.^ H O Q GIFT or I ilTSn ISETS I Sm i STil IiE r in 2008 with funding from HVIicrosoft Corporation Iittp://wvwv:ar6hive.org/detail^/eectesiasteisb"rpr00nashricti ".>' '..,'V>. <5sMaele& (C?e preacher e^cwct^ t^at att^uman ccuteee ate vain: Secanee tfje cteatiitee ate rcetfeee in t^eit coureee, t^cj> Bring fottfj not^ine new. S^e ^at^ found t^ie e^ in t^e etubf ofwiebom* i^e worfte of t^e preacher, t^e eon of £)cvi6, Ring in jetueaf tern, hanit^ ofvanitiee, eait^ t^e pteac^etf vanity of vanif tiee'f affie vanity. W^at proftf ?cf0 a man of off ^ie faBouc tv0ic9 0c taket^ unbec t^e eun? One gcncrotion paeeetfj awap,anb another genera ation cornet^ : 6uf f 0c eatt^ aBibet^ for ever. fC0e 6un afeo aneet0,anb t0e eun goetti 6own,anb ^aeU et0 to ^ie pfacew0ere 0e croee. fC0e wind s<>^t(j towarbt0e6out0,an6turnet0a6outuntot0enort0; itw^irfet^ aBouf continuaffy, anb t0e win6 returns et0 again accocbing to 0i6 circutte. JTff t0e rivere run into t0e eca; pet t0e eea ie not fufF; unto t0e pface from whence t^e tivete come,t0it0er t0ep re^ turn again. JTff twinge are fuff of fa6ourj man cam not utter if. t0e epe ie not eatiefieft wit0 eeeing, nor t0e ear fiffeb wit0 Rearing. fC?e t^ing t^at ^at^ Been, it ie tfjat vc^icfj e^aff Be; anb t^at xofjic^ ie d *>, *> ■.> ' \ 'i h0ne 16 t^at xo^icff effaff 6e bone: anb tBeve fe m new t^ins nnbet t^e eun. 36 tijete an^ t^insvc^ct€f of it maf 6c 6aib,^ee, t^ie ie new? it ^at^ 6ccn off teabf of o(b time, x^^icfj xvae Before iw. /C^ece ie no rememBrance of former tfimse ; neither e^aff t^ereBeonprememBranceof twinge t^ataretocom* mtf^ tfjoee tffatefjattcome after, |£ 3 ttjepteacffet wae king over Jetaedn Jcvmatcm. Jinb 3 save mp 0eart to 6cek anb eeatc^ out 6p vptebom concern/ tng afi* twinge t^at are bone under ^eaven'. t^ie eore travoif ^at^ i^ob siven to t^e eone of man to Be ey/ ercieeb t^erewitf). 3i ^uve eecn off tf?e worke t^at ere bone unber t^eeun; an6, Be^ofi), off ievanitp an6 vei^ation of epirtt. !€^atw(iic^ ie crooheb cannot 6e mabe etraig^t: anb tffat w^tc^ ie wanting cannot Be numBereb. 3 communeb wit^ mine own ficart, eapns, ito, 3 am come to stent eetate, anb ^ave gotten mote xviebom t^an aff t^ep t^at ^ave Been Before me in 3icru6afem: pea, my ^eatt ^ab great e^perienceofwt66oman6knowfeJ)ge.,;^n6jgave mp 0eart to know wiebom, anb to know mabneee anb foffp: 3 perceived tl^at tfiie afeo ie vcvation of epirit. ^or in muc^ wiebom ie muc^ grief: anb ^e tfjat increaeet? hnowfebge incveaeet^ eorrow. (Z^e vanity of ^umon coureee in t?e worke of pfeo*/ ure. Ittje vanity of ^uman (a6ow. tlot^ing oettrc t^an jop in our taSont; But t^at ie iSob'e sift. ^aib in mine Beart, iSo to now, 3 wiff prove t^ce wit^ mirt$, therefore enjop pfeaeure: anb^ \\ Be^ofb, t^ie aCeo ie vanity. 3 eaidof faug^ter.