THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GROTON DURING THE INDIAN WARS. BY SAMUEL A. GREEN, M.D. GROTON, MASS. 1883. CambrtBgc : PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON AND SON, UNIVERSITY PRESS. F TO jfflemorp BRAVE MEN AND HEROIC WOMEN WHOSE HOMES WERE DESTROYED, WHOSE KINDRED WERE SLAIN, AND WHOSE CHILDREN WERE CARRIED INTO CAPTIVITY, DURING THE SEVERAL ASSAULTS ON THE TOWN BY THE INDIANS, THIS ACCOUNT OP THEIR SUFFERINGS s Inacribeb BY THE AUTHOR. 1.C667-iO CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. KING PHILIP'S WAR 7 II. KING WILLIAM'S WAR 51 III. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR 86 IV. BUMMER'S WAR 125 V. KING GEORGE'S WAR 148 VI. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR 157 VII. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS 179 INDEX 193 CHAPTER I. KING PHILIP'S WAR. I. THE early settlers of Groton encountered many trials and privations in planting the town. The men worked hard in felling trees and breaking ground, and the women toiled faithfully in their rude homes. They were used to hardships, and took them with Christian resignation. Their daily life taught them the true principles of philosophy. They lived on the rough edge of civilization, and nothing stood between them and an unbroken wilderness. These pioneers were a devout people ; and the strength of their religious belief is shown in no way so clearly as in the fortitude with which they met their lot in life. The prowling Indians were their neigh- bors, whose movements required careful watching. There were families of savages scattered along the interval land of the Nashua Valley, from Lancaster to the Merrimack River, who at times annoyed the settlers by killing pigs and stealing chickens. Judging from the number of stone implements found in the neighborhood, there was an Indian village just above the Red Bridge, on the west side of the river. It probably consisted of a few families only, belonging to the Nashua Tribe, as they were called by the English. Like all their race these Indians were a shiftless people, and often 8 KING PHILIP'S WAR. changed their abodes, going hither and thither, as they found good hunting-grounds and fishing-places. They bartered skins and furs with the planters ; and so much business was carried on in this way, that the government sold to individuals the right to trade with them. As early as July, 1657, Mr. John Tinker, one of the original selectmen of the town, appointed by the General Court, paid eight pounds for the privilege of trafficking with them at Lancaster and Groton. A few of these natives knew a little English, which they had picked up from contact with the whites. Gookin refers to them in his " History of the Christian Indians," when he speaks of " some skulking Indians of the enemy, that formerly lived about Groton, the principal whereof was named Nathaniel, he and his party did this and other mischief afterward, in burning several houses at Chelmsford." 1 This Nathaniel was taken subsequently at Cocheco, now Dover, New Hampshire, and hanged in Boston. Some of these vagrants took an active part in the burning of Groton during King Philip's War. The leader of the savages at this assault was John Monaco, or Monoco, nicknamed " One-eyed John," from the loss of an eye. After he had taken by stratagem a garrison- house, he entered into a long conversation with Captain Parker, who was stationed in another house near by, and called him his old neighbor. From this fact I infer that " One-eyed John " knew Captain Parker, and had previously lived in the vicinity. Warfare among the aborigines did not require generalship so much as knowledge of places; and the head of an assaulting party was one familiar with the clearings and the lay of the land in the threatened territory. During the ensuing autumn this leader was brought to the gallows in Boston, where he suffered the extreme penalty of the law. The Indians soon acquired from the English the love of strong drink, which is sure to lead to disputes and quarrels. 1 Archasologia Americana, II. 471. KING PHILIP'S WAR. The earliest documents at the State House, relating to Groton and the savages, give an account of a drunken brawl which ended in murder. The affair took place in the Mcrrimack Valley, and several men of this town were summoned to appear as witnesses at the investigation before the General Court in Boston. In the spring of 1668 Captain Richard VValdron built a trucking or trading house at Penacook, now Concord, New Hampshire, where a few weeks later one Thomas Dickinson was murdered by an Indian while under the influence of liquor. The homicide created great excite- ment, and it has been supposed to have delayed the perma- nent settlement of the place for many years. A warrant was issued directing the constable of Groton to summon John Page, Thomas Tarbell, Jr., Joseph Blood, and Robert Parish, all of this town, before the General Court in order to give their testimony, which they did under oath. It ap- peared by the evidence that there had been a drunken row, and that Dickinson was killed by an Indian, who acknowl- edged the crime and expressed great sorrow for it, but pleaded drunkenness in extenuation of the deed. The cul- prit was tried at once by a council of the Indians, who sentenced him to be shot, which was done the next day. It is interesting now to note the high temperance stand taken, more than two hundred years ago, by the Chief Tohaunto, which places him abreast of the most earnest opposers of the rum traffic at the present time. Throughout this narration I purpose to give, as far as practicable, the exact language of the men connected with the events ; and for this reason many original documents are printed in full. Some of the papers relating to the affair at Penacook are as follows : To the Constable of Groatcn These. Require yo" in his Maj tys name, to sumone & require John Page & such othe r of y c toune y' went vp to Inquire for y c ir catle. at 10 KING PHILIP'S WAR. Pemicook presently on the death of the Englishman murthured by y' Indians there lately in a drunken fitt. as is sayd & others y l yo" know- to make theire Appearances before the Generall [Court] now sitting in Boston on 27 th Instan'. at eight of y c clocke in the morning to give in their euidences in y' J Case relating to y e sd murthe r & y' occasion thereof by selling strong liquo r s & by whom as they know or have heard making yo r return of this warrant to the Secretary at or before y' time hereof yo" are not to faile dated in Boston, the 1 5 th of Octobe' 1668. By the Court EDW : RAWSON Sere" ' [Endorsed] These thre men namly John Page Thomas an Robard Tarball Juni r & Joseph Blood are Summanced Parish to apear e at the Generall Court, according to the premises : by mee MATTHIAS FARNWORTH Constable of Grawton To the Constable Grawten [Massachusetts Archives, XXX. 155.] The words " an Robard Parish " appear in the original, in one corner of the writing, as given above. They were evi- dently put in after the document was written. The Deposition of Danll Waldron being called to speak what I know about the Death of Thomas Dikison who was killed by an Indian as they say : my selfe with many others was sent up by my father to see the corps and enquire into his death when we came there we found the man dead and an Indian lying dead by him and examining the Indians how he came by his death they said the Indian that lay dead by him killed him with his knife : and enquiring further why he killed him the Indians told us they asked him and he gave them no answere but bid them shoott him : and further enquiring whether the Indian were Drunk they answered that he was not Drunk and after this we saw him buried presently, and we returned home the next Day This was taken vpon oath : this 20 : I of y e 8 : [ mo 1668 before vs [Massachusetts Archives, XXX. i ;;.] SIMON WILLARD W M HATHORXF. KING PHILIP'S WAR. II Wee whose names are herevnto subscribed doe testifye that in or aboute y e Month of June last past goeing to Pennycooke to enquire after Cattle yt were lost, rideing to y e ffort at the sayd Pennicooke, meeteing w th some of the Indians belonging thereto told us, y' an Englishman was Killed by an Indian, and that all our Englishmans Laws they had Killed the Indian, wee farther enquireing of them how and whether the Indians were drunck when the Englishman was Killed, and they answered all Indians were then drunck or else they had noe Kild Englishman ; And farther wee Evidence Tohaunto a Sagamore being afrayd that wee had brought Liquors to sell desired us if wee had any, that wee would power it vppon the ground for it would make ye Indians all one Divill, And farther wee meeteing wth Thomas Payne, who told us he was Cap' \Valdern's serv 1 , asking him whether the Indians were druncke when the Englishman was Killed, and he answered not drunck ; and after farther discourse wth ye sd Payne he sayd that ye pson that was Killed was Peter Coffins man and farther sayd that if the Killing of the Man did not prevent it his the sayd Paynes Master Capt Walderne and Peter Coffin did intend to send Carpenters to build there and also to have ground broake vpp to be improved, and wee farther affirme that wee saw a Rundlett which would hold at least six Gallons in the Trucking House near the sayd ffort ; after wch wee meeteing wth the Indians then there, and telling them yt Thomas Payne told us that they were not drunck when The Englishman was Killed the Indians then sayd yt Payne much Lyed, for wee had Divers Quarts of Liquors the same day that the sayd Englishman was Killed upon and one of the Indians Cofnaunded his Squagh to wash a Bladder, wherein the Indian sayd there was a Quart of Liquors and wee doe adiudge it to be as much ; or using words to the same effect JOHN PAGE Octob r 27'.'' 1668 ROBB PARRIS THOMAS TARBALL Sworne in Court, 27, octobe r 1668 : JOSEPH BLOUD EDW : RAWSONT Secret y [Massachusetts Archives, XXX. 161.] During a series of years before King Philip's War the Indians had been supplied with arms and ammunition, 12 KING PHILIP'S WAR. though this was contrary to the laws of the colonies. The French in Canada and the Dutch in New York had carried on considerable traffic with the natives in these contraband articles ; and occasionally some avaricious settler would barter with them, giving powder and shot in exchange. The possession of firearms made the Indians bold and insolent, and the tendency of events was toward open hos- tilities. This tendency was strengthened by a feeling of sus- picion on the part of the colonists, and by one of jealousy on the part of the savages. Distrust always grows out of suspicion, and the fears of the settlers began to be excited when they thought of their exposed situation. Under these circumstances, it was wise to prepare for all emergencies; and at an early day a military company was organized in this town. The following entry is made in the manuscript records of the General Court during the session beginning May 6, 1673 : - James Parker of Groaten hairing had the care of the military Com- pany there for seuerall yeares. is Appointed & ordered to be their leiftennant & W" Larkin to be ensign e to the sajd Company there [General Court Records, IV. 718.] The two officers of this organization were each promoted one grade during the next autumn, which would indicate that the company was filling up in numbers. At the session of the General Court beginning October 15, 1673, the record reads : The military Company of Groaten being destitnt of military oficers The Court Judgeth it meet to choose & Appoint James Parker to be their captane W" 1 Lakin to be leiftennant & Nathaniel Lawrence to be their ensigne [General Court Records, IV. 726.] Before this time there had been in Middlesex County a company of troopers, or cavalry, made up of men living KING PHILIP'S WAR. 13 in the frontier towns, of which Groton was one as men- tioned in the General Court Records of October, 1669. One of the prominent men in the history of the Colony at this period was Major Simon Willard. A native of Eng- land, he came to Massachusetts in the year 1634. He had lived at Concord, Lancaster, and Groton, and in all these places exerted a wide influence. He had rilled various civil offices, and in his day was a noted military man. His farm was situated at Nonacoicus, now included within the limits of Ayer; and his dwelling-house was the first building burned at the attack on Groton, March 13, 1676. During several months previously he had been engaged with his men in scouting along the line of frontier settlements and protecting the inhabitants. At this assault Major Willard came with a company of cavalry to the relief of the town, though he did not reach the place in time to be of service in its defence. He died at Charlestown, on April 24, 1676, a very few weeks after this town was abandoned. Benjamin Tompson, the earliest native American poet, pays the following tribute to his character, in a little pamphlet published during King Philip's War, and entitled " New England's Tears." It is certainly rude in expression, and probably just in its concep- tion, but not accurate as to the date of his death : About this Time Died Major Willard Esq ; who had continued one of our Senators many years, and Head of the Massachuset Bands. In 23 April 1676. EPITAPHIUM. Great, Good, and Just, Valiant, and Wise, New Englands Common Sacrifice : The Prince of War, the Bond of Love, A True Heroick Martial Dove : Pardon I croud his Parts so close Which all the World in measure knows, We envy Death, and well we mav, Who keeps him under Lock and Ke\. 14 KING PHILIP'S WAR. His Praises will, or are more largely celebrated ; but let this be accepted according to the Nature of my Writings, which are but Brief and General. The first mention of anything in the town- records, relating to the Indians or the War, is the following: At a meeting of the sellect men Jully 2 July 22 75 a rat made for the defraying of the charg of the ware and put in to the hand of William Longiey constable to gather the sume 23! 14" 4 added 7 shill more than the Just proportion The mutterings of warfare were now beginning to be heard, and the colonists were looking for protection. Captain Par- ker writes to Governor Leverett, under date of August 25, 1675, that the inhabitants "are in a very great strait" and " much discouraged in their spirits ; " that they want ammu- nition and twenty good muskets for their pikemen. The letter itself, with the quaint expressions of two centuries ago, gives a good idea of their narrow circumstances, and is as follows : To the honoured John Leneret Esquir Goucrnour of the Massechusets collcny Honoured sir with the rest of your counsell I have made bold to enform your worships how the case stand with vs that the Indians are aproach 5 near to vs our scouts hau discouerd seuerall tracks very near the habetable parts of the town and one Indian they discouerd but escapt from them by skulking amongst the bushes and som of the Inhabitants of our town have heard them in the night singing and halloeing. which doe determin to vs their great height of Insolency : we are in a very great strait our Inhabitants are very much discour- aged in their spirits and their by diseuaded from their callings I haue receiued 20 men from the worshipfall Major Wellard and Captain Mosselly men to help secur our town, but notwithstanding we are in a very weak capacity to defend ourselues against the Insolency and potency of the enemy if they shold apear in number and with that violenc that they did apear at quabog [Brookfield] the which the good lord forbid if it be his good pleasur, much honoured and KING PHILIP'S WAR. 15 respected the good lord be with you In your consultations that you may vnderstand what to doe for your new england Israel at such a tini as this and in particular ourselues and for our dear neighbours at Lan- chester vpon whom the enemy haue made an Inraid 6 persons are already found and buryed the 7?^which they doe expect is kild is not as yet found you may be pleased to tak notice that we shall want ammunition spedily by reason that we hau parted with som to Cap' Mosselly men and som we spent 'in the fight at quabog as also I hau suplyed the souldiers with amunition that were sent to me that was Imployed in the seruice they hauing spent their ammunition If you could help vs with 20 good muskets for our pik men and I will return them again or else giu a valluable price for them in such pay as we can produce among ourselues not else at present but leaue you to the guidance of the God of heauen who is the only wise counsellor and remaine Your seruant to cofhaund in any seruice to my power JAMES PARKER Cap 1 from Groten August 25 75 [Massachusetts Archives, LXVII. 244.] A few days before the date of this letter, Captain Samuel Moseley writes from " Nashowah Allies Lankcster: i6 : h Augs' 1675 " that, in accordance with instructions from Major- General Denison, he had sent "to Groatton : 12: men." These are among the ones alluded to in Captain Parker's let- ter, as having arrived to help secure the town. Captain Moseley further says: also last nightt aboutt seaven A Clocke we martched Into Nashowah [Lancaster] wheare we are Att Presentt butt shall as soone as the Con- stable Hajth prest vs a dozen Horsses ; Proseed for groatton & so to Chenceford ; according to the ord r s Majo r Willerd gaue me yesterday Att Quoahbauge [Brookfield]. I Massachusetts Archives, LXVII. 239.] The letter was written a few days after Major \Villard and Captain Parker, both of Groton, had gone with forty-six men 1 6 KING PHILIP'S WAR. and five Indians, to the rescue of Brookfield, on August y, 1675, and just in the nick of time saved that town from massacre. An interesting account of this affair, written by Captain Thomas Wheeler, is found in the second volume of the " Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society." Captain Wheeler was a brave soldier, and severely wounded in that campaign. Evidently he could fight better than he could spell, judging from the following certificate : - To the honered Governer &> Counccll of tlic Massathusets Colony in New England These are to signyfie that Cornellius Consert the Dutchman was vppon the Contryes Servis Att quabauge & by the Councle of warre there was sent out Cap 1 of the forlorne And Afterward marched to Grotton & Chensford & According to my best Advice Continued in the Countryes servis six weekes Cornellius being Reddy to depart the Country & myselfe being here att boston the Major Willard being Absent I granted this ticket. THOMAS WHELER Cap' BOSTON October y e 13 1675 [Massachusetts Archives, LXVIII. 7.] In those days there was no physician here to offer his pro- fessional skill to the government in its time of need, and even a small military force was sure to require medical or surgical attendance. It therefore became necessary to im- press into the public service a surgeon, as well as a horse with accoutrements, as we find from the following order: 2}) the Constable of Boston. These Require you in his Majes tyq name forthwith to Impresse M r W m Haukins Chirurgeon : Imediately to prepare himself \v lh materials as Chirurgeon & to dispatch to Marlbory. to Capt Mosely & attend his motion & souldiers at Groaten. or elsewhere : for wch End you are KING PHILIP'S WAR. 1 7 also to Impresse an able horse & furniture for him : to Goe : w :h the post Dated at Boston if h Augus' 1675 making Return hereof to the Secret" By y e Council EDW. RAWSON Secret y IMassachusetts Archives, LXVII. 241.] The constable made the indorsement on the order that Dr. Hawkins was duly warned. According to Savage's Genealogi- cal Dictionary he was a butcher, but in his will he is styled a surgeon, a union of callings which is rather suggestive. At this time King Philip's War had begun, and open hos- tilities had alarmed the inhabitants of the place. The Council passed an order on September 8, 1675, that Cornet Thomas Brattle and Lieutenant Thomas Henchman should take fifty men, of whom thirty were to come from Norfolk, then a dif- ferent county from the present one, and twenty from Middle- sex, and place them in the garrisons at Dunstable, Groton, and Lancaster, in such proportions as they should deem expedient. The order is as follows : For Cornet Thomas Bratle cV Leif tenant Thomas Henchman You are herby impoured & appointed with a party of horsmen vnder your coiuand, forthwith to march to Chelmsford to attend & put in execution the instructions following : i first you are ordered with fifty soldiers that are appointed to meet you, at Leift Henchmans vizt thirty y' are to come from the county of Norfolke & twenty out of the county of Midlesex, that are ordered to meet you at Groton these fifty men you are ordered to sett in garri- sons in the frontier townes of Dunstable, Groton, and Lancaster &c in such proportion as in your discretion shal bee expedient placing them vnder the comand of the cheefe military officers of each towne : giueing those officers direction : to joyne & lyst other meet persons of their owne companyes with them, & order them euery day to surraund the townes y e y are to secure ; & if they can to carry doggs with y m to search for & discouer any enimy that may aproch nere such towne & 18 KING PHILIP'S WAR. at night to repaire vnto such corps du gaurd, as are appointed to them for the security of the s d place, and there to keep watch by night ; & furthermore you are to declare vnto the Inhabitants of each Towne (you are herby orclerd to garrison) that the Gouerno r & council do expect their bee meet prouisions of victual made for the garrison sol- diers herby ordered, at y 1 ' charge of towne ; whch is not to bee brought vnto the acco 1 of the publicke ; & if any town or people decline so to Doe so you are herby ordered not to leaue any soldiers with them. Secondly you are further ordered, to Vse your best endeuor to setle, compose & quiet matters respecting the Indians our neighboars, par- ticularly those that Hue at Wamesit, Nashubah, & Malborough ; y 1 } ou endeuer to put in execution the printed order, relating to those indi- ans & particularly y 1 you procure some english man or men to bee with y" 1 or at least, to visit y'" once a day to be as guardians for securing the english and indians, that neither the one or other may bee piudiced or injured, &: the council are willing to allow such person or psons a meet compensation for their seruice in y 1 Imploy. And concerning the Indians at Marlborow who are ordered to reside at Hassanamesit about twelue miles distant whether you are to order the cheefe officer of Malborow to conuey them, &: if you can possibly procure, an english man or two to reside with them, at Hassanamesit according as the printed order proude but in case that can not bee obtained y" those indians must be left at Hassanamesit with exp r se charge punck- tualy to Obserue the printed order. Lastly you are to endeauor either one or both of you (if it may bee) to gaine the Indian Sachem called Wannalanset to com in againe and Hue at wamesit quietly [and] pecabley you may promise him in the Councills name y' if hee will returne &: his people .\: attempts) procured & obtained the ministry of y c word amoung us ; & haue bin at some considerable charge about it. And are willing (i God please) to keep, & maintaine, it among us. Butt there is some discouragements, upon sundrey accounts. We haue had seuerall towne meetings to consult the good, & welfare of the towne & place & how things may be caried on. as to defraing publiq charges. And it hath bin, voated in our meetings (our visible estate being small) to lay it on y e lands, y 1 so an equality in some respect might be reached unto. This is by y e most judged to be the present best yea y- onely present possible way for us to proceed in. which we desire your honoured selues to putt y r countenance of authority upon. As also That our late dredfull suffering mines, and impoverishments may by your honoured selues be so fare minded S: considered, that we may for the present (till we a litle recover ourselues) be releised from Countrey charges. We would be rightly understood, as to our first request That the way by lands accomodations for the levying towne charges may be stated butt for y'-' present few years, till God by his providence may alter our capacity & condition : Thus craving rjdone for this our boldnesse That successe & a blessing may Attend you in all your affaires ; That God will accomplish his promises theire fires hammering of slugs for theire gunns our scouts was soe neare them y 1 they could see y' Indi- ans & heare them talke, yesterday morning we had news y 1 y c Indians had killd two men at Groton Jera : Bowers is gone out w t!l about 100 men after them. . . . The letter is now in the possession of Mr. William Lloyd Jeffries, of Boston. A few weeks later James Blood was killed by the " French and Indian enemy" on October 13, 1692, according to Mr. Lemuel Shattuck, in his Shattuck Memorials (page 78). Mr. Butler mentions the fact, but does not give the date. Possi- bly there is an error in regard to the time, and Blood may have been one of the men killed, as mentioned by David Jeffries. At times troops were stationed here by the Colonial au- thorities for the protection of the town ; and the orders and counter-orders to the small garrison tell too well that danger was threatening. In the mean while King William's \Var was going on ; and the enemy had material and sympathetic aid from the French in Canada. The second attack on the town came in the summer of 1694, and the accounts of it I prefer to give in the words of contemporary writers. Sometimes there are discrepancies, but, in the main, such narratives are trustworthy. The attack was made on Friday, July 27, and Cotton Mather, in his Magnalia, thus refers to it: Nor did the Storm go over so : Some Drops of it fell upon the Town of Groton, a Town that lay, one would think, far enough oft" the Place where was the last Scene of the Tragedy. On July 27. [1694,] about break of Day Groton felt some sur- prizing Blows from the Indian Hatchets. They began their Attacks 64 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. at the House of one Lieutenant Lakin, in the Out-skirts of the Town ; but met with a Repulse there, and lost one of their Crew. Never- theless, in other Parts of that Plantation, (when the good People had been so tired out as to lay down their Military IVatcK) there were more than Twenty Persons killed, and more than a Dozen car- ried away. Mr. Gershom Hobart, the Minister of the Place, with part of his Family, was Remarkably preserved from falling into their Hands, when they made themselves the Masters of his House ; though they Took Two of his Children, whereof the one was Killed, and the other some time after happily Rescued out of his Captivity. (Book VII. page 86.) Charlevoix, a French missionary in Canada, gives from his own standpoint another version, as follows : The Abenaqui chief was Taxous, already celebrated for many ex- ploits, and commendable attachment to our interests. This brave man, not satisfied with what he had just so valiantly achieved, chose forty of his most active men, and after three days' march, by making a long circuit, arrived at the foot of a fort [at Groton] near Boston, and attacked it in broad day. The English made a better defence than they did at Pescadoue [Piscataqua]. Taxous had two of his nephews killed by his side, and himself received more than a dozen musket balls in his clothes, but he at last carried the place, and then continued his ravages to the very doors of the capital. [History of New France, IV. 257, Shea's edition.] The following reference to the assault is found in the re- port, made October 26, 1694, by M. Champigny, to the Min- ister Pontchartrain. The original document is in the Archives of the Marine and Colonies at Paris; and I am indebted to Mr. Francis Parkman, the distinguished historian, for a copy of it: These Indians did not stop there ; four parties of them have since been detached, who have been within half a day's journey of Boston [/'. e., at Groton], where they have killed or captured more than sixty persons, ravaged and pillaged everything they found, which has thrown all the people into such consternation that they are leaving the open country to seek refuge in the towns. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 65 A French " Relation " of an expedition by Villieu also mentions the assault. A copy of the paper is found in the Massachusetts Archives at the State House, in the volume marked "Documents collected in France," IV. 251. The writer gives the date of the attack some days later than is usually assigned. He says : On the 30th the Indians of the Penobscot, not having taken as many prisoners and as much booty as those of the Kennebec, because they had not found enough to employ themselves ; at the solicitation of Villieu and of Taxous their chief, some fifty of them detached them- selves to follow this last person, who was piqued at the little that had been done. They were joined by some of the bravest warriors of the Kennebec, to go on a war party above Boston to break heads by surprise \casser des fetes a la surprise], after dividing themselves into several squads of four or five each, which cannot fail of producing a good effect. (Pages 260, 261.) Judge Sewall, in his Diary, printed in the " Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society," writes: Friday, July 27. Groton set upon by the Indians, 21 persons kill'd, 13 captivated, 3 badly wounded. About 9. night, Mr. Lodo- wick comes to Boston. Between 10. and n. there is an Alarm, through the Town kept up till near day-break. Mr. Brattle was arriv'd at Col. Shrimpton's, there he told me of Mr. Lodowick's unhappi- ness in coming just then. During the Alarm, Mr. Willard's little daughter Sarah dies, buried on Sabbath-day a little before Sunset. (V. Fifth series, 391.) The child Sarah, mentioned by Sewall, was a daughter, only a few months old, of the Reverend Samuel Willard, the minister of Groton when the town was previously burned ; but at this time he was settled over the Old South Church in Boston. The Reverend John Pike makes the following reference to the assault, in his Journal, printed in the Proceedings of the same Society for September, 1875 : July 27. The enemy fell upon Groton ab' day-break, killed 22 persons & Captivated 13. (XIV. 128.) 5 66 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. Governor Hutchinson, in his " History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay," published during the following century, writes : Having crossed Merrimack, on the 2yth of July [1694] they fell upon Groton, about 40 miles from Boston. They were repulsed at Lakin's garrison house, but fell upon other houses, where the people were oft* their guard, and killed and carried away from the vicinity about forty persons. Toxus's two nephews were killed by his side, and he had a dozen bullets through his blanket, according to Charlevoix, who adds that he carried the fort or garrison and then went to make spoil at the gates of Boston ; in both which facts the French account is erroneous. (II. 82.) II. In the assault of July, 1694, the loss on the part of the inhabitants was considerably greater than when the town was destroyed in the attack of 1676. It is said that the scalps of the unfortunate victims were given to the Count de Frontenac, governor of Canada. A large majority, and perhaps all, of the prisoners taken at this time were children. The Indians had learned that captives had a market value ; and children, when carried off, could be more easily guarded than adults. It was more profitable for the savages to exchange prisoners for a ransom, or sell them to the French, than it was to kill them. It is now too late to give the names of all the sufferers, but a few facts in regard to them may be gathered from fragmen- tary sources. The families that suffered the severest lived, for the most part, in the same general neighborhood, which was near the site of the first meeting-house. Lieutenant William Lakin's house, where the fight began, was situated in the vicinity of Chicopee Row. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. The following list of casualties, necessarily incomplete and in part conjectural, is given as an approximation to the loss sustained by the town : Killed. Captured. John Longley's family 7 3 Rev. Mr. Hobart's i i John Shepley's 4? i James Parker, Jr.'s 2 3 ? Alexander Rouse's 2 i Mr. Gershom Hobart, the minister, whose house was cap- tured in this assault, lived where the Baptist meeting-house now stands. One of his boys was killed, and another, Ger- shom, Jr., was carried off. There is a tradition extant that a third child was concealed under a tub in the cellar, and thus saved from the fury of the savages. Judge Sewall writes in his Diary, under the date of May i, 1695 : Mr. Hobarts son Gershom is well at a new Fort a days Journey above Nerigawag [Norridgewock], Masters name is Nassacombewit, a good Master, and Mistress. Master is chief Captain, now Bambazeen is absent. [Massachusetts Historical Collections, V. Fifth series, 403, 404.] It is not known exactly when he was rescued from captiv- ity, but probably not long afterwards. The inscription on the Shepley monument says that " the Indians massacred all the Sheples in Groton save a John Sheple 16 years old who the[y] carried captive to Canada and kept him 4 years, after which he returned to Groton and from him descended all the Sheples or Shepleys in this Vicinity; " but there is no record to show how many there were in this family. Mr. Butler, in his History (page 97), makes substantially the same statement, but does not mention any number. In my list it is placed at five, which is conjectural ; of this number probably four were slain. Shepley lived near where the Martin's Pond road starts off from the North Common. The knowledge which the bov 68 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. John obtained of their language and customs, while a prisoner among the Indians, was of much use to him in after-life. Tradition relates that, when buying furs and skins of them, he used to put his foot in one scale of the balance instead of a pound weight. In the summer of 1/04, while he and thirteen other men were reaping in a field at Groton, they were at- tacked by about twenty Indians. After much skirmishing, Shepley and one of his comrades, Butterfield by name, suc- ceeded in killing one of the assailants, for which act they each were allowed four pounds by the government. He was the direct ancestor of the late Honorable Ether Shepley, of Portland, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Maine, and of his son, the late General George Foster Shepley, formerly a Justice of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit of the United States. Sheplcy's petition to the General Court, which gives the particulars of the attack, is as follows : To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq r Cap'. General and Goremo''. in Chief in &> over her ^Iaf : '^ Provinces of the Massachusetts-Bay &> ril in New England To tJie Hon ! ' ! ; her Maf": s Council in s* Pror- ince and To the Hon 1 ' 1 .