arc yet new to ftndi ^ TfcoUnd Benms Hussey v THE OF HAITI. THE iiiu ill OF HAITI; IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH. PREFATORY LETTER TO THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL BATHURST, K. G. 8fc. 8fc. 8fc. LONDON: SOLD BY JAMES RIDGWAY, 169, PICCADILLY. PRINTED BY B. M*MILLAN, BOW-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, Printer in Ordinary to His Majesty. 1827. j. i"' A, HD .in! LIBRARY UNIVERSITVOfiCA Lj 3 SANTA BARBAKA TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL B ATHURST, K. G. ONE OF HIS MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARIES OF STATE, Sfc. 8fc. 8fc. . . MY LORD, THE high station your Lordship occu- pies, among those who hold in their hands the fate of our West India Colonies, will, I am confi- dent, make any apology, for addressing this Trans- lation of The Rural Code of Haiti to your Lord- ship, unnecessary. Your Lordship must feel anxious to obtain every information upon a sub- ject, so necessary to be thoroughly understood, as that of labour within the tropics ; and, when those who seem to be most deeply interested in ascer- taining the possibility of obtaining regular, and steady labour, in tropical climates, without com- pulsion, have exhibited their opinions, the results of thirty-six years' experience, it is not assuming too much, to believe, that your Lordship will favourably receive the means of facilitating your acquaintance with the result of that experience. The following Code of Laws has been enacted, IV as its Authors have told their fellow-citizens, for the regeneration of agriculture. They declare that it is just and severe*. To enable your Lord- ship to estimate the utility of this Code of Laws, permit an humble and unknown individual respect- fully to call your attention to the following obser- vations. u/ K K0 j ,jo :1KO The Haitian Gentleman who furnished the copy of the Code Rural, from which this translation has been made, stated, that the Code had been received in Haiti without much dislike; because, while it fully secures the Proprietors in the posses- sion of their lands, it only furnishes the means of exacting from the labouring population, those ex- ertions required of them by previous laws. This Gentleman expressed himself well pleased with the salutary constraint imposed upon his labourers by the Rural Code. The translation has been made as literally as possible, and without regard to the idioms, and modes of expression, of the English language, when an attention to such points, would have had * The Chamber of Commons of Haiti, in their Farewell Address to their Constituents, at the close of their legislative existence, on the 10th of May, 1826, published in No. 20, of the " feuille de Commerce," May 14th, Port- au-Prince, say, " On n'eut pas pourvue aux soins du principe conservateur, si la Sege- " iteration de nos cultures n'eut etc" provoqu6e par des lois a la bis justes " et severes. Vos mandatain-s, en rendant le Code Rural ont pense" que le '* people reccvoit un bienfait." V the appearance of concealing the real meaning of any clause. This has been done with a view of preventing cavil. Hai'ti has for some years been held up to the West Indians, as the perfect model upon which they must reform their institutions. The prosper- ous state of its agriculture, the industry, wealth, and happiness of its free population, have formed the never-failing theme of the speeches and writ- ings of those persons, who can discover no merit within the tropics, under a white skin. The total ignorance of the rest of the world, as to all that has been passing in the interior of Haiti for the last thirty years, has been, unfortunately, most favour- able to such declaimers. But we are at length fa- vored with a peep behind the curtain ; that glimpse, trifling as it is, suffices to dissipate all those fables with which the Public have been deceived. In- stead of finding Agriculture in that palmy state represented, we find the representatives of Haiti proclaiming to their constituents, that they are compelled to endeavour to regenerate it, by en- acting " just and severe laws." The industry of the population of Haiti, is found to require the sti- mulous of the bayonet. Their wealth, if measured by the remuneration reserved for the labourer, is found to be no more than sufficient to furnish subsist- ence, upon a scale not higher than that afforded to the Slave of the British Planter in Jamaica. a2 VI And their happiness, as far as an estimate of it can be formed from their institutions, as much inferior to that of the mass of mankind, as the happiness of the untutored savage is to that of civilised man. The Code of Laws before us, is one, that could only have been framed by a legislature composed of proprietors of land, having at their command a considerable military power, of which themselves were the leaders ; for a population whom it was necessary to compel to labour, but whose prejudices against particular modes of expression, it was ad- ivsable not to offend. The Code, for this purpose, is framed with much ingenuity. Upon a casual in- spection, it appears to deal lightly with the labourer, assuring him an apparently fair remuneration for his toil, and a means of subsistence adequate to his wants; and avoiding to wound his preju- dices, by allowing him the choice of an employer ; while to the landed proprietor, it purports to en- sure that continuous exertion on the part of the labourer, which is so essentially necessary for secur- ing adequate returns for fixed capital invested in tropical cultivation. Moreover, no obnoxious clauses for the infliction of corporal punishment, appear in this Code. It was necessary, to render a return to compulsory labour, palatable to a people accus- tomed to little restraint upon their exertions for more than thirty-six years; and it was judged more prudent, to leave the mode of inflicting Vll punishment, to the discretion of those who are directed to enforce obedience the Soldiery ! But when this Code of Laws is attentively ex- amined, we find that the choice of a master, altho' expressly reserved to the labourer, is greatly modi- fied by the clauses which restrain the labourer from quitting the section of country to which he be- longs; and from the absence of any clause compel- ling proprietors to engage him ; so that the culti- vator must consent to bind himself to whom- soever may be willing to engage him, or remain in prison, to be employed among convicts as a public scavenger*. Again, we find that the la- bourer is allowed by law to bind himself for any period of time he pleases'K But this privilege is also modified by the defects above mentioned. The necessary consequence is, that these engagements will practically be for such a time as may suit the purposes of the master ; and will certainly never ex- tend beyond the period, during which the powers of the labourer may enable him to be useful to his em- ployer ; after which he may be discharged without the means of support ; the wages he receives, ap- pearing to be insufficient to enable him to make pro- vision for old age, and the labourer having no claim upon the provision-grounds allotted to him, (which * " Pour la proprete" de la ville." See Article 177. t Vide Articles 45 and 46 of the Code, and the Note at the foot of page 23. via he has been cultivating perhaps during the best years of his life), beyond the period of his engage- ment. Many similar instances of the art with which this Code of Laws is framed, to effect, and yet to mask its purpose, will strike every one who peruses it with attention. It will be impossible to give your Lordship any general idea of this Code of Laws, within the li- mited bounds of a Letter, without giving a kind of Abstract of the whole Code. The importance of the subject induces me to entreat your Lordship's in- dulgence while I attempt it. The Code begins (Article 1), by declaring Agriculture to be the foundation of national pros- perity; and then decrees (Article 3), That all persons, excepting soldiers, and civil servants of the State, professional persons, artizans, and do- mestic servants*, shall cultivate the soil. The next clause (Article 4), forbids the inhabitants of the country quitting it to dwell in towns or vil- lages ; and every kind of wholesale or retail trade is forbidden (Article?) to be exercised by persons dwelling in the country. Article 9, forbids build- ing houses or huts any where but in recognized towns or villages, or upon plantations, by impos- ing a tax upon them ; and to complete the restraint imposed upon the country people, they are forbid- ^ : . * By the Code Civile of Haiti, a domestic servant (domestique a gages) does not enjoy all the privileges of a citizen. IX den (Article 10), to carry on the coasting trade, or to employ themselves in fishing, but for the use of the plantation to which they belong. Can any man entertain a doubt, that the object of these re- gulations is to confine the labour of the country population rigidly to the cultivation of the soil? The next clauses of importance, directly relatkig to labourers, are Articles 36, 37, 38, and 39. They order provision-grounds to be set out for the use of the labourers. It would be singular, should it appear that these clauses have been copied in spirit, and almost literally translated in language, from the Consolidated Slave Law of Jamaica, passed in 1816 (57 Geo. III. c. 25). I have in- serted the clauses of that law, which make a simi- lar provision for the slave, at the foot of the pages in which the above Articles occur. Articles 45 and 46, decree, That those persons, required by Article 3, to cultivate the soil, shall bind themselves as labourers, to some landed pro- prietor, for a term of years, varying, according to the nature of the cultivation ; and Articles 73 and 74, authorize similar engagements to be made with persons having no land, but who may have contracted to procure labourers for others (labourers employed in this manner in Jamaica, are called a jobbing gang). We have then (Art. 50, et seq.) several clauses pointing out the measure of remuneration to be allowed to the labourer : we have here a dis- tinction made between those who are hired from a job-master, and those who are bound to the pro- prietor himself; the former are called, ",une com- pagnie travaillante a moitie ;" and are entitled to receive half the produce, after deducting the ex- pences of cultivation : they find themselves in every thing. The latter are called " cultivateurs tra- vaillants au quart;" they have lands set out for them, and they are entitled to most of the advan- tages reserved for Negroes in Jamaica, excepting clothing, and all foreign supplies. They receive one-fourth of the gross produce of their labour, out of which they must find whatever they may require, beyond the produce of their provision-grounds. They are also obliged to pay taxes. It may easily be shewn, that upon a sugar estate employing 300 people, even when ably and successfully managed, the wages to be paid to either of the above classes of labourers, after deducting one-third for taxes, would never exceed 41. 10s.* per annum. Out of their miserable pittance, these Haitian labourers are to provide themselves and their children with almost every thing, and to lay by a provision for old age. Articles 88 and 96, limit the number of people * This estimate is made for a well-managed and fertile sugar plantation in Jamaica, with a large fixed capital invested in works, buildings, ma- chinery, stock, &c. If applied without reserve to Haiti, it would lead to extravagant error. The average rate of wages in Haiti, calculated upon the Haitian returns of produce and population, and calculating produce at its present price in Ike London market, would be about 6*. per annum for each person. XI to be employed in keeping cattle, and require them to be bound to their employers in the same manner as other labourers. Articles 155 to 164 inclusive, are devoted to detailing the duties of overseers and drivers, The French words used are, " Gerans et conducteurs." The former of these expressions (gerant) admits of no doubt or cavil as to its proper signification. It is overseer, and were any evidence of its meaning wanting, the duties imposed upon such persons by this Code of Laws, would amply supply such defect. The latter word is used in the French West Indian Islands synonimously with the word commandeur, to signify driver. The word conducteur, is, however, frequently applied to the driver of mules. In this Code, the word " conducteur" 4s in one instance (Art. 116) used to signify a driver of cattle. Article 173 says, that one of the objects of Rural Police, is the discipline of the labourer. This Article serves as an introduction to the regulations for daily labour ; but before treating of them, we find several Articles recapitulating the provisions for compelling the mass of the population to cul- tivate the soil. These direct, that any person dwelling in the country, not being the owner or occupier of land, and not having bound himself in the manner directed by Articles 45 and 46, shall be considered a vagabond, be arrested, and taken before a Justice, who, after reading the Law to XI I him, shall commit him to jail, until he consent to bind himself according to law. After eight days detention, should the prisoner still refuse to bind himself, he shall be put to hard labour as a sca- venger. Then follow the enactments for regulating daily labour; these, with the regulations already de- tailed, clearly shew what is intended to be the condition of the labouring population of Haiti. I must not call it slavery ; the word is objection- able ; but few of the ingredients of slavery seem to be wanting. We have a whole population strictly prohibited from exercising any other mode of in- dustry than the cultivation of the soil; driven from the towns and villages, and compelled to re- main in the section in which they are born ; for- bidden to build houses or huts any where but upon plantations; compelled to bind themselves to their employers ; overseers and drivers established by law to command them, and to direct their labours, and provision-grounds appointed to be set out for them, to be worked by themselves, during their days and hours of rest. They are moreover subject to the payment of all taxes. Articles 183 et seq. decree, that labour shall commence at day-break on Monday, and never cease until sun-set on Friday ; and, in cases of necessity, it may be continued until Saturday nighty under circumstances of which the master Xlll appears to be the only judge. Daily labour must commence at day-break, and continue until sun- set, with intervals of half an hour for breakfast, and two hours for dinner. Additional respite is allowed to pregnant women, and various regula- tions are made, even limiting the amusements of the labourers, and the power of their masters to permit their absence. I have already drawn your Lordship's attention to the singular coincidence between some of the Articles of this Code of Laws, and a few of the Clauses of the Consolidated Slave Law of Jamaica, passed in 1816. The resemblance here becomes still more striking; the hours for labour and for rest, and the restraints upon the personal liberty of the labourer, are similar in spirit, and nearly similar in modes of expression ; when any difference is perceivable, it is in favour of the Jamaica Law. The regulations respecting the treatment of preg- nant women, are so extremely similar to those proved to be in general practice in Jamaica, by the evidence of persons examined before the Committee of the House of Assembly, upon the Registry Bill, that it appears to be not improbable they were framed upon that evidence. Extracts from the Jamaica Act, (67 Geo. III. c. 25), are inserted as Notes throughout this Trans- lation, at the foot of the pages where similar Articles of the Code occur. Their singular re- XIV semblarice, both in expression and in meaning, must strike every one. The mode appointed for carrying into effect this Code of Laws, is not less remarkable than the pre- ceding enactments, if we look upon it as applicable to a free people. But if the Code be designed to coerce the labour of negroes under the present cir- cumstances of the West Indies, it may be calcu- lated to effect its object, where fixed capital of Europeans is not at stake. The mode is by mili- tary inspection, and military compulsion. The following is a short epitome of the principal Arti- cles creating this military establishment. Article 120, enumerates the Military Authorities by whom Rural Police is to be administered. They are Commandants of Districts, and Commandants of Communes; and their instruments are to be, Captains and Lieutenants of the Line, (Art. 140), and guards, armed with carbines and sabres, (Art. 154), gensd'armerie, and troops of the line. The Commandants of Districts are invested with su- preme authority in agricultural affairs, and they are made responsible for the prosperity of agri- culture. They are required to inspect their re- spective districts annually. The Commandants of Communes have similar power within their communes ; they have the same responsibility, and are required to inspect each section most minutely, three times in the year. The com- XV mimes are divided into sections, and a military officer placed in the command of each section ; he is ordered to visit each plantation within his section, once a week, and to send one of his sol- diers to visit it also, once a week ; so that each plantation shall be inspected by the military, twice in the week at the least. To shew that these visits are not intended to be mere formal visits, but strict military inspections, I must refer your Lord- ship to Article 148. In case of illness, the duties of this officer are to be fulfilled by some other officer, from the regiment of the line quartered in the district. Some clauses then provide for the arms, accoutrements, uniforms, and pay of these police troops, who are also expressly declared to be responsible to their military superiors only, be- fore whom they are sworn. Every enactment in the Code of Laws before us, is directed to be carried into effect by the military, either in the first instance, or as the last resource. Their power is unbounded, and extends to the minutest detail, between the labourer and his em- ployer; and the lower ranks of the mili*ary are directed to hold themselves in readiness, day and night, to obey the call of proprietors, farmers, or magistrates. Their authority is by DO means limited to the enforcement of labour ; it extends to all agricultural affairs. The Commandants of Dis- tricts and Communes, and the Officer commanding the Rural Police, are directed to view such lands XVI as are recently granted to individuals by the State, and when, in their opinion, such a commencement of cultivation, as directed by law, has not been made within the time limited by law, this mili* tary tribunal is directed to icithdraw the grant, and confiscate the estate. In a few instances, it is thought necessary to make some show of a civil power. In case of any dispute arising between a proprietor and his farmers, overseers, or drivers, the dispute is to be referred, in the first instance, to the Officer commanding the Rural Police, who, if he can neither settle the difference by argument, nor by arbitration, is directed to refer it to a Justice, who must decide within 24 hours. If the law should be silent upon the matter, the Justice must make a law to meet the case. (See Article 84). A Council of Agriculture is also directed to be chosen annnally, for each section, by the Commandant of the Commune, assisted by the Council of Notables. The functions of this Council are principally con- fined to a species of espionage. They are to re- port to the military and civil authorities ; in short, the whole establishment is a military despotism. The Code concludes, by enacting some regula- tions for the repair of the roads: here again we find the military authorities directed to collect the necessary labourers from the neighbouring planta-^ tions, in rotation. la the middle of the Code, I find a few articles; XVII which establish, for a limited and favoured class, a system of free, uncontrolled labour; they are Arti- cles 75 to 80 inclusive. They enact that soldiers, not on active service, shall be permitted to make such engagements with the persons upon whose estates they dwell, written or verbal, to labour by the month, week, day, or hour, as they please ; and that their wages shall be paid before those of any other class. When one of this privileged class fails to fulfil his contract, his master is not bound to pay him his wages. I have