Ex Libris i C. R. ( r DGDJEN i -?- ~~-i 'A. ONE HflJN IM LA JAMES TAYLOE, 31 CASTLE STEEET. 1882. INDEX OF FIRST LINES, 'Abide in Me !' Most loving counsel this, . c. H. I. 118 Abide with me ! fast falls the eventide, . LYTE. 150 A debtor to Mercy alone, . . TOPLADY. 98 A mind at ' perfect peace ' with GOD, . c. p. 85 And dost thou seem forsaken, . . c. H. I. 131 Awake, my soul, and with the sun, . BP. KEN. 205 Beneath the Cross of JESUS, .... 148 Be PATIENT life is very brief, . . . 209 Bride of My Love ! Ere from the Cross uplifted, . . . i. L. BIRD. 65 Child of GOD ! believe His promise, . . c. H. I. 123 Christian, when thy way seems darkest, c. FENN. 203 Cling to the CRUCIFIED ! H. BONAR. 110 Come, thou weary sinner, . . . E. H. H. 140 Departed, say we ? is it, . . . w. B. R. 215 Dread not the cup of sorrow, . . c. H. I. 62 Faith is a very simple thing, . E. B. 29 FATHER, I ask for heavenly light, . . H. A. B. 107 FATHER, I bring this worthless child to Thee, .125 FATHER, I know that all my life, . . A. L. w. 72 Forth into the darkness passing, . . H. A. B. 178 From the far-off fields of earthly toil, . P. 86 Give thanks in everything ! . . . H. A. B. 44 Glory to Thee, My GOD, this night, . BP. KEN. 206 ' Going home,' and going quickly ! c. F. 221 Hark, my soul ! it is the LORD, . COWPER. 90 Hast thou within a care so deep, . . .35 5 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. He gave me back the bond, . . . .176 Heir of glory, art thou weeping ? . . c. H. I. 39 ' Himself hath done it all.' how those words, . . . . . c. F. 33 How oft we pray for holiness, . . c. H. I. 115 How sweet the name of JESUS sounds, NEWTON. 102 I am far frae my hame, and I'm weary often whiles, . . . . .174 I am seeking a country the Home of the blest, . . . . . c. H. i. 41 I gave My life for thee, . . . .217 I have a treasure which I prize, . . .13 I have been at the altar and witness'd the Lamb, . . . . . .19 I have been to a land, a Border Land, . L. N. B. 1 37 I heard the voice of JESUS say, . H. BONAE. 109 I know not what may befall me, . BEAINEED. 219 I lay my sins on JESUS, . . H. BONAE. 103 I need Thee, precious JESUS, for I am full of sin, .... WHITFIELD. 105 In evil long I took delight. . . NEWTON. 201 1 In no wise cast thee out ' the words are spoken, . . . . . E. H. H. Ill I once was a stranger to grace and to GOD, M'CHEYNE. 1 13 Israel, in ancient days, . . COWPEE. 199 Is thy cruse of comfort wasting? Eise and share it with another, . . .27 I shine in the light of GOD, . . . .9 I thank Thee for the trials, LOED, . . c. H. I. 46 ' It may be in the evening,' . . . B. M. 165 It was a time of sadness, and my heart, . L. p. w. 185 I've found the Pearl of greatest price, .MASON. 23 1 was wandering and weary, . . . . 1 58 I will bless Thee for seasons of gladness, . C. H. I. 160 6 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. PACK JESUS, my LOED, I've told to Thee, . . c. H. i. 127 JESUS, my LOED, to Thee I cry, . . E. H. u. 83 Just as I am without one plea, . c. ELLIOTT. 55 Just as thou art without one trace, . E. s. COOK. 54 Just as Thou wilt LOED, be it done, . c. H. I. 56 Lead me, my FATHEE lead Thy child, . c. H. i. 68 Lead, SAVIOUE, lead ; amid the encircling gloom, . . . . . i. H. N. 22 Let nothing keep you back from CHEIST, . E. H. H. 58 Look unto Me, and be ye saved, . . E. H. H. 152 'Midst changing scenes and changing friends, . . . . . c. H. i. 180 Musing of all my FATHEE'S love, . . H. 70 My day is dippin' in the West, 'tis gloamin' wi' me noo, ..... 170 My FATHEE, can I learn so hard a task? . E. J. A. 129 My hope is built on nothing less, . . BEES. 1 64 My SAVIOUE, Thou hast offer'd rest, . . E. H. H. 91 My weary spirit is oppress'd, . . E. H. H. 79 Nearer, my GOD, to Thee, . s. F. ADAMS. 76 Nothing between, LOED, nothing between, . E. H. H. 162 Nothing, either great or small, . J. p. 133 CHEIST, what burdens bow'd Thy head ! . A. E. c. 52 eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore, . . . . . .60 HOLY SPIEIT ! now descend on me, . c. F. 11 LOED, in me Thy mighty power exert, . .15 Oh ! call it not death it is life begun, . E. K H. 207 Ob, how can you live without JESUS, my friend? . . . . . E. j. A. 36 Oh ! weep not for the blessed dead, . . c. H. i. 191 Oh ! yes, in all Thy dealings, FATHEE, . c. H. i. 93 One by one the sands are flowing, . . .81 One sweetly solemn thought, . . CAIIEY. 78 INDEX OF FIRST LINES. . Pilgrims on the road to glory, . . ,172 ROCK OF AGES, cleft for me, . . TOPLADY. 97 SAVIOUE, whose crown'd humanity, . I. L. BIED. 146 Softly and gently these words were breathed, F. E. w. 196 'Soul, arise! Night's shades descending,' I. L. BIRD. 16 Speak gently, it is better far, . . . .48 Still in loving, still in loving, more than being loved, is joy, . . E. w. 31 ' The Master has come over Jordan,' . . .25 The way is dark, my FATHEE ! cloud on cloud, . 211 There is a Fountain filled with blood, COWPEE. 89 There is a Name I love to hear, . . F. w. 135 There is life in a Look at the Crucified One, . . . A. M. HULL. 121 Thousands, LOED of hosts ! to-day, . .189 Thy way not mine, LOED, . H. BONAE. 21 'Tis LOVE which hath our way prepared, . .99 To walk with GOD, fellowship divine ! . c. H. L 100 We a' hae a something, be't great or be't sma', w. 177 Wearied and worn with earthly cares, I yielded to repose, .... 142 We wept 'twas Nature wept but Faith, . .154? 'We would see JESUS' all is gloom around us, . 156 We would see JESUS for the shadows lengthen, . . . . .50 What book is that, whose page divine, . . 182 What then ? Why then another pilgrim song, . . . . J. c. 95 What think you of CHEIST ? is the test, NEWTON. 194 What Thou hast done, my GOD, for me, . c. H. I. 74 Imc* torn SHINE in the light of GOD, His likeness stamps my brow ; Thro' the shadows of death my feel have trod, But I reign in glory now ! (Rev. xxi. 23 ; 1 John iii. 2 ; 1 Cor. xv. 55 ; Rev. xxii. 5.) No fainting heart is here, No keen and throbbing pain, No wasted cheek, where the frequent tear Hath roll'd and left its stain. (Matt. xxvL 38; Job xxxiii. 16; Rev. xxi. 4 ; Psalm xlii. 3.) I have found the joys of Heaven, I am one of the sainted band : To my head a crown of gold is given, And a harp is in my hand ! (Isa. xxxv. 10; Heb. xii. 22; 1 Peter v. 4; Rev. xiv. 2.) I have learn'd the song they sing Whom JESUS hath set free ; And the glorious hills of Heaven resound With my new-born melody! (Isa. xxxviii. 20 ; John viii. 36 ; Isa. Ix. 18 ; Rev. xv. 3.) 9 A VOICE FROM HEAVEN. No sin no grief no pain, Safe in my happy home ! My fears all fled my doubts all slain, My hour of triumph come ! (Isa. xxv. 8 ; John xiv. 2 ; Acts vii. 55 ; Rom. viii. 37.) Oh ! friends of mortal years, The trusted and the true, Ye are walking still in the vale of tears, But I wait to welcome you. (Prov. xvii. 17 ; 1 John i. 7; Heb. x. 36; Luke xvi. 22.) Do I forget ? Oh no ! For memory's golden chain Still binds my heart to yours below, Till we meet and touch again. (Mai. iii. 16; 2 Peter i. 15; 1 Johii iv. 7 ; 1 Thess. iv. 13.) Each link is strong and bright, And love's electric flame Flows freely down like a river of light To the home from whence I came. (John i. 51 ; Daniel ix. 21 ; Rev. xxii. ] ; 1 John iv. 9.) Do ye mourn when another star Shines out from the glittering sky? Do ye weep when the raging voice of war And the storm of conflict die ? (1 Cor. xv. 41 ; Daniel xii. 3 ; Deut. xxxii. 1 ; Mark iv. 39.) Then why should your tears run down ? And your hearts be sorely riven ? For another gem in the SAVIOUR'S crown, And another star in Heaven ? (Luke viii. 52; Prov. xiv. 10 : Isa. Ixii. 3; Luke xxiii. 