* tlie House of Representatives now convened in General Assembly within &" for said Province. Octob''. 25?'' 1704. The Humble Petition of John Shepley of Groton Sheweth That when Major Taylor was at Groton, having drawn off most of his men from the place, and marched to Col. Tyngs yo. r Petitioner and Thirteen men more being some reaping and y c rest Warding in a ffield at Groton afores' 1 the Indians to the number of about twenty came upon them when yo r . Petitioner and the rest betook themselves to their Arms, and three others being along with yo r Petitioner, the Indians ran round the ffield & met them & the s' 1 Indians made several shott at the English, but amongst the rest one lusty stout Indian with a holland shirt on ran about 8 or 10 Rodcl side by side with yof Petitioner & the other 3 men in his Company, about 10 Rodd to the right hand of them when he fired upon us, and as soon as he had fired yo r Petitioner fired being loaded with a slugg & another of the Company at the same KING WILLIAM'S WAR. time fired a Bullet at him, whereupon the s' 1 Indian fell down and cryd out ; There were 3 of our first Company kilPd or carryed away, Afterwards ye s l1 Indian was found dead & a slugg & I Juliet in his Body his Scalp being sent up to his Excellency by Major Taylor. Yo r Petitioner therefore humbly prays yo r Excellency c\: Hon r> to take the premises into yo' Consideration and he may be allowed such Encouragem' for his service herein as the Law allows or as to yo r Excellency & Hono r ." in yo r Wisdoms shall seem meet and yor Petitioner shall pray m JOHN SHEPLEY. Octob' 26 th 1704. In Council, Read and sent down. On the back of the petition is written : In the House of Representatives Octo!^ 27: i 704 Read and Resolved. That the sum of four Pounds be allowed and Paid out of the publick Treasury to the Petition! and the like Sum of four Pounds to Samuel Butterfield, who this House is Inform' 1 did assist in the killing of the Indian mentioned in the Petition, and that no other or further sum be allowed for the killing of the s d Indian JAM " CONVERSE Speaker Sent up for Concurrence in Council. Die pdict. Read and Concurr'd Is A ADDINGTON Secry. [Endorsed] John Shepley's Petition Octo: i 704 [Massachusetts Archives, XXX. 496,497.] While it was resolved, in connection with this petition, that no further sum be allowed for the killing of the Indian, But- terfield subsequently obtained an additional sum of five pounds 70 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. from the public treasury in consequence of his services and the loss of his accoutrements. The application for help, dated April 10, 1706, is printed on page 95; and from this document it appears that Butterfield was captured with another man at this time, and a third one was killed. The attack occurred in the month of August, 1704. A petition to the General Court, dated May 31, 1699, an d signed by Josiah Parker, says that " James Parker Jun r Brother to yo r humble Pet" r was killed, with his Wife, several of his Children also were then carryed away Captive." In the list of casualties I have placed the number of these children at three, which is conjectural on my part. The site of Parker's house is unknown. The petition for the relief of the family is as follows: - PROVINCE OF Y E MASSACHUSETTS BAY : May 31^ 1699 To his Excellency The' Right Hon H f Richard Ectrle of Bcllomont GoTerinf. in CJiief of his Majesties Prorince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and to y" Hon bl ' y f Council and Representa- tives in Gen" Court Assembled The Petition of Josiah Parker of Cambridge humbly sheweth That whereas in the year 1693 [1694?] the Indian enemy made an assault upon the Town of Groton in which, among others James Parker Jun r Brother to yo r humble Pet'! r was killed, with his Wife, several of his Children also were then carryed away Captive, one of which named Phinehas Parker something less than a year ago was (by a Master of a Vessell belonging to Ipswich) redeemed from the Indians at y e Eastward : which said Master has been reimbursed by yor Pet nr w cl ' is to the Value of about six pounds in Money. The earnest request of yo[ humble Pet n . r to yo r Excellency & to this Hon' 1 .' 1 -* Court is that you would please to consider him & that allow- ance may be made him out of the publick Treasury for what he lias disburst Also he desires humbly that you would please something to consider the said Phinehas who is a poor Orphan now- about twelve years old, and is like wise lame of one of his Leggs occasioned by y cruelty of y e Salvages and it is very questionable whether ever lie will KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 71 be cured, & has little or nothing left him of his Fathers estate for his support If therefore what has here been suggested by yo r humble Pet"/ may be accordingly considered and granted, it will greatly oblige him, as in duty Bound, Ever to Pray, &c JOSIAH PARKER June 3 1699 Read ist tyme June 6 th 1699 read a 2'! time, June y th read a 3 rd time and Voted that the Petitioner be Allowed six pounds money out of the publick Treary Sent up for Concurrence JAM s CONVERSE [Massachusetts Archives, LXX. 401.] The late Reverend James Delap Farnsworth, in a manu- script account of William Longley, now in the library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, says that " two of his neighbors named Rouse" were killed in the same mas- sacre. Alexander Rouse lived in the vicinity, and this refer- ence by Mr. Farnsworth is to him and his wife. There was one " Tamasin Rouce of Grotten " received January 17, 1698-99, on board the Province Galley at Casco Bay; and she, doubtless, was a daughter. (Archives, LXX. 399.) Two commissioners had been sent to Casco Bay, in order to make a treaty of peace with the Indians, and to bring away the prisoners. One of the commissioners "took certain Minutes of Remarkable Things from some of the captives," and Cot- ton Mather, in his Magnalia, gives his readers what he calls " a Taste of them." Mather speaks of the little girl, and says : Assacombuit sent Thomasin Rouse, a Child of about Ten Years old, unto the Water-side to carry something. The Child cried : He took a Stick and struck her down : She lay for Dead : He took her up and threw her into the Water : Some Indians not far off ran in and fetch'd her out. This Child we have now brought home with us. (Book VII. Page 95.) 72 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. Among the " Nams of thos Remaining Still in hands of the french at Canada," found in a document dated October, 1695, are those of " Lidey Langly gerl " and " Jn" Shiply boy." In this list the residences of both these children are incorrectly written, Lydia's being given as Dover, New Hamp- shire, and John's as Oyster River. They both belonged in this town, and were taken at the assault of July 27, 1694. The name of Thomas Drew appears in the same list as of Groton, which is a mistake, as he was of Oyster River. (Archives, XXXVIII. A 2.) This expedition against Groton was planned in part by the Indians at a fort called Amsaquonte above Norridgewock, in Maine. It was arranged also in the plan of operations that Oyster River now Durham, New Hampshire should be attacked on the way ; and the assault on that town was made July 1 8, nine days before the one on Groton. At Oyster River more than ninety persons were either killed or cap- tured ; the prisoners from the two towns appear to have been taken to Maine, where they were brought frequently together during their captivity. On January 21, 1695, Lieutenant- Governor William Stoughton issued a proclamation, in which he refers to the " tragical outrages and barbcrous murders " at Oyster River and Groton. He says that several of the prisoners taken at these places " are now detained by the said Indians at Amarascoggin and other adjoining places." l Hezekiah Miles, alias Hector, a friendly Indian, at one time a captive in the enemy's hands, made a deposition before the Lieutenant-Governor and Council, at Boston, May 31, 1695, stating that, - in the month of July 1694. there was a gathering of the Indi- ans at the said new Fort [Amsaquonte] and preparations to go forth to war, and that two or three days before they intended to set out, they kild and boyld several dogs, and held a Feast, where was present 1 Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, IX. 613, 614. KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 73 Egeremet, Bomaseen, Warumbee, & Ahasombamet with divers others, of the chief among them, they discoursed of falling upon Oyster River and Groton ; and Bomaseen was to command one of the Com- pany, & the day before they intended to set forth, myself with ffour Indians more were despatched away to Canada with a Letter from the Fryar and were upon our Voyage thither and back again about ffourt" days and brought down about two barrels of powder, shot proportion- able & some fire armes. About the time of our return, the Indians came in after the Mischief done at Oyster River & Groton, and in particular, I saw Bomaseen in his Canoo, which was well laden, there was two English Captives, some scalps, and a large pack of Plunder brought in that Canoo, and Bomaseen two or three days after his return home went away to Canada. [Massachusetts Archives, VIII. 39.] Ann Jenkins, in a deposition given June 11, 1695, testifies that she was taken on July 18, 1694, at Oyster River, and that she, with nine Captives more were Carried up to penecook & were Left with Three Indians & that party went to Groaten Bomazeen being their Commander. In nine dayes they returned & brought twelue Captives & from thence with their Cannoes sometimes a float & sometimes Car- ried untill that we Came to Norridgeawocke which tooke us fifteen dayes & staied about two months there then dispersed into the woods twoe or thre families in a place & kept Removeing toe and froe staie- ing about a week in a place untill they brought vss down to pemaquid & delivered vss to Cap' March. [Massachusetts Archives, VIII. 40.] The story of William and Deliverance Longley's family is a sad one to relate. They were living, with their eight children, on a small farm, perhaps a mile and a quarter from the village, on the east side of the Hollis road. Their house was built of hewn logs, and was standing at the beginning of the present century. The old cellar, with its well-laid walls, was dis- tinctly visible forty years ago, and traces of it could be 74 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. seen even to very modern times. The site of this house has recently been marked by a monument bearing the following inscription : HERE DWELT WILLIAM AND DELIVERANCE LONGLEY WITH THEIR EIGHT CHILDREN. O.\ THE 27TH OF JuLV 1694 THE INDIANS KILLED THE FATHER AND MOTHER AND FIVE OF THE CHILDREN AND CARRIED INTO CAPTIVITY THE OTHER THREE. It was erected in the autumn of 1879, at the expense of the town, on land generously given for the purpose by Mr. Zechariah Fitch, the present owner of the farm. On the fatal morning of July 27, 1694, the massacre of this family took place. The savages appeared suddenly, coming from the other side of the Merrimack River, and began the attack at Lieutenant William Lakin's house, where they were repulsed with the loss of one of their number. They followed it up by assaulting other houses in the same neigh- borhood. They made quick work of it, and left the town as speedily as they came. With the exception of John Shepley's house, it is not known that they destroyed any of the buildings ; but they pillaged them before they departed. They carried off thirteen prisoners, mostly children, and perhaps all, who must have retarded their march. There is a tradition that, early in the morning of the attack, the Indians turned Longley's cattle out of the barnyard into KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 75 the cornfield, and then lay in ambush. The stratagem had the desired effect. Longley rushed out of the house, unarmed, in order to drive the cattle back, when he was murdered, and all his family either killed or cap- tured. The bodies of the slain were buried in one grave, a few rods northwest of the house. A small apple-tree growing over the spot, and a stone lying even with the ground, for many years furnished the only clew to the final resting-place of this unfortunate family, but these have now disappeared. William Longley was town-clerk in the year 1687, and also from 1692 till his death in 1694; and only one week before he was killed, he had made entries in the town records. His father, William Longley, Sen., also had been town-clerk, dur- ing the years 1666 and 1667, and died November 29, 1680. The father was one of the earliest settlers of the town, as well as the owner of a thirty-acre right in the original Groton plan- tation. Lydia, John, and Betty were the names of the three children carried off by the savages, and taken to Canada. Lydia was sold to the French, and placed in the Congregation of Ndtre Dame, a convent in Montreal, where she embraced the Roman Catholic faith, and died July 20, 1758, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-four years. Betty perished soon after her capture, from hunger and exposure ; and John, the third child, remained with the savages for more than four years, when he was ransomed and brought away, much against his own will. At one time during his captivity he was on the verge of starving, when an Indian kindly gave him a dog's foot to gnaw, which for the time appeased his hunger. He was known among his captors as John Angary. After he came home, his sister Lydia wrote from Canada, urging him to abjure the Protestant religion ; but he remained true to the faith of his early instruction. Their grandmother, the widow of Benjamin Crispe, made her will April 13, 1698, which was admitted to probate in Middlesex County, on the 28th of the following Dcccm- 76 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. bcr; and in it she remembered these absent children as follows : I give and bequeath Vnto my three Grand-Children y l are in Cap- tivity if they returne Vizdt three books one of y 1 " a bible another a Sermon booke treating of faith and the other a psalme book. The old lady herself, doubtless, had read the " Sermon booke treating of faith ; " and it must have strengthened her belief in Divine wisdom, and been a great consolation in her trials. She did not know at this time that her granddaughter was a convert to the Roman Catholic faith. The knowledge of this fact would have been to her an affliction scarcely less than the massacre of her daughter's family. John Longley returned about the time that his grandmother died ; and subsequently he filled many important offices in the church and town. Like his father and grandfather, he was the town-clerk during several years. The following paper signed by him is now in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society: - John Longley of Groton of about fifty four Years of age Testifyes & Saith That he was Taken Captive by the Indians at Groton in July 1694. and Lived in Captivity with them More than four Years ; And the Two Last years and an half at Penobscot as Servant to Madoca- wando of s d Penobscot And he was always Accounted as Chief or One of y e Chief Sachems or Captains among the Indians there and I have Often Seen the Indians Sitting in Council When he always Sat as Chief: And Once in perticuler I Observed a present was made him of a Considerable Number of Skins of Considerable Vallue As an Ac- knowledgement of his Superiority. JOHN LONGLEY Midd x ss. Groton July 24* 1736. Deacon John Longley above named personally appearing Made Oath to y? Truth of the above written Testimony. Before me Benj 1 Prescott Jus' of peace. (Knox Manuscripts, Waldo Papers, L. 13.] KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 77 In the month of July, 1877, I was in Montreal, where I pro- cured, through the kindness of the Mother Superior at the Congregation of Notre Dame, a copy of the French record of Lydia's baptism, of which the following is a translation : - On Tuesday, April 24, 1696, the ceremony of baptism was per- formed on an English girl, named Lydia Longley, who was born April 14, 1674, at Groton, a few miles from Boston in New England. She was the daughter of William Longley and Deliverance Crisp, both Protestants. She was captured in the month of July, 1680 [1694?] by the Abenaqui Indians, and has lived for the past month in the house of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame. The godfather was M. Jacques Leber, merchant ; the godmother was Madame Marie Madeleine Dupont, wife of M. de Maricourt, Ecuyer, Captain of a company of Marines : she named this English girl Lydia Madeleine. [Signed] LYDIA MADELEINE LONGLEY, MADELEINE DUPONT, LEBER, M. CAILLE, acting curate. [The date of capture in this record is written out in full, and the omission of one word would cause the mistake; i.e., "mil six cent quatre-vingt," omitting quatorzc.} After this attack of July 27 the town was left in strait- ened circumstances, and the inhabitants found it difficult to meet the demands made on them. In this emergency they petitioned the General Court for relief, which was duly granted, as appears by the following document : - GROTON Octob r i5 th 1694 To the Honored General! Court : The humble petition and earnest request of the Inhabitants of Groton humbly sheweth ; That whereas w^e the present survivers of this Towne do understand that ourselves either without invoice, or according to some former or according to your honours pleasures arc willed & domed for a rate or Levy, a considerable some of moneys amounting to 50"'" ; we therefore being feelingly apprehensive of our utter incapacity, in present circumstances without apparent wrong to 78 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. us ; to pay said sum humbly make bold under God to addresse this honored great generall Court, with both our humble petition and a discovery of our condition : our petion is that we may If it be your honourable pleasure to remitt us our assessment and not putt us upo further inevitable streights & Miseryes. This we humbly petion, and that we may not be thought unjustly to withdraw y e shoulder from puting our strength & help to support and cary on the government of their, our Majestyes, in this part of their dominion, and be unwilling to bear our part with the rest of their Majestyes subjects on this New England shoar as we have constantly & proportionally heitherto done and as arguments and Reason to prevail in this case, we make bold to spread our conditio before your honored selues : not to run back very farr 1 It pleased God the disposer of all men & humane affairs to place us upon y e outward borders of y e inhabited land on this side y coun- try, which by some is alledged as an argument against us, yett lett Reason butt speak & the union and communion not onely of naturall, but Christian societyes haue its argument and it will tell us of bearing one another's burdens, and of that smpathetick property that is a naturall body & rationally ought to be both in cyvill & politick also : and therefore whatever our alledged priveledges are, or haue bin. we ought not to be Grudged them, for indeed our out edge & distant Living hath bin in these times of late awfull dealing our hurt & damage both as to psons & estates beyound parrelell with any in- ward Townes, as plaine & undeniable Reason & argument is ready to be given. 2 The providence of y" wise God, did order it That very grievous troublesome and mortall sicknesse, was amoungt us the last year by wh we were not onely leasoned considerebly in our numbers, but demin- ished in our estates It being so generall That one could not help y other by w : h great charge of Doct r s came upo us, losse of y' ; season- able Labour of our inhabitants, to the indamaging the estates of y e most, unrecovered by many to this day. 3 we might add our constant (in these late times) standing upon our guard, and considerable charge, of building & repairing forts, for our owne and the countryes safty. & securing their majestyes subjects, both here, and in the inmost places. 4 This years soar and awfull troubles by y e late deaths captivityes KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 79 and consequent meseryes, whereby we lost severall able valuble psons, whose estates are either, much lessened, or removed by others, out our reach : beside by inevitable losse of corne, It is Judged by many of our Towne that a third part at lest of our Indian corne, is wholy lost ; and now of late psons haue bin hendred much in their corne, & hay harvest, beside the hand of God upon our husbandry, as to rye much blasted, not halfe a usuall crop and by early frost, Indian corne much hurt, & damnifyed, that severall familyes will be at a losse for corne, not having for halfe y e year through : Thus Leaving our petion & condition to your honours serious consideration hoping you may see, reason to indulge us in that matter praying to God who setts amoung y e god to direct, & preside, and bless^, your psons & consul- tations to conclude & determine what may be for y present & future weal & prosperity, of these plantation, we rest and remaine yours in all duty & service. James Parker Sen r : William Laken Sen r . Select men in the name of y e Select men by y e voat of y e Towne of Groton : [Massachusetts Archives, CXIII. 89.] Upon reading this Petition of the Inhabitants of Groton Setting forth their great distress and impoverish' by reason of the desolations made upon them by the Enemy Praying to be Eased and abated of their proportion to the last publick Tax or Assessm' amounting to the sum of Fifty pounds. Voted, That the said Town be abated one halfe of the afores'. 1 Sum of Fifty pounds, and that Mr Treasurer do Suspend the calling for the other halfe until the Fifteenth day of December next. The Assessor" forth- with to proportion the same upon their Inhabitant" and to commit the List thereof unto their Constables, so that they may be collecting Octob r 22' 1 1694 : Past in the affirmative by the house of Repre- sentatives and sent up to his Ex cy and Gouncil for Consent NEHEMIAH JFAVET speaker Vot'. 1 a concurrence in Council, die pdict. Is f ADDINGTON Secry. [Endorsed] Vote for abatement to Groton. Oct" 1694. [Massachusetts Archives, CXIII. 97.] 80 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. Lieutenant-Governor William Stoughton writes from Bos- ton, September 5, 1695, to Captain James Converse: I order That at your next passing over Merrimack with your Com- pany towards Dunstable hands & wishing y c Presence & benidiction of y e soveraine God I take Leaue & subscribe myselfe your humble sen-ant & suppliant STEPHEN HOLDEN GROTOX May 27'"' 1699 June 6 th 1699 once read. & Voted by the house of Representatives that the aboves'. 1 Peticoner Stephen Holden of Grotton be paied out of the publick Treary Three pounds & twelve shillings money Sent up for Concurrence, JAM;" CONVERSE Speaker 19. July, 99. Read and past in Councel Is A ADDIXGTON Secry Consented to BELLOMONT [Massachusetts Archives, LXX. 400.] Among the names of the captives received on board the Province Gaily, January 17, 16989, at Casco Nay, were " John Moulding of Grotten " and " Tamasin Rouce of Grot- ten." It is recorded, a week later, that " Steven Moulding of Grotten" and "Steven Moulding Jim' of ditto" are "yet in the Indian hands." (Archives, LXX. 398, 399.) It is evident that the early settlers were still having a hard time during this period. All the records go to show that between the assaults of the savages and the short crops they found it difficult to obtain a livelihood. Again they were obliged to ask the General Court for an abatement of their taxes, which they did, in a petition, as follows : - To the Honored Luten". 1 Govern 1 the Honored Councill and Repre- sentitives In the Court Assembled : The humble petition of the towne of Groton by orderly warning mett upon octob r the (4"') 1697 then voating (after Serious discourse upon the present times & awfull cir- cumstances of them and our pticular immergencys) our dislike of the present help granted to us as we are greeved att y e management S: oversight of it : & voating that capt ne James Parker and Ensigne John KING WILLIAM'S WAR. 83 Farnsworth should be our Agents to present and promote this petition of ours by such discourse as might be needfull in our behalfe att the Court. Honored Sirs : We being in some measure necessitated (by the constancy and Long continuance of the righteous hand of Almighty Clod upon us) to know more experimentally the troubles concomitant and consequent of bloody & cruell warr, Then by Sympathy it can be possibly knowne by others : And that by Reason our stages & dwell- ings happene to be upon y e very dint, brinck & in y e mouth of more unavoidable difficultyes, fears dangers & death by the cruell sword of the wildernesse, then many others are or can be, Therefore as we ap- prehend the case to stand with us, being diminished in our numbers, and greatly impoverished in our out wards, desirous as we hope in measure we have done to be constantly putting up our petitions to the Lord of hosts and god of armyes to afford us conduct & Assistance every way so we would not wanting to cry to &: humbly call upon our Moses & Aaron to give us advise & to extend their helping hand who if any are, we are in the wildernesse where y r is Scorpions and subtle Finny Serpents mortally wounding and killing of us as your Honor d Selves hear by Rumour upon Rumour, but we not onely hear butt feel see & woefully experience the same. Honored Sirs we desire with all gratitude and thankfullnesse to acknowledge your fatherly care of us hitherto, Butt yett we for our parts If still we must abide in the Front. We beg If it may seem good in your eyes that we may be Released from countrey charges to his Majesty or in plaine words coun- trey Rates & that we may be pleasured with some sutable proportion of souldiers not of ourselves which if we may be worthy once more to obtaine we haue agreed not to sell them away for men of ourselves as we wickedly did. The way of a changable scout we thought might do us a kindnesse, which if it had bin with good inspection & man- agement attended It might have done It hath appeared to us more wayes than one that gitting y" Money hath bin more aimed at thO carefull ordering, or doing the worke to earn it hath bin ; we beg that If for this autumnal & winter season you may soe meet to order y c chargable scout that it may be no lesse the 1 2 : & that it it may be putt into a carefuller & honester hand than it hath bin both for the place & benifit of this poor Towne we are able if called thereto to Alledge sufficient Argum 1 " that if we have the same or other souldiers It is a thing requisite that some other .pson might Inspect them 84 KING WILLIAM'S WAR. Thus craving pdone for our boldnesse wishing y Lord to be your president in all publike matters that may be before you \ve humbly subscribe ourselves yours in all obedience - 45. Groaton, Joseph Child, sarg' 16 men 3 here is y e whole Number Your Excelencey sent for, posted according to order. I think there are too many garrasons in every towne. If these men be Reposted, one at a garrason, and two at another, I shall account my labour lost, and y. men next to thrown away, Saving alwayes, what is in Obedience to Your Exc" Comand there is nothing lost or thrown away. Exc 1 S r I pray for a gracious pardon, and am Your Very Humble Ready and Obedient Serv 1 JAMS. CONVERSE. A party of Indians, numbering about thirty, made their appearance in town, and killed a man on the night of October 25, 1704. Pursuit was at once made for them, but it was tin- QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 89 successful. "The Boston News-Letter," October 30, 1704, gives the following account of the affair : On Wednesday night [October 25] an English man was kill'd in the Woods at Groton by the Indians which were afterwards descryed in the night by the Light of their Fires, by a Person Travailing from Groton to Lancaster, and judged they might be about Thirty in num- ber ; pursuit was made after them, but none could be found. From Marshall's Diary we learn the name of the man who was slain. It is there recorded : on the 25 day [October, 1704,] mr Breck was ordained at marl- borrough. the next day a man was killed and scalped by the indians he belonged to the town of Groton his name was davis : a very use- full man and much Lamented : It has been a tradition thaj^aaaxnet Davis was killed by the Indians, but the date of his death was unknown ; this entry, however, seems to fix it. It is said to have happened in the early part of the evening, while he was taking in some clothes which had been washed and hung out to dry. He lived near the present " Community," where W. Dickson resided when the map in Mr. Butler's History was made; and Davis's Fordway in the river near by, named after him, is still remembered by the older people of that neighborhood It is not surprising that the inhabitants, upon the renewal of hostilities, were obliged to ask for help from the General Court. They had already suffered much in life and property, and were little able to bear new burdens. They represented to the Governor that they had been greatly impoverished by their loss of horses and cattle, of corn and hay, and that they were scarcely able to hold out much longer; but the crowning calamity of all was the illness of the minister, Mr. Hobart, which prevented him from preaching. Their means were so limited that they could not support him and supply his place besides. They were obliged to earn their living at the peril of their lives ; and some were thinking of leaving 90 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. the town. They spent so much time in watching and guard- ing, that they seemed to be soldiers rather than farmers. Under these discouraging circumstances they asked for help, and were allowed out of the public treasury twenty pounds to assist them in procuring another minister, besides ten pounds to be divided among those who were the greatest sufferers in the late attack upon them. Their petition to the General Court is in the handwriting of Jonas Prescott, and gives a pathetic account of their situation. It is as follows : To his exalancy Joseph Dutly esquir captain genarall comander in in and oucr hur maiesties pronines of the masiacheusits bay in new Ingland and to the honorable counsil and raprasantitifes in genarall court asambled at boston this Instant Desember 1704 : The humble patition of the Inhabitants of the town of groton in the county of midlsax in the prouians aforesd humbley sheweth 1 That wharas by the all dessposing hand of god who orders all things in infinit wisdom it is our portion to Hue In such a part of the land which by reson of the enemy Is becom uary dangras as by wofull exsperiants we haue fait both formarly and of late to our grat damidg & discoridgmant and spashaly this last yere hauing lost so many par- sons som killed som captauated and som ramoued and allso much corn & cattell and horses & hay wharby wee ar gratly Impouerrished and brought uary low & in a uary pore capasity to subsist any longer As the barers herof can inform your honors 2 And more then all this our paster mr hobard is & hath been for aboue a yere uncapable of desspansing the ordinances of God amongst vs & we haue aduised with the Raurant Elders of our nayboring churches and thay aduise to hyare another minister and to saport mr hobard and to make our adras to your honours we haue but litel laft to pay our deus with being so pore and few In numbr athar to town or cuntrey & we being a frantere town & lyable to dangor there being no safty in going out nor coming in but for a long time we haue got our brad with the parel of our Hues & allso broght uery low by so grat a charg of bikling garisons & fortefycations by ordur of athorety & thar is saural of our Inhabitants ramoued out of town & others ar QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 91 prouiding to remoue. axcapt somthing be don for our Incoridgment for we are so few & so por that we canot pay two ministors nathar ar we wiling to Hue without any we spand so much time in wach- mg and warding that we can doe but litel els & truly we haue liued allmost 2 yers more like soulders then other wise & accapt your honars can find out som bater way for our safty and support we cannot uphold as a town ather by remitting our tax or tow alow pay for building the sauarall forts alowed and ordred by athority or alls to alow the one half of our own Inhabitants to be under pay or to grant liberty for our remufe Into our naiburing towns to tak cor for oursalfs all which if your honors shall se meet to grant you will hereby gratly incoridg your humble pateceners to conflect with the many trubls we are ensadent unto whar fore your humble pationars humbly prays your axcalancy & this honared court to tak this mater into your scares consedration and grant releef acordingly and your pationars shall as in duty bound foreur pray by ordur of the town of groton JONAS PRESCOTT JAMES NUTTING JOSEPH LAKEN Jan7 2? 