; Thevenot, Renaudot, Labat, &c., in French; De Brye, Grynseus, Maffeus, &c., in Latin; Herrera, Oviedo, Coreal,&c., in Spanish ; and the Voyages under the Direction of the East-India Company in Holland, in Dutch ; together with such other His- tories, Voyages, Travels, or Discoveries, as are in general esteem ; containing whatever has been observed worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ; in respect to the extent and situation of Empires, Kingdoms, Pro- vinces, &c. , with an Introduction, com- prehending the Rise and Progress of the Art of Navigation, and its successive improvements, together with the Inven- tion of the Loadstone, and its Variation. Carefully revised, with large additions, and continued down to the present time ; including Particular Accounts of the Manufactures and Commerce of each Country. 2 vols. in 4. Maps, portraits, and plates. Folio London, 1744-48 C O N T E N T S. VOLUME i [a]. The History of the Circumnavigators: The superiority of the Moderns over the Ancients in the Art of Navigation 558 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Harris, Vol. i continued. explained, and the causes of that superiority assigned. Columbus, Christopher. Voyages, 1493- 1506. Magtianes, or Magellan, Ferdinand. Voy- age from the South Seas to the East Indies, 1519-22. Drake, Sir Francis. Voyage round the Globe, 1577-80. Candish, or Cavendish, Sir Thomas. Voy- age round the World, 1585-88. Van Noort, Oliver. Voyage (the first at- tempted by the Dutch) round the World, 1598-1601. Weert, Capt. Selxild de. Remarkable Voy- age to the South Seas and the Streights of Magellan, 1598-1600. Spilbergen, George. Voyage round the World, 1614-17. Schouten, W. C. , and Jacques le Maire. Remarkable Voyage round the World by a New Passage into the South Seas, 1615-17. Quiros, Don Pedro F. de. Voyage for the Discovery of the Southern Conti- nental Islands, about 1 600. Hermite, Jacques le. Voyage of the Nassau Fleet round the Globe, 1623-26. Cowley, Capt. Voyage round the World, 1683-86. Dampier, Capt. William. First Voyage round the World, collected from his own Account, 1683-91. Voyage to New Holland and New Guiney, from his own Account, 1699- 1701. Funnell, William. Voyage round the World, 1703-6. Rogers, Capt. Woodes, and Capt. S. Courtney. Voyage round the World, 1708-11. Clipperton, Capt. John. Voyage round the World, 1719-22. Shelvocke, Capt. George. Voyage round the World, 1719-22. Betagh, Capt. Observations on the Coun- try of Peru and its Inhabitants during his Captivity, 1720. Roggewein, Comm. Account of his Ex- pedition, with three Ships, for the Dis- covery of Southern Lands, 1721-33. Pelsart, Capt. Francis. Voyage and Ship- wreck of, on the Coast of New Hol- land, and his succeeding Adventures, 1628. Tasman, Capt. Abel Jansen. Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Countries, 1642-43. Anson, Comm. Account of the Expedi- tion of, round the World, 1740-44. The Discovery, Settlement, and Com- merce of the East Indies : The History of India in the Earliest Ages. Harris, Vol. i [a} continued. The History of this Commerce in the hands of the Idumeans, Israelites, Ty- rians, &c., with some Account of its Profits. Of the Indian Commerce under the Per- sian Empire. An Exact Account of Alexander's Con- quest of the Persian Empire, and more particularly of his Indian Expedition, and the Consequences he intended to have drawn from thence. Nearchus. Voyage from the Mouth of the River Indus up the Persian Gulph, for the Discovery of the Coasts and their Inhabitants. The History of the Seleucidae, Kings of of Syria, who were the immediate pos- sessors of Alexander's Indian Conquests. The History of the Greek Empire in Egypt, under the Ptolemies ; the Estab- lishment of the Indian Commerce at Alexandria, and the Consequences of that establishment, to the Reduction of Egypt into a Province by the Romans. The History of the Indian Trade, as car- ried on through Egypt by the Red Sea, under the Romans, the Manner of its Establishment, the Profits drawn there- from, and the Discoveries made in con- sequence of this Commerce. An Account of the Affairs of Egypt, and of the Commerce carried on by the Romans through that country to the East, till the Seat of the Empire was trans- ferred from Rome to Constantinople. An Account of the Religion, Government, Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians, as they are recorded in the Works of ancient Authors. The Learning, Discipline, Office, Manner of Living, and Privileges of the Brach- mans, including an Account of their peculiar Doctrines in Theology. Of the Land Animals in the East Indies, as described by antient Authors, com- pared with modern Authors. An Account of the most remarkable Fish and Fowl in the East Indies, as described by ancient and modern Authors. VOLUME i []. An Account of the Descriptions left us by the Ancients of the Eastern and Northern Parts of the Indies, the notions they had of their Riches, with Enquiry into the Reasons which hindered the extending their Discoveries on that side. History of the Rise, Progress, and De- cline of the Constantinopolitan Em- pire, together with the Commerce of its Subjects in the East ; also a brief Detail of the Rise of the Arabian Empire, the HARRIS. 559 Harris, Vol. i [/>] continued. Recovery of the Indian Commerce in Egypt, and the Reviving the Trade of Alexandria. An Account of the several Passages to the Indies, both by Sea and Land, that have been Attempted, Discovered, or Practised by the Antients. An Account of the Travels of Two Ma- hommeclans through India and China in the Ninth Century. Translated from the Arabic by ihe Abbe Renaudot. Benjamin, Rabbi, the son of Jonas of Tudela. Travels through Europe, Asia, and Africa, from Spain to China, 1160- 1173. From the Latin of Montanus. Rubruquis, William de. The remarkable Travels of, in the East, particularly into Tartary and China, 1253. Marco Polo. The curious and remark- able Voyages and Travels of, in the middle of the Xlllth century ; through a great part of Asia, all the Dominions of the Tartars, and home by sea through the Islands of the East Indies. History of the Empire of the Great Mo- gul, from its foundation by Timur-Bec, or Tamerlane, to the present time. History of the Rise and Progress of the Portuguese Empire in the East Indies ; their Discoveries set forth in their natural Order ; the form of their Government in those parts explained ; the causes of the Declension of their Power examined ; and the present Posture of their Affairs in this part of the World truly stated. Pirard de Laval, Francis. Voyage to the East Indies ; his Shipwreck amongst the Maldives, and his copious Account of that Archipelago, 1601-11. Beaulieu, Comm. Augustin de. Expedi- tion to the East Indies, containing a curious Description of the Sea-Coasts and Commerce, as also curious Observations on the Manners of the People, and the means of establishing Colonies among them, 1619-22. Mandelsloe, John Albert de. Remarks and Observations made in his Passage from the Kingdom of Persia through several Countries of the Indies, 1638. The remaining Voyages through the Indies, including his Descriptions of Countries, Historical Remarks upon several Nations, and his Observations on the Commerce of the Portuguese, English, and Dutch at that time, 1639. Tavernier, J. B. Account of the Com- modities, Manufactures, and the Produce of the several Countries of the East Indies. An Account of the different Routes to all the great Cities and chief Marts in the Indies. Harris, Vol. i \b~\ continued. Tavernier, J. 13. Remarks and Obser- vations in his Travels through the Indies, together with his Account of the Dutch Settlement, and of his Voyage on board a Dutch Ship from Batavia to Europe. Cunningham, James. Observations and Remarks made during his Residence on the Island of Chusan, on the Coast of China, 1701. Adams, William. Account of the Ad- ventures of, who resided many years in the Empire of Japan, 1609-31. An Historical Account of the Intercourse between the Inhabitants of Great Brit- ain and the People in the East Indies, containing likewise a Compleat History of the East India Company from its Erection under Queen Elizabeth, and of the several Alterations that have been made therein. History of the Rise, Progress, and Estab- lishment of the Dutch East India Com- pany. History of the French East India Com- merce from its first Original, together with a clear and concise Account of the several Alterations it has undergone, and a full and plain Description of its pre- sent Circumstances at Home and Abroad, 1741. History of the Rise, Progress, and Sup- pression of the Imperial Company of the Indies, established at Ostend by the Emperor Charles V. History of the Danish Commerce to the East Indies, their Establishments there, the Decay of the Old Company, and the Motives which induced them to set up a New One. History of the Swedish East India Com- pany. VOLUME 2 [<*]. The Discovery, Settlement, and Com- merce of the West Indies : Of the Importance of the new-discovered Continent of America, the nature of the Discovery, the felicities attending it, the advantages derived from thence to the Art of Navigation, &c. Columbus Chr. First Voyage, in which he Discovered the Lucayan Islands, and afterwards Cuba and Hispaniola, which opened a Passage from Europe to America, with his return to Spain, 1492-93. Second Voyage, to the West Indies, including an Account of all the Dis- coveries made in that Voyage, 1493-96. Third Voyage, to the West Indies, in which he first saw the Continent of America, 1498-1500. Fourth Voyage : his Discoveries on the Continent, and of the Islands in America, 1502-5. 560 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Harris, Vol. 2 [a] continued. Cortes, Hernan. The History of the several Discoveries, Settlements and Conquests made by the Spaniards, in the West Indies, after the Death of Chr. Columbus. Expedition for the Reduction of New Spain, 1518. The Progress of this Expedition from the Time of the Spaniards embarking for New Spain, to the first Message sent by Cortes to Motezuma, Emperor of Mexico, 1519. The Continuation of the Expedition, his Alliances with several Indian Nations, his success in quelling various Seditions in his own Army, and his preparations for his March to Mexico by burning his whole Fleet, 1519. The History of the War of Tlascala, from its breaking out to Cortes's con- cluding a Peace with that Republic ; and his taking them into the Con- federacy against the Indian Emperor Montezuma, 1519. The March of the Spaniards to Mexico, the Reception given to Cortes by Montezuma, his Imprisonment and other Transactions to the Time of his ordering the Spaniards to quit his Dominions, I5!9- The History of Cortes's Expedition continued to the Death of Montezuma, and the Spaniards being forced to abandon the City of Mexico, 1 520. The Conclusion of Hernan Cortes's Ex- pedition, including the History of the remaining part of the War, to the Reduction of the City and Empire of Mexico, 1520-21. The Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Province called Golden Castile ; their first knowledge of the South Sea, and their Establishment of Panama, by which a Passage was opened to the Discovery and Conquest of the Empire of Peru, 1513-26. Pizarro, Francis. The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Em- pire of Peru, I5 2 4> together with the Discovery of Chili, and the Con- quest of that Country, 1535. History of the Discovery, Settlement, and Cultivation of Brazil by the Portu- guese ; the Conquest of the greatest part of that Country by the Dutch ; the Recovery thereof by the Portu- guese, and the vast advantages that have accrued to them from this noble Colony, 1500-1709. The Discoveries and Settlements made by the English in different parts of America, from the Reign of Henry VII. to the Close of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1495-1603. Harris, Vol. 2 [a] continued. The History of the Discoveries, Settle- ments, and other Transactions of the English Nation in America, from the Accession of James I. to the Restora- tion, 1603-60. An Historical Account of the British Settlements in America, from the Re- storation of Charles II. to the Revolu- tion, 1660-88. The History of the British Colonies in America, from the Revolution to the Death of George I. The History of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Colony of Georgia, 1732-42. History of the Discoveries, Settlements, and Conquests of the French in America, 1523-1713. The Discoveries, Conquests, Settlements, and Present State of the Dutch Colonies in America, with an Account of the Danish Settlement, 1642-1714. Discoveries towards the North and through most of the Countries of Europe ; History of the Countries lying round the North Pole, their Climate, Soil, and Produce : Greenland, Spitzbergen, Mayen Island, Nova Zembla, Yedzo, &c., 1585-1746. Philosophical Motives for seeking a Passage into the South Seas, by the North-West, examined and explained, together with the History of the At- tempts made with that view, for the space of 130 years. James, Capt. Thomas. Voyage for the Discovery of a Passage into the South Seas, by the North-West, his winter- ing in Charlton Island, and return to England, 1631-33. Middleton, Capt. Chr. Attempts made for the Discovery of a Passage into the South Seas, from Hudson's Bay, with Orginal Papers by Dobbs, 1725-42. Account of the Grounds upon which a North-East Passage into the Sea of Japon has been sought for ; the At- tempts of the English and Dutch on that side. A Voyage to the North, containing an Account of the Sea Coasts and Mines of Norway, the Danish, Swedish, and Muscovite Laplands ; Borandia, Siberia, Samojedia, Zembla, and Iceland, with some curious Remarks on the Nor- wegians, Laplanders, Russians, Poles, Circassians, Cossacks, and other Nations ; extracted from the Journal of a Gentleman employed by the North-Sea Company at Copenhagen, and from the Memoirs of a French Gentleman. HARRIS. Harris, Vol. 2 [a] continued. An Impartial Account of the Kingdom of Sweden, with respect to its Climate, Soil, and Produce, &c. , collected from the Writings of an English Minister residing there. Molesworth and others. The Present State of the Dominions of the Crown of Denmark, and of its Subjects, in respect to their Manners, Customs, &c. Connor, Bernard. A Comprehensive Account of the Kingdom of Poland, the Situation, &c. Beauplan, Mr. A Short Account of the Ukrain, and of its Inhabitants the Cossacks. VOLUME 2 []. Misson, Maximilian. Travels through part of Holland, the Spanish Low Countries, Germany, Tyrol, and the Bishoprick of Trent, on his way to Italy, 1687-88. Travels through a great part of Italy, with Observations on the Manners, Customs, &c., of the In- habitants. Arrival at Rome, to his Departure out of Italy. Burnet, Bishop Gilbert. Travels through Switzerland, part of Italy, some Pro- vinces of Germany, and the Low Countries, 1685-86. Ray, John. Travels through the Low Countries and Germany, towards Italy, 1663. Travels through the Dominions of the State of Venice, Lombardy, Tus- cany, the Kingdom of Naples, the Islands of Sicily and Malta, the Ecclesiastical State, the Bishoprick of Trent, the Country of the Grisons, Switzerland, &c. Willoughby, Francis. Travels through Spain, 1664. Travels through Portugal and Spain, with a distinct Description of the Principal Cities in both Kingdoms, particularly Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto, and Braga, Madrid, Valentia, Alicant, &c. , by an English Gentleman, 1693. Skippon, Sir Philip, and John Ray. Travels through the l>est part of the Kingdom of France, 1664. Northleigh, John. Travels through France, 1702. Browne, Edward. Voyage from England to Holland, with a Journey from thence, by Land, through the Electorates of Cologne, Treves, and Mentz, the Lower and Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, and Austria to, Vienna ; from thence through Moravia, Bohemia and Saxony to Hamburgh, 1668. Harris, Vol. 2 [] continued. Browne, Edward. Description of the Noble Kingdom of Hungary, inter- spersed with a Variety of Geographical, Historical, Physical, &c., Remarks. Travels through Hungary into Thessaly ; a Description of the City of Larissa, &c. Journey from Vienna to Venice by Land, with an Account of the Quick- silver Mines in Friuli, including Ob- servations in his Passages through Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola. Thevenot, John. Voyages and Travels from Italy to Constantinople, 1655. Account of the Customs and Manners of the Turks, &c. ; also an Account of the Christians and Jews inhabiting Countries that are Subject to the Grand Signior. Account of several of the most remarkable Cities in Asia, of various Islands in the Archipelago, intermixed with Accounts from Wheeler and Lebrun, 1656. Maundrell, Henry. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1696. Chardin, Sir John. Travels by way of the Black Sea, through the Countries of Circassia, Mingrelia, the Country of the Abcas, Georgia, Armenia, and Media, into Persia Proper, 1672. Description of the Great Empire of Persia ; its Situation, Extent, Distri- bution into Provinces, &c. , collected from the Writings of Herbert, Chardin, Tavernier, Thevenot, Le Brun, and others. View of the Persian History, from the earliest Accounts down to the Present Time, collected from Oriental Writers, and from Greek and Latin Historians. Ysbrants Ides, E. Travels from Mus- covy through Great Ustiga, Siriana, Permia, Siberia, Daour, &c., to the Frontiers of China ; through the Countries of the Mongul Tartars, lying between the Russian and Chinese Empires, the Passage through the Famous Wall, and from thence to the City of Peking, the Capital of China ; with an Account of Peking, and Return from China by Land, 1692-95. Description of Siberia. Kao, Dionysius. A Geographical De- scription of the Extensive Empire of China, and of the Sixteen Provinces into which it is divided. An Authentick Account of what- ever is most remarkable in regard to persons or things throughout the whole Empire of China, with a De- scription of Japan, Corea, Formosa, Tunkin, and Laos, &c. 562 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Harris, Vol. 2 [/>] continued. Description of the Country, History of the Inhabitants, and Account of the present state of the Kingdom of Corea. Account of Part of the North-east Frontier of the Russian Empire, com- monly called the Country' of Kams- chatka or Kamschatska. Behring, Capt. Voyages for Discovery towards the East, 1725-26. Retrospective View of this whole Collec- tion, in which its particular Advantages are explained, and an Account given of the Uses to which the Contents may be applied. Hawkesworth, John. An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for making Dis- coveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Comm. Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook, in the " Dolphin," the "Swallow," and the "Endeavour." Drawn up from the Journals which were kept by the several Commanders, and from the Papers of Joseph Banks, Esq. 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 r 773 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Byron, Comm. Voyage from the Downs to Rio de Janeiro, Port Desire, Patagonia, up the Streight of Magellan to Port Famine and back to Falkland's Islands, Cape Monday, Islands of Disappointment, King George's Is- lands, Islands of Saypan, Tinian, Aguigan, and Timoan, Batavia, Cape of Good Hope to England ; with De- scriptions of the various Islands, 1764-66. Wallis, Capt. Voyage to the Coast of Patagonia, Otaheite, Tinian, Batavia, and the Cape of Good Hope, with Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes West of London, 1766-68. Carteret, Capt. Voyage from Plymouth to Madeira, from thence through the Streight of Magellan to Masafuero, Queen Charlotte's Islands, Egmont Island, Nova Britannia, Mindanao, Celebes, to Batavia, round the Cape of Good Hope to England, with a Table of the Variation of the Compass, 1766-69. VOLUMES 2 AND 3. Cook, Capt. Voyage round the World, 1768-71. Kerr, Robert. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in Systematic Order ; forming a complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, f and Kerr continued. Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the earliest ages to the present time. 18 vols. Maps and charts. 8 Edinburgh, 1811-24 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Voyages and Travels of Discovery, from the Era of King Alfred, in the Ninth Century, to the Era of Don Henry, Prince of Portugal, at the commencement of the Fifteenth Cen- tury : Discoveries in the Time of Alfred. Discovery of Iceland by the Norwegians, in the ninth century. Ohthere, Voyages of, to the White Sea and the Baltic, in the ninth century. Forster, J. R. Remarks on the Situation of Sciringes-heal and Hsethum. Wulfstein. Voyage in the Baltic, as related to King Alfred. Sighelm. Voyage to India, in the reign of Alfred. Erigena, John. Travels to Athens, in the ninth century. Alfred, King. Geography of the Known World. Leucander, And. Travels to Jerusalem, in the eleventh century. Swanus. Voyage to Jerusalem, 1052. Voyage of three Ambassadors from Eng- land to Constantinople, about 1056. Alured. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 1058. Ingulphus. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 1064. Original Discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders, in the ninth century. Early Discovery of Winland, or America, by the Icelanders, 1001. Travels of two Mahometans into India and China, in the ninth century. Benjamin, Rabbi. Travels from Spain to China, in the twelfth century. Travels of an Englishman in Tartary, 1242. Sketch of the Revolutions in Tartary. Carpini, John de Piano. Travels in Tartary, 1246. Rubruquis, W. de. Travels in Tartary, about 1253. Haitho, Prince of Armenia. Travels in Tartary, 1254. Marco Polo. Travels into China and the East, from 1260 to 1295. Oderic of Portenau. Travels into China and the East, 1318. Mandeville, Sir John. Travels into the East, 1322. Pegoletti. Itinerary between Azof and China, 1355. Zeno, Nicolo and Antonio. Voyages, 1380. KERR. 563 Kerr, Vol. i continued. Schildtberger, John. Travels into Tar- tary, 1394. Travels of the Ambassadors of Mirza Shah Rokh, King of Persia, from Herat to Khanlralek, in Kathay, 1419. Quirini, Pietro. Voyage and Travels into Norway, 1431. Barbaro, Josaphat. Travels from Venice to Tanna, now called Asof, 1436. VOLUME 2. Account of various early Pilgrimages from England to the Holy Land, between 1097 and 1107. Discovery of Madeira. Account of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. General Voyages and Travels, chiefly of Discovery, from 1412/0 1760 : Galvano, Ant. Summary of the Dis- coveries of the World, from their first original to 1555. Contarini, Ambrose. Journey from the Republic of Venice to Uzun-Hassan, King of Persia, 1473-76. Voyages of Discovery by the Portuguese along the Western Coast of Africa, during the Life, and under the direction of Don Henry. Cada Mosto and Pedro de Cintra. Original Journals of the Voyages of, to the Coast of Africa, 1455-56. Portuguese Discoveries along the Coast of Africa, from the Death of Don Henry in 1463, to the Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, 1486. Castaneda, Hernan Lopez de. History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portuguese, 1497-1505. Letters from Lisbon in the l>eginning of the Sixteenth Century, respecting the recent Discovery of the Route by Sea to India, and the Indian Trade. VOLUME 3. History of the Discovery of America, and of some of the early Conquests in the New World: Columbus, Christopher. History of the Discovery of America, by Ferdinand Columbus. Account of the Discovery of America, by Antonio de Herrera. Vespucius Americus. Voyages to the New World. Summary of the Discoveries and Settle- ments of the Sjwiiards in the West Indies, from the Death of Columbus to the Expedition of Hernando Cortes against Mexico. Diaz del Castillo, Capt. Bernal. History of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, written in 1568. Kerr continued. VOLUME 4. Diaz del Castello. History of the Dis- covery and Conquest of Mexico, con- tinued. Zarate, Augustino. History of the Dis- covery and Conquest of Peru, by Francisco Pizarro. Early History of Peru, after the Death of F. Pizarro, to the Defeat of Gonzalo Pizarro, and the re-estab- lishment of tranquility in the Country. VOLUME 5. Zarate, A. Early History of Peru, con- tinued. De la Vega, Garcilasso. Early History of Peru, from the restoration of tranquility by Gasca in 1549, to the Death of the Inca Tupac Amaru. History of the Discovery and Conquest of Chili. Discovery of Florida, and Account of the several ineffectual Attempts to Conquer and Settle that Country by the Spaniards, under Juan Ponce de Leon, Panfilo de Narvaez, Cabeza de Vaca, and Ferdinand de Soto, from Herrera's History of America. VOLUME 6. Early English Voyages of Discovery to America : Cabot, Sebastian. Discovery of New- foundland, 1479. Butrigarius, G. Discourse respecting the Discoveries in America by S. Cabot. Thome, Robert. Brief Notice of the Discovery of Newfoundland. Pert, Sir Thomas, and S. Cabot. Voyage to Brazil, St Domingo, and Porto Rico, about 1516. Tison, T. Brief Note of a Voyage to the West Indies, before 1 526. Cartier, Jacques. Voyages from St Maloes to Newfoundland, Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, and New France, 1534-37. Continuation of the Discoveries and Conquests of the Portuguese in the East ; together with some Account of the Voyages of other European Nations to India : Discoveries, &c., of the Portuguese, 1505-1539: F. de Almeyda, Albu- querque, and others. With observa- tions on early Indian trade, &c. Particular Relation of the Expedition of Solyman Pacha from Suez to India, against the Portuguese at Diu, by a Venetian Officer. 564 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Kerr, Vol. 6 continued. Castro,. Don Juan de. Voyage of Don Stefano de Gama from Goa to Suez, in 1540, with the intention of Burning the Turkish Gallies at that Port. Continuation of the Account of the Portuguese Transactions in India, from 1541 to 1617 ; from De Faria's "Asia." VOLUME 7. Account of an Expedition of the Portuguese from India to Madagascar, 1613. Continuation of the Transactions of the Portuguese in India, from 1617-40. A Short Account of the Portuguese Possessions between the Cape of Good Hope and China. Verthema, Ludovico. Voyages and Travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, and India, in 1503-8. Frederic, Caesar. Voyages and Travels in India, &c., 1563-81. Windham, Capt. T. Second Voyage to Barbary, 1552. Windham, Capt., and A. A. Pinteado. Voyage to Guinea and Benin, in 1553. Lok, Capt. John. Voyage to Guinea, 1554. Towerson, W. Voyages to Guinea, 1555-58- Notices of an intended Voyage to Guinea, 1561. Rutter, W. Voyage to Guinea, 1562, with a Supplementary Account. Baker, R. Voyage to Guinea, 1563. Carlet, Capt. D. Voyage to Guinea, 1564. Fenner, G. Voyage to Guinea, and the Cape de Verd Islands, 1566. Hogan, Edm. Account of the Embassy to Morocco, 1577. Roberts, H. Account of the Emljassy from Queen Elizabeth to Morocco, 1585- Welsh, J. Voyages to Benin beyond Guinea, 1588-90. Ingram, Ant. Supplement to Welsh's Voyage to Benin, 1588. Rainolds, R, and T. Dassel. Voyage to the Senegal and Gambia, 1591- Some miscellaneous Early Voyages of the English : Gallant Escape of the " Primrose" from Bilboa in Spain, 1585. Drake, Sir Francis. Voyage to the West Indies, 1585. Evesham, J. Cruising Voyage to the Azores, by Capt. Whiddon, 1586. Drake, Sir F. Brief Relation of Notable Service performed in 1587. Account of the Expedition of the Spanish Armada, 1588. Kerr, Vol. 7 continued. Account of the Relief of a part of the Spanish Armada, at Anstruther in Scotland, 1588. Cumberland, Earl of. Cruising Voyage to the Azores, 1589. Valiant Sea Fight by ten Merchant Ships of London against twelve Spanish Gallies, in the Straits of Gibraltar, 24th April 1590. A Valiant Sea Fight in the Straits of Gibraltar in April 1591, by the "Centurion" of London, against five Spanish Gallies. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Sea Fight near the Azores, between the "Revenge," Man-of-War, commanded by Sir R. Granville, and fifteen Spanish Men-of- War, 3 1st August 1591. Note of the Fleet of the Indies, expected in Spain, 1591, with the number that perished. Flicke, Capt. R. Report of a Cruising Voyage to the Azores in 1591, by a Fleet of London Ships. Exploits of the English in several Expeditions and Cruising Voyages from 1 58910 1592, extracted from Linschoten. Burrough, Sir John. Cruising Voyage to the Azores, 1 592. White, Captain T. The Taking of Two Spanish Ships laden with Quicksilver and the Pope's Bulls, 1592. Downton, Captain Nicholas. Narrative of the Destruction of a Great East India Carak, 1594. List of the Royal Navy of England at the demise of Queen Elizabeth. Early Voyages of the English to the East Indies : Stevens, Thomas. Voyage to Goa, 1579. Fitch, Ralph. Journey to India over- land, 1583, with Supplement. Newbery, John. Letters. VOLUME 8. Eldred, John. Voyage by Sea to Tripoli in Syria, and thence by Land and River to Bagdat and Basora, 1583. Barret, W. Of the Monsoons, or periodical Winds, in India. First Voyage of the English to India, in 1591, begun by Captain G. Raymond, and completed by Capt. J. Lancaster. May, John. Supplementary Account of the Former Voyage. Wood, Benjamin. Unfortunate Voyage towards the East Indies, 1596. Davis, Captain John. Voyage to East Indies, 1598. Adams, W. Voyage to Japan, in 1598, and long Residence in that Island. Michelburne, Sir Edw. Voyage to India, 1604. KERR. 565 Kerr, Vol. %- -continued. First Voyage of the English East India Company, 1601, under the Command of Captain J. Lancaster. Scot, Edm. Account of Java, and of the first Factory of the English at Bantam, 1603-5. Second Voyage, in 1604, under the Command of Sir H. Middleton, to Bantam and the Moluccas. Voyage of Captain Colthurst to Banda. Third Voyage, in 1607, by Captain W. Keeling. Hawkins, W. Narrative of Occurrences during his Residence in the Dominions of the Great Mogul, 1608. Finch, W. Observations of, who ac- companied Captain Hawkins to Surat, and returned overland to England. Middleton, Captain D. Voyage to Ban- tam and the Moluccas, 1607. Fourth Voyage, in 1608, by Captain A. Sharpey. Coverte, R. Relation of this Voyage. Jones, F. , and W. Nichols. Supple- ments to the foregoing Narrative of the same Unfortunate Voyage. Voyage of Capt. R. Rowles to Acheen and Priaman. Fifth Voyage, in 1609, under the Com- mand of Capt. I). Middleton. Occur- rences at Bantam, Booton, and Banda; Contests with Hollanders, &c. Sixth Voyage, in 1610, under the Com- mand of Sir H. Middleton. Incidents of the Voyage till the arrival at Mokha. Transactions at Mokha, and the Treachery of the Turks there, and at Aden. Middleton, Sir Henry. Journey to Zenan, in the Interior of Yemen, or Arabia Felix ; Voyage from the Red Sea to Surat ; Voyage from Surat to Dabul. Downton, Capt. N. Journal of the pre- ceding Voyage, between Saldanha Bay and Socotora, Abdal Kuria, Arabia Felix, Aden, and Mokha, and the treacherous proceedings at both places, &c. Seventh Voyage, in 1611, commanded by Capt. Ant. Hippon. Floris, Peter W. Notices of the preced- ing Voyage. Voyage to Pullicatt, Patapilly, Bantam, Patane, and Siam ; Narrative of Strange Occurrences in Pegu, Siam, Johor, and the adjacent Kingdoms. Voyage to Masulipatam. Eighth Voyage, in 1611, by Capt. John Saris. Incidents of the Voyage to Socotora ; Occurrences at Socotora and in the Red Sea ; Adventures with Sir II. Middleton in the Red Sea. Kerr, Vol. 8 continued. Voyage of Capt. Saris to Japan, with Observations respecting the Dutch and Spaniards at the Molucca Islands, arrival at Firando, and an Account of the Habits, Manners, and Customs of the Japanese. VOLUME 9. Intelligence concerning Jedso, or Jesso, received from a Japanese. Ninth Voyage, in 1612, by Capt. Edw. Marlow. Tenth Voyage, in 1612, by Comm. T. Best. Observations during the Voyage to Surat ; Transactions with the subjects of Mogul ; Occurrences at Acheen, Trade at Tecoo and Passaman ; with the Voyage to Bantam. Whittington, Nicholas. Travels and Adventures in the Mogul Country. Eleventh Voyage, in 1612, in the "Salo- mon." Twelfth Voyage, in 1613, by Capt. Chr. Newport. Observations at St Augus- tine, Mohelia, and divers parts of Arabia ; Proceedings on the Coast of Persia, and Treachery of the Baloches ; Arrival at Diul-ginde, &c. Downton, Capt. Nicholas. Voyage to India, in 1614; Incidents at Saldanha, Socotora, and Swally. Elkington, Capt.'T. Voyage to Surat; with Dodsworth's Observations. Steele, R., and J. Crowther. Journey from Agimere to Ispahan, 1615-16. Peyton, Capt. W. Voyage to India, in 1615 ; Occurrences during the Voyage to Surat, at Calicut and Sumatra ; with the Ports, Cities, and Towns between the Cape of Good Hope and Japan, 1616. Hawes, Roger. Proceedings of the Factory at Cranganore. Roe, Sir Thomas, Ambassador from James I. to Shah Jehanguire, Emperor of Hindostan. Journal of. Terry, Edw. Voyage to India, 1616, with Observations respecting the Dominions of the Great Mogul ; with a Description of the Empire, the People of Hindoostan, their Manners, Customs, Sects, Opinions, Rites, Priests, &c. Coryat, T. Journey from Jerusalem to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-16. Account of the Wrongs dohe to the English at Banda by the Dutch, in 1617-18. Fifth Voyage of the Joint-Stock by the English East India Company, in 1617, under the Command of Capt. Martin Pring. Occurrences on the Voyage out, and at Surat, Bantam, and Jacatra, &c. 566 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Kerr, Vol. 9 continued. Pring, Capt. Voyage from Bantam to Patania and Japan. Voyage "of the "Ann-Royal" from Surat to Mokha, 1618. Swan, R. Journal of a Voyage to Surat and Jasques, 1660. Relation of the War of Ormus, and the Capture of that place by the English and Persians, 1622. Account of the Massacre of Amboina, 1623. Cunningham, James. Observations dur- ing a Residence in the Island of Chusan, in 1701, with some early notices respecting China. VOLUME 10. Historical Account of Early Circum- navigations or Voyages round the World: Magellan, F. Voyage round the World, 1519-22. Drake,. Sir Francis. Voyage round the World, 1577-80. Silva, Nuno da. Voyage from Cape Verd Islands to Guatalco, on the Western Coast of New Spain. Winter, John. Voyage, after parting from Sir F. Drake. Candish, Sir Thomas. Voyage round the World, 1586-88. Second Voyage, intended for the South Sea, 1591. Davis, .Capt. Voyage of the "Desire," after parting with Sir T. Candish. Van Noort, Oliver. Voyage round the Worjd, from Holland, 1598-1601. Weert, Sebald de. Voyage to the South Sea and Straits of Magellan, 1598. Spilbergen, G. Voyage round the World, 1614-17. Schouten, W. C. , and Jacques Le Maire. Voyage round the World, going round Cape Horn, 1615-17. Voyage of the Nassau Fleet round the World, in 1523-26, from Holland, under the Command of Jaques Le Hermite. Cooke, Capt. J., Capt. Cowley, and Capt. W.Dampier. Voyage round the World, 1683-91. Cowley, Capt. Narrative of the Voyage till he quitted the "Revenge" on the Western Coast of America, with continuation. Dampier, Capt. W. Sequel of the Voyage, after the separation of the " ReVenge." Funnel), W. Voyage round the World, 1703-6. Rogers, Capt. Woods, and S. Courtney. Voyage round the World, from England to the Island of Juan Fernandez, on the Kerr, Vol. 10 continued. Western Coast of America, California, and the East Indies, 1708-11. Clipperton, Capt. J. Voyage round the World, from England to Juan Fer- nandez, South Seas, Coast of Mexico to China, Macao, &c. , 1719-22. Shelvocke, Capt. G. Voyage round the World, 1719-22. Betagh, Capt. Observations on the Country and Inhabitants of Peru. VOLUME n. Roggewein, Commodore. Voyage round the World, 1721-23. Anson, Capt. G. Voyage round the World, 1740-44. VOLUME 12. Byron, Commodore. Voyage round the World, from the Downs to Rio de Janeiro, Port Desire, Patagonia, Strait of Magellan, Falkland Islands, &c., into the South Seas, 1764-66. Wallis, Capt. S. Voyage round the World, to Patagonia, Strait of Magellan, Otaheite, Island of Tinian, Cape of Good Hope, &c. , in 1766-68; with a Table of Latitudes and Longitudes West of London. Carteret, Capt. P. Voyage round the World, from Plymouth to Madeira, through the Strait of Magellan, Masa- fuero, Queen Charlotte's Islands, Nova Britannia, Island of Mindanao, &c. , 1766-69 ; with a Table of the Variation of the Compass. Cook, Capt. First Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, 1768-70. VOLUME 13. Cook, Capt. First Voyage towards the South Pole, concluded. Bougainville, Col. Louis de. Abstract of a Voyage round the World, 1766-69. VOLUME 14. Cook, Capt. T- Second Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World, 1772-75. VOLUME 15. Cook, Capt. J. Third Voyage round the World, 1776-80. VOLUME 16. Cook, Capt. J. Third Voyage, con- tinued. VOLUME 17. Cook, Capt. J. Third Voyage, con- cluded. Byron, Hon. J. Narrative of the Ship- wreck of the "Wager" in the South Seas, and the subsequent Adventures of her Crew. Bulkeley, J., and J. Cummins. Voyage to the South Seas in 1740-41, contain- KERR LAFOND LAHARPE. 567 Kerr, Vol. \T-continued. ing a faithful Narrative of the Loss of H.M.S. the "Wager." VOLUME 18. Stevenson, W. Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the earliest Records to the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. Catalogue of Voyages and Travels. Knox, J. New Collection. See p. 607. Lafond de Lurcy, Capt. Gabriel. Voy- ages autour du Monde, et Naufrages celebres. 8 vols. Portraits and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1844 CONTENTS. Vols. i , 2. Voyages clans 1'Amerique Espagiiole pendant les Guerres de 1'Independance. Vol. 3. Voyages dans les isles Marquises et dans celles de la Societe. Vol. 4. Voyages dans les isles Sandwich, dans celles des Philippines, et en Chine. Vol. 5. Voyages en Chine, dans la Malaisie et les iles Moluques. Vol. 6. Naufrage de Drury a Mada- gascar ; Naufrage de ' ' 1' Arabe " et Aventures d'un Jeune Parisien. Vol. 7. Description de 1'Afrique Meri- dionale ; Naufrage des Navires ' ' 1' Aber- crombie- Robinson " et le "Waterloo" dans la rade du Cap de Bonne-Esper- ance : George Barlow, Sarah Mac- farlane, et John Murray ; Histoire de Naufrage du Brick " la Nossa-Senhora- da-Conceicao," sur les Cotes du Sahara; Residence et Excursions dans 1'Empire du Maroc. Vol. 8. Naufrage sur les Cotes du Sahara, continue ; Voyage et Naufrage du u Candida " dans la Polynesie. Laharpe, J. F. Abrege de 1'Histoire Gene- rale des Voyages [Prevost's], contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile et de mieux avere dans les pays ou les Voyageurs ont penetre ; les Mceurs des Habitans, la Religion, les Usages, Arts et Sciences, Commerce et Manufactures. 24 vols. 8 Paris, 1816 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Afrique. Decouvertes et Conquetes des Portuguais. Gama, Cabral, Albu- querque. Voyages des Anglais sur les Cotes d'Afrique, dans les Indes, et dans la Mer Rouge ; de les Iles Canaries. Voyages att Senegal et sur les Cotes d'Afrique jusqu'a Sierra- Leone. Cada- mosto, Andre Brue. Laharpe continued. VOLUME 2. Afrique. Voyages au Senegal jusqu'a Sierra Leone. Voyages sur la Cote de Guinee. Con- quetes de Dahomey. Villault, Atkins, Smith, Snelgrave. VOLUME 3. Afrique. Congo. Cap de Bonne-Esper- ance ou Hottentots. Monomotapa. Asie. Iles de la Mer des Indes. Voyage et Infortunes de F. Pyrard. lies Maldives, Ceylan, Sumatra, Java, Batavia, Borneo, Moluques, Timor, Celebes, Philippines, Marianes. VOLUME 4. Asie. Voyages et Aventures de Mendez- Pinto. Naufrage de G. Bontekoe. Continent de 1'Inde. Cote de Malabar, Surate, Goa, Golconde, Coromandel, Guzarate, Camlraye, et Visapour. Voy- age de T. Rhoe dans 1'Indostan. VOLUME 5. Continent de 1'Inde. Voyage de Taver- nier dans 1'Indostan. Voyage de Bernier a Cachemire. Partie Orientale des Indes. Arrakan, Pegu, Boutan, Azem, Cochinchine, Tonquin. Voyage du Pere Tachard a Siam. Observations sur la royaume de Siam, tirees des Memoires de Forbin. Voyage d'Occum Chamnam. VOLUME 6. Partie Orientale des Indes, Siam. Histoire naturelle des Indes. Precis de differens Voyages a la Chine, depuis le treizieme siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Voyages, Negociations et Enterprises des Hollandais a la Chine. Voyages de Navarrette ; Missions de Jesuites. Ambassade Russe. Observa- tions tirees de Gemelli Carreri et autres voyageurs. Description des quinze provinces de la Chine. VOLUME 7. Mceurs des Chinois ; Division de la Nation en differentes classes, Com- merce, Arts, Sciences, Histoire, Morale, Langage ; Confucius ou Konfut-tsee, Religion, Gouvernement, &c. VOLUME 8. Histoire Naturelle de la Chine. De la Coree. Tartarie Chinoise, Tartares Mantchous ; Mogols noirs, Mogols jaunes ou Kalkas. Tartarie Independante. Tartares Eleuths ou Kalmouks. Thibet. Pays des Usbecks, Turkestan. 568 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Laharpe, Vol. 8 continued. Siberia. Voyage de Gmelin. Samoiedes et Ostiaks, par un Anonyme. Voyage de M. 1'Abbe Chappe. Japon. Voyage de Kaempfer, Gouverne- ment, Mceurs, Religion, et Histoire naturelle des Japonais. VOLUME 9. Amerique. Premieres Decouvertes et Premiers Etablissemens Espagnols dans le Nouveau- Monde. Christophe Col- omb. Nouvelles Decouvertes et nouveaux Crimes ; Vasco Nugnez, Las Casas. Mexique. Hernandez de Cordove, De- couverte de 1'Yucatan. Fernancl Cortez. Decouverte du Mexique. VOLUME 10. Amerique. Mexique. Prise de Mexico. Nouvelle-Espagne, ou Description du Mexique. Perou. Decouverte et Conquete du Perou par F. Pizarre et Don Diegue d'Almagro, avec Descrip- tion. VOLUME n. Amerique. Perou. Origine des Incas, Mceurs des Peruviens modernes et des Creoles. Details sur les Anciens Peruviens. Mines et Montagnes. Voyage des Mathematiciens Franais et Espagnols aux Montagnes de Quito. Retour de M. de La Condamine par la Riviere des Amazones. Amerique Meridionale. Tierra-Firme, Rio de la Plata, Guiane, Histoire Naturelle, depuis FLsthme de Panama jusqu'au Bresil. VOLUME 12. Amerique. Bresil. Etablissemens, De- scription, et Histoire Naturelle du Bresil. Amerique Septentrionale. Floride. Colonies Anglaises. Nouvelle-Angle- terre, Nouvelle - York, Caroline, Georgie. VOLUME 13. Amerique. Colonies Francaises. Baie d'Hudson, lie Royale, Canada ou Nouvelle-France. Caractere, Usages, Religion, Moeurs, des Habitans, et Histoire Naturelle de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. Observations particu- lieres sur les Pays les plus eloignes vers le Nord. VOLUME 14. Amerique. Antilles. Moeurs des Cara'i- bes. Saint-Domingue, La Martinique, La Guadeloupe, La Grenade, Sainte- Lucie. Commerce des iles Francaises. Saint-Christophe, Jamaique, Barbade, Antigoa, Montserrat, Nevis, La Bar- boude, Anguilla. Histoire Naturelle des Antilles. Laharpe continued. VOLUME 15. Voyages autour du Monde et aux Poles. Voyages au Sud-Ouest. Magellan, Drake, Sarmiento, Candish, Sebald de Weert, Spilberg, Noort, Le Maire, Wood Rogers, Dampier, Gemelli-Carreri, La Barbinais le Gentil, Anson. Voyages au Nord-Ouest et au Nord-Est. VOLUME 16. Islande. Iles de Jean Mayen. Nouvelle- Zemble. Kamschatka, climat, miner- aux, animaux. VOLUME 17. Kamschatka. Habitans. Decouverte et Conquete par les Russes, leur Com- merce avec ce pays, Vocabulaire. Greenland. Glaces, Climat, Mineraux, Vegetaux, Betes, Oiseaux, Poissons, et Habitans. VOLUME 18. Annales, ou Histoire civile du Greenland. Premiers etablissemens Danois, jusqu'a 1740. Nouveaux Voyages dans la Mer du Sud. Byron, Carteret, Wallis, Bougainville. VOLUME 19. Nouveaux Voyages dans la Mer du Sud. Cook. VOLUME 20. Cook. Second Voyage. VOLUME 21. Cook. Second Voyage continue. Extrait de 1'Ouvrage de J. R. Forster, intitule " Observations faites pendant un Voy- age autour du Monde," &c. VOLUMES 22-24. Cook. Troisieme Voyage. Linschoten, John Hughen van. Dis- course of Voyages into the East and West Indies. [Wants general title.] Maps. Folio 1 598 First Booke. Travailles into the East or Portingales Indies, The He Mada- gascar, Mossambique, Arabia Felix, Ormus, Cambaia, of the Coast of India, from Goa to the Cape de Comoriin, Malabar, the Islands called Maldyua, Seylon, the Coast of Chora- mandel, Bengalen and the River Ganges, the Coasts and Lands of Aracan, Pegu and Sian to the Cape of Singapura, and the towne of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java Major, Maluco, Borneo, Manillios or Philip- pinas, China, Japan, a Description of the Hands of St Helena, Ascention, the Canaria, and the Acores. Second Booke. The true and perfect Description of the whole Coast of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Monomo- tapa, and right over against them the Cape of S. Augustin in Brasilia, with LINSCHOTEN NAVARETTE PELHAM. 569 Linschoten, Book 2 continued. the compasse of the whole Ocean Seas, together with the Hands, as S. Thomas, S. Helena, and the Ascention, &c. Thirde Booke. The Navigation of the Portingales into the East Indies, con- taining their Travels by Sea, into East India, and from the East Indies into Portingall, also from the Portingall Indies to Malacca, China, Japon, the Hands of Java and Sunda, lx>th to and fro, and from China to the Spanish Indies, as also of the Coast of Brasilia, and the Havens thereof. Fourth Booke. A most true and cef taine extract and summarie of all the Rents, Demaines, Tolles, Taxes, Impostes, Tributes, Tenthes, third-pennies, and incommings of the King of Spain. Navarette, Don Martin Fernandez de. Coleccion de los Viages y Descubri- mientos, que hicieron por Mar los Espanoles desde fines del Siglo XV., con varios Documentos ineditos con- cernientes a la Historia de la Marina Castellana y de los Establecimientos Espanoles en Indias. 5 vols. Maps. Small 4 Madrid, 1825-37 Vol. I. Colon, Almir. D. Cristobal. Relaciones, Cartas, y otros Docu- mentos, concernientes a los cuatro Viages para el Descubrimiento de las Indias Occidentales. Vol. 2. Documentos de Colon y de las Primeras Poblaciones, anos 1474-1515. Vol. 3. Viages Menores, 1495-1595- Las Cuatro Navegaciones de Americo Vespucio. Establecimientos de los Espanoles en el Darien. Suple- mento al Tomo 2. Vol. 4. Expedicionesal Maluco. Viage de Magallanes y de Elcano, anos 1518-24. Vol. 5. Expedicionesal Maluco. Viages de Loaisa, y de Saavedra, anos 1522- '537- French Translation of the part relat- ing to the Voyages of Columbus. 3 vols. 8 U Paris, 1828 Pelham, Cavendish. The World, or the Present State of the Universe : being a General and Complete Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels, selected, arranged, and digested from the Narra- tives of the latest and most Authentic Travellers and Navigators. 2 vols. Maps, and plates. 4 1 808-10 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Sonnini, C. S. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, abridged. Park, Mungo. Travels into the Interior Districts of Africa, in 1795-97. Pelham, Vol. i continued. Cook, Capt. James. Strictures on the Life of, and on his First and Second Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere. Cooke, Clerke, and Gore, Captains. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, in 1776-80. Vancouver, Capt. George. Voyage of Discovery of the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World, in 1790-95. Wilson, W. Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific Ocean, in 1796-98, in the ship "Duff." Staunton, Sir George. Account of the Earl of Macartney's Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. Philip, Governor. Voyage to Botany Bay, with an Account of the Estab- lishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island ; to which are added the Journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall. Hodges, William. Travels in India during 1780-83. VOLUME 2. La Perouse. Voyage round the World during 1785-88. Labillardiere, M. Voyage in Search of La Perouse, in 1791-93. Lesseps, M. de. Travels in Kamtschatka, in 1787-88. Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel. Voyage round the World, but more parti- cularly to the North-West Coast of America, in 1786-88, abridged. Rochon, Abbe. Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. Volney, C. F. Travels through Syria and Egypt, in 1783-85. Dillon, J. Talbot. Travels through Spain, with Notes and Observations from a Tour through Spain and Portugal in 1803, by C. A. Fischer. Link, H. F. Travels in Portugal. Stollxjrg, Count F. L. Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Brie, J De. Appendix to Stolberg's Travels, extracted from a Journey in Moravia and Bohemia, in 1804. Dutens, J. V. Travels in Upper and Lower Hungary, Transylvania, Scla- vdnia, Croatia, and Morlachia, in 1806. Coxe, W. Travels in Poland. Nowel, T. Travels in Denmark, Nor- way, and Sweden, in 1801. Tooke, W. View of the Russian Empire. Symes, M. Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, in 1795- 57o APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Pelham, Vol. 2 continued. Franklin, W. Observations made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in 1786-87, with an Account of the Remains of the Palace of Persepolis. Jackson, J. Journey from India towards England in 1797, through Curdistan, Diarbekr, Armenia, and Natolia, in Asia ; and Romelia, Bulgaria, Wal- lachia, Transylvania, &c., in Europe. General Geographical Description of trie World. Phillips, Sir Richard. A Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels, containing: i. Translations from Foreign Languages of Voyages and Travels never before translated ; 2. Original Voyages and Travels never before published ; 3. Analysis of New Voyages and Travels published in Eng- land, [i sf Series.] iivols. Maps and plates. [Published by Sir Richard Phillips.] 8 1805-10 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Cassas, L. F. Travels in Istria and Dalmatia, 1702, drawn up from the Itinerary by Joseph Lavellee. Trans- lated from the French. Kiittner, C. Gottlob. Travels through Denmark, Sweden, Austria, and part of Italy, 1798-99. Translated from the German. Michaux, F. A. Travels to the West- ward of the Allegany Mountains, in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, 1802. Translated from the French. An Itinerary from London to Constanti- nople, in 60 days, taken in the suite of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Porte, 1794. Woodward, Capt. David. Narrative of the Sufferings of, and four Seamen, who lost their ship while in a boat at sea, and surrendered themselves to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes, 1 804. Kotzebue, Aug. Von. Journey from Ber- lin through Switzerland to Paris, 1804. Tuckey, J. H. Account of a Voyage to establish a Colony at Port Philip, in Bass's Strait, on the South Coast of New South Wales, 1802-4. VOLUME 2. Olafsen and Povelsen. Travels in Ice- land, 1 800- 1. Translated from the Danish. St Vincent, J. B. G. M. Bory de. Voyage to, and Travels through the Four Principal Islands of the African Seas [Canaries, Teneriffe, IsleofFrance, Isle of Bourbon], 1801 -2 ; with a Narra- tive of the Passage of Capt. Bauclin to Port Louis in the Mauritius. Phillips [i], Vol. 2 continued. Gleanings of a Wanderer in various parts of England, Scotland, and North Wales, made during an Excursion in 1804. Holcroft, Thomas. Travels from Ham- burgh, through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris. VOLUME 3. Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels through the Morea, Albania, and several other parts of the Ottoman Empire to Constantinople, 1798-1801. Translated from the French. Mangourit, M. O. B. Travels in Hanover, 1803-4, containing an Account of the P'orm of Government, Religion, Agri- culture, Commerce, and Natural His- tory of the country. Fischer, Christian Aug. Letters written during a Journey to Montpellier, 1804. Spain and Portugal, A Tour through the Principal Provinces of, 1803 ; with cursory Observations on the Manners of the Inhabitants. Journal of a Tour in Ireland, 1804 ; with Remarks on the Character, Manners, and Customs of the Inhabitants. Carr, John. A Northern Summer ; or, Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany, 1804. Turnbull, John. Voyage round the World, 1800-4. VOLUME 4. Durand, J. P. L. Voyage to Senegal ; or, Historical, Philosophical, and Political Memoirs relative to the Discoveries, Establishments, and Commerce of Europeans in the Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Blanco to the River of Sierra Leone ; to which is added an Account of a Journey from Isle St Louis to Galam, 1785-86. Depons, F. Travels in parts of South America, 1801-4. A Tour in Wales, and several Counties of England, including both the Uni- versities, 1805. Kotzebue, Aug. v. Travels through Italy, 1804-5. VOLUME 5. Sarytschew, Gawrila. Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia, the Frozen Ocean, and the North-East Sea, 1785. Translated from the Russian. Reuilly, J. Travels in the Crimea, and along the Shores of the Black Sea, 1803. Translated from the French. Fischer, C. A. Travels to Hyeres, in the South of France, 1806. Translated from the German. PHILLIPS. 571 Phillips [i], Vol. 5 continued. A Tour through the Island of Riigen, in the Baltic, 1805. By a Temporary Inhabitant. Translated from the German. Helms, Anthony Z. Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi to Lima ; with Notes by the Translator. An Account of a Voyage to India, China, &c., in H.M.S. "Caroline," 1803-5, with Descriptive Sketches and cursory remarks. By an Officer of the " Caro- line." Carr, John. Stranger in Ireland, or a Tour in the Southern and Western Parts of that country, 1805. VOLUME 6. Du Lac, Perrin. Travels through the Two Louisianas, and among the Savage Nations of the Missouri ; also in the United States, along the Ohio, and the adjacent Provinces, 1801-3. Trans- lated from the French. Sarytschew, G. Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia. Vol. 2. Reinbeck, G. Travels from St Peters- burgh through Moscow, Grodno, War- saw, Breslaw, &c. , to Germany, 1805. Translated from the German. Lewis and Clark, Captains, Dr Sibley, and Mr Dunbar. Travels in the Interior Parts of America, communi- cating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita; with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent, 1805. Spilsbury, F. B. Account of a Voyage to the West Coast of Africa by H. M. Sloop " Favourite," 1805. WaVing, Edw. Scott. Tour to Sheeraz, by the Route of Kazroon and Feeroz- abad, 1802 ; with Remarks on the Manners, &c., of the Persians. Salvo, Marquis de. Travels from Italy to England, through the Tyrol, Styria, Bohemia, Gallicia, Poland, and Li- vonia, 1806. VOLUME 7. Millin, A. L. Travels through the Southern Departments of France, 1804-5. Seume, J. G. Tour through part of Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, &c., 1805. Translated from the German. Heriot, George. Travels through the Canadas, containing a Description of the Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes, &c. ; to which is sub- joined a comparative view of the Manners and Customs of several of Phillips [i] Vol. 7 continued. the Indian Nations of North and South America. VOLUME 8. St Sauveur, A. G. de. Travels through the Balearic and Pithiusian Islands, 1 80 1 -6. Translated from the French. Campenhausen, Baron. Travels through several Provinces of the Russian Empire, with an Historical Account of the Zaporog Cossacks, and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia, and the Crimea, about 1805. Carr, Sir John. Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany, 1806. Williams, T. Travels through France during 1802-6. Semple, R. Observations on a Journey through Spain and Italy to Naples, 1805. VOLUME 9. Bourgoing, J. F. Travels in Spain, containing a New, Accurate, and Comprehensive View of the State of that country, down to 1806. Travels from Paris through Switzerland and Italy, 1801-2 ; with Sketches of the Manners and Characters of the respective Inhabitants. By a Native of Pennsylvania. VOLUME 10. Bolingbroke, Henry. Voyage to the Demerary, containing a Statistical Account of the Settlements there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other contiguous rivers of Guyana, 1799. Ashe, Thomas. Travels in America, 1 806, for the purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. Collins, Francis. Voyages to Portugal, Spain, Sicily, Malta, Asia Minor, Egypt, &c., 1796-1801, with an His- torical Sketch, and occasional reflec- tions. Journal of a Tour to the Western Counties of England, 1807. By the Author of "A Tour in Ireland." VOLUME 11. Peron, M. F. Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, 1801-4. Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, 1802-6. Keith, Sir G. M., Bart. Voyage to South America and the Cape of Good Hope, 1805-6. Macdonald, James. Travels through Denmark and part of Sweden, 1 809. 572 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Phillips, Sir Richard. A Collection of Modern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels. [2nd Series.} 6 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1810 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Durand, J. P. L. Voyage to Senegal, 1785-86. Depons, F. Travels in Parts of South America, 1801-4. A Tour in Wales, and through several Counties of England, 1805. VOLUME 2. Travels from Paris through Switzerland and Italy, 1801-2. By a Native of Pennsylvania. Bourgoing, J. F. Travels in Spain, 1806. VOLUME 3. Campenhausen, Baron. Travels through several Provinces of the Russian Em- pire. St Sauveur, A. G. de. Travels through the Balearic and Pithiusian Islands, 1801-6. Carr, Sir John. Tour through Holland, 1806. Williams, T. Travels through France, 1802-6. VOLUME 4. Peron, M. F. Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, 1801-4. Valentia, Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abys- sinia, and Egypt, 1802-6. VOLUME 5. Bolingbroke, Henry. Voyage to the Demerary, 1799. Ashe, T. Travels in America, 1806. Journal of a Tour in the Western Counties of England, 1807. By the Author of " A Tour in Ireland." VOLUME 6. Macdonald, J. Travels through Den- mark and part of Sweden, 1809. Seume, J. G. Tour through part of Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, &c., 1805. Sarytschew, G. Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia, 1785. A Tour through the Island of Rligen, in the Baltic, 1805. By a Temporary Inhabitant. Mangourit, M. O. B. Travels in Hanover, 1803-4. Spain and Portugal, A Tour through the Principal Provinces of, 1803. Collins, F. Voyages to Portugal, Spain, Sicily, Malta, Asia Minor, Egypt, &e. , 1796-1801. Semple, R. Journey through Spain and Italy. Phillips, Sir Richard. New Voyages and Travels, consisting of Originals and Translations. [yd Series.} 9 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1819-23 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Fisher, Alex. Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions, 1818, in H.M.S. " Alexander," W. E. Parry, Commander. Prior, James. Voyage in the Indian Seas, in the " Nisus " Frigate, to the Cape of Good Hope, Isles of Bourljon, France, and Seychelles, to Madras, and the Isles of Java, St Paul, and Amsterdam, 1810-11. Chateauvieux, F. Lillin de. Travels in Italy, descriptive of the Rural Manners and Economy of that country, 1812-13. Forbin, Count de. Travels in Greece, Turkey, and the Holy Land, 1817-18. Fitzclarence, Lt.-Col. Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to England, 1817-18. Abridged. Bowdich, T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, 1817. Abridged. Rose, W. S. Letters from Italy. Abridged. Macmichel, W. Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, 1817-18. Abridged. Hoare, Sir R. C. Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily, 1790. Abridged. Baillie, Marianne. First Impressions, or a Tour upon the Continent, 1818. Abridged. Russell, G. Tour through Sicily, 1815. Abridged. VOLUME 2. Forbin, Count de. Travels in Egypt : being a continuation of the Travels in the Holy Land, 1817-18. M'Keevor, Thomas. Voyage to Hud- son's Bay, 1812 ; containing a particular Account of the Icebergs and other phenomena which present themselves in those Regions, also a Description of the Esquimeaux and North American Indians. Freminville's Voyage towards the North Pole, 1806. Dumont, P. J. Narrative of Thirty- Four Years' Slavery and Travels in Africa. Collected from the account delivered by himself, by J. S. Quesne. Portenger, Henderick. Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of a Private Soldier of the late Swiss Regiment de Mueron, who was wrecked on the Shores of Abyssinia, in the Red Sea, 1802. By R. de May. Burckhardt, M. Some Account of the Travels of, in Egypt and Nubia. From the Calcutta Journal. PHILLIPS. 573 Phillips [3], Vol. 2 continued. Prior, James. Voyage along the Eastern Coast of Africa to Mosambique, Johanna, and Quiloa, to St Helena ; to Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Per- nambuco, in Brazil, in the "Nisus" frigate, 1813. Cordova, Adm. Don A. de. Voyage of Discovery to the Strait of Magellan ; with an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, and of the Natural Productions of Patagonia. Translated from the Spanish. VOLUME 3. Sanson, Joseph. Travels in Lower Canada, 1817 ; with Recollections of the Soil and Aspect, the Morals, Habits, and Religious Institutions of that country. Cornelius, Elias. Tour in Virginia, Ten- nessee, &c., 1818. Graham, William. Travels through Portugal and Spain during the Penin- sular War, 1812-14. Bowring, J. Observations on the State of Religion and Literature in Spain, made during a Journey through the Peninsula in 1819. Castellan, A. L. Letters on Italy, 1820. Brackenridge, H. M. Voyage to Buenos Ayres, 1817-18. Waller, John Augustine. Voyage in the West Indies ; containing various Obser- vations made during a Residence in Barbadoes and several of the Leeward Islands ; with some Notices and Illus- trations relative to the city of Para- maralx), in Surinam, 1807. VOLUME 4. Gourbillon, M. Travels in Sicily and to Mount Etna, 1819. Sommieres, Col. L. C. Vialla de. Travels in Montenegro, containing a Topo- graphical, Picturesque, and Statistical Account of that hitherto undescrilxid Country, 1 806. Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels in Epirus, Albania, Macedonia, and Thessaly, 1805. Schoolcraft, Henry R. Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw, from Potosi, or Mine a Burton, in a south-west direction toward the Rocky Mountains, 1818-19. Rey, Capt. Voyage from France to Cochin China, 1819-20. Kellsall, Charles. Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino, 1820. VOLUME 5. Hallberg, Baron von. Sentimental Sketches, written during a Journey through the North of Germany, Den- mark, Sweden, and Norway, alxnit 1820. Translated from the German. Phillips [3], Vol. 5 continued. Madras. A Visit to Madras : being a Sketch of the Local and Characteristic Peculiarities of that Presidency, 1811. Travideani, or Aveiro, Signor. Letters from Africa, to Canova, 1818-20. Friedlander, Herman. Views in Italy, during a Journey in 1815-16. Montule, Edward de. Travels in Egypt, 1818-19. Parry, Capt. Voyage of Discovery in the Western Arctic Sea, 1819-20. Letters written by an Officer of the Expedition. Haafner, J. Travels on foot through the Island of Ceylon. Translated from the Dutch. VOLUME 6. Kotzebue, Otto von. Voyage of Dis- covery in the South Sea, and to Behring Straits, in search of a North- East Passage, 1815-18. Saussure, L. A. Necker de. Travels in Scotland, descriptive of the State of Manners, Literature, and Science. Translated from the French. Switzerland and France, Letters from, written during a Residence of between two and three years in different parts of those countries. Diary of a Journey Overland through the Maritime Provinces of China, from Manchao, on the South Coast of Hainan, to Canton, 1819-20. VOLUME 7. Michailow, a Russian captive. Adven- tures among the Kalmucs, Kirghiz, and Kiwenses. Voyage to St Petersburg in 1814, with Remarks on the Imperial Russian Navy. By a Surgeon in the British Navy. Cailliaud, M. Frederic. Travels in the Oasis of Thebes, and in the Deserts situated East and West of the Thebaid, 1815-18. Edited by M. Jomard-. Translated from the French. Drovetti, Chev. Itinerary of an Excur- sion to the Valley of Dakel, 1818, with a previous Itinerary from Syout to Dongolah and Darfour. Simond, L. Travels in Switzerland, 1817-19. Translated from the French. Silliman, Benj. Tour to Quebec, 1819. Dupin, Charles. Tour through the Naval and Military Establishments of Great Britain, 1816-20. Translated from the French. VOLUME 8. Pertusier, Charles. Picturesque Promen- ades in and near Constantinople, and on the Waters of the Bosphorus, 1820. Miiller, Christian. Journey through Greece and the Ionian Islands, 1821. 574 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Phillips [3], Vol. 8 continued. Lelorrain, M. Journey in Egypt, 1821, and Observations on the Circular Zodiac of Denderah, by M. Saulnier. Saussure, L. A. Necker de. Voyage to the Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland ; with Observations on the Manners and Customs of the High- landers, 1822. A Sketch of Old England, by a New England Man, 1822. Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in the Countries between Alexandria and Parsetonium, the Lybian Desert, Siwa, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, 1821. VOLUME 9. Roquefeuil, Camille de. Voyage round the World, 1816-19. Montule, E. Voyage to North America and the West Indies, 1817. Cochelet, Charles. Narrative of the Shipwreck of the "Sophia," 1819, on the Western Coast of Africa, and of the Captivity of a part of the Crew in the Desert of Sahara. Montemont, Albert. Tour over the Alps, and in Italy, 1820. Misrah, Mahomed. Narrative of a Journey from Egypt to the Western Coast of Africa, 1821. Scott, Alex. Account of the Captivity of, among the Wandering Arabs of the Great African Desert, for a Period of nearly Six Years, 1810-16. Rennell, Major J. Observations on the Geography of Mr Scott's Routes in North Africa. Cramp, W. B. Narrative of a Voyage to India ; of a Shipwreck on Board the " Lady Castlereagh " ; and a Descrip- tion of New South Wales, 1815-21. Forbin, Count de. Recollections of Sicily, 1820. Pinkerton, John. A General Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World, many of which are now first translated into English. I7vols. Maps and plates. 4 1808-14 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. EUROPE. Willoughby, Sir Hugh, and others. Voyages to the Northern Parts of Russia and Siberia. Three Voyages of the Dutch to the North of Europe. Pontanus, J. I. Dissertation concerning the North- East Passage. Regnard's Journey to I^apland, &c. Maupertius's Journey to the Polar Circle. Outhier's Journal of a Voyage to the North. Pinkerton, Vol. \-continued. Ehrenmalm, M. Arwid. Travels into Western Nordland, &c. Leems's Account of Danish Lapland. Allison's Voyage from Archangel. Samoiedia, A New Account of, and the Samoiedes. Spitsbergen, Journal of Seven Seaman left at. Phipps's Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole. Le Roy's Narrative of four Russian Sailors cast upon the Island of East Spitsljergen. Backstrom's Voyage to Spitsbergen. Von Troil's Letters on Iceland. Kerguelen's Voyage to the North. Cumberland, Earl of. Voyage to the Azores. Raleigh's Report of an Engagement near the Azores. De Chaste's Voyage to Tercera. VOLUME 2. EUROPE. Gonzales. Voyage to England and Scotland. Shaw's Tour to the West of England. Bray, W. Sketch of a Tour into Derby- shire. Ferter's Oryctography of Derbyshire. Moritz, C. P. Travels through several parts of England. Skrine's Tour through Wales. Malkin's Tour through Wales. Hassell's Tour to the Isle of Wight. Heath's Account of the Islands of Scilly. Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man. VOLUME 3. EUROPE. Pennant, T. Two Tours in Scotland. Garnet's Account of the Drosacks. Martin's Description of the Western Islands. Martin's Voyage to St Kilda. Mackenzie, Sir Geo. Account of Hirta and Rona. Brand's Description of the Orkneys and Shetland. Young's Tour in Ireland, An Abstract of. Hamilton's Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland. VOLUME 4. EUROPE. Lister's Journey to Paris, 1698. Young's Travels in France. Saussure's Attempts to reach the Sum- mit of Mont Blanc. Ramond's Journey to the Summit of Mount Perdu. VOLUME 5. EUROPE. Spallanzani's Travels in Italy. Dolomieu's Account of the Earthquakes of Calabria in 1783. Bourgoanne's Travels in Spain. Coxe's Travels in Switzerland. PINKERTON. 575 Pinkerton continued. VOLUME 6. EUROPE. Riesbeck's Travels through Germany. Coxe's Travels in Denmark. Travels in Norway. Travels in Russia. Portia's Travels in Sweden. VOLUME 7. ASIA. Benjamin, Rabbi, Travels of. Rubruquis, Travels of. Marco Polo, Travels of. Travels of Two Mahometans. NieuhofT's Travels in China. Bell's Travels in Asia. Hamel's Travels in Korea. Tibet, A Description of. Goez, Travels from Lahor to China. Tibet, Travels through, by several Mis- sionaries. Caron's Account of Japan. Japan, Diary on the Coast of, 1673. Kempfer's History of Japan. VOLUME 8. ASIA. Roe, Sir Thomas, Ambassador to the Great Mogul, Journal of. Bernier's Voyage to the East Indies. Tavernier's Voyages, Extract from, con- cerning the Diamond Mines. Hamilton's Account of the East Indies. Low's Discovery of the Banians. Buchanan's Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. VOLUME 9. ASIA. Delle Valle, Pietro. Travels in Persia, Extracts from. Chardin's Travels in Persia, Abstracts from. Persia, Description, from Harris's Col- lection. Francklin's Tour in the South of Persia. Forster's Travels, Extracts from, con- cerning the Northern Parts of Persia. Tartary, Accounts of Independent. Jenkinson's Travels to Bucharia. Balbi's Voyage to Pegu. Fitch's Voyage to Pegu, &c. Symes's Embassy to Ava. Turpin's History of Siam. Baron's Description of Tonqueen. Richard's History of Tonquin. Bovis's History of Cochin China. VOLUME 10. ASIA. Niebuhr's Travels in Arabia. Blount's Voyage to the Levant. Dandini's Voyage to Mount Libanus. Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Cairo, Journey from, to Mount Sinai. Pococke, Dr. Travels in the East. VOLUME u. ASIATIC ISLANDS. Dampier's Account of the Philippines. Guignes, M. de. Observations on the Philippine Islands, and the Isle of France. Pinkerton, Vol. n continued. Beeckman's Voyage to Borneo. Stavorinus. Account of Java and Batavia, from the Voyages of Stavorinus. Account of Celebes, Amboyna, &c. , from the Voyages of Stavorinus. Pigafetta's Voyage round the World. Pigafetta, Antonio. Treatise on Navi- gation, Extracts from. Brosses, President de. Australasia, Intro- ductory Observations from the Work of. Pelsart's Voyage to Australasia. Tasman's Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Countries. Dampier's Account of New Holland. Cook's, Capt., Voyages, Abstract of. Peron, M. Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. VOLUME 12. NORTH AMERICA. Colon's Discovery of the West Indies. America, Discoveries made by the En- glish in, from the Reign of Henry VII. to the Close of that of Queen Elizabeth. Frobisher's Three Voyages for the Dis- covery of the North-West Passage, in 1576-78, with a Description of the Country and People. Virginia, Discovery of, and Voyages to. Cartier's Discovery of the Island of New France. VOLUME 13. NORTH AMERICA. Smith's History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. Lahontan's Travels in Canada. America, Memoirs of North. Kalm's Travels in North America. Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in 1759- 1760. VOLUME 14. SOUTH AMERICA. Betagh's Account of Peru. Ovalle's Historical Relation of Chili. Condamine's Travels in South America. Bouguer's Voyage to Peru. Ulloa's Voyage to South America. Nieuhoft's Voyages and Travels into Brazil. VOLUME 15. AFRICA. Lolio, Father Jerome. Voyage to Abys- sinia. Poncet's Journey to Abyssinia. Browne's Journey to Dar-Fur. Pococke's Travels in Egypt. Addison's Account of West Barbary. Windhuss's Journey to Mequinez. Shaw's Travels in Barbary. Lempriere's Tour to Morocco. Allatif, Abd. Relation respecting Egypt. VOLUME 16. AFRICA. Thunberg's Account of the Cape of Good Hope. Angelo and Carli's Voyage to Congo. Merolla's Voyage to Congo. 576 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Pinkerton, Vol. 16 continued. Battel, Andrew, Strange Adventure of, sent by the Portuguese Prisoner to Angola. Bonnan's Description of the Coast of Guinea. Proyart's History of Loango, Kakonga, and other Kingdoms in Africa. Adanson's Voyage to Senegal, the Island of Goree, and the River Gambia. Santos' History of Eastern Ethiopia. Rochon's Voyage to Madagascar. Glas's History of the Canary Islands. Park's Travels in Africa. VOLUME 17. Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of Discovery, by Sea and Land, in Ancient, Modern, and most Recent Times. Critical Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels. General Index. Prevost, Abbe. Histoire generate des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre, qui ont ete publiees jusqu'& present dans les differentes Langues de toutes les Nations connues, &c. 20 vols. [No. 17 is a Supplement, printed in Amsterdam in 1761 ; and Nos. 18, 19, and 20 are in continuation of the work. ] Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1746-89 [ The first ^ vols. are practically a trans- lation of A st ley's Voyages. For con- tents of the whole see those of the " Allgemeine Historic" (p. 598), which is a German translation of the above, with a few additions.} Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his Pilgrim- age, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in al Ages and Places discovered, from the Creation unto this Present. Folio 1617 ASIA- INTENTS. Of the first beginning of the World and Religion ; and of the Regions and Re- ligions of Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Phoenicia, Palestina. Of the Hebrew Nation and Religion. Of the Arabians, Saracens, Turkes, and of the Ancient Inhabitants of Asia Minor, and of their Religions. Of the Armenians, Medes, Persians, Parthians, Scythians, Tartarians, Chinois, and of their Religions. Of the East Indies, and of the Seas and Hands about Asia, with their Religions. AFRICA Of /Egypt, Barbary, Numidia, Libya, &c., and of their Religions. Of Ethiopia, and the African Hands, and of their Religions. Purchas, Pilgrimage continued. AMERICA Of New France, Virginia, Florida, New Spaine, with other Regions of America Mexicana, and of their Religions. Of Cumana, Guiana, Brasil, Chica, Chili, Peru, and other Regions of America Peruviana, and of their Religions. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his Pilgrimes. [Each vol.] in 5 Bookes. 4 vols. (parts). Map and illustrations. Folio 1625 [ Vols. I and 2 comprise the 10 Books of Part I, Vols. 3 and 4 the 10 Books of Part 2, the general contents of the books being given on the respective title- pages.^ CONTENTS. PART i. VOLUME i. BOOK i. Salomons, King. Navie sent from Ezion- geber to Ophir, the Voyage largely discussed out of Divine, Ecclesiasticall, and Humane Testimony. The Commendations of Navigation, as an Art worthy of the care of the most Worthie ; the Necessitie, Commoditie, Dignitie thereof. Of Ezion Geber, Eloth, and the Red Sea ; that of Edom it received that name, and communicated it to the Indian Ocean, by the Phoenician Navi- gations frequent in those times to India. Of Ophir, divers opinions weighed and censured ; whether the Compas was knowne to the Old World ; that the remote parts were lately inhabited, the New World but newly, and a great part thereof not yet. Joctans posteritie seated in the East parts of Asia, amongst them, Ophir in India ultra Gangem, where Chryse was of old, and now is the Kingdome of Pegu, and the Regions adjoining. Of the Gold, Silver, Gemmes, Ivorie, Almug Trees, Apes and Peacockes, which Salomon's Fleet brought from Ophir. Probable conjectures of the course taken in the Ophirian Voyage, and account given of the three yeeres "time spent there ; also of the course taken in like Voyages by the Romans, and the divers Ports whereto the Spices and Riches of India have in divers Ages been brought, and thence dispersed to the several parts of Europe. Of Tharsis, or Tharshish, whether it be the same with Ophir, and both, some indefinite remoter Countrie, whether it be the Sea, or Tartessus, or any place in Spaine. Of the Ancient Navigations about Africa, and of the Phoenician Antiquities. PURCHAS. 577 Purchas, Vol. i, Book i continued. Man's Life a Pilgrimage. The Peregri- nations of Christ, and the first encom- passing the habitable or then inhabited World by the Holy Apostles and first Planters of the Gospell. The Peregrination of St Peter, St Andrew, John, the two Jacobi, Philip, Simon Zelotes, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Jude, Matthias, and of counterfeit Writings in the Apostles' names. Of S. Paul ; of Apostolicall Assistants. Of America, whether it were then peopled. The glorie of Apostolicall Conquests ; the hopes of enlarging the Church in this last Age, by knowledge of Arts and Languages, through the benefit of Printing and Navigation. Of divers other principall Voyages and Peregrinations mentioned in Holy Scripture. Of the travels and dis- persions of the Jewes, and of National Transmigrations. Fabulous Antiquities of the Peregrinations and Navigations of Bacchus, Osiris, Hercules, the Argonauts, Cadmus, the Grecian Navie to Troy, Menelaus, Ulysses, /Eneas, and others. A Briefe Recital of the Famous Expedi- tions mentioned in Ancient Histories, of the Assyrians, Egyptians, Scythians, Ethiopians, Persians, and others. Travels of the Antient Philosophers and learned men briefly mentioned. Phoenician Voyages, and especially that of Hanno, a Carthaginian Captaine. lambulus, his Navigation to Arabia and Ethiopia, and thence to a strange Hand, from whence he sailed to Palimbothra in India. Alexander the Great ; Life, Acts, Pere- grinations, and Conquests briefly related. Travels of Musoeus, Thebceus, and others mentioned by S. Ambrose ; of others also mentioned in the Ecclesiastical Histories of Eusebius, Kuffinus, Soc- rates, and Sozomen. A Briefe and General Consideration of Europe compared with the other parts of the World ; the Names, Quantitie, Bounds, Qualitie, Excellencies, and Languages of Europe. Brerewood, Edw. Enquiries of Lan- guages. Enquiries of the Religions professed in the World, with other Philosophical Speculations, and divers Annotations added. Relations of divers Travellers, touching the Diversities of Christian Rites and Tenents in divers parts of the World. 2 o Purchas, Vol. I, Book I continued. Tecla Maria, an Abassine. Answeres to questions touching the Religion of the Abassines and Cophti. Leonard, Bp. of Sidon. Relations of the Jacobites and Armenians. Of Simon Sulaka, a Papal Easterne Patriarke, amongst the Chaldaeans ; and of divers others thither sent. Of Abdesu, Aatalla, Donha, his suc- cessors. Of the Cophti, their Synode at Cairo, the Jesuites being the Pope's Agents, and of Stephen Colinzas Message to the Georgians, and two Jesuites sent to the Maronites. Errores ex libris Maronitarum excerpti. Angelos, Chr. Of the Condition of Life in which the Greeks now live, and of their Rites of Fasts, Feasts, and other Observations. Stroza, Peter. Treatise of the Opinions of the Chaldeans, touching the Patri- arke of Babylon, and the Nestorians in Asia. A Briefe Survey of the Ecclesiasticall Politic, Ancient and Moderne, or of the severall Patriarchs, Archbishops, and Bishops' Sees thorow the Christian World ; also of the Jesuites' Colledges and Numbers, and of other Monastical Orders. A Discourse of the Diversitie of Letters used in divers Nations of the World ; the Antiquitie, manifold use and varietie thereof, with exemplarie de- scriptions of very many strange Alphabets. BOOK 2. Of the Improvement of Navigation in later Times. Of Magnetical and Astronomical Instru- ments, first applied to Navigation. Henrie, Prince ; son of John, King of Portugal. Discoveries, and of the helps both against the Moores, and in their Discoveries which the Portugals have received of our Nation. John, King. Second Discoveries, and Advancement of the Art of Navigation, 1481-87. Columbus, Chr. Conjectures touching a New World. First Voyage, and Improvements therein of the Mariner's Art, 1492. Alexander VI., Pope. Bull made to Castile touching the New World, 1493, with Animadversions. The Portugals Discontent and Com- promise with the Spaniard, and the First Discoveries of the East Indies, 1493-94- Gama's Acts at Calicut, and his Return, 1499. 578 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. i, Book 2 continued. The Second Fleet sent to the East Indies ; their Discoverie of Brazil, and other acts, 1500. Albuquerque's Exploits, and the first knowledge of the Moluccas. Magalianes, F. The occasion of his Voyage, and the particulars of the same, with the Compassing of the World; gathered out of Ant. Pigafetta, who was in the said Circumnavigation, as also from divers other authors, 1519-22. Drake, Sir Francis. Circumnavigation of the Earth, 1577-80. Pretty, Francis. Voyage of Thomas Candish into the South Sea, and from thence round about the Circumference of the whole Earth, 1586-88. Candish, Thomas. Letter to Lord Hunsdon, touching the successe of his Voyage about the World, 1588. Noort, Oliver. Voyage round about the Globe, 1598-1601. Sebald de Wert. Voyage to the South Sea, and Miserie in the Streights nine months, 1598-99. Spilbergen, George. Voyage of, which passed by the Magellane Streights, and South Sea, unto the East Indies, and thence (having encompassed the whole circumference of the Earth) home, 1614-17. Schot, Apol. Discourse of the Present State of the Moluccas. Spilbergen, G. Brief Description of the Forts, Souldiers, and Militarie Pro- vision, as also of their Trade and Shipping in the East Indies, under the States of the United Provinces, 1616. Schouten, W. C. , Circumnavigation by; who, Southwards from the Streights of Magellan in Terra del Fuego, found and discovered a new passage through the great South Sea, and that way sayled round about the World, 1615-17. BOOK 3. Of the First English Voyages to the East Indies, before the establishment of the East Indian Companie : Sighelmus, Mandevile, Stevens, Fitch, and divers other Englishmen, their Indian Voyages. Wood, Benj. Voyage into the East Indies, 1596-1601. Mildenhall, John. Travailes into the Indies, and in the Countries of Persia.and of the Great Mogul, 1599. Second Letter to Master R. Staper, from Casbin in Persia, 1606. Davis, Capt. John. Voyage to the Easterne India, 1598-1600. Adams, W. Voyage by the Magellan Streights to Japon, 1598-161 1. Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 continued. Davis, Capt. J. Third Voyage, with Sir E. Michelborne to the East Indies, 1604-6. A Priviledge for fifteene yeeres granted by Her Majestic to certaine Adven- turers, for the Discoverie of the Trade for the East Indies, Dec. 30, 1600. First Voyage made to East India by Sir John Lancaster, 1600, with four ships. The preparation to this Voyage, and what befell them in the Way till they departed from Saldania to Achen in Sumatra, with their trading at Saint Maries, Antongill, Nicubar ; the strange plant of Sombrero, and other occur- rents. Their entertainment and Trade at Achen, and Q. Elizabeth's Letter to that King ; their presents to and from the King, his letters to Q. Elizabeth, their departure from Priaman and Bantam, and settling a Trade there, with their departure for England. Portugall Wiles discovered, with a Prize taken neere Malacca. Scot, Edmund. Discourse of Java, and of the First English Factorie there, with divers Indian, English, and Dutch occurrents, 1602-5. Clayborne, Thomas. Discourse of a Second Voyage to the East Indies under Sir H. Middleton, 1604-6, with 4 ships. Keeling, W. Journal of third Voyage to the East Indies, 1607-10, with 3 ships. Their disasters and putting back for Sierra Leona ; what happened till they departed from Saldania. In- structions learned at Delisa of the Moores and Gusarates touching the Monsons ; coming to Priaman and Bantam, with their Voyage to Banda. Hawkins, Capt. W. Relation of the OQcurrents which happened in the time of his residence in India, in the Countie of the Great Mogoll ; and of his departure from thence, 1608-13. A briefe discourse of the strength, wealth, and government, with some Customs of the Great Mogoll. Middleton, David. Voyage from Til- burie Hope, 1606-8. A briefe narration of the Fourth Voyage to the East Indies under Alex. Sharpey, and R. Rowles, with the Discoverie of the Red Sea. Report of W. Nicols, which travelled by land from Bramport to Masulipatan, written at Bantam by H. Moris, 1612. The unhappie Voyage of the ' ' Union," till she arrived at Priaman, 1609, reported by a Letter sent by S. Bradshaw ; written by H. Moris, 1610. 1'URCHAS. 579 Purchas, Vol. I, Book 3 continued. Salbanke, Joseph. Voyage through India, Persia, part of Turkic, the Persian Gulfe, and Arabia, 1609. Middleton, David. Voyage to Java and Banda, 1609. Middleton, Sir Henrie. Sixth Voyage, set forth by the East Indian Companie in 3 ships, 1610-12. The Proceeding of his Voyage till he came to Moha in the Red Sea. Turkish treacherie at Moha and Aden with the English. Sir H. Middleton and 34 others sent to the Basha at Zenan ; Description of the Countrie, and occurrents till their returne. Indian shipping at Moha ; Sir II. Middleton's escape from the Turkes. Departure from Surat, and what happened there with the Cambayans and Portugals, going to Dabul, and thence to the Red Sea, and enforced trade with the Guzerates. Dounton, Capt. Nich. Journal, or cer- tain extracts thereof, 1611-12. Their coming to Sal dan ia, and thence to Socatora. Of Abba del Curia, Arabia Felix, Aden and Moha, and the treacherous dealing of both places. Their departure from Moha to Assab, and after that, higher into the Red Sea, thence to Socatora, and after that Surat. Marten, Nath. Seventh Voyage into East India, under Capt. Anth. Hippon, 1610-15. Floris, P. Williamson. Extracts of his Journal, for the Seventh Voyage, 1610- 15. Voyage to Paleacatte, Petapoli, Masulipatan, Bantam, Patania, and Siam. Relations of strange occurrents in Pegu, Siam, Joor, Patane, and the Kingdoms adjacent. Tatton, John. Journal of a Voyage made by Capt. S. Castleton to the East Indies, 1612-13. BOOK 4. Saris, John. Eighth Voyage set forth by the East Indian Societie, wherein were employed three ships, under the com- mand of Capt. John Saris. His course and acts to and in the Red Sea, Java, Moluccas, and Japan (by the inhabi- tants called Neffoon, where also he first began and settled an English Trade and Factorie), with other remarkable rarities, 1611-14. Observations of occurrents which happened in the East Indies during his abode at Bantam, 1605-9. Cockes, R. Relation of what passed in the General's absence going to the Emperour's Court. Whereunto are added divers Letters of his and others, for the better knowledge of Japonian affaires. Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4 continued. Finch, W. Observations taken out of his large Journall, touching Sierra Leona, in 1607 ; S. Augustine and Socotora ; Occurrents in India ; Jour- ney to Agra ; Description of Fetipore, Byana, Lahore, &c. Davy, John. Journal of the Ninth Voyage to the East Indies, under Capt. E. Marlowe, 1611-15. Davis, John. A Ruter, or briefe direction for readie sayling into the East India, digested into a plaine methode, upon experience of the five voyages thither, and home again. Best, Thomas. Journal of the tenth Voyage to the East India, 1611-14, with 2 ships. Observations in their way to Surat, their Acts with the Mogol's subjects, and Fights against the Portugals, selling a Factorie, and departure to Achen, Trade to Tecoo and Passaman, their going to Bantam, and thence home. Copland, Rev. P. Remembrances taken out of a Tractate written by, on the former Voyage [Best], King of Achen's Letter to His Majestic ; and Notes of N. Salmon's Journal. Boner, Robert. Notes taken out of the Journal of; who was then Master in the "Dragon" [Capt. Best]. Extracts of a Tractate, written by Nich. Withington, which was left in the Mogul's Countrey by Capt. Best, a Factor ; his Adventures, and Travels therein. Wilson, Ralph. Journal of the eleventh Voyage to the East Indies, 1611-13. Payton, Walter. Journal of all the principal matters passed in the Voyage to the East India, 1612-14. Downton, Captain Nic. Extracts of the Journal of a Voyage to the East Indies ; wherein is related their happy successe against the Vice-Roy, and all the Indian Sea Forces of the Portugals, 1613-15. Elkington, Captain T. Collections taken out of the Journal of a Voyage to the East Indies, 1613-15. Dodsworth, Edw. Briefe Memorialls observed by, during a Voyage to the East Indies, 1613-15. Francisco, Domingo. Examination of, taken in Swally Roade, East India, aboord the "Gift," Feb. 20, 1614. Steel, R., and J. Crowther. Journal of a Journey from Azmere, in India, to Spahan, in Persia, 1615-16. Millward, John. Memorials of a Voyage to the East Indies, 1614-15. Peyton, Captain Walter. Second Voy- age to the East Indies, 1614-16. A Briefe Declaration of the Ports, Cities, 580 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. i, Book 4 continued. and Towns, inhabitated and traded unto by the Portugalls, betwixt the Cape of Good Hope and Japan. Roe, Sir Thomas. Observations Col- lected out of his Journal, of matters occurring worthy memorie in the way, and in the Mogol's Court, his customs, cities, countries, subjects, and other Indian Affaires, 1614-17. Coryat, Thomas. Letter from Jerusalem to the Court of the Great Mogol, 1615-16, with Observations. BOOK 5. Hawes, Roger. Memorialls taken out of the Journal of, touching the Pro- ceedings of the Factorie of Cranganor under the Great Samorine, 1615. Childe, Alex. Journal from England to Surat, and thence to Jasques, in Persia, 1616. Spurway, Thomas. Letter touching the Wrongs done at Banda to the English by the Hollanders, 1617. Hatch, John. Relations and Remem- brances of a Voyage, set forth by the East Indian Societie, 1616-21. Heynes, Edw. Voyage from Surat to Moha, in the Red Sea, for settling an English Trade in those parts, 1618. Pring, Captain Martin. Brief Notes of two Voyages into the East Indies, 1614-16. and 1 6 1 6-2 1 : Occurrents in the way, at Surat, Bantam, Jacatra, Coromandel, and Teco. Voyage from Bantam to Patania, and thence to Japan and Jacatra, set by itself for the use of Mariners. Hores, W. Discourse of his Voyage from Surat to Achen, Teco, and Bantam, 1618-19. Courthop, Nath. Journal of his Voyage from Bantam to the Hands of Banda, with his Residence in Banda and Occurrents there, 1616-20, with the Surrender of Poolaroone by the Dutch. Hayes, Rt. Continuation of the former Journal, containing the Death of Capt. Courthop, Surrender of Lantore, News of the Peace, and after the Peace Lantore and Poolaroone seized by the Dutch, 1620-21. Letter written to the East India Com- panie in England, from their Factors, 1621. The Hollanders Declaration of the Affaires of the East Indies ; written in an Answere to the former Reports, touch- ing Wrongs done to the English in the Islands of Banda, 1622. An Answer to the Hollanders Declaration concerning the Occurrents of the East India. Purchas, Vol. i, Book 5 continued. Relations and Depositions touching the Hollanders brutish and cruel usage of the English, 1621. Fitz- Herbert, Captain Humphrey. Pithy Description of the chiefe Ilands of Banda and Moluccas, 1621. Middleton, Sir II. Voyage to the Mo- luccas ; with three severall surrenders of certaine of the Banda Islands to the King of England, 1620. Dutch Navigations to the East Indies, out of their own Journals and other Histories. Swan, R. Extract of a Journal of a Voyage to Surat and to Jasques, in the Persian Gulfe, with four Ships. Relation of the Fight of four English Ships with foure Portugall Ships, two Galliots, and ten Frigates in the Gulfe of Persia, 1620. Smith, Rt. Letter to his Brother, relating of a Rare Attempt and Exploit of a small English Pinnasse, in taking a Portugall Ship. Hobbs, Giles. Travaile from Musco to Spahan, 1620. Mun, T. Discourse of Trade from England unto the East Indies, answer- ing to divers objections which are usually made against the same. PART i. VOLUME 2. BOOK 6. Leo, John. Observations of Africa, and a Description of the Kingdomes of Bugia and Tunis, the Land of Negroes, and of the Confines of Egypt ; with an Account of the People, Tribes, Languages, Seasons, Vertues, Vices, and other more general considerations of Africa. Collections of things most remarkable in the Historic of Barbaric, by Ro. C. The Trading of the Moores into Guinee and Gago for Gold Ore, or Sandie Gold. African Possessions of the King of Spain, and the Turke. Nicholay, Nich. Description of the City of Alger, and how it came into the Possession of Barbarossa, and also of Malta and Tripolie. Journal of all Occurrenls hapning in the Fleet of Ships sent out by the King, as well against the Pirats of Algiers as others, 1620, under Sir Robert Mansel. Relation of the "Jacob," a Ship of Bristol! , which was in 1621 taken by the Turkish Pirats of Argier, and within five days after, four English youths overcame thirteen oftheTurkes, and brought the ship to St Lucas, in Spaine, where they sold nine for Gallic-slaves, 1621. PURCHAS. Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 6 continued. Rawlins, John. Wonclerfull Recovery of the " Exchange," of Bristow, from the Turkish Pirats of Algier. Sandys, George. Relations of Africa, his Voyage from Rhodes to Alexandria, Observations of Egypt and of Nilus, Journey to Cairo and Gaza, 1610. BOOK 7. Jobson, R. True Relation of a Voyage for the Discovery of Gambra, in which they passed 960 miles up the River into the Continent. Guinea. A Description and Historicall Declaration of the Kingdom of Guinea, otherwise called the Golden Coast of Myna, in Africa, showing their beliefe, opinions, traffiquing, bartering, and manner of speech, together with the situation of the Country, Townes, Havens, and Rivers, as they are now found out and discovered. Translated out of Dutch. The Passage from the Golden Coast to the Kingdome of Benni, or Rio de Benni, and Rio Floreado, the Citie, Court, Gentry, Apparell, and other places described. Battell, And. Voyage to the River of Plate ; who being taken on the Coast of Brasil, was sent a prisoner to Angola ; Discovery of the Gagas, and escape to Loango. Pigafetta, P. Report of the Kingdom of Congo, gathered out of the Dis- courses of Ed. Lopes, translated by A. Hartwell. Alvarez, Sir Francis. Voyage unto the Court of Prete Janni, the Great Chris- tian Emperour of Ethiopia, 1520-33. Castro, Don John. Voyage which the Por- tugals made from India to Zoez, 1 540-4 1 . Brief Relation of the Embassage which the Patriarch Don John Bermudez brought from the Emperour of Ethiopia to Don John, King of Portugal ; in the which he reciteth the death of Don Christopher of Gama, and the Suc- cesses of the Portugals that went in his Companie. Nunnez (or Nonius) Baretus, John, and Andrea Ovieda. Relations of the State and Religion in Ethiopia, 1555- 77. Description of the Countries, and the severall Regions, Religions, and Abassine Opinions. An Armenian his Report of Sussinus, the Emperor of the Abaxins, by us vulgarly called Prester John. BOOK 8. The Historic of the first Expedition to Jerusalem, by Godfrey of Bullen, Robert of Normandie, and other Chris- tian Princes, written by Robert, a Monk of S. Remigius, 1095. Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 8 continued. Fulcherius Carnotensis. Acts of the Pilgrimes in their Expedition to Jeru- salem, before and after the taking thereof, 1095-1124. Supplement of the Holy Land Storie, gleaned out of the large Historic of William, Archbishop of Tyrus, 1 126-78. Continuation of the Jerusalem Expedi- tion and other additions, gathered out of Matthew Paris, chiefly relating the Acts of English Pilgrimes in that employment, 1118-1292. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, written in very old English Rime. The Churches Peregrination by the Holy Land way, and warre into Mystical Babylon, or a Mysterie of Papal Iniquitie revealed, how the Papal Monarchic in and over Christendome was advanced in that age and the following, and principally by this Expedition into the Holy Land. The History of the Normans and their Proceedings. Of Urban and Boa- mund's Policie, &c. Monuments of Antiquitie, taken out of Ancient Records, to testifie the quon- dam Commerce betwixt our Kings and their Subjects, and those Easterne Princes. Sandys, George. Relation of a Journey to the Holy Land, begun 1610. Con- stantinople described. Biddulph, W. Part of a Letter from Aleppo. Part of a Letter from Jerusalem. Glover, Sir Thomas. Account of the Journey of Ed. Barton, Esq., Am- bassador with the Grand Signior in Constantinople, 1596. Barton, Ed. Two Letters to G. Sander- son and G. Sandy from Agria, 1596. Smith, Captain John. Travels and Ad- ventures in divers Parts of the World, thorow ranee, Italic, and on the Sea Coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia, with his Transylvanian Acts ; begun about 1596. Osman, Sultan. The Death of, and the setting up of Mustafa, his uncle. Mount Sinai, Oreb, and the adioining parts of Arabia, described out of the four Journals of Breidcnbach, Baum- garten, Bellonius, and Chr. Furer. BOOK 9. Sherley, Sir Anthonie. Travels into Persia, and employed thence Am- bassadour to the Christian Princes, I599- - Voyage over the Caspian Sea, and thorow Russia, from W. Parry's Dis- course of the whole Voyage of Sir A, Sherley, 1601. 5 82 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. 2, Book -9 continued, Newberie, John. Two Voyages. One into the Holy Land, 1578-79; the other to Balsara, Ormus, Persia, and back thorow Turkic, 1580-82. Cartwright, John. Observations in his Voyage from Aleppo to Hispaan, and backe again, about 1603. Benjamin, the Son of Jonas, a Jew. Peregrination of, discovering both the State of the Jews and of the World, alxmt 460 yeeres since. Terry, Edward. Relation of a Voyage to the Easterne India, 1615. A Description of the Mogols Empire, the People of Indostan, and the Gentile Sects. Sultan Achmet Chan, Letter to King James I. Barthema, or Vertoman, Lewis. Travels into Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, and India, 1503. His travel thorow the Desart of Medina and Mecha, passage by the Red Sea to Aden, imprisonment and escape, visiting other parts of Arabia, Zeila, Gambia. Collections of Asia, especially of Arabia, gathered out of an Arabike liooke of Geographic, written by a Nubian, 470 yeeres ago, translated into Latin by Gabriel Sionita, and J. Hesronita. Collections of divers Mahumetan authors in their Arabicke Bookes, by G. Sionita and J. Hesronita, touching the most remarkable things in the East, especially of the Mosleman supersti- tions and rites, and the places of chiefe note. Duart de Meneses, Don. Tractate of the Portugall Indies [Goa], containing the Laws, Customes, Revenues, Ex- penses, and other matters, remarkable therein. Silva Figueroa, Don Garcia, amliassador from the King of Spain to the Persian. Letter written at Hispahan, to the Marquesse of Bedmar, touching matters of Persia, 1619. Joao dos Sanctos, Friar. Collections out of the Voyage and Historic of his /Ethiopia Orientalis, et Varia Historia, and out of other Portugals, for the better knowledge of Africa and the Christianitie therein. Gramaye, J. B. Relations of the Christianitie of Africa, and especially of Barbaric and Algier, 1619. Jobson, Richard. Observations touching the River Gambra, with the people, merchandise, and creatures of those parts. Letter containing the admirable escape and glorious victorie of N. Rolierts, T. Stevens, and R. Sucksbich, taken by Algier Pyrates. Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 9 continued. Withers, Robert. Description of the Grand Signior's Seraglio. Letter sent by Sultan Osman, to His Majestic, by Husein Chiaus. Letter written by Halil Bashaw, Chief Vizier and Generall in the Persian Expedition, to Sir Paul Pindar, April 1618. Sanderson, John. Voyages to Constan- tinople, Cairo, and Tripoli, with an Historical Description of Constantin- ople, 1584-1602. Pilgrimage from Constantinople to the Holy Land, and so to Tripolie in Syria, 1601. Timberley, H. Report of the Voyage from Cairo in Egypt, to Jerusalem, 1601. Newbery, John. Letters relating to his third and last Voyage into the Easterne parts of the World, Aleppo, Balsara, and Ormus, 1583. Eldred, J., and W. Shales. Letters from Bagdet and Balsara, 1583. Pyrard de Laval, Francois. Voyage to the East Indies, and especially his observations of the Maldive?, where, lieing ship-wracked, hee lived five yeeres, 1601-11. BOOK 10. Briefe collections of Voyages, chiefly of Spaniards and Portugals, taken out of Antonie Galvano's Book of the Dis- coveries of the World. Trigautius, Nic. , a Jesuite. Letter touching his Voyage to India, and of the state of Christianitie in China and Japan, 1618. Cocke, R. Letter concerning later occurrents in Japon, 1622. Hatch, Arthur. Letter touching Japon, with the Government affaires and later occurrents, 1623. Frederike, Caesar. Extracts of his eighteen yeeres Indian observations, 1563-81. Balbi, Gasparo. Voyage to Pegu, and observations there, 1579-83. Fitch, Ralph. Voyage to Ormus, and so to Goa, in the East Indies, to Cambaia, Ganges, Bengala ; to Bacola, and Chonderi to Pegu, to Jamahay in the Kingdom of Siam, and backe to Pegu, and from thence to Malacca, Zeilan, Cochin, and all the Coast of the East Indias, 1583-91. Pimenta, Nicholas. Indian Observations, written from divers Indian Regions, principally relating the Countries and accidents of the Coast of Coromandel and Pegu, 1597-99- Linschoten, John Huighen van. Voyage to Goa, and observations of the East Indies, 1483. PURCHAS. 583 Purchas, Vol. 2, Book 10 continued. Relation of Ormuz, and of the late taking thereof by the English and Persians. Relation of the Kings of Ormuz, and of the Foundation of the Citie of Ormuz, taken out of a Chronicle, composed by a King, called Pacaturunxa. Finder, W. Relation of Ormuz busi- nesse, 1620-21. Wilson, T. Letter written to Sir John Wostenholme, containing many par- ticulars of the Ormus Warre, and cause thereof. Monoxe, Edw. Journal of the late Ormuz business. Sherley, Sir Robert. A briefe memorial of the Travels of, in Persia. Algazeli, Mahomet. Epitaphs on the Tombe of Jacob Almansor, the Saracenicall Emperour, under whose reigne Spaine was subdued to the M cores. Coryate, Thomas. Travels to, and Observations in Constantinople, and other places, and his Journey to Aleppo, Damasco, and Jerusalem, 1612-14. Scot, W. Lithgow. Travels in Candie, Greece, the Holy Land, Egypt, and other parts of the East, 1612. Brown, Arnold. Extracts of a Journal of his Indian Voyage, sayling divers times and courses in five yeeres to Bantam, Patanie, Japan, the Manillas, Macua, and the Coast of China, and other Indian Parts, 1617-22. The Dutch late Proceedings at Amboyna in cruell torturing and executing of divers Englishmen, with other like Acts to the Natives in Banda, 1613-22. Wilkins, Jacob. A true Description of the Bay Todos los Santos in Brazil, and taking the Town Salvador, 1624. PART 2. VOLUME 3. BOOK i. Rubriquis, Friar William de. Journall of his Travels unto the East Parts of the World, 1253. Bacon, Roger. Tartarian and Northerne Relations, written in Latin. Vicentius Beluacensis. Relations : the most part of which he received from Friar Simon de Sancto Quintino, one of the foure Friars sent by Pope Innocent IV. to the Tartars. Relations touching the Tartars, taken out of the Historic of Roger Wend- over and Matthew Paris. Marcus Paul us Venetus, or Marco Polo. The First Book of his Travels, 1250. Historic of Ayton, or Anthonie the Armenian, of Asia, and especially touching the Tartars. Mandevile, Sir John. Travels, 1332-65. Purchas, Vol. 3, Book I continued. Nicolo di Conti. Voyage to Indies, Mangi, Cambalu, and Quinsai, with some observations of those places. Alhacen. Extracts of his Arabic Historic of Tamerlan, touching his Life and Martial Travels. Chaggi Memet, a Persian of Tabas, in the Province of Chilan. Travels and observations in the Country of the Great Can. Cruz, Caspar da. Treatise of China, and the adjoining regions, about 1556. Perera, Galeotta. Relations of China. BOOK 2. The beginning of the English Discoveries towards the North and North- East. The first Voyage of Discoverie with 3 ships under Sir H. Willoughby, in which he dyed ; and Muscovia was discovered by Capt. Chancellor, 1553- Adams, Clement. Some additions tor better knowledge of this Voyage, 1553-54- Jenkinson, Anthonie. First Voyage from the Citie of London, toward the Land of Russia, 1557- Voyage from the Citie of Mosco in Russia to the Citie of Boghar in Bactria, 1558. Borough, Chr. Report of sixt Voyage into the parts of Persia and Media, more especially over the Caspian Sea, and their shipwracke and miseries there endured by the Ice, 1579-81. Lane, Henrie. Letter to the worshipful W. Sanderson, contayning a briefe discourse of that which passed in the North-east discoverie, 1553-83. Mendez Pinto, Fernan. Observations of China, Tartaria, and other Easterne parts of the World, 1521-45. Gonzales de Mendoza, Friar Juan. First Discoverie of the Philippinas. Lopez de Legaspi, Michael. First Plantation of the Philippinas. Herrada, Friar Martin de, and other Spaniards entertainment in China, and their returne to the Philippinas, about 1580. Report of a Mahometan Merchant which had been in Cambalu, 1598. Goes, Benedictus. Travels from Lahor to China by Land, thorow the Tartars Countrie, 1603. The Jesuites entrance into Japon and China, 1542-99. Of Francis Xavier, Mclchior Nunnes, Valignanus, Rug- gerius, and Pasius. Letters from Father Longobard and Taiso, 1598. Pontoia, Father Diego. Letter written in Paquin, to Father Luys de Guz- man, 1602. Description of China ; Catay and Musk. APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 2 contimied. Riccius and Trigautius. Discourse of China, contayning the Country, people, government, religion, rites, sects, characters, studies, arts, acts, and a Map, taken out of a China Map, illustrated with notes. Monfart. Continuation of the Jesuites Acts and observations in China, till the death of Riccius and some yeeres after. Of Hanceu or Quinsay. Cir. 1618. BOOK 3. Fletcher, Giles. Treatise of Russia and the adjoining Regions, 1 588. Edge, Thomas. Northerne Discoveries of Seas, Coasts, and Countries, in order as they were hopefully tegun and happily continued by the Societie of Muscovia Merchants of London ; with a Description of Greenland, 1553-1622. Veer, Gerart de. Voyages of W. Barents, alias Bernards, into the North Seas ; l>ehind Norway, Muscovia, and Tar- taria, and to the Kingdoms of Cathaia and China, 1594-96. Iver Boty, a Gronlander. Treatise of the Course from Island to Groneland, 1608. Description of the Countries of Siberia, Samoieda, and Tingoesia ; together with the Journeyes leading unto the same Countries toward the East and North-east, as they are daily frequented by the Moscovites, 1612. Gourdon, William. Voyage made to Pechora, 1611. Finch, Richard. Letter to Sir Thomas Smith touching the former Voyage, and other observations. Names of the Places that the Russes sayle by, from Pechorskoie Zauorot to Mongozey, with the manner of their travell. Logan, Josias. Voyage to Pechora and his wintering there, 1611. Pursglove, W. Voyage to Pechora and his wintering there, 1611. Travell from Pechora to Permia, Ougoria, and to the River Ob, and the Townes situated thereupon, over Land. Commodities for Pechora, Siberia, Permia, Ougoria, and among the Tingussies. Gourdon, W. Later Observations, in his wintering at Pustozera, 1614-15, with a description of the Samoyeds. Poole, Jonas. Voyages to Cherie Hand, 1604-9. Hudson, Henrie. Discoverie toward the North Pole, 1607 ; written by J. Playse and H. Hudson. Second Voyage for finding a passage to the East Indies by the North-West, written by H. Hudson, 1608. Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 3 continued. Hudson, Henry. Third Voyage toward Nova Zembla, and at his returne, his passing from Farre Hands to New- found-Land, and along to 44 deg. 10 min., and thence to Cape Cod, and so to 33 deg. and along the Coast to the Northward, and up the River neere to 43 deg., 1609, written by R. Juet. Abstract of his Journall for the Dis- coverie of the North-west passage, 1610. Pricket, Abacuk. Larger Discourse of the same Voyage, and the successe thereof, 1610. Nicolo, M. M., and A. Zeni. Discoveries in Iseland and Friesland, gathered out of their Letters, 1380. Quirino, Piero. Shipwracke of, on the Coast of Norway, 1431. Ancient Commerce lietwixt England and Norway, and other Northerne Regions. Barkley, George. Travels by Sea and Land, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and their Hands, 1605. Broniouis de Biezerfedea, Martin. De- scription of Tartaria, or Chersonesus Taurica, and the Regions subject to the Perecop or Crim Tartars, with their customs, private and publicke, in peace and warre. Blefkens, Dithmar. Voyages and History of Island and Greenland, 1 563. Jonas, Arngrim, an Islander. Chrymo- goea or History of Island, 1609. BOOK 4. Poole, Jonas. Voyages set forth by Sir Thomas Smith and the Muscovie Company, to Cherry Island, Green- land, for a further discoverie to be made towards the North Pole, and also the West, for the likelihood of a Trade or a passage that way, 1610-12. Baffin, W. Journall of the Voyage made to Greeneland, 1613. Fotherbye, R. Voyage of Discovery to Greeneland, 1614. True Report of a Voyage for Dis- coverie of Seas, Lands, and Hands to the Northwards, 1615. Heley, W. Divers Voyages lo Green- land, with Letters of those which were there employed, 1617-23. Russia. The late changes and manifold alterations in Russia since Ivan Vasilo- wich to this present, gathered out of many letters and observations of Eng- lish Embassadours and other Travellers in those parts, 1570-1615. A briefe Copie of the points of the Contracts between the Emperour and the King of Sweden, 1616. Relation of two Russe Cossacks Travailes out of Siberia to Catay, and other Countries adjoining, 1619. PURCHAS. 585 Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 4 continued. Description of the Empires of Catay and Labin, and of the great River Ob. Marsh, Ant. Notes concerning the Dis- covery of the River of Ob, 1584, with other Notes of the North-East. Cherry, F. , and T. Lyndes. Report touching a warme Sea to the South- East of the River Ob. Discoveries made by English-men to the North- West : Cabot, Sir Sebastian, Master Thome, and other ancients. Voyages to the North-West, 1497-1583. Weymouth, Capt. G. Voyage intended for the Discovery of the North-West Passage toward China, 1602. Hall, John. Voyages forth of Denmark for the Discovery of Greenland, 1605-6. Knight, John. Voyage for the Discovery of the North-West Passage, 1606. Baffin, W. Fourth Voyage of J. Hall to Groaneland, 1612, wherein he was slain by a Greenelander. True Relation of such things as happened in the Fourth Voyage for the Discoverie of the North-West Passage, 1615. A briefe and true relation of such accidents as happened in the Fift Voyage, for the Discovery of a Passage in the North-West, 1616. Brigges, Master. Discourse of the Pro- bability of a Passage to the Westerne or South Sea. BOOK 5. Herrera, Antonio de. Description of the West Indies, 1601. Acosta, Joseph. Observations gathered out of the Four Books of, touching the Natural History of the Heavens, Ay re, Water, and Earth, at the West Indies. Oviedo, Gonzalo F. de. Extracts of his Summarie and the General Historic of the Indies. Acosta, J. Mexican Antiquities. Of the ancient inhabitants of New Spain, and of the sixe Linages of the Nauat- lacas ; the foundation of Mexico. Of the Ancient Superstitions of the Mexicans, and Indians of America. Civill Customes and Arts of the Indians. Historic of the Mexican Nation, de- scribed in pictures by the Mexican Author, explained in the Mexican language, translated into English, 1324-1502. Cortes, Hernando. Conquest of Mexico and New Spaine, 1518-30. Gomara, Francis Lopez de. Relations of things most remarkable, observed by the Spaniards at their first comming ; Cholallas holies, Popocatapecs ashes, Purchas, Vol. 3, Book 5 continued. Mutezumas magnificence, Mexican Citie and Temple, with other antiquities. PART 2. VOLUME 4. BOOK 6. Cumberland, Earl of, A Briefe Rela- tion of the Voyages of the, 1586-97. - Voyage to S. John de Porto Rico. Layfield, Eglambie, l>. n. Large Rela- tion of the Porto Rico Voyage, the Ships employed, accidents on the Coasts of Spain ; in the Canaries, the Navigation to Dominica, and their landing at Porto Rico ; with a Descrip- tion of Dominica and the Virgines, 1596-98. The first Voyages to divers parts of Ame- rica by Englishmen, Sir Sebastian Cabot, Sir Thomas Pert, Sir John Hawkins, and Sir Francis Drake, I5I7-95- Carder, Peter. Relation of a Voyage about the World, in the South Sea, returning by the Straites of Magellan toward Brasill, 1577-86. Candish, Thomas. Discourse of his fatall and disastrous Voyage towards the South Sea, with his many dis- adventures in the Magellan Straits, and other places, 1591-93. Knivet, Anthonie. Admirable Adven- tures and Strange Fortunes of ; which went with T. Candish to the South Sea, 1591-1601. Turner, Thomas. Relations of, who lived the best part of two yeeres in Brasill, &c. , about 1601. Parker, William. The Taking of St Vincent and Puerto Bello, in Feb. 1601. Middleton, David. Notes of Voyage into the West Indies with Capt. M. Geare, 1601. Sparrey, Francis. Description of the He of Trinidad, the rich Countrey of Guiana, and the mightie River of Orenoco, 1602. Leigh, Capt. Charles. Voyage to Guiana, and Plantation there, 1604. Nicol, John. True Relation of the traiterous Massacre of the most part of 67 men in Santa Lucia, an Hand of the West Indie, 1605. Wilson, John. Relation of his rcturne into England from Wiapoco in Guiana, 1606. Turner, William. Treatise touching the former Voyage to Guiana, 1605. Harcourt, Robert. Relation of a Voyage to Guiana, 1608-11 ; with the names of the Rivers falling into the Sea from Amazones to Dessequebe, and of the Nations inhabiting those Rivers. 586 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 6 continued. Relation of the Habitations and other Observations of the River of Marwin, and the adjoining Regions. Rivers from Brabisse to the Amazones. Davies, William. Description and Dis- coverie of the River of Amazons. BOOK 7. A Treatise of Brasill, written by a Portugall which had long lived there. Lerius, John. Extracts out of the His- toric of Brasill, 1558. Schnirdel, Hulderike. Travels, from 1 534-54- His Voyage up the River Plate, Foundation of Townes, their Expedition up the River of Parana and Parabol ; the people of these parts ; and a Long March from Assumption into Peru. Hawkins, Sir Richard. Observations in his Voyage into the South Sea, 1593. Ellis, John, A Brief Note written by, in his Voyage through the Strait of Magelan, concerning the said Strait, and certain places on the Coast and Inland of Peru, 1593. A Briefe Relation of an Englishman which had been 13 yeeres Captive to the Spaniards in Peru, &c., 1603. Ursino, Alex. Relation concerning the Coast of Terra Firma, and the secrets of Peru and Chili, 1581. Giros, or de Quir, P. F. Relation of the New Discoverie in the South Sea, 1609. Petition presented to the King of Spaine, touching the Discoverie of the fourth part of the World, called Terra Australis Incognita, and of the great riches and fertilitie of the same, 1610. Vaz, Lopez. Historic of (taken by Capt. Withrington at the River of Plate, 1586, with this Discourse about him), touching American places, discoveries and occurents. Benzo, Jerom. Briefe extracts trans- lated out of his three books of the New World, touching the Spaniards cruell handling of the Indians, and the effects thereof, 1641. De la Vega, Inca Garcilasso. Observa- tions of things most remarkable, collected out of the first part of the Commentaries of ; of the originall Lives, Conquests, Lawes, and Idolatries of the Incas, or Ancient Kings of Peru. Suppliment of the Historic of the Incas, collected out of the second part, or Generall Historic of Peru. Pizarro, Francis. Brief Notes of his Conquest of Peru, 1531-34. Xeres, Francisco de. Conquest of Peru and Cusco, called New Castile, I524-33- Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 7 continued. Sancho, Pedro. Relations of Occurrents in the Conquest of Peru after F. Pizarro's departure, 1534. BOOK 8. Nunez, Alvaro, called Capo di Vacca. A true Relation concerning that which happened to the Fleet in India, from 1527 to 1536. Soto, F. de. Voyage to Florida, and Discoverie of the Regions in that Continent, with the Travels of the Spaniards four yeeres together therein, and the accidents which befell them, 1539-43- Gusman, Nunno di. Relation of New Spaine, 1530. Voyages of Frier Marco de Ni9a, Don F. Vasquez de Coronado, Don Ant. de Espeio, &c. , into New Mexico and the adjoining Coasts and Lands, 1539-90. Perez, Martin. Extracts out of certain Letters of, from the New Mission of the Province of Cinoloa, to the Fathers of Mexico, 1591. With a Letter added, of later Discoveries, 1605. Toletus, L. T. Letter written from Valladolid to R. Hakluyt, touching Juau de Onate his Discoveries in New Mexico, 500 leagues from the old Mexico, 1605. Las Casas, Bartholomew de. Briefe Narration of the Destruction of the Indies by the Spaniards, I54 2 - Of the lies of Hispaniola, S. John, Jamaica, Cuba, Terra Firma, Nicara- gua, New Spaine, Guatimala, Panuco, Xalisco, Yucatan, S. Martha, Cartha- gene, the Coast of Pearles, the River Yuia pari ; of Venesuela, Florida, the River La Plata, Peru, and Granada. Notes of Voyages and Plantations of the French in the Northerne America, both in Florida and Canada, 1524-82. Champlaine, S. Voyage made unto Canada, 1603. Lescarbot, Marke. Voyage of M. de Monts into New France, Canada, &c. , 1603-9. Collections out of a French Booke, called additions to Nova Francia ; containing the accidents there, from 1607-11. The First Plantation of English Colonies in Virginia, briefly mentioned, 1514-90. Gosnol, Capt. Voyage to the North part of Virginia, 1602. Notes of -same Voyage, and of Mace's Voyage to Virginia, 1602. Fringe, Martin. Voyage for the Dis- covery of the North part of Virginia, 1603. Canner, Thomas. Relation of the Voy- age made to Virginia by Capt. B. Gilbert, 1603. PURCHAS. 587 Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 8 continued. Rosier, James. Extracts of a Virginian Voyage made by Capt. G. Weymouth, 1604. Linschoten. Description of the Hands of Azores or the Flemish Hands, with certain occurrents and English acts. Of certaine notable and memorable acci- dents that happened in Tercera, in which are related many English Fleets, Sea-fights, and Prizes, 1589-92. BOOK 9. Part of the first Patent granted by His Majestic for the Plantation of Virginia, April 1606. Percy, George. Observations gathered out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southerne Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606. Smith, Capt. John. Description of Virginia, about 1606. Proceedings of the English Colonie in Virginia, taken out of the writings of T. Studley, Anas Todkill, Dr Russell, &c. , and enlarged out of the writings of Capt. John Smith, 1606-10. Proceedings and Accidents, with the second supply, 1609-11. Archer, Gabriel. Letter touching the Voyage of the Fleet of Ships, which arrived at Virginia, without Sir T. Gates and Sir G. Summers, 1609. Strachy, W. True reportorie of the Wracke and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, upon and from the Hands of the Bermudas, his coming to Virginia, 1610. Argal, Capt. Samuel. Voyage from James Towne in Virginia to seek the He of Bermuda, and missing the same, his putting over towards Sagadahoc and Cape Cod, and back to James Towne, 1610. De la Warre, Lord. Short Relation made to the Lords and others of the Counsell of Virginia, touching his un- expected returne home, 1611. Argoll, Sir Samuel. Letter touching his Voyage to Virginia, and Actions there, 1613. Hamor, Ralph. Notes of Virginian Affaires in the Government of Sir Thomas Dale and Sir Thomas Gates, 1614. Letters of Sir T. Daleand Alex. Whitaker, from James Towne in Virginia, 1614 ; and a part of a Tractate written at Henrico by A. Whitaker, 1613. Dermer, Tho. Letter from Virginia, touching his Voyage for the South Sea, 1620. Virginian Affaires, 1620-24. May, Henry. Shipwracke on the Summer Hands, 1593. The first Colony sent, 1612. Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 9 continued. Norwood, R. Relations of Summer Hands, with Capt. Smith's Historic of the Creatures living therein, 1622. Smith, Capt. John. Historic of Bermudas, or Summer Hands ; touching the English acts and occurrents there from the beginning of the Plantation, 1613-23. Argal, Sir Samuel. Briefe Intelligence from Virginia by Letters, a supplement of French-Virginian occurrents and their supplantation, in right of the English plantation, about 1624. Virginias Verger ; or a Discourse show- ing the Benefits which may grow to this Kingdom from American-English Plantations, and specially those of Virginia and Summer Hands. BOOK 10. A briefe Relation of the Discoverie and Plantation of New England, and of sundrie accidents therein occurring from 1607-22. Stoneman, John. Voyage of H. Challons, intended for the North Plantation of Virginia, 1606, taken by the way, and ill-used by the Spaniards. Smith, Capt. John. Extracts of a Booke called "New England's Trialls," printed 1622. Journal of a Plantation settled at Pli- moth, in New England, and proceed- ings thereof, 1622. Winslow, E. Good Newes from New England ; or a relation of things remarkable in that Plantation, 1621-23. Nova Scotia. The King's Patent to Sir William Alexander, for the Plantation of New Scotland in America, and his proceedings therein ; with a Descrip- tion of Mawooshen, discovered by the English, 1602-9. New-found-land. The Patent for, and the Plantation there made by the English, 1610, delivered in a Letter from M. Guy to M. Slany ; also of the weather the three first winters, and of Capt. Weston, with other remarkable occurrents. Whitbourne, Capt. R. Voyages to New- found-land, and observations there and thereof, 1611-18. Divers warlike Fleets set forth to Sea against the Spaniards, by our English Debora, Q. Elizabeth ; her manifold deliveries and victories. The Popes Bull, the King of Spaines preparations, the Duke of Medinas Expedition, the Duke of Parmas Forces, for the Invasion of England, divers Sea-fights twixt the English and Spanish Fleets, the Sea-flight of the Spanish, and miserable disasters in their returne, 1588. 