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Together with the Law of Libel Amendment Act, 1888, and all previous Statutes bearing on the subject. By HUG-H ERASER, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Demy &vo. 1889. Price 6s. The Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854 to 1888. Being the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1854 ; the Regulation of Railways Act, 1873; the Board of Trade Arbitrations Act, 1874; the Cheap Trains Act, 1 883 ; and the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1 888 . The Rules of the Railway Commissioners ; the Rules of the Board of Trade as to Classification of Traffic and Schedule of Rates, and the Rules as to intended increase of Charges. With Forms, Fees. With Introduction and Notes by H. R. DARLINGTON, M.A., LL.M., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Demy Svo. 500 pages. 1889. Price 16*. The Nature and Value of Jurisprudence. Second (Enlaryed) Edition. By CHAN-TOON, Barrister-at-Law, of the Middle Temple, &c. Demy 8vo. Price 6s. cloth. Gray's Inn: its History and Associations. Compiled from Original and Unpublished Documents. By W. R. DOUTHWAITE, Librarian to the Society. 8ro. -1886. Price 7s. 6d. With Illustrations. The Principles and Practice of Discovery. With an Appendix of Forms, including Suggested Forms for stating Objections to Discovery. By EDWARD BRAY, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Demy Sfo. 1885. Price 12s. 6d. cloth. " In point of fulness and careful attention to details, this book is one of the best we have seen for a long time. Not a case old or new is omitted, and we have many useful suggestions in connection with doubtful points, while the table of contents, the table of cases, and the index are quite models in their way. We have, there- fore, in the author's words, 'a complete and comprehensive work on discovery.' " Solicitors' Journal. The Licensed Victuallers and Refreshment House Keeiwrs' Manual. Being an Epitome of the Licensing Acts; the Wine and Beerhouse Acts ; the Refreshment House Act ; the Adulteration Act; the Public Health Act ; the Prevention of Crimes Act ; the Army Act ; the Act relating to Music and Dancing, &c. A Handy Book of Reference to the various Offences under the above-mentioned Acts, Tabularly and explicitly arranged for the use of Innkeepers and others to whom such Acts apply, together with Notes, &c. By JAMES A. W. POWER, sometime Deputy Clerk to the City Justices of Bath and the Town of Nottingham. Post 8co. 1889. Price 2s. 6rf. BEEVES & TUKNER, 100, CHANCERY LANE AND CAEEY STREET, W.C. Hood & Challis' Conveyancing and Settled Land Acts. With other recent Acts: Conveyancing Acts, 1881 and 1882; the Settled Land Acts, 1882, 1884 and 1887 ; the Trustee Act, 1888 ; the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, and the Land Charges, &c. Act, 1888, "with Commentaries. Third Edition, Royal 8po. 1889. Price 18s. cloth. 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Second Edition. By W. J. DIXON, B.A., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law. 1885. Price 15s. "This is a very complete manual, both of the non- contentious and contentious business in Probate. The chapters on Practice and the Appendix of Forms are especially full." Law Times. Divorce and Matrimonial, Law, Practice, and Procedure in Divorce and other Matrimonial Causes. Second Edition. By W. J. DIXON, B.A., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1891. Price 20*. cloth; post free, 16s. 9d. ' ' We do not know of a fuller or more practical statement of the different steps in matrimonial proceedings than that given here." Solicitors' 1 Journal, Oct. 31, 1891. The Law relating to Railways in British India, in- cluding the Indian Railways Act, 1890, and the relevant portions of the Con- tracts between Government and the Companies. By HENRY EDWARD TREVOR, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, sometime Judge of the Suburban Court, Hyderabad, Deccan. 1891. Price 20s. cloth; post free, 16s. 6d. i Ek LJbris C. K. OGDEN THE A COLLECTION OF ABBREVIATIONS, LATIN WORDS AND NAMES USED IN ENGLISH HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS AND RECORDS. COMPILED BY CHARLES TRICE MARTIN, B.A., F.S.A., ASSISTANT-KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC EECOKDS. LONDON : REEVES AND TURNER, 100, CHANCEEY LANE AND CAEET STEEET, aitir 1892 LONDON: PRINTED BY 0. P. ROWORTH, GREAT NEW STREET, FETTER LANE, E.G. UHUBY UM VER81TY OF CAL1FO1 SANTA BARBARA Ket % \\\ PREFACE. THE present volume is really an amplification of the Appendix to the ninth edition of Wright's " Court Hand Restored," which I brought out in 1879, with the addition of a list of the abbreviated forms of Latin and French words used in English records and manuscripts. Several such lists have been published at various times, the most used, perhaps, in England being Chassant's " Dictionnaire des Abreviations," and the list in the fourth volume of the "Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense," edited by the late Sir Thomas Duff us Hardy in the series of "Chronicles and Memorials." This latter, however, being merely a portion of the preface of a historical book, is not so well known nor so convenient for use as if it occurred in a book devoted to information of this class. I have endeavoured also to justify the printing of another such list by arranging the abbreviations in such a manner as to facilitate the finding the word wanted. In some lists this is not easy, unless one knows what the word is in full. The principle acted on has been as follows : Letters with marks of contraction attached to them, represented by a single type, are separated from the same letters printed in the ordinary IV Preface. way. The order thus is the letter followed by a letter ; the letter followed by a sign ; the letter with a sign attached. For instance, in the vowels the order is as follows : e.g., E : ea, eb, ec, to ez ; then 03, ef, e 9 , e? ;* then e, e. In the consonants, e.g., N : na to nz ; then n3, n, n 9 , n? ; then n, fi, ra. In the letter C, 9 follows 8. In the letter P, the order of contracted forms is p, p, p\ p. In the letter Q, : q, q, qj. Superior letters that is, letters printed above the line are considered in the arrangement as if printed on the line in the ordinary way. In manuscripts such letters often have contraction marks added to them, but it is impossible to represent these in type, and an apostrophe has had to do duty instead, as prin 1 ', principalis. In a manuscript the / would be struck through. According to the correct principles of writing, the mark of contraction in a word should be placed over a letter after which * These marks of contraction, being separate types, are arranged before those which are attached to the letter, in order to keep such forms as 9^3, deb3, g 9 , mo?, p3, sol3, su 9 , t3 distinct from 0^03, deb3, g 9 , mo?, p3, soi3, su 9 , 13. Unfortunately this was not apparent at the commencement of the work, so that a few words (e.g., a 9 ) are printed in their wrong places, but this is corrected at p. 341. Preface. v a letter is omitted, or over a letter before and after which letters are omitted, as pr, pater ; dna, domina ; fct, fecit ; but such forms as pr, dna, fct, sometimes occur, perhaps from care- lessness on the part of the scribe. Some of these false forms are inserted, but by no means all, so that if any word occurring in a manuscript is not at once found in the list, it should be looked for under some other form containing the same letters of the alphabet, but with different contractions. The marks of contraction used in printing are intended to represent the typical forms of the contractions used in manu- scripts, and necessarily appear more formal and uniform than those which may vary with the caprice or carelessness of a scribe. Their signification is as follows : means m or n following the letter thus marked ; e.g. 1= in, onis =omnis. * ~ either over a short letter or through a long letter means the omission of some single letter not m or n, or of more than one letter either after, or before and after, the letter thus marked. e.g., a=c, apud, SL8>=alias. dns =dominus, caria =carmina. ipe =ipse. r *} means er ; e.g., in?, inter ; T XVL, ferrum. re ; e.g., f), prce. , pro; e.g., pceres, proceres ; Ipp'e, improprie. p indicates the omission of almost any other letters than those mentioned above ; e.g., pea, postea ; pa, pcena ; pcta, puncta ; ppa, pnpa. Preface. vii The marks attached to the letter Q, are as follows : q., usually quod, but also used for quce, quam, que, quo, and followed by other letters qiti, as qd, quid ; q.b3, quibus. q, qim, que, quern, and as part of a word it has very various meanings, as qela, querela ; qntum, quantum ; qone, qucestione ; qppe, quippe. q, means que. q3 quia. A superior letter indicates the omission of two or more letters of which this is one ; e.g., qs, quos ; c { \o, circulo ; cap 1 , capituli. A point below a letter indicates that it should be deleted, and points under or inverted commas over two words indicate that they ought to be transposed. Many words will be found in this list which do not conform to the principles here stated, but they have been found in MSS., and inserted accordingly. As a rule the nominative case of nouns is given as the meaning, as ft, filius ; and sometimes the case most frequently met with, as fr, Francorum ; but this does not exclude other cases as well. The glossary does not pretend, as no glossary can, to take the place of a dictionary, where the meanings of words are discussed, and quotations given to explain their use ; but still it is hoped that it will be found useful, although the information contained in it is given in a rather abrupt form. viii Preface. The list of Latin names of places in England contains most of the names which a student of history is likely to require, but of course it might be very much enlarged by adding the Latin names of a great many villages and hamlets which are merely formed from the English names. It will be noticed that both among the place names and the surnames there are some which clearly have not derived their origin from the times when Latin was, as far as literature and law are concerned, a living language, but are the artificial formation of later times, often founded on very false and absurd etymologies, such as Ventus Morbidus for Windsor, and de Corvo Spince, Crowthorn. Some of these have been inserted, though they may seem rather out of place, for they perhaps present as much difficulty as the more genuine Latin names. In the list of Christian names there are several blanks in the second column. These are opposite to Latin names which I inserted in my list, hoping some day to find them in English, but that day has not yet come ; so, confessing my ignorance, I leave the blacks for some more learned or more fortunate person than myself to fill up. C. T. M. December, 1891. ( ix ) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE ABBKEVIATIONS OF LATIN WOEDS USED IN ENGLISH EECOEDS - 1 ABBKEVIATIONS OF FEENCH WOEDS USED IN ENGLISH EECOEDS - - - 154 GLOSSAEY OF LATIN WOEDS FOUND IN EECOEDS AND OTHEE ENGLISH MANUSCEIPTS, BUT NOT OCCUE- EING IN CLASSICAL AUTHOES - - 167 LATIN NAMES OF PLACES IN GEEAT BEITAIN AND IRELAND - - - - 257 LATIN NAMES OF BISHOPEICS IN ENGLAND - - 316 LATIN NAMES OF BISHOPEICS IN SCOTLAND - - 316 LATIN NAMES OF BISHOPEICS IN IEELAND - 317 LATIN FOEMS OF ENGLISH SUENAMES - - 320 A FEW LATIN CHEISTIAN NAMES WITH THEIE ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS - 334 ADDITIONAL LIST 340, 341 M. THE RECORD INTERPRETER, A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF LATIN WOEDS. A. A. Alanus, Albertus, Augustinus and other Christian names beginning with A ; quin- genti. a. ad, alta. a a alia, aliqua, anima, antiphona. a a m aliam, aliquam, animam. a a ndo aliquando. a as alias, animas. a a aliam. a a 3 aliam. a a x aliarum, aliquarum, anima- rum. abb a m abbatem. abb a s ablates, abbatis. abbatib} abbatibus. abbassa abbatissa. abb is abbatis. abbta abbatissa. abbut abbuttant, abbuttantes. abb abbas. abba abbatissa. abbe abbatc, abbatissce. abbes abbates. abbi abbati. M. abbia abbatia. abbi a abbatissa. abbisse abbatissce. abbs abbas. abbte abbatem. abbt^ abbatis. ab c ' ablatio. abdilx abduxerunt. ab! abinvicem. abla ablatio. ablat ablatores. abta ablegatio. abto ablatio, absolutio. abtom ablationem, absolutionem. ab nc absolutione. abnep abnepos. abn abnepos. ab absolutio. absoto absolutio. absqj absque. absti a abstinentia. abst abstractio. abst* abstulit. abst abstraction, absque. The Record Interpreter. ab ta abstracta. ab te absolute. ab tS> absolutus. abbis abbatis. aMo absolutio. abn a absentia. abnciu absentium. abne absolutione. abnia absentia. abte abbatem. A. 0. -4wwo Christi. a ca aliqua. ac a am?. ac as acras. ac a ^ acranim. acc a accidentia. acc alcs accidentals. acc a t accidental^. accepim 2 acceperimus. accep accepit. accede accendere. acci b 3 accidentibus. accid do accidendo, acci do accidendo, accipiendo. accipe accipcre. accip accipere, accipit. acci r accidentaliter, accipitur. acci 8 accidcns. accn accidentia. acc oc actione. accomodat accommodatum. accomodau accommodavit. ace accipe. acca accidentia. accat accusat. accat 1 ' accusatur. accdn lis accidentalis. acce accipere. accit accidit. acc m accensum, accusativum. accma acerrima. accn a accidentia. accn 1Jr accidentaliter. accns accidens. accnte accidente. accn tis accidentalis. accnt r accidentaliter. acco accusatio, actio. accoi b j accusat ionibus, actionibus. accom actionem. acc 9 are accmare. a ci alicui. ac is acn's. ac m actum. a co aliquo. ac acq^tare acquietare. acq'etacia acquietantia. acq're acquirere. acq itu acquisitum. acq r acquiretur, acquiritur. acr rtcra. ao 8 accidem, acras. acti 1 ' activitatis. act m ac^ww?. act r actualitcr. Latin Abbreviations. actu r actualitcr. act actio, actum. acta activa. acte actione. actm activum. actoib) actionibus. ac ua activa, ac u> activus. ace accipere. ac lis accidentals. acm acram. acns accidens. ac ac^'o. ac g actionem. acs acrs. acu ac^. acu 9 acervus. A. D. ^4o Domini. a d aliquid, aliquod, aliud. ad at advocat. ad c adhuc. ad cat advocat. addico additio. additamtu additamcntum. addi tfl additamentum. addit additioncm. adduxat adduxerat. adduxut adduxerunt. addo addendo, additio. addr additur. add} adderet. adee adcsse. adce adcswu), adcsscnt. adh c adhuc. adh adhuc. adhendo adhcerendo, adhibendo. adiinda adhibenda. adiint adhibent. adtir adhibetur. adlire adhibere. adiac adjacens, adjacet. adiudic adjudicatur, adjudicatus. adiu te adjuvante. adiuice adinvicem. adi adinvicem. a. d. k. awfc ^Vw kahndamm. admistrom administrationem. adfn administrante, adminis- tratio. adnep adnepos. adr^at 1 " adnihilatur. adn 1 } adnihilet. adolend adolendum. adop 9 adopticus. adq^tare adquietare. adq ! et adquietatio. adq 5 re adquirere. adq^ico adquisitio. adq j ta adquisita. adqetaco adquietatio. adqsiuit adquisimt. adq 9 adquisitus. A. D. B,. ^4wo Dominica Re- surrectionis. ad ta administmta. ad te animadrertc. The Record Interpreter. ad l ' a administratura. aduocaco advocatio. aduocat 9 advocatus. aduocau advocavit. aduoco advocatio. aduo tus advocatus. adu adventum, advocatio. adu' 1 ' advertendum. adusa 1 adversarii. adusi te adversitate. adusit adversitatem. aduso adverso. adus 5 advcrsus. adute advertere. adlaco adulatio. adstrand administrandum. adt adesf, adesset. adtor administrator. a e aim. A. E. C. Anno Emmanuelis Christi. aeccta ecclesia. aecctsiola eccksiola. aecla ecclesia. aed cedes. a e m aliquem. aff a affirmativa. affcm affectum. affco affectio. aff 1 affidavit. affidau affidavit. affid affidare, affidavit. aff'mat affirmatum. affirt 1 ' affirmatur. aE iva affirmativa. aff affirmatio. affra affirmativa. aff* affidavit. af f affidavit. aff 9 affirmatus. afid affidavit. aft affidavit. ag d ' agendum. agd agendum. ag e g a a aggrcgata. ag e m aggregatum. agg ari aggravari. agg a tf aggravatis. a gg a 3 aggravet. agg e di aggredi. agg'tu aggregatum. ag m agrum. agnictm agniculum. agn Agnes, agnus. :e agnoscere. ag r agitur. ag ^^Y. agd: agendum. agdr aggreditur. agm agrum. agnd agendis, agendum. ags agr is, Augustus. Agsti Augusti. Latin Abbreviations. agt agunt. aim animum. a gtos aggravates. aio animo. ag'dr aggreditur. ais a/zVs, animis. ag'e agere. ai 9 animus. ag'gafl aggregatum. a. k. #e Ttakndas. ah archiepiscopi. a 1 animal. a 1 #/$/, alicui, aliqui. Alan Alanus. a'a anima. Alfc Albertus. a'c* aliqua. 9>1 CtllllCt* a'c 1 alicui. Alex Alexander. a ! c 9 alicujus. al 1 a/tit. a'd aliquid, aliud. alio 1 alicui. all // 7} 7 UvwV* alicui 9 alicujus. a'm animum. alic alicui. a i q a s aliquas. a s q a ten 9 aliquatcnus. a'q 1 aliqui. alin aliquando. aliox aliorum. a^d aliquid. aliq a aliqua. a'q's aliquis. aliq a m aliquam. a ! q. aliquod. aliq a r aliqualitcr. a ! q. a aliquam. aliq a s aliquas. a'q. a r aliqualitcr. aliq a tlo aliquantulo. a ! q.a aliquam. aliq ! d aliquid. a ! q aliquam. aliq aliquo. a'qdo aliquando. aliqc aliquotiens. a's aliquis. aliq r aliqualiter. a is animalis, assists. aliq tr aUqualiter. . aisnec aisnecca. aliqua aliquam. aia anima. aliq.a aliqua. aiadutend animadvertendum. aliq aliqua, aliquod. aiat animal. aliqd aliquid, aliquod. aia& animarum. aliqn alioquin, aliquando. aie animce. alit r a liter. aii animi. alit aliter. G The Record Interpreter. all a o allcgatio. alle a t r allegatur. allec allecis. alle d ' allcgandum. allegac attegationem. Allex r Alexander. allocaco allocatio. allocet r allocetur. allocuco allocutio. alloc allocatio, allocutio. alt alienator, allegatur, allegoria. altnt allegant. altta allegata. aim 9 almus. a'nos alienos. a^ aliquo. alqr aliqualiter. alti c altitudme. alti e altitudinem. alta 1 ' alteratur. alto alteratio. alt flfter. alta altera. altais alterations. al?i 9 alterim. altm alterum. al?3 alterum. aluis aluminis. Alued: Alveredw. at tf/ws, aliquisy alius. ata atas atd ate animale. ati fl/j'Jt. atib} animalibus. aft allegator, allegoria. afta alleluia. aftauit allegavit, afto allcgatio. atm animalium. atnes altitudines. atn aliquando. ato //o, aliquo. atq 00 a% atr aliter. ats att r a m alium, animum, annum, argu- mentum. a.m. dwwo mundi. am amodo. amo r amovetur. amou amoverunt. amoue amovere. amouut amoverunt. amp 9 amplius. am 8 amictus, amicus. am^ amittendum. am owew, amicus. amat animalia. amciafh amerciamcntum. afhtare amuntare. amciam amerciamentum. amciad 9 amerciandus. an. awfe, antecessoris. Latin Abbreviations, a n ante. an a antea, antiphona. ana a anatomia. anathfn anathema. anc antccessoris. And Andegavice, Andegavenses. Ang ce Anglice. an giiiar' 'anguillarum. Anglor Anglorum. Angt Anglia. Angir Anglorum. ang 19 angelus. anglojp angelorum. angt angelis. angt<^ angelorum. an^t 1 ' annihilatur. an ia angelum, angulum. anto annulo. ann. annos. anne annonce. annuer annmrunt. ann annuatim, annus. ant a antiphona. antec antecedens, antecessor. antedcus antedictus. anteq a m antequam. anteq. a antequam. anteq antequam. antiq { t 9 antiquitiis. ant te antecedente. ant w^, antecessor. ant antecedenter. antf antecedents. anuu annuum. an animalia, annus, ante, ante- cessor. ana animalia, antea. ancessoi antecessorum. aricesS antecessor. aridcus antedictus. anfe r antefertur. anlo annulo. an 1 ' angelis. aiio a analogia. afiptta antepenultima. ariq a m antequam. anq a ' antequam. ans antecedens. ante antecedente. an? antecedenter. an? antecessorum. a ff/w, a&'o mo(/o, aliquo, anno. ad aliquod. at aliquot. aa aliorum. ap a fl^)^a. ap ca apostolica. ap d tfpwe?. apellacQ appellatio. ap is appellationis. ap 11 apostoli. ap lus apostolus. apt aprilis. apit appellavit, appulit. The Record Interpreter. apliaco appellatio. apftat appellat. apftat 9 appellatus. apfti appellari. apftm appellum. apt? apostolorum. ap num appeUationum. apo a apostema. a pone appositionc, appellationc. apostts apostolus. apo 9 apostolus. app di appellandi. app d ' appellandum. appelfo appellatio. appel appellatur. . apped3 appendet. appesu appensum. appftator appellator. app ne appcllationem . app nib 3 appcllationibus. appnsii appensum. app appellatio. a pponem appellationem. appnes appellationcs. appone apponere. appo r apponitur. apposuer appomerunt. app r appellatur. app rc appeUarc. app 1 appellat, apprchcndit. app t>r appellatur, apprclicnditur. appat apparcat. appat 9 apparatus. app a apparentiam. appat appareant. appen a apparcntia. appet apparet. appicioi apparitioni. appn a apparentia. appns apparens. appfiti apparenti. apptad apportandum. app} apparet, apparent. app appelli, appenditiis. appciat apprcciat. applaf appellatur. appllat appellat. appllois appellations. appltm appellum. appltois appellationis. appm appositionem. appne appellations. appoem appositionem. appui apposui. app} apparent, apparet, appendet. apj3ciare appretiare. appciat appretiatum. apphn b 3 apprehensionibus. g. , appis apprenensis. ap^ tr apprehenditur. appa e appropriatione. appbad approbandum. appbtum approbatum. app { at appropriat. app'ati appropriatim. apppiq a t appropinquat. Latin Abbreviations. appxi a t approximat. appxlat approximat. Apr Aprilis. ap 1 apud. ap tc ' apostolicis. apti e aptitudine. apti ne aptitudinem. apire aperire. aptu apertum. ap apud. apa apostema. apca apostolica. apd tfjwe?. aplau appellavit. apli apostoli. aplica apostolica. apllaco appettatio. apllat 9 appettatus. aplo& apostolorum. apt apostolicum, Aprilis. apl 9 apostolicus, apostolus. app 5 appensus. aps apostolus. app { atu appropriatutn. ap 9 apostolus. ap& apostolorum. aq a a$-M. aq a aquam. aq a & aquarum. aq's ffjt^'s. aqua aquam. aq ag-w aqm aquam a r aliter, arguitur. ar at ar g ua t. arboa arlorum. arfer arbiter. archid: archidiaconus. archiepus archiepiscopus. archi ni archidiaconi. arch archidiaconus. arctii archiepiscopi. arch ni archidiaconi. archo archiepiscopo. archs archiepiscopus. arcub} arcubus. arc arcus, and Us cases, archi- diaconus. arceps archiepiscopus. arded ardendum. ard: archidiaconus. ard n ' archidiaconum. arestaco arestatio. arestaunt arestaverunt. arest arestaverunt. arg 1 argenti, argumenti. arg m argumentum. argn argenti. arg ta argumenta. arg 1 ' argumentum. argu b 3 argumentalibus, argu- mentationibus. argu m argumentum. arg argentum, and its cases. argi argenti. argntum argentum. argnt argenti. 10 The Record Interpreter. ar'dii archidiaconi. ar'dn 2 archidiaconus. ar" arbitrii. ar io arbitrio. aripu arripuit. ar lus articulus. wf* arbitrium, argumentum. armatur armaturas. armig 1 armiger. ar 11 ' argumentum. ar ntum argumentum. ar nus archidiaconus. ar arbitrio, arguo. ar oe argumentations arpend arpendium. arp arpendium. ar r argumentatur. arr* arreragia. arrairi arrainiavit. arrentat arrentatis. arrip arripuit. arr arrabilis. ar* arguit. ar ta argumenta. ar u argumenti. arti b 3 artificialibus. article articulo. arti 1 ' articulis. ar to argumento. art x artifex. ar 1 ' articulis. ar? clis articulis. ar um arbitrium. ar am^, araw^, arantes, arabant, arabatur, aratum, aratura, arwm, articulos. ard ni archidiaconi. ard: archidiaconus, and its cases. ard n ' archidiaconum. arep 9 archiepiscopus. argo armigero. argo armigero. arlus articulus. arpferoa archipresbyterorum. ar ta argumentum. as. assisa. a s /ws, /m, antecedens. ascens ascensionis. asce on 3 ascensionem. asin asinus, and Us cases. as. mor. an. asma mortis ante- cessoris. as. no. dis. assi'sa wo^dc disseisin, asp c t 9 aspectus. asptare asportare. asptaunt asportaverunt. aspcs aspectus. ass a assisa. asso l bi adscribi. ass e assisce. assenS ascensionis. assed assentiendum. assid assedendum, assidendum. assie assisce. assig* 9 assignamus. assignatur assignabitur. assign assignations. Latin Abbreviations. 11 assig nS) assignamus. assitat r assimilatur. assis assisa, and its cases. assias assisas. assiax assisarum. ass m assartum. ass assentio. assoe associatis. ass r assentitur. ass ta assignata. ass u assensu. assupcoe assumptionem. ass assisa, and its cases. ass de in anc ass/sa efe antecessoris. ass de n dis sszsa cfe worn seitiiut. asa assisa. assdefet r assedebatur. assit assent. assnsu assensu. assp m assumptum. as re assentire. asst adsunt. assu assensu. ass 9 assensus. assor assessor. a ta animata. atach attachietur, attachicntur, attachiandum, attachiamentum. atachi attachiamenti. athaccie? attachientur. a tim annuatim. at n attamen. atq. ^we. att a ccom attractionem. attach attachietur, attachientur, attachiandum, attachiamentum . attach! attachiamenti. attain attamen. att ib ' r attribuitur. att ioe attributione. attig'e attingere. att m attractum, attributionem. att n attamen. attorn attornatus, and its cases, attornavit, and other parts of the verb attornare. att r attribuitur. att attornatus, and its cases. att a het r attraheretur. attndd attendendum. attiare atterminare. attmiat atterminata. a tQ argumentum. a 1 ' aliter. a? autem. a?cit atrociter. atg ae^ws. at3 atque. A.Y. awwos #m'. aufegellu aubergellum. auc a s auctoritas. auc re auctore. auc te auctoritate. 12 The Record Interpreter. auo* 1 auctoritati. aucte auctoritate. aud do audiendo. audied audiendum. audit ri audituri. audit rus auditurus. auditurf audituris. audiu audivit. aud r auditur. aud aiidiat, audiendum, audit) audituris. audia audientia. a uc affirmative. auer averia. aufer aitferre, aufert. Aug. Augustus, Augustinus. augrn augmentatio. aug 5is augmentations. aug 1 ' augmcntum. Aug Augustus, Augustinus. Aug 5 Augustus. Aug 5 t 9 Augustus. au'fsiu aurifrisium. aumtu aumentum (augmentwn). au or auctor. aurifr aurifrisium. aurs wre bonitate. bo. me. bonce memories. bofi bonus. bord bordarii. bor bordarii. bosc boscus. : bo ts bonitatem. bouat bovata. boa bo bo me iow memories. bois 5wz. bom bonam, bonum. bos beatos, bonos. bo3 bonitatem. B. Q,. iewe quiescas. BE. bonorum, Britannia, JBri- tones. bra a li bracali. braca? bracarum. b r gn burgensis. b r g ^wr^e, burgo. Brig Brigantia?. BUT. Britannicus. br brevis. bra bracheta. bre bri bria brevia. brib) brevibus. bris brevis. briu brevium. b s beatus. burg burgensis, burgus. burgn burgenses. burgses burgenses. bur burgus, burum. bus bussellus. butici 2 buticularius. bue im#. buis brevis. BX. JmV (vixif). B WOO. b beatus, baptista, benedictionem, bussellus. ba baptista, beata. bao^ beatorum. batus beatus. be ira&E. fef benefactum. bg burgum. fei iea^e. bi ca beaiifica. bido bcatitudo. 16 The Record Interpreter. fei d ' bcatitudinem. fei is beatitudmis. fei ne beaUtudine. bisSe beatissime. bitu n5 bcatitudinem. bill belli. blim bellum. bm bcatum. bn fowe, beneficia, benedictionem. bna iowfl. fen a benfficia. fendca benedicta. fcndc 9 bcnedictus. fend 1 ' benedicitur. fend benedicit, benedictionem. fendo bencdicto, benedicendo. fendne benedictionem. fendre benediccre. fenfice benefice. fenfi bencficio. fenfco? benefactomm. fenfm benefirium. fenfo bencficio. fenftm benefactum. fengne bcnigne. fen 1 ' beneficii. fen 11 beneficiali. feno? bonorum. fenio bencficio. ferine benedictionem. feo ^m^o. feo? beatorum, bonorum. fer brevis, and Us cases ; breviter, feruica berewica. fes beatus. feta imfo. fete beatce. feti mc beatissime. feti ne beaUtudine. fetime beatissime. feti ni beatitudini. feto? beatorum. fets beatus. fet beatum. fet 9 beatus. feue &r^ concedendum. 9ce i concedi, concedendi. 9ce nt concedunt. 900 concedo. 9cepis conceptions. 9ce r conceditur. 9cesseut concesserunt. 9cess concessisse. 9ci m concilium. 9cip3 conciperet. 9cl3 conclusionem. 9cloe conclusions. 9clos conclusionis. 9cl r concluditur. 9clu r concluditur. Latin Abbreviations , 27 9cl ur concluditur. 9cid r concluditur. 90!^! concluditur. 9cfo conclusio^ concelamento. 9cordan concordantia. 9cord concordantis, concordantiis, concorditer, concordia, and its cases. 9C r nt concurrunt. 9C r ram 9 concurramus. 9C r redo concurrendo. 9C r rete concurrente. 90 rt concurrit. 9C rQt concurrunt. 9cta cuncta. 9ctu contractum. 9cup a concupiscentia. 9cup ia concupiscentiam. 9cupi da concupiscendam. 9oup le concupiscibile. 9cupia concupiscentia. cjc conclusio, and its cases. 9c nte concurrente. 9cre concurrere. 98iue concretise. 98nit concernit. 9G 9 m 9 concessimus. 9C 9 sio concussio. 9dam cujusdam, quondam. 9depn} condemnet. 9dep re condcmnare. 9 di concedi, concedendi. 9dico conditio. 9di conditio. 9di on conditionis. 9di3 conditionem. 9dit r conditur. 9 do concedo, concedendo. 9dis conditionis. 9doatu condonatum. 9d r contradicitur, concluditur. 9dux conduxit. 9^0 condere. 9di concedendi. 9do conditio, concedendo. 9doem conditionem. 9dom conditionem. 9dr contradicitur. de, dum. . d datum, de, dedit, deest, dena- rium, denarios, fyc., dicen- dum, dicit, dictits, dies, dimidiitm, dominions, domi- nus. debuit. db) debet. dca dicta, dominica. dc c dicta, dominicce. dc eo discretio. dc e tus discretm. dc c tu decretum. dci lia disciplinabilia. dci na disciplina. dcliaco declinatio. dctat declinat. dc m dictum. dc r re discurrendo. dc r su discursitm. dcu r o decurio. dour 9 diet urns. dcii dictum, di-'itinctum. dc? dictorum. dcetu decretum. dcmtu decrementiim. dcno decerno, discerno. dcoj dictionem, dictationem. dcs dictus. dc 9 dictus. d8 tu decrementum. dd David. dda dicenda, docenda. dd a dividenda. dd r dividitur. dducni deductioni. dd dicendum, Davidem, Davidis, $c. ddm dicendum. ddrt dederunt. dellq derelinquo. deo efefoo. dfca defecta. dfco3 defectionem. dfca defecta. dfcns deficiem. di ofe/. dia differentia, divina. didet dividet. did dimidio. did r dividitur. did 1 dividit. die divine, divince, differ entice. dig d ' dirioendum. Latin Abbreviations. digut r diriguntur. dinus divinus. din divinum. dio dimidio, divino, divisio. di oe distinctione. disi divisi. disi divisim. i' a T dis 8 divisis. dissa dimissa. dis3 divisis. dis divisim. dist divisit. di^ deitatis. di 9 dicimus. did deinde. dina divina. dlcis dulcis. dt dilectus, dilectissimus, and their cases. dtca ne delectations. I>m Deum. dm differentiam. d m dicendum. dm do demonstrando. dm dummodo. dm 6 demonstrationem. dmo te demomtratce. dmrat demonstrat. dmro demonstratio. & ml de malo lecto. dmraco demonstratio. dmtu demonstratum. & m u de malo veniendi. dna domina. dnaco dominatio. dnar denarios. dnc a dominica. dn dat defendat, descendat. dnd dicendum. dndns descendens, defendens. dne domine, domince. dno domino. dn r dicuntur. dn s denarios, denariis. dnt debent, dicunt. dri denarius, dominus, and their cases. dries descendentes. doii dominii. dc^u dominium. dor" 1 deorsum. dor deorum. dpe or dispensator. dpse disperse. dr dicitur, dirigitur, dividitur. dr* differentia. drabile demonstrabik. dra? differ entiarum. drao demonstratio. dre c?are, debere, dicere. dren 1 ' differenter. dret deberet, diceret, dria differentia. drn iis differentiis. 40 The Record Interpreter, drn s differ entes. drnt differunt. drn? differenter. drt differt. drut differunt. ds Dem, dominus. dsc'p 18 discipulus. dsc'p descriptionem. dsifi desinet, desinit. dsit desinit. dst u et r destrueretiir. d* flfefo^, elicit, distinguit. dta c?ec^. dta a distantia. dt a hed detrahendum. dtat distat. d to dicente, distincte. dti 1 distingui. dtin 6 determinationem. dti r distinguitur. d tis distinguitis. dti* distinguit. dti ui distingui. dtore distributor em. dt ua distributive!,. dt ue distributive. d ta distinctum. d? dumtaxat. dt'as distantias. d?iaco determinatio. d?iat determinat. dueiat deveniat. dxt c?mV. ds; debent. d^elco derelictio, derelicto. E. E. 50, Edwardm. eapp? eapropter. easd easdem. ea earn, eadem. eade eandem. ebdo a hebdomada. ebd hebdomada. ebda hebdomada. ebde hebdomadw. ebdma hebdomada. eb l e^ ebrietatem. eb r at 9 ebriatus, eburatus. e ca (equivoca. ec a eccksia. ec am ecclesiam. ec 1 ? eccksiarum. Latin Abbreviations. 41 ecc a ? ecclesiarum. eco ca ecclesiastica. ecclea ecclesia. ecciia ecclesia. ece ecclesiasticus. ecca ecclesia. ecc ca ecclesiastica. eoci ecclesiastici. eccia ecclesia. ec e ecclesice. ecia ecclesia. ec 9 cequus, equus. ec etiam. eca ecclesia. ec a e contra. ece eccksicB. 09* c contra. 69 c contrario. edcm edictum. edd edendum. e di ne cedificationem. e d ' eadem, eadem, eodem. ed edictum. edc m edictum. edcm edictum. Edrus Edwardm. Edus Edmundus. ee a essentia. ee a lis essentialis. ee a tr essentialiter. ee am essentiam. ee a nt essentialis. ee e essentice. ee lls essentialis. een a essentia. een a lit essentialiter. een a tr essentialiter. eenciatr essentialiter. een lis essentialis. een r essentialiter. eena essentia. effciuu effectivum. effic r efficdciter, e-fficitur. effi n ' r efficiuntur. effi r efficaciter, efficitur. effi tis efficientis. ef^ 6 effective. eff 1111 effectivum. effu effusio. effcm effectum. effcs effectus. effo effecto. ef ftu effectu. effu effectu. efctm effectum. eg do agritudo. eg e dit r egreditur. eg e dr egreditur. eg e s 9 egressus. eg 1 !^ cegritudinis. eg^u agritudinum. egnem agrotationem. eg r ce^r, egeritur. eg r tudinf agritudinis. The Record Interpreter. eg erga, ergo, egregms. ege egregie. ego cegro, egeo, egero. egone egestionem. egut r egrediuntur. ego egero. e { enim. e icc cequivoce. ei c t 9 ejectus. eiSe ejicere. e l polt ceqidpollet. e lu a a cequivalentia. e l ua ns cequivalens. e'ua* ceqidvalet. e^a*' cequivalenter. e l u fequivalet. ei 9 e;'z5. ei 9 d ejusdem. eifh ejmmodi. eis ^;'*. elefh eleemosynam. ele nta elementa. e let cequivalet. ele" elementi. ele 1 ' elemcntis. eleu elevato. elea eleemosyna. eleta elementa. e 11 cequali. elo do elongando, cloquendo. eloqcia eloqucntia. eloqt r eloquitur. e ! 3 cequivalet. ei cequalis, elementum. eia eleemosyna, elementa. etaris elementaris. etari 9 eleemosynarins. eico m eleetionem. etcon3 eleetionem. eicto electio. eio 9 electus. eica etci eicio electio. etco electio. eics electus. eicus electus.. eieia eleemosyna. eii elementi. eiia eleemosyna. efte ekemosynce. etis elementis, eleemosynis. elm eleemosynam, electuarium, elementum. eiosina eleemosyna. eto? elementorum. eita elementa. etto? elementorum. eltm electum. emi ma eminentissima. emp'i empyrei. empti emplastri. empim emplastrum. Latin Abbreviations. emp emptio. em* emanavit. emdare emendare. efndau emendavit. efhd emendam, emendet, emen- dum. efndo emendatio. emgete emergente. emtulatus ementulatus. emgeh emergens. emg* emergit. erSserut emerserunt. e nas eleemosynas. EngleS Englesceria. engt Englesceria. enig ca cenigmatica. enor? enormiter. e nt erunt, exeunt. enuo le enuntiak. enu re enuntiare. enuare enumerare. enuas enumerans. eSuat r enervatur. e cequatio, e contrario, ego, eundo. eod eodem. eodm eodem. eod eodem modo. eo? eorum. eo eodem. epi ie Epiphanice. epiiia epilepsia. epip Epiphania. episc episcopus. ep episcopus, epistola. epat episcopalis. epatus episcopatus. epat 9 episcopatus. epc episcopus. ephia Epiphania. epftie Epiphanice. epi episcopi. epiu epitaphium. epla epistola. eplaris episfolaris. eplas epistolas, epulas. eple epistolce, epulce. epm episcopum. epo episcopo. eps episcopus, episcopis. epsco episcopo. eptus episcopatus. epus episcopus. eq a t cequalis. eq a m cequam, equam. eq^u cequivocum. eq j tu equitum. eq't equites. e q lis cequalis. eq cequatio, cequo modo. eq r cequatur, cequetur. eq 8 cequales. eq3 cequat. eq cequus, eques, equus. eqlis cequalis. 44 The Record Interpreter. eqlit cequaliter. eqtr cequaliter. eq aquatic. eq' cequationis. eqpat r cequiparatur. eqq equites. eq r cequaliter. eqs egms, equus, cequus. eqstr equestris. equo cequivocatio. eq, # febris. ieiafemina. f et /e/?>, feliciter. fet rec felicis recordationis. f 'emeli femella. f ^u* fremunt, fremuerunt. femifeminini. i c nofreno. f e qci 9 frequcntim. i e cfl frequenter. f er /erfl?, /e/ia, ferrum, fert. tenet fentat. f e 1 fecerunt, fecit, fecisset. ici fecit. ff fabricaverunt, fecerunt, felices, filii, fratres, fundarerunt. if feoffamentum. fi. /(fe/e, fidimus. fi a figura. fi a bat figurabat. fiatu fig ura i um% & figurtun. fiat finaKs. fts? finaliter. f ^3 fmtribm. jideliter. fi e figura?, M. 50 The Record Interpreter. net fient. fiet fieret, fierent. fie) i fieri. fig a figura. Sg&figura. figa r figuraliter. fiig&ifiguratum. figa figuram. figco figuratio. $%Q figures. fi 1 fieri. fi 1 ' fidclis, finalis. fm&firma. f ^i 9 firmarim. f'mi 46 firmitate. fini finiri. frfitto. fir. firmiter. firmtu finnamentum. fir to firmitate. fir to firmamento. firre finnare. firtu firmatum, firmamentwn. Wfinita. fi 1 ' finitum. fi a fideUum. fixs ^MS. 3 jf?ww, finem. fiat finalis. fia 1 ' finaliter. fie ,/?we. fie finem. f i /ma, //ms. fia figura. fia figuram. f ib3 finibus. ii&Q frigidce. FIQ* finietur. f IDS filios. f is films, finis. finitarum. fius //iws. fi^ et fieret. flais fiaminis. fie y?ere. flor fiorenus. flu e fiumine. flue fiumen. fluia fiumina. flu m fiuminum. flu n fiumen. flGi b ' fiuminibus. fluis fin-minis. flun fiumen. ft. fakum, filius, fiumen. R& falsa. f tariu falsarium. it&sfalsas. fte falsa, J "die. Latin Abbreviations. 51 Rgensfitlgens. Rifalsi. f tis falsis, fatalis. 1\\* falsitas. ftitas fahitas, felicitas. f ti te falsitate, felicitate. fto? f also-rum, famulorum. f Is falsas, famulus. fl 9 falsus, famulus. f m falsum. f fi j^we. f fatso, folio. Pma, forma. f omt fomentum. fntose frontose. for a forma. ior'lisformalis. f or a li? formaliter. f or a lm formalem, formalium. for 1 ! formaliter. foi^t format. fortfformatur. f o^cado fornicando. forlorn fornicationcm. f or'die formidine. f oi^dose formidolose. f or ine formidine. ioT [ 8 formis. f or ius forestarius. form foramen, formam, forum. for nc fornicationc. for formatio. for r formaliter. ioif formarem. f orf /om. f orf f c tu forisfactum. f orff ec forisfecit. f orf iudicaco forisjudicatio. for$ forma rum. for foresta, forestarius. ioraforesta. ioYcaifornicari. fordaiformidat. fore forma? : f orf cura forisfadura. f orf ec forisfecit. f ori fora-mini, formari. iof]isformalis. f orns 9 forensis, forinsecits. f ort m formatum. i.Qri r formatur. for 4 ' formaliter. i.o& fortiter. f o^ forum. f 6 /a^o, /sfo, /0//o, foras, foris. ids? foramen. fr. francorum, franci. f ragi tas fragilitas. franc Francia, Francus, Fran- cigena. francpt francipkgii. f rancplm franciphgium . f ra tas E2 The Record Interpreter. f rat u et fratruelis. tax f rater. from fractum, fructum. ires fructus. f reqiir frequenter. f reqt frequenter. trig frig idus. f rigm frigidnm. fri tis frigiditatis. frid&frigida. f rim frigid urn. f ri'ssima frigidissimam . frcfi frequenter. f rufh frumentarius, frumentum. iro. nti frumenti. fi 9 ^ frustra. fr feria, forum, francm, frater, frequens. fr f rater nitas. frcta fractam. fret 9 fractus, fructus. frctm fractum, fructum, furcil- latum. fresfratres. frufratrem. fri fratri, freti, frumenti. frib 9 fratribus. frif o ua ferrifodina. fris fratris. frm frigidum, frumentum. frni tas fraternitas. frm* fraternitatis. irosferirtos. frqr frequenter. fruet fratruelis. fr us fructus. f u ct 9 fructus. f ugiti fugitivi. fug ^, fugitwus. i^ifrui. i^icofruitio. Pi fruitione. fui* fuisset. f^rneti frumenti. f u mnto frumento. fwcai 9 furatus. ftffuit. ini m futurum. iut r a,futura. int r ifuturi. iui r isfiituris. iutfmfuturum. iiiim futurum. iutafuturus. f udaco funddtio. f uigo fumigatio. fufuit. iu&mfueram. iuatfucrant. fuitfuerit. iultfuerint. f\il 9 fiterimus. Latin Abbreviations. 53 iuni fucrunt. ^fallacia. fuut fuerunt. flnget ferUngeUm. f f festum. flofamufo. F. 40000. Ungiferlingi. Iforesta, fugitivus. fts famulus. l&fallacia, festa. fm falsum, feodum, festum, fir- fa 1 ' finalis. mum. farms ferrarius. 1ai r feratur. l&ifiiratus. f s$ f rater. fma firma. fma nto firmamento. fmi? firmiter. fm ri fermentari. fmto fermento. Iccofractio. fn forsan, forsitan. Icifacti. liid&ferenda, fienda. loitfacit. fngt frangunt. fc m factum. lofeodo. fc ne fractione. fod a i 9 feodarius. fc* fecit. for furoris. lotafacta. Toft frequenter. fcto facto. fa f rater. Icfactce. faa,frigida. fefere. fr a feria. fef fieri. fr as frigiditas. 11 feqffamentum. fgi te frigiditate. frb 9 fratribus. fide-frigide. lTefacere,fratre. Haferia. Iremfratrem. fiaco3 feriatiomm. fia r feriatur. Iresfratres. fri fratri, frumenti. fiata feriata. fiat 8 d feriatus dies. Ilia, feria. frib 9 fratribus. Hisferiis. fri&ferwf. lUatfallat. frif o nc fcrrifodiitce. f&fattaem. Iris fern's. The Record Interpreter. fri feria. frm feriam, fratrem, fratrum, frumentum. fans, fraternam. fro feretro, ferro, frumento. fi s fratres. f ruelis fratruelis. fiwca. fratrum, frumentum. fiuferrum. fra feria. fsferens, f rat res. f tas firmitas. ftifratri. ft ! b 9 fratribus. ftit fertilis. ftisfuturis. iiofuturo. ftffertur. ft u rf futuris. it^fratrum. i^f rater. fude fraude. fumfumum. fuafraus. lufervet. fgferrum, fratrum. VTuferrum. QjOO. g a erga, gradus, gratia. gablat gablatores. g a b3 gradibus. gab gabulum. g a cii grammaticam. gallin gallinam. gait gallum. g a tr gencraliter. g a m gratiam. g a fn gramen. g a fnis graminis. g a fnneii gramineinn. g a nat a i 9 granatarius. g a nd grandis. g a ngia grangia. g a nu granum. g a n granum. gard gardaroba. g a s gratias. g a ticus grammaticus. g a ti ne gratitudine. g a ua grava. g a uab gravabat, gmvabit. g a uam gravamen. g a uare gravare. g a uat 9 gracatus. g a ui r graviter. g a ui? graviter. Latin Abbreviations. 55 g*? gratiarum. g a gratiam. g e genere, gratice. ge H genuit. gei'a gemina. geld geldum, geldavit. geldb geldabat, geldabit. ge le generate, gelide. ge m gentem, gentium. g e man 9 germanus. gem geminus, gemitus. gemb3 gemitibus. ge ne generatione. ge nis geminis, generationis. gen generavit, generosus, genuit. genalis generalis. gensgeminis, generationis, genius, gentes, gerens. geSaco generatio. geSm generum. geo a geometria. gers gersutna. g e ss 9 gressus. g e x grex. gei 1 gemini. gei res genitores. geit 9 genitus. gei? geminorum, genitorum. geia gemina. ge genus. gee g 1 igitur. gigit gignitur. GKllt 9 Gilkbertus. giro giratio. g is generis. gleba c glebale. glo m glossam. glos a iu glossarium. glo glossa. glo or gloriosior. glosus gloriosus. gta gloria, glossa. gtat r gloriatur. gta gloriam, glossam. gtd geldum, gilda. gte glorice, glossce. gtia gloria. gtifi glorificatio. gtifi. 1 ' glorificatum. gtifio glorificatio. gto or gloriosior. gtose gloriosce, gloriose. gtosi te gloriositate. gtoss mo gloriosissimo. gtosus gloriosus. gtoi me gloriosissime. gri genius. gnalis generalis. giie genere. gno generatio. gns gentes. 56 The Record Interpreter. g oe generations. g ois generation-is. gss 9 grossus. g r igitur. grat grates, grains. g r b3 generibttSf gradibus. gr gradus, gratia, igitur. gra gratia. gras gratias. gra gratiam. gre gratice. grosus gratiosus. gurg gurges, gurgitem, 8fc. g generis. g 9 genus, gradus. g gaudium, geldum, genera, geni- us, genus, gilda, gratia, igitur. gbit generabit, grambit. g b 3 gradibus, gravaminibus. gcia gratia. gcit graoilis. gd 9 gradus. gd gradum. ge gratice. ginat germinat. gin 9 geminus, genuinus. gis generis. git geritis. gle generate. gt generalis. gtr genera-liter. gnabuf gcnerabuntur. gn b 3 gcrcntibus. gn e genere. gn e osus generosm. gn e u generum. gngia grangia. gniti geniti. gn le generabile. gn generatio. gntib3 gerentibus. gnt gentes. gmit (7w^, Canute. gii generet. gnstf genestis. gS gener. graa genera. gSa 1 generari. grilali generali. graatr gener aliter. gnla m genera-turn. graa ma generalissima. gSa generatio. g8a r generaliter. gnatl generatim. gSbr generabitur. gSe genere. gSis generis. gSlis generalis. gSo generatio, genero. gSoe generatione. g oe generatione. grose gloriose, gratiose. g r ' gratiarum. gs generis, gratias. gta (/ra^a. gta r gratanter. Latin Abbreviations. 57 gtau gustavit. gti generati. gti generatim, gradatim. gto grata. gt r generatur, igitur. gtu gratum. gt gratum. gtm genitivum. gts gentes. guam gravamen. guis grams. gut r geruntur. g 9 gustus. g? gratiarum. gi <7en. g'man 9 germanus. ^m' germen. Ru genera. H. H. ducenti, habemus, habent, habet, hac, ho3C y heres, herus, hie, hoc, homo, honestus, hora, hujus, humilis, hun- dredum. H. A. Aoc habet, haberet. hafee habere. hag ^a^, hagas. haia haiam. haK. hakeneius. ha r habetur. hast hast is. ha? harum. hac Aawc. hagwith hangwitha. halts habttationis. handn? habundanter. hfee habere. h c Aac, Ac, Aw, /^oc, hd hundredum. hdr hundredum. h. e. Aoc es^. hereu a d hereicarda. her Aeres. H. F. F. hoc fieri fecit hh heredes. h. i. A/c invenies. Hiertm Hierusalem. HierusI Hierusalem. hincin hincinde. Hirt Hierusalem. Hirhn Hierusalem. h. 1. / 58 The Record Interpreter. H. M. hoc monumentum, honesta ho te honestate, honestce. matrona, honesta mulier. ho? horum. h hoc, homo, homicidio. hoestf honestatis. ho. homo, hora. hoib 9 hominibus. ho a hora. hoici m homicidium. hobedia obedientia. hon hominum. hc 9 hoccus. hora or honorabilior. ho e hodie, homine. hori honori. h oi hujusmodi. ho homo. ho ui honorabili. hoci m homicidium. hoi m hominum. hoe homine. ho is hominis. hoes homines. ho^ hominis. hoi homini. hoi u homicidium. hoim hominum. hoim hominum. hoiu hominum. ho lis honorabilis. hom hominem, horam. ho m hominem, hominum. hor honor. homii homagii. hore honorem. hon b 3 honorabilibus. hos horas. hon les honorabiles. hrdes heredes. honor honorabilium. huii humanam. hoii honorabilem. hui 9 hujus. hoii b9 honorabilibus. hui 9 ceoi hujuscemodi. hoii litt honorabilium. hui 9di hvjiismodi. hon 1 ^ honorabilis. hui 9 modi hujusmodi. h ^oc modo. hui 9 fhi hujusmodi. ho r c honoris. hu ! f humilis. hosp es hospites. hufnt humilis. hosp ia hospitia. hufhtr humiliter. hosp tc hospitatce. hundr hundredum. hospari hospitari. huoi hujusmodi. hoss. hostes. hvia a humana. host a ii hostarii. hua e humane. La tin Abbr evict, tions. 59 hua m htimanum. hua to humanitate. huat 9 humatus. huai humani. huida humida. huil as humilitas. huilis humilis. hfiilia humittima. huitr humiliter. hui te humiditate. huore humorem. hua humana. huatr habitualUer. hua humanam. hue humana}, humane. hui hurnidi. huior humidior. hun 9 humanus. huoi hujusmodi. hye ab 3 hiemalibus. hyes hiems. hy 9 hymnus. h 9 A^'MS. h 9 c a les huscarles. h 9di hujusmodi. H ^00000. h habemus, habent, habet, hac, /KEG, heres, hems, hie, hoc, homo, honestus, hora, hujus, humilis. hara 9 habeamus. ftant habeant. hat habeat. hat habeant. hfc Affie^, habebat. hhe habere. ho Aae, Azw, A^c. ftc 9 ^ hucusque. hdr hundredum. he Aafo, habere. heat habeat. heat habeant. hebat habebat. hebit habebit. heb 1 habebit. hebut habebunt. hefer habebitur. hefet habebat. he ' hcereticum. heditagium hereditagium. hedi^ hereditatis. hed tas hereditas. hed heredem, heredum. heds heredes. hedt a ia hcreditaria. hemi r ' hcremitarum. hemit heremitis. hem 9 habemus. hentes habentes. heo ^aJeo. he 1 ' habetur. here habere. heri haberi. her 1 haberet. 60 The Record Interpreter. her habere. lies habens, habes, heres, ties hceresis. h ct habcret. heticus hcereticus. het r habetur. li e t r haberetur. hetf habetis. hezeldf herezeldis. fte 9 habemus. he? heremitarum. hes habemus. h ic Am'c. hi di hujusmodi. hi do habitando, habitudo. hieta herieta. higta herigeta. hi le AaS7e. hilit do habilitando. hit habilis. him ' hujuscemodi. hinacoem hominationem. hi n6 habitudinem. hi or habilior. hita habita. hitag heritagium. hit a ie hcrcditarie. hita habitatio. hitare habitare. hitet habitent. hitio habitio. hit is habitualis. hit m habitum. hit ne habitione, habitudine. hit r m habiturum. hitu habitu. hitu e habitudine. hitu habitudo. hitu habitum. hitiia habitura. hitf habitantis, habitis. hi^ habitationis, habitis. hi 9 ^{/MS, hujusmodi. hi 9 i hujusmodi. hidia 1 ' habitudinalis. hmit humilis. hmi hujusmodi. hmo hujusmodi. hmoi hujusmodi. hm 9 habemus. hins habemus. hn a habentia. hneia habentia. hndi habendi. hndu habendum. hnd habendum. hns habens. hn s habentes. hnt habent. hnti habenti. hnt r habentur. hntf habentis. hoBlis honorabilis. h oi hujusmodi. Latin Abbreviations. Gl fti homini. hoib3 hominibus. hois hominis. hor honor. ftp habetur, hundredum. frre habcre. hre haberem. hret haberet. fcri haberi. ftrs ^er^s. hr 1 haberet. ftrdi heredi. hs habes, heres. ftt habent, habet. humanitatis. huert habucrunt. hui habni. ftuisse habuissc. tiuit habnit. tiui 9 hujusmodi. Hum humidum. ftuat habuerat. Imit habuerint. ftunt habuerunt. !iuo habuero. ^3 habent, habet. K 9 hujusmodi. I. I. '/, rf #, ^MS, Jesus, igitur, in, inferi, infer is, infra, ita, iterum,jussit. i a ?7/, w/y, wz^m, Yff, prima, unica, una. iacta a jactantia. iamdcus jamdictus. iafi janua, Januarii. i a q itaque. \ a 7f primam. i a j; Ulanim. i a primam. iap l dH Jampridem. ifem ibidem. il5t e'6^, ^MW^. I. C. JesMs Christus, juriscon* sultus. ic id. e d I. D. idc'co idcirco. idc 62 The Record Interpreter. idib 9 idibus. idio 1 ' idiomatum. i. d. iud. in diejudicii. I. D. N. in Dei nomine. id* id est. id 9 idm. id idem. idne indictione. i e 7fe, ille. iem Jesum. igno a ignorantia. ignam 9 ignoramus. igno te ignobilitate. igii fern's. ig oa ignorantia. igm'ia ignominia. igra a ignorantia. igrat ignorat. igtus ignotm. ig? ignoranter. ig r igitur. ig igitur. igs 0rms. i. h. /acetf foe, invenies hie. Ihertm Jerusalem. Ihtm Jerusalem. Ihs. Jesus. Ili3 Jesum. Ihes Johannes. Iht Jerusalem. Ihoes Johannes. lolii Johanni. i 1 1'5*. ij a secunda. i'de ibidem. i ! d ibidem. iiij or quatuor. iiij tus quartus. iij us tertius. IIX. ilia illatio. illi tJ illicitum. illi 9 illls illlta illimitatum. ill e7/o moc?o. illu es illuminationes. illula ittiiminatio. iltd e7/wc?. ilHmus illcgitimm. iltratus illiteratus. im. immortalis, imperator. i m ilium, ipsum, irrotulatum, unum, milk. i. m. m manu, in manibus. imlutu imminutum. imp lis impossibilis. impp. imperatores. imp 11 imperial!. impp imperpetuum. Latin Abbreviations. 63 imp imperator, imperant, im- perante, impetrant. imple impossibile. im imperator. imdo immundo. in. instantiam. i. n. in nomine. inc a ssadu incrassandum. inci ns incidens, incipiens. incor le incorporate. incor^e incorruptibile. inept incipit. incro incremento. inc s t incurrisset. inc incarnationis, incipit. incmto incremento. incp incepit, incipit. incpnt incipiunt. incre incurrere. incrno incarnatio. ind. indictione. ind a indulgentia. indetabile indeclinabile. indi is individuis. indi 11 individuali, indivisibili. indi individuo. i. n. D. T; s. 1 i. T. ' nomine Dei et Sanctce et Indimduce Trinitatis. ind inde, indebite, indictione, indus. inda indulgentia. indffn? indifferenter. indm indifferentiam. indra indifferentia. indrn r indifferenter. indrns indifferens. indrnt indifferenter. inet incequalis. inew inewardus. infto inftammatio, inflato. infra ta infrascripta. inf rat infrigidat. inf ta infrascripta. infa r inferatur. infnus infernus. info infero. ing lis ingenerabilis. inMco inhibitio. inliico3 inhibitionem. inHens inhcerens, inhibens. infiilis inhabilis. iniun. injungentes. inm n integrum. int inhtster (illuster]. n e in n. m nomine. inn iunocens, innocenter. inobtoe en oblatione. in p. w joace. inp lis impossibilis. inpolis impossibilis. inp lis impartialis. inppet imperpetuum. 