1704 Read. SAMUEL PARKER Jan r f 3 : 1704 In the House of Representatives. In Answer to the Petition on the other side Resolved That there be allowed, and Paid out of the Publick Treas- ury, the sum of Twenty Pounds, to the Town of Grotton to Encourage & Assist them in Procuring another Minister, to help them under the present Disability of their Pastour M r . Hubbard, & Ten Pounds more be allowed & Paid out of the publick Treasury, to Jonathan Tyng Esq. & Mr Nathan! Hill, to be by them proportionably distributed to such of the s d Town, as in their Judgment have been greatest suf- ferers, in the late outrages made upon them by the Enemy Sent up for concurrence. JAM S CONVERSE Speaker In Council. Read and concurr'd. Is A ADDINGTON Secry 4 th January. 1 704. [Massachusetts Archives, LXXI. 107, 108.] 92 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. . Two years later, another assault was made on the town, though with little damage. I again quote from Penhallow's History of the Wars of New-England : [July 21, 1706.] Several Strokes were afterwards made on Chelms- ford, Sudbury and Groton, where three Soldiers as they were going to publick Worship, were way-laid by a small Party, who kill'd two, and made the other a Prisoner. (Page 36.) A few additional particulars of these " Strokes " are found in the Reverend John Pike's Journal, printed in the Proceed- ings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for September, 1875:- July 21, 1706. Sab : 2 souldiers slain, <$: one carried away by the enemy at Groton. They were all new-Cambridge [Newton] men, cV were returned to their Post from one Bloods house, who had invited y m to Dinner. (XIV. 143.) Marshall, in his Diary, briefly alludes to this affair thus : on the 21 [July] they Killed 2 and took one captive at groton. The Reverend Jonathan Homer, in his History of New- ton, as published in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, V. 2/3, gives the names of these men as John Myrick, Na- thaniel Heal}', and Ebenezer Seger, and says they were all three killed by the Indians. This statement, however, is in- accurate, as John Myrick was not one of the three soldiers, and furthermore was alive after this date. It is sufficiently clear from the following contemporaneous petitions that two of these men were brothers by the name of Seager, and the third one was Nathaniel Healy. It was one of the Seager brothers who was taken prisoner. To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq r Captain Gcnerall and Gorcr- nour in Chief in and Orcr her Majesties Province of the Massa- chusetts bay &> the Hon b!f f. Council &> Representatives in General I Court Assembled The Humble Petition of Nathaniel Healy of Newtown in said Province QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 93 < May it please your Excellf Your Humble Petitioner having at his own proper Cost Armed his Son Nathaniel Healy into her Majesties Service under the Command of Capt" Josiah Parker At Groton on the 21 day of July 1706. Yo' Petitioners said Son was slain and his Gun Carried away by the Enemy who Waylaid him and Others as they were going to Meeting On the Sabbath day Your Petitioner humbly Prays that he may be Supplied with Another Gun at the Province Charge for Another of his Sons, Or be otherwise allowed as Your Excellency shall think meet And Your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c NATHANAEL HEALY In the House of Representatives. June 5'!' 1707. Read. Resolved That the Sum of Twenty Shillings be Allowed & Paid out of the publick Treasury to Nath 1 ' Healy the Petitioner in full for the Gun above mentioned Sent up for Concurrence. JOHN BURRILL Speak r [Endorsed] 5 June. 1707. In Council. Read and Concurr'd Is A ADDINGTON Secry [Massachusetts Archives, LXXI. 345.] To His Excellency the Governour And the Honorable Councill & to the Representatives the humble Petition of Henry Seager of New- toum Sheweth That y r Petitioner had, The Summer before Last, Two Sons prest out in to y e Countreys Service at Groton, And were whilst in the Ser- vice by the Providence of God, one of them Kill'd by the Enimy y e other Taken Captive ; So y! they both of them Lost their Arms w dl I think were Justly valuable at five pounds, and four Powder horns, half a Pound of Powder, twenty bullets & a Snapsack, 94 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Y r Petitioner therefore humbly prays that he may be Considered herein, out of the Countrey Treasure as shall be y r Good Pleasure And y r Petitioner shall ever Pray &c a HENRY H SEAGER [his mark] 4 Nov m 1707 In Council. Read and Recommended to the House. [Endorsed] In the House of Representatives Nov : 14: 1707. Read. In Answer to the Petition on the other side Resolved That the sum of forty shillings be Allowed & Paid, out of the publick Treary to Henry Seager the Petitioner. Sent up for Concurrence. JOHN BURRILL Speak' 15 Nov. 1 707. In Council Read and Concurr'd Is ADDINGTON Secry. [Massachusetts Archives, LXXI. 419.] Penhallow, in his History, gives several instances of ex- treme cruelty to the prisoners on the part of the savages, and mentions the following case of a man who was captured in this town : A third was of Samuel Butterfield, who being sent to Groton as a Soldier, was with others attackt, as they were gathering in the Harvest ; his bravery was such, that he kill'd one and wounded another, but being overpower'd by strength, \vas forc'd to submit ; and it hapned that the slain Indian was a Sagamore, and of great dexterity in War, which caused matter of Lamentation, and enrag'd them to such degree that they vow'd the utmost revenge ; Some were for whipping him to Death ; others for burning him alive ; but differing in their Sentiments, they submitted the Issue to the Squaw Widow, concluding she would determine something very dreadful, but when the matter was opened, and the Fact considered, her Spirits were so moderate as to make no other reply, than, " Fortune L'guarc. Upon which some were uneasy ; QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 95 to whom she answered, If by killing him, you can bring my Husband to life again, I beg you to study what Death you please ; but if not let him be my Servant ; which he accordingly was, during his Captivity, and had favour shewn him." (Pages 38, 39.) The account of Butterfield's case was in substance originally printed in a pamphlet entitled "A MEMORIAL of the Present Deplorable STATE of New England" (1707),- now of great rarity, which appeared twenty years before Judge Penhallow's History was published. This pamphlet has since been reprinted in the introduction to the sixth volume, fifth series, of the " Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society." The account is as follows: A Man had Valiantly Killed an Indian or two before the Salvages took him. He was next Morning to undergo an horrible Death, whereof the Manner and the Torture was to be assigned by the Widow Squa of the Dead Indian. The French Priests told him, they had indeavoured to divert the Tygres from ther bloody Intention, but could not'prevail with them ; he must prepare for the terrible Execu- tion. His cries to God were hard, and heard ; when the Sentence of the Squa, was demanded, quite contrary to every ones Expectation, and the Revengeful Inclination so usual and well-known among these Creatures, she only said, His Death won't fetch my Husband to Life; Do not/iing to him ! So nothing was done to him. (Page 58.*) Butterfield remained a captive for more than a year. It is not known how he obtained his release. His petition to the General Court sets forth the fact that he was an inhabitant of Chelmsford, and was sent by Captain Jerathmel Bowers to Groton, in order to help Colonel Taylor, in August, 1704, when the enemy came upon the place. It is as follows : - To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq r Cap'. General and Cover no r in Chief and To the Hono bl f the Coitncil and House of Representatives now in General Assembly convened at Boston within 6* for her Majesties Province of the Massachus*. Bay April 10"' 1706. The Humble Petition of Samuel Butterfield Sheweth * That yo' Petitioner is an Inhabitant of the Town of Chelmsford, 96 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. and in the month of August 1704, when the Enemy came upon Nashoway & Groton & : yo r Petitioner (with others) was sent out by the Cap' Jerathmel Bowers to Groton to assist Col : Taylor, when yo r . Petitioner being ordered out with some others to Guard a Man who was going to work in the field, the Enemy came upon them, killd one man and took yo!" Petitioner and one other Prisoners, tho yo[ Petitioner made all the resistance possible, killed one, and knockt down two more after they had seized him, for which yo r Petitioner was cruelly used by them afterwards & threatened to be burnt, several times. May it please this Great and Generall Assembly. yo r Petitioner was very well accoutred in all respects when he was taken, and then was stript of all and was between fourteen and fifteen months a Captive exposd to great hardships, and has sustained great Loss and damage. Yo r Petitioner therefore humbly prays the favor of this great and General Assembly to take the premises into yo r serious Consideration and Grant him such Recompense for his Losses and sufferings, as afores'. 1 as to yo T . wisdom and Goodness shall seem meet. and yo r Petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray &c. SAMUELL BUTTERFIELD [Endorsed] Apr! 1 10 : 1706, Read. In the House of Representative Resolved That the Sum of Five Pounds be allowed, & Paid out of the Publick Treasury to Sam! 1 Butterfield the Petitioner in Considera- tion of his Losse, & service. Sent up for concurrence. THOMAS OAKES Speaker April. 1 1. 1 706. In Council. Read & concurr'd. Is? ADDINGTON Secry. [Massachusetts Archives, LXXI. 195, 196.] Butterfield had previously received, October 27, 1/04, a bounty of four pounds for killing the Indian mentioned in this petition ; but the present award was for his services and personal loss. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 97 The following petition to the Governor was presented in the year 1706, probably in the summer, as at that time the town was engaged in settling the Reverend Mr. Bradstreet as the minister: To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq Cap'. General and Govern" in Cheif in and over her Majestyes Province of the Massachusetts Bay &*c. and to the Ho bte the Council and Representatives of s'' Province. Wee the inhabitants of the Towne of Groton cannot but with all thankfulness acknowledge the great Care that his Excy and Govern! hath taken for our Preservation and defense in these times of danger. Notwithstanding all which, wee have bin by our Enemy extreamly impoverished not being capable of making those improvements which are necessary for our subsistance, but our Outlands upon which wee have a Considerable dependance lye neglected ; and many of us are reduced to the Last necessity ; our Stocks are like to Suffer much in the Winter ; and are in great fears that wee have mett w th Considerable losses in them already from the Enemy and wee are now at Extream Charge in the Settling of our Minister ; So that wee are greatly reduced and impoverished ; Wee would therefore humbly intreat that our Languishing Circum- stances may be taken into your Consideration ; and that our propor- tion of the Publique tax may this year be remitted to us ; and wee hope that not only our present afflicted State but our future duty- full deportment will be Such as may testifie for us, and afford yo r hon rs Satisfaction in so notable an instance of Charity, and Compassion JONAS PRESCOTT JONATHAN LAWRENCE JN" FARNESWORTH | Select NATH. WOODS ROBT. ROBBIN In behalf of the Towne of Groton ( men. NS ) IMassachusetts Archives, CXIII. 391. ] 7 98 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. The following account of a court-martial, held at Gro- ton, has some interest from the fact that it gives the names of a few of the men engaged in the public service at that time. The officers composing the court-martial were undoubtedly in command of companies in this neighborhood : - GROTON Febr 17, 1706-7 i o clock in y e morning May it please your Excy. I rec'. 1 your Excy s Letter, and immediatly upon the return of our forces this evening CalPd a Court Marshal and made perticuler inquisitio into Waymans affair, the Coppy of which I send enclosed, and pray your Excellencye's perticuler direction thereupon : Tarbol who was the person who pretended the discovery altho. imprudent and so blamable yet would begg your Excellencyes favour for him as a very honest man willing to do service and infinitely concern'd for this ill accident, So that the uneasiness and trouble that has posses'd him is in it self so considerable a punishment that he seems to need no other Gladly should wee have found out the Ringleaders of the mutin- ous and disorderly returne but after much Examination cant effect it. Wee all wait your Excys ord rs and shall proceed accordingly and am Yor Exeys most obedt Servt EPHR : HUNT. Die Solis Ferbuary 16. 1706-7. At a Court Marshal held at Groton By orders of his Excellency [Joseph Dudley], -For the Tryal of Leiv! Seth Wayman, Serj! Thomas Tarbol and Comp' 1 &c. Present Col Ephraim Hunt Presid' Cap' Jonathan Prescott. Cap' Jonas Prescott Cap! Josiah Parker Cap' Steph. Williams Cap! Thomas Nichols Cap' Joseph Bulkeley Cap' Benjamin Willard. Col Eph. Hunt the Presid! opned the Court, By declaring them- selves by his Excellencys perticul r Ord r to be a Court Marshal for y e Tryal of Lieu' Seth Wayman, for a false report brought by s d Way- QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 99 man of the discovery of the Indian Enemy near Monadnock on the 6 th instant, and for their returne home, in a mutinous disorderly man- ner without Endeavours after a Sufficient discovery. Liev' Seth Wayman examin'd about the sending out of his scouts on the Sixth instant sayth that On the Sixth instant on our incamping on Sun about an hour high wee Sent out Two Scouts, of four men each ; One to march on the left Wing ; the other on the Right ; To march about a mile and a half right out upon discovery from the Noyse of our Hatchetts He further Saith that after they had bin upon the Scout about an hour, that he Saw both Scouts returning together, running towards our Camp as men affrightened, and called to me at a distance to put out our fires, for they had discover'd a Body of the Enemy. Then Corp! Tarbol coming up to me told me that he had discover'd the Enemy ; The first of their Camps that he discover'd, he sd the Noyse of their Hatchetts, were as bigg as our Company, and so reached halfe a mile. The other part of our Scout told me they had discover'd the Track of Doggs, which they Judg'd to be Twenty or Thirty. Corp! Tarbol conduct of the Scout March'd on the Right wing ; being Examined concerning his discovery saith That they took a Circuler March till they had stear'd out of the noyse of our owne Camp ; and then thinking wee had heard the Noyse of our owne Hatchetts, wee took another Circle to the left that wee might be sure wee were out of the noyse of Hatchetts ; After a short time travelling wee heard a noyse of Hatchetts, upon the left wing on the side of a Hill which was near us upon which wee march'd towards the Place upon discovery, and presently I discover'd a Smoak and immediatly march'd towards it till the smoke cover'd me ; (leaving the rest of the men behind) I then heard a great discourse of men which I took to be Indians and French, and so it held a Considerable way round the Hill, at least half a mile as I judged, upon which wee return'd another way till wee came to our owne tracks ; and then wee met with the other Scout, and upon our ac- count to them of what wee had discov'd, they told us they had met with a track of twenty or Thirty Doggs, which they Judg'd to be the Enemyes Doggs, upon which we return'd together to the Camp, to make report to our Cap' Comander and thereupon Liev! Wayman our 100 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. CoiTiand r call'd his Officers together, hut before he had liberty to speak his men interrupted him ; he bid them move off, Scatter, and stand on their Guard, upon which three quarters of our men ran away home- wards, the Cap: Sent his Serjeants and went himself to stop them, but could not do it, and so wee were forced to march home. Samuel Shaddock and William Nutting of Serf Tarbol's scout con- firm e Tarbol's account, and perticulerly that article of the disorderly returning of our men or riming away from their Cap! upon the infor- mation rec' 1 of this discovery. The Examination of Samuel Scripture (Conduct of the Scout on the left wing who saith That on the sixth of february upon our incamping I was sent upon discovery about Sun an hour high at night to march on the left wing, and having march'd about a mile and a quarter, wee met with a Track which Jonathan Butterfield who was w th me thought to have bin a bitch wolfe and her Whelps, but I thought to be Indian Doggs, and followed their track about a quarter of a mile, and after a small Stop wee saw Tarbols scout who call'd us away and told us they believ'd there was a thousand Indians upon which wee hastened away but Tarbols scout ran so fast that I could not come up with them to und r stand what their discovery was till I came to the Cam]) ; where Tarbol related what he had seen, all our men Crowded to hear news ; Lieu 1 Wyman Ord r d his men to stand farther off and give room that he might discourse his officers, upon which many of them ran away, and the Cap' Sent Serf Parham to stop them ; Lieu' Wayman seing his men desert him, and Tarbols men representing y c Enemy as so very numerous thought it adviseable to draw off and accordingly wee made the best of our way home. The PLxam. of Jonathan Butterfield being of the scout on the Left wing Confirmes Sam 1 Scriptures information, and tells us Lieu! Wa\ - man talk'd of marching immediately to the Place of discovery but many of our men moved off disorderly which the Cap' sent the Serf." to Stopp, but could not do it and so were forced to return home. Serf Jn" Parham being examin'd upon the Article of Lieu' Waymans men's disorderly and mutinous running away sayth That Above half of them ran away upon Tarbol's Examination and that Leiv' Wayman sent him after them with Orders to turne about and fire in case of an attack in the rear. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 1OI Leiv' Seth Wayman being examin'd of his proceedings upon his receiving advice of Tarbols Scout Sayth That upon recieving this account he incouraged his men by telling them that they had a brave advantage of the Enemy, in that they had discover'd them and were not themselves discover'd, and there was a great prospect of doing Spoil upon them, and determined that four squadrons of men which wee had stated, should fall upon four scouts of the Enemy My officers advised me not to go on, saying it would be presumption, and an apparent hazzard of mens lives to En- counter so great a Company, upon which Serj' Tarbol threw down his Cap, and offer'd himself to go if but four men would go with him, but officers advising to the Company and many of my men withdrawing and running away disorderly I found myself too weak to attaque them and accordingly made the best of my way home [Endorsed] Court Martial at Groton. 1 6 FebT 1 706. [Massachusetts Archives, LI. 153-157.] At various times in its early history, the town was threat- ened by bands of roving Indians, who did whatever damage lay in their power to do. Such incursions kept the inhab- itants on the alert, and from time to time companies were organized for the purpose of scouring the neighborhood. It was in an emergency of this kind, probably, that Lieutenant Wayman's company was reconnoitring through the region around and about the Monadnock Mountain. On March 12, 1694-5, an Act was passed by the General Court, which prohibited the desertion of frontier towns by the inhabitants, unless permission was first granted by the Governor and Council. There were eleven such towns, and Groton was one of them. The law required the inhabitants of these out-towns, who owned land or houses, to take out a special license, on pain of forfeiting their property, before they could quit their homes and live elsewhere. It was thought that the interest of the Crown would be prejudiced. 102 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. and encouragement given to the enemy, if any of these posts were deserted, or exposed by lessening their strength. Many towns were threatened by the Indians about this time, and a few were attacked. It is recorded that some of the settlers here left the town, and there was probably a move- ment among the inhabitants in other places to do the same. This fact, undoubtedly, occasioned the enactment, which was to remain in force " unto the end of the session of the gen- eral assembly to convene in May, one thousand six hundred ninety-six (if the present war so long last), and no longer, nor afterwards." A similar Act was again passed on March 22, 1699-1700, which embraced fourteen frontier towns, of which Groton was one, and seven other towns that " lye more open than many others to an attack of an enemy." This enactment had a limitation in point of time similar to the preceding one. Subsequently this Act was revived on June 8, 1702, with the limitation, though no towns arc specified by name ; again on June 28, 1706, it was re-enacted, to remain in force until June 29, 1707; and still later, but not for the last time, it was passed on June 10, 1707. This continuous legislation to prevent the desertion of the frontiers shows clearly the un- settled condition of the out-lying towns during Queen Anne's War, and Groton was no exception. In the following letter, Captain Josiah Parker refers to the law, which was passed a month before the date of writing: On a lecter day. Groton July 9. 1707 May it plese your Excelency I have Read your Excelencyes order to y e Inhabitants and the law against deserting the frontiers, I could do it no sooner for several of the inhabitants ware gon to plainfeild and Returned yesterday, only two stayd behind ; S r one of those that designe to Remove is the Barer & a selectman and lives on the outsid the Towne. I thought good to send him, who can acquaint your Excelencey who is Removed & who are meditating the same Cap' Bulkely & h his men are gon to Lancaster and the other halfe QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 103 here, and do Expect a Relece thay being men of concidrable husban- drey ; y e most of them, all y people that will worke in Companeys have gards to Cover them to their Content, if your Excelencey Plese I should very glad of a Relie ; I am your Excelences most Humble Servent JOSIAH PARKER [Superscribed] To His Excelencey The Gounour att Roxbury On Her Maj ts Service GROTON July 9. 1707. May it please yo r Excy. According to yo r Excyes Cofnands wee have Sent an account of those that are either actually remov'd, or meditating of it. Our Peo- ple are reduc'd to that degree that they find themselves unable to subsist any long!: Would pray your Excy either to grant Liberty for their Remove or that they may be reduc'd here intirely to a Garrison (of the Towne militia) for the pr e serving the frontiers ; wee thankfully acknowledge your Excyes great Care of us hitherto, and would pray the Continuance of your Regards, without which wee are an undon people Wee take leave to subscribe (may it please yo r Excy) Your Excys most obed' Serv ls JOSEPH LAKIN Town clarck JOHN FARNSWORTH JONATHAN BOIDON JOSEPH LAKIN ; H ^ / N } men [Superscribed] To His Excelencey The Gounour att Roxbury IO4 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. GROTTO N July ye 9 day 1707 Joseph Paraham Samuill Dauis Danill Cadein John Cadein John hoare Samuill farnsworth Joseph Boidon Josiah Whetney Corenallus Whitney Joseph lawranc Ebenezer Nutting of persons gon John Stem Jonathan Pag Nathanill Woods Danill lawranc John Shattuck Nathanill Parker Benimin Lakin Jonathan boidon John huchin Zachariah lawranc Edman Chambrlin John Hall Samuell Shattuck Zerrubbubl Kamp Zachariah Sartwall John Gilson Abraham lakin Josiah lakin Joseph lakin Willuam Lakin Willuam Shattuck John Farnsworth of the persons that are consedring of going JOSEPH LAKIN \ Se]act IOHN FARNWORTH > ; men JONATHAN BOIDON ) JOSEPH LAKIN Town clarck for Groton [Massachusetts Archives, CXIII. 418-420.] A man by the name of Brown was killed here, on June 1 1, 1/07. The affair is thus referred to in Pike's Journal, printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for September, 1875 : - Jun. ii, 1707. mr Dudley Bradstreets man was slain by the Indians at Groton nomine Brown. (XIV. 145.) QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 105 During this period the savages were still skulking in the neighborhood, doing what injury they could. The following item, taken from "The Boston News-Lettcr," of August 25, 1707, describes an event which alarmed the people of this town : On Monday last the i6th Currant, Thirteen Indians on the Fron- tiers, surprized two men at their Labour in the Meadows at Marl- borough, about 4 miles distant from the Body of the Town, took them both alive ; and as they parted out of the Town, took a Woman also in their marching off, whom they kill'd : How one of the Pris- oners broke away in a Scuffle, and brought home the Indians Gun and Hatchet, and acquainted the Garison and Inhabitants, who speedily followed them, and were joyned by 20 from Lancaster, being in all 40 odd came up with the Enemy, who were also en- creased to 36, and on Tuesday at ten of the Clock found them, and in two hours exchanged ten Shot a man, in which Skirmish we lost two men, and had too slightly wounded ; and no doubt we kill'd sev- eral of the Enemy, whose Tracts of being dragg'd away we saw, but recover'd but one of them, tho' tis probably conjectur'd that we kill'd 10 or 12 at least ; we took 24 of their Packs, and drove them off their ground, and are yet pursued by two Parties of the Forces from Lan- caster and Groton, at our Forces overtaking and attacking the Enemy, they barbarously murdered the Captive. The people must have lived in constant dread of the In- dians during most of Queen Anne's War. Sometimes an outlying farmhouse was attacked and burned, some of the inmates killed and others carried away in captivity ; some- times the farmer was shot down while at labor in the field, or while going or coming. This was the fate of John Shatttick, and his son John, a young man about nineteen years of age, who were killed May 8, 1709. They were returning from the west side of the Nashua River, where Mr. Shattuck owned land, and were attacked just as they were crossing the Stony Fordway, near the present site of Hollingsworth's paper-mills, where they were killed. At the time of his death Mr. Shattuck was one of the selectmen of the town. During the autumn of 1882 Messrs. Tileston 106 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. and Hollingsworth, of Boston, the owners of the mills, caused a suitable stone' to be placed by the wayside, bearing the following inscription : NEAR THIS SPOT JOHN SHATTUCK, A SELECTMAN OF GROTON, AND HIS SON JOHN WERE KILLED BY THE INDIANS, MAY 8, iyog, WHILE CROSSING STONY FORD\VAY, JUST KELOW THE PRESENT DAM. 1882. A remarkable fatality seems to have followed Mrs. Shat- tuck's kindred. Her husband and eldest son were killed by the Indians, as has just been mentioned. Her father, James Blood, was likewise killed, September 13, 1692. So also were her uncle, William Longley, his wife and five children, July 27, 1694; and three others of their children were carried away into captivity at the same time. A relative, James Parker, Jr., and his wife were killed in this assault, and their children taken prisoners. Her step-father, Enoch Lawrence, received a wound in an engagement with the Indians, proba- bly in the same attack of July 27, 1694, which almost wholly prevented him from earning a livelihood for himself and family. The three Tarbell children, who were carried off to Canada by the Indians, June 20, 1/07, were cousins of Mrs. Shattuck. John Ames, who was shot by the savages at the gate of his own garrison, July 9, 1724, \vas the father of Jacob, who married her niece, Ruth Shattuck. And lastly, her son-in-law, Isaac Lakin, the husband of her daughter QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 107 Elizabeth, was wounded in Lovewell's Fight at Pequawket, May 8, 1725. These calamities covered a period of only one generation, extending from the year 1692 to 1725. The Reverend Wilkes Allen, in his " History of Chelms- ford " (page 35, note}, says that Major Tyng was wounded by the Indians between Groton and Concord, some time during the year 1711, and that he was taken to the latter town, where he died. Near the end of Queen Anne's War there were eighteen garrisons in this town, containing, in all, fifty-eight families, or three hundred and seventy-eight persons. Of this num- ber, seventeen were soldiers in the public service. The details are given in "A List of Frontier Garrisons Reviewed by Order of his Excellency the Governour [Joseph Dudley], In Novemb; 1711," as follows: - N'> Garisons Familys Inhabit" 1 Souldiers Souls 1 Serj' Gillson 3 6 i 25 2 Deacon Whittneys 48 32 3 Lieu* Lawrance i i 2 4 Cap 1 Prescott 4 8 i 41 5 Samuel Parker 3 8 o 27 6 M r Bradstreet i i 3 10 7 M[ Hubbards 3 12 o 32 8 M; Lakins 7 9 i 30 9 Ens g Shipple 6 7 2 30 10 M r Shaddock 5 6 2 26 1 1 Corp Tarbell 4 6 2 23 1 2 M r Holdings i 3 2 12 1 3 Ensf Farnsworth 3 4 i i X 14 M r Filbrick 7 8 o 40 15 M[ Stones 2 3 o 12 1 6 Chamberlain i 4 1 7 y c Cap' Mill i i i 6 1 8 Mr Farnsworth 2218 58 93 [Massachusetts Archives, LXXI. 874.] 108 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. It would be interesting to identify the several sites of these garrison-houses, but that is no\v impossible. Mr. Bradstreet's house is the only one in the list still standing. It was built during the year 1706, and is situated on Hollis Street; it was occupied by A. W. Churchill when the map, - opposite to page 247, in Mr. Butler's History was made. Captain Prescott lived at the southerly end of the village, on the farm known as the birthplace of Colonel William Prescott. Mr. Hubbard or Hobart, as commonly written dwelt on the site of the Baptist Meeting-house. Mr. Lakin's house was probably in the neighborhood of the cemetery, and Ensign Shepley's stood near by, on the Martin's Pond road. Mr. " Shaddock " was perhaps William Shattuck, who lived in the vicinity of XVattle's Pond; and Corporal Tarbell's farm is now occupied by James Lawrence. Captain Pres- cott's mill at the Forge Village, now in Westford, is evidently meant by " y e Cap 1 Mill." An allusion is made probably to some one captured during Queen Anne's War, in the following extract from the account of a " Missionary Tour in Maine," written in the year 1/98, by the Reverend Paul Coffin, and printed in the fourth volume of the " Collections of the Maine Historical Society: " Mr. Russel of Canaan [Maine] told me he lived in an house at Groton, the owner of which was captivated by the indians, about ninety years past and brought to Norridgwogg, where he built the first Moss-house which the indians and French first had there. This pleased his new masters so well that they gave him his redemption. (Pages 379, 380.) QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 109 II. IN a list of prisoners held by the French and Indians in Canada, March 5, 1710-11, are the names of " Zech : Tarbal, John Tarbal, Sarah Tarbal, Matt. Farnsworth [and] Lydia Longley" (Archives, LXXI. 765), all of Groton, though no date of capture is given. Lydia Longley was taken by the Indians on July 27, 1694, and the particulars of her case have already been told. The Tarbell children were carried off on June 2O, 1707; but it is unknown when Matthias Farnsworth was captured, and this entry appears to be the only record of the fact. Sarah, John, and Zechariah were children of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wood) Tarbell, who, with a large family, lived on Farmers' Row, near where James Lawrence's house now stands. Sarah was a girl nearly fourteen years of age, John a lad of twelve years, and Zechariah only seven, at the time when they were taken. They were near kindred of the Longley family, who had been massacred thirteen years before. The father was unquestionably the Corporal Tarbell who commanded, in the autumn of 1711, one of the eighteen garrisons in the town. The story of their capture and captivity is a singular one, and sounds like a romance. They were picking cherries early one evening, so tradition relates, and were taken before they had time to get down from the tree. It should be borne in mind that the date of capture, according to the new style of reckoning, was July i, when cherries would be ripe enough to tempt the appetite of climbing youngsters. These children were carried to Canada, where, it would seem, they were treated kindly, as no inducement afterward was strong enough to make them return permanently to their old home. The girl, Sarah, was sold to the French, and placed in a convent at Lachine, near Montreal ; but what became of her subsequently I am unable to say. HO QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Thomas Tarbcll, the father of these children, made his will September 26, 1715, which was admitted to probate six weeks later, and is now on file at the Middlesex Probate Office in East Cambridge. After making certain bequests to different members of his family, he says : all the rest & residue of my Reall Estate I give to be Equally di- vided between my three children, John, Zachary, & Sarah Tarbell, upon their return from Captivity, or In Proportion unto any of them that shall return, & the rest, or the parts belonging to them that do not return, shall be Equally divided among the rest of my children. During my visit to Montreal in the summer of 1877 I saw, at the Congregation of Notre Dame, the French record, of which the following is a translation : On Monday, July 23, 1708, the ceremony of baptism was per- formed on Sarah Tarbell, who was born at Groton in New England, October 9, 1693. Her parents were Thomas Tarbell and Elizabeth Wood, both Protestants, and she was baptized by the minister shortly after her birth. Having been taken by the savages on Monday, June 20, 1707, she was brought to Canada; she has since been sold, and has lived with the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, estab- lished at Lachine, where she abjured her religion on May i. Her godfather was M. Jacques Urbain Robert de Lamorandiere, Secretary of M. 1'Intendant ; and her godmother was Madame Marguerite Bonat, r wife of M. Etienne Pascaud, the deputy treasurer of the King in this country. Her name Sarah has been changed to Marguerite. [Signed] MG TF - BONAT. PASCAUD, LAMORAXDIERE, MERIEL, PRETRE. The boys remained for many years with their captors at Caughnawaga, an Indian village on the right bank of the St. Lawrence River, directly opposite to Lachine. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. I I I It is supposed that they left this place about the year 1760, when they moved up the river, in order to establish another settlement. In the year 1713 John Stoddard and John Williams were appointed by Governor Joseph Dudley, to go to Quebec and treat with the Governor-General of Canada for the release of the New England prisoners. They were accompanied by Thomas Tarbell, probably the elder brother of the boys, and we find his petition presented to the House of Representatives, June I, 1715, "praying consideration and allowance for his Time and Expences in going to Canada, with Major Stoddard & Mr. Williams, Anno 1713, to re- cover the Captives." The petition was referred, and, on the next day, Capt. Noyes from the Committee for Petitions, made Report on the Petition of Thomas Tarboll, viz. That they are of Opinion that nothing is due from the Province to the said Tarboll, since he pro- ceeded as a Volunteer in that Service to Canada, & not imployed by the Government, but recommended him to the favour of the House. The report was accepted, and, in consideration of Tarbell's services, he was allowed ten pounds out of the public treasury. Captain Stoddard's Journal, giving an account of the nego- tiations, is printed in " The New England Historical and Genealogical Register" (v. 26), for January, 1851, and Tarbell's name is mentioned in it. We find no further trace of these boys, now grown up to manhood, during the twenty-five years following this attempt to release the New England prisoners. In the winter of 1739 John and Zechariah Tarbell came back to Groton in order to visit their kinsfolk and see their native town. They were so young when carried away that their recollections of the place were of course very indistinct. It is not known now under what circumstances or influences they returned. An itemized bill of the expense incurred in bringing them back from 112 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Canada was made out against their brothers, Thomas and Samuel, and perhaps paid by them. Shortly afterward Thom- as Tarbell petitioned the General Court for means to enable him to meet the necessary charges of the journey, besides the expenses of an interpreter ; and a conditional loan was granted. The record does not say whether it was ever paid back by him. The papers relating to the subject are as follows : I)' Mess"? Thomas 6* Samuel Tharbell to William Rogers Jun r C' 1733/9 Jan ry To 5o'! J Biskett 10 3 40 Ib Pork a 7 '' 1:34 ii Gall s Brandy 8 9 8 blanketts Stroucls each q s 2.V I , \ 6 10 Ells a 6 6 p Ell ) To Lodging Victu! &: 9 days a j- each i 16 o To Horse Hire to Kinderhook & expenc e 1 5 9 To Lodging Victu 1 &f at Westenhook 7 2 To horse Hire from Westfield to Gro" 10 N. York mony \2 \ 3 at 200 p C advance 24 2 6 -Dl3<5 To Cash paid Expences at Glasco ) ,. [Blandford] N. E. M[oney]. )* To d? paid d'.' at Westfield 10 To d? paid d and Horse Hire at Springfield To d.' paid d'.' at Lambs between ~\ Springfield and Kingstown V 66 [Palmer] j To d.' at M r Ashleys i 7 2 To d? paid at Howards & Richerdsons i 2 To d: 1 paid at M r Huberds 14 6 To d" paid at Boston &" ~\_} 5 [Amount carried forward, ^44 M 9] QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 113 [Amottnt brought forward, ^44 *4 9] To my Trouble for bringing your ~\ Brothers from Canada to Albany I & here, from y e io'. h feb7 to [ April 27'!' is 77 days at 2O/ ji2i M 9 1011-7 1739 Boston April ig'I 1 Errors Excepted p WILLIAM ROGERS Jun' [Massachusetts Archives, XV. A 15, 16.] \ To His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq Gov Province of the f ^, 7 . , -,, TT ,, ,, -,,, T r j- n . > Chief The fforr Council! 6* House of Rep'"' Massachusetts Bay I . J J in Generall Court Assembled Apr ill 23'' 1739 The Petition of Thomas Tarbell of Groton Elder Brother To his Two Unfortunate Brothers Taken into Captivity in the former Wars humbly Sheweth That he does with utmost thankfullness acknowledge The Great favour of this Court Expressed towards his said Brothers and for y" Great encouragement you have been pleased to give In order to Excite them to come over & settle amongst us But in as much as the Charges of their coming down and y e Inter- preter who attended them amounts To one hundred 6* Twenty one pound 14 9 [The italicised words in the petition are erased, and " fourty pound new tennor Bill " interlined.] which your petitioner must Pay & not being in a Capacity to Raise so much mony at this time he most humbly prays your Excellency & Hon rs would of your Great Goodness be pleased to make him a Grant of so much or to allow him to receive y e same out of the Publick Treasury and Grant him such time for Repaymt thereof again as to your Excellency & Hon rs in your great Goodness shall seem meet, your petitioners giving good security therefor & as in Duty bound shall Ever pray &c THCT TARBELL. [Massachusetts Archives, XV. A 17.] In the House of Rep rfs April 24"'' 1739. Read and in answer to this petition Voted that Mr Treasurer ffoye be & hereby is impowered and directed to advance to the petitioner Thomas Tarbell the sum of 8 114 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. Thirty Nine pounds Eleven shillings and seven pence out of the publick Treasury provided the said Tarbell give good security for re- imbursing the Treasury the said sum within the space of two years at the farthest, in Case his two Brothers do not within that time return with their ffamilics & dwell among us in this Government Sent up for Concurrence J. Quixcv Sp* r In Council April 24 1739 Read and Nonconcured. SIMON FROST Dep' Sec ry [Massachusetts Archives, XV. A 17.] In the House of Representatives April 21. 1739 In Consideration of that Clause in His Excellency's speech for inducing some English Captives lately come from Canada to return hither again by giving them some proper Encouragement Ordered that the sum of Forty pounds new tenor bills be granted & allowed to be paid out of the publick Treasury to Joseph Kellogg Esq' and by him to be paid and disposed of to & for the use of the two Captives viz' John Tharbell and Zechariah Tharbell in the following Manner viz 1 Sixteen pounds thirteen shillings & four pence part thereof to be laid out at their discretion as a present to their wives in the purchase of such things as they are desirous of, and that the like sum of sixteen pounds thirteen shillings & four pence be given to be at their own disposal!, and the remainder thereof viz. six pounds thirtteen shillings & four pence be given them to bear their charges homewards and further the assurance of this Government is hereby given them that if they shall return with their Families to live among us they shall be put & kept in the pay of the province as Soldiers at Fort Dummer during Life to give them bread for their Families without being obliged to the duty of the Garison only behaving themselves peaceably and Orderly among us ; and that each of them shall have a right in some new township, or two hundred acres of Land a piece for an Inherit- ance to them, and their heirs, where it shall be found most fit and convenient and also that on their return again with their ffamilies to dwell here as aforesaid this Government will pay to their Brethren namely Thomas & Samuel Tharbell the am" of Mr William Rogers Junr QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 115 his accompt for the Charge of their Journey down & now exhibited being forty pounds, eleven shillings & seven pence Sent up for Concurrence J. QUINCY Sp kr In Council April 24. i 739 Read and Concurr'd 25 : Consented to, J WILLARD Secry J BELCHER [Massachusetts Archives, XV. A 18, 19.] On April 20 Governor Belcher brought the case of these captives to the attention of the Council and the House of Representatives ; and this action on his part prompted the petition of Thomas Tarbell. The Governor then made a speech, in which he said: There are lately come from Canada some Persons that were taken by the Indians from Groton above thirty Years ago, who (its believed) may be induced to return into this Province, on your giving them some proper Encouragement : If this Matter might be effected, I should think it would be not only an Act of Compassion in order to reclaim them from the Errors and Delusions of the Romish Faith ; but their living among us might, in Time to come, be of great Advantage to the Province. This subject was referred the same day to a Committee consisting of John Read, of Boston, William Fairfield, of Wenham, Thomas Wells, of Deerfield, Benjamin Browne, of Salem, and Job Almy, of Tiverton. On the next day, April 21 as we read in the printed Journal of the House of Representatives the chairman of The Committee appointed to consider that Paragraph in His Ex- cellency's SPEECH relating to the Encouragement of two English Captives from Canada, viz. John Tharbell and Zechariah Tharbell, made report thereon, which he read in his Place, and then delivered it at the Table ; and after some debate thereon, the House did not accept the Report ; and having considered the "same Article by Article, Il6 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. the House came into a Vote thereon, and sent the same up to the honourable Board for Concurrence. On the 23d, we find A Petition of Thomas Tharbell of Groton, Elder Brother of the t\vo Mr. Tharbclls lately returned from Captivity in Canada, praying he may be allowed the Loan of some Money to enable him to pay William Rogers, jun. his Account of Charges in bringing his Brethren to Boston. Read and Ordered, That the Petition be considered to morrow morning. On the next day, The House pass'd a Vote on the Petition of Thomas Tharbell of Groton, praying as entred the 23d current, and sent the same up to the honourable Board for Concurrence. All these efforts, however, to reclaim the two men from savage life proved unavailing; for it is known that they re- mained with the Indians and became naturalized, if I may use the expression. They married Indian wives, and were afterward made chiefs at Caughnawaga and St. Regis, vil- lages in Canada. Their descendants are still living among the Indians, and the Tarbells of the present day, in this town, are their collateral kindred. Nearly forty years after their capture, Governor Hutchinson met them in New York State, and in his " History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay '' refers to them thus : - I saw at Albany two or three men, in the year i 744, who came in with the Indians to trade, and who had been taken at Groton in this, that is called Queen Ann's war. One of them - Tarbell, was said to be one of the wealthiest of the Cagnawaga tribe. He made a visit in his Indian dress and with his Indian complexion (for by means of grease and paints but little difference could be discerned) to his relations at Groton, but had no inclination to remain there. (II. 139-) This is another account from " The Galaxy " magazine, for January, 1870: - QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. II 7 It is related that, about a century and a half ago, while a couple of boys and a girl were playing in a barn at Groton, Massachusetts, some Indians suddenly appeared, seized the boys and fled, carrying them to the village of Caughnawaga, nine miles above Montreal, where they grew up with the Indian habits, manners, and language, being finally adopted as members of the tribe ; and married Indian brides selected from the daughters of the principal chiefs. (IX. 124.) Some years after this time, these two young men now oc- cupying the position of chiefs moved up the St. Lawrence River, accompanied by several others, all with their families, and established the village of St. Regis. This Indian settle- ment is pleasantly situated on the right bank of the St. Law- rence, the boundary line which separates the State of New York from Canada running through it. From its peculiar position, it was agreed, during the last war with England, that the Indians should remain neutral, but the compact was often broken. In the summer of 1852 the tribe numbered about eleven hundred persons, of whom it is said that not one was of pure Indian origin. Many interesting facts concerning the Tarbells at St. Regis are found in the " History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, New York" (Albany, 1853), by Dr. Franklin B. Hough. A part of the village comes within the limits of Franklin County; and the author has gathered up some of the stories still told about these two brothers in that neighborhood. He gives the following accounts, which arc largely traditional, but with some truth at the bottom : About a hundred and thirty years ago, three children (a girl about twelve or thirteen years of age, and two younger brothers) were play- ing together in a barn, in the town of Groton, Massachusetts, and being absent from the house longer than was expected, their mother became solicitous about them, and went to find them. The girl was lying on the floor, with a limb broken, and the boys were missing. She related that seeing some Indians coming, she fled to the upper part of the barn, and fell by accident from the beams above, and that Il8 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. they had seized the two boys and carried them away. The stealthy manner of this seizure, and the time that had elapsed, forbade pursuit with any hope of success, and the distracted parents were left to mourn the loss without consolation or hope. The probable motive for the seizure of these children was the expectation that a bounty would be offered for their ransom ; or perhaps they might be exchanged for French prisoners. As afterwards appeared, these boys were taken by the Caughnawaga Indians to their village near Montreal, where they were adopted as their own children, growing up in habits, manners, and language as Indians, and in due time they married the daughters of chiefs of that tribe. The names of these chiefs were Sa-kon-en-tsi-ask and Ata-wen-ta. ' But they possessed the superiority of intellect and enterprise which belonged to their race ; and this led to a series of petty quarrels, growing out of the jealousy of the young Indians of their age, which disquieted the village, and by the party spirit which it engendered, became a source of irritation and trouble in the settlement, and of anxiety on the part of their missionary, who labored in vain to reconcile the difficulties between them. Failing in this, he advised the two young men (one of whom they had named Ka-re-ko-wa) to remove with their families to a place by themselves, where they might enjoy tranquillity, and be beyond the reach of annoyance from their comrades. This advice they adopted ; and taking with them their wives, and followed by their wives' parents, these four families departed in a bark canoe, with their effects, to seek in a new country, and in the secluded recesses of the forest, a home. They coasted along up the St. Lawrence, and at length arrived at the delightful point on which the village of St. Regis now stands, where they landed and took possession. The name of these youths, was TARBELL, and their descendants have always resided at St. Regis, and some of them have been dis- tinguished as chiefs and headmen of the tribe. One of these named Lesor Tarbell, and a son of his name, was a prominent chief, about fifty years since, and very much esteemed by the whites for his prudence, candor, and great worth of character. The name of Tarbell is said to be very common in Groton to this dav. QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 119 Another traditional version of the account differs in some particulars from that just related, and is as follows : Three lads and an elder sister were playing together in a field, when they were suq)rised by a small party of Indians. One of the boys escaped, but the rest were seized, and marched that day about fourteen miles into the woods, towards Canada, when it coming on dark, they came to a halt, and camped for the night. Thinking their prisoner secure, the Indians were less watchful than usual, and finally all fell asleep. The girl, about twelve years old, kept awake, and seeing the rest asleep, her first thought was to awaken her brothers, and attempt to escape ; but fearing to disturb the Indians, should she attempt this, and thus prevent any possibility of escape, she crept carefully out from among them, and struck off in the direction of her home, which she at length reached after undergoing great hardship. One of the lads on growing up went off to the northwest ; the other married, and subsequently, with his wife and one or two other families, moved off, and made the first settlement at St. Regis. From the abundance of partridges which the thicket afforded they called it AK-WIS-SAS-NE, " where the partridge drums," and this name it still retains. These families were living very peaceably together, and had made small clearings for cornfields, when they were joined by Father Anthony Gordon, a Jesuit from Caughnawaga, with a colony of these Indians, in 1760. The year of this settlement is known by the fact that they were met, near Coteau du Lac, by Lord Amherst, who was descending the St. Lawrence, to complete the conquest of Canada. Gordon named the place ST. REGIS. (Pages 111-113.) In former years the St. Regis Indians had certain rights in a land reservation in the State of New York ; and more than once treaties were made between the Governor of the State and the chiefs of the tribe, among whom were descendants of these Tarbell boys. A treaty was signed on February 20, 1818, in behalf of the Indians, by Loran Tarbell and Thomas Tarbell, and two other chiefs. Another treaty was signed on September 23, 1825, by eleven chiefs and trustees of the 120 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. tribe, including Peter Tarbell, Thomas Tarbell, Mitchel Tar- bell, Louis Tarbell, and Battice Tarbell. Some of these names, I am sure, will sound familiar to the older inhabitants of Groton. It is very likely that Battice is the same as Sabat- tis, an Indian name, which is said to be a corruption of Saint Baptiste. Dr. Hough writes about one of the earlier members of the family as follows : A half breed Indian, who usually was known as PETER THE BIG SPEAK, was a son of Lesor Tarbell, one of the lads who had been stolen a\vay from Groton by the Indians, and who subsequently be- came one- of the first settlers who preceded the founding of St. Regis. He was a man of much address and ability as a speaker, and was selected as the mouthpiece of the tribe on the more important occasions that presented themselves. (Page 182.) The statement is wrong, however, that Lesor was the name of one of the captured boys. It is perfectly well known that their names were John and Zechariah, but it is not improb- able that one of their sons was named Lesor. If this was the case, it was intended, doubtless, for Eleazer, the name of their youngest brother, who was less than two months old when they were carried off. It certainly would be a very touching tribute to their childish recollections if they had remembered this little babe at home, and carried him in their thoughts for so many years. In the year 1772 the Reverend Mr. Ripley and Lieutenant Taylor went on a mission to Canada, in order to induce some Indian children to join the Charity School at Hanover, New Hampshire. They returned September 21, bringing with them eight boys from Caughnawaga, and two from Lorette, a village near Quebec. Among these lads was a descendant of one of the Tarbell captives. An account of this visit to Canada is given in the appendix to a pamphlet entitled " A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School," QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 121 by Eleazer Whcelock, D. D., and published in the year 1773. The following extract is taken from it : The same day a council of the chiefs of that tribe [Caughnawaga] was called to consider of the proposal of sending their children to this school, which Mr. Ripley had left to their consideration, in which they were to a man agreed in the affirmative, and acknowledged with grati- tude the benevolence and kindness of their offer : They continued united and firm to the last in that determination against the most warm and zealous remonstrances of their priest, both in public and private ; in consequence of which determination, nine of their boys were made ready to accompany Mr. Ripley hither ; three of which were children or descendants from captives, who had been captivated when they were young, and lived with them, till they were naturalized and married among them. One was a descendant from Rev. Mr. Williams who was captivated from Deerfield in 1 704, but the boy was taken sick with the measles, and thereby his coming was prevented ; but may be expected in the spring. Another was a descendant from Mr. Tarbull, who was captivated from Groton, in the year 1700 [1707?], who is now a hearty and active man, and the eldest chief, and chief speaker of the tribe. He expressed great affection to his relations in New-England, sent his love to them, and desired they might be informed that he had a grandson at this school. The other was son to Mr. Stacey, who was captivated from Ipswich, and is a good interpreter for that tribe. (Pages 39, 40.) Another reference to the same subject is found in the first volume of Farmer & Moore's " Collections," published at Concord, New Hampshire, in the year 1822. It is as follows : In 1772, Rev. SYLVANUS RIPLEY and Lt. JOSEPH TAYLOR, who acted as interpreter, went on a mission to the Indian tribes in Canada. They returned to Hanover on the 2ist of September, and brought with them ten children from those tribes, to receive an education in the school at Dartmouth College. Two of these children were taken by the Indians in former wars, while they were young, and were brought up in the language and customs of the natives. One of them was a grandson, about eight years old, of a Mr. Tarbell, who was 122 QUEEN AXNE'S WAR. taken from Groton, in Massachusetts, in the year 1704 [1707?], when he was about ten years old. Mr. Tarbell was then in vigorous health and the oldest chief in the village. He expressed much joy in seeing Messrs. Ripley and Taylor, and earnestly encouraged his grandson in leaving his Indian relatives to receive the benefits of education. There was another youth, a grandson of Mrs. Eunice Williams, who was taken captive with her father, the Rev. John Williams, of Deer- field, Feb. 29, 1 704, that would have accompanied them, but was prevented by indisposition. (Pages 63, 64.) A Frenchman by the name of Fovel visited St. Regis in the year 1826, and induced one of the Tarbell family, whose Indian name was Joseph Torakaron, to accompany him to Europe. Torakaron was to travel in the character of an Indian chief, and Fovel was to act as interpreter and agent. The story is thus told by Dr. Hough, in his History: In 1826, a young Frenchman, by the name of Fovel, who had been for some time at Montreal, visited St. Regis, and induced one Joseph Torakaron, (sometimes known by his English name of Tarbell,) to con- sent to accompany him to Europe. Torakaron was to travel in the character of an Indian chief, (which office he then held at St. Regis,) and his companion in that of interpreter, solicitor, treasurer, and agent. The motives held out to the chief were, that they should be able to obtain donations for the endowment of their church, and doubtless large sums as presents to themselves. Having made all necessary arrangements, and being furnished with letters from St. Regis, Montreal and Quebec, certifying the standing of Torakaron at home, the two proceeded by way of New York and Havre, to Paris. The conductor here obtained an interview with Charles X, and so favorable an impression was made upon the mind of the king, that he presented them with three fine paintings, and a large sum in money, and other valuable articles. Thence they proceeded by way of Marseilles, to Rome, and obtained an interview with the pope. During a conversation, the pope asked the Indian if he could converse in another language than his own, and finding him able to use the English and French to some degree, he invited him to a QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. 123 second interview alone. The result was, that a set of books and silver plate, for the service of the church, a rosary of jewels and gold, worth it is said $1400, and other articles of value, were given him. They thence returned to Marseilles, where they spent the winter, and in 1828 returned by way of Paris and Havre to New York. Here the treasurer, or interpreter, or whatever else he might be called, evinced his true character by absconding with every article of value, except the rosary and paintings, leaving Torakaron without means even to return home. He was enabled to do so through the charity of friends, and the paintings were soon after deposited in their destined place. Two are now at St. Regis, and the third in the church at Caughna- waga. Of the former, those who visit the church will recognize in a painting over the altar, the portrait of St. Regis, and in the one to the left, near the pulpit, that of St. Francois Xavier. (Page 166.) In the summer of 1877 I visited St. Regis, where I met a grandson of one of the Tarbell captives. He was more than eighty years old, and could speak only Indian ; and I had to talk with him through an interpreter. I learned that he was aware that his grandfather had been taken when a boy, from a town near Boston, and that he had kinsfolk still living there. What interested me exceedingly was the physical resemblance between him and some of his collateral relations, who lived and died at Squannacook within my recollection. He was a man of ordinary size, with a sunburnt face and gray hair, though somewhat bald. There was but little appearance of Indian blood in his veins, and he would have passed anywhere for a good-looking old man. He lived with one of his sons in a small house that was clapboarded and painted, and one of the best in the village, where, surrounded by his grandchildren, he was passing the declining years of his life in comfortable ease. I was also interested to learn from the Reverend Francis Marcoux, the parish priest, that the Tarbells were among the most prominent families of the settlement, where there are, perhaps, forty persons who bear the name. They keep up, 124 QUEEN ANNE'S WAR. in a great measure, the same given names that are common among their kindred in this neighborhood. The inhabitants of St. Regis, for the most part, retain the English names of their fathers, and besides, have Indian ones. In tracing the career of these boys and their descendants down nearly to the present time, the account sounds more like fiction than the sober truth of history. The trail of their adventures is covered up with so many improbabilities that the mere narration of them excites marvel and wonder. During the War of the Rebellion, Louis Tarble, a son of Thomas, of St. Regis, who was descended from one of the captives, served two years in the Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers, and subsequently in the Eleventh United States Infantry. After his discharge from the army he died at Norway, Herkimer County, New York. During the present summer of 1883 Mr. Lawrence, the owner of the Tarbell farm, proposes to place in the wall by the wayside a stone bearing this inscription : NEAR THIS SPOT THREE CHILDREN SARAH, JOHN, AND ZECHARIAH TARBELL WERE CAPTURED 15Y THE INDIANS, JUNE 20, 1707. THEY WERE TAKEN TO CANADA WHERE THE SISTER WAS PLACED IN A CONVENT. THE BROTHERS BECAME CHIEFS OF THE COUGHNAWAGA TRIBE , AND WERE AMONG THE FOUNDERS OF ST. REGIS WHERE THEY HAVE DESCENDANTS NOW LIVING. l88 3 . CHAPTER IV. BUMMER'S WAR. DURING the summer of 1723 "the Indian enemy" as the early settlers were wont to call them still threatened the western frontier towns. On August 16, 1723, according to the printed Journal of the House of Representatives, Lieutenant-Governor Dummer, at that time the acting Gov- ernor of the Province, was desired immediately to order detachments of men, varying from three to six, from the inhabitants of the several towns along the line of outer set- tlements, to be constantly employed in scouting and ranging the woods in their respective towns ; and under this order Groton was to have six. On August 24 it was ordered by the House of Representatives, that these scouts should be placed under the direction of the chief military officer of the several towns, and such officer should receive five shillings a week for his services. Owing to informalities in the matter, a dispute arose between the House and the Lieutenant- Governor, who within two days sent two messages to that body, and some slight modifications were made in the original draft. Lieutenant Jabez Fairbanks, of Lancaster, commanded the company which included the Groton men. The follow- 126 BUMMER'S WAR. ing document gives a list of his men at the beginning of the winter : LANCASTER December y e 2 th 1723 May it plese your Hon er I have in observance of your Hon rs order Inlisted fifteen able bodyed men fit for service & haue sent the List of them herewith to your Hon r with y e List of those that ware in y e ser- vice before and haue put them on duity : we haue made no decovery of y e Inemy as yet : the barer is one that is in the service & is Capable if your Hon r Seas Case to demand : to give a full account of our management your Humble Servant JABEZ FAIRBANKS [Superscribed] To y e Hon" William Dumer Esq Left Govener & for His Majesties service, by M r Edward Hartwell A List of the Names of y e Soldiers first enlisted in Lancaster Groaton & Dunstable Edward Hartwill Aaron Willard Benjamin Osgood Benjamin Houghton junr John Bennit Samuell Sawyer Jonathan Shipley Joseph Blood James Shattuck The names of those last in Listed Joseph Blanchard Ephraim Wheeler David Osgood Joseph Wheelock Ezra Sawyer Benjamin Harris Phinehas Parker David Satell LANCASTER December the 2th 1723 Samuell Scripter John Stephens William Larrance Jabaz Davice Thomas Chamberlin Ephraim Chandler Benjamin Nicholes John Barrit Isaac Woods Jacob Lakin Thomas Lund Isaac Fanvell Ebenezer Cumins John Usher Jonathan Combs JABEZ FAIRBANKS [Massachusetts Archives, LXXII. 