} <+/, * THE ANCESTRY OF DANIEL MORRELL OF HARTFORD WITH HIS DESCENDANTS AND SOME CONTEMPORARY FAMILIES COMPILED BY FRANCIS V MORRELL COPIES PRINTED FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION NUM BER PRESENTED TO <*n THE COMPLIMENTS OF km PUBLISHED BY JOHN WATSON MORREL MCMXVI HARTFORD. CONN. 201318O This little book is part of the much larger and more ambitious work " MORRELL & ALLIED FAMILIES" which has been long in preparation and which seeks to comprise all the descendants of Thomas Morrell of New- town. It is hoped that all to whom this book shall come, who may have any Morrell knowledge, will assist the cause by communicating with F. V. MORRELL. 177 QUINCY ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y- MORRELL The word " Morrell " is said to signify " Yellow Hair ; " the source of this tradition has never been ascer- tained. Apparently the name is of Latin origin; it is found in some of its forms in all of the countries of Europe, but it seems to be most prevalent in France and Italy. In spelling a very wide latitude prevails and seems to have been largely influenced by local conditions or in- dividual tastes. In those parts of America where the Dutch influence prevailed it was usually given with the broad sound of Marl, Marel or Murrell while in the English communities it has become latinized to Morrell, Morrill or Morriell, frequently with the accent on the last syllable. More than fifty different spellings of the name are recorded. MORRELLS IN ENGLAND The surname of Morrell existed in England prior to the year 1500; how much earlier or whence its origin, does not appear. Several American genealogists have concluded that the name is of French parentage and reached England by the way of Holland some time fol- lowing the religious wars of the sixteenth century in France. The Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler, whose mother was a Morrell and who was greatly interested in the study of Morrell history, inclined to this view and the theory finds additional favor from the historian of the Holland Society of New York. A number of Mor- rell genealogical sketches and historical reviews have been published in England but none of them aims to cover more than a single lineage or small group of the family and it has never been the good fortune of the writer to find evidence of authority on the subject of English origin. It is quite possible and seems probable that Hugnenot Morrells passed to England, and our American families may be of their descendants but it is also certain that the name was in England almost a full century before the period of the religious wars. In the British Peerage two Morrell alliances are re- corded both of comparatively recent date. 2 William Evans Morrell, Esq., married in 1870, Alicia, daughter of Sir Francis Houlton Hartwell, Bart. Charles Morrell, Esq., of Burcote, was married to a daughter of Rev. Sir John Leigh Hoskins. Among the landed gentry four Morrell families are given. John Morrall, Esq., of Plas Yolyn, Wales, married, 1669, Judith, daughter and heir of Thomas Edwardes, Esq., of Kilhendre. Jeremiah Morrell, Esq., of Wallingford, Berks., married, 1726, Mary, daughter of J. Smith, Esq., of Guilford. James Wright Hayward Morrell, Esq., of Forthamp- ton House, Gloucester, son of Baker Morrell, Esq., and Mary Elizabeth Chapman, born April 9, 1802, was married to Caroline Stuart of Montreal, Canada. Charles Morrell, Esq., of Milton Nile, Berks., was born Dec. 14, 1842. In the records of English Commoners the name Mor- rell appears many times and in the published Parish Registers and Vital Records of cities and towns it is of frequent evidence. NOTE The writer has heard of the existence of a Morrell family history com- piled at Somerset House, Strand, London, connecting the Morrells of America with some of the English families, but repeated inquiries at Somerset House and extensive correspondence in America has failed to locate any such work. ARMS The various Morrell Arms that have been found are described as follows: WALES The Morrells have been seated in Salop from an early period and they now represent the very ancient family of Edwardes, which has resided in Dudleston prior to the date of any existing records. Ar. a mural or embattled fesse, gu. charged with three palm branches of the field, between six Cornish doughs, ppr. quarterly with Edwardes viz. Gu. a chev. engr. between three boars heads erased, ar. Crest. A demi Griffin. Motto. Norma tuta veritas. DEVONSHIRE Granted y e 15 th yeare of y e reigne of Queen Eliza- beth (1573) to Sir Hugh Morrill of y e county of Devon, first son of Sir Robert Morrill, Inner Temple, London; son of Sir Thomas Morrill, West of England. Az. two Griffins rampant supporting a diamond, Ar. Crest. A Cornish Clough, ppr. Motto. None. Below " By the name of Morrill." OXFORDSHIRE Allowed to George Herbert Morrell, Esq., M. A., OXON., J. P. Oxford & Berkshire, Lieut. Col. ist Ox- fordshire Light Infantry, Born Feb. 20 1845 oldest son of Rev. George Kidd Morrell of Moulsford, and his wife Anna Letitia, daughter of David Powell of Lough- ton. Or. a bend invicted, gules, in chief a sprig of three roses, gules, leaved and slipped, ppr. and in base a cross, crosslet upon the last. Crest. A demi lion rampant, guardant per pale, ar- gent and sable, dexter paw holding a stalk of three roses, gules; seeded, or, barbed and stalked, vert; sinis- ter paw resting on a cross crosslet, gules. Motto. Bono animo esto. Az. on a cross, ar. a lion rampant, gu. Crest. The horns of a bull adhering to the scalp, ppr. Motto. None is given. Above is in Cyclopedia of British Heraldry and is " allowed." Not known to whom. FRANCE The Dutch family of Vanderveer of Flatbush, Brook- lyn, N. Y. allied to the Morrells of Newtown, Long Island have still another Morrell Arms, differing materi- ally from any of the English Arms here described. It is thought to be of French origin. No description is obtainable. MORRELLS IN AMERICA The first of the name to set foot on the shore of this country was William Morrell, a clergyman of the English Church who came with the Gorges expedition and was in Plymouth in 1623. He bore a commission from the Ecclesiastical Court in London, giving him authority to exercise certain supervision over the church in New England. Whether the religious atmosphere of Plymouth was not conducive to his spiritual well being or whether advances on his part aroused the Puritan resentment, is not fully known, but it is recorded that he never attempted to make use of his commission and remained scarcely a year, returning to London, where he wrote and published a long poem, in Latin, descriptive of New England, the land of plenty and privation. This poem he later translated into English and it was again published in the latter language. The Club of Odd Volumes of London has published facsimiles of both these publications of 1625 and the Massachusetts Historical Society has incorporated the work in full, in both languages, in Volume i of its Collections. ISAAC MORRELL Isaac came to America on the Ship Lion arriving in Boston harbor Sep. 16 1632. He is described as a black- smith but from what can be learned of his craft, he was, rather, a forger of ornamental iron work for buildings and ships. Before leaving England he subscribed to an oath of allegiance to his mother country (probably on compulsion) on June 22 1632. Isaac settled at Roxbury Mass, where records show he was freeholder 1633, member of Ancient and Honor- able Artillery of Boston 1638, member of the first church of Roxbury, Constable of Roxbury 1659, and is mentioned as one of the town's four wealthy citizens. In the list of passengers on the Lion the name is given " Isack Murrill." A facsimile signature, pub- lished, is " Isaac Morrell," while the inscription on his tomb, still legible, is "Isaac Moril. Dyed 18. 10. 1661. aged 74 years." Isaac was married in England to Sarah (surname not known) and their two oldest children were born there; five other children were born in Roxbury; he had two sons both of whom died in childhood so that none of his descendants bear the name Morrell. 10 ABRAHAM MORRILL Abraham is supposed to have come in the same ship with his brother Isaac although his name does not appear on the list of passengers, as preserved. His first home was in Cambridge, Mass, where his residence was on Brighton Street, but he soon removed to Salisbury where he is of record as receiving a land grant in 1640 and again in 1642, 1644 an d 1654. Abraham was also a blacksmith but he soon became engaged in other business and in 1642 records show he built a mill for grinding corn and wheat, in Salisbury; he was an original member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery and before his death became one of the most substantial citizens of his town. He married June 10 1645, Sarah Clement, daughter of Robert Clement, who was born in England 1590. All of their nine children were born in Massachusetts and through his four sons, his descendants are numerous. All write the name Morrill. The will of Abraham Morrill is dated June 18 1662 and was proven October 14 1662. Sarah Morrill, his widow, was again married on October 8 1665 to Thomas Mudgett. 11 Several genealogies of portions of the descendants of Abraham Morrill have been published and a compre- hensive work covering all, or nearly all, of his posterity is said to be about ready for publication. 