^ti^'no^J flnJ> of mirt^, Wfjat boetf^ it^ 3 eoug^t in mine Qeart to give mpeeff unto wine, yet acquainting mine Beart wit? i - wiebom; anb to fap ^ofb on foffp, tiff ? mig^t eet 'I w0ot wae tfjat soob for t^e eone of men, w^icfj tffey e^oufb bo unber t^e Bcaven aff tfir baye of jj t^eir fife. 3 mabe me stent worke ; 3 Buifbeb tne ' $ou6e6; 3 pfanteb me vineparbe: 3! mabe me gar/ XXX bene anb orc^orbe, anb 3lpfanfe6 tteee in t^em of aStkinb of ftnite: 31 mabe me poofe of water, to xoatet t^ercwtt^ t^e vcoob t^at Btinset^ fort? tteee: 31 not me eetvante anb maibenSf anb ^ab eetvante Bom in mf ^ouee; afeo 3 ^ab great po$f eeeeione of great an6 emaff cattCe a6ove aff t^at were in ^erueafem Before me : 3i gat^ereb me afeo eifver anb gofb, anb t^e pecufiar treaeure of kinge anb of tffe provincee : 3f got me men eingere anb women eingere, anb t^e befig^te of t^e eone of men, ae maeicaf tnetrumente, anb t^at of aff eorte. ^0 3[ wae great, anb inctea$eb mote t^an aff t^at were Before me in 3feru6afem: afeo mp wiebom remaineb wit^ me. JTnb w^ateoe-vcr mine ej>ee bef eireb 31 kept not from t^em^ 3i wit^^efb not m^ ^eatt from anp jof ; for mp 0eort rejoiceb in aff mj> fa6our: anb t^ie wae mp portion of aff mj> fa6our* (€^en3 fookeb on aftt^e worke t^at mp ^anbe ^ab wrought, anb on t^e fa6our t^at 31 ^ab fa6oureb to bo\ anb, 6e^ofb, aff wae vanity anb ve^cation of epititf anb t^ete wae no profit unber t^e eun. it <^n& 3f twrneb mpeeff to 6efjo(b vciebom, anb mabneee, anb foffy : for w^at can t^e man bo tfjat comet^ after t^e king? even t^at vcijicij ^at^ Seen afreabp bone. ^?en 31 eaw tfjat wiebom e^ceffet? foffp, ae fat ae fig^t e^ceffet^ barkneee. fC^e wiee man'6 epee are in ^ie ^eab; 6ut t^e foof wafket? in barkneee: anb 3 mpeeff perceiveb afeo t^at one event ^appenet^ to t^em aff. dtfjen eaib 31 in mp 0eart, Ji& it ^appcnetfj to t^e foof, eo it ^appenet^ even to me', anb w^p wae 3 t^en more wiee? (C^en 3 eaib in mp 0eart, t^at t^ie afeo ie vanitp. :f or t^ere ie no rememBrance of t0e wiee more t^an of t^e foof for erer; eeeing t^at w^ic^ now ie in t^e baf6 to come e^aff aff 6e forgotten. J(nb ^ow biet^ t^evcieeman'^ ae t^efoof. dtffetefote 3 ^ateb fifej 6ecauee t0e work t^at ie wrought unber t^e eun ie grievoue unto me: for aStievanitf anb vei^ation of epirit. £ :2ea, 31 ^ateb aff mp faBour w^ic? 3 $ab taken unber t^e eun: Becouee 3 e^oufb feave it unto t^e man t^at e^aff Be after me. .^i^nb w$o XtZ Set e^aSt ^e ^ave rufe over aff mp fa6ouc xv^etein If (jave (abouteb, anb w^etein J ^ave e^web mp 6e(fvom unbet ti^e eun. ft^ie ie afeoranitp. ITBcce/ fore 3 went aSout to came mp ^coct to beepaiv of att tf^e (about xo^ic^ 3 took unbet ttje eun. Jfoc t^ete 10 a man w^oec faSout ie in wiebom, anb in hnoxvCebse, anb in equitp; pet to a man t^at ^t$ not (aBouteb therein ef^aff i^e (eave it foe ^ie pott tton. (€^ie afeo ie ranitp anb a s^eat evtf. Jfoc x^^at ^at^ man of aff ^ie fa6oiic, anb of t^c veiQf tttion of ^16 ^catt, wherein ^c ^at^ Ca6outeb unbet t^e 6un^ Jfoc aff 0te bape ace eoccotve, anb fjie tcaTaif grief ; fea, ^ie ?eart takct^ not rcet in t^e nig^t. (C^ie ie afeo vanity. ^ ,C^ere ie nothing 6etterfocaman,t$ant9at^e69oufbeatanbbcink, anb tfjat ffe e^oufb make ^ie eouf enjop goob in fjie faBouc. /C^ie afeo 3 eaw, t^at it wae fcom t^e 0anb of iSiob, Sot w^o can eat, oc xv^o efee Can ^aeten ^eceunto, moce t^an 31? ifoc iCfob givf et^ to a man t^at ie goob in ^ie eig^t voiebom, anb knowfebge, anb jop: But to t^e einner $e givet§ tcavaif, to gather anb to fjeap up, t^at (je may give to ^im tffat ie goob Before iSob. (C^ie afeo ie vam ftp anb vcT^ation ofepitit, 26p t0e neceeeacp change of timee,f anifp ie abbcb to fiuman travaif. CBcrc ie an rvfcfTrnfy in iSob'e worke.il^obefiairjubgrtfifrigfitfoiie xtficwlckrb. <0 erecp t^ing t^ece ie a eeaeon, anb a time to evecp purpoee un^ bee t0e ^eaven : Ji time to 6e 6om, anb a time to bie ; a time to ptanty anb a time to ptuck up tfjat wfiic^ ie ptantcb ; j7 time to kiff, anb a time to ^raf ; a time to 6ceak boxvn, anb a time to 6uifb uf ; Ji time to yoeepf anb a time to faug^ ; a time to mourn, anb a time to bance; JI time to caet away etonee, anb a time to gather etonee together ; a time to emSrace, onb a time to refrain from em6racing; Ji time to HI 0et, anb a time to foee ; a time to keep, anb a time to cast away ; JT time to rcnb, anb a time to ecw j a time to keep etfcncc, anb a time to epeak j Ji time to (ore, anb a time to ^ate; a time of \oat, anb a time of peace. W^at profit ^at^ ^e t^at xvotket^ in t^at w^etein ^e fa6ourct^? 31 ^ave eeen t^e ttaf vaiC, w$ic0 iSob ^at^ given to t^e eone of men to 6e ei^evcieeb in it. 9?e ^at^ mabe evety t^ing; Beautif fuf in $t6 time'. aCeo ^e ^atfj eet t^e xcottb in t^eit ^eart, 60 t^at no man can finb out t^e work t^at iSobmaketfjftomt^eSesinninetot^eenb.Jknow t^at t^ete ie no soob in t^em, 6ut for o man to tef jotce, anb to bogoob in ^ie fife. J(nb afeo t^ot everp man efionib eat anb brink, anb enjov t^e good of off ^ie faSour, it ie t^e gift of iSob. J know ttfat^ w^ateocver i6ob boet?i, it effaS Be for evet : not^^ ins can 6e put to it, not any t^ins taken from it : anb iSob boet^ it, t^at men e^oufb fecr Before ^im. (t^at xv^ic^ ^at^ Been ie now ; anb tffat w^ic? iff to Be ^at^ a(teaby Been; anb l^ob requtret^ t^at w^ic^ ie pact. ([,Jinb moreover 3 eaw under t^e eun t^e pface ofjubsment, t^at wickebneee tvotf t^ere; anb t^e pface oftisffteowneee, t^at iniquity wae t^ere. 3i eaib in mine ^eatt, iSob e^aStjubse t^e ris^teoue and t^e wickeb : for t^ere ie a time t^ere for everp purpoee anb for everp work. 3f eaib in mine ^eatt concetnins t^e eetate oft^e eone of men, t^at iSob mig^t manifest tfjem, anb t^at tffef mis^t eee t?iat t^ep t^emeefvee are Beaete. fot ttfat w$ic§ 6efoffet^ t^e cone of men BefatCet^ 6ea0t6; even one tfjing 6efaffet§ t^em : ae t^e one biet^, 60 biet^ t^e ot^er; yea, t^ep ^ave aff one Bteat^ ; 60 ttfat a man (fatfi no preeminence aBoxe a Bea6t'. for af(i6 vanity. JTffgo nnto one pface; aff are of t^e bmt, anb aff turn to bmt again. W^o kno wet^ t^e epitit of man t^at goet0 upward, anb t^e epitxt oftffe Bcaet tffat goet?) downward to t^e eart§? Wherefore 3 perceive t^at t^ere ie not^inis Better, t^on t^at a man e^oufd rejoice in ?i\6 own worke; for t^atie^ie portion: for w^oe^affBrinjj ^im to eee w?at etfaUBe after ^im'i tlX 6f ibCcncee, 6f covetoueneec, 6v eoCitatineee, 8i> ■wiffufnree. t^p foot vo^en t^ou socet t0 t^e ^oxiee of i^ob, anb 6c mote reobp to ^eor, t^an to give t^e eacriftce of foofe : fot t0ep conr eibcv not t^at t0ej> bo eyi(. 