588 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Purchas, Vol. 4, Book 10 continued. Wingfield, Col. A. Discourse of the Portugall Voyage, 1589, under Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake. A briefe and true report of the honour- able Voyage unto Cadiz, 1596, of the overthrow of the King's Fleet, and of the winning of the Citie, with other accidents, gathered ovit of Meteranus. Hakluyt, and others. Essex, Earle of. Relation of the Voyage to the lies of Azores, 1597. Gorges, Sir Arthur. Larger relation of the said Hand Voyage [Azores], 1597. Conclusion of the Worke, with some later Advertisements touching his Majesties care for Virginia. Ramusio, Gio. Battista. Delle Navi- gationi et Viaggi. 3 vols. Maps. Folio Venice, v. I. 1613 ; v. II. 1583 ; v. III. 1606 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Leone Africano, Giovan. Delia De- scrittione dell' Africa, 1526. Ramusio. Discorso sopra il Libro del Signor A. da ca da Mosto. Ca da Mosto, Aluise da. Navigatione. 1455- Navigatione del Capit. Pietro di Sintra, 1413. Hannone, Capitano de' Cartaginesi. Navigatione nelle parti dell' Africa ; tradotta dal Ramusio. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la delta Navi- gatione di Hannone. Navigatione da Lisbona all' Isola di San Thome, posta sotto la linea dell' Equinottiale, scritta per un Pilotto Portoghese. Ramusio. Discorso sopra alcune Lettere e Navigationi fatte per li Capitani dell' armate delli S. Re di Portogallo, verso 1'Indie Orientali. Gama, Vasco di. Navigatione dal Capo Buona Speranza, fino in Calicut, 1497. Alvarez, Pedro. Navigatione da Lisbona in Calicut. Vespucci, Amerigo. Lettere due drizzate al Mag. Pietro Soderini Confal. dell' eccelsa Repub. di Firenze di due sue Navigationi, 1502-4. Sommario delle dette sue Naviga- tioni, 1501. Lopez, Thome. Navigatione verso 1'Indie Orientali, 1502. Empoli, Giovanni da. Viaggio fatto nell' India, 1503. Ramusio. Discorso sopra 1'Itinerario di L. Barthema. Barthema, Ludovico. Itinerario dell' Egitto, Soria, Arabia Deserta e Felice, Persia, India, &c. Ramusio, Vol. i continued. Diodoro Siculo. Navigatione di lambolo mercante, tradotta per il Ramusio. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la delta Navi- gatione di lambolo. Discorso sopra la prima e seconda Lellera de A. Corsali. Corsali, Andrea. Lettere scritta in Cochin Citta dell' India, 1515 ; della Naviga- tione del Mar Rosso, e sino Persico, sino a Cochin Citta d' India, 1517. Ramusio. Discorso sopra il Viaggio dell' Ethiopia. Alvarez, Francesco. Viaggio fatto nell' Ethiopia, 1520. Obedienza data a Papa Clemente VII. in nome del Prete Janni, per il prefato Don F. Alvarez. Ramusio. Discorso sopra il crescer del Fiume Nilo. Fracastoro, Hieronimo. Risposta sopra il detto crescimento del Nilo. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Navigatione di Nearcho. Nearcho, Navigatione di, la quale scrisse Arriano Greco ; tradolta dal Ramusio. Viaggio scritto per un Comito Venetiano, dal Mar Rosso fino al Diu,- nella India, col suo ritorno poi al Cairo, 1537-38. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Navigatione dal Mar Rosso, fino all' Indie Orientali; scritta per Arriano. Arriano. Navigatione del Mar Rosso, fino all' Indie Orientali, tradotta per il Ramusio. Barbosa, Odoardo. Libro di, dell' Indie Orientali, 1516. Sommario di tutti li Regni, Citta, e Popoli dell' Indie Orientali. Conti, Nicolo di. Viaggio nelle Indie Orientali, 1449. Stefano, Hieronimo da San. Viaggio nell Indie, 1499. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Navigatione fatta da gli Spagnuoli attorno il Mondo, 1522-27. Massimiliano Transilvano. Epistola della detta Navigatione fatta per li Spagnuoli lo 1519-22, attorno il Mondo. Pigafetta, Antonio. Viaggia atorno il Mondo, 1519-22. Navigatione d'un Portoghese Compagno d'Odoardo Barbosa, che fu sopra la Nave Vittoria, attorno il Mondo, I5I9- Ramusio. Discorso sopra varii Viaggi, per i quali sono state condotte fino a tempi nostri le spetiarie, da 1500 anni in qua, e altri luoghi, che si potriano usar per condurle Gaetan, Juan. Relatione del discopri- mento dell' Isole Molucche per la via dell' Indie Occidentali, 1542-45. Ramusio. Informatione dell' Isola Giap- pan nuovamente scoperta. RAMUSIO. 589 Ramusio, Vol. I continued. Barros, Giovan di. Delia Historia, con alcuni Capitoli estratti appartenenti alia Cosmografia. VOLUME 2. Marco Polo. Delle cose de' Tartarie e dell' Indie Orientali, 1250, con Prefa- tiqne di Ramusio, ed Espositione sopra le prime Parole del libro di M. Marco. Hayton Armeno. Dell' origine e succes- sione de'GranCanilmperadori Tartari, 1253-1303. Angiolello, G. M. Delia vita e fatti d' Ussuncassan Re di Persia, che altri- menti era chiamato Assambei ; e delle guerre da lui fatte con Mahometo Gran Turco, 1462-1524. Viaggio d'un Mercante, che fu nella Persia, 1507-20. Barbaro, Josafa. Viaggio della Tana, e nella Persia, 1436-87. Contarino, Ambrosio. Viaggio nella Persia, 1473-77- Campense, Alberto. Lettera intorno le Cose di Moscovia. Jovio, Paolo. Delle cose della Moscovia. Sigismondo, Barone in Herberstain. Commentari della Moscovia et della Russia, 1559. Arriano. Lettera, della sua Navigatione d'intorno al Mar Maggiore. Giorgio interiano Genovese della Vita de Zychi, altrimenti Circassi. Hippocrate. Parte del Trattato, dell' acre e dell' acqua nella quale si Ragiona de gli Scithi. Quirino, Pietro. Viaggio e Naufragio, I43I- Fiorauante, C., e G. di Michele. De- scritto Naufragio del sopra detto P. Quirino. Cabota, Sebastiano. Navigatione nelle Parte Settentrionali, 1556-57. Zeno, Caterino. Viaggio in Persia, e delleGuerre fatte nell'ImperioPersiano dal tempo di Ussuncassano, 1450. Nicolo e Antonio. Dello scopri- mento dell' Isola Frislanda, Eslanda, fatto sotto il Polo Artico. Due Viaggi in Tartaria par alcuni frate, 1247. Odorico da Udine, Beato. Due Viaggi, 1318. Guagnino, Alessandro. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea. Valesio, II. Compendio delle Chroniche di Polonia. Mattheo di Micheovo. Descrittione delle due Sarmatie. VOLUME 3. Martire, Pietro. Sommario cavato della sua Historia del Nuovo Mondo, sco- perta da C. Colombo, poi detto Indie Occidentali, 1492-1515. Oviedo, G. F. d'. Sommario da lui stesso Ramusio, Vol. 3 continued. levato della sua Historia Naturale e Generale, dell' Indie Occidentali, scoperte da C. Colombo. Historia Generale et Naturale dell' Indie Occidentali, in Lib. xx. Cortese, Fernando. Relation! Seconda, Terza, e Quarta, delle sue grandi im- prese, con 1' acquisto della gran Citta del Temistitan Messico, dove hora e detto la Nuova Spagna, 1519-24. Alvarado, Pietro d'. Lettere due a F. Cortese, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna. Godoi, Diego. Lettera a F. Cortese, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna. D' un gentiP huomo del F. Cortese, Re- latione della gran Citta del Temistitan Messico, e d' altre Cose della Nuova Spagna. Nunez, Alvaro, detto Capo di Vacca. Relatione delle Indie, e della Nuova Galitia, 1527-36. Gusman, Nunno di. Relatione dell' im- prese fatte in acquistare molte Provincie e Citta nella Maggior Spagna, 1530. Ulloa, Capit. Francesco d'. Navigatione per discoprire 1' Isole delle Specierie fino al mare detto Vermeio, 1532-39. Vasquez di Coronado, F. Sommario di due sue Lettere, del Viaggio fatto da Fra Marco da Nizza alle sette Citta di Cevola, 1539. Mendozza, Antonio di. Lettera del dis- coprimento della Terra Ferma della Nuova Spagna verso Tramontana, 1539. Nizza, Marco da. Relatione del Viaggio fatto per terra a Cevola Regno delle sette Citta, 1539. Vasquez di Coronado, Francesco. Rela- tione del Viaggio alle dette sette Citta, 1540. Alarchon, Fernando. Navigatione con 1'armata di A. di Mendozza, quale ando per mare a scoprire il Regno delle sette Citta, 1540. Relatione d'un Capitano Spagnuolo del discoprimento e conquista del Peru fatta da F. ed H. Pizarro, 1531. Xerez, Francesco. Relatione della Con- quista fatta da F. Pizarro del Peru e Provincia del Cuscho, chiamata la Nuova Castiglia, 1532-33. Relatione d' un Secretario di F. Pizarro, della Conquisla fatta della Provincia del Peru, con la Descrittione della gran Citta del Cuscho, 1534. Oviedo, Gonzalo F. d'. Relatione della Navigatione per il grandissimo Fiume Maragnon, post sopra la Terra Ferma dell' Indie Occidentali, 1543. Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Terra Ferma dell' Indie Occidentali, delta del Lav- orador de los Baccalaos, et della Nuova Francia. 590 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Ramusio, Vol. 3 continued. Verrazzano, Giov. Relatione della terra per lui scoperta al Re Christianissimo, 1524. Discorso d' un gran Capitano cli Mare Francese, sopra le Navigation! fatte alia Nuova Francia, e sopra la terra del Brasil, Guinea, Isola di San Lorenzo, e quella di Summatra. Carthicr, Jacques. Prima Relatione della Terra Nuoua delta la Nuova Francia, 1534- Seconda Relatione, della Naviga- tions per lui fatta all' Isole di Canada, Ilochelaga, Saguenai, etc., al presente dette la Nuova Francia, 1535. Cesare de' Federici. Viaggio nell' India Orientale, ed oltra 1' India, per via di Soria, 1563-69. Navigation! fatte da gli Olandesi e Zelandesi al Settentrione, nella Nor- uegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini, dove scoper- sero il Mare di Veygatz, e la Nuova Zembla. Et un paese nell' ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia, 1594-97. Ray, John. Travels. 2 vols. 8 1738 Vol. I. Travels through the Low- Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with curious observations ; also, a Cata- logue of Plants, and an account of the travels of Francis Willughby through great part of Spain. Vol. 2. A Collection of curious Travels and Voyages. CONTENTS. Ran wolf, Leonhart. Journey into the Eastern Countries, viz., Syria, Pales- tine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c. Belon, Mr. Remarks in the Island of Creta or Candy ; Description of Mount Athos, commonly called Monte Santo ; Journey from Mount Athos to Con- stantinople, wherein the Gold and Silver Mines of Macedonia, &c., are described. Vernon, Francis. Travels from Venice through Istria, Dalmatia, Greece, and the Archipelago to Smyrna. Wheeler, Sir George. Plants observed in his Voyage to Greece and Asia Minor. Smith, Thomas. Historical Observations relating to Constantinople ; and an Account of the City of Prusa in Bithynia. Greaves, John. Account of the Latitude of Constantinople and Rhodes. Belon, Mr. Observations made in a Voyage to Egypt. Greaves, John. Description of the Pyra- mids in Egypt, 1638-39. Ray, Vol. 2 continued. Vansleb, Father. Of the Pyramids, Sphynx, Mummies, &c., of Egypt. Huntingdon, K. Letter concerning the Porphyry Pillars in Egypt. Journey from Grand Cairo to Mecca. Middleton, Sir Henry. Observations in Arabia Felix. Michael of Tripoli. Of Ethiopia. Lobo, Father. Observations of Ethiopia. Renneville, R. A. Constantin de. Re- cueil cles Voyages qui ont servi a 1'Estab- lissement etaux Progrezde la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formee dans les Provinces-Uniesdes Pais-Bas. Nouvelle edition. 10 vols. Plates. 12 A'ouen, 1725 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Trois Voyages des Hollandois et des Zelandois par le Nord. De- scription de la Siberie, de la Samoyede, et de la Tingeese. Jean Isaac Pon- tanus : Dissertation, pour aller a la Chine par le Nord. Premier Voyage des Hollandois aux Indes Orientales. Vol. 2. Premier Voyage, &c. (Suite). Second Voyage. Voyage de cinq Vaisseaux de Rotterdam au Detroit de Magellan. Vol. 3. Voyage d' Olivier de Noort autour du Monde. Voyages de Paul van Caerden et J. van Neck aux Indes Orientales. Memoires touchant les Indes Orientales. Voyage d' Etienne van der Hagert. Voyage de deux Vaisseaux Hollandois au Roiaume d' Achin, 1600- 1 ; de Wolphart Harman- sen, 1601-8; deCorneillede Veen, 1602. Vol. 4. Premier Voiage de G. Spilberg, 1601-4. Description de Java, tiree de J. I. Pontanus. Voyage de Wybrandt van Waarwyk, 1602-7. Vol. 5. Second Voyage d' Etienne van der Hagen, 1603-8. Voyage de Cor- neille Matelief le Jeune, 1605-8. Vol. 6. Voyage de Matelief (Suite). Second Voiage de Paul van Caerden, 1606-9. Vol. 7. Voyage de Pierre Willemsz Verhoeven, aux Indes Orientales, au Japon, &c., 1607 et seq. Memoires touchant les Isles de Banda, Borneo, Moluques, Solor et Timor, Amboine, &c., et des Forts que la Compagnie possedoit dans les Indes Orientales, 1616. Voyage de Pierre van der Broeck au Cap Vert, Angola, et aux Indes Orientales. Vol. 8. Voyage de George Spilberg aux Isles Moluques, 1614. Navigation Australe de Jacques le Maire et Willem Cornelisz Schouten , 1615-17. Voyage de Guillaume Isbrandtsz Bontekou, 1618. RENNEVILLE TAVERNIER TERN AUX-COM PANS. Renneville continued, Vol. 9. Voyage de la Flote cle Nassau sous Jacques 1'Hermite. Description du Perou. Voyage de Sayger van Rechteren, 1628-33 > de Henry Hage- naar, 1631-38. Vol. 10. Voyage de Hagenaar (Suite). Histoire d'un Perse'cution, faite aux Chreliens du Japon. Visit _du Da'iro a 1'Empereur du Japon. Lettre d' un Magistral du Japon. Lettre et Me- moire touchant le Commerce du Japon. Prise de Formosa par les Chinois. Tavernier, John Baptista. The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier . . . through Turky into Persia and the East-Indies, finished in the year 1670 . . . Made English by J. P. ; to which is added a description of all the Kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas, by an English Traveller. Plates. Small folio 1678 - Recueil de plusieurs Relations et Traitez singuliers et curieux de J. B. Tavernier, Escuyer, Baron d'Aubonne, qui n'ont point este mis dans ses six premiers voyages. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1679 CONTENTS. 1. Une relation du Japon, et de la cause de la persecution des Chrestiens dans ses Isles ; avec la carte du pais. 2. Relation de ce qui c'est passe dans la Negociation des Deputez qui ont este en Perse et aux Indes, tant de la part du Roy, que de la Compagnie Franfoise, pour 1'etablissement du Commerce. 3. Observations sur le Commerce des Indes Orientates, et sur les fraudes qui s'y peuvent commettre. 4. Relation nouvelle et singuliere du Royaume de Tunquin ; avec plusieurs figures et la carte du pais. 5. Histoire de la Conduite des Hollandois en Asie. Les Six Voyages de Jean - Baptiste Tavernier, Chevalier, Baron d'Aubonne, qu'il fait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. Nouvelle edition. 3 vols. Illus- trations. 4 Paris, 1681 Les Six Voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, Chevalier Baron d'Aubonne, qu'il a fait en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes. 2 vols. Plates (and water-colour drawtngby Svindler). 4" Paris, 1682 Ternaux - Compans, H. Voyages, Re- lations, et Memoires Originaux, pour servir a 1'Histoire de la Decouverte de 1'Amerique. 20- vols in I o. 8 Paris, 1837-41 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Federmann le Jeune, d'Ulm, Nicolas. Narration du Premier Voyage aux Indes de la Mer Oceane, 1529-32. Ternaux-Compans continued. Vol. 2. Magalhanes de Gandavo, Pero de. Histoire de la Province de Sancta- Crux, que nous nommons ordinaire- ment le Bresil, 1576. Vol. 3. Staden de Homberg, Hans. Veritable Histoire et Description d'un Pays habite par des Hommes Sauvages, nus, feroces et anthropophages, situe dans le Nouveau Monde, nomme Amerique, 1547-55. - Relation veridique et precise des Moeurs et Coutumes des Tuppinambas. Vol. 4. Xeres, Franois. Relation veridique de la Conquete du Perou, et de la Province de Cuzco nommee Nouvelle-Castille, 1524-33. - Relation du Voyage fait par le Seign. Capit. Ferdinand Pizarre, 1533- 1534- Vol. 5. Hulsius, Levinus. Histoire veritable d'un Voyage Curieux, fait par Ulrich Schmidel de Straubing, dans 1'Amerique ou le Nouveau Monde, par le Bresil, et le Rio de la Plata, 1534-54. Vol. 6. Cabe5a de Vaca, Alvar Nunez, Adelantade et Gouverneur du Rio de la Plata. Commentaires cle ; rediges par Pero Hernandez, 1555. Vol. 7. Cabe9a de Vaca, Alvar Nunez. Relation et Naufrages, 15 2 7'37- Vol. 8. Ixtlilxochitl, Don Fernando d'Alva. Cruautes Horribles des Con- querants du Mexique, Memoire, 1519- 1524. Vol. 9. Castaneda de Nagera, Pedro de. Relation du Voyage de Cibola, en 1540. Vol. 10. Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique, 1518-87. Vol. II. Zurita, Alonzo de. Rapport sur les differentes classes de Chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Vols. 12 and 13. Ixtlilxochitl, F. d'Alva. Histoire des Chichimeques, on des Anciens Rois de Tezcuco ; traduite sur le Manuscrit Espagnol. 2 vols. Vol. 14. Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez. Histoire du Nicaragua. Vol. 15. Balboa, Miguel Cavello. His- toire du Perou. Vol. 16. Second Recueil de Pieces sur le Mexique. f Lettres de Don Juan de Zumarraga, Eveque elu de Mexico, &c. Vol. 17. Montesinos, L. Fernando. Memoires Historiques sur 1'Ancien Perou. Vols. 1 8 and 19. Velasco, Don Juan de. Histoire du Royaume de Quito. 2 vols. Vol. 20. D'Escalante Fontanedo, Her- nando. Memoire sur la Floride, ses C6tes et ses Habitants. Solo, Hernando de. Lettre ecrite par, au Corps Municipal de la ville de Santiago, de 1'Ile de Cuba, 1539. 592 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Ternaux-Compans continued. Vol. 20. Biedma, Luis H. de. Relation de ce qui arriva pendant le Voyage du Soto, 1544. Beteta, Frere Gregorio de. Rela- tion de la Floride, 1549. Guido de las Bazares. Voyage sur la Cote de la Floride, 1559. Lopez deMendoza, Francisco. Voy- age de Pero M. de Abiles a la Cote et dans la Province de la Floride, 1565. Velasquez, Luis de. Lettre sur les affaires de la Floride. Ribaut, Capit. Jean. Histoire Me- morable du dernier Voyage aux Indes, lieu appele la Floride, en 1565. Gourgue, Capit. La Reprinse de la Floride. Thevenot, Melchisedec. Relation de divers Voayges \sic\ curieux qui n'ont point este publiees ; ou qui sont este traduites d'Hacluyt, de Purchas, et d'autres Voyageurs Anglois, Hollandois, Portugais, Allemands, Espagnols ; et de quelques Persans, Arabes, et autres Auteurs Orientaux, &c. 4 vols. in 2. Maps and plates. Folio Paris, 1683 [ The secondary titles bear earlier dates. ] CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Des Cosaques, avec la vie de Kmielniski, tiree d'un manuscrit des Tartares du Crime, des Nogais, des Circasses, et des Abassas, par Jean de Luca. De la Colchide ou Mengrelie. Informatione della Georgia di Pietro della Valle, tiree d'un manuscrit, avec 1'Oraison funebre de Sitti Maani sa femme, qu'il recita luy-mesme. Voyage d'Antoine Jenkinson au Cathay. Extrait de la Relation de 1'Ambassade que les Hollandois envoyerent en 1656 et 1657* au Tartarej qui est presente- ment Maistre de la Chine. Relation de la prise de 1'Isle Formosa par les Chinois le 5 Juillet 1661. Relation de la Cour du Mogol par la Captaine Haukins. Memoires de Thomas Rhoe Ambassadeur du Roy d'Angleterre pres du Mogol, traduits du Reciieil Anglois de Purchas. Voyage de Edoiiard Terry aux Etats du Mogol, traduits du Reciieil Anglois de Purchas. Description des Plantes et des Animaux des Indes Orientales, par Cosmas, Monachos autrement Indopleustes. Les Climats Alhend et Alsend de la Geographic d'Abulfeda. [Wanting.] Relation des Antiquitez de Persepolis, traduite d'Herbert. [Wanting.] Commencement d'un Livre des Chaldeens de Bassora, autrement appellez les Chretiens de S. Jean, ecrit en caracteres Thevenot, Vol. i continued. tres-anciens non encore viis en Europe, avec 1'alphaljet de ces memes caracteres et une Carte Arabe du pa'is. [Wanting. ] Relation des Royaumes de Golconda, Tannassari, Arecan, par Wilhem Me- thold, President de la Compagnie Angloise. Relation de Floris Villiamson du Golfe de Bengale. Relation du Royaume de Siam par Schouten, traduit de 1' Hollandois. Voyages aux Indes Orientales de Bonte- koue, traduit de 1'Hollandois. Decouverte de la Terre Australe, traduite aussi de 1'Hollandois, avec une carte de cette cinquieme partie du Monde. Routier des Indes Orientales par Aleixo da Motta, traduit d'un manuscrit Portugais. Description des Pyramides d'Egypte, par Jean Greaves, traduite de 1' Anglois. VOLUME 2. Avis d'un des Facteurs de la Compagnie Hollandoise sur le commerce des Indes. Autre avis sur le commerce du Japon. Le Routier d'Alaixo da Motta, traduit du Portugais. Carte Portugaise de la Carrea, ou Navi- gation des Indes Orientales. Veues des principales costes des Indes Orientales. Voyage de Beaulieu aux Indes Orien- tales. Trois Relations des Isles Philippines. Relation du Japon. Martyrs du Japon. Relation de la decouverte de la terre de leso. Briefve Relation de la Chine, . . . par le tres R. P. Michel Boym, [includ- ing] Flora Sinensis, ou description des Plantes et Fleurs de la Chine, . . . avec figures. Voyage des Hollandois a Pekin. VOLUME 3. Ambassade des Hollandois a la Chine. Description Geographique de 1'Empire de la Chine, par le Pere Martin Martinius. Grammaire de la Langue des Tartares Mogols. Rapport que les Directeurs de la Com- pagnie Hollandoise des Indes Orien- tales ont fait de 1'etat de leurs affaires aux Indes, en 1'an 1664. VOLUME 4. L'Indien, ou Portrait au naturel des Indiens, par Dom Joan de Palafos, Eveque de la Puebla de los Angeles. Relation des Voyages du Sieur Acarete sur la Riviere de la Platte, et de la par terre jusqu'au Perou et au Potosi. Voyage a la Chine des Peres Grueber et d'Orville . . le mesme en Italien. THEVENOT VALENTYN VINCENT. 593 Thevenot, Vol. 4 continued. La science morale des Chinois, ou le second livre de Confussius, traduit de la langue Chinoise par le Pere Introcetta. Histoire de la Haute-Ethiopie ecrite sur les lieux par le Pere Manuel d'Almeida, Jesuite, extraite et traduite de la copie Portugaise du Pere Balthazar Tellez. Remarques sur les Relations de 1'Ethiopie des Peres Jeronimo Lobo et de Balthazar Tellez, Jusuites. Relation du Pere Jeronimo Lobo de 1' Empire des Abyssins, des sources du Nil, de Licorne, &c. Decouverte de quelques pals qui sont entre I Empire des Abyssins et la coste de Melinde. Relation du Voyage du Zaid ou de la Thebaide fait en 1668, par les Capucins Missionaires en Egypte. Histoire de 1'Empire Mexicain repre- sentee par figures. Relation du Mexique, avec 1'Histoire de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Thomas Gages. Voyage et decouverte du P. Marquette et Sieur lolliet dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale. Ambassade des Moscovites a la Chine, ou Voyage de Moskou a Peguin par terre, traduit du Muscovite. Discours sur 1'Art de Navigation, avec quelques Problemes pour y servir de supplement. Supplement de 1'Histoire naturelle de 1'Ephemere. Valentyn, Francois. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien, vervattendeeenNaaukeurige en Uitvoerige verhandelinge van Neder- lands Mogentheyd in die Gewesten, benevens eene wydluftige Beschryvinge der Moluccos, Amboina, Banda, Timor, en Solor, Java, en alle de Eylanden onder dezelve Landbestieringen behoorende ; het Nederlands Comptoir op Suratte, en de Levens der Groote Mogols ; als ook een Keurlyke verhandeling van 't wezent- lykste, dat men behoort te weten van Choromandel, Pegu, Arracan, Bengale, Mocha, Persien, Malacca, Sumatra, Cey- lon, Malabar, Celebes of Macassar, China, Japan, Tayouan of Formosa, Tonkin, Camlx>dia, Siam, Borneo, Bali, Kaap der Goede Hoope, en van Mauritius. Te zamen dus behelzende niet alleen eene zeer nette Beschryving van alles, wat Nederlands Oost-Indien betreft, maar ook 't voornaamste dat eenigzins tot eenige andere Europeers, in die Gewesten, betrekking heeft. Svols. Maps, portraits, and plates. Folio Dordrecht, 1724-26 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien, of Nederlands Mogentheid alclaar. Be- schryving der Moluccos. Molukse Zaaken. 2 P Valentyn continued. Vol. 2. Beschryving van Amboina. Am- bonsche Zaaken. Vol. 3. Ambonsche Zaaken van den Godsdienst. Beschryving der Boomen, Planten Heesters en Gewassen van Amboina. Verhandeling der Dieren, Vogelen, Water-Dieren, Visschenvan Amboina. Vol. 4. Verhandeling der Zee-Horen- kens en Schelpen ofte Dubbletten van Amboina. Beschryvinge van Banda, Solor en Timor, Macassar, Borneo, Bali, Tonkin, Cambodia, Siam. Vol. 5. Beschryvinge van Groot Java, Bantam, Batavia, benevens de Levens der Opper-land Voogden. Vol. 6. Zaaken van den Gods-dienst op Java. Beschryving van Suratte en de Levens der Groote Mogols. Beschry- vinge van Tsjina, Tayouan of Formosa. Des Schryvers Uyt en T'Huys-Reyze, 1685-1714. Vol. 7. Beschryving van Choromandel, Pegu, Arrakan, Bengale, Mocha, in Persien. Beschryvinge van Malakka, Sumatra, Ceylon. Vol. 8. Beschryvinge van Malabar, Ja- pan, Kaap der Goede Hoope. Van der Aa, Pieter. See Naaukeurige Versameling, p. 595. Vincent, Dean William. The Com- merce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean. 2 vols. Portrait and maps. 4 1807 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus, from the Indus to the Euphrates. Illustrated by authorities, ancient and modern. Sequel to the Voyage of Nearchus. On the Site of Opis. Wales, W. On the Rising of the Con- stellations. Horsley, Bp. S. On the Rising of the Constellations. De la Rochette, M. On the First Meridian of Ptolemy. VOLUME 2. The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Part the First, containing an account of the Navigation of the Ancients, from the Sea of Suez to the Coast of Zanguebar. Sequel to the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Dissertations. On the Adulitick Inscription, collected from Chishull, Montfaucon, Melchi- sedeck Thevenot, and other authors. OnEITENHDIOMMENOUTHESIAS On the Ancient Maps of the World. On the Sinse, the Seres, and the Termina- tion of Ancient Geography on the East. 594 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Vincent, Dissertations continued. On the Twenty-Seventh Chapter of Ezekiel. On the Navigation and Compass of the Chinese, by the Right Hon. the Earl Macartney. On the Map of Fra Mauro, in the Mon- astery of St Michael di Murano, at Venice, so far as it relates to the Cir- cumnavigation of Africa. A Catalogue of the Articles of Commerce in the Periplus, corrected, enlarged, and compared with the Articles enumerated in the Digest of the Roman Law, re- lating to the Imports and Exports at "Alexandria. Vincent, Dean William. The Voyage of Nearchus and the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Translated from the Greek. Plate. 4 Oxford, 1809 Walpole, Robert. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey. Edited from Manuscript Journals. Map and plates. 4 1817 CONTENTS. Walpole, R. The Causes of the Weak- ness and Decline of the Turkish Monarchy. Morritt, Mr. Account of a Journey through the District of Maina, in the Morea, 1795. Sibthorp, Dr. Parnassus, and the neigh- bouring District, 1794. Observations on Natural History, relating to parts of Greece and to the Island of Cyprus. Hunt, Dr. Journey from Parium to the Troad ; Ascent to the Summit of Ida ; the Salt Springs of Tousla ; Ruins of Assos, 1799. Sibthorp, Dr. Remarks respecting Attica. Carlyle, Professor J. D. Letters during his Residence in Turkey. Hunt, Dr. Mount Athos. An Account of the Monastic Institutions, and the Libraries on the Holy Mountain. Walpole, R. Remarks on the Sepulchres of the European and Asiatic Greeks. Hume, Dr. Plants collected in Cyprus. Sibthorp, Dr. Birds, Quadrupeds, and Fishes of Greece and Cyprus. Raikes, Mr. Journal through parts of Bceotia, Phocis, Rhamnus, Ascent to the Corycian Cave, &c. Squire, Col. Remarks relating to the Military Architecture of the Ancient Greeks. The Plain of Marathon, the Isthmus of Corinth, &c. Davison, Mr. Observations relating to some of the Antiquities of Egypt. Walpole, R. The Catacombs of Alex- andria. Walpole, Turkey Hume, Dr. Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Modern Inhabitants of Egypt. Light, Capt. Journal of a Voyage up the Nile into part of Nubia, May 1814. Walpole, R., and the Earl of Aberdeen. On the Mines of Laurium. Gold and Silver Coinage of the Athenians. Revenue of Attica. Al erdeen, The Earl of. Remarks on two Sculptured Marbles brought from Amyclse. Hawkins, Mr. On the Topography of Athens, the Vale of Tempe, the Syrinx of Strabo, and the Bridge over the Euripus. Haygarth, W. Panoramic View of Athens illustrated. Walpole, R. Remarks on the Thesauri of the Greeks. Remarks on the Demetrian System of the Troad. Morritt, Mr. Remarks on the Troad, in a Letter to Dr Clarke. Wilkins, Mr. Remarks on the Archi- tectural Inscription brought from Athens, and now preserved in the British Museum. Walpole, Robert. Travels in Various Countries of the East, being a Continua- tion of Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, &c. Alaps and plates. 4 1820 CONTENTS. Hawkins, Mr. On the Tar Springs of Zante. Sibthorp, Dr. Voyage in the Grecian Seas, Princes' Islands, Dardanelles, Cyprus, Islands of Lero, Patmos, Stenosa, Argentiera, Euboea, Mount Athos, Isthmus of Corinth. Whittington, Mr. Discovery of the Remains of the Acropolis of Patmos. Sibthorp, Dr. Second Voyage in the Grecian Seas. Hunt, Dr. Lemnos. Sibthorp, Dr. Journal relating to Parts of the ancient Elis, Arcadia, Argolis, Laconia, Messenia, and the Islands on the Western Shores of Greece. Brown, William George. Journey from Constantinople through Asia Minor, with Miscellaneous Remarks written at Constantinople, 1802. Letter to Smithson Tennant, Esq., dated Tabriz (on the frontiers of Persia), July 16, 1813. Price of Commodities at Smyrna, in 1780, 1790, 1800, and 1812. Biographical Memoir of. Leake, Col. Journey through some Provinces of Asia Minor, in 1800. Hume, Dr. Extracts from the Journals relating to Parts of Cyprus, and a De- WALPOLE ANONYMOUS. 595 Walpole, Travels continued. scription of the Bay of Marmorice, on the Coast of Caramania. Leake, Col. Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of parts of Asia Minor. Hawkins, Mr. Some Particulars respect- ing the Police of Constantinople. An Account of the Discovery of a very Ancient Temple on Mount Ocha, in Euboea. Squire, Col. Travels through part of the Ancient Coele-Syria, and Syria Salutaris. Clarke, Edw. Daniel. Letter on a remarkable Egyptian Bas - Relief, inscribed with Greek Characters ; to- gether with a Postscript, containing observations upon other Egyptian An- tiquities. Fazakerley, J. N. Journey from Suez to Mount Sinai. Hawkins, Mr. On a Law of Custom which is peculiar to the Islands of the Archipelago. Cockerell, Mr. On the Labyrinth of Crete. Wilkins, Mr. On the Sculptures of the Parthenon. Notice of some remarkable Monuments of Antiquity discovered on the Site of the Ancient Susa, in Persia. Sibthorp, Dr. Remarks relating to the Natural History of parts of European Turkey. Belzoni, M. The Arabic Inscription discovered in the Pyramid of Cheph- renes, and a Translation by the Rev. S. Lee. Whittington, Mr. Account of a Journey through part of Little Tartary, and of some Armenian, Greek, and Tartar Settlements. Hawkins, Mr. On the Site of Dodona. Aberdeen, Earl of. Letter relating to some Statements made by M. R. Rochette in his Work on the Authen- ticity of the Inscriptions of Fourmont. Leake, Col. Inscriptions copied in various parts of Greece. Cockerell, Mr. Letter respecting the very singular Sepulchral Monuments and Inscriptions discovered by him on the Southern Coast of Asia Minor. Walpole, R. Inscriptions copied in different parts of Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt, illustrated. ANONYMOUS. [In Chronological Order.] Recueil de divers Voyages fails en Afrique et en 1'Amerique qui n'ont ]X)int este encore publiez . . ; avec des Traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethy- Recueil de divers Voyages continued. opie, le debordement du Nil, la mer Rouge, et le Prete-Jean. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1684 CONTENTS. Ligon, R. Histoire de 1'isle des Barbades. Relation de la Riviere du Nil, &c. Telles, B. Extrait del'histoire d'Ethiopie. Description de 1'Empire du Prete-Jean. Relation du Voyage fait sur les costes d' Afrique . . . 1670, 1671, com- men5ant au Cap Verd. De la Borde, . Relation de 1'ori- gine, moeurs, coustumes, &c., des Caraibes sauvages des isles Antilles de 1'Amerique. Relation de la Guiane. Description de 1'isle de Jamaique. Relation de 1'isle des Barbades. Description de 1'isle de Saint Christophe. Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk- waardigste Zee en Lancl-Reysen na Oost en West-Indien, mitsgaders andere Gewesten, .... Beginnende met her Jaar 1246, en eyndigende op dese tijd, &c. &c. 27 vols. Maps and plates, Leyden, 1707 [ This collection is by the same publisher (P. Van der Aa) as that edited by Gottfried (q.v. ). The contents are on the whole the same, but are ar- ranged chronologically instead of according to the nationality of the Travellers. ] CONTENTS. Vol. i. Johan du Plan Carpin en Breeder Ascelin, 1246-47. Willemde Rubriquis, 1253. Scheeps-Togten der Portgysen (26), 1419-90. Vol. 2. Christoffel Columbus, 1492-93, Vasco da Gamma, 1497. Chr. Columbus, 1498. Alonso d'Ojeda en Americus Vesputius, 1499. Christoffel Guerre en Pero Alfonso Nino, 1499. Vol. 3. Pedralverez Cabral, Joan da Nova, Vincent Yanes Pinzon, Diego de Lepe, Rodriquez de Bastidas, Alonso d'Ojeda en Am. Vesputius, 1500-1. Joseph den Indiaan (Oost- Indien), 1501. Vasco da Gamma, 1 502. Antonius de Torres, Nico- laus d'Obando (West Indien), 1502. Chr. Columbus, 1502. Diego Mendez de Zigura en Bartelemi de Fiesco (West Indien), 1503. F. d'Albuquerque (Oost Indien), 1503. Lopo Scares (Oost Indien), 1504. Vol. 4. Franciscus de Porras, Ferdin- andes Cortes en Alonzo Quintero (West Indien), 1504. Francisco d' Almeida, Pero da Nhaya (Oost Ind.), 1505. Jean Dias de Solis en Vincent Yanes 596 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Naaukeurige Versamelingf contd. Pinzon (Yucatan), 1506. Tristano d'Acunha (Oost Ind. ), 1506, et seq, Vol. 5. Alfonso d' Albuquerque (Roode Zee en Oost Ind.), 1506. Jorge de Mello (Oost Ind.), 1507. Jorge d'Aguiar (Oost Ind.), 1508. Vol. 6. D'Ocampo, Ponze de Leon, Soils en Pinzon, d'Ojeda (West Ind. ), 1508-9. Fernando Coutinho (Oost Ind.), 1509. Jean de Ezquebel (Jamaica), 1510. Vasco Nunes en Diego Velasquez, 1511. Gonzalo de Sequeira (Oost Ind.), 1510. Garcia de Noronha (Oost Ind.), 1511. Jean Ponze de Leon, Pamphilio de Narvaas (Florida, &c.), 1512-13. Vol. 7. Pedrarius Davila (Darien), 1514. Jean Diaz de Solis en Jean Ponze de Leon (Karibanen), 1515. Lopo Scares d'Albegeria (Oost Ind.), 1515. Fernando Perez d'Andrade (Sumatra, Ternate, China), 1516. Franciscus Hernandez de Cordua, Jean de Gryalva (Yucatan en Nieuw Spanjen), 1517-18. Vol. 8. Diego Lopez de Sequeira (Oost Ind.), 1518. Jorge d'Albuquerque (Oost Ind.), 1519. Ferdinand Magei- lanes, 1521. Simon d'Andrade (China), 1518. Ferdinand Cortes (Nieuw Spanje), 1518. Vol. 9. Ferdinand Cortes (Nieuw Spanje), 1519. Alonso d'Ojeda (Chiri- bichi), Ferdinand Magellanes, Gonzale d'Ocampo (Chiribichi en Cubagua), Panfilio de Narvaez (Nieuw Spanje), Lucas Vasquez d'Ayllon (Chicora), 1520. Duarte de Menezes en Diego Lopez de Sequeira (Oost Ind.), 1521. Vol. 10. Cortes, 1521. Magellaan, 1521. Gil Gonzales Davila (Zuyd-Zee en Nicaragua), 1522. Stephen Gomes (Toeleg om een Straat uyt de Noord in de Zuyd-Zee t'ontdekken), 1523. Franciscus de Garay (Panuco), Pedro d'Alvarado (Guatemala), Diego de Godoy (Mexico, &c.), 1523. Johann de Verazzano (Florida), 1524. Vol. II. Gil Gonzales Davila (Hon- duras), 1524. Vasco da Gamma, 1524. Garcia Jofre de Loyasa (Specery-Eylanden), 1525. Rodrigue de Bastidas (St Martha, &c.), 1525. Stephan Gomes (ter ontdekking van eene nieuwe Straat ten Noorden na Cataya, &c.), 1525. Lucas Vasquez d'Ayllyon( Florida), 1525. Sebastiaan Gaboto (Rio de Plata), 1526. F. Cortes (Weder-komst in Mexico), 1526. Diego Garcia (Americaanse Kusten), 1526. Hetbesluur vanNiew-Spanjen, 1526. Vol. 12. Franciscus Pizarrus en Didacus Almagrus (Peru), 1526. Lopo Vaz Naaukeurige Versameling contd. de Sampayo (Oost Ind.), 1526. Het Koninkrijk Zunda met dat van Java. Jorge de Menezes (Borneo en Mo- luccos), 1527. Vincent de Fonseca (Banda), 1528. Lopo Vaz de Sam- payo en Martin Alfonso de Mello (Oost Ind.), 1529. Simon de Souza Galvaon (Achem), 1529. Vol. 13 en Verfolg. Nunho da Cunha (Gouverneur Generaal in Oost Ind.), 1529, et seq. Voyagien Van Diogo Botello, Manuel Pacheco, Martin Alfonso de Souza, Martin Alfonso de Mello, Estevan de Gama, Antonio Galvaon, Garcia de Noronha. Vol. 14. Nicolaas Clenard (Vrankrijk, Spanjen en Portugal, en Africa), 1535. Pedro de Mendosa en Ulrich Schmidt (R. de la Plata), 1535. Fer- dinand de Soto (Florida), 1539. Johan de Castro (verhaal van een Reys door Portugijsen uyt Indien na Soez), 1540-41. Hieronymus Benzo (West Ind.), 1541. Vol. 15. Jan Staden van Homberg in Hessen (Brazil), 1547-9. Johannes Lerius (Brazil). 1556. Vol. 16. Anthony Jenkinson (Tartarie), 1558. Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues, &c. (Florida), 1562. Cae- sar Frederik (Oost Ind.), 1563, et seq. Vol. 17. Dithmar Blefkenius (Ysland en Groenland), 1563. Leendert Rou- wolf (Syrien, Arabien, Assyrien, &c. ), 1573. Martin Frobischer, 1576-84. Vol. 1 8. Franciscus Drake, 1577. Pieter Carder (Reys met F. Drake), 1578. Eduard Lopez (Congo), 1579. Johan Newberie (Heylig Land, Persien, &c.), 1579. Caspar Balby (Oost Ind.), 1579-88. Vol. 19. Michiel Herberer (Asia en Africa), 1582, et seq. Ralph Fitch (Oost Ind.), 1583-91. Georg, Graf van Cumberland (West Ind., &c.), 1586-98. Vol. 20. Thomas Candish, 1586. Andries Battel (Brazil en Angola), 1589. Antony Knivet (Zuyd Zee), 1591. Joseph d'Acosta (Ontdekking von West Indien), 1592. Vol. 21. Ellis (Straat van Magellanes en Peru), 1593. Engelse Reysen na de Bermudas, 1593-1612. Johan Smith (Verscheyde Gedeelten des Werelds), 1593, et seq. Walther Ralegh (Guiana), 1595-97. Benjamin Woods (Oost Ind.), 1596. Johan Davis (Oost Ind.), 1598-1604. William Adams (Oost Incl.), 1598, et seq. Berigt van een Mohometaans Koopman, 1598. Benedict Goes (door Tartaryen na China), 1598, et seq. Antony Sherley (Persien), 1599. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 597 Naaukeurige Versameling contd. John Mildenhall en Johann Cart- wright (Landen van Persien en den Grooten Mogol), 1599. Vol. 22. James Lancaster (Oost Ind. ), 1601. David Middellon en Michael Geare(West Ind.), 1601. GeorgWey- mouth (Noord-West), 1601. Bartho- lonieus Gosnol (Virginien), 1602. Martin Fringe (Virginien), 1603. Bartholmeus Gilbert (Virginien), 1603. Hehdrik Middleton (Oost Ind.), 1604. Charles Leig (Guiana), 1604. Nicolaus Schmidt (Constantinopolen en Egypten), 1605, et seq. Johan Saris (Oost Ind.), 1605. Vol. 23. Johann Smith (Virginien), 1606, et seq. Willem Keeling (Oost Ind.), 1607-10. Robert Coverte (Oost Ind., Persien, Arabien, &c.), 1607-11. William Hawkins(OostInd.), 1607-8. Vol. 24. Robert Harcourt (Guiana), 1608. Alexander Sharpey en Richard Rowles (Oost Ind.), 1608. David Middelton (Oost Ind.), 1609. Hen- drik Middelton en Nicolaas Dounton (Oost Ind.), 1610. Antony Hippon en Pieter Williamson Floris (Oost- Ind.), 1611. Joan Saris (Oost Ind.), 1611. Vol. 25. Edmund Marlow, Thomas Best, Ralph Wilson (Oost Ind.), 1611. Samuel Castelton (Oost Ind.), 1612. Christoffel Nieuwpoort (Oost Ind.), 1613. Antonio Fernandez (Gingiro, Africa), 1613. Nicolaas Dounton (Oost Ind.), 1614. Johan Wilward, (Oost Ind.), 1614. Johan Smith (Nieuw Engeland), 1614-15. Walter Peyton (Oost Ind.), 1615. Thomas Coryat (Ajmere), 1615. Edward Terry (Oost Ind.), 1615. Roger Hawes, Alexander Childe (Oost Ind.), 1616. Vol. 26. Thomas Spurway (Banda), 1616. Martin Pring (Oost Ind.), 1617. Edward Ileynes (Oost Ind.), 1618. William Hoare (Achen, Ban- tam), 1618. William Methold (Oost Ind.), 1619. Evesko Petelin en An- drasko (Tartarye en Cathay), 1619. Andrew Schilling (Oost Ind.), 1620. Richard Jobson (Gambra), 1620. Anthony Chester (Virginia), 1620. De Landschappen cler Percoptize en Nogaize Tartars. &c., 1633. Hendrik Blunt (Levant), 1634. Vol.27. HieronymusLolx>(Abyssinien), 1636. Manuel d'Almeda (Opper Ethiopien), 1336. T. S., een Engels Koopman (Algiers), 1648. Saedor Jacowitz Boicoof (China), 1653. Moiiette (Slavernyein Marocco), 1670. Gallonye (Eyland St Christoffel : Slavernye te Salee in Africa), 1670. Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries ; with a large Introduction and Supplement. Maps and plates, 8 1711 CONTENTS. Introduction. Navigations towards the South and North ; with the Observa- tions and Discoveries by Captains Fox, J. Gillam, and others, of the North- East and North-West Passages. Narbrough, Sir John. Voyages to the South Sea, by the command of King Charles II. ; and his Instructions for settling a Commerce in those parts ; with a Description of the Capes, Harbours, Rivers, Customs of the Inhabitants, and Commodities in which they trade. Tasman, Captain J. Discoveries on the Coast of the South Terra Incognita. Wood, Captain J. Attempt to Discover a North-East Passage to China and Japan. Marten, F. Observations made in Spitz- bergen, Greenland, and other Northern Countries. Flawes, Captain W. Journal of a Voy- age from Nova Zembla to England. Supplement. Description of Cherry and other Islands, John Mayen's Island, Greenland or Engroenland, the Dis- covery of Freezland or Friseland. Recueil de Voiages au Nord, con- tenant divers Memoires tres utiles au Commerce et a la Navigation. IO vols. Maps and plates. 12 A msterdain , 1715-38 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Discours Preliminaire. In- structions pour Voiager utilement. Relation de PIsland. Memoires pour la peche de la Baleine. Relation du Greenland. Vol. 2. F. Martens. Voyage au Spitz- bergen. Description de Spitzberguen, ses Animaux et Plantes. Wood, Capt. Discours sur le passage sur le Nord- Est, et Journal de son Voyage. Vol. 3. White. Relation de Terre- Neuve. De 1'Ile. Lettre sur le Japon. Decouvertedejesso. Caron. Relation concernant le Japon. Mar- tini. Relation de la Tartarie Orien- t a i e . Delile. Lettres touchant le Mississippi et la Californie. Memoire touchant laCalifornie. Relation d'une descente des Esppgnols dans la Cali- fornie. Verbiest. Voyage de 1'Em- pereur de la Chine dans la Tartarie. Orientale. 598 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Recueil de Voiages au Nord contd. Vol. 4. Relation du Roiaume de Coree. Jartroux. Lettre touchant le Gin- seng. Jenkinson, Antoine. Voiage pour decouvrir le chemin de Catay. Ferrand. Relation de la Tartarie Krimee et des Tartares Nogais. Vol. 5. Relation de la Louisianne, par un Officier de Marine. Relation de la Louisianne et du Fleuve Mississippi. Hennepin. Voyage entre la mer glaciale et le Nouveau Mexique. Gosnol, Pringe et Gilbert. Voyage aux Cotes de la Virginie. Relation du Detroit et de la Baye de Hudson. Frobisher, Martin. Trois Naviga- tions'. Vol. 6. Monier. Relation de 1'Ar- menie [Missing.] Histoire de la Con- queste de la Chine par les Tartares. Vol. 7. Pere d'Orleans. Histoire des deux Conquerans Tartares qui' ont subjugue la Chine. De Luca. Rela- tions des Tartares Percopites, Nogaies, Circassses, &c., et addition tiree de Beauplan. Lamberti et Zampi. Re- lations de la Mingrelie. Perry. Ecrits pour 1'intelligence des Nouvelles Cartes de la mer Caspienne, &c. Duplan Carpin, J. Voyage en Tar- tarie. Vol. 8. Isbrands Ides, Evert. Voyage de Moscou a la Chine. Lange. Ne- gociations a la Chine, &c. Miiller. Moeurs et Usages des Ostiackes. Vol. 9. Relation des Natchez. - Raisons qui ont porte le Gouverne- mentd'Angleterre a etablir une Colonie dans la Georgie. Hennepin. De- couverte d'un Pals plus grand que 1'Europe, dans rAme'rique Septen- trionale. Vol. i o. Relation de la grande Tar- tarie, dressee sur les memoires des Suedois Prisonnieres en Siberie. D'Entrecolle. Lettre sur la Porce- laine. Lettre sur le nouvel Etablisse- ment de la Mission des Peres Jesuites dans la Krimee. Tartares Cirkasses. Ferrand. Voyage de Krimee en Cirkassie par le pays des Tartares Nogais. Dutch East India Company. A Collec- tion of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India Company, for the Improve- ment of Trade and Navigation ; contain- ing an Account of Several Attempts to find dut the North-East Passage, and their .discoveries in the East Indies and the South Seas ; together with an Historical Introduction givingan Account of the Rise, Establishment, and Progress of that great body. Translated into English. Maps. Small 8 1730 Dutch East India Company contd. CONTENTS. The First and Second North Voyages of the Hollanders and Zelanders along the Coasts of Norway, Muscovy, and Tartary, in quest of a Passage to the Kingdoms of Cathai and China. The Third North Voyage of the Dutch, through the Seas of Muscovy and Tar- tary, to find a passage that way to the Kingdoms of Cathai and China, by the permission of the Town-Council of Am- sterdam, in the year 1596. Other Voyages (Hudson) in quest of a Passage to China by the North. A Description of Siberia. A Short Account of the Roads and Rivers to be met with in going from Muscovy to the East and East-North-East, ac- cording to the course the Muscovites observe, &c. A Dissertation of Isaac Pontanus, wherein he answers Objections against a Passage by the North, &c. Relations of the First (1595) and Second (1598) Voyages of the Dutch into the East Indies. An Account of the Voyage of five Rotter- dam ships which sailed the 27th June 1598 to the Streight of Magellan. Voyages faits principalement en Asie dans les XII., XIII., XIV., et XV. siecles, par Benjamin de Tudele, Jean du Plan-Carpin, N. Ascelin, Guillaume de Rubruquis, Marc Paul Venitien, Haiton, Jean de Mandeville, et Ambroise Con- tarini ; accompagnes de 1'histoire des Sarasins et des Tartares, et precedez d'une introduction concernant les Voy- ages et les nouvelles decouvertes des principaux Voyageurs, par Pierre Ber- geron. 2 vols. Maps. 4 The Hague, 1735 Histoire generate des Voyages. See Prevost. Allgemeine Historic der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande ; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis itzo in verschiedenen Sprachen von alien Volkern herausgegelsen worden, und einen vollstandigen Begriff von der neuern Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte machen ; Worinnen der wirkliche Zustand aller Nationen vorgestellet, und das Merk- wiirdigste, Niitzlichste, und Wahrhaftigste in Europa, Asia, Africa, und America, in Ansehung ihrer verschiedenen Reiche und Lander ; deren Lage, Gro'sse, Grenzen, Eintheilungen, Himmelsgegenden, Erd- reichs, Friichte, Thiere, Fltisse, Seen, Gebirge, grossen, und kleinen Stadte, Hafen, Gebaude, u. s. w., wie auch der Sitten und Gebrauche der Einwohner, ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 599 Allgemeine Historic continued. ihrer Religion, Regierungsart, Kiinste und Wissenschaften, Handlung und Manu- facturen, enthalten ist, &c. 21 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Leipzig, 1747-77 [ Virtually a translation of the French " Histoire Gt'n/ra/e des Voyages" by the Abbt! Prevost, of which the first seven volumes were translated, with some alterations, from Astley*s Voyages. ] C O N T E N T S. VOLUME i. Von dem Ursprunge und Fortgange der Schiffahrt und Handlung in verschie- denen Theilen der Welt. BOOK I. Die erst en Reisen der Port u- giesen nach Ostindien : Reisen und Entdeckungen der Portu- giesen langst den Kiisten von Africa bis an das griine Vorgebiirge ; aus dem Faria y Sousa, Juan de Barros, Antonio Galvano, und andern zusammenge- tragen. Fortsetzung der Entdeckungen der Portu- giesen von dem griinen Vorgebiirge bis an Calx) de Btiena Esperanza, oder das Vorgebiirge der guten Hoffnung, aus eben den Schriftstellern. Die Portugiesen wollen Ostendien zu Lande entdecken, nebst einer umstand- lichen Nachricht von den ersten Neicler- lassungen in Mandinga, Guinea, und Kongo. Vasco de Gama. Reise nach Indien, im Jahre 1497 ; die erste welche die Portugiesen um Africa herum voll- fiihret. Cabral, Pedro Alvarez. Reise im Jahre 1 500 ; die zweyte welche die Portu- giesen nach Indien gethan, vornehmlich aus dem Castanneda genommen. Juan de Nueva, Reise von ; die dritte welche die Portugiesen nach Ostindien gethan ; vornehmlich aus dem Castan- neda genommen. Vasco de Gama's zweyte Reise, in Jahre 1502 ; die vierte welche die Portugiesen nach Ostindien gethan. Reisen und Verrichtungen der Portugiesen in Indien, vom Jahre 1503 bis I57> mit den Thaten des Pacheco. Aus dem Castanneda, de Barros, und de Faria y Sousa genommen. Thaten der Portugiesen im Jahre 1507, unter Don Francisco de Almeyda, erstem Vicekorrige von Indien ; aus el>en denselben Schriftstellern gezogen. Fortsetzung der Thaten der Portugiesen unter dem Vicekonige Almeyda, vom Jahre 1508 bis 1510. Albuquerque's Verrichtungen als Vice- konig von Indien, vom Jahre 1510 bis 1516. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. \~contd. Kurze Nachricht von der Portugiesen Thaten in Indien, von dem Jahre 1516 bis 1521, unter dem Statthalter Lope Soarez. Verrichtungen und Entdeckungen der Portugiesen vom Jahre 1521 bis 1537. Fortsetzung der Portugiesischen Verrich- tungen und Entdeckungen, vom Jahre 1537 bis 1542. Nachricht von allem dem, was die Portu- giesen von dem Vorgebiirge der guten Hoffnung an bis nach China besitzen. Des Soleyman Bascha Reise von Suez nach Indien, bey seinem Feldzuge wider die Portugiesen in Diu, vom Jahre 1537 > beschrieben von einem Officier der venelianischen Galeeren, welcher zu dem Tiirkischen Dienste gezwungen worden ; jetzo zuerst aus dem Italienischen iibersetzet. Die Belagerung von Diu, durch Soleyman Bascha von Aegypten. Don Stephano de Gama. Reise aus Goa nach Suez, in der Absicht, die tiirkischen Schiffe in diesem Hafen zu verbrennen, beschrieben durch Don Juan deCastro, damaligenSchiffshaupt- mann auf der Flotte, nach der Zeit Statthalter und Vicekonig von Indien ; aus dem Portugiesischen iibersetzt und zusammengezogen. Eine Beschreibung der See von Kolzum, welchegemeiniglichderarabische Meer- busen, oder das Rothe Meer genannt wird, aus Abulfeda's Geographic. Die zweyte Belagerung der Stadt Diu von Mahmud, Konige von Kambaja, im Jahre 1545, unter des Don Juan de Castro Statthalterschaft. Book 2. Die. ersten Reisen der Eng- liinder nach Guinea und Ostindien : Windham, Thomas. Die zweyte Reise nach der Barbarey, im Jahre 1552, beschrieben von James Thomas. und Antonio Anes Pinteado. Eine Reise nach Guinea und Benin, im Jahre 1553. Lok, Johann. Die zweyte Reise nach Guinea, im Jahre I554 beschrieben von einem der vornehmsten Lootsen. Towrson, William. Erste Reise nach der Kiiste von Guinea, im Jahre 1555- Zweyte Reise nach den Kiisten von Guinea und dem Castelle del Mina, im Jahre 1556- Dritte und letzte Reise nach der Kiiste von Guinea und dem Castelle del Mina, im Jahre 1557. Reisen nach Guinea, in den Jahren 1561, 1562, 1563, und 1564. I. Reise nach Guinea, im Jahre 1561, welche Johann Lok unternommen, aber wieder aufgegeben hat, nebst den Ursachen, die er deswegen anfiihret. 6oo APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. icontd. 2. Eine Reise nach Guinea, im Jahre 1562, von Wilh. Ruttern beschrieben. 3. Erganzung zu der vorhergehenden Reisebeschreibung, die aus Bakers Beschreibung in Versen gezogen ist. 4. Baker, . Die 2te Reise nach Guinea und dem Flusse Sestos im Jahre 1563. 5. Carlet, David. Eine Reise nach Guinea, im Jahre 1564. Fenner, Georg. Reise in die Inseln des griinen Vorgebiirges, im Jahre 1566 mit dreyen Schiffen und einer Pinnasse ; beschrieben durch Walter Wreen. Stephens, Thomas. Reise auf der portu- giesischen Flotte nach Goa, im Jahre 1579- Einige Seefahrten und Capereyen gegen die Spanier und Portugiesen. 1. Verrichtungen der " Schliisselblume " von London. 2. Whiddon, . Reise mit zwoen Pin- assen 1586 an die Azorischen Inseln; beschrieben durch Joh. Evescham. 3. Drake, Sir Franz. Reise nach Cadix und den Azorischen Inseln, in welcher auf hundert Schiffe zu Grunde gerichtet, und eine grosse Caracke aus Ostindien nebst andern Fahrzeugen erobert wor- den. Zwey Reisen nach Benin hinter Guinea, im Jahre 1 588 und 1 590 ; beschrieben von James Welsch. Georg von Cumberland, Graf. Reise nach den Azorischen Eylanden, im Jahre 1589 ; beschrieben von Eduard Wright. Das Gefecht zwischen dem Kriegesschiffe "Die Rache," welches Hr. Richard Greenville gefiihret, und funfzehen Armadas des Konigs in Spanien, im Jahre 1591, von dem Herrn Walter Ralegh, Ritter, beschrieben. Erzahlung der Reise einer Flotte london- scher Schiffe, unter dem Hauptmanne Robert Flicke, welcher bey den Azori- schen Inseln 1591 gekreuzet, und dem Lord Thomas Howard zur Hiilfe Ijestimmt ward ; von dem Hauptmanne selbst beschrieben. Wozu eine Nach- richt von der westindischen Flotte, die selbiges Jahr in Spanien ewartet wurde, und der Zahl der verlohrnen oder genommenen Schiffe gesetzt ist. Die Thaten der Englander bey verschie- denen Schiffahrten und kreuzenden Seereizen, vom Jahre 1589 bis 1592; aus Joh. Huighen van Linschoten's Reise von Goa nach Portugall gezogen. Eine Reise nach Ostindien, im Jahre 1591 ; die erste, welche die Englander in diese Gegenden gethan, von dem Hauptm. Georg Raymond angefangen, und von dem Hauptm. James Lan- Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i contd. caster geendigt. Nach der Erzahlung Edmund Barker's, Lieutenant's von dem " Bonaventure," aufgesetzt. Rainolds, Richard, und Thomas Dassels. Reisen nach den Fliissen Senega und Gambra, im Jahre 1591. Burrough, Johann. Eine kreuzende Reise nach den Azorischen Inseln, im Jahre 1592, in der Absicht, die ostindischen Caracken aufzufangen. Zwey merkwiirdige Seegefechte ; das eine im Jahre 1592, in welchem zwey Assogueschiffe erobert worden ; das andere 1593, in welchem eine grosse ostindische Caracke im Rauche auf- gegangen. Wood, Benjamin. Die ungliickliche Reise des Hauptmanns, nach Ostindien, im Jahre 1596. Davis, Johann. Reise des Ilauptmanns, damaligen Lootsmannesaufeinem hol- landischen Schiffe nach Ostindien, im Jahre 1598 ; beschrieben von ihm selbst. BOOK 3. Die ersten Reisen der lander nach Ostindien welche eine Gessellschaft von Katifletitern ange- stellt : Lancaster, James. Reise im Jahre 1600, welche die erste ist, die auf Rech- nung der ostindischen Compagnie gethan worden. Middleton, Heinrich. Reise im Jahre 1604, welches die zweyte ist, die von der ostindischen Compagnie angestellt worden. Nachricht von Java, und wie sich die Englander das erstemal zu Bantam festgesetzet ; nebst einem Tagebuche von den dasigen Begebenheiten, be- sonders was zwischen ihnen und sowohl den Niederlandern, als den Einge- bohrnen von 1 602 bis zu Ende des Jahres 1605 vorgegangen. Aus einer weitlauftigen Erzahlung desOberfactors Edmund Scot gezogen. Michelburn, Eduard. Reise nach Bantam, im Jahre 1604. Keeling, William. Reise vom Jahre 1607, nach Bantam und Banda ; die dritte, welche von der ostindischen Compagnie ausgefiihret worden ; von dem Haupt- manne selbst beschrieben, und hier abgekiirzet. Middleton, David. Reise nach Bantam und den Molukken, im Jahre 1607. Scharpey, Alexander. Reise im Jahre 1608 ; die vierte, welche von der ostindischen Gesellschaft ausgefiihret worden ; vom Hauptmanne Robert Coverte beschrieben. Jones, Thomas. Kurze Nachricht von eben der Reise der " Himmelfahrt." ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 601 Allgemeine Historic, Vol. i contd. Rowles, Richard. Reise nach Priaman in der " Vereinigung " ; als eine Fort- setzung der vierten Reise. Middleton, David. Reise nach Java und Banda, im Jahre 1609 ; die fiinfte, welche von der Gesellschaft vollstreckt worden ; aus einem Briefe ausgezogen, den er selbst an die Kaufleute ab- gelassen. Middleton, Heinr. Fahrt nach- dem rothen Meere und Surat, im Jahre 1610; die sechste, welche von der ostindischen Gesellschaft ausgefiihret worden ; von ihm selbst beschrieben. Dounton, Niklas. Tagebuch von eben dieser Reise des Hrn. Heinr. M iddletons. Hippon, Anton. Reise nach der Kiiste Koromandel, Bantam, und Siam, im Jahre 1611 ; die siebente, die auf Veranstaltung der ostindischen Com- pagnie geschehen ; beschrieben (lurch den Unterschifler, Nathanael Marten. Floris, Peter Williamson. Tageregister des, Oberkaufmanns bey eben der Reise des Hauptmanns Hippon ; aus dem Hollandischen iiberstetzt, und zusammengezogen. Castleton's Fahrt nach Priaman, im Jahre 1612; vom Steuerm. Joh. Tatton aufgesetzt. Saris, Johann. Reise nach dem rothen Meere, den Molukken und Japan, im Jahre 1611 ; die achte, welche von der ostindischen Gesellschaft ausge- fiihret worden ; aus des Hauptmanns eigenem Tageregister gesammlet. Begelxjnheiten zu Bantam und an andern Orten in Ostindien, von dem Weinmonate 1605 bis zu dem Wein- monate 1609, nebst einer Nachricht von den Marktplatzen und Waaren daselbst. Cocks, Richard. Nachricht von dem, was zu Firando in des Generals Ab- wesenheit an dem kaiserlichen Hofe zu Japan vorgefallen. Einige Umstande von den Sachen in Japan, von 1614 bis 1620, aus den Briefen des Herrn Cocks, welchem der Inhalt zweener Briefe des Herrn Sayers, und ein Schrieben des Kaisers von Japan an den Prinzen von Oranien l>eygefiiget ist. Adams, Wilhelm. Reise nach Japan, und Begel>enheiten daselbst ; von ihm selbst beschrieben. VOLUME 2. BOOK 4. Reisen nach verschiedenen Theilen von Africa : Nicols, Thomas. Beschreibung derCana- rischen Kylande und Madera nebst ihren merkwiirdigen Friichten und Waaren, 1560. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 2 contd. Cada Mosto, Aluise da. Reise des, langst der Africanischen Kiiste bis Rio Grande, 1455-56. Cintra, Piedro de. Reise des nach Sierra Leona, 1462. Roberts, G. Bericht von einer Reise nach den Canarieninseln, dem griinen Vorgebirge und Barlmlos, 1721. Beschreibung der Eylande des griinen Vorgebirges. BOOK 5. Reisen liiugst der Westlichen Kiiste von Africa : Nachricht, wie sich die Franzosen, zwischen Capo Blanco und Sierra Leona niedergelassen. Jannequin, C. Auszug von einer Reise- beschreibung nach Lybia, vornehmlich nach dem Konigreiche Sanaga an dem Nigerflusse, 1637. Briie, And. Reisen zu Wasser und Lande langst den Westlichen Kiisten von Africa, 1697. - Beschreibung des Flusses Sanaga, nebst einer untersuchung, ob es der Niger selbst oder nur ein Arm davon sey. - Reise auf der Sanaga, 1697. Andere Reise den Sanagastrom hinauf in das Konigreich Galam, 1698. Reise von Albreda an dem P'lusse Gambra nach Kachao zu Lande, 1700. Reise nach Inseln Bissao und Bis- sagos, 1700. - Versuch die See Kayor zu ent- decken, 1714, nebst einer Nachricht, wie die Handlung von Gorea gefiihret wird. Dritte Reise die Sanaga, 1715- Eine Nachricht von dem Lande gegen Norden von Sanaga wo der Gummi gesammelt wird, (lessen Einwohnern und Friichten. Compagnon, Herr. Eine Nachricht von der Entdeckung des Konigreichs Bambuk und dessen Goldadern, 1716, nebst einer Beschreibung des Landes und dessen Einwohner. VOLUME 3. BOOK 6. The same. Eine kurze Nachricht von dem Ursprunge und Fortgange der Kxiniglichen Eng- lischen Africanischen Compagnie. Eine allgemeine Beschreibung von dem Flusse Gambra oder Gambia. Jobson, R. Reise sur Entdeckung des Flusses Gambra, und des Goldhandels in Tombuto, 1620-21. Stibbs, B. Reise auf der Gambra, 1724. Moore, F. Reisen in die Inlandischen Theile von Africa, welche eine Besch- reibung der verschiedenen Landschaften und deren Einwohner auf sechshundert meilen an der Gambra. 602 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. ^contd. Solomon, Job ben. Die merkwiirdige Gefangenschaft und Befreyung, eines muhammedanischen Priesters von Bunda, nahe bey der Gambra, 1732. Broek, Peter van den. Reise nach dem griinen Vorgebirge und der Kiiste von Africa, 1606. Le Maire, Herr. Reise nach den Can- arieninseln, dem griinen Vorgebirge, der Sanaga und Gambra, 1682. Beschreibung von den Jalofern, besonders von denen, die gegen die Gambra zu wohnen, von den Fuliern, und der Mandingoern. Finch, W. Beoljachtungen iiber Sierra Leona, 1607. Villault de Bellefond. Beschreibung von Sierra Leona, 1666. Barbot, J. Beschreibung von Sierra Leona, 1678. Atkins, H. Beschreibung von Sierra Leona, 1721. Labat. Beschreibung von Sierra Leona, 1728. Von den Baumen, Thieren, Vogeln, c. , dieses Theils von Africa. BOOK 7- Reisen nach Guinea und Benin : Villault, Ritter. Auszug aus einer Reise nach den Kiisten von Africa und Guinea, 1666. Phillips, T. Beschreibung einer Reise langst der Kiiste von Guinea nach Whidaw, dem Eylande St Thomas, und von da nach Barbadoes, 1693. Loyer, G. Kurze Nachricht von einer Seefahrt nach Issini auf der Goldkiiste, 1701. Atkins, J. Reise nach Guinea, Brasilien, und Westindien, 1721. Marchais, Ritter des. Eine Fahrt nach Guinea und den anliegenden Eylanden, 725. Smith, W. Eine Reise nach Guinea, 1726. Snelgrave, W. Neue Nachricht von einigen Theilen von Guinea und dem Sklavenhandel, 1730. BOOK 8. Beschreibung von Guinea, ttebst der Erdbeschreibung, der Natur- nnd politischen Gesch ichte. VOLUME 4. Beschreibung von Guinea, fortlaufend. BOOK 9. Beschreibung der Kiisten von Rio da Volta bis an das Vorgebirge Lope Gonsalvo. BOOK 10. Schiffahrten und Reisen nach Guinea und Benin, ivelche eine Besch- reibung von Benin und der Kiiste bis nach Kongo in sich enthalten : Barbot, J., und J. Grazilhier. Beschrei- bung von einer Seefahrt nach den Fliissen Neu-Kalabar, Bandi und Doni, 1699. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. <\con(d. BOOK II. Reisen nach Congo und Angola : Lopez, Ed. Die Reise nach Kongo, 1578. Battels, And. Die Reisen und Begeben- heiten in Angola, 1 589. Angelo, M. Reise nach Kongo, 1666. Carli, D. Reisen der Missionarien in Kongo, 1667. Merolla, Hieron. Eine Reise nach Kongo und verschiedenen andern Landern in den siidlichen Theilen von Africa, 1682-88. Barbot, Jac. , und J. Casseneuve. Auszug aus einer Reise an den Fluss von Kongo und nach Kabinda, 1700. BOOK 1 2. Beschreibung der Konigreiche Loango, Kongo, Angola, Benguela, und den angriinzenden Landern. VOLUME 5. BOOK 12, continued. BOOK 13. Beschreibung der Liinder langst der ost lichen Kiiste von Africa: Hamilton, Alex. Einige Anmerkungen uber die Kiisten und Inseln zwischen dem Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung und Capo Guarda Fuy. BOOK 14. Reisen nach dem Reich China : Nieuhoff, J. P. von Goyer's und J. von Keyser's Gesandtschaft von der Hol- landischen Ostindischen Compagnie an den Kaiser in China, 1655. Montanus, A. Die Gesandtschaft J. von Campen und C. Nobles, an den Unter- konig von Fokyen Sing la mong, 1662. Der Seezug der Hollander, das Eyland Formosa in Vereinigung mit denTartarnwiederzu erobern, 1663-64. Die Gesandtschaft des Herrn van Hoorn an Kanghi, Kaiser in China und der ostlichen Tartarey, 1666-67. Eine Erzahlung von der Gesandtschaft der Hollander im 1655, und von denen Kunstgriffen, welche die Jesuiten ge- braucht haben die Absichten derselten zu hintertreiben. Van Rechteren, S. Erste Versuche der Hollander, nach China zu handeln, und ihr Handelssitz zu Taywan. Navarette, F. Reisen des, durch China, 1658. Fiinf Franzosischer Jesuiten Reisen von Ning po fu nach Peking, 1687. Comte et Fontaney. Reise von Siam nach Ning po fu, Ching hyen fu, Tay ngan chew, und Peking. Fontaney, J. Reise von Peking nach Kyangchew in der Provinz Shan si, und von dar nach Nan king, 1688. Bouvet, J. Reise von Peking nach Kanton, 1693. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 603 Allgemeine Historic, Vol. $contd. Careri, J. F. Gemelli. Reise in China, 1695. Nanking, Peking, Kanton. Isbrand Ides, E. Reise nach China, 1693- Langen, L. Reise nach China, 1717. Gauhil, A. Reise von Kanton nach Peking, 1722. Mezzabarba, C. A., Tilularpatriarch von Alexandria. Legation im Namen des Pabstes an den Kaiser Kang hi, im China, 1720. VOLUME 6. BOOK 15. Beschreibnngvon China. HOOK. 16. Beschreibutig von Korea, der west lie hen Tartarey und Tibet: Regis, J. B. Geographische Beobach- tungen und Geschichte von Korea, 1720. Hamel, H. Reisen einiger Hollander nach Korea, nebst einer Nachricht von clem Lande und von ihrem Schiflbruche an der Insel Quelpaert, 1658-68. VOLUME 7. Verbiest, Ferd. Reise in die ostliche Tartarey, 1682. BOOK 17. Reisen durch die Tartarey, Tibet und Bucharey, nach und von China : Carpini, J. de Piano. Reisen nach der Tartarey, 1246. Ascelin, Monch. Reisen zu den Tartarn, 1247. Rubruquis, W. Reisen in die Ostlichen Gegenden der Welt, 1253. Marco Polo. Reisen in die Tartarey, 1272. Gesandtschaft des Sohnes Tamerlans, Schach Rokh und anderer Fiirsten an den Kaiser in Katay ocler China, 1419- 22. Jenkinson, A. Reise aus Russland nach Boghar ocler Bokhara, 1557. Goez, B. Reisen in des Mongols Reiche nach China, 1602. Gruber, J. Reisen von China nach Europa, 1661. Desiderius. II. Reisen nach Tibet, 1714. Horaz della Penna, Bruder. Nachricht vom Anfange und itzigen Zustande der Kapucinermission in Tibet, 1741- Gerbillon, J. F. Reisen in die westliche Tartarey auf Befehl des Kaisers von China, 1688-98. [A st ley's collect ion ends here.} VOLUME 8. BOOK I. Reisen der Hollander nach Ostindien : Erste Reise nach Ostindien von C. Houtmann, 1595. Zweyte Reise, des J. C. van Neck und W. van Warwick, nach Insel Java, 1598-1600. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. %contd. Andere Reisen des P. van Caerden, und J. van Neck nach Achin, 1600-1602. Van der Hagen, S., W. Hermansen, und C. van Ween. Reisen nach Bantam, 1599-1602. Pyrard, F. Reise, welche die erste der Franzosen nach Ostindien ist, 1601-10. Fahrt und Begebenheiten bis an die Inseln Comorres, Schififbruch und Gefangenschaft ankunft zu Goa, und Riickreise nach Europa. Spilberg, G. Reise nach Ostindien, 1601-3. Fahrt bis zu den Comorris- chen Inseln. Reise nach der Insel Ceylan und Verrichtungen daselbst. Warwyck, W. van. Reise nach Ostin- dien, 1602-4, Van der Ilagen, S. Zweyte Reise nach Ostindien, 1604-5. Matelief, C. Reise nach Ostindien, 1605-8. Seefahrt bis nach Malacca, Verrichtungen zu Johor, und Reise nach China. Beschreibung der Moluckischen Insel. Caerden, P. van. Zweyte Reise nach Ostindien, 1607-11. Verhoeven, P. W. Reise nach Ostindien, 1607-11. Verrichtungen und Fahrt bis nach Johor, und Ermordung. Fernere Reise nach Japon. Bontekoe, W. I. Reise nach Ostindien, 1618-25. Broeck, P. van den. Reise nach Ostin- dien, 1613-27. Reisen und Verrich- tungen bis zur Niederlassung der Hollander in Mocka, Nachricht von dem Ursprunge der Stadt Batavia. Knoxen, R. Reise nach der Insel Ceylan, 1657-79. BOOK 2. Reisen der Franzosen und anderer nach Ostindien : Renneforts Reise nach der Insel Mada- gascar, 1665-66. Mondevergue. Reise, oder Anhang zu Renneforts Reisebeschreibung, 1666- 71. De la Haie. Reise nach Ostindien, 1670-72. Fahrt nach Ceylan und Verrichtungen zu St Thoma. VOLUME 9. [Not in the French edition.} Juan, Georg, und A. de Ulloa. Reise nach dem Konigreiche Peru. VOLUME 10. BOOK 2 contimied. Carre. Reise nach Ostindien, 1668-71. L'Estra. Reise nach Ostindien, 1671-75. Ovington, J. Reise nach Surate und andern in Africa und Asia gelegenen Orten, 1690-93. 604 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Allgeimene Historic, Vol. locontd. Floris, W. Reise nach dem Bengalischen Meerbusen, 1611-13. Ovington, J. Beschreibung des Konig- reiches Arrakan. Rhodes, Alex. Reise nach Ostindien, 1619-49. Reise nach Cochinchina, nach Tunkin, den Philippinen und Malacca, nach Batavia, Bantam, Macassar, und Surate. Baron. Beschreibung von Tunkin, 1685. Tachard, Guido. Reise nach Siam, 1685. Chaumont, Ritter von. Reise nach Siam, 1685. Tachard, G. Zweyte Reise nach Ostin- dien, 1687. Fontenay, Peter von. Reise von Siam nach China, 1686. Occum Chamnam. Reise nach Siam und Portugal!, 1684-86. Abschickung aus Siam, Schiffbruch und Reise zu den Hottentotten. Beschreibung des Konigreichs Siam. Beaulieu, Aug. von. Reise nach Ostindien, 1619-21. Fahrt bis nach dem Vorge- birge Comorin. Reise nach Achem und Aufenthalt daselbst. Beschreibung der Insel Sumatra. Pinto, F. Mendez. Reisen nach Indien, &c. Del I on. Reise nach den Franzosischen Handelsplatzen auf der Malabarischen Kiiste. 1670-72. Methold, W. Reise nach den Diamant- gruben in Golkonda, Visapur, und Bengalen, 1622. Tavernier. Reisen nach den Diamant- gruben. Die Konigreiche Butan, Tipra und Asem, 1652. Beschreibung der Konigreiche Golkonda und Pegu. Graaf, N. Reise auf dem Ganges, 1668- 73- Luillier. Reise nach dem Bengalischen Seebusen, 1722-23. Niederlassung der Franzosen zu Pondichery. Zusatse zu der Beschreibung der Eylande Bourbon und Frankreich. VOLUME 11. Rhoe, T. Reise nach Indostan, 1615-17. Mandelslo, J. A. Reise nach Indostan, 1638-39. Bernier, Herr. Reise in das Konigreich Kachemir, 1664. Tavernier. Reisen im Indostanischen, 1665-66. Reise nach Indostan, von Surata nach Goa, nach Java, nach Europa. Beschreibung von Indostan. Erste Reisen der Franzosen nach dem gliicklichen Arabien durch das Morgen- landische Meer, 1 708. Beobachtungen von den Caffeebaume. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. n could. Nachrichten von Carnate, durch einige Jesuiten-Missionarien. Von den Miinzenoderverschiedenen Arten von Metallenen Stiicken, Muschel- schaalen und Mandeln, die fiir Miinzen gehalten werden. Magalhanes, oder Magellan, F. Reise nach Ostindien durch Stidwest, 1519- Noort, O. von. Reise nach Ostindien durch Siidwesten, 1598-1601. Beschreibung der Marianischen Inseln. Beschreibung der Philippinischen Inseln. Le Maire, J. Reise, eine neue Durchfahrt Siidwarts unter der Magellanischen Strasse zu entdecken, 1615-16. Beschreibung der Insel Celebes oder Macassar. Kampfer, E. Reise nach Japon, von Batavia, 1690-91. Beschreibung der Japonischen Inseln. VOLUME 12. Drake, Ritter F. Reise, 1577-79. Sarmiento, P. Reise, 1580. Verschiedene Reisen nach Ostindien durch die Magellanische Strasse. Candish, T. Reise, 1586. Noort, O. von, und S. von Weert. Reisen, 1598-99. Spilberg, G. Reise, 1614. L'Hermite, J., und Schapenham. Reise, 1624. Narlx>rough, J. Reise, 1669-71. Frogers Reise, oder Nachricht von des Herrn von Genes Reise nach der Magellanischen Strasse, 1695-96. Rogers, W. Reise nach Ostindien durch Siidwesten, 1708-10. Wood, H. Reise durch die Magellan- ische Strasse. Frezier. Riese durch clie Strasse des le Maire, 1711-14. Anson, Lord. Reise um die Welt durch Sudwest, 1740-44. BOOK 3. Reisen nach (fen Siid- liindern : Pelsart, F. Reise nach den Stidlandern, 1629. Tasmann, A. J. Reise nach den Sud- landern, 1642-43. Dampier, W. Reise nach den Siid- landern, 1699-1700. Beschreibung des Eylandes Timor. Reise zweyer Franzosischen Schiffe nach den Su'dlandern. BOOK 4. Irrende Reisen, oder Solche die kein gewisses vorgesetztes Ziel haben : Schouten, G. Reisen nach Batavia, Arrakan, China, Malalxirischen Kiiste, Mataram, und nach Norwegen, 1658-65. Dampier, W. Reise um die Welt, 1683-89. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 605 Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 12 contd. Beschreibung cler Malabarischen Kiiste. Careri, G. Reise um die Welt, 1695-97- Gentil, Barbinais le. Reise um die Welt, 1714-17. Naturgeschichte von Ostindien. VOLUME 13. BOOK 5. Entdeckungen und Nieder- lassungen der Europiier in America: Columbus, Christoph. Reisen, 1492-1505. Reise des A. Ojeda, J. de la Cosa, und Americus Vesputius. Reise des A. Nino und der beyden Guerren. Y. Pinzons Reise. Reise des Diego de Lopez. Reise des Alvarez von Cabral. Reise des Gaspard von Corte Real. J. Calxits und seiner drey Sohne Reise. Verfolg der dritten Reise desC. Columbus. Zustand und Fortgang der Entdeckungen nach Chr. Columbens Tode, 1506. Solis, Diaz de, und des Y. Pinzon. Reise, 1507. Ocampo. Reise um die Insel Cuba, 1508. Ponce, J. Reise nach Borriquen oder Portorico und Errichtung eines Wohn- platzes daselbst, 1508-9. Ojeda, A., und Nicuessa. Reisen, 1510. Entdeckung des Landes Darien und anderer Lander. Nugnez Balboa, Entdeckungen, welche den Weg nach Peru bahneten, 1510. Weitere Eroberungen der Castilianer in den Inseln Jamaica, Hispaniola, und Cuba, 1511. Ponce de Leon. Reise und Entdeckung von Florida, 1512. Nugnez de Balboa, Folge der Inclian- ischen Begebenheiten und Entdeckung des Siid-meeres, 1512-13. Fernere Folge der Westindischen Ent- deckungen und Begebenheiten,i5i4-i6. Solis, J. Diaz de. Letzte Reise und Entdeckungen nach Siiden, 1516. Beschreibung der Insel Hispaniola, insgemein St Domingo genannt. Cordua, H. von. Reise und Entdeckung des Landes Yucatan, 1517. Grijalva, J. Reise und allererste Ent- deckung Neuspaniens, 1517-18. Cortez, F. Reise, Entdeckung und Erol>erung des Reiches Mexico, 1518-22. Beschreibung von spanien. VOLUME 14. [Not in the French edition.'] Charlevoix, P. F. Xavier. Beschreibung von Neu-Frankreich ; worinnen alles dasjenige enthalten ist, was die Entdeckungen und Erol>erungen der Franzosen in clem Nordlichen America betrifft. Mexico oder Neu- Allgemeine H istorie continued. VOLUME 15. BOOK 6. The same. Las Casas, B. de. Reise und Nieder- lassung an der Kiiste von Cumana, 1520-21. Verazzani, J. Reise und Entdeckungen von Nord- America, 1523-24. Cartier, J., und Roberval. Reisen, 1534-42. Pizarro, F. Reisen und Entdeckung und Eroberung von Peru, Niederlassung an der Kiiste von St Martha, Venezuela und Coro, 1524-41. Almagro, Don Diego von. Entdeckung von Chili. Castro, Vacco von. Reise, 1541-42. Nugnez von Vela, B. Reise, 1543-44. Pizarro, G. Statthalterschaft des, 1544- 46. Gasca, P. de la. Reise, 1546-50. Beschreibungen der erstern entdeckten Lander in clem mittaglichen America : Terra Firma, Carthagena, Peru, Lima, Cuzco, Quito, Chili, und Sant Jago. Juan, G., und A. von Ulloa. Reisen. Correal, F. Reisen nach Peru, 1692-95. Frezier. Reise an den Kiisten von Peru, Condamine, Herrde la. Reise, 1735-42. Ursprung, Regierung, Religion, Sitten, Gebrauche, Wissenschaften, Denk- maale Merkwiirdigkeiten, u. d. gl. des alten Reiches Peru. VOLUME 16. Reisen aufdem Maranjon oderAmazonen- flusse : Orsua, 1560 ; Carvallo, 1633 ; Texeira, 1637 ; Acunja und Artieda, 1639-40 ; De la Condamine, 1743-45. Reisen auf dem Flusse de la Plata und an der Magellanischen Kiiste : Calx>t, S., 1526-27 ; Mendoza, P. von., 1535- 36; Cabrera, Alf. von., 1538; Bes- chreibung von Chaco, und der Stadt Buenos Ayres ; Quiroga, P. , Reise nach der Kiiste des Magellanischen Landes, 1745-46 ; Kiiste Der Stat- thalterschaft, Rio de la Plata bis nach Brasilien. Naturgeschichte der Spanischen Land- schaften in dem Siidlichen America ; des Landes Guayaquil, von Peru. Reisen und Niederlassungen der Portu- giesen Franzosen und Hollander in Brasilien : J. von Lery, Reise, 1556- 58 ; Beschreibung von Brasilien, der Insel Marignan, der ProvinzGuayraund anderer Volkerschaften in Brasilien. Reisen aufdem Orinoko und weiter an den Kiisten von Siid America. Raleigh, Sir W. : Reise in Guiana, 1595. Keymis, L. : Reise nach Guiana, 1596. Franzosisches Guiana. Niederlassun- gen in Neuandalusien von dem Orinoko 6o6 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 16 contd. bis an Rio cle la Hacha. Statthaller- schaften Rio de la Hacha und St Martha. Neues Konigreich Grenada. Reisen und Niederlassungen in dem Nordlichen America. Soto, F. von : Reise nach Florida, der Provinz Apa- lache, &c., 1537-43. Reisen, Entdeckungen und Niederlas- sungen der Englander in dem Nord- lichen America, in Virginien, Maryland, Neuengland, Newyork, Newyersey, Pensylvanien, Carolina, Spanisches Florida, und Neugorgien. Fortsetzung der Reisen, Entdeckungen und Niederlassungen der Franzosen in Nord - America. Beschreibung der Hudsonsbay und dasiger Wilden, von Canada oder Neufrankreich. Charle- voix, P. de : Reisen und Beobach- tungen, 1720-21. La Hontan, Baron de : Reise auf dem langen Flusse, 1688. Charlevoix, P. de : Reise nach Luisiana auf dem Mississippi, 1721-22. VOLUME 17. Von den Gebrauchen, Sitten und der Gemiithsart der Indianer in dem Nordlichen America. Reisen gegen Nordwest und Nordost zur Entdeckungeiner Fahrt nach Ostindien. Cabot, 1497 ; Frobisher, 1579 ; Davis, 1585-87; Barentz, 1594-95; Heems- kerke, 1596-97; Weimouth, 1602 ; Hudson, 1607-10 ; Button, 1612 ; Baffin, 1616 ; Fox, 1631 ; James, 1631, &c. ; J. Munk, 1619 ; D'Aguilar, 1602; Adm. De Fonte, 1640 ; Woods, 1676; Beerings, 1725 ; Spanberg, 1739 ; Tchirikow, 1741; Gillam ; Barlow, 1719; Scroggs, 1722; Middleton, 1737; Ellis, 1746. Naturgeschichte von Nord-America. Beschreibung und natiirliche Eigen- schaften von Spitzbergen. Regnarcl. Reise nach Lappland, 1681. Maupertuis, Herm. von. Reise nach Lappland, 1736-37. Outhier, Ab. Reise nach Lappland, 1737- BOOK 7. Reisen und Niederlassungen auf den Antillen : Niederlassung der Franzosen in der Insel Hispaniola oder St Domingo, 1630-92. Von den Reisen nach den Antillen und den Niederlassungen daselbst iiber- haupt, 1635-63. Reisen und Niederlassungen in der Insel St Christoph, 1627. Ursprung, Gemiithsart und Gebrauche der Caraiben. Reisen nach Martinique. Reisen nach Guadeloupe, Insel Granada, Insel St Lucia oder Sainte Alousie. Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 17 contd. Handlung auf den Franzosischen Inseln. Englandische Inseln. Reisen und Nieder- lassungen in Jamaica, Barbadoes, Antigo, Montserrat, Nevis, Barbuda, und Anguilla. Reisen und Niederlassungen auf den Inseln Bermudas oder den Com- mereylanden. Reisen und Niederlassungen auf den Lucayischen Eylanden. Reisen und Neiderlassungen in der Insel Neuland. Zusatz zu den Reisen und Niederlassungen auf den Antillen. VOLUME 18. Anmerkungen, welche zur Verbindung des Fortganges der Hollander in Ostindien dienen. Broeck, Van den. Stiftung der Stadt Batavia, 1618-19. Belagerung der Stadt Batavia von dem Kaiser in Java, 1628-29. Zusatz zur Beschreibung der Moluckischen Inseln and Amboina. Zusatz zu der Beschreibung der Insel Banda. Zusatz zur Beschreibung der Insel Ceylan, welcher die Hollandischen Nieder- lassungen auf diesem Eylande enthalt. Forbin, Graf. von. Auszug aus der Reise- beschreibung in Siam, 1685-88. Des Farges. Bericht von denen 1688 in Siam vorgefallenen Reichsverander- ungen. D'Orleans. Zusatze zu der vorherge- henden Erzahlung, 1688. De Challes. Letzte Nachricht von dem Schicksale der Franzosen zu Siam, 1690-91. Beschreibung der Ko'nigreiche Laos und Camboja, 1691. Beaulieu, A. v. Reise der Insel Sumatra. Weg, welchen man nehmen muss, um durch die Strassen von Malaca und Gobernadur zu kommen. Zusatz zu der letzten Regierungsanderung in Golkonda. Genealogisches Verzeichniss der grossen Mogole, 1370-1723. Zusatz zu der Nachricht von Carnate, 1703-36. Zusatz zu der Franzosischen Nieder- lassung in Pondichery seit 1741-55. Zustand der Franzosen in Indien bis 1755. Beschreibung der Kiiste Coromandel. Beschreibung der Ko'nigreiche Tanjur, Marava, Madure, Maissur, Gingi, und Carnate. Neue und nahere Beobachtungen iiber den Ban des Caffees. Zusatz zu der Entdeckung der Palaos oder neuen Philippinischen Inseln, 1710. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 607 Allgemeine Historic, Vol. 18 contd. Neue Erlauterungen iilier die Insel Palaos, 1721-32. Zweytes Unternehmen der Hollander wider die Insel Celebes oder Macassar, und Einnahme derselben, 1666-69. Beschreibung der Insel Borneo. Cowley. Reise um die Welt, 1684. Anson, Herr. Zusatz zu der Reise ins Stille Meer, 1741-45. Pizarre, J., Geschichte des Spanischen Geschwaders unter, 1740-45. Vesputius, Americus. Erste Entdeckung der Siidlichen Welt, 1502. Gonneville, B. P. Erste Entdeckung der Sikllichen Welt, 1504. Savedra, Don A. Reise nach Mexico, 1526. Gaetan, J., und B. Delia Torre. Reise, I542-43- Mendoce, Alvare de, und A. de Min- dana. Reise nach Peru, 1567. Mindana, Alvare von. Andere Reise nach die Siidsee, 1595-96. Quiros, F. Reise nach Peru, &c., 1606. Nodal, Garcie de. Reise nach Rio Janeiro, &c., 1618. Entdeckungen der Hollander, in den Siidlandern, 1616-44. Vink. Reise nach Neuguinea, 1663. Keyts, J. Reise nach Neuguinea, 1678. Vlaming, W. Reise nach den Siid- landern, 1696. Benachbarte Eylande um Timor und Solor. Eylande, die unter der Regierung zu Banda stehen. Eylande der Papue bey Neuguinea. Geographische Beschreibung einer Kiiste von Neuguinea, 1705. Roggeveen, Adm. Reise nach den Siidlandern, 1722. Beolmchtungen wegen des Eises in denen Meeren, welche an die Pole granzen. Untersuchung der Frage, ob es in den Siidlandern Riesen gebe. Zusatz zu der Beschreibung von Malabar. VOLUME 19. Besondere Geschichte von Island. Beschreibung der Insel Jean Mayen oder der Dreyeinigkeits-Insel. Von dem Russischen Neuiande oder Nova Semlia. Reise nach Kamtschatka durch Sibirien. Gmelin, Herr. Reise in Sibirien, 1733-43- Reisen, welche von den Russen versuchet worden, durch die Lena in das Eismeer und durch Nordosten nach Kamt- schatka zu gehen. Neue Nachricht von Samojedien und den Samojeden. Besondere Nachricht von den Ostiaken. Lisle, Herr de. Auszug aus der Be- schreibung einer Reise nach Beresow in Sibirien, 1740. Allgemeine Historic continued. VOLUME 20. Crantz, D. Historic und Beschreibung von Gronland und dasigen Missionen. Von der Lage und Beschaffenheit des Landes. Von den Thieren, Vogeln, und Fischen. Von den Einwohnern. Biirgerliche Geschichte von Gronland. Geschichte von Kamtschatka. Von dem Lande. Von den Einwohnern. Po- litische und biirgerliche Geschichte. Von den nahe bey Kamtschatka lie- genden Landern und Volkern. Miiller, Herr. Auszug aus den Reisen und Entdeckungen liingst den Kiisten des Eismeeres und auf dem Morgen- landischen Meere, so wohl gegen Japon als gegen America zu. Castell, P. Abhandlung iiber die berlihmten Lander Kamtschatka und Jesso, oder iiber die Gemeinschaft des festen Landes von Asien und America und die durchfahrt aus dem oestlichen in das Nordliche Meer. Engel, Herr. Nachrichten und Geo- graphischkritische Beobachtungen iiber die Lage der mitternachtlichen Lander von Asien und America. Nebst einem Versuche iiber den Weg nach Indien durch den Norden. Chappe d'Auteroche, Ab. Auszug aus Reise nach Sibirien, 1760-61. Hogstrom, Peter. Historische Beschrei- bung des Schwedischen Lapplandes. Ehrenmalm, Arwid. Reise durch West- nordland nach der Lappmark Asele, 1741. VOLUME 21. Kerguelen Tremarec, Herr von. Nach- richt von seiner Reise in die Nordsee, von Brest nach Island, &c. 1767-68 Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Reisen. Geographisches Verzeichniss der Lan- der, &c. A New Collection of Voyages, Dis- coveries, and Travels, containing what- ever is worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, &c. 7 vols. Maps and plates. 8 [Printed for J. Knox.] 1767 CONTENTS. Vol. I. The four Voyages of Columbus to America. Discoveries of the Spaniards, from the death of Columbus to the expedition of Hernando Cortes. The Conquest of Mexico by Her- nando Cortes. The Discovery of Golden Castile. The Conquest of Peru, by Francis Pizarro. A Voyage to South America, by John George Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Remarks on the Trade between Spain and the West Indies. Some Particulars re- lating to the Inhabitants of Patagonia. 6o8 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. New Collection continued. Vol. 2. Mr John Nieuhoff's Voyage to, and account of, Brazil in South America. Modern state of Brazil. Memoir concerning the Settlements of the Jesuits in Paraguay. Mr Lionel Wafer's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien. A brief Account of North America, from Major Rogers and others, with Particulars relating to the Indian Natives. An Abstract of the Account of Colonel Bouquet's Expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians in 1764. -Reflections on the War with the Savages of North America. A short Account of the American Islands. The Proclamation for regulating the Cessions made to us by the last Treaty of Peace. Conclusion to the Dis- coveries, Voyages, and Descriptions relating to America. The first Voyage to the East Indies by Vasquez de Gama. The first Voyage to the East Indies, on the Account of the English East India Company, under the com- mand of Captain James Lancaster. A Voyage to the Cape de Verde Islands, by Captain George Roberts. Mr Peter Kolben's Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, containing an Account of the Dutch Settlement and the Hottentot Natives. Mr John Nieu- hoff's Voyages to the East Indies, containing an Account of the Dutch Settlements, particularly Batavia on the Island of Java. Narrative of Cruelties exercised by the Dutch on the English at Amboyna. Mr Grosse's Voyage to the East Indies, &c. Vol. 3. The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake round the Globe. The Voyage round the World performed by Captain William Dampier. The Voyage of Captain Woodes Rogers in the "Duke" and Captain Stephen Courtney in the "Duchess" round the World, includ- ing the account of their finding Alexander Selkirk on the Island of Juan Fernandez. The Voyage round the World, by George Anson. Vol. 4. Travels through the most northern parts of Europe, particularly Norway, Danish, Swedish, and Musco- vite Lapland, Borandia, Samojedia, Zembla, and Iceland ; extracted from the journal of a Gentleman employed by the North-Sea Company of Copen- hagen, to make discoveries. The Travels of Maupertuis and his associates to determine the figure of the earth at the Polar circle. Natural history of Norway, by Erick Pontoppidan. Account of Sweden, from the writings of an English minister residing there. The present state of Denmark, from New Collection, Vol. 4 continued. the writings of Lord Molesworth and others. Account of Poland, from the writings of Dr Bernard Connor, physician to King John Sobieski. Account of the Ukrain and the Cossacks, from the writings of Mr Beauplan and others. A description of the seven United Provinces of the Low Countries, from Misson, Hanway, and others. Travels through Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain, by John George Keysler, &c. Vol. 5. Continuation of Keysler's Travels. Travels through France, by Sacheverel Stephens. Travels through and an account of the king- doms of Spain and Portugal, from the remarks of the Reverend Mr Clarke, chaplain to the Earl of Bristol, Ambas- sador at Madrid in 1760, including an authentic narrative of the suffering of Isaac Martin in the Inquisition at Granada. Account of the Empire of Russia, from the observations of Mr Hanway, &c. Account of the King- dom of Prussia. Vol. 6. The Voyage and Travels of Mr John Thevenot from Italy to Constan- tinople. Mr Wood's Journey to Palmyra, or Tedmor in the Desart. Mr Wood's Account of the Ruins of Balbec, the ancient Heliopolis, in Coelosyria. A Description of Judea, or the Holy Land, and particularly of Jerusalem, from Maundrell, Shaw, and other Travellers. The Travels of Dr Pococke through Egypt, with occa- sional Extracts from Mr Norden. Dr Shaw's Travels through Barbary. A Journey to Mequainez, by Mr Windus. Travels into the inland parts of Africa, by Francis Moore, including an Account of the Adventures of Job Ben Solomon, son of the High Priest of Bundo. The Travels of Sir John Chardin through Mingrelia and Georgia into Persia. An Account of Indostan, interspersed with the Observations of Sir T. Roe, &c. A Journey from St Petersburg to Pekin, with an Embassy from his Imperial Majesty Peter the First, to Kamhi, Emperor of China, by J. Bell, Esq. Vol. 7. An Account of the Country and Constitution of Great Britain in general, and of England in particular. A short general Description of the City of London, &c. An Account of the Kingdom and Laws of Scotland, with the general Articles of its Union with that of England. A Short View of the Naval Transactions of Britain : Elizabeth to Peace of Versailles, 1 763. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 609 New Collection, Vol. 7 continued. A List of the Royal Navy of Great Britain at the close of 1 762. The World Displayed ; or, A Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations, &c. 2nd [partly 3rd] edition. Vols. I to 20. 8 1767-68 Vol. I. The Voyages of Christopher Columbus to America. The Discoveries of the Spaniards, from the Death of Columbus to Cortes's Expedition. Vol. 2. The Conquest of Mexico, by Hernando Cortes. 1518. Vol. 3. The Discovery of Golden Castile. 1513. The Conquest of Peru, by Francis Pizarro. 1524. The Settlement of Brasil by the Portu- guese, and its several Revolutions. 1500. Vol. 4. The Discoveries of the English in America. Vol. 5. The Discoveries and Settlements of the French in America. The Discoveries and Settlements of the Dutch in America. A Danish Settlement in America. The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake round the World. The Voyage of Schouten and Le Maire round the World. Vol. 6. The Voyage of Capt. William Dampier round the World. 1684. The Voyage of Capt. Woodes Rogers round the World. 1708. Vol. 7- Commodore Anson's Voyage round the World. 1740. Vol. 8. The Voyage of Vasco de Gama to India. 1497. The Voyage of Pedro Alvarez de Cabral to the East Indies. 1500. The Voyage of Capt. James Lancaster to the East Indies. 1600. The Expedition of Commodore Beaulieu to the East Indies. 1619. Vol. 9. The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to the East Indies. 1610. The Voyage of Mr Grose to the East Indies. 1750. The Voyage of Commodore Roggewein for the Discovery of Southern Lands. 1721. Vol. 10. Pirarcl de Laval, Francis. A Description of the Maldiva Islands. 1601. Kolben, Peter. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. 1705. A Voyage to the Cape de Verd Islands, by Capt. George Roberts. 1721. The Voyage of Capt. Thomas James for the Discovery of a North- West Passage to the South Seas. 1631. 2Q The World Displayed, Vol. 10 contd. Ellis, Henry. Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage to the South Seas. 1 746. Vol. II. Maundrell, Henry. Travels from Aleppo to Jerusalem. 1696. An Account of the Ruins of Balbec, the ancient Heliopolis, in Crelosyria. Shaw, Thomas. Travels into Syria and the Holy Land. The Travels of Mr John Thevenot in the Levant. 1655. Vol. 12. The Travels of Mr John Thevenot (continued). Pococke, Richard. Travels through Egypt- 1737- Vol. 13. Pococke, Richard. Travels (continued). A Journey to Palmyra, or Tedmor in the Desart. Russel, Alexander. A Description of Aleppo and the adjacent parts. The Travels of the Ambassadors from the Duke of Holstein into Moscovy, Tartary, and Persia. 1635. Vol. 14. The Travels of the Ambassa- dors, &c. (continued). The Travels of Mr Jonas Hanway, Merchant, through Russiainto Persia, and back through Russia, Germany, and Holland. 1743. Vol. 15. The Travels of Mr Jonas Hanway (continued). Chardin, Sir John. Travels through Mingrelia and Georgia into Persia. 1671. Vol. 16. Chardin, Sir John. Travels (continued). A New History of the East-Indies. Le Compte, Louis, and P. A. Du Halde. Description of China. 1685. Vol. 17. A Description of Guinea. Moore, Francis. Travels into the In- land Parts of Africa. 1730. A Description of the Country up the Senegal. Windus, Mr. A Journey to Mequinez in the Kingdom of Morocco. 1720. Pitts, Joseph. Of the Religion of the Mahometans, with a Description of Mecca and Medina. 1678. Shaw, T. Travels through Barbary. Vol. 18. Shaw, T. Travels (continued). Misson, Maximilian. Travels through Germany and Italy. Vol. 19. Misson, Maximilian. Travels (continued). Addison, Joseph. Travels through Italy and Swisserland. 1699. Keysler, John George. Travels through Swisserland, Germany, and Hungary. 1729. Stevens, Sacheverell. Travels through France. 1738. 6io APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. The World Displayed continued. Vol. 20. A Description of Spain and Portugal. A Description of Sweden. Molesworth, Lord. An Account of Denmark. Pontoppidon, Erich. The Natural History of Norway. Travels through the most Northern parts of Europe, particularly Norway, Danish, Swedish, and Muscovite Lap- land, Borandia, Samojedia, Zembla, and Iceland. Extracted from the Journal of a Gentleman employed by the North Sea Company of Copen- hagen to make discoveries. 1653. Maupertuis, Monsieur. Travels made by order of the French King to determine the figure of the Earth at the Polar Circle. 1736. The Modern Traveller : being a Collec- tion of useful and entertaining Travels, lately made into various Countries, the whole carefully abridged ; exhibit- ing a view of the Manners, Religion, Government, Arts, Agriculture, Manu- factures, and Commerce of the known World. Maps ami illustrations. 1 2 1776 [Of this work there is only the Fourth. Volume , which contains: ] Peter Osbeck's Voyages from Sweden to China, 1750-52. Olof Toreen's Voyage to Surat, China, &c., 1750-52. Capt. C. G. Eckeberg's Account of Chinese Husbandry. Captain Edward Thompson's Sailor's Letters, from 1754 to 1759. S. Joseph Baretti's Travels through Spain and Portugal in 1760. The Rev. Mr Clark's Journey to Madrid in 1760. The Abbe Chappe's (d'Auterouche) Travels through Russia and Siberia, 1761. Dr Smollett's Travels through France and Italy, 1765. Mr Samuel Sharp's Letters from Italy in 1765-66. Monsieur Grosley's Observations made in Italy, 1758-59. Commodore Byron's Voyage round the World, 1764, 1765, 1766. M. de Bougainville's Voyage round the World, 1766, 1867, 1768, 1769. Dr Thomas Nugent's Travels through Germany, 1766. Capt. Wallis's Voyage round the World, 1766-68. Capt. Carteret's Voyage round the World, 1766-69. Capt. Cook's Voyage round the World, 1768-71. Lettres, edifiantes et curieuses, ccrites des Missions Ktrangeres. 26 vols. Maps and plates. 12 Paris, 1780-83 Vols. 1-5. Levant. ,, 6-9. Amerique. ,, 10-15. Indes. ,, 16-24. Chine. ,, 25-26. Indes et la Chine. A General Collection of Voyages and Discoveries made by the Portuguese and the Spaniards during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries : containing the interesting and entertaining Voyages of the celebrated Gonzalez and Vaz, Gon- zalez Zarco, Lanzerota, Diogo Gill, Cada Mosto, Pedro di Sintra, Diogo d'Azam- buza, Bartholomew Dias, VascodeGama; Voyages to the Canary Islands, Voyages of Columbus, Nino and Guierra, Ojeda and Vespu^ius, Cortereal, Alvarez Cabral, Francis Almeed, Albuquerque, Andrea Corsali, Voyage to St Thomas, Voyage of De Solis, Pinzon, &c. ; Voyage of John Ponce, Grijalva, Nicuessa, Cortes, Ojeda and Ocampo, Magellan ; with other Voyages to the East Indies, the West Indies, round the World, &c. Map and plates. 4 1789 Collecc_ao de Noticias para a His- toria e Geografia das Nacoes Ultra- marinas, que vivem nos Dominios Portuguezcs, ou Ihes sao visinhas. Pub- licada pela Academia Real das Sciencias. 7 vols. Small 4 Lisbon, 1812-41 C o N T E N T S. VOLUME i. Breve Relasao das Escrituras dos Gentios da India Oriental, e dosseus Costumes. Noticia summaria do Gentilismo da Asia. Joseph de Anchieta. Epistola quam- plurimarum rerum Naturalium, quce S. Vincentii (nunc S. Pauli) Pro- vinciam incolunt, sistens descriptionem. Memorias para a Historia da Capitania do Maranhao (Brazil), 1614. VOLUME 2. Cadamosta, Luiz de. Navega^oes a que se ajuntou a Viagem de Pedro de Cintra. Navega9ao de Lisboa a Una de S. Thome, escrita por hum Piloto Portuguez, e mandada ao Conde Raymundo de la Torre. Cabral, Pedro Alvares. Navega9ao, escrita por hum Piloto Portuguez. Vespucio, Americo. Cartas sobre duas Viagens, 1501. Lopes, Thome. Navega9ao a's Indias Orientaes, 1502. ' Empoli, Joao de. Viagem a's Indias Orientaes, 1503- Barbosa, Duarte. Livro de. 1516. ANONYMOUS COLLECTIONS. 611 Collec^ao de Noticias continued. VOLUME 3. Noticia do Brazil. Descripcao Verdadeira da Costa daquelle Estado que per- tence a Coroa do Reino de Portugal, sitio da Bahia de Todos os Santos. Catalogo dos Governadores do Reino de Angola, con huma previa noticia do Principio da sua Conquista, e do que nella obrarao os Governadores dignos de Memoria. VOLUME 4. Fonseca, Jose Gonsalves da. Navegaao feita da Cidade do Gram Para, ate a Bocca do Rio da Madeira, 1 749. VOLUME 5. Magalhaes, Fernam de. Roteiro da Viagem. Caminha, P. V. de. Carla a el rei D. Manoel. Magalhaes, Pero de. Tratado do Brazil. Ribeiro, Capt. Joao. Fatalidade His- torica da Ilha de Ceilao. 1685. VOLUME 6. Roteiro da Viagem da Cidade do Para ate a's ultimas Colonias dos Dominios Portuguezes em os Rios Amazonas e Negro. Appendix ao Diario da Viagem, que em Visita, e Correi9ao das Povoaoes da Capitania de S. Jose do Rio Negro, fez o Ouvidor, e Intendente Geral da mesma, Fr. Xavier Ribeiro de Sampaio, I774~ 1775- Rebello, Gabriel. Informacao das Cousas de Maluco. VOLUME 7. Tratado sobre a Demarcacao dos Limites na America Meridional. Folque, Filippe. Reflexoes acerca de algumas irregularidades, inadver- tencias, e inexactidoes, que se en- contrao no Diario dos Trabalhos da Demarca9ao dos Limites dos Dominios de Portugal e Hespanha ru America Meridional. Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires public par la Societe de Geographic. 7 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1824-44 CONTENTS. VOLUME i. Voyage de Marc Pol. Peregrinatio Marci Pauli, ex MS. Biblio- thecae Regiaj. Glossaire des Mots hors d'Usage, avec des Noms Propres et des Noms de Lieux. VOLUME 2. Relation de Ghanat, et des Coutumes de ses Habitants. Traduite de 1'Arabe par M. A. Jaubert. Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 2 contd. Cervelli, M. Aug. Relations inedites de la Cyrenaique. Extrait du Journal d'une Expedition faite en 1811-12, de Tripoli a Derne; redige par M. Dela- porte. Monte Cassiano, le R. P. Pacifique de. Relation succincte de la Pentapole Libyque. Traduite par M. Delaporte. Caraboeuf, M. Notice sur une mesure geometrique de la hauteur, au-dessus de la mer, de quelques sommites des Alpes. Resultat des questions adressees au nomme Mbouia, Marabou maure, de Tischit, et a un negre de Walet. Par M. le Baron Roger. Reponses aux questions proposees par la Societe de Geographic sur 1'Afrique Septentrionale. Par M. Delaporte. Itineraire de Constantinople a la Mccque. Extrait de 1'ouvrage Turc intitule Kitab Menassik el-Hadj ; traduit par M. Bianchi. Warden, M. Description des Ruines decouvertes pres de Palenque, suivie de Recherches sur 1'Ancienne Popula- tion de 1'Amerique. Notice sur la Carte generate des Pascha- liks de Hhaleb, Orfa, et Baghdad, et sur le plan de Hhaleb par M. Rousseau (article de M. J. G. Barbie du Bocage). Extrait de la Traduction faite par M. le Baron de Nerciat, d'un Memoire de M. de Hammer, sur la Perse, pour ce qui concerne la partie geographique. Warden, M. t Recherches sur les Anti- quites des Etats-Unis de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. VOLUME 3. Bruguiere, M. Louis. Orographie de 1'Europe. VOLUME 4. Jordan (ou Jourdain) Catalani, Pere. De- scription des Merveilles d'une partie de 1'Asie ; eclaircissements preliminaires, par M. le Baron Coquebert de Mont- bret ; Note sur les Chretiens de Saint- Thomas. Relation d'un Voyage a 1'ile d'Amat ou Taiti et aux iles voisines. Redige par Don Jose de Andia y Varela ; Note preliminaire, par M. D'Avezac. Vocabulaires appartenant a diverses Contrees ou Tribus de 1'Afrique, jiar M. Koenig ; Observations Prelimin- aires, par M. Jomard. Relations des Voyages de Guillaume de Rubruk, Jean du Plan de Carpin, Bernard, Srcwulf, &c. Note prelimin- aires par M. d'Avezac. Voyage en Orient du Frere G. de Rub- ruk, 1253. Notice par MM. F. Michel et Wright. 6l2 APPENDIX I. TRAVELS, ETC. Recueil de Voyages, Vol. 4 contd. Carpin, Frere Jean du Plan de. Relation des Mongols ou Tartares, pendant 1245-47 ; precedee d'une Notice sur les Anciens Voyages de Tartarie en generate, et sur celui de Jean de Carpin en particulier, par M. d'Avezac. Voyage, de Bernard et de ses Compagnons en Egypt et en Terre-Sainte ; avec Notice sur Bernard-le-Sage par M. F. Michel. Relation des Voyages de Saewulf, a Jerusalem, et en Terre-Sainte, pendant 1102-3; avec Note preliminaire par M. d'Avezac. VOLUMES 5 AND 6. Geographic d'Edrisi. Traduite de 1'Arabe en Fran9ais d'apres deux MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Roi, et accompagnee de Notes, par P. Amedee Jaubert. VOLUME 7. Paradis, Venture de : Grammaire et Dictionnaire abreges de la langue Berbere. Khanikoff, Nicolas de : Memoire sur la partie Meridionale de 1'Asie Centrale. Poulain de Bossay, P. A. : Recherches sur Tyr et Palaetyr. Collec^ao de Monumentos ineditos para a Historia das Conquistas dos Portu- guezes em Africa, Asia, e America. Ser. i. Historia da Asia. n vols. in 15. Plates and maps. 4 Lisbon, 1858-93 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Lendas da India, por Caspar Correa. Livro I. Ac9oens de Vasca da Gama, Pedralvares Cabral, Joao da Nova, Francisco de Alboquerque, Vicente Sodre', Duarte Pacheco, Lopo Scares, Manuel Telles, D. Francisco d' Almeida ; Lenda de 13 annos, desde o primeiro Descobrimento da India, ate o anno de 1510. 1858-59 Vol. 2. The same. Livro 2. Em que se recontao os famosos feitos d'Afonso d' Alboquerque, Lopo Soares, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, D. Duarte de Menezcs, D. Vasco da Gama Visorey, D. Antique de Menezes; Lenda de 17 annos, acabados no anno de 1526. 1 860-61 Vol. 3. The same. Livro 3. Que conta dos feitos de Pero Mascarenhas, e Lopo Vaz de Sampayo, e Nuno da Cunha ; em que se passarao 17 annos. 1862-63 Vol. 4. The same. Livro 4. A Quarta Parte da Cronico dos feytos que se passarao na India do ano de 1583 ate Collecgao de_Monumentos, Vol. 4 contd. o ano de 1550, em que residerao seis Gouernadores (D. Gracia de Noronha, D. Esteuao da Gama, Martim Afonso de Sousa, D. Joao de Crasto, Gracia de Sa, e Jorge Cabral). 1864-66 Vol. 5. Subsidies para a Historia de India Portugueza. . . . I. O livro dos Pesos, Medldas, o Moedas, por Antonio Nunes ; 2. O Tombo do Estado da India, por Simao Botelho ; 3. Lem- brancas das cousas da India ec 1525. 1868 Vol. 6. Decada 13 da Historia da India, composta por Antonio Boccaro. Parts I and 2 1876 Vols. 7, 8, 9, II. Documentos Re- mettidos da India, ou Livres das Mon- coes publicados de ordem da Classe de Sciencias Moraes, Politicas, Bellas- Lettras da Academia Real das Scien- cias de Lisboa, e sob a direccao de Raymundo Antonio de Bulhao Palo. Vols. 1-4 1880-93 Vol. 10. Cartas de Affbnso de Albu- querque seguidas de Documentos que as elucidam publicadas de ordem, &c. Vol. I 1884 Cartas de Indias. Publicalas por Pri- mera Vez el Ministerio de Fomento. Facsimiles and maps. Folio Madrid, 1877 CONTENTS. Christobal Colon, Amerrigo Vespucci, Fray Bartolome de las Casas, y Bernal Dias del Castillo. Nueva Espailo. Relisjiosos, Prelados, Clerigos. Vireyes, Gobernadores, Ca- ciques, Justicias y Regimientos, Par- ticulares. America Central. Prelados de Guate- mala y Chiapa. Peru. Gobernaciones de Cristobal Vaca de Castro y de Pedro de la Gasca. Rio de la Plata. Gobernacion de Domingo Martinez de Irala. Islas Filipinas. El Obispo Fray Domingo Salazar. Recueil de Voyages et de Documents pour servir a 1'Histoire de le Geographic depuis le XIII e . jusqu'a la fin du XVI C . Siecle public sous la direction de MM. Ch. Schefer et Henri Cordier : I. [see Cabot]; II. [see Schefer] ; III. [see Harrisse] ; IV. [see Parmentier] ; V. [see Thenaud] ; VI. [see Harrisse] ; VIII. [see Aramon] ; IX. [see Var- thema] ; X. [see Odoric de Pordenone] ; XI. [see Possot et Philippe]. Large 8 Paris, 1882-91 APPENDIX II. GOVERNMENT, ANONYMOUS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS, CONTENTS OF APPENDIX II. AFRICA- GENERAL A. Parliamentary Reports ... ... ... ... ... 621 B. International Conferences ... ... ... ... ,.. 621 c. Slave Trade ... ... ... ... ... ... 621 D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 622 ABYSSINIA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 622 ALGERIA AND TUNIS A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 623 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 623 BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA ... ... ... ... ... 624 BRITISH EAST AFRICA AND ZANZIBAR ... ... ... ... 624 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA A. General ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 624 B. Bechuanaland ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 c. Mashonaland ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 D. Various ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 CAMEROONS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 CAPE COLONY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 625 CENTRAL AFRICA ... ... ... ... ... ... 627 CONGO STATE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 627 EGYPT A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 627 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 627 ERITREA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 FRENCH CONGO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 GAMBIA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 GERMAN EAST AFRICA ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA ... ... ... ... ... 628 GOLD COAST ... ... ... ... ... ... 628 LAGOS ... ... ... ... ... ... 629 MADAGASCAR ... ... ... ... ... ... 629 MOROCCO ... ... ... ... ... ... 629 NATAL .. ... ... ... 629 NIGER DISTRICT ... ... ... ... ..- 629 PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA ... ... ... 629 PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA ... ... ... ... 630 SENEGAL ... ... ... 6 3 SIERRA LEONE ... ... ... 630 SOMALI LAND ... ... ... ... ... 630 SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC (TRANSVAAL) ... ... 630 WEST AFRICA ... .. ... ... 631 AFRICAN ISLANDS Cape Verde Islands, Mauritius ... ... ... 631 AMERICA, NORTH GENERAL ... ... ... 632 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA (CANADA) A. Geological and Natural History Survey ... 632 B. Various Government Publications ... 633 c. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... 634 6i6 APPENDIX II. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA continued. D. Province of British Columbia ... E. Province of Manitoba F. Province of New Brunswick ... G. Province of Nova Scotia H. Province of Ontario ... I. Province of Quebec ... BRITISH NORTH AMERICA (NEWFOUNDLAND) MEXICO ... UNITED STATES A. Census Reports B. Consular Reports C. Department of Agriculture a. Weather Bureau b. Division of Statistics c. Miscellaneous D. Naval Observatory Publications ... ... . E. Navy Department a. Hydrographic Office Publications . b. Miscellaneous ... F. Surveys, Coast and Geodetic ... G. Surveys, Geological and Geographical a. Survey of the Territories ... . b. Survey of Rocky Mountain Region . c. U.S. Geological Survey H. War Department a. Engineer Department, U.S. Army b. Signal Service ... c. Miscellaneous I. Various Government Publications J. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... - . K. States and Territories AMERICA, CENTRAL, AND WEST INDIES- CENTRAL AMERICA A. General B. Costa Rica ... c. Guatemala ... D. Honduras ... E. Nicaragua ... F. Salvador WEST INDIES A. General B. Bahamns ... c. Cuba D. Jamaica E. San Domingo F. Windward Islands ... ... ... AMERICA, SOUTH- ARGENTINE REPUBLIC A. Government Publications B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous c. Provinces ... D. Patagonia ... BOLIVIA ... BRAZIL ... CHILE A. Government Publications B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous COLOMBIA ECUADOR GUIANA, BRITISH GUIANA, DUTCH ... PARAGUAY PERU ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 URUGUAY VENEZUELA 635 635 635 635 635 636 636 636 636 637 638 638 638 638 639 642 642 644 646 646 650 651 652 653 654 654 658 658 658 658 658 659 659 659 659 659 659 659 660 660 66 1 662 662 662 662 663 663 664 664 664 664 664 665 665 CONTENTS. 617 ASIA PAGE GENERAL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 666 ARABIA ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 666 CENTRAL ASIA A. Official Publications ... ... ... ... ... ... 666 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 667 CEYLON ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 667 CHINESE EMPIRE A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 668 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 668 CYPRUS ... ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ... 669 DUTCH EAST INDIES ... ... ... ... ... ... 669 FRENCH INDO-CHINA ... ... ... ... ... ... 670 HONGKONG ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 670 INDIAN EMPIRE A. Archaeological Survey ... ... ... ... ... 670 B. Census Reports ... ... ... ... ... ... 671 c. Geological Survey ... ... ... ... ... ... 671 D. Marine Department ... ... ... ... ... ... 675 E. Meteorological ... ... ... ... ... ... 675 F. Surveys a. Revenue ... ... ... ... ... 676 b. Topographical ... ... ... ... ... 676 c. Trigonometrical ... ... ... ... 676 d. United ... ... ... ... ... 678 G. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 678 H. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 680 I. Assam ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 1 j. Bengal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 682 K. Bombay ,.. ... ... ... ... ... ... 682 L. Burma ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 684 M. Central Provinces (no entries)... ... ... ... ... 685 N. Madras ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 685 o. North-West Provinces and Oudh ... ... ... ... 686 P. Punjab ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 687 Q. Various ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 688 JAPAN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 688 KOREA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 688 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO ... ... ... ... ... ... 689 PERSIA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 689 PORTUGUESE ASIA ... ... ... ... ... ... 689 RUSSIA IN ASIA A. Caucasus, &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 689 B. Russian Turkestan ... ... ... ... ... ... 690 C. Siberia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 690 SlAM ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 690 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ... ... ... ... ... ... 690 TURKEY-IN-ASIA A. Asia Minor ... ... ... ... ... ... 691 B. Palestine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 691 c. Syria ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 692 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS- AUSTRALIA, GENERAL ... ... ... ... ... ... 693 BRITISH NEW GUINEA ... ... ... ... ... ... 693 NEW SOUTH WALES A. Australian Museum ... ... ... ... ... ... 694 B. Department of Mines and Agriculture ... ... ... ... 694 C. Results of Observations ... ... ... ... .. 694 D. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 695 E. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 695 NEW ZEALAND A. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey ... ... ... 696 B. Survey Department ... ... ... ... ... ... 697 c. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 697 D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 697 618 APPENDIX II. PAGE QUEENSLAND ... ... ... ... ... ... 698 SOUTH AUSTRALIA A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 698 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 699 TASMANIA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 699 VICTORIA A. Geological Survey, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 700 B. Department of Mines ... ... ... '... ... 700 c. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 700 D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 701 WESTERN AUSTRALIA ... ... ... ... ... ... 701 PACIFIC ISLANDS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 701 EUROPE- GENERAL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 703 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY A. Official Reports ... ... ... ... ... ... 704 B. Miscellaneous Publications ... ... ... ... ... 704 c. Anonymous Publications ... ... ... ... ... 706 BELGIUM... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 706 DENMARK ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 706 FRANCE A. Ministere de la Guerre ... ... ... ... ... 706 B. Ministere de la Marine, &c. a. Miscellaneous ... ... ... 707 b. Depdt des Cartes, &c. ... ... 707 c. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 716 D. Ecole des Langues Orientalcs .. ... ... ... ... 716 E. Miscellaneous and Anonymous ... ... ... ... 717 GERMAN EMPIRE A. Prussian Geodetic Institute ... ... ... ... ... 718 B. Various Government Publications ... ... ... ... 718 c. Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 719 D. Anonymous ... ... ... ... ... ... 721 GREECE ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... 721 HOLLAND ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 722 ITALY A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 722 B. Geographical Congress ... ... ... ... ... 722 c. Anonymous ... ... ... ... ... ... 723 NORWAY A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 7 2 3 B. Anonymous ... ... ... ... ... ... 724 PORTUGAL A. Various ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 725 B. Geographical Society of Lisbon ... ... ... ... 7 2 S ROUMANIA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 726 RUSSIA A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 727 B. Imperial Russian Geographical Society ... ... ... 727 c. Anonymous ... ... ... ... ... ... 727 SPAIN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 728 SWEDEN A. Government Publications ... ... .. ... ... 728 B. Anonymous ... ... ... ... ... ... 735 SWITZERLAND A. Government Publications ... ... ... ... ... 735 B. Anonymous and Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 73^ TURKEY-IN-EUROPE ... ... ... ... ... ... 737 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND A. Admiralty Publications ... ... ... ... ... 737 B. Board of Trade Publications ... ... ... ... ... 74 1 C. Colonial Office Publications ... ... ... ... ... 74 2 D. Foreign Office Publications ... ... ... ... ... 743 E. Ordnance Survey Publications ... ... ... ... 744 CONTENTS. 619 UNITED KINGDOM continued. PAGE F. Parliamentary Papers ... ... ... ... ... 745 G. War Office Publications ... ... ... ... ... 745 H. Various Government Publications ... ... ... 748 I. Miscellaneous (including England) ... ... ... ... 749 J. Anonymous (including England) ... ... ... ... 751 K. Scotland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 752 L. Ireland ... ... ... ... ... ... 752 OCEANS- ATLANTIC ISLANDS ... ... ... ... ... ... 753 INDIAN AND PACIFIC ... ... ... ... ... ... 753 POLAR REGIONS ARCTIC A. American Expeditions ... ... ... ... ... 754 B. Austrian Expeditions ... ... ... .. ... 754 C. British Expeditions a. Franklin Search ... ... ... 754 b. Narcs Expedition ... ... ... 758 D. Dutch Expeditions ... ... ... ... ... ... 758 E. German Expeditions ... ... ... .. ... 758 F. Swedish Expedition ... ... ... ... ... ... 758 G. International Polar Research ... ... ... ... ... 758 H. Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 759 I. Greenland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 760 ANTARCTIC ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 760 GENERAL- BIOGRAPHY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 761 CATALOGUES A. Books ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 761 B. Maps ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 763 c. Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... 764 DICTIONARIES A. European Languages ... ... ... ... ... 7^4 B. Asiatic Languages ... ... ... ... ... ... 7^5 c. African Languages ... ... ... ... ... ... 765 D. Australian Languages ... ... ... ... ... 7^5 ENCYCLOPEDIAS ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 765 GAZETTEERS AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES ... ... ... 766 GENERAL GEOGRAPHY ... ... ... ... ... ... 766 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES ... .. ... ... ... 767 MISCELLANEOUS ... ... ... ... 768 APPENDIX II. AFRICA. GENERAL. A. Parliamentary Reports. Africa. No. 8 (1888). Correspondence respecting the Expedition for the Relief of Emin Pasha, 1886-87. Folio 1888 No. 9 (1888). Paper respecting the Reported Capture of Emin Pasha and Mr Stanley. Folio 1888 No. 4 (1890). Correspondence re- specting Mr Stanley's Expedition for the Relief of Emin Pasha. Folio 1890 No. 6 (1890). Correspondence re- specting the Anglo-German Agreement relative to Africa and Heligoland. Folio 1890 No. 9 (1890). Declarations exchanged between the Government of Her Britannic Majesty and the Government of the French Republic with respect to Terri- tories in Africa. Signed at London, August 5, 1890. Folio 1890 Anglo - Portuguese Convention, Papers relating to the, signed at Lisbon, June n, 1891. Folio 1891 B. International Conferences, &c. Association Internationale Africaine. Rapports. 8 Brussels No. I. Rapports sur les Marches de la Premiere Expedition 1879 No. 2. Journal et Notes de Voyage de la Premiere Expedition 1879 Nos. 3 and 4. Extraits des Rapports des Voyageurs de 1' Association 1880 Comite National Beige. Seance Publique du i e Mars, 1880. Maps. Folio Brussels, 1880 et le Comite d' Etudes, Haul Congo. Travaux et Resultats, 1877-82. 8 Brussels, 1882 Berlin. Conference Africaine de Berlin. Reconnaisssance par la Belgique de 1'Association Internationale du Congo. Communication faite a la Chambre des representants par M. le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres. (Seance du 10 mars 1885.) 4 1885 GENERAL B. Berlin. The same. Communication faite au Senat par M. le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres. (Seance du 24 mars 1885.) 4 1885 (No. 90.) Chambre des Repre- sentants.^ Seance du 10 mars 1885. Acte Generale de la Conference de Berlin, date du 26 Fevrier 1885. 4 Africa. No. 3 (1885). Correspond- ence with Her Majesty's Ambassador at Berlin respecting West African Con- ference. Folio 1885 No. 3 (1885). Further Correspond- ence respecting the West African Con- ference. Folio 1885 No. 4 (1885). Protocols and General Act of the West African Conference. Folio 1885 No. 3 (1886). General Act of the Conference of Berlin. Signed February 26, 1885. Folio 1886 Brussels. Actes de la Conference de Bruxelles, 1889-90. Folio Brussels, 1890 La Conference de Bruxelles et les Pays Bas. Par un Ami de la Verite. 8 Antwerp, 1890 C. Slave Trade. A Concise Statement of the Question re- garding the Abolition of the Slave Trade. 1804 Resolutions of the Select Committee of the House of Lords in 1849 to con- sider the means to adopt for the Final Extinction of the African Slave Trade, 1849 ; with Report, 1850. 8 1849-50 Extracts from the Evidence taken before Committees in Parliament relative to the Slave Trade. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. 8 1851 African Squadron. 8 1851 Papers relative to Free Labour and the Slave Trade. 8 1861 Correspondence respecting the Slave Trade and other matters, Jan. to Dec. 1869. [Parly. Rep.J Folio 1870 Slave Trade Report. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1871 APPENDIX II. GENERAL C. Report from the Select Committee on Slave Trade, with the Proceedings of the Committee. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1871 Recent Correspondence respecting the Slave Trade. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1871 Africa. No. i (1883). Correspondence with British Representatives and Agents Abroad, and Reports from Naval Officers and the Treasury, relative to the Slave Trade, 1882-83. Folio 1883 - No. i (1884). The same, 1883-84. Folio 1884 - Memoire sur 1' abolition de 1'esclavage et de la traite des Noirs sur le territoire Porlugais. Large 8 Lisbon, 1889 - La Traite des Esclaves en Afrique. Renseignements et documents recueillis pour la Conference de Bruxelles (1840 a 1890). Map. Folio Brussels, 1890 D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Collection of Pamphlets (in i vol. ) relating to the Royal African Company. Map. Small 4 1667-1748 New Sailing Directions for the Coast of Africa, extending from Cape Spartel, in lat. 34 48' North, to the Cape of Good Hope, in lat. 34 31' South; and of the African Islands, situate in the Atlantic and Ethiopia Oceans. From the Journals, Manuscripts, Remarks, and Draughts of Archibald Dalzel, Norris, Woodville, Capt. Glas, Maxwell, Fisher, &c. Portrait. 8" 1799 Historical and Philosophical Sketch of the Discoveries and Settlements of the Europeans in Northern and Western Africa at the close of the Eighteenth Century. 8 Edinburgh, 1/99 Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time ; with Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology ; by Professor Jameson, James Wilson, and Hugh Murray. Map and plates. 16 1830 Queries relative to the State of the Slave-Trade, Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures, Geography, Natu- ral Productions, Political Institutions, General Character, Habits, Disposition, Health, and Religious Instruction. Folio N.D. African Languages. Dialogues, and a Small Portion of the New Testament, in the English, Arabic, Ilaussa, and Bornu Languages. Oblong folio 1853 German Society for the Exploration of Equatorial Africa. Album der Deut- schen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Aequatorial- Afrikas, landschaftlicher und anthropologischer Theile . . . heraus- gegeben von der Kommission Dr Max GENERAL D. Boehr, Dr Robert Hartmann, Dr Henry Lange. Photographs, Oblong 4 Berlin, 1876 Royal Geographical Society's African Exploration Fund Circular. Map. 8 1877 Africa, Past and Present : a Concise Account of the Country, its History, Geography, Explorations, Climates, Pro- ductions, Resources, Population, Tribes, Manners, Customs, Languages, Coloniza- tion, and Christian Missions. By an Old Resident. Map and plate. Small 8 1879 African Papers, No. I. Edited by James Stewart, M.D. Map. 8 Edinburgh , 1 879 Minutes of Conferences held at I Savile Row, respecting the Feasibility of a Line of Overland Telegraph through Africa to connect the Lines in South Africa with those of Egypt. 4. And of "The Conference. " Folio [1879] Possedimenti e Protettorati Europei in Africa, 1889. Raccolta di Notizie Geografiche, Storiche, Politiche e Militari sulle regioni Costiere Africane. Maps. 8 Rotne, 1889 The same, 1890. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 Koine. 1890 The Anglo -Luso Difficulty Explained. By V. de S. 8 1890 The Anglo - Portuguese Convention. Cuttings from the Times, Aug. 22nd. 1890 Die neuesten Reisen und Entdeckun- gen in Inner- Afrika. Map and plate. 8 Winterthui\ N.D. English and French Rivalry in Eastern Africa. [An Article or Review, so named.] 8 N.D. ABYSSINIA. Further Correspondence respecting the British Captives in Abyssinia. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1866 See Portal. Africa. No. I (1888). Correspondence respecting Mr Portal's Mission to Abys- sinia. Folio 1888 Voyage en Abyssinie execute pendant les annees 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, par une Commission Scientifique . . . Public par ordre du Roi, &c. 6 vols. in 8, 8 ; and 3 vols. in 2, folio Paris [1845} Pt. i. Relation Historique, par M. Theophile Lefebvre. 2 vols. in 4. Pt. 2. Itineraire. Description et Dictionnaire geographiques. Physique et Meteorologie. Statistique, Ethno- logic, Linguistique. Archeologie. Par M. Theophile Lefebvre. AFRICA ABYSSINIA. 623 ABYSSINIA. Voyage en Abyssinie continued. Pt. 3. Histoire Naturelle: Botanique, par M. A. Richard. 2 vols. Ft. 4. Histoire Naturelle: Zoologie, par MM. O. Des Muss, Florent Prevost, Guichenot, et Guerin-MenneviTle. Album Historique, EthnologiqueetAr- cheologique. Atlas, Histoire naturelle, Zoologie ; Do. Botanique. 