now, my Lord, given a succinct outline of this Code of Laws. The details will be found to agree with it in every particular. My object has not been to degrade the Inhabitants of Haiti, by this exposure of their Law for controlling labour, but to make use of the testimony which this inde- pendent people have freely given, of the utter hope- lessness of obtaining from the Negroes, without compulsion, that degree of regular and steady exertion, which is indispensable to secure a fair profit on fixed capital invested by European Plant- ers in the West Indies. It matters little, under what name compulsory labour be procured, whe- ther under the name of " slavery," or under the periphrase of" Cultivateurs, travaillantsau quart." The principle is still the same that of compelling a labouring man, having no capital, to devote his physical powers to the service of another man, pos- xvih sessed of capital, in such a manner, as to procure for each of them, a larger portion of the produc- tions of the soil, than either could have obtained by his individual exertions. But, if it can be shewn, that, of the two attempts which have been made in the West Indies, to obtain this result, that which has been the most successful, by which I mean, that which has produced the greatest ad- vantages to both parties, is the system adopted in our West Indian establishments, I have no hesita- tion in saying, that the attempt now making to overthrow that system, without due regard to the interests of the fixed Capitalist, is much to be de- precated. The Senate and Representatives of Haiti seem to have settled the question, that com- pulsion is necessary to obtain regular and steady labour in the West Indies, in their present state of population. I have the Honour to be, MY LORD, Your Lordship's TUT t, j- Most obedient, Humble Servant, -91! I,' THE TRANSLATOR, . CODE RURAL D'HAITI. Port-au-Prince, De I'imprimerie du Gouvernement, Juillet, 1826. RURAL CODE OF HAITI. Port-au-Prince, Printed at the Government Press, July, 1826. Liberte. Egalite. Liberty. Equality. Republique d' Haiti. CODE RURAL. LA Chambre des Repr6- santans des Communes, sur la proposition du President d'Haiiti, et oui le rapport de sa Section de 1'Interieur, a rendu les six Lois suivantes, formant le Code Rural d'Haiti. Republic of Haiti. RURAL CODE. THE Chamber of Repre- sentatives of the Com- mons, upon the proposi- tion of the President of Haiti, and having heard the Report from the Mi- nistry of the Interior, has passed the six Laws following, which consti- tute the Rural Code of Haiti. No. 1. LO1. Sur les Dispositions gene- rales relatives d V Agri- culture. ART. 1. L'Agriculture 6tant la source principale de la prosperity de 1'Etaf, LAW. No. 1. General Enactments rela- tive to Agriculture. ART. 1. Agriculture be- ing the principal source of prosperity in a State, sera essentiellement pro- tegee et encouragee par les Autorites Civiles et Mili- takes. ART. 2. Les Citoyens de profession agricole ne pourront tre detourn^s de leurs traveaux que dans les cas pre"vus par la loi. ART. 3. Tousles Citoy- ens ctant obliges de con- courir a soutenir 1'Etat, soit par leurs services, soit par leur Industrie, ceux qui ne seront pas employes civils, ou requis pour le service militaire, ceux qui n'exerceront pas une profession assujettie a la patente ; ceux qui ne seront pas ouvriers travail- lans, ou employes comme domestiques ; ceux qui ne seront pas employes a la coupe des bois propre a 1'exportation ; ceux enfin qui ne pourront pas justi- fier leurs moyen d'exist- ence, devron cultiver la terre. shall be specially protect- ed and encouraged by the Civil and Military Autho- rities*. ART. 2. Citizens whose employment is agricul- ture, shall not be taken from their labours, except- ing in the cases provided for by the law. ART. 3. It being the duty of every Citizen to aid in sustaining the State, either by his active ser- vices, or by tyis industry, those who arc not em- ployed in the civil service, or called upon for the mi- litary service; those who do not exercise a licensed profession ; those who are not working artizans,or em- ployed as servants j those who are not employed in felling timber for expor- tation; in fine, those who cannot justify their means of existence, shall culti- vate the soilf. * The Military Authorities appear in the very first clause of the Code. What can Military Authorities have to do with Agriculture ? f See Article* 45 and 46, and Articles 174, 175, 176, and 177. ART. 4. Les Citoyens de profession agricole, ne pourront quitter les cam- pagnes pour habiter les villes ou bourgs, sans une autorisation du Juge de Paix de la commune qu'ils voudront quitter, et de celui de la commune ou ils voudront se fixer. Le Juge de Paix ne donne- ra 1'autorisation qu'apres s'etre assure que le recla- mant estde bonnes moeurs, qu'il a tenu une conduite reguliere dans le canton qu'il se dispose a quitter, et qu'il a des moyens d'ex- istence dans la ville qu'il veut habiter. Tous ceux qui ne se conformeront pas aux regies ci-dessus etablies, seront conside- red comme vagabonds, et traites comme tels. ART. 5. Les enfans des deux sexes que leurs pa- rens attaches a la culture, desirerons envoy er dans les villes ou bourgs pour leurs apprentissage ou pour leur education, ne pourront etre recu, soit par les entre- ART. 4. Citizens whose employment is agriculture, shall not be permitted to quit the countiy to inhabit the towns and villages, without a permission from the Justice of Peace of the commune they desire to quit, and of the com- mune in which they desire to establish themselves. The Justice of Peace shall give this permission only after having ascertained that the person asking it, is of good morals, that his conduct has been regular in the canton he is about to quit, and that he pos- sesses the means of exist- ence in the town he desires to inhabit. All those who do not conform to these regulations, shall be con- sidered as vagabonds, and treated as such. ART. 5. Children of ei- ther sex, whom their pa- rents, being attached to agriculture, may be desi- rous of sending into the towns or villages, either for their apprenticeship, or their education, shall be preneurs, soit par les in- stituteurs public ou parti- culiers, qu'avec un certi- ficat du Juge de Paix : lequel certificat sera ac- cord^ sur la demande, soit du proprietaire, ou fermier principal du lieu, soit de 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale, soit du pere ou de la mere de I'enfant. Toute contravention aux presantes dispositions sera assujettie a une amende devingt-cinq gourdes, pay- able par celui qui aura rec,u I'enfant sans autori- sation. received by contractors, or by public or private teach- ers, only upon a certificate from a Justice of Peace. Which certificate shall be granted upon the demand of the proprietor, or prin- cipal farmer of the place ; of the Officer commanding the Rural Police, or of the father or mother of the child. Every infraction of these regulations shall be pu- nishable by a fine of twenty-five dollars, pay- able by him who receives the child without a certi- ficate. ART. 6. Les recrute- mens militaires qui ne doi- vent se faire qu'en vertu des ordres du President d'Haiti, n'auront jamais lieu sur les Citoyens atta- che's a la culture, si 1'ordre du Chef de 1'Etat motive par un danger imminent ne 1'a expressement specific. ART. 6. Military enlist- ments, which can only be made by order of the Pre- sident of Haiti, shall ne- ver be made of Citizens attached to agriculture, unless by express com- mand of the Chief of the State alledging imminent danger. ART. 7. Aucune bou- ART. 7. No wholesale tique en-gros ou en detail or retail shop shall be ne pourra etre etablie, au- established, no traffic in cune commerce de denrees the productions of the soil du pays nc pourra etre fait dans les campagnes, sous quelque pretexte que ce soit; sontexceptesde cette disposition,les sucres bruts que Ton livre aux raffine- ries, les sirops aux guildi- veries ; le co'on en pierre, que Ton porte aux moulins a egrner. ART. 8. Neanmoins, les pacotilleurs patented am- bulans resdant et sortant des villes ou bourgs, pour- ront vendre des provisions, marchandises etrangeres, qnincailleries, en parcou- rant la campagne. ART. 9. Lesmaisons, ou cases que les particuliers ont deja fait etablir dans Tinterieur des communes, la ou il n'existe pas de bourgades regulieres, mais settlement une reunion de cases, soit pour habiter eux-m6mes, soit pour louer a autrui, serontassujetties a 1'imposition sur la va- leur locative des maisons, comrae dans les villes ou bourgs. shall be carried on in the country, under any pre- tence whatever. Raw su- gars sold to refiners, sweets sold to distilleries, and cotton in seed sold to gin- ning-mills, are excepted from these regulations. ART. 8. Nevertheless, licensed hawkers dwelling in towns or villages, may carry about the country, and sell provisions, foreign merchandize, and iron wares. ART. 9. Houses or huts already built in the coun- try parts of communes, in places where no regular villages have heretofore existed, which are only an assemblage of huts built by individuals for their own residence, or to let to others, shall be subject to a tax upon their letting value, in the same mannei as houses in towns and villages. 6 A 1'avenir, aucunc case ne pourra etre batie dans les campagne ou il n'y aura pas de bourgade re- connue, si elle n'est de- pendante d'un etablisse- ment rural. ART. 10. Aucun pro- prietaire riverain de lamer, ne pourra avoir de canots, ou embarcations, que pour le transport de ces den- f6es a la ville, ou bourg voisin; et pource, il aura, du Juge de Paix de la commune, une licence qui sera delivr6e gratis ; sous aucune pr^texte, ces ca- nots ne pourront faire le cabotage des autres ports ou ilots voisins ; ni la p6che, si ce n'est pour le propre usage de 1'habitation. ART. 11. Toutes les amendes confiscations pre- vttes par le Code Rural, seront prononc6es par les Juges de Paix, lorsqu'elles n'excederont pas une va- in future, no hut shall be erected in the country, but in some recognized vil- lage, unless it be depend- ant upon some rural estab- lishment. ART. 10. No proprietor bordering upon the sea, shall be permitted to keep boats or craft, excepting such as are necessary for carrying his produce to the nearest town or vil- lage; and for these he shall take out a license, to be delivered gratis by a Jus* tice of Peace ; these boats shall not, under any pre- tence, carry on the coasting trade between the neigh- bouring ports or islets, or be employed in fishing, excepting for the use of the plantation to which they belong. ART. 11. All fines and confiscations imposed by the Rural Code, not ex- ceeding one hundred dol- lars, shall be adjudged by a Justice of Peace; leut de cent gourdes, et par les Tribuneanx Civils, lorsqu'elles exc^deront cette sommc. La moiti6 des dites amendes et con- fiscations appartiendra a la caisse publique, et 1'au- tre moiti6 a celui qui aura fait connditre le delit. ART. 12. Le jour de la fe*te de 1'agriculture, des groupes de cultivateurs de chaque section se presen- teront au lieu ou siege le Conseildes Notables, avec des echantillons de leurs travaux. Les Conseils des Notables, en presence de toutes les autorite"s cou- ronneront le cultivateur qui auramieuxcultive son champ dans chaque sec- tion, et dans chaque espece de culture, lequel recevra un prix d'encourageraent. II sera dresse", de ces cere- monies, des proems ver- baux qui seront rendu publics. exceeding one hundred dollars, by the Civil Tri- bunals. Half of all fines and confiscations shall be- long to the treasury, and half to the informer. ART. 12. On the day of the festival of agriculture, groups of cultivators from each section shall present themselves at the place where the Council of No- tables assembles, with samples of their labours. The Council of Notables, all the authorities being present, shall crown the cultivator (in each section for each species of cultiva- tion) who shall be found to have cultivated his field in the best manner; he shall also receive a prize of encouragement. Ac- counts of these ceremonies shall be drawn up, and made public. ART. 13. Chaque anne, ART. 13. On the 1st of au premier Septembre, les September in each year, Conseils des Notables a- dresseront un rapport cir- constancie au Pr6sident d'Hai'ti, sur 1'etat des cul- tures de chaque commune, avec leurs observations sur ce qui pourrait tendre a I'amelioration des dites cultures. ART. 14. A la fin de 1'ann^e, les Commandans d'arrondissement rendront egalement compte au Pre"- sident d'Haiti, de 1'etat des cultures des arrondis- semens et en outre de 1'e- tat des chemins et routes publiques. the Council of Notables shall make to the Presi- dent of Haiti, a circum- stantial report on the state of cultivation in each com- mune, accompanied by their observations upon what may tend to the im- provement of cultivation. i ART. 14. At the end of each year, the Comman- dants of districts shall re- port to the President of Haiti, the condition of agri- culture, and the state of the public roads in their respective districts*. * See Article 125, where this regulation is repeated, and the matter to be reported, set out more minutely. n No. 2. LOI. Sur I' Administration en ge- neral des divers Etablisse- mens d' Agriculture. LAW. No. 2. General Administration of Agricultural Establish- ments. CHAP. PREMIER. CHAP. I. Des Regies relatives & I' Ad- Regulations for the Admi- ministration fonciere des nistration of the Landed Etablissemens d'Agricul- part of Agricultural Es- ture. tablishments. SECT. PREMIERE. Des Limit es, Abomemens, et Etablissemens. ART. 15. Tous les ter- rains situes dans la cam- pagne, et provenant des concessions faites par 1'E- tat, soit a titre de proprietc nationale, soit a titre de don partiel, qui n'auraient pas e"te arpent^s jusqu'a ce jour, devront Tetre dans 1'espace d'une annee a compter de la date de la promulgation du present Code, sous peine d'une amende d'une gourde par carreaux de terre, payable par les proprietaires. Afin de parvenir a 1'ex- ecution de la disposition SECT. 1. Of Limits, Boundaries, and Establishments. ART. 15. All lands si- tuated in the country, which have been granted by the State to be holden as national, or as indivi- dual property, which have not yet been surveyed, shall be surveyed within one year from the publica- tion of this Code, under a penalty of one dollar for every three acres of land, to be paid by the prietor. To ensure the due exe- cution of the above enact- 10 ci-dessus presente, le Juge de Paix de la commune, sur la declaration qui lui en sera faite, apres 1'ex- piration du delai fix6, re- querra un Arpenteur du- ment commissionn6, pour mesurer et lever le plan des concessions non ar- pent6es, aux frais des con- cessionnaires en defaut ; alors 1'amende sera pro- noncee et percue avec les frais d'arpentage. ART. 16. A partir de la raeme promulgation, au- cune vente de propri^te, sise dans les campagnes, ne pourra etre passe par- devant Notaire, si cette propri6t6 n'a 6t6 preala- blement arpentee ou si les abornemensn'en sontposi- tivement reconnus par les titres. Dans toue les cas, toute vente partielle ne pourra avoir lieu, que le terrain ne soit prcalable- ment arpent6e. Les no- taires que contreviendront a cette defense, encour- ront les peines de droit. ment, the Justice of Peace of the commune, upon a declaration being made to him after the expiration of the delay allowed, shall call in a Surveyor duly ap- pointed, to survey and lay down plans of the grants not surveyed, at the ex- pence of the grantee, the Justice shall thereupon adjudge and levy the fine and expences. ART. 16. From, and after the date of the pub- lication aforesaid, no sales of property situated in the country, shall be made be- fore a Notary, unless the lands have previously been surveyed, or the bounda- ries be distinctly laid down in the title deeds. In no case shall any partial sale take place, unless the ground have previously been surveyed. Notaries who neglect to observe these formalities, shall be subject to the penalties imposed by law. 11 ART. 17. Toute con- cession de terre accorded jusqu'a la promulgation du present Code, et qui, un an apres, n'aura pas un coramenceraent d'eta- blissement j et toute con- cession posterieure au pre- sent Code, qui n'aura pas un an apres la date du li- tre de cette concession un commencement d'establis- sement, seront reunies aux domaines de 1'Etat, le titre sera retire" et renvoye au Gouvernement. ART. 18. Pour parve- nir a la reunion mentionnee en 1'article precedent 1'Offi* cier de la Police Rurale, conjointement avec le Con- seil d' Agriculture, fera le rapport au Juge de Paix, et au Commandant Mili- taire de la commune, de 1'etat d'abandon de la con- cession, ceux ci apres s'etre assurees del'exactitude du rapport, le viseront, et 1'a- dresseront au Command- ant de rarrondissement, qui, apres avoir la preuvc ART. 17. Every grant of land dated before the publication of this Code, which shall not be begun to be cultivated within one year from its publication ; and every grant which may be made hereafter, and which shall not be begun to be cultivated within one year after the date of such grant, shall be re-united to the domains of the State, the title shall be with- drawn, and returned to the Government. ART. 18. To carry into effect the provision of the preceding article, the Offi- cer commanding the Rural Police, in conjunction with the Council of Agriculture, shall make a report of the state of abandonment of the grant to the Justice of Peace, and to the Mili- tary Commandant of the commune, who, after hav- ing enquired into the cor- rectness of the report, shall sign it, and address it to the Commandant of the 12 du fait retirera le titre, et district, who, after having Fenverra au Gouverne- duly verified it, shall with- ment. draw the title, and send it to the Government. ART. 19. Un etablisse- ment sera repute" com- mence^ lorsqu'il y aura un jardin de travail!6 dans les regies e"tablies par la loi, et dont la contenance sera proportionnelle au nombre des cultivateurs attaches a la propriete. ART. 20. Les proprie- taires des terrains cultiv^s, et qui sont contigus, se- ront tenus, a frais com- muns, de faire cloturer convenablement leurs pro- prietes. Celui qui s'y refusera sera contraint par de voies de droit. ART. 21. Les proprie- taires des biens ruraux sont tenus de faire placer, lors des operations d'ar- ART. 19. An establish- ment shall be held to be commenced, as soon as a garden shall be planted according to the rules established by law, and the extent of which shall be proportioned to the number of labourers at- tached to the property. ART. 20. Proprietors of cultivated lands border- ing upon each other, shall enclose their lands at their joint expence. The proprietor who may refuse to do so, shall be compelled, by proceedings at law. ART. 21. Proprietors are bound, when their grants are surveyed, to cause proper landmarks pentage, faites a leur re- to be erected, either in quisition, des borncs soli- des en fer, en maconnerie, ou en bois incorruptible, sous peine d'une amende de cinq gourdes pour cha- que borne manquant a sa place. ART. 22. Les proprie- taires qui auront neglige 1'execution de 1'article pre- cedent, seront, apres avoir paye 1'amende, oblig de payer 1'ouvrier qui aurait et6 employe, par 1'ordre du Juge de Paix de la com- mune, a etablir la borne necessaire. iron, in masonry, or in du- rable wood, under penalty of a fine of five dollars for each landmark which may be wanting. ART. 22. Proprietors who may have neglected to obey the preceding enactment, shall, after having paid the fine, be compelled to pay the workman employed by the Justice to erect the land- mark SECT. 2. Des Obligations imposees aux Proprietaires, ou a ceux qui sont charges de I' Administration des Pro- prietes Rurale. ART. 23. II est speciale- ment deTendu d'abattredes bois sur la cr6te des mon- tagnes jusqu'a cent pas de leur chute, ni a la t&te et a 1'entour des sources, ou sur le bord des rivieres, les proprietaires des ter- SECT. 2. Duties imposed upon Pro- prietors, or Persons hav- ing the Management of Rural Properties. ART. 23. It is particu- larly forbidden to cut down woods upon the summits of hills, or within one hun- dred paces from their sum- mits, at the head or in the neighbourhood of springs> or upon the banks of 14 rains arroses par des sources on rivieres, de- vront entourer la tSte de ces sources, et planter les bords des rivieres de bana- niers, bambous, ou autres arbres propres a entretenir la fraicheur. ART. 24. Le proprie- taire qui voudra bruler un bois neuf, un champ de vieilles Cannes, des savan- nes, ou tout autre terrein, sera