E 440 D5 440 BRECKTNBIDGE AND LANE CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS, No. 6. FKOM THE N. T. HEEALD OF JULY 19, 1860. IMMENSE GATHERING AT THE COOPER INSTITUTE. INSIDE AND OTJTSIDE ASSEMBLAGES. ENTHUSIASM TOR BRECKINRIDGE AND LANE! *----* TEN THOUSAND DEMOCRATS ON GUARD. IMPORTANT SPEECH OF DANIEL S. DICKINSON. INTERESTING LETTERS FROM PRESIDENT BUCHANAN, GOT. STEVENS, AND CHARLES O CONNOR, ETC., ETC., ETC. A most imposing mass meeting of the democrats of this city who are in favor of the election of Breckinridge and Lane to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States was held last evening in the lower hall of the Cooper Institute, in pur suance of a regular call: The platform was profusely hung around with the American flag, and some of the co lumns were also tastefully draped with the same article. On the right of the centre arch of the platform was hung a portrait of Breckinridge, inscribed : "For President, (Portrait) John C. Breckin ridge." x And on the left side was a similar portrait of Lane, inscribed : "For Vice-President, (Portrait,) Gen. Joseph Lane." Eight and left of these Presidential por traits were spread strips of canvas with the following mottoes : " Breckinridge and Lane, the standard bearers of the Union and the Constitution. Stand Firm. " Bring up the infantry as quickly as possible, while I look in upon the enemy with the dra goons". Gen. Lwie at the charge of Atlixco. On a canvas in front of the platform was the insciiptioa: " National Democratic Volunteers." And on either sides were similar stripes with these inscriptions : " The Rail-Splitter shall not Split the Union." "John Brown was a Squatter Sovereign." Between the portraits of Breckinridge and Lane hung a canvas with this inscrip tion : " The Constitution and the equality of States ; these are the symbols of everlasting union. Let these be the rallying cry of the people." Breckin- ridye. At the back of the platform was a canvas with this motto : " Take care of the Constitution and the Union will take care of itaelf." As soon as the doors were opened there was a tremendous rush for seats, and in less than ten minutes the spacious hall was filled, and in the course of the evening every fa vorable standing point was occupied. All the seats upon the platform were filled by leading democrats, among whom our repor ter recognized the following: Augustus Schell, Hon. E. B. Hart, John J. Cisco, Capt. Rynders, Capt. Smith, of the Street Department : Chas. H. Haswell, Jacob A. Westervelt, Stephen P. Russell, Hiram Cranston, Philip W. Engs, George Varianj George Baldwin, Edwin Croswell, &c. There was an excellent band of music stationed in a corner of the platform, which filled up the tedious moments before organi zation and the interims of the proceedings very agreeably. An enterprising individual provided himself with miniature daguerreo WASHINGTON CITY Issued by the National Democratic Executive Committee, 1860. M35455 types of Breckinridge and Lane, which he retailed among the admirers of those gentle men at a small charge. That celebrated piece of ordinance, the Empire Club pocket pistol, was planted in the street at Astor place, and at intervals awakened the echoes of that peaceful loca lity with its frequent discharges. The meeting was called to order at a quarter past eight P.M., by Mr. J. D. Henry, Chairman of the Committee of Arrange ments, who nominated as Chairman of the meeting Mr. John D. Brower, shipping mer chant. The nomination was applaudingly ratified. SPEECH -OF JOHN H. BROWER. Ms. BROWER, on taking the chair, said : FELLOW DRV OCR ATS In the object of this meeting I entirely and heartily concur. I feel and appreciate the honor your vote has conferred upon me, and thank you for it. The peculiar position of the democratic party, at this time, is greatly to be deplored ; but it is not by any fault or delinquency of ours. We need no other evidence to give assur ance that the democratic masses of the city of New York are largely represented here, than the character and fidelity of the men who now surround me. These are the thou sands who do not bow the knee to Baal. (Cheers and counter-cheers for Douglas.) But the question of " regularity" is much discussed, and we are told that Mr. Breck- inridge for President, and General Lane for Vice-President, are not regular democratic nominations, and that Mr. Douglas and Mr. Johnson are regular. This we esteem more a matter of fancy than of fact. (Cheers) Our opinion is that the majority of the Douglas Convention was packed expressly for the man, that the thirty-five rotes of New York, were bargained for and sold prior to the election of delegates to the State Convention, which met at Syracuse on the 14th of September last, that the choice of many of these delegates was managed with express reference to that result, and that the masses of the democracy of Yew York had no voice in the Baltimore-Charleston nomi nations. (Cheers.) Upon this ground, therefore, the nominations of Mr. Douglas and Mr. Johnson appear to us as not regu lar, but a usurpation. (Cheers.) That it was not a National Democratic Con vention which nominated Mr. Douglas, we consider proved, in the fact that the dele gates from the democratic States, with the President of that Convention, protested against its proceedings, and were constrain ed to withdraw from it. (" Hurrah for Douglas," and cheers.) The Presidential nominee of that Convention is himself not a regular he is schismatic, and not in good standing in the democratic party, inasmuch as he stands opposed to its avowed princi ples, and still .repudiates them after their confirmation by the Supreme Court of tho United States. For the proof of this, I appeal to the speech of Senator Benjamin, recently pronounced in the Senate. The principles of the present democratic administration have been thwarted, and the ^party disrupted by the nominee of the Balti more-Charleston Convention and his follow ers in his assumption of a sovereignty for the Territories, which has never been pretended by any well-received expounder of the con stitution, and which can never be maintained as a principle of constitutional law, any more than could a " \Vilmot proviso" or a"" Buf falo platform. ; (A voice, " All gas.") Those things and this nominee cannot be regular in the democratic party, whose first element has ever been to maintain the constitution pure and simple. Jefferson and Madison, and their compeers, founded the democratic party upon the constitutional law. (Cheers for Douglas, with counte-rcheersforBreckin- ridge.) John Breckinridge (the graadfather of our Presidential nominee) introduced the memorable resolutions of 98 to the Legisla ture of Kentucky, and the democratic party proper has kept its rules of regularity within the compass of that law and of these resolu tions from that time Co this. So it must con tinue for all time to come. The constitution is the sheet anchor of our hopes ; when that is gone all is lost. If, therefore, the Cincin nati platform, or any other platform, falls short of, or goes beyond, the measure of the constitution by any misinterpretation or oversight, it is only necessary for us to know it to correct it. It is upon this vital princi ple (its infidelity to the supreme law of the land) that we oppose the ,black republican party. Can we be less exacting with men who look for succor in our own ranks, whilst their infidelity, if not so monstrous in its in tentions, is equally glaring in fact? To maintain its doctrines the democratic party has encountered many severe struggles with its political adversaries ; but, in the end, it has found virtue in the masses equal to the emergency. The contest now before us may be difficult, and, for a time, embarrassing, but we believe the people will become fully instructed upon the subject, and rise supe rior to a mere abstraction, which it may ba feared has been attempted t be engrafted upon the party for sinister purposes. Bufi I have endeavored to show that a man can not be regular, in the line of preferment in the democratic party, whose doctrines violate the decrees of the Supreme Court, be he nominated by what faction he may- It were better to dissolve the democratic party than for it to elect a President wheels known to be directly at issue with the highest autho rity known to the law that authority being I YTJ/ZOfQfcXEWVT 3 as supreme, in its sphere, as is Congress in it lawful legislation and the executive in the enforcement of the laws. (Cheers.) We then, for ourselves and for all the members of the democratic family who concur with us, most solemnly protest against the nomina tions of Mr. Douglas and Mr. Johnson, as neither democratic nor national. (Cheers.) To be regular, the candidates must be eligi ble by the rules we have laid down. In this respect our nominees are triumphantly regu lar. They stand immovably upon the un bounded precedents and principles of the constitutional democratic party, and have over stood there, and their nomination is re gular if accepted and ratified by the masses of the national democratic party. This con firmation Breckinridge and Lane are receiv ing daily, and will continue to receive it throughout the length and breadth of the land. They are already confirmed in the hearts of the masses of the conservative de mocracy of the Union. Any other pretended ratification is simply conventional dicta tion the regularity of demagogism packed primarily,, and packed ultimately. It is anti-democratic, abusive of our rights, and not longer to be submitted to by freemen. (Cheers.) Thus the Convention which was formed by the withdrawing delegates from the Douglas Convention, grew out of the ne cessity of the case. The delegates from the democratic States, and several from other States, driven from that Convention by its factious and anti-democratic proceedings, claim regularity, because their new Conven tion was national in principle and demo cratic in purpose. Upon the spur of the mo ment more than twenty States were repre sented by full or partial delegations, and Hon. C. Gushing, who had abandoned the chair of the Douglas