43.) J for the $)01g (Spirit. ' If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children ; how much more shall your heavenly Father "rive the HOLY SPIRIT to them that ask Him 1' HOLY SPIRIT ! now descend on me As showers of rain upon the thirsty ground ; Cause me to flourish as a spreading tree ; May all Thy precious fruits in me be found. Be Thou my ' TEACHER ' to my soul reveal The length, breadth, depth, and height of JESUS' love ; And on my soul Thy blest instructions seal, Raising my thoughts and heart to things above. Be Thou my ' COMFORTER '- when I'm dis- tressed, gently soothe my sorrows, calm my grief, Help me to find upon my SAVIOUR'S breast, In every hour of trial, sure relief. Be Thou my 'GUIDE' into 'all truth' divine; Give me increasing knowledge of my GOD; Show me the glories that in JESUS shine, And make my heart the place of His abode. 11 A PRAYER FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. Be Thou my * INTERCESSOR ' teach me how To pray according to GOD'S holy will ; Cause me with deep and strong desire to glow, And my whole soul with heavenly long- ings fill. Be Thou my ' EARNEST ' of eternal rest, And 'witness' withmelamGoD'sownchild, With His unchanging love and favour blest, By JESUS' Blood be fully reconciled. Be Thou my 'SANCTIFIER' dwell within, And purify and cleanse my every thought, Subdue the power of each besetting sin, And be my will to sweet submission brought. Be Thou my 'QUICKENER' in me revive Each drooping grace so prone to fade and die; Help me on JESUS day by day to live, And loosen more and more each earthly tie. Blest SPIRIT ! I would yield myself to Thee, Do for me more than I can ask or think ; Let me Thy holy habitation be, And daily deeper from Thy fulness drink. 0. F. 12 31 (SBuiet Jjttinb. 'My peace I give unto you.' JOHN xvi. 27. HAVE a treasure which I prize ; Its like I cannot find ; There's nothing like it on the earth; Tis this A QUIET MIND. But 'tis not that I'm stupefied, Or senseless, dull, or blind ; 'Tis GOD'S own peace within my heart Which forms my QUIET MIND. I found this treasure at the Cross : And there, to every kind Of weary, heavy-laden souls, CHRIST gives a QUIET MIND. My SAVIOUR'S death 'and risen life, To give it were designed ; His love's the never-failing spring Of this, my QUIET MIND. The love of GOD within my breast, My heart to Him doth bind ; This is the peace of Heaven on earth This is my QUIET MIND. 13 A QUIET MIND. I've many a cross to take up now, And many left behind ; But present troubles move me not, Nor shake my QUIET MIND. And what may be to-morrow's cross I never seek to find ; My SAVIOUR says, ' Leave that to Me, And keep a QUIET MIND.' And well I know the LORD hath said, To make my heart resign'd, That mercy still shall follow those Who have this QUIET MIND. I meet with pride of wit and wealth, And scorn, and looks unkind ; It matters not I envy none, While I've a QUIET MIND. I'm waiting now to see my LORD, Who's been to me so kind ; I want to thank Him face to face, For this, my QUIET MIND Jl $raj)r for gailg its*. LORD, in me Thy mighty power exert, Enlighten, comfort, sanctify my heart; Sweeten my temper, and subdue my will, Make me like JESUS with thy SPIRIT fill. I want to live on earth a life of faith, I want to credit all the Bible saith ; I want to imitate my SAVIOUR'S life, Avoiding lightness, gloom, and sinful strife. I want to bring poor sinners to Thy throne. I want to love and honour CHRIST alone ; I want to feel the SPIRIT'S inward power, And stand prepared for death's eventful hour. I want a meek, a gentle, quiet frame, A heart that glows with love to JESU'S name: I want a living sacrifice to be To HIM who died a sacrifice for me. I want to do whatever GOD requires ; I want my heart to burn with pure desires ; I want to be what CHRIST my LORD commands, And leave myself, my all, in His blest hands. LORD, impress Thine image on my soul ; My will, my temper, and my tongue control; Lead me through life to glorify Thy grace, And after death, to SEE THEE FACE TO FACE ! 15 ' THE night cometh, when no man can work.' JOHN ix. 4. IOUL, arise ! Night's shades descending Even now obscure the day, iFast Life's priceless hours are spend- ing, Christian to thy work ! away ! Soldier ! pledged beneath My banner All My foes to meet in war, Pause not, till the loud Hosanna Hails My coming from afar. Dwell not on the memories thronging Of the Past, with all its pain : Cherish not a weary longing For the rest which shall remain. Mourn not with a dreary spirit For the faithful gone to rest ; They My promises inherit, They with Me in light are blest. Hear the trumpet tongue of Duty, Stay not for to-morrow's Sun ; Ere thine eyes behold My beauty. Much remaineth to be done. 16 SOUL, ARISE I In Life's stormy battle ever Bear My name aloft in fight ; Thee from Me no foes can sever ; Scorn the Wrong and work the Right. Life to some is dark and dreary y Shifting scenes of toil and woe : 'Tis thy task to teach the weary Of a rest which all may know. Children of a common Father, Aid the trouble-smitten poor; Bear their burdens, all the rather That in them 7 seek Thy door. Guide the wanderer in his blindness, Bid the lost of pardon hear ; Let no words but those of kindness Fall upon thy brother's ear. Lowly o'er the dying bending Cheer him in the closing strife With the hope, from Heaven descending Of the new and better life. As the mourner's tears are flowimr o O'er the soul-abandoned clay, , * Point him to the LORD bestowing- o Peace, which none can take away. 17 SOUL, ARISE ! There are woes which wait thy healing, Wounds which thou alone canst bind : Hidden griefs which need unsealing, Lost ones whom I bid thee find. Keep thy lamp at midnight burning, Lay not thou thine armour down ; Thou shalt wear at My returning Priestly robe and kingly crown. Heed not though the world upbraid thee, I endured its scoffs alone ; I am ever near to aid thee I confess thee for Mine own. Pilgrim ! though the road be dreary, It shall end in radiant light ; Be not of the pathway weary, Thou shalt walk with Me in white. Soon will dawn a day immortal, Thou shalt share My victor throne, And at Heaven's eternal portal For thy cross receive a crown.' I. L. BIRD. 18 ioice from the JUte of ami-offering.* 'THINE iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.' ISAIAH vi. 6-8. HAVE been at the altar and witness'd the LAMB Burnt wholly to ashes for me ; And watch'd its sweet savour ascending on high, Accepted, FATHER, by Thee. And lo, while I gaz'd at the glorious sight, A voice from above reach'd mine ears : ' By this thine iniquity 's taken away, And no trace of it on thee appeals. ' An end for thy sin has been made for thee here, By Him who its penalty bore : AVith blood it is blotted eternally out, And I will not remember it more.' " The burnt-offering, or Holah, means in Hebrew that which ascends. 19 A VOICE PROM THE ALTAR OF BURNT-OFFERING. LORD, I believe it, with wonder and joy Confirm Thou this precious belief; While daily I learn that I am, in myself, Of sinners the vilest and chief. What CHRIST is, is now the unfolding to me Of the wonder of grace that I am ; And where He is seated, there also, I'm told, Is His loved one, the Bride of the Lamb. LORD, send me on errands of mercy to those Who henceforth my path shall surround ; To tell them that sin, for which JESUS has died, May be sought for, but shall not be found : That as far as the east is removed from the west, So far shall their guilt be removed, Who have come to the altar, and learnt from Thee there, What the death of its Victim has proved. 