12 JOHN MORRELL John Morrell, born in England 1640, came to America and was granted land in 1668 where is now the State of Maine some miles north of Kittery, which land he exchanged a few years later for land in Kittery where for many years he conducted a ferry to Dover and in 1686 secured a license to establish a house of enter- tainment in connection with his ferry. Some of his land is said to have remained in possession of his descend- ants until recent years. John married 1667, Sarah, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth Hodson. Their descendants have been numer- ous and several of them have attained eminence as statesmen and in business life. 13 RICHARD MORRELL Richard is said to have lived in New Hampshire as early as 1640. No authentic record of this Morrell has been found. EDUOUARD MARREL On Oct. 22 1645, tne Directors General in New Neth- erlands, granted patent for eleven morgens of land west of Corleafs Hook, to Eduouard Marrel and a further grant was made to him on Nov. 3 of the same year, of a house lot in Manhattans. Apparently he was Dutch and may have returned to Holland without occupying his land. This name does not appear again on any record that has been found. 14 THOMAS MORRALL OF GRAVESEND Thomas was in Gravesend sometime prior to Feb. loth 1648 and the original records of the town, still in existence, show that upon that date he made application to have one of the forty plantation lots in which the town had been divided, awarded to him; upon his petition, Lot No. 15 was granted to Thomas Morrall, he entering into an agreement to pay the present holder the sum of thirty eight guilders within the ensuing fifteen months to reimburse him for work done in clearing the land and building fence. Many records of Thomas are available. He sold Lot No. 15 and bought another for fifteen hundred pounds of tobacco which was duly paid some months before the time stipulated. Later he leased other land, finally moving to Staten Island where he died, leaving a will dated May 2d 1670, in which he bequeaths all his belong- ings, mostly cows and horses, to three of his personal friends. No mention is made of wife or children. So far as appears on any record Thomas Morrall of Gravesend did not leave any descendants. Nearly all Long Island historians have assumed that Thomas Morrall of Gravesend and Thomas Morrell of Newtown were the same person or father and son. This assumption is natural, owing to the similarity of 15 names and the fact that Gravesend and Newtown are but a few miles apart. A very thorough and careful search, in sympathy with an earnest desire to discover a kinship and place an additional generation on our family tree, fails entirely to disclose any relationship between these two. They were certainly different persons and probably were not kinsmen. 16 JOHN MORRELL OF GRAVESEND Hon. Tunis G. Bergen mentions among the early inhabitants of Gravesend John Morrell, who was super- intendent of the plantation of Lady Debora Moody in 1646 and who somewhat later married Elizabeth Corn- wall, widow. Evidently Mr. Bergen is in error regarding this name. The original record, still in existence, is not dis- tinct but the name is certainly not Morrell. Experts in the employ of the City of New York have in all cases transcribed or indexed the name " Morrice " or " Morris." ENSIGN MOREL Ensign Morel is mentioned in the journal of Count de Frontenac on his voyage to Quebec in Oct. 1673. This name is not uncommon in Canada at the present time. 17 NICHOLAS MORRELL Nicholas and Margaret Morrell were married in England and came to Boston on the ship Prudence & Mary, arriving there May 28 1679. Nicholas was a master mariner and sailed from Boston June 2 1679 in command of the Barque Hopewell for Barbadoes, where was his home and where his son Nicholas was baptized in the Parish of St. Michaels on Aug. 10 1678. There were other families of Morrell and Murrell in Barbadoes at about that period. 18 PIERRE MOREL Pierre came from Switzerland in 1732 with his wife and seven children and seven servants, landing at Savannah, Ga., where he shortly afterward obtained grants and concessions to large tracts of land and became prominent among the southern planters. He was one of the largest slave owners of his time. During the War of the Revolution the Morels were intense patriots. John, son of Pierre, was member of the Provincial Congress from the Sea Island district of Georgia in 1775 and member of the Committee of Safety at Savannah in 1776 and in the same year was one of the party who boarded and fired the British ship Inverness in Savannah harbor. The descendants of Pierre Morel are numerous. Their genealogy is published under the title "Bellinger & De Veaux & Allied Families." 19 HUGH MORRIELL Hugh came from Ireland some ten or fifteen years prior to the War of the Revolution, settling in New York State, west of Albany. He had sons Robert and James ; Robert had son Robert who had son Hugh born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Hugh, last named had son Robert who settled in Erie Co., Pa., and changed the name to Morrill. This last Robert had several children among them a son William H. who moved to Indiana and from whose descendants the above facts were obtained. This lineage is vague and hardly well defined but it is indisputable. Many records found in Erie Co., Pa., fully confirm the family existence, and a number of the descendants are at present living in Erie County, Pa. and near South Bend, Indiana. Some still retain the original name of Morriell while others write Morrill. 20 THOMAS MORRELL OF NEWTOWN, LONG ISLAND 21 THOMAS MORRELL OF NEWTOWN Thomas Morrell was in Newtown, a little village on Long Island about eight miles from the Brooklyn ferry, on March ist 1666. When he came, or whence, is not surely known. The following, from the original records, now in custody of the City of New York, Book I Page 82 is the earliest authentic record. March 1 1666 At a towne meting " The next lott to John Moore's lott estward on the south side of the towne is given to Thomas Morall provided no (a word here is illegible) man or men can show a right for it if it doth apere within a yere and six wekes then is Thomas Morall to pay for it to any such as can make such a right appere upon record "Thomas Morrall is allso granted other upland to plant on where it may be convenient for him p'vided it doth not prejudes any of the neighbors " Above record is entirely without punctuation in the original. 3 23 Several similar records of land grants appear within the next few years. The name is usually spelled Morrell but it is sometimes Marrel or Murrel with variations of one or two " r's " or " 1's ". There are other records also of Thomas of various natures, he appears as principal or witness in one or more suits at law, and a number of deeds and wills are signed or witnessed by him. The little settlement which had been earlier known as Mespat-Kil and Middleburgh, was in 1666 inhabited by less than a hundred persons, mostly English, all farmers or yeomen, with such other occupations as carpenter, weaver or tailor, whenever not busy on their land. The surround- ing villages of Midwout, Amersfort, Breukelen, Boswyck and Rustdorf were mainly peopled by the Dutch and the Dutch language prevailed over the general vicinity. There was no church in Newtown or near until early in the eighteenth century and the few infants of whom we have baptismal records were taken to the Dutch churches in Brooklyn or New York. That many of the children born in Newtown did not receive the rite of baptism, is shown by the great number of adults baptized after churches were established. In the Doughty patent to the settlers at Mespat-Kil, dated May 28 1642, the name Morrell does not appear. In the year following this first patent, the little com- munity was attacked by the Indians, all the houses were burned, several settlers were killed and the entire settle- ment was scattered and destroyed. The original Doughty patent, in Latin, is still preserved among the archives of 24 New York, at Albany, unless it may have been destroyed by the fire in the Capitol Building a few years ago. About 1652 confidence was again restored and settlers began to return, among them several families from New England. In 1656 the entire section was purchased from the Indians and the deed is of record containing the names of all contributors. There is none among them by the name of Morrell. In Thompson's History of Long Island is a list of freeholders in Middleburgh of date 1655 or 56. This list contains the names of Thomas and John Morrell. The authenticity of this list is questioned and it is not given in several other histories. It is certain that several of the names were of families that did not settle in Middleburgh until ten or fifteen years later. Apparently an error has been made in the date. After the English occupation of 1664 new charters were issued to all the settlements by Governor Nichol and in the Charter to Newtown of Dec. 4, 1666, Thomas Morrell is named among the freeholders, while in the later English Charter issued by Governor Dongan Nov. 25 1686 the name of Thomas Morrell appears three times, twice as inhabitant and freeholder and again as one of those entitled to share in the residuary lands. In this last, or Dongan charter, the name of Thomas Morrell, Junior also appears as freeholder which indicates that the son had arrived at years of maturity and enables us to approximate the marriage of Thomas and Hannah at a period of, say, 1661 to 1664. 25 Several tax lists are included in the records of New- town which show that Tho. Morall was assessed Dec. 4 1666 0-1-9 Jan. 27 1667 0-1-3 Feb. 6 1667 0-2-6 Feb. 26 1668 0-2-6 In a list "off" the estates of Newtown taken for purposes of taxation in September 1675 is Tho Morrell i Poll (or male over 21) 10 Morgens of land (about 20 acres) i Horse 4 Oxen i Cow 3 years old I Cow 2 years old 3 Sheep I Swine A similar list of 1678 shows Thomas Morrell of New- town 1 Poll 16 Morgens of land (32 Acres) 3 Cows 2 Cows 2 years old 2 Cows i year old 2 Horses i Horse i year old i Swine 26 The tax list of 1683 shows Thomas Morrell of New- town 2 Polls 1 Horse 4 Oxen 2 Cows & 3 Young Cattle i Swine 25 Morgens land (50 acres) Two polls in this list indicate that Thomas, Jr. had become of age. Ninety families in Newtown were in- cluded in this last enumeration and a comparison shows that the holdings of Thomas Morrell were considerably above the average freeholder of the community. 