ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. .DETERMINATIONS OF LONGITUDE. 1888-1902. GIFT OF ASTBONGMICAL SOCIETY OP THE PACIFIC ASTRONOMY DEPT LIBRARY OF THE ASTR ONOM.CAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATIONS OF LONGITUDE MADE IN THE YEARS 1888 TO 1902. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF SIR W. H. M. CHJJISTIE, K.C'.B., M.A., F.R.S., ASTRONOM EP.-RO Y AL. Published by the Board of Admiralty in obedience to His Majesty's Command. EDINBURGH : FEINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BV NEILL & CO., LIMITED, BELLEVUE. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, LTD., FETTEH LANE, B.C.; or OLIVER & BO VD, EDINBURGH; or E. PONSONBY, 116 GRAFTOX STREET, DUHLIN. 1906. [All rights reserved J\ Price Fifteen Shillhiys. Astron. Dopt. I N D E X. PAGE PREFACE ... ... T PART I. Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Paris and Greenwich in the year 1888 . .... . .... 1 Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Paris and Greenwich in the year 1892 ......... . ...... 113 Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Paris and Greenwich in the year 1902 ........ ....... 181 PART II. 1. Telegraphic Determinations of the Differences of Longitude between Greenwich, "Waterville, Hazel Hill (Canso, Xova Scotia) and Montreal, in the year 1892 ...... 1 2. Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Greenwich and Killorglin in the year 1898 . . . ..... PLATES. I. Longitude, Paris Greenwich, 1888. Observing-room at Greenwich. II. Longitude, Paris Greenwich, 1888. Observing-room at Montsouris. III. Longitude, Paris Greenwich, 1888. Electrical Apparatus for registering observations and signals. IV. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Transit Pavilion. V. Longitude, Paris Greenwich, 1892. Diagram of the Construction of the Striding Levels. Diagram of Electrical Connections. VI. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Plan of the Front Court. Plan of the Property of the Commercial Cable Company at Waterville VII. Plan of a portion of M'Gill College grounds, Montreal. Plan of a portion of the property of the Commercial Cable Company at Hazel Hill (Canso, K"ova Scotia). 500 Wt. 439f.. 2/06 N. & Co., Ltd. ERRATA. Pages 46 52. Insert at head of Columns 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 respectively : h m Pages 205-208. 7*ertf under date in Column 1, from Sept. 21-Nov. 14, 10-440. Pages 210-217. Inoert under date in Column 1, from Apr. 7-Nov. 4, 10'080. P R B F A C B. THIS volume contains the accounts of longitude determinations made by members of the staff of the Royal Observatory in the years 1888 to 1902. These are divided into two parts, (I.) the determination of the arc Paris Greenwich, and (II.) the determination of the longitude of Montreal and of stations in the south-west of Ireland at the extremity of the Great European arc in latitude 52. PART I. Longitude of Paris. The circumstances which led to the determination of the longitude of Paris, simultaneously by two English and two French observers, in the year 1888, are explained on p. 1. The value found by the two English observers was 9 m 20 S> 85, and that found by the French observers of the Service Geographique de 1'Armee was 9 m 21 S 'OG 1 . The discordance between these two independent determinations led to a repetition of the work in 1892, when the value found by the English observers was 9 m 20 8 79 and that by the French observers was 9 m 21 S- 05 2 , showing practically the same discordance as before. The desirability of a re-determination was urged by the International Geodetic Conference which met at Paris in 1898, and it was arranged, in conjunction with M. Loewy, the Director of the National Observatory at Paris, that a re-determination should be undertaken in concert by the two Observatories at Paris and Greenwich. This determination was made in the Spring and Autumn of 1902 (see p. 181). The French observers in 1902 found the value 9 m 20 8 '974, and the English observers obtained the value 9 m 20 S "932 (see p. 323). This latter result agrees exactly with the value obtained by Professor Albrecht in his "Compensation" of the European longitudes. 3 1 Monthly Notices of tlie Royal Astronomical Society, vol. li. p. 408. '-' lleport to the Association Oeodosiquo Internationale, 1892, p. 260, Annexe A. iv. 3 Aftronomische XarJiricJiten, No. 3993, vol. 167 p. 157. The value of the English determination in 1902 adopted by Prof. Albrecht is 9'" zo^gig. This value is obtained by weighting the Spring and Autumn results according to their probable errors. The reasons for the weights used in this volume are given on P- 3 2 3- VI TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION, 1888-1902. PART II. 1. Lonc/itudc of Montreal, Waterville and Canxo (Nova Scotia}. The longitude of Montreal was undertaken in concert with Professor M'Leod for the purpose of supplementing previous trans -Atlantic determinations, of which there were three, connecting the American stations with those in the Eastern Hemisphere. The first of these was that made in 1866 under the direction of Dr. B. A. Gould 1 , which connected Heart's Content, Newfoundland, with Greenwich, and in which the longitude of Foilhomurrum, mentioned below, was incidentally determined. In 1869-70 the difference of longitude between Cambridge, Massachusetts and Brest in France was determined by officers of the U.S. Coast Survey through the then newly laid cable, but the stations were not at that time directly connected with Greenwich. 2 Subsequently a cable was laid from Brest to England, and in 1872 the U.S. Coast Survey determined the difference of longitude between St. Pierre Island, Newfoundland, and Greenwich, by way of Brest. 8 The results of these three opera- tions, together with a provisional result of the determination of the longitude of Montreal 4 given in this volume, were used by the late Mr. C. A. Schott of the U.S. Coast Survey Department to form a network 5 stretching from Greenwich to San Francisco, from which the adjusted difference of longitude between Greenwich and Montreal is found to be 4 h 54 m 18 S '634, agreeing almost precisely with the result given on p. 124, y i z -> 4 h 54 m i8 s '62. 2. Longitude of Killorglin. For reasons given on p. 12u of Part II. of this volume, it was thought desirable that as a supplement to the determinations of the longitudes of Valentia and Waterville the longitude of a third station in the neighbourhood of the Western end of the Great European arc of longitude should be determined as a check on possible local attraction at those places. The principal station of the Ordnance Survey at the Western end of the European arc is at Feaghmain in the north-west of the island of Valentia. The astronomical longitude of this place was found in 1844 by transmission of chronometers to be 41 m 23 8 '23 6 west of Greenwich (Bradley's Meridian). The longitude of Knightstown in the north-east of Valentia 1 U.S. Coast Survey Eeport, 1 867, Appendix No. 6. 2 U.S. Coast Survey Eeport, 1874, p. 163, and Memoirs of the American Academy, vol. ix., p. 437. 3 U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1872, Appendix No. 13. * 4 h 54 m i8 s -67. 5 U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1897, Part II., Appendix No. 2, and Astronomical Journal, No. 412. 6 Determination of the Longitude of Valentia by transmission of Chronometers, Appendix to Greenwich Observations, 184;. PREFACE. Vll island was determined by telegraphic communication in 1862 and found to be 4'imgs.gii The astronomical longitude of a third station, Foilhomurrum, in the south of the island, was found in the course of the work of the trans-Atlantic longitude determination made in I860 by officers of the U.S. Coast Survey, to be 41 m 33 s 34' west of the Greenwich Transit Circle. The differences of Geodetic longitude between these three stations and Greenwich, computed on the supposition that the network of the British and Irish Triangulation as a whole is projected on to a spheroid whose semi-axes are a = 20, 926, 348 feet, 6 = 20,855,233 feet (Clarke's first values), are: Feaghmain 3 10 20' 39"'88 = 41 m 22 S '66 Knightstown 4 101716 '4 1 = 41 9 '09 Foilhomurrum" 10 23 11 '38 = 41 3276 and comparing these with the astronomical longitudes, we have : Feaghmain. Knightstown. Foilhomurrum. Astronomical . . . 41 m 23 S "25* 41 m 9 S< 81 41 m 33 8 '34 Geodetic 41 22 '66 41 9 '09 41 32 '76 Astronomical Geodetic . +0'59 +072 + 0'58 Under the direction of the late Sir Charles Wilson and Col. Duncan A. Johnston, the successive Directors General of the Ordnance Survey, the Geodetic longitudes of the stations used at Waterville and Killorglin were computed with reference to the station at Feaghmain whose longitude is given above. The resulting longitude of Waterville, west of Greenwich, is 10 10' 13"'590 = 40 m 40 S '91, and Ballymacprier station at Killorglin, 9 47' 25"'250 = 39 ra 9 e> 68, and the comparison between the astronomical and geodetic results is : Waterville. Killorglin. Astronomical 40 m 41 8 '30 39 m 9 6 '85 Geodetic . 40 40 '93* 39 9 70* Astronomical Geodetic . .' . +0'37 +0'15 1 Longitude of Valentia by Galvanic Signals, Appendix III. to Greenwich Observations, 1862. - This is the corrected result, U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1872, p. 234. The resulting value of this arc found by Mr Schott in his investigation (v. supra) is 41 33 8 '4O9. 3 Determinations of the positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest. An Appendix to the account of the principal triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland, by Capt. A. K. Clarke, p. 22. Note. The geodetic longitudes here given have in all cases been corrected by the addition of o"'3O = o'-O2 to reduce them to the meridian of the Greenwich Transit Circle. 4 Ibid., p. 23. ' This value is found by adding z 31 "-50= io s -io to the above longitude of Feaghmain. (See Report of U.S. Coast Survey, 1867, p. 1 15). * Reduced to the meridian of the Greenwich Transit Circle. viii TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION, 1888-1902. The following arc the collected results for the several determinations of longitude given in Parts I. and II. of this volume. PART 1. Longitude of Paris. , Longitude of Cassini's Meridian East of the Greenwich Transit Circle : 1888 determination . .. . . .- . . 9" 1 20 S '85 r s '018 1892 determination . ... . . 9 2079 '022 1902 determination 9 20 "932 "006 PART II. Longitude of Montreal transit pier West of the Greenwich Transit Circle :- 1892 determination . 4 h 54"' 18 S 'G2: S -024 Longitude of Canso transit pier West of the Greenwich Transit Circle : 1892 determination . . . 4 1 ' 4 1 " 7 8 '27 s '033 Longitude of Waterville transit pier West of the Greenwich Transit Circle : 1892 determination . . v . - 40 m 41"-30 =h s '021 Longitude of Killorglin transit pier West of the Greenwich Transit Circle : 1898 determination . . . . .' . 39"' 9"'85 db s< 023 My thanks are due to the Secretary of the Post Office, who on all occasions readily acceded to my request for the use of the telegraph-lines ; and to the officers of this department for valuable advice and assistance rendered, which made these deter- minations of longitude possible. Also to the Directors of the Commercial Cable Company, who, for the determination of the longitude of Montreal, granted the use of a cable at times which must have caused some inconvenience to the regular course of their business; and to the officers of this Company, who. with the utmost cordiality, gave effective help to the observers and to the undertaking generally. W. H. M. CHRISTIE. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, 1905, DECEMBER. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION 'OF THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE BETWEEN PARIS AND GREENWICH IN THE YEAR 1888. L INTRODUCTORY. IN the year 1887 a request was made to the Astronomer Royal by the officers of the French Geodetic Survey that the longitude Paris-Greenwich should be redetermined with all the accuracy attainable by modern methods. This longitude was determined telegraphically under the direction of M. Le Verrier and Sir George Airy in 1854, both stars and signals being observed by the eye and ear method. The observers were M. Faye, of the Paris Observatory, and Mr Dunkin, of the Greenwich Observatory, who were interchanged once. The instruments used were the large transit-circles of the two observatories. The result found for the difference of longitude between the Greenwich transit-circle and the meridian of Cassini (Paris) was 9 m 20 8 '51, the accordance of the twelve nights of observation being remarkably good, and this result was consequently adopted, although it differed by about 1 s from the previously-assumed longitude, 9 m 21 9 '57, determined by rocket signals in July, 1825. (Phil. Trans. 1826, Part II.) But there has since been reason to doubt the correctness of this result. In 1872 the same longitude was found by Prof. J. E. Hilgard, of the U.S. Coast Survey, to be 9 m 20 8 '97 (U.S. Coast Survey : Report for 1872) ; and since then various indirect determinations (such as the combination of the longitude Vienna-Greenwich with Paris- Vienna) have indicated that the result of 1854 is too small. The following is a list of all telegraphic determinations (direct and indirect) made previous to the year 1888. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. a : A ": 2 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Longitude Paris (Cassini's Meridian] Greenwich (Transit Circle). I. Direct. Paris-Greenwich Result, m s 9 20-51 Date. 1854 Me Paris-Greenwich 9 20-97 1872 U.l Reference. Monthly Notices, R.A.S., vol. xv. p. 124 (reduced to Cassini's meridian). U.S. Coast Survey, 1874, p. 180 (reduced to Cassini's meridian). Vienna-Greenwich 65 21-21 Paris- Vienna Paris-Greenwich Berlin-Greenwich Paris-Berlin (F.) 56 O-22 9 20 '99 53 34'9 r 44 I3-99 Paris-Greenwich (F.) 9 20-92 Berlin-Greenwich 53 34^91 Paris-Berlin (G.) 44 13-86 Paris-Greenwich (G.) 9 21-05 Vienna-Berlin Berlin-Greenwich Paris- Vienna ii 46-26 53 34'9' 56 O'Z2 Paris-Greenwich 9 20-95 Bonn-Greenwich Paris-Bonn (F.) 28 23-31 19 2-26 Paris-Greenwich (F.) 9 21-05 Bonn-Greenwich 28 23-31 Paris-Bonn (G.) 19 2-23 Paris-Greenwich (G.) 9 21-08 Greenwich-Leiden 17 56-10 Paris-Leiden 8 35-21 II. Indirect. 1876 Assoc. Geodesique. Report on Longitude, by Bruhns (1880). 1876 Assoc. Geodes. (1883). Eeport by Bakhuyzen. 1877 Comptes Rendus. 1878, Feb. 4. 1876 ut supra. 1877 Pub. Preuss. Geodiit. Institut. 1877, p. 147, and Astr. Nnch., No. 2265, p. 131. 1876 Assoc. Geodes. (1883). 1876 Assoc. Geodes. (1883). 1873 ut supra. 1864 Assoc. Geodes. (1880). 1877 Assoc. Ge'odes. (1880.) 1 864 ut supra. 1877 Pub. Pr. Geod. Inst. (1877), and Astr. Nach., No. 2265, p. 131. 1880 Leiden Observations, vol. vii. Assoc. Geodee. (1892). Paris-Greenwich 9 20-89 INTRODUCTORY. 3 The determinations Paris-Berlin and Paris-Bonn in 1877 were made indepen- dently by French and German observers, whose results are distinguished in the above table by the letters (F) and (G). It is thus apparent that a direct redetermination of this longitude was a matter of great interest and importance. The Astronomer Koyal accordingly entered into communication with the late General Perrier, then Director of the " Service Geographique de 1'Armee Frangaise," and with Admiral Mouchez, the Director of the Paris Observatory, as to the programme of observations and the date on which the operations could be commenced. It was decided that the summer of 1888 should be devoted to the work ; and at this point negotiations were interrupted by the sudden and lamented death of General Perrier, on February 20, 1888. They were shortly afterwards renewed by Col. Derrecagaix, General Perrier's successor. It was arranged that M. Loewy (representing the Paris Observatory and the Bureau des Longitudes) and Commandants Bassot and Defforges (representing the Service Gdographique) should pay a visit to Greenwich and settle the definite programme in consultation with the Astronomer Eoyal. This visit was paid on June 15, 1888, and following days. M. Loewy reported that the Paris Observatory would not be able to take part in the work, which would thus be shared by the French Service Geographique and the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich. It was decided that two observers should be appointed by each of these ; and that the French observers should be Commt. Bassot (B) and Commt. Defforges (D) ; and the English Mr Turner (H T) and Mr Lewis (L). B and D were to use two French portable transit instruments by MM. Brunner, such as they had already used for other longitudes ; and H T and L two of the portable transits by Troughton and Simms in the possession of the Greenwich Observatory. The observers were to be interchanged twice as follows : 1st Series : 3 full nights, or the equivalent in half nights. D and L at Greenwich, B and H T at Paris. 2nd Series : 3 full nights, or equivalent. B and H T at Greenwich, D and L at Paris. 3rd Series : 3 full nights, or equivalent. B and H T at Greenwich, D and L at Paris. 4th Series : 3 full nights, or equivalent. D and L at Greenwich, B and H T at Paris. All four observers were to exchange signals automatically on their respective chrono- graphs each night [in the order B and D, B and L, H T and L, and H T and D for the 1st and 4th series, and the order D and B, D and H T, L and H T, L and B for the 2nd 4 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. and 3rd series], so as to give 4 determinations of personal equation, two and two, and to eliminate small differences in the two chronographs at each station. Later in each complete evening the exchanges B D and HT L only were to be repeated, so that the mean epoch of these pairs of exchanges should be nearly the same as that of the time-determinations. The Paris station was at the Observatoire du Depot de la Guerre, Montsouris, where one French and one English instrument were mounted on two piers 20 feet apart, the English: instrument being to the east ; and the Greenwich station was in the front court of the Royal Observatory, where two transit-huts were erected and two piers built, that for the French instrument being 41 feet west of the transit-circle, and that for the English instrument being in the meridian of Bradley's transit, 19 feet west of the transit-circle. The four chronographs were kindly lent by the French Service Ge"ographique, and had been in use for other longitude operations. A spare wire was courteously placed at the disposal of the Astronomer Royal each night from eight to twelve by the Submarine Telegraph Company ; and the French and English Post Offices provided the services of clerks at Montsouris and Greenwich during these hours, and the use of wires from Paris to Calais and from Greenwich to London, so as to give direct communication between Montsouris and Greenwich. Operations were commenced on September 21, 1888, when Commt. Defforges arrived at Greenwich to co-operate in preparing the galvanic connections and to mount his instrument. Mr Turner left for Paris on September 23. The following is an account of the course of the work, P denoting Paris and G Greenwich : September 25. Cloudy P and G : exchange of practice signals. September 26. Cloudy P and G. September 27. Partly clear : instruments adjusted to meridian. September 28. Cloudy P and G. September 29. Cloudy P and G. September 30. Partly clear : one exchange : half night. October 1. Partly clear: one exchange : half night. October 2. Clear G : cloudy P. October 3. Partly clear : one exchange : half night. October 4. Cloudy P and G. October 5. Quite clear P and G : two complete exchanges : full night (End of 1st Series.) October 6. H T returned to Greenwich. Clear G : cloudy P. October 7. D and L went to Paris. Clear G and P. October 8. B arrived at Greenwich. Clear G : raining P. October 9. Clear G : raining P. October 1.0. Cloudy P. and G. INTRODUCTORY. 5 October 11. Quite clear P and G: two exchanges: full night. October 12. Cloudy P and G. October 13. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. October 14. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. October 15. Clear P and G : trouble with batteries G : one exchange : half night. (End of 2nd Series.) October 16. Cloudy P and G. October 17. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. October 18. Cloudy G: Clear P. October 19. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. October 20. Clear G : only partly P : half night. October 21. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. (End of 3rd Series.) October 22. B and H T went to Paris. October 23. D and L went to Greenwich : clear P : only partly G : half night. October 24. Cloudy P and G. October 25. Cloudy P and G. October 26. Cloudy P and G. October 27. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. October 28. Raining G : partly clear P. October 29. Raining G : partly clear P. October 30. Partly clear : one exchange : half night. November 1. Cloudy P and G. November 2. Cloudy P and G. November 3. Cloudy P and G. November 4. Cloudy P and G. November 5. Cloudy P and G. November 6. Cloudy P : clear G. November 7. Cloudy P and G. November 8. Cloudy P and G. November 9. Partly clear : one exchange : half night. November 10. Cloudy P and G. November 11. Cloudy P and G. November 12. Cloudy G : clear P. November 13. Clear P and G : two exchanges : full night. (End of 4th Series.) 6 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. It was decided that the English observations and the French should be worked up and published separately ; and the following account is confined to the English observations, except in so far as they are brought into relation with the French by the chronographic exchanges, or by the adoption of corrections to Ephemerides, as explained on p. 63. II. OBSERVING STATIONS. Greenwich. The hut under which the instrument was mounted is shown in plan and in elevation in Plate I. The chronograph table was placed in the north-west corner, and illuminated by an oil lamp, and a clock (Arnold I.) in the north-east corner. An electric light, from a primary battery near the clock, was used for illumination of the field of the instrument, to avoid heating effects. The pier was built of brick, on a concrete foundation (4 feet cube) 2 feet below the ground level, and carefully isolated from the floor of the hut ; on the top of the pier a capping stone was fixed, to which the iron stand for the instrument was bolted by means of lewises cemented into the stone. A wooden framework surrounded the pier at a distance of about an inch, to guard it from accidental jars. The centre of the pier is 19 ft. in. west, and 70 ft. north of the Transit-Circle, in the meridian of Bradley's transit. Paris. Diagrammatic Plans of the room in the " Observatoire du Dep6t de la Guerre " used for the operations are given in Plate II. The French instrument was mounted in a room adjoining, on a pier 6 metres to the west of the English pier. As the result of a careful triangulation, Commandant Defforges states that the English instrument was O s '268 west of Cassini's meridian. III. INSTRUMENTS. The instruments were those designated B and C of the series of five transits, precisely similar in all respects, constructed for the Transit of Venus Expeditions (1874) by Messrs Troughton and Simms. The following is a description of one of these instruments, the particulars being taken from the volume "Transit of Venus, 1874, British Observations," page 9, except where changes have been made subsequently in the instruments. The object glass is of 3 inches clear aperture and 36^- inches focal length. The axis, consisting of central cube and cones, was cast in one piece. Its length from shoulder to shoulder (that is, exclusive of the pivots) is 18 inches; the pivots are l inches long and 1^ inches diameter. The central cube is of 6 inches side ; the cones are INSTRUMENTS. 7 5|- inches in diameter at the cube and 2| inches at the shoulder. The two tubes, which with the cube form the telescope, are 4^ inches in diameter at their attachment (by flanges) with the cube. When the dew cap is on, the instrument weighs 44 Ibs., and is perfectly balanced on its pivots. The system of webs, consisting originally of 5 vertical webs, at intervals of about 3^', to which were afterwards added six between the second and fourth for more convenient use in observing chronographic transits, and two horizontal webs about 5' apart, is mounted on the plate driven by the micrometer screw, so that the whole system moves when the screw is turned. The head of the micrometer screw is divided on silver to 100 parts, and is provided with a movable brass cover to prevent its being accidentally turned when not actually in use, as when observing time- stars. The thread of the screw is kept bearing in one direction by a spiral spring within the box, as with all Messrs Troughton and Simms' micrometers. There is no perceptible " loss of time" in any one of them. The eye-piece is moved rapidly from wire to wire by a quick screw, the milled head of which is opposite to the micrometer-screw head. The illumination of the field is effected in the usual way by the light from a small electric lamp passing through one of the pivots on to a gilt reflector, which can be inclined more or less to regulate the illumination, by a rod leading down to the eye- piece. The illuminating lamp is on the same side as the micrometer head. There is a polar-distance setting-circle 4|- inches diameter on each side of the tube near the eye end. For the transit of Venus expeditions these instruments were mounted between two brick piers, but subsequently two heavy cast-iron stands were made for them by Messrs Troughton and Simms, capable of being firmly connected by lewises with the stone surmounting the single brick pier mentioned above. The instruments were mounted in this manner during longitude operations conducted at the Cape of Good Hope under the supervision of Dr Gill. In returning them to Greenwich for use on the present occasion Dr Gill remarked that the pivots were considerably worn, and .forwarded a determination of- their errors which it had been necessary to make. It was considered advisable, however, not to use the instruments in this state, and the pivots were carefully reground by Messrs Troughton and Simms. Observations of their new form, which will be quoted later, showed that the cylindrical shape was satisfactorily restored. The reflectors were at the same time regilded, and diagonal eye-pieces (powers not quite the same for the two instruments, being 43 for B, and 53 for C) were supplied, which were used for all the observations of stars, Bohnenberger eye- pieces (powers 53 for B, and 48 for C) being used for the nadir observations. The hanging levels are divided to 0'08 in., the mean value of a division being about 1". The divisions were numbered from to 100, the readings increasing towards the cross- level. The glass bubbles themselves were protected by covers of plate glass. 8 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. The similarity of the instruments was tested on 1890 April 21 by Mr Turner and Mr Lewis. They were mounted, side by side in the Front Court of the Royal Observatory, and a complete time determination made with each of them by each observer, the same stars being observed simultaneously by the two observers with the different instruments, which were each reversed twice. The personal equation of the observers and an analogous equation for the instruments were thus both determined. The results were as follows : Excess of Excess of Time by B, observer H T., Time by C, observer H T., over Time by C, observer L. over Time by B, observer L. 54 Leo Minoris ' 0-02 47 Ursfe Majoris 0-12 60 Leonis 0-13 X Leonis o'o6 s 2' 3 Leonis o'lz v Ursee Majoris 0-27 8 Crateris 0-23 o- Leonis 0-38 T Leonis 0-23 ft Leonis o- 1 8 /? Virginia 0*13 95 Leonis o - i6 Groombridge 1841 0-07 IT Virginis 0^14 o Virginis 0-17 10 Virginis 0^3 6 4 Comre 0-19 W. B. XII. 107 - 0-38 Mean o'2O 0-17 . The difference of personal equation between the observers is thus O s> 185 ; and between the instruments only O s :015, or sensibly zero. During the early days of the longitude operations, when clouds prevented any stellar work being done, it was found from nadir observations that the object glasses were both loose in their cells. It is not quite clear how this occurred, for the instruments had both been previously used in practice for some weeks. The journey to Paris might have shaken loose the object glass of Transit B, but Transit C was undisturbed on its pier through- out. The defect in both instruments was discovered on nearly the same day, and fortunately in time to rectify it before real work commenced. In the case of Transit B, Mr Turner could only pack cotton wool tightly between the object glass and the outer rim of its cell, pressing the wool in with a flattened quill, as the mischief was discovered late on Sunday afternoon, September 30, and the instrument was wanted for work immediately. But this packing was found so efficient that it was not disturbed. The object glass of Transit C was made firm in its cell by Messrs Troughton and Simms. VALUES OP ONE REVOLUTION OF MICROMETER SCREWS. IV. INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS. (1) The value of one revolution of the micrometer screws was determined by two methods. (a) Transits of Circumpolar Stars. Some special observations were made for the purpose; but besides these every observation of a circumpolar star during the actual longitude work can be used for this determination. As will be explained in the account of azimuth error, a circumpolar star is bisected 10 or 20 times with one of the vertical wires by means of the micrometer ; the instant of bisection being registered on the chronograph. The mean of each group of five readings for bisection is taken separately in the course of the work, as also the mean of the corresponding times. The ratio of the differences of these means gives the value of one revolution. The probable errors of the bisections were determined and from them and the number of observations the appended probable errors were calculated to give weights for combining the determinations from the various stars used for azimuth error. Star. Transit B. (Paris). Transit 0. (Greenwich). Value of i rev . Prob. error. Value of i^". p,. i,. error. Polaris // + -nSri , "t. Bradley 1672 S.P c r-Scs 55 95 Z i "3 Groombridge 31:48 . ->-> > 3 c6'378 103 55 739 \ TJrsse Minoris 3*5 5 477 2 37 Bradley 3147... 56*1 20 5^ 343 -ill 2 Ursse Minoris c6*3Ai 1Z 9 i 68 5 IO 5 ,-A-ifii 105 .__/' >" j 740 was adopted for l rev- of both screws. (2) For determination of the Equatorial intervals of the vertical wires, the transits of 100 equatorial stars were reduced for Transit C, and 20 stars for Transit B. But it was afterwards found that nadir observations made as above were much more accurate, and it was not considered necessary to reduce any more star transits for Transit B ; those already reduced were, however, used above to determine the value of l reVl of the screw. The following results were obtained by nadir observations for the distances of each wire from the mean, expressed in revolutions of the micrometer screw. In the column, " Position of Instrument," W. denotes micrometer head West, and E., micrometer head East. The nine vertical wires are denoted by the Roman numerals I., II., III., etc., the order in which a star transits when the instrument is in the position micrometer head West. Wire Intervals. Transit B. Date, 1 888, and Position of Instrument. Nov. 5 W 5 E 9 W 9 E 10 E 12 W 12 E II. III. 3752 751 755 752 754 754 748 r -2-983 r -2-247 984 247 983 '246 983 246 984 247 986 248 981 250 Wires. IV. V. r r -1-475 +0-010 471 oio '473 009 472 007 '474 ooi 472 006 472 003 VII. VIII. IX. Means 3-752 2-983 2-247 VI. 1-520 524 524 524 524 523 523 +0-007 +1-523 +2-213 +3' OI +3703 r r r + 2'2I3 + 3-008 + 3-703 213 '014 695 2I 3 006 704 2I 3 oio 701 213 oil 709 212 01 I 706 212 oio 703 VALUES OF LEVEL SCALES. Wire Intervals. Transit C. 11 Date and Wires. Position of Instrument. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 1888. r r r r r r r r r Nov. 1 6 W -3736 2-990 -2-233 -I- 4 95 + 0-006 + 1 '49 6 + 2-225 + 2-978 + 3747 ,, 16 E 737 987 227 '494 + -009 491 2I 9 976 75' 1889. Feb. 21 W 737 990 240 49 I + -008 492 223 980 751 21 W 739 992 -233 498 + '003 498 231 986 '747 21 E 740 3-OOO 228 491 + 'OOI 494 2I 9 985 756 ,. 21 E 736 2-990 236 '493 ooo "493 224 986 '749 21 E 724 '994 238 498 -005 488 226 980 768 21 E 742 986 '222 504 + '4 484 "230 992 748 21 W 746 976 226 512 -ooi 486 224 986 77 o 21 W 738 986 2 5 6 506 + "OIO 482 '222 998 '774 Means 3738 2-989 2-235 1*498 +0-004 +i'49 +2-224 +2-985 +3-756 Subtracting the value for the centre wire and converting the revolutions into time (l rev ' = 3 S 740), and in the case of Transit C combining the results with those from the transits of 100 equatorial stars (with which they sensibly agree), we get the following adopted values for distances from the centre wire. Wire(W.) Transit B. Transit C. I. 14-058 14-008 II. 11-182 11-209 III. - 8-430 8-400 IV. - 5-535 - 5-613 V. .. . VI. + 5-670 + 5-547 VII. + 8-251 + 8-316 VIII. + 11-231 + H-I53 IX. + 13-823 + 14-027 (3) Tlie Value of l div - of the level scales was determined in 1888 September before the longitude operations, by attaching the levels firmly to the telescope tube of the Greenwich Altazimuth, and bringing the bubble by means of the slow motion in zenith distance, alternately to the two ends of the scale. Two of the microscopes of the vertical circle were read at each level setting, each microscope being read two or three times, and the mean set down in the observing book. One microscope was read by the observer who also read the level, and the other by an independent observer. The individual results are given below : the initials H T and L denote the observers Mr Turner and Mr Lewis ; and the letters B and D are the letters attached to the particular micro- scopes of the vertical circle. 12 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Level for Transit B. Microscopes. Ler el (H T). B. (L-) Difference. D. (HT.) Difference. Ends of Bubble. Mean. ' Difference. r r r r d d d d 6-228 5-978 0-5 50-8 25-2 roo2 1-041 37' 1 7-230 7-019 36-7 87-8 62-3 I-III 1-087 35" 8 6-119 5-932 0-9 52-1 26-5 1-142 I-I26 39' 7-261 7-058 40-0 90-9 65-5 J-IOO 1-123 35-2 6-161 5-935 47 55'9 30-3 . O 1-126 1-013 32-8 7-187 6-948 37-7 88-5 6 3 -I O 1-088 I'lII 33-8 6-099 5-837 3-8 54'8 29-3 7-081 0-982 6-863 I-O26 35-2 86-0 60-6 31-3 1-009 1-009 30-9 6-072 5-854 4'3 55' 29-7 0-977 1-013 3''3 7-049 . 6-867 357 86-2 61-0 0-956 ' 0-979 29-0 6-093 5-888 67 57-2 32-0 ( 1-0528 1-0493 33-62 Means in Arc of the level prover was carefully determined by attaching it firmly to the Transit-Circle telescope, and placing on it a level bubble. The telescope was clamped in different positions and the screw of the level prover turned until the level bubble was brought to exactly the same position. The level prover and the six microscopes of the circle were then read. The extreme readings of the level prover differed approximately by 25 rev - The resulting value for l rev - of the prover as determined. by H T was 2 0-03 by L I 59-94 Adopted value 2 o-oo Each revolution being divided into 120 parts, the value of l lliv - is thus accurately 1". The level prover was then mounted on a slate slab in the Eecord Room of the Royal Observatory, where the air is not subject to disturbance and one of the transit levels was placed on it. The level prover being set to a convenient reading, the ends of the bubble were read ; the level prover was then turned through 10 div -, corresponding to 10", and the ends again read. The difference of the two readings was not generally the same for the two ends, and in the first instance the results for the two ends were treated separately. The quotient of 10 by the corresponding difference of readings in the two positions was considered to be, in each case, the value in seconds of arc of" l div - of the level for a position of that end midway between the two. The screw of the level prover being then turned through another 10 div -, the values of l div - were obtained for the two ends at places approximately 10 div - distant from the first : then at places 20 div - distant from the first and so on until one end ran off the scale. Another series was then taken, still in steps of 10 div -, but starting .with a slightly different reading of the level prover, so that parts of the scale were observed intermediate between those tested in the first series. Finally, all the measures for one end were arranged in order of the midway- readings ; the results smoothed by taking means of every consecutive three, and plotted on paper with the midway-reading as abscissa, and the value of l dlv - as ordinate. But the two resulting curves were found on comparison to be practically the same ; and it was thus apparent that the two ends were not independent ; in other words, that the value of l div - at either end was not determined by the shape of the tube near that end, but chiefly by the general shape of the portion of the tube filled by the bubble. The separate results were therefore conbined, the mean of the two ends being VALUES OF LEVEL SCALES. 