15e not tae^ \9it^ tfi^ mout^, anb M not tffine ^eart 6e fjaet^ to uttec anp t^ing Before i^ob : for 1^06 ie in ^eoven, and t^ou upon eart^: therefore fet t^p worbe 6e few. :f or a bream cornet^ t^roug^ t^e muftitube of %mii neee ; anb a foof 'e voice ie known 6p muftitubc of worbe. W^en t^ou voweet a vow unto J^ob, befer not to i^a'f iti^ for $e ^at^ no pfeaeure in foofe: i^a^ t?)at\v?fxc?i t^ou owop in ^ie fyinb. !Mnb t^ie afeo 10 a 0ore evif, t^t in aff pointe ae ^e came, 00 06aff ^e go: anb wfiat profit fiatfi Be t^at fjati^ fa6ourc6 for t^e wtnb ? J^ff^ie bafe ofeo $e eatet^ in 5arhne00,an6 $e $at^ muc^ eorro w anft wrat^ vcitfj file 0irknf 00. (£, JBcffofb tffat wfiicfi J $aTe0een:ttt0gooban6comcrpforonetoeatanbto brtnh, anb to enjop tfje soob ofafffjie (about tf^t ^e taketfj under tfje eun aff t^e 6ap0 of ^ie fife, wfiic? iSob sivet^ ^im : for it ie f/ie portion. (8 verp man a(60 toxv^om iSob ^at^ siven tic^c$ anb weaft^, anb ^atfj given ^im power to eat thereof, and to take ^10 portion, anb to rejoice in fii0 faBour ; tfiie ie t^e sift ofiSob. JTor ^e e^aS not muc^ rcmcim 6er t^e dape of ^te fife; Becauoe i^od an0vveret$ ^im in t^e jop ofijie ^eart. i)anitf of ric^ee without uee.Ofc^ifdren.ondofd age tvit^out ric^ee. iyanity of0ig^tand wandering de0ire0. Cfie concflieion of vnnitic6. i^ere 10 an rvif w$ic$ J fyive eeen under t^e eun, and it te common among men : JT man to tv^om l^od ^at^ given ric^e0, weaft^, and honour, 00 t^at ^e wantet^ nothing for ^ie eouCof aff tfiat Be de0iret6, pet l^od givet^ ^im not power to eat thereof, But a 0trangec ratet^ it: tfjie ie vanitf, anb it ie an evif di0ea0e. 4£3lf a man Beget an hundred c^ifdren, and five manp pear0, 00 t^at t^e dap0 of ^ie ycave Be manf, anb Qi0 0ouf Be not fiOVrd wit^ good, and ar0o tfjat ^e (jave no Buriaf ; J 0ap, t^at an untimeCf Birt^ ie ^ x^ Better t^an ?e. :f or ^e cornet^ in wit^ vanity, anb ftepartet^ in ftarkneee, anb ^ie name e^aff 6e covf eteb mt^ batkneee. G^oreover ^e ^at0 not eecn tfje 6un, nor knoxvn an^ twins'' t^i& i^atfj mote teet t^an t^e ot^er. ^ Sea, t^oug^ ^e fiK»e a tfjomanb pearff twice tofb, pet ^at^ ^e eeen no 5006 : bo not aff go to one pface? ^ff t^e faBouc of >nan ie fot^ie moxit^, anb pet t^e appetite ie not fieteb. Jfor w^at ^at? t^e wiee more t^an t^e foof ? vc^at ^at^ t^e poor, t^ot knowct^ to wafk Before tfje fiving? £ :!5ettec 16 t0e eig^t of t^e epee t^an t^exvanbevins oft^e beeivei t^ie ie ofeo vanity anb xei^ation of epitit, fC^at w^ic^ ^at^ Been ie nameb afreabp, anb it ie known t^at it ie man : neither may fje contenb wit^ fjim t^at ie mightier t^an fje.