27 MORRELL IN THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION The Revolutionary record of the Morrells of Newtown is especially creditable. Official publications by the several states show that the number of Morrells engaged in the war was as follows: From New York 32 persons New Jersey 8 Pennsylvania 7 Connecticut 2 And in Privateer service 3 Five of the above were Commissioned Officers. All of these were descendants of Thomas Morrell of Newtown. The official military record of nearly every one has been secured from the War Department in Washington or from the military Records of the several states. NOTE Owing to re-enlistments some of the names are duplicated on the records. It is estimated that the above fifty-three names may represent about thirty individuals. 28 LOYALISTS, OR TORIES There was also a small contingent of the Newtown Morrells who expressed sentiments antagonistic to the cause of American freedom. About eight names of British sympathizers have been found, but only three were classed as tories. These three had their property confiscated, and one was exiled and died at Saint John, New Brunswick in 1817. The Morrell farm at Dutch Kills near Newtown was a military camp for the Hessian and British soldiers during the whole seven years of British occupation. Several incidents and stories of the military rule are still preserved and many relics have been found. 29 CENSUS OF 1790 In the first enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States taken in 1790, recently published in full, Morrells are found as follows : On Long Island 92 persons In New York City 25 Westchester County 14 Orange County 13 Albany & vicinity 23 New Jersey 50 estimated Connecticut 8 Pennsylvania 23 The records of this census for several of the states including New Jersey were destroyed when Washington was devastated and the Capital burned in the war of 1812. The above estimate for New Jersey is below, rather than above the number of Morrells there. All the above, with possibly a few exceptions, were descendants of Thomas Morrell of Newtown. In addi- tion there were several hundred Morrells and Merrills enumerated in New England and the Southern states, 30 among whom were doubtless many of the Long Island tribe. Allowing for those who entered the family by mar- riage and for the daughters married out of the name it is estimated that the descendants of Thomas Morrell of Newtown living in 1790 numbered about two hun- dred and seventy-five individuals of all ages. 31 MORRELLS IN CIVIL LIFE Examination of the minutes of the Town Meetings of Newtown show that from 1705 to 1848 about eight- een Morrells filled various town offices, some of them continuing through several terms. Nineteen Morrells are found among the members of the Presbyterian Church, the first church society established in Newtown. Many Morrells are among the lists of communicants of the churches in all the neighboring villages. 32 WANDERLUST Dreams of green fields far away early came to the Newtown settlers. Morrells of the third generation began the exodus as early as 1707 and from that time to the present the procession has never ceased. In the early eighteenth century the attractions of New Jersey were very alluring, and many settlers came from neighboring communities. Inducements of fertile land, largely free from forests, at low prices and extremely liberal terms of payment, together with the advantages of many rivers and navigable streams, caused sev- eral Morrells to locate on the Delaware or " beyond the Kill." Three Morrells early setttled in Albany. One or more families moved to Westchester County and four brothers in one Newtown family sailed up the Delaware to Philadelphia, where they prospered, and where many of their descendants still live. 33 THOMAS MORRELL FOUNDER OF THE FAMILY IN AMERICA Died at Newtown about 1704 Married in England HANNAH (surname not known) Their children were 2 THOMAS Born in England about 1662 3 SAMUEL " " " " 1664 4 JOSEPH " " Newtown 1667 5 JONATHAN " " about 1670 6 WILLIAM 7 SARAH 8 ABAGAIL Baptized (adult) October 31 1711 NOTE The second generation of Thomas and Hannah Morrell is quite fully established and verified in the Newtown Records. Owing to the absence of churches and church records, the third generation cannot be well defined. Some twenty-rive names are known who must have been grandchildren of Thomas, the founder but only about ten can be, assuredly, placed. 35 But little is positively known of the life of Thomas Morrell prior to his advent at Newtown, but it is almost certain that he was born in England. Following the English occupation of New Amsterdam in 1664 and its change of name to New York, there was a great influx of English immigration and a reasonable assumption is that Thomas and Hannah with their two sons were among those who arrived in the autumn of 1665. He is described in a deed as being a carpenter, but all his efforts seem to have been devoted to clearing his land and farming. Besides the numerous grants he was pur- chaser of several tracts and a number of deeds of sale were executed by him. The date of his death is estab- lished by deeds of his oldest son to the others in division of his estate. One of these deeds alludes to a will, naming sons Thomas and Samuel as executors; a dili- gent search has been made for this will but it has nowhere been found. 36 THOMAS MORRELL SECOND GENERATION son of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Probably born in England about 1662 Married in Newtown about 1686 MARTHA (surname not known) The date of marriage of Thomas is established by a deed executed by his parents, Thomas and Hannah Morrell, bearing- date June 18 1686 "A guift of ten acers of land " with provision for reversion in case no children should be born. It is well established that he had several children and many records of them are col- lected. Only two sons however can be positively identi- fied as of this family owing to the entire absence of church records at that period. These two sons are, Thomas who moved to New Jersey and died at Hopewell in 1732, leaving a will be- queathing his property to his widow Mary and seven small children; and John,* presumably the youngest, who was born March 21 1703, married Phebe Alburtus and left a very long and full line of descendants, cover- ing ten generations most of whom are known and in- dexed. * The compiler of this work is among the descendants of John Morrell and Phebe Alburtus in the eighth generation. 37 SAMUEL MORRELL SECOND GENERATION son of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Born, probably in England about 1664 Married SUSANNAH (surname not known) Samuel and Susannah had several children. Their oldest son, Samuel, married June 12 1728, Phebe Baley, moved to New Jersey and died there leaving a widow and six children; his will is on file at Trenton. Wil- liam, another son is thought to have married Mary Fen- nemin of Burlington, N. J. October 28 1730; his poster- ity is large. Sarah a daughter married John Smith and remained in Newtown. Hannah married John Bailey of Newton. Probably there were other children. 38 JOSEPH MORRELL SECOND GENERATION son of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Born in Newtown 1667 Died November 18 1742 Married HANNAH (surname not known) The oldest son of Joseph and Hannah, Joseph, mar- ried Elizabeth ( ?) and lived in Newtown. He is of frequent record but little is known of his children and descendants. John, another son is supposed to have married Judith Johnson and the large group of Morrells in Philadelphia are thought to have been of this alliance. There were other children. 39 JONATHAN MORRELL SECOND GENERATION son of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Born in Newtown about 1670 Died about 1726 Married JUDITH (surname not known) Their children were 9 JONATHAN Baptized August 15 1697 10 THOMAS Born * "> . Ifi 99 11 ROBERT 12 HESTER 13 JUDITH 14 SUSANNAH 15 JOHN 1 6 DANIEL 17 HANNAH Baptized, adult, March ** '7*7 The six children from Robert to Daniel were baptized at Newtown August i 1710 by Rev. Mr. Poyer, rector of Grace Church, Jamaica. 40 WILLIAM MORRELL SECOND GENERATION son of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Married ELIZABETH (surname not known) William Morrell is frequently of record and many deeds and other recorded papers were executed by him, as late as 1727, after which his name ceases to appear. Whether he died or moved elsewhere is conjecture. Between 1716 and 1723 all deeds were joined in by Elizabeth his wife. Before and after these dates he signed alone. No descendants of William and Elizabeth are posi- tively known. 41 SARAH MORRELL SECOND GENERATION daughter of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown Nothing reliable of Sarah is known beyond the fact that she was in Newtown, adult 1685. The name Sarah is frequent in Morrell records and it is impossible to specify the proper place of each. 42 ABAGAIL MORRELL SECOND GENERATION daughter of Thomas and Hannah Morrell of Newtown The only record is the baptism of Abagail, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Morrell, October 3 1711, adult. It is thought she married but we have nothing positive. 