15 taken in each case, and the quotient of 10 by the difference of the two means was considered to be the value in seconds of arc of l div- of the level for the midway- position of the middle of the bubble, and a curve plotted for the middle of the bubble just as for the two ends. There remained the question how far a change of temperature would modify this curve. Mr Simrns kindly made some measurements of the scale value on the same general plan at temperatures from 65 to 73, considerably higher than that of the Record Room, and his results were found to agree well with those obtained at the Observatory. It would thus appear that although the bubble changes 'in length with temperature, the general shape of the portion of the tube it occupies remains so far the same that for a moderate range of temperatures the results tabulated for the middle of the bubble are not sensibly affected. All the observations for each bubble were therefore taken together, being arranged in order of the mean reading for the middle of the bubble. The results are given in the following tables. In column I. is the mean reading for middle of bubble, and in column III. the corresponding value of l div- In columns II. and IV. the means of every consecutive three constituents of columns I. and III. are taken to smooth down accidental irregularities and allow a mean curve to be drawn. Transit B. Transit C. Position of centre of bubble. Means y , Means of every , ,. of every three/ three Position of centre of bubble. Means of every three. Value of i div. Means of every three. d d a a d d a H 6l'2 30 6o'5 1-19 60-6 6o'6 28 '24 59-0 59'3 i'35 I'26 60-0 59'3 14 14 58-4 58-0 1-25 i'37 57-3 57'4 oo i i 5<5' 4 567 1-51 i -44 55'8 56-3 19 04 55'2 55'5 1-53 55-8 55'5 94 'IO 55-0 54'9 1-52 1-52 55-0 54-6 17 04 54'4 537 1-47 i '47 53'5 oo 08 52-0 52-6 i '43 i '45 52-5 52-3 06 06 51-6 i '47 i'37 5 I- 3 5'7 I I 06 51-4 50-9 1-23 i'39 51-2 50-8 01 04 49 -8 49-8 1-47 ,-36 50-0 50-0 00 .10 48*3 48-6 i'39 1-36 48-8 48-9 21 10 47'8 47-3 1-22 1-35 48-0 47-8 09 'II 46-4 467 I-I4 1-13 46-5 46-8 03 09 45'9 45'5 I'O4 1-05 46-0 45 "9 '14 20 44'3 44'4 0-98 I'OI 45'' 447 '43 28 43' 43-2 I'OO 0-97 42-9- 43'5 25 31 42-2 41-8 0-92 i-oo 42-6 42-4 '35 27 40-4 40-3 I "Og 1-03 41-8 42-0 I'22 15 38-3 38-8 I '09 I-I I 417 4i'4 0-89 04 37-8 37'8 I'I4 1-09 4O'6 40*2 roo oo 37'2 37' 1 1-04 1-05 38-3 387 i'ii 0-99 36-2 36'i I -06 37-2 36^6 o'86 0-96 35' 34'5 I-I9 I'I2 34'3 35-2 o'go 0-83 32'4 33'i I'22 1-22 34' 2 33'5 73 79 32-0 3 1 '6 1-25 1-27 31-9 32-4 075 074 30-5 i-35 3 1 ' 1 73 16 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS -GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. From columns II. and IV. points were then laid down on cross ruled paper, with the constituents of column II., as ordinates, and those of column IV., as abscissae, and through these points a smooth curve was drawn by hand. The value of l dlv- , for any position of the centre of the bubble, could then be read from this smooth curve, and by adding the values of successive divisions, the reading in arc corresponding to any given reading of the centre of the bubble can be found. The selection of the zero point on the scale is immaterial, as it is eliminated by the practice of reversing the level. For convenience it was chosen near one end of the portion of the scale in use. In the following tables column I. gives the readings of the centre of the bubble, column II. the value of l div - at this point taken from the smoothed curves, column III. the value of the portion of the scale between this point and the adopted zero, and in the fourth the error of the scale on the assumption of a uniform scale value, viz., I*'- = i"-07 for Transit B, and l div - = l"'22 for Transit C. Transit B. Transit C. Centre Value Value of Error Value Value of Error of of whole of of whole of Bubble. i div. portion. Division. i div. portion. Division. 34 O-OO o-oo " O'OO O'OO 35 '8i 0-81 0-26 I I I'll o-li 36 0-85 1-66 0-48 09 2-2O 0-24 37 Q'95 2-6 1 0-60 07 3-27 - 0'39 38 0-97 3-58 0-70 08 4'35 -'53 39 '99 4'57 078 09 5'44 - 0-66 40 -oo 5'57 0-85 07 6-5, 0-81 41 -02 6-59 0-90 '3 7'54 -oo 42 -05 7-64 0-92 oo 8-54 '22 43 -28 8-92 - 0-71 0-99 9'53 . - "45 44 -31 10-23 - '47 0-99 10-52 - -68 45 -29 11-52 0-25 I'OI U'53 - -89 46 -24 12-76 0-08 1-04 12-57 - 2-07 47 'I* 13-88 0-03 I'll 13-68 2-18 48 -io 14-98 O'OO i'34 15-02 2 'O6 49 -io 1 6-08 + 0-03 i-35 16-37 - '93 50 -09 17-17 + 0-05 1-36 1773 - 79 51 -07 18-24 + 0-05 i'37 19-10 - -64 52 -06 19-30 + '4 i-39 20-49 - '47' 53 '6 20-36 + 0-03 i '43 21-92' - -26 54 -o6 21-42 + O-O2 1-48 23-40 'OO 55 ' 6 22-48 + O'OI 1-51 24-91 0-71 56 -07 23-55 + o-oi 1-51 26-42 - 0-42 57 '08 24-63 + O'O2 1-48 27-90 0-16 58 -io 2573 + '5 1-40 29-30 + O-02 (4) Inequality of Pivots. The mean level indications, in reversed positions, of the instruments on each night of observation were compared, and the results are given below, lii the first column is the date, in the second the number (m) of observations of level, by means of the INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS. 17 hanging level, micrometer head W, in the third the number (n) of observations, micrometer head E, in the fourth the weight : - to be assigned to the result in the fifth column, which is one-fourth the difference between concluded level indications, W and E respectively, and is the correction applicable, positively for the position E, and negatively for W, to the observed level indications in these positions, due to inequality of pivots. Trawstf .B. Transit C. 2m W E 2mn. W-E m. A* ro-f-w 4 fit. m-\-n 4 September 30 5 6 5 0-050 3 4 3 + 0-045. October I 4 4 4 0-023 4 6 5 O-022 2 2 2 2 O*O2 C w *-* ^. 3 4 5 4 0-025 4 3 3 O-I72 4 2 2 2 + O - OI2 i i i O'OIO 5 6 7 6 + O-05O 6 5 5 0-060 8 2 i 2 0-2C8 9 i i i o - o6o 2 3 2 J - 0-175 10 i i i 0*16 c ii 8 6 7 + 0-028 7 7 7 - 0-075; 12 i 2 i 0*01 8 13 7 II . 9 0-065 7 8 7 - 0-370 H 10 9 9 0-055 5 7 6 0-105 15 10 7 8 0-082 2 3 2 4- 0-032 16 I i i 0-090 ... . .. 17 8 9 8 0-040 7 g 7 0-138 18 6 2 3 + 0-050 . .. ... I 9 1 1 9 10 0-040 7 4 5 0-158 20 5 8 6 0-090 3 6 4 o-iio 21 9 ii 10 + 0-045 5 6 5 - 0-155 23 4 5 4 + 0-025 8 6 7 0-105 24 2 2 2 + 0-068 25 2 2 O-I2C 26 C 7 6 1 . } -j- O'O22 27 J 6 / 6 6 O'OOS 9 7 8 - 0-178 28 i 3 2 O-OI5 ... 2 9 ... ... 2 2 2 0-018 30 5 2 3 -f- 0-042 7 7 7 0-109 31 i i i + 0-02? November 6 c 6 c O'2OO 9 4 3 3 + O-008 J 5 8 J 6 - 0-053 10 2 3 2 + 0-178 '3 7 8 7 0-052 12 13 12 0-162 Sums and ] Cleans '33 136 i7 0-017 116 124 II 4 0-128 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 18 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. The apparent level error due to inequality of pivots is thus insensible for Transit B, and very small for Transit C, and since the method of making obseuvations approximately equal in number in the two positions of the instrument on each night, eliminates any such error from the mean result, it has not been considered necessary to apply any correction for inequality of pivots. (5) Form of Pivots. The pivots of Transits B and C were reported by Dr Gill on the return of the instruments to Greenwich to be very faulty, and were accordingly re-ground before the present operations. The result was satisfactory, as the following experiments shewed them to be sensibly cylindrical and equal. I. Special observations were made with the hanging levels of both instruments, with the instrument set to every available 10 of Z.D. [The hanging levels foul the telescope tube from Z.D. + 23 to 23.] No sensible systematic difference was found between the readings in different positions. II. During the actual longitude operations, the levels were read several times in each evening when the instruments were pointing to clock stars from Z.D. 70 to 10, and also with polar stars or at arbitrary northern zenith distances. The mean of all such " equatorial " levels was compared with the mean of the " polar " levels on each night, and for each position of each instrument. If the pivots were defective, such a comparison could scarcely fail to elicit some evidence of the fact, but it will be seen from the following figures that the mean results for " Pole Equator " are very small, and must indeed be assumed to be accidental, for if they represented real quantities the results IPE and IPW should be approximately equal and of opposite sign. The 2 mn m+n m and n are the numbers of observations, the difference of whose means is taken. weights, in the following table, are calculated from the usual formula ~T , where FORM OF PIVOTS ; CLOCKS. 19 " Polar "" Equatorial " levels. Transit B. Transit C. Date. W E W E Wt. P E. Wt. P E. Wt. P-E. Wt. P-E. Sept. 30 2 - 0-23 3 0-05 ... H i - 0'4S Oct. i ... 2 + O'OI .. . ... 2 0-58 Oct. 2 I + 0-59 ... ... ... ... Oct. 3 2 O'lO 2 0-09 I + 0-34 I -0-54 Oct. 5 2 0-08 3 0-05 2 -0-52 2 + 0-07 Oct. 9 ... I + o-oi Oct. 1 1 3 0-28 2 + '39 3 0-80 3 -0-32 Oct. 1 3 2 - '27 3 + o-io 3 -0-25 4 + 0-14 Oct. 14 3 + 0-62 3 + 0'47 3 0-58 3 0-16 Oct. 1 5 4 + 0-07 2 + 0-14 i - i'74 i 0'22 Oct. 17 3 + 0-17 3 + 0-24 3 - '44 4 O'22 Oct. 19 4 + 0-83 3 + 0-16 3 + O'2O 2 + '33 Oct. 20 2 - '43 2 + o - 6o i - o-44 3 0-03 Oct. 2 1 3 -0-17 4 O'OO 2 o-ii 3 O'O2 Oct. 23 2 0-48 2 -0-23 ... i O'O4 Oct. 24 I + 0-20 . . . . < . ... Oct. 25 I 0-16 I 0-19 ... Oct. 26 2 0-28 3 0-09 ... ... Oct. 27 3 + O'22 3 + o-ii 3 -0-31 2 - 0-36 Oct. 28 ... i + O'OI ... ... ... Oct. 30 3 + 0-13 i 0-06 2 0-78 2 0-16 Nov. 6 2 -0-35 2 0-05 Nov. 9 2 + 0'2 4 2 + 0-29 2 - 0-58 3 0-48 Nov. 10 I + 0-23 I 0-07 ... ... Nov. 12 3 + 0-26 ... ... Nov. 13 3 + 0-14 4 0-05 3 -0-29 5 0-24 Means + 0-086 + 0-090 -0-413 0-164 V. CLOCKS. The clock used at Greenwich was the Sidereal Standard operating on the chronograph through a relay. The Sidereal Standard is fully described in the Intro- duction to the Greenwich Observations. The currents obtained from it at every alternate second are used to actuate a relay, from which three independent circuits are derived. One of these is appropriated to the seconds' magnet of the Transit-Circle Chronograph : and another was used to work the relay in the longitude hut which 20 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. gave the actual clock-register used in the longitude operations. The interposition of this subsidiary relay was necessary in order to convert the make-circuit action of the Sidereal Standard into a break-circuit action, to which the French chronographs were adapted. ' The clock used at Paris was Breguet No. 2, which was placed in the room where the French instrument was mounted, and was subject to large variations of external temperature. The evening rate of the clock, thus generally differed from the mean rate, as will appear subsequently. In both cases the clock circuit was interrupted once every two seconds. VI. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. The chronographs and general electrical arrangements for transmission of signals were kindly supplied by the French observers, and were such as had been used by them in longitude operations in France and Algeria for some time past. A full description of the apparatus, with various plates and illustrations, will be found in the " Memorial du De"pot General de la Guerre, Tome XL : Determination des longitudes, latitudes, et azimuts terrestres en Algerie." Section A. p. 20. The following description is reproduced here for convenience. Electrical Apparatus for Registering Observations and Signals. This apparatus is mounted on a portable board, on which the terminals are plainly marked, and which can be set up in a few minutes at any station as soon as the external connections are made. A diagrammatic view of the table is given in the accompanying plate III. Besides the current which registers the clock beats, three others are used, which register in turn by the same electro-magnet, star transits, signals sent, and signals received according as the arm turning about C is placed to point to " Star Transits," " Sending," or " Receiving." In the lower face of this arm are six spring-contacts, of which the first only is in connection with the pivot C ; the next three being connected, and also the next two, but the various groups are carefully insulated from each other. These contacts press, in the different positions of the arm, on the buttons 1,2, 3, 4, 5, a, ft, j, S, 6, (f>, e, X, p., T, and x> the connections between which are indicated by hard lines. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. 21 The three currents above mentioned all follow the same course when in action, and are divided in A or X, according to circumstances, thence following different circuits, and finally meeting again. A rheostat is placed in one of these circuits, and in the other a galvanometer and a Siemens' polarized relay. By adjusting the resistance of the rheostat, we can always obtain the same deflection on the galvano- meter, and thus the same intensity of current through the relay, whether star transits or signals are being registered. It will be seen from what follows that the effects due in general to the inertia of the armatures and other parts of the apparatus are eliminated by this arrangement. Chronograph, A small cylinder is rotated uniformly by clockwork, and thus draws along a ribbon of paper lightly held between this cylinder and a small roller, whose pressure on the cylinder can be readily adjusted. The ribbon is thus unrolled uniformly. The motive power of the chronograph is a mainspring ; and the governor is a thin vibrating spring resting on the escape wheel. On the ribbon rest two pens, each with a reservoir of ink, and with specially arranged points ; and as the ribbon is unrolled these pens describe parallel lines upon it, distant about 4 mm. from each other. The first or clock-pen is actuated by the armature of the electro-magnet E a ; and when a current passes through E I} the pen is jerked aside. The second pen is similarly actuated by E 2 . Since the 'clock circuit is closed (or broken) every two seconds, the first pen notches its trace at regular intervals corresponding to 2 seconds ; and the other trace is notched whenever the observing button is pressed. The clock circuit is as follows : the negative pole of a battery being put to earth, the positive is led to the terminal a : and when the commutators c and c' are both closed, the circuit there divides into two, one branch passing round the electro-magnet E T and so to earth, the other from b, to b', V, I", b", (i.e., through the clock springs) thence to d, e and so to earth. When the clock springs are closed, the resistance of the latter circuit is so small that the current practically passes through it alone ; but when these springs are separated; the other course is the only one open, and the electro-magnet attracts its armature.' The pen-trace is thus notched when the clock breaks its circuit. It is to be further remarked that when the relay R is at rest the terminals b, p, q, are connected ; but when a current passes through this relay this circuit is broken and r s is joined up. Thus if c alone be opened the current passes through c', q, p, b, 22 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. and the clock to earth, or if the springs be opened through c', Ej : if c f alone be opened then when the clock springs open the current passes through c, b, p, , <, (>', through the relay to p, r, 4, 5, and earth ; and the other through X -^ to the rheostat and thence to earth. The resistance of the rheostat is so adjusted that the fraction of the current passing through the galvanometer (and therefore the relay) is of a certain definite strength (say X), which can be also produced in the transmission of signals. Parallax of pens for star transits: To properly compare the notches' of the observing pen with those of the clock pen, it is first necessary to displace the pens simultaneously and measure the difference between the corresponding notches ; which should be subtracted as a constant from all measured differences, and is called the " parallax of the pens." Now whenever the observing tapper is pressed the connection p q is broken and r s made : and if, at the same time, the commutator c be opened (c' remaining closed), the current from the clock battery can no longer escape through q, p, b and the clock, but passes through a, c', E a to earth, and so moves the clock pen. The two pens are thus moved at the same instant as required. It is, of course, possible that there is a small difference between the minute time required for breaking the circuit by the clock springs and that by the relay springs ; and if so, the parallax of pens as above determined is in error to this extent. But all the signals will be similarly affected if we take care that the current by which the relay is actuated is the same in all cases, and this is the reason for the galvanometer, and the reduction of the current through the relay to the constant strength X. For if the star transits and signals be all affected with the same e.rror, the result on the longitude is zero. Sending Signals. The signals sent to the distant station are also registered on the chronograph. In this case the arm C is placed in the position " Sending." The current from the line-battery is led to the terminal L, passes thence through the circuit L y S 3 B t A (when the tapper t is pressed) and there divides, one portion going through the galvanometer and relay, and the other through the rheostat, just as in star-transit observations. But when the relay is attracted, the circuit of the local battery is CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. ; METHODS OF OBSERVATION. 23 closed along I, E 2 , C, a, e, e', e", s, r to earth, and hence the observing pen is moved. It is necessary, however, to adjust the rheostat so that the current through the relay is still X, so that in the operations for parallax of pens (which must be repeated here also, and in which the current must, of course, be the same as in actual signalling) the relay may be attracted in the same manner throughout. For this parallax we again cut the connection c, and, as before, the two pens are moved, if not simul- taneously, at least at times separated by the same minute interval as before. Receiving Signals. For receiving signals, the arm C is placed in the third position. The signals arrive by the line I/ and pass thence along n X. There the current divides, one portion passing along A, w, &>', (f>, //, p, T, ^, 5, to earth. The rheostat is adjusted as before so that a current X passes through the galvanometer and relay. When the relay is attracted, the circuit from the local battery I, E 2 , C, e, e', e", s, r to earth is completed, and the observing pen is moved. Also as before, if c be cut, the current from the clock battery works the clock pen when the relay is attracted, and the parallax of pens is thus determined. Thus in all three cases of star transits, sending and receiving signals, the pens are moved by equal currents under similar conditions. It is important that the relay be very sensitive, so that it may be worked by feeble currents from a great distance. VII. METHODS OF OBSERVATION. The general methods of observation of both observers were the same, and the following remarks will thus apply to either instrument indifferently. At the commencement of each evening it was usual to observe the nadir, by means of the Bohnenberger eye-piece, and an amalgamated-copper mercury trough. Six coin- cidences of the middle wire, with its image, were observed in each position of the instrument, the mean of the twelve giving the reading for collimation ; but the micrometer was always left at some convenient whole division near the concluded reading for collimation, which varied very little from day to day after the object glasses had been fixed firmly in their cells, as before mentioned. (See p. 8.) 24 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. The course of the night's work will be best understood from the following scheme of an ideal night, which was adopted in actual practice as nearly as circumstances would permit. I. Nadir Observation ; and readings of level W and E. II. Transit of a Pole Star E and W. Ill Transits of 10 Clock Stars W. IV. Transit of a Pole Star W and E. V. First Exchange of Signals. VI. Transits of 10 Clock Stars E. VII. Transit of a Pole Star E and W. VIIL Transits of 10 Clock Stars W. IX. Second Exchange of Signals. X. Transit of a Pole Star W and E. XL Transits of 10 Clock Stars E. XII. Transit of a Pole Star E and W. XIII. Nadir Observation ; and readings of level W and E. Observations of the hanging level were to be made two or three times during each series of 10 Clock Stars, and with each Pole Star in each position. It is, of course, immaterial whether observations are commenced E or W ; it will be noticed that the above scheme commences W, and leaves the instrument E for the following night. Observations of Pole Stars were generally made by turning the R.A. micrometer until the middle vertical wire (or sometimes one of the other wires, for which due correction was made) bisected the star, the instant of bisection being registered on the chronograph, and the reading of the micrometer-head being called out to an assistant, or entered directly by the observer. Ten such bisections, or sometimes 20, were made at each transit. Occasionally transits of the more rapidly moving circumpolars were observed in the ordinary way over the galvanic wires : 'and one or two such observations were made by the eye and ear method, near the beginning of the operations ; but this method of observation METHODS OF OBSERVATION. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 25 was very soon given up for that of using the R.A. micrometer, which was found more expeditious, and quite as accurate, besides allowing of a large number of bisections at the same transit, whereas the number of vertical wires is limited. The mean of each group of five consecutive readings of the micrometer was taken, and the mean of the corresponding five registered times. To the latter was applied a correction equal to the time required by the star to travel the distance represented by the difference between the mean reading of the micrometer, and the adopted reading for collimation ; and thus the time of transit over the middle wire was obtained. The accordance inter se of the results from the different groups of five bisections was a check on the accuracy of the reduction, and a safeguard against mistakes of large amount in the record. VIII. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. This error was determined by nadir observations, and by observations, of the same circumpolar star in reversed positions of the instrument. In the following tables are given all the results obtained for collimation. In column 1 is the date, and the adopted reading for line of collimation, at which the R.A. micrometer was left when not in use for nadir or circumpolar observations. The reading 10 r> 000 corresponds to the middle of the comb. In column 2 is the star's name, and in column 3, the error of collimation of the middle wire deduced from observations of that star in reversed positions of the instrument. The simple mean of such results is taken for each night. In column 4 are the errors of collimation deduced from nadir observations and means, lu column 5 is the difference between nadir and circumpolar determinations, and in column 6 the corresponding weight " J? " : in and n being the number of nadir and polar determinations respectively. It is assumed that for the purposes of this discussion the probable errors of the two classes of observations may be taken to be approximately equal ; but the results would obviously not be sensibly affected by a modification in the method of computing weights. The weighted mean of these differences is very small in both cases ; and it is considered that there is no sensible systematic difference. Accordingly the mean of the results from stars, and from the nadir observation, has been adopted as the collimation error for each evening, and is exhibited in column 7. The collimation of Transit C apparently changed during the evening of October 19 (not included in the following table), and the various groups of observations on October 19 were accordingly treated separately. The collimation error is considered applicable directly to position W, and with reversed sign to position E. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. d 26 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. Date and Adopted Reading. STAB. Deduced Collimation Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Sept. 30 Bradley 2701 // -1- I'O7 O'OO " " io r -i30 Bradley 1672 S.P - 1-62 Polaris ..._ o'72 O'J-C w q.) 0-42 *23 + 'I9 2 - '33 Oct. i Groombridge 3548 ( 0-6a} 0*67 io r -i4o \ v u y/ - '45 ... 0-56 0-56 Oct. 3 Groombridge 3548 ( O'7O^ io r- i5o Bradley 3 1 4.7 . . . \ v ly/ !!? Bradley 1672 S.P O'oc Polaris 1-66 roi -0-95 I '01 o - o6 2 0-98 Oct. 5 Groombridge 3548 ( 2-28} + o'i8 io r -i8o Bradley 1672 S.P + Q--1 2 + O'62 + '33 + 0-40 + 0-07 I + 0-37 Oct. ii Groombridge 3548 ( o-c8) O'I7 io r -i8o Bradley 2003... O'OQ Bradley 1672 S P. /> + O'62 Polaris O'C4. O'o6 O'OO O'I2 O'I2 2 0-06 Oct. 13 Bradley 3 1 47 O'O7 o-co io r -i8o Bradley 1672 S.P O'7Q + O'I2 - 0-43 0-19 + 0-24 2 0*31 Oct. 14 Bradley 3147... + O'2O + 0-28 io r -i8o 2 Ursae Minoris + 0'08 0-67 + 0-14 O'2O -0-34 2 o - o3 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 27 Transit B. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Oct. 15 Bradley 2993 + 2-06 // 0'84 ." // io r -i8o Bradley 3 1 4.7 . + I'S2 0-84 + 179 0-84 -2-63 2 + 0-48 Oct. 17 Bradlev 2007 ., O*7 I o - c6 io r -i8o Bradley 3 14.7 ... I '76 Bradley 1672 S.P o-8c o'84. PI i 070 + D'4 1 2 0-91 Oct. 1 8 Bradley 2007 ., 0*74. + 0-06 + 0-80 I 0-34. IO r '2OO Oct. 19 Polaris R.P ... O'2 I 0-28 io r -i8o Bradley 2007 Bradley 314.7 u /y Bradley 1672 S.P - 1*1.1 + 0-28 - 0-72 O'OO + 072 3 0-36 Oct. 20 Bradley 3 1 4.7 - O* 1 1 O'I7 io r -i8o Polaris I '2Q O'^Q ^7 -071 - 0-28 + o'43 2 0-50 Oct. 21 Bradley 2997 -1- o - 6o O'CO io r -i8o Bradley 314.7 PCS 2 Ursae Minoris O'OC I -06 -0-31 0-78 - 0'47 2 -0-55 Oct. 23 Bradley 2003 . + O"2.1 IO r '2OO Bradley 3 1 4.7 + O'QA 2 Ursae Minoris w VT 4- 0-78 0-17 Polaris 0*18 + 0-44. - 0-17 o - 6i 2 + 0-14 Oct. 24 Bradley 2003 O'C C + O'22 4- O'77 I O'I7 IO r '2OO Oct. 25 Bradley 2003 + o*6j. + 0-64. IO r '2OO 28 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimatiou Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Oct. 26 Bradley 2003 .... It 0*60 " ' " IO*'2OO Bradley 16728.? + 2'OI + o - o6 Polaris H- l'37 + 0-90 + O'o6 - 0-84 2 + 0-48 Oct. 27 Bradley 1672 S.P o-n O - J7 IO r '2OO Polaris + O*34 + O'l I + O'll 0-03 0-14 2 + 0-04 Oct. 28 Bradley 2993 O*6c -t O'22 + 0-87 I O'22 Oct. 30 Bradley 1672 S.P 4- O'Sc IO r '2OO 2 Ursae Minoris O'OS Polaris 0*06 + 0-61 + 0-25 + 0-61 + 0-36 2 + 0-43 Nov. 9 2 Ursae Minoris 4- 1*57 -1- oo6 IO r- 2OO Polaris + 0*6^. Groombridge 2283 S.P O'77 -f" 0*22 + 0-61 + 0-14 -0-4-7 2 + 0-38 Nov. 13 Bradley 1 1 4.7 -+- 0*22 _L_ O'^O IO r '2OO 2 Ursse Minoris 0-70 Polaris 4- I '2? + O'28 + 0'26 + 0-34 + 0-08 2 -f 0-30 Mean O'OQ 37 W 7 f ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 29 Transit G. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Sept. 3O // // I'CI " // Q r 'QOO 1*74 i'63 ... -I-6 3 Oct i Bradlev 3 14.7 . 1*12 -1-63 Q r- QOO - 1-57 I -60 0-48 I - 1-36 Oct 2 Bradley 2993 . I 2 C 2'O2 o'6? I i *6o 9 r 'QOO W 7 yu*. Oct. 3 I'll i -8 c Q r 'QOO Polaris 2'CO 2-19 1-80 2'O2 O - 22 2 - 1-91 Oct. 5 Groombridge 3548 (- 7'37) 2-24 9 r 'QOO Bradley 3147 2*96 Polaris 2*17 2-64 2-56 - 2 '44 + O'I2 2 2-50 Oct. n Groombridge 3548 (+ o-c6) + I'I2 9 r 'O4.O Bradley 2993 .... O'T.1 7T" Bradley 3147 + O'I C Bradley 1672 S.P + 0*4.4. 4- I'CO O*OO i^ * 5y + 0-46 + 0-56 + o-io 3 + 0-51 Oct. 13 Groom bridge 3548 (+ O-IQ) 9 r 'Q4.O Bradlev 2QQ3 .. + I'? 1 ? Bradlev 314.7 -1- I'O7 Bradley 1672 S.P + I"O + O'I7 + I-28 + 0-17 I'll 2 + 073 30 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Oct. 14 Groombridge 3548 ... ( \-\6\ // II " 9 r '94 Bradley 2003 . \ * j"/ + Q'A1 Bradley 314.7 .. U t3 2 Ursae Minoris ... u 31 o - i8 Polaris Polaris U / L 0^84 * u 3y - 0-34 0-17 + 0-17 3 0-26 Oct. 15 Bradley 2003 .. q r 'QAO Bradley 314.7 .. _L o'88 + 0-54 + 0-06 0-48 I + 0'30 Oct. 17 Bradlev 2003 9 r '94- Bradley 3147... o 47 2 Ursae Minoris o 53 Polaris u yz 0*67 53 -0-15 0-67 -0-52 2 0-41 Oct. 20 X Ursss Minoris _l_ 0-16 I O'o6 9 r '94 Bradley 2003 O'O2 0*62 + 0-07 0-28 - 0'35 2 o-n Oct. 21 Bradley 2003 .. O r 'O4O Bradley 3 1 4.7 1'62 Bradley 1672 S.P. u 5z u iy - 0-88 - '39 + 0'49 2 0-64 Oct. 23 Bradley 314.7 .. 9 r '94 2 Ursaa Minoris U i/ 1-26 + O* I I - 071 + O'll + 0-82 I 0-30 Oct. 26 0-28 9 r -8co + 0-28 O'OO + 0'02 I O'DI ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 31 Transit C. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation Error. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Weight. Adopted Collimation Error. Oct. 27 Bradley 2007... + 1 ' 3A + OH5 n // 9 r -8 5 o Bradlev 3147... 1 JT A- O"7 I 0-06 2 Ursas Minoris 4. i-6c Polaris 4- 0-28 + O' 17 + I-OO + 0-18 0-82 3 4-0-59 Oct. 30 Bradley 3147 4- 0-8? + 0-28 9 r -Q4O Bradley 1672 S P. O'ZJ. 2 Ursa; Minoris + O'26 Polaris 0*36 4- 0-67 + O'I2 4-0-48 4-0-36 3 ' 4- 0-30 Nov. 9 Bradlev 11 47... O'I7 + O'22 9 r '94 '2 Ursse Minoris 4- O'O7 Polaris -1- O"27 4- 0-05 4- O'22 4- 0-17 2 4-0-14 Nov. 13 Bradley 3 1 47 + 0-14 4- o'i I O r -Q30 Bradley 1672 + O'7O Polaris + o-6c 4- 0-28 + '5 4- 0-20 0-30 2 + o-3S Mean . .. 015 33 If the adopted Collimation error in the last column be denoted by c, and x denote the diurnal aberration, viz : //- 20 for Transit B at Paris, and 0"*19 for Transit C at Greenwich, then the whole Collimation error applicable W is c + x ; and E is c + x. On Oct. 19, the results obtained for Collimation with Transit C were as follows : G.M.T. h ill 8.26 Bradley 2993 4- 5-69 9. 32 Bradley 3147 4- 3-13 10.22 Bradley 1672 S.P. 4- 3-41 11.26 Polaris 4- 1-63 12. o Xadir 4- i'68 32 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. The Nadir was unfortunately not observed early in the evening ; the only observation was at the same time as Polaris. For reduction of the observations the following Collimation errors have been adopted : G.M.T. h m h m To 8. 30 + 5-69 8. 30 to 9. 30 + 4-48 9. 30 to 10. 25 + 3-27 10.29 to 1 1. 20 + 2-46 11.25 to end + 1^65 IX. LEVEL ERROR. The Level Error was determined several times during each set of observations by the hanging level, and once or twice during each evening by the nadir observation. In the latter, the pivots were assumed sensibly equal (see p. 18), and the simple difference of the readings of the R.A. micrometer for coincidence of the middle wire in reversed positions of the instrument was considered to be twice the error of level. From the following tables it will be seen that there is no systematic difference between the level as deduced by nadir observations, and the mean of the determinations E and W by the hanging level (which again do not differ systematically inter se, see p. 19). The determinations by hanging level generally largely outnumber those by nadir : but the latter has the advantage of being a completely independent method of determining level ; and as the level error enters directly into the longitude (with weight proportional to secant latitude), and is entirely independent of any astronomical observations, it is important to employ independent methods in order to eliminate possible systematic error. Accordingly, considerable weight has been given to nadir observations, and the adopted level error has been formed by taking the simple arithmetical mean of the mean results from nadir W and E, hanging level W, and hanging level E, no distinction being made between results obtained by the hanging level at different Z.D.'s, or at different periods of the evening. By this method something is of course lost in apparent accordance of the observations ; but the same mean result for longitude is obtained as by a more elaborate and troublesome process. The first five columns of the following tables require no explanation. The weight in the sixth column is computed from the formula ^-, where m is half the total number of striding level determinations, and n is the number of nadir determinations, The adopted level error in the seventh column is the mean of the results for each day found in the second, third, and fourth columns. ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit B. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. K. 2 Sept. 30 - 4-22 -3-56 - 4-01 -4-15 -4-27 " " - 4 - 45 4-01 - 5'45 -5-82 -4-19 - 5'39 Oct. I - 5-23 - 5'44 0-26 3 - 4-69 -47 4-50 4-86 0-85 0-28 -0-44 -0-53 0-50 Oct. 2 - o'53 - '59 - i'5> roo 2 - 0-84 -0-55 0-46 - i'5i - 1-72 Oct. 3 - 1-13 - '93 - 0-66 - 1-18 - i '43 I-2I I-04 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 - o-77 - 0-86 0-69 - 1-23 - 0-32 + 0-04 2 I I'02 0'80 0-96 - 0-86 - 1-23 0-87 - 071 -0-99 - 0-68 0-78 - 079 - 0-84 0-78 - "64 - -38 - -62 - -98 -61 - 1-89 - 174 1-98 1-90 - 1-61 1-90 -1-78 IM2 + 0-29 3 - 1-70 .- 17 1-90 -,- 5I GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 34 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. continued. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. 2 Oct. 8 - 178 " - 1-62 " Oct. 9 - 1-70 - 1-46 - 2-18 0-60 1 - I 7 8 Oct. 10 - 173 - 1-07 1-40 o-oo I - 1-40 Oct. 1 1 - 0-19 - 0-20 _ 1-18 0-46 0-07 0-46 - 1-23 0-46 0-96 0-64 0-05 0-14 0-26 0-14 0-58 0-90 0-38 -0-49 - 1-04 o - 6o 3 - 0-63 Oct. 12 0-42 0-28 - 1-18 -0-41 - 0-42 -0-35 _ 1-18 - 79 i - 0-65 \ Oct. 1 3 - 0'49 O-22 IT2 - I '01 - 0-68 O'22 - '57 O'gO 0-06 - 0-85 - '33 - '55 0-28 - 0-84 - '47 0-09 -074 - 1-74 0-69 - '43 - i'43 - 0-87 3 0-85 Oct. 14 - 0-63 - 0-58 - 1-62 - -40 - 79 - -26 - 0-66 - -04 - I- i3 '12 - 0-91 - -48 0-22 - 0-66 - '39 0-05 0-28 0-96 i 0-06 0-90 - 0-87 0-65 1-26 -0-50 3 - '93 ERROR OF LEVEL. 35 Transit B. continued. Date. 1 Hanging Level. Nadir. N-^E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. Oct. 1 5 a Q'(>3 -0-52 // -0-39 " // -0-54 0-28 0-63 i -02 i -06 0-85 - 0-33 - i''5 -0-55 - i'45 - 2-03 - 1-42 - 2 -07 1-46 - I- 45 - i-S7 ro8 - o-75 - 0-98 0-06 3 - '94 Oct. 1 6 - 1-16 0-80 1-40 -0-42 i I-I2 Oct. 17 -0-53 -o-53 0-90 0-09 - 0'39 - 0-82 0-14 - 0-16 0-50 - '44 0-05 0-06 0-22 - 0-38 o-oo - '43 + O'O6 0-05 0-90 0-36 0-20 - 0-90 0-62 3 - '49 Oct. 1 8 + 0-08 + 0-27 O'l I + 0-06 + 0'47 + 0-14 + o-i i + 0-30 + 0-30 + 0-17 + 0-37 o-i i - 0-38 2 + OT4 Oct. 1 9 + 2-H + '5 2 - 0'33 + i'33 . 0-50 + 0-42 - '33 - '&3 0-76 - '39 0-36 - 0'39 0-28 - 0-58 - 0-88 0-41 - 074 0-63 0-50 -0-33 -0-47 0-06 o-oo - o'43 0'20 + O'O2 3 O'2I 1 1 36 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. continued. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. 2 9 * Oct. 20 o-l I - 1-81 -0-55 - o'88 + O'll 1-46 0-82 0-60 no 0-61 078 Oct. 21 -0-52 1-64 - 1-19 + 0-64 3 -077 - 1-07 0-89 - 0-34 0-50 -0-33 0-85 0-90 -0-93 o'4i 1-51 0-72 - 0-66 - 1-84 0-09 i '95 - Q'39 0-60 I'OO - 0'94 0-80 Oct. 23 0-50 0-50 + OM9 3 0-82 - 77 I'OO 070 0-85 - 0-97 I'20 -I- 5 8 - 1-25 - 1-18 Oct. 24 0-90 - '95 - 0-66 O'lO 2 I'll - 1-03 - 1-13 - 1-18 - 1-29 -1-65 Oct. 25 1-09 - 1-85 0-41 I - 1-58 - 1-23 -1-65 - 1-85 - 0-88 - 0-68 0*36 -0-17 -075 - 0-52 - 077 - 0-27 ERROR OF LKVEL. Transit B. continued. 