64 The Record Interpreter. inp lis impossibilis. inp 1>r impossibiUter. inpo impositio. inpoe impositione. inq ! co inqnisitio. inq^ inquisitio. inq^ico inquisitio. inq inquiratar. ins ciis instanciis. insot insolidum, insolutum. insp c t r is inspecturis. inspect 3 inspecturis. inspi ne inspiratione. inspcoe inspections. instam instant iam. instico institutio. inst 11 instrumentali. inst r ctus instructus. inst rt le instrumentak. instra instrumenta. instris instrumentis. instrm instrumentum. instro instrumento. instro? instrumentorum. inst instituta, institntiones. instnf institutions. insr in-super. insif inseritur. instil insertion. int a intra. int a co intratio. int a ns intram. int a uit infra n't. inte it; intelligit. inte le intelligibile. inte lia intelligibilia. intel rc intettigere. intel tr intelligitur. intePuat intelkctualis. inte m intelkctum. inte re intelligere. inte 8 intellectm. inte u intendit. inte intentio. integ'e intelligere. intern intelkctum. int gi intelligi. int 1 intelligi. int ib 3 intrantibus. int ! n c ' intrinsecum. intl 1 ' intellectualis. int m^ro. infmHo intromitto. intscptii introscriptum. int r intratur, intelligitur. intropta introscripta. int wfer, interest, inter sit. int do intelligendo. inte m intelkctum. int gi intelligi. intlig r intelligitur. intll ia intelligentia. intlli le intelligibile. intlli intettigo. intltndii intelligendum. intltn intelUgcntue. Latin Abbreviations. 65 intltur intelliguntur. intn ca intrinseca. intpoto interpolatio. intp r intcrpretatur. int*' intellectus, intellectis. in? inter. in?cal a i 9 inter calarius. in?cal a o intercalatio. in?calar inter calaris. in?deo inter dicto. in?d interdum. infe interest. in?ee interesse. int'fco interfectio, interfecto. in?fc 9 interfectus. intfi8e interficere. in?i 9 interius. in?p m interpretation. in?poto interpolatio. in?po interpositio. intpret r interpretatur. in?ps interpres. inrps interpres. in?f?ta interprctatio. in?pt ri interpretaturi. inu m imentarium. ^ inue innuere. inocne innocentice. inoiat 9 innominatiis. in inde, intcgrum. ifiti incontincnti. inu a insula, M. inxe incomplexe, innixe. i /f^lpo, 7/wo, e'//o, primo. in primo nocturno. iod jocundus. lot! Johannes. i? illorum. loes Johannes. lois Johannis. i. p. in pace. ip a ip e ip ipa ipa? ipsarum. ipe ipi ? ipis ipi 9 ipsius. ipm ipsum. ip m m ipsummet. ijpo p-s0. ipo? ipsorum. ips js/s. ip3 ipsum. irra 11 irrationali. irr b ' irregularibus. irret r irretitur. irret 9 irretitus. irre*' irregularitatis. irreuobi 1 ' irrevocabiliter. irrcs irregulares. 66 The Record Interpreter. irrit a i irritari. irritat r irritatur. irri te irregularitate. irralis irrationalis, irrationabilis. irris irregularis. irrs irregularis. i r ' illorum. istim* istimet. istim3 istimet. ist istud. i td istud. iter iterum. i t! isti. itid itidem. it #ew. it d ' ^ew notandum. i?a p iteraUlis. i?ari iterari. i?m iterum. iudic u judicaverit. iudi m judicium. iudi judicio. iud m judicium. iud judicio. iud r judicialiter. iud judicium. iudatr judicialiter. iudm judicium. i u ejure. \\ivjugum. iv r quatuor. iura m juramentum, juratam. iura to juramento. iur. c&cijttris canonici. iur 6 jurisdictionem. iurdco jurisdictio. iuriur jurejurando. ius justitiariorum. iussii jusserit. 'm&i - justitia. iusti justificatio. iuuae juvamine. iuu e jumre. , juvabat. iuates juratores. iuejure. I. X. t/i^s Christus. i 9 Jfsus,jus,illius, unius, primus. i 9 sti a justitia. \ 9 i\.a, justitia. i 9 tifi justificatio. i 9 t 9 Justus. I $, W es^, igitur, in. I a primam. IbHare inbreiwre. Ic a 8atu incarceratum. Io a nne incarnationem. icarii incarnationis. Tear incarnationem. Ic a r s incarnationis. Latin Abbreviations. G7 ic a r incarnationis. Icli co inchoatio. Icfiacon inchoatione. id'a inclinatio. Icl so incluso. Ictom inclinationem. lots inclusio. lot 1 includit. Icorp les incorporales. Icor 1 ' incorporatum. icorp les incorruptibiles. Icopa 01 ' incomparabilior. Icoti 1 ' incontinentcr. Ic r ia incuriam. Icat 9 incusafus. Ic,d mcommodum. 1968 inconveniens. i9i ta incognita. i90 tg incommoditatem. Icjiio, incontinentia. Id ^7/MC?. Ide ibidem. Idep te indempnitate. Idi a indindua. Idid individuo. Idign a indigentia. Idign indigentia. Idigco indignatio. Idign a indigentia. Idi is indwiduis. Idi lc indivisibile. Idi 1 ' indirisibilis. Idi individuo. Idiom M divisionem. Ididua indimdua. I do z' dominio. Idu 1 inducit, induit. Idu tQ indumentum. id mcfe. Idrent indiffer enter. idrnti indifferent*. le ire, jure. leb'at inebriant. let incequalis. 1C IflBSv* lee inesse. Iclia incpqualia. If a infra. l a cta infracta. If c m infectum. Ifcom infectionem. If ctu infectum. ifi 1 ' infidelis. Ifi m infinitum. Ifi 4 ' infinitum. Iflu a influentiam. Ifto inflammatio. ifdacne infeodatione. Ifmaco informatio. Ifor iQ infortunium. Ifort 1 ' informatur. Ifra to infrascripto. If rare infrigidare. ifu e infusione. p * /* r2 68 The Record Interpreter. ifcom infectionem. Ifct infectum. Ifite infinite. Ifmis infirmis. Ifos infcros. Ifstm infmscriptum. Ift r infcrtur. Ig a rdos inguardos. igd r ingreditur, Igtus incognitus. Ihico inhibitio. Ihi do inhabitando, inhibendo. ihitao inhabitatio. Ifte inhcerere. iHet inhceret. Ifiiles inhabiles. iRitaii inhabitantes. 1 i ! ca le incommunicabile. ii ci inimici. ii cie inimicitice. licio e'wzV/o. liciu initium. I'es inconveniem. I'ns inconveniens. lint w integrum. liq 1 iniqiii. Ii r ia injuria. litu initum. Tito i'mY/0. liur* injuriam. liur injurHs, wjiiriatus. Ii 9ia injustitia. Ti w/J. ime tc immediate. ime tu immediatum. ime 1 ' immediatim. ImoH immemorial. Imu 1 ' immutabilis. imu immiitatio. ifnle immateriale. lint immaterialis. imsi te immensitate. imsu immensum. Imge immerge. -JJ - imsu immersum. mocn a innocentia. i ns inconveniens. inumis innumeris. 10 Weo. loq ideoque. ipedi m impedimentum. ipedi tu impedimentum. iped impedientem. Ipedcoe impeditione. Ipedr impeditur. Ipe r 3 impediret. Ipe te impedimento. Ipetne impetitione. Ipetns impetrans. iped e impendere. ip'mf imprimis. Iptit a i implacitari. Ipiit implicita. Latin Abbreviations. 69 Ipo a impotentia. ipo c impossibile, impotentia. Ipo 1 ' impossibilis. ipor ct importaret. iport importat. Ip tas inipossibtlitas. Ipo impotentia. Ipoa impotentia, imposita. Ipo r imponitur. Ipu a ri imputan. Ipu d ' imputandmn. ipugtos impugnatores. ipu* imputat. Ipf c coe imperfectione. Ipfcus imperfectus. Ipsolr impersonaliter. ipt imperat. Ipta m importatum. iptat importat. iptiri impertiri. Ip e impossibile. Ip le impossibile. Ipl' impossibilis. Ipme imprime. Ipo impositio. ips imprimis. ip x i inspexi, incomplexi. ij3ssioe impressione. lissom impressionem. ipp'e improprie. Ippare impropriare. Ipss improbasset. Iq c itaque. Iq m iniquam, inquam. iq inquam, inquit, itaque. iqna r inqiiinatur. iseq r insequitur. Isp c to inspecto. ispco m impectionem. Is 1 wmY. Ist a instituta. istaci 9 instantius. isti ne institutionc. Ist'to? instil utorum. Istr a instrumental. Istris instrumentis. istro instrumento. Ist u et r instrueretur. ist u m instrumentum. Ist u mettr instrumentaliter Ist um ta instrumcnta. ist uo instructionem. ist u ' to ? instrumentorum. Isto institutio. ist 11 instrumenti. Issi le insensibile. it a m#ra. Ite a intclligentia. Ite do intelligendo. Ite e intellig entice. iteg a lit integraliter. Ite g ' intelligitur. ite lt intettigit. Itel da intelligenda. 70 The Record Interpreter. Ite r intelligitur. Itgle integrale. Ite s intellectus. Itllcm intellectum. ite* interest. Itlli 6 intelligere. Ite u intellectu. itllig'e intelligere. ItG bat intendebat. Itllx intellexit. iteco intentio. ItlHa intelligentia. Ite intensio. itnd* intendit. Itfcs intcrfectus. lto meVib. itfic interficit. it r intelligitur. itf interfuit. Itrogo interrogate. it g ' e intelligere. Itse intrinsece. it igi intelligi. it xit intellexit. it^cus intrinsecm. I? 'w#er. Itltr intelligitur. I?dca inter dicta. it nd ' intelligcndum. iPd 1 interdici. l to MZ#0. I?du interdum. Itd c tu introductum. I?d: interdum. itdux introduxit. i?ddo interdicendo. Ititu introitu. free inter esse. itit 9 introitus. I?essen a interessentia. ifm^t intromittat. i?ept 9 interemptus. itm t t e intromittere. I?fcs interfcctus. itot intonat. I?fic interficit. itr" 6 intrarem. i?f interfuit. It re intelligere. I?i 9 interim. it r>t intelligent. i?ptt e e interpcllcre. itr intrare, intraret. I?pol a interpolates. It 8 is^i. I?poto interpolatio. it t9 intellectus. Itpoe interponere. It u intellectu. T?poita? interpositarum. it 9 ?n^i manifestari. ma tum mandatum. maumtes manumittcns. ma. mandantes. male Marice. ma ia maculam. mali matenali. malf materialis. mam materiam. mas materias. M. B. memories lonce. Mcc. fw7/e dticenti, millesimo du- centesimo. M.D. medicince doctor. m e Marice, material, memoriae, mitte. me a medicina, memoria. me am mem0 riam. me b 3 mediantibus. medie 8 medietas. med na medicina. med re mediatore. med te mediante. medt medicamentiim. me e mere. me is mereberis. mela ci melancholici. melacol melancholia. melt mettis. me m medium. memo? memorandum. mem r memor, meremur. mem memoriam. me na medicina. menb? membris, membrum. me nc medicince. mens mensem, mensuram. me nte mediante. me medio. meria memoria. meo meorum. me ? meliorcm, meliorum. me r meretur. Latin Abbreviations. 77 meridion meridionali. mes. mensibus. me te mediate, mediante, medietate. metpo a metropolitanum. meo a memoria. meo dum memorandum. meora a memorata. meor le memoriale. meora memorata. mes memis. mea r mereatur. meis melius. mei 9 melius. metfx meretrix. met r meretur. metci meretrici. mg magis. mgro magistro. m 1 me, mM mi a minima. mia 10 miraculo. mial' mirabilis. miao miraculo. Micfiem Michaelem. Micfiis Michaclis. mi di minuendi. mi le meridionak. milleio millesimo. mill 1 millesimi. mill millesimo. millimo millesimo. milto millesimo. mil millesimo. mil miles, miliario. mi m minimum. min 9 minus. m 1 ^ mihique. mir mirabiliter, mirifice, minim, misericorditer. m is magis, marcis, meis. miscdia misericordia. mis du ministrandum. mise r miseretur. mis ia misericordiam. miss missa, missis, missum. m ! st a nt ministrant. m^io ministerio. mis mis^. misa miseram, miseriam. miscda misericordia. miscs misericors. miscdi misericordi. mis h. ex. f . misit hcec extra fir- mam. mis ia miseria. mis I m. misit in manerium. m'us minus. m'ut minuta. mio? minorum. mint 9 minutus. ml 9 minus. m! minimus, minus, minuta, mia misericordia. miabilit miser abiliter. 78 The Record Interpreter. mi am misericordiam. mias misericordias. midi miser icordi. midit misericorditcr. mie minima, misericordice. mim 9 minimus. miors misericors. mist a ndo ministrando. mist a nt ministrant. mist 1 ministri. mistrare ministrare. mistr ministris. mistto ministratio. mist minister. mis?io ministerio. ML. malurn. m 15 materialem. M.M. maritus,martyres, memento mori, memoria, meritissimus, moestissimus, monumentum. m m manifest-urn, materiam, meum. m mo millc&imo. mus r a mensura. mo. modus, mota, motus, movet, movetur. m meo, modo, millcsimo, matri- monio. mo a monasteria. mo b 3 moralibus, morbus, motibus. mod modis. m e. modo episcopi. mi modi. moicoe monitione. moialis monialis. moitofi monitione. mold moldra, moldera. mo 1 ' mobilis. mo m modum, morem, moverem, monitum. monet monetarius. mon iis monasteriis. monu tfl monumentum. moil monasterii, moneta. mondi monendi. monst monasteriis. mor. mortis. mor a morina. mora te moralitate. mora tcr moraliter. mo re monstrare. mo rii monasterii. mo rio monasteno. mor i'r mortaliter. mor os mortuos. mor mora^nore, morina, mortem, mortis. morlis mortalis. morlis mortalitas. mo 8 modius. m 08 modos. mtat mortalis. mou r moventur. mo u motum. moe wwre. moialis monialis. moitoio monitorio. most monstra. Latin Abbreviations. 79 modu movendum. moi modi. moia monasteria. moio monastery). mois modis. mom monasterium. morii monasterii. morio monasterio. moru modorum. mosriu monasterium. mostm monasterium. mo? modorum, majorum. m r magister, mater, matcrialiter, multipliciter. m re matre. m ris matris, majoris, martyris. mr martiif martyr. m 8 marcas. MT. mater. m ta multa. nmie munimine. multiptr multipliciter. multi ri muttiplicari. multi 1 ' multipliciter. mu 1 ' mutabilis. muSe munere. mu mutatio. mu oe mutatione. mur mutaret. mu*' mutatum. muicipli municipali. muicom munitionem. mu 1 ' mutatur. muri mutari. m x multiplex. m 9 mandamus, manus, mos. M manerium, mille, milia. indax mendax. fndic 9 medicus. indiu medium. m. f. manerium francum. fn. h. manerium hoc. in. T; b. manerium et lereidca. m wa/o, manerium, morte. m ali manuali. mb a membra. mb's membris. mb membro. mbra membra. mbro membro. mb? membrum. mces merces. mcii Marcii. mcis marcis. mcurii Mercurii. mdax mendax. nidi mundi. md no mundano. mdo mundo. md mundum. me medietate, mille. mgaitis margaritis. mg is magnitudinis. mg'tuf magnitudine. nignis magnis. 80 The Record Interpreter. ing magister. ing 1 ' magister. nigrat magistratum. ingt magnificat. filial! matrimoniali. iniis matrimoniis. mio matrimonio. inis ?wm, muris. nil a misericordia. inlc mulcet. nile ?fe. mlem materialem. fnl e g; mulienim. fiili materials. inlib3 materialibus. inlier mulier. fhlis materialis. fnli3 militem. fhli? mulierum. inlies mulieres. inl ns multotiens. nilta mutta. mlti ca multiplica. nilti ca ' r multiplicantur. inlti 00 ' 1 multipUcemini. inlti 6 multitudinem. fhltilo multiloquio. falti multitude. fhlti 06 multwiode, multiplicatione. mltim multiplicationcm. inltip do multiplicando. mltiptr multipliciter. mlti r multipliciter. rnltis multis. inlti 11 multiplicati. fnltitd m multitudinem. inlti x multiplex. inltoc multoties. inltoil multones. iultope multopere. niltu multum. inlt multum, multis. in 1 ' materialis, mentalis. nit milliaria. mta multa. fiile? mulierum. nihn multum. nilo multo. nitr materialiter, mulier. nitri mulieri. inm matrimonium. fii mo milksimo. infiia murmura. niniialr matrimonialitcr. fiiniu e r murmuretiir. inndi mundi. ninr manerium. inns r a mensura. ino weo, monasterio. inos modos. inr magister, mater. inra monstra. mrare monstrare. Latin Abbreviations. 81 mrari monstrari. fhrau monstravit. iiircet marcet. mrch marchio. fhrc marca. mrcit marcescit. nire mat re. nirem matrem. fhres martyres, matres. mri magistri, martyri, monstrari. mri b 3 matrimoniaUbus. mrices matrices. nirice matricem. inrii martyrii. mri le matrimoniale. mri matrimonio. m ris major-is. fans martyr-is, matris. mriu martyrium. mrio m matrimonium. iurio matrimonio. inrlo 1 ' matrimonialiter. mrloi 11 matrimoniali. inrioio matrimonio. mrm martyrium, martt/rum, matrem, matrimonium. mrna materna. mro magistro. mrona matrom. mrt martyris. mrum martyrum. mrg; mar car urn. mr martyr. mrs marcas, martyris, mors. ms majestas, materias, mem, mensis, metis. mstrat monstrat. mstra menstrua. msa mensura. msa mensuram. mtaco mutationem. mtat r mutatur. mta*' mentaliter. nited: mittendus. mte mentem. mtit 9 mentitus. mtit mentitum. mt* mittit. mto mentio. nix a mixta, maxima. mx e maxime. mxi s maximis. mclietr merchetis. mcu 11 Mercurii. mcii Mercurii. midion meridioniaUs. mito merito. mito a meritoriam. mito e mentor-ice, meritorie. mitor a meritoria. nlit mentis. mleg merlengis. mu 1 mcruit. M. 82 The Record Interpreter. N. N. cnim, natus, nee, nepos, nep- tis, nimis, nisi, nobilis, nobis, nomen, nomine, non, nona- ginta, nonas, noster, nota, notum, Novembris, nuttus, numini. n a natura, nostra, nota, nulla. n a alis naturalis. n^ naturam. narr narratur. narro narratio. nas8et r nasceretur. na te nativitate. n'te 5 nullatenm. na tis nativitatis. natiu t>s nativitatis. natlat 8 nativitatis. natio nativo. nat r a naturam. nat nativitas. nate natures. nats nativw. nat tc nativitate. nauib3 navibus. nau ile navigabik. nauiu navium. nau z*is. niiura natura. naa nat naturalis. nam naturam. n c wee, mmc. n c ne necne. n c no necnon. ncca necessaria. n. e. wow 0s n e natures, necesse, neque. nec ate necessitate. necc* necessaria. nec lb 3 necessitatibus. nec ie necessaries, necessarie. nec ite necessitate. nec m necessarium. necii necnon. necas necessitas. nece necesse. necie necessaries, necessarie. neciis necessariis. nec ite necessitate. nee 11 ' necessitate. nee" 1 necessarium. neco necessario. necs necessarius, necessitas. nectf necessitatis. ne d ' negandum. Latin Abbreviations. 83 ned nedum. negtia ncgligentia. negfnt negligunt. neg ncgotiis, negotium. nega ncgotia. negat negotiat. neg do negando, ncgotiando. negm negotium, nego negotio. ne ini nemini. nefn nemus. ne negatio, negotio. ne oib 3 negationibus, ncmoribus. neq a q a nequaquam. neq neque. neqo nequeo. ne r negatur. nesci a nescientia. nesc nesciunt. ne te necessitate. ne ua negativa. ne ue negative. ne u ' negativum. neu neuter. nein^ neminis. nele neminem. neo ne neandu ncgandum. nei nemini. nent negant. ncri negari. neti m negativum. neti Cl negativum. net r negatur. n 1 w^7^^7, ww. nichilo 9 nichilominm. nichiloi 9 nichilominus. nich oi9 nichilominus. nich nichil. nicfrlo 9 w ichilominus. nichoi 9 nichilominus. nig e do nigredo. nig c d:i8 nigredinis. nig c nc nigredinem. nig e sc nigrescit. nig'do nigritudo. nig j dis nigritudinis. nigd nigredinem. niti m'M- n^ 9 nihilominus. 1 n n l0 nihilo. n ! o 9 nihilominus. nihilominus. nihilominus. n m nullum. nn. nostri t nostrorwn, numcri. n n nomen. no. wont's, nomen, nostro, novcc. n nocturno, nullo, numcro. no a nomina. no a ndu notandum. nobit nobilis. 84 The Record Interpreter. nobi m nobilissimum. nofr nobis. nobc nobiscum. nofc ra nobiliora. noco le notionale. no do nolendo. no d ' notandum. no e nomine. no ls nominis. noia nomina. noia nominatio. noiat r nominatur. noie nomine. no le 0fo7e. nole m nolentem, nolentium. no lis nobilis, notabilis. no 1 ' nobilis. no 1 ' 1 " notabiliter. nott nolunt. nomie nomine. no mus nobilissimus. nofn nomen. nomib3 nominibus. non. nonas, nonis. no n nomen. nonag nonagesimo. n no no 01 ' nobilior. no r notatur. no ra nobiliora. no rius notaritis. nor notarim. nos noster. not a i 5 notarius. notat r notatur. notaa notata. noth 9 nothus. noti a notitia. notic 8 notifies. not wo^a^, notatis. noto le notionale. nou Novembris. nouitf noveritis. T).~ nouit noventis. no wow. noale novale. noalia novalia. nodii nondum. noiti nominati. noiti m nominativum. noa nomina. noale nominale. nobit notabilis. nobi r notabiliter. nobr Novembris. nobtr notabiliter. ndi nomini. noib3 nominibus. noie nomine. nois nominis. noTo nominatio, nominativo. non m notandum. nont not ant. nont not ant cr. Latin Abbreviations. 85 nori nostri. norie notorie. noro? nostrorum. nor notariis, notario. nos nonas. notr nostris. no? noviter. noa nonarum. nq. narnque, nunquam, nusquam. nr. noster. n r naturalitcr, noscitur, noster. n r a natura. nra nostra. nra nostram. nre nostrce. nri nostri. nrm nostrum. nro nostro. nro m nostrorum. nror nostrorum. nro& nostrorum. nrs nostris. n 8 nullus. n t5 naturaliter. nullats nullatemis. null 1 nullibi. nultr milliter. num m numerum, nummum. num numero. numus numerus. nunc nunciante, nuncius. nu numero. nups nuptias. rnip? nuptiarum. nusq misquam. nutffntu nutrimentum. nut j t mitrit. nutritive, nutritura. nut't nutrimentum. nut nto nutrimento. nuttia nutritim. nut ur nutriuntur. nu^ nuncietis. nu 9 numerus. niia numina, nuncia. nuci 9 nuncius. nucq nunquam. nucti 9 nuncius. nueri numerentur. numu nummum. numo? nummorum. nuq numquid, nunquam. nua b 3 numerabilibus. nua numeratio. nua r numeraliter, numeratur. nuat numerat. nuat r numeratur. nua numerare. nui numeri, nummi. nuo numero. nus numerus. n3 we(/e^, neque. n 9 nullus. 86 The Record Interpreter. n 9 q. a nusquam. n 9 q nusquam. N. nonaginta milia, 90000. ne nature. nm. numcrum. nn nomen. nn nccnon. n ew/w, natus, nee, nepos, neptis, nisi, nobilis, nobis, nomen, non, nonas, noster, nota, notum, Novembris. na natura. fiale naturalem. fiatr naturalitcr. na narratio. na oem narmtionem. na r natumliter. na 1 ' naturaliter. ii a naturam. na naturam. nbt nobilis. n b 3 naturalilus. \\> nobis. no wwnc. fic a nccessaria. nccai 2 nccessarius. ficee necessitate. ficee necesse, necessitate. ficeia nccessaria. ncias nuncians. iic s necessariis. ndii nedum, nondum. fid 5 nodus. fid nedum, nondum. ne naturce. ni nemini, nostri. ills m'mzs, notionis. niu nimium. nli naturali. nlla w^<^a. nllate 9 nullatenus. nlli wt^/z. iilli 9 nuttius. iillo wz//o mo(/o. nil 9 nullus. nlim nullum. iilts nullus. n l u nihilum. nt naturalis. fitr naturaliter. fim naturam, nostrum. nmne nomine. finas nonas, nonnas. ilnax nonarum, nonnarum. fine 0tt#, nonnw. no nihilo. iiqua nunquam. nq numquid, nunquam, nusquam. iir noscitur, noster. nra natura, nostra. ns naturas, nos, numerus. nsra nostra. nstnim nostrum. Latin Abbreviations. 87 nstrs nostris. ntia nuncia. iiti tJ nititur. rititas nativitas. fitm nominatiwm. ntra nostra. fitrs nostris. iiui wem. iiu numerum. n? naturarum, nostrum, nostro- rum. Su 9 nervus. o. 0. obiit, obitus, obolus, officium, olla, omega, omnibus, omnis, oportct, optimo, oratio, ordi- nis, oriens, ossa, ossuarium, ostenditur, otio, undecim. o a omnia. ob c o objecto. ob c o? objectorum. obed: obedientia. obectie obedientm. obe ns obediens. obe obest. obee obesse. obeie obedientice. obi c ' objectum. obic objicit. ob ! go obligatio. obisst obisset. oblcamt oblectarnentum. oblig co obligatio. oblig 6 obligatione. obim oblatum, obolum. obio oblatio, obolo. obtoe oblatione. obto m oblationem. obtone oblatione. obionib} oblationibus. obstn obstantibus. obs obstat. ob* 9 obligatus. ob objicitur, obitus, oblatio, obo- lus. oba objecta. ofeas obliquas. ofcene obedientia. obi objecti. 88 The Record Interpreter. obia obedientia. obiarius obedicntiarius. obie obedientice. obm objectum. obo objecto, objicio. obr objicitur. ob* objicit, obtinuit. obtm objectum. ocean occasione. occi h occidentali. occofi occasione. 00003 occasionem. occio occasio. occltu occultum. occn 11 occidentali. occns occidens. occnlis occidentalis. occo occasio. occoalr occasionalitcr. occoe occasione. occone occasione. occpau* occupavit. oct octabas, octabis, Octobris. octa octava. octas octavos. oclo OCM/O. oclm oculum. odi 1 ' odibilis. odo odorcm. od odium, odoris. odo o c off e t o off is officialis. offa officia, qfficina. offi m officium. offm officium. offo qfficio. o 1 o omnibus. omnium. a omnipotentia. o'po 118 omnipotent. o [ u omnium. oia omnia. oib3 omnibus. oim omnium. oioda omnimoda. oiode omnimode. oil o&'m. ot oleum, olim. o m objectum, oleum, omnium, oppositum. om. omncm. om a omnia. omis nis omissionis. omn a omnia. om omelia (homilia), omnis. oma omnia. omaq. omniaque. omb3 omnibus. omi omn/. ofhipi omnipotenti. ofnips omnipotcm. Latin Abbreviations. omis hominis, omnis. oppo& oppositorum. omp omnipotens. oppoito opposito. ompis omnipotentis. oppos oppositos. omps omnipotent. opp tQ oppositum. oms omnes, omnis. opp t5 oppositum. on 9 onus. oppo oppositio. ons omnes, onus. op* oportet. o&a onera. optim es optimates. o2ib3 oneribus. O ptoo opposito modo. onlu onerum. opt optio. o omnino, opinio, oppositio, ora- opt ne optione. tio. op 9 qpws. one orationem. opa opera. onis orationis. opa b 3 operationibus. op. opinio, oportet, oppositio, opaco operatio. opus. opa operatio. opco op^'o. opa oe operations. op e optime. opat r operatur. opi. opiniones. op d ' operandum. opi d ' opinandum. opib} operibus. opilaco oppilatio. opm ope mm. opito oppilatio. op nt operant. opio opinio. opo operatio. op m oppositum. opo m operationem. op opinio, Oppositio. opoes operationes. pOis opinionis, oppositionis. opom operationem. opp^ti opprimenti. opri operari. opp m oppositum. opt oportet. opp oppositio, opposito. opte operte. oppo a opposita. optet oportet. oppo nis oppositionis. optun 9 opportunus. oppo r opponitur. optu 1 oportuit. 90 The Record Interpreter. optiia opportuna. optue opportune. optuitas opportunitas. opo opinio. opom opinionem. ops omnipotent. opt obtinet. opta opposita. opto opposito. opt omnipotens, oportet. opte oportere. o r oneratur. ordico ordinatio. ordi ordinatio. ordi 1 ' ordinatum. ord ordinatio. ord r ordinatur. ord ordinis. drdi hordei. ordo ordinatio. orig 4 ' originaliter. origf originis. ori 1 ' originalis. orit r oritur. or lc originate. or 115 ordinem. oroes orationes. orom orationem. or re ordinare. orat 9 ornatus. or oms, oratio, orator. ores oratores. orib3 oratoribus. orno organo. oro oratio. oro m orationem. orri onn, ornari. ort orwa#. or ta ordinata. ort 9 ornatus. orum oratorum. o s omnes. oscla oscula. ostnd 1 ostendit. ostnd ostendit. ostn ostensum. ostn* ostendit. o* occurrit, oportet, ostendit. Q tas opposes. o tQ objectum, oppositum. o^ oppositis. 03 oportet. oi r oritur. onis omnis. onlo omnino. oa omnia, ora. ob} omnibus. oe omne, ore. oem omnem. oes omnes. oe omnem. oi omn*. oia omnia. oib) omnibus. Latin Abbreviations. 91 oida omnimoda. 5nd:et ostenderet. oie 11 orientali. ond r ostenditur. oig origo. on r ostenditur. oi 11 originali. ons ostendens. oi m omnium. onsi m ostemwum. oim omnimodo. onsu ostensum. oines engines. ons ostensus. oino omnino. on* ostendit. oipo a omnipotentia. ontat ostentat. oip s omnipotent. ontf ostendentis. oipt omnipotem. ons ostendens. oipti omnipotenti. 6nt r ostenditur. oi r oritur. oo omnino. ois omnis. opo t omnipotentem. oi s omnibus. opotetis omnipotentis. oium omnium. opt omnipotens. oiu 1 ' oriuntur. opts omnipotens. oiu omnium. opns omnipotens. oiut r oriuntur. os omnes, omnis. 010 omnino. 6t occurrit, oportet } ostendit. ondat ostendant. otas oppositas. onde 9 ostendemus. oti oppositi. ondit ostendit. oto Aorfo, opposito. ondo ostendo. 6to opposito modo. ond 1 ostendit. oto? oppositorum. on d ' ostendendum. otuit oportuit. ond ostendere, ostendit. otii oppositum. ondd m ostendendum. otf oppositis. onde ostendere. 92 The Record Interpreter. P. ~P.pateat, patent, pater, pater- parch 9 parcus. nitas, patet, per, plus, post- pare parcus. modum,postquam,prcemissa, prwpositus, prcesens, prin- ceps, publicus, quadringenti. pa. passio, pater. par 6 parochice. parlamtu parlamentum. paro lis parochialis. p a parochia, persona, prima. paro parochia. partib} partibus. pace pacem. paci te patiente. paci tia patientia. pac te patiente. par parochia. para parochia. pare parochice. pac tia patientia. pas 1 passim. p a ctica practica. pas 1 ' passibilis. pacia patientia. pas passio. pacore patientiorem. pas s passus. palfr palfridus. pass b 3 passibus. pa 1 ' passibilis. pass! passim. paftum palatium. past b 3 pastoralibus. p a m primam. past r a pastura. pa nes passiones. past r agiu pasturagium. pa ns patiens. pas passus. pa passio. p a ta prata. pa e passione. pat ! a patria. pa 5is passionis. pati d ' patiendum. papaue papavere. pat j e patrice. pap m papam. pat^ patris. pap papa. p a tis pratis. pai* parochia. patiut r patiuntur. Latin Abbreviations. patniu patrocinium. pe a s pcenas. pat patcat, pater. pe. ca. joa canonica. patia patientia. peccor peccator. pattus patratus. pa? pater. patf at paterfamilias. patnatr paternaliter. pecuia pecunia. pecia pecunia. pellefr pcllefridus. pelt pellit, pelleret. pa ue passive. pelu pelmum. pa uo passive. p e miu prcemium. paup pauper. pent penicillum. p a uu pravum. pen 8 penes. p a u 9 pravus. pensa? pensatas. p a xis praxis. pen penes. p a primam. peiilfo penuttimo. paper pauper. p e poit 9 prcepositm. pfrr presbyter. pet a ia petraria. p c catu peccatum. petico petitio. p c ca 9 peccamus. petni petitioni. p c tore pectore. petoem petitionem. p c tu peccatum. peto petitio. p c t 5 pectus. petone petitionem. pcci peccati. petras penetrans. pcco pactio. pett petunt. pccor peccator. peites pcenitens. pcco? peccatorum. peit 9 penitus. pco3 peccatum. peit pcenitet. pee parochicp. pes pensionem. pcto joac^o. petec Pentccostes. p e primes. pe pcence. pe. peccatis. pes penes, pcenas. pe a lis pcenalis. peto peccato. pe a tr pcenaliter. pctnt pcnctrant. The Record Interpreter. phi a philosophia. phi cus physicus. phi Phittppus. phtus Philippus. ph 9 philosophus. pit Philippus. plia philosopMa, phos. philosophus. phs. philosophus. p 1 pii,primi,pridem, principatus. p^ie pridie. pie 1 ^ pietatis. pig m pigrum. pig 9 pignm. p^euo primcevo. p^i primi. p^ito primitivo. p^o primo. p^ 9 primus. p ! m prirnum. p'ncitr principaliter. nncipalis, principaliter. principium. p'n r principaliter. pi n t r principaliter. p 1 !! principia. p'nli principali. pio p r i m0) primario. p'o? priorum. p'oa priora. pV principii. pi n m p'oe prlorem. p j s p-rimas, primis. pisc a ia piscaria. piscab3 piscationibus. piscaia piscaria. pist { nu pistrinum. p'stinu pristinum. pisiu piscium. pitaciar pitanciarius. p'ua privatio. p { ua r privaretur. p'ua* privavit. p'uat 9 privatus. p ! ui a privilegia. p'uile* privilegia. p f uit privilegium. p 1 uiHo& prwilegiorum. p'uiiiu privilegium. p 1 !!! privilegio. p^om privationem. pus prius. p i9 pi pi. placitum, plegii. pla a planeta. plac placitum, placita. placm placcam, placitum. plae planetcB. pie. plcne. Latin Abbreviations. 95 pleb m plebem. plefcs plebanus. ple do plenitudo. pie. fi. plene fidimus. plenar plenane. ple ne plenitudinem. plerq plerumque. pleit nc plenitudine. pleitu 6 plenitudine. pleu plenum. p u possibili. pl r a plura. pl r es plures. pluair pluraliter. pi 9 ^/ws. pi placet, plegii. ipi&plura. plalit pluraliter. pla r pluraliter. ptban 9 pkbanus. pifcm plebanum. ptbno plebano. pibs plebanus. pifo 9 plebanus. pie planete. pies plures. pieta planeta. ptib} pluribus. piles pluries. pii m plurium. piima plurima. piimi plurimi. piim plurimum. piiq plerique. piita placita. piitas pluralitas. piitis placitis. ptitf placitis. pii*f pluralitatis. pile plurimce, plurime. pirn placitum, plaustrum, ple- gium, populum. pimo plumo, plurimo. ptmq plerumque. pir pluraliter. pira plura. pires plures. pis pulsus. pita planeta. pltim 2 penultimus. p. m. passus tnille, pice memories,. plus minus. p m populum, primum. pnia pcenitentia. pniari 9 pcenitentiarius. pnlt penultima. pns penes. pnt possunt. po a potentia. po b 3 possibilibus. pocim poculum. po d ' ponendum. 96 The Record Interpreter. po c potentm. pea posted. p cm possessionem. po le possibik, potentiate. po lis possibilis, potentialis. po m positionem. pon b 3 pontificalibus. pond ponderis. p nem p OS itionem. ponti tu pontificatu. p 0n tu pontificatu. pont 9 pontificatus. pont pontifex, pontificatus. ponr ponuntur. pons ponentes. pont possunt. pon3 ponder at, ponderis. po positio, possessio. p primo modo. pop 1 populi. pop 8 populus. poplaris popularis. popl 9 populus. po r ponatur, ponitur. porco portio. por portio. poret r portaretur. po s potius. pos le possibile. pos 1 ' possibilis. pos ' possessionem. possi a possibilia. possi d ' possidendum. possid possidendum. poss possessio. poss possunt. possa possessa. posso possessio. posst possunt. pos 1 posuit. pos?um posterum. posuit posuerit. posso possessio. poss possessorio. possum possessionem. post possunt. pote a potentia. poten a potentia. pote s potens, potentes. pote 1 potest. pot r a potura. po*f positis, potentis. po?it potent. po ui positivi. po uu positivum. p^ posteriorum, primorum. poere ponere. poi r ponitur. pot s pontificatus. podu postmodum. poe ponere, positione. poi positioni, posteriori, priori. poib^ posit ionibus. poi positio, posito. poitie positive. Latin Abbreviations. 97 poit 9 positus. pompotentiam. pon a potentia. pone possessionem, positionem. ponis possessions, position-is. ponl potentials. pon m possessionum. ponii possessionwn. poniis potent-its. por possessor. porio possessorio. pos potentias. pot potest, potuit. po* ponit. pot 1 ' ponitur. po ufl positivum. po? potentiarum. pp. patrcs, pedcs, perpetuum, piissimus, populus, prceposi- tus, principes, provincice. p. p. professor publicus. pp prcepositus. pg. postquam. p r a parochia, pur a. prfor presbyter. p r e jswre. prer prater. preb. presbyter. p r gaco pnrgatio. p r ga r purgatur. p r gadu purgandum. p r gom piirgationcm. prid pridie. p r if s purifications. prin 1 ' principalis. p r issim 9 purissimus. p r itas puritas. p 1 !^ puritatis. priuiiiu privilegium. p r o jowro. protins prohibens. pro? propter. p r p e st r a purprestura. p r p'se purprisce. p r p r a purpura. p r p r at 9 purpuratus. p r p r e 9 purpureus. p r ' priorissa. pr prmmissa, presbyter, proviso. prare patrare, prcpstare. pH presbyteri, pro presbytero. ps. postscriptum. psaltiu psalterium. pss. postscriptis. p* jaos^, potest. p*q postquam. p l tas potestas. pu a pub co publico. pub c ' publicum. pufe publicus. pu ca publica. pu ce publice. pu co publico. pu c ' publicum. p n (L& prudenfia. If. H 98 The Record Interpreter. p u de e pmdentice. p u deii prudens, prudentia. pud pudica, p u dr prudenter. puelt puella. puei a pueritia. pugni punitio. pug a pugnantia. purp p st r a purprestura. pur purificationis. put e dle putredine. puire punire. puit us punitivus. puiss us purissimus. puitas puritas. puu puerum. p 9 ^;0s, primus. p 9 ea posted. p 9 q postquam. p 9 sid possidet. p 9 sim 2 possimus. p 9 sit possit. p^si 1 ' possibiliter. p s sit possint. p^s 1 possit. p 9 s posset, possunt. p s st possunt. p 9 t c fh postremum. p 9 tmod postmodum. p 9 tmo postmodum. p 9 tr postcris. p 9 tulau* postulavit. p 9 tuf o postulatio. p s ?gat 9 postcrgatus. p 9 ?i posteri. p 9 ri 9 posterius. p 9 uit posuit. p 9 uut posuerunt. p 9 ? posterorum. p a persona. 1 parabit. pabut pardbunt. padisu paradisum. pafna parapherna. pagiu paragium. pag 1 ' peragitur. palipoin Paralipomenon. p a lis personalis. p a l r personaliter. pa r paratur. pas p ersonas , patu paratum. p a tii personatum. pa personam. p b 3 partibus. peep 1 ' perceptibilis. peep perceptio . pcedo parcendo. pees parcens. pci do percipiendo. pcifi part him. pco? parconim, porconun. Latin Abbreviations. pcus parcus, porcm. pcuct a i percunctari. pc 9 parcus, porcus. pc percipiendo, pcrcipiente. pcsa percussa. pcsio percussio. pcsor percussor. pctari percunctari. pPe parcere. pdco perditio. pdico perditio. pdi 1 ' perditur. pd perditio. gfc perdit. pdT; perdet. pdr perditur. p e personce. peg'n 9 peregrinus. pempt peremptorie. pent parentmn. pepto m peremptorium. ^.Q par ens. pete parente. pet 8 parentis. pf ca perfecta. pf ce perfecte. pf cis e perfectissime. pfcm pcrfectum. pfcor perfection. pfc 9 perfectus. pficied perficiendum. pfice pcrficcre. yitf* perfeetum. pfc ma perfect issima. pgit r pergititr. pgut pergunt. pgnt pergunt. phendi a e perendinare. phend perendincmtium, perendi- navit. plienis perennis. phib pcrliibet. pH perhibet. pTindia do perendinando. p!indat r perendinatnr. pi^e perhibere. plot periculis. piotm penculum. piclo periculo. pimi r perimitur. pin perinde. pit parity pent. pitia peritia. pit r pariter, paritur. pita paritura, peritura. pit pariter. picps particeps. pipes participes. plamtu parliamentum. pie personale. plis personalis. pt personalis. pm pariiiH. pmp panunper. 100 The Record Interpreter. pm t te permittc. pmu 1 ' permutabilis, pmu r permutatur, pmpt pcremptorie. prit parentcs, parent um. po lis parochialis. pot parochialis. ^ms personis, poa persona. pom personam. ppe a perpetua. ppe e perpetuce, perpetuc. ppe m perpetuum. ppe perpctuo. ppe ris perpendicularis. ppet a t perpetrat. ppetta perpetrata. pptm joer plegium. ppa pcrperam. pp perpetuum. ppi m participium. ppt a to perpetrato. ppuo perpctuo. ppuu perpetuum. pqres perquirens. p r pariter, paritur. p ris particularis. prol parochialis. pr personarum, pra parocliia. ps pars, personas, personis. p s paries. pseq persecutio, persequendo. pseqo persecutio. pso a persona. psofr personaliter. psona r personaliter. psoa persona. psor personaliter. psog persona-rum. psti se perstitisse. psuaf persuasibilis. pta porta. pt a ctare, pertractare. ptare portare. pt b 3 partibus. ptib} partibus. pticip participatio. ptic m participium, particulatim. pticla particula. ptictr particular iter. pti la particula. pti 1 ' partialis. pti ne participation. ptine* pertinentia. ptinetib} pertinentibus. ptin pertinenciis, pertinet. ptinciis pertinenciis. pti' m participaiionem. pti r particularitcr, partitur. ptire par fire. Latin Abbreviations. 101 pti re participate. pti r ' particularis. pti 1 ' partialifcr. ptit 9 partitus. pti partim. pticiis pertinenciis. pt m par tern, parti um, partum, portum. pt r bar pcrturbatoi'. ptrtare pertractare. pt s partis. pt 9 portus. plpertinet. ptbat r perturbatur. pt pcr&onaliter. puenjit pervenerit. pum parum. puut parvulis. puu parvum. pu 9 parr-its. pfi parum. piip parumper. T) Q pus y perversm. P3 paret. P quadringenta milia. jp ^osf, potest. p a /JO?H, postea. palis pcenalis. pb ce publicfe, publice. pblic 9 publicus. p'blico publicatio. pfer presbyter. p ca publica. p c ca n peccamen. pcc m peccatum. pcc peccato. pec peccato. pcca peccata. pccm peccatum. pcco? pcccatorum. pcta puncta. jpcto peccato, puncto. p cus publicus. pc puncta. pcca practica. pcc m peccatum. pcc3 peccatum. pctu peccatum. pctf pcccatis. pe pcence. pe a pcena. pea postea. peb 1 patebit. pens pcenitens. pei&pcenitentia. piddu possidendum. pid j e possidcre. plc e pulchre. plcer pule her. plcli m pulchrum. plcri ne pulchritudine. p le possibile, prcedicabile, princi- pale. p' lis possibilis, pradicabilis, prin- cfpalis. UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 102 The Record Interpreter. plliclas pcl'iculas. p 1 ' possibilis, prcedicabilis, prin- cipals. ptt a penultima. pm primam. pm 9 possumtis. pna pcena, pn a pcenitentia, prcesentia, prin- cipia. pu a1 ' pcenitentialis, principals. pnat pcenalis. pn b 5 principibus. pnci a principia. pncia r prcesentialiter. pnci 1 ' principals. pnci m principium. pnci u principum. p'ndiii prandium. pndt pendunt. pnd ; e pendere. pn io principio. pn ior principalior. prater p&mteret. pnites pcttnitens. pnilis pcenitentialis, principalis. pnilit pcenitentiaUter. pn le principale. pn lis principalis. pn 1>r principa liter. pn principio. pns prcesens. pnsat 8 pensatas. pnsu pensum. pna pcenitentia, prcesentia. priia pcenitentia. pniari 9 pcenitentiarius. pnie pcenitentia]. pfitnt penetrant. po positio. pone positione. p or possessor, posterior. p'or prioribus. p' a posteriora. ppa j!?o/?. ppe papce. pplice publice. pplic 9 publicus. ppim populum. pp m papam, populum. pp populo. pp 9 populus. ppu pauperum. pplis papalis, populis. ppl m papalem, populum. p'plo populo. p'plris pqpularis. jppts populus. pr pater. pr* prceterea. p ra plura. prand patrandum. pra r patratur. prari patrari. pre ^^re. Latin Abbreviations. 103 p re postcriore. p'res patres. pre patrem. pri patri. p ri posteriori. pria patria. p'rib3 patribus. prie patriot. p ries pluries. priniu patrimonmm. priniu patrimonium. priole patrimoniale. prno paterno. prnus paternus. prn paternum. jprochia parochia. procimu patrocinium. pron 9 patronus. proa patrona. pr s paternitas, patris. praelis patruelis. pru 9 patrum. p r ' s plures. pso possessio. psoe possessione. pt patet, post, potest. pta e potestate. ptas potestas. pta* portavit, prcesentavit. ptat a potestativa. ptate potestatem. ptatf potcstatis. pte potestate. jpteb* patebit. ptet /?^^. pte 1 patebit. p^is potestatis. ptuit patuit. ptis potestatis. pttas potestas. p?n 9 paternus. pue parvce, parve, pravce, prave. puile a privilegia. jpuii privilegium. p'uitio& privilegiorum. puitiu prmlegium. pui m privilegium. puo? parvorum, pravorum. pu 9 parvus, pravus. , pretium. pabet 1 " prcehabetur. pabit 9 prcehabitus. pall ta prceallegata. p^beda prcebenda. pbedari 9 prcebendarius. ^bed prcebendam, prcebendnm. jjbiiis prcedicabilis. ^b} prcebet. jfe prcebet, presbyter. pbe prcebere. |)fci b 3 prcBdicabilibus. ^bnda prcebenda. pbn is prcebendis. j5bns prcebens. 104 The Record Interpreter. pbntis prcebentis. jfer presbyter. pbru pre&byterum. pb} prcebent. py e prcebere. pcaco prcedicatio. pcaui prcecaveri. pce b 3 prcecedentibus. pce ns prcecedens. pcep a prcecepta. pcep m prceceptum. pcepm prceceptum. pce rc prcecedere. pee 1 prcecedit. pee 11 prcecedenti. pci e prcecipue, prcecise. pcios 9 pretiosus. pcip e prcecipue. pcipi do prcecipiendo. pcipr prcecipitur. pci r prcecipitur. pciu pretium. pcog prcecocjnitio. p ta prcedicamenta. pcu precum. pc prceceptum. pcio prcedicatio. pco prcedicatio. pcom prcedicationem. pcti prcedicati. p^da prceda. pdat 9 prcedatm. p^dca prcedicta. pdcm prcedictum. pdcus prcedictus. pdestiis prcedestinationis. pdest prcedestinatus. pdetiare prcedeterminare. pdetmiare prcedeterminare. pdi b 3 prcedicabilibus. pdica nt f prcedicamentis. pdicao prcedicatio. pdict 9 prcedictus. pditcis prcedilectis. pditcu prcedilectum. ^di prcedictio. pdi re prcedicare. pdi^ prcedicamentis. pdix prcedicatorum. pdoiari prcedominari. p d ' prcenotandum. pet prceda, prcedicatur. pd:m prcedium. pdnafi prcedominantia. pdos prcedictos. pdo? prcedictorum. pdr prcedicitur. p^emi a prceeminentia. p^est prceest. pexpta prceexperta. pexns prceexistens. pe prceest. pee prceesse. peet prceesset. pfa? prcefatus. Latin Abbreviations. 105 pft r prtefertur. pgna m pr&gnantium. pgnas prcegnans. pgnicio prcecognitio. pgni prcecognitio. pgn prcecognitio. ptiita prcehabita. pnit 9 prcehabitus. ' pissa prcemissa. pissis prcemissis. ^iss prcemissa, prcemissis. pitti r prcemittitur. plibt 9 prcelibatus. p 1 ' 8 prcedicabilis. p\iu prcelium. pmico prcemonitio. pmostr Prcemonstratemis. pmta prtedicamenta. pn a prcesentia. pncia prcesentia. pncia r prcesentia liter. pncie prcesentice. pndi prcedicandi. pndit r prcetenditur. pndut prcetendunt. pnia prcesentia. pn m prcesentium. pn n prcenomen. pno d ' prcenotandum. pno e prcenomine. pno n prcenomen. ^noto prcenotato. pnoe prcenomen. pnoia 8 prcenominatis. pns prcesem. pnse prcetense. p^nta r prcesentat-ur, prcescntia~ liter. pntatf prcesentatis. pntat 9 prcesentatus. pnt b 3 prcesentibus. pnte prcesente. pnt e prcesentice. pnte r prcesentetur. pnte prcesentem. pnti prcesenti, prcedicamenti. pntia prcesentia. pntib} prcesentibus. pntie prcesentice. pntis prcesentis, prcedicamentis. pnto prcedicamento. pnt s prcesentibus. pntf prcesentis. p^nto prcesentato. pnuatf prcenumeratis. pn prcesentia, prcesentibus. piic a e prcemmtiare. pncat prcemintiat. pnia prcesentia. pfio principio. jpons r i prceostensuri. ponsu prceostensum. pp 1 prcepositi. pp u ' prcepositus. 106 The Record Interpreter. ppo do prceponendo. |}po s prcepositis. ppos prcepositus. f}pot r prceponatur. ppoi prcepositi. ppous prapositus. ppt prcepositi. fJptm prcepo&itum. ppts prcepositits. pp 9 prcepositus. ^pab* prceparabit. ppaco prceparatio. ppamta prceparamenta. ppare prceparare. ppatu preeparatum. ppaui prceparavi. ppad: prceparandum. ppi prcepositi. ppit 9 prcepositm. ppin prcepositum. ppo prtepositio, prwposito. ^ps prcepositus. ppte prcepositce. ppti prcepositi. pptis prcepositis. ppto prceposito. ^ptu prcepositum. ppt prcepositi, prceposterus. pppo prcepropero. pr prcedicatur. pr* prceterea. ^re prcedicare. pYe 1 ' prcedicaretur. pri prcedicari. jprito prceterito. p^roga 81 prcerogativa. ps b 3 prcesentibm. psb presbyter. ^sbi presbyteri. ps^r presbyter. psc^p prescriptio. pscrip b 3 prcescriptionibu-s. pscbit r prcescribitur. ^scia prcescientia. pscpco proBScriptio. ps do prceservando. p se prcecise. j}sen a prcesentia. p^senca prcesentia. psen m prcesentium. pseuta prcesentia. pse a prcesentia. f}sem prcesentem, prcesentiam. psetiair prcesentialiter. pse prcesepe. p sis prcemissis. psriia prcesentia. pshti prcesenti. psso? prcemissorum. pssoe pressione. pstaco prcestatto. pstas prcestans. pstate prcestantcm. Latin Abbreviations. 107 psti* prcestitit. pstit m prcestitum. psuit 1 ' prcesumitur. psup prcesumptio. ps prcesentat, prcescntant, prce- sentibus. fJsns prcesens. p^snte prcesente. f>sppit prcesupponit. psppto prcesupposito. pst prcestet, prcesunt. psti prcesertim. pua e prceservare. p sti prcesertim. psua e prceservare. pt prcedicat. pta prcedicata. p ta prcedicamenia. jptea prceterea. pte? pr&teritum. pt m prcedicatum, prceteritum. pt prcedicato, prceterito. ptio prcetorio. pto m prcetorem. ptor prcetor. p tor prcedicator. pt r prcedicatur. ptu prcedicatum. p^t prceteriti. pta prceterea. ptea prceterea. pti m prceteritum. pti prceterito. ^titu prceteritum. p tq prceterquam. pt prater. p tea prceterea. ptib* prceteribit. p ti m prceteritum. p 1 ti prceterito. p tit prceteriit, prceterit. p titii prceteritum. ptitf prceteritis. p 1 tint 6 prcetermittere. p tq prceterquam. puei e prcevenire. pVeie? prceveniente. p|i prcedicatorum. p a propterea. pbaco probatio. pba le probabile. pba probatio. pba r probabiliter, probatur pbat probat. pbat probatum. pba r probantur. pbe r probetur. pbe probem. pbi joroii. pb probatio. pbofi probationum. pbos probos. pboe probatione. pbom probationum. pbu probum. 108 The Record Interpreter. pb 9 probus. pc procurator. pb? probrum. pcaco procuratio. $Kprobat,probavit,probi,probos. pcare procurare. pfrores probatores. peat procurat. pfcr probabiliter. pcator procurator. pc c and procreandis. pcet r procuretur. pc c at procreat. pel procul. pce do procedendo. pco probatio. pcedd procedendum. pcre procurare. pce m processum. p8es proceres. pce nt procedunt. pCib} proceribus. pce nt f procedentis. p8u procerum. pce r proccditur. P9sul proconsul. pceres proceres. pd c tu productum. pcerib3 proceribus. pde* prodest. pee 1 procedit. pdee prodesse. pee? procerum. pdi proditio. pctare proclamare. p do probando. pcto proclamatio. pd l produxit. pco? procorum. pdu d ' producendum. pc r atiu procuratorium. pdu r producuntur. ^procuratorio. pd probandum, prodest. pc r ium procuratorium. pdcm productum. per procreati. pdc 9 productus. pcurafi procurations. pdt produnt. pcurriu procuratorium. p e prope. pcur procurator. pea propterea. pcure procuratorem. pcurio procuratorio. pfco profecto. pf com profectionem. pf e professio. pcurtes procurators. pfa r prof era tur. pcurii procuratorium. pfo m j)rofessionem. Latin Abbreviations. 109 pfo? professorum. pndu probandum. pfri proferri. pn n pronomen. pf t r profertur. pno e pronomine. pg e ssu progression. p nt probant. pgd r progreditur. pnuciaco pronunciatio. pgsSo progressio. pnuc pronunciatio. phe procemio. pnc pronunc. pheiu procemium. pnt probant. plies prohiberes. pntiare pronuntiare. phico prohibitio. p probatio, probo, propositio. phicom prohibitioncm. p' m probationem. phi re prohibere. p probatione. ph r prohibetur. pp a propria, propterea. ph prohibet. ppe prope. pha propheta. ppe a propterea. phet prohibet. ppfta propheta. pfiitu prohibttum. pp l proprii. phndo prohibendo. pp ! a propria. ptin r prohibentur. pp j e proprice, proprie. ph* prohibet. pp'et" 1 proprietatum. pfiuit prohibuit. ppij proprii. p 1 probi. ppime proprissime. p 1 proprio. ppin r propinquior. p ! us proprius. pp ! o proprio. p'u proprium. pp j tas proprietor. pia proximo,. ppit'e proprietate. pi prolis. pp 1 ^ proprium. pir probabiliter. pp m proprium. pmpt 9 promptus. pp propositio, proposito. pm^e promittere. ppoc p r opt er h OCm p fh ^?ro manerio. ppo em propositionem. pfntes promittens. ppo ib 3 propositiom'bus. 110 The Record Interpreter. ppo m propositwnum,propositum. ppofir proponuntur. pporciot proportionabiliter. ppor t proportionaliter. ppor' lis proportionatts. pp 0r o'm proportionem. ' pp 0r ta proportionate. pposse proposse. ppo ur proponuntur. ppo propositionem. ppoi m propositum. ppois proposition's. ppoitu propositum. ppo r proponitur. ppot proponat, proponit. ppria propria. pprie proprice, proprie. pprne proportione. pptu promptum. ppt 9 prompt-its. pptor promptior. ppt propter. pptea propterea. pp 9 proprim. ppare properare. ppat properant. pp propter. ppe b 3 proprietatilus. ppe s proprietas. ppe te proprietate. ppiis propHis. ppis propriis. ppnq propinguo. ppo propositio, proprio. ppr propter. pps propriw. pp te proprietate. pp to proposito. ppto prompto. p r probabiliter, probatur, proro- gatur. pre probare, procurare. pri probari, procuran. prs 9 prorsus. pr 9 prorsus. ps probm. pse r prosequitur. ps 1 prosequi. psp prosper. pspa prospera. pspi 9 prosperim. pstt 9 prostratus. p prosecutor, prosequendo. pt probat. p* prout. pt a protestata. pt a lil e protrahere. ptecc protectio. ptest b 3 protestationibus. pte 9 protenus. pthom protomartyr. jpthofi protonotarius. ptor protestator, protestor. pt r probatur, prorogatur, pro- tcstatur, protestor, protur- batur. Latin Abbreviations. Ill ptu probatum. ^3 prout patct. p t protectio. ptbi protrahi. pto probatio. p t tur protestatur, proturbatur. ptuia protervia. pt propter. ptuia protervia. pt uit proterviter. ptulas protervitas. puen proventus. pue* provenit. puet r a proventura. pui probavi, proterm. puiden a providentia. o pmd j e providerc. puicia provincia. puone proventionem, prowca- tionem. put prout. pu?3 prout patet. pu prout. px a proximo,. pxi a proxima. pxi e proxime. pxi m proximum. pxia proxima. px m proximum. px proximo. px proximm. pxi proximi. pxm proximum. Q. cwr, ^M, quacunque, quce, qucecunque, qucedam, quceri- tur, quam, quantum, qua- que, quasi, quatenus, que, quern, quemcunque,qui,quia, quibus, quid, quingenti, quintum, quod, quodcunque. q a yt^a, quacumque, qualibet. q a drages a quadragesima. q a inta quadraginta. q a le qualcm. q a lis qualis. q a lit r qualiter. q a l qualis. q a mptm quamplurimum. q a ntucuq > quantumcunque. q a nt 9 quantus. q a ncuq > quandocunqm. q ft or quatuor. q a ppt quapropter. q a r qualiter. 