faction, was chosen to preside over the deliberations of the National Democratic Convention. Some delegations acted under instructions from their consti tuents they certainly were regular ; others acted upon their own convictions of right. All acted upon the well settled policy of our party, to submit to no nominations which are not constitutionally democratic, and, as I h ave already said, their course is approved and confirmed in the hearts and purposes of the conservative democracy of the country. The nominations of Breckinridge and Lane were made upon a pure, national democratic platform, embodying principles which "have been settled legislatively settled judicially and are sustained by right reason. They rest upon the rock of the constitution they will preserve the Union." They are regular, and we confirm them. (Cheers.) Of Mr. Breckinridge it becomes us to say : His an cestry is of as pure blood and as loyal to the country ai i its constitution as her history can trace for any man. His scholarship, statesmanship, perfect fidelity to every trust, public and private in a word, every circum stance of his life and character, proclaims him the man for the country and the times. Gen. Lane is no less worthy. (Three cheers for Lane.) He is a self-made man, honest and capable. Most of his life has been de voted to the public service, in the legislature of Indiana, the camps of Mexico, the Terri torial government of Oregon, the delegate in Congress for that Territory, and finally United States Senator for the State. His public record is a long one, free from stain and fauftless. His character is highly and justly appreciated. If the people of the country mean to maintain the constitution and the laws, they will elect Breckinridge and Lane. We must organize for that pur pose, thoroughly and perfectly, in every part of the State and nation, that we may present to the people the nominations of faithful and true men, worthy of their confidence and support, for every elective office in every dis trict. The following letters were received from President Buchanan, and the Hon. Isaac I. Stevens, of Washington Territory, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee : THE PRESIDENT S LETTER. WASHINGTON, July 17, 1860. GENTLEMEN I have received, through the kindness of Isaac Lawrence, Esq., the reso lutions adopted on the 12th inst. by the Na tional Volunteers of New York. In these you are pleased to say that the speech de livered by me on the night of the 9th inst., when serenaded by the ratification meeting of the friends of Breckinridge and Lane in this city, is so clear, paternal and statesman like a remonstrance against the spirit of dis union, "that your association accept it as an expression of your own views." For this token of your kindness, as well as for the expression of your personal regards and in dividual esteem and*respect, I feel deeply grateful. I am one of the last survivors of a race of men who in their day were the faithful guardians of the constitution and the Union. This sacred duty has now de scended to a new generation, and I am hap py to believe that tney will prove themselves to be worthy of the momentous trust. In this view I hail with sincere satisfaction the establishment of the National Volunteers, and cordially wish them prosperity and use fulness. May the kind Providence which has watched over our country from the beginning, restore the ancient friendship and harmony among the different members of the Confederacy, and render the consti tution and Union perpetual. Yours, very respectfully. JAMES BUCHANAN. GOVERNOR STEVENS LETTER. NATIONAL DEM. Ex. COM. ROOMS. WASH- "I INGTON CITT, July 17,1860. j I have to express my obligations for your kind remembrance of me, as expressed in your invitation to address the national demo cracy of New York City to-morrow evening. I regret that my duties here will not leave me at liberty to be with you in person. You are inaugurating a great service for your State and Country. The time has come for patriots in all portions of our extended confederacy to stand together shoulder to shoulder in advocacy and defense of our cherished constitution. This is especially the diity of Northern men. Our constituen cies are intelligent, patriotic and independ ent. They require of men upon whom they confer public trusts to exercise not simply the qualities of prudence, industry and fidel ity, but to rise to a full conception of the great principles of constitutional liberty for which our fathers fought, and which they bequeathed to us as a heritage more price less than rubies. Northern men are called upon to stand up as an isthmus against the spread of fanaticism, and more especially are they called upon to face clamor and con- tumely in defense of the equality of the sovereign States of our confederacy. The sober second thought of the American people is even now working out our deliver ance from present troubles. We are stand ing firmly in the advancement of truth. A good Providence will not fail wisely to direct us. Truth, disinterestedness and justice will pursue their original and triumphant march, whatever storm of opposition, whatever for midable array of enemies may be in the way. I bid you good cheer. Let us not be dis couraged. We are contending for the con stitution of our country, for the equal rights of every citizen of our great republic. Fight on, fight ever. A great triumph awaits us, because we are contending for liberty, jus tice and truth on earth.^ ISAAC I. STEVENS. LETTER FROM CHARLES O CONOR. NEW YORK, July 17, 1860. GENTLEMENCordially approving the nom ination of John C. Breckinridge for Presi dent, and Joseph Lano for Vice-President of the United States, I regret that it will not be in my power to address the ratification meeting appointed to be held to-morrow evening, at the Cooper Institute. ^ However deeply it is to be deplored that rival platforms and rival candidates are presented to the Democratic party, threat ening to divide its strength and deliver it over as an easy prey into the hands of its opponents, yet, such being unhappily the fact, the duty of making a choice cannot be avoided. The difference between these platforms, like every political question of the times, derives all its significance from the subject of negro slavery. Its relations to the terri tories and to the mode of governing them is merely incidental ; it is merely the form in which this perpetually-recurring subject is here developed as an element of strife. The controversy in all its practical beaiv ings, is merely this : How is negro slavery to be dealt with ? In its moral, political, legal, and economi cal aspects, my views on that general sub ject have been so distinctly and so often expressed, that my position in reference to the rival platforms now before us could not be doubtful. The most fertile regions of the globe can not be so cultivated as fully to develop their natural resources for the benefit of mankind except by negro labor. Negro labor cannot be there employed except through the ju dicious compulsion of a superior race ; and in no way can so great a measure of physi cal enjoyment and moral improvement be imparted to the negro as by his compulsory servitude in these very regions. From these undeniable facts, written in the great book of nature, proven by expe rience, and not without sanction from re velation, my reason draws the inference that negro slavery is not repugnant to justice is not unprofitable to the white man is not oppressive to the negro, and is not inexpe dient as a matter of social policy. Let us apply these view to our own coun try. " Since the foundation of this repub lic negro slavery has ever been a main pillar of our strength, an indispensable element of our growth and prosperity. It is now an integral part of our being as a nation ; to expel it by fraud or tear it out by violence would be a national suicide." It follows that " to vindicate its essential justice and morality, in all courts and places, before men and nations, is the duty of every American citizen." A moral war has been made upon this in stitution by infidels, and a quasi-religious crusade has been preached against it by another class. Hitherto, at least in the North, no one has defended it, and its South ern advocates have not been heard. The natural results have ensued judgment ha* passed against it by default, and the idea that it conflicts with natural justice and with divine law has taken possession of the northern mind. This state of things afforded a most promis ing quarry for the industry of political par ty-makers, and they have availed themselves of it. They thus argued : " With the na tional conscience on our side with God and nature both on our side, and against our an tagonists surely \ve must win." Accord ingly this bright idea has been industriously worked into a political organization, and here stands before us at the North the black republican party, almost, if not absolutely, invincible. Why has that party any strength ? Why does it now threaten to destroy harmony between the North and the South, leading to disunion and to disasters deep and irreme diable ? It is svmply because the false assumption of abolitionists, that negro slavery is wicked and unjust, has been permitted to pass un- refuted. How is that destructive party to be shorn of its pernicious strength ? There is but one method by which this object can be effected, and that is by denying and disproving the false position on which it is founded. We must, as a party, insist unqualifiedly that in the institution of negro slavery there is nothing whatever which calls for unfa vorable action by government ; that the right of the white master to the services of his negro slave is, in every moral sense, precise ly the same as his right to any other prop erty. If this proposition be not true, no honest man ought to desire the permanency of our republic"; if it be true, the black republican doctrine is a treasonable and destructive fal lacy. I am in favor of the principles enunciated in the Senate resolutions of 1860, and in the report of the Committee on Resolutions made