144, 145.] DUMMER'S WAR. 127 On December 7, 1723, the House of Representatives passed the account of Colonel Joseph Buckminster, for going and sending expresses, on public business, between Boston and Groton and other towns ; and fifty-five shillings were allowed for the service. On the same day the sum of ^94 los. was allowed for paying the company under the command of Ser- geant Edward Hartwell, made up of scouts at Groton, Shrews- bury, and Lancaster, and the further sum of 40 $s. gd. for the subsistence of the men ; and the money was to be placed in the hands of Benjamin Prescott, of Groton, for his disbursement. This company of scouts was the one raised by Lieutenant Fairbanks. On December 10, a petition was presented from Jonathan Hubbard, of Groton, praying that he might be paid & 4-r. for entertaining Samuel Barnard, a trooper belonging to Captain Bowman's company, who was taken sick at his house, while in the public service ; and the committee, to whom the matter was referred, made a report recommending its payment. The military company at this post, during the campaigns of 1723 and 1724, was composed of soldiers principally from Groton, Lancaster, and Dunstable, and commanded by Lieutenant Fairbanks. Some of them were detailed as guards to protect the more exposed garrisons, and others were scouting in the neighborhood. They were so scattered that the commanding officer found it difficult to drill them as a company. Fortunately, however, they were not engaged in much fighting, though the enemy had been lurking about and threatening the town. The following Groton men are borne on the rolls of Lieutenant Fairbanks's company, June 18, 1724, and repre- sent some of the most influential families at that time. The period of their service is given, with the amount of their pay: 128 UUMMER'S WAR. s. d. Phinias Parker, Serj! Nov. 25 to Jan. 12 4 13 4 Jon? Shipley, Sent! 1 IO ,, 4 1 1 5 Jo s Blood June 13 15 IO Ja s Shaduck T> 15 IO Samuel Screpter 15 IO W" Lawrance 15 10 Josiah Bauden Jan. 13 IO 18 6 Jacob Ames Nov. 25 v M 8 6 Isaac Woods ,, ,, ,, ,, M 8 6 Jason Williams J. M 8 6 Nath 1 Lawrance ,, ,, M 8 6 Jon' 1 Shepley, Serj! Jan. 3 >' " M 1 1 6 Tho s Chamberlin Nov. 29 M 2 IO Mich 1 Gillson April 28 3 7 i [Massachusetts Archives, XCI. 124.] The following letters from the commanding officer, to Lieutenant-Governor William Dummer, show how these scouts were employed during a part of their service : - GROTON May 28 th 1724. May it please your Honour I have Posted the men Committed to my care at the Towns of Lancaster Groton Dunstable & Turkey Hill [Lunenburg] according to your Honours Orders ; and Improve them in the best manner I can for the protection of the People & Discovery of the enemy and I think to General Satisfaction I have ordered one man to M r [Benjamin] Prescotts Garrison During his attendance on the Court. I beg leave further to acquaint your Honour that y ' people in these Towns apprehend themselves in Great Danger, and cannot (in my humble opinion) be in any measure safe with so small a number of men. I am your Honours Humble & most obedient Serv' JABEZ FAIRBANKS (Massachusetts Archives, LXXII. 176.] DUMMER'S WAR. 129 LANCASTER, July if 1724. May it please your Honour. I recieved your Letter the Last night in the evening, and not before tho' I suppose I might have had it sooner had the bearer pleased, Your Honour is pleased in your Letter to give me my choice of A Lieutenants Post in Groton or Turkey Hills or A Serjeants at Lancaster. I am sensible that Serjeants Pay in Town would be as Profitable as to keep constantly abroad, but yet upon Some Consid- erations I choose to Abide in the Post I am, and to go to Groton. I return my thanks to your Honour for the choice you have given me. I would Inform your Honour that on Monday Last I sent A Scout to Rutland who Returned yesterday and gave me an Account that In the way they discovered the tracks of four or five Indians bearing towards Wochoosett who they Judged had been gone 2 or 3 days. Yesterday Part of Groton men & Part of this Town went out for the week to range above the Towns to see what Discovery they could make, and I am my self this Day going out with what men I can Raise to see what I can discover. I desire the favour of your Honour, That the souldiers now under my Command in Lancaster and Groton might have the Liberty of abiding with me or of being Dismist. If it be your Honours Pleasure to let Edward Hartwell who hath been a Serjeant under me Abide still in that Post in this Town I should take it as a favour. I stand ready to attend your Honours Orders & Command and am Si Your Humble Sen-ant JABKZ FAIRBANK. [Massachusetts Archives, LIT. 9 ] GROTON July 2o th 1724. May it please your Honour I have attended your orders in posting the men at the Towns of Groton Lancaster & Turkey hill precisely except at Turkey Hill there is but eleven men Cap' Stevens having not as yet sent so many as ordered & I have Taken my post at Groton where I Improve the Souldiers in the best manner I can agreeable to your orders, & have ordered them to Lodge in some of y most Exposed Garrisons as often as may be, but I find it impossible to Improve So Small a number of men So as to answer y? Necessities of the people here, whose circum- 9 130 DUMMER'S WAR. stances are So verry Difficult and Distressing that I am not able fully to Represent to your Honour. the poor people are many of them obliged to keep their own Gar- risons and part of them Imployed as Guards while others are at their Labour whose whole Time would be full Little enough to be expended in getting bread for their families. My own Garrison at Lancaster is very much exposed & with Humble Submission I think Requires Pro- tection as much as any in that Town, therefore I Humbly pray your Honour would be pleased to give me Leave to post a Souldier there Dureing my absence in the service of the province I beg your Honours Pardon for giving you this Trouble ; and as[k] Leave to Subscribe my Selfe Your most Obedient Humble Serv 1 JABEZ FAIRBANKS [Massachusetts Archives, LII. 17.] For some Journals, kept in this neighborhood by Lieu- tenant Fairbanks during the years 1723 and 1724, see Massa- chusetts Archives, XXXVIII. A 49-54, 56-65. Colonel Tyng writes, July 23, 1724, from Dunstable, to Lieutenant-Governor William Dummer, that he has sent ten men of his company to Groton, agreeably to orders, and that he is going himself "to dispose the 10 men there." (Archives, LII. 22.) In the printed Journal of the House of Representatives, May 28, 1725, is found the petition of Dr. Blasdell, asking that an allowance be made for his professional services during this campaign. It is as follows : A Petition of Henry Blasdell of Groton, shewing that by Virtue of a Warrant from Col. Goffe he served as Surgeon to the Western Forces from the loth of September to the 6th of December past, being twelve Weeks and three Days, for which Service and the Medicines he administered to the Forces in the Service of the Province, he thinks he deserves Twenty six Pounds Fourteen Shillings for the Reasons mentioned in the Petition, and praying that the same may be allowed him out of the publick Treasury. It is recorded in the same Journal, June 1 1, 1725 : - DUMMER'S WAR. 131 On the Petition of Henry Blasdell of Groton, a Surgeon Impressed into the Service by Col. Edmund Goffe, praying as entred the 28/// of May last, which was read and Accepted, and Resolved, That the Sum of Seventeen Pounds, Nine Shillings be allowed and paid out of the publick Treasury to Dr. Henry Blasdell for his Wages, Druggs and Medicines in the Service of the Province as mentioned in the Petition. Penhallow, in " The History of the Wars of New-England," speaking of the Indians at this period, says : - The next damage they did was at Groton, but were so closely pursued, that they left several of their Packs behind. (Page 102.; It was on Thursday, July 9, 1724, that John Ames was shot by an Indian, one of a small party that attacked his garrison in the northwesterly part of the town. Ames lived on the north side of the Nashua River, a short dis- tance below the Hollingsworth paper-mills. He is said to be the last person killed by an Indian within the township. The Indian himself was immediately afterward shot by Jacob Ames, one of John's sons. "The Boston Gazette," July 13, 1 724, thus refers to the event : A Man was kill'd last Week at Groton, by the Indians, and 't is suppos'd one Indian was kill'd by one of our Men in the Garrison ; the Indians left their Packs, 5 in number, which were taken and secur'd by the English. In the Gazette of July 27, it is said that " An Indian Scalp was brought to Town last Week from Groton." " The New England Courant," July 13, 1/24, reports that " Last Week the Indians kill'd a Man at Groton, and had one of their own Men very much wounded." The same news- paper, in its issue of July 27, says that " The Scalp of an Indian lately kill'd at Groton is brought to Town." " The Boston News Letter," July 16, 1724, gives the follow- ing version : DUMMER'S WAR. From Groton \ve are inform'd, That 5 Indians came into that Place, and kill'd one Man, upon which one of our Men shot out of the Gar- rison and kill'd an Indian and got his Scalp in order to bring to Town, and have likewise taken the Indian Packs. The same paper, of July 30, says that " An Indian Scalp from Groton \vas brought in here last Week." These accounts, taken in connection with Jacob Ames's petition, found in the printed Journal of the House of Representatives for November 20, 1724, and herewith given, show conclusively that they relate to the assault in which John Ames was killed. It is equally certain that Penhallow, in his History, refers to the same attack when he speaks of the damage done at Groton in the summer of 1724. A Petition of Jacob Ames, shewing that he was one of the Weekly Scouts near the Garrisons on the Westerly part of the Town of Groton ; and on the Ninth Day of July last, when it was the Petitioners Week to be on Duty, a Number of Indians appeared at the Garrison of the Petitioners Father John Ames, and killed him at the Gate, and then rush'd violently into the Garrison to surprise the People there. And the Petitioner did with Courage and Resolution by himself defend the Garrison, and beat off the Indians, Slew one of them and Scalp'd him ; praying, That altho' it happened to be his Week to be on Duty, that this Court would take the Premises into their wise and serious Consid- eration, and grant what other Allowance more than the Establishment by Law, shall to them seem meet, for his aforesaid Sen-ice. Read, and in Answer to this Petition. Resolved, That over and above the Fifteen Pounds due to the Petitioner by Law, for recovering the said Scalp, and the good Services done this Province thereby, the Sum of Fifteen Pounds be allowed and Paid out of the Publick Treasury to the said Jacob Ames for his good Service as aforesaid. Sent up for Concurrence. Mr. Butler, in his History, gives the following version of this affair, which was gathered largely from grandchildren of the Ezra Farnsworth mentioned in it. The account was taken down in writing more than a hundred years after the BUMMER'S WAR. 133 occurrence of the event, which will explain any inaccuracies due to tradition. Mr. Butler refers the assault to a period much later than the actual fact: An Indian had been seen, for several days, lurking about the to\vn, it was conjectured, upon some ill design. Mr. -Ames, who lived on the intervale, on the west side of Nashua river, now owned by John Boynton, Esq., went into his pasture to catch his horse. Discovering the Indian, he ran for his house ; the Indian pursued and shot him as he entered his gate. The dead body prevented the gate's closing, as it would otherwise have done of itself, and the Indian pressed in to enter the house, where Ames had a son and daughter. The son seized his gun, and shot at him, as he entered the gate. The ball, striking the latch of the door, split, and one part of it wounded the Indian, but not severely. As the son attempted to close the door against the enemy, after the shot, the Indian thrust his foot in, and prevented. The son called to his sister to bring his father's gun from the bedside, and at the same time striking the Indian's foot with the breach of his gun, compelled him to withdraw it, and closed the door. While the Indian was in the act of reloading his gun, the young man found means to shoot through a crevice and killed him. Two men, at work about a mile distant in a mill, Ezra and Benjamin Farnsworth, hearing the reports of the guns, and suspecting the cause thereof, were soon at the place, aud found the bodies of Ames and the Indian both weltering in their blood. This is the last man killed by an Indian within the bounds of Groton. (Pages no, in.) Mr. Butler says, in his History (page 100), that " in the summer of 1723, one man was killed at Groton." I am in- clined to think that this allusion is to John Ames, as I can find no other authority for the statement. Governor Saltonstall, of Connecticut, writes from New London, under date of July 23, 1724, that the friendly Indians of that neighborhood seem inclined to hunt for scalps around Monadnock and the farther side of Dunstable and Groton. (Archives, LII. 23.) This was owing to an offer made about this time by the governments of Massachu- setts and New Hampshire, of a bounty of a hundred pounds 134 DUMMER'S WAR. for every Indian's scalp that should be taken and shown to the proper authorities. This expedient stimulated volunteers to scour the \vilderness for the purpose of hunting Indians; and Captain John Lovewell, of Dunstable, organized a com- pany, which soon became famous. The story of Lovewell's Fight was for a long time repeat- edly told in this neighborhood, and there is scarcely a person who has not from early infancy heard the particulars of that eventful conflict. It was in the spring of 1725 that Captain Lovewell, with thirty-four men, fought a famous Indian chief, named Paugus, at the head of about eighty savages, near the shores of a pond in Pequawket, now within the limits of Fryeburg, Maine, and known as Lovewell's Pond. Of this little Spartan band, seven belonged in this town; and one of them, John Chamberlain by name, distinguished himself by killing the Indian leader. The fullest account of the Fight is found in a pamphlet entitled, " Lovewell Lamented, or, a SERMON occasion'd by the Fall of the Brave Capt. John Lovewell and Several of his Valiant COMPANY, in the late Heroic Action at Piggwacket pronounc'd at Bradford, May 16 1725 By Thomas Synnnes, V.D.M." (Boston, 1725.) The sermon contains an historical preface, duly attested by three of the company, which gives many particulars of this ill-fated expedition. It includes a list of the men who took part in the fight, with the names of the killed and wounded. According to this list, the following Groton men were members of Lovewell's company, and present during the action : John Jefts, Daniel Woods, Thomas Woods, John Chamberlain, Elias Barren, John Gilson [Isaac Lakin?], Joseph Gilson; of whom Thomas Woods, Daniel Woods, and John Jefts were killed in the Fight, and Elias Barren, John Chamberlain, and John Gilson [Isaac Lakin?], wounded. It is stated by Mr. Symmes, in his preface, that Barron sub- sequently " strayed from the rest, and got over Ossipy River, by the side of which his Gun Case was found, & he has ner DUMMER'S WAR. 135 been heard of since." (Page viii.) Joseph Gilson was the only one of this quota who escaped injury. The first edition of the sermon was published on July i, and exhausted in a very few days. A second edition was issued about the middle of July, with a title-page somewhat changed from the original one, as follows: "Historical Memoirs Of the Late Fight at Piggwacket, with a SERMON Occasional by the Fall of the Brave Capt John Lovewell And Several of his Valiant Company ; in the late Heroic Action there. Pronounc'd at Bradford, May, 16. 1725 By THOMAS SVMMES, V.D.M. he eeond Edition Corrected." (Boston, 1725.) In this edition the running title of "An Historical PREFACE " is changed to " Memoirs of the Figlit at Piggwacket." A few corrections are made; in the list both of the soldiers and of the wounded, the name of Isaac Lakin is given in the place of John Gilson's. Captain Lovewell, the commander of the company, was a brave officer and a noted man. He was at this time in the prime of life, and ambitious to distinguish himself. He had previously led two successful expeditions against the Indians, and his very name inspired confidence. Only a few weeks before, his second expedition had returned to Dover, New Hampshire, where he made a triumphal entry at the head of his company. They bore ten Indian scalps stretched on hoops, and were received with great joy and excitement; thence they proceeded to Boston, where they were paid a large bounty by the government. The following Groton men were members of the company which went on this second expedition : Jacob Ames, Ephraim Farnsworth, Reuben Farnsworth, Benjamin Parker, Samuel Shattuck, Samuel Tarbell, and Henry Willard. Throughout New England, Lovewell's daring was made the subject of talk, and the public looked to him as a natural leader in border warfare. It was " about the \6th of April, 1725," says Mr. Symmes, 136 DUMMER'S WAR. in the preface to his sermon, " that the Brave LOVEWELL began his March from Dunstablc to Piggwacket, with Forty- Six Men under his Command." WHEN they 'd Travell'd a little way, Toby, an Indian falling Lame, was oblig'd to return, with great Reluctancy. WHEN they came as far as Contoocook, one Win. Cummins of Dunstable was so disabl'cl by a Wound he 'd Receiv'd from the Enemy some time before, that the Capt. dismiss'd him, with a Kins- man of his to accompany him. THEN they Travell'd as far as Ossipy, and there one Benjamin Kiddcr of Nutfield [now Londonderry, New Hampshire,] falling Sick ; the Capt. made a Halt, and tarried while they built a small Fortification, for a place of Refuge to repair too, if there should be Occasion. Here he left his Doctor, a Serjent and Seven other Men, to take care of Kiddcr, and of a Considerable Quantity of Provision, here left to lighten the Men, and facilitate their March ; and for a Recruit upon their Return. WITH his Company now reduc'd to Thirty-Four Men with him- self, the Capt. Travell'd to Pigwacket, which is about Forty Miles from said Fort. THEIR names that made up this Company (excepting his that started from them in the beginning of the Battle, and ran back to the Fort, which I 'd be excus'd from mentioning) were as follow." (Pages ii. iii.) Here Mr. Symmes gives the names of the thirty-three men who were in the famous Fight, purposely omitting the one that ran away. It has since transpired that this soldier, who so ingloriously fled from the battle-field, was Benjamin Hassell, of Dunstable, a corporal in the company. (" History of Manchester, New Hampshire," by Chandler Eastman Potter, page 1 60.) With the small force now at his command, the heroic captain pressed forward to meet the enemy, and in a few days reached the borders of Saco Pond, since known as Lovewell's Pond, southeast of the present village of Frye- DUMMER'S WAR. 137 burg, Maine. On the morning of Saturday, May 8, while engaged at prayers they heard a gun, and shortly afterward discovered an Indian on a point of land which ran into the pond. They were distrustful of an ambush, and a consulta- tion was held in order to see whether they should advance or retreat. Their decision was to proceed at all hazards. They said : " We came out to meet the Enemy ; we have all along prayed GOD we might find 'em ; and we had rather trust Providence with our Lives, yea Dy for our Country, than try to Return without seeing them, if we may, and be called Cowards for our Pains." After this answer, Lovewell ordered his men to move forward cautiously ; and they soon reached a place where they halted and took off their packs, and piled them up together. Leaving these behind without a guard, and advancing a short distance, they came upon the Indian whom they had previously descried. He was return- ing to his companions with some game that he had killed. Several guns were instantly discharged at him, when he in turn fired and w r ounded Lovewell himself and another man ; after which he was killed and scalped. The company then turned back, and with their wounded leader repaired to the place where they had left their packs. In the mean while Paugus, the far-famed chief of the Pequawkets, at the head of eighty warriors on their way home from a marauding expe- dition, had discovered the pile of packs, and, counting them, had learned the number of the English. Finding that the force w r as much less than his own, Paugus placed his men in ambush and awaited the return of Lovewell. When the company came up for their packs, the Indians with hideous yells rushed forth suddenly from their hiding-places and began to fire. The brave captain ordered his men to return it, which was done with terrible effect. Lovewell himself fell at the first shot, and eight of his men soon shared the same fate. Ensign Wyman, of Woburn, then assumed the com- mand, and, perceiving that the Indians were trying to surround 138 DUMMER'S WAR. them, ordered a retreat to the pond, where he took his stand. A ledge of rock projecting into the water on one side of him, and a deep brook on the other, made a position favorable for defence. The fighting continued, and during the day the savages vainly endeavored to compel the valiant band to sur- render ; but they would not listen to the proposition. Paugus was slain in the action by John Chamberlain, of Groton. After the death of their chief, the Indians became somewhat disheartened, and for a time withdrew from the skirmish. Later in the day the combat was resumed, when, it is sup- posed, the enemy had received reinforcements, but with no decisive result. As night approached, they again withdrew, and left this little forlorn band masters of the field. About midnight the survivors, with the exception of three men mortally wounded and unable to travel, fell back and directed their course to the fort, where they expected to find their former companions ; but in this they were sadly disappointed. It seems that, at the beginning of the fight, a member of the O O O company, escaping, made his way to the fort, and reported that Lovewcll and his men were all cut to pieces, which he may have believed. This was the man, Hassell, whose name Mr. Symmes carefully refrains from mentioning. Disap- pointed, at finding the fort abandoned, the survivors of this memorable command made their way back to the settlements as best they could, coming in at different places along the frontier line. The name of Lovewell at once became famous, and the story of this expedition was told in every household, and even in the pulpit. It was made the subject of ballads, which were sung at the family firesides, and excited the popular heart with the memory of the brave and adventurous leader. Peace aT^ followed the action at Pequawket, and ^ deep and sincere was the public feeling at its restoration. Judge Potter, in his " History of Manchester, New Hamp- shire " (page 160), gives the names of the nine men left with BUMMER'S WAR- 139 Kidder in the fort at Ossipee. Among them is that of John Gilson, of Groton, who is mentioned incorrectly in the first edition of Symmes's Sermon, as one of the soldiers taking part in the Fight. T/his shows that he belonged to the origi- nal company, and started out on the expedition. The two Gilsons from this town were cousins. It is related in Symmes's Sermon : - SOME of the Indians holding up Ropes, ask'd the English if they 'd take Quarter, but were Answer'd Briskly, they 'd have none but at the Muzzle of their Guns. (Page vii.) The savages had learned at this period that it was better financially for themselves to carry prisoners to Canada, and sell them to the French, than to slay them in battle ; and for this reason they would rather capture than kill their enemy. The reference to holding up ropes means tying them with ropes and taking them away as prisoners, instead of massacring them. The following account of the killing of the Indian sachem has come down to the present generation both as written history and tradition. The story goes that some time dur- ing the day John Chamberlain went to the pond to wash out and cleanse his musket, which by continual firing had become foul. While thus engaged he spied the old chief, whom he knew personally, a short distance off, doing the same thing to his gun. A challenge was at once given and taken, each confiding in his own dexterity. Paugus had nearly finished loading his piece, and was priming it from the powder-horn, when Chamberlain struck the breach of his own gun on the ground, causing it to prime itself, and in this way got the start of his Indian foe. He at once fired, and the bullet passed through Paugus's heart, just as the old chief was aiming at him. A third edition of Symmes's Sermon was printed in the year 1799, at Fryeburg, Maine, within two miles of the 140 DUMMER'S WAR. battle-field. It was edited by Elijah Russell, then publishing " Russell's Echo " newspaper in that town. The account of the Fight is substantially the same as that given by Mr. Symmes, though there is some additional matter. It is said that Indians are wont to avenge the death of their slain kindred ; and stories are told of their coming to Gro- ton, during the last century, in order to wreak their revenge on Chamberlain. Such accounts may not be authentic, but they are characteristic of the times in which they are said to have occurred, and perhaps have some foundation in fact. An attempt has been made in modern times to take from Chamberlain the credit of killing the Indian chief, but the earlier records and traditions seem to confirm the story. After a careful examination of the whole subject, I am led to believe that the weight of evidence is in its favor. The following incidents relating to Chamberlain are mentioned in the account of Lovewell's Eight, which appears in connec- tion with the third edition of Symmes's Sermon. Through- out the pamphlet Mr. Russell, the editor, writes the name " Lovell," which spelling is in accordance with the pronunciation. Several of the Indians, particularly ^Hntps their Chief, were well known to LOVELL'S men, and frequently conversed with each other during the Engagement. In the course of the Battle, jJangus and John Chamberlain discoursed familiarly with each other ; their guns had become foul, from frequent firing ; they washed their guns at the pond, and the latter assured Paugus that he should kill him ; Paugus also menaced him, and bid defiance to his insinuations : when they had prepared their guns, they loaded and discharged them, and Paugus fell. A son of Paugus. after it had become a time of peace, went to Dunstable [Groton?], to revenge his father's death, with the death of Chamberlain He did not go directly to Chamberlain's, but to the house of a neighbor, where he tarried several days, upon some pre- tended business, that his design might not be discovered ; his errand was however suspected, and a hint given to Chamberlain who cut a DUMMER'S WAR. 141 port-hole above his door, through which he very early one morning discovered an Indian behind his wood-pile, lying with his gun pointed directly to the door ; and it was supposed that the same musket which had conveyed the mean of death to the bosom of the great Paugus, also proved fatal to his son, as he was not afterwards heard of. It is also reported of this Chamberlain (who was a stout and a courageous man, and who used to say that he was not to be killed by an Indian), that he was once fired at by an Indian, as he was at work in a saw mill, at night ; he was in a stooping position, and did not discover the Indian till he fired, who was so near him that he immediately knocked him down with a crowbar, with which he was setting his log. (Pages 23, 24.) Charles James Fox, in his " History of the old Township of Dunstable " (Nashua, New Hampshire, 1846), says: An Indian once called on Chamberlain at his saw-mill, intending to way-lay him on his return homeward at nightfall, through the forest. It was a time of peace, but Chamberlain suspected the character of his pretended friend, and the motive of his visit. While engaged in his work, he invited the Indian to examine the wheelpit, and seizing the opportunity, knocked him on the head with a handspike without compunction. (Pages 133, 134.) The following tale from a story-book is founded on one of the visits said to have been made by a son of Paugus, in order to avenge his father's death, and contains evidently many inaccuracies both in regard to time and place : - The old French war was over. The banners of England had long streamed above the towers of Quebec. The Indians had left the lakes and woods of New Hampshire, for the broader waters, and deeper forests, of Canada and the west. Time had tamed the iron sinews of the rangers, untamable by any other enemy, or they were sleeping " each in his narrow cell forever laid." Where the red man once roamed after the moose, prowled upon the scout, or lighted the council fire, now stood the infant village, and the peaceful neighbor- hood. The water-fall at whose roaring foot the Indian once darted his nide spear into the salmon, or hooked the trout upon his curved 142 DUMMER'S WAR. bit of bone, now turned the wheel of the clumsy grist-mill, whither the jogging farmer brought his "rye and Indian," over moss and hill, and through bush and swamp, in safety. The congregations, as they gathered together " at meeting," no longer brought their charged guns to the house of worship, or feared that the prayers of their minister would be interrupted by the war-whoop. Of Lovell's men, scarcely a survivor remained of the few that lived through the desperate fight, at Pequawket. Chamberlain was still alive. He was an old grey-headed man. He had long given over hunting, and peace had changed his war spear into an implement of husbandry ; of all his hunting and fighting years, nothing remained to him but the gun that killed Paugus at Lovell's pond, and the bullet pouch and yellow powder horn, cov- ered over with Indian devices, which were the spoil of the savage in that terrible encounter. These he had preserved with an old man's care. His cottage, from which went up the solitary smoke that caught the eye of Lovell and his men, now was the centre of a considerable hamlet. A wild stream ran past it, and, a little way below it, tumbled down a fall, upon which stood one of the rude saw- mills of that day, and old Chamberlain, once the swift hunter and the strong and proud warrior, was now the humble owner, and more humble tender. He had survived his wife and his children. Few of his neighbors ven- tured to be familiar with him, on account of the stern peculiarity of his character ; and he passed his days in solitude, except such association as men had with him in his humble vocation. In the year I777, 1 towards the close of one of those fair days in autumn, which make up the " Indian summer," a number of the vil- lagers of P , had gathered into their one-story tavern, to talk over their little politics, as they were wont, when they were surprised and startled by the entrance of a young Indian among them. An Indian, at that time, had got to be a rarity in P , He was tall, over six feet, and finely formed, after the fashion of the forest. He had a belt of wampum around his waist, and from it hung his tomahawk. A long gun was in his hand, and he stood in moccasins, with the grace and dignity of the son of a chief. He placed his gun behind the door, and silently took his seat by himself. A little before sunset the farmers left the inn and returned to their homes. One old hunter 1 It could not have been so late, by many years. DUMMER'S WAR. 143 remained with the landlord and the young savage. The hunter eyed the Indian with keen attention, his suspicions were awakened at the sight of this warrior, armed, so remote from the residence of the near- est tribe, and in a time of peace. He was acquainted with the Indians in the old wars, and his suspicions were heightened and con- firmed, when he heard the young chief ask the landlord, in a low and indifferent tone, if " one Chamberlain dwelt in the village." The land- lord pointed out to him the mill, where the old man labored, and the cottage where he dwelt. The Indian took his gun and went out. " Some of the blood of old Paugus," said the hunter, " and, I '11 venture my life, come to avenge the death of that chief upon Cham- berlain. I '11 give the old man warning." He hastily stepped out, and following a winding path, that led down to the saw-mill, where the old man was still at his toils, he reached the mill, and told Chamberlain, that young Paugus, from Canada, had come with his rifle and toma- hawk to avenge upon him the death of that chief. Chamberlain's cheek turned ashy pale, and he sternly replied, " tell young Paugus I have the gun that slew his father, and he had far better return to his forest than molest me in my old age ; " as he spoke, he pointed to his long gun as it hung upon prongs of the moose horn, driven into the saw-mill plate, and near it was suspended the bullet-pouch and powder-horn of Pequawket. The hunter had given his warning and retired. The sun was setting to the south of Moosehillock. Chamberlain took down his gun, tried his flint. charged it, took the pouch and horn and flung them upon his side, hung up near the saw-gate the old garment he had worn at work through the day, hoisted the gate of the mill and set it rapidly agoing, looked keenly around him, in every direction, and retired to an eminence a few rods distant, crowned with a clump of thick bushes, and crouched down to await the approach of his mysterious enemy. He was not, how- ever, mysterious to Chamberlain. The old man remembered every trait in the Indian character, and calculated with great accuracy as to the time and manner of Paugus's advance. Just as it was growing too dusky to distinguish a human form, except towards the west, the old man descried him creeping cautiously from a bunch of bushes, eight or ten rods above the mill, by the torrent, with his cocked rifle before him, and his hand upon the lock. The young savage heard the noise of the saw-frame, and could discern it in rapid motion, and shrunk back into 144 DUMMER'S WAR. the thicket. He came out again, a little distance from where he went in, and, with the wary motions of the ambush, reconnoitered the mill. Chamberlain marked him all the while, as the catamount eyes the fox. Young Paugus came out of the bushes the third time, and in a new quarter, and was stealthily advancing, when something seemed to catch his eye in the form of his father's slayer he stopped short brought his rifle to his eye, and, with quick aim, fired. The re- port rung sharp and low upon the still air, as if the gun itself were muffled, or afraid to speak above its breath. Young Paugus crept out upon a mill log, that extended over the rapid, and stretching himself up to his full height, as if to ascertain, without advancing, the success of his shot. The old man could spare him no longer. He saw the well-remembered form of the old Pequawket chief, as the young savage stood against the sky of the west, which was still red with the rays of the sunken sun. He levelled the fatal gun it blazed young Paugus leaped into the air six feet, as the ball whistled through his heart and his life^ss body fell far down into the rapid, that foamed below him, while his vengeful spirit fled and mingled with that sterner one, which parted long before at Lovewell's pond, in " The land where their fathers had gone." Chamberlain returned slowly and gloomily to his cottage. The next morning a bullet hole through the centre of the old gar- ment he had hung at the saw-frame, admonished him, that the aim, as well as the vengeance of old Paugus, had descended to his sons ; and as he mused upon those he had slain, and reflected, that although he was old, he still might have again to lift his gun against the blood of Paugus. or himself fall by their avenging hand, he wished bitterly, that some other bullet than his own had slain that renowned chief, and that they had never met to quench their battle thirst, and scour out their foul guns, upon the shore of Lovewell's pond. [Caleb Butler's " History of Groton," pages 108-110.] John Chamberlain, the surviving hero of Lovewell's Fight, was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Chamberlain, of Chclmsford, where he was born March-S* sa. 29, 1692. The father was a carpenter and miller, who afterward removed to Groton, and lived about a quarter of a mile northerly of DUMMER'S WAR. 145 Wattle's Pond, on the left-hand side of the road to Hollis. He is supposed to have died about the year 1709. After the Fight the son was known as " Paugus John," and bore that name through life. He owned a mill, situated near Brown Loaf, on a small stream formed by the confluence of Mar- tin's Pond Brook, and another, now called Paugus Brook. His death took place about the year 1758. If ever young Paugus came to Groton in order to avenge his father's death, and it seems very evident from tradition that he did, it was undoubtedly at this place. Furthermore, there is a deep hole in Paugus Brook, known as Paugus's Hole, wherein it is said that Chamberlain sunk the body of the Indian, after he had killed him. Many other stories about the Indians have come down by tradition, and some of them are probably true. The follow- ing one, told me by Mr. Charles Woolley, relates to Isaac Lakin, one of Lovewell's men, and has never before appeared in print. Lakin lived in a log-house near the Nashua River, in the north part of the town. The house had no glass windows, but had shutters instead, and a door that swung on wooden hinges. One day an Indian was seen lurking about the house, and hiding behind the stumps, apparently bent on mischief. Lakin seized his gun, and, standing at a crack in the shutters, told his wife to swing the door so that it would creak on its hinges. Hearing the noise, and seeing the door open, the Indian sprang from behind a stump, and started for the house, when Lakin fired and shot him dead. Seeing no signs of other Indians, after dark he dug a hole and buried him. The following letter shows the feeling of security which prevailed in this neighborhood soon after Lovewell's expe- dition. It is unsigned, but in the handwriting of Josiah Willard, the Secretary of the Province : 146 BUMMER'S WAR. SIR. The Enemy being drawn off & the Season of Danger pretty well over, You must forthwith see that the Soldiers in the Frontiers be reduced to the following Numbers ; Viz, Twenty five Men at Dunstable & Dracut, Ten at Turkey Hills, Fourteen at Groton, Fourteen at Lan- caster, Twenty five at Rutland & ten at Brookfield, & That all the Rest of the Soldiers in the Counties of Middlesex & Essex Including L Brentnals Scouts be forthwith disbanded : And the several officers are required to put these Orders in Execution accordingly. [To] COLL. TYXG Oct. 20, 1725. [Massachusetts Archives, LXXII. 