37 Hanging Level. Nadir W + E Weight. Adopted Level Date. z W. E. H Oct. 26 + 0-68 + 0-82 + 0-41 + 0-52 + 079 + 0-49 + i'34 + 1-16 + I'l? + I'OI + 0'33 + 0-64 + 0-69 + 0-67 + 076 + i'34 + 0-62 2 + 0^2 Oct. 27 + 0-50 + 0-81 + I'I2 . + 0-97 + i -06 v + o'53 + 0-89 + no + I'02 + 0-96 + 0-66 + 0-88 + 0-28 + 0-84 + 0-82 + 079 + 0- 9 8 + 0-17 3 + 0-86 Oct. 28 + 0-57 + 074 + I'I2 + 0-52 + 0-27 + 0-57 + 0-51 + I-I2 + 0-58 i + 073 Oct. 30 + -82 + i '93 + '84- 4- 1-87 + 75 + '55 + 71 + 2'OI 4- 173 + 1-90 + 2'OI + 0-19 2 + 1-88 Nov. 9 - 0-86 - 0-97 - 0-84 i-oo - 1-14 - 074 - 077 0-83 - 1-24 - 1-68 - '93 0^96 - 1-26 -0-31 3 - 1-05 38 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. continued. Hanging Level. Date. Nadir. N W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. z < lf rt Nov. i o - 0-85 1-08 - 1-27 - 1-50 - 1-23 -1-58 - '97 - 1-45 -1-23 O-O2 2 P22 Nov. 12 O'll o-i i -0-55 O'lO + 0-55 0-06 + 0-69 + 0-28 + 0-50 4- O'lO O'l 1 + 0-50 + 0-5I I + 0-16 Nov. 1 3 + 0-55 +.0-33 o-oo O'OO + 0-34 + O-I2 O'2O + 0-5I + 0-28 + 0-06 + O'l I + 0-4.7 o-oo 0-03 -4- 0-34 -0-30 + 0-28 + 'Z9 + 0-03 + 0-31 + 0-I5 3 + 0-21 The mean value of N W + E. itha weight of 61. 2 1S O 14 A ERROR OF LKVEL. Transit C. 39 Hanging Level. Date. Nadir. 2 Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. Sept. 30 + 3-34 + 4'' + " " + 3'33 ~T" 4-*OO + 3 - 5 8 + 4-01 + 3'02 ~T~ ^ " C O + 374 + 3-14 -0-5, 2 + 3-48 Oct. i + 3'o6 + 2-47 + 2-30 + 2-67 + 2-04 + 2-90 + 3'3<5 , + 3 '02 + 3'34 + 3-5 + 3-29 + 2-46 + 2-91 + 3'o + 2-38 0-58 3 + 277 Oct. 2 + 1-56 + 1-36 + 1-85 + 0-99 + i'39 + 1-28 + 1-38 + 1-85 + 0-52 i + 1-5 Oct. 3 + 0-08 + 078 O'OO + '33 + i '03 + 0-83 + ''57 + 0-51 + '44 + 1-13 o-oo -0-79 2 + '52 i Oct. 4 0-63 -0-57 o-i i + '49 I - '44 Oct. 5 - 0-68 0-08 -0-17 - 79 - 0-27 0-09 0-22 0-14 0-30 -0-49 0-46 1 - 0-84 + 0-06 - 0-51 - 0-27 0-06 + 0-33 3 0-28 Oct. 8 - 177 - 0-97 - 2-23 - I'OI 2-OO - '97 roi + 0-48 i -i-33 40 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. continued. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. N W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. K. IN 2 n H Oct. 9 2'22 - i'49 I-OI - 2-14 - i"47 - '47 - 1-24 - 2-18 - 1-48 - 1-13 + 070 2 I '60 Oct. 1 1 - 3-52 - 2'47 - 3-08 -2-91 -2-34 2-31 2-42 - 3'5 2 - z '39 - 271 - 2-37 - 2-69 - 3-14 - *'99 - 3'43 - 274 -2'95 -2-65 - 2-91 O'll 3 2-84 Oct. 13 - 2-27 - ''44 - -66 - - 99 - -86 - 1-27 - '9 1 - '99 - '37 - i-i7 - "45 - '97 ^- 0-61 0-61 - 1-35 - 175 I'OI - 1-35 +0-03 2 - I'37 (Jet. 14 - 2-15 - i'34 - 2-35 - 2-26 - i'55 - 2-17 0-63 - - i7 0-69 -0-79 i-io 0-96 - i'44 - 1-85 - 171 - no 2-10 0-69 3 1-64 Oct. 1 5 - 1-28 - 2-43 - 3'3 ' - 3' 2 - 2-18 - 2-23 - 2-15 - 2-28 - 3-03 - 0-81 2 - 2'49 ERROR OF LEVEL. 41 Transit C. continued. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. 2 Oct. 17 -In. - 2-88 " " " - 3'3 - 3'53 -2-78 - 2-95 -3-85 - 2-41 3'^9 - 2-57 - 372 3 - oi - 3-55 -3-iS - 3'" - 3-25 - 3'5 2-96 - 3-25 O'O2 2 - 3^4 Oct. 1 9 3-26 3-00 - 3''4 -2-85 - 3'39 3 - oi - 3-27 2'JI - 376 -3-65 3'8o - 3 '42 - 3'47 2-84 - 3'4 2 O-26 2 -3-24 Oct. 20 2-26 - r88 2-06 - r86 - 1-86 -1-58 ~ r 57 - 1-05 - 1-27 - 2-24 -,- 97 -1-53 - 2-05 0-30 2 -r8 5 Oct. 2 1 - 3-4I - 2'53 3-29 - 2-37 - 379 -2-67 - 3'37 2 '90 - 3 '42 - 3'34 - 3'22 - 370 -3-46 2-84 - 37 -0-55 2 - 3'33 Oct. 23 -378 -'94 -3-58 2-40 4-28 -1-56 - 1-50 -2-78 -2-85 - 2-16 - 3-42 - 3-03 - 2-17 -3-42 -0-82 2 - 2-87 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 42 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. continued. Date. Hanging Level. Nadir. W + E Weight. Adopted Level Error. W. E. Z // Oct. 24 - 2'93 -3-52 - 2-52 + 07* I -2-99 Oct. 25 - 2-91 - 2-86 2'8o + 0-09 i - -86 Oct. 26 - ''35 - 1-28 - 1-85 - 3'" -2-50 - 2-18 - 3-11 1-90 - '73 + 078 2 - 2-25 Oct. 27 - 2-30 2'12 2-96 - '79 -2-38 -0-95 - 2-50 I'I2 2-OO 2-08 i'53 -1-64 - 2-35 - 2-13 - 1-62 276 - 2-35 - 1-62 - 2-35 -0-36 2 z-ii Oct. 29 -2-56 - 1-24 - 1-68 -0-33 -1-52 - 1*45 - 1-24 + 0-25 I - 1-41 Oct. 30 - 2-16 2-04 2-96 - 2-31 270 - 2-25 -278 - 3'5 -2-48 -2-30 - 178 -3-38 - 3'20 - i '97 - 3'99 -274 - 2-31 -3H8 -0-95 3 -2-84 Oct. 31 - 1-62 - 273 - 3-92 - 1-24 i - 3'9 ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit C. continued. 43 Hanging Level. Date. Nadir. W -4- E Weight. Adopted Level Error. 2 W. E. n tl It Nov. 6 - S'9 - 479 5 oQ -4-50 -3-36 -4'37 3-36 -3-82 3-80 -4'55 -3-28 - 3'49 - 4'47 3-68 - 5-89 - 1-82 2 - 4-68 Nov. 9 - 3'4 6 - 3'4' -4-61 -5-58 - 4'43 5 "4-6 ^ -6-17 - 4-68 -4-98 4-58 -4'53 -3-85 -4-04 -473 -4-52 -5-21 - 0-58 2 4-82 Nov. 10 6 -20 -4,0 - 5-05 + o-io I 5-12 Nov. 13 + 0-13 + 0-37 + 0-17 + 0-05 + 075 + 0-03 + 0-63 + 0-82 + 0-05 0-64 + 0-63 0-64 + 0-05 + o-io + 0-41 0-06 + 0-40 + 0-16 + 1-22 + 0-33 + 0-5I + 0-60 + I '08 + '45 + 076 + 0-48 -0-17 + o-i i + 0-56 o-oo -0-34 3 + 0-22 The mean of N is o" '28 with a weight of 54. 2 44 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. X. AZIMUTH ERROR. The Azimuth Error was determined by the observation of one or more of the following Polar Stars. In the first column is given the usual name of the star in the Greenwich catalogues ; in the second, the name used by the French observers ; in the third, the approximate N.P.D. ; in the fourth, the mean R.A. for 1888'0 adopted in the preliminary calculation of azimuth, as taken from the catalogues mentioned in the fifth column, F representing the French Ephemeris in the " Connaissance des Temps " ; L, M. Lcewy's Supplementary Catalogue (" Epheme'rides des etoiles de culmination lunaire et de longitude "), and G. 7 , the Greenwich Ten- Year Catalogue, 1880. In the columns 6-9 are given the corrections to these adopted places indicated by the Greenwich Transit- Circle Observations in 1888 and 1889 respectively, and the numbers of observations; and in columns 10 and 11 the weighted means of these corrections. In the final calculation of azimuth these weighted means have been adopted as the corrections applicable throughout to the apparent places of these stars given in the Ephemerides. Star's Name. 3 is ? Adopted Mean R.A. 1888-0. Catalogue. Correction from Greenwich Observations, 1888. No. of Observations. Correction from Greenwich Observations, 1889. No. of Observations. 8 S a fa ^1 *i Greenwich. French. X Ursae Minoris Qroomb. 1 119 S.P.... Bradley 2701 . . A Pet. Ourse. f i- 3 I. 2 8.57 8.58 3- 26 4.27 4.21 3.19 1.4.1 4 .2I I. 17 2. 2O h m 19.35.44-07 7.44.27-34 2O. 33. 52-06 20.35.14-13 2I.2I.5P35 22.22. 6-58 22. 22. 31*41 23.27.49-99 12. 14. l8'57 0-53-3374 1.17.43-81 15. 13.34-64 F. F. L. G, F. L. G, F. F. L. F. F. s + 0-71 + 6-64 + 0-14 0-04 0-96 - 0-17 -0-35 + 1-67 -0-13 + 0-21 - 3'57 18 9 i 12 II 16 'Si 22 2O 93 I + 1-28 + 6-36 + 0-05 O'lO - 0-45 + 0-38 - 0-17 + 274 O - 2O + 0-87 - I'?' 22 4 2 28 '7i 21 25 33 32 18 IO2 32i 8 + 1-02 + 6- 4 I + 0-08 O-O7 0-63 + 0-16 0-23 + 2-3 0-16 + 0-56 - '77 40 51 39i 29* 32 4' 4i 54 38 '95 33* 2320 B.A.C. (P.I.) 7169 B.AC 75 Draconis 7178 B.A.C Groombridge 3548... Bradley 2003 7504 B.A.C. . . 3441 Carrington... Bradley 2997 8213 B.A.C Bradley 2007 Bradley 3 147 Bradley 16728.?.... 2 TJrssB Minoris . 4165 B.A.C. (P.I.) z Pet. Ourse Polaris a Pet. Ourse Groomb. 2283 S.P... 5i 4 oB.A.C.(P.I.) ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 45 When several of these stars were observed on the same night, the azimuth error was calculated from each separately, as follows : The observed time of transit was first corrected for clock-error. At Greenwich the clock-error was adopted from observa- tions made with the transit-circle, reduced to the standard observer, Mr Downing ; for the longitude observations were referred to the same clock (the Sidereal Standard) as the transit-circle observations ; except that different relays and different chrono- graphs were used in the two cases, and it was found by experiment that the total discrepancy thereby introduced was a very small fraction of a second, negligible in the case of Polar Stars. The adopted errors of the Paris clock were found by applying an assumed longitude, and the difference shown by the telegraphic signals, to those of the Greenwich clock. In the preliminary reduction the longitude was assumed to be 9 m 21 S '00 ; but in the final reduction 9 m 20 5 '60 has been adopted as the difference of longitude of the Transits B and C. A comparison of the signals at different times in the evening seems to show that one or both of the clocks has during the evening a rate different from the mean diurnal rate. As the Greenwich clock is kept in a room at constant temperature, it was assumed for the reduction of Polar Stars that this difference was due to the Paris clock, and the rates were adopted accordingly ; but the small quantities involved have practically no effect on the reductions for azimuth. It may be remarked that by this method of obtaining clock-errors, which was adopted simply for greater convenience, it is assumed that the personal equation of the observer for Clock Stars has no relation to that for Polar Stars ; if the clock-error found by the observer himself were used, the azimuths would all be changed by minute quantities, which would, however, be practically the same for both stations ; so that in any case the longitude is not affected. The observed transit was then corrected for collimation and level errors, and compared with the apparent R.A. for the day, found as above by applying the adopted correction to the apparent R.A. given in one or other of the Ephemerides ; the difference divided by the azimuth factor gives the concluded azimuth. The various steps of the operations are exhibited in the following tables. It may be remarked that no adjustment for azimuth was made during the operations for longitude, so that the changes in azimuth from day to day are due to weather or local disturbances. 46 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit 13. Date and Observer. Star. Position. Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. Apparent JR.A. R.A. - Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. nSL-l - Sept. 30 HT Oct. i HT Oct. 3 HT Oct. 5 HT Oct. ii L X Ursae Minoris W W W E E W E W W W E W W- W E W W E W W W W E W W E E W W E E W E E W 19-35- 5-32 19.44.50-17 20.33.43-25 20.33.44-14 20.35. 4'9 21.21.47-55 22. 22. 8-08 O.I3.38-59 o. 13.31-24 0.53.43-68 i. 18. 39-91 1.18.35-58 21. 21. 49-11 21. 21. 47-58 23.28. 075 2O. 35. 10-85 21. 21. 55-08 21. 21. 53-30 23.28. 3-54 23.28. 6-u 0.13.37-85 o. 13. 38-08 0.53.45-24 1. 18. 35-80 1. 18. 45-22 20.33.51-11 20. 35. 12-86 21. 21. 56-07 21. 21. 50-97 22. 22. 14-9! 23.28. 4-48 O.I3.47-99 o. 13. 46-50 21. 22. 1*43 21.22. 2-72 22. 22. 23'IO 22. 22. 22'93 23. 28. 14-70 o. 13. 58-86 o. 14. i -60 0.53.55-96 I. 18.37-25 I. 18.40-43 + 9-98 + 9-97 + 9-88 + 9-88 + 9 -88 + 9-80 + 9-69 + 9-50 + 9-50 + 9'43 + 9'39 + 9'39 + 8-17 + 8-17 + 7-95 + 4' 68 + 4-60 + 4'6o + 4'3 8 + 4-38 + 4-30 + 4-30 + 4-23 + 4-i8 + 4-I 8 + -57 + '57 + '49 + '49 + -38 + -27 + -19 + -19 - 9-79 - 979 - 9-9 1 - 9-91 10-05 10-14 10-14 10-22 10-27 IO-27 -1-97 + J'94 0-23 + 0-06 +0-06 +0-15 0-46 0-30 + I-2O -0-47 -I- 5 8 + 0-39 -0-85 + 0-40 + 0-42 -0-51 -I-32 + 0-87 + 0-90 I'36 + 2-68 -1-77 + 0-69 + 2-32 -3-52 + 0-07 +0-07 +0-19 0-64 -0-49 + O'20 -0-39 + 1-29 0-16 0-29 O"22 O'I2 0-16 + 0-32 +0-59 O'I2 -0-43 0-78 13-26 + I2-/0 - 170 - I 7 - 1-70 - 4-13 - 3-22 + 779 + 7'79 - 3-3 10-65 10-65 - '74 - o-74 - 77 - o-37 0-90 0-90 - Q'93 - Q'93 + 1-70 + 17 - 0-72 - 2-32 - 2-32 0-62 0-62 - 1-50 - 1-50 - 1-17 - i-55 + z' 8 3 + 2-83 0-56 0-56 - o-43 - o-43 - 0-57 + 1-05 + 1-05 _ 0-44 - i-43 - 1-43 0-07 1478 51-20 52-3 8 13-14 5317 14-09 S5'5 8 4973 49'34 37-07 3471 55-69 55'4> 8 '35 14-65 57-4 6 57- 8 7 7-89 8-20 46-53 42-31 49-44 39-98 43-56 52-13 13-88 56-25 50-32 14-63 4-40 51-62 51-81 50-92 52-08 12-54 12-47 3-92 50-09 53-10 45-18 25-12 27-95 40-59 377 8 55-52 55-52 17-30 62-94 21-30 30-26 30-26 56-28 59 -I 5 59-!5 62-60 62-60 14-46 16-88 61-96 61-96 14-16 14-16 30-70 30-70 56-30 59-54 59-54 54' 8 5 16-63 61-36 61-36 20-39 13-92 30-87 30-87 59-42 59-42 19-31 19-31 13-17 3'45 3i-45 56-56 61-30 61-30 + 40-52 -37-00 + 4-32 + 3-I4 + 4 -l6 + 9'57 + 7-21 -25-32 -19-47 + 6-94 + 22-08 + 24-44 + 6-91 + 7-19 + 6-ii + 2-23 + 4-5 + 4-09 + 6-27 + 5-96 -15-83 11-61 + 6-86 + 19-56 + 15-98 + 2-72 + 2-75 + 5-11 + 11-04 + 5-76 + 9-52 -20-75 -20-94 + 8-50 + 7'34 + 6-77 + 6-84 + 9-25 -18-64 -21-65 + 11-38 + 36-18 + 33-35 -2-390 +2-462 0-229 0-229 0-228 0-684 -0-514 + 1-546 + 1-546 0-528 -1-904 -1-904 -0-684 0-684 0-710 0-228 -0-684 0-684 0-710 0-710 + I- 545 + 1-545 0-528 -1-904 -1-904 0-229 -0-228 0-684 0-684 -0-514 0-710 + I-545 + 1-545 -0-684 0-684 -0-514 -0-514 0710 + 1-545 + 1-545 0-528 -1-904 -1-904 16-96 -I5- 3 -18-88 -1372 18-24 -13-98 14-02 -16-39 12-60 -13-14 1 1 -60 12-84 10-10 10-52 - 8-60 - 9-78 - 6-58 - 5-98 - 8-83 8-40 10-24 - 7-51 -12-99 10-28 8-40 -n-88 12-06 - 7-47 16-14 I 1-22 -I3-4 2 -'3-43 -13'SS 12-42 -11-74 -13-18 -13-30 13-02 12-06 14-01 21-56 19-00 -17-52 Groomb. 1 119 S.P... Bradley 2701 75 Draconis Groombridge 3548... Bradlev 2003 Bradley 16728.?.... 2 Ursas Minoris . . . Polaris Groombridge 3 548 ... Bradlev 3147 Groombridge 3 548 ... Bradley 3147... Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Ursse Minoris .. . Polaris ... Bradley 2701 Groombridge 3 5 48 ... ,, Bradlev 2003... Bradley 3147 Bradley 16728.?.... Groombridge 3548... Bradlev 2QQ3 Bradley 3 1 47 ... Bradley 16728.?.... ,, 2 Ursae Minoris ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 47 Transit B. continued. Date and Observer. Star. Position. Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. Is o. w 9 R.A.- Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. Colli- mation. Level. Oct. 13 L Oct. 14 L Oct. 15 L Oct. 17 L Oct. 1 8 L Oct. 19 L Oct. 20 L Groombridge 3548... Bradlev 3 14.7 E W E W E W E W W E W W E E W E W W E E W W W E W E W W E E W E W W W E 21.22. 4-00 23. 28. 17-40 23.28. 17-23 o. 14. 8-06 o. 14. ii-66 22. 22. 3O-I4 23. 28. 19-61 23. 28. ig-lS o. 54. 4-55 0.54. 4-69 21.22. 873 22. 22. 25-83 22. 22. 29-37 23. 28. 22-84 23. 28. 19-12 22. 22. 58-2O 22. 22. 59-42 23. 28. 26-49 23. 28. 22-46 o. 14. 1 8-47 o. 14. 14-61 0.54. 1179 22. 23. 2-IO 22. 23. 0-83 I3.2O. 0-64 13.19.59-38 22. 23. 1-90 22.23. 3^5 23.28.29-13 23. 28. 27-67 o. 14. 24-10 o. 14. 18-51 23. 28. 29-60 23. 28. 29-90 o. 14. 22-99 I. I 9 . 7-30 i. 18. 59-62 -I3-47 -1372 -13-72 -13-81 13-81 -15-72 -15-85 -15-85 16-02 16-02 -17-83 -17-95 -17-95 1 8-08 18-08 -21-88 -21-88 22-OI 22'OI 22-IO 22-IO -22-I8 -23-63 -23-63 -2471 -24-71 -25-38 -25-38 -25-51 -25-51 25-60 25-60 -27-86 -27-86 -27-93 -28-08 28-08 + 0-12 -0-59 4-0-13 + 1-16 -0-25 O-2O O'2O -0-27 O-2O -0-15 + 0-3I + 0-24 0-58 -0-78 + 0-32 4-0-61 -0-95 -1-28 4-0-82 0-90 + 2-52 0-98 0-46 + O'I2 0-48 + 1-67 + 0-14 0-48 0-65 + 0'l8 0-36 + I-2 7 + 0-35 0-81 + I-59 2-09 + 0-90 - 75 - 7 8 0-78 + 1-42 + 1-42 0-64 - 0-8 5 0-85 - 0-66 - 0-66 0-83 0-65 0-65 - 0-86 - 0-86 - 0-34 - '34 - -45 0-45 + 0-82 + 0-82 - o-3S + o-io + o-io + 0-46 + 0-46 0-14 0-14 0-19 0-19 + o-35 + 0'35 070 0-70 + 1-28 - 175 - 1-75 49-90 2-31 2-86 57-83 O 4 02 I3-58 271 2-21 47-67 47-86 50-38 7-47 10-19 3-12 0-50 36-59 36-25 2-75 0-82 56-29 55-85 48-28 38-11 37-42 35'9 J 36-80 36-52 37-25 2-78 2-15 58-49 54-53 i'39 o-53 57-93 35-38 30-69 58-65 12-76 12-76 31-97 3I-97 18-59 12-53 12-53 56-47 56-47 57-87 i8-35 i8-35 12-31 12-31 42-78 42-78 n-86 n-86 33-15 33-I5 56-30 42-56 42-56 "37 0-37 42-36 42-36 H'49 11-49 33-61 33-6i 11-31 11-31 33-8o 60-42 60-42 + 875 + 10-45 + 9'9 -25-86 -28-05 + 5' 01 + 9-82 + 10-32 + 8-80 + 8-61 + 7'49 + 10-88 + 8-16 + 9''9 + 11-81 + 6-19 + <5'53 + 9' 11 + 11-04 -23-14 22-70 + 8-02 +' 4-45 + 5-14 -35-54 -36-43 + 5-84 + j-ii + 871 + 9'34 24-88 20-92 + 9-92 + 10-78 -H -I 3 + 25-04 + 29-73 0-684 0-710 0-710 + ''545 + ''545 -0-514 0-710 0-710 0-528 0-528 -0-684 -0-514 -0-514 0-710 0-710 -0-514 -0-514 0-710 0-710 + '545 + '545 0-528 -0-514 -0-514 + 2-005 + 2-005 -0-514 -0-514 0-710 0-710 + '545 + I-545 0-710 0-710 + 1-546 -1-905 -1-905 12-80 -14-72 -'3-94 -16-74 -18-16 - 975 -13-84 -H'54 -16-67 16-30 10-96 -21-17 -15-88 -12-94 16-64 12-04 12-70 12-84 -15-56 -14-98 -14-69 15-20 - 8-66 10-00 -1773 18-17 11-36 - 9'94 - 1-2-26 13-16 16-10 -I3-54 -13-98 15-20 15-61 -13-14 15-61 Bradley 16728.?.... * ... Bradlev 2003. .. Bradlev iid.7 2 Ursae Minoris Groombridge 3 548 ... Bradlev 2003... Bradlev 1 1 47 . . . Bradley 2997 Bradley 314.7... Bradley 16728.?.... j> ... 2 Ursse Minoris Bradlev 2007... Polaris 8 P. Bradley 2007... Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S.P.... )> ... Bradlev 3147... Bradley 1672 S.P.... Polaris ... 48 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B continued. Date and Observer. Star. Position. Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. Apparent B.A. R.A. - Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. Colli- mation. Level. Oct. 21 L Oct. 23 HT Oct. 24 HT Oct. 25 HT Oct. 26 HT Oct. 27 HT Oct. 28 HT Bradley 2997 W E E W W E W E W W E W E E W W E W E E W E W W W E W W E W W W E E W 22.23. 6-14 22.23. 673 23.28.30-53 23.28.34-51 o. 14. 28-15 0.54. I8-I5 0. 54. 18-22 22. 22. 44*98 22 22 4.4.'? 8 -29-85 -29-85 -29-98 -29-98 -30-07 -30-15 -30-I5 -33^3 -33' 6 3 -3376 -3376 -33-93 -33-93 -33-98 -33-9 8 36-11 36'! I -38-58 -38-58 41-06 41-06 41-28 -41-28 -41-36 -41-41 -41-41 -42-33 -4-2-43 -42-59 -42-59 -42-65 -42-69 -42-69 -43-97 -43*97 0-65 + 0-30 + 0-40 0-87 + I-70 + 0-31 -0-66 0-29 0-05 -0-071 -'39 0-05 0-30 1-0 I -0-18 0-32 O-O2 + 0-38 -0-72 -0-58 + 0-24 + 1-54 0-64 + 0-25 + 0-84 2-03 0-18 0-14 +0-54 + 0-36 0-14 -0-48 -0-72 + O-O2 0-36 0-56 0-56 - 0-75 - 0-75 + ''37 - 0-58 0-58 0-76 0-76 i-oi i-oi - 0-78 - 0-78 - 2-53 - 2-53 1-09 1-09 0*36 0-36 + 0-64 + 0-64 - i-55 - i-55 + 0-66 + 2-12 + 2-12 + 0'77 + 0-60 - I'45 - i-45 + 0-61 + 1-98 + 1-98 + 0-50 + o'5 35-08 36-62 O-2O 2- 9 I 1-15 4773 46-83 10-30 10-14 59-00 0-8 1 46-86 47-95 35-06 36-94 8-99 8-35 13-02 13-02 12-37 14-36 45'S 1 34'!9 52-06 47-89 53'iz 52-44 12-91 45-07 44-34 52-62 47-27 49-05 11-76 12-50 4''95 4i-95 1 1-14 11-14 34-01 56-20 56-20 16-64 16-64 10-76 10-76 56-15 56-15 61-26 61-26 16-40 16-40 16-15 16-15 15-88 15-88 35-54 35-54 55-97 60-95 60-95 53-49 '5-59 35-99 35-99 55-87 60-72 60-72 'S'3 1 i5-3i + 6-8 7 + 5-33 + 10-94 + 8-23 -27-14 + 8-47 + 9'37 + 6-34 + 6-50 + 11-76 + 9-95 + 9-29 + 8-20 + 26-20 +24-32 + 7-4! + 8-05 + 3-13 + 3-13 + 3-51 + 1-52 - 9-97 + i-35 + 3'9 J + 13-06 + 7-83 + 1-05 + 2-68 9-08 - 8-35 + 3-25 + 13-45 + 11-67 + 3-55 + 2-81 -0-514 -0-514 0-710 0-710 + 1-546 0-528 0-528 -0-514 -0-514 0-710 0-710 0-528 0-528 1-906 1-906 -0-514 -0-514 -0-514 -0-514 -0-514 -0-514 + 1-546 + 1-546 0-52? 1-906 i -906 0-684 -o-5M + 1-546 + 1-546 0-52!- i-goS 1-908 -0-514 -0-514 -I3-36 -10-38 -15-42 1 1 - 6o -17-56 16-04 -I7-70 -12-34 12-64 -16-56 14-02 17-60 -I5-54 -13-70 12-76 -14-42 -15-66 6-09 6-09 - 3+2 2-96 - 6'45 + 0-88 - 7"4' - 6-86 - 4-u - i-54 - 5-22 - 5-87 - 5-4i - 6-16 - 7'5 - 6-1 1 6-91 - 5-47 Bradley 3147 . Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 TJrssB Minoris Bradley 2003 Bradley 3147 23.28.33-84 23-28.35-97 o. 54. 21-62 o. 54. 22-96 I. 19. 12-58 1.19.13-63 22. 22.46-51 22.22.45-57 22. 22. 51-58 22. 22. 52-68 22.22. 53-37 22.22.54-54 o. 14. 26-80 o. 14. 17*66 0.54. 32-51 1.19.26-34 I. ig. 34-44 21. 22. 34'l8 22. 22. 54-88 o. 14. 28-57 o. 14. 28-02 o. 54. 34-80 I. 19. 28-46 I. 19. 30-48 22. 22. 55-2I 22. 22. 56-33 2 Ursse Minoris > l^olaris .. Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 Bradley 2003... Bradley 16728.?.... II 2 Ursse Minoris Groombridge 3548... Bradley 2993 . .. Bradley 1672 S.P.... ji 2 UrsiB Minoris >i Bradley 2993 . . ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 49 Transit B. continued. Date and Observer. Star. Position. Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. a t* X.A. - Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. Colli- mation Level. Oct. 30 HT Nov. 9 HT Nov. 1 3 HT Bradley 1672 S.P... 11 2 Ursse Minoris . . . E W w E E W W E E W W E W W W W E E W W E o. 14. 34-28 o. 14. 38-13 o. 54. 40-61 o. 54. 40-56 I. 19. 36-07 i. '9- 36-43 o. 55. 2-64 o. 55. 5-42 1. 19. 58-73 1. 19. 54-90 3. 14. 9-60 3. 14. 10-77 20. 35. 10-96 20. 36. 33-41 22.23. 3 2 '54 23. 29. 25-09 23-29.25-58 o. 55. 14-69 0.55.15-92 i. 20. 10-76 j. 20. 18-12 -47-25 -47-25 -47-3I -47-3I -47-35 -47-35 -74-01 -74-01 -74-06 -74-06 -74-33 -74-33 -83-62 -83-62 -83-87 -84-03 -84-03 -84-23 -84-23 84-28 84-28 +J-42 -0-52 + 0-2C -o-St -1-88 + 0-69 + 0-16 -0-51 -173 +'54 0-29 + 0-95 + 0-04 +0-04. + 0-09 + OM2 -0-58 -0-44. + 0-09 + 0-30 -1-49 - 3'i; - 3'i; + i"33 + 1-32 + 4'^ + 4'29 - 74 - 74 2-40 2-40 + 1-24 + 1-24 + 0-08 + 0-08 + 0-14 + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-15 + 0-15 + 0-48 + 0-48 45-33 47-23 54-83 54-02 5i-i3 54-06 48-05 50-16 40-54 38-98 56-22 58-63 47-46 9-91 8-90 i-37 1-16 50-17 5I-93 47-26 52-83 37-34 37-34 55-53 55-53 59-88 59-88 54-57 54-57 57-62 57-62 45'35 45-35 48-96 10-92 10-94 4-76 4-76 53-89 53-89 557 55-70 - 7'9< 9'8c + o-7< + r 5 + 87 + 5-82 + 6-52 + 4'4 1 + 17-* + 18-64 10-87 -13-26 + i-sc + I'OI + 2-04 + 3-39 + 3'6c + 372 + 1-96 + 8'44 + 2-87 )+i'54< ): + I< 54< ) 0-52: 0-52! ; -1-90! 1-90: 0-52! 0-52! 1-90? .: 1-90? + I-I2< + I-l2t 0-229 -0-22? -0-514 \ 0-710 0-7 ic 0-528 0-528 -1-909 -1-909 5- 5-15 )' 6-40 5- i-33 !;- 2-86 }- 4-58 H- 3-05 ! -12-36 1- 8-35 - 8-95 976 i 9-65 1 1 -80 - 6-65 . A'AI Polaris 2 Ursse Minoris . Polaris Groomb. 2283 S.P... ii Bradley 2701 75 Draconis ... Bradley 2993 4 43 - 3-97 - 4-78 - 5-7 : 7-05 - 37i - 4'42 - 1-51 Bradley 3 14.7 2 Ursee Minoris Polaris Transit C. Sept. 30 L Oct. i L Oct. 2 L Groombridge 3548... Bradley 1672 S.P.... Polaris E W E E W E W W : E : 21.21.45-44 o. 13. 26-87 i. 18. 31-78 19. 35. 20-16 SI. 21. 57-52 S3. 28. 6-63 >-}. 28. 9-13 !2. 22. I 8-46 .2. 22. 16-08 + 11-84 + 12-14 + I2-26 + 15-05 + 5-96 + 5-96 + 5-96 + 5^3 + 5'93 + 1-61 + 4-13 + 4-29 +4'34 -173 + '35 -'79 -1-61 + 1-29 + 3-15 6-03 + 8-25 + 8-16 + 2-53 + 2-61 + 2-61 + 1-07 + 1-07 2-04 37'n 56-58 f77' 4-28 16-55 15-91 '3-85 '4'37 2-94 30-26 59 -I 5 59-19 2-60 14-46 14-46 .0-91 .0-91 4- 0-90 - 6-85 + 2-57 - 8-52 - 1-68 2-09 - i'4S - 2-94 - 3'4 6 0-644 + 1-466 -'795 2-258 0-644 -0-666 -0-666 0-481 0-481 - 1-41 - 4-68 - i-43 + 3"2 + 2-61 + 3'i4 + 2-18 + 6-n + 7-i9 A Ursae Minoris Groombridge 3548... Bradlev 3 1 4.7 Bradley 2993 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 50 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. continued. Date and Observer. Star. 1 Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. Apparent E.A. E.A.- Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. i Colli- mation. Level. Oba. Oct. 3 L Oct. 5 L Oct. n HT Oct. 13 HT Oct. 14 HT Bradley 2003 W E E W W E W E E W W E E W W E E W W E E W E W W E E W W E E E W W E E W W W E E W E 22. 22. 19-20 o. 13. 21-18 o. 53. 51-24 - 53- 53-I5 i. 19. 1170 i. 18. 56-88 23.28. 17-94 23. 28. 11-14 o. 13. 11-05 o. 53. 56-62 1.19.15-67 1. 19. 277 21. 21. 56-50 21. 21. 55-26 22. 22. 17-46 22. 22. 16-90 23. 28. 14-21 23. 28. 13-87 o. 13. 8-43 0.13. 6-45 I.I9. 15-39 I. I 9 . 5-97 21. 21. 58-27 21.21. 58-69 22. 22. 13-28 22. 22. I 6-1 5 Z3.28. 12-75 23. 28. 10-30 o. 13. 12-08 o. 13. 7-41 I. 19. 10-02 21.21.59-39 21. 22. 2-82 22. 22. 16-51 22. 22. 17-24 23. 28. n-66 23. 28. 12-48 o. 13. 10-60 - S3- 54-58 o- 53- 54-27 I. 19. 11*13 1. 19. 15-38 I. 19. 10-38 + 5-9! + S'9 1 + S'9 1 + S'9 1 + 5'9' + 5'9' + 6-16 + 6-16 + 6-16 + 6-16 + 6-16 + 6-16 + 7"i2 + 7-12 + 7" 12 + 7' 12 + 7-13 + 7-13 + 7-14 + 7-14 + 7-14 + 7-14 + 7-40 + 7-4 + 7-40 + 7-40 + 7'4' + 7 + I + 7+1 + 7-4i + 7'4' + 7-64 + 7-64 + 7-64 + 7-64 + 7-65 + 7-65 + 7-65 + 7-66 + 7-66 + 7-66 + 7-66 + 7-66 -1-80 -3'9' + 1-52 -1-86 -6-26 + 5-12 -3-10 + 2-67 -5-25 -2-38 8-02 + 6-88 -77 + 0-36 + 0-27 0-60 0-8 1 +0-37 -o-73 + '59 2-09 + 0-95 -1-03 + 0-60 + 0-46 -0-79 i -06 + 0-62 -1-23 + 2-09 -2-75 + 0-08 -0-50 -o'39 + 0-06 +0-08 -0-52 + I - 02 0-40 + 0'o6 + 0'2I -1-34 + O'2I + 0-37 0-90 + 0-38 + 0-38 + I-2 3 + 1-23 0-26 0-26 + 0-49 O - 2O - 0-66 - 0-66 2-60 2-60 2-02 2'O2 - Z'68 - 2-68 + 4-92 + 4-92 - 6-74 - 674 - 1-25 - 1-25 0-98 0-98 - 1-29 - 1-29 + 2-37 + 2-37 - 3-25 - 1-50 - 1-50 - 1-17 - 1-17 - i-55 - i'55 + 2-84 - 1-19 - 1-19 - 3-89 - 3-89 - 3-89 23-68 22-28 59-05 57-58 12-58 9-14 2074 19-71 12-45 O'2O I3-I5 I5-I5 0-25 0-14 22-83 21-40 17-85 18-69 1976 2O-IO 1370 7-32 3'39 5 '44 20-16 21-78 18-81 17-04 20-63 19-28 11-43 5-61 8-46 22-59 2377 17-24 1 8 -06 22'II 0-65 0-80 I5-II I7-8I H16 20-73 30-70 56-30 56-30 59^4 59-54 13-92 13-92 30-87 56-34 59-92 59-92 59-42 59+2 19-31 19-31 - 2 '95 + 8-42 - 275 - 1-28 -12-94 9'6o - 6-82 - 579 + 18-42 - 3-86 -13-23 -15-23 0-83 - 0-72 - 3-5 2 2-09 - 4-68 - S-S 2 + 11-69 + H-35 12-40 6"O2 - 4-74 - 6-79 - 1-32 - 2-94 6-05 - 4-28 + H-34 + 12-69 10-05 - 7'35 IO'2O 4'OO - 5-18 - 4-7i - 5-53 + 10-17 4-18 - 4-33 -13-78 16-48 -13-03 0-481 + 1-466 -0-495 -0-495 -1-795 -i-795 -0-666 -0-666 + 1-466 -0-495 -1795 -'795 0-644 0-644 0-481 0-481 -0-666 -0-666 + 1-465 + 1-465 -1-797 -1-797 0-644 -0-644 0-481 0-481 -0-666 -0-666 + 1-465 + 1-465 -1-796 -0-644 -0-644 0-481 0-481 -0-666 -0-666 + 1-465 -0-495 -0-495 -1-796 -1-796 -1-796 + 6-13 + 5'74 + 5-56 ;+ 2-59 + 7-21 + 5-35 + 10-24 + 8-70 + 12-55 + y8o + 7-37 + 8-48 + 1-29 + I-I2 + 7-32 + 4-35 + 7"3 + 8-29 + 7-97 + 774 + 6-90 + 3'35 + 7-36 + 10-54 + 2-75 + 6-1 1 + 9-08 + 6-43 + 774 + 8-66 + 5-60 + 11-42 + 15-86 + 8-32 + 10-76 + 7-07 + 8-31 + 6'94 + 8-44 + 875 + 7-67 + 9-18 + 7-26 Bradley 1672 S. P.. . 2 Ursae Minoris Polaris Bradley 3 1 47 ... Bradley 1672 S.I'.... z Ursae Minoris Polaris Groombridge 3 548 . . . ,, ... Bradley 2003... Bradley 314.7... 1 3 l 1 17-17 Bradley 16728.?.... ... Polaris 3 */ 31-45 3I-45 I-30 1-30 58-65 58-65 18-84 18-84 12-76 12-76 3I-97 3 '"97 1-38 58-26 58-26 18-59 18-59 12-53 12-53 32-28 56-47 56-47 1-33 i-33 1-33 Groombridge 3 548 ... n Bradley 2003... Bradley 3 1 47 . . . Bradley 1672 S.P.... Polaris Groombridge 3548.. i, Bradley 2003... Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Urssa Minoris 1! Polaris ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 51 Transit C. continued. Date and Observer. Star. d .2 I Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. b < R.A.- Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. Colli- mation. Level. Oct. i, HT Oct. 17 HT Oct. 19 HT Oct. 20 HT Oct. 21 HT Oct. 23 L Bradlev 200'? E W W E E W W E W E E W W W E W E E W W E E E W W E E W E E W 1? "R 1 w W E p W E E W 22. 22. 18-93 22. 22. l8-6l 23-28. 14-33 23. 28. 16-35 22.22. 15-43 22. 22. 15-50 23. 28. Il-gO 23. 28. 10-68 o- 53- 55-07 o. 53. 56-70 i. 19. 15-18 i. 19. 17-34 21.21. 55'OO 22. 22. 9-93 22. 22. I9'7I 22.22.3578 22. 22. 44-98 23.28.14-39 23.28. 7-17 o. 13. 16-59 o. 13. no o. 53. 56-47 i. 19. 18-05 i. 19. 8-24 19.35. 22-89 19. 35. 24-04 22. 22. 13-5? 22. 22. 13-62 o. 13. 11-50 0.53. 53-08 22. 22. I4'O3 22. 22. 13-18 23. 28. 9-19 23. 28. Il-gO o. 13. 10-00 o. 13. 12-36 o. 53. 53-26 Z3. 28. 11-81 23. 28. 11-44 o. 53. 54-02 o. 53. 56-24 + 776 + 776 + 777 + 777 + 8-05 + 8-05 + 8-06 + 8-06 + 8-07 + 8-07 + 8-07 + 8-07 + 8-35 + 8-35 + 8-35 + 8-35 + 8'35 + 8-36 + 8-36 + 8-36 + 8-36 + 8-36 + 8-37 + 8-37 + 8-37 + 8-37 + 8-38 + 8-38 + 8-39 + 8-39 + 870 + 8-70 + 8-71 + 8-71 + 871 + 871 + 8-72 + 8-90 + 8-90 + 8-90 + 8-90 -0-42 + '9 +0-13 -0-57 + 0-19 -0-52 0-69 +' 2 5 -0-53 + O'K + 0-66 -1-99 + 6-16 +474 -5-06 + 474 -5-06 4-00 + 3-56 6-99 + 7-85 -2'34 -4'37 + 3'47 -1-15 -0-26 0-06 -0-27 + 0-16 0-06 -071 + 0-39 +0-52 0-96 + I-88 1-02 + 0-40 -0-57 + 0-13 + 0'IO -o*43 - 177 - i'77 - 2-35 - 2-35 - 2-31 - 2-31 3-06 3-06 - 2-36 - 2-36 - 770 - 77 2-98 - 2-31 - 2-31 - 2-31 - 2-31 - 3'7 - 3-07 + S-63 + 5-63 - 2-37 - 772 - 772 - 5'45 - 5'45 - 1-32 - 1-32 + 3'20 -- 1-35 - 2-37 - 2'37 - 3-14 - 3-i4 + 577 + 577 - 2-43 - 2-71 - 271 2-09 2-09 24-50 24-69 19-87 2 I -2O 21-36 20-72 16-21 !5'93 0-25 2 '60 16-21 I5-92 6-53 20-71 20-69 46-56 45-96 15-68 I 6'02 23-59 22-94 O'I2 I4-33 12-36 24-66 26-70 20-58 20-41 23-25 O'O6 19-65 19-90 I5-28 16-51 26-36 25-82 59'95 '7'43 1776 o'93 2-62 18-35 18-35 12-31 12-31 17-89 17-89 u-86 n-86 56-30 56-30 i-i i i-u 56-49 17-48 17-48 42-48 42-48 1 1 - 4< 1 1-49 33-6i 33-6i 56-23 1-09 1-09 12-94 12-94 17-28 17-28 33-8o 56-21 17-08 17-08 1 1-14 11-14 34-01 34' 01 56-20 1076 10-76 56-15 56-15 - 6-15 - 6-34 - 7-56 - 8-89 - 3'47 - 2-83 - 4'35 - 4-07 - 3'95 - 6-30 -15-10 -14-81 lO'O/l - 3-23 - 3'2i 4-08 - 3-48 - 4-I9 - 4-53 + IO-O2 + IO-67 ~ 3-89 -I3'24 -11-27 II-72 -1376 - 3-3 - 3-13 + 10-55 - 3-85 - 2-57 - 2-82 - 4'H - 5'37 + 7-65 + 8-19 - 375 - 6-67 7-00 - 478 - 6-47 0-481 0-481 -0-666 -0-666 0-481 0-481 -0-666 -0-666 -0-495 -0-495 -1-796 -1796 -0-645 0-482 0-482 -0-482 0-482 0-667 0-667 + 1 -464 + 1-464 -0-495 -1797 -1797 -2-258 2-258 0-482 0-482 + 1-464 -0-495 0-482 0-482 0-667 0-667 + 1-463 + 1-463 -0-495 0-667 0-667 -0-495 -0-495 + 1278 + 13-18 + ii- 3 6 + 13-34 + 7-21 + 5-88 + 6-53 + 6-1 1 + 7-9 8 + 1273 + 8-41 + 8-25 + I5-56 + 6-70 + 6-66 + 8-46 + 7-22 + 6-28 + 6-79 + 6-84 + 7-29 + 7'86 + 7-36 + 6-27 + 5'20 + 6-08 + 6-85 + 6-49 + 7'2i + 778 + 5'33 + 5-85 + 6-21 + 8-05 + 5-23 + 5'6o + 7-5 8 + IO-QO + 10-50 + 9-66 + 13-08 Bradley 3147 Bradley 2993 Bradley 3 1 47 . 2 UrstC Minoris Polaris Groombridge 3548... Bradlev 2003... Bradley 2997 Bradlev 3 14.7 Bradley 1672 S.P.... , , 2 TJrspe Minoris \ Ursse Minoris Bradlev 2003 Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Ursse Minoris Bradlev 2003.. Bradlev 3147... Bradley 1672 S.P.... j) 2 Ursse Minoris Bradlev 314.7... 2 Ursje Minoris si 52 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit G. continued. Date and Observer. Star. Position. Observed Transit. Clock Slow. Correction for Corrected Transit. Apparent R.A. R.A. - Obs. Azimuth Factor. Error of Azimuth. Colli- mation. Level. Oct. 26 L Oct. 27 L Oct. 30 L Nov. 9 L Nov. 1 3 L Polaris . . W E W W W E E W W E E W W E E W W E W E E W W E E W W E E E W E I. 19. 26-47 I. 19. 26-32 O. 12. 57'O4 22. 22. 44-00 22. 22. 4I-2I 23. 28. 12-08 23. 28. 13-71 o. 53. 58-97 o. 53. 56-08 1. 19.24-75 I. 19. 26-42 23. 28. 21-00 23. 28. ig'OS O. 12. 48-37 o. 12.49-44 o. 54. 1-57 o. 54. i- 1 1 i. 19. 39-82 i. 19. 37-71 23.28. 7-67 23.28. 7-28 -53- 54-85 o- S3- 54-73 i. 19. 16-20 i. 19. 17-79 23. 28. 9-48 23. 28. 9-16 o. 13. 10-76 o. 13- 7-56 - S3- 57-94 1.19.25-55 i. 19. 21-69 3- 12. 16-09 + 8-58 + 8-58 + 8- 5 8 + 8 7 I + 8- 7 I + 872 + 8-72 + 872 + 8-72 + 8-72 + 8-72 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-86 + 8-40 + 8-4 + 8-40 + 8-40 + 8-40 + 8-40 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 + 8-23 O'6o -0-54 + '45 0-67 + 0-32 + 0-46 0-90 0-69 + o'35 + 1-19 -2'33 -0-57 +0-13 -0-25 + i-ii -0'43 + Q-IO +'33 1-46 0-06 -0-38 0-29 0-04 -0-15 -0-99 0-62 + 0-18 0-36 + 1-22 0-48 -1-61 + 0-48 + 0-88 - 5'35 - 5'35 + 3^9 - -5 - -50 - '99 - '99 - '54 - '54 - 5-01 - 5-01 2-69 2-69 + 4'93 + 4'93 2'08 2-08 - 6-78 - 6-78 - 4-55 - 4-55 - 3-51 - 3'S 1 1 1 -46 1 1-46 + 0-21 + 0'2I - 0-38 0-38 + 0-16 + 0-52 + 0-52 - 0-27 29-10 29-01 9-96 50-54 48-84 19-27 19-54 5-46 3'6i 29-65 27-80 26-60 25-38 1-91 4'34 7-92 7-99 42-23 38-33 11-46 10-75 59-45 59-58 12-99 I3-74 17-30 17-78 18-25 16-63 5-85 32-69 30-92 24-93 0-95 0-95 35'H 40-15 40-15 9-73 973 55-87 55-87 072 072 8-86 8-86 37'34 37-34 55-53 55-53 59-88 59-88 6-16 6-16 54-57 54-57 57-62 57-62 4-76 4-76 43-84 43-84 53-89 5570 55-70 45-23 -28-15 -28-06 + 25-18 -10-39 - 8-69 - 9-54 9-81 ~ 9-59 - 774 -28-93 27-08 -17-74 -16-52 + 35-43 + 33'oo -12-39 12-46 -42-35 -38-45 - 5-30 - 4'59 - 4-88 - 5-01 -15-37 16-12 -12-54 13-02 +25-59 +27-21 1 1-96 -36-99 -35-22 + 20-30 -1-799 -1-799 + i-4 6 3 0-482 0-482 0-667 0-667 -0-495 -0-495 1-800 1-800 0-667 0-667 + 1-463 + 1-463 -0-495 -o-495 i - 8oo 1-800 -c-667 0-667 -0-495 -0-495 1-800 1-800 0-667 0-667 + 1-463 + i-4 6 3 -0-495 1-800 1-800 + 1-069 + 15-65 + 15-60 + 17-20 + 21-56 + 18-04 + I4-30 + 1470 + I9-38 + 15-64 + 16-08 + 15-04 + 26-60 + 24-76 + 24-19 + 22-6o + 25-04 + 25-18 + 23-52 + 21-36 + 7-95 + 6-88 + 9-86 + IO-I2 + 8-54 + 8-96 + 18-80 + 19-50 + 17-50 + 18-60 + 24-18 + 20-55 + 19-56 + 19-00 Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 2007... Bradlev ^ 1 4.7 ... 2 TJrsse Minoris Polaris Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S.P.... > 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris . . ... Bradley 3 147 .. 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris Bradlev 3 14.7... Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris Groomb. 2283 S.P... The results obtained from different stars were then carefully compared. It was seen at once that the results obtained from Groombridge 3548 were not nearly so accurate as others ; the star is very faint, and there was often much difficulty in observing it. It was therefore determined not to use observations of this star either for eollinution or azimith. The other stars do not appear to be entirely free from ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 53 systematic errors. On discussing the deduced azimuth errors after the manner of personal equations, and separating the E. and W. positions of each instrument, the following corrections were found to be necessary to reduce the results to Polaris as a standard. Transit B. Transit C. M r. E \v r E HT. L. HT. L. HT. L. HT. L. Polaris S.P II - 6-1 " li 2*1 // H // " A. Ursse 11 inoris VI I '7 O'l -4- i-o Groombridge 1119 S.P Bradley 2701.... - i '4 - 2-8 -4- O'7 7 5 Draconis ... + I'? 3-8 Groombridge 3548 + 4'1 + ?'8 + O'7 4- A'O 4- 4-'3 + O' O'O O'2 Bradley 2993 -1- O'A. + m 4- 0-6 4- 2'C O*d. 4- 0-6 -I- o'^ Bradley 2997 + 1-6 4. c-o 4- I'd + 5'Q y W 3 0*7 _(_ r-o Bradley 314.7 .. O'C + I '2 o*c + 1-6 4- O'4. O'O O'O i 5 u + O'3 Bradley 1672 S.P 2 Ursa? Minoris + o-i O'7 - 7 2'Q - 0-4 2*2 + I'S 3*7 4- 0-3 O* I - 0-6 O' I + '-4 4- re + n 4- 2'I Polaris .*. * 7 Groombridge 2283 S.P 0-6 -4'5 It does not appear possible to formulate any general principle of interpreting these results, and the quantities involved are generally small. Next to the obvious inaccuracy of Groombridge 3548, the case of 2 Ursae Miuoris is most remarkable, especially for longitude reductions. The systematic error, whatever it may be, seems to be different at Paris and at Greenwich. It is to be remarked also that Polaris S.P., Groombridge 1119 S.P., Bradley 2701, 75 Draconis, and Groombridge 2283 S.P. were observed at Paris but not at Greenwich, and <> Ursse Minoris only once at Paris ; and that the results from Bradley 2993 and Bradley 2997 show traces of inaccuracy. There remain, however, three stars Bradley 3147, Bradley 1672 S.P., and Polaris which give very consistent results and are well observed, at least one of them being observed on each night. In forming adopted azimuths, therefore, two suppositions have been made, (a) That all concluded errors of azimuth are of equal value. (6) That only those deduced from the three stars Bradley 3147, Bradley 1672 S.P., and Polaris should be used to the exclusion of the others. The adopted azimuths formed on both these suppositions are given in the following tables. The 54 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. truth probably lies somewhere between the two ; and as the effect of substituting (b) for (a) on the longitude is very small, there is no need to discuss the matter in further detail. It will be seen from the following tables also that the mean difference between the azimuths in the two positions of the instrument is sensibly zero, and the same azimuth (the simple mean of those found in the two positions) has been adopted for use in both positions. Transit B. Deduced Azimuth. a. b. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Sept 30 H i6'o6 ft n // n n Groomb. 1119 S.P. ... Bradley 2701 - i5'3 18-88 Bradley 2701 IV72 75 Draconis lS'24. Bradley 2003 .. I4.-O2 Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursse Minoris I 2 '60 IVI4. - 16-39 Polaris II '60 I2'8j. Mean (a) .... ij.'6o I C'3O + O*7O c IJ-'QC Mean (b) I 2* IO 14/62 + 2'C2 2 13*36 Oct. i Bradley 3 14.7... 8-60 8'60 - 8-60 Oct. i 7 5 Draconis . . Q-78 Bradley 314.7 .. 8*83 Bradlev 3 id.7 8-4.O Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursaj Minoris T w IO-24 - 7-51 Polaris "VV IO-28 Polaris . . . S-AO Mean (a) . O'2 1 A. Q'C6 Mean (//) y * Q'OI V V 8-87 O-I4. 2 8-04 Oct. 5 Bradley 2701 11-88 75 Draconis 12 '06 Bradley 200? .. I I'22 Bradley ? 1 47 . . I 3 M2 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Mean (a) - '3'43 I2'7O - J 3'55 I 2'3Q O*3 1 3 I2-: c Mean (b) - I3-43 - '3-55 + O'I2 1 - 13-49 ERROR OF AZIMUTH. Transit B. continued. Deduced Azimuth. a. *. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Oct. ii Bradley 2993 " II " " < Bradlev 200? 11"*Q Bradley 3 1 47 I VO2 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 UrsB Minoris 14-01 I2'O6 2 I'C6 IQ'OO I 7' C2 Oct 13 Mean (a) Mean (b) Bradlev 314.7 .. - 14-90 - 1577 14/72 - 1179 - 14-69 3 i 4 - I3'35 i -08 2 -"" Bradley 3 1 47 ... I 3*Q4 Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P.... Mean (a) - 1674 i -73 1 3 VT - 18-16 i6-oc 2 I C'73 16*05 9 , 2 l^'8q Oct. 14 Bradley 2993 Q-7C Bradley 3 1 47 Bradlev 3147 . 7 1 3 I4.-C4 - I3-84 2 Ursse Minoris . 16-67 2 Ursse Minoris 16-30 Mean (a) 13-65 I C"O7 + I-42 2 14-36 Mean (b) . I4'C4 I 3-84 O'7O , 14' 1Q Oct. 15 Brnrllev 2003 .. 