3 vols. in 2. Folio. Abyssinian War. Newspaper Cuttings. ALGERIA AND TUNIS. A. Government Publications. Aper^u Historique, Statistique et Topo- graphique, sur 1'etat d'Alger, a 1'usage de 1'Armee Expeditionnaire d'Afrique. \_No plates.] 8 Paris, 1830 Tableau de la Situation des Etablisse- ments Francaise dans 1'Algerie, 1837-49, 1852-54. ii vols. 4 Paris > 1839-55 Exploration Scientifique de 1'Algerie pendant les annees 1840, 1841, 1842, publiee par ordre clu Gouvernement, et avec le concours d'une Commission Academique. Pat is Sciences Historiques et Geographiques. 8: Vol. i. Carette, E. Etude des Routes suivies par les Arabes dans la partie Meridionale de 1'Algerie et de la Regence de Tunis. Map 1844 Vol. 2. Carette, E. Recherches sur la Geographic et leCommerce de 1'Algerie Meridionale, suivies d'une Notice Geo- graphique sur une partie de 1'Afrique Septentrionale, par E. Renou. Maps 1844 Vol. 3. Carette, E. Recherches sur 1'origine et les Migrations des Principales Tribus de 1'Afrique septentrional et par- ticulierement de 1'Algerie. 8 1853 Vols. 4 and 5. Carette, E. Etudes sur la Kabilie proprement dite. 8 1849 and 1848 Vol. 6. Pellissier, E. Memoires Historiques et Geographiques sur 1'Al- gerie. ^44 Vol. 7. Pellissier and Remusat. Historic de 1'Afrique de Moh'ammed- Ben-Abi-El-Raini-El-K'airouani. Tra- duite de 1'Arabe. 1845 Vol. 8. Renou, Emilien. Descrip- tion Geographique de 1'Empire de Maroc, suivie d'ltineraires et Renscignements sur le Pays dc Sous et autres parties Meridionales clu Maroc recucillis, par M. Adrien Berbrugger. Map 1846 Vol. 9. Berbrugger, A. Voyages dans le Sud de 1'Algerie et des Etats Barbaresques de 1'ouest et de la est, par ALGERIA AND TUNIS A. Exploration de 1'Algerie continued. El-'Aiachi et Moula Ah'med ; traduits sur deux manuscrits Arabes de la Bib- liotheque d'Alger, suivis d'ltineraires et Renseignements fournis par Sid-Ahmed- Onlid - Bon - Mezrag et du Voyage par terre, de T'aza a Tunis, par M. Fabre. 1846 Vols. 10-15. Perron, E. Precis de Jurisprudence Musulmane, ou Princi- pes de Legislation Musulmane Civile et Religieuse selon le rite Malekite, par Khalil-Ibn-Ish'ak. Traduit de 1'Arabe. 1848, 1849, 1851, 1852 Vol. 16. Pellissier, E. Description de la Regence de Tunis. 8 J 853 Physique Ghterale. Folio : Vol. i. Aime, G. Recherches de physique sur la Mediterranee. Plates 1844 Vol. 2. Aime, G. Observations sur la Magnetisme terrestre. Plates 1846 Sciences Medicales. Vols. i and 2 in I vol. Suivi d'un Memoire sur la Peste en Algerie. Par A. Berbrugger. 1847 Annuaire de 1'Algerie et des Colonies, 1859. 8 Paris, 1859 Observatoire d'Alger. i re Partie. Pano- rama Meteorologique du Climat d'Alger. Observations Meteorologiques, Janvier 1872. Tables. Folio N.D. Gouvernement General Civil de 1'Algerie. Statistique Generate de 1' Algerie, annees 1867 a 1872, 1873 a 1875. Large 4 Paris, 1874-77 Gouvernement de M. le Marechal Due D'Isly en Algerie. 8 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Itineraire du Royaume d'Alger. Par J. M., H. B. 8 Toulon, 1830 De la Fausse Direction donnee aux Affaires d'Alger par le Systeme d'Ex- peditions. 8" Paris, 1836 Excursions dans 1'Afrique Seplentrionale, par la Societe pour 1'Exploration de Carthage, accompagnees d'inscriptions. Plates. 8 Paris, 1838 Notes sur le Theatre des Operations Militaires dans le Centre de 1'Algerie. 8 Paris, 1840 La France en Afrique. 8 Paris, 1846 De la Colonisation de 1'Algerie. 8 Paris, 1847 L'Algerie et 1 'Opinion. 8 Paris, 1847 Barbary, Leaves from a Lady's Diary of her Travels in. 2 vols. 8 1850 Le Pays du Mouton. Des conditions d'existence des troupcaux sur les Hauls- Plateaux et dans le Sud de 1'Algerie. Maps and illustrations. 4 Algiers, 1893 624 APPENDIX II. ALGERIA AND TUNIS B. Bizerta und seine Zukunft. Map and illustrations, 16 Prague, 1881 Constantine. Expedition de, par un Officier de 1'Armee d'Afrique. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1838 Kabyles. Recherches sur 1'Origine des Kabyles. 8 Geneva, 1871 Oran. Association Francaise pour 1'Avance- ment des Sciences. Congres d'Oran, 1888; Oran et Algerie en 1887. Notices Historiques, Scientifiques, et Economiques. 2 vols. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 12 Oran, 1888 Tunis. Exposition Internationale et Colo- niale d'Amsterdam, 1883. Section Tunisi- enne. 8 Turn's, 1883 Syrtes. Yacht- Reise in den Syrten, 1873. Plates. 4 Prague, 1874 BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA. [See also British South Africa ; Portuguese East Africa.] Slave-Raiding. Africa, No. 5 (1892). Papers relative to the Suppression of Slave-Raidingin Nyassaland. Folio 1892 Livingstonia : Central Africa. Map. 8" Edinburgh [1875] The Mission of the Free Church of Scotland to Lake Nyassa. 2nd edition. Map. 8 Edinburgh, 1876 The Free Church "Livingstonia" Mission, Lake Nyassa. Newspaper Cuttings. 8 N.D. The Livingstonia Mission of the Free Church of Scotland in Nyassa-land. Third Quinquennial Narrative. Map. 8 Edinbtirgh, 1891 Newspaper Cuttings on the Nyassa region of East Africa. 4 [1888] Fighting on Lake Nyassa. Cuttings from the Manchester Guardian. N.D. Anglo-Portuguese Boundary. See Africa, General. BRITISH EAST AFRICA. Africa. No. 2 (1892). Papers respecting Proposed Railway from Mombasa to Lake Victoria Nyanza. Folio 1892 No. 4 (1892). Papers relating to the Mombasa Railway Survey and Uganda 1892 See United Kingdom : War Office Publ. Commercial Prospects in East Africa. Cuttings from Manchester Guardian. Church Missionary Society. Letters from the Members. Newspaper Cuttings. Folio 1876 The Story of the Uganda Mission and the Church Missionary Society's Work in Eastern Equatorial Africa. Map and illustrations. 4 N. D. BRITISH EAST AFRICA. Church Missionary Society. A Brief Account of the Church Missionary Society's Mission to Central Africa; with Extracts from the Missionaries' Letters, and New Map. 12 N.D. Uganda. " Philo- Africanus." (From Imp. and Asiat. Quart. Rev.} 8 1893 Correspondence respecting Sir Bartle Frere's Mission to the East Coast of Africa, 1872-73. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1873 Zanzibar. No. I (1876). Treaty between Her Majesty and the Sultan of Zanzibar, Supplementary to the Treaty for the Suppression of the Slave Trade of June 5, 1873. Folio 1876 No. I (1886). Correspondence relat- ing to Zanzibar. Folio 1886 No. I (1888) Further Correspond- ence relating to Zanzibar. Folio 1888 Ditto, respecting Germany and Zan- zibar. Folio 1 888 Report on the Spice and other Cultivation of Zanzibar and Pemba Islands. (Foreign Office Misc. Series, No. 266.) 8 1892 Swahili Version of the Book of Common Prayer. 12 1893 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. A. General. Report of Inquiry relating to the Con- dition of the Hottentots, Bushmen, Caffres, and other Native Tribes of South Africa, and of the Missionary Institutions. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1830 Further Correspondence relative to the Affairs of South Africa. [In continua- tion of c. 1401 of February 1876.] Folio 1876 Further Correspondence respecting the Proposed Bill for Enabling the South African Colonies and States to unite under one Government. Folio 1877 Further Correspondence respecting the War between the Transvaal Republic and Neighbouring Native Tribes, and generally with reference to Native Affairs in South Africa. Folio 1877 South African Blue-Book, Feb. 1880. Papers connected with John Dunn and Missionaries. Also Settlement of Basuto Land. Folio [1879] Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of South Africa. Map. Folio 1879 Extracts from Further Papers respecting the Affairs of South Africa. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1879 Further Correspondence and Extracts respecting the Affairs of South Africa. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1880 AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA. 625 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA A. Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of South Africa. September 1880. Maps. Folio 1880 Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of South Africa. Map and sketches. Folio 1 88 1 Correspondence relating to the High Commissionership in South Africa, and its Separation from the Governorship of the Cape. Map. Folio 1888 South African Quarterly Journal. [In- complete.] 8 Cape Town [1830] CONTENTS. Smith, A. A Description of the Birds inhabiting the South of Africa. Observations iclative to the Origin and History of the Bushmen. Buchenroder, W. L. von. An Ac- count of the Earthquakes which occurred at the Cape of Good Hope during the month of December 1809 ; with a Me- teorological Table from the 4th to the 27th ; and an Appendix containing Notices of Shocks which have occurred at various other periods. Webster, W. D. A Description of Two Supposed Undescribed Species of Fishes from Table Bay. Bowie, J. Sketches of the Botany of South Africa. Van der Stell, S. Diary of a Journey made to the Country of the Amaquas in the year 1685. Translated from the Dutch by W. L. von Buchenroder. Gold. Newspaper Cuttings relating to Karl Mauch's Discovery of Gold in South Africa [1867-68] Newspaper Cuttings relating to the South African Gold Fields. Map 1868 South Africa and its Resources, being Parts V. and VI. of the Appendix to the "Key to Fortune in New Lands." Map. 8 1870 Report of Dr Bleek concerning his Re- searches into the Bushman Language. Folio 1873 The Cape and South Africa. Small 8 1879 The Cave Cannibals of South Africa. By W. II. I. B. 8 N.D. Prospectus of an Expedition into the Interior of South Africa from Delagoa Bay. Map N.D. B. Bechuanaland. Reports, by Colonel Warren, R.E., C.M.G., and Captain Harell (late Sgth Regiment), on the Affairs of Bechuana- land, dated 3rd April 1879 and 27th April 1880. Map. Folio 1883 Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Bechuanaland and Adjacent Territories. Feb., June, and Sept. 1887; Apr. and Aug. 1888; and 1890. Folio 1887-90 [See also United Kingdom: War Office.] 2 R C. Mashonaland, &c. South Africa Company, The. General Information of the Country, and Press Notices. 4 1889 Africa. No. 2 (1890). Correspondence respecting the Action of Portugal in Mashonaland, and in the Districts of the Shire and Lake Nyassa. Folio 1890 Special Number of " South Africa," con- taining Accounts of Matabeleland and Mashonaland. Illustrations. 4 1891 Review of " The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland." (From the Edinburgh Revieiv. ) 8 1 893 Anglo - Portuguese Boundary. See Africa : General. D. Various. Basutoland. Despatch from Sir H. Robinson, with Report of the Resident Commissioner, Basutoland, &c. Folio 1887 See United Kingdom : War Office. Pondoland. Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Pondoland. Folio 1885 Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Pondoland. Map. Folio 1888 See United Kingdom : War Office. Swaziland. Correspondence respecting. Folio 1887 Zululand. Further Correspondence re- specting the Affairs of Zululand and adjacent Territories, from 1887 to 1890. Maps. Folio. - The Zulus. By an Ex-Colonial Chap- lain. 12 N.D. CAMEROONS. Africa. No. i (1885). Correspondence respecting Affairs in the Cameroons. Map. Folio 1885 Newspaper Cuttings. The Cameroon Country: I and 2: The German An- nexation. 3 and 4 : The Land of the Duallas. 5 : The New Colony. 6 : The Duallas. 7 : Sketches of Dualla Life. 8 : Dualla Customs ; Germany and the Cameroons. 8 V.D. Dualla. Ikwala ya Bwam. E Tatilabe na Mattiyu. Bwambu Bwa Dualla. [Proofsheet of a Dualla Translation of St Matthew.] 16 Bethel, Cameroons, 1848 CAPE COLONY. Extracts of Correspondence relative to the Condition and Treatment of Slaves and Hottentots at the Cape of Good Hope, 1819-24; Account of Grants of Land made to Hottentots or Bonshmen, 1817-24 ; Accounts of all the Commandos 626 APPENDIX II. CAPE COLONY. or Expeditions against the Bonshmen since 1797 ; Census of the Population since 1797. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1827 Reports of ihe Commissioners of Inquiry : I. Upon the Administration of the Government at the Cape of Good Hope ; 2. Upon the Finances of the Cape of Good Hope. [Parly. Report.] Folio 1827 Report of Inquiry upon the Trade of the Cape of Good Hope, the Navigation of the Coast, and the Improvement of the Harbours of that Colony. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1829 Zenith Distances observed with the Mural Circle, at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, and the Calculation of the Geocentric South Polar Distances, 1836 and 1837. 4 1837 Correspondence relative to the Estab- lishment of a Representative Assembly at the Cape of Good Hope. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1850 Despatches relative to the Reception of Convicts at the Cape of Good Hope. Folio 1850 Correspondence with the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, relative to Assumption of Sovereignty over the Territory between the Vaal and Orange Rivers. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1851 Correspondence with the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, relative to the State of the Kafir Tribes and to the Recent Outbreak on the Eastern Frontier of the Colony. Folio 1851 Further Papers relative to the Estab- lishment of a Representative Assembly at the Cape of Good Hope. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1852 Kaffraria. Correspondence relative to the Annexation of British Kaffraria to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1865 Correspondence respecting the Af- fairs of the. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1871 Further Correspondence respecting. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1872 Ministerial Department of Native Af- fairs. Report of W. Coates Palgrave, Esq., Special Commissioner to the Tribes north of the Orange River, of his Mission to Damaraland and Great Namaqualand in 1876. Map. 8 Cape Tcnvn, 1877 Report on the Division of Oudtshoorn, by John G. Gamble, Hydraulic En- gineer to the Colony. Map and plates. Folio Cape Town, 1877 Report and Proceedings of the Com- mission appointed by His Excellency the Governor, to Collect, Examine, Classify, and Index the Archives of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Folio Cape Town, 1877 CAPE COLONY. Blue-Books for the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, for the years 1878, 1879, 1880, 1885, 1888. Folio Cape Toiun, 1879-89 Report on the Blue-Book for 1879, 1880, and 1 88 1. Folio Cape Town, 1880-82 Despatches. Correspondence and Papers, &c., relative to Proposed Constitution of the Trigonometrical Survey of the Cape Colony in connection with the Adjacent Territories. Maps. Folio Cape Town, 1880 Acts of the Cape Parliament, 1880, 1881, and 1887. Folio Cape Town, 1880-87 Ministerial Department of Native Af- fairs. Blue-Book on Native Affairs, 1880-82 and 1884-88. Vol. I. (Part I and 2.) Appendix to the same, 1883. Maps. Folio Cape Town, 1880-88 Correspondence between the Govern- ment of the Colony and Commandant General of Colonial Forces on the subject of the Position of Affairs in Bashutoland and other Native Territories and the Reorganisation of the Colonial Forces. Maps. Folio 1883 Cape Colony. Further Correspondence respecting the Claims of British Subjects in the German Protectorate. Folio 1887 Cape of Good Hope Civil Service List for 1887 and 1888. 8 Cape Town, 1887-88 Sources of Revenue of the Colony, with Tariffs, &c. 8 Cape Town, 1887 Statistical Register of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope for the years 1890, 1891, and 1892. Cape Town, 1891-93 Census. Results of a Census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, as on the night of Sunday, 5th April 1891. Folio Cape Town, 1892 Imperial Federation Series of Colonial State- Paper Catalogues. Edited by F. Campbell. No. I. Cape of Good Hope, 1892 (Preliminary Issue). 8 1893 Agricultural and Live-Stock Returns for 1893-94. Folio Cape Town, 1894 [See also United Kingdom, Emigrants' Handbooks; War Office.] South African Directory Advertiser for 1831. Map and plates. 8 Cape Town, 1830 Kaffir War, Summary of the, 1834-35 ; with Notes by the Editor of the Zuid Afrikaan. 8 Cape Town, 1836 Cape of Good Hope. Universal Exhibi- tion, 1855 : Vade-Mecum. 8 Cape Town, 1855 The Hot Springs at the Cape of Good Hope : a Sanatorium for Persons suffer- ing from Consumption, Chronic Rheu- matism, Gout, Sciatica, &c. Illus- tration. 12 1884 AFRICA CENTRAL AFRICA. 627 CENTRAL AFRICA. Spedizione. Geografica Italiana nell' Africa Equatoriale. 8 Rome, 1876 West Central. The Mission of the American Board to West Central Africa. Pioneer Work, 1881. Map. 12 Boston, 1882 The Critical Position of Europeans in Central Africa. (From Blackwood's Magazine.} 8 1889 CONGO STATE. Congo. No. 92. Chambre des Repre- sentants. Seance du 10 Mars 1885. Declarations du 23 Fevrier 1885, rela- tives a la Reconnaissance de 1'Associa- tion Internationale du Congo par la Belgique. Folio 1885 Compagnie du Congo pour le Commerce et 1'Industrie (Societe Anonyme). The Congo Railway from Matadi to the Stanley Pool. Results of Survey. First Draft ; Conclusions, with 24 schedules. Several Notes. Maps, plans, and esti- mates. 8 Brussels, 1889 Exposition de Photographies repre- sentant des Vues et Types du Congo ouverte au Cercle Artistique et Litte- raire. Catalogue. Map. 8 Bruxelles, 1890 L'Etat Independant du Congo et la Com- pagnie de Rotterdam. Replique de " Un Ami de la Verite." 8 Antwerp, 1890 Congo Question. M eeting tenu a Londres 4 Nov. 1890. 8 Brussels, 1890 [See also Africa : General.] EGYPT. A. Government Publications. Ministere de 1'Interieur. Statistique de 1'Egypte, Ann. 1873. (1290 de 1'Hegire.) 8 Cairo, 1873 Direction du Rcensement. Recense- ment General de 1'Egypte. 15 Gamad Akher 12993 Mai 1882. Tome i er . 4 Cairo, 1884 Correspondence relative to the question of the Suez Canal clues, together with the Proces-verbaux of the Meetings held by the International Commission at Con- stantinople. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 Egyptian General Staff Publications- Rapport fait a S. E. General Stone Pacha . . . sur les Specimens Botaniques . . . colliges pendant les Expeditions Egyptiennes au Kordofan et au Darfour en 1875 ct '876 par le D'. Pfund. Par J. II. Zarb. Small 4 1875 EGYPT A. Egyptian General Staff Publications Journal of the March of an Expedition in Nubia between Assouan and Abou- hamid, executed by Eugene Fechet. 8 1878 Report on the Seizure by the Abys- sinians of the Geological and Minera- logical Reconnaissance Expedition at- tached to the General Staff of the Egyptian Army. By L. H. Mitchell. 8 1878 Provinces of the Equator. Summary of Letters and Reports of His Excellency the Governor-General. Part I. Year 1874. 8 1877 See also Prout ; Purdy, E. S. Egypt. No. 5. 1887. Reports by Sir H. Drummond \Volff, on the Administration of Egypt. Folio 1887 No. i. 1888. Correspondence re- specting the Proposed International Con- ven'ion for Securing the Free Navigation of the Suez Canal. Folio 1888 No. 6. 1888. Copy of a Despatch from Sir E. Baring, inclosing a Report on the Condition of the Agricultural Population in Egypt. Folio 1888 No. i. 1889. Further Correspond- ence respecting Affairs at Suakin. Plans. Folio 1889 Convention between Great Britain, Ger- many, Austria-Hungary, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and Turkey, respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal. Folio 1889 Returns of Shipping and Tonnage, 1886, 1887, and 1888. Folio 1889 Ville d'Alexandrie. Municipalite Rapport sur 1'Assainissement de la Ville. Presente a la Commission Municipale (par L. Dietrich Bey). Parties i, 2, 3. Roy 8 Alexandria, 1892-93 [See also United Kingdom : War Office.] B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. A Short Relation of the River Nile, of its Source and Current, of its Over- flowing the Campagnia of ./Egypt till it runs into the Mediterranean, and of other Curiosities. [Translated by Sir P. Wyche.] 12 1673 Ditto. Another edition. 8 1791 Relation de 1'Expedition Scientifique des Fran9ais en Egypte en 1798. [Extr. de 1'Encyclop. des Gens du Monde.] 8. Dongola and Sennaar. Nanative of the Expedition to Dongola nnd Sennaar, under the Command of his Excellency Ismael Pasha. By an American in the Service of the Viceroy. 8 1822 Rosetta Stone. Nouvelles Recherches sur 1'Inscription en Lettres Sacrees du Monu- ment de Rosette. Plate. 8 Florence, 1830 628 APPENDIX II. EGYPT B. The Antiquities of Egypt, with a parti- cular Notice of those that illustrate the Sacred Scriptures. Plates. 8 1841 Notes from a Private Jourml of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine by way of Italy and the Mediterranean. [Not pub- lished.] 1.2 1844 Societe d'Etudes de 1'Isthme de Suez. Travaux de la Brigade Francaise. Rap- port del'Ingenieur. Map. 8 Paris, 1847 Outline of the Plan for the proposed Navigation through the Isthmus. Map. 8 1850 The Present Crisis in Egypt, in Rela- tion to our Overland Communication with India. No. I. 8 1851 Suez Canal. Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. Firman de Concession et Cahier des Charges Statuts. 8 Paris, 1*56 Assemblee generate des Action- naires (8 e Reunion, i cr Aoiit 1866). Rapport de M. F. de Lesseps. Rapport de la Commission de Verification des Comptes. Resolutions de 1' Assemblee Generate. 8 Paris, 1866 Caravan Routes. Die Karawanen- Strasse von Aegypten nach Syrien. Plates. Scjuare 8 Prague, 1879 Hebrew Migration from Egypt, The. Maps. 8 1879 FRENCH CONGO. Gabon-Congo a 1'Exposition, 1889. Illus- tration!:. 1 2 Paris ERITREA. Assab et les Limites de la Souverainete Turco-Egyptienne dans la Mer Rouge. Memoire du Gouvernement Italien. Mars 1882. Maps. 4 Rome, 1882 Provvedimenti per la Costituzione e 1'Ordinamento di una Colonia Italiana in Assab. Relazione Ministeriale e Disegno di Legge presentati al Parla- mento Italiano dal Ministro degli Affari Esteri (Mancini) nella tornata del 12 Giugno 1882. Maps. 4 Rome, 1882 Possess! e Protettorati in Africa. (Estr. dell' Annuario Statistico, Anno 1890 : Ministero di Agricultura, &c.) 4 Rome, 1891 [See also Italy.] FRENCH CONGO. Loango Expedition. Die Loango-Ex- pedition ausgesandt von der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung Aequatorial- Africas, 1873-76. Ein Reisewerk in drei Abtheilungen, von Paul Giissfeldt, Julius Falkenstein, Eduard Pechuel-Loesche. Erste und zweite Abtheilungen ; Dritte Abtheilungun, Erste Ilalfte. Maps and plates. 4 Leipzig, 1879-82 GAMBIA. Correspondence respecting the Limits of British Jurisdiction in the River Gambia. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1877 Correspondence relating to the Recent Expedition to the Upper Gambia under Administrator V. S. Gouldsbury. Maps. Folio 1 88 1 Report on Blue-Book for 1885. 8 Bathurst, 1886 GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Bekleidungs - Bestimmungen fiir die Schutztruppe fiir Deutsch - Ostafrika. Uniform - Bestimmungen fiir die Civil Beamten in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (Beilage Deutsch-Kolonialblatt.) 12 1891 Gogo Version of the " Peep of Day." 12 1893 GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. Angra Pequena. Correspondence n spect- ing the Settlement at Angra Pequena, on the S.W. Coast of Africa. \Wap. Fol. 1884 Further Correspondence respecting the Settlement at Angr.i Pequena, on the S.W. Coast of Africa. Map. Folio 1884 Copy of a Despatch from the Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G., to Her Majesty's High Commissioner in South Africa, relative to the Establishment of a German Protectorate at Angra Pequena and along the neighbouring Coast. Folio 1884 Claims of British Subjects. See Cape Colony. GOLD COAST. [See also West Africa.] Affairs of the Gold Coast, and threatened Ashanti Invasion. Maps. Folio 1881 Further Correspondence regarding Affairs of the Gold Coast. Maps. Folio 1882 - The same. Maps. Folio 1883 Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of the Gold Coast. Maps. Folio 1885 The same. Maps. Folio 1888 The same. Maps. Folio 1888 Cape Coast Castle. Letters of Advice and Instructions to the Governors, Council, &c., of Cape Coast Castle, by the Committee of the Company of Mer- chants trading to Africa, from 2ist August 1751 to loth November 1768. MS. Folio. AFRICA LAGOS. 629 LAGOS. [See also West Africa.] Correspondence respecting the War between Native Tribes in the Interior and the Negotiations for Peace con- ducted by the Government of Lagos, February 1887. Maps. Folio 1887 The same. Maps. Folio 1887 Repatriation of Natives. Folio 1890 Circular - letter, dated 24th September 1890, on the Advisability of Securing for Examination and Report suitable Sam pies of the Valuable Timbers of Yoruba. Folio 1890 Circular Correspondence on the subject of the Ficus Flastica of Asia. Folio Lagos, 1890 Yoruba. A Vocabulary of the Yoruba Language. 8 N.I). MADAGASCAR. Madagascar. No i (1885). Correspond- ence respecting Madagascar relating to the Mission of Ilova Envoys to Europe in 1882-83. Folio 1883 [See also United Kingdom : War Office. ] MOROCCO. Grammatica Linguiv-Mauro- Arabics juxta vernaculi idiomates usum. Small 4 1800 Observations on the Western Coast of the Morocco State during my Journey from Mogador to Tangier, in July and August 1830. Memorandum respecting the Foundation of Mogador, its Trade, Description of the Bay, &c. ; with a Description of Santa Cruz, Ceuta, Tetuan, and other Ports of the State of Morocco ; with an Account of the Death of Major Laing, &c. Folio MS. Mogador. Our Ports, v. Mogador. (From the Times of Morocco, nth Aug. 1888.) 8. NATAL. Emigration to Natal, and Conditions of Government Land Grants. 8 1868 Emigration to Natal, and Conditions of Government Land Grants ; with Full Description of the Colony and its In- dustries. Map. 8 Pietcnnaritzbttri*, \ 870 Correspondence relative to Military Affairs in Natal and the Transvaal. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1879 Department of Mines. Report upon the Coal-Fields of Klip River, Wccnan, Unuoti, and Victoria Counties ; together with Tabulated Statement of Results obtained from a Series of Trials of NATAL. Department of Mines continued. Colonial Coal upon the Natal Government Railways, by Frederic W. North. Maps, sections, 1832 Extracts of Correspondence between the Board of Ordnance and Officers under their Orders in Canada, respecting the Progress of the Canal Communications. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 Copy of Letter from the Secretary of the Ordnance respecting the Expenditure upon the Works of the Rideau Canal in Canada ; with a Copy of the Tn-asury Minute thereon. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 An Estimate of the Expense of Rideau Canal for 1833. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 Copy of the Report of Mr Richards to the Colonial Secretary, respecting the Waste Lands in the Canadas, and Emigration. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, B. Appendix to Report of the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands. Part 2. Maps of Canada. 4 Toronto, 1857 Remarks on Upper Canada Surveys. Huron and Ottawa Territory. (Ap- pendix No. 36 to the Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands for 1860.) 8 Quebec, 1861 General Report of the Commissioner of Public Works, for the year ending 3Oth June 1867. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1868 Second Report of the Standing Com- mittee on Immigration and Colonisation. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1869 Reports of Surveyor-General of Dominion Lands. 8 Ottawa, 1874-80 Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878. Hand- book and Official Catalogue of the Canadian Section. Publishid under the direction of T. C. Keefer. Maps in cover. 8 1878 Report of the Select Standing Committee on Immigration and Colonisation. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1878 Telegraphy with the Coasts and Islands of the Gulf and Lower River St Lawrence, and the Coasts of the Maritime Provinces. Maps. 8 Quebec, 1879 Transit of Venus. Report of the Cana- dian Observations of the Transit of Venus, 6th December 1882. Plan. 8. Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the year ended 3Oth June 1881. 8 Ottawa, 1882 The same, for the years 1882-91-92. 8 Ottawa, 1883-93 Census of Canada, 1 880-81. Recense- ment du Canada. 4 vols. 8 Ottawa, 1882-85 Mineral Resources of Canada. 8 Ottawa, 1882 Eastern Townships. Information for intending Settlers. Map. 8 Ottawa, ^1883 Dominion Land Surveys. Manual show- ing the System of Survey of the Dominion Lands, with Instructions to Surveyors. 8 Ottawa, 1883 A Guide Book containing information for intending Settlers. 5th, 6th, and 7th editions. Maps and illustrations. 8 Ottawa, 1884-86 Reports on the Forests of Canada. With Precis by Dr Lyons, M.P., of certain Papers submitted therewith. Map. Folio 1885 Canada, its History, Products, and Na- tural Resources. 2 maps. 8 Ottawa, 1886 Geodetic Levelling. Diagrams. Large 8 Ottawa, 1886 634 APPENDIX II. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, B. A Memorial Volume. A Statistical and Descriptive Handbook of the Do- minion. Prepared under the authority of the Government of the Dominion and the various Provincial Administrations. Edited and published by E. B. Biggar, Montreal. Maps and illustrations. 8 1889 Time Standard. Documents relating to the Fixing of a Standard of Time, and the Legalisation thereof. Map. Large 8 Ottawa, 1891 [See also United Kingdom, H, Emi- grants' Handbooks.] Canada and United States. North American Boundary. Part 2. Correspondence relating to the Boundary between the British Possessions in North America and the United States of America under the Treaty of 1783, (with) Report of the British' Commissioners appointed to Survey the Territory in dispute be- "tween Great Britain and the United States of America, on the North-Eastern Boundary of the United States, with an Appendix. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1 840 North -West American Water Bound- ary. Parliamentary Reports A-G, with reference to the Case submitted to the arbitration of H. M. the Emperor of Germany. Maps. Folio 1873 Correspondence respecting the deter- mination of the North-Western Boundary between Canada and the United States. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1875 Bering Sea. Correspondence relative to the Seizure of British American Ves- sels, in Behring Sea, by the United States Authorities. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1887 Behring Sea Arbitration. Case pre- sented on the part of the Government of H.B.M. (U.S. No. i, 1893.) Folio. Report of the Behring Sea Commis- sion, and of the British Commissioners, June 1892. Maps and diagrams. (U.S. No. 2, 1893.) Folio. Further Correspondence respecting North American Fisheries, 1887-88 ; with De- spatch enclosing Treaty signed at Wash- ington, Feb. 15, 1888. Folio. [See also United States, J, and K, Oregon.] C. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. British Colonies in America. Canada. Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Maps. 18 1847 Petition of the Hon. Augustin N. Morin and others, praying for a Charter, by the name of "The Northern Pacific Railway Company," &c. &c. 8 Quebec, 1854 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, C. Canada West and the Hudson's Bay Company : a Political and Humane Ques- tion, of vital Importance to the Honour of Great Britain, to the Prosperity of Canada, and to the Existence of the Native Tribes ; with an Appendix. 8 1856 Directory for 1857-58 : containing Names of Professional and Business Men and of the Principal Inhabitants in the Cities, Towns, and Villages throughout the Province, Alphabetical Directories, &c., and Railway and Steamboat Routes throughout Canada. Map. Royal 8 Montreal, 1857 Relations des Jesuites : contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans la Nouvelle-France, 1611 a 1672. 3 vols. Maps. Royal 8 Quebec, 1858 The Grand Trunk Railway Company of [Canada,] its Present Position and Future Prospects. Large 8 1873 InstitutCanadien-Fran5ais d'Ottawa, 1852- 1877. Celebration du 25 e Anniversaire. 8 Ottawa, 1879 Canada under the National Policy. Arts and Manufactures, 1883. Illustrations. 4 Montreal, 1883 By the West to the East. Memorandum on some Imperial Aspects of the Com- pletion of the Canadian Pacific Railway. 12 1885 Canadian Economics : being Papers pre- pared for Reading before the Economical Section (British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Montreal Meeting, 1884.) With an Introductory Report. 8 Montreal and London, 1885 A Canadian Tour. A Reprint of Letters from the Special Correspondent of the Times. 4 1886 Great Mackenzie Basin. Minutes of Proceedings of the Senate of Canada, Wednesday, 2nd May 1888. Large 8 Report of the Select Committee of the Senate appointed to Inquire into the Resources of the Great Mackenzie Basin. Session 1888. Maps. Ottawa, 1888 Rapport du Comite Senatorial Charge de faire une Enquete sur les Ressources au Grand Bassin du Mackenzie. Session de 1888. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1888 Star Almanac, The : a Canadian Cyclo- pedia of Facts and Figures ; with a Calendar for 1893, and 6 coloured maps. 8 Montreal Pleasant Places by the Shore, and in the Forests of Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces via the Intercolonial Railway. Map and illustrations. Large 8 N. D. AMERICA, NORTH. 635 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, C. Traite sur la Culture du Tabac Canadian. 8 N.D. D. British Columbia Province. Papers relative to the Affairs of British Columbin. Parts I., II., and III. (Relative to the Government of the Colony an I Revocation of Hudson Bay Co.'s exclusive Trading Rights.) [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1859 and 1860 Information for Emigrants. Map. 8 Information for Intending Settlers. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1884 The same. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1886 British Columbia Illustrated. The West Shore. Illustrated. 8 Portland, Oregon, 1887 Prize Essay and Poem on. 8 Victoria, B.C., 1868 Reply to Letter of " Old Settler," published in the Times newspaper, on the Selection of a Terminus on the Pacific Coast for the proposed Canadian Pacific Railway. By a British North American. 8 1877 E. Manitoba Province. A Year in Manitoba, 1880-81 : being the experience of a retired officer in settling his sons. Illustrations. 12 1882 Extracts from Surveyors' Reports of Townships in Manitoba and the North- West Territories. 8 1884 Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba, appointed to procure evi- dence as to the practicability of the establishment of a System of Communi- cation with this Province via Hudson's Bay. 8 Winnipeg, 1884 Manitoba and the North -West Territories. A General Description of the Resources and Capabilities of the Canadian North- West, as well as some Experiences of Men and Women Settlers. Map and illustrations. 4 1 886 Albany Settlement, qu'Appelle Valley, North-West Territory, Canada. Plates and diagram \ 886 Census of Manitoba, 1885-86. Recense- ment de Manitoba. 8 Ottawa, 1887 A Few Facts respecting the Regina District in the great Grain-Growing and Stock-Raising Province of Assimboia, North-West Territories Canada. Map. 8 Regina, 1889 Winnipeg. Souvenir of the City of Winnipeg, presented to the Members of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, 1884. Illustra- tions. 8" Winnipeg BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, F. F. New Brunswick Province. Practical Information to Emigrants, in- cluding Details collected from the most Authentic Accounts relative to the Soil, Climate, Natural Productions, Agricul- ture, &c. , of the Province of New Brunswick. Maps. 8 1832 Report of the Directors of the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Com- pany. Maps. 8 1832 Eastern Provinces Guides. St John and the Provinces of New Brunswick : a Handbook for Travellers, Tourists, and Business Men. 3rd edition. Maps and illustrations. 12 [ 1 884] New Brunswick as a Home for the Farmer Emigrant. 8 Ottawa, 1884 [See also Nova Scotia.] G. Nova Scotia Province. Copies of Communications between the Lords of the Treasury, the Lords of the Admiralty, and the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on the subject of the Shubenaccadie in Nova Scotia. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1830 Record of the Proceedings of the Halifax Fisheries Commission. Maps. Folio 1877 Information for Intending Settlers. 8 Ottawa, 1884 Information for intending Emigrants. Small 8 Halifax, 1886 Les Mines d'Or de la Nouvelle Ecosse : Revue Statistique, 1862-66. 12 Halifax, N.S., 1867 The Maritime Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island. A Handbook of General Information, including the Report of Mr Thomas Davey . . . ; an Extract from Paper by Dr Fraser . . . ; Letters from Residents in the Provinces, &c. Map and illustrations 1892 H. Ontario Province. Letters from Settlers in Upper Canada to their Friends here, containing Im- portant Practical Information relating to that Country, for the Guidance of Emi- grants. 8 1831 Report on the Indians of Upper Canada. By a Sub-Committee of the Aborigines Protection Society. 8 1839 Ottawa, the Future Capital of Canada : a Description of the Country, its Resources, Trade, Population, &c. ; Hints to Emi- grants. Plate. 8 1858 Annual Report of the Normal, Model, Grammar, and Common Schools in Upper Canada, for 1858. By E. Ryerson. Royal 8 Toronto, 1859 The Immigrant in Ontario, the Premier Province of Canada. Map. 8 Branlford, On/., 1884 636 APPENDIX II. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA CANADA, H. Ontario as a Home for the British Tenant Farmer who desires to become his own Landlord. Map. 8 Toronto, 1 886 Ontario Boundary Act, 1889. Large 8. Welland. A Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the County of Welland, in the Province of Ontario, Canada. 8 Welland, 1886 Report of the Royal Commission on the Mineral Resources of Ontario, and Measures for their Development. Map. 8 Toronto, 1890 I. Quebec Province. St Lawrence. Report of the Chief En- gineer of Public Works on the Navigation of the River St Lawrence between Lake Ontario and Montreal. Ottawa, 1875 Report on the Advantages and Neces- sity of Establishing a Submarine Tele- graphic System for the River and Gulf of St Lawrence. Map. 8 Ottawa, 1876 Hints for Entering the River Saguenay. 8 1840 Anticosti. The Island of Anticosti, its Geographical Position, Extent, Resources, &c. Map. 8 1867 Temiskaming Lake. Au Lac Temis- kaming. Maps. 8 Ottawa, 1885 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA- NEWFOUNDLAND. Reports of Progress of the Geological Survey for the years 1874, 1876, 1881. Illustrations ami maps. 8 St John's, 1875-82 Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. Docu- ments Diplomatiques. Affaires de Terre- Neuve. Map. Folio Paris, 1891 Labrador. Facsimile of a part of a MS. found on the Coast of Labrador. 4. MEXICO. Diario del Gobierno de la Republica Mejicana. [Odd numbers] 1839 and 1840 Memoria presentada a S. M. el Em- perador por el Ministro de Fomento Luis Rubles Pezuela, de los Trabajos ejecutados en su Ramo el aiio de 1865. Maps ami plates. 8 1866 Memoria que el Secrelario de Estado y del Despacho de Fomento, Colonizacion, Industria, y Comercio de la Republica Mexicana presenta al Congreso de la Union. Correspondiente al ano trascur- rido de 1 de Julio de 1868 al 30 de Junio de 1869. Maps. 8 Mexico, 1870 The same. Conteniendo Documentos hasta el 30 de Junio de 1873. Map. 8 Mexico, 1874 MEXICO. Anales del Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana, ano de 1877. To mo i, 2. Maps. 8 Mexico, 1877 Estudio sobre las aguas Medicinales di la Republica Mexicana. Mexico, 1884 Nombres Geographicos de Mexico : Cata- logo Alfabetico de los Nombres de Lugar Pertenecientes al idioma " Nah- natl. " Estudio Jeroglifico de la Matricula de los Tributes del Codice Mendocino, por el Dr Antonio Penafiel. 4, with Atlas Mexico, 1885 Informes y Documentas Relations a Comercio Interior y Exterior Agricultura e Industrias. (Estados Unidos Mexi- canos, No. 13, Julio 1886.) 8 Mexico, 1886 Republica Mexicana : Casas de Moneda. Noticias de Acuiiacion e Introduccion de Metales en el aiio fiscal de 1884 a 1885. Folio Mexico, 1886 Codigo de Mineria de la Republica Mexicana. 12 Paris and Mexico, 1889 [See also United States, I, Bureau of the American Republics. ] Journey from Acapulco to the Capital of Mexico, by way of Tasco, Summer 1 849. (Hutch ings' California Magazine. ) Illustrations. 8 [San Francisco, 1858] The Republic of Mexico Restored. 8 Mexico, 1867 La Ramirita. Mexico, 1885 Popocatepetl. Ascensione al Volcano Popocatepetl. 8 Turin, 1856 Tehuantepec Railway, its Location, Features, and Advantages under the La Sere Grant of 1869. 8 1869 Geographical Positions in Mexico. In MS. 4 N.D. UNITED STATES. A. Census Reports. Seventh Census. Report of the Super- intendent of the Census for December 1852, to which is appended the Report for December 185 1. 8 Washington, 1853 Statistical View of the United States . . : being a Compendium of the Seventh Census, &c. , by J. D. B. de Bow. 8 Washington, 1854 Eighth Census. Preliminary Report on the Eighth Census, 1860. By J. C. G. Kennedy. 8 Washington, 1862 Eighth Census of the U.S., 1860. Population. Compiled from the orginal returns by J. C. G. Kennedy. 4 Washington, 1864 The same. Statistics of the U.S. 4 Wash inglon , 1866 Ninth Census. Compiled by F. A. Walker. 3 vols. Maps. 4 Washington, 1872 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 637 UNITED STATKS A. Tenth Census of the United States; Francis A. Walker, Superintendent. The History and Present Condition of the Fishery Industries, prepared under the direction of Professor S. F. Baird, by G. Brown Goode. See Elliott, H. W. ; Ingersoll, E. Department of the Interior. Com- pendium of the Tenth Census (ist June 1880). 2 parts. 8 Washington, 1883 Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. Vols. i and 2, 4-13, IS- 22 - 4 Washington Vol. I. Statistics of Population. Maps and diagrams 1 883 Vol. 2. Report on the Manufactures of the United States. Maps and plates 1883 Vol. 4. Report on the Agencies of Trans- portation in the United States. Map 1883 Vol. 5. Report on Cotton Production in the United States. Eugene W. Ilil- gard, Ph.D., . . . Special Agent in charge. Part I , Mississippi Valley and South- Western States. Maps 1884 Vol. 6. Ditto. Part 2, Eastern Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific States. Maps 1884 Vol. "j. Report on Valuation, Taxation, and Public Indebtedness in the United States. Compiled under the direction of Robert P. Porter, Special Agent. Plans and plates 1884 Vol. 8. The Newspaper and Periodical Press, by S. N. D. North. Its Popu- lation, Industries, and Resources, by Ivan Petroff. The Seal Islands of Alaska, by Henry W. Elliott. Ship Building Industry in the United States, by Henry Hall. Maps, coloured plates, and illustrations 1 884 Vol. 9. Report on the Forests of North America, exclusive of Mexico, by Charles S. Sargent. Maps 1884 Vol. 10. Production, Technology, and Uses of Petroleum and its Products, by S. F. Peckham. The Manufacture of Coke, by Joseph D. Weeks. Build- ing Stones of the United States, and Statistics of the Quarry Industry for 1880. Maps, charts, and plates 1884 Vol. II. Report on the Mortality and Vital Statistics of the United States, by John S. Billings. Part i. Plates and diagrams 1885 Vol. 12. Ditto. Part 2. Maps, plates, and diagrams (some separate) 1 886 Vol. 13. Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals. Prepared under the Direction of Clarence King, by S. F. Emmons and G. F. Becker. Plates 1885 UNITED STATES A. Tenth Census continued. Vol. 15. Report on the Mining Industries of the United States (exclusive of the Precious Metals), with Special In- vestigations into the Iron Resources of the Republic, and into the Cretaceous Coals of the North-West, by Raphael Pumpelly. Maps, plates, and diagrams 1886 Vols. 1 6 and 17. Statistics of Power and Machinery employed in Manufactures, by Prof. W. P. Trowbridge. Reports on the Water- Power of the United States. Parts I and 2. Illustrations, maps, and plates 1885-87 Vols. 1 8 and 19. Report on the Social Statistics ol Cities. Compiled by George E. Waring, jun. Part i, The New England and the Middle States; Part 2, The Southern and the Western States. Parts I and 2. Maps, plans, &c. 1886-87 Vol. 20. Report on the Statistics of Wages. In Manufacturing Industries ; with Supplementary Reports on the Average Retail Prices of Necessaries of Life, and on Trades Societies and Strikes and Lock-Outs. By Jos. D. Weeks. 1886 Vol. 21. Report on the Defective, De- pendent, and Delinquent Classes of the Population of the United States, by Frederick Howard Wines. 1888 Vol. 22. Report on Power and Machinery employed in Manufactures, by Professor W. V. Trowbridge. Also Report on the Ice Industry of the United States, by Henry Hall. Plates and figures 1888 See Swank, J. M. ; King, C. B. Consular Reports. Reports from the Consuls of the United States on the Commerce, Manufactures, &c. , of their Consular Districts. Vols. 1-43; Nos. 1-159 Was/iittgtfit, 1890-93 Vol. Nos. Vol. Nos. Vol. Nos i... i- 3 16... 53 - 56 30. ..105-107^ 2... 4- 8 I7-. 57 - 59 31. ..I08-III 3... 9-" 18... 60 - 62 32. ..II2-II5 4 .12-14 19... 63 - 68 33. ..II6-II9 5- -15-18 20... 68^- 72 34. ..120-123 6. ..19-22 2i.-- 73 - 75 35 ..124-127 7...23-24i 22... 76 - 8O 36. ..128-131 8...25-26i 23... 81 - 84 37. ..132-135 9.. .27-30 24... 85 - 87 38. ..136-139 10.. .31-34 25... 88 - 91 39... 140- 143 "...35-38 26... 92 - 94 40... 144- 147 i2...39-4i 27-.. 95 - 97 41. ..148-151 13. ..42-44 28... 98 -loo 42. ..152-155 I4- .45-4 29.. .101 -104 43. ..156-159 15. ..49-52 | [[158 missing] Indices to the above. Nos. 1-59) and 60 to in. 8 1887-90 638 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES B. Reports, Miscellaneous. 8 Washington Declared Exports for the U.S., 1883. (2 parts) 1883-84 Trade Guilds of Europe. Cholera in Europe in 1884. The Liquorice Plant. Pounding and Polishing Rice. 1885 Forestry in Europe. 1887 Special Reports. Vols. 1-9. 8 1890-93 Vol. I. Cotton Textiles. Piles in Spanish America. Carpet Manufacture. Malt and Beer in Spanish America. Fruit Culture in Foreign Countries. Vol. 2. Refrigerators and Food Preserva- tion. European Emigration. Olive Culture in the Alpes Maritimes. Beet Sugar Industry and Flax Cultivation. Vol. 3. Streets and Highways in Foreign Countries. Vol. 4. Port Regulations in Foreign Countries. Vol. 5. Canals and Irrigation in Foreign Countries. Vol. 6. Coal in Spanish America. Gas in Foreign Countries. India-rubber. Vol. 7. The Slave Trade. Tariffs in Foreign Countries. Vol. 8. Fire and Building Regulations in Foreign Countries. Vol. 9. Australasian Sheep and Wool. Vagrancy and Public Charities in Foreign Countries. C. Department of Agriculture. a. Weather Bureau. Reports for 1891, 1892, and 1893. By Mark W. Harrington. Also Special Report for 1891. 8 Washington, 1891-94 Monthly Weather Review, 1891-94 (M. W. Harrington, Director). 4 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1892-94 Circular of Information. Protection from Lightning. By A. M'Adie. 8 Washington, 1894 The Climatology and Physical Features of Maryland. First Biennial Report of the Maryland State Weather Service for the years 1892 and 1893. Maps and diagrams. Large 8 Baltimore, 1894 Bulletins. Maps and diagrams. 8 Washington No. i. Climate and Meteorology of Death Valley, California. By Mark W. Harrington. 1892 No. 2. New Method for the Discussion of Magnetic Observations. By F. H. Bigelow. 1892 No. 3. Report on the Relations of Soil to Climate. By E. W. Hilgard. 1892 No. 4. Some Physical Properties of Soils in their Relation to Moisture and Crop Distribution. By Milton Whitney. 1892 UNITED STATES C a. Bulletins continued. No. 5- Observations and Experiments on the Fluctuations in the Level of Ground-water. By Franklin H. King. 1892 No. 6. The Diurnal Variation of Baro- metric Pressure. By Frank N. Cole. 1892 No. 8. Report on the Climatology of the Cotton Plant. By P. II. Mell. 1893 [See also Maryland ; Finley, in Authors' Catalogue ; and for other Meteoro- logical Papers, see War Department, b.~\ b. Division of Statistics. Report of the Statistician, Jan. -Feb. 1893. 8 Washington, 1893 Production and Distribution of the Princi- pal Agricultural Products of the World. [Misc. Series, No. 5.] 8 Washington, 1893 c. Miscellaneous. Entomological Commission. Third Re- port. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1883 See G, (7, Unclassed, infra. Special Report. See Vasey. Agricultural Report. Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture. By Prof. Joseph Henry. 8 N.D. D. Naval Observatory Publications. Astronomical and Meteorological Ob- servations made during the year 1871 1873 Ditto, 1872 1874 Ditto, 1873 l8 75 Ditto, 1874 1877 Ditto, 1875 1878 Observations made during the year 1884 at the United States Naval Observatory. 4 1889 The same, during the years 1886-89. 4 1891-93 Washington Observations for 1868. Appendix I. A Catalogue of 1963 Stars reduced to the beginning of the year 1850 . . . from Observations made . . . by the U.S. Naval Astronomical Ex- pedition to the Southern Hemisphere. 1870 Ditto for 1871. Appendix 3. Cata- logue of Stars observed at the United States Naval Observatory during the years 1845 to I ^7i. By Prof. M. Yarnall. 1873 Ditto for 1871. Appendix 4. Memoir of the Founding and Progress of the U. S. Naval Observatory. Prepared by Prof. J. E. Nourse 1873. Ditto for 1872. Appendix 2. See Eastman. AMERICA UNITED STATES. 639 UNITED STATES D. Washington Observations for 1884. Appendix i. Catalogue of Stars ob- served at the United States Naval Observatory during the years 1845 to 1877, and prepared for publication by Prof. M. Yarnall, U.S.N. 3rd edition . . . with Renumbering of the Stars by Prof. Edgar Frisby, U.S.N. 4 1889 Ditto for 1886. Appendix I. Mag- netic Observations at the United States Naval Observatory, 1888 and 1889. By Ensign J. A. Iloogewerff, U.S. Navy. Plates. 4 Washington, 1890 Ditto for 1887. Appendix i. Report upon some of the Magnetic Observatories of Europe. By C. C. Marsh. 4 1891 Ditto for 1887. Appendix 2. Obser- vations at the U.S. Naval Observatory, 1890. By J. A. Iloogewerff. 4 1891 Ditto for 1887. Appendix 3. Me- teorological Observations* and Results, 1883-87. 4 1891 Ditto for 1888. Appendix 2. netic Observations at the U.S. Observatory, 1891. By J. werff. 4 Ditto for 1889. Mag- Naval A. Hooge- 1892 Appendix I. Mag- netic Observations, 1892. By Stimson 1893 J. Brown. 4" Report of Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory for the year to June 30, 1889. 8 Washington, 1889 The same, 1890-93 (4 Reports). 8 Instructions for Observing the total Solar Eclipse of July 29, 1878 1878 E. Navy Department Bureau of Navigation. a. Hydrographic Office Publications. A List of the Reported Dangers to Naviga- tion in the Pacific Ocean, whose positions are doubtful, or not found in the Charts in general use. 8 1866 Tables to facilitate the Reduction of Places of the Fixed Stars. For the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 2nd edition 1873 Catalogue of Charts, Plans, and Views published by the United States Hydro- graphic Office, with a List of Books sold to Agents. 8 1876 - Ditto. 8 1 88 1 Catalogue of Charts, Plans, and Sailing Directions, published by the United States Hydrographic Office, July 1884. 8 Washington, 1884 Catalogue of Charts, Plans, Sailing Direc- tions, and other Publications of the United States Hydrographic Office, 1st July 1891. Telegraphic Measurement of Differences of Longitude by Officers of the U.S. Navy in 1878 and 1879. Greenwich, Lisbon, UNITED STATES E a. Telegraphic Longitudes continued. Funchal, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio de Jaheiro, Monte Video, Buenos Ayres. Pernambuco Para 1880 See below, Nos. 65 B, 76. A List of Geographical Positions for the use of Navigators and others. Compiled ... by Lt. -Commander F. M. Green, U.S.N. 4 Washington, 1883 The International Code of Signals for the Use of all Nations. Large 8 1894 General Instructions for Hydrographic Work 1883. Illustrations. 8 Washington, 1883 Numbered Series : No. 7. An Observing List of Stars selected for the Determination of Time with the Portable Meridian Transit in the Southern Hemisphere. 8 1877 No. 30. (No. i.) List of Lights of North and South America (East and West Coasts). Seven issues. 8 and 4 1877 94 No. 31. (No. 2.) List of Lights of South and East Coast of Africa and the East Indies, including the East India Islands, China, Japan, Australia, Tas- mania, and New Zealand. Six issues. 8 and 4 1877-92 No. 32. (No. 3.) List of Lights of the West Coast of Africa and the Mediter- ranean Sea. Six issues. 8 and 4 1877-94 No. 33. (No. 4.) List of Lights of the Atlantic Coast of Europe, the English Channel, and North Sea. Four issues. 8 1877-85 No. 33 A. (No. 5.) List of Lights of the North, Baltic, and White Seas. Three issues. 8 1877-84 No. 33 B. (No. 6. ) List of Lights of the British Islands. Three issues. 8 1877-84 [See Nos. 74, 75.] [No. 34. English Channel, Part I, missing. ] Supplement, No. 2 1891 Supplement. 3rd edition 1893 No. 35. Sailing Directions for the English Channel. Part 2. North Coast of France and Channel Islands. By Asher C. Baker. Map. 8 1877 Supplement, No. 2 1892 Supplement. 3rd edition 1893 No. 37. Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Part i. S. and S.E. Coasts of Spain, from Mala Bahia to Cape Creux, Balearic Islands, and N. Coast of Africa from Ceuta to La Cala. By II. H. Gorringe. 8 1875 Supplement. 1892 and 1894 No. 38. Coasts and Ports of the Gulf of Lyons and Gulf of Genoa ; Cape Creux to Piombino Headland. By H. II. Gorringe. 8 1877 640 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES E a. Numbered Series continued. No. 38. Coasts and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Part 2. By H. H. Gorringe and S. Schroeder. 8 1878 Supplement. 3rd edition 1892 No. 41 A. Reported Dangers to Navi- gation in the Pacific Ocean, inclusive of Australia and the East India Archi- pelago. By J. E. Pillsbury. Part 2. South of the Equator. Chart in cover. 8 1879 Supplement. 1891 No. 41 B. Supplement to First Edition of Reported Dangers to Navigation in the North Pacific Ocean, inclusive of the China and Japan Seas and the East India Archipelago. By Com- mander William Gibson. 8 1880 Supplement, No. 2 to No. 41. Edition of 1871. 1891 No. 42. Coasts and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Part 3. By II. II. Gorringe and S. Schroeder. 8 1879 Supplement. 3rd edition 1892 No. 43. The Coast of Brazil from Cape Orange to Rio Janeiro. By H. H. Gorringe. Profiles. 8 1873 No. 45. Navigation of the Atlantic Ocean. (Labrosse. ) ByJ. B. Coghlan. 8 1873 No. 46. The West Coast of Africa. Part i. From Cape Spartel to Sierra Leone. By II. H. Gorringe. Profiles. 8 1873 No. 47. The West Coast of Africa. Part 2. From Sierra Leone to Cape Lopez. By Leonard Chenery. Pro- files. 8 1875 No. 48. The West Coast of Africa. Part 3. Cape Lopez to the Cape of Good Hope, including the islands in the Bight of Biafra, and Ascension and St Helena Islands. By Lieut. -Comm. J. R. Bartlett. Profiles. 8 1877 Supplement. 2nd edition 1892 No. 50. The Azores or Western Islands (Kerhallet, with Additions). By Lieut. G. M. Totten. 8 1874 No. 51. Madeira, the Salvages, and the Canary Islands (Kerhallet and Le Gras, with Additions). 8 1874 No. 52. The North-West and West Coast of Spain and the Coast of Portugal, from Point Estaca to Cape Trafalgar. By Lieut. G. M. Totten. 8 1874 No. 54- Deep-Sea Soundings in the North Pacific Ocean, obtained in the United States steamer "Tuscarora." By. Comm. G. E. Belknap. Plates and profiles. 8 '874 No. 56. Remarks on the Coasts of Lower California and Mexico. By Comm. George Dewey. 8 1874 UNITED STATES E a. Numbered Series continued. No. 57. Tables for finding the Distance of an Object by Two Bearings. 8 1874 No. 58. The Navigation of the Pacific Ocean, China Seas, &c. (Labrosse). By J. W. Miller. 8 1875 No. 59. The Coasts of Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. Profiles. 8 1876 No. 60. Coasts and Ports of the Bay of Biscay. By Lieuts. G. M. Totten and S. Schroeder. 8 1876 Supplement. 3rd edition 1892 No. 61. The Rio de la Plata. By Lieut. - Comm. H. H. Gorringe. Charts, plates, &c. 8 1875 No. 63. The Navigation of the Carri- liean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Vol. I. The West India Islands, including the Bahama Banks and Islands, and the Bermuda Islands. By Lieut. -Comm. F. M. Green. 8 1877 No. 64. The Navigation of the Carib- bean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Vol. 2. 2nd edition. The Coast of the Main- land, from the Rio Grande del Norte, Mexico, to Cape Orange, Brazil, with the adjacent Islands, Cays, and Banks. Revised by R. C. Ray. Large 8 Supplement, No. I. 3rd editions Supplement, No. 2. Lieut. W. S. Hughes. Large 8 Supplement, No. 3 1890 1st, 2nd, and 1891-94 Prepared by 1891 1895 No. 65. Report on the Telegraphic Determination of Differences of Longi- tude in the West Indies and Central America. By Lieut. -Comm. F. M. Green. 4 1877 No. 65 B. Telegraphic Determination of Longitudes in Japan, China, and the East Indies, embracing the Meri- dians of Yokohama, Nagasaki, Wladi- wostok, Shanghai, Amoy, Hong-Kong, Manila, Cape St James, Singapore, Batavia, and Madras, with the Latitude of the several Stations, by Lieut. - Commanders F. M. Green and C. H. Davis and Lieut. J. A. Norris, U.S.N., in 1881 and 1882. Published by order of Captain J. G. Walker, U.S.N. Chart. 8 1883 No. 70. Sailing Directions for the Kattegat Sound, and Great and Little Belts, to the Baltic Sea. Compiled from Danish and Swedish Surveys. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Depart- ment, Captain J. C. P. de Krafft, U. S. N. , Hydrographer to the Bureau. 8 1881 [No. 73. Newfoundland and Labrador, . &c., missing] Supplement, No. 2 1891 AMERICA UN ITED;ISTATES. 641 UNITED STATES E a. Numbered Series continued. No. 74. (No. 5. ) List of Lights of the North, Baltic, and White Seas, cor- rected to July 1885. 8 1885 List of Lights of the World. Vol. 5. North, Baltic, and White Seas. Re- vised and corrected to March 1890. By Boynton Leach. 1890 No. 75. (No. 6.) List of Lights of the British Islands, corrected to July 1885. 8 1885 No. 76. Telegraphic Determination of Longitudes in Mexico and Central America, and on the West Coast of South America, embracing the Meri- dians of Vera Cruz, Guatemala, La Libertad, Salvador, Paita, Lima, Arica, Valparaiso, and the Argentine National Observatory at Cordoba, with the Latitudes of the several Sea-Coast Stations. By Lieut. - Comm. C. H. Davis, and Lieuts. J. A. Norris and C. Laird, U.S.N., &c. Plates. 4. No. 77. Practical Hints in regard to West Indian Hurricanes. Translated from the Spanish by Lieut. George L. Dyer, U.S.N. 8 1885 No. 84. The West Coast of Mexico and Central America, from the Boundary Line between the United States and Mexico to Panama, including the Gulf of California. Large 8 1887 No. 85. Sailing Directions of the Indian Ocean, the Winds, Monsoons, Cur- rents, and Passages, including also the Java Sea, Sulu Sea, Afuera Sea, and the Philippine Islands. Compiled by Lieut. F. E. Sawyer. Large 8 1887 Supplement, No. 3. Large 8 1892 No. 86. The Navigation of the Carib- bean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Vol. I. The West India Islands, including the Bahama Banks and Islands, and the Bermuda Islands. Revised and Com- piled by Lieutenant S. L. Graham and Lieutenant F. E. Sawyer. Large 8 1888 Supplement. 3rd edition 1894 No. 88. The East Coast of South America, from Cape Orange to Cape Virgins, including Falkland, South Georgia, Sandwich and South Shetland Islands. Compiled by Lieut. J. C. Fremont and K. II. Orr. Large 8 1889 Supplement. 1st and 2nd editions 1891-93 No. 89. The West Coast of South America, comprising Magellan Strait, Tierra del Fuego, and the outlying islands. Revised ... by R. C. Ray. Large 8 1890 Supplement. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions 1892-93 2 S UNITED STATES E a. Numbered Series continued. No. 92. Report of Ice and Ice Move- ments in Bering Sea and the Arctic Basin. By Ensign Edward Simpson, U.S.N. Map. 8 1890 No. 93. Report of Ice and Ice Move- ments in the North Atlantic Ocean. By Ensign Hugh Rodman, under the direction of Capt. Henry F. Picking. Charts. 8 U 1890 No. 94. Report of the International Meteorologic Congress at Paris, France, September 19-26, 1889. By Lieut. Aaron Ward, U.S.N., under the direction of Capt. Henry F. Picking, U.S.N., Hydrographer. 8 1890 No. 95. The Average Form of Isolated Submarine Peaks, and the interval which should obtain between Deep- Sea Soundings taken to disclose the character of the bottom of the ocean. By G. W. Littlehales. Plates. 8 1890 No. 96. The Coast of British Columbia, including the Juan de Fuca Strait, Puget Sound, Vancouver, and Queen Charlotte Islands. Compiled by R. C. Ray, under the direction of Richard- son Clover, Hydrographer. Chart. 8 1891 Supplement. 1st and 2nd editions. Large 8 1891-94 No. 97. Telegraphic Determination of Longitudes in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and on the North Coast of South America, 1888-89-90 ; with the latitudes of the several stations. By Lieuts. J. A. Norris and Charles Laird. Also Magnetic Obser- vations by Lieut. C. Land and Ensigns J. H. L. Ilolcombe and L. M. Garrett. Charts. 4 1891 No. 98. Report on Uniform System for Spelling Foreign Geographic Names. 1891 No. 99. Nova Scotia, Bar of Fundy, and South Shore of Gulf of St Law- rence. Compiled by R. H. Orr. 1891 Supplement. 1894 No. 100. Gulf and River St Lawrence and Cape Breton Island. Compiled by R. II . Orr. 1894 Supplement. 1891 No. 101. The Methods and Results of the Survey of the West Coast of Lower California. By the Officers of the " Ranger," 1889-90 1892 No. 102. The Azores, Madeiras, Sal- vages, Canaries, and Gape Verde Islands. 2nd edition 1892 No. 105. West Coast of Africa, from Cape Spartel to Cape Agulhas, with Islands. 2nd edition 1892 642 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES E a. Nautical Monographs. No. 5. The Great Storm off the Atlantic Coast of the United States, March 11-14, 1888. By Everett Hayden. Charts. 4 Washington, 1888 b. Miscellaneous. Report of the Secretary of the Navy relative to the Naval Expedition to Japan. 8 Washington, 1855 Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy on the Operations of the Depart- ment for 1871 and 1873. 8 Washington, 1871-73 Jeannette. Proceedings of a Court of In- quiry, convened at the Navy Department, Washington, D.C., October 5, 1882, in pursuance of a Joint-Resolution of Con- gress ... to investigate the circum- stances of the loss in the Arctic Seas of the exploring steamer "Jeannette," &c. Plates anil charts. 8 Washington, 1883 Annual Reports of the Hydrographer to the Bureau of Navigation, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1884-94. IJ Re- ports. 8 Washington, 1884-94 Reports of Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869, made by parties under the general direc- tion of Prof. J. H. C. Coffin. Plates. 4 Washington, 1877 Publications of the Office of Naval Intelli- gence (War Series). No. 3. Report of the British Naval and Military Opera- tions in Egypt, 1882. By Lieut. -Com- mander Caspar F. Goodrich. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1883 F. Surveys : Coast and Geodetic. Coast Survey. Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey for the years 1844-45 an( l ^47- 51. 8; and volume of maps to accom- pany for 1851,4 Washington, 1845-52 The same, showing the Progress of the Survey during the years 1852-75. 24 Reports. Text and maps. 4 Washington, 1853-78 - The same, for the fiscal years ending with June 1876, and June 1877. Text and maps. 4 Washington, 1879-80 Report, 1874. Appendix. Tidal Researches. By W. Ferrel. 4 Washington, 1874 Sailing Directions to accompany the New Chart of the Western Coast of the United States ^50 Report on Mt. St Elias. By W. H. Dall. From Appendix to Report for 1875. 4. [See also Bache. ] UNITED STATES- F. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Reports of the Superintendent of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, showing the Progress of the work during the fiscal years ending with June 1878-90. Maps and illustrations. 4 Washington, 1881-91 - The same, ending June 1891 and 1892. Part 2. Maps, &c. 8 Washington, 1892-94 Methods and Results. Report on Tele- graphic Longitudes. Appendix No. 6 Report for 1880. Diagram. 4 Washington, 1882 Explanation of Apparatus for Obser- vation of Telegraphic Longitudes. Ap- pendix No. 7 Report for 1880. Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 Report on Geodetic Leveling on the Mississippi River. Appendix No. II Report for 1880. Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 A Treatise on the Plane Table and its use in Topographical Surveying. Ap- pendix No. 13 Report for 1880. Illus- trations. 4 Washington, 1882 Determination of Time, Longitude, Latitude, and Azimuth. 3rd edition. Ap- pendix No. 14 Report for 1 880. Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 A Review of various Projections for Charts in connection with the Poly- conic Projection used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Appendix No. 15 Report for 1880. Maps. 4 Washington, 1882 The Currents and Temperatures of Bering Sea. Appendix No. 16 Report for 1880. Carlile P. Patterson, Super- intendent. Charts. 4 Washington, 1882 An Account of a Perfected Form of the Contact-Slide Base Apparatus used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Ap- pendix No. 17 Report for 1880. Plate. 4 Washington, 1882 An Attempt to solve the Problem of the first Landing-Place of Columbus in the New World. Appendix No. 18 Report for 1880. Carlile P. Patterson, Superintendent. Chart. 4 Washington, 1882 An Enquiry into the Variation of the Compass off the Bahama Islands at the time of the Landfall of Columbus in 1492. Appendix No. 19 Report for 1880. Carlile P. Patterson, Superintend- ent. Chart. 4 Washington, 1882 General Index of Scientific Papers contained in the Annual Reports of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, from 1845 to 1880 inclusive. Appendix No. 6 Report for 1881. 4 Washington, 1882 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 643 UNITED STATES F. Methods and Results continued. Directions for Measurement of Ter- restrial Magnetism. 3rd edition. Ap- pendix No. 8 Report for 1881. Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 Terrestrial Magnetism : Collection of Results for Declination, Dip, and In- tensity, from Observations made by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey between 1833 and July 1882. Appendix No. 9 Report for 1881. 4 Washington, 1882 On the Length of a Nautical Mile. Appendix No. 12 Report for 1 88 1. 4 Washington, 1882 Pendulum Experiments. Appendices Nos. 14, 15, 16, and 17 Report for 1881. 4 Washington, 1882 A new Compensation Primary Base- Apparatus, including the Determination of the Length of the corresponding Five- Metre Standard Bars. Appendix No. 7 Report for 1882. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Measurement of the Yolo Base, Yolo County, California. Appendix No. 8 Report for 1882. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Field Work of the Triangulation. Appendix No. 9 Report for 1882. 4 Washington, 1883 On the Construction of Observing Tripods and Scaffolds. Appendix No. 10 Report for 1882. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Results of the Transcontinental Line of Geodetic Spirit Leveling near the Parallel of 39. Appendix No. II Report for 1882. Map. 4 Washington, 1883 Secular Variation of the Magnetic Declination in the United States and at some Foreign Stations. 5th edition. Appendix No. 12 Report for 1882. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Distribution of the Magnetic Declin- ation in the United States at the epoch January 1885. Appendix No. 13 Re- port for 1882. Charts and plate. 4 Washington, 1883 Study of the Effect of River Bends in the Lower Mississippi. Appendix No. 16 Report for 1882. Plate. 4 Wash ington , 1 883 Discussion of the Tides of the Pacific Coast of the United States. Appendix No. 17 Reix>rt for 1882. Maps. 4 Washington, 1883 Report on the Siemens Electrical Deep-Sea Thermometer. Appendix No. 1 8 Report for 1882. Plates. 4 Washington, 1882 UNITED STATES F. Methods and Results continued. A new reduction of La Caille's Ob- servations of Fundamental Stars in the Southern Heavens, 1749-57. Appendix No. 21 Report for 1882. 4 Washington, 1883 Report of a Conference on Gravity Determinations. Appendix No. 22 Report for 1882. 4 Washington, 1883 Descriptive Catalogue of Publications. Appendix No 6 Report for 1883. 4 Washington 1884 Table for Depths of Harbours on the Coasts of the United States. Appendix No. 7 Report for 1883. 4 Washington, 1883 The Estuary of the Delaware. Ap- pendix No. 8 Report for 1883. Map. 4 Washington, 1884 Tides at Sandy Hook. Appendix No. 9 Report for 1883. Map. 4" Washington , 1 884 Maxima and Minima Tide- Predict- ing Machine. Appendix No. 10 Re- port for 1883. Plates. 4 Washington, 1884 On the Length of the Yolo Base Line, California. Appendix No. II Report for 1883. Diagram. 4 Washington, 1884 Results for Atmospheric Refraction from Hypsometric Measures made in California in 1888. Appendix No. 12 Report for 1883. Diagram. 4 Washington, 1884 Report upon Magnetic Observations made at the U.S. Polar Station, Oog- lamie, Point Barrow, Alaska, 1881-82-83. Appendix No. 13 Report for 1883. Map. 4 Washington, 1884 Standard Topographical Drawings. First and Second Series. Appendix No. 14 Report for 1883. Plates. 4 Wash ington , 1884 Field Catalogue of Time and Cir- cumpolar Stars for 1885. Appendix No. 1 8 Report for 1883. 4 Washington, 1884 Determinations of Gravity at Sta- tions in Pennsylvania, 1879-80. Ap- pendix No. 19 Report for 1883. 4^ Wash inglon , 1884 Tables for the Projection of Maps on a Polyconic Development. Appendix No. 6 Report for 1884. 4" Washington, 1885 Formula: and Factors for the Com- putation of Geodetic Latitudes, Longi- tudes, and Azimuths. 3rd edition. Ap- pendix No. 7 Report for 1884. 4 Washington, 1885 644 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES F. Methods and Results continued. Junction of the Triangulations of the Lake Survey and Coast and Geodetic Survey at Lake Ontario. Appendix No. 9 Report for 1884. Map. 4 Washington, 1885 Heights of the Stations of the David- son Quadrilaterals from Trigonometrical Determinations. Appendix No. 10 Report for 1884. 4 Washington, 1885 Longitudes determined by Electric Telegraph between 1846 and 1885. Appendix No. II Report for 1884. Alap and diagram. 4 Washington, 1885 Physical Hydrography of Delaware River and Bay. Comparison of recent with former Surveys. Appendix No. 12 Report for 1884. Maps. 4 Washington, 1885 Determinations of Gravity with the Kater Pendulums. Appendix No. 14 Report for 1884. 4 Washington, 1885 Gravity Research. Use of the Noddy for Measuring the Swaying of a Pen- dulum Support. Appendix No. 15 Report for 1884. 4 Washington, 1885 Gravity Research. Effect of the Flexure of a Pendulum upon its Period of Oscillation. Appendix No. 16 Report for 1884. 4 Washington, 1885 - Description of a Model of the Depths of the Sea in the Bay of North America and Gulf of Mexico. Appendix No. 17 Report for 1884. Map. 4 Washington, 1885 Voyages of Discovery and Explo- ration on the North - West Coast of America, from 1539 to 1603. Appendix No. 7 Report for 1886. F. M. Thorn, Superintendent. Chart. 4 Washington, 1887 A Bibliography of Geodesy. By J. Howard Gore, B.S., Ph.D. Ap- pendix No. 16 Report for 1887. F. M. Thorn, Superintendent. 4 Washington, 1889 Geodesy. Determinations of Lati- tude and Gravity for the Hawaiian Government. By E. D. Preston. Ap- pendix No. 14 Report for 1888. Plates. 4 Washington, 1890 Geographical Explorations. Early Expeditions to the Region of Bering Sea and Strait. From the Reports and Journals of V. I. Bering. Translated by W. H. Dall. Appendix No. 19 Report for 1887. 4 1891 Determinations of Gravity with half- second Pendulums in Alaska, at Wash- ington, and Hoboken, N. J. By T. C. Mendenhall. Appendix No. 15 Report for 1891. 4 1892 UNITED STATES F. Atlantic Coast Pilot. Eastport to Boston. Charts, Sfc. 4 Washington, 1879 Ditto. Boston to New York. 2nd edition. Charts, 3fc. 4 Washington, 1880 Pacific Coast Pilot. Coasts and Islands of Alaska. Second Series. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1879 The same. Alaska. Part I. Maps, iSrY. 4 Washington, 1883 The same. Coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. By George Davidson. 4th edition. Plates. 4 Washington, 1889 Deep-Sea Sounding and Dredging. A Description and Discussion of the Methods and Appliances used on Board the Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer "Blake." By Charles D. Sigsbee. Plates. 4 Washington, 1880 Laws and Regulations relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey of the United States. 8 Washington, 1881 A Treatise on Projections. By Thomas Craig. 4 Washington, 1882 Tide-Tables for the Atlantic Coast of the United States for the years 1884 and 1886 1883-85 Tide-Tables for the Pacific Coast of the United States, together with a few Stations in Lower California, British Columbia, and Alaska Territory, for the years 1884 and 1886. 12 Washington, 1883-85 The late Attacks upon the Coast and Geo- detic Survey. 8 Philadelphia, 1884 Bulletins, Nos. 3-24 (No. 13 missing). 4 1888-93 Nos. 26, 27, 29. 8 1893 G. Surveys : Geological and Geo- graphical. a. Geological (and Geographical) Sutvey of the Territories. Annual Reports : First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1867, 1868, and 1869, under the Department of the Interior. 8 Washington, 1873 Preliminary Report of the Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories [practically the 4th Annual Report]. 8 Washington, 1871 Preliminary Report of the Survey of Montana and portions of adjacent Ter- ritories, being a Fifth Annual Report. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1872 Supplement to Fifth Annual Report. Re- port on Fossil Flora. By Leo Lesquereux. 8 Washington, 1872 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 645 UNITED STATES G a. Annual Reports continued. Sixth Annual Report, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, for the year 1872. Plates. 8 Washington, 1873 Seventh Annual Report, embracing Col- orado, for the year 1873. Maps and plates. 8 1874 Eighth Annual Report, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for the year 1874. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1876 Ninth Annual Report, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for the year 1875. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1877 Tenth Annual Report, embracing Colorado and parts of adjacent Territories, for the year 1876. Maps. 8 Washington, 1878 Preliminary Report of the Field Work for the season of 1877. 8 Washington, 1877 Eleventh Annual Report, embracing Idaho and Wyoming, for the year 1877. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1879 Preliminary Report of the Field Work for the season of 1878. 8 Washington, 1878 Twelfth Annual Report. Report of Progress of Exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the year 1878. In two parts. By F. V. Hayden, United States Geologist. Maps and plates (some coloured), also maps and panoramic views in separate cover. 8 Washington, 1883 Bulletins of the Survey. Vols. I -6. Maps and illustrations. 8 Washington, 1875-82 [For other Series of Bulletins, see Geological Survey, infra."} Final Reports of the Geological Survey of the Territories. 4 Washington Vol.i. Fossil Vertebrates. Parti. Con- tributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. By J. Leidy. Plates 1873 Vol. 2. The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West. By E. D. Cope. Plates 1875 Vol. 3. The Vertebrata of the Tertiary Formations of the West. Book i. By Edward D. Cope. Plates 1884 Vol. 5. Zoology and Botany. Part I. Synopsis of the Acrididre of North America. By Cyrus Thomas. Part 2. Acrididse of North America not found in the United States. Plate 1873 Vol. 6. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part 1. The Cretaceous Flora. By Leo I>esqiiereux. J'lates 1874 Vol. 7. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. I 'art 2. The Tertiary Flora. By Leo Lesquereux. Plates 1878 UNITED STATES G a. Final Reports continued. Vol. 8. Preliminary issue of Plates only. Illustrations of Cretaceous arid Tertiary Plants of the Western Territories of the United States. Plates. 4 1878 Vol. 8. Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part 3. The Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras. By Leo Lesquereux. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Vol. 9. The Invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri Country. By F. B. Meek. Plates 1876 Vol. 10. A Monograph of the Geometrid Moths, or Phakenidie, of the United States. By A. S. Packard, jun. Plates 1876 Vol. ii. Monographs of North American Rodentia. By Elliott Coues and J. A. Allen 1877 Vol. 12. Fresh- water Rhizopods of North America. By Joseph Leidy. Plates 1879 Report on the Geology of the Eastern Portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto. By J. W. Powell. Plates. 4, with Atlas Washington, 1876 Miscellaneous Publications Washington No. I. Lists of Elevations and Dis- tances in that portion of the United States West of the Mississippi River. Collated and arranged by Prof. C. Thomas, under Dr F. V. Hayden. 12 1872 Ditto. Collated and arranged by Henry Gannett. 8 1873 Ditto. 3rd and 4th eds. 1875, '^77 No. 2. Meteorological Observations, during the year 1872, in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. By Henry Gannett. 8 1873 No. 3. Birds of the North -West : a Handbook of the Ornithology of the region drained by the Missouri River and its tributaries. By Elliot Coues. 8 1874 No. 4. Synopsis of the Flora of Color- ado. By Thomas C. Porter and John M. Coulter. 8 1874 No. 5. Descriptive Catalogue of the Photographs of the U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories for the years 1869 to 1875 inclusive. 2nd edition. W. II. Jackson, photographer. Plates. 8 1875 No. 6. Meteorological Observations, 1873-74, in Colorado and Montana. By G. B. Chittenden. 8 1874 No. 7. Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians. By Washington Matthews. 8 1877 646 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES G a. Miscellaneous Publications continued. No. 8. Fur-bearing Animals : a Mono- graph of North American Mustelidoe ... by Elliott Coues. Plates. 8 1877 No. 9. Descriptive Catalogue of Photo- graphs of North American Indians. By W. H. Jackson. 8 1877 No. 10. Bibliography of North Ameri- can Invertebrate Paleontology. By C. A. White and H. A. Nicholson. 8 1878 No. II. Birds of the Colorado Valley. By E. Coues. Part i. 8 1878 No. 12. History of North American Pinnipeds : a Monograph of the Walruses, Sea-Lions, Sea-Bears, and Seals of North America. By J. A. Allen. 8 1880 Unclassed : Final Report of the United States Geo- logical Survey of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent Territories, made under the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Maps. 8 Washington, 1872 Profiles, Sections, and other Illustrations, designed to accompany the Final Report of the Chief Geologist of the Survey, and sketched under his directions by Henry W. Elliott. 4 New York, 1872 Account of Photographs of 1873. 8 Washington, 1873 Twenty -five Photographic Views. Catalogue of the Publications of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. 8 Washington, 1874 - Ditto. 3rd edition, revised to Dec. 31, 1878. 8 Washington, 1879 The Grotto Geyser of the Yellowstone National Park ; with Descriptive Note. Map and illustration. Atlas folio 1876 Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the United States Geological and Geographi- cal Survey of the Territories. 8 Washington, 1877 Bulletin of the Entomological Commission, Nos. I and 2. Washington, 1877 First and Third Reportsof the United States Entomological Commission for the years 1877 and 1883, relating to the Rocky Mountain Locust. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1878-83 Hayden, F. V. Surveys West of the Mississippi. [Congress Rep.] 8 Washington, 1874 Summary of the Field Work of the Hayden Geological Survey during the season of 1875. 8 Washington [1876] Explorations made under the direction of Prof. F. V. Hayden in 1876 N.P., N.D. [See also Hayden.] UNITED STATES G b. b. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region. J. W. Powell in charge. Preliminary Report on the Palaeontology of the Black Hills. By R. P. Whitfield. 8 Washington, 1877 Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. By G. K. Gilbert. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1877 Report on the Geology and Resources of the Black Hills of Dakota ; with Atlas. By Henry Newton and Walter P. Jenney. Plates. 4 Washington, 1 880 Contributions to North American Ethno- logy. Vol. i. Maps in cover. 4 Washington, 1877 Ditto. Vol. 3. Ditto. Vol. 4. and illustrations Ditto. Vol. 5. 4 Ditto. Vol. 6 Ditto. Vol. 7. Maps and plates. 4" Washington, 1877 Coloured frontispiece Washington, 1 88 1 Coloured plates, iSrY. Washington, 1882 Washington, 1890 A Dakota-English Dictionary. By Stephen Return Riggs ; edited by James Owen Dorsey. 4 Washington, 1890 c. U. S. Geological Survey. Annual Reports. See King, C. ; Powell, J. W. Monographs of the United States Geo- logiral Survey. J. W. Powell and Clarence King, Directors. Vol. i. I^ake Bonneville. By G. K. Gilbert. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1890 Vol. 2. Tertiary History of the Grand Canon District ; with Atlas. By Clarence E. Dutton. Maps and plates Washington, 1882 Vol. 3. Geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District ; with Atlas. By George F. Becker. Plates 1882 Vol. 4. Comstock Mining and Miners. By Eliot Lord. Maps 1883 Vol. 5. The Copper- Bearing Rocks of I^ake Superior. By Roland Duer Irving. Maps and plates 1883 Vol. 6. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Older Mesozoic Flora of Vir- ginia. By William Morris Fontaine. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 Vol. 7. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka, Nevada. By Joseph Storey Curtis. Plates. 4 Washington, 1884 Vol. 8. Palaeontology of the Eureka Dis- trict. By Charles Doolittle Walcott. Plates. 4 Washington, 1884 Vol. 9. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchi- ata of the Raritan Clays and Marls of New Jersey. By Rolx.-rt P. Whitfield. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1885 AMERICA -UNITED STATES. 647 UNITED STATES G c. Monographs continued. Vol. 10. Dinocerata: a Monograph of an Extinct Order of Gigantic Mammals. By Othniel Charles Marsh. Plates. 4 Washington, 1886 Vol. ii. Geological History of Lake Lahontan, a Quaternary Lake of North - Western Nevada. By Israel Cook Russell. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1885 Vol. 12. Geology and Mining Industry of Leadville, Colorado ; with Atlas. By Samuel Franklin Emmons. Plates 1886 Vol. 13. Geology ot the Quicksilver Deposits of the Pacific Slope; with an Atlas. By George F. Becker. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1887-88 Vol. 14. Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. By John S. Newberry. Plates. 4 Washington, \^& Vol. 15. Text and Plates. The Potomac, or Younger Mesozoic Flora. By W. M. Fontaine. 4 Washington, 1889 Vol. 16. The Paleozoic Fishes of North America. By J. S. Newberry. Plates. 4 Washington, 1889 Vol. 17. The Flora of the Dakota Group. By L. Lesquereux. Plates. 4 Washington, 1891 Vol. 1 8. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of New Jersey. By Robert Parr Whitfield. Plates. 4 Washington, 1891 Vol. 19. The Penokee Iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. By Ro- land Duer Irving and C. R. Van Hise. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1892 Vol. 20. Geology of the Eureka District, with Atlas. By Arnold Hague. Plates. 4 Washington, 1892 Vol. 21. Tertiary Rhyncophorous Cole- optera of the U.S. By S. H. Scuddcr. Plates. 4 Washington, 1893 Vol. 22. A Manual of Topographic Methods. By Henry Gannett. Plates. 4 Washington, 1893 Bulletins of the Survey. 8 Washington 1. On Hypcrsthene-Andesite and on Tri- rlinic Pyroxene in Augitic Rocks, by Whitman Cross ; with a Geological Sketch of Buffalo Peaks, Colorado ; by S. F. Emmons. Plates 1883 2. Gold and Silver Conversion Tables, giving the coining values of troy ounces of fine metal, &c. Computed by Albert Williams, jun. 1883 3. On the Fossil Faunas of the Upper Devonian, along the meridian of 76' '30' , from Tompkins County, New York, to Bradford County, Pennsylvania. By Henry S. Williams. 1884 UNITED STATES G r. Bulletins continued. 4. On Mesozoic Fossils. By Charles A. White. Plates 1884 5. A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States. Compiled by Henry Gannett 1884 6. Elevations in the Dominion of Canada. By J. W. Spencer 1884 7. Mapoteca Geologica Americana. A Catalogue of Geological Maps of America (North and South), 1752-1881, in Geographic andChronologic order. By Jules Marcou and John Belknap Marcou 1 884 8. On Secondary Enlargements of Mineral Fragments in Certain Rocks. By R. D. Irving and C. R. Van Hise. Plates 1884 9. A Report of Work done in the Wash- ington Laboratory during the fiscal year 1883-84. F. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist ; T. M. Chatard, Assistant Chemist 1884 10. On the Cambrian Faunas of North America. Preliminary studies. By Charles Doolittle Wai cott. Plates 1884 11. On the Quaternary and Recent Mol- lusca of the Great Basin ; with Descrip- tions of New Forms. By R. Ellsworth Call. Introduced by a sketch of the Quaternary Lakes of the Great Basin, by G. K. Gilbert. Plates 1884 12. A Crystallographic Study of the Thinolite of Lake Lahontan. By Edward S. Dana. Plates 1884 13. Boundaries of the United States and of the several States and Territories, with a Historical Sketch of the Terri- torial Changes. By Henry Gannett 1885 14. The Electrical and Magnetic Pro- perties of the Iron Carburets. By Carl Barus and Vincent Strouhal 1885 15. On the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Paleontology of California. By Charles A. White 1885 16. On the Higher Devonian Faunas of Ontario County, New York. By John M. Clarke. Plates 1885 17. On the Development of Crystallisa- tion in the Igneous Rocks of Washhoc, Nevada, with Notes on the Geology of the District. By Arnold Hague and Joseph P. Iddings 1885 1 8. On Marine Eocene, Fresh-water Miocene, and other Fossil Mollusca of Western North America. By Charles A. White. Plates 1885 19. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Cali- fornia. By George F. Becker 1885 20. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains. By Whitman Cross and W. F. Hillcbrand. /'/aft: 1885 648 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES Gc. Bulletins continued. 21. The Lignites of the Great Sioux Reservation : a Report on the Region between the Grand and Moreau Rivers, Dakota. By Bailey Willis. Plates 1885 22. On New Cretaceous Fossils from California. By Charles A. White. Plates 1885 23. Observations on the Junction between the Eastern Sandstone and the Kewee- naw Series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. By R. D. Irving and T. C. Chamberlin. Plates 1885 24. List of Marine Mollusca, comprising the Quaternary Fossils and recent Forms from American Localities be- tween Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque, including the Bermudas. By William Healy Dall 1885 25. The Present Technical Condition of the Steel Industry of the United States. By Phineas Barnes 1885 26. Copper Smelting. By Henry M. Howe 1885 27. Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly dur- ing the fiscal year 1884-85 1886 28. The Gabbros and Associated Horn- blende Rocks occurring in the neigh- bourhood of Baltimore, Md. By George Huntington Williams. Plates 1886 29. On the Fresh-water Invertebrates of the North American Jurassic. By Charles A. White. Plates 1886 30. Second Contribution to the Studies on the Cambrian Faunas of North America. By Charles Doolittle Wal- cott. Plates 1886 31. Systematic Review of our Present Knowledge of Fossil Insects, including Myriapods and Arachnids. By Samuel Hubbard Scudder 1886 32. Lists and Analyses of the Mineral Springs of the United States : a Pre- liminary Study. By Albert C. Peale 1886 33. Notes on the Geology of Northern California. By J. S. Diller 1886 34. On the Relation of the Laramie Molluscan Fauna to that of the suc- ceeding Fresh -water Eocene and other Groups. By Charles A. White. Plates 1886 35. Physical Properties of the Iron-Car- burets. By Carl Barus and Vincent Strouhal ' 1 886 36. Subsidence of Fine Solid Particles in Liquids. By Carl Barns 1886 37. Types of the Laramie Flora. By Lester F. Ward. Plates 1887 38. Peridotite of Elliott County, Ken- tucky. By J. S. Diller, Plate 1887 UNITED STATES G c. Bulletins continued. 39. The Upper Beaches and Deltas of the Glacial Lake Agassiz. By Warren Upham. Plate' 1887 40. Changes in River Courses in Wash- ington Territory due to Glaciation. By Bailey Willis. Plates 1887 41. On the Fossil Faunas of the Upper Devonian the Genesee Section, New York. By Henry S. Williams. Plates 1887 42. Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly dur- ing the fiscal year 1885-86. F. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist. Plate 1887 43. Tertiary and Cretaceous Strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigljee, and Alabama Rivers. By Eugene A. Smith and Lawrence C. Johnson. Plates 1887 44. Bibliography of North American Geology for 1886. By Nelson II. Darton 1887 45. The Present Condition of Knowledge of the Geology of Texas. By Robert T. Hill 1887 46. Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime. By R. A. F. Penrose, jun. With an Introduction by N. S. Shaler 1 888 47. Analyses of Waters of the Yellow- stone National Park, with an Account of the Methods of Analysis employed. By Frank Austin Gooch and James Edward Whitfield 1888 48. On the Form and Position of the Sea Level. By R. S. Woodward 1888 49. Latitudes and Longitudes of Certain Points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico. By R. S. Woodward 1889 50. Formulas and Tables to facilitate the Construction and Use of Maps. By Robert Simpson Woodward 1889 51. On Invertebrate Fossils from the Pacific Coast. By Charles Abiathar White. Plates 1889 52. Sul>aerial Decay of Rocks, and Origin of the Red Colour of Certain Forma- tions. By I. C. Kussell. Plates 1889 53. The Geology of Nanlucket. By N. S. Shaler. Plates 1889 54. On the Thermo-Electric Measure- ment of High Temperatures. By Carl Barus. Plates 1889 [Nos. 1-6 form Vol. \ ; Nos. 7-14, Vo/. 2; 15-23, Vol. 3; Nos. 24-30, Vol. 4 ; Nos. 31-36, Vol. 5 ; Nos. 37-41, Vol. 6 ; Nos. 42-46, Vol. ^ ; and Nos. 47-54, Vol. 8. The subsequent numbers are not grouped into vols.] 55. Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly dur- ing the fiscal year 1886-87. Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, Chief Chemist 1889 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 649 UNITED STATES G c. Bulletins continued. 56. Fossil Wood and Lignite of the Potomac Formation. By Frank Hall Knowlton. Plates 1889 57^ A Geological Reconnaissance in South-western Kansas. By Robert Hay. Plates 1890 58. The Glacial Boundary in Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, In- diana, and Illinois. By George Fred. Wright. With an Introduction by Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin. Plates 1890 59. The Gabb'ros and Associated Rocks in Delaware. By Frederick D. Chester. Plate 1890 60. Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly dur- ing the fiscal year 1887-88. F. W. Clark, Chief Chemist 1890 61. Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Pacific Coast. By William Harlow Melville and Waldemar Lindgren. Plates 1890 62. The Greenstone Schist Areas of the Menominee and Marquette Regions of Michigan : a Contribution to the subject of Dynamic Metamorphism in Eruptive Rocks. By George Hunting- ton Williams ; with an Introduction by Roland Duer Irving. Plates 1890 63. A Bibliography of Paleozoic Crus- tacea from 1698 to 1889, including a list of North American species and a systematic arrangement of genera. By Anthony W. Vogdes 1890 64. A Report of Work done in the Divi- sion of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1888-89. F. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist 1890 65. Stratigraphy of the Bituminous Coal Field of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. By Israel C. White. Plates 1891 66. On a Group of Volcanic Rocks from the Tewan Mountains, New Mexico, and on the occurrence of Primary Quartz in certain Basalts. By Joseph Paxson Iddings 1890 67. The Relationsof theTrapsof theNew- ark System in the New Jersey Region. By Nelson Horatio Darton 1890 68. Earthquakes in California in 1889. By James Edward Keller 1890 69. A Classed and Annotated Biblio- graphy of Fossil Insects. By Samuel Hubbard Scudder 1890 70. RejKirt on Astronomical Work of 1889 and 1890. By Rol>ert Simpson Woodward 1890 71. Index to the known Fossil Insects of the World, including Myriapods and Arachnids. By Samuel Ilubbard Scudder 1891 UNITED STATES G c. Bulletins continued. 72. Altitudes between Lake Superior and the Rocky Mountains. By Warren Upham 1891 73. The Viscosity of Solids. By Carl Barus. Plates 1891 74. The Minerals of North Carolina. By Frederick Augustus Genth 1891 75. Record of North American Geology for 1887 to 1889 inclusive. By Nelson Horatio Darton 1891 76. A Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States. 2nd edition. Com- piled by Henry Gannett, Chief Topo- grapher 1891 77. The Texan Permian and its Mesozoic Types of Fossils. By Charles A. Whyte. Plates 1891 78. A Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1889-90. F. W T . Clarke, Chief Chemist 1891 79. A Late Volcanic Eruption in Northern California and its peculiar Lava. By J. S. Diller. Plates 1891 80. Correlation Papers Devonian and Carboniferous. By Henry Shaler Williams 1891 81. Correlation Papers Cambrian. By Charles Doolitlle Walcott. Plates 1891 82. Correlation Papers Cretaceous. By Charles A. Whyte. Plates 1891 83. Correlation Papers Eocene. By William Bullock Clark. Plates 1891 84. Correlation Papers Neocene. By W. H. Dall and G. D. Harris. Plates 1892 85. Correlation Papers The Newark System. By Israel Cook Russell. Plates 1892 86. Correlation Papers Archean and Algonkian. By C. R. Van Hise. Plates 1892 90. A Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, mainly during the fiscal year 1890-91. F. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist 1892 91. Record of North American Geology for 1890. By Nelson Horatio Darton 1891 92. The Com pressibility of Liquids. By Carl Barus. Plates 1892 93. Some Insects of special interest from Florissant, Colorado, and other points in the Tertiaries of Colorado and Utah. By Samuel Hubbard Scudder. Plates 1892 94. The Mechanism of Solid Viscosity. By Carl Barus 1892 95. Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891. By Edward Singleton Ilolden 1892 96. The Volume Thermodynamics of Liquids. By Carl Barus 1892 6$o APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES G c. Bulletins continued. 97. The Mesozoic Echinodermata of the United States. By William Bullock Clark. Plates 1893 98. Flora of the Outlying Carboniferous Basins of South-western Missouri. By David White. Plates 1893 99. Record of North American Geology for 1891. By Nelson Horatio Darton 1892 100. Bibliography and Index of the Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1879-92. By Philip Creveling Warman 1893 101. Insect Fauna of the Rhode Island Coal Field. By Samuel Ilubbard Scudder. Plates 1893 102. A Catalogue and Bibliography of North American Mesozoic Inverte- brata. By Cornelius Breckinridge Boyle 1893 103. High Temperature Work in Igneous Fusion and Ebullition, chiefly in re- lation to Pressure. By Carl Barus. Plates 1893 104. Glaciationof the Yellowstone Valley north of the Park. By Walter Harvey Weed. Plates 1893 ,105. The Laramie and the overlying Livingston Formation in Montana. By Walter Harvey Weed. With Re- port on Flora, by Frank Hall Knowl- ton. Plates , 1893 106. The Colorado Formation and its Invertebrate Fauna. By T. W. Stan- ton. Plates 1893 107. The Trap Dykes of the Lake Champlain Region. By James Furman Kemp and Vernon Freeman Marsters. Plates 1893 108. A Geological Reconnoissance in Central Washington. By Israel Cook Russell. Plates 1893 109. The Eruptive and Sedimentary Rocks on Pidgeon Point, Minnesota, and their contact phenomena. By William Shirley Bayley. Plates 1893 1 10. The Paleozoic Section in the vicinity of Three Forks, Montana. By Albert Charles Peale. Plates 1893 in. Geology of the Big Stone Gap Coal Field of Virginia and Kentucky. By Marius R. Campbell. Plates 1893 112. Earthquakes in California in 1892. By Charles D. Perrine 1893 113. A Report of Work done in the Division of Chemistry during the fiscal years 1891-92 and 1892-93. F. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist 1893 114. Earthquakes in California in 1893. By Charles D. Perrine 1894 115. A Geographic Dictionary of Rhode Island. By Henry Gannett 1894 UNITED STATES Gr. Bulletins continued. 1 16. A Geographic Dictionary of Massa- chussets. By Henry Gannett 1894 117. A Geographic Dictionary of Con- necticut. By Henry Gannett 1894 Statistical Papers : Mineral Resources of the United States. Albert Williams, jr. 8 Washington, 1883 - Ditto, Calendar years 1883 and 1884. Albert Williams, jr. 8 Washington, 1885 Ditto. Calendar year 1885. Division of Mining Statistics and Technology. 8 Washington, 1 886 Ditto. Calendar years 1886-93. David T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology. 8 Washington, 1887-94 A New Method of Measuring Heights by means of the Barometer. By G. K. Gilbert. Table. Folio Washington, 1882 Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Reports of. See Mow, H, Army Engineer Department, Profess- ional Papers, &c. H. War Department. a. Engineer Department, U.S. Army. Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, in the years 1855-56-57. By G. K. Warren. Map. 8 Washington, 1875 Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers to the Secretary of War for the year 1879. In 3 parts. Maps, tables, &(. 8 Washington, 1879 Ditto, for the year 1880. In 3 parts. Maps, tables, &c. 8 Washington, 1880 Ditto, for the year 1881. In 3 parts. Maps, ijv. 8 Washington, 1881 Ditto, for the year 1882. In 3 parts. Maps, plates, 8fc. Washington, 1882 Ditto, for the year 1883. In 3 parts. Maps and plates Washington, 1883 Ditto, for the year 1884. In 4 parts. Maps, $Y. Washington, 1884 Ditto, for the year 1885. In 4 parts. Charts, plans, $c. 8 Washington, 1885 Ditto, for the year 1888. 4 parts. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1888 Ditto, for the year 1889. 4 parts. Maps and plates. 8" Washington, \\ Ditto, for the year 1890. 4 parts. Maps. 8 Washington, 1890 Ditto, for the year 1891. 6 parts. Maps. 8 Washington, 1891 Ditto, for the year 1892. 4 parts. 8, and Atlas 4 Washington, 1892 Ditto, for the year 1893. 6 parts. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1893 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 651 UNITED STATES H a. Analytical and Topical Index to the Reports of the Chief of Engineers and the Officers efthe Corps of Engineers, United States Army, upon Works and Surveys for River and Harbor Improvement. Vol. 2, 1880-87. Compiled, under the direc- tion of Lieut. -Col. Henry M. Robert, Corps of Engineers, by Louis Y. Schcrmerhorn, C.E., and Holden B. Schermerhorn. 8 Washington, 1889 Appendices to Annual Reports. Report of the Commission of Engineers upon the Reclamation of the Alluvial Basin of the Mississippi River. [Ap- pendix O, 1875.] Diagram and charts. 8 Washington, 1875 Report on the Transportation Route along the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers, in the State of Wisconsin, between the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan. [Appendix T (Part 2), 1876.] Plates. 8 Washington, 1876 Report of the Surveys and Examinations of the Connecticut River between Hart- ford, Conn., and Holyoke, Mass., made since 1867. [Appendix B 14, 1878.] Maps, diagrams. 8 Washington, 1878 Annual Report upon the Improvement of Rivers and Harbours on the Coast of S. Carolina, Georgia, and the Atlantic Coast of Florida, in charge of Q. A. Gilmore. [Appendix J, 1880] Washington, 1 880 Annual Report upon the Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the looth Meridian, in California, Nevada, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Montana. By George M. Wheeler. [Appendix LL, 1875.] Maps and plates. 8 Washington, 1875 Topographical Atlas accompanying. - The like Report and Topographical Atlas for 1876. [Appendix JJ, 1876.] Maps. 8 Washington, 1876 Surveys W. of xooth Meridian. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys West of the lOOth Meridian, in charge of First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler. 4 Washington Vol. I. Geographical Report. Maps and plates ' 1889 Vol. 2. Astronomy and Barometric Hypsomctry 1877 Vol. 3. Geology. Plates and photo- graphs 1875 Vol. 3. Supplement Geology. Maps and plates. 4" Washington, 1881 Vol. 4. Paleontology, riatcs 1877 Vol. 5. Zoology. 'Plates 1875 Vol. 6. Botany. Plates 1875 Vol. 7. Archaeology. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1879 UNITED STATES H a. Surveys W. of looth Meridian contd. List of Reports and Maps of the United States Geographical Surveys West of the looth Meridian. George M. Wheeler. 2nd edition. Map. 8 Washington, 1881 Tables of Geographic Positions, Azimuths, and Distances ; together with Lists of Barometric Altitudes, Magnetic Declina- tions, and Itineraries of Important Routes. Prepared principally by First Lieut. M. M. Macomb, 4th U.S. Artillery, Assistant, from data gathered by parties of the United States Geo- graphical Surveys West of the looth Meridian, operating in the States and Territories of California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon. Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming ; under the direction of Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, in charge. 1883. Folio Washington, 1885 Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers. No. 1 8. Report of the Geological Explora- tion of the Fortieth Parallel ... By Clarence King, U.S. Geologist. 4 Washington Vol. I. Systematic Geology. By Clarence King. Plates 1878 Vol. 2. Descriptive Geology. By Arnold Hague and S. F. Emmons. Plates 1877 Vol. 3. Mining Industry. By J. D. Hague ; with Geological Contributions by Clarence King. Plates. Atlas to ditto 1870 Vol. 4. Part I. Palaeontology. By F. B. Meek. Part 2. Palaeontology. By James Hall and R. P. Whitfield. Part 3. Ornithology. By Robert Ridgway. Plates 1877 Vol. 5. Botany. By Sereno Watson, D. C. Eaton, and others. Map and plates 1871 Vol. 6. Microscopical Petrography. By Ferdinand Zinkel. Plates 1877 Vol. 7. Odontornithes : a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. By Othnicl Charles Marsh. Plates 1880 No. 24. Report upon the Primary Trian- gulation of the United States Lake Survey. By Lieut. -Col. C. B. Comstock, Corps of Engineers, aided by the Assist- ants on the Survey. Plates. 4" Washington, 1882 b. Signal Service. Annual Reports of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary of War for the years 1871, 1872, 1879, 1880, and 1883-1890. (1880, 1885, and 1887, in 2 parts.) Maps, &>f. 8 Washington, 1872 652 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES H b. Annual Reports continued. Part 2 (1885) consists of: Recent Advances in Meteorology, systematically arranged in the form of a Text-Book, designed for use in the Signal Service School of Instruction of Fort Myer, Va. , and also for a Hand-Book in the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. Prepared, under the direction of Brigadier and Brevet Major-Gen. W. B. Hazen, by William Ferrel, M.A., Ph.D. Professional Papers of the Signal Service. No. I. Report on the Solar Eclipse of July 1878. By Cleveland Abbe. Maps, diagrams, and plates. 4 Washington, 1881 No. 2. Isothermal Lines of the United States, 1871-80. By First- Lieutenant A. W. Greely. Maps. 4 1881 No. 3. Chronological List of Auroras observed from 1870 to 1879. Com- piled by First- Lieutenant A. W. Greely. 4 1881 No. 4. Report of the Tornadoes of May 29 and 30, 1879, in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa. By Sergeant J. P. Finley. Maps. 4 Washington, 1881 No. 5. Information relative to the Con- struction and Maintenance of Time- Balls. 4 1881 No. 6. The Reduction of Air- Pressure to Sea-level, at Elevated Stations West of the Mississippi River. By Henry A. Hazen, A. M . Maps. 4 Washington, 1882 No. 7- Report on the Character of Six Hundred Tornadoes. Prepared . . . by Sergeant J. P. Finley. Maps. 4 Washington, 1882 No. 8. Recent Mathematical Papers concerning the Motions of the Atmos- phere. Part I. The Motions of Fluids and Solids on the Earth's Surface. By Professor William Ferrel. Reprinted, with Notes, by Frank Waldo. 4 Washington, 1882 No. 9. Charts and Tables showing Geographical Distribution of Rainfall in the United States. Prepared . . . by H. II. C. Dunvvoody. 4 Washington, 1883 No. 10. Signal Service Tables of Rain- fall and Temperature compared with Crop Production. Prepared ... by II . H. C. Dun woody. 4 Washington, 1882 No. II. Meteorological and Physical Observations on the East Coast of British America. By Orray Taft Sherman. Chart. 4 Washington, 1883 UNITED STATES H b. Professional Papers continued. No. 12. Popular Essays on the Move- ments of the Atmosphere. Compiled ... by Professor William Ferrel. 4 Washington, 1882 No. 13. Temperature of the Atmosphere and Earth's Surface. Prepared . . . by Professor William Ferrel. 4 1884 No. 14. Charts of Relative Storm Frequency for a portion of the Northern Hemisphere. Prepared ... by John P. Finley. 4 Washington, 1884 No. 15. Researches on Solar Heat and its Absorption by the Earth's Atmos- phere : a Report of the Mount Whitney Expedition. Prepared ... by S. P. Langley. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1884 No. 16. Tornado Studies for 1884. Prepared ... by John P. Finley. Maps. 4 Washington, 1885 No. 17. See Ferrel. No. 1 8. Thermometer Exposure. Pre- pared ... by Henry A. Hazen. 4 Washington, 1885 Signal Service Notes. No. 5. Work of the Signal Service in the Arctic Regions. Chart. 8 Washington, 1883 No. 10. See Garlington. Bulletin of International Meteorological Observations taken simultaneously, Dec. 26, 1878. 4 Washington, 1878 Mean Temperatures and their Correc- tions in the United States. By Alexander M'Adie. 4 Washington, 1891 [For other Meteorological papers, see Department of Agriculture, a.] c. Miscellaneous. Meteorological Register for the years 1826-42. From Observations made by the Surgeons of the Army and others. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson. 2 vols. in I. 8 Philadelphia, 1840; Washington, 1851 Army Meteorological Register, for twelve years 1843-54. Compiled from Observations made by the Officers of the Medical Department. 4 Washington, 1855 Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War, the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Gen. J. S. Jessup, Govr. J. J. Stevens, &c. &c., in 1853-54. According to Acts of Congress. 12 vols. in 13. Maps and plates. 4 Washington, 1855-60 War Department Circular. The Practical Use of Meteorological Reports and Weather-maps. P/ates. 8 Washington, i AMERICA UNITED STATES. 653 UNITED STATES I. I. Various Government Publications. Message from the President of the U.S. concerning the Boundary between the U.S. and the Republic of Mexico. 8 Philadelphia, 1837 Report of the Commissioner of General Land Office, accompanying the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, for 1837, 1839, 1848, and 1860. Maps Washington, 1837-60 Report of the Committee on Roads and Canals (Mount Carmel and New Albany Railroad). 8 Washington, 1839 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for 1839, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1860. 4 vols. 8 Washington, 1839-60 Messages from the Presidents of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Session, with Documents and Diplomatic Correspondence, 1839, 1847, 1849-50 (3 parts), 1850-51 (2 parts), 1851-52 (2 parts), 1853 (Part i), 1854 (2 parts), l8 55 (3 parts), 1856 (2 vols.), 1862 (2 vols.) 1 8 vols. 8 Washington, 1839-62 Commerce and Navigation. 8 Washington, 1840 Message of the President of the U.S. in Relation to the Boundary between the United States and the Republic of Texas. Maps. 8 Washington, 1842 Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. 8 Washington, 1848 Ditto, for the year 1867 [in German, French, and Swedish]. 8 Washington, 1868 Ditto, for the years 1868, 1869, and 1871. 8 Washington, 1868-71 Table of Post Offices in the U.S., ar- ranged in alphabetical order, with an Appendix. 8 Philaiielphia, 1851 Official Report to the American Congress on the Communications between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 8 Washington, 1850 Report of the Lighthouse Board Washington, 1852 The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for the years 1855 to date. Large 8 Washington, 1852 Ship-Canal Question. State of the Great Ship Canal Question : Convention be- tween Great Britain and the United States. 8 1 860 Results of Meteorological Observations made under the Direction of the United States Patent Office and the Smithsonian Institution, from 1854 to 1859 inclusive. Vol. i. 4" Washington, 1861 Sanitary Commission. Reports Washington, 1867 UNITED STATES I. Lists of Distances, compiled for the Information and Guidance of Officers doing duty in the Quartermaster's Depart- ment in making Payments for Mileage. 8 Washington, 1 868 Handbook for Immigrants to the United States. Maps. Small 8 Neiu York, 1871 Transit of Venus. Papers relating to the Transit of Venus in 1874 : Parts I and 2. Charts. 4 Washington, 1872 Tables to Facilitate the Reduction of Places of the Fixed Stars. Prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. 2nd edition. Large 8 Washington, 1873 Report of the Superintendent of the Yellow- stone National Park for the year 1872. 8 Washington, 1873 Report of the Superintendent of the Yellowstone National Park to the Secre- tary of the Interior, 1887. 8 Washington, 1887 Report of the Select Committee on Trans- portation. Routes to the Seaboard, with Appendix and Evidence. Parts I and 2. 8 Washington, 1874 Progress Report of the Mississippi River Commission. Plates 1882 Emigration and Immigration. Reports of the Consular Officers of the United States. 8 Washington, 1887 Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Countries during the years 1885 and 1886. 2 vols. Chart, plans, and illustrations. 8 Washington, 1887 Further Correspondence as to North American Fisheries, 1887-88 ; with De- spatch enclosing Treaty signed at Wash- ington, 1 5th February 1888. Folio. Fish Commission. Extract from the Bulletin, giving Account of the Ex- plorations of the Fishing Grounds of Alaska, Washington Territory, and Ore- gon, during 1888, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross." Illus- trations. Large 8 Washington, 1889 Board on Geographic Names. Bulletins Nos. 1-3. 8 Washington, 1890-91 Bureau of the Statistics of Labour. 22nd Annual Report, March 1892. 8 Boston, 1892 Bureau of American Republics. Bul- letin. No. 2. Handbook of the American Republics. Enlarged and revised edition. I vol. Maps and plates. 8 Washington, Feb. 1891 Ditto. No. 7. Brazil. I vol. Map and plates. 8 I Vash ington , June 1891 Ditto. No. 9. Mexico. Prepared by Arthur W. Ferguson. I vol. Plates. 8 U Washington, July 1891 654 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES I. Bur. Amer. Republics continued. Special Bulletin. Coffee in America : Methods of Production and Facilities for Successful Cultivation in Mexico, the Central States, Brazil, and other South American Countries, and the West Indies. 8 Washington, Oct. 1893 Bureau of Ethnology. See Henshaw ; Pilling ; Powell. J. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. General Outline of the U.S. of North America, her Resources and Prospects ; with a Statistical Comparison. Map. S Philadelphia, 1824 Inquiries respecting the History, Present Condition, and Future Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. 4" A Connected View of the whole Internal Navigation of the United States, Natural and Artificial, Present and Prospective. By a Citizen of the United States. Maps. 8 Philadelphia, 1830 Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Trilxjs in the Settlement of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania, to 1843. Published by the Aborigines Protection Society. Maps. 8 1844 Economical Causes of Slavery in the United States, and Obstacles to Aboli- tion. By a South Carolinian. 8 1857 Rockford, Rock Island, and St Louis Rail-Road Company. Circular. Map. 8 New York, 1868 Union Pacific Railroad Company, char- tered by the United States : Progress of their Road west from Omaha, Nebraska, across the Continent. 8 New York, 1868 Letters on the Necessity of Cheapening Transport between the West and the Ocean, addressed to the Milwatikee Sentinel and Chicago Tribune, by " A Western Trader." 8 Milwaukee, 1868 Reports of Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1869, made by Parties under the General Direction of Prof. J. H. C. Coffin, U.S.N. Plates. 4 [ Washington] Hiawatha : the Story of the Iroquois Sage. 12 New York, 1873 The Englishman's Illustrated Guide- Book to the United States and Canada, especially adapted to the use of British Tourists and Settlers, &c. 3rd edition, with Appendix containing a Description of the International Exhibition of 1876 at Philadelphia. Plates. 12 1876 Ditto, with an Appendix of the Shooting and Fishing Resorts of North America. Edition of 1884. 12" London and New York Ditto. Edition of 1881;. 12 UNITED STATES J. The Total Eclipse of the Sun, Jan. i, 1889: Report of Washington University Eclipse Party (Acad. Sci., St Louis) Cambridge, 1891 K. States and Territories. Alaska. Cruise of the Revenue steamer " Cor win : in Alaska and the N.W. Arctic Ocean in 1881. Notes and Memoranda : Medical and Anthropological ; Botanical ; Ornithological. Plates. 4 Washington, 1883 See also Hooper. Alaska. A Sketch of the Country and its People. Map. 8 [1883] Report of the International Polar Ex- pedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. [Lieut. P. H. Ray, Commanding.] Map and plates. 4 Washington, 1885 St Elias. Up the Saint Elias Alps. [Cuttings from the New York Tim Map. Folio 1886 Report of the Governor of Alaska for the fiscal year 1 888. Map. 8 Washington, 1889 Alaska and Passamaquoddy Bay. Convention between Great Britain and the United States of America respecting the Boundary between the two countries, signed at Washington, July 22, 1892. California. California Claims. Report on Memorial of John Charles Fremont. 8 Washington, 1848 Geological Survey. J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. Plates. 4" [Philadelphia and Cambridge, Mass. ,] 1865-76 Geology. Vol. I. Report of Progress and Synopsis of the Field-work, from 1860 to 1864, by J. D. Whitney 1865 Palaeontology. Vol. I. Carboniferous and Jurassic Fossils, by F. B. Meek ; Triassic and Cretaceous Fossils, by W. M. Gabb, 1864. Vol. 2. Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, by W. M. Gabb 1869 Ornithology. Vol. i. Land Birds; edited by S. F. Baird, from the MS. and Notes of J. G. Cooper 1870 Botany. Vol. i. Polypetalae, by W. H. Brewer and Sereno \Vatson ; Gamo- petalse, by Asa Gray, 1876. Vol. 2. By Sereno Watson 1880 Contributions to Barometric Hypso- melry ; with Tables for use in California 1874 State Mining Bureau. Third Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, for the year ending ist June 1883. Map and illustrations. 8 Sacramento, 1883 AMERICA UNITED STATES. 655 UNITED STATES K. State Mining Bureau continued. Fourth, and Seventh to Tenth Annual Reports of the State Mineralogist, for the years ending I5th May 1884, 1st October 1887 and 1888, ist December 1889 and 1890. Maps and plates. 8 Sacramento, 1884-90 Eleventh Report of the State Min- eralogist (First Biennial). Two years ending I5th September 1892. Maps and plates. 8 Sacramento, 1893 California Academy of Sciences. Oc- casional Papers. 4 vols. 8 San Francisco, 1890-93 1. A Revision of the South American Nematognathi or Cat Fishes. By C. H. and R. S. Eigenmann. 1890 2. Land Birds of the Pacific District. By Lyman Belding. 1890 3. Evolution of the Colours of North American Land Birds. By C. A. Keeler. 1893 4. Bibliography of the Palaeozoic Crus- tacea, 1698-1892, with Catalogue of N. American Species. By A. W. Vogdes. 1893 Eine BlumeausdemGoldencn Lande, oder Los Angeles. Plates. 12 Fragile, 1878 Carolina, South. A Sketch of the Resources and Industries of South Carolina. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 Charleston, S.C., 1888 Columbia, District of. Statistical Information concerning. 4 N.D. Dakota. Resources of Dakota. Afaps and illus- trations. 8 Sioux Falls, Dakota, 1887 An Act to provide for the Division of Dakota into two States, &c. 8 1889 A Dictionary of Dakota, conveniently arranging a multitude of facts about the Resources and Capabilities of the Great Territory soon to become two States. 8 Aberdeen, S.D., N.D. The Year of Statehood, 1889. Dakota : Official Guide, containing useful in- formation in handy form for Settlers and I lomeseekers concerning North and South Dakota. Maps. 8 Aberdeen, S.D.,K.\). Dakota, South. Facts about South Dakota : an Official Encyclopedia containing useful informa- tion in handy form for Settlers, Home- seekers, and Investors, in regard to Soil, Climate, Productions, Advantages, and Development Agricultural, Manu- facturing, Commercial, and Mineral; the Great Sioux Reservation recently opened for Settlement ; the Government LandLaws,&c. 8 Aberdeen, S.D., 1890 UNITED STATES K. Florida. Description of the Windward Passage and Gulf of Florida, with the Course of the British Trading-Ships to and from the Island of Jamaica ; also an Account of the Trade Winds, &c. Map. 4 1739 Orange County, Zellwood. Maps and illustrations. 1 2 Philadelphia and Zellwood, 1885 Georgia. A State of the Province of Georgia, attested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, loth Nov. 1740. 8 1742 De Praestantia Coloniae Georgico-An- glicanae prae Coloniis aliis. Maps. SquareS Aug. Vindel., 1747 North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle. 4 N.P., 1821 Illinois. Chicago Exhibition. Royal Com- mission for the Chicago Exhibition, 1893. Handbook of Regulations and General Information, ist edition. 12 1892 Kentucky. Kentucky Towns and Counties : being Reports of their Growth, Natural Re- sources, and Industrial Improvement, made to the State Industrial and Com- mercial Conference at Louisville, 4th, 5th, and 6th October 1887. 8 Frankfort, Ky., 1887 Louisiana. The Present State of the Country and Inhabitants, Europeans and Indians, of Louisiana, on the North Continent of America. By an Officer at New Orleans. 8 N.P., 1744 Maine. Message from the President of the United States upon the State of Affairs between the State of Maine and the British Province of New Brunswick. 8 Washington, 1839 Plan for Shortening the Time of Passage between New York and London. Printed by order of the Legislature of Maine. 8 1850 Alaryland. Message from the Governor of Maryland, transmitting the Reports of the Joint Commissioners, and of Lieut. -Colonel Graham, in Relation to the Inter- section of the Boundary Lines of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Alap. 8 U Washington, 1850 State Weather Service. [In Co-opera- tion with the U.S. Dep. Agr., Weather Bureau.] Monthly Reports. Parts of Vols. 2, 3, and 4 (incomplete). 4 1892-94 - See U.S. : Department of Agri- culture. 656 APPENDIX II. UNITED STATES K. Massachusetts. The Illustrated Pilgrim Memorial. Pub- lished in Aid of the Monument Fund. 4 Boston, 1863 Michigan. The Sault Ste. Marie Canal and Hay Lake Channel : Necessity of their Speedy Improvement. Proceedings of the Water- ways Convention held at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, 2othjuly 1887. Map and diagrams Duluth, 1887 Minnesota. The State of Minnesota, its Agricultural, Lumbering, and Mining Resources, Manufacturingand Commercial Facilities, Railroads, Pleasure Resorts, Fish, Game, &c. Illustrations. 8 St Paul, Minn., 1885 Geological and Natural History Survey of: First, Seventh, and Tenth to Twentieth Annual Reports, for the years 1872-91. Maps and plates. 8 Minneapolis and St Paul, 1884-90 Bulletins of the Survey (Nos. 1-5)' Plates. Large 8 St Paid, 1887-89 The same. No. 6. The Iron Ores of Minnesota. By N. H. and H. W. Winchell St Paul, 1891 The same. No. 7. The Mammals of Minnesota : a Scientific and Popular Account of their Features and Habits. By C. L. Herrick. Large 8 a Minneapolis, 1892 Missouri. Geological Survey. Reports on the Geo- logical Survey of the State of Missouri, 1855-71. By G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek, and B. F. Shumard. Maps and plates. 8 Jefferson City, 1873 The same, including Field Work of 1 873-74. Plates. 8, and Atlas 4 Jefferson City, 1874 Preliminary Report on the Iron Ores and Coalfields, from the Field Work of 1872. Maps and plates. Large 8, and Atlas oblong folio New York, 1873 Bulletins (Nos. 1-5). Maps and plates. Large 8 Jefferson City, 1890-91 Preliminary Report on the Coal De- posits of Missouri, from Field Work prosecuted during the years 1890 and 1891. By Arthur Winslow. Illustrations. Large 8 Jefferson City, 1891 Biennial Report of the State Geologist transmitted ... to the Thirty-sixth General Assembly. Diagrams. 8 Jefferson City, 1891 Nebraska. Quadrennial Report of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held in Omaha, Ne- braska, May 1892. 8 Omaha, 1892 UNITED STATES K. New Jersey. Annual Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for 1869. Plans. 8 Trenton, N.J., 1870 Statistical Information concerning New Jersey. 4 N.P., N.D. New York. Communications from the Governor re- lative to the Geological Survey of the State of New York, 1838, 1839, and 1840. 8 New York, 1838-40 On the Longitudes of the Dudley Ob- servatory, the Hamilton College Observa- tory, the City of Buffalo, the City of Syracuse. Plates. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1862 Reports of Dr Peters on the Longitude of Elmira, and on the Longitude and Lati- tude of Ogdensburgh. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1864-65 State Survey. Report of the Board of Commissioners of the State Survey. Map. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1877 Reports of, for the years 1877 and 1878. Maps. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1878-79 Special Report of, on the Preserva- tion of the Scenery of Niagara Falls ; and Fourth Annual Report on the Triangula- tion of the State for the year 1879. Maps and plates. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1880 Reports of, for the years 1 880 to 1883. Maps ami sections. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1881-84 New York and Pennsylvania Boundary. Report of the Regents' Boundary Com- mission upon the New York and Pennsyl- vania Boundary ; with the Final Report of Major H. W. Clarke, Surveyor for the Commission. Maps and sketches. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1886 Report on the Progress of the State of New York. Maps and plates. 'K' Albany, 1891 Niagara. Engineers' Opinion of the Marine Railway around the Falls of Niagara. 8 New York, 1865 Water-Power at Niagara Falls to be successively Utilized. Plates. Large 8 1886 Annual Reports, 6th, 7th gth, and loth, of the Commissioners of the State Reservation at Niagara, for the fiscal years 1888-89, 1889-90, 1891-92, and 1892-93. Maps and illustrations. 8 Albany, N. Y., 1890-94 Erie Campaigns in 1868 ; or, How they Manage things on the New York Ex- change. 8. "Farewell." An Oil-Painting : Account of its presentation to Kane Lodge, No. 454, F. and A. M. Masonic Hall, New York, Tuesday Evening, 4th June 1889. Plates. 12. AMERICA UNITED STATES. 657 UNITED STATES K. Ohio. Geological Survey. Report of Progress in 1870. By J. S. Newberry. Sections. 8 Columbus, 1871 Oregon. The Oregon Question, &c. [Pamphlets by T. Falconer, A. Simpson, and G. F. Ruxton ; together with Extracts from Reviews and Newspaper Cuttings on the subject.] 8 1845-46 Pennsylvania. Report of the Board of Canal Com- missioners. 8 Harrisburg, 1838 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, History of the. Maps. 8 Philadelphia, 1840 Diagram of the Progress of the Anthracite Coal Trade of Pennsylvania to and including the year 1879 ; with Statistical Tables by Messrs Sheafer. 4 Pottsville, Pa., 1880 Handbook of Christchurch, Philadelphia. Plates and portraits. 8 1892 Geological Survey. See Rogers, H. D. Texas. A Visit to Texas : being the Journal of a Traveller through those parts most interesting to American Settlers. 18 New York, 1836 Western Texas. Reports of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by J. E. Johnston, W. F. Smith, F. T. Bryan, N. II. Michler, and S. G. French ; also the Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy's Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe ; and the Report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson of an Expedition into the Navajo Country ; and the Report of Lieut. W. H. C. Whiting's Reconnaissance of the Western Frontier of Texas. Maps. 8 Washington, 1850 Utah. Utah Epitomized : a Brief Compendium of the Resources, Attractions, Advan- tages, Possibilities, Mineral, Industrial, and Agricultural, of Utah and her Capital. Illustrations. 8 N.D. UNITED STATES K. Salt Lake City. A Sketch of Utah's Wonderful Resources. Illustrations. Small 4 Salt Lake, 1888 Virginia. A Geographical and Political Summary, embracing a Description of the State, its Geology, Soils, Minerals, and Climate ; its Animal and Vegetable Productions, Manufacturing and Commercial Facilities, Religious and Educational Advantages, Internal Improvements, and Form of Government. Prepared and published under the supervision of the Board of Immigration. Maps. 8 Richmond, Va., 1876 Tobacco in Virginia and North Carolina. Map. 8 Richmond, Va., 1877 A Synopsis of the Geology, Geography, Climate, and Soil of the State ; together with its Resources of Mines, Forests, and Fields, its Flocks and its Herds. Map. 8 Richmond, Va., 1889 Wisconsin. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, 1873-79. Vol. i. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 [Madison] 1883 Vol. 2. Plates. Large 8 [Madison] 1877 Vol. 3. Maps and plates. Large 8 [Madison] 1880 Vol. 4. Maps and plates. Large 8 [Madison] 1882 Folio Atlas accompanying Vols. 2, 3, and 4 1882 Madison. Charter of the City of Madison, Wisconsin. 8 Madison, 1856 Watertown, Wisconsin, City of: its Manufacturing and Railroad Advantages and Business Statistics. Map. 12 Watertown, 1856 Wyoming. Annual Report of the Territorial Geologist to the Governor of Wyoming, January 1888. Louis D. Ricketts, D.Sc., Terri- torial Geologist. 8 Cheyenne, Wyo., 1888 Resources of Wyoming, 1889. Map. 8 Cheyenne, Wyo., 1889 658 APPENDIX II. AMERICA, CENTRAL, AND WEST INDIES. CENTRAL AMERICA. A. General. Brief Statement, supported by Original Documents, of the Important Grants conceded to the Eastern Coast of Central America Commercial and Agricultural Company by the State of Guatemala. Maps. 8 1831 Tigre Island and Central America. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Documents, k &c. 8 {Washington} 1850 Description of the Facilities and Ad- vantages which a Road across Central America, from Admiral's Bay, or Chiriqui Lagoon, on the Atlantic, to Chiriqui Bay, on the Pacific, would afford to the Com- merce of the World. Plate. 8 Philadelphia, 1852 Biologia Centrali-Americana ; or, Con- tributions to the Knowledge of the Fauna and Flora of Mexico and Central America. Edited by F. Ducane Godman and Osbert Salvin. Archreology by A. P. Maudslay. Parts 1-4. Text (illus- trations) 4; and atlas, Parts 1-4, oblong 4 1889-90 B. Costa Rica. Documentos que dan a Conocer el Estado actual de la Socicdad Itineraria del Norte. Small 4 Costa Rica, 1882 Informe de Hacienda en 1853. 4 Sanjosi!, 1853 Account of the Costa Rica Railway. Map. 8 Liverpool, 1855 Decretos y Constitucion Politica de la Reptfblica de Costa- Rica eimtida en 1871 y adoptada el 26 de Abril de 1882. 1 6 Sanjosd, 1882 [See Nicaragua.] C. Guatemala. Censo General de la Republica de Guate- mala, levantado el afio de 1880. 4 Guatemala [1881] Movimiento de Poblacion habido en los Pueblos de la Republica de Guatemala durante el ano de 1881. 4 Guatemala, 1882 [Continued as] Anales Estadisticos dc la Republica de Guatemala, ano de 1882. Tomo I. 4 Guatemala [1883] The same. Ano de 1883. Tomo 2. 4 Guatemala [1884] CENTRAL AMERICA C. Directorio de la Ciudad de Guatemala, compilado por la Direccion General de Estadistica, ano de 1886. 8 Guatemala, N.D. Informe de la Direccion General de Estadistica, 1886-88. 8 Guatemala, N. D. Exposition Universelle Internationale, Paris, 1889. Republique de Guatemala, Amerique Centrale. Catalogue des Exposants, avec une Introduction par le Dr Gustave E. Guzman, suivi d'une Notice sur certains produits speciaux exposes par Adolphe Boucard. Portrait. 8 Tours, N.D. Demarcaci6n politica de la Republica de Guatemala, compilada por la Oficina de Estadistica, 1892. Large 8 Guatemala, 1893 Memoria con que el Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Hacienda y Credito de Publico da cuenta a la Asamblea Nacional Legislativa de los trabajos effectuados durante el ano de 1892. Royal 8 Guatemala, 1893 Memoria presentada por la secretario de relationes exteriores de la Republica de Guatemala a la Asamblea National Legislativa en 1893. Royal 8 Guatemala, 1893 D. Honduras. Report of the Commissioners of Legal Inquiry on the Case of the Indians at Honduras. [Parl. Rep.] Folio 1828 Primer Anuario Estadistico correspon- diente al aiio de 1889. Por Antonio R. Vallejo. Large 4 Tegucigalpa, 1893 E. Nicaragua. Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 8 1850 Nicaragua Route for an Inter-Oceanic Ship Canal. Report by Max. von Sonnenstern to the Minister of Public Works, Nicaragua. 4 Washington, 1874 Nicaragua, No. i (1881). Arbitration : Mosquito Coast. Papers relating to the Arbitration of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Austria in the Differences between the Government of Her Britannic Majesty and the Government of the Re- public of Nicaragua respecting the In- terpretation of Certain Articles of the Treaty of Managua signed on the 28th of January 1860. Map. Folio 1881 AMERICA, CENTRAL. 659 CENTRAL AMERICA E. The Case of the Republic of Nicaragua submitted to His Excellency Hon. Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, Arbitrator, under the Treaty of Guatemala of 24th December 1886. 8 Washington, 1888 The Interoceanic Canal of Nicaragua, its History, Physical Condition, Plans, and Prospects. Published by the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. Chart and illustrations. 4 New York, 1891 [See also Colombia : Panama Canal. ] Mosquitoland. Bericht liber die . . . ; Untersuchung einiger Theile des Mos- quitolandes erstattet von der dazu ernannten Commission. Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1845 F. Salvador. Apuntamientos Estadisticos sobre la Re- publica del Salvador (Reyes) San Salvador [i%8g] Notice sur le Salvador. Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1889. 8 Paris, 1889 WEST INDIES. A. General. Journal of the Expedition to La Guira and Porto Cavallos in the West Indies, under the command of Commodore Knowles. 12 1744 An Account showing the Rates and Amount of Duties, levied under British Acts of Parliament, on British West India Products, imported into the British North American Colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada, Newfoundland and Prince Edward's Islands, distinguishing such Products under the heads of Sugar, Rum, Molasses, Coffee, &c. , also of the above Articles of Foreign Growth, for 1829. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1830 Accounts showing the Rates and Amount of Duties levied in each of the British West India Colonies on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise ; of the Quantities of Sugar, Rum, Coffee, and Molasses ex- ported ; Comparative Statement of the Quantities of the different Productions of the United States of America im- ported into the West India Colonies, &c. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1830 Observations relative to the Establish- ment of the West India Agricultural Company. 8 1836 The Lighthouses of the West India Islands and the adjacent Coasts. Cor- rected to 1848, 1853, 1858, 1859. 4 parts. 8 1848-59 WEST INDIES A. The West India Labour Question : being Replies to Inquiries instituted by the Committee of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. 8 1858 Report of the Committee, consisting of Mr Thiselton Dyer (Secretary), Pro- fessor Newton, Professor Flower, Mr Carruthers, and Mr Sclater, appointed for the purpose of reporting on the present state of our knowledge of the Zoology and Botany of the West India Islands, and taking steps to investigate ascertained deficiencies in the Fauna and Flora. 8 [1888] [See also Atlantic. ] B. Bahamas. Fisheries. Official Introduction to Bahamas Fisheries, with a Description of the Islands. By Rebus. 8 1883 C. Cuba. Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba. Small 8 1744 Guia de Forasteros, en la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba para el aiio de 1842. Plans. 1 8 Havana, 1842 Cuadro Estadistico de la siempre fiel Isla de Cuba, correspondiente al aiio de 1846. 4 Havana, 1847 Cuba in Revolution : a Statement of Facts. 8 1871 Habana. Balanza Mercantil de la Habana, correspondiente al aiio de 1837 e 1840. 2 parts. 4 Havana, 1838-41 D. Jamaica. Public Gardens, &c. See Morris, D. Blue-Book. Island of Jamaica, 1887-88. Folio Kingston, 1889 E. San Domingo. Report of the Commission of Inquiry to Santo Domingo, with ihe Introductory Message of the President, Special Re- ports made to the Commission, State Papers furnished by the Dominican Government, and the Statements of over Seventy Witnesses. Map. 8 Washington, 1871 Decree annulling the agreement of Dec. 28, 1872, by which the Peninsula and Bay of Samana were leased to an American Company. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 La Republique Dominicainc a I'Exposition Universelle de Paris. 8 Havre, 1889 F. Windward Islands. St Lucia and St Vincent. A Relation of the late intended Settlement of the Islands of St Lucia and St Vincent in America, in right of the Duke of Montagu, . . . 1722. Maps. 12 1725 66o APPENDIX II. AMERICA, SOUTH. GENERAL. Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America, or an Account of the Oiigin &c., of the War carried on between Spain and Spanish America. By a South- Amer can. 8 1817 Rays of Sunlight in Darkest South America, or God's Wondrous Working on Southern Shores and Seas. 3rd edition N.D. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. A. Government Publications. Registro Estadistico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Nos 1-16. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1822-24 Reglamentos de Policia Maritima en los puertos y rios de la Nacion Arjentina. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1863 Codigo Rural de la Provincia de. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1865 Rejistro estadfstico de la Republica Arjen- tina. 1864-65. 2 vols. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1865-67 La Republica Argentina, sus Colonias Agricolas, Ferro-Carriles, Navegacion, Comercio, Riqueza Territorial, &c., &c. Por la Comision de Immigracion de Buenos Aires. Maps and plates. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1866 Terrenes cedidos por el Exmo. Gobierno de la Provincia al Exmo. Gobierno Nacional con destine a la venta o permuta de los que han de expropiarse para ceder a la Empresa del Ferro-Carril Central Argentine, &c. 8 Btienos Ayres, 1866 Ultimas Leyes y Decretos sobre Tierras publicas. 12 Buenos Ayres, 1867 Anuario de Correos de la Republica Arjentina. Novena publicacion. 8 [Buenos Ayres} 1867 Datos Oficiales. La Republica Arjentina. Poblacion Immigracion Colonias Agricolas Concessiones de Terrenes Ferro-Carriles, &c. 8 Paris, 1867 Memorias de los diversos Departamentos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y de las Municipalidades de Campaiia. Part I. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1867 Documentos Relatives a la Esposicion de Productos Argentinos en Paris, 1867. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1867 Correspondence respecting Hostilities in the River Plate. In continuation of Papers presented to Parliament in 1867. Map. Folio 1868 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC A. La Esposicion Nacional, ano 1871. Publication autorizada por la Comission directiva de la Exposicion. Folio Cordova, 1871-72 Censo Escolar Nacional. Resunienes Generates y Preliminares en Cifras Absolutas y Relativas del Censo Escolar Nacional Levantado a fines de 1883 y Principios de 1884. Plate. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1884 The same. Correspondiente a Fines de 1883 y principios de 1884 (F. Latzina). Vols. 1-3. Plates and plans. Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1885 Estadistica del Comercio y de la Nave- gacion de la Republica Argentina corre- spondienteal ano 1885. Diagram. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1886 The same. 1892. Buenos Ayres, 1893 Senado Argentino. Arrendamiento de las Obras de Salubridad de la Capital. Discurso Pronunciado, por el Dr Eduardo Wilde, Ministro del Interior en Sessiones 6, 7, y 8 de Julio 1887. 12 Buenos Ayres, 1887 Consejo Escolar del 11 Distrito de la Capital (Parroquia de Monserrat). Organizacion y Disciplina. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1888 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. La Plata States. Noticias Historicas, Politicas, y Estadisticas, de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata, con un Apen- dice sobra la Usurpacion de Montevideo por los Gobiernos Portugues y Brasilero. Map. 8 N.P., 1825 An Account, Historical, Political, and Statistical, of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, with an Appendix con- cerning the Usurpation of Monte Video by the Portuguese and Brazilian Govern- ments. Translated from the Spanish. Map. 8 1825 Campagnie de Navigation & Vapcur du Rio Salado, Republique Argentine. (Prospectus.) Map. Small 8 Paris [? 1859] Central Argentine Railway, from Rosario to Cordova. Concession and Official Documents relating to this under- taking. 8 1863 Nuestra Industria Rural. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1866 AMERICA, SOUTH ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 66 1 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC B. The River Plate (South America) as a Field for Emigration, its Geography, Climate, &c. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 [1866] Sociedad Rural Argentina. Bases y Reglamento de la Soc., &c. 16 Buenos Ayres, 1866 Report of the Proceedings at the Second Ordinary General Meeting of the Central Argentine Railway Company. 8 1866 Central Argentine Railroad. Report, &c. 8 1867 Letters Concerning the Country of the Argentine Republic (South America), being suitable for Emigrants and Capita- lists to settle in, 1869. Second issue. 8 1869 Exposicion Nacional en Cordoba. Boletin. Tom. I. -II I. Plates. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1869-72 La Exposicion Nacional, aiio 1871. Publicacion autorizada por la Comision directiva de la Exposicion. Folio Cordova, 1871-72 Catalogos de los Productos Nacionales y Estranjeros. Tom. IV. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1872 Boletin Oficial. Serie de Memorias I-i8. Tom. V.-VII. Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1875 Argentine Exhibition. Katalog der Argentinischen Ausstellung veranstaltet von der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Bremen im Tivoli-Saale. Mai-Juni 1884. Map. 8 Bremen, 1884 Catalogue de 1'Exposition Argentine, arrangee par la Societe de Geographic de Breme dans la Salle du Tivoli. Mai- Juin 1884. Map. 8 Bremen, 1884 C. Provinces. Buenos Ayres. Censo general de la Provincia de Buenos Aires demografico, agricoia, industrial, comercial, etc., verificado el 9 de Octubre de 1881, bajo la Admins- tracion del Doctor Don Dardo Rocha. Maps and plates. 4 Buenos Ayres, \ 883 Censo General de Poblacion, Editica- cion, Comercio e Industrias de la Ciuclad de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal de la Republica Argenlina. Levantado en los clias 17 de Agosto, 15X3 de Seti- embre de 1887 bajo laadministracion del Dr Don Antonio F. Crespoy compilado por una Comision, compuesta de los Senores Francisco Latzina, Presidente. Manuel C. Chueco y Alberto B. Martinez, Vocales. Dr Don Roberto Perez., Sec- retario. 2 vols. Map, plans, and plates. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1889 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC C. Annuaire Statistique de la Province de Buenos Ayres, public' sous la direction du Docteur Emile R. Coni, Quatrieme Annee, 1884. Maps and plans. Small folio Buenos Ayres, 1885 The same. Huitieme Annee, 1888. Map. Large 8 La Plata, 1889 Anuario Estadistico de la Ciuclad de Buenos Aires. Ano I., 1891. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1892 Mensaje del Gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. (Julio A. Costa. ) Royal 8_ La Plata, 1892 Ministerio de Gobierno, Oficina de Estadistica general. Resena Estadistica y Descriptiva de la Plata, capital de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Publicada bajo la direccion del Doctor tmilio R. Coni. Plans and plates. Large 8 Buenos Ayres, 1885 Entre Rios. Coleccion de Leyes, Decretos y Acuerdos sobre las Tierras de Pastereo de la Provincia de Entre Rios. 8 Biienos Ayres, 1864 Santa Ft?. Registro Oficial de la Provincia de Santa Fe, 1862 y 1863. 8 Santa- Fe, 1863 - The same. 2. Semestre. Ano de 1863. 8 Santa- Fe, 1864 Reglamento de Policia Urbana y Rural para la Provincia de Santa-Fe. 8 Rosario, 1 866 Coleccion de las Leyes de Tierras Sancionadas en la Provincia de Santa-Fe bajo la Administracion del Ex mo Sefior D. Nicasio Orono. Maps. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1866 Coinpilacion de Leyes, Decretos, y demas Disposiciones que sobre Tierras Publicas se han dictado en la Provincia de Santa-Fe descle 1853 hasta 1866. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1867 Exposicion y Feria de la Provincia de Santa-Fe, 1887. Plan. 8 Santa- Ft', 1887 Primer Censo General de la Provincia de Santa F ! e (Republica Argentina, America del Sud), Verificado bajo la Administracion del Doctor Don Jose Galvez el 6, 7, y 8 de Jiinio de 1887. Gabriel Carrasco, Director y Comisario General del Censo. Libro I. Censo de la Poblacion. Plans and plates. Folio Buenos Ayres, 1888 The same. Libros II. a VIII. Agricultura, Ganaderia, Industria, Co- mercio, Vias de Comunicacion y Tras- porte, Rentas, Instituciones Adminis- trativasy Sociales, Leyes, Procedimientos y Formularies del Censo. Maps and plates. Folio Buenos Ayres, 1 888 662 APPENDIX II. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC C. Primer Censo continued. The same. Libros IX. a XI. Sinopsis Fisica, Politica, Administrativa e Historica. Maps and plates. Folio . Buenos Ayres, 1888 Tucuman. Memoria Historica y Description de la Provincia de Tucuman. Plates. Small folio Buenos Ayres, 1882 D. Patagonia. Informe Oficial de la Comision Cientifica agregada al Estado Mayor General de la Expedicion al Rio Negro (Patagonia), realizada en los meses de Abril, Mayo, y Junio de 1879, Vajo las ordenes del General D. Julio A. Roca. 4 Buenos Ayres Entrega I. Zoologia. Plates 1881 Entrega II. Botanica, por Pablo G. Lorentz, Dr., y Gustavo Niederlein. Plates 1 88 1 Entrega III. Geologia, por el Dr D. Adolfo Doering. 1882 Cape Horn Mission. See France : Min- istere de la Marine, &c. BOLIVIA. Notizen fiber den Minenbetrieb in Bo- livien un den brasilianischen Mittel- Provinzen Matto Grosso uncl Goyaz im Gegensatze zu dem im Westen der Union. 8 Berlin [i^-] Biblioteca Boliviana. Catalogo del archivo de Mojos y Chiquitos. 8 Santiago de Chile, 1 888 Colonizacion del Territorio de Otuquis en el Departamento de Santa Cruz. 8 La Paz, 1890 Fronteras de Bolivia en el Departamento del Beni por Pedro Suarez S. 8 Santa- Cruz, 1892 BRAZIL. Observatory. Annales de 1'Obscrvatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro. Tome i er Description de 1'Observatoire. Illus- trations. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1882 The same. Publiees par L. Crules. Tome 2 me Observations et Memoires, 1882. Plates. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1883 National Library. Guia da Exposifao Permanente da Bibliotheca Nacional. 12 Rio de Janeiro, 1885 Catalogo da Exposi?ao Permanente dos Cimalios da Bibliotheca Nacional, publicado sob a direc9ao do Bibliothe- cario Joao de Saldanha da Gama. Plates. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1885 [See also United States : Bureau of the American Republics.] BRAZIL. Brasilianische Zustiinde und Aus- sichten in 1861. Mil Belegen nebst einem Vorschlag zur Aufhebung der Sklaverei und Entfernung der Schwar- zen aus Nord-Amerika. Folio Berlin, 1862 La Politique du Bresil, ou la fermeture des Fleuves sous pretexte de 1'ouverture de 1'Amazone. Traduit de 1'Espagnol. Map. 8 Paris, 1867 The Empire of Brazil at the Paris International Exhibition of 1867. Map. Rio de Janeiro, 1867 L'Empire du Bresil a ('Exposition Uni- verselle de Vienne en 1873. Rio de Janeiro, 1873 The Empire of Brazil at the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873. Rio de Janeiro, 1873 L'Empire du Bresil a 1'Exposition Uni- verselle de 1876 a Philadelphie. Maps. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1876 The Empire of Brazil at the Universal Exhibition of 1876 at Philadelphia. 8" Rio de Janeiro, 1876 Railway Reports. See Passes. Impressoes de uma Viagem do Para do Recife. Passando Por S. Miguel E. Teneriffe, a Bordo da Corvetta "Tra- gano." Por A. A. C. Large 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1879 Bibliotheca Brasilica. Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, relating to the Brazilian Empire, from its First Discovery in 1500 to the Present Time ; and to the neigh- bouring South American States. 8 1879 Lettres Sur le Bresil. Reponse au Times. 8 Paris, 1881 Katalog der Brasilianischen Ausstellung des Centralvereins fiir Handelsgeo- graphie und Forderung deutscher In- teressen im Auslande. 8 Berlin, 1882 CHILE. A. Government Publications. Lei de Presupuestos de los Gastos Jenerales de la Adminislracion Piiblica para el ano de 1855. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Lei sobre la Organizacion i Atribuciones de las Municipalides. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Memoria del Ministro de Estado en el Departamento de Hacienda, 1854. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Memoria del Interior. 1854. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Memoria de Justicia, Culto e Instruc- cion Publica, 1854. Small folio Santiago, 1854 AMERICA, SOUTH CHILE. 663 CHILE A. Memoria de Relaciones Exteriores, 1854. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Cuenta de los Ingresos i Gastos que tuvo la Republica de Chile, en el ano de 1853. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Sessiones del Congreso Nacional, 1854. Nos. i, 2, 3. Small folio Santiago, 1854 Estadfstica Comercial de la Republica de Chile del aiio 1854, 1858. 2 parts. Folio Valparaiso, 1854-59 The same, 1879. Censo Jeneral de la Republica de Chile, levantado en Abril de 1854. Large oblong folio Santiago, 1858 Memoria que el Ministro de Estado en el Departamento de Marina presenta al Congreso Nacional de 1871. 8 Santiago, 1871 - The same, and Conclusion. 2 vols. 8 Santiago, 1872 The same, for 1873. Plans. 8 Santiago, 1873 Ministerio del Interior. Recopilacion de Leyes y Decretos de interes general vigentes en 21 de Mayo de 1888. 8 Santiago, 1888 Documentos para la Historia de la Nautica en Chile. Map. 8 Santiago, 1889 Sesto Censo General de la Poblacion de Chile levantado el 26 de Noviembre de 1885. 2 vols. 4 Valparaiso, 1889-90 Strait of Magellan. Relacion del Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes de la Fragata de S. M. Santa Man' de la Cabeza, en los Anos de 1785 y 1786; y Noticia de los Habitantes, Suelo, Clima, y Pro- ducciones del Estrecho. Appendice, que contiene el de los paquebotes ' ' Santa Casilda" y "Santa Eulalia," para com - pletar el Reconocimiento del Estrecho en 1788 y 1789. Maps and portrait Madrid, 1788-93 Journey from Valparaiso to Santiago, across the Andes to Mendoza, to San Luis, and over the Pampas to Buenos Ayres, in January 1822 [in company with Lord II. Thynne]. MS. Notice sur le Chile, par un Voyageur Fran9ais. 8 Paris, 1844 Description of the Country of Chili. MS. Folio N.n. Nitrate and Guano Deposits in the Desert of Atacama : an Account of the Measures taken by the Government of Chile to facilitate the Development thereof. Map. 8 1878 Chile and Peru. Narrative of the Events which led to the Declaration of War by Chili against Bolivia and Peru. Small 8 1879 CHILE A. Patagonia, Western. Estudios Hydro- graficos sobre la Patagonia Occidental ejecutados, por el Comandante i Oficiales de la Real corbeta Italiana "Caracciolo" en 1882. Traduccion de la Oficina Hy- drografica. Charts. 8 Santiago, 1883 The Transandine Railway. Map and illustrations. 8 1892 COLOMBIA. Colombia : being a Geographical, Statis- tical, Agricultural, Commercial, and Political Account of that Country. Map and portraits. 2 vols. 8 1822 The Present State of Colombia ; con- taining an Account of the Principal Events of its Revolutionary War, its Constitution, Mines, &c. By an Officer late in the Columbian Service. Map. 8 1827 Noticia sobre la Geografia Politica de Colombia. 18 Caracas, 1830 New Granada and Costa Rica. The Boundary Question carefully Examined and Denned from Authentic Documents. Map. 8 1852 New Granada as a Field for Emigration. Maps. 8 1859 The same. 2nd edition. Map. 8 1860 Foreign Debt of New Granada : Report of the Special Committee appointed by the Bondholders at their Meeting on the 20th of March 1 86 1. 8 [1861] Catalogo de los objetos enviados por la Sociedad de Naturalistas Colombianos a la Exposicion del 20 de Julio de 1871. 8 Bogota, 1871 Esploracion Minera practicada en el Estado del Magdalena (Estados Unidos de Colombia) del 9 de Febrero al 21 de Abril de 1876. Con un apendice sobre Minos situadas en los territorios nacion- ales de la nevada i Motilones. Map. 8 Cartagena, 1876 Descripcion Ilistoria, Geografica, y Poli- lica de ia Republica de Colombia. 12 Bogota, 1887 Carthagena. An Account of the Expedi- tion to Carthagena. Small 8 1743 Original Papers relating to the Ex- pedition to Carthagena. [Bound up with other papers.] Map. Small 8 1744 Darien. Memoirs of Darien, giving a short Description of that Country, with an Account of the Attempts of the Com- pany of Scotland to Settle a Colonie in that place. 12 Glasgow, 1715 The Isthmus of Darien in 1852. (Colonial and Asiatic Review, March 1853.) 8 1853 664 APPENDIX II. COLOMBIA. Panama. Contract between the Republic of New Granada and the Panama Rail- way Company. 8 New York, 1850 Panama Canal. The Nicaragua and Darien Ship-Canal Routes. (Colonial and Asiatic Review, March 1853.) 8 1853 The Practicability and Importance of a Ship Canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; with a History of the Enterprise from its first Inception to the Completion of the Surveys. Maps. 8 New York, 1855 International Company of the Colum- bian Canal, founded in Paris, 9th of March 1864, for the purpose of Cutting a Ship Canal across the Columbian Isthmus, and Securing the Necessary Concession. Map. 8 Privately printed, Paris, 1867 Canal Interoceanique sans Ecluses, ou Tunnels a travers le Territoire du Darien, entre les Golfes d'Uraba et de San Miguel (Etats-Unis de Colombie). Maps. 8 Paris, 1876 Inter-Oceanic Canal Projects, Discus- sions on. 8 [1880] Le Canal de Panama : 1'Action Panama valant quatre fois 1'Action Suez. 4 [Paris, 1880] The Isthmus of Panama Inter-Oceanic Canal. M. le Comte de Lesseps at Liverpool ; with the Address of the Count, and the Speech of Captain Pea- cock, as to the Feasibility of Uniting the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean, &c., &c. Map. 8 Exeter, 1 880 The Water Supply of the Panama Canal ; The Nicaraguan Canal Surveys ; What the Slaven Dredges are doing at Panama ; The Actual Status of the Panama Canal ; More Light on the Panama Canal Question. [Cuttings from the Engineering News, June 1 6, 1888.] 4 1888 San Martin. Informe de los Esploradores del Territorio de San Martin. 8 Bogota, 1871 [See also Venezuela.] ECUADOR. Ecuador und die Ecuador- Land Com- pagnie. Maps. 8 Mannheim, 1862 [See also Venezuela.] ECUADOR. Quito. Memoria sobre las Oscilaciones de la Brujula en Quito, consideradas en su relacion con los Temblores de Tierra y seguidas en su marcha paralela con las Fluctuaciones del Barometro ; Anadese un breve resumen de los Principales Fenomenos que accompanaron al Terre- moto del 16 de Agosto de 1868, &c. 8 Quito, 1868 Ecuador Land Company, Limited. [A Prospectus.] 8 [1861 ?] GUIANA, BRITISH. Papers relative to the Affairs of British Guiana. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1840 Catalogue of Contributions transmitted from British Guiana to the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867. Map. 8 1867 Reports of the Geological Survey, taken from the Colonist newspaper, Deceml>er 1869. 8 Demerara, 1870 Correspondence arising out of Com- plaints of Portuguese Residents in British Guiana. Folio 1871 Case for Including the Yuruari Valley within the Boundary of British Guiana. Folio [1887] Latest Correspondence on the Question of Limits of Guiana. Map. 4 Caracas, 1887 Reports of the Government Agent of the N.W. District of British Guiana for 1890-91 and 1893-94. Folio Georgetown, 1 89 1 -94 GUIANA, DUTCH. Aanteekeningen, betrekkelyk de Colonie Suriname. Maps. 8 Arnhem, 1826 Verzameling van Stukken aangaande de Surinaamsche Aangelegenheden, thans aanhangig bij de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal. I and 2. 8 The Hague, 184^-46 PARAGUAY. Description de la Provincia del Paraguay- Conquista. MS. Folio N.D. La Guerra del Paraguay. 8 Buenos Ay res, 1867 The Republic of, its Constitution. 8 Edinburgh, 1871 A Note on its Position and Prospects. Map. 4 1871 Guide de I'lmmigrant au Paraguay. 12 Asuncion, 1889 PERU. Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Pacto y Ley Fundamental de la Confederacion Peru-Boliviana. 24 1837 Ministerio de Hacienda. Arancel de la Republica del Peru, que debe regir en los aiios de 1852 y 1853. Small folio Lima, 1852 AMERICA, SOUTH-PERU. 665 PERU. Memorias de los Vireyos que ban gober- nado el Peru durante el Tiempo del Coloniaje Espnaol. 6 vols. Imp. 4 Lima, 1859 Vol. I. Juan de Mendoza y Luna, Francisco de Borja y Aragon, Baltasar de la Cueva, Melchor de Linan y Cisneros. Vol. 2. Melchor de Navarra y Rocaful. Vol. 3. Jose Armendaris, J. A. de Mendoza. Vol. 4. Francisco Gil de Taboada y Lemos. Vol. 5. Teodoro de Croix. Vol. 6. Jose Antonio Manso de Velasco, Manuel Amat y Yunient. Documentos encontrados ultimamente en el Archive Oficial de la Sub-prefec- tura de Moyobamba, que acreditan la posesion del Peru sobre los Territories de Quijos y Canelos y que forman el complemento de los publicados anterior- mente. Folio Lima, 1860 Reports to Admiralty, &c., relative to Guano deposits in Peru. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 Report on the Guano deposits on the islands of Lobos de Tierra, Lolx>s de Afuera, Macabi, and Guanape. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 Demarcacion politica del Peru : Edicion Oficial de la Direccion de Estadistica. Oblong 4 Lima, 1874 Informe sobre las Minas de la Sociedad Carbonifera. denominada " La Union," situados en el departamento de Ancachs. 12 Lima, 1875 Coleccion de los Tratados del Peru. 8 Lima, 1876 Lima. A True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima, the Capital of Peru, and the neighlxniring Port of Callao, on the 28th October 1746 ; with a Description of Callao and Lima before their Destruc- tion, and of the Kingdom of Peru in general, with its Inhabitants. Trans- lated from the Spanish, by a Gentle- man who resided many years in those Countries. Maps and plates. 8 1848 Paucarpata. An Expose on the Treaty of Paucarpata, in Peru, and the Events connected with it. 8 Andover, 1838 Compania Anonima (limitada) " Huacas del Inca." 12 Lima, 1887 The Amazon Provinces of Peru as a field for English Enterprise : Letter from Mr Charles H. Dolby-Tyler Iquitos. An English Lady's Journey down the Amazon across the Andes to Peru. 12 1890 URUGUAY. Estadistica de Advana, aiio 1864. Folio Montevideo, 1 866 Memoria de la Comision extraordinaria ... 31 Marzo 1865-31 Deciembre 1866. 8 U Montevideo, 1867 De Republiek Oriental del Uruguay (Zuid Amerika)op de Amsterdamsche Tentoon- stelling 1883. La Republique Orientale de 1' Uruguay a 1' Exposition d' Amsterdam 1883. 8 1883 The Republic of Uruguay. The Country in the Paris Exhibition. General De- scription and Statistical Data, 1888-89. Maps, plans, and illustrations. 4 Liverpool, 1889 International Exhibition of Mining and Metallurgy, Crystal Palace, London, 1890 Maps. 8 London, 1890 Rosario. Breve Noticia y documentos relativos a la Colonia Agricola del Rosario Oriental, &c. Map. 8 Montevideo [1859] VENEZUELA. Exposicion que dirige al Congreso de Venezuela en 1841, el Secretario de Guerra y Marina. Royal 8 U Caracas, 1841 Exposicion que dirige al Congreso en 1833, 184 1, and 1843, cl Secretario de Hacienda. Tables. Royal 8 Caracas, 1833-43 Memoria que presente a la Legislatura de 1847 el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Gobierno de Venezuela. Royal 8 Caracas, 1847 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Vene- zuela Department at the Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. Com- piled by Dr Adolphus Ernst. 12 Philadelphia, 1876 Tropical Information : a Treatise on the History, Climate, Soil, Productions, &c., of Venezuela ; with like Notices of New Granada and Ecuador, and a slight glance at Bolivia and Peru. 12 1846 The Emigrant's Vade-Mecum, or Guide to the "Price Grant" in Venezuelan Guayana. 8 1868 The London Venezuelan Guyana Mutual Emigration Society. Prospectus, with Code of Laws, &c., in the Settlement and Colony of Pattisonville. 12 [1869] Notice Politique, Statistique, Commerciale, &c. , sur les Etats-Unis du Venezuela, contenant les renseignements les plus utiles et les plus precis sur ce pays. En Fran9ais, Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, et Italien. Map. 12 Paris, 1889 666 APPENDIX II. ASIA. GENERAL. Jesuits. Lettere dell' India Orientale, scritte da' Reurendi Paclri della Com- pagnia di Giesu. 12 Venice, 1580 Travels of several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Containing a General Descrip- tion of the Most Remarkable Towns, with a particular Account of the Cus- toms, Manners, and Religion of those several Nations, interspersed with Philo- sophical Observations, and other curious Remarks. Translated from the French. Plates. 8 1714 Biblical Geography. Observations on divers passages of Scripture . grounded on Circumstances incidentally mentioned in Books of Voyages and Travels into the East. 8 1764 Eastern Nations. Dictionary of the Reli- gious Ceremonies of the Eastern Nations, with Historical and Critical Observations, some Account of their Learned Men and most Remarkable Places in Asia ; to which is added a Medical Vocabulary. 4 Calcutta, 1787 Oriental Languages. Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages. Vol. I. 8 1831 1. Notes of a Journey into the Interior of Northern Africa. By Hadji Ebned-din El Eghwhati ; translated from the Arabic by W. B. Hodgson. 2. Extracts from the Sakaa Thevan Saasteram, or Book of Fate. Trans- lated from the Tamul by Rev. Jos. Roberts. 3. The Last Days of Krishna and the Sons of Pandu. Translated from the Persian of Neikkeib Khan by Major David Price. 4. The Vedala Cadai. Translated by B. G. Babington. 5. Indian Cookery. Translated by Sand - ford Arnot. List of Russian Travellers in Asia, 1854-74- [In Russian and French.] Single sheet ?i8 7 4 Rough Notes of Journeys made in the years 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873, in Syria, down the Tigris, India, Kashmir, Ceylon, Japan, Mongolia, Siberia, the United States, the Sandwich Islands, and Australasia. 8 1875 GENERAL. Report on the Geodetical and Topo- graphical Explorations of Russians in Asia, in 1888. [In Russian.] (From Russian Invalide.) 8 1889 Geography of Asia. [Proof.} 2 parts. Incomplete N.D. Eastern Asia. Die Preussiche Expedition nach Ost-Asien. Nach amtlichen Quel- len. 7 vols. Maps and plates. Small 4 Berlin, 1864-73 Botanischer Theil. Die Tange, von Georg v. Martens. 1 866 Zoologischer Theil. I. Allgemeines und Wirbelthiere, von Eduard v. Martens. 1876 II. Die Landschnecken, von Eduard v. Martens. 1867 ARABIA. Moka. Notes Instructives sur le Commerce de Moka en 1787. MS. 4. Arabic Grammar, compiled for the use of Travellers. 8 Bombay, 1834 CENTRAL ASIA. [See also Russia in Asia.] A. Official Publications. Central Asia. Part i. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the Topography, Ethnography, Statistics, and History of the North-West Frontier of British India. Compiled (for Military and Political Reference) by Lieut. -Col. C. M. MacGregor. 3 vols. 8 Calctitta, 1873 Part 3. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the Topography, Ethnology, Resources, and History of Belochistan. Compiled (for Political and Military Reference) by Capt. W. S. A. Lockhart. 8 Calcutta, 1875 Part 4. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the Topography, Ethnology, Resources, and History of Persia. Compiled (. . .) by Lieut. -Col. C. M. MacGregor. [ Without map\ Calcutta, 1871 Part 5. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the History, Ethno- graphy, Topography, and Resources of Part of Asiatic Turkey and Caucasia. Compiled by Lieut. -Col. C. M. Mac- Gregor. 8 Calcutta, 1872 ASIA CENTRAL ASIA. 667 CENTRAL ASIA A. Central Asia. Part 6, Section i. A Contribution towards the better Know- ledge of the Topography, Ethnography, Resources, and History of the Khanat of Khiva. Compiled (...) by Capt. H. Collett. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1873 Part 6, Section 2. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the Topography, &c. , of the Khanat of Bokhara. Compiled (...) by Capt. John Moubray Trotter. 8 Calcutta, 1873 Part 7, Section I. A Gazetteer of Kashmir and the adjacent Districts of Kishtwar, Badrawar, Jamt'i, Naoshera, Punch, and the Valley of the Kishen Ganga. Compiled (. . .) by Charles Ellison Bates. Maps. 8 Calcutta, 1873 Part 7, Section 2. A Contribution towards the better Knowledge of the Topography, Ethnology, Resources, and History of Ladak. Compiled (. . .)by Lieut. F. Maisey. 8 Calcutta, 1878 Correspondence with Russia respect- ing Central Asia. Folio 1873 Russian Advances in Asia. (Continuation No. 2.) Maps. Folio. Papers relating to Central Asia andQuetta. Folio 1879 Further Correspondence respecting Affairs in Central Asia, 1879. P'olio 1880 Foreign Office Reports. No. i (1882). Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Central Asia. Map. Folio 1882 No. i (1885). Telegram from Lieut.- General Sir Peter Lumsden relative to the Fight between the Russians and Afghans at Ak Tepe. Folio 1885 No. 2 (1885) Further Corresp9ndence respecting Central Asia. Folio 1885 No. 3 (1885). Maps to accompany " Central Asia " Nos. 2 and 4 (1885). No. 4 (1885). Further Correspond- ence respecting Central Asia. Maps. Folio 1889 No. 5 (1885). Further Correspond- ence respecting the Affairs of Central Asia. Folio 1885 No. i (1887). Correspondence re- specting the Affairs of Central Asia. Maps. Folio 1887 No. 2 (1887). Further Correspond- ence respecting the Affairs of Central Asia. Maps. Folio 1887 -No. i (1888). Further Correspond- ence respecting the Affairs in Central Asia. Map. Folio 1888 No. 2 (1888). Further Correspond- ence respecting the Affairs of Central Asia. Map. Folio 1888 CENTRAL ASIA A. Delimitation Afghane. Negotiations entre la Russie et la Grande Bretagne 1872-1885. Edition du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres. (With a Memoir in Russian by M. Venukoff. ) Maps. 4 St Petersburg, 1886 B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Recueil d' Itineraires et cle Voyages dans 1'Asie Centrale et 1'extreme Orient. [" Publications de PEcole des Langues Orient. Viv., vii."] Map. 8 Paris, 1878 CONTENTS. Journal d'une Mission en Coree. Memoires d'un Voyageur Chinois dans 1'Empire d' Annam. Itineraires de 1'Asie Centrale. Itineraire de la Valee du Moyen Zerefchan. Itineraires de Pichaver a Kaboul, de Kaboul a Qandahar, et de Qandahar a Herat. From Orsk to Khiva and back. Journey performed in 1740 by Gladishef and Muravief. Resumi! by R. Michell. Map. Folio N.D. Central Asia and British India. By a British Subject. 8 1865 The Central Asian Question, from an Eastern Stand-point. 8 1869 Russia's Commercial Mission in Central Asia. [A translation of a Pamphlet on that subject by Christian von Sarauw, Captain in the Danish Army, Leipzig, 1871.] Large 8 Simla, 1872 A Journey in Khorassan and Central Asia, March and April 1890. Map. 12 1890 CEYLON. Ceylon. Report of Lieut. -Col. Colebrook upon the Administration of the Govern- ment of Ceylon, 24th Dec. 1831, with map. Report of the same upon the Revenues of Ceylon, 3ist Jan. 1832. Report of Charles Hay Cameron upon the Judicial Establishments and Pro- cedure in Ceylon, 315! Jan. 1832. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 Correspondence relating to the Deep- ening of the Paumben Channel ; Further do., and Further Report respecting the Paumben Ship Canal. [Parly. Rep.] Map. Folio 1872-73 Correspondence respecting the Im- provement of Colombo Harbour. Map. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 Census of Ceylon, 1891 . . . Com- piled by Lionel Lee. 3 vols. Map. Folio Colombo, 1892 668 APPENDIX II. CHINESE EMPIRE. A. Government Publications. Memorials, &c., on the Subject of Open- ing up a Direct Commerce with the West of China from the Port of Rangoon. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1864 Report upon the Feasibility and most effectual means of introducing Railway Communication into the Empire of China. By Sir Macdonald Stephenson. Map. Folio 1 864 Correspondence respecting the Woosung Bar near Shanghae. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 Reports on Trade at the Treaty Ports in China for the years 1871, '72, '73, '76, '77. 4 Shanghai, 1874-78 Commercial Reports by Her Majesty's Consuls in China, 1877. Map. 8 1878 The same, 1877-78. 8 1879 China. No. i (1883). Despatch from Her Majesty's Charge d'Affaires at Peking, forwarding a Report by Mr A. Hosie, Student Interpreter in the China Con- sular Service, of a Journey through the Provinces of Kueichow and Yunnan. Folio 1883 No. 3 (1885). Report by Mr L. C. Hopkins, on the Island of Formosa, dated I2th October 1884. Map. 8 1885 No. I (1886). Correspondence re- specting the French Treaty wilh Annam, and Negotiations between France and China. Folio 1886 No. 3 (1886). Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain and China for the Settlement of the Yiinnan Case, Official Intercourse, and Trade between the two Countries ; Signed in the English and Chinese Languages, at Chefoo, 1 3th September 1876. With an Additional Article thereto for Regulat- ing the Traffic in Opium ; Signed in London, i8th July 1885. Folio 1886 No. 2 (1887). Despatch from Her Majesty's Minister at Peking, forwarding a Report by Mr H. E. Fulford, Student Interpreter in the China Consular Ser- vice, of a Journey in Manchuria. Map. Folio 1887 - No. I (1888). Report by Mr F. S. A. Bourne, of a Journey in South- western China. Maps. Folio 1888 Imperial Maritime Customs : I. Statistical Series Nos. 3 and 4. Returns of Trade at the Treaty Ports, and Trade Reports, for years 1884, 1885. Diagrams. 4 Shanghai, 1885-86 The same, for the years 1887-93, each year in 2 parts. Maps and dia- grams. 4 Shanghai, 1888-94 CHINESE EMPIRE A. Imperial Maritime Customs : 2. Special Series No. 3. Silk. Illustrations. 4 Shanghai, 1881 No. 9. Native Opium, 1887. With an Appendix : Native Opium, 1863. 4 Shanghai, 1888 No. lo. Opium : Crude and Prepared. 4 Shanghai, 1888 No. 17. Icnang to Chungking, 1890 Shanghai, 1892 3. Miscellaneous Series No. 5. Catalogue special de la Col- lection Exposee au Palais du Champ de Mars. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. 4 Shanghai, 1878 No. 6. List of the Chinese Light- houses, Light - Vessels, Buoys, and Beacons, for the years 1881-93. Charts and diagrams. 4 Shanghai, 1881-93 Formosa. Correspondence respecting the Settlement of the Difficulty between China and Japan in regard to the Island of Formosa. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1875 Yarkand Mission. Progress and Route Report. Folio 1873 Yunnan and Western China. See Burma ; also Indo-China. B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Memoires concernant 1'Hisloire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, &c., des Chinois, par les Missionaries de Pekin. Portrait. 4 Paris, 1776 Description of the Empire of China. [In the Chinese character.] Maps. 8 Hints 'for Collecting Information, com- piled for the Expedition to China. Plate. 8 Calcutta, 1840 Chinese Topography, being an Alpha- betical List of the Provinces, Depart- ments, and Districts in the Chinese Empire, with their Latitudes and Longi- tudes. 8 Canton, 1844 The same, interleaved with MS. Addi- tions. 8 Canton, 1844 A Glance at the Interior of, obtained during a Journey through the Silk and Green Tea Districts, 1845. [No. i of the Chinese Miscellany}. Afaps and plans. Small 8 Shanghai, 1849 Relation de 1'Expedition de Chine en 1860. 4 Paris, 1862 China in 1863. [In Chinese.] 2 vols. Woodcuts. 8 Topography of China and Neighbour- ing States ; with Degrees of Longitude and Latitude. 8 Hongkong, 1864 ASIA CHINESE EMPIRE. 669 CHINESE EMPIRE B. Statistics of Trade at the Ports of Newchang, Tientsin, Cheefoo, Hankow, Kiukiang, Chinkiang, Shanghai, Ningpo, Foochow, Tamsu (Formosa), Takow (Formosa), Amoy, Swatow, and Canton, for the period 1863-72. Compiled for the Austro- Hungarian Exhibition, &c. 14 vols. 4 Shanghai, 1873 Port Catalogues of the Chinese Cus- toms Collection at the Austro-Hungarian Universal Exhibition, Vienna, 1873, to illustrate the International Exchange of Products. 4 Shanghai, 1873 Sosnovsky Expedition. Catalogue of Photographs, Models, Pictures, and Articles of Commercial and Industrial Use brought from China by the Russian Scientific-Commercial Expedition. [In Russian. ] 3 parts in 2. 8 St Petersburg, 1876 The Colquhoun and Wahab Expedition through Southern China into Burma. Opinions of the Press. 12 1882 Formosa and the Gospel. 8 N.P., N.D. Macao See Portuguese Asia. Mongolia. Voyages de Bruxelles en Mongolie et Travaux des Missionnaires de la Congregation de Scheutveld (lez Bruxelles). 2 vols. Maps and illustra- tions. 8 Brussels, 1873-77 Peking. Descriptive Notes on Peking, written to accompany a large Map of that City, compiled from Native Autho- rities. 4 Shanghai, 1866 Shanghae, General Description of, and its Environs. [No. 4 of the Chinese Miscel- lany.] Maps. Small 8 Shanghai, 1850 Yangtsze (Upper). Report of the Dele- gates of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce on the Trade of the Upper Yangtsze, and Report of the Naval Sur- veyors on the River above Hankow. Map. Folio Shanghai, 1869 CYPRUS. Reports made to the Admiralty on the Anchorages, &c., of the Island of Cyprus. Maps and plan. Folio 1879 Report by Her Majesty's High Commis- sioner for the year 1879. 8 1880 Census of Cyprus, 1881. Report on the Census of Cyprus, 1881 ; with Appendix by Frederick W. Barry, M.D., Sc.D. Folio 1884 DUTCH EAST INDIES. Dutch E. I. Co. Ambassades dc la Com- pagnie Hollandoise des Indes d'Orient, vers 1'Empereur du Japon, divisees en trois parties ; ornees de figures en taillc douce ; avec une relation exacte des guerres CJyiles de ce pays la. 12 Paris, 1722 DUTCH EAST INDIES. Dutch E. I. Co. Staat der generate Neder- landsche Oost-Indische Compagnie. 8 Amsterdam, 1722 See also Renneville : Appendix I. Handleiding tot de Aardrijkskunde van Nederlands Oost-Indische Bezittingen. Vitgegeven door Maatschappij. Map. 8 Leyden, Deventer, &* Groningen, 1843 Aardrijkskundig en Statistisch Woorden- lx>ek van Nederlandsch Indie, bewerkt naar de jongste en beste Berigten. Met eene Voorrede van Prof. P. J. Veth. 3 vols. 8 Amsterdam, 1869 Catalogue de livres sur les possessions Neerlandaises aux Indes, avec des divi- sions sur les Indes Anglaises, la Chine et le Japon, Siam, la Perse, Siberie, 1'Afrique, speciallement la cote de Guinee et le Cap de Bonne Esperance, Surinam, Guana, et 1'Australie. A la fin un Atlas. 8 Amsterdam, 1882 Bibliotheca Neerlando-Indica. Catalogue de livres et de quelques manuscrits con- cernant les Indes - Occidentales Neer- landaises, 1'Empire Indo-Brittannique, 1'Inde Fran9aise, les iles Philippines, la Chine, le Japon, et 1'Australie, en ordre systematique, et avec quelques notes bibliographique. 8 The Hague, 1883 Bijdrajen tot de Taal- Land- en Volken- kunde van Nederlandsch-Indie. Uit- gegeven vanwege het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie ter gelegenheid van het yesde Internationale Congres der Orientalisten te Leiden. Land- en Volkenkunde. Maps. 8 The Hague, 1883 Ditto. Taal- en Letterkunde. Plate. 8 The Hague, 1883 Report. Holland, East Indies, Colonial Possessions, 1887. Maps and plans. Folio. Handboek voor Cultuuren Handels onder- nemingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. Erste jaargang. 8 Amsterdam, 1888 Achin. Correspondence relative to Rela- tions between Great Britain and Achin. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1873 Batavia. Realia. Register op de Generate Resolution van het Kasteel Batavia, 1632- 1805. Uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- schappen. 3 vols. 4 The Hague and Batavia, 1886 Deli. De Tabakscultuur in Deli. Plates. 4 Amsterdam, 1890 Java. Reglement voor de Schutteriien op Java. 8 U [1838] Zeilaanwijzingen van Java naar het Kanaal. Uitgegeven door het Konin- klijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch In- stituut. 2 Deel. Folio and 4 Utrecht ', 1868-70 670 APPENDIX II. DUTCH EAST INDIES. Kei Islands. Verslag van het Vooige vallene in zake de ontworpen Expeditie naar de Kei-eilanden en van de voorberei dende Maatregelen, te dien spyichte genomen. Voorstellen van hit Huis- hondelijk Bestnur. 8 [1887] Krakatao. Les Premieres Nouvelles con- cernant 1' Eruption du Krakatau en 1883 dans les Journaux de 1'Insulinde. Larije 8 Paris, 1884 Neiuw Guinea, Ethnographisch en Natuurkundig onderzocht en Beschreven in 1858 door een Nederlandsch Indische commissie ; uitgegeven door het Konin- klijk Institut voor taal- land- en volken- kunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Plates. 8, and Atlas small 4 Amsterdam, 1862 Palembang. De Heldhaftige Bevreding van Palembang, het aldaar sints 1810 voorafgebeurde, wederlegging van Raffles en Court, en voorloopige korte beschrij- ving van Palemliang, Banca, enz. Maps. 8 Rotterdam, 1822 Torres Strait. Naam der Straat tusschen Nieuw- Holland en Nieuw-Guinea. 8 N.D. FRENCH INDO-CHINA. Tonkin. Rapports adresses a M. le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies par M. le Resident General a Hue sur la Situation Agricole industrielle et com- merciale au Tonkin. [2 pamphlets.] 4 [1885] HONG-KONG. A Letter from Hong-Kong, descriptive of that Colony. By a Resident. 8 1845 Directions for Making the Passage from England to Hong-Kong through Sunda Strait. Compiled from Various Authori- ties. 8 1857 Hong-Kong Observatory. See Doberck. INDIAN EMPIRE. A. Archaeological Survey. Archaeological Survey of India. 6 vols. Plates, maps. 8 Simla and Calcutta, 1871-78 Vols. I and 2. Four Reports made during 1862, -63, -64, and -65, by Alexander Cunningham. Vols. 3 and 4. Report for 1871-72, by A. Cunningham. Delhi, by J. B. Beglar. Agra, by A. C. L. Carlleyle. INDIAN EMPIRE A. Vol. 5. Report for 1872-73, by Cunningham. Vol. 6. Report of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1871-72 and 1872-73, by A. C. L. Carlleyle. The same. Vol. 23. Report of a Tour in the Punjab and Rajputana in 1883-84, by Mr H. B. W. Garrick. Map and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1887 General Index to the Reports of the. Volumes I to 23, with a Glossary and General Table of Contents by V. A. Smith. 8 Calctitta, 1887 Southern India. Archaeological Survey of Southern India. Vol. 4. Tamil and Sanskrit Inscriptions, with some Notes on Village Antiquities collected chiefly in the South of the Madras Presidency. By Jas. Burgess, C. I.E., &c. ; with Translations by S. M. Natesa Sastri Pandit. 4 Madras, 1886 - The same. [Vol. I.] The Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati and Jaggayyapeta in the Krishna District, Madras Presidency, Surveyed in 1882 by Jas. Burgess, LL. D. ; with Translations of the Asoka Inscriptions at Jangada and Dhauli, by Georg Biihler, Ph. D. Map, plates, and woodcuts. 4 1887 Archaeological Survey of India. New Series. Vol. I. The Shargi Architec- ture of Jaunpur ; with Notes on Zafarabad, Sahet-Mahet, and other places in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. By A. Fiihrer, Ph.D. With Drawings and Architectural Descriptions by Ed. W. Smith. Edited by Jas. Burgess, LL.D. 4 Calcutta, 1889 - The same. Vol. 2 (North - West Provinces and Oudh. Vol. 2). The Monumental Antiquities and Inscrip- tions in the N.W. Prov. and Oudh. By A. Fiihrer. 4 Allahabad, 1891 The same. Vol. 3 (Southern India. Vol. 2). South - Indian Inscriptions, Tamil and Sanskrit, from Stone and Copperplate Edicts at Mamallapuram, Kanchipuram, in the North Arcot Dis- trict, and other parts of the Madras Presidency, chiefly collected in 1886-87. Edited and translated by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. Vol. I. 4 Madras, 1890 The same. [Vol. 4. South India, Vol. 3.] South Indian Inscriptions. Vols. 2, Parts I and 2. Tamil Inscrip- tions of Rajaraja, Rajendra-Chola and others in the Rajarajesvara Temple at Tanjavur. Edited and Translated by E. Hultzsch. Plates. 4 Madras, 1891-92 ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 671 INDIAN EMPIRE A. Epigraphia Indica, and Record of the Archaeological Survey of India. Edited by Jas. Burgess, LL.D. Parts i.-xvi. (Vols. I and 2). Plates. 4 Calcutta, 1888-94 Western India. Archaeological Survey of Western India. 5 vols. Plates, photo- graphs. 4 1874-83 Vol. I. Report of the First Season's Operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi Districts, January to May 1874. Vol. 2. Report on the Antiquities of Kathiawad and Kachh, being the Re- sult of the Second Season's Operations, I874-75- Vol. 3. Report on the Antiquities in the Bidar and Aurungabad Districts, in the Territories of his Highness the Nizam of Haidarabad, being the Result of the Third Season's Operations, 1875-76. Vol. 4. Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and their Inscriptions, being part of the Results of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Seasons' Operations of the Archaeological Survey of Western India, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79; supple- mentary to the Volume on the Cave Temples of India. By Jas. Burgess. Plates and woodcuts. 4 1883 Vol. 5. Report on the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina Caves in Western India, completing the Results of the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Seasons' Operations of the Archaeo- logical Survey, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879- 80; supplementary to the Volume on the Cave Temples of India. By Jas. Burgess. Plates and woodcuts. 4 1883 The same. No. u. Lists of the Antiquarian Remains in the Bombay Presidency ; with an Appendix of In- scriptions from Gujarat, compiled from information supplied by the Revenue, Educational, and other Government Officers. By Jas. Burgess. Plates. 4 Bombay, 1885 The same. No. 12. The Caves at Nadsur and Karsambla. By II. Cousens. Plates. 4 Bombay, 1891 [See also Dr J. Burgess.] B. Census Reports. Census of 1881. 3 vols. Diagrams. Folio London and Calcutta, 1883 Census of India, 1891. General Report. ByJ. A. Baines. Folio London, 1893 INDIAN EMPIRE B. General Tables. 2 vols. Folio London, 1892-93 Provincial Reports and Tables. Shi Hong, Calcutta, &c. &c., 1892-94 Vols. I, 2. Assam. By E. A. Gait. Vols. 3, 4, 5. Lower Provinces of Bengal, &c. By C. J. O'Donnell. (See below. ) Vol. 6. Berar. By W. Hastings. Vols. 7, 8. Bombay. By W. W. Drew. Vols. 9, 10. Burma. By H. L. Eales. Vols. 11, 12. Central Provinces, &c. By B. Robertson. Vols. 13, 14, 15. Madras. By H. A. Stuart. Vols. 16, 17, 18. N.-W. Provinces and Oudh. By D. C. Baillie. Vols. 19, 20, 21. Punjab, &c. By E. D. Maclagan. Vol. 27. Central India. By R. H. Gunion. Assam. Provincial Tables 1892 Lower Provinces of Bengal. Pro- vincial Tables 1893 Districts of Ajmere- Merwara. By B. Egerton 1893 - Coorg. By H. A. Stuart 1893 Report on the Census of Calcutta. By H. F. J. T. Maguire. Folio Calcutta, 1891 C. Geological Survey, &c. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. 23 vols. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1859-91 VOLUME i. On the Coal and Iron of Cuttack Structure and Relations of the Talchir Coal-field Gold Deposits inUpper Assam Gold and Gold-dust from Shue-Gween Geology of the Khasi Hills The Nilghiri Hills Geology of Bankoorah, Midnapore, and Orissa Laterite of Orissa Fossil Teeth of Ceratodus. 1859 VOLUME 2. Report on the Vindhyan Rocks and their Associates in Bundelkand Geo- logical Structure of the Central Portion of the Nerbudda District Tertiary and Alluvial Deposits of the Nerbudda Valley Geological Relations and Probable Geological Age of the Several Groups of Rocks in Central India and Bengal. 1859 VOLUME 3. Report on the Ranigunj Coal-field Additional Remarks on the Geological Age of Indian Rock Systems On the Sub- Himalayan Ranges between the Ganges and Sutlej. 1863-64 672 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE C. Memoirs, Geological Survey contd VOLUME 4. Report on the Cretaceous Rocks of Trichinopoly District, Madras On the Structure of the Districts of Trichinopoly, Salem, &c. On the Coal of Assam, &c. 1863-65 VOLUME 5. Sections across N.W. Himalaya, from Sutlej to Indus On the Gypsum of Spiti On the Geology of Bombay On the Jherria Coal-field Geological Observa- tions on Western Tibet. 1865-66 VOLUME 6. On the Neighbourhood of Lynyan, &c. , in Sind Geology of a Portion of Cutch Bokaro Coal-field Ramgarh Coal-field Traps of Western and Central India Taptee and Nerbudda Valleys Frog-beds in Bombay Oxyglossus Pusillus. 1867-69 VOLUME 7. Vindhyan Series Mineral Statistics Coal Shillong Plateau Karharbari Coal-field Deoghar Coal-field Aden Water-supply Karanpura Coal-fields. 1869-71 VOLUME 8. On the Kadapah and Karnul Forma- tions in the Madras Presidency Itkhuri Coal - field Daltongunj Coal - field Chope Coal-field. 1872 VOLUME 9. Geology of Kutch Geology of Nagpur Geology of Sirban Hill Carboniferous Ammonites. 1872 VOLUME 10. Geology of Madras Satpura Coal Basin Geology of Pegu. 1873-74 VOLUME n. Geology of Darjiling and Western Diiars Salt-Region of Kohat, Trans- Indus. 1874-76 VOLUME 12. South Mahratta Country Coal-fields of the Naga Hills. 1876-77 VOLUME 13. Wardha Valley Coal-field Geology of the Rajmahal Hills. 1877 VOLUME 14. Geology of the Salt-range in the Punjab. [1878] VOLUME 15. Geology of the Aurunga and Hutar Coal - fields, Palamow Ramkola and Tatapani Coal-fields, Sirguja. 1878-80 VOLUME 16. Geology of Eastern Coast from Lat. 15 to Masulipatam The Gneiss and Transi- tion Rocks, and other Formations of the Nellore Portion of the Carnatic Coastal Region of the Godavari. 1879-80 INDIAN EMPIRE C. Memoirs, Geological Survey contd. VOLUME 17. Geology of Western Sind Trans- Indus Extension of the Salt Range. 1879-80 VOLUME 18. Geology of the Section between the Bolan Pass (Biluchistan) and Girishk (Southern Afghanistan) Geology of Maribhiim and Singhbhiim Geology of the Pranhita, Godavari Valley. 1881 VOLUME 19. The Cachar Earthquake of loth Janu- ary 1869 The Thermal Springs of India Catalogue of Indian Earth- quakes from the earliest time to the end of A.D. 1869 Geology of Parts of Mani- pur and the Naga Hills. 1883 VOLUME 20. Geology of the Madura and Tinne- velley Districts Geological Notes on the Hills in the Neighbourhood of the Sind and Punjab Frontier between Quetta and Dera Ghazi Khan. 1883 VOLUME 21. Geology of the Lower Narbada Val- ley, between Nimawar and Kawant Geology of the Kathiawar Peninsula in Guzerat The Southern Coal-fields of the Rewah Gorodwana Basin : Umaria, Korar, Johilla, Sohagpiir, Kurasia, Kore- agarh, Jhilmili Volcanoes of Barren Island and Narcondam, Bay of Bengal, their Topography and Geology. 1885 VOLUME 22. Geology of the Kashmir and Chamba Territories and the British District of Khagan. 1883 VOLUME 23. Geology of the Central Himalayas. 1891 Contents and Index to the First Twenty Volumes of the Memoirs. By W. Theobald. 1892 Records of the Geological Survey of India. Vols. 1-27. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1868-94 Contents and Index of the First Twenty Volumes of the Records of the Geological Survey of India, 1868 to 1887. Large 8 Calcutta, 1891 Palaeontologia Indica: being Figures and Descriptions of the Organic Remains procured during the Progress of the Geological Survey of India. Plates. 4 Calcutta, 1863-91 SERIES 1,3,5,6,8: CRETACEOUS FAUNA OF SOUTHERN INDIA. VOLUME i. The Cephalopoda. Belemnitidae and Nautilidse, by H. F. Blanford ; Ammoni- tidoe, by F. Stoliczka, 1863-66. ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 673 INDIAN EMPIRE C. Palaeontologia Indica continued. VOLUME 2. The Gastropoda, by F. Stoliczka, 1867-68. VOLUME 3. The Pelecyixxla ; with a Review of all known genera of this Class, fossil and recent, by F. Stoliczka, 1870-71. VOLUME 4. The Brachiopoda, Ciliopoda, Echino- dermata, Anthozoa, Spongozoa, Foram- inifera, Arthrozoa, and Spondylozoa, by F. Stoliczka, 1872-73. SERIES 2, u, 12: THE FOSSIL FLORA OF THE GONDWANA SYSTEM. VOLUME i. Part i. The Fossil Flora of the Rajmahal Series, Rajmahal Hills, Bengal, by T. Oldham and J. Morris, 1863. Part 2. Jurasssic (Liassic) Flora of do., by Ottokar Feistmantel, 1877. P art 3- Do. from Golapilli (near Ellore), South Godaveri district, by O. Feistmantel, 1877. Part 4. Outliers on the Madras Coast, by O. Feistmantel, 1879. VOLUME 2. Part i. Jurassic (Oolitic) Flora of Kach, by O. Feistmantel, 1876. Part 2. Flora of the Jabalpur Group, in the Son- Narbada Region, by O. Feistmantel, 1878. VOLUME 3. Part i. Lower Gondwanas, by Ottokar- Feistmantel, 1879 ; and Supplement (1881), The Flora of the Talchirr Kaharbari Beds. Part 2 (1880). The Flora of the Damuda-Panchet Divisions (first half). Part 3 (1881). The same (conclusion). VOLUME 4. Part i (1882). The Fossil Flora of the South Rewah Gondwana Basin, by O. Feistmantel. Part 2 (1886). The Fossil Flora of some of the Coalfields in Western Bengal, by O. Feistmantel. SERIES 9: JURASSIC FAUNA OF KACH. VOLUME i. The Cephalopoda, by W. Waagen, 1873-76. VOLUME 2. Part I (1893). The Echinoidea of Cutch. By J. W. Gregory. SERIES 4 : INDIAN PRETERTIARY VERTEBRATA. VOLUME i. Part i. On Vertebrate Fossils from the Panchet Rocks, near Ranigunj, Ben- gal, by T. H. Huxley, 1865. Part 2. On some Remains of Ganoid Fishes from the Deccan, by Sir Philip de M. Grey 2 U INDIAN EMPIRE C. Palaeontologia Indica continued. Egerton, Bart. ; On the Genus Ceratodus, with Special Reference to the Fossil Teeth found at Maledi, Central India, by L. C. Miall ; On the Stratigraphy and Homotaxis of the Kota-Maledi Deposits, by W. T. Blanford, 1878. Part 3. Fossil Reptilia and Batrachia, by R. Lydekker, 1879. P art 5- The Reptilia and Am- phibia of the Maleri and Denwa Groups, by R. Lydekker, 1885. SERIES 10: INDIAN TERTIARY AND POST-TERTIARY VERTEBRATA. VOLUME i. Part i. Rhinoceros Deccanensis, by R. B. Foote, 1874. Part 2. Molar Teeth and other Remains of Mammalia, by R. Lydekker, 1877. Parts 3 and 4. Crania of Ruminants, by R. Lydekker, 1878-80. Part 5. Siwalik and Narbada Proboscidia, by R. Lydekker, 1880. VOLUME 2. Part i. Siwalik Rhinocerotidce, by R. Lydekker, 1881. Part 2. Supple- ment to Proboscidia, by R. Lydekker, 1 88 1. Part 3. Siwalik and Narbada Equiclae, by R Lydekker, 1882. Part 4. Siwalik Camelopardalidse, by R. Lydekker, 1882. Part 5. Siwalik Selen- odont Suina, by R. Lydekker, 1883. Part 6. Siwalik and Narbada Carnivora, by R. Lydekker, 1884. VOLUME 3. Part i. Additional Siwalik Perisso- dactyla and Proboscidea, by R. Lydekker, 1884. Part 2. Siwalik and Narbada Bunodont Suina, by R. Lydekker, 1884. Part 3. Rodents, Ruminants, and Sy- nopsis of Mammalia, by R. Lydekker, 1884. Part 4. Siwalik Birds, by R. Lydekker, 1884. Part 5. Mastodon Teeth from Perim Island, by R. Lydek- ker, 1884. Part 6. Siwalik and Narbada Chelonia, by R. Lydekker, 1885. Part 7. Siwalik Crocodilia, Lacertilia, and Ophidia, by R. Lydekker, 1886. Part 8. Tertiary Fishes, by R. Lydekker, 1886. VOLUME 4. Part i. Siwalik Mammalia; Supple- ment i, by R. Lydekker, 1886. Part 2. The Fauna of the Karnul Caves (and Addendum to Part i), by R. Lydekker, 1886. Part 3. Eocene Chelonia from Salt- Range, by R. Lydekker, 1887. SERIES 7, 14 : TERTIARY AND UPPER CRETACEOUS FAUNA OF WESTERN INDIA. VOLUME i. Part I. On some Tertiary Crabs from Sincl and Kutch, by F. Stoliczka, 1871. Part 2 [in error, i]. Sind Fossil Corals and Alcyonaria, by P. Martin Duncan, 674 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE C. Palaeont olo gia I ndica contin tied. 1880. Part 3. Fossil Echinoidea of West- ern Sind and the Coast of Biluchestan and of the Persian Gulf, from the Tertiary Formations, by P. Martin Duncan and W. Percy Sladen, 1882-86. Part 4. The Fossil Echinoidea of Kachh and Katty- war, by P. Martin Duncan and W. Percy Sladen, with an Introduction by W. T. Blanford, 1883. SERIES 13 : SALT-RANGE FOSSILS. VOLUME i. Productus-Limestone Group. By W. Waagen. Part I. Pisces Cephalopoda, 1879. Part 2. Supplement to do. and Gastropoda, 1880. Part 3. Pelecypoda, 1 88 1. Part 4. Brachiopoda (fas. i, 2, 5), 1885. Part 5. Bryozoa Annelida Echinodermata, 1885. Part 6. Coelen- terata, 1886. Part 7. Coelenterata Amorphozoa Protozoa, 1887. VOLUME 4. Parts i and 2. Geological Results, by W. Waagen, 1889-91. INDEX. Index to the Genera and Species described in the Pabeontologia Indica up to the year 1891. By W. Theobald. 4 Calcutta, 1892 Geological Papers on Western India, including Cutch, Scinde, and the South- East Coast of Arabia ; with a Summary of the Geology of India generally. Edited by H. J. Carter. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Bombay, 1857 CONTENTS. Malcolmson, John G. On the Fossils of the Eastern Portion of the Great Basaltic District of India. Voysey, Dr. Extracts from the Private Journal of, on the Survey in Southern and Central India, from Secunderabad to Beeder. Newbold, Capt. Notes, chiefly Geo- logical, across the Peninsula, from Masulipatam to Goa, comprising Re- marks on the Origin of the Regur and Laterite, &c. Voysey, H. W. On some Petrified Shells found in the Gawilgerh Range of Hills, in April 1823. Sykes, Lieut. -Col. W. II. On the Geo- logy of a Portion of Dukhun, East Indies. Carter, H. J. Geology of the Island of Bombay. Buist, G. Geology of the Island of Bombay. Coulthard, Capt. S. The Trap For- mation of the Sagar District, and of those Districts westward of it as far as Bhopal- pur, on the Banks of the River Newas, in Omatwara. INDIAN EMPIRE C. Geological Papers continued. Dangerfield, Capt. On the Geology of Malwa. Hislop, S., and R. Hunter. On the Geology and Fossils of the Neighbour- hood of Nagpur, Central India. Owen, Prof. Description of the Cranium of a Labyrinthodont Reptile, BrochyopsLaticeps, from Mangali, Central India. Hislop, S. On the Connexion of the Umreh Coal-beds of Nagpur, and of both with those of Burdwan. Sykes, Col. On a Fossil Fish from the Table-land of the Deccan, in the Peninsula of India ; with a Description of the Specimens by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. Bell, Thomas L. On the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Kotah, Deccan. Newbold, Capt. Notes, principally Geological, on the Tract between Bellary and Bijapore. Notes, principally Geological, from Bijapore to Bellary, via Kannighirri. Christie, Alex. Turnbull. Sketch of the Geology of the Southern Mahratta Country. Newbold, Capt. Notes, principally Geological, on the South Mahratta Country ; Falls of Gokauk ; Classifica- tion of Rocks. Aytoun, Lieut. Geological Report on the Bagulkot and part of the adjoining Talooks of the Belgaum Collectorate. Geological Structure of the Basin of the Mulpurba, in the Collectorate of Belgaum, including the Gold-district. Grant, Capt. C. W. Memoir to Illus- trate a Geological Map of Cutch. Sykes, Lieut. -Col. W. H. A Notice respecting some Fossils collected in Cutch by Captain Smee. Finnis, Lieut. John. Summary De- scription of the Geology of the Country between Hoshungabad, on the Nerbudda, and Nagpoor, by the direction of Baitool. Ethersey, Lieut. R. Note on Pcrim Island, in the Gulf of Cambay. Falconer, H. Description of some Fossil Remains of Dinotherium, Giraffe, and other Mammalia, from the Gulf of Cambay, Western Coast of India. Copland, John. Account of the Cor- nelian Mines in the Neighbourhood of Baroach. Lush, Charles. Geological Notes on the Northern Concan, and a small por- tion of Guzerat and Kattywar. Abbott, Capt. Account of certain Agate Splinters in the Clay bordering the Nerbudda. Granite in the Nerbudda. ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 675 INDIAN EMPIRE C. Geological Papers continued. Malcolmson, J. G. Notes on Lacus- trine Tertiary Fossils from the Vindyah Mountains, near Mandoo. Fulljames, Capt. G. A Visit, in Dec. 1832, to the Cornelian Mines situated in the Rajpipla Hills to the eastward of Baroach. Note on the Discovery of Fossil Bones of Mammalia in Kattyawar. Vicary, Capt. N. Notes on the Geo- logical Structure of Parts of Scinde. Murchison, Sir R. I. Introduction to a Second Memoir of Capt. Vicary on the Geology of Parts of Scinde. Vicary, Capt. N. Geological Report on a Portion of the Beloochistan Hills. Fleming, A. On the Geology of Part of the Sooliman Range. Frere, II. B. E. On the Geology of a part of Sinde. Carter, II. J. Descriptions of some of the Larger Forms of Fossilized For- aminifera in Sinde, with Observations on their Internal Structure. Plate. Memoir on the Geology of the South- East Coast of Arabia. Plates. Summary of the Geology of India, between the Ganges, the Indus, and Cape Comorin. Plate. Fgerton, Sir P. de M. Grey. On Two New Species of Lepidotus, from the Deccan. Atlas to Geological Papers on Western India ; to which is appended a Summary of the Geology of India. Edited by H. J. Carter. Oblong folio Bombay, 1857 Manual of the Geology of India. Part i. Peninsular Area ; Part 2. Extra Penin- sular Area. By H. B. Medlicott and W. T. Blanford. With separate map. Small 4 Calcutta, 1879 The same. Part 3. Economic Geology. By V. Ball. Maps and plates. Small 4 Ca/cutfa, 1881 The same. Part 4. Mineralogy (mainly Non - Economic). By F. R. Mallet. Plates. Large 8 Calcutta, 1887 New edition. See Oldham. D. Marine Department. Memoir to accompany the Chart of the Arabian Sea 1853 Marine Survey. Dispatch from the Secretary of State to the Governor- General, with Enclosures. Folio 1871 General Report of the Operations of the Marine Survey of India, from the commencement in 1874 to the end of the official year 1875-76. Prepared by Commander A. Dundas Taylor. Maps. Folio 1876 INDIAN EMPIRE D. Marine Survey. The same, for the years 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79, and 1880-81 1878-81 Administration Reports of the Marine Survey of India for the official years 1889-90, 1891-92, 1892-93, 1893-94. Folio 1890-94 Hydrographic Notices : No. 17. Ratnagiri, Rajapur Bay, andVizia- durg. 8 1 879 1 8. Bay of Bengal Siam Coast. 8 1879 The same. 2nd edition. 8 1880 19. Africa East Coast, Pemba Island, and adjacent coast. 8 1879 20. India West Coast. The coast from Kundari Island to Chaul, and the harbours of Dabhol and Jaygad. 8 1880 Bay of Bengal Coast of Orissa. 8 [1886] List of Light-houses and Light-vessels in British India, including the Red Sea and Coast of Arabia (Suez to Singapore), corrected to January i in the years 1878-82. By R. C. Carrington. Chart. Oblong 8 Calcutta, 1878-82 Returns of Wrecks and Casualties in Indian Waters for the years 1878-93 (1883 missing). Prepared tinder the superintendence of R. C. Carrington, A. D. Taylor, J. M. Brebner, A. W. Stifle, E. W. Petley, and B. P. Creagh. Charts. Folio Calcutta, 1879-94 Tide Tables for Indian Ports for the years 1881-95 ; from 1889 onward two Parts annually. Part I, Western Ports (Aden to Paumbem Pass) ; Part 2, Eastern and Burma Ports (Negapatam to Port Blair). 12 See Baird ; Hill, J. ; Rogers, M. W. E. Meteorological. Abstracts of the Results of the Hourly Meteorological Observations taken at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, 1869 (incomplete), 1870-76, 1877 (incom- plete). 8 Calcutta Indian Meteorological Memoirs, re- lating to India and the Neighbouring Countries. Vol. i . Plates, plans, and tables. 4 Calcutta, 1876-81 The same. Vol. 2. Maps, charts, and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1882-85 The same. Vol. 3, Parts i and 2. Maps, plates, and charts. 4 Calcutta, 1886-87 The same. Vol. 4, Parts I to 4. Plates and diagrams. 4 Calcutta, 1886-87 Reports on the Administration of the M eteorological Department of the Govern- ment of India, in the years 1880-87. 4 676 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE E. Reports on the Meteorology of India for the years 1879-85 (5th to nth years). By H. F. Blanford. 7 vols. Maps. 4 1881-87 F. Surveys. [See also Archaeological and Geological Surveys.] a. Revenue Surveys. Reports. Folio Calcutta Thuillier, H. L. General Report on the Revenue Surveys of the Bengal Presidency, for the seasons 1858-59, 1859-60, and 1 860-6 1 1863 Vanrenen, Col. D. C. Report on the Revenue Survey Operations of Lower Provinces, for seasons 1868-69 and 1869-70 1869-71 Gastrell, Col. J. E. General Report on the Revenue Survey Operations of the Bengal Presidency, Upper Circle, for season 1868-69 l %7 Vanrenen, Col. D. C. General Re- port on the Revenue Survey Operations of the Bengal Presidency, Upper Circle, for season 1869-70 1871 Gastrell, Col. J. E., and Major J. Mac- donald. General Report on the Revenue Survey Operations of the Upper and Lower Provinces in Bengal (including Boundary Commissioner's Report), for season 1870-71 1872 and Col. D. C. Vanrenen. General Report of the Revenue Survey Operations of the Upper and Lower Circles (including Boundary Commis- sioner's Report), for season 187 1 -72. Map - The same, 1872-73, 1873-74, and 1874-75 1874-76 b. Topographical Surveys. Reports. Calcutta Depree, G. C. Report, Geographical and Statistical, on that Part of the Chota Nagpore Division which has come under the Operations of the Topographical Survey. Plates. 4 1868 General Report of the Topographical Surveys of the Bengal Presidency, and of the Surveyor-General's Offices, for seasons 1862-63 and 1867-68. Folio 1864-69 Thuillier, Lieut. -Col. H. L. General Report on the Topographical Surveys of India, and of the Surveyor-General's De- partment, Head -Quarter establishment, for season 1868-69. Folio 1870 The same, 1869-70 (1871), 1870-71 (1872), 1871-72 (1873), 1872-73 (1874), 1873-74 (Maps, 1875), 1874-75 (1876), 1875-76 (Maps, 1877). 1. N. ; >ed ix- eat incr INDIAN EMPIRE F. c . Trignometrical Surveys. Report on the Survey of India for the Three Years ending 1858-59. By Lieut. - Col. Sir A. S. Waugh. Folio 1861 Report of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1862-63. By Major J. T. Walker. Folio Dehra Dun, 1863 Extracts from General Report on the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1866-67. % Col. J. T. Walker. Folio Dehra Dun, 1867 General Report on the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1867-68, 1868-69, ar >d 1869-70, by Col. J. T. Walker; and during 1870-71 and 1871-72, by Major T. G. Montgomerie; during 1872-73, 1873-74, and 1874-75, b X Col. J. T. Walker ; during 1875-76, by J. B. N. Hennessey; and during 1876-77, by Col. J. T. Walker. Maps. Folio Dehra Dun, Roorkee, and Calcuth 1868- [For later years see below United Surveys. ] Trans-Himalayan Explorations. Reports on the Trans-Himalayan Ex- plorations in connection with the Gn Trigonometrical Survey of India, during 1865-67, 1869, and 1871. By Major T. G. Montgomerie. Map. Folio Dehra Dun, 1867-72 The same, during 1873-74-75. Drawn up from the Original Records by Capt. H. Trotter. Folio Calcutta, 1876 Report on Explorations in Nepal and Thibet, by Explorer M H (season 1885-86). Prepared in the Office of the Trizon Branch, Survey of India ... by C. Wood. Map. Folio Dehra Dun, 1887 Report on the Explorations of Lama SerapGyatsho, 1856-68; Explorer K P., 1880-84; Lama U. G., 1883; Explorer R.N., 1885-86; Explorer P. A., 1885-86; in Sikkim, Bhutan, and Tibet. Prepared in the office of the Trigonometrical Branch Survey of India. Maps. Folio Dehra Dun, 1889 Spirit-Levelling Operations. Tables of Heights, in Sind, the Punjab, N.W. Provinces, and Central India, determined by the Great Trigono- metrical Survey of India ... in May 1862. Map. 8 Calctitta, 1863 Tables of Heights in N.W. Pro- vinces and Bengal, determined by the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India by Spirit-levelling Operations to May 1865. 8 Roorkee, 1866 Spirit-levels taken in the Punjab since 1863. 8 Dehra Dun, 1869 ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 677 INDIAN EMPIRE F c. Spirit-Levelling continued. Spirit-levels taken in the N.W. Provinces and Oude ; seasons 1867-68- 69. 8 Dehra Dun, 1869 Spirit - levelled Heights. Section 7 ; seasons 1868-69-70. Lucknow to Dildernugger. Map. 8 Dehra Dun, \%"j\ The same. Season 1869-70. Tutukudi to Parmespuran. 8 Dehra Dun, 1872 The same. Section 8 ; season 1870-7 1. Goruckpore to Parsurman. 8 Dehra Dun, 1872 The same. Section 9 ; season 1871-72. Map. 8 Dehra Dun, 1873 The same. No. I , Madras Presidency, 1869-85; No. 2, 1885-86; No. 3, 1886-87; No. 4, 1887-88; No. 5, 1888-89; No. 6, 1888-89 and 1889-90. Maps. 8 Dehra Dtm, 1886-90 The same. Bombay Presidency, Nizam's Dominion, and Central India Agency. Nos. 2 and 3, 1877-80. Revised edition. No. 4, 1877-78, 1881- 84; No. 5, 1889-90; No. 7, 1890-92, Maps. 8 Dehra Dun, 1886-93 The same. Spirit-levelled Heights in Cuttack, Balasore, Midnapore, Howrah, 24 Pergunnahs, the Sunclar- bans, Hooghly, and Nuddea Districts of Bengal. Bengal Presidency ; seasons 1881-82-83 and 1887-88. Map. 8 Dehra Dun, 1884 and 1889 Introductory Account of the Opera- tions of the Great Arc Meridional Series. 4 N.D. Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Vol. i. The Standards of Measure and the Base- Lines. Also an Introductory Account of the Early Operations of the Survey during the period 1800-1830. Map and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1870 Vol. 2. History and General Descrip- tion of the Principal Triangulation, and of its Reduction. Chart and plans. 4 Dehra Dun, 1879 Vol. 3. Do. The Base- Line Figures, the Karachi Longitudinal, N.W. Hima- laya, and Great Indus Series of the North- West Quadrilateral. Chart and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1873 [Issued in 1879] Vol. 4. Do. The Great Arc-section 24-3O, Rahun, Gurhagarh, and Jogi-Tila Meridional Series, and the Sutlej Series of the North- West Quadrilateral. Chart and plates. 4 'Dehra Dun. \^,j6[fssticd 'in 1879] Vol. 40. General Description of the Principal Triangulation of the Jodhpore and the Eastern Sind Meridional Series of the North-West Quadrilateral, with the Details of their Reduction and the Final Results. Charts and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1886 INDIAN EMPIRE F c. Account of Operations continued. Vol. 5. Detailsof the Pendulum Opera- tions by J. P. Basevi, R.E., and W. J. Heaviside, R.E., and of their Reduction. Maps and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1879 Vol. 6. The Principal Triangulation of the South-East Quadrilateral, including the Great Arc-section 18 to 24, the East Coast Series, the Calcutta and the Bider Longitudinal Series, the Jabalpur and the Bilaspur Meridional Series, and the Details of their Simultaneous Reduc- tion. Maps and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1880 Vol. 7. Do., of the North-East Quadri- lateral, including the Simultaneous Re- duction, and the Details of Five of the Component Series : The North - East Longitudinal, the Budhon Meridional, the Rangir Meridional, the Amua Meridional, the Karara Meridional. Chart sand plates. 4 Dehra Dtin, 1882 Vol. 8. Do., of Eleven of the Com- ponent Series of the North-East Quad- rilateral, including the Gurwani Meri- dional, the Gora Meridional, the Hurilaong Meridional, the Chendwar Meridional, the North Parasnath Meri- dional, the North Maluncha Meridional, the Calcutta Meridional, the East Calcutta Longitudinal, the Brahmaputra Meridional, the Eastern Frontier, Sec. 23 to 26, the Assam Longitudinal. Charts and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1882 Vol. 9. Electro-Telegraphic Longitude Operations, executed during 1875-77 and 1880-81, by Lieut. -Col. W. M. Camp- bell and Major W. J. Heaviside. Charts and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1883 Vol. 10. Electro - Telegraphic Longi- tude Operations executed during the years 1881-82, 1882-83, 1883-84, by Major G. Strahan, R.E., and Major W. J. Heaviside, R.E. Diagram and charts. 4 Dehra Dun, 1887 Vol. II. Astronomical Observations for Latitude made during the period 1805 to 1885, with a General Description of the Operations and Final Results. Chart and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1890 Vol. 12. General Description of the Southern Trigon., including the Simul- taneous Reduction, and the Details of Two of the Component Series the Great Arc Meridional, Sec. 8 to 18, and the Bombay Longitudinal. Charts and plates. 4 Dehra Dun, 1890 Vol. 13. Do. of Five of the Component Series of the Southern Trigon., including the following series: the South Konkan Coast, the Mangalore Meridional, the Madras Meridional and Coast, the South- East Coast, the Madras Longitudinal. Chart and plates. 4 Dehra D^^n, 1890 678 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE F c. Account of Operations continued. Vol. 14. Do. , of the South-West Quad- rilateral, including the Simultaneous Reduction, and the Details of its Com- ponent Series. Chart and plates. 4 Dehra Dtm, 1890 Vol. 15. Electro -Telegraphic Longi- tude Operations during 1 885-86, 1887-88, . 1889-90, and 1891-92, &c. 4 Dehra Dun, 1893 Synopsis of the Results of the Opera- tions of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Diagrams and charts. 4 Dehra Dun Vol. I. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Second Stations and other fixed Points of the Great Indus Series 1874 Vol. 2. The great Arc-section 24 to 30 1874 Vol. 3. The Karachi Longitudinal Series 1874 Vol. 4. The Gurhagarh Meridional Series 1875 Vol. 5. The Rahun Meridional Series . I8 7S Vol. 6. The Joga-Tila Meridional Series, and the Sutlej Series 1875 Vol. 7. The North-West Himalaya Series, and the Triangulation of the Kashmir Survey 1879 Vol. 7 a. The Jodhpore Meridional Series and the Eastern Sind Meridional Series 1887 Vol. 8. The Great Arc-section 18 to 24 1878 Vol. 9. The Jabalpur Meridional Series 1878 Vol. 10. The Bider Longitudinal Series 1880 Vol. II. The Bilaspur Meridional Series 1880 Vol. 12. The Calcutta Longitudinal Series 1880 Vol. 13. The East Coast Series 1880 Vol. 130. Account of the Final Reduc- tions, with the Details of the South Paras- mata and South Maluncha Meridional Series of the South-East Quadrilateral 1885 Vol. 14. Descriptions and Co-ordinates of the Principal and Secondary Stations and other Fixed Points of the Budhon Meridional Series 1883 Vol. 15. The Rangir Meridional Series, or Series K of the North- East Quad- rilateral 1883 Vol. 16. The Amu Meridional Series and the Karara Meridional Series 1883 Vol. 17. The Gurwani Meridional Series and Gora Meridional Scries 1883 Vol. 1 8. The Hurliaong Meridional Series and the Chendwar Meridional Series 1883 INDIAN EMPIRE F c. Synopsis of Results continued. Vol. 19. The North Parasnath Meri- dional Series and the North Maluncha Meridional Series 1883 Vol. 20. The Calcutta Meridional Series and the Brahmaputra Series 1883 Vol. 21. The East Calcutta Longi- tudinal Series and the Eastern Frontier Series, Sec. 23 to 26 1883 Vol. 22. The Assam Valley Triangula- tion 1891 Vol. 23. The South Konkan Coast Series 1891 Vol. 24. The Mangalore Meridional Series 1891 Vol. 25. The S.-E. Coast Series 1891 Vol. 26. The Bombay Longitudinal Series , 1892 Vol. 27. The Madras Longitudinal Series 1892 Vol. 28. The Madras Meridional and Coast Series 1892 Vol. 30. The Abu Meridional Series, and the Gujarat Longitudinal Series 1892 Vol. 31. The Khanpisuia Meridional Series 1893 Vol. 32. The Singi Meridional Series 1893 Vol. 34. The Cutch Coast Series 1893 Catalogue of Stars for the Epoch, Jan. I, 1892. From Observations by the Gt. Trig. Surv. Compiled by Col. G. Strahan. 4 Dehra Dun, 1893 d. United Surveys. Extracts from the Reports of the Trigonometrical, Topographical, and Revenue Surveys of India, for 1871-72. 8 1873 Abstract of the Reports of the Surveys and of other Geographical Operations in India, for 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1877-78. Small 4 1871-76,1878-79 General Report on the Operations of the General Report on the Operations of the Survey of India, comprising the Great Trigonometrical, the Topographical, and the Revenue Surveys under the Govern- ment of India, during 1877-78. By Major-Generals J. T. Walker and D. C. Vanrenen. Maps. Folio 1879 The same, for each year from 1878-79 to 1892-93. Maps, charts, and plates. Folio 1880-94 Catalogue of Manuscript and Printed Reports, Field-books, Memoirs, Maps, &c., of the Indian Surveys, in the Map- room of the India Office. 8 1878 G. Various Government Publications. Copies of Treaties, Agreements, &c. t concluded by the lion. East India Company with the Sawunt Waree State, between 1730 and 1843. ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 679 INDIAN EMPIRE G. Slavery in India. Abstracts of all Correspondence between the Court of Directors of the East India Company and the Company's Governments in India, touching the State of Slavery in the Territories under the Company's Rule, or respecting the Slave Trade therein, to May 1827. Folio 1828 Report from the Select Committee on Steam Navigation to India ; with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. [Parly. Rep.] Maps and plates, Folio 1834 First Report from the Select Com- mittee on Steam Communication with India, China, Australia, and New Zea- land. [Parly. Rep.] 8 1851 Selections from the Records of the Goverment of India, Home, Foreign, Public Works, and Military Departments. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1853-75 HOME DEPARTMENT. No. I. Railways 1853 5. Administrative 1854 8. Mineral 1855 10. The same (Coal) 1856 14. Administrative 1856 17. Mineral 1856 23. Tea Cultivation 1857 25. Andaman Islands i859 54. Educational 1867 64. Coal Resources 1868 67. Educational 1868 70. Judicial 1868 72. The same 1869 74. Trigonometrical and other Surveys 1869 76. Educational 1870 80. Trigonometrical and other Surveys 1870 83. The same 1871 88. Taxation 1872 FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. No. 2. Administrative 1853 3. The same 1853 4. Surveys, Pegu ^54 6. Administrative 1854 7. The same 1854 9. Forests, Pegu 1855 11. Punjab Census taken 1855 1856 Mysore Administration 1856 12. Administrative 1856 15. Industries 1856 Surveys, Pegu 1856 18. Administration, Punjab 1856 20. Topographical 1856 Administrative 1856 24. The same 1858 Andamans Survey 1858 27. Hill Tribes . 1859 28. Forests, Pegu 1860 INDIAN EMPIRE G. Selections from Records continued. 29. Forests, Tenasserim and Martaban 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1863 30. Administrative 31. Forests, Pegu 32. The same, Attaran 34. Administrative 39. The same, and Commercial 46. Administrative 48. Sal ween Survey 1865 49. The same 1865 50. Administrative 1 866 51. The same 1867 53. Revenue 1867 55. The same 1867 56. The same 1867 58. Administrative 1867 59. The same 1867 60. The same 1868 61. Revenue 1868 62. The same 1868 63. Administrative 1868 65. Political History of Jeypore 1868 66. Administrative 1868 68. The same 1868 73. The same 1868 75. The same 1869 78. The same 1870 79. Trade Routes to China 1870 1 8 of 1870, Explorations between India and Turkestan 1870 8 1. Administrative 1870 82. The same 1870 86. The same 1872 100. The same 1872 101. Arab Tribes. Aden 1872 102. Administrative 1873 104. Mission March to Seistan 1873 1 08. Administrative 1873 109. The same 1874 no. The same 1874 112. The same 1874 113. The same 1874 114. The same 1874 117, 118. The same 1875 120. The same 1875 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. No. 13. Administrative 1856 1 6. The same 1856 19. Road Communications 1856 21. Revenue 1856 Irrigation in Egypt 1856 22. Administrative 1857 25. Navigation 1858 26. Iron Works, Kumaon 1859 33. Revenue 1861 35. Forests, Pegu 1862 36. Embankments 1862 37. Forests, Burmah 1863 38. Revenue 1863 40. Forests, Burmah 1864 41. Administrative 1864 42. The same 1864 68o APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE G. Selections from Records continued. No. 43. Administrative 1864 44. The same 1864 45. The same 1864 47. Forests, Central 1864 Maps and Plans to accompany Govern- ment Record No. 53, or Annual Progress Reports of the Executive Engineers in the Southern, Central, and Northern Provinces for 1857-58, also in Sind for 1856-57 and 1857-58. Oblong folio MILITARY DEPARTMENT. No. 2. Sanitary 1861 Statistical Papers relating to India. Maps. Folio 1853 Reports with Proceedings and Appendix of the Committee appointed by Government to Inquire into the State of the River Hooghly. Maps. Folio Calcutta, 1854 Copies of Treaties, Engagements, &c. , entered into by the Hon. East India Company with the Kutch State, between 1809 and 1851 1855 of Treaties, Agreements, &c., concluded between Great Britain and Portugal, between 1661 and 1850. From the India Records 1855 Maps and Statistics : Copy of Maps and Statistical Information with reference to India. Folio 1869 Progress and Condition. Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Pro- gress and Condition of India during the years 1867-68, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1874-75, l8 75-7. 1882-83 (Parts i and 2), 1887-88, 1888-89. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1869-90 Abstract of Letters received from India, nth March 1871 (Cinchona Plantations, &c.). Folio 1871 Copy of Further Correspondence on the Subject of the Looshai Raids, and the Consequent Hostilities (Cachar). [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1872 Cotton Reports. Copy of the Reports of Mr H. Rivett-Carnac, Commissioner for the Central Provinces nnd the Berars, for the year 1868-69. Maps. Folio 1871 Reports on the Tea and Tobacco Industries in India. [Parly. Rep.] 4 1874 on Trade Routes and Fairs on the Northern Frontiers of India. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 East India Railway Communication. Report from the Select Committee on East India Railway Communication ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. Folio 1884 INDIAN EMPIRE G. Statement of the Trade of British India with British Possessions and Foreign Countries, for the five years 1884-85 to 1888-89. Folio 1890 List of the Principal Indian Government Publications, on sale in this country and at the various Government Presses in India. Folio 1891 Botanical Survey of India. Records, Vol. I. (Nos. 1-4). Map. 8 Calcutta, 1893-94 Gazetteer of India. See Hunter, W. W. India Museum. See Catalogues. Dictionary of Economic Products. See Watt. H. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. East India Company. The History and Management of the East India Company, from its Origin in 1600 to the Present Time. Vol. i. Map. 8 1782 A General View of the Variations which have been made in the Affairs of the East India Company, from the con- clusion of the War in India in 1784 to the commencement of the present hostilities. 8 1 792 A Demonstration of the Necessity and Advantage of a Free Trade to the East Indies, and of a Termination to the Present Monopoly of the East India Company. 8 1807 Voyage dans 1'Inde [1789-90]. Vol. 2. 8 N.n. Fifteen Years in India, or Sketches of a Soldier's Life. From the Journal of an Officer in His Majesty's Service. 8 1823 East and West India Trade. Five Accounts of the Real and Official Value of Exports to the East Indies, and to the British West Indies ; of Imports from the East Indies, and from the British West Indies ; and of Duties Received, 1814-26. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1827 A Further Enquiry into the Expediency of applying the Principles of Colonial Policy to the Government of India, and of effecting an essential Change in its Landed Tenures and in the Character of its Inhabitants. 8 1828 Anglo-Eastern Empire, The Political, Commercial, and Financial Condition of. in 1832. 8 1832 An Historical Sketch of the Princes of India, Stipendiary, Subsidiary, Protected, Tributary, and Feudatory ; with a Sketch of the Origin and Progress of British Power in India. 8 Edinburgh, 1833 Thugs of India. Ramasceana ; or, A Vocabulary of the Peculiar Language used by the Thugs ; with an Introduc- tion and Appendix. [Imperfect copy.] Plates. 8 Calcutta, 1836 ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 68 1 INDIAN EMPIRE II. Thugs of India. Review of the above. 8 Calcutta, 1836 - Illustrations of the History and Practices of the Thugs, and Notices of some of the Proceedings of the Govern- ment of India for the Suppression of the Crime of Thuggee. 8 1837 Afghan War. Report of the East India Committee of the Colonial Society on the Causes and Consequences of the Afghan War 1842 The Results of Missionary Lalxmr in India. 8 1852 Ganges Canal, Short Account of the. [English. Sanscrit, and Hindustani.] Map and plate. 4 1853 Indian Officers. Grievances and Present Condition of our Indian Officers, con- sidered with a View to Improvement and Redress under Future Indian Administra- tion. 8 Bombay, 1853 Sir Mordaunt Wells, and Public Opinion in India. 8 Calcutta, 1863 Scinde Railway. The Indus Steam Flotilla ; the Punjab Railway ; the Delhi Railway ; Reports of the Directors, September 1863. Folio 1863 Early Travels in India : being Re- prints of Rare and Curious Narratives of Old Travellers in India, in the i6th and I7th Centuries. First Series, com- prising " Purchas's Pilgrimage " and the " Travels of Van Linschpten." 8 Calcutta, 1864 Indus Route. The Route of the Indus, and the Advance of Russia towards India : a Letter to W. P. Andrew on the Importance and Necessity of placing Delhi and Lahore in Railway Communi- cation with Kurrachee on the Arabian Sea. 8 1865 Report of the Ethnological Committee on Papers laid before them, and upon Examination of Specimens of Aboriginal Tribes brought to the Jubbulpore Exhibi- tion of 1866 67. 8 " Nagpore, 1868 The English Press on the Proposed Construction of Railways in India by Government Agency. 8 1869 Geography of India, comprising an Account of British India, and the various States enclosed or adjoining. 12 1870 The Indian Treaty. 12 Lisbon, 1879 A Few Hints to Travellers to India. By an Anglo-Indian. 12 1889 Indian Words. Report of the Sub-Com- mittee of the Madras Literary Society, and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society, on Writing Indian Words in Roman Characters. 8 Opium. Anti-opium; or, Things to think on ... on India, Opium, and China. 8 N.D. INDIAN EMPIRE H. Instructions for Navigating the Gulf of Manaar and Palk's Bay. 8 N.D. I. Assam Selections of Papers regarding the Ilill Tracts between Assam and Burmah, and on the Upper Brahmaputra. Large 8 Calcutta, 1873 CONTENTS. Vol. i. Memoir of a Survey of Assam and the NeighbouringCountries, executed in 1825-6-7-8. By Lieut. R. Wilcox. Vol. 2. Abstract of the Journal of a Route travelled by Capt. S. F. Hannay, in 1835-36, from the Capital of Ava to the Amber Mines of the Hookoong Valley, on the South-East Frontier of Assam. By Capt. R. B. Pemberton. Vol. 3. Journal of a Trip to the Mishmi Mountains, from the Debouching of the Lohit to about Ten Miles East ot the Ghalums. By W. Griffith. Vol. 4. Journey from Upper Assam towards Hookhoom, Ava, and Rangoon. By W. Griffith. Vol. 5. Narrative of a Journey from Ava to the Frontiers of Assam, and back, performed between December 1836 and May 1837. By G. T. Bayfield. Vol. 6. Notes on a Trip across the Patkoi Range from Assam to the Hoo- koong Valley. By H. L. Jenkins, in 1869-70. Vol. 7. Notes on the Burmese Route from Assam to Hookoong Valley. By H. L. Jenkins. Map. Vol. 8. Report of a Visit by Capt. Vetch to the Singpho and Naga Frontier to Luckimpore, 1842. Vol. 9. Reports of Lieut. Brodie's Dealings with the Nagas on the Seeb- saugor Frontier, 1841-46. Vol. 10. Notes on a Visit to the Tribes inhabiting the Hills South of Seebsaugor, Assam. By S. E. Peal. Annual Reports, &c. Report on the Administration of the Province of Assam for the years 1888-89, 1889-90, 1890-91, 1891-92, and 1892-93. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1889-93 Progress Report of Forest Administra- tion of the Province of Assam for the year 1889-90, by Gustav Mann ; and for 1891-92 and 1892-93, by J. M'Kee. Ma/>s. Folio Shi'llons?, 1890-93 General Report on Public Instruction in Assam for the years 1889-90, 1890-91, 1891-92, and 1892-93. By J. Willson and M. Prothero. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1890-94 682 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE I. ASSAM. Annual Reports continued. Annual Sanitary Report of the Pro- vince of Assam for the year 1889, by C. P. Costello ; and for 1893, by W. P. Warburton. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1890-94 Annual Report of the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Assam, for 1889-90, 1891-92, and 1892-93, by H. Z. Darrah ; and for 1893-94, by A. E. Gait. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1890-94 Report on Tea Culture in Assam for 1889, 1891, 1892, and 1893. Folio Shillong, 1890-94 Annual Report on Labour Immigra- tion into Assam for the years 1889, 1891, 1892, and 1893. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1890-93 Report on the Trade between Assam and the adjoining Foreign Countries for the periods of three years ending 3ist March 1 890 and 1893. By H. Z. Darrah. Maps. Folio Shillong, 1890-93 Annual Note on Crop Experiments carried out during 1891-92 and during 1892-93. Folio Shillong, 1892-93 Assam : Sketch of its History, Soil, and Productions, with the Discovery of the Tea-Plant, and of the Countries adjoining Assam. Maps. 8 1839 Tea Company. Report of the Provincial Committee of the Assam Company, made on the 3 ist January 1840, with an Ab- stract of the Deed of Settlement of the Company. 8 1840 Report of the Directors and Auditors, made . . . 7th May 1841, with Ap- pendix. 8 1841 The same, 6th May 1842, with Ap- pendix. 8 1842 The same, 5th May 1843, with Ap- pendix. 8 1843 The same (Circular Report &c. 1844) The same, 2nd May 1845. Map. 8 1845 The same, nth November 1845. 8 1845 The Tea of Assam. 8 N.P..N.D. The Assam Association. Memorial to the Right Hon. Viscount Cranbrook, and Report of the Deputation to his Lordship, 3lst July 1878. 8 1878 J. Bengal - Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, jj Royal 8 Calcutta, 1853-73 No. II. Administrative 1853 15. Embankments 1854 17. Administrative ^54 1 8. The same 1854 19. Water Communications 1854 INDIAN EMPIRE J. BENGAL. Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government continued. No. 20. Administrative 1855 21. The same 1855 22. Vernacular Education 1855 23. Geography and Survey of Assam 24. Administrative 26. The same 27. Geography, &c. , Himalayas 28. Administrative 29. Rivers and Embankments _ 30. Administrative 1859 31. The same 32. Vernacular Press 33. Indigo Cultivation 34. Administrative 35. Cuttack Rivers 36. Irrigation 37. Tea Cultivation 38. Sanitary 39. Administrative il 40. Embankments 41. Sanscrit and Bengalee Publication " 42. Administrative Reports of the Meteorological Reporter t< the Government of Bengal, 1867-70, 1872-74. 2 vols. Small folio Calcutta, 1868-75 Papers regarding the Village and Rural Indigenous Agency employed in taking the Bengal Census of 1872. 8 1873 Calcutta Botanical Garden. Annual Report (and Resolution) of the Royal Botanical Garden, Calcutta, for 1 880-81. Folio 1 88 1 Annual Report of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, for 1884-85. Folio Calcutta, 1885 Bay of Bengal. Cyclone Memoirs. Part I. Bay of Bengal Cyclone of May 2Oth 28th, 1887. Plates. 8 Calcutta, 1888 Asiatic Society of Bengal. Extra No. to Part I, Vol. 47. A Sketch of the Turki Language as spoken in Eastern Turkistan. By R. B. Shaw. Appendix by J. Scully. K. Bombay Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Bombay ; under the Superintendence of A. B. Orlebar, Comm. C. W. Monlriou, Lieut. E. F. T. Fergusson, and Lieut. P. W. Mitcheson, 1846-62. 18 vols. Large 4 Bombay, 1849-63 Ditto, in the years 1871-78, under the superintendence of Charles and F. Chambers. Folio Bombay, 1881 ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 683 INDIAN EMPIRE K. BOMBAY. Observations. Magnetic and Meteoro- logical Observations made at the Govern- ment Observatory, Bombay, in the years 1884, '86, '87, '88-89, '90, '91, '92, and '93. Folio Bombay, 1885-94 Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government. New Series. Royal 8 Bombay, 1854-77 No. 1. Water Supply 1854 2. Administrative 1854 3. The same 1854 4. The same 1854 5. The same (Choota Tribe) 1854 7. Coluba Statistics 1854 8. Kolhapor Statistics . 1854 10. Sawunt Waree State l &55 Statistics of Relations between Great Britain and Portugal 1855 11. Sanitary 1855 12. Administrative 1855 13. History of Sind 1855 14. Nerbudd River and Valley 1855 15. Kutch State 1855 16. Scientific Research in 1787-88 1855 17. Administrative Reports 1855 18. Sind Revenue and Survey 1855 Further relative to the same 1859 19. Surveys 1855 22. Water Reports 1855 23. Administrative Rep rts 1855 24. The same 1856 25. The same 1856 26. The same 1856 27. Municipal Conservancy 1856 With Appendix 1860 31. Holdings in the Deccan 1856 32. Canals 1856 33. Wet and Dry Docks 1856 34. Administrative 1856 35. The same 1856 36. The same 1856 37. The same (Reports) 1856 38. The same 1856 39. The same (Reports). Part i 1856 39. The same (Reports). Part 2 1856 40. Revenue 1856 41. Administrative Reports 1857 42. Canal (Bigaree) 1857 43. Explorations 1857 44. Nerbudda Minerals 1857 45. Eastern Narra 1857 46. Engineering Reports 1857 47. Water Supply, Poona 1858 48. Salt Excise 1858 49. Yemen 1859 50. Cnnal Clearances 1859 51. Babylon 1856 52. Canal Clearances 1859 53. Engineering Reports 1859 54. Thurr and Parkur 1859 55. Administrative 1859 56. The same (Judicial) 1860 57. Statute Labour 1860 INDIAN EMPIRE K. BOMBAY. Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government continued. No. 58. Hill Districts, Sind 1860 59. Zanzibar 1861 60. Eastern Narra 1861 61. Irrigation 1861 61. Administrative 1861 63. Engineering Reports 1861 65. Administrative 1862 66. Jagheer Holdings, Sind 1862 67. Cotton-gin Factory 1862 68. Land Reclamation 1863 69. Irrigation, Sind 1863 70. Administrative 1863 71. Railways and Tramways 1863 72. Administrative 1863 73. The same 1863 74. The same 1863 75. The same 1863 76. Forests 1863 77. The same 1863 78. Rainfall in the Dekhan 1863 79. Sanitary 1864 8 1. Revenue 1864 82. Irrigation, Yerla Valley 1864 83. Government Central Museum 1864 84. Railways 1864 85. Colonisation of Mander Deo 1864 86. Pearl Fisheries in Ceylon 1865 88. Land Assessment 1865 89. Irrigation 1865 90. Administrative 1865 91. Railways 1865 92. Council 1865 93. Assessments 1865 94. The same 1865 95. Administrative 1866 96. Assessments 1866 97. The same 1866 98. Administrative 1866 99. The same 1866 101. Sanitary 1867 1 02. Survey Rates 1867 105. The same 1867 106. Administrative 1867 107. Assessments 1868 108. Settlement Rates 1868 109. Administrative 1868 1 10. The same 1868 112. The same 1869 113. S. Maratha Country 1869 114. Revenue Survey, Kaira, with Alap 1869 115. Historyof the Balgaum District 1870 116 and 122. Police Reports, 1868-9 l &7 1 117. Assessments 1870 1 1 8. The same 1871 119. The same 1871 1 20 and 121. Police Reports, 1868-9 I ^7 I 123. Assessments 1871 124. Police Report, 1870 1871 125. Administrative 1871 126. Calendar for 1869 (Report) 1872 68 4 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE K. BOMBAY. Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government continued. No. 127. Calendar for 1870 (Report) 1872 128. Administrative 1872 129. The same 1872 130. Assessments 1872 131. Police Reports for 1870 1873 132. Suam Commission 1873 133. Police Reports, 1871 1873 135. City Surveys, Gujarat 1873 136. Administrative 1873 139. Survey Rates, Sind 1874 140. Revenue 1874 141. Administrative 1874 142. Sind Police Report for 1873 1874 143. Police Reports for 1873 1874 144. Assessments 1874 145. The same 1875 146. Survey, Guzerat 1875 147. Administrative 1875 148. Assessments 1875 149 [in error 148]. Surat City Survey 1877 IRRIGATION SERIES. No. 1. Bombay Presidency 1866 2. Water Supply of Poona and Kirkee 1866 3. Bombay Presidency 1866 4. S. Maratha Country 1866 5. The same, and Deccan 1866 Census of the Island of Bombay, taken 2nd February 1864. 8 Bombay, 1864 Census of the Bombay Presidency, 2ist Feb. 1872. General Report and Tables. 2 p.irts. Folio Bombay, 1875 The same. Maps of Different Col- lectorates in the Bombay Presidency (Part 4). Maps. Folio Bombay, 1876 Selections from the Letters, De- spatches, and other State Papers pre- served in the Bombay Secretariat. Maratha Series, Vol. i. Edited by George W. Forrest. 4 Bombay, 1885 The same. Home Series, Vols. i and 2. Edited by George W. Forrest. 4 Bombay, 1887 Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay Branch. Extra numbers of Journal. Reports of Operations in search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle. By G. Biihler and Prof. P. Peterson. (4 Reports.) 8 Bombay, 1877-94 Places and Common Official Words. Folio N. P., N i). Historical Account of the Settlement and Possession of Bombay by the English East India Company, and of the Rise and Progress of the War with the Mahratta Nation. 8 1781 The Riots in 1874. Large 8 Bombay, 1874 INDIAN EMPIRE L. L. Burma Public Works Department. Reclama- tion of Waste Land and Improvement of Communications. Part I, 1867-68, and 1868-69. Folio Rangoon, 1 868 Census. Report on the Census of British Burma taken in August 1872. Folio Rangoon, 1875 Trade with Western China. Direct Commerce with the Shan States and West of China, by Railway from Rangoon to Kian-Hung, on the Upper Kamboja River, on the South-West Frontier of China. Memorial from the Wakefield Chamber of Commerce to the Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury. 8 1869 Papers connected with the Develop- ment of Trade between British Burmah and Western China, and with the Mission to Yunnan of 1874-75. Folio 1876 Railway Connections a Pressing Necessity ; with a few Remarks on Com- munications in and with Burmah, Past and Present. Map. 12 1 888 See Colquhoun and Halkett. Annual Reports, &c. Report on the Administration of British Burma during 1882-83. Folio Rangoon, 1883 Report on the Administration of Lower Burma during 1885-86, and on the Administration of Upper Burma during 1886. Folio Rangoon, 1887 Report on the Administration of Burma during 1888-89 ar >d 1889-90. Folio Rangoon, 1889-90 Note on the Progress made in the Settlement of Upper Burma from April 1887 to August 1889. Folio Simla, 1889 Reports on the Department of Land Records and Agriculture, Burma, for the years 1 888-89 and 1889-90. Maps. Folio Rangoon, 1889-90 Reports on Public Instruction in Lower Burma for the years 1888-89 and 1889-90. Folio Rangoon, 1889-90 Reports on the Revenue Administra- tion of Burma for the years 1888-89 and 1889-90. Maps. Folio Rangoon, 1889-90 Report on the Trade and Naviga- tion of Burma for the year 1888-89, with Memorandum on the Inland Trade. Folio Rangoon, 1889 The same, for the year 1889-90. Folio Rfingoon, 1890 Report on the Frontier Affairs of Burma in 1889-90. Maps. Folio Rangoon, 1890 ASIA INDIAN EMPIRE. 685 INDIAN EMPIRE L. BURMA. Annual Reports continued. Report on the Trade between Burma and the adjoining Foreign Countries for the Three Years ending the 3ist March 1890. Map. Folio Rangoon, 1890 Report (or Memorandum) on the In- ternal Trade of Burma for the years 1889-90, 1891-92, 1892-93, and 1893-94. Folio Rangoon, 1890-94 Gazetteer. The British Burma Gazetteer. 2 vols. Photographs. 8 Rangoon, 1879-80 Transliteration. Memorandum on the Transliteration of Burmese Words into English. Folio N.D. Surveys. Brief Instructions for the Lower Burma Field-to-Field Survey, 1891 Rangoon, 1892 List and Specimens of Forms in ordi- nary use in the Lower Burma Field-to- Field Survey. See also Clancey. Ava. Two Years in Ava, from May 1824 to May 1862. By an Officer on the Staff of the Quartermaster - General's Department. Maps and plate. 8 1827 Shan States. Shan Names. Tables for the Translation of Shan Names into English. 8 Rangoon, 1882 Report on the Shan States, 1887-88. Folio Rangoon, 1889 Report on the Administration of the Shan States for 1888-89. Folio Rangoon, 1889 Ditto (Northern) for 1890-91 and 1891-92. Folio Rangoon, 1891-92 Ditto (Southern) for 1891-92. Folio Rangoon, 1892 See Daly, Hildebrand, Sherriff. M. Central Provinces Reports, &c. See Dods, Grant, Mackenzie. N. Madras Selections from the Records of the Madras Government. Royal 8 Madras, 1855-77 No. 1. Medical 1855 2. Public Instruction 1855 3- Navigation of the Godavery 1857 4. Administrative 1855 6. The same 1855 7. Medical 1855 9. Revenue 1855 ii. Water Supply 1855 13. Roads 1855 14. Medical Topography 1855 1 6. Salt 1855 20. Medical 1855 21. The same 1855 INDIAN EMPIRE N. MADRAS. Selections from the Records of the Madras Government continued. No. 24. Administrative 1856 26. Village Vernacular Schools 1856 27. Public Works 1856 28. The same 1856 29. The same 1856 30. District Roads 1856 31. Commutation Rates 1856 32. Sanitary 1856 33. Agricultural Exhibitions 1856 34. Medical 1856 35. Public Instruction, 1855-56 1856 36. Medical College 1856 37. Railways, Fares, &c. Part 2 1856-57 38. Public Works 1857 39. Museums 1857 40. Railway Report, 1855 1857 41. Educational Grants in Aid 1857 42. Medical 1857 43. Railways, Fares, &c. Vol. 2 1857 44. Railway Report, 1856 1857 45. Agricultural Exhibitions. Vol. 2 1858 46. Medical 1857 47. Roads 1857 48. Medical College 1858 49. Public Instruction, 1855-57 1858 49A Land Holdings and Tenancies, Malabar 1858 50. Agricultural Exhibitions, 1857 1858 51. Medical 1858 52. Educational Grants in Aid 1858 53. Revenue Survey 1858 53A Railway Report, 1857 1878 54. Public Works 1858 55. Medical 1858 56. Public Instruction, 1857-58 1858 57. Medical College 1859 66. The same 1860 67. Medical 1860 68. The same 1861 69. Public Instruction, 1859-60 1861 6gA Medical College 1862 70A Medical 1862 7IA Medical College 1862 72. Medical 1862 73. The same 1862 73A The same 1863 74. Revenue Survey 1863 Vaccination 1863 75. Medical College 1863 76. Public Instruction 1863 77. Medical 1864 78. The same 1864 79. Medical College 1864 80. Public Instruction 1864 81. Jeypore. Map 1864 82. Grants in Aid 1865 83. C. S. Examinations 1865 84. Medical 1865 85. The same 1865 686 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE N. MADRAS. Selections from the Records of the Madras Government continued, No. 86. Medical College 1865 87. Public Instruction 1866 Vaccination 1866 NEW SERIES. 1. Administrative 1867 2. The same 1867 4. The same 1867 5. The same 1867 6. The same 1867 7. The same 1868 9. The same 1868 10. The same 1868 11. The same 1868 12. The same 1869 13. The same 1869 14. Surveys, S. Arcot 1869 15. Administrative 1869 1 6. The same 1869 17. The same 1870 1 8. The same 1869 19. The same 1869 21. The same 1870 22. Surveys, Godavery 1870 23. Administrative 1871 24. The same 1871 25. The same 1872 27. The same 1872 28. The same 1871 29. The same 1872 31. The same 1873 32. Surveys, Godavery. Maps 1872 33. Administrative 1873 35. The same 1872 36. The same 1874 37. The same 1874 38. The same 1874 39. The same 1874 40. The same 1875 41. The same 1875 42. The same 1875 43. The same 1874 44. English, Telegu, and Tamil School Books 1875 49. Administrative 1876 50. The same 1876 52. The same 1876 59. The same 1877 Ditto. Folio. Memoir of the Survey of Travancore and Cochin, 1816-20. By Lieut. B. S. Ward. Folio Madras, 1891 Geographical and Statistical Memoir of the Survey of the Travancore and Cochin States, under Lieuts. Ward and Conner, 1810-21. Vol.4. Map. Folio Madras, 1893 Astronomical Observations made at the E. I. Co.'s Observatory at Madras, 1843-47, &c. By T. G. Taylor. Large 4 1848 INDIAN EMPIRE N. MADRAS. Astronomical Observations. Results of Observations of the Fixed Stars made with the Meridian Circle at the Government Observatory, Madras, in the years 1862, 1863, and 1864, under the direction of Norman Robert Pogson. 4 Madras, 1887 The same, 1865, 1866, and 1867, &c. 4 Madras, 1888 The same, 1868, 1869, and 1870, &c. 4 Madras, 1890 The same, 1871, 1872, and 1873, under the direction of N. R. Pogson. By C. Michie Smith. 4 Madras, 1892 The same, 1874, l %75> and 1876, &c. 4 Madras, 1892 - The same, 1877, 1878, and 1879, &c. Vol. 6. 4 Madras, 1893 - The same, 1880, 1881, and 1882, &c. 4 Madras, 1894 - The same, 1883-87, &c. Vol. 8. 4" Madras, 1894 - Results of the Observations made at the Government Observatory, Madras, during the years 1861-1890 . . . Edited by C. Michie Smith. 4 Madras, 1892 Census of the Town of Madras, 1871. Maps. Folio Madras, 1873 See also Cornish, Maclver. Alphabetical Lists of the Names of Places in the Madras Presidency, (i) in which the popular Spelling has been retained, (2) in which the system of Transliteration has been followed. Folio Madras, 1879 Routes in the Madras Presidency, com- pleted in the Office of the Quartermaster- General of the Madras Army. Revised edition. Large 8 Madras, 1879 Report on the Administration of the Madras Presidency during the years 1888-89, 1889-90, 1890-91, 1891-92, and 1892-93. Folio. Maps and diagrams Madras, 1889-93 Manual of Standing Information for the Madras Presidency, 1893. Map. 4 Madras, 1893 Meteorological Observations. Hourly Meteorological Observations made at the Madras Observatory from January 1856 to February 1861. 4 Maiiras, 1893 Neilgherry Mountains. Geographical and Statistical Memoir of a Survey of the Neilgherry Mountains. 8 Madras, 1848 O. North - West Provinces and Oudh Official Reports on the Province of Kumoan ; with a Medical Report on the Mahamurree in Gurhwal in 1840-50. Edited by J. H. Batten. Maps. 8 Agra, 1851 V ASIA-INDIAN EMPIRE. 687 INDIAN EMPIRE O. N.W. PROVINCES. Selections from the Records of Govern- ment : North-Western Provinces. Royal 8 and folio Agra, Calcutta, and Allahabad, 1855-73 VOLUME i. Judicial, Fiscal, and Miscellaneous. VOLUME 2. Irrigation, Bridges, Roads, Miscellane- ous Works. (Continued in Parts 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 43.) SECOND SERIES. VOLUME i. No. 1. Miscellaneous 1870 2. Irrigation, Forestry 1870 3 and 4. Miscellaneous Works 1870 VOLUME 2. Sanitary 1870 Forestry, Agriculture 1870 Publications Registered 1870 Cotton Crops, Miscellaneous 1870 VOLUME 3. Meteorological, Archaeological, Edu- cational, Forestial, Miscellaneous 1870 VOLUME 4. Agricultural, Foreslial, Miscellane- ous 1870 Miscellaneous 1870 The same, and Educational 1870 Public Instruction 1870 No. I. 2. 3- 4- No. I. 2. 3- 4- VOLUME 5. No. 1. Judicial 2. The same 1870 1870 VOLUME 6. No. 1. Miscellaneous 1870 2. The same 1870 3. The same 1870 4. Administrative, Educational, Agri- cultural, and Miscellaneous 1870 Census. Report on the Census of Oudh. 2 vols. Folio Luckncnv, 1869 Statistical, Descriptive, and Historical Account of the North-Western Provinces of India. Vols. I. -IV. edited and pre- pared by Edwin T. Atkinson ; Vol. V. compiled by II. C. Conybeare, and edited by E. T. Atkinson; Vol. VI. by F. N. Wright, E. B. Alexander, and H. C. Conybeare, edited by E. T. Atkinson ; Vol. VII. chiefly compiled by II. C. Conybeare, and edited by E. T. Atkinson and F. II. Fisher ; Vol. VIII. by II. C. Conybeare, F. II. Fisher, and J. P. Hewett ; Vol. IX. by F. H. Fisher; Vols. X.-XII. The Himalayan INDIAN EMPIRE O. N.W. PROVINCES. Districts of the North-Western Provinces of India, by E. T. Atkinson ; Vol. XIII. by F. H. Fisher ; Vol. XIV. by F. H. Fisher and J. P. Hewett. Maps and plans. Large 8 Allahabad, 1874-86 Report on the Administration of the N.-W. Provinces and Oudh, for the years ending 3ist March 1889, '90, '91, '92, '93. Folio Allahabad, 1890-94 Progress Reports of the Epigraphical and Architectural Branches of the N.-W. Provinces and Oudh for 1891-92. Plan. Folio Allahabad, 1892 Lucknow. The Lucknow Album, con- taining a Series of Fifty Photographic Views of Lucknow and its Environs, together with a large-sized Plan of the City executed by Darogha Ubbas Alii, Assistant Municipal Engineer. 8 Calcutta, 1874 P. Punjab- General Report upon the Administration of the Punjab Proper, for 1849-51, being the two first years after Annexation ; with a Supplementary Notice of the Cis- and Trans-Sutlej Territories. Maps and tables. Folio 1854 Report on the Sanitary Administration of the Punjab, 1869. Map. 4 Lahore, 1870 Reports on the Administration of the Punjab and its Dependencies, for the years 1882-83, 1888-89,1889-90,1890-91, 1891-92, and 1892-93. Maps and diagrams. Folio Lahore, 1884-94 Selections from the Records of the Government of the Punjab and its De- pendencies. Public Works Department, No. i. Vol. VI., No. 2. New Series : Nos. i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 13. Administration and Miscellaneous 1868-76 See also Leitner (Linguistic Frag- ments). Census. Report on the Census of the Punjab taken on loth January 1868. 4 Lahore, 1870 Report on the Census of the Punjab taken on the I7th February 1881. By C. J. Ibbetson. 3 vols. Map. Folio Calcutta and Lahore, 1 883 District Gazetteers compiled and pub- lished under the Authority of the Punjab Government, for 1883-84 (31 vols.), 1888-89 (4 vols.), 1891-92(1 vol.), 1892 (i vol.), 1892-93 (3 vols.), 1893 (i vol.), and 1894 (i vol.). 8 Calcutta and Lahore Original Sketches in the Punjab. Oblong 4 i854 Delhi Railway. Opening of the Meerut and Umballa Section of the Delhi Railway, on the I4th November 1868, &c. 8 1869 688 APPENDIX II. INDIAN EMPIRE. Q. Various- Aden. Indian Papers. Correspondence relating to Aden. [Parly. Rep.] J\Iap. Folio 1839 Ajmere and Mhairwarra, Report upon the Census of. Folio Simla, 1877 See India Selections, For. Dep. No. 122. Andaman Islands : with Notes of Barren Islands. From Indian Records, No. 45. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Calcutta, 1857 Berar. Census Report. See Kitts. Bootan. Political Missions to Bootan, comprising the Reports of the Hon'ble Ashley Eden, 1864; Capt. R. B. Pem- berton, 1837-38 ; with Dr W. Griffiths's Journal, and the Account by Baboo Kishen Kant Bose. 8 Calcutta, 1865 Dardistan. Account of Dardistan, with Map of the Country, surveyed during 1882-83 m connection with the Trigono- metrical Branch, Survey of India. Folio Dehra Dun, 1884 Minicoy. The Island of Women. (From Blackwoocts Magazine.} 8 1889 Mysore. Census Report. See Lindsay. Nicobar Islands; Some Old Pages relating to the. [Incomplete.'] 8 1858 Quetta. The Quetta Directory for 1893. 8 Quetta, 1893 Rajputana. The Raj pu tana Gazetteer. 3 vols. 8 Calcutta, 1879-80 Travancore. Report on the Administra- tion of Travancore for the year M.E. 1058(1882-83). Diagram. 8 Trevandrum, 1884 JAPAN. Reports and Official Letters to the Kaitakushi, by Horace Capron, Com- missioner and Adviser, and his Foreign Assistants. 8" Tokyo, 1875 Geological Survey of Japan. Reports of Progress for 1878 and 1879, by Benjamin Smith Lyman. 8 Tokyo, 1879 Japan. No. 2 (1883). Memorandum respecting the Trade between Japan and Corea. 8 U . Tokyo University. Memoirs of the Science Department. Earthquake Measurement. By J. A. Ewing. Small 4 Tokyo, 1883 [See also Morse, E. S. ; Netto, C.] Tenth Annual Report of the Minister of Education for the Fifteenth Year of Meiji (1882). 8 Tokyo, 1886 JAPAN. Jesuit Letters. Nuovi Avvisi del Giapone con alcuni altri della Cina del LXXXIII. et LXXXIV. Cavati dalle Lettere della Compagnia di Giesu. Ricevute il mese diDecembre Prossimo Passato MDI.XXXV. 8 Venice, 1586 Lettera Annale del Giapone scritta al Padre Generale della Compagnia di Giesu, 1588. 