20 lEhg ttme. < HY way not mine, LORD, However dark it be ! Lead me by Thine own hand ; Choose out the path for me. Smooth let it be, or rough, It will be still the best ; Winding or straight, it matters not, It leads me to Thy rest. I dare not choose my lot ; I would not if I might : Choose Thou for me, my GOD, So shall I walk aright. The kingdom that I seek Is Thine ; so let the way That leads to it be Thine, Else surely I might stray. Take Thou my cup, and it With joy or sorrow fill ; As best to Thee may seem, Choose Thou my good and ill. Choose Thou for me my friends, My sickness or my health ; Choose Thou my cares for me, My poverty or wealth. Not mine not mine the choice, In things or great or small ; Be Thou my Guide, my Strength, My Wisdom, and my All. H. BONAR. 21 ' I will lead them in paths they have not known.' ISAIAH xiii. 16. ]EAD, SAVIOUR, lead ; amid the encircl- ing gloom, Lead Thou me on. The night is dark, and I am far from home ; Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet ; I do not ask to see The distant scene one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor pray'd that Thou Shouldst lead me on : I loved to choose and see my path: but now, Lead Thou me on. I loved the glare of day, and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will : Remember not past years ! So long Thy power hath bless'd m e sure it still Will lead me on, O'er vale and hill, through stream and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn, those angel-faces smile, WhichI have loved long since, and lost awhile. I. H. N. 22 Christ I'VE found the Pearl of greatest price, My heart doth sing for joy ; And sing I must ; a CHRIST I have what a CHRIST have I ! CHRIST is the Way, the Truth, the Life ; The Way to GOD and Glory ; Life to the dead ; the Truth of types The Truth of ancient story. CHRIST is a Prophet, Priest, and King; A Prophet full of light; A Priest that stands 'twixt GOD and man ; A King that rules with might. CHRIST'S manhood is a temple, where The altar GOD doth rest ; My CHRIST, He is the Sacrifice ; My CHRIST, He is the Priest. My CHRIST, He is the Lord of lords, He is the King of kings ; He is the Sun of Eighteousness, With healing in His wings. 23 CHRIST FOUND. My CHRIST, He is the Tree of Life, Which in GOD'S garden grows ; Whose fruits do feed, whose leaves do heal ; My CHRIST is Sharon's Rose. CHRIST is my meat, CHRIST is my drink, My med'cine and my health ; My peace, my strength, my joy, my crown, My glory and my wealth. CHRIST is my Father and my Friend, My Brother and my Love ; My Head, my Hope, my Counsellor, My Advocate above, My CHRIST ! He is the heaven of heaven ! My CHRIST what shall I call? My CHRIST is first, my CHRIST is last, My CHRIST is All in All ! MASON. 24 Christ anii the fjittk (Dues. MARK x. 13 ; LUKE xviii. 15. HE Master has come over Jordan/ Said Hannah, the mother, one . day; ' He is healing the people who throng Him With a touch of His finger, they say. ' And now I shall carry the children, Little Rachel, and Samuel, and John ; I shall carry the baby Esther For the LORD to look upon.' The father looked at her kindly, But he shook his head and smiled: ' Now who but a doting mother Would think of -a thing so wild ? ' If the children were tortured by demons, Or dying of fever, 'twere well ; Or had they the taint of the leper Like many in Israel.' ' Nay, do not hinder me, Nathan, I feel such a burden of care ; If I carry it to the Master, Perhaps I shall leave it there, ' If He lay His hand on the children, My heart will be lighter, I know ; For a blessing for ever and ever Will follow them as they go.' 25 CHRIST AND THE LITTLE ONES. So over the hills of Judah, Along the vine-rows green, With Esther asleep on her bosom, And Rachel her brothers between, 'Mong the people who hang on His teaching, Or waiting His touch or His word, Through the row of proud Pharisees listening, She pressed to the feet of her LORD. ' Now why shouldst thou hinder the Master,' Said Peter, ' with children like these ? Seest not how from morning to evening He teacheth, and healeth disease ? ' Then CHRIST said, ' Forbid not the children ! Permit them to come unto Me ; ' And He took in His arms little Esther, And Rachel He set on His knee. And the heavy heart of the mother Was lifted all earth-care above, As He laid His hands on the brothers, And blest them with tenderest love : As He said of the babes in His bosom, ' Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven : ' And strength for all duty and trial That hour to her spirit was given. 26 J 1 It is mare ksstb ta ite than to ACTS xx. 35. s thy cruse of comfort wasting ? Rise and share it with another, And through all the years of famine it shall serve thee and thy brother : Love divine will fill thy storehouse, or thy handful still renew ; Scanty fare for one will often make a royal feast for two. For the heart grows rich in giving ; all its wealth is living grain ; Seeds (which mildew in the garner) scattered, fill with gold the plain. Is thy burden hard and heavy ? do thy steps drag wearily : Help to bear thy brother's burden, GOD will bear both it and thee. 27 ' IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE.' Numb and weary on the mountain, wouldst thou sleep among the snow ? Chafe that frozen form beside thce, and to- gether both shall glow. Art thou stricken in life's battle? Many wounded round thee moan ; Lavish on their wounds thy balsams, and that balm shall heal thine own. Is thy heart a well left empty? None but GOD its void can till ; Nothing but a ceaseless fountain can its cease- less longings still. Is thy heart a living power? Self-entwined, its strength sinks low ; It can only live by loving, and by serving will grow. 28 Jfnith in JAITH is a very simple thing, Though little understood ; It frees the soul from Death's dread sting, By RESTING in the blood. (1 Cor. ii. 14; Ex. xii. 13, 23.) It looks not on the things around, Nor on the things WITHIN ; It takes its flight to scenes above, Beyond the sphere of sin. (Jer. xvii. 9; Heb. L 3.) It sees upon the Throne of GOD A Victim that was slain ; It rests its ALL on His shed blood, And says, ' I'm born again/ (Heb. x. 12, 14 ; 2 Cor. v. 15, 17.) Faith is not what we FEEL or see, It is a simple TRUST In what the GOD of Love has said Of JESUS as ' the Just ! ' (1 John i. 9 ; 1 Pet. iii. 18.) The PERFECT ONE that died for me, Upon His Father's throne, Presents our names before our GOD, And pleads HIMSELF alone. (Rev. iii. 21 ; Heb. iv. 14, 15 ) 29 FAITH IN JESUS. What JESUS is, and that alone, Is faith's delightful plea ; It never deals with SINFUL self, Nor RIGHTEOUS Self, IN ME. (Eph. i. 6, 7 ; Rom. vii. 18.) It tells me I am counted ' DEAD ' By God in His own Word ; It tells me I am ' BORN AGAIN ' In CHRIST, my RISEN LORD. (Rom. vi. 6, 7 ; Rom. vi. 4, 5.) In that HE died, He died to SIN ; In that HE lives to GOD ; Then I am dead to NATURE'S hopes, And justified through blood. (Rom. vi. 10 ; Rom. iii. 24, 25.) If He is free, then I am free From all unrighteousness ; If He is just, then I am just, HE is MY Kighteousness. (Phil. iii. 20, 21 ; Eph. i. 17-23.) What want I more to perfect bliss ? A body like His OWN Will perfect me for greater joys. Than angels round the throne. (1 John iii. 5-7 ; 1 Cor. i. 30, 31 ; 2 Cor. v. 21.) 30 TILL in loving, still in loving, more than being loved, is joy : Here there lurks no disappointment, here is peace without alloy. Not in having, or receiving, but in giving is there bliss ; He who has no other pleasure ever may re- joice in this. Be it health, or be it leisure, be it skill we have to give ; Still in spending life for others Christians only really live. What in love we yield to others, by a charm we still retain, For the loved one's acquisition is the lover's double gain ; Yet we know in love's increasing is increase of grief and care, For the pains of those around him, painett the loving heart must bear. Love and sorrow dwelt together in the blessed SAVIOUR'S heart ; And shall we, His lowly followers, wish that they should be apart? 