tenu d'eii avertir vingt-quatre heures d'a- vance, tous les voisins limitrophfis, sous peine de repondre de tout le dom- mage que le feu pourrait occasionner. ART. 25. Lorsqu'un in- cendie se declarera sur une propriete, les proprietaires et agriculteurs voisins se- ront tenus de s'y trans- porter a fin d'aider a en arreter les progres. ART. 26. II est defendu d'alluiner du feu dans les savannes, les champs, ou streams ; proprietors of lands watered by springs, or rivers, are bound to plant bananas, bamboos, and other trees capable of preserving moisture, around the springs, and upon the banks of the rivers. ART. 24. Proprietors intending to burn wood- land, old canes, savannas, or other land, shall give twenty-four hours' notice to the neighbouring pro- prietors, under pain of be- ing otherwise responsible for all damage the fire may occasion. ART. 25. When a fire breaks out upon a pro- perty, the neighbouring proprietors and labourers shall attend and assist to extinguish it. ART. 26. It is forbidden to light fires in the savan- nas, fields, or gardens of 15 jardins des habitations, sans la permission ex- presse des proprietaires, fermiers, gerans, ou con- ducteurs d'icelles. plantations, without ex- press permission of the pro- prietors, managers, over- seers, or drivers upon them. ART. 27. II ne pourra etre entretenu sur les pro- prietes destinees a la cul- ture, aux manufactures, ou autre etablissemens, que les bestiaux neces- saires a leur exploitation, ou a 1'usage des proprie- taires, gerans, conduc- teurs, fermiers, ou agricul- teurs; mais tous ces ani- maux devront etre gardes le jour en troupeaux, etla nuit, dans les pares ou savannes closes. ART. 27. No cattle but those absolutely necessary for carrying on the culti- vation, or for the personal use of the proprietors, overseers, drivers, farm- ers, or labourers, shall be kept upon estates intend- ed for cultivation, for ma- nufactories, or for other establishments ; and these shall be kept by day in herds, and by night in en- closed pastures or parks. ART. 28. Les b&tes ca- valines, les b^tesacornes, cochons, &c. destinees a la multiplication ne pour- ront tre gardes que sur des hattes etablies en vertu, de la Loi, No. 4, relative aux Hattes. ART. 28. Horses, mules, horned-cattle, swine, &c. intended for breeding, shall only be kept in pens esta- blished according to Law, No, 4, on Pens. ART. 29. Aucum pro- ART. 20. No proprietor, prietaire, fermier, ou ge- farmer, or overseer of a rant d'habitation,ne pourra plantation, shall adopt a 16 etablir chez lui nn systOrae contraire a 1'ordre etabli par la loi. ART. 30. Aucune reunion ou association de cultiva- teurs fixes sur une meme habitation, ne pourra se rendre fermiere de la tota- lite du bien qu'ils habitent, pour 1'administrer par eux memes en societe. ART. 31 . Les cases ou logemens des cultivateurs ne pourront tre construits que sur un meme point de 1'habitation a laquelle ils seront attaches. system contrary to that es- tablished by law. ART. 30. No union or association of labourers settled upon an estate, shall be permitted to farm the whole estate, to culti- vate it themselves in part- nership. ART. 31. The huts of la- bourers shall all be built upon the same spot, upon the plantation to which they are attached. CHAP. II. Des Cultures in general. ART. 82. Les cultures principales consistent dans les etablissemens des plantes et arbres qui pro- duisent des denrees pro- pres a tre exportees a 1'etranger, et en grains de toutes qualites; en toutes especes de vivres ou ra- cines destines a la subsist- ence de la population. CHAP. II. Of Cultivation in general. ART. 32. The first class of cultivation consists in plantations which yield produce for exportation, every kind of grain, and the provisions necessary for the subsistence of the people. 17 ART. 33. Tousceuxqui s'occupent des principales cultures ne sent assujettes a rimposition territoriale etfonciere que sur la masse des denrees qu'ils auront recueillies, et propres a 1'exportation. ART. 34. Les cultures secondaires sont la culture seulement dea potagers, des fleurs, des arbres frui- tiers, des vivresetdu four- rage, lorsque ces exploita- tions ont lieu sur les biens, dont 1'etablissement n'a pas pour but la culture des denr6es principales. ART. 35. Tous ceux qui dans un etablissement, s'occupent sp6cialement des cultures secondaires, sont assujettes a 1'imposi- tion territoriale etfonciere, sur la valeur estimative de leurs productions de cha- .que semestre. ART. 36. Sur chaque etablissement rural, on sera tenu de cultiver des vivres, grains, arbres fruitiers, tels ART. 33. Those who carry on this class of cul- tivation, shall be subject to the territorial and land taxes upon the gross amount only of the pro- duce they raise fit for ex- portation. ART. 34. The second class of cultivation consists of kitchen and flower gar- dens,fruit trees, provisions, and forage, when these are raised on estates not des- tined to raise produce of the first class. ART. 35. Those who carry on this class of cul- tivation, shall be subject to the territorial and land tax upon the estimated value of the weekly produce they raise. ART. 36. The proprietor of every plantation shall be compelled to cultivate provisions, corn, fruit trees, c 18 qu' arbres a pain etc : suffi- such as the bread-fruit, &c. sans pour la nourriture des sufficient to provide for the personnes qui y sont era- people employed*, ployees. ART. 37. Tous les jar- dins, soit de denrees, soit de vivres ou grains devront etre soigneusement entre- tenus, sous la responsa- bilite du proprietaire fer- mier, ou gerant qui, en cas de negligence pourra etre condamn6 a I'amende, de- puis trois jusqu' a quinze gourdes. ART. 37. Gardens, whe- ther of produce, provi- sions, or corn, shall be carefully cultivated, for which the proprietor, far- mer, or overseer, shall be responsible, under a pe- nalty of from three to fifteen dollars f. ART. 38. Sur chaque ART. 38. The labourers * Consolidated Slave Law of Jamaica, 57Geo. III. c.25, (1816), Section 6, after directions for the inspection of provision grounds, " And whereas it " may happen, that on some plantations or pens, settlements and towns, in " this island, there may not be lands proper for the cultivation of provisions, " or when hy long continuance of dry weather, the negro grounds may be " rendered unproductive ; then, and in that case, the masters, owners, or "possessors, do, by some other ways and means, make good and ample " provision for all such slaves as they shall be possessed of, equal to the < value of 3*. 4rf. currency per week for each slave, in order that they may " be properly supported and maintained, under a penalty of fifty pounds." There is no such humane and excellent provision as this in the whole Rural Code. (Translator). t The first part of the clause of the Consolidated Slave Law of 1816, cited in the preceding note, says, " That every master, owner, or possessor of any " slave or slaves, or his or her overseer or chief manager, shall, tinder the " penalty of ten pounds for each neglect, personally inspect into the con- *' dition of the negro grounds once in every month at least, in order to see " that the same are cultivated and kept in a proper manner, of which oath " shall be made, as in this act is hereafter directed." 19 habitation les cultivateurs y attaches travaillant au quart seront tenus d'avoir, pour leur usage personnel, un jardin de vivres qu'ils cultiveront pendant fours heures ou jours de repos. ART. 39. A 1'effet de 1'article precedent, les pro- prietaires, fermiers ou ge- rans, seront tenus de mettre a la disposition des agri- culteurs, le terrain neces- saire pour 1'etablissement de leurs jardins particu- liers. attached to any plantation labouring for one quarter of the produce, shall have assigned to them for their personal use, a garden for pro vision s,whichthey shall cultivate during their hours and days of rest, ART. 39. To effect the preceding article, proprie- tors, farmers, or overseers, shall place at the disposal of the labourers sufficient ground for their gardens*. ART. 40. Les digues, bassins de distribution et canaux qui servent a four- nir 1'eau necessaire aux habitans, tant pour 1'arro- sage que pour toute autre utilite seront entretenus par tous les interesses, les- quels seront tenus de con- tribuer a tous les travaux ART. 40. The dykes, ponds, and canals which supply the water required by the inhabitants for irri- gation, or for any other purpose, shall be kept in repair by the parties inte- rested,who shall contribute to the labour necessary for their repair. No one shall * " Every master, &c. shall, under a penalty of one hundred pounds for " every neglect, &c. declare on oath, that he has inspected the negro grounds " (where such negro grounds are allotted), of such plantation, pen, or " settlement, according to the directions of this act, and that every negro " on the property is sufficiently provided with grounds" (57 Geo. III. c. 25, sec. 8). c2 pourleurentretien. Nulne pourra se refuser a ces travaux, ni disposer de la portion d'eau de son voi- sin, sans son consentiment. Toutcontrevenant aux dis- positions ci-dessus, paiera line amende de dix a cin- quante gourdes, et sera tenu, en outre, de reparer, a ses frais et depens, le canal qu'il aura obstru6 ou detruit. ART. 41. Lorsque les denrees seront sur le point d'etre ensaches,emballees enfutailles, on empaque- tees, sur une propri6te ru- rale, 1'Officier de Police Rurale de la section,aura le droit d'examiner les dites denre*es afin de s'assurer qu'elles ne sont pas frau- de"es; et dans le cas ou elles le seraient, il en ar- rtera la livraison, et en fera immediatement son rapport au Juge de Paix de la commune ; si elles sont seulement mal pre- pare"es, il en empe"chera le transport, etobligera 1'ha- bitant a les renettoyer. be permitted to evade this work, nor to appropriate the water belonging to his neighbour, without his con- sent. Persons guilty of in- fractions, shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and shall moreover repair at their own charges the canal they may have obstructed or destroyed < ART. 41. When produce is about to be put into sacks, bales, casks, or packages, upon a rural property, the Officer com- manding the Rural Police of the section, shall have the right of inspecting the produce, to ascertain that it is not adulterated ; and should it be so, he shall stop the delivery, and re- port it to the Justice of Peace of the commune. Should the produce be badly manufactured only, he shall stop its removal, and compel the proprietor to clean it. 21 ART. 42. Le Juge de Paix, en recevant le rap- port, nommera des experts pour prendre connaissance de la denree, et s'il y a fraude, et qu'elle soit con- statee, la denree sera con- fisquee au profit de 1'Etat. ART. 43. Les denrees d'exportation ne pourront sortir des habitations pour etre portees dans les villes ou bourgs, et etre livrees au commerce que sur un permis des proprietaires, lorsqu'ils residerons sur leurs biens, et pour celles des habitations ou les pro- prietaires ne resideront pas de I'Officier de la Police Rurale de la section. Le permis sera delivre gratis sur papier libre, par 1'Oni- cier de la Police, qui sera tenu de 1'enregistrer. ART. 44. Toute denree transported en contraven- tion a 1' Article precedent, sera arret^e sur la route, et conduite chez le Juge de Paix de la commune, qui s'assurera si la denree ART. 42. The Justice, upon receiving the report, shall name skilful persons to examine the produce ; and should the adultera- tion be proved, the pro- duce shall be confiscated to the State. ART. 43. Produce fit for exportation, shall not be re- moved from the plantations to towns or villages, and sent into circulation, but with a permit from the pro- prietor, when resident, or from the Officer command- ing the Rural Police, when the proprietor is not resi- dent. The permit shall be delivered gratis, upon un- stamped paper, by the Of- ficer commanding the Po- lice, who shall enregister it. ART. 44. All produce removed in contravention of the preceding Article, shall be stopped on the road, and taken before the Justice of Peace of the commune, who shall en- 22 n'a pas ete vo!6e, afin d'en faire remise au proprie- taire, et de poursuivre le presum6 coupable. Dans le cas ou ce serait le pro- prietaire de la denree qui aurait manqu6 de donner le permis, il payera une amende de trois a cinq gourdes. - . ifirrib No. 3. LOI. Sur les Contrats synallag- matiques entre les Pro- prietaires, ou Fermiers principaux, et les Agri- culteurs, Cultivateurs, ou Travailleurs, et sur les Obligations reciproques des uns envers les autres. CHAP. PREMIER. Dispositions generales. ART. 45. Les personnes qui ne seront pas en acti- vite au service de FEtat, comme militaires,ouvriers, ou employes quelconques, et dont la profession sera de cultiver la terre, ou de quire whether the produce have not been stolen, for the purpose of restoring it to the owner, and pursuing the supposed guilty per- son. Where the owner of the produce shall have neglected to furnish the permit, he shall be subject to a fine of not less than three dollar^, nor more than five dollars. : ?9 is ^nTflofl -ud LAW. No.W Upon the mutual Contracts to be entered into between Proprietors, or Chief Farmers, and Agricul- turists, Cultivators, or Labourers, and their re- ciprocal Obligations. CHAP. I. General Enactments. ART. 45. All persons not in active employment of the State, as soldiers, workmen, and others, and whose business it is to cultivate the soil, or to fell timber for exportation, travailler aux coupes des bois d'exportation, seront teuues pour la garantie mutuelle de leurs intcrcts, de passer uu contrat sy- nallagmatique, avec le pro- prietaire, ou fennier prin- cipal de la propriete rurale, ou de la coupe, sur la quelle elles devront ex- ercer leur Industrie. Le contrat pourra tre passe colic ctivcmcnt ou indivi- duellement au grc des con- Iractans. ART. 46. La duree des contrats ne pourra etre pour un temps moindre que deux ans, ni plus long que neuf ann6es pour la culture secondaire et les manufactures ; pour un temps moindre que trois anne"es, ne plus long que neuf pour les autres cul- tures ; moindre que sixmois ni plus long qu'un an, pour la coupe des bois pour 1'exportation. shall, for the security of their common interests, enter into a mutual en- gagement with the pro- prietor, or chief farmer, of the plantation or wood upon which they are des- tined to exercise their in- dustry. The engagement with the labourers may be made either collectively or individually. ;.o; nq ART. 46. No engage- ment for the second class of cultivation, or for ma- nufactures, shall be for a shorter period than two years, nor for more than nine years; for all other species of cultivation, for less than three years, nor more than nine years ; and for felling timber for ex- portation, for less than six months, nor more than one year*. * In what do these persons, thus bound to their employers, differ from slaves, but in the name ? the snbstance of slavery is here; the name is not far off. See 15 Geo.tll. c. 28, for the name given by the British Parliament to rolnntary engagers of this description. See Articles 96 et seq. ; and for exceptions, see Articles 75 et seq. The principles, as to the connection ART. 47. Le contrat sera fait sur papier thnbr6 par- devant Notaire, lequel en gardera la minute: il de- vra expliquer claireraent toutes les conditions arre- te"es entre les contractans qui poufront y faire telles stipulations qu'ils juge- rons convenables, pourvu qu'elles ne soit pas con- traires aux dispositions du present Code. ART. 48. Tout propric- taire, fermier, ou gerant d'habitation, qui y rece- vra ou y suffrira des-culti- vateurs ou agricultures, sans avoir fait avec eux le contrat exig6 par les Ar- ticles 47 et 49, sera con- damne pour la premiere fois a un amende de dix gourdes par chaque per- sonne rec,u sans contrat j du double, en cas de reci- dive, et en outre, ce pro- ART. 47. The contract shall be made upon stamp- ed paper, before a Notary, who shall keep a minute of it : it must express dis- tinctly all the conditions agreed upon by the con- tracting parties, who may insert any stipulations they please, provided such sti- pulations be not in oppo- sition to the enactments of this Code. . Ju> /haollo'> i B jasiitaiioub ART. 48. Any proprie- tor, farmer, or overseer of a plantation, who shall receive, or employ upon the plantation, any cultiva- tors or labourers, without having made with them the contract required by Articles 47 and 49, shall be condemned, for the first offence to a fine of ten dollars for each person so employed ; and in case of a repetition of the offence, between labour, and the profitable employment of fixed capital, here exhi- bited, are very important. The Code wisely extends the period for which contracts for labour are to be in force, in proportion as a greater portion of fixed capital is dependent on labour for its profitable employment. In felling timber, little fixed capital is employed, and, in that case, the legal period for .engagement with the labourer is the shortest. 25 prietaire, fermier, ou ge- rant, ne pourra exercer au- cune action en justice con- tre les agriculteurs qui au- raient manqu6 envers lui a leurs conventions verba- les, il en sera de nie'me, a 1'egard des ouvriers tra- vaillant aux coupes des bois d'exportation. ART. 49. Tout contrat passe avec un agriculteur, dont le contrat ant^rieur n'etait point encore arrive a son terme, sera mil de plein droit; et 1'agricul- teur qui aurait pass6 ce second contrat, sera re- conduit a ses frais, sur la propriete ou il s'etait en- gage et sera assujetti a 1'amende fixe par 1'Arti- cle 48. to double the amount, and moreover, shall be de- prived of any remedy against, the labourers for default of their verbal en- gagements. This enact- ment extends to labourers employed in felling tim- ber for exportation*. '.} oupaio J .'. . ART. 49. Any contract entered into with a la- bourer, whose preceding contract shall not have expired, shall be abso- lutely void, and the la- bourer who shall have made such second con- tract, shall be reconduct- ed, at his own expence, to the plantation where he had previously engaged himself, and shall be sub- ject to the fine imposed by Article 48. ART. 50. Les chefs des ART. 50. Headmen of compagnies travaillant de parties working for one moitie dans les produits, half the produce, shall * Exceptions to these regulations, are made in favour of a particular class, by Articles 75 to 80 inclusive. 2(5 devron partager par egale portion, avec le proprie- taire principal de 1'ha- bitatioii, tout ce qu'ils re- colterons sur la-terrc don- nee de inoitie, en fait de fruits, vivres, legumes, grains et denre"es quel- conques. ART. 51. Lorsque dans les habitations sucreries, le travail se fera de moitie, le proprietaire prelevera, avant le partage, un cin- quime du revenu brut pour tenir lieu de loyer des usines ou ustensilcs, bestiaux, etc. employes a 1'exploitation, ou frais de reparation; dans les au- tres cultures, le montant des depenses occasionnees par la faisance-valoir ou frais d'exploitation, sera prelev6e avant le partage. ART. 52. Les cultiva- ART. 52. Labourers teurs travaillans au quart working for one quarter * Wherever parties cultivating the land for half the produce, are men- tioned, their headman is the person with whom the proprietor is made to contract ; and by Article 161, he is declared to be their driver, (conducteur). share in equal portions with the principal pro- prietor of the plantation, all fruits, provisions, ve- getables, grain, and pro- duce they may raise upon the land cultivated by halves*. ART. 51. When sugar plantations are worked by halves, the proprietor shall, before the division takes place, deduct one fifth of the gross produce for theuse of the works, utensils, stock, &c . employed, or for the ex- pences of repairs ; and in other cases, the amount of the plantation expences shall be deducted before the division. des revenus par eux pro- duits participerons pour un quart brut dans tout ce qu'ils produiront : ils jouiront en totalite des fruits recolt6s dans leurs jardins particuliers tra- vailles eux, aux beures, ou jours de repos. ART. 53. Lorsque, dans les grandes manufactures en sucreries, eateries, co- tonneries, indigotories, la saison exigera que les travaux soient pouss6s avec activite, les diverses societes de moitie que se trouveront sur la mme habitation devront s'en- traider dans leurs travaux, en se donnant mutuelle- racnt un memo nombre de journees de travail; 1'ad- ministrateur de la pro- priete reglera ces sortes des compensation. , j, Ka . ART. 54 Lorsque les denrees ou recoltes quelles of the revenue raised by themselves, shall divide one clear quarter of the gross produce they may raise : they shall likewise enjoy the whole of the fruits raised in their indi- vidual gardens, cultivated by themselves during their hours and days of rest*. ART, 53. When the seasons require that the works upon great sugar manufactories, coffee, cot- ton, and indigo estates, shall be pushed with ac- tivity, the different par- ties upon the same plan- tation, who work for half produce, shall assist each other in their labours, af- fording to each other an equal number of days' as- sistance ; these mutual aids shall be regulated by the manager of the estate. ART. 54. When the produce or crop has been * These two Articles clearly make the same distinction between the two classes of labourers, as now exists in Jamaica. Article 5 1 relates to job- bing gangs; Article 52, to negroes belonging to the estate. 