21-17 Bradlev 2003 ic-88 Bradlev 3147 12*94 Bradlev 3 1 47 16-64 Mean (a) 18-91 I4.'4.I 4'IQ 2 - 1 6-66 Mean (Jj) l6"64 12'OJ. 3-70 I I4'7Q Oct. 17 Bradley 2997 ., 12'Od. Bradlev 2007 .. I2'7O Bradlev 3 147 .. 12-84 Bradley 3147 15*56 Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... - 14-69 I C*2O - 14-98 Mean (a) IV86 , 7 I4'O3 Mean (b) 13-77 I C'27 + i'5 2 14-1:2 56 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit B. continued. Date. Star. Deduced Azimuth. a. 6. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 Polaris S.P 18-17 - 9'94 12-26 - '3'54 - 13-48 12-90 15-20 15-61 - 13-14 - 13-65 - 13-65 - 13-36 1 1 -60 - lyS 6 - 17-70 15-06 - H-SS 12-64 - 16-56 17-60 12-76 - 14-89 14-66 2-96 + 0-88 - 7'4' - 6-86 - 4'9 - 2-99 - I7-73 II'36 13-16 16-10 - H'59 - i4- 6 3 - 13-98 15-61 14-80 14-80 - 10-38 - i5'42 16-04 - '3-95 - 15-42 - 12-34 14-02 - I5-54 - i3'7o - 13-91 - 13-86 3-42 - 6-45 - 4-11 - 4-66 - 5-28 // + I'M + I-I5 I'll 0-98 + 0'57 4 2 3 4 4 // - 14-04 - H -2 3 - I4-5I - H'4 - 4-38 + 173 + 1-15 + 0-84 - 0-80 + 2-29 2 2 I 2 2 - J 3'77 - H-23 15-00 14-26 4-14 Polaris S.P . Bradley 2997 Bradley 2997 Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147... Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 1672 S.P Mean (CL) Bradley 3147 ... . Bradley 3 14.7 .. Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Polaris . ... Polaris . . . Mean (a) Mean (b) Bradley 2007 .. Bradley 2997 Bradley 3147 .. Bradley 314.7 .. Bradley 1672 S.P 2 UrssB Minoris 2 UrsEe Minoris . Mean (fl) Mean (b) Bradley 2003 . Bradlev 2003 Bradley 114.7 .. Bradley 3147 2 TJrsse Minoris . 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris Polaris Mean (a) .. Mean (b) Bradley 200.3 . Bradley 2993 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 TJrsse Alinoris Polaris Polaris . Mean (a) Mean (b) ERROR OF AZIMUTH. 57 Transit B. continued. Date. Star. Deduced Azimuth. a. b. W. E. W E. Weight Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight Adopted Azimuth. Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Nov. 9 Nov. 1 3 Bradley 2993 // - 5-22 - 5'4' - 6-16 - 7'OS - 5'9 6 - 6-23 6-40 - i'33 - 3-05 - 3'59 - 473 12-36 - 976 - 9' 6 5 - IO- 59 - 976 - 6-65 - 4'43 - 3-97 - 478 - 37' - 4'4z - 4'64 4-60 ft - 5-87 - 6'ii - 5 '99 - 5-99 - 5'iS - 2-86 - 4-S8 4-20 - 4-87 - 8-35 - 8-95 1 1 -80 - 97 - 8-95 - S'7 - 7'5 - ''Si - 4'54 - 3'*9 + 0-03 + 0-61 0-89 O'lO 3 3 3 4 H ~ 5-9 8 - 3'9 10-15 - 4-59 // - 0-24 + 0-14 0-8 1 - 1-31 2 2 I 2 a - 6-ji 4-80 - 9'3<5 - 3'95 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursa; Minoris Polaris Polaris Mean (a) Mean (&) Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursa; Minoris 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris Polaris Mean (a) Mean (b) 2 Ursae Minoris 2 Ursse Minoris Polaris Polaris Groomb. 2283 S.P.... Groomb. 2283 S.P. ... Mean (a) Mean (b) Bradley 2701.., 75 Draconis Bradley 200.3 Bradley 3 1 47 . . Bradley 3 1 4.7 . . . , 2 Ursse Minoris 2 Ursa; Minoris Polaris Polaris Mean (a) Mean (b) The mean value of the difference W E is - o"'2O with weight 55, or + o"-26 with weight 30, according ai method a or method b is used. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION ov LONGITUDE, PAEIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. Deduced Azimuth. a. 6. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Sept. 30 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Polaris // - 4 '68 // 1*4.3 */ // tt // Mean (a) 4-68 1*4.3 V2C I vo6 Mean (b) 4-68 I '4.3 3'2C j 3*06 Oct. i A. Ursse Minoris + 3'O2 Bradley 314.7 ;... 4- 3'14. Bradley 3147 4- 2-18 Mean (a) 4- 2-18 4- vo8 O'QO 1 4- 2-6-? Mean (b) + 2-18 + 3*14. o'o6 I + 2-66 Oct. 3 Bradley 2993 + 6-13 ^u Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursse Minoris . . . + 574 4- S'CO 2 Ursse Minoris .... + 2* CQ * 3V -1- 7'2I Polaris + C'?C Mean (a) 4- T3i 4- !; O'24- i 4- C'4.3 Mean (b) + 7*21 4- I-?? 4- 1-66 j 4- 6-38 Oct. 5 Bradley 3 1 47 4- 10*24. Bradley 3 1 47 4- 8-70 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursse Minoris + 7-80 + iz-55 Polaris 4- 7*37 Polaris 4- 8-4.8 Mean (a) 4- 8*4.7 -1- Q'QI I'4.4. 7 4- Q'lQ Mean (b) + 8-81 7 y' 4- Q'QI I'lO 2 4- 0-36 Oct. 1 1 Bradley 2993 4- 7*32 T^ 77* Bradley 2993 + 4.'^?C Bradley 3 1 4.7 -1- 7*O^ Bradlev 3 1 4.7 4- 8'2Q Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Polaris + 7'97 4- 774 + 6'QO Polaris 4- vis Mean (a) 4- 6'73 -i- 6'Ci 4- O'22 a. 4- 6*62 Mean (b) 4- 6-C4. 4- 7'22 - 0-68 3 + 6-88 Oct. 13 Bradley 200? . 4- 2'7S Bradley 2003 .. 4- 6'ii Bradley 3147 4- O'o8 Bradley 3147 ... 4- 6*4.3 Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Polaris + 774 4- 8-66 4- ?'6o Mean (a) 4- t; - 64. 4- 7'^6 I'll 5 4- 6-Co Mean (5) 4- 7'o8 4- 7'78 O'7O 2 4- 7'4.3 ERROR OF AZIMUTH. Transit G. continued. 59 Star Deduced Azimuth. a. 6. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Oct. 14 Bradlev 200 ? .. // + 8-12 it // n II // Bradley 2993 + 10*76 Bradley 3147 Bradley 3 147 _u 8*31 + 7'7 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Urssa Minoris 2 Ursaa Minoris Polaris + 6-94 + 8-44 + 8-75 4- 7-67 Polaris 4- Q'i8 -4- 7-26 Mean (a) 4- 8-24. 4- 8--JO o'o6 e + 8-27 Mean (b) + 8-14. 4- 7--2-I 4- 0-8 1 5 4- 7'7A Oct. 1 5 Bradley 2003 .. + 12-78 r / /I- Bradley 2003 + 13-18 Bradley 3147 + 11*36 Bradley 3147 + 17*34. Mean (a) .. + I2'27 4- i^'o6 0-70 2 + 12*67 Mean (6) + H - 36 + i i'i 1-08 I + 1 2'^ C Oct. 17 Bradley 2003 .. + 7'2I ** J3 Bradley 2993 + S*88 Bradley 3 1 4.7 . . 5 + 6-c; Bradley 314.7 .. 4- 6-n 2 TJrsae Minoris + 7'Q8 2 Ursaa Minoris -1- 12*7^ Polaris 4- 8'J.i Polaris .... ... 4- 8-21; 4- 7'i6 4- 8-62 i '46 _j_ 7-80 Mean (6) ...... + 7-3Q 4- 7-26 + O'l^ 2 J. 7-5< Oct. IQ Bradley 2003 / J7 + 6-70 T / 33 Bradley 200? .. 4- 6-66 Bradley 2997 + 8-4.6 Bradlev 2007 .. 4- 7*22 Bradley 3147 , 4- 6-28 Bradley 314.7 .. 4- 6'7Q Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Ursae Minoris + 6-84 + 7'*9 4- 7-86 4- 7-*6 Polaris 4- 6-27 Mean, (a) + 7'OI 4- 7- i i O'lO f 4- 7'o6 Mean (b) 4- 6-6? 4- 6-08 J O"JC 4- 6-81 I - y 60 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit G. continued. Deduced . Azimuth. a. b. W. E. W E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. W-E. Weight. Adopted Azimuth. Oct. 20 A Ursae Minoris // 4- ^'2O " // // // it A. TJrsse Minoris + 6-08 Bradley 200? .. + 6-8c Bradley 2003 .. + 6"4.Q Bradley 1672 S.P.... + 7'2I + 7-78 Mean (a) 4- V8c + 6-q8 I'll i + 6-42 Mean (b) + 7'2I + 7'21 Oct. 2 1 Bradley 2003 .. + vw Bradley 2003 .. + 5'8<: Bradley 3 14.7 .. + 6-21 Bradley 314.7 .. 4- 8-oc Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 S.P. ... 2 Ursae Minoris + 5-23 + 5 '60 + 7'l8 Mean (a) 4- 6'2O ', 3 + 6-11 O'l I l + 6-26 Mean (b) + 6-64 + !>'QI + 73 2 + 6-28 Oct 23 Bradley 3147 -f- lO'OO Bradley 114.7 .. + 10-50 2 Ursa) Minoris + q-66 2 UrsaB Minoris + iro8 Mean (a) 4- I I-C4 + 10-08 + 1-46 2 + IO-8I Mean (6) 4- IO-OO + 10-50 0-50 I 4- 10-25 Oct 26 Polaris + i?-6 Polaris + i t'6o Bradley 1672 S.P. ... Mean (a) + 17-20 + 16-41 + 1 5 '60 + o-8t I 4- 16-02 Mean (b) + l6'4.1 4- i c-6o + '83 I + 16-02 Oct 27 Bradley 2007 -4- 2PC6 Bradley 2007 .. + 18-04 Bradley 3147 .. + I4'8 4 Nov Q Bradley 314.7 .. -1- 7'QC Bradley 314.7 .. ~ / 73 + 6-88 2 UrsEe Minoris + q-86 2 Ursse Minoris -f- IO'I2 Polaris 4- 8-1:4. Polaris + 8-06 Mean (a) + 8-87 + 8-C7 + O'?O 3 4- 8'72 Mean (b) + 8-2C + 7'Q2 + O'33 2 + 8-09 Nov. 1 3 Bradlev 114.7 . -f 18-80 Bradley 114-7 .. 4- IQ'^O Bradley 1672 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P.... 2 Ursae Minoris + 17-5 + 18-60 + 24-18 Polaris 4- 2O'CC 4- iq - c6 Groomb. 2283 S.P.... Mean (a) + i8-8c + 19-00 + 20-21 - 1-38 4 + IQ'54- Mean (b)... + 18-85 + IQ'^2 0-47 3 + 19-09 The mean value of the difference W E is - o"-$6 with weight 55, or - o"'!5 with weight 88, according as method a or method b is used. 62 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. XL TABLE OF ERRORS. In the following table, the various instrumental errors, adopted for the separate days, are collected for convenience of reference. Transit B. Transit C. Date. Collimation. Level. Azimuth. Collimation. Level. Azimuth. W. E. W. E. // a // If // September 30 -0'53 + 0-13 - 4' 6 9 ~ H'95 - 1-82 + i'44 + 3-48 3-06 October i 0-76 + 0-36 0-84 - 8-6c - i-55 + 1-17 + 2'77 + 2 '63 3 - L'l8 + 0-78 I'02 - 9'5 6 2-10 + 172 + 0-52 + 5'43 5 + 0-17 - -57 - 170 - I2 '55 2-69 + 2-31 0-28 + 9''9 ii 0-26 0*14 0-63 - I3-35 + 0-32 0-70 2-84 + 6-62 13 -0-51 + o-ii 0-85 - 15-89 + 0-54 0-92 - l'37 + 6-50 14 -0-23 - 0-17 - '93 - 14-36 - 0-45 + 0-07 1-64 + 8-27 15 + 0-28 0-68 - "94 - 16-66 + o-i i -0-49 - 2 '49 + 12-67 17 I'll + 071 - 49 - 14-03 0-60 + O-22 - 3-24 + 7-89 19 0-56 + 0-16 0-21 - 14-04 * * - 3' 2 4 + 7-06 20 070 + 0-30 - 77 - H >2 3 0-30 0-08 - 1-85 + 6-42 21 -075 + '35 0-82 - H'Si 0-83 + 0-45 - 3'33 + 6-26 23 0-06 - '34 I'll - 14-40 - o-49 4- o-ii -2-87 4- 10-81 26 + 0-28 - 0-68 + 0-92 - 4-38 O'ZO 0-18 - 2 ' 2 5 + I 6'02 27 0-16 0-24 + 0-86 - 5-98 + 0-40 0-78 2-1 I + 16-84 30 + 0-23 0-63 + 1-88 - 3'9 4- o-ii - '49 - 2-84 4- 24-16 November 9 + 0-18 0-58 - 1-05 10-15 0-05 -0-33 -4-82 + 8-72 13 + o-io 0-50 + 0'2I - 4-59 4-0-16 - 0-54 4- O-22 + i9 - 54 See page 32. XIL CATALOGUE OF STARS. The following stars were selected for observation during the period of the longitude work. The fourth column contains the tabular mean R.A. for 1888'0 found from the Catalogues indicated in the second column (where F denotes the French ephemeris in the Connaissance des Temps ; L., M. Loawy's Catalogue ; B.A.C., the British Association Catalogue; and B.J., the Berliner Jahrbuch). Apparent places were calculated from these, and compared with the observed transits corrected for Collimation and level, to find a preliminary clock error. The mean of all the clock errors deduced from F or L stars in each group of observations was then subtracted from the clock errors of each individual star to find the apparent correction to ephemeris of that CATALOGUE op STARS. 63 star ; and the mean of such corrections from all the observations of each observer is given in the 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th columns respectively, the numbers of observations being given in the 7th, 9th, llth, and 13th columns. On comparison of these corrections, no sensible systematic difference was found between the four observers ; and in the 14th column are given the adopted corrections to ephemeris, formed by combining the results found by the different observers with weights proportional to the number of observations. These corrections were applied to the apparent places of the ephemerides in calculating the final clock errors. Name of Star. Catalogue. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1888-0. a| rt i* g^ P < Correction to Epkemerides. Bassot. Defforges. Turner. Lewis. Adopted Means. Corr. w. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. w. Corr. w. T Aquilse B.A.C. B.A.C. F. B.A.C. B.A.C. F. F. L. B.A.C. F. L. L. B.A.C. F. L. F. F. L. L. F. F. B.J. L. F. L. F. B.J. F. F. L. F. F. B.A.C. F. B.A.C. 5'5 6 3'3 6 5 37 3'3 5 5 5 5 4 5 47 6 4-8 6 4'5 5'4 6'2 4'3 5 3'3 4 4' 3 4'3 3 4 5 2-4 3 5 6 Ji m a 19. 58. 40-07 2O. 2. 14-81 5-3I-48 7. 18-86 9- 5' 6 4 ii. 50-34 14.43-04 17. 37-69 20. 54-59 22. 28'29 23.4770 2 7 . 51-65 30. 4-28 41.49-58 44- 17-49 46.36-71 49- 47' 1 3 54- 33'48 20. 59. 38-98 21. I.52'35 ! 53-93 3.29-58 4- 53-64 8. 10-07 10. 13-44 13. 0-91 16.54-38 25.39-71 33.53-10 36. 24-16 38. 41-09 40.51-42 44'53-36 47- 57-9 21. 51. 28-67 / + 6.58 1.0 - i. 9 + 26. 9 + 14- 5i -12-53 -15. 8 + 4-59 -18.35 18. 11 - 3-15 + i-55 + 14.17 - 5.26 + 12. 8 - 9.24 + 27-38 -17.58 -17.41 + 3 8. 12 + 38.12 -11.49 -f 9-4 1 + 29.46 + 4-47 + 38-56 + 19. 20 - 6. 4 17. 10 -19.23 + 9- 22 -16. 38 + 29-39 + 25.24 + 11. 33 8 + 0'06 + 0-04 + 0-07 + 0-03 O-O5 + O'02 + 0-03 O-07 0-05 + O-02 O-OI + O'OI + O'OI O'OI o-oi 0-04 O'OO O'OO + 0-11 +0-08 o-io 0-0.5 O-O2 0-04 0-03 0-06 0-04 +0-04 0-06 + 0-06 0-O2 O'OI 0-06 I 1 I I 2 I 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 2 3 5 5 3 1 5 4 4 6 4 8 6 10 6 8 7 a s 8 + O'06 0-05 + 0-04 O'O3 o-oi +0-05 +0-04 0-08 0-05 + O'O2 + O'O2 O'O6 0-12 + 0-03 0-05 +0-01 O'O4 0-08 O-QO + 0-09 + 0-07 0-O2 O'OI O-O2 + O'OI o-oi O'O2 o-oi O'OI +Q-OI 0-03 + 0-06 0-05 0-05 0-07 I 3 4 2 4 3 4 5 3 2 6 7 5 10 ii 13 '3 4 3 ii ii ii 14 i5 17 20 17 3 20 2O 24 20 *4 25 27 64 Aquilce * . . ... 0-09 + 0-03 0-09 + 0-01 +0-07 +0-08 0-09 2 3 i 2 2 I 2 * ... Aquilre 20 Vulpeculas p AquiL'c a 2 Capricorni j3" Capricorni 23 Hevelius TT Capricorni p Capricorni 69 A quite 0-08 0-08 + 0-07 0-08 0-05 O'02 i i I 2 3 3 +0-05 -0-08 -0-13 +0-03 0-05 + 0-08 -0-08 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 + O'02 O'lO O'O2 + O-O2 -0-I 5 I 2 2 2 2 c Delphini Delphini 3 Aquarii i 5 Delphini . jj. Aquarii 32 Vulpecute 2 1 Capricorni 6 Capricorni 6I 1 Cvffni. .. 0-18 + O'O2 O'O2 O'OO + O-O2 0'05 o-oo 0-04 +0-04 0-04 +0-05 0-05 O'OI 0-05 i 2 4 4 4 4 i 5 5 3 5 3 5 5 +0-07 + 0-06 +0-04 + 0-01 0-06 + O'OI 0-06 0-03 O'O2 + 0-03 + 0'05 O'OO +0-07 -0-13 0-09 -O'o8 6 6 7 6 6 8 7 2 5 4 9 5 9 9 8 + OT5 + 0'08 +0-18 + 0'I2 + 07 0-09 + O-O2 +0-05 +0-03 0-09 0-09 I 3 2 2 1 2 5 .2 3 6 3 7 6i 2 Cveni. .. v Aquarii y Equulei t Cygni . . a Equulei (T Cvtrni... i Pegasi /? Aquarii y Capricorni K Capricorni.. . 14 Pecasi... 1 6 Pecasi . . B.A.C. 7641 64 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Name of Star. Catalogue. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1888-0. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemerides. Bassot. Defforges. Turner. Lewis. Adopted Means. Corr. w. Corr. w. Corr. w. Corr. W. Corr. w. 1 8 Pegasi B.A.C. L. F. L. L. F. L. F. L. F. B.A.C. B.J. F. F. B.J. L. F. F. B.A.C. B.A.C. B.J. F. F. B.A.C. L. B.A.C. L. F. L. B.J. F. F. B.J. F. B.AC. 6 6-5 3 4 4 4'4 6 4 6 4 6 5 3'5 3 4 4 4 3 6 4 6 3-6 2-5 '5 5 5'5 5'5 4'5 6 4-6 4'5 5 5 4'3 5 6 6 6 7 4 4-6 4'4 6 6 2-8 6 6-5 h m s 21. 54. 32'20 21. 56. 1871 22. 0. 1-79 i. 4774 4- 32-93 10.55-36 13. o-oo 15.52-27 18. 27-02 29. 35-96 3I-57-34 34- H Aquarii 96 Aquarii T Peeasi 70 Peeasi .. 1 9 Piscium ... L. L. L. B.A.C F.. F. F. L. L. B.A.C F. L. B.A.C 2 1 Piscium Pe^asi B.A C 8315. o> Piscium 30 Piscium 2 Ceti 3 3 Piscium 5 Ceti 34 Piscium y Pecasi 35 Piscium 36 Piscium CATALOGUE OF STARS. 65 Name of Star, Catalogue, Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1888-0. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemerides. Bassot. Defforgcs. Turner. Lewis. Adopted Means. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. 42 Piscium L. L. L. F. L. F. B.J. B.J. F. B.J. F. L. B.J. F. L. L. L. L. B.A.C. T B.J. B.J. F. L. L. L. F. F. L. L. B.J. F. B.A.C. L. L. B.J. L. L. F. F. L. F. L. L. F. B.J. L. F. 6 6-5 6 6 6 5'5 4 3'3 2 '2 4 5 5 4 4 6 3'5 6 5 5'5 6 4 3 4 67 6 6 4-6 4'5 6-5 6 3-6 3 5'5 6-5 6 6 5 5 6 Var. 5'5 4'5 ? 5 6'5 5'9 5-6 4 3-6 h m s o. 1 6. 37-71 1 8. 46-12 20. 52-68 24. 19-29 26. 36-98 29. 28-88 3- 53-9; 33-2-39 37- 57-95 41. 24-11 42.52-24 47- 16-94 5-3 2 '33 o. 57. 7-84 i. o. 1-45 2.57-26 4.47-69 7- 39'9 S-45'43 12. 1-22 13. 18-64 I8.25-52 25-29-33 29.47-04 31. 9-61 33- 38-20 35- 36-07 39.28-75 . 4 2 - 37-97 44.55-32 46.41-87 48. 27-09 51.41-30 54- i9'5 i. 57.26-98 2. 2. 52-8l 4- 2 5-o4 6. 56-69 11.23-74 i3-4 r 33 18.48-74 22. 12-lS 24.41-60 26. 46-04 29. 56-26 32.27-40 33-44-43 2.37.2979 + 12. 52 - 2.50 o. 40 - 4-35 -f 6. 20 -4-13 + 33- 6 + 30- 15 -18.36 + 23-39 + 6. 58 - i-45 + 37-54 + 7- 17 + 4- 19 -10.47 + i. 5' + 23-59 - 8.32 + 3- 2 + 25.40 - 8-45 + 14.46 + 14. 6 + n. 34 + I5-50 + 4-55 + 8.36 + 3-7 + ic. 39 + 29. 2 + 20. I 6 + 23- 3 + 2.34 - 0.2; + 34-27 + 18. 58 + H-45 - 6. 56 - 3.29 + 10. 6 + 7-57 + 17- 12 + 14-33 + 6.21 + 21. 28 - o. 9 + 2.46 8 + O-O2 + 0-II o-oo + 0'OI + 0-01 + 0-03 -0-15 0-16 + 0-05 o-io 0-06 + 0'O2 -0-28 O'll +0-03 +0-03 -0-03 +0-06 + 0-01 O-O2 -0-15 O'OI O-O2 o-oi o-oi + 0-01 0-06 o-io + 0-04 0-09 +0-04 0-08 + O-I2 0-09 O'OI + 0'O2 + O'I2 + 0-01 + 0-04 + 0-03 2 3 8 10 9 10 2 9 8 8 8 10 7 o 13 Q " 6 6 7 6 6 8 6 2 2 4 4 4 i i i i i i i i s O'OI + 0'I2 o-oi + 0'02 0-03 o-oo O-04 -0-14 + O-QI 0-08 0-03 + 0-01 0-23 0-07 +0-07 +0-01 o-oo + Q-IO +0-03 o-oi 0-12 O-02 + 0-04 O'OO + 0-02 O'02 + 0-03 0-04 -0-15 + 0-04 0-03 + O-O2 o-io o-oi O-O2 0-I3 + 0-05 + 0-03 o-oi 0-16 + 0-01 + 0'O2 0-05 0-03 +0-03 5 4 6 3 6 6 2 8 '8 10 10 8 9 7 7 9 9 2 9 5 i 6 8 6 3 4 i 2 I 3 3 i i 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 I I I s s s o-oo + 0-12 o-oo o-oo O-02 + 0-3 0-14 O-lg + 0-03 O-Og O-O2 + 0'02 O-32 O-Og + O'O2 + 0-01 O'02 + 0-O6 + O-O2 O'02 -0-13 O-O2 + O'O2 O'OI o-oo 0-02 + 0-05 O-O4 0-09 + 0-05 O'I4 + 0'02 o-io 0*04 O-O4 O-07 -f-O'02 +o - o6 4-0-04 O'll + 0-03 +0-03 0-06 +0-03 0-04 o'i6 0-05 0-03 7 7 '5 20 28 3 15 34 26 34 2 9 32 28 '9 22 35 32 34 IS 25 21 I 22 26 25 22 23 15 9 9 12 H 10 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 3 4 2 2 3 2 B.A.C. 81 10 Ceti + 0-07 0-05 0'O2 + 0-04 O'22 O-26 + 0-01 O'lO 0-03 + O'02 -0-45 o-oo 0-05 o-oi O-O2 +O-QI +0-04 O'OI -0-13 I 5 7 8 6 10 6 5 7 8 i 4 8 7 8 6 6 5 +0-08 0-04 +0-07 0-07 0-19 +0-03 0-07 +0-07 + 0-03 -o-33 0-18 o-oi O-O2 0-04 + O'O6 o-oi 0-06 o-io 2 6 6 5 7 5 10 6 8 5 i 4 7 7 5 5 4 5 1 2 Ceti 5 1 Piscium 13 Ceti TT AndromediB 8 Andromedfe ySCeti Androinedii) . . 8 Piscium 20 Ceti w Andromedcje e Piscium 77 1 Piscium f] Ceti H Ceti Piscium 17 Ceti .. f Piscium v Piscium 0Ceti + 0-O2 o-oo o-oi 0-O2 + 0-07 O'OI 0-09 +0-06 O'2I +0-01 -0-14 o-oo 0-05 o-oi 0-08 +0-04 +0-04 +0-03 +0-05 7 8 9 7 9 4 4 J 5 3 i i i + 0-10 O'O2 +0-04 0-05 + 0-12 O'O2 O'l I + 0-06 o-oi +0-01 o-io 0-05 + 0-01 0-04 +0-13 +0-06 0-08 +0-09 + 0-06 -0-15 0-O2 o-i i -0-32 -0-15 0-08 2 4 3 2 3 i 2 I I 2 I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o i Piscium TT Piscium 105 Piscium v Piscium o Piscium B.A.C. 551 54 Ceti a Trianguli /? Arietis A. Anetis 112 Piscium 60 Ceti 13 Trianguli 1 5 Arietis 1 9 Arietis 67 Ceti o Ceti Arietis 2 Ceti 27 Arietis 29 Arietis Piazzi II. 123 v Arietis 8 Ceti 0-04 I ... y 2 Ceti GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 66 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Name of Star. Catalogue. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1888-0. I Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemerides. Bassot. Defforges. Turner. Lewis. Adopted Means. Corr. w. Con. w. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. u. Ceti.. L. B.A.C. F. L. L. P. F. B.A.C. F. F. L. L. F. L. F. 4 4 37 6 3 4-6 2-6 4 3 2-3 4'S 4 4 4'5 37 h m s 2.38. 53-14 41. 14-26 43-23'42 45- i 8 -53 50. 57-32 52.48-46 56.25-44 2. 58. O'OO 3-' 0.52-87 5- J 3-4-8 8. 27-80 18.47-11 21. 5-92 24.41-34 3.27.39-27 / + 9-38 + 28.47 + 26.48 + H-37 9. 21 + 20. 53 + 3-39 + 38-24 + 4- 3i + 19.18 + 20.37 + 8.38 + 9.20 + 12.33 - 9- 5 s + 0-08 + 0-07 O'OI 0-08 +0-04 + 0-01 +0-07 0-07 0-04 O'OO O'OI 0-04 + 0-01 I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I s + 0-19 + 0'01 o-oi -0-17 0-04 +0-06 + 0-04 +0-03 + 0-03 +0-05 + 0-06 O'OO O'lO 2 2 I S + 0-16 + O-2O 0-04 O-OJ 0-03 + O'O2 + 0'O6 O'lO 0-05 O-o6 0-02 I I I 2 I 2 2 : i i s + 0-16 0'02 + 0-03 + 0-09 + 0-09 + 0-10 0-03 0-02 o-io O-O7 2 2 s + 0-12 + 0-18 o-oo 0-02 + O-02 0-03 + 0-04 O-O3 + 0'OI 0-05 0-03 + O'02 + 0-01 O'O2 ^0-05 2 5 6 4 3 I 6 6 5 5 3 3 4 2 39 Arietis 41 Arietis w E E E E E E R E E E B E E E E E E E E E B. 9 9 IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 9 10 IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 6 9 9 7 9 9 7 7 IO r 10-130 9-406 10-130 i 10-162 10-234 10-130 11 10-005 n 10-863 11-113 11-130 D 10-140 10-013 h m s 21. 59- SS'34 22. I. 41-00 22. 22. 8-08 22. 34. 7-69 22. 37. 38-46 22. 43- 33'S 1 23- 46. 39-89 o. 4. io'6i o. 7. 21-86 o. 9. 6-45 o. 13. 38-59 o. 13-31-24 o. 26. 31-17 o. 29. 23-10 o. 47- 1 1 '23 o. 50. 26-51 0.53.43-68 7- 34-23 . 8.39-71 11-55-32 . 13. 12-82 1.8. 39'9i 18. 35-58 25. 23-15 . 29. 40-91 .31- 3-6i 33- 3 2 ''3 35- 29-96 22.35.47-28 22. 36. 39-76 22.41. 3-05 22. 46. 41-21 22. 51. 52-62 22. 54. 48-33 22. 56. 40-98 22. 58. 15-46 22. 59. 5-76 23. 1. 16-58 23. 4. I7-88 23- 5- 59^3 23. 8. 26-27 23. 28. 0-75 s 54-34 40-20 I2'IO 7-08 45-09 37-76 32H6 38-88 974 21-03 21-96 17-11 30-22 22-08 10-23 25-84 4778 33'42 38-65 54-35 12-03 56-16 22-32 40-14 275 31-30 29-05 46-90 39-51 275 40-72 52-30 47-88 40-84 15-19 16-19 2578 6-61 8 4-I3 50-I4 21 "30 1674 47-62 42-10 48-67 I9-39 30-68 30-26 30-26 3I-48 I9-52 35]3i 42-82 4 378 21-42 59-I5 59-I5 32-05 4971 12-26 40-89 38-70 54 '93 47-61 10-60 48-67 0-27 557 4 S- 9 2 23-25 13-38 24-17 25-48 7-33 3374 14-46 s 9-79 9-94 9-20 9-66 9-84 9-86 9-64 9-79 9-65 9-65 9-63 8-30 13-15 9-36 9-40 9-29 9'47 8-50 9-40 9-32 9'43 9'39 2-99 973 9'57 9-51 9'59 9-65 8-03 8-10 7-85 7'95 7-82 8-08 8-06 7'97 7-98 7-99 8-10 7-96 7-85 s 9-62 977 9 '54 972 974 9-68 9-66 9-66 9-64 9-40 9-44 936 9'55 9'49 9-4I 9-53 9'49 9-85 9-70 9-64 9-73 9-79 7-96 772 7-85 771 7-98 7-87 7-88 7-90 8-01 7-88 Groombridge 1119 S.P T Aquihe Bradley 2003... 64 Aquilfe ( Pe {> asi p Aquilre TT Peffasi. $ 2 Capricorni X Aquarii B.A.C. 7014 34 Piscium e Delphini 35 Piscium ^ Delphnii Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 2701 Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 2701 51 Piscium 13 Cti 20 Ceti 15 Delphini H Andromeda? 2 Ursa? Minoris 6I 1 Cygni . 37 Ceti v Aquarii v Pisciuni y Equulei Polaris Cygni Polaris a Equulei 0- CvTii T] Piscium 101 Piscium 1 6 Pegasi TT Piscium 105 Piscium BAG 7641 18 Pegasi ever H T. Transit . f Pesrasi 6I 1 Cygni 6i 3 Cygni rj Pegasi A. Pegasi 7 Equulei A. Aquarii i Pe^asi e Pegasi CQ Pe^asi .. 14 Pegasi Aquarii 1 6 Pegasi Bradley 3147 B A.C. 7641 September 30. A Ursie Minoris W was observed on wire VII. Bradley 2701 E and 75 Draconis E were observed without moving the micrometer. Bradley 1672 S.P. W was observed on wire II. . r October i. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire IV. Groombridge 3548 E was observed on wire III. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire 68 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. 1 i ~ . , . J> S M *J ~""^ i E S "5 J 1 *- a 3 J-Q^ Stains Name. 1 "o -< g Observed p$ g Transit. '2 E * 3 . |S5 ^5 ^ 111 IHI Star's Name. .2 '3 P "o . CJ 31 Observed Transit. +3 '33 y S || 1|S 3> 335 5SG3 lf|l CM 6 X S i ,- '~ P S <"x x PH Zl i O S 3 B ^ |P 75 Draconis 3 Aquarii 15 Delpbini H Aquarii 32 Vulpecula? 61' Cygni 6i 2 Cygni v Aquarii y Equulei C Cygni a Equulei o- Cygni I Pegasi Groombriilge 3548 . Groombridge 3548 K e Pegasi.... 14 Pegasi.. 1 Pegasi.. T Pegasi . . . v Pegasi ... K Piscium . 70 Pegasi.. Groombridge 3548 . Groombridge 3548 . ( Pegasi 14 Pegasi B.A.C. 7641. . 18 Pegasi o Aquarii 5 Pegasi 6 Aquarii ., 10-150 10-247 10-197 10-150 W Q Delphini W Bradley 2701.. \\ Q W Q 3 Aquarii W 9 W c 32 Vulpeculffi W W 6i 2 Cygni... W Q v Aquarii W Q y Equulei \\ C Cvffni W W a 1 Cygni W C i Pefasi W Groombrid^e 3548. . .. W IO F IO t Pegasi F, 1 4 Pegasi K 1 6 Peeasi . F Q BAG 7641 F 7 1 8 Pegasi K q 6 AqUiirii F, 45 Aquarii F, Q Bradley 2993 .(E. & E.) E F 4 58 Pegasi K CQ Peeasi F, 7 F, v Piscium ... K Q lo-iSo 9776 10-043 io'i8o 8-180 10-180 7 10-441 8-080 10-180 1888 October 3. Observe]- II T. Transit II. h in s s s 2O. 35. 10-85 12-17 16-88 20.41.47-48 46-84 SI'S? 2O. 44. 15-02 14-49 I9-34 20. 46. 34'66 33-99 3874 20. 49. 44 '68 44-26 49-00 21. i. 50-36 50-02 5472 21. I. 51-90 51-56 i 56-29 21. 3.27-54 26-85 '31-66 21. 4. 51 "55 51-01 55-65 21. 8. 7-73 7-32 12-09 21. 10. If3I 10-73 15-51 21. 12. 58-59 58-26 3-01 21. 16. 52-19 51-71 56-43 21. 21. 55-08 59-39 1-96 21.21. 53-30 59-80 1-96 21. 38. 39-11 38-69 43-23 21. 44. 51-21 50-96 55-58 22. 58. 19-07 1 8 'So . 23-23 23. 15. 4-32 4-01 8-20 23. 19. 45-87 45-56 49-94 23. 21. 9-82 935 I3-89 23. 23. 27-83 27-43 : 31-92 471 473 4-85 475 4-74 4-70 473 4-81 4-64 477 478 4-75 472 2-57 2-16 4'54 4-62 4^3 4-19 4-38 4-54 4'49 4-40 4-53 4'43 4'43 4-40 4'43 4'49 4'5 4H7 4H5 4'3 4-39 4'33 4-11 4'3I 4'47 4'43 Bradley 3147 F, 10 Bradley 3 147 W IO 5 Ceti W Q 34 Piscium W 9 y Pegasi W 9 35 Piscium W q 36 Piscium W Bradley 1672 S. P. ... \v IO Bradley 1672 S.P F, IO 12 Ceti F, 4 51 Piscium F, 9 13 Ceti K g S Andromeda? F, 9 F, 6 5 I'iscium F, 9 2 ITl'Sie MillOl'is F 12 77 Piscium . . K r] Ceti F, 7 33 Ceti F, 9 Polaris . . F, IO Polaris... W 10 9-328 10-150 11-290 10-784 10-150 9-150 8-319 8-021 1888 October 5. Observer H T. Transit B. 20. 27. 52-36 51-76 53-38 2O. 30. 4-86 4-28 5^4 20. 33. 51-11 53-44 54-85 20. 35. 12-86 15-17 1663 20. 41. 50-64 49-90 5I-54 20. 46. 38-01 37-24 3871 20. 49. 47-76 1 47-32 48-97 21. I. 53-45 53-13 54-69 21. I. 55-07 54-75 56-26 21. 3. 30-88 30-09 31-64 21. 4. 54-69 54-08 55-62 21. 8. II -OO 10-58 1 2 '06 21. IO. 14-61 13-96 I5- 4 S 21. 13. I -80 1-49 2-98 21. 16. 55-40 54-87 56-40 21. 21. 56-07 63-34 6I-36 21. 21. 50-97 57-41 61-36 21. 38. 42-45 4178 43-22 21. 44. 54-56 54-08 21. 47. 59-29 58-76 0-08 21. 51. 30-12 29-47 30-81 21. 54. 33-64 32-95 34-35 22. IO. 57-11 56-30 57-67 22. 13. 176 0-90 1 2-36 22. 22. 14-91 19-70 20-39 23- I. 23-58 2291 24-15 23- 4- 24-93 24-26 25-46 23. 6. 6-90 6-22 7-31 23. S. 33-31 32-51 33-72 23. ii. 23-50 2278 24-02 1-62 1-66 1-41 1-46 1-64 1-47 i-65 1-56 1-51 i '55 i-54 1-48 1-52 1-49 +I-53 1-98 +3-95 1-44 i '47 1-32 i'34 1-40 1-37 1-46 0-69 1-24 I'20 I-2 4 I'll 1-16 1-16 i -oo 1-19 1-13 i -08 1-13 I-I2 1-07 I'll I-0 9 I-I4 I -10 1-14 I -00 1-03 I'lO no i -20 1-09 1-07 0-96 1-09 96 Aquarii. T Pegasi ... Bradley 3147 VI i Piscium W \ Piscium AY 19 Piscium W 21 Piscium I W Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 01 Piscium 30 Piscium | W 3-5 Piscium ; W 5 Ceti 34 Piscium j W y Pegasi AY 35 Piscium [ W Bradley 1672 S.P W Bradley 1672 S.P TJ Ceti .-... 33 Ceti f Piscium i) Piscium 101 Piscium IT Piscium 105 Piscium v Piscium o Piscium B.A.C. 551 54 Ceti 1888 October 11. Observer L. Transit B. 21. 22. 1-43 2-72 9-8 4 I I '00 21. 22. 21. 38. 21-45- '5'74J "5-34 21. 51. 41-25 | 40-65 21. 54. 44-80 44-14 22. O. 14-66 13-93 22. 4. 45-74 45-08 22. II. 8-40 7-60 59-42 43-14 55^6 30-75 34-29 4-03 35-I6 57-6I 10-42 11-58 - 9-78 9-88 9-90 - 9^5 9-90 9 92 9-99 IO-O2 lO'II IO'I2 10-06 lO'IO lO'II 10-17 45 Aquarii y Aquarii Jiradley 2993. Bradley 2993. IO Lacertir ij Pegasi Bradley 3147. 1 9 Piscium 21 Piscium..., h m s s .s =3-28. 3-54 10-29 14-16 83. 28. 6-1 1 10 -60 14-16 O. 2. 26-72 26-09 30-46 o. 4- 15-53 I4-99 1939 o. 7. 26-89 ' 26-38 3069 o. 9. 1 1 -37 lO'bl I5'2O o. 10. 47-44 46-88 5 '"32 o. 13- 37^5 27-51 30-70 o. 13. 38-08 23-29 30-70 o. 24. 17-98 17-47 21-86 o. 26. 35-70 35-26 39-59 o. 29. 27-72 27-22 31 -50 o. 33. 19-15 18-90 23-18 o. 41. 22-90 22-59 26-87 o. 42. 50-97 54-86 o. 53-45-24 50-24 56-30 i. o. 0-28 59-84 4-09 I. 2. 56-16 I. 4. 46-46 55-61 46-00 59-82 50-27 i. 1 8. 35-80 53-96 59-54 i. 18. 45-22 57-54 59'54 E 9 10-180 E 9 ,, W :o 10-751 W 6 10-180 W 9 W 9i ,, W 9 ,. W 9 .. W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 \Y 9 w 10 ' 10-094 K 10 9-896 B 4 io'i8o E 7 i-; 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 ,, E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 23- 13- 37-56 23. 15. 7-46 23. 28. 4-48 2 3- 34- ij'5' 23. 36. 22-07 23.40.42-37 23.43-45'54 23. 46. 49-46 23. 49. 56-02 23- 53- 35 23. 56. 15-17 23- 59- 38-35 O. 2. 30*22 o. 4. 18-85 o. 7. 30-12 o. 9. 14-77 o. 13.47-99 0. 13 1. 2 4 i-> -I 99 31 33 i- 35- I- 39- i. 42. 1.44. 46-50 59-67 49-93 3'53 3 I- 99 49 67 12-10 40-67 38;56 40-34 57-88 10-180 )> 9-447 14-147 10'iSo ", 12-569 lO'iSo 22. 13. 12-92 22. 16. 5-16 22. 22. 23-10 22. 22. 22-93 22. 34. 26-73 22.37.57-88 23. 28. 14-70 23-40.53-43 23. 43. 56-82 6-91 12-04 I2-S6 21-38 41-60 44-85 48-92 55-39 35-24 14-42 37-61 29-50 18-25 29-55 14-14 31-22 58-84 49-20 2-81 31-37 49-04 11-45 40-06 37-86 3"57 39-62 1 2 '06 4-42 29-31 29-24 26-46 57H9 23^5 5275 56-IO 37-97 8-19 I3-92 13-88 22-36 42-60 45^5 50-02 '5 '45 38-62 30-47 19-40 30-70 15-21 30-87 30-87 59-83 50-29 3-82 32-11 49-77 12-32 40-95 38-76 3 1- 39 40-49 58-05 2-30 54-48 19-31 16-61 42-58 45-83 3-87 3-56 4-37 4-40 4-3I 4'39 4'44 3''9 4'39 4-33 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-32 6 -02 4-25 4-21 4-27 5-58 I -2O 1-28 1-88 i -02 0-98 I'OO I'OO no 1-16 0-87 1-03 i -oi 0-97 1-15 1-15 + 107 0-16 -0-35 +0-99 1-09 I'OI 0-74 073 0-87 0-89 0-90 0-82 0-87 0-82 9-76 9-94 10-00 - 9-93 - 9-85 - 9-97 10-28 10-17 10-27 October 3. 75 Draconis W was observed without moving the micrometer. Groombridge 3548 E was observed on wire I. Bradley 3147 W was observed on wire VI. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire VI. 2 Ursa> Minoris was observed on wires II., III., IV. set at micrometer-readings 6 r -i5o, 9 r 'i5o, ii r 'i5o, I4 r -i5o. Polaris W was observed on wire VIII. October 5. Bradley 2701 W and 75 Draconis W were observed without moving the micrometer. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire III. Groombridge 3548 E was observed on wire III. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire VII. October II. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire IX. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED AT PARIS AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 6J) Star's Name. s . 03 < = Observed Transit. II li Star's Name. Observed Transit. Sg . is: o a*'' 5 Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 01 Piscium 30 Pisi'ium 2 Ceti 5 Ceti Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. 51 Pisiium 13 Ceti Ceti Andromeda? 5 Piscium W fC'ygni... a Equulei a Cygni I Pegasi Groombridge 3548 . K Capricorni Aquarii 45 Aquarii 7 Aquarii i) Aquarii 10 Laccrtiv ( Pegasi 7 Piscium 96 Aquarii r Pegasi v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147 14 1'egasi 16 Pegasi B.A.C. 7641 .. 29 Aquarii a Aquarii t Pegasi e Pegasi Bradley 2993. Pegasi r; Pegasi \ Pegasi T" Aquarii A Aquarii S Aquarii 3 Piscium 55 P e g asi 58 Pegasi 59 Pegasi <(> Aquarii 7 Piscium 96 Aquarii Groombridge 3548 . 7 Capricorni K Capricorni e Pegasi J Capricorni 14 Pegasi 1888 October 11. Observer L. Transit B. continued. E 10 AV 10 9 10-180 9 9 9 9 7 12-331 13-095 10-180 23- 47- 079 23- 5- 7 '32 23- 53- 46-98 23. 56. 26-43 23. 58- i37i o. 2.41-55 0-26 6-69 25-65 I2-82 4O-8O 50-00 ! o. 13. 58-86 39-59 36-11 i5'44 2'6l 30-46 31-45 9 ' lO'iSo o. 14. i -60 42-60 31-45 o. 26. 50-54 o. 29. 42-40 o. 38. 11-64 o. 4i- 37'53 o. 43. 5-62 39-62 IO'26 10-14 :O'22 -IO-2I -io '34 - 8-14 -11-15 -I0'2 -10-13 -10-16 -10-16 -10-07 -10-28 -10-15 -10-23 -IO'22 -IO-2I -10-34 49-88 41-65 j 31-52 1073 | 0-57 37-06 26-90 4-97 54-90 , 1888 October 13. Observer L. Transit B. -10-22 -10-08 -IOTO -lO'IO -lO'OO 20 Ceti 2 Ursa? Minoris. Polaris. Polaris. 101 Piscium . v Piscium o Piscium B.A.C. 551 .. 54 Ceti a Trianguli .. 10-180 10-509 8-629 9-755 io'i8o o. 47- 30'38 0.53.55-96 i. 18. 37-25 60-81 i. 18. 40-43 j 63-64 29-65 62-44 30. 0-59 35- 49-98 39. 42-46 42. 51-62 45. 9-10 46. 55-69 10-367 10-180 10-053 11-832 10-180 8-546 10-180 21. 8. 21. IO. 21. 13. 21. 17. 21. 22. 21. 36. 22. II. 22. 13. 22. l6. 22. 29. 22. 34- 22. 36. II. 2575 29-39 16-49 10-23 4'OO 40-52 11-78 16-54 8- 7 I 52-38 30-25 8-93 25-30 i II-9I 28-62 ! 15-36 2'Sl 56-27 l6'2C 9-63 14-25 39-47 10-86 I5-55 7-86 51-54 23' 23. 15.22-42 23. 20. 4-31 23. 21. 28-52 23. 23. 46-45 23. 28. 17-40 23. 28. 17-23 8-22 3774 51-65 21-84 373 27-66 45-72 27-31 2-28 54-46 38-25 : 16-58 54-83 -13-39 13-26 ', -i3-39i -I3-36 ' -15-60 13-27 13-27 13-40 13-29 13-36 I339 '94 ' 14 |8 9 89 '76 i 14- 27-86 12-76 15- -13-82 -13-69 -13-81 -I3-77 13-5 -I3-55 -'3-54 13-66 -I3-52 -I3-58 13-60 13-88 13-81 -I3-94 13-91 13-91 19 Piscium E 9(10-180 23.40.57-04 21 Piscium E (p Pegasi 10 B.A.C. 8315 E a Piscium E 2 Ceti E 33 Piscium E 5 Ceti 7 Pegasi... 35 Piscium ' W Bradley 1672 S.P W Bradley 1672 S.P. J Andromeda ( Andromedre . 20 Ceti 77 Piscium 101 Piscium... ir Piscium v Piscium ... 1888 October 14. Observer L. Transit B. 21. 45. 11-77 21. 48. 16-33 21. 51. 47-14 21. 56. 37-68 22. O. 20-54 22. 2. 6-30 22. 5.51-64 22. 22. 30-14 21. 36. 22. 38. 22. 41. 22. 43- 22. 47. 22. 49. 22. 52. 22. 55. 23. I. 23- 4- 23. 6. 2^8. 23. II. 23- 13- 11-20 3-72 2686 58-66 5-25 I- 3 8 I6-59 12-15 40'57 41-89 23-8I 50-37 40-56 54-53 I5-S2 46-49 3671 19 75 579 55H2 59-96 30-7I 20-91 3 '99 49-97 50-92 i 35-13 36-64 18-59 io"53 3-28 26-34 i 5774 4'39 o-44 16-03 11-38 41-21 23-12 49-52 39-82 54-82 47-48 10-48 42-00 48-58 44-70 0-17 55^3 24-10 25-41 7-26 33'67 23-97 37-93 15-91 -15-86 -1578 15-80 -15-76 15-82 1579 18-05 -1571 15-80 15-86 15-74 -15-81 I5-74 15-86 -1575 -15-79 15-80 15-86 -I5-85 -15-85 -15-76 -16-16 -16-10 -16-02 -16-03 -15-98 -16-04 -16-00 -15-86 -I5-95 -16-00 -15-88 -15-94 -15-87 -15-98 -15-87 -15-90 -15-90 -15-96 -15-94 -15-94 -15-84 Pegasi K Piscium ..... 70 Pegasi ....... Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147 1 9 Piscium 21 Piscium Pegasi a Piscium 12 Ceti 5 1 Piscium s 13 Ceti TT Androniedae 5 Andromeda! 2 Ursa? Minoris 2 Ursa; Minoris 33 Ceti Piscium. 37 Ceti 9-743 10-708 10-180 10-180 7-496 -180 10-180 21. 22. 873 21. 34. 13-86 21. 36. 45'U 21.39- 1-54 21. 41. 12-46 21.45. 13-83 1888 October 15. Observer L. Transit B. B.A.C. 7641 |W a Aquarii j W i Pegasi ! W 19-61 12-79 44-01 0-79 11-39 I3-37 57-87 | 21-74 55-20! I7-59 26-30 j 17-71 43'oS I 17-71 -1778 55-40 17-97 -18-00 -18-12 -18-10 -18-17 -18-35 B Pegasi . . , 6 Aquarii.. 7 Aquarii . 11-580 12-171 10-180 10'iSo 19-18 59-30 2-60 6-52 52-75 38-81 56-44 48-46 I3-38 39-70 23. 28. 23. 40. 23. 44- 23- 47 23- 53- o. 24. o. 26. o. 29. 0.31. -33- o. 54- 0. 54. 4-69 1. 5. 7-19 i. 7-59-57 i. 9. 5-15 21. 5I.49-27 22. O. 22-55 22. 2. 7-99 22. 4. 53-32 22. II. 16-25 22. l6. 13-04 October 14, Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire IX. October 15. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire IX. 19-58 56-56 61-30 61-30 49-82 38-81 41-84 I 31-45 50-94 I 40-55 8-50 58-11 55-29 ! 44-81 23. 44. 0-29 23.47. 4-17 23. 50. 10-93 23- 53- 50-57 23. 58- i7'3i 23- 59- 53-21 o. 2.45-10 o. 7-45-04 o. 9. 29-73 o. 14. 8-06 o. 14. 11-66 o. 33- 37-45 o. 41. 41-48 0. 47. 34-44 1. 25.47-00 1. 30. 4-57 1.31.27-07 i. 35- 53-65 23. 15. 24-32 23. 20. 6-24 23. 21. 30-44 23.23.48-37. 23. 28. 19-61 59-46 3-56 10-19 49'8l I6-27 52-3I 44-24 44'39 42-58 45-83 50-00 56-54 36-10 2-61 38-61 30-46 30-69 28-95 15-20 46-08; 31-97 48-28 31-97 23-21 26-91 19-59 32-18 49^4 12-39 38-83 8-13 49-88 13-84 31-89 .2-53 12-53 42-58 45-83 50-00 36-10 21-88 39-62 31-53 56-88 23-21 40-90 33-55 46-30 3-86 26-34 52-84 23-79 5-7i 29-68 47-72 28-75 1-82 S'93 52-04 37-98 55-73 47-64 12-98 39-26 11-27 11-44 6-43 59-05 4-28 48-56 21-68 15-29 I2'l6 50-34 42-92 48-07 30-69 3-98 49-95 35-12 57-57 54-44 10-07 - 5-88 + 0-49 2-34 IO'2O 10-51 10-39 10-39 10-39 10-48 I3-67 I3-63 -13-56 -I3-65 I37I -I 3 66 1370 -1378 1370 -1375 14-11 16-31 I3-74 I3-99 1396 14-12 14-02 13-95 14-01 15-66 -I5-83 -15-84 -I5-83 16'22 I5-72 -I5-97 15-99 -I5-93 I5-94 16-10 16-11 i6'ii i6'io 16-05 14-80 -14-97 16-09 16-13 l6'2I -17-87 -17-70 -17-51 -17-41 -17-72 -17-72 s 9-99 -10-05 -10-35 -IQ'22 ! -10-22 j -IO-2I ! -10-30 i -13-72 -13-67 -3;59 13-73 -13-66 13-70 -1378 13-68 -1373 13-66 -{3-85 ! 13-79 -1372 1377 -15-74 -I5-90 -I5-9I -I5-89 -i6'oo -l6'O2 -t5-95 -15-95 -16-06 -16-07 -16-06 -16-04 -15-99 -I5-97 -16-01 -16-08 -18-24 -18-04 -17-84 -1774 -18-03 -18-02 70 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent E.A. Clock Apparently Slow. >>j; :3~o ' y p i-, es o ail $s- Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. : f ^ Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. >, ss |S^ O J-j o O S.02 1 >>- *3"b-J -M C^ 88 Ipl S-S3 3z* Bradley 2993 W E E E E K !: El B i-: E K K K E E E ]: E E E E E E B !; E E i-: K K W W w \v W w w W \v \v \v W E W E E E E E K j.; B E K K E W W W 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 JO 8 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 IO 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 10 9 9 r 1 1 '41 1 12739 I0'l8o j II II II I t i i 10-180 II I) 1 f II II II II tt II II ) Jl 9-279 9-185 10-180 ii 1 1 ii ii i i i i 10-611 10-896 10-180 ii i i i 8-258 8-217 io'i8o It 1888 h m s 22. 22. 25-83 22. 22. 29-37 22. 29. 57-06 22. 32. 18-29 22. 34. 34-97 22. 36. 13 64 22. 38. 6-17 22. 41. 29-22 22. 44. I -20 22.47. 7^5 22.49- 375 22. 52. 1875 22. 58. 41-89 23. I. 42-88 23. 4.44-15 21. 34. 17-92 21. 36. 48-90 21. 41. l6'IO 21.45. !7'4i 21. 48. 21-98 2I.5I.52-87 21. 54.5 6 -42 21. 56.43-49 22. 0. 26-48 22. 2. I2'l6 22. 4- 57-57 22. 11. 2O 'OI 22. 13. 24-94 22. 16. 16 94 22. l8. 51-95 22. 22. 58-20 22. 22. 59'42 22. 32. 22-40 22.36. 17-36 22.38. 9-89 22. 44. 4-65 22. 47. 11-30 22. 58-45-49 23. II. 46-65 23. 14. 0-77 23. 15. 30-70 23. 20. 1 2 '60 23. 21. 36-62 13. 2O. 0-64 13- 19- 59-38 21. 36. 52-34 21. 41. 19-76 21. 45. 20-99 21. 48. 25-72 21. 51. 56-60 21. 55. 0-28 21. 56. 47-22 22. 2. l6'00 22. 5. 1-33 22. II. 23-97 22. 1 6. 20-63 22. 23. 1-90 22.23. 3^5 22. 32. 26-O2 22. 34. 