to our National Convention at Charleston, because they came up to this point. They meet the exigency before us ; they fairly and directly meet the issue as it is understood by all honest and sensible men on either side. I am in favor of Breckinridge and Lane, because they stand upon a platform distinct ly expressing theSre principles. Mr. Douglas declines practically to stand up to them. He blinks the main issue, and seeks to ride into power, upon a dogma which impliedly concedes to abolitionisms the vital element of its political power, to wit : that negro slavery is unjust, or at least has in it some element which, on moral grounds, justifies hostility. His friends may deny this construction, but to my mind it is manifestly just. The whole practical importance of his popular sovereignty doctrine is in its bearing on the slave question. No one cares a fig about it except in this single connection. In all its other bearings it is an admitted abstraction, unworthy of a moment s attention, and inca pable of attracting it. Let any man who doubts this rfad Mr. Douglas argument as published in Harper s Magazine, and his subsequeri reply to Judge Black in defense^ of that article. Slavery is the staple of >his whole argument. The phrases and postulates of the anti-slavery agitators are invoked by him at every point in the discussion, and most liberally used to sustain his views. Thus, to all practical purposes, Mr. Doug las presents himself as a semi-abolitionist. His platform tends to keep abolitionism alive, as a power in the State, for future mischief. The platform of Breckinridge and Lane assails the hydra in front, and aims to slay it outright. Whilst I am thus with you in sentiment, and to the extent of my humble powers am ready to aid in your object, I cannot lose sight of the policy which requires A thorough union of all New Yorkers who are opposed to the election of Lincoln. Concurring with that eminent and patriotic citizen of Penn sylvania, William B. Reed, " I believe that there are three candidates for the Presiden cy preferable to the one whom every aboli tionist or anti-slavery agitator in the land supports." CH. O CONOR. .- SPEECH OF DANIEL S. DICKINSON. After the applause had subsided, Mr. DICKINSON proceeded to address the meeting. He said : MR. PRESIDENT AND MY FELLOW CITIZENS : Ever-fleeting time has brought us upon an other period prescribed by the constitution for the election of Chief Magistrate of this great confederacy a popular struggle known to no people under heaven but ourselves, and exceeding in interest and importance any thing known in the history of governments amongst men, civilized or savage. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Upon preceding, similar occasions, gen erally, it has been the good fortune of that great party to which you and I belong (cheers) , of that party which has swayed the destinies of the country and shaped its policy from the days of Jefferson to the present moment, to stand united in principle and purpose and movement, like a Roman Cohort in the best period of the mistress of the world. With such purposes, such princi ples, such united energies, and such harmo nious action, the democratic party deserved and won the highest confidence and grati tude of the toiling masses it bore aloft on its banner the sacred word equality it plucked hoary-headed privilege by the beard, and arraigned error and pretension before the great tribunal of the people it was radi cal in the reformation of abuses it was con servative in the preservation of all that expe rience had approved the constitution was its pillar and its cloud, and progress wa3 its watchword. (Loud cheers.) Under, its benign policy our borders extended from the 6 Atlantic to the Pacific W subdued and fer tilized new territories we civilized, educa ted and absorbed their barbarous or semi- barbarous races, and nearly trebled the number of free sovereign States (Cheers.) Overshadowing, monopolizing, unconstitu tional federal banks and protective tariffs, those devices of craft and fraud, that they might subsist upon the fruits of others la bor, have, after years of conflict with the de mocracy, finally been driven from the field and exterminated, and the only great work left them in the present crisis is to vindicate the supremacy of the constitution and the equality of the States. Its present admin istration by a wise and foreseeing foreign and domestic policy was quietly advancing the great interest of the country in spite of the efforts of foes without and foes within, and democracy was in the zenith of its tri umphs. (Cheers). If to-day that great conservative party of the people and the constitution, the country s safety and the pa triot s hope, is crippled and divided if its power is weakened, its forces scattered, its energies weighed down, and there are fore bodings that its proud banner may fall trail ing in the dust let it be remembered that it is not the fault of the party or its princi ples, or of its masses, that it is thus- degra ded, but that it is because in an evil mo ment its management fell into the hands of the selfish, corrupt and venal, who have be trayed the trusts half gained by stealth, half confided to them, and because in attempting to use its power to advance personal ends only, they have destro} T ed its organization, divided it into sections, and brought them into conflict with eah other, instead of con- eentratirig all its forces upon the enemies of the constitution. (Loud cheers.) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. This organization, with many elements of personal cleverness, bodes evil to the best interests of true freedom and humanity. It is founded in sectional disturbance, its ali ment is prejudice and passion, its efforts calculated to array State against State, sec tion against section, man against man, bro ther against brother to destroy all kindly relations and light up the fires of sectional discord and strife, to end in battles of blood. Though its managers threw overboard its :;reat founder and leader, Governor Seward, because he had too plainly declared its prin- iples, hoping thereby to conceal its danger- us tendencies, its true theories are belched )y the Sumners and the Cheevers, and are reduced to practice by its John Browns. (Great cheers.) It disturbs and embitters the social relations it severs the holy ties of religious brotherhood it breaks the bonds of a common political faith it blots out the greit memories of the Revolution it de stroys commercial interests and the inter changes of free trade it degrades us as a nation before the envious monarchs of earth, and deprives us of our inherent power to vindicate our rights. It sows broadcast the terrible seeds of domestic strife and passion, that the people may reap in due season a harvest of ashes and desolation. THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION PUBLIC EXPECTATION. There was never a moment in the history of the democratic party, or a time when the masses of the people looked to the sitting of a national convention with more confiding expectation, than when it was about to as semble at Charleston in April last. There was never a time when such confidence was more wickedly, wantonly, and shamefully betrayed when reasonable expectations were so madly blasted, as in the results pro duced by its action. Its proceedings find no parallel in disgrace and degradation since the empire of the New World was sold at auction for money. The democratic party, for its steady devo tion to the principles of the Constitution, the catholicity of its creeds, for its grand radical analysis and its just and lofty con servatism, had won the confidence of the masses, and wrung unwilling admiration from its hereditary opponents, and all good men looked to it in this, the evil day of our country, for deliverance and safety. Its convention assembled at Charleston, and or ganized for business. A holy man, arrayed in the robes of his sacred office, with raised hands and fervent supplication, invokes the favor of the Beneficent Being who has vouch safed to us, as a people, so many blessings. The whisper of beauty is hushed in the gal leries the aged bow their gray hairs in sympathetic and deep devotion levity is humbled in silence, and even lurking fraud is abashed, and cowers for a hiding-place. But the prayer is over, and a band of con spirators take possession of the assemblage, and, instead of a National Convention, a great huckstering bazaar is erected a po litical trade-sales is opened management inaugurates her slimy and repulsive court, and the office of Chief Magistrate of this mighty republic is put up like the board of a public pauper, at the lowest bidder. Ita proceedings bear evidence of deliberate and long cherished design, of a combination and conspiracy to tie up minorities against them, and leave those free who were for them, and thus attain, by fraud or force, a particular result, regardless of popular sentiment or of consequences which might follow. The ruling faction had snuffed up the scent of four hundred millions of spoil, and for them the administration of Douglas was expected to rain milk and honey, snow-powdered eugur, and hail Moffat s Vegetable Life Pills. (Laughter.) Under nearly two weeks of this application of the forcing process, the Convention proved unequal to the emer gency, and paused for breath a portion of the delegations withdrew, arid the residue adjourned to Baltimore for a period of some six weeks, for ventilation. The public had reason to hope that, separated from the in fluences which surrounded them, and no longer breathing the contagions they engen dered, but inhaling a healthy moral atmos phere, they might return and discharge the duty which they had undertaken. But ab stinence only edged their appetites, and their last state was worse than the first. (A voice " That s so.") The same drilled, packed, machine majority met again, com posed of delegates from a portion of States, and assumed to sit in judgment upon the rights of regular delegates from another portion to punish them for some noncon formity to the majority