112 The Record Interpreter. q a riit na quarcntena. q a rtus quartus. q a r quare. q a ten 9 quatenus. q a ti 9 quatenus. q a t quater. q a g quarum. qfi quam. qb} quibus. qfcs quibus. qfe} quibus. q' l a quidam. q d ' quidem. qd: quidem, quod. q c <7flp, gwarre. q c da qucedam. q e quern. q 1 JM/. q'a quibus. quibuslibet. q'cq'd quicquid. q'cq quicqiiam, quicquid, quicun- que. q'cucjj quicunque. q'c quicunque. q'da quidam. q'd: quidem. q'esc 1 quiescit. q'esCe quicscere. q'etau quietavit. q'n q'lo qmnimmo. q'ncjj quinque. q j nto quinto. quinque. q'q e niu quinquennium. q ! q quinque. q ls quamns, quis. q'sq^ quisquis. q is q> quisque. q 1 ' quibus, quicunque. q m quern, quidem. q n quando, quin. qn quando, quoniam. qn ate quantitate. qficuqj quandocumqiie. qiim quoniam. qns; quandoque. q qucestio, quo, quoquc. qcq quocunque. qd j/wc?. qdam quodammodo. qda quodam. qdao quodammodo. qd: 00 quodammodo. qlife quolibet. qli3 quolibet. qt quolibet. qm quomodo. qmcuq > quomodocunquc. qmlib3 quomodolibet. qmt quomodolibet. qna quonam. Latin Abbreviations. 113 qne qucestione. qnifi quoniam. qns quotiens. qnm quonam, quoniam. qq c quoque. qq quoquo. qqm quoquomodo. qq quoquo. qq > quoque. q or> quorum. qs qtlifc quotlibet. q2 quorum. qoe qucestione. qom qucBstionem. q q ' quinque. q r qiiferit-ur, qua-liter, queritur q tas qualitas. q t? qualiter. q^ qualitatis. q. v. gm v?'a??V, ^MO quadsio quaflragesimo. quat qualibet. quatr qualiter. qua m quamquam. quant quantitatem. qua r qualiter. qua te qualitatem. quat 9 quatenus. quat quatenus. quatus quatenus. M. qua? quirum. qua quam. qutii quasi. quer querentem. quest questum. que quern. quela querela. queones qucestiones. que* qucereret. quet r qucereretur. quisq qulsquam. quisqj quisque. q uo bet quomodolibet. quo b 3 quomodolibet. quoc quotiens. quoda 00 quodammodo. quo m quoniam. quorn quomodo. quofim quoniam. quo quomodo. quoq > quomodocunque. quo quomodo. quodolib3 quomodolibet. quom quoniam. qiio quc quomodocunque. quoq^ quomodocunque. quo quomodo. q 9 quatenus, quibus, quietm. q? quorum. ( 1?99> quorumcunque. q^da quorundam. q. 5-?^, yw^rw, 5-?^, quod (mostly). 114 The Record Interpreter. q a quam. qa quid. q a as quantitas. q a plm quamplurimum. q a q a quamquam. q a q> quamque. q a tf quantitatis, q a t quantum. qao quodammodo. qb3 quibus. qfi quibus. q c qd qdamo quodammodo. qda quodammodo. qdao quodammodo. quoddam. quidem, quoddam. 'rf, quidem. q'q 1 quidquid. q m quantum. q m 93 quantumcunque. qq quodquod, quoque, quoquo. qqj quoque. q 500000, quce, que, quern. qa ywea. qad da quemadmodum. qadmo m quemadmodum. qad quemadmodum. qadm quemadmodum. qae qam q as quantitas. qa g-wam. quamcunque. quamque. qa queat. qamo m quemadmodum. qao quodammodo. q b ' qucelibet, quodlibet. qb} qucelibet, quodlibet. qb 9 quibus. qbs quibus. qcq qufecunque, quamcunque, quicquid. qcu e qu&cunqtie, quantumcunque. qco qucBsitio. qcu e quibuscunque. qd gwz'c?, ^worf. qdam guadam, qucedam, qu en- dam, quidam. qdamo quodammodo. qda quadam, quwdam, quendam, quidam. qdao quodammodo. qdd quoddam. qde quidem. qd^ii quadriennii, qd'ga quadriga. qd'ngentf quadringentis. qdo quando. qdq quidquid, quodque. qd r quadrupliciter. qdrages a quadragesima. Latin Abbreviations. 115 qd u pe a quadrupedia. qd u pl quadruple*. qd u p r quadrupliciter. qd x quadniplex. qd quondam, quibusdam, quidem, quoddam. qdn h quadranguU. qdns quadrans. q e quoque. qela querela. qet 9 quietus. qi quasi, qui. qid (/w^. qi m qucesitum. qiti qucesiti. q'lec qualecunque. qlibe m quotlibetum. qli bus qualitatibus. qli b 3 qualitatibm. qlitas qualitas. qli u quotlibeti. qli ta qualitatum. qli 1 ' quaUtatem. qualiter. qlis qualitas. qTc qualitercunque. q 1 ' qualibet, quails. ql} qucelibet, quilibet, quemlibet, quodlibet. qt qu&libet, fyc., as above. qlt quwlibet, fyc., as above. qm quam, quern, quoniam. q m quantum, quidem. qmadtn quemadmodum. qmad quemadmodum. qmott quomodolibet. q m ' quantumcwique. qms qimsumus. qn ^w. qnccjj quandocunque. qndo quando. qngeti quingenti. qnio quinimmo. qnqj quandoque, quinque. qnta quanta. qnta e quantacunque. qnt as quantitas. qntc quantumcunque. qn te quantitate. qnt m quantum. qnto quanta. qntu quantum. qn'c qnantitatis. qnt quantum. q n ' quando. qn quando, quandoque, quando- cunque, quoniam. qfim quoniam. qo quaistio, queo, quo. q quomodo. qod yarw. seqs sequens. sig cat significat. seq s sequentes. sigcus signiftcans. seqt r sequuntur. sigctm signaculum. se r sequeretur, sequitur. sigco significatio. seruic servicium. sigct significat. seru'iu servitium. sigfi re significare. seru* servit. siglli sigilK. seru serviens, servitium, servus. sigltm sigillum. geru tes servientes. siglu sigillum. se ta separata. sigt sigillum. se. ua. sede vacante. sigo sigillo, significatio. se ue sensitive. sigm significationem. sex a sexagena, sexaginta. sigones significationes. sext a iu sextarium. sig r significatur. 9 OOMIO sigtii signatum. see semen. silig siligo, sihgmis. seis seminis. siliq? siliquarum. sep m sempiternum. silu silca. sep semper. silure silvestre. seprnu sempiternum. silf siliginis. sesieciu senticntium. sil3 scilicet. seis seminis. sit siligo. SC J. S(/ffv(sV sita similia. sere r sequeretur. sitr similiter. s 1 Siiz. siin a similia. sicci te siccitate. simtr similiter. Rl O 9? /*M / sic tas siccitas. simp 1 simplici. SIC S1$'ll'v simptr simpliciter. fll ^7/*7/^ simp r simpliciter. sig c re significare. sim r simpliciter. sig m sigillum, signum. sim x simpkx. M. 130 The Record Interpreter. siml simul. siptr simpliciter. sirii? simpliciter. siplt? simpliciter. sin b 3 singularibus. sip r simpliciter. sing singulos. slp x simplex. singla singula. sip cl simplici. sint singulis. si 1 singularem. sinla singula. sirib3 singularibus. sifi los singulos. six simplex. sin ris singularis. sie swe. sine sinere. siia simonia. s'pta scripta. sil smM/. sipt r a scriptura. silaco simulatio. siq a sz^Mff. silat simulat. siq e siquem. sile simile. siq s/<7Z's. silet simulet. siqs siquis. sile similem. si 1 ' similiter. sili simili. sirotheca? chirothecarum. silib3 similibus. S is SiS. sili do similitude. si 1 SJ'CM^. sili e similitudine. eiu sz'w. sili simili modo. sibolu symbolum. silis similis, singulis. si cg simplicem. silitu 68 similitudines. si clb 3 simplicibm. silit similiter. slci? simpliciter. silid m similitudine m. slcm sincerum. silir similiter. slg 1 ' singulis. silla sigilla. Big r singulariter. sill b ^ syllabarum. slg*' singulariter. s'ill 6 syllabce. sigb3 singularibus. si 10 singulo, symbolo. siistm sinistram. si los singulos. sl or simplicior. sita similia. Latin Abbreviations. 131 siir similiter. so so/0, solutio. sist a m sinistram. so -so^^, solum, solus, solutio. shn salutem. spa a spatia. sio solutio. spa m spatium. sit salutem. spa spatio. sm a summa. spao spatio. s ma sanctissima. sp c ta s spectamus. s mus sanctissimus. sp c tat spectat. sfhu summum. sp c tas spectans. s n s06? tamen. spe ce specifae. sn sme. speci 41 specificati. sfiia sententia. speco speculo. sniair sententialiter. specl uo speculativo. sfiia? sententiarum. spec a speculatimim. so a so/a. sp e u a i 9 spervarius. soch som, socemannus. spealis specialis. socft? socarum. spea me sfjecialissinm. SOC SOCCB. speer specialiter. sold a ii soldarii. spei speciei. solidatf solidatis. spelit specialiter. solid solidus. spes species. solli ne solicitudine. spe ua speculativa. sol r solvitur. solu 00 solummodo'. solii solummodo. Rp ! alis spiritualis. sp ib 3 spiritibus. spim spirituum. soi solent, solidus, solum. soio solummodo, solutio. ST) SJ)1T1v'\,l+ spitalis spiritualis. soior solicitor. spletu spinefum. soiom solutionem. spi is spirationis. soir solvitur. spialis spiritualis. soi3 solent. sp'ib3 spiritibus. so m solum. spi lis spiritualis. K2 132 The Record Interpreter. spo lia spomalia. sposa sponsa. sposa speciosa, sp semper. sp a sperma. spare sperare. spat r sperantur. spgit r spargitur. spnend spernendum. spnle spernere. spu a i 9 spervarim. sp speciem. spa b 3 specialibm. spalls specialis^ spiritualis. spali? specialiter, spiritualiter. spatb^ specialibus, spiritualibus. epatr specialiter, spiritualiter. spa m specialem. spa me specialissime. spa r specialiter, spiritualiter. spa te specialitate. spe specze. spea mc specialissime. spea r spccialiter. spe speciem. spialis spedalis. spitus spiritus. splis spedalis. spli? specialiter. spin spat iu m, spirit um. spo spatio. spralis spiritualis. spralic spiritualiter. sprli spiritual. sps species, spiritus, suspensus. sptactm spectaculum. spu spiritu. spualis spiritualis. spule spiritualem. sput spiritualis. sjputr spiritualiter. spus spiritus. spu*' spiritualiter. spur spiritualiter. Sf>tis spretis. sq^Wa squillaria. sq'llari 9 squillarius. s r super. s r gut surgunt. s r g surgent, surgit, surgunt. B. r. i. sacrum Romanum impe- rium. ss. sacerdotes, sancti, sanctissi- mus, scilicet, secundus, sen- sus, sestertii, Spiritus sanc- tus, suis, sunt. stabilico stabilitio. sta^ tas stabilitas. st a ciatu straciatum. st a gtur strangulatur. st a le stramine. st a me stramen. st a ta strata. st a taga stratagema. stat m statutum. Latin Abbreviations. 133 statu m statutmn. stHum stratum. stat m statutum. stiignu stangnum (stagnum). s tem sanctitatem. st'ct 9 strictus. st'ge stringere. st'man 9 stiremannm. stipio stipulatio. strae stramen. strlge stringere. stcte stride. stct 9 strictus. stlla stella. stme stramen. stmia stramina. stng* string it. stng tur strangulatur, stringitur. s?il tas sterilitas. srit sterilis. srman 9 stermanus. sT; sec?. su a summa. subal?n subalternative. subs s<6 sigillo. sufea substantia. suba a substantia. subalis substantialis. Buba substantiam. sube substantim, substantive. subis substantiis. succ ue successive. succo succcssio. succom successionem. succ 4 succedit, succidit. sudoe sudore. su e summw. suffi a sufficientia. suffica sufficientia. suffi ns sufficienSi suffi nt ' sufflcienter. suf* sufficit. sum 9 summ. sum 9 summus. sum summonitum. suma summa. sum a i 9 summarius. sums sumens, sumptus. sup a supra. sup supplicatio. supp cao supplicatio. supp cat supplicat. supp r supplicatur, supponitur. supp di supplicandi. supp e suppone, suppositce. supp m suppositum. suppo suppositio, supposito. supp ta supposita. supp tu suppositum. sup super. supb 9 superb us. supciKii siipercilium. supl b 3 super ioribus. supiitas superioritas. 134: The Record Interpreter. supiit te siqwioritate. supio m superiorcm. supi 9 superius. supnu supermini. suptas superioritas. suppl 9 superplusagium. supsbalis super substantialis. supuS supervisor. sup tu supposition. suptm supposition. supmu supremum. su$m 9 sitpremus. surcts surculm. su s stris, superius. suspcm suspectum. suspns 9 suspensus. su 1 sunt. suu suitm. su a summa. suend sumcndum. sfii summi. Bili r sumitiir. siiit sumit. summa. sOmagiii summagium. sum 11 ! 2 summan'us. siimaie summaries. siime summce. sum 9 summits. sa summo. siiope summopere. supco sumptio. sfip ne sumptione. suu siimmum. su 9 sumus. sy a symonia. syo a symonia. syo a c symoniacis. 53 set/. s 9 suspendatur, suspensus. s 9 cipie 8 9 ped j e suspendere. 8 9 pesu suspensum. 8 9 pice suspicere. s 9 pcm suspectum. s e pi r suspenditur. s 9 pns 9 suspensus. 8 9 tent sustentaculum, sustentum. 8 9 tiSe sustinere. s 9 tied sustinendum. S 70000. scilicet, semper, septimana. Sa secunda, sua. sarie secundaricp. sario secundario. sa secundam, suam. sb s?<. sbfeo sabbato. '5b c e subjects. sb c o subjecto. sbdet subdelegatus. sb c subject, substantial. sbe subest. Latin Abbreviations. 135 sb la substantia. bi c tu subjectum. sbieo subjectio. sbics subjectus. sbiug* subjungit. sbltltndo subintelligendo. sbli tas sublimitas. sb m subjectum. sbpo sitpposito. sbscb m subscribendum. sbsta cio snbstantiatio. sbstco substractio. sbst tis substitute. sbs? to stibstituto, substrata. sbst subsunt. sbstn ia subsist entia. sbs?e subsistere. sbt a ccio subtractio. r superponitur. sr 1 supercst, supersit. ss a substantia. ssc'b 1 ' subscn'bitur. ss 1 subscripsi. ss^lis sensibilis. ssi le sensibile. ssi lia sensibilia. ssit sensit. ssi tas sensibilitas. ssiti us sensitivus. s'si? sensibilitcr. 138 The Record Interpreter. ssu sensu. s tQ scriptum, significatiim, sub- ss ua sensitiva. ssuali? sensualiter. ject um. SU. S1>%}6 ssuat sensualis. Ssu sensum. sx simplex. sico serico. ss 9 sensus. sies series. ssa sensatio. ?ie seriem. ssa r sensualiter. ssm sensum. sssi subscripsi. ss* subscripsit. spes serpens. spete serpentem. sta serta. suare servare. suad servandtim. s* significat. s te significatw. stent sustentaculum, sustentum. ^uioiu servitium. suies serviens. suit servilis. s tl subjecti. suit b 3 servitutibus. stine a sustinentia. ^uit^ servitura. stin* sitstinet, sustinuit. stiSe sustinere. su* servet. ?uu servum. s to scripto, significato, subjecto. su 9 servus. st r signijicatur. sus servus. T. T. centum sexaginta,talis, taliter, tempus, tencnt, tenet, tene- tur, ter, terra, tertius, tes- tamentum, tcstata, teste, testibus, tibi, titulum, tune. /r/, tertia. ta a tabula. tabar tabardum. t a bs ^rais. t a ctare tractare. t a cta u tractatu. t a ct 9 tractus. Latin Abbreviations. 139 t a c t9 tractatw. t a dceo traductio. t a deo traditio. t a de r tradetur. t a di tradi. t a dico traditio. t a d traditio. t a ddo tradendo, traducendo. t a dr traditur. t a dt traderet. tradit. o t a d j e tradere. t a hut r trahuntur. o t^e trahere. tain tainus. ta la tabula. talet talentum. tal s ta/z's. tata talenta. talnt m talentum. tatr taliter. tats ^a^'s. ta m tantum. tarn tamen, tantum. t a n e transmutatione. t a nq i litas tranquillitas. t a nquillis tranquillis. t a ns trans. t a nsacco tramactio. t a nsoe r transcenditur. t a nsc i b ur tramcnbitur. t a nscbi transcribe. t a nsgrom transgressionem. t a nsgrone tramgressione. t a nsi tramitio. t a nsire tramire. t a nsit 9 tramitus. t a nsi ue transitive. t a nsla a tramlata. t a nsto translatio. t a nsm transmutatio. t a nsm r transmutatur. t a ns transmutatio. t a nspens transparens. t a ns te transeunte. t a ns t5 transmutatum. t a nsupt 9 tramiimptm. t a nsfia transsubstantiatio. t a ns lla transmutabilia. t 3 !! 19 transitus. tantm tantummodo. ta r taliter, tangitur, tardatur t a sto translatio. ta taw. taq tanquam. ta* tangit. tatu tantum. ta* tardescit. t ci triplici. tc te. t e tempore. te a tenura. te do tenendo. temp 9 tempus. tempe tempore. t c ihdi tremendi. tenle temere. 140 The Record Interpreter. temitas tcmeritas. ten a me tent am en. teml tenmis (tainus). tene tenorem. ten r tenentur, tenetur. ten tenens, tenuit. tens tenens. tent tenent. tefit r tenent ur. teoln teoloneo. te r tenent ur, tenetur. t e s m. tesmto testamento. testametu testamentum. testate testante. testat 1 ' testantur. testarius testamentarius. testib3 testibus. testi m testimonium. testio testimonio. testiii testium. testioim testimonium. testlo m testimonium. testi testamenti. testii testimonii. testm testamentum, testimonium. testo testamento, testimonio. tes tj testamenti. tetr m tetricum. t e> tempus. te a d r is tenandriis. teens tenens. teet tepm templum. tep temptatio. tepta temptatio. tep?o temptatio. tep 9 tempus. tepan a temper antia. tepe tempore. tep tempore. tet r tenetur. tea r teneatur. tebat r tenebantur. tebsit tencbrositatem. tebs 9 tenebrosus. tebs tenebras. tem r tenemur. teor tencor. tere tenere. th a m thaxam (taxam}. theo e theologicB. theot thcologice. thorns Thomas, tomus. tho e theologian. thos Thomas. tli thesauro. tna thema. thata thcmata. t!iau a ri 9 thcsaurarius. thaurari 9 thesaurarius. thaur thesaurum. thaui thesauri. ttio a ? theologicarum. tliot thcologicum. thri thesauri. Latin Abbreviations. 141 tfrrm thesaurum. thro thesauro. t 1 tibi. t'a tria. t'as trinitas. tfbun 6 tribunale. t'b) tribus. t'b 9 tribus. tftto tribulatio. t ica triplica. t ic triplicem. t ici triplici. t'is trinitatis. ti l0 ftltt/o. ti 19 titulus. timtes timentes. t'ni #n'n. trinitate. trinitatis. t'nod trinoda. t i ntiu trinoctium. t ! n 9 trinus. ti ^Yw/o. t'p ci triplici. tipl r tripliciter. t i p x triplex. tfp 1 triplicatur. t'jpt tripliciter. t^ti 3 tristitia. t'stis* tristissima. t^tissi tristissimi. t/st 8 tristis. t ! te trinitate. titto titulo. t't^ 1 trinitatis. titl a i titulari. titlatu titulatum. titlo ^Yt/o. tittm titulum. titts titulus. ^u trium. t'Ophatf triumphantis. tapliu triumphum. ti x triplex. t l ' r tripliciter. tn tenementa, tenentium. to a ^o^a. to a li? totaliter. tocies totiens. toci 9 totiens, totius. to i9 ^O^'MS. tolit r tollitur. tolta le tolcrabile. tolian* tolerantia. toltr tollitur. tolam 9 toleramus. tota 8 toleramus. totr totaliter. t ^r^'o. to m tomum, tolam, totum. tm ^er^'o wo unoquoque. ungm unguentum. uo r vocatur. unie unione. uo rie voluntarie. u nis ri r gi n i s . uo s vocamus. uniu 1 ^ universitatis. uo tas voluntas. uniusis universis. uo tus vocatus. uniusis universis. uo*' voluntatum. unloe unitione. uotf rofw. uno uno modo. utm vocativum. un unde, unum. uo do volendo. unis universis. uole vocalem. unus( universis. uom 9 vocamus. uiiuS universis. uont r vocantur. uo. vobis. uo r vocatur. u vero. uos voluntas. uant r vocantur. uot vocat. uo a nt r vocantur. uo te voluntate. uo as voluntas. uoto? vocatorum. uoca e vocatce. uot r vocatur. uoc ter vocaliter. uot 9 vocatus. uoctf vocatis. uotf vocatis. uola b 3 volatilibus. uo^ voluntatis. uolen volentes. yque quinque. uole s volentes. \mriivestrum. uoli nc volitione. usqj usquequo. uo lis vocalis. usq > q a 5 usqucquaque. Latin Abbreviations. 149 us r a usuram. ub umbrce. U&3 usque. ubra umbra. us usque, usutn. uco unctio. ut a q utraque. ui as unitas. ute utcndo. ui ter universaliter. v w quinti. ui te unitatem. Ill 1tT}*l uiusai universalis. utitr utiliter. uiusair universaliter. ut^ utrique. uiusis universis. ut l9 ck utriusque. ui 9 unius. utlagau utlagavit. m 9 cc^ uniuscujuscunque. ut m utrum. uicq uniuscujuscunque. ut m qj utrumque. ul w/. v to quinto. ullo MW//0 modo. ut wtfro. uo MWO modo. utbiqj utrobique. uoq q > unoquoque. utb3 utrobique. uoquoq, unoquoque. ut r ut probatur. uq unquam. uts. M^ supra. uu unum. Ill 7/ / ^t ? ^*7 / s> ut ut patet. u ttJ/, M^, writ. ut 9 qj utriusque. ^' a u vera. ut wfer. ub vobis. urqj uterque. u^ ubicunque. uut 0it/. ugi e virgine. ux uxor. ugi is virginis. uxe uxorem. ugi tas virginitas. uxf uxoris. ugim virginum. U3,V3 wrcA ( Welsh for daughter}. ugfis virginis. v quinque milia. ugo virgo. uaq^ unaquaque. ug virginis. ua unam. ugi virgini. 150 The Record Interpreter. ug 1 ' virgiaalis. uge vergere. iii viri. iris visis. ul vel. ul c vel sic. iile universale. iil e valete. ules universales. ulia universalia. iilib* ubilibet. uli m unirersalium. iiliors universaliores. uli r universaliter. ulis universalis. ult ult ui uli um verum. um 9 videmus. un b 3 venerabilibus. u ne virgincm. unt r videntur. ufir videntur. uo vcrbo. u #/r<70. iiq c unaquaque. iiqq, unaquaque. iir vester, vestitur, vidctur, vo- mer. iira vcstra. iire vestra>, videre. iiris vestris. urm vestrum. urof vestrorum. u s virtuosus. us 9 versus. us versiones, vesperas. u* videlicet. ii te virtute. u tes virtutes. utu 8 virtutes. iitut m virtutum. utu. 1 ' virtualiter. u*f virtutis. iit 5 virtus. u tw. versus. ua U a uace veracem. uacit veraciter. ua veram. c\ nr\Q wovrifi LiUct 6't'/ t/Cf* ubi a wri/ gratia. ubo verbo. ubii verbum. u b 3 versibus. ub verbis, verbum. uba verbera. uba r verberatur. ubat verberat. ubib3 verberibus. ^ uecud vcrecundm. Latin Abbreviations. 151 uget verget. uges vergem. ug*e vergere. ui veri. um verum. u m verbum. umec verumetiam. ume vermem. u 1 verbi. ui as veritas. umf vermis. uo wro. u ib 3 verberibus, veritatibus. ui ca ' r verificatur. uifi r verificatur. T) u verbo. uo| verorum. u| verborum. 111 ^i vv^vy *? us vents. u is verbid. usi versi. xii s veritas. usu ver sum. uisite verisimile. utat 1 ' vertantur. uisilit verisimiliter. utor vertor. uitas veritas. ute vertere. ui te ver it ate. uuex ver vex. ui* 1 veritati. uu verum. ui'c veritatis. ui 9 verius. uuptn verumtamen. uut n verumtamen. w. w a atizafem 9 warantizabimus. w a ato icaranto. w a de icardce. waiagiu icainagiiim. wapentac wapentacium. wapentag wapentagium. wapentaK wapentakium. wap wapentagium. warant ivarantum. war warantia, warantizabunt, warantum. war'o waranto. > witli^nafh withernamium. wlgari? vulgariter. wig 9 vulgus. win 9 vulnus. wlSa vulnera. wipes vulpes. wit t'^. wlt r vultur. w r ccu icreccum. wreco wrecco. w th nam withernamium. 152 The Record Interpreter. X. X. Christus, decem, denarii. x a decima, quadraginta. xannalifc decennalibus. xc Christus. x c5 decem. x 1 Christi. xi a undecima. x'an 9 Christianm. x ! i Christi. xii a duodecimo. xii cl duodecim. xii 9 duodecimus. x 1 !! 9 Christianus. xi 9 undecimus. xl a quadragesima. xl e quadragcsimce. xl ma quadragesima. xl mc quadragesimce. xtsima quadragesima. x ma decima. x Christo. xpo Christus. xpe Christe. xpi Christi. xpiano? Christianorum. xpian 5 Christianus. xpm Christum. xpo Christo. xps Christus. x 11 Christi. xv mo quindecimo. x decem milia. x decem, decimus. xana Christiana. xan 9 Christianus. xa? decimarum. x e decimal. xi Christi. xm Christum. Y. Y150. ydo a ydonea. yd tas ydentitas. ye a le yemale (hiemale). yeat y emails (hiemalis), yee yeme (hieme). yes yews (hiems). ymag ymaginibus. Latin Abbreviations. 153 ym ne ymag-me. ym ymago. y ymago, ymmo. ypo ce ypothetice. ) /I -7 yunag yvernagium (hiberna- giuni). y 9 ymnus. yag ymaginibus. yno 2/mwo (hymno). ynu ymnum (hymnuni). yn s ymnus (hymnus). yizare ymnizare. yizat ymnizant. z. Z zo ci zodiaci. zoa Z 200000. et, que, us. 154 The Record Interpreter. FEENCH ABBREVIATIONS.* A. app s appartenans. appt appert. about aboutant. acae a cause. appten appartenant. appu approuver. acq r acqudreur. a8s acres. apten appartenant. aps />res. ad at advocat. ad cat advocat. arp arpent, arpens. arrest arrester. adio ner adjourner. arr s arre"rages. affes affaires. agable agrtdble. ascen ascension. assig on assignation. aiarn djamais. assi r assigner. amde amende. ass 1 ' assavoir. angi Angleterre. aon action. asse assise. asson assignation. ape ans appellans. app on appellation. appra appartiendra. assr assavoir, assigner. attempmt attemprcment. aud j^. appre apparoistre. auecqs avccques. * In French writing of the 15th and 16th centuries, in a cursive hand, the abbreviations are often very carelessly made as a for a, p for p, so that type does not exactly represent the forms used. If a word is not found in this list with the exact abbreviation occurring in a MS., it may be found with some similar form. French Abbreviations. 155 auente aventure. bt #0. aul 8 aultres. fe boisseaux. aur auroit. fen iww. aut autre. fenfice benefice. autint autrement. fens 6zews. autpt autrepart. auts aut res. fet 6ow. au avoit. aue flw^re. c. aues autres. *w aur avoir. cauon caution. aut avoit. caut causant. av avoit. cae ca^se. avr amr. ced cedit. av* avoit. cel e celeste. aon action. cestass ces^ assavoir. ce 9 cews (ceux). chandet chandeleur. B. chap re chapitre. chape chapitre. bail! Ja/7^', bailliage. chapre chapitre. bait 5&7&', bailliage. chal cheval. bapt baptiste. chau chateau. bii Jz'cw. chaux chateaux, chevaux. bus ij'ews. cheu chevalier. boiss boisseau. chtr chevalier. bourd Bourdeaux. chs choses. bourg bourgeois. ch cAer, chevalier. bout boutant. ctial cheval. bo Sow. chaux chateaux, chevaux. boe bonne. chch chercher. boiois bourjois. ctil cheval. 156 The Record Interpreter. ctiler chevalier. cMr chevalier. chn chacun. chr chevalier. chre chartre. clirs chevaliers. chs choses. cnun chacun. chu chacun. c^vencon circonvention. c'ee cnVe. cinq 6 cinquante. cinq te cinquante. cic c/erc. cog re cognoistre. colaon collation. colt collation. coltg le collegiale. compoir comparoir. cond condamne". con er conseiller. con ers conseillers. con cur controlleur. cont contre. conuen convenance. cop corpelmt corporelment. co rt cou coe comme. cofess confesser. c5f'mer confirmer. cois commis. comfid3 commandemcnts. come comme. comtt commettons. copte compte. copoir comparoir. copte comporte. cot e contre. coten conienant. ctain certain. 8a c creature. 8ace creance. Stain certain. 9^n combien. 9d condamnons. 9don condamnation. c,e comme. 9 e contre. 9mand commandons. erne comme. 9medt commendement. 9misses commissaires. 9mdemt commandement. comme. 9mt comment. 9petet competent. 9pte compte. 9poir comparoir. 9puz comparuz. 9seil conseil. 9seii consentement. French Abbreviations. 157 ci te communante. deu devant. cten contenant. deus devers. ctes con fens. deus devers. Cjt contre. dees demanderesse. dhiaon d' habitation. D. dignor d'ignorancc. dilig diligemment, diligence. dar d'arreraf/es. dillig diligemment, diligence. daut cVautre. distr distrent. dautpt d'autrc part. dom lc domicile. db. d'un bout. douS donner. dc ci nn cosie. d 1 devant. dee cto^e (dite). dud dudit. decton declaration. dunept d' une part. decnons deccrnom. dufe t/'ww iow^. deff 1 ' defiendeur. duant durant. deff* defiant, dcffunct. djoc di/ocese. deff deffaut, deffunct. d rf^s, ffe, denier, dit. defn demourant. db rf't^w fow^. demd 1 ' demandeur. do rf'Mw cew. den deniers. dees demanderesse. dens deniers. dpt d' une part. deppon depposition. dquel duquel. deps depens. dt devant, dit. derecft derechef. dte c?z^. der derrain. desmt desmaintcnant. dess 9 dessus. E. dess dessus. dessd dcssusdit. egte eg Use. desd desxmdit. enctieint enchercment. deuefh deuement. enchi encJieri. 158 The Record Interpreter. en ensitit, ensuivant. en?Ier enteriner. enu envers. ^ enus envers. epal episcopal. escher eschequier. escr escrit. escr escuier. esd esditf esdites. espal especial. espal especial. espaulx especiaulx. estie Estienne. est establi, estoit. euagt evangile. ex a ord extraordinaire. execuon execution. exept excepter. exe execution. exeon execution. expt exploit. expos exposant. exp^ssefh expressement. ex re executoire, extraordinaire. ex t>p executoire. exon execution. litres cncomlres. Signer enterigner. F. icefaicte. feb r Febvrier. fe r faire. femefemme. f e femme. foisfoison. foi^t format. f or?ece forterece (forteresse) . f ourf ait r e forfaiture. iromfroment. frefrere. fur furent. f re faire. ft fait, ftefaite. vmeferme. r rmsr fermier. G. g a ce f/mce. g a nd grand. g a ns <7mws (grands). g^t grant. g a raut guaraunt. garr g arrant. geiial general. French Abbreviations. 159 gnalite generalite. ilitans habitans. gnat generakment. tiitaon habitation. giiaulx generaulx. Hit 8 habitans. gor gorce. RrS /l)*Sy /ifOt*S gouumt gouvernement. Ks Aers, Aoirs. gre grace. ti s heritiers. gu a ant guarant. guilte Guillaume. I. guor gorce. gSal general. iad jadis. ieft Jehan. ge guerre. imp impetrant. inpole impossibile. H. inp le impossible. hefogemt hebergement. hefog 1 heberger. herit heritage, heritier. herir heritier. intes interes (interet). in test interest (interet). itf jour. ioux jouxte. h ers heritiers. 10 jour. hon ble honorable. hon honneste. ho 7?'. le r s leurs. leu 1 ' leu lexcon ^execution, f] le s fcwrs. licefi liccncie 1 . lie licencie. lieutefi lieutenant. lordofi Vordonnance. Iql lequel. Ire /e^r^. Ires lettres. l^d lesditz. t /MTCS. titage V heritage. tre kttre. tres lettres. M. M. Monsieur. Magd Magdclcine. mandern mandcment. mand mandons. mani^e maniere. manle manere, maniere. mar* 1 mareschal. Marg Marguerite. ma tc majeste. m e maistre. me e were. mesm mesmement. mess r messeigneur. mess messeigneur^ messire. mest r mestier. mest mestier. mes messire. meub meuble. Mioti .a/icfo/. misioors misericors. mtt moult. moit moitie. mond mondit. mons r monsieur. monst monstrer. mons monsieur. moh monnoie. moust moustier (monastere). mos? monstier (monastere). moS monsieur. m r maistre. me ms mons. mci French Abbreviations. 161 mcredi merer edi. oppo on opposition. mcy merci. ord ce ordonnance. me mire. ord nc ordonne. ord re ordinaire. N. orr orront. ost r osfcr (dfef). n bre nombre, Novembre. ott'er ottrier. neantm neantmoins. oul e oultre. no bre nombre, Novembre. outemt overtement. nob noble. noBre Novembre. nor notre. P. nos wo^re Seigneur. not notaire. . . . f\f\tn im/pp fit ft p P U.U tU. HUvl V Lllt.1, 9 parctin parchacun. no wo?/.s. parlenlt parkment. n5e nomme. parr 6 parroisse. noer nomincr. par Paris, Parixis. noes nommes. noobst nonobstant. patnaige patronaige. pbre prcsbtre (pretre}. noe noire. peschie pcscherie. nre noire. pfie Philippe. nredae M0re Dame. p'ere priere. nredt o^*e r/Y. p'nce prince. nres r o#/'C Seigneur. p'ncipale priimpalc. 1 1 M * S QlOtt^G foti % C p l ns jjrins. n e. p 5 ons prions. nl ;/. p'os prions. o. p se prise. oct octave. p'siee prisiee (prisee). op on opposition. p'ue prive. M. M 162 The Record Interpreter. p'uileg privileges. plete plent^. plus plusieurs. plusrs plusieurs. price presence. pns prescns. pnt present. pfitaon presentation. pntemt presentement. po r pour. po r f orceiut pourforcement. por? porteur. poss possession. posson possession. pourp's pourpris. poon possession. p< po'forcemt pourforcement. p r presefi presentement. promaon proclamation. prouchen prouchenement. p r pris pourpris. p r ueu pourvcu. preal presidial. pronaige patronaige. puis puissant. pch perches. pctiun parchacun. pcyd 1 pareydcrant. pdeus pardcrers. pdonn pardonnent. pd 1 pardevant. pd pardevant. pe j9 quanque. pns presens. q a nt quant. p\ent presentation. q a resme quaresme. pst prestre. q a rt gf-ar#. prudes preudes. q^ier quartier. puost prevost. q a rt quartier. puot pre-v&t. q a tre quatre. peed: proceder. q^te quicte. pees proces. q^lx quiclx (quels). pchain prochainement. q ! ex jtwVa; (quels). pch prochain. q 1 ! ^M'ty. pcuraon procuration. q ! tie g'MiY/c. pcur procurcur. q 5 ttf quittes. pours procureurs. quelco^ quckonquc. pdes prodes. q. a t quant. peue proem (preuve) . q g'z^. pfit profit. qelle qitelle. pmetos prometom. ql g'Z^?. pfhttos promettow. qlcoq., quekonque. pp'ete propriete. qlles quclks. pposee propose. qlq^ quclque. ppos proposer. qlx g^e/^ 1 . ppre propre. qlz qu'ils. ppe propre. pps propres. R. p r procureur. puctl prouchain. rach rachat. pue prouve. rant rantiers. puis 11 provision. recton reclamation. regre registrc. M2 164 The Record Interpreter-. relig religieuse, religicux, reli- sens s'ensuit. gion. sen? sentence. reli relation. sente sentence. relion relation. sept Septembre. renoc renongant. septs septiers. repnter representer. req te requeste. sets setters. se^met serment. reqros requerons. sf so femme. resue reserve, reserve'. stt salut. retornloit retorneroit. soffiss soffissament. reuent reverent. reuen reverence. soub e soubsignt. soubz soubzage. regnut recognut. soufff souffisanf. robt Robert. soe somme. rjal royal. spal special. spaulx speciau Ix. s r seigneur, sire. S. St O//^ M / '^1 1 I f( I St SOYlT S. Saint, soh. subgC subgiet (sujeC). bach e> sachent. subtiimt subtilement. sacrmt sacrcment. success successeur. saCmt sacrement. succf successeurs. satt salut. scau sgavoir. suffis suffisant. supp ant suppliant. set sainct. suppt suppliant. scte sainctc. s 9 dce susdicte. segd segond (second}. s 9 sistat sussistant. seign r seigneur. 53 saws. semb 1 semblable. seigneur, sieur, sire, soh. semest semestier. s a serrira. sen al seneschal. s ct sainct. French Abbreviations. 165 sdit susdit. e sire. semet surement. siantie serjanterie. siaz serjanz (ser gents). Smt serment. soient seroient. sont seront. s r seigneur, sieur. sremt serrement. srial seigneurial. s rie seigneurie, sieurie. st sam^, son#. te sainte. st so/s Tournois. s a servira. ?e sre. ?gf sergent. ^iiis serjans. siatie serjanterie. ^mt serment. 'Soiet seroient. ?6t seront. suir servir. T. tabelt tabelHon. tab tabellion. t a nscript transcript. t a us travers. ta tabellion. tern temoins. tend tcndant. tenefnt tenement. ten 9 &?>ws. ten3 tenements. tesm tesmoing. testamt testament. te3 tesmoins. tfnite trinit^. to al ^ofe/. to r nois Tournois. to r n Tournois. touch touchant. tourri Tournois. touss Toussaints. t r Tournois. traus travers. t r nois Tournois. tf Tournois. iy Tournois. t Tournois. tme tre te ?me tre trouer terrouer (terroir). ?sor trtsor. ?sor tresorier. 166 The Record Interpreter. U. V. valencfi Valenchienncs. vall r valloir. vali valiant. v e veuve. vend vcndeurs, veil tenant. vergf vergees. vesps rcsprcs. vede r s vendcurs. vie vicontc. vigf vignes. vo 9 rows. v r ? verront. vre tost re. us wws. vgf vcrge'es. vite verite. vront verront. vue t'^MtY. v? verront. uite verite. V5t verront. utu vertu. xphe Christophe. xpien Chretien. xpofle Chruiofle. GLOSSARY OF LATIN WORDS FOUND IN RECORDS AND OTHER ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS, BUT NOT OCCURRING IN CLASSICAL AUTHORS. A. abactor a cattle lifter, who steals sheep or cattle in herds, not singly. abacus a calculating board ; and hence, arithmetic. abandonnare to permit or forbid by proclamation. abandonum, abandum anything sequestered, proscribed, pledged, or abandoned. abarnare to prove, legally, a secret crime. abastardare to bastardize. abatamentum an entry by inter- position. abatare to beat down ; to defeat a writ or appeal ; to enter into property void by death of the possessor before the heir takes possession. abatis an officer who distributes corn, an avener ; a ration of corn. abator a person who by interpo- sition enters into property. abatudus diminished, esp. clipped, as money. abbas an abbot. abbatatus the office of abbot. abbatia, abbathia an abbey; the office of abbot. abbatis. See abatis. abbatissa an abbess. abbayum a milldam. abbettamentum abetment. abbettare, abettare to abet ; in- stigate. abbettator an abettor. abbettum abetment. abbottare to abut, or bound. abbreviare to abridge. abbrocamentum abbrochment, or forestalling a market or fair. abbrocator a f orestaller ; a broker. abbuttare to abut. abcariare to carry away. abdicare to renounce an office before the term of service is expired. abditorium a chest for keeping plate or relics. abecedarium an alphabet. abecedarius a scholar learning to read. aberemurdrum manifest murder. abettare, ~c. See abbettare, &c. abeyantia abeyance. Property is in abeyance when it is in expectation, in the intend- ment of the law, not in actual possession. abgatoria, abgetorium the alpha- bet ; rudiments of a science. abiyevus a cattle stealer. See abactor. 168 Glossary of Latin Words. abjudicare to take away by judi- cial sentence. abjurare to renounce the realm for ever. ablactatus weaned. abrocagium brokerage. abrocarius a broker. absconcius a casket. absconsa a dark lantern. absoniare to shun, or avoid. abutare. See abbuttare. accapitare, accaptare to pay a relief. accapitis, accapitum, accaptamen- tum a relief. acceptilatio discharge, acquit- tance. accessorius guilty of a felonious offence, not principally, but by participation. acciptrarius a falconer. accola a colonist ; a cultivator of land where he was not born. accompliamentum accomplish- ment. accrcscendi jus right of increase. acephali persons who acknow- knowledged neither king nor church, temp. Hen. I. accrrum, acerum steel. aceta a snipe. achaptare. See accapitare. achatum purchase, bargain. acker setus a measure of corn, conjectured to be a quarter. acquestra acquisition. acquietantia a discharge in writ- ing, of money paid or debt due ; quittance. acquietare to pay ; to free or dis- charge. acquirere, adquirere to purchase ; to acquit. acra an acre of land; a judicial combat, holm gang. acroisia blindness. For aorisia. actachiare. See attachiare. actilia arm our and weapons; gear. actio a legal demand of a right. actionare to prosecute. actor a proctor or advocate in civil courts. actor dominicus the lord's bailiff or attorney. actor ecclesice the advocate or pleading patron of a church. actor villa the steward or head bailiff of a town or village. actornatus. See attornatus. actuarius the clerk who registers the acts of convocation. aculus, acula an aglet, a metal tag. acupatus interrogated. acustumabilis, acustumatus liable to custom. acustumare to exact custom ; to exempt from custom. acuta ague. acutecula a steel ; a hone. adalingus an etheling. adaquare to water (cattle) ; to drown. adaquarium a watering place. adbreviare. See abbreviare. adcredulitare to purge oneself of an accusation by oath. additio a title setting forth a per- son'sestate, degree, trade, &c. addresciare, addressare to re- dress ; to restore ; to make amends for ; to render ac- count of. adirare to lose. adiratus a compensation for goods lost or stolen. adjornamentum, adjournamentum adjournment, putting off to another day or place. Glossary of Latin Words. 169 adjornare, adjournare to adjourn. adjudicatio pronouncing a judg- ment or decree. adleyiare to purge oneself of a crime by oath. (Fr. aleier.} admensuratio admeasurement ; a writ for remedy against per- sons who usurp more than than their share. adminictilvm, adminiculatio aid, support. admiraldus, admiralls, admiral' lus an admiral. admiraldus sometimes used for emeraldus. admiralitas admiralty. admiravisus an emir vizier. adnichilare, adnullare to annul. adquietare. See acquietare. adrectare to do right ; make amends. adresciare. See addresciare. adulterinus unlawful, esp. of castles. adunare to collect. advallacio anguillarum eel- bucks. advanciamentum advancement. advantayium advantage ; the right of the lord to redeem a fief removed by the vassal from his lordship. adventura an adventure, or ven- ture. adventurare to adventure, or ven- ture. adventurarius an adventurer. adventus casual profit. advisamentum advice ; conside- ration. advisare to advise. advocare to advow ; to justify an act done; to avow, i.e. in boroughs, to falsely allege that goods belong to a free- man so as to evade duty. advocaria avowry ; the justifica- tion of having taken a dis- tress, when the party sues forth a replevin. advocatio advowson, right of presentation to an eccle- siastical benefice ; allegation of protection or authority. advocatus counsellor or pleader ; patron of a church, avowee, advowee ; protector of a community. cedituus a verger, keeper of relics. jEgyptiacus, ^Egyptius a gypsy. aeraria, aeria an eyry, a nest, usually of hawks. aerarius nesting. a ffer amentum affeerment, assess- ment. afferare to assess a fine. afferator an affeerer, a person who assesses fines in courts leet and courts baron. ajfidare to certify ; to swear fealty ; to affiance. affidatio an oath. affidus one who has pledged his faith to another. ajfilarc to put on a file with. affilatorium a steel, a hone. affinare to fine (gold) ; to finish. affirmare to let to farm. afforare to appraise. afforciamentum a fortress ; com- pulsion. afforciare to increase, or make stronger ; to compel. afforciatus pure, unadulterated. Applied to cloth or other goods. afforestare to turn land into forest. 170 Glossary of Latin Words. affra. See affrus. affraia an affray. affrectamentum, affretamentum freight. affrectare, affretare to freight. affrus an ox or horse for farm work ; usually a horse. affuramentum. See affer amentum. agalma an image on a seal. agaseus a gazehound. agellarius a hayward, a herd- ward. agenda an imperfect missal. agenfrida a lord or owner. agillarius a hayward or herd- ward ; keeper of cattle on a common. agisamentum a masquerade. agistamentum right of pastur- age ; the sum paid for this right. agistare to assign pasturage for cattle, esp. in a forest. agistatce terra lands whose owners are bound to keep up the sea walls. agistator an agister, officer who assigns the pasturage in a forest. agitatio animalium in foresta the drift or view of beasts in the forest. agnatio lambing. agnellatio, agnilatio lambing. Agnus Dei an oval piece of white wax, stamped with the figure of a lamb, and consecrated. agreamentum agreement. agreare to agree. agri arable land in the common fields. ainescia the right of the eldest. aisiamentum, aisimentttm liberty of passage ; easement. aisnecca a ship. (A.-S. aisya convenience. akermannus a small farmer. (A.-S. escermon.} Their holding was less than that of the virga- tarii, but from comparison of rent must have been more than an acre. aketonum a haqueton, a gambeson, a padded or quilted tunic. ala the aisle of a church. alamandina a stone coloured like a garnet. alanerarius a keeper of dogs (alans) or hawks (lanners). alanus a large hound. alatoria, alatorium, alatura a covered way or walk; piazza. alaudarius a hobby hawk. alba an alb ; a white tight- sleeved vestment. alba Jirma a yearly rent payable to the chief lord of the hundred in white money, i. e. silver. albergata the right of lodging in a vassal's house ; money paid in lieu thereof. albergellum, albergio a hauberk or habergeon, a coat of mail covering the head and shoulders. alblastarius crossbowman. See balistarius. aldermannus an alderman. aldermanria a district under the jurisdiction of an alderman. alebrodium a warm drink ; broth ; caudle. alecenarium a lanner (falco lan- arius). alecia (sing.) herrings. alecium, alec turn a herring. aleium alloy. alficus a leper. alfinw a bishop, at chess. Glossary of Latin Words. 171 alfita flour. Aljtta Herbarum is the title of a book. algorismus arithmetic. alices contortions. aliquilitas essence. aliteum a crime. alkamia alcamyne, a mixed metal. alkemonia alchemy. allaya, allaia alloy. allecia. See alecia. allegiantia allegiance. allegiare to defend or justify by course of law. alleviarc to levy or pay a fine. allocare to allow. allocatio allowance ; award. allodium. See alodium, allorium. See alura. allota, alluta cork. allottare to allot. almaria, almerium a cupboard ; aumbry. See armaria. almicia. See almucia. almonaria an almonry. almonarius an almoner. almonera, almoneria an almonry ; a pouch or purse from which alms were given. almucia, almecium an amess, a cloth or fur hood worn by canons and monks. alna an ell. See ulna, alnagium measurement by the ell ; duty paid by the ell. alnetum a place where alders grow, an alder grove. alodarius the lord of a free manor. alodium a free manor. alorium a covered way. alosa a shad. aloverium a purse. alphita. See alfita. altaragium altarage ; offerings made upon the altar ; small tithes. altellus an alien. alterare to change, to alter. alteratio alteration. altile a fatted beast or fowl ; a capon. alura (Fr. aleur] an alure, a passage, alley ; a parapet ; a walk behind a parapet ; a gutter. alutarius a cordwainer ; a tanner; a tawyer ; dressed leather. alver the same as aloverium (?). amancla an almond. amatista an amethyst. ambactus a servant ; a client. ambassiata an embassy. ambassiator an ambassador. ambidexter a juror who takes money from both sides. ambis a vase. ambisiata. See ambassiata. ambra a measure of wheat or salt, four bushels ; a wine jar; amber. ambro a prodigal. ambrum amber. ambularius an ambling horse. amerciamentum a pecuniary punishment. amerciare to amerce, to fine. amicia. See almucia. amictus an amice, a linen vest- ment forming a hood or collar. amirellus admiral. ammobragium a kind of service ; a fine. amortizare to alien lands in mort- main ; to amortize. amortizatio amortization. 172 Glossary of Latin Words. amotibilis, amovibilis removeable. ampliatio deferring judgment till a cause is further examined. ampulla a vessel for holding holy oil ; a reliquary. amuntia amount. andbatrum a curtain, anrtc/ioretaahermit; an anchorite. anamelatus enamelled. ancoragium duty paid by ships when they anchor in a haven. andena a swath ; as much ground as a man can stride over ; an andiron. andreseya a dairy. androchia, androgia a dairymaid. androchiarium a dairy. anelacium a knife, or dagger. angaria a vexatious personal service ; distress. angarialis grievous. angariare to compel. angarius a catchpole, an officer who arrests. angeldum, angildum the single valuation, or fine imposed on a criminal. Anglici, prolatio proof of Eng- lishry. animalia oxen. annales yearling cattle. annatce first fruits ; annates. annuale yearly income of a pre- bendary ; or of a priest for celebrating an anniversary. annuatim yearly. annulatus ringed (of a pig). ansorium a shoemaker's knife. antecessor ancestor; also the name of a servant attending on a dean and chapter. antegarda vanguard. antela a poitrel. antephalarica a portcullis. antesignatus a soldier posted in front of the standard. antianitas seniority, ancienty. antiamts old, ancient. antica a hatch. anticopa a countertally. antidoron a gift given in ex- change. antigraphus a scribe, a copyist. antilopia an antelope (heraldic). antiphonarium a book containing antiphons. antiquitas seniority ; ancienty. antistes a bishop ; an abbot. antistita an abbess. antistitium a monastery. antithetarius an accused person who charges his accuser with the same crime. apanagium the portion of a younger child. apatisare to agree ; to ransom. apechiamentum impeachment. aporiare to impoverish. apostare to transgress. apparator a messenger who serves the process of a spiritual court, an apparitor. apparens lex ordeal. apparentia appearance. appares equals. apparura furniture ; equipment. appatizare. See apatisare. appellare to appeal. appellum an appeal. appendens a thing of inheritance, belonging to a greater in- heritance. appenditia appendages ; appur- tenances. Glossary of Latin Words. appendix, appendicium a pent- house. appennagium. See apanagium. appensura payment of money by weight. appenticium a pent-house. applauda sauce. applicium an inn ; lodging. applita harness, fittings. appodiare to prop up ; to sustain. appoisonare to poison. apponere to pledge ; to pawn. apporiare, apporriare to impover- ish. apportionamentum apportion- ment. apportionare to divide proportion- ally. apportum revenue or profit ; cor- rody or pension ; rent or tribute. appreciare to appraise. apprentlcius an apprentice. apprentisagium, apprenticiamen- tum apprenticeship. approbare to augment the value of, as to increase the rent of land. afprobator a person who confesses felony and accuses others, an approver. appropriare to annex a benefice to the use of a spiritual cor- poration or person ; to ap- propriate. appropriatio, appropriamentiim appropriation. approv amentum profits ; crop. approviare, approtvare, appruare se to use for one's own profit ; as to enclose waste land. appruator an officer in some towns (e.g. Wakefield) appointed to look after the interests of the lord of the manor. appruntare to borrow. aquagium a watercourse ; a holy water stoup. aqualium the top of the head. aquarium an ewer. aracium a stud of horses. See haratium. aralus the maple tree. aratrum ferrce as much land as can be tilled with one plough. arcarius an archer ; keeper of an area, a chest for the deposit of bonds and deeds. arcenarius. See arconamus. archearius. See arcarius. archemecherus some officer in the household of Henry VI., perhaps chief sword bearer. archenius a rick of corn. archeria archery. archidiaconua an archdeacon. archiepiscopus an archbishop. archipresbyter chief priest in a collegiate church. archisigillarius chief keeper of a seal, chancellor. archivum a place where records are kept. arcista. See artista. arcisterium. See asceterium. arconarius a man engaged in some trade connected with wool. arconius a rick. arcubalista a crossbow, arblast. arcubalistarius a crossbowman. arcubus, curia de Court of Arches, so called from the church of St.MarydeArcubus(leBow), where it was formerly held. arcuere to shoot with a bow. arcussit shot. area open space ; cemetery. arenga a preamble ; harangue. arentare to let for a rent, to arrent, to rate. 174 G-lossary of Latin Words. arentatio rental ; assessment of rent. ares turn arrest. a retro in arrear. argumentosus ingenious. arista, pannus de arras. arivagium toll paid by ships on mooring at a wharf or port. arma dare to make a knight. armaria a cupboard ; an aumbry. armariolum a little cupboard. armarius a librarian in a monas- tery. armatura armour ; military exer- cise. armicudium a dagger. armiger an esquire. armilausa a cloak. armurarius an armourer. arnaldia a disease, perhaps bald- ness. aromatarius a grocer. arpentum a small plot of land ; an acre. arquilla a linchpin. arquillus a saddle bow (?). arquinecca some drug or spice. arraiamentum array, in reference either to a jury, or to soldiers. arraiare to array. arraiatio. See arraiamentum. arraiatores arrayers ; officers whose duty it was to see that soldiers were properly ac- coutred. arrainamentum arraignment. arrainare, arrainiare to claim, arraign, accuse. arramiare. See arrainare, arramire, adramire to promise, esp. in a court of law. arraya. See arraiamentum. arrectatus suspected ; accused. arrenamentum arraignment. arrenare. See arrainare. arrentare. See arentare. arrepticius possessed ; a madman. arreragium arrearage. arrestare to arrest. arrestum arrest. arrivagium. See arivagium. arrivare to draw to the shore ; to arrive. arrura. See arura. arsina arson ; house-burning. arsura trial of money by fire. artavum a small knife. articular -e to draw up in articles ; to article. articulus an article ; esp. a com- plaint exhibited in a Court Christian. artificium handicraft. artillator maker of artillery. artilleria artillery. artista one who has taken a degree in arts. artitus skilfully made or ar- ranged. arura ploughing ; a day's work with a plough ; a tilled field ; crops. asceterium a monastery. asiamentum. See aisiamentum. asinare to ride on an ass. aspersorium a sprinkler ; a vase for holy water. assaia, assaium assay ; exami- nation of weights and measures, bread, beer, &c. assaiare to assay, examine. assaiator an assayer. assartare to bring forest land into cultivation by grub- bing up the roots, &c. assartum assart ; land brought into cultivation. assay siare (of judges) to call others to assist them. Glossary of Latin Words. 175 assecurare to make secure by pledge or oath ; assure. assedare. See assidare. assemblare to assemble. assemblata, assemblatio assembly. asser a stake. asserrum steel. assessare to assess. assessor an assessor. asseurare. See assecurare. asseware, asseiciare to drain marsh ground. assidare, assidere to tax equally; to assess. assiynare to transfer a right ; to appoint a deputy ; to de- clare ; to pledge. assignare se ad to attack ; to lay hands on. assiynatio assignment ; transfer- ence of interest. assignatus assignee ; deputy. assimulare to put together ; col- lect. assisa a fixed measure ; a tax or fine ; a sitting of justices to hear causes ; a jury ; certain statutes and writs are also called assisa. assisa panis et cerevisice the power of examining the weight and measure of bread and beer. assisores assessors. assisus rented or farmed out. assisus redditus rent of assize ; fixed rent. assoniare to essoin. assueare to drain. assuera a drain. assumptio the anniversary of the death of a saint. assurantia assurance. assurare to assure. astela a staff. astrarius hceres an heir who occupies his inheritance during his ancestor's life. astrium, astrum hearth ; house. astructus instructed. astula a piece of firewood. astur. See austur. asura azure. atia hatred, malice. atilium utensil; implement; gear. atinctus. See attinctus. atratus a mourner. attachare to affix. attachiamentum attachment ; ap- prehension of a person or seizing goods ; right of using (underwood, water, &c.). attachiamentum forestce the lower court of a forest. attachiare to take in pursuance of a writ ; to attach. attachiator an officer who makes attachment ; bailiff. attatncta, attincta, attaint. aitamiare, attaminare to broach. attegia a little house. atterminare to put within certain boundaries ; to postpone to a certain day ; to atterm. attilamentum. See atilium. atlilliamentum. See atilium. attilliator maker of artillery, military engines. attincta attaint. attinctus attainted. attornamentum an acknowledg- ment by a tenant of a new lord, attornment. attornare to assign goods to some special use ; to appoint an attorney. attornatus attorney. 