28 qu'elles soient, seront fa- briqu6es ou ramassees,soit qu'elles proviennent de tra- vaux faits au quart, ou en societe de moitie, le de- placement ne pourra s'ef- fectuer de la propriety qui lesauraproduites,qu'apres le partage en nature aura en lieu entre le proprie- taire, oufermier principal, et les agriculteurs travail- lant au quart, ou associ^s de moitie". ART. 55. Sur les habi- tations sucreries, le par- tage des portions afferen- tes aux cultivateurs devra se faire apres la roulaison de chaque piece de Cannes; sur les habitations ou Ton ne cultive que des vivres ou grains, ou se fait la coupe du bois a bruler, le charbon, ou la coupe des bois a marqueterie ou de construction, du fourage, ou d'autres exploitations irregulieres, les reparti- tions ne se feront aux tra- vailleurs que tous les six mois ; sur les autres habi- tations telles^que caferies, manufactured or gathered in, whether it be made or gathered by parties work- ing for half or quarter pro- duce, it shall not be re- moved from the estate un- til after a division has been made between the proprietor, or head farmer, and the labourers working at half, or quarter produce. ART. 55. Upon sugar estates, the division shall be made after the working of each patch of canes; upon estates cultivated in corn or provisions, woods fallen for firewood, char- coal, cabinet -making, or building, in forage, and other irregular produc- tions, the division shall be made every six months ; and upon all other estates, such as coffee, cotton, co- coa, indigo, &c. the di- vision shall take place after crop. cotdnneries, cacaoyeres, indigoteries, etc. Lespar- tages auront lieu a la fin des recoltes de caf6, indi- go, cacao, coton, etc. ART. 56. Lorsque les ep6ques de la repartition des deniers affe"rens aux cultivateurs arriveront, 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale de la section, dans laquelle sera situee 1'habi- tation, sera appele par le proprietaire, fermier prin- cipal, ou leur gerant, pour etrete'moindupartage; les comptes des denrees fabri- que"es, ou autres produits recoltes, seront exhibes, ainsi que le certificat du prix courant, et celui de I'acqu6reur des denr6es mentionnees enl'Article55. La liste des compartageans sera tablie, et les denrees seront comptes. ART. 56. When the time for dividing the pro- ceeds of the produce be- longing to the labourers' arrives, the Officer com- manding the Rural Police of the section, shall be called in by the proprie- tor, head farmer, or their overseer, to witness the division. The accounts of the produce manufactured, or crops gathered in, and a certificate of the price current, shall be produced, together with a certificate from the purchaser of the produce enumerated in Article 55. A list of all persons entitled to share shall be made out, and the produce shall be enu- merated. ART. 57. Chacun des ART. 57. Each indi- compartageans sera port6 vidual entitled to share, sur la liste de partage a shall be inscribed upon faire par premiere, se- conde, et troisieme classe, en raison de leur force et activite et du temps de leur travail. Les deniers a partager seront devises en quart de parts, demi-parts, et parts entieres. Les condueteurs des travaux au quart, ou les chefs des societes de moitie, auront trois parts entieres. Les maitres-sucriers les maitres-cabrouettiers, et en un mot toute maistrance, auront deux parts. Les bons travailleurs de premiere classe, homines ou femmes, auront une part et demie. Cenx de seconde classe, auront une part. Ceux de troisieme classe, auront trois-quarts de part. Les enfans de douze a seize ans revolus, qui sont utilises selon leurs capa- cit6, et les vieillards qui ne travaillent que medio- crement, auront demi-part. Les enfans de nenf a the list in one of three classes, according to his strength and activity, and the time he has worked. The monies to be shared, shall be divided into quar- ter shares, half shares, and shares. The drivers, and head-men, shall be entitled to three shares each. . Sugar-boilers, and chief carter,and other head-men, two shares each. Good working men and women of the first class, a share and a half each. Those of the second class, a share each. Those of the third class, three-quarters of a share each. Children from twelve to sixteen years of age, and elderly people, half a share each. Children from nine to 31 ouze ans revolus, qui sont occupe*s selon leur age ou leurs forces, les infirmes, auront un quart de part. Les fort deniers result- ans de la formation des parts serviront a augment- er la portion des travail- licurs qui auront montre le plus d'exactitude, et de perseverance dans leurs travaux. ART. 58. II sera fourni aux travailleurs journa- lieres des-cartes pour con- stater leurs journees de presence au travail. Chaque semaine les cartes journalieres seront retirees, et remplacees par des cartes de semaine, lesquclles seront reglees, lors des partages des de- niers proveuaut des reve- nus*. ART. 59. En aucun cas, 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale de la section, ne pourra retirer de la masse twelve, and weak infirm people, a quarter share each. Any monies remaining over and above the shares paid to each person, shall be divided among those who have shewn the most steadiness and activity in their labour. ART. 58. Tickets certi- fying the days they have been present, shall be given to day-labourers. These day tickets shall be withdrawn once in each week, and weekly tickets substituted for them. Ac- count shall be taken of these weekly tickets at the time of the divisions of produce, or crop. ART. 59. In no case shall the Officer command- ing the Rural Police, de- duct from the amount to be a partager aucune portion divided, any thing for him- * This article relates to the class of labourers recognized in Article 75 et seq. pour se 1'attribuer, il drcs- sera process verbal de ces partages, qui sera adresse avec les pieces a 1'appui, au Conseil des Notables de la commune, pour y avoir recours au besom. ART. 60. Les proprie- taires,fermiers principaux, ou gerans, ne pourront donner tin permis a un agriculture ou sous fer- mier pour voyager dans la meine commune, pour s'absenter de son domicile et de ses travaux, pour plus de huit jours; lequel permis sera delivre gratis sur papier libre, et vise par rO'fficier de la Police Ru- rale. Lorsqu'il faudra un permis pour un plus long espace de tempts, le pro- prietaire, fermier princi- pal, ou gcrant, en refer- ra au Commandant de li commune. ria self. He shall draw up a written account of these divisions, and shall send it, with the necessary vouchers, to the Council of Notables, as a docu- ment of reference in case of necessity. - ART. 60. Proprietors, farmers, and overseers, are forbidden to give per- mission to any labourer to travel in the commune, or to absent himself from his domicile, and work for more than eight days: the permit shall be on un- stamped paper, delivered gratis, and signed by the Officer commanding the Rural Police. When the parties require a longer leave of absence, the pro- prietor, farmer, or over- seer, shall refer them to the Commandant of the commune*. . " * Consolidated Slave Law, .57 Geo. III. c. 25, sec. 30, provides that no slave shall travel without a ticket from his master; and sec. 31, says, " that no ticket shall be given any slave, or slaves, forauy time exceeding " one calendar month." See Articles 180 and 187. 33 CHAP. II. Des Obligations des Pro- prietaires, Fermiers, ou Gerans, enver lesAgricul- teurs. " ART. 61. Les proprie- taires, fermiers, ou gerans, ne pourront employer qu'a des travaux agricoles, ou a ceux qui en dependent, les cultivateurs qui auront contracts avec eux. Us devront les trailer en bons peres de i ami lie. ART. 62. Les proprie- taires, ou fermiers princi- paux, fourniront a leurs frais et depens, les outils ou instrumeus aratoires aux, cultivateurs travail- lans au quart, ces outils ne pourront etre remplaces qu'eu justifiant qu'ils sont uses, ou brises au service des proprietaires. Cepen- dant le cultivateur qui per- dra les outils qui lui auront etc fournis, sera tenu deles remplaeer ; s'il ne le fait pas, CHAP. II. Of the Duties of Proprie- tors, Farmers, or Over- seers, towards the La- bourers. ART. 61. Proprietors, farmers, oroverseers, shall employ the labourers with whom they have contract- ed, at agricultural labour, or at labour relating to agriculture only. They shall treat their labourers as parents would their children. ART. 62. Proprietors, or head farmers, shall supply at their own expence, the labourers working at quar- ter produce, with tools and farming implements ; these tools shall only be replac- ed when proved to have been worn out, or broken, in the service of the pro- prietor. The labourer who loses the tools supplied him, shall replace them himself; if he do not, he shall receive others, the D il lui sera fourni d'autres, dont la valeur sera retenue sur sa portion du revenu. ms ART. 65. When the portion of produce be- longing to the labourers, is sold by the drivers or jobbers, these shall like- wise be bound to produce the price current at the time of sale, duly attested, and a certificate from the purchaser; for the purpose of proving" that the sharers have received their fair and just rights. ART. 66. The proprie- tor or head farmer, shall in no case deduct any thing from the share of produce due to the la* bourers, for the payment of the salaries of over- D2 associes de moitie pour seers. These salaries shall payer leurs gerans. Le salaire des dits gerans sera au compte du propri6taire ou fermier principal. always be paid by the pro- prietor or head farmer. ART. 67. Les proprie- taires ou fermiers seront obliges, sous peine d'une amende de cinq a quinee gourdes, de s'abonner avec un officier de santc, pour soigner les agriculteurs ; et de fournir les medicamens neeessaires, lorsqu'ils y en aura dans la commune; ces medicamens seront fournis gratis aux culti- vateurs, lorsqu'ils auront contract^ au quart; ils se- rons rcmbourscs au prix coutans lorsqu'ils seront fournis a des associes tra- vaillant de moitie, ou com- me sous -fermiers. ART. 68. Les proprie- taires ou fermiers princi- paux de biens ruraux, de- vront veiller a ce que les enfans en bas age qui se trouveront sur la propriete ART. 67. Proprietors or farmers shall be required, under penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifteen dollars, to en- gage with a medical man for attendance upon the labourers, and to supply medicines when any are to be procured in the commune : these medicines shall be supplied gratis to labourers working at quar- ter produce*; they shall be paid for at the cost price by all others. ART. 68. Proprietors and principal farmers of rural properties, shall take care that infant children are properly taken care of: one or more nurses shall * See Note to Articles 51 and 52. 37 soient bien soignes, a cet effet, une ou plusieurs gardiennes seront expres affectees a ce soin ; le paie- ment de cos soins sera support^ par les agricul- teurs, en raison du nom- bre de leurs enfans. be appointed for this pur- pose; the expences at- tending this, shall be borne by the labourers. CHAP. III. Des Obligations des Agri- cultenrs, envers les Pro- prietaires, Fermiers, ou Gerans. ART. 69. Les agricul- teurs seront soumis et re- spectueux envers les pro- prietaires et fermiers avec lesquelles, ils auront con- tracted, ainsi qu'envers les gerans. ART. 70. Les agricul- teurs derront executer a- vec zele et exactitude tous les travaux agricoles qui leur seront commandos par les proprictaircs, fermiers, ou gerans, avec lesquels ils auront contracted. CHAP. III. Of the Duties of Labour- ers towards Proprietors, Farmer*, or Overseers. ART. 69. Labourers shall be submissive and respect- ful to the proprietors and farmers with whom they have contracted, as well as to the overseers. ART. 70. Labourers shall perform with zeal and ex- actitude, whatever agri- cultural labours may be required of them by the proprietors, farmers, or overseers, with whom they have contracted. ART. 71. Les agricul- ART. 71. Labourers, un- teurs, a quelque titre ou der whatever name, or condition qu'ils aient con- tracts serqnt obliges de consacrer tout leurs temps aux dits travaux et de ne s'en detourner aucunement, ils ne pourront s'absenter de leur demeure que du Samedi matin au Lundi avant le lever du soleil, sans le consentement des propritaires,fermiers prin- cipaux, au gerans ; pour tous les autres jours ou- vrables; ils seront tenus d'avoir un permis du pro- prietaire, fermier principal, ou grant, s'ils ne doivent pas sortir de la commune ; dans le cas contraire ce permis sera vise de 1'Offi- cier de la Police Rurale de la section, et du Com- mandant de la place. .''A! .07 .1 - *" I . - ' hB 1 _:;:t e-.r.:. d t:-,i!, ART. 72. Les cultiva- teurs travaillant au quart, 6u associesdemoitidans upon whatever condition they may have bound themselves, shall conse- crate the whole of their time to such labour, and shall not quit it upon any pretence whatever; they shall not absent themselves from their houses at any time, but from Saturday morning until Monday be- fore sun-rise, without per- mission from the proprie- tor, farmer, or overseer; on all other days of labour, they shall be required to have a permit from the proprietor, head farmer, or overseer, if they are not to go beyond the bounds of their commune; for all other purposes, the permit must be countersigned by the Officer commanding the Rural Police of the section, and by the Com- mandant of the place*. ?iii.-if AuT.72. Labourers work- ing at quarter produce, or those entitled to half pro- * See Article 187. 39 les produits, serons terms de preparer et mettre en etat de livraison la por- tion de denrees du proprie- taire ou fermier principal, de conduire cette denree, au lieu de la livraison, moyennantquele proprie- taire ou fermier principal fournisse les moyens de transport. duce, shall be bound to prepare, and to put into condition for delivery, the part of the produce apper- taining to the proprietor or farmer, and to convey it to the place of delivery, the means of transport be- ing provided by the pro- prietor or farmer. CHAP. IV. Des Sous-Traites entre les Agriculteurs de Moitie et les Cultivateurs employes pareux. ART. 73. Les sous-fer- miers, et les chefs de so- ciete sur les habitations, auront la faculte" de sous- traiter directement avec les agriculteurs : mais ils demeureront responsables nvers le proprietaire ou le fermier principal des faitsdes sous-contractans. CHAP. IV. Of the Sub-Treaties between Agriculturists at Half Produce and the Labour- ers employed by them. j. y j ART. 73. Sub-farmers, and head-men of bands upon plantations, shall have the power of sub- contracting with labourers; but they shall be answerable to the proprietor or head farmer, for the conduct of the per- sons they engage. ART. 74. Le nombre des ART. 74. The number of sous-contractans nepourra sub-contractors shall ne- 40 exccdcr celui de dix par chaque sous-fermier ou Chef de societe". ver exceed ten for each sub-farmer or head-man*. CHAP. V. Des Regies relatives a ceux qui sont au Service de la Republique, et qui de- meurent et travaillent sur les Proprietes Rurales. ART. 75. Les militaires en activite de service, ou autre personnes employees par 1'Etat, pourront pren- dre des arrangemens avec les proprietaires ou sous- fermiers principaux, des chefs de societe de moiti6 ou sous-fermiers pour tra- vailler a 1'agriculture, soit au quart ou a la moitie, soit comme sous-fermiers : dans ce cas, ils seront soumis a toutes les obli- gations qu'ils auront con- tracte, et qui seront com- patibles avec leurs devoirs publics. CHAP. V. Rules respecting Persons in the Service of the Repub- lic, residing and working upon Plantations. ART. 75. Soldiers in ac- tive service, and other per- sons employed by the State, shall be permitted to engage themselves to proprietors, farmers, head- men of bands working at half produce, or sub-farm- ers, for agricultural la- bour, either at quarter or half produce, or as sub- farmers : they shall be li- able to ail the engage- ments they may contract, so far as the same may be compatible with their public duties. * This and the preceding article savour strongly of personal slavery. Here we have persons having no land of their own, allowed to procure others to bind themselves to them, and they are authorized to sell the labours of these bondmen. 41 ART. 76. Lorsque les mi- litaires, ou autres employes au service de 1'Etat, qui ont fixe" leur demeure sur une habitation, n'auront aucune contrat avec le proprietaire, ou fermier de nette propriete ; ils pour- ront prendrc avec lui ver- balement, ou par ecrit, des arrangemens pour travail- ler par surname, par mois, ou a 1'entreprise, d'apres les prix et conditions qui seront convenu entre eux; mais ces militaires seront obliges de concourir, sans paiement particulier, a tous les travaux relatifs a Fen- tretien des canaux d'arro- sage et autres, des puits, et citernes, de la proprie'te, des entourages ou clotures des jardins, et savannes, et au maintien du bon ordre sur la propriete. ART. 77. Lorsque les mili- taires, ou autres employe" s au service de 1'Etat, ne se conformeront pas, envers les proprietaires ou fer- miers pr-incipaux des biens sur lesquels ils resideront, ART. 76. When soldiers, or other persons in the employ of the State, who have taken up their abode upon a plantation, shall have entered into no en- gagement with the pro- prietor or farmer of the plantation ; they may make a verbal or written con- tract with him, to labour by the week, by the month, or by the piece, upon what- ever terms and conditions they please ; but these sol- diers shall be obliged to join, without remunera- tion, in all labours ne- cessary for repairing the water-courses, wells, and cisterns upon the estate, the hedges and enclosures of gardens and meadows, and in maintaining order upon the plantation. ART. 77. When soldiers, or other persons in the em- ploy of the State, shall not comport themselves to- wards the owners or farm- ers of the estate upon which they dwell, accord- 42 aux Articles 75 et 76 de la presente Loi, ils pourront tre renvoys de la dite proprit6. ART, 78. Les militaires, ou autres employes au ser- vice de 1'Etat, qui contrac- teront avec des proprie- taires ou fermiers, pour tra- vailler a gages par semaine pu autrement, devront re- specter les dites proprie- taires, fermiers, ou g6rans de la proprietc sur laquelle ils travailleront, et leur obeir. an AIIIJJ-J.J IL-j i\l ART. 79. Lorsque les mili- taires, ou autres employ6s au service de 1'Etat, au- ront 6te requis par le pro- prietaire, fermierprincipal, ou gerant, pour travailler a la journee, a la semaine, a 1'entreprise ou autre- ment, dans uu champ cul- tive par les agriculteurs travaillant au quart, ou pour aider a la manufac- ture, ou a faire la recolte des denrees; les gages payes a ces sortes de tra- yailleurs, seront deduit* ing to Articles 75 and 76 of this Law, they may be sent off the property. ART. 78. Soldiers, or others in the service of the State, who engage them- selves to proprietors or farmers, to labour for wages by the week or other- wise,shall respect and obey the owners, farmers, or overseers of the estate, to whom they have engaged themselves. ART. 79. When soldiers, or others employed in the service of the State, are required by the proprietor, farmer, or overseer, to work by the day, the week, the job, or otherwise, in afield cultivated by labourers working at quarter pro- duce, or to assist in gather- ing in its produce, or the manufacture of it, their wages shall be deducted from the gross amount of the proceeds of such la- bour, before the quarter de la masse du revenu pro- belonging to the other la- venant de ce travail, avant bourers is separated, que le quart afferent aux cultivateurs soit prelev6. ART. 80. Lorsque des travailleurs, tels que ceux mentionnes en 1' Article precedent, seront requis par des chefs de societ6 de moiti6, afin deles aider dans leurs travaux, les gages paye"s a ces travail- leurs seront prele>e\s par la portion revenant aux asso- cies de moiti6 avant que le partage puisse s'effecteur entr'eux. Si ces travailleurs quit- taient de leurs propre vo- lonte, le travail pour le- quel ils auraientete requis, avant la fin de la semaine, ils n'auront rien a pr6ten- dre pour le temps qu'ils auront travail!6 pendant le commencement de cette meme semaine. ART. 80. "When labour- ers, such as those men- tioned in the preceding Ar- ticle, are called upon by head-men of bands entitled to half the produce, to aid them in their labours, their wages shall be paid out of the moiety of the produce coming to such labourers, before the division of it takes place. If these labourers quit the work they have con- tracted to do, of their own free will, before the end of the week, they shall be en r titled to no remuneration for the time they may have laboured during the begin- ning of the week*. . , i , , . * This, and the nine preceding Articles, recognize a class of labourers who are the only free labourers in Haiti. '.'