31 LOVE S LESSON.. Love and sorrow walk together o'er this sin- beclouded earth : Love and gladness sing together in the country of our birth. Wheresoever sorrow wanders, love should go and raise her up ; At the many wells of Marah love should stoop and share the cup. Let the careless seek their pleasure, give,, if e'er they give, their pelf; But the loving, truly loving, givqp, and loves to give, himself. Happy if by his endeavour, by his suffering others gain ; If some comrade o'er his body may a wished- for height attain. Secrets here of love and sorrow, if in meekness we shall learn ; Secrets soon of love and gladness we in heaven shall discern. In the light, so all-pervading, of the spirit's home above, We shall trace the perfect meaning of the saying,' GOD is LOVE/ And transformed to His likeness we, O blessed thought ! shall be Loved and loving, loved and loving, through a bright eternity. E. w. 32 lath fone It.' ISAIAH xxxviii. 15. IMSELF hath done it all,' how those words Should hush to silence every mur- muring thought ! Himself hath done it He who loves me best, He who my soul with His own blood hath bought. 'Himself hath done it.' Can it then be aught Than full of wisdom, full of tenderest love? Not one unneeded sorrow will He send, To teach this wandering heart no more to rove. 'Himself hath done it.' Yes, although severe May seem the stroke, and bitter be the cup, 'Tis His own hand that holds it, and I know He'll give me grace to drink it meekly up. ' Himself hath done it.' 0, no arm but His Could e'er sustain beneath earth's dreary lot; But while I know He's doing all things well, My heart His loving kindness questions not. 'Himself hath done it.' He who's searched me through, Sees how I cleave to earth's ensnaring ties ; o 33 * HIMSELF HATH DONE IT.' And so He breaks each reed on which ray soul Too much for happiness and joy relies. { Himself hath done it.' He would have me see What broken cisterns human friends must prove ; That I may turn and quench my burning thirst At His own fount of ever-living Love. 'Himself hath done it.' Then Ifain would say, ' Thy will in all things evermore be done ; E'en though that will remove whom best 1 love, While JESUS lives I cannot be alone.' ' Himself hath done it,' precious, precious words ; 1 Himself,' my Father, Saviour, Brother, Friend ; Whose faithfulness no variation knows ; Who, having loved me, loves me to the end. And when, in His eternal presence blest, I at His feet my crown .immortal cast, I'll gladly own, with all His ransom 'd saints, ' Himself hath done it,' all, from first to last. c. F. 34 a Care? AST thou within a care so deep, It chases from thine eyelids sleep? To thy REDEEMER take that care, And change anxiety to prayer. Hast thou a hope, with which thy heart Would feel it almost death to part ? Entreat thy GOD that hope to crown, Or give thee strength to lay it down. Hast thou a friend, whose image dear May prove an idol worshipped here ? Implore the LORD that nought may be A shadow between Heaven and thee. Whatever the care which breaks thy rest, Whate'er the wish that swells thy breast, Spread before GOD that wish, that care, And change anxiety to prayer. 35 0to am Jmi ibe Without H, how can you live without JESUS, my friend, That SAVIOUR, so tender and true ; Whose love knows no measure, no change, and no end, And who offers it freely to you ? Is there never a season of sadness and pain, When your heart, in its desolate cry, Complains that all human resources are vain, Its deeply felt need to supply ? Thenhowcan youlive without JESUS? One ray Of His Love would make sorrows depart Like phantoms, before the bright dawn of the day That His smile would light up in your heart. Is there never a time when, with pleasure's bright wine, Your glittering cup sparkles gay ; 36 HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT JESUS t And yet when your draught is the deepest you pine With a thirst it can never allay ? Then how can you live without JESUS ? He gives Living water, of such healing power, That he who drinks humbly for evermore lives. And never thirsts more from that hour ! Is there never a time, when your sins' heavy weight Seems to crush your soul down to despair, And the threatening woes of Eternity's state With their terrors your spirit will scare ? Then how can you live without JESUS? Alone He can bear all your burden away. No other escape ! His blood must atone : His Life must your penalty pay. Or, if you can live without JESUS, my friend, Will you venture without Him to die ? Alone, dare you enter the world without end ? Stand alone in GOD'S presence on high ? 37 HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT JESUS t And why should you live without JESUS ? oh why ! You have nothing to do but believe ; And why without Him should you venture to die, When He offers your soul to receive ? He is all that you need : He entrea/ts you to come: Come at once He invites you ' TO-DAY,' To-morrow may seal your Eternity's doom ; At your peril you dare to delay. No longer, then, live without JESUS, my friend! That SAVIOUR so tender and true ! His love knows no measure, no change, and no end, And He offers it freely to you ! E. j. A. 38 of : IF children, then heirs ; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.' ROM. viii. 17. |EIR of glory, art thou weeping ? Why should tears bedim thine eyes? !ls there not a time of reaping Endless joys beyond the skies ? Are not all thy sins forgiven ? Hast thou not the SPIRIT'S seal? Is not thine a home in Heaven ? Dost not thou the earnest feel ? What, that's passing, heir of glory, Should thy blissful hopes obscure ? When the clouds of earth come o'er thee Look to JESUS ! and endure. See him there for thee He's pleading ; See thy name upon His breast : He, the grace that thou art needing Will supply, and give thee rest. Once for thee on earth He tarried, Worn, and weeping as He trod ; All thy sins and griefs He carried His was love the love of GOD ! Yes, that SAVIOUR, once so lowly, Now in Heaven for thee appears ; Sends His grace to make thee holy Gives thee faith to calm thy fears. 39 HEIR OF GLORY. Heir of glory, rise o'er sadness, What of earth is worth thy care ? Think upon the songs of gladness Thou shalt soon with angels share ! JESUS says, * I'll never leave thee,' Heavenward He will safely guide ; Let not passing shadows grieve thee : Thou art safe when by His side. Now with briers thy path is blended, For thy Heaven is not here ; Soon thy struggles shall be ended ; GOD shall wipe away each tear. Fix thine eyes on coming glory Short the space that lies between ; For the joy that's set before thee, Slight the things that now are seen. Soon thou'lt be with Him who bought thee, Live as one who knows His love ; Follow Him whose SPIRIT sought thee : Set thine heart on things above. Soon thou'lt see His great salvation, Soon His smile shall shine on thee ; Though it be through tribulation, Sweeter then that rest will be. In that region sweetest flowers, Fadeless, deathless, ever bloom ; There the joys that once were ours, Never wither in the tomb. c. H. I. I am S^kin a * AND confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such, things declare plainly that they seek a country.' HEB. xi. 13, 14. AM seeking a country the Home of the blest, Where the wicked can't trouble, and the weary find rest ; Each day I am nearer that City of light, And the thought is still dearer the hope still more bright. Like a pilgrim and stranger I on ward would go, Living loose to the world, and all its vain show; And, if rough be my road, and thorny my way, I will tread it the lighter, and with less delay. Yes, when wild winds are howling, and dark is the sky, I will