43 JONATHAN MORRELL THIRD GENERATION son of Jonathan and Judith Morrell of Newtown Baptized August 15 1697 Married September 27, 1715 PARNEL MOSS of Newtown Their children were Hannah, Keziah, Abagail and Mary. They did not have sons. Jonathan was baptized in Collegiate Dutch church, New York, Peter and Marytje Praa standing in sponsor- ship; as no further records of him appear it is assumed he died in early life. He was a member of Grace Church, Jamaica, 1716, and his wife Parnell was baptized there, adult, March 13 1730. Their daughters Hannah, Keziah and Abagail were baptized July n, 1729. Mary received the rite some months earlier. Keziah married July 20 1748 Jacob Aiike 44 10 THOMAS MORRELL THIRD GENERATION son of Jonathan and Judith Morrell of Newtown Born 1699 Died May 15 1771 Married JUDITH (surname not known) They had children, Jonathan, Born 1726; Jacob 1730; Samuel 1733; Robert 1737 and Thomas 1739. Judith died February 25 1762 and Thomas married again November 30 1762, Keziah Johnson, widow. Thomas was buried in the old Newtown Cemetery and the inscription on his tombstone is still (1912) legible. This is a large and important Morrell lineage and is known almost complete. Several distinguished names are included, among them Thomas Morrell known as the " fighting parson " who was Major in the Revolution- ary War, was wounded in the Battle of Long Island, returned to his command after some six months at home and was in several battles. After the war he became a preacher of considerable renown and presided at the service in New York, when several Bishops and other eminent clergymen were present at the inaugural of President Washington. Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler was also a member of this lineage. 45 11 son of Jonathan and Judith Morrell of Newtown Married MARY (perhaps Morse) Robert and Mary lived several years in Newtown whence they moved to New York where he was engaged in business as a tallow chandler, apparently with con- siderable success. He was vestryman of Trinity Church 1759 to 1761 and his name appears on several subscrip- tions for church work. Mary lived many years after Thomas' death and is frequently of record. They had several children. 46 15 JOHN MORRELL THIRD GENERATION son of Jonathan and Judith Morrell of Newtown John is supposed to have been the founder of the large branch of Morrells that settled in Flushing. He was twice married, but it is not possible to entirely separate all the children of the several John Morrells then in Newtown. His oldest son John married Aba- gail Alburtus. A long lineage follows, not fully known however. 47 16 DANIEL MORRELL THIRD GENERATION son of Jonathan and Judith Morrell of Newtown Born probably 1710 Married March 3 1734 ALIDA DOXIE daughter of Samuel Doxie and Lysbeth Bas of Long Island Born 1710 Their children were 1 8 JONATHAN 19 JUDICK Baptized May 27 1739 20 ELIZABET October n 1744 21 SAMUEL December n 1748 22 JOHANNES " April 26 175* All except Jonathan baptized at the first Dutch Re- formed Church at Albany. 48 It is uncertain whether Daniel and Alida were mar- ried at Newtown or Albany. The record is found in the first Dutch Reformed Church of Albany but the fact that no baptismal record is found of their first born Jonathan would lead, perhaps, to the assumption that the marriage may have been in Newtown and Jonathan born before they moved to Albany. The Doxies were an old Long Island Family and are supposed to have all descended from Thomas Doxsey, who purchased a plantation lot at Gravesend Oct. 19 1650. The name, with a large variation in spelling, is not uncommon in Long Island records. Samuel Doxie was twice married and Alida, who married Daniel Mor- rell, was the oldest child of the second marriage. 49 18 JONATHAN MORRELL FOURTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Alida Doxie of Albany Born, supposed about 1735 Married June 15 1763 at Albany DEBORA VAN DEUSEN Daughter of Hartman Van Deusen and Margretta Dyckman of Albany Born about 1744 Their children were 23 DANIEL Born March 29 1764 24 MARGARETHA " Apr u 8 1766 25 HARTMAN " December 29 1769 26 JACOB " May 8 1771 27 ALIDA " jui y 2S i 773 28 ELIZABETH " November 15 1775 29 DANIEL " j u i y 20 i 77 8 All the children baptized at Schaghticoke 50 Jonathan Morrell was a soldier in the War of the Rev- olution, i6th Albany regiment. The family of Jonathan Morrell is enumerated at Albany in the Census of 1790 as 2 males over 16 years 2 males under 16 years 2 females All the Van Deusens are (probably) descended from Abraham Pietersen, of Deursen, who was born in the city of Haarlem, Holland Nov. n 1607 and came to America with his wife, Tryntje Melchoirs, shortly after their marriage Dec. 9 1629. An extensive genealogy of the Van Deusen family in two large volumes is published. 51 JUDITH MORRELL FOURTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Alida Doxie of Albany Baptized May 27 1739 Married HARMAN QUACKENBUSH son of Sybrant Quackenbush and Elizabeth Harmense Knickerbacker of Albany Baptized at Albany December 6 1738 Their children were 30 ALIDA QUACKENBUSH Born December 22 1759 31 ELIZABETH QUACKENBUSH Baptized September 201761 32 SYBRAND QUACKENBUSH " September 29 1763 33 DANIEL QUACKENBUSH " August 27 1765 34 JOHANNES QUACKENBUSH " May 18 1766 35 NEELTJE QUACKENBUSH " August 17 1769 36 JACOB QUACKENBUSH " November i S i 772 37 CATHARINA QUACKENBUSH " January 15 1774 A Quackenbush genealogy is published. The family of Hermanus Quackenbush is enumerated in the census of 1790 at Schaghticoke as 3 males over 16 years 2 males under 16 years 4 females 2 slaves 52 21 SAMUEL MORRELL FOURTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Alida Doxie of Albany Baptized Dec. n 1748 Married March 14 1772 License date September 26 1771 RACHEL GARDENIER of Albany Their children were 38 ANDRIES 39 DANIEL 40 JOHANNES 41 NICHOLAS 42 HARMEN 43 HARMEN 44 MATTHEUS 45 JONATHAN 46 JACOB Born May ii 1773 February i i i 775 January 12 1777 February 23 1779 " May i 1781 June 30 1783 December 123 1785 " March 20 1788 April 1 8 1791 53 1786 March 21. The bill of Samuel Morril of 14-4-0 was ordered paid, (by the Council). 1786 Nov 3 Samuel Morril was appointed chimney viewer for the ensuing year. Samuel Morrell was a soldier in the War of the Revo- lution, 1st Regt. Albany Militia. Capt Scotts Com- pany.* In the Census of 1790 the family of Samuel Morrell is enumerated at Watervliet as follows 2 males over 16 years 6 males under 16 years i female * This record is from New York State Archives The War Depart- ment at Washington cannot verify it. 54 GARDENIER The ancestor of all the Gardeniers was Jacob Janse, a carpenter, who came from Campen, in Holland, 1637, settling first at New Amsterdam and, about 1666, re- moving to Beaverwyck where the remainder of his life was spent. It is reputed that he possessed high skill as a gardener, hence his surname. Jacob was also at one time known as Jacob Janse Plodder, and under this name received a grant for a large tract of land covering a part of the present city of Hudson, N. Y., the title to which was the cause of prolonged litigation in the early nineteenth century. The first wife of Jacob died in 1669 after which he married Barrentje Stratsmans, widow of Hans Coen- ratse. 55 22 JOHN MORRELL FOURTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Alida Doxie of Albany Baptized April 26 1752 Married October 29 1774 HESTER VAN TASSEL daughters of Teunis Van Tassel and Fytje Fosner (widow) of Albany Their children were 47 JACOB Born March 3 1778 48 ELIZABETH February 22 1780 49 DANIEL September 15 1782 50 WVNTJE January 4 1785 51 JUDIKJE " November 12 1787 52 TEUNIS " April 7 1791 53 RACHEL " August 30 1792 54 JOHN January 22 1796 The five oldest children were baptized at Schaghticoke, Teunis at Schoharie and the other two at New Rhine- beck, now Lawyersville. NOTE The name of John Morrell does not appear in the Census of 1790 though he was living: in Schoharie Co. at that time. 56 38 ANDREW MORRELL FIFTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier of Albany Baptized May n 1773 Married CORNELIA SLINGERLAND daughter of Albert Slingerland and Christina Van Vranken of Albany Baptized December 7 1775 Their children were 55 RICHARD Born January 12 1795 56 RACHEL September 27 1796 57 RACHEL April i 1798 58 CHRISTINA February 6 1800 59 SAMUEL January 1 8 i8oa 60 ANN MARIA " April 14 1805 Children baptized at First Dutch Reformed Church at Albany excepting the youngest who was baptized in the Dutch Church at New Rhinebeck. Letters of administration on the estate of Andrew Morrell were issued by the Surrogate of Albany County September 1815. 57 39 DANIEL MORRELL FIFTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier of Albany Born February I 1775 at Albany Died December 22 1842 at Canajoharie Married CLAARTJE* GROESBECK daughter of John D Groesbeck and Betty Van Arnum cf Albany Born March, 12 1770 Died June 17 1838 Their children were 61 SAMUEL Born December 22 1798 62 JOHN D " December 14 1800 63 DANIEL " May 29 1804 64 ALLETTA 65 RACHEL " February 25 1809 66 DAVID January 16 1812 Died in Childhood 67 And perhaps CLARISSA who married Hugh D Fries of Schodack All except Clarissa baptized in the First Dutch Reformed Church at Albany Married second 1840 ABAGAIL ADSIT of Canajoharie She died November 24 1856 "* several forms; claart Je, Clausie, Neclasha. 58 In the War of 1812 Daniel Morrell was in Military Service, in the Commissary Department stationed, per- haps, at Ticonderoga. All of his children were born at Albany and his home was there until 1814, when he moved to a farm some six miles from Canajoharie. About 1830 he came to the village and, in company with his son Daniel, entered the grocery business there. Both his farmhouse and that occupied by him in the village are still standing and in good preservation. In 1834 Daniel was elected Assemblyman, representing his district in Montgomery County, in the New York Legislature. 