12 Rome, 1590 Litterse Societatis Jesu, anno MUCH. et MDCIII., e Sinis, Molucis, Japone, clatre. 12 Mayence, 1607 Litterse Japonicre annorum M. DC. i\. et X. ad R. admodum pise mem. P. Claudium Aquavivam Generalem Pne- positum Societatis Jesu a R. P. Provincial! eiusdem in Japone Societ. missse. Ex Italicis Latince factae ab And. Schotto. 8 Antwerp, 1615 The Claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom, exhibited in Notes of Voyages made in 1837, from Canton, in the ship "Morrison" and brig " liim- maleh," under direction of the owners. 2 vols. Maps. 12 New York, 1839 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Notes of the Voyage of the "Morrison" from Canton to Japan. By C. W. King. Vol. 2. Notes made during the Voyage of the " Ilimmaleh " in the Malayan Archipelago. By C. Tradescant Lay. Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century. 8 1841 Handy Guide Book to the Japanese Islands. Maps. 12 N.D. Night Record of a Visit to East Yesso [in Japanese]. Woodcuts. 8 [1865] Kioto. Stray Notes on Kioto and its Environs. 2nd edition, revised. Small 8 Hiogo, 1878 The Morse Collection of Japanese Pot- tery. Reprinted from the American Architect of May 28, 1887. 4 Salem, Mass., 1887 Ainu. Baptismal Services in the Ainu Language. 12 1891 Seismological Society of Japan : Earth- quake Observation. [Note - Book.] Oblong 12 N.D. KOREA. Reports on Corean Mines. 8" 1883 Despatch from H.M. Minister in Japan forwarding a Report on Corea. [Japan, No. i, 1883.] 8. The same, forwarding Reports on Mines in Corea. [Japan, No. 3, 1883.] 8 1883 Corea, No. i (1885.) Commercial Reports by H.M. Consul-General, 1882-83 J an( ^ Report of a Journey from Soul to Songdo, in August 1884. 8" 1885 ASIA KOREA. 689 KOREA. Annual Reports on the Trade of Corea in Foreign Vessels. No. i (year 1885). 4 Shanghai, 1886 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. [See also Dutch East Indies.] Sentences in English and Malay. Printed for the Borneo Mission. 12 British North Borneo. Borneo and Sulu. Spain, No. i (1882). (Borneo and Sulu.) Papers relating to the Affairs of Sulu and Borneo, and to the grant of a Charter of Incorporation to the " British North Borneo Company." Part I. Correspondence respecting the Claims of Spain. Map. Folio 1882 - Netherlands, No. I (1882). (Borneo and Sulu. ) Papers relating to the Affairs of Sulu and Borneo, and to the grant of a Charter of Incorporation to the " Brit- ish North Borneo Company." Part II. Correspondence respecting the Claims of Holland. Maps. Folio 1882 - Handbook of British North Borneo. Compiled from Reports received from Governor Treacher and other Officers in the British North Borneo Company's Service. With an Introduction by Sir Rutherford Alcock. Maps. 8 1886 The same. Compiled from Reports of the Governor and Officers of the Residential Staff in Borneo, and other sources of information of an authentic nature. With an Appendix of Docu- ments, Trade Returns, &c., showing the Progress and Development of the Company's Territory to the latest date. Maps and ilhistrations. 8 1 890 [See also Leys.] Philippines. Manila. Provincia anus, &c. Map. 8 1737 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 693 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA, GENERAL. The Official Directory and Year Book of Australia for 1884. 8. The Year- Book of Australia for 1885. Maps. 8. Australian Museum. See New South Wales. Auriferous Drifts in Australasia, or the Cause and its Continuity of the great Geological Convulsions, and the Theory of the Origin and Position of Auriferous Drifts. By "Research." 8 Melbourne, 1868 The Friend of Australia ; or, A Plan for Exploring the Interior and for carry- ing on a Survey of the whole Continent. By a Retired Officer. Map and plates. 8 1830 Aborigines of Australia. Extract from a Letter, dated Perth, Swan River, W. Australia, 1836. Letter from the Rev. Joseph Orton, dated Hobart Town, Van Dieman's Land, 1836. 8 [1836] Competence in a Colony contrasted with Poverty at Home ; or, Relief to Landlords and Labourers held out by Australian Colonisation and Emigration. Map. 8 1848 Report of Proceedings adopted for the Establishment of Steam Communica- tion wilh the Australian Colonies and New Zealand. 8 1850 Further Papers relative to the Discovery of Gold in Australia. Folio 1855 Sketches in Pencil and Ink of Australian Scenery, &c. [? Babbage's Expedition, 1858]. Oblong crown 8 N.D. South Sea Bubbles. By "The Earl and the Doctor." 8 1872 Report of the Sub-Committee of the Aborigines Protection Society. 8 N.D. Australian Bibliography (in three parts). Catalogue of Books in the Free Public Library, Sydney, relating to, or published in, Australasia. 4 Sydney, 1893 BRITISH NEW GUINEA. [Including also neighbouring Islands of the Western Pacific.] Further Correspondence respecting New Guinea. Folio 1883 The same. Folio 1883 Correspondence respecting New Guinea and other Islands, and the Convention at Sydney of Representatives of the Aus- ralasian Colonies. Folio 1884 BRITISH NKW GUINEA. Further Correspondence respecting New Guinea and other Islands in the Western Pacific Ocean. Folio 1885 The same. Folio 1885 Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany relative to their respective Spheres of Action in Portions of New Guinea. No. I (1885). Folio 1885 Correspondence respecting the Return of the New Guinea Islanders. Chart. Folio Brisbane, 1885 Copies of certain Correspondence in re- ference to a Claim made by Mr Theo- dore Bevan for a Grant of Land in New Guinea. Folio [1888] Report for the year 1888. By Her Majesty's Special Commissioner for the Protected Territory ; with Appendices. Maps. Folio Sydney, 1889 Correspondence by Administrator Mac- gregor on his Visits to Parts of British New Guinea. TwoColonial Office Papers, nth Feb. and 2nd April 1889. Folio. Despatch reporting Tour of Inspection made by His Honour the Adminis- trator of British New Guinea, extending from Manu Manu on the Coast of the Possession to the Owen Stanley Range in the Interior. Folio 1889 Annual Report on British New Guinea, from 4th Sept. 1888 to 3Oth June 1889, with Appendices. Alap. Folio Brisbane, 1890 The same, from 1st July 1889 to 3Oth June 1890, with Appendices. Maps. Folio Brisbane, 1890 Further Correspondence respecting New Guinea. Maps. Folio 1890 Annual Report on British New Guinea, from ist July 1890 to 30th June 1891 ; with Appendices. Maps. Folio Brisbane, 1892 Handbook of Information for intending Settlers in British New Guinea. Pub- lished by authority. 8 Brisbane, 1892 Copies of Letters relating to the Proceed- ings of the Administrator of British New Guinea and the Dutch Resident of Ter- nate for the Rectification of the Dutch and British Borders in New Guinea. Folio . [1893] Exploration of New Guinea : an Inland Trip. 12 Mackay, 1886 The Voyage of the "Chevert," by Wm. Macleay ; Exploration of a New River, named the Baxter, by S. McFarlane ; D'Albertis's Account, &c. [Letters in the Svttucy Morning Herald of 22nd Octoter 1875.] Small 8 Sydney, 1875 694 APPENDIX II. BRITISH NEW GUINEA. British New Guinea, with Illustrations of Scenery. Issued by Burns, Philip, & Co. 4 Sydney, 1886 Position and Description. Folio 1889 Among the Islands : Explorations by the Administrator ; Habits and Customs of the Natives ; Prospecting for Gold. [Newspaper Cuttings.] Folio 1889 Vocabulary of the Kiwai Language, British New Guinea. Folio [Brisbane] 1889 NEW SOUTH WALES. A. Australian Museum. Report of the Trustees for 1881 . Folio Sydney, 1882 Descriptive Catalogue (with Notes) of the General Collection of Minerals in the Australian Museum. By A. Felix Ratte. 8 Sydney, 1885 Catalogue of the Echinoclermata in the Australian Museum. By E. P. Ramsay. Part I. Echini Desmosticha and Petal- osticha. Plates. 8 Sydney, 1885 Memoirs, No. 2. Lord Howe Island, its Zoology, Geology, and Physical Char- acters. Maps and plates. 8 Sydney, 1889 Records of the Australian Museum. Edited by the Curator. Vol. i, Nos. I, 2, 4, 5. Plates. 8 Sydney, 1890 Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Aus- tralia and Tasmania. Part 2. Pteropoda. By John Brazier. 8 Sydney, 1892 See also Haswell, W. A.; Bale, W. M. B. Department of Mines and Agriculture. Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales, and Notes on the Geo- logical Collection of the Department of Mines. Maps. 8 Sydney, 1875 Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for the years 1876-81, 1885-88, 1890 (of Mines and Agriculture), 1891-93. Map, sections, &c. 4 Sydney, 1876-94 Mineral Products of New South Wales, by Harrie Wood ; Notes on the Geology of New South Wales, by C. S. Wilkinson with Description of the Minerals of New South Wales, by Archibald Liversidge. Also Catalogue of Works, Papers, Re- ports, and Maps on the Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, &c. , of the Australian Continent and Tasmania, by R. Eth'eridge, junr., and R. L. Jack. 4 Sydney, 1882 The same, with Description of the Seams of Coal worked in New South Wales, by John Mackenzie. Maps, plans, &f. 4 Sydney, 1887 NEW SOUTH WALES B. Geological Survey of New South Wales, by C. S. Wilkinson ; Geology of the Vegetable Creek Tin-Mining Field, New England District, with Maps and Sec- tions, by T. W. Edgeworth David. 4 Sydney, 1887 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, by C. S. Wilkinson. Palaeontology, No. I. The Invertebrate Fauna of the Hawkesbury, Wianamatta Series. (Beds alx>ve the productive Coal Measures.) By Robert Etheridge, junr. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1888 Palaeontology, No. 2. Contributions on the Tertiary Flora of Australia. By D. Constantin, Baron von Ettingshausen. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1888 Palaeontology, No. 3. Geological and Palffiontological Relations of the Coal and Plant Bearing Beds of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Age in Eastern Australia and Tasmania, with special reference to the Fossil Flora . . . By Ottokar Feist- mantel, M.D.,&c. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1890 Palaeontology, No. 4. The Fossil Fishes of the Hawkesbury Series at Gosford. By Arthur Smith Woodward. Maps. 4 Sydney, 1890 Palaeontology, No. 5. A Monograph of the Carboniferous and Permo-Carl>oni- ferous Invertebrata of New South Wales. Part I. Coelenterata. By R. Etheridge, junr. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1891 The same, Part 2. Echinodermala, Annelida, and Crustacea. By R. Ether- idge, junr. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1894 Palaeontology, No. 7. The Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of New South Wales. By R. Etheridge, junr., and A. Sidney Ollifif. Plates. 4 Sydney, 1890 Palaeontology, No. 8. Contributions to a Catalogue of Works, Reports, and Papers on the Anthropology, Ethnology, and Geological History of the Australian and Tasmanian Aborigines. Parts I and 2. ByR. Etheridge,junr. 4 Sydney, 1890-91 Geology, No. 5. Geology of the Broken Hill Lode and Barrier Ranges Mineral Field. By J. B. Jaquet. Maps, plans, and sections. 4 Sydney, 1894 Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, Vol. I, 1889-90. Plates. Small 4 Sydney, 1890 Vol. 2, 1890-92 1892 Vol. 3, 1892-93 1894 Vol. 4, Parts I and 2 1894 Alphabetical List of Mineral Localities N.P., N.I). C. Results of Observations. Astronomical. Results of Astronomical Observations made at Sydney Observa- tory, 1877-78, under the direction of H. C. Russell. 8 Sydney, 1881 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 695 NEW SOUTH WALES C. Astronomical. The same, in the years 1879, 1880, and 1 88 1, under the direction of H. C. Russell. 8 Sydney, 1893 Observations of the Transit of Venus, Qth December 1874, made at Stations in New South Wales ; illustrated with Photographs and Drawings, under the direction of H. C. Russell. 4 Sydney, 1892 Meteorological. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations made in New South Wales during the years 1872-90, under the direction of II. C. Russell. Maps and diagrams. 8 Sydney, 1873-92 \_Note. Those for 1880-81-82 'and 1883-84 not published till 1892.] Rain and River (and Evaporation). Re- sults of Rain and River Observations made in New South Wales during the years 1879-81, 1883-92. Maps and dia- grams. 8 Sydney, 1880-93 D. Various Government Publications. Report of the Commissioner of Inquiry into the State of the Colony of New South Wales. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1822 - The same, on the State of Agriculture and Trade in the Colony of New South Wales. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1823 The same, on the Judicial Establish- ments of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1823 Copies of the Royal Instructions to the Governors of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia, as to the Mode to be adopted in Dis- posing of Crown Lands. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1831 Copies of Instructions given by His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, for promoting the Moral and Religious Instruction of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of New Holland or Van Diemen's Land. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1831 Land Regulations : Copies of the Royal Instructions issued to Sir Thomas Bris- bane and Lieut. -Gen. Darling respect- ing the Establishment and Duties of the Commissioners for Apportioning the Territory of New South Wales. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1832 Debate in the Legislative Council of New South Wales, and other Documents on the subject of Immigration to the Colony, October 1840. 8 Sydney, 1840 Map of New South Wales, to accom- pany "Correspondence respecting Emi- gration," presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command, 1st May 1871. Folio 1871 Financial Statement of the Treasurer. Folio [Sydney} 1873 NEW SOUTH WALES D. Search for Leichardt's Party. Papers connected with Andrew Hume. Folio Sydney, 1874 Ways and Means : the Financial State- ment of the Hon. Alexander Stuart, Colonial Treasurer of New South Wales made 24th January 1877. Small 8 Sydney, 1877 Railways of New South Wales : Report on their Construction and Working during 1876, by John Rae. Maps and plans. Folio Sydney, 1877 Lord Howe Island. Report on Present State and Future Prospects of. Maps. Folio Sydney, 1882 Royal Commission, Conservation of Water : First, Second, and Third (Final) Reports of the Commissioners. Plans. Folio Sydney, 1885-87 Diagrams and Plans to accompany First Report of the Commissioners. Folio. The same, to accompany Final Report of Commissioners. Folio. Stations determined Astronomically in connection with Trigonometrical Survey, 1891. Department of Lands, Sydney, N.S.W. Map. Large 8 Sydney, 1892 Reports of Departments of Lands, Public Works, Public Instruction, Forest Ad- ministration, &c. Folio Sydney, V.D. Sydney Observatory: History and Pro- gress. 8 N. P. E. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the " Dunbar," Merchant Ship, on the South Head of Port Jackson, 2oth August 1857. Illustrations. 8 Sydney, 1857 London International Exhibition, 1862: Catalogue of the Natural and Industrial Products of New South Wales ; with a Map, and Introductory Account of its Population, Commerce, and General Resources. Small 4 1862 Gazetteer of New South Wales. Map. 12 Sydney [1863] Industrial Progress of New South Wales : being a Report of the Inter- colonial Exhibition of 1870, at Sydney ; together with a Variety of Papers illustra- tive of the Industrial Resources of the Colony. 8 Sydney, 1871 Railways. New South Wales Railway Guide. Illustrations. 4 Sydney, 1881 The same. For the use of Tourists, Excursionists, and others. Containing varioiis maps and numerous illustrations. 3rd edition. 4 Sydney, 1886 New South Wales in 1881. Large 8 Sydney, 1881 New South Wales. Map, Illustrations, and Text. 4 Sydney, 1884 696 APPENDIX II. NEW SOUTH WALES E. New South Wales. Physical Geography and Climate. Map and diagrams. 8 [Sydney, 1884] Year- Book of New South Wales for 1885. Map and illustrations. 8. Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition, 1888. New South Wales Mineral Court : Descriptive Catalogue of Exhibits of Metals, Minerals, Fossils, and Timbers. Large 8 Sydney ', 1889 Statistical Register of New South Wales for the year 1891. Compiled from Original Returns, by J. A. Coghlan. Folio Sydney, 1892 Sydney. Visitors' Guide to Sydney, com- prising Description of the City, &c. , and Information respecting the Resources of New South Wales. Plan. 12 Sydney, 1872 NEW ZEALAND. A. Colonial Museum and Geological Survey. Geological Survey of New Zealand : First General Report on the Coal Deposits of New Zealand. By James Hector. 8 Wellington, 1866 Abstract Report on the Progress of the Geological Survey of New Zealand during 1868-69 5 together with Reports on Barrier Island, Okarita District, East Cape, Thames Gold Fields, and Kawau Island. Maps. 8 Wellington, 1869 Second Report on the Thames Gold Fields, Province of Auckland ; together with Maps and Plans showing the position of some of the most important Claims, and Analysis of the Rock Specimens. Maps. 8 Wellington, 1869 Reports of Geological Explorations during 1870-71, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1874- 76, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879-80, 1881, 1882, 1883-84, 1885, 1886-87, 1887- 88, 1888-89, 1890-91. Maps, sections, and plates Wellington, 1871-92 Maps of the Buller Coal Field, to illustrate Reports by Mr Cox and Mr Denniston. Geological Reports, 1874-77. Index to Reports of the Geological Survey of New Zealand from 1866 to 1885 inclusive. 8 Wellington, 1887 Zoology, &c. 8 Wellington Catalogue of the Birds of New Zealand, with Diagnoses of the Species. By F. W. Hutton 1871 Catalogue of the Echinodermata of New Zealand, with Diagnoses of the Species. By the same 1872 Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand, with Diagnoses of the Species. Plate. By the same 1873 NEW ZEALAND A. Zoology, &c. continued. Catalogue of the Tertiary Mollusca and Echinodermata of New Zealand, in the Collection of the Colonial Museum. By the same 1873 Critical List of the Mollusca of New Zealand contained in European Collec- tions. By E. von Martens 1873 Catalogue of the Land Mollusca of New Zealand, with Descriptions of the Species. From various Authors 1873 Manual of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand. By John Buchanan. Plates 1880 Palaeontology of New Zealand. Part 4. Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic Period in New Zealand. By the Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods. Plates 1880 Manual of the New Zealand Coleop- tera. By Capt. T. Broun 1880-93 Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca : a Systematic and Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine and Land Shells, and of the Soft Mollusks and Polyzoa of New Zealand and the adjacent Islands. By F. W. Hutton 1880 Catalogues of the New Zealand Dip- tera, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera ; with Descriptions of the Species. By F. W. Hutton. 8 1 88 1 Manual of the Birds of New Zealand. By W. L. Buller. Plates. 8 1882 Studies in Biology for New Zealand Students. No. 3. The Anatomy of the Common Mussels (Mytilus latus, edulis, Magellanicus). By Alex. Purdie, M.A. Plates. 8 1887 Phormium Tenax as a Fibrous Plant. Edited by Sir J. Hector. Plates 1889 Annual Reports [some missing] on the Colonial Museum and Lalx>ratory ; to- gether with Lists of Donations and Deposits 1868-93 Meteorological Report, 1873; including Returns for 1871-72, and averages for previous years 1 874 The same, 1875; including Returns for 1873-74, &c. 1877 The same, 1877; including Returns for 1875-76, &c. 1878 The same, 1880 ; including Returns for 1877-78-79, &c. 8 1881 The same, 1883 ; including Returns for 1880-81-82, &c. Diagrams. 8 1884 The same, 1885 ; including Returns for 1883 and 1884, and Averages for previous years. Diagrams. 8 [1885] Handbook of New Zealand. By Sir J. Hector. Maps and diagrams. 3rd and 4th editions. 8 . 1883-86 Catalogue of the Colonial Museum and Library. Large 8 Wellington, 1890 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 697 NEW ZEALAND. B. Survey Department. Two Reports by the Surveyor-General (J. T. Thomson) on the Surveys of New Zealand. Plans. Folio Wellington, 1877 Reports for the years 1881-82, 1882-83, 1883-84, 1885-86, 1886-87, and 1887-88, byj. M'Kerrow; and for 1888-89, 1889- 90, 1890-91, 1891-92, 1892-93, by S. Percy Smith. Maps and plans, &~*c. Wellington, 1882-93 C. Various Government Publications. Statistics of New Zealand for 1853-62, compiled from Official Records, including the Results of a Census of the Colony taken i6th December 1861. 7 vols. Tables. Folio Auckland, 1858-63 Statistics of the Colony of New Zealand for 1869, '70, '72, '74, '76, '77, and '78. Folio Wellington, 1870-79 Appendix to the Statistics of New Zealand for the year 1884 : a Series of Diagrams, showing the Progress of the Colony by increase of Population, Trade, Live Stock, Cultivation, Occupied Hold- ings, Deposits in Banks, Revenue, Rail- ways, Telegraph Lines, Shipping Inwards and Outwards ; and the Ages of the People, Birthplaces, Religious Denomina- tions, Education, Industries, as at the Census of April 1 88 1. Folio Wellington, 1886 Statistics of the Colony of New Zea- land for the year 1885 ; with Abstracts from the Agricultural Statistics of 1886. Folio Wellington, 1886 Statistics of the Colony of New Zea- land for the years 1890 to 1892, with Abstracts from the Agricultural Statistics, &c. Wellington, 1891-93 - Report on the Statistics of New Zealand, 1890 Wellington, 1892 Papers relating to the Recent Disturb- ances in New Zealand. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1861 Report on the Geological Formation of the Timaru District in reference to obtaining a Supply of Water. By Julius Haast. Sections. Folio Chris tfhurch, 1865 New Zealand Exhibition, 1865 : Re- ports and Awards of the Jurors, and Appendix. 8 Dunedin, 1 866 Extract from Parliamentary Debates : Second Session of the Fourth Parliament, Legislative Council, 6th September 1867. 8 Chester, 1867 New Zealand Court : International Ex- hibition, Sydney, 1879. Appendix to Official Catalogue. 8 Wellington, 1880 Results of a Census of the Colony of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 3rd April 1 88 1. Folio Wellington, 1882 NEW ZEALAND C. Results of a Census of New Zealand, taken for the night of the 28th March 1886. Folio Wellington, 1887 Ditto. Taken for the night of the 5th April 1891. Folio Wellington, 1892 New Zealand Thermal - Springs Dis- tricts : Papers relating to the Sale of the Township of Rotorua ; together with information relating to the Hot-Springs Districts, and a Report on the Mineral Waters. Maps and plans. 4 Wellington, 1882 Crown Lands Guide. Nos. 5 and 10. Maps. 8 Wellington, 1883-90 Recent Volcanic Eruptions, Prelimi- nary Report on. By Dr Hector. Map and diagram. Folio {Wellington] 1886 Exhibition. New Zealand Industrial Ex- . hibition, 1885 : The Official Record. Plan. 8 Wellington, 1886 Waitomo Caves, King Country, Report on. Plans and illustrations. Folio [Wellington] 1886 Mining Machinery and Treatment of Ores in Australian Colonies. Reports on Machinery exhibited at the Melbourne Exhibition : on Mining, and Plants for the Reduction and Treatment of Ores . . . ; on Processes adopted in America, &c. Plates. Folio Wellington, 1889 Report on the Mining Industry of New Zealand Wellington, 1891 The Cheviot Estate. Particulars, Terms, and Conditions of Disposal and Occu- pation of 33,474 acres, open on I3th and 1 7th November 1893. Maps and illustrations. 8 Wellington, 1893 [See also United Kingdom, H, Emi- grants' Handbooks ; I, Colonial and Indian Exhibition.] D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lan- guage of New Zealand. Published by the Church Missionary Society. 12 1820 British Colonisation of New Zealand : being an Account of the Principles, Objects, and Plans of the New Zealand Association ; with particulars concerning the Position, Extent, Soil, and Climate, Natural Productions, and Native Inhabi- tants of New Zealand. Maps and plates. 12 1837 Twelfth Report of the Directors of the New Zealand Company, held 26th April 1844, with Documents appended. 2 parts. 8 1844 On the British Colonisation of New Zealand. By the Committee of the Aborigines' Protection Society. 8 1846 Sketch of the present Position of the Province of Auckland, Statistically and Financially. Map. 8" 1863 698 APPENDIX II. NEW ZEALAND D. The New Zealand Government and the Maori War of 1863-64, with especial reference to the Confiscation of Native Lands, and the Colonial Ministry's Defence of their War Policy. 8 1864 New Zealand, Graphic and Descriptive. The illustrations by C. D. Barraud ; edited by W. T. L. Travers. Coloured plates. Atlas folio 1877 Sutherland Fall, the Highest Waterfall in the World. [Cuttings from the Nelson Evening Mail, Jan. 16, 1889.] 8 Some particulars concerning New Zea- land. 8 N.D. Early History of New Zealand. (Brett's Historical Series.) 4 Auckland, 1890 QUEENSLAND. Report of the Proceedings of the Govern- ment schooner "Spitfire," in search of the mouth of the River Burdekin, and Exploration of a portion of the Coast of N.E. Australia. By G. E. Dalrymple. 8 Brisbane, 1860 Review of Works on Queensland. 8 [Edinburgh, 1863] Report from the Joint Select Com- mittee on Existing and Proposed Lines of Steam Communication, together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence. Folio Brisbane, 1865 On the New Settlement in Rocking- ham Bay, and advance of Colonisation over North-Eastern Australia, including Mr J. E. Dalrymple's Report on his Journey from Rockingham Bay to the Valley of Lagoons. 8 1865 Queensland as a Field for Emigration. 8 1868 Handbook for Emigrants to Queensland, Australia. 8 [1870] Census of 1871, taken on the 1st day of September, being the fourth taken in the Colony. Folio Brisbane, 1872 Eighth Census of the Colony of Queens- land, taken on April 5, 1891. Map and diagram. Folio Brisbane, 1892 Narrative and Reports of the Queens- land North-East Coast Expedition, 1873. Folio [Brisbane, 1874] Geological Features of part of the Coast Range between the Dalrymple and Charters Towers Roads [Preliminary Report relating to]. Folio [Brisbane'} 1879 Survey of Northern Queensland : Further Reports on the Progress of the Gold-Prospecting Expedition in Cape York Peninsula. Map. Folio [Brisbane} 1881 QUEENSLAND. Geological Survey. Annual Progress Reports for the years 1889-92. Maps, &C. Brisbane, 1890-93 Cultivation of Kaurie Pine on Eraser Island [Papers in connection with the]. Folio [Brisbane"} 1882 Report on the Sugar Industry on the Clarence and Richmond Rivers. By A. Meston. Folio [Brisbane} 1882 Meteorological Reports for 1881, 1887-91. Maps and diagrams Brisbane, 1882-92 Report on Proposed Railway, Cloncurry Mines to Gulf of Carpentaria. Map. Folio Brisbane, 1884 Oyster Fisheries of Moreton Bay. Report on the. Map. Folio Brisbane, 1884 The same. Maps. Folio [Brisbane, 1886] Management of the Public Gardens and Reserves of the Colony.' Folio Brisbane, 1884 Reports upon Sundry Rivers and Harlxnirs in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Charts. Folio [Brisbane} 1884 The Return of the New Guinea Islanders, Correspondence respecting. Chart. Folio Brisbane, 1885 Queensland. Essays on its Resources and Institutions. Plates. 8 1886 Report on Harbours and Lighthouses. Folio Brisbane, 1887 Report on the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Districts of Kilkivan and Black Snake. By the Assistant Government Geologist. Maps and plans. Folio Brisbane, 1886 The Survey of the Queensland Coast. Surveying services performed by the " Paluma " during 1885 and 1886 Brisbane, 1887 Styx River Coal Fields (Report on, by William H. Rands) 1892 [See United Kingdom, H, Emigrants' Handbooks; also Coode; Cullen; Ilodg- kinson; Jack; Maitland; Meston; Wat- son.] SOUTH AUSTRALIA. A. Government Publications. Survey of Northern Territory. Folio Adelaide, 1869 Report on Anglo - Australian Telegraph (C. Todd). Map. Folio Adelaide, 1869 Report on the Mineral Resources lying within 250 Miles of Port Augusta (G. H. F. Ulrich). Map and plates. Folio Adelaide, 1872 Colonel Warburton's Explorations. Folio Adelaide, 1873 W. C. Gosse's Explorations, 1873. Maps. Folio Adelaide, 1874 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 699 SOUTH AUSTRALIA A. Lieut. Goalen's Survey of Port Adelaide. Map. Folio [Adelaide, 1875] Report on the Lake Eyre Expedition (J. W. Lewis). Map. Folio [Adelaide, 1875] E. Giles's Explorations, 1873-74. Map. Folio N. D. E. Giles's Explorations, 1875-76. Pro- ceedings of the Hon. Thomas Elder's Expedition, under the Command of Ernest Giles, from Perth to Adelaide. Maps. Folio Adelaide, N.D. E. Giles's Explorations, 1875-76. Map. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Statistical Register for 1875. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Navigability of Murray Mouth. (Re- turn by Robert Hickson.) Maps. Folio Adelaitie, 1876 Sections of Port Adelaide Creek. (Re- port by Lieut. Goalen). Maps. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Australian Coastline and Ports. (Re- port by F. Howard). Folio Adelaide, 1876 Improvement of Semaphore Harbour. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Report from the Public Works De- partment for 1875. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Progress of South Australia, 1870 to 1875. Folio Adelaide, 1876 Journal of Mr Henry Barclay's Ex- ploration, 1878. Plan. Folio Adelaide, 1878 Meteorological Observations made at the Adelaide Observatory during the years 187879-80. Map. Folio Adelaide, 1879-82 Meteorological Observations made at the Adelaide Observatory, and other places in South Australia and the Northern Territory, during the years 1881-82-83, 1884-85, 1886-87, and 1888-90, under the direction of Charles Todd. Folio Adelaide, 1884-93 Examination of Country North-east of Eucla. Plan. Folio Adelaide, 1880 Woods and Forests. Annual Report of the Forest Board, with Conservator's Progress Report, and Appendices, for 1 880-8 1. Plans. Folio Adelaide, 1881 Annual Progress Report upon State Forest Administration in South Australia for the year 1881-82, by J. Ednie Brown. 4 Adelaide, 1882 Diary of Northern Exploration Party under the Leadership of Mr Charles Winnecke. Folio [Adelaide, 1884?] Mr D. Lindsay's Explorations through Arnheim's Land. Map. Folio 1884 Work in Progress in Geological Depart- ment. Folio Adelaide, 1884 SOUTH AUSTRALIA A. Government Geologist's Report re Visit to Far North. Folio [Adelaide, 1884] The same, on a Journey from Adelaide to Hale River. Map and section. Folio [1889] Quarterly Report on the Northern Terri- tory. Folio 1884 Report on Telegraphic Determination of Australian Longitudes. Folio 1886 Report on Nullabor Plain and Fowler's Bay Country. Folio Adelaide, 1887 Final Report of Commission on Trans- continental Railway ; together with Minutes of Proceedings and Appen- dices. Illustrations and map. Folio Adelaide, 1887 Journal of Mr W. H. Tietkens' Central Australian Exploring Expedition. Map and plate Folio [Adelaide"] 1890 [See United Kingdom, H, Emigrants' Handbooks : I. Colonial Exhibition.] B. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Plan of a Company to be Established for the Purpose of Founding a Colony in Southern Australia. Map. 8 1832 Summary of Geographical Discoveries during 1857, to the Westward and North- ward of Eyria (the Port Lincoln Penin- sula), South Australia, abridged from the South Australian Register and the Adelaide Observer, [i leaf."] Folio Derby, 1858 Handbook of South Australia. Plan and illustrations. 8 1 886 Prospectus of the Northern Territory Pastoral Company Limited, the Property of W. F. & N. Buchanan, on the Vic- toria River and Stuarts Creek, Northern Territory of South Australia. Map. 8 1887 TASMANIA. Copies of all Correspondence between Lieut. -Gov. Arthur and His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject of the Military Operations lately carried on against the Aboriginal Inhabi- tants of Van Diemen's Land. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1831 The Van Diemen's Land Almanack for the year 1832. 12 1832 Statistical Returns of Van Diemen's Land, from 1824 to 1835 and 1839. Folio Hobart, 1836-39 Sketches of Tasman's Peninsula. 8 7'asma/tta, 1837 Mount Bischoff, Mr Sprent's Report on Country round. Folio Hobarltown,\%'j6 Hobbarttown oder Sommerfrische in den Antipoden. Map and illustrations. 4" Prague, 1886 [See also United Kingdom, H, Emi- grants' Handbooks.] 7oo APPENDIX II. VICTORIA. A. Geological Survey, &c. Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria; or, Figures and Descriptions of Victorian Organic Remains. Decades i. , iii. By Frederick M'Coy. Plates. 8 Melbourne, 1874-76 Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria ; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Living Species of all Classes of the Victorian Indigenous Animals. By Frederick M'Coy. Vols. I and 2. Plates. Im- perial 8 Melboiirne and London, 1885-90 Observations on New Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts. By Baron Ferdi- nand von Mueller. Plates. Large 8 Melbourne, 1883 B. Department of Mines. Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars. Quarters ending September and December 1867 ; March and Sep- tember 1868 ; June and December 1869, 1870, 1871 ; March 1872, 1873- 76 ; March and September 1877 ; June and September 1878 ; March and September 1879 > March and September 1887. Folio Melbourne, 1867-80 The Gold Fields of Victoria. Reports of the Mining Registrars for the quarters ended March and June 1885 and 1886, September and December 1886, and June 1887. Mineral Statistics of Victoria for the years 1867-78, 1880, 1885. Folio Melbourne, 1868-86 Reports of the Chief Inspector of Mines to the Honourable the Minister of Mines, for the years 1874-79. Folio Melbourne, 1875-80 Report of Progress by R. Brough Smith, Secretary for Mines, &c. . . ; with Reports on the Geology, Mineralogy, and Physical Structure of various parts of the Colony, by F. M. Krause, R. A. F. Murray, A. M. Howitt, N. Taylor, T. Cowan, W. Nicholas, and J. C. New- bery. Maps and plates. 8 Melboiirne, 1876 - The same, 1877-78-80 and 1884 Melbourne and London, 1877-84 Annual Report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply on the Workings of the Regulation and Inspection of Mines and Mining Machinery Act during the year 1885. Plates. Folio Melbourne, 1886 Ditto, during the years 1887 and 1888-89. Plans and plates. Folio Melbourne, 1888-90 Annual Reports of the Secretary for Mines for the years 1889-92. Folio Melbourne, 1890-93 VICTORIA. C. Various Government Publications. Report of Commander Norman, of H.M.C.S. " Victoria," together with copy of his Journal on the late Expedi- tion to the Gulf of Carpentaria Melbourne [1842] The Victorian Government Prize Essays, 1860. 8 Melbourne, 1861 Acheson, F. Essay on the Collection and Storage of Water in Victoria. Mayes, C. On the Manufactures more immediately required for the Econ- omical Development of the Resources of the Colony, with special reference to those Manufactures, the Raw Materials of which are the Produce of Victoria. Map. Resales, H. On the Origin and Distribution of Gold in Quartz Veins, and its Association with other Minerals ; and on the best improved methods of excavating Gold from its matrices. Story, W. Upon the Agriculture of Victoria, with reference to it Climate Advantages, and the Gee logical and Chemical Character the Soils. Plan. Report of the Government Botanist anc Director of the Botanic and Zoologic Garden. [F. Mueller.] Folio Melbourne, 1861 Report of the Commissioners appointed tc Enquire into and Report upon the Circumstances connected with the Suffer- ings and Death of Robert O'Hara Burke and William John Wills, the Victoria Explorers. Folio Melbourne [ 1 862] Progress Reports and Final Report of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society of Victoria. Folio 1872 Report on the Physical Character and Resources of Gippsland. By the Surveyor-General and Secretary of Mines. Map and geological sections. 8 Melbourne, 1874 Census of Victoria, 1871. Parts i to 9 (B) ; with Preliminary Report. Ditto, Part 9 (B) Occupations of the People : Detailed Tables. Ditto, General Report and Appendices. Folio Melbourne, 1874 Ditto, 1 88 1. Approximate Returns. Folio Melbourne, 1881 The same. {Single sheet} The same. Tables. Folio Melbourne, 1892 Statistics of Friendly Societies for the years 1873-76, 1878 ; with Reports by the Government Statist, and Annual Reports of the Proceedings of the Govern- ment Statist in connection with Friendly Societies, 1879-80. Folio Melbourne, 1874-80 AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 701 VICTORIA C. Australasian Statistics for the years 1873- 76, 1879-81 ; with Reports by the Government Statist of Victoria. Folio Melbourne, 1874-82 Agricultural Statistics, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1879-80. Folio Melbozirne Ditto, for the year ended 1st March 1885. Folio. Report of the Conference of Government Statists held in Tasmania, 1875 > w ith Introductory Letter by the Government Statist of Victoria. Folio Melboitrne,^"]^ [See also United Kingdom, II, Emi- grants' Handbooks.] D. Miscellaneous and Anonymous. Gipps' Land. Progress of Discovery in Gipps' Land, between the Australian Alps and the Eastern Coast. 12 1840 Catalogue of the Victorian Exhibition, 1 86 1 ; with Prefatory Essays indicating the Progress, Resources, and Physical Characteristics of the Colony. By Archer, Mueller, Smyth, Neumayer, M'Coy, Selwyn, Birkmyre. 8 Melbourne, 1861 Essais Divers, servant d'Introduction au Catalogue de 1'Exposition des produits de la Colonie de Victoria : mettants en Relief les Progres, Ressources, et Carac- tere physique de la Colonie. (Par W. H. Archer, F. Mueller, R. B. Smyth, Neumayer, F. M'Coy, A. R. C. Selwyn, W. Birkmyre. ) 8 Ale/bourne, 1861 Die Colonie Victoria in Australian ; ihr Fortschritt, ihre Hilfsqucllen, und ihr physikalischerCharakter. (Translated by B. Loewy. ) 8 Melbourne, 1861 Illustrated Handbook of Victoria, Aus- tralia. Large 8 Melbourne, 1886 The Victorian Tourist's Railway Guide Melbourne, 1892 Columbus Jubilee, Melbourne Town Hall, 1 2th October 1892. [From the Proceed- ings, Victorian Branch, R.G.S. Austr.] " Through Gipps' Land." Cutting from Melbourne Argus of I4th Feb. 1874. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Report of the Committee, appointed 3rd August 1838, to take into Considera- tion the Present State and Condition of the Colony of Western Australia, em- bodying a Statistical Report to the end of June 1837, with a Supplement to the close of the year, by Sir James Stirling. Royal 8 Perth, 1838 Geological Exploration S. of the Mur- chison River. Map. Folio Perth, 1873 Special Settlement of that part of the Territory of Western Australia which is North of the igth Parallel of South Latitude. Folio Perth, 1878 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Instructions Issued to Alexander Forrest, Esq., Commander of the Northern Ex- ploring Expedition: and Progress Reports of Expedition from De Grey River to Beagle Bay, and from Beagle Bay to Port Darwin, by A. Forrest. Map. Folio Perth, 1879 Crown Lands and Surveys. Report for the year 1878. Maps. Folio Perth, 1879 A Brief Account of the Natives of Western Australia, their Character, Manners, and Customs ; prepared . . . to illustrate the Collection of Weapons, Implements, &c., sent to the Exhibition at Sydney, N.S.W., 1879. Diagram and map. 8 Perth, 1879 Report by the Director of Public Works, on the Public Works of the Colony, for the year 1885. Map. Folio Perth, 1886 Blue- Book for 1887. Folio Perth, 1888 Annual General Report for 1888-89. By Henry Page Woodward, Government Geologist. 8 Perth, 1890 Annual General Report for the year 1890. By II. P. Woodward Perth, 1891 Report on the Goldfields of Kimberley Dis- trict. By H. P. Woodward Perth, 1891 Second Report of the Western Australian Association. Map. 8 1837 Journals and Reports of Two Voyages to the Glenelg River and the North- West Coast of Australia, 1863 - 64. Maps. 8 Perth, 1864 Notes of Travel in the Far North of West Australia : a Visit to Beagle Bay Mission N.D. [See United Kingdom, II, Emigrants' Handbooks.] PACIFIC ISLANDS. South Sea Company. A View of the Coasts, Countries, and Islands within the limits of the South Sea Com- pany : containing an Account of the Discoveries, Settlements, Progress, and Present State ; with the Bays, Ports, Harbours, and Rivers, &c., the various Winds and Soundings ; the Product, People, Manufactures, Trade, and Riches of the several places ; from the River Aranoca to Terra del Fucgo, and through the South Sea to the farthest bounds of the late Act of Parliament. Collected from the best Authors. 8 1711 An Account of the Discoveries made in the South Pacifick Ocean previous to 1764. Part I. Plates 1767 Three Years in the Pacific : containing Notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, &c., in 1831-34. By an Officer in the U.S. Navy. 2 vols. 8 1835 702 APPENDIX II. PACIFIC ISLANDS. Pacific Company. Operations of the. Plan of the Intended Map. 12 Glasgow, 1836 Steam Navigation. Documents relating to. Folio Lima, 1836 Statements and Documents relating to the establishment of Steam Navigation . in the Pacific ; with copies of the decrees of the Governments of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile granting exclusive privileges to the undertaking. 8 1838 Western Pacific. (High Commission.) Correspondence in connection with the Case of " Reg. v. McMurdo and Davies," and the Remission of the Sentence of the Prisoners. Folio 1884 Declaration for the Abrogation of the Declaration of iQth June 1847, between Great Britain and France, concerning the Islands to the leeward of Tahiti. Folio 1888 [See also New Guinea.] Fiji. Correspondence respecting the Cession of Fiji, and the Provisional Arrangements made for Administering the Government. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1875 Correspondence relative to Land Claims in Fiji. Maps. Folio 1883 Particulars of the Island of Naitamba, one of the Islands in the Fiji Group. 4 N.D. Hawaiian (Sandwich) Islands. Voyage of H.M.S. "Blonde" to the Sandwich Islands in the years 1824-25. Maps and plates. 4 1826 Sandwich Island Notes. By a Haole. Plates. 8 1854 The Honolulu Almanac and Direc- tory, 1886, containing complete Statis- tical and General Information relating to the Hawaiian Islands. Illustrations. 8 Honolulu, 1886 Kilauea after the Eruption of March 1886. Communicated to Prof. W. D. Alexander, Surveyor - General of the Hawaiian Islands, by Messrs J. S. Emer- son, L. L. Van Slyke, and F. S. Dodge. Plates. 8 [1887] PACIFIC ISLANDS. Hawaiian Islands. Catalogue of the Hawaiian Exhibits at the Exposition Uni- verselle, Paris, 1889. Prepared for the Hawaiian Government byj. A. Hassinger. 8 Honolulu, 1889 Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1890. T. G. Thrum, compiler. 8 Honolulu, 1889 Preliminary Catalogue of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Part 5. 8 Honolulu, 1892 An Historical Sketch of Education in the Hawaiian Islands N.D. Paradigm of the Hawaiian Verb, in its Conjugation, Moods, Tenses, Num- bers, and Persons. [On a sheet. ,] N.D. Melanesian Mission. The Island Voyage, 1885. Map. 8 Ludlow, 1886 New Hebrides. " Dayspring" and New Hebrides Mission. Report for the year 1890 Sydney, 1891 Pelew Islands. Narrative of the Ship- wreck of the "Antelope," East India Pacquet, on the Pelew Islands, situated on the Western part of the Pacific Ocean, in August 1873. Plates. 12 Perth, 1788 Samoa. No. I (1889). Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Samoa, 1885-89. Maps. Folio 1889 No. i. (1890). Further Correspond- ence respecting the Affairs of Samoa. [In continuation of "Samoa, No. I (1889)."] Folio 1890 No. 2 (1890). Final Act of the Con- ference on the Affairs of Samoa. Folio 1890 American Documents relating to Affairs in Samoa, 2nd April 1888, 22nd December 1888, i6th January 1889, 3oth January 1889, 8th February 1889. Maps. 8 1888-89 Tonga. Statutes and Laws. (Vernacular and English versions. ) Large 8 Auckland, N.Z., 1889 Statistics of the Tonga Islands for the year ended 315! December 1891. Folio Suva, 1892 EUROPE. 703 EUROPE. GENERAL. Correspondence respecting the European Commissions appointed for the Demarca- tion of Frontiers under the Treaty of Berlin. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1879 Further Correspondence respecting the European Commissions appointed for the Demarcation of Frontiers under the Treaty of Berlin. [Parly. Rep.] Map and plan. Folio 1880 Prospetto Geographico-Statistico degli Stati Europei. Oblong 8 Milan, 1802 An Enquiry into the Primeval State of Europe. Small 8 1864 Die Grundziige im geologischen Ban Europa's. Map. 8 Go'/ia, 1881 The Hotels of Europe, 1885, with Maps, and Railway and Steamship Routes, and Appendix of Foreign Hotels. Large 8. The Picturesque Mediterranean. 2 vols. Coloured and other illustrations. 4 1890-91 Illustrated Europe. Europaischc Wan- derhilder. L'Europe Illustree. Maps and illustrations. 12 Zurich, N. i>. English Edition. No. i. The Arth-Rigi Railway. No. 3. The Vitznau-Rigi-Rail, by August Feierabend. No. 9. Zurich and its Environs. No. 10. Constance and its Environs. No. 1 1. Nyon and its Environs, by Aug. Testury. No. 12. Thusis, by A. Rumpf. No. 13. Lucerne and its Environs. No. 14. Florence, by S. H. M. Byers. Nos. 15, 16. Milan, by J. Hardmeyer. No. 17. Schaffhausen and the Falls of the Rhine. No. 1 8. Ragaz-Pfafers. No. 19. Vevey, its Environs and Climate, by Alfr. Cere- sole. No. 20. The Baths of Kreuth (Bad Kreuth) in the Bavarian Alps, by Dr May. No. 21. Davos. No. 22. The Baths of Reinery, by P. Dargler. No. 23. The Gruyere, the new Mountain Road from Vevey to Interlaken by Bulle-Boltigen. Nos. 24, 25, 26. The St Gothard Railway. Nos. 27, 28. Frei- burg (Baden) and its Environs, by L. Neumann. Nos. 29, 30. Gorbersdorf, Dr Brehmer's Sanatorium for Consump- tives, by R. Ortmann. Nos. 31, 32. Chaux-de-Fonds, Locle, Brenets, and their Environs. No. 33. From Froburg to Waldenburg, an Excursion among GENERAL. Illustrated Europe continued. the Mountains of Soleure and Basle. Nos. 34, 35. The Biirgenstock, Lake of Lucerne, by Dr W. Cubasch. Nos. 36, 37. Neuchatel and its Environs, by A. Bachelin. Nos. 38, 39. .Battaglia, near Padua, by Edward Mautner. Nos. 40, 41. Coire and its Environs, by Dr E. Killias. Nos. 48, 49, 50. From the Danube to the Adriatic : Vienna, Semmering, Trieste, Abbazia, by Dr Henry Noe. Nos. 51, 52. Graz. Nos. 53, 54. From Paris to Berne via Dijon and Pontarlier. Nos. 55, 56. The Lake of Lucerne, by I. Hardmeyer. No. 57. The Bergstrasse from Jugenheim to Auerbach, by Ernest Pasque. Nos. 58, 59. Aix-les-Bainsand its Environs, by V. Barbier. Nos. 60, 61. Heidelberg, by Carl Pfaff. Nos. 62, 63,64. Budapest, by Edmund Steinacker. No. 65. Montreux (Lake of Geneva), from the French of Alfred Ceresole. Nos. 69, 70, 71, 72. Canton Glarus and the Lake of Walenstadt, by Ernest Buss. Nos. 73, 74, 75, 76. From Paris to Milan via Mont Cenis (Frejus), by V. Barbier. Nos. 77, 78, 79. The Black Forest Rail- way (Grand-Duchy of Baden), by J. Hardmeyer. German Edition. No. 2. Die Vetliberg-Bahn, von J. J. Binder, 2 aufl. No. 5. Der Wallgahrtsort Einseedeln. No. 14. Das Tossthal, von Dr G. Geilfus. No. 25. Eisenerz in der obern Steiermark, von J. Krainz. No. 28. Pyrmont, von R. Geissler. No. 29. Villach in Karnten, und seine Umgebung, von H. Noe". Nos. 38, 39. Bad Krank- enheil-Tolz im Bayerischen Hochlande, von G. Schafer. Nos. 42, 43. Das Vorchristliche Rom, von Dr O. Henne- Amrhyn. Nos. 44, 45, 46. Ajaccio als Winterkurort, und die Insel Corsica, von R. Gerber. Nos. 47, 48. Augsburg, von A. Buff. Nos. 49, 50. Bonn und seine Umgebung, von L. Lorbach. Nos. 71, 72. Durch den Arlberg, von Ludwig von Hor- mann. Nos. 77, 78, 79, 80. Konstantino- pel und Umgebung, von P. Leowhardi. Nos. 81, 82. Wallis und Chamonix, von der Furka bis Brig, von F. O. Wolf. No. 83. Das National-Denkmal am Nie- derwald, von Josef Schrattenholz. Nos. 92, 93. Bad Driburg, aus clem Tage- buche eines Ilypochonders, von Dr 704 APPENDIX II. GENERAL. I llustrated Europe continued. Theodor Riefenstahl. Nos. 94, 95. Wallis und Chamonix, II. Heft : Brig und der Simplon, von F. O. Wolf. Nos. 99, 100, 101, 1 02. Wallis und Cha- monix, III. Heft.: die Visperthaler, von F. C. Wolf. Nos. 103, 104. Murten, von Dr F. Stock. Nos. 105, 106, 107. Wallis und Chamonix, IV. Heft : Lot- schen und Leukerbad, von F. C. Wolf. Nos. 108, 109, 1 10. Wallis und Cha- monix, V. Heft : die Thaler von Turt- man und Eifisch, von F. O. Wolf. Nos. 114, 115, 116. Lugano und die Verbind- ungslinie zwischen den drei oberitalien- ischen See'n, von J. Hardmeyer. Nos. 121, 122. Bad Cudowa (Provinz Schle- sien) : von F. L. Marlieb. Nos. 123, 124. Die Hollenthalbahn, von Sieg- fried Bodenheimer. No. 125. Fried- richshafen am Bodensee. French Edition. No. 140. Le Chemin de Fer du Monte Generoso, par J. Hardmeyer. Picturesque Europe ; with Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the most Eminent Artis:s. 5 vols. 4 N.D. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. A. Official Reports. Statistischen Bureau der kon. Freistadt Pest. Publicationcn, Nos. 3, 7, 9, u, 13, 54, 63, 69, 71, 77, 83, 89, 90, 101, 125, 127. [III., V.-VIIL, XV. (Band i.-iii.), XVI.-XX., XXII.-XXV. (Band i. ) Medium and royal 8 Budapest and Berlin, 1871-94 [See Korosi.] Bericht iiber die "Nautilus" Expedition. See Wolf, J. Astronomische, Magnetische,und Meteoro- logische Beobachtungen an der K. K. Sternwarte zu Prag im Jahre 1881. Prague, N.D. Verhandlungen der Oesterreichischen Gradmessungs Commission. Protokolle iiber die Sitzungen, 1885-94. 8 Vienna, 1889-94 Mediterranean. Berichte der Commission fiir Erforschung des Oestlichen Mittel- meeres. Erste Keihe. Maps and ilhts- trations. 4 Vienna [1893 ?] Ditto. Zweite Reihe. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna [1893] Ditto. Dritte Reihe. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna [1894] [Aus den Denkschriften der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Band 59, 60, 61.] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. B. Miscellaneous Publications. Adriatic. Erster Bericht der standigen Commission fiir die Adria an die kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Tables. 8 Vienna, 1869 Oesterreichischer Ingenieur und Archi- tekten Verein. II. Bericht des Hydro- technischen Comite's iiber die Wasser- abnahme in den Quellen, Fliissen, und Stromen in den Culturstaaten. Plates. 8 Vienna, 1881 Festschrift aus Veranlassung der Fiin- fundzwanig Jiihrigen Jubelfeier der K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien im December 1 88 1. Small 4 Vienna, 1881 Bericht iiber das X. Vereinsjahr (15 November 1883 bis 6 December 1884) erstattet vom Vereine der Geographen an der Universitat Wien. 8 Vienna, 1885 Publications of the National Htmgarian Academy of Science. Acsady, Ignacz. Magyarorszag pen- ziigyei I. Ferdinand uralkodasa alatt, 1526-64. 8 Budapest, 1888 Ballagi, Aladar. Colbert. Parts i and 2. 8 Budapest, 1887-90 Beke, Antal, and Barabas Samu. I. Rakoczy Gyorgy es a porta. Levelek es ikiratok. 8 Budapest, 1888 Coloman. Szily. Rapport sur les Travaux de 1'Academie des Sciences de Hongrie en 1892 8 Budapest, 1893 Csanki, Dezso. Hunyadiak kora Mag- yarorszagon. Vol. 6. Magyarorszag tortenelmi foldrajzaahunyadiak koraban. Vol. i. 8 Budapest, 1893 Czadeczky, Lajos. Bathory istvan lengyel kiralylya valastasa, 1574-1576. 8 Budapest, 1887 Danko, J6zsef. A franczia konyvdisz a renaissance korban. Plates. 8 Budapest, 1886 Deak, Farkas. A bujdosok leveltara. A grof teleki-csalad mados-vasarhelyi leveltarabol. 8 Budapest, 1883 Demk6, Kalman. Felso-magyarorszagi Varosok eleterol a XV. -XVII. szazadban. 8 Budapest, 1890 Fejerpataky, Laszlo. A kiralyi kanczel- lariaazarpadok koraban. 8 Budapest,\'8&$ Magyarorszagi varosok regi szama- dasktinyvei. Selmecz-banya, Pozsony, Beszterczebania, Nagyszombat, Sopron, Bartfa es Kormoczbanya varosok level- taraibol. 8 Budapest, 1885 Finaly, Henrik. Az okori sulyokrol es mertekekrol. 8 Budapest, 1883 Gelcich, J6zsef. Raguza es Magyarorszag osszekotteteseinek okleveltara. A ragu- zai allami, a becsi cs. es kir. titkos es egyeb leveltarakban levo okiratokbol osszeallitotta Bevezetessel es jegyze- tekkel elatti Slralloczy Lajos. 8 Budapest, 1887 EUROPE -AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 70S AUSTRIA-HUNGARY B. Hungarian Academy continued. Ipolyi, Arnold. Also-sztregovai es rimai Rimay Janos allamiratai es levelezese. 8 Budapest, 1887 Kallay, Beni. Magyarorszag a kelet es a nyugot hataran. 8 Budapest, 1883 Karacsonyi, Janos. Szent-istvan Kiraly Oklevelei a Szilveszter Bulla diploma- tikai tanulmany. 8 Budapest, 1891 Karolyi, Arpad. Illeshazy islvan hiit- lensegi pore. 8 Budapest, 1883 Kerpely, Antal. Magyarorszag Vaskbvei, &c. See Authors' Catalogue. Kiss, Karoly. Hunyadi Janos utolso hadjarata bolgar es szerborszag-aban 1454 ben, es Nandorfejer-rar fblmentise, a tbrbk tbboretastbl 1456. 8 Budapest, 1859 Knauz, Nandor. Az orszagos tanacs es orszaggyiilesek tbrtenete, 1445-1452. 8 Budapest, 1859 Kortan (Chronologia) hazai tbrtenel- miinkhbz alkalmazva. 4 Budapest, 1877 Kolozsvari, S. , and K. Ovari. A Magyar tbrvenyhatosagok jogszabalyainak gyiij- temenye. Magyarorszagi jogtbrtenete emlekek. (Monumenta Hungariae Juri- dico - Historika. Corpus Statutorum Hungariae Municipalium.) Vols. 1-3. 8 Budapest, 1885-92 Kbrbsi, Jozsef. Budapest nemzetisegi allapota es magyarosodasa az i88i-diki nepszamlalas eredmenyei szerint. 8 Budapest, 1882 and others. Megyei Monografiak. Magyarorszag kbzgazdasagi es kozmiive- Ibdesi allapota a XIX. czazag vegen. 8 Budapest, 1891 Kovacs, Nandor. Betiirendes nevmutato Wenzel Gusztav arpadkori uj okmany- tarahoz. Index alphabeticus codicis diplomatici arpadiani continuati. 8 Budapest, 1889 Laszlofalvi, V. A., and E. Kammerer. Magyarorszagi toro'k kinestari defterck. Vol. I, 1543-1635. 8 Budapest, 1886 Ortvay, Tivadar. Magyarorszag regi vizrajza a XIII-ik szazad vegeig. Vols. i and 2. 8 Budapest, 1882 Ovary, Lipot. Okleveltar Bethlen Gabor Diplomacziai osszekottetesei tortenetehez. Diplomatarium relationum Gabrielis Bethlen cum Venetorum republica. A valenezei allami leveltarban Mircse Janos altal eszkozolt mazolatokbol szerk- esztette. 8 Budapest, 1886 A Magyar Tud. Akademia tortenelmi bizottsaganak Oklevel-Masolatai. Part i. 8^ Budapest, 1890 Pech, Antal. Also Magyarorszag ban- yamivelesenck tortenete. Vols. I and 2. Map. 8 Budapest, 1884-87 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY B. Hungarian Academy continued. Pesty, Frigyes. A szo'renyi banzag es szoreny vacmegye tortenete. Vols. 1-3. 8 Bitdapest, 1877-78 A Magyarorszagi varispansagok tor- tenete kiilonosen a XIII. szazadban. 8 Budapest, 1882 Az eltiint regi varmegyek. 2 vols. 8 Budapest, 1880 Magyarorszag helynevei tbrteneti, &c. Vol. i. 8 Budapest, 1888 Piszt6ry, Mor. A nemzetgazdasagtan haladasa es iranya az utolso tizenbt ev alatt. 8 Budapest, 1888 Rentmeister, Antal. Lex Falcidia es Quarta Falcidia. (Ertekezes a pandek- tajog kbrebol.) 8 Budapest, 1888 Rupp, Jakab. Magyarorszag helyrajzi tortenete fb tekintettel az egyhazi inte- zetekre vagyis nevezetesb varosok helyse- gek, s azokhan letezett egyhazi intezetek, puspbkmegyek szerint rendezve. Vol. I. Parts i and 2. 8 Budapest, 1870 Szadeczky, Lajos. Izabella es Janos Zsigmond Lengyelorszagban, I55 2 " I S56- Budapest, 1888 A dunai hajohadak Budapest, 1886 Bethlen gabor es a (A Stockholm! kir. Szentklaray, Jeno. tbrtenete. 8 Szilagyi, Sandor. sved diplomaczia. sved allamleveltarban s az Upsalai egyetemi kbnyvtarban brzbtt adatok alapjan. ) 8 Budapest, 1882 Levelek es okiratok I. Rakoczy Gybrgy keleti osszekottetesei tortenetehez. 8 Budapest, 1883 Transsylvania et bellum boreo- orientale acta et documenta. Erdely es az eszakkeleti haboru levelek es okiratok. Vol. 2. 8 Budapest, 1891 Szinnyei, Jozsef. Hazai es kiilfbldi foly- oiratok Magyar Tudomanyos Reper- toriuma. 2 vols. 8 Budapest, 1874-85 Thaly, Kalman. A szekesi grof Berc- senvi csalad, 1525-1706. Vols. 1-3. Plates. 8 Budapest, 1885-92 Torma, Karoli. Repertorium ad litera- turam Daciae archaeologicam et epigra- phicam. [In Hungarian.] 8 Budapest, 1880 Vambery, Armin. A Magyarok eredete. Ethnologiai tanulmany. 8 Budapest, 1882 Vass, Jozsef. Hazai es kiilfbldi iskolazas az Arpad-korszak alatt. A gorove dijjal jutalmazott palyamunka. 8 Budapest, 1862 Vecsey, Tamas. Aemilius Papinianus palyaja es miivei. 8 Budapest, 1884 Wenzel, Gusztav. A Fuggerek jelen- tbsege Magyarorszag tbrteneteben. 8 Budapest, 1882 Magyarorszag mezbgazdasaganak tbr- tenete. 8 Budapest, 1887 7 o6 APPENDIX II. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY B. Hungarian Academy continued. Wlassigs, Gyula. A biinkiserlet es bevegzett biincselekmeny. A tettesseg es reszesseg tana. Vols. i and 2. 8 Budapest, 1885-87 Tortenettudomanyi Palyamunkak. Kiadja A Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. Vols. I and 2. 8 Budapest, 1841-42 A Magyar Nyelv Rendszere. Kozre bocsata A Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. Masodik kiadas. 8 Budapest, 1847 Monumenta Hungariae Archaeologica aevi Praehistorici. Lipp, Vilmos. A keszthelyi sirmezok. Plates. Royal 4 Budapest, 1884 Nyary, Jeno. Az aggteleki barlang oskori temenlo. Plates. Royal 4 Budapest, 1881 Monumenta Hungariae Archaeologica aevi Medii. Reisenberger, L. es J. Hen- szlmann. A nagyszebeni es a szekes- fehervari regi templom. Plates. Royal 4 Budapest, 1883 Puszky, Ferencz. A rezkor magyar- orszagban. Plates. Royal 4 Budapest, 1883 C. Anonymous. Poland. Nachrichten liber Polen. Salzburg, 1793 Umriss von der Oesterreichischen Mon- archic, nebst einer ethnographischen Karte. 8 Leipzig, 1834 Carlsbad. Der Fiihrer in Carlsbad und der Umgebung. Plate. 16 Carlsbad, 1853 Piski - Zsilthal Railway. Gesuch um Bewilligung der Staats-Garantie ftir die Piski-Zsilthaler Eisenbahn. 8 Vienna, 1864 Buccari. Der Golf von Buccari-Porto Re. Maps and plates. 4 Prague, 1871 Magyarland : being the Narrative of our Travels through the Highlands and Low- lands of Hungarj-. By a Eellow of the Carpathian Society. 2 vols. 1 '/lustra- tions. Large 8 1881 Abazia. Lose Blatter aus Abazia. Illus- trations. 4 Vienna, 1886 Pola. Seine Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Eine Studie. Plans and plates. Large 8 Vienna, 1886 Hungary. Les Roumains Hongrois et la Nation Hongroise. Reponseau Memoire des Etudiants Universitaires de Roumanie. Budapest, 1891 Bosnia -Herzegowina. Von der Adria bis Sarajevo. Illustrations. 12 Vienna, N.D. Die Donau von Passau bis Linz und Wien. Map. 12 Leipzig, N.D. BELGIUM. Ministere de la Guerre. Communications de 1'Institut Cartographique Militaire, No. 19. Conference sur 1'Application du Mouvement de la Mer. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1881 Notice sur les Cartes, Documents, et Objets exposes au Grand Concours Inter- national de Bruxelles en 1888. Large 8 Brussels, 1888 Spa. Le Guide des Curieux qui visitent les Eaux de Spa. 8 Verviers, 1814 Guide aux Eaux et aux Jeux de Spa. Map. 8 Spa, 1865 Education. Reglement sur 1'Organisalion de 1'Enseignement Superieur dans les Provinces Meridionales du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 18 Louvain, 1816 Livre de Poste de la Belgique. 8 Brussels, 1833 Receuil de Documens Statistiques de la Belgique. 8 N.l'., 1833 African Association. See Africa : General. Antwerp and its Exhibition. A Holiday in Belgium, including Brussels and Waterloo, Mechlin, Ghent, and Bruges. Illustrations. 8 N.D. DENMARK. Den Danske Lods, beskrivelse over de Danske Farvande. 8 1843-60 and 1866 Tillreg og Rettelser. No. i. 8 J 1872 - The same. Maj 1888. Large 8 Danorum Regum heroumque Historioe.stilo elegantia, Saxone Grammatico, natione Sialandico. [Blackletter.] Folio Paris, 1514 Sokartet offuer Oster oc Wester Soen. Small 4 Copenhagen, 1568 Meddelelser om Gronland. See Polar, Arctic, I. An Account of Denmark as it was in the year 1692 ; an Account of Sweden as it was in ihe year 1688; with several Pieces relating to those Accounts. 8 1738 The same. 4th edition. 8 1738 Iceland. An Historical and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands, with Illustrations of their Natural History. Map and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1840 The New Sailing Directory for the Catte- gat, the Sound, and the Belts. To accompany the Chart published by R. II. Laurie. 3rd edition. 8 1844 FRANCE. A. Ministere de la Guerre. Depot de la Guerre. Memorial Topographique et Militaire redige an Depot General de la Guerre. No. 5. Topographic, III 8 Trimestre de 1'an XI. 8 Paris, 1803 EUROPE FRANCE. 707 FRANCE A. Memorial du Depot General cle la Guerre, imprime par ordre du Ministre. Vol. 3. 8 1825 The same, Vols. I, 3-7. [Vols. 6 and 7 contain the "Description Geometrique de la France," Parts I and 2.] 4 Paris, 1829-40 Service Gdographique de VArme'e. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Notice sur les objets exposes : Instruments, Girtes. Maps. 8 Paris, 1889 Sous Commission du Serv. Geogr. de 1'Armee. Rapport de la Commission charge de recherches et d'etudier a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1889 les objets, produits, appareils, et precedes pouvant interesser 1'Armee. Fascicule No. I. Large 8 U Pan's, 1890 Catalogue des Cartes, Plans, et autres ouvrages, publics par le Serv. Geogr. de 1'Armee. 8 1892 Rapport sur les Travaux executes en 1892. 8 J Paris, 1893 B. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. a. Miscellaneous. Annales Maritimes et Coloniales. See Appendix 3. Notices Statistiques sur les Colonies Fran9aises. Parts i, 2, and 4. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1837-40 Part i. Martinique, Guadeloupe, et Dependances. Part 2. Bourbon, Guyane Fran9aise. Part 4. Madagascar, Saint-Pierre, et Miquelon. Tableaux de Population, de Culture, de Commerce, de Navigation, &c. ; la Suite des Tableaux inseres dans les Notices Statistiques sur les Colonies Franchises, 1839, '41, '42, '45, '46, '49, '5o-'75. 24 vols. in 14. 8 Paris, 1842-78 The same, 1876-77, 1879-81. 5 Nos. 8 Paris, 1878-83 Notices Statistiques sur les Colonies Francaises. 8 U Paris, 1883 Notices Coloniales publiees a 1'occasion de 1'Exposition Universelle d'Anvers en 1885. 3 vols. Maps. 8 Paris, 1885 Les Colonies Franchises : Notices Illus- trees, publiees par ordre du Sous-Secre- taire d'Etat des Colonies. 20 vols. Maps and illustrations. 1 2 Paris [1889-90] Notices sur Annam, Cambodge, Cochinchine, 1'Inde Franaisc, Tonkin, le Soudan Francais, le Gabon-Congo, le Senegal, laGuinee, Obock,Mayotte,lesComores, Nosse- Be, Diego-Suarez, Sainte- Marie de Madagascar, la Reunion, Madagas- FRANCE B a. Les Colonies continued. car, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, La Guyane, la Martinique, les Wallis, Futuna, Kerguelen, la Guadeloupe, Tahiti, lles-sous-le-vent, les Nou- velles-Hebrides, la Nouvelle-Cale- donie. Cape Horn. Ministeres de la Marine et de 1'Instruction Publique. Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn (1882-83). 7 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Paris, 1885-92 Tome i. Histoire du Voyage, par L. F. Martial 1888 Tome 2. Meteorologie, par J. Lephay 1885 Tome 3. MagnetismeTerrestre. Re- cherches sur la Constitution Chimique de 1'Atmosphere 1 886 Tome 4. Geologic, par le Dr Hyades 1887 Tome 5- -Botanique, par P. Hariot, P. Petit, J. Muller d'Argovie, E. Bes- cherelle, C. Massalongo, et A. Franchet 1889 Tome 6. Zoologie 1887-91 Tome 7. Anthropologie, Ethno- graphic, par P. Hyades et J. Deniker 1891 b. Depot des Carles et Plans de la Marine. Annales Hydrographiques. See Transac- tions : Appendix 3. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France, 1836, 1839, and 1849-94 (1856, '73, '89, and '91 missing). 16" Paris [Later numbers included in series below. ] Unnumbered Series. Paris Pilote de Brezil. See Roussin 1827 Cotes de la Martinique. See Monnier 1828 Reconnaissance Hydrographique des Cotes de France, sur le Passage entre Brehat et les Roches Douvres. Map Paris, 1832 Couranls de la Manche, &c. See Mon- nier 1835-39 Description Nautique des Cotes de 1'Algerie. Par de Tessan 1837 Melanges Hydrographiques. See Da- rondeau 1846 Coles de 1'Afrique Occidentale. See Bouet-Villaumez 1846 Emploi des Chronometres a la Mer. See Givry 1846 Cote Sept. du Bresil, &c. See Mont- ravel 1847 La Latitude par les Hauteurs Hors du Meridien. See Pagel !&47 Golf de Venise. See Beautemps- Beaupre i&49 Phares de Hollande et de Belgique. See Darondeau 1849 7 o8 APPENDIX II. FRANCE B b. MARINE. Unnumbered Series. Bayonne, Barre De. Instruction pour aborder et franchir la Barre cle Bayonne. 8 Paris, 1850 Description Nautique clu Detroit de la Sonde. Par M. Melvill de Carnbee 1850 Ocean Pacifique. See Kerhallet 1851 Cotes des Guyanes. See Montravel 1851 Azores. See Kerhallet 1851 Cote Occidentale de 1'Afrique. See Kerhallet 1851 Determination des Longitudes. See Kulczycki 1851 Phares de 1'Amerique du Nord. See Darondeau 1851 Phares de la Mediterranee, &c. See Darondeau 1852 Ouragans de la Mer des Indes. See Lefebvre 1852 Cercle Meridien Portalif. See Laugier 1852 Golfe de Finlande, Cotes de 1'Esthonie, &.c. See Hjorth 1854-5 Considerations Generates sur 1'Ocean Atlantique. See Kerhallet 1854 Variations des Pendules et des Chrono- metres. See Lieussou 1854 Mer Adriatique. See Gras J 855 Regime des Courants. See Keller 1855 Portulan des Cotes de la Manche, &c. Par V. A. Moulac 1855 Pilote Danois. Trad, du Danske- Lods 1855 Routier de 1'Australie. See Gras 1855-61 Observations sur la Navigation des Paquebots qui traversent 1' Atlantique 1856 Mer d'Azof. See Cloue 1856 Ocean Pacifique. See Kerhallet 1856 Mer Baltique. See Klint 1856 Phares des Mers du Globe, &c. See Gras ; also infra, No. 216, et seq. 1856-78 Cote N. du Maroc ; Detroit de Gib- raltar. See Vincendon-Dumoulin 1857 Nouvelle Caledonie. See Montravel 1857 Resume de la parlie Physique et De- scriptive des "Sailing Directions" du Lieut. Maury. Par E. Tricault 1857 Erreurs des Compas. See Darondeau 1858 Pilote Norvegien. See Long, Baron de 1858 Mer du Nord. i re Partie. Les lies Shetland et les lies Orcades. Trad, de F Anglais 1858 Instructions Nautiques. See Maury 1^59 Longitudes Chronometriques des prin- cipaux points cle la Cote du Bresil. Par E. Mozichzez 1863 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. 8 Paris No. 216. Phares de la Mer du Nord, la Mer Baltique, et la Mer Blanche. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1877 No. 217. Phares des Cotes des iles Britanniques. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1876, 1877 No. 218. Phares des Cotes nord et ouest de France, et des cotes ouest d'Espagne et de Portugal. 8 1874,1877 No. 219. Phares de la Mer Mediter- ranee, de la Mer Noire, et de la ,Mer d'Azof. Espagne, France, Italic, Etats de 1'Eglise, Autriche, Grece, Turquie, et Russie. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1875,1877 No. 220. Phares des Cotes orientales de 1'Amerique Anglaise et des Etats- Unis. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1875, l8 77 No. 221. Phares de la Mer des An- tilles et du Golfe du Mexique. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1872, 1874 No. 222. Phares des Cotes Ouest, Sud et Est d'Afrique, et des ties eparses de 1'Ocean Atlantique. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1869, 1876 No. 223. Phares des Cotes orientales de 1'Amerique du Sud. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1874, 1876 No. 224. Phares des Mers des Indes et de Chine, de 1'Australie, Terre de Van-Diemen et Nouvelle-Zelande, 1872, 1877; Do., de 1'Australie, de la Tas- manie, de la Nouvelle-Zelande, et des Cotes Sud et Est d'Afrique, 1878. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1872, 1877, 1878 No. 225. Phares du grand Ocean. Cotes occidentales d'Amerique et iles eparses. 8 1878 No. 230. Manuel de la Navigation dans le Rio de la Plata. Par A. Bou- carut 1857 No. 237. See Klint. No. 249. Cotes Occid. du Centre Amerique. See Rosencoat 1857 No. 262. Instructions a donner aux bailments venant en Nouvelle Caledonie par le Cap de Bonne Esperance 1858 Nos. 275, 278, 281, 327, 338, 384, 398, 55. 55 6 5 61 . 5 88 > 6 7i, 698. Recherches sur les Chronometres et les Instruments Nautiques. Parts 1-14 (part 4 missing) 1859-87 No. 277. Formose, Coree, &c. See Gras 1859 No. 278. See No. 275. No. 280. Nouvelle - Caledonie, &c. &*? Grimoult 1859 No. 281. See No. 275. No. 291. Courants de la Cote Occid. d'Afrique. See Vallon ; 1860 No. 295. Note sur 1'Evaluation des Distances en Mer. Par de la Roche- Poncie i860 EUROPE FRANCE. 709 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. 296. Detroit cle Banka. Nouvelle Passe pour donner dans le detroit en venant du Sud. Position de quelques Ecueils dans la Mer de Corail. 8 1860 Nos. 303, 337. Cotes N. de la Russie, &c. See Reineke 1860 No. 307. Environs de Cherbourg. See Keller 1861 No. 308. Instructions nautiques sur les traversees d'aller et de retour de la Manche a Java. Traduit sous la direc- tion de C. Le Helloco. 4 1861 No. 309. Ocean Indien He de Cey- lan. Description des Basses et des dan- gers qui sont pres de la Cote S.E. de 1'ile de Ceylan. 8 1861 No. 312. Routier d 'Australia. Vol. 2. See Gras 1861 No. 314. Routier cle Baie de Fundy et de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. Par A. Le Gras 1861 No. 315. Instructions sur File de Crete ou Candie. Trad, par A. le Gras 1861 No. 326. Ouragans. See Keller 1861 No. y.'j.See No. 275. No. 329. Description Hydrograph- ique de la Cote Orientale de la Coree, et du Golfe d'Osaka. Par H. de la Planche 1861 No. 330. La Vrai Principe de la Loi des Ouragans. Trad, de 1'Anglais. 8 1861 No. 334. Renseignements Nautiques sur les Cotes de Patagonie 1862 No. 335. Cotes d'lslande. See Mas 1862 No. zyj'See No. 303. No. l&.See 275. No. 339. Instructions Nautiques sur le Sound de Harris et le Petit Minch. Par A. le Gras 1862 Nos. 340, 351. Mer des Antilles, &c. Sec Kerhallet 1862-63 No. 342. G. de Guinee, Vents et Courants. See Capello, Brito 1862 No. 343. Cote de Syrie. See Des- moulins 1862 No. 346. R. de la Plata. See Mouchez 1862 No. 347. Campagne de la Cordeliere. Etudes sur FOcean Indien. Par le Vicomte Fleuriot cle Langle. 8 1862 No. 348. Table de Cyclones. See Poey 1862 No. 351. See No. 340. No. 352. Routier cle la Cote Sud et Est d'Afrique 1863 No. 353. Golfe S. Laurent. See Bay - field 1863 No. 354. Mer du Norcl, Baltique, Mer Blanche, &c. See Norie 1863 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 357. Renseignements sur la Mer Rouge. Par Lapierre. 8 1863 No. 358. Formule generate pour trouver la Latitude et la Longitude par les hauteurs hors du Meridien. Par Louis Pagel. 8 1863 No. 359. Mer de Chine. Route de Singapour a Saigon. 8 1863 No. 361. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes orientales de FAmerique du Sud comprises entre La Plata et le Detroit de Magellan. Par E. Hamelin. 8 1863 No. 362. Sur FEmploi du Com pas etalon, &c. Par B. Darondeau 1863 No. 363. Instructions Nautjques sur les Cotes Occid. d'Amerique, de la Riviere Trembez a Panama. Traduit cle FAnglais par A. MacDermott 1863 No. 364. InstructionsNautiquessurles Cotes cle Patagonie. Par P. Martin 1863 No. 365. Instruction pour aller cher- cher La Barre de Bayonne et entrer dans la riviere, ou pour relacher ou mouiller dans les environs. 8 1863 No. 367. Les Cotes du Bre'sil, De- scription et Instructions Nauticjues. Par E. Mouchez. 2 me Sect. De Bahia a Rio Janeiro. Charts. 8 1864 No. 368. Rapport sur une nouvelle Route pour doubler le Cap de Bonne- Esperance, de FEst a 1'Ouest, pendant la saison cl'hiver, de Mai a Septembre. Par Bridet. Chart. 8 1863 No. 370. Meteorologique Nautique. Vents et Courants, Routes Generates (Maury). Par E. Ploix. Plates and charts. 4 1 863 No. 371. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes occidentales de I'Amerique, du Golfe de Penas a la riviere Tumbez. Par MacDermott. 8 1863 No. 372. Instructions Nautiques sur la Mer Baltique 1864 No. 373. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes Est de la Chine, la Mer Jaune, les Golfes de Pe-Chili et de Liau-Tung, et la Cotes Quest de la Coree (China Pilot). Par de Vautre" et A. Le Gras. 8 1863 No. 376. Pilote de File Guernsey. Trad, de FAnglais par M. Massias 1864 No. 378. Routier de la Cote Nord d'Espngne. Trad, de FEspagnol par A. le Gras 1864 No. 379. Instructions Nautiques pour les principaux ports de la Cote Est de I'Amerique du Nord. Par MacDer- mott. 8 1864 No. 380. Manuel de la Navigation dans la Mer des Antilles et dans le Golfe du Mexique. Par C. P. de Kerhallet. 3" 1C Ptie. 2" 1C ed. Maps, &c. 8 1864 7io APPENDIX II. FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 382. Mer du Nord. 4"' Ptie. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1864 No. 383. La Loi des Tempetes con- sideree dans ses Rapports avec les Mouve- ments de 1'Atmosphere (Dove). Par A. Le Gras. Plates and charts. 8 1864 No. 384. Recherches sur les Chrono- metre-i et les Instruments Nautiques. 7 me Cahier. 8 1864 No. 385. Madagascar (Cote orien- tale), Partie comprenant 1'ile Fong, Tamatave, Foulepointe, Mahambo, Fenerive, Sainte-Marie et Tintingue. Par Germain. 8 1861 No. 387. Instruction pour le Micro- metre Lugeol a Cadran Lorieux. Par J. Bosc. Plates. 8 1864 No. 389. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes de Corse. Par Sallot des Noyers. 8 1865 No. 390. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1866. Par Gau-sin et E. Ploix. 16 1865 No. 393. Pilote de la Mer Noire. Par H. de la Planche. Cote d'Asie. Plans and profiles. 8 1865 No. 394. Pilote du Golfe Saint- Laurent. Trad, de 1'Anglais 1865 No. 395. Mer de Chine. i trc Ptie. Instructions Nautiques sur la Cote Est de la Malaisie, le Golfe de Siani, les Cotes de la Cochinchine, le Golfe de Tonquin, et la Cote Sud de la Chine. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1865 No. 396. Renseignements sur la Navi- gation des Cotes et des Rivieres de la Guyane Fran9aise. Par E. Gouy. 8 1865 No. 398. Recherches sur les Chrono- metres et les Instruments Nautiques. 8"' c Cahier. 8 1865 No. 399. Mouillages d'Islande et de Norvege. See Thoyon 1865 No. 400. Supplement au Rentier de PAustralie, 2. Cote Est, Detroit de Torres, et Mer de Corrail. 8 1865 No. 403. Rentier de Pile Aubigny. Trad, par J. Varin 1865 No. 404. Supplement aux Instruc- tions (No. 373) sur la Mer dc Chine. 2 mc i>[ie. Contcnant des Instructions sur les Cotes Est de Chine, la Mer Jaune, les Golfes de Pe-Chili et de Lia-Tung et la Cote Quest de la Coree (China Pilot). Par Costa. 8 1865 Nos. 406 and 407. Le Pilote de la Nouvelle-Zelande (Richards et Evans). Par A. Jouan, revue par Sallot des Noyers. I 6rc and 2" 1C Plies. Maps. Oblong 12 1865 Nos. 411-12. Golfe Persique. See Constable 1 866 No. 415. Golfe d'Aden, &c. See Ward, C. Y. 1866 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 415. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1867. Par Gaussin et E. Ploix. 16 1866 No. 417. Mer Mediterranee. See Gras 1866 No. 418. Routier de Pile Jersey. Trad, de 1'Anglais 1866 No. 420. Routier de PAustralie, Cotes Nord, N.O., et Quest (Yule). Par Besson. 8 1866 No. 421. Cotes S.S.E. et E. d'Afrique. See Horsey, de 1866 Nos. 422, 428, 433, 437, 442. Archi- pel d'Asie. See Sallot des Noyers 1867-68 No. 423. Note sur les Traversees de Retour du Golfe du Mexique en France. Par B. F. Grasset. Route d'Europe au Mexique. 8 1866 No. 424. Ports de 1'Oceanie, &c. See Foy 1866 No. 426. Mer de Chine. 3 me Ptie. Instructions Nautiques sur les iles et les Passages entre les Philippines et le Japon et les iles du Japon. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1867 No. 428. See No. 422. No. 430. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France p ur 1'an 1868. Par Gaussin. 16 1867 No. 432. Mer de Chine. 5 me Ptie. Instructions Nautiques sur la Mer du Japon, la Cote Quest du Nippon, la Cole Est de la Coree et la Cote de Tartarie, la Manche de Tartarie, le Detroit de Tsugar, les iles Kouriles, le Detroit de La Perouse, la Mer d'Okhotsk, et la Kams- chatka. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1867 Nos. 433, 437, 442. See No. 422. No. 434. 2 mc Supplement aux In- structions (No. 373) sur la Mer de Chine. 2 ">c pti e . Contenant des Renseigne- ments Nautiques sur la Cote Quest de la Coree et la Riviere de Seoul, recuellis pendant 1'Exploration faite en Septembre et Octobre 1866, par la Division Navale de Chine sous les ordres du C. A. Roze. Afaps. 8 1867 No. 435. Instructions Nautiques sur la Cote occidentale d'Afrique, com- prenant le Maroc, le Sahara, et la Sene- gambie. Par C. P. de Kerhallet, revues par Le Gras et Vallon. Profiles. 8 1867 No. 438. Pilote de Pile Vancouver (Richards). Par Hocquart. 8 1867 No. 439. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour Pan 1869. Par Gaussin. 16 1868 No. 440. Pilote de la Cote occiden- tale de 1'Hindostan, comprenant la Golfe de Manar, les iles Maldives et Laque- dives (Taylor). Par J. Lafont. 8 1868 EUROPE -FRANCE. 711 FRANCE B . MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 443. Cote occidentale d'Amer- ique. Bale de San Francisco et Cote au Nord. 8 1868 No. 444. Instruction pour entre dans le Fort d'Alexandrie, Egypte. Par A. Bouquet de la Grye. 8 1867 No. 447. Mer de Chine. 4 me Ptie. Instructions Nautiques pour naviguer sur les Cotes Quest et N.-O. de Borneo, les detroits de Balabac, les Cotes Quest et Est de Palawan, les iles Calamianos, le detroit de Mindoro, et les Cotes S. -O. et Quest de 1'ile Lu9on, suivies d'une Description des Banes de la Mer de Chine. Par A. ^Le Gras. 8 1868 No. 447^. lies Philippines. Ren- seignements sur les iles de Manille a Ho- llo, a Zebu, et a Samboangon. 8 1879 No. 448. Rade de Brest. See Rou- joux . 1868 No. 449. - Pilote de la Manche. See below, No. 636 1869 No. 451. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1870. Par Gaussin. 16 1869 No. 452. Description des Cotes du Royaume de Portugal. Par A. Le Gras. Profiles. 8 1869 No. 454. Instructions Nautiques pour la Cote S.E. de la Nouvelle Ecosse et la Baie de Fundy. Trad, de 1'Anglais par J. Lafont 1869 No. 455. Cotes du Bresil. See Mouchez 1 869 No. 456. Note sur les Sondes faites par de grandes profondeurs (Davis), et determination du diametre de la meil- leure ligne de sonde. Par A. Bouquet de la Grye. 8 1869 No. 458. Nouvelle - Ecosse. See Chambeyron 1869 No. 461. Pilole de la Mer Noire. Par H. de Laplanche. Cote d'Europe. Plans and profiles. 8 ; 1869 No. 462. Cote Quest d'Ecosse. See Frickmann 1869 No. 463. Cc A )tes d'Espagne. See Gras 1869 No. 464. Pilote des Coles Quest de France. Par A. Bouquet de la Grye. I. Partie comprise entre Penmarc'h et la Loire. J'lans, &<-. 8 1869 Nos. 468,469. Pilote de Terre-Neuve. See below, Nos. 646, 647. No. 470. Etude sur les Ouragans de PHemisphere Austral. Par M. Bridet. 8 1869 No. 470. Instructions Nautiques sur la Cote occidentale d'Afrique, com- prenant la Cote de Liberia, la Cote d'lvoire, la Cote d'Or, la Cote de Batonga, et la Cote du Gabon. Par C. P. de Kerhallet, revues et corrigees par A. Le Gras, Profiles. 8 1870 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 473. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour Tan 1871. Par Gaussin et Bouillet. 16 1870 No. 474. Instructions pour Naviguer dans le Canal de Bristol (Bedford). Par Paul Martin. 8 1870 No. 477. Tables pour 1'Evaluation des Distances en Mer. 8 1870 No. 478. Terre Neuve. Supplement aux Instructions No. 468 et 469. 8 1870 No. 479. Cote Est d'Angleterre. 8 1870 No. 480. Instructions Nautiques pour la Cote d'Irlande (Hoskin). Par J. Lafont. 8 1870 No. 481. Pilote dela Manche. Cotes Nord de France. Vol. I. De la Pointe de Penmarc'h a 1'ile de Bas. Par Thomassin. 8 1870 No. 482. Instructions pour N.aviguer dans la Mer Rouge. (Moresby et El won. ) Par A. Le Gras. 8 1870 No. 485. Instructions Nautiques sur le Cote occidentale d'Afrique, com- prenant la Cote de Congo, la Cote d'Angola, la Cote de Benguela, et la Colonie du Cap. Par C. P. de Kerhallet et A. Le Gras. Profiles. 8 1871 No. 486. Routier de 1'Australie. l fere Ptie. Cote Sud et partie de la Cote Est, Detroit de Bass et Tasmanie. Par A. Frickmann. I. Comprenant du Cap Leeuwin au Cap Schanck. 8 1871 No. 488. Mer de Chine. 4 me Ptie. Supplement No. 3 a 1'Instruction No. 447. 8 1871 No. 489. Mer de Chine. 3 me Ptie. Supplement No. 8 a 1'Instruction No. 426. lies du Japon. 8 1871 No. 490. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1872. Par Gaussin et Bouillet. 16 1871 No. 491. Instructions Nautiques pour la Cote d'Irlande. I 4re Ptie. Par H. de Laplanche. 8 1871 No. 493. Ocean Pacifique Nord. Renseignements sur les iles Havaii ou Sandwich, et le Groupe d'ilots et Rochers qui est dans le N.-O. Par A. Frickmann. 8 1871 No. 494. Rentier de 1'Australie. i trc Ptie. Cote Sud et partie de la Cote Est, detroit de Bass et Tasmanie. Par E. Frickmann. II. Comprenant du Cap Schanck au Port Jackson. 8 1871 No. 495. Etude sur les Embouchures du Nil et sur les Changements qui s'y sont produits dans les derniers Siecles, d'apres une Reconnaissance Hydro- graphique executee en 1860. Par E. Larousse. Charts. 8 1871 No. 496. Route des Bailments a vapeur dans 1'Ocean Indien d'Aden au detroit dela Sonde, et ret our. Charts 1872 712 APPENDIX II. FRANCE B />. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 499. -Instructions Nautiques sur la Cote du Perou. Par F. Chardonneau. 8 1872 No. 500. Instructions pour Naviguer dans le Detroit de Magellan et les Canaux concluisant au Golfe de Penas (Mayne). Par E. Talpomba et E. de Lapierre. 8 1872 No. 501. Cote occidentaie de PAmerique du Nord. Cotes de Cali- fornie. Instructions pour la Navigation sur la Cote de Californie, de la Baie San Diego a la Baie San Francisco. Par A. Frickniann. 8 1872 No. 502. Cotes de 1'Oregon et du Territoire de Washington, de la Baie Pelican a 1'entree du Detroit de Juan de Fuca. Par A. Frickmann. 8 1872 No. 505. Recherches sur les Chrono- metres et les Instruments Nautiques. 9 me Cahier. 8 1872 No. 506. Memoire sur les Marees de la Basse Cochinchine. Par G. Heraud. Plate. 8 1873 No. 508. Le Kattegat, le Sund, et les Belts. Par A. Le Gras. Profiles. 8 1873 No. 509. Instructions pour naviguer sur les Cotes de 1'ile Reine-Charlotte et d' Alaska, dans les iles Aleoutiennes, la Mer de Behring, et le Detroit de Behring. ParleVicomteDelaTourduPin. 8 1873 No. 510. Instructions pour naviguer sur la Cote occidentaie d'Angleterre, de Milford Haven a la Mull of Galloway, y comprisl'ile deMan. Par A. Frickmann. 8 1873 No. 511. Pilote des Cotes Quest de France. Par A. Bouquet de la Grye. II. Partic comprise entre la Loire et la Bidassoa ; et Cote Nord d'Espagne jusques et y compris Saint-Sebastien. Plans, &C. 8 1873 No. 513. Nouvelle Classification des Nuages, suivie d'Inslructions pour servir a 1'Observation des Nuages et des Cour- ants Atmospheriques. Par A. Poey. 8 1873 No. 515. Catalogue Chronologique des Cartes, Plans, Vues de Cotes, Memoires, Instructions Nautiques, &c. , qui composent 1'Hydrographie Fran9aise. 8 1873 No. $\$-bis. Supplement 1880 No. 516. Des Vents et des Coups de Vent observes dans 1'Atlantique Nord sur les Routes des Bailments a Vapeur, allant de La Manche a New York et vice versa. Par le Vicomte De la Tour du Pin. 8 1873 No. 5t8. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1874. Par - Gaussin. 16 1873 FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 519. Annuaire des Marees de la Basse Cochinchine pour 1'an 1874. Par G. Heraud. 16 1873 No. 521. Routier de 1'Australie, Cote Est d'Australie. Pt. 2. Vol. I. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1873 No. 522. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes du Chili et de la Bolivie. Par F. Chardonneau. 8 1873 No. 524. Les Cotes du Bresil, De- scription et Instructions Nautiques. i tre Section : Du Cap San Roque a Bahia. Par E. Mouchez. 8 1874 No. 525. Pilote de la Manche. Cotes Nord de France. Par Thomassin. 2 me Ptie. De 1'ile de Bas aux Heaux de Brehat. 8 1874 No. 526. Note sur la Regulation des Compas par des Observations de Force Horizontale. Par E. Caspari. 8 1873 No. 528. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes de 1'Equateur et des Elats-Unis de Colombie, d'apres les Capitaines Kellett et de Rosencoat. Par F. Char- donneau. 8 1874 No. 529. Recherches Hydrograph- iques sur la Regime des Cotes. i er Cahier (1838-1858). 4 1874 No. 530. Notes sur la Forme des Cyclones dans 1'Ocean Indien, &c. (Meldrum.) 8 1874 No. 531. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1875. Par Gaussin. 16 1874 No. 532. Meteorologie Nautique. Vents et Courants, Routes Generates, extrait des Sailing Directions de Maury et des Travaux les plus recents. Par C. Ploix et E. Caspari. 4 1874 No. 534. Instructions Nautiques : Cote Quest d'Ecosse; traduit de 1'Anglais, &c. 2 mc Ptie. Par L. de la Chauviniere. 8 1874 No. 535. Routier de 1'Australie, Cote Est d'Australie, Detroit de Torres, et Mer de Corail. revu et complete jusqu'en 1874. 2 me Ptie. 2. Comprenant le Detroit de Torres, la Mer de Corail, la Cote Sud de la Nouvelle - Guinee, et 1'Archipel de la Louisiade. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1874 No. 537. Pilote de la Guadeloupe. Par E. Ploix. Charts and profiles. 8 1875 No. 538. Ocean Pacifique. Ren- seignements sur les Archipels Marshall et Gilbert. Par A. Le Gras. 8 Paris, 1875 No. 541. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1876. Par Gaussin. 16 1875 No. 542. Mer des Antilles et Golfe du Mexique. 2" 10 Ptie, Comprenant les EUROPE FRANCE. 713 FRANCE B l>. MARINE. Numbered Series. petites Antilles, les grandes Antilles, les iles et les banes de Bahama, les Recifs de la Floride et les Bermudes. 2 et 3 parties du Manuel de la Navigation dans la Mer des Antilles, par A. Le Gras. 8 Paris, 1875 No. 546- Mer Mediterranee, Cotes Sud et Sud-est d'Espagne, iles Baleares. 8 1875 No. 547. Annuaire des Marees de la Basse Cochinchine pour 1'an 1876. 16 1875 No. 548. Mer Baltique. Cote dc Prusse, de Memel a Darserort. Plates. 8 1875 No. 549. Mer de Chine. 3 me Ptie. Le Seto Utchi, Mer interieure du Japon et ses approches. Par A. Banare. 8 1876 No. 550. Pilote des Cotes Sud de France. Par A. Germain. 8 Plates. Oblong 8 1876 No. 552. Pilote de la Manche, Cotes Nord de France. 3 me Ptie. Deslleaux de Brehat au Cap de la Hague. Par Thomassin. 8 1875 No. 553. Supplement a 1'Jnstruction No. 421. Afrique. CoteSudetEst. 8 1875 No. 554. Pilote des Cotes Nord de France. I. Cherbourg au Havre. Par Estignard. Plates. 8 1875 No. 555. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1877. Par Gaussin. 16 1876 No. 556. Recherches sur les Chrono- metres et les Instruments Nautiques. io'" e Cahier. 8 1876 No. 558. Mer du Nord. 3 lne Ptie. Cotes Est d'Angleterre. 8 1876 No. 560. Annuaire des Marees de la Basse Cochinchine pour 1'an 1877. 16 1876 No. 561. Recherches sur les Chrono- metres et les Instruments Nauiiques. I i me Cahier. 8 1876 No. 563. Mer Mediterranee. Par J. S. Bayot. 8 1876 No. 564. Mer des Antilles ct Golfe du Mexique. i trc Ptie. Par A. Sallot des Noyers. 8 1876 No. 565. Supplement a 1'Instruction No. 352, Cotes Sud et Est d'Afrique. 8 1876 No. 566. Supplement a 1'Instruction No. 353, Labrador, Cote Nord-Est. 8 1876 No. 568. Supplement aux Instruc- tions No. 468 et 469, Terre-Neuve, Cotes Est et Sud. 8 1876 No. 569. Recherches Meteorolo- giques. No. i. Geographic physique de la partie equatoriale de 1'Ocean Atlan- tique (Toynbee). Par C. Ploix. Charts. FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 570. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1878. Par Gaussin et Halt. 16 1877 No. 572. Recherches hydrograph- iques sur le Regime des Cotes. 2 me Cahier (1858-63). Maps. 4 1877 No. 573. Supplement a 1'Instruction No. 361. Renseignements sur la Cote Nord du Golfe Saint-Georges (Pata- gonie). ParJ. B. Olry. 8 1877 No. 574. Guyane Franaise et Fleuve des Amazones. 8 1877 No. 575. Supplement aux Instruc- tions Nos. 521, 535, 420, 486, Cotes Est, Nord, Nord-Ouest, et Sud de l'Australie. 8 1877 No. 576. Recherches hydrographiques sur le Regime des Cotes. 7 me Cahier. Rapport sur la reconnaissance de Bou- logne. Par E. Ploix (1876). Charts and plates. 4 1877 No. 578. Recherches hydrographiques sur le Regime des Cotes. 3 me Cahier (1864-66). 4 1877 No. 579. Recherches hydrograph- iques sur le Regime des Cotes. 6 me Cahier. Etude hydrographique de la Baie de la Rochelle, &c. Par A. B. de la G rye. Maps and plates. 4 1877 No. 580. Annuaire des Marees de la Basse Cochinchine et du Tong-Kin pour 1'an 1878. 16 1877 No. 582. Recherches hydrograph- iques sur le Regime des Cotes. 4"' e Cahier (1867-70). Charts. 4 1877 No. 583. Ocean Indien. Golfe du Bengale, depuis la Pointe de Galle jsuqu'a la Tete d'Achem. Par Weyl. 8 1877 No. 584. Mer de Chine. 3 mc Ptie. Instructions Nautiques pour les Iles et les Passages entre les Philippines et le Japon, et les iles du Japon, comprenant Formose, les iles Low Chow, les Mari- annes, les Pelew, les lies Bonin, les Cotes Sud, Est, et Quest des iles Kinsiu et Nipon. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1877 No. 585. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1879. Par Gaussin et Halt. 16 1878 No. 586. Mer Mediterranee. Golfe de Genes, Cotes Quest et Sud d'ltalie (de la frontiere de France & Brindisi). 8 1878 No. 588. Recherches sur les Chrono- metres et les Instruments Nautiques. I2' ne Cahier. 8 1878 No. 589. Annuaire des Marees de la Basse Cochinchine et du Tong-Kin pour 1'an 1879. 16 1878 APPENDIX II. FRANCE B b. MARINE. Numbered Series. No. 591. Recherches hydrograph- iques sur le regime des Cotes. 8" 1C Cahier. Rapport sur la reconnaissance hydrographicjue de 1875 a 1'embouchure de la Seine. Par Estignard. Charts. 4 1878 No. 592. Instruction sur les Cartes pour la Navigation par 1'arc de grand Cercle. Par Hilleret. 8 1878 No. 593. Instructions sur les Cotes d'Espagne et de Portugal, de la Corogne au Cap Trafalgar. Par A. Le Gras. 8 1878 No. 597. Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France pour 1'an 1880. Par Gaussin et Halt. 16 1879 No. 598. Recherches hydrogiaph- iques sur le regime des Cotes. 9'" Cahier. Reconnaissance de 1'embouchure de la Gironde en 1874. Per L. Manen, E. Larousse, E. Caspari, et Hanussc. 4, and folio Atlas 1878 No. 599. Instructions Nautiques sur les Cotes Quest du Centre-Amerique et du Mexique. Par A. Pailhes. 8 1879 No. 600. Annuaire des Courants de Maree de la Manche pour 1'an 1879. Par Gaussin. 16 1879 No. 602^. Ocean Pacifique Sud, Les iles Salomon ; No. 6o2f. Nouvelles Hebrides, ties Bangs et Archipel de Santa Cruz; No. 6o2ei Potsdam. Aus aintlichem Anlass her- ausgegeben von Wilhelm von Bezold. Plan. 4 Berlin, 1890 North Sea. Die Ergebnisse der Unter- suchungsfahrten S. M. Knbt. "Drache," Kommandant Korvetten-Kapitan Holz- hauer, in der Nordsee in den Sommern 1881, 1882, und 1884. Veroflentlicht von dem Hydrographischen Amt der Ad- miralitat. Maps, &c. 4 Berlin, 1886 Repertorium aller Oerter und Anclerer Gegenstande in der Topographisch- Militarischen Charte von Deutschland, in 204 Blattern. 2 vols. Tables. 8 Weimar, 1812-13 Rivers. Die Stromgebiete des Deutschen Keichs, hydrographisch und orographisch dargestellt mil beschreilx;ndem Ver- zeichniss der deutschen Wasserstrassen. Theil I. Gebiet der Ostsee. Heraus- gegelien vom Kaiserlichen Statislischen Amt. Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. N. Y. Band 39. Erster Theil. Maps. 4 Berlin, 1891 Sailing Directions. Deutsche Seewarte Segelhandbuch fiir den Atlantischen Ozean. Mil Atlas von 36 Karten. Maps and diagrams. Large 8 Hamburg, 1885 - The same. Atlas folio Hamburg, 1882 Weissbuch. Vorgelegt dem Deutschen Reichstage. Large 8 Berlin 1 Theil. Afrika, Siidsee, &c. 1885 2 Theil. Fidji, Siidsee, 2 1885 3 Theil. Congo-frage, Aegypten 1885 4 Theil. Aufstand in Ostafrika, I 1889 5 Theil. Samoa, I 1889 6 Theil. Samoa, 2. Aufstand in Ostafrika, 2 1889 7 Theil. Nigergebiete. Aufstand in Ostafrika, 3 1889 8 Theil. Aufstand in Ostafrika, 4. Samoa, 3 1890 9 Theil. Witu. Aufstand in Osta- frika, 5. Regelung der Verhalt- nisse in Ostafrika 1891 II, 12 Theil. Vorgange in Chili 1891 13 Theil. Samoa, 4 1893 Bavaria. Gesetzblatt fiir das Konigreich Bayern. VIII. Stuck. Miinchen. 4 Munich, 1828 Die Forstverwaltung Bayerns be- schrieben nach ihrem dermaligem Stande vom Koniglich Bayerischen Ministerial - Forstbureau. Map. Royal 8 U Munich, 1861 Steuer-Katasterzugleich Grund-Taal- und Lagerbuch der Gemeincle Sieglizhof. Map. Folio Erlangen, 1837-38 GERMANY B. Frankfort- on-Main. Statistische Be- schrielmng der Stadt Frankfurt am Main und ihrer Bevolkerung. I. Theil. Die aussere Vertheilung der Bevolkerung. Plans. Large 8 Frankfort -on- Main, 1892 The same. Zweites Heft 1893 Rhine. Der Rheinstrom und seine wichtigsten Nebenfliisse von dem Quellen bis zum Austritt des Stromes aus dem Deutschen Reich. Eine hydro- graphische, wasserwirthschaftliche und wasserrechtliche Darstellung mit vorzug- sweise eingehender Behandlung des Deutschen Stromgebietes. Im Auftrag der Reichskommission zur Untersuchung der Rheinstromverhaltnisse herausge- geben von dem Centralbureau fiir Mete- orologie und Hydrographie im Gross- herzogthum Baden. 4 Berlin, 1889 - The same. Atlas accompanying. Oblong 4 Berlin, 1889 Saxony. Resultate aus den Meteoro- logischen Beobachtungen an den 25 Konigl. Siichsischen Stationen, 1868-71. (4 Parts in I vol. ) 4 Dresden and Leipzig, 1870-74 C. Miscellaneous. Forschungen zur Deulschen Landes- und Volkskunde im Auftrage der Central- kommission fiir wissenschaftliche Lancles- kunde von Deutschland. 8 Stuttgart, 1886-94 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Herausgegeben von Dr Richard Lehmann 1889 Geinitz, Dr E. Der Boden Mecklen- burgs 1885 Lepsius, Dr Richard. Die ober- rheinische Tiefebene und ihre Randge- birge. Map 1885 Hahn, Dr F. G. Die Stiidte der Norddeutschen Tiefebene in ihrer Bezie- hung zur Bodengestaltung 1885 Gruber, C. Das Miinchener Becken. Ein Beitrag zur physikalischen Geo- graphic Siidbayerns. Map and profiles 1885 Geinitz, Dr E. Die Mecklenburg- ischen Huhenrucken (Geschiebestreifen), und ihre Beziehungen zur Eiszeit. Maps and profiles 1886 Assmann, R. Der Einfluss der Gebirgeaufdas Klimavon Mitteldeutsch- land. Maps and profiles 1886 Bidermann, Dr H. J. Die Nation- alitaten in Tiro) und die wechselnden Schicksale ihrer Verbreitung 1886 Jansen, Prof. Dr K. Paleographie der cimbrischen Ilalbinsel, ein Versuch die Ansiedlungen Nordalbingiens in ihrer Bedingtheit durch Natur und Ge- schichte nachzuweisen 1886 720 APPENDIX II. GERMANY C. Forschungen, &c. continued. Vol. 2. Herausgegeben von Dr R. Lehmann und Dr A. Kirchhoff 1888 Schlesinger, Dr L. Die Nationalitats- Verhaltnisse Bohmens 1886 Briimer, K. Nationalitat und Sprache im Konigreiche Belgien. Map 1887 Weinhold, Dr K. Die Verbreitung ur.d die Herkunft der Deutschen in Schlesren 1887 Hettner, Dr A. Gebirgsbau und Oberflachengestaltung der Siichsischen Schweiz. Map and profiles 1887 Bidermann, Dr H. J. Neuere slavische Siedlungen auf siiddeutschen Boden 1888 Low), Dr F. Siedlungsarten in den Ilochalpen 1888 Vol. 3. Herausgegeben von Dr A. Kirch- hoff 1889 Borggreve, Dr B. Die Verbreitung und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der wich- tigeren Waldbaumarten innerhalb Deut- schlands 1888 Jaschke, Dr Max. Das Meissnerland. Plate 1888 Burgkhardt, Dr J. Das Erzgebirge, eine Orometrisch-anthropogeographische Studie. Map 1888 Bezzenberger, Dr A. Die Kurische Nehrung und ihre Bewohner. Map and illustrations 1889 Krones, Dr F. von. Die Deutsche Besiedlung der o'stlichen Alpenlander, ins besondere Steirmarks, Karntens, und Krains, nach ihren geschichtlichen und ortlichen Verhaltnissen 1889 Vol. 4. 1890 Nordhoff, J. B. Haus, Hof, Mark, und Gemeinde Nordwestfalens im histori- schen Ueberblicke 1889 Blink, Dr H. Der Rhein in den Niederlanden. Map 1889 Ratzel, Dr F. Die Schneedecke, besonders in deutschen Gebirgen. Map and illustrations 1 889 Birlinger, Dr A. Rechtsrheinisches Alamannien;Grenzen, Sprache, Eigenart. Illustrations 1890 Zacharias, Dr O. Zur Kenntnis der niederen Tierwelt des Riesengebirges nebst vergleichenden Ausblicken. Illus- trations 1890 Vol. 5. 1891 Hock, Dr F. Nahrpflanzen Mittel- europas. Schulze, Dr E. Geographische Ver- breitung der Siisswasserfische von Mittel- Europa. Schurtz, Dr H. Der Seifenbergbau im Erzgebirge und die Walensagen. Kiister, Dr Emil. Die Deutsche Bunt- sandsteingebiete. Sievers, Dr W. Zur Kentniss des Taunus. Map, GERMANY C. Forschungen, &c. continued. Proscholdt, Dr H. Der Thiiringer Wald und seine nachste Umgebung. Schlatterer, Dr A. Die Ansiedelungen am Bodensee in ihren natiirlichen Voraus- setzungen. Map. Vol. 6. 1892 Wahnschaffe, Dr F. Die Ursachen der Oberflachengestaltung des Norddeutschen Flachlandes. Plates and diagrams. Kaesemacher, Dr C. Die Volksdichte der Thiiringischen Triasmulde. Map. Traeger, Dr Eugen. Die Halligen der Nordsee. Maps ami illustrations Richter, Dr E. Urkunden liber die Ausbrtiche des Vernagt- und Gurglerglet- schers im 17 und 18 Jahrhundert. Maps. Vol. 7. 1893 Neumann, Dr Ludwig. Die Volks- dichte im grossherzogthum Baden. Maps. Simon, Dr A. Die Verkehrsstrassen inSachsen und ihr Einnuss auf dieStadte- entwickelung biszum Jahre 1500. Map. Gloy, Dr A. Beitrage zur Siedelung- skunde Nordalbingiens. Map and illus- trations. Hock, Dr F. Nadelwaldflora Nord- deutschlands. Map. Credner, Dr R. Riigen. Maps and illustrations. Vol. 8. 1894 Schreiber, Dr P. Klimatographie des Konigreichs Sachsen. Plates. Partsch, Dr J. Die Vergletscherung des Riesengebirges zur Eiszeit. Maps and illustrations. Follmann, Dr O. Die Eifel. Illus- trations. Gruber, Dr C. Die landeskundliche Erforschung Altbayerns im 16, 17, und 18 Jahrhundert. Map. Zemmrich, Dr J. Verbreitung und Bewegung der Deutschen in der franzo- sischen Schweiz. Map. Witte, Dr Hans. Das Deutsche Sprachgebiete Lothringens. Map. Handbucher zur Deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde. Herausgegeben von der Centralkommission fur wissenschaftliche Landeskunde von Deutschland. Erster Band. Geologic von Deutschland und den angrenzender Gebieten, von Dr Richard Lepsius. Erster Band. Das Westliche und Siidliche Deutschland. Map and profiles. 8 Stuttgart, 1887 The same. Dritter Band. Die Gletscher der Ostalpen, von Dr Eduard Richter. Maps and illustrations. Stuttgart, 1888 Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Leipzig. Band i. Beitrage zur Geographic des Festen Wassers. Alap and illustrations. 8 Leipzig, 1891 EUROPE GERMANY. 721 GERMANY D. D. Anonymous. Baden. Festschrift fiir die Mitglieder der XXI. Versammlung deutscher Land- und Forstwirthe. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Land- und Forstwirthschaft im Gross- herzogthum Baden. Map and plates. Royal 8 Heidelberg, 1860 Berlin. Guide de Berlin, de Potsdam et des Environs. Map. 12 Berlin, 1793 Bremen. Die Freie Hansestadt Bremen und ihre Umgebungen. Festgabe, den Teilnehmern an der 6310. Versammlung der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet vom Aerztlichen Vereine, NaturwissenschaftlichenVereine und der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Bremen. Plans, portraits, and illustra- tions. 8 Bremen, 1890 Colonies. Die Entwickelung unserer Ko- lonien. Sechs Denkschriften. 4 Berlin, 1892 Danzig. A Particular Description of the City of Dantzick. . . . By an English Merchant, lately resident there. 8 1734 Frankfort-on-Main. Tableau Historique et Topographique de Francfort sur Main. 13 Frankfort, 1828 Hamburg Commercial Library. See Cata- logues, A. Harz Mountains. The liartz Moun- tains. Holiday Handbook, No. 5, edited by Percy Lindley. Illustrations. 8 N.D. Munich. A Guide to Munich, its Build- ings, Institutions, and Environs. Map and plates. 12 1870 Posen. A Narrative of Recent Occurrences in Posen. 8 1848 Prussia. Erlauterungen zu der Karte liber die Production, Consumtion, und Circula- tion der mineralischen Brennstoffe in Preussen in 1862. 4 Berlin, 1863 Rhine. An Autumn near the Rhine ; or, Sketches of Courts, Society, and Scenery in Germany, with a Tour in the Taunus Mountains, in 1820. 2nd edition, to which are added Translations from Schiller, Goethe, and other German Poets. Plate. 8 1821 Rhine and Danube. The Theatres of War of the Rhine and Danube, prepared to accompany a Map of the Basins of the Rhine and Danube. 12 1891 Routen-Aufnahme-Buch Berlin, 1893 Saxony. Dresden und die umliegende Gegend bis Elsterwerda, Baussen, Herrn- hut, Rumburg, Aussig, Tapliss, Fren- berg, und Hubertsburg. Eine Darstel- lung fiir Natur- und Kunstfreunde. 2 vols. 8 Dresden, 1804 Alphabetisch.es Orts-Verzeichniss des Konigreichs Sachscn. 4 Dresden, 1837 GERMANY D. Schleswig. On Nationality and Language in the Duchy of Sleswick, or South Jutland. 8 Copenhagen, 1848 Schwetzingen. Description du Jardin de Schwetzingen. Map and plates. 12 GREECE. Correspondence respecting the Rectifica- tion of the Greek Frontier. Greece, No. I (1882). Maps. Folio 1882 Ministere des Finances. Bureau de Sta- tistique. Commerce de la Grece avec les pays Etrangers, 1887, '88, '89, '92. [In Greek and French.] 4 Athens, 1888-92 Bulletin Mensuel du Commerce Spe- cial de la Grece avec les pays Etrangers. Odd numbers, 1888-94. 4 Athens, 1888-94 Tarif des Douanes. 4 Athens, 1890 Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Corre- spondence relating to the Mines of Lau- rium. [In Greek and French.] 4 1873 [See also Catalogues.] Athens. The British School of Archaeology at Athens : Report of Committee and of the First Meetingof Subscribers, 1885. 8 Corinth. Eine Spazierfahrt im Golfe von Korinth. Map in cover. Plates. 4 Prague, 1876 Morea. Memorie Istorico Geografiche della Morea, riacquistata dall' Armi Venete del Regno di Negroponte, e degli altri luoghi circonuicini, e di quelli c' hanno sotomesso nella Dalmacia, e nell' Epiro dal principio della Guerra intimata al Turco in Constantinopoli nel 1684-87. Colla Descrizione delle Fortezze di Castel Nuovo, e Chnin. Plates and plans. Folio Venice, 1687 Expedition Scientifique de Moree. Section des Sciences Physiques. 4 vols. 4, Atlas folio (183 1 -35) Paris Vol. I. Relation, par Bory de Saint- Vincent. 1836. Vol. 2. Part I. Geographic, par Bory de Saint- Vincent. 1834. Vol. 2. Part 2. Geologic et Mineralogie, par E. Puillon de Boblaye et Theodore Virlet. 1833. Vol. 3. Part I. Zoologie. Sect. I. Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par Isidore Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, 1833 ; Sect. 2. Animaux articules, par Brulle (Crus- taces, par GueVin), 1832. Vol. 4. Part 2. Botanique, par Fauche, Ad. Brongniart, Chaubard, et Bory de Saint Vincent. 1832. [This vol. also includes Recherches Geographiques sur les Ruines de la Moree, par E. Puillon de Boblaye.] Santorin. Einige Worte liber die Kay- menen, July 1874. Plates. 722 APPENDIX II. HOLLAND. Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut. Onderzoekingen met den Zeethermo- meter, als uitkomsten van Wetenschap en Ervaring. 4 Utrecht^ 1861 Reizen van Australie naar Java. 4 Utrecht, 1862 Zeilaanwijzingen van Java naar het Kanaal. Erste en Tweecle Deelen. Oblong folio Utrecht, 1868-70 Temperatuur van het Zeewater aan tie Oppervlakte van het gedeelte van den Noorde Atlantischen Oceaan, tusschen 3O-52 Norderbreedte en o-5o Wester- lengte. Oblong folio Utrecht, 1872 Marche Annuelle du Thermometre et du Barometre en Neerlande, deduite d'Ob- servation simultanees de 1843 a 1875. 4 Utrecht, 1876 De Stroomen op de Nederlandsche Kust. 4 Utrecht, 1890 Nederlandsch Aardrifkskundig Genoolschap. Nomina Geographica Neerlandica. Ge- schiedkundig Onderzoek der Neder- landsche Aardrijkskundige Namen, on der redactie van Dr J. Dornseiffen, Prof. J. H. Gallee, Prof. H. Kern, Prof. S. A. Naber, en Dr H. C. Rogge. i ste Deel. 8 Amsterdam and Utrecht, 1885 Miscellaneotis. Atlas. Nieuwe Zak -Atlas voor de Reizigers door de gezamentlyke Nederlanden. Frontispiece and coloured maps. Small 8 Amsterdam, 1739 Compleete Zak-Atlas van de Zeventien Nederlandsche Provincien. Coloured maps. Small 8 Amsterdam, 1786 Colonies. Catalogus der Afdeeling Nederlandsche Kolonien van de Inter- nationale Koloniale en Uitvoerhandel Teutomstelling van I Mei tot ult. October 1883, te Amsterdam. Groeps T > 2 3- 3 vols. Maps, plan, and plates. Large 8 Leyden, 1883 The same. French edition. 3 vols. Maps, &>c. Large 8 Leyden, 1883 ITALY. A. Government Publications. Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria, e Commercio. Direzione Generate della Statistica. Carte Topografiche, Idrografiche, e Geolo- giche annesse alia Monografia Statistica della citta di Roma e Campagna Romana, presentata all' Esposizione Universale di Parigi, 1878. Large folio. ITALY A. Monografia della Citta di Roma e della campagna romana. 2 vols. Plans and diagrams. Large 8 Rome, 1881 Appendice. Bibliografia Storica di Roma antica di Ruggero Bonghi. Large 8 Rome, 1 88 1 Appendice. Note alia carta agro- nomica dei dintorni di Roma per Raffaello Canevari. Large 8 Rome, 1881 Appendice. Indice Bibliografico delle opere publicate in Roma da qualunque autore ed anche fuori di Roma da persone residenti nella Capitale dal 1870 a tutto il 1877, per Gustavo Uzielli. Large 8 Rome, 1 88 1 Notizie sulle Condizione Industriali della provincia di Genova, con una carta stradale e industriale. Pubblicate della Direzione generale della Statistica. 8 Rome, 1892 Annuario Statistico Italiano, anno 1886. 8 Rome, 1887 Direzione Generale dell' Agricitltnra, Bollettino di Notizie Agrarie. Anno XV. (II. semestre). Nos. 25, 26, and 28. 8 Rome, 1893 [See Africa ; Eritrea.] Ministero per gli Affari Esteri. Bollettino Consolare pubblicato per cura del Ministero per gli Aflfari Esteri d' Italia. Vols. 1-23. Plates, &c. Large 8 Turin, 1861-87 del Ministero degli Affari Esteri [12. vols.], 1888-93. Maps, &c. Large 8 Rome, 1888-93 The same. New Series. Nos. i -8, 22, 23, 33-40. 8 Koine, 1894-95 Parliamentary Reports. Atti Parla- mentari, XVI. Legislatura Quarta Ses- sione 1889-90. Camera dei Deputate. No. i5(Documenti). Documenti Diplo- matici presentati al Parlamento Italiano del Presidente del Consiglio Ministro ad interim degli Affari Esteri (Crispi). Etiopia. 4 Rome, 1890 The same. Sessione 1890. Camera dei Deputati. No. 14 (Documenti). Documenti presentati al Parlamento Italiano del Presidente del Consiglios Ministro ad interim degli Affari esteri (Crispi), di Concerto col Ministro della Guerra (Bertole Viale). L'Occupazione di Keren e dell Asmara. 4 Rome, 1890 Documenti Diplomatic! presentati al Parla- mento Italiano. Missione Antonelli in Etiopia. 4 Rome, 1891 B. Geographical Congress and Exhibition. Relazioni su alcune Tesi e Communicazioni da presentarsi alia Sezione Prima del Congresso, Autori Bianchi, Botto, Dohrn, Fiorini, Grablovitz, Marinelli, Paganini, Roncagli, Sergi. 8 Rome, 1892 EUROPE-GREECE. 723 ITALY B. Relazioni su alcune Tesi e Communicazioni da presentarsi alia Se/.ione Prima del Congresso. Sezione Seconda. Autori Carcrji, Corte, Magliano, Rossi, Scala- brini, Sitta, Vedovelli, Volpe-Landi. The same. Sezione Terza. Autori Bertacchi, Canevello, Marinelli, Pennesi Porena. Catalogo Generale della Prima Mostra Geografica Italiana. 7-30 Settembre 1892. [Societa Geografica Italiana.] Plan. 8 Genoa, 1892 Atti del Primo Congresso Geografico Italiano, tenuto in Genova, 1892. Vol. i, and Vol. 2, Parts I and 2. Large 8 Genoa, 1894 C. Anonymous. De Principibus Italia; Commentarius, ex Italico in Lat. versus a T. Segetho. 1 8 Leyden, 1631 Itineraire d' Italic. 2nd edition. Maps. 8 Florence, 1801 5th edition. Maps. 12 Milan, 1814 Itinerario Italiano. Maps. 8 Milan, 1822 Itineraire Classique d'ltalie. Maps. 12 Paris, 1823 Poems. Raccolta di Poesie Satiriche. Portrait. 8 Milan, 1808 Calendario Generale Pe' Regii Stati. 8 Turin, 1828 Studi Bibliografici e Biografici sulla Storia della Geografia in Italia. Maps and photographs. 4 Rome, 1875 sulla Geografia Naturale e Civile delP Italia. Map. 4 Rome, 1857 Studi Biografici e Bibliografici sulla Storia della Geografia in Italia, pubblicati in occasione of III. Congresso Geografico Internazionale. Vol. I. Biografia dei Viaggiatori Italian! colla Bibliografia delle loro opere, per P. Amat di S. Filippo. Vol. 2. Mappamondi, Carte Nautiche, Portolani, ed Altrimonumenti Cartogra- fici Specialmente Italian! dei Secoli Xlll.-Xyil., parG. Uzielli e P. Amat di S. Filippo. 2nd edition. [Societa Geografica Italiana.] Alaps. 8 Rome, 1882 Alps. Dei Passaggi Alpini, sulle Rivolu- zioni delle Alpi. 8 Milan, 1804 Le Alpi che cingono 1' Italia. Parte prima. Maps. 8 Turin, 1845 Calabria. Istoria do' Fenomeni del Tremolo avvemito nel Calabrie, e nel Valdemone nclP anno 1783, posta in luce dalla Realle Acadcmia della Scienze, e delle Belle Lettere di Napoli. 4 Naples, 1784 Calabria during a Military Residence of Three Years, in a Series of Letters by a General Officer of the French Army, &c. Plate. 8 1832 ITALY C. Catania. Su' Lavori pel Molo di Catania, negli 1843-46. Terza Lettera di un Ca- tanese al Signor N. N. 8 Catania, 1846 Florence. Guida di. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 12 Florence, 1820 Guide de Florence at d'autres villes principales de Toscane. 2 vols. Plates. i 6 1822 Guida della Citta di Firenze. Map and plates. 12 Florence, 1833 National Central Library. Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Periodiche Italiane ricevute dalla Biblioteca nel 1891. 8 Florence, 1891 Genoa. Description des Beautes de Genes et de ses Environs. Map and plates. 12 Genoa, 1819 Nouvelle Description de Genes. Map and plates. 18 Genoa, 1826 Liguria. Descrizione delle Riviere delle Stato Ligure. 8 Genoa, 1780 Lombardy. Elenco Alfabetico dei Comuni Denominativi e delle frazioni aggregate appartenenti al Regne Lombardo-Veneto. 8 Milan, 1819 Lucca. Guida del Forestiere per la Citt& di Lucca. 12 Lucca, 1829 Naples. Delle Istorie della Chiesa Greca in Napoli Esistente. 4 Naples, 1790 Rome in the Nineteenth Century. 3 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1826 Varallo. Guida al Sacro Monte di Varallo. 12 Varallo, N.D. Venice. Guida per 1'Arsenale di Venezia. Plan and plates. 12 Venice, 1829 Venezia e le sue lagune. 2 vols. (in 3). 4 Venice, 1847 Saggio di Cartografia della Regione Veneta. Large 8 Venice, 1881 Vesuvius. The Natural History of Mount Vesuvius. 12 1 743 NORWAY. A. Government Publications. Geodetic Commission. Publication der Nor- ivegischen Commission der Europiiischen Gradmcssung. Udgivet of den Norske Gradmaalingskovi mission. Geodetische Arbeiten. Heft 1-7. 4 Christiania, 1882-90 Vandstands observationer. Heft i, 3-5. 4 Christiania, 1882-93 Geographiske Opmaaling. Beskrivelse til Kaartet over den Norske Kyst. 14 Nos. in I vol. 4 Chrisliania, 1835-57 Den Norske Lods, udgiven af den Geo- grafiske Opmaaling. Profiles. 8 Chrisliania jstc Hefte. Kyststroekningen fra Ide- fjorden til Jomfruland, udarbejdct efter de Hydrografiske Undersagelser 1863 til 1870, ved C. F. Wille ' 1871 724 APPENDIX II. NORWAY A. Den Norske Lods continued. 2 dte Hefte. . . . fra Jomfrulancl til Kristiansancl, omarbeidet efter de aeldre Beskrivelser og Hydrografiske Un- dersagelser 1853 til 1855, ved J. S. Fabricius 1880 3 die Hefte. ... fra Kristiansand til Stavanger, udarbeidet . . . ved C. Wille 1867 4 de Hefte. ... fra Stavanger til Bergen udarbeidet . . . ved C. F. Wille 1868 5 tc Hefte. . . . fra Korsfjord og Bergen til Utvser tilligemed leden fra Sognesaen til Alden, udarbeidet efter de Hydrografiske Undersagelser, 1863-67, ved J. S. Fabricius 1883 6 te Hefte. ... fra Sognesjaen til Aalesund med Undtagelse af beden fra Sognesjaen til Alden (beskrevet i 5 te Hefte), ved R. M. Petersen 1885 8 de Hefte. ... fra Trondhjemsleden til den Russiske Gnendse . . . ved J. S. Fabricius 1870 and 1885 Reisekart over Norges 5 sydlige Stifter, udgivet i 2 Blade af den Geografiske Opmaaling. [2 pamphlets.] 12 Christiania, 1873 Beskrivelse af Tromso Amt efter de i anledning af ordningen af forholdet Mellem flytlapperne og de fastboende i aarene 1869, 1870, og 1872 unfdrte Krokeringer M. M. Udgivet af den geografiske Opmaaling. Maps. 8 Christiania, 1874 Meteorologisch Institut. Nedbor-hoiden i Norge, beregnet efter observationer 1867 til 1891. Beitrag- zur Climatologie. Novaja Semlja's. Von Aksel S. Steen. 4 Christiania, 1878 Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, 1876-78 [the "Voringen," Capt. Wille], General Report of the (in Norwegian and English). Imperial 4 Christiania, 1880 Part i. Chemistry. i. On the Air in Sea-water ; 2. On the Carbonic Acid in Sea-water ; 3. On the Amount of Salt in the Water of the Norwegian Sea. By Hercules Tornoe. Maps and woodcuts. Part 2. Zoology. Fishes. By Robert Collett. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. Part 3. Zoology. Gephyrea. By D. C. Danielssen and Johan Koren. Map and plates 1881 Part 4. i. Historical Account; with one map. 2. The Apparatus and How used ; with a frontispiece and illustra- tions. By C. Wille 1882 Part 5. i. Astronomical Observations: H. Mohn. 2. Magnelical Observations: C. Wille. 3. Geography and Natural History : H. Mohn. Maps, chronio-litho- graphs, &c. 1882 NORWAY A. Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition continued. Part 6. Zoology. Holothurioidea. By D. C. Danielssen and Johan Koren. Map and plates 1882 Part 7. Zoology. Annelida. By G. Armauer Hansen. Map and plates 1882 Part 8. Zoology. Mollusca. i. Buc- cinidse. By Herman Friele. Map and plates 1882 Part 9. Chemistry. i. On the Solid Matter in Sea-water. 2. On Oceanic Deposits. By Ludwig Schmelck. Maps and woodcut 1882 Part 10. Meteorology. By H. Mohn. Map, plates, and woodcuts \ 883 Part n. Zoology. Asteroidea. By D. C. Danielssen and Johan Koren. Map and plates 1884 Part 12. Zoology. Pennatulida. By D. C. Danielssen and Johan Koren. Map and plates 1884 Part 13. Zoology. Spongiadte. By G. Armauer Hansen, M.D. Map and plates 1885 Part 14. Zoology. Crustacea. I. and I. b ByG. O. Sars. Maps and plates 1885 Part 15. Zoology. Crustacea. II. By G. O. Sars. Map 1886 Part 16. Zoology. Mollusca. II. By Herman Friele. Plates 1886 Part 17. Zoology. Alcyonida. By D. C. Danielssen. Map and plates 1887 Part i8 a and i8 b . The North Ocean, its Depths, Temperature, and Circulation. By H. Mohn. Maps, plates, and wood- cuts 1887 Part 19. Zoology. Actinia. By D. C. Danielssen. Map and plates 1890 Part 20. Zoology. Pycnogonidea. By G. O. Sars. Map and plates 1891 Part 21. Zoology. Crinoida and Echinida. By D. C. Danielssen. Map and plates 1892 Part 22. Zoology. Ophiuridea. By James A. Grieg. Map and plates 1893 Polar Observations. See Polar Regions, Arctic, G, International. B. Anonymous. Archaeology. Nordiske Fortidsminder. Udgivne af det Kgl. Nordiske Oldskrift- selskab. Avec des Resumes en Fran Hefte i, 2. Plates. 4. Beretning om Kongeriget Norges okono- miske Tilstand, 1846-55. 2 vols. Tables. Folio Christiania, 1853-58 Den Norske Turistforenings Arbog, 1873- 74-75. Plates. 8 Christiania Tromso. Beretning om den almindelige Udstilling for Tromso Stift. Plate. Christiania, 1872 EUROPE NORWAY. 725 NORWAY B. Statistics. Resume de Renseignements Statistiques sur la Norvege. 8 Christiania, 1875 PORTUGAL. A. Various. Relatorios do Ministro e Secretario d'Estado dos Negocios da Marina e Ultramar, Janeiro de 1864. 8 Lisbon, 1864 La Population du Departement de Lisbonne, d'apres les recensements operes a 1864 et a 1878. 4 Lisbon, 1878 Portugallia, sive de Regis Portugallice regnis et opibus Commentarius. 8 Ley den, 1641 Mappa Chronologico do Reino de Por- tugal, e sens Dominios, por L. M. P. S. M. C. 18 Lisbon, 1815 Portugal and Gallicia : with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces, and a few Remarks on Recent Events in Spain, and edition. 2 vols. 8 1837 Portuguese Colonies. Diccionario Geo- grafico das Colonias Portuguezas. 8 Oporto, 1842 Manual do Viajante, por G. A. de S. C. 12 Lisbon, 1845 Portugaliae Monumenta Historica, a soeculo octavo post Christum usque ad quintumdecimum, jussu Academic Scien- tiarum Olisiponensis edita. Facsimiles. Folio Lisbon, 1856-63 Leges et Consuetudines. Vol. I. Parts I, 2, 3. Scriptores. Vol. i. Parts i, 2, 3. Descrip^ao e Roteiro da Costa occidental de Africa. Por A. Magno de Castilho. 2 vols. Large 8 Lisbon, 1866-67 Commissao Geologica de Portugal : Estudos Geologicos. Da Existencia do homen no nosso solo em tempos mui remotos provada pelo estudo das Ca- vernas. 4''. Opusc. i. Delgado, J. F. N. Noticia acerca das Grutas da Cesareda, com a versao em Francez por M. Dalhunty Lisbon, 1867 See Costa, P. da. L'Instruction Primaire au Departement de Lisbonne. 4 Lisbon, 1878 Portugal in 1872. Constitutional Life of a Nation of the Latin Race. 8 Lisbon, 1873 Estatistica Medica dos Hospitaes das Provincias Ultramarinas, 1871-72-73. 4 Lisbon, 1873-75 Commerce. Tableaux Statistiques : Le Commerce du Portugal (1866-75). 4 Lisbon, 1878 PORTUGAL A. Portugal and the Congo : a Statement prepared by the African Committee of the Lisbon Geographical Society, Luciano Cordeiro, Recording Secretary. Maps. 8 1883 Memorandum concerning the Portuguese Rights and Pretensions to Sovereignty on the West Coast of Africa. Map. 8 1883 B. Geographical Society of Lisbon. Exploration Geographique et Commerciale de la Guinee Portugaise. 8 1878 Tableaux Statistiques. Le Commerce du Portugal (1866-75); La Population du Departement de Lisbonne (1864 et de 1878); L'Instruction primaire obrigatoire et gratuite au Departement de Lisbonne. 4 Lisbon, 1878 African Committee. The Geographical Society of Lisbon and Mr Stanley. 12 Lisbon, 1878 De 1'Enseignement de la Geographic. Projet de Reforme presente au Govt. Portugais, par la Soc. de Geogr. de Lisbonne. Traduction. 12 Lisbon, 1878 L'Enseignement Commercial en Portugal. 12 Lisbon, 1878 Expedition Portugaise a 1'Afrique Centrale (Serpa Pinto, Brito Capello, et R. Ivens). 12 Lisbon, 1878 Expedi^ao Scientifica ao Interior de Africa. Observafoes Meteorologicas e Magneti- cas feitas pelos Exploradores Portuguezes Hermenegildo de Brito Capello e Roberto Ivens. Folio , 1879 Bases d'un plan d'Etudes Commerciales presentees au Congres International de Geographic Commerciale (Bruxelles, 1879) par la Societe de Geogr. de Lisbon. 8 1879 O districto de Louren9o Marques no pre- sente e no future (por A. de Castilho). Sess. 14 April 1880. 8 Lisbon, 1880 O Zambeze. Apontamentos de duas Viagens (por A. de Castilho). Sess. 27 Jul. 1880. 8 Lisbon, 1880 Questoes Africanas. Proposta . . . pela Commissao Nacional Portugueza de Ex- ploracao e Civilisaao d'Africa. 8 Lisbon, 1880 Representafao ao Governo Portuguez. Sess. 10 Jul. 1880. Commissao Africana. Sess. 12 Feb. 1880 Mozambique. Communicao a Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa nas Sessoes de 6, 13, e 22 de Decembro de 1880 (por Joaquim Jose Machado). 8 Lisbon, 1881 A Questao do Transvaal. Documentos colligidos, tradusidos e communicados a Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa em 24 de Fevereiro de 1881 (por Augusto de Castilho). 8 Lisbon, 1881 726 APPENDIX II. PORTUGAL B. Explora^oes Geologicas e Mineras nas Colonias Portuguezas (por Lourenco Malheiro). 8 Lisbon, 1881 Stanley's First Opinions. Portugal and the Slave Trade. 8 Lisbon, 1883 La Question du Zaire. Droits du Portugal. 8 Lisbon, 1883 A Questao do Meridiano Universal (por J. B. Ferreira D' Almeida). 8 Lisbon, 1883 Les Institutions de Prevoyance du Portu- gal (par Costa Godolphin). 8 Lisbon, 1883 La Question du Zaire : Suum Cuique (par M. Luciano Cordeiro). 8 Lisbon, 1883 Reposta a Sociedade Anti-Esclavista de Londres (por J. A. Corte Real). 8 Lisbon, 1884 Le Congo. Communication a la Societe (par G. Arthur). 8 Lisbon, 1886 Elogio Historico do Presidente Honorario e effective da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa. O Conselheiro Antonio Augusto D'Aguiar (por Gomes de Brilo). 8 Lisbon, 1887 Importation Abusive en Afrique par des subjets Anglais d'armes perfectionnees. Protestation presentee au Gouvernement Portugais par la Societe de Geographic de Lisbonne. 8 Lisbon, 1889 L' Incident Anglo- Portugais. Motion votee a la seance de la Societe de Geographic de Lisbonne le 2 Decembre 1889. 8 Lisbon, 1889 Descobertas e Descobridores. Diogo d'Azambuja. Memoria apresentada a 10" Sessao do Congresso International dos Orientalistas (por Luciano Cordeiro). Plates. 8 Lisbon, 1892 De como e quando foi feito conde Vasco da Gama. Memoria apresentada a 10" Sessao do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas (por Luciano Cordeiro). Plales. 8 Lisbon, 1892 La responsabilite qui revient au Portugal dans la convocation du io mc Congres des Oriental isles. Rapport par G. de Vas- concellos Abreu. 8 U Lisbon, 1892 Dos Primeiros Trabalhos dos Portuguezes no Monomotapa. O Padre D. Goncalo da Silveira, 1560. Memoria apresentada a 10* Sessao Congresso International dos Orientalistas (por A. P. de Paiva E. Pona). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Sociologia Chinesa. O Ilomem como medicamento supersti^oes medicas e re- ligiosas que victimam o homem offindade d'estas cren9as com as crises Anti-Euro- peias de 1891, pelo Dr Macgovan. Nota destinada a 10 Sessao do Congresso International dos Orientalistas, pelo traductor Demetrio Cinatti. 8 Lisbon, 1892 PORTUGAL B. Deux Faits de Phonologic Historique Portugaise. Memoire presenle a la i O <5me Session Congres International des Orientalistes (par A. R. Gon^alves Vianna). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Sur le Dialecte Portugais de Macao. Expose d'un memoire destine a la ic/ 1 " 6 Session du Congres International des Orientalistes (par J. Leite de Vascon- cellos). 8 Lisbon, 1892 La Connaissance de la Peninsula Espag- nole par les hommes du nord. Memoire destine a la lo" 5 '" 6 Session du Congres International de Orientalistes (par Adam Kristoffer Fabricius). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Sur les Amulettes Portugaises. Resume d'un memoire destine a la lo 6 ' * Session du Congres International desOrientalistes (par J. Leite de Vasconcellos). 8 Lisbon, 1892 La premiere Invasion des Normancls dans 1'Espagne Musulmane en 844. Memoire destine a la lo* 1 "* Session du Congres International des Orientalistes (par Adam Kristoffer Fabricius). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Sur les Religions de la Lusitanie Abrege d'un memoire destine a la lo* 5 " 10 Session du Congres International des Orientalistes (par J. Leite de Vasconcellos). 8 Lisbon, 1892 Les Collections Mineralogique et Geo- logique installees a la Societe de Geo- graphic de Lisbonne (par J. M. D. Rego Lima). 8 Lisbon, 1892 [See also Catalogues ; and Aranha, B.; Cordeiro, L. ; Edwards, E. M. ; Guedes, O. ; Magalhaes, C. ; Pequito, R. A.] RUMANIA. Danube. Advantages likely to accrue to the Trade of i he Danube from the Canal and Establishment of a Free Port on the Black Sea. Folio 1855 Memoire sur le Regime Administrate etabli aux embouchures du Danube, ]>ar la Commission Europeenne chargee d'en ameliorer la navigabilite, &c. 4 Galalz, 1867 Memoire sur les Iravaux d'ameliora- tion executes aux embouchures du Danubj par la Commission Europeenne institute en vertu 1'article 16 du Traite de Paris du 30 Mars 1856. Accompagne d'un Atlas. Plans. 