hasten my steps to my Kefuge on High; For the storm and the tempest can there never come, Oh ! there's nothing but sunshine in that happy Home. If foes frown upon me if friends should for- sake If loved ones betray me if riches wings take; 41 I AM SEEKING A COUNTRY. Whatever my trial whatever my woe I will try to forget it, and onward still go. I am seeking a country, where all will be peace ; I am seeking a Home where earth's troubles shall cease ; There's no sorrow, no sickness, and no pain in Heaven, And those who dwell there have their sins all forgiven. Then joyfully, joyfully onward I'll go, Forgetting the things that I once sought below ; As a pilgrim and stranger with glory in view, I will take little heed of the way I pass through. But I'll try that all those whom I meet on the road May see I am seeking the ' City of GOD ;' I will try to make known all my SAVIOUR'S great love, Who now is preparing my mansion above. I will tell them how ready He now is to save; I will tell them how freely my sins He forgave; I will try and compel them to come on with me, That they of His glory partakers may be. J i AM SEEKING A COUNTRY. Yes, I'll try that all those whom I meet on my way May see I am living for that blessed Day, When my LORD, and my King, in His glory shall come, And take all His pilgrims to His happy Home. As a heavenly stranger, with eyes fixed above With my heart still more full of my SAVIOUR'S deep love ; May I walk through the world regardless of all Those fleeting allurements which others en- thral. With Thee, my GOD, for my Guardian and Guide, Everywhere present and close by my side ; Though lonely my path be, my heart shall not fear, For nothing can harm me while Thou art near. Then joyfully, joyfully upward I'll soar Where I shall know sorrow and sin never more; But where I my SAVIOUR shall love, serve, and see, And with Him and His sainted ones ever shall be. c. H. i. 43 'In (Etapthing @i JIVE thanks in everything ! When life is summer bright, And all around thee seems to sing O An anthem of delight. When thy cup runs o'er with bliss, Let thy lips run o'er with song, Let thy heart, an offering free, be His Who hath fed thee all life-long. Give thanks in everything ! In the winter and the frost, When thy buds of hope are withering, And thy dearest dreams are cross'd, Let Faith take up the strain, Praise from the wrung heart flow ; For the broken spells, and the kindly pain That forbids its rest below. Give thanks in everything ! Though thy portion be destroy'd, Though the waters have fail'd from every sprin g And the store-house of bliss is void, The heart was slow to rise Earth was too dear to thee 'Twas a Hand of Love that loosed the ties ; Sweeter thy rest will be ! Give thanks in everything ! For ' all things' work thy good ; Thinkest thou thy LORD would evil bring On the soul He bought with blood ? 44 * IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS.' Thou wilt praise for all ere long, Eetrac'd by the light of Heaven ; Hath Faith in the dark no trustful song, Ere open sight be giv'n ?. Give thanks in everything ! For the cross He bids thee bear ? For the flow'rs beside thy path that spring, For the thorns that wound thee there; For the sunshine on the way, That makes thy journey sweet ; For the gloom descending while yet 'tis day, That urges on thy feet. Give thanks in everything ! For the gifts He has denied ; For the gathering clouds that make thee cling More closely to His side. For the parting light of morn, For the length'ning shadows grey, Life's evening twilight is the dawn Of everlasting day ! Give thanks in everything ! For the call (whate'er it be) That shall bid thy prison'd soul take wing Sav'd everlastingly ! Faith, lost in vision bright ! Shadows, in perfect day ! Fix there thy gaze, and the distant light Shall illumine all thy way. H. A. B. 45 I lhanfe Witt, ' BLESSED is the man whom Thou chastenest, Lord, and teachest him out of Thy law.' Ps. xciv. 12. ' For He maketh sore, and bindeth up : He woundeth, and His hands make whole.' JOB v. 18. ' Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth.' HEB. xii. 6. ' Blessed is the man that endureth temptation : for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.' JAMES i. 12. THANK Thee for the trials, LORD, Which made me knowmyself and Thee: Myself all weakness Thee all power, Pity, and love, to spend on me. I thank Thee for each cord Thy love Hath cut, which kept me earthward bound; And that in nothing but Thyself My happiness can now be found. Closer, and closer, gracious LORD, To Thee, bind this poor weary heart ! Whate'er would come between, though dear Oh ! spare it not, bid it depart. Far off, above this passing scene, Oh ! may my life with Thee be spent ; By earthly joys and woes unmoved, With Thine unchanging love content. Sprinkled with Thy most precious blood, Thus saved, and set apart for Thee, Anointed by Thy SPIRIT'S power. Thus manifest Thy grace in me. 46 I THANK THEE, LORD. This earth's poor husks my food no more, Higher and higher let me rise : Till in the world I dwell like one Who looks upon it from the skies. The past, the past, let it suffice To make me trust no other love ; But, LORD, I bless Thee for each wound That turned my wandering heart above ; And made me realise the truth That earth is not my resting-place ; Which rent the veil that came between, And hid from me Thy glorious face. Thrice blessed chast'ning, that set free My spirit from its grovelling cell, And taught it that alone in Thee True peace and endless pleasure dwell. LORD, let me not find rest in aught But Thee but Thee, my soul's true rest ; Forbid that I should ever lean On any but Thy loving breast. Oh ! by Thy SPIRIT'S mighty power, So let me bask in light Divine, That all transformed, from this hour, Thy likeness in my life may shine. For it is joy, a joy like Heaven, To feel Thy SPIRIT on me rest ; To know my sins are all forgiven, And that my home is with the blest. C.H.T. 47 ' LEARN of Me (saith Jesus) ; for I am meek and lowly in heart." MATT. xi. 29. PEAK GENTLY, it is better far To rule by love than fear ; Speak gently, let not harsh words mar The good we might do here. (1 John iv. 16 ; Neh. ix. 17 ; 1 John iv. 18 ; 1 John iii. 17.) Speak gently, love should whisper low To friends when faults we find ; Gently let truthful accents flow ; Affection's voice is kind. (Isa. xlii. 2 ; Matt xviii. 15 ; 1 Thess. ii. 7 ; Psalm cxli. 5.) Speak gently to the young, for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may, 'Tis full of anxious care. (Eph. vi. 4 ; 2 Tim. iv. 2 ; Gen. iii. 17 ; Job v. 7.) Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the care-worn heart ; The sands of life are nearly run, Let such in peace depart. (1 Tim. v. 1 ; Gen. xxxvii. 34 ; Lev. xix. 32 ; Gen. xliv. 31.) 48 SPEAK GENTLY. Speak gently, kindly, to the poor, Let no harsh tones be heard ; They have enough they must endure, Without an unkind word. (Psalm xli. 14 ; Prov. xxxi. 26; 2 Chron. x. 7; Eph. iv. 31.) Speak gently to the erring, know That thou thyself art man ; Perchance unkindness made them so, win them back again ! (2 Tim. ii. 24; Eph. iv. 29; Luke vi. 35; Matt, xviii. 