^^eeins t^ete Be many twinge t^at incveaeevanity^w^at ie man t^e Bettct'i :fot w^o knowet^ w^at ie goo6 for man in tfjie fife, aff t^e baye of iji$ vain fife wijicfj ?e epenbet^ ae a e^abow? for w^o can teffa manw^at e^aff 6e ofter ^im unbet t^e eun^ 3Keme6ie0 aisainet vanity ate, a good name, mottif fication, patience, wieftom. (€^e bifftcuftf of wie/ bom. i^oob name ie Better t^an ptef done ointment; anb tfje bay of beat^ t^an t^e bay of one'e Birt^. C 3?t ie Setter to go to tfje fjome of mourning, t^an to go to t^e ^ouee of feaeting : for t^at ie t^e enb of aff men; anb t^e (ivins wifffapit to ^ie ^eart. borrow ie Better t^anfaug^^ ter : for Bp t^e eabncee of t^e countenance t^c ^cavt ie mabe Better. fC0e ^cor t of t^e wiee ie in t^c ^oiiee of mourning ; But t^e ^eart of foofe ie in tfje ^ouee of mirt^. 3it ie Better to ^eat t^e reBuke of t^e wiee, t^an for a man to 0eor t^e eong of foofe. J^or ae t^e crackfing of t^orne unber a pot, eo ie t^e faug^tec of t^e foof: t^ie afeo ie vanitp. (£ ^urefp oppree/ eion maket0 a wiee man mab; anb a sift beettoyf et$ t^e §eart. :J5etter ie t§e enb of a t^ing t^an t§e Besinninfi thereof: anb tfje patient in epitit ie 6ett tet ttian t^e pcoub in epitit. T5e not ^aetf in ttjf $pitit to 6e anjjrp: for ongcc veetet^ in t^e Boeom of foofe. ^ap not t^ou, vo^at ie t^e came t^at t6e former bape were Better t^an t^ceei for tfiou boet not inquire wteefp concevnins t^ie. ^ Wiebom ie Qoob wttfi on infirritance: anb 6p it tfjete ie profit to t^em t^at ece t^c eun. J'^or wiebom ie a befence, anb monef ie a befencex but t^e evceffencf of knowh ebse ie, t^at wiebom gtvetf? fife to t^em tf/at f/ave it, Coneiber t()e work of i^ob: for w6o can make t^at etraig^t, w^ic^ ^e ^at^ mabe crookcb Y 3n t^e bay of proeperitp 6e jopfiif, 6ut in t^e bay of abveteity coneibert iSob afeo fiat0 eet tBc oncovctasainet t^e otfjet, to tfje enb tfjat man efjouCbfinb nothing aftet ^im. ^ff twinge ^ave J eeen in tfje baye of my vam itf : t^ere ie a juet man t^at periefjet^ in fiie rig^t^ eou6ne00,ani> t^eretea wickeb man t^atprofonget^ ^ie fife in ^ie wickebneee. "JSe not rig^teoue over muc^i neit^etmake t^peeffover wiee: w^fe^utbf e6ttBoube6troftlff6cflF?;25enotovcrmiicBwickc6, neither 6e t^oii foofie^: wf?p e^oufbcet t^ou bie Bet fote t^v time? 3ft ie good t^ot tfjou e^ufbeet take ^otb oft^ie ; pea, ofeo from t^ie wi tfibraw not t^ine fjanb : for fje tfjat featet^ i^ob efjaff come fovt^ of t^em aff. Wiebom etrengt^enct^ t^e wiee more t^an ten misfjtf men w^ic^ ore in t^e citp. Jfoc jj t^ere ie not o juet mon upon cort^, tfiot boctfi goob, anb einnetfj not. JIfeo tokc no (jccb unto off worbe t^at ate epoken; feet tfy>u fjeat t^p eerront curer jl tfjeei Sot oftentimee ofeo tfiine own ^cort know^ et$ t^at t^ou t^peeff ftkewiee ^oet cureeb ot^ere. f[ JTff t^ie ^ave 3 ptoveb 6p wiebom : 3 eaib, 3 xoiffBe wiee; But it woe far from me. I^^t w?ic$ ie fat off, onb eycecbins beep, wl^o con finb it out? 3 oppficb mine ^cavt to kno w,onb to ee orclj, onb to eeek ont wiebom, anb t^e