8 Galatz, 1867 Memoire sur les Travaux d'ameliora- tion du cours du Bas-Danube, executes pendant la periode 1873-86 par la Com- mission Europeenne. Maps. 4 Galalz, 1888 The same. Atlas accompanying. Folio Leipzig, 1887 EUROPE RUSSIA. 727 RUSSIA. [See also Russia-in- Asia. ] A. Government Publications. Chronometrical Expedition made by order of the Emperor of Russia, 1833. By Lieut. -Gen. Schubert. [In Russian.] 4" St Petersburg, \ 836 Catalogue of Trigonometrical and Astro- nomical Positions determined in the Rus- sian Empire . . . up to 1860. By Lieut. - Gen. Blaraemberg. (Memoirs of Russian Topogr. Depot.) [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1863 Marine Hydrographic Department. Cata- logue of Atlases, Maps, Plans, &c. , issued by. ' 8 St Petersburg, 1872 Military-Topographical Department of the General Staff. Auxiliary Tables of Trigonometrical Functions for small arcs. By D. Oblomievsky. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1875 Posting Directory of the Russian Empire. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1875 Meteorological Observations taken on ships of the Russian Navy. Issued by the Marine Meteorological Section of Central Physical Observatory, and Hydro- graphic Dept., Ministry of Marine. [In Russian.] Vol. I. 4 St Petersburg, 1883 The same. (Appendix to Parts I and 2 of " I lydrographical Memoirs. ") Issued by the Ministry of Marine. [In Russian.] Large 8 St Petersburg, 1887 Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte. Jahresbericht fiir 1882-83 und 1 883-84 dem Comite . . . abgestaltet vom Director. Aus dem Rus- sischen ubersetzt. 8 St Petersburg, 1884 The same, 25 Mai 1885. 8 St Petersburg, 1885 Bericht fur die Periode 1887, i Mai (13) bis 1889, I November (13). 8 St Petersburg, 1890 See Struve, Otto. Museum. [Report of the] Annual Session of the Committee for arranging a Museum of Applied Sciences, 3Oth November 1887 (iSth year). [In Russian.] Large 8 Moscow, 1888 Polar Observations. See Polar Regions, Arctic, G, International. B. Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Pocket- Book for Amateurs of Geography. Published by the Russian Geographical Society. [In Russian.] 12 St Petersburg, 1849 Der Nordliche Ural und das Kiisten- gebirge Pai-Choi, untersucht und be- schreiben von einer in 1847-1850 durch die Kaiserlich-Russische Geographische Gesellschaft ausgeriisteten Expedition. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1853-56 RUSSIA B. Year- Book of Observations on Russian Climate made in 1851. (Issued by the Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.) [In Russian.] 4 St Petersburg, 1854 Geographical- Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire, published by the Imperial Geographical Society. [In Russian.] 5 vols. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1865 Review of the most important Geographical work performed in Russia in 1865, 1866, and 1867-68. (From the Isvestia of the Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.) [In Russian.] Large 8 St Petersburg, 1866-70 Essay towards a Scheme for Researches into the Agrarian Commune. Published by order of the Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, 1878 Programme for the Collection of National Juridical Customs. (Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.) [In Russian.] 8 St Petersbttrg t 1889 C. Anonymous. Kola Peninsula. Wissenschaftliche Er- gebnisse der Finnischen Expeditionen nach der Halbinsel Kola in den Jahren 1887 - 92. Eine Sammlung Separat- Abdriicke A. Kartographie, Geologic, Klimatologie. I. and^ II. Maps and illustrations. Large 8 Helsingfors, 1890-94 The same. B. Botanik, Zoologk. I. and II. Map and plates. Large 8 Hehingfors, 1890-92 Catalogue and Report of the Geographical Exhibition at Moscow, 1892. [In Rus- sian.] Plates. 8 Moscow, 1893 Tableaux des Longeurs du Pendule aux differentes Stations de 1'Empire Russe et de 1'Etranger, observees par les Savants Russes. 8 St Petersburg, 1893 Russia seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria, CommentarSo Topographico atque Politico Illustrate. 16 Leyden, 1530 Authentic Narrative of the Russian Ex- pedition against the Turks by Sea and Land. Plans. 8 1772 Hydrographie de 1'Empire de Russie. Lithograph. Folio St Petersburg, 1833 Black Sea. A Geographical, Statistical, and Commercial Account of the Russian Ports of the Black Sen, the Sea of Asoph, and the Danube. Map. 8 1837 Sketch Map of the acquisitions of Russia, in Europe and Central Asia, since the Accession of Peter I. to the Throne. New edition. Revelations of Russia, or the Emperor Nicholas and his Empire in 1844. 2 vols. Map and plates. 8 1844 Explanation of the Agricultural and Statistical Atlas of European Russia. [In Russian.] 8" St Petersburg, 1851 728 APPENDIX II. RUSSIA C. Russo-Turkish War. The Present Crisis ; or, The Russo-Turkish War and its Consequences to England and the World. 8 . 1853 Russia. By a Recent Traveller. Plates. 8 1859 Six Years' Travels in Russia. By an English Lady. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 8 1859 Das Russische Reich in Europa : Eine Studie. 8 Berlin, 1884 The Penury of Russia. (Review of a Report by E. J. F. Law, from the Edin- burgh Review, January 1893.) 8 1893 SPAIN. Ordenanza General de Correos, Postas, Caminos y Demas Ramos agregados a la Superintendencia General. 8 Madrid, 1794 Hydrographical Office. Idea General del Discurso y de las Memorias publicadas por la Direccion Hidrogranca, sobre los fundamentos que ha tenido para la Con- struccion de las Cartas de Marear, que ha dado a luz desde 1897. 8 Madrid, 1810 See Torino de San Miguel. Almanaque Naiitico y Efemerides Astro- nomicas para el ano de 1835. Calculadas . . . para el Observatorio Real de Marina de la ciudad de San Fernando. 12 Madrid, 1832 Censo de la Poblacion de Espana 1857, por la Comision de Estadistica General del Reino. Folio Madrid, 1858 Nomenclator de los Pueblos de Espana, formado por la Comision de Estadistica General del Reino. Folio Madrid, 1858 Deposito de la Guerra. Cuerpo de Estado Mayor del Ejercito. Itinerario Descrip- tive Militar de Espana, formado y publi- cado por el Dep. de la Guerra. 8 vols. Oblong 12 Madrid, 1866-67 Colonies. Exposicion Colonial de Amster- dam en 1883 : Catalogo correspondiente a las Provincias Ultramarinas de Espana. Publicado por la Comision Central Espanola. 8 Madrid, 1883 Congreso Espanol de Geografia Colonial y Mercantil celebrado en Madrid en los dias 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, y 12 de Nov- iembre de 1883. Actas. Vols. I and 2. 8 Madrid, 1884 Resena Geografica y Estadistica de Espana, por la Direccion General del Institute Geografico y Estadistico. Map. 4 Madrid, 1888 Descripci6n Universal de los Indies y Demarcation de los reyes de Castilla en declaration de la tabla precedente. Issued with Bol. Soc. Geogr. Madrid, N.D. SPAIN. Diccionario Geografico - Historico de Espana. 2 vols. Map. 4 Madrid, 1802 Voyage Pittoresque et historique de 1'Espagne. Plates and plans. Large 4 Paris, 1806 Atlas del Itinerario Descriptive de Espana. Valencia, 1826 Memoir annexed to an Atlas containing Plans of the Principal Battles, Sieges, and Affairs, in which the British troops were engaged, in the Spanish Peninsula and South of France, 1808-14. 4 1841 Border Lands of Spain and France, with an Account of a Visit to the Republic of Andorre. 8 1856 A Winter Tour in Spain. By the author of " Dacia Singleton," &c. Plate. 8 1868 Gibraltar. Cuttings from the Times relative to the proposed Cession to Spain of Gibraltar in exchange for Ceuta. 1868-69 Viaje de Espana. Por un Anonimo (1446-48). Traducido directamente del Aleman por E. G. R. Illustrations. 4 Madrid, 1883 SWEDEN. A. Government Publications. General Staff Publications. See Rosen. Geological Survey. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning, pa offentlig bekostnad utfb'rd under ledning af A. Erdmann. Stockholm Ser. Aa. Kartblad i skalan I : 50,000 med beskrigningar. Maps. 8. No. I. Karlsson, V. Ndgra Ord till upplysning om Bladet " Westeras." Plate. 8 1862 No. 2. Sidenbladh, Elis. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Arboga." Plates. 8 1862 No. 3. Kugelberg, O. F. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Skultuna." Plate. 8 1862 No. 4. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Sodertelge." Plate. 8 1862 No. 5. Karlsson, V. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Eskilstuna." Plate. 8 1863 - No. 6. Fries, J. O., A. H. Wahl- quist, och A. E. Tornebohm. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Stockholm." Plates. 8 1863 No. 7. Kugelberg, O. F. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Enkoping." Plate. 8 1863 No. 8. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Fano." Plate. 8 1863 EUROPE SWEDEN. 729 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. Aa. contd. No. 9. Sidenbladh, Elis. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Safstaholm." Plates. 8 1864 No. 10. Fries, J. O., och V. Karls- son. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Angso." Plate. 8 1864 No. ii. Karlsson, V. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Koping." Plate. 8 1864 No. 12. Kugelberg, O. F. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Hellefors." Plate. 8 1864 No. 13. Paijkull, C. W. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Lindholm." Plate, 8 1864 No. 14. Erdmann, E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Lindsbro." Map, 8 1865 No. 15. Hummel, David. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Skattmanso." Map, 8 1865 No. 1 6. Gumselius, O., och C. W. Paykull. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Sig- tuna." 8 1865 No. 17. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Malmkoping." 8 1865 No. 1 8. Karlsson, V., och J. O. Fries. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Streng- nas." 8 186"; No. 19. Stolpe, M. Nagra, &c~. Bladet "Ramnas." 8 1866 No. 20. Fries, J. O. Nagra, &c. Bladet ' ' Wargarda. "8 1 866 No. 21. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Ulricehamn." 8 1866 No. 22. Hummel, D. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Eriksberg." 8 1867 No. 23. Erdmann, E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Nykoping." 8 1867 - No. 24.' Sidenbladh, E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Tarna." 8 1867 No. 25. Fries, J. O. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Samsholm." 8 1867 No. 26. Gumxlius, O. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Sala. " 8 1868 No. 27. Sidenbladh, E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Kanas." 8" 1868 No. 28. Stolpe, M. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Boras." 8 1868 No. 29. Wahlqvist, A. H. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Leufsta." 8 1868 No. 30. Wahlqvist, A. H. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Eggegrund." 8 1868 No. 31. Stolpe, M. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Upsala." 8 1869 No. 32. Stolpe, M. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Orbyhus." 8 No. 33. Karlsson, V. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Svenljunga." 8 1870 No. 34. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Amal." 8 1870 No. 35. Hummel, D., och E. Erd- mann. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Balder- snas." 8 1870 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser, Aa. contd. No. 36. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Wingershamn." 8 1870 No. 37. Tornebohm, A. E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Upperud." 8 1870 No. 38. Karlsson, V. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Degelberg." 8 1870 No. 39. Karlsson, V., och A. H. Wahlqvist. Nagra, &c. Bladet " Ra- dariefors." 8 1870 No. 40. Sidenbladh, E. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Wenersborg." 8 1870 No. 41. Fries, J. O. Nagra, &c. Bladet "Wiskafors."" 8 1870 Bortzell, A. Rattelser till Hojd- malningarne a Bladen "Wargarda" och " Samshohm." 8 1870 No. 42. Gumaelius, Otto. Nagra ord till upplysning om bladet " Engels- berg." 8 1871 No. 43. Pettersson, A. L. T. Nagra ord till upplysning om bladet "Salsta." 8 1871 No. 44. Erdmann, E. Nagra ord till upplysning om bladet " Rydbo- holm." 8 1871 No. 45. Stolpe, M. Nagra ord till upplysning om bladet " Hornings- holm." 8 1871 No. 46. Karlsson, V. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Riddarhyttan." 8 1873 No. 47. Hummel, D. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Linde." 8 1873 No. 48. Gumselius, O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Orebro." 8 1873 No. 49. Karlsson, V. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Segersjo." 8 1873 No. 50. Palmgren, L. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Arsta." 8 1874 No. 51. Beskrifning till Kart- bladet "Nynas." 8 1874 No. 52. Hummel, David. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet "Trosa." Plates. 8 1874 No. 53. Stolpe, M. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Bjorksund." 8 1874 No. 54. Stolpe, M. Beskrifning till Kartb'adet " Riseberga." 8 1875 No. 55. Linnarsson, G. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Latorp." 8 1875 No. 56. Gumsclius, Otto. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet "Nora." 8 1875 No. 57. Nathorst, A. G. Beskrifn- ing till Kartbladet " Stafsjo." Plate. 8 1876 No. 58, 59. - Beskrifning till Kartbladen "Sandhamn" och "Tarn- skar." 8 1877 No. 60. Hummel, David. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Bastad." Map. 8 1877 No. 61. Lindstriim, Axel. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Hessleholm." 8 1877 730 APPENDIX II. SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. Aa. contd. No. 62. Karlsson, V. Beskrifning till Kartbladct "Claestorp." 8 1877 No. 63. Erdmann, E. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Brefven." Plate. 8 1878 No. 64. Nathorst, A. G. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet "Gottenvik." 8 1873 Nos. 65 and 66. Nathorst, A. G. Beskrifning till Kartbladen " I^andsort" och " Kallskaren." 8 1878 No. 67. Lindstrbm, Axel. Bes- krifning till Kartbladet " Herrevads- kloster." 8 1878 No. 68. Karlsson, V. Be>krifning till Kartbladet "Linderod." 8 1879 No. 69. Blomberg, A. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Hjulsjo." 8 1879 No. 70. Stolpe, M. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Tjallmo." 8 1881 No. 71. Stolpe, M. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Norrkoping." 8 1879 No. 72. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Moja." 8 1879 No. 73. Nathorst, A. G. Bes- krifning till Kartbladet "Gustafsberg." 8 1881 No. 74. Erdmann, E. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Helsinglx>rg." Plates. 8 1881 No. 75. - . Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Landskrona." 8 1881 No 76. Lindstrom, Axel. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Engelholm." Plate. 8 1880 Nos. 77 and 78. . Beskrifning till Kartbladen "Kullen" och " H6- ganas." 8 1880 No. 79. Carlsson, G. A. Be- skrifning till Kartbladet "Norsholm." 8 1880 -Nos. 80 and 81. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladen "Dalaro" och " Uto." Plate. 8 1882 No. 82. Slolpe, M. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Finspang." 8 1881 No. 83. Linnarsson, G., and Tull- berg, S. A. Beskrifning till Kart- bladet "Vreta Kloster." Plate. 8 1882 No. 84. Erdmann, E. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Askersund." Plate. 8 1889 No, 85. Nathorst, A. G. Bes- krifning till Kartbladet "Kristianstad." 8 1882 - No. 86. Tullberg, S. A. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet "Ovedskloster." Plate. 8 1882 No. 87. Nathorst, A. G. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Trolleholm." Plates. 8 1885 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. Aa. could. - Nos. 89 and 90. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladen " Svenska Stenarne" och "Svenska Hogarne." 8 1883 No. 91. Jonsson, J. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Malmo." 8 1884 No. 92. Geer, G. de. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Lund." Plate. 8 1887 No. 93. Svedmark, E. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Furnsund." 8 1885 - No. 94. Svedmark, E. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Norrtelge." Mats. 8 1887 No. 95. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Radmanso." 8 1885 No. 96. Svenonius, F. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Giundkallegrundet." Plate. 8 1885 No. 97. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Svartklubben." Map. 8 1887 Nos. 98 and 99. Svenonius, F. Beskrifning till Kartbladen " Fors- mark " och " Bjorn." 8 1887 No. loo. Blomberg, A. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Penningby." Map. 8 1889 No. 101. Blomljerg, A. Beskrif- ning till Kartbladet " Oregrund." Map. 8 1886 No. 102. Jonsson, J. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Motala." Maps. 8 1887 No. 103. Geer, G. de. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Backasko." Maps. 8 1889 No. 104. Blomberg, A. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Alunda." Map. 8 1889 No. 105, 106, and 107. Geer, G. de. Beskrifning till Kartbladen Vidtskofle, Karlshamn (Skanedelen) och Solves- borg (Skanedelen). Maps. 8 1889 No. 108. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Glimakra,"af Abert Blomberg. Map. 8 Stockliolnt, 1892 No. 109. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Simrishamn,"afN. O. Hoist. Maps. 8 Stockholm, 1892 Ser. Ab. Kartblad i skalan I : 200,000 med beskrifningar. No. I. Hummel, D. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Huseby." 8 1877 No. 2. Beskrifning till Kart- bladet " Ljungby." 8 1877 No. 3. Beskrifning till Kart- bladet "Vexio." Plate. 8 i877 - No. 4. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Lessebo." 8 1879 No. 5. Blomberg, A. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Olmestad." Map. 8 1879 EU ROPE SWEDEN. SWEDE?; A. Geological Survey. Ser. Ab.contd. - No. 6. . Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Nissafors." Map. 8 1880 No. 7. Lindstrdm, A. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Boras." Maps. 8 1883 - No. 8. Hoist, N. O. Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Hvetlanda." Maps and plate. 8 1885 Nog. Blomberg, A. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Sard." Maps. 8 1883 No. 10. . Beskrifning till Kartbladet " Kungsbacka." Maps. 8 1883 No. ii. Lindstrom, A. Bes- krifning till Kartbladet " Venersborg. " Maps. 8 1887 - No. 12. Lundbohm, H. Be- skrifning till Kartbladet "Halmstad.' Maps. 8" 1887 - No. 13. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Varberg," af Eugene Svedmark. Maps. 8 Stockholm, 1893 - No. 14. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Nydala," af M. Stolpe. Maps ami illustrations. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 15. Beskrifning till Kartbladet "Lenhofda," af Nils Olof Hoist. Maps. 8 Stockholm, 1893 Ser. Ba. Cartes generates avec descriptions. No. 4. Annexe explicative a la Carte Geologiijue Generale de la Suede publiee par 1'Institut Royal Geologique de Suede a 1'echelle de I : 1,000,000. FeuilleMeridionale.par A. G. Nathorst. [1884] Ser. Bb. Specialkartor och beskrifningar. - Nos. I and 2. Lindstrom, A. Beskrifning till de Agronomiskt Geo- logiska Kartorna ofver Skottorp och Ddmmestorp i Hollands Lan. 8 1881 No. 3. Beskrifning till Karta o'fver Berggrunden inoin de Malmforande Trakterna i norra delen af Orebro Lan. I. Allman Geologisk Beskrifning utar- l>etad af Ilenrik Santesson under medverkan af Alb. Blomberg och Birger Santesson. Map. 4 1883 No. 4. Ditto. II. Geognostiska Kartor och Beskrifningar dfver de vigtigare Grufvefalten af Birger San- tesson. Plates. 4 1889 No. 5. Jonsson, J. Beskrifning till Agronomiskt Geologisk Karta ofver Egendomen Svalniis i Roslagen. Map. 8 1887 - No. 6. . Beskrifning till Praktiskt Geologisk Karta dfver Farsta och Gustafsberg ined Utgardar, Torp och Lagenheter i Stockholms Lan. 8 1890 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. Bb.contd. No. 7. Beskrifning till Agrono- miskt Geologisk Karta ofver lorreby, pa Bekostnad af Grosshandlaren N. G. Sdrensen, upprattad af J. Jonsson. 8 Stockholm, 1892 Ser. C. Afhandlingar och nppsatser. - No. 26. Torell, O. On the Causes of the Glacial Phenomena in the North- Eastern portion of N. America. Map. 8 1877 - No. 28. Linnarsson, G. De Paleozoiska Bildningarna vid Hum- lenas i Smaland. Map. 8 1878 No. 29. Nathorst, A. G. Om Floran i Skanes Kolfdrande Bidningar. 2. Floran vid Hdganas och Helsing- borg. Plates. 4 1878 No. 31. Linnarsson, G. Jakltagelser ofver de Graptolitfdrande Skiffrarne i Skdne. Map. 8 1879 No. 32. Blomberg, A., and A. Lindstrom. Praktiskt Geologiska Undersdkningar inom Herjedalen och Jemtland, utfdrda sommaren, 1876. Maps. 8 1879 No. 34. Lindstrom, A. Praktiskt Geologiska Jakttagelser under Resor pa Gotland, 1876-78. Map. 8 1879 No. 35. Linnarsson, G. Om faunan i Kalken med Conocoryphe exsulans ("Coronatuskalken"). Plates. 8 1879 No. 36. Nathorst, A. G. Om Spirangium och cless fb'rekomst i Skanes Kolfdrande Bildningar. Plates. 8 1879 No. 37. Linnarsson, G. Om Got- lands Graptoliter. Plate. 8 1879 No. 38. Nathorst, A. G. Om de Svenska Urbergens Sekuliira For- vittring. 8 ^880 No. 39. - . Om de Aldre Sandstens- och Skifferbildningarne vid Vettern. Map. 8 1880 No. 40. Tornquist, S. L. Nagra lakttagelser ofver Dalarnes Grapto- litskiffrar. 8 1880 No. 41. Tullberg, S. A. Om Lagerfdljden i de Kambriska och Siluriska Aflagringarne vid Rdstanga. Map. 8 1880 No. 43. Linnarsson, G. Om Fdr- steningarne i de Svenska lagren med Peltura och Sphrcrophthalmus. Plates. 8 1880 - No. 44. Nathorst, A. G. Om de Vaxtfdrande Lagren i Skdnes Kol- fdrande Bildningar och deras plats i lagerfdljden. 8 1880 No. 45. Svenonius, F. Om "Seve- gruppen " i nordligaste Jemtland och Angermanland samt (less Fdrhiillande till Fossilfdrande lager. Maps. 8 1881 732 APPENDIX II. SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Set-. C. contd. No. 46. Linnarsson, G. Graptolit- skiffrar med Monagraptus Turriculatus vid Klubbudden Nara Motala. Plates. 8 1881 No. 47. Lundgren, B. Undersok- ningar ofver Molluskfaunan i Sveriges aldie Mesozooiska Bildningar. Plates. 4 Lund., 1 88 1 No. 48. Torell, O. Om Sveriges vigtigaste Kristalliniska bergslag och deras forhallande till hvarandra. 8 1882 No. 49. Svenonius, F. Till fragan otn forhallandet mellan "Wemdals- Qvartsiten " och siluriska formationen inom sodra delen af Jamtlands Ian. Map. 8 1882 No. 50. Tullberg, S,. A. Skanes Graptoliter. I. Allman Ofversigt 6'fyer de Siluriska Bildningarne i Skane, &c. 4 1882 - No. 51. Eichstadt, F. SkAnes Basalter mikroskopiskt Undersokta och Beskrifna. Map and plates. 8 1882 No. 52. Geer, G. de. Om en Postglacial Landsiinkning i sodra och mellersta Sverige. 8 1882 No. 53. Tullberg, S. A. Fore- 16'pande Redogorelse for Geologiska Resor pi Oland. 8 1882 No. 54- Linnarsson, G. De undre Paradox ideslagren vid Andrarum. Plates. 4 1882 -No. 55. Tullberg, S. A. Skanes Graptoliter. II. Graptolit-faunorna i Cardiola - skiffern och Cyrtograptus skiffrarne. Plates. 4 1883 No. 56. Svenonius, F. Om Olivin- stens och Serpentinforekomster i Norrland. Map. 8 1883 No. 57. Tornquist, S. L. Ofversigt ofver Bergbygnaden inoin Siljansom- radet i Dalarne, med Hansyn foretra- desvis fiist vid dess Paleozoiska lag. Map and plate. 4 1883 - No. 58. Eichstadt, F. Om Basalt- tuflen vid Djupadal i Skane. 8 1883 No. 59. . Erratiska Basalt- block ur N. Tysklands och Danmarks diluvium. 8 1883 No. 60. Svedmark, E. Mikros- kopisk Undersokning af de vid Djupadal i Skane forekommande Basaltbergarterna. Plates. 8 1883 No. 61. Svenonius, F. Studiervid Svenska Joklar. Maps and plate. 8 1884 No. 62. Stolpe, M. straktens sandstenar. No. 63. Mol>erg, J. lopoderna i Sveriges I. Sveriges Kritsystem framstaldt. Map. 4 Om Siljan- 1884 C. Cepha- Kritsystem. systematiskt 1884 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. C. contd. No. 64. Praktiskt geologiska under sokningar inom norra delen af Kalmar Ian. Map. 4 1884 No. 65, H. i. Erdrriann, E. Bes- krifning ofver Skanes Stenkolsfalt och Grufvor jemte redogorelse for derur vunna amnens beskaffen het och an- vandning. Forra Haftet. Maps, &"{. 4 1887 No. 66. Tornquist, S. L. Under- sokningar ofver Siljansomradets trilobit fauna. Plates. 4 1884 No. 67. Eichstadt, F. Mikros- kopisk undersokning af olivinstenar och serpentiner fran Norrland. Plate. 8 1884 No. 68. Geer, G. de. Om den skandinaviska landisens andra utbred- ning. Maps. 8 1884 No. 69. Landgren, B. Anmark- ningar om Spondylusarterna i Sveriges Kritsystem. Plates. 4 1885 No. 70. Praktiskt Geologiska Under- sokningar inom Jemtlands Liin. I. 4 1885 No. 71. Nathorst, A. G. Nagra ord om slipsandstenen i Dalarne. 8 1885 - No. 72. Praktiskt Geologiska Under- sokningar inom Norra Delen af Elfs- borgs Lan och Dalsland, &c. Maps. 4 1885 No. 73. Moberg, J. C. Cephalo- poderna i Sveriges Kritsystem. 2. Artbeskrifning. Plates 4 1885 No. 74. Eichstadt, F. Om quart- sitdiabaskonglomeratet i Smaland och Skane. 8 1885 No. 75. Svenonius, F. Nagra profiler inom mellersta skandinaviens skifferomrade. Plate. 8 1885 No. 76. Svedmark, E. Proterobas i sodra och mellersta Sverige. 8 1885 No. 77. . Om granitons och gneisens forhallande till hvarandra i trakten mellan Stockholm och Norr- telge. 8 1885 No. 78. Svedmark, E. Gabbron pa Radmanso och angransande trakter af Roslagen. Maps and plates. 8 1 885 No. 79. Nathorst, A. G. Nagra ord om Visingsoserien. 8 1886 No. 80. Tornquist, S. L. Nagra iakttagelser fran sommaren 1885 ofver omt vistade delar af lagfoljden inom Dalarnes siluromra.de. 8" 1886 No. 81. Hoist, N. O. Berattelse om en ar 1880 i geologiskt syfte foretagen resa till Gronland. Map. 8 1886 - No. 82. Brogger, W. C. Ueber die Ausbildung des Hypostomes bei einigen skandinavischen Asaphiden. Plates. 8 1886 EUROPE SWEDEN. 733 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser.C. contd. No. 83. Fredholm, K. A. Ofver- sigt af Norrbottens geologi inom Pajala, Muonionalusta och Tariindo socknar. Maps. 8 1886 No. 84. Geer, G. de. Om ett Konglomerat inom urberget vid Vestana i Skane. Plate. 8 1886 No. 85. Nathorst, A. G. Om floran i Skanes Rolforande bilningar. I. Floran vid Bjuf Tredje (sista) haftet. Plates. 4 1886 No. 86. Geer, Gerard de. Om vindnotta Stenar. 8 1887 No. 87. Geer, G. de. Om Kaolin ochandra vittringsrester. . . . Hogbom, A. G. Om Forkastningsbreccior. . . . Moberg, J. C. Kritsystem i fast Klyft i Halland. Santesson, B. Nickel- malm fyndigheten vid Klefva. Post, H. v. Vtterligare om Nickelmalm- fyndigheten vid Klefva. 8 1887 No. 88. Svedmark, E. Orogra- fiska studier inom Roslagen. Map. 8 1887 No. 89. Praktiskt geologiska under- sokningar inom Jemtlands Ian. II. 4 1887 No. 90. Geer, G. de. Om Bar- nakal legrottan, en ny Kritlokal i Skane. Plate. 8 1887 No. 91. Torell, Otto. Under- sokningar ofver Istiden. III. 8 1887 No. 92. Praktiskt geologiska under- so'kningar inom Vesternorrlands Ian. I. Lindstrom, A. Jordslagen inom Vesternorrlands Ian i geologiskt och agronomiskt hanseende beskrifna. 4 1888 - No. 93. Holm, G. Om Thorax- ledernas antal hos Paradoxides Tessini. Om forekomsten af en Cruziana i ofyersta Olenidskiffern vid Knifvinge i Ostergotland. Om Olenellus Kjerulfi. Plates. 8 1888 No. 94. Svedmark, E. Om Uralit- porfyrn och Halleflintan vid Vaksala. 1888 No. 95. Lundbohm, H. Om den aldre baltiska isstrommen i sodra Sverige. Plate. 8 1888 No. 96. Torell, O. Om aflag- ringarna pa 6'mse sidor om riksgrausen uti Skandinaviens sydligare fjelltrakter. 8 1888 No. 97. Svedmark, E. Pyroxen- och Amfibolforande bergarter inom sydvestra Sveriges urberg. 8 1888 No. 98. Geer, G. de. Om Skan- dinaviens vivaforandringar under qvartarperioden. Plate. 8 1890 No. 99. Molx.-rg, J. C. Om Lias i sydostra Skane. Map and plate. 4 1888 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. C. contd. - No. 100. Hoist, N. O. Om ett fynd af uroxe i Rakneby, Ryssby, Socken, Kalmar Ian. Plates. 8 1889 No. 101. Geer, G. de. Om isde- larens lage under Skandinaviens begge nedisningar, samt om forekomsten af Rissoa parva Da Costa pa Aland. 8 1889 - No. 102. Praktiskt geologiska undersokningar inom Jemtlands Ian. III. Jonsson, J., and E. Henning. Agronomiskt geologiska och agrono- miskt vaxtfysiognomiska studier i Jemtland. 4 1889 No. 103. Lundbohm, H. Om granitindustrien i utlandet sarskildt Storbritamrien. Plates. 8 1889 - No. 104. Hoist, N. O. Om en maktig Kvartsit yngre an Olenus- skiffern. Hogbom, A. G. Om Kvartsit-sparagmit Somradet mellan Storsjon i Jemtland och riksgransen soder om Rogen. Map. 8 1889 No. 105. Lundbohm, H. Engelska byggnadsmateriel och byggnadssatt samt de senares tillamplighet i Sverige. Plates. 8 1889 No. 106. Lundbohm, H. Om bearbetning af Sandsten, Kalksten och lakskiffer i Storbritannien m. fl. st. 8 1889 No. 107. Svedmark, E. Meddel- anden om jordsto'tar i Sverige. 1890 No. 108. Johansson, C. J. (och K. F. Dusen). lakttagelser ronande nagra sydsvenska torfmossar. Stolpe, M. Om orsakerna till nellstensasars upp- komst. 8 1890 No. 109. Moberg, J. C. Om Olands Dictyonemaskiffer motsvarande CeratopygeskifTer i Norge. Anteck- ningar om Olands Ortocerkalk. 8 1890 No. no. Hoist, N. O. Ryoliten vid sjoon M ien. 8 1890 No. in. Lundbohm, H. Apatit- forekomster i Gellivare malmberg och Kringliggande trakt. Maps and plate. 8 1890 No. 112. Sveriges Kambrisk- Siluriska Hyolithedre och Conulariidre, af Gerhard Holm. (With an English Summary). Plates. 4 Stockholm, 1893 No. 113. Torell, O. Apatitfore- komsterna i Norrbottens Ian och de af Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning lemnade bidragen till Kannedomen harom. 8 1890 No. 114. Fegroeus, T. Om de losa jordaflagringarna i nagra af Norr- lands elfdalar. Map and plate. 8 1890 734 APPENDIX II. SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Ser. C. contd. No. 115. Mortsell, E. Resenotiser fran det fossilforande Kambrisk- siluriska omradet af Vesterbottens lappmark. Holm, G. Fdrsteningar fran Lappland, insainlade af E. Mort- sell. Holm, G. Om forekomsten af en Caryocrinus i Sverige. 8 1890 No. 116. Om Kvartsit-Sparagmit- omradet i Sveriges Sydliga Fjelltrakter, af A. G. H6glx>m. Diagrams. 8 Stockholm, 1891 No. 117. Bidrag till Kannedomen om de Glaciala Foreteelserna i Norr- Ijotten, af K. A. Fredholm. Map. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 118. Skotska Byggnadssatt for Naturlig Sten, af Hjalmar Lundbohm. Plate and diagrams. 8 Stockholm, 1891 No. 119. Agronomiskt - Botaniska Studier i Norra Dalarne aren 1890 och 1891, af A. G. Kellgren. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 1 20. Untersuchungen liber Fossile Holzer Schwedens, von H. Conwentz. Plates. 4 Stockholm, 1892 No. 121. Om Mynningen II os Situitcs, af Gerhard Holm. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 122. Meddelanden om Jord- stotar i Sverige, af E. Svedmark. II. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 123. Anteckningar fran en i Praktiskt syfte foretagen Geologisk resa i Vesterbottens Lan, af Alber Blomberg. Map. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 124. Studier 6'fver de Glaciola Aflagringarna i Upland af A. G. Hog- bom. Map. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 125. Moberg, J. C. Om Skif- fern med Clonograptus tenellus dess fauna veh geologiska alder, med i tafia. Om on nyupptackt fauna i block af Kambrisk sandsten. Med en tafia. Om nagra nya graptoliter fran Skanes undre graptolitskiffer, med en tafia. Till fragan om pygidiets byggnad hos Ctenopyge pecten. Om un af Tri- nucleus cosinorrhinus ang. karakter- iserade kalkens geologiska Alder. Plates. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 126. Om Berggrunden i Norr- bottens Lan och utsigterna till Bryt- varda Apatitforekomster Derstades, af Fredr. Svenonius. Map and illustra- tions. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 127. Apatitforekomster i Norr- bottens Malmberg, af Hjalmar Lund- bohm. Diagrams. 8 Stockholm, 1892 No. 128. Hogbom, A. G. Om Marken efter Isdamda Sjoar i Jemt- lands Fjelltrakter med Tva Taflor. SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Scr. C. contd. Aftryck ur Geol. Fciren i Stockholm Forhandl. Bd. 14, H. 7, 1892. Om Interglaciala Aflagringar i Jemtland Aftryck ur Geol. Friren i Stockholm Forhandl. Bd. 15, H. i, 1893. Map and illustrations. 8 Stockholm, 1893 No. 129. Om Stenindustrien i Forenta Staterna, af Hjalmar Lund- bohm. 8 Stockholm, 1893 No. 130. Bidrag till Kannedomen om Lagerfoljden inom den Kambriska Sandstenen, af Nils Olof Hoist. 8 Stockholm, 1893 No. 131. Praktiskt Geologiska underscikningar inom Hallands Lan med bidrag af Lanets Hushallnings- sallskap utforda Genom Sveriges Geo- logiska undersokning aren 1882-91, I. -II. Map. 4 Stockholm, 1893 No. 132. Hjalmar Lundbohm om Berggrunden i Vesternorrlands Kust- rakter. A. G. Hogbom : Om Postar- kaiska Eruptiver inom det Svenskfinsks Urberget. Meden Tafia. A. G. Hogbom : Om de S. K. Urgraniterna i Upland. Plate. 8 Stockholm, 1893 No. 133. Om de Porfyriska Gang- bergarterna i Ostra Smaland, af Otto Nordenskjold. 8 Stockholm, 1893 No. 134. Om Hasselns Forntidaoch Nutida Urtredning i Sverige, af Herman Hedstrom. Map. 8 Stockholm, 1893 Miscellaneous Works. Erdmann, E. Description de la formation carbonifere de la Scanie. (Traducteur J. H. Kramer.) Abridged edition. Maps and plates. 8 1873 [Including the original Swedish work, " Beskrifning ofver Skanes Stenkols- forande formation, af Edvard Erd- mann."] [F. of the series. ~\ 1872 Bortzell, A. Beskrifning ofver Besier- Ecksteins Kromolitografi och Lito- typografi anvanda vid tryckningen af Geologisk Ofversigtskarta ofver Skane. Coloured diagrams. 4 [G.] 1872 Tornebohm, A. E. En geognostisk profil ofver den Skandinaviska Fjallryggen mcllan ostersund och Levanger. Plate. 8 [H.] 1872 Gumsclins, O. Bidrag till kannedomen om Sveriges Erratiska Bildningar, samlade a Geologiska Kartbladet "Orebro." 8 [I.] 1872 Hummel, D. Ofversigt af de Geologiska Forhalla ndena vid Hallands As. 8 [J-] 1873 Tornebohm, A. E. Ueber die Geognosie der schwedischen Hochgebirge. Map. 8 [K.] 1873 EUROPE SWEDEN. 735 SWEDEN A. Geological Survey. Miscellaneous contd. Linnarsson, J. G. O. Om nagra For- steninger fran Sveriges och Norges " Primordialzon." 8 [L.] 1873 Gumrelius, O. Om mellersta Sveriges glaciala Bildningar. Plate 8 [M.] 1874 2. Om rullstensgrus. Map. 8 1876 Hummel, D. Om Rullstensbildningar. Maps. 8 [N.] o 1874 Gumaelius, O. Om Malmlagrens Alders- foljd och deras anvandande sasom ledlager. Map. 8 [O.] 1875 T6rnelx>hm, A. E. Geognostisk Bes- krifning ofver Persbergets Grufvevalt. Map and plates. 4 [P.] 1875 Hummel, D. Om Sveriges lagrade Ur- berg jemfbrda med sydvestra Europas. Map. 8 [Q.] 1875 Santesson, Henrik. Kemiska bergarts- analyser. I. Gneis, Hallefiintgneis (" Eurit ") och Halleflinta. Large 8 [R.] 1877 Torell, Otto. Sur les traces les plus anciennes de 1'existence de 1'homme en Suede. 8 [T.] [1876] Nathorst A. G. Om en cycadekotte fran den riitiska formationens lager vid Tinkarp i S. Kane. Plate. 8 [U.] [1876] Nathorst, A. G. Nya Fyndorter for arktiska vaxtlemningar i Skane. 8. [V.] 1877 Linnarsson, G. Ofversigt af Nerikes ofvergangsbildningar. Map. 8. [X.] 1875 Linnarsson, G. Om faunan i Lagren med Paradoxides Olandicus. Plates. 8 1877 Svedmark, E. Halle och Hunnebergs Trapp. 8 1878 Svenonius, F. V. Bidrag till Norrbottens Geologi. Plates. 8 1880 Lo'fstrand, G. Om apatitens ib'rekomst salt i Norrbottens Ian jemfordt med dess upptradande i Norge. 8 1890 Systematisk Forteckning ofver offent- liggjorda arbeten, 1862-1893. Maps. 8 Stockholm, 1894 Die Ausstellung der geologischen Landes- Untersuchung Schwedens auf der Weltausstellung in Wien, 1873. 8 1873 Nautisk Meteorologiska Byran, Stock- holm Stockholm No. i. Instruktion for Meteorologisk logglwks fbrande. Plates. 8 1879 No. 3. Vaderleksbok. Small 8 No. 4. Instruktion for Meteorologiska Observationers utforande vid Sven- ska Fyrstationer. Plates. 8 1879 No. 5- Instruktion for Hydrografiska Observationers utforande vid Svenska Fyr- och Lots-stationer. Plates. 8 1879 SWEDEN. B. Anonymous. Svecia, sive de Suecorum Regis Dominiis et opibus Commentarius Politicus. 8 1631 Guide through Sweden. 12 Gothenburg, 1824 Topographiska och Statistisa Uppgifter. [Reports on various districts, 8 numlfcrs] viz.: 1842, 1844, 1845, 1849, 1850, 1857, 1859, and 1860. 12 and 8 Stockholm, 1842-60 Upplysningar till Geologisk Kartan (af E. W. Olbers). Bohns Lan (7 pam- phlets). 12 Gotsburg, 1859-66 Upprattad i Rikets ekonomiska Karteverk. Beskrifning till Kartans, &c. . . . Upsal Lan och Orebro Lan. Aren, 1860-68 (18 parts). 4 Stockholm, 1860-68 Guide du Voyageur en Suede et en Nor- vege. 3rd edition. Maps. 12 Stockholm, 1874 The Traveller's Illustrated Guide for Sweden, Stockholm, and the principal pleasure routes in the interior. Maps and plates. 12 Stockholm, 1875 Underdanig Berattelse om en pa Nadig befallning ar 1875 fo'retagen Undersok- ning af Malmfyndigheter inom Gcllivare och Jukkasjarvi soknar af Norbottens Ian. Maps. 4 1877 SWITZERLAND. A. Government Publications. Bibliographic Nationale Suisse. Reper- toire Methodique de ce qui a etc public sur la Suisse et ses Habitants. Fasc 2 a - 2 b - 2 C - 8 ^ Berne Fasc 2 a - Geodesic et cartes de la Suisse, des Regions et Cantons. Public par le Bureau Topographique Federal. Redige par le Prof. Dr J. H. Graf 1892 Fasc 2 b - Cartes de Parcelles plus ou moins grandes du Territoire Suisse. Redige par le Prof. Dr J. H. Graf 1892 Fasc 2 C - Plans de Villes et de Lieux- Habites, Reliefs et Panoramas. Redige par le Prof. Dr J. H. Graf 1893 Census of Switzerland, ist of Decemlx;r 1870. MS. Folio. Les Resultats du Recensemcnt Federal du i cr Decembre 1888. Vols. i and 2. Maps. 4 Berne, 1892-93 Statistical Bureau. Statistischer Jahr- buch der Schweiz. Jahrgang I. -III. Maps and plates. Small 4 Berne, 1891-93 Statistique de la Suisse. Livraisons 87, 90, 92, 94, 95-98. (1891-93.) Mats. 4" Berne, 1893-94 736 APPENDIX II. SWITZERLAND A. Survey. Ergebnisse cler Trigono- metrischen Vermessung in der Schweiz. Von J. Eschmann. 4 Zurich, 1840 Geodetic Commission. Europaische Graclmessung, Das Schweizer- ische Dreieck-netz herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen geodatischen Commis- sion, Erster Band. Die Winkelmes- sungen uncl Stationsausgleichungen. 4 Zurich, 1 88 1 Ditto. Zweiter Band. Die Netzaus- gleichung und die Anschlussnetze der Sternwarten und astronomischen Punkte. Figures. 4 Zurich, 1884 Ditto. Vierter Band. Die Ansch- lussnetze der Grundlinien. 4 Zurich, 1889 Ditto. Fiinfter Band. Astronomische Beobachtungen im Tessiner Basisnetze, auf Gabris und Simplon ; definitive Dreieckseitenlangen ; geographische Co- ordinaten. Map. 4 Zurich, 1890 Ditto. Sechster Band. Lotabwei- chungen in der Westschweiz. Bear- beitet von Dr J. B. Messerschmitt. Map. 4 Zurich, 1894 Le Reseau de Triangulation Suisse, public par la Commission Geodesique Suisse. 3 vols. La Mensuration des Bases par A. Hirsch et J. Dumur. Plates. Large 4 Lausanne, 1888 Nivellement de Precision de la Suisse, execute par la Commission Geodesique Federale, sous la direction de M. M. Hirsch et Plantamour. Vol. I (Livr. 1-4,6,7,9.) Map and plate. 4 Geneva and Bale, 1867-91 Ditto. Vol. 2 (Livr. 10). Catalogue des Hauteurs Suisses. Map. 4 Geneva, &f., 1891 B. Anonymous and Miscellaneous. Helvetiorum Respublica. 16 The Hague, 1627 Gemalde der Schweiz. Zurich, Uri, Thurgau, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Frei- burg, Solothurn, Schaffhausen, Appen- zell, Graubiinden, Tessin. II vols. 8 Berne, 1834-38 Practical Swiss Guide : a Complete Itinerary of Switzerland. 12 1859 Brussels Conference. Gutachten iiber den Auschluss der Schweiz au die Bestrebungen der Internal. Afrik. Gesell- schaft in Brtissel, vom Initiativ-Comite in St Gallen. 8 1877 Alps. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beo- bachtungen auf Alpenreisen. Heraus- gegeben vom Deutschen und Oester- reichischen Alpenverein. 2 vols. in I. Map and illustrations. 1 2 Vienna, 1882 SWITZERLAND B. Vol. I. Sonklar, C. von. Orographie und Topographic, Hydrographie, Glets- cherwesen. Giimbel, C. W. Kurze Anleitung zu Geologischen Beobachtungen in den Alpen. Hann, J. Einfiihrung in die Meteorologie der Alpen. Ranke, Johannes. Anleitung zu an- thropologisch-vorgeschichtlichen Beo- bachtungen im Gebiet der Deutschen und Osterreichischen Alpen. Vol. 2. Dalla Torre, K. W. V. Anlei- tung zur Beobachtung der Alpinen Thierwelt. Anleitung zum Beobachten und zum Bestimmen der Alpenpflanzen. Die Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten des D. u Ol. Alpen vereins. (From the Mitteilungen.) 12 Vienna, 1891 Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte, heraus- gegeben von der Allgemeinem Geschicht- forschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Sechster Band. Conradi Tiirst De Situ Confoederatorum Descriptio. Balci De- scriptio Helvetiae. Fratris Felicis Fabri Descriptio Svevise. Reisebericht von Johannes Stumpf, 1544. Map. 8 Bale, 1884 Annuaire de la Suisse Pittoresque et Hygienique. Stations Climateriques, Bains, Belles Excursions, Villes d'Hiver de la Mediterranee. Maps and illus- trations. 12 Lausanne, 1890 Ditto. 3rd edition. Maps and illus- trations. 12 Paris and Lausanne, 1891 Ditto. 4th edition. Lausanne and Paris, 1892-93 Central Kommission fiir Schweizer Landeskunde. IV. Mittheilung. Bericht der Central Kommission iiber den Stand der Arbeit an der Bibliographic der Schweizerischen Landeskunde, Ende Marz 1892, &c. 8 Berne, 1892 Statistique de la Suisse. 90*, 95, and 96" Livr. 4 Berne, 1893-94 Berne. Hand Atlas fur Reisende in das Berner Oberland. Maps and plates. 8 Berne, 1816 Nouvelle Description de 1'Oberland Bernois, a 1'usage des Voyageurs. Maps. 8 Berne, 1838 Arbeiten aus dem Geographischen Institut der Universitiit Bern. Th. Steck : Die Wassermassen des Thuner- und des Brienzersees. Th. Steck : Die Denuda- tion im Kandergebiet. R. Zeller : Die Schneegrenze im Triftgebiet. (Aus dem XI. Jahresbericht der Geogr. Gesellsch. von Bern. ) Large 8 Berne, 1893 Davos-Platz : a New Alpine Resort for Sick and Sound in Summer and Winter. Map. 12 1878 EUROPE-SWITZERLAND. 737 SWITZERLAND B. Tarasp. The Mineral Waters and Baths of Tarasp (Tarasp-Schuls) in the lower Engailine, Canton of Orisons. Map and frontispiece. 8 Chur, 1866 Zurich. Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt auf Veranstaltung tier natur- forschende Gesellschaft, in Zurich, 1848. 8 Zurich, 1848 TURKEY IN EUROPE. Observations sur les Routes que con- duisent du Danube a Constantinople a travers le Balcan ou Mont Hoemus, par le Lieut. -Gen. Comte de T . 8 Paris, 1828 Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk, comprising Travels in the Regions of the Lower Danube in 1850-51. 2 vols. 8 1853 Anadol ; the Last Home of the Faithful. By the Author of "Frontier Lands," &c. 8 1854 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. A. Admiralty Publications. Transits as observed, and Calculation of the Apparent Right Ascensions. 4 1834 Hydrographic Office Publications. 8 : Miscellaneous. Memoir of a Survey of the Coast of Karamania, by Capt. F. Beaufort, 1811- 12 1820 Remarks on the Rivers of Berbice and Demerara. By J. Pelley 1845 Tables to Facilitate the Practice of Great Circle Sailing and the Deter- mination of Azimuths. By J. T. Towson 1848-54 and 1861 Table of Latitude, Longitude, and Variation of the Compass ; also Time of Syzygial High Water, Rise of Tide, and Direction or Set of Flood-Tide Stream in the Offing. 8. Diagram and Table for deducing the Meridian Altitude from two Altitudes near the Meridian. By Prof. G. Foscolo of Venice. Folio 1852-62 Remarks on Revolving Storms. 8 U 1853 Practical Rules for Ascertaining and Applying the Deviations of the Com- pass caused by the Iron in a Ship 1859 and 1892 See Smith, A. General Instructions for the Hydro- graphic Surveyors of the Admiralty 1862 and 1877 3 A UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. Tables for the Reduction of Meridian Altitudes. By J. T. Towson 1862 Rules for Finding Heights and Dis- tances at Sea. By Lieut. H. Raper. 5th edition 1866 Notes on Deep-Sea Sounding. By Staff-Commander J. E. Davis. Plates 1867 A Memoir of the Hydrographical Department of the Admiralty, 1868. Folio 1868 Admiralty Manual for the Deviations of the Compass. Edited by F. J. Evans and Archibald Smith. 3rd edition 1869 Admiralty Manual of Scientific En- quiry. See Herschel. Tide Tables for the British and Irish Ports for the years 1873-95 ['79 missing]; also the Times and Heights of High Water at Full and Change for the Principal Places on the Globe. 8 Table showing the Distances under steam and sail, and the shortest Navigable Distance between the principal ports of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. 8 1879 A New Method of Clearing the Lunar Distance. By Sir G. B. Airy 1881 Circular to Admiralty Surveyors. Orthography on Admiralty Charts. Folio 1884 List of Oceanic Depths and Serial Temperature Observations received at the Admiralty during the years 1888-93. Folio 1891-94 List of Time Signals established in various parts of the World. 3rd edition. 8 1892 Appendix. To 3ist December 1893- Notes hearing on the Navigation from II. M. Ships. 3rd and 4th editions 1892-93 Dock Book. Folio 1894 The Admiralty List of Lights. Cor- rected to December 1893 and 1894 1894 and 1895 Part I. The British Islands. Part 2. Eastern Shores of the North Sea, Baltic and White Seas. Part 3. Western Coasts of Europe and Africa. Part 4. Mediterranean, Black, Azov, and Red Seas. Part 5. South Africa, East Indies, China, Japan, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Part 6. South America, West Coast of North America, Pacific Islands, &c. Part 7. Eastern Coasts of North and Central America, and West Indies. 738 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. Catalogues of Charts, Plans, and Sail- ing Directions. 8 1885-95 [See also Burclwood ; Evans; Weston.] Sailing Directions. Large 8 The Norway Pilot. Part I. From the Naze to the Kattegat. 1854 - Part I. From the Naze to Christiania ; thence to the Kattegat. 2nd edition. Compiled by Lieut. G. T. Temple, R.N. 1888 Part 2. From the Naze to North Cape ; thence to Jacob River. Com- piled by Lieut. G. T. Temple, R.N. 1880 Supplement, 1893. 2nd edition 1894 Sailing Directions for the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of P'inland. By Adm. Gustav Klint 1854 Views in the Baltic to accompany Klint's Sailing Directions ^54 The Baltic Pilot : comprising direc- tions for the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Fin- land, and Gulf of Bothnia. 2nd edition 1888 Supplement, 1893. The Danish Pilot. Originally com- piled by the late Vice-Admiral Zahrt- mann. 2nd edition 1885 Supplement 1890, and Revised ditto, 1892. The Faeroe Islands Pilot. Compiled by the Royal Chart Department, Copen- hagen 1891 Information relating to Currents, Ice and Magnetism, with general remarks on the Navigation on the Coast of Iceland. By Lieut. C. F. \Vandel, Royal Danish Navy, 1879. Also information relating to Harbours, Tides, and Weather in the Foeroe Islands. By the Rev. G. Landt, Gov. Chaplain, 1872 1891 The Bothnia Pilot. By Adm. Gustavus Klint 1855 Supplementary Sailing Directions 1856 North Sea Pilot. Parti. 2nd edition. Map 1876 Part 2. 3rd edition. Map 1875 - Part 3. 3rd edition. Map 1874 Part 4. 3rd edition. Map 1878 Part I. Shetland and Orkneys. 3rd and 4th editions 1887-94 Part 2. North and East Coasts of Scotland. 4th edition 1885 Part 3. East Coast of England. 5th edition 1889 Supplement 1894 Part 4. Rivers Thames and Medway, and the Shores of the North Sea from Calais to the Skaw. 4th edition 1887 UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. North Sea Pilot. Supplement, 1890. Part 4. 4th edition, 1887 (corrected to 3rd July 1890) 1890 Directions for making the passage from the Downs to the White Sea. Compiled by George F. M'Dougall 1858 The White Sea Pilot : Coast of Rus- sian Lapland and the White Sea 1887 Sailing Directions for the Bristol Chan- nel. Compiled by Capt. E. J. Bedford. Map 1872 Sailing Directions for the West Coast of England. Compiled by Capt. E. J. Bedford. 2nd edition. Afap 1876 ; and 4th edition, 1891 Sailing Directions for the West Coast of Scotland. Part I. Hebrides or Western Isles. By Capt. II . C. Otter. 2nd edition 1874 Part 2. Cape Wrath to the Mull of Galloway. By G. F. M'Dougall. 2nd edition 1877 Part I. 3rd edition. Diagram and illustrations \ 885 Part 2. 3rd edition 1886 Sailing Directions for the Coast of Ireland. Parts I and 2. By Staff- Commander Richard Hoskyn 1866-68 Sailing Directions for the Coast of Ireland. Part I. South, East, and North Coasts of Ireland. Compiled . . . by Staff - Commander Richard Hoskyn, R. N. 3rd edition 1885 Part 2. South-West, West, and North-West Coasts. Originally com- piled ... by Capt. Richard Hoskyn, R.N. 3rd edition 1887 The Irish Coast Pilot. 4th edition. [Both Parts in I vol.] 1893 The Channel Pilot. Part I. South- West and South Coasts of England. Compiled by Staff-Commander John W. King, R.N. 7th edition 1886 Supplement 1891 Part 2. Coast of France and the Channel Islands. Originally com- piled by Staff-Commander John W. King, R.N. 5th edition iSSS Supplement 1892 Part I. 8th edition 1893 The Guernsey Island Pilot 1863 The Jersey Island Pilot. By Staff- Commander J. Richards 1866 The Alderney Island Pilot 1864 The Channel Islands Pilot. By Staff- Commander J. Richards 1870 Sailing Directions for the West Coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal. Com- piled by Staff-Commander James Penn. 2nd edition 1873 5th edition 1891 EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 739 UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. Directions for entering the River Tagus. By G. Biddlecombe 1854 Directions for the River Douro. By Commander E. Belcher. 2nd edition 1833 The Mediterranean Pilot. Vol. I. Comprising Gibraltar Strait, Coast of Spain, African Coast from Cape Spartel to Gulf of Kabes, together with the Balearic, Sardinian, Sicilian, and Maltese Islands. 2nd and 3rd editions 1885-94 Revised Supplement 1891 Vol. 2. Comprising Coast of France, and of Italy to the Adriatic ; African Coast from Jerbah to El Arish ; Coasts of Karamania and Syria ; to- gether with the Tuscan Archipelago, and Islands of Corsica and Cyprus. 2nd edition 1885 Supplement 1891 Vol.3. Comprising the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Islands, the Coasts of Al- bania and Greece to Cape Malea, with Cerigo Island ; also the Gulfs of Palras and Corinth. 2nd edition 1890 Supplement ^94 Vol. 4. Comprising the Archi- pelago, with the adjacent Coasts of Greece and Turkey, including also the Island of Candia or Crete. 2nd edition 1892 Sailing Directions for the Island of Candia or Crete. By Capt. T. Spratt. 2nd edition 1866 The Black Sea Pilot. 2nd edition 1871 3rd edition 1884 Supplement, 1890. 3rd edition, 1884 (corrected to 27th October 1890) 1890 Report on the Currents of the Dar- danelles and Bosphorus. By W. J. L. Wharton. Map and sections 1872 Sailing Directions for Dardanelles, Sea of Marmora, Bosphorus, and Black Sea. 4th edition 1893 The Gulf of 'Aden Pilot. Sokotra and adjacent Islands ; the Somali and Arabian Coasts in the Gulf of 'Aden ; the East Coast of Arabia, and off-lying Islands. Compiled originally by Com- mander C. Y. Ward. 3rd edition 1887 The Red Sea Pilot. From Suez and from 'Akabah to the Straits of Bab-el- Mandeb, and the Arabian Coast thence to 'Aden ; also directions for the Naviga- tion of the Suez Canal. 3rd edition 1883 Revised Supplement 1889 The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. Superseding 3rd edition of the Red Sea Pilot, and 3rd edition of the Gulf of Aden Pilot. 4th edition 1892 UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. The Persian Gulf Pilot, including the Gulf of Omman. Compiled by Capt. C. G. Constable and Lieut. A. W. Stiffe. ( With Hydrographic Notice, No. 15) 1870 Supplement. Coast of Baliich- chistan, from Karachi to Kas-al-Kuh, or Makran Coast. By Lieut. A. W. Stiffe 1875 Comprising the Persian Gulf, Gulf of 'Omman, and Makran Coa^t. Originally compiled by Capt. C. G. Constable and Lieut. A. W. Stiffe, late Indian Navy. 3rd edition 1890 The West Const of Ilindostan Pilot, including the Gulf of Manar, the Mal- divh and the Lakadivh Islands. Com- piled by Commander A. D. Taylor 1866 - 3rd edition 1891 The Bay of Bengal Pilot, including South-west Coast of Ceylon, North Coast of Sumatra, Nicobar, and Anda- man Islands 1887 Supplement 1889 2nd edition 1892 The China Pilot. By Staff-Com- mander J. W. King. 4th edition 1864 Appendix, No. 2. General Ob- servations on the Coasts of Borneo, the Sulu and Mindoro Seas, with Sailing Directions for Palawan Passage and Island 1859 No. 13. GulfofSiam 1856 No. 14. La Perouse Strait, Gulf of Tartary, Kuril Islands, and Sea of Okhotsk 1855-56 Nos. 16 and 17. Yang - tse - Kiang 1857 No. 1 8. East Coast 1859 The China Sea Directory. Vol. i, containing Directions for the Approaches to the China Sea and to Singapore, by the Straits of Sunda, Banka, Gaspa, Carimata, Rhio, Varella, Durian, and Singapore. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions 1867-86 Supplement to 3rd edition 1890 Vol. 2, Containing Directions for the Navigation of the China Sea, between Singapore and Hong Kong. ByJ. W. Reed and J. W. King, ist, 2nd, and 3rd editions 1868-89 Supplement to 3rd edition 1893 Vol. 3, Comprising the Coasts of China from Hong Kong to the Korea ; North Coast of Luzon, Formosa Island and Strait ; the liabuyan, Bashee and Meiaco Sima Groups ; Yellow Sea, Gulfs of Pe-Chili and Liau-Tung ; also the Rivers Canton, West, Min, Yung, Yangste, Yellow, Pei Ho, and Liau Ho, and Pratas Island. By C. J. Bullock, ist, 2nd, and 3rd editions 1874-94 740 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. The China Sea Directory. Vol. 4, Comprising the Coasts of Korea, Russian Tartary, the Japan Isl mils, Gulfs of Tar- taiy and Amur, and the Sea of Okhotsk ; also the Meiaco, Liu-Kiu, Linschoten, Mariana, Bonin, Saghalin, and Kuiil Is- lands. By F. W. Jarrad. ist, 2nd, and 3rd editions 1873-94 Sailing Directions for the Arafura Sea. Compiled G. W. Earl 1837 Eastern Archipelago. Parti. (Eastern Part). Comprising the Philipines, Sulu Sea, Sulu Archipelago, N.E. Coast of Borneo, Celebes Sea, N.E. Coast of Celebes, Molucca and Gillolo Passages, Banda and Arafura Seas, N.W. and West Coasts of New Guinea, and North Coast of Australia. Compikd ... by Capt. J. P. Maclear, R.N. Large 8 1890 Supplement 1893 Eastern Archipelago. Part 2. (Western Part). Comprising the S.E. Coast of Samatra, Java, The Islands East of Java, The South and East Coasts of Borneo, and Celebes Island. Compiled by Rear-Adm. J. P. Maclear 1893 Islands in the Southern Indian Ocean Westward of Long. 80 E., including Madagascar. 1st edition 1891 The Africa Pilot. By Capt. Algernon F. R. De Horsey. For the South and East Coasts of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Guardafui, including the Islands in the Mozambique Channel. 2nd edition 1865 Part I, Or Sailing Directions for the Western Coast of Africa ; comprising the Azores, Madeira, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands, and from Cape Spartel to the River Cameroon. 2nd edition 1873 Part 2, From the River Came- roon to the Cape of Good Hope. In- cluding Ascension, St Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and Gough Islands. 2nd edition Part 3, South and East Coasts of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Guardafui ; including the Islands in Mozambique Channel. Originally compiled by Capt. Algernon F. R. De Horsey. 3rd edition. Map 1878 Parti. 5th edition. Large 8 1890 Part 2. 4th edition 1893 Part 3. 5th edition 1889 Supplement, 1890; and Revised ditto 1892 Remarks on Baffin Bay. By R. C. Allen, W. P. Snow, and Comm. E. A. Inglefield 1853 Remarks on Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, Smith Sound, and the Channels thence northward to 82^ N. Large 8 1875 UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. Newfoundland : East and South Coasts. Bonavista Bay to Placentia Harbour. 8 1868 The Newfoundland and Labrador Pilot, comprising also the Strait of Belle Isle, the North-East and part of the North Coast of Labrador. Originally compiled by Staff-Commander W. F. Maxwell. 2nd edition. Large 8 1887 Supplement, 1891 ; and Revised ditto 1892 and 1894 The St Lawrence Pilot, comprising Sailing Directions for the Gulf and River. Originally compiled by Rear-Admiral H. W. Bayfield. 5th edition. 2 vols. Large 8 1881-82 Vol. I. 6th edition 1894 The Nova Scotia Pilot. S.E. Coast from Mars Head to Cape Canso. By Rear-Adm. H. W. Bayfield 1860 Sailing Directions for the South-F.ast Coast of Nova Scotia and Bay of Fundy. By Staff-Corn. G. F. M'Dougall 1867 Sailing Directions for the Principal Ports of the East Coast of North America to 1858 1863 3rd and 4th editions. Large 8" 1885-94 3rd edition. Large 8 1882 The Vancouver Island Pilot, contain- ing Sailing Directions for the Coasts of Vancouver Island and part of British Columbia. From the Surveys of Capt. G. H. Richards 1864 The British Columbia Pilot, including the Coast of British Columbia, from Juan de Fuca Strait to Portland Canal, together with Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands. Large 8 1888 The West Indian Pilot. Vol. I. Compiled by Capt. E. Barnett 1872 Vol. 2. 2nd edition. Com- piled by Capt. E. Barnett, 1866; and 3rd edition. Map 1876 Vol. I. From Cape North of the Amazons to Cape Sable in Florida, with the adjacent Islands. Originally compiled by Capt. E. Barnett, 1829. 4th and 5th editions. Large 8 1883-93 Revised Supplement 1889 Vol. 2. The Caribbean Sea, from Barbadoes to Cuba ; with Florida Strait, Bahama and Bermuda Islands. Originally compiled by Capt. E. Barnett. 4th edition. Large 8 1887 Revised Supplement 1894 The South America Pilot. Part I. The East Coast of South America, from Cape St Roque to Cape San Antonio, Rio de la Plata ; and the North Coast, from Cape St Roque to the Rio Maroni in French Guayana. By Staff-Com- mander J. Penn 1864 EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 741 UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. The South America Pilot. Part 2. The South-East and West Coasts of South America, from the Rio de la Plata to the Bay of Panama, including Magellan Strait, the Falkland and Galapagos Is- lands. By Capts. Philip Parker King and Robert Fitzroy. 6th edition 1865 Part I. 3rd edition. Large 8 1885 Supplement, corrected to 24th October 1890. Large 8 1890 Part 2. 8th edition. Large 8 1886 The Australia Directory. Vol. I. South and East Coasts, Bass Strait, and Tasmania. Compiled by Capt. Charles B. Yule. 6th edition 1868 Vol. 2. Comprising the East Coast, Torres Strait, and the Coral Sea. 2nd edition 1864 Vol. 3. North, North-West, and West Coasts 1863 Vol. i. 8th edition. Large 8 1884 Revised Supplement, corrected to 2 ist June 1889. Large 8 1889 Vol. 2. Comprising the East Coast from Port Jackson to Cape York, Torres Strait and Approaches, the Coral Sea, and part of Carpentaria Gulf. 4th edition. Large 8 1889 Supplement 1892 Vol. 3. North, Noith-West, and West Coasts, from the Gulf of- Carpentaria to Cape Leeuwin, with Directions for Passages through the Neighbouring Seas. 2nd edition. Large 8 1881 Supplement, corrected to January 1885. Large 8 1885 North-Eastern Australia. Coast-views between Sandy Cape and Endeavour Strait for the Navigation of the Inner Passage to Torres Strait. Plates. Oblong 8 N.D. The New Zealand Pilot, including also the Chatham Islands and the off-lying Islands southward of New Zealand. Compiled by Capts. G. H. Richards and F. J. Evans. 4th edition. Map 1875 6th edition 1891 North Pacific Pilot. Part I. Sailing Directions for the West Coast of North America, between Panama and Queen Charlotte Islands. By James F. Imray. 2nd edition. Maps. Part 2. The Sea- man's Guide to the Islands of the North Pacific, with an Appendix on the Winds, Weather, Currents, &c. , of the North and South Pacific. By W. H. Rosser. Maps. 8 1870 See Rosser. UNITED KINGDOM A. Admiralty Publications continued. Pacific Islands Pilot. Vol. I. (Western Groups). 2nd edition 1890 Supplement !&94 Vol. I. Part 2. Western Groups, comprising New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands. Also Supplementary Informationrespectingthe New Hebrides, Banks, Tores, and Santa Cruz Groups. Compiled . . . Capt. H. A. Moriarty 1893 Vol. 2. (Central and Eastern Groups. ) Containing former Vols. 2, 3, and Fiji Islands. 2nd edition 1891 Sailing Directions for the South-East, North-East, and North Coasts of New Guinea, Louisiade, d'Entrecasteaux, New Hebrides, Solomon, New Ireland, New Britain, Admiralty, and Caroline Islands. Large 8 1890 B. Board of Trade Publications. Meteorological Papers, published by authority of the Board of Trade. Nos. 1-4. 4 1857-60 The same. Nos. 5-10. 4 and 8 1861 The same. Nos. 10, II. 8 1861 Report of a Committee appointed to con- sider certain questions relating to the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade. Map. Folio 1866 [See also Fitzroy ; Scott, R. II.] Meteorological Committee. Publications issued by : Official. Nos. 5, 17, 22, 26, 29, 31, 35, 41, 64, 75) 79> 84, 91, 99, 104. Annual Re- ports, 1868-92 [wanting those for '69- 7i, '75, '76, '79, '81-83, '85, '86J. 8 1869-93 Nos. 7 (parts I, 3, 4), 9 (part 4), 14, 16, 19, 25, 30, 33 (part i), 49 (part 4), 50 (parts i, 3, 4). Quarterly Weather Report, 1 869-80 [wanting 1869, part 2; 1870, parts 1-3 ; 1876, parts 2, 3, 4 ; 1877-78; 1879, parts, 1-3; 1880, part 2]. 4 1870-91 No. 18. Contributions to our knowledge of the Meteorology of the Antarctic Regions. 4 1873 No. 20. Remarks to accompany the Monthly Charts of Meteorological data for square 3. 4 1874 No. 21. Report of the Proceedings of the Meteorological Congress at Vienna. 8 1874 No. 23. Report of the Proceedings of the Conference on Maritime Meteoro- logy held in London, 1874. 8 1875 No. 24. Instructions in the Use of Meteorological Instrument?. Compiled by R. II. Scott. 8 1880 742 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM B. Board of Trade Publications contd. No. 27. Remarks to accompany the Monthly Charts of Meteorological data for nine 10 squares of the Atlantic. 4 1876 No. 37. Report on the Meteorology of Kerguelen Island. By the Rev. S. J. Perry. 4 1879 Nos. 39, 45, 57, 66, 73, 78, 82, 88, 95, 101, 108. Meteorological Observa- tions at Stations of the Second Order, for the years 1878-89 [1882 wanting. First 4 Nos. hound in I vol.] 1880-93 No. 46. Report on the Storm of October 13-14, 1881. 8 1882 No. 47. See Symons, G. J. No. 51. Hourly Readings, i88i,part4. 4 1883 No. 56. Sunshine Records of the United Kingdom for 1881. 8 1883 No. 60. See Abercromby, R. No. 61. A Barometer Manual for the Use of Seamen. 8 1884 No. 70. Hourly Readings, 1884, part 3. 4 1887 No. 89. Meteorological Observations made at Sanchez (Samana Bay), St Domingo, 1886-88. By the late W. Reid. 4 1890 No. 93. Harmonic Analysis of Hourly Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at British Observatories. 4 1891 Nos. 94, 97. Hourly Means at Four Observatories, 1887-88. 4 1891 No. 98. Ten Years' Sunshine in the Brilish Isles, 1881-90. 8 1891 No. 102. Report of the International Meteorological Conference at Munich, 1891. 8 1893 Non- Official. No. 2. See Toynbee. No. 6. Report of the Proceedings of the Meteorological Conference at Leipzig. 8 1873 No. 7. Notes on the Form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean. By C. Meldrum. 8 1873 No. 8. Report on Weather Telegraphy and Storm -Warnings, presented to the Meteorological Congress at Vienna. 8 1874 No. 9. Report of the Permanent Com- mittee of the First International Meteorological Congress at Vienna, for the year 1874. Meeting at Vienna and Utrecht, 1873-74. 8 1875 No. ii. The same. Meeting at London, 1876. 8 1876 Supplement 1877 No. 12. Reports to the Permanent Committee, &c., on Atmospheric Electricity, Maritime Meteorology, Weather Telegiaphy. 8 1878 UNITED KINGDOM B. Board of Trade Publications contd. No. 13. Report of the Permanent Com- mittee, &c., Meeting at Utrecht. 8 1879 No. 14. Report of the Int. Met. Com- mittee Meeting at Berne, 1880. 8 1881 No. 15. Report of the Second Meeting of the Int. Met. Committee, Copen- hagen, 1882. 8 1883 No. 16. Report of the Third Meeting of the same, Paris, 1885. 8 1887 No. 17. Report of the Fourth Meeting of the same, Zurich, 1888. 8 1889 Report by Mr Hawkshaw and Sir A. Clarke on Dover Harbour. Folio ^73 Additions and Corrections to Dock Book, 1890. Folio 1893 The Mercantile Navy List, and Annual Appendage to the Commercial Code of Signals for all Nations. 1857-62, edited by J. H. Brown ; 1863-64, edited by J. J. Mayo. Svols. Large 8 1857-64 C. Colonial Office Publications. Colonial Reports. Annual Europe. Gibraltar, No. 75 ; Malta, No. 79- Asia. Ceylon, Nos. 60, 90 ; Hongkong, No. 85; Labuan, No. 93; Straits Settlements, Nos. 59, 81. Africa. Basutoland, Nos. 62, 89 ; Be- chuanaland, No. 47; Gambia, No. 80; Gold Coast, No. 88 ; Lagos, No. 95 ; Mauritius, No. 57 ; Natal, No. 61 ; Rodrigues, No. 70 ; Sierra Leone, No. 64. America. Newfoundland, No. 67; Brit- tish Honduras, Nos. 73, 94 ; West Indies, Nos. 52, 53, 65, 66, 74, 76-78, 82-84, 86. Atlantic. St Helena, No. 63 ; Bermuda, No. 71 ; Falkland Is., No. 87. Australasia. British New Guinea, No. 68 ; Fiji, No. 72 ; Victoria, No. 69. Miscellaneous. No. 2, Zululand ; No. 3, Sierra Leone. Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions Asia. Ceylon, No. 78; Hongkong, No. 77- Africa. Basutoland, No. 70 ; Gold Coast, Nos. 12, 74, 76 ; Lagos, No. 40 ; Sierra Leone, No. 75. America. British Guiana, No. 72; lirit. Honduras, No. 71. Australasia. Fiji, No. 79; W. Australia, No. 73. The Colonial Office List for 1891, omi- prising Historical and Statistical In- formation respecting the Colonial De- pendencies of Great Britain. Maps. 8 1891 EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 743 UNITED KINGDOM. D. Foreign Office Publications, leports. Annual Series : Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance ; and Miscellaneous Series : Reports on Subjects of General and Commercial Interest. 8. EUROPE. Austria-Hungary. A.S., Nos. 596, 735, 828, 1249, 1265, 1273, 1292; M.S., Nos. 271, 291, 313. Belgium. A. S., Nos. 799, 818, 1220; M.S., No. 1 88. Bulgaria. A.S., Nos. 292, 645, 752, 1300. Denmark. A.S., Nos. 597, 814, 1317; M.S., No. 286. France. A.S., Nos. 448, 462,467,473, 486, 487, 490, 501, 505, 506, 510, 550, 561, 578, 722, 825, 1152, 1158, 1162, 1166, 1167, 1174, 1177, 1198, 1209, 1237, 1270, 1302; M.S., Nos. 258, 295, 342. [Colonial Possessions under respective headings ] Germany. A.S., Nos. 588, 610, 631, 761, 765, 1165, 1188, 1201, 1222, 1236, 1241, 1291, 1297, 1299; M.S., Nos. 135, 140, 272, 283, 311, 312, 345. Greece. A.S., Nos. 598, 1154, 1169, 1184, 1 204; M.S., Nos. 287, 303. Italy. A.S., Nos. 576, 586, 619, 809, 813, 1151, 1214, 1223, 1243, 1244, 1248, 1250, 1298, 1309, 1326; M.S., Nos. 137, 141, 143, 276, 297. Montenegro. M.S., No. 95. Netherlands. A.S., Nos. 1149, 1288. Norway. A.S., Nos. 605, 1272, 1427 ; M.S., Nos. 279, 282. Portugal. A.S., Nos. 810, 1163, 1308; M.S., Nos. 281, 304. [Colonial Pos- sessions under respective headings.] Roumania. A.S., Nos. 662, 796, 1170. Russia. A.S., Nos. 447, 454, 461, 481, 49i, 5 l6 536, 5 8o > 6 77, ii55. "72, 1191, 1232, 1234, 1286, 1313; M.S., Nos. 113, 124, 146, 294, 307. Servia. A.S., No. 1295. Spain. A. S., Nos. 817, 1195, 1225, 1239, 1246, 1269, 1278, 1282; M.S., No. 301. Sweden. A.S., Nos. 750, 1156, 1247, 1256; M.S., Nos. 274, 278, 290. Switzerland. A.S., No. 1323; M.S., No. 275. Turkey. A.S., Nos. 81, 114, 175, 192, 197, 290, 300, 325, 342, 348, 363, 394, 587, 651, 689, 690, 719, 720, 721, 745, 7 64 , 773, 7 8 3> 894, 896, 908, 921, 930, 945, 1142, 1173, 1179, 1186, 1200, 1224, 1254, 1261, 1264, 1271, 1279, 1310, 1320, 1426; M.S., Nos. 28, 288. ASIA. Borneo. A.S., Nos. 943, mi; M.S., No. 150. UNITED KINGDOM D. Foreign Office Publications contd. China. A. S., Nos. 124, 156, 283, 285, 305, 373, 380, 387, 415, 4i6, 592, 593, 625, 676, 679, 680, 681, 687, 688, 703, 704, 708, 709, 716, 717, 725, 726, 732, 77o, 775, 780, 1066, 1093, " 8 7> "92, "93, "97, "99, 1202, 1211, 1212, 1216, 1217, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1235, 1258, 1266, 1280, 1284, 1287, 1324; M.S., No. 305. Corea. A.S., Nos. 61, 218, 372, 740, 918, 1088, 1227; M.S., Nos. 84, 317, 318. Dutch East Indies. A.S.,Nos. 630, 695, 1168, 1190. French Indo-China. A.S, Nos. 659, "75- Japan. A.S., Nos. 200, 204, 208, 219, 399, 426, 589, 590, 594, 614, 746, 766, 75', 754, 797, 1253, 1260, 1277, 1327, 1421 ; M.S., Nos. 46, 299, 315. Persia. A.S., Nos. 113, 241, 367, 590, 611, 629, 753, 760, 798, 826, 946, 1092, 1134, 1189, 1252, 1268, 1429; M.S., Nos. 114, 119, 191, 207. Philippines [Spain]. A.S., Nos. 295, 494, 581, 678, 846, 1289. Portuguese East Asia [Portugal].- A.S., No. 1238. Siam. A.S., Nos. 412, 595, 771,938, 1267. AFRICA. Algeria [France]. A.S., Nos. 249, 291, 293, 469, 563, 669, 853, 854, 1180, 1196; M.S., No. 94. Canaries [Spain]. A.S., Nos. 148, 1296; M.S., No. 246. Egypt. A.S., Nos. 142, 225, 294, 485, 562, 585, 684, 707, 767, 1095, 1259, 1276. German S.W. Africa [Germany]. M.S., No. 316. Madagascar. A.S., No. 201. Madeira [Portugal]. A.S., Nos. 460, 1226. Morocco. A.S., Nos. 339, 582, 712, 724, 787, 1139, 1221, 1304. Oil Rivers Protectorate. A. S., Nos. 1063, 1144. Portuguese E. Africa [Portugal]. A.S., Nos. 414, 455, 742, 855, 1009, 1153, 1312, 1316, 1463. Portuguese W. Africa [Portugal]. A.S., Nos. 333, 584, 1069, 1105, 1333. Reunion [France]. A.S., Nos. 624, 1322. Tripoli. A.S. , Nos. 89, 267, 653, 849, 903, "59- Tunis. A.S. , Nos. 206, 383, 608, 785, 1293 ; M.S., Nos. 35, 63, 97, 209, 296. Zanzibar. A.S., Nos. 1071, 1382; M.S., No. 266. 744 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM D. Foreign Office Publications contd. NORTH AMERICA. United States. A.S., Nos. 718, 1157, 1164, 1176, 1181, 1203, 1205, 1233, 1251, 1274, 1285, 1319; M.S., Nos. 277, 280, 289, 292, 314. Mexico. A.S., Nos. 322, 357, 396, 637, 786, 1150, 1218, 1301 ; M.S., Nos. 116, 133, 136, 138, 170, 284, 302, 309. CENTRAL AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. Costa Rica. A.S., Nos. 317, 694, 1219. Cuba [Spain]. A. S., Nos. 205, 609, 779, 1132, 1213 ; M.S., Nos. 59, 115, 177. Guatemala. A.S., Nos. 600, 763, 1070, 1096, 1245. Hayti and San Domingo. A.S., Nos. 729, 902, 1240; M.S., No. 52. Honduras. A.S., No. 1314. Porto Rico [Spain]. A. S., Nos. 628, 816, 1306. San Salvador. A.S., Nos. 749, 1281. SOUTH AMERICA. Argentine Republic. A.S., Nos. in, 654, 660, 1147, 1161, 1178, 1283, 1303; M.S., Nos. 165, 172, 186, 298'. Brazil. A.S., Nos. 216, 323, 693, 702, 7 1 5> 793i 807, 1141, 1160, 1263, 1290, 1321 ; M.S., Nos. 45, 178. Chile. A. S., Nos. 310, 369, 385, 407, 634, 685, 743, 1311 ; M.S., Nos. 6l, 157. Colombia. A.S., Nos. 253, 626, 804, 1148; M.S., No. 103. Ecuador. A.S., Nos. 805, 8n, 951, 1146, 1171 ; M.S., No. 273. Guiana, Dutch. A.S., Nos. 410, 583, 737, 1307- Paraguay. A.S. , No. 792. Peru. A. S., Nos. 118, 728, 806, 10153, 1185, 1318; M.S., No. 167. Uruguay. A.S., Nos. 129, 794, 1294. Venezuela. A.S., Nos. 138, 723, 912, 1207. OCEANIA. Hawaii. A.S. , No. 738. New Caledonia [France]. A.S., Nos. 335, 521, 758, 909- New Hebrides. A.S. , No. 666. Samoa. A.S., Nos. 831, 1064, 1065, 1262. Tahiti [France]. A.S., Nos. 319, 602, 635, 759, 904, 1210; M.S., No. 308. Tonga [Fiji]. A.S., Nos. 158, 569, 60 1, "37- Index to Consular Reports, 1886-92, 8 1892 - Ditto, 1886-93. 8 1893 - Ditto, 1886-94. 8 1894 The Foreign Office List, 1892, forming a Complete British Diplomatic and Con- sular Handbook. Maps. 8 1892 UNITED KINGDOM. E. Ordnance Survey. Astronomical Observations made with Ramsden's Zenith Sector ; together with a Catalogue of the Stars which have been observed, and the Amplitudes of the Celestial Arcs, deduced from Observa- tions at the different Stations. 4" 1842 Ordnance Maps, Correspondence, &c., respecting the adoption of the 6-inch Scale in 1840, and respecting the relative advantages of that Scale, and a still larger one. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1853 Ireland. Abstracts of Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling in Ireland, 1839-43, under the direction of the late Major- General Colby. 4 1855 Scotland. Book of Reference to the Plan of the Parish of Stow (part of), in the County of Selkirk. Map. Oblong 8 1859 Domesday Book, or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror, A.D. MLXXXVI., in Facsimile, viz., Yorkshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Berk- shire, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset- shire, Devonshire, Cornwall, Lincoln- shire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suf- folk, Essex, Cheshire and Lancashire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Gloucester- shire, Somersetshire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicester- shire and Rutland, Warwickshire, Wor- cestershire, Oxfordshire, Buckingham- shire, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Bedford- shire, Huntingdonshire, Northampton- shire. 33 vols. 4 1861-63 Report of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey and Topographical Depot to 3ist December 1860, 1863, and 1866. 3 parts. [Parly. Rep.] Maps. Folio 1861-67 The same, to 3ist December 1886. Maps. Folio 1887 Catalogues of Maps, &c. 8 1862-69 Extension of the Triangulation of the Ordnance Survey into France and Belgium, with the Measurement of an Arc of Parallel in Lat. 52 N. By Col. Sir H. James, l^lates. 4 1863 European Arc. Determinations of the Positions of Feaghmain and Haverford- west, Longitude Stations on the Great European Arc of Parallel. By Capt. A. R. Clarke. Plates. 4 1867 Report of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Agriculture to inquire into the present condition of the Ordnance Survey. Folio 1893 \See also James, Sir H. ; Williams, E. ; Yolland.] EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 745 UNITED KINGDOM. F. Parliamentary Papers. [See also under the various Countries dealt with.] Colonies. Return from each Colony or Foreign Possession of the British Crown, stating the date at which each Colony or Possession was Captured, Ceded, or Settled ; the Number of the Population, and the Manner of Government ; staling also the Value of Exports and Imports, &c., in 1829. Folio 1831 Extracts of Reports from the Gover- nors or Lieut. -Governors of British Pos- sessions in North America, and of the Answers thereto as may throw light on the state of the Aboriginal Tribes in North America, or in any adjacent Territories ; and also the state of the Indian Department in Upper and Lower Canada. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and the British Guiana Indians. Folio 1834 Papers presented to Parliament in Explanation of the Measures adopted by Government for giving effect to the Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies. Part 2. West India Islands and Cape of Good Hope, I833-3S- Folio 1835 Dover Harbour. Copy Report by Mr Hawkshaw and Sir Andrew Clarke upon the possibility of combining Naval and Military Requirements with the objects of Dover Harbour Bill. Map. Folio 1873 Emigration. Reports from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom. Maps. Folio 1826 Reports from the Commissioners for Emigration, addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department. Folio 1832 Correspondence respecting Emigra- tion. Folio 1871 Norwich and Lowestoft Navigation Bill. Minutes and Evidence taken before the Committee on the Bill for Making and Maintaining a Navigable Communi- cation for Ships and other Vessels be- tween the City of Norwich and the Sea at or near Lowestoft, in the County of Suffolk. Folio 1826 Ordnance. Estimates of the Office of Ordnance ; including Banacks, Surveys of the United Kingdom, Commissariat, and Military and Civil Superannuations, 1840-41. Maps. Folio 1840 Parliamentary Divisions. An Act to Settle and Describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs in England and Wales, in so far as Respects the Election of Members to Serve in Parliament. Folio 1832 UNITED KINGDOM F. Parliamentary Reports from Commis- sioners on Proposed Division of Counties and Boundaries of Boroughs. Parts I to 8. 4 vols. Maps. Folio 1832 Reports on the Proposed Divisions of the Counties mentioned in Schedule (F) of the Reform Bill [England]. Maps 1832. Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom in each year from 1875 to 1889, and from 1877 to 1891 (27th and 29th Nos.). 8 1890, 1892 - The same. For the Principal and other Foreign Countries in each year from 1878 to 1887-88 (i6th No.). 8 1890 Sugar. An Account of the Quantity of British Plantation, Mauritius, and other Sugar, on which Duty has been paid, in 1828-30. Folio 1830 Telegraph Cables. Report of the Joint Committee appointed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, and the Atlantic Telegraph Com- pany, to inquire into the Construction of Submarine Telegraph Cables ; with the Minutes of Evidences, and Appendix. Plans and plates. Folio 1861 Trade. General Statement of Imports and Exports of the Principal Articles of Merchandize between the United King- dom and the several Foreign Countries and British Possessions Abroad, in 1830. Folio 1832 Accounts of the Official and Declared Value of the Imports to and Exports from the United Kingdom from and to each of the British Colonies and Possessions, and Amount to Foreign Countries, for the year ending Jan. 5, 1831. Folio 1832 Accounts relating to Trade and Naviga- tion of the United Kingdom, for each month during the year 1891. 8 1891 Uninhabited Islands. Correspondence in regard to Her Majesty's Ships visiting groups of uninhabited islands lying on the tracks of vessels between Great Britain and the Australasian Colonies. Folio 1877 G. War Office. Publications of the Topographical, Statis- tical, and Intelligence Branches: Quarter- Master-General's Department : Venetia with the Quadrilateral, a Mili- tary Geographical Sketch. By M. Biffart ; translated by Lieut. -Col. A. C. Cooke. Maps. 8 1866 Ideas on our Military Position in a War with Russia. By an Austrian Officer. [Translated from the German.] 8 1870 746 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM G. War Office Publications continued. The Campaign of 1866 in Germany. Compiled by the department of Mili- tary History of the Prussian Staff. Translated by Col. Von Wright and Captain H. M. Hozier. Plans. 8 1872 Atlas of Plans separate. Folio. Military Reports, addressed to the French War Minister by Colonel Baron Stoffel, French Military Attache in Prussia, 1866-60. Translated by Captain Home. 8 1872 Reforms in the French Army. Part I. The Law of Recruiting. Translated by Captain Home. 8 1872 Part 2. General Organisation. By Major C. B. Brackenbury. 8 1875 National Assembly : Committees on the Re-organisation of the Army, and on Contracts. Precis of the Speech of the Duke d'Audiffret Pasquier. 8 1874 The Armed Strength of Italy. Trans- lated from the German by Lieut. W. A. H. Hare. 8 1875 The Armed Strength of the German Empire. Part I. Organisation and Administration. Compiled by Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. Alap. 8 ' 1876 2nd edition. See below (1888). The Ottoman Empire and its tributary States (excepting Egypt), with a Sketch of Greece. Compiled by Capt. W. S. Cooke. Maps. 8 . 1876 The Armed Strength of France. By Major C. J. East. Map. 8 1877 The Siege Operations in the Campaign against France, 1870-71. By B. von Tiedemann ; translated by Major Tyler. Plans. 8 1877 A Precis of Modern Tactics, compiled from the Works of recent Continental Writers. By Major Robert Home. Maps and plales. 8 1873 The Armed Strength of Russia. [Trans- lated.] 8 1873 See fofav (1882). The New Law regulating Military Service in Russia. 8 N.D. Steppe Campaigns. Translated from the Russian by Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. 8 1874 Statistics and Geography of Russian Turkestan. By Brevet-Major F. C. H. Clarke. Folio 1879 The Armed Strength of Austria. Com- piled by Capt. W. S. Cooke. Parts I and 2. Map and tables. 8 1873-74 The Armed Strength of Denmark. Com- piled by Capt. W. S. Cooke. 8 1874 The Armed Strength of Sweden and Norway. Compiled by Capt. W. S. Cooke. 8 [1874] UNITED KINGDOM G. War Office Publications continued. The Armed Strength of the Netherlands. By Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. Map. 8 1876 The Franco-German War, 1870-71. Translated from the German Official Account by Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. First Part History of the War to the Downfall of the Empire : Vol. i, From the Outbreak of Hostilities to the Battle of Gravelotte. 1874 - First Part. Vol. 2, From the Battle of Gravelotte to the Downfall , of the Empire. Maps in pocket. 8 1876 Second Part. History of the War against the Republic : Vol. I, From the Investment of Paiis to the Re- occupation of Orleans by the Germans. Maps separate. Maps. 8 1880 Second Part. Vol. 2, Events in Northern France from the end of November, in the North-West from the beginning of December, and the Siege of Paris from the commence- ment of December to the Armistice ; Operations in the South-East from the middle of November to the middle of January. Maps, and maps in case. 8 1883 Second Part. Vol. 3, Events in South- East France from the middle of January to the Termination of Hostilities ; Rearward Communica- tions ; The Armistice ; Homeward March and Occupation ; Retrospect. Maps, and maps in case. 8 1 884 Index. See Hale. Cyprus. By Captain A. R. Savile. Map. 8 1878 The Anglo- Afghan War of 1878. First Section, 2Oth Nov. to 2Oth Dec. Folio 1878 The Anglo-Afghan War of 1878-79. Second Section, 2ist Dec. 1878 to 3 1st Jan. 1879. Third Section, From 1st Feb. 1879 to the Close of the War. Maps. Folio 1879 Memorandum on Afghanistan with Re- ference to the Probable British Opera- tions consequent on the Murder at Kabul of the Resident and Escort, on 3rd September 1879. Maps. Folio 1879 The Anglo -Afghan War of 1879-80. First Section, From the Kabul Massacre on 3rd Sept. 1879 to 25th Nov. 1879. Second Section, From 26th Nov. 1879 to 3ist Dec. 1879. Maps. Folio 1879 Precis of Information concerning the Colony of Natal, corrected to June 1879. Map. 8 18/9 Precis of Information concerning the Zulu Country. Map. 8 1879 EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 747 UNITED KINGDOM G. War Office Publications continued. Char Asiab. [i sheet} 1879 The Armed Strength of Switzerland. Compiled by Major Frank S. Russell. Map. 8 1880 See below (1889). Notes on the Russian Expedition against the Tekke Turkomans, 1879. Map. Folio. The Armed Strength of Belgium, 1882. Maps. 8 1882 The Armed Strength of Russia. Maps. 8 1882 Report on Egypt. Map and sections. 8 1882 The Armed Strength of Spain. Map. 8 1883 Annam and Tong-King. Maps. Folio [1883] Bechuanaland, 1883. Maps. Fol. [1883] Precis of Information concerning the Straits Settlements and the Native States of the Malay Peninsula. Map. 8 1883 See below (1891). The Insurrection of the False Prophet. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, Quarter-Master-General's Department, Horse Guards, War Office. Folio 1883 Part 2. From General Hicks' De- parture from Khartoum (gth Sept. 1883) to Baker Pasha's Defeat at Et-Tib (4th February 1884). Com- piled, &c., by Capt. J. J. Leverson, R.E. Folio 1884 Part 3. British Expedition to the Red Sea : from Baker Pasha's Defeat at Et-Teb (4th February 1884) to the Capture of Tokar (ist March 1884). Compiled, &c., by J. J. Leverson, R.E. Folio 1884 Part 4. British Expedition to the Red Sea : from the Battle of Et-Teb (29th January 1884) to the Departure of Major-General Graham from Suakin (3rd April 1884). Com- piled, &c., by Capt. T. }. Leverson, R.E. Folio 1884 Report on the Egyptian Provinces of the Sudan, Red Sea, and Equator. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, Quartermaster Gcneial's Department, Horse Guards, War Office. Revised up to July 1884. Map. Small 8. 1 88 1 Griqualand, West. Road Reports. 8 1884 Precis of Information concerning Zulu- land. Map. 8 1885 Table of Distances in Russia, Central Asia, and India. (Compiled at the Intelligence Branch of the War Office, May 1875, by Lieutenant Wisely, R.E., under the Direction of Col. Cameron, V.C.) Folio. UNITED KINGDOM G. War Office Publications continued. French Operations in Madagascar, 1882- 1886. Prepared by Major W. S. Cooke, February 1886. Map. Folio 1886 Short History of Basutoland. Chiefly compiled from Blue Books. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch, War Office, by Captain L. Darwin, R.E. Map. 8 1886 Precis of Information concerning Pondo- land, including Port St John's. Pre- pared in the Intelligence Branch, War Office. Corrected to February 1886. Map. 8 1886 The Armed Strength of Japan, by Capt. J. M. Grierson. Map and plates. 8 1886 The Armed Strength of the Netherlands and their Colonies, by Major J. K. Trotter. Map. 8 1887 Military History of the Campaign of 1882 in Egypt. Prepared in the In- telligence Branch of the War Office, by Colonel J. F. Maurice, Royal Artillery. Maps. 8 [1887] The Armed Strength of Portugal, by Lieutenant Count Gleichen. Map. 8 [1887] The Armed Strength of Roumania, by Captain C. E. Callwell. Map. 8 1888 The Armed Strength of the German Empire. Parts I and 2, by Captain J. M. Grierson, and edited by Colonel C. W. Bowdler Bell. 2nd edition. Map. 8 1888 The Armed Strength of Switzerland. Prepared in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, by Colonel C. W. Bowdler Bell. Map. 8 1889 Colville, Col. II. E. History of the Sudan Campaign. 2 parts, with a Case of Maps. Compiled in the In- telligence Division of the War Office. 8 [1889] Sudan Almanac for 1889, '90, '91, and '93. Compiled at the Intelligence Division, War Office. 12. Precis of Information concerning the Straits Settlements, &c. New edition. 1891 Notes on the Geography, Government, and Inhabitants of Uganda, with a Sketch of its History to 1892. Pre- pared in the Intelligence Division of the War Office by Capt. Hubert Foster. Folio 1892 Handbook of British East Africa, in- cluding Zanzibar, Uganda, and the Territory of the Imperial British East Africa Company. Alaps. 8 1893 Hints on Reconnaisancc Mapping for Explorers in Unsurveyed Countries. Folio. [See Catalogues ; also Haly ; Wingate.] 748 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM. H. Various Government Publications. Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 7th, I3th, i6th, I7th, and i8th Annual Reports of the Registrar-General (years 1843-44, 1850,1853-55). 8 and large 8 1846-57 Census of England and Wales, 1891. Preliminary Report, and Tables of the Population and Houses enumerated in England and Wales, and in the Islands in the British Seas, on 6th April 1891. Folio 1891 Ditto. Area, Houses, and Population. Vol. I. Administrative and Adjacent, Counties. Folio 1893 Ditto. The same. Vol. 2. Registra- tion Areas and Sanitary Districts. Folio 1893 Ditto. Ages, Condition as to Mar- riage, Occupation, Birthplaces, and In- firmities. Vol. 3. Folio 1893 Ditto. Vol. 4. General Report, with Summary Tables and Appendices. Folio 1893 Ditto. Index to the Population Tables of England and Wales. Folio 1893 Emigrants' Handbooks. Emigrants' Information Office Handbooks, 1890, consisting of the following 12 Handbooks i. Canada ; 2. New South Wales ; 3. Victoria ; 4. South Australia; 5. Queens- land ; 6. Western Australia ; 7. Tas- mania ; 8. New Zealand ; 9. Cope Colony and British Bechuanaland ; 10. Natal; II. Professional Handbook ; 12. Emigra'ion Statutes and General Hand- book. Maps. 8 1890 Education. Reports of the Committee of Council on Education (England, Wales, and Scotland). 8 1870-93 Greenwich Observatory. Description of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument erected at the Royal Observatory, Green- wich, in 1847. [Greenwich Astrono- mical Observations.] 4 1847 Description of the Instruments and Process used in the Photographic Self- Registration of the Magnetical and Meteorological Instruments at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. [Exts. from Greenwich Magnetical and Meteorologi- cal Observations, 1847.] 4 1849 Results of the Magnetical and Me- teorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year 1880. . . . Edited by W. H. M. Christie. 4 1882 Rates of Chronometers on Trial, 1869, UNITED KINGDOM H. Kew Museums. A Handbook to the Museums of Economic Botany of the Royal Gardens, Kew. By D. Oliver. 6th edition ; with additions by ]. R. Jackson. 12 1875 Kew Observatory. Report of the Incor- porated Kew Committee for the year ending 3ist December 1893. [From the Proc. R.S.] 8 1894 Nautical Almanac. Tables requisite to be used with the Astronomical and Nautical Ephemeris, published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude. 8 1766 - Ditto. 2nd edition 1781 - Ditto. 3rd edition 1802 - Circular, No. 15. Local Particulars of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, Aug. 8-9 1896. Large 8 1893 Transit of Venus, 1882. Report of the Committee appointed by the British Government to Superintend the Arrange- ments to be made for the sending of Expeditions at the Government expense, aud securing co - operation with the Government Expeditions, for the Ob- servation of the Transit of Venus, 6th December 1882. Folio. ' ' Challenger " Expedition. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Challenger," 1873-76. . . . Prepared under the superintendence of the late Sir C. Wyville Thomson, and now of John Murray. Charts and plates. '73, '74. '77, '83-87, '89-93 5 of Deck- Watches, 1889-93. 4- Key/ Gardens. Royal Gardens, Kew : Official Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany. No. 3. Timbers. 12 1886 Zoology. 1 Vol I. i. Brachiopoda, by T. Davidson; 2. Pennatulida, by A. v. Kolliker ; 3. Ostracoda, by G. S. Brady ; 4. Bones of Cetacea, by W. Turner ; 5. Green Turtle, by W. K. Parker; 6. Shore Fishes, by A. Gtinther. Vol. 2. 7. Corals, by H. N. Mosely ; 8. Birds, by P. L. Sclater. Vol. 3. 9. Echinoidea, by A. Agassiz ; 10. Pycnogonida, by P. P. C. Hoek. Vol. 4. ii. Anatomy of the Petrels, by W. A. Forbes; 12. Deep-sea Medusa', by E. Haeckel ; 13. Holothurioidea (Elasipoda), by H. Theel. Vol. 5. 14. Ophiuroidea, by T. Tyinan ; 16. Marsupialia, byD. J. Cunninghnm. Vol. 6. 15. Actiniaria, by R. Hertwig; 17. Tunicata (Ascidire Simplices), by W. A. Herdman. Vol. 7. 18. Anatomy of Spheniscidae, by M. Watson; 19. Pelagic Hemiptera, by F. B. White; 20. Hydroida (I'lumu- laridre), by G. J. Allman ; 21. Orbito- lites, by W. B. Carpenter. Vol. 8. 23. Copepoda, by G. S. Brady; 24. Calcarea, by N. Polejaeff; 25. Cirripedia (Systematic), by P. P. C. Hoek. EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. 749 UNITED KINGDOM H. Challenger " Expedition could. Vol. 9. 22. Foraminifera, by H. B. Brady (text and plates separate). Vol. 10. 26. Nudibranchiata, by R. Bergh ; 27. Myzostomida, by L. v. Graf; 28. Cirripedia (Anatomical), by P. P. C. I lock ; 29. Human Crania, by W. Turner ; 30. Polyzoa, by G. Busk. Vol. ii. 31. Keratosa, by N. Polejaeff; 32. Crinoidea, by P. II. Carpenter; 33. Isopoda (Serolis), byF. E. Beddard. Vol. 12. 34. Annelida Polychreta, by W. C. M'Intosh. Vol. 13. 35. Lamellibranchiata, by E. A. Smith ; 36. Gephyrea,* by G. Selenka ; 37. Schizopoda, by G. O. Sars. Vol. 14. 38. Tunicata (Ascidia; Com- posite), by W. A. Ilerdman; 39. Holothurioidea (2nd part), by II. Theel. Vol. 15. 41. Marseniadix;, by R. Bergh ; 42. Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda, by R. B. Watson ; 43. Polyplacophora, by A. C. Haddon. Vol. 1 6. 44. Cephalopoda, by W. E. Iloyle ; 45. Stomatopoda, by \V. K. Brooks; 46. Reef-Corals, by J. J. Quelch ; 47. Human Skeletons (2nd part), by Sir W. Turner. Vol. 17. 48. Isopoda (2nd part), by F. E. Beddard ; 49. Brachyura, by E. J. Miers ; 50. Polyzoa (2nd part), by George Busk. Vol. 18 (parts I and 2 ; and vol. of plates). 40. Radiolaria, by Ernst Haeckel. Vol. 19. 54. Nemertea, by A. A. W. Hubrecht ; 55. Cumacea, by G. O. Sars ; 56. Phyllocarida, by G. O. Sars ; 58. Pteropoda (ist part), by Paul Pelseneer. Vol. 20. 59. Monaxonida, by S. O. Ridley and A. Dendy ; 61. Myzosto- mida (Supplement), by L. von Graff; 62. Cephalodiscus Dodecalophus, by W. C. M'Intosh. Vol. 21 (text and plates). 53. Hexac- tinellida, by F. E. Schulze. Vol. 22. 57. Deep-Sea Fishes, by A. Giinther. Vol. 23. 65. Pteropoda Thecosomata, by P. Pilseneer ; 66. Anatomy of Pieropoda, by P. Pilseneer ; Ilydroida (2nd part), by G. J. Allman ; 71. Entozoa, by O. von Linstow ; 72. Heteropoda, by E. A. Smith. Vol. 24 (text and plates). 52. Crustacea Macrura, by C. Spence Bate. Vol. 25. 63. Tetractinellida, by W. J. Sollas. Vol. 26. 60. Crinoidea (Comatulo;), by P. H. Carpenter ; 67. Seals, by W. Turner; 73. Actiniaria, by R. Hertwig. UNITED KINGDOM II. " Challenger" Expedition contd. Vol. 27. 69. Anomura, by J. R. Henderson ; 74. Anatomy of Mollusca, by P. Pilseneer ; 75. Phoronis Buskii, by W. C. M'Intosh ; 76. Tunicata (3rd part), by W. A. Herdman. Vol. 28. 77. Siphonophonv, by Ernst Haeckel. Vol. 29 (parts I and 2 ; and vol. of plates). 67. Amphipoda, by T. R. R. Stebbing. Vol. 3O,(text and plates). 51. Asteroidea, by W. Percy Sladen. Vol. 31. 64. Alcyonaria, by E. P. Wright and T. Studer ; 78. Pelagic Fishes, by A. Giinther ; 79- Polyzoa (Supplement), by A. W. Waters. Vol. 32. 80. Antipatharia, by George Brook ; 81. Alcyonaria (Supplement), by T. Studer ; 82. Deep-Sea Keratosa, by Ernst Haeckel. - Botany. 1885-86 Vol. i. Introduction ; i. Bermudas, by W. B. Hemsley; 2. Islands of Atlantic and Southern Oceans, by the same ; 3. Juan Fernandez, S. E. Moluccas, and Admiralty Islands, by the same. Vol. 2. 4. Diatomacea;, by F. Castra- cane. Physics and Chemistry 1884-89 Vol. i. i. Composition of Ocean-Water, by W. Dittmar ; 2. Specific Gravity of Ocean- Water, by the Officers of the Expedition. Vol. 2. 4. Physical Properties of Fresh and Sea Water, by A. Buchan ; 5. Atmospheric Circulation, by the same ; 6. Magnetic Results, by E. W. Clark ; 7. Petrology of Oceanic Islands, by A. Renard. Deep-Sea Deposits. By John Murray and A. F. Renard. 1891 Narrative of the Cruise Vol. i, Parts i and 2. By T. H. Tizard, H. N. Moseley, J. Y. Buchanan, and John Murray. ^85 Vol. 2. Meteorological and Magnctical Observations, by the Naval Officers ; Thermometer Errors, by P. G. Tail ; St Paul's Rocks, by A. Renard 1882 Summary of the Scientific Results. 2 parts. 1895 [Including also] Report on Oceanic Circulation, by A. Buchan. Report on Spirula, by T. II. Huxley and Paul Pelseneer. I. Miscellaneous. Alpine Club. Provisional Report of the Special Committee on Equipment for Mountaineers. 8 1891 750 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM I. Clarendon State Papers preserved in the Bodleian Library, Calendar of the. Vol. I. to January 1649, edited by the Rev. O. Ogle and W. H. Bliss; Vol. II., 1649-54, and Vol. III., 1655-57, edited by the Rev. W. Dunn Macray : under the direction of the Rev. H. O. Coxe. 8 Oxford, 1869-76 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. Publications issued in connection with the : Reports on the Colonial Sections of the Exhibition. Issued under the Super- vision of the Council of the Society of Arts, and edited by II. Trueman Wood, M.A. 8 1887 Report of the Royal Commission for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition (London, 1886). Plan. 8 1887 British Guiana Cotirt. Special Catalogue of Exhibits. With Introductory Notes by G. H. Hawtayne. Map. 8" 1886 Canada. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, by the Geological Corps, A. R. C. Selwyn, Director. Illus- trations. 8 I 886 Official Catalogue of the Canadian Section. 1st and 2nd editions. Map. 8 1886 Canada at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. 8 1886 Cape Colony. Catalogue of the Exhibits of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 8 1886 Cyprus. Handbook to, and Catalogue of the Exhibits. Map. 8 1886 Fiji. Handbook to, and Catalogue of the Exhibits. Issued under the Autho- rity of the Executive Commissioner, the Hon. James E. Mason. 8 1886 Indian Empire. Special Catalogue of Exhibits by the Government of India and Private Exhibitors. Map. 8 1886 Report on the Indian Section of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. Plans and plates. Folio. Jamaica at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. 4th edition. Map and plates. Large 8". Natal. Official Handbook. Map. 8 1886 New South Wales. Official Catalogue of Exhibits from the Colony. 8 Sydney, 1886 Its Progress and Resources. Map. 8" Sydney, 1886 New Zealand Court : New Zealand Geological Survey Department. De- tailed Catalogue and Guide to the Geological Exhibits, including a Geo- logical Map and General Index to the Reports, and a List of Publications of the Department. By James Hector, Director. 8 Wellington, 1886 UNITED KINGDOM I. Colonial Exhibition continued. Queensland Court : Catalogue of tt Exhibits. Map. 8 Brisbane, 1886 VictorianCovui: Catalogue of Exhibits. 8 Illustrated Handbook of Victoria, Australia. 4 Melbourne [ 1 886] West Indies and British Honduras. Handbook and Catalogue. Mup, coloured frontispiece, and illustrations. 8 1886 Exhibition Supplement to "The Colonies and India" , 1886 Rapport presente a la Societe des Etudes Coloniales et Maritimes par son delegue a 1'Exposition, Victor de Ternant. Large 8 Paris, 1887 Colonial Conference, 1887, Proceedings of. Vols. I. and II. (Appendix). Papers laid before the Conference. Folio 1887 Geological Field Class (London). Excur- sions for the Study of the Country around London, under the direction of Prof. II. G. Seeley, 1888. Reported by Members of the class. Sections. 8 1889 Gresham University Commission. Re- port on the Draft Charter. Folio 1894 Imperial Institute. Charter of Incorpora- tion. Small 8 1888 Report of Progress from its Establish- ment to the 26th November 1892. 8 1892 Annual Report for 1893. 8 1893 The Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India. 2nd edition. 8 1893 The Year-Book of the Imperial Insti- tute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India. A Statistical Record of the Resources and Trade of the Colonial and Indian Possessions of the British Empire. First issue, 1892, and third issue, 1894. Large 8 1892-94 International Exhibition, 1862. Class 15. Jurors' Reports: Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks N.I). London (Watford) Spring Water Com- pany. Report of the Provisional Direc- tors. 8 1852 Missionary Atlas, containing Maps of the various Spheres of the Church Missionary Society, with illustrative letterpress. Royal 8 1859 Royal Society. Revised Instructions for the Use of the Magnetic and Meteoro- logical Observatories, and for the Mag- netic Surveys. Prepared by the Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society. 8 1842 Meteorological Committee. See Board of Trade. Royal Society of Literature. Afternoon Lectures on English Literature, delivered by Members of the Council, from January to June 1 893. 8 1893 EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM. UNITED KINGDOM I. South Kensington Museum. Confer- ences held in connection with the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 1876 : Chemistry, Biology, Physical Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, and Meteorology. 8 N.D. Ditto. Physics and Mechanics. 8 See Catalogues, C. J. Anonymous. Descriptio Britannia;, Scotia, Hybernire, et Orchodvm, ex Libro Paoli Jovii, Epis- copi Nvcer. De Imperiis, et Gentibvs cognitiOrbis, comeivsoperisprohoemis, ad Alexandrvm FarnesivmCard. Ampliss. 8. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, Antiqua et Nova, or a New Survey of Great Britain, &c. Vols. I, 2, 5, 6. Maps. Small 4 1730 The Geography of England and Wales : done in the Manner of Gordon's Geo- graphical Grammar. Maps. 8 1744 Rivers, Historical Account of the Na- vigable Rivers, Canals, and Railways of Great Britain, as a Reference to Nichols, Priestly, and Walker's new Map of Inland Navigation. Maps. 8 1831 The Rivers of Great Britain, Descrip- tive, Historical, Pictorial : Rivers of the East Coast. Illustrations. 4 1889 Industrial Rivers of the United King- dom, namely, the Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Tawe, Clyde, Wear, Taff, Avon, South- ampton Water, the Hartlepools, H umber, Neath, Port Talbot, and Caermarthen, the Liffey, Usk, Tees, Severn, Wyre, and Lagan. By various well-known Ex- perts. Illustrations. 8 1 888 Canals and Railways : Observations on the Comparative Merits of; occasioned by the Reports of the Committee of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Plate. 8 1832 England and America : a Comparison of the Social and Political State of both the Nations. 2 vols. 8 1833 Lifeboats. Report of the Committee on Lifeboat Models for premium offered by Duke of Northumberland. Long 4 1851 The Colonies : a Synopsis of their Agricultural, Financial, Commercial, and Social Condition ; Tabular Historical Summary of the effect of Treaties on the Partition of Europe ; Tabular View of the Indian Territories ; War and Finance ; Tables of the Revenue and Expenditure of all Nations ; War Force of different Nations ; Abstract of the Losses of the Allies in the late War with Russia. 3 sheets and map in case Edinburgh, 1857 Facts and Observations with reference to Masters R.N. ; with a plan for the removal of their disabilities. 8 1858 UNITED KINGDOM J. The Report of the Royal Commissioners on Lights, Buoys, and Beacons, 1861, examined and refuted. By an English- man. 8 1 86 1 Great Britain and Ireland in 1886. 8. The Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales [Fullarton's]. 6 vols. 4 ; and Index to Atlas N.D. Birmingham, Handbook of. Prepared for the Members of the British Association, 1886. Map. 12 Birmingham, 1886 Bridlington, Opening of Barrows near. 8 1868 Canterbury Guide, The ; containing a Concise Account of that Ancient City and its Suburbs. Plates. 12 Canterbury, 1830 Cornwall. An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman." With illustrations by C. Napier Henry. 4 1884 Liverpool, The Stranger in : an Historical and Descriptive View of the Town of Liverpool and its Environs. Map. 12 Liverpool, 1831 Meteorological Results deduced from Observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory, 1889-91. Published by order of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. 8 1893 London. London's Roll of Fame : being Complimentary Notes and Addresses from the City of London, on presenta- tion of the Honorary Freedom of that City, and on other occasions, to Royal Personages, Statesmen, Patriots, Warriors, Arctic Explorers, Discoverers, Philan- thropists, and Scientific Men ; with their Replies and Acknowledgments. From the close of the Reign of George II., A.D. 1757, to 1884. With a Critical and Historical Introduction. Illustrations. 4. London Illustrated : a complete Guide to the Places of Amusement, &c. &c. Large 8 1885 Oxford University and City Guide : to which is added a Description of Blen- heim, Nuneham, the Roman Villa, &c. Map and plates. 12 Oxford, 1831 Ripon. The Tourist's Companion : being a Concise Description and History of Ripon, Studley Park, Fountains Abbey, Hackfall, Brimham Crags, Newby Hall, Knaresborough, Harrogate,Bolton Priory, &c. Plates. 12 Ripon, 1828 Southport Meteorological Department. Report and Results of Observations for the year 1893 ; with 2 Appendices. By Joseph Baxendell. 8 Southport, 1893 Wales. History and Geography of Wales for the Young. Compiled by an Owner of Welsh land. 12 N.D. 752 APPENDIX II. UNITED KINGDOM. K. Scotland. First, Second, Thin], and Fifth Annual Reports of the Board of Education for Scotland, to the Right lion, the Lords of Committee of the Privy Council on Education in Scotland. 8 Edinburgh, 1874-78 The Traveller's Guide through Scotland and its Islands. Maps and plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1811 Journal of a Tour through the Highlands of Scotland during the Summer of 1829. 12 Norton Hall, 1830 Scottish Tourist and Itinerary ; or, A Guide to the Scenery and Antiquities of Scotland and the Western Islands. Maps ami plates. 12 Edinburgh, 1834 Gazetteer. Topographical, Statistical, and Historical Gazetteer of Scotland. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Glasgow, 1842 Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland : a Survey of Scottish Topography, Statisti- cal, Biographical, and Historical. Edited by Francis H. Groome. 3 vols. Map, plates, and plans. Imperial 8 Edinburgh, 1885 Letters on the Ordnance Survey of Scotland. By a Practical Surveyor. 8 1853 Notices of some of the Principal Manu- factures of the West of Scotland : The Iron and Steel Industries, by St John V. Day ; the Engineering and Shipbuilding Industries, by John Mayer ; the Textile Industries, by James Paton ; Chemical Manufactures, by John Ferguson. Map. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Catalogue of the Western Scottish Fossils, compiled by James Armstrong, John Young, and David Robertson ; with Introduction on the Geology and Palaeontology of the District by Professor Young. Map and plates. 1 2 Glasgow, 1876 Notes on the Fauna and Flora of the West of Scotland : Mammalia, by E. R. Alston ; Birds, by R. Gray ; Insects, by P. Cameron ; Vascular Flora, by J. Ramsay ; Cryptogamic Flora, by J. Stirton. 12 Glasgow, 1876 Missions. Fifty Years of Foreign Missions, or the Foreign Missions of the Free Church of Scotland in the Year of Jubilee 1879-80. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1880 UNITED KINGDOM K. Scotland continued. Ben Nevis Meteorological Observatory: an Account of its Foundation and Work. Map and illustrations. 8 Edinburgh, 1885 Scottish Hills. Our Western Hills : How- to reach them, and the Views from their Summits. By a Glasgow Pedestrian. 12 Glasgow, 1892 Orkney. I Iandlx>ok to the Orkney Islands. Plates. 12 A'zV/C-wa//[iS68] L. Ireland. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Nature and Extent of the several Bogs in Ireland, and the Practicability of Draining and Cultivating them. Maps and plate. [4 Reports in 3 vols.] Folio 1810-14 Markree Observatory. Catalogue of Stars near the Ecliptic observed at Markree during the years 1854-55-56. Vol. I. 1856 -Vol. II., during 1851-52 1853 Vol. III., during 1852-53-54 1854 Vol. IV., during 1854-55-56 1856 Cork Harbour. Correspondence in Re- ference to Removal or Lighting of Daunts Rock, &c. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1874 A Geographical Description of the Kingdom of Ireland, newly corrected and improved by actual observations, &c. Maps. Oblong 12 1728 Killarney, A Description of. 4 1776 Dublin. Memorandum of Objects of Geological Interest in the Vicinity of Dublin. Map. 8 Dublin, 1835 A Plan for the Improvement of Ire- land, by the Union of English and Irish Capital, and the Co-operation of the People in bolh Countries ; with an Appendix. Map. 8 1844 Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland, adapted to the New Poor Law, as exist- ing in 1844-45, presenting the results, in detail, of the Census of 1841, com- pared with that of 1831. 3 vols. in 10 parts. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Dublin, London, and Edinburgh, 1846 Post-Chaise Companion, or Traveller's Directory through Ireland, to which is added a Travelling Dictionary. Map and plates. 8 Dublin, N.D. OCEANIC ISLANDS. 753 OCEANIC ISLANDS, &c. ATLANTIC. Azores. History of the Azores or Western Islands ; containing an Account of the Government, Laws, and Religion ; the Manners, Ceremonies, and Character of the Inhabitants ; and Demonstrating the Importance of these valuable Islands to the British Empire. Maps and plates. 4 1813 Bermuda, a Colony, a Fortress, and a Prison ; or, Eighteen Months in the Somers Islands. By a Field Officer. Map and plates. 8 1857 Fernando de Noronha. The Natural History of the Island of Fernando de Noronha based on the Collections made by the British Museum Expedition in 1887. From the Jo urnal of the Linnean Society, \ 890. Map, photographs, &c. 8 Madeira. The Traveller's Guide to Madeira and the West Indies : being a Hieroglyphic Representation of Appear- ances and Incidents during a Voyage out and homewards. By a Young Traveller. Map and plates. 8 Haddington, 1815 Telegraph. Great North Atlantic Tele- graph Route. Map and plate. 8 1866 INDIAN AND PACIFIC. Kerguelen Island. Note on the Report on the Meteorology of Kerguelen Island, published by the Meteorological Council, 1879. 4. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1881-82. Plates. 8 3 754 APPENDIX II. POLAR REGIONS. ARCTIC. A. American Expeditions. Instructions for the Expedition toward the North Pole, from Hon. George M. Robeson, Sec. of the Navy, with an Appendix from the National Academy of Sciences. 8 Washington, 1871 Reports of Foreign Societies on awarding Medals to the American Arctic Ex- plorers, Kane, Hayes, Hall. Plate. 8 U.S. Naval Observatory, 1876 Report to the Congress from Com- mittee on Naval Affairs to whom was referred a Bill to Authorise and Equip an Expedition to the Arctic Seas. 8 1877 Report to the President of the United States of Action of the Navy Depart- ment in the Matter of the Disaster to the United States Exploring Expedition ["Polaris"] toward the North Pole, ac- companied by a Report of the Examin- ation of the Rescued Party, &c. Map. 8 [Washington, N.D.] Report on Substituted Expedition to the Arctic Seas. 8 [Washington, 1880] United States, Arctic Colonisation, and Exploration in 1881. 8 [Kansas City} 1881 [See also United States. Signal Service Notes, No. 5.] B. Austrian Expeditions. Polar-Expedition von K. Weyprecht und J. Payer im Jahre 1871. [Mitt. Geogr. Ges.] 8 Vienna, 1872 - The same. Fuller reports J&74 Programme des travaux d'une Expedition Polaire Internationale, propose par le Comte Wilezek et Charles Weyprecht. 4 Vienna, 1877 Re'sultate der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Arctischen Expedition, 1872-74. Plates. 4 Vienna, 1878 C. British Expeditions. a. Franklin Search. A Collection of eight bound folio volumes [presented by Mr J. Barrow] of Parlia- mentary Papers relating to the Search for Sir John Franklin and the Officers and Crews of H.M. Ships "Erebus" and " Terror" : ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. CONTENTS. Vol. I. 1848-50. (i.) Copies of In- structions to Captain Sir John Franklin, in reference to the Arctic Expedition of 1845, and to the Officers who have been appointed to Command Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin ; Proposed Plans for Relief of the Arctic Expedi- tion ; Copies and Extracts of Correspon- dence and Proceedings of the Admiralty in reference to the Arctic Expedition. (2.) Copy of the Orders from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, under which Capt. Sir J. C. Ross, R.N., has proceeded on an Expedition in Search of Capt. Sir J. Franklin, R.N. (3.) Ex- tracts of Proceedings or Correspondence of the Admiralty, in reference to the Arctic Expeditions. (4.) Return of the Opinions of the most Experienced Officers [Sir W. E. Parry, Sir G. Back, Capt. Beechey, Colonel Sabine, and Sir E. Belcher] connected with the Arctic Expeditions, on the necessity of sending a Ship to the Entrance of Lancaster Sound with Supplies for Sir J. Ross's Expedition ; and their Joint. Opinion as to certain Measures proposed to be adopted. (5 ) Copies of Reports or Statements from the Officers employed in the Arctic Expeditions or from any other Persons, &c., in respect to the Resump- tion of the Search ; of Plans of Search ; of Orders issued by the Board of Admiralty to Captains Collinson, Kellett, and Moore, and Lieut. Pullen ; of In- structions to Dr Rae ; and of Chart of the Polar Sea. (6.) Orders to Capt. Penny, " Lady Franklin," and Mr Saumlers, "North Star." (7.) Orders to Captain Austin, "Resolute." (8.) Proceedings of Dr Rae, and of Lieut. Pullen, " Plover ; " also copies of Arctic Reward and other Bills. Vol. 2. 1851. Report of the Com- mittee appointed by the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty to Inquire into and Report on the recent Arctic Expeditions in search of Sir J. Franklin, together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, and Papers connected with the subject. Vol. 3. 1851. Additional Papers relative to the Arctic Expedition under the Orders of Captain Austin and Mr William Penny. POLAR REGIONS. 755 ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. Collection, &c. continued. Vol. 4. 1852-53. (i.) Copies and Extracts and Correspondence or Pro- ceedings, of Instructions to Officers, and of Correspondence or Communica- tions from the Government of the United States or H.M. Minister at Washington, in relation to Search made on the part of the United States or from its Territory for the Franklin Expedition. (2.) Further Correspondence and Pro- ceedings. (3.) Correspondence be- tween Capt. Penny and the Admiralty, Rumours at Byron's Bay, Adam Beck's Deposition. (4.) Track Chart of the American Expedition. (5.) Communica- tions in reference to certain Vessels observed on an Iceberg in the N. Atlantic in 1851. Vol. 5. 1853-54. ( i.) Copies of Correspondence from Sir E. Belcher's Squadron, from Mr Kennedy of the " Prince Albert," from Commander Inglefield of the " Isabel," and Plans and Suggestions of Search and further Correspondence. (2.) Papers relative to the Recent Arctic Expeditions in Search of H.M.S. "Erebus" and "Terror." (3.) Dr M'Cormick's Ex- pedition up the Wellington Channel in the year 1852, Commanding H.M. Boat "Forlorn Hope" in Search of Sir John Franklin. (4.) Copy of Lady Franklin's Letter to Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty [with MS. Autograph Letter from Lady Franklin to Mr Barrow]. (5.) Sir John Richardson on Equipments for Arctic Travelling. (6.) Sir W. Parry on Equipments for Arctic Tra- velling. (7.) Sir J. C. Ross on same subject. (8.) Colonel Sabine on same subject. Vol. 6. 1854-55. Further Papers relative to the recent Arctic Expedi- tions, &c. Photograph of Sir Robert M'Clure, and Autographs. Vol. 7. 1855-56. (I.) Report from the Select Committee on Arctic Expedi- tion ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. (2.) Further Papers relative to the Recent Arctic Expedi- tions in Search of Sir J. Franklin and the Crews of Her Majesty's Ships " Erebus " and " Terror," including the Report of Dr Kane and Messrs Anderson and Stewart, and Correspondence relative to the Adjudication of ,10,000 as a Reward for Ascertaining the Fate of the Crews of Her Majesty's Ships "Erebus" and " Terror." Vol. 8. Charts. ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. A Collection made by Mr J. Barrow of Eight 8 vols. of Pamphlets connected with the Search for Sir John Franklin, containing : VOLUME i. Osborn, S. Letters on the Relief of Sir John Franklin's Expedition 1850 Weld, C. R. A Lecture on Arctic Expeditions. Map 1850 Scoresby, W. The Franklin Expedi- tion 1850 Weld, C. R. The Search for Sir John Franklin, a Lecture delivered at the Russell Institution. Map 1851 O'Byrne, W. R. The Arctic Council : Descriptive Key to the Historical Picture by S. Pearce 1851 Farrar, F. W. The Arctic Regions, and the Hopes of Discovering the Lost Adventurers : Prize Poem (Cambridge, Chancellor's Medal) 1852 Petermann, A. The Search for Sir John Franklin, a suggestion submitted to the British Public. Chart 1852 Mangles, J. Papers and Despatches relating to the Arctic Searching Expedi- tions of 1850-51-52. Collected and Ar- ranged. 2nd edition. Maps 1852 VOLUME 2. De la Roquette, . Regions Arc- tiques: Terre Grinnell, Mont Franklin: Question de priorite de decouverte. Map Paris, 1852 Kane, E. K. Access to the Open Polar Sea in connection with the Search after Sir John Franklin and his Com- panions. Map New York, 1853 Allen, R. C., Snow, W. P., and Ingle- field, E. A. Remarks on Baffin Bay 1853 Petermann, A. Historical Summary of the Search for Sir John Franklin, reprinted from Seemann's Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Herald," and Noteson the Distribution of Animals avail- able as Food in the Arctic Regions 1852 The Search for Sir John Franklin [N.D. ; Chambers's Tracts.] The Arctic Dispatches, containing an Account of the Discovery of the North- West Passage by Capt. Robert Maclure, with Narrative of Proceedings of H.M.S. "Resolute," Capt. Kellett, and the Dispatches of Capt. Sir E. Belcher, Capt. Inglefield, and Comm. Pullen. Map 1853 The North - West Passage : Capt. M'Clure's Despatches from Her Majesty's Discovery Ship " Investigator," off Point Warren and Cape Bathurst. Map 1853 Jago, E., and Seemann, B. The His- tory of the Poetical Assembly (on board H.M.S. "Herald") Hanover, 1852 Prospectus of Portrait of Capt. Penny. 756 APPENDIX II. ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. VOLUME 3. M'Cormick, R. Christmas in the Frozen Regions (from Household Words, 1854). The Lost Arctic Voyagers (from House- hold Words, 1854). Rae, J. Report (from Household Words, 1854). Ross, Sir j. Rear-Admiral Sir John Franklin : a Narrative of the Circum- stances and Causes which led to the Failure of the Searching Expeditions sent by Government and others for the Rescue of Sir John Franklin. Plate 1855 Murray, J. The Tides and Currents in and connected with the Polar Sea, indicative of the probability of a North- East Passage to the Pacific, with reasons for persevering in the Search for Sir John Franklin and the Party under his com- mand. Map 1854 A Catalogue of the Library established on Ixiard H.M.S. "Assistance," Capt. Sir E. Belcher, &c., Wellington Channel 1853 Scoresby, W. On the Surface Tem- perature and Great Currents of the North Atlantic and Northern Oceans. Chart 1853 77ie Weekly Guy, Nos. 1-14, 1852-53, and Prospectus (H.M.S. "Plover," Point Harrow). Memoir of Lieut. Bellot, to accom- pany his Portrait, 1854 (Prospectus, and Plate of Tablet). Prospectus of Commr. W. W. May's Sketches, and Dr Rae's Polytechnic Lecture. VOLUME 4. The Great Arctic Mystery, by " Philoi Symbouleuomenoi " 1856 Arctic Rewards and their Claimants 1856 Voyages and Travels of Dr Rae in the Arctic Regions. Copy of a Letter from Dr Rae. Feb. 1856 Isbister, A. K. On the Geology of the Hudson's Bay Territories and of Portions of the Arctic and North-Western Regions of America. Map ^55 Memorial, &c., as to Expediency of Despatching a Vessel to Search for Relics of " Erebus " and " Terror " 1856 Osborn, S. Notes on the late Arctic Expeditions 1856 Sir Robert Maclure's Discovery of the North - West Passage. Edinburgh Review Jan. 1856 De La Roquette, . Des Dernieres Expeditions faites a la Recherche de Sir John Franklin, et de la Decouverte d'un Passage par mer de 1'Ocean Atlantique a 1'Ocean Pacifique Paris 1856 ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. VOLUME 4 continued. White, R. On the Open Water at the Great Polar Basin 1856 Suggestions for a Medal to Record the Discovery of the Passage by the North Pole 1856 Richardson, Sir J. Life of Sir John Franklin. (Encycl. Britan., 8th edition. ) Memoir of Sir W. E. Parry ^55 A Prayer which may be used by those engaged in the Arctic Expedition, A.I). 1850, and a short form of Prayer for the use of those engaged in the Arctic Expedition. 1850 Diagram showing the Amount of Day- light experienced during the Absence of the Sun within the Arctic Zone in the Winters of 1852-53 and 1853-54. VOLUME 5. Snow, W. P. A Catalogue i.f the Arctic Collection in the British Museum ; with a list of the Arctic Relics in the United Service Museum and the Painted Hall at Greenwich 1858 A Letter to Viscount Palmerston, K.(i , from Lady Franklin, with an Appendix 1857 The same. 2nd edition, with a Chart. Pim,'B. An Earnest Appeal to the British Public on behalf of the Missing Arctic Expedition. 3rd edition 1857 M'Clintock, F. L. Reminiscences of Arctic Ice-Travel in Search of Sir John Franklin and his Companions, with Geological Notes and Illustration by S. Haughton. Map and plates [Dublin, 1857] Statement by Rev. S. Haughton [Dublin, N.D.] VOLUME 6. Capt. M'Clintock's Expedition, "Fox." Newspaper Cuttings, with woodcuts 1859 Article by Capt. Allen Young from Corn hi II Magazine. Vol. I. Plate and map; and another from Blacku'OOifs Magazine 1860 Osborn, S. The Last Voyage of Sir John Franklin, and the Search for Sir John Franklin, from Once a Week. 'Woodcuts 1859 M'Clintock, F. L. Discoveries by the late Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin and his Party 1859 Gsborn, S. Arctic Discovery and Sir John Franklin. Everybody's Journal i859 Arctic Explorations, from London Review N. D. Lushington, F. Arctic Enterprise and its results since 1815 N.I'. Two MS. Letters; Cuttings from Express and Globe 1859 POLAR REGIONS. 757 ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. VOLUME 6 continued. On the Fish River of the Polar Sea 1844 Three Printed Letters 1844-45 Facts and Arguments in favour of a New Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Ocean. Plate [? 1835] The Franklin Expedition, a Letter of Appeal. Map and plate 1860 The Franklin Expedition from First to Last N.I). King, R. Letter to Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty 1857 Coningham, W. The Last Journals of Capt. Fitzjames of the Lost Polar Expedition Brighton, N.D. Osborn, S. Remarks upon the Amount of Light experienced in High Northern Latitudes during the Absence of the Sun. Diagram 1858 Catalogue of the Franklin Relics in the Museum of the United Service Institu- tion, Whitehall. Snow, W. P. On the Fate of Franklin. Newspaper Cutting, and Prospectus, &c. of Renewed Arctic Search for Journals, Records, or other traces of the Lost Franklin Expedition 1860 VOLUME 7. Description of the Monument erected on the Hill of Hoad, Ulverston, in memory of Sir John Barrow ; with Memoir. Plate 1850 Notice of Rear-Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort 1858 Snow, W. P. A Paper on the lost Polar Expedition 1860 On Renewed Arctic Search, and on Practical Experience of the Law of Storms in each Quarter of the Globe. Newspaper Cuttings N.D. Shaw, N. Introductory Notice to Dr I. J. Hayes's " Boat-Journey " ; with Lists of Arctic Expeditions and Works N.D. Vidal, O. A. A Poem upon the Life and Character of Sir John Franklin Oxford, 1860 Miles, S. E. MS. Poem " 1862 VOLUME 8. Photograph of Tablet to Horatio Thos. Austin. Simpson, W. The Restoration of the Arctic Ship IC Resolute," explanatory of Painting N.D. Second Letter of Dr A. Petermann to Sir R. I. Murchison on the Subject of North Polar Exploration, with discussion thereon 1865 Macfarlane, R. An Account of the Mackenzie River District 1865 ARCTIC C a. Franklin Search. VOLUME 8 continued. Hamilton, R. V. On the portion of the Coast of Labrador between Blanc Sablon Bay and Cape Harrison 1865 Markham, C. R. On the best Route for North Polar Exploration. Map 1865 Jansen, Capt. Notes on the Ice between Greenland and Nova Zembla 1865 Hayes, I. J. Account of the Scientific Results of the Arctic Expedition under the Command of Dr Isaac J. Hayes 1865 Ommanney, E. Polar Exploration 1866 Osborn, S. On the Exploration of the North Polar Region 1865 Markham, C. R. On the Origin and Migration of the Greenland Esquimaux 1865 Petermann, A. On the Proposed Expedition to the North Pole. Letter to Sir I. Murchison 1865 Hall, C. F. Arctic Discoveries by. Newspaper Cuttings 1862 Obituary Notice of John Brown 1861 The Frobisher Relics. Newspaper Cuttting 1863 Notices of " The Arctic Council," and of -Portraits of Lieut. Bellot and Caplains Penny and M'Clure, and Newspaper Cutting (1866) on Statue of Sir John Franklin. Newspaper Cutting, 1866, and Letter from Dr King on Hall's Expedition. Osborn, S. On the Exploration of the North Polar Region 1868 Lambert, G. Expedition Fran$aise au Pole Nord. Map 1867 Osborn, S. On Recent Explorations of the North Polar Regions 1872 Letter from Dr Rae to Admiral Richards 1872 A Collection of Papers relative to the Recent Arctic Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin and the Crews of H. M. S. "Erebus" and "Terror." Presented to both Houses of Parlia- ment. By Captains Moore, Ross, Austen, Penny, Inglefield, Belcher, Kellett, M'Clure, &c. 6 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1848-56 Report on the Return of Lady Franklin's vessel the " Prince Albert," under the Command of Mr William Kennedy, from the Arctic Regions [incomplete]. Map. 8 1850 Papers and Despatches relating to the Searching Expedition of 1850-51, to- gether with Remarks as to the Probable Course pursued by Sir John Franklin. Maps. 8 1851 Arctic. Miscellanies : a Souvenir of the late Polar Search. By the Officers and Seamen of the Expedition. Illustra- tions. 