15.) Speak gently, for 'tis like the LORD, Whose accents, meek and mild, Bespoke Him as the SON OF GOD, The gracious Holy Child. {1 Peter ii. 21; Matt. xi. 20; John vi. 68; Luke iv. 22.) Wash'd in His Blood, redeemed to life, The family of Heaven Flee from all anger, wrath and strife Forgive, as they're forgiven. (1 Peter L 18; 1 John v. 1; Titus iii. 2; Eph. iv. 32.) igmn for tht (Eteninxj of JOHN xii. 21. IE would see JESUS for the shadows lengthen Across the little landscape of our life; We would see JESUS, our weak faith to strengthen For the last weariness, the final strife. We would see JESUS for life's hand hath rested, With its dark touch, upon both heart and brow; And though our souls have many a billow breasted, Others are rising in the distance now. We would see JESUS other lights are paling Which for long years we have rejoiced to see; The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing, We will not mourn them for we go to Thee. 50 HYMN FOR THE EVENING OF LIFE. We would see JESVS the great rock foundation Whereon our feet were set by sovereign grace; Not life, nor death, with all their agitation, Can thence remove us if we see His face. We would see JESUS yet the spirit lingers Round the dear objects it has loved so long, And earth from earth can scarce unclose its fingers, Our love to Thee makes not this love less strong. We would see JESUS sense is all too blinding, And Heaven appears too dim too far away. We would see Thee to gain asweet reminding That Thou hast promis'd our great debt to pay. We would see JESUS this is all we're needing, Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight ; We would see JESUS, dying, risen, pleading- Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night. 51 CHRIST, what burdens bow'd Thy head ! Our load was laid on Thee ; Thou stoodest in the sinner's stead Barest all my ill for me : A Victim led, Thy blood was shed : Now there's no load for me. Death and the curse were in our cup CHRIST, 'twas full for Thee ! But thou hast drain'd the last dark drop 'Tis empty now for me. That bitter cup love drank it up ; Now blessings' draught for me. The FATHER lifted up His rod CHRIST, it fell on Thee ! Thou wast sore stricken of Thy GOD ; There's not one stroke for me. Thy tears, Thy blood beneath it flow'd ; Thy bruising healeth me. The tempest's awful voice was heard-- CHRIST, it broke on Thee ; Thy open bosom was my ward : It braved the storm for me. Thy form was scarr'd Thy visage marr'd ; Now cloudless peace for me. 52 THE SURETYSHIP OF JESUS. A flame was kindled in GOD'S ire CHRIST, it burned on Thee ! It was a hot, consuming fire, Ev'n in the fair green tree ; There did that fire feed and expire ; Now it is quench'd for me. JEHOVAH bade His sword awake CHRIST, it woke 'gainst Thee ! Thy blood the flaming blade must slake ; Thy heart its sheath must be All for my sake, my peace to make : Now sleeps that sword for me. The Holy One did hide His face CHRIST, 'twas hid from Thee ! Dumb darkness wrapt Thy soul a space The darkness due to me. But now that face of radiant grace Shines forth in light on me. For me, LORD JESUS, Thou hast died, And I have died in Thee ; Thou'rt risen : my bands are all untied ; And now Thou liv'st in me. When purified, made white, and tried, Thy GLORY then for me ! A. R. c. 53 UST as thou art without one trace Of love, or joy, or inward grace, Or meetness for the heavenly place, guilty sinner, come ! Thy sins I bore on Calvary's tree : The stripes thy due were laid on Me, That peace and pardon might be free wretched sinner, come ! Burden'd with guilt, wouldst thou be blest ! Trust not the world, it gives no rest; I bring relief to hearts opprest weary sinner, come ! Come, leave thy burden at the Cross ; Count all thy gains but worthless dross ; My grace repays all earthly loss needy sinner, come ! Come hither ! bring thy boding fears, Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears ; 'Tis mercy's voice salutes thine ears trembling sinner, come ! ' The SPIRIT and the Bride say, Come,' Rejoicing saints re-echo, Come; Who faints, who thirsts, who will, may come: The SAVIOUR bids thee come ! R. s. c. 54 famb of ob, I Com!' UST as I am without one plea But that Thy Blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee, whose Blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am though toss'd about With many a conflict, many a doubt, ' Fightings within, and fears without,' Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need in Thee to find, Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve ; Because Thy promise I believe, Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am Thy love I own Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be Thine, and Thine alone, Lamb of God, I come ! Just as I am of that free love [prove ; The breadth, length, depth and height to Here for a season, then above, Lamb of God, I come ! c. E. 55 as 1Iu> Milt. 'NOT my will, but Thine, be done.' LUKE xxii. 42. It is the Lord : let Him do what seemeth Him good.' 1 SAM. iii. 18. JUST as Thou wilt LORD, be it done ; Perfect the work Thou hast begun ; Let all my heart and all my way, Thy wisdom and Thy love display. My portion Thou ! and I am Thine ! Why should I ever then repine ? All must be right all must be well For in Thy loving care I dwell. Not my will, LORD, but Thine be done, Till all my earthly course is run ; Since Thou hast given Thy life for me, Be it my joy to live for Thee. Each feeling of my heart and soul, Do Thou, LORD, alone control ; The cross Thou seest good for me, Let me in meekness bear for Thee. Oh ! it will sweeten all my care, To know that Thou hast placed it there ; To know Thy wisdom, love, and power, Appoints my portion every hour. 56 JUST AS THOU WILT. Thou wilt not send me any grief But what in Thee can find relief : The sorest wound that I can meet Is heal'd when laid at Thy loved feet. The struggle's o'er I'm willing now To all Thy discipline to bow : At length Thy grace has made me see My path is best as mark'd by Thee. Enough to know that I am Thine ; And, precious SAVIOUR, Thou art mine : Thou canst not err Thou will not leave- Nor willingly Thy servant grieve. Then I will say that all is well, And daily, LORD, Thy goodness tell : Thy watchful eye can never sleep Thy strength, Thy weakest one will keep. Just as Thou wilt LORD, be it done ; Be Thou my Guard and Guide alone : Let nothing, LORD, be given me, But as it seemeth good to Thee. c. H. i. ' f d ' LET nothing keep you back from CHRIST ; I except nothing neither sin nor sorrow.' ' The short way out of every difficulty is to carry it at once to JESUS, who is the opener of the seven seals.' ET nothing keep you back from CHRIST, Nothing without, within ; But spread at once before the throne Your sorrow and your sin. And think not many words you need To make your meaning clear, A. look will carry all to Him, A sigh will reach His ear. Even when a mist is cast around, And all seems dark to you, It is as clear as light to Him With whom we have to do. The 'far-off' thought He comprehends, He marks the silent tear, And groans unutter'd bear to Him A message, deep and clear. 58 ' LET NOTHING KEEP YOU BACK. ' He * openeth the seven seals,' Solves each perplexing doubt ; And from our dark and crooked paths, He brings us safely out. Eegard not feeling, good or bad, Trust only what ' He saith ; ' Looking away from all, to Him This is to live by faith c Bare, naked faith,' that ventures all Upon the LORD alone, Kesting upon the word and work Of GOD'S ETERNAL SON. And never shall our confidence To Him in vain be given ; Whate'er we trust Him with, on earth, We'll praise Him for, in Heaven. E. H. H. off unto EYES that are weary, and hearts that are sore, Look off unto Jesus, and sorrow no more : The light of His countenance shineth so bright, That on earth, as in heaven, there need be no night. 1 Looking off unto Jesus,' my eyes cannot see The troubles and dangers that throng around me: They cannot be blinded with sorrowful tears, They cannot be shadowed with unbelief-fears. ' Looking off unto Jesus,' my spirit is blest, In the world I have turmoil in Him I have rest : The sea of my life all about me may roar, When I look unto JESUS, I hear it no more. ' Looking off unto Jesus,' I go not astray ; My eyes are on Him, and He shows me the way; * This is the exact translation of Heb. xii. 2. ' Looking off [from all other objects] unto Jesus.' 