59 THREE DEEDS FOUND IN ALBANY 1815 April 6. Daniel Morrel, of the town of Canajo- harie, in the County of Montgomery, and Claushie, his wife, convey to David Woodsworth. 1825 February 16. John Van O'Linda of "Nesquaina " in the county of Schenectady, and Polly, his wife ; Daniel Morrell, of the town of Root, in the County of Mont- gomery, and Clarissa, his wife; Anthony H Bradt, of Halfmoon, in the County of Saratoga, and Catherine, his wife; Catherine Groesbeck, widow of Jacob D. Groes- beck, deceased; Harriet Groesbeck, of the City of Albany, widow of David S. Groesbeck, deceased; and Letty Groesbeck, of the City of Albany, convey to John Pearce, of the city of Albany. 1825 February 17 The same grantors and John Pearce convey to William Scoon. 60 GROESBECK Klaes (Nicholas) Jacobse Groesbeck in 1662 came from Rot- terdam, Holland. Was a carpenter. He was born about 1626. When about 72 years old he bought a house and lot in Albany on the West Side of Pearl Street, the second North of Maiden Lane. His wife was Elizabeth .... He made a will January 3rd, 1706 or 1707 : mentioned the following children : Jacob, Catrina, late widow of Jacob Teunise Van Woert, Wil- liam, Barbara, wife of Gysbut Marcellus, Rebecca, wife of Dom- inicus Van Schaack, Johannes and Stephanus. William Charles Groesbeck, third child of Nicholas Groesbeck, was born about 1660: married first Gerterny Schuyler and had two children ; Catelina, born 1685, died in infancy. David, born 1692. He married Maria Vander Pool, November 8, 1724; and had eleven children : 1 WILLIAM born 1725 died 1752 2 CATRINA " 1726 " 1732 3 DAVID " 1728 " 1795 4 MARY " 1730 " 1732 5 MALLEGHORT " 1732 " 1748 6 JOHN " 1734 " 1737 7 ABRAM " 1736 " 1736 8 CATHRYNE " 1737 9 GERTERNY " 1739 " 1745 10 JOHN D " 1741 11 CATELENA " 1745 David Groesbeck died 1763. Marie Vander Pool died 1757. 61 David Groesbeck, third child, married first Catrina Vedder in 1752 and had two children : William born in 1753 Cornelius born in 1751 Catrina Vedder died December 15, 1754. He then married Sarah Winne, September 28th, 1765. She was born in 1744: died, April 20th, 1818. David Groesbeck died, March 30th, 1795. John D. Groesbeck, 10th child, married Betty Van Arnum: had two children: Marie married John Van O'Linda Clarissa married Daniel Morrell In 1773 he again married Catelina Van Schaack: had eight children : John G married Maria Lansing David " Harriet Crandall Malcot V died unmarried Alletta William married Hannah Dickerson Catherine " Anthony Bratt Sarah " John Pierce Jacob " Catherine Shaver Maria Groesbeck and John Van O'Linda's children were; Richard, John, Jacob, Aletta, Cataline and James. Daniel MorrelPs children were: Samuel, John D., Daniel, Aletta, Rachel, and David, who died in childhood. John G. married Maria Lansing: their children were John Lansing, David, Abram, Annie and several others. David G. married Harriet Crandall: their children were Harriet, Maria, Alida, Susan, John and Catelina. William married Hannah Dickerson: had two children Catherine and Catalina. 62 Catherine married Anthony Bratt : had one child, John. Sarah L. Groesbeck married John Pierce : had five children ; Catalina, Sarah, Charles, Frances and Phebe. Jacob married Catherine Shaver. Their children were: Catalina, Cecelia, Catharine, Ann, John, Letetia and Charles. Catharine Groesbeck married Francis Pruyn. Their children were Francis, David, William, Maria and Catalina. Aletta and Malcot died unmarried. The Groesbeck family is said to have in its possession several articles of furniture and household ware, brought from Holland by the original Nicholas in 1662. NOTE The above Groesbeck genealogy has been kindly supplied by Mr. Frederick P. De Witt of Mount Vernon. N. Y. 63 40 JOHN MORRELL FITTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier Born January 12 1777 Married REBECCA BRATT of Albany Their children were 68 DANIEL March I2 l801 69 RACHEL January 19 1803 70 SAMUEL February 17 1805 71 ABRAHAM DAVENPORT December 3 1806 72 ABRAHAM QUACKENBUSH February 17 1808 All baptized in First Dutch Reformed Church of Albany. Extract from a letter of Mr. Daniel Morrell of Hart- ford April 8 1912 " I have recollection of but one of the brothers of my grand- father, Johannes, known to us as Uncle John. I recall that at one time he visited my father's house in Albany while journey- ing in search of family papers to establish his title to certain property in England. "While still in quest of this fortune he was killed in a rail- road accident." 64 41 NICHOLAS MORRELL FIFTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier of Albany Born February 23 1779 Married ELIZABETH BROOKS Their children were 73 RACHEL Born December 22 1801 74 JONATHAN January 17 1803 75 SAMUEL October 28 1805 All baptized in First Reformed Dutch Church, Albany. No further records. Possibly he left Albany. 65 43 HERMAN MORRELL FIFTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier of Albany Born January 30 1783 Married CATHERINE (surname not found) An only child was 76 SAMUEL November 14 1805 Extract from a letter of Mrs. Clarissa Freeman to Mr. Daniel Morrell of Hartford, 1912 " The widow of another of grandfather's brothers used to visit us in Albany. She was married again and we knew her as Aunt Katy Podon. She had one son by her first husband named Samuel Morrell. He was a youth of promising talents but an unfortunate love affair changed his life to one of dis- sipation. We moved to New York soon after that and lost sight of Samuel but I am quite sure he never married." 66 45 JONATHAN MORRELL FIFTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Rachel Gardenier of Albany Born March 20 1788 Married November 17 1810 First Dutch Reformed Church of Albany ANN RADCLIFFE Their children were 77 MARIA Born September 22 1813 78 ELEANOR January 6 1816 79 FANNY ANN October ^ i8i8 These three children were baptized in the First Dutch Reformed Church of Albany: Ann Morrell widow married, November 13, 1831, Leonard Row (Rowe), Second Dutch Church, Albany. Apparently this record applies to the wife of Jonathan. 67 61 SAMUEL MORRELL SIXTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Clarissa Groesbeck of Albany Born December 22 1798 Died August 20 1870 Married November 9 1818 ANNA ROWE of Flat Creek N Y Born July 25 1801 Died August 19 1880 Their children were 07 CLARISSA Born May 16 1819 T):~A March 26 1876 JJied not married 98 WlLLIAM Born September 17 1821 99 DANIEL December i 1823 100 CATHERINE December 27 1825 101 JOHN January 31 1828 102 ANNA E July J 3 1831 103 SAMUEL October 2 1832 104 CECELIA November 10 1834 Died May 23 1839 105 CHARLES Born October 15 1830 Died January 4 1838 O6 CECELIA Born December 9 1842 Died May 1 6 1872 not married 107 CHARLES Born October n 1838 Samuel Morrell is buried at Fort Plain, N. Y. ; his wife was always known to her nephews and nieces as Aunt Nannie. 68 62 JOHN D. MORRELL SIXTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Clarissa Groesbeck of Albany Born December 14 1800 Died September 9 1872 Married MARY BURNS daughter of Peter Burns and Sarah Ann McDougall of Montreal Canada Their children were 108 CLARISSA Born J'un* 10 1831 109 SARAH ANN April 10 1834 no DANIEL Jiy a 1836 111 JOHN D " May 20 1838 Died December 8 1862 not married 112 EDMOND GROESBECK Born January 17 1842 Died January 28 1843 113 MARIETTA Born July 21 1844 The four oldest children were baptized March i 1840 at the Second Dutch Reformed Church in Albany. John D. Morrell was doubtless named in honor of his grandfather Groesbeck. The middle letter bore no sig- nificance. The name appears many times in Albany Directories. In 1852 he was in the Dry Goods business at 80 State Street and his home was at 13 Park Street. 69 BURNS Peter Burns married Sarah Ann McDougall, of Montreal, Canada. Children : MARY married John D. Morrell. ANN married Ephraim Fairfield. PETER died September 8th, 1840 aged 25 years, 4 months and was unmarried DANIEL married Sarah Margaret Van Alstine. SARAH married Samuel Tower (Moved to Grand Rapids Michigan, where the family still exists). Children of Ann and Ephraim Fairfield were George, Eliza- beth and John. The antecedents of the Burns-McDougall family are lacking. Living descendants affirm that the Burns family formerly lived somewhere on the banks of the Susquehanna River in New York, that Sarah Ann McDougall was a descendant of John McDougall of Argyleshire, Scotland and that she had three brothers, Donald, Daniel and Dougal. 70 MARY BURNS MORRELL JOHN D MORRELL 63 DANIEL MORRELL SIXTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Clarissa Groesbeck of Albany Born May 29 1804 Married MATILDA CLUTE Their only child was 114 MATILDA Born September i 1831 Married second SARAH MARIA HOAG daughter of John and Sarah Maria Hoag of Flat Creek N Y Their children were 115 CLARISSA Born July 1833 116 DANIEL " J ne 6 l8 'S 117 SARAH MARIA " February ^ 1837 Died May 12 1914 not married 118 ALLETTA Born October 21 1839 IIQ DAVID September 30 184* Drowned 1 20 HARRIET " March 31 1844 121 MARY October 21 1846 Died young 71 64 ALLETTA MORRELL SIXTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Clarissa Groesbeck of Albany Born 1807 Died June 9 1866 Married July 24 1824 at Dutch Reformed Church at Lawyersville N Y WILLIAM RICKARD of Rondout N Y Born 1803 Died 1860 Their children were 122 SAMUEL RICKARD 123 DANIEL RICKARD 124 CATHERINE RICKARD 125 WILLIAM RICKARD 126 CLARISSA RICKARD 127 DAVID RICKARD Born 1836 Died 1863 128 LUCAS WlNNE RlCKARD Bom November 9 1838 129 GEORGE RICKARD " October 1840 130 ALLETTA RICKARD 131 JOHN RICKARD Died in infancy 72 RICKARD 122 SAMUEL Married Cornelia Van Slyck and had children Charles and Birdsley. 123 DANIEL Married Amanda Everson and had Hattie and several other children. 