standard or other delinquency in short, to deny to sovereign democratic States the right to return to their seats at Baltimore, because they did not oc cupy them for the whole period of the pro tracted sitting at Charleston a question be longing entirely to the constituency of these delegations alone, and with which the Na tional Convention had no business whatso ever. And not only were these delegations expelled under such pretensions, but bogus delegations, made up to suit the convenience and necessity of the occasion, were put in their places. (Hisses and cheers.) A de cision so abhorrent to every principle of common fairness so replete with outrage and usurpation, divided, dismembered, and broke up the Convention, as it should have done, and as every sensible mind saw it would do; and I commend with my whole heart the spirit, and approve the conduct of the President, General Gushing, who refused longer to preside over the tyrannous cabal, and of the delegations who, under the same Presi dent, reorganized and placed in nomination Messrs. Breckinridge and Lane. The re maining fraction, made up chiefly of dele gates from republican States, whose delega tions were the authors of the great wrong, deprived of their head and without a demo cratic body, proceeded to nominate Messrs. Douglas and Fitzpatrick, as we were in formed, amidst tremendous enthusiasm Vermont and other New England States, and the whole Northwest, were pledged to Mr. Douglas (subject of course to a slight incumbrauce, held by one Abraham Lin coln) with deafening applause. Some flat- boatmen descending the Mississippi, in rather a jolly mood, passed a house on the shore where they were fiddling and dancing on the piazza the boat fell into an eddy and once in each half hour passed the house again, and the boatmen swore they were fiddling and dancing in every house for a hundred miles on the shore of the river while they had been revolving in an eddy and had seen but one. The Douglas strength is estimated in the same way. CAUSES OF DISRUPTION* TUB AUTHORS OF IT. Waiving all questions of the merits or de merits of Mr. Douglas as a candidate, his pretensions were pressed upon the Conven tion, sometimes under the pretence of a plat form upon which he could stand with con venience, sometimes in the admission and rejection of delegates by the process of ma chinery and management, and at other times in the direct presentation of his name, beyond all precedence or bounds of courtesy or reason, in a mannei^and in a spirit and with a feeling which spoke defiance to near ly one half of the States of the confederacy, when it was well known they would not ac quiesce in his nomination, that they would not support him if nominated, and that he could not be elected without their votes ; pressed, too, in a tone and temper, and with a dogged and obstinate persistence which was well calculated, if it was not intended, to break up the Convention or force it into obedience to the behests of a combination. (Cheers.) The authors of this outrage, whom we should hold accountable, and who are justly and directly chargeable with it, were the ruling majority of the New York delegation. They held the balance of pow er, and madly and selfishly and corruptly used it for the disruption of the democratic party, in endeavoring to force it up to a fixed point to subserve their infamous schemes. They were there charged with high responsibilities by a patriotic and con fiding constituency in a crisis of unusual interest in the history of the party and the country they, in an evil moment, held in their leprous hands the destinies of a noblo party and of this great country they pro fessed to be governed by honorable consid erations and to desire the unity and har mony and success of the democracy. [Cheers.] They proclaimed, personally and through their accredited organs, that in their view the Southern States were en titled to name a candidate, and declared that it would be their first policy to second such suggestions as were made in that quarter, and support such candidate as should be named by, or be most acceptable to, the South ; and with such professions and false pretenses on their lips, they went to Charleston. But from the moment they entered the Convention at Charleston, until it was finally broken up by their base con duct and worse faith at Baltimore conduct which secured them the designation of po litical gamblers upon the floor cf the Con- 8 vention, their e\ery act was to oppose the wishes and resist each, any, and every candidate who would be acceptable to the Southern States ; and their every effort, in season and out of season, by night and by day, was to force upon the Southern States a candidate whose creed they repudiated and condemned , a candidate they had de clared, in the most solemn form and with repeated asseverations, they could not and would not support ; a candidate who was at open war with the democratic administra tion, who had but a single supporter in the democratic Senate, and whose especial ad herents had just aided the republicans in the election of a Speaker and Clerk of the House of Representatives, two of the most influential and commanding positions in the Government. (Cheers.) Those who ruled, and dictated to, and wielded the vote of the New York delegation, through the fraudu lent process of a unit vote. a rule forced upon a large minority of this delegation to stifle their sentiments, while small minori ties were released from it in others to suit the purposes of the conspirators will here after be known by the name plainly branded wpon their guilty foreheads at Charleston "political gamblers" as creatures who hang festering upon the lobbies of State and federal legislation to purchase chartered privilege and immunity by corrupt appli ances ; who thrive in its fcctid atmosphere, and swell to obese proportions, like vultures upon offal; office brokers, who crawl and cringe around the footsteps of power, and by false pretenses procure themselves or vile tools places of official trust and emolu ment, that they may pack and control cau cuses and conventions at the expense of the people they defraud and betray, while hon est men are engaged in the^ir industrial avocations to earn their bread. (Loud cheers, and a voice, " Go it, old man.") Oh, how has the once noble spirit of the democracy fled from such contaminating approaches! Rome, whose proud banner once waved triumphant over a conquered world, degenerated, in the pursuit of sensual delights, to a band of fiddlers and dancers, and the democratic party of New York, founded in the spirit of Jefferson, and emu lating, for many years, the noble efforts of a Jackson and a Tompkins, has, in the hands of " political gamblers/ been degraded by practices which would dishonor the resorts of a Peter Funk in cast-off clothing ; cheating the sentiment of the people of the State and nation ; cheating a great and confiding party, whose principles they put on as a dis guise, for the purposes of enabling them to cheat ; cheating the Convention which ad mitted them to seats ; cheating delegations who trusted them ; cheating everybody and everything with which they came in con tact, except Mr. Douglas, their nominee,, and then lamenting, through their accredit ed organ, from day to day, that the Conven tion had not remained together BO that they might finally have cheated him. They have overthrown the democratic masses, but "Wo to the riders that trampled them down." Political gamblers ! you have breathed your contagion throughout the democratic citadel, and profaned and pol luted its very walls. You have defiled its holy places by your corrupting presence ; unclean beasts fold in the area of its tem ples, and filthy reptiles have inhabited the sanctuary of its gods. Its towering eagle of liberty has fled for a brief season, and foul ravens croak for prey and whet their bloody beaks and dirty talons upon its sacred altars. Political gamblers ! you have perpetrated your last cheat consummated your last fraud upon the democratic party, for you will never again be trusted. Hence forth you will be held and treated as politi cal outlaws, and set at defiance. There is no fox so crafty but his hide finally goes to the hatters. You will hang upon its skirts to regain power, and lie in ambush for re venge, but as an open enemy you are pow erless, and are only dangerous to those who trust you. With parties, and especially cliques, who betray trusts and abuse power, as with individuals, there is a day of reck oning and retribution, and yours is at hand, For time at last sets all things even, And if we do but watch the hour, There never yet was human power Who could evade, if unforgiven, The patient search and vigil long Of him who treasures up a wrong. (Cheers.) NEW YORK DIVISIONS THE UNION AT SYRA CUSE ITS FRUITS DESTROYED, ETC. The defection of a wing of the democratic party in 1847, under cover of advocating "free soil" principles, defeated General Cass in 1848, and prostrated the power of the democratic party in the State and nation. While its sections were yet standing, or pro fessing to stand, on principles or doctrines in direct antagonism to each other, there were those who advocated a coalition of sec tions and a division of spoils, for the pur pose of securing patronage and of "beat ing the whigs." Regarding it as most shamefully demoralizing, I resisted it with all the force I could summon, and all the arguments I could command ; but the ne- cessities of office-seeking patriotism were too strong for me, and under the ministra tions of some who had received a taste of official favor, and were willing to barter principles for place, and the acquiescence of good-natured weakness, the foul scheme was consummated individuals obtained place, and the moral foundations of the party were shaken. From that day to the present, ele ments theretofore unknown arid unheard of in the history of the party became rife, wielded by " political gamblers." Since then, caucuses have been run by contract, conventions have been packed, and the man agement of the party machinery has been assigned to its chief