60 ' LOOKING OFF UNTO JESUS.' The path may seem dark as He leads me along, But following Jesus, I cannot go wrong. 'Looking off unto Jesus' my heart cannot fear, Its trembling is still, when I see JESUS near; I know that His power my safeguard will be, For 'Why are you troubled?' He saith unto me. ' Looking off unto Jesus' oh! may I be found, When the waters of Jordan encompass me round : Let them bear me away in His presence to be : 'Tis but seeing Him nearerwhom always I see. Then, then, I shall know the full beauty and grace Of JESUS, my LOED, when I stand face to face : I shall know how His love went before me each day, And wonder that ever my eyes turned away! 61 Jfathtr'0 Cup. 'THE cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I Dot drink it ?' JOHN rviii. 11. 'In the hand of the Lord there is a cup. ... It is full of mixture.' PSALM Ixxv. 8. (READ not the cup of sorrow, Thy God that cup hath mix'd : Think not of ills to-morrow, His love thy lot hath fix'd. Thy FATHER ? He arranges His children's portion here ; Through all life's weary changes, Be still, for He is near. Then, trust the love of JESUS So wise so strong so sweet He knows thy soul's diseases, The medicine that is meet. Oh ! hast thou been forsaken, Where most thy heart did cling ? That cup, thy Lord hath taken He felt desertion's sting ! 2 THE FATHER'S CUP. Fear not though storms may lower, No wave can thee o'erwhelm ; While He, of mighty power, Directs, and holds the helm. Each cloud each stormy billow, But drives thee nearer home : Thy harp take from the willow, And sing of joys to come. Sing of the fadeless glory Which is prepared for thee : Sing loud His love's sweet story Who all its light shall be. Sing, for the days of sadness Are flying fast away : Sing, for the home of gladness Is nearing day by day. Sing, as each struggle's ended The weary strife grows less ! Though tears with smiles are blended, Sing, and still onward press ! Sing, for when thou art weakest, He will His strength impart : In grief, if Him thou seekest, He'll heal thy broken heart. 63 THE FATHER S CUP. If thou art sad and lonely, Sing, for thy LORD is near ; Trust Him, lean on Him, only, He'll wipe away each tear. Sing, though thy heart is breaking, Praise will subdue its pain ; When a thorn its breast is aching, The bird* sings sweetest then. As stars through night shine brightly, The past will seem to thee ; Then take earth's trials lightly, His love in all thou'lt see. One hour of bliss in heaven Were worth long years of pain : Happy to whom 'tis given, Through troubles, rest to gain. Then though the path be dreary That leads thee to thy home, Sing, when thy heart is weary, ' LORD JESUS, quickly come ! ' C. H. I. It is said that the nightingale sings sweetest when a thorn a piercing her breast. ' PEACE I leave with you, My peace I give unto you ; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.' JOHN xiv. 27. RIDE OF MY LOVE ! Ere from the Cross uplifted, The Heavens receive Me to My kingly throne, MY PEACE I leave thee not as earth bestoweth Her fading gifts, I give unto Mine own. Child of My purchase ! heir of fadeless glory, In tribulation great thou shalt be tried ; Yet in MY PEACE, which passeth understanding, Thy steadfast soul for ever shall abide. MY PEACE! give thee though to thy dim vision The narrow path in darkness fade away ; Strengthen thy falt'ring faith, the morn shall show thee My bleeding footprints on the rugged way. PEACE shall be thine, though bitter mem'ries thronging, Of countless sins, across thy spirit roll ; Although the accuser of the holy brethren, With darkest doubts assail thy weary soul. E 65 PEACE. PEACE shall be thine, although ' life's fitful fever' Throb fiercely through thine aching head and breast, And for thy soul's unrest and weary yearning, Earth has no balm or quiet ark of rest. PEACE, when the feeble light by which thou steerest No longer glimmers from the further shore; PEACE, when the loves and hopes long held the dearest, In the dark waves have sunk to rise no more. PEACE, in the lonely hours of weary waiting, In valley twilight, cold, and sad, and grey; Behold the mountain tops already rosy With the bright flush of the long looked- for day ! PEACE, in that loneliest, bitterest hour of anguish, Which bears thy loved ones from thy straining sight. I am the endless Life, he that on Me belie veth, In Paradise shall walk with Me in white. 66 PEACE. PEACE, in the day when death's cold waters swelling Around thy feet thy trembling soul affright; The Hand that in the wilderness hath led thee Through the dark waves shall guide thee into light. PEACE, when the strange new sound of angel hymnings Breaks in wild music on thy wondering ear; PEACE, when thy human soul, unclothed and lonely, Before My throne in judgment shall appear. PEACE perfected, when, from the din of battle, The everlasting doors shall close thee in ; When thou shalt know, upon My throne beside Me, Victorious calm,freedom from strife and sin. I. L. BIRD. 67 f t&b Jjtte, f orb. PSALM v. 8. ' I WILL lead them in paths they have not known : I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.' ISAIAH xlii. 16. EAD me, my FATHER lead Thy child, For I am blind, and cannot see One step through this dark dreary wild; But I am safe while led by Thee. Lead me, my FATHER I am weak, And long and rugged is my way : No strength have I Thy strength I seek : While Thou art near no ills dismay. Lead me, for I am foolish, FATHER, And know not what is best for me : Nor what / would, but be it rather, Just as it seemeth good to Thee. Lead me, for all is known to Thee, Each weary winding of my way ; What has been, and what yet shall be, The changes of life's changing day. Wonderful ! Counsellor ! lead on; Nor let me faint, though trials deep Should thicken, ere my race be run, Or I be called still more to weep. 68 LEAD ME, LORD. Lead on, and make me trust Thy love, Thy wisdom, tender care, and power ; Though Thou my faith shouldst deeply prove, Or dark temptations round me low'r. Lead on, Thy wisdom cannot err Unchanging is Thy precious love Unceasing is thy tender care Thy power ! what power can move ? Lead me, my FATHER, for I'm Thine Thine own Thy dearly purchased one ; Oh ! through each cloud of darkness shine, Thy love to me in all make known. Lead me, nor ever let me turn From paths of holiness aside ; Let grace within me brighter burn, Till all my sin is crucified. Lead on, though hard the warfare be, Thoughfriendsbefew, thoughfoesbe strong, For I shall gain the victory (Which thou hast won for me) ere long. Lead me, this is a foreign land ! Oh ! FATHER, leave me not alone ; Hold me by Thine all-powerful hand, Keep close to me, I am Thine own. FATHER SAVIOUR GOD of power ! Just as Thou wilt, still lead me on ; I would not choose, but hour by hour, Ask that Thy will in me be done. c. H. I. 69 Jfteeklg the top Ifrmibe. THE cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it? ' JOHN xviii. 