176 Glossary of Latin Words. attractus store. aubergellum a breastplate. auca a goose ; some article of plate, perhaps an ewer ; an enclosed piece of land. aucipiter a falcon. auctenticare to declare authentic. auctionarius, auctionator a re- tailer ; a broker. aucubaculo to catch birds after dark, to batfowl. auditor a catechumen ; an ex- aminer of accounts. augea a cistern. aula a court baron ; the nave of a church. auleum a hanging, tapestry. aunciatus antiquated. aureolus golden oriole or gold- finch. auricalcum latten. auriculare a cushion ; a defence for the ears of a horse. auricularlus a secretary. aurifaium goldsmith's work. aurifilum gold thread. aurifresarius an embroiderer. aurifrigium, aurifresium, aurifri- sium orphrey, embroidery on clerical vestments. aurisia blindness (ao^a-T/a). auroca, aurocus a haycock, a hayrick ; the quantity of hay which can be lifted on the handle of a scythe. aurus. See averus. austur, austurcus a goshawk. (Fr. autour.} austurcharius a falconer. autela a horse's breastplate. auxilium an aid. auxionarius. See auctionarhis. avagium payment for right of pannage in the lord's wood. avalagium fixed engines to take fish ; eelbucks ; descending a river. avalare to descend a river. avantagium. See advantagium. avaragius one who looks after draught cattle. avellana nux hazel nut avenagium avenage, rent paid in oats. avenarius an avener, purveyor of oats. aventura. See adventura. avera a day's work of a plough- man. averagium service with horse and carriage due by the tenant to his lord ; contribution by merchants towards losses of cargo by tempest. averarius a man who looks after the farm cattle. averia horses or oxen for the plough ; cattle generally. averia de pondere, or ponderis avoirs du poys, i.e. fine goods, such as spices, weighed by the pound at the king's small balance when the duty was charged. averium goods, merchandise. averrare to carry goods in a wagon. averus af arm horse, or draught ox. art* used like the Fr. oiseau, for a hawk or falcon. avisagium. See avagium. avisare. See advisare. avocare, avoare to avow, confess ; to justify. avragium. See averagium. awardium an award. aymellatus enamelled. ayziamentum. See aisiamentum. azaldns an inferior horse. azarum steel. Glossary of Latin Words. 177 B. babatum a horseshoe. baca an iron hook or staple. baccalarius, baccalaureus a bache- lor. baccinium a bason. bachelarius a young knight ; a knight disqualified from youth or poverty from carrying a banner in war. bacheleria the commonalty, as distinguished from the baronage. bacho. See baco. bacina, bacinus a bason. bacinettum a basinet, a helmet smaller than the helm and usually pointed at the top. baco a hog ; a salted pig's car- case ; a flitch of bacon ; a ham. bactile a candlestick, esp. of wood. bacularius a bachelor. baculus a crozier. badius bay (horse). baga a bag or purse. bagea a badge. bagus bay (horse). bahuda, bahudum a chest ; a trunk, called a barehide in English. baia rumour ; a bay. bailius, baillivus a bailiff. bajula a pitcher ; the office of bajulus ; a nurse. bajulator a bearer ; a guardian. bajulus a bearer, a bailiff. bajulus aquilce an officer in the military order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Bailly of the Eagle. bakeria a bakehouse. M. bala a bale. balanced, balancia a pair of scales. balasius, balesius a 'balasse ruby, an inferior stone. balca a balk (of land). balcanifer, baldacinifer the stan- dard-bearer of the Knights Templars. balcanum the Templars' standard. baldekinum, baldicum baudekin, a kind of brocade, origin- ally brought from Bagdad ; a canopy. baldrea a baldric. balengaria, balingarium a bal- inger ; a barge. baleuga. See banleuga. balista used for a cross-bow, which is properly arcu- balista. balls tarius a cross-bowman. ballare to sweep ; to dance. ballla the keep of a castle. See balliva. ballium bail ; a fortress ; ward- ship. balliva, ballivatus bailiwick ; office. ballivus a bailiff. balneare to bathe. balneo, miles de knight of the Bath. balus a bale. bancale a banker, a covering for a bench. bancum, bancus a bench. banda a band (of soldiers). bandum a pennon. banera, baneria a banner. banerettus a knight made in the field, by cutting off the point of his pennon and making it a banner. banidium a badge. N Glossary of Latin Words. banleuga, bannaleuca the bounds of a manor or town ; the circuit of a monastery over which it has jurisdiction. (Fr. banlieue.} bannezatus banished. bannire to proclaim ; to banish. bannum, banum a proclama- tion; a boundary; (pi.) bans of matrimony. banum a bane. baractator, barator a barretor, a common mover of suits and quarrels. barbacana. See barbecana. barbator a barber. barbecana, barbicana, an outwork of a fortress. barbicanagium contribution for the maintenance of a bar- bican. barbitonsor a barber. barbitura shaving. barbota a barge. barbulus a barbel. barca a barque. bar car ia. See bercaria and bar- karia. bardies- a fish, probably perch, perhaps also bass. bardutus barded, armed with a bard (of a horse). barellus a barrel. barf/a. See barca and bargea. bargania an agreement; abargain. barganizare to bargain. bargea, baryta a barge ; part of a horse's trappings. barhtida, barhuta, a chest ; a trunk, Anylice, a barehide. barillum, barrillus a barrel. barkaria a tan-house. barnagium baronage. baro a baron. baronagium baronage. baronatus barony ; baronage. baronettus a baronet. baronia a barony. baronissa a baroness. barra a bar, a barrier ; a bar to an action. barractator a barretor, an insti- gator of suits and quarrels. barrasterius a barrister. barratria dissension ; barratry. bartona demesne lands; manor house. barutellum a cask. bascinus a bason. basculus a basket. basena. See bazeyna. basilardum a poinard. basnetum&basinet.Seebacmettum. bassare to lower. bassaria camera a base chamber. bassellus a coin abolished by king Henry II. bassus low. bastardia bastardy. bastardus one born out of wed- lock. basto a staff, basum. Per basum tolnetum ca- pere to take toll by strike. batalia battle. batella, batellus a small boat. batellagium boat-hire. batellarius a boatman. batellatus embattled. bateria battery, beating. batilda toll for boats (?). batffltts &"b&t; a beetle; a clapper. batitoria a fulling mill. bativa, batura battery. batus a boat; a measure, 12 gallons ; a peck ; a vessel used in feeding horses; a bat. baubare to bark ; to bay. Glossary of Latin Words. baubella jewels. baucaria a tapster. bausanus a badger, bawson. bausia, bosia treason, felony. bausiare, bosiare to rebel. bauzanus piebald. (Fr. baugant, bauzan.} bazeyna basil, prepared leather. bcaconagium contribution for the maintenance of beacons. becnus some sort of fish. bedelaria office of beadle, or dis- trict to which his office extends ; bedellary. bedellus beadle, or bedell. bederipa. See bedrepium. bedrejnum bedripe, harvest work done by tenants as a cus- tomary service ; it some- times means a definite amount, perhaps a day's work. bedripus* See bedrepium. bedum the portion of a mill- stream which turns the wheel and is boarded up to increase the force of water. belfredus a belfry. belgiga a car, a chariot. bellicrepa a muster. belligerare to make war. bellnm a battle ; xised, as the English word is, to denote a portion of an army ; a judicial combat, duel. bendaaband, either metal or stuff; a bar ; a bend (heraldic). benejiciatus holding a benefice. benejicium a benefice, an eccle- siastical living or promotion. benevolentia a voluntary gratuity given by subjects to the king. benwrda service with plough and cart. berbiagium a rent paid in sheep, or tax paid on sheep. berbicaria pasture for sheep. berbix a sheep. bercaria a sheepfold, sheepcote ; a sheep walk. bercarius a shepherd. berebrutus a man who takes charge of and distributes beer (?). berefridus a belfry. berewicha. See berwica. berfrarium a military engine. beria an open plain. berkeria a sheepfarm, a sheepfold. bernarius a forest officer ; a bear - ward ; a beardog. berra a heath, or moor. bersa the fence inclosing a park. bersare to hunt. bersarius a hunter ; a forester or park-keeper. berseletta a small hound. bertona. See bartona. benoica a village or hamlet. berziza beer, or perhaps wort. besacutum. See bisacuta. besantus. See bisantius. besca a spade. bescare to dig. bescata as much land as a man can dig in a day. bestice beasts (deer or cattle). betagius a serf whose lord is a church or convent. biberagium beverage. biberia, biberrium an afternoon lunch, bever. bibina. See biberia. bica a bees' nest ; a beehive. N2 180 Glossary of Latin Words. bicarius a bee-keeper. bidellus a bedell ; a beadle. biduana a fast of two days. biyata a wagon load. bigera a doublet. bilagines bye-laws. bilheta a bill ; a billet. bilinguis (of a jury) part English. and part foreign. billa a bill. billetum a billet ; a stake. billia a branch ; a post. billio money of copper, or copper and silver ; bullion. billus a staff or stick. binnarium a fishpond. birrettum a thin close-fitting cap ; a judge's coif. bisacuta a twoheaded axe. fo'san^msabesant, a gold coin, first issued by the emperors of Byzantium, worth about a ducat. The Byzantius albus of silver was worth about 2*. biscoctus biscuit. bisius. See bisus. bissa a hind. bisus panis brown bread. bivernagium second crop. bizantium. See bisantius. bludarius a cornchandler. bladum corn. blanchetus a blanket. blanchiatura reduction of base money to its true value. bland white money, sterling. blancum argentum money tested at the Exchequer as to its fineness. blancum firme blanch farm. blanhornum a horn. (A.-S. blau- horn.) blaserim an incendiary. blendum. See bluedius. bleta peat. blida, blidus a catapult. blodeus, blodius deep red ; blue. bluedius, bluetus blue. bocca a boss. boceras a royal secretary among the Anglo-Saxons. boculus a bullock. boga budge, lamb fur. bogetta a budget. boia. See buia. boisiare to rebel. bolare to play at bowls. boldaffium, bolhagium a cottage. bolengarius a baker. bolla a bowl; three-quarters of a pint ; a boll, 6 bushels. boloninus a boloner, an Italian gold coin of two kinds, old boloners and Papal bolo- ners, bearing on one side the Resurrection, on the other S. Thomas the Apostle of India or Mary Magdalene, the former being slightly more valuable. bombarda a cannon. bombycinium padding. boncha a bunch ; a bank. bondagium villenage ; slavery ; a tenement held by a villein. bondemannus a bondman. bondus a serf ; a slave. borachia an erection for fishing. borda a plank ; a hut ; a small farm. bordagium tenure by which bor- darii hold. bordaria a cottage. bordarius a cottier ; also pro- bably a farm-labourer living at the farm-house. bordellus a small house. bordus, bordum a board. borienSj borientalis north. Glossary of Latin Words. 181 boscagivm food which trees yield to cattle, as mast and acorns. boscar. See bostar. boscarium a wooden house ; a cowhouse. boscus a wood. bosia, bausia treason, felony. bosiare, bausiare to rebel. bostar, bostarium a stable for oxen. bostio a cattle driver. bota, botta a boot ; a bunch ; a bottle (of hay). bolellarius a butler; a bottle maker. botelleria a buttery, or butlery. botellus a bottle. botha a booth. bothena a barony, lordship. bolhna, buthna a park for cattle. boto a button. botonare to button. botracium a buttress. botrus a cluster. bov aria a cattle-shed, an ox-house. bovarius an ox-herd. bovata terras an ox-gang. boveria, boverium an ox-house. bovetta a heifer. bovettus a steer, young ox. boviculus a young ox, but not the same as bovettus. bovina a stable for oxen ; a cow- house. bozetum cowdung. braca terrce a ridge of earth, a balk. (Fr. braye.} bracco a brach, a small hound. bracenarius a huntsman. bracetus, brachetus a brachet, a hound for hare and fox. brachia some fixed fishing engine. brachiare, braciare to brew. braciatorium a brewhouse. bracinum a brewhouse ; a brew. braconarius. See bracenarius. braelli breeches. braesium malt. bragetum bragwort, or bracket, a drink flavoured with honey and spice. bragmannus a robber, marauder. brando a torch. brandones the first week in Lent. brandonis vel brandonum dies the first Sunday in Lent. brants brawn, muscle. brannus a fish, probably a bream. brasiare to brew. brasiaria a brewery. brasiator a brewer. brasina a brewhouse. brasinagium brewing. brasinum the quantity of beer brewed at one time. brasium malt. brattea a leaf of metal, foil. bravium a prize. brecca, brecka a breach. See also braca. brechia. See braca, brecca. breisna wethers. bremium bran. bremulus a bream. brenagium a rent paid in bran. brenna a bream. brennium bran. bresmia a bream. bretechia, bretesca a stockade. . breve a writ. breviarium a breviary. brevigerulus one who carries and serves writs. brevis a brief. briga contention. 182 Glossary of Latin Words. broca a tap. broccayium a broker's hire ; brokerage. broccarius, broccator a broker. brocellum brushwood. brocket, broccus an awl ; a pack- ing needle. brochia a pitcher ; a spit. broculator a brewer. brodiellum brewet, pottage, brodium broth. brollium wood, esp. for game. brossus bruised. bruarium, bruera heather ; heath ground. bruilletus a small coppice. bruisdatus, brusdatus embroi- dered. bruncta. See burneta. bruscia a wood. bruscus brush ; broom plant ; beehive. brusnura, brusura a bruise. brusua, brusula browse ; brush- wood. bucca, bucia. See bussa. bucetum a cattle stall. bucla, buccula a boss ; a buckle. budaritim a buckler. budellus. See bedellus. bufetum a board, cupboard. buff a a large ship (error for bussa?}. bugerannum buckram. bugula a buckle. buia, buio the two parts of a fetter. bujeetum budge, lamb fur. bukelarius a buckler. buletellum a sieve. See bultellum. bulga, bulgium a budget ; a port- manteau ; a bale. bulla a papal bull, sealed with lead or gold. bullatus sealed. bulleria a salt house (?). bullio a measure of salt, 12 gal- lons ; bullion. bultellum, bultellus a sieve; bran ; the refuse of meal after it is dressed by the baker. bunda a boundary. bundare to bound. bundellus a bundle. bura a lock of hair or wool. burbalia the numbles of a deer. burbzilium a bubble. burcerius the captain of a ship. burdare, burdeareto jest; to joust. burdeicia a tournament. burdo a staff. (Fr. bourdon.} burdus. See bordus. burellarius a bureller, maker of borel, or maker of yarn. burellator a bureller. See burel- larius. burellatus barred. burellus borel or burrel, a coarse brown or grey woollen cloth made in Normandy as well as in England (Fr. bureau} ; a cupboard. burgagium the service whereby a borough is held ; a dwell- ing-house in a borough ; burgage. burgare to break into a house; commit burglary. burgaria burglary. burgarius a burgess. burgator a burglar. burgemotus an assembly of bur- gesses. burgensis a burgess; a towns- man. Glossary of Latin Words. 183 burgesaticum land held by bur- gage tenure. burghgeritha a fine for breach of the peace in a town. burglaria burglary. burgus a borough. burneta, burnetum cloth made of dyed wool; a kind of bird. burniciator a burnisher. burrellus. See burellus, burrochium a small weir for tak- ing fish. bursa an exchange, meeting place of merchants. bursaria a bursary. bursarins a bursar; a purse maker. burscida a cutpurse. bursesaticum. See burgesaticum. burum a room. bums a husbandman. busca underwood ; firewood. buscare to cut underwood. buscarlus a seaman. buscia underwood. See bussa. busellus a bushel. busones chief persons (barones ?). bussa a great ship. bussellus a bushel. bussio bush. buteus a boat. buthsecarlus. See buscarlus. buticularia a buttery. buticularius a butler. butirum butter. butta, butticum a butt of wine. buttileria a buttery, or butlery. buttum terra a butt of land ; the end of a ploughed field. buturum butter. buya. See buia. buzo the shaft of an arrow. byzantius. See bisantius. C. caballus a horse. cabla a cable. cablicia, cablicium windfall wood ; brouse wood. cacepollus a catchpole, or bailiff. cacherellus a eatchpole. cachiagium packing, or payment therefor. cacor. See chasor. cada a cade of herrings, COO of 6 score to the 100. cadia a piece of firewood. cadium a quay. Ccesar the emperor. ccesareus imperial. cafagium a stall ; a cage ; a pen. caffa some silk stuff. cagia a net for hunting ; a coop ; a cage. calacha a shoe. (Fr. galoche.} calafurcium gallows. calangia, calangium a challenge ; a claim. calcari to be assessed for. calcarius a spurrier. calcea chalk ; a causey, or cause- way ; a street. calceta, calcetum lime ; a causey, or causeway ; a street. calcifurnium a limekiln. caldaria a caldron. caldearium, caldellum caudle. calderium a caldron. caldo entrails. cole/actor cerce a chafewax, an officer in the Court of Chan- cery. calefagium the right of taking fuel. calendce rural chapters held on the first of the month. 184 Glossary of Latin Words. calendare to make a list ; to calendar. calendarium a list ; a calendar ; a table of contents. calengiare to challenge. calixtorium a limekiln. calmacia calm weather. calopodium a shoemaker's last. calumnia a challenge ; a claim. calumniare to challenge ; to ac- cuse ; to claim. calnmniatio right of challenge. calumniator a claimant ; an ac- cuser. camahutum a cameo. cambiare, cambire to exchange ; to trade. cambipartia. See campipartitio. cambium an exchange ; a mint. cambuca, cambuta a pastoral staff, a crosier. cambutio exchange. camelotum camel's hair cloth. camera a crooked plot of ground; a chamber. camera stellata the Star Chamber earner alls chamber (adj.). cameraria the office of chamber- lain. camerarius a chamberlain. cameria the office of chamberlain. commits, caminum a road ; a chamber ; a chimney ; a stove. camisia a shirt ; an alb. camoca a silken garment. campanarium a belfry. campanella a little bell. campanus country (adj.). campartum part of a larger field, which would otherwise be in common ; or the right of the lord to take a certain share of the crop. campedulum a cope. campertum. See campartum. campestralis open country. campestratus wearing short drawers. campio a champion. campipars. See campartum. campiparticeps a champertor. campipartitio champerty, a bar- gain with the plaintiff or defendant in a suit to have part of the thing sued for. campsare to exchange, to traffic. campsor a banker ; an exchanger ; an exchequer officer. campus field (heraldic). canabasium, canabus canvas. canardus a great ship. cancellare to obliterate writing by drawing lines across it ; to cancel. cancellaria chancery. cancellarius a chancellor. cancellatura cancelling. cancellus the chancel of a church. candelarius a chandler. candidare to wash clothes. candidarius a launder, a whitster. candredum. See cantreda. canellus a gutter, a kennel. canes tellus a basket. canevacium canvas. canfara ordeal by hot iron. canipulus a short sword ; a knife. canna a rod used for measuring land ; a can. canonia, canonicatus a canonry. canonicus a canon, a prebendary. cantaria a chantry. can tar is (a a chantry priest. cantellum a lump; that which is added above measure. Glossary of Latin Words. 185 canto a canton (heraldic). cantor a chanter ; a precentor. cantreda, cantredus a cantref, a Welsh division of a county, a hundred villages. capa a mantle ; a cope ; a cap. caparo a hood. capella a cap ; a chaplet ; a short mantle ; a reliquary ; a cha- pel ; the furniture of a cha- pel. capellania a collegiate church ; a chaplaincy ; a chapelry. capellanus a chaplain. capellaria a chapelry. capellarius a capper. capelletum a headpiece. capellum, capellus a cap ; a helmet. capicium. See capitium. capillare a coif. capisterium a barn, a granary. capitagium poll-money ; a bolster. capitale a thing which is stolen, or the value of it. capitale vivens live cattle. capitalis chief. capitalitium poll-money. capitaneus a captain. capitare to abut. capite, tenere in to hold in chief. capitegium a hood, a cap. capitellum capital of a pillar. capitium a hood ; a cap ; the head of a bed ; a headland ; the chancel of a church. capitula. See capitulum. capitular -e to divide into chapters ; to make articles of agree- ment ; to meet in chapter. capitulum a chapter ; chapter- house. cappa a cap ; a cope. caprarius a goatherd. captennium protection ; tax or homage as an acknowledg- ment thereof, esp. in Guienne. captio capture ; custody ; a prison ; ransom. captivus caitiff ; wretch ; unfortu- nate. caputaffium. See chevagium. caputium. See capitium. caracca, caracta a carrack. caraxare to write. carlonella a steak. carcannum pillory ; prison. carcare to load ; to charge. carcasium a carcase. cardetum a carr, a low marshy place where alders grow. cardiolus a snipe. cardus a card, for carding wool. careata a cartload. carecta a cart. carectarius a carter. carecta fa a cartload. careia a load. careium, carcyum service of car- riage. carellus a quarel, a crossbow dart. carentinilla canvas. careta, caretta a cart. caretarius a carter. cariagium service performed with a cart ; baggage train. car tare to carry. carinutus a cockney. caristare to make dear. caristia dearth. carnarium a charnel-house. carnellare to crenellate. carniprivium fasting, Lent. carogium a car which bears a standard. 186 Glossary of Latin Words. carpentaghim payment for wood- work. carpentarium wood- work. carpentarius a carpenter ; a cart- wright (?). carra a car. carrata, carrea a cartload. carreia the right of carriage through a place. carreia a cartload. carried, carrucha a ship of burden. carrietare to carry. carrttca, fyc. See caruca, fyc. carta. See charta. cartallus a creel ; a hamper. cartatus conveyed by charter. caruagium. See carucagium. caruca a plough ; a plough-land. cam caff turn a tribute imposed on ploughs or plough-lands. carucarius a ploughman. carucata a plough-land ; a team of oxen sufficient to work a carucate, i.e. eight. carucatarius one who holds land by plough tenure. carucator a carter; a ploughman. carula a box. carvana a caravan. casale a village. caseatrix a maker of cheese. cassare to quash, annul. cassala, cassatum, cassatura a house with land sufficient to maintain a family ; a hide of land. cassea a box. cassidile a purse, pocket, or small coffer ; a gamebag, pouch. cassus a case, box. castellania the office of keeping a castle. castellanus the owner or captain of a castle. castellarium precinct or jurisdic- tion of a castle. casto the bezil of a ring. casula a small house or church ; a chasuble. casuma cinders. catabulum a shed. catallum cattle ; chattels ; capital. catapulta a broad arrow. catascopus an archdeacon ; a bishop. catatista a scolding cart. catellarius a pedlar. cathedratus consecrated (of a bishop). catillare to mew, as a cat. cattinus of catskin. cattus, catus a cat; a military engine to protect from mis- siles soldiers attacking the wall of a town, called in classical Latin vinea. catzurus. See chacurus. caucettum a causey. caula a sheepfold. caulare to fold sheep. cauma thatch. cautio a bond. cavilla the ancle. caivagium a stall, cage, pen. caya a quay. cayrellm a quarel, a crossbow bolt. cebum tallow. cedula. See schedula. celda a .chaldron ; the same as selda, a stall. celer the ceiler or canopy of a bed. celia ale made from wheat ; wort. cellarium a cellar. cellarius, cellerarius a cellarer. Glossary of Latin Words. 187 celura a ceiler. cementarius a mason. cenaculum breakfast or luncheon. cenapium mustard. cendalum silken cloth ; cendal. cendula wood for roofing a house. cenella an acorn. cenivectare to carry in a barrow. cenivectorium a mudcart, a wheel- barrow. censa rent ; farm ; tax. censaria a farm let at a standing rent. censarius a farmer. censuulis a person bound to pay a rent to a monastery or church, in return for pro- tection. census tax, tribute. centena a hundredweight ; a hundred. centenarins a petty judge under the sheriff ; a hundredor ; an officer in the army. centenus, centuria the division of a county called a hundred. centonizare to arrange for sing- ing. ceola a large ship. cepa a sand eel (?). cepes a hedge (sepes], cephalia headache. ceppagium the stump of a tree. cepum tallow (cebum}. ceraffium waxscot, payment for the supply of candles in a church. cercella a teal. (Fr. sarcelle.} cerevisia, cervisia beer. cerna choice ; sort. ceroferarius an acolyte. cerliorare, certorare to certify, to inform. certum letce cert money. centra a mound or fence; a lock. cervisiarius a brewer ; a tenant who pays rent in beer. chacea a chace ; the right of hunting ; a right of way for cattle, droveway. chaceare to hunt. chaceatus chased (of plate). chacia a countertally. chacurus a horse or hound for hunting, c^a/oascapulary; a counterpane ; a chalon. champertor. See camjriparticeps. chamus a horse's bit; a headstall. charactare to write. charnarium a charnel-house, cemetery. charreya a cartload. charta paper ; a charter. charta partita a charter-party. chartulare a cartulary, register of charters. chasor a horse for hunting. chelindra a sort of ship. cheminagium cheminage, chim- inage ; a toll paid for a road through a forest. cheminus a road ; the right of carting crops through another's land. chepingabulum tax paid at market. cherechsectum church scot. cheresettum church scot. cherigmannus one whose duty it was to inspect and fix the boundaries of a manor. cherisetum church scot. cherucus a vane, weathercock. chevacia selionum the heads of the furrows. chevagium poll money paid by villeins to their lord, " ne vocentur per capita " ; also used for payment by the king at shrines. 188 Glossary of Latin Words. chevantia a loan of money. cheverillus a cockerel; a roebuck. checeringus, chevero a rafter ; a joist ; a chevron. chevescia, chevisca:, chevitice heads of ploughed land, headrigs. chevisare to obtain by agreement. cheviserum a headstall. chiminagium. See cheminagium. chiminus. See cheminus. chintura a strip of land. chirographare to grant by inden- ture. chirographarius a chirographer, writer of chirographs. chirographum a chirograph, a public instrument of con- veyance, attested by wit- nesses ; an indenture. chirographus an officer of the common pleas who engrosses fines. chirotheca a glove, gauntlet. chivagium payment by nativi to their lord for liberty to leave his lordship. chorepiscopus a suffragan bishop. chorum the choir of a church. chrisma consecrated oil ; any ceremony at which it is used, as extreme unction. chrismale the cloth laid over a child's head at baptism. chrotta a crowd, a fiddle. chursetum church scot. chymera for camera. ciborium a canopy or the ceiling over the altar ; a metal vessel to contain the sacramental bread. cibutum a meat safe. cijfus a cup (scyphus). cilicium a hair shirt. cimbia a churn. ciminum cummin. cindalum cendale. cindula, scindula shingles, lath for roofing. cingnotus a cygnet. cingula. See cindula. cipha a sieve, a measure of about 5 qrs. cippus the stocks. circa a watchman. circada a fee paid to the bishop or archdeacon for visiting a church. circinnare to arrange in a circle. circulator a cooper. ciricsetum church scot. ctrografum. See chirographum. cirotheca. See chirotheca. cirpi rushes. cisera cider. cisimus ermine. cissor a tailor ; a shearman. citolla a cittern. civeria a wheelbarrow. cives in some cases an elected body of citizens who after- wards became aldermen. civilista a civil lawyer. clada, clades a hurdle or wattle. claia a hurdle. clamancia, clamatio a claim. clamare to claim. clamator a crier ; a claimant. clameum, clamium a claim. clamivus an accuser. clamor complaint ; demand. clamor popularis hue and cry. clarctum a liquor made of wine, honey, and spices ; red wine. clarificatio anniversary of a saint's death. clarigarius armorum a herald. clario a trumpet. classicum a peal of bells. elates a hurdle. clausella a closet. Glossary of Latin Words. 189 clausicula a closet. clamtrum the precinct of a mon- astery ; the cloister. claustura brushwood, used for fencing, &c. clausum a close. clausum Paschee the close of Easter, the Sunday after Easter. clausum Pentecostes Trinity Sun- day. clausura an enclosure. clavia, clava a club or mace. clavica a privy (cloaca). clavicula a notch, a nock. clavinarim a keeper of keys (?). clavis. See clavtis, eluvium. eluvium a clove. clavus a clove, a weight used for wool and other goods, 71bs. or 8lbs. clawa a close of land. clay a a hurdle. clea, cleda, cleia a hurdle. clericus a clerk, clergyman. clerimonia assembly of the canons of a cathedral or of the members of a convent ; re- ligion ; sobriety. cleronomus an heir. clerus the clergy ; a clerk. cleya a hurdle. clipsadra a waterclock(cfcpsye?ra). clito a prince ; an eetheling. clitorium a clicket ; a latch. clittum a tire for a wheel. See clutium. clocarium, clocherium a belfry. clocha, cloca a bell ; a cloak. clostura. See claustura. cluarium a forge. clucetta a clicket. clunabulum a dagger. clusa a sluice ; a fish stew. clutarium a forge. clutium, clutum a shoe ; a horse- shoe; the tire for a wheel, or perhaps knobs to serve the same purpose. clutus a cloth ; a clout. cnipulus. See canlpulus. cobba a cobloaf ; bun. coconellus a cockney. cocula a drinking-cup in form of a boat. cofeojfatus a joint feoffee. coffera a coffer. cofferarius a cofferer. coffinum a coffer ; a coffin. coffra a coffer. cogga a small sailing-boat. cognitio homage ; cognisance ; armorial bearings. cognitor a judge ; an informer. cogo. See cogga. cohuagium a toll paid at a market or fair. coifa a coif, the head-dress worn by serjeants-at-law. coigniare to coin ; to stamp. coinagium. See cunagium. cokettum a custom-house seal ; a receipt for the payment of custom. cokettus cocket bread, a superior, but not the finest sort. coJiilla a shell. cokinus an inferior servant. coksetus a coxswain. colarium, colerium a collar. colerettus a necklace. colibertus a tenant in socage. colingaria. See coningeria. 190 Glossary of Latin Words. collardum. See cuillardum, cul- lardum. collarius carrying a load on the neck. collectaneus a companion. collectare a book containing col- lects. collistrigium a pillory. colobium a tunic without, or with short, sleeves ; a tabard. coloncllus a colonel. color rhyme. colorare to rhyme. colpicium a polo. colpo a fragment ; a small wax- candle. columbare a dovecote. columbarius a keeper of pigeons. comba a combe, valley. comes an ealdorman ; a count ; an earl. comitatus a county ; a county court. commarchia a frontier. commatrix a godmother. commenda a deposit ; when a bene- fice is given to a layman, or to a clerk for a time, it is said to be given in commen- dam ; a commandry, a bene- fice in the order of the knights of St. John. commendatarius one who holds a living in commenda m. commendatus a person who puts himself under the protection of his superior by doing voluntary homage. commensale board ; diet ; com- mons. commensalls a fellow-boarder, f ello w- commoner. commensare to begin. commissarius a commissary, one who exercises spiritual juris- diction by commission of the bishop. commissw a commission. commissionarius one who acts by commission; a commissioner. communa common land or pro- perty ; right of common ; commons ; a community ; a fiscal regulation. communare, communiare, commu- nicare to enjoy the right of common. communaris a fellow-citizen. communarius, communiarius a commoner. communia commons ; ordinary business of a court. communis clericus common clerk, or clerk of the commons, now town clerk. communis pasture common of pasture. communitas commonalty ; some- times all the citizens, but in this case usually communi- tas civium. communitas civitatis commonalty of the city, the court or council. comortha collection made at mar- riages, and when a priest said his first mass. compagator a suffragan bishop. companagium anything eaten with bread ; right of having meals together. comparticeps, compartionarius a copartner. compassare to compass. computer a godfather. compellare to cite ; to accuse. compellativus an accuser. comper for turn a judicial inquest in the civil law made by delegates. compestralis. See campestralis. compestratus. See campestratiis. Glossary of Latin Words. 191 completorium compline, about 7 p.m. ; supper. complicatorium a counting board, counter. compostiare to manure. compostum manure. compotus an account. comptista an accountant. compurgator one who swears to another's innocence. computatorium a counter, reckon- ing board ; the Counter, the name of two prisons in the Poultry and Wood Street. computoria a counting-house. computorium. See computato- rium. computus an account. conalis inurus a gable wall. concelamentum concealment. concelare to conceal. concelator a concealer, a man who finds out concealed lands. concernere to belong ; to concern. condoles felled trees. conclavis a parlour. condictum mandate, edict ; tri- bunal, court. condorsum a ridge or low hill(?). conductus a conduit. conductus, salvus safe-conduct. conestabtilus, conestabilis con- stable. confiscare to confiscate. congius a measure containing about a gallon and a pint. coninga a rabbit ; a rabbit skin. coningeria a rabbit warren. conquestare to acquire, conquer. conquestus property acquired (by inheritance or conquest or otherwise). conredium. See corredium. conscisorium a guidon. consequentia a precedent. considerare to decree ; to award. consistorium a council or as- sembly of ecclesiastical per- sons, or place of justice in a spiritual court ; a seat at table ; a meal. constabularius. See conestabulus. constuma. See custuma. consuetudinarius a book contain- ing the rites of divine offices, or the customs of a monas- tery; a man subject to feudal services. consuetudo custom, used, as the English word, for a payment imposed on merchandise. contenementum freehold land at- tached to a man's dwelling- house ; what is necessary for a man's maintenance. conthoralis husband or wife. contiguari to be near. contrada country. contrafacere to imitate, counter- feit. contrafactura a counterfeit. contraiare to oppose. contramandatum a lawful excuse which a defendant alleges by attorney, to show that the plaintiff has no cause of complaint. contramurale an outwork. contraplacitum a counter-plea. contrapositio a plea or answer. contrariare to oppose. contrariparius a corrival, a dweller on the opposite bank ; a beater on the opposite side of a river when hawking. contrarotulatio comptrolment. contrarotulator a comptroller. contrarotulum a counter-roll. contratattia a counter-tally. 192 Glossary of Latin Words. contralalliator a counter-talleyer. contrivare to contrive. conus a corner. conveancia conveyance. conveare to convey. convenire to summon, to convene. conventio a covenant. conversm a lay monk, lay brother. cooperlectoriam a coverlet. coopertio bark and broken wood of felled trees. coopertorium a coverlet ; a roof ; a cuirass. coopertum covert. coopertura a covert ; coverture, the condition of a married woman ; thatch. coopertus equus a barded horse. coopicium coppice. coparcenaria coparcenary. coparticeps a coparcener. copecia, copicia coppice. coperosa copperas. cophinus a coffer. copia a copy. copiare to copy. copla a couple. copo twigs. coppa a cock of hay. coppatus coppice. coprones twigs. coquinarius kitchen steward in a monastery. coraagium a tribute of certain measures (corns} of corn ; or perhaps the same as cor- nagium. corballum, corbella a basket. corbona a priest's treasury or strong box. corda a cord ; a measure of land, 22 feet ; a cord of wood, 8 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet. cordarius a rope maker. cordebanarius, cordvanerius a cordwainer. corderius a rope maker. cordeivana, corduana cordwain, Cordovan leather. corduanarius a cordwainer. corerius a courier. coretes weirs. (Welsh, cored.} cortgia, corriyia a strip of land, leather, &c. ; a girdle. coriletum a hazel copse. corluvus a curlew. cornagium cornage, horngeld, payment for right to graze cattle on moor or common. cornamusa, cormusa a cornemuse, a Cornish bagpipe. cornare to blow a horn. cornarius a horner. cornellatus. See kernellare. cornera, corneria, cornerium a corner. cornicallus a corn on the foot. corniculare to blow a horn. cornisare to blow a horn. coronale a wreath, a crown. coronare to crown ; to make a person a priest; perform the tonsure. coronarius, coronator a coroner. coronellus a colonel. corpus castri the castle without the surrounding town, &c. correctarius a licensed broker. corredium, corrodium a corrody, money or allowance due by a monastery to the founder for the maintenance of one of his servants. corrigiarius a girdler. cortina a curtain. cords, curtis a courtyard. cortularium a farmyard. Glossary of Latin Words. 193 corns a corn measure, perhaps 8 bushels. corvata, corveia compulsory work done by tenant for lord. corversarius, corvisarius a cord- wainer. cosduma custom, eostaarib, side; basket. Seecusta. costera coast. costerillum a flagon. costillagium a rent in the Channel Islands. costiterunt they cost. costrellus a drinking cup, often of wood. costula clove (of garlic, &c.). costuma custom. cota a tunic ; a hat. cotaglum a cottage. cotarius a cotter. cotellus a cottage. coterellus a servile tenant ; a bandit. coteria, coterium a cottage. cotsethla a small farmhouse. cotsethus, cotsetlus a cottager. cotuca coat armour. courba. See corvata. courearius a currier. courtepia a courtepye, a short cloak. covina, covinia covin ; a compact for purposes of fraud. covinosus fraudulently. craiera a crayer, or smack. cranagium liberty to use a crane ; profit made by a crane. cranare to lift goods with a crane. crannocum a crannock, a mea- sure of corn ; a basket. craspiscis a whale. crater a a chest or coffin. craticula a gridiron. M. cravare to impeach. creancia credit. creantum security. creca, crecca a creek. crementum increase. cremium refuse tallow. crenellare. See kernellare. creputellus a cracknel. cresta the crest of a bank. crctena, cretinus a torrent. crocardus a crocard, bad money, prohibited by statute 27 Edw, I. crocea, crocia a crosier ; investi- ture of episcopal sees. crociarius a cross-bearer. crocus a crook. croeria a shrike. crofta, croftum a croft ; a close. cromio a strap. (Fr. cmm.) cronnus four bushels. croppa, croppus a crop ; twigs. crucesignatus a crusader; one who has taken the cross. crucibulum a cresset. crucifer a crossed friar. cruppa a horse's croup. crustum embossed plate. crypto, a chapel or oratory under ground. cubicare to go to bed. cuculla, fiucullus a long, full garment without sleeves ; a cape ; a cowl. cucullatus wearing a cowl ; a monk. cuillardum a spoonful, ladleful. culagium placing a ship in dock. culcitra a cushion, a bed. cullardus a wether (?). cultellarius a cutler. culver tagium confiscation ; servi- tude. o 194 Glossary of Latin Words. cumulus the chancel of a church; vaulting. cuna coin. cunagium coinage ; stamp. cunere to coin. cuneus a stamp ; a coinage ; a mint. cunicularium a rabbit warren. cunicultts a coney, rabbit. cuningeria a rabbit warren. cupa a cup. cuparius a cooper. cuperagium cooperage. cupperius a cooper. curagulus a caretaker. curallum coral ; some kind of corn or meal. curator an attorney in ecclesi- astical cases. curatus careful ; a clergyman in charge. curcula a cable. curetarius a curator ; examiner. curia a court ; frequently used for curia Romano, meaning simply Eome. curialis, lit/era court hand. curialitas courtesy. currifrugium a riddle , a sieve. cursalis current. cursaria. See cursoria. curso a ridge of land. cursor a courier ; a crier. cursoria a swift ship. curtena a curtain. curtilayium a curtilage, a court- yard or piece of land near a house. curtiles terra court lands ; de- mesne lands. curtillum. See curtilagium. curtina a curtain. curtinutus curtained. curtis a court. curuca a ship of burden. cussina a cushion. cusia, custaaium, custamentum, custantia cost. custodia wardship. custuma custom. custumannus a customary tenant. custumare to assess for payment of custom; to pay custom. custumarius customary ; subject to payment of custom ; a collector of customs. custus cost. cutellarius a cutler. cuva a vat. cuvarius a cooper. cyclas a long garment, close at the top and wide below. cyula a ship. D. dacra, daker. See dtcra. daeria a dairy. dagus a dais. daia a dairymaid. daila, dailus, dalus a ditch; a certain measure of land. daina a bushel. dalmatica a dalmatic, a deacon's vestment. dama a doe. damisella. See domicetta. damma a dam. damnum damage. damus a buck. dancgildum danegeld. Glossary of Latin W^rds. 195 dangeria a payment made by forest tenants for liberty to plough and sow during pan- nage time ; lessilver. dangerium liability to confisca- tion. dapifer a sewer ; a steward of the household; cellarer; bailiff of a manor. dapiscida a carver. dapsilitas an act of liberality. dardus a dart. darsis some kind of fish. data the date of a document. datarius a datary, an officer of the Roman chancery. dauberium plaster work, dab. davata a " daywercke," or four plough-lands. day a a dairymaid. dayaria, dayeria a dairy. dayla. See daila. deadvocare to disavow. deafforestare to disafforest ; to bring forest land into culti- vation. dealbator a whitewasher, dauber. dearestare to free from arrest. deawarennare to dis-warren. debata, debatum a debate, a dis- pute. debatabilis debateable. debriare to intoxicate ; to in- undate. debriatus drunk. decaisatus decayed. decalcare to whiten. decanatus a deanery. decania, decenna a tithing. decanus a dean. decena a tithing-man. decendium a period of ten days. decennaria jurisdiction of a tith- ing-man. decennarius a tithing-man, doz- enner. decimce tithes. decimatio tithes, or paying a tenth part. decipula a trap. decius a die. decretales decretals, papal letters containing decrees, or on matters in which the popes were consulted. decretista a person learned in the Decretals. decretum a decree, especially of the Pope. decrustare to strip off. decuria a tithing. decuriare to bring into order ; totry(?). defalcare to weaken. defalta default ; negligence. defeasancia defeasance, a con- dition relating to a deed on the performance of which the deed is void. defensa a fenced park, an en- closure. defensio a prohibition. defenso, in in defence. defensum an enclosure ; a pro- hibition. defensus custody. deferrare to unshoe a horse. defesancia. See defeasancia. defigurare to disguise. deforciamenlum deforcement, il- legal occupation of property. deforciare to deforce. deforciatio holding goods in satis- faction for debt. deforciator a deforcer. o2 196 Glossary of L-itln Words. def ores tare. See deafforestare. degradus stairs. deguttare to drop on ; to pour over. deia a dairymaid. dels a dais. See dagus. deiwerca a day-work, or four plough-lands. delatura an accusation. demanda a demand. demandare to demand ; to cite. demanium, demenium. See do- minium. demorare to govern. demorari to demur. dena a glen ; a coppice. denarata, denariata a penny- worth, denariatus terra land worth a penny per annum; one acre (?). f/ewon'wsapenny; a penny weight, i. e., 32 grains of wheat from the middle of the ear. denbera a pasture for pigs (swine- combe). denizatus a denizen. denies gratings. deobligatio a release. deodanda, deodandum an ani- mal or thing forfeited for having caused a person's death. deosculatorium a tablet handed round to be kissed at mass, a pax. departura a departure. depersonare to insult ; to degrade. depreculai beads. derationare. See disrationare. desamparare to yield, release. despitus a contemptible person. desponsalia a betrothal. destrarius. See dextrarius. desubitare to attack suddenly. detachiare to seize goods by at- tachment. de tallia retail. detractari to be torn in pieces by horses. detunicare to discover. devadiatus without sureties. devadimonizare to redeem from pledge. devestire to give up possession. devisamentum a devise ; a device. devisare to devise ; bequeath. devisatio, devisum a devise. dextrale a bracer. dextrarius a war horse. deyla. See daila. diaconatus the office of deacon. diaconus a deacon. diceta a day's journey ; an as- sembly ; regimen. diarium daily food. diasperaius of various colours; diapered. dica a tally ; a deed. diccus a dike. . dicenarius. See decehnarius. dicra a dicker, ten skins or pair of gloves, ten bars of iron. dictator a person charged with the duty of considering and redressing infractions of a peace or truce ; an umpire. dictor an umpire. See dictator. diffacere to maim, destroy. dijficultas a tax. dijfidare to defy; renounce al- legiance to. difforciare. See deforciare. difusculus diffuse. dignarium a dinner. diligiatus outlawed. dimidicare to halve. Glossary of Latin Words. 197 dimidietas a half, moiety. dimissio demise, making over properties by lease or will. dimissoria liters letters from a bishop for the ordinatiou of a person in another diocese. dicecesis a diocese. dirationare. See disrationare. diribare to take away. disadvocare to deny, disavow. disboscatio bringing woods into cultivation. discantus a chant. discarcare, discariare, discaricare to unlade, discharge. discifer a sewer ; a steward. discopulare to uncouple ; to let loose. discrasia a disease. discus a dish. disfacere to dismember, mutilate. dishabilitare to disable. disheritor one who deprives another of his inheritance. disparagare to disparage ; to marry to an inferior. disparagatio disparagement, mar- rying an heir or heiress below their degree. dispensa a warehouse. dispensarius, dispensator a stew- ard. dispersonare to insult, to degrade. disrationamentum deraignment ; proof. disrationare, disratiocinare to prove ; deraign. disrobbare to plunder. disseisina an unlawful dispossess- ing a man of his land ; dis- seisin. disseisire to dispossess ; disseise. disseisitor a disseisor. dissignare to break open a seal. district a strait ; a defile. districtio distress. distringere to distrain. distringibilis liable to distress. disturbancia, disturbatio disturb- ance. disturbare to send away ; to dis- turb. disvadiare to receive or to redeem a pledge. diurnalis as much land as can be ploughed in one day with one ox. divadiare. See disvadiare. dividenda a dividend. divisa a device ; a devise ; a boundary ; a dole. divisibilis murus a party wall. doageria a dowager. documa a tithing. dola, dolea a portion, a dole. domesticus of the same house (monastery). domicella a young lady ; a ser- vant ; a nun. domicellus the young son of a nobleman ; in the Eoman Court, the same as came- rarius ; a servant in a mo- nastery. domifex a carpenter. domigerium danger ; power. domino, a lady ; a dame. dominatus lordship. dominica Sunday. dominicum a demesne. dominium lordship. dominus a title anciently applied to a lord of a manor, to a clergyman, and a bachelor of arts. 198 Glossary of Latin Words. domnus a contraction of dominus, used especially for clergy- men. donativum a benefice given by the patron without presen- tation or institution. donator, donatorius a donor. donatus a donee. doracus a john-dory. dormiens mensa a table dormant, a fixed table. dorrea a john-dory. dorsale, dossale a dorser, tapes- try hung against a wall. dorsorium a dosser, a basket to carry on the back. See dorsale. dortorlum a dormitory, dortour. dos a dowry. dotarium a dower. dotata, dotissa a dowager. dracena a tiller. dragium drag, a coarse kind of corn. drana a drain, watercourse. draparius a draper ; a standard bearer. drappus cloth. draschium, drasclum drafi 3 . drathium draff. drecca. See drana. drengaglum the tenure by which drengi hold. drengus a drench, the name given to certain tenants who were put out of their lands at the Conquest and afterwards re- stored. dressorium a dresser. dromo, dromunda a dromound, a long, swift ship for passen- gers ; a warship, larger than a galley. droviare to drive cattle. drowa a drove. druggeria a druggist's shop. duca a mould. ducatus a dukedom ; a ducat ; a safe-conduct. ducillarius, ductillarius a tapster. ducillus a stopple. ducissa a duchess. ductillus a tap. duellio a champion ; a duel. duellium, duellum trial by battle. dukketta a ducat. dumbula mar is seaweed (?). duna, dunnarium, dunum a down, or hill. duodena a dozen; a jury of twelve men. duplicatus lined. duribuccus a slow speaker. duritia duress. dux a duke. dygnerium dinner. dytenum a ditty, or song. E. edbalus an alehouse. ealhorda the right of assising and selling ale and beer. eastintus the east coast, or the eastern side of a place. ebba ebb. ebdomadarlus. See hebdomada- rius. ebiculum back of an edged tool. ecclesia a church. edestium a building. edia help ; ease ; food. efforcialiter by force of arms forcibly ; in force. Glossary of Latin Words. 199 efforclamentum distraint ; inqui- sition. efforciare to fine, distrain, com- pel ; to fortify. eta an island, eyot. einecia, eilnecia greater age, eldership. elsiamentum. See aisiamentum. ejectum jetsom, wreck. ela an aisle. elargamentum liberation. elargare to set free ; to put off ; to increase. elargatio liberation. elbidus, elbus russet. eleemosyna alms. eleemosynaria act of donation ; place where alms are dis- tributed ; office of almoner. eleemosynarius an almoner. elemosina libera, pura, et perpetua frankalmoign. elemosinare to grant in alms, or in frankalmoign. elemosinarium almonry. elephantia leprosy. elongare to remove to a distance ; to eloign. eluvio a sewer. embassaria, embaxaria an em- bassy. embaxator an ambassador. embaxatura an embassy. emenda amends ; a fine. emendare to make amends ; cor- rect ; restore. emendatio the power of correc- tion ; the right of assize ; a fine. emigranea megrim, migraine. emissarium a sluice. emolare to grind tools. emologare to confirm. emprisa an enterprise. emprumptum a loan. enarnatio flogging. encaustum ink. endroma rough cloth, falding. endurare to endure. enfranchiatus enfranchised. engleceria Englishry ; being an Englishman. engrallatus ingrailed. engrossare. See ingrossare. enitia. See einecia. ensaisinare to put in possession ; give seisin. enterclausum a screen (?). epimenium a monthly present, or expense. episcopalia synodals or other pay- ments by the clergy to the bishop. episcopare to make a bishop ; to act as a bishop. episcopatus a bishopric. episcopium a bishopric; a bishop's palace. episcopus a bishop. epistolare a service-book contain- ing the epistles. epitilium a birdbolt. eques a knight. equicitim a ruler. equitarius on horseback. equitator a rider, a forest officer. equitatura a riding or baggage- horse; cavalry; knighthood. equitium a stud of horses. eremita a hermit. eremitorium a hermitage. eremodicium a non-suit. ermina ermine. ernasium. See harnesium. erpica a harrow. 