reoeon of twinge, anb to know t^e wickcbnree of foffp,evrn of foofiefincee anb mobneee: Jinb 3 finb mote Bitter tBon beat^ t^e woman, w^oee ^eort ie enoree onb nete, onb $er $onbe oe Bonbe: w^oeo pfeoeet^ i£iob e^oQ' eecape from ^et; But t^c einnet e^off 6e taken 6p 0er. 15c^oR), t^w 9avc3 founb, eait? t^e preacher, counting one 6p one, to ^n6 out t^e account: xv^ic^ pet mp eouf eeeket9,6ut 3 find not: one man amons a t^omanb ^ave 3 founb; 6ut a women among aff t^oee ^cve 3i not founb. iSo, t^ie onfp ^ave 3 founb, t^at l^o5 $at^ ma\>e man uf rtg^t; 6\xt t^ep ?ave eoug^t out manp mventione. Jllinge ace gteatfp to 6e reepecteb. /C^e &if ine pcov^ t5ence ie to 6e oBeecveft. 3t ie Bcttet\9\tff t^e gobfp in abvcceitp, t?ian \o'\t?i t^e wickeb in pcoeperitp. l^o6'6 work 16 un6catrcl?a6fe. i^o ie ae t?e wiee man^. anh w^o knowet^ t^e intn!(>tctai tion of a t^ing? a man'e wie^ 5om maket^ ^ie face to e^ine, an6 t?e 6ofbne66 of $ie face e^aff 6e c^angeb. j couneef t^ee to keep t^e king'e cotrn manhmmtf anh t^at in tegacb of t^e oat^ of l^ob. 16e not fjaet'^ to go out o^^xe eig^t: 6tan6 not in an evif t^ingj foe ^e boct0 w^ateoever pfeaeet^ ^im. W^ete t^e wocJ) of c king ie, t^ere ie power: anb w^o ma^ cap unto ^im, W^at boeet t^ou? W^oeo keepet^ t^e commani>mcnt6iia&:^edno evif t^ing: ttn6 a wiee man'e (fcatt biecernet^ 6ot0 time atA jubgment. ^ %ecame to ererp purpoee t^ere iff ^me anb jubgment, therefore t^e mieet^ of man ie greet upon ffim, jfot ^e knowet^ not t^at w^ic^ efjaff 6e: for w^o can teff ^im xofjen it e^aff 6e? fC^cre ie no man t^at f^ot^ power over t^eepitit to tetain t^e epitit; neither ^at^ ^e power in t^e bap ofbeat^i anb t^ereieno biec^arge inttjatwat-, nei^ tfjet e^aff wickebneee befiver t^oee t^at ate given to it, JiSt t^ie ^ave 3 eeen, anb apptieb m^ 0eart nnto everp work t^at iebone unber t^e enn : t^ere ie a time wherein one man rufet^ over anotfiet to ^iff own ^urt. 7(nb eo 3[ eaw t^e wickeb 6urieb, w?o ^ab come anb gone from t^e pface of t^e 0ofp, anb t§ep were forgotten in t^e citp w^ere t?ep (fab eo ; xri J bene : t^ie ie afeo vanity. 3ecawe eentence o(jainrt an evifworh ie note^prcufcb epcebifp ,KJif amonz off twinge t^ot ore bone nnbtt t^e 6un, t^flt t^crc ie one event unto off: f eo, ofeo t^e 0eort of t^e eone of men ie fuff of evif, on6 mabi neee ie in t^etr ^eort w^ife t^ep five, onb oftec t^ot t^ep 00 to t^e beob. ^ fot to ^m t^at ieioimb to aSt^c fiving t^cce ie 0ope : for o ftTtng bog te Bet** ter t^on o beob fton. Jfor t0e firing know t^ot t^ep e^off bie : 6ut t^e beob know not onp t^ing, neit^et ^ove t^ep onp more o reworb; for t^e memory of t^emieforgotten.Jffeot^eirfovejOnbt^eir^otreb, anb t^eir envp, ie now perie^eb ; neither ^ove t^ep onp more portion for ever in onpt^ingt^otie bone unber tffc 6\in. ^ iSo t^'f wop, eot t^^ 6reob wit0 io^^anb brink t^p wine wit^ o merrp ^eort; for i6ob now occeptet^ t^p worke. itet t^p gormente 6e ati wope w^ite; onb fet t^p f^cab fock no ointment. Cive jopfiiffp wit^ t^e wife