8 1852 75* APPENDIX II. ARCTIC C a. Further Papers relative to the Recent Arctic Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin and the Crews of Her Majesty's ships "Erebus" and "Terror." Folio 1855 The same, including the Reports of Dr Kane and Messrs Anderson and Stewart. Folio 1856 b. Nares Expedition. Arctic Geography and Ethnology. See Transactions, Royal Geogiaphical Society : Appendix 3. Manual of the Natural History, Geo- logy, and Physics of Greenland and the Neighbouring Regions, prepared for the use of the Arctic Expedition of 1875, under the direction of the Arctic Com- mittee of the Royal Society, and edited by T. Rupert Jones ; together with Instructions suggested by the Arctic Committee of the Royal Society for the use of the Expedition. 8 1875 Report of Proceedings. Folio 1876 Papers and Correspondence i elating to the Equipment and Fitting out of the Arctic Expedition of 1875, including Report of the Admiralty Arctic Com- mittee. [Parly. Rep.] Folio 1875 Journals and Proceedings of the Arctic Expedition, 1875-76, under the Com- mand of Capt. Sir George S. Nares, R.N., K.C.B. Maps. Folio 1877 Results derived from the Arctic Expedi- tion. 1875-76. I. Physical Observa- tions by Capt. Sir Georges Nares and Capt. Feilden, &c. 2. Medical Report on the Eskimo Dog Disease, by Fleet- Surgeon B. Nihnis. Plates. Folio 1878 D. Dutch Expeditions. Meteorologische Waarnemingen en Diep- zeeloodingen gedaan aan Boord van "de Willem Barendsz," Kommandant A. de Bruijne in de Spitzbergen- en Barendsz- zee in den zomer van 1878. Coloured plate. 4 Utrecht, 1879 - The same, in 1879 Utrecht, 1880 De Verslagen omtrent den Tocht met de Willem Barents naar en in de Ijszee in den zomer van 1878, uitgebracht door A. de Bruijne, L. R. Koolemans-Beijnen, J. H. M. Speelman, C. P. Sluyter, en P. J. H. van Anrooy. [Bijblad No. 5, Aard- rijksk. Genootschap.] 4 Amsterdam and Utrecht, 1879 The same, en den zomer van 1879. [Bijblad, No. 6.] 4 Amsterdam and Utrecht, 1880 Verslagen omtrent den vierden Tocht van de Willem Barents naar de Ijszee in den zomer van 1881, uitgebracht aan het Coniite van uitvoering. Maps and plates. 8 Haarlem, 1882 ARCTIC D. Dutch Expeditions continued. Verslag van den vijfden Tocht van Willem Barents naar de Noordclijke Ijszee in den zomer van 1882, uitge- bracht aan het Bestuwo der Vereeni^ing Willem Barents. Maps and plates. 8 Haarlem, 1883 Verslag van den Zesden Tocht van de Willem Barents naar de Noordelijke Ijszee in den zomer van 1883, uitge'-Tacht van het Bestuwo der Vereeniging Willem Barents. Charts and illustrations. 8 Haarlem, 1884 Verslag van den Zevendt-n Tocht van de Willem Barents naar de Noordelijke Ijse? in den zomer van 1884, &.<. Map and illustrations. 8 Haarlem, 1885 E. German Expeditions. Die zweite deut-che Nordpolar- Expedi- tion. Officielle Mittheilungen des lirein- ischen Comite's. Plates. 8 Brunswick, 1870 Die zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt, 1869- 70. Map. 8 Berlin, 1871 F. Swedish Expedition. Nordenskjold'a Voynge, 1878. Map. 8 1879 G. International Polar Research. International Polar Conference. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen und die Krgeb- nisse der internationalen Polar- Konferenz, abgehalten in Hamburg in den Tagen vom i bis 5 October 1879. Rapport des Discussions et des Resolutions de la Conference Polaire Internationale, tenue a Hambourgdu i er au 5 me Octobre 1879. 4 Hamburg, iSSo 'I he same, der zweite internationalen Polar-Konferenz, abgehalten in Bern in den Tagen vom 7 bis 9 August 1880. Rapport sur les Actes et Resultats de la deuxieme Conference Polaire Internation- ale, tenue a Berne du 7 au 9 Aoiit 1880. 4 Hamburg, 1881 The same, der drilte internationalen Polar-Konferenz, abgehalten in St Peters- burg in den Tagen vom I bis 6 August 1881. Rapport sur les Actes et Resultats de la troisieme Conference Polaire Inter- nationale, tenue a St Petersbourg pendant les jours du i er au 6 Aoiit 1881. 4[iS8i] - Protocols of the Proceedings of the Second Conference at Bern, Irom the 7th to 9th August 1880. [In German.] Folio Berne, uSSo Mittheilungen der Internationalen Polar Commission. [Ed. II. Wild.] 7 parts. 4 St Petersburg, 1882-91 POLAR REGIONS. 759 ARCTIC G. International Observations, 1882-83. Austrian. Bcricht cles Leiters der Oester- reichischen Arktischen Beobachtungs- Station auf Jan Mayen K. K. Liniens- chilTs-Lieutenant Emil Edler von Wohl- gemuth. 8 Pola, 1883 - Die Oesterreichische Polarstation Jan Mayen ausgeriistet dutch Seine Excel- lencz Graf Hanns Wilczek geleitet von K. K. Corvetten-Capitan Emil Edlen von Wohlgemuth. Beobachtungs-Ergeb- nisse herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. I Band. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna, 1886 The same. 2. Band I. und II. Abtheil. Plates and diagrams. 4 Vienna, 1 886 - The same. 3. Band. Plates. 4 Vienna^ 1886 [British.] Fort Rae. Plates. 4 1886 Danish. Expedition Danoise, Observa- tions faites a Godthaab sous la direction de Adam F. W. Paulsen. Publiees par 1'Institut Meteorologique de Danemark. Tome I. Premiere liv. Plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1893 - Tome I. 2 livr. !>94 - Tome 2. I livr. 1886 Tome 2. 2 livr. 1889 German. Die Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Deutschen Stationer. Band i. Kingua- Fjord und die MeteorologischenStationen II. Ordnung in Labrador ; Hebron, Okak, Nain, Zoar, Iloffenthal, Rama, sowie die Magnetischen Observatorien in Breslau und Gottingen. Band 2. Siid- Georgien und das Magnetische Observa- torium der Kaiserlichen Marine in Wilhelmshaven. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Deutschen Polar-Kom- misssion von Prof. Dr Neumayer und Prof. Dr Borgen. Maps, diagrams, &*c. 4 Berlin, 1886 - Die Deutschen Expeditionen und ihre Ergcbnisse. Band I. Geschkhtlicher Theil und in einem Anhange mehrere einzelne Abhandlungen physikalischen und sonstigen Inhalts ; herausgegeben im Auftrage der Deutschen Polar-Kommis- sion von deren vorsitzendem Dr G. Neu- mayer. Maps and plates. Imperial 8 Berlin, 1891 Norwegian. Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Norwegischen Polarstation Bossekop in Alien. Im Auftrage des Konigl. Nor- wegischen-Cultus- Ministeriums heraus- gegeben von Aksel S. Steen. Plates. 4 Chrisliania [1887-] 1888 Russian. Beobachtungen der Russischen Polarstation auf Nowaja Semlja. I Theil. Meteorologische Beobachtungen bear- beitet von K. Andrejeff. [In German and Russian.] Maps and plates. 4 1891 - 2 Theil 1886 ARCTIC G. International Observations contd. Russian. Beobachtungen der Russischen Polar-station an der Lenamundung. 2 Theil. Meteorologische Beobachtungen bearbeitet von A. Eigner : i. Lieferung. Beobachtungen vom Jahre 1882-83. Map and plates. 4 1886 The same. 2. Lieferung. Beobach- tungen vom Jahre 1883-84. Plates. 4 1887 Swedish. Observations faites au Cap Thordsen, Spitzberg, par 1'Expedition Suedoise. Publiees par 1'Academie Royale des Sciences de Suede. 2 vols. Plates. 4 Stockholm, 1887-92 United States. See Greeley. H. Miscellaneous. Vorstellungen des Norden, oder Bericht von einigen Nordlandern, und abson- derlich von dem so genannten Grtin- lande, &c. 8 Hamburg, 1675 Voyage to Davis Strait, by David Duncan, Master of the ship "Dundee." Plate. 8 1827 Arctic Expeditions from England, from 1497 to 1833. Map. 8 1834 Eskimaux and English Vocabulary for the use of the Arctic Expeditions. Published by Order of the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty. 8 1850 Greenland-Eskimo Vocabulary, for the use of the Arctic Expeditions. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 8 1853 Arctic Rewards, and their Claimants. 1856 Petermann's Arctic Papers. 4 8 Gotha, 1867-71 CONTENTS. Sporer, J. Nowaja Semlii in geo- graphischer, naturhistorischer und volkssvirthschaftlicher Beziehung. Maps 1867 Petermann, A. Die Deutsche .Nord- pol-Expedition, 1868. Map 1868 Das neu entdeckte Polar-Land und die Expeditionen im Eismcere nordlich der Bering-Strasse von 1648-1867. Map 1869 Freeden, W. von. Die wisscnschaft- lichen Ergebnisse der ersten Deut- schen Nordfahrt, 1868. Map 1869 Lindeman. Die Arklische Fischerei der Deutschen Seesladte, 1620 - 1868. Maps 1869 Payer, J. Die zweile Deutsche Nord- polar-Expedition, 1869-70 1871 Petermann, A. Instruktion Air die zweite Deutsche Nordpolar-Expedi- tion, 1869-70 1869 APPENDIX II. ARCTIC H. Petermann's Arctic Papers contd. Die zweite Deutsche Nordpolar-Ex- pedition, 1869-70, Stand der Pub- likationen. Dr Pansch liber das Klima, Pflanzen- und Thierleben auf Ostgronland. Neue Expeditionen in 1871. Russische Nord polar Ex- pedition. Kapitan E. H. Johan- nesen's Umfahrung von Nowaja Semla im September 1870. Map 1871 Th. v. Heuglin's Aufnahmen in Ost- Spitzbergen, 1870. Map. Payer, J. Die zweite Deutsche Nord- polar-Expedition, 1869-70 (Schlit- tenreise an der Kiiste Gronlands nach Norden, 8 Marz, 27th April 1870, and Die Entdeckung des Kaiser Franz Josef-Fjordes in Ost- Gronland, Aug. 1870). Map 1871 Petermann, A. Die Erschliessung eines Theiles des Nordlicheri Eis- meeres durch die Fahrten und Beobachtungen der Norwegischen Seefahrer Torkildsen, Ulve, Mack, Qvale, und Nedrevaag im Kari- schen Meere, 1870. Maps 1871 Koldewey, K. Die erste Deutsche Nordpolar - Expedition im Jahre 1858 (preface by Petermann). Maps an-i plate 1871 Arctic Land Discoveries. (Newspaper Cuttings, 1867.) 8 The same (from Honolulu Advertiser, 9th November 1867). The Literature of the Polar Regions of the Earth, by Dr J. Chavanne, Dr A. Karpf, and F. Chevalier de Le Monnier. 8 Vienna, 1878 Arctic Regions and Arctic Explorations. 12. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Meteorology of the Arctic Regions. Vol. I. Charts and diagram. 4 1885 The same. Part 5. 4 1888 ARCTIC H. Extract of a Letter from an Officer in the Arctic Expedition. 8 N. D. I. Greenland. Relation de Greenland. Map and plates. 8 Paris, 1663 Kaladlit Assilialiait, or Woodcuts drawn and engraved by Greenlanders. 4 Godthaab, 1860 Meddelelser om Gronland, udgivne af Commissionen for Ledelsen af der Geo- logiske og Geographiske Undersogelser i Gronland. Forste Hefte. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1879 The same. Andet Hefte. 8 1881 The same. Tredie Hefte. 8 1880 The same. Tredie Hefte. Fortscet- telse. 8 1887 The same. Fjerde Hefte. Maps and plates. 8 1883 The same. Femte Hefte. Maps and plate. 8 1883 The same. Tilloeg til Femte Hefte. Map and plates. 4 1883 The same. Sjette Hefte. Maps and plates. 8 1883 The same. Ellevte Hefte. Map. 1887; and bound with Supplement, or Vol. 2. Plate 1891 The same. Trettende Hefte. 8 1890 The same. Supplement, or Vol. 2. ANTARCTIC. Antarctic Discovery. A. Z.'s Letter t< Ro}al Geographical Society. Map. N. Report of the Committee of Physics, Meteorology of the Royal Society, lative to the Observations to be rr in the Antarctic Expedition and in the Magnetic Observatories. Plates. 8 1840 GENERAL-BIOGRAPHY. 761 GENERAL. BIOGRAPHY. Dictionaries. Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. Vols. 1-42. Abbadie Owen. Large 8 1885-95 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Bio- graphy : comprising a Series of Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men of all Ages and all Nations, by Writers of Eminence in the various branches of Literature, Science, and Art. 3 vols. Portraits. Imperial 8 Glasgow, N. i>. Biographic Universelle (Midland). An- cienne et Moderne. Nouvelle edition. 45 vols. Large 8 Paris, 1854 et seq. Miscellaneous. Biography. The Lives of Dr Pocock, Dr Zachary Pearce, Dr Thomas Newton, and Rev. Philip Skelton. 2 vols. 8 1816 Livingstone, Dr. MS. Address from the German Society for the Exploration of Equatorial Africa to the Royal Geo- graphical Society on the occasion of the death of Dr Livingstone. Signed by A. Bastian and Dr Neumayer Berlin, 1874 Cook, Captain. Centenaire de la Moit de Cook, celebre le 14 Fevrier 1879, a 1'hotel de la Societe de Geographic. 8 Paris, 1879 Chevreul, Centenaire de M. Discours prononces au Museum d'Histoire Natu- relle. 4 Paris, 1 886 Yakchitch, V. Jubile Cinquantenaire de 1'activite litteraire de Vladimir Yakchitch. [In Russian] Belgrade, 1890 CATALOGUES. A. Books. Belgium. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de 1'Acad. R. Belgique. Second partie (3e fasc. Nos. 10,908-15,545). Sciences, Morales, et Politiqucs, Beaux-Arts Bmsscls, 1890 France. Catalogue General dc la Librairie Fran- aise depuis 1840, par O. Lorenz. Vols. 7-12. Paris, 1878-92 Ministere de la Guerre. Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre. Catalogue, Vols. 1-7. 8 Paris, 1883-90 Catalogues continued. Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. Cata- logue de la Hibliotheque a la date du 3 1st Decembre 1890, i ere Pte. and 2 Pte. Paris, 1891 Germany. Academy of Naturalists. Katalog der Bibliothek der K. Leopoldinisch-Carolin- ischen Deutschen Akademie der Natur- forscher. Lieferung 1-4. 8 Halle, 1887-93 Hamburg Commercial Library. Katalog der Commerz-Bibliolhek in Hamburg, 1864 ; Erste Fortsetzung, 1864-67 ; Zweite Fortsetzung, 1868-71 ; Dritte Fortsetzung, 1872-78; Vierte Fortsetzung, 1879-85. 8 Hamburg [iMfi-lftto Munich Royal Library. Catalogus Codi- cum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae Monacensis. Tomi primi, pars secunda, Codices Arabicos complectens. Die Arabischen Handschriften der K. Hof und Staatsbibliothek in Mtinchen, be- schrieben von Joseph Aumer. 8 Munich, 1866 Catalogus Codicum Latinorum Biblio- thecce Regise Monacensis (Halm, C. , Laubmann, G., Meyer, G., Keinz, F. , Thomas, G.) I. Parts I and 2. II. Parts 2, 3, and 4. IV. Part I. 8 Munich, 1868-81 Verzeichniss der Orientalischen Hand- schriften der K. Hof und Staatsbibliothek in Miinchen, mit Ausschluss der Heb- rceischen, Arabischen und Persischen. Nebst Anhang zum Verzeichniss der Arabischen und Persischen Handschrif- ten. 8 Munich, 1875 Uebersicht iiber die auf dem Gebiete der Geographic erschiencnen Bucher,Aufsatze und Karten, 1871-85. [Extracted from the Zeitschrift der Ges. fiir Erdk.] 3 vols. 8. Greece. KaraAoyos r(av f^tftXiMV TT/S Bt/ifAto^T/Ki/s TT/S 'KAAaSos, 8', rAwo-o-oAoyia. 4 Athens, 1891 Holland. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van hct Indisch Genootschap te 's Gravenhage. DoorJ. Boudewijnse. 8 The Hague, 1869 762 APPENDIX II. Catalogues continued. Italy. Catalogo Ragionato delle piii rare o piii importanti opere Geografiche a Stampa che si Conservano nella Biblioteca del Collegio Romano, compilato da Carlo Castellani. 8 Kome, 1876 Malta. Catalogo del Libri esistenti nella Publica Biblioteca de Malta. (Theology and Jurisprudence.) 8 Valletta, 1843 Ditto. (History.) 8 Valletta, 1844 Index Librorum Orientalium et Latinorum Publicae Bibliotheca; Melitensis Orcline Alphabeti. 8 Malta, 1857 Catalogue of English Books in the Public Library of Malta. 8 Valletta, 1857 Catalogue Alphabetique des livres en langue Francais de la Bibliotheque de Malte. 8 Valletta, 1857 Porttigal. Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa, Cata- logos e Indices. As Publicafoes. Por L. Cordeiro. 8 Lisbon, 1889 A Bibliotheca. I. Obras Impresses. Por A. C. Borges de Tigueiredo. 8 Lisbon, 1890 The same. Primeiro Annexe. 8 Lisbon, 1893 Catalogo dos Periodicos Politicos e Noticiosas e das Revistas Literarias e Scientificas. 16 Lisbon, 1893 Ministerio da Marinha e Ultramar, Commissao de Cartographia. Relacao de diversos Mappas, Cartas, Plantas, e Vistas pertencentes a este ministerio. Por Ernesto Julio de Carvalho e Vascon- cellos. 1892. 8 Lisbon. 1892 Russia. Catalogue of the Library of the Russian Geographical Society. [In Russian.] Large 8 St Petersburg, 1878 List of Publications of the Imperial Rus- sian Geographical Society relating to Asia (from the Catalogue of the Society's Library). [In Russian.] 8 St Petersburg, N. D. Sweden. Sveriges Offentliga Bibliotek. Accessions- Katalogue, 1-8, 1886-93. ^ Stockholm, 1887-94 United Kingdom. Admiralty. Catalogue of the Books in the Admiralty Library. 8 1858 Catalogue of the Admiralty Library. By R. Thorburn. 4 1875 Alpine Club, Catalogue of Books in the Library of the. 1 888 America. A Catalogue of Books, relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed. 8 1832 Catalogues continued. America. Bibliotheca Americana Nova, or a Catalogue of Books in various Languages, relating to America, printed since the year 1700. Compiled ... by O. Rich. London and New York, 1835 British Museum. Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. I 1841 Librorum Impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogues. Folio. A Subject Index to the Modern Works added to the Library of the British Musenm in the years 1880-85. Compiled by G. K. Fortescue. 4 1886 City Liberal Club, Catalogue of the Library of the. In two parts: Part I., Authors ; Part II. , Subjects. (Corrected to 2 1st August 1889.) Large 8 1890 Corporation of the City of London, Catalogue of Hebraica and Judaica in the Library of the. With a Subject Index by the Rev. A. Lowy. Large 8 J 1891 Foreign Office, Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the, 3 1st December 1885. Large 8 1886 Geological Society. Catalogue of the Library of the Geological Society of London. Compiled under the direction of the Assistant Secretary by James Dallas. 8 1 88 1 India Office, Catalogue of the Library of the. Vol. I, and Index. 8 1888 Inst. Civil Engineers. Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers, corrected to 1850. 8 1851 Supplement to the 2nd edition, con- taining the Additions from 1st January 1866 to 3ist October 1870. 8 " 1870 London Catalogue of Books, with their Sizes, Prices, and Publishers ; containing the Books published in London, and those altered in Size or Price, since 1814 to December 1834. 8 1835 Published in Great Britain, 1831 to 1855 l8 55 The English Catalogue of Books. Compiled by Sampson Low. (The Old London Catalogue, together with the British Catalogue, are merged in this work.) 4 vols., 1835-89. 8" 1864-91 Indices to the above. 3 vols., 1837- 80. 8 1858-84 - The English Catalogue of Books for 1890, 1891, and 1892 1893 London Library. Catalogue of the London Library, 12 St James's Square, S.W. . . . ; with Classified Index of Subjects. By Robert Harrison. 4th edition. Large 8 '875 Supplemental Volume. 1875-80. Large 8 1881 5th edition. [With Appendix.] : vols. Large 8 '888 GENERAL CATALOGUES. 763 Catalogues continued. Museum of Practical Geology. A Catalogue of the Library of the Museum of Practical Geology and Geological Survey. Compiled by Henry White and Thomas W. Newton. 8 1878 Oriental Manuscripts, Catalogue of, pur- chased in Turkey. 4 1830 Reference Catalogue of Current Litera- ture, containing the Full Titles of Books now in Print and on Sale, with the Prices at which they may be obtained of all Booksellers, and an Index to nearly 30,000 Works. 8 1877 Royal Society, Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the. Transac- tions Journals Observations and Re- ports Surveys Museums. 8 1881 Catalogue of Scientific Papers. See Appendix 3. Royal Asiatic Society, Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the. 4 1830 Royal Colonial Institute, Catalogue of the Library of the, to October 1881. 8. - Ditto 1886 Royal Engineers. Catalogue of the Royal Engineer Corps Libraries (except Chatham and Dublin). Compiled by Lieut. J. J. Curling, and edited by Capt. C. E. Luarcl. Royal 8 1876 Royal Geographical Society. See Trans- actions : Appendix 3. Royal Institution. New Classified Cata- logue of the Library of the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain ; with Indexes of Authors and Subjects, and a List of Historical Pamphlets chronologically ar- ranged. 8 1857 The same. By Benjamin Vincent. Vol. 2. Including the Additions from 1857 to 1882. 8 1882 Royal Scottish Geographical Society: Catalogue of the Library, 3ist March 1891 Edinburgh, 1891 Royal United Service Institution, Cata- logue of the Library of the. 8 1865 Statistical Society, Catalogue of the Library of the. Large 8 1884 Index to the Subject-Matter of the Works contained in the Catalogue of the Statistical Society, completed to 3ist Decemlx-r 1883. Large 8 1 886 War Office Library Catalogue Index. 8 1868-69 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the War Office. 1st January 1878. Part I. Nominal Order. 8 1878 Ditto, ist Jan. 1883. Part 2. Classi- fication. 4 1883 York Gate Library. Catalogue of the York Gate Geographical and Colonial Library. 2nd edition. Large 8 1886 Catalogues continued. Zoological Society, Catalogues of the Library of the. 8 1872 and 1880 Supplement, Additions to 3Oth August 1883. 8 1883 China. Catalogue of the Library of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. By H. Cordier. 8 Shanghai, 1872 India. Classified Catalogue of English Books in the Shri Sayaji Library of Sampatrao K. Gaekad, Baroda. 8 Bombay, 1891 Tasmania. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 8 Hobart, 1885 United Slates. Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society Library. Parts 2 and 3. Large 8 Philadelphia, 1866, 1878 Catalogue of the American Library of the late Samuel Latham Mitchell Barlow. Prepared by James Osborne Wright. Large 8 New York, 1889 British Guiana. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Agricultural Society of British Guiana. 8 1868 B. Maps. Austria. Verzeichniss der Karten der K. K. Familien- Fideicommiss- Bibliothek. Large 4 Vienna, 1882 France. Catalogue Chronologiquedes Cartes, Plans, Vues de Cotes, Memoires, Instructions Nautiques, &c., qui composent 1'Hydro- graphie Franaise. 8 1860 Russia. Catalogue of the Geographical Depot of the General Staff. 8 St Petersburg, 1865 Library of the Moscow Archives. List of Atlases, Maps, Plans, and Views of Battlefields. Drawn up in 1816; with Additions to 1877. 8 St Petersburg, 1877 United Kingdom. British Museum. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c., Presented by King George IV. Folio 1829 Catalogue of the Printed Maps, Plans, and Charts in the British Museum. 2 vols. 4 1 885 Ordnance Survey. Catalogue of the Maps and Plans and other Publications of the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, and the Isle of Man, to 1st January 1890. 8 1890 764 APPENDIX II. CATALOGUES B. ^Afar Office. Catalogue of Maps in the Intelligence Division, War Office. Com- piled in the Intelligence Division, War Office. 4 vols. 1890-91. Large folio. Accessions, Jan. to June 1894. List of Maps exhibited by Foreign Govern- ments at the Paris Geographical Congress, selected as Specimens of Cartography for the Royal Geographical Society by Mr Gallon and Major Wilson. MS. Small 4 [1875] Dutch East Indies. Catalogus der Archeologische Verzameling van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Door W. P. Groeneveldt. 8 1887 India. Catalogue of Maps, Plans, &c., of India and Burma, and other parts of Asia. Folio 1891 C. Miscellaneous. France. Catalogue des Portraits de Voyageurs et de Geographies qui se trouvent dans les albums de la Societe de Geographic a la date du 22 Novembre 1885 Parts, 1885 United Kingdom. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Catalogue of Stars. 4 1845 British Museum. List of Additions made to the Collections in 1831-35. 5 vols. Royal 8 1833-39 Guide to the Christy Collection of Prehistoric Antiquities and Ethnography. 12 1868 Indian Gallery, Descriptive Catalogue of; containing Portraits, Landscapes, Cos- tumes, &c. , and Representations of the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. Small 4 1840 Indian Department in the International Exhibition, 1862, Classified and De- scriptive Catalogue of. By J. Forbes Watson. Imperial 8 1862 Museum, E. I. Co. A Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company. 8 1851 A Catalogue of the Birds in ditto. By Thomas Horsfiekl and Frederic Moore. 2 vols. (in i). 8 1856-58 A Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Insects in ditto. By Thomas Horsfield and Frederic Moore. 2 vols. Plates. 8 1857-59 S. Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the Objects of Indian Art exhibited in the South Kensington Museum. By H. H. Cole. Map and plates. 8 1874 Catalogue of Persian Objects in the South Kensington Museum. 8 1876 CATALOGUES C. S. Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum, gth edition. 8' 1876 Catalogue of the Special Loan Collec- tion of Scientific Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. 2nd and 3rd edi- tions. 8 1876-77 DICTIONARIES. A. European Languages. Greek. Dictionarium Grcecum cum inter- pretatione Latina, omnium qua; hactenus impressa sunt, copiosissimum. Folio Venice, 1524 Schrevelius's Greek Lexicon, trans- lated into English, with many new words added, and a copious English and Greek Lexicon. Edited by J. R. Major. 8 1831 A Greek -English Lexicon. Compiled by Henry George Liddell, D.D., and Robert Scott, D.D. 7th edition. 4 Oxford, 1890 Danish. A New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Danish Languages. 12 Leipzig, 1875 Dutch. Nieuw volledig Nederlandsch- Engelsch en Engelsch - Nederlandsch Woordenboek, door J. M. Calisch. 2 vols. 8 Tie I, 1875 English. Dictionary of the English Language. By J. E. Worcester. 4" Boston, Mass., 1860 German. Dictionary of the English and German languages. ByFriedrichKohler. 1 3th edition. 8 Leipzig, 1875 French. The International English and French Dictionary. By L. Smith and H. Hamilton. New edition. Large 8 Paris, 1878 Dictionnaire International Fran9ais- Anglais. Par MM. H. Hamilton et E. Legros. Paris, 1879 Royal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English, &c. By Professors Fleming and Tibbins. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1863-65 French-German : Technological. Dic- tionnaire Technologique, dans les langucs Fran9aise, Anglaise, et Allemande, ren- fermant les termes techniques usites dans les Arts et Metiers et dans 1'Industrie en general. 1st part, French, German, English, 1873; 2nd part, English, Ger- man, French, 1874 ; 3rd part, German, English, French, 1876. By A. and L. Tolhausen. 3 vols. 12 Leipzig Gaelic. Galic and English, and English and Galic Dictionary ; containing all the words in the Scotch and Irish Dialects of the Celtic, that could be collected from GENERAL DICTIONARIES. 765 Dictionaries, Gaelic continued. the voice and old Books and MSS. ; and the most useful and necessary words in the English Language, explained by the correspondent words in the Galic. By the Rev. William Shaw. 2 vols. in I. 4 1780 Dictionarium Scoto - Celticum : a Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, comprising an ample Vocabulary of Gaelic Words, with their Signification and various Meanings in English and Latin, and Vocabularies of Latin and English Words, with their Translation into Gaelic ; to which is prefixed a Com- pendium of Gaelic Grammar. Com- piled and published under the direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. 2 vols. 4 Edinburgh, 1828 Italian. A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, based upon that of Baretti . . . Compiled by J. Daven- port and G. Comelati. 2 vols. 8 1873 Portuguese. See Canto, J. D. do. Russian. Le Cellarius Fra^ois, ou methode tres facile pour apprendre sans peine et en peu de tems les mots les plus necessaires de la Langue Fran- coise, avec un Registre Alphabetique de Mots Russes. [French and Russian, and Russian only.] 8 Moscow, 1782 - Nouveau Dictionaire de Poche Fran9ais-Russe et Russe-Fran9ais. Par A. Oldecop, revue . . . par X. Polevoi. St Petersburg, 1854 - New Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German, and English Languages : First part, Russian, with Explanation in French, German, and English, 1876 ; Fourth part, English, with Explanation in Russian, French, and German. By C. P. Reiff. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Small 8 Carhruhe New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Russian, and of the Russian and English Languages. 18 Leipzig, N.D. Spanish. A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages (originally compiled by Neuman and Baretti), . . . By M. Seoane. New edition. 2 vols. 8 N.D. Swedish. A New Pocket Dictionary of the English and Swedish Languages. 12 Leipzig, 1875 Turkish. English and Turkish Diction- ary, in 2 parts, English and Turkish, and Turkish and English . . . By J. W. Redhouse. 8 1856 See Barbier de Meynard ; Kieffer. B. Asiatic Languages. Japanese. Dictionnaire Japonais-Fran^ais. . . . Traduit du dictionnaire Japonais- Portugais compose par les Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jesus, et imprime Dictionaries, Japanese continued. en 1603 a Nangasaki . . . et revu sur la traduction Espagnole du meme ouvrage redigee par un Pere Dominicain, et im- primee en 1630, a Manille, &c. ; public par Leon Pages. 8 Paris, 1868 Japanese, English, French, and Dutch Vocabulary. Royal 8 Japanese - English and English- Japanese Dictionary. By J. C. Hep- burn. 12 New York, 1873 English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. By Ernest Mason Satow and Ishibashi Masa Kata. 2nd edition. 12 1879 Nicobarese. A Dictionary of the Nancowry Dialect of the Nicobarese Language ; in two parts, Nicobarese-English and Eng- lish-Nicobarese. By the late F. A. de Roepstorff; edited by Mrs de Roep- storff. Plate. 8 Calcutta, 1884 Persian. A Concise Dictionary of the Persian Language. By E. H. Palmer. 12 1877 C. African Languages. Berber. Dictionnaire Francais-Berbere ; Dialecte ecrit et parle par les Kabailes de la Division d'Alger. Royal 8 Paris, 1844 D. Australian Languages. i New Zealand. A Dictionary of the New Zealand Language ; to which is added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences. By the Right Rev. William Williams, D.C.L. 3rd edition, with numerous Additions and Corrections, and an Intro- duction by the Venerable W. L. Wil- liams, B.A. 8 1871 Dictionaries, Biographical. See Biography. Dictionaries, Geographical. See Gazetteer. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Encyclopedic Methodique Mentelle, M. Geographic Ancitnne. 3 vols. in 6. 4 Paris, 1787-92 Robert, M. M. Masson de Mor- villiers, et M. Mentelle. Geographic Moderne, 3 vols. 4 Paris, 1782-88 Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vols. I. -XXVII. Illustrated. 4 London, 1833-43 Encyclopaedia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Geneial Literature. 8th edition, with extensive improvements and additions, and numerous engravings. 8th edition. Vols. I.-XXI. Illustra- tions. Index to same. 4 Edinburgh, 1840-60 766 APPENDIX II. Encyclopaedia Britannica contd. The same. 9th edition. Vols. I. -XXIV. (and Index vol., with List of Contributors and Key to their Ini- tials). 25 vols. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. 4 Edinburgh, 1875-89 Extra vol. of Geographical Articles from. 8th edition. Cyclopaedia, Imperial. Subdivision Cyclopaedia of the British Empiie. Maps and plates. Vol. I, A to G. Royal 8. Published by Charles Knight 1852 Encyclopaedia Americana, The : a Supplemental Dictionary of Arts, Science^, and General Literature, Illus- trated. Vols. I. -IV. Maps and wood- cuts. 4 New York and Philadelphia, 1883-89 Chambers's Encyclopaedia : a Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. New edition. Vols. I.-X. Maps, plates, and woodcuts. Royal 8 Edinburgh, 1888-95 GAZETTEERS AND GEOGRA PHICAL DICTIONARIES. England's Gazetteer, Vol. 3 : being a New Index Villaris, or Alphabetical Register of the less-noted Villages, with their Distance or Bearing from the next Market-Town or well-known Place. 12 1751 A New Geographical Dictionary : con- taining a full and accurate account of the several parts of the known World, as it is divided into Continents, Islands, Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Lakes, &c. The situation, extent, and boundaries of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, &c., in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ; their Constitutions, Revenues, Forces, &c., &c. To which is prefixed an introductory dissertation explaining the Figure and Motion of the Earth, &c., &c. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Folio 1759-60 Compendious Geographical Dictionary, containing a Concise Description of the most Remarkable Places, Ancient and Mo- dern, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, interspersed with Historical Anecdotes ; with a Chronological Table from the Creation to the Present Time, &c., and an Introduction exhibiting a View of the Newtonian System of the Planets, &c. Maps. 1 8 1795 Historical Anecdotes, Tables of Popu- lation of England and Wales, Coins, Introduction on Newtonian System, &c. 3rd edition. Maps. 18 1804 Gazetteers continued. Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary ; containing a Description of the various Countries, Kingdoms, States, Cities, Towns, Mountains, &c., of the World ; an Account of the Government, Customs, and Religion of the Inhabitants ; the Boundaries and Natural Productions of each Country, &c. ; forming a complete body of Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical, and Commercial. 6 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1822 Dictionnaire Geographique Universel, contenant la Description tie tons les Lieux du Globe interessans sous le Rapport de la Geographic Physique et Politique, de 1'Histoire, de la Statistique, du Commerce, de 1'Industrie, &c. Par une Societe de Geographies. 10 vols. 8 Paris, 1823-33 Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales, adapted to the New Poor- Law, Franchise, Municipal, and Eccle- siastical arrangements, and compiled with a special reference to the Lines of Rail- road and Canal Communication, as existing in 1840-43 ; with an Appendix, containing the results in detail of the Census of 1841. 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1843 Gazetteer of the World, or Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge ; compiled from the most recent Authorities, and forming a Complete Body of Modern Geography, Physical, Political, Statis- tical, Historical, and Ethnographical. Edited by a Member of the Royal Geo- graphical Society. 7 vols. Maps, plates, and woodciits. Royal 8. Published by A. Fullarton & Co. Edinburgh, 1850-56 Cabinet Geographical Gazetteer : a Popular Exposition of the Countries of the World ; with Brief Notices of their His- tory and Antiquities, from the Latest Authorities. By the Author of the " Cabinet Lawyer." Map. 12 1853 Dictionnaire de Geographic Ancienne et Moderne a 1'usage du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres. 4 Paris, 1870 Dictionar Geografic. Vols. I. -VI 1 1. 1888-91. 8" lasi and Bucharest, 1888-91 See Authors' Catalogue for separate contributors, viz. Antonescu-Rcnuisi, Chirita, Condrea, Condurateanu, Filip- escu-Dubau, Lahovari, and Locusteanu. GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. Cosmographiae Introductio ; cum quibus- dam Geometrioe ac Astronomic Prin- cipiis ad earn rem necessariis. Diagram and woodcuts. 12 fngoldstadt, 1529 GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. 767 General Geography continued. Atlas Geographus ; or, A Compleat Sys- tem of Geography, Ancient and Modern ; containing what is of most use in Bleau, Varienius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baud rand, Brietius, Sanson, &c., with the Dis- coveries and Improvements of the best Modern Authors to this time. 5 vols. Maps by Herman Moll, and plates. 4 1711-17 The Compleat Geographer, or the Chorography and Topography of all the Known Parts of the Earth, to which is premis'd an Introduction to Geography, and a Natural History of the Earth and the Elements, &c. &c. 4th edition. Maps and frontispiece. Folio J 7 2 3 A Compendious Geographical and His- torical Grammar, exhibiting a Brief Survey of the Terraqueous Globe . . .; and also a Concise View of the Political History of the several Empires, King- doms, and States. Maps. 16 1795 Critical Researches in Philology and Geography. 8 Glasgow, 1824 Collection of 16 vols. 8 and 2 vols. 4, containing 202 Miscellaneous Articles on Geography and Allied Subjects, in Different Languages and of Various Dates, from 1835 to 1864. Popular Statistics and Universal Geo- graphy : a Perpetual Companion to all the Almanacs, containing the Length, Breadth, Population, Chief Cities, Pro- duce, Government, Revenue, Military and Naval Strength, Arts, Religion, &c. , of every State in the World. Map. 12 1835 Manual of Mathematical, Physical, His- torical, and Descriptive Geography. 2 vols. Illustrations. 8 1852-59 CONTENTS. Vol. I. O'Brien, Rev. M. Mathe- matical Geography. Ansted, D. T. Physical Geography. Jackson, J. R. Chartography. Nicolay, Rev. C. G. Theory of De- scriptive and Geographical Ter- minology. Vol. 2. Bevan, Rev. W. L. Ancient Geography. Nicolay, Rev. C. G. Maritime Dis- covery and Modern Geography. Progressive Geography for Children. By the Author of " Stories for Children." 5th edition, revised. 12 1856 Die Erde in Karten und Bildern. Hand Atlas in 63 Karten, nebst 125 bogen Text mil 1,000 illustrationen. Folio Vienna, 1889 California State Series of School Text- Books : Advanced Geography. Com- piled under the direction of the State Board of Education. Maps and illustra- tions. 4 Sacramento \ 1893] INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES. African. See Africa : General. Americanists. Congres International des Americanistes. Compte - rcndu de la Cinquieme Session, Copenhague, 1883. Plate, maps, and facsimiles. 8 Copenhagen, 1884 The same, de la Huitieme Session tenue a Paris en 1890. 8 Paris, 1892 Anthropology. Int. Congress of Anthro- pology, Chicago. Address by the Presi- dent. The "Nation as an Element in Anthropology." By Dr Daniel G. Brinton. (Reprinted from the Memoirs of the Congress.) 8 N.n. Archaeology, &c. Congres International d'Archeologie et d'Anthropologie Pre- historiques. Deuxieme Session, a Moscou, Aoiit 1892. 2 vols. Moscow, 1893 Colonial. Institut Colonial International. Compte - Rendu des Seances tenues a Bruxelles, Mai 1894, precede des Statuts et Reglement. 8 Brussels, 1894 Geodetic. Comptes Rendus, &c. See Switzerland : Appendix 3. Geographical. Paris, 1875. Congres International des Sciences Geograph- iques, Paris, 1875. Catalogue des Pro- duits Exposes, 3rd and 5th editions. Plans. 8 Paris, 1875 - Berichte iiber den Internalionalcn Geographischcn Congres und die damit vcrbunbcne Geographische Aufstellung zu Paris, 1875 Vienna, 1875 Compte rendu des Seances. 2 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1878-80 - Venice, 1881. Terzo Congresso Geografico Internazionale, Venezia, 1 88 1. 8 Rome, 1881 - The same. Vol. 2. Maps and plates. 8 Koine, 1884 The same. Note preliminaire sur le 2 me volume des Actes du 3"' e Congres International de Geographic. 8 [Koine, 1884] See Kreitner ; Wheeler, G. M. Paris, 1889. IV 6 Congres Interna- tional des Sciences Geogrnphiques tenu a Paris en 1889. 2 vols. Compte rendu public par le Secretariat General du Congres. Maps. Large 8 Paris, 1890-91 See France, A. Bern, 1891. Compte rendu du V mo Congres International des Sciences Geo- graphiques tenu a Berne du 10 au 14 AoutiSgi. Plans, &c. 8 Berne, 1892 Catalogue de 1'Exposition Inler- nalionaler Geographischer Kongress in Bern, 1891. Kalalog der Ausstellung. /'/nils. 8" A',7W, 1891 7 68 APPENDIX II. International Congresses continued. Geological. Congres Geologique Inter- national, 4 me Session, Londres, 1888. Etudes sur les Schistes Cristallins. Pro- files. 8" 1888 Explications des Excursions. Rediges par W. Topley, Secretaire General du Congres, avec la collaboration de E. Van den Broeck et J. Purves. Maps, &c. 8 1888 Maritime. Maritime Conference held at Brussels for Devising a Uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea. 4 Brussels, 1853 International Marine Conference at Washington, Oct. to Dec. 1889. Sum- mary of the Protocols and Final Act. Folio 1890 Meteorologic. See United States Hy- drographic Office Publicalions, No. 94. Po'ar. See Polar Regions, Arctic, G. Prime Meridian, &c. International Con- ference held at Washington for Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day, October 1884. Protocols of the Pro- ceedings. Large 8 Washington, 1884 Orientalists. Third International Con- gress of Orientalists, held at St Peters- burg, August 1876. 8. Travaux de la Troisieme Session du Congres International des Orientalistes, St Petersbourg, 1876. Vol. 2. Plates. 8 St Petersburg and Leyden, 1879 Verhandlungen des Fiinften Inter - nationalen Orientalisten - Congresses gehalten zu Berlin im September 1881. Erster Theil, Bericht iiber die Verhand- lungen. Zweiter Theil (in 2 vols. ) Abhandlungen und Vortrage. 8 Berlin, 1881-82 See France : Publ. de 1'i.cole des Langues Orient. Viv. Photography. Exposition Universelle de 1889. Congres International de Photo- graphic. Rapports et Documents, publics par les soins de M. S. Pector, Secretaire General. Illustrations. 8 Paris, 1890 MISCELLANEOUS. *. Highways. Th? General Histoiy of the Highways in all Parts of the World, more particularly in Great Britain. Small 8 1712 Le Jardin des Racines Grecques, mises en vers Fran9ois, &c. 12 Paris, 1719 Astronomy. Description and Use of a New Astronomical Instrument for taking Altitudes of the Sun and Stars at Sea, without an Horizon ; together with an Easy and Sure Method of Observing the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, with Tables. Plate. 4 1735 Miscellaneous continued. Instructions for Travellers. Useful In- structions for Travellers : a Dissertation on the Most Common Accidents that may happen in Travelling, with the Means to be Used for Preventing Them. By an Experienced Traveller. 8 1793 Ship -Building. Observations on Ship- Building. [First inserted on the Cover of the European Magazine for January 1795.] 8 1795 Critical Researches in Philology and Geography. 8 Glasgow, 1824 [Reviews of Works by Lee and Noble on Persian and Arabic Grammar, &c.] Directions for Collecting and Preserving Animals, addressed by the Board of Curators of the Museum of the Royal Colli ge of Surgeons in London. Small 4 1835 Shipping. The Conservation of our Wooden Walls and Shipping against any Enemies whatever, Russian, Frensh, Si earners, or Rockets. 8 1837 Ethnology. A Manual of Ethnological Inquiry, being a Series of Questions concerning the Human Race, prepared by a Sub-Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1851. 8 1852 Cartography. Voorschrift ter Vervaar- diging van Kaarten, vastgesteld bij Koninklijk Besluit van den 2i e Junij 1856. Oblong 12 N.I'. Bible of Every Land, The. A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every Lan- guage and Dialect into which Transla- tions have been made ; illustrated by Specimen Portions in Native Characters ; Series of Alphabets ; Tables, Indexes, &c. Coloured ethnographical maps. 4 1860 Account of Total Eclipse of the Sun, i8th August 1868, as Observed on Barram Point, N.W. Borneo. [Newspaper Cut- ting.] 8. Civil Engineers. The Education and Status of, in the United Kingdom and in Foreign Countries. Compiled from Documents supplied to the Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1868 to 1870. 8 1870 Languages, The Treasury of: a Rudi- mentary Dictionary of Universal Phil- ology. Small 8 1873 Anthropology. Notes and Queries on Anthropology, for the use of Travellers and Residents in Uncivilized Lands. [British Association Committee ] 12 1874 Numerical Language. International Correspondence by means of Numbers ; an easy method whereby people of different nations may readily communi- cate with each other. 16 1874 GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous continued. Times, The. A Reprint from The Times. The Annual Summaries for a Quarter of a Century. 12 1876 - The Times Register of Events in 1884. 8 1885 Grumpel's Patent Rudder. Small 8 1875 Round the World in 320 days, including Six Months of Inland Excursions. Pro- gramme of the First Voyage. Plan and chart. 12 1877 The Tides. A Theory thereof. 8 1883 Geographische Gesellschaften, Zeits- chriften, Kongresse und Ausstellungen. I. Die Geographischen Gesellschaften, von H. Wichmann ; II. Geographische Zeitschriften, von H. Wichmann ; III. Geographische Kongresse und Austel- hmgen, von H. Wagner. 12 Gotha, 1885 India Rubber, Gutta Percha, and Tele- graph Works Company Limited. Soundings taken, 1885-87: Havanakey West Expedition, 1885 ; Second West- African Expedition, 1885-86; Havanakey West Expedition, 1886 ; Congo Repairs Expedition, 1887. 8. Medical Guide. The Traveller's Medical Guide : a Brief Manual for Explorers, Missionaries, Colonists, and Ship Cap- tains. By a Physician. 2nd edition. 12 1888 On the Organisation of Science : being an Essay towards Systematisation. By a Free Lance. 12 1892 Miscellaneous continued. Hints for Collecting Geographical Informa- tion. 8 N.D. Societe Ethnplogique. Instruction Gene- rale addressee aux Voyageurs. 8 N.P., N.D. Societe de Geographic. Questions et Instructions pour les Voyageurs. 8 Paris, N.D. Directions for the Use of Berger's Patent Sphereometer. 8 N.D. Un Mot touchant les Questions relatives a 1'Enseignement Superieur, et en Par- ticulier 1' Usage du Latin dans les Lecons Academiques. 8 N. D. Illustrated Guide of the Orient Line of Steamers between England and Australia. Maps, plans, and illustrations. Oblong 4 Handbook for the Weldon Range-finder. 8 N.D. Urdu. An Urdu Translation of Mrs C. D. Francis' ' ' Questions on the Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and on the Litany." 12 N.D. Addenda to Professor Rhys David's Trans- lation of the Jatakas, 1-40, to supply certain omissions. (Translated by T. B. Panabokka.) 8 N.D. Translations from the Pasi of Jatakas, 41-50, by the Lord Bishop of Colombo. Small 8 N.D. Oriental Languages, Translations from. See Asia, General. APPENDIX III. LIST OF PERIODICALS INCLUDING PROCEEDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS OF ACADEMIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. COMPILED BY JAMES MURIE, M.D., LL.D. APPENDIX III. AFRICA. ALGERIA. ALGIERS. Association Frangaise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences. Compte Rendu de la I0 Sess. Maps and illustrations. 8 Algiers, 1881 [Paris, 1882] Ecole Superieure des Lettres d'Alger. Bulletin de Correspondance Africainc. Ann. III., fasc. 2. Royal 8 Algiers, 1884 Annuaire d'Algerie. See Appendix 2 : Algeria. Societe Historique Algerienne. Revue Africaine : Journal des Travaux de la Societe Historique Algerienne, par les Membres de la Societe, et sous la Direction du President. Tom. VII., XL, XIII. 8 Algiers, 1863-69 CONSTANTINE. Societe de Geographic de Constantin. Bulletin Mensuel. Nos. 1-6 (Tom. I. ,1883. Bull. Trimestriel I. Jan. -Mars. 1884; et I. 2. Jan.-Jul. 1885. 8 Constantine, 1883-85 ORAN. Societe de Geographic et d'Archeologie de la Province d'Oran. Bulletin Trimestriel de Geographic et d'Archeologie. Tom. I. -XI [imperfect set]. Maps and plates. 8 Oran, 1878-91 CAPE COLONY. CAPE TOWN. South African Literary and Philosophical Institution, Report of the Meteorological Committee of the. 8 Cafe Town, 1836-37 [Continued as] South African Philosophical Society, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -III., Sess. 1877-85. Small 8 (Vol. IV. wanting) Cafe Tmvn, 1880-84 - Vol. V., VI., VII. (pt. I), and VIII. (pt. i), 1886 to 1892. Plates. Royal 8 Cape Town, 1888-93 South African Quarterly Journal. Vol. I. (Nos. I and 2). 8 Cape Tcrwn [1829-30] [Fo.r Articles contained, see Appendix 2 : British South Africa.] University, Cape of Good Hope. Calendar for 1880. 12 Cape Town, 1880 PORT ELIZABETH. Annual Reports of the Committee of the Port Elizabeth Chamber of Com- merce. For 1891 and 1892 (27th and 28th Annual Reports). 8 Port Elizabeth, 1892-93 EGYPT. ALEXANDRIA. Association Litteraire d'Egypte. /Kgyptiaca Consociatio Litteraturac. Miscellanea /Kgyptiaca. I Part. Super royal 8 Alexandria, 1842 Ville d'Alexandrie Municipality Rapport. See Appendix 2. CAIRO. Egyptian, General Staff, Publications of the. Sec Egypt : Appendix 2. Institut Egyptien. Bulletin, No. 12. (Annee 1872-73.) 8 Alexandria, 1873 - (Ser. 2.) Nos. 1-5. (Annecs 1880-84.) 8 Cairo, 1882-85 Statuts. 8 Cairo, 1885 Societ^ Khediviale de Geographic du Caire. Bulletin (Trimcstrial) Ser. I. Nos. 1-12. 2 vols. Maps 1876-81 Ser. 2. Nos. 1-12. 2 vols. Maps and plates 1 881-88 Ser. 3. Nos. I-I2. 2 vols. Maps and plates 1888-93 -Total. Tom. I.-VI. Maps and plates. 8 Cairo, 18769? [For Extra Bull. Biographic Mahmoud Pasha, see. Egypt : Appendix 2.] Sudan Almanac. See Appendix 2 : United Kingdom, War Office Publications. 774 APPENDIX III. BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA. BLANTYRE. Nyasa News, The. No. I. Aug. 1893. Small 4 [Blantyre, Nyasa Land, 1893] LIBERIA. MONROVIA. Liberia Herald. Vol. I. -III. [imperfect set]. Small 4 and folio Monrovia, 1830-32 Liberia [Quarterly Bulletins], &c. See under American Colonisation Society, Washing- ton (D.C.), United States, postea. PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA. MOZAMBIQUE. Sociedade de Geographiae de Mogambique. Boletim, ist Ser., Nos. 2-6. 8 Mozambique, 1881 PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. LOANDO. Observatorio do Infante Don Luiz. Provincia de Angolo. Resumo Meteorol. &c., Magnet. Obs. &c. See Appendix 2 : Portug. W. Africa ; also St Thomas. See Appendix 2 : African Islands. Sociedade Propagadora de Conhecimentos Geographico-Africanos. Sess. Julho 1881. (Recepcao e Conferencia do Ex 9 . Sr. Lourenco Malheiro, Engenheiro de Minas.) [Pamph. 14 pp.] Small 8 Loando, 1881 SENEGAL. ST Louis. Annales Senegalaises. See Appendix 2. Annuaire du Senegal et Dependances pour les annees 1864 et 1865. Suivi d'une notice sur les Serreres par M. Pinet-Laprades et d'une etude sur leur langue par M.Faidherbe. 8 and 12 St Louis, 1865 SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC : TRANSVAAL. JOHANNESBURG. Witwatersrand Mining and Metallurgical Review. A Monthly Journal devoted to the Interests of the South African Gold Fields. Vols. I. and II. [imperfect, Nos. 3, 7-21], Plates. Small 4 Johannesburg, 1890-91 AFRICAN ISLANDS. MADAGASCAR. ANTANANARIVO. Antananarivo Annual and Madagascar Magazine. (Eds. J. Sibree and R. Baron.) Vol. I. -V. [Vols I, 2, and 5 imperfect]. Maps and plates, 8 Antananarivo (and London), 1875-93 Madagascar News, The. Vols. I.-V. [an imperfect set]. 4 and folio Antananarivo, 1890-94 Observatoire Royal de Madagascar. Observations Meteorologiques faites a Tananarive, par R. P. E. Colin, 1889 and 1890. Vols. I. -II. 8 Antananarivo, 1890-91 MAURITIUS. PORT Louis. Meteorological Society of Mauritius, Proceedings and Transactions of the. Vols. V. and VI. (part ?) 8655.1859-62. 8 Port Louis, 1861-62 See Meldrum, C. : Author's Catalogue. Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de 1'Ile Maurice. Rapport Annuel sur les Travaux de la Soc., par M. Julien Desjardins. 8 Port Louis, 1835 Proces Verbaux, Oct. 1842 to Aout 1845. Small folio or 4 Port Louis, 1846 AMERICA, NORTH CANADA. 775 AMERICA, NORTH. DOMINION OF CANADA. HALIFAX (NovA SCOTIA). Nova Scotian Institute of Science. Proceedings and Transactions, Sess. 1890-93. Ser. 2., Vol. I., pts. 1-3. Map and plate. 8 Halifax, N.S., 1891-93 HAMILTON (ONTARIO). Hamilton Association (for the Cultivation of Literature, Science, and Art). Journal and Proceedings. Vol. I. (pts. I, 2), 1882-85. 8 Hamilton (Out.}, 1884-85 MONTREAL (QUEBEC). Canadian Record, The, &c. Vol. I. (No. i). 8 Montreal, 1884 Canadian Naturalist. Summary, Contents. Ser. I, 2 (Pamph.) 8 Montreal '[N.D.] Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions. Vol. III. -XI., 1885-93. Maps and plates. 4 Montreal and Ottawa, 1886-94 Memoires et Comptes Rendus de la Soc. Roy. du Canada. [The French version contained in the above volumes. The two sets, in English and French, are bound together in the same volumes ; but with different title and pagination.] OTTAWA. Association of Dominion Land Surveyors. Proceedings (3rd Ann. Meeting, 1886). Map. 8 Ottawa, 1886 Geological Survey of Canada, Publications of. See Appendix 2. Institut Canadien-Francais d'Ottawa, 1852-77. Celebration du 256 Anniversaire. 8 Ottawa, 1879 Statistical Year- Book of Canada, for 1890. (6th year.) 8 Ottawa, 1891 QUEBEC. Geographical Society of Quebec, Constitution and By- Laws of the. 12 Quebec, 1878 Transactions. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic. Vols. I.-II. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Quebec andjoliette, 1880-92 Vol. I. contains Sessions 1880-89 \ C as bound the Society's Vols. I., II. corre- II. /, i, 1889-92} spond to Vol. I. opposite.] Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Transactions of the. Sessions 1824-28. (Vol.1.) Map and plates. 8 Quebec, 1829 - The same. Sessions 1882-83. [New Series?] 8 Quebec, 1%%$ TORONTO (ONTARIO). Canadian Journal : a Repertory of Industry, Science, and Art, and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Edited by Henry Youle Hind. Maps and plates. 1852-54. Vols. I. and II. (bound in i vol.). 4 Toronto, 1853-54 [Continued as] Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art ; conducted by the Editing Com- mittee of the Canadian Institute. New Series. Vols. I. -XI. Maps and plates. 8 Toronto, 1856-68 [Title altered to] The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature, and History. Vols. XII. -XV. Toronto, 1870-78 Continued as] Proceedings of the Canadian Institute. Third Series. Vols. I. -VII. Plates. 8 Toronto, 1879-90 [Continued as] Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Fourth Series. Vols. I. -IV. (pt. i), (1889-94). Maps and plates. Royal 8 7brd XXIV. (No. 16) of " Miscellaneous Collec- tions of the Smithsonian Institution," and were distributed in this form to the Institutions and Libraries. Afterwards from No. 17 onwards each number was printed in separate pamphlet form, and thus distributed.] Proceedings of the. Vol. I. -XV. Plates and text-figures. 8 Washington, 1878-92 [Of this 8 series, Vols. I.-II. were reprinted in Vol. XIX., and Vols. HI. -IV. in Vol. XXII. of the " Miscellaneous Collections of the Smithsonian Institution." From Vol. V. onwards they were printed as separate volumes. Each article in the series has its special number, Nos. i-iooo having been published up to ist August 1894. Since beginning of Vol. XII. (No. 761), each paper, printed separately, has been distributed to specialists in advance of its vol. ] Weather Bureau. Bulletins. Nos. 1-6, 8, n. 8: and Monthly Weather Review. 4 vols. 4 Washington, 1891-93 [For other Bureau Publications, see Appendix 2.] CONNECTICUT. MERIDEN (Conn.). Meriden Scientific Association. Transactions. Vol. V. Plate. 8 Meriden, Conn., 1894 NEW HAVEN (Conn.). Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -III., IV. and V. (imperfect). Plates. 8 New Haven, 1866-80 American Journal of Science and Arts, The (Silliman's). Ser. i. Vols. I. -XXXIX. Maps and plates. 8 New York and New Haven, 1819-40 - Ser. 2. Vols. V., XIV. -XIX., XXI. -XXII., and XXIII. (imperfect), XXVII. -L. Plates. 8 New Haven, 1848-70 Ser. 3. Vols. I.-XLVII. Plates. 8 New Haven, 1871-93 General Index of Third Series. For Vols. I. to X., bound up with Jour. Vol. X. 8. Philadelphia, 1875. For Vols. XXI. to XL., bound up with Vol. XL. 8 New Haven, 1891 GEORGIA. North Georgia Gazette. See Appendix 2 : United States (K). ILLINOIS. CHICAGO. Journal of Geology, The : a Semi-Quarterly Magazine of Geology and Related Sciences. Vols I. and II. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Chicago, 1893-94 IOWA. DAVENPORT. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, Proceedings of the. Vol. I. (1867-76)- Plates. 8 Davenport, Imua, 1876 MAINE. BANGOR. Travel (various numbers), with Index to "Travel." Nos. 1-60 (pamph. 130 pp.) [Pub. by W. M. Griswold] Bangor, Maine [N.D.] MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON, Mass. American Almanac, The, and Repository of Useful Knowledge. For 1830-61 [1851 missing], in 17 vols. Maps. 12 Boston, 1833-61 American Statistical Association, Publications of the. New Series. Nos. 1-3. Maps. 8 Boston, 1888 Appalachia. The Journal of the Appalachian Mountain Club. Vol. I. -VII. (1876 93). Maps and plates. 8 Boston, 1879-93 AMERICA, NORTH -MASSACHUSETTS. 779 Boston Society of Natural History. Boston Journal of Natural History, containing Papers and Communications read to the Boston Society of Natural History. Vols. I. -VII. (1834-63). Plates. 8 Boston, 1837-63 [Continued as] Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History ; being a new series of the Boston Journal of Natural History. Vols. I. -IV. (1852-92). Plates. 4 Boston, 1866-93 Proceedings. Vols. I. -XXV. (1841-92). Maps and plates. 8 Boston, 1844-92 Occasional Papers of the [by T. W. Harris, N. M. Hentz, and W. O. Crosby]. Vols. I. -IV. Plates. 8 Boston, 1869-93 Boston University Year Book. Vol. XII. 8 Boston, 1885 Records, Colony of New Plymouth. See N. B. Shurtleff: Authors' Catalogue. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs of the. New Ser., Vol. I. -XII. Maps and plates. 4 Cambridge and Boston, 1833-93 - Proceedings of the. Vol. I. -VIII. (1846-73). Plates. 8 Cambridge and Boston, Mass,, 1848-73 New Ser., Vol. I.-XX. (1873-93). Plates. 8 Boston, Mass., 1874-93 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. The Missionary Herald, containing the Proceedings of the Amer. B. of C. for For. Miss., with a View of other Benevolent Operations. Vols. LXXVI.-XC. Maps and illustrations. Cambridge and Boston, 1890-94 Annual Reports. 7oth to 83rd [7ist and 8ist missing]. 8 Boston, 1880-93 [See Means, J. O. : Authors' Catalogue.] Harvard University Bulletin. (Ed. Justin Winsor). Vols. II. and III. (imperfect) and IV. -VII. 8 Cambridge, Mass., 1880-94 Science: an Illustrated Journal. Vols. I. -XXII. and XXIII. (Nos. 570-581). Maps and plates. 4 (2 sizes). Cambridge, Mass., and New York, 1883-94 SAI.EM, Mass. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Proceedings of the. 21 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Boston, Washington, Cambridge, and Salem, 1849-82 2nd Meeting Cambridge (Mass.), 1849 4th New Haven (Conn.), 1850 9th Providence (R.I. ), 1855 loth Albany (N. York), 1856 nth Montreal (Canada), 1857 i2th Baltimore (Maryland), 1858 i.3th Springfield (Mass.), 1859 I4th Newport (R.I. ), 1860 i5th ) j Buffalo (N. York), 1866 i6th J " ( Burlington (Vermont), 1867 i7th Chicago (Illinois), 1868 i8th Meeting- igth 2Oth 21St 24th ,, 25th 26th ,, 27th -Salem (Mass.), 1869 Troy (N. York), 1870 Indianopolis (Indiana), 1871 Dubuque (Iowa), 1872 Detroit (Mich.), 1875 Buffalo (N. York), 1876 Nashville (Tenn.), 1877 St Louis (Missouri), 1878 Boston (Mass.), 1880 Cincinnati (Ohio), 1881 Montreal (Canada), 1882 American Naturalist: a Popular Illustrated Magazine of Natural History. (Ed. A. S. Packard, jun., and others). Vols. I. -XVIII. (after Vol. XL, with addition of "Geography and Travels"). Maps and plates. 8 Salem, Mass., Boston, and Philadelphia, 1868-94 Essex Institute, Proceedings of the. Vol. IV. 1864, 1865. Plates. 8 Salem, Mass., 1866 - Bulletin of the. Vols. I.-XXV. and XXVI. (Nos. 1-3). 1869-94. Woodcuts. (Vols. 9 and 10 wanting.) 8 Salem, Afass., 1870-94 Charter and By- Laws, and List of Members. (Pamphlet.) 8" Salem, 1889 - Rough Subject Index to the Publications of the E. Instit., viz. Proceedings, Vols. I. -VI. ; Bulletin, Vols. I. -XXII. ; Historical Collections, Vols. I.-XXVH. (by G. M. Jones). [Pamphlet, 29 pp.] 8 Salem, 1892 Peabody Academy of Sciences, Annual Report of the Trustees of the. 4th to I7th, and igth Reps. 8 Salem, Mass., 1872-87 - Memoirs. Vol. I. (Nos. 2-6). Plates. Royal 8 SH/I-/H, Mass., 1871-81 WORCESTER, Mass. Antiquarian Society. Archaeologia Americana : Transactions and Collections of the American. Maps. Vols. I., II., and III., Part i. Worcester, Mass., and Cambridge, 1820-50 780 APPENDIX III. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings of the. New Ser. Vols. II. -IV. 1882-87. Royal 8 Worcester, Mass., 1883-88 A Partial Index to the Proc. of the Amer. Antiq. Soc., from the foundation in 1812 to 1890 (by S. Salisbury and Nat. Paine). Royal 8 Worcester, Mass., 1883 Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. Vols. I. and II., Oct. 1825 to Oct. 1826. 8 Worcester, Mass., 1826 MICHIGAN. HOUGHTON. Michigan Mining School, Catalogue of the, for 1892-94. Maps and plates. Small 8vo Houghton, Mich., 1894 MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS AND ST PAUL. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. [For Annual Reports, Bulletins, &c., see Appendix 2 : United States, Minnesota.] MISSOURI. ST Louis. Academy of Science of St Louis, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -VI. (1856-94). Maps and plates. 8. [See Appendix 2 : United States (J.)] St Louis, 1860-94 Charter and By-Laws (pamph.). 8 St Louis, 1890 Missouri Geological Survey. See Appendix 2 : United States. Missouri Historical Society. Publications, Nos. 4-7. Plate and cuts. 8 St Louis, 1880-83 Western Journal, of Agriculture, Manufactures, Mechanic Arts, Internal Improvement, Commerce, and General Literature. (Eds. M. Tarver and T. F. Risk.) Vol. II. (No. 14). 8 St Louis, 1849 NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. University of Nebraska. University Studies, published by the. Vol. I. (No. i). I Lincoln, Nebraska, 1888 NEW JERSEY. VlNELAND, N.J. African News, The. Bishop Taylor's Magazine. Vols. II. and III. (both imperfect). Map and illustrations. 8 Vine land, N.J., 1890-91 [Continued as] The African. (Ed. C. E. Welch). New Series, Nos. 1-3. 8 Vineland, N.J., 1891 NEW YORK. ALBANY, N.Y. American Institute of the City of New York. Annual Report, 1871-72. Plates. 8 Albany, 1872 New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions of the. (With an Abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agricultural Societies.) Vols. XIII., XV.-XXI., XXIII., XXVII. (2 vols.), and XXXI. in all 12 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Albany, 1854-73 Survey of the State of New York, Reports of the Geologists. 4 vols., 1837, 1838, 1839, and 1840. Woodcuts. 8 Albany, 1838-40 Topographical Survey viz., On the Adirondack Wilderness of New York. Reports for 1872, 1873, and 1891. Maps and plates. 8 Albany, 1873-91 Reports of the New York State Survey for 1876 to 1883. (8 Reports.) Maps and plates. 8. [See also Appendix 2: United States (K.) Albany, 1877-84 University of the State of New York. New York State Libraiy. Annual Reports, 74th, 75|h, and 76th, for 1891, 1892, and 1893. Plates. 8 Albany, 1893-94 State Library Bulletin. 4 Numbers. Royal 8 Albany, 1891-94 BUFFALO, N.Y. Buffalo Historical Society. Annual Reports, 1885 93. (5 Reps., imperfect Ser.) Plate. 8 Buffalo, 1885-94 AMERICA, NORTH NEW YORK. 781 NEW YORK. American Ethnological Society. Constitution and List of Officers (pamph. 4 pp. ) New York, 1878 - Transactions of the. Vols. I., II., and III., Part I. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1845-53 American Geographical [and Statistical] Society of New York, Bulletin of the. 1852-57, 1873-77. Bound in 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1852-77 Journal of the Geographical and Statistical Society. Vols. I. and II. (1859-70); continued as Annual Report of the American Geographical Society of New York (Vol. III.) for 1870-71 (Albany, 1872); and as Journal (Vol. IV. to XXVI.), I873-94- Alaps and plates. 8 New York, 1859-94 Proceedings of the. Sess. 1862-63, 1863-64, and 1864-65, viz., 3 years, bound in I vol. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1862-65 Statement of the Objects and Organisation of the. With a Copy of its Charter, By-Laws, &c. [Pamph.] 8 New York, 1856 Report of the Committee on Recent Discoveries, and Publications on Sub-Oceanic Geography, Jan. 1857. 8 Neiv York, 1857 Annual Report of the Council and Officers (Geographical and Statistical Society), with Appendix, for 1857. 8 New York, 1858 [The above Society, originally Amer. Geogr. and Statist. Soc., founded 1854, about 1 870 changed its title to Amer. Geogr. Soc. of New York, but continued to use the old seal to 1878.] American Oriental Society, Journal of the. Vols. I. (Nos. i and 3), II. -V. Maps. 8 New York and Boston, 1843-56 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Annual Report of (he Trustees of the. 29th Report, 1888. [Pamph.] 8 New York, 1888 Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine. Vols. I. -V. Maps and plates. Royal 8 New York, 1891-93 Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America. Vol. III. (Nos. 1-8). Small 4 New York, 1859 Linnaean Society of New York, Abstract of the Proceedings of the. 1888-89, 1890, 1892-93, 1893-94 [Nos. i, 2, 5, and 6]. 8 New York, 1889-94 Transactions. Vols. I. -II. Plates. Royal 8 New York, 1882-84 Lyceum of Natural History of New York, Annals of the. Vol. IV. (Nos. 5-12) and V. Plates. 8 New York, 1846-52 New York Historical Society, Collections of the. Second Series. Vol. I. Maps and plates. 8 New York, 1841 Proceedings of the. 1844-45. 8 [Bound in i vol.] New York, 1845-46 An Address delivered before the N.Y. Hist. Soc. at its 4Oth Anniversary. By John Romeyn Bromhead. 8 [Bound up with Proc., 1844-45.] New York, 1844 OHIO. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Journal of the. Vol. I. (Nos. i and 2), III. (No. i ), and XI. (No. 4). Plates. 8 Cincinnati, 1878-89 PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the, 1859 to 1893. (Bound in 33 vols.) Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1860-93 American Philosophical Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge, Laws and Regulations of the, together with the Charter of the Society. 8" Philadelphia, 1860 Early Proceedings, from the Manuscript Minutes of its Meetings from 1744 to 1838. i vol. Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1884 Proceedings. Vols. I. -XXXI., 1838-93. Maps and Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1840-93 Transactions. New Series. Vols. I. -XVI. and XVIII. (Pt. i). Maps and plates. 4 Philadelphia, 1818-93 Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, Journal of the. Total number of vols. 134, viz. (New.) Ser. 2. Vols. I. -XX VI. Plates and cuts. 8 Philatielphia, 1828-40 Ser. 3. Vols. I.-CVII. Maps and plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1841-93 782 APPENDIX III. Geographical Club of Philadelphia. Bulletin. Vol. I. Maps and plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1893-94 Charter, By-Laws, and List of Members. [Pamph.] 8 Philadelphia, 1894 Geological Society of Pennsylvania, Transactions of the. Vol. I. (Part i). Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1834 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Report of the Proceedings of the, 1887-89. Plates. 8 Philadelphia, 1891 Pennsylvania Colonization Society. Reports of the Board of Managers of the Penns. Col. Soc. ; with an Introduction and Appendix (paniph. 48 pp.) 8 Philadelphia (ami London), 1831 [This Auxiliary State Soc. of Pennsyl. was connected with the Amer. Coloniz. Soc. See Trans., Washington. It is bound up with vol. of same.] University of Pennsylvania, Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of. Vol. I. (No. 2). Plates and map. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1893 Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Transactions. Vol. I. Plates. Royal 8 Philadelphia, 1887 TEXAS. AUSTIN. Texas Academy of Science. Transactions. Vol. I. (Nos. i and 2). Royal 8 Austin, 1892-93 VIRGINIA. BALTIMORE. John Hopkin's University, Publications of. J. H. U. Circulars published with the approbation of the Board of Trustees. Vols. XII. and XIII. 4 Baltimore, 1893-94 J. H. U. Studies. Ser. IV. (No. 6), X. (No. 12), XI. -XII. 8 Baltimore, 1892-94 WISCONSIN. MADISON, MILWAUKEE. Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. Annual Report, 1856. (2nd Report.) J. G. Percival. 8 Madison, 1856 [For Annual Reports 1873, '74> '75> see " Geol. of Wisconsin," infra, Vol. II., 1877, PP- 5-89-1 Geology of Wisconsin : Survey of, 1873-79. By T. C. Chamberlin and others. Vols. I. -IV. Sketch-map and plates. Royal 8 [Madison (Beloit)}, 1877-83 Atlas of 45 plates. Elephant folio Milwaukee, Wis. , \ 882 State Historical Society of Wisconsin, First and Second Annual Reports and Col- lections of the, for the years 1854 and 1855. Vols. I., II. 8 Madison, 1855-56 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Transactions of the. Vol. VII. (1883-87). Plates and cuts. 8 Madison (Wis.), 1889 AMERICA, CENTRAL. COSTA RICA. SAN JOSE. Institute Fisico-Geografico y del Museo Nacional de Costa Rico. Boletin trimestral del Institute Meteorologico Nacional, Nos. 1-4, 1888. Tom. I., de los Anales del Inst. Fis. Geogr. Nacion. Royal 4 San Jose, 1888-89 [Continued as] Anales, del Institute Fisico-Geografico y del Mus. Nacion de Costa Rica. Tom. II., III., and IV., 1889-91. Maps and plates. Royal 4 San Jose, 1890-93 GUATEMALA. GUATEMALA. Anales Estadisticos de Guatemala. See Appendix 2. Sociedad Guatemalteca de Ciencias. Revista Mensual. Tom. I. -II. (imperfect). Guatemala, 1893-94 AMERICA, CENTRAL -HONDURAS. 783 HONDURAS. TEGUCIGALPA. Republica de Honduras. Primer Anuario Estadistico correspondiente al ano de 1889. Con illustraciones. For Antinio R. Vallejo. Royal 4 Tegucigalpa, 1893 WEST INDIES. JAMAICA. Institute of Jamaica, Journal of the. Vol. I. (No. 4). Plates. Royal 8 Kingston, Jamaica, 1892 SAN DOMINGO. Resena General. See J. R. Abad : Authors' Catalogue. AMERICA, SOUTH. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BUENOS AYRES AND CORDOBA. Acaderaia Nacional de Ciencias de la Republica Argentina en Cordoba. Actas. Tom. II. (pt. I), IV. (pt. i), V. (pts. 1-3). Plates. Royal 4 Buenos Ayres, 1882-86 - Boletin. Tom. III. -XII. and XIII. (Entrega i). Maps and plates. Small and royal 8 Cordoba and Buenos Ayres, 1881-89 Indice de los Tomos I. and X. [as Append, to Vol. 10]. Anuario Bibliografica de la Republica Argentina. Ano II. -V., VII. -IX. (1880-87). 12 Buenos Ayres, 1 88 1-88 Estadistica Municipal de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Boletin Mensual de. Ano (I.) 1887, 1888, and 1889. Plates, plans, 6c. Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1887-90 Boletin Trimestral de. Ano 1890 (2 parts). Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1890 [Continued as] Anuario Estadistico de. Anos I.-II. (1891 and 1892). Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1892-93 Institute Geografica Argentina. (Publicado bajo la Direccion do su Presidente, D. E. S. Zeballos ; L. A. Huergo ; A. Sorondo.) Boletin del. Tom. I. (II., IV., and V. imperfect), VI. -XIV. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1879-93 Museo Piiblico de Buenos Aires. Anales del (por German Burmeister). Vols. I. -III. Plates. Royal 4 Buenos Ayres, 1 864-93 Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, Anales de la. Tom. VII. and VIII. (G. G. Davis.) 4 Buenos Ayres, 1889-90 Ligeros Apuntes sobre el Clima de la Republica Argentina. (G. G. Davis. ) Maps and plates. 4 Buenos Ayres, 1889 Revista Argentina de Historia Natural. (Publicacion Bimestral dirijida por Florentine Ameghino.) Tom. I. Woodcuts. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1891 Revista del Centre Boliviano, Geografia Colonizacion, Ciencias. Tom. I. (Entregas 3-6 and 9). Royal 8 Buenos Avres, 1886-92 Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Anales de la. Tom. VIII., Entrega 2. 8 Buenos Ayres, 1 879 Sociedad Geografica Argentina (D. Ramon Lista), Revista de la. Tom. I. (Entregas 3-5). Map. Royal 8 Buenos Ayres, 1881-82 Sociedad Rural Argentina. Bases y Reglamento. 16" Buenos Ayres, 1866 Anales. Vol. I. (No. 12). 4 Buenos Ayres, 1867 LA PLATA. Museo de la Plata. Materiales para la Historia Fisica y Moral del Continente Sud- Americano. (Dir. Francisco P. Moreno. ) Anales del Museo. Entregas I, 2. Map and plates. Folio La Plata, 1892 - Revista del Museo. Tom. I. -IV. Maps and plates. Small 4 La Plata, 1890-93 BOLIVIA. LA PAZ. Sociedad Geografica de la Paz. Boletin. "Numerol., 16 Julie de 1889," pp. i-io. 12 La Paz, 1889 784 Al'PENDIX III. BRITISH GUIANA. GEORGETOWN (Demerara). Institute of Mines and Forests [of British Guiana]. Report of the Secretary, lor year ending 1892.- 12 Georgetown, 1892 Timehri, being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. Vols. I.-V. Plates. 8 Deinerara, 1882-86 New Ser. Vols. I. -VII I. Plates. 8 Demerara, 1887-94 [See Roy. Agric. and Com. Soc. Brit. Guiana. Under London, postea.] BRAZIL. " CEARA (or Fortaleza}. Institute do Ceara. Revista Trimensal do. TomoV. (4Trimest.), VIII. (3, 4 Tiimest). 8 Fortaleza \or Ceara], 1891-94 PERNAMBUCO (or Recife). Institute Archeologico e Geographico Pernambucano. Revista. Nos. 41 and 42. Square 8" Recife \pr Perna/iitntco], 1891 Rio DE JANEIRO. Estatistica do Commercio Maritime do Brazil (1872-73). Tom. II., III., V. 8 l\io tie Janeiro , 1881-84 Institute Historico, Geographico, e Ethnographico do Brazil. Revista Trimensal, Tom. XLIV. (pt. i), XLVI., XLIX. [Title changed to] Institute Historico e Geographico Brazileiro. Tom. LII. (pt. 2), LIII.-LV. and LVI. (pt. i). 8 Rio tie Janeiro, 1881-93 Homenagem do Inst., &c. . . . Sessao exlraordinaria em commemoracao do fallecimento de S.M.O. Snr. D. Pedro II. celehrada a 4 de Marco de 1892. Plate. [Pamph.] 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1892 L'Observatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro. Annales de . Tom. I. -II. Plates and illustrations. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1882-83 Bulletin Astronomique et Meteorologique de, 1881-82-83. Plates. Royal 4" Rio de Janeiro, 1882-83 Revista do Observatorio (Publicacao Mensal). No. 2. Anno III. Royal 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1888 Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Archives. Vols. I. (Trimestres 1-3), VII., and VIII. Plates. 4 Rio de Janeiro, 1876-92 Sec9ao da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa no Brazil. Revista Mensal. Tom. I. -III. (imperfect). 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1881-85 - Revista. 2 Ser. 1885-86. Nos. 1-4. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1885-86 Sociedade de Geographia do Rio de Janeiro. Boletim. Tom. I. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1885 Revista (Boletin). Tom. II., III., VII. (complete), and IV., V., VI., VIII., and IX. (imperfect). Maps. 8 Rio de Janeiro, 1886-93 SAN PAULO. Commissao Geographica e Geologica da Provincia de S. Paulo. Boletim. Nos. I -9 and extra Nos. 8a, 8l>. Maps and plates. 8 S. Paulo, 1889-93 CHILE. SANTIAGO. Anuario Hidrografico, de la Marina de Chile. Anos I. -VIII., XV., and XVI. Maps and plates. 4 Santiago, 1875-92 Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Verein zu Santiago. Verhandlungen. Vols. I. -II. Maps and plates. 8 Santiago, Valparaiso, and Valdivia, 1886-93 La Libertad. Nos. 5, 12, 26, 27 de Enero de 1868. [Each number contains a geo- graphical article.] Folio Santiago, 1868 Observatorio Astronomico de Santiago and Oficina Cent. Meteorol. See J. I. Vergara : Authors' Catalogue. Oficina Central de Estadistica en Santiago. Anuario Estadistico de la Republica de Chile, correspondiente a los aiios 1860-64, 1877-78, 1883-85. Tom. II., IV., VI., XX., and XXIV. Royal 4 Santiago and Valparaiso, 1861-90 AMERICA, SOUTH CHILE. 785 CHILE. SANTIAGO continued. Revista de la Direcc,i6n de Obras Piiblicas de Chile. Memorias e Informes sobre construc9iones Civiles Ferrocarriles, Arquitectura, Minas, Industria, y Geografia. (Ed. Francisco J. San Roman. ) Ano I. No. 1-3. Maps. Royal 8 Santiago, 1890 Sinopsis Estadistico y Geographica de Chile. Anos 1880-81, 1885, 1886, 1892-93. (5 numbers.) 8 Santiago, 1882-94 Societe Scientifique du Chili. Actes. Tomes 1 1. -IV. (imperfect). Plates. Small 4 Santiago, 1892-94 Universidad de Chile, Anales de la. [Total representing 40 vols. and odd parts.] Maps, plates, and tables. 8 Santiago, 1846-80 Viz. : Anos de 1843-44, 1848-57 (lovols.); 1858-69(18 vols., viz., Tom. XV.- XXXIII.); 1871-72 (5 vols., viz., Tom. XXXVIII. -XLII.) ; imperfect vol., viz., Nov. 1875, pp. 651-705 ; 1878-80 (6 vols., viz., Tom. LIII.-LVIII, 2 imperfect). - Resena de los Trabajos de la Universidad, descle 1855 hasta el presente. (Memoria, por I. Domeyko.) 8 Santiago, 1872 VALPARAISO. Estadfstica Comercial de la Republica de Chile. Anos 1854, 1858 (small folio), y Ano 1879. 8 Valparaiso, 1854-79 COLOMBIA. BOGOTA. Anales de la Instruction Publica en la Republica de Colombia. Tom. X., XL, XII., XIII. (imperfect set). Plates. Royal 8 Bogota, 1887-88 Revista de Minas. (Organo de la Casa " Munoz y de la Torre," y de la " Agencia de Minas" de R. Espinosa G.) Nos. 2-8 and 11-12. Ano I. 8 Bogota, 1888 ECUADOR. QUITO. Alturas Tomadas, &c. See W. Reiss and A. Stiibel : Authors' Catalogue. PARAGUAY. ASUNCION. Anuario Estadistica, de la Republica de Paraguay (Oficina Gen. de Estadistica). Aiio 1887. (Libro segundo del anuario.) 4 Astmcion, 1889 Revue du Paraguay. (Publication Officielle.) 12 numbers in irregular sequence, 1st to 6th year. Royal 8 Asuncion, 1889-92 PERU. LIMA. Peruano, El. Publicacion Oficial. [Viz. Reports on the Exploration of the Rivers Ucayali, Pachitea, Palcazu, Yavari, and Morona.] No. 14, 30 Marzo ; 4 Junio ; 26, 31 Octubre ; 19, 21 Diciembre de 1867. Folio Lima, 1867 Sociedad Carbonifera. Lima. See Peru : Appendix 2. Sociedad Geografica de Lima. Boletin. Tom. I. -III. Royal 8 Lima, 1892-93 URUGUAY. MONTEVIDEO. Anuario Estadistico de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Anos 1887, 1888. Maps, plates, and plans. 4 Afontcvideo, 1888-89 Observatorio Meteoroldgico del Colegio Pio cle Villa Colon Montevideo. Boletin Mensual, del Ano I. Nos. 1,2. Royal 8 Montevideo, 1888 VENEZUELA. CARACAS. Anuario Estadistico de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Ann. 1884, 1889, and 1891. Maps and plans. Folio and 8 Caracas, 1884-91 [There are copies of the 1889 statistical annual in French and German, and 1884 is in English. ] Vargasia. Boletin de la Sociedad de Ciencias Fisicas y Naturales de Caracas. Tomo I. Map. 8 Caracas, 1868 3D 786 APPENDIX III. ASIA. CEYLON. COLOMBO. Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Journal and Proceedings. Vols. IV., VII., VIII., X., and XIII. (1865-93) [imperfect set]. Plates. Small 8 [For Addenda, see Appendix 2 : General, Miscell.] Colombo, 1866-94 CHINA. CANTON. Canton Register, The. Vols. I.-X. ; bound in 3 vols. [wherein Vols. VI. -X. have im- perfections]. 4 Canton, 1827-37 Chinese Repository, The. Vols. I.-V., VII. -XV., and XVI., XVII., XIX., and XX. imperfect. (1833-51.) Maps and plates. 8 Canton, 1834-51 SHANGHAI. China Review, The. See G. Taylor : Authors' Catalogue. Chinese Miscellany, The. Designed to illustrate the Government, Philosophy, Re- ligion, Arts, Manufactures, Trade, Manners, Customs, History, and Statistics of China. Nos. I, 2, and 4 3 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Shanghai, 1849-50 Cycle, The. Vol. I. (No. 25). Folio Shanghai, 1870 Shanghai Literary and Scientific Society, Journal of the. No. i (June 1858). Maps and plates. 8 Shanghai, 1858 [Title of Soc. altered to and continued as] North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of the. Vols. I. and II. (1858-60). Maps and plates. 8 Shanghai, 1858-60 New Series. Vols. I. -XXVI. (1864-90-92). Alaps and plates Shanghai, 1865-94 [Vol. I. contains No. I of Jour. Shanghai Lit. and Sci. Soc., supra ; also Nos. 2 and 3 of Jour. N. China Br. R. Asiat. Soc.] HONGKONG. VICTORIA. Hongkong Observatory, Observations and Researches made at the. Years 1884 and 1885 (by W. Doberck). Folio Hongkong, 1885-86 Notes and Queries on China and Japan. (A Monthly Medium of Intercommunica- tion for Professorial and Literary Men, Missionaries, and Residents in the East generally.) Vols. I. -I II. (Ed. N. B. Dennys). llhistrations. Royal 8 Hongkong, 1867-69 New Series (Ed. C. Landon Davis, and with addition to title of " with which is incorporated 'Papers on China'"). Vol. IV. (Nos. 1-5, Feb. to Aug.). Royal 8 Hongkong, 1870 EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. See Malay Archipelago, postea. FRENCH INDO-CHINA. SAIGON. Societe des Etudes Indo-Chinoises de Saigon. Bulletin. Ann. 1883, i e Fasc. ; Ann. 1886, i e Semestre. 8 Saigon, 1883 and 1886 Excursions et Reconnaissances. (Cochinchine Fran9aise.) Tom. II. (Nos. 5, 6), III. -XIV., and XV. (No. 33). Maps, &c. Royal 8 Saigon, 1880-89 INDIA. ALLAHABAD. Panjab Notes and Queries : a Monthly Periodical devoted to the Systematic Collection of Authentic Notes and Scraps of Information regarding the Country and the People. (Ed. Capt. R. C. Temple.) Vol. I. (No. i to 6). Oct. 1883 to March 1884. 4 Allahabad, 1883-84 ASIA INDIA. 787 BOMBAY. Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of the (including Proceedings). Vols. I. -XVIII (1841-94). Ataps and plates. 8 Bombay, 1844-94 Supplementary parts and vols. , viz., Reports on Search for Sanskrit MSS., by G. Buhler and P. Peterson. Extra No. Vol. XII., 1877; XVI., 1884; XVII., 1886; XVIII., 1894. [For Index, Vols. 1-17, see Literary Soc., Bombay.] [The Bombay Geographical Society, 1873, merged into the above Soc. See infra.'} Bombay Geographical Society, Proceedings of the. 1837 and 1838. Maps. 8 Bombay, 1837-38 Report by the Secretary on the Proceedings of the, for 1849-50. 8 Bombay, 1850 Transactions of the. Vols. I. -XIX., 183610 1873. Maps and plates. 8 Bombay, 1844-74 Index to the first seventeen volumes, with Catalogue of the Library, and Catalogue of Charts, Maps, Sketches, and Views. (Ed. D. J. Kennelly.) 8 Edinburgh, 1866 Catalogue of the Library. (Compiled by D. J. Kennelly.) 8 Bombay, 1862 [The Bombay Geographical Society afterwards (Jan. 1873) amalgamated with the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Soc. ] Indian Antiquary, The : a Journal of Oriental Research in Archaeology, Epigraphy, Ethnology, Geography, History, Folklore, Languages, Literature, Numismatics, Philosophy, Religion, &c. n vols. Vols. VII. -IX. (incomplete), (ed. J. Burgess); Vols. XVI. -XX. (eds., R. C. Temple and J. F. Fleet); Vols. XXI. -XXII. (ed., R. C. Temple). Plates. Small 4 Bombay, 1878-93 Literary Society of Bombay, Index to the Transactions of the, Vols. I. to III. ; and to the Journals of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vols. I. to XVII., with a Historical Sketch of the Society. By Ganpatrao Krishna Tivarekar. 8 Bombay, 1886 [For Transactions of the, see London, posted.] CALCUTTA. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Asiatic Researches ; or, Transactions of the Society, instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. Vols. I. -XX. Maps and plates. 4 Calcutta, 1788-1836 Index to the First Eighteen Volumes. 4 Calcutta, 1835 Index to Vols. XIX. and XX. of the Asiatic Researches, and to Vols. I. to XXIII. of the Journal, &c. 8 Calciitta, 1856 Journal of the. Vols. I.-LXIL, and LXIII. (incomplete). Maps and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1832-94 Extra number to Pt. I of Vol. XLVII. (viz., A Sketch of the Turki Language, by R. B. Shaw, and Appendix by J. Scully.) 8 Calcutta, 1880 - Extra numbers to Pt. I of Vol. XLIX. for 1880, and Pt. i of Vol. LVII. for 1889. 8 [See G. A. Grierson : Authors' Catalogue.] Calcutta, 1881 and 1889 Proceedings of the. Vols. for 1865 to 1893 (29 vols ; that for 1865 and 1893 defective). Maps and plates. 8 Calcutta, 1866-94 Centenary Review of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, from 1784 to 1883. [This contains a History of the Soc., Indexes of its Publications classified, &c.] I vol. 8 Calcutta, 1885 [For Branches of Roy. Asiat. Soc., see under Shanghai, Hongkong, Bombay, Madras, Ceylon, Japan, and Straits Settlements.] Buddhist Text Society of India, Journal and Text of the. (Ed. Sarat Candra Das. ) Vol. I. (pt. 4), II. (pts. 1-3). Plates. 8 Calcutta, 1893-94 Indian Forester, The : a Quarterly Magazine of Forestry. (Ed. J. S. Gamble.) Vol. IV. (Nos. 3 and 4.) 8 Calcutta, 1879 Indian Meteorological Memoirs. See Appendix 2. Records and Reports of the Geological Survey of India, and other Indian Govern- ment Publications. See Appendix 2. Juggarow (G. V.) Observatory, Daba Gardens, Vizagapatam. Results of Meteoro- logical Observations for 1887, 1889-91 (4 vols. bound in 2). By A. V. Nursingrow. Plates and meteorological diagrams. 12 Calcutta, 1889-92 LAHORE. Punjab Magazine, The. The Organ of Punjab Asssociation. Nos. i, 2, 3, for April, July, and October 1887. Royal 8 Lahore, 1887 788 APPENDIX III. MADRAS. Madras Journal of Literature and Science, The. Published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society, and Auxiliary of the Royal Asiatic Society. Ser. I, Vols. I. -XVI. (1833-50). Maps and plates. 8 Madras, 1834-51 - Ser. 2, Vols. I. -VI. (1856-61). Maps atid plates. 8 Madras, 1857-61 - Ser. 3, Vol. I. (1864). 8 Madras, 1864 - [Ser. 4?] (Ed. G. Oppert), Vols. 1878 and 1879. Plates Madras, 1879-80 Maine Historical Society (Madras), Proceedings of the. Pt. i. Small 4 Madras, 1890 Royal Asiatic Society of Madras, Journal of the. 1866. 8 Mairas, 1866 JAPAN. TOKYO. Eastern Asiatic Society (Japan), Report of the. Vol.11. [In Japanese.] Royal 8 Tokyo Geographical Society. Regulations of the Toukiyau Geographical Society. [In English.] 12. N.p. [? 1879.] 22 small 8 and 2 12 numbers [in Japanese] of the Society's Publications. - Journal of the. Vols. III. (Nos. 4-10), IV. -XV., 1881-93 ('4th to 26th year Meiji). [In Japanese.] Maps and plates. 12 Tokyo, 1891-93 - Reports of the Annual Meetings, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th (? 1881-84). [Separate pamphlets, those of 7th to nth being published in Journals 1886-90.] [In Japanese.] 12 Tokyo, 1881-90 Tokio Daigaku. Imperial University of Japan. Calendar of the Department of Law, Sicence, and Literature, for 1879-80, 1881-82, and 1889 to 1894. 6 vols. 12 Tokyo, 1890-94 - Memoirs of the Science Department. Nos. I, 2, 4, 5 (with Append. 5^, 5/>, 5^), and 9. I vol. Plates. Small 4 Tokyo, 1879-85 [See Appendix 2 : Tokio University, J. A. Ewing.] [Followed by] - Journal of the College of Science, The. Vols. I. -VIII. Maps and plates. Small 4 Tokyo, 1887-94 - Memoirs of the Literature College, The. No. I. Small 4 Tokyo, 1886 [See Chamberlain, B. H. : Authors' Catalogue.] YOKOHAMA. Asiatic Society of Japan, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -XV., XIX. -XXII, 1872-93. Maps and plates. 8 Yokohama, 1874-94 Supplements to Vol. XX (Parts I, 2, 3 [sect, i], and 5). 8 Yokohama, 1892 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio. Mitteil- ungen, Bande I.-V. (and Append.), VI. (Ilefte 51, 52, 53, and Append.); Suppl. zu Bd. V. (Hefte 1-3, April 1889 and Oct. 1892) ; and zu Bd. VI. (Heft I, Jul. 1894). Maps and plates. 4 Yokohama and Tokyo, 1873-94 Seismological Society of Japan, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -XVI. [bound in 7 vols.] Maps and plates. 8 Yokohama, 1890-92 [Followed by] The Seismological Journal of Japan. Vols. I. -II I. [XVII. of entire series; the 3 vols. bound in i]. Maps and plates. 8 Yokohama, 1894 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. JAVA. BATAVIA. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen van het. Deel. XX. and XXI. (in 2 parts), 3 vols., 8, 1844-47 ; XXII. -XXIV., 3 vols., 4, 1849-52; XXXIX. (2 e stuk), XL.-XLVI., and XLVII. (i e stuk), royal 8, 1879- 92 Total 15 vols. Plates. 8, royal 8, and 4 Batavia, The Hague, and Leyden, 1844-92 - Notulen van Algemeene en Bestuurs-Vergaderingen van het. Deel. XVI. -XXXI. 8 Batavia, 1878-93 - Register op de Notulen over de Jaren 1867-78 and 1879-88. (J. A. Van der Chijs.) (2 pamphs.) 8 Batavia, 1879 and 1889 Realia. Register, &c. See Appendix 2 : Dutch E. Indies, Batavia. ASIA JAVA. 789 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, uitgegeven door net genootschap. Deel. XXV. -XXX VI. Maps and plates. 8 Batavia, i^-^ Catalogus der Numismatische Afdeeling van het Museum van. J. A. Van der Chijs. 2 and 3 Druk. 8 Batavia, 1877 and 1886 Algemeen Reglement en Reglement van Orde. 8 Batavia, 1889 [See Holle, K. F. : Authors' Catalogue.] Batavian Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory (Published by order of the Government of Netherlands, India), Observations made at the. Vols. V. and VI., 1879 and 1880. (P. A. Bergsma and J. P. van der Stok.) Folio Batavia, 1882-85 Nederlandsch-Indische Maatschappij van Nijverheid en Landbouw. Tijdschrift. Deel. XXXI. (Aflev. 6, 1885), XXXII. -XLVII. [Vols. 31, 33, 39, and 45 imperfect]. Plates and tables. 8 Batavia, 1885-94 Regeeringsalmanak voor Nederlandsch-Indie, 1892. Vols. I. -II. 8 Batavia, 1892 Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch-Indie. I*. -VII e . Jaargang (1879-85). 8" Batavia, 1880-86 SAMARANG AND JOGJAKARTA. Indisch Aardrijksundkig Genootschap. (Redaktie van A. J. Ten Brink.) Deel. I. (1-4 aflevering). Afaps and plates. Small 4 Samarang and Jogjakarta, 1880-83 BORNEO, BRITISH. SANDAKAN. British North Borneo Herald and Official Gazette, The. Vols. VI., X.-XIII. (5 imperfect vols. ) Folio Sandakan, 1888-93 PHILIPPINES. MANILA. Observatorio Meteorologico de Manila. Bajo la Direccion de los P. P. de la Com- pania de Jesus, (i.) Observaciones verificadas durant Aiios 1890-94. 5 vols. Plates and diagrams. Folio Manila, 1890-94 (2.) El Magnetismo Terrestre en Filipinas (por Ricardo Cirera). Maps and plates. Folio Manila, 1893 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SINGAPORE. Journal of Eastern Asia, The. (Ed. James Collins.) Vol. I., No. i [all published]. S J Singapore, 1875 Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. (Ed. J. R. Logan.) Vols. I. -IX. Maps and plates. 8 Singapore, 1847-55 - New Ser. Vol. I., II., and III. (pt. i). 8 Singapore, 1856-59 Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of the. Nos. I.-XXIV. [bound in 1 6 vols.] Maps and plates. 8 Singapore, 1878-91 - Notes and Queries. (Ed. Hon. Sec.). Nos. 1-4. 8 Singapore, 1885-87 TAIPING (PERAK). Perak Government Gazette, The. Vols. V. and VI. (imperfect set). Folio Taiping, 1892-93 Perak Museum Notes. Nos. 1-3. Maps and plates. 8 Taiping, Perak, 1893 AUSTRALASIA. AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES.' MAITLAND. Annuaire de la Delegation Generate de 1'Oceanie. See under Societe d'Ethno- graphie, Paris, in France, postea. SYDNEY. Australian Museum (Sydney, N.S.W.), Records of the. Vol. I. (No. 3 wanting). Plates. Royal 8 Sydney, 1890-91 - Memoirs. Royal 8 Sydney, 1889 [See Appendix 2 : New South Wales, A. 790 APPENDIX III. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Proceedings. Vol. I. (Pts. 2 and 3). Plates. Small 8 a Sydney, 1876 Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, New South Wales Uranch, Proceedings of the. Vols. I.-V. Sess. 1883-84101891-92. Maps and plates. 8 Sydney, 1885-92 Special Vol. of Proceedings of Soc. Map ami plates. 8 Sydney, 1885 Special Record. . . . Exped. to N. Guinea. (Pamph. ) 8 Sydney, 1885 Royal Society of New South Wales. Philosophical Society of New South Wales, Transactions of the. For 1862-65. I vol. 8 Sydney, 1866 [Continued as Roy. Soc., N.S. W.] Transactions and Proceedings of the Roy. Soc., N.S.W. Vols. I., VI. -VIII. (1867, 1872-74). Maps and plates. Small 8 Sydney, 1868-75 Journal and Proceedings of the. Vols. X. -XXVII. (in 18 vols). 1876-93. Plates and tables. 8 Sydney, 1877-94 [The Royal Society of Nevj South Wales originated in 1821 as the Philosophical Society of Australia. After an interval of inactivity it was resuscitated in 1850, under the name of the Australian Philosophical Society, hy which title it was known until 1856, when the name was changed to the Philosophical Society of New South Wales. In 1866 it assumed its present title, Royal Society of Neiv South Wales.} QUEENSLAND. BRISBANE. Acclimatisation Society of Queensland. Report of the Council (2ist Rep. 1886). 8 Brisbane, 1887 Philosophic Society of North Queensland, Proceedings of the. Vol. I. (i part, 1889-90.) Plates. 8 Brisbane, 1891 Pugh's Queensland Almanac, Law Calendar, Directory, Coast Guide, and Gazetteer. For 1862 and 1863, and for 1878-94 (with Vols. 1884 and 1887 missing). Total, 16 vols ; these comprise the 4th and 5th and 2oth to 36th years of publication. Maps. 16 and 12 Brisbane, 1862-94 [Vols. 1885 and 1886 have addition to sub-title, "and of Men of the Time" ; and in Vols 1888-94 'he title is shortened to " Pugh's Almanack and Queensland Directory."] Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Proceed- ings and Transactions. Vols. I. -IX. (Sess. 1885-86 to 1893-94.) Maps and plates. 8 Brisbane, 1886-94 Royal Society of Queensland. Proceedings. Vols. I., V. (pt. 4); VI. (pts. 2, 3, and 5) ; IX. (part). Maps and plates. 8 Brisbane, 1884-93 [Report.] Annual Meeting, July 1889. (Pamph.) 8 Brisbane, 1889 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE. Meteorological Society of Australia, The. History, Rules and Regulations, List of Members (pamph. 18 pp. ). 8 Adelaide, 1886 Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia, Proceedings of the. 1880, 1 88 1. 8 Adelaide, 1881 Royal Society of South Australia, Transactions, Proceedings, and Reports of the. Vols. IX., XI.-XVIII. (9 and 16 imperfect). 1885-94. Maps and plates. Small 8 Adelaide, 1887-94 South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. Transactions and Proceedings. Vols. I. and II. (Sess. 1885-8610 1887-88). Maps. 8 Adelaide, 1886-90 South Australian Institute. Annual Report, 1877-78, and Appendices A to D. Small 4 Adelaide, 1878 VICTORIA. MELBOURNE. Australian Scientific Magazine, The. Vol. I., No. i. 8 Melbourne, 1885 Geological Society of Australia (R. T. Litton), List of Members of the. Also a Catalogue of Works in the Library of the Society. 12 Melbourne, 1886 Transactions. Vol. I. (pts. I, 3, and 4). Illustrations. Small 4 Melbourne, 1886 Geological Survey of Victoria. See Appendix 2. Philosophical Society of Victoria, Transactions of the. Including the Papers and Proceedings of the Society, ending July 1855. Vol.1. Plates. 8 Melbourne, 1855 [Title of Society altered to] AUSTRALASIA MELBOURNE. 791 Philosophical Institute of Victoria, Transactions of the. (Ed. ]. Macadam.) Vol. II. -IV., and Appendix. Maps and plates. 8 " Melbourne, 1858-60 [Title of Society altered to] Royal Society of Victoria, Transactions of the. (Ed. J. Macadam.) Vol. V. Plates. Melbourne, 1 860 [Continued as] Transactions and Proceedings of the. Vols. VI. -XXIV. (1861-87). Alaps and ' plates. 8 3 ' Melbourne, 1865-88 [When division of publications followed, viz.] Transactions. NewSer. Vols. I., II., and III. (pt. i). Plates. 4 Melbourne, 1888-91 Proceedings of the. NewSer. Vols. I. -VI. Plates. 8 Alelboiirne, 1889-94 Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Victorian Branch, Transactions and Proceedings of the. Vols. I. -XI. (Sess. 1885-86 to 1893-94.) Maps and plates. 8 Melbourne, 1885-94 [Vols. I. -II. were printed in Sydney, and correspond to same vols. N.S. Wales Branch ; as also the special vol., supra}. Victoria Mining Surveyors' Reports. Furnished by the Mining Surveyors of Victoria to the Board of Science. Nos. 9-15. 8 Melbourne, 1860 Victorian Year Book, containing a Digest of the Statistics of the Colony. (Ed. H. H. Hayter. ) P or the years 1873-93 (bound in 19 vols. ) [1884 and 1885 missing]. Maps and plates. 8 Melbourne, 1874-93 TASMANIA, formerly VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. HOBART (formerly HOBART TOWN). Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Transactions of the. 4th Meeting (Hobart), 1892; Sect. Geography, &c. (Pamphs.) Plate. 8 Hobart, 1892 Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land, Papers and Proceedings of the. Vols. I., II., and III. (pts. I and 2). Plates. 8 Tasmania, 1851-59 [Continued as] Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings (including Reports). Vols. I. -III., viz., for years 1863 and 1864, I vol. ; and 1868-74, 2 vols. Plates. Small 8 Hobart, 1863-75 [Again continued as] - Papers, Proceedings, and Reports of the Roy. Soc. of Tasmania. For years 1875-93 (1887 missing). Maps and plates. Small 8 Hobart, 1876-94 - Reports of the. For years 1848, 1852, 1859, 1860, 1864, and 1865. Plates. 8 Hobart, 1849-66 -Rules of the. (Pamph.) 8 Hobart, 1848 - Catalogue of the Library of the Roy. Soc. of Tasmania (by Alex. Morton). (Pamph.) RoyalS Tasmania, 1885 Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. Vols. I. and II. (imperfect, viz., Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7). Maps and plates. 8 Hobart, 1841-43 NEW ZEALAND. CHRISTCHURCH AND DUNEDIN. New Zealand Alpine Club. The New Zealand Alpine Journal : a Record of Moun- tain Exploration and Adventure, by Members of the N.Z. Alp. Club. Vol. I. (Nos. 1-6). Map and plates. 8 Christchurch and Dunedin, 1892-94 WELLINGTON. New Zealand Institute, Transactions and Proceedings of the. (Ed. J. Hector.) Vols. I. -XXV. Plates. 8, two sizes Wellington, 1869-93 [These vols. contain the Proceedings of various N.Z. branch or affiliated Societies and Institutes, viz., Auckland, Canterbury, Otago, &c.) Polynesian Society, The Journal of the, containing the Transactions and Proceedings of the. Vols. I. and II. 8 Wellington, 1892-93 PACIFIC ISLANDS. HAWAII : HONOLULU. Hawaiian Historical Society. See Authors' Catalogue, under Alexander, W. D., and Atkinson, A. T. 792 APPENDIX III. EUROPE. AUSTRIA-HUNGARYAUSTRIA. VIENNA. Commission fur Erforschung des Oestlichen Mittelmeers, Berichte der. Reihe I. -II. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna, 1892-93 Deutsche Rundschau fur Geographic und Statistik. (Eds. Drs C. Arendts and F. Umlauft). Jahrg. I.-XVI. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Vienna and Leipzig, 1879-94 Gesellschaft der Freunde der Naturwissenschaften (Wien). Berichte liber die Mittheilungen von. (W. Haidinger). 7 vols. in 5. 8 Vienna, 1847-51 Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, gesammelt, und durch Subscription heraus- gegeben von Wilhelm Haidinger. Bande l.-IV. Maps and plates. 4 Vienna, 1847-52 Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien). Sitzungsberichte der Mathe- matisch - Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe. Bande I. -XXVII., XXX. -CII. (Total bound in 152 vols. ), 1847-93. Plates and maps. 8 Vienna, 1848-93 [From Vol. XLIV. to XCVI. inclusive 2 vols. were issued annually, and from XCVII. to CII. inclusive 3 vols. annually have been published These constitute 3 separate sections, viz.: i. Biology and Geography; 2. Mathematics and Physics ; 3. Chemistry.] - Register (or Gen. Index to Sitzb.). Bande I.-XC., Jahre 1848-84. 8 [These were issued at intervals in separate parts, as follows : Bdr. I.-X.. XI.-XX. XXI.-XXX. XXXI.-XLII missing LI.-LX. in 1854 1856 1859 1870 Bdr. LXI.-LXIV... LXV.-LXXV. LXXVI.-LXXX. LXXXI.-LXXXV. LXXXVI.-XC. Denkschriften (Mathemat.-naturwissen Classe). Bd. XII. Plates. 4 K. Vienna, 1856 Jahrbiicher. Vienna, 1868-93 (Herausgegeben K. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus. Neue Folge. Bande I. -XXIX. Jahrg. 1864-92. Maps and plates. 4" Vienna, 1866-94 K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft (Wien). Mittheilungen. Bander I. -XXXVII. (entire series). Ser. i. Bande I.-X. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Vienna, 1857-68 - Ser. 2 (Neue Folge.) Bande I. -XXVI. Maps and plates. 8 K. K. Militar-Geographischen Institutes in Wien. Mittheilungen. auf Befehl des K. K. Reichs-Kriegs ministeriums. ) Bande V.-XII., 1885-92. 'Maps and plates. 8 Vienna, 1885-93 Die Astronomisch-Geodatischen Arbeiten des. Bande I. -II. Maps and plates, 4 Vienna, 1871-73 K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Abhandlungen. Bande I.-V., VI. (Hefte i, 2), VII.-XI. (Abtheil i), XII. (Hefte 1-3). Maps and plates. Royal 4 Vienna, 1852-85 - Jahrbuch. Bande I. -XXXIV. Maps and plates. Small 4 and royal 8 Vienna, 1850-84 Gen. Register der Bande I-X., 1850-59. Royal 8 Vienna, 1863 Gen. Register der Bande XI.-XX., 1860-70. Royal 8 Vienna, 1872 Gen. Register der Bande XXI.-XXX., 1871-80. Royal 8 Vienna, 1881 : Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 1867-84. 18 vols. Royal 8 Vienna, 1867-84 Gen. Register, 1860-70 and 1871-1880; combined with Gen. Reg. Jahrb., published (supra} in 1872 and 1881. Geologische Uebersichtskarte der Oesterreichischen Monarchic nach dem Aufnahmen der . . . (von Franz Ritter von Hauer.) Blatt I.-V., VII., and X. [An imper- fect irregular set. ] Royal 8 Vienna, 1867-73 K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (Wien). Annalen des. (Ed. Franz Ritte von Hauer.) Band I. Nos. I and 2. (Jahresbericht, 1885, und Notizen), Bd. V. Plates. Imp. 8 Vienna, 1886 and 185 Mittheilungen der Prahistorischen Commission, der Kais. Akad. der Wissens chaften. Band I. (Nos. 2, 3). Plates and illustrations. 4 Vienna, 1890-93 EUROPE AUSTRIA. 793 Oesterreichischen Alpen-Vereins, Jahrlmch des. Bande I. -IX. (1863 to 1873). Maps and plates. [See Remarks infra.] 8 Vienna, 1865-73 Mittheilungen des. (Ed. E. V. Mjsisovies and P. Grohman. ) Biinde I. -II. Maps and plates. 12 Vienna, 1863-64 [Society continued as] Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpen-Vereins, Zeitschrift des. Biinde I. -XXV. (1869-94). Maps and plates. 8 Munich and Berlin, 1870-94 Beilage zur Zeitsch. des Deutsch und Oester. Alp.-Ver. (1878). Abtheil I. Munich, 1878 Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Alpenreisen (herausgegeben von Deutsch. and Oester. Alpen-Verein). Bande I. -II. Maps and plates. 12 Vienna, 1882 [Vol. III. of Zeitsch. d. Deutsch. Alp.-Ver. is equivalent to Vol. VIII. of Jahrb. Oesterr. Ver. ; in other words, they are the same vol., with different title, issued separately by the two societies, which thereafter amalgamated, their united publication becoming Zeitsch. d. Deutsch. und Oesterr. Alp. Ver.] Register zu den Publicalionen des: () Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins, 1863 bis 1873; des (l>) Deutschen Alpenvereins, 1869 bis 1872 ; und des (c) Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpenvereins, 1873 bis 1886. (Von Th. Trautwein.) 8 [See " Deutschen Alpenvereins," Munich, Germany.] Munich, 1887 Oesterreichische Monatsschrift fur den Orient. (Herausgegeben vom Orientali- schen Museum in Wien.) Jahrg. I. -XIX. [20 vols.] Maps and plates. Small 4 Vienna, 1875-93 Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie, Zeitschrift der. (C. Jelinek and ].. Hann). Bande I. -XX. Maps and plates. 8 and small 4 Vienna, 1866-85 [Continued as] Meteorologische Zeitschrift. (Herausgegeben von der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft ftir Meteorologie und der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft, Hann,. Hoppen, and Hellmann). 1886-92. (Vols. XXI. -XXVIII., entire series.) Maps and plates. Small 4 Berlin and Vienna, 1886-93 Publicationen fur die Internationale Erdmessung. Astronomische Arbeiten, &c. Bande I.-V. Woodcuts. 4 See Appendix 2 : Austria Hungary (A). Vienna, 1889-93 der Oesterreichischen Gradmessungs Commission. (By W. Tinter.) 4 Vienna, 1891 Sonnblick-Verein. Jahresbericht. Vol. I. 1892. Plates. Royal 8 Vienna, 1893 Verein der Geographen an der Universitat Wien. Bericht 9, 10, n, and 13. Vereinsjahr 1883-87 8 Vienna, 1884-87 Jahrsbericht des. Erster u. Zweiter (pamph.). 8 . Vienna, 1875-76 Wissenschaftlichen Club, Wien. Jahresbericht [I.] 1876-77. 8 Vienna, 1877 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY HUNGARY. BUDAPEST. Budapesti Szemle. [Budapest Review.] (Szerkeszti es Kiadja Csengery Antal.) Kotet (Vol.) XIII. -XVIII. [bound in 3 vols.] Maps and plates. Royal 8 Budapest, 1861-63 - Uj Folyam. (New Ser.). Vols. XIII. (imperfect), XIV., XV. 8 Budapest, 1869 Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Zeitschrift fiir die Volkskunde der Bewohner Ungarns und seinen Nebenlander. (Dr Anton Hermann.) Jahrg. I. (Hefte I and 3). 4 Budapest, 1887-89 MAGYAR TUDOMANOS AKADKMIA. (Hungarian Acailemy a/ 'Sciences.) I. Academical Records, &c. Almanach polgari es csillagaszati naptarral. Mag. Tud. Akad. 1867, 1870-90, 1892- 1893 (23 vols.) 8 ISitdapest, 1867-93 AMagyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag tisztikaranak es tagjainak Nevjcgyzeke az 1893 ev elejen. [Liste generate des Membres de la Societe I longroise de Geographic.] 8 [See Foldrajzi Kozlemenyek, p. 795.] Budapest, 1893 794 APPENDIX III. Ertesitbje. Mag. Tud. Akacl. [Comple-Rendu of Proceedings of t lie Hungarian Academy of Science.} (Szerkeszti a Fotitkar. ) Kotet. (Vol. ) I. -XXIII. [2 vols. missing and several imperfect.] 8 Budapest ', 1867-90 Subject Index to Vols. I. -VIII. (1867-74), " Nev-es Targymutato." 8 Budapest, 1875 Jegyzeke a Mag. Tud. Ak. Altai kiadott Konyveknek jelentekenyen leszallitott Arakon. [General Catalogue of Works published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.} (Pamph.) 8 Budapest, 1875 Mag. Tud. Akademiai Jegyzokonyvei, MDCCCLXVI. Parts i and 2. 12 Budapest, 1866 Munkak es Foly6iratok Betiirendes Czim es Tartalomjegyzeke. Mag. Tud. Akad. Kiadasaban Megjelent, 1830-89. Small 8 Budapest, 1890 [Catalogue of Periodicals and Separate Works issued under the authority of the Academy between 1830-89]. Rapport sur les Travaux de 1' Academic des Sciences de Hongrie en 1892. Par Coloman Szily. (Pamph.) 8 Budapest, 1893 Vazlatok a Mag. Tud. Akad. Felszazados Tortenetebol, 1831-1881. 8 Budapest, 1881 II. History, Archccology. Philosophy, and Statistical Science. Historiae Hungaricae Fontes Domestici. Chronica Minora. (M. Florianus). Vol. IV. Royal 8 Budapest, 1885 Magyar Tortenelmi Tar. [Hungarian Historical Documents.} A Torteneti kutfok Ismeretenek elomozditasara. Kiadja a Mag. Tud. Akad. Tortenelmi bizottmanya. Kotet. (Vol.) I. -XII. and XIV. -XXV., 1854-57. Plates. 8 Budapest, 1855-78 Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Diplomataria. Magyar Tortenelmi Emlekek. Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottmanya. Okmanytarak. Kotet. (Vol.) I. -IX., XII.- XXV. (bound in 19 vols.). 8 Btidapest, 1857-73 [There are 2 extra vols., viz., I5th, 1887, and Vol. " Okirattar, Strassbiirg Pal" by Szilagyi Sandor, 1882.] Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Scriptores. Magyar Tortenelmi Emlekek. Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottmanya. Masodik Osztaly : Irok. Kotet. (Vol.) I. -VI., IX., XIV., XV., XX. -XXII., XXV. -XXXII. [With 2 Append, to Vol. XXX. Total, 20 vols.] 8 Budapest, 1857-75 Monumenta Hungariae Historica. Codex Diplomataria Hungaricus Andegavensis. Magyar Tortenelmi Emlekek [1301-1357]. Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottsaga. Megbizasabol. Anjoukori Okmanytar. (Szerkesztette Nagy Imre.) Kotet. (Vol.) I.-VI. 8 Budapest, 1878-91 Monumenta Comitialia Regni Hungariae. Magyar Orszaggyiilesi Emlekek. Torteneti Bevezetesekkel. [1598-1604.] A Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottsaga. (Dr Fraknoi Vilmos es Dr Karolyi Arpad.) Kotet. (Vols.) IX. -X. 8 Budapest, 1885-90 Monumenta Comitialia Regni Transylvaniae. Erdelyi Orszaggyiilesi Emlekek. Torteneti Bevezetesekkel. [1637-1674.] Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottsaga (Szilagyi Sandor). Kotet. (Vols.) X. -XV. 8 Budapest, 1884-92 Archaeologiai Ertesito. Mag. Tud. Archoeol. Bizottsaganak Kozlonye. [Journal of the Archaological Commission. } Kotet. (Vols.) X. -XII. Woodcuts. 8 Budapest, 1876-78 - Uj Folyam. [New Ser.] Kotet. (Vol.) I.-XIII. (a few imperfect). Plates, plans, &c. Royal 8 Budapest, 1881-93 Archaeologiai Kozlemenyek. A Hazai Miiemlekek Ismertetesenek Elomozditasara. [Memoirs of the Archaeological Commission.} Mag. Tud. Akad. Archreol. Bizott- manya. Kotet. (Vols.) I. -II. Maps and plates. (" Kepatlasz" or Atlas to Vol. II. fol. 1861.) 8 Budapest, 1859-61 . . . Bizottsaga. Uj Folyam. (New Ser.) Kotet. (Vols.) VIII.-XL, XIV., XV. (or Vols. VI. -IX., XII., and XIII. of Ser. 2 some imperfect). Maps and plates. Folio Budapest, 1870-86 Magyarorszagi Rg6szeti Emlekek. (Mag. Tud. Akad. Archseologiai Bizottsaga.) Vol. I. (pt. 2), II. (pt. 2), III. and IV. (pts. i and 2). Plates and plans. Folio Biidapest, 1869-80 A Philosophiai T6rveny-6s Tortenettudomanyi Osztalyok Kozlonye. (Szerkeszti, Csengery Antal). [Bulletin, section of Philosophy of Acad.} Kotet. (Vols.) I. -III. 8 Budapest, 1860-63 Ertekezesek a Bblcseleti Tudomanyok Korebol. Mag. Tud. Akad. A III. Osztaly Rendeletebdl. (Szerkeszte, Pesty Frigyes.) Kotet. (Vol.) III. Fiizet (pts.) i, 2. 8 Budapest, 1889 EUROPE HUNGARY. 795 Tortenelmi Emlekek. To'iok Magyarkori. Mag. Tud. Akad. Tort. Bizottmanya. Elso Osztaly (Sect, i) : Okmanytar. Kotet. (Vol.) I., II., IV. -VII., and IX. (7 vols.) 8 Budapest, 1863-72 - Ilakodik Osztaly (Sect. 2) : Irok. Kotet. (Vol.) I. 8 Budapest, 1893 Tortenettudomanyi Palyamunkak. Kiadja a Magyar Tudos Tarsasag. Kotet. (Vols.) I. and II. 8 Budapest, 1841-42 Ertekezesek a Nemzetgazdasagtan es Statisztika Korebol. Mag. Tud. Akad. [Memoirs Statistical Commission of Hungarian Acad.} A Nemzetgazdasagi-Statisz- tikai allando Bizottsagnak Rendeletebol. (Szerkeszti, Foldes Bela). Kotet. (Vols.) I. II. (imperfect), 1882-85. 8 Budapest, 1883-85 Publicationen des statistischen Bureaus der kon. Friestadt Pest. Nos. 3, 5-8. Large 8 Budapest, 1871-73 See Append. 2 : Austria- Hungary. Statisztikai Kozlemenyek [Statistical Proceedings}. A hazai Allapotok Ismeretenek Elomozditasara. Kiadja a Mag. Tud. Akad. Statisztikai Bizottmanya. (Ed. Hunfalvy Janos es Keleti Karoly.) Vols. I. -VIII. [bound in 6 vols.] Diagrams and tables. 8 Budapest, 1861-72 Statisztikai es Nemzetgazdasagi Kozlemenyek [Statistical and Political Economical Review}. Vols. V.-VIII. 8 Budapest, 1869-72 ///. Mathematical and Natural Sciences. AMagyar Tud6s Tarsasag' Evkonyvei. Vols. I.-X. and XII. -XVII. (1831-1889). [Some incomplete.] Plates. 4 Budapest, 1833-89 Emlekbeszedek a Mag. Tud. Akad. Tagjai Folott. (Szerkeszti a fotitkar.) Kotet. (Vols.) I. -VI., 1882-90. (Vols. II. and III. defective.) 8 Budapest, 1884-90 Ertesito. A Mathematikai es Termeszettudomanyi Osztalyok Kozlonye. (Szerkesti, Gyory Sandor.) [Bulletin, Mathematical and Natural Science Section of Acad.] Kotet. (Vol.) I. Plates. 8 Budapest, 1860 Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. (Mit Unter- sttitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Konglich Ungari- schen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft). [J. Frolich and others]. Vol. I. -VII., IX. and X. Maps and plates. 8 Budapest and Berlin, 1882-93 Foldrajzi Kozlemenyek . . . kiadja a Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsulat. [Journal and Proceedings of the Hungarian Geographical Society.} Kotet (Vols.) I. -III., X.- XXIII. (some incomplete). Maps and plates. 8 Budapest, 1873-95 Abrege du Bulletin de la Societe Hongroise de Geographic. Tom. X. -XXIII. [A few imperfect ; each French Abstract bound with its corresponding vol. of "Foldrajzi."] 8 [For List of Members, see p. 793] Budapest, 1882-95 IV. Philology and Belle Lettres. Archivum Rakoczianum. II. Rakoczy Ferencz Leveltara. Bel-es Kiilfoldi Irat- tarakbol Bovitve. A Mag. Tud. Akad. : 1. Oszotaly (Sect, i) Had-es Beliigy. Kotet. (Vol.) II.-X. [The last contains an Index to the 10 vols.] 8 Budapest, 1873-89 2. Osztaly (Sect. 2) Diplomatia. Kotet. (Vol.) I. -III. 8 Budapest, 1872-71 Ertekezesek a Tarsadalmi Tudomanyok Korebol. Mag. Tud. Akad. Kotet. (Vol.) , III. -XI. (some imperfect). 8 Budapest, 1875-92 Ertekezesek a Tortenelmi Tudomanyok Korebol. Mag. Tud. Akad. A II. Osztaly Rendeletebol. Kotet. (Vol.) IV. -XIV. (2 imperfect). 8 Budapest, 1874-90 Ertekezesek a Torteneti Tudomanyok Korebol. Mag. Tud. Akad. A II. Osztaly Rendeletebo'l. Kotet. (Vol.) I. -III., XV. -XVI. (imperfect set). 8 Budapest, 1869-93 Ertekezesek a Termeszettudomanyok K6r6bol. Mag. Tud. Akad. A III. Osztaly Rendeletebol. Kotet. (Vol.) I. (fiizet (parts) 1-4 and 14-19), II. 8 Budapest, 1867-71 Ertesito. Mag. Tud. Akad. Nyelv-es Szeptudomanyi Osztaly Kozlonye. (Szerkeszti, Toldy Ferencz.) [Bulletin, Section of Philology of Acad.] Kotet. (Vol.) I. 8 Budapest, 1860 Kozlemenyek. Nyelvtudomanyi. Mag. Tud. Akad. [Memoirs Philological Section of Hungarian Acad.]. (Szerkeszti Hunfalvy Pal.) Kotet. (Vols.) V. and VII. (imper- fect set). 8 Budapest, 1866 and 1869 Ungarische Revue, mit Unterstiitzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Jahrg. 1881-93 (13 vols - : l8 9i '9 r > aml '93 imperfect). Plates. 8 U and royal 8" Budapest, 1881-93 796 APPENDIX III. CRACOW. Akademija Umiejetnosci w Krakowie. [Academy of Sciences, Cracow.} Sprawoz- danie Komisyi Fizograficznej . . . Materyjaly do Fizjografii Galicyi. Tom. II. -XXVIII. Maps and plates. 8 Cracow, 1868-93 [Report of Physiographical Commission . . . with Materials of Galician Physio- graphy.] Rozprawy i Sprawozdania z Posiedzen Wydzialu Historyczno-Filozoficznego. Tom. XIX. and XX. Maps. 8 Cracow, 1887 [Historical and Philosophical Memoirs ; contains Articles on Ancient Geography, with Maps.] Rocznik Zarzadu (Akad. Umiej. w. Krak.). Rok 1886 and 1887. 12 [Annual of Acad. Sci., Cracow.] Cracow, 1887-88 - Bulletin International de 1'Acad. des Sciences de Cracovie. Comptes Rendus des Seances de 1'Ann 1889 and 1895, part I (8 parts). 8 Cracow, 1889 [Anzeiger der Akad. der Wissenschaft supra.~\ IctA Ungarischen Karpathen - Verein. (Magyarorszagi Karpategyesulet). Jahrbuch [Vol.] XV. -XIX. Jahrg. 1888-1892 and 1894. (Deutsche Ausgabe.) Plates. 8 Iglo, 1888-93 BELGIUM. ANTWERP. Societe Royale de Geographic d'Anvers. Bulletin. Tom. I. -XVIII. Maps arid plates. 8 Antwerp, 1877-93 Memoires. Tom. I. -III. Maps and plates. 8 Antwerp, 1879-86 BRUSSELS. Academic Royale des Sciences et Belle- Lettres de Belgique. Annuaire de 1'. Ann. LVI.-LIX. Portraits. 12 Brussels, 1890-93 Bulletins des Seances de la Classe des Sciences. (2 vols.) Plates. 8 Brussels, 1863-64 Bulletin de 1' Academic. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1870-80 Ser. 2. Tom. XIX.-L. (32 vols.). Ann. 34 to 50. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1865-80 - Ser. 3. Tom. I. -XXV. (25 vols.). Ann. 50 to 63. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1881-93 - Tables Generates du Recueil des Bulletins. 2 C Ser. Tomes XXI. -L. (1867-1880). 8 Brussels, 1883 Centieme Anniversaire de Fondation (1772-1872). Tom. I.-II. Royal 8 Brussels, 1872 Memoires couronnes et autres Memoires, publics par 1' Academic. Tom. XXII.- XLVI. Plates. 8 Brussels, 1872-92 Memoires couronnes et Memoires des savants etrangers, publics par 1'Academie. Tom. XXXIII.-LII. 1865-67 to 1890-93 (20 vols.) Plates. 4 Brussels, l&rj -9$ Memoires de 1'Academie. Tom. XXXV. -XLIX. et L. (i fasc.). [Bound in 15 vols.] Plates. 4 Brussels, 1865-93 Notices Biographiques et Bibliographiques, concernant les Membres, les Corres- pondants, et les Associes. Ann. 1866. Portraits. 12 Brussels, 1887 Tables des Memoires des Membres, &c., 1816-57, 1858-78. 12 Brussels, 1858-79 Association Internationale Africaine. Rapports, &c. See Appendix 2 : Africa, General. Missions en Chine et au Congo. Annales des annees 1889-94. 6 vols. (bound in 2). Plates. Small 4 Brussels, 1889-94 Mouvement Antiesclavagiste Beige, Le. Revue Mensuelle Internationale Illustree. Ann. V. (No. 9 and 12), VI. Plates. Royal 8 Brussels, 1894 Observations M6torologiques faites aux Stations Internationales de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas. Parts II. and III., 1878, 1879. 4 Brussels, 1879-80 Publications de 1'Etat Independant du Congo. See Etienne, E., and Mense, Dr: Authors' Catalogue. Observatoire Royale de Bruxelles, L. Annales (Nouv. Ser.) Tom. V. (i fasc.) Plates. 4 Brussels, 1882 Astronom. Append. 8. See Houzeau, J. C. : Authors' Catalogue. EUROPE DENMARK. 797 Societe Beige de Geographic. Bulletin. Tom. I. -XVIII. Maps and plates. 8 Brussels, 1877-94 Compte-Rendu ties Actes de la Societe. Tom. I. -XVIII. 8 Brussels, 1877-94 [The Compte-Rendu is bound with the Bulletin.] BRITISH ISLES : ENGLAND. [See under United Kingdom, postea.~\ DENMARK. COPENHAGEN. Annales de 1'Observatoire Magnetique de Copenhague. Publiees par Adam Paulsen. Annee 1892. Folio Copenhagen, 1893 Danske Meteorologiske Institut, Meteorologisk Aarbog, udgivet af. For 1886-93, 8 vols. Maps. 4 [Title-page also given in French] Copenhagen, 1887-94 K. Danske Geografisk Selskab. Geografisk Tidskrift, udgivet af Bestyrelsen for det K. D. G. Selsk. Vols. I. -XII., 1877-93 (some incomplete). Maps and plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1877-94 Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs. Historiske og Philosophiske Afhandlinger. Vol. VII. Plate. Small 4 Copenhagen, 1845 Naturvidenskabelige og Mathematiske Afhandlinger. Map and plates. Vols. XI. and XII. 4 Copenhagen, 1845-46 Skrifter. Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling. Ser. 5. Vols. I. -XII. Maps and plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1849-80 Ser. 6. Vol. I. -VII. (6-7 imperfect). Maps and plates. 4 Copenhagen, 1880-93 Oversigt over det K. dansk. Vidensk. Selsk., Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider i Aaret, 1844-93 (bound in 19 vols.) Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1845-93 [Classified Gen. Index.] Fortegnelse over de Af. det Kongelige Danske Videnska- bernes Selskab i Tidsrummet 1742-1891. Udgivne Videnskabelige Arbejder [pamph. 136 pp.] 8 Copenhagen, 1892 K. Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic, udgivne af det K. Nord. Oldsk. Selsk. Ser. I Aargang, 1866-85, 20 vols. ; Ser. 2 Aargang, 1886-94, 8 vols. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1866-94 Tillreg til Aarboger. Aarg. 1866-85 (18 parts, bound in 2 vols.) 8 Copenhagen, 1867-86 - Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed. Aarg. 1836-37, 1840-41, 3 vols. ; 1847-50, 4 vols. ; 1856 and 1859, 2 vols. Total of 9 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1837-59 Antiquarisk Tidskrift. Aarg. 1843-45, 1855-60, 4 vols. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1845-61 Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Memoires de la, 1836-60. 4 vols. bound in 3. Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1836-61 - Nouvelle Serie, 1866-92, 5 vols. (2 incomplete). Maps and plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1866-92 Cinquantieme Anniversaire de la Fondation de la Societe. Discours prononce par J. J. A. Warsaae. 8 Copenhagen, 1875 - Reports of the General Anniversary Meetings of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, 1834-43. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1*34-43 - Report Addressed to the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries by its British and American Members. Plates. 8 Copenhagen, 1836 - Works Presented to the Society, 1855-57. [Critical Remarks on, &c.] I vol. Woodcuts. 8 Copenhagen [\%(x>1] FRANCE. BORDEAUX. Societe de Geographic Commerciale de Bordeaux (Group Regional Girondin). Bul- letin. Ser. I. No. 2, 1875-76. 8 Bordeaux, 1877 Bulletin. Ser. 2. Ann. I. -XVI., 1878-93 (16 torn.). Maps and plates. 8 Bordeaux, 1878-93 Reglement. [Pamph.] 8 Bordeaux, 1877 798 APPENDIX III. DIJON. Academic des Sciences, Arts, et Belle Lettres de Dijon, Memoires de. Plates. 8 Dijon, 1830-50 i e Ser. Annee 1830-50. 8 vols. 2 e Ser. Tom. I. -XVI. (1851-70). [Bound in II vols.] Plates. 8 Dijon, 1852-71 3 e Ser. Tom. I. and IV. -X. (1871-87). [In 8 vols.] Plates. 8 Dijon, 1873-88 4 e Ser. Tom. I. -III. (1888-92). Plates. 8 Dijon, 1889-92 Journal d' Agriculture de la Cote d'Or, public par la Societe d'Agriculture et cl'In- dustrie Agricole du Departement. Vol. XXIV. 8 Dijon, 1862 HAVRE. Societe de Geographic Commerciale du Havre. Annuaire, 1886-93. 8 Reports. 8 Havre, 1886-93 Bulletin, 1884-93. Maps and plates. 8 Havre, 1884-93 LILLE AND DOUAI. Bulletin Scientifique du Department du Nord et des Pays Voisins. (Pas de Calais, Somme, Aisne, Ardennes, Belgique.) [A. Giard et J. de Guerne.] Tom. XI. Ser. 2. Ann. 2, 1879. Plates. 8 Lille, 1880 Societd de Geographic de Lille, Bulletin de la, 1889. Tom. XI. (No. 5). Plate. Royal 8 Lille. 1889 Union Geographique du Nord de la France. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XIII. and XIV. (incomplete). Maps and plates. Large and small 8 Lille and Douai, 1880-93 LYONS. Les Missions Catholiques. See Paris, infra. Societe d'Anthropologie de Lyon. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XL (1881-91). Plates. 8 Lyons, 1882-91 Societe de Geographic de Lyon. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XI. Maps. 8 Lyons, 1875-92 [Sep. vol. " Lyon et la Region lyonnaise."] Rapport Annuel Seance Solennelle, 23rd Dec. 1880. [Pamph.] 8 Lyons, 1881 Proces-Verbaux. No. I. Nov. 1881. [Pamph. 4 pp.] Small 4 Lyons, 1881 MARSEILLES. Societe de Geographic de Marseilles. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XVII. Maps. 8 Marseilles, 1877-93 MONTPELLIER. Societe Languedocienne de Geographic. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XVI. Maps ami plates. 8 Montpellier, 1878-93 NANCY. Societe de Geographic de 1'Est. Public par les soins et sous le Controle du Comite de Redaction. Bulletin de la, 1885. 2 e Trimestre. 8 Nancy, 1885 Societe des Sciences de Nancy. [Bulletin published at Paris. See Paris.] NANTES. Societ6 de Geographic Commerciale de Nantes. Bulletin. Ann. 1885-86 et 1886. (3 parts). Map. 8 Nantes, 1885-86 Exposition de Geographic Commerciale, organisee sous le patronage de la Ville par la Soc. G. C. N. (Pamph.) 8 Nantes, 1886 PARIS. Acad^mie des Sciences Paris. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 1', par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. Tom. IV.-CXVIII. 4 Paris, 1837-93 Table Generate des Comptes Rendus ties Seances. Tomes LXII.-XCL. (1866- 1880). 4 Paris, 1888 Alliance Scientifique Universelle. See under "Institution Ethnogr.," and "Soc. Ethnographique," postea. Annales de Geographic. [P. Vidal de la Blache et Marcel Dubois.] Tom. I. -II. (1891-92, 1892-93). Maps. 8 Paris, 1891-93 Annales de 1'Agriculture des Colonies, et des Regions Tropicales. Publiees sous la Direction de M. Paul Madinier. Vols. I. -III. 8 Paris, 1860-61 Annales de PExtreme Orient. See Soc. Acad. Indo-Chinoise, infra. EUROPE FRANCE. 