and assistant engineers, with as much precision and regard to minu- tiae as the running of railroad trains. When a corps of hands were wanted to falsify do mestic history at Washington, and calum niate faithful democrats and honest men, they were in motion with all the alacrity of police detectives who start to arrest and punish, not perpetrate fraud. In short, they usually keep stationed there a drill-sergeant and a file of men, to serve in emergencies. When an office was vacant, -or a job of de pleting the treasury was in the market, they snuffed up the spoil with that keen instinct given to all birds of evil omen, and demand ed it as their lawful booty. They were " political gamblers" by trade, and pursued their avocation with appropriate and shame less desperation. Administrations which have known, or ought to have known, their bleared and blackened history, which knew, or should have know n, their occupation, and should have shunned them as they would a contact with the plague, though, at first, regarding this clique as tfi st A monster of such frightful mien, That to bo hated needs but to be seen. (Cheers,) have usually realized the humiliating illus tration of the poet and losing once familiar with its face, First see, then pity, then embrace. Hereafter, when democrats or others abroad fail to understand what they term the tan gled web of New York politics, let them un derstand that nine-tenths of the " tangled web" and embarrassment to the democratic party has arisen from abroad, because this same clique of " political gamblers," who make politics a business, have been enabled to fasten their fangs upon the party organi sations at home, from being recognized and clothed with pdwer, and place, and patron age abroad ; and that they have been recog nized and rewarded abroad, for the alleged reason that they had power and position at home ; which power and position they gain by the very patronage placed in their hands by those having its dispensation. This en ables them to drive a profitable trade in po litical affairs, when true democrats are pros ecuting their ordinary pursuits, and looking to popular sentiment to direct political af fairs. This clique, and its accomplices and sympathizers, professed free soil doctrines nntil they were universally repudiated and condemned by the democratic party every where, and then, without the least inconve nience, professed the doctrines of the demo cratic party with equal zeal, and, probably, about equal sincerity. Though I opposed their recognition as democrats by the party so long as they refused to stand upon its platform, yet they were bargained in, and I could do so no longer when they professed and acknowledged its whole creed, and swore allegiance again to its principles. Many of the old free soil wing, I cheerfully admit, have proved to be among the most reliable and faithful members of the party. But I have looked upon all the movements of the particular clique of whom I speak with distrust, and would gladly have seen them perform quarantine before landing. But they had sapped and mined the founda tion of the democratic edifice so long that they knew its weak points, and having per fected their machinery accordingly, they were enabled to influence its movements, and to rule or ruin in party affairs, generally doing the last when they failed to accom plish the first. Thus they became formida ble, and thus did a great and generous party yield to their impious demands from time to time, rather than to see their treacherous arms turned against the democratic encamp ment, while its hosts were engaged in a great periodical battle with its open ene mies. As the great conflict of 1860 ap proached, it was obvious that New York must be the battle ground over the consti tution, and bear a conspicuous part in th% mighty struggle, if, indeed, her potential act did not decide it for good or for evil. In view of this, I early determined to counte nance no divisions in the ranks, for any purposes under any circumstances. I knew that divisions, no matter how arising, would produce certain and inevitable de feat. I knew this clique of politicians had abated not one jot or tittle of their rule-or- ruin policy. I knew it was loud in its pro fessions of harmony, for foreign consump tion, and to gull the masses, and I deter mined to take it at its word (cheer?) to discountenance all divisions ; to obtain as fair a selection of delegates to the National Convention as possible, and to make a last final experimental effort for union for the sake of the Union. Events at Syracuse, whither I went to promote reconciliations and prevent disruptions, gave my voice a po tential influence. I exerted it to bring all elements into one organization, which should represent the Empire State, and though the effort was censured by some and resisted by others, and criticised by mole-eyed vision, it was substantially successful. I appealed to the masses throughout the State in popu lar addresses, and the democracy responded by electing the most important portion of .the ticket placed in nomination. But a single 10 delegated representation was recognized at Charleston, and if that delegation had dis charged, nay, if it had not grossly violated its duty, the State of New York in this great contest would have been the surest State in the Union for the democratic nominees. When the Syracuse Convention of 1859 ap proached, I could have remained at home and permitted a division, which I saw was almost certain ; the division would have eome, New York would have been prostrate, and I and my friends should have been charged with producing it, and good-natured credulity abroad would have believed the as severations of those whose vocation it is to verify such falsehood. I could have joined others, and have ministered to the just but profitless revenges of true and faithful men for a long catalogue of wrongs ; but I pre ferred to look forward for the benefit of all rather than backwards to gratify the just resentments of the few. (Cheers.) I could have seconded others in some Quixotic ex pedition to attain results, to minister to far fetched individual hopes ; but each of these would have left New York powerless for good, and old-line democrats seemingly re sponsible, and I determined to give those who had power to rule or ruin, and a deter mination suited to the occasion, undisputed power to rule, after associating with them all the good influence I could command. They professed to desire harmony, unity and conciliation. I prnposed to take them at Iheir word, without saying how much or how little faith I had in their professions. I saw they would have the power. I deter mined they should have, so far as I could control it, the responsibility also. I knew that if they fairly and faithfully represented the State, they would merit and receive the commendation of. all good democrats, and that the party would be compensated in the results which would follow. I knew if, by treacherous schemes and gambling resorts, they betrayed their trust, and repeated the cheats abroad which they practiced at home, they would expose to the world their own perfidious natures and destroy themselves forever, and defeat their further power for mischief at home and abroad ; and that the democratic party of New York could afford unbounded compensation for a consumma tion so devoutly to be wished. In short, I saw they would have the power. I meant they should have the responsibility with it, and they had both. The power they might have exercised so as to have given life, health and joy, and unquestioned success to the demo cratic party of the State and nation. But they chose to exercise it in an opposite di rection, and now let them prepare for the responsibility which they cannot escape. They have, that they might advance the selfish purposes of a corrupt clique, with malice aforethought, wickedly and wanton ly committed the crime let them stand up in the world s pillory and suffer the penalty due to falsehood, treachery, ingratitude and baseness. (Cheers.) When I threw my whole soul into an effort to unite the demo cratic party of this State, I determined, if it was finally unsuccessful, because of .the bad conduct of this trading combination} that I would never again make an effort to unite the party with such material in it. That effort at union would have been crown ed with complete success but for them, for the ranks of the party had closed up, and the masses hailed a deliverance from inter nal division and strife, as a proud day in their country s history. But they have torn open again its wounds to subserve their own selfish schemes, and now let division be the order of the day until these faithless " poli tical gamblers" are driven without the pale of the democratic party forever. So totally abhorred as they are, we shall sooner at tain success without than with them, and we have proved now, to the satisfaction of all, how vain the attempt for a party to re pose upon such rotten foundations, and here after their power will not be courted, nor their necessities rewarded by democratic ad ministrations. No, I shall hereafter make no effort for union where they are to be re cognized, but w.tr upon any faction under their treacherous rule, and nothing but fac tion will follow their lead. Twice have I sought clan Alpine s glen, In peace, but when I come again, I come with banner, brand and bow, As leader seeks bis mortal foe. (Loud Cheers.) NON-INTERVENTION SQUATTER SOVEREIGNTY. Much has been said upon the subjects of non-intervention and squatter sovereignty, as it is termed, and there has been much more said upon them than has been under stood by those who have said it. And it would be well for the political magpies who chatter so flippantly upon the subject, to learn their lesson before they prate it. (" That s true," and cheers.) The two prin ciples, which really have no relation to each other and are entirely different, have been strangely and unpardonably confounded ; but I will state the true definitions of each separately. Non-intervention means that there should be no intervention to extend or prohibit