42-63 Oct< s 33-98 36-70 56-13 17-31 34-58 12-84 5-63 28-59 O'lO 6-63 2-63 18-07 41-31 42-06 43-34 188 17-06 48-02 15-24 17-08 21-59 52-32 55-8i 42-62 25-79 11-76 56-95 19-25 24-12 16-24 51-12 65-69 65-35 21-55 1 6 -66 9-42 3-70 10-42 44-98 45-88 59-91 30-15 12*04 35-83 1888 28-77 29-64 5 I- 43 18-87 20-64 25-30 56-02 59-64 46-32 15-58 0-69 23-18 19-91 9-12 9-85 25-22 42-34 )ber s 18-35 18-35 38-23 59-57 16-56 54-81 47-47 10-47 41-99 48-57 44-69 0-16 23-14 24-09 25-41 \ Get 55-18 26-27 53-59 55-37 59-91 30-67 34'2i 20-88 3-96 49-92- 35-10 57-55 2-24 54-42 29-27 42-78 4278 59-55 5479 47H5 4I-97 48-55 23-12 23-95 37 9i 8-n 49-86 13-82 Oct< o-37 o-37 26-24 53-S6 55-34 59-88 30-64 34-18 20-85 49-89 35-07 57-52 54-39 42-36 42-36 59-53 16-50 15. L S -15-63 -iS-35 17-90 1774 18-02 18-03 18-16 18-12 18-11 18-06 17-94 17-91 18-17 17-97 I7-93 ober 1 -21-88 -2175 21-65 21-71 21-68 21-65 21 '60 2174 21-83 21-84 21-85 2170 -2i -88 21-82 21-85 22-91 -22-57 22-00 21-87 21 "97 21-73 2I-87 21-86 -21-93 22 'DO 22-04 -22-18 22'OI iber 1 28-40 29-27 -25-19 -25-31 -25-30 25-42 -25-38 25-46 25-47 -25-69 25-62 25-66 -25-52 26-76 27-49 -25-69 -25-84 'bserer a 18-16 17-99 18-26 18-27 -18-39 -18-34 -18-33 18-27 18-14 18-10 -18-35 18-14 18-09 7. 01 22-23 22'IO 21-99 22-O4 22-OO 21-97 2I-9I 22-05 22-I3 -22-13 22-14 21-97 22-14 22-08 22'ID 22-22 22 'O8 22-18 21-92 22-05 22-01 22 '05 22-11 22-15 22-28 22-10 3. Ob -25-55 25-66 -2564 -2575 25-71 -25-78 -2579 25-99 -25-91 - 2 5'94 -2578 25-92 26-06 L. Transit B. c > n jj ii 9740 9"324 I0*l8o ii 9 ) J ) ) lo'iSo "793 11749 io'i8o ;> M > j > ) u > > 10-554 1 1 '395 io'i8o it n > 11-165 io'i8o lo'iSo i > n j M Jj )) 1 1 '178 11-399 10-180 h in s 23. 6. 26-06 23- 8.52-55 23. 11.42-79 23- 13- 56-95 23. 15. 26-82 23. 20. S'53 23. 21. 32-56 23. 28. 22-84 23. 28. I9T2 23-36.4I-35 23.41. 1-46 23- 44- 471 23.47. 8 -80 23- 5- I5-54 23- 53- 54-99 23- 23- 54-53 23. 28. 26-49 23. 28. 22-46 23- 36. 45-24 23. 41. 5-22 23- 44- 8-35 23- 47- 12-36 23- 53- 58-99 23- 56- 38-44 23. 58.25-74 o. o. 1-51 0- 2. 53-45 o. 4. 42 23 o. 7-53-53 o. 14. 18-47 o. 14. 14-61 o. 27. 2-39 o. 29. 54-70 o. 41. 49-87 o. 43- I7-99 0.47. 42-79 o. 50. 58-15 o. 54. 1179 i. o. 27-12 I. 3. 22-94 i. 5- I3-33 22. 36. 21 "14 22. 38. 13-67 22. 41. 36-58 22.44. 8-55 22. 47. 15-06 22. 49. 11-25 22. 52 26-27 22.55.2172 22. 57. 14-83 22 58.49-27 22. 59- 39-6i 23. I. 50-38 23- 4.5174 23- 6. 33-47 23. 9. 0-04 23. II. 50-19 23. 28. 29-13 23. 28. 27 67 23. 44. 12-22 s 25'24 5' '54 41-90 55-96 26-19 7-89 3!-65 33-02 30-92 40-50 0-64 3-85 8-17 14-78 54-20 53-86 3472 3279 4457 4-57 7-67 11-88 58-38 37-69 24-87 077 52-74 41-66 53-oi 56-70 56-26 1-65 53-86 49-33 17-26 4I-97 5779 17-87 26-36 22-03 12-55 20-49 13-26 36-08 7-65 14-22 10-32 25-74 20-97 14-61 48-83 39-02 49-72 51-08 32-80 59-21 49-47 38-28 37-65 11-52 s 7-25 33-67 23W 37-92 8-12 49-88 13-84 12-31 12-31 22-33 42-57 45-82 49-99 56-53 36-10 31-87 n-86 11-86 22-32 42-56 45-81 49-98 36-10 '5-43 62-60 38-61 30-46 1939 30-69 33-I5 33 15 39-62 31-53 26-92 54-9I 19-60 35HO 56-30 4-16 59-89 50-35 5477 47-42 10-43 41-95 48-53 44-65 0-13 55-59 48-72 23-10 13-25 24 07 25-37 7-23 33-64 23-94 11-49' 11-49 45-80 3 I7-99 -I7-8 7 7"93 18-04 18-07 iS-oi 17-81 20-71 18-61 18-17 18-07 18-03 18-18 18-25 18-10 21-99 22-86 -21-93 2225 22-01 21-86 21-90 22-28 22-26 22-27 22'l6 22-28 22-27 22-32 -2355 23-11 22-03 -22-33 22-41 -22-35 22-37 22 39 21-57 22-20 22 14 22-20 2572 25-84 -25-65 2570 -25-69 -25^7 25-61 -25-38 -25-89 2573 25-77 -2565 -25-71 -25-57 -25-57 -25-53 26-79 26-I6 -25-72 I 8 18-15 : 18-02 i - lS /7 18-17 18-20 18-12 17-92 18-24 18-12 18-07 18-22 18-28 18-12 22-08 -22-31 22-05 21-90 -21-93 22 30 22-27 22 '27 22'l6 22-28 22-26 22-30 21 -98 22-26 22-31 22-25 22-26 22-27 22-05 -2i 99 22-04 25-94 26-05 -25-85 -25-89 -25-87 -25-85 -25-78 -25-54 26-05 25-88 25-92 25-80 -25-85 2571 25-70 25-65 25-76 Bradley 2993 . . v) Aquarii 96 Aquarii Pegasi ic Piscium Bradley 3147 A. Pegasi 51 Pe^asi 21 Piscium J8 1 Pe^asi .... 5$ Peerasi... B.A.C. 8315 58 Pegasi . >server L. Transit K Capricorni Bradley 3147 S Capricorni Bradley 3147 1 6 Pegasi \ Piseium B A.C 7641 19 Piscium . 18 Pegasi 21 Piscium 29 Aquarii A Peeasi .. 6 Pegasi 2 Ceti Aquarii 33 Piscium 45 Aquarii 5 Ceti y Aquarii Bradley 2997 Bradley 167 z S P Bradley 2997 Bradley 1672 S P K Aquarii 51 Piscium C Peo-asi 13 Ceti TJ Pegasi CAudromedife T 2 Aquarii A Aquarii jS 1 Pegasi jt Andromedse y Piscium 96 Aquarii T Pe ff asi v) Ceti v Pegasi H Ceti K Piscium server L. Transit Polaris S.P Polaris S.P fl Pegasi K Capricorni r 2 Aquarii S Capricorni 14 Pegasi 16 Pegasi B.A.C. 7641 18 Pe"asi 29 Aquarii t Pegasi cX Peffasi Aquarii y Aquarii Bradley 2997 Bradley 2997 Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147 K Aquarii 10 Lacertae STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED AT PARIS AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 71 Star's Name. 3 *a ObMrved Transit. II Si . -a"! 8 5 -i Z2 =.-/> Star's Name. Observed Transit. ^."S 83 53 . It* Q Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 a: Piscium y Pegasi 35 Pisuium Bradley 16728.?. Bradley 1672 S.P. . 12 Ceti 5 Aquarii 3 I'iscium fi ] recast 55 I>gasi 58 Pegasi 59 l''gasi <(> Aquarii 7 Piscium T Pegasi v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147. B.A.C. 7641 .. 18 Pegasi 29 Aquarii a Aquarii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi . 9 Aquarii 45 Aquarii .... 1 Aquarii Bradley 2997. Bradley 2997.. K Aquarii 10 Lacertae Pegasi i) Pegasi A Pegasi r' 2 Aquarii A Aquarii 5 Aquarii 51 Pegasi 3 Piseium Aiidromedse . 1 Pegasi a Pegasi 55 Pegasi 58 Pegasi B.A.C. 7641 .. 18 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi 9 Aquarii 45 Aquarii y Aquarii 50 Aquarii Bradley 2993 , \v 1888 October 19. Observer L. Transit B. continued. lo'lSo 10-604 11-166 10-180 10-180 h m a 23. 47. 16-30 23. 50. 23'01 23. 54. 2-63 o. 7. 57-29 o. 9.4172 o. 14. 24-10 o. 14. 18-51 o. 24. 48-89 15-80 22-38 1-99 5675 41-10 2-42 58-44 48-08 49^7 56-51 36-09 30-68 21-87 -25-87 -25-90 -26-07 -25-91 -28-81 25-86 -25-89 -25-91 26-05 -25-89 -24-83 -26-21 ; 26 - I5 51 Piscium \V i3Ceti W TT Andromedse W 8 Andromedfe W B Ceti ' E Andromedse i E 20 Ceti E 22. 49. 22. 55- 22. 58. 23. I. 23. 4- 23. 6. 23- 9- 23. ii. 23- 15- 23. 20. 23. 21. 23. 24. 23. 28. 13^4 24-41 5 1 ' 2 ? 52-64 53-9I 35^4 2-32 52-60 36-41 18-23 42-42 0-32 29-60 12-75 23-68 50-85 52-00 53-28 35-I9 1-52 51-90 35-93 I7-75 41-70 59-72 9-484 23. 28. 29-90 38-50 44-64 55-58 23-09 24-06 25-36 7-22 33-63 23-93 8-08 49-84 13-80 3I-85 11-31 11-31 28-11 28-10 -27-76 27 '94 27-92 -27-97 -27-89 27-97 -2785 27-91 27-90 -27-87 -28-05 27-19 -28-25 -28-23 -27 88 -28-06 -28-03 -28-08 -27-99 -28-07 -27-94 -27-99 -27-98 -27-94 21 Piscium 35 Piscium 36 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P.| e Piscium 7j Ceti 33 Ceti Piscium 37 Ceti /Piscium u Piscium Polaris Polaris. 10-180 10-295 12-588 10-180 21.52. 1-45 .21.55. 5-I9 21. 56. 51-96 22. O. 34-87 22. 2. 20-62 22. 5. 5-89 22. II. 28-24 22. I 3 . 33-38 22. l6. 25-52 22. 23. 6-14 22. 23. 22. 32, 22. 34. 22. 36, 22. 38, 22. 41, 22.44, 22. 47, 22. 49. 22. 52, 22. 55' 22. 57. 22. 58. 22. 59. 2 3 . I, 23. 4. 673 30-45 4679 25H7 I7-8I 40-96 1279 I9-29 I5H4 30-70 26-33 18-93 5374 43-92 56-12 0-76 4'44 50-95 34-05 20-08 5-I4 2734 32-42 24-69 12-39 13-93 29-66 46-52 24-84 17-42 40-48 11-90 18-47 I4-53 30-18 25-59 1873 53-3I 43'34 54-I3 30-62 34"i6 20-82 3-90 49-86 35-05 57-49 2-19 54-37 41-95 4i'95 59-5I 16-47 54-75 47-39 10-40 41-92 48-51 44-63 60-11 55-57 48-69 23-08 I3'24 24-05 -30-14 -30-28 -30-13 -3 -i5 -30-22 -30-09 -29-85 -30-23 -30-32 -30'44 -31-98 -30-15 -30-05 -30-09 -30-03 -30-08 -29-98 -29-96 -29-90 -30-07 -30-02 -30-04 -30-23 -30-10 -30-08 -30-12 -30-36 -30-50 -3'3S -30-36 -30-43 -30-29 -30-04 -30-42 -30-50 -30-30 -30-20 -30-23 -30-17 -30-22 -30-11 -30-09 -30-02 -30-19 -3 - i3 -30-15 -30-33 -30-20 -30-18 -30-21 59 Pegasi Aquarii Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147 19 Piscium 21 Piscium Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 5 Ceti 34 Piscium y Pegasi 35 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P 12 Ceti 51 Piscium , 13 Ceti ' 8 Andromedse . . . ,8 Ceti 5 Piscium 2 Ursae Minoris. 2 Urse Minoris. 77 Piscium n Ceti ,.. 33 Ceti 9 io'i8o 9 9 1888 October 20. Observer L. Transit B. 1888 October 21. Observer L. Transit B. 1888 October 23. Observer H T. Transit R 10-891 21. 52. 4-89 21. 55. 8-56 22. o. 38-37 22. 2.23-97 22. 5. 9-42 22. II. 32-04 22. 13. 3672 22. 1 6. 28-84 22.19. 377 22. 22. 44-98 4'2I 7-84 37^ 23-44 8-67 3I-I8 35-88 28-02 2-83 5I-33 30-59 34-13 3'8S 49-83 3S'3 57H7 2-17 54-35 29-20 16-64 -33-62 -33-7I -33-68 -3371 -3371 34-69 -33-82 -33-9I -33-|7 -33-8 -33-88 -33;88 -3379 Bradley 2993 , f Pegasi rj Pegasi A Pegasi ... r 2 Aquarii .... A Aquarii Aquarii 96 Aquarii u Pegasi K Piscium 10-180 IQ'343 10-180 10-233 11-33 lo'iSo 8775 8-343 10-180 9-912 10-180 7-9I5 7-911 10-180 9-291 IO-20O o. 27. 6-36 o. 29. 58-35 o. 31- 2333 o- 33- 49-63 0.38. 27-43 o. 41. 53-20 o. 47. 46-25 23. 44. 14-69 o. 9. 44-04 O. II. 2O'2I O. 14. 22 '99 0. 57- 39-34 . 3. 29-07 - 5.I9-38 . 8. n-86 9- I7-34 . 12.32-97 13- 50-44 - 19- 7-3 1. 18. 59-62 23- 6. 37-92 23- 9- 4'54 23. 28. 30-53 23. 28. 34-15 23. 41. 13-45 23. 44. 16-75 23. 47. 20-65 23- 50-27-30 o. 3. 1-47 o. 4- 5 "23 o. 8. i -43 o. 9. 46-18 o. 14. 28-15 o. 24. 53-27 o. 27. 10-95 o. 30. 3-10 o. 33- 54-52 o. 38. 32-48 o. 43. 26-56 o 54. 18-15 0. 54. 18-22 1 24-64 1. o. 35-14 34-37 I. 3. 31-01 30-08 I. 5. 21-26 20-47 5-67 57-55 22-96 49-22 26-52 52-76 45^3 13-90 43-33 19-50 3-84 38-62 28-16 18-61 ii-33 16-45 32-21 49'94 30-58 25-89 373 40-48 43-I9 12-67 I5-94 20-03 26-57 0-63 49-53 0-76 45 '45 8-78 52-48 10-28 2-32 54-I3 31-54 25-89 22. 22. 22. 36. 22. 3 8. 22. 41. 22. 44. 22. 47. 23- 9- 23. 14. 23. 20. 23. 21. 44-58 29-07 21-41 44-61 16-54 23-18 8-20 12-51 24-07 48-26 51-17 28-40 20-96 44-08 15-62 22-32 7-35 11-67 23-54 47 '49 39-62 31-52 56-88 23-22 0-58 26-92 19-60 45-80 15-19 51-32 33*' 10-48 59-90 50-36 42-94 48-09 3 '9 21-56 0-42 -26-05 -26-03 -26-08 -26-00 -25-94 -2584 - 2 5'93 -28-10 -28-14 -28-18 -30-04 -28-14 -28-26 -28-25 -28-39 -28-36 -28-31 -28-38 -30-16 60-42 25-47 -25-99 -25-96 -26-00 -25-92 -25-85 -2574 -25-81 -28-13 -28-12 -28-16 -28-02 -28-13 -28-12 -28-25 -28-22 -28-16 -28-23 7-21 33-62 11-14 11-14 42-54 45-78 49 96 56-50 30-44 19-38 30-68 15-18 34-01 21-87 39-61 3I-52 23-21 0-58 56-20 56-20 4-I7 59-90 50-36 16-64 54-72 4736 10-38 41-90 48-49 33-6o 37-86 49-81 1378 -30-05 -30-11 -32-05 -30-13 -30-16 -30-07 -30-19 -30-15 -30-08 | -30-27 -34-77 -30-61 -3 67 , -30-80 -30-92 -30-96 ! -30-97 -28-44 -30-20 -30-18 -30-11 -30-14 -30-19 -30-16 -30-18 -30-09 -30-09 -30-18 -30-14 -30-06 -30-25 -30-S7 -30-62 -30-75 -30-86 -30-89 -30-90 -30-10 -30-07 -30-00 -34-53 -33-68 -33'6o -3370 -3375 -3373 33 7 ' -33-82 -33-84 -33-94 -33-82 -33-87 33-79 33-77 October 23. Bradley 2993 E was observed on wire VI. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire IX. 72 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. EC >>_ .4 1 S "^ ^ t- s *3 - - "tS "3 ""3'~b -J Star's Name. Positio IS "3 6 V < a ! Observed Transit. 11 I* 111 E 1|f I Star's Name. . '3 * v SI u Observed Transit. |f IP 11 * 11*1 55,55 5S,g2 121 5 1 < , -H * * < 701 _ Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147.. 19 Piscium ..., 21 Piscium .... Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 .. a Piscium 2 Ursse Minoris. 2 Ursse Minoris. <(> Piscium 37Ceti a Aquavii t Pegasi 6 Pegasi 9 Aquarii 45 Aquarii 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993. T) Aquarii K Aquarii 10 Lacertse.... ( Pegasi >) Pegasi \ Pegasi r' 2 Aquarii .... \ Aquarii S Aquarii 19 Piscium. Pegasi 30 Piscium . 2 Ceti 33 Piscium. 1888 October 23. Observer H T. Transit B. continued. w 9 W 10 E I 10 E 9 K \v 10-200 9-971 23. 24. 6-24 23.28. 33-84 10-181 23.28.35-97 IO*2OO 23. 41. 17-26 23. 44. 20-46 23. 47. 24-45 23.50.31-07 2 3 . 54. IO-70 5^9 42-98 44-79 16-49 19-67 30-35 9752 13-360 JO-20O o. 54. 21-62 0. 54. 22-96 1. 8. 17-42 i. 9. 22-88 28-39 29-48 16-88 21-99 31-82 10-76 10-76 4578 49-95 56-49 36-07 56-15 56;i5 48-09 -33-77 ! -33'82 -32-22 34-03 -3396 -33^9 -33'9 -33-^6 33-90 32-24 33 '33 -33-93 33-90 -33]99 33 '92 -33-88 -33-9I -33-8o /Piscium , u Piseium Polaris... Polaris 101 Piscium . TT Piscium.... 105 Piscium . v Piscium o Piscium B.A.C. 551.. 54 Ceti o Trianguli.. Arietis IO'2OO IJ 9-607 8-924 10-200 I. 12. 38 '66 37-90 3-91 I. I 3 . 56-05 55-54 21-57 I. I 9 . 12-58 36-48 ; 1-26 I. 19. '3-63 38-46 1-26 I. 3 0. 24-51 23-88 49-90 I.3I. 47-20 46-55 12-45 i. 34- I5-79 15-18 : 41-09 1.36. 1373 13-00 38-89 i. 40. 6'2O 5-5I I 31-53 i-43- !5'43 I4'68 ' 40-64 1.45. 32-08 32-22 58-21 1.47. 19-51 19-05 44-92 i. 49. 4-66 4-9 30-12 35-22 33-89 -33-86 -37-20 ... -33-98 , -33-84 -34-10 ; 33-96 33-94 -33-96 -33-82 -34-09 -34-II -33 '9 8 -34-04 -34-01 33 oo -33-85 >j ' r*j ~r -34-I3 -33'96 1888 October 26. Observer H T. Transit B. E 3 E 9 E 7 E 9l E 9; E 9 E 10 W IO W W 7 W t 9 W 9 W Q W 7 e W 3 Q W y 9 W 9 E 5 E 6 E 7 E Q E q IO*2OO 22. 0. 44-82 44-59 3-84 H 22. 2. 3078 30-66 49-79 J 22. J. 1 6'02 15-82 34-99 II 22. II. 38-54 38-28 57 '43 |J 22. I3.43-27 42-99 2-13 > 22. 1 6. 35-40 35-I7 5431 10-668 22. 22. 53-37 55-68 15-88 10-538 22. 22. 54-54 57-67 15-88 IO-2OO 22. 30. 19-23 19-07 38-11 ,, 22. 32. 40-55 40-37 59-45 V 22. 34. 57-22 57'25 16-39 ) 22. 36. 35-69 35-57 54-69 ,, 22. 38. 28-19 28-17 47-32 II 22.41. 51-34 51-28 10-34 22. 44. 22-98 22-76 41-87 22.47. 29-59 29-40 48-46 )) 22 49. 25-72 25-49 44-58 II 23.41. 23-62 23-41 42-52 )) 23- 47- 3'-04 30-89 49-93 j) 23- 56. 56-57 56-32 I5-39 : > 23. 58. 43-67 43-37 62-55 jj o. o. 1975 19-50 38-57 -40-75 -40-87 -40-83 -40-85 -40-86 -40-86 -39-80 -41-79 I -40 -96 -40-92 -40-86 -40-88 -40-85 -40-94 -40 -89 -40-94 -40-91 -40-89 -40-96 -40-93 -40-82 -40-93 -40-83 -40-95 -40-91 -40-92 -40-93 -40-93 -41-02 -40-98 -40-92 -40-94 -40-91 -40-99 -40-94 -40-99 -40-96 -40-90 -40-97 -40'93 -40-82 -4 '93 5 Ceti F 9 10*200 34 Piscium F ft F 6 Bradley 1672 S.P V IO 9'7OO Bradley 1672 S.P. . . W IO 13 Ceti W Q IO'2OO IT Andromedse w c w {) ' ' 20 Ceti w ju Andromedae "W 2 Ursse Minoris w ?o o'l'i* 77 Piscium w Q IO"2OO ?) Ceti . w W Ceti ... w 7 37 Ceti w 7 f Pisciura w Polaris w rq lO'THl Polaris . .... F I c 1 1 '\^\ 101 Piscium F, 9 IO"2OO 105 Piscium F o v Piscium K 9 o. 3. 11-55 II- 3 I o. 5. 0-51 0-33 o. 8. 11-85 11-68 o. 14. 26-80 20-03 o. 14. 17-66 13-09 o. 30. 12-70 12-52 o. 31. 37-68 37-68 c. 34. 4-09 4-07 o. 48. 0-79 0-62 o. 51. 16-16 16-20 o. 54. 32-51 3573 i. 0.45-41 45-27 i. 3.41-29 41-08 i- 5-3I78 3 I-6 3 i. 9. 29-58 29-38 i. 12.45-24 45^9 i. 19. 26-34 37-64 i. 19.34-44 42-87 i. 30. 31-08 30-91 1.34.22-37 22'21 I. 36, 2O'22 20-Q2 1888 October 27. Observer H T. Transit B. Groombridge 3548 W TO 7*644 y Capricorni W IO'2OO K Capricorni w i| w o 14 Pe^asi., w 9 1 6 Pe<*asi \v 9 B A C 7641 w w o " 29 Aquarii \v 7 \v 9 t Pe^asi w 6 Pegasi w 9 w " 45 Aquarii \v 9 Bradley 2993 w TO IO'2II K Aquarii E IO*2OO 10 Lacertse K Q f Peeasi . . . E fj Pe^asi K F, 9 T 2 Aquarii E 7 E o K ^ B 9 K 21. 22. 21. 34. 21-37- 21. 39. 21. 45. 21. 48. 21. 52. 21-55- 21. 57. 22. O. 22. 2. 22. 5. 22. II. 22. 13. 22. 22. 34-18 37-55 8-77 25-27 37-34 41-98 12-90 16-39 3-i7 46-27 32*00 17-32 39-92 4470 54*88 38-86 37-18 S'39 25-05 37-24 41-85 12-69 16-15 2*80 45-99 31-87 17*08 39-6o 44-35 58-41 22.32.41-97 41-67 22.34.58*72 58-68 22. 36. 37-15 36*93 22. 38. 29-60 22. 41. 5275 22. 44. 24-41 22. 47. 30*93 22. 49. 27 '10 22. 52. 42-40 22. 57- 30-74 52*60 24-06 30-61 26-73 42-23 30-73 53H9 55^3 2&-I2 42-92 i 55-201 5975 ' 30-53 34-08 20*73 3-83 49-77 34-98 57-41 2*12 i I5-59 59'44 16*37 54-68 47-3I io"33 : 41 *86 ; 48-45 44-57 0-04 48-61 45'37 42-15 42-27 42-13 42 '04 42-10 42-16 42-07 42-07 42-16 42-10 42-10 42-19 42-23 42-82 42-23 42-31 42-25 42-19 42-27 42-20 42-16 42-16 42-19 42-12 -42-44 -42-56 -42-41 -42-31 -41-37 -42-42 -42-32 -42-32 -42-40 -42-34 -42-33 -42-41 -42-45 -42-41 -42-48 -42-42 -42-35 -42-43 -42-35 -42-31 -42-30 -42-33 -42-25 S 1 Pegasi a. Pegasi 34 Piscium y Pegasi 35 Piscium 36 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. 12 Ceti . 51 Piscium 13 Ceti TT Audromedse.... 5 Andromedse... 20 Ceti n Andromedse... 2 Ursse Minoris. i) Ceti 33 Ceti Piscium 37 Ceti /Piscium u Piscium Polaris..., Polaris. E 9 E 5 E 9 E 9 K 9 E 9 E IO W IO W 9 W 9 W 9 \v 9 w 4 w 9 w 9 w 20 w 5 w 9 \v 9 w 5 w 9 w 5 w 20 E 2O IO-2OO j 22. 59. 5-39 10*140 10-142 IO-20O 9-261 IO-20O 10-429 10-333 5. i '86 S. 13-13 o. o. o- 9- 57-63 ! 57-40 o. u. 33-83 ' 33-60 o. 14. 28 57 30-43 19-36 30-66 35-54 35-54 i 31-51 56-86 23-20 1960 35-40: 55-97 4-18 59-91 50-37 48-10 3-92 0-95 0-95 49-91 41-10 38-91 23-OI I3-I8 -935 30-65 15-I6 5^29 18-44 35'99 i -64 12-94 o. 14. 28-02 o. 25. 4-55 O. 27. 22-12 o. 30. 14-06 o. 31. 3930 o-34- 5-63 O. 48. 2'2I o. 5 1 - -7 79 0. 54. 34-80 3. 4276 5-33-o6 8-25-53 9. 30-84 12. 46-79 H- 4'23 19. 28-46 1. 19. 30-48 1771 4-25 21 88 1377 39-22 553 i-93 1776 38-42 42-43 32-80 2539 30-52 46-53 4-11 4I-37 43-I5 35-99 21-86 39-61 3I-5I 56-86 23-20 19-60 35-40 55-8? 59-9I 50-37 42-96 48-10 3-92 21-58 0-72 -40*88 -40-97 -41-02 -37-55 -41-01 ; -40-82 -40-87 -41-02 -40-80 -41 -09 -41-17 -41 '26 -41-28 -41-17 -36-69 -41*92 -41 -oo -41 -II -41*11 -42-26 -42-18 -42-29 -42-29 -42-24 -42-31 -42-45 -41-72 -42-39 -42-27 -42-26 -42-36 -42-33 -42-33 -42-36 -42-55 -42-52 -42-43 -42-43 -42-42 -42-61 -42-53 -40*65 072 42-43 -40-88 -40-97 -41-02 -40*99 40-80 -40*85 40*99 40-76 -41-05 41-21 41-23 41*12 -40-94 -41-05 -41-05 -42-38 -42-30 -42-28 -42-27 -42-22 -42-29 -42-34 -42-21 -42-20 -42-30 -42-26 -42-24 -42-26 -42 -40 -42-30 -42-30 -42-29 -42 '47 -42-38 October 23. Bradley 3147 W was observed on wire IV. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire III. 2 Ursse Minoris W was observed on wire VIII. 2 Ursse Minoris E was observed on wire I. October 26. Bradley 2993 E was observed on wire VII. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire III. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire VII. Bradley 1672 S.P. W was observed on wire I. October 27. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire IX. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire VI. Bradley 1672 S.P. W was observed on wire III. 2 Ursse Minoris W was observed on wire V. (10 bisections, mean reading 9 r '942) aud on wire VIII. (10 bisections, mean reading 8 r '58o). Polaris E was observed on wire IV. TRANSITS OBSKRVED AT PARIS AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 73 Star's Name. .2 No. of Wires. RA. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. ~ 's -t _, . W III O S.X < Clock Apparently Slow at o 1 ' Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. No. of \Vires. 1 R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. ~ - S tu 115 S >> ill O S.'f. m < Clock A|ijrently Slow at o>> Sidereal. 101 riscium . tr Pisciutn.... a Triai-gnli .. Arietis A Arietis 112 Piscinm . 33 Piscimn 34 Piscium 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. IT Andnmiedae 8 Andromeda 2 Ursa; Minoris.... 2 Urste Minoris. 8 Amh-omi'dre... f Andruwedte... S ?isciiiin 20 Cfti /j. Andromediu .. 2 Ursse Minoris. 2 ITrsiv Minoris. 33 Ceti Piscium 37 Ceti v Pisoitim Polaris.... 1888 October 27. Observer H T. Transit B. continued. 10-200 . 30. 32-48 3I-5S'07 .47.27-58 . 49. 12-85 . 52. 26-91 55- S'02 32-28 54-86 27 '47 12-68 26-76 4-76 49-91 12-47 44-95 30->4 44-29 22-26 42-52 42-47 42-19 42-21 42-30 42-32 42-24 42-50, 42-27 6oCeti o Ceti Arietis..., f-Ceti 27 Arietis., 29 Ai-ietis., 9 10-200 5 9 9 9 9 1. 58. 12-44 2. 14. 2678 2. 19. 34-42 2.22.57-85 2. 25.27-36 2.27.31-79 I2'l6 26-49 34-20 57^2 27-18 3I-59 1888 October 30. Observer H T. Transit R E 9 E 7 E 6 E 9 W 10 W 2 W g W 10 IO*2OO it 10-831 11-595 IO-2OO 9 -'065 11-924 o. o. 26-13 o. 5. 6-86 o. 8. 18-19 o. 14. 34-28 o. 14. 38-13 o- 3i- 43-93 o. 34. 10-51 o. 54. 40-61 o. 54. 40-56 25-94 6-76 18-10 26-56 28-46 44-01 10-57 44-19 38-54! 47-40 19-34 3064 47-42 47-46 37'34 i 49 '22 37-34 56-85 23-19 55-53 43-38 : 55-53 -51-12 47-16 -47-38 48-66 -47-85 47 '4O Polaris 47 '42 47*46 Polaris tj Piscium 101 Piscium 47*14 v Piscium 47 '36 aTrianguli j8 Arietis \ Arietis.. 10-137 10-091 IO-2OO 1. 19. 36-07 45-92 1.19. 1.26. 30- 32. 30- 47- 49- 1.52. 1888 November 9. Observer H T. Transit B. W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 10 E 20 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 20 10-746 11-369 10-200 9-584 o. 34. 37 -09 o. 42. 40-95 o. 44. 9'ob o. 48. 33-92 o. 51.49-34 o. 55. 2-64 0-55- 6. 4'95 10. 2-73 14. 36-02 I9-58-73 3678 40-58 8-58 3336 49-11 7-42 4'37 5694 2-07 35-61 23-14 2687 19-56 35^5 54-57 54-57 50-36 48-09 21-57 -7364 -73-71 -73'7' -7380 7376 -72-85 -74-96 74-01 73-99 74-04 -76-36 -73'55 -73 60 -73-60 -73-68 -73'63 -73-84 -73-So 1 -73-85 Polaris '.IT Arietis e Arietis aCeti p P.-rst'i Persei 5 Arietis ( Arietis Groombridge 2283 S.P. Groombridge 2283 S. P. /Tauri 20 9-101 7 IO'2OO 7 9 ,, 7 II 9 II 9 II 9 '5 IO-I27 '5 9-978 9 IO'20O i. 19, 2.47. 2.54, 2.57. 2.59. H 3- 9' 3- H. 3- H 3-25. 36-43 19-66 37-5I 0-08 26-40 32-27 17-69 3'74 54-90 36-08 6-32 48-85 19-63 0-04 26-33 32-32 17-69 3176 72-42 35-64 S'93 18-21 17-98 II'IO 10-90 31-18 30-77 45-56 45-17 9-60 59-12 1077 61-53 59-07 58-56 29-71 43-97 51-68 15-09 44-56 49-04 59-88 59-88 32-25 4992 12-48 38-92 44-96 30-16 44'3 r 57-62 2I'6l 51-67 28-42 6376 5676 1 6 -66 31-02 45-35 4535 44-41 42-45 42-52 42-52 42-53 42-62 46-04 -48-97 -47-38 47-56 -47-56 47-41 47-36 -47-53 47-45 -74-80 j -74-03 -74-07 -74-22 -74-14 -74-11 -74-I5 -76-18 -74-I5 42-21 42-25 42-24 42-25 -42-33 42-26 47-34 47-52 -47-52 47-37 47'3' -47-48 47-40 -73-61 -73-82 73-62 -73-76 -73-68 73-64 1888 November 13. Observer H T. Transit B. fl A'|uilc ... w o IO'2OO 20. 6. t *,6'4t; =;6'23 32 "6"% 83**;8 84-08 V IO'2OO 23. 48. 13-91 13-73 49-78 83-95 83-98 69 Aquihe W o 20. 25. 12*87 I2'6"i J -3 83-fiQ 8i-o: 12 Ceti V 9 o. 2"i. 4"!-8q 4"; '62 21-77 83-85 81-80 w " 2O. 2Q 16*17 e. C 2 -g 4 83*i;6 84-01 K 6 o. 28. 3-80 V";? ?Q--;2 84-0-; 81-99 Del pi till i w o 2O. 31. 29'lS 20' O2 C'2O 83*73 84-18 13 Ceti . .. . F 7 o. 30. 55-89 55-62 31-43 84-19 84-13 lira-ill ry 2701 . ... w 7 20. 31, 10*06 I2"2O 48'06 j / j 83*24 K " o. 32. 20-90 20-78 56-76 84-02 Bros 75 Dmcnnis w 7 20. 36. 33*41 34'6f; IO*Q2 8V7-J S Andromedae F, 9 o. 34. 47-36 47-22 23-11 84-11 84-04 3 Aquarii w o 20. 43. 14*78 14*'?'* won 8^-60 8d*O2 2 Ursa; Minoris F, re 10-477 o. 55. 14-69 16-96 53'89 83-07 15 Dolphin! w e *" 2O. 4"i. 42*"i7 42*42 1878 83-64 84-06 Bradley 2993 w ii 3*807 22. 23. 32*"s4 3"i*26 W 10 10-023 o. -;". i";'Q2 18-17 53-89 84-48 A Pegsisi w o 10*200 22. 42. 34*l8 34 '06 10*10 81-06 84-11 ^ Ceti W n IO'2OO . 4. 24-63 24-38 59-87 84-51 84-37 T" Aquat'ii w 22. 4*;. <;*87 c-6i 41*66 8^-q; 8j."i i w n . 14. 46*04 4-i'94 21-57 84-37 84-21 A Aquarii w o 22. 48. 12*48 12*24 48*2-; 8VQ9 84* I -C Polaris w 70 10-390 . 20. 10-76 20-64 55-70 84-94 S Aniiftrii w o 22. *;o. 8 ;*; 8-28 8^'Q2 84*O7 51 Pf'iisi w a " 22. S3. 23'8'* 23*72 cq-g^ 8t'8q 84'O3 F, 70 10-128 . 20. l8'I2 25-22 55'7 90-52 3 Pisi'iuin w 6 22. 56. I9'8l IQ'6o IS "32 84-28 84*42 v Piscium F, 7 IO-2OO . 36. 3-46 3'2j 38-93 84-30 -84-09 o Aiuli'OMH'ila: \v 9 22. 58. I2'24 12*22 48'3O 8rQ2 84*Os K, 9 . 40. 56-18 55'96 31-58 84-38 84-16 /J 1 Pu r 'asi w o 22. 59. 46*87 46'77 2278 83 'QQ 84'12 B 6 . 48. 9-17 9"3 44'99 84-04 83-80 w Q 23 O, 37*1 I 36'QC I2'Q7 83 '08 84-11 F, i I. 40. 54'6l 54-45 30-20 84-25 84-01 55 Pc^asi w o 11 23. 2. 48*00 47-82 23'8o 84*02 84' 14 K Avietis i o 1.53. 8-71 8-55 4V35 84-20 -83-95 n8 Pe^asi .. w n 23. 5. 4Q'27 4Q'OQ 2C'I I 8ro8 8a.'io 3 Triani'uli . ... F, 9 2. 4. 2O74 20-61 56-24 84-39 84-12 co Ptizasj w 23. 7. 31 P I "i 3O'Q7 *j 11 6'Q7 84 oo 84-12 F 4 2. 40. 2O'95 20-73 56-31 84-42 84-08 Aquarii w o 23. 9. 5772 *i7'48 -j-i-^8 84-10 84-21 39 Avietis B 2. 42. 42-44 42-30 17-88 84-42 84-07 y Pisiiium w o 23. 12. 47'97 4.7 '77 23'7O 84-07 84-16 41 Arietis . ... B 2. 44. 51-34 51-19 26-82 -84-37 84-02 96 Aquarii w 23, i ?. i *oo 1-67 *J / w 37 '6"i 84-02 84-12 K 2. 46. 46-23 46-03 21-64 -84-39 84-04 T I'eyasi w o 23. 16. 31*91 31*70 7*82 81-97 84-06 i\ Eridani K 2. 52. 24-81 24-52 60-17 -84-35 -83-98 Bradley 3147 \v ?o Q 7O3 23. 2Q. 2 TOO 28-84 4'76 84-08 Arietis B 7 2. 54. I6-26 16-09 51-70 8439 84-02 a Ceti E 9 2. 57. 53-20 52-96 28-45 -84-51 -84-13 BiMillcy 3147... E ?o lO'W? 23. 20 2T*;S 28-63 4'76 81-87 F, 2. 59. 28-13 28-04 63-80 -84-24 -83-85 E 10*200 23. 42 6 '60 ^,u vj 6'4*\ 84-08 84*12 j8 Persei F n 3. 2. 21-23 21-15 56-80 -84-35 -83-96 October 30. 2 Ursa 1 Minoris E was observed on wire I. Poluris E was observed on wire VI. November 9. 2 Ursse ilium-is E was observed on wire III. (15 bisections, mean reading n r '278) and wire I. (5 bisections, mean reading ii'"644). GroombriJge 2283 S.P. E was observed on wire IX. November 13. Bradley 2701 and 75 Draconis were observed without moving the micrometer. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire IX. Bradley 3147 W was observed on wires I., II., IV., V. (5 bisections with each, mem readings 9 r- 826, 9''"552, 8 ri 958, iof'47S respectively). Bradley 3147 E was observed on wires IV., II., I. (5, 10 and 5 bisections, mean readings lo r '54O, 10^-442, 10-956 respectively). 2 Ursas Minoris E was observed on wires IX., VIII., VI. (5 bisections with each, mean readings io r -287, io' 754, IO 1 '-39O respectively). 2 Una Minoris \V was observed on wire IX. Poluris E was observed on wire III. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. k TRANSITS OBSERVED AT GREENWICH AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. Star's Xame. Observed Transit. it Star's Name. Observed Transit. Ill o am 3 Aquarii 15 Delpliini p Aquarii 32 Vulpeculse 21 Capricorni a Equulei Groombridge 3548 (E. & E. 34 Piscium . y Pegasi 15 Delpliini H Aquarii 32 Vulpeculoe 21 Capricorn! Equulei a Cygni 1 Pegiisi Groombriilge 3548 . K Aquarii... jo Lacertte. f Pegasi .... jj Pegasi .... A Pegasi.... r 2 Aquarii .. 9 Aquarii y Aquarii Bradley 2993. TI Aquarii K Aquarii 10 Lacerta?.... ( Pegasi 17 Pegasi A Pegasi r 2 Aquarii .... A Aqnarii 5 Aquarii 51 Pegasi 33 Piscium. 34 Piscium. A Ursse Minoris...(E. & E.) E E I 9 9-900 10-275 9-900 9-219 9-900 9-900 9 -'500 9-900 1888 September 30. Observer L. Transit C. 20.41.45-67 20. 44. 13-41 20. 46. 32-82 20. 49. 43"io 20. 54. 29-60 21. 10. 9-57 21. 21.45-44 4- 1 3 "59 7- 25'05 4573 13-56 '32 '86 9-68 52-29 24-99 19-38 3878 49-05 35-55 15-55 2-94 I9-39 30-68 + 5-88 582 5-92 5-69 5-96 + 5-8? +10-65 5 88 5-69 5-91 5-85 5-95 572 5-98 5-88 5-69 35 Piscium 36 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P.(E. & E.) 5 Andromeda 1 ( Andromeda- 5 Piscium v Piscium 1 E Polaris (E. & E.) E 1888 October 1. Observer L. Transit C. 19. 35. 20-16 26 70 39'i9 20. 44. 13-27 20. 46. 32-8] 20.49.43-09 20. 54. 29-55 21. IO. 9-75 21. 12. 57-36 21. 16. 50-67 21. 21. 57'52 22. 31- 53-35 22. 34. 10-42 22. 35. 48-66 22.37.41-37 22. 41. 4-32 22. 43- 35 80 13-43 3295 43-25 29-68 9-90 57-51 50-83 56-62 53-68 1 0-80 49-00 4I-/4 4-68 36-13 I9-37 3S77 49'03 ! 35-54 '5-54 3-05 56-45 2-60 ! 59-68 16-73 54-93 io'6o 42-10 12-49 5'94 5-82 578 5-86 5-64 S'54 5-62 5-98 6'oo 5'93 5-87 5-92 S'97 5-96 5-84 5-80 5-88 5-65 5-55 b'OI 5'94 5'94 5-88 5-93 5-98 A Aquarii 8 Aquarii 51 Pegasi o Andromeda;. ft 1 Pe<;asi a Pegasi 55 Pegasi Bradley 3147.. Bradley 3147.. cii Piscium 30 Pi-cium 2 Ceti 33 Piscium 5 Ceti 34 Piscium 7 Pegasi W 21 W o W W W 9 | W! 9' Wi 9 W' 9 1888 October 3. Observer L. Transit C. 22. 10. 22. 15. 22. 22. 22. 29. 22. 31. 22. 34. 22- 35- 22. 37. 22. 41. 22. 43. 22. 46. 22. 48. 22. 51. 51-41 48-35 19-20 3^97 53-9I 10-64 49-12 41-88 4-50 36-07 42-65 38-78 23- 59- 3 2 -27 o. 4. 13-22 51-60 48-52 15-16 32-14 54-09 10-61 49-25 41-91 4-57 36-28 42- 54-57 3271 13-61 57-68 54-55 2073 38-33 59-67 1670 54-9I 47-59 10-59 42-09 48-66 44-78 0-26 38-61 I9-39 6-08 6-03 5-57 6-19 5-58 6-09 5-66 5-68 6 '02 5-81 5-82 579 5-69 5-90 5-78 6-08 6-03 6-19 5-58 6-09 5-66 5-68 6-02 5-8i 5-82 579 5-69 5-90 5-78 7 35 Piscium 36 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P 51 Piscium 13 Ceti TT Androinedfe 5 Andromeda; 2 Ursa; Minoris 2 Ursre Miiioris . TI Ceti 33 Ceti Polaris Polaris . 9-900 h i o. 9 o. 10 o. 13 0.33 o. 41 0. 42 J- 13 1. 18 9-31 45-5I 26-87 17-41 2I'I2 . 49-08 I7-58 3178 22 "42 24 '44 'II 9-900 22.46.42-27 22. 48. 38-34 22. 51-53 92 22. 56. 42'6l 22. 58. 16-89 22. 59. 7-00 23. I. 17-83 23.28. 6-63 5" i 900 42-60 38-67 5427 43-00 17-25 7-35 18-17 8-84 23. 28. 9-13 23. 53- 29-86 23. 56. 9-09 23- 57- 56-13 23- 59- 32-18 | 32-33 O. 2. 24-24 o. 4. 13-24 o. 7- 24-38 8-20 30 'oi 9-24 2439 I3-40 24-54 15-19 5i-3i 30-26 23-17 26-85 54-84 21-42 59-I5 48-67 44-79 0-27 48-92 23-25 13-38 24-17 14-46 14-46 36-10 I5-44 2'6l 38-61 30-46 I9-39 30-68 9-900 M 8700 9-900 2313 9-900 II-8I4 IO-I76 24-76 9-49 45-62 24-33 o. 7- 24-39 o. 9. 9-10 o. 10. 45-23 o. 13. 21 -18 o. 26. 33-48 0.29. 25-44 25-87 o. 30. 50-76 51-06 0.33. 17-18 17-50 0.53. 51-24 50-45 30-69 15-20 51-32 30-70 33-88:39-59 31-50 o- 53- 53-I5 48-98 i. 2. 53-79! 53-99 I. 4- 44-I5 j 44-31 I. 19. 11-70! 56-91 i. 18. 56-88; 53-47 23-18 56-30 56-30 59-82 50-27 59-54 59-54 5-89 IO'O2 5-73 i 574! 5-86 9-01 6-07 6'12 6'Oo 5-92 6-00 6-03 6-00 5-62 6-26 6-09 6 -20 6-35 628 6-07 5-99 6-14 5-93 57i 570 6-37 57i 5-63 579 5-68 5-85 7-32 5-83 5-96 2-63 6-07 5-97 573 5-85 5-58 6-08 6-13 6-oi 5-93 6-oi 6-04 6'oo 6-09 6 -20 6-35 6-28 6-07 5-99 6-14 S'93 5-70 571 5-63 5-68 5-83 September 30. Groombridge 3-548 E and Bradley 1672 S.P. were observed without moving the micrometer. Polaris was observed on wires VI., VII., VIII., IX. TRANSITS OBSERVED AT GREENWICH AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 75 Star's Name. < PS! Observed Transit. 1! Hi sis! Star's Xame. Observed Transit. J-fi .-. a IP III I III H < 3- Sn. x 3 Aquarii E 15 DeljiMni E /i Aquarii ! E 32 Vulpecuhe E 21 Capricorni 6 Capricorni . 61' Cygni 6i 2 Cygni v Aquarii 7 Equulei f Cygni.. a Equulei .... Cygni K E K E E K E E I Pegasi E 5 Capricorni ................... W 14 Pegasi ....................... W 16 Pegasi 10 Laceita? W] W j C Pegasi ........................ |W| n Pegasi ........................ W 3 Piscium ...................... W J3 1 IVgasi 58 Pegasi 59 Pegasi Aquarn \\ 61' Cygni 6i' 2 Cygni v Aquarii 7 liquulei f Cygni a Cygui I Pegasi Groombridgc 3548. Groombridge 3548. K Capricorni S Capricorni 14 IVgasi 16 Pegasi B.A.C. 7641 18 IVgasi Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 \ Aquarii 5 Aquarii 51 Pegasi 55 Pegasi 58P.'gasi 59 Pegasi Aqnarii 7 Pisi-ium 96 Aquarii v Pegasi v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147 a Cygni I Pegasi Grooinbridge 3548 K 4 E 4 H 5 E 9 E 5 E 9 E 9 E 10 W IO W 7 \v 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 9 W 10 E IO K 9 K 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 K 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 7 9 Ji 9 E 9 E 10 Groombri.lge 3548 ........... W Aqnarii ...................... ; W 1888 October 5. Observer L. Transit C. 9-900 h in s s s 20. 41. 45'00 4565 5^54 2O. 44. 12-85 "3 '39 I9-3I 20. 46. 32-33 33 'oi 37I 20. 49. 42-74 43'I7 48-97 20. 54. 28-80 29-55 35-48 20. 59. 34-49 35-24 | 41-08 21. I. 48-46 48-81 54-69 21. I. 5O-IO 50-45 56-26 21. 3. 24-98 25-68 3I-64 21. 4. 49'2o 4975 55-62 21. 8. 5-69 6-10 : 12-06 21. IO. 8-91 9-49 15-48 21. 12. 5674 57-08 2-98 21. 16. 49-86 5 - 35. 56-40 ' 21. 38. 37-09 37-3I 43-22 21.40.47-54 47 '93 5374 21. 44. 49-69 49 '66 55-55 21. 47. 54-03 54-08. 0-08 22. 34. 10-93 10-84 16-68 22. 35. 48-73 48-94 54-90 22. 37. 41-66 4I-63 47-58 22- 54- 49'34 49-63 55-68 22. 58. 17-21 17-22 i 23'22 23. 4. 19-31 I9-53 25-46 23. 6. 1-17 1-40 731 23. 8.27-46 2779 ' 3372 5-92 570 5-80 S'93 5-84 5-88 5-81 5-96 5'87 5-90 6-05 5-9I 5-81 5-89 6'oo 5-84 5-96 5'95 6-05 6-00 5'93 5-91 5'93 5-91 5'94 5-72 5-82 S'95 5-86 5-89 5-82 5^7 5-88 5'97 6'oo 5-91 6-06 5-82 5-90 6-01 5-85 S'97 5-96 6-06 6'oi 5'93 5-9i S'93 W n r 9'9OO v Pefasi ... W 5 K Pisciuin \v o 70 Perils i \v 7 Bradley 3147 W ID 1 1 -OI4 Bradlcv 3147 F IO 12-iqi; 19 Pisciuin K 9 9-900 F, q Pegnsi F, B A.C. 8315 F, 9 F, q F 7 Bradley 1672 S P. . F IO 12-980 W s Q-QOO W W ac Q-QOO 1* Oti W 9 9-900 (f> Piscium W 6 ?7 (Mi ... W q f Piscium W q W n W 10717 E M 10-883 h m s 23. II. 17-72 23- 19- 43-79 23. 21- 7-53 23- 23- 25-58 23. 28. 17-94 23. 28. I I -14 23. 40. 36-13 23- 43- 39-42 23. 46. 43-84 23- 49- SO'I? 23- 53- 29-73 23. 56. 8-92 o. 13. 11-05 o. 41. 20-98 o. 42. 48-82 0. 53. 56-62 1. 4. 44-09 I- 7-36-95 I. 8.4179 i. II.57-65 I. 13. 15-36 i. 19. 15-67 i. 19. 2-77 S s 17-98 24-02 43-87 49-93 7-81 13-88 25-77 3I-92 8-47 13-92 7 '44 13-92 36-73 42-60 4003 45^5 44'34 50 '02 50-73 56'55 30-31 36-11 9^9 ISHS 19-76 3 0-87 2 1 '05 26-88 49^5 54-87 49-50 56-34 44-36 50-29 37-02 42-86 42-I3 48-01 57-9I 3-82 15-40 21-47 50-52 59-92 52-52 59-92 1888 October 11. Observer H T. Transit C. 9-940 21. I. 47'57 47-40 54-57 ,, 21. I. 49-10 4893 56-14 I 1 21. 3. 24-19 24-46 3I-55 11 21. 4. 48'35 48-45 55'53 , , 21. 8. 479 471 n'95 ! 21. 12. 55-68 55-50 2-86 )) 21. l6. 49-01 49 4 56-31 9-581 21. 21. 56-50 48-87 59-42 9-300 21. 21. 55-26 48-76 59-42 9-940 21. 36. 18-60 1899 26-36 )) 21. 40. 45^4 46-32 53-66 ) ) 21.44. 48-04 48-05 55-46 21. 47. 52 60 5265 O'OO } ) 21.51. 23-26 23-42 30-75 21. 54. 26-97 27-17 34-29 II 22. I. 42'6 42-91 45-01 9 -8 9 8 22. 22. 17-46 12-53 19-31 9-389 22. 22. 16-90 II'IO 19-31 9-940 22. 46. 4I-23 41-47 48-60 22. 48. 37-22 37-52 44-72 , 22. 51. 53-03 53-05 0-19 1 23- I. 16-83 16 '94 24-12 23- 4- 1 8 -08 18-19 25-43 , 23- 5- 59^6 60-08 7-28 , 23. 8. 26-26 26-48 33 '69 . 23. II. 16-66 16-81 23-99 , 23- 13- 30-54 30-76 37^5 ) 23. IS- I -00 0-99 8-15 23- 19- 42-68 42-67 49-90 > 23. 21. 6-43 6-60 13-86 23- 23. 24-51 24-60 31 90 9719 23. 28. 14-21 6-31 13-17 7-17 7-21 7-09 7-08 7-24 7-36 7-27 10-55 io'66 7-37 734 7Hi 7-35 7'33 7-12 7-10 6-78 8-21 7-13 7-20 7-14 7-i8 7-24 7-20 7-21 7'i8 7-19 7-16 7-23 7-26 730 6-86 7-19 7-23 7-11 7-10 7-26 7-38 7-29 739 7-36 7'43 7'37 7-35 7-I3 7-11 7-I4 7-21 7-15 7-i9 7-25 7-21 7-22 7-19 7-20 7-I7 7-23 7-26 7-30 Bradley 3147 A Pisciuin 19 Pisciuin 21 Piscium Piscium Polaris Polaris t\ Pisciuin 101 Piscium TT Piscium 105 Piscium v Piscium W 10 9-714 i W 9 9-940 W 9 ,, W 9 > > W 9 > W 9 W 9 j) W 4 W 9 ii W 7 ii W 9 ii W 9 ii W 10 10-548 E IO 10-517 K 9 9-940 E 7 II E 9 It K 9 : E 9 > E 9 II E 9 i> E 9 E 9 j E IO 9-238 W IO 8-863 W 7 9 "94 W 9 W 9 D W 9 i ) W 9 23.40. 35-16 23- 43- 38'29 23. 46. 42 '62 23. 53. 28-64 23.56. 7-88 23-57.55-37 23.59.31-23 O. 2. 23-04 o. 4. 12-07 o. 7. 23-22 o. 13. 8-43 o. 13. 6-45 o. 24. 14-43 o. 26. 32-28 o. 29. 24-18 o. 3- 49-63 o. 32. 16-01 o. 37- 53-07 . 2. 52-31 - 4-42-95 - 19- 15-39 - 19- 5 97 - 25. 24-45 . 29. 42-05 . 31. 4-70 - 33- 33-29 -35- Si' 02 1888 October 13. Observer H T. Transit C. 7-15 13-17 15-06 22-35 35-38 42-58 3853 45-83 42-72 50-00 28-84 36-11 8-17 15-44 55-76 2-61 31-52 38-61 23-31 30-46 12-23 19-40 23-36 30-70 22-31 31-45 22-65 3^45 14-64 21-88 32-42 39-62 24-39 31-52 49-51 56-88 15-93 23-21 53-39 0-57 52-57 59-87 43-11 50-33 35-60 42-90 54-67 1-30 48-29 1-30 24-58 32-16 42-19 49-82 4-86 12-37 33-42 41 'oi 31-22 38-81 6-04 6-06 6-07 6- I5 S'45 6-48 5-87 5-82 5-68 5-82 5-80 5'86 ii-n 5-83 5-82 6-84 5'93 5-84 5-88 5-91 6-07 9-40 7-40 6 -02 7-29 7 -20 7-30 7-28 7-27 6-85 7-09 7-I5 7-17 7-34 9-14 8-80 7-24 7 -20 7-13 7-37 7-28 7-i8 7-3 7-22 7-30 6-63 13-01 7-58 7-63 7-5i 7-59 7-59 6 '04 6-06 6-07 6-15 5-87 5-82 5-68 5-82 5-80 5-86 5-82 5'8i 5-92 5-83 5-87 5-90 6-06 7-29 7-20 7'3 7-28 7-27 7-27 6-85 7-09 7-i5 7'i7 7-34 7-24 7-20 7-I3 7-37 7-28 7-18 7-29 7-21 7-29 7'57 7-02 7-50 7-58 7-58 2'8l 7*71 7'77 7 Capricorni W q 9-940 21-33- 47-25 47^7 55-23 7-56 7-58 48^64 7-6"? 7'6<; W 7 21. 36. 18-39 18-82 26'33 7-5I 7-53 10-333 21. 21. 58-27 5I'80 58-65 6-85 ( Pegasi W W 9 q 11 21.38-35-25 21. 40. 45-62 35-5I 46-04 43'" 53^4 7-60 7-60 7-62 7-62 ?v8* cS-6<; 4 '80 14 Pegasi W q 21. 44. 47-68 47-81 55-43 7-62 7-64 7'C7 7'cc 16 Pe"usi W q 21.47. 52'28 52'44 59-97 7-53 7-55 October ii. Groombridge 3548 E was observed on wire VI. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire VI. observed on wire VII. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire VIII. Polaris E was observed on wire VII. October 13. Groombridge 3548 E was ousei ved on wire VIII. Groombridge 3548 W was observed on wire VI. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire I. Polaris \V was observed on wire III. Bradley 3147 E was 76 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS- GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Star's Name. Observed Trunait. I! .?H is*' lit :* 5 Is Hi! Star's Name. Observed Transit. 1888 October 13. Observer H T. Transit C. continued. 9 Aquaiii 45 Aquaiii .... 7 Annarii Bradley 2993. Braille}' 2993.. \ Pegasi T 2 Aquarii \ Aquarii 3 Piscium o Andromeda . ft 1 Pegasi a Pegasi 55 Pegasi 58 Pegasi 59 1'egasi. Aquarii y Piscium 96 Aquarii T Pegasi v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147.. Bradley 3147.. W 10 r h n 1 & s 8 9-940 22. IO. 49-68 50-04 57-59 H 22. 12. 54-40 54-80 2-28 22. 15. 46-54 46-87 54-46 10-041 22. 22. I3-28 9-60 18-84 7-158 22. 22. I6-I5 11-26 18-84 9-940 22. 41. 2-80 2-86 10-49 ) 22. 43. 34'lS 34-48 42-01 ; > 22. 46. 40-74 41-00 48-58 i 22. 54- 47^3 48-05 55-64 > 22. 56. 4I-29 41-19 48-80 22. 58. I5-53 I5-57 23-15 > j 22. 59. 5-6! 574 13-30 M 23. I. 16-44 16-60 24-11 )j 23- 4- i77i 17-87 25-42 )| 23- 5- 5953 5971 7-27 j ) 23. 8. 25-80 2606 33-68 it 23. u. 16-30 16-50 23-98 t 23- 13- 30-13 30-38 37-94 t 23- IS- o-43 0-50 8-14 23. 19. 42-22 42-29 49% t 23. 21. 6-04 6-25 13-85 23- 23- 24-13 24-27 31-89 9-570 23. 28. 1275 6-07 12-76 9-690 23. 28. 10-30 5-32 12-76 7-55 7- 4 s 7-59 9-24 7-58 7-63 7-53 7-58 7-59 7-61 7-58 7-56 7-51 7-55 7-56 7-62 7-48 7-56 7-64 7-60 7-60 7-62 669 7"44 7-56 7-49 7-60 \ Piscium ! AV 19 Piseium J W 7-64 7-59 7-60 7-62 7-59 7-57 7-63 7'49 7-57 7-65 7-60 760 21 Pise-inn