.'Usii, . .'. ..'/: : u/: -;:/; 44 CHAP. VI. Du Mode pour regler et ter- miner les Difficult^ entre les Proprietaries, Fer- miers, Gerans, et les Agri- . culteurs, Associes de Mot- tie, Sous-Fermier, etc. ART. 81. Lorsqu'il sur- viendra entre des proprie- taires, agricoles, ferraiers principaux, gerans, et les agriculteurs, associe"s de moiti, ou sous fermiers, des differends ; les parties porteront d'abord leur plaintes ou reclamations pardevant VOfficier de la Police Rurale de la sec- tion, lequel, assiste si be- soin est, du Conseil d'Agri- culture du quartier, s'oc- cupera de suite de terminer a 1'aimablc les differends, en ce qui sera de sa com- petence. . CHAP. VI. Of the Mode of deciding all Disputes between Pro- prietors, Farmers, Over- seers, and Agriculturers at Half Produce, Sub- Farmers, fyc. ART. 81. When difficul- ties arise between proprie- tors, agriculturists, farm- ers, overseers, and agri- culturers at half produce, or sub-farmers, the parties shall in the first instance carry their complaints be- fore the Officer command' ing the Rural Police of the section, who, being assist- ed, if necessary, by the Council of Agriculture of the district*, shall endea- vour to bring about a com- promise between the par- ties, in all matter falling within his jurisdiction. ART. 82. Dans le cas ou ART. 82. When the raat- les differends seraient de ter in dispute cannot be nature a ne pas tre ter- settled by the Officer corn- mines par 1'intcrvcntiori de manding the Rural Police, See Article 1 65, for some account of this Council. 46 1'Officier de la Police Ru- assisted by the Council of rale, assiste du Conseil Agriculture, he shall re- d'Agriculture, il invitera quire the parties to name les parties a se choisir des arbitrators within the sec- arbitres, dans la section m6me, pour regler et ter- miner leur differends. tion, to regulate and ter- minate their differences. ART. 83. Dans le cas ou les differends ne pourraient pas encore se terminer par 1'arbitrage sur les lieux, ou que les parties n'auraient pas nomme leurs arbitres, 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale attendra un Samedi, ou un Dimanche pour ren- voyer les parties devant le Juge de Paix de la com- mune : le tout devra se faire dans le delai de six jours au plus, ART. 84. Le Juge de Paix sera tenu de decider du differend, et ne pourra, sous peine de deni de jus- tice, arguer du silence de la Loi sur le cas qui sera pre- sente a sa decision. ART. 83. When the mat- ters in dispute cannot be decided by arbitration on the spot, or where the par- ties have neglected to name arbitrators, the Officer com- manding the Rural Police shall wait until Saturday or Sunday, to refer the par- ties to the Justice of Peace of the commune: the delay must not exceed six days. ART. 84. The Justice of Peace is bound to decide the matter in dispute, and shall not alledge the silence of the Law on the matter in dispute, as a ground for refusing to give judgment, under penalty of a denial of justice. ART. 85. Le Juge de ART. 85. The Justice of ~x\r Paixdevraprononcerrfans Peace shall give judgment le delai de vingt-quatre within twenty -four hours heures, ou plus, apres la after the appearance of the comparation des parties. parties. No. 4. LOI. T A W TVT * LAW. No. 4. SUR LES HATTES. Etablissemens et de r Administration des Hattes. ART. 86. Les hattes ne pourront 6tre etablies que dans les lieux suffisam- ment eloign6s des habita- tions cultivees en denrees, t a une lieu de distance au moins. ART. 87. Al'avemr,pour etablir une hatte, il faudra etre proprietaire au moin de cinquante carreaux de terre garaie des paturages necessaires pour b&tes a cornes, et de vingt cinq carreaux pour pourceaux. UPON CATTLE-PENS, Establishments and nagement of Cattle- Pens. Ma* ART. 86. Cattle-pens shall only be established at places, at the least one league distant from plan- tations. ART. 87. Hereafter no one shall establish a pen for horned cattle, who has not at the least 150 acres of pasture land; and for hogs 75 acres. ART. 88. Le nombre des ART. 88. The number of gardeurs des hattes ne keepers shall not in any pourra exceder cinq horn- case exceed five men, in- mes y compris le maitre- eluding the head-keeper, 47 hattier, ayant avec eux leurs femraes et leurs en- fans. ART. 89. Tout gardeur de hatte qui trouvera dans les troupaux confies a ses soins, ou dans les sa- vannes de la hatte sur la- quelle il est employe, des animaux etrangers a ceux qu'il garde, sera tenu d'en avertir sur le champ les hattiers voisins, et si ces animaux ne sont pas de leurs hattes, il en sera donne connaissance a 1'Of- ficier de la Police Rurale de la section. ART. 90. Apres que les animaux mentionn^s en 1'Article ci-dessus, seront reste" trois mois dans la savanne d'une hatte, sans 6tre reclam6s par leur pro- prietaire, ils seront con- duits par le hattier au Juge de Paix de la commune, afin de les faire mener aux epaves. with their wives and chil- dren*. ART. 89. When a keeper finds among the herds en- trusted to him, or in the meadows belonging to the pen in which he is em- ployed, stray - cattle, he shall forthwith give notice thereof to the neighbouring keepers, and if the cattle do not belong to their pens, he shall send notice to the Officer commanding the RuralPolice of the section. ART. 90. When the cat- tle mentioned in the pre- cedingArticle have remain- ed three months in a pen, unclaimed, they shall be conducted by the pen- keeper to the Justice ef Peace of the commune, to be placed among the strays. * This limitation is doubtless intended to check the natural inclination of the negro population to a life of indolence. This clause is conceived in th same spirit as Article 7. Anf. 91. Aussitat qu'un animal d'une hatte sera re- connu 6tre attaque d'une raaladie contagieuse, il devra, sous peine d'une amende de dix a vingt gourdes, payable par le battier, etre separ6, et mis hors de toute communica- tion avec les autres bes- tiaux, pour etre traite jusqu'a sa guerison ou sa mort. . ART. 92. Tout animal mort sur une hatte d'une maladie contagieuse ou epizootique, sera brule ou enterr6. ART. 93. II est defendu, sous peine d'une amende de dix a vingt gourdes pay- able par tout contrevenant, de bruler les savannes des hattes sans la permission de 1'Officier de la Police Rurale de la section. ART. 94. Lorsqu'il arrivera que des bestiaux mour- ront sur les habitations de maladies ordinaires, ou ART. 91. When any ani- mal in a pen shall be found to be attacked by any con- tagious disease, it shall be instantly separated from the other cattle, and taken care of until its recovery or death, under penalty of a fine of not less than ten, nor more than twenty dol- lars, to be paid by the pen- keeper. ART. 92. Every animal which dies in a pen of a contagious or epizootic disease, shall be burnt or buried. ART. 93. It is strictly forbidden, under penalty of a fine of not less than ten, nor more than twenty dollars, to burn the savan- nas or meadows of pens without the permission of the Officer commanding the Rural Police. , , ART. 94. When cattle upon plantations die from ordinary disease, or acci- dent, in the absence of the 49 par accident, si le proprie- taire ou fermier, principal de la hatte n'est pas pre- sent, le maitre-hattier sera tenu de faire constater, par 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale, ou des voisins, la mort de 1'animal ; la peau, ayant I'etempe ou la marque sera produite au proprietaire ; a defaut de quoi, il sera tenu de remplacer 1'animal. ART. 95. Les animaux tant des hattes, que ceux servant a 1'exploitation des habitations, ne pourront tre etemp6s qu'avec des etempes mou!6es, il est defendu de faire, sur ces animaux, des marques a la main. proprietor or farmer, the head pen-keeper shall pro- cure a certificate of the death of the animal from the-Ofiicer commanding the Rural Police, or from the neighbours j and the skin, having the stamp or brand, shall be produced to the proprietor; in default of which, the pen-keeper shall replace the animal, - .3 i j['~ . ': > < ART. 95. Animals be- longing to pens, as well as those used in cultiva- tion upon plant ations, shall be stamped with brand- marks only it is strictly forbidden to make any marks upon them by the hand. ftf CHAP. II. Des Contrats entre Proprie- taires ou Fermiers de Hattes, et ceux qui y sont attaches. CHAP. II. Of the Engagements to be entered into between the Proprietors or Farmers of Cattle Pens, and those attached to them. ART. 96. Les proprie- ART. 96. Proprietors taires ou fermiers de hat- or farmers of cattle pens, tes, ne pourront recevoir shall not receive or employ E sur leurs hattes, aucuns gardiens ou autre gens, qu'au prealable ils n'aient contracte avec eux, con- formement a l'Article47 de la Loi, No. 3. ART. 97. Les obligations impose'es reciproquement aux proprietaires ou fer- miers ruraux, ainsi qu'a ceux qui cultivent, seront communes aux proprie- taires ou fermiers de hat- tes et leurs employes en tout ce que concernera le bon ordre et la police ge- nerale. ART. 98. Nepourrontles maitres hattiers, ou les au- tres hattiers recevoir sur les hattes ou ils seront em- ployed, pour autrui des animaux ou bestiaux, sans le consentement du pro- prietaire ou fermier de la hatte. ART. 99. Ne pourra le maitre hattier ni les au- tres hattiers, deplacer ou vendre aucun animal de la hatte, sana avoir, par upon their pens, any keep- ers, or other persons, who have not previously bound themselves, as directed by Article 47, of Law 3. ART. 97. The duties reciprocally imposed upon proprietors and farmers, and those who labour, shall also extend to proprietors or farmers of cattle pens, and those employed by them, so far as the same relate to order and general police. ART. 98. Keepers of cattle pens shall not be permitted to receive upon their master's pen, any cattle or beasts, without permission of the proprie- tor or farmer of the pen. ART. 99. The pen-keeper shall not remove or sell any animal belonging to the pen, unless he produce the permission of the pro- ecrit I'agrement de pro- prietaire ou fermier, et sans un permis, sur papier timbre", de 1'Officer de la Police Rurale de la sec- tion, qui sera tenu d'enre- gistrer le permis avec 1'e- tempe des animaux. prietor or farmer in writ- ing; and a permit upon stamped paper from the Officer commanding the Rural Police of the sec- tion, who shall register the permit and the brand of the animal. No. 5. LOI. Sur la garde et la conduite des Animaux, et sur les Degats qu'ils commettent dans les Champs. ART. 100. Les bestiaux des cultivateurs, seront gardes en troupaux avec ceux du proprietaire, et les gardiens seront payes de leur salaire, moitie par le proprietaire, et moitie par les agriculteurs. ART. 101. II est de- fendre de mutiler, estro- pier, ou tuer les b6tes de charge ou les b6tes a cor- nes, que Ton pourrait trou- ver dans les champs cul- tives ou jardins, pour en avoir franehi ou force les clotures. LAW. No. 5. Upon the care and keeping of Animals, and upon the Damage they may do in the Fields. An*. 100. Cattle belong- ing to labourers, shall be kept itt herds along with those of the proprietor, and the keepers shall be paid their salaries, half by the proprietor, and half by the labourers. ART. 101. It is forbidden to kill or maim beasts of burden, or horned cattle, found trespassing upon cultivated land, or in gar- dens. ART. 102. Tl est egale- mcnt defendre de blesser ou de tuer les moutons qui se seront introduits dans les jardins en culture et cldtures. ART. 102. It is likewise forbidden to kill or maim sheep found trespassing in fenced gardens, or en- closures. ART. 103. II est permis ART. 103. Pigs and goats de tuer les cochous et ca- found trespassing in fenced bris trouves dans les jar- gardens or enclosures, may dins oultives et c!6tures. be killed. ART. 104. Les bestiaux mentiones aux Articles 101 et 102, du present chapitre qui seront trouv6s dans des jardins en culture se- ront conduit vingt-quatre heures apres leur arresta- tion au Juge de Paix pour les envoyer aux 6paves de la commune si avan ce delai, le proprietaire des animaux arretes, ne les fait retirer du pare de 1'habita- tion, dans les jardins de laquelle ils auraient 6t6 arretes. - ART. 105. L'Officier de la Police Rurale de la sec- tion seratenu de constater par proces-verbal dans les vingt-quatre heures de la ART. 104. The animals enumerated in Articles 101 and 102, which may be found in cultivated gar- dens, shall be conducted 24hours afterwards, before a Justice of Peace, to be sent to the pound, unless within that time the owner of them withdraw them from the pen belonging to the plantation upon which they may be found. ART. 105. The Officer commanding the Rural Police shall,within twenty- four hours after complaint made by the parties in- 53 declaration des parties in- jured, draw up in writing, teresse"es, les degats com- a statement of the damage mis par les animaux, et d'envoyerproces-verbal au Juge de Paix, si 1'indem- nite du degat n'est pas vo- lontairement payee au pro- prietaire du jardin ravage. ART. 106. L'Officier dela Police Rurale aura soin d'adresser au Juge de Paix de la commune, le proems verbal en bonne forme mentionn6 enl'Arti- cle 105, pour 6tre par le dit Juge de Paix, statue ce que de-droit. ART. 107. Le gardeurs qui auront Iaiss6 echapper les animaux mcntionnes en 1'Article 27, confies a leur garde, seront tenus de payer la prise des dits animaux d'apres le tarif etabli par la loi. ART. 108. II est expres- sement dependu aux pro- prietaires, fermier, ou ge- rans des habitations de se servir aucunement des bestiaux arretesdansleurs done by the animals, and send it to the Justice of Peace, unless compensa- tion be voluntarily made to the owner of the gar- den. ART. 106. The Officer of Rural Police shall take care that he send the writ- ten statement to the Jus- tice of Peace, duly certi- fied, that the said Justice may be able to decide ac- cording to law. ART. 107. The keepers who may have suffered the animals mentioned in Ar- ticle 27, to escape, shall pay the expences attend- ing their recapture, ac- cording to the tarif esta- blished by law. ART. 108. Proprietors, farmers, or overseers upon plantations, are expressly forbidden to work, or use in any manner, the animals found in their gardens, jardins, pendant le temps qu'ils resteront dans leur pares, avant d'etre envoye aux 6paves ; toute con- travention a cet egard sera punie d'unc amende de cinq a quinze gourdes. ART. 109. La prise des ariimaux mentionnee aux Articles 101 et 102, de la prcsente loi, dans les jar- dins, lorsque ces animaux auront etc conduits jusqu'- aux 6paves de la com- mune sera payee comme suit: chaque bte cavaline, une gourde, chaque asine, soixante quinze centimes, chaque b&te a comes, une gourde cinquant centimes; chaque belier ou brebis vingt- cinque centimes, dont la moiti6 appartien- dra au capteur, et 1'autre moitie aux gardes champe- tres. .'{ .<. .-:. .V*A ART. 110. Lorsque les animaux arrctes dans les jardins, auront cte retir6s du pare de 1'habitation avant d'6tre envoyes aux during the time they may remain in their pens be- fore they are sent to the pound; any infringement of this article shall be pu- nished by a fine of not less than five, nor more than fifteen dollars. ART. 109. The capture of the animals enumerated in Articles 101 and 102, taken in gardens, and conducted to the pound, shall be paid for as follows: for each horse or mule, one dollar; for each ass, seventy-five cents; for each head of horned cattle, one and a half dollars ; and for each sheep, twenty-five cents : one half to belong to the person taking them, and one half to the guards. ART. 110. When animals taken in gardens, are with- drawn from the pen be- fore they are sent to the pound, the owner shall 55 epaves, alors ou payera qu'aux capteurs seul, pour leur prise, la moitie de la taxe etablie en 1'Article precedent. ART. 111. Si un animal arret6 dans un jardin, et conduit au pare de 1'habi- tation, vient a mourir par accident ou autrement, pendant le peu de temps qu'il doit y rester, ou si 1' animal mourait dans le trajet de 1'habitation a la demeure du Juge de Faix de la commune, 1'Officier de la Police devra faire constater, par temoins, les causes de lamortde 1'ani- mal. ART. 112. Dans le cas ou la mort de 1'animal au- rait 6t6 provoqu6e par neg- ligence, par defaut de nour- riture, ou par violences, le proprietaire, fermier, ou gerant de 1'habitation, de- vra rembourser la valeur de Familial a dire d'arbi- tres Homines par le Juge de Paix de la commune. Le montant ainsipaye sera pay half the above fines to the person who takes them, only. '-.,. . . - ART. 111. When an ani- mal taken in a garden, and sent to the pen, happens to die by accident, or other- wise, during the short time he remains there, or while it is being conducted to the residence of the Jus- tice of Peace belonging ta the commune, the Officer commanding the Police shall call for witnesses, to prove the cause of the death of the animal. ART. 112. When the death of the animal shall prove to have been occa- sioned by negligence, want of food, or violence, the proprietor, farmer, or over- seer of the plantation, shall pay for it according to its value, to be estimated by arbitrators named by the Justice. The amount thus paid, shall be remitted to 56 adresso en place de 1'ani- mal, au ministere public du ressort pour etre remis au proprietaire, s'il se pre- sente, ou vers6 a la caisse. Dans tous les cas, les de- gats comrais par 1'animal seront payes sur ce pro- duit. ART. 113. Lorsque les animaux arr^tes dans les jardins, en vertu de 1'Ar- ticle 104, seront conduits chez le Juge de Paix de la commune, pour etre en- voyes aux paves, si le proprietaire consentait a payer les degats commis par 1'animal, ainsi que les frais de prise, avant 1'en- lree aux 6paves, le Juge de Paix devra y acqui- escer. ART. 114. Ceuxquicon- duisent les troupeaux de bestiaux d'une commune a une autre, soit pour le com- merce, soit pour 1'agri- culture, seront tenus de se munir de permis, mention- nant la nature et la quan- tit6 d'animaux qu'ils me- the administration of the district, to be paid to the owner of the animal,should he appear, or to be paid into the treasury. In all cases, the damage done by the animal shall be paid for out of this money. ART. 113. When ani- mals taken in gardens, by virtue of Article 104, are conducted to the Justice of Peace of the commune, to be sent to the pound, if the owner consent to pay for the damage done, and the expences of capture, before the beast be sent to the pound, the Justice of Peace shall consent. ART. 114. Persons con- ducting herds of cattle from one commune to an- other, whether for sale, or for agricultural purposes, shall provide themselves with a permit, setting forth the kind and number of the animals they are conduct- 57 nent, leurs signaleinens et ing, their description and etempes. brands. &?'