slavery in the Territories, but that the people of the States and the Territories should be left, while a Territory, to enjoy just such rights as to carrying their slaves with them when removing into the Territo ries, or exclusion therefrom, as it should be held by the courts belonged to them. Squatter sovereignty claims the sovereign right of the people of a Territory to exclude the introduction of slavery from the Territory 11 by hostile Territorial legislation, regardless of the construction given to the constitution by the decisions of the Supreme Court. Be fore the Dred Scott decision this was an open question ; since that decision it is so no long er. The difference is plainly this : non-in ter mention by Congress and qualified popu lar sovereignty proposed such Territorial legislation as should be in deference to, sub ject to, and in harmony with the decisions of the Supreme Court upon the great ques tion. Squatter sovereignty defies the au thority of the courts, and asserts the power of the Territorial legislature to exclude slavery from the Territory by law, absolute ly, regardless of the construction given to the constitution by the court. (Cheers.) MR. DICKINSON S RESOLUTION OF 1847, IN THE SENATE, AND MR. CALHOUN s VIEWS. It has been often said with truth, that I was the first to introduce the principle of non-intervention and qualified popular so vereignty into Congress for the government of the Territories. When the doctrine has been regarded with disfavor it has been as signed to me ; but when it has been greeted with popular applause it has had numerous claimants. It has sometimes been said, but erroneously, that I was an advocate, if not the author of the doctrine of squatter sove reignty. I was, and am, an advocate of non intervention with qualified popular sove reignty. That is, with the right of the people to legislate in harmony with the constitution for their domestic government. I never was an advocate for, or a believer in, the doc trine of squatter sovereignty, and hold it to be an out and out absurdity. For it makes the laws of a Territorial Legislature to over ride the Constitution of the United States. The resolutions which I introduced in 1847, proposing non-intervention in the Territories and suggesting the principle of popular sovereignty, in a qualified form, proposed, as shown by the speech which followed their in troduction, that the Territorial legislation should keep in view such construction as should be given to the Constitution by the Supreme Court, and legislate in harmony with and in declaratory obedience to it. They were never brought to a vote, because practical measures involving the precise question came under consideration soon after their introduction, and for other reasons. (Cheers.) In 1848, Mr. Calhoun, myself, and others, were upon the committee charged with a bill known as the Clayton Com promise. I proposed, and Mr. Calhoun as sented, that the bill should be framed upon the principle of non-intervention, and it was BO framed and so passed, the Senate, but was, near the close of the session, laid on the table in the House of Representatives. The only difference between Mr. Calhoun and myself upon the subject, then ar at any other time, was this: He proposed that the bill should recognize, in declaratory form, the right of the citizens of all the States to go to the common Territories with their pro perty, slave property included, and there be protected. Without affirming or denying his position, I proposed, as it was an unset tled question, and strictly belonged to the judiciary, to leave it to be decided by the courts, to which he readily assented, remark ing that the South had such entire confidence in the position that they were willing to stand upon non-intervention, and await a judicial construction of the constitution and of their rights in the Territories. The posi tion of Mr. Calhoun has since been fully vindicated and sustained by the Dred Scott decision. COMPROMISE MEASURES OF 1350. The compromise measures of 1850, were based upon the same non-intervention idea, and while they were under discussion in the Senate of the United States, I had the honor to state my position there in a speech upon the floor as follows Now, sir, I wish to say, once for all, that it is not iny intention, either directly or indirectly, to favor, by voice or vote, the extension of slavery, or the restriction of slavery in the Territories, by Congress, or any interference with the subject whatever. Nor am I influenced in this conclusion by the local laws of the Territory in question, either natural or artificial, the laws of nature or the laws of man; and, for all the purposes of the present action, I will not inquire what they are in either respect. I will stand upon the true" princi ples of non-intervention, in the broadest possible sense for non-intervention s sake, to uphold the fundamental principles of freedom, and for no other reason, and will leave the people of the Ter ritories and of the States to such rights and privi leges as are theirs under the constitution and laws of the United States, without addition to, or di minution from, such rights by the action of Con gress. KANSAS AND NEBRASKA BILL. The Kansas and Nebraska bill, except in its disturbance of the Missouri line, con tained no new principle whatever, but copied the same non-intervention principle which had been recognized by Congress, and awaited the judicial construction of the constitution. THE DRED SCOTT DECISION. After the passage of all these measures, came the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court of the United States, pronounced after unusual labor and deliberation, construing the Constitution, and the rights of citizens of States in the Territories, as Mr. Calhoun and other Southern statesmen had contend ed, and thus settling the question forever, for all those who propose to abide by the Constitution and laws. The substance of the decicion was this : 12 The territory acquired, is acquired by the people of the United States for their common and equal benefit, through their agent and trustee, the fede ral government. Congress can exercise no power over the rights of persons, or property of a citizen in the Territory, which is prohibited by the Con stitution. The government and the citizens, when ever the Territory is opened to settlement, both enter it with their respective rights defined and limited by the Constitution. right to prohibit the citizen Congress has of any particular State or States from making their home there, while it permits citizens of other States to do so. Nor has it a right to give privileges to one class of citizens which it refuses to another. The Ter ritory is acquired for their equal and common benefit, and if open to any, it must be open to all, upon equal and the same terms. Every citizen has a right to take with him into the territory any article of property. The Constitution of the United States recognizes slaves as property, and pledges the federal government to protect it, and Congress cannot exercise any more authority over property of that description than it may constitutionally exer cise over property of any other kind. The act of Congress, therefore, prohibiting a citizen of the United States from taking with him slaves when he removes to the Territory in question to reside is an exercise of authority over private property which is not warranted by the Constitution, and the removal of the plaintiff, by his owner to that Territory, gave him no title to freedom. Now, if all had acquiesced in this decision, like good citizens ; had yielded willing and cheerful assent and obedience to it as an authentic construction of the fundamen tal law, by the highest tribunal, the question of slavery in the Territories would have been at rest, and the democratic party would have been on its way rejoicing. But, every kind of means was resorted to to evade it. Rampant abolitionism, more manly than its accomplices in mischief, openly denounced it and defied it, as it is wont to do all legal obstacles to the consummation of its own distempered idea demagogism inflated it self fanaticism foamed, and trimming cow ardice shrunk around it and insisted that the question was not decided, and all these combined together, sought to deny to the citizens of the slave States the benefits of the decision, either in theory or practice. (Cheers.) I repeat, the South were satisfied with non-intervention, awaiting in good faith the decision of the courts before this adjudi cation ; since the decision, they would have been satisfied with non-intervention, and the acknowledgment and practical execution of it according to its fair and equitable spirit. THE OBJECTION OF THE SOUTH TO MR. DOUGLAS. The South did not object to Mr. Douglas because of his principles of non-intervention nor because of his doctrines of qualified popular sovereignty in the Territories, as is so often and so pompously alleged ; but their opposition to him arises, to say nothing of his unfortunate controversy with the admin istration, frosa his advocacy of what they regard as a most rank and mischievous error, the squatter sovereignty heresy ; con tending, as he does, as we have alreaiy seen, bhat notwithstanding the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case, hold ing that all citizens with their property are to be admitted there on equal terms, slavo property included, a Territorial legislature may, by its enacted law, exclude slave prop erty from the Territory thus virtually in vesting a Territorial legislature with power to annul this provision of the Constitution as construed by the highest tribunal known to the law. These are the articles of creed proposed by Mr. Douglas, to which the South object. In the celebrated campaign debate with Mr. Lincoln, previous to the Dred Scott decision, in answer to certain questions proposed by Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Douglas answered as follows : The next question propounded to me by Mr. Lincoln is, Can the people of a Territory, in any lawful way, against the wishes of the United States, exclude slavery