124 CATHERINE Married first, Manassah Burrill; sec- ond, Mr. Layman; third, Mr. Meade. She had but one child who died in infancy. 125 WILLIAM Married first, Caroline Everson; sec- ond, Josephine Everson. Had only child Isabella. 126 CLARISSA Married Augustus Morrell. They had children Daniel, Alletta, Clara and William. 127 DAVID Married Louise Winne. No further record 128 LUCAS W Married Hannah Cotant; they had only child George. 129 GEORGE Married first, Abagail Mabie; second, Josephine. ( ?) No record of family. 130 ALLETTA Married Mr. Petrie. 73 65 RACHEL MORRELL SIXTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Clarissa Groesbeck of Albany Born February 25 1809 Died November 6 1849 Married January 22 1801 PETER PUTNAM son of Peter and Rachel Putnam of Albany Born June 24 1810 Died December 27 1893 Their children were 132 DAVID PUTNAM Born June 6 1833 Died February 5 1835 133 ALIDA PUTNAM Born May 29 1834 Died December 13 1834 134 DAVID PUTNAM Born April 25 1836 Died January 7 1837 135 CLARISSA PUTNAM Born January 24 1838 Died January 19 1913 136 PETER PUTNAM Born March 10 1840 Died May ii 1912 137 DANIEL PUTNAM Born June 2 1842 Died September 17 1845 138 DAVID PUTNAM Born March 27 1846 Died i infancy 136 Peter Putnam Jr married August 20 1863, Mar- garet Adelaide Haswell, Born January 18 1841. After the death of Rachel, Peter was again married to Abbie Eaton. They had two children, Anna and Ella Gertrude. 74 98 WILLIAM MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Flat Creek N Y Born September 10 1821 Died September 30 1870 Married April 2 1848 FANNY MARIA VOSBURGH daughter of Jacob Vosburgh and Hannah Mount of Flat Creek Born January 16 1828 Died July u 1892 Their children were 139 HANNAH Born July n 1849 140 ANNA MARY Born August 20 1851 141 IRVING W Born May a 1854 142 ELLA LOUISE Born May ai 1856 143 WILLIAM WALTER Born June 24 1859 144 ELMER ELSWORTH Born February 16 i86a William Morrell lived at Flat Creek, N. Y., until 1871, when he moved to what was known as the Altman farm near Sharon Springs, Schoharie Co., N. Y. 75 99 DANIEL MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born December i 1823 Died June 15 1894 Married MARY LOUISA KIPP daughter of William Kipp and Miss Frink of Kinderhook N Y Their children were 145 ANNA FLORENCE 146 LILLIAN Born 1860 Died February 1894 147 CLIFFORD Died young 148 MARIA LOUISE Died young Daniel Morrell was admitted to the bar in 1851 and in 1865 was District Attorney for Montgomery County, N. Y. 76 SARAH ANN McDOUGALL BURNS The following is found in " Old Kinderhook " The first newspaper published in Kinderhook was " The Kinderhook Herald " which made its appearance January 3 1825. Among the business notices on the first page is one of Wil- liam Kip, Watchmaker and Jeweler. William Kip was Justice for Sessions during the years 1858, 1859 and 1863. Describing Kinderhook as of 1864: " On Hudson Street is the very old house in which lived William Kip, his wife, her sisters Mrs. Hobart, Mrs. Winton and Mrs. Dodge and Miss Virginia Kip, a daughter. Another daughter, Gertrude, had married Judge Cook of Canajoharie and Mary L. was the wife of D. Morrell of Palentine. The sons, Augustus and Clarence were in New York. On the corner of the lot was Mr. Kip's Watch and Jewelry shop." 77 100 CATHERINE MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born December 27 1825 Died March 23 1882 Married June 5 1849 NICHOLAS J SMITH Died January 18 1890 Their children were 149 SAMUEL M SMITH 150 CAROLINA A SMITH 151 CHARLES J SMITH 152 ANNA BELL SMITH 153 JOHN MORRELL SMITH Bom February Died June June Died August Born March Died July Born June October 4 1850 23 1857 29 1853 31 1876 17 1836 2 1837 24 1858 17 1865 78 150 CAROLINA A SMITH Married August 31 1876 Nicholas Corad. They had children Charles Albert, Born April 6 1879 and Kittie May Born April 28 1881. Married October 29 1879 John Hutching^. Their children were Helena born October 20 1880, Charles born September 8 1882, Died February 7 1883, Albert M. Born May 20 1886 and Wil- liam Born May 8 1888. 153 JOHN MORRELL Married Mary Tygert. They had son Robert. 152 ANNA BELL 79 101 JOHN MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born January 31 1828 Died March 1912 Married June 15 1852 AGNES SLINGERLAND daughter of Maus Slingerland and Susan Sager of near Albany Their only child was 154 SUSAN ELIZABETH 80 102 ANNA E MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born July 13 1831 Died May 19 1884 Married July 13 1858 DANIEL WEISS VROOMAN Born November i 1839 Died October 13 1910 Their children were 155 CLARA MORRELL VROOMAN Born April 22 1859 Died November 29 1912 Born NOV. 8 1861 156 MARGARET VROOMAN 157 SAMUEL VROOMAN 158 IMOGENE VROOMAN 159 DANIEL W VROOMAN 160 KITTIE MAY VROOMAN 161 CHARLES VROOMAN 162 MORRELL VROOMAN 162 MORRELL VROOMAN Morrell Vrooman married April 28 1909, Helen Sco- field Pryor of Brooklyn, N. Y. They have a son, Morrell, Jr. Live at Gloversville, N. Y. M September 3 1863 Died February 14 1864 Born April i 1866 Died June 9 1894 Born May II 1868 Died January 5 1874 Born January 22 1870 Died January II 1874 Born August 4 1873 Died December 6 1873 Born February 10 1875 81 103 SAMUEL MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born October 2 1832 Died October 1912 at Oneida N Y Married November 27 1854 MARIA LOUISE CONKLING daughter of Thomas Conkling of New York and Magdalena Spraker of Palentine Born in Currytown N Y August 14 1837 Their children were 163 MARGARET LOUISE Born July J9 1861 164 DANIEL S " September 7 1855 Died October 1862 165 SUSAN IMOGENE Born November 21 1858 Died October 1862 82 107 CHARLES MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Samuel Morrell and Anna Rowe of Albany Born October u 1838 Died March 18 1882 Married March 26 1861 MATILDA VROOMAN Their children were 166 MARIA LOUISE 167 SAMUEL B 168 WILLIAM 169 CLARENCE VOLKERT Died in infancy 170 JOHN FRANKLIN 171 GRACE 83 108 CLARISSA MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of John D Morrell and Mary Burns of Albany Born January 10 1831 Married LORRAINE CLASSON FREEMAN No children were born to them 84 109 SARAH ANN MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of John D. Morrell and Mary Burns of Albany Born April 10 1834 Married PETER DE WITT son of Daniel L DeWitt and Catherine Pike of Hopewell N Y Their children were 172 DANIEL MORRELL DE WITT Born October 20 1864 173 EDWIN CLARENCE DE WITT July * 866 174 LORRAINE PETER DE WITT " December 2 1870 Died July 1 1871 175 FREDERICK PETER DE WITT Bornjuiy ^ 1872 176 JOHN JULIAN DE WITT " March 2 1874 177 WALTER GROESBECK DE WITT " November 2 1876 Daniel M. De Witt married October 22 1890 Harriet E. Satterly. John J. De Witt married June 14 1905 Amelia Florence Bailey. Walter G. De Witt married Nov. 2, 1905 Elizabeth Dorothy Ell nwood; they have children John E. and Walter G. 85 110 DANIEL MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of John D Morrell and Mary Burns of Albany Born July 3 1836 at Canajoharie Married 1862 CORNELIA JOSEPHINE SILVER daughter of Abraham P. Silver and Lydia B Burgess of Richmond, P Q. Canada Born March 18 1840 Died November 20 1914 at Hartford Their children were 178 JOHN WATSON Born February 12 1864 179 DANIEL SILVER " March 3 1866 180 SUSAN " May 2 1869 181 CORNELIA 182 WALTER FAIRBAIRN 183 FLORENCE LYDIA March Died April Bom February Died November Bom November 19 19 18 7 II 1871 1871 1873 1880 1874 184 JAMES GASHERIE DE WITT Bom November 3 1 876 185 MARY BURNS Born April Died July 26 26 !878 1878 86 DANIEL MORRELL Daniel Morrell, the subject of this article, is from the point of view of the compilers of this genealogical record of the Morrell family particularly worthy of selection for special mention as exemplifying to a marked degree the traits and characteristics of the entire line so far as it has been possible to acquire information of a reliable character. A brief review of the grounds for presenting this opinion follows herewith preliminary to the com- ments we propose to make upon Mr. Morrell's life. Both the name- root and the coat-of-arms attributed to the family imply that before its appearance in what is now the United States its members belonged to the land holding class, that some were of French Huguenot extraction and in common with many other members of their faith were driven from France during the religious wars of that Country in the Sixteenth Century. Researches suggest that upon leaving France an an- cestor of the family in this Country settled in England (probably in the County of Kent) although he may have resided for a time in Holland prior to his arrival in England. As will be observed upon consulting the records which follow, the progenitor of the family in this country settled 7 87 at Newtown, Long Island, in 1666; and true to the gen- eral traditions of the race at once acquired as his source of livelihoood several acres of land. A majority of his descendants have followed his calling of a tiller of the soil, intermarrying extensively with the New York State Dutch and Scotch families, particularly in the vicinity of Albany, along the Hudson, and westward through the Mohawk Valley, although the family is widely dispersed elsewhere. Others have entered mercantile pursuits and the military and other professions, the predominant traits of all perhaps being a modest self-respect and slow ten- acity of purpose in the selected calling, characteristics which while not seeking political or other activities of a conspicuous nature, are of far more value to the intrinsic strength and prosperity of any country. Daniel Morrell was born in Canajoharie, New York, July 3rd, 1836, the son of John D. and Mary (Burns) Morrell. The father at that time owned and operated a number of boats on the Erie Canal, the