w^om t^ou foveet off t^e bop6 of t^e ftfc of tfi^ vanit'f, w^ic? ?e ^ot0 given t^ee unber t0e eun , off t0e bope of t^p vonitp : for t0ot ie t^p if>ovtxon in t^ie fife, onb in t?if fo6our w^ic^ t^ou tokeet unber t0e eun. W^oteoever t^p $onb finbet^ to bo, bo it wit^ ttf'f mig^t; for t^ere i6nowork,norbevice,norknowfebge,norwi6bom, in t^e grove, w^it^er t^ou goeet. ^ 3i returncb,onb 6flw unber t^e enn, tffat t^e roce ie not to t^e ewift, ! nor t^e 6ottfe to t0e etrong, neither fet 6reob to t^e wi6e,nor pet ric^ee to men of unber6tonbing,nor fet fovour to men of ekiff; 6ut time anb chance ^oppen^ et? to t^em off. :f or mon ofeo kno wet^ not ^ie time: a$ t^efie^ee t^otore token in an evif net,onb oe t^e 6irb6 t^at ate coug^t in t^e enore j eo ore t^e eone of men enateb in anevi(time,vo^en it fafltetfj eubbenfp upon t^em.|[iTr^i6wi6bomf^ove3i6cen ofeo unber t^e enn^anb it eeemeb greotunto me: C^erewoe o Rttfe citp,onb few menxcit^in it; anb t^ete came a greot kingogoinet it,onb 6e6iegeb it, onb 6uiftgreot 6ufwork6 ogoinet it: flow t^ere woe founb in it a poor wiee mon, onb 0e 6p 0ie wiebombefivereb t0e citf; fct no man cemem6ereb tffat eame poor man. (€^en eaibJifWiebom ie Bettet t^an ettenstfj: nevf evt^eCeee t^e poor man'e xviebcm 10 beepieeb, anb ^iexvotbe ate not ^eatb. f^fje voovbe ofxeiee men ate ^eatb in quiet more t^an t^e ctf of ^im t^at rufet^ amons foofe. Wiebom ie Bettet t^anxveai^ CM ofxvati 6ut one einnet beettof etfj muc^ soob. OBeerrarione of wtebom on6 fofff : of riot,6fof (Jfuft nree, anb monef. ^en'e t^ousfjte of hinge ousf^t to 6f rrvrrrnf. (Sab ffice cawe t^c ointment of t^e apot^ecarf to eenb fort$ a etinkingeavour: eo 6ot^ a fittfe foS'p ^im t^at ie in teputation for toiebom anb ^nour. Jivoiee man'6 ^eatt ie at f^ie rig^t Ganb ; eutafoofefjeartatfiiefeff^rea afeo, w^en ^e t^at ie a foof wafket^ 6p t^e wap, $16 xoiebom faifet^ ^im, anb ^e eait^ to evevf one tfiat 0e ie a foot Jf t^e epirit of t^e rufcr riec up asainet t^ee, feare not t^f pface; for pcfbins pact* fiet^ Steat ofencee, (C^ere ie anertf tv^ic^ 3 ^ave eeen unbet t^e enn, ae an error xv^ic^ proceebetQ firom t^e rufer: Jfoffp ie ect in great bignitf, anb t^e tic^ eit in fo w pfoce. 3 ^axc eeen eervante upon ^oreee, anb princee t^afhing ae eervante upon tfje eatt^. ^e t^at biggetp a pit efjaSC fafC into it ; anb tv^oeo Sreaket^ an ^ebge, a eerpent e^aff Bite ^im. VP^oeo removet? etoneee^aff 6e ^urt t^erewit^j cnb ^e t^at cfeavet^ woob eijaff Be enbangereb t^ereBp. 3ft^e iron 6e 6funt,anb $e bo not wfiet t^e ebge, t^cn muet ^e put to more etrengt^: Bntxviebom ie profttaBfe to bitect. ^urefp t^e eerpent wiffSite tvitljout enchantment; anb a 6a86fer ie no Bettet. C^^c wotbe of wiee man'e mout^ are gracioue; But t^e fipe of a foof wiff ewaffow up ^imeeff. It^ Beginning of t^e worb6 of ^ie moutB ie fooftefineee: anb tfje enb of ^ie ta(k ie miec^ievoue mabneee. Jf fooCafeo ie fuff of worbe: a man cannot teff wBat e^affBe; anbVQ^ate^affBeaftet ^im,xo^ can teft :xti of