from their limits prior to tha formation of a State Constitution ? I answer emphatically, as Mr. Lincoln has heard me answer a hundred times from every stump in Illinois, that in my opinion, the people of a Territory can, by lawful means, exclude slavery from their limits prior to the formation of a State Constitution. Mr. Lincoln knew that I had answered that ques tion over and over again. He heard me argue the Nebraska bill on that principle all over the State in 1854, in 1 855, and in 1856, and he has no excuse for pretending to be in doubts as to my position on that question. After the Dred Scott decision had been pronounced . and published, Mr. Douglas states his position thus : It matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question, whether slavery may or may not go into a Terri tory under the Constitution, the people have the lawful means to introduce or exclude it as they please, for that slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations. These police regulations can only be established by the local legislature; afffl if the people are opposed to slavery, they will elect representatives to that body who will, by unfriendly legislation effectually prevent the intro duction of it into their midst. If, on the contrary, they, are for it, their legislation will favor its ex tension. Hence, no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court may be upon that abstract quefi tion, still the right of the people to make a slHve Territory of a free Territory is perfect and com plete uuder the Nebraska bill. I hope Mr. Lincoln deems my answer satisfactory on that point. If it be true, that the Territorial Legisla ture can, by an act, exclude the citizen of a Southern State, with his slave property, from all enjoyments of, and participation in the common territorial property of all the States, as is asserted by Mr. Douglas, tiie 13 constitution and the decisions of the Su preme Court and the rights of person and property there, are the playthings of a Ter ritorial Legislature, to be put up and down to be given or taken away at pleasure. (Cheers.) For these doctrines the Southern States refused to accept Mr. Douglas as a candidate, and who, had he been with and of them, would have done otherwise. But whether the Southern States were reason able or capricious in their refusal to accept and support Mr. Douglas, they had taken their stand deliberately, after mature consi deration their avowal was before the coun try and was well understood ; and unless he had some pre-emptive right to the nomina tion, which is not conceded, they had a right to set him aside as a mere matter of choice without any reason whatever. These States held one hundred and twenty elec toral votes, sure for the democracy with an acceptable candidate, while every other State except those on the Pacific, were coun ted against us or doubtful, and yet, mana gers of the minority and doubtful States, by artifice and combinations, sought, through the strangely protracted sessions of the Con ventions held at Charleston and Baltimore, to force this one candidate upon the South ern States, and in this persistent and insane effort, first dismembered and then adjourned the Convention at Charleston, and finally divided and broke it up at Baltimore. It was of all others an occasion when all mere individual preference should have been for gotten and surrendered for the public good ; but it was Douglas or nothing, and hence the result. The Convention broken up, the party divided, and all for a candidate who cannot get a single electoral vote. The democratic party under such rule is like the serpent in the fable, which gave up the lead for a time to the tail instead of the head to prevent its clamor, and in attempting to go tail foremost it stuck fast, and thus remain ed the tail refusing to give up the right to go ahead. And thus will the democratic party remain until it sheds its tapering ex tremity which insists on being honored with command. CHARGE OF A SLAVE CODE THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. For the purpose of turning attention from the weakness and absurdity of their own position, for the mad and selfish prostration of the Democratic party, to alarm the fears of the timid, shake the knees of the weak, and administer to the morbid cravings of a lingering and dormant abolitionism, they proclaim that the national democracy who have placed in nomination Breckinridge and Lane are the advocates of a slave code for the Territories. This ideal bantling was begotten by design upon ignorance, and is supported by empty noise and brazen clamor. The platform asked for and insisted upon by- Southern States, was just what the Consti tution entitles them to, as construed by the Supreme Court, and nothing more. Here it ia in all its length and breadth, as adopt ed in the Convention of Democratic States, which nominated Breckinridge and Lane. It is the same non-intervention which every true Democrat has advocated, and giving effect to the decision of the Court, and no thing more. Let every Democrat read it with unclouded vision, and not through the smoked glass of incipient abolitionism ; let him analyze it carefully, and then tell us in what section or sentence or syllable this terrific slave code reposes ; and when read and weighed and understood, let all who cannot subscribe to the great principles of personal and State equality there enunciat ed, as established and guaranteed by the Constitution, and authorized and vindicated by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, remember that he has taken the first lesson in abolition republicanism, and is already on his way to that organiza tion in his sympathy with a sectional bigot ed creed and narrow political belief. But here is the platform of Democratic princi ples which will speak for itself: PLATFORM OF THE REGULAR NATIONAL DEMOCRACY ADOPTED IN CONVENTION AT BALTIMORE, JUNE, 1860. Resolved, That the platform adopted by the democratic party at Cincinnati be affirmed, with the following explanatory resolutions : First. That the government of a Territory, organized by an act of Congress, is provisional and temporary, and during its existence all citi zens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory, without their rights, either of person or property, being destroyed or injured by Congressional or Territorial legislation. Second. That it ia the duty of the federal gov ernment, in all its department:!, to protect the rights of persons and property in the Territories, and wherever else its constitutional authority ex tends. Third. That when the settlers in a Territory, having an adequate population, form a State con stitution, the right of sovereignty commences, and being consummated by their admission into the Union, they stand on an equality with the people of other States, and a State thus organized ought to be admitted into the Federal Union whether its constitution prohibits or recognizes the institution of slavery. Resolved, That the democratic party are in favor of the acquisition of the Island of Cuba on such terms as shall be honorable to ourselves and just to Spain, at the earliest practicable moment. Resolved, That the enactments of State Legis latures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave law, are hostile in character, sub- rersive of the constitution and revolutionary iti effect. Resolved, That the democracy of the United States recognizes it as the imperative duty of this government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lauds, to the same extent as its native born citizeni. Whereas, One of the greatest necessities of the age, in a political, commercial, postal, and mili tary point of view, is a speedy communication between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts; therefore, be it Resolved, That the national democratic party do hereby pledge themselves to use every means in their power to secure the passage of some bill, to the extent of their constitutional authority by Congress, for the construction of a Pacific Railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, at the earliest practicable moment. Let us hereafter hear no more from any one professing the democratic creed, and pretending devotion and obedience to the constitution and laws, in denunciation of the Southern Democratic States, or assert ing that they have either proposed or de manded a slave code, or that the Convention of Democratic States which nominated Breckinridge and Lane have adopted one, but let all such foolish fabrications be left to the rantingsof Sumner, and Cheever, and Giddings, and their sombre associates. (Cheers, laughter, and hisses.) DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. The public and private history of our nominees constitutes their eulogy. Both are now, and for years have been, in high places in the government. Mr. Breckin ridge is an able, intrepid, and popular states man, and General Lane has written his name upon his country s history with his sword. They are true friends to the constitution, and free from the expediency clap-traps of the day. They were placed in nomination by the operations of public sentiment, and not forced upon the public by the process of political machinery. They will carry seventeen States by acclamation, with a fair chance for others in addition. REGULARITY OP NOMINATIONS. When all other expedients fail, we are re minded that the nomination of Douglas and Johnson is entitled to support over the other for its regularity; and I have observed that certain gentleman who were regular mem bers of the speckled Buffalo Convention of lb 48, are most emphatic in swearing alle giance to regularity. The Convention which mttde this nomination had no sign nor show nor shadow of regularity. The delegated Convention at Charleston had no power to adjourn to Baltimore a distance of hun dreds of miles, in another State, and nearly two months afterward. No such thing was ever contemplated ; no such power or dis cretion was delegated even by the most far fetched implications. A good nomination at Baltimore would have been entitled to respect and