263.] Dummer's War, or Lovcwell's War, as it is sometimes called, ended early in the year 1/26 ; and peace again reigned along the frontier borders. There was a respite of hostilities during a considerable period, and the outlying set- tlements grew in number as well as population. The General Court allowed, June 17, 1/25, the sum of .30 to the family of Ellis or Elias Barren, of Groton, who got lost after the action, and never was found. According to a peti- tion in the printed Journal of the House of Representatives, December 21, 1726, his widow's name was Priscilla. Eleazer Davis, of Concord, who was in the famous Fight, subsequently removed to the town of Harvard, which was made up in part of Groton, and incorporated on June 29, 1732. In the Journal of the House of Representatives, June 15, 1738, is entered : - A Petition of Eleazer Daris of Harvard in the County of Worces- ter, praying the Consideration of the Court on Account of his Suffer- ings and Services, particularly the Wounds and Smarts received in the Fight under the Command of the late Capt. Lovcwell, against the Indian Enemy at Pigwacket. Read and Ordered, That John Russell, and Robert Hale, Esqrs ; Mr. Moodey, and Mr. Terry, be a Committee to consider the said Petition, and report what may be proper to be done thereon. DUMMER'S WAR. 147 On the following day Mr. Russell, the chairman of the Committee, reported an order that : the Sum of four Pounds per Annum of the new tenor Bills, be granted and allowed to be paid out of the publick Treasury for the space of five Years to the Petitioner Eleazer Davis, to commence from the first Day of this Instant June, by way of Stipend or Pension, on Account of the Wounds and Smart received as within mentioned. In the same Journal, June 16, 1738, is recorded: - A Petition of Josiah Sartell, shewing that he was a Soldier in the Service of the Province for sundry Years, and was in divers Fights against the Indian Enemy, wherein many of them were slain, and he himself was wounded in some of the Engagements, that he has re- ceived nothing in Consideration of his Smart and Services, but the established Pay, that he has a large Family, and under low Circum- stances : that he lately presumed for want of Lands and Means of purchasing, to go upon some of the Province Land on the West side of Connecticut River, adjoining to Northfield, a new Canada Town and some Farms, has built a small House thereon, and improved some of the Lands there, praying that he may obtain a Grant, or be allowed to purchase such Part of the Province Land there, as the Court shall think convenient in Consideration of the Premisses. Read and Ordered, That the Petition be considered on Tuesday the 2Oth Instant. It was voted, June 22, that one hundred acres of the un- appropriated lands of the Province be granted the petitioner ; and, in the record of this date, the name is spelled Joseph Sautell. It is now unknown when or where his term of service took place. CHAPTER V. KING GEORGE'S WAR. Ix the year 1744 v/ar was again declared between England and France, called by the English colonists King George's War. Civilization had now pushed the belt of frontier towns far into the wilderness ; and Groton was no longer exposed to the assaults of the Indians, though at times threatened with danger. Her sons and soldiers, however, were still found, during this period, on the outer rim of settlements, whenever and wherever their services were needed, either to extend the borders or to defend them. A military organiza- tion was kept up in the town, ready for emergencies here, or elsewhere in the neighborhood. The first settlement of Charlestown, New Hampshire, then known as No. 4, was made in the year 1740, by three brothers, Samuel, David, and Stephen Farnsworth, natives of Groton ; and they were soon followed by Isaac Parker and his sons, and Obadiah Sawtell, also of this town. The Farns- worths were leading men at Charlestown, and they distin- guished themselves on several occasions in fights with the Indians. Samuel Farnsworth, the eldest brother, was killed in a skirmish, May 2, 1746. David was taken prisoner by a KING GEORGE'S WAR. party of French Indians, April 20, 1757, and carried to Canada. He managed to escape, and reached home, not a long time probably after his capture. Stephen, the youngest brother, had also his bitter experience with the enemy. He was captured, April 19, 1746, and taken to Montreal, where he remained seventeen long months before he was exchanged. His health was so broken down by the hardships of his cap- tivity that he never fully regained it. He died September 6, 1771, leaving behind the reputation of a brave man and a good citizen. Ebenezer Farnsworth, a native of Groton, and a kinsman of the three brothers just mentioned, was captured, August 30, 1754, by the St. Francis Indians, at Charlestown. He was carried to Montreal and held a prisoner during three years. His ransom was paid in the summer of 1755, but he was not then set at liberty. Mrs. Susanna Johnson and her sister, Miriam Willard, were taken at the same time. They were both daughters of Moses Willard, who had for- merly lived in the south part of this town. A full account of the affair is given in " A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson," published at Walpole, New Hampshire, in 1796. Two years later, on June 18, 1756, Moses Willard, the father, was killed by the Indians, at Charlestown ; and in the same attack his son, Moses, Jr., had a narrow escape from death by the hands of the savages, being severely wounded at the time. Lieutenant Isaac Parker was taken by the Indians at the same time with Stephen Farnsworth, and remained in cap- tivity until the following winter, when he was returned to Boston under a flag of truce. The Sawtell family is also largely represented in Charles- town, where the name is now spelled Sartwell. It is a numer- ous family in that town, and they sprang from the early settler, Obadiah, who went from Groton. He, too, had a sad ex- perience in savage warfare, and once was captured by the 150 KING GEORGE'S WAR. Indians. He was taken by them, May 24, 1/46, and remained a prisoner until August 20, 1747. lie finally met his death at their hands, June 17, 1749, being attacked while ploughing in his corn-field, unsuspicious of any danger. Charles Holden, Isaac Holden, and Seth Walker, natives of Groton, were early settlers and proprietors of Charlestown. Moses Wheeler was another pioneer, and a distinguished sol- dier, taking part in some of the fiercest encounters of the French and Indian War. He was a large man, and noted for his strength. He was called by the Indians " the strong man." Moses Willard, Isaac Fanvell, and Micah Fuller, other settlers, were also from this town. Eleazer Priest, son of Joseph Priest, of Groton, and a soldier, was captured by the Indians, March 15, 1748, at Charlestown, and died at Louisburg, Nova Scotia, in September of that year, while on his way home. In the year 1746 Charlestown was deserted on account of the Indians, and the retiring inhabitants took up their abode mostly in Groton, Lunenburg, and Leominster. Many of the facts concerning this frontier settlement in the Connecticut Valley, I have found in the " History of Charlestown, New- Hampshire, the Old No. 4," written by the Reverend Henry H. Saunderson, and published in the year 1876. During King George's War, alarms in New England were sometimes caused by the presence of French vessels along the coast. In the early autumn of 1746 an attack on Boston was threatened by the Duke d'Anville's fleet ; and it is said that more than eight thousand men under arms rushed at short notice to the defence of the capital. Among these sol- diers was a company from Groton, under the command of Captain William Lawrence. The alarm was of short dura- tion, and the term of service on the part of the men corre- spondingly short, ranging from two to twelve days. The muster-roll of the company during this brief period is now in the possession of Mr. James Lawrence Bass, of Boston ; and KING GEORGE'S WAR. 151 I am indebted to his courtesy for a copy of it. Mr. Bass is a great-great-grandson of Captain Lawrence, and the roll has come down with other family papers. The list of officers was : William Lawrence, captain, James Prescott, lieutenant, John Woods, lieutenant, Obadiah Parker, sergeant, Hezekiah Sawtell, sergeant, Amos Lawrence, sergeant, William Prescott, clerk, John Pratt, corporal, Joseph Page, corporal, Israel Hobart, corporal, Jonathan Longley, sentinel. Captain Lawrence lived on the west side of the present Main Street, just north of James's Brook, and always took a prominent part in the affairs of the town. He was a son of John and Anna (Tarbell) Lawrence, was born August 11, 1697, and married Susanna, one of the eight daughters of Jonas Prescott. Captain Lawrence subsequently became the colonel of his regiment, and during many years represented the town in the General Court. He was an older brother of Sergeant Amos Lawrence, the ancestor of several distinguished families. Lieutenant James Prescott was a son of Benjamin and Abigail (Oliver) Prescott, and born on January 13, 1/20 i. Through his aunt Susanna he was a nephew of the company commander ; and by his own subsequent marriage to a cousin, he became a son-in-law of the same officer. During a long life he was much engaged in public affairs ; and in the militia he passed through all the grades of office from ensign to colonel. He was the elder brother of the company clerk, who in later years became distinguished as the commander of the American forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill. At this KING GEORGE'S WAR. time William Prescott was only twenty years old, and this episode in his career was his earliest military experience. His term of service was five days, for which he received the sum of five shillings and tenpence, as his signature on the back of the roll shows. The other officers were well- known men of recognized ability. The list of privates in the company was : Amos Holdin James Burt Sam" Scripture Jn r Ebenezer Farnsworth Jn r Joseph Farwell Jn r David Sawtell Jn r John Preist Thomas Lawrence Ambros Lakin Benj a Page William Bush Oliver Farnsworth Oliver fanvell Isaac Peirce Samuel Nichols Benjamin Chase Amos Robinson Ruben Woods William Simonds John Sawtell Mathias Farnsworth Zechariah Sawtell Benj 1 Davis Josiah Farnsworth Sam" Kemp Isaac Green Jonathan Green Sam" farwell James Hartwell James Tarbell Zecheriah Longley John White Jn r Benj: 1 Steward John Harris William Tucker Stephan Johnson John Whitman Nathaniel White Abial Stone John Farwell John Edwards Jn r Sam" Tenney Thomas Curtis Joseph Blanchard Jn r Thomas Powers Jonathan Patch Eleazor Wood Oliver Corey Oliver Whitcomb Sam" Hore Lemuel Barret Robart Chapin Josiah Hasting Jonathan Parker Bennet Wood William Warrin Simon Davis Jn r David Powers Jn r KKNG GEORGE'S WAR. Nathan Hartwell Simon Blanchard Jonathan Nutting Abel Jewett Nathaniel Woods Robert Robins Jn r John Tarbell Ephrain Philbrek Receipts for service are in existence which seem to show that this muster-roll was incomplete. Some of the men were from Littleton and others from Lancaster. Private Thomas Lawrence, who was a nephew of the Captain, subsequently served with great credit during the French and Indian \Yar as a commissioned officer, and lost his life in a skirmish with the Indians at Half-way Brook, near Lake George, on July 20, 1758. In the Journal of the House of Representatives, April 22, 1746, is found "A Petition of William Tarbell of Groton, a Soldier wounded in the Service of the Province, praying a Consideration therefor." The petitioner belonged to the same family as the Tarbell children who were carried off to Canada, and was probably their nephew. In the summer of 1747 a body of Indians made their appearance within the limits of Fitchburg, and committed various acts of depredation. Attacking the garrison of John Fitch, early one morning, they killed two soldiers ; and, burn- ing the house, carried off as prisoners Fitch and his wife, with their four children. An alarm was at once given, and Rufus C. Torrey, in his History of Fitchburg (1865), says: - Soldiers arrived in an incredibly short period, from Groton, Lan- caster, and even from Westford. They immediately put themselves under the command of Major Hartwell, and started in pursuit. They had not proceeded far beyond the smoking ruins of the garrison, before they discovered a paper stuck in the bark of a tree. This contained a request, signed by Fitch, not to have his friends pursue him ; for the Indians had given him to understand what his destiny was to be if they were not molested ; but if they should be pursued, and likely to be overtaken, then they should forthwith kill him, together with his wife and children. The soldiers, on the receipt of this, returned. (Page 49.) 154 KING GEORGE'S WAR. Scouting parties went out, from time to time, as occasion required, in order to reconnoitre the country and protect the neighborhood. They were made up largely of men used to hardships and fond of adventure, who were training in a good school for future service. Some of the most efficient soldiers during the Revolutionary War received the rudiments of their military education at this period. Near the end of King George's War, the town was again threatened with danger; and a company of thirty-two men, under the command of Captain Thomas Tarbell, scouted in this vicinity for six days in July, 1748, but they do not appear to have discovered the enemy. A few days afterward another company, of thirty-six men, was sent on a similar expedition, but with no better success. In the rolls of these two com- panies are many nam'es prominent in the annals of the town from its very beginning. Among them are the Prescotts, the Lawrences, the Shattucks, the Ameses, the Bancrofts, the Shepleys, the Parkers, a son of the Reverend Mr. Bradstreet, and a grandson of the Reverend Mr. Hobart. A List of the Names of the men that Scouted In the woods In July last under the comand of Cap! Tho" Tarbell of Groton & the Number of I )ays the ware In s ' Service We Set out yf 7 Day & : Returned y e i^ Except Jacob Ames who was Taken sick & Returned back y? 2'.' Day Groton Get; 21"; 1748 attest THO^ LAWRENCE Cler. Liu Eleazer Green Sam u Kemp Ju r Ensighn Stephen Holden Jona^ Shattuck Ju' Sarga' John Page John Gilson Jill Serg. Simon Pearce Joseph Patterson Sam 1 ! Shattuck Ju r Timothy Mores James Shattuck Neb? Jewett Eleazer Tarbell Edm? Bancroft Jonathan Holden Isaac Holden Elias Ellett Pilott Jerah' Powers KING GEORGE'S WAR. 155 John Shattuck Nath? Smith Moses Woods Jona! Lawrence Tho? Lakin Henry Jefts John Keemp Aaron Woods Jona" Sartell Jacob Ames Moses Blood Eleazer Green Ju' Henrey Farwell John Parker Ju[ also by the authority a fore sd on the 28th of July I marched in to The- wilderness in quest of the Enemy with The men whose Names are hear after written and Returned the 29 Day : and we found our Selues both preuision and amanision both Times. John Bulkely Jonas Parker James Prescott Ruben Woods John Gilson Jonathan Lawrance Dudley bradstreet Jeremiah hobart Jeremiah Shattuck Isaac Lakin Jun 1 William Nutting Joseph bennett Tho s Lawrance Joseph Chandler Isaac Green Isaac Patch Jun r Jos. Sheeple John Nutting Jr Tho s Woods Jonathan prescot Joseph Parker Daniel Pollard Nathaniel Parker Ebenezer Lakin W- bennett Peter Parker Nathaniel Shattuck Sam" bowers Ezekiel Nutting Tho s Chamberlin Joseph Gilson Ebenezer blood Isaac Gilson Nathaniel Davis Jun r James fisk Josiah Sartell clerk THO TARBELL Cap 1 [Endorsed] Nouember io th 1748 this may Certifie that the Cap 1 and men within mentioned ware sent oute by me and by Co" Willards order Directed to me : WILLIAM LAWRENCE [Massachusetts Archives, XCII. 156.] KING GEORGE'S WAR. Daniel Farmer, a Groton soldier, was taken prisoner, July 14, 1748, in a skirmish with the Indians, near Fort Dummer. 1 He was carried to Canada, and kept till the following October, when he was allowed to return home. Fort Dummer was situated on the west bank of the Con- necticut River, in the present town of Brattleborough, Ver- mont. Two of its early commanders had been connected with Groton by the ties of kindred. Colonel Josiah Willard, for many years in command of the Fort, was a grandson of the Reverend Mr. Willard ; and he was succeeded by Lieuten- ant Dudley Bradstreet, a son of the Reverend Mr. Bradstreet, and a native of this place. Jonathan Nutting, whose petition is found in the Journal of the House of Representatives, June 9, 1755, and herewith given, was undoubtedly a Groton man : A Petition of Jonathan Nutting, a Soldier at St. George's Fort, representing the Difficulties he is reduced to by Reason of the great Charge he was at in a long Sickness which befell him in the Year 1751; and praying for such Allowance out of the public Treasury for his Relief, as may be judged reasonable. Joseph Gilson, whose application for an allowance appears in the same Journal, January 11, 1/60, and is here printed, was probably the soldier who served in Captain Lovewell's expedition to Pequawket, during the spring of 1725 : A Petition of Joseph Gilson of Groton, representing his Services and Sufferings for his Country, praying a Compensation, for the Reasons mentioned. King George's War was brought to an end by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, in the year 1748. 1 Benjamin H. Hall's "History of Eastern Vermont." (Page 50.) CHAPTER VI. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. IT was not many years after this period that another war broke out, known in America as the French and Indian War. It was the last and severest of the intercolonial struggles, and the Indians fought on each side, though mostly against us. The first conflict of arms took place in May, 1754, and the war continued until a treaty of peace was made in February, 1763. Several expeditions were organized at different times, in which Groton men bore their part. Thomas Lawrence was the second lieutenant of a company, in an expedition up the Kennebec River during the summer of 1754. His subsequent career shows him to have been a brave man, a better fighter than speller, judging from the following petition on file at the State House : - Prouince of ~\ To His Exdency William Shear -ly Esq r Cap* Gen- the Massetuchsets C eral and Commandder in Chceff of s* Prouince and to the Honnorrable His Majesty's Counsel and House of Rcpresentaues Now Assembled at Boston the 30'* of October A : D : 1754 The Pertision of Thomas Larrance of Groton in the County of Meddelsex Humbly Shueth that you pertisener Chearfully Ingaged in the Ex- peditision Wich hath ben performed to the Eastward up Cenebeck Riuer and Went in the Copasety of a Second LeP in the Company 158 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. under the Command of Cap' Humphry Hobbs and alhvays Encleuered to pcrfourme Euery Command according to the best of His Powar and after His Return from the Long march up Cenebeck Riuer your Petisionner was called upon to Asist in raiseng of a block House at Fert Hallefax Wich he ded and in Laying Down one of the plank it being too Heauy for Him it gaue His Back a sudden Rinch Wich I often Feel the Effects of to this Day and fear shall as Long as I live and soon after was Taiken With a slow feaver Wich is Now more than six Weakes and it is Now Fiue Weaks next Saterday since I Landded at Boston and was carred to M rs Sharrows Whare I Have Laid Euer since but Now throw the Graite goodness of God am Gott so Well as to Indeuer to Ride Home in a Chair if I had one, and by Reason of this Long and Tedious sickness hath ocationed Graite Expence as may Apear by the Accompts Hear unto annexe!. Whearfore I humbly Pray your Exelancy and Honnours to Grant such Releaf in the prem- eses as in your Graite Wisdom and Goodness you shall see meet and your pertisinour as in Duty Bound shall euer Pray THOMAS LAWRANCE [Massachusetts Archives, LXXIV. 258.] Two days afterwards the sum of 11 io.y. *jd. was allowed the petitioner out of the public treasury. The bill of his physician, Gillarn Tayler, was 2 6s. ^d., and that of his land- lady, Mary Sharrow, .59 I is. 6d., old tenor, equivalent to / iSs. iod., lawful money. Fort Halifax was situated on the east side of the Kennebec River, within the present limits of Winslow, Maine. This town was incorporated in the year 1/71, arid so named after General John Winslow, who was in command of the expedition sent to that region when the fort was built. Henry Woods was in the same expedition, and his petition is as follows : "} 77? his Excellency William Shirlev Esq r Cap'. Gcn- Province of the f j ^i , < ,, , -r, eral Lrovernour ana Commander tn Chief in & Massachusetts Bay ( Over Province To the Hon''! c his Majesties Council and House of Representatives assembled at Boston Feb r ? 5'!' 1755 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The Petition of Henry Woods of Groton In the County of Midds* Humbly shevveth that your Petitioner Enlisted himself to go (the sum- mer past) in the Expedition to the Eastward on Kenebeck River ; & always faithfully Perform'd what service I was call'd For, But about the beginning of Sepl last, was Taken sick att Fort Hallifax, (with the nervous Feaver) & Lay there about ninety Days ; So' bad a Consid- erable Part of the Time That Life almost dispair'd of. But Thro : Divine Goodness arriv'd at Boston the ninth of Dec[ Last : and was Carryed to M r . s Sherrows : and there Lay Confined by a Feaver-Sore (under the hand of Doc'. r Taylor) more Than a month and then Convey'd in a Chair to Groton not being able Ever since, to do an hours work, or walk about the House without something to lean upon May it Please Your Excellency : & Hon rs Your Petitioner would Crave Leave to inform you, That Clafford S: Hambleton the Two men That nurs'd me at Hallifax Demanded of me Six Pounds and .Eight Slullings Lawful Money : Saying that Cap! Melvin Promis'd them so much p day as amounted to that sum. And when I arriv'd at Boston hearing that Cap' Melvin was dead : I then Gave them a Part in money, and a note of hand for the Remainder. M r f Sherrows Demands are about five Pounds fifteen Shillings. I have forgott, what Doc'. r Taylors ace' was ; But am Inform'd That your Excellency, and Hon7 were Pleas'd to allow his Ace' (upon my for- mer Petition) for which I give your Excellency and Hon rs hearty Thanks. Praying That you would be Pleased again to take under your Compassionate Consideration my Difficult & Distressing Circum- stances : and Grant such Relief as in your Great Wisdom & Goodness you may think Proper, and your Poor Distressed Petitioner as in Duty shall Ever Pray HENRY WOODS Groton Feb7 io'. h 1755 [Massachusetts Archives, LXXIV. 330.] From the Journal of the House of Representatives, Janu- ary i, 1755, it appears that Woods had previously presented another petition. In answer to the second petition, he was allowed, February 20, ^5 for his nurses before he came to Boston, and the further sum of 5 os. "d. for his landlady. 160 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The chair mentioned in these petitions was a vehicle which long since passed out of use. It resembled a chaise with the top taken off, and was generally wide enough to carry two persons. According to the same Journal, March 31, 1756, Woods made a third application for relief, one year later. It is as follows : A Petition of Henry Woods of Groton, in the County of Middlesex, setting forth, that being a Soldier in the Expedition to the River Ken- nebcck in the Year 1754, was taken sick, and by his long Confinement then contracted such Indisposition as has rendered him unable to Labour for his Support as heretofore ; that he was put to great Ex- pence thereby, and has received but a partial Allowance therefor ; and praying such further Relief under his distressed Circumstances, as shall be judged meet. Thomas Lawrence was the son of Thomas and Prudence Lawrence, and born at Groton, on September 3, 1720. He is said to have been a man of great size and strength. During the summer of 1758 he commanded a company be- longing to the force operating around Lake George ; and in the memorable skirmish at a place called Half-way Brook, July 20 of that year, he was killed, with four of his men : namely, Corporal Nehemiah Gould, Privates Abel Sawtell, Ebenezer Ames, and Stephen Foster. More than twenty soldiers were slain in the action, and all but one scalped by the savage allies of the French. The Reverend Samuel Sewall, in the Appendix to his " History of Woburn, Massa- chusetts " (page 550), prints the journal kept by Samuel Thompson, which gives a full account of the affair. Captain Lawrence lived in that part of Groton which is now Pepperell ; and on the departure of his company for the army, the Reverend Joseph Fmerson preached a sermon. It was delivered May 7, 1758, before " Capt. Thomas Law- rence, and Part of his Company of Soldiers : Before their going out into public Service." and afterward published. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 161 Like all discourses of that period it is purely doctrinal in its character, and contains not one word of interest to the present generation. It would have been easy for the author to have given some information about the various enlistments of the men, and a history of the company gen- erally; but on these points he is utterly silent. It may be said, however, in his behalf, that he was talking to them and not to us. Sergeant Oliver Lakin, of Captain Lawrence's company, was taken prisoner in the action at Half-way Brook, though he subsequently escaped. The following entry in regard to him is found in the Journal of the Massachusetts House of Representatives for January 10, 1760: - A Petition of Oliver Laken of Groton, in the County of Middlesex, shewing, that he was a Soldier in the Pay of the Province Anno 1758, and was on the 2Oth Day of July the same Year, Captivated by the Indian Enemy, suffered many & great Hardships, and was obliged to borrow a Sum of Money to purchase his Freedom from Captivity ; he therefore prays he may be allowed the Sum of Money he borrowed ; also the Charges of his Passage home, and a further Allowance for his Loss of Time and Sufferings &c. The answer to the petition is found two days later, in the proceedings of January 12, as follows: - The Committee appointed to consider the Petition of Oliver Lakin, Reported thereon. Read and accepted in Part, viz. Resolved, That the Sum of eight Pounds, be allowed and paid out of the public Treasury to William Lawrence, Esq ; for the Use of the Petitioner, in full Consideration for his Services and Sufferings therein mentioned. Sent up for Concurrence. The petitioner was a son of William and Miriam Lakin, and a great-grandson of Ensign John Lakin, one of the original proprietors of the town. The following letter, from Lieutenant Woods to his com- pany commander, is found in Miss Hemenway's "Vermont 162 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Historical Gazetteer" (IV. 1155, 1 156), and refers to Lakin's release from captivity : - To Captain Ephraim Wesson, Groton, in the Bay Government : CAMP AT TlCONDEROGA, ) August y e 1 2th, 1759. \ Sir : These with my regards to you and yours, are to let you know that I am in good health. Sir : To my great joy I received your letter, which informed me that you and all my friends were well ; also that Oliver Larkin [Lakin?] was returned from captivity, and the remarkable account of his getting home from the enemy. Give my compliments to said Oliver, and tell him that we are paying them for their old tricks. As fur the affairs among us, our employ is chiefly fatigue duty. Part of the army is at Crown Point, and part is at this place. \Ve are repairing this Fort with all expedition, and the rest of the army are building a new Fort at Crown Point. We hear that there is a party of men gone to lay out a road to No. 4 [now Charlestown, New Hampshire]. The army is very healthy, and our company are well that are at this place. So I conclude, and subscribe myself your well-wishing friend. HENRY WOODS. In the Journal of the House of Representatives, June 13, 1759, there is A Petition of David Sartweli of Groton, in the County of Middle- sex, setting forth that his Son Abel Sartweli, went forth in the Expe- dition against Canada the last Year; that near Half-Way-Brook (so called) he was in an Engagement with the Enemy, and killed ; that his Gun was then lost; he therefore prays the Stoppage may be taken off, and the Treasurer be directed to allow him the three Pounds mentioned. Also in the same Journal, March 30, 1761, is A Petition of John Erriu, Junr. of Groton, a Soldier in the Year 1758, setting forth, that he was wounded by the Enemy, and lost his Gun, praying for an Allowance for his Gun, &c. In the muster-roll of the company his name appears as Erwin. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 163 Interesting papers, relating to Captain Lawrence's company, are now in the possession of General A. Harleigh Hill, of Groton, Vermont, a great-grandson of Captain Wesson, who succeeded to the command of the company after the unfor- tunate affair of July 2O, 1758. General Hill is the author of the chapter on " The History of the Town of Groton, in Cale- donia County," which appears in Miss A. M. Hemenway's " Vermont Historical Gazetteer," and gives many interesting facts about that town. Some of its early settlers were natives of Groton, Massachusetts ; and it was through them that the name of their birthplace was carried into the Green Moun- tain country. I wish to acknowledge my obligations to Gen- eral Hill for his kindness and courtesy, not only in furnishing copies of these papers, but in many other ways. Owing to the want of space, some of the sub-headings in the muster-roll and in the two " Returns " of the men enlisted are omitted in this printed copy. The papers are as follows : - A Muster-Roll of A. Company of Foot in his Majesty's Service, under the Command of Captain Thomas Lawrence from March 13. 