* ART. 115. These per- mits shall be delivered by the Commandants of com- munes, or countersigned by them, upon permits given by the owners, or upon certificates furnished by the Officer commanding the Rural Police of the sections from whence the animals come. These per- mits must be registered by those who give them, and countersigned by the Com- mandants of the communes through which the herds may pass. ART. 116. The drivers of herds, who may be met by the police or gend'ar- merie, shall, upon demand, shew their permits; and where the number of beasts, or their description, shall not be found to agree with the enumeration in the permit, they may, should ART. 115. Les permis seront delivrds par les Commandans des com- munes, ou vis6s par eux surles permis des proprie- taires,ou sur les certificats des Officiers de la Police Rurale des sections d'ou seront sortis les animaux. Les perrais seront enre- gistr^s par ceux qui les delivreront, et vise's par les Commandans de toutes les communes ou passer- ont les troupeaux. ART. 116. Les con- ducteurs* de troupeaux qui seront rencontres par la police rurale ou la gen- darmerie, seront tenus sur la demande qui leur sera faite, d'exhiber leur per- mis; et dans le cas ou le nombre des animaux et leur signalemens ne se- * This expression is likewise applied to the head-man of a gang of labourers. raient pas, d'accord avec Fenonce, . du perrais Us pourront, s'il y a des causes de suspicion contr'eux, e" tre arre tes et conduits au poste le plus voisin, avec les ani- maux, pour-etre men6s pardevant le Juge de Paix de la commune. inuisr/J :J@ffa ART. 117. Si les per- sonnes menees pardevant le Juge de Paix ne prou- vent par leur droit de pro- priete sur les animaux pour lesquels il n'y au- rait pas de permis,si elles ne donnent pas de caution valable pour rapporter dans le delai qui leur sera accordc, et qui ne pourra exccder la quinzaine, la preuve de ce droit de pro- pri6t6, elles seront en- voyees a la maison d'arret et les animaux arretes se- ront conduits aux epaves. ART. 118. Dans le mois a dater du jour de 1'arresta- tion, le Juge de Paix sera tenu d'ecrire au Juge de Paix de la commune d'ou serait sortie cettc per- cause of suspicion exist, be taken up, and conducted to the nearest post, with the animals in their pos- session, to be taken before the Justice of Peace of the commune. ART. 117. If the parties taken before the Justice, cannot prove their right of property in those animals not included in the per- mit, and if they cannot give good and sufficient se- curity for their re-appear- ance with such proof, within the time to be al- lowed them, not exceed- ing fifteen days, they shall be committed to prison, and the animals sent to the pound. ART. 118. Within one month from the day of the arrest, the Justice shall write to the Justice of the commune from which the party committed s may 59 sonne, ou a 1'Officier de la Police Rurale de la sec- tion (si c'est dans la meme commune) afin d'avoir des renseignemens, tant sur la personne, que sur les ani- mauxarretes, lesqucls ren- seignemens seront addres- ses, a leur reception, an MinistrePublic avec le pro- ces verbal de la Justice de Paix, et feront pieces au dossier a charge contre le prevenu, s'il y a lieu a le poursuivre. come, or to the Officef commanding the Rural Po- lice of the section to which he belongs, if within the same commune, to make enquiries about the per- son committed, and the animals stopped : upon re- ceipt of this information, it shall be forwarded to the Public Minister, toge- ther with a written state- ment from the Justice, as the grounds of ulterior proceedings against the party detained, should suf- ficient cause appear for such proceedings. No. 6. LOl. SUR LA POLICE RURALE. TITRE PREMIER. Dispositions Generates. ART. 119. La Police Rurale embrasse tout ce qui tient a Fadministra- tion et a la prosperite des proprietes rurales. LAW. No. 6. RURAL POLICE. FIRST HEAD. General Enactments. ART. 119. Rural Po- lice embraces every thing that concerns the admi- nistration and prosperity of rural properties. ART. 120. La Police ART. 120. Rural Police GO Rurale se i'ait sous 1'in- spection des Commandans d'arrondisseinent et des Commandans des com- munes; par des Officiers de Police Rurale plac6s dans les sections de cha- que commune, par les gar- des champetres, par la gendarmerie, et, au besoin par des detachemens de troupes de ligne. ART. 121. Les Juges de Paix exercent aussi la Police Rurale dans les cas prevus par le loi. ART. 122. Les Conseils des Notables des com- munes, etles Conseils d'A- griculture assistent, au be- soin toutes les autorites, pourlemaintien parfait de la surveillance de la Police Agricole. shall be carried into effect under the inspection of Commandants of districts and Commandants of com- munes; by Officers com- manding the Rural Police, to be stationed in sec- tions of each commune, by guards, by gendarmerie, and, in cases of necessity, by detachments of troops of the line. ART. 121. Justices of Peace have also authority to exercise Rural Police in the cases provided by law. ART. 122. The Coun- cils of Notables, and the Councils of Agriculture, assist the authorities, in cases of necessity, to se- cure perfect superintend- ance and inspection by the Agricultural Police. 61 TITRE SECOND. DE LA SURVEILLANCE. SECOND HEAD. OF THE INSPECTION. CHAP. PREMIER. De la Haute Inspection des Commandans d 'A rron- dissement, ART. 123. Le Com- mandant d'arrondissement militaire ayantl'inspection generale sur les cultures de 1'arrondisseinent qui lui est confie, il reunit toute 1'autorite necessaire pour la mise en activity de la culture j il est responsable, 1. De 1'etat de deperis- sement des cultures dans 1'etendu de son comman- dement. 2. Del'executiondutout ou partie du Code d'Agri- culture dans 1'etendu de son arrondissement. 3. De la negligence des Commandans des com- munes sous ses ordres, re- lativement a la surveil- lance sur Fagriculture dans la commune qui leur est CHAP. I. Of the Supreme Inspection of Commanders of Dis- tricts. ART. 123. The Com- mandant of each military district, having the general inspection of the cultiva- tion of the district entrust- ed to him, unites in his own person, all the authority necessary for enforcing agriculture ; he is respon- sible, 1. For the decay of agri- culture in his district. 2. For the due execu- tion of all, or part of the Code of Agriculture with- in his district. 3. For the neglect of Commandants of com- munes under his com- mand, to inspect and su- perintend agriculture with- in their respective com- 62 confi6e, lorsqu'il n'aura munes, when he has not pas reprime cette negli- prevented such neglect, gence. ART. 124. Le Com- mandant de 1'arrondisse- ment est oblige de faire une fois chaque ann6e dans toutes les sections rurales des differentes communes composant 1'arrondisse- ment, afin de s'assurer par lui memo de 1'execution des lois, des progres, et de la situation des travaux, et en faire le rapport de- taill au President d'Haiti*. ART. 125. Le rapport que doit faire le Com- mandant d'arrondissement, chaque annee au Presi- dent d'Haiti, fera mention de la quantitc d'habita- tions de chaque section, qui sont entretenues, de leur genre de culture, de leur amelioration, ou de leur deperissement, et en?- ART. 124. ^The Com- mandant of each district shall inspect once in each year, each rural section in the several communes com- posing his district,, and in- form himself personally, of the due execution of the laws, and of the progress and state of labour; and make a detailed report of these matters to the Pre- sident of Haiti. ART. 125. The yearly report which the Com- mandant of each district is required to make to the President of Haiti, shall state the number of plan- tations kept up in each section, the nature of their produce, an account of their improvement or fal- ling off, and lastly, the * Some word appears to be omitted here. I have been careful to copy the Rural Code verbatim from tbe printed copy, retaining even all its faults of Frenclh fin, de 1'etat des routes et state of the public and chemins publics et parti- private roads*, culiers. CHAP. II. De I'lnspection des Com- mandans de Place et Commune. ART. 126. Le Com- mandant de-place ou de commune a Finspection principale des culture de la commune qui lui est confiee ; s'il a sous ses or- dres des cantons ou pa- roises eriges en postes mi- litaires, les Commandans de ces postes ont 1'inspec- tion particuliere de la culture dans 1'etendu du territoire qui forme leur coinmandement. ART. 127. Le Com- mandant de la commune est responsable des de- croissemens dans 1'etendu de son commandement, lorsque le fait jproviendra CHAP. II. Of the Inspection of Com- mandants of Places and Communes. ART. 126. The Com- mandant of the place or commune, has the chief inspection of the cultiva- tion of the commune j if he have within his command, cantons or parishes erected into military posts, the Commandants of such posts have the inspection of the cultivation of the territory under their com- mand. ART. 127. The Com- mandant of the commune is responsible for the de- terioration of the com- mune within his command, when it arises from negli- * See also Article 14. 64 de la negligence de quel- gence in any part of the que parties du service. service. ART. 128. Le Com- mandant de place ou de commune, est oblige de faire trois fois chaque an- n6e la tournee des diffe- rentes sections dans 1'e- tendu du son commande- ment. ART. 129. Le Com- mandant de la commune, dans ses tournees, visitera les jardins de denrees, de vivres, les clotures, les nouvelles plantations ; il entrera dans tous les de- tails prevus par le Code Rurale; en s'assurant si 1'Officier de la Police Ru- rale de la section a satis- fait a tous le devoirs qui lui sont imposes par la loi. II reprimera les negli- gences, les irregularites qu'il reconnaitra et de tout il sera dresse proces-ver- bal dans la forme prescrite pour chaque section, le double en sera addresse au Commandant d'arrondisse- ment. ART. 128. The Com- mandant of the place or commune, shall go the round of the different sec- tions within his command, three times in every year. ART. 129. The Com- mandant of the commune, in his rounds, shall visit the fields, provision - grounds, enclosures and new plantations. He shall examine into all the de- tails set forth in the Rural Code; he shall enquire whether the Officer com- manding the Rural Police has duly performed all the duties imposed upon him by law. He shall repress all negligences and irregu- larities, and shall draw up a report of the whole in the form prescribed for each section, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Commandant of the dis- trict. 65 CHAP. III. Des Sections Ramies, des Officiers de la Police Ru- rale, des Gardes Cham- petres, des Gerans et Con- ducteurs d" Habitations. */a taai/rs crfj t &io}en(j SECT. PREMIERE. Des Sections Rurales. ART. 130. Les com- munes seront, par un re- glementparticulier du Pre- sident d'Haiti, pour cha- que arrondissement mili- taire, divisees en sections agricoles, dans la plaine de quatre lieues environ; et dans les mornes, sui- vant la nature du terrain. Ha/roo'J sifT Mt .T^A j^ifliirt Hnrf* *oidsJott 'io ART. 131. Chaque sec- tion sera designee par un nom qui lui sera propre ; ses limites et aboruemens seront determines. 3?U i' t!a omifmor> ART. 132. Aussitot apres la formation des sections il sera dresse par le Com- mandant de la commune, le Conseil des Notables, CHAP. III. Of Rural Sections, Officers commanding the Rural Police, Guards, and of Overseers and Drivers upon Plantations. R&I) . .rhriahqotq SECT. 1. Of Rural Sections. , j< ART. 130. The com- munes shall, by an ordi- nance for that purpose, to be made by the President of Haiti for each district, be divided into agricultu- ral sections, of about four leagues extent in the plains; and according to the na- ture of the ground in the mountains. ART. 131. Each section shall be named, and its limits and boundaries fix- ed. -tH/3 ir.o jniuiuo'l r.i -,. -3Prbn0v tflf.bnaai* ART. 132. As soon as the sections are formed, the Commandant of the commune, assisted by the Council of Notables, and F 66 et un des arpenteurs parti- culiers, en triple, sur des cahiers cot6s par le Juge de Paix, le role de toutes les propri6tes rurales qui se trouverout situees dans chaque section, avec de- signation des noms des proprietaires, de la conte- nance de chaque propriete et du genre de culture qui s'y fait.- Un des cahiers seradepos6 au bureau du Commandant de la com- mune, un au Conseil des Notables, et 1'autre es mains de 1'Officier de la Police Rurale de la sec- tion. ART. 183. Le Conseil des Notables fournira au Juge de Paix de la commune une copie collationnee du cabicr depos6 en son greffe. Le Commandant de la com- mune fournira au Com- mandant de Farrondisse- ment une Copie du meme cahier depose en son bu- reau . LeCommandant d'ar- rondissenient, apres avoir reuni les roles des pro- one of the private survey- ors, shall draw up, upon schedules prepared by the Justice of Peace, triple rolls of all plantations si- tuated in each section, with the names of the pro- prietors, the extent of each property, and the kind of tillage carried on upon each plantation. One of these rolls shall be de- posited in the office of the Commandant of the com- mune, one with the Coun- cil of Notables, and the third in the hands of the Officer commanding the Rural Police of the sec- tion. '.fii.'. ART. 133. The Council of Notables shall furnish the Justice of Peace of the commune with an exa- mined copy of the schedule deposited in their office. The Commandant of the commune shall furnish the Commandant of the dis- trict with a similar copy of the schedule deposited in his office. The Comman- dant of the district, after 67 prie*tes de toutes les sec- tions des communes com- posaut I'arrondissement sous ses ordres, en formera un cahier dont il addres- sera une copie certifie au President d' Haiti, ART. 134. A cfcaque mu- tation de propriete d'un bien. rural situe dans une section, a chaqae change- mout de culture, 1'Officier de la Police Rurale en donnera avis au Com- mandant de la commune, quo en fera mention sur le r61o depose en son bureau et en transmettra 1'avis au Commandant de 1'arron- dissement, qui, lui mme, apres avoir fait inscrire le changement a la copie du role dont il est depositaire en informera le Gouverne- ment, ART. 135. Le Conseil d'Agriculture de la section, donnera au Conseil des Notable de la commune, having collected the rolls of plantations of all the sections of each commune forming his district, shall draw up a schedule of the whole, a copy of which he shall forward to the Presi- dent of Haiti. ART. 134. The Officer commanding the Rural Po- lice shall give notice to the Commandant of the com- mune, of each transfer of a rural property situated within the section, and of each change in the mode of cultivation adopted. The Commandant of the commune shall note such transfer or change of culti- vation upon the roll depo- sited in his office, and shall give notice of the same to the Commandant of the district, who shall likewise note the same upon the roll in his hands, and in- form the Government of it >" ':r??. r rir?nw> ART. 135. The Council of Agriculture of the sec- tion, shall give the notice mentioned in the preceding F2 68 1'avis mentionne en 1'Arti- cle precedent; et le Con- seil des Notables, apres en avoir pris note, endonnera connoissance au Juge de Paix, que fera inscrire la mutation sur la copie du role deposed en son greffe. ART. 136. Chaque ann6e, du premier au quinze Fe- vrier, les Officiers de la Po- lice Rurale de chaque sec- tion, recevront, des agens de Fadministration des finances de leur commune, un nombre determin6 des etats de population en blanc, et timbres, qu'ils seront tenus de fournir au proprietaire, fermier,ou ge- rant, de chaque habitation de la section, avant le fin du m6me mois, enrecevant le prix du timbre qu'ils verseront a 1'agent de 1'ad- ministration des finances; cette repartition se fera coinme suit: aux proprie- taires des biens contenant jusqu'a dix carreaux de terre, 1'etat de population sera du timbre de douze Article to the Council of Notables of commune; and the Council of Notables, after having noted it, shall inform the Justice of Peace, who shall cause the same to be inscribed upon the copy of the roll deposited in his office. . -imr &apF&3 A-'.lfSI .TaA ART. 136. Every year, between the first and fif- teenth of February, the Officers commanding the Rural Police of each sec- tion, shall receive from the agents for taxes of their commune, a certain num- ber of stamped schedules of population in blank; which they shall furnish to the proprietor, farmer, or overseer of each plantation of the section, before the end of the same month ; receiving from them the value of the stamp, which the officer shall pay over to the agent for taxes. This stamp duty shall be as follows: the stamped schedule of population for an estate containing thirty acres of land, shall be centimes et demi; a ceux d'ouze jusqu'a vingt car- re aux vingt cinq centimes; a ceuJt contenant depuis vingt et un carreaux et au- dessus, cinquante centimes. t*irt vsat fhiftw "-fegrtafuq ART. 337. Les proprie- taires, fermiers, ou gerans d'habitations, seront tenus de remettre 1'etat de po- pulation rempli de la ma- niere qui leur sera indi- quee, a 1'Officier de la Po- lice Rurale, au plus tard, le vingt mars suivant, sons peine d'une amende qui ne sera pas moindre de quinze ni qui n'excedera pas cin- quante gourdes par chaque dclinquant. jhsft : - seils des Notables de chaque commune addres- seront au Gouvernement les originaux des etats de population qu'ils auront recus, en vertu de 1'Article jprecedent. ART. 139. On the first of May in every yeat, the Council of Notables of each commune, shall for- ward to Government the original schedules of po- pulation which they may iiave received, in virtue of the preceding Article. SECT. 2. , Des Officiers de la Police Rwrale, et des Gardes Champ&tres. ART. 140. Dans chaque sectionrurale, il sera place, par le choix du President d'Haiiti un officier mili- taire de grade subalterne (depuis sous lieutenant jnsqu'a capitaine), lequel officier sera charge de la surveillance de la section, et la police y relative. ART, 141. LesOfficiers de la Police Rurale des diflerentes sections, seront independans, les uns des autres et n'auront de rap- port qu'-avec.le Comman- dant de la commune, -et SECT. 2. . Of the Officers commanding the Rural Police, said of the Guards. ART. 140. A military officer of subaltern rank (from sub-lieutenant to captain) to be named fry the President of Haiti, shall be stationed in each rural section: this officer shall be charged with the superintendance of the sec- tion, and with its police. ART. 141. The Officers commanding the Rural Po- lice of the different sec- tions, shall be independ- ent of eah<^ther, and shaH report only to the Com- juandant of the commune, 71 celui de I'arrondissement and the Commandant of sous les ordres desquels the district under whose ils sont places ; il corrcs- pondront en outre avec les auto rites civiles, et d6fe- ront a leurs requisitions. orders they are placed; they shall also correspond with the civil authorities, and attend to their requi- sitions. ART. 142. La residence de 1'Officier de la Police Rurale, sera fix^e au cen- tre de la section dont il est charge", et sur le che- min public qui la traverse. ART. 143. L'Officier de la Police Rurale, est spe- cialement charge de faire prospered la culture dans la section qui lui est con- fide, d'y faire respecter les lois fit les proprie"ts. II est responsable dans 1'e- tendu de cette section, 1. De 1'execution du Code Rural, en ce qui le regarde, ainsi que tous les autres actes du gouverne- ment relatifs a 1'agricul- ture, oti a la police ru- ART. 142. The dwel- ling or station of the Offi- cer commanding the Rural Police, shall be in the cen- tre of his section, upon the public road which tra- verses it. ART. 143. The Officer commanding the Rural Po- lice, is particularly bound to push agriculture to the utmost extent within the section confided to him, and to cause the laws to be observed, and property to be respected. He is responsible in the whole extent of his section, I . For the due execution of the Rural Code in what is of his competence, as well as of all other acts of the government relative to agriculture, and to ru- -ral police. 2. Detoutes negligences dans la. surveillance et le travail manuel des habita- tions de la section. 3. De tous vagabon- dages, desordres, contra- ventions de police dans 1'etendu de la section, lorsqu'il ne les aura pas reprimes ou signales a Tautorite superieure. II pretera serment, avant d'entrer en fonctions entre les mains du Commandant de 1'arrondissement. ART. 144. L'Officier de la Police Rurale, aura a ses ordres, et a poste fixe, trois gardes champtres ; dont un sera au grade de marechal des logis, et fera fonctionde secretaire; 1'au- tre au grade de brigadier; et le troisieme, simple dra- gon. Les susdits gardes champetres seront asser- mentes; le serment sera pr^te, entre les mains du Commandant de 1'arron- d is s em cut. 2. For every neglect of superintendance and manual labour upon the plantations of the section. 