799 Annales Hydrographiques. Recueil de Documents et Memoires relatifs a 1'Hydro- graphie et a la Navigation public au Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine par le Service des Instructions. Ser. I. Tom. I. -X LI. 1848-78. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1849-79 Ser. 2. Tom. I. -XV. 1879-93. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1879-93 Index Alphabetique des Noms de Lieux contenus dans les Tomes I. -XXVIII. etXXIX.-XLI. 8 /fcrw, 1870-79 Annuaire des Marees des Cotes de France. See Appendix 2 : France (B). Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes, 1820-87. 68 vols. 16 Paris, 1820-87 Annales Maritimes, &c. See Ministere de Marine, infra. Archives des Mission Scientifiques et Litteraires. [Publiees sous les auspices de Ministere de PInstruction Publique et des Cultes.] 33 vols. i e Ser. Tom. I. -VI. Plates. 8 Paris, 1855-57 2 e Ser. Tom. I.-VII. Plates. 8 Paris, 1864-72 3 e Ser. Tom. I. -XV. Plates. 8 Paris, 1873-89 4 e Ser. Tom. I.-IV. Plates. 8 Paris, 1891-93 Table Generate des Archives des Miss. Sci. et Lit., comprenant les trois Series jusqu' au Tom. XV. [et XV. bis.'} 8 Paiis, 1890 Association Internationale des Hommes de Science. See wider Institution Ethno- graphique, infra. Association de la Propagation de la Foi. Annales . . . Recueil Periodique des Lettres des Eveques et des Missionaires des Missions des Deux Mondes, et de tous les Docume,ns Relatifs aux Missions et a 1'Association. Collection Faisant Suite a toutes les Editions des Lettres Edifiantes. Tom. I. -XXIII. Maps and plates. 8 See " Lettres Edifiantes," &c., infra Paris, Lyons, 1825-51 Association Fra^aise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences. See under Algiers, antea. Bulletin de Geographic Historique et Descriptive. See Comite des Travaux, &c., infra. Bulletin des Sciences Geographiques, &c. , Economie Publique : Voyages. [6 Sect. Bull. Universel des Sciences et de 1'Industrie. Dir. De Ferussac.] Tom. I. -XXVIII. (bound in 13 vols.) 8 Paris, 1824-31 Bulletin du Comite de 1'Afrique Franchise. [Publication Mensuelle.] Ann. I- to V e - and Supplements. Maps and woodcuts. 4 Paris, 1891-94 Canal de Suez, Le. Bulletin Decadaire de la Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez. [Commencing] No. 492, 22nd Aug. 1885. [Imperfect set.] 4 Paris, 1885-93 Canal Interoceanique, Bulletin du. Annee I.-IX. [or Nos. 1-225, imperfect set]. Maps. 4 Paris, 1879-89 Club Alpin Francais, Annuaire du. Ann. I. -XX (1874-93). Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1875-94 Comite des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques. (Ministere de 1'Instruction Publique et des Beaux Arts.) Bulletin de Geographic Historique et Descriptive. Ann. 1886. (Nos. i and 2.) 8 Paris, 1886 Institution Ethnographique (Paris). " Alliance Scientifique Universelle," Association Internationale des Hommes de Science," comprise " Societe d'Ethnographie," " Soc. Americaine de France," "Soc. Sinico-Japanaise," Soc. des Etudes, Jap., &c. (With Sections, Orient, et Africaine, Amer. et Orient., and Oceanique. ) See under Soc. d'Ethnographie, postea. La Clef du Cabinet des Princes de 1'Europe, ou Retueil Historique et Politique sur les matieres du terns, Juillet 1704 Dec. 1713. 23 vols. 12. Imprime chez Jacques le Sincere, a 1'Enseigne de la Verite Paris, 1704-15 L' Annee Geographique. Revue Annuel des Voyages de Terre et de Mer, &c. Ser. i. Tom. II.-XIIL, 1863-75 (par Vivien de Saint Martin). 12 Paris, 1864-76 Ser. 2. Tom. I. -II., 1876-77 (par C. Maunoir et H. Duveyrier). 12 Paris, 1878-79 La Geographic. Revue Generate des Science Geographiques. (Dir. Leon Fremont, Redac,t. Gaston Dujarric.) Ann. ,VI. (imperfect). 4 , Parti, 189$ Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses Ecrites des Missions Etrangers. Nouv. ed. Tom. I. -XX VI. Maps and plates. 12 Paris, 1780-83 See [Append, i : "Letters," &c., p. 610, for regional divisions of vols. J [Continued as] Nouvelles Lettres Edifiantes les Missions de la Chine et des Indies Orientales. [See Note below.] Tom. I. -VIII. 12 Paris, 1818-23 [Continued as] 8oo APPENDIX III. Annales de 1'Association de la Propapation de la Foi. Tom. I. -XXIII. Maps and plates. 8 Paris (and Lyons'] 1825-51 [See " Assoc. Propagation de la Foi," supra.} Les Missions Catholiques. Bulletin Hebdomadaire de 1'CEuvre de la Propagation de la Foi. Tom. I. -XXV. Maps, woodcuts, &c. 4 [Lyons and] Paris, 1868-93 [The volume " Nouvelles des Missions Orientales" published in London, 1797 (see under United Kingdom, postea), seems partly to fill the gap between " Lettres Edif." and " Nouv. Lettres," supra. The turmoil in France about the period in question might account for temporary cessation of Jesuitical periodicals in Paris.] L'Explorateur, Journal Geographique et Commerciale. (Hebdomadaire, avec illustra- tions Cartes et Planches sous le patronage de la Soc. de Geogr. Comm. Deleguee par la Soc. . . . sous la direction de C. Hertz et A. Puissant.) Tom. I. -III. (and all issued of IV. ). Maps and illustrations. Folio Paris, 1875-76 [Continued as] L* Exploration : Journal des Couquetes de la Civilisation sur tous les points du Globe. (Eds. C. Hertz, H. Capetaine, and P. Tournaford.) Tom. I. -XVII., Dec. 1876 to 1884. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1877-84 [See " La Geogr. Contemporaine," &c., by C. Hertz : Authors' Catalogue.] [Continued as] La Gazette Geographique et Exploration. Nouv. Ser. Annee 1885 to 1887. 6 vols. Maps and plates. Small 4 Paris, 1885-87 [Followed by] Revue Fran^aise, de 1'Etranger et les Colonies, et Exploration : Gazette Geographique. Tom. IV. -XV. (1885-93). Maps and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1886-93 Magasin Asiatique, ou Revue Geographique et Historique de 1'Asie Centrale et Septen- trionale (par J . Klaproth). Tom. I. -II. (bound in i vol.). Maps. 8 Paris, 1825 [See " Asiatisches Magazin," Weimar (Germany), 1802, postea.] Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Annales Maritimes et Coloniales, ou Recueil des Lois et Ordonnances Royales, Reglemens et Decisions Ministerielles, Memoires, Observations, et Notices particulieres, et generalement de tout ce qui peut interesser la Marine et les Colonies, sous les Rapports Militaires, Administratifs, Judiciaires, Nautiques, Consulaires, et Commerciaux, 1829. (By M. Bajot.) i torn, in 2 parts (2 vols.). Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1829 Ponts et Chaussees. Service Hydrometrique, &c. For publications of, see Append. 2. Publications de 1'Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes. Ser. i. Tom. I. -XX. Maps. Royal 8 Paris, 1876-85 - Ser. 2. Tom. I.-XVII. Plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1881-86 - Ser. 3. Tom. I. -VI. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Paris, 1886-89 [Total 43 vols. of the 47 published, those wanting in Soc. Library being Vols. 11, 17, and 20 of Ser. 2, and Vol. 7 of Ser. 3. For titles and subjects contained in separate vols. see Appendix 2 : France (D) ; and Authors' Catalogue.] Revue Algerienne et Coloniale, No. de Septembre. Annuaire de 1'Algerie et des Colonies, 1859. I vol. 8 Paris, 1859 Revue de Geographic. (Dirigee par Ludovic Drapeyron.) Tom. I. -XXXIV. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1877-93 Revue Geographique Internationale. Journal Mensuel Illustree des Sciences Geo- graphiques. [Vols. VI. -XVIII.] Ann. 1881-93. Maps and plates. (Imperfect set.] 4 Paris, 1881-93 Revue Maritime et Coloniale. (Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies.) Vols. I.-LV., LXXIII.-CXXII. (Total 105 vols., 6 incomplete.) Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1861-93 Table Alphabetique et Analytique des Matieres contenus dans les 40 volumes de la Rev. Mar. et Colon, de 1879-88. 8 Paris, 1889 [See Annales Maritimes (1829), supra; also Notices Statist. Colon. France, and Tableaux, &c. ; Appendix 2 : France (B) ]. Societe Academique Indo-Chinoise. Revue Asiatique et Oceanique (Ed. C. Meyners D'Eslrey). Annales de 1'Extreme Orient. (Bull, de la Soc.). Tom. L.-XIV. Maps and plates. Royal 8 and 8 Paris, 1878-90 Bulletin de la Soc. (Ed. M. de Crozier). 2nd Ser. Tom. I. -III. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1882-90 Memoires de la Soc. Tom. I, Ann. 1877 to 1878. Plates. 4 Paris, 1879 EUROPE FRANCE. 801 Societe Americaine de France. See under Soc. d'Ethnographie, infra. Societe Asiatique, Journal Asiatique Nouveau, on Recuei kle Memoires, d'Extraits, et do Notices relatif a 1'IIistoire, a la Philosophic, aux Langues, et a la Litterature des Peuples Orientaux, public par la Soc. Asiat. Total 126 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Paris, 1831-94 Ser. 2. 10 Tomes (VII. -XVI ) .. 1831-35 Ser. 3. 14 Tomes (I. -XIV.) .. 1836-42 Ser. 4. 20 Tomes (I. -XX.) .. 1843-52 Ser. 5. 20 Tomes (I. -XX.) .. 1853-62 Ser. 6. 20 Tomes (I. -XX.) .. 1863-72 Ser. 7. 20 Tomes (I. -XX.) .. 1873-82 Ser. 8. 20 Tomes (I. -XX.) .. 1883-93 Ser. 9. 2 Tomes (I. -II.) .. 1893 Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. Bulletin. 3 e Ser. Tom. V.-XII (11 incom- plete). Plates. 8 Paris, 1882-89 4 I! Ser. Tom. I. -IV. Plates. 8 Paris, 1890-93 Memoires. 2 e Ser. Tom. III. (fasc. 3, 4) and IV. Plates. 8 Paris, 1888-93 3 e Ser. Tom. I. (fasc. 1-3). Royal 8 Paris, 1893-94 Catalogue de la Bibliotheque. Pts. I. and II., 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1891 Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale, Bulletin de la. Tom. XI. 4 Paris,, 1864-65 Societe d'Ethnographie (Paris). I. Americaine et Orientale. Comptes-Rendus des Seances de la Soc. Tom. I. and II. (2 pts.). 8 Paris, 1860 Rapport Annuel, . . . sur la Progres (Ethnog.), &c. . . . pendant les Annees 1858-59 and 18630* E. Cortambert : Authors' Catalogue.] 8 Paris, 1860 and 1864 Revue Orientale et Americaine (Redigee par Leon de Rosny). Nouv. Ser. (2) I. -III. (5 Nos.). Plates. 8 Paris, 1877-79 II. Ethnographic Generate. Actes de la Soc. Ser. 2. Tom. I. (and Append.), II., VII. -X., 1865-85 [total 20 Nos.]. [Imperfect set in vols. and continuity of numbers. Append., Vol. I., "Notice Descriptive de C Exposition Ethnographiqtie" &c.] 8 Paris, 1867-86 Annuaire de la Soc.. Sess. 1861, 1862 (2 and 3 e Ann.), 1874 (8), 1877, 1878 and bis, 1882-86 and 1888 [total 12 pts.]. 12 Paris, 1861-88 [The extra "Annuaire," 1878 contains " Resume Historique," 1859-75.] Memoires de la Soc. [8 SER.] Sect. Orientale. Revue Orient. 2 e Ser. Tom. I. (No. i), 1867, and Tom. XII. (No. 2), 1873. Plate. 8 Paris, 1867 and 1873 Sect. Mem. et Travatix. Revue Ethnographique. Ann. I. (Nos. I, 2). Plates. 8 Paris, 1869 [4 SER.] Tom. I. (Nos. 2, 3). Map and plates. 4 Paris, 1881-82 [For No. 3 see Leon de Rosny : Authors' Catalogue. ] III. Societi! Americaine de France. Annuaire de la Soc., 1873 (1868-73), l8 75 0874-75), and 1881. 8 and 12 Paris, 1873-81 Archives de la Soc., Nouv. (2 e ) Ser. Tom. I. Plates. 8 Paris, 1875 Compte-Rendu des Seances (Actes de PInstitution Ethnographique). Sess. 1878. Plates. 8 Paris, 1879 IV. Societe des Etudes Japonaises, Chinoises, &c. Annuaire de le Soc., 1873 (i e Ann.). 8 Paris, 1873 Memoires de la Soc., 1885 (pt. Tom. IV.). 8 Paris, 1885 Compte-Rendu des Seances de la Soc. 1877 (included in Tom. VIII., 1878, of Actes de 1'Institution Ethnographique, supra}. V. Institution Ethnographique. Bulletins. Ser. I Nos. 2 ("1878), 41, 45, 48, 49 (1882), and 51, 52, 53 (1883) ; Ser. 2 Nos. 1-7 (1887), 21-24 (1888). [Total 21 Nos.] 8 Paris, 1878-88 [The ist Ser. bears title "Bull. Instit. Ethnog.," the 2nd Ser. ^ Bull. Soc. Ethnog.," and extra heading "Alliance Scientifique Universclle."] Rapport Annuel sur les Recompenses, &c. 1883-86 (4 Nos.). 8 Paris, 1883-86 [Extra heading "Alliance Sci. Univ."] Annuaire de la Delegation Generate de 1'Oceanie, 1884-85. 16 Afaitland (N.S. Wales, Australia], 1885 3 E 802 APPENDIX III. Societe de Geographic (Paris), Bulletin de la. Total, 128 vols, bound in 91 vols. 8 Paris, 1822-94 Ser. i. 20 Tomes (in 20) Ser. 2. 20 Tomes (in 10) Ser. 3. 14 Tomes (in 7) Ser. 4. 20 Tomes (in 10) 1822-33 1834-43 1844-50 1851-60 Ser. 5. 20 Tomes (in ic) Ser. 6. 20 Tomes (in 19) Ser. 7. 15 Tomes (in 15) 1861-70 1871-80 1881-93 Bull. Table Alphabetique et Raisonnee des Matieres contenues. dans les deux premieres Series, 1822-43. (E. de Froberville.) 8 Paris, 1845 - Ditto. 3 e and4 e Ser., 1844-61. (V. A. Barbie du Bocage.) 8 Paris, 1866 Compte-Rendu des Seances de la Soc. de Geogr. et de la Commission Centrale. Annee, 1882-93 (12 tomes). Maps. 8 Paris, 1883-93 [The Compt. Rend, Lists of Members, and other Notices prior to 1882, are bound up with the vols. of Bulletin.] Notice sur la Soc., &c. See Appendix 2 : France (E.), Anonymous. Societe de Geographic Commerciale (de Paris), Bulletin de la. Tom. V., VII. -XIV., XV. [incomplete], 1882-93. Maps. 8 Paris, 1883-93 Societe des Etudes Japonaises, Chinoises, Tartares, et Indo-Chinoises (fondee 1873). See tinder Institution Ethnogr. and Soc. d'Ethnographie, antea. Societe des Sciences de Nancy, Bulletin de la. Tom. I. -VIII. (18 fasc.). Ann. 1875-86. Nov. Ser. (loose), Nos. 2-5, Mai-Aout. 1889. plates. 8 Societe de Topographic de France. Bulletin. Ann. XVII., Nos. 1-3 and 7-12 (1893). Plates. Small 8 Societe Ethnologique de Paris, Memoires de la. [See Appendix 2 : France (E.), Anonymous]. Bulletin de la. Ann. 1846-47 (2 parts, I vol.) Tom. I.-II. [Imperfect set.] Maps and Paris, 1876-89 VII., Nos. 10-12 (1883); Paris, 1883-93 Maps and plates. Paris, 1841-45 Paris, 1846-47 Societe Fran^ais de Statistique Universelle, Bulletin dela. Ann. 1830-31. 2 tomes (in I vol). Tables. 4 Paris, 1831 Societe Geologique de France, Bulletin de la. Vol. I. 8 Paris, 1830 Soc. Histor. et Archeolog. du Perigord. See Esperandieu, E. : Authors' Catalogue. Societe Meteorologique de France, Annuaire de la. (2* Partie, Bulletin des Seances). Tom. XIII. Feuilles 1-22, 3 Nos. Woodcuts. Royal 8 Paris, 1865 Societe Sinico-Japonaise. See under Institution Ethnographique and Soc. d'Ethnogr. Tour du Monde, Le. Nouveau Journal des Voyages, fonde par Edouard Charton. Tom. I.-LXV. Maps and plates. 4 7>ar, 1860-93 Table des Matieres. Vols. I.-XX. (1860 70, bound with Tom. XXI.). 4 Paris, 1870 Tour du Monde, Le. Nouvelles Geographiques (F. Schrader and H. Jacottet). Ann. I. -III. (1891-93). Illustrations. 4 [Also an 8 edition of Ann. I.] Paris, 1891-94 ROCHEFORT. Societe de Geographic de Rochefort. Bulletin. Tom. I. and XII. (imperfect, 2 Nos., 1879 and 1890-91), and Tom. XIV., XV., and XVI. (1892-94). Royal 8 Rochefort and Paris, 1879-94 ROUEN. Societe Normande de Geographic. Bulletin. Tom. I. -XV. (Ann. 1879-94). Maps. Small 4 Koncn, 1879-94 SAINT-NAZAIRE. Societe de Geographic et du Musee Commercial de Saint-Nazaire. Bulletin. I.- IV., VI., VIII., et X. (7 parts). 8 Saint-Nazaire, 1886-93 TOULOUSE. Societe Academique Franco-Hispano-Portugaise de Toulouse. Annuaire, 1884-85 and 1887-88. 8 Tottlotise, 1884-87 Bulletin. Tom. I. -XI. 8 Toulouse, 1880-93 [Imperfect. The Bull., Tom. I., was issued under the title " Soc. Acad. Hispano- Portugaise," the "Franco" being added from Tom. II. onwards. From Tom. VI. (1885), the additional separate heading " Union Latine" is affixed.] Statuts et Reglements (pamph. 30 pp.). 8 Toulouse, 1883 Societe de Geographic de Toulouse. Annuaire 1890. 8 Toulouse, 1890 TOURS. Union Geographique du Centre. Societe de Geographic de Tours : Revue. Ann. III. (Nos. 3-9) [imperfect]. Maps. 8 Tours, 1886 EUROPE GERMAN EMPIRE. 803 GERMAN EMPIRE. ALTENBURG. Kunst- und Handwerks-Verein : Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Gemeinschaftlich herausgegeben vom Kunst und Handwerks Vereine und von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Altenburg. Bande XV - XVIII. Plates. 8 Altenburg, 1861-68 t" Nachnchten u. Lebensbilder," &c. (1815-1857), Append, to Bd. XV.] AUGSBURG. Das Ausland. Ueberschau der neuesten Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Natur-, Erd- und Volkerkunde. Jahrg. XXXVIII.-LXVI. (bound in 31 vols.). 4 Augsburg and Stuttgart, 1865-93 [From 1828 to 1872, 45 vols. were published at Augsburg; in 1873 the place of publication was changed to Stuttgart ; in 1882 the sub-title was altered to " Wochenschrift fur Landes, und Volkeskunde ; " and at the end of 1893 " Das Ausland " ceased, becoming incorporated with " Globus," published at Brunswick.] BERLIN. Archiy fur wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. (A. Erman.) Band I. -XXV. Berlin, 1841-67 Association International du Congo. See Danckelman : Authors' Catalogue. Central-Verein fiir Handelsgeographie, und Forderung deutscher Interessen in Aus- lande (zu Berlin). Geographische Nachrichten fiir Welthandel und Volkswirthschaft. Organ fiir Auswanderungs- und Colonisationswesen. . . . Jahrg. I., II. (Hefte I, 2), III. (Hefte 1-3), 1879, 1880, and 1881. Maps. 8 Berlin, 1879-81 [Continued as] - Export, Organ des Central Vereins fiir Handelsgeographie, &c., Jahrg. IV. -XV., and XVI. (incomplete), 1882-93. 4 Berlin, 1882-93 Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Uiitersuchung der Deutsche Meere in Kiel, Jahresberichte der . . . Jahrg. I. -VI. fiir 1871-76. Maps and plates. Folio Berlin, 1873-78 Ergebnisse, der Beobachtungsstationen an dem Deutschenkiisten iiber die Physik- alischen Eigenschaften der Ost See und Nord See und die Fischerei. Jahrg. 1890, 1891, 1892 (3 Bande). Oblong 8 Berlin, 1891-93 Deutschen Geographentages, Verhandlungen des. Jahren 1881-93, Io vo ' s - Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1892-93 Erste. D. Geogr. zu Berlin Zweiten. ,, zu Halle Dritten. zu Frankfort Vierten. ,, zu Munich Fiinften. zu Hamburg 884 Sechsten. D. Geogr. zu Dresden Siebenten. ,, zu Karlsruhe Achten. zu Berlin Neunten. zu Vienna Zehnten. ,, zu Stuttgart 8<>3 Bericht iiber die Ausstellung des IX. Deutsch. Geographentages zu Wien, 1891. Nebst Ausstellungskatalog. 8 Vienna, 1891 Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Enforschung ^Equatorial Afrikas. [A title altered to] Africanische Gesellschaft, Correspondenzblatt der. (W. Koner und R. Hartmann.) Band I. (Nos. 1-20), 1873-76. Maps. Small 8 Berlin, 1877 - Band II. (Nos. 21, 24-29), 1877-78 (imperfect) 7 Nos., Herausgegeben von dem Obmann des Ausschusses). Small 8 a Dresden, 1877-78 [See Appendix 2 : Africa, General, Miscellaneous.] [Soc. Title again altered to] Afrikanischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Biinde I.-V., 1878-89. (Dr W. Erman.) Maps. 8 Berlin, 1879-89 Deutsches Kolonialblatt. Amtsblatt fiir die Schutzgebiete des Deutschen Reichs, herausgegeben in der Kolonial-Abtheilung des auswartigen Amis. Jahrg. I. -IV. Maps and plates. Small 4 Berlin, 1890-93 Deutschen Kolonial-Gesellschaft. Jahresbericht. 1892. Royal 8 Berlin, 1893 Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialvereins. (Eds. R. Lesser andG. Meinicke.) Bande I. -IV. Maps. 8 (Frankfurt-a-M. ami) Berlin, 1884-87 - Neue Folge. Jahrgang I. -VI. Maps. 4 Berlin, 1888-93 Export, &c. See Central-Verein, supra. 804 APPENDIX III. Geographische Nachrichten, &c. See Cenlral-Verein, supra. Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Monatsberichte liber die Verhandlungen der Jahrg. I. -IV. (in I vol.), Ser. I (1839-43). Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1840-43 Ser. 2. Bande I. -X. (in 5 vols.) Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1844-53 [Followed by] Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde. Bande II. -VI. (Ser. I, T. E. Gumprecht). Maps and plans. S Berlin, 1854-56 The same. Neue Folge. Bande I. -XIX. (Ser. 2, K. Neumann and W. Koncr). Maps and plates. 8" Berlin, 1856-65 [Continued as] Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde. Bande I. -XXVIII. (W. Koner, A. von Danckelman, and G. Kollm). Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1866-93 - Verhandlungen der. Bande I. -XX. (1873-94). Maps. 8 Berlin, 1875-94 Bibliothek der Gesell. f. Erdk. zu Berlin. Verzeichniss der Biicher. i Bd. 8" Berlin, 1888 Hydrographischen Amt der Admiralitat, Reichs-Marine Amts, und der Deutschen Seewarte in Hamburg. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie. Jahrg. XV. (Heft 6), XVI. (Hefte 1-6), XVII. (Hefte 1-6), XVIII., XIX. (Hefte 7-12), XX. -XXII. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Berlin, 1887-94 Koloniales Jahrbuch. (Ed. Guslav Meinicke.) Jahrg. II. -VI., 1889 to 1894. Maps and -woodcuts. 8 Berlin, 1890-94 Kolonial Politische Correspondenz. Jahrg. I.-III. (i and 2 slightly imperfect). Small 4 Berlin, 1885-87 Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften ( Berlin), Abhandlungen der. Jahren 1822- 1893 (bound in 75 vols). Maps, plates, and tables. 4 Berlin, 1825-93 The same. Verzeichniss der Abhandlungen, von 1710-1870, in Alphabetischer Folge der Verfasser. 8 Berlin, 1871 The same. Inhaltsverzeichniss der Abhandl., 1822-72, nach den Klassen geordnet. 8 Berlin, 1873 Berichte iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der. Jahren 1839-55 (17 vols. bound in 16). Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1839-55 [Continued as] Monatsberichte der. Jahren 1856-81 (26 vols. ) Alaps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1860-82 Register fiir die Monatsb. 1836-73 (2 vols. bound in i). 8 Berlin, 1860-75 [Continued as] Sitzungberichte der. Jahrgang 1882-94 t 2 v l s - annually = 26 vols. total]. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Berlin, 1882-95 Koniglichen Geodatischen Instituts (Berlin). Jahresbericht des Direktors, 1887-88 and 1893-94. (7 Jahresb.) 8 Berlin, 1888-94 [For other Publications of Preuss. Geodet. Instil., see Appendix 2 : Germany.] Konigliche Museum zu Berlin. See Ehrenreich, P. : Authors' Catalogue. Koniglich Preussischen Meteorologischen Instituts, Abhandlungen der. Band I. (Nos. 1-5). Illustrations. Royal 4 Berlin, 1890-92 Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit des. 1891-93 (3 parts). (Wilhelm von Bezold.) Berlin, 1893-94 Ergebnisse (Stationen II.-III. Ordnung). 3 hefts. Royal 8 Berlin, 1893-94 The same, der Niederschlags, &c. Jahren 1891-92. Royal 4 Berlin, 1893-94 The same, der Meteorologischen Beobachtungen. (W. von Bezold.) Jahren 1886- 1892 (7 vols.) Maps. Royal 4 Berlin, 1888-93 Kritischer Wegweiser im Gebiete der Landkarten-Kunde nebst andern Nachrichten zur Beforderung der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Geographic und Ilydrographie. Bande I.-III. Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1829-32 Magazin von Natur und Landermerkwurdigkeiten, &c. Theil I.-III. (3 vols.) Plates. 12 Stadt-am-hof [Berlin}, 1 806 Mittheilungen von Forchungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutz- gebieten. (Mit Benutzung amtlicher Quellen). Von Dr Freiherr v. Danckelman. Bande I. -VI. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Berlin, 1883-89 EUROPE GERMAN EMPIRE. 805 Natur-Wunder und Lander-merkwiirdigkeiten. (Ein Beitrag zur Verdrangung Unniitzer und Schadlicher Romane.) Von S. C. Wagner. Bande I. -VI. Plates, l6 Berlin, 1802-11 Neu Guinea Compagnie zu Berlin. Nachrichten iiber Kaiser Wilhelms-Land und den Bismarck- Archipel. Jahrg. I. -IX., 1885-93. Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1886-93 Beiheft zu. i vol. (viz. Die Flora von Kaiser Wilhelms-Land. Von K. Schu- mann und M. Hollrung). 8 Berlin, 1889 Orientalische Bibliographic. Set Dr Aug. Miiller: Authors' Catalogue. Publicationen fur die Internationale Erdmessung. Bericht der Verhandlungen (und Abhang, &c.) 14 bande (1867-93). Maps and plates. 4 (Nenchatel and) Berlin, 1868-94 [See under Florence, Neuchatel, and Zurich, postea.~\ Registrande, Geogr. -Statist, Gross. -Generalstabes. See Appendix 2 : Germany (B). Repertorium der Naturwissenschaften. Monatliche Uebersicht der neusten Arbeiten auf clem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben von der Redaction des Naturforscher. Jahrg. I., 1875. 4 Berlin, 1875 Zeitschrift fur Ethnologic und ihre Hiilfswissenschaften als Lehre vom Menschen in seinen Beziehungen zur Natur und zur Geschichte. (A. Bastian und R. Hartmann.) Jahrg. I., 1 1 eft I. Royal 8 Berlin, 1869 BREMEN. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Bremen. Verein fiir die deutsche Nordpolarfahrt. Berichte iiber die Sitzungen nebst Anlagen. [Vol. I.] Small 8 Bremen, 1870-76 [Publication succeeded by the] Deutsche geographische Blatter. (Herausgegeben von der geographischen Gesell- schaft in Bremen durch deren Schriftfiihrer Dr M. Lindeman.) Jahrgang I. -XVI. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Bremen, 1877-93 Jahresberichte des Vorstandes der Geogr. Gesel. in Bremen. Nos. I, 3-10. 8 Bremen, 1878-89 {See O. Finsch : Authors' Catalogue ; also Appendix 2 : Germany (D), Anon., Bremen.] Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen. Abhandlungen, herausgegeben vom. Band I., 1 866-68. Plates. 8 Bremen, 1868 [Bound with the] Jahresbericht, 1-3. (1864-66 to 1867-68.) 8 Bremen, 1866-68 BRUNSWICK. Globus. See Hildburghausen, infra. DARMSTADT (HESSE). Mittelrheinischen Geologischen Verein. Karten und Mittheilungen des Mit. Geol. Ver. Geologische Specialkarte des Grossherzogthums Hessen und der Angrenzenden Landesgebiete (im Maasstabe von i : 50,000.) [Mittheilungen issued in 17 "Hefte" or Geolog. Sects., with accompanying maps and plates, of which there are in the Library the undermentioned : ] Hefte II. -IX., XL-XIL, XIV. -XVI. 13 Hefte. Maps and plates. 8 Darmstadt, 1856-72 Heft 2. Sect. Giessen, von E. Dieffenbach 1856 Heft 3. Sect. Budingen, von R. Ludwig 1857 Heft 4. Sect. Offenbach, von G. Theobald and R. Ludwig. I plate 1858 Heft 5. Sect. Scholten, von H. Tasche 1859 Heft 6. Sect. Dieburg (Darmstadt), von F. Becker and K. Ludwig 1861 Heft 7. Sect. Herbstein-Fulda, von II. Tasche and W. C. J. Gutberlet 1863 Heft 8. Sect. Erbach, von P. Seibert and R. Ludwig 1863 Heft 9. Sect. Darmstadt, von R. Ludwig 1864 Heft II. Sect. Mainz., von A. Groos 1867 Heft 12. Sect. Lauterbach, von H. Tasche, W.C.J. Gutberlet, and R. Ludwig 1869 Heft 14. Sect. Allendorf, von E. Dieffenbach and R. Ludwig 1870 Heft 15. Sect. Gladen bach, von R. Ludwig. $ plates 1870 Ileft 16. Sect. Budcnkapf, von R. Ludwig 1871 Maps accompany, in elephant fol. (Darmstadt), 1855-71 Index Map (Ludwig), 1867; Sect. I, Friedburg( Ludwig), 1855; Sects. 2-9, sitpnt ; Sect. 10 Alzcy (Ludwig), 1866; Sects. H, 12, and 14-16, supra. 806 APPENDIX III. Vereine fur Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaft zu Darmstadt, Statuten des. Mit allerhochster handsherrlichen Genehmigung bestehenden. 8 Darmstadt, 1845 Beitrage zur Landes- Volks- und Staatskunde des Grossherzogthums Hessen. 2 Hefte in I vol. Maps and plates. 8 Darmstadt, 1850-53 [Followed by the] Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Darmstadt. Ser. I. Nos. 1-46, Band I. Oct 1854 to May 1857. Maps. 8 Darmstadt, 1857 [Amalgamation of Socs., and title altered to] Notizblatt des Ver. f. Erdk. . . . und des Mittelrheinischen Geological Vereins. Ser.* 2. Jahrg. I. (Bd. I), Nos. 1-20. May 1857 to May 1858. Plates and diagrams. 8 Darmstadt, 1858 Jahrg. II. (Bd. II.), Nos. 21-40. Jan. 1859 to Feb. 1860. Plates and diagrams. 8 Darms/qtif, 1 860 Jahrg. III. (Bd. III.), Nos. 41-60. April 1860 to June 1861. Plates and ' diagrams. 8 Darmstadt, 1861 [The above 3 Jahrg. bound in I vol., along with Beitiage, infra.] Appendix, viz. : Beitrage zur Geologic des Grossherzogthums Hessen und der angrehzenden Gegenden. Erganzungsblatter zur Notizblatt, &c. Heft I. 8 Darmstadt, 1858 [Again amalgamation of Socs. , and title altered to] Notizblatt des Ver. f. Erdk. . . . und des Mittelrhein. Geolog. Ver. Nebst Mittheilungen aus des Grossh. Hessischen Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. (L. Ewald.) Ser. 3. Hefte I. -XVIII., Nos. 1-216 Blatter [some missing, or 192 Nos. bound in 5 vols.]. Plates and diagrams. 8 Darmstadt, 1862-79 Ser. 4. Hefte I. -VII., IX., XII. -XIV. (9 sep. vols.) Tables and plate. 8 Darmstadt, 1880-92 [InvHefte I. and II. of Ser. 4 there are Nos. 1-15, after which numbers cease.] Mittheilungen des Grossherzoglich Hessischen Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. Bande I. -XXII. [From I.-X. (1871-80) they are incorporated with the Notizblatt without separate pagination ; from 1891-92 as Bds. XI. -XII. they appear in Notizblatt, with separate pagination.] DRESDEN. Kalender und Statistisches Jahrbuch fiir das Konigreich Sachsen nebst Marktverzeich- nissen fiir Sachsen und die Nachbarstaaten auf das Jahren 1888, 1889, 1893, and 1894. 8 Dresden, 1887-93 Konigreich Sachsischen Statischen Bureau, Zeitschrift des. Bande XXXVII., XXXVIII. 4 Dresden, 1891-93 Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden, Sitzungs-Berichte der. Jahrg. 1866. Map and plate. 8 Dresden, 1866-67 Verein fur Erdkunde zu Dresden. Jahresberichte. I. -XXIII. (No. 21 missing). Map and plates. Small 8 Dresden, 1865-93 FRANKFORT-ON-MAIN. Frankfurter Verein fiir Geographic und Statistik. Jahresterichte. 1872-73 to 1891-92 (9 pts), Jahrg. 37-65. Maps. 8 Frankfort-a-M., 1875-93 GIESSEN. Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur und Heilkunde. Bericht 7 and 8, 1858-59. Maps and plates. 8 Giesscn, 1859-60 GOTHA. Geographisches Jahrbuch. Bande I. -VII., von Dr E. Behm ; and VIII. -XVII., II. Wagner. Bande I. -XVII. 8 Golha, 1866-94 Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt ttber wichtige neue Erforschungen, auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographic. (Eds. Dr A. Petermann, I. -XXIV. ; Drs E. Behm and M. Lindeman, XXV. ; Dr E. Behm, XXVI.-XXX. ; Dr A. Supan, XXX.-XL. Bande I.-XI. Maps. 4 Gotha, 1855-94 [Inhaltsverzeichniss for Vols. I.-X., XI.-XX., XXI.-XXX., bound with 1864, 1874, and 1884.] Erganzungsbande. Bande I. -XXV. Maps and plates. 4 Gotha, 1861-94 Monathche Correspondenz zur Beforderung der Erd- und Himmels-Kunde (F. von Zach). Band. I. -XXVIII. Plates and portrait. Small 8 Goth a, 1800-13 EUROPE GERMAN EMPIRE. 807 GREIFSWALD. Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Greifswald. Jahresbericht 1882-83. Plate. 8 Greifswald, 1883 HALLE AM SAALE. Kaiserliche Leopoldino - Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher. Leopoldina. Jahrgang 1878-93. Heft XIV., XVI. -XXIX. 15 vols. 4 Halle, 1878-93 Novaacta. Physico-Medica (Verhandlungen). Bande XL. -LX. (22 vols.) Plates. 4 Dresden and Halle, 1878-94 Geschichte der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher wahrend der Jahre 1852-87, mit einem Riickblick auf die friihere Zeit ihres Bestehens im Auftrage des Prasidenten Herrn Geheimenrathes Professors Dr Hermann Knoblauch, verfasst von Dr Phil. Wille Ule. I vol. 4 Halle, 1889 Verein fur Erdkunde zu Halle. Zugleich Organ des Thiiringisch-Sachsischen Gesamtvereins ftir Erdkunde. Mittheilungen des. Jahre 1877-94(18 Jahre). Maps and plates. 8 Halle, 1877-94 HAMBURG. Journal des Museum Godeffroy. Geographische, ethnographische, und naturwissen- schaftliche Mittheilungen. Heft I. -XV. (imperfect set). Maps and coloured plates. 4 Hamburg, 1873-81 Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Jahresbericht. Bande I. -II. (1873-74 and 1874-75). Maps and plans. Royal 8 Hamburg, 1874-75 [Followed by] - Mittheilungen der. [Bande I. -IX.] Jahres, 1876-77, 1891-92. Maps and plates. 8 Hamburg, 1878-91 Katalog der Bibliothek. 8 Hamburg, 1893 Mittheilungen aus der Nordeutschen Seewarte. Hefte II. und IV., 1860-67 un d 1860-69. Maps. 4 Hamburg, 1870-72 Jahresbericht der Norddeutschen Seewarte. Jahr 1870 und 1874. 8 [See Freeden, W. von : Authors' Catalogue.] Hamburg, 1870-74 HANOVER. Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Hanover. Jahresbericht, I., 1879. Maps. Small 8 Hanover, 1879 HEIDELBERG. Naturhistorisch-Medecinischen Verein zu Heidelberg. Verhandlungen. Neue Folge. Bande I., II., and III. (Heft i). Maps and plates. 8 Heidelberg, 1877-81 HlLDBU RGHAUSEN. Globus. Illustrirte Zeilschrift fiir Lander und Volkerkunde, Chronik der Reisen und Geographische Zeitung. (K. and R. Andree, and R. Kiepert.) Bande I.-LXIV. Maps and plates. 4 Hildburghausen and Brunswick, 1862-93 [In 1893 " Das Ausland" was amalgamated with " Globus." See remarks under Augsburg, antea.~\ Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde in Dresden. 4 Hildburghausen, 1864 JENA. Geographischen Gesellschaft (fiir Thiiringen) zu Jena. Mitteilungen, Bande I., II. (Hefte 1-2), XI. und XII. Maps. 8 Jena, 1882-93 [Gen. Index.] Inhaltsiibersicht zu Banden I.-XII. (1882-1893), &c. 8 Jena, 1894 KARLSRUHE. Badischen Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Karlsruhe, Verhandlungen der. 1880- 82, 1882-83, 1883-84, 1884-86. Maps and plates. 8 Karlsruhe, 1883-86 Beitrage zur Statistic der inneren Verwaltung des Grossherzogthums Baden ; herausgegeben von dem Handels-Ministerium. Parts I to 14. 4 Karlsruhe, 1855-63 KIEL. Universitat zu Kiel. Schriften der. Bande I. -XXVI I. (1854-81). Maps and plates. 4 Kiel, 1855-81 Jahresbericht der Commission zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutsche. Meere in Kiel. See under Berlin, antea Com.mjssion, &c, 8oS APPENDIX III. KONIGSBERG. K. Physikalisch. Oekonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg, Schriften cler. Jahrg. I. -VI I., 1860-66 [bound in 2 vols.]. Plates. 4 Konigsberg, 1 861-66 LAHR. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Geographic. Lahr. (J. T. Kettler.) Jahrg. I.-VIII., 1880-91. Maps. Small 4 Lahr, Vienna, and Wiemar, 1880-91 LEIPZIG. Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes ; herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Vols. I.-X., 1857-93. (Vols. IX. and X. imperfect.) Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1859-94 Jahresbericht. fur das Jahre 1845 und 1846. [Bound up with Zeitschrift, Vol. I.] 8 Leipzig, 1846-47 [Continued as] Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht iiber die Morgenlandischen Studien. Jahre 1859- 61, 1862-67, and 1876-81. 8 Leipzig, 1868-85 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft ; herausgegeben von den Geschaftsfiihrern. Bande I.-XLVIII. (Vols. VIII. and XIX. imperfect.) Plates. 8 Leipzig, 1847-94 Register zu Banden, I.-X. ; XI.-XX. ; und XXI. -XXX. 8 Leipzig, 1858, 1872, and 1877 Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins, Zeitschrift des. (Ed. Lie Hermann Guthe.) Band I. (heft. I ). Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, ify% Statuten d. D. Ver. zu Erforschung Palastinas. (Pamph. 4 pp.) 8 Leipzig, 1878 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Kolonial-Politik. Bande I. -II. Maps. 8 Leipzig, 1886-89 [A vol. with title " Die Deutschen Kolonial Politik" was published at Leipzig in 1886, and appears to answer to the Vol. I. here given, though differing in title.] Jahrbuch der Astronomie und Geophysik. (Enhaltend die wichtigsten Fortschritt auf den Gebieten Astrophysik, Meteorologie, und physikalischen Erdkunde.) Von Dr Hermann J. Klein. Jahrg. 1892 and 1893, Band III. Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1893 Verein von Freunden der Erdkunde zu Leipzig. Jahresberichte I. -XI. (1861-71). Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1862-72 [Continued as] Mittheilungen des Verein, 1872-93. Maps and plates. 8 Leipzig, 1873-94 [Folio Atlas, with Mitt. Ver. f. Erdk., accompanying Dr Alois Geistbeck's paper for 1884. See Geistbeck : Authois' Catalogue.] Biicher-Verzeichniss der Bibliothek des Verein. 8 Leipzig, 1887 [Bound with Mittheilungen, 1886.] Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen. See Appendix 2 : Germany (C). LUBECK. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Liibeck. Mitteilungen. Hefte 2 and 3 (1882-83). Maps and plates. 8 Liibeck, 1883 MADEBURG. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Erdkunde. Zur Forderung und Verbreitung dicser Wissenschaft fiir bis Gelehrten und Gebildeten. (Von Johann Gottfried Liidde.) Band I. Alaps ami plates Modebnrg, 1842 METZ. Verein fur Erdkunde zu Metz. Jahresljerichte. I. -III., 1878-80. Maps and plates. 8 Metz, 1879-81 MUNICH. Deutschen Alpenvereins, Zeitschrift des. Band I.-III. (1869 to 1872). Maps and plates. 8 Munich, 1870-72 [See " Oesterreichischen Alpen-Verein " and "Deutschen und Oesterreichischen Alpen-Verein," Wien, Austria-Hungary.] Geographischen Gesellschaft in Miinchen. Jahresliericht fiir 1871 zu 1890 and 1891. (16 Jahrb., oder 14 Mefte.) Maps and plates. 8 Munich, 1871-92 EUROPE GERMAN EMPIRE. 809 Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Abhand- lungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe der. Bande I. -XVI I., und XVIII. (1829-93). Plates. 4 Munich, 1832-93 Sitzungsberichte, Jahrgang 1860-70. (21 vols., bound in 17.) Plates. 8 Munich, 1860-70 Neue Folge. Mathematisch-physikalishen classe. Vol. I.-XXIV. (Jahrg. 1871-94). Plates. 8 Munich, 1871-94 Inhaltsverzeichniss zu Jahrgang 1860-70. 8 Munich, 1872 Almanach der K. Akad. fiir das Jahr. 1855. 12 Munich [1855] Bulletin der K. Akad. Jahren 1852 and 1853. 4 Munich, 1852-53 STETTIN. Verein fiir Erdkunde zu Stettin. Jahresbericht, 1883-89 (4 Nos.). Maps and plates. Stettin, 1885-89 S TUTTGART. Allgemeine Lander und Volkerkunde. Bande I. -VI. Plates. 8 Stuttgart, 1837-44 [See Berghaus, H. : Authors' Catalogue.] Almanach, Genealogisch-historisch, Statistischen. (Sub-title altered to " Den Freunden der Erdkunde Gwidmet " Von H. Berghaus). 4 vols. Maps and plates. 16 and 12 [Forerunner of the Almanach de Gotha] Stuttgart, 1838-40 Das Ausland, &c. [See under Augsburg, antea.~\ Forschungen zur Deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde, &c. . . . See Appendix 2 : Germany, C, Miscellaneous. Geographische Abhandlungen, aus den Reichslanden Elsass-Lothringen. (Mit Unter- sttitzung der Kaiserl. Regierung zu Strassburg.) G. Gerland. i Heft. Plates and plans. 8 Stuttgart, 1892 Hertha. Zeitschrift fiir Erd- Vdlker- und Staatenkunde. (Besorgt von Heinrich Berghaus in Berlin und Karl Friederich Vollrath Hoffmann in Stuttgart.) Bande I. -XIV. [Vol. VII. missing, and VI., X., and XIII. wanting parts.] Maps and plates. 8 Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1825-29 [Continued as] Annalen der Erd- Volker- und Staatenkunde. (Ed. H. Berghaus.) Bande IV.-IX. Maps and plates. 8 Berlin, 1837-40 [These vols. are marked on binding as XVI. (1837) to XXI. (1839-40), evidently the running numbers from " Hertha."] Wirtembergisches Urkundenbuch (herausgegeben von dem k. Staatsarchiv in Stutt- gart). Vol. V. 4 Stuttgart, 1889 Wurttembergischen Verein fiir Handelsgeographie, und Forderung Deutscher Interessen in Auslande. Jahresberichte I. -VI. (1882-84 to 1886-88). Woodaits. 8 Stuttgart, 1884-88 WEIMAR. Asiatisches Magazin. Verfasst von einer Gesellschaft Gelehrten und herausgegel>en von Julius Klaproth. Map and plates. 2 vols. 8 Weimar, 1802 [See " Magasin Asiatique," Paris, 1825, ati/ea.] Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Geographic. (Herausgegeben von J. I. Kettler : Geographisches Institut, Weimar.) Ergiinzungsheft No. 2. Map. Royal 8. [Die Orientfahrt des Ritter A. von Harff. Beitrage zu einer Kritik seiner Reise Besch- reibung von R. Frhr. v. Seydlitz.] Weimar, 1890 GREECE. ATHENS. Athenaion Syngramma Periodicon. Vols. I.-II. [In Greek.] 8 Athens, 1873-74 Archaeological Society of Athens. Archa-ological Ephemeris (Pcriodos B' Teuchos Iz'). [In Greek.] Plate. 4 Athens, 1874 - Proceedings of the. 1872-73. [In Greek.] 8 Athens, 1873 8io APPENDIX III. HOLLAND OR NETHERLANDS. AMSTERDAM. Aardrijkskundig Weekblad (Nieuwe Serie). Redact. vanDr G. J. Dozy. Vols. I. am! II. Plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1879-80 Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen der. Deel. I. -XXIX. Maps and plates. 4 Amsterdam, 1854-92 [Afterwards divided into two sections, viz. : ] [Sect. I.] Wiskunde, Naturkunde Scheikunde, Kristallenleer, Storrenkunde, Weer- kunde, en Ingenieurswetenschappen. Deel. I. -II. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1893-94 [Sect. II.] Plantkunde, Dierkunde, Aardkunde, Deftstokunde, Ontleedkunde, Physiologic, Gezondheidsleer, en Ziektekunde. Deel. I. -III. Map and plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1892-94 Verslagen en Mededeelingen der. Afdeeling [Section] Natuurkunde. Ser. I. [Vols. I. -XVII.] 1853-64. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1853-65 Ser. 2. [Vols. I. -XX.] 1866-84. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1866-84 Ser. 3. [Vols. I. -IX.] 1884-91. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1885-92 Naam-en Zaakregister [Ser. i]. Deel. I. -XVII., 1853-64. 8 Amsterdam, 1880 [Ser. 2.] Deel. I. -XX., 1866-84. 8 Amsterdam, 1884 [Ser. 3.] Deel. I.-IX.. 1884-91. 8 Amsterdam, 1893 Processen-Verbaal van de Gewone Vergaderingen der K. Akad. Afdeel [Sect.] Natuurkunde. Nos. i-io. 8 Amsterdam, 1 880-81 Afdeeling [Section] Letterkunde. Ser. 2, Deel. IX., and Ser. 3, Deel. I. Plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1 88 1 Jaarboek der. Deel. 1857-93 ( vols.). 8 and royal 8 Amsterdam, 1858-94 Overzigt van de Boeken, Kaarten, Penningen Enz., ingekomen bij de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, te Amsterdam, van Junij 1857 tot April 1860, Julij 1 86 1 tot Mei 1862. 8 Amsterdam, 1860-62 Nederlandsche Aardrijkskundig Genootschap. Nomina Geographica Neerlandica. See Appendix 2 : Holland. Tidschrift vanhet Aardrijkskundig Geenootschap. (Redact, van C. M. Kan, N. W. Posthumus, en J. M. C. A. Zimmerman.) 35 vols., with Appendix. Maps and plates. 4 and 8 Amsterdam and Leyden, 1876-93 Ser. I. Vols. I. -VIII. (1876-83). Maps and plates. 4 Amsterdam, 1876-83 Bijbladen [Appendix]. Vols. I. -III. Maps and plates. 4 Amsterdam, 1879-83 Ser. 2. Afdeeling [Sect, i] : Verslagen en Aardrijskundige Mededeelingen. Vols. I. -VI. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam and Leyden, 1884-89 Afdeeling [Sect. 2] : Meer Uitgebreide Artikelen. Vols. I. -VI. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam and Leyden, 1884-89 The same. Vol. VII. -X. Maps and plates. 8 Leyden, 1890-94 [From Vols. VII. to X., two vols. have been issued annually, the pagination in these running continuously the vols. being marked respectively (*) and (**), equal to parts I and 2.] Revue Coloniale Internationale, fondee par 1'Association Colonial Nederlandaise k Amsterdam. (Drs C. M. Kan, P. A. van de Lith, D. J. Jitta, and II. C. Rogge.) 1885-87, 5 tomes (2 annually). Maps and plates. Royal 8 Amsterdam, 1885-87 Verhandelingen en Berigten over eenige Onderwerpen der Zeevaartkunde. (Ke- dact. J. F. L. Schroder, J. G. A. Tindal, en J. Swart.) Jaargang 1837-64. Nieue Volgarde, Deel. I.-XIII., XV. -XXIV. Maps and plates. 8 Amsterdam, 1837-64 THE HAGUE. Koninklijk Institut voor de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde van Neerlandsch Indie. Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volk. van Neerl. Ind.; Tijdschrift van het Konink. Inst. v.cl. Taal-Land, &c. [Total 43 vols. bound in 39.] Maps and plates. 8 The Hague and Amsterdam, 1853-94 [Ser. i.] Vols. I. -IV. 1853-55 [Ser. 2.] Nieuwe Volgreeks. Vols. I.-VII1. 1856-64 [Ser. 3.] Derde Volgreeks. Vols. I. -XI. 1866-76 [Ser. 4.] Vierde Volgreeks. Vols. I.-X. 1877-85 [Ser. 5.] Vijfde Volgreeks. Vols. I.-X. 1886-94 [Vol. IX. of Ser. 5 deficient, its issue being delayed. See wider Dutch East East Indies : Appendix 2.] EUROPE HOLLAND. 811 HARLEM. Annalen der Sternwarte in Leiden. Herausgegeben von Dr F. Kaiser. Bd. i. 4 Harlem, 1868 LEYDEN. De Indische Bij, Tijclschrift ter bevordering van de Kennis der Nederlandsche Volk- plantingen en derzelver belang en, uitgegeven door C. L. Blume. Plates. 8 Leyden, 1843 UTRECHT. Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Nederlandsche en vreemde Kolonien, bijzonder Betrekkelijk de Vrijlaling der Slaven. [Nederlandsch Guyana.] Jaarh. 1844 and 1845, 2 vols. [No. 4 in Vol. 1845 missing.] 8 Utrecht, 1844-46 Koninlijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Institut (Utrecht), Publications of the. See Holland : Appendix 2. ITALY. BOLOGNA. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali. Anno. 2-5. Vols. III. (part 2), IV. -IX. Plates. 8 Bologna, 1840-43 Annuario Geografico Italiano, 1844-45. [See Ranuzzi, A. : Authors' Catalogue.] GENOA. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Geneva. (G. Doria e R. Gestro.) Annali, Vols. I.-XXXIII. (Ser. I. Vols. I.-XX, 1870-84; and Ser. 2. Vols. I.-XIIL, 1884-93.) Maps and flates. Royal 8 Genoa, 1879-93 Pubblicazioni del Comitato Centrale per la Spedizione Antartica Italiana. Fuse. I. Map. 8 Genoa, 1880 FLORENCE. Association Geodesique Internationale. Supplementary vols., viz., "Rapports sur les Triangulations." 3 vols. Maps and plates. 4 Florence and Lausanne, 1887-93 Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Bollettino delle Pubblicazione Italiane (ricevute per diritto di Stampa), 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894. 8 Florence, 1891-94 Elenco delle Pubblicazioni Periodiche Italiane, ricevuto dalla Biblioteca nel 1891. 8 Florence, 1891 Bollettino Italiano degli Studii Orientali. Anno I. (Nos. 2, 3). 8 Florence, 1876 Bulletins de 1 Academic Nationale Hongroise des Sciences. I.-V. 8 Florence, 1884-86 Societa Africana d'ltalia, Bullettino della Sezione Fiorentina della. Anno. i. Vol. I. Fasc. i e 2. 8 Florence, 1885 Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettina della. Vols. I. -XXXIX. Anni 1-28. Maps and plates. 8 Florence and Rome, 1868-94 [The First Series in part (Vols. I. -VII., 1868-72,) was published at Florence; thereafter the seat of publication was transferred to Rome, where appeared the Second Series (1876-87), and the Third Series (1888-94) now in progress. See under Rome, postea."} MILAN. Reale Institute Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere ed Arti, Giornale dell.' Ser. i. Tom. I. -VIII. Plates. 8 Milan, 1841-47 Ser. 2. Tom. I. -IX. Maps and plates. 4 Milan, 1847-56 Atti, del!'. Tom. I. -III. Maps and plates. Royal 4 Milan, 1858-62 Annuario dell'. 12 Milan, 1864 Memorie (Regno Lombardo- Veneto). Vols. I.-V. (Anni 1812 to 1836). Plates. Royal 4 Milan, 1819-38 The same. Ser. I and 2 (Nov. Ser.). Vols. I. -IX. Maps and plates. Royal 4 Milan, 1843-63 The same. Ser. 3 (Classe di Scienze, Matematiche, e Naturali). Vols. I. -VII. (fasc. i, 2) ; Vols. X. to XVI. of entire Ser. Maps and plates. Royal 4 Milan, 1867-88 The same. Ser. 3 (Classe di Lettere e Scienze Morali e Storiche). Voli. VI. -IX. Plates. Royal 4. Vols. XV. -XVIII. of entire Series Milan, 1885-91 Rendiconti (Classe di Scienze, Matematiche, e Naturali). Vols. I. -IV. Plates. 8 Milan, 1864-67 - The same (Classe di Lettere e Scienze, Morali, e Politiche). Vols. I. -IV. 8 [These two Ser. are bound together as one set in 4 vols.] Milan, 1864-67 812 APPENDIX III. Reale Institute Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere ed Arti. Rendiconti. Ser. 2. Vols. I. -XXI II. (bound in 25 vols.) Plates. 8 Milan and Naples, 1868-90 [In this Series a " Bulletino Bibliografico " is contained in each vol., and separately paged from Vol. VII. onwards.] Societa d'Esplorazione Comerciale in Africa. L'Esploratore, Giornale di Viaggi Geografia Commerciale, diretto dal Capitano Manfredo Camperio. Organo Ufficiale della Soc. Vols. I. -IX. [incomplete]. Maps and plates. 4 Milan, 1877-85 [Continued as] L'Esplorazione Commerciale. (Dir. Dr N. Bolognini.) Vols. I. -III. and IV. (fas I, 2, 6, 7, 8), IX. and X. (parts), and Suppl. Bollettino, May 1887 and Jan. 1888. Maps and plates. Small 4 Milan, i886-t NAPLES. Annali Civili del Regno delle due Sicilie. Tom. I. -XIV. Plates and tables. 4 Naples, 1833-4 Calendario Napoli. 6 vols. Maps. 12 and 16 Naples, 1819-2 L'Esplorazione Rassegna Quindicinale, delle Conquiste Geografiche e degl' Interes Italiani in Tutti i Punti del Globo. (Direttori : G. B. Licati e Fercl. Borsari.) Vol. I. 8 Naples, 1883 Regale Academia Ercolanese di Archeologia. Vols. I. -VIII. [in 9 vols.] Maf and plates. 4 Naples, 1822-5 Societa Africana d'ltalia, Bollettino della. Ann. I. (1882); VII. fasc. 5,6(1888"): IX. fasc. 1-4 (1890). 8 Naples, 1882-0 Societa Americana d'ltalia. Programma e Statute. Royal 8 Naples, PALERMO. Academia di Scienzi e Lettre di Palermo, Atti della. 4 Palermo, 1866 R. Associazione dei Benemeriti Italiani, Statute ed Elenco dei Soci della. (Sede Centrale in Palermo 5* ed.) [Pamph.] 8 Palermo, 1879 Reale Osservatorio di Palermo, Bulletino Meteorologico del. Anno VIII. -XV. (1872- 79, or 7 vols. bound in I.) 4 Palermo, 1873-81 ROME. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele di Roma. Bolletino della Opere Moderne Straniere Aquistate dalle Biblioteche publiche Governative del Regno d'ltalia. Vol VII., 1892. (Index Alfabetico.) 8 Rome, 1893 Bolletino Consolare Italia. Ser. i, 23 vols. ; Ser. 2, 12 vols. ; [Ser. 3], 18 Nos. 8 [See Appendix 2 : Italy (A), Govt. Pubs.] (Turin and) Rome, 1861-95 Bulletino Nautico e Geografico di Roma (diretto da E. Fabri-Scarpellini). Appendice alia Corrispondenza Scientifica di Roma. Vol. I. 4 Rome, 1862 Bolletino di Notizie Agrarie (Roma). See Appendix 2 : Italy, (A) Govt. Pubs. Institute Cartografico Italiano, Annuario dell'. Anno I., III., and IV. Maps. 8 Rome, 1885-89 Institut International de Statistique, Bulletin de. Tom. I. (3 and 4 livraisons), II. and IV. (livrais. i). [Bound as 4 vols.] Maps and plates. Small 4 Rome, 1886-89 Reale Academia dei Lincei. Ser. i. Atti dell Acad. Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei. Tom. X., XVII.-XXIII., 8 vols (1856-57 to 1869-70). Plates. 4 Rome, 1856-69 Ser. 2. Atti delia Reale Acad. dei Lincei. Tom. I. -VIII. (1873-74 to 1876-77). Maps and plates. 4 Rome, 1875-83 Ser. 3. Memorie (Classe de Scienze, Fisiche, Mathematiche, e Naturali). Tom. I. -XIX. [bound in 13 vols.] (1876-77 to 1883-84). Maps and plates. 4 Rome, 1877-84 Ser. 4. Tom. I. -VI. [bound in 5 vols.] (1884-85 to 1889). Maps and plates. 4 Rome, 1885-90 Ser. 3. (Classe di Scienze Morali, Storichi, e Filologie.) Tom. I. -XIII. (1876-77101883-84). Maps and plates. 4 Rome, 1877-84 Ser. 4. - - Tom. I.-X. [latter incomplete] (1884-85 to 1892). Maps and plates. 4 Rome, 1885-93 Ser. 5. - - Tom. I. (incomplete). 4 Rome, 1893 - Ser. 3. Transunte. Tom. I.-VIII. (1876-77 to 1883-84). 4 Rome, 1877-^ Ser. 4. Rendiconti. Tom. I. -VII. [bound in 13 vols., viz., 2 volumes annually] (1884-85 to 1891). 4 Rome, 1885-91 Ser. 5. - - Tom. I. -III. [bound in 6 vols.] 4 Rome, 1892-9 EUROPE ITALY. 813 Revista Geografica Italiana. Ann. I. (fasc. i-io). Maps and plates . 8 Rome, 1893-94 Rivista Marittima. Vols. XII. and XIII. Plates and charts. 8 Koine, 1879-80 Societa Geografica Italiana, Bollettino della. (Total 39 vols. bound in 30) Ser. I. Vols. I. -XII., anni 1-9(1868-75). Maps and plates. 8 {Florence and} Rome, 1868-75 Ser. 2. Vols. I. -XII., anni 10-21 (1876-87). Maps and plates. 8 Rome, 1876-87 Ser. 3. Vols. I. -VII., anni 22-28 (1888-94). Maps and plates. 8 Rome, 1888-94 Indice Generate della Serie i a (anni 1867-75, Vols. I. -XII.). 8 Rome, 1882 [See Remarks Soc. Geogr. Ital., under Florence, antea.~\ Memorie della Societa. Vols. I. -III. Maps. 8 Rome, 1878-81 ROVERETO. Societa degli Alpinista Tridentini. Annuario XIV. Anno Sociale 1888. Plates. 8 Rovereto, 1889 TURIN. Circolo Geografico Italiano. Pubblicazioni del Circ. Geogr. Ital., sotto gli Auspizi di S. A. R. il Principe Eugenio di Savoja Carignano. Fasc. Dec. 1868 [pamph. 78 pp.] 8 Turin, 1868 [Continued as] Periodico bimestrale di Geografia, Etnografia, e Scienze affini. Aiio I. -III. and IV. [incomplete]. Plates. 8" Turin, 1872-76 [Followed by] Societa di Geografia ed Etnografia Torino. Circolare Statute) Provvisiori [pamph.]. Royal 8 U Turin, 1884 Club Alpino Italiano. Revista M ensile. Vol. IV. (No. 11, 12). 8 Turin, 1885 Cosmos : Communicazioni sui progressi piu recenti e notevoli della Geografia e delle Scienze affini, di Guido Cora. Vols. I. -XI. Maps ami plates. 4 Turin, 1873-93 MALTA. VALLETTA. Societa Geografica Maltese. Monitore Geografico e Scientifico de Malta. Fasc. I. (Nuova Serie.) Anno I. 8 Valelta, 1887 Programma e Regolamenti. (Pamph. 8 pp.) 8 Malta, 1887 NORWAY. CHRISTIANIA. Geografiske Opmaaling, Den Norske Lods, udgiven, af. . . . II eft e I. -VIII. (8 vols.) Maps and plates. 8 Ckristiania, 1871-85 Kgl. Nordiske Oldskriftselskab (Christiania). See Appendix 2 : Norway (B) Anon. Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitets, Det. Aarsberetning for Aaret 1866-69, med Bilage. 8 Christiania, 1869 Statistics and Reports (Christiania University) Christiania, 1868-69 Norske Geografiske Selskabs. Aarbog. I.-V. (1889-90 to 1893-94). Maps and plates. 8 Christiania, 1891-94 Norske Gradmaalings Kommission, Udgivet af den. Vanstandsobservationer. Ilefte I. -IV., fra 1872-86. 4 Christiania, 1882-92 Norske Meteorologiske Institut. Norsk Meteorologisk Aaarbog. Aargang I.-VII., 1867-73 (7 parts bound in i vol.). Oblong 8 U Christiania, 1868-74 [Followed by] Jahrbuch des Norwegischen Meteorologischen Instituts (von Ur II. Mohn) ftir 1874-90. (Total. 17 parts, of which 7 are bound in I vol.) Maps. 4 Chrisliania, 1877-92 [For other pubs, of the Institut., see Appendix 2 : Norway (A), Govt. Pubs.] Christiania Observatorium, Meteorologiske lagttagelser paa. 4 Cliristiania, 1868-69 Norwegischen Commission der Europaischen Gradmessung, Publication der Geodatische Arbeiten. Heft I.-VII. Geod. maps. 4 Christiama, 1882-90 8i4 APPENDIX III. TROMSO. Tromso Museums Aarshefter. III. Map. (Pamph.) 8 Tromso, i PORTUGAL. LISBON. Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Memorias. Ser. i. Tom. I. -XII. (1780- 1837). Plates. 4 Lisbon, 1797-1837 [Continued as] Ser. 2. Historia e Memorias da. 1843-56. Tom. I. -III., 1838-56. Plates and map. 4 Lisbon, 1843-56 [Continued as] Ser. 3. Memorias da. (Nova Serie.) 4 Lisbon, 1854-87 a. Classe de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes. Tom. I.-V (bound in 10 vols.), 1854-87. Plates and maps. 4 Lisbon, 1854-8 b. Classe de Sciencias Moraes, Politicas e Bellas Lettras. Tom. I. -Ill (1854-63). Illus. 4 Lisbon, 1854-6 Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras (publicados debaixo dos auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias). a. Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas, Historico-Naturaes, e Medicas. Ann. I. (Tom. I.) 8 Lisbon, 1857 b. Sciencias Moraes, Politicas, e Bellas Lettras. Ann. I. -II. (Tom. I.-II.) 8 Lisbon, 1857-58 Jornal de Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturaes. Ser. i. Tom. I.-XII. (1866-89). Maps and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1868-88 Ser. 2. Tom. I. -III. [latter imperfect], 1889-93. Maps and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1890-93 Conferencias celebradas na Academia. Acerca dos De-cobrimentos e Colonisa^oes dos Portuguezes na Africa. I. -IV. 8 Lisbon, 1877-80 Sessao publica da Academia, 1875, *877, 1880, and 1893. 8 Lisbon, 1875-93 Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes ; publica9ao mensal redigida sob a Direcao da Associacao Maritima e Colonial. Tom. I., III.-V., and VI. (Nos. 1-4), Ser. 1-6. Maps and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1840-46 Annaes e Boletim do Conselho Ultramarine, Boletim do. Legislacao antiga. Tom. I. (1446-1754); II. (1755-1834) [wanting pp. 1-24]. Small folio Lisbon, 1867 Boletim do. Legislacao novissima. Tom. I. (1834-51); II. (1852-56) [wanting pp. 1-48]; III. (1857-62); IV. (1863). Small folio Lisbon, 1867-69 Annaes do. Parte oficial. Tom. I. -VIII., Ser. I (1854-58; Ser. 2 (1859-61) [wanting pp. 1-32] ; Ser. 3-6 (1862-65) ; Ser. 7-8 (1866-67). Small folio Lisbon, 1867-69 Annaes do. Parte nao oficial. Tom. I. -VIII. Ser. I (1854-58). Maps and plates. Ser. 2 (1859-61) [wanting pp. 1-30]; Ser. 3-6 (1862-65); Ser - 7' 8 (1866- 67). Small folio Lisbon, 1867-69 Annaes da Commissao Central Permanente de Geographia (Ministro dos Negocios da Marina e Ultramar). Nos. I and 2. Map. 8 Lisbon, 1876-77 Constituicao e Regulamento Geral [pamph. 19 pp.]. 12 Lisbon, 1876 Organisation et Reglement [pamph. 12 pp.]. 8 Lisbon, 1877 Expedicao Scientifica a Serra da Estrella en 1881. 5 parts or memoirs. Maps and plates. Royal 4 Lisbon, 1883 Archeologio por F. M. Sarmento : Botanica, J. A. Henriques ; Ethnographia, L. F. M. Ferreira ; Medicina, F. L. da Fonseca, Jr. ; Meteorologia, A. C. da Silva. Observatorio do Infante Don Luiz. Provincia de Angola. Resume Meteorol. and Magnet Obs., &c. [See Appendix 2 : Portuguese W. Africa.] Lisboa, 1881 EUROPE PORTUGAL. 815 Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa (fundada em 1875), Boletim da. Nos. 3 and 4- 8 p or to, 1878-79 Actas das Sessoes da Soc. Tom. I. -XIII., 1876 to 1893. 8 Lisbon, 1881-93 Actas das Sessoes da Soc. Ser. 2 to Ser. 12. n vols., each containing 12 num- bers. Maps and plates. 8 Lisbon, 1880-93 For another set of Publications issued as Series of separate papers, with special titles, in 8 pamphlet form, &c. (some 46 in all), see Appendix 2 : Portugal (B.), Geogr. Soc., Lisbon. Se9cao da Soc. de Geogr. de Lisboa No Brazil. See under Trans. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, antea. Quadro Elementar das Relacdes, Politicas, &c., de Portugal. Tom. I. -IX., XV.- XVI 1 1. 8 Lisbon, 1842-64 Associate Commercial do Porto. Relatorio dos Actos da Direc$ao da, 1891-93. 3 vols. Plates. b Oporto, 1892-94 OPORTO. Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro [Oporto]. Revista de Sciencias Naturaes e Sociaes, Orgao dos Trabalhos do Soc. Publica5ao Trimestral. Vol. I., No. 2. 8 Oporto, 1889 Sociedade de Geographia Commercial do Porto, Boletim da. Tom. I., No. i (1880). Royal 8 Oporto, 1881 Sociedade Portuense de Geographia. Estatutos [Pamph. 14 pp.] 12 Oporto, 1880 RUMANIA. BUCHAREST. Buletin Statistic General al Romaniei. Ministerul Agriculturei, Industrie!, i Domenielor (Roumania). (C. E. Crupenski.) Anul I. -II. 8 and royal 8 Bttcharest, 1892-94 Institutului Meteorologic al Romaniei (Ed. S. C. Hepites). Analele Tom. I., II., IV. -VI. (1885-90). Plates. Royal 4 Bucharest, 1886-93 Societatii Geografice Romane. Buletinul. Ann. I. -XIV. [Vol. 2 imperfect; the whole bound in 10 vols.] Maps and plates. 8 Bucharest, 1876-93 RUSSIAN EMPIRE. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. FINLAND : HELSINGFORS. Fennia. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Finlande. Vols. I. -IX. et XII. Maps and plates. Royal 8 Helsingfors, 1889-94 Finska Vetenskaps Societeten. Bidrag, till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk, Utgifna af. Haftet XLVIII.-LI. Maps and plates. 8 Helsingsfors, 1889-92 - Oversigt, af Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forhandlingar, XXXI.-XXXIV. (1888-89 to 1891-92). Plates. 8 Helsingfors, 1889-92 Geografiska Foreningens Tidskrift. (Dr R. Hull). Argangen III.-IV. (1891-92). Maps and plates. 8 Helsingfors, 1891-93 Institut Meteorologique Central de la Societe des Sciences de Finlande. Obser- vations Meteorologiques (publiees par), from 1881-88(4 vols.). Folio Kitopio, 1893-94 - Observations Meteorologiques "faites a Helsingfors," en 1887-89, 1890, et en 1892 (3 parts, or Vols. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11). Royal 4 Helsingfors, 1891-93 Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Acta. Tom. XV. -XVIII. Maps and plates. 4" Helsingfors, 1888-91 KIEF. Zapiski Kievskago Obshchest. Yestyestvoispytateley. [Memoirs of the Society of Naturalists of Kief.] Vols. X., XL, and XII. Kief, 1889-92 Moscow. Imp. Soc. of Friends of Natural Science, &c., Moscow University, Trudy [Transactions of the Anthropological Sect, of the]. Vols. XIII. , XV., XVII. [Vols. 71, 76, 83, and 88 ui Izvestiya}. Plates. Folio Moscow, 1893-94 Societe ImpeViale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Bulletin de. Annees 1864 and 1891 (Nos. i and 4, in 2 vols.). Plates. 8 Moscow, 1864 and 1892 816 APPENDIX III. ODESSA. Zapiski Novorossiiskago Obshchestva Yestyestvoispytateley. [Memoiis of the Society of Naturalists of New Russia.] Vols. I. and Append. II. (pt. i), XVI., XVII. (pts. 2 and 3), and XVIII. (pt. 2). Map ami plates. 8 J Odessa, 1872-94 - Mathemat. Sect. Vols. XII. and XIII. Odessa, 1891-92 ST PETERSBURG. L'ACADEMIE IMI'ERIALE DBS SCIENCES DE ST PETERSBOUKG. Memoires, presentes a 1'Academie . . . par divers Savants et lus dans ses Assemblies. Tom. I. -IX., 1821 to 1858 (Vol. 7 missing). Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1831-59 (Ser. 6.) Sciences Mathematiques, Physiques et Naturelles. Tom. I. -IX, 1826 to 1858. [Vol. 5 wanting and 3 in 2 parts ; total bound in 9 vols.] Plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1831-59 - (Ser. 7.) Tom. I. -XL., 1854 to 1892 [Vols. 39 and 40 incomplete]. Plates. Large 4 St Petersburg, 1859-92 Sciences Politiques, Histoire, Philologie. Plates. Vols. VIII. and IX. 4 St Petersburg, 1855-59 Bulletin Scientifique, public par 1'Acad. Tom. I.-X. (7, 8, and 9 imperfect), 1835 to 1842 [bound in 4 vols.]. Plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1836-42 [Ser. 2.] Bulletin de 1'Acad. Tom. I. -XXXII., 1859-93. Maps and plates. Royal 4 St Petersburg, 1860-88 [Ser. 3.] Nouv. Ser. Tom. I. -IV., equal to Tom. I., XXXIII. -XXXVI. of entire Series. Map and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1890-94 Recueil des Actes de la Seance publique de 1'Acad. 1837 to 1844. [7 parts bound in I vol.] Portraits. 4 St Petersburg, 1838-44 Compte Rendu de 1'Acad. Ann. 1852-57 (6 years, bound in 2 vols.). Portraits. 8 St Petersburg, 1853-58 Acad. Imp. de St Petersb., Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, tires du Bulletin Physico-Mathematique de 1'. 8 St Petersburg, 1868-69 Tableau general, methodique et alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les publi- cations de 1'Academie . . . depuis sa fondation. i re Partie et Suppl. Publi- cations en Langues etrangeres. 8 St Petersburg, 1872 Biblioteki Moskovskago Glavnago Arkhiva Min. Inostr. Dyel. [Register of Atlases, Maps, Plans, &c. , in the Library of the Moscow Principality Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.] 8 St Petersburg, 1877 IMP. Russ. GEOGRAPHICAL Soc. ST PETERSBURG. Zapisky Russkago Geogr. Obshchesta. Memoirs Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. [In Russian.] [Ser. I.] Vols. I. -XIII. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1849-59 [The first issue of Vols. I and 2 was in 1846-47. Those in Soc. Library are the 2nd issue or reprint, dated 1849. Also see Denkschrift, printed at Weimar, infra. ] - [Ser. 2.] Vols. for 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864 (Vols. I. -IV.). Maps and plates. 8" St Petersburg, 1861-64 [Ser. 3.] Zapisky, &c., divided into Sections, viz. General Geography. Vols. I. -XXVI. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1867-93 [Append. Atlases fol. to Vol. 9 and Vol. 21 ; Kaulbars' and Tillo's papers.] Ethnography. Vols. I.-XVI., XVII. (pt. l), XIX., XX., XXI. (pt. i), XXII. (pt. i), and XXIII. (pt. I and 2). Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1867-94 Statistics. Vols. I. -VII. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1876-93 Denkschrift der Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft zu St Petersburg. Band I. Maps. 8 Weimar, 1849 [ This is a German Translation of the 1st issue, 1846-47, of Vols. I and 2 of Zapisky, supra. ] Izvestiya Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest., Transactions of the. [In Russian.] 1848-50 [in I vol.]. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg, 1848-50 Otchot Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest. [Reports of the Soc.] For 1848-54, 1856, 1857, 1862, 1866-71, 1873-77, 1879, 1881-90, 1892, 1893 (34 Reps.). 8 St Petersburg, 1849-94 Compte Rendu de la Soc. (Traduit du Russe.) Ann. 1850-64 (13 years, bound in 4 vols.). Maps. 8 St Petersburg, 1851-65 EUROPE RUSSIA. 817 Vestnik Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest, Proceedings of the. [In Russian.] Vols. I. -XXX., 1851-60. Maps. 8 St Petersburg, 1851-60 Yejegodnik Imperatorskago Geographicheskago Obshchestva. [Annuary Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.] Vols. I.-III. Geodetic maps. 8 and royal 8 St Petersburg, 1890-94 Extraits des Publications de la Soc. Imp. Ge"ogr. de Russie, en 1856 et 1857. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1859 Katalog. Biblioteki Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest. [Catalogue of the Library of the Russ. Geogr. Soc.] 8 St Petersbttrg, 1878 Ukazatel K. Izdaniyam Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest. i yego Otdielov. [Index to the publications of the Russ. Geogr. Soc. and its Branches, 1846-75.] 8 St Petersbttrg, 1886 Ethnographicheskii Sbornik. [Collection of the Ethnography of Russian Districts.] Parts I. -IV. [in 2 vols.] St Petersburg, 1853-58 Literatura Russkoi Geographii Statisitki i Ethnographii. Tom. I.-IX., 1864 to 1880. 8 St Petersburg, 1865-83 [See Mejoff, V. I.: Authors' Catalogue.] Sbornik Statis. Svedenii o Rossii. [Statistical Compendium for Russia, published by the Soc.] [In Russian.] Vols. I.-III. Tables. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1851-58 Repertorium fiir Meteorologie. (K. Geogr. Gesell. St. Petersburg.) [Ser. i.] Bande I.-III. (2 and 3 incomplete). (Redig. L. F. Kamtz.) 4 Dor pat, 1860-63 [Ser. 2.] Bande I.-XIV. [Redig. H. Wild.] Maps and plates. Royal 4 St Petersburg, 1870-91 Jahresbericht des Physikalischen Central-Observatoriums fiir 1869-72 [4 parts bound in i vol.], und Beilage (von H. Wild). 4 St Petersburg, 1870-73 Trudy. [Transactions of the Geological Sect. Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. , St Petersb. ] Vols. I.-XI. and XIII. [some vols. imperfect]. 4 St Petersburg, 1883-92 Izvestiya Geologicheskago Komiteta. [Proceedings of Geological Commmittee of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.] Vols. I. -X., XL, arid XII. (pts.). 8 St Petersburg, 1882-92 [With Appendices, viz. : ] Russk. Geologich. Biblioteka. [Catalogue of the Geolog. Library of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.] 1885-92 (7 pts.). 8 St Petersbttrg, 1885-92 Trudy Expeditsii snaryajonnoi Imp. Volnym Ekonomicheskim I. Russ. Geogr. Obshch., dlya Izsledovaniya Khlebnoi Torgovli i Proizvoditelnosti v. Rossii. [Works of the Expedition equipped by the Imp. Free Economical and Russ. Geogr. Societies for the enquiry into the Corn Trade and Production in Russia.] Vol. II. Map and plates. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1870 Internationalen Polar-Commission, Mittheilungen der. (Ed. H. Wild.) Heftel.-VII. Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1882-91 Russische Revue: Monatsschrift fiir die Kunde Russlands. Jahrg. I. -XXIII. (C. Rottger); XXIV.-XXXI. (R. Hammerschmidt). 8 St Petersburg, 1872-91 University of St Petersburg. [Council Minutes in Russian.] Nos. i-)i, 1870-75. 8 St Petersburg, 1870-75 Zapiski Voienno-Topographicheskago Depo [Memoirs of the Military-Topographical Bureau]. [Continued as] Zapiski Voienno-Topographicheskago Otdiela Glavnago Shtaba [Memoirs of the Military-Topographical Section of the General Staff], Pts. XXIV.-XLVII. [bound in 17 vols.]. Maps and plates. 4 St Petersburg, 1863-91 RUSSIA IN ASIA. CAUCASUS : TIFLIS. IMP. Russ. GEOGR. Soc. CAUCASUS SECTION. Otchot Kavkaz Otd. [Reports of Caucasus Section], 1870 and 1879. 8 (2 sizes) Tiflis, 1871 and 1879 Izvestiya Kavkazkago Otd. Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchestva. [Proceedings or Bulletin of Caucasus Sect., &c.] Vols. I.-X. (8th with Appendix, and I, 2, 5 incomplete). Maps and plates. Royal 8 Tijlis, 1872-91 [See " Ukazatel," &c., infra.'] Kavkazkii Otdiel Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest. [Review of 25 years in the Caucasus Sect, of the Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.] 1851-76. 8 Tijlis, 1876 Zapiski Kavkazkago Otd. Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchest. [Memoirs of Caucasus Sect.] Vols. IX. -XVI. Maps and plates. 8 St Petersburg and Tifis, 1875-94 3F 8i8 APPENDIX III. Materialui dlya Sostavleniya Climatologii Kavkaza [Data upon the climate of the Cau- casus]. Vols. I., II. Maps and plates. 8 Tiflis, 1871-80 Observatoire Physique Central de Russie, Annales de. Ann. 1852-63 [12 tomes, A. T. Kupffer]; 1864 [i torn., L. F. Kamtz] ; 1865-90 [26 tomes, II. Wild]. [Total 39 vols.] 4 St Petersburg, 1855-91 Beobachtungen der Temperatur des Erdbodens ; Meteorol. Beobacht. u. Magne- tische Beobacht. See Appendix 2 : Russia in Asia (A). Sbornik Materiala dlyaOpisaniye Mestnosti i plemion Kafkaza. [Materials for the Topo- graphy and Ethnology of the Caucasus : in Russian.] Vols. X., XII. -XVIII. (8 vols.). 8 Tiflis, 1890-94 Ukazatel Geogr. Materiala v. Kubanskikh Viedomostiakh. [Index to Geogr. Material contained in the Kuban Times. ~\ Append. Izvest. Caucasus Sect, of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. Za 1863, 1866, 1867-74. 8 Tiflis, 1874-75 IMPER. Russ GEOGRAPHICAL Soc. SIBERIAN SECT. IRKUTSK. Zapiski Sibirskago Otdyela Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshchestva [Memoirs of the Siberian Section of the Soc. : in Russian]. Vol. II. Maps. [Section afterwards divided into East and West Siberian Sections.] Royal 8 St Petersburg, 1856 Izvestiya Vostotchno-Sibirskago Otdyela Imp. Russk. Geogr. Soc. [Proceedings of the East Siberian Section of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. : in Russian.] Vols. XII. (Nos. 1-5), XIII. (Nos. 1-3), XIV. (Nos. 1-5), XV. (Nos. I, 2, 5, 6). 4 Irkutsk, 1881-85 The same. Vols. XVI., XVII. (Nos. 1-4), XVIIL, XIX. (Nos. i, 3, 5), XX., XXL, XXII. (Nos. 1-3), XXIII. (Nos. 2-5), XXIV. (Nos. 1-4), XXV. (No. i). Maps and plates. 8 Irkutsk, 1886-94 Zapiski Vostotchno-Sibirskago Otdyela, Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. [Memoirs of East Siberian Sect. Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. : in Russian.] Vol. XII. 8 Irkutsk, 1886 Otchot Vostotchno-Sibirskago Otdyela Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. [Reports of the East Siberian Section] 1879, 1882, 1891, and 1892. 8 St Petersburg, 1879-92 OMSK. Zapiski, Zapadno, v Sibirskago Otdyela Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obshch. [Memoirs of the West Siberian Section of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc.] Vols. XIV. and XV. 8 Omsk, 1893 VLADIVOSTOK. Zapiski, Obshchestva Izucheniya Amurskago Kray'a, pod redakziei predsedatelya Obshchestva. [Memoirs of Society for Study of Amur Region.] Tom. I. (No. i). Map and plates. 8 Vladivostok, 1888 SPAIN. BARCELONA. Ambos Mundos. Revista dedicada al cuerpo Consular, al Comercio y a la industria de Espaiia. (D. R. Monner Hans.) Ano I. Nos. 2 and 5. 12 Barcelona, 1886 CADIZ. Real Academia Gaditana de Ciencias y Letras (Cadiz), Estatutos y Reglamento de la. (Pamph.) Small 8 Cadiz, 1876 Acto Solemne Celebrado por la Acad. . . . con motivo de la visita Hecha a Esta Ciudacl por el Rey D. Alfonso XII. el 23 de Marzo de 1877. Small 8 Cadiz, 1877 Inauguracion del A no Academico, 1876, 1878 a 1879, y 1880 a 1881. [3 parts.] Small 8 Cadiz, 1876-80 Sesion Extraordinaria, Publica y Solemne, Celebrada en Honor de Don Pedro Calderon de la Barca el 26 de Mayo de 1881, con la Recepcion del Academico Num- erario D. Julian de Vargas. Small 8 Cadiz, 1881 MADRID. El Centenario, Revista Illustrada. Vol. IV. (Nos. 1-37). Plates. 4 Madrid, 1892 Institute Geografico y Estadistica de Espaiia, Resena geografica y Estadistica de Espana por la direccion general del. (Dir. Carlos Ibanez). i vol. Maps. 4 Maarid, 1888 Real Academia de Ciencias. Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales de Madrid. Tom. I.-VI., XI.-XIII., and XV. Plates and maps. 4. [See A. F. Vallins : Authors' Catalogue] Madrid, 1850-90 Resumen de las Actas. Anos 1847-48, 1856-57; 10 ses. Small 4 Madrid, 1848-58 EUROPE SPAIN. 819 Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid), Memorias. Tom. X. Small 4 Madrid, 1885 Real Observatorio de Madrid. Anmiario. Anos I., IV. -VI. 12 Madrid, 1862-65 Revista de los Progresses de las Sciencias, Exactas, Fisicas, y Naturales. Tom. XXI., XXII. [both imperfect]. 8 Madrid, 1886-89 Revista General de Marina. Vols. III., VI., and VII. [incomplete]. Maps and plates. 8 Madrid, 1878-80 Sociedad Antropologica Espanola. Revista de Antropologia. Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Antropologica Espaiiola. Tomo I. (Cuadermo i-6). 8 Madrid, 1874 Sociedad Espanola de Geografia Comercial (antes de Africanistas y Colonistas). Revista de Geografia Comercial Organo de la. Tom. I. (Nos. 1-13), II. (Nos. 25- 30), V. (Nos. 1-4). Maps and plans. 4 Madrid, 1885-94 Sociedad Geografia de Madrid. Boletin. Vols. I. -XXXV., and XXXVI. (Nos. 1-6) [Vols. 26, 28, and 33 imperfect]. Maps and plates. 8 Madrid, 1876-93 Indice de Authorcs, de los 20 Primeros Tomos (viz., 1876-86 supra). 8 Madrid, 1890 Reglamento de la Sociedad. (Pamph. 9 pp.) 8 Madrid, 1876 VITORIA. Associacion Euskara para la Exploracion y Civilizacion del Africa Central. Boletin de la Exploradora. Ano I., Tom. I. -II. Maps. 8 Vitoria and Madrid, 1 880-81 SWEDEN. STOCKHOLM. Anthropologiska Sallskapet i Stockholm. Tidskrift for Anthropologi och Kultur- historia uitgven af Soc. Band I., 3 Haftet, 1873-77. Plates and cuts. 8 Stockholm, 1875-82 [Title of Society altered to] Svenska Sallskapet for Anthropologi och Geografi. Tidskrift Anthropologiska Sektionens. Band I. Plates and cuts. 8 Stockholm^ 1878-81 Tidskrift Geografiska Sektionens. Band I. Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm t 1878-80 Forhandlingar vid Sallskapet Sammankomster, 1878-80. 8 Stockholm, 1882 [The Tidskrifts and Forhandlingar together form I vol., and are bound as such.] " Ymer." Tidskrift uitgifven afSvensk. Siillsk for Antrop. o Geogr. Argiingen, 1881- 92. Vols. I. -XI. and XII. (incomplete). Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm, 1882-93 Astronomisch-Geodatischen Arbeiten. See P. G. Rosen : Authors' Catalogue. Astronomiska lakttagelser och Undersokningar anstalda pa Stockholms Observatorium. (H. Gylclen.) Bands I. (2 haftet), II. (haft. 2 and 4), III. and IV. (9 Nos.) Small 4 Stockholm, 1880-91 Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademie. Der Konigl. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen, aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik, 1755, '56, '57, "59-66, aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt, von A. G. Kastner. Plates. 11 vols. 8 Hamburg and Leipzig, 1757-68 Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandlingar. Vols. I.-L. (in 40 vols., 1844- 93). Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm, 1845-94 Appendix to Vol. XXL, viz. : Kritisk Forteckning iifver de I. Riks. Museum Befmtliga Salmonider (af F. A. Smit). Atlas folio. [Bound separately from Series] Stockholm, 1887 Forteckning Ofver innehallet i Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Skrifter 1826-83 (af E. W. Dahlgren). 12 Stockholm, 1884 Handlingar Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad., 1847-54. 8 vols. in 4. Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm, 1849-56 Handlingar Ny Foljd. Vols. I. -XXV. (1855-93). Maps and plates. 4 Stockholm, 1858-93 Bihang. Vols. I. -XIX. Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm, 1872-93 Lefnadsteckningar ofver Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. efter ar 1854 aflinda Ledamoter. Vols. I., II., and III. 8" Stockholm, 1869-94 Meteorolgiska lakttagelser i Sverge utgivna af. . . . Anstallda och utarl>etade under inseende af Meteorologiska Central-Anstalten. Entire Ser. Vols. XV., XVII.- XXXII. ; equal to Ser. 2. Vols. I., III.-XVIII., viz., 1873, 1875 to 1890. Maps. 4 Stockholm, 1876-94 Meddelanden, &c. See Upsal Univ., infra. Svenska, Norske och Utlandske Ledamoter. 8 Stockholm, 1885-89 820 APPENDIX III. Sveriges Geologiska Undersokning. [Of these Publications the Soc. Library possesses 260 numbers, the majority in 8 and some (irregularly distributed in the series) in 4.] Maps and plates Stockholm, 1862-93 Ser. A. a. Kartblad med beskrifningar- i skalan 1 : 50,000, Nos. 1-109. 8 (1862-92.) Ser. A. b. 1 : 200,000, Nos. 1-15. 8. (1877-93.) Ser. B. a. Ofversigtskartor, No. I. 8. (1884.) Ser. B. b. Specialkartor med beskrifningar, Nos. 1-7. 8 and 4. (1881-92.) Ser. c. Afhandlingar och uppsatser, Nos. 26-134(105 Nos.). 8and4. (1877-93.) Ser. (Miscellaneous, some with temporary lettering F. to x.). Total, 23 numbers. 8. (1872-90.) [See under Sweden : Appendix 2, for separate titles, &c.] UPSALA. Upsala Universitets. Arsskrift. Mathematik och Naturvetenskap. 1870-74 (4 parts). Maps. 8 Upsala, 1870-74 Arsskrift. Medicin. 1884-85 och 1893 (2 parts). 8 Upsala, 1885-95 Meddelanden, fran U. Univ. Mineralog. Geologiska Instil. Nos. 1-13. Maps and plates. 8 Stockholm, 1891-94 SWITZERLAND. AARAU. Mittelschweizerischen Geographisch-Commerciellen Gesellschaft in Aarau. Ethno- logisches Gewerbemuseum in Aarau. Aufruf der Mittelschweizerischen Geographisch- Commerciellen Gesellschaft in Aarau an ihre Mitglieder, Freunde, und Gonner in der Heiniat und in fernen Landen. (Pamph. 16 pp.) 8 Aarau, 1886 Fernschau. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft. Bande I. -II. Woodcuts. 8 Aarau, 1886-88 BERNB. Geographische Gesellschaft von Bern. Jahresberichte I. -XII. and XIII. (heft, i), 1878- 94. Maps and plates. 8 Berne, 1879-94 Schweizer Alpen Club, Jahrbuch des. Jahrg. I. -XXIX., 1864 to 1893. Maps and plates. (From I to 25 vols. in 12, and 26 to 28 vols. in 8) Berne, 1864-93 Beilagen des Schweizerischen Alpen Club. Jahrg. III. -IV., VII., VIII., X. -XXVIII. 22 bander [viz. Maps, &c., in cases, of various sizes and shapes, oblong 8, 4, &c.] Berne, 1866-93 Repertorium und Ortsregister fiir die Jahrbiicher I. bis XX. des Schw. Alp. Clubs. (Zusammengestelt und den Mitglieder des S.A.C., Gewidmet von Otto von Bulow.) Map. 12 Berne, 1886 Die Ersten 25 Jahre des Schw. Alp. Club. (Denkschrift im Auftrag des Central- comite verfasst von Dr Ernst Buss. ) (Pamph.) 12 Giants, 1889 GENEVA. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Total, 60 vols., bound in 36 as follows : [2 e ] Nouvelle Periode. Tom. IV., V., VII. -XII., XV. -XVIII. (12 vols.) Maps and plates. 8 [Bound with " Bibl. Univ."] Geneva, 1859-63 - The same. Tom. XXV.-LXIV. Maps and plates. 8 [Separately bound, 2 vols. in i.] Geneva, 1866-78 3 e Periode. Tom. I. -IV. Maps and plates. 8 Geneva, 1878-80 Association des Societes Suisses de Geographic, Trauvaux de 1'. Deuxieme Session a Geneve, Aoiit 1882. Maps. (Pamph.) 8 Geneva, 1883 Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve. Nouvelle Serie. Tom. I.-XLII. (10 missing 41 vols.). 8 Geneva, 1836-42 [Followed by] , Bibliotheque Universelle, revue Suisse et Etrangere. Nouvelle Periode. Tom. IV., V., VII.-XIL, XV. -XVIII. (12 vols.). Maps and plates. 8 Geneva, 1859-63 [Followed by] Globe, Le. Infra, Soc. Geogr. Genev. L'Afrique Exploree et Civilisee. Journal Mensuel. Tom. I. -XV. (1879-94). Maps. 8 Geneva, 1879-94 Societe de Geographic de Geneve. Bulletin. Vols. I. -XL Maps. 8 Geneva, 1860-72 Memoires. Vols. I. -XL Maps. 8. [Bull, and Mem. bound together] Geneva, 1860-72 [Continued as] Le Globe : Journal Geographique. Organe de la Societe de Geographic de Geneve pour ses Memoires et Bulletin. - Bulletin. Vols. XII. -XXXIII. Maps. 8 Geneva, 1873-94 EUROPE SWITZERLAND. 821 Societe de Geographic de Geneve. Memoires. Vols. XII. -XXXIII. Maps. 8 Geneva, 1873-94 [These publications of the Society, though issued in volumes having successive numbers as above, are also subdivided into Series, viz. : 1st Ser., Vols I.- XIII.; 2nd Ser., XIV. -XVI. ; 3 rd Ser., XVII.-XX. ; 4th Ser., XXI.- XXVIII. ; 5th Ser., XXIX. onwards. The Memoires and Bull, are bound together.] Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. Memoires. Tom. I.- XXXI. (T. XIII. pt. I missing). Plates. 4 Geneva, 1821-93 The same. Tom. Supplementaire : Centenaire de la Fondation de la Societe. Plates. 4 Geneva, 1891 Societe Suisse de Topographic, Bulletin de la. Annee I. (livr. Jan. et Feb.) Plate. 12 Geneva, 1880 LAUSANNE. Societe d' Agriculture et d' Economic du Canton du Vaud, Feuilles d'Agriculture et d'Economie Generale public par la. Tom. I. -VII. Plates. 8 Lausanne, 1812-20 [Continued as] Feuille du Canton de Vaud, on Journal d'Agriculture Pratique, des Sciences Naturelles et d'Economie Publique. Tom. VIII. -XV. Plates. 8 Lausanne, 1821-28 NEUCHATEL. Association Geodesique Internationale. Comptes Rendus des Conferences (Geod. Internat. pour la Mesure des Degres en Europe). 14 vols. and supplements. Maps and plates. 4 Neuchatel and Berlin, 1868-94 Places of meetings and dates as follows : Stuttgart 1877 Berlin 1886 Nice 1887 Berlin Vienna .. .. .. 1871 Munich Dresden .. .. .. 1874 Rome Supplementary Reports of Conferences, by General A. Ferrero, held at : Salzburg ...... i883 Fribourg ...... 1890 Bruxelles ...... 1892 Paris ...... 1889 Florence ...... 1891 Geneve ...... 1893 [The above contains Reports of the Ordinary Meetings and of those of the Per- manent Commission of the European Gradmessung and of the International Erdmessung, as the title of the former was changed to. See under Florence, Zurich, and Berlin.] Commission Geodesique Suisse. Proces-verbal de la seance de la Commission Geodesique Suisse. XVIII. 12 Neuchatel, 1878 Societe Neuchateloise de Geographic, Bulletin de la. Tom. I.-VII. (1865 to 1893). Maps and plates. 8 Neuchatel, 1886-93 ST GALLEN. Ostschweizerischen Geographisch - Commerciellen Gesellschaft in St Gallen. Jahresbericht pro 1879. Small 8 U St Gallen, 1880 - The same, 1881-82. Plates. Royal 8 St Gallen, 1882 [Continued as] - Mitteilungen. 1883-91, 13 hefte. Map. Royal 8 and 8 St Gallen, 1883-91 - Kataloe der Geographischen Ausstellung veranstaltet von der Gesellschaft. 16" [Pamph ] \.St Gallen, 1879] -Publication. (Dr J. A. Kaiser.) [Pamph. 17 pp.] 8 St Gallen, 1802 Statuten der Geogr.-Commerc. Ges. (4 pp.). 8 U WlNTERTHUR. Schweizerische Polytechnische Zeitschrift. Unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Profcssoren des Schweiz. Polytechnikums und anderer Fachmanner ; herausgegeben von Ur 1 ; Bolley und J. H. Kronauer. Vols. I. -XV. (Vol. 4 missing). Maps ami plates. 4 [Bound in j vols.] Winterthnr, 1856-70 ZURICH. Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zurich. Berichte liber die Verrichtungen der Antiquar- ischen Gesellschaft in Zurich, vom Juli 1844 bis November 1862. Nos. I to 18. 4 1045-03 Denkschrift zurfunf/.igjahr Stiftungsfeir der Antiq. Ges. Plates 4 '/."rich, 1882 Mittheilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft (der Gesellschaft Tilr Vaterlandrsche Alterthiimer) in Zurich. Bande IX. (Abtheil. II., heft 3), XII. (heft 3), X XVII. (hefte 5-8), XIX.-XXIII. Maps and plates. 4" Zurich, l54-94 822 APPENDIX III. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, Mitteilungen der. Vols. I. -III. (1847-55). Maps and plates. 8 Zurich, 1849-55 Vierteljahrsschrift. Jahrg. I., II., III. (hefte I, 2), VI. -XXXVIII. [Jahrg. 3, 34, and 36 imperfect.] Maps and plates . Small 8 Zurich, 1856-93 Generalregister der Publikationen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich uncl Ueberslcht ihres Tauschverkehres. [Pamph.] Small 8 Ziirich, 1892 Publicationen fur die Internationale Erdmessung Europaische Gradmessung. Das Schweizerische Dreiecknetz (herausgegeben von der Schwezerischen Geodelische Commission). Bande I. -VI. Plates. 4 Zurich, 1881-94 [From Vol. III. onwards the title is altered to Internationale Erdmessung. See also Neuchatel, supra."} UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. A. ENGLAND. BATH. Echoes of Service : a Record of Labour in the Lord's name in many Lands. Vols. 1891 (imperfect) and 1892-93, 3 vols. Small 4 Bath, 1891-93 BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Vols. III. -VIII. (1881-93). Plates. 8 Birmingham, 1883-93 Annual Report and List of Members (pamph.). 8 Birminghm, 1893 CHESTER. Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society for the County, City, and Neighbourhood of Chester. Journal Parts 2 and 3, July 1850 to December 1852. Plates. 8 Chester, 1852-54 FALMOUTH. Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Annual Reports of. 1835-53, 3rd to 2istRep. Bound in 4 vols. Maps and plates. 8 Fal mouth, 1835-53 GRIMSBY. The Fisherman's Nautical Almanack and Tide-Tables. For the years 1880-85, 1885-95 (14 vols. ). Maps and illustrations. 12 Grimsby, 1880-94 LIVERPOOL. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Proceedings and Papers of the. Sess. VI., 1853-54. Maps and plates. 8 Liverpool, 1854 Transactions. Vols. VII. -XII. Sess. 1854-60. Maps and plates. 8 Liverpool, 1855-60 New. Ser. Vols. I.-IX. Sess. 1860-70 (Vols. XIIL-XXIL, Entire Series). Maps and plates. 8 Liverpool, 1860-70 3rd Ser. Vols. I.-VIII. Sess. 1872-80 (Vols. XXV. -XXXII., Entire Series). Maps and plates. 8 Liverpool, 1873-80 Index to the First and Second Series, Vols. I. -XX IV. 8 Liverpool, 1874 Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. Proceedings. Vols. XII.-XLIII. (Sess. 1857-58 to 1888-89.) Maps ami plates. 8 Liverpool, 1858-89 Liverpool Geographical Society. Report of the Council, 1892-94 (II. -III. ann.). Small 8 Liverpool, 1893-94 EUROPE-GREAT BRlTAtN AND IRELAND. 823 LONDON. Aborigines' Protection Society. The Colonial Intelligencer or Aborigines' Friend : comprising the Transactions of the Aborigines' Protection Society ; Interesting In- telligence concerning the Aborigines of Various Climes, and Articles upon Colonial Affairs ; with Comments upon the Proceedings of Government and of Colonists towards Native Tribes. Vols. I.-IV. (1847-54). Illustrations. 8 1848-55 The same. New. Ser. Vol. I. (1855-58). Map. 8 1858 - Annual Reports. 1st, 4th (1838-41), i3th and I4th (1850-51), and igth to 2ist (1856-58). 8 1838-58 - Extracts from the Papers and Proceedings of the. Vols. I. (Nos. 1-6), 1830 II (Nos. 1-6), 1841. 8 $30.4 ; Academy, The : a Weekly Review of Literature, Science, and Art. 17 vols., viz., Vols. VII.-XLIII. 4 l8 75-93 Admiralty Publications, Hydrographic Office. See Nautical Almanac, postea ; also under Hydrographic Office : Appendix 2, United Kingdom. African Civilization Society, Report of the Committee of the, 1842 ; with an Appen- dix. Map. 8 1842 Africa. Quarterly Review and Journal. Vols. I. -II. (1883-84). Maps and plates. Small 4 1883-84 Alpine Journal, The : a Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation (by Members of the Alpine Club). Vols. I. -XVI. (1863-93). Maps, plates, and portraits. 8 [See Appendix 2 : United Kingdom, Miscell. (I.)] 1864-93 - Index to the Alpine Journal (including Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers), for Vols. I. -XV. (1863-91). Map. 8 1892 Anglo-Jewish Association, in connection with the Alliance Israelite Universelle, Annual Reports of the. 7th to 2ist (1877-92). 8 1878-92 Anglo-Saxon, The. Vols. I. -II. Maps and plates. 8 1849-50 Annual Index of Periodicals and Photographs, The, for 1890. Small 4 1891 [Title altered to] Index to the Periodical Literature of the World, for 1891 and 1892. Small 4 1892-93 Anthropological Review, &c., infra, and Appendix 2 : Gen. Miscell. Anthropological Society of London. Anthropological Review* and Journal of the Anthrop. Society of London. Vols. I. -VIII. Plates. 8 1863-70 - Memoirs* read before the Anthrop. Society of London. Vols. I. -III. (1863-69). Maps and plates. 8 1865-70 [Title of Society altered to] Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal* of the. Vols. I.- XXIII. and XXIV. (pts. I and 2). Maps and plates. 8 1872-94 - List of Members. [Pamphs.] 8 1875 and 1881 - * Index to the Publications of the Soc. [1843-91], including the Jour, and Trans. of the Ethnological Society [1843-71] and of the Anthropol. Review. By George Bloxam. 8 1893 [For separate volumes issued by the Anthrop. Soc., see tinder Broca, P. ; Pouchet, G. ; and Waitz, T. : Authors' Catalogue.] Anthropology, Journal of. Vol. I. [all published]. Map and plates. 8 1870-71 Anthropology, Popular Magazine of. Vol. I. [all published]. 8 1866 Artizan, The : a Monthly Record of the Progress of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Shipbuilding, Steam Navigation, the Application of Chemistry to the Industrial Arts, &c. Vols. XVI.-XXIX. (13 vols.) Plates. 4 1858-71 Asiatic Journal, The. Vol. XXI. Map. 8 1836 Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa, Proceed- ings of the. Vol. I. Map. 4 - Reissue of ; with continuations and additional papers. In 2 vols. 8 Athenseum, The : Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. 2 vols. annually ; set bound in 103 vols. 4 '831-93 Atlantis, The : a Register of Literature and Science. Conducted by Members of the Catholic University of Ireland. Vols. I. -II. and IV. Maps and plates. 8 1858-63 824 APPENDIX III. Baptist Missionary Society. Missionary Herald of the B.M.S. for 1885-94. 10 vols. 1885 [incomplete]. Maps and plates. 8 1885-94 Board of Trade Journal, of Tariff and Trade Notices, and Miscellaneons Commercial Information. Vols. XIV. -XVI. (imperfect). 8 1883-93 Index to the, for Vols. I. -XIV. 8 1893 Bookseller, The : a Handbook of British and Foreign Literature, with which is incorporated " Bent's Literary Advertiser." 1891 and 1892. Royal 8 1891-92 British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. The Anti-Slavery Reporter. Ser. 3, Vols. I. -VII. and IX. Royal 8 1853-61 Ser. 4, Vols. II., VII., and VIII.-XIII. (1882-88 imperfect). 8 1882-93 British Association for the Advancement of Science, Reports of the Meetings of the, including its Proceedings, Recommendations, and Transactions. Total 62 vols., 1 83 1 -93- Maps, plates, and tables. 8 1833-94 York, 1831; Oxford, 1832; Cambridge, 1833; Edinburgh, 1834; Dublin, 1835; Bristol, 1836 ; Liverpool, 1837 ; Newcastle, 1838 ; Birmingham, 1839 ; Glasgow, 1840; Plymouth, 1841; Manchester, 1842; Cork, 1843 ; York, 1844; Cambridge, 1845; Southampton, 1846; Oxford, 1847 ; Swansea, 1848; Birmingham, 1849; Edinburgh, 1850; Ipswich, 1851; Belfast, 1852; Hull, 1853 ; Liverpool, 1854 ; Glasgow, 1855 ; Cheltenham, 1856 ; Dublin, 1857 ; Leeds, 1858; Aberdeen, 1859; Oxford, 1860; Manchester, 1861 ; Cambridge, 1862; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1863; Bath, 1864; Birmingham, 1865; Notting- ham, 1866; Dundee, 1867; Norwich, 1868; Exeter, 1869; Liverpool, 1870; Edinburgh, 1871 ; Brighton, 1872 ; Bradford, 1873 '> Belfast, 1874 ; Bristol, 1875; Glasgow, 1876; Plymouth, 1877; Dublin, 1878; Sheffield, 1879 ; Swansea, 1880; York, 1881 ; Southampton, 1882 ; Southport, 1883 ; Montreal, 1884 ; Aberdeen, 1885 ; Birmingham, 1886 ; Manchester, 1887 ; Bath, 1888 ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1889; Leeds, 1890; Cardiff, 1891 ; Edinburgh, 1892 ; Nottingham, 1893. Index to Reports and Transactions of the. 2 vols., viz., from : 1831 to 1860 ; 1861 to 1890 inclusive. 2 vols. 8 1864 and 1893 [The Reports for 1831 and 1832 were published in one volume.] British Commercial Geographical Society. Objects and Proposed Rules, &c. [Pamph., 2 editions, all published by Lieut. V. L. Cameron.] 8 1884 British South Africa Co. Annual Reports. Maps. 4 1891-94 China Inland Mission. China's Millions, [u vols.], Vols. VII. -X. (imperfect), XI.- XVI. Illustrations. Small 4 1882-93 New Ser. Vols. I. and II. (incomplete). Illustrations. Small 4 1893-94 Chronological Institute of London, Transactions of the. Vols. I., II. (pts. 3 and 4), III. (pt. i). 8 1858-66 Church Missionary Intelligencer : a Monthly Journal of Missionary Information. 45 vols. in all. [i Ser.] Vols. I. -XV. Maps and plates. Royal 8 1850-64 The same. [2 Ser.] Vols. I. -XI. Maps and plates. Royal 8 1865-75 [Continued as] Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record, The. [3 Ser.] Vols. I.-XVIII. Maps and plates. 8 and royal 8 1876-93 Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, Proceedings of the, and Annual Report, 1888-89 to 1890-92. goth to 94th year. Maps. 8 1888-93 Colonial Book Circular, The, and Biographical Record. [Title altered to] The Torch, and Colonial Book Circular, including Classified Lists of New English Books, and of Publications relating to, or issued in, the British Colonies. (Ed. E. A. Petherick.) Vols. I.-V., Nos. 1-18 (8, 9, and 12 missing). Small 4 1887-92 Colonial and Consular Reports. See Appendix 2 : United Kingdom (C) (D). Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany. (Ed. P. L. Simmonds.) Vols. I. -XIV. Illustrations. 8 1844-48 Colonies and India, The : a Weekly Journal of General Information, with especial reference to Colonial and Indian Interests, for 1888 to 1893. 13 vols. (some numbers missing). Illustrations. 4 1888-93 Commerce: an Illustrated Weekly Journal ; with which is officially incorporated "The Chamber of Commerce Journal." Vol. I. (imperfect). Folio 1893 EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 825 County of Middlesex Natural History and Science Society, Transactions of the. Sess. 1886-87. 8 1887 Eastern and Western Review, The : a Monthly Magazine of Political Literature and Science. Vols.-I.-III. Plates. Small 4 and royal 8. [All issued] 1892-93 East India Association. Journal. Vols. XXIV. -XXVI. (imperfect). Maps and plates. 8 1892-94 Education. Vols. I. -II. 4 1890-91 [Continued as] Educational Review, The. Vols. I. -VII. (New Series.) Plates. 8 and royal 8 1891-94 Ethnological Society of London, Journal of the. Vols. I. -IV. Maps and plates. 8 1848-56 New Ser., Vols. I. -II. Maps and plates. 8 1869-70 Transactions of the. New Ser., Vols. I. (pt. 2) -VII. Plates. 8 1861-69 [For Classified Index of Journ. and Trans., see Anthropol. Inst. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland, supra.} Folk Lore : a Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom (incorporating the "Archaeological Review and Folk Lore Journal "). Vols. I. -III. and IV. (No. i). 1890-93 Geological Magazine, The ; or, Monthly Journal of Geology ; with which is incorporated "The Geologist." (Eds. T. Rupert Jones, H. Woodward, and others.) Decade i. Vols. I.-X. 1864-73) 2. Vols. I.-X. 1874-83 [Total 28 vols. Maps and plates. 8 1864-89 ,< 3. Vols. I. -VIII. 1 884-89 J Geological Record, The : an Account of Works on Geology, Mineralogy, and Palreon- tology during the year (with Supplements). Vols. for 1874 to 1879 (Eds. W. Whitaker and W. H. Dalton) ; Vols. for 1880 to 1884 (Eds. W. Topley and C. D. Sherborn) ; and with addition to subtitle of "Together with certain deficiencies omitted from previous volumes. " Total of 8 vols. 8 1875-89 Geological Society of London, Transactions of the. [ist Ser.] Vols. I.-V. (and 2 vols. Plates and Maps to same). 7 vols. 4 1811-21 [2nd Ser.] Vols. I.-VII. (and i vol. Plates and Maps to accompany Vol. IV.) 8 vols. 4 1824-56 - Proceedings of the. Vols. I.-IV., 1826-45. Maps and plates. 8 1834-46 - Quarterly Journal of the. Vols. I. -XLIX., 1845-93. Maps and plates. 8 1845-93 - A Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal. ^ 2nd edition, including all the Memoirs and Notices to the end of 1868. (By G. W. Ormerod.) 8 1870 Lists of the Geological Society, 1885, '87, '88, '91-94 (6 Nos.). 8 1885-94 Charter and Bye-Laws of the. 8 1845 Geologists' Association, Proceedings of the. Vols. X.-XII. (imperfect set). Maps and plates. 8 1887-92 Annual Report, together with List of Members, &c., 1871 and 1892. 8 1872-92 Horological Journal : the Special Organ of the British Horological Institute. Vol. II. to date. Royal 8 1860-65 Horticultural Society of London, Journal of the. Vols. I. -IX. [bound in 5 vols.] Plates. 8 1846-55 [Afterwards the] Royal Horticultural Society, Proceedings of the. Vols. I. -II. (1859-62). 8 1861-62 Illustrated Travels : a Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure. (Ed. II. W. Bates.) Vols. I. -VI. Maps and plates. 4 [1869-72?] Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India, The Work of the... [See Abel, Sir Fred. : Authors' Catalogue.] Map. Small 8 U Annual Report for 1892 and 1893. 8 Charter of Incorporation of. [Pamph.] Small 8 "The Imperial Institute" (Account of). 2nd ed. Plates and woodcuts. 8 1893 Year Book. 1892 and 1894. Royal 8 1892-94 Indian Review, The : containing the Cream of Current Literature. Vol. III. (Nos. 17 and 22). Royal 8 826 APPENDIX III. Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Total 118 vols., viz. : Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : containing Abstracts of Papers and of Conversations, for the Sessions 1837-47. Vols. I. -VI., or 6 vols. Sub-title altered to" With Abstracts of the Discussions." Vols. VII.-XXXVIIL, or 32 vols. Sub-title again altered to " With other Selected and Abstracted Papers." Vols. XXXIX.-CXVIIL, or 80 vols. (Ed. }. Forrest). Maps and plates. 8 1837-93 Transactions of the. Vols. I. -III. Plates. 4 1836-42 Charter, Bye-Laws, and Regulations, and List of Members. 1879, 1881-1885, 1887, and 1889. 6 vols. 8 1879-89 General Index, Vols. I. to XX. (1837-61), XXI. -XXX. (1861-70). 2 vols. 8 1865-71 Name Index, Vols. I. to LVIII. (Sess. 1837-79). I vol. 8 1885 Subject Index, Vols. I. to LVIII. (Sess. 1833-79), and Vols. LIX. to CXVIII. (Sess. 1879-94). 2 y ols. 8 1880-94 Education and Status of Civil Engineers. [See Appendix 2 : Gen. Miscel.] Journal of Travel and Natural History, The. (Ed. A. Murray.) Vol. I. [all pub- lished]. Plates. 8 1868 Lagos and West African Almanack. See Payne, J. A. O. : Authors' Catalogue. Literary Society of Bombay, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -III. Plates. 4 1819-23 Linnean Society of London, Transactions of the. Vols. XVI. -XXX., 1826 to 1874. Plates. 4 I833-7S Ser. 2. Zoology. Vol. I., 1875 to 1879. Plates. 4 1879 Ser. 2. Botany. Vol. I. (parts 1-6), 1875-79. Plates. 4 1879 General Index to the First Series of Trans., viz., to Vols. I. -XXV., 1867, and to Vols. XXVI.-XXX. 4 1876 Proceedings of the. Sessions 1838 to 1893. [As bound equal to 8 vols.] 1849-94 [Continued as] Journal of the Proceedings o fthe. [Sect.] Botany, Vols. I. -VIII., 1856-65 ; [Sect.] Zoology, Vols. I.-VIIL, 1856-1865. Plates. 8 1857-65 [Continued as} Journals of the. [Sect.] Botany, Vols. IX. -XXIX., 1865-93; [Sect.] Zoology, Vols. VIII.-XXIV., 1862-94. Maps and plates. 8 1862-94 [The Proceedings. Sess. 1838-55. 2 vols., as issued by Linn. Soc. From 1856 to 1865, as Jour, of Proc., with sub-divisions in the same volumes of Proc. Records of other business, Botany and Zool., 8 vols. were issued. Thereafter the Botanical and Zoological Journals were published independently and with separate titles, and the Proceedings, &c., were issued by themselves in numbers both sessionally and at irregular intervals.] - List of Fellows, &c., 1888-89 to 1893-94. 2 parts. 1888-94 London Missionary Society. The Chronicle of the London Missionary Society for the years 1878-91, 14 vols. (and odd numbers, 1874-77.) Maps and plates. 8 1874-91 New Ser. 1892-93. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Small 4 1892-93 83 d Report of the, 1877. (Pamph. 103 pp.) 8 1877 Mission in Central Africa (Thomson, Dodgshun, Hore, and Hutley). Map. 8 1879 Mission in New Guinea, The. From the Letters and Journals of the Revs. S. Macfarlane and James Chalmers. (Map, Eastern N.G.) 8 1879 Mercantile Marine Magazine, The, and Nautical Record. Vols. I. -XX. (Vol. 18 missing.) Maps. 8 1854-73 [From Vol. 12 onwards secondary title altered to " and Record of the Royal Naval Reserve. "] Mercantile Navy List, The, and Annual Appendage to the Commercial Code ol Signals for all Nations. (Ed. J. H. Brown.) For 1857 to 1864. 8 vols. Plates and cuts. 8 1857-64 Missionary Register, The : Containing the Principal Transactions of the various Institutions for Propagating the Gospel, with the Proceedings at large of the Church Missionary Society, for 1837 to 1843. 7 v l s - Plates. 8 1837-43 Moravian Foreign Missions. Periodical Accounts relating to the Foreign Missions of the Church of the United Brethren. 2nd century. Vols. I. and II. (6 numbers). Maps and plates. 8 1890-94 National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, Transactions of the. London Meeting, 1862. (Ed. G. W. Hastings.) 8 1863 EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 827 Natural Science: a Monthly Review of Scientific Progress. Vols. I. -II. Maps and plates. Royal 8 London and New York, 1892-93 Nature : a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. I.-XLIX. Maps and illustra- tions. Small 4 1870-93 Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris, The. From the Commencement, 1767, to present date, 1896. Total 180 vols. [1852, 1865, and 1866 missing.] 8 1776-94 Nautical Magazine and Naval Chronicle, The : a Journal of Papers on Subjects con- nected with Maritime Affairs. [Total 61 vols.] Vols. I. -XL. Maps and plates. 8 1832-71 New Ser., for years 1872 to 1890. 19 vols. 8 1872-90 (New Ser.), Enlarged, for years 1891 to 1892. 2 vols. Royal 8 1891-92 Naval Chronicle, The. (Containing a General Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom; with a variety of Original Papers on Nautical Subjects.) Vols. I. -XXXIV. [Vol. 28 missing.] Maps and plates. 8 1799-1815 Naval Science : a Quarterly Magazine for Promoting the Improvement of Naval Archi- tecture, Marine Engineering, Steam Navigation, and Seamanship. (Ed. E. J. Reed.) Vols. I. -IV. (1872 to 1875, latter imperfect). Maps and plates. 8 1872-75 Nouvelles des Missions Orientales. Re9us a Londres par les Directeurs du Seminaire des Missions, Etrangers, en I793> I794> I795> and 1796. Pouvant servir de suite aux Lettres Edifiantes des missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. I vol. 12 1797 [See " Lettres Edifiantes, &c.," under Paris, antea.] Observatory, The : a Monthly Review of Astronomy. (Eds. Turner, Lewis, and Hollis.) Nos. 194, 207, 215. 8 1892-93 Oriental Herald, and Colonial Review. Vols. I. -XXIII. (4 vols. annually.) 8 1824-29 Our Ocean Highways. The Monthly Geographical Record and Travellers' Register. Title altered in 2nd vol. to " Ocean Highways : The Geographical Record." Vols. I. -II. [Vol. I. imperfect and 2 copies Vol. 2.] Maps. Small folio 1870-73 [Continued as] Ocean Highways: The Geographical Review. (Ed. Clements R. Markham.) New Ser. Vol. I. (1873-74). [2 copies.] Maps. 8 1874 [Continued as] Geographical Magazine, The. (Ed. C. R. Markham.) Vols. I. -V. [2 sets.] Maps. Small folio 1874-78 Palestine Exploration Fund. Volume of Preliminary Reports, &c., by Capt. C. W. Wilson, Lieut. Warren, and E. H. Palmer. Prospectuses, Catalogues of Photo- graphs, &c. Plans. Small 8 1834-70 Quarterly Statement, 1869-80 (wants No. for January 1872). Maps and plates. 12". 1869-93, 20 vols. Maps and plates . Small 8 1869-93 [See under Turkey in Asia, Palestine : Appendix 2.] Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. Vols. I.-V. Maps and plates. 8 1885-87 [For articles in numbers (vols.), see Appendix 2 : Palestine.] Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. (The Land., Edinb., and Dublin.) 4th Ser. Vols. XXX.-XXXIV., XXXVI.-XL. (July 1865 to Dec. 1870). Plates. g 1865-70 Phoenix, The : a Monthly Magazine for China, Japan, and Eastern Asia. (Ed. Rev. J. Summers.) Vols. I. -II. Small 4 1870-72 Proceedings of the General Conference on Foreign Missions. Held, &c. . . . Oct. 1878. i vol. 8 i879 Quarterly Review. (Total 143 vols.) Vols. I.-LXXIX., LXXXI.-XCIX., CL- CXXXIX., CXLI.-CLIX., CLXI.-CLXXVII. (Vols. 1-3 later eels.) 8" 1809-93 Regions Beyond. (Ed. H. Grattan Guiness.) For 1891-93. 3 vols., and odd num- bers of years 1882, '84, '85. Maps and plates. 8, small 4, and royal 8 1882-93 Rousdon Observatory, Devon. (Supt. Cuthbert E. Peek.) Meteorological Observa- tions. [Vol. I.] for years 1884 to 1893. Plates and Diagrams. 4 1885-94 [Each yearly vol. is under 50 pages, the entire series being bound in I vol.] Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana. Catalogue of the Library of the. I vol. 8 Catalogue of Contrib. from Guiana to Paris Exhib. [See Append. 2 : Guiana, Brit.] Royal Agricultural Society of England, Journal of the. [First Series.] Vols. I. -XXV. (1840-64). Plates. 8 Second Series. Vol. I.-XXV. (1864-89). Plates. 8 1865-^ Third Series. Vols. I. -IV. Plates. 8 General Index. Second Series, Vols. I.-X. (for 1865-74). 8 i75 828 APPENDIX III. Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Transactions. Vols. I. -III. Plates. 4 1827-35 [Followed by] Journal. Total 45 vols. [First Series.] Vols. I. -XX., 1834-63. [Second] New Series. Vols. I. -XX., 1865-88. [Third] New Series. Vols. 1889-94. (6 vols.) Plates. 8 1889-93 General Index of Transactions, Vols. I. -III., and of Journal, 1st and 2nd Series, (bound up with Vol. XX. of Second Series) 1834-88 Royal Astronomical Society of London, Memoirs of the. {Vols. I.-L., 1821 to 1890-91) [Vols. XXV. and XLVIII. missing.] Plates. 4 1822-92 Monthly Notices of. Containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society. Vols. IX. -XXXI. (1848-71). Plates. 8 and 4 1849-71 [Vols. XIX. to XXVII. inclusive, in 4, are bound up with the Memoirs, Vols. XXVI. to XXXVI.] A General Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society. Comprising the Proceedings of the Society from February 9, 1827, to the end of the Session 1868-69. 8 1870 Royal Colonial Institute, Proceedings of the. Vols. I.-XXIV. (Sess. 1879-7010 1893-94; Vols. I and 2 bound together). 8 1870-94 Journal of the. Vols. XXIV., XXV. (incomplete). 8 1892-93 [The Proceedings are issued only in annual vols., but the Journal is published monthly.] Royal Gardens, Kew. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. For 1887-94, 8 vols. 8 1887-94 Royal Geographical Society, Journal of the. Vols. I.-L., Sess. 1830-80. Alaps and flales. 8 1832-80 General Index to the Contents of the First 10 vols., 1832-41. (J. R. Jackson.) I vol. 8 1844 General Index to the Second 10 vols., 1841-50. (G. S. Brent.) i vol. 8 1853 General Index to the Third 10 vols, 1851-60. (Col. H. Yule.) 8 1867 General Index to the Fourth 10 vols., 1861-70. (Norton Shaw.) 8 1881 General Index to the Fifth 10 vols., 1871-80. 8 1884 Proceedings of the. [Ser. I.] Vols. I. -XXII. 8655.1855-56,1877-78. Maps. 8" [Continued as] 1865-78 Proceedings of the R.G.S., and Monthly Record of Geography. New Monthly Series. [Ser. 2.] Vols. I. -XIV., 1879-92. Maps and illustrations. Royal 8 1879-82 [Continued as] - The Geographical Journal ; including the Proceedings of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. Vols. I.-V. (2 vols. annually). Maps and illustrations. Royal 8 1893-94 List of Maps and other Illustrations contained in the Journal and Proceedings, to December 1880. 8 1881 Roy. Geogr. Soc., Supplementary Papers. Vols. I. -IV., 1881-93. Maps and plates. 8 1866-93 Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, &c. I vol. 8 1837 See Graah, W. A. : Authors' Catalogue. The Lands of Cazembe, &c. I vol. 8 [See Lacerda : Authors' Catalogue.] 1873 Arctic Geography and Ethnology. A Selection of Papers reprinted and presented to the Arctic Expedition of 1875 by l ^e President, Council, and Fellows of the R.G.S. i vol. Maps and plates. 8 1875 Hints to Travellers. [Ed. i.] From Jour. R.G.S. Vol. XXIV. 8 1854 [Ed. 2.] Revised edition. Woodcuts. 8 1865 [Ed. 3.] Revised edition. 8 Dec. 1871 [Ed. 4.] (Ed. by Francis Gallon.) Woodcuts. 12 " [Ed. 5.] (Ed. by H. H. Godwin-Austen, J. K. Laughton, and D. W. Freshficld.) Maps and plates. 12 1883 [Ed. 6.] (Ed. by D. W. Freshfield and W. J. L. Wharton.) Maps. 12 1889 [Ed. 7.] (Ed. by D. W. Freshfield and W. J. L. Wharton.) Maps. 12 1893 [The 5th, 6th, and 7th editions have a secondary title of " Scientific and General."] The Fifty Years' Work of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. (By Clements "R. Markham.) I vol. 8 1 88 1 Review of British Geographical Work during the hundred years 1789-1889. Bibliography. 8 [Unpublished.] 1893 Report -of the Proceedings of the Society in reference to the Improvement of Geographical Education. [And Exhibition Educational Appliances, &c.] (J. Scott Keltic.) i vol. 8 1886 EUROPE -GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 829 Royal Geographical Society, Catalogue of the Library, corrected to May 1851. (Compiled by Norton Shaw.) i vol. 8 1852 - Do., to May 1865. i vol. 8 ^65 - Supplement to the Alphabetical Catalogue . . . containing the additions from 1865 to December 1870. i vol. 8 1871 Classified Catalogue ... to December 1870. (G. M. Evans.) I vol. 8 1871 Second Supplement to the Alphabetical Catalogue . . . containing additions from December 1870 to December 1880. (E. C. Rye.) I vol. 8 1882 - Catalogue of Map-room of the R.G.S. to March 1881. (J. Coles.) i vol. 8 1882 - Presidents' Addresses, 1836-74. 4 vols. and 3 separate Addresses, viz.: 1876, 1877, and 1878. 8 1836-78 [The Annual Presidental Address was afterwards printed in the Journal.] African Exploration Fund Circular. Map. (Pamph.) 4 1877 Charter and Regulations of the Roy. Geogr. Soc., Established 1830, as amended up to 2ist May 1892. 8 London, 1894 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the. (Ed. by the Rev. C. Rogers.) Vols. I. (2nd ed.), 1875, New Ser. ; II., 1873 ; III., 1874; IV., 1876. 8 1873-76 Royal Institute of British Architects, Kalendar of the. 5710598655. 8 1891-93 Journal of Proceedings. New Ser. Vol. IX. 4 1892 Transactions. New Ser. Vols. IV. -VIII. (54th to 58th year). Sess. 1887-88 to 1891-92. Plates. 4 1888-92 Royal Institution of Great Britain, Notices of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the. With Abstracts of the Discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. Vols. I. -XII. and XIII. (pts. i and 2), 1851-91. Maps and plates. 8 1854-92 - General Index. Vols. I.-XII. (bound up with Proc. XII.). 8 1889 - List of Members. 1885, 1890, and 1891. 8 1886-92 Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, Transactions of the. Vols. I. -III. (1825-39). Plates. 4 1829-39 - 2nd Ser. Vols. I.-XII., XIII. (pt. i), XV. (pt. i), 1840-93. Maps and plates. 8 1843-93 Report of the, for 1891. (Pamph.) 8 1891 Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions of the, from their Commence- ment in 1665 to 1800, abridged, with Notes and Biographic Illustrations. (By C. Hutton, G. Shaw, and R. Pearson.) Vols. I. -XVIII., and i vol. Plates (accom- panying Vol. XVI.), viz., 19 vols. 4 1809 Vol. I. 1665-72 Vf 1. VII. II. 1672-83 VIII. III. 1683-94 IX. IV. 1694-1702 X. , V. 1703-12 XI. VI. 1713-23 XII. 1724-34 1735-43 1744-49 1750-55 1755-63 1763-69 v >I. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. 1770-76 1776-80 1781-85 1785-90 1791-96 1796-1800 - Philosophical Transactions (entire). Vols. CXX.-CLXXVIIL, 1830-88. Maps and plates. 4 1830-88 - Proceedings of the. Vols. I. -LVI. (1800-94). Plates. 8 1832-94 Royal Society, Catalogue of Scientific Papers. Compiled and published by the Roy. Soc., Lond. Vols. I.-X. for 1800 to 1883. 4 1867-94 Catalogues of the Scientific Books in the Library. 2 parts. 8 1883 Meteorological Committee of (Govt. Com.). For Reports and other Publications of, see Appendix 2 : United Kingdom, (B) Board of Tiade. Royal United Service Institution, Journal of the. Vols. I. -XXXVII. (1857 to 1893). Maps and plates. 8 1858-93 Index of the Lectures and Papers contained in Vols. XI. -XX. 8. 1878 : and of Vols. XXI. -XXX. 8 l88 7 - List of Members to Jan. 1892. 8 '892 Selborne Society. Nature Notes. (The Selborne Society's Magazine, with which is incorporated "The Field Club.") Vols. I. -IV. Illustrations. 8 London, 1890-93 830 APPENDIX III. Society of Antiquaries of London. Archreologia ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Published by the Soc. Vols. I., II., VI., XI.-XIV., XV. -XXXI., XXXIII.-LIII. (Each vol. consists of parts I and 2, 2 vols., or a total of 58 vols., and containing material from 1749 to 1892.) Maps and plates. 4 1804-93 Index to Archceologia, from Vol. XVI. -XXX. 4 1844 The same, from Vol. I.-L. 4 1889 Proceedings of the Soc. [Ser. I.] Vols. I. -IV. (1843-59). Plates. 8 1849-59 The same. Ser. 2. Vols. I. -XIV. (1859-93). Plates. 8 1861-93 [General Index to Proc., Vols. I. -IV., bound up with Vol. IV. of 2nd Ser.] Society of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. Vols. I. -IX. Maps and plates. 8 1872-93 Proceedings. Vols. I. -XVI. Plates. 8 1879-94 [Alphabetical Index of Contents of Vols. I.-X. of Proceedings, 1878-88, bound with Vol. X.) Society of Hebrew Literature. Miscellany of Hebrew Literature. (Ed. Rev. A. Lowy.) Ser. 2. Vol. II. 8 1877 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (Lond. Instituted 1783), Transactions of the. Vols. I.-LV. (1754-83). [4th vol. missing.] Plates. 8 1806-45 [Title altered to] Society of Arts (and of the Institutions in Union), Journal of the. Vols. I.-XLI. [2nd vol. missing] (1852-93). Plates and cuts. Royal 8 1853-93 General Index to Vols. I.-X. (1852-62) ; XI.-XX. (1862-72) ; XXI.-XXX. (1872-82), [all bound in I vol.] ; XXXI. -XL. (1882-92), separate. Small 4 1873-94 List of Council and Officers. Sess. 1885-86. Royal 8 1885 Programme of Soc. Examinations for 1892-94. Royal 8 1891-93 Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, and for the Civilisation of Africa. The Friend of Africa, by the Soc., &c. Vols. I. -II. Maps. 8 1841-42 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The Mission Field. Vols. XXXIV. and XXXV. (imperfect), XXXVI. and XXXVII. (complete), and XXXVIII. (imperfect). Illustrations. Royal 8 1889-93 Reports for the years 1889-93. Maps. 8 1889-93 South American Journal, and Brazil and River Plate Mail. Vol. XXII. Folio 1885 South American Missionary Society. South American Missionary Magazine. Vols. II.-V. and XX. -XXIV. and XXV. -XXVI. (imperfect). Illustrations. 8 1868-92 Statistical Society of London, Journal of the. Vols. I.-LVI. (1838-93). Maps and plates. 8 1839-93 General Index to : Vols. I.- XV. (1839-52) I Vols. XXVI. -XXXV. (1863-72) XVI.-XXV. (1853-62) I XXXVI. -L. (1873-87) These four parts 8, issued respectively 1854, 1863, 1874, and 1889. Syro-Egyptian Society of London, Original Papers read before the. Vol. I. (pts. and 2). Plates. 8 1845-50 - Transactions of the. Sess. 1867-68. Plate. 8 Universities' Missions to Central Africa. Central Africa : a Monthly Record of the Work of the U.M. to C.A. Vols. I. -XII. [imperfect set]. Illustrations. 8 1883-94 Annual Reports. 1868-93, 25 Reps. Maps and illustrations. 12 1868-93 Occasional Papers. Nos. 3-19. Maps and illust rations. 16 1 Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel. (Ed. F. Gallon.) Vols. I. -III. (1860, 1862-63). Maps. 8 [For Contents, see Gallon, F. : Authors' Catalogue] 1861-64 Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, Journal of the Transactions of the. Vols. XXII. (incomplete), XXIII. -XXVI., and XXVII. (No. 106). Maps and plates. 8 1888-92 Wesleyan Missionary Notices (relating principally to the Foreign Missions under the Direction of the Methodist Conference), for 1886-91, 8 vols. Also odd numbers, viz., No. 13, 1840 ; No. 17, 1842 ; and No. 58, 1843. Maps and plates. 8 and small 4 1886-94 Year Book of Australia. For 1884-86 and 1889-90 (5 vols., viz., III., IV., V., VIII., and IX.) Maps. 8 1884-90 EUROPE-GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 831 Zoological Society of London, Transactions of the. Vols. I.-XII. and XIII. (parts), 1833101887. Maps and plates. 4 1835-90 - General Index to the Trans. 1835 to 1879, or Vols. I.-X. 4 1881 Proceedings of the. From 1830-3210 1893, bound in 46 vols. Plates. 8 1830-93 Index of Proceedings as undermentioned : 1830-47. 8 1848-60. 8 1861-70. 8 1866 1863 1872 1871-80. 8 1881-90. 8 1882 1892 - List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8th edition, with first Supplement. Woodcuts. 8 1882 - Catalogue of the Library. 1880. 8, and Supplement 1883 MANCHESTER. Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. Second Series. \. - Vol. XV. (pts. i and 2). Sess. 1857-59. 8 (London and) Manchester, 1858-60 - The same. Third Series. Vols. I.-X. Sess. 1859-86. Plates. 8 (London and) Manchester, 1862-87 The same. Fourth Series. Vols. I. -VIII. (No. I and 2). 8688.1887-88101893-94. Plates. 8 Manchester, 1888-94 Proceedings. Vols. I. -XXVI. Sess. 1857-60 to 1886-87. Plates. 8 Manchester, 1861-87 [From 1887 the Proceedings were issued along with the Memoirs, under the title "Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary Philosophical Society."] Manchester Geographical Society, Journal of the. Vols. I. -IX. Maps and plates. 8 Manchester, 1885-93 Report of the Education Committee to the Council of the M.G.S. on the subject of Geographical Education. 8 Manchester, 1886 Catalogue of Exhibition of Appliances used in Geographical Education. (From the Roy. Geogr. Soc. Exhib. , with additions.) 8 Manchester, 1886 Manchester Geological Society. Transactions. Vol. XX., pts. 18 and 19. Plate. 8 Manchester, 1890 NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Tyneside Geographical Society (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Journal of the. Vols. I., II., and III. (No. i). Maps and plates. 8 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1889-94 [No. i, Vol. I., comprises Report, Prospectus, and Rules, and the Title-page comes in No. 2.] OXFORD. Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, for 1840-52, 13 vols. [Continued as] Astronomical and Meteorological Obs., &c. 1853-64, II vols. [Continued as] Results of Astronomical and Meteorological Obs., &c. (under R. Main). 1865 to 1867 ; and 1869, 1882, 1884 to 1887, 9 vols. Total 33 vols. 8 Oxford, 1842-91 The Radcliffe Catalogue of 6317 Stars, chiefly Circumpolar, &c. (for Epoch 1845). Royal 8 Oxford, 1 860 Second Radcliffe Catalogue, containing 2386 Stars (for Epoch 1860). Royal 8 Oxford, 1870 TRURO. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Journal of. Vol. IX. (pts. 1-3). Maps and plates. 8 Truro, 1886-88 WoKING. Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, and Oriental and Colonial Review, The. 2 Ser. Vols. V. -VIII. Plates. Royal 8 Waking [Surrey} 1893-94 832 APPENDIX III. SCOTLAND. DUN ECHT (ABERDEEN). Dun Echt Observatory Publications. Vol. III. (Divis. i) Mauritius Expedition, 1874 ; (Divis. 2) Determinations of Longitude and Latitude. Map and diagram. 4 Dun Echt, Aberdeen, 1885 EDINBURGH. Edinburgh Geological Society, Transactions of the. Sessions 1866-94. Vols. I. -VI. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1870-93 Catalogue of the Library. 8 Edinburgh, 1887 Roll of the, and List of Corresponding Societies and Institutions. [Pamph.] 8 Edinburgh, 1893 Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science, The. (Ed. W. Ains- worlh and W. Cheek.) Vols. I. to III. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1830-31 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, The : exhibiting a View of the Progress of Dis- covery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History, Practical Mechanics, Geography, Statistics, and the Fine and Useful Arts, conducted by Dr Brewster and Prof. Jameson. Vols. I. -XIV. Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1819-26 [Continued as] Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, The : exhibiting a View of the Progressive Discoveries and Improvements in the Sciences and the Arts. Conducted by Robert and Laurence Jameson. Vols. XV., XIX., L.-LVII. (10 vols.). Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1826-54 Free Church of Scotland, The Home and Foreign Missionary Record of the, for 1878 to 1888 (10 vols. ). Small 4 Edinburgh, 1879-89 Reports on Foreign Missions to the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scot- land. 49th to 63rd Reports, 1879101893. Maps. 8 Edinburgh, 1880-93 Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal. (Total 115 vols. and 3 Gen. Indexes.) Vols. I.-CXIV., and CXXIV. [some of early vols. later editions]. 8 Edinbtirgh, 1802-66 Gen. Index to Vols. I to 80. 3 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1813, 1832, and 1850 Royal Scottish Geographical Society. The Scottish Geographical Magazine. Vols. I. -X. (1885-94). Maps and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1885-94 Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Vols. IV. -XXXVI. and XXXVII. (pts. I and 2). Maps and plates. 4 Edinburgh, 1798-1893 Gen. Index to first Thirty-four Vols. (1873-88), with History of the Institution of the Society, Royal Charters, List of the Contents of each Vol., &c. &c. 4 Edinburgh, 1890 - Proceedings. Vols. I. -XIX. (1832-92). Plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1845 93 Catalogue of the Library to March 1891 ; and Accessions to October 1893. 8 Edinburgh, 1891-93 Scottish Meteorological Society, Journal of the. Ser. 2, New Ser., Vols. I.-V. (Vol. 6 missing) ; Ser. 3, New Ser., Vols. VII. -IX. Maps, charts, &*c. Royal 8 Edinburgh, 1866-93 Wernerian Natural History Society, Memoirs of the, for 1831-37. Vol. VII. Map and plates. 8 Edinburgh, 1838 GLASGOW. Natural History Society of Glasgow, Proceedings of the. [ist Ser.] Vols. I.-V. (1858-83). Plates. 8 Glasgow, 1869-84 - Index to the Proceedings. Vols. I.-V., 1851-83. 8 Glasgow, 1885 2nd, New Ser. Vols. I.-III. (1883-92). Plates. 8 Glasgow, 1885-92 Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Proceedings of the. Vols. XIII. -XXV. (1881-82 to 1893-94). Maps and plates. 8 Glasgtnu, 1882-93 IRELAND. DUBLIN. Geological Society of Dublin, Journal of the. Vols. III. -X. (1844-64). Plates. 8 Dublin, 1849-64 [Title of Soc. altered to] EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 833 Royal Geological Society of Ireland, Journal of the. New Series. Vols. I. -VIII. [with imperfections] (1864-87). Plates. 8 (Entire Ser. I.-XVIII). Dublin, 1867-87 Royal Dublin Society, Journal of the. Vols. I.-VII. (1856-77). Maps and plates. 8 Dublin, 1858-78 Scientific Proceedings of the. New Series. Vols. I.-VII., and VIII. (pts. i and 2), 1877-93. Maps and plates. 8 Dublin, 1878-93 Scientific Transactions of the. New Series. Vols. I. (pts. 1-24), II. (pts. 1-2), 1877-82. Plates. 4 Dublin, 1877-83 Series 2. Vols. I. -IV. and V. (pts. 1-4), 1881-93. Plates. 4 Dublin, 1882-93 Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings, [ist Ser.] Vol. VI. -X. (1853-69). Maps and plates. 8 Dublin, 1858-70 2nd Ser. Science. Vols. I. -IV. (1869-86). Maps and plates. 8 Dtiblin, 1879-88 - The same. Polite Literature and Antiquities. Vols. I. -II. (1870-86). Plates. 8 Dublin, 1879-88 The same. Appendix to 2nd Series. Minutes of Academy. (Sess. 1869-77.) 8 Dublin, 1878 3rd Ser. I., II., and III. (No. i, 2) (1879-93). Plates. 8 Dublin, 1889-9 * List of the Council and Officers and Members of the Roy. Irish Acad. , Dublin, to Aug. 1874. 8 Dublin, 1874 -Transactions. Science. Vols. XXIII.-XXVL, XXVIII., XXIX., and XXX. (Parts 1-14), 1849-93. Plates. 4 Dublin, 1856-94 Science, Polite Literature, Antiquities. Vols. XXIII. (Part 2). Maps and plates. 4 Dtiblin, 1859 Polite Literature and Antiquities. Vols. XXIV. and XXVII. (Pts. i, 2, 4-8), 1862-86. Plates. 4 Dublin, 1873-86 "Cunningham Memoirs." Nos. 1-5, 7 (1879-92) Plates. 4 Dublin, 1880-92 Irish Manuscript Series. Vol. I. (pt. I, 1871). 4 Dublin, 1880 List of the Papers published in the Transactions, Cunningham Memoirs, and Irish Manuscript Series, of the Royal Irish Academy, between the years 1786 and 1886. With an Appendix, giving the names of the Officers of the Academy, from 1785 to 1887, and of those to whom the Academy's Cunningham Gold Medals have been awarded. 4 Dublin, 1887 ATLANTIC ISLANDS. AZORES : SAN MIGUEL. Archive dos Azores. Publica9ao Periodica Destinada a Vulgarisa9ao des Elementos indispensaveis para Todos os Ramos, da Historia A9oriana. Vols. V.-X. (Nos. 28-58), &c. Map. 8 Ponta Delgada, llha de S. Miguel REFERENd ONLY L849P 1895 UCLA MAP LIBRARY University of California Reference Series 9788 A