1758. to July 20"' Then Captain Ephraim Wesson to November 30. 1758, in A Regiment raised by the Province of the Massachusetts- Bay, for the Reduction of Canada, Whereof EBENEZER NICHOLS Esq. is Colonel Viz. Men's Names Qality Of what Town Names of Fathers, & Mas- ters of Sons under Age, & Servants. Thomas Lawrence Esq Ephraim Wesson . . Ditto Captain . . First Lieut. . Captain . . Sec d Lieut. . First Lieut Ensign . . . Groton. PeppereH Westford. Groton. Groton. j Leonard Spaulding . . Ditto Joseph Far we 11 . . . Ditto .... Henry Woods . . . Ditto Serjant . . Ensign . . . Second Lut . Ditto 164 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Men's Names Qality Of what Town Names of Fathers, & Mas- ters of Sons under Age, & Servants. Xathaniel Lakin . . . Serjant . Pepperell Oliver Wright . . . Do. . . . Westford Oliver Lakin .... Do. . . . Groton. Oliver Parker .... Corp! . . . Groton. Ditto Serjant . Ditto Ensign . . . ,, Nehemiah Goold Corp!. . . . No. i. Simon Gilson .... Corp!. . . . Pepperell Ephraim Severance Corp!. . . . Groton Moses Sawtell . . . Cent. . . . Groton Ditto Corporal . Ditto Serjant . . . Oliver Shattuck . Cn.<. .... Pepperell Ditto Serjant . Eleazer Spaulding . . Cent. . . . Pepperill Ditto . Serjant . Joseph Hartwell . . Cent. . . . Westford Ditto Corp!. . . . Simeon Foster Cen< . . . Groton Ditto Corp ' David Shattuck . . . i Drumer . . Groton Eleazer Ames . . . Cen.'. . . . Groton . . j William Lawrence Archelus Adams . . Do. ... Groton I his Guardian. John Boyden .... Do. . . . Groton. Robart Blood . . . Aaron Blood .... Do Do. ... Pepperell Westford . ( Ephraim Chandler | his Guardian. Josiah Butterfield . . Do. ... Westford . Josiah Butterfield. Moses Blood .... Do. . . . Pepperell. John Chamberlain . . Do. . . . Pepperell. Joel Crosby .... Do. . . . Westford . \ Son in law to And w ( Spaulding. Daniel Douglass . . Do. . . . Groton . ( Servant to Isael s ( Hobart. John Erwin .... Cent.. . . Groton . . John Erwin James Fisk .... Do. . . . Groton . James Fisk Oliver Farnsworth . . Do. . . . Groton Stephen Foster . . . Do. ... Groton William Farnsworth . Do. . . . Pepperell Eleazer Fisk .... Do. . . . Pepperell Benjamin Farmer . Do Westford FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. I6 5 Men's Names Qality Names of Fathers, & Mas- ters of Sons under Age, Town & Servants. Daniel Gilson . . . Cent. . . . Groton. John Gragg .... Do. . . . Groton. . Jacob Gragg .Moses Goold .... Do. . Lunenburg Ephraim Hall . . . Do. . . . Pepperell Joseph Kemp . . . Do. . . Groton . . Sam" Kemp Jum" Silas Kemp Do. . . . Groton . . Hezekiah Kemp Stephen Kemp . . . Do. ... Pepperell . j Servant to Edmund Simon Lakin .... Do. ... Pepperell ( Ba croft - Simeon Nutting . . . Do. ... Pepperell Isaac Nutting . . . Do. ... Groton . . Isaac Nutting Benjamin Nutting . . Do. ... Westford . Joseph Nutting John Nutting . , . . Do. . . . Groton . . John Nutting Eleazer Parker . . . Do. . Groton . . ( Under y e Care of the ( Select Men Joseph Page .... Do. ... Groton . . Joseph Page William Parker . . . Do. ... Groton . . William Parker Obediah Perry . . . Do. ... Groton. Stephen Peirce . . . Do. ... Groton . . Stephen Peirce Jonathan Phelps . . . Do. ... Groton. Nathaniel Parker . . Do. ... Pepperell . Nathan 1 Parker Leonard Parker . . . Do. ... Groton . Leonard Parker Benjamin Richardson . Do. . . . Westford David Shattuck jr . . Do. . . . Pepperell Abel Sawtell .... Do. ... Groton . . David Sawtell Jonathan Sheple . . . Do. ... Groton . . ( James Prescott Esq ( his guardian Lemuel Sheple . . . Do. . . . Groton . . ( James Prescott Esq ( his Guardian Joseph Sawtell . Do. ... Groton . . j Samuel Tarbell his 1 Guardian Thomas Shattuck . . Do. ... Pepperell. Thomas Scott . . . Do. ... Pepperell . John Scott Benjamin Shattuck . . Do. ... Pepperell Josiah Sheple . . . Do. . . . Groton. Nathan Wesson . . . Do. ... Wilmington \ Son to Stephen Wes- i son Zachariah \Villis Do. . . . Westford . J Servent to Philip ( Robins Benjamin Woods . . Do. ... Groton . . Son to John W r oods Simon Wheeler . . . Do. ... Westford 1 66 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. .-/ Return of men Inlisted for his majestys Service in the intended Expedition against Canada 1758 Names of the fathers Mens Names Where born in what Company In what Rigement Jt of Sons under age and masters of Ser- vants Arch al us Adams Newbury Colo Charles Prescott Col s Elisha Jones 25 John Nutting Simon Gilson Eleazer Fisk Groton Groton Groton Capt. Jerh Shattuck Capt Jer'' Shattuck Capt Jerh Shattuck Col oliver Wilder 20 Col. oliver Wilder 27 Col. oliver Wilder 26 Son to John Nut- ting Jun Leonard Parker Groton Capt. John Bulkley Col" Wilder 16 Son to Leonard Par- ker The above Written is a True acct of all the men by me Inlisted for his Majestys Service in the Expedition now Carrying on against Canada in a Company to be comanded by Capt Thomas La\vrance in Col Ebenezer Nichols's Ridgiment JOSEPH FARWELL GROTON Apriel y e 15 th 1758 A List of the Men that I Have Listed for Canada <&c /Domini 1758 Simon Larkin [Lakin] Silas Kemp Isaac Nutting Jun r Jonath. Phelps in the Rume of Simon Ames of Groton Nath a Parker Jun r Robert Blood William Farnsworth Oliver Shattuck in the Rume Soloman Shattuck of Pepperrell John Chamberlin in the Rume of Peter Thursten of Pepperrell Nathan Wesson Thomas Shattuck Tho s Scott Stephen Kemp Eleazer Spoulding in the Rume of Joel Parkhtirst of Dunstable Stephen Foster "$ EPHRAIM WESSON Lev 1 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 16 7 GROTON April 15 th 1758 This may Certifie whome it may concerne that the above named Soldiers were this day mustered & passed Before me WILLIAM LAWRANCE 1 1 , u j Master A Return of the. Men Enlisted for his Majesty's service in t/ie intended expidition against Canada, 1758 Names Where boni In what Company. Jo < Time of Service. Simon Larkm . Groton, . Capt. Jeremiah Shattuck, 42 March 30. Silas Kemp, . Groton, . Capt. James Prescott, . i 16 March 30. Isaac Nutting jr Groton, . do. John Bulkley . . i 19 March 30. Jonathan Phelps, . Andover, do. John Bulkley . . 31 March 30. Nathan Wesson, Wilmington do. Thomas Pierce, . 18 March 30. Thomas Shattuck . Groton, . . Cap J. Shattuck, ... 22 March 31* Nathaniel Parker, . Groton, . . J. Shattuck, ... 19 April 3.' Ebenezer Spaulding Groton, . . Capt Oliver Coburn, . . 24 April 3.' Stephen Foster, Chelmsford Cap. John Bulkley ... 23 April 4. Robert Blood . . Groton, . . Capt J. Shattuck ... 27 April 5. W m Farnsworth . Groton, . J. Shattuck ... 21 April 5. Oliver Shattuck Groton, . J. Shattuck ... 27 April 5. Thomas Scott, . . Groton, '. J. Shattuck ... 19 April 5. Stephen Kemp, . . Groton, . . J. Shattuck ... 17 April 5. John Chamberlain . Groton, . . Capt J. Shattuck ... 36 April 10. The above written contains a true account of the men that I have Enlisted for his Majesty's service in the intended expedition against Canada, in a Company to be commanded by Captain Thomas Lawrence, to be in Colonel Ebenezer Nichols 1 Regiment EPHRAIM WESSON. PEPPEREL, Aprill y e 15 th 1758. N. HAMPTON June 2 d 1758 SIR You are to repair to Hadley and there wait for Col Nichols ; arrival that you may give him an Ac' of the Spare Blankets of the Regiments which were left there at Mr Oliver Smiths. If he doth not come by the fourtenth Intant, you are directed to Join the Regiment, by the first Opportunity I am your Friend J? CU.MING To Liu' Eph'" Wesson 1 68 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. By his Excelencys Command to Captain Tho" Lawrancc. You are hereby Directed to Colect the men In your company with- out Delay and prepare a list of them & the number of arms your men will take of their own. From the day they are collected till they arive at Worcester where the Kings J 'revisions, will be delivered out to the Regiments you are to take care that your men are Victualed as Follows that is Sixpence Pr day Sterling & no more, you are to take care they dont Exceed that and also Such a part for each meal as to take the whole of s d Six- pence for the day. you are to acquaint the Taverners : accordingly you are to deliver s' 1 Taverners, a list of the names, & the N" of the men Ware Supplied at So much P r Meal and this list with the certificate shall be the Taverners Voucher to his accompt to be laid before the Governor & Council for their Passing upon it and granting warenty for the payment of the same. You are to take Particular Care that no Straglers be left behind you are further Directed to Use the utmost of your Endevers that one quarter of your men Provide their own arms EBEN R NICHALS An account of the arms that Cap*. Lanrance and his men had of their own that was lost in the fight at the half way brook July the 2 o" 1 1758 the guns Lost the kings arms Cap! Laurance i Serg 1 oliver Lakin i Serg'. oliver wright i Corp! Nehemiah Goold i Simon wheeler i Stephen foster i Eleazer Ames i Abel Sawtell i Joel Crosby i Total 4 Total 5 The two papers here given refer to the expedition against Crown Point : GROTON June y c 25" 1755 Rec' 1 of Lieut Ephraim Wesson Six pounds Seven Shilings and three pence old tenor as Subsistance to albaney each of us are soldiers to Crown Point. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 169 Jonas Woods Japtha Richardson Isaac Patch Isaac Wesson Isaac Patch junr Zach a Wilthe [Withee] Jonathan Foster Nathaniel Nutting his John Trowbridge Simeon X Foster Jonathan Green mark his Joseph X Denow mark A List of the names that are inlisted for the Expedison to Crown Point into Capt Reeds Compeney by me Ephraim Wesson Isaac Patch Zacriah Wethe [Withee] Isaac Patch Jun r Isaac Wesson Jonathan Green Nathaniel Wesson John Hobart Japtha Richardson Jonathan Foster Joseph Denoro Semeon Foster John Trobridge Jonas Woods John Shipley Nathaniel Shatuck Nathaniel Nutting The following letter was written by Colonel William Law- rence to the Honorable Spencer Phips, at that time the Lieutenant-Governor of the province. Colonel Lawrence was then in command of the soldiers stationed along the frontiers in this neigborhood. The letter was dated a few weeks before the Battle of Lake George, a period of great excitement among the inhabitants of the border towns. Lieutenant Lawrence, who is mentioned, was a younger brother of the writer : May it- Please your Honour I had Desired Lieu' Lawrence to order a Scout to Pequage [Athol] before I Reef your Honours Letter which he had Done & from thence to Northfield tho none was Placed at Pequage but in as much as Pe- quage Does not appear more Exposed to the Enemy if so much as several other Places between y? rivers merimack and Connetticut that are within this Province and I apprehending your honour might not be 1/0 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. So well acquainted with the Curcomstances of those Frontiers I Did not order y: Lieu! to Place but ten men at Pequage for if fifteen had been sent there other places must have been left so naked that no Scouting Could have been Done which I am sencable was y: Courts Disigne but if what I have ordered Should not be agreeable I should be Glad to know your Honours mind. I find it is Difficult to satisfie the People with so few men in so long a Frontier but shall take yf best Care I Can so far as I am concern 1 ' to give orders for Every thing to be Done that your Honour Shall think best but if Pos- sible I think best to keep out all y;' new plantations in this Province but I am afraid that thirty men is not sufficient. So with Great Regard, I remain your Honours most Humble and obedient Servant to Command. WILLIAM LAWRAXCE GROTON July y? 29: 1755 To y? Hon^l e Spencer Phips Esq r . e [Massachusetts Archives, LIV. 521.] It was in the spring of 1755 that the territory of Acadia, or Nova Scotia, fell under British authority; and the con- quest was followed by a terrible act of cruelty and violence. The simple Acadians, unsuspicious of the designs of the English leaders, were assembled in their churches, in obe- dience to military proclamation; and thence, without being allowed to return to their homes, were driven at the point of the bayonet on board ships, to be scattered over all the English colonies in America. This was done with so little regard to humanity that, in many instances, wives were separated from husbands, and children from parents, never to see one another again. It \vas upon an incident connected with this act of tyranny that Longfellow's poem of Evangeline is founded. T\vo of the French families, ten persons in all, were sent to Groton, where one of the mothers died, not many months after her arrival, perhaps from the rude transplanting. A few years later an Acadian family is mentioned as living here ; but the household had FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 171 become divided, some of the little children being sent to the neighboring towns. Our pity for these unfortunate people will be stronger when we reflect that they were miserably poor, among a race who spoke a strange language, followed other customs, and abominated their religion. Under these circumstances their homesickness must indeed have been bitter ; but we have reason to believe that they were treated with tender care by the people here. We learn from the records that they were furnished with medical attendance, and articles necessary for their bodily comfort. Many interesting papers bearing on this subject are found among the Archives at the State House, in the two volumes marked " French Neutrals," as these people were sometimes called. The following documents are there given : The Province of the Massachusetts Bay D' To the Town of Groton for Keeping Ten Franch Persons and findeing them many Nesecareyes for thare Support when many of them Ware Sick &c. Begining the 2 I s . 1 of May AD 1756. To Jan?' y e 6'. h 1757 F 1 James Prescott Esq r as by his Acco c ;o 600 F 1 Mr. Benj" Stone o 16 4 o F 1 Mr. Sam! 1 Bowers for Provisions &c i 1 7 7 o P d Barnibus Mach Charril and others for a Lume Wheels and Tacklin about s d Lume 112 o o P? to John Sheple for moveing' them and for Pro- visions &c 0480 Pi 1 John Page for Sundreys &c 0122 P d Amos Lawrence for Provisions &c 0200 F 1 M rs Isaac Woods for Pork and Syder &c 11200 P? Cap! Tho* Tarbell for Milk and Meat &c 0780 P d Jacob Grag for Syder milk & Wood Carting &c 2003 F 1 Abraham Wheeler for Provisions &c 0520 P' 1 James Stone for Meal 0180 P? Nathl 1 Parker for Wood & House Rent o 10 o o [Amount carried forward 7 16 4 i] 1 72 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. \_Amount brought forward 7 16 4 i] P.' Doct r Oliver Prescott for Doctering them 2560 P d Josiah Sartell for Suger Rum & Molasses & Peas 0770 P d LeH William Nutting for House Rent and other things that He provided for them 2 13 4 o P d the Wid Elizabeth Sheple for what she Did for the franc h and Provisions c 0800 JAMES PRESCOTT AMOS LAWRENCE ? STONE short of i s p week [Massachusetts Archives, XXIII. 306.] THO TARBELL JOSIAH SARTELL I0 9 Selm for Groton The Province of the Massachusetts Bay D r To The Town of Groton from Jan? 1 ye 20"' 1757 to This Day for Supporting the two franch famileys in s d Town c being ten in Number P. d BenjP Lawrence for Wood P d Isreal Hobart for Wood & Milk &c P. 1 s d Hobart for more Wood meat & Salt P d Doc'. r Oliver Prescott for them P d Doc" Oliver Prescott for meats P: 1 Isreal Hobart for malts & Wood & milk P. d s d Hobart for House Rent & Milk P d Josiah Sartell for Rum molasses & Sugar when sick at Sundrey Times and Wood P d John Ames for removeing the franch also one ax Provided for them Totall -; 13 9 o By Order of the Select men of sd Town Groton Sep'. ye 2 d , i 75 7 JOSIAH SARTELL Since the aboue was Paid for the franch &c we have Paid out in October Last for thare further Support in Life and for Buring one of x> I 4 I 6 i o o 14 8 o 4 i o I 8 o - o 9 4 I 3 4 I 18 3 o o 2 8 o o 6 o FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 173 the mens wife and findeing funariel things &c the whole Sum To Israel Hobart which is jC l 1 9 9 2 P d Abel Lawrence for Diging the Grave & 0280 P? Docter Oliver Prescott for Vesn. & Medicins o 8 1 1 o 211 4 2 ? This By Order of the Selectmen of s d Town Nov r ye 22* 1757 7 T 3 9 a little above 6 ce p week total 10 5 i 2 p JOSIAH SARTELL [Massachusetts Archives, XXIII. 461.] On the back of the paper is written : Warn 1 Advis d Dec r 6. 1757 In the report of a Committee, dated April 18, 1761, ap- pointed by the General Court to distribute French Neutrals among the towns of Middlesex County, it is stated that they have assigned to Groton Rain Bobbin [aged] 37 Marg' his wife 39 John his son 13 Matturen D 1 1 Joseph D 8 Eliz 5 weeks Pepperil Marg' Marshal 18 Mary Bobbin daug' of Rain Bobbin 3 Townsend Paul Oliver Bobbin 7 Peter Bobbin son to Rain Bobbin of Groton 5 [Massachusetts Archives, XXIV. 468.] The surname, perhaps, is spelled wrong, as people in those days were not used to writing foreign, wojds ; very likely it should have been Beaubien. The/emomal authorities showed but little humanity when they took away these small children from their mother and put them in different towns. Other 174 FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. families were sent at the same time to Dunstable, Westford, and Littleton. Many Groton men were in the expedition sent against Nova Scotia, which brought away these poor French families. The Journal of Colonel John Winslow, the commander of the ex- pedition, in three folio volumes, containing copies of the vari- ous muster-rolls of his command, is preserved in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The force was made up of two battalions, and each battalion had a lieutenant- colonel and two majors. It appears that each of the field- officers commanded a company, or had one called by his name ; and there was one known as Governor Shirley's Company. The muster-rolls have a common heading, dated "Bason of Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia May 28"' 1755." From the Journal I gather the following names of soldiers, either natives or residents of this town, who took part in' the affair : LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN WINSLOW'S COMPANY. Men's Names Station Age Place of Birth Last residence Occupation Abiel Parker Gideon Parker Samson Blood John Lakers [Lakin ?] Gabriel Lakers Nath 11 Ballard John Gilson Sergeant Private Groton Groton Labourer Isaac Holden Joseph Fairwell Thomas Woods Sam! Sartwell Johnathan Goold Josiah Williams Asa Holden John Sherrin W Holden Jonas Green Ephr 1 ." Parker Framingham Groton CAPTAIN HUMPHREY HOBBS'S COMPANY. Sergeant Private Groton Groton Labourer Luninburg Groton Boxford Bloody point Groton Shirley Groton Taner Cooper Labourer FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. '75 CAPTAIN HUMPHREY HOBBS'S COMPANY Concluded. Men's Names Station Age Place of Birth Last residence Occupation Sam! Bason Private 2O Townsend Groton Cordwr Silas Parker 18 Groton Labourer Amasa Gilson 20 Solomon Gilson 18 Jacob Nutten Jon? Holclen Elijah Robins Benj? Robins Nathan Whipple " 28 18 23 22 22 ' t Westford Groton Cordwinder Labourer Sadler CAPTAIN THOMAS OSGOOD'S COMPANY. Phineas Kemp Phineas Parker Private 24 21 Groton Bellerica Littleton Husbandman Sam" Green 22 ,, Metford Cordwainer LIEUTENANT COLONEL GEORGE SCOTT'S COMPANY. Will 111 Saunderson Aaron Davis John Burt Josiah Boyden Drum^ 19 Groton Groton Farmer Private 23 Harwidck Carpenter 20 Fanner 20 Groton CAPTAIN PHINEAS STEPHENS'S COMPANY. Benj a Gilson Charles Riev Private 20 22 Groton Hinsdale Keen Husbandman CAPTAIN ABIJAH WILLARD'S COMPANY. Will" Bart Private 28 Groton Harvard Labourer Jonathan Cressey Jonah Chamberlain Nehemiah Gould " 25 25 21 " Groton " Nehemiah How 21 TJ }} Samuel Martin Joseph Paterson David Saunders Lemuel Turner ,, IS 25 19 18 Lunenburgh Groton Lancaster Cooper Labourer Nath 1 Turner 18 tj Zachariah Tarball 22 " Lunenburgh CAPTAIN EPHRAIM JONES'S COMPANY. Isaac Green Ezekiel Brown Moses Woods Serjant Corporal 39 34 45 Groton Concord Groton Groton Pepperrell Yeoman FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. CAPTAIN EPIIRAIM JONES'S COMPANY Concluded. Men's Names Station Age Place of birth Last residence Occupation Will" 1 Spaulding Corporal 23 Groton Pe])perrell Yeoman Abraham Boyenton Private 42 Groton Husbandman Oliver Elliote 20 Pepperrell Yeoman Sam" Fisk 24 ,, Cooper Nathan Fisk 24 ,, Jonas Fletcher 2 5 Weston Groton Labourer Jabez Kempt 18 Groton Pepperrel ,, John Kemp 23 Husbandman Oliver Kemp 19 Labourer Hezekiah Kemp 1 7 Groton Simon Lakin 42 Pepperrel Yeoman Simon Lakin Jun 1 8 Labourer George Lessley 19 Hollis John Nutting 17 Groton Will"' Shed 1 8 Pepperrel Job Shattuck 18 Groton Nath 1 Savtell 17 Boston Husbandman Eleaz 1 : Spaulding 21 Groton Pepperrell Yeoman Jon? Stevens 17 i, Labourer Isaac Williams 22 ,, Yeoman David Wright 19 Cordwainer Jon a Woods 39 Yeoman Eleaz r Wipple 20 ,, Labourer Josiah Wright 17 . Isaac Robins CAPTAIN SAMUEL GILBERT'S COMPANY. Private 40 Groton Stow Joyner During the latter part of this war some of the soldiers I think it was one half were supplied with bayonets, and known as " bayonet-men." At the State House are found the lists of such as belonged to the two Groton companies. They are now of considerable interest, as showing some of the men who did military duty in that eventful period. The lists are dated December 19, 1758. These names are largely represented in the families living in the town at the present day. The following is the list of the bayonet-men who belonged to Captain John Bulkley's company : FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 177 Stephen Peirce, Sergeant, Ephraim Severance, Corporal, Peter Parker, Corporal, Lemuel Parker, David Shattuck, Jonathan Peirce, Shattuck Blood, Jacob Nutting, Jacob Gragg, Jr., Jeremiah Shattuck, Ephraim Nutting, Jr., Benjamin Green, Oliver Lakin, Josiah Sheple, Simeon Foster, Caleb Blood, Jonathan Pratt, Peter Gilson, John Erwin, Nathaniel Woods, Jr., Nehemiah Turner, Seth Phillips, Nehemiah Trowbridge, John Woods, Jr., Jonathan Gilson, Jonathan Phelps, Nathaniel Lawrence, 3d. On the back of the paper are given the names also of Sergeant Reuben Woods and Jonathan Sheple, Jr. The following is the list of the bayonet-men in Captain James Prescott's company : - Joseph Page, Sergeant, Timothy Moors, Corporal, John Stone, Isaac Farnsworth, Isaiah Holden, Ebenezer Farnsworth, Ebenezer Farnsworth, Jr., Joseph Medcalf, John Archable, Nathan Whiple, David Tarble, David Sawtell, Jr., Abijah Warren, Silas Parker Barron, Joseph Page, Jr., David Brown, Jonathan Stone, Obadiah Sawtell, Ebenezer Kemp, Ebenezer Hartwell, Nathaniel Stone, Jonas Stone, Joshua Holden, Jonathan Addems, David Sawtell, William Parker, Jr., Elisha Rockwood, Jr. Oliver Farwell. The names also of Sergeant Elisha Rockwood, Corporal Abel Lawrence, and Ephraim Sawtell, Jr., appear in another place on the same paper. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Joseph Longley, of Groton, a sjon of John, who was taken prisoner by the Indians in July, 1694, was mortally wounded at the siege of Fort William Henry, in August, 1758. His son, Joseph, Jr., also served, as a very young man, during one year of the French and Indian War, and subsequently with great credit during five years of the Revo- lution. The son died at Hawley, Massachusetts, July 8, 1836, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. According to the inscription on the monument to the memory of Captain Abram Child, in the old burying-ground, he entered the army at the age of seventeen years, and served under General Amherst at the capture of Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point during the summer of 1759. CHAPTER VII. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. THE following papers are found among the files of the Middlesex County Court, at East Cambridge, in the bundle marked " 1659 April 5." They appear to be in the nature of promissory notes, and are in the handwriting of John Tinker, who a few months later had from the government a monopoly to trade with the Indians at Groton and Lancas- ter. My attention was called to them by Henry Stedman Nourse, Esq., of Lancaster, to whom I am indebted for the copies. Petobawok and Petapowok are different forms of Petaupaukett the Indian name of Groton. Cattaconamak and Catacomumok are other forms of Catacoonamug, and apply to the tract of land in the neighborhood of Shirley. There is a Catacoonamug Brook in that town. Boundary lines between places were never distinctly marked by the In- dians, but left indefinite. The expression " in foure moones " evidently means four months ; but I am in doubt in regard to that of " 2 hunting times: " These j> r sents testefieth That wee James Indian otherwise called Quagnisheman of Cattaconamak : Nomahnacomak of Petobawok and ISO MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Mahmachecomak of Cataconamak do acknovvledg ourselves to owe and to be indebted unto John Tinker the sume of twenty five pounds and ten shillings at the Rates of six a peny vvompom. to be give to him the said John Tinker his kindred frends or whome evr he shall Appoynt, the one halfe therof in foure moones in good beaver at prises as all marchants give, and the other halfe in nine moneths in like good beaver at like prices at his house at Petapowak, and for the good per- farmanc thereof we binde ourselves and either of us. our kindred frends and all we have, In Wittness whereof we the said James, Nomanacomak and Mahmacheckomok have hereunto sett our markes dated feb r 13"' 1656 Signed by James and Nomanacomak in the g'sents of RICHARD SMITH the mark CM of JOHN X V WHITCUM JAMES INDIAN his mark Signed by MAMACHECOMAK in the the mark X of hard winter, 21 ; frontier perils, 22 ; dragoons, 23 ; threatened by Indians, 24 ; pros- perity, houses, and garrisons, 25 ; assaults, meeting-house destroyed, 26; Nutting killed, 27; sanctuary burned, English pamphlets about King Philip's War, 28 ; conflagration, 29; Hubbard's account of the sur- prizall, 30 ; palizadoes and ambush, 31 ; stratagem of old Indian, babe cut in pieces, One-eyed John, 32; Indian sarcasm, Indians shot by Captain Sill, 33; conflicting accounts recon- ciled, 34 ; ambuscado, prisoners for ran- som, Cobbet's account, 35; Morse's petition, town abandoned by settlers, 36; action of council about horses and ammunition, 37 ; the Adams pe- tition and Woods testimony, 38 ; critical season, report about defences, 39; stockadocs, 40; river stockade, 41; report of committee, 42; fam- 200 INDEX. ilies, prisoners, hounds, 43; church, monument, 44 ; list of soldiers- 45-47 ; town re-established, 47 ; pe- tuion for help, 48 ; James Parker's letter to the governor, 49-50 ; In- dian vices, 51 ; Nicholson's letter, unsettled condition of town, 52 ; cav- alry, military headquarters, 53 ; com- missary, 54; surgeon's bill lor John Paige, 55 ; slight incidents, 56 ; Si- mon Stone's danger, Indian baptism, 57 ; Jacob Indian, 58 ; garrison lists, 59-62 ; beginning of King William's War, 63 ; accounts of Cotton Mather and Pere Charlevoix, 64; allusions by Judge Sewall and the French, 65 ; Canadian attack, 66 ; casualties, captives, 67; Shepley petition, 68; allowance, 69 ; Parker family's relief, 70; girl captive, 71; Indian expe- dition, 1695, 72; captives taken to Canada, 73 ; Longley family, 74-76; straitened condition of the town, 77; petition, 78, 79; troops posted, So; men killed, Si ; Holclen petition, short crops, 82 ; aid asked for, 83 ; the wounded, 84 ; action of council, 85 ; Queen Anne's War, Indian sym- pathy with French, 86 ; the Prescotts, attack in 1704, 87; Governor Dud- ley's order, 88; renewal of hostilities, 89; distress of the farmers, 90; re- quest for relief, 91 ; assault in 1706, 92; Ilealy petition, 93; Seager pe- tition, 94 ; cruelty towards prisoners, 95; Butterfield allowance, 96 ; settle- ment of Bradstreet, 97 ; court-mar- tial, 98-100; roving savages, 101 ; desertion of frontier towns, 102-104 ; Indian depredations, 1707-9, 105; Shattuck and Lawrence families, 106 ; frontier garrisons, 107 ; location of houses, captives, 108; Tarbell children, captives in Canada, 109- 124; Indian enemy, 125; military list, 126; colonial payments, military company, 127; scouts, 128; Fair- banks letters, 129; medical services, 130; murder by Indians, 131 ; scalps, 132; Farnsworth affair, 133; Love- well's fight, 134 ; the Symmes sermon, 135-137; Paugus, 138; prisoners to Canada, 139; Indian vendetta, 140- 144; traditions, Isaac Lakin, 145; Lovewell's War, Eleazer Davis, 146 ; Sartell petition, 147 ; dangers in 1744, settlers in Charlestown, No. 4, 148; ransoms, 149; King George's War, 150; muster-roll, 151; privates, 152; receipts, relief to Fitchburg, 153; dangers in 1748, 154; list of scouts, 155; Fort Dummer, allowance, peace, 156; last intercolonial struggle, 157; Lawrence petition, Fort Halifax, 158; Woods petition, 159; military ser- mon, 160; Lakin petition, 161 ; leg- islative action, 162; roster, 163-167; arms lost, 168; Crown Point expe- dition, Lake George, 169; Acadia, 170 ; French refugees, 171-173 ; mus- ter-rolls, 174-176; bayonet-men, 177; old burial-ground, 178; Indian prom- issory notes, 179-181 ; land-grants, 182; Christmas town-meeting, 183; Indian bond, 184, 185 ; monetary dis- satisfaction, 186 ; Indian petition, 187; farm-grant, 188; Indian geo- graphic names, iSS, 189 ; Indian name for Groton, 190; Indian Melodies, 191 ; Gibbet Hill, 192. Groton, Vt., 163. Gun : payment for, 93 ; lost, 162. HAGAR, Samuel, paid, 45, 46. Halford, William, paid, 45. Half-Moon Meadow, Groton, 191. Half-way Brook, 153, 159, 160, 162, 1 68. Halifax, fort, Maine : situation of, 158 i allusion, 159. Hall, Benjamin H., author, 156. Hall, Ephraim, soldier, 165. Hall, John, about to leave Groton, 104 Hall, Robert, on committee, 146. Hands, John, paid, 47. Hanover, charity school, 120. Hardwick (Harwidck), Mass., 175. Harris, Benjamin, soldier, 126. INDEX. 2O I Harris, John, private, 152. Hartwell (Hartwill), Ebenezer, bayo- net-man, 177. Hartwell, Edward, sergeant, 126, 127. Hartwell, James, private, 152. Hartwell, Joseph, soldier, 164. Hartwell, Major, in command, 153. Hartwell, Nathan, private, 153. Harvard, Mass., 175. Harvard College, 62, 191. Harvest season, So. Hassanamesit, Indians ordered to re- side at, 18. Hassell, Benjamin: coward, 136; false report of, 138. Hasting, Josiah, private, 152. Hathorne, William, witness, 10. Haverhill, Mass. : headquarters, 53 ; History of, Si. Havre, France, 122. Hawes, John, paid, 45. Hawkins (Ilaukins), William, butcher and surgeon, 16, 17. Hawley, Mass., 178. Haywood, John, author, So. Healy, Nathaniel, killed, 93. Hemenway, Miss A. M., authoress, 161, 163. Henchman (Hinchman, Hinchmanes, Hincksman), Thomas: lieutenant, 17; captain, 19; account, 63; major, So; witness, 185. Henchman's farm, letter from, 49. Herkimer County, N. Y., 124. High School, Groton, 25. Hill, General A. Harleigh, author, 163. Hill, Israel, paid, 45. Hill, Jonathan, paid, 46. Hill, Nathaniel, paid, 46. Hinsdale, N. H., 175. Historical Memoirs, sermon, 135 History of Charlestown, N. II., 150. History of Chelmsforcl, Mass., 107. History of Dunstable, Mass., 43, 141. History of Eastern Vermont, 1 56. History of Fitchburg, Mass., 153. History of Groton, Mass., 144, 163. History of Manchester, N. H., 136, 138- History of New France, 64. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, N. Y., 117. History of the Christian Indians, S, 186. History of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, 66, 116. History of the Wars of New England, 27, 28, 131. Hoar, president of Harvard College, 62. Hoar (Hore), Samuel, 152. Hoare, John, left Groton, 104. Hobart (Hubbard), Rev. Gershom, 62, 64, 89, 154; family casualties, 67; disability, 91 , garrison, 107, 108, 112 Hobart, Israel (Isael) : corporal, 151, 164; paid, 172. Hobart, Jeremiah, private, 155. Hobart, John, private, 169. Hobbs, Captain Humphrey, his com- pany, 174, 175. Holden (Holdin, Holding, Holdings, Moulding), Amos, private, 152. Holden, Asa, private, 174. Holden, Charles, Charlestown, N. H., 150. llolden, Isaac: Charlestown, N. H., 150; private, 154; sergeant, 174. Holden, John, captured, Si, 82. Holden, Jonathan, private, 154, 175. Holden, Joshua, bayonet-man, 177, Holden, Mr., garrison, 107, 108. Holden, Stephen (Steven): in garrison, 60; captured, Si, 82; ensign, 154. Holden, Stephen, Jr., captured, Si. Hollingsworth's paper-mills, 105, 131. Hollis road, Groton, 73, 108. Homer, Rev. Jonathan, authority, 92. Hore, Samuel (Sam'll), private, 152. Houghton, Benjamin, Jr., 126. Hough, Dr. Franklin B., author, 117, 1 20. Hound Meadow Hill, name received, 43- House of Representatives, 85, 89; vote about the Iloldens, Si ; tax vote, 84. Howard & Richardson, allusion, 112. How, Nehcmiah, private, 175. Hubbard's ambuscado, 35. Hubbard, John, ransom paid by, 36. Hubbard, Jonathan, petition, 127. Hubbard, Rev. Mr. (See Ilobart.) 2O2 INDEX. Hubbarcl, Rev. William : account of King Philip's War, 27 ; narrative, 2 9> 33. 