200 Glossary of Latin Words. err a a pledge (arrTia). erraticum a waif or stray. erthmiotum a court held on the boundary of two lands. erubiginator a writer of rubrics ; a painter in red. esbrancatura cutting off branches ; lopping. escaeta an escheat; a fallen branch. escaetor an escheator. escaelria escheatorship. escaetus escheated. escaldare to scald. escambiare to exchange. escambiator an exchanger, money changer. escambium exchange ; a place for changing money. escangia exchange. escantio a butler. escapiare to escape from arrest. escapium escape ; a thing that comes by chance. escaptura escape. escarius a carver. escarlelum scarlet. escaudare to scald. esceppa a skep, a measure of corn, salt, &c. eschaeta. See escaeta. cschaetor. See escaetor. escheccum a jury, or inquisition ; a check. escheppa. See esceppa. eschina a chine. eschippare to equip. esclavus a slave. esclenka a leg of mutton or beef. (Fr. esclanche.} esclusa a dam or sluice. esclusagium payment for permis- sion to make a sluice. escuilliare to castrate. escurare to scour ; cleanse. esgardia, esgardum reward. esketor a robber. eskippa. See esceppa. eskippare to equip. eskirmire to fence. esmaelitus enamelled. esnamiare to distrain. esnecca a ship. esnecia primogeniture ; thelimited right of primogeniture of the eldest coparcener. esperiolus a squirrel. esperkeria a duty on dried fish in the Channel Islands, consist- ing of a right of pre-emption of congers ; Id. Tournois on every 100 mackerel; 2 sols Tournois on every bushel of fish ; and 2d. on every salt conger exported to Nor- mandy or elsewhere, not in kingdom of England. espervarius, esperverius a sparrow- hawk. esplela. See expletice. essarta, essarlum. See assartum. essoniare to give an excuse ; to essoin. essoniator an essoiner. essonium, essonia essoin, excuse for non-appearance at a court baron, &c. estallagium. See stallagium. estallamentum a mortgage; pawn- ing. estallare to mortgage ; to pawn. estangnum a pond (stagmim) ; a bank or stank ; a measure of land less than an acre. esterlingus sterling. estintus. See eastintus. Glossary of Latin Words. 201 estoverium estovers, allowance of wood for repairs, or neces- sary food and clothes ; stover, provender. estreciatus made narrow ; strait- ened. estrepamentum, estrepinamentum, estrepement, injury done to lands by a tenant for life. eslurare. See escurare. eucharistia the sacrament ; the consecrated bread; a cibo- rium. evangelare service-book contain- ing the gospels. event w profits (of a church). ewagium toll paid for water pas- exactor a collector ; a sheriff. examitum samite. excaldare to scald. excambia exchange. excambiare to exchange. excambiator an exchanger; a broker. excambium an exchange. excarletum scarlet. excaturizare to scald. excaudare to scald. excayare escheat. exclusa. See esclusa. exclusagium. See esclusagium. excrustare to remove the crust of ; to spoil. exennium a present ; new year's gift. exercituale a heriot. exfrediare to break the peace. exhibitio an entertainment. exigenda writ of exigent. exigendarius an exigenter, an officer of the Court of Com- mon Pleas. exigendis, in in exigent. exilium waste, ruin. exire to issue. exitus issue, in all senses, family, result, expenditure ; entrail. exlegalitus outlawed. exlegare to outlaw. exonium. See essonium. exorcista an exorcist, a benett ; one of the lesser orders of the church. expedatus, expedicatus having the feet cut off. expeditare to hamble or hamel a dog, i. e., to cut out the ball of the foot or three claws ; to root up trees. expeditio the obligation of accom- panying the lord to war. expletice esplees ; rents ; profits. explicit ends. expressatum expressed. exsartum. See assartum. extenders to value lands. extenla extent ; valuation. extermino to bring without the boundaries. ex to care to grub up. extracta, extractum an estreat, a true extract or copy. extrahura a stray. extraneus a foreigner, i. e., not a citizen. extravag antes certain papal con- stitutions, not included in Gratian or the Decretals. exluma relics. 202 Glossary of Latin Words. F. faber a smith. fabrica a smithy. fagottum a faggot. faida feud, enmity. faidini enemies, exiles. falcare to mow. falcatura a day's work at mow- ing. falcidium a swathe. falco a falcon. falcona a falcon ; a small cannon, 2 inch bore. falconaria service of supplying falcons. falda a fold. faldce cursus a sheepwalk. faldaglum faldage, the right to set up folds. faldicium a fold ; foldage, fold- penny ; payment for folding sheep, or for leave to set up a fold. faldistorium an arm-chair ; esp. a bishop's throne. faldum a fold. falera trappings (phalera). falesia a rock, cliff. falla, fallum a measure of land ; tin ; fault. falmotum folkmote. falsare to deceive ; falsify ; forge. falsarius, falsonarius a forger. falsa tor forger. falsitas forgery. falsoneria forgery. famen a speech. familia a set of chess or draughts men. fanatio the fawning season in forests. fancielus some kind of tenant. farctnula a package, parcel. fardella, fardellum a fardel, the quarter, or eighth of a yard land. fardellus a bundle ; a fardel ; holder of a fardel. farinagium toll of meal or flour. farricapsium hopper of a mill. farundella a quarter of an acre. fascennia a bastile, a wooden fort used in besieging a town. fasianus a pheasant. fassus a faggot. fausetum treble ; a faucet. feira a fair. felagus faithful ; a companion. felo a felon. felonia felony. felonice feloniously. felparia, feltrum felt. femoralia drawers. fenestra a window. fengera fern. fennationis tempus fence months. fensura a fence. feodalis, feudalis feudal ; a vassal. feodalitas, feoditas fealty. feodamentum feoffment. feodarius, feodatarius a feodary, an officer of the court of wards; a feudal tenant by service. feodelitas fealty. feodijirma fee farm. feodum a fee ; a fief. feodum talliatum fee tail. feoffamentum feoffment, grant of tenements, &c. in fee. fcoffare to enfeoff, to grant in fee. feoffator feoffor. feoffatus feoffee. Glossary of Latin Words. 203 feoraglum straw. fera a wild beast ; used especially for deer. ferculum a disli ; a litter. ferdetta, ferdellum. See fardella. feria a fair ; a day of the week ; a ferry. feriagium payment for ferrying. feriatus dies feast day, saint's day, holiday. feritorlum a swingle ; a beetle. ferlingata, ferlingus four acres ; a quarter of a yard land. ferlingettus a measure of corn. fermisona the winter season for killing deer. fernigo waste land, covered with fern. ferramentum an iron tool or in- strument ; a horseshoe ; a ploughshare ; a tire. ferrandus grey. ferrare to shoe a horse. ferrarius, ferrator a smith. f erratum ironwork ; esp. horse- shoeing. ferrifodina an iron mine. ferripodium a patten. ferro, ferronarius an ironmonger or ironworker. ferrura a blacksmith's trade; a wheel tire. ferthendellum quarter of an acre. fesana, fesans, fesantis, fesantus a pheasant. fessum, fessus a truss. festinancia haste. festrum a roof-tree. feudum. Seefeodum. feugera fern. fico a boat. fidelitas fealty. filacia lana woollen yarn. filacium a file, for documents. filar e to file. filarium a steel, a hone. filatrix a spinster. filazarius a filacer, an officer of the Common Pleas who files writs. filiaster son-in-law, stepson, nephew, sister's son. filiastra similar feminine rela- tives. filiatio sonship, subjection, obe- dience; used of monastic houses. filicetum ferny ground. filiolus godson. filtrum felt. filum aquae the middle of a river. fima dung, manure. fimare to manure. fimarius a scavenger. financia ransom. finare to pay ; to exact ; to refine. finire to pay a fine ; to exact a fine. finis a fine ; final concord. fiola a beaker; a phial (phiala). firgia a fetter. firma a farm ; rent. firmaculum a buckle. firmare ; to fortify ; to seal or sign ; to give security ; to grant a farm ; to rent a farm. firmarius a farmer. firmatio doe season ; provisions. firmura a lock ; the right of closing. fistuca a fishing rod. fistulator a piper. fixula a buckle, a button. Glossary of Latin Words. flabellum a vane. flaco a marsh. fiagellum a flail ; a door-bar. flameola a garment, usually of silk. flamicia flawn, custard. flecharia service of supplying arrows. flecker ius a fletcher. flecta an arrow ; a hurdle. fleebotimacio bleeding. fleta an arm of the sea. flood flock, refuse wool. floccus. Seefrocctis. florenus a florin. flota a fleet ; a raft. focagium focage or housebote ; hearth-tax. focale fuel ; the right of taking fuel. focaria a housekeeper. fodera a f other (of lead), 1,950 Ibs. or 2,000 Ibs. fodertorium, foderum, fodrum fodder. foesa grass. fogagium fog, rank grass. folyarim a menial servant. foracra a f oracre, the headland of an arable field. foragium straw; forage; the right of exacting it or obligation to provide it. foraneus foreigner. forarium the office of harbinger. forbannitus a banished man. forbarrare to bar or deprive. forbator a furbisher. forbatudus a person killed in self-defence. forcelectuin a fortress. forceria a casket ; strongbox (?). forcescettum a fortress. forcia forcible exaction. forejudicatio a forejudges forellus a sheath. forensis a foreigner. forera a headland; a furrow (?). foresta a forest. forestagium a duty paid to the king's foresters. forestallagium, forestallamentum obstructing the highway ; forestalling. forestallare to forestall ; to way- lay. forestallator a forestaller. forestallum a crime committed on the highway. forestare to afforest. forestaria office of forester ; fo- restership ; forestry. forestarius a forester. forgia a forge. forhelna concealment. forhurtha. Qeeforuhtha. foriare to forage. forinsecus outside ; foreign. forisburgum suburbs. forisfacere to do amiss ; to for- feit ; also used actively, to exact a forfeit from. forisfactum transgression ; for- feiture. forisfactura forfeiture. forisfamiliare to remove from the family ; to emancipate. forisjudicare to pronounce for- feited. forislalria forestalment. forlandum land at the extremity of an estate; a promontory. forlangum. Seefurlangus. forma a form, bench ; a copy. formannus foreman ; headman. formella a shoemaker's last; a weight of about 70 Ibs. formipedia a form, bench. Glossary of Latin Words. 205 formula a little bench. fornayium payment by tenants bound to bake in the lord's oven, or for the right to use their own ; hearth-money. fornire to heat. forpices shears. forprisum an exception. furrare, forrari to forage. forrerius a harbinger. forstallare, fyc. See forestallare, $c. fortellescum a castle. fortericia a fortress. fortia power. fortiare to force ; to fortify. fortuna treasure trove. fortunare to happen. fortunium a tournament. foruhtha a measure of land. forulus a bin. forura. See furrura. forurda a measure of land. fossa a mound, a dike, as well as a ditch. fossagiumcontTibu.tio'n.f or making ditches. fossare to ditch. fossatum a place surrounded by a ditch; ditch; dike ; mound. fossiculus a basket (?). fovea a burial-place. fractillosus dagged, jagged (of clothes). fractillus a dag. jag. fraciitium arable land. fraellum a frail ; a basket. fracria a fraternity ; a brother- hood. fraginettus a cracknel. f ranca petra freestone. francbordus freebord, land claimed outside a fence. franchesia franchise. franchilanus a freeman. franchise, franchisare to enfran- chise. franchisa a franchise. francigena a foreigner. franciplegium frankpledge. francolanus a franklin. francus free. fraria a fraternity ; a brother- hood. frassetum an ashwood (fraxine- tum}. f rater a friar. fratriagium a younger brother's inheritance. frecta, frectum coarse cloth, as used for horse cloths, frieze (?) ; embroidery, usu. with metal ; a fret. frectagium freight. frectatus frettee (heraldic). frectum freight. See frecta. fredum a composition paid by a criminal. frescus fresh. frettare to load ; to freight. frettum freight. See frecta. fretum freight. frideburgum frithburgh, the same as frankpledge. friscus fresh ; also uncultivated ground. frithbregium breach of the peace. fritum fry of fish. frixura a fried dish ; a pancake. froccus, froggus a frock ; for monks a long garment with long, wide sleeves. fronciatus wrinkled. 206 Glossary of Latin Words. frontale a frontal. frontellum a frontal. frontinella moulding, in gold- smith's work. frontispicium a gable end. frunio a tanner. frunire to tan. frusca waste lands. frusshiare to break up land. frussura breaking into a house ; or ploughing. fnistrum, frustum a small plot of land. frutectum a shrubbery. fuagium hearth-tax. fuallia fuel. ftiga a drove ; a chase ; hunting ; the right to drive cattle on to a place. fugacia a chase. fugare to hunt ; to drive. fugarius a hunter (horse). fugatio a chase. fugator hunter (horse) ; a driver. fugatorius a hunter (horse). fugera fern. fugillus a poker. fuleratium, molendinum fulling mill. fullare, fullire, fullonare to full cloth. fullum agues a stream, of water. fulreticum a fulling mill. fumagium manure ; chimney- money. fumarium a chimney. fundiior a founder ; a pioneer. fundum ground. funtura founding, casting (metal). furare to steal. furbire to furbish. furcare to pitch corn or hay with a fork ; to hang a cart on its wheels. fureclare to ferret. furfuraculum a sieve. furigeldum a fine for theft. furlangus, furlongus the eighth of a mile ; the eighth of an acre. fumagium. Seefornagium. furnarius a baker. furniare to bake. furnire to heat up an oven or furnace. furnus a bakehouse. furratus furred. furrellus sword sheath ; bow case. furrura, fururia fur. furulus. See furrellus. fusor fusour, melter, an officer in the Exchequer. fusoria the office of fusour. f us (arius a joiner. fustianum fustian. G. gabella rent ; service. gablagium the same as gabella. gablare to pay rent. gablum a cross. See also gabella. gabulum a gable. gabulus. See gabella. gafra a wafer. gafrarius a waferer. gagnagium, gainagium gain, pro- fit. gaineria a tilled field ; a crop. gaivelettum. See gaveletum. galea a galley. galeasia a galliasse. galeo a galleon. galida a galley. galiotus a galliot. gallicidium Shrovetide. Glossary of Latin Words. 207 gillivolatium a cock-shoot or cock-glade. gallo, gallons, galo, galona a gal- lon. galya a galley. gamberia armour for the legs. gambeso, gambesum a quilted jacket worn under the ar- mour. ganagium. See gagnagium. ganerium gainery, profit arising from tillage. gannatura yelping, derision. ganta, ganteletus a gauntlet. gaola a prison ; a gaol. gaolagium prison dues. gaolarius a gaoler. gara terra a gare or gore, a strip of land. garandisare to warrant. garantum warrant. garba a sheaf. garbelagium garbelage. garbellare to garble, to pick out the refuse. garcifer. See garcio. garcio a groom. garda a ward of a town ; w ardship. garderoba a wardrobe. garderobarius a wardrobe-keeper. gardta, fyc. See guardia, fyc. gardiator guardian, warden. gardinarius a gardener. gardinum a garden. gardum a garth. garenna a warren. See tvarenna. gargarare to brag. gargata the throat. garilatrix a scold. garlanda a chaplet ; a garland, sometimes of gold or silver. garmamentum a garment. garnestura victuals, arms, &c., necessary for a garrison ; garrison. garra. See gara. garterium a garter. gastaldus governor of a town or province. gata a bowl. gauda, gaudo woad. gaugeare to gauge. gaugetum gauging, gauge. gaugiator a gauger. gaveletum gavelet, a writ of ces- savit, where gavelkind ob- tains. gavelmannus a tenant liable to tribute. gavelocus a javelin. gayra. See gara. geburus a villager, peasant. geldabilis liable to pay tax. geldare to pay a geldum. geldum, geldus tax ; compensa- tion ; fine. gelima a sheaf. geloffium a gillyflower. geltum. See geldum. gemala a hinge. gemotum an assembly. generate the commons of a monk. generosa a gentlewoman. generosus a gentleman. genimen an offshoot. geola, Sfc. See gaola, Sj-c. gernarium a granary. gersa starch. gersuma a fine ; a reward ; an earnest. gerusa a goad. gesa a guisarme. gesta, gestum yeast ; food. getti a hawk's jesses. 208 Glossary of Latin Words. getticium a jetty. gewineda an assembly. ghestum food. See gistum. gialda, gyalda a guildhall. gifta a stream. gihalda a guildhall. gilda a fraternity, guild. gildare. See geldare. gildatio paym'ent of a tax. gildaula, gildhalla a guildhall. gildhalla Teutonicorum the Steel- yard, or company of Easter- ling merchants. gllla, gillus a mug. gillagium tax paid on wine sold by retail. gilofera clove or gillyflower. gimphus. See gumphus. gipo a doublet (pourpoint}. gipsura pargeting. girgillus a reel with a handle for winding thread. giro an apron, a skirt. gisarma a guisarme, a weapon re- sembling a halberd, having a spear point, with a small axe at the foot, and some- times a spike on the oppo- site side. glsta a joist. yislum duty of entertaining the lord when on a journey ; yeast. glaneare, gleniare to glean. glavea, glavla a glaive. gleba land belonging to a parish church, glebe. fflcbalis terra glebe land. glebaria turf. gleniagium gleaning. gleniare to glean. glis mud. glomellus a clew. glomerarius, glomerettus a com- missioner appointed to settle disputes between the scholars of a university and the townsmen. glorietta a gloriet, an upper room in a tower. glutum glue. gobonatus embossed. godetus a mug. golda a drain ; a mine (?). gollardus a buffoon. gora. See gara. gorgona a gargoyle. goto, a gut, drain. grabatum a couch. gradale, graduate a gradual, or grail ; a book containing the musical portion of the mass. gradiens passant (heraldic). graduatus a graduate, one who has taken a degree in a university. graffio a count, earl, or perhaps reeve. graffium, grafium, graphium a register, or cartulary ; a pen. granata a garnet. granatorius, yranetarius, keeper or steward of a granary. grancia, grangia a grange, esp. a farmhouse belonging to a monastery. grangiarius the keeper of a grange. grantum security. See creantum. granum grain ; the coccus ilicis and coccus arborum, used in dyeing red. grava, gratia a grove. gremium the nave of a church. grenetarius keeper of a granary. gresius grey. gressibilis able to walk. grisengus, griseus grey. Glossary of Latin Words. 209 griseum opus greywork, gris, fur of badger skin, or more likely the " mus Ponticus." grissus, grisus grey ; gris. groceria grocery. grocerius a grocer. gromes, grometus, gromus a groom. gronna a place whence peat is dug. gropus a hook, perhaps a skid. yrossare to engross, to make a fair copy, or to buy up. grossarius an engrosser, a grocer. grossum revenue of a benefice ; gross. grossus (adj.) large, gross. grossus (subst.) a groat. (Fr. Gros ) groundagium payment for per- mission to anchor in a har- bour. ffrova a grove. grovetta a little grove. grovum a grove. gruarius a chief forester ; a fal- con used for cranes. gruellum gruel. grumus gruel. grunda a gutter. See alura. gruta grouse. grutum grout. guarda ward. guardaroba wardrobe. guardiania office of warden. guardianus a warden. guardiare to guard, protect. guarennarius, guarnerius a war- renner. guastum waste. guerra war. ffuerrare, guerreare to make war. guiare to lead. M. guidagium safe-conduct, or a pay- ment for safe-conduct. guidare to lead ; to take toll for leading. guido a guidon. guihalla a guildhall. guilda a guild. guildhalda a guildhall. gula a tippet. gula augusti the first of August, Gulaust. gulla a gully, watercourse. gumfus a hinge, a joint ; glue. guna a cupping glass. gunca reeds. guncllus a short gown. gunna some part of the machinery of a mill ; a cannon, gun ; a gown. gunnarius a gunner. gunnum a cannon, gun. gurda a handmill (?). gurgcs, yiirgitum a weir. gurgulio a gargoyle. guttera, gutteria,guttura,gutturus a gutter. gutturna quinsy. guuarda ward (guarda). gydagium payment to a guide. gylda a guild. gysarma a gisarme. H. habentia riches. habilis fit ; capable. habundancia. For abundancia. hachia a pickaxe ; hatchet. hada a small piece of land. hadocus a haddock. haerarius nesting. hcereditas, fyc. See her edit as, Sfc. p 210 Glossary of Latin Words. hairela a conspiracy ; society ; a bishop's army. haeria an aery, nest. liaga a hedge ; a house in a city or borough. hagdbulum a rate or tax paid at Cambridge. hagardum a rickyard. hagia, haia, haicia a hedge. hair us a heron ; haircloth. haka a hake (merlucius vulgaris}. hakedus a hake. hakeneius, hakenettus a hackney, nag. hala a hall. halgardum a shed. halimotum hallmote ; court baron. hametta a hamlet. hamleta, Jiamletlus a hamlet. hamma a home-close ; a little meadow ; an edge or hem in the common field. hamsoca a fine for forcibly enter- ing a house. hanaperium, lianeparium a ham- per. The Hanaper is an office in the Court of Chan- eery. hancia a haunch. See also hansa. handana, handayna, handena a day's work. hangwitha a fine for wrongfully hanging a robber or letting him escape. hansa a house, or company of merchants ; a city with re- ference to its foreign mer- cantile dealings. hara a stye. harare to plough. haratium a stud of horses. harciare. See herciare. harclla. See harela. harenga a harangue ; a herring. harengaria the herring fishery, or season. harengus a herring. hareptpa a snare for hares, called a harepipe. harnesiare to put on armour ; to harness ; to decorate. harnesium armour ; harness ; rigging. harpare to play on the harp. harrcctus a harrier. harreum a herd, troop, esp. of horses. haspa a hasp, door-fastening. hastiludium a tournament. hatchettus a hatchet haubergeo, haulorio a habergeon. hauritorium a pump. haustrum a pump. havenator a harbour master. haverocum a haycock, a hayrick ; the quantity of hay which can be lifted on the handle of a scythe, or bound with one cord. haya, haycia, hay fa a hedge ; a net ; an enclosure. haydagium. Same a.shedagium(?}. hayum a meadow. hebdomadarius a canon of a ca- thedral church, appointed weekly to take charge of the choir ; a priest appointed for weekly duty in a monastery. heccagium rent for heckles, fish- ing engines used in the Ouse. hechium a hatch ; a hedge. heda a wharf ; a hithe. hedagium toll paid at a wharf. hciria an eyry, nest. heiro a heron. hehvardus a hayward. hcraldus a herald. herbagium herbage ; right of pasturing cattle. Glossary of Latin Words. 211 herbergagium lodgings. herbergare, herbigare to lodge ; to entertain. herbergiator a harbinger ; an inn- keeper. hercarius a narrower. her da a harrow ; a frame to hold candles. hcrciare to harrow. hercbannum a fine for refusing to perform military service. herecius some kind of hound used for stag hunting. hcredipeta the next heir. hereditament-urn hereditament, all property that may be in- herited. hereditare to cause to inherit. hereditas an inheritance. herellus a kind of small fish. heretum a courtyard for the use of soldiers. herezeldus military service, scu- tage. hericius a hedgehog ; a revolving bar with spikes used in fortresses. herietum. See heriotum. herigaldum a surcoat. herigeta a heriot. her ills adjective formed from hares as well as from hcrus. heriotum a heriot. heriscindium division of house- hold goods. herminus ermine. hermitaffium, hermitorium a her- mitage. hernasii irregular soldiers. hernesium. See harnesium. heroudes a herald. hesia an easement. hesta, hestha a small loaf. heuedrata a headland (?). heura a hure. See hura. heymectus a rabbit-net. heyronagium a heronry. heyronus a heron. hibernagium the winter season for sowing corn ; rye. hida a hide of land. hidagium a tax levied on every hide of land ; a fine paid by persons of servile condition instead of receiving corporal punishment for offences {hydgild}. hidare to divide into hides. higra the bore or eager of a river. hiltra an engine for catching salmon. hiltum a hilt. hippocomus master of the horse. hirna a sausage. hirquicallus squinting. hirsepa a torch. hispaniolus a spaniel. hitha a wharf. hivernagium. See hibernagium. hlammator a fisherman of some kind. hobellarius a hobbler, a light horse soldier who rode a hobby. hobelus a hobby (hawk). hoccus salt's a salt pit. hocium housing of a horse. hoga a wood. hogacius a hogget. hogaster a pig ; a sheep in its second year, hogget. hogettus, hogietus a hogget. hog g us a hog. homagium homage. hominatio muster. hominium homage. homiplagium maiming. hopa a hopper, a basket. hordarius the keeper of a granary. p 2 212 Glossary of Latin Words. hordera a treasurer. Jiorderium a treasury. horisonium a clock. hornagium, hornegeldum tax on cattle. horoscopus a dial. horripilatio shuddering. hosa hose. hospitalaria the hostry or guest- house of a monastery. hospitalarius a knight of the Order of St. John of Jeru- salem ; the hospitaller or hostillar, a monk whose duty is to attend to guests, the steward of the guest-house. hospitarius. See hospitalarius. hospitator an innkeeper. hospitium a house for receiving guests ; procuration or visi- tation money. hostagium hostage. See also hospitium and hostelagium. hostelagium a lord's right of being lodged by his tenants. hostelarium. See hospitalaria. hostellarius an innkeeper. hosteria a ciborium. hosterium a hoe. hostia the consecrated wafer. hostiarius an usher. hosticius a porch. hostillaria. See hospitalaria. hostillarius. See hospitalarius. hostorcus, hostricus a goshawk. See osturcus. huca a hewke, a frock or mantle. hucea housing of a horse ; a gown. huchea a hutch. hudagium. See hidagium. hugia a hoy, a hutch. huisse.rium a ship for conveying horses. huisserius an usher. hulcus. See hulka. huldare to plank, to put camp- sheathing on a bank. hulka a large ship, a transport ship. hullus a hill. hulmus a holm, a meadow on a river bank, or an island. humagium a marshy place ; homage. hummulina beer. hundredarius a hundredor, a juror in a case concerning land who lives in the hundred in which the land is ; a bailiff of a hundred. hundredum a hundred, a division of a shire ; a hundred court ; payment due from a hun- dred ; fine from the hun- dredors for non-appearance at the court. hura a hure, a coarse cap. hurarius ahurrer, maker of hures. hurdicius a hurdle ; a military en- gine to protect the assailants of a fortress ; a hoarding. hurtardus, hurtus a ram. husa a horsecloth ; housing. husbandrea a farmhouse ; a farm. husbandus a farmer ; a peasant. huscarla, huscarlius a household servant ; a military retainer attached to the lord's house- hold. husebondus a husband. husgablum, husgabuhim house- tax, or rent, husgable. hussus holly. hustengium, hustengum, hustin- gum hustings ; the Supreme Court of the City of London. hutagium hue. hutellum, hutesium hue [and cry]. hyda. See hida, hydromellum mead. Glossary of Latin Words. I. ibanum ebony. ibernagium. See hibernagium. icona, iconia an image, figure. idriola a holy water stoup. ifungia fine white bread, called cocket bread. ignitegium curfew. imaginarius an image maker. imbassiator an ambassador. imbesilare to embezzle. imbreviare to abridge ; to put in writing. imbrocus a brook. imbulus a pentice, a penthouse. imbursare to put in one's own purse. immerciatus fined, amerced. imminorare to diminish. impalare to impound. impanellare to enter the names of a jury ; to empanel. imparcamentum, imparcatlo the right of impounding cattle. imparcare to impark ; to empound. impechiamentum hindrance ; im- peachment. impechiare to accuse, impeach. impediare to mutilate a dog's feet, to law. See expe- ditare. impedientes defendants. imperator emperor. imperpetuum for ever. impersonate, persona parson imparsonee, lawful incum- bent in actual possession. impescatus impeached. impetere to accuse, impeach. impetitio impeachment. implacitare to implead, to sue. implementum complement ; uten- sil. implicatio a landing-stage, moor- ing-place. impoisonare to poison. impomentum dessert of fruit. importancia importance. imposterum hereafter. impotionare to poison. impressor a printer. impressus an adherent, a partisan. impretiabilis invaluable. imprimere to print. imprisa, imprisia enterprise. imprisius, imprisus an adherent. imprisonamentare to imprison. imprisonamentum imprisonment. imprisonare to imprison. impropriatio an ecclesiastical benefice in the hands of a layman. impruiamentum the improvement of land. impruiare to improve land. inactitare to register. inamelatus enamelled. inancia advantage, advance. inannulatus not ringed (of a pig). inbladare to sow with corn. inbladatio growing crops. inblaura the product of land (im- bladalura). inbrochiare to broach. incartare, inchartare to grant by a written deed. incastellare to fortify. incaustum ink. incerchare to seek. inclaudare to fetter. inclausura an enclosure, home close. 214 Glossary of Latin Words. includere to enclose. inclusa a nun. inclusarius, inclusorius a pinder. inclusorium a pound. inclusus a monk. incluvium some instrument of torture. incombrancia encumbrance. incombrare to stop up a road ; to pawn. incompatibilitas incompatibility, of benefices which cannot be held together. incopare to accuse. incopolltus a proctor ; a vicar. incortinare to adorn with hang- ings. incrocamentum incroachment. incrocare, incrochiare to encroach. incumbrare. See incombrare. incurramentum liability to a pen- alty. incussa. For inconcussa. incustodia carelessness. indebitatus indebted. indecimabilis not liable to tithes. indefensus one who refuses to answer to an accusation. indefeslbilis indefeasible, that cannot be made void. indentura an indenture. indictamentum an indictment. indictare to indict. indictio indictment ; indiction, a cycle of fifteen years by which writings were dated at Rome. indictor an accuser. indistringibilis not distrainable. indivisibilis mums a main wall, not a party wall. indivisum held ia common. indorsare, indossare to endorse. indorsation indorsamentum en- dorsement. induclio induction, putting a clergyman into possession of his church. indula strong thread. indus indigo. inewardus a watchman. infalistatio a capital punishment inflicted at Dover, drown- infeodare to enfeoff. infeodatio decimarum granting tithes to laymen. infeofare to enfeoff. injirmaria the infirmary of a mon- astery. infirmarius the guardian of the sick in a monastery. injirmitorium an infirmary. injiscare to confiscate. inforciare to fortify. infossare to surround with a ditch. infrontare to stop. in/rontare sese to resist. infrunitas madness. infugare to put to flight. infula a cassock ; a coif. ingaignia an engine ; machine ; trap. ingeniator an engineer. ingenium a machine; engine; gin. ingenuitas freedom ; nobility. ingrangiare to deposit in a granary. ingravare to engrave ; to demand. ingressus the relief paid by an heir on entering upon his lands. ingrossare to engross, to copy out fairly, or to buy up. Glossary of Latin Words. 215 ingrossator a copier ; a wholesale dealer. inguardus a guard ; a watchman. inhokare, inhocfacere to enclose. inhokum " any corner or part of a common field, ploughed up and sowed with oats, &c., and sometimes fenced in with a dry hedge, in that year wherein the rest of the same field lies fallow and common" (Jacob). inlagare to restore to the benefit of the law. inlagatio the restitution of an out- law. inlagatus one who is not an out- law. inlantale demesne land. inlegiare to satisfy the law, or re- store to the benefit of the law. innamlare to distrain. innamum a pledge. See namium. innire to inn, to carry corn or hay. innocum. See inhokum. innodare to knot ; to bind. innonia an enclosure. innoxiare to purge ; absolve. inojfidare to provide with the services of the church. inordinatus intestate. inprisius an adherent. inquesta, inquestum, inquisitio an inquest. inquisitor a sheriff, coroner, &c., who has power to hold in- quests ; a retriever. inrollare to enrol. insectator a prosecutor. inservire to bring into slavery. insigne a coat of arms. insilium bad advice. installare to instal ; to quitclaim, compound. installatio a composition. instaur amentum. See instauratw. instaurare to stock (a farm). instaurarius a stockkeeper. instauratio, instaurum store; stock of a farm ; furniture of a church, books, vestments, &c. instirpare to plant, establish. institutio institution, the granting by a bishop to a clerk of the cure of souls in his benefice. insularius a keeper or porter of a detached house (insula). intassare to heap up hay in cocks. intercept enterprise, aggression. intercipere to attack ; to seize wrongfully. interclaustrum a walk or passage between cloisters (?). interclausura the setting of pre- cious stones ; chasing of metal. intercommunicare to intercom- mon, where the tenants of two manors use the com- mons of both. interesse interest. interlinearis between the lines. interloingnium. See loingnium. interludium play, mumming, as at Christmas. inlernamentum burial. interpugnare to fight together. interranea the bowels. intersignum a token ; a counter- sign. intertenere to entertain. intertiare to sequester. intrare to enter, or inn, i.e. drain and cultivate, marshes, which are then called innings. intrastagnum a seat in a row, a stall (?). intrinsecus a dweller within, a citizen, opp. toforinsccus. 216 Glossary of Latin Words. introitus an introit, an antiphone sung while the priest is going to the altar. intrussare to pack up. invadiare to mortgage ; to pawn. invadiatio a mortgage. invadimoniare to pledge, put in pawn. invenlarium an inventory. invent io treasure trove. inventorium an inventory. invert fare to prove. investio, inveslimentum investi- ture. investire to invest, give posses- sion. investitura investiture. inwardus a watchman. ipoporgium an andiron. irreplegiabilis, irreplemdbilis irre- plevisable ; that which ought not to be replevied or de- livered on sureties. irrotulamentum an enrolment. irrotulare to enrol. irrotulatio enrolling. iter circuit, or eyre, of a judge. iterans justiciarius justice in eyre. iterare to make a journey ; to hold an eyre ; to rejudge ; to repeat. iterato again, repeatedly. iteratus repeated. J. jacens in abeyance. jactacula a hawk's jesses. jacti jesses. jactivus one who loses by default. jahones furze, gorse. jampnum, jannum furze, gorse. jardinus a garden. jarellum a barrier. jaula, fyc. See gaola, Sfc. jercia a lamb. jetti jesses. jocale a jewel. jocarius a jester. jocillator a juggler. joppus a fool. jornancia a day's work. jornata a day's work or journey ; anacreof land. (Fr.Journau.) Jovis dies Thursday. judaismus Jewry. jugulare to yoke. juguliettum the neck. jugum a yoke of land ; half a plough-land. j'uisa, juisium judgment ; trial by ordeal or battle ; execution ; pillory. jumentum a mare. juncare to strew rushes. juncata cream cheese. juncta a joint. junctum a measure of salt. junctura jointure. jupa a petticoat, a gown. jupellum a coat, a frock ; a kind of banner. jurata a jury. jura tor a juror. juratus a jurate. jurnale a diary. jurnedum a day's journey. justa, jus tea a joust, tournament ; a flagon. justicia jurisdiction ; fine ; right, due ; a justice ; a joust. justiciabilis under jurisdiction. justiciare to bring to trial ; to exercise or administer jus- tice ; to compel, to punish. justiciare se to appear or plead before a justice. justiciarius a justice. justificare to bring to trial. justificator a compurgator. Glossary of Latin Words. 217 justitiaria a writ to justices ; the day when they sit. justitium cessation from the ex- ercise of justice. K. kaia, kaium a quay ; wharf. kalagium toll paid for unloading goods at a wharf ; quayage. kalendce, fyc. See calendee. kaneva canvas. karetta a cart. karistia dearth. karrata a cartload. See carecta. karvana a caravan. karvannum a baggage train. katallum. See catallum. kauma thatch. kay us, kaya a quay, a wharf. kembelina a kemeling, or keeler, a tub. kemmotus a cymwd or comot, the quarter of a cantref . See cantreda. kernellare to embattle. kidellus a kiddle or kettle, a con- trivance for catching fish set in a weir. killagium keelage, the right of demanding money for ships lying in a harbour. kintale a weight, about 100 Ibs. See quintale. kivilla a pin. knipulus a knife. knopa a knob ; knop. kokettus. See cokettus. kunupulus clapper of a bell. kydellus. See kidellus. L. labilitas liability to slip. labina a marsh ; a meadow. laborarius. a labourer. laccus a lock (of hair or wool). laceatus fringed ; laced. lacerta a fathom. lacista a cade of herring. lacta defect in weight ; lack. lactare to lack. lacum lack. lada purgation ; a watercourse, lode ; a load. ladare to purge oneself of a crime. Icedorium reproach. Icestum a lathe. See leda. laga a lane ; law. lagemannus a lawman, a judge. lagena a gallon, an eighth of a bushel. laghdagha a law-day. laghelmotus a law hallmote. laia a broad way in a wood. laicus a layman. lairvita punishment for incon- tinence. lambella a label (heraldic). lambrissare, lamburchare to wain- scot, to ceil, to ornament with fretwork. lampreda a lamprey, sometimes a lampern. lanarius a woollen draper. lanceare to extend, to abut (of land). lanccttagium a base or servile tenure. lancetus, lancetta tenant holding by such a tenure. (A. S. landsceta or landsittend.} At Bury St. Edmunds the lan- cetti had to clean out certain chambers in the abbey. lanciator keeper of lances in the Tower. landa a lawn ; land. landea a ditch for draining a marsh. lanerius a lanner. langabuhim tax or rent from land. 218 Glossary of Latin Words. langellum swaddling clothes. langemannus lord of a manor. langeolum, langeolus a woollen shirt, reaching to the knees, worn by monks. lanlordus a landlord. lano niger a kind of base coin. lanterium the top of a steeple. lapicidina a stone quarry. lardanarium, lardarium a larder. lardanarius, larderarius larderer, or clerk of the kitchen. lardearium a larder. lardum bacon. largitio largesse. lasirium azure. lassatinus an assassin. lasla, lastwn a last, a measure used for fish, hides, corn, wool, &c. lastagium custom paid for wares sold by the last ; ballast. See lestagium. las turn a lathe. lata a lath. lateranea a bedfellow ; a wife. later are to lie sideways (of land). latha a lath. latinarius an interpreter, a lati- mer or latiner. latomus a stonecutter. latro the right of punishing thieves. latta a lath. latus a sidesman. laubia a porch, gallery. laudum an award. lavatorium, lavandaria a laundry. laxa a leash. locator, leccator a person of bad character, lecher. lecia a leash. lecteria. See liter a. lectica litter for cattle. lectio a lesson. lectis a brother's daughter. lectisternium bedding; a mat- trass. leotoriwn, lecturium a reading- desk. lecturire to lecture. leda a lathe, a division of a county. ledo, ledona tide. lega the standard of money. legamannus a lawful man, or man of law. legatarius, legataria legatary, legatee. legiosus litigious. legrewita a fine for adultery. lemniscus a label (heraldic). lenga a ling (ascllus longus], leones false coin prohibited by Edw. I. lepa two-thirds of a bushel. leporarius a greyhound. leporium a hare-warren. leprosaria a lazarhouse. lesia a leash. lessa a legacy ; a lease. lessia a leash. lesta a last ; a lathe. See lasta. lestagium toll paid at a port on landing goods ; or at a market or fair for licence to remove goods. lesura a leasowe, a pasture. leta a court-leet. leuca a league ; 1,500 paces, or 480 perches; sometimes used for a mile. Glossary of Latin Words. 219 leucata a league ; banlieue. leugator a scout or forager (?). levabilis leviable. levanum leavened bread. levare to collect, levy ; to remove ; to carry hay. levellus level. leverarius a harrier. leverio, breve de writ of relief. levescere to become light. levinarius a lymehound. lex sometimes used for ordeal. lezura a leasowe, a pasture. libellus a declaration ; a libel. liber lapis freestone. libera delivery of a portion of grass or corn to a tenant who has been engaged in cutting it. liberata, liberatio, liberatura livery. liberate a writ ordering a pay- ment to be made, commenc- ing with this word. libra a pound, in weight or money. librata terra; land worth 20s. yearly ; 4 oxgangs, or 52 acres. librillare to chatter ; babble. licea, licice lists ; barriers. hcere to license. lichinius wick of a candle. lichinus a candlestick. liciarium, licitamentum a bid, in dealing. Uganda allegiance, homage. ligatus a liegeman. ligeancia allegiance ; breach of allegiance. ligeus liege ; lawful. lignagium the right of cutting fuel in woods. lignamen timber. lignipodium a wooden leg ; a stilt. ' ligula a fillet, a file. limas an apron. liminiscus a point or stop in a MS. limus an apron. linarium a place where flax is grown. lincare, liniare to line. lingua loin. linteamen, linthiamen linen stuff; a sheet. liquiritia liquorice. liripipium the tail of a hood, or the peak of a shoe. lista edge ; strip ; catalogue ; lists for a tournament. lisura list (of cloth). litera, literia litter, straw ; a litter; bedclothes. lobbum a large fish in the North Sea, of the cod species. lobia a porch, gallery. lobium a portico ; a lobby. locare to let. loccum a lock on a river. lochia a loach. locutorium a parlour. loda a load. lodium a louvre. log a a truss (?) of hay. log giare to cut wood into logs (?). loyia a lodge ; an outhouse. logiare to lodge, dwell. loingium, loingnium a lewne, lune, a strap attached to a hawk's jesses. lokettum a locket. longellus a coverlet. lonnia a loin. lopare to lop. loquela imparlance ; a plea ; a suit. loqitenda a point reserved by a court for consideration. lorariits a lymehound. lorema a bridle bit. 220 Glossary of Latin Words. lorimaria lorimery, bits, buckles, and other metal work for harness. lorimarius a lorimer or loriner. lotorium a wash-hand basin. lottum et scottum lot and scot. loverium a louvre. lucarius a woodward. lucellus a bier, a hearse. luces pike (pi.)- lucubrum a lantern. ludricus a beast of burden. luigna a loin. lumbale, lumbare a belt, a girdle. luminarius a dealer in lights ; chandler. luminio lighting. lunee, dies Monday. Luna is also used for Monday by itself, not declined, as infra Lunee, before Monday ; and the same is true of the names for the other days of the week. lunda a bind of eels, i.e. 250 ; two timbers of skins, i.e. 80. lundinarium a quarter of a vir- gate. luplicetum a hop garden. lura a bung. lurale a lure. lussus a brother-in-law. Inter a basin, laver, font. lutricius an otter hound. luvare a louvre. lymputta a lime pit. M. macea a mace. maceria outer wall of a convent. machecaria a meat market. machecarius a butcher. machccollare to add machecoults to a castle. macia a mace. macuellus a small mace. macula mail ; silver half-pence. madera madder. madius month of May. maeremium timber. magnagium a house. magthura same as mangura (?). mahemiare to maim. mahemium mayhem, maim. maignagium a brazier's shop. maioria mayoralty. maisneda household. major a mayor. majorare to increase, to improve. maker ellus a mackerel. mala a budget for carrying letters ; a mail. malandrinus a pirate. malecredere to suspect. malejicare to bewitch. maleficlum witchcraft. malejtcus a wizard. maletta a small mail or trunk. malignare to maim. malina spring tide. mallardus a mallard. mail-turn a mesh. malmaria a mosque. malveisina an engine to cast stones. mana an old woman. managium. See magnagium. manca a square gold coin, value 6s. or 30J. ; a mark ; a fish- ing boat ; a defect. manceps manciple, clerk of the kitchen. mancinus lefthanded. mancusa. See manca. mandatum maundy. mandra a shed, hovel. manens a tenant who was con- fined to the land. manerium a manor. Glossary of Latin Words. 221 mangerium right of receiving food, &c., at the house of a tenant. mangiatorium a manger. mangonale, mangonelus a mango- nel, for casting stones. mangonare to traffic at a market. mangura food. manipulum a maniple, worn by a priest on the left arm. mannagium. See magnagium. mannire to cite. mannus a horse. manopera a day's work. mansa a hide of land. mansa, mansio, mansum, man- sura, a dwelling-house. manser a bastard. mantellum a cloak. mantiare to fit a handle to. mantica a wallet. mantile a long robe. mantum a cloak, mantle. manuals a manual, a book con- taining what is necessary for the administration of sacraments and sacra- mentals. manualis obedientia sworn obedi- ence. manucapere to mainprise, become mainpernor for. manucaptio mainprise, surety. manucaptor a mainpernor, bail. manumula a handmill. manuopera stolen goods taken on a thief ; cattle and farm im- plements. manuoperarius a handicraftsman. manupastus a domestic servant ; domestic service. manupes a foot in length. manupositum a deposit; an earnest. manus used for an oath. manutenentia maintenance ; the unlawful upholding of a person or cause. manutenere to maintain. manutensionis pileum cap of main- tenance. manutentor maintainor. manutentum a handle. manutergium a towel. mapparius a keeper of linen. mara a lake, mere ; moor. marabotinus a maravedi. marca a mark, 8oz. troy weight ; in money 13*. 4d. marcanda villa a market town. marcarda villa a market town. marcare to mark ; to take by right of letters of marque. marcata, marcatus a rent of a mark. marcatum market. See mercatum. marchantesia merchandise. marcheium a market. marcheta. See merchetum. marchetum a market. marchia the march or border land between two countries. marchiare to adjoin, border on. marchio a marcher ; a marquis. marchionatus marquisate. marchionissa a marchioness. marchisus marcher, dweller on a march. marearchus an admiral. maremium timber. marescalcia, marescallia right of taking fodder for horses ; office of marshal ; the Mar- shalsea, London ; a stable. marescalcus, marescallus a farrier; a marshal. maretum a marsh. margia a border, margin. 222 Glossary of Latin Words. marina seashore. marinarius a seaman ; mariner. marinellus a mariner. mariola a small image of the Virgin Mary. marisarchus. See marearchm. mariscus a marsh. marilagium marriage ; marriage portion ; right of giving in marriage. marla marl. marlare, marliare to spread marl over land. marleputtum a marlpit. marlera, marlerium, marie turn a marlpit. marlid marl. marlura marling. mama some clay used in pottery. marqua right of reprisals; marque. marquezius a marquis. marquisia a marchioness. marquisius a marquis. marra a moor ; an iron tool like a pickaxe. marscallare to do a farrier's work. martellus a hammer. martilogium a register of martyrs (martyrologium). martina a marten. mart met a a kingfisher. Martis dies Tuesday. martrina, martrix, martro a mar- ten. masagium a messuage. masca a masque. mascca a mace. maserus a maser, a bowl, often of wood. masnagium dwelling-place. massa a club ; a mass. massare to chew ; to hammer. mastinus, mastivus a mastiff. mastruca a cloak of skin, fur in- side. maslus a mast. masuclla a small club. masura a decayed house. matare to mate at chess. matinellum breakfast. matracia a mattress. matricula a list ; register. matrimonium marriage ; inherit- ance descending by mar- riage. matrina a godmother. matutince matins. matutlnellum breakfast. maupigyrnum a sort of pottage. maviscus a thrush. mazonarius a mason. medaria a place for making or stowing mead. medarius a mead maker, or seller. mederia a house where mead is sold. medianetum arbitration. meditentum the cap of a flail. meditulUum middle. medius mean ; mesne. medleta a fray ; medley. medo mead. mcgarus mackerel. megucarius a white tawyer, a leather dresser. melleta a medley ; melee. mellibrodium bracket or bragwort, a drink flavoured with honey and spice. melotus a badger. menagium a family. mencia obeisance (?). menestrallus an artisan ; a min- strel. menialis menial. From mania, meniare to wall. mensaculus a carving knife. mensura a bushel ; the dimen- sions, or perhaps image in Glossary of Latin Words. 223 wax, of a sick person sent to a shrine. menusa reeds, rushes (?). mera a marsh ; mere. mercancia, mercandisia merchan- dise. mercandizare to trade. mercatum, mercatorium a market. mercearius a mercer. mercenarius a hireling. merceria mercery. mercerius, mercerus a mercer. merchetum a fine payable by a villein for licence to give his daughter in marriage, and in Scotland at his own mar- riage. mercia traffic ; a fine. merciarhis a mercer. mercimoniatus impost on mer- chandise. mercum a mark, sign. Mercurii dies Wednesday. meremium timber. merendula an afternoon refresh- ment, a bever. mergulus a sink, of a lamp or a lavatory. mergus a bucket. merlare. See marlare. merlin ff us a ling (asellus longus], merscum a marsh. merulus a merlin. mesfacere to do wrong. meslea, mesleia, mesleta a fray ; melee. messaria the office and profits of a farm bailiff. messarius a mower or reaper; a farm bailiff. messina harvest time. messuagium a messuage ; dwell- ing-house. mestaria, mestera, mesterum art ; trade ; mistery. mestelenium the remains of a meal given as alms. mesticare, mestificare to make sad. mestilo mesline, wheat and rye mixed. meta mete, bound. meya a stack of hay or corn. micatorium a grater. michia a loaf. miles a knight. miliare a mile, a milestone. miliatium millet. milicentum a millstream. militare to be knighted. militia knighthood; a knight's fee ; a body of knights or soldiers ; tenure by knight service. milium millet. milliare a mile. millus a hound's collar. milwellus. See mulvellus. mina a measure of corn, &c., 3 to 7 skeps ; a measure of land or wine. minagium toll paid on corn sold by the mina. minator a miner. minera a mine, ore. minerarius a miner. mineria a mine ; a quarry. minetarius a miner. miniator an illuminator. minietum verrum miniver. minister a thane ; a bailiff. ministeriales traders. ministerium a trade. minislralcia minstrelsy. ministraulus a minstrel. minorissa a minoress, a nun of S. Clare. minstrellus a minstrel. See men- estrallus. minta mint. minuere to let blood. minutio bleeding. misa agreement ; arbitration ; cost, expense. 