11. [USING of all my FATHER'S love, (How sweet it is ! ) JMethought I heard a gentle voice: ' Child, here's a cup I've mixed it drink it up.' My heart did sink I could no more rejoice. FATHER, dost Thou love Thy child? Then why this cup ? ' One day, My child, I said to thee Here is a flower Pluck'd from a beauteous bower: Did you complain, or take it thankfully ? ' One day I gave thee pleasant fruit From a choice tree : How pleased, how grateful you did seem: You said I love Thee ; faithful may I prove ! Your heart was full, with joy your eyes did beam. 70 MEEKLY THE CUP RECEIVE. * That flower was Mine that fruit was Mine This cup is Mine, And all that's in it comes from Me.' FATHER, I'm still ; Forgive my naughty will. But what's the cup? may I look in and see? ' You see, My child ! you must not see CHRIST only saw His destined cup of bitter gall: No, child, believe; Meekly the cup receive, And know that love and wisdom mix'd it all.' FATHER, must it be? ' Yes, child, it must.' Then give the needy medicine, Be by my side, Only Thy face don't hide: I'll drink it all it must be good 'tis Thine. H. 71 axe in ^Lhg [ATHER, I know that all my life Is portion'd out for me, lAnd the changes that are sure to I do not fear to see: [come But I ask Thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing Thee. I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And wipe the weeping eyes; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathise. I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know: I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. Wherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts To keep and cultivate; And a work of lowly love to do For the LORD on whom I wait. 72 MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND. So 1 ask Thee for the daily strength To none that ask denied, And a mind to blend with outward life While keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, If thou be glorified. And if some things I do not ask In my cup of blessing be, I would have my spirit fill'd the more With grateful love to Thee More careful, not to serve Thee much, But to please Thee perfectly. There are briers besetting every path, That call for patient care ; There is a cross in every lot, And an earnest need for prayer ; But a lowly heart, that leans on Thee, Is happy anywhere. In a service which Thy will appoints There are no bonds for me ; For my inmost heart is taught the Truth That makes Thy children free ; And a life of self-renouncing love Is a life of liberty. A. L. w. 73 f trte like IMne. ' COME and hear, all ye that fear GOD, and I will declare what He hath done for my soul.' PSALM Ixvi. 16. |HAT Thou hast done, my GOD, for me, Is more than I can tell ; This world had closed my heart to Thee, But THOU didst break the spell. I cannot tell one-half Thy Love, Which, daily, LORD, I see : Countless Thy tender mercies prove, Wondrous Thy Love to me. But I would tell to all around That JESUS died for me ; That when in sin's dark bondage bound He set my spirit free. Yes, I would tell how His pure Love Unchanging does remain ; And how He pleads for me above- In His most precious name. 74 NO LOVE LIKE THINE ! Would tell, how in my heaviest grief, He calms my soul to rest ; How He can give that heart relief Which leans upon His breast. Would tell, how in life's loneliest hour, When every joy below Seem'd wither'd like the fading flower, He sooth'd me in my woe. Would tell, how in perplexing care He turns my thoughts above ; And makes me see that He is there Appointing all in Love. Would tell, when weary oft with sin, And press'd beneath the load, He by His SPIRIT'S voice within, Points to my peace with GOD. LORD, I would tell how loudly tell !-- There is no Love like Thine : Thou ever wilt do all things well, THOU MIGHTY ONE, DIVINE. c. a. i. 75 |ltam:, Jftg 01), to Ihte. IEARER, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee, E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me : Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee. (Psalm xlii 1 ; Exod. xv. 2.) Though like a wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee. (Gen. xxviii. 10-12.) There let the way appear Steps unto Heaven ; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given. Angels to beckon me Nearer, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee. (Gen. xxviii. 12, 13.) 76 NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE. Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethels I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee. (Gen. xxviii. 18, 19.) And when on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, arid stars, forgot, Upwards I fly ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my GOD, to Thee Nearer to Thee. (Psalm xlii. 2 ; Psalm Ixiii. 25.) CHRIST alone beareth me Where Thou dost shine ; Joint-heir He maketh me Of the Divine! In CHRIST my soul shall be Nearest, my GOD, to Thee Nearest to Thee. (John xiv. 6 ; Rom. x. 19 ; Rom. viii. 17.) S. F. ADAMS. 77 NE sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er ; I'm nearer Home to-day Than ever I've been before. Nearer my Father's House, Where the ' many mansions' be ; Nearer the great white throne, Nearer the jasper sea. Nearer the bound of life, Where we lay our burdens down ; Nearer leaving the cross Nearer gaining the crown. But lying darkly between, Winding down through the night, Is the dim and unknown stream To be cross'd ere we reach the light. JESUS, perfect my trust, Strengthen the hand of my faith ; Let me feel Thee near when I stand On the edge of the shore of death ; Feel THEE near when my feet Are slipping over the brink ; For it may be I'm nearer Home Nearer now than I think ! CAKEY. Jtats, (Srt ffit Jfreel Y weary spirit is oppress'd, It cannot rise to Thee ; Fetter 'd by sin, and chain 'd to earth, JESUS, set me free ! From all the load of earthly cares That vex and harass me, And from this weight of unbelief, JESUS, set me free ! Round me I see a wide expanse Of light and liberty ; And yet my bonds I cannot burst, JESUS, set me free ! LOED, open Thou my prison door, For Thou dost hold the key ; Utter the glad command, ' Go forth,' And then I shall be free. j Break Thou the chain of endless thought, 1 I It is too much for me ; Breathe rest throughout my weary frame, The REST OF TRUST IN THEE. Reveal Thyself, LORD, to my heart, Thy glory let me see ; On JESUS fix my steadfast gaze, And then I shall be free. 79 JESUS, SET ME FREE ! I'll hear what GOD the LORD will say, He will speak peace to me ! * Look unto Me and be ye saved, 1 set the prisoners free. 1 No longer dwell within thyself, Look out from self to Me ; A full salvation I have wrought, And freely give to thee. ' Is there a good your heart can wish, That I've not bought for thee ? Take and enjoy what I have bought, And find your all in Me. ' Give up your thoughts, your thoughts are vain, They cannot profit thee ; They cannot change a single hair Your wisdom is in Me. ' Bear not a single care yourself, One is too much for thee ; To work is Mine, and Mine alone Your work is REST IN ME.' LORD, this is glorious rest indeed, To leave my all with Thee ; To cease from work, from care, from self Oh, this is to be free ! E. H. H. 7fr"'"' : V' r ^'i'^y^ c gyv? r> ** **^^ l 73^5^A*-Ji^ ** 80 kg 1 As thy days, so shall thy strength be.'- DEUT. xxxiii. 25. NE by one the sands are flowing, One by one the moments fall ; Some are coming, some are going Do not strive to grasp them all. One by one thy duties wait thee ; Let thy whole strength go to each ; Let no future dreams elate thee ; Learn thou first what those can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) Joys are sent thee here below ; Take them readily when given, Ready, too, to let them go. One by one thy griefs shall meet thee ; Do not fear an armed band ; One will fade as others greet thee, Shadows passing through the land. F 81 ONE BY ONE. Do not look at life's long sorrow, See how small each moment's pain ; GOD will help thee for to-uiorrow ; Every day begin again. Every hour that fleets so slowly Has its task to do or bear ; Luminous the crown, and holy, If thou set each gem with care. Do not linger with regretting, Or for passion's hours despond ; Nor, the daily toil forgetting, Look too eagerly beyond. Hours are golden links, GOD'S token, Beaching Heaven ; but, one by one, Take them, lest the chain be broken Ere the pilgrimage be done. 82