3 6 > 43- Huberd (Hobart?), Mr., 112. Huchin (Ilutchins), John, about to leave Groton, 104. Hull, John, treasurer of Massachusetts, 44- Hull's /ournal, 44. Humhaw Brook, Westford, iSS. Hunt, Ephraim, signature, 98. Hutchins (Huchin), Nicholas, in garri- son, 60. Hutchinson, Governor, quoted, 66, 116. IMPLEMENTS, stone, discovered, 7. Indian corn, 79. Indian, Jacob, 57. Indian Melodies, 191. Indian summer, 142. Indian, surname, 57. Indian Wars, brave men in, 56. Indians : characteristics, 7 ; love of drink, 8, 10, 51 ; murder, 9; supplied with arms, n, 12; burn towns, 20, 36; prowling, 25; ambush, 27, 31, 32, 137 ; rifle houses, 30; onset, 31 ; infant cut in pieces, 32 ; swine-hunt- ing, 33; feasted, 34; hellhounds and cowards, 35; killed, 38; stockade against, 41, 42 ; given Christian names, 57 ; murdering, 62 ; hatchets, 63 ; children guarded by, 66 ; pris- oners, 72 ; pilates, 8 1 ; sympathy with French, 86 ; cruelty, 94 ; bounty for killing, 96; jealousy, 118; treaties with governor of New York, 119; pope's questions, 122; scalps, 132; hunting, 134; prisoners sent to Can- ada, 139; land-titles, 186. Ipswich, Mass., 121 ; commissioner from, 42. Israel, the New England, 15. JAMES'S Brook, garrison-houses, 25, 27, 151. James, Indian, 180. Jeffries, David, letter to, 63. Jeffries, William Lloyd, letter in pos- session of, 63. Jefts, Henry, private, 155. Jefts, John, killed, 134. Jenkins, Ann, testimony of, 73. Jerusalem, allusion, 49. Jethro, Old, Indian, 33. Jewet, Nehemiah, speaker, 79. Jewett, Abel, private, 153. Jewett, Neha, private, 154. Johnson, Lot, paid, 45. Johnson, Mrs. Susanna, captured, 149. Johnson, Stephen, private, 152. Jones, Captain Ephraim, company, 176. Jones, Colonel Elisha, 166. KAMP (Kemp), Zerrubbubl (Zerubba- bel), about to leave Groton, 104. Ka-re-ko-wo, Indian youth, 118. Keene (Keen), N. H., 175. Kellogg, Joseph, treasurer for the Tar- bells, 114. Kemp (Kamp, Kempt), Ebenezer, bayo- net man, 177. Kemp, Hezekiah, private, 165, 176. Kemp, Jabez, private, 176. Kemp, John, private, 155, 176. Kemp, Joseph, soldier, 165. Kemp, Oliver, private, 176. Kemp, Phineas, private, 175. Kemp, Samuel : private, 152; in gar- rison, 59. Kemp. Samuel, Jr., private, 154, 165. Kemp, Silas, private, 165-167. Kemp, Stephen, private, 165-167. Kemp, Zerubbabel, about to leave Gro- ton, 104. Kennebec Indians, more successful than the Penobscot, 65. Kennebec River, expedition up, 157. Kerley (Carlors), Lieutenant, daugh- ter set at liberty, 35. Ketle, Goodwife, ransomed, 35. Kidder, Benjamin, sick, 136, 139. Kidder, James, petitioner, 19. Kimball, Jacob, 191. Kinderhook, N. Y., allusion, 112. INDEX. 203 King Philip's War : letters on, 28 ; A New and Further Narration, 29; a friendly Indian in, 186. Kingstown (Palmer), Mass., 112. Kissacook Hill, Westford, 188. Knop, James : representative, 52, 53; in garrison, 60. Knox manuscripts, 76. LACHINE, Canada, convent at, 109. Lakin (Laken, Lakers, Largin, Larkin), Abraham, about to leave Groton, 104. Lakin, Ambrose, private, 152. Lakin, Benjamin (Benimin), about to leave Groton, 104. Lakin, Ebenezer, private, 155. Lakin, Isaac, 134, 135; wounded, 106; story, 145. Lakin, Isaac, Jr., 155. Lakin, Jacob, soldier, 126. Lakin, John, 44, 161 ; ensign, 52, 53 ; in garrison, 59 ; its location, 62 ; pri- vate, 174. Lakin, Joseph : signature, 91 ; select- man, town-clerk, 103 ; about to leave Groton, 104. Lakin, Josiah, about to leave Groton, 104. Lakin, Miriam, 161. Lakin, Nathaniel, soldier, 164. Lakin, Oliver : sergeant, 161, 168 ; peti- tion, 162; bayonet-man, 177. Lakin, Simon, private, 165-167, 176. Lakin, Simon, Jr., 176. Lakin, Thomas, private, 155. Lakin, William: ensign and lieutenant, 12; on committee, 20; in garrison, 59, 107, 108 ; house attacked, 64, 66. 74; selectman, 79; about to leave Groton, 104. Lamorandiere, Jacques Urbain Robert de, godfather, 110. Lancaster ( Lanchester, Lankester, Lankstar,) : Mass , 7, 23, 35, 52, 80, 88, 89, 127, 175, 179, 186, 189; traffic, 8; Willard there, 13 ; raid, 15 ; garri- sons, 17, 130; catastrophe, 30; boast concerning, 33 ; helpful, 38 ; compul- sory removal, 40 ; escape to, 43 ; gov- ernor's tour, 86; Indian attack, 87 : Captain Bulkley there, 102; comman- der from, 125, 126; enlistment, 126; men posted, 129; men there, 146; men from, 153. (See Nashua.) Langly, Lidey (Lydia), captive, 72. (See Longley.) Lawrence (Larrance, Larraness, Law- ranc, Lawrance, Lorinc), family, 154. Lawrence, Abel : paid, 173; corporal, 177. Lawrence, Amos: sergeant, 151 ; paid, 171. Lawrence, Anna (Tarbell), mother of captain, 150. Lawrence, Benjamin, paid, 172. Lawrence, Captain, biography, 151. Lawrence, Colonel William, letter, 169, 170. Lawrence, Daniel, about to leave Gro- ton, 104. Lawrence, Enoch (Enosh): in garrison, 59 ; location, 62 ; wounded, 84, 85, 1 06. Lawrence, Ensign (Insine), 182. Lawrence, James, owner of Tarbell farm, 124. Lawrence, John : in garrison, 61 ; father of captain, 151. Lawrence, Jonathan: in garrison, 60 ; signature, 97 ; private, 155. Lawrence, Joseph, about to leave Gro- ton, 104. _ . . Lawrence, Lieutenant, in garrison, 107. Lawrence, Nathaniel, 184: ensign, 12; in garrison, 60 ; soldier, 128; bayonet- man, 177. Lawrence, Peleg, in garrison, 60, 186. Lawrence, Thomas : private, 152, 155, 163 ; lieutenant, 157 ; biography, 160 ; captain, 166-168. I Lawrence, William: soldier, 126, 128; clerk, 155; guardian, 164. Lawrence, Prudence, 160. i Lawrence, Zachariah, about to leave Groton, 104. Lawrence Academy, Groton, 62. 1 Leber, signature, 77. 204 INDEX. Lecture (lecter) day, 102. Leominster, Mass., people in, 150. Lessley, George, private, 176. Leverett, Governor John, Parker's cor- respondence with, 14; allusion, 24. Levy, Groton, 77. Lisle, John, allusion, 62. Littleton, Mass., 175, 188, 189; men from, 1 53. Londonderry, N. IL, 136. Lodowick, Mr., in Boston, 65. Longfellow, H. W., poet, 170. Longley family, sad story, 73, 74. Longley, Betty, captive, 75. Longley, John : casualties in family, 67 ; captive, 75; return, 76. Longley, Jonathan, sentinel, 151. Longley, Joseph, wounded, 178. Longley, Joseph, Jr., death, 178. Longley, Lydia Madeleine : captive, 75 ; signature, 77. (See Langly.) Longley, William: constable, 14; on committee, 20; in garrison, 59; ac- count of, 71; town-clerk, murdered, 75 ; family, 106. Longley, Zachariah (Zechcria), private, 152- Lorette, Canada, boys from, 120. Louisburg, N. S., death in, 150. Lovewell, Captain John, 134, 144. Lovewell Lamented, 134. Lovewell's Fight, 107. Lovewell's Pond, 134-144; company arrives there, 137. Lovewell's War, end of, 146. Lowden, Richard, petitioner, 41. Lowell, Mass., 187 : Wamesit Indians near, 22. Lower Regiment, Middlesex County, 87, 88. Lund, Thomas, soldier, 126. Lunenburg (Luninburg), Mass., 174, 175 : people in, 150. Lynn (Linne), Mass., commissioner, 42. MACCARROLL (Mach Charril), Barna- bas (Barnibus), paid, 171. Magnalia, Mather's, 56, 6^, 71, Si. Mahmachecomak, 180; signature, 181. Main Street, Groton, 62, 151. Maiden (Maulden), Mass. : constable of, 37 ; commissioner from, 42. Manchester, Mass., commissioner from. 42. Manchester, Wis., 191. Marcoux, Rev. Fran9ois, parish priest, 123. Marine and Colonies, Archives, 64. Marlborough (Malbery, Malbury, Marl- borow, Marlbors'), Mass., 23, So, 88, 187; Hawkins sent there, 16; Indians, 18 ; surprise, 105. I Marseilles, France, 122. Marshall's Diary, 89, 92. j Marshall, John/S". j Marshall, Margaret, age, 173. Marsh, James Rumbly, witness, 185, 1 86. Martin, Samuel, private, 175. Martin's Pond road, Groton, 67, Massachusetts : S. Willard in, 13 ; offer made by, 133, 134. Massachusetts Archives, references, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 36, 37,43, 49, 54, 58, 64,69, 71-73, 79,80,82,84,85, 91,93, 94, 96, 97, 101, 104, 107, 109, 113, U4 ( 126, 128, 130, 133, 146, 155, 158-173, 187. Massachusetts (masiacheusits) Bay, 70; province of, 84. Massachusetts Colony, 16, 22, 184. Massachusetts Historical Society Col- lections, 67, 86, 87, 92, 95, 104, 174. Mason, Hugh, petitioner, 41. Massapoag Pond, iSS. Mather, Rev. Cotton, quoted, 56, 63, 71, 81. Mather, Rev. Increase : quoted, 27, 28 ; letter to, 35. Mather Manuscripts, 35. Maulden (Maiden), Mass., constable of, 37- Meadforcl (Medford), Mass., commis- sioner from, 42. Medfield, Mass., boast of John Monaco concerning, 33. Medford (Meadford, Metford), Mass., 42, 175- Meeting-house monument, 44. INDEX. 2O: Mel vin, Captain, promise, 159. Memorial of the Present Deplorable State of New England, 95. Meriel, pretre, signature, no. Merrimack River: allusion to, 7, 169; Indians on the east side, 18; garrison, 19 ; hunting on side, 50; Indians cross. 66; attack near, 74; military pas- sage, 80. Merrimack Valley, braw! there, 9. Metcalf (Medcalf), Joseph, bayonet- man, 177. Metford (Medford), Mass., 175. Micheson, Thomas, paid, 45. Middlesex County, Mass., 17, 39, 40; troopers in, 12; committee, 41; court, 179; governor's tour, 86; reg- iments, 87 ; company disbanded, 146. Middlesex Probate Office, no; inven- tory in, 26. Middlesex Registry of Deeds, 183. Middlesex Upper Regiment, at Groton, 53- Miles, Hezekiah, Indian, 72. Military watch, 64. Millard, Humphrey, paid, 47. Mill, Captain's, garrison, 107, 108. Missionary tour in Maine, 108. Mohokes (Mohawks), 50. Monaco (Monoco), John : principal in burning of Groton, 8 ; captain of In- dians, 32. Monadnock Mountain : Indians near, 99; Wayman there, 101 ; Indians scalp-hunting there, 133. Montreal, Canada, 76, 109, 117, 122; prisoner there, 149. Moody, Samuel, on committee, 146. Moore, Captain Jacob, commander of cavalry, 53. Moors (Mores), Timothy, bayonet-man, 154, 177- Moosehillock, Groton, 143. Morse (Mors, Moss), Jeremiah, paid, 44, 46. Morse, John : town-clerk, 35 ; ransom, 36- 43- Morse, Jonathan, clerk, 183. Moseley (Mosseley), Captain Samuel, 16; helps Parker, 14; letter, 15. Moses and Aaron, allusion, 83. Moss-house, first, 108. Mousal, constable, 37. Mulpus Brook, Shirley, 188. Muster-roll of Captain Lawrence's com- pany, 163. Mutiny, ringleaders, 98. Myrick, John, 92. NAGOG Pond, Littleton, 188. Nahamcok, Indian village, 50. Nahaughton, Will, petition, 187. Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. John- son, 149. Narrative of the Troubles with the In- dians in New England, 29 Nashoba (Littleton), Mass., hill and brook, 189. Nashua '(Nashaway, Nashowah, Nash- oway), Mass., Moseley there, 15. (See Lancaster.) Nashua, N. H., 141. Nashua River, 133, 184, 189, 190; Indi- ans there, 87; enemy upon, 96; Shat- tucks near, 105; north side, 131; log- house, 145. Nashua tribe, few families belonging to, 7. Nashua Valley, savages there, 7. Nashubah (Nashoba), Mass., Indians there, 18. Nason, Rev. Elias, quoted, 43. Nasquuns, John, drunkard, 51. Nassacombewit, Indian, 67. Natacook Indians, 18. Nathaniel, principal Indian, 8. Natick, Mass., 184. Nehatchechin, drunken squaw, 51. Nerigawag (Norridgewock), Maine, 67. Newbury (Newbery), Mass., situation, 42. New England : ebbing waters in, 33 ; wish of Indian regarding, in; allu- sion, 121. New England Courant, 131. New England Historical and Genealo- gical Register, 1 1 1. 2O6 INDEX. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 22, 44, 71. New England's Tears, by B. Tompson, '3- New Hampshire, 8 ; Concord in, 9 ; allusion, 52 ; offer made by, 133, 134. Newichewanick (Berwick), Maine, 53. News from New England, in London pamphlets, 29. Newton (New Cambridge), Mass., His- tory and men of, 92. New York City, 122. New York, Colonial History of, 72. New York State, Dutch in, 12. Nichols (Nicholes), Benjamin, soldier, 126. Nichols, Captain Thomas, at court- martial, 98. Nichols, Colonel Ebenezer, regiment, 166-168. Nichols, Samuel, private, 152. Nicholson, Captain Francis, letter, 52. Nissitisset River, Pepperell, 189. Nod, Groton locality, 62. Nomanacomak : Indian, 180; signature, 181. Nonacoicus (Coicus), 62, 187, 189; in Aver, 13 ; Major Willard's quarters, 24. Nonantinooah, Jacob, certificates re- lating to, 57, 58. Norfolk, Mass., a different county, 17. Norridgewock (Nerigawag, Norridge- awocke, Norridgwogg), Maine, 67, 72, 73 ; man brought to, 108. North Common, Groton, 67. Northfield, Mass., 169; land adjoining, 147. Northampton, Mass., letter from, 167. Notre Dame, Congregation, record there, no. Norway, N. Y., Tarbell's death there, 124. Nourse, Henry Stedman, 179. Nova Scotia, 150, 170; expedition, 174. Nubanussuck Pond, \Yestford, 189. Nutfield (Londonderry), X. II., 136. Nutting (Xutten), Benjamin, soldier, 165. X T utting, Ebenezer, left Groton, 104. Xutting, Ephraim, Jr., bayonet-man, 177- Nutting, Ezekiel, private, 155. X'utting, Isaac, 165. Xutting, Isaac, Jr., private, 166, 167. Xutting, Jacob, private, 175; bayonet- man, 177. Xutting, James : in garrison, 59 ; signa- ture, 91. Xutting, John : house used as garrison, 25 ; killed 43 ; in garrison, 59 ; soldier, 165, 1 66. Xutting, John, Jr., private, 155, 165. Xutting, Jonathan: private, 153; peti- tion, 156. X T utting, Joseph, 165. Xutting, X'athaniel, private, 169. Xutting, Simeon, soldier, 165. X T utting, \Yilliam : testimony, 100 ; pri- vate, 155; paid, 172. OAKES, Thomas, speaker, 96. Old South Church, pastor of, 65. " One-eyed John " (nickname for Mon- aco), 8, 32. Osgood, Benjamin, soldier, 126. Osgood, Captain Thomas, his company, J 75- Osgood, David, soldier, 126. Ossipee (Ossipy), X T . H., fort there, 136, 139- Ossipee River, 134. Outlands, neglected, 97. Outlying towns, condition of, 102. Out-towns, law regarding, 101. Oyster River (Durham), N. H., allu- sions, 72, 73. PAGE (Pag, Paige), Benjamin, private, 1 52- Page, John: witness, 9, 10; on com- mittee, 20, 182; in Canada', 54; peti- tion, 55 ; his son, 56; in garrisons, 61 ; sergeant, 154; paid, 171; corporal, 184. Page, Jonathan, about to leave Groton, 104. INDEX. 207 Page, Joseph: corporal, 151; soldier, 165; bayonet-man, 177. Page, Joseph, Jr., bayonet-man, 177. Palisades, pulled down, 27. Palmer, Mass., 112. Palmer, Benjamin, settled in garrison, 59- Pamphlets on King Philip's War, 28. Paris, France, 64, 122. Parish (Paris, Parrish), John, 182, 184} in garrison, 59. Parish, Robert, witness, 9. Parker family, prominent, 154. Parker, Abiel, sergeant, 174. Parker, Abigail, in garrison, 61. Parker, Benjamin, under Lovewell, 135- Parker, Captain Josiah : town-clerk, 5 2 > 5 57; quoted, 70; petition, 71; Nathaniel Healy under, 93 ; court-martial, 98; letter, 102. Parker, Eleazer (Eliezar) : constable, 84 ; soldier, 165. Parker, Ephraim, private, 174. Parker, Gideon, private, 174. Parker, James, Sr. : acquaintance with Monaco, 8; lieutenant and captain, 12, 52, 53, 59, 82; letters, 14, 15, 49, 50; at Dunstable, 19; on commit- tee, 20 ; suppliant, 22, 23 ; escape to house of. 27 ; garrison, 32, 59, 62 ; house fired, 35; Indians on land, 38; selectman, 79 ; sergeant, 192. Parker, James, Jr. : casualties in fam- ily, 67; killed, children captives, 70. Parker, John, Jr., private, 155. Parker, Jonas, private, 155. Parker, Jonathan : paid, 45 ; private, 152. Parker, Joseph : testimony, 58 ; in gar- rison, 6l ; private, 155. Parker, Lemuel, bayonet-man, 177. Parker, Leonard, soldier, 165, 166. Parker, Lieutenant Isaac, 148; captured, 149. Parker, Nathaniel : about to leave Gro- ton, 104; private, 155, 165, 166; paid, 171. Parker, Obadiah, sergeant, 151. Parker, Oliver, soldier, 164. Parker, Peter, private, 155; bayonet- man, 177. Parker, Phinehas (Phinias) : child of James, Jr., 70; soldier, 126; sergeant, 128; private, 175. Parker, Samuel : in garrison, 59, 107 ; selectman, 84 97; signature, 91. Parker, Silas, private, 175. Parker, William, soldier, 165. Parker, William, Jr., bayonet-man, 177. Parker, Zachariah, in garrison, 59. Parkhurst, Joel, not enlisted, 166. Parkman, Francis, historian, 64. Partridges in St. Regis, 119. Pascaud, M. Etienne, signature, no. Pasmore, Richard, paid, 47. $. Patatuck, Jacob, Indian, 183-185. Patch, Jonathan, private, 152. Patch, Isaac, private, 169. Patch, Isaac, Jr., private, 155, 169. Patterson (Paterson), Joseph : scout, 154; private, 175. Paugus : Indian chief, 134, 137; killed by John Chamberlain, 138, 139; his avengers, 140-145. Paugus's Hole, 145. Paugus Brook, 145. Payne, Thomas, servant, n. Pearce, Simon, sergeant, 154. Peirce, Stephen, soldier, 165. Penacook ( Penecooke, Penicooke, Pen- nakooke, Pennycooke),now Concord, N. II., 9-11, 52; Indians there, 18; not advisable to go there, 19. Penhallow, Judge Samuel, historian, 87,92,94,95, 131, 132. Penobscot Indians, 65. Pepperell (Pepperrell, Pepperil), Mass., 173, 175, 188. Pequawket (Pequaket, Piggwacket) : fight there, 107, 134, 142 ; tribe, '37- Perham (Paraham, Parham, Perrum), John : in garrison, 60; sergeant, 100. Perham, Joseph, leaving Groton, 104. Perry, Obadiah, soldier, 165. Petaupaukett (Petapawage, Petapawav, Petapowok, Petobawok), Indian name of Groton, 179, 189. Peter, the Big Speak, 120. 208 INDEX. Pettipaug (Pautapaug, Poattapoge, Potabauge), Indian name for Say- brook (Essex), Conn., 190. Phelps, Jonathan: private, 165-167; bayonet-man, 177. Philbrick (Filbrick, Filbrook, Philbrek, Philbrook), Ephraim (Ephrain) : in garrison, 60, 107 ; private, 153. Phillips, Seth, bayonet-man, 177. Phips, Hon. Spencer, letter, 169, 170. Phips, Sir William, governor, 55. Physicians, 136; scarcity of, 16. Pierce, Daniel, in garrison, 60. Pierce, Isaac, private, 152. Pierce, Jonathan, bayonet-man, 177. Pierce, Stephen, bayonet-man, 177. Pierce, Thomas, 167. Piggwacket (Pequawket), fight, 135, 136. Pike, Rev. John, journal, 65, 92, 104. Piscatacjua (Pescadoue), 64. Pollard, Daniel, private, 155. Pollard, Joseph, paid, 47. Pompequoonet (Mr. John), 185. Pontchartrain, minister, 64. Pootuppog (bay), 190. Portland, Maine, 68. Potapaco (Port Tobacco), Md., 190. Potomac River, 190. Potter, John, paid, 47. Potter, Judge Chandler Eastman, au- thor, 136, 138. Powers, David, Jr., private, 152. Powers, Pilot Jerahl, private, 154. Powers, Thomas, private, 152. Pratt, John : succeeds Chubbuck, 54 ; corporal, 151. Pratt, Jonathan, bayonet-man, 177. Prescott (Prescot) family, prominent, 154. Prescott, Abigail Oliver, 151. Prescott, Benjamin : 151 ; treasurer, 127 ; ordered to garrison, 128. Prescott, Captain Jonathan, at court- martial, 98. Prescott, Colonel Charles, 166. Prescott, Colonel William : ancestry, 87; company-clerk, i;i, 152. Prescott, Dr. Oliver, paid, 172. Prescott, James : lieutenant. 151 ; paid, '55- I 7 l ' guardian, 165, captain, 177. Prescott, Jonas : lieutenant, 52, 53 ; in garrison, 60; captain, 86; signa- ture, 91,97; court-martial, 9^ ; daugh- ters, 151. Prescott, Jonathan : chyrurgeon, bill of, 56; private, 155- Prescott, William Hickling, historian, 87- Priest, Eleazer, captured, 150. Priest, John, private, 152. Priest, Joseph, 150. Prince Collection, 35. Prisoners, sold to the French, 66. Prout, Captain, orders issued to, 53. Prout, Ebcnezer, clerk, 54. Province galley, 71, 82, Province of Massachusetts Bay, 172. QUABOG (Quabauge, Quobaog, Quoah- bauge), Brookfield, Mass., 14-19; sagamore of, 33. Quagnisheman (James Indian), of Cat- taconamak, 179. Quannapohit (Quanapaug, James Rum- bly Marsh), 186. Quebec, Canada, 120, 122; journey to, Hi; allusion, 141. Quincy, Josiah, speaker, 114, 115. Quosopanagon (Ponikin, Quasaponi- kin), meadow and hill, 189. RA\VSON, "Edward, secretary, 10, n, 17, !Q. 24, 37, 43. 49 Read, John, on committee, 115. Read, Samuel, paid, 44. Red Bridge, Groton, 7. Reading (Redding, Reding), Mass., So ; commissioner from, 42. Reed, Captain, 169. Region, Thomas, paid, 47. Relation, French, 65. Remington, Jonathan, commissary, 54. Ripley, Rev. Sylvanus, in Canada, 120- 122. Representatives, House of, 6S. 91. 9-;. 95-97, 114, 125, 127, 130, 132, 146, '53. i S 6 - '59- INDEX. 209 Revolution, soldiers in the, 154. Rice, Charles, private, 175. Richardson, Benjamin, soldier, 165. Richardson, Jephthah (Japtha), private, 169. Richmond (Richman's) Island, 81. Robbins (Robin), Robert (Robart), 186; in garrison, 60; selectman, 97. Robins, Benjamin, private, 175. Robins, Elijah, private, 175. Robins, Isaac, private, 176. Robins, Philip, 165. Robins, Robert, Jr., private, 153. Robinson, Amos, private, 152. Robinson, James, in garrison, 59. Rockwood, Elisha, sergeant, 177. Rockwood, Elisha, Jr., bayonet-man, 177- Rogers, William, Jr.: signature, 113; money owed to, 116. Rome, Italy, 122. Ropes, holding up, 139. Rouse (Rouce), Alexander: casualties in family, 67 ; killed, 71. Rouse, Tamasin (Thomasine) : at Casco Bay, 71 ; captive, 82. Rowley, Mass., commissioner from, 42. Roxbury, Mass. : boast concerning, 33 ; governor at, 103. Rumney Marsh (Chelsea), Mass., 186. Rundlett, holding six gallons, n. Rural Harmony, 191. Russel, Mr., quoted, 108. Russell, Elijah, editor, 140. Russell, John, on committee, 146. Russell's Echo, 140. Rutland, Mass.: men there, 146; scout in, 129. Rye and Indian, 142. SACO Pond, company, 137. Sagamore John, 187. Sagamore Sam, 33. Sa-kon-en-tsi-ask, Indian chief, 118. Salem, Mass., 115, 191 ; commissioners from, 42. Saltonstall, Governor, quoted, 133. Salmon Falls, N. H., 54. Salt, supplied, 53. Sanders, William, in garrison, 59. Saunders, David, private, 175. Saunderson, Rev. Henry 11., author, 150. Saunderson, William, drummer, 175. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, 17. Sawtell (Sartell, Sartwell, Satell), fam- ily, descended from Obadiah, 149. Sawtell, Abel : soldier, 160, 165 ; fire- arms, 1 68. Sawtell, David: soldier, 126, 165; pe- tition, 162; bayonet-man, 177. Sawtell, David, Jr., private, 152. Sawtell, Ephraim, Jr., bayonet-man, 177. Sawtell, Hezekiah, sergeant, 151. Sawtell, Jonathan, private, 155. Sawtell, Joseph, petition, 165. Sawtell, Josiah : petition, 147; clerk, 155; P akl > '7-- Sawtell, Moses, soldier, 164. Sawtell, Nathaniel, private, 176. Sawtell, Obadiah, 148 ; sad experience, 149, 150; bayonet-man, 177. Sawtell, Richard: his tale, 25; town- clerk, 191, 192. Sawtell, Samuel, private, 174. Sawtell, Zachariah : about to leave Groton, 104; private, 152. Sawyer, Ezra, soldier, 126. Sawyer, Samuel, soldier, 126. Saybrook, Conn., 190. Scorpions, 83. Scott, John, 165. Scott, Lieutenant-Colonel George, com- pany, 175. Scott, Thomas, soldier, 165-167. Scripture (Screpter, Scripter), Samuel : in garrison, 60, examination, 100; soldier, 126, 228. Scripture, Samuel. Jr., private, i ^2. Seager (Seger), Ebenezer, killed, 92 ; one brother, prisoner, 92. Seager, Henry: petition, 93 ; his mark, 94- Sermon booke, 76. Serpents, finny, allusion. 83. Severance, Ephraim, soldier, 164; bayo- net-man, 177. 21O INDEX. Sewall, Chief-Justice Samuel, 67, 84; diary, 65; tour in -Middlesex County, 86. ' Sewall, Rev. Samuel, historian, 88. Sharrow (Sherrow), Mary, landlady, 158, 159. Shattuck (Shadock, Shaddock), family : fatality of, 106; prominent, 154. Shattuck, Benjamin, soldier, 165. Shattuck, David: soldier, 164; bayonet- man, 177. Shattuck, David, Jr., soldier, 165. Shattuck, James, 126, 128. Shattuck, James, Jr., 154. Shattuck, Jeremiah : private, 155; cap- tain, 166, 167; bayonet-man, 177. Shattuck, Job, bayonet-man, 177. Shattuck, John : in garrison, 59 ; drown- ing, widow, 61 ; about to leave Gro- ton, 104; shot, 105; memorial stone, 106; private, 155. Shattuck, Jonathan, private, 154. Shattuck, Lemuel, author, 58, 63. Shattuck, Mr., garrison, 107, 108. Shattuck, Xathaniel, private, 155, 169. Shattuck, Oliver, soldier, 164, 166, 167. Shattuck, Ruth, 106. Shattuck, Samuel: testimony, 100; about to leave Groton, 104; under Lovewell, 135. Shattuck, Solomon, not enlisted, 166. Shattuck, Thomas, private, 165-167. Shattuck, William, about to leave Gro- ton, 104. Shattuck Manuscripts, 22, 38, 49, 52, ^4. Shattuck Memorials, 63. Shed, William, private, 176. Shepley (Shceple, Sheple, Sheples, Shipley, Shiply, Shlpple), family: massacre and monument, 67 ; promi- nent, 154. Shepley, Elizabeth, paid, 172. Shepley, General George Foster, Jus- tice of circuit court, 68. Shepley, Hon. Ether, Chief-Justice, 68. Shepley, John : casualties in family, 67 ; petitioner, 69; captive, 72; ensign, 107, 108; private, 169, paid, 171. Shepley, Jonathan: soldier, 126, 165; sergeant, 128. Shepley, Joseph, private, 155. Shepley, Josiah, bayonet-man, 177. Shepley, Lemuel, soldier, 165. Shetucket River, 190. Shirley (Shearly), Lieutcnant-Govcrnor William, 157 ; company named after, 174. Shirley, Mass., 174, 188. ' Shrewsbury, Mass., 127. i Sill, Captain Joseph: dragoons, 30; at Groton, 33; at the Ridges, 35; com- mand of garrison, 36; powder lent _to, 37. Simonds, William, private, 152. Simons, Benjamin, paid, 45. Smith, Captain John, map, 190. Smith, Mathias, paid, 46. Smith, Nathaniel, private, 155. Smith, Oliver, blankets, 167. Smith, Pelatiah, paid, 45. Smith, Richard, witness, 180. Soldiers, paid, 44. Souhegan, allusion, 50. Spain, war with England, 86. Spaulding, Andrew, 164. Spaulding, Eleazer, soldier, 164, 166, 167, 176. Spaulding, Leonard, soldier, 163. I Spaulding, William, corporal, 176. Sprague, Conn., 190. Sprague, Jonathan, paid, 45. Springfield, Mass., 112 Squagh (Squaw), commanded by hus- band, 1 1. Squannacook (West Groton), village and river, 123, 189, 190. St. Baptiste, corruption of, 120. St. Francis Indians, at Charlestown, N. II., U9. St. George's Fort, Maine, 156. St. Lawrence River, no; Tarbells es- tablished near, 117, Lord Amherst descending, 1 19. St. Regis, Canada: chief at, 116, estab- lished, 117 ; paintings in. 123. Stacey, interpreter from Ipswich, 121. Stanley, Onesiphorus, paid, 45. Starling, Daniel, paid, 45. State Mouse : documents at, 9 ; allu- sion, 65 ; petition, 157. INDEX. 21 I Stearns (Sternes), Shubael (Shuball, Subaell), paid, 45-46. Stephens, Captain Phineas, 175. Stephens, John, soldier, 126. Stevens, Cyprian, paid, 46. Stevens, Jonathan, private, 176. Steward, Benjamin, private, 152. Stoddard, John, sent to Quebec, in. Stone (Stones), Abiel, private, 152. Stone, Benjamin, paid, 171. Stone, James, paid, 171. Stone, John: in garrison, 60; about to leave Groton, 104 ; bayonet-man, 177- Stone, Jonas, bayonet-man, 177. Stone, Jonathan, bayonet-man, 177. Stone, Mr., garrison, 107. Stone, Nathaniel, bayonet-man, 177. Stone, Simon: paid, 46; wounded, 56; descent of, 57 ; in garrison, 60 ; select- man, 84. Stony Fordway, Groton, attack, 105. Stoughton, Lieutenant-Governor Wil- liam: allusion, 24; proclamation, 72; letter, 80. Sudbury, Mass. : mischief by Indians, 28 ; strengthened, 39 ; strokes made on, 92. Suffolk Horse, at Groton, 53. Sumers (Summers), Mr., house of, 58. Sweyne, Jeremy, quoted, 54. Symmes, Rev. Mr., sermon, 134-140. TABLE, Hubbard's, quoted, 33. Tadmuck Brook, Westford, 189. Tarbell (Tarbal, Tarball, Tarble, Tar- bol, Tarbull), brothers: bill against, 112; petition, 113. Tarbell children: captured, 106; pris- oners, 109; turn Indians, 116; story, 117-120; captives, 123; stone erect- ed, 124. Tarbell, Captain Thomas, scout, 1 54. Tarbell, Corporal : discovers enemy ; 99; garrison, 107, 108. Tarbell, David, bayonet-man, 177. Tarbell, Eleazer (Eleazor), 120; private, 154- Tarbell, James, private, 152. Tarbell, John : return to Groton, 1 1 1 ; private, 153. Tarbell, Lesor (Eleazer), 120. Tarbell, Loran, 119. Tarbell, Louis, 120; in War of the Re- bellion, 124. Tarbell, Mitchel, 120. Tarbell, Peter, 120. Tarbell, Samuel, 165; under Love well, 135- Tarbell, Sarah, baptized, no. Tarbell, Sergeant, offer, 101. Tarbell, Thomas : testimony, 58 ; in garrison, 59; selectman, 84; ser- geant, 98; will, no, in; petition, 115, 119 ; paid, 171. Tarbell, Thomas, Jr.: witness, 9, 10; land-grant, 189. Tarbell, William, petition, 153. Tarbell, Zachariah : return to Groton, in ; private, 175. Taxes, 83; in Groton, 79. Taxous (Toxus) : Abenaqui chief, 64 ; expedition, 65 ; two nephews killed, 66. Tayler, Gillam, physician, 158. Taylor, Hugh, paid, 45. Taylor, Lieutenant Joseph, in Canada, 120-122. Taylor, Major, 87 ; at Groton, 68, 69 ; colonel, 95. Taylor, Sebread, paid, 45. Tedd, John, paid, 45. Tenney, Samuel, private, 152. Terry, Ebenezer, on committee, 146. The Ridges, Groton, 35. Thirty-fourth New York Volunteers, 124. Thursten, Peter, not enlisted, 166. Ticonderoga, N. Y., 162, 178. Tileston & Hollingsworth, stone raised by, 105. Tinker, John, selectman, 8 ; Indian traffic, 179, 180. Tiverton, R. I., 115. j Toby, Indian, 136. i Tohaunto, chief, 1 1 .- temperance of, 9. Tom, Captain, petition, 187. j Tompson, Benjamin, poet, 13. 212 INDEX. Topsfield, Mass., 191 ; commissioner from, 42. Torakaron (Tarbell), Joseph, in Eu- rope, 122. Torrey, Rufus C., author, 153. Torrey, William, clerk, 49. Town Hall, Groton, 25, 27, 62. Town-meeting, 1675, - > on Christ- i mas, 133. Town militia, preserving frontiers, 103. Townsend, Mass., 173, 175. Townsend, Penn, speaker, 84. Trowbridge (Trobridge), John, private, 169. Trucking-house, n. Trulove, Morris, paid, 47. Trumbull. James Hammond, letter, 189. Tucker, William, private, 152. Turkey Hills (Lunenburg), Mass., 146; men posted at, 128, 129. Turner, Lemuel, private, 175. Turner, Nathaniel, private, 175. Turner, Nehemiah, bayonet-man, 177. Tyng (Ting, Tinges, Tings, Tyngs), Colonel William. 146. Tyng, Edward, allusion, 49. Tyng, Jonathan : allusion, 24; petition '68 ; order, So. UNQUETEXASSETT (Unquetenorset, Un- quety) Brook, 189. Upper Regiment, Middlesex County. 87. Usher, Hezekiah : garrison supplied, 53 ; will, 62. Usher, John : letter, 63; soldier, 126. VERMONT Historical Gazetteer, 162. 163. Villieu, Lieutenant Sebastian de, expe- dition, 65. WAAKAN (Waban), Thomas, 184. Wabansconcett, locality. 189. Wachuset (Wochoosett) Mountain, I2Q. Wade, Major Nathaniel, commander of expedition to Canada, 54. 55. Waldo, John, paid, 46. Waldo Tapers, 76. Waldron (Waldern), Captain Richard, trading-house, 9, 11. Waldron, Daniel, deposition, 10. Walker, Seth, in Charlestown, 150. Walmer (Warner), Samuel, in garrison, 59- Wamesit : village, 18; situation, 42. Wamesit Indians, near Lowell, 22. Wamscahacet ( Wamscahacetts, Wom- scahacett, Womscahacet), Indian, 180; signature, 181. Wannalanset ( Wanalanset), Indian sa- chem. 18 ; information by, 49. Warren (Warrin), Abijah, bayonet-man, 177. Warren, William, private, 152. Wars of New England, 87. Warumbee, Indian, 73. Watertown (Watertowne), Mass. : relief from, 30; boast concerning, 33 ; sol- diers from, 34: commissioner from, 42. Wattle's Pond, Groton, 145. Wayman (Wyman), Seth, trial, 98-101. Wells, Thomas, on committee, 1 1 ;. Wenham, Mass., 115; commissioner from, 42. Wesson, Captain Ephraim : letter, 162, 163 ; lieutenant, 166. Wesson, Isaac, private, 169. Wesson, Nathan, soldier, 165-167. Wesson, Nathaniel, private, 169. Wesson, Stephen, 165. Westenhook, N. V., 112. Westfield, Mass., 112. Westford, Mass., 153, 174, 17;, 188, 189. Weston, Mass., 176. West Regiment, Middlesex County. 59. Wethe (Wilthe, Withee), Zachariah, private, 169. Wetmore, Judge William, 191. Weymessitt (Wamesit); garrison, 39; allusion, 184. Wheat, Joshua, in garrison, 61. Wheeler (Wheler), Abraham, paid. 171. Wheeler, Captain Thomas: letter, 16; suppliant, 23. INDEX. 213 Wheeler, Ephraim, soldier, 126. Wheeler, Josiah, paid, 45. Wheeler, Moses, pioneer, 150. Wheeler, Simon : soldier, 165 ; gun lost, 168. Wheelock, Eleazer, D. D., author, 121. Wheelock, Joseph, soldier, 126. Whipple (Whiple), Eleazer, private, 176. Whipple, Nathan: private, 175; bayo- net-man, 177. Whitcomb (Whitcom), John, witness, 180, 181. Whitcomb, Oliver, private, 152. White, Ebenezer, corporal, 54. White, John, Jr., private, 152. White, Nathaniel, private, 152. Whiting (Whitting), Joshua, in garri- son, 60. Whiting, Joshua, Jr., in garrison, 60. Whitman, John, private, 152. Whitney (Whitting), the name, 61. Whitney, Cornelius (Corenallus), about to leave Groton, 104. Whitney (Whittney), Deacon, 107. Whitney, Josiah, about to leave Groton, 104. Whitney, Samuel, paid, 44. Widow Nutting, John's wife, 27. Widow Squaw (Squa) : question sub- mitted to, 94; penalty decided by, 95- \Vilder, Colonel Oliver, 166. Wilder (Wyler), Lieutenant Nathaniel, 87. Willard (Wellard), Aaron, soldier, 126. Willard, Captain Abijah, his company, 175- Willard, Captain Benjamin, at court- martial, 98. Willard, Colonel Joseph, Fort Dum- mer, 156. Willard, Henry, under Lovewell, 135. Willard, Josiah : secretary, 115; letter, '45. H6- Willard, Major Simon: witness, 10; prominent man, 13; helps Parker, 14; communication, 19; petition, 21 ; sup- pliant, 22; unable to relieve Groton, 34; paid, 47 ; allusion, 171. Willard, Miriam, captured, 149. Willard, Moses : killed, 149; in Charles- town, 150. Willard, Moses, Jr., narrow escape, 149. Willard, Rev. Samuel: petition, 21; hand-writing, 22 ; Indian taunts, 28 ; facts obtained from, 29 ; garrison, 38; garret, 39; allusion, 156. Willard, Sarah, 65. Willard house, used as garrison, 25. William Henry, fort, N. Y., siege, 178. Williams, Captain Stephen, court-mar- tial, 98. Williams, Isaac, private, 176. Williams, Jason, soldier, 128. Williams, John, sent to Quebec, in. Williams, Josiah, private, 174. Williams, Mrs. Eunice, 122. Williams, Rev. John, captured from Deerfield, 121. Willis, Zachariah, soldier, 165. \Vilson, Benjamin, sergeant, 88. Wilthe (Wethe, Withee), Zachariah, private, 169. Winslow, General John, 158; journal, 174. Winslow, Jacob, paid, 45. Winslow, Maine, 158. Winter, hard, 97. Wiswell, Captain Noah : finds no en- emy, 54; Indian under his command, 57- Withee (Wethe, Wilthe), Zachariah, private, 169. Woburn (Wooburne), Mass. : inhabi- tants sitting on the fence, 42 ; letter, So; History, 88; allusion, 137. Wochoosett (Wachuset) Mountain, 129. Wood, Bennet, private, 1152. Wood, Eleazer (Eleazor), private, 152. Wood, Elizabeth, no. Wood, John, paid, 45. Wood, Thomas, paid, 45. Woods (Wods, Woodes), Aaron, pri- vate, 155. Woods, Alice (Alse) : wife of Samuel, 38 ; in Willard's garret, 39. Woods, Benjamin, soldier, 165. Woods, Daniel, killed, 134. 214 INDEX. Woods, Eber, garrison, near house of, 25- Woods, Henry: suppliant, 23; petition, 158-160; letter, 162; soldier, 163. Woods, Isaac: soldier, 126, 128; paid, 171. Woods, John, 165; lieutenant, 151. Woods, John, Jr., bayonet-man, 177. Woods, Jona, private, 176. Woods, Jonas, private, 169. Woods, Moses : private, 155 ; corporal, 175- Woods, Nathaniel : selectman, 97 ; about to leave Groton, 104. Woods, Nathaniel, Jr., 153; bayonet- man, 177. Woods, Reuben (Ruben): private, 152, 155; sergeant, 177. Woods, Samuel, in garrison, 61. Woods, Thomas : in garrison, 61 ; killed, 134; private, 155. Woolley, Charles, authority, 145. Worcester, Mass., 168. Wright, David, private, 176. Wright, Jo.siah, private, 176. Wright, Oliver: soldier, 164; sergeant, 1 68. Wyler (Wilder), Lieutenant Nathaniel, 87. ! Wyman (\\ayman), Ensign Seth, com- mander, 137, 138. XAVIER, St. Francis, portrait, 123. YEOMAN, 175, 176. University Press : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'DLDURL ^ i. BnUD , 77 T? '^ A/ 7; ' S, MAY 2 1! iMw-/ '?6v j ' : JUN251977 am mL9-60m-9','60(B3610B4)444