224 Glossary of Latin Words. miscuare to mix. misellus a leper, misericordia an arbitrary fine ; a gratuitous portion of food given in addition to com- mons ; hall in a monastery where additional commons were given ; a dagger. misevenire to fail. misprisio misprision, culpable concealment of crime. vnissa mass. See also misa. missale a massbook, missal. missaticus a messenger. missurium a dish, or mess. mistcra, misterium trade ; mistery (ministeriurn). mitta a measure of salt. mixtilio. See mestilo. mixtorium a rudder, an imple- ment used in mixing malt. mix turn breakfast of bread and wine in a monastery. modiatio duty paid on wine or corn, measured by the muid. mola a millstone. molatio multure. molda a mould. moldera, moldra multure. molendinarius a miller. molendinator a miller. molendinum a mill. molitura, moltura grinding ; pay- ment for grinding, multure. molneda a uiillpool. molta toll paid by vassals for grinding corn at the lord's mill. molumentum toll for grinding. monacha a nun. monachare to make a man a . monk ; receive him into a convent. monachus a monk. monasterium a monastery, min- ster. moneta money ; a mint. monetacio coining, minting. monetagium mintage, right of coining ; tribute paid by tenants to the lord that he should not change the money he had coined. monetare to coin. monetarius moneyer ; coiner ; banker. monetum a mint. moniale a nunnery. monialis a nun. monstra a muster. monstrantia a reliquary, mon- strance. monstrare to muster. monstratio a muster. monstrum a muster ; a reliquary. moota. See wo/a, muta. mora a moor. moratum a drink, supposed to be wine flavoured with mulber- ries. mordaculum the tongue of a buckle. moretum brown cloth. morgabulum rent of moorland. morgagium mortgage. morganegiba the husband's gift to the wife on the wedding- day, or the day after. morina murrain. morosus boggy ; delaying. morsella, morsellus a small piece [of land]. morsus a morse ; a clasp. mortarium mortar ; a lamp over a grave or shrine. See also mortuarium. mortgagium a mortgage. Glossary of Latin Words. 225 morticinium murrain. tnortificare to alienate in mort- main. mortitivus dead of murrain. mortizare. See amortizare. mortuarium bequest to the testa- tor's parish, church ; a duty payable to the lord on the death of a tenant. moruca a codfish. mossa a moss or bog. mota a mote ; a moot ; a pack of hounds ; a moat. motaculum a rudder, an imple- ment used in mixing malt. motibilis moveable ; a vagrant. motum a moat. motura. See molitura. mua a mews. mueta a watchtower ; mews. muffula fur gloves. mugettum musk; muillo a haycock or hayrick. mulecius a mullet. mulier lawful issue. mulio a cock, or rick of hay. mullo a hayrick. mulneda a mill pool. multa a fine. multo a sheep, a wether ; a French gold coin bearing the agnus Dei, worth 1 2s. 6d. Tournois ; an engine of war. multotles many times. mulfra, multrum a pail. multura toll paid at a mill. mulvettus melwell, mil win, green- fish. muncellus a mound. municeps a magistrate of a town. munimen a grant, charter. munimenta records. M. muragium toll exacted in a town for repairing the walls. murale a wall. muratio a walled town. murdra murder. murdrare, murdrire to murder. murdrator, murdritor a murderer. murdredum, murdrum murder ; tax imposed for the escape of a murderer. murena a lamprey. murilegus a cat. muripellus, muripula a buttress. murrus a maser. murtrarius a murderer. musca musk. muscata nux nutmeg. muscidus mossy ; mouldy. mussa a moss or bog. mussetum a mossy place. musta must, unfermented wine. mustrum muster. See monstrum. muta a pack of hounds ; a mew of hawks ; moulting. mutare to mew hawks. mutarius mewed. muto. See multo. mutus, mutatus mewed. mysterium mystery ; sometimes used for mistery. See mis- terium. N. nabulum freight. naca a small ship ; smack. nacella, navicella a skiff ; boat. naivietas naifty, bondage. naivus. See natlvus. namare to distrain. namatio distraining ; impound- ing. 226 Glossary of Latin Words. namium, namum distress ; pledge. nammiare, namtire to distrain. naparia napery. napta tow. narrator an advocate. nascula a button. nasellus a small ship. nassa a kiddle or fishweel. natalc condition of a man. natalis dies Christmas Day. nativa born bondwoman ; nief . nativus a born serf ; born bond- man. naif a a reed mat. navagium the duty of carrying the lord's goods by ship. navata a ship load. navicclla, navicula an incense cup in the shape of a boat. navicularius a shipowner; a ship- wright. navigalis seafaring. navigium a fleet. See also nava- gium. navis the nave of a church ; the same as navicella. navithalamus a state barge. nayvus. See nativus, nepos a nephew. nepta, neptis a niece. nervicia strength. nctus a bondman (nativus). nigra moneta copper money. nisus a fish-hawk. noa a marshy pasture. nobile a noble, 65. 8d. noca, nocata a nook of land, the quantity uncertain, in some places 12 acres. noctanter by night. noctare to be dark ; to spend the night. nocluatim nightly. nocturnum religious service per- formed at night. nocumentum nuisance ; damage. nodare to decree. nodulus a button. noka. See noca. nola a small bell. nona none, from about 2 p.m. to vesper. nonce ninth part, paid to the church by church tenants. nonagium ninth part of moveable goods paid at death to the clergy. nonna a nun. nonneria a nunnery. nonsecta a non-suit. nontenura nontenure. notarius a notary ; scrivener. notegeldum a tax on cattle (?). novale newly tilled land. novitius a novice. mimeralia beads. numerator a teller. mimmata price ; nummata terra is the same as denariata. nummus a penny. nundince a fair. nunna a nun. nutriciaria a nursery. 0. obbatus a jug full. obcdiencia any office in a monas- tery. obedientialis, obcdientiarius an in- ferior officer in a convent; an advocate of a convent. obiculum a chace at tennis. olitus funeral service, or anni- versary of death ; obit. oblata an offering ; a gift ; a wafer. Glossary of Latin Words. 227 obligatorium obligation ; bond. obolata half an acre, or half a perch. ololus a halfpenny. obrizus pure, of metals. obstaculum a tribute. obstinatus deaf. obstupare to stop up. obturacio filling up ; stopping up. obventio offering ; tithe ; profit. occasio a tribute on a special occasion ; a hindrance. occasionamentum molestation. occasionare to molest. occasionari to be liable to some special tribute ; to be hin- dered, vexed. occatio assart. See assartum. octavo, the eighth day after a feast, utas. ocularium visor of a helmet. odorisequus hunting by scent. ceconomicus administrator of pro- perty ; executor. ofasium caudle. offertorium offerings ; piece of cloth in which the offerings or the chalice is wrapped. officialis one who exercises the jurisdiction of a bishop or archdeacon. officium trade. offrum an offer. qfnama an enclosure.- olosericum entirely of silk ; bawde- kyn. omelia homily. operabile a handicraft. operabilis dies working-day. operarius a tenant who did bodily work for his lord ; a clerk of the works. operatio a day's work. operatus chased. opertia not lawed (of a dog). opertura lining. opirus sour; mouldy (of bread). oplondina uplands. oppidanus the keeper of a town. or a ore ; a Saxon coin worth 1 6d. to 20d. orarium a hem ; border. orator an ambassador. ordaUum ordeal. ordinale ordinal. ordinarius an ordinary, "he who hath the proper and regular jurisdiction, as of course and of common right." ordinatus in holy orders. ordinium posterity. ordolaium ordeal. organa a pair of organs. oriolum portico ; gallery ; oriel. ortellus, ortillus a claw. ortolagium a garden plot. osceptrus a hawk. osculatorium a pax. ostagiamentum security. ostagiare to give security or a hostage. ostagius a hostage. ostensio toll paid by tradesmen for leave to expose their goods for sale ; a muster. ostentatus a muster. ostiarius an usher. Seehostiarius. ostigare to release on security. ostilium a gate ; entrance. osturcus, osturus a goshawk. oustitrix a midwife. ovenana. See ofnama. overhernissa contumacy. oversamessa fine for neglecting to pursue malefactors. oviale a sheepfold ; sheepwalk. Q2 228 Glossary of Latin Words. P. paagator collector of paagium. paagium. See passagium, pava- gium. pacabilis payable, passable. pacarc to pay. pacatio payment. paccus a pack, bale. paceri to be at peace, be dis- charged. padnagium. See pannagium. paga payment. paga, pagus a country; a dis- trict. pagella a panel. pageta a page (servant). paiare to pay. paisa a wey. See waga. paisso pannage. pakellum a pack. pala a pale of wood ; a pale (heraldic) ; a baker's peel. palaciatum office of palator. palacium a palace ; a palisade. palafredus, palefridus a palfrey. palatinus a courtier. palator a paler, a forest officer. palettus a palet, a headpiece of cuir bouilli. palicium a paling. palistrum a paling. palla a canopy ; funeral pall ; altar cloth. pallagium a duty paid to lords for loading or unloading ships at their ports. palliare to cover. pallium the pall, a pontifical ves- ture ; altar cloth. palmarius a pilgrim, palmer. palmata, a bargain ; a handful or handbreadth. palmula a rudder, an implement used in mixing malt. paltencrium a pautener, a purse. palteneritis, paltonarius proud, savage. pana a counterpane. panarius a place in a church where bread was distributed to the poor. panatus fortified with piles (?). pandoxare to brew, or sell beer. pandoxator a brewer. pandoxatorium a brewhouse. panduca a bagpipe. panella, panellum a panel ; a list of jurors' names. panellare to empanel. panellus a panel. panerius a panier, a bread- basket. panetaria a pantry. panetarius, panetrarius a pantler, or panter. panetria a pantry. panicius a baker. panna squared timber. pannagiare to pay pannage. pannagium pannage ; mast ; pay- ment or licence for feeding swine in a forest. pannarius a clothier. pannucia party-cloth, cloth of divers colours. pannus cloth ; a weaver's spittle or spool. paonacius purple. papa a pope. papatum pap, child's food. papatus popedom ; papacy. papilio a tent, pavilion. papilonarius a tentmaker. papirium a record room; register. par pair ; peer. par civitatis a citizen ; freeman. Glossary of Latin Words. 229 paragium, paraticum equality of condition or property ; a tenure between parceners. paramentum equipment ; orna- ment. paraphernalia furniture, clothes, &c., which a widow may claim in addition to her dower or jointure. paraphus a paragraph. parasceue Good Friday ; any Friday. parastica the step of a mast. parcaminarius a seller of parch- ment. parcarius a parker ; a pinder ; a foldkeeper. parcella a parcel (of land). parcellare to parcel out. parcenarius a joint holder of land ; parcenary. parcopollex a shoe-horn. parcus a park ; a pound. pardonare to pardon. pardonatio pardon. pargulum a parclose. pariagium, pariatio grant of por- tion of lands to lord or king in return for protection. pario a pirate ship. parius lapis freestone. parlamentum parliament. parlatorium a parlour ; audience chamber. parmcntarius a tailor; afripperer. parochia a diocese ; a parish. parochianus a parishioner; a parish priest. parterra a plot of ground. partica a perch. parliculariter by retail. partionariuf, a partner. parura apparel ; embroidery on an alb, amice, or altar frontal, &c. parvi&a, parvtsium, parmsus a church porch; a chamber over it. ( Paradisus.} parvisia an exercise for law students ; a moot. parvisium. See parvisa. pasaiarius a ferryman. pascere to feed, is used of men as well as beasts. Pascha Easter. Pascha Floridum Palm Sunday. pascua a meadow ; pasture. pascuagium pasturage. pasnagium pannage. passagium passage over water, ferry ; payment for passage ; payment by military tenants in lieu of serving abroad. passare to pass ; to cause to pass. passarins a ferryman. passator the owner of a ferry, ferryman. passiagiarius a ferryman. passiator. See passator. passus portion of a book or poem, "fytte"; a mountain pass. pasta dough ; pastry. pastea pastry. pastellarius a pieman. pastellum woad. pasticium a field for pasture. pastillus a pie. pas turn paste ; dough. pastura pasture. pasturare to depasture. pasties provisions which a tenant is bound to supply to his lord. patella a pan ; a tool used in building. 230 Glossary of Latin Words. patena a paten. patenarius an acolyte. pathnagium pannage. paticium an allowance. patriaster a stepfather. patrina a godmother. patrinus a godfather. paunagium pannage. pausa a barrel. pausatio repose. pavagium pavage ; payment for paving the roads. p'avare to pave. pavesium pavice, a large shield. paviare to pave. paviator a paviour. pavilio a tent. pavire to pave. paxillum a staff ; a landmark. pecia a piece or small quantity. pectorals a breastplate ; an orna- ment worn by a bishop ; a horse's poitrel. pecuarius a grazier. pedagium pedage ; toll paid by travellers, esp. through forests. pedale a footcloth; a duty ex- acted at Bordeaux. pedalis pons a footbridge. pedatus having a foot. pedellum a pightell or picle (?). See picteUwn. pedica a fetter ; a trap for catching wolves ; a calthrop. pedicator a trapper. pedicru pedigree. pedis pulveriS) or pulverisati, curia Piepowder Court. pedo a foot soldier. peisa a wey. See icaga. pela a peel, a castle; abaker'speel. peletarius a pelterer. pelfare to pilfer. pelfra booty ; pelf. pella a booth ; a shop. pellaglum duty on hides. pellefridus a palfrey. pelletria fur; the wardrobe of furs in the royal house- hold ; the trade of peltry. pelllca a baker's peel. pcllicia a pilch ; a fur gown. pelliparius a pelterer. pelliris a palet, a headpiece of cuir bouilli. pellus a shovel ; peel. pelota, pellota a ball ; the ball of the foot. pelum. See pela. pcndicia appurtenances. pendlcula a plumb-line. pcndulus a pendant jewel. pencrarius an ensign-bearer. penitentiaria penitentiaryship. penitimus inmost. penitior inner. pennarium a penner. pennum a pennon. pensa a wey. See ivaga. pentecostalia Whitsuntide offer- ings, or a payment in lieu of them. Pentecoste Whit Sunday. penticium a pentice or penthouse. penula a hood. pera a purse. peracula a little bag or purse. perambulatio survey ; a walk in a forest (?). perca a perch of land. percaminarius a seller of parch- ment. percaptura stakes set in a river for catching fish. per cat a a perch. perdona pardon ; discharge ; re- mission. perdonare to pardon. Glossary of Latin Words. 231 perdricarius a man employed in taking partridges. peregrinatio a pilgrimage. peregrinus a pilgrim. perendinare to delay ; to redouble. performare to perform. pergamena parchment. pergulum a lodge. peribolus a walk, pathway. peridota a peridot, a gem. periermenice interpretation per ilium part of the machinery of a mill. perla a pearl. permentarius. See parmentarius. perpacare to pay in full. perperus a Byzantine coin, worth half or a quarter of a mark. perplacitare to decide. perpunctum a doublet. pcrquircre to purchase ; to ac- quire otherwise than by in- heritance. perquisilio purchase. perquisitor a purchaser. perquisitum purchase ; perqui- site; profit. persecus, perseus peach-coloured. persona a person; a parson or rec- tor. persona impersonata parson im- parsonee, a lawful incum- bent in actual possession. personabilis able to maintain a plea. personagium parsonage ; bene- fice. pcrsonatus office of a parson ; benefice. pertica a perch of land ; a cross- beam. perticalis a percher candle, placed on a crossbeam. perticata the quarter of an acre ; perch. perticulus a staff, a bat. pertinentia appurtenance. pertizona distribution of alms (?). perula a pearl. pervisum. See parvisus. pesa. See pensa. pesagium pesage, custom paid on weighing goods. pesarius a weigher. pesor a weigher, an Exchequer officer. pessagium pesage, toll taken for weighing goods. pesso, pcssona mast. pcssularia a stockade. peta peat. petagium. See pedagium. petalum a paving stone. petitorium a claim, a writ of right. petra a stone weight. petraria a stone quarry ; an en- gine to cast stones. peytrellum a poitrel. phalesia a cliff on the sea-shore. phamis a banner (?). pheliparius a fripperer. phelipparius, philipparius a frip- perer. phila a file. philaternum, philaterium a phy- lactery ; an amulet ; a reli- quary, worn suspended from the neck. pica an index, pyebook ; rules for saying divine service ; a peck. picagium, piccagium payment to the owner of the soil for breaking ground to erect booths, &c. picesium a pickaxe. picfwisittm, picoisum, a pickaxe pictaciarius a cobbler. 232 Glossary of Latin Words. pictelhim a pightell, or picle, a small piece of land, enclosed with a hedge. picula pickle. pietantia a pittance, an addition to the usual food. pietantiarius pittancer, an officer in collegiate churches or convents who distributes the pittance. pightettum. See pictellum. piker ellus a pickerel, small pike. pila a pile (heraldic) ; the reverse of a coin. pilare to drive piles. pilatus a blunt arrow, bolt, or quarel. pilettus an arrow with a knob at the head. pillare to plunder. pillaria plunder ; devastation. pillorium, piloria, pilorium a pil- lory. pilum cloth. pilus a stake. pinaculum a pinnacle. pinca a jug ; a bodkin. pincella a pencil. pincerna a butler ; cupbearer. pincernaria buttery ; office of butler. pincernarius an officer of the buttery. pinnare to notch ; to cut niches. pinsa a pestle. pinsis a mocking gesture. pijm the great or pipe roll of the Exchequer ; a pipe of wine, two hogsheads. piperarius a pepperer. piretitm perry. piritegium curfew. pisa a wey. See ivaga. piscaria fishery. piscenarius a fishmonger. pistare, pistrinare to bake. pitanceria place where pittance is distributed, or office where pittancer does his work. pitancia,pitancium. See pietantia, placea a place ; plot of ground. placitare to plead. placitatio pleading. placitator a pleader. placitum plea ; obligation to at- tend courts. placium a piece of flat ground. placius a plaice. planca, planchia a plank ; a measure of land. planchagium, planchicium plank- ing; camp-sheathing. planctura planking. planeta a chasuble. planicies a field (heraldic). planula staunchegreyne, a pre- paration like pounce, used by scriveners. plastrare, plastriare to plaster. plastrum plaster. plata a flat piece of unwrought metal, ingot. plaustrata a wagon-load. plebania a church having sub- ordinate chapels ; a parish. plebanus (adj.) parish. plebanus a rural dean. plecta a plait. plegagium, plegiagium, plegiatio suretyship; pledgery. plegitim, plegius a pledge ; surety. plevina replevin ; bail ; surety. plumerus a plover. pluscula, plustula a buckle. poderis an alb, a linen vestment worn under the chasuble. podium anything to lean on ; a staff ; part of the seat in a choir stall. Glossary of Latin Words. 233 podoris. See poderis. poenacius purple. poketta a pocket. pola a perch or pole ; a bank ; a pool. poletarius a poulterer. poletria poultry. polimitarius a stainer. politrudinare to boult flour. pollardus a pollard, bad money, used in the 13th century. polteria poultry. polus an axle. pomacium apple-moss, a dish made of stewed apples. pomelum a pommel. pondagium poundage, ponderare to weigh. ponderatio pesage. ponderator a pesour, weigher, an officer in the Exchequer. pondus a pound, pinfold. pontayium tax for repairs of a bridge; toll taken on a bridge. pontarius a bridgemaker or bridge keeper. pontifex a bishop ; pope. pontificalia episcopal vestments. pontificalibus, in under stole. pontificatus bishopric ; popedom. porcarius a swineherd. porcellatus born (of pigs). porchettus a porker, little pig. porpecia, porpes a porpoise. portagium toll taken at a gate ; porterage ; wear and tear. portamentum behaviour. p.ortaria the office of porter. portarius, portator a porter. portatus carriage. portgrevius a portreeve. porticulus a truncheon. portiforium a breviary. portimotus. See portmota. porlionarius a joint holder of a benefice. portmota a portmote, a court held in towns. positio an impost ; a tax. posta station ; post. postdisseisina postdisseisin. postergare to leave behind, to abandon. postcrula, posticum postern gate. potagium pottage ; tax on drink. potellus a pottle, two quarts. poteria pottery. potestas king, chief ruler, or magistrate. poticarius. For apothecarhis. potionarc to poison. pottarius a potter. potura pasture ; drink. poudratus powdered ; salted. poutura. See potura. practizare to practise. praibenda a prebend ; provender. prcebendarius a prebendary. prceceptor an officer of the knights of the Temple. prcBceptoria the benefice assigned to the office of prsoceptor. prcBcluis famous. prceconsa some vestment. prcecontestis a previous fellow- witness. prafectus a mayor. prceferentia preference ; right of receiving firstfruits. prccferrementum prerogative ; privilege. prcelata an abbess. prculatia ecclesiastical dignity. prcdatus a magistrate ; a bishop ; an abbot, prcdilare to mention before. prcemunire to cite (iorpr(emonere\ 234 Glossary of Latin Words. prcepositura a reeveship, con- stableship ; district under the jurisdiction of such an officer. prcepositus a provost ; a constable or reeve; a warden (of a church). preerogativa prerogative. prasentare to present. prcesentia a present. prcesentialiter immediately ; in presence of ; as a gift. prcestitum advance of money. prcesul chief; a bishop ; an abbot ; a judge. prccsulatus bishopric ; abbacy. precaria a request by a lord to his tenant for aid or tax ; a day's work which a tenant is bound to do, boonday, benewerk. precentaria precentorship. precentor precentor, chanter. precipitaria a battering ram. precis. See precaria. precula a rosary. presbyter a priest. presbyteragium the income of a parish priest. jjresbyteratus priesthood. presbyterium priesthood ; pres- bytery ; the choir of a church. presentum a present, gift. prlnceps a prince. principalium an heirloom ; a mortuary. principatus principality. principissa a princess. prior a monastic officer, next to the abbot. prioratus a priory. priorissa a prioress. prisa a prize ; booty ; a fine ; prisage. prisagium share of prizes ; pris- age, duty on wine and pro- visions. prisalia reprisals. priso a prisoner of war ; a prison. prisona a prison. prisonarius a prisoner. privatus privy. probator an accuser ; approver. probatum a sheep. probi homines good men, an elected body of citizens forming a common council. proceres ornamental heads of beams on house fronts. processionale a book containing directions for and music to be used in processions, the service for gangdays, lita- nies, or intercessions. proclamator a crier ; in Court of Common Pleas, proclamator. proconsul a justice in eyre. procuratio procuration, a sum paid to bishop or arch- deacon at visitations ; proxy. procurator a proctor. procuratorium procuratory ; a proxy. proditio treason. proditionaliter treasonably. profectus, profauum profit. profrum profer ; time appointed for officers to make their accounts. promtorium a buttery ; storehouse. propalare to publish. propars, propartia pourparty. proportare to purport ; to show. proportatio verdict ; declaration. proportionabiliter proportionally. proportionare to divide. proportum purport. propriare to claim; to appro- priate ; to make fit for use ; to grind (of tools). Glossary of Latin Words. 235 proretha master of a ship. prosecutor a prosecutor ; a pur- suivant. prostrare to throw down. protractura drawing a picture before colouring. protonotarius, protonotator a pro- thonotary. provisor a purveyor. puctura. See putura. puellagium. See pullagium. pugnata a handful. pulcinus a chicken. puletarium a poultry yard. puletarius,pulletarius a poulterer. pullagium tax or rent paid in fowls. pullanus a foal. pullarius officer of the royal household in charge of the poultry. pulletria poultry. pullus, pulliolus a young horse. pulsare to accuse. pultrella a filly. pulveris, pulverisati pedis, curia Court of Piepowder. pundfalda, punfauda a pound, a pinfold. pundo a pinder. puniata a handful. punicare to paint red. pur are to clear (ground). purcachium illegitimacy. purportare to extend. purportum purport. purprestura pourpresture, en- croachment. purprisa, purprisum an enclosure. purpunctus a doublet. (Fr. pour- point.} putagium fornication. putura food for cattle, &c. ; food for men, horses, and hounds, exacted by officers of a forest from the inhabitants. quaccum cream. quachetus a sort of bread used in Scotland. quadra a square loaf ; a quarter of a loaf. quadragesima Lent. quadragesimalia Easter offerings ; or a rate paid in their stead. quadrans a farthing. quadrantata the quarter of an acre, a farthingdeal. quadrellus a quarel, a square- headed arrow. quasta an indulgence ; a tax. quastabilis taxable. qucestionarius collector of alms ; seller of indulgences. quastus acquired by purchase. quarellus. See quadrellus. quarentena quarentine, a space of 40 days ; Lent ; a fur- long, i.e., a space of 40 perches. quarrera, quarreria a stone quariy. quarrerius a stonecutter. quarta a quart. quartale a quart. quartarium a quarter of corn. quartarius terrce eight acres. quartenarius suffering from quar- tan ague. quarteragitim quarterage, quar- terly payment. quarterisare to cut into four quarters. quart erizatio quartering, part of the punishment of treason. quarteronus a quarter of a hundredweight. quart us a quart. 236 Glossary of Latin Words. quassare to annul, quash. quassillarius a pedler. quaterm'o, quaternum a folded sheet of paper (Fr. cahier); quire. quaternis, in in quarto. quaterno, in in quarto. quatriplicare to quadruple. quaxillarius a peddler. quen testa device. querela party ; faction ; fine. querquera ague. querraria a quarry. querulare to complain. questa an inquest or inquisition. quieta clamatio a quitclaim. quietantia acquittance ; abandon- ment ; immunity. quietare to quit, to acquit. quietatio exemption, discharge, acquittance. quiete, quietum clamare to quit claim, renounce. quietus freed, acquitted, quit. quindena a quinzaine, fifteen days. quintale, quintallus a weight used for metals, &C M varying from 96 Ibs. to 120 Ibs. quint ena the game called quin- tain. quinterna a cittern. quirea the hounds' reward at the death of a stag. (Fr. curee.) quirinarium a quintain. quitancia acquittance ; discharge. quittacio acquittance ; quittance. quitlare to acquit ; remit. quota a share ; a tax to be levied equally. quota litis a bribe received by a judge. quotare to divide into chapters ; to repeat. quotator a chronicler. E. racenius raisin. rachaptare, rachetare to ransom. rachatum, rachclum compensa- tion ; ransom. radiatus rayed, of ray, striped. ragana a ray or a skate. raylorium jurisdiction of a rag- lotus. raglorius, raglotus a steward. (Welsh, rhaglaiv.} ralla a rail ; a cloth. ramilla, ramilia twigs. rangeator a ranger. rapa, rapus a rape, a division of a county. rasa, raseria a rase, a measure of corn ; land requiring a rase of seed. rasare to scrape, rase. rasorium a razor. rastillare to rake. rastillum a rake. rastrare to rake. rasurus a razor. rata agreement ; share ; rate. ratificare to ratify, confirm. ratificatio ratification. ratlhabere to confirm. rationale a peculiar form of the pontifical pallium. rato a rat. ratula a landrail. ratus a rat. raubaria robbery. ray us a ray fish. reafforestare to make land into a forest after it has been dis- afforested. rcattachiamentum a reattachment of one who has been dis- missed the court. relroccator a cobbler. recap tio taking a second distress. Glossary of Latin Words. 237 recatum relief. receptamentum receiving ; enter- tainment. reccptare, recettare to harbour; entertain. rechaciare to drive out ; to sepa- rate gold or silver from the ore. recidiva retribution. recidivare to fall back. recitare to revoke. reclusagium, rechisorium a cell. reclutare to reglue (reglutinare). recognitio acknowledgment ; re- cognizance ; recognition. recognitor one who enters into a recognizance; a juror im- panelled on an assize ; re- cognisor. recognoscere to acknowledge ; to take cognizance of. recompensare to repay, recom- pense. recordator a recorder. recordum a record ; memorial. recreantisa recreancy. recta right ; jurisdiction. rectare to cite, accuse. rector the rector of a parish, or college. rectoria a rectory; a rector's house. recuperare (subst.) recovery. recuperatio a recovery. recusum rescue. reddare to clean, scour (a river). redditarium a rental. redditarius a renter. redditualis rent (adj.). redditus rent. redisseisina redisseisin. reditus, fyc. See redditus. refare to rob, deprive. refectorarius a caterer. refectorium a refectory ; dining- hall. refeoffare to enfeoff again. referendarius an officer who ex- hibits petitions to the king. refletum an osier bed. refollum, refullum the outlet of a pond ; an overflow. refutatio quittance, receipt. retjale, regalia royalty; the tem- poral rights of a bishop. regalitas royalty. regardare, regardere to examine, inspect, regard. regardator the regarder of a forest. regardum the regard, or inspec- tion of a forest ; the extent of the regarder's charge ; the impost levied by him ; a reward. regestum a register. registrarius a registrar. registrum a register. regrataria sale by retail. regratarius, regrator one who buys to resell in the same market, a regrator. reguardum. See regardum. regulare to rule ; to rule lines. regulare an instrument used in the mint. regularis belonging to a monastic order. regulus a prince ; an earl. rehabilitatio restoration to former ability. reintrare to re-enter. reintratio re-entry. rejunctio rejoinder. relaxare to release. relaxatio a release. 238 Glossary of Latin Words. relevamen, relevatio, relevium re- lief, a payment to the lord by a feudal tenant on enter- ing his fief. remanentia remainder. remasilia vaccarum cowdung (?). remembrancia remembrance. rememorator a remembrancer. remissus careless. remocium rowing. remuabilis removeable. remulus a rudder, an implement used in mixing malt. rengum a rank ; row. rentale a rental ; a rent-roll. rentarius a renter, a tenant paying rent. reparium a fortified place ; a harbour (for deer) ; repair, '. e. recourse, visit. repassagium return. rcpassare to return. repastum repast, meal. repatriate to return to one's country. rcpausare to nourish ; to bo still, to repose ; to make still. repellare to repeal. rcpellum repeal. reperium. See reparium. rcplacitare to plead what was pleaded before. replegialilis replevisable, bail- able. rcplegiamentum replevin. replcgiare to redeem by giving surety ; to replevy. reportare to report. reportus report. reprisa deduction. reprisale taking one thing in satisfaction for another, re- prisal. reragia. See arreragia. resaisire to replace in possession. rescussa recovery; rescue; attack. rescussor rescuer. rescmsus rescue. reseisire to retake lands into the king's hand ; to replace in seisin. resiantia residence. resortire to be in the jurisdiction of ; to revert. resortum the jurisdiction of a court ; return. respecta, respectus respite. respiciens reguardant (heraldic). responsalis one who answers for another in court. restaur -amentum restocking. restaurare to repair, restore, re- stock. restaurus reparation ; store. resummonire to summon again. resummonitio resummons. retallia, retallium retail. retare. See rectare. retcnementum withholding. retentio, retinentia retinue. retirare to retire. retondarius a clipper of coin. retorna return of writs, &c. retornare to return. retornus profit ; return. retrocomitatusTier-county, a place appointed by the sheriff for receipt of the king's money, after the close of the county court. retrovenda a sum paid on pur- chasing an estate in addi- tion to the price. retta. See recta. returna, 8fc. See retorna, fyc. reugia a measure of land. Glossary of Latin Words. 239 revella, revelles revels. reventio revenue. revestlarium vestry ; sacristy. rewardum. See regardum. rcicennio rennet. ribaldus a light-armed soldier ; a rogue, vagrant. ribinare to bank up (?). ridare to clean. ridelhis a curtain. rifflare to take away by force ; plunder. riffletum an osier bed. rifflura plunder. See also rufflura. riga a ridge. rima rhyme. ringa a soldier's belt. ringeldus, ringildus a bailiff. (Welsh rhingyll.} ringildria office of ringildus. riota a riot. riotosus riotous. riot htm a riot. riparia water flowing between banks. riparius one who conveys fish from the coast to inland towns. risa rice. rismus rhyme. rivagium toll taken on rivers for the passage of boats. rivaria a river bank. riveare, riviare to have the right of fishing and fowling on a river. rivera a river. rivola a stream, rivulet. rixa rice. roba a robe. robaria robbery. robator, roberator a robber. roberia robbery. robigalia rogation week. roborare to confirm. rocca a spinning rock, or distaff. rochettum a rochet, a frock of white lawn with tight sleeves. rochia, rochus a roach. rocus a rook at chess. roda a perch, 16 feet ; a rood, a quarter of an acre. rodata a quarter of an acre. rogatorium almonry. rogatorius a beggar ; an almoner. rogus a pile of wood ; a rogue. rolla a roll. rollare to enrol. roinea room. romipeta one who has appealed unto Rome. roncalis, roncaria. See runcalis. ropa a rape, a division of a county. rosa, rosarius bad money so called. rosera auca a species of wild goose. rosetum a rushy place ; thatch. rossinum rosin. rossus red. rotabulum a firefork. rotagium wheelage, toll on wheeled vehicles. rotarius a soldier ; a robber ; a wheelwright. rotula a roll. rotulare to turn round ; to enrol. rotularius a notary ; a secretary. rotulus a roll. routa, routum a rout ; unlawful assembly. rubbosa rubbish. rubea, rubettus a ruby. rubrica rubric. rubricella little rubric. 240 Glossary of Latin Words. rufflura a scratch. minus ruinous. rumigerulus bearer of tidings. rumphea a dart. runcalis, runcaria land overgrown with brambles, &c. runcilus, runcinus a draught- horse, or pack-horse. runsus. See runcilus. ruptarius a husbandman ; merce- nary soldier ; a robber. ruptura arable land. 'rusca a tub ; a hive. ruscatia a place where broom grows. ruscum filth. russetus russet. ruta. See routa, rutta. rutta a troop. S. sabaia small beer. sabbatarius a Jew. sabbatis dies Saturday. sabbatum sometimes means peace. sabelinus (adj.) of sable fur. sabelum a sable. sablona sand. sablonare to strew with sand. sabracia sabras, a mixture used in dressing parchment. sabulonarium a gravel pit ; liberty to dig gravel, and money paid for the same. .saca sac, a lord's right of holding a court for pleas of trespass among his tenants. saccare to pack. saccha. See saca. saccinus wearing sackcloth ; a monk. sacculus a satchel ; a hood. saccus a sack ; cloak. sacrista a sexton, sacristan. sacristaria a sextry. scecularis not belonging to a mo- nastic order. saenna, sagena a seine ; fishery. sagemannus. See sagibaro. sagibaro an elder, a judge. sagimen fat, lard. sagitta, sagittaria a small swift ship. sagmen fat, lard. sagum say, woollen cloth. saio a tipstaff. saisio season. saisire, fyc. See seisire. sola a hall. salariare to ebb. solarium a saltcellar. salcia a sausage. salina a salt pit ; tax on salt. salitus salted. salma a seam of corn, 8 bushels. salsaria, salseria a salt pit ; the saucery, an office in the royal household. salsarium a saltcellar, a saucer ; a measure of dry goods. salsarius the officer in charge of the saucery. salsatto, salsatum salting. salsca sauce. salsutia a sausage. saltatortum, saltorium a deer leap ; a stirrup. salutia, salutium a French gold coin of the 15th century, with the Annunciation or Saluta- tion thereon, worth 25s. ; coined also by Henry V. and Henry VI. salvagardia safeguard, safe keep- ing. salvagium salvage. salvagius wild, savage. salvistrum saltpetre. Glossary of Latin Words. samba a cittern. samictum samite. sanctuarium sanctuary ; conse- crated ground. sanguinarius a bloodhound. sanna derision. saponarius a soap maker. sappus sap ; moisture. sarabaitce men calling themselves monks, who belong to no rule. sarabara a kind of cap ; coarse cloth. sarclare, sarculare to weed, to hoe. sarculatura a day's work at weed- ing. sargens. See serviens. sargia serge ; a mat. sarkellus an engine for catching fish. sarplare a sarpler of wool, half a sack. sarplerium. See sarplare. sarrator a sawyer. sartatectum thatch. sartor a tailor. sartorium a tailor's shop ; a room in a monastery where the clothes were made. sartrinum. See sartorium. sartum woodland brought into cultivation. See assart-urn, satiare to impound. satifiare to ratify. satitolum a seedlip. satleria a salthouse, saltery. satorium a seedlip, or basket used in sowing. satrinum a bakehouse. saugma, sawwaasoam. Seesumma. saurus a hawk of a year old. sausaria a saucer. scabinus the wardens of the town of Lynne are so. called. (Fr. echei'in.} 1C. scaccarium a chessboard ; the exchequer. scacci chessmen. scaccificare to play chess. scachia the body of a tally. scalarium a staircase. scaldria a scalding house. scaling a a slate quarry. scambium, scambum. See escam- bium. scamnarium a banker, a carpet or cloth to cover a bench. scandalum prejudicial report ; scandal. scangium. See escambium. scansillum a stile. scantilio a piece ; a sample. scaphalda a scaffold. scara underwood. scaria, scara a body of troops. scarioballum cog of a mill. scarlateus, scarlattis, scarletus scarlet. scarra a share. scarta a measure of corn. scatera a creek. scavagium scavage or schewage, toll exacted from merchants for goods exposed for sale, or paid when imported goods are shown at the Custom- house. scavaldus a collector of scavage. scaivanga. See scavagium. scenerium a courtyard (?). sceppa a skep. See esceppa. sceurum a granary ; a repository. schaffa a sheaf. schavaldus. See scavaldus. schilla a small bell. schillingus a shilling. schira a shire ; shire court ; pay- ment for exemption from attending thereat. 242 Glossary of Latin Words. schopa a shop. scilicet to wit. scindallum cendal. scindifdber a bladesmith. scindula shingle for roofing ; lath ; a blade. scisimus a fur ; gris. scissor a tailor. stilus site. See situs. sclopetarius a musketeer. sclopetum a gun ; arquebus. scochia a scutcheon. sconcha, sconsa a sconce. scopeta a gun. scorcium bark. scoria dross ; a score. scota scot ; tax. scotalla, scotallum an alehouse kept by a forest officer ; a contribution ; a feast pro- vided by contribution. scotta. See scota. scottare to pay scot. scottum. See scota. scrineum a screen. scrinialis a scrivener. scrinium a shrine. scriv abile paperum writingpaper. scrofa a sow ; a machine for dig- ging at the base of the walls of a fortress. scrutator an examiner. scrutinium search ; examination. scrutlanda land assigned for pro- viding clothes. scurare to scour. scurellus a squirrel. scurgia a whip (?). scutagium a tax paid in lieu of military service by those who held lands by knight-service. scutella a scuttle ; basket. scutellarius, scutillarius, scutu- larius a scullion (?). scutifer, scutiger an esquire. scutum a shield ; the coin called a crown ; a coat-of-arms. scyria. See schira. seca a saw. secerniculum a portcullis. seckillo thorns (?). secretarius a secretary, sacristan. secta suit, in all senses. sectare to sue. sectator an executioner ; a suitor. secundarius a secondary, second clerk of the sheriff. securantia assurance. securare, securiare to warrant ; to make secure. securatio surety ; security. sedula a schedule. seillo a strip of land ; a furrow. seisiare. See seisinare. seisina seisin, possession. seisinare to put in possession. seisire to take possession. seisona season. selda a shop, stall, shed ; a willow wood ; a salt pit. selio a butt of land, an uncertain quantity ; a strip in the open field. sellarius a saddler. semitorius a seedlip (basket). semotim separately. sempectce senior monks, of fifty years' standing, in the Bene- dictine order. semus imperfect ; mutilated. senagium money paid for syno- dals. senescalcia, senescaldia steward- ship. senescallus a steward. senescaria stewardship. seneucia widowhood. Glossary of Latin Words. 243 senevectorium wheelbarrow, mud cart (cenivectorium). senglarius a wild boar. sententiare to sentence, condemn. seolda a shop, a stall. seosinabilis seasonable. sepa. See cepa. separale, seperaria, separia several. scplassarius a merchant ; a grocer. septimana a week. septimanarius taking weekly turns of duty (hebdoma- darius). sepultura burial fee. sepum tallow. sequela result ; suit ; retinue ; issue of a nativus, or bond- man. sequestrare to sequester ; to re- nounce. sequestrum sequestration. seratura a bolt or lock ; lock- smith's trade. serchia search ; hue and cry. serganteria serjeanty. seriere to settle. serifdber a locksmith. seriolius in order. serjantia, serjeantia serjeanty. serplera a sarpler of wool, half a sack. serrura a bolt, a lock. serum evening. servayium the obligation of pro- viding workmen for the lord. serviens a servant ; a sergeant. servitium service, the duty owed by the tenant to his lord. servus a bondman ; servile tenant. sesso season, esp. for sowing. severundce eaves. seweare to drain. sewera a trench to preserve land from floods ; a sewer. sexhindeni men whose wergyld was 600s. seylo. See selio. seysire. See seisire. shava alei a chive of garlic. shelfa a bank where mussels are found. shippare to ship. shim a shire. shopa a shop. shotea a workman of some kind. shouta a schuyt or scout, a Dutch fishing boat. sica a ditch, furrow. sichetum a little stream of water ; a piece of meadow. siclus a coin worth a shilling ; a shekel. sigalts, sigalum rye. sigillare to seal. sigillarius keeper of a seal ; chan- cellor. sigillum a seal. sigla a sail. siglare to sail. siglatura a day's sail. signetum a signet. signum the sign of the cross. sika sike (Yorks.). sikettus. See sichetum. sila a sill ; a ditch. silarium ceiler of a bed ; canopy. silentiarius a privy councillor ; an usher ; a papal secretary. silvicedium coppice wood, under 30 years' growth. siminellus simnell bread, the best white bread. simonia simony, traffic inspiritual things. sincellus (wyxsXXos-) sharing the same cell ; coadjutor. E 2 Glossary of Latin Words. sincubare to cut short (syncopare). sindicus an advocate. sindula. See scindula. sinimum cinnamon. sirgia an instrument of torture. sirographum. See chirographum. sirotheca. See chirotheca. sirurgicus a surgeon (chirurgicus). situare to be situate. situs site. * kamberlengeria chamb erlainship . skarkalla an engine for catching fish. skerda a scar. skermia swordplay, fencing. skilla a small bell. See schilla. skirmia fencing. skuvinagium, skyvinagium reve- nue of a scabinus ; some due at Calais harbour. slippa a stirrup. smakka, snacca a smack. smeltus, smyltus a smelt. snecca. See esnecca. soca the jurisdiction of a lord ; the liberty of tenants ex- cused from customary im- positions. socagium socage ; plough-service ; a tenure inferior to tenure by knight-service. socca. See soca. socenagium. See socagium. sochemanria tenure by socage. socmannus a socman or socager ; tenant by socage, or tenant in ancient demesne ; a soke- reve. socnum. See soca. soinus essoin. soka. See soca. sokerevus a sokereve, rent col- lector for the lord of a soke. sokmannus. See socmannus. solagium a due paid for use of soil. solanda a double hide ; a plough land. (A. S. sulung.} solarium an upper room. soldarius a soldier. soldum pay. soldus, solidus a shilling ; a sou. solemne the mass. solicitator a solicitor. solidarius a soldier. solidata a shilling's worth. solidatum property. solidus a shilling ; a sou. solinum a meal for one person. solinus a measure of land about 160 acres. solium an upper room, so Ita payment. somarius, summarius a sumpter horse. sometarius the officer in the king's household who at- tended to carriage. sopa. See shopa. sorceria sorcery, witchcraft. sornus red. sors sort, kind. sorus red. See saurus, sourus. soscallus some kind of hound used for stag hunting. sotillares, sotulares shoes (souliers}. sottus a sot. sourellus a sorel, buck of three years old. sourus a sore, a four-year-old buck. spada a sword. sparrus a hobbyhawk. spartha an axe. spatularia apparels round the neck and wrists of an alb. specialitas a bond or deed. species spices. spectacula spectacles. speleum a cell. spengabulum a duty on mill wheels. spervarius a sparrow-hawk. Glossary of Latin Words. 245 spigurnellus the sealer of the king's writs. spinacium a pinnace. spindula, spinula a gold pin used with the archiepiscopal pall. spiritualia the profits which a bishop or other spiritual person receives as an eccle- siastic, not as a lord. spiritualitas the clergy. spirilla a ferrule ; a chape. spolia a shuttle ; a spool. sponda a bier ; a pier. springaldus a springald, a kind of cannon. sprottus a sprat. spurarium aureum a gold coin called a spur royal. spurgellum a box or trunk. squarrare to square. squillaria a scullery. squillarius a scullion. squinatus a sequin. squirellum a squirrel. stabilamentum, stabilia, stabilitio a buckstall, or deerhay; a stand for shooting deer. stablia a stall. stabula, stabulum a stable. staca a measure of corn. stachia a stage for catching fish. stadium a furlong ; a floor, a story. stafa a stirrup. stagiarius a canon in residence. stagium a story of a house. stagmen tin. stalaria a fixed engine for catch- ing fish. stalinga same as stalaria^. stalla stall. stallagium stallage, right of erecting a stall and payment for it. stallangiarius a seller of goods at a stall. stallarius master of the horse ; stall-keeper in a market. stattatio installation. stallum a stall. stalo a stallion. stamen, stagmen tin. stamen, staminea, stamineum under-shirt of wool. stamina stamen, a kind of cloth. stancilla stirrups (?). standardum a banner ; legal weight and measure. stangneus, stanneus of tin. stannaria a tin mine. stannarius a pewterer ; tinman. stannum tin. stanso a stancheon (?). stapellum a staple, a bolt. stapha a stirrup. stapula, stapulum a market or staple. starrum a Jew's deed or bond. stationarius a canon in residence. statutum a statute. stauramentum the stock of a farm. staurus stock ; store. stella a kiddle, a weir for fishing. stellata camera the Star Chamber. sterilensium solidi shillings ster- ling. sterlingus sterling ; an English penny ; money. stica a brass Saxon coin, worth half a farthing ; a stick of eels, i.e., 25. stiga a pricket for a candle. stika. See stica. stillatorium a distillery. stina the handle of a plough. stingus a shrimp. stlpa a metal bar, as on a belt. stipes a tally. stipula stubble. 246 Glossary of Latin Words. stiremannus a steersman. sttvale, stivella a shoe. stochia. See stachia. stockarius a stockfishmonger. stoffura equipment ; provisions. stola a stole. stolium a fleet or army. stonda s'taddles. stophare to store ; stuff. stoppa tow. stotarius a keeper of horses or oxen. stottus a horse or an ox. straciatus striped. stracus a strake ; a tire. stragulare to strangle ; to em- broider of divers colours. stragulati fratres Carmelite Friars, whose clothing was parti-coloured when in Palestine. stragulator an embroiderer. stragulus variegated. straiatus strayed. stramere to strew. straminare to strew with straw. strandagium strandage, payment for leave to beach a boat. stranglinum, stranlingum squirrel fur. strata a street, high road. strepa a stirrup. strepitus destruction ; estrepe- ment. stricum, strikum a strike, a stick used for levelling corn in the measure ; the eighth of a quarter. strublus a staff ; a goad. stubula stubble. studium an university. stuffa hot baths. stuffura. See stoffura. stupula stubble. sturemamis. See stiremannus. sturio a sturgeon. suanimotum swainmote, a forest court. subalternus subordinate. subarrare to espouse ; to give a pledge, or earnest. subboscus underwood. subdiaconus a subdeacon. subductura lining or trimming. subescaetor a sub-escheator. subfalcum aftermath (?), or a field after mowing or reaping. subjugalis a beast of burden. sublegerius guilty of incest. submonere to summon. submonitio summons. submonitor a summoner. subnervare to hamstring ; hough. subplacitare to cite before a court of law. subprior an officer of a monastery next in authority to the prior. subregulus a baron, lord. subsidium an aid, subsidy. sub sister nium a litter. subucula a bodkin. (In classical Latin subucula is a shirt, and subula an awl.) suburbanus a countryman, rustic. succentor assistant to the arma- rius in a monastery. succurrum candidum sugar candy. succursarius a courser (horse). suchia a stump. sucura sugar. suera. See sewera. suetta, suet turn suit. suffalum. See subfalcum. sufferentia grant ; sufferance ; suspension of arms, armi- stice. suffraganeus a suffragan or sub- sidiary bishop, who assists the bishop of a diocese. suffrage pastern. siiissimus very own. sullinga, sullingata a measure of land, perhaps a hide. sulliva, suliva a beam, sill. Glossary of Latin Words. summa a load ; a soana or seam, 6 or 8. bushels. summa mensa high table. summagiare to carry loads. summagiatio carrying loads. summagium a horse-load, soam ; obligation to supply pack- horses ; toll for horses. summarius a pack-horse. summata a load. summetarius man in charge of pack-horses. summonere to summon. summonitio summons. summonitor a summoner. suparum a linen sleeve ; a shirt. supercedificium an upper build- ing. superaltare an altar stone ; the covering of an altar. superannatus more than a year old. superdemanda excess of claim. superfossorium a drawbridge. supergabulum overgavel. superhidagium superhidage, the extra rate per acre imposed upon a hide of small extent. superpellicium a surplice. superplusagium a surplus. super sennuatus measled(of pork). supersisa sursise, penalty for neglect, esp. for not paying castle-ward at Dover. sitpertunica a garment worn over a tunic. supervidere to survey, examine. supervisor a surveyor ; overseer. supervisus survey. supparum. See suparum. supprior. See subprior. sura a coarse loaf. sungicus a surgeon. mrplusagium. See superplus- agium. surrogatus a surrogate, one ap- pointed in the room of another. sursa a spring, fountain. sursumreddere to surrender. sursumredditio a surrender. sivagium aid. swainmotus, swainemotus swain- mote, a forest court. swolinga. See sullinga. sya a load ; a seam. synaxis assembly, congregation ; church service or office. syndicus an advocate ; a burgess. syngraphus a deed signed by all the parties. synodale payment by the clergy to the bishop or archdeacon at a visitation. synodus a meeting of ecclesias- tical persons. syra. See schira. syrografum a chirograph. T. tabacum tobacco. tabardum a short tunic worn by heralds, priests, and others. tdbellarium a board for the game of tables. tabelllo a notary. tabellionatus the office of notary. tabula a board ; cover of a book. tabuletta a tablet. taburcinum, taburcium a drum. tachiamentum attachment. tactare to confirm. tailla brushwood, copse ; a tally. taillagium. See tallagium. tainus. See thainus. 