t^em, Beccuee ^e hnowct^ not ^ovo to go to t^e citf. ([ Woe to t^ce, O fanb, w^en t^p king te a c^ifJ), and t^p pcincee cat in t^e morning! T5(e66eb att t^ou, t^e eun : %ut if a man five man^ peare, anb rtjoice in t^em off; yet iet %im rememBer t0e bops of barkneee; for t^tey e^aff Be many, JTff t^ot cornet^ ie vanity, ([ !IKejoice, <0 poung man, in t^y pout? j anb tet t^y ^eatt effect t^ee in t^e bape of t^p poutJJ, anb wofk in t^e voafe cf t^ine ^eatt, anb in t^e etg^t of t^ine efee : 6ut know t^ou, tfjat for afft^eec tfitnge 1^06 ■wiff Bring t^ce into jubgment. I^fjetcfote remove eorrow from t^p ^eatt, anb put awap cvif from t^f fte$^i for cQin>$oo2> an6 pout^ arc vonitp. I^^e Creator ie to 6e remem6rrr2> in 2>uc time. /C^e preoc^er'e care to ebify. (^tje feat of l6ob ie t|f ffitff nntiboff of vanltp. (BmemSet now t^y Creator in t^e ba^e of t^p pout?, w^ife t^ evif bape come not, not t^e peare draw nis?,w?cnt^ou6fiaft cap, 3 ^ave no pfcaeure in tfjem; W?ife tffe 6un,or tl^e fig^t, or t?e moon, or tfjc etare, 6e not 6arlw eneb, nor t?e cfoube return after t^e rain: 3n t^e bap w^en t^e keepere of t^e ^ouee effaff tremBfe, anb t^e etronjj men e^affSoxv t^emeefvee, anb t^ grinbere ccaee Ber auee tfiep are few, anb tfioec tfJat fookoutoft?ewinbow6 6ebarkeneb,^nbt6cboor5 e^aff 6e e^ut in t^e etteete, w?en t^e eounb of t^ grinbing ie fow, anb ?e e^aff riee up at t^e voice of t^e 6irb, anb aff t^e boug^tere of mueick e^att Be Brought fow; ^{Ceo xofjen tfjey e^aff 6e aftaib oft^at w^ic? ie ?ig?, anb feare 6?aff6e in t^e wap, cnb t^e cfmonb tree e^aff ^ouriefi, anb tfic graew popper e^aff 6e a 6urben,anb beeire efjaff faiC: 6ef came man goet? to ^ie Cons ^ome,anb t^e mounw ere go aBout t^e etreete : Or ever tf}c eifvcr c orb Be fooecb, or tfje gof ben Bo wf Be Broken, or t^e pitc^et Be Broken at t?e fountain, or t^e w^eef Broken at t^e cietern. (€^en e^afft^c bxiet return to tfic cart? ae itwae: anb tfjc epirite^aff return unto iSob w^ save it. ^ ioonitpofvonitiee.eait^t^e preacher; attievanitf. Jinb moreover, Becauee t^e preacher wa6 wiee, fjc eti(t taugBt tfie propfe knowfebge; fea, ?e gave goob fjecb, anb eoug^t out, onb ect in otbet manp proverBe. l€^e preacher eoug^t to finft out acceptaBfe worbe : anb t^at w^ic? wae written :Ktixx wae upright, erenwocbe of frut0. ^^ewocbe of t^e wiee ate ae Qoabe, anb ae nai(& faetcneb 6f t^e maeteve of aeeemBfree, w^ic^ ore ei^en ftom one e^ep^etb. J^nb further, 6p tfjeee, mp eon, 6e abmon/ ie^eb: of making manp 6ooke t^ete k no enb; anb muc^ 6tu6p te a xoeatineee of t^c ffce^. d^ itct m ^eat t^c concfueion of t^e w^ofe matter, featl^ob, anb keep ^ie commanbmentei for t^ie ie t^e w^ofe 6utp of man. Jfor i^o6 e^aff 6ring everj> work into judgment, mt^ evet^ eectet t^ins, w^et^cr it 6e (toob, or w^et^er it 6e evi(. |£/C?ree ^unbreb copiee of t^ie 6ook (Sccfeeiaetee or e^e ^reac^er ^ave Been pvinteb 6y !Jo^n j^cnrp Viaeff of ^an Jfrancieco for t^e jop of t^c boing in tffe e^ont^ of €)«em6cr flo. . i*,. BRARY 1^