great artery for transporting heavy freight between the East and the West prior to the day of railroads. While the son was still very young the family moved to Albany, New York, and later to New York City. Mr. Morrell received a common school education of the period and owing to natural strength of mind and will was prepared for and intended entering college at an early age, when his father's capital consisting almost entirely of canal boats was con- sumed in a great conflagration which destroyed nearly all the vessels of this description laid up for the winter in the Albany basin. Insurance not being recognized or 88 employed as it is to-day, the father's loss through failure to provide that safeguard reduced his means to an extent necessitating the son's entering business instead of college. Accordingly in 1853 Daniel Morrell after one or two essays elsewhere entered the employ of the old Wall Street Brokerage and Banking House of David Groes- beck & Company, whose offices for many years were at 30 Broad Street, New York City. Mr. Morrell later was made a partner in the firm ; and about 1860 also became a member of the New York Stock Exchange retaining his membership nearly thirty years. In 1876 Christopher M. Spencer, one of New England's most talented inventors, the designer of the Spencer repeating rifle, and other improved mechanical devices, interested Mr. Morrell to such an extent in an automatic machine the former had invented that the latter severed his active connection with the firm of David Groesbeck & Company that he might in company with Mr. Spencer and other local interests organize the Hartford Machine Screw Company, at Hartford, Connecticut. That Company through the basic ideas of the original machine and subsequent improvements was instrumental in revolutionizing the processes throughout the world by which machine screws of every description, nuts, rivets and nearly all lathe turned parts are produced. The Company at its inception underwent the usual difficulties in overcoming prejudice and inertia in introducing its improved methods; and its final success may be prin- 89 cipally attributed to the patience and business acumen of Mr. Morrell and the financial assistance he extended the Company when this aid could not be obtained else- where. Mr. Morrell retired from active business in 1905 although he continues to maintain a strong interest in financial matters generally. On June 25th, 1862, he married Cornelia Josephine Silver, of New York City, their Golden Wedding having been celebrated at the residence in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1912. In closing this brief review of Daniel Morrell's career his friends will unite in naming him as an exemplar of the best American citizenship. His nature is kindly and charitable to the utmost degree and the many whom he has befriended will, we believe, upon reading this be glad to join their tribute of love and respect. 90 rttr ncrf/iy vnf&er- /ts/.i /is-// tratt/itr/y t'ti/ta /ft/ 1 ///.'// /f nii.i,t'et'/t />tf/ fft/ />/ ffi, tfti/r frc/i/ ir //t/t Srftutn //// 'S~)t (>//<>/ /./ /ir/f/u ') U 'ltlU'^ -/!, /,(/. tiyt h t tft;t/H/r ,//.i; (//'.< /jt/ X* f - i ' ~ SILVER Abraham Perkins Silver and Lydia Bailey Burgess were parents of four children. Two sons died in infancy ; Cornelia Josephine married Daniel Morrell; Susan De Witt married Walter Cheeseman Fairbairn of New York City on September 19 1866; he died April 24 1871. They had two children Lydia Silver and Walter both of whom died young. Susan married (second) June 21 1905 George Lewis Chase of Hartford Conn. He died January 8 1908. The grandfather of Abraham P. Silver was James Silver a Surgeon in the army during the War of the Revolution and it is traditional in the family that he served at Bunker Hill and was courtmartialed for seiz- ing the gtm of a wounded man and fighting in the ranks instead of attending to his proper duties. After the war James resided in Nottingham N. H. and a curious certificate of membership in the Masonic Lodge of that town, dated in the Masonic year 5800 is owned by the family. He resumed the practice of medicine at Nottingham and some years later removed to Canada. A son of James Silver was also a physician, receiving his education at Dartmouth. 91 Thomas Poor, Esq. CoK of the Regt. of Military from y* Massachusetts State. Camp at West Point. To James Silver, Gentleman, Greeting. Being informed of your skill in surgery and reposing especial trust and confidence in your ability and good conduct, do by these Presents, Constitute and Appoint, you, the said James Silver, to be Surgeon's Mate in the Reg't whereof Samuel Hassel- tine is Surgeon, Raised by this Colony to re-enforce the American Army, for eight months from the time you shall arrive in Camp. You are therefore carefully and dilligently to discharge the duty of Surgeon's Mate in said Reg't. in all things apper- taining thereto, observing from time to time, such orders and instructions as you shall receive from any Superior officers, according to Military rules and disipline, established by the American Congress, for which this shall be your sufficient war- rant Given under our hands and seal, this tenth day of August in the year of our Lord 1778 Tho s . Poor Col. Abijah Brown Lieut Col. Seth Turner Major Samuel Hasseltine Surgeon By order of the Commanding Officer Wm Burrows Clerk 92 The following is a correct copy of portions of the Military Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. James Silver appears with rank of Surgeon's Mate on a Muster and Pay Roll of the Field and Staff Officers of Col. Thomas Poor's regiment. Time of Engagement June 5 1778. Time of discharge October 13 1778. Service 4 months, 21 days, including 12 days (245 miles) travel home. Regiment raised for defence of North river. James Silver appears with rank of Surgeon's Mate on Pay Rolls for June September, 1778, of the Field and Staff Officers of Col. Thomas Poor's regt., dated Fort Clinton. James Silver appears in a Regimental Order dated West Point, October 12 1778. Said Silver, Surgeon's Mate, and others reported as having been discharged from any further service in his regiment, agreeable to Gen. Washington's orders. James Silver appears with rank of Surgeon's Mate on Pay Roll for February, 1779, of the Field and Staff Officers of Col. Thomas Poor's regt., dated Kings Ferry. Said Silver reported discharged October 12 1778 (Indicating reenlistment.) 93 113 daughter of John D Morrell and Mary Burns of Albany Born April n 1844 Died October 17 1872 Married September 26 1866 LORRAINE CLASSON FREEMAN Their children were 186 CLARA ELIZABETH FREEMAN Born December 23 1867 Died September 6 1915 187 LORRAINE FARRINGTON FREEMAN Born February 25 187.1 Died October 24 1872 94 CORNELIA JOSEPHINE SILVER MORRELL 114 MATILDA MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Matilda Clute of Albany Born Sept i 1831 Married June 4 1854 JOHN H NASH Their children were 188 WILLIS G NASH 189 SARAH NASH 190 MATILDA NASH 191 EDGAR NASH 192 ELLA NASH 95 NASH 188 WILLIS G. Married Sarah Crounse; they have children Mabel and De Witt. For many years Mr. Nash served as President of the Mercantile National Bank of New York, later associating with the Irving National Bank. His home is in Yonkers. 189 SARAH Married S. Edward Miller and has children Louise and Edgar. 190 MATILDA Married George Hutchins and has son Willis Nash Hutchins, born August 8 1908. 96 116 DANIEL MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Sarah M Hoag of Albany Born June 6 1835 Married October 21 1860 MARGARET VEDDER Their children were 193 LILLIAN 194 DELAVAN 195 MILTON 196 EDGAR 197 EUGENE 198 MARY They mostly live near Schenectady 97 118 ALLETTA MORRELL SEVENTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Sarah M Hoag of Albany Born October 21 1839 Married October 25 1866 THOMAS DE WITT DUNSHEE They have only child 199 IRENE DUNSHEE Mrs. Dunshee and her daughter are living (1913) at Canajoharie. 98 139 HANNAH MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Born July n 1849 Married September 30 1873 CHARLES B JONES son of Joseph Jones Their children were 200 EFFIE JONES 201 ELLA JONES 202 MAY JONES 2O2A FANNY JONES Ella Jones is married and has one child. May Jones is married to Leslie Hiller. All live near Sharon Springs, N. Y. 99 ANNA MARY MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Born August 20 1851 Married January 4 1871 LEVI KLING son of Matthew Kling and Catherine Frame of Sharon Springs N Y Their children were 203 WILLIAM KLING 204 KITTIE MAY KLING adopted Levi Kling and family were farmers near Sharon Springs until 1878 when they moved to Tracy, Minn. 100 141 IRVING W MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Born May 2 1854 Died December 3 1912 Married Sept 8 1875 ISABEL KLING daughter of Norman Kling of Sharon N Y Their children were 205 CHARLES 2O5A A daughter Died in infancy Married second EMMA VAN DILLEN Their children were 2058 William Died in childhood 206 IDA 207 GLADYS Irving W. Morrell lived at Charleston Four Corners Montgomery County, N. Y. 101 142 ELLA LOUISE MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION Born May 21 1856 daughter of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Married 1888 BENJAMIN GITMAN of Canajoharie They had no children 102 143 WILLIAM WALTER MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Born June 24 1859 Married December 24 1885 ELIZABETH YORAN daughter of Jonas Yoran and Catherine West of Rock wood Fulton County N Y Their children were 208 EARL Born July n 1887 2O8A RAYMOND Bom December 25 1889 2083 EDITH FRANCES Born November 15 1895 2080 IRENE VOSBURGH Born May 27 1898 2o8E MARION CHARLOTTE Born January 9 1901 William Walter Morrell lives in Sharon Springs, N. Y. 103 144 ELMER ELSWORTH MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of William Morrell and Fanny Maria Vosburgh of Flat Creek Born February 16 1862 Died April i 1896 Married ALICE GORDEN who died 1907 Their children were 210 MABEL 211 FRANK Elmer E Morrell lived at Carlisle, N. Y. Frank married March 4 1913 Ethel Kling. 