II > 10-268 10-420 9-940 II n M it ) H II ) j i) 9-940 8-757 9-654 9-940 || n u j > 2J. 4.47-60 21. IO. 7-42 21. 12. 55-05 21. 16. 48-33 21.21.59-39 21. 22. 2-82 2I.33.47-04 21. 38.35-04 21. 40. 45-38 21. 44. 47-58 21. 47. 52-05 21. 54- 26-37 22. I. 42-04 22. 4.27-07 22. 10. 49-43 22. 15. 46-33 22. 22. 16-51 22. 22. 17-24 22. 29. 30-30 22. 34. 8 -O 22. 35. 46-87 22. 37. 39-64 22.41. 2'7I 22. 46. 40-59 22. 51.52-27 22. 56. 4K05 22. 58. 15-38 23. I. 16-11 23. 4. 17-45 23- 8.25-63 23- IS- 0-37 1 21. 33. 46-88 22. 22. 18-93 22. 22. l8'6l 22. 35. 46-63 22. 37. 39-48 22.41. 2-33 22. 43- 33-63 22. 46. 40-26 22. 48. 36-30 47-89 7-74 55-07 48-54 52-64 55-49 47-50 3530 45-84 47-66 52-I7 26-65 42-I6 27-35 49'2 46-67 10-98 I2'l6 30-67 8-83 47-16 39-76 2*89 4I-OI 52-48 41-04 I5-52 16-41 1775 26-05 0-55 888 47-59 10-65 10-84 47-07 39-66 2'6l 3435 40-91 37-05 55H9 I5-35 62-79 56-26 58-26 58-26 55-22 43"io 53-63 55H2 59-96 34-25 49 '97 35-I3 57-58 54-45 1859 18-59 38-24 16-57 54-82 47-48 10-48 48-58 60-17 48-79 23-15 24-10 25-41 3367 S-I3 Octo 55-20 iS'35 18-35 54-81 47'47 10-47 41-99 48-57 44-69 7-60 7-61 7-72 772 5-62 277 7-72 7-80 779 776 779 7-60 7-81 778 776 778 7-61 6'43 7-57 7 74 7-66 7-72 7'59 7-57 7-69 775 7-63 7-69 7-66 7-62 7-58 3er 15 7-61 770 7-51 774 7-81 7-86 7-64 7-66 7-64 7-62 7-63 774 774 774 7-82 7-81 778 7-81 7-61 7-82 779 777 779 7 : 58 775 7-67 773 7-60 7-58 7-70 776 7-64 77o 7-67 7-63 7-59 . Obs 7-62 775 ! 7-82 1 7-87 7-65 | 7-67 ! 7-65 ! i v IVgasi K K E AV W W AV \V W w AV W w w AV E K W E K E E E E i<: E E t ( AV W W E E E E E E 9 7 9 10 20 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 5 9 10 10 7 IO 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 "i 9 9 10 IO 9 9 4 9 9-940 10-268 IO-2O2 9777 9-940 )) 1) ) ) 9-883 10-039 9-940 8-978 9-918 9'S74 9940 )l f 9-940 9-839 11-882 9-940 JI J| n 23. 19.41-95 23. 21. 5-69 23. 28. 1 1 -66 23. 28. 12-48 o. 13. 10-60 o. 24. 1371 0.27.31-55 o. 29. 23-40 0-33- I5-37 o. 37- 52-37 o. 41. 19-13 o. 42. 46-84 0.47-11-52 0.51-27-53 o- 53- 54-58 o. 53- 54-27 o. 59. 56-19 i. 19. 11-13 i. 19. 15-38 . 19. 10-38 . 25. 24-20 .31. 4-42 33- 33-09 . 35. 30-82 . 42. 32-56 . 44. 50-12 - 46. 36-97 . 48. 22-17 22. 5I-5I-99 23. 21. 5-61 23. 28. 14-33 23. 28. 16-35 23.43-37-69 23.46.41-93 23- 49- 48-32 o. 7. 22-52 o. 9. 7-01 42-13 6-05 4-68 4-90 26-59 1407 31-83 23-76 15-45 52-84 19-26 47-11 11-86 27-51 48-90 49-05 56-53 52-58 55-28 51-83 24-45 4-69 33'33 3i-i4 32-90 50-40 37-09 22-38 52-31 6-16 3-67 4-99 38-21 42-23 4875 22-87 7-44 49-88 13-84 12-53 12-53 32-28 21-88 39-62 3I-53 23-21 60-58 26-91 54-90 19-59 3539 56-47 56-47 4-I5 i-33 I- 33 i-33 32-18 12-39 41-03 38-83 40-58 58-14 44-85 30-05 60-16 13-84 12-31 12-31 45-82 49'99 56-53 30-69 15-20 7'75 779 7-85 7-63 5-69 7-8r 779 777 7-76 . 774 7-65 779 773 7-88 7-57 7-42 7-62 875 6-05 9-50 7-73 7-70 7-70 7-69 7-68 774 7-76 7-67 7-85 7-68 8-64 7-32 7-61 776 7-78 7-82 7-76 775 779 7 ; 8i 779 777 776 774 7-65 778 7-72 7-87 7 ; 6i 772 7-69 7-69 7-68 7-67 773 775 7-66 7'86 7-68 f-6i 776 7-78 7-82 776 Bradley 3147 I Pegasi Biadley 3147 Grooinl'riilge 3548 Bradley 1672 S.P 12 Ceti 13 Ceti 5 Capricorn! ft Ceti 1 8 Pegasi Pegasi 2 I'rsa; Minoris Bradley 2993 Bradlev 2993 lo Lacertft; X Pff'usi BAG 551 erver H T. Transi y Capricorn! Bradley 2993... Bradley 2993 Bradley 3147 TJ Pega*i A Pegasi T 2 Aquarii BAG 811"; \ Aquarii 5 Aquarii October 13. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire I. Bradley 2993 E was observed on wire VIII. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire VII. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire Vfl. October 14. Groombriilge 3548 E was observed on wire VII. Groombridge 3548 AV was observed on wire IX. Bradley 2993 AV was observed on wire I. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire IX. Bradley 1672 S.P. W was observed on wires III. and I. (10 bisections with eacb, mean readings lo r 'O29 and 9 r '526 respectively). 2 Ursa; Minoris AV was observed on wire IV. 2 Ursse Minoris E was observed on wire III. Polaris E (2nd observation) was observed on wire IV. October 15. Bradley 2993 E was observed on wire VIII. Bradley 3147 AV was observed on wire IX. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire I. TRANSITS OBSERVED AT GREENWICH AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 77 1 Star's Name. I No. of Wires. ! R.A. M lonMMtar. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. >. 3 | * - i -^ga < 5-O.J 1111 fi s star's Name. 1 No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected 1 Transit. Tubular Apparent 1 R.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at o h Sidereal. j3 Ai[uarii E E E K E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E E W W W W W W W W \v \v \v W W W W W W W E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E W 7 9 9 9 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 9 7 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 7 5 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 9 4 7 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 10 10 r 9-940 ) 1 > ) 11-470 8790 9-940 It ) > ;; : 9-893 9-820 9-940 8-432 9-940 )) 1 > )! >> > ' 1 ) ) 1 10737 9-867 10-006 10-473 9-940 ) 11 ) 11 ) 9-803 9-832 i h in s 21. 25. 33'2I 21.33.4671 21. 38. 34-83 21.40.45-14 21.44. 47-17 21. 47. 51-68 21.51.22-37 21. 54.25-95 21. 59. 55-60 22. I.4I-73 22. 12. 53-77 22. 22. 15-43 22. 22. 15-50 22. 48. 36-28 22. 51. 51-92 22. 54. 47-22 22. 56. 40 69 22. 58. 14-98 22. 59. 4-98 23. I. 15-81 23. 4. 17-09 23- 5.58-94 23. 8. 25-27 23- '9- 4i '59 23.21. 5-40 23. 23. 23-64 23. 28. 1 1 -90 23. 28. 10-68 23-34- 5'59 1 21. 21. 55-00 2I.33.45-98 21. 36. 17-1O 2 I.38.33-96 21. 40. 44-36 21. 44. 46-43 21. 47. 50-92 21. 51. 2I'6l 2I.54.25-I5 21. 56. u-66 21. 59.54-84 22. I. 40-92 22. 4. 26-OO 22. 10. 48-33 22. 12. 53'O6 22. I5-45-3I 22. 22. 9-93 22.22.35-78 22. 22. 19-71 22. 22. 44-99 22. 29. 29-99 22. 31. 51-18 22. 34. 3'6l 22.35.46-54 22. 37- 39-32 22. 41. 2-48 22. 43. 33-60 22. 46. 40-32 22. 48. 36-27 22. 51. 52-01 23. 13. 29-68 23- '4- 59^3 23. 19. 41-86 23. 21. 5'6l 23.23. 2373 23. 28. 14-39 23.28. 7-17 888 33-55 47-15 35-04 45-58 47-18 51-74 22-55 26-19 55-90 4179 54-18 9-5 8-86 36-65 5I-97 47-46 40-47 H-95 5-08 15-96 17-24 59-10 25-55 41-61 5-62 2377 2-88 2-60 5-84 888 53-63 4673 17-86 34-48 45-11 46-81 51-34 22-12 2570 12-43 55-45 4I-34 26-55 49-00 5379 45'93 8-96 34-8i 8-94 34-22 29-92 51-14 8-08 46-37 38-92 2-17 33-63 40-30 36-31 5174 29-65 5962 41-55 5-52 23-54 2-61 2-95 Octol 8 41-68 55-18 43-06 53-59 5537 59-9 1 30-67 34-21 3^6 49-92 2'24 1789 I7-89 44-67 6-I4 55^0 4875 23-I2 IS^ 24-08 25^9 7-24 3365 49-86 IS^ SI'S? 11-86 11-86 I3-83 Octol 56-49 55-15 26-24 43-03 53-56 55-34 59-88 30-64 34-18 20-85 3-93 49^9 35-07 57-52 2'2I 54-39 I7-48 42-48 I7- 4 8 42-48 38-^9 59-53 16-50 54-77 47-42 10-43 41-95 48-53 44-65 0-13 37-90 8-09 49-85 I3-82 3^85 U'49 11-49 jer 17 8 8-13 8-03 8-02 8-01 8-19 8-17 8-12 8-02 8-06 8-13 8-06 8-39 9-03 8-02 8-17 8-14 8-28 8-17 8-19 8-12 8-iS 8-14 8-10 8-25 8-20 8-10 8-98 9-26 7'99 )er 19 2-86 8-42 8-38 8-55 8-45 8-53 8-54 8-52 8-48 8-42 8-48 8-55 8-52 8-52 8-42 8-46 8-52 7-67 8-54 8-26 8-27 8-39 8-42 8-40 8-50 8-26 8-32 8-23 8'34 8-39 8-25 8-47 8-30 8-30 8-31 8-88 8-54 Obs . r 8-03 8-02 8-20 8-18 8-13 8-03 8-07 8-14 8-07 j 8-03 8-18 8-15 8-29 8-18 8-20 8-13 8-16 8-15 8-ii 8-25 8-20 8-10 7-99 Obs 8 : 43 8-39 8-56 8-46 8'54 8-55 8-53 8-49 8-43 8-49 8-56 8-53 8-53 8-43 8-47 8-28 8-40 8'43 8-41 8-51 8-27 8-33 8-24 8-35 8-39 8-25 8-47 8-30 8-30 8-31 erver H T. Transi t ( E E E E E E E W W \v w E E E E E E E W w AV \V If W w w w w i ( w w w w w w w w w W w w w w w E E K E E E E E E E E E E E K K E E W w w O 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 IO 4 9 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 -r 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 3 9 9 9 5 9 6 20 2O 9 9 r 9-940 M H )) ri it t) J If II 9-93I 9-919 9-940 II || 10'ooS 10-106 9-940 H j > 1 ) PI 9-840 >i 9-940 > ii it > i t 9-807 9-913 9-940 1 1 ii H ) M 10-321 9-940 ) > )) t) 10-032 12-028 9-940 It ll 111 S 23. 36. 14-01 23. 40. 34-33 23.43.37-57 23. 46. 41 -81 23. 56. 7-12 o. 7-22-55 o. 33- IS'H o. 41. 18-85 o. 42. 46-66 o. 50. 27-32 0.53-55-07 o. 53. 5670 0.57. 2-24 i. 2.51-43 i- 7-3478 i. ii. 55-62 i. 13. 13-44 i. 19. 15-18 i. 19. 17-34 i. 25. 23-98 i. 29. 41-65 i. 3 1 - 4-23 i. 33. 32-83 i. 35- 30-56 i. 39. 23-24 i. 42. 32-28 i. 44. 50-01 i. 46. 36-81 23-34- 5-62 23. 36. 14-09 23. 40. 33-88 23- 43- 37-14 23.46.41-43 23.49. 47-92 23- 56. 673 23- 57- 5379 23. 59. 29-91 o. 2.21-73 o. 4. 10-83 o. 7. 22-09 o. 9. 6-58 o. 10. 42 64 o. 13. 16-59 o. 13. no 0. 20. 47-04 o. 29. 23-32 o. 30. 48-84 0.33. 15-23 o. 37- 52 '28 o. 41. 18-82 . o. 42. 46-72 o. 47. 11-26 o. 53- 56-47 o. 59. 56-10 I. 2.51-54 I. 4- 42-03 i. 7-34-83 i. 8.39-63 I. II. 55-68 i. 13- ^'S 2 i. 19. 18-05 i. 19. 8-24 i- 35- 30-39 i. 39. 22-95 3 I4-29 34-59 37-86 41-93 7-47 2271 iS'H 18-85 46-83 27-16 48-28 50-61 2-47 51-81 34-85 55-88 I3H9 53-93 53-64 24-08 41-76 4-36 32-92 30-75 23-40 32-49 50-14 36-77 5-65 14-15 34-3 37-58 4172 48-29 7-23 54-39 30-40 22-19 11-19 22-40 6-95 43-01 25-56 24-91 47'iQ 23-41 48-56 14-98 52-48 18-65 4671 "'33 48-27 56-12 51-68 42-06 34-66 3975 55-7I i3'3i 53-27 51-30 30-68 23-21 . 22-32 42-56 45-81 49-98 IS-43 30-69 23-22 26-92 5491 35-40 56-30 56-30 10-47 59-89 42-93 3-89 21-55 I'll I'll 32-21 49-87 !2'42 41-06 38-86 31-50 40-61 58-17 44-88 I3-82 22-31 42-5S 45-80 49-97 56-5I I5-42 2'59 38-60 3 -45 I9-38 30-68 I5-I9 51-32 33-6I 33'6l 55-28 31-52 56-88 23-22 0-58 26-92 54-9I 19-60 56-23 4-17 59-90 50-36 42-94 48-09 3-90 21-56 I'og 1-09 38-87 3I-5I a 8'03 7'97 7'95 8-05 7-96 7-98 8-08 8-07 8-08 8-2 4 8'02 5-69 8-00 8-08 8-08 8-01 8-06 7'i8 7 '47 8-13 8-ii 8 -06 8-14 8-11 8-10 8-12 8-03 8-u 8-17 8-16 8-25 8-22 8-2 S 8-22 8-19 8-20 8-20 8-26 8-ig 8-28 8-24 8-31 8-05 870 8-18 8-n 8-32 8-24 8-10 8-27 8-20 8-27 7-96 8-05 8-22 8-30 8-28 8-34 8-19 8-25 7-82 9-79 8-19 8-30 A 8-03 7W 7'95 8-05 7-96 7^8 8-08 8-07 8-08 8-2 3 . 7'99 8-07 S-O? 8-00 8-05 8-12 8-10 805 8-13 8-10 8-09 8-ii 8-02 8-10 8-17 8-16 8-25 8-22 8-25 8-22 8-19 8-20 8-20 8-26 8-19 8-28 8-24 8-31 8-18 8-n 8-32 8-24 8-10 8-27 8-20 8-27 8-05 8-22 8-30 8-28 8-34 8-19 8-25 8-18 8-29 y Capricorn! e Pegasi 5 Capricorn! 16 Pegasi B A.C. 7641 18 Peasi a Aquarii i Pe ( 'asi Bradley 200^... Bradlev 2QQ3... 5 Atjuarii ci Pe^asi... TI Ceti o Andromeda; 3 l Pegasi a Pegasi cr Pec'asi 58 Pegui co Peasi .. v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147 Braille v 3 147 15.A.C. 551 i Piscium Groom bridge 3548 >rver H T. Transi K Capricorn i t Pc'Hsi . BAG 8315 1 6 Pegasi B A.C 7641 2 Ceti 1 8 Pcfasi 33 Pisciuiri 29 A<}iiarii c, Ceti a Ai[uarii 34 Piscium i Petrasi ,,, y Pe^asi . . rt Preasi 9 Af[iiarii 36 Piscium 45 Aquarii Bradley 1672 S.P. .. . 1 Bradley 1672 S P Bradley 2993 i>raiTley 2997 i IO Ceti Bnullt-y 2993 13 Ceti Bradley 2997 5 Andromeda ft Ceti K A< juarii Androniedse 10 Lacerte K* si 58 Pegasi Aquarii 7 Piscium T Pegasi j W Pegasi |W 9735 11732 9-940 9755 9-409 9-940 9-940 9-697 10-694 9-940 9'577 20 9-865 9-940 1888 October 20. Observer H T. Transit C. 19. 35. 22-89 19. 35- 20. 2. 20. 5. 21. 33- 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 40. 21. 44. 21.47. 21. 51. 21. 54. 22. 2. 22. 5. 22. 22. 24-04 7'59 24-37 46-41 1 7 '49 I -80 7-85 24-63 4677 17-87 44-87 46-89 51-36! 51-44 22-07 ] 22-24 25-53 41-30 46-93 2574 26-47 I3-58 26-68 9-11 22. 22. 13-62 i 8 '94 22. 29. 29-61 ! 29-85 22. 31. 50-93 I 5I-2O 22. 34. 8*'5 8*IO 12-94 16-23 33-01 55-13 26-23 43 ' OI 53-54 SS'33 59-8? 3 ' 6 3 34-I7 49-88 35-06 17-28 17-28 38-18 59-52 16-48 11*14 9-10 8-38 8-38 8-36 8-36 8-40 8-31 8-40 8*43 8'39 8-43 8-50 8-38 8-17 8-34 8-33 8-32 8-38 8-40 8-40 8-37 8-37 8-41 8-32 8-41 8-44 8-40 8-44 8-51 8-39 8-34 8-33 8-39 f Pegasi 77 Pegasi 21 Piscium... t/> Pegasi B.A.C. 8315. 2 Ceti 33 Piscmni... 34 Piscium... Bradley 16728. P. 8 Andromeda: Ceti Andromeda; 20 Ceti fn Andromeda 2 Ursre Minoris 77 I'iseiuin n Ceti 33 Ceti Piscium 37 Ceti , ' T888 October 21. Observer H T. Transit C. 21. 56. IJ'93 21. 59-55' 08 22. 1.41-29 22. 4. 26-28 22. IO. 48-62 22. 12. 53-28 22. 15.45-54 22. l8. 20-35 22. 22. 14-03 22. 22. 22. 29. 22. 31. 22. 34- 22. 35- 22. 37. 22. 41. 22. 43. 23. I. 23. II. 23- 13- 23. 14. 23. 19. 23. 21. 23. 23. 23. 28. I3-I8 29'37 50-61 7-84 45-96 38-66 I5-27 15-09 28-96 59-39 41-14 4-96 23-00 9-19 I2 4 I9 55-22 41-21 26-36 48-81 53-52 45-69 20-59 8-19 29-59 50-86 772 46-10 38-63 174 33-29 15-42 15-28 29-22 59H2 41-17 5-17 23-12 2-40 23. 28. 11-90 ! 3-63 20-82 3-90 49-86 35-05 57-49 2-19 5437 29-22 17-08 17-08 38-17 59-51 16-47 54-75 47-39 10*40 41-92 24-05 23-92 37-88 8-07 49-83 13-80 31-84 11*14 11*14 8-63 8-68 8-65 8-69 8-68 8-67 8-68 8-63 9-14 8-58 8-65 875 8-65 876 8-66 8-63 8-63 8-64 8-66 8-65 8-66 8-63 872 8-74 8-64 8-69 8-66 8-70 8-69 8-68 8-69 8-64 8'59 8-66 876 8-66 877 8-67 8-64 8-64 8-64 8-66 8-65 8-66 8-63 872 A Piscium 19 Piscium 21 Piscium tf> Pegasi a Piscium 30 Piscium 2 Ceti 33 Piscinm 5 Ceti 34 Piscium 7 1'egiisi 35 Piscium 36 Tiscium Bradley 1672 S.P. Wj 9 \V'j 9 W| 9 W Bradley 1672 S.P I E 13 Ceti E B Ceti <" Andromeda;.... S Piscium 20 Ceti H Andromeda'... 2 Ursie Minoris. T) Ceti tj> Piscium 1883 October 23. Observer L. Transit C. 9-940 10-071 9-940 10-158 9-940 22. 35. 46-29 46-46 22. 37- 38-97 38-99 23- 43- 37- T 8 37-42 23.46.41-42 41*54 23. 49. 47-68 48-06 23- 57- 53-89 54-24 23- 59- 29-99 30-26 o. 4. 1078 10-95 5476 47HO 45-80 49-97 56-5 2-58 38-59 19-38 o. 13. o-33- 0-37- o. 41. 0.47. 0. 50. 0-53- 0.59. i- 3- 1. 4. i. 7. i. 8. 11-50 14-61 51-68 18-24 10*82 26-81 51-03 4I-59 34-28 24-26 ; 14-65 52-06 8-33 1 1 -08 2677 48-50 55-03 51-35 4' ^ 34-37 23-21 0-58 26-92 19-60 35-41 56-21 59-90 42-94 48-09 9-940 23. 23. 23. 23- 2 3- 23- 23- o. o. o. o. o. o. 10-966 10-134 9-940 11711 9-940 36.13-38! 4- 33-67 43- 36-96 46. 41 -37 53-27-32 56. 6-49 57- 53-57 59- 29-73 2. 21-63 4. 10-64 7.21-93 9. 6 -40 10. 42-48 13. lo-oo I 13. 12-36] 29. 22 -68 i 30. 48-21 1 37- 5 1 "49; 41. 18-27 42. 46-17 j 47. 10-78! 50. 26-87 53- 53-26 2.51-05 7- 34-27 13-50 33-78 37-09 4' '35 27-40 6-67 29-90 21-78 10-69 21-94 6'47 42-5S 26-80 26-26 22-93 48-15 51-86 18-29 46-33 II'OI 26-75 48-14 5I-35 34-29 22-30 42-54 4578 49-96 36-08 15-41 2-58 3S-59 30-44 19-38 30-68 15-18 31-52 56-87 0-58 26-92 19-60 35-4I 56-20 59-90 22. 35- 22. 37. 22. 46. 22. 48. 22. 51. 22. 54. 22. 56. 23. I- 23- 4- 23- 8. 23. ii. 23. 14- 23. 19. 46-20 39-00 39'66 3574 5'-45 46-65 40-46 15-18 16-48 24-79 1509 59-54 41-15 i 46-50 39-06 40-15 ! 36-32 51-64 47x6 40-32 16-79 25-26 15-47 1 59-70 41-32 5472 48-49 44*61 0*09 55-55 48-67 24-03 23-90 8-06 49-81 8-22 8-30 8-34 8-29 8-45 8-49 8-35 8-54 8-55 8-34 8-43 8-36 8-49 8-22 8-30, 8'34 8-29 8-45 8-49 8-35 8-54 855 8*34 8-43 8-36 8-49 Bradley 3147 W Bradley 3147 1 K A Piscium i K 19 Piscium E 21 Piscium E Pfgasi E {.'Andromeda: K 20 Ceti K fi Andromeda E 2 Ursa; Minoris E 2 I'lva.- Minoris \V 10 9 9! 5. 9 9 5 9 10 684 23. 28. 11-44 1*19 9 940 23. 36. 13*37 13-80 (23.40.3373 34-I4 23-43- 36-93i 37-37 23.46. 41-43 41-68 o. 41. 18-29 i i8"47 ! o. 47. 10-58 | 11-04 j o. 50. 26-90 26-88 8-854 : o. 53. 54-02 46-30 10-76 22-29 42-53 457 49-95 26-92 19-60 35-40 56-15 il o 0.0: 8-30 8-41 8-38 8-43 8-45 8-34 8-33 8'43 9-54 8-56 8-52 8-59 8-52 8-64 771 8-54 8-55 8-53 8-57 8-51 8-80 8-76 8-69 8-61 8-68 874 8-74 8-69 8-66 8-69 8-74 8-71 8*76 7-21 775 8-59 872 872 8-63 S'59 8-59 8*66 8-06 8-55 8-66 10 11*579 | 23. 28. 11-81 : 0-85 10-76 9-91 9-5? 8-49 8-39 8-41 8-27 8-45 8-56 8-52 9-85 10 7-590 0.53.56-24,48-01 56-15 8-14 8-31 8-42 8-38 8-43 8-45 8-34 8-33 8-43 8-56 8-52 8-59 8-52 8-64 8-54 8-54 8-52 8-56 8-50 8-80 876 8-69 8-61 8-68 874 8-74 8-69 8-66 8-69 8-74 871 876 8-59 8-72 8-72 8-63 8-59 8-59 8-66 8-66 8'49 8-39. 8-41 8-27 8-45 8-56 8-52 October 20. A Minoris W was observed on wiie IX. A Urste Minoris E was observed on wire I. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire VII. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire IX. October 21. Bradley 2993 W was observed on wire III. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire IX. Bradley 3147 K was observed on wire VII. (10 bisections, mean ^.v _.. i _:.. ir r.~ i.:..: reading 9 r '392). Bradley 3147 W was observed on wire VII. (10 bisections, ini-iui leading 9 r *73O / and wire IX. (10 reading 9 r "762) and wire V. (10 bisections, mean bisections, mean reading 9 r '999). TRANSITS OBSERVED AT GREENWICH AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 79 Star's Name. Observed Transit. II 3s ~ Sr III I5S;! Star's Ifanie. I Observed Transit. 1888 October 26. Observer L. Transit C. I'egasi ai I'iscium 30 Piscium 34 Pisciiim 7 Pesjasi 35 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P. Polaris... W 9 W 9 7 7 9 W W :\V 6 10 9-850 11-141 23. 46. 40-69 23. 53. 26-52 23. 56. 5-90 o. 4. 9-99 o. 7.21-51 o. 9. 5-94 0. 12. 57-04 1. 19. 26-47 41-16 27-16 6-72 10-56 22-02 6-55 84-83 51-68 49-93 36-05 1539 19-36 30-66 15-17 35-I4 0-95 877 8-89 8-67 8-80 8-64 8-62 10-31 9-27 8-77 8-89 8-67 8-80 8-64 8-62 Polaris \ Arietis 1 12 Piscium. 60 Ceti 15 Arietis.... 19 Arietis.... 67 Ceti o Ceti 15-411 9-850 19. 26-32 Si- 35-I3 . 54. 12-96 57. 20-53 4. 19-03 6. 50-71 II. 17-15 13. 34-67 5I-6o 35-52 13-64 21-25 19-48 51-22 17-98 35-44 0-95 44-28 22-25 29-70 28-09 59-70 26 50 9-35 8-76 8-61 8-45 8-61 8-48 8-52 8-52 1888 October 27. Observer L. Transit C. 6 Pegiisi ....... 6 Aquarii ..... 45 Aquarii ____ y Aquarii ..... Bradley 2997. Bradley 2997. A Pegasi T' J Aqivarii . A Aquarii 5 Aquarii 51 Pasi SjPegaei 58Peasi 59 Pegnsi Aquarii 7 Piscium 96 Aquarii !/ Pegiisi K Piscium 9 5 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9-850 7-814 9-850 22. 4. 25-64 22. 10. 48-05 22. 12. 52-56 22. 15. 44-89 22. 22. 44-00 22. 22. 41-31 22. 37- 38-52 22.41. 1-36 22. 43. 32-22 22. 46. 38-89 22. 48. 35-08 22. 51. 50-98 23. I. I4-69 23- 4- 15-99 23- 5- 5779 23. 8. 24-08 23. ii. 14-52 23. 12. 28-17 23. 19. 40-53 23. 21. 4-43 26-31 48-93 53-52 45^7 3334 3f64 38-88 I-8 3 39-82 5' 'So 1537 16-67 58-48 24-98 15-28 29-06 41-00 5-23 57-4I 2'12 54-30 40-I5 40-15 W33 41-86 48-45 0-04 25-30 7-16 23-87 37-83 49-78 1375 8-67 8-48 8-60 8-63 6-81 8-51 8-43 8-50 8-63 8-63 8-43 8-54 8-62 8-63 8-68 8-59 8-59 8-77 8-78 8-52 8-67 8-48 8-60 8-63 8-43 8-50 8-63 8-63 8'43 S'54 8-62 8-63 8-68 8-59 8-59 8-77 8-78 8-52 70 Pegasi , ISradley 3147. W| 9 W 10 Bradley 3147 E 1 Piscium E A Piscium E w Piscium E 2 Ceti E 33 Pwiurn IE f Andromedie E jt Andromeda; E 2 Ursa; Minoris.... ,. E 1 2 UrsiB Minoris. T) Celi ............. Piscium 37 Ceti Polaris Polaris. 9-850 11-744 10-839 9-850 9-215 23. 23. 22-49 23. 28. 1 2 '08 10 9-394 6 | 9-850 9' 5 10 10 11-671 9-460 23. 28. 23- 34- 23- 36- 23- 53- 23- 57- 23- 59- o. 41. o. 50. 0-53- 4-56 13-06 26-97 53-09 29-28 18-14 26-93 58-97 23-12 58-79 59-06 5-22 1378 27-61 54-08 30-10 . 18-51 27-01 ! 48-02 0. 53. 56-08 46-17 1. 2.50-32 51-29 ' 7- 33'82 | 34-27 i. 8. 3870 39-64 i. 19. 2475 49'22 3J79 973 973 1377 22-26 36-04 2-54 38-56 26-92 35-40 59-9I 42-96 48-10 0-72 i. 19. 26-42 47-37 | 072 8-67 10-94 10-67 8-55 8-48 8-43 8-46 8-46 8-41 8-39 7-85 9'7 8-62 8-69 8-46 11-50 I3-35 1888 October 30. Observer L. Transit C. S Aquarii o Prgasi 55 Pegiisi 58 Prgasi Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147 21 Pisciiuu Pegasi B.A.C. 8315 01 Piscium 30 Pixcium 53 Piscium 5 C'eti 34 Piscium 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. C Andromeda 1 9-940 22. 48. 35-08 ' 36-52 i 44-53 E 10 E 9 22. 59. 4-26 23. I. 14-82 ,, 23. 4. 16-11 10-545 23.28.21-00 9-940 8-460 9-591 9-940 23- 28. 23- 43- 23. 46. 23- 49- 23- 53- 23- 56. 23- 59- O. 2. O. 4. o. 7. o. 13- 19-08 36-04 40-59 46-98 26-32 5-47 28-67 20-68 9-88 21-25 5-05 I5-74 17-03 1-63 0-41 37-18 41-36 47-96 2734 676 29-94 21-89 10-81 22-08 28-39 I3"'4 23-96 25-27 8-86 8-86 4574 49-90 56-46 36-03 15-36 38-54 30-41 I9'34 30-64 3734 o. 13.49-44 30-82 37-34 o. 41. 17-86 18-44 26-91 8-01 8-09 8-22 8-24 7-23 8'45 8-56 8-54 8-50 8-69 8-60 8-60 8-52 8-53 8-56 8-95 6-52 8-47 8-01 8-09 8-22 8-24 8-56 8-54 8-50 8-69 8-60 8-60 8-52 8-53 8-56 8-47 20 Ceti ] E ;u Andromeda; j E 2 Ursa; Minoris E W W w w w /Piscium I W v Piscium I W Polaris W 2 Ursre Minoris. 77 Piscium TJ Ceti 33 Ceti r/> Piscium . Polaris 101 Piscium. IT Piscium.... 105 Piscium. v Piscium .... Arietis A Arietis ... 9-940 8-421 8-554 9-940 10 9 9 9 9 9 1 ,, 9' ,. 10 j 11-130 10-072 9-940 0.47. 9-89 o. 50. 26-58 o. 54- i '57 O. 54. I'll 0. 59- 54-55 1. 2. 50-OO I. 4. 40-74 ' 7- 3379 i. ii. 54-31 i. 13. 12-57 i. 19. 39-82 i. 19.3771 i. 29. 4070 i. 33. 31-67 i. 35. 29-48 i. 48. 20-97 1.51.35-00 11-04 2676 47-11 47-18 55-61 51-38 41-84 34-42 55-39 !3 -I 3 49-88 45'94 41-51 4-13 32-44 30-48 21-65 35'6i I9-S9 35-39 55-53 55-53 4-18 59-91 50-37 42-96 3 '92 21-58 59-88 59-88 49-92 12-48 41-11 38-92 30-16 4431 8-55 8-63 8-42 8-35 8-57 8-53 8-53 8-54 8-53 8-45 lO'OO 13-94 8-41 8-35 8-67 8-44 8-51 870 1888 November 9. Observer L. Transit C. 58 Pegasi 59 Pegasi. Aquarii 7 Piscium 96 Aquarii.... T Pegasi v Pegasi K Piscium 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147. 9-940 9-196 4. 16-71 5. 58-36 8. 24-70 II. 14-99 13- 28-95 14- 59-50 19. 41-26 21. 4-77 23-23-15 28. 7-67 1 6 -86 58-52 25-02 15-20 29-26 59-49 41-25 S'oi 23-26 57-26 25-16 7-02 33-43 2374 3770 7-87 49-63 13-63 31-66 6-16 8-30 8-50 8-41 8-54 8'44 8-38 8-38 8-62 8-40 8-90 8-30 8-50 8-41 8-54 8-44 8-38 8-38 8-62 8-40 Bradley 3147.... ir Andromedie .. S Andromedse... B Ceti f Andromeda;... 5 Piscium 20 Ceti 2 Minoris. 2 Ursa; Minotis. 9-259 23. 28. 7-28 9-940 o. 30. 48-87 o. 33. 15-20 0.37.5178 0.41.1872 o. 42. 46-69 O. 47. 11-20 o. 53. 54-85 8-112 8-084 0.53.5473 48-70 15-07 52-22 18-69 46-84 11-45 4675 46-88 6-16 56-79 23-14 0-50 26-87 54-87 19-56 54-57 54-57 9-62 8-09 8-07 8-28 8-18 8-03 7-82 7-69 October 26. Polaris W was observed on wire IX. Polaris E wai observed on wire I. November 9. Bradley 3147 E was observed on wire I. 80 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1838. Star's Name. s 1 i Observed Transit. - = !>! sy| Star's Name. .1 31 Observed Transit. m >>_ 11*1 1888 November 9. Observer L. Transit C. continued. 37 Ceti.... / Pisciuni . v Pisciuni . Polaris... Polaris. 10 r 9-940 || II 12-505 10-208 i- 8. 39-50 39-84 I- II.55-53 5574 i. 19. 16-20 1 3 '44 48-92 i. 19. i? 79 '49"67 48-09 3-9i zi'57 57-62 57-62 8-25 8-17 8-13 8-70 7'95 8-25 8-17 8-13 i) Pisciuiii. 39 Arietis. 41 Arietis. a Arietis .. K 9 K 9 K 4 E 9 9-940, 1.25.23-98 2.41. 9-71 2.43. 18-58 2-45- I3-3I 24-03 9^9 18-49 32-25 17-87 2679 2I'6l 8-22 8-28 8-30 8-24 8-22 8-28 8-30 8-24 1888 November 13. Observer L. Transit C. Aquarii 7 Pisciuni T Pegasi v Pegasi 70 Pegasi Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147 1 Piscium A Piscium 19 Piscium 21 Piscium <(> Pegnsi B.A.C. 8315 u Piscium: 2 Ceti 33 Piscium 5 Ceti 34 Piacium Bradley 1672 S.P. . Bradley 1672 S.P. jSCeti ( Andromedae S Piscium fi. Andromedse 2 Ursfe Minoris.... 77 Pisoium i) Ceti 33 Ceti Piscium 37 Ceti 10 E E; 9 E E E | 20 E 4 E 9 5! 9 E 9 E , 9 9-930 8-984 8-350 9-930 11-647 10-895 9'93 9-516 9-930 23. 8. 24-18! 25-26 23. n. 14-80: 1575 23. 14.59-16 59*0 23. 19.40-88 41-52 23. 23. 22-82 23-63 23. 28. 9-48 56-04 9 - l6 4-65 13-20 33-45 36-74 4I-OO 47-35 26-91 53-03 29-25 21-21 23. 28. 23- 34- 23- 36- 23. 40. 23- 43- 23. 46. 23- 49- 23- S3- 23- 57- 23- 59- O. 2. o. 4. 10-29 o. 13. 10-76 o. 13. 7-56 0.37-5I-05 o. 41. 18-06 o. 42. 46-01 o. 50. 26-82 0. 53- 57-94 o- 59- 54-94 1. 2.50-49 i. 4.41-29 i. 7-34-10 i. 8. 38-58 56-52 5-61 14-22 34-44 3778 4177 48-27 27-86 54-33 30-37 22-29 11-17 38-60 36-98 52-32 18-70 46-91 27-17 47-95 557 51-63 42-25 34-74 23-70 7-82 49-58 31-62 4-76 476 13-61 22'12 4978 56-34 I 35-92 1 2-41 38-44 30-30 19-24 43^4 0'47 26-85 54-85 35-32 53-89 4-14 50-35 42-94 48-07 8-12 7-95 8-02 8-06 7-99 8-72 8-24 8-00 7-90 7'93 7-84 8-01 8-07 8-06 8-08 8-07 8-oi 8-07 5-24 6-86 8-15 8-iS 7-94 8-15 5 '94 8-27 8-24 8-10 8-20 8-38 8-12 7-95 8-02 8-06 7-99 8-00 7-90 7-93 7-84 8-01 8-07 8-06 8-08 8-07 8-oi 8-07 8-15 8-15 7-94 8-15 8"-2 7 8-24 8-10 8-20 8-38 /Piscium . i> Pisciuni . Polaris... Polaris IOI Pisciuni . IT Piscium.... 105 Piscium. v Piscium /3 Arietis \ Arietis 60 Ceti . w 5 Ceti 7* Ceti 39 Arietis 41 Arietis r) Eridani c Arietis a Ceti p Persei /3 Persei 8 Arietis '( Arietis Groombridge 2283 S.P VV 10 W 9 W W w w w I Trianguli j W 9 t Arietis W 9 ? Ceti Vf 9 27 Arietis W 9 29 Arietis Piazzi II. 123 v Arielis.... 9-930 9-069 9-208 9-930 12 9-864 13. 1270, 13-29 19- 25-55! 49^9 . 19. 21-69 . 29. 41-04 31- 33- 3'6l 41-87 4'47 33-I5 30 84 22'M 5I-35-64, . 57. 20-52 21-56 2. 2. 47-761 48-23 2. 18.4285 4374 2. 22. 6'2I 7'11 . 35- 29-5*8 .48.21-37 2. 24.35-70 _ 2 26. 40-18 41-00 2. 29. 50-19 2. 32. 21'54 22-26 2.33- 2-37- 2. 4 I. 2.43- 2.50. 2. 52. 2.56. 2-57- 3- o. 3- 5- 3- 8. 3- 12. 23-44 9-07 IS'M 50 'S6 42-89 I9-33 5524 48-27 7-68 22-09 16-09 3892 24-39 9-61 1 8 -68 43-57 20 26 8-39 22-78 3-90 21-57 5570 557 49-93 12-49 41-14 30-20 4435 29-77 56-24 5177 15-19 44-67 49-I5 59-29 30-51 32-69 17-88 26-82 0-17 5170 28-45 3'8o 56-80 16-69 31-06 8-40 8-28 6-41 ' 8-18 8-06 8-02 7'99 8-09 8-09 8-02 8-21 8-01 8-03 8-06 8-18 8-15 8-16 8-25 8-30 8-27 8-14 8-19 8-13 8-19 8-22 8-2 3 8-30 8-28 7-64 8-40 8-28 8-06 8-02 7-99 8-09 8-09 8-02 8-21 8-01 8-03 8-06 8-18 8-15 8-16 8-25 8-35 8-30 8-27 8-14 8-19 8-13 8-19 8-22 8-2 3 8-30 8-28 November 13. Bradley 1672 S.P. E was observed on wire IX. MEAN CLOCK KATE. 81 XIV. MEAN CLOCK RATE. Forming now the means of each group of clock stars observed between reversals of the instrument we get the results shown in the tables on pages 82 to 87. The first five columns require no explanation. In the 6th column the results of columns IV. and V. are corrected for systematic difference between the two positions W and E. To obtain this correction the various groups were all reduced to O h sidereal with clock rates, generally agreeing with those finally adopted on p. 92. The means of the results W and E were then taken weighting according to the number of stars in each group, and the differences of these means formed for each day. These differences are given below ; and assigning weights to them by the 2,mn formula where m and n are the numbers of stars observed W and E respectively on each day we find the mean systematic differences W and E (due to lateral flexure, form of pivots, or other causes) to be Clock slow W, Clock slow E, Transit B. -0"-023 Transit C. + 0-045 Clock Slow W. Clock Slow E. Transit B. Transit G. Date. W. E. wt. W. E. We. Sept. 30 8 0'12 24- 8 0-02 7 Oct. i 0-03 II O'O3 3 3 + 0-09 16 + O'll ii 5 O'OZ 25 + 0-07 21 " + 0-19 16 + 0-09 26 13 0-16 16 + 0'4 25 H 0-14 18 + 0-09 3 15 + 0-07 18 + O'OI 7 17 O'OI 23 + 0'08 2 4 19 0-08 21 + o - o6 3 2 o-ii I I 0-09 IS 21 + O'lO 21 + 0-04 22 23 + O'OI 18 o - O4 9 26 0-05 18 + 0-17 6 27 0-04 27 + O'lO '4 3 + 0-05 5 + 0-14 i* ^N T ov. 9 + 0-13 8 + 0'20 ii 13 0-12 23 - 0-13 26 Weighted ) Mean / 0-023 3i9 + '

l8 - 33-84 Oct. 26 22. 9 6 - 40-84 - 40-85 + o-io 22.39 9 -40-91 40-90 + 0-05 23.58 8 ... - 40-93 - 4'94 + o-oi 0.51 IO - 4I-05 - 41-04 0-09 '34 3 - 41-07 41-08 O-I3 23-43 i9. T 7 ... - 40-95 Oct. 27 21. 50 13 -42-14 - 42-13 + 0-18 23- 7 !6 - 42-23 - 42-24 + 0-07 0.51 13 - 42-40 - 42-39 - 0-08 2. I 12 ... - 42-50 -42-51 O'2O 23.52 26,28 ... - 42-3' Oct. 30 o. 4 3 - 47-43 - 47-45 O-O4 o-33 2 - 47'27 - 47-25 + 0-16 i-39 7 - 47-46 - 47-44 '3 i. 4 9.3 - 47-41 Nov. 9 0.45 5 - 73-72 - 73'6i - 7373 + 0-26 I. IO 4 - 74-oi - 74-02 0-03 2.58 7 -74-14 -74-I3 0-14 3.26 i - 74-iS - 74''6 - 0-17 ' 55 I2 >5 ... - 73-99 Nov. 1 3 22. 19 22 - 83-86 -83-85 + O'ZI o. 17 7 - 84-04 - 84-05 + o-oi I. IO 2 - 84-44 ... - 84-43 -0-37 2.26 '5 -84-33 - 84-34 0-28 o. 5 24,22 84-06 MEAN CLOCK RATE. 85 Transit C. Greenwich Clock. Mean Clock Error. Mean R. A. of Group. Number of Stars. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. b m 8 8 8 Sept. 30 20. 51 6 ... 5'86 .5-88 + 0-06 0. 22 7 5-82 5-80 0-02 i.l| i 5'59 5-6, O'2I 22.55 7,7 5-82 Oct. i 20. 58 7 574 572 0-24 22. 42 13 5-98 6'oo + 0-04 0. 7 6-16 6-14 -f- 0-18 22.35 H.I3 5-96 Oct. 3 22. 36 12 5-87 5-85 + 0-02 o. 17 9 5- 7 6 5-78 0-05 I. 4 2 5-90 5-88 + 0-05 23. 28 '4,9 5-83 Oct. 5 21. 4 5-89 5-91 o-oo 22. 42 16 5'97 ... 5'95 + 0-04 23-49 6 5-81 5-83 - 0-08 : I. 2 7 5-90 ... 5-88 - 0-03 1 22. 41 23,20 5-91 Oct. 1 1 21. 7 7 7-20 7-22 0-04 21.48 7 7-29 7-27 + O'OI 23- 7 13 7-20 7-22 0-04 23- 54 ii 7-20 ... 7-18 - 0-08 : o. 42 9 ... 7-25 7-27 + o-oi . . ' 1.31 ; 5 7-58 7-56 + 0-30 23. 20 23,29 7-26 Oct. 1 3 , 21.15 2 7-67 7-69 + 0-06 zi-49 10 7-56 ... 7-54 . . - o-io 23- 4 17 7-58 7-60 ' 0-03 i 23-55 | 13 7-71 7-69 + 0-06 ' 4 9 7-65 7-67 + 0-04 \ 23. 19 23,28 7-63 86 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Transit C. Greenwich Clock continued. Mean Clock Error. Date. Mean R.A.of Group. Number of Stars. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. h m 8 8 8 Oct. 14 21. II 4 7-66 7-68 0-04 21.53 10 7-76 774 + O-O2 22.55 IS 7-67 7-69 O-OJ o-37 9 777 ... 775 + 0-OJ I. 7-62 7-64 0-08 1.39 8 ... 7-71 773 + O'OI 23-23 19,28 ... 7-72 Oct. 1 5 21-34 i 7-61 7-63 O-IO 22.48 8 774 ... 7-72 o-oi 23-55 5 775 Til + 0-04 23- 7 8,6 773 Oct. 17 21.48 ii 8-09 8-11 + 0'O2 23- 5 13 8-16 8-14 + 0-05 23-52 8-00 8-02 O-O7 0.45 3 8-13 ... 8-n + 0-02 i. 7 5 8-05 8-07 O-O2 1.36 9 8-10 8-08 o-oi 23.42 25,24 ... 8-09 Oct. 19 21.54 >5 8-48 8-46 + OM4 22.53 15 8-34 8-36 + 0-04 23-53 4 8-22 8-20 0-12 o. 50 15 8-22 8-24 0'08 '37 2 8- 25 ... 8-23 O'Og " 23. 26 31,3 ... 8-32 Oct. 20 21. 30 12 8-39 8-41 O'O3 23.17 II 8-37 8-35 O-O9 0.54 IO 8-55 8-57 + 0-13 23- 7 11,22 ... 8-44 Oct. 21 22. 8 8 8-66 8-64 O'OI 22. 56 '4 8-66 8-68 + o-oi 23.56 13 8-71 8-69 + 0'02 o. 46 9 8-63 8-65 O-O2 23.14 21,23 ... ... 8-67 MEAN CLOCK RATE. 87 Transit G. Greenwich Clock continued. Mean Clock Error. Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. h Q) 8 s i Oct. 23 22.58 13 8-40 8-38 0-03 o. 9 7 ... 8-44 8-46 + 0-05 23- *3 '3,7 ... 8-41 Oct. 26 23-59 6 8-73 8- 7 i + 0-07 2. 3 7 8-56 8-58 0-06 i. 6 6,7 8-64 Oct. 27 22. 11 4 8-60 8'62 + 0-06 23. I '5 8-60 8-58 + O-O2 o. 4 7 8-45 8-47 O'Og i. 7 3 8-59 ... 8-57 + O'OI 23.24 1 8, 1 1 8-56 Oct. 30 22. 58 4 8-14 8-16 - 0-32 23.56 9 8-57 8-55 + 0-07 o. 46 3 8-55 ' 8-57 + 0-09 i- 7 6 8-53 8-51 + 0-03 1-38 6 8-51 8-53 + 0-05 o. 30 15,13 8-48 Nov. 9 23. 13 9 8-44 8-42 + 0-13 -39 6 8-13 8-15 0-14 i. ii 3 8-18 8-16 -0-13 2.24 4 8-26 8-28 O'OI o. 27 12,10 8-29 Nov. 1 3 23.15 5 8-03 8-05 0-07 23.50 ii 8-00 ... 7-98 0-14 o. 58 ii 8-21 8-23 + o-ii 2. 2 H 8-09 8-07 0-05 2.52 1 1 ... 8-24 8-26 + 0-14 I.I5 *5, 2 7 8-12 88 TELEGRAPHIC DETEKMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. From the differences in column VII. we can find the clock rate for the evening, which a preliminary discussion showed was generally different for the Paris clock from the daily rate deduced by comparing one night's observations with the next. For this investigation, let r be the residual for a group of n stars whose sidereal time is t, and T the mean sidereal time of all the observations on that night, x the clock rate. Then by the usual rule of " Least Squares," x x S[w (*-T) 2 ] = Z[n (* - T) r]. In the following table the values of x are given in the 2nd and 6th columns ; and the mean hourly rates deduced by comparing each night's observations with the next are given in the 5th and 8th columns. It will be seen that the differences are sensible and systematic, and in the case of the Paris clock are doubtless due to the considerable changes of temperature during the day to which the clock was exposed. The case of the Greenwich clock will be referred to presently. On comparing notes with the French observers it was found that they too obtained evening rates differing from the average daily rate, and their results are added in the 3rd and 7th columns : the 4th column will be explained hereafter. PAKIS CLOCK. GREENWICH CLOCK. Date. Hourly Clock Rate from Evening Observations. Adopted Hourly Clock Rate. Mean Hourly Rate for the Day. Hourly Clock Kate from Evening Observations. Mean Hourly Rate for the Day. English. French. English. French. s i a 8 Sept. 30 Oct. I 3 5 0-087 o-ioo 0-128 - 0-157 0-082 0-069 0-130 0-085 - 0-085 0-099 0-144 0-071 - 0-073 0-069 O-O3I + 0-137 O-O2I O-OI4 - 0-047 O-OI3 0-006 0-OO5 4- 0-006 0-003 4- 0-003 ii '3 H '5 17 '9 20 21 0-131 - 0-185 O- 1 I 2 - 0-I83. 0-2OO 0-181 -0-147 0-067 0-124 0-114 0-104 O-IIO 0-106 0-060 0-099 -0-155 0-113 - 0-175 - 0-147 -0-153 - 0-144 0-105 - 0-075 0-093 0-091 0-083 0-078 - 0-094 0-091 4- 0-036 + 0-038 4- 0-008 4- 0-056 - 0-015 0-079 + 0-042 4- 0-006 + 0-007 0-O2I + O-OI5 o-oio O-OI7 o-oio 0-050 4- 0-008 4- 0-004 4. o-ooo + 0-008 + 0-005 + 0-005 + o-oio 23 26 27 30 Nov. 9 '3 r- 0-106 0-065 0-090 0-039 0-142 0-122 0-083 0-015 0-016 0-140 0-094 0-040 0-08 1 0-028 - 0-133 0-131 0-098 - 0-057 0-070 O-IIO 0-107 4- 0-067 0-063 + 0-095 0-063 + '55 + 0-033 0-014 0-085 4- 0-006 + 0-003 0-003 o-ooi o-ooi O-OO2 [The figures in Columns 5 and 8 have been obtained from the Table on p. fli.] MEAN CLOCK RATE. 89 It will be seen that there are considerable differences between the results of the English and French observers. Part of these differences is no doubt accidental, as the probable error of a determination of rate from 2 or 3 hours' observations is large. The apparently systematic differences are possibly due to change of personal equation during the evening, although the following mean differences for the groups do not seem to bear out this view. Paris Clock. Greenwich Clock. Observers. Difference. Observers. Difference. - 8 i ist Group (Sept. 3O-Oct. 5) . B-HT + 0-030 D-L 0-036 2nd Group (Oct. 1 1-2 1 ) D-L + 0-074 B-HT O'Oiy 3rd Group (Oct. 23-Xov. 13) B-HT + 0-017 D-L 0-027 For the final rate of the Paris clock it was considered best to take the mean of the two results without further investigating these somewhat curious differences, for the effect of the clock rate on the longitude is very small. These means are accordingly given in column IV. In cases where no result for rate was obtained by the French observers, half the mean differences tabulated above for the difference between English and French results for each group, has been applied to the English result to form the adopted rates in column IV. The reason for this change of rate during the evening is no doubt the great variation of temperature to which the French clock was exposed. It was in the observing room where the French transit was mounted, and the weather during the operations underwent several changes. But it is somewhat remarkable that the differences between clock rate during the evening and from day to day should be so large for the Greenwich clock. This clock is the standard sidereal clock of the observatory, and is kept in a basement where the varia- tion of annual temperature is only a few degrees, and the daily variation is insensible. On careful examination we are led to the conclusion that there is nothing of a systematic character in these differences, and that they must be regarded as accidental. It will be seen from the following table that the mean of the arithmetical differences between the results of the English and French observers is nearly twice as great as the mean arithmetical correction to daily rate indicated by both conjointly : and this is just the result we should obtain if these differences are purely accidental, for in that case the probable errors of E F and E + F would be the same, and the probable error of the Trf -U TT latter would be twice that of D if D, is sensibly accurate. If, then, the GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. m 90 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. differences are accidental, we should expect the mean error of E F to be nearly twice "T1 t "C 1 that of D, which is just what we find. The columns in the following table sufficiently well explain themselves, the rate D is taken from column VII. of the table on page 92 : Date. Hourly Rate for Evening. Hourly Rate for the Day (D.). E-F. E + F D ~2~ English Observations = (E. ). French Dbservations=(F.). Sept. 30 8 0-03I 8 - 0-047 s + 0-008 8 + 0-016 - 0-047 Oct. i + 0-137 0-013 + 0-005 + 0-150 + 0-057 3 O-O2I O-OO6 o-oo i 0-015 0-013 5 O-OI4 O-OO5 + 0-005 0-009 0-015 Oct. 1 1 + 0*036 + 0-007 + O-OO7 + 0-029 + 0-015 '3 + 0-038 0-021 + O-OO7 + 0-059 + O-OO2 H + 0-008 + 0-015 + 0-007 0-007 + 0-005 15 + 0'056 ... + 0-006 ... " '7 0'015 o-oio + 0-006 0-005 O-OI9 '9 O'O79 0-017 + 0-004 0-062 0-052 20 + 0-042 o-oio + 0-005 + 0-052 + O'OII 21 + 0-0.06 0-050 + 0-006 + 0-056 0-028 Oct. 23 + 0-067 + o-oo i ... 