3. For all vagrancies, disorders, and disobe- dience to the police with- in his section, when he has not prevented them, or reported them to supe- rior authority. He shall make oath be- fore the Commandant of the district, before enter- ing upon the duties of his office. F.if " ' T A. ART. 144. The Officer commanding the Rural Po- lice, shall have under his command, at some fixed station, three guards, one of whom shall be of the rank of quarter -master, and perform the duties of secretary ; one of the rank of sergeant ; and the third a private dragoon. These guards shall be sworn ; the oath shall be taken in the presence of the Command- ant of the district. . 145. L'Officier dc ART. 145. The Officer 73 la Police Rurale 'devra faire, une fois chaque se- inaine, la tournee et visite de chaque habitation de la section. ART. 146. L'Officier de la Police Rurale, se rendra a toutes les requisitions des proprietaries, fermiers, ou gerans des habitations de la section, soit de jour, soit de nuit; on y^nverra de gardes champ^tres pour 1'execution de la loi et le maintien de 1'ordre. ART. 147. Un des gar- des champ^tres r6p6tera chaque semaine sur cha- que habitation de la sec- tion, la visite de 1'Officier de la Police Rurale, de sorte que ces habitations seront visite'es au moins deux fois chaque semaine. ;. '\O'3!*ii. ART. 148. Lorsquel'Of- ficier de la Police Rural ou les gardes champtres dans leurs tourn^s ordi- naires, se presenteront sur line propriete, ils s'addres- commanding the Rural Police, shall make the round of his section, and visit each plantation once in the week. ; . ART. 146. The Officer commanding the Rural Police, shall hold himself in readiness to attend to the requisitions of proprie- tors, managers, or over- seers, by day and by night, and to send guards to them to enforce obedience to the law, and to main- tain order. ART. 147. One of the guards shall repeat every week, upon each planta- tion of the section, the visit of the Officer, so that each plantation shall be visited at the least twice in every week. ..,..'-.. ART. 148. When an Offi- cer, or his guards, in their ordinary rounds, arrive upon any plantation, they shall call first for the pro- prietor, or, in his absence, 74 seront d'abord an proprie- tairc, s'il est present; au ferraier principal, ou au gerant, en 1'absence du proprietaire : pour s'infor- mer si tout est dans 1'or- dre : apres cette formalite ils se mettront en devoir d'inspccter les travauxpour s'assurer si ils s'executent dans la regie convenable j ils verefieront si tons lea travailleurs sont a 1'ou- vrage ; ils prendront con- naissance des causes d'ab- sence de ceux qui ne se seront pas trouvc au tra- vail, et ageront suivant la loi. ART. 149. Dans le cas ou 1'Officier de Police Ru- rale d'une section sera, par cause legitime, emp6- ch6 de faire la tournc et visite indiquee pour les Ar- ticles 145 et 146 il sera tenu d'en donner avis au Commandant de la com- mune, qui le fera rein- placer, pendant qne du- rera la cause de 1'impeche- anent, par un officicr de for the chief farmer, or manager, and shall enquire if every thing has been or- derly : after this formality, they shall inspect the la- bours personally, to sa- tisfy themselves that these are properly conducted ; they shall ascertain that all the labourers are pre- sent, and at work; and they shall enquire into the cause of the absence of any of them, and shall act therein according to law. ART. 149. When an Offi- cer commanding the Rural Police of a section, is pre- vented by any lawful ex- cuse, making the round and visit directed by Arti- cles 145 and 146, he shall give notice thereof to the Commandant of the com- mune, who shall appoint an officer of gendarmerie, or of the troops of the line quartered in the commune, 75 gendarmerie, on de la to do the duty for him, troupe de ligne ea gar- while the impediment lasts. rison dans la commune. ART. 150. L'Officierde la Police Rural e, qui sans empechement legitiine se dispcnserait de faire les tourne"es, et visites eii- gees par les Articlet 145 et 146, sera passible d'une punition, qui lui infligera le Commandant de la com- mune ; en cas de recidive et de negligence, il sera signale au Commandant d'arrondissement qui sera tenu d'en rendre compte au President d'Haiti. ART. 151. Tous les Di- manches matins l*Officier de la Police Rural sera tenu presenter en per- sonne, ou d'envoyer un de ses gardes chauipetres sous ses ardres avec un rapport ecrit au Commandant de la commune, pour lui faire connaitre ce que se sera pass6 de plus remarquable dans la vS ART. 160. The Officer commanding the Rural Po- lice, who, without lawful excuse, shall neglect to make the rounds and visits directed by the Articles 145 and 146, shall suffer a punishment, to be inflicted by the Commandant of the commune ; and in case of repetition of the omission, he shall be reported to the Commandant of the dis- trict, who shall report him to the President of Haiti. ART. 151. Every Sunday morning, the Officer com- manding the Rural Police shall present himself in person, or send one of his guards, with a written re- port, to the Commandant of the commune, to inform him of whatever remark- able circumstances may have occurred in his sec- tion. ") JiS . " ART. 142. LX*fficierde ART, 152. The Officer 76 la Police Rurale, et les gardes champ^tres rece- vront leurs appointemens et soldes, suivant leurs grades, a chaque fois que Farm6e de ligne en activity de service sera solde. commanding the Rural Police, and the guards, shall receive their pay and allowances, according to their respective ranks, at the same time when the troops of the line in active service are paid. ART. 153. L'Etat four- nira aux gardes champe"- ART. 153. The State shall supply the guards tres Tarmement, Fequip- with arms, accoutrements, ment, et I'habillement, and uniforms, in the same manner as to the troops of the line. comme aux troupes de ligne. ART. 154. L'uniforme des Officers de la Police Rural, sera habit vert re- trousse^ a revers, poches en travers, collet et pare- mens rouges, passepoil rouge, doublure blanche, boutons blancs, bomber a moiti6, avec une corne d'abondance, surmont^e du Bonnet de la Liberte, ayant pour legende, " Re- publique d'Halti;" cha- peau retape". Us porterons en outre, en argent, les epaulettes et /ranges de leur grades j ART. 154. The uniform of Officers commanding the Rural Police, shall be a green coat, with flaps and lappets turned back, collar and cuffs red, fac- ings red, white lining, plated buttons, with a cor- nucopia surmounted by the Cap of Liberty, and the words, " Republique d' Haiti," engraved upon them ; a cocked hat. They shall also bear the epaulettes and fringes of their respective ranks, wear gilet et pantalon blanc, avec des bottes a 1'e- cuyere. Celui des gardes cham- ptres sera habit veste, drap de memo couleur et inOme fagon que ceux des officiers de la police ru- rale, avec les marques de leurs grades, en galons d'ar- gent ou de lain blanche, casques argentes; ils au- ront pour armure le sabre de dragon, la giberne, et le mousqueton : ils porte- rons de droite a gauche une bandouliere rouge, sur laquelle il sera ecrit en lettres blue, "force de la lot." _ , i){{} SECT. 3. Des Geranset Conducteurs* d' Habitations. ART. 155. Sur chaque habitation ou le proprie- taire ne residerapas, et ou il n'y aura pas un fermier principal residant, il y aura un gerant au choix du proprietaire, ou du fer- mier principal. white waistcoats and pan- taloons, and boots. The uniform of the guards shall be a jacket, of cloth of the same colour and make as their officers, with the distinctive marks of their rank in silver or white worsted lace, and plated helmets; their arms shall be the dragoon sabre, carbine, and cartouche- box : they shall wear a red belt from right to left, with the words, "force de la loi," inscribed upon it in blue letters. SECT. 3. Of Overseers and Drivers upon Plantations. ART. 155. Upon every plantation where the pro- prietor is not resident, and where there is no principal resident farmer, there shall be a manager, or overseer, to be appointed by the proprietor, or farmer. * See Article 116, where this word is used to signify drivers of Cattle. 78 ART. 15(5. Le proprie- taire, ou fermier principal, apres avoir fait choix du gerant qui lui conviendra, devra passer avec ce ge- rant un contrat synallag- matique, devant notaire, les conditions dnquel sont laisses a leur volonte, apres quoi, il fera con- naitre le gerant a 1'Officier de la Police Rurale de la section. ART. 157. Tout proprie- taire, ou fermier principal d'unbien rural, ne residant pas sur leur propriete, qui n'auront pas nomine et ehoisi un gerant pour la propriety, si le nombre de cultivateurs est au dessus de dix, seront passibles d'une amende de dix a cinquante gourdes, suivant 1'etendu de la propriety : si le nombre des cultiva- teurs n'excdde pas dix, l'administration pourra tre confine a un conduc- teur. ART. 156. The proprie- tor, or farmer, after having selected the manager, or overseer, who suits him, shall enter into a mutual contract or agreement with him, in the presence of a notary, upon such terms and conditions as the par- ties may agree upon. The proprietor, or farmer, shall afterwards make known the manager, or overseer, to the Officer commanding the Rural Police of the section. i 9rtpifoobft0d96if ART. 157. Every resident proprietor, or farmer, of a rural property, upon which the number of labourers exceeds ten persons, and who shall not have ap- pointed a manager, or overseer, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, according to the extent of the property : when the number of la- bourers does not exceed ten persons, the manage- ment may be entrusted to a driver. ART. 158. Les obliga- tions du gerant sont, de surveiller, dans 1'interet du proprietaire qui 1'em- ploie les travaux de 1'ha- bitation dont ilcst charge. ART. 159. Les gerans d'habitation seront re- sponsables envers les pro- prietaires, ou fenniers prin- cipaux, de toutes negli- gences, abandon de tra- vaux, ou ils seront em- ploy6sj ils seront, dans ce cas, poursuivis par qui de-droit. ART. 158. The duties of the manager, or overseer, are to superintend, in the interest of the proprietor who employs him, the la- bours carried on upon the plantation entrusted to him. ART. 159. The managers, or overseers, upon planta- tions, are answerable to the proprietors, or chief farmers, for every neglect or abandonment of labour where they are employed ; they shall be prosecuted by the parties injured. ART. 160. Le gerant ART. 160. The manager, jouira du respect de tous or overseer, shall be re- les agriculteurs de la pro- spected by the labourers priete sur laquelle il est upon the estate where he employ 6. is employed. ART. 161. Sur une pro- priete ou les terres ou jar- dins seront distributes par societes de moitie", ou a de sous-fenniers,chaque chef d'association de moitie ou chaque sous-fermier, de- vien conducteur de son ART. 161. Upon estates where the fields or gardens are parcelled out among associations working at half-produce, or to sub- farmers, or jobbers, each head-man of association, and each sub- farmer, or 80 fttelier, ou de sa socie"te ; jobber, becomes the driver il est responsable des tra- of his gang, or of his asso- vaux des membres de sa ciation ; he is answerable soci6te\ for their labour. ART. 162. Les devoirs des conducteurs sont de faire executer les travaux par les ateliers qui leur sont confie's, sous la di- rection des proprietaires, fermiers principaux, ou gerans. ART. 163. Le conduc- teurs seront responsable de toutes les negligences dans les travaux ; de toute absence de travailleurs lorsque cette absence n'aura pas etc legitiment autorisee; de tous desor- dres et vagabondages de cultivateurs, lorsqu'ils ne les auront pas fait con- naitre a 1'autorite compe- tente. ART. 164. Les conduc- teurs seront payes sur les produits des revenus re- cueillis par les ateliers qu'ils dirigent suivant 1'Article 57, de la Loi, No. 3. ART. 162. The duties of the drivers are, to cause the work to be done by the gangs entrusted to them, under the directions of the proprietor, farmer, ma- nager, or overseer. ART. 163. The drivers are answerable for every neglect of work, for every absence, without leave, of the labourers, and forevery act of misconduct, excess, or idleness, committed by the labourers, when they have not reported the same to the proper authorities. ART. 164. The drivers shall be remunerated from the proceeds of the pro- duce raised by the gangs they direct, according to Article 57, of Law, No. 3. 81 CHAP. IV. Des Conseils d' Agriculture dans les Sections Rurales. ART. 165. Dans chaque commune, le Commandant d'icelle, le Juge de Paix, et le Conseil des Notables, conjointement choisiront chaque annee an premier de Mai, jour de la Fe~te de 1'Agriculture, dans chaque section rurale, trois ci- toyens des plus notables, et qui serontproprietaires, fermiers principaux, ou gerans, pour former le Conseil d'Agriculture de la section. CHAP. IV. Of the Council of Agricul- ture in the Rural Sections . ART. 165. On the first of May in every year,being the day of the Festival of Agri- culture, the Commandant of each commune, assisted by the Justice of Peace, and the Council of Notables, shall select from each sec- tion, three of the most re- spectable citizens, being proprietors, farmers, ma- nagers, or overseers, to form the Council of Agri- culture of the section. ART. 166. Le choix des membres du Conseil d'A- griculture, sera aussitot communique, par le Com- mandant de la commune, au Commandant d'a*ron- dissement, qui en rendra compte au Gouvernement. ART. 167. Les membres les Conseils d'Agricul- ure n'exercent leur fonc- ART. 166. The appoint- ment of the members of the Council of Agriculture, shall be immediately made known by the Command- ant of the commune to the Commandant of the dis- trict, who shall communi- cate it to the Government. ART. 167. The members of the Council of Agricul- ture are elected for one G 82 tions qui pendant 1'auneej ils pourront etre chaque ann6e, re-61us, en raison du zele qu'ils auront ap- porte dans leurs fonctions pendant I'ann6e prece- dante. ART. 168. Les Conseils d'Agriculture etant com- poses d'habitans cultiva- teurs interesses au bon or- dre dans le service rural, cbacun des membres doit, sans se deranger essen- tiellement de ses propres travaux s'enquerir de tout ce qui se passe dans sa section, aim d'en faire le rapport au Conseil des Notables. ART. 169. Les attribu- tions des Conseils d'Agri- culture sont, 1. De veiller a ce que les dispositions des lois relatives a la culture, ne soient pas tronque'es dans leurs execution. 2. De chercher, par des experiences nouvelles, et year only; but they may be re-elected each year, when the zeal they have shewn in the execution of their duties justifies it. ART. 168. The Coun- cils of Agriculture being composed of inhabitants cultivating the soil, and interested in the preserva- tion of order in rural eco- nomy, each of the mem- bers is bound, when he can do so without essen- tially neglecting his own labour, to enquire into all that passes in the section to which he belongs, and report the same to the Council of Notables. ART. 169. The duties of the Councils of Agricul- ture are, 1. To see that the dis- positions of the laws re- lating to tillage, are not in- fringed or weakened in their execution. 2. To endeavour, by means of experiments, and 83 par le maintien de la con- corde entre tous les inte- resses a la culture a aug- menter progressivement ses resultats. 3. De signaler au Con- seil des Notables, et aux autorites militaires, tous les abus ou negligences qui pourront avoir lieu dans la section qu'ils ha- bitant. ART. 170. Les membres du Conseil d' Agriculture correspondent individuel- lement, ou collectivement, avec les functionaries ou autorites, avec lesquels ils doivent avoir des rapports. ART. 171. Lesfonctions de membre du Conseil d'Agriculture sont honori- fiques. by maintaining concord among all those interested in tillage, to increase pro- gressively its results. 3. To report to the Coun- cil of Notables, and to the military authorities, every abuse or neglect which may occur in the section in which they dwell. ART. 170. The mem- bers of the Council of Agri- culture may correspond, in- dividually or collectively, with the functionaries of authorities to whom they are required to make their reports. ART. 171. The appoint- ment of a member of the Council of Agriculture is honorary. 84 TITRE III. THIRD HEAD. DE LA POLICE RURALE. ART. 172. La Police Rurale se fait speciale- ment par les ofticiers charges des sections ru- rales des communes, as- sisted des gardes champ- tres. ART. 173. La Police Rurale a pour objet, 1. La repression du va- gabondage. 2. L'ordre 'et 1'assiduite dans les travaux des champs. 3. La discipline des ate- liers. 4. L'entretien et les re- parations des routes pub- lique et particulieres. CHAP. PREMIER. De la Repression de Vaga- bondage. ART. 174. Toutes per- sonnes qui ne seront pas proprietaires, ou fermiers OF RURAL POLICE. ART. 172. Rural Police is to be specially maintain- ed by officers appointed to command each rural sec- tion of the communes, and by guards. ART. 173. The purposes of Rural Police are, 1. Repressing idleness. 2. Enforcing order and assiduity in field labour. 3. The discipline of the labourers, collectively, or in gangs. 4. Making and keeping in repair public and pri- vate roads. CHAP. I. Repressing Idleness. ART. 174. All persons who are not proprietors, or renters of the land on 85 du bien rural ou elles sont fixees, ou qui n'auront point fait un contrat avec un proprietaire, ou fermier principal, seront reputees vagabonds, et seront ar- retees par la police rurale de la section dans laquelle elles seront trouvees, et conduites devant le Juge de Paix de la commune. ART. 175. Le Juge de Paix, apres avoir iuterroge et entendu la personne menee devant lui, lui fera connaitre les articles de la loi, qui 1'obligent a con- tracter pourselivrer a des occupations agricoles, et apres cet avertissement, 1'enverra ou detention dans le maison d'arret, jusqu'a ce qu'il ait contracte, aux termes de la loi. which they are residing, or who shall not have made a contract to work with some proprietor or renter, shall be reputed vaga- bonds, and shall be arrest- ed by the rural police of the section in which they may be found, and carried before the Justice of Peace of the commune*. ART. 175. The Justice of Peace, after interrogat- ing and hearing the person brought before him, shall make known to him the articles of the law, which oblige him to employ him- self in agricultural labour ; and after that communi- cation, he shall remand him to prison, until he shall have bound himself by a contract, according to the provisions of the law. ART. 176. Le Juge de ART. 176. The Justice Paix veillera a ce que le of Peace shall allow the detenu contracte avec un person arrested, to make proprietaire, un fermier ou his own choice of the in- * See Articles 3, 45 et secj. 86 sous fermier, ou avec un chef de societe agricole, a , . son choix. ART. 177. Si apres huit jours de detention le de- tenu n'avait pas pris un parti pour se livrer a des occupations agricoles, il sera employe aux travaux publics, pour la proprete de la ville ou bourg ou sera situe"e la maison d'arret, et y sera employe" jusqu'a ce qu'il se decide a contracter pourse livrer aux travaux de la campagne, quiconque d^tournera ces detenus des travaux public, pour les employer a des travaux particuliers, sera passible d'une amende de cinquante gourdes, dontlamoitie sera allouee au detenu plaig- nant. ART. 178. Silapersonne arretee etoit un enfant en minority, le Juge de Paix s'enquerra de ses pere et mere, et 1'enverra les re- joindre pour suivre leur condition. dividual with whom he is to contract to labour. ART. 177. If, after eight days of detention, the pri- soner shall not have agreed to bind himself to field labour, he shall be sent to the public works, for clean- ing the town or district where he may be arrested, and there he shall be em- ployed until he shall con- sent to bind himself to field labour. Any person who removes any labourer from the public works to employ him in private work, shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars, of which a moiety is to be paid to the pri- soner complaining. ART. 178. If the pri- soner be a child under age, the Justice of Peace shall enquire out his parents, and send him to them, to follow their condition of life. ART. 179. Trois tnois apres la publication du pre- sent Code, la rigueur sera employee centre les delin- quans. ART. 180. Toute iper- sonne fixee dans les cam- pagnes comme agriculteur qui sera trotivee un jour ouvrable et pendant les heures de travail, dans Tin- action, ou en courses