104 145 ANNA FLORENCE MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Mary Louisa Kipp of Canajoharie Married BENJAMIN FREDENBURG SPRAKER Their only child is 212 LIVINGSTON MORRELL SPRAKER 105 154 daughter of John Morrell and Agnes Slingerland of Albany N Y Married Nov. 24 1886 HORACE G BIDWELL Their children are 213 ALFRED MORRELL BIDWELL 214 AGNES SLINGERLAND BIDWELL 215 MAUD ELIZABETH BIDWELL H. G. Bidwell is a Physician and his home is at No i Madison Ave Jersey City, N. J. 106 163 MARGARET LOUISE MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Samuel Morrell and Maria L Conkling Born July 19 1861 Married Oct 5 1887 BREWSTER SEELY BROWN son of Phineas Seely Brown of New York Their only child is 216 RUTH LOUISE BROWN Born July ao I 107 166 MARIA LOUISE MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Charles Morrell and Matilda Vrooman of Albany Married FRANK L BIDDLEMAN No children were born to them 108 167 SAMUEL B MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of Charles Morrell and Matilda Vrooman of Albany Married LILLIAN ALLEN Their children were 217 CHARLES ALLEN Born April 4 1903 218 ALLEN " February to 190$ Married (second) ALICE ROBERTA ALLEN a sister of his first wife Their children were 219 ELMON 220 ROBERT 109 168 son of Charles Morrell and Matilda Vrooman of Albany Married MINNIE (?) They have no children 110 170 JOHN FRANKLIN MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of Charles Morrell and Matilda Vrooman of Albany Married BESSIE BROWNELL They had child 221 DONALD Married (second) ANNA JENNINGS 111 171 GRACE MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Charles Morrell and Matilda Vrooman of Albany Married HENRY GAYLORD They had only child 222 MlLDRETH LOUISE GAYLORD Bom July 18 1901 112 179 DANIEL SILVER MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION son of Daniel Morrell and Cornelia J Silver of Hartford Born March 3 1866 Married SARAH NOVELLA JENNINGS daughter of William W Jennings and Alida B Stevens of Deep River Connecticut Their children were 223 NOVELLA JENNINGS Born November 6 191* 224 DANIEL SILVER " March *6 1913 113 180 SUSAN MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Cornelia J Silver of Hartford Born May 2 1869 Married April 29 1896 JONATHAN CAMP of Hartford son of Jonathan Camp and Frances J Wood of Norwalk Connecticut They have no children 114 183 FLORENCE LYDIA MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Cornelia J Silver of Hartford Born November n 1874 Married November 8 1899 HENRY GREEN DUFFIELD of Princeton N J Their children were 225 SUSAN CORNELIA DUFFIELD Born February 4 1901 226 DANIEL MORRELL DUFFIELD " November 24 1903 227 FLORENCE ELIZABETH DUFFIELD " January 21 1911 228 HENRIETTA GREEN DUFFIELD " October 25 191* 229 CORNELIA JOSEPHINE DUFFIELD " June a* 1914 115 193 LILLIAN MORRELL EIGHTH GENERATION daughter of Daniel Morrell and Margaret Vedder of Albany Married April 1884 WILLIAM HAGADORN Their children were 230 CLARA HAGADORN 231 DE WITT HAGADORN 232 WILLIAM HAGADORN 233 DUDLEY HAGADORN DeWitt Hagadorn was married October 6 1909 to Kathleen Jones 116 208B EDITH FRANCES MORRELL NINTH GENERATION daughter of William Walter Morrell and Elizabeth Yoran Married December 30 1914 WILLIAM MILLER Their child is 234 KARL ELDREDGE MILLER Born October 23 1915 117 INDEX Adsit 58 Alburtus 37 47 Allen 109 Altman 75 Arms 4 5 6 7 8 87 Aiike 44 Bailey 38 85 91 Bas 48 Bellinger 19 Bergen 17 Biddleman 108 Bidwell 106 Bratt 60 62 63 64 Brewster 107 Brooks 65 Brown 92 107 Brownell in Burgess 86 91 Burns 69 70 84 85 86 88 94 Burrill 73 Burrows 92 Camp 114 Census 26 27 30 31 Chapman 3 Chase 91 Cheeseman 91 Civil Life 32 Classon 94 Clement n Club of Odd Vols 9 Clute 71 95 Coenratse 55 Conkling 82 107 Cook 77 Corad 79 Cornwall 17 Cotant 73 Crandall 62 Crounse 96 Cuyler 2 45 Davenport 64 Defries 58 De Veaux 19 De Witt 63 85 86 91 98 Dickerson 62 Dodge 77 Dongan 25 Doughty 24 Doxie 48 49 Duffield 115 Dunshee 98 Dyckman 50 119 Eaton 74 Edwardes 3 4 Eldredge 117 Elizabeth Queen 5 Ellinwood 85 Elsworth 75 104 England 2 3 Evans 3 Everson 73 Fairbairn 86 91 Fairfield 70 Farrington 94 Fennemin 38 Plodder 55 Fosner 56 Franklin 83 in Fredenburgh 105 Freeman 66 84 94 Fries 58 Frink 76 Frontenac 17 Hagadorn 116 Harmense 52 Hartwell 3 Hasseltine 92 Haswell 74 Hayward 3 Hiller 99 Hoag 71 97 98 Hobart 77 Hodson 13 Holland Society 2 Hopewell Bark 18 Hoskins 3 Houlton 3 Hugenot 2 87 Hutchings 79 96 Inverness Ship 19 Janse 55 Jennings in 113 Johnson 39 45 Jones 99 116 Gardenier 53 55 57 58 64 Kidd 6 6s 66 67 Gasherie 86 Gaylord 112 Gitman 102 Gorden 104 Gorges 9 Green 115 Groesbeck 58 60 61 62 68 69 71 72 74 89 Kipp 76 77 105 Kling 100 101 104 Lansing 62 Layman 73 Leigh 3 Lewis 91 Lion Ship 10 Loyalists 29 120 Mabie 73 McDougall 69 70 Marcellus 61 Marrel 14 24 Masonry 91 Meade 73 Melchoirs 51 Military 19 28 29 45 51 54 59 91 92 93 Miller 96 117 Moody 17 Moore 23 Morall 23 24 26 Morel 17 19 Moril 10 M or rail 3 *5 23 Morrells in America 9 Morrell & Allied Families i Morrice 17 Morriell 20 Morrill 5 II 12 20 Morris 17 Morse 46 Moss 44 Mount 75 Mudgett ii Murrell 18 24 Murrill 10 MORRELL first names Abagail 35 43 44 47 58 Abraham D 64 Abraham Q 64 Abraham of Salisbury II 12 Agnes 80 106 Alice 104 Alice R 109 Alicia 3 Alida 48 49 50 52 53 56 Allen 109 Alletta 58 62 71 72 73 98 Andrew 53 57 Ann 67 69 85 Ann M 57 Anna 68 75 76 78 80 81 82 83 in Anna E 68 81 Anna F 76 105 Anna L 6 Anna M 75 100 Augustus 73 Baker 3 Bessie in Caroline 3 Catherine 66 68 78 Cecelia 68 Charles 3 68 83 101 108 109 no in 112 Charles A 109 Charlotte 103 121 MORRELL first names Christina 57 Claartje 58 Clara 73 Clarence V 83 Clarissa 58 59 60 62 68 69 71 72 74 84 Claushie 60 Clifford 76 Cornelia 57 86 Cornelia J 86 90 91 113 114 115 Daniel of Albany 53 56 58 59 60 62 64 68 69 7i 72 73 74 76 77 95 97 98 105 116 DANIEL of Hartford 64 66 69 86 87 88 89 90 91 113 114 US Daniel of Newtown 40 48 49 50 52 53 56 Daniel S 82 86 113 David 58 62 71 Debora 50 Delavan 97 Donald in Earl 103 Edgar 07 Edith F 103 117 Edmond G 69 Eduouard 14 MORRELL first names Edward 14 Eleanor 67 Elizabeth 3 17 39 41 48 So 56 65 80 103 106 in 117 Ella L 75 102 Elmer E 75 104 Elmon 109 Emma 101 Ensign 17 Ethel 104 Eugene 97 Fanny A 67 Fanny M 75 99 100 101 102 103 104 117 Florence 76 105 Florence L 86 115 Frances 103 117 Francis V i 37 Frank 104 George H 6 George K 6 Gladys 101 Grace 83 112 Hannah 25 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 75 99 loo 101 Harman 53 66 122 MORRELL first names Harriet 71 Hartman 50 Herbert 6 Herman Harman Hester 40 56 Hugh 5 20 Ida icri tmogene 82 frene V 103 Irving W 75 101 Isaac 10 ii Isabel 101 Jacob 45 50 53 56 James 20 James G 86 James W H 3 Jeremiah 3 Johannes John John of Albany 48 53 56 64 68 80 106 John of Georgia 19 John of Gravesend 17 John of Kittery 13 John of Newtown 25 37 39 40 47 John of Wales 3 John D 58 62 69 70 84 85 86 88 94 John F 83 in John W 86 MORRELL first names Jonathan 35 40 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 65 67 Joseph 35 39 Josephine 86 90 91 Judith 3 39 40 44 45 46 47 48 52 56 Keziah 44 45 Letitia 6 Lillian 76 97 109 116 Louisa and Louise 75 76 82 83 102 105 107 I 08 Lydia 86 115 Mabel 104 Margaret 18 97 116 Margaret L 82 107 Margaretha 50 Maria 57 67 71 75 99 100 101 102 103 104 Maria L 76 82 83 107 108 Marietta 69 94 Marion C 103 Martha 37 Mary 3 37 38 44 70 71 94 97 Mary E 3 Mary L 76 77 75 84 85 IOO IIO 46 86 69 88 105 123 MORRELL first names Matilda 71 83 95 108 109 no in 112 Matthew 53 Milton 97 Minnie no Nannie 68 Neclasha 58 Nicholas 18 53 65 Novella 113 Parnell 44 Phebe 37 38 Pierre 19 Rachel 53 56 57 58 62 64 65 66 67 74 Raymond 103 Rebecca 64 Richard 14 57 Robert 5 20 40 45 46 109 Roberta 109 Samuel of Albany 53 54 57 58 62 64 65 66 67 68 75 76 78 80 81 82 83 107 Samuel of Newtown 35 36 38 45 48 Samuel B 83 109 Sarah 10 n 13 35 38 42 MORRELL first names Sarah A 69 85 Sarah M 71 97 98 Sarah N 113 Susan 86 114 Susan E 80 106 Susan I 82 Susannah 38 40 Teunis 56 Thomas of England 5 Thomas the Founder i 15 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 Thomas of Gravesend 15 16 Thomas of Newtown 25 27 36 37 45 Walter 75 103 117 Walter F 86 William 9 35 38 41 68 73 75 83 99 loo roi 102 103 104 i 10 William E 3 William H 20 William Rev 9 William W 75 103 Wyntje 56 117 124 Nash 95 96 Schuyler 61 Nichol 25 Scofield 81 Novella 113 Scoon 60 Scott 54 Origin I 2 Seeley 107 Shaver 62 63 Significance I Pearce 60 62 63 Silver 86 go 91 92 93 Perkins 91 114 115 Petrie 73 Slingerland 57 80 106 Pierce Pearce Smith 3 38 78 79 Pietersen 51 Spelling I Pike 85 Spencer 89 Podon 66 Spraker 82 105 Poor 92 93 Stevens 113 Powell 6 Stratsman 55 , Poyer 40 Stuart 3 Praa 44 Prame 100 Prudence & Mary Ship 18 Teunise 61 Pruyn 63 Pryor 81 Putnam 74 Thompson 25 Tories 29 Tower 70 Turner 92 Quackenbush 52 64 Tygert 79 Radcliffe 67 Raymond 103 Rickard 72 73 Rowe 67 68 75 81 82 83 Sager 80 Satterly 85 76 78 80 Van Alstine 70 Van Arnum 58 Vanderpool 61 Vanderveer 8 Van Deusen 50 VanDillen 101 Van O'Linda 60 62 62 125 Van Schaack 61 62 Van Slyck 73 Van Tassel 56 Van Vranken 57 Van Woert 61 Vedder 62 97 116 Volkert 83 Vosburgh 75 99 100 101 102 IO3 IO4 Vrooman 81 83 108 109 no in 112 War of the Revolution 19 29 45 Si 54 9i 92 War of 1812 30 59 Washington 45 93 Watson 86 Weiss 81 West 103 Winne 62 72 73 Winton 77 Wood 114 Woods worth 60 Wright 3 28 93 Wales 4 Wanderlust 33 Yellow Hair i Yoran 103 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