26 0-063 ... o-ooo ... ... 27 - 0-039 + 0-033 + 0-002 0-072 . 0-005 3 + 0-095 0-014 o-ooo + 0-109 + 0-040 Nov. 9 0-063 0-085 + o-oo i + O-O22 - 0-075 13 + 0-055 + 0-006 o-ooi Mean.... Mean without ) regard to sign J + 0-049 + 0-032 + 0-025 0-006 0-047 0-028 MEAN CLOCK RATE. 91 It was finally decided, therefore, to deduce the hourly rate of the Greenwich clock from the daily rate determined from Transit-Circle observations, about which great care is taken. These adopted rates are given on page 92. As a check on the general accuracy of these adopted rates, the evenings were selected when there had been two exchanges at a considerable interval, and the difference of the two clock rates was determined on each evening from a comparison of these two sets of signals. The resulting differences of hourly clock rate are given in the 2nd column below ; in the 3rd column are the differences of adopted clock rates, and in the 4th column the difference of the mean daily rates, found by comparing one night's observations with the next, which, in the case of the Paris clock, differs from that adopted. Differences of Hourly Clock Rates. Greenwich Paris. Adopted From Signals. (from Evening Mean for the Day. Observations). 8 8 Oct. 5 + 0-154 + 0-149 + 0-073 ii + 0-091 + 0-106 + 0-083 13 + 0-132 + 0-162 + 0-090 4 + 0-154 + O-I2O + 0-094 '7 + 0-116 + 0-153 + 0-087 '9 + 0-124 + 0-157 + O-O9 I 21 + o-ioi + O'HI + 0-102 Nov. 1 3 + OM2O + 0-130 + 0-105 Mean + 0-124 + 0-136 + O-Ogi The accordance of the results in columns II. and III. is sufficiently good to justify the adoption of clock rate from evening observations in the case of the Paris clock. XV. FORMATION OF MEAN CLOCK ERROR AT O h SIDEREAL ON EACH NIGHT. Applying the adopted rates to the mean results in column VI. of the tables on pp. 82 et seq. for the interval elapsed since O h sidereal, which is chosen as a convenient point of reference rather than the mean time of the observations, we get the following errors for the clocks on each night. The adopted rates for the French clock are repeated from p. 88 for convenience of reference. The rates for the Greenwich clock are those adopted from the Transit-Circle observations, for which the mean daily rate is carefully considered. 92 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. MEAN ERRORS AND RATES OF THE CLOCKS AT O h LOCAL SIDEREAL ON EACH DAY PROM OBSERVATIONS OF STARS. Date. Paris Clock. Greenwich Clock. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations. Adopted Clock Slow at O h Sidereal. Hourly Losing Rate. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations. Adopted Clock Slow at O h Sidereal. Hourly Losing Rate. hr m B a hr m a a Sept. 30 22 24 9'6i 0-085 22 55 5-83 + 0-008 Oct. i 22 9 7 '9 0-085 22 35 5'97 + O-OO5 3 22 52 4-40 0-099 23 28 5-83 O'OOI 5 23 6 i -08 -0-144 22 41 S^ 2 + 0-005 Oct. 1 1 23 44 10-15 -0-0 9 9 23 2O 7 -26 + 0-007 13 23 24 -'373 -0-155 23 19 7-64 +0-007 H 23 17 -15-96 0-II3 23 23 772 + 0-007 '5 22 45 18-15 -0-175 23 7 774 + 0-006 i? 23 13 22-12 -0-I4 7 23 4* 8-09 +0-006 *9 23 5 -25-85 --I53 23 26 8-32 + 0-004 20 23 53 28-10 -0-144 23 7 8-44 + 0-005 21 23 i 17 -30-29 0-I05 23 '4 8-67 + 0-006 Oct. 23 23 4 6 -33'86 -0-094 23 23 8-41 + O'OOI 26 23 43 -40-96 0-040 i 6 8-64 O'OOO 27 23 52 -42-32 o'oSi 23 24 8-56 + O'OO2 30 1 4 -47'38 0-028 o 30 8-48 O'OOO .Nov. 9 1 55 -7373 -0-133 o 27 8-29 + O-QOI 13 o 4 -84-05 0-131 i '5 8-12 O'OOI XVI. EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. Denoting by F and E the French and English Chronographs at Paris, and by F' and E' the French and English Chronographs at Greenwich, the programme for a complete night was as follows : ist Group of Clock Stars. ist Set of Exchanges (complete), viz. : FandF F and E' E and E' EandF 2nd Group of Clock Stars. 3rd Group of Clock Stars. 2nd Set of Exchanges (half), viz. : F and F' E and E' 4th Group of Clock Stars. EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 93 This was an ideal programme which was necessarily modified according to circum- stances. On cloudy nights the programme of exchanges was not extended beyond the black line. It was not considered necessary to repeat all four exchanges in the second set, as the differences, being entirely due to the imperfection of automatic apparatus, were expected to be small, and that part of them which was systematic could be sufficiently studied from the first set. It will presently be shown, however, that these differences are quite comparable with the errors due to clock rate. Any one of the above exchanges was conducted in the following manner. Greenwich sends 10 trial signals. ,, a continuous signal (see below). Paris sends 10 trial signals. ,, a continuous signal (see below). [So far the operations are merely preliminary.] Paris sends 20 signals (ist set). Greenwich sends 20 signals (ist set). (2nd set). signals for pen-parallax. Paris sends 20 signals (2nd set). signals for pen-parallax. The continuous signals were sent to allow of the observation of deflection in the galvanometer, and the adjustment of the rheostat until a proper current was obtained. In the following tables the mean of the observed times of the signals sent from Paris are given on the left of the page, the first set in columns II. and III. and the second set in columns V. and VI. Those sent from Greenwich are placed on the right of the page. The clock errors are computed from the table on p. 92, no correction for personal equation being applied ; and the longitude deduced from each set in the fourth lines of columns IV., VII., X., and XIII., is thus affected with the difference of personal equation of the two observers (which changes sign when they are interchanged), and with the time of transmission of the electric current. Half the difference of the means for the signals sent from Paris and Greenwich respectively represents the time of transmission. 94 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. APPARENT DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE GIVEN BY EACH EXCHANGE OF SIGNALS. (Uncorrected for Personal Equations of the Observers and Time of Transmission.) Signals sent from Paris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Mean of Signals h m s 21. 59. 58-99 +978 23. 19. 14-17 -08 +9-67 23. 30. 58-46 -06 +9-65 23.S2-27-33 -06 +9-62 21. 48. 3I-6I '03 +8-09 22. O. 25*14 O'O2 +8-07 22. II. 28-65 -06 +8-05 22. 26. 20-30 -5 +8-0 3 23. 15. 57-24 -07 +4'47 23. 30. 8-25 -06 +4 '45 h m s 21. 50. 42-30 -02 +5-81 23- 9-S7-3I + '4 +5-82 23. 21. 41 '62 + 'OS +S-83 23. 43. 10-54 -06 +5-83 21. 39. 13-24 -7 +5-96 21. 51. 670 00 +5-96 22. 2. 10'lS -oi +5- 9 6 22. 17. 1-89 -08 +5-96 23. 6.35-18 +5-83 23. 20. 46-08 + ^3 +5-83 m a 9. 16 69 -06 +3'97 1 h m s 22. 8. 1472 -08 +977 23. 23. 2-30 -08 +9-66 23.34.41-44 -06 +9-65 23.56. 5-58 -06 +9-62 1 21. 52. 28-98 +8 -SI 22. 3. 40-26 O'O2 +8-07 22. 14. 51-68 -06 +8-05 22. 29. 42-90 "5 +8-03 ' 23. 19- 36-49 -07 +4-47 388 Septe h m s 21. 58. 57-98 'O2 +5-8i 23- 13- 45-45 + "04 +5-82 23. 25. 24-60 + -05 +5-83 23. 46. 48-79 -06 +5-83 888 Octo 21. 43. io'6i -07 +5-96 21. 54. 21 '8l oo +5-96 22. 5. 33-22 -oi +5^ 22. 2O. 24-50 -08 +5-96 1888 Oct 23. 10. 14-43 -07 +5-83 23. 24. 26-19 + -03 +5-83 mber 3< m 9. 16-74 -06 +3-96 ). h m s 22. I. 6-42 -06 +978 23. 2O. 12-46 -08 +9-67 23. 31. 58-06 -07 +9-65 23- 53- 24-93 -07 +9-62 21. 49. 28*21 _ -03 +8-08 22. I. 19*44 -03 +8-07 22. 12. 23-81 - -07 +8-05 22. 27. I5-II -08 +8-03 23. 16. 53-66 -07 +4H7 23.31- 2-42 -07 +4'45 h m H 21.51.49-68 -02 +5-8I 23. 10. 55-50 + -06 +5-82 23. 22. 41-11 + -06 +5-83 23. 44. 8-05 -04 +5-83 21.40- 975 -06 +5-96 21. 52. 0-87 oo +5-96 22. 3. 5-27 oo +5-96 22. I?. 56-60 "07 +5-96 23- 7-3 I '4i -06 +5-83 23. 21. 4O'l6 + "O2 +5-83 m s 9- 16-74 - -04 +3'97 h ni s 22. 2. 14-78 -06 +97S 23. 21. KW -oS +9-67 23-33- 0-50 -07 +9-65 23. 54-21-83 -o? +9-62 21. 50. 23-33 -03 +8-08 22. 2. I4'62 -03 +8-06 22. 13. 21'66 -07 +8-04 22. 28. 1 1 -32 -08 +8-01 23- 17- 52-59 -07 +4-47 23. 31. 56-36 -07 +4-45 h m s 21. 52. 58-03 -02 +5-81 23. 11. 58-07 + -06 +5-82 23- 23- 43-56 + -06 +5-83 23. 45. 4-96 -04 +5-83 21. 41. 4-88 -06 +5-96 21. 52. 56-07 oo +5-96 22. 4. 3-12 OO +5-96 22. IS. 52-80 -07 +5-96 23. 8.30-36 -06 +5^3 23. 22. 34-10 + -02 +5-83 m s 9- 1675 -04 +3'97 Parallax of Pens Clock slow FF 9. 20 -60 9. 20-64 9. 20-67 9. 20 '68 Mean of Signals .. 9. 16-86 "12 +3-85 9. 16-85 -12 +3-84 9. 16-96 -14 +3-85 9. 16-96 -14 +3-85 Parallax of Pens Clock slow. FE' 9. 20-59 9- 20-57 9. 20-67 9. 20-67 Mean of Signals 9. 16-84 -II +3-82 9. 16-84 -ii +3-82 9- 16-95 "'3 +3-82 9. 16-94 '13 +3-82 Parallax of Pens Clock slow..... EE' 9- 20-55 9- 20-55 9. 20-64 9. 20-63 Mean of Signals 9- 1679 oo +379 9- 6'79 oo +379 9. 1 6 -88 -3 +379 9. 16-87 - -03 +379 Parallax of Pens Clock slow EF' 9. 20-58 9. 20-58 9. 20-64 9. 20-63 Mean of Signals 9- i8'37 + -04 +2-13 her 1. 9- i8'37 + -04 +2-12 9. 18-46 + -03 +2-12 9- 18-45 + -03 +2-12 Parallax of Pens Clock slow FF 9- 20-54 9. 20-53 9. 20 -6 1 9. 2O'6O 9- 18-44 '02 +2-II 9. 18-45 -O2 +2 'I I 9- 18-57 -03 +2-II 9- 18-55 - -03 +2'IO Parallax of Pens FE' 9- 20-53 9- 20-54 9. 20-65 9. 2O-62 Mean of Signals 9. 18-47 - -05 +2-09 9. 18-46 - -0 S +2-09 9- 18-54 - -07 +2-09 9- i8'54 - -07 +2-08 Parallax of Pens EE' 9. 20-51 9 20-50 9. 20-56 9- 20-55 Mean of Signals 9. 18-41 + -03 +2-07 9. 18-40 + -03 +2-07 9. I8-5I -oi +2-07 ,9- 18-52 -01 +2-05 Parallax of Pens EF' 9. 20-51 9. 20-50 9. 20-57 9. 20-56 Mean of Signals 9. 22-06 '00 -1-36 ober 3. 9. 22-06 oo -1-36 9. 22-25 - -< -1-36 9. 22-23 "OI -1-36 Parallax of Pens Clock slow FF' 9. 20-70 9. 20-70 9. 20-88 9. 20-86 Mean of Signals 9. 22-17 -09 -1-38 23- 33- 48-36 -06 +4'44 9. 22-17 - -09 -1-39 9. 22-26 -09 -1-38 9. 22-26 -09 -1-38 FE' 9. 20-70 9. 20-69 9. 20-79 9. 20-79 APPARENT DIFFERENCE OP LONGITUDE GIVEN BY EACH EXCHANGE OF SIGNALS. 95 Signals sent from Paris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Greenwich Chronograph. Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Mean of Signals h 111 s 23.40.27-13 -04 +4'43 23. 51. 15-30 - -05 +4-4I 22. 0. 1377 -06 -H'37 22. 13. 19-95 -06 +1-33 22. 25. 46-30 - -09 +I-3I 22. 36. 39-47 -09 + 1-28 o. 15. 26-20 -07 +1-04 O. 26. 2O'II - -07 + I-O2 o. 42. 43-01 '07 +0-98 o. 50. 9-00 -08 +0-96 h m s 23. 3 1 - 4'97 + -02 +5-83 23-4I. S3 '22 '08 +5-83 21. 50. 48-53 '08 +5-9I 22. 3. 54-62 -oi +5-91 22. l6. 2O'95 + -oi +5 '9 1 22. 27. 14-13 '06 +5 '9 1 o. 6. 0-65 -09 +5-92 o. 1 6. 54-48 -04 +5-92 0.33- *TZ 2 -04 +5 "92 o. 40. 43-32 -10 +5-92 m s 9. 22'l6 - '06 1-40 1888 C h m s 23. 44. 14-57 0-04 +4-43 23- 54- 43 "83 - '05 -t-4'41 1888 Oc 22. 3-55-20 -06 +I- 3 6 22. l6. 52-58 -06 +1-33 22. 29. 8'47 -09 + I-30 22. 56. 38-93 -09 + 1-23 1888 Oct o. 18. 57-12 - -07 +1-03 o. 29. 35-20 0*07 +I-OI o. 39. 12-71 -07 +0-99 o. 54. 18-84 -08 +0-95 ctober 3.- h m s 23. 34. 52-40 + -02 +5^3 23.45.2174 -08 +5-83 tober 5. 21. 54. 29-97 -08 +5-9I 22. 7. 27-24 -oi +5-9I 22. 19.43-10 + -oi +5'9> 22. 47- 13-53 +5-91 ober 5. i o. 9- 31-55 -09 +5-92 % 0. 20. 9-57 -04 +5-92 o. 29.47-04 - -04 +5-92 o. 44. 53-15 "IO +5-92 contin 111 8 9. 22-17 -06 I -40' ued. h m s 23. 41. 20-58 -08 +4H3 23. 52. 1773 -07 +4-41 xchange. 22. I. 10-88 -06 +1-36 22. 14. 24-07 - -07 +i-33 22. 26. 41-50 -09 +I-30 22. 37. 52-I6 'JO -fl'28 Exchange. o. 1 6. 24-25 - -07 +1-04 o. 27. 11-26 - -07 + I-O2 o. 40. 58-79 -09 +0-98 o. 51. 5-29 - -09 +0-96 h m s 23- 31- 58-35 + -02 +5-83 23- 42- 55-57 -07 +5-83 21.51.45-58 -,- -07 H-5'91 22. 4. 58-67 oo +5-9I 22. 17. 16-05 + -oi +5-9I 22. 28. 26-78 - -07 +5-9I o. 6. 58-63 - -09 +5-92 o. 17. 45-67 -07 +5-92 o. 31- 33-07 -05 +5-92 o. 41- 39'55 -09 +5-92 Ill S 9- 22-23 -io 1-40 h m s 23. 42. 19-60 -08 +4-43 23. 53. 14-81 -07 +4-4I 22. 2. 6-88 -06 +1-36 22. 15. 17-99 - -07 + I'33 22. 27. 36-27 - -09 +1-30 22. 38. 57-45 'IO +1-27 o. 17. 19-31 - -07 +1-04 o. 28. 3-03 -07 +I'OI o. 40. 5-34 +0-98 o. 52. 0-63 -09 +0-96 h m s 23- 32- 57 "3 6 + -02 +5-83 23- 43- 52-66 -07 +5-83 , * 21. 52. 41-58 "07 +5-91 22. 5. 52-60 oo +5-9I 22. 1 8. 10-82 + -oi +5-9I 22. 29. 32-05 -07 +5-9I 0. 7-5370 - -09 +5-92 o. 18. 37-45 -07 +5-92 o. 30. 39-62 - -05 +5 '92 o. 42. 34-89 -09 +5-92 m 9. 22-24 -10 1-40 Parallax of Pens Clock slow EE' 9. 20-70 9. 20-71 9. 20-73 9- 20-74 Mean of Signals 9. 2 2 '08 + -03 I-42 9. 22-09 + -03 : 1-42 9. 22-16 oo -1-42 9. 22-15 oo 1-42 EF' 9. 20-69 9. 20-70 9. 20-74 9- 2073 Mean of Signals 9. 25-24 + -02 4"54 First E 9- 25-23 4- -02 -4'55 9- 25-3 + -oi -4-55 [9.25-30 + -oi -4-55 Parallax of Pens Clock slow FF' 9. 20-72 9. 20-70 9. 20-76 9. 20-76 9- 25 '33 - '05 -4-58 9-25-34 '5 -4-58 9- 25-40 -4-58 9- 25-39 -07 -4-58 FE' 9. 20-70 9. 20-71 9- 2075 9- 20-74 9- 25'3S -io 4-60 9- 25-37 'IO -4-61 9- 25-45 -10 4-61 9- 25-45 *IO 4-61 Clock slow EE' 9. 20-65 9. 20 '66 9- 2074 9- 20-74 9- 25'34 - "93 4 '63 9. 25-40 -4-68 9- 25-38 _ -03 -4-63 9. 25-40 - -03 4-64 Parallax of Pens Clock slow EF' 9. 20 -68 9. 20-69 9. 20-72 9. 20-73 9- 25-5S + -02 4-88 Second . 9- 25-57 + -02 -4-89 1 9.25-62 + -02 4-88 9- 25-61 + -02 -4-88 Parallax of Pens.,, FF' 9. 20-69 9. 20-70 9. 20-76 9- 2075 9. 25-63 '03 4-90 9.25-63 - -03 4-91 9- 25-59 oo 4-90 9.25-58 oo 4-91 FE' 9. 20-70 9. 20-69 9. 20-69 9. 20-67 9- 25-69 -03 4'94 9- 25-67 - -03 4-93 9. 25-72 -04 4'94 9.25-72 -04 -4-94 Parallax of Pens.... Clock slow EE' 9. 20-72 9. 2071 9- 20-74 9. 2074 9- 25-68 + -02 4-96 9- 25-69 + -02 4-97 9-2574 'OO 4-96 9- 2574 '00 -4-96 Clock slow __ EF' 9. 20-74 9. 20-74 9. 20-78 9. 2078 96 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Signals sent from Paris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwicli Diner- Chronograph.' ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. I Mean of Signals h m s 22. 4.49-45 - '5 9'96 22. 38. 31 -38 -04 lO'OI 22.48. 28-92 -04 10-03 23. 2. 1676 - 'OS 10-05 o. 48. 59-50 - 'S 10-23 i. i. 28-81 -04 10-25 21.57. 8-97 I3"4i 22. 8. 43-52 -07 I3-44 22. 41. 40 - 6o *o6 -I3-S3 22. 55. 49'84 h m s 21. 55. 11-82 - -03 + 7-25 22. 28. 53-74 -07 + 7-25 22. 38. 5I-26 '06 + 7-25 22. 52. 39-08 - -0 3 + 7 - 25 o. 39. 21-69 - -09 + 7-26 o. 51. 50-99 -06 + 7-27 21.47.27-50 -03 + 7-63 21. 59. 2-O3 -07 + 7-63 22. 31. 59-04 -08 + 7-63 22. 46. 8*24 -04 + 7-63 m s 9-37-63 -O2 I7-2I 1888 Oct h m s 22. 8.2579 - 'OS - 9-96 22. 42. 2-05 -04 IO'O2 22.51.5173 -04 10-04 23. 24. 43-23 'OS IO-O9 888 Octo 0-52.47-37 - -05 10-24 i. 5. 1-38 -04 10-26 1888 Ocl 22. I. 15-39 -08 13-42 22. 13- 5-35 -07 13-45 ober 11. h m s 21. 58. 48-15 - -0 3 + 7-2S 22. 32. 24-41 - -07 + 7-25 22. 42. 14-08 -06 + 7-25 23- 15- 5^8 'OS + 7-25 her 11. o. 43- 9'55 -09 + 7-26 o. 55- 23-59 -06 + 7-27 ,ober 13. 21. 51.33-91 "3 + 7-63 22. 3. 23-87 -07 + 7'6 3 22. 37. 5I-II - -08 + 7-63 22. 50. 15-21 -04 + 7-63 First I in s 9- 37-64 -02. I7-2I Ixchange. h m s 22. 5. 50-34 -06 - 9-96 22. 39. 24-58 -06 lO'OI 22. 49. 22-23 IO-O3 23. 3. 10-30 "06 10-05 Exchange o. 50. 9-81 -04 10-23 I. 2. 24-01 -06 1O-25 ]xcbange. 21. 58. 9-82 -08 13-41 22. 10. 376 -08 I3-44 22. 42. 56-57 -06 -13-53 22. 56. 59^3 -06 -I3-57 h m s 21. 56. 12-62 "O2 + 7-25 22. 29. 46-83 -06 + 7-25 22. 39. 44-54 -06 + 7-25 22. 53- 32-52 - ^3 + 7-25 0.40. 31-89 -07 + 7-26 o. 52. 46-07 -06 + 7-27 21. 48. 28-24 -O2 + 7-63 22. O. 22'2O - -06 + 7-63 22. 33. 14-83 -07 + 7-63 22. 47. 17-94 "3 + 7-63 1)1 8 9-3772 -04 17-21 h m s 22. 6. 50-31 -06 9^6 22. 40. 19-50 -06 IO'02 22. 50. 18-36 '06 IO-O3 23. 4. 0-49 -06 10-06 0.51. 5-83 -04 10-23 i. 3. 20-27 -06 10-25 21. 59. 22-OO -08 13-42 22. II. I5'4O '08 13-44 22. 44. 52-43 -06 -I3-53 22.58. 7-56 '06 -I3-57 h m s 21. 57. 12-59 -02 + 7-25 22. 30.41-76 -06 + 7-25 22. 40. 40-66 -06 + 7-25 22. 54. 22-7I - -0 3 + 7-25 o. 41. 27-92 -07 + 7-26 o. 53. 42-32 -06 + 7-27 21. 49. 40-42 '02 + 7-63 22. 1.33-85 '06 + 7-63 22. 35. IO'69 -07 + 7-63 22. 48. 25-85 -03 + 7-63 m s 9.37-72 -04 I7-2I Parallax of Pens. _,_. FF' 9. 20-40 9. 20-4I 9- 20-47 9- 20-47 Mean of Signals .... 9.37-64 + -03 17-26 9- 37^4 + -03 -17-27 9-3775 oo 17-26 9- 37-74 'oo -17-27 Parallax of Pens Clock slow .. FE' ..._ 9. 20-41 9. 20-40 9. 20-49 9. 20-47 Mean of Signals . Parallax of Pens...._... Clock slow..... .... 9- 37-66 + -02 17-28 9. 37-65 + 'O2 . -I7-29 9- 37-69 oo 17-28 9.37-70 "OO +17-28 BE' 9. 20-40 9- 20-38 9. 20-41 9. 20-42 Mean of Signals .._ 9- 37-68 -02 17-30 9- 37-75 -02 17-34 9- 3778 - -03 17-30 9-3778 -03 17-31 Parallax of Pens _... Clock slow EF' 9. 20-36 9- 20-39 9- 20-45 9- 20-44 ] 9-37'Si + -04 17-49 Second 9- 37-82 + -04 17-50 9.37-92 + -3 17-49 9- 37-9I + -03 17-49 Parallax of Pens FF' . ._ .... . 9. 20-36 9- 20-36 9. 20-46 9- 20-45 Mean of Signals 9- 37-82 + -02 -17-52 9- 3779 + -02 -I7-53 9- 37-94 oo -17-52 9- 37-95 oo -17-52 Parallax of Pens _... KE'.. .. 9- 20-32 9. 20-28, 9. 20-42 9- 20-43 9-41-47 - - 5 21-04 First I 9- 41 "48 - 'OS 21-05 9.41-58 -06 21-04 9.4f5S -06 2 1 '05 Parallax of Pens Clock slow IF' 9- 20-38 9. 20-38 9. 20-48 9. 20-47 Mean of Signals 9- 41 '49 oo 21-07 9.41-48 oo 21-08 9-4I-56 -02 2 1 - O7 9-4I-55 -O2 2I-O7 Clock slow FE' 9. 20-42 9. 20-40 9. 20-47 9. 20-46 9. 41-56 22. 47. 32-67 + -02 ; -06 21-16 13-54 9.41-56 + -02 21-17 9- 4174 + -oi 21 - l6 9.4174 + -oi 2I'l6 Parallax ot Pens Clock slow EE' 9. 20-42 22. 59. 56-80 - -05 -I3-57 9. 20-41 9- 20-59 9- 20-59 9. 41-60 -01 21*19 9-4>-59 -01 21'20 9.41-69 - -03 21-20 9.41-71 - -03 21 '2O Parallax of Pens i ~ 'S -I3-56 Clock slow EF 1 9. 20-40 9 20-38 9. 2O'46 9. 2O'48 APPARENT DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE GIVEN BY EACH EXCHANGE OF SIGNALS. 97 Signals sent from P.iris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Cbra>ogra|ih. Differ- ence. Pttis Chronograph. Greenwich I 'iinmngi-aph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. 1888 October 13. Second Exchange. Mean of Signals. Parallax of pens. Clock slow FF' . Mi'iin of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow.... EH'. h m i 0.44. 31-41 '07 -I3-S5 o. 59. 24-18 13-88 h m rt m s 0.34.49-56 9.4I-85 -05 -02 +7-64 21-49 o. 49. 42-32 - -07 9. 20-34 9. 41-86 + -02 9- 20'3 O.5I.I2'l6 0.41.30-29 9.41-87 -07 '5 '02 13-86 +7-64! 21-50 9- 20-35 o. 46. 37 -83 -08 1.21.44-211 i. 12. 2*30 9. 41-91 ' i. 2. 1 1 '68 - -05 1 3 '94 -07 + -02 ! '07 +7-65 -21-59 13-89 9- 20-34 h m s 0.36.55-91 - 'OS o. 52. 29-69 -06 9.41-92 - -05 -21-49 9. 20-38 9.41-99 -01 21-54 h m s o. 48. 52-52 -08 -I3-8S i. 14. 0-57 '7 -13-92 o. 39. I0 '59 "3 +7-64 i. 4. 18-55 -06 +7-65 9-4I-93 -5 21-49 9- 20-39 9. 42-02 -oi -21-57 9. 20-44 Mean of Signals 22. 49. 44-23 Parallax of pens ' '06 Clock slow 1-5-83 Moan of Signals. Parallax of pens. Clo:k slow.... KK'. Mi- in of Signals Parallax of pens Clock slow KK' . Mean of Signals Parallax of pens Cloi-lc slow 1888 October 14. First Exchange. 22.40. 0-29! 9. 43'94 ! 22. 58. 23-26 22. 48. 39-30 ! 9. 43-96 j! 22. 51. 8-72 -07 -4- -oi ' -06 -07 ! -f- -oi I -07 +77i 23-54 15-84 +77' 23-55 r 5" 8 3 23- 47- 33-25 -06 I5-94 o. 3. 50-84 -08 I5-97 9- 20-41 j 23.37.49-23 9.44-02 23.52.59-21 -06 -oo +7-72 23-66; 23. 54- 6-77 -06 -I5-95 23-43- 9. 20-36 9. 44-07 -06 -02 +772 j 23-69 o. 42. 6'6i o. 32. 22-43 '04 j -08 16-04! +7'72 EL-". 9. 20-36 o. 17. 274 -08 -15-99 -06 +772 o. 7. 18-65 -06 +772 9. 44-18 o. 46. 24-57 ! o. 36. 40-35 + '04 1 "04 '08 23761 16-05 +772 9. 20-46 9. 20-42 9- 44-04 23. 49. 5-03 OO I! '06 I5-94 9. 20-37 9- 44-09 -02 2371 9. 20-36 9. 44-22 + -04 2377 9- 20-49 o. 7. 2-42 -06 o. 43. 22-75 -07 16-04 22. 41. 24-72 '07 +7-71 23. 39. 20-89 -06 +7-72 23. 57. 18-22 -06 +7-72 o. 33- 38-45 -07 +772 9. 44-00 oo -23-54 9. 20-46 9. 44-14 oo 23-66 9- 20-4 9. 44-20 oo 23-69 9. 20-51 9- 44-3 oo 2376 9- 20-54 22. 52. 21-82 -07 -I5-83 22.42.37-81 9.44-01 "07 ' -oc +771 -23-54 9. 20-48 23. 50. 48-20 23. 41. 4-07 9. 44-1 '06 i '06 ; 'oo -I5-94 ( +7-72 -23-66 o. 8. 8-28 -06 -15-98 o. 44. 22-76 "7 16-04 j 9. 20-47 23. 58. 24-08 9. 44-20 '06 -oo +7-72 -23-70 9. 20-50 o. 34. 38-45 9. 44-31 '07 'oo +7-72 -23-76 9- 20-55 1888 October 14. Second Exchange. Mi-ail of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow.... FF', Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Cloi-k slow KK' . I. 4- 43"3J '06 16-08 o. 54. 59-08 -08 +773 i. 17. 36-65 i. 7. 52-39 -04 J -07 16-10 +773 9- 44-23 + -02 23-8I 9. 20-44 9- 44-26 + -03 -23-83 9. 20-46 i. 8. 58-52 -06 16-09 i. 23. 9-06 -04 o. 59. 14-26 -08 +773 9- 44-26 + -02 23-82 9. 20-46 1. 13. 24-79 9. 44-27 -07 + -03 +7-73 23-84 I 9. 20-46 1888 October 15. i. 5.51-13! 0.56. 6-83 9.44-3 ' 7- 2-60 -5 -16-08 i. 19. 11-04 -06 i6'io -08 +773 i. 9. 26-67 - "OS +773 + -03! 23-81 I 9. 20-52 9- 44-37 -oi -23-83 9- 20-53 , 16-09 i. 20. 48-81 - -06 16-11 o. 57. 18-29 -08 +773 i. ii. 4-43 - -05 +773 9- 44-3 9- 20-5 9- 44-38 -01 -23-84 9- 20-53 Moan of Signals . Parallax of pens . Clock siow KK' . o. M. 6"o6 1 o. i. 19-61 -07 18-18 -07 +7-74 9. 46-45 i o. 15. 23-23 ! o. 5. 36-75 oo ! - -07! 25-92, 18-19 9. 20-53 "07 +7-74 9. 46-48 oo -25-93 9- 20-55 O. 12. 14-81 | O. 2. 28-25 9- 46'56 . -. ..f ~. - -07! -18-19 -06 -oi +7-74 -25- 9. 20-62 i f 0.13.31-181 o. 3.44-58 9.46-60 07 18-19 -06 "oi +774J 25-' 9. 20-66 1888 October 17. First Exchange. Mi-an of Signals . I'arallax of pens. Clock slow 22. 12. l8'53 '06 II 85 FF' . 22. 2. 28-08 -0 9 +8-OS 9- 5 '4 5 + -03 29-93 9- 20-55 22. 17. 29 26 -06 2I-87 22. 7.3879i 9- SO^ ! 22. 13. 45-54 ! 22. 3.55-02! 9. 50-52 : 22. 14. 59'53 j 22. 5. 9'OO I 9.50-53 -09 + -03 +8-08 -29-95 9- 20-55 - -06 -21-86 -09 +8-08 -06 21-86 9. 20-61 -09 +8-08 + -03 29-94 9. 20-62 QRBENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Signals sent from Paris. Paris Greenwich Chronograph. Chronograph. Differ- Paris i Greenwich euee. Chronograph. Chronograph Signals sent from Greenwich. Differ- : Paris j Greenwich ence. [Chronograph. .Chronograph. Differ- euce. Paris Greenwich | Differ Chronograph. Chronograph. cncr. Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow FE' Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow..., EE'. Mean of Signals. Parallax of pens . Clock slow EF' Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow EE' Mean of Signals. Parallax of pens. Clock slow... Fi". Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow..< FF'. Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow FE', Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow EE' ... Man of Signals . P.iVallax of pens. Clock slow EF'. Mean of Signals . Parallax of pens. Clock slow FF'. 1888 October 17. First Exchange. continued. h in H 22.39. 7'02 - '05 21'92 22. 50. 58-37 - -08 -21-95 23. 3. 54-29 '08 21-98 h m s 22. 29. 16-54 - -05 +8-08 22.41. 7-85 - "OS +8'o8 22. 54. 373 'ID +8-oS 9- 5 "48 oo 30 'oo 9- 20-4 9- 50-5 2 -03 -30-03 9. 20-46 9- 50'56 -f- '02 3O-06 9. 20-52 h m s h m a 22.43- 53 '45 22. 34- 2-97 -05 -05 -21-93 +8-08 22. 55. 34 '46 22. 45. 43-94 -08 -05 21-96 +8-08 23. 8. 22'lS \ 22. 58. 31-62 '08 '1C 2I-99J +8'08 m s 9- 5 '48 "OO 30-01 9- 20-47 9- 5o;52 -30-04 9- 20-45 9. 50-56 + -02 30-07 9. 20-5I h m s 22. 40. 3I-8l -07 21-92 22. 52. I2'39 -09 -21-95 23- 5- 9-56 -09 -21-99 h m s 22. 30. 41-22 9- 50-59 -05 ; . -02 ! 30-00 ; 9. 20-57 22.42.21-74 9.50-65 -05 -04 +8-08 30'O3 1 9-20-58 22. 55. 18-92 -IO +8-08 9- 50'64 + -oi 30-07 9. 20-58 h m s 22. 41. 51-71 -07 21-9.5 22.53.36-03 -09 21-96 23. 6. 21 -12 -09 -21-99 h m H 22. 32. I'll +8 '08 -05 +8 -OS 22. 56. 30-47 TO +8-08 9. 50-60 -02 30-01 9. 20-57! -04 30-04 9. 20-56 9. 50-65 + -oi 30-07 9- 20 '59 1888 October!?. Second Exchange. o. 35. 28-50 -08 22-21 o. 53- 34 '81 -06 -22-25 o. 25. 37-79 -06 +8-09 9. 5071 -02 30-30 9. 20-39 o. 39- 34-66 '08 22 '02 o. 29. 43-94 | 9. 5072 -06 -02 +8-09 3o-3r 0.43.44-08! 9.50-731 0.57.57-21 'to + '04 +8-09 30 '34 9. 20-43 -06 22-26 o. 48. 6-47 -10 +8-10 9- 5074 + "04 30-36 9. 20-42 o- 36. 39-53 -09 22-21 o. 54-46-34 -06 22-26 o. 26. 48-68 9. 50-85 o. 37. 55-16 I o. 28. 4-29 +S-0 9 -9 +8-09 30-30; 22'2I 9- 50-87 -04 9- 20-51 0.44.55-52, 9.50-82 0.55.47-66 0.45.56-83 04 +8-10. -30-36 9- 20 -50, -06 22-26 -ioi + -04 +8-10 1 30-36 9. 20-51 22. 53. 56-44 -06 -25-69 2 3- -06 -25-71 23. 17. 6-37 -07 25-74 22. 44. 2 'O2 oo +8-31 22. 55. 50- 23. 7. 12 00 - ^5 +8'3 2 2 3- 57- 24-39 23. 47. 29-83 -07 -oo -25-84 +8-32 -06 34-00 9. 20-36 1888 October 19. First Exchange. 22. 58. 21-40! 22. 48. 26-95 9' 54- '45 : 22 - 55 I5'2o 9- 54-34 -oi 34-03 9- 20-30 9- 54-37 -02 34-06 -06 25 -69 oo '06 +8-32 -34-01 -07 25-68 9. 20 '29 -07 34-i6 9- 20-33 23. io. 12-30 -06 -25-72 23. 21. 20-54 -07 - 2 575 o. 6. 14 51 -07 -25-87 9. 20-38 : oo -07 22.45.20-69: 9-54'5i 22.56.27-17 22.46.32-67 9.54-50 oo -07 +8-32 34-01 9. 20-42 +8-32 34-00 9. 20-44 -07 25-69 23. 0.17-95 9-5435 23. 7. 4-05 22.57. 9-60 9. "05 -01 '07 '05 '02 +S- 3 2 -3404 -25-72 +8-32' -34-04 9. 20-30 23. ii. 26 16 9. 54-38 -05 : -02 +8-32! -3407 9. 20 29 23- 56. I9-93 9- 54-58 oo '07 +8-32, -34-19 9. 20-32 9- 20-39 23. 8. 19-42 22. 58. 24-99 9- 54-43 '07 '05 02 25-72 +832, -34-0+ 23. 18. 20-45 23. -08 -2574! 8. 25-97 9. 54-48 | 23. 19. 35-21 -05 -03 . -08 +8-32 34-06 9- 20 39 23- S 8 . 37-33 ' 23- 48. 4270 9- 54 63 25-85 +8-32 34 17 9- 20-38 -25 75 9- 20-37 r 3- 9-40-73' 9- 54-48 - -05, - -03 +8-32, 34-07 9- 20-38 o. 4.11-11 23.54 16-47 9-54'64 -07 -f -oi -ob -25-86 +8-32 -34-18 9- 20 38 1888 October 19. Second Exchange. o. 49 15-37 o. 39. 20 77 9. 54-60 j 0.53.48-011 0.4353-39 9.54-621 0.50.39-27' 0.40.44-60! 9.54-671 0.51.49-29; 0.41.54-62. 9-54-67 -oi i -06 - '05 i -oi -06 . -04 '02 ' '06 ; -04 -02 oi -34-29! 9. 20 '30 I -06 -25-99 -05 +8-32 34-31 9. 20-30 -25-98 +8-32 34-30 9- 20-35 -25-98 +8-32 34-30 .9- 20-35 APPARENT DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE GIVEN BY EACH EXCHANGE OF SIGNALS. 99 Signals scut from Paris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Greenwich Differ- Chronograph. Chronograph. ence. Paris Greenwich Chronograph. Chronograph. i Differ- ence. Paris Greenwich Chronograph. Chronograph. Differ- cnce. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Mean of Signals b m s i. 'i. 0-69 -06 26-01 23. 59. 21-62 - -03 28-10 o. 20. 5 1 -48 -04 28-15 o. 37. 18-64 -08 28-19 o. 50. 8-41 -08 28-22 22. 52. 28-41 - -03 -30-17 23. 3. 48-24 - -03 30-19 23. 15. 27-69 - -07 30-21 23. 55. 48-31 - -08 30-28 I. 21. 41-36 "3 3'43 h in s o. 51. 6'ii - -05 +8-32 23. 49. 24-77 -06 +8-44 o. 10. 54-65 -07 +8-44 o. 27. 21-73 -07 +8-44 o. 40. 11-41 -07 +8-44 22. 42. 29-18 "OO +8-66 22. 53. 49-10 -06 +8-66 23. 5.28-52 '07 +8-66 23. 45. 48-93 oo +8-67 i. ii. 41-96 -oi +8-68 1888 C in s 9- 54-58 -oi 34 '33 9. 20-24 ctober 19 h m s i. 5. 18-46 -06 26-02 o. ii. 27-50 -03 28-13 o. 25. 17-96 -04 28-16 o. 41. 44-39 -08 28-20 0.59. 1-17 -08 28-24 1888 Oct 22. 57. 15-37 30-I8 23. 8. 24-78 - -3 30-20 23. 19. 57-82 "07 30 '22 o. o. 16-09 - -08 -30-29 1888 Octo I. 26. 2"l6 -3 3"44 Seconc h in a o. 55- 23-88 '05 +8-32 1888 Octc o. i. 30-61 -06 +8-44 o. 15. 21-13 "7 +8'44 o. 31.47-47 -07 +8-44 o. 49. 4-15 -07 +8-44 ober 21. 22. 47. 16-13 oo +8-66 22. 58. 25-64 -06 +8-66 23. 9. 58-64 -07 +8-67 23. go. 16-69 oo +8-67 ber 21. i. 16. 2-69 -oi +8-68 Exchai m a 9. 54-58 -oi -34-34 9. 20-23 I ige. cant h m a I. 2. 13-92 "07 26-01 o. o. 3976 -04 28-10 O. 22. l6'IO -04 28-15 o- 3 8 - 35-42 -08 28-19 0.51.37-87 -08 28-22 xchange. 22. 53. 50-07 -04 30-18 23. 5- 13-01 -04 30-19 23. 16. 44-01 -08 30-21 23. 57- 6-14 -09 30-28 Exchange. i. 22. 54-59 -04 -30-43 inued. h m s o. 52. 19-23 -0 4 +8- 3 2 23. 50. 42-86 -07 +8-44 0. 12. 19-17 "7 +8-44 o. 28. 38-40 - -07 +8-44 o. 41. 4079 -06 +8-44 22. 43. 50-77 oo +8-6? 22. 55. 13-76 '06 +8-66 23. 6.4470 -06 +8-66 23.47. 6-68 oo +8-67 i. 12.55-11 -oi +8-68 m a 9. 54-69 - -03 -34-33 9. 20-33 h m s I. 3.31-69 - -07 26-01 o. 1.4775 -04 28-10 o. 23. 3272 -04 28-16 o. 39. 52-24 -08 28-19 o. 52.51-91 -08 28-22 22. 54. 58-04 -0 4 30-18 23- 6.3375 -04 30'20 23. 18. 8-52 -08 30-22 23. 58. 14-25 -09 30-29 i. 23. 57-12 -04 3 -43 O ID I o. 53.37-00 -04 +8-32 23. 51. 50-83 -07 +8-44 0- 13- 3579 -07 +8-44 0.29. 55-21 "07 +8-44 o. 42. 54 '82 -06 +8-44 22. 44- 58-74 oo +8-66 22. 56. 34-50 -06 +8-66 23. 8. 9-22 -06 +8-66 23. 48. 14-78 oo +8-67 i. I3.57-65 'OI +S-6S Ill S 9- 54'69 -3 3433 9. 20-33 EK' 9. 56-85 + -3 -36-54 ber 20. 9- 56-89 + -03 -36-54 9. 56-90 + -3 -36-54 9- 56-92 + -03 -36-54 Clork slow FF' . 9. 20-37 9- 56-83 + -03 -36-59 9- 20-35 9- 56-83 + -03 36-60 9- 20-39 9- 56-93 + -03 -36-59 9. 20-41 9- 5 6 '93 + -03 26-60 Mean of Signals Clock slow FE' 9. 20-27 9. 20-26 9- 20-37 9. 20-36 Mean of Signals 9. 56-91 '01 36-63 9. 56-92 -oi -36-64 9- 57-02 -oi -36-63 9-57-03 -oi -36-63 Clock slow EE' 9. 20-27 9. 57 'oo '01 36-66 9. 20-27 9- 57-02 "01 36-68 9- 20-38 9- 57-o8 -02 -36'66 9- 20-39 9- 57-09 -02 36-66 Clock slow EF' 9- 20-33 9- 20-33 9. 20-40 9. 20-41 Mean of Signals 9- 59-23 -3 -38-83 First E 9. 59-24 "3 - 3 8-8 4 9- 59-30 -04 -38-85 9- 59-3 -04 -38-84 FF 9. 20-37 9- 20-37 9. 20-41 9. 20-42 Mean of Signals 9- 59-14 + -03 -38-85 9- 20 '32 9- 59-14 + -03 -38-86 9 20-31 9- 59-25 + -02 - 3 8-8 S 9. 20-42 9- 59-25 + -02 38-86 9. 20-41 Clock slow FE' Mean of Signals ..* 9- 59-I7 oo -38-87 9- 59">8 'OO -38-89 9- 59-3I "02 -38-87 9- 59-30 '02 -38-88 EE' 9. 20-30 9. 2O'29 9. 20-42 9. 20-40 9- 59-38 -08 -38-95 9. 59-40 'OS -38-96 9. 59-46 -09 -38-95 9- 59'47 - -09 -3896 KF' . 9- 20-35 9. 20-36 9. 20-42 9. 20-41 Mean of Signals ....._... 9- 59-40 -02 39'" 9. 20-27 Second 9- 59-47 -02 -39-12 9- 59-48 -3 -39-11 9- 20-34 9- 59 '47 -03 39'!' I'loclt slow FF' _ 9- 20-33 9- 20-33 100 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Signals sent from 1'aris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Diticr- enc,r. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwieh Chronograph. Diflfcr- enue. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Mean of Signals 1) 111 s i. 33- I9-33 -07 3 '45 o. 2. 59 '82 - '5 -33-87 o. 16. 57*46 -06 33-90 o. 31. 26-15 -08 33-92 O. 49. 28'12 -09 -33-95 23. 26. 54-35 - -0 9 40-94 23- 44- 33- 8 2 - -08 40-95 o. 40. 28-16 -08 -40-99 i. 10.44-57 -08 41 - oi 23. II. 11-07 -08 42-25 ll 111 S I. 23. 19-88 -07 +8-68 23. 52. 56-52 -06 +8-41 o. 6. 54-20 -06 +8-41 O. 21. 22'95 -06 +8-41 o. 39. 24-69 -08 +8-41 23. 16.43-83 + -02 +8-64 23. 34. 23-32 + -02 +S-6 4 o. 30. 17-69 -03 +8-64 I. o. 34-21 -04 +864 23. o. 59-12 + 'O2 +8-56 1888 C 111 H 9- 59-45 oo 39-I3 9. 20-32 )ctobcr 21 h in I. 37.4I-89 -0? 30-46 o. 7. 57-92 ^5 -33-S9 o. 25. 17-25 -06 -33-91 o. 40. 5675 -08 -33-93 I. 2. 10-33 -09 33-97 23. 32. O'lg -09 40-94 23. 49. 36-80 'OS -40-95 o. 45. 2-81 -08 40-99 1. 15. 9-41 -08 41-01 L888 Octo 23. 27. 50-23 -08 42-28 Seconc h m s I. 27. 42-42 '07 +8-68 1888 Octx 23- 57- 54'6i "06 +8-41 o. 15. 14-01 -06 +8-41 o. 3- 53 "3 6 -06 +8-41 o. 52. 6-89 -08 +8-41 1888 Oct 23. 21. 49-68 + -02 +8-64 23. 39. 2630 + -02 +8-64 o. 34- 52-33 -03 +8-64- i. 4-58-96 -04 +8-64 >er 27. 1 23. 17. 38 24 + -02 +8-56 Excluu 111 8 9- 59-47 oo -39-14 ige. cont ll 111 S I. 34. 39-40 -08 30-45 o. 4. 1677 -06 -33-8 o. 18. 11-64 -07 33-90 o. 32. 44-35 "IO -33-92 o. 50. 47-58 -io 33'95 23. 28. 1 1 '04 - -09 40-94 23.45. 51-41 -10 40-95 o. 41. 40-09 -09 40-99 I. II. 59-21 -10 41-01 change. 23. 21. 50-38 -09 42-27 tutted. ll 111 H I. 24. 39-80 -07 +8-68 23- 54- i3'42 -04 +8-41 o. 8. 8-26 ^5 +8-41 0. 22. 40-89 -06 +S- 4 I o. 40. 44'lo - -c6 +8-41 23. 18. 0-47 + -03 +8-64 23- 35- 4077 + -02 +8-64 o. 31. 29-56 -04 +8-64 i. i. 48-63 -04 +8-64 23- " 38-39 + -02 +8-56 in s 9- 59-6o -oi -39-I3 h 111 s ! 35- 56-54 -08 -30-46 o. 5-37-89 -06 -33-88 o. 19. 29-88 -07 33-90 o. 34. 0-42 -io 33-92 o. 52. 7-56 'IO 33-95 23. 29.49-69 -09 -40-94 23.47.33-59 -io -40-95 o. 42. 57-83 -09 40-99 ll 111 S 1. 25. 56-94 -07 +S-6S 23- 55- 34-53 -04 +8- 4 i o. 9. 26-50 - 'OS +8-41 o. 23. 56-97 -06 +8-41 o. 42. 4-07 -06 +8-41 23. 19. 39-12 + -03 +8-64 23. 37. 22-93 + -02 +8-64 o. 32.47-30 -04 +8-64 I. 3. I'20 -04 +8-6 4 23. IS 7^4 + -02 +8-56 m s 9- 59-6o -oi 39-I4 Parallax of pens Clock slow.. . EE' 9. 20-33 9. 20-46 9- 20-45 10. 3-30 + -oi 42-28 )ber 23. 10. 3-31 + -oi 42-30 to- 3^5 -02 42-29 io. 3-36 -I )2 42-29 Parallax of pens Clock slow FF' 9. 21-03 9. 21 -O2 9- 2I'O4 9 . 21-05 Mean of Signals 10. 3-26 oo 42-31 10. 3-24 oo 42-32 io. 3-38 -02 42-3I io. 3'3> s -Q2 -42-3 1 Parallax of pens Clock slow FE' 9. 20-95 10. 3 -20 -02 -42-33 9. 20-92 1. 3-39 '02 42-34 9- 21-05 io. 3-46 - -04 -42-33 9- 21-05 io. 3-45 -0 4 42-J3 Mean of Signals Parallax of pens . Clock slow EE' 9- 20-85 9. 21-03 9. 21 -09 9. 2 1 '08 Mean of Signals . 1. 3-43 -oi 42-36 10. 3-44 -01 -42-38 io. 3-48 -0 4 42-36 io. 3-49 -04 42-36 Parallax of pens Clock slow EF' . . 9. 2i - o6 9.21-05 9. 2 1 -08 9. 21 -eg Mean of Signals 10. 10-52 -II 49-58 9. 20-83 10. 10-50 -10 49-59 ober 26 10. 10-51 'II -49-58 9. 20-82 10. 10-50 -io 49-59 io. 10-57 -12 -49-58 9. 20-87 io. 10-64 -12 49-59 io. 10-57 "12 49'5^ s 9. 20-87 io. 10-66 '12 49-59 Clock slow EF' M'*fu) of Signals Parallax of pens FF' 9. 20-81 9. 20 -8 1 io. 10-48 - -05 -49-63 9. 20-93 9- 20 95 Mean of Signals !O. 10-47 - -05 49-63 io. 10-53 - 'OS 49-63 io. 10-53 -05 49 63 Parallax of pens Clock slow. EE' 9. 20-79 9. 20-80 9. 20-85 9- 20-85 10. 10-36 -04 -49-65 io. 10-45 -04 -4965 io. 10-58 -06 49-65 1. 13. 11-78 -10 41 -oi 23. 25. 19-66 -09 42-27 io. los.S -06 -49-65 Clock slow FE' 9. 20-67 9. 20-76 9. 20-87 9. 20-87 to. 11-95 -10 -50-81 Mrs! K.\ io. 1 1 -99 -to 50-84 io. 1 1 -99 -II -50-83 10. I2'02 'I I 5 - S 3 Parallax of pens KF' 9 21-04 9- 21-05 9. 21-05 9. 21 'OS APPARENT DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE GIVEN BY EACH EXCHANGE OF SIGN - . - V - S. io} . ALS. ' : - ' ::"- : Signals sent from Paris. Signals sent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph (IiwnwMi Chronograph. DillVf- ence. Paris Chronograph reeii \v Mi [CliFOMgrapti Differ- Paris ence. jjChrmiograph Greenwich Chronograph Differ- ence. Porfc Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Mean of Signals h m 23- 55- 9'93 -08 -42-31 i. 37- 29-34 - -08 .42-46 2. 4.3578 '08 42-49 o. 3. 25-17 - -08 47 '38 o. 30. 9-11 'o? 47 '39 o. 42. 19-50 -10 47 '40 i. 5- Si "87 -09 47-41 1.40. 17-34 '07 -73-98 i. 55. 26-49 -io 74-01 2. ?. 52 -38 -06 74-04 h m * 23. 44. 58-00 'O2 +8-56 I. 27. 17-34 '02 +8- S 6 I. 54.23-7I oo +8-56 23.53. 8-45 oo +8-48 o. 19. 52-42 -04 +8-48 o. 32. 275 -04 +8-48 o. 55. 35-02 oo +8-48 I. 29. 34-32 -03 +8-29 1-44- 43 '29 -01 +8-29 i. 57. 9' 2 4 oo +8-29 1888 in s io. 11-93 -06 50-87 October 2 h m a 23- 59- 44-24 -08 42-32 1 L888 Octo i. 42, 9-60 -08 42-47 2. 9. 26-79 -08 42-49 o. 7.55-17 'OS -4738 0.34. 27-I2 -07 -4739 o. 46. 47 "68 -io 47-40 i. io. 3870 -09 47-41 i. 45. 3-68 -07 -73'99 i. 59. 54-22 "IO -74-02 2. 13- 3' - 37 '06 74-05 7. First h in .s 23.49. 32-29 'O2 +8-56 ber 27. 1.31. 57-60 -02 +8-56 i. 59. 14-72 oo +8-56 1888 Octo 23. 57- 38-43 oo +8-48 o. 24. 10-42 -04 +8-48 o. 36. 30-91 -04 +8-48 i. o. 21-86 oo +8-48 1888 Nov< i. 34. 20*67 -03 +8-29 I. 49. II'OI '01 +8-29 2. 2. 48-22 | 'OO + 8-29 Exchan in 8 io. 1 1 -95 -06 50-88 ge. conti h in s 23. 56. 28-77 -10 42-32 Exchange. 1.38.51-98 -io 42-47 ' 2. 6. 0-13 -09 42-49 o. 4. 44-90 -oS -47-38 O. 31. 21 'Si "OS 4739 o. 43. 36-76 '12 47-40 I. 7. 18-40 'II 47-41 nued. h m s 23. 46. 1677 -02 +8 5 6 I. 28. 39-89 -01 +8- 5 6 N I. 55. 48-00 oo +8-56 23. 54. 28 -J I oo +8-48 0.21. 5-04 -04 +8- 4 8 o. 33- 19-91 -04 +8-48 o. 57. i -44 'oo +8-48 I. 30. 50-16 + -02 + 8-29 1.45. 59-00 + 'O2 +8-29 I. 58. 47-68 oo ! +8-29 m s IO. I2'OO - -08 50-88 h in u 2-3. 57.41-07 'ID 42-32 I. 40. 6-42 "10 -42-47 2. 7. 20-46 -09 42-48 o. 6. 2-31 -08 -4738 o. 32. 38-96 -08 47-39 o. 44. 49-19 -12 47-40 i. 8. 41-22 -ii 47-41 1.42.47-38 - -07 -73-99 i. 57- 55-40 -14 74-02 2. 10. 57-43 -0? 74-05 h m 23. 47. 29-05 'O2 +8- S 6 I- 29. 54-33 -oi +8-56 1-57- 8-33 oo +8-56 23- 55- 45-So oo +8-48 O. 22. 22-19 -0 4 +8-48 o. 34- 32-33 -04 +8-48 o. 58. 24-25 oo +8-48 1. 32. 4-14 + -02 +8-29 I. 47. I2'OO + -O2 +8-29 2. O. 14-18 oo +8-2 9 m a IO. 12-02 -08 50-88 Parallax of pens Clock slow EE' 9. 21 -OO 9. 21 -OI 9. 21-04 9. 21 '06 10. I2'OO -06 5I-O2 Second 10. I2-OO -06 -5I-03 io. 12-09 -09 51-03 io. 12-09 '09 -5I-03 Parallax of pens Clock slow . . EE' 9. 2O-92 9. 2O-9I 9. 20-97 9. 20-97 Moan of Signals Paiallax of pens io. 12-07 -08 -51-05 io. 12-07 -08 -51-05 io. 12-13 -09 -51-05 IO. I2"I 'Of -5I-04 KF' 9. 