et promenades sur les che- mins publics sera consi- dered comme oisive, sera en consequence arretee et conduite chez le Juge de Paix, qui 1'enverra en pri- son pendant vingt-quatre heures pour la premiere fois ; et en cas de recidive aux travaux publics de la ville. ART. 181. Les Officiers de la Police Rurale, veil- leront a ce que des vaga- bonds et des oisifs ne se cachent pas sous 1'unif brme de militaires des differens corps : lorsqu'ils trouve- ront, dans les sections ART. 179. After the ex- piration of three months from the publication of this Code, rigorous measures shall be enforced against delinquents. ART. 180. Every person attached to the country as a cultivator, who shall, on a working day, and dur- ing the hours of labour, be found unemployed, or lounging on the public roads, shall be considered idle, and be arrested, and taken before the Justice of Peace, who shall commit him to prison for twenty- four hours, for the first offence ; and shall send him to labour on the public works, upon a repetition of the offence. ART. 181. The Officers commanding the Rural Po- lice, shall take care that va- gabonds and idlers do not conceal themselves under the uniforms of soldiers of the different corps : when they discover, in the sec- 88 sous leur surveillance, dcs homines qu'ils ne connai- tront pas personnellement pour tre en activite de service dans le corps dont ils porterons I'uniforme, ils les arreterons et les en- verront au Commandant Militaire de la commune pour verifier silapersonne avretee avec 1'uniforme d'un corps en fait par tie. Dans le cas ou 1'individu ne serait pas militaire, il sera depos6 en prison suivant 1'Article 175 jusqu'a ce qu'il ait forme un contrat pour travailler a la cul- ture, ART. 18:2. Les Officiers de la Police Rurale, veil- leront a ce que, dans 1'e- tendu des sections sous leur direction, personne ne demeure dans J'oisi- vete ; a cet effet, ils sont autoris^s a se faire rendre compte par les individus qu'ils ne trouveront pas au travail, du genre de Jeurs occupations, et si ces in- dividus ne prouvent pas qu'ils cultivent la terre, ou tions under their superin- tendance, men whom they do not personally know to be in active service in the corps whose uniform they wear, they shall arrest them, and send them be- fore the Military Com- mandant of commune, that enquiry may be made if the individual arrested really belongs to the corps whose uniform he wears. If the party prove not to be a soldier, he shall be com- mitted to prison, according to Article 175, until he enter into a contract to labour in agriculture, ART. 182. Officers com- manding the Rural Police, shall take care, that in their respective sections, no person shall live in idleness; for this purpose, they have authority to oblige such persons as are not actually employed in labour, to give an account of their occupations ; and such persons as cannot prove that they cultivate the soil, or are keepers of 89 sont employes surdes hat- tes, suivant la Loi, No. 4, ils seront regardes comme gens sans aveu et arretes Gomme vagabonds. cattle-pens, shall be con- sidered as without visible means of procuring their livelihood, and shall be arrested as vagabonds. CHAP. II. De. I'Ordre et de VAssiduite dans les Travaux des Champs. ART. 183. Les travaux des campagnes commencer- ont le Lundi matin, pour ne cesser que le Vendredi au soir (les jours de f6tes legales exccptes) nean- moins dans les cas extra- ordinaires, tant dans les interets des proprietaires que des agriculteurs le tra- vail se prolongerajusqu'au Samcdi. CHAP. II. Of ensuring Order and As- siduity in Field Labour. ART. 183. Field-labour shall commence on Mon- day morning, and shall never cease until Friday evening, (legal holidays excepted); and in extra- ordinary cases, when the interest of the cultivator, as well as of the proprie- tor, appears to require it, work shall be continued until Saturday evening*. * And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the commencement of this Act, the slaves belonging to, and employed on any plantation, shall, over and above the holidays hereinafter to be mentioned, be allowed one day in every fortnight, to cultivate their own provision-grounds, exclusive of Sundays, except during the time of crop, under the penalty of twenty pounds ; to be recovered against the overseer, or person having the care of such slaves. Provided always, that the num- ber of days so allowed to the slaves for the cultivation of their grounds, shall be at least twenty-six in the year. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That not only shall slaves, ART. 184. Aux jours ouvrables les travaux or- dinaires des champs com- menceront le matin a la pointe du jour, pour durer jusqu'a midi ; dans 1'inter- valle, il sera pris une demi heur pour le dejuner qui se fera toujours dans le lieu merne ou 1'ou sera occupe a travailler. L'a- pres midi, le travail com- mencera a deux heures pour durer jusqu'au cou- cher du solcil. ART. 184. On working- days, the ordinary field- labour shall commence at day-dawn; to continue un- til mid- day, with the inter- val of half an hour for breakfast ; which shall be taken on the spot where the work is carrying on; after mid-day the field- labour shall commence at two o'clock, and continue until sun-set*. ART. 185. Les femmes ART. 185. Pregnant fe- ne seront employees qu'a males shall be employed des travaux legers, des on light work only; and qu'elles seront enceintes, after the fourth month of et lorsqu'elles auront at- pregnancy, they shall not as heretofore, be exempted during the crop, from the labour of the estate or plantation during Sundays, but that no mills shall be put about or worked, between the hours of seven o'clock on Saturday night and five o'clock on Monday morning, under the penalty of twenty pounds ; to be recovered against the overseer, or other person having the charge of such slaves. Consolidated Slave Law of Jamaica, 57 Geo. III. c. 25, Sections 4 and 5. * And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every field- slave on any plantation or settlement, shall, on work -days, be allowed half an hour for breakfast, and two hours for dinner ; and that no slaves shall be compelled tc^any manner of field-work upon a plantation, before the hour of fire o'clock in the morning, or after the hour of seven at night, except during the time of crop, under a penalty of 50/. ; to be recovered against the overseer, or other person having the charge of such slaves. teint le quatrieme mois do be obliged to do any work leur gressesse, elles ne se- in the field, ront pas assujetties a tra- vailler aiix champs. ART. 186. Quatre mois apres leurs couches, elles seront tenues de reprendre le travail, mais elles ne se rendront aux champs, le matin qu'une heure apres le lever du soleil pour quitter a onze h cures et 1'apres midi qu'a deux heures, pour quitter une heure avant le coucher du soleil. ART. 186. Four months after delivery, they shall be obliged to resume la- bour in the field ; but they shall not turn out to work until one hour .after sun- rise ; they shall continue to work until eleven o'clock, and from two o'clock until one hour before sun-set*. * The Legislature of Jamaica, after very careful inquiry, did not think it necessary to make any regulation upon the subject of this and the preced- ing Article ; but they have published the evidence they received, on the general practice of the Island, and the Haitian Legislature has embodied that practice in these two Articles. The following are the heads of the evidence of some of the witnesses : The pregnant women are put to light work, and continued so till within a short time of their confinement ; for experience has proved, that those women have the easiest time of labour, and bring the healthiest children, who are kept in a moderate state of exercise. They return to light work about six weeks after confinement.* Examination of JV.iU.iam Murray, Etq. Great indulgence is allpwed, as to the. hours pf labour of pregnant woman. Examination pf R. Jr. Harris, Esq. Pregnant women are usually employed in some light work, till they have advanced about five or six months, when they seldom do any thing for their master. Examination of James Stewart, Esq. , See the Mimites of Evidence taken upon oath before the Committee on the Slave Registry Bill, in Jamaica, 1815. .,, . ART. 167. Nul agricul- teur fixe sur une propriety rurale, ne pourra s'ab- senter du travail qui lui sera assign^, sans la per- mission du gerant, en 1'ab- sence du proprietaire ou fermier principal, lequel n'accordera cette permis- sion que lorsque le cas sera urgent. ! ART. 187. No labourer attached to an estate in the country, shall absent himself from the labour assigned him, without the permission of the overseer, in the absence of the pro- prietor or farmer ; and no person shall give that per- mission, unless the case be urgent*. CJSAP. III. De la Discipline des Ate- liers. ART. 188. Les ateliers sur les proprietes rurales, devront etre obeissans en- vers leurs conducteurs des travaux, chefs de societ6s de moitie, sous fermiers, fermiers principaux, pro- prietaires etgerans, chaque CHAP. 111. Of the Discipline of Gangs of Labourers. ART. 188. Gangs of la- bourers upon estates, shall be obedient to their driv- ers, jobbers, sub-farmers, farmers, proprietors, and managers, or overseers, whenever they are called upon to execute the labour * Section 30th, That no slave, such only excepted as are going to market and returning therefrom, shall hereafter be suffered or permitted to go out of his or her master's, or owner's plantation or settlement, or to travel from one town to another, unless such slave shall have a ticket from his master. Section 31st, That no ticket shall be granted to any slave or slaves, for any time exceeding one calendar month. Consolidated Slave Law, passed 1814, (57 Geo. HI. c. 25). See Art. 60. fois qu'il seront requis d'executer les travaux pour lesquels ils auront contracte. they have bound them- selves to perform. ART. 189. Toute deso- beissance et toute insulte de la part d'un travailleur commande pour faire un travail auquel il serait as- sujetti par un contrat, ou une convention recipro- que, sera puni de la pri- son, selon 1'exigence du cas, d'apres decision du Juge de Paix de la com- mune. ART. 190. LesSamedis, les Dimanches, et jours de fe" tes etant a la disposi- tion des agriculteurs, ils ne pourront, les jours ou- vrables, abandonner leurs travaux pour se livrer a des dances ou festins, ni jour, ninuit, les delinquans a cette disposition seront passibles de trois jours de prison pour la premiere fois, et du double en cas de recidive. *f . ART. 189. Every act of disobedience or insult, on the part of a workman, commanded to do any work to which he is sub- jected, shall be punished by imprisonment, accord- ing to the exigency of the case, in the discretion of the Justice of Peace of the commune. ART. 190. Saturdays,Sun- days, and holidays, being at the entire disposal of the labourers, they shall not be permitted, on working days, to leave their work, to indulge in dancing or feasting, neither by night nor by day. Delinquents shall be subject to impri- sonment for three days for the first offence, for six days for the repetition of the oflence*. * Section 21, That for the future, all slaves shall be allowed the usual number of holidays that were allowed at the usual seasons of Christmas, 94 CHAP. IV. De I'entretien, et de la Re- paration des Routes Pub- liques. ART. 191. Les routes publics seront entretenues et repare"es par les agricul- teurs a tour de role, de toute la section qu'elles traverseront,toutesles fois que leurs 6 tat de deteriora- tion exigera la reparation. Les routes particulieres seront egalement entrete- nues par ceux des agricul- teurs des etablissemens de la section que se serviront habituellement des dites routes. ART. 192. Aussitot qu'une route publique ou particulierenecessiterades travaux de reparation 1'Of- ficier de la Police Rural CHAP. IV. On making and keeping in Repair the Public Roads. ART. 191. The public roads shall be kept up and repaired by the labourers of the whole section they pass through, in rotation, whenever their state of de- terioration may require re- pair. The private roads shall also be repaired by the labourers of the estates in the habit of using them. ART. 192. Whenever a public or private road re- quires repair, the Officer of Rural Police shall give notice of it to the Easter, and Whitsunday. Section 36. But nothing herein contained, shall be construed to prevent any master or overseer from granting liberty to the slaves, upon his plantation only, when, and as often as they please, for assembling together upon such plantation or settlement, and playing and diverting themselves at any innocent amusement : provided that such amuse- ments are put an end to by ten of the clock at flight, (57 Geo, III, c, 25). 95 en donnera avis au Com- Commandant of the com- mandant de la commune. mime. ART. 193. Le Com- mandant de la commune ordonnera le travail s'il est partiel, ou de peu d'importance; il en don- nera avis au Commandant d'arrondissement, si le tra- vail exige un grand con- cours de bras, afin d'etre promptement accelere\: le Conseil d' Agriculture de la section, avisera le Con- seil des Notables de la commune, des travanx quo se feront. ART. 194. D'apres le role des habitations des sections mentionne en 1'Art. 132, il sera pris le nombre de travailleurs ne- cessaires pour executer les travaux de reparation, en proportion de la popu- lation travaillante de cha- que habitation qui doit toute concourir un travail. ART. 193. If the repairs required be local, or of trivial importance, the Commandant of the com- mune shall order them to be done. But if the work to be done require many hands, he shall give notice of it to the Commandant of the district, that hands may be promptly supplied. The Council of Agricul- ture shall inform the Coun- cil of Notables of the work to be done. ART. 194. The number of labourers required for any particular work upon the roads, shall be taken from the plantation rolls ordered by Article 132, in numbers proportioned to the labouring population, all of whom are bound to assist in the work. ART. 195. Les proprie- ART. 195. Those pro- taires qui n'auront pas le prietors who have not four nombre de quatre travail- labourers attached to their leurs attach^ sur leur pro- estate, shall in no case be priete,n'enfourniront,dans tous les cas, qu'un seul pour les travaux de repa- ration de route. ART. 196. Tout agri- culteur commande pour un travail de reparation de route qui ne se rendra pas a ce travail payera six gourdins par semaine d'a- mende, ou sera detenu une semaine en prison, et ne sera pas pour cela exempt du travail, la semaine sui- vante. ART. 197. Tout pro- prietaire, fermier princi- pal, ou gerantd'habitation qui, ayant regu la demande de travailleurs pour re- paration de route, n'en fournirait pas, sera passi- ble d'une amende de trois gourdes par sermaine pour chaque travailleur non fourni, Iamoiti6 alacaisse des amendes et 1'autre moiti6 pour servir a rem- placer les travailleurs. called upon to furnish more than one labourer for re- pairs upon the roads. ART. 196. Every la- bourer ordered to work on the roads, who shall ab- sent himself from that work, shall pay a fine of six quarter dollars a week, or suffer imprisonment for one week, which fine or imprisonment shall not ex- empt him from working the week following. ART. 197. Any proprie- tor, farmer, or overseer of a plantation, who, having received a requisition for labourers, shall neglect to furnish them, shall be lia- ble to a fine of three dol- lars per week for each la- bourer short of the num- ber; half the fine to be paid to the treasury of fines, and half to be em- ployed in hiring other la- bourers. 97 ART. 198. Les travail- leurs commandes pour les travaux de reparation de route, devron se presenter avec les outils et instru- rnens aratoires, dont ou se sert sur Fhabitation, sans quoi, il en sera fourni a ceux qui n'en auraient pas, par 1'Officier de la Police llurale qui les recevra de 1'administration, et sur le rapport qui en sera fait au ' Juge de Paix de la commune, il condamnera le proprietaire de 1'habita- tion du delinquant, ou son represantant a rembourser a 1'administration la va- leur double des outils fourni s. > r.7*5Ttf3J;: T .SOSfvfelA ART. 199. Lorsque les travaux de reparation de routes publiques ou par- ticulieres exigeront des transports, les propri^tes ou il y aura des cabronets ou tombereaux seront obli- gees d'en fournir, a de- iaut des tombereaux ou cabrouets, ou fournira des betes a charge. ART. 198. labourers called out for repairing the roads, shall bring the agri- cultural instruments and tools used on the planta- tion, in default of which, the Officer commanding the Rural Police shall give them tools, to be supplied by the administration, and upon a report of the same being made to a Justice of Peace for the commune, he shall adjudge the proprie- tor of the plantation to which the defaulters may belong, or his representa- tive, to reimburse the ad- ministration in double the value of the tools so fur- nished. ART. 199. When means of transport are required for the repair of public or private roads, such estates as possess wains or carts, shall send them; in default of wains or carts, cattle for draft shall be supplied. H 98 ART. 200. La fourniturc de bait b6tes de charge equivandra a la fourniture d'un cabronet attele". ART. 201. Nul ne pour- ra, dans un interet particu- lier, detourner ceux qui seront envoyes au dits tra- vaux. Tout contrevenant a cette disposition paiera line amende de cinquante gourdes par cultivateur detournd, ne fu ce qu'un jour. Tous les matins, le directeur des travaux de la journee, fera 1'appel des travailleurs commandos, afin de constater leur pre- sence. ART. 202. Les travail- leurs commandos pour les travaux, devront s'y pre- senta le Lundi matin, pour ne quitter, tant que durera le travail, que leVendredi au soir. ART. 200. Eight beasts of burden supplied, shall be equal to one cart and team. ART. 201. No person shall, for his private inte- rests, take from the repair of the roads, those who are sent to work upon them, under a penalty of fifty dollars for each labourer so withdrawn, if even for one day only. The director of the work shall call over the names of the labourers every morning, to ascertain their presence. ART. 202. Labourers or- dered to work on the public roads, shall present them- selves early on Monday morning, and shall not ab- sent themselves, unless the work be finished, until Fri- day evening. Donne en la Chambre des Passed in the Chamber of Communes, au Port-au- Commons, at Port-au- Prince, le 21 Avril, 1826, Prince, the 21st of April, an 23 de 1'Independ- ance. Le President de la Chambre, (Signe) MUZAINE. Les Secretaires, Pre. JUNCA, et ARDOUIN. La Senat decrete 1'ac- ceptative du Code Rural d'Ha'iti, lequel sera, dans les vingt-quatre heures, expedie au President d'Haiiti, pour avoir son execution, suivantle mode etabli par la Constitution. 1826, 23d year of Inde- pendence. MUZAINE, President. . Pre. JUNCA, and ARDOUIN, Secretaries. The Senate decrees the Rural Code of Haiti, and orders it to be sent, within twenty-four hours, to the President of Hai'ti, to be confirmed, and carried into execution, in the manner directed by the Constitu- tion. A la Maison Nationale au Port-au-Prince, le 4 Mai, 1826, an 23 de Flndependance. Le President du Senat, P. ROUANEZ. Les Secretaires, GAYOT, et F. DUBREUIL. At the National House at Port-au-Prince, this 4th day of May, 1826, 23d year of Independence. P. ROUANEZ, President of the Senate. GAYOT, and F. DUBREUIL, Secretaries. Au Nom de la Republique: In the Name of the Repub- lic : Le President d'Ha'iti or- The President of Hai'ti donne, que les Lois, ci- orders, that the above dessus formant le Code Laws, constituting the Rural d'Ha'iti, soient re- Rural Code of Haiti, be 100 vetues du Sc6au de la Re- publique > et qu'elles soient publiees et executees. sealed with the Seal of the Republic, and be published and executed. Donne au Palais National From the National Palace du Port-au-Prince, le 6 Mai, 1826, an 23 de 1'Independance. BOYER. Par le President, Le Secretaire General, B. INGINAG. at Port-au-Prince, this 6th day of May, 1826, 23d year of Independ- ence. BOYER. By the President, B. INGINAC, Secretary-General. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAM A iiAlttiAliA Printed by B. M'M' ; u".:, Bow- 'street, CoveuUCiankn. 421 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE AVAIL \HLtf FOR STAMPED BELOW. ATION AFTER DISPLAY PERIOD MAY 4 '62 20m-8,'61 (C2084s4)476 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 711 914 2