248 Glossary of Latin Words. talentum sometimes a pound. tallagium tallage, tax. tallea, tallia a tally. talliare to cut, limit ; to tax. tattiator a teller; a cutter of tallies ; a tailor. talliatum feodum feetail. talliatura talwood ; firewood. tattiatus in tail. tallium entail ; retail. tamenetallum. See tenemenetal- lum. tanaliter mortally. tannare to tan leather. tannarius, tannerius a tanner. tanneria a tannery. tannum oakbark for tanning. tapetum a carpet, in the middle ages used for covering ta- bles, benches, or beds, not the floor. tapiceria tapestry. taplcerius a tapestry maker. tapinagium concealment. tappa a tap. taragium the foot of or a stand for a piece of plate. taratantarizare to boult flour. tarenus a Sicilian gold coin, 20 gr. target a small shield, target. targia a ship of burden ; a target. targus. See targa. tarida a ship of burden. tarifa a list of prices ; customs. tarkosia a quiver. tarta a tart, pastry. tartenus pannus cloth of tars, perhaps China silk crape. tasca, taschia task ; tax. tassare to put hay into cocks. tassellus a fringe ; tassel ; hood. tasstis, tassum a cock of hay ; sheaf (?) of corn. tastare to try ; to taste. a tax ; a task. taxare to name ; to heap up ; to appraise ; to tax. taxatio valuation, assessment. taxator an assessor ; a tax col- lector. taxus a badger. techa a chest (theca}. tedinga a tithing. tegnum apparently used for riy^/n, art, fraud. tegula a tile ; a slate ; a brick. tegularius, tegulator a tiler, brick- layer. tela, telum a tile. telarim a weaver. teldum a tent. telligraphia written evidence. telonium. See thelonium. temantale a tax of 2s. on every plough-land. See tenemene- tallum. templarius a knight of the Temple. temporalia temporalities, the revenues, &c., held by a bishop as a baron. temptatio trial ; proof. tena a coif ; a cap. tenalia pincers. tenandria, tenendria a vill, a town. tenatura a tenancy, holding. tenda a trace. tenditor a man who attends to hawks. tenella tongs, pincers. tenellus a banqueting-hall. tenematallum. See tenemenetal- lum. tenemenetallum tenmentale, a tith- ing ; f rithborch, frankpledge. tenementum a tenement. tenens a tenant. tenentia tenancy. teniludus tennis. tenisia tennis. tenor purport ; copy. tenorculus a notch, nock. Glossary of Latin Words. 249 tensamentum a tax. tensare to protect, defend ; to exact, extort. tenseria tax ; tallage ; exaction. tensum toll. tenta a tent for a wound. tentum a tent. tenura tenure ; a tenant's service. terbichetum a tumbrel, cucking- stool. See trebuchettum. tercelettum a young tiercel. tercilhis a tiercel, a male hawk. tercionarim a farmer with a third share (?). tereus earthen. tergotenus on the back, endorsed. terminarius a termor, one who holds lands for a term. terminatus a boundary. terminus a term. termisium. See tremagium. terragium land tax; groundwork. terrarium a terrier, landroll. terrarius a landholder ; a terrier dog. terrains banked up. terricidium fallen branches. tersorium a duster, a broom. tesso a badger. testa a head. testamentalis devisable by will. testamentum a will. testator the maker of a will. tethinga. See tithinga. tetrizare to tether. texera the sign of the chequers. textus the gospels. teysa a fathom. thainus a thane. thanagium land belonging to the king of which the governor was a thane. thaxa. See taxa. thedinga a tithing. thelonium toll. thelonmannus toll-collector. themmagium a duty paid by in- ferior tenants to be free from the lord's jurisdiction. themumiheam, the right of having the issue of one's bondmen. thenicium a hedgerow. theolonium toll. thesaurarium, thesauria a trea- sury. thesaurarius, thesaurizarius a treasurer. thethinga a tithing. thimagium. See themmagium. thingus a thane. thollia thowlpins. tholonium toll. thrava, thravus. See trava. threngus. See drengus. thrimsa an Anglo-Saxon coin worth three pence. thumelum a thumb. thymallus a smelt ; a grayling. tia an aunt on the mother's side. ticendulum wick of a lamp. tilerium a trigger (?). tillagium tillage. timoratus God-fearing. tma, tyna a cask, tun, tub. tinettum brushwood for repairing hedges. tinneum tin. tipularia domus an alehouse. tipus (ryfpoy) pride. tira a tier, used of the lines of skins in a fur cloak. tiriaca treacle (theriaca). tiro a young man intending to become a knight ; a young knight, a champion. tirocinare to be a tiro ; to serve in war. tirocinium knighthood. 250 Glossary of Latin Words. tissutum tissue. tithing a a tithing. titulus a title. toacula, toale, toalle a towel. todda a tod of wool, 28 Ibs. toftmannus the holder of a toft. to/turn a toft ; a place where a house formerly stood. tolcestrum tolsester, payment to the lord of the manor for liberty to brew. tollagium forcible exaction of illegal toll. tolletum toll. tollum toll. tolnetum toll. tolnetum de pixide toll pixy, a customary payment by arti- sans and dealers in Gower to the lord. folia wrong, extortion. tonellum, tonellus a tun, a vat ; a prison on Cornhill. tonna a tun of wine. tonnayium tonnage. tonsor a shearman. topare to top trees. topettum a knob ; knop. torale bedding ; a mound. torallum a mound. torcare to clean. torcha cob, straw and mud used for roofing. torched, torchetus a torch. torchiator a plasterer, dauber. tornare to turn. tornatilis pons a swingbridge. torneamentum a tournament. torneare to tilt at a tournament. tornus. See turnus. torta a cake. tortica a torch ; a winch, wind- lass. tortua a turtle. tortum wrong ; injustice. totsectus. See cotsethus. tottum rent ; toll ; day's work for rent. towagium toll paid for towing. traba. See trava. trabaria a small boat, a "dug- out." tracea search ; pursuit ; a trail. traco a cavern. tractilis pons a drawbridge. tractula, tractulus a little tract or treatise. tractus a horse's trace ; a haul. tractus struck out. tragd, traha a sledge. trainellum a shoehorn. tramaricia a boundary; a land- mark. tramesio. See tremesium. transfretare to cross a strait. trdnsgressio trespass. transitus noon; death; a judge's iter. transnavdre to cross the sea. transvddare to wade across. trassd a dungeon ; a fetter. trava a thrave of corn, 24 or 12 sheaves. traversia a traverse. traversum a ferry. traxus a trace. tredchd treacle. trebuchettum a catapult ; tre- buchet. trebuculus a catapult. tregd a truce. tremagium^the season for sowing summer corn. tremellum a granary. tremesium corn cut after three months' growth. tremiscum. See tremdgium. tremulum a granary. trencdtum a ditch ; trench. G-lossary of Latin Words. 251 trenched, trencheia right of cut- ting wood ; a trench. trencheator a carver. trentale an office of 30 masses said for the dead. trescentia rent or tax from land. tressorium a tress of hair ; also some article of dress. trestettus a trestle. trestornare to turn aside. tretiga, treuia a truce ; tribute. triare to try ; to select. triatio trial. triator a trier ; a witness. tribuculus a catapult. tricare to hinder ; to complain. tricatura twisted work (used of chain armour). tricennale a trental. tricesima a trental, "month's mind." tridens a harrow. tridingum a trithing, or riding, the third part of a shire. trigeldum a triple fine. trigintale a trental. trinoda necessitas the threefold tax, for repairing bridges, maintaining castles, and re- pelling invasion. triparium a three-legged stool. tripodium a length of three feet. triroda three rods or perches. trisilis a three-legged stool. tristega, tristegum a house of three stories ; an engine used in sieges, consisting of a tower in three stories. tristellum a trestle. trlstis exemption from attendance on the lord when hunting. tristra a station for hunting. tritennale a trental. trithing a a riding, a third of a county. triumvir a constable of three hundreds. trivium the study of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. trochus a cluster, band, esp. of precious stones. trogulus a cowl. trona, tronum the Tron, a beam for weighing. tronagium toll for weighing wool and other goods. tronare to weigh at the Tron. tronator the officer who weighs wool. troparium, troparius a book con- taining tropi, verses sung at certain festivals before the Introit. trubuculus a catapult. trubula a sieve. truga a measure of corn. truncagmm a payment to Barn- borough Castle by the town- ships near. truncus a money-box ; the pillory. trussa, trussum a truss. trussellum a bale. trutannicus worthless, false. tnitanmis, trutamis truant, va- grant. trutta a trout. tryinkus a net used in the Thames. tuallium a towel. tumberalis pena the punishment of the tumbrel. tumbrellum a cucking-stool ; a tumbrel. tumpilloralis pena the pillory. tunellum a tun or ton. tunnagium tunnage. 252 Glossary of Latin Words. turba turf. turbagium thejright of digging turf. turbare to turf. turbaria the right of digging turf; a place where turf is dug. turbarius kerne. turbo a turbot. turcasia a quiver. turetti tirrets. turgiolum a boss. turnarius a turner. turnatus pons a swingbridge. turneamentum a tournament. turneare to joust, to hold a tournament. turnum, turnus a turn ; the king's leet through a county; a winch, as on a crossbow. turrellus a turret, a tourel, a small tower. turtarius baker of tourte, i. e., coarse brown bread. turtra trout. turtus tourte bread. twigeldum a double fine. tyna a tub ; part of Gloucester town. tyro. See tiro. U. ulcus a hull. uligo a marsh. ulmetum an elm grove. ulna an ell. ulnagium alnage, duty on cloth. itlnator, ulniger alnager, exam- iner of cloth and collector of alnage. tilphus hassock, coarse grass. umbra an umbrer or umber, part of a bacinett, which pro- tected the face ; a grayling. umbraculum. See umbra. umpirator an umpire. uncia an ounce ; an inch ; a measure of land, perhaps 12 modii. unciata. See uncia. uplanda upland. ura ore. urla a border ; an orle. ursarius a bearward ; a beardog. usagium usage. ustilamentum a loom. utensilium a loom. uthesium. See hutesium. uthlega, Sfc. See utlaga, Sfc. utlaga an outlaw. utlagare to outlaw. utlagaria, utlagatio outlawry. utter are to distribute, utter. uxorare to give in marriage. uxoratus married. uxorium a fine for not marrying. V. vacanus vacant ; void. vacare to be void. vacaria waste ground. vacatura a church benefice not yet vacant ; provision thereto ; the next avoidance of a benefice. vaccaria a cow-house or pasture. vaccarius a cowherd. vadiare to pledge oneself ; to give security for ; to wage. vadimonizare to pawn. vadium surety ; wage. vaatum security. valectus. See valettus. valentia value. valettus a groom ; a yeoman ; a journeyman. valibilis valuable. Glossary of Latin Words. 253 valisona anguillarum eelbucks(?). vallare to wall up. valvassor a vassal. See vavassor. vana a weathercock. vanga a shovel. vannus a vane ; a winnowing-f an. vantarius a footman who runs before his master. vapulatio beating, cleaning. varectare. See warectare. varium vair, an expensive fur, perhaps ermine. vassalagium the condition of a vassal. vassallus a vassal, feudal tenant. vasseleria a vassal's tenure. vastellum a shade ; an arbour. See wastellus. vastum waste. vatila a scoop. vavassor a vassal, next in dignity to a baron ; a free tenant of a tenant in chief. vavassoria land held by a va- vassor. vealtrarius, veautrarius. See vel- trarius. vehagium payment for carriage. vehia a load. velar e to sail. veltrarius a lyme-hound ; a man who leads hounds. veltrea a leash. veluettum, velutum velvet. venaria beasts of chase. venatio venison ; right of hunting. venda payment to lord for licence to sell. venella a lane. Veneris dies Friday. ventare, ventilare to winnow ; to air. ventosa a cupping glass. ventriceum, ventriticum molendi- num a windmill. veragium verage, the right of the Marshal of England to all pied cattle taken in war. verbale a dictionary. veredarius a courier. veredarius, veredus a thill horse. veredictum a verdict. veredis a ferret. vergenta a measure used for spices. vermiculus vermilion. vernacio varnishing. vernellum varnish. vero a minnow. versatllis pans a swingbridge. versator a turnspit. vertebra a hinge. vertevella a hook ; shears. vertlnella a hinge. vesca vetch. vesperce vespers, about 4 p.m. vespilio a nocturnal robber. vesta crop. vestiarium a room where vest- ments are kept. vestire to invest. vestura crop ; possession. vettrarius, veutrarius. See vel- trarius. vexillator a standardbearer. viagium a voyage. vians a traveller. vibrella a cannon. vicaria a vicarage. vicariatus the office of a vicar. vicarius a vicar. vicecancellarius a vice-chancellor. vicecomes a viscount ; a sheriff. vicecomitilia vicontiels, rents farmed by a sheriff. vicedominus a vidame, a bishop's deputy in temporal matters. vicinetum neighbourhood ; venue. victualarius a victualler. vicus a street. viduatus widowed. vidulator a fiddler. viella a viol. Glossary of Latin Words. vigilia the eve of or day before a feast. villa a vill or village. villanus a villein, bondman. villata a township, village. villaticus a peasant. villains pannus frieze. villenagium the tenure of a villein. villicanus a steward. vilnetum. See vicinetum. vina a fin. vinagium rent paid in wine. vinetria vintry. vinitarius a vintner; the custo- dian of the wine in a monas- tery. vintenarius a vintner. virbius twice married. virga a yard ; a wand ; the verge, the compass of the king's court. virgata a yard-land ; the verge. virgatarius originally holder of a virgate or yard-land, but used for all small holders of land. virgator a verger. virgeiis striped, brindled. virgiferens a verger. viridarium a clearing in a forest ; a garden. viridarius a verderer, a forest officer. firide vert, trees, &c. in a forest ; the right to cut green wood. viridere to scour a river or ditch. viridis sometimes used for va- rium, vair. visnetum. See vicinetum. visor an inspector. vispilio a nocturnal robber. visus view. vitellarius, vitillarius a victualler. vitellium caudle. vitriare to glaze. vitulare to calve. vivarium a park ; a fishpond. viverra a ferret. v ola the hollow of the hand ; a handful. volatus falconry. volsura vaulting. volta a vault. volupare to roll up (volutare). vosare to address in the plural. vota a drain. vulgariter in English. w. waccaria. See vaccaria. waccarius. See vaccarius. wacta watch. wactare to watch. wadda woad. wadium. See vadium. waerum a weir. waftor a pilot. tcaga, waia a wey or weigh : of wool 256 Ibs. or 2 sacks ; of cheese 168, 256, or 300 Ibs. ; of barley or malt 6 qrs., temp. Edw. I. ; of salt 25 qrs. ; of tallow 168 Ibs. ; a waif ; whey. wagesium ooze, sea-ground. waida woad. wainabilis passable by waggons ; tilled. wainagium a stock of wagons, team, &c. ; wainage ; cart- age. wainare to till; to get a profit out of. waivare to forsake ; to outlaw (a woman). waiviamentum,waiviaria a waiver, waiviary ; refusal. waiviatum waived, abandoned. waivium a waif. icahfa, waldia a forest ; weald ; wold. Glossary of Latin Words. 255 ivalecheria Welshry. waliscus a servant. walla, wallia a wall. wallare to wall ; to fortify. wallura walling. wambasarius a maker of gambe- sons. wambasium. See gambeso, wapentacium, wapentachium, wa- pentagium a wapentake, a division of a county simi- lar to a hundred, used in the north ; suit of court and other duties incumbent on the inhabitants. wara a measure of land, gore(?). See warnetum. warantia, fyc. See warrantia, fyc. warda a ward of a city ; custody ; wardship ; wardpenny. warda castri castleguard. wardagium contribution for the custody of a castle, ward- penny. warderoba wardrobe. wardmotus wardmote, a court held in London. warecta, tea-rectum fallow land. warectabilis fallow. warectare to plough land in- tended for wheat in the spring and let it lie fallow. warectus fallow. warenna a warren. warennarius a warrener. waretare. See warectare. waretta, Sfc. See warecta, Sfc. warfus a wharf. wargus a banished rogue. warne^MTnwarnoth, a rent doubled if not paid. warnistura garrison. See gar- nesiura. warpenna wardpenny. warrantia warranty. warrantizare to warrant. warrantizatio warranty. warrantum a warrant. warrecta, Sfc. See warecta. warrenna. See warenna. wasshum a shallow arm of the sea ; the Wash. wastellus wastelbread, the second sort of white bread, next in quality to simnel. ivastum waste. watergagium watergage ; a water- course. ivaterganga a watercourse ; an aqueduct. watergangius a trench to carry off water ; an aqueduct. waterscopium. See watergangius. watillum a wattle. wavius wandering. ivaynabilis. See wainabilis. waynagium. See wainagium. wayura a channel. wayvium, wavium, fyc. See waivium, Sfc. wdewardus a woodward. wegga. See waga. welcomare to welcome. tvelkus a whelk. wendus a circuit of ground. wera wergild, the fine paid for killing a man. werccum wreck. werelada purgation of homicide by oath. wergildus wergild, fine for homi- cide. werra war. wesda woad. wesdarius a dealer in woad. tcezare to mend, repair. 256 Glossary of Latin Words. weyfa maris waif of the sea. loharfa a wharf. wharfagium, wharvagium wharf- age. whassum. See wasshum. wica a country house, farm. wtcarius, wikarius the keeper of a wica. wikettum a wicket. iviscare to mend, repair. wisda woad. wista a measure of land, half a hide. wita a fine ; amerciament. withernamium carrying off a dis- tress, so that the sheriff cannot deliver it when re- plevied. wittescalchi officers who collect fines imposed by judges. wixare to mend, repair. wodegeldum tax paid on woods. woodivardia office of woodward. woodwardus a woodward, a forest officer. wreccatum wrecked. wreccum wreck. wrectum wreck. wrekum wreck. wudewardus a woodward. wyka. See wica. wykettum a wicket. wyta. See wita. X. xenium a present. See exennium. xenodochium an inn ; a hospital ; a convent. xylopola a dealer in wood. xysticus a champion ; a wrestler. Y. yarda a yard. yconia an image. yconomus a guardian. yems used for hiems, winter. yepso " a little ipson," in Somerset, is a handful. ympnare a hymnal. yvernagium. See hibernagium. Z. zabulum gravel, sand. zabulus the devil (diabolus]. zeta a dining-room ; a chamber. zigarus a gipsy. zinziber ginger. zourum a sore, a four-year old buck. zuchara sugar. zucheus the dead trunk of a tree ; a stub. zygostata a clerk of a market. zythum a drink made of corn. A LIST OF THE LATIN NAMES OF PLACES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.* A. Aballaba, Aballiaba Appleby, Westmoreland ; Watchcross, Cumberland. Abbandonia, Abbandununt, Abingdon, Berkshire. Abbas CBstuarium River num- ber, Yorkshire. Abbendonia Abingdon . Abbotesbiria Abbotsbury, Dor- set. Abbus H umber. Abedesberie Abbotsbury, Dor- set. Aberconovium Aberconway ; also the River Conway. See Conovium. Aberdona, Aberdonia Aberdeen, Scotland. Aberdora, Aberdura Aberdore, and Aberdour, Scotland. Abergennium Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. Aberistyvium Aberystwith. Aberncethum Abernethy, Scot- land. Abervanus, Aberruanus. See Abravannus. Abindonia Abingdon. Ablatum Bulgium Cardunnock, or Bowness, Cumberland ; or Middleby, Dumfries. Abona Flu. River Avon, Hamp- shire. Abone, Abonis Sea Mills, on the Avon ; Alvington-on- the-Severn, Abstone, or Aunsbury, Gloucestershire. Aboya Athboy, Meath, Ireland. Abravannus, Abravanus Flu. The estuary at Ravenglass, Cumberland ; or Glenluce Bay, Wigtownshire. Alreconium Abercorn, Linlith- gow. Abredea River Dee, Aberdeen. Abredesega Insula Bardesey Island, Carnarvonshire. Abrenethceum Abernethy, Scot- land. Abretaum Swansea, Glamor- ganshire. Abrevicum Berwick-upon- Tweed. Abrinca Abernethy. Abunden' Abingdon. Abus cestuarium Humber. Acantium promontorium North Foreland. * To the names of Roman Stations, upon the position of which there is a difference of opinion, several of the localities suggested have been appended, as the object of this list is not to identify Roman Stations, but to give the meaning of the names when used in later times. It has not been thought necessary always to insert Latin names where they are merely the common English namea with a Latin termination. M. S 258 A List of the Latin Names of Places Acastra Acaster, Yorks. Acemanni Civitas Bath. Achada Achonry, Sligo, Achadia Aghadoe, Kerry, Ire- land. Ackathkonrensis, Achathronensis Of Achonry, Ireland. Achelandia Bishop's Auckland, Durham. Achilia Achill Isles, Con- naught, Ireland. Aclea Oakley, Surrey ; Aycliffe or Auckland, Durham. Acmodfs Insult Seven Islands, mentioned by Pomponius Mela and Pliny. Ad-Ansam Ithanceaster, "Wit- ham Barklow, Tolshunt Knights, or Halstead, Es- sex ; Wratting or Strat- ford St. Mary, Suffolk. Ad- Candidam Casam Catwade Bridge near Brantham, Suffolk. Adcovecin. See Combretonium. Adelingia, Adelona Athelney, Somerset. Ad-Lapidem Stoneham, Hamp- shire. Ad-Latus Bovium Boverton, Glamorganshire. See Bo- nium. Ad-Murum "Walbottle (?), Northumberland. Ad-Pontem Paunton, Line. ; Southwell or Farndon, Notts, or Zouch Bridge, over the Trent. Ad-Portum Dubris Dover. See Doris. Ad-Portum Lemanis Lympne, Kent. Ad-Portum Rutupas. See Rutu- Adron Flu. Biver Adder, Ber- wickshire, or Eiver Wear, Durham. See Ouedra. Adros Bardsey Island, Caer- narvonshire ; or Lambay, Dublin. Adtanatos Insula Isle of Thanet. Ad- Taum Tasburgh or Nor- wich. Ad-Tisam Piersbridge, Dur- ham. Adtropam Thrup, Abingdon. Adurni Portus Porchester, Hants ; Aldrington, Sussex ; or Old Shoreham. jEbudce Hebrides, "West of Scotland. jEgelesbyri, JEglesburgus Aylesbury, Bucks. ^Eiglea Hey Mead, near Melks- ham. JEilecuriana Yale of Aylesbury. Aelfete Adlingfleet, Yorkshire. Aelfinensis Of Elphin, Ireland. Aelfonensis Of Elphin, Ireland. JElia Ely. See Elia. JElia Castra Alchester, War- wick. JEliani Porta A town near Hadrian's Wall. Aera Eiver Ayr, Scotland. jfisycha, JEsica Netherby, Cumberland ; Great Ches- ters, Northumberland. JEtona, JEtonia Eton, Bucks. Afena Littleborough, Notts. Afena Flu. Eiver Avon. Agamerium Aghamore, co. Mayo, Ireland. Agelocum Littleborough, Notts. Agmundishamum Agmundis- ham or Amersham, Bucks. Agneda Edinburgh. in Great Britain and Ireland. 259 Aiscaranus Of Aysgarth, Yorks. Akelea Ockley, Surrey. Akemancester Bath. Ala Campi Wingfield. Alachda Killalla, bishopric in Connaught. Alcenus Flu. Eiver Axe, Devon ; or Stour, Dorset. Alana Alloway, Ayrshire. Alannius Eiver Avon, Wilts. Alata Castra, Alatum Castrum Tain, Eoss ; Edinburgh ; or Burghead, Moray. Alauna Civitas Alnwick, Northumberland ; Alcester, Warwick ; Allchester, Oxon ; Camelon, Stirling; a place near Poole, Dorset. Alauna Flu. Eiver Stour, Dor- setshire ; Alne, Northumber- land. Alauna Silva Borders of Hamp- shire and Dorset, or perhaps Stourhead, Dorset. A launi fluvii ostia Alnmouth. Alaunicastrum Alcester, War- wick. Alaunicus Pons Maidenhead, Berkshire. Alaunicus Portus Milford Haven. Alaunivadum Aylesford, Kent. Alaunodunum Maidenhead. Alaunovicus Alnwick, North- umberland. See Alauna. A launus Maidenhead. Alaunus Flu. E. Tweed, North- umberland. Alba Domus Whiteland, Caer- marthenshire. Albalanda Whiteland, Caer- marthenshire ; also Blanch- land, Northumberland. A Ibana Scotland. Albania Scotland, or Britain north of Humber. Albi Equi Mons White Horse Hill, Berks. Albinunno Civitas Caer Nonou or Whitewalls, Monmouth- shire. Albion Britain. Album Castrum Whitchester, Northumb erland . Album Monasterium Whit- church, Shropshire. Alcheseia Alchester, Dorset. Alcluith Dunbritton, on the Clyde. Aldud Dumbarton. Alecana Ilkley, Yorkshire. A lectum Dundee. Alemis Flu. See Alcenus. Alexodunum Brough - on - the - Sands, Cumberland. AlicincaIlklej (?). See Oli- cana and Alecana. A liennia Athelney . Alione, Alionis Whitley Castle, Northumberland ; Amble- side, Westmoreland ; Kirk- bride or Allonby, Cumber- land. Alitacenon Civitas Elgin, Scot- land. Allectum Dundee. Alna Alne, Yorks; Eiver Alne, Northumb erlan d . Alnetum Llangerniw (?) on the Elwey, Denbighshire. Alnevicum Alnwick, Northum- berland. Alone Bowness, Cumberland; Whitley Castle, North- umberland ; Ambleside, Westmoreland. s 2 260 A List of the Latin Names of Places Alone Flu. River Alne, North- umberland. Alongium, Alovergium Civitas Carnbrea, Cornwall. Alpes Peneni Monies Pendle Hill, Lancashire. A Ire Aller, near Bridg water. Alta Prisa Haltemprice or Howdenprice, Yorks. Altum Peccum The Peak, Derbyshire. Alunna Oastleshaw, Yorkshire. Alunus River Alan, Wales. Alverodunum Brigantum North Allerton, Yorks. Alvertona North Allerton, Yorks. Alvion See Albion. Ambegianna. See Amboglanna. Ambesbiria, Ambresbiria Ames- bury, Wilts. Amboglanna Ambleside, West- moreland ; Burdoswald, Cumberland. Ambrosia, Ambrosii Burgus, Ambrosii Mons Amesbury, Wilts. Anathoreticus vicus Anker- wyke, Bucks. Anandia Vallis Annandale, Scotland. Ancalites A tribe, near Hen- ley, Oxfordshire. Anderelio See Anderida. Anderida Newenden, Kent ; Pevensey, Eastbourne, or Arundel, Sussex. Andevera, Andovera Andover, Hampshire. Andreapolis St. Andrew's, Scot- land. See Fanum Reguli. Andresega An old monastery on , the site of Burton Abbey, Staffs. Andrium, Andros Bardsey Island, Caernarvonshire. See Adros. Anecastrum Ancaster, Line. Anegus Angus, Scotland. Angelocum Ancaster, Lincoln- shire. Anglesega Anglesey. Angra Ongar, Essex. Anguillaria Insula Isle of Ely. Anguillarianus Of Ely. Angulia Flintshire, Angusia Angus, Scotland. Anicetis Civitas In Dorsetshire. Ansoba River Galway, Ireland. Antivestceum promontorium Land's End, Cornwall. Antona River Avon, North- ants ; River Anton, Hants. Antona Australia Southamp- ton. Antona Borealis Northampton. Antrum Flu. TheErme, Devon- shire. Apaunaris Civitas In Devon- shire. Apelbia Appleby, Westmore- land. Apiacum Hexham ; Papcastle. Apletrea Appledore, Kent. Applebeia, Applebera Appleby, Westmoreland. Apultrea Appledore, Devon. Aqua Rubra Redburn. Aquce Calidce Bath, Somerset- shire. Aquae Solis, Suits Bath. Aqucedonum Eton, Bucks; Aik- ton, Cumb. Aqucedunensis Saltus Water- den, Norfolk. in Great Britain and Ireland. 261 Aquadunum "Waldron (?), Sus- sex ; Waterden, Norfolk. Aqucevadensis Pans Eye Bridge, Dorset. A q uapontanus Brid gwater . Aquelmum Ewelme, Oxford- shire. Aquila Eagle, Lincolnshire. Aquilodunum Hoxne, Suffolk. Aquis Civitas See Aquce Ca- Aramis, Aranus Civitas In. Dorsetshire. Arleia Moresby or Ireby, Cum- berland ; Armley or Castle- ford, Yorkshire. Archfordensis Of Ardfert, Ire- land. Archmachia Armagh. Arclovium Arklow, co. "Wick- low, Ireland. Arcmacen&is Of Armagh. Arcmorensis Of Ardmore, Waterford. Arcubus, Curia de Court of Arches. Ardacha Ardagh, co. Long- ford. Ardahachdensis Of Ardagh, Ireland. Ardaoneon Civitas Old Sarum ; Silchester. Ardatum Ardat or Ardathen, co. Kerry. Ardefertensis Of Ardfert. Ardgathelia Argyle, Scotland. Ardmacha Armagh. A rdmoria Ardmore . Ardrceum Ardee, co. Louth ; Ardree, co. Kildare, Ire- land. Ardraicum Ardagh, co. Long- ford. Ardua Lostwithiel, Cornwall. Arewe Elver Orwell, Suffolk. Argadia, Argathelia Argyle, Scotland. Argistillum In Gloucestershire, or perhaps Arwystli, Powys. Argita Lough Foil, London- derry. Camden applies this name to Lough Swilley. Ariconium Kenchester, Boss, or Penyard Castle, Here- fordshire. Armacha Armagh, Ireland. Armanothia Ardmeanach, Scot- land. Armis Bath. Armone Caernarvon. A rnemega Willoughby-on-the- Wolds, Notts. See Vero- metum. Arrania Isle of Arran, Scot- land. Arregaidela Argyle. Arthferdensis, Arthfertensis Of Ardfert, Ireland. Arthmorensis Of Ardmore, Ire- land. Arundelia, Arundellum Arun- del, Sussex. Arundinis Vadum Redbridge, Hampshire. Aruntina Vallis Arundel, Sus- sex. ArunusFlu. EiverArun, Sussex. Arus River Aire, Yorkshire. Arvone Caernarvon. A rvonia Caernarvonshire. Asaphopolis St. Asaph, Flint- shire. Ascaranus. See Aiscaranus. Athanaton, Athanatos Isle of Thanet. See Tanathos. 262 A List of the Latin Names of Places A thesis Flu. Eiver Tees. See Tesa. Atholia Athol, Scotland. Athra Athenry, Ireland. Atina Insula Thanet. See Ad- tanatos. Atrebati People of Berkshire. Attacotti Conquered tribes N. of the Eoman wall. Auchelandia BishopsAuckland, Durham. Aufona Eiver Avon, Northants. Augusta Trinobantum, Augusta London. Augustaldia Hexham. Aula, vel Villa Antigua Aid- bury, Herts. Auna Awn, bishopric in Ire- land. Aunesf Elstow, Beds. Aura Awre, Gloucestershire. Auravanus. See Abravannus. Aurea Vallis Golden Vale, Herts. Aureum Vadum Guildford, Sur- rey. Ausoba. See Ansoba. Ausona Eiver Avon, North- amptonshire. Auteri, Auterii People of Gal- way and Eoscommon, dwell- ing near Athenry, Ireland. Autona Avon, Northants. Avalana "Watchcross. See Abal- laba. Avalonia Glastonbury, Somer- setshire. Ave Eiver Avon, or Avin, Scotland. Avena Flu. Avon, Wiltshire. Avenina, Avenna Flu. Afan, or Avon, Glamorganshire. Avenmorus Blackwater river, Cork. Avennus Eiver Avon, a tribu- tary of the Clyde, Scotland. Aventio Flu. Eiver Aun, or Avon, Devon. Avinus Eiver Avon, or Avin, Scotland. Avona Eiver Avon ; Eiver Nen, Northants. Avona Bungay, Suffolk. Avona, Avondunum Hampton Court, according to Leland. Avona Littoralis, sive Australis Southampton. Avona Mediterranea, sive Borealis Northampton. Avon Vallis Oundle, North- ampton. Avondunum Limenorum South- ampton. Avonii palatium Winchester House, Southwark. Axelodunum Hexham ; Burgh- on-the-Sands ; or Bowness, Cumberland. Axiholma Axholme, Line. Axium Flu. Eiver Axe, Devon- shire. B. Ba, Baa Bath. Babaglanda Burdoswald. See Amboglanna. Bachelagana, Bachcleia Sylva Bagley Wood, Berks. Baddanbyrig Badbury, Dorset. Badecanwella Bakewell, Derby- shire. Badha Bath. BeeAyvaGaKtfo. Badonicus Mons Badon Hill, or Bannesdown, a hill near Bath. in Great Britain and Ireland. 263 Badunum Bath. Bagilogana Sylva Bagley Wood, Berks. Bainardi CasteUum Baynard's Castle, London. Bainus Pons Bainbridge, York- shire. Bala Bala, Merionethshire. Balneodunum, Balnea Bath. Baltifordia Waterf ord, Ireland. Bamfum Banff. Bana Insula An island opposite the mouth of the River Taff , Glamorganshire . Banatia Bean Castle, Murray ; Comrie, Perthshire ; or near Inverness. Banburia Banbury, Oxford- shire. Bancornensis Of Bangor. Banesinga Villa Bensington, Oxfordshire. Banna River Ban, Ulster. Banna Cambeck, or Castle - steeds, Cumb. Batmavenna, Bannavcntum Bo- rough Hill, near Daventry ; or Weedon, Northants ; or Banbury, Oxfordshire. Bannio Abergavenny. See Go- bannio. Bannochorus, Banff orium Ban- gor, N. Wales. Bannovallum. See Bannaventa. Banua Bannow, Ireland. BanusFlu. River Bain,Lincoln- shire. Bara Dunbar, Scotland. BarangcB. See Brannogenium. Bardunus River Bure, Norfolk. Barnastapula Barnstaple, Devon. Baromact. See Ccesaromago. BarvicuSy Barwicus Berwick- upon-Tweed. Basenga, Basingum Basing, Basingstoke, Hampshire. Batersega Battersea, Surrey. Batha, Bathonia Bath. Batilfordia Waterf ord, Ireland. Batonicus Of Bath. Bdora River Dore, Hereford- shire. Beanflota Bamfleet, Essex. Bearrocscira Berkshire. Bebba, Bebbanbyrig Bambo- rough, Northumberland. Bedeforda Bedford. Bedericia, Bedericum St. Ed- mundsbury, Suffolk. Bedfordia Bedford. Begesse Town on the Wall of Antonine. Beggewurda Badgworth, Somerset. Belaisena Ballinasloe. Belerium promontorium Land's End. Belgcc Inhabitants of Somerset, Wilts, and Hampshire, in Ccesar's time occupying the South Coast. Belg) Wettce Wells, Somerset. Belinus Sinus Billingsgate. Belisama Eiver Eibble, or Mer- sey, Lancashire. Bella Vallis Beauvale, inGres- ley Park, Notts. Bellalanda Byland, Yorkshire. Bellesitum, Bcllositum Oxford. Belloclivum, Bellodesertum Bel- desert, or Beaudesert, War- wickshire. Bellomariscus Beaumaris, Isle of Anglesey. Bellositum City of Oxford. A List of the Latin Names of Places Bellum Battle, Sussex. Bellum Caput Beauchief , Derby- shire. Bellus Campus Bulcamp, Norf. Bellus Locus Beaulieu, Hants ; Beauly, Inverness ; Beau- desert, Warwickshire. Bellus Locus Regis Beaulieu Abbey. Belverum Beauvoir. Benethleya Bentley, Middlesex. Bennavenna. See Bannavenna. Bennones. See Venonce. Beohrtforda Burford, Oxon. Berceia Berkshire. Bercheleia Berkeley, Glouc. Bercheria Berkshire. Berclea Berkeley, Glouc. Berdeniga Bardney, Line. Berechingum Barking, Essex. Bereda. See Voreda. Berga Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Bergonium A vitrified fort, op- posite Connell Ferry, at the mouth of Loch Etive, Lome. Berkeria Berkshire. BerTdeia Berkeley, Gloucester- shire. Bermundesaia, Bermundsheia, Ber- mundi Insula Bermondsey, Surrey. Bernardi Castellum Barnard Castle, Durham. Bernia. See Hibernia. Bernicia Province reaching from the River Tees to the Frith of Forth. Berua Barrow, Ireland. Berubium promontorium Dun- cansby Head, or more pro- bably NossHead, Caithness, Scotland. Bervicium, Berwicus Berwick. Beverlacum, Beverlea Beverley, Yorkshire. Bibrocassi, Bibroci A tribe near Bray, Berkshire. Bimonium Binchester, Durham. See Vinovium. Bindogladia. See Vindogladia. Binonium, JBinovia, Binovium Binchester, Durham. See Vinovium. Birgus River Barrow, Water- ford. Birila Insula Burril Island, co. Down, Ireland. Birnwda Burnham Wood. Bishamum Bustlesham, or Bis- ham, Berkshire. Bistaghnensis Of Glandelagh, Ireland. Blacamora Blackmore, North Riding of Yorkshire. Bladince Monies Sliabh Bladh- ma, now called Slieve Bloom Mountains, in the barony of Ossory, Queen's County, Ireland. Bladunum Malmesbury. See Maidulphi Curia. Blancaforda Blandford, Dorset- shire. Blancalanda Blanch Land, Northumberland. Blancum Castrum White Cas- tle, or Blane Castle, Mon- mouthshire. Blanii Tribe about Dublin. Blatum Bulgium, Ablatum Bul- gium Middleby, Dumfries ; or Bowness, or Cardunnock, Cumberland. Blestium Monmouth ; Oldtown, Herefordshire. Blia, Blida Blythe, Notts. Blidberia Blewbury, Berks. Blithodunum Blyton, Line. Blya Blythe, Notts. in Great Britain and Ireland. 265 Boanda, Boandus River Boyne, Ireland. Bobium. See Bomium. Boccania, Boccim'a, Boccinum Buckingham; Buckenham. Boderia. See Bodotria. Bodianum Bodiam, Sussex. Bodotria Frith, of Forth. Boduni. See Dobunt, Boena A town in the west of Scotland. Boghania Buchan, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland. Bolerium Land's End. Boleshovera Bolsover, Derby- shire. Bolvelaunio Poole, Dorset. Bomine Bodmin, Cornwall. Bomium Cowbridge, Boverton, or Bridgend, Glamorgan- shire ; or Axbridge, Somer- set. Boniiim,Bovium Stretton, Ban- gor, or Queenhope, Flint- shire ; Bunbury, Cheshire ; or Whitchurch, Shropshire. Bonno. See Bomium. JBorceum prom. Malin Head, Ireland. Borcovicum, Borcovitium Housesteads, Northumber- land ; Berwick. Bosmanacha Bodmin, Cornwall. Bosphorus Picticus Pentland Frith, Scotland. Bosuenna Bodmin, Cornwall. Botelega Botley, Hants ; Bolney, Oxfordshire. Bothmenia Bodmin, Cornwall. Botis Bute Island, West Coast of Scotland. Bouenia Boveney, Berks. Bovium. See Bomium, Bonium. Boxeleia Boxley, Kent. Boxora Boxford, Berks. Braboniacum. See Bremetona- cum, Bremetenracum, Bro- vonacis. Bracchium Burgh, Yorkshire. Brachilega Brackley, North- amptonshire. Brage. See Brige. Bramenium. See Bramenium. Bramptonia Brampton, near Huntingdon. Branconium. See Branoricum. Brangonia, Brannogenium Ban- gor. See also Branoricum. Brangoria Bangor. Branodunum Brancaster, Nor- folk. Branoricum, Branovium, Bravi- nium,. Bravonium Worces- ter ; Ludlow, Leintwardine, or Onibury, Shropshire. Brechinia Brecknock. Brechinium Brechin, Scotland. Brehinium. See Brechinium. Breinensis Of Brechin, Scot- land. Bremenium Newcastle, or High Rochester, Northumb erland; Brampton, Northants. Bremetenracum Either the same as Bremetonacum ; Old Pen- rith or Bromfield, Cumb. ; or Ribchester, Lancashire. Bremetonacum Overborough, Lancaster, or Clitheroe, Lancashire. Brendanici Monies Knock Brandon, Kerry. Brendanicum Mare The Atlantic. Brenna Breubege or Bryna- bege, Glamorgan. 266 A List of the Latin Names of Places Brent a Vadus Brentford, Mid- dlesex. Bresnetenati Veteranorum. See Bremetenracum and Bremeto- nacum. Brexarum Burgli, Lincolnshire. Bribra Perhaps the same as Bremetenracum. Brigantes Inhabitants of York- shire, Lancashire, Durham, Westmoreland, and Cum- berland ; also of Waterford and Kilkenny, Ireland, and Galloway, Scotland. Brigantium York. Brige Bridgnorth, Shropshire ; Broughton, or Titchfield Bay, Hampshire ; Hyde. Briges. See Brigantes. Brigewatera Bridgwater, Somerset. Brigomono Bargeny, Wigtown. Brigus Barrow River, Ireland. Brillendunum Bridlington, Yorks. Briodunum Bredon, Worcester- shire. Bristoldum Bristol. Bristolia, Bristolium, Bristowa Bristol. Britanni People of Britain. Britannia Prima Britain south of the Thames. Britannia Secunda Britain west of the Severn ; or from Bris- tol Channel to Mersey, .and from Thames to Humber. Britannicus Oceanus English Channel. Britannodunum Dumbarton, Scotland. Brithania. See Britannia. Britones People of Britain. Britonum Castrum Dunbritton, or Dumbarton, Scotland. Brocara, Brocavo Brough or Brougham- on-the -Eamont, Westmoreland. Broconiacum Brougham, West- moreland. Bromfelda Bromfeld, Denbigh- shire. Brovonacis Aldstone Moor, Brough, Brougham, or Kirkbythure, Westmore- land. Bruga Bridgnorth . Bruhella Brill, Bucks. Brutannia. See Britannia. Brycstowa Bristol. Bubris. See Dubris. Buchania Buchan, Scotland. Buckinghamia Buckingham . Bucostenum Buxton, Derby- shire. Budiforda Bedford. Buettium Boyle, Ireland. Bulgium Bowness, Cumberland. Bullatum Builth, Brecknock; or Usk, Monm. Bungehia Bungay, Norfolk. Burgensis Pans Boroughbridge, Yorks. Burgodumim Burton, Stafford- shire. Burgum super Zabulum Burgh- on-Sands, Cumb. Burgus Brough, Westmore- land ; Peterborough ; Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Burhella. See Bruhella. Buroaverus. See Durovernum. Burolevo. See Durolenum. Burrio Usk, Monmouthshire ; Ledbury, Hereford. in Great Britain and Ireland. 267 Buseneia Binsey, Oxon. Bustelli Domus Bustlesham or Bisham, Berks. Buvinda Eiver Boyne, Ireland. Byligesleaga Billingsley, Shrop- shire. C. Cacaria Tadcaster, Yorks. Caerdiffa Cardiff, Glamorgan- shire. Caerdigania Cardigan. Caer-Lincoit Lincoln. See Lin- colnia. Caermardinia Caermarthen, "Wales. Caerperis Porchester, Hamp- shire. Cacrseverus Salisbury. Ceesaria Jersey. Ccesaris Burgum Searbyrig, Old Sarum. Ccesaromago Chelmsford, "Writ- tie, "Widford, Burntwood, Canvey Island, or Billeri- cay, Essex. Calacum. See Galacum. Calaterium E. Calder, Yorks. Calaterium Nemus Forest of Galtress, Yorkshire. Calatum. See Galacum. Calcaria Tadcaster or Aberford, Yorks. Calcoensis Of Kelso, Scotland. Calcua, Nalcua. See Calleva and Galleva. Caldei Insula Ynys Pyr, or Cal- dey Island, Pembrokeshire. Calderus Flu. Eiver Calder, Yorkshire. Caledonia Callander, Perth- shire. It is also used for the whole of Scotland. Caledonia Sylva Argyle, Loch- aber and Moray. Caledonii Inhabitants of north- west of Scotland. Caledonium Castrum Dunkeld. CalidonicB Sylvce Florus applies this name to the interior of England. Calkoensis Of Kelso. Calleva Basin gstoke, Hants. Calleva Attrebatum. See Galleva Atrebatum. Calna Calne, "Wiltshire. Calonia Coldingham. Calunio Same as Galacum ; or Wakefield. Camaldunum, Camalodunum Maldon, Essex ; Colchester, or Lexden. Camaletum Camel, Somerset- shire. Cambium Regale Eoyal Ex- change, London. Cambodunum Almondbury, Greetland, or Elland, West Eiding of Yorkshire. Camboricum, Camborium Ick- lingham, Suffolk; or Cam- bridge. Cambretonium. See Combre- tonium. Cambria Wales. Cambula E. Camel, Cornwall. Camelodunum Doncaster. Camolodunum. See Camaldunum. Campodunum. See Cambodunum. Campus A Itus Hatfield, or Haut- field, Hertfordshire. Campus Fabrum Smithfield. Campus Novo-Forensis New- market Heath. Camudolanum. See Cambodu- 268 A List of the Latin Names of Places Camulodunum. See Camaldu- num and Cambodunum. Cana Insula Sheppy. See Counos. Canachina Silva Cannock Chase, Staffordshire. Canani Terra Merioneth. Cancani People living in Car- narvonshire. Cancanum. See Canganorum. Candalia Kendal, Westmore- land. Candida Casa Whithern, Wig- tonshire. Candida Ecclesia Whitchurch, Salop. Canganorum promontorium Braichy Pwll Point, Car- narvonshire. See Gan- ganum. Cangi Tribe in Somersetshire, or perhaps the same as Cancani. Canonium Canewdon, or Fam- bridge, or near Kelvedon, Essex. Canovaci People in Argyle, Lorn, and Lennox. Cantabrigia Cambridge. Cantce Tribe in Sutherlandshire. Cantia, Cantium Kent. Cantium promontorium North Foreland. Cantiventi Tribe probably in Westmoreland. Cantuaria Canterbury. Cantuaritce Kentish Saxons. Canubio. See Conovium. Caprce Caput, Caprocephalia Grateshead. See Gabrosen- tum. Carbantium Caerlaverock , Dum- friesshire. Carbantorigum Drummore, Dumfries. Carbonarius Collis Coleshill, Flintshire. Carcaria. See Calcaria. Cardelum Carlisle. Cardigania Cardigan, Wales. Careni Inhabitants of Caith- ness. Carleolum Carlisle. Carmarthinia Caermarthen. Carnarvonia Caernarvon, Wales. Carnonaca People of Ross, Scot- land. Carphillis A castle, supposed to have been built by the Romans, Glamorganshire. Carricta Carrick, Scotland. Carrum Charmouth, Dorset ; Carham, Northumberland. Cartusia Witham Charter- house, Somerset. Carugia Kerry, Ireland. Casa Candida. See Candida Ccfsa. Casella Cashel, Ireland. Cassi, Cassii Tribe in Hertford- shire. Cassilia Cashel, Ireland. Cassiterides Scilly Islands. Cassivelauni oppidum St. Al- ban's. See Verolamium. Castra Alata. See Alata Castra. Castra exploratorum Burgh on the Sands, Netherby, Old Castle, or Bowness, Cum- berland. Castrodunum Chesterton, Cam- bridgeshire. Castrum Britonum Dunbritton, Scotland. Castrum Caledonium Dunkeld. Castrum Cubii Holyhead. in Great Britain and Ireland. 269 Castrum de Vies Devizes, Wilt- shire. Castrum Leonis Holt Castle, Bromfeld. Castrum Oscce Usk, Monm. Castrum Puellarum Edinburgh. Cataracta, Cataractonium Thornbrough, near Thirsk, Allerton, or Catterick Bridge, Yorkshire. Cataracta Flu. Kiver Swale, Yorkshire. Catenessa Caithness. Cateracta Catterick, Yorks. Cateuchlani. See Catuellani. Catguilia Kid welly, Carmar- thenshire. Cathania Caithness, Scotland. Cathinensis Of Caithness. Catini People of Caithness. Catuellani, Ca tyeuchlani People of Buckingham, Bedford, and Hertfordshire. Cauci Tribe living in Wicklow, Ireland. Cauda E. Calder, Cumberland. Cauna. See Counos. Caunonio. See Canonium. Causennce, Causennis Boston, Ancaster, Brig Casterton, or Swineshead, Lincolnshire. Cava Cave, Yorks. Cavce Dirce Holderness, York- shire. Caverna Viperina Aspeden, Hertfordshire. Cavoda Cawood, Yorkshire. Cawda. See Cavoda. Cealchithe Chalk, Kent; Chel- sea. Cealtide Chelsea. Ceangi. See Cangi. Celerion Callander Castle, Perthshire. Cella Canici Kilkenny. Cella S. Briyittce Kilbride. Celnius Flu. Eiver Findhorn, or Eiver Spey, Elgin. Celovion. See Celerion. Celunno. See Cilurnum. Celurca Montrose, Forfar. Cenenersis Of Kells, Ireland. Cenimagni The same as the Iceni, a tribe in the east of England. Cenion Flu. Eiver Falle, Corn- wall. Centum f antes Hundreds-kelde, or Hinderwell, Yorks. Ceolesega Selsey, Sussex. Ceoleseia Cholsey, Berks. Cerda Selgovarum Dumfries. Cerdici vadum Chardford, Hampshire. Ceretica Ceredigion, a province of S. Wales ; Cardiganshire. Cerneia Charney, Berks. Cernelium Cerne, Dorsetshire. Cernualia, Curnualia Cornwall. Ceroncs, Ceronii Inhabitants of Lochaber and Ross. Cerotalnsula Chertsey, Surrey. Certesia Chertsey, Surrey. Cervi Insula Chertsey ; also Hartlepool, Durham. Cesare Tumulus Cam Ceasra, Connaught. Cestre Is used for York, Chester, and Chester-le-Street. Cestria Chester ; Cheshire ; Castle Knock, Dublin. Cestrisiria Cheshire . Chanrea, Chanoricum Chan- onry, Eoss-shire, Scotland. Chardum Chard, Somerset. Chathania. See Cathania. 270 A List of the Latin Names of Places Chauci. See Cauci. Chausega Cheausey, orCholsey, Berks. Chelmerium Chelmsf ord . Chentenses Kentish, men. Chepstovium Chepstow, Mon- mouthshire. Chesterfelda Chesterfield, Der- byshire. Chestria, Chestrum. See Cestria. Cheva Kew, Surrey. Chibii Castrum Holyhead, Anglesey. Chicum St. Osith, Essex. Chienfernensis Of Olonfert, Ire- land. Chineglisi Castrum Kenilworth Castle. Chingesordia King's Worthy, Hants. Chirca Chirk, Denbighshire. Chirchbcia Kirkby, Kirby. Chonderensis Of Connor, Ire- land. Chorfa Corfe, Dorset. Chridiantune Crediton, Devon. CibraA. town on or near the Antonine Wall. Ciceastria, Cicestria ( Cissaceastre] Chichester, Sussex. Cilurnum, Cilurinum Walwick Chesters, or Collerton, Northumberland. Cindocelhim Town in Scotland, , north of Antonine' s Wall. Cirecestria, Cirencestria, Cirinium \ - > Cirencester, Glouc. Cirnea Charney, Gloucester- shire. Cissaceastre Chichester. Civella Cheveley. Civitas Legionum Caerleon, Monmouthshire ; Chester. Clanoventa Lanchester, Dur- ham ; Cockermouth or Ellenborough, Cumberland. Clara County of Clare, Ireland. Clarentia Clare, Suffolk. Claria Clare County, Ireland. Claro-fontanus, Clarus-fons Sherborne, Dorsetshire. Claudia Castra, Claudia Glou- cester. Claudiana provincia Gloucester- shire. Claudiocestria Gloucester. Clausentum Bishop's Waltham, Southampton ; or Bittern, Hants; or Chichester, Sus- sex. Clavinio A town probably in Dorset. Cledhea Flu. River Cleddy, Pembrokeshire. Cleocestria Gloucester. Clevum Gloucester. See Claudia. Clidum Ardoch, Perthshire. See Lindum. Cliva King's Cliff, Northants. Clocheria, Clocherium Clogher, Ireland. Clona Clone, Ireland. Clonfertum Clonfert, Ireland. Clota River Clyde. Clovesho Cliffe at Hoo, Kent. Cluanania, Cluainvanea, Cluanum Cloyne, co. Cork, Ireland. Cluanumensis Of Cloyne, co. Cork. Cluda River Clyde. Cluenerardensis Of Clonard, Ireland. Cluida, Cluta R. Clwyd, Den- bighshire. Clunererardensis Of Clonard, Ireland. in Great Britain and Ireland. 271 Clutina Vallis Diffryncloyd, Wales. Cnaresburgus Knaresborough, Yorks. Cnobheriburgum Burgh. Castle, Suffolk. Coantia E. Kent, Westmore- land. Cocarus E. Coke, Yorkshire ; Cocker, Lane. Coccium Blackrode, or Eib- chester, Lancashire. Cocuneda Civitas On the River Coquet, Northumberland. Cognacta Connaught, Ireland. Coguvensuron Flu. E. Soar, Leicestershire. Coila Kyle, W. of Scotland. Cokarus. See Cocarus. Colania Carstairs, or Crawford, Lanarkshire. Colanica Coldingham, or Col- chester. Coldania Coldingham. Coleceastra, Colcestria Colches- ter, Essex. Collis Magnus Crug Mawr, Pembrokeshire. Collis Victories Knockmoy, a Cistercian Abbey, Ireland. Colmonora. See Cumonora. 'Colnia Flu. Eiver Colne. Colonia Colchester, Maldon, or Mersea Strood, Essex. Colonia Victricensis Maldon, Essex. Coludi Urbs Coldingham. Colunum Colnbrook, Bucks. Comberetonium Brettenham ; Stratford St. Andrew ; or Hadleigh, Suffolk. Combretovium. See Combere- tonium. Conacta Province of Connaught, Ireland. Conallea Tirconnell, Ireland. Concangios Watercrook, near Kendal ; or Chester-le- Street, Durham ; or Burgh, near Woodbridge. Concani People of Munster, Ireland. Condate Congleton, North wich, Kinderton, or Arley Hall, Great Bud worth, Cheshire. Condercum Chester-le-Street, Durham ; Benwell, North- umberland. Congavata Stanwix, or Drum- burgh, Cumberland. Congericuria Congersbury, Somerset. Connaccia, Connachtia Con- naught. Connacta Connaught, Ireland. Connaria, Conner ia, Conner turn Connor, co. Antrim, Ireland. Cononium Chelmsford, Essex. Conovium Caer Ehyn, or Caer- hen, on the Conway, Caer- narvonshire. Conovium, Conovius Eiver Con- way, North Wales ; also used for the Town of Conway. Contaracta Eiver Swale, Yorks. Convennon, Convennos Insula. See Counos. Conventria Coventry, Warwick- shire. Convetoni. See Comberetonium. Cogueda, Coquedus Coquet Eiver, in Northumberland. Coqueda Insula The Isle of Coquet, on the coast of Northumberland. Corcagia Cork, Ireland. Corcensis Of Cork. 272 A List of (he Latin Names of Places Corda Cumnock, Ayrshire ; Lynekirk, Peebles, or some town near Loughcure, Scot- land. Coria Corbridge, Northumber- land. Coria, Curia Ottadinorum Jed- burgh, Roxburghshire ; or Currie, Edinburghshire. Coria Damniorum Carstairs, La- nark ; or Kirkurd, Peebles. Corie Patrington, Yorks. Coriendi Tribe in Wexford, Ireland. Corinea Cornwall. Corinium, Corinium Dobunorum Cirencester, Gloucester- . shire. Corinus Flu. The River Churne that runs by Cirencester. Coritani, Coritavi People of Northampton, Leicester, Rutland, Derby, and Not- tingham shires. Cornabii Tribe in Strathnavern, Scotland. Cornaviij Cornabii Inhabitants of Warwick, Worcester, Stafford, Shropshire, and Cheshire. Corneliensis Of Cerne, Dorset. Cornuallia Cornwall. Cornubia Cornwall. Cornutum Monasterium Horn- church, Essex. Corragia Cork. Corstopilum, Corstopitum Cor- bridge, Morpeth, Gorbet, or Corchester, Northumberland Corsula Insula Perhaps Holy- head. Corvesgeata Corie, Dorset. Coterinus Mons Cotterdale, North Riding of Yorkshire. Colteswoldia Cotswold, Glouces- tershire. Cottona Gotham, near Yarm, Durham. Counos Isle of Sheppey, Kent ; or Canvey Island, Essex. Covalia Kyle, Ayrshire. Coventria Coventry, Warwick- shire. Coviburchelega Coverly, Glou- cestershire. Cranburna, Craneburgum Cran- borne, Dorsetshire. Crativallis Cratundene, Cam- bridgeshire. Cravena Craven, Yorkshire. Creccanforda Cricklade, Wilts. Crecolada Cricklade, Wiltshire. Credigone Caerriden, on the Wall of Antonine. Crenodunum Crendon, Bucks. Creones Tribe living in Ross. See Cerones. Cridea, Cridiatunum, Cridiodu- num Crediton, or Kirton, Devonshire. Crococalana, Crocolana Ancas- ter, Lincolnshire ; Brough, near Collingham ; or Car- Colston, Notts. Croucingo Crosby. Crowlandia, Croylandia, Cruilan- dia Crowland, Line. Crukeri Castrum Pen-y-Crug, Radnor. Crulandia Crowland. Crux Chariniana CharingCross. Crux Oswaldi Oswestry. Crux Roesiee Royston. Cubii Castrum Holyhead. Culenum Cullen, Banff. Cumanora Cumnor, Berks. Cumberlandia Cumberland. Cumbri People of Cumberland. Cumbria Cumberland. in Great Britain and Ireland. 