support, but not on the score of regularity, for it had not even the sem blance of it. The regular delegations for a large num ber of States were rejected, and bogus con testants, some of them without pretense of reg ularity or delegated authority were admitted in their places, while regular delegations from numerous other States, because of this outrage, withdrew, and this pretended regu lar Convention was a mere fraction of one, partly but not wholly filled up with unau thorized persons from the outside. It acted in violation of the uniform rule of democratic National Conventions, which it had itself adopted, requiring two thirds to nominate, and then disregarded it in making the nom inations, for at no time, bogus delegates in cluded, did the vote reach near a two-thirds vote. Its nominee for Vice-President was Mr. Fitzpatrick, who declined to accept such a nomination, and the regularity of Mr. John son, who now runs as Vice-President with Mr. Douglas, consists in the requests of some half dozen individuals, after the adjourn ment, that he should run in and which re quest, it seems, he cordially united. (Cheers.) The regular President of the Convention, Gen. Gushing, left his chair and went away, and presided over the Convention which nominated Breckinridge and Lane so that the regularity of the nomination of Douglas and Johnson may be summed up in this: that Mr. Johnson was not and has not yet been nominated by any convention ; that Mr. Douglas was nominated by delegates of an irregular fractional, broken-up Con vention, without a head, without a democra tic body, but a mere skeleton, half soft, half republican State delegations and a bogus tail. No one pretends that the nominations of Breckinridge and Lane have the authority of a regular National Convention, according to the usages of the party ; but they have more claim to regularity than the other. The Convention had a head in the Presi dent of the whole Convention. It had a democratic body in the regular delegations from all the sure democratic States a ma jority of the States of the Union it had no bogus extremity and it had a platform of manly principle of liberty, equality and fraternity upon which every true democrat of the whole union can stand together. The question recurs what shall we do ? Do ! Why, stand resolutely by principle, and let the storm rage on there is sunshine be yond the clouds shun all entangling alli ances of every name and kind. The readi est, surest, speediest, most honorable way to success is to repudiate all fusions, all fac tions, all patchwork, all devices, all expedi ents all efforts to mend the break as old la dies mend broken crockery, with Spaulding s prepared glue, all efforts to be upon both 15 sides, and stand by our candidates and our creed. We shall then commence to deserve success, and if we persevere in this stern path of constitutional rectitude we shall preserve our self respect, command the respect of all others, and our efforts will be crowned with triumph for our party and our principles, the good influences of which will last when party managers and tricksters and their vile schemes are forgotten, or remembered only to be hated and execrated. Loud and repeated cries for "O Conor and Brady" then resounded through the hall. The PRESIDENT stated that Mr. O Conor was absent from the city, and that Mr. Bra dy was not well enough to attend the meet- hig. A VOICE That s too bad. Then there were cries for " Governor Wise," " Benjamin," " Yancey " and " Ste- yens." The PRESIDENT entreated gentlemen to come to order, as he desired to submit a reso lution to the meeting before he should in troduce the next speaker. The following resolution was then read and agreed to : Resolved, That a committee of one from each Congressional district be appointed to call a State Convention to nominate an elec toral ticket and candidates for the coming election. The PRESIDENT then introduced to the meeting Captain Marriott, who he said, had served with General Lane in Mexico. (Ap plause.) Capt. M. made a stirring speech, and was followed by Mr. A. R. Wood, who concluded the proceedings in a few well- timed remarks. OUTSIDE MEETING. A large meeting outside, composed of some eight thousand persons, was addressed by several distinguished gentlemen. After the adjournment Mr. Dickinson and Mr. John T. Henry were serenaded. LETTER FROM EX-PRESIDENT PIERCE, BOSTON, July 13, 1860. To THE EDITORS OF THE BOSTON POST: Gentlemen: I have seen, in several po litical presses, conflicting opinions ascribed to Ex-President Pierce in relation to the final action of the Baltimore Convention ; and having had the opportunity, at an early period, in a friendly correspondence, to learn the views of that eminent citizen in a crisis so important to the Democracy and the Union, which I know his further reflec tion has fully confirmed. I am happy to say that I am at liberty, without infringing on private courtesy, to" send the letter to you for publication. Very truly, yours, etc., B. F. HALLETT. N. H., June 29, 1860. My Dear Sir: Your letter from Balti more directed to me at New York and for warded thence to Concord, has at last reach ed me here, and I will not lay it aside with out saying a word in reply. Your rejection as a delegate was, in my judgment, a clear violation of right : but it must have gratified your friends on the spot, as it has me since, to observe that the wrong perpetrated in your exclusion was not more palpable than your vindication of sound principles and of your claims to a seat was conclusive and triumphant. It was in vain to hope for harmony after the action of the majority upon the report of the committee on credentials. It could hard ly have failed to be understood generally, that such action must terminate the exis tence of the Convention as a body represent ing the Democracy of the Union, and even tuate in the present condition of the power ful and patriotic organization, which lias so long upheld the equal rights, and vindicated in peace and in war the common honor of these confederated States. There has been, in fact, no nomination made in conformity with the established and recognized usages of that organization, and hence sound and faithful men will find nothing in the pro ceedings, so far as the nominees are con cerned, to bind their party fealty. Under these circumstances, it would gratify mo ex ceedingly if our friends in all sections of the land could unite earnestly and cordially in the support of Mr. Breckinridge and Gen- Lane., and thus ensure for our cause signal victory ; but this cannot even be hoped for. What then is to be done with a result so re pugnant to our wishes ? It is of less con sequence to discuss who were right and who wrong upon the question of membership in the Convention, than if is to determine how the Democratic party, whi3h united is invin cible, can avert the calamity of an irrecon cilable breach. If division is at present in evitable, it may be well to inquire whether it is to be permanent. Is devotion to prin ciple, to the equal rights of the States, and to the integrity of the Union, to be sacri ficed to any object of personal ambition, or, what is worse, if ppssible, to the blind con trol of passion, of which we have already 16 had too much ? Have the doctrines and sentiments of sectional fanaticism which culminated last year in the armed invasion of a sister State with the avowed purpose of exciting insurrection, ceased to be dan gerous ? Where is the evidence of change in the direction of sounder and more con servative opinions ? I do not perceive it. It certainly is not to be found in the want of concert, so apparent among the great body of our countrymen who are opposed to the principles and policy of which Mr. Lin- coln and Mr. Hamlin are now the ^represen- tative men. While it would be culpable weakness to intermit effort for the right, there is neither wisdom nor courage in turning from a full view of the embarrassments which beset our party, arid the dangers which threaten our country. The only manly idea on which to act is, " Things are bad and may be worse, but with the blessing of God we will try to make them better." At all events, it is no time for crimination and recrimination among those who expect hereafter to need and to have each the support of the- other. It cannot mend the past cannot help the present and cannot fail to be disastrous to the future. He who takes a different view and acts upon it, will only accumulate a harvest of regrets by uttering sentiments to be explained, qualified, or recalled, unless indeed he is already at the * half-way ," (where so many have stopped tem- before) only to resume his march and take his place in the ranks of those whose opinions arid action have been in di rect antagonism with his own. I am not without hope that the sterling Democracy of the Keystone State will be able unitedly to support the electoral ticket already nomi nated by them, without regard to the pre ference of the individual nominees, but with a satisfactory understanding as to the man ner in which the vote of the State shall, in certain contingencies, be cast; and that their example may be followed by other States, and thus something like unanimity be yet secured. Should a policy like this, at once conciliatory and just, be pursued, we may well be animated by fresh hope and confi dence. I expect to be in Boston next week, when we can interchange thoughts more fully and satisfactorily than it is possible to do by letter. In the meantime if you see the edi tors of the Post (especially Col. Green), will you express to them my thanks for the well- considered, Able, and dispassionate article in which they grappled with the emergency of a divided National Convention, and for the characteristic promptitude with which they assumed a position, which I am confi dent more ample time for reflection willfully justify. Very trulv, your friend, FRANKLIN PIERCE, Hon. B. F. HlLLETT, Boston, Mas. S^af^gfWr * Gaylamount Pamphlet . Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. I Stockton, Calif. 9 T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDT3S53T72