273 Cunecacestre Chester-le- Street, Durham. Cunetio Marlborough, Milden- hall, or Ramsbury, Wilts t Cunetio Flu. River Cunga Cong, Ireland. Cunia River Conway. Cunio Mull of Cantire. Cuprum FifcR Cupar Fife. Curia. See Coria. Curia Edmundi Bury St. Ed- munds. Curnualia Cornwall. Cyneta River Kennet. D. Dabrona River Avonmore, Cork, Ireland. Dacorum ballivus Bailiff of Upper and Lower Deans, Herts. Dacorum clades Danes-end, Hertfordshire. Dammucensis, Daumulcensis Of Dunwich, Suffolk. Damnii People of Clydesdale and Stirling. Damnium, Damnonium promon- torium Lizard, or Dodman Point. Damnonia, Devonia, Domnania Devonshire. Damnonii People of Devonshire and Cornwall. Dancastria Doncaster, Yorks. Daneia Denny, Cambridge- shire. Danica Sylva Andredswald Forest, Sussex ; also the Forest of Dean, Gloucester- shire. M. Danmonii. See Damnonii. Danubia Sylva Forest of Dean. Danum Doncaster, Yorks. Danus Flu. The Dane, Lincoln- shire ; Dan, or Daven, Che- shire ; Don, or Dun, Yorks. Darbia Derby. Darensis Of Kildare. Darentivadum Dartford, Kent. Darentus Flu. Darenth, or Dart River, in Kent. Darinum Estanford, Strang- ford (?), Ulster. Darnii A tribe in Ulster. Darotenses People of Dorset- shire. Daruenum Canterbury. See Darvernum. Darventia River Derwent, Derbyshire. Darvernum Canterbury ; Ro- chester. Daurona. See Dabrona. De Fontibus Wells, Somerset. Dea River Dee, Cheshire. Debba. See Bebba. Decha Town in Scotland, North of the Forth. Decuaria. See Petuaria. Deia River Dee. Deidonum Dundee. Deilocum Godstow, Oxford- shire. Deira The part of the kingdom of the Northumbrians on the south side of the Tyne. Deira Sylva Deerhurst, Glou- cestershire. Deirorum Sylva Derewald, or Beverley, Yorkshire. Dela Deal, Kent. T 274 A List of the Latin Names of Places Delgovitia Goodmanham, Tim- ber, Millington, or Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire. Delvinia Delvin, Westmeath, Ireland. Demerosesa Dumfries. Demetcc, Dimetce People of South Wales. Demetta, Demetica Dyved, a province in Soutli Wales, Pembrokeshire and a part of Caernarvonshire. Dena Victrix Chester. See Deva. Dencea Sylva Forest of Dean. Denbighia Denbigh, Denbigh- shire. Deomedum South Wales. Deorbeia Derby. Derce Deny, Ulster. Derbentione Little Chester, near Derby. Derebisciria Derbyshire. Derentivadum Dartford, Kent. Derstemuta Dartmouth, Devon. Dertmuta Dartmouth, Devon. Derventione Holtby, Kexby, or Stamford Bridge, on the Derwent, Yorkshire ; Pap Castle, Cumberland. Desmonia Desmond, Ireland. Dessia Decies, co. Waterford, Ireland. Deucaledonii The Scots. Deucaledonius oceanus The sea on the W. of Scotland. Deuna Chester. See Deva. Deunana Doncaster. Deva Dundee ; Chester. Deva Flu. RiverDee, Cheshire. Devana Aberdeen ; Chester ; Doncaster. Devania Cheshire. Devi Flu. River Dovey. Devionisso Devonport. Devonia Devonshire. Devovicia. See Delgovitia. Devus Flu. River Dovey. Dewi St. David's. Dextralis Cambria Deheubarth, i. e. South Wales. Deya River Dee. Dicetum Diss, Norfolk. Dictis Ambleside, Westmore- land. Dictum Diganwy, Caernarvon- shire. Dimetce People of South Wales. Dinevour South Wales. Diona River Dee, Scotland. Dirtovicum Droitwich, Worces- tershire. Divana. See Devana. Divilina Dubh-lein (the Black Pool), now called Dublin. DiviscB, Divisio Devizes, Wilt- shire. See Castrum de Vies. Dixio See Dictis. Dobaria Dover. Dob^tn^, Boduni People of Glou- cestershire and Oxfordshire. Dofris Dover. Dolocindo A town in Dorset- shire. Domnania. See Damnonia. Donewtcum Dunwich, Suffolk. Donus River Done, Durham. Dorbeia Derby. Dorcada The Orkneys. Dorcestria, Dorkcestria, Dorkeces- tria, Dornsetta Dorchester, Dorsetshire. Dorcinia Dorchester, Oxford- shire. Dorcinni Civitas Dorchester, Oxfordshire. in Great Britain and Ireland. 275 Dorfris Dover, Kent. Doris Cantiorum Dover. Dornaceaster Dorchester. Dornocum Dornock, Dumfries- shire, Scotland. Dorobellum. See Darvernum. Dorobernia Canterbury; Dover. Dorobrevum. See Durobrivis. Dorobrina Dover. Dorocina Dorchester. Doroventio. See Derventione. Dorovernum Canterbury; Dover. Dorpendumtm Orpington, Kent. Dorseta, Dorsetania, Dorsetia Dorsetshire. Dorubernia Canterbury ; Dover. Dorus Flu. The Dor, Herts. Dorvantium, Dorvathim River Dart, Darenth, or Derwent. Dorventa River Derwent or Darenth. Dorventani People of Derby- shire. Dorvernum. See Darvernum. Doura Dover. Dourus Dingle Bay. Dovaria, Doverha, Doveria Do- ver. Dovus Flu. Elver Dove, Derby- shire. Dromoria Dromore, co. Down, Ulster. Duablisis, Duabsisis Dupplin, Perthshire. Duacum Kilmacduagh, Gal- way, Ireland. Dubllcensis Of Dublin. Dublinia, Dublinium Dublin. See Divilina. Dubrls Dover, Kent. Dufelda Duffield, Derbyshire. Duglassus Flu. River Douglas, Clydesdale. Dulce Cor, Suavicordium Sweet- heart, or New Abbey, Kirk- cudbrightshire. Dulma. See Magiovintum. Dumbarum Dunbar, Hadding- tonshire. Dumbinensis Of Dumblane. Dumblanum Duniblane, Perth- shire. Dumbrosa Bundroose, or Bun- doram, Leitrim. Dumbum promontorium Ben- gore Head, or Fair Head, Antrim. Dumera Dummer, Hants. Dumna Pair Island, one of the Orkneys. Dumnonia Devonshire. See Damnonia. Dumnonii. See Damnonii. Duna Down, Downpatrick. Dunamum Downham, Cam- bridgeshire. Duncheldinum Dunkeld. See Caledonium Castrum. Duncheranum Dunkerrin, King's County, Ireland. Dundalcum Dundalk, Louth, Ireland. Dunedinum Edinburgh. Dunelmia, Dunelmum, Dunelmus Durham. Dunestaplia Dunstable, Beds. Dunestor Dunster, Somerset. Dunevetum Launceston, Corn- wall. Dunfreia Dumfries, Scotland. Dungallum Donegal, Ulster. T 2 276 A List of the Latin Names of Places Dunholmum, Dunholmus Dur- ham. Dunistabulum Dunstable, Bed- fordshire. Dunium Dorchester, Dorset. See Moridunium. Dunmonii. See Damnonii. Dunovicum Dunwich, Suffolk. Dunrodunum Dornoch, Suther- land. Dunum Down, Ulster ; Don- caster, Yorks ; Dundalk, co. Louth ; Salisbury ; "Waterford, Ireland. Dunum Sinus Scarborough Bay, Yorkshire, or Tees- mouth. Dunus Flu. River Doon, Ayr- shire. Dunus Sinus. See Dunum Sinus. Dunvicus, Dumwicus Dunwich, Suffolk. Dura Derry, Ireland. Duracastrum Dorchester, Ox- fordshire. Durbis River Dour, Kent. Durcinate. See Durolipons. Duri, Duris That part of the Bay of Dingle where is the mouth of the River Maing, co. Kerry. Duria Dorsetshire. Duris Dover. Durnium Dorchester. Durnonovaria Dorchester, Dor- set. Duroaverni Canterbury. Durobrabis, Durobreva. See Du- robrivis. Durobrivas Caistor, Lincoln- shire ; or West Lynne ; or Wiggenhall St. Germain's, Norfolk. Durobrivis Rochester, Strood, or Cuxton, Kent. Durobrovce. See Durobrivis. Durcbrus. See Durobrivis. Durocastrum Dorchester, Oxon. Dtirocobrtvis Dunstable, Beds ; Hertford, Great Berkhamp- stead, or Redburn, Herts. Durocornovium Cirencester. Durolani Flu. River Len, Kent. Durolenum, Durolevum New- ington, Lenham, or West- well, Kent. Durolipons Cambridge, God- manchester, or Ramsey, Huntingdonshire. Durolitum Old Ford, Leyton, Romsey, or Purfleet, Essex. Duronovaria Dorchester, Dor- set. Duroprovis. See Durobrivis. Durosipons. See Durolipons. Durotriges^r-'M-en of Dorsetshire. Durovernum, Dorovernum, Dar- vernum Canterbury. Durus, Durius Flu. The Stour. Duvelescense Castrum Duleek. Duvelina Dublin. Duvere Dover. E. Eadmodum Emmet, Yorks. Earipolensis Jerpont, Ossory. East-Sexena Essex. Eathelinyiana Via Watling St. in Great Britain and Ireland. 277 Eaxanceastra Exeter. Ebbecastrtim Bamborough Castle, Northumberland. Eblana Dublin. See Divilina. Ebodia The Isle of Alderney. Eboracum York. Ebuda Insula Two islands are thus named by Ptolemy, of which one is Skye or Islay, the other Lewis or Jura. Ebudce Is used for the Western Isles of Scotland generally. Eburacum York. Eburocastrum Near Eochester, Nor thumb erland . Edenburgus Edinburgh. Ederosum Monasterium Ivy- church, Wilts. Edmundi Burgus Bury St. Ed- munds, in Suffolk. Edros, Hedros Insula Bardsey Island, Caernarvonshire, or Ireland's Eye. Edwiniburgus Edwinstow, Notts. Eia Eye, Suffolk. Eidumania, or Idttmanus, Flu. Blackwater River, or mouth of the Stour and Orwell, Essex. Eilecuriana Vallis, Eilecurium Vale of Aylesbury, in Buck- inghamshire. Eilvius, Elvius St. Asaph's. Ejudensca Jedburgh. Eladunum Eildon, Roxburgh- shire. Elaviana Islay. Elconium Town in Cornwall. Elevemia. See Elvemia. Elgis, Elginum Elgin, Scotland. Elgotii, Elffovce Inhabitants of Liddisdale, Ensdale, Esk- dale, Nidisdale, and Annan- dale, in Scotland. Elia, Elys Ely, Cambridge- shire. Eliensis Insula The Isle of Ely. Ellandunum AUington, near Amesbury, or Wilton, in Wiltshire. Ellebri People in Kerry, Ire- land. Ellesmara Ellesmere, Shrop- shire. Eltabo. See Voluba. Elteshamum Eltham, in Kent. Elvemia Elvael, a cantref in Powys. Elvium, Ehva St. Asaph's. Elys, Ella Ely, Cambridge- shire. Emelia Emly, in Ireland. Emonia May Isle, in the Frith of Forth. Enachdunensis Annadown, CO. Clare, Ireland. Enchegallia Inisgall, i.e. lona, Tiree, Coll, Canna, and Rum. Engleschyria England. Englewria England. Eouercon Abercorn, Scotland. Eovesum Evesham, Worcester- shire. Eoyrus River Nore, Ireland. Epeiacum, Epiacum Hexham, or Papcastle. See Apia- cum. Epidii Tribe living in Cantire. Epidium Insula Islay. Epidium promontorium Mull of Cantire. Epocessa Perhaps Upper Stan- ton, Herefordshire. 278 A List of the Latin Names of Places Erdini People of Fermanagh, Ireland. Eripolensis Of Jerpont, Ossory. Ernulphi Curia Eynesbury, Hunts. Erpeditani. See Erdini, Esca River Esk, Dumfries. Esica. See JEsycha. Esse Insula Stourmouth. (?), Kent. Essexa Essex. Estan tona Stanton . Estratona Strattoij, Bedford- shire. Estreia Eastry, Kent. Estsexa Essex. Ethandunum Heddington, Wilts. Ethelingia Athelney, Somerset- shire. Etocetum Kingsbury, War- wickshire ; or Wall, Staf- fordshire. Eubonia Isle of Man. See Mannia. Euonium Dunstaffnage, Ar- Evania. See Mevania. Evenlodus Flu. River Evenlode, in Oxfordshire. Evenvyk York. Evonium Dunstaffnage. Exa Flu. River Exe, Devon- shire. Exancestria, Excestra Exeter. Excambium Regium The Royal Exchange. Exexa Essex. Exoche Gunfleet, Essex ; or Wintertonness, Norfolk. Exon ia Exeter. Exosades Islands off Norfolk or Essex. Exploratorum Castra Burgh upon Sands. Extensio. See Exoche. Eya Eye, Norfolk. F. Fala Flu. River Fal, Cornwall. Falensis Portus Falmouth. Fanocodi A town in Cumber- land. Fanum ad Taffum Llandaff , Glamorganshire. Fanum Andrea St. Andrew's, Scotland. Fanum Canici Kilkenny. Fanum Christi Christchurch, Hants. Fanum Germani Llanarmon, Denbigh. Fanum Iltuti Llantwit, Gla- morganshire. Fanum Ivonis Persice St. Ive's, Huntingdonshire. Fanum Leonis Leominster. Fanum Neoti St. Neot's, Huntingdonshire. Fanum Osivaldi Nostal, York- shire. Fanum Reguli St. Andrew's, Scotland, also called Kirk- rule and Kilrule. Fanum S. Albani St. Alban's, Hertfordshire. Fanum S. Asaphi St. Asaph's, Flintshire. Fanum S. Botolphi Boston, Lin- colnshire. Fanum S. Edmundi Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk, in Great Britain and Ireland. 279 Fanum S. Johannis St. John's, Roscommon, Ireland. Fanum S. Mauditi St. Mawe's, Cornwall. Fanum Stephani Kirkby-Ste- phen, in Westmoreland. Fanum Teclce Llandegla, Den- bigh ; S. Tecla's Chapel, an island at the mouth of the Wye. Faustini Villa Bury St. Ed- munds, or Oxford, in Suf- folk. See Villa Faustini. Favoria Faure, Meath, Ireland. Fawenses Inhabitants of Fowey, Cornwall. Felicia Felixstow, Suffolk. Felicis Oppidum Flixton, Suf- folk. Ferberga Farnb orough . Fernce, Fernum Ferns, Wex- ford, Ireland. Ferulega Hereford. Fibrilega, Fibrolega Beverley, Yorkshire. Fifburyensis Of the Five Bo- roughs Lincoln, Notting- ham, Derby, Leicester, and Stamford. Finnabrensis Of Kilf enora, alias Edumabrach, alias Fena- bore, co. Clare, Ireland. Flagaflora, Flauflor Sparsholt, Berks. Flava Casariensis Province of Roman Britain between the Thames, Humber, and Mer- sey ; or between Humber, Mersey, and Great Wall. Flexlega Flaxley, Gloucester. Flintia Flint. Fluentanus Career Fleet Prison. Fons Amnensis Amwell, in Hertfordshire. Fons Brigidce Bridewell, in London. Fons clarus Sherborne, in Dor- setshire. Fons Clericorum Clerkenwell. Fons interfraxinus Ashwell, in Hertfordshire. Fons Sacer Holywell. Fontanetum, Fontanensis Ecclesia Wells, in Somersetshire. Fontes Wells; Fountains Abbey, Yorks. Fontis, Villa Holywell, Flint- shire. Fordunum Fordoun, co. Kin- cardine, Scotland. Fortheia Frith of Forth. Forum Cheap, London. Forum Jovis Marazion, Corn- wall. Fovera, Fouria Fore, West- meath. Fraxula Flu. In Derbyshire. Fretum Britannicum, Fret um Gallicum, Fretum Morino- rum Straits of Dover. Frigidum Mantellum Free- mantle, Hants. Friscodunense ccenobium Freston Abbey, Lincolnshire. Frodrenela Fotharta, Leinster, Ireland. Fromus, Froma River Frome. Frumentarius Mons Cornhill, London. a. Gabaglanda. See Amboglanna. Gabrantonicorum, Gabrantovico- rum Sinus Bridlington or Filey Bay, Yorkshire. Gabrocentum, Gabrosentis Gateshead, Durham ; Black Dyke or Drurnburgh, Cum- berland. 280 A List of the Latin Names of Places Gadeni Inhabitants of Fife, Tweeddale, March, and Lo- thian, in Scotland. Gadiva Aberffraw, in the Isle of Anglesey. Gaelwallia Galloway, Scotland. Gaidingtona Geddington, Northants. Gaingtona Geddington, Northants. Gaini People of Lincolnshire. Gainiburgus Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Galacum Appleby, Kendal, or Whallop Castle, Westmore- land. Galava, Gallava Old Town, Keswick, or Wythburn, Cumberland; or Walwick, Northumberland. Galleva Atrebatum Guildford, Silchester, Henley, Head- ing, Wallingford, Calve Pit Farm, near Heading, or Haslemere, Surrey. Galliva Galway, Ireland. Gallovidia, Galweia Galloway, Scotland. Gallunio Aldborough. See Isurium. Gallutum. See Galacum. Galveia Galloway. Galwalenses People of Gallo- way. Galwedia, Galwegia Galloway. Gangani People of Connaught, Ireland. Ganganum promo ntorium Brai- chy Pwll Point, Caernar- vonshire. See Canganorum. Garbantorigum Caerlaverock, Scotland. Gareotha Gaury or Gowrie(?), Scotland. Gariannonum Yarmouth, or Burgh Castle, in Norfolk. Garrlenis, Garyenus, Flu. Yare Eiver, in Norfolk. Garry eni Fluvii ostium Yar- mouth. Gauinga Wenge, Bucks. Gaurovicum Warwick. See Verovicuvn. Gausenna, Gausennis. See Cau- sennte. Gavelforda Camelford, Corn- wall. Gedewurda Jedburgh, Rox- burghshire. Geldeforda Guildford, Surrey. Genesborwia Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Genunii People living on the border of Scotland. Gernemutha Yarmouth, Nor- folk. Gevini A river in Wales that runs into the Eiver Usk. Gevissi West Saxons. Gippevicum Ipswich, Suffolk. Girovicum Jarrow, Durham. Girvii Inhabitants of the Fens. Girvum, Girwa Jarrow, Dur- ham. Givela Yeovil. Glamorgania, Glamorgantia Glamorganshire. Glandelacum Glendalough, Wicklow, Ireland. Glannibanta, Glanoventa. See Clanoventa. Glasbiria Glasbury, Brecknock. Glasconia Glastonbury, Somer- set. Glascovium Glasgow. Glascua, Glasquum Glasgow. in Great Britain and Ireland. 281 Glascum Glascwm, Eadnor- shire. Glastincbiria Glastonbury, Somerset. Glastonia Glastonbury. Glaudiocestra Gloucester. Glavorna, Glaworna Gloucester. See also Claudia. Gleastonia Glastonbury. Glenus Eiver Glen, Northum- berland. Glessoburgum Glastonbury. See Glasconia. Glestonia Glastonbury. Glevum Gloucester. Glocestria Gloucester. Glota Isle of Arran. Glota, Glottiana Eiver Clyde, Scotland. Gloveceastria, Glovernia Glou- cester. Gobannium Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. See Aber- gennium. Goccium. See Coccium. Goderici Castrum Goodrich Castle, in Herefordshire. Godestova Godstow. Gouheria Gower. Gracolada Cricklade, Wilts. Grampius Mons The Gram- pians. Grangia Gransha, Down, Ire- land. Granta Eiver Cam, Cambridge- shire. Granta, Grantanus Pons Cam- bridge. Gravesenda Gravesend, Kent. Greenwicum Greenwich, Kent. Grenovicus, Grenovicum Green- wich, Kent. Grentelurga Cambridge. Greva Gravesend. Grevanus Eiver Girvan, Ayr- shire. Guala Wales. Guarce Ware, Herts. Guerfa Flu. The Eiver Wharfe, Yorkshire. Guidonicus Clivus Guy's Cliff, Warwickshire. Guildhalda Teutonicorum The Steel Yard, London. Guilon Flu. Eiver Will, or Wiley, Wiltshire. Guinethia Wales. Guinta Gwent, a province in South Wales, between Usk and Wye. Guldeforda Guildford, Surrey. Gumicastrum Godmanchester, Hunts. Gioallia Wales. Gyrvum Jarrow, Durham. H. Habitancum Eisingham, in Northumberland. Habus The Humber. Hadriani Murus Picts' Wall, or Wall of Hadrian. Hcebuda. See Ebuda. Hamodce. See Acmodce. Hafren Flu. The Severn. See Sabrina. Haga The Hay, or Hasely, in Brecknockshire. Hagulstada Hexham, North- umberland ; Alston, Cum- berland. Hagustaldunum Hexham, Northumberland . Haia Eye, Suffolk ; Hay, Brecknockshire. 282 A List of the Latin Names of Places Halcenus The Biver Avon, in Hampshire. Hamptonia, Hamtona South- ampton, Northampton, Hampton. Hancstesia Hinksey, Oxford- shire. Hansus Flu. River Hans, Staf- fordshire. Hantonia Hampshire. Haraia Harris, one of the Hebrides. Harefordia Hereford. Harlecum Harlech, Merioneth- shire. Harlepolis Hartlepool, Dur- ham. Harvicum Harwich, Essex. Hastinga Hastings, in Sussex. Haugustaldium. See Hagustal- dunum. Hauterorta High worth, "Wilts. Hauxoniensis Of Hawkshead, Lancashire. Haverfordia Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire. Haya Hay. Hebrides, Ebudee A cluster of Isles on the West side of Scotland. Hebuda. See Ebuda. Hederosum Monasterium Ivy- church, Wilts. Hedros. See Edros. Hegdunensis Of Annaghdown, co. Clare, Ireland. Heisa In Kent. Helaturnum Ellerton (?), York- shire. Hclenum promontorium Land's End. See Antivestccum. Helta, Elia Ely, Cambridge- shire. Helmanensis Of Elmham, Suf- folk. Hengestesdunum Hengston Hill, Cornwall. Henlega Henley-upon- Thames. Henoforthum Hereford. Heortforda Hertford. Heoveshamnensis Of Evesham. Heppa Shap, Westmoreland. Herculis promontorium Hart- land Point, Devonshire. Herefordia Hereford, formerly Ariconium. Herkeloua Arklow, Connaught. Hertfordia Hertford. Hesperides Scilly Isles. Hestinga Hastings, Sussex. Hestingi East Angles. HeyaEje, Suffolk. Hibernia Ireland. Hichelendunum Ickleton, Cam- bridgeshire. Hichia ccenobium Newbiggin, or Hitchin, Herts. Hicthleslapa Islip, Oxon. Hieron Promontorium Greenore Point, or Carnsore Point, Wexford. Hildesleia Hsley, Berks. Himba One of the Acmodse Islands. Hinchisega Hinksey, near Ox- ford. Hirtha One of the Hebrides. His tes leapa Islip . Hithinus portus Hythe, Kent. Hludense Monasterium Louth Park Abbey, Lincolnshire. Hodneius Flu. Honddhu River, Brecknockshire. Hoilandia, Hollandia Holland, a part of Lincolnshire. Holmus Hulme, or St. Bennet's- in-the-Holme, Norfolk. in Great Britain and Ireland. 283 Homdeleia Hundsley, Yorks. Homelea Flu. Eiver Hamble, opposite the Isle of Wight, Hampshire. Horesti People living north of the Frith of Forth. Horka, Orcas Dannet Head, Caithness. Horspada Horspath, Oxon. Houendena Hoveden, Yorks. Houlandia. See Hollandia. Hripum Ripon, Yorks. Hrofi, Hrosi Civitas Rochester. Hullus, Hulla Kingston-upon- Hull, Yorkshire. Hultonia Ulster, Ireland. Humbra Flu. River Humber. Hundesdena Hunsdon, Hert- fordshire. Hungreforda Hungerford, Berkshire. Hunnum Sevenshale, or Halton Chesters, Northumberland. Hunsdona Hunsdon. Huntendonia, Huntundona Huntingdon. Hurstanum Castellum Hurst Castle, Hampshire. Hurstelega Hurley, Berkshire. Huya Holy Island. Hwerwella Wherwell, Hants. Hiviccii People of Worcester- shire, and about the Severn. Hydropolis Dorchester, Oxon. Hymbrionenses, Hymbronenses People of Northumberland. Hyrebothla Harbottle, Northumb erland . Hyrtha One of the Hebrides. Hyta Hythe, Kent. I. Iberni People of Desmond, Ireland. Ibernia Ireland.. Ibernio Bere Regis, Dorset. Ibernis Dunkerrin, King's co., Ireland. Iberran A town in Scotland, north of the Forth. Icannum Boston, Lincolnshire. Iceni, Icini People of Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, and Huntingdon shires. Iciani, Icinos Chesterford, Essex ; Thetford or Ig- borough, Norfolk ; or Southwold, Suffolk. Ictis Insula St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall; or, per- haps, the Isle of Wight ( Vectis}. Idumania. See Eidumania. lena cestuarivm Wigtown Bay, Galloway. lerne, lernis Ireland. lernus River Erne, or Ken- mare Bay, Ireland. Igenia Part of Flintshire. Ihona. See lona. Ila Flu. River Wick, Scotland. Ha Insula Isla, west of Scot- land. Imelaca, Imlaca Emly. Imensa cestuarium Mouth of the Thames. Incuneningum Cunningham (?), Scotland. Inderauuda Beverley, Yorks. Ingirvum Jarrow, Durham. Inmeleccensis Of Emly, Tippe- rary. 284 A List of the Latin Names of Places Innerlothea Inverlochy, Inver- ness. Insula Eynesham, or Ensham, Oxfordshire; Axholm, Lin- colnshire ; Isle, near Stock- ton, Durham. Insula Sacra Ireland ; also Holy Island, Northumber- land. Insula Sancti Columbce Columb- kill, lona. Insula Vectis Isle of Wight. Interamna, Interamnium Christ Church, Hampshire. Invernessus ^Inverness, Scot- land. lona lona, or Icolmkill Isle, "West Coast of Scotland. Iphletha Evelith, Shropshire. Ircenefelda Archenfield, or Irchingfield, Herefordshire. Iris Ireland . Isaca River Exe, Devonshire ; also Eiver Esk, Scotland. Isamnium St. John's Foreland, or Point, co. Down, Ireland. Isannavantia, Isannavaria, Isan- navatia Stony Stratford, Northamptonshire, or the same as Bennavenna ; All- chester, Oxon. Isannium. See Isamnium. Isca Eiver Exe ; Eiver Usk. Isca Liskeard. Isca Dumnoniorum Chisel- borough, Somerset ; or Exe- ter. Isca Legio II. Augusta, Iscelegua JLugusti, Isca Silurum, Isca- mum Caerleon , Monmouth- shire. Iscalts, Ischalis Ivelchester, now Hchester, Somerset- shire. Iscamum Caerleon. Isiacum Oxford. Isiburna Woburn, Bedford- shire. Isidis Insula Ousney, or Ose- ney, near Oxford. Isidis Vadum Oxford. I sis Flu. Eiver Isis, Oxford ; the Ouse, Buckinghamshire ; and the Ouse, Yorkshire. Isubrigantum. See Isurium. Isuria Yorkshire. Isurium Aldborough, or Boroughbridge, Yorkshire. Isurovicum York. Ittingaforda Hitchin, Herts. Itucadon Town between Tyne and Forth. Ituma, Ituna Eiver Eden, Cumberland ; or Solway Frith. Itys Loch Eu, Torridon, or Duich, Scotland. Ivecestra Hchester, Somerset. Iverianus Pons Iford Bridge, Hants. Ivernia. See Hibernia. Ivernis Dunkerrin, King's Co., Ireland. Ivorus Newry. J. Jaciodulma. See Magiovintum. Jamesa, Jamissa Eiver Thames. Jano A town in Caithness. Jernmuthia Yarmouth, Nor- folk. in Great Britain and Ireland. 285 Judaismus Old Jewry, London. Jugantes. See Brigantes. Jugo Dei, de Jude, a Cistercian Abbey, in Ireland, a cell of Holme Coltram. Jugum Fraxin etum Ashridge, Bucks. Julia Strata A Roman road in South Wales; from New- port to Caerleon, Caerwent, and the Wye. Julianus Pans Julian Bridge, Wimborne Minster. Juliocenon. See Tunnocelo. Jumanius. See Eidumania. Juverna. See Hibernia. K. Kanus Flu. River Ken, or Kent, Westmoreland. Karintona Catherington, Hants. Karlegion Chester. Karlenefordia Carlingford, Louth, Ireland. Katenessa, Kathenessia Caith- ness, Scotland. Katinensis Of Caithness. Kenceleia Hykinselagh, a dis- trict in Leinster. Kenelcunillia Tirconnel, Ulster. Keneleonia Cinel-Eoghain, Ulster. Keneta Flu. River Kennet, Berkshire. Keresburga Carisbrook, Isle of Wight. Keretica Ceredigion, a province of South Wales ; Cardigan- shire. Kerriensis Comitatus County of Kerry, Ireland. Kestevena Kesteven, a division of Lincolnshire. Kilchennia, Kilchennium Kil- kenny, Leinster, Ireland. Kildabewensis Of Killaloe, Ire- land. Kildareuensis Of Killaloe (?). Kildaria Kildare, Ireland. Killathensis Of Killalla, Ire- land. Kilmalochum Kilmallock, Limerick. Kilmora Kilmore, co. Cavan, Ireland. Kinardeferia Kinardferry, Ax- holm. Kinebantum Castrum Kim- bolton Castle, Huntingdon- shire. Kirchvallum Kirkwall, Orkney Islands. Kirketona Kirton, Lincolnshire. Koila. See Covalia. Korcensis Of Cork. Kubii Castrum Holyhead. Kyenfernensis Of Clonfert (?). Kyma Kyme, Yorks. Kynlathensis Of Killalla. L. Laberus Killare Castle, West- meath, Ireland. Lactodorum, Lactorodum Tow- cester, Northants ; Stony Stratford, Bucks; Bicester, Oxfordshire ; Bedford ; or Loughborough or Lutter- worth, Leicester. Ladeni. See Gadeni. Ladensis Episcopatus The bishopric of Killalla, co. Mayo, Ireland. 286 A List of the Latin Names of Places Lagecium Castleford, near Pontefract, Yorkshire. Lagenia. See Laginia. Lagentium. See Lagecium. Laghlinum Leighlia, co. Car- low, Ireland. Laginia, Lagenia Leinster, Ire- land. Lagubalium. See Luguvallum. Lamitha, Lamithus, Lamea Lambeth, Surrey. Lamyrii Monies Lammermuir HiU, Scotland. Lancastra, Lancastria Lan- caster. Landava Llandaff, in Wales. Landinium London. Lanelvensis Of Llanelwy, i.e. St. Asaph, Wales. Langanum promontorium. See Canganorum. Langeleia Langley. Lankondenum Lanthony, Mon- mouthshire. Lanhondenum Claudianum Lanthony, Gloucestershire. Lania Lancashire. Lanicolce Lancashire men. Lannotava Llandaff. Lansttiphadonia, Lanstaventum Launceston, Cornwall. Laodonia Lothian. Laonia Killaloe, co. Tipperary. Lapis Tituli Stonor, in the Isle of Thanet, Kent. Lathelada Lechlade, Glouces- tershire. Latisaqucnsis Lewes. Latum Bulgium. See Blatum Bulgium. Laudenia, Laudonia Lauden, or Lothian, Scotland. LavatreSj Lavatris, Lavaris Bowes, North Hiding of Yorkshire ; or Barnard Castle, Durham. Lawedra Lauder, Berwick- shire. Lea Flu. River Lea, Herts. Lecefelda Lichfield, Stafford- shire. Lechenlada, Lechelada Lech- lade, Gloucestershire. Lechlinia Leighlin, co. Carlow, Ireland. Lectoceto. See Etocetum. Ledanum Castrum Leeds Castle, Kent. Ledesia Leeds, Yorkshire. Ledone Dunbar. Legacestra Chester. Legacestria, Legecestria Leices- ter. Legeolium Pontefract, Castle- ford, Goole, or Ferrybridge, Yorks. See Lagecium. Leghglensis Of Leighlin. Legio VI. Victrix York. Legio XX. Victrix Chester. Legionum Urbs Chester ; Caer- leon. Legoria Leicester. Legra Eiver Soar, Leicester- shire. Legrecastrum, Ligrecastrum Leicester. Leicestria Leicester. Lets Leix, Leixlip, co. Kildare, Ireland. Lelannontus, Lelamnonius Simis Loch Fyne. Lelienus, Limenus, Flu. Eiver Rother, Kent. in Great Britain and Ireland. 287 Lemana Flu. The Bother, Kent ; the Loman, Devon. Lemanis portus, Lemavio Lympne, Kent. Lemaus Lympne. Lena Monkland, Hereford. Lenes Lessness, Kent. Leofense, Leonense Ccenobium Leominster, Herefordshire. Leo/rid Villa Leverington, Cambridge. Leogereceastria Leicester. Leogoria Leicester. Leogus Lewis, one of the Hebrides. Leonis Lothian. Leonis Castrum Lyons, alias Holt Castle, Denbighshire. Leonis Monasterium Leomin- ster, Herefordshire. Leovechenora Lewknor, Oxford- shire. Leovense Ccenobium Leominster. Lesua Lewes, Sussex. Letha Leith, Scotland. Lethglensis Of Leighlin, Ire- land. Leuca River Low. Leucarum Glastonbury, Somer- set ; Loughor, Glamorgan- shire ; or Llandybi, Caer- marthenshire. Leucobibia. See Lucopibia. Leucomago. See Verhicio. Leugosena River Loughor, South Wales. Levarum. See Leucarum. Levinia Lennox, Stirlingshire. Levinus River Leven, Scotland. Leviodanum Livingstone, Lin- lithgow. Levioxana-. Lennox. Levissa Lewis Island, He- brides. Levisum Lewes, Sussex. Letvce Lewes. Liar Flu. River Liver, Lanca- shire. Libaus Sligo Bay. Libnius River Liffey, Ireland. Licestria Leicester. Licetfelda, Lichfeldia Lichfield, Staffordshire. Lichinus Campus Lichfield. Liddenus Flu. River Leadon, Herefordshire. Lideforda Lydford, Devon. Lidocollina. See Lincolnia. Ligea River Lea. Ligeria Leicester. Limenus R. Rother, Kent. Limericum Limerick, Ireland. Limes Prcetorius Gravesend. Limnos, Limnus Dalkey Isle, or Lambay Isle, Dublin. Limodomus Limehouse, near London. Limonius Mons Plinlimmon, Cardiganshire. Limpida Sylva Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. Lincolnia, Lindecolina, Lindecol- linum, Lincolinum Lincoln. Lindeseia, Lindisfari, Lindisseia Lindsey, Lincolnshire. Lindis River Witham, Lincoln- shire. Lindisfarnea, Lindisfarnum Holy Island, or Farn Isle, on the coast of Northum- berland. Lindisgia, Lindisi Lindsey, Lincolnshire. Lindocollinum Lincoln. Lindonium Lincoln ; London. 288 A List of the Latin Names of Places Lindum, Lindum Colonia Lin- coln. See Lincolnia. Lindum Damniorum Linlith- gow, or Ardoch, Perth. Linia Bardsey Island, Caernar- vonshire. Liniennus Eiver Bother, Kent. Linum Regis King's Lynn, Norfolk. Linus Eiver Lin, Nottingham- shire. Liserpalus Liverpool, Lanca- shire. Lisia. See Lissia. Lismora Lismore, Ireland. Lismoria Lismore, Scotland ; Lismore, Ireland. Lissia The Wolf Eock, or the Seven Stones, between the Scilly Islands and the Corn- ish coast. Litana Linlithgow. Litinomago Linlithgow. Littus Altum Eoxburgh. Littus Saxonicum Eastern and southern coasts of Britain. Llanlienis Leominster. Locherinum stagnum Lough Owel, Westmeath. Locus Benedictus Stanlawe, Cheshire. LodanumCastrum Leeds Castle, Kent. Lodeneium, Lodoneium, Lodonis (dat.) The Lothians, Scot- land. Loegria England, between Humber and Severn. Loennais Lothian. Logi A tribe in Sutherland and Strathnairn. Logia Flu. Eiver Bann, which flows north from Lough Neagh. Camden applies the name to Lough Foyle. Logus Eiver Llugwy, Wales. Loidis Lothian . Lokerleia Lockerley, Hants. Lomandus. See Lomundus. Lomea The Goodwin Sands. Lomithis Lambeth. Lomulla Lemallyon, Cornwall. Lomundus Loch Lomond. Lonais Lothian. Loncastria Lancaster. Londinia, Londinium, Londinia Augusta, Londinum, Lon- donia London. Londino-Deria Londonderry. Longa Leta Longleat, Wilts. Longovicariorum, Longovico Lanchester, or Chester-le- Street, Durham ; or Lan- caster. Longum cestuarium Loch Linnhe, Argyleshire. Longus Pans Longbridge, Gloucestershire. Loonia Lothian. Lounecastra Lancaster. Loventinum Powysland, in Wales. See also Luentinum. Loxa Eiver Lossie, Elgin; or the Loth, Sutherland. Loxa Civitas Inverlochy, Scot- land. Lucent The people of West Munster. Lucga Eiver Lugg, Hereford- shire. Lucopibia Whitherne, Gallo- way. See Candida Casa. Lucus Benedictus Stanlawe Abbey. Luda Louth, Ireland; Louth, Line.; Ludlow. Ludloa, Luddolocus Ludlow, Shropshire. in Great Britain and Ireland. 289 Luentinum Llanddewybrefy, Cardiganshire. Lugas Biver Lug, Hereford- shire. Lugdunum Louth, Ireland. Lugensis Of Louth, Ireland. Lughbelunensis Of Louth, Ire- land. Lugi People in the north of Scotland. Luguballia, Luguballium Car- lisle, or Plumpton Wall, Cumberland. Lugundinum Lanchester, Dur- ham. Luguvallum Carlisle, Cumber- land. See Luguballia. Luia Louth (?). Luia River Lea, Herts. Lumbricus Limerick. Lumpniacensis Of Limerick. Lundinium, Lundonia. See Lon- dinia. Lunia Lancashire. Lutudarum Tapton, near Ches- terfield, Derbyshire. Lutum Louth, Ireland. Luueth Louth (?), Ireland. Luva Louth County, Ireland. Luvius Elver Lee, Cork. Lychefeldia Lichfield, Stafford- shire. M. Macatonion The same as Ari- conio. Machui Mayo, Ireland. Macolicum Mallow, co. Cork, Ireland. Madus Maidstone, Kent, or Strdod. See Vagniaca. M. Mceata People living near the Wall of Antonine. Magesetce The people of Rad- norshire, or Herefordshire. Magiovinium, Magiovintum Dunstable or Ashwell, Bed- fordshire; or Fenny Strat- ford, or Aylesbury, Buck- inghamshire. Magis Pierce Bridge, Durham, or Lonsdale Hundred, Lane. Maglonce, Maglovce Machyn- lleth, Montgomeryshire ; Greta Bridge, Yorks ; or Lancaster. Magnis Bowness, Cumberland; Caervoran or Chester-in-the- Wall, near Haltwhistle, Northumberland ; Ken- chester, or Old Radnor, Herefordshire . Magnitum. See Magiovinium. Magnus Portus Portsmouth. Maia May Island, in the Frith of Forth. Maidulphi Curia, Maidulphi Urbs Malmesbury, Wilt- shire. Maigonensis Of Mayo, Ireland. Mailenia Maelienydd, a pro- vince in Powys, North Wales. Mailoria Wallica Maylor,Flint- shire. Maina Flu. The Mintern, Dorset. Malaca Isle of Mull. Malbanus Vicus, Views Malbus Wyz Mauban, Nantwich, Cheshire. Malcolicum Mallow, co. Cork. Maldunense ccenobium Malmes- bury Abbey. 290 A List of the Latin Names of Places Malea Platea 111 Street, Cheshire. Maleos Isle of Mull, west of Scotland. Malmesbiria Malmesbury. Mahim Oppidum Yeovil. Mains Passus Malpas,Cheshire. Malvernia, Malvernum Mal- vern, Worcestershire. Mameceastra Manchester. Mamucium Manchester, Lan- cashire. Manapia Wicklow, or Wexf ord, Ireland. Manavi. See Menevia. Mancu niu m Manchester. Manduessedum Mancetter, or Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Mania, Manna, Mannia The Isle of Man. Mantavis St. David's, Pem- brokeshire. Mantio. See Manucium. Manucium Manchester. Mara, Foresta de Delamere Forest, Cheshire. Marchenium Roxburgh. Marchia March, or Mers, Scot- land. Marchia Wallice The Marches or Borders of Wales. Marchidunum Roxburgh. Marcotaxon A town north of the Wall of Antonine. Mare Britannicum The English Channel. Mare Caledonium The Scotch Sea. Mare Hibernicum The Irish Channel. Mare Sabrinianum The Severn Sea. Mare Virginium, Verginium The sea on the south of Ireland. Margaberga Marlborough, Wilts. Margidunum, Margitudum East Bridgef ord, Notts ; or Mount Sorrel, Leicestershire. Maridumim Caermarthen. Mariscallia The Marshalsea, London. Marlebrigia Marlborough. Marnia Mearns, Kincardine, Scotland. Marria Marr, Aberdeen, Scot- land. Masona A town probably in Devonshire. Massamensis Pans Masham Bridge, Yorkshire. Matillis Castellum Painscastle, Herefordshire. Matovion A town north of the Wall of Antonine. Mauditi Castrum St. Mawe's Castle, Cornwall. Maulion A town north of the Wall of Antonine. Mama River Maw, Merioneth- shire. Maxima Ccesariensis Province of Britain, north of the Humber and Ribble, and south of Tyne; or the Scotch Highlands, north of the Wall of Severus. Mealdunum Maldon, Essex. Mealmesbiria Malmesbury. Meandari, See Meanvari. in Great Britain and Ireland. 291 Meanvari A tribe living in Hampshire, whose name remains in Estmeon and "Westmeon Hundreds. Mearlsberga Marlborough, Wilts. Meata People of Lothian. Medeguaia River Medway. Medena Newport, Isle of Wight. Medeshamstundensis Of Peter- borough. Media County of Meath, Ire- land. Mediamnis Medmenham, Bucks. Medimna Christchurch, Hants. Mediolanium Middleham, Yorkshire. Mediolanum Llanvyllin or Meifod, Montgomery ; or Nantwich, Cheshire ; Dray- ton, Whitchurch, or Bear- stone, Shropshire ; or Ches- terton, Warwickshire. Mediomanum The same as Mediolanum, or Maentwrog, Merionethshire . Medionemeton On the Wall of Antonine. Mediterranei Angli People of the Midland Counties. Medius Vicus Middlewich, Cheshire. Medvaga, Medweacus River Medway. Mela Isle of Mull. Melamon In Devonshire. Melanclani, Melanchlani People of the Scilly Islands. Melduna Maldon, Essex. Meldunum Malmesbury, Wilt- shire. Melezo In Dorsetshire. Mella monasterium Meaux Abbey, Yorkshire. Melsa Meaux, Yorks. Memanturum A town north of the Wall of Antonine. Menan Meneg, Cornwall. Menapii Tribe inhabiting Wex- ford. Menavia Isle of Man. Menes Meon, Hants. Menevia St. David's, Pem- brokeshire. Menna Meneg, Cornwall. Ment(e People on the Scotch Border. See Meatce. Meodeivega River Medway. Mercia Middle part of England. Mercii Inhabitants of Mercia. Merionithia Merionethshire. Merleberga Marlborough. Merleberia, Merlebrigia Marl- borough. Merscum Marske, Yorkshire. Mersia River Mersey, Cheshire. Mertce Tribe inhabiting Suther- land. Mervinia Merionethshire. Metaris JEstuarium The Wash, Norfolk. Mevania Isle of Man ; also Anglesey. Miba Midhurst, in Sussex. Micelnia, Michennia, Michlania Muchelney, Somersetshire. Mictis. See Ictis. Mida Meath, Ireland. Midcelania Muchelney. Middlesexia Middlesex. Midia Meath. TJ 2 292 A List of the Latin Names of Places Mildeshala Mildenhall, Suf- folk. Mildetunensis Of Middleton, Dorsetshire. Milfordiensis Portus Milford Haven. Milidunum In Devonshire. Milleferda Milford, Pembroke- shire. Milverdicus Portus Milford Haven. Minarii Monies Mendip Hills, Somerset. Minerva Insula Peninsula of Morvern, Argyleshire. Mir a Valle, de Merevale, War- wickshire. Mirmanton According to Nen- niusthe same as CairSegeint, which Henry of Hunting- don says is Silchester; but one MS. of Nennius adds, "Id est Eboraca." Mitfordia Mitf ord, Northum- berland. Modanus River Liffey, Ireland. Modarnus River Mourne ; once applied to the Foyle. Molts Flu. The Mole, Surrey. Momonia Province of Munster, Ireland. Mono, Anglesey. Mono, Ulterior Isle of Man. Monachodunum Monkton, Yorkshire. Monachopolis Newcastle-on- Tyne (Munekeceastre). Monaceda, Monapia The Isle of Man. Monasterium Hederosum Ivy- church, Wilts. Monege Anglesey. Monemuta Monmouth. Mania Anglesey. Monmuthia Monmouth. Monocotona Monkton, Kent. Monomia. See Momonia. Monovaga Monmouth. Mons Acutus Montacute, Somersetshire. Mons Arenosus Sandon, Hert- fordshire. Mons Dives Richmond, Surrey. Mons Dolorosus Stirling. Mons Gomericus Montgomery, Wales. Mons Grampius Grampian Hills. Mons Jovis, Mons Gaudius Mount joy, or Monge, Norf. Mons Michaelis St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall. Mons Rosarum Montrose, Scot- land. Mons Solis Bath. Mont Dolerus, Chastel de Mont- rose. Montgomeria Montgomery. Monumethia Monmouth. Mora More, Shropshire. Moravia Moray or Murray, Scotland. Morbium Moresby, Cumber- land; Hornsea, or Temple Brough, Yorkshire. Morda River Meole (?), which joins the Severn near Shrewsbury. Moricamba, Moricambe JEstua- rium Morecambe Bay, Lancashire. Moridunum Seaton, or Honi- ton, Devonshire ; Eggerton, Dorset. Morpitium Morpeth, Northum- berland. Morsiburyus Bridgenorth, Shropshire. in Great Britain and Ireland. 293 Mortuus Lacus Mortlake, Sur- rey. Mula Isle of Mull, west coast of Scotland. Munemuta Monmouth. Munus Elver Monnow, that divides Herefordshire from Monmouthshire. Murevia Moray, Scotland. Muridunum. See Moridunum. Muridunum Caermarthen. Muriminturn, Murivindum Sil- chester, Hampshire. Murionio In Dorsetshire. Murotriges. See Durotriges. Murrevia Moray, Scotland. Murthlacum Murtley, Aber- deen. Murus River Vere, Herts. Murus Picticus The Picts' Wall. See Hadriani Murus. Muscomaria Mossdale Moor, Yorkshire. Mussalburgum Musselburgh, Scotland. Mutuantonis Lewes, Sussex ; Whitewalls, Wilts. Mygensis Of Mayo, Ireland. N. Nabceus. See Navceus. Nceomagus. See Neomagus ; Noviomagus. Ncesbeia Naseby, Northants. Nagnata Sligo, or Limerick. Nalcua The same as Calleva. Nanceus. See Navceus. Nantovicum Nantwich, Cheshire. Nasense. Castrum Naas, Kil- dare. Naurum The Nadder, Wilts; the Naver, Sutherland. Nauticus Sinus Rotherhithe. Navceus River Naver, Suther- land. Navesbia Naseby, Northante. Neagora Newmarket. Nemedus Barrymore,near Cork. Nemetotacio Town in Cornwall. Nemus Aquilinum Elstree, Hertfordshire. Nemus Boreale North-hall, Hertfordshire. Neomagus Buckingham. See also Noviomagiis. Neoportus Newport, Isle of Wight; Newport, Essex. Neoportus Paganellicus New- port Pagnell, Buckingham- shire. Neorus Lagan Water, Ulster. Nerigon Insula Isle of Lewes. Neslandia West of Scotland. Nicholia, Neuarca, Newerca Newark, Notts. Nico le Lincoln. Nidum Portbury, Somerset ; Neath, Glamorganshire. Nidus River Nid, Yorks. Nig era Blakeney, Norfolk. Niomagus. See Noviomagus. Nithia Nidisdale, Scotland. Nivicollini Snowdon Mountain, Caernarvonshire . Niiveburia Newbury, Berks. Nobius. See Novius. Nord/iumbra, Nordhumbria Northumberland. Nordoricum Norton Hall, Yorks. 294 A List of the Latin Names of Places Nordovicum, Norvicum Nor- wich. Nordovolca, Norfolcia Norfolk. Norflita Northfleet, Kent. Northalvertonia Nortliallerton, Yorkshire. Northamptonia, Northamtuna Northampton. See Banna- venna. Northanimbria Northumber- land. Northantonia Northampton. No rthimbria Northumb erland . Northumbria, Northymbria Northumberland. Nortobricum Norton Hall, Yorkshire. Nortovicum Northwich, Cheshire. Norvicum, Noncicus Norwich. Norwallia North Wales. Notium Promontorium Mizen Head, Wicklow, Ireland. No ttingamia Nottingham. Nova Aula Newhall, Essex. Nova Porta Newgate. Nova Villa Newtown, co. Down. Novantii, Novantce, Novantes The inhabitants of Gallo- way, Carrick, and Arran. Novantum Promontorium, No- vantum Chersonesus Mull of Galloway ; Cockermouth. Novia River Rother, Sussex. Noviodunum Newenden, Kent. Noviomaffiis, Noviomagnus Woodcote, Surrey ; Chi- chester ; Holwood Hill, Keston, or near Plumstead, Kent. Noiius Flu. River Nid, Scot- land. See also Conovius. Novum Castellum, Novum Cas- trum Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Northumberland. Novum Forum, Novum Merca- tum Newmarket, Cam- bridgeshire. Novum Oppidum sub Lima Newcastle-under-Lyme. Novus Burgus Newport, Isle of Wight ; Newport, Mon- mouthshire ; Newhaven or Eye ; Newbury, Berks ; Newburgh, Yorks. Novus Locus Newark, or New Place, near Guildf ord ; New- stead, Notts. Novus Portus Newport ; New- haven ; and Rye. Nuba Midhurst. See Miba. Nubiria, Nuburia Newbury, Berkshire. Nulla ejusmodi, Nulli par, Nulli secunda Nonsuch, Surrey. 0. Oboca Flu. River Avoca, Ire- land. Occidua Wallia Cornwall. See Corinea. Oceanus Verginius The Irish Ocean. Ocellum Promontorium Spurn- head, Holderness, Yorks. Ocetis Shetland, Pentland Sker- ries. Ochthe Hupsele Ord of Caith- ness. Ocite Baz Island on the West of Ireland (Bear Isle, Ban- try Bay?). Ockhamptonia Okehampton, . Devonshire. in Great Britain and Ireland. 295 Ockus Eiver Okement, Devon- shire. Ocrinum, Ocrium Promontorium Lizard Point, Cornwall. Octapitarum Promontorium St. David's Head, Pembroke- shire, Wales. Odrona Idrone, co. Carlow, Ireland. Oestrymnicus Sinus Mount's Bay, Cornwall. Oestrymnides Insulce Scilly Islands. Offalaia Offaly, Ireland. Offelana Offaly. Oissereia Ossory, Ireland. Oleiclavis Ogle Castle, Northumberland. Olenacum Old Carlisle, or Ellen- borough, Cumberland ; Ilk- ley, Yorks. Olerica Ilkirk, Cumberland. Olfinum Elphin, co. Eoscom- mon, Ireland. Olicana Ilkley, or Halifax, Yorkshire. Omire Southampton. Omnium Sanctorum ad Foenum Allhallows the Great, Lon- don. Omnium Sanctorum de Barking Parochia Allhallows, Barking, London. Omnium Sanctorum Garscherch Allhallows, Lombard Street. Omnium Sanctorum in Mellis Viculo Allhallows, Honey Lane, London. Omnium Sanctorum in Vico Longobardico Allhallows, Lombard Street, London. Omnium Sanctorum in Vico Pis- torum Allhallows, Bread Street, London. Omnium Sanctorum Pictorum Delibuentium Allhallows Staining, London. Omnium Sanctorum super (or ad) Celarium Allhallows the Less. Omnium Sanctorum supra Murum - Allhallows - The - Wall, London. Onna Andover, or Alton, Hants. Onno. See Hunmim. Ophelania Offaly, Leinster. Ora Ore, Sussex. Orcades Insulce The Orkney Islands. Orcaneia Orkney. Orcas Promontorium Dunnet Head, Caithness. Orchadia. See Orcades. Ordevices, Ordolucce People of North Wales. Ordovicce Tribe near Berwick. Ordovicum Norwich. See Nor- dovicum. Orkeneia Orkney Islands. Ormondia Ormond, Ireland. Orrhea Orrock, Fifeshire. Orus Flu. Eiver Ore, Suffolk. Osca Eiver Usk, Wales. Oseneia Oseney, Oxfordshire. Osseria, Ossoria Ossory, Ire- land. Ossonia Oxford. Ostium Sturce Stourmouth, Kent. Ostuthus Eiver Ystwith. Oswaldi Arbor Oswestry. Osivaldi Crux Oswestry. Othona Ithanchester, or Brad- well- juxta- Mare, Essex. 296 A List of the Latin Names of Places Ottadeni, Ottadini, Ottalini People on the coast from Tyne to Forth. Ottanforda Otford, Kent. Ottodani. See Ottadeni. Ousa, Usa River Ouse, York- shire, and Buckingham- shire. Outerini People of Desmond, Ireland. Ovinia Insula Isle of Sheppey, Kent. Oxenforda, Oxefordia Oxford. Oxenhala Oxenhall, Durham. Oxeria Ossory, Ireland Oxinega Oxney Isle, Kent. Oxonia, Oxonium Oxford. Oza River Ouse. P. Pagula, Pagula Fleta Paules Flete, now Paghill or Paull, Yorks. Palus Argita Lough Derg, Ire- land. Palm Salsa Pwllheli, Caernar- vonshire. Palustris Vicux Fenchurch Street, London. Pampocalia The same as Cal- caria. Pangorensis Of Bangor. Panhovius Penhow (?), Mon- mouthshire. Parathalassia Walsingham, Norfolk. Parcus Ludus Louth Park. Parisi People of Holderness, Yorks. Parvus Burgus Littleborough, Notts, and Lanes. Pascia Pacey, Leicestershire. Passeletum Paisley. Paterni Magni Ecclesia Llan- badarn Vawr, Cardigan- shire. Patricii Purgatorium Ellanu Frugadory, on an island in Lough Derg, Donegal. Pecchum The Peak, Derby- shire. Pedreda Penenden Heath, Kent. Pedridon Flu. River Parret. Pegelandia Peakirk, Northants. Pembrochia, Penbrochta Pem- broke, Wales. Pendinas Pendennis Castle, Cornwall. Penguernum Shrewsbury. Penlinnia A place in Merioneth- shire, the source of the River Dee. Penmona Priestholme, Angle- sey. Penna Penselwood, Somerset ; or Stourhead, Wilts. Pennocrucium Penkridge, or Lichfield, Staffordshire. Pennorinum Penrhyn, Merio- nethshire ; Penryn, Corn- wall. Pente Flu. River Pant, Essex. Peonnum. See Penna. Perscora, Persora Pershore, Worcestershire. Perthum St. Johnstone, or Perth. Peterillus, Peterus Flu. The Peterill, Cumberland. Petriana Castle Steeds, Plump- ton Wall, or Cambeck Fort, Cumberland ; Walton House; Lanercost. in Great Britain and Ireland. 297 Petriburgus, Petroburgum, Petro- polis Peterborough,North- amptonshire. Peluaria Beverley, or Brough Ferry on the Humber, Yorkshire. Pevenesea Pevensey, Sussex. Pexa A town near Dumbarton. Pictavia, Pictandia The coun- try of the Picts. Picti The Picts, a people living north of the Antonine Wall. Pilais A town in Cornwall or Devon. Pincanhale Finchale Priory, Durham. Pinnatis Civitas. See Alata Castra. Piscaria Fish Street, London. Piscaria Vetus, Piscenaria Old Fish Street, London. Placentia A palace at Green- wich, built by Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. Placeto, Castellum de Pleshy, Essex. Plimmuta, Plymutha Ply- mouth, Devonshire. Pohanlech Poughley, Berks. Poletria The Poultry, London. Pomona Mainland, one of the Orkney Isles. Pans JElii Ponteland, or New- castle, Northumberland. Pons Belli Stamford Bridge, Yorks. Pons Burgensis, Pons Burgi Boroughbridge, Yorks. Pons Fractus Pontefract, or Pomfret, Yorkshire. Pons Stephani Lampeter, Car- diganshire. Pons Vianus Cowbridge, Glamorgan. Pontaquinum Bridgwater, Somerset. Ponte, de A house of Dominican friars in Armagh dioc., per- haps at Drogheda. Ponies Colnbrook, Old Wind- sor, Staines, Reading, or Byfleet. Pontuobici Cowbridge, Glamor- ganshire. Pontus Flu. The Point, Northumberland. Populorum Lapis Folkestone, Kent. Porcestra Porchester, Hants. Poreoclassis Orrock, Fife ; For- f ar ; or Barry. Porteseia Portsea, Hants. Portesmuda Portsmouth, Hants. Portesmutha,Portesmuta Ports- mouth. Portesoka The Portsoken, London. Portlandia Portland. Portlocon Porlock Bay, Somer- set. Portunia Insula Isle of Port- land, Dorset. Portuosus Sinus Sewerby, Yorks. Portus Adurni Porchester, Hants ; Aldrington, or Old Shoreham, Sussex. Portus Ammonis Sandwich, Kent. Portus Britanniarum Ports- mouth ; or Richborough, Kent. Portus Lemanis Lympne, Kent. Portus Magnus, Portus Ostium Portsmouth. 298 A List of the Latin Names of Places Portus Novus Eye, Sussex (in the Roman period) ; New- haven, Sussex. Portus Salutis Cromarty, Scot- land. Portus Sistuntiorum. See Setan- tiorum Portus. Povisia,Powisa,Powisia Powys, Wales. PrcBsidium The same as Pr&to- rium. Presidium Civitas Camelon, co. Stirling. Prcetorium Patrington, Broughton, Flamborough, or Hedon, Yorkshire. Prat is, S. Maria de S. Mary de Pre or de la Pre, or S. Mary of Prees. Prestona, Prestonium Preston, Lancashire. Pridania, Pritannia For Britannia. Privates Flu. Biver Privet, Hants. Procolitia Prudhoe Castle, or Garrawburgh, Northumber- land. Profundum Vadum Deptford. Pteroton Stratopedon Edin- burgh. See Alata Castra. Puellarum Castra Edinburgh. Pulchra Vallis Beauvale, Notts. Pulchrum Vadum Fairford, Gloucestershire. Pulchrum Visu Belvoir, Lin- colnshire. Punctuobtce Cowbridge, Glamorganshire . Purocoronavis A town in Corn- wall or Devon. Puttenega Putney, Surrey. Quarrera, Quarera Quarre, Wight. E. Ractomessa Eiver Eacon. Radecotanus Pons Eadcot Bridge, Oxon. Radenoura Eadnor. Radinge Eeading. Radnoria Eadnor. Radinga Eeading, Berks. Raga, Rag Leicester ; Eet- ford. Raganeia Eayleigh, Essex. Ramense Of Eamsey. Ramesburia Eamesbury, Wilts. Ramesia, Rameseya Eamsey, Hunts. Ranatonium. See Rhetigonium. Randuaria Eenfrew. Rapa, Rapotum Eaphoe, Done- gal, Ireland. Rates Leicester ; Eatby, or Brinklow, Warwickshire. Ratecorion. See Rates. Rathpotensis, Rathpothensis Of Eaphoe, Donegal, Ireland. Ratostabius. See Rhatostathy- bius. Ratupis. See Ttutupce. Ravenatone A town in Corn- wall or Devon. Ravendala Eavensworth, Dur- ham (?). Ravimagtim. See Noviomagus. Ravius Eiver Erne, Connaught. Ravonia A town probably in Cumberland. in Great Britain and Ireland. 299 Rebodunum Ribchester, Lan- cashire. Redingum Reading, Berks. Regaina Insula Isle of Arran. Regentium. See Regnum. Regina Burgus Queenborough, Kent. Regiodunum Hullinum King- ston-upon-Hull, Yorks. Regiodunum Thamesimim Kingston-upon-Thames. Regis Burgus Queenborough, Kent. Regis Comitatus King's County, Ireland. Regni People of Surrey, Sussex, and the sea coast of Hamp- shire. Regni Sylva Ringwood, Hants. Regnum Ringwood, Hants ; Chichester, or Steyning, Sussex. Regulbium, Reculsum Reculver, Kent. Reguli Fanum St. Andrews, also called Kirkrule and Kilrule. Reodburna Rodburne, Wilts. Reopadunum Repton. Repandunum Repton, Derby- shire. Retha Hyde, Isle of Wight. Reredala. See Ravendala. Rhaba Rheban or Rheib, Queen's County, Ireland. Rhage, Rage Leicester. Rhatostathybius Flu., Ratostibius River Taff, Glamorgan- shire, Wye, or Ogmoor. Rhavius. See Ravius. Rhedus Flu. The Read, Northumberland. Rhemnius River Remny, Gla- morganshire. Rherigonius Sinus Loch Ryan, or Luce Bay. Rhcsi Civitas Rochester. Rhetigonium Barlan or Stran- raer, Galloway. Rhibellus Flu. The Ribble, Lancashire. Rhicina Isle of Rum, or Rath- lin. See Ricina. Rhigia Limerick, Ireland ; Railstown, Tipper ary. Rhigodunum Ribchester, War- rington, or Manchester. Rhitubi Portus, Rhitupis Portus Richborough or Sand- wich, Kent. See Rutupce. Rhius River Rye, Yorkshire. Rhobodunum See Rhigodunum. Rhobogdii People of Donegal, Ireland. RhobogdiumPromontorium Fair Foreland, now called Malin Head, co. Donegal. Rhutubi, Rhutupice. See Rutupa. Richemundia,Richmondia Rich- mond, Yorkshire ; also Rich- mond, Surrey. Richina, Ricina, Ricinia, Ricnea Rathlin Isle, co. Antrim ; or Rum, one of the He- brides. Ridumo. See Moridunum. Riduna. See Richina. Rievallensis Of Rievaulx, York- shire. Rigia. See Rhigia. Rigmundia St. Andrews. See Fanum Reguli. Rigodunum Richmond, Yorks; Ripon; Ribchester. Ripa Alta Ordhill, near Find- horn. Ripa Regine Queenhithe. RtpacKttm, Ripandunum Rep- ton, Derbyshire. 300 A List of the Latin Names of Places Ripensis Of Ripon. Ripodunum, Ripodum Ripon, Yorkshire. Ritupis Portus. See Rutupce. Rium Eye, Sussex. Roberti Pons, Robertinus Pom Robert's Bridge, Sussex. Roboretum, Campus Roborum Derry, Ireland. Rochesburga Roxburgh. Rodecotanus Pons Radcot Bridge, Oxfordshire. Rodolanum Rhuddlan. Roffa Rochester, Kent. Roibis. See Roffa. Roisice Oppidum, Villa de Cruce Roesia Royston, Cam- bridgeshire. Rokesburga Roxburgh. Rosa Castellum Rose Castle, Cumberland. Roscomia Roscommon. Rosenensu Of Ross, Scotland. Rosensis Of Ross, Ireland ; of Rhos, Pembrokeshire. Rossa, Roscrea Ross, Wexford County, Ireland. Rossia Rosse Land, Cornwall; Ross, Herefordshire ; Ross, Scotland ; Rhos, Pembroke- shire. Ro telandia Rutland. Rothelanum Rhuddlan. Rothesia Rothesay.Isle of Bute, west coast of Scotland. Rolibis Rochester or Maid- stone. Rovecestria, Rouecestria Rochester. Rovensis Of Rochester. Rovia River Rother, Sussex. Ruber Citrus Redcliffe, or Rat- cliffe, near London. Ruda Routh, Yorks. Rugnitunia, Ruitonla, Rutunia Ry ton-upon-D unsm oor, Warwickshire. Rumabo Civitas Drumburgh Castle, Cumberland. Rupa Roch, Pembrokeshire. Rupe,