20-94 9. 20-94 9. 20 -99 9. 2I-OO io. 16-72 - -08 -55-86 ber 30. io. 16-74 -08 -55-86 io. 16-79 -08 -55-86 io. 16-81 -08 -55-86 FF' 9. 20-78 io. 16-69 - -03 -55-87 9. 20-80 io. 16-70 -03 -55-87 9. 20-85 io. 16-77 -04 -55-87 9. 20^87 io. 16-77 'Oi -55-87 Parallax of pens FE' 9. 20-79 9. 20-80 9. 20 -86 9. 20-86 Mrau of Signals io. 1675 -06 -55-88 io. 16-77 -06 -55-88 io. 16-85 -08 -55-88 io. i6'S6 'oS -55-88 EE' 9. 20 -8 1 9. 20-83 9. 20-89 9. 20-90 Mean of Signals io. 16-85 -09 -55-89 io. 16-84 -09 -55-89 io. 16-96 'ii -55-89 9. 20-96 io. 43-24 - -09 I. 22-27 io. 16-97 -ii Clock slow -55-S9 EF' 9. 20-87 9. 20-86 9. 20-97 io. 43-24 -09 I. 22-28 Mean of Signals io. 43-02 -04 i. 22-27 jmber 9. io. 43-01 i. 41. 33-40 -04;, -07 I. 22'28 73'98 FE' 9. 20-71 io. 43-20 -09 I. 22-30 9. 20-69 io. 43-21 - -09 I. 22-31 I. 56. 42'4I -14 74-02 2. 9. 30-94 - -07 74'05 9. 20-88 9. 20-87 io. 43-40 - -16 i. 22-31 io. 43-41 -16 i. 22-31' Parallax of pens Clock slow EE' 9. 20 -8 1 9. 20-81 9. 20-94 9- 20-93 io. 43-14 -06 i. 22-331 io. 43-15 -06 I. 22-34 io. 43-26 07 -1.22-34 io. 43-25 07 -i. 22-34 Clock slow FF' 9. 20-75 9. 20-78 9. 20-85 9. 20-84 102 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Signals si-nt from Paris. Sij^i als tent from Greenwich. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- Paris ence. , Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. Paris Chronograph. Greenwich Chronograph. Differ- ence. M ean of Signals h m s 2. 37- 33-53 'IO 74-09 o. 10. o'6i -IO -1.24-07 o. 39. lo'ii -10 1.24-13 1. 50. 28-98 04 I. 24-29 2. i. 35-01 - -03 1.24-31 2. 17. 30-40 -10 -I- 24-35 h m s 2. 26. 50-24 -01 +8-29 23-59. 7 '6l ot +8-12 o. 28. 17-12 - -03 +8-12 i -39- 35'9 6 - '5 +8-12 i. 50. 41-87 -02 +8-12 2. 6.37-I7 'OS +8-12 m s 10. 43-29 - -09 I. 22-40 1888 N h m 9 2. 4 2. 36-59 -io 74-I2 888 Nove 0. 15-3574 -io I. 24-08 o. 43. 42-97 '10 1. 24-14 1-55- 7-05 -04 1.24-30 2. 7. II-O5 - '03 1. 24-33 388 Novel 2. 21. 46-07 'ID I. 24-36 ovem her 5 h in s 2 - 3'- 53'3 01 +8-29 mber 13. o. 4. 42-75 '5 +8-12 o. 3 2 - 49^7 -03 +8-12 1.44. 13-98 '05 +S-I2 1.56. 17-87 -02 +8-12 Tiber 13. 2. 10. 52-83 -05 +8-12 ). cont m a io. 43-29 - -0 9 I. 22-4I inued. h in s 2. 38. 58-91 '14 74-11 Exchange. o. H. 3677 '20 I. 24-08 o. 40. 29-20 '5 i. 24-14 i. 5i.47'6i -06 i. 24-29 2- 3- I4'95 -06 i. 24-32 Exchang 2. 18. 51-17 -16 ' 2 4-35 h m s 2. 28. 15-46 oo +8-29 o. 0.43-58 -03 +8-12 o. 29. 36-01 -03 +8-12 I. 40. 54-40 -04 +8-12 I. 52. 2170 -02 +8-12 a 2. 7.5771 -04 +8-12 Ill 9 io. 43-45 14 I. 22-40 h in s 2. 40. 21 'l6 -14 74 " o. 13. 12-53 -20 i. 24-08 o. 41. 4170 - -'5 i. 24-14 i-53- 179 -06 1.24-30 2. 4- 53^9 -06 1. 24-32 2. 2O. 3-94 -16 I. 24-36 h m s 2. 29. 37-71 oo +8-29 0. 2. 19-33 "3 +8-12 o. 30. 48-48 -03 +8-12 I. 42. 8-58 -04 +8-12 i- 53- 59'83 -02 +8-12 2. 9. 10-46 -04 +8-12 m a io. 43 -45 -14 i. 22-40 Parallax of pens EF' 9. 2O'8o 9. 20-79 9. 20-91 9. 20 91 Mean of Signals Parallax of pens 1 10. 52-97 - -05 -I. 32-19 First 1 io. 52-99' -5, i. 32-10 io. 53-19 -17 I. 32-20 9. 20-82 io. 53-20 'I? I. 32-20 Clock slow EF'.. ." 9. :o-73 9- 20-74 9. 20-8; 10. 52-99 -07 -i- 3 2 "2.5 io. 53-00 -07 i. 32-26 10. 53-19 "12 I. 32-26 io. 53-22 '12 I. 32'26 Parallax of pens EE' 9. 20 67 9. 20-67 9. 20-81 9. 2O-8/; Mean of Signals to. 53-02 + -oi I. 32-41 io. 53-07 + -oi I- 32-42 io. 53-21 'O2 I. 32-41 to. 53"2i -02 I. 32-42 Parallax of pens Clock slow FE'.. 9. 20-62 9. 20-66 9. 2078 9. 2077 Mean of Signals 10. 53-14 'OI -I. 32-43 io. 53-18 -01 1. 32-45 io. 53 '25 -04 i. 32-44 io. 53-26 '04 I- 32-44 Parallax of pens. Clock slow FF' . 9. 2070 9. 20-72 9- 20-77 9. 2078 Mean of Signals 1 10. 53-23 - -05 i. 32-4" Seconc io. 53-24 - '05 i. 32-48 io. 53-46 "12 I- 32-47 10. 53-48 I. 32-48 Parallax of pens Clock slow EE' 9. 20-71 9. 20-71 9. 2O-87 9. 20-88 RESULTING DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE AND MEANS FOR EACH DAY. 103 The means of the four results from each set of signals are given in Column IV. the following Table. The means of the results " Signals sent from Paris," a of and " Signals sent from Greenwich," were taken, and the difference of these is given in Column VI. Resulting Difference of Longitude and Means for each Day. Date. Greenwich Sid. Time. Chrono- graphs. Reuniting Longitude. Mean for Day. Time of Transmission. Mean for Day. d h m Ill S in a , Sept. 30 21. 54 FF 9. 20-648 + 0-028 23. 12 FE' 625 + 0-045 23.23 KE' 593 + 0-043 2 3- 45 EF 608 9. 20-619 + 0-028 + o 036 Oct. i 21.41 I'F 570 + 0-035 n-53 FK' 585 + 0-050 22. 4 EE' 530 + 0-025. 22. ig EF' 535 9.20-55 5 + 0-030 + 0-035 Oct. 3 23. 8 FF' 785 + 0-085 23. 22 FE' 743 + 0-048 23- 33 Eti' 720 + 0-015 23-44 EF' 7 '5 9.20-741 + 0-020 + 0-042 Oct. 5 21. 52 FF' 735 + 0-025 22. 5 FE' 725 + O'O2O 22. I/ EE' 698 + 0-043 22.32 EF 705 + 0-02O o. 7 FF 725 + 0-030 o. 1 8 FE' 688 O'OOS o. 3 1 EE' 728 + 0-OI3 o. 42 EF 760 9. 2O-72I + 0-020 + O-O2O Oct. 1 1 21. 56 FF' 438 + 0-033 22.31 FE' 443 + 0-038 22. 40 EE' 403 + 0-013 22. 59 EF 410 + 0-035 0.4! FF 408 + 0-048 o-53 KE' 363 9. 2O-4II + 0-063 + 0-038 Oct. 1 3 21.49 FF' 428 + 0-048 22. I FE' 438 + 0-028 22.35 EE' 53 + 0-088 22.48 EF 430 + 0-040 o. 38 FF' 365 + 0-020 I. 00 EE' '393 9. 20-426 + 0-048 + 0-045 Oct. 14 22.43 FF' '443 + 0-028 23.40 FE' 420 + 0-055 2 3- 59 EE' 433 + 0-073 - 34 EF 510 + 0-035 0.57 FF 485 + 0-035 i. 1 1 EE' '495 9. 20-464 + 0-035 + 0-044 Oct. 1 5 o- 3 FE' 590 9. 2O'59O + 0-050 + O-O50 Oct. 17 22. 5 FF' 583 + '033 22. 3 2 FE' 523 + 0-048 22. 43 EE' '5 '3 + 0-058 22. 56 EF' 550 + 0-035 104 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1 Resulting Difference of Longitude and Means for each Day continued. Date. Greenwich Sid. Time. Chrono- graphs. Resulting Longitude. Mean for Day. Time of Transmission. Mean for Day. d h m Ill in s B B Get. 1 7 o. 28 EE' 9.20-455 + 0-065 o. 46 FF 465 9.20-515 + O-O4O + 0-047 Oct. 19 22. 46 FF 40O + 0-030 22. 58 FE' 340 + 0-040 23- 9 EE' 338 + 0-048 23. 52 EF' '353 + 0-028 0.42 FF' 325 + O-O25 0.53 EE' 283 9. 20-340 + 0-048 + 0-037 Oct. 20 23-54 FF' 373 + 0-028 o- 13 FE' 315 + O-O5O o. 29 EE' 3^ + 0-058 0.44 EF' 368 9.20-346 +0-038 +0-044 Oct. 21 22.45 FF' 393 + 0-023 22. 56 FE' 365 + O-O5O 23- 8 EE' 353 + 0-058 23.48 EF' 388 + 0-033 1.14 FF' 318 + O'OlS 1.26 EE' 390 9. 20-368 + 0-065 + O-O4I Oct. 23 23.54 FF' 9.21-035 + O'OIO O. 10 FE' 9- 20-993 + 0-058 0.25 EE' 9. 2 I '013 + 0-073 0-4-4 EF' O7O 9. 21-028 + 0-015 + 0-039 Oct. 26 23. 19 EF' 9. 20-848 + 0-023 23-37 FF' 875 + 0-065 o. 32 EE' 823 + 0-028 ' 3 FE' 793 9.20-835 + 0-078 + 0-049 Oct.. 27 23. ii EF' 9.21-055 + o-o 10 23-47 EE' -028 + 0-023 1.29 EE' 9. 20-943 + 0-028 i-57 EF 968 9. 20-999 + 0-028 + O-022 Oct. 30 23-55 FF' 825 + 0-035 0. 22 FE' 828 + 0-033 Q-34 EE' 858 + 0-038 o. 58 EF' 915 9.20-857 + 0-050 + 0-039 Nov. 9 1.32 FE' 788 + 0-088 -* 47 EE' 873 + 0-063 2. OO FF' 805 + 0-040 2.29 EF' 853 9. 20-830 + 0-058 + O-O62 Nov. 1 3 O. 2 EF' 780 + 0-045 0.31 EE' 748 + 0-078 1.42 FE' 708 + 0-068 i-53 FF' 743 + 0-033 2. 9 EE' 793 9- 20754 + 0-083 + O-O6 I In forming Means for Day the mean of the result from all the exchanges of signals has been taken, the corresponding epoch being generally so near the mean epoch for star observations, that the effect of uncertainty in clock rate would be insensible. COMPARISON WITH TRANSIT-CIKCLE OBSERVATIONS. 105 XVII. COMPARISON WITH TRANSIT-CIRCLE OBSERVATIONS. The observations made continuously with the Transit-Circle at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, referred to the same clock as was used for longitude observa- tions, afford a most valuable check on the results. The observations were made by various observers, but in what follows, all clock errors are reduced to the standard observer, by applying the known difference of personal equation for the various observers as determined in the volumes of Greenwich Observations. The registration was made as usual on the large chronograph (called hereafter R.O.) by means of two prickers, one of which records clock beats at every two seconds, and the other the signals made by the observer. The prickers are at a distance apart corresponding to l s- 04 on the normal clock scale. In usual practice this distance is taken as l sec- , the difference being neglected as a small constant quantity which affects all observations equally. In this section, the correction 0"'04 has been applied to the readings from the R.O. chronograph, and will be referred to below as the "parallax of the prickers." The Sidereal Standard did not register directly on any of the chronographs. A relay is interposed in the circuit to distribute the current ; one branch goes directly to the R.O. chronograph, and another was led, during the longitude operations, to a second relay in the French hut which distributed the current to the longitude chronographs (E' and F') and at the same time substituted break for make signals : see p. 20. To determine what was the time of action of this second relay and the general agreement of the two circuits, signals were sent on many days to the different chronographs, and the results compared. These comparisons were made in two ways : A. The clock Graham 2 (placed in the English longitude hut and used in setting for stars) was made to register automatically on the different chronographs in turn. The difference between its indications and those of the Sidereal Standard may be taken as constant throughout the few minutes of observation, the effect of the clock's rate being quite insensible. B. On October 19, a double tapper was constructed to close two circuits simul- taneously. By its means signals were sent to two chronographs at once (generally R.O. and E) either at arbitrary times, or at integral seconds of " Graham 2," the connec- tions being reversed between the sets to eliminate any small difference in the contacts. The comparisons by methods A and B are distinguished by these letters in column 2 of the following table. The number of signals read off is given in column 3 ; in columns 4, 5, and 6 the means of the times read off from the different chronographs are given ; and in columns 7 and 8 the differences of E' and F' from R.O. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 106 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. The indications of E' and F' have been corrected for " parallax of the pens," and the quantities in column headed R.O. have been corrected for " parallax of the prickers," by subtracting O s< 04. Comparison of Chronographs by Means of Simultaneous Signals. D;ite. G. M. T. (Civil Reckoning) 1888. Method. Number of Signals. R.O. V F'. R.O. - E'. R.O. -F. .1 h s s s 8 Sept. 29. 12 A 10 0-63 0-63 O'62 O'OO + o-o i Oct. 17. 1 1 A 10 0-75 0-71 0-71 + 0-04 + 0-04 17. 19 A 10 0-90 0-85 + 0-05 19. 12 A 10 0-57 0-55 0-56 + 0-O2 + O'OI 20. I I B 10 0-61 0-68 0-07 I I B IO 0-63 0-69 0-06 13 B 8 0-51 0-52 O'OI '3 B 8 0-57 o - 6i o'O4 13 B 1 1 0-45 '43 + 0'O2 '3 A 8 0-29 0-26 + 0-03 21.21 B IO O'JO 0-52 O'O2 22 B 9 0^46 0-42 + 0-04 23 B 10 0-44 0-49 0-05 23. 2O B 10 0-92 0-92 O'OO 21 B 1 1 0-84 0-80 + '3 '4 '5 Oct. 17 '9 20 21 li in 23. 17 2 3- 9 0. I 1 - 3 23. 15 23- 37 o. 20 23-53 H F Mean + 7'l8 + 7-09 s + 7' z6 + 7-63 + 773 + 774 + 8-09 + 8-32 + 8-44 + 8-67 m 9 9- 2 7'67 28-06 28-19 28-33 Mean s + 0-12 + 0-17 + o - o6 0-03 m s 9- 20 '53 20- 60 20-52 20-56 + 7'H EP H JP RW Mean + 7'43 + 7-38 + 7'49 + 7'53 + 7-46 AD JP E Mean + 7-66 + 7-58 + 7-72 + 772 + 7-67 H JP F EW H Mean + 777 + 8-15 + 8-05 + 8-02 + 8-06 + 0-080 9- 20 - 553 9. 28-56 28-66 28-79 29-04 Mean + 0-O2 0-05 + 0-05 + 0-09 9. 20-49 20-29 20-40 20-46 + 8-07 AW F RW Mean + 8-37 + 8'39 + 8'34 + 8'37 AD R Mean + 8-44 + 8'34 + 8-39 (+8-58) + 0-028 9. 20-410 COMPARISON OF ERRORS OF THE SIDEREAL STANDARD AT GREENWICH. Comparison of Errors of the Sidereal Standard, etc. continued. 109 Date. Mean of Times of Signals (Sidereal). T. C. Observers. Sidereal Standard slow at Time of Signals as found by G-T. C. P.-T. C. Transit-Circle (T. 0.). Longitude Observer at Greenwich (G.). Paris (P.). Oct 23 6 2? 3 Nov. 9 13 h MI O. 19 o. 8 o. 36 o. 27 1.47 1.19 AW H JP R Mean + 8-88 + 8-90 + 8-98 + 8-84 1 + 8-41 + 8-64 + 8-56 + 8-48 + 8-29 + 8-12 m s 9- 2 9'44 29-48 29-56 29-34 29*12 28-87 1 -0-49 + 0-06 0-16 - 0-38 o-ii 0-16 m a 9- 20 '54 20-90 20-84 20-48 20-72 20-59 + 8-9 AP AD JP RW Mean + 8-56 + 8-52 + 8-66 + 8-59 + 8-58 T . SD R JP Mean + 873 + 872 + 8-64 + 8-77 + 8-72 T JP AP Mean + 8-80 + 8-88 + 8-89 + 8-86 I AW R JP AD Mean T H R JP AD Mean + 8-40 + 8-48 + 8-24 + 8-45 + 8-43 + 8-40 + 8-53 + 8-21 + 8-14 + 8-28 + 8-24 + 8-28 0-207 9. 20-678 110 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Dividing the operations into four parts as shown above, the means of columns 7 and 8 give- Longitude of Paris instrument East of Greenwich Transit-Circle (uncorrected for personal equation) found by H.T. is in s From Part I. 9 20-590 IV. 9 20-678 Longitude of Greenwich instrument East of Greenwich Transit- Circle (uncorrected for personal equation) found by H.T. s From Part II. + o'oSo III. + 0-028 combining results of Parts I. and II. and also Parts III. and IV., to eliminate the difference of longitude of the Greenwich longitude hut and the Transit-Circle, and also personal equation. Longitude of Paris instrument East of Greenwich instrument. Ill S From Parts I. and II. 9 20-510 III. and IV. 9 20-650 Mean 9 20-580 Similarly longitude of Paris instrument East of Greenwich Transit-Circle found by L., is m s From Part II. 9 20-553 III. 9 20-410 and longitude of Greenwich instrument East of Greenwich Transit-Circle, found by L. s From Part >. 0-070 IV. - 0-207 and longitude of Paris instrument East of Greenwich instrument 111 S From Parts I. and II. 9 20-623 . III. and IV. 9 20-617 Mean 9 20-620 Taking the means of H.T.'s and L.'s results we have : Longitude of the Paris instrument East of the Greenwich instrument, as found indirectly by use of the Transit-Circle observations : 9 m 20 S '600. RESULTING DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 4 XVIII. RESULTING DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. Ill The Mean Results for each day given on pp. 103, 104 are collected in the following table. A weight of 2 has been given to a full night on which two exchanges of signals were made, and weight 1 to a half night with only one exchange of signals and a comparatively small number of clock stars at Greenwich or Paris. Parts I. and III. Part II. H.T. at Paris. L. at Greenwich. L. at Paris. H.T. at Greenwich. Date. Result for Day. Discordance from Mean. Weight. Date. Result for Day. Discordance from Mean. Weight. 1888. m s s 1888. m s s Sept. 30 9 20-619 -158 I Oct. 1 1 9 20-41 1 -016 2 Oct. i "555 ' ~ '2*2 I '3 426 -ooi 2 3 741 - -036 I '4 464 + -037 2 5 721 - -056 2 '5 590 + -163 I Weighted Mean 9 20-671 Oct. 23 21-028 + ^51 , 17 515 + -088 2 26 20-835 + 'OSS I J 9 340 -087 2 27 999 + "222 2 20 346 - -08 1 I 30 857 -f- -080 I 21 368 -oca 2 Nov. 9 830 + "53 I >3 753 -024 2 Weighted Mean 9 20-882 9 20-427 Mean of Parts (^ I. and III. / 9 2 777 The discordances in column 3 with the weights in column 4, treated by the 2 n v z formula (p. e.) 2 = w .rj, where v is the discordance from the mean, p the weight, and n the number of determinations, give for the probable error of a determination with weight 1. From Parts I. and III. -j- 0-114 II. 0-070 .Mean -092 In deducing the probable error from Parts I. and III., the change of personal equation has been treated as accidental, and thus the value found for the probable error is larger than if the change in personal equation had been allowed for. 112 TKUEGKAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GRKENWICH, MADE IN 1888. Thus we have the following results : 111 8 S From Parts I. and III. 9 20777 d= 0-025 II. 9 20-427 0-025 Longitude of the Paris instrument East of the Greenwich instrument : 9-2O602 O018 This longitude refers to the following meridians : At Paris, the pier of the English instrument which is s '2 7 west of Cassini's meridian. At Greenwich the old meridian of Bradley, 19 ft. or O s> 02 west of the Transit- Circle. Thus the meridian of Cassini is, 9 m 20 S '60 - 8 '02 + O s> 27 or 9 m 2O-85 E. of the Greenwich Transit Circle. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE BETWEEN PARIS AND GREENWICH IN THE YEAR 1892. L INTRODUCTORY. i As the provisional results of the determination of the longitude Paris-Greenwich made in 1888 by the English and French observers respectively differed by about two-tenths of a second of time, it was suggested by General Derre"cagaix, the Director of the " Service Gdographique de I'Arme'e Fra^aise," that a redetermination should be made at a convenient opportunity. As arrangements were in progress for the determination of the longitude Greenwich-Montreal in the year 1892, in which Greenwich observers were to take part, it was considered that the work of the Paris longitude could be conveniently undertaken in the months of June and July 1892, between the two stages of the Montreal longitude, which were to take place in April and May and August and September of the same year. It was decided that, as in the case of the 1888 longitude, two observers of the French Service Ge"ographique, who were, as before, Colonel Bassot (B) and Commandant Defforges (D), should take part in the work, and two observers from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, who were Mr Turner (H T) and Mr Hollis (H). The observers were to be interchanged twice, as in the previous determination, as follows : 1st Series : D and H T at Greenwich, B and H at Paris. 2nd Series : B and H at Greenwich, D and H T at Paris. 3rd Series : B and H at Greenwich, D and H T at Paris. 4th Series : D and H T at Greenwich, B and H at Paris. Each series was to consist of three full nights or the equivalent in half nights. The Paris station was at the Observatoire du Dep6t de la Guerre, Montsouris, the English GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. P 114 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. instrument being mounted on the same pier as in 1888, but the French instrument was on this occasion on a pier about ten feet to the west of the English pier. At Greenwich the English observers used the pier in the newly erected Transit Pavilion in the front court, which is on Bradley's meridian ; the French observers used the pier in the front court, 41 feet west of the transit-circle, which they had used in 1888. Arrangements for telegraphic communication were made by co-operation of the French and English Post-Offices, and a wire was put at the disposal of the Astronomer Royal between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. each evening. Commandant Defforges arrived at Greenwich to mount and adjust his instrument on June 3. Mr Hollis left for Paris on June 6. The following is an account of the course of the work, P denoting Paris and "G Greenwich : June 7. Clear P : partly clear G : instruments being adjusted at Paris. One exchange of Signals. June 8. Clear P : partly clear G : two exchanges. June 9. Clear P and G : two exchanges. June 10. No observations made. June 11. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. June 12. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange.. June 13. Clear P and G : two exchanges. June 14. Cloudy P and G. June 15. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. (End of 1st Series.) June 16. Mr Turner and Commandant Defforges left for Paris. June 17. Mr Hollis returned to Greenwich. June 18. Col. Bassot arrived at Greenwich : cloudy P and G : one exchange. June 19. Cloudy P and G. June 20. Cloudy P : clear G. June 21. Cloudy P : cloudy G. June 22. Cloudy P : cloudy G : one exchange. June 23. Clear P and G : two exchanges. June 24. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. June 25. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. June 26. Clear P and G : two exchanges. June 27. Clear P and G : two exchanges. June 28. Cloudy P and G. June 29. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. (End of 2nd Series.) INTRODUCTORY. 115 June 30. Clear P and G : two exchanges. July 1. Clear P and G : two exchanges. July 2. Clear P and G : two exchanges. (End of 3rd Series.) July 3. Col. Bassot left for Paris. July 5. Mr Turner returned to Greenwich. July 6. Mr Hollis left for Paris : Commandant Defforges returned to Greenwich. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 7. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 8. Clear P and G : one exchange. July 9. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 10. No observations made : two exchanges. July 11. Clear P and G : one exchange. July 12. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 13. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 14. No observations made. July 15. Clear P and G : one exchange. July 16. Cloudy P and G. July 17. Cloudy P and G. July 18. Clear for a short time P : cloudy G. July 19. Cloudy P and G. July 20. Cloudy P : clear for a short time G : one exchange. July 21. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. July 22. Clear P : partly clear G : one exchange. The whole apparatus of the English observers was quite distinct from that used by the French, except that the telegraph line was common to both. The observations were reduced quite independently, and the following account refers only to the English determination. II. OBSERVING STATIONS. Greenwich. The transit instrument at Greenwich was mounted in the new Transit Pavilion, erected in the front court in 1891. The centre of the pier is in the meridian of Bradley 's transit, 19 ft. west and 70 ft. north of the transit- circle, being in exactly the same position as in the Paris longitude determination in 1888. The building is shown in plan and section (transverse to the meridian) in Plate IV. The whole is on a concrete foundation 1 ft. 6 in. deep under the 116 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS -GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. pier and walls, and 6 in. deep in the intervening space. The pier is of brick with a capping stone on the top, the total height above the foundation being 8 ft. 9 in. The observing platform is raised 3 ft. 3 in. above the floor level, serving as a convenient table for the chronograph and signalling apparatus. The space under the platform serves as a basement for batteries, etc. The stand of the transit instrument (with provision for adjustment in level and azimuth) is firmly bolted to the pier by means of lewises cemented into the capping stone. The pier is isolated from the observing platform and floor, and is protected from accidental jars by a wooden framework round it. The roof consists of a pair of semi-domes sliding apart so as to give a clear opening of 2 ft. 6 in. in the plane of the meridian, semi-circular in section. The observing room at Paris was the same as that used in 1888. (See page 6). III. INSTRUMENTS. The telescopes were those designated D and E of the series of five transits referred to in the account of the Paris-Greenwich longitude 1888, p. 6, where a general description applying to all these instruments will be found. In 1891 a buffer actuated by a strong spring was added to the object-glass cell of both Transits D and E to hold the lenses firmly in their place. New sets of nine wires were inserted in the eye-pieces, the micro- meter screws examined and springs renewed, and the pivots of the instruments re- polished. In preparation for the Montreal longitude, two cast-iron stands, with steel sector-bearings and fitted with apparatus for rapidly reversing the telescope in its Y's, were supplied by Messrs Troughton and Simms. The reversing apparatus carries friction-wheels riding on springs, which act as counterpoises, and the stands themselves are adjustable in azimuth and level by screws at the ends of the base. The stand desig- nated I. was mounted at Greenwich (with the level adjusting screw at the east end of the pier), and was used throughout the operations. One of the cast-iron stands mentioned in the account of the operations of 1888 which has V-shaped bearings individually adjustable in azimuth and level, was used throughout at Paris. Diagonal Bohnenberger eye-pieces, which permit observations of the nadir to be made with the tube of the eye-lens horizontal, were supplied for both instruments. The four hanging levels, two of which had been used in the operations in 1888, were in 1891 fitted with aluminium legs to convert them into striding levels, and INSTRUMENTS. 117 were also fitted with a micrometer screw acting on a system of levers according to the plan described by Mr Turner in Monthly Notices R.A.S., Vol. LIL, p. 52. The arrangement is shown on Plate V. The level bubble A B, graduated so that I' 1 ' corresponds approximately to l", is pivoted at one end inside a metal tube ; the other end bears on a knife edge D, 8f in. from the pivots, which is fixed to a lever E F turning on pivots at E, and acted on by a micrometer screw at F, B and F being kept up to their bearings by strong springs. The arms D E and F E are 2 fin. and 9f in. long respectively, and the micrometer screw has 100 threads to the inch. The head being divided into 60 parts, one division represents 1 -6000th of an inch and should correspond to 1" of level approximately. IV. INSTKUMENTAL CONSTANTS. (1) The value of one revolution of the micrometer screws. As the Transits D and E were used also in the Greenwich-Montreal longitude, 1892, and in the Green wich- Killorglin longitude, 1898, this section applies to all these operations. It is explained elsewhere (see p. 24, Paris-Greenwich Longitude, 1888) that a close circumpolar star was usually bisected 10 times with the middle wire, the instant of bisection being registered on the chronograph. On some occasions during the work, additional bisections, usually 10, were made when the star was at some distance from its first position. The mean of each group of readings for bisection is taken, and also the mean of the corresponding times. The ratio of the differences of these means gives the value of one revolution. In the following tables, column 2 gives the N.P.D.. of the star observed, a negative sign implying that the observation was made below Pole. Columns 3 and 4 give the intervals between the mean of the observations in time and revolutions of screw, respectively, and column 5 gives the number of bisections in each group. The weights given in column 6 have been taken as approximately proportional to the intervals measured, when 10 bisections have been made in each group. This system of weighting has been adopted as it was not considered advisable to give the full theoretical weight to the observations made over a wide range of the screw, the observations of circumpolars being generally confined to a small range near the middle. The quotient of the quantities in column 3 by the corresponding number in column 4, multiplied by "sin N.P.D., gives the results in column 7, of which the weighted mean is taken. 118 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH. MADE IN 1892. Determination of the Value of one Revolution of the R.A. Micrometer Screws in Time at the Equator. Transit D. Paris Longitude. Date 1892. N.P.D. of Star. Interval in Time. Interval in Revs, of Screw. No. of Obs. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. ' ii ' ' 1 r s June 9 + 2 21 2 219-72 2-392 IO, IO 2 3-7675 9 + 3 23 27 290-15 4-569 1O, IO 5 3-7561 13 + 2 21 2 299-95 3-300 10, 10 3 3-7279 23 + 3 23 23 274-08 4'329 10, 6 2 37433 27 - 4 43 5i 313-96 6-945 10, 5 4 37284 July i - 4 43 52 292-97 6-447 10, 6 4 374 8 i + 7 47 5 81-90 2-952 8, 10 3 3-7580 8 + 3 23 18 117-48 1-847 IO, 10 2 37593 8 - 2 47 21 123-19 1-592 10, 10 2 375 8 3 ii + 3 23 17 228-53 3-582 IO, IO 4 37704 '5 + 7 47 4 71-94 2-580 IO, IO 3 37767 20 + 7 47 3 128-60 4-639 10, IO 5 37547 Mean 37529 Transit D. Montreal Longitude. May 9 i 16 ii 165-35 0-967 10, 8 i 37882 10 + i 41 52 632-06 5-000 IO, 10 5 37453 ii i 16 i i 473'4S 2-800 IO, 10 3 3-7469 12 + i 41 52 287-66 2-290 10, 10 2 37217 Sept. 7 + 3 23 6 746-50 11-765 10, 10 12 37456 7 509-78 8-029 IO, 10 8 3748i 7 ... 305-56 4-809 8, 8 3 3-7430 7 89-51 1-416 8, 8 i 37382 8 i 16 3 1243-86 7-311 IO, IO 7 37634 8 1015-08 5-952 10, IO 6 3772S 8 ... 804-28 4732 10, 10 5 37597 8 613-94 3-605 IO, 10 4 37671 8 _ 416-96 2-442 12, 12 3 3-7769 8 142-78 0-830 12, 12 i 3-8052 9 + 3 23 6 406-23 6-391 IO, 10 6 37530 9 I33-45 2-096 10, 10 2 3-7592 9 - i 2 57 914-00 4"457 IO, IO 4 37540 9 ... 331-37 1-605 IO, 10 2 37799 Mean 37559 DETERMINATION OF THE VALUE OF R.A. MICROMETER SCREWS. Transit D.Killorr/lin Longitude. 119 Date. N.P.D. of Star. Interval in Time. Interval in Revs, of Screw. No. of Obs. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. 1898. e t n 8 r 8 November 3 + i 44 40 I22-05 1-028 8, 7 o (3-6I42) 3 + * 13 4 1 88-5I 0-503 10, 6 I 37713 6 + i 13 4 426-58 2-433 10, 10 3 37569 Mean i-7601: J 1 ** V J fw- \ Transit E. Paris Longitude. 1892. June 23 + 3 23 22 237-27 3-716 10, 10 4 37750 24 + 7 47 9 78- 9 3 2-846 10, 10 3 37571 26 + 3 o 29 78678 10-958 10, 10 ii 3-7678 26 + 3 o 29 3O6-OI 4-255 10, 8 4 3774 29 + 7 47 8 I09-59 3-946 10, 10 4 3-7622 3 + 7 47 7 88-99 3-188 10, 10 3 37813 30 + 3 23 20 l6073 2-520 10, 10 3 37703 3 + 3 23 20 492"33 7732 10, 10 8 3-7640 July i + 7 47 7 200-04 7-210 IO, 10 7 37583 i + 3 23 20 226-70 3-559 IO, IO 4 37653 i - 2 46 59 605-98 7-848 IO, IO 8 3749 i i - 2 46 59 299-37 3-861 10, 10 4 37648 2 + 7 47 7 89-01 3-197 IO, IO 3 37715 2 + 3 23 20 52175 8-192 IO, IO 8 37649 2 + 3 23 20 123-02 1-956 10, 10 2 37178 9 + 3 23 i 178-89 2-832 IO, 10 3 37334 ii + 7 47 5 137-76 4-950 IO, IO 5 37697 ii + 3 23 17 257-42 4-076 10, 10 4 37324 1 1 + 3 23 17 158-48 2-493 10, 10 2 3-7569 15 + 7 47 4 96-27 3'4 6 9 8, 10 3 375 8 9 15 + 3 Z 3 l6 125-49 2-015 10, 10 2 3-6802 21 + i i 45 562-73 2-670 9, 10 3 37855 21 I 2 42 580-82 2-804 IO, IO 3 37788 21 + 3 24 44 17679 2-851 10, 6 2 3-6908 21 - 5 ii 52 179-03 4' 2 73 IO, IO 4 37957 22 + 3 23 14 176-55 2-762 10, 10 3 3-7767 22 + 3 23 14 I73-3S 2-697 IO, IO 3 3-7976 22 - 2 47 8 140-98 1-788 10, 4 i 3-8318 22 - 2 47 8 163-50 2-094 IO, 10 2 3-7945 22 + i i 44 171-90 0-823 IO, IO I 37506 22 + 3 24 44 175-52 2-786 10, 10 3 3749 8 22 - 5 ii 52 II2-OO 2-697 10, 10 3 3-7621 Mean 3-7627 120 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Montreal Longitude. Date. N.P.D. of Star. Interval in Time. Interval in Kevs. of Screw. No. of Obs. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. 1892. / II s r 8 Apr. 14 - 3 I? 32 236-80 3'624 IO, 10 4 375 2 5 !9 + i 4i 57 320-99 2-537 10, 10 3 37516 22 + ' 4 1 57 547-10 4-304 IO, 10 4 3-7692 Aug. 1 6 + 4 z6 8 176-93 . 3-647 10, 10 4 375*9 16 + i i 37 361-93 1720 IO, 10 2 37719 16 I 2 50 358-40 1740 10, IO 2 3-7647 16 - 2 47 12 508-64 6-578 10, 10 7 3-7607 18 + I I 3 6 281-21 1-363 10, 6 i 3-6970 18 - I 2 5 I 173-18 0784 IO, IO o (4-0147) 19 - 2 47 13 161-31 2-073 10, 6 i 37834 2 4 + i i 35 141-63 0-673 10, 6 \ 3-7695 2 4 + 3 2 3 7 163-23 2-566 3. 7 i 3-7563 Sept. 4 + 4 26 i 234-04 4-805 10, IO 5 37653 4 i 42 8 172-77 1-377 i, 5 i 3-7267 5 + 4 26 i 109-11 2 ' 2 49 10, 10 i 3-7503 5 - 2 47 16 308-10 3-973 9, 10 4 37716 5 + 3 24 28 126-24 i'997 8, 6 i 3-7577 6 i 42 8 127-97 1-009 8, 10 i 37677 7 + 3 '7 ii 136-98 2-097 10, 10 2 37448 8 + 4 2 5 59 101-19 2-076 10, IO 2 3-7676 8 + 3 17 ii II5-53 i'774 10, 6 I 37334 12 + 4 2 5 5 8 85-89 1-770 6, 10 I 37678 12 + 3 17 10 186-57 2-839 9. 9 3 37669 12 - i 2 57 216-95 1-055 9. 9 i 3-7655 13 + 4 25 58 i37 - 23 2-824 9, 10 3 37557 13 + 3 17 9 151-06 2-294 10, IO 2 3-7743 13 i 42 i i 466-15 3-692 10, 6 3 3-7522 H + 4 2 5 57 95 - i7 1-945 10, 9 2 37816 H + 3 17 9 114-51 1-750 10, 10 2 37504 '4 i 2 58 I53-93 0-759 10, IO I 3-7I39 H + 3 24 25 i44 - 3 2-293 10, 9 2 37399 15 + 4 25 57 81-49 1-676 5, I0 I 37577 15 + 4 2 5 57 136-68 2-815 IO, IO 3 375 2 4 15 i 42 i i 288-90 2-282 10, IO 2 3-7630 16 I 2 58 198-20 0-964 10, IO I 37655 Mean 37586 Transit E. Killorglin Longitude. 1898. May 6 - i 14 7 962-64 5-537 10, 6 4 37456 16 i 14 10 472-80 2-699 10, 10 3 37719 16 i 14 10 115879 6-631 10, IO 7 37682 1 Oct. 8 - i 44 31 274-37 2-264 10, IO 2 3-6839 ii + 3 H 48 292-66 4-427 10, 10 4 37692 ii + 4 2 3 47 195-65 3'95 6 10, 10 4 37943 12 + 3 14 48 26377 3-963 10, 10 4 3-7437 DETERMINATION OF THE VALUE OF R.A. MICROMETER SCREWS. Transit E. Killorglin Longitude. continued. 121 Date 1898. N.P.D. of Star. Interval iu Time. Interval in Revs, of Screw. No. of Obs. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. / // 8 r 8 Oct. 12 - i 44 32 3I8-63 2-582 10, 10 3 3-7605 13 + i 13 49 293^2 1-675 10, 10 2 37599 13 + 4 23 46 I37-48 2-781 10, 4 I 37891 17 + 3 22 33 161-80 2-515 10, 10 3 37883 17 + 4 23 45 218-62 4-442 10, IO 4 3-7723 17 - > 44 34 222-29 i -8 1 1 10, 10 2 37318 18 + 3 22 32 181-18 2-835 10, 10 3 3-7629 18 + 4 l6 57 108-43 2-150 ', 5 i 3-7660 18 + 4 23 45 126-16 2-563 10, 10 3 37728 22 + 4 42 44 242-03 5-3ii 10, 9 5 37437 2 3 + i 13 45 '3574 0-761 10, 10 i 3-8263 23 + 3 '4 44 107-94 1-617 10, IO 2 37793 23 + 4 23 43 272-47 5-540 IO, 10 5 3-7692 23 - i 44 37 316-12 2-549 IO, IO 3 3-7735 2 4 + 4 '6 55 '55'97 3-094 10, 10 3 3-7639 24 + 4 23 43 125-93 2-562 10, 9 3 3-7669 24 - i 44 37 245-87 2-OOO 10, IO 2 .r74 5 28 + i '3 43 308-38 1766 10, 14 2 3-7440 28 + 3 H 4 2 268-44 4-040 10, IO 4 3-7610 28 + 4 23 42 178-18 3-6l8 IO, IO 4 37745 28 - i 44 38 339' 8 7 2745 IO, IO 3 37683 2 9 + i '3 43 171-85 0-952 10, 6 i 3'87 3 2 9 + 3 '4 42 234-26 3-54I 10, 10 4 37443 2 9 + 4 l6 53 172-87 3-461 10, 7 2 3-7289 29 - i 44 39 279-99 2-278 10, 10 2 37408 31 + 3 H 4i 124-17 1-857 10, 7 2 37845 3' - i 44 39 179-98 1-439 10, 6 I 3-8066 Nov. 3 + 3 14 40 174-50 2-628 10, 10 3 3-7595 8 + 3 H 39 204-03 3-081 IO, IO 3 37474 8 + 4 23 4 252-31 5-097 10, 8 4 3-7927 8 - i 44 42 242-86 1-964 IO, IO 2 37653 10 + i 13 38 271-96 1-567 10, 10 2 3-7169 1 1 - i 44 43 320-37 2-582 IO, 10 3 3-7787 13 + i 13 37 333'9 6 I-9I7 IO, 10 2 3-7301 13 + 3 H 38 175-08 2-636 10, 10 3 3-7582 3 + 4 23 39 128-21 2-605 IO, 10 3 3-7707 '3 - i 44 43 218-46 I-746 IO, 10 2 3-8105 18 + i 13 35 35'-83 I- 9 83 10, 9 2 37974 20 + 4 i 6 46 277-61 5-5I8 10, 10 6 37537 22 + i 13 34 25374 I-438 10, IO I 3-7758 22 + 4 23 38 184-25 3757 10, 10 4 3-7560 22 - i 44 46 208-26 1-696 10, 10 2 3-7416 24 + i 13 33 306-96 1-762 10, 3 i 37278 25 + i '3 33 321-10 1-819 10, 10 2 37764 25 + 4 16 45 113-24 2-233 10, 10 2 3-7839 25 t 4 *3 37 191-50 3-911 IO, 10 4 3-749 6 25 i 44 47 408-72 3-333 10, IO 3 37372 27 + 4 16 44 117-57 2-322 10, 6 2 37778 27 + 4 4 2 33 127-50 2-770 10, 10 3 3-7789 27 - ' 44 47 183-77 1-500 10, IO i 3-7337 Mean 3-7629 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 122 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. These results are summarized in the following Table. Mean Value of l rev - of R.A. Micrometer Screw. 1892, June- July 1892, April-Sept. 1898, Oct.-Nov. Transit D. Paris Longitude Montreal Killorglin Means. 8 37529 37559 37605 Weights. 39 75 4 1892, June-July 1892, April-Sept. 1898, Oct-Nov. Transit E. Paris Longitude Montreal Killorglin Means. 8 37627 37586 37629 Weights. 123 74 '57 In the reduction of the Paris longitude the value 3 8 756 = 56"'34 was used for one revolution of the screw of Transit D and 3 B 762 = 56"'43 for one revolution of that of Transit E. (2) For determination of the Equatorial intervals of the vertical wires, observations were made of coincidence of each wire in turn with its reflected image at the nadir. The following columns give the distances of each wire from the mean expressed in revolutions of the micrometer screw. In the column " Position of Instrument," W. denotes micrometer head West, and E. micrometer head East. The nine vertical wires are denoted by the Roman numerals I., II., III., etc., the order in which a star transits when the instrument is in the position micrometer head West. Wire Intervals. Transit D. II. III. IV. Wires. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. May 6 E r -3732 r 2-982 _ 2 r 287 - 5H r r + O-O27 +1-506 r + 2-242 r + 2-993 r + 3751 6 W 3741 2-976 2 289 517 0-025 505 2-242 2-990 3-761 9 W 3739 2-982 2 289 522 0-036 505 2-241 2-994 3757 ,. 9 E 3735 2-979 2 284 '5*7 0-030 53 2-241 2-991 3748 July 15 E 3738 2-980 2 290 520 0-041 49 8 2-243 2- 99 I 3-752 Aug. 30 W 373 1 2-971 2 2 7 8 517 0-029 '499 2-236 2-987 3743 Sept. 7 E 3-728 2-975 2 275 'SIS 0-028 496 2-237 2-986 3743 1-9779 -2-2846 -1-5174 +0-0309 +1-5017 +2-2403 +2-9903 +3-7507 VALUES OF LEVEL SCALES. Wire Intervals. Transit E. 123 Date, 1892, Wires. and Position of Instrument. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. r r r r r r r r r May 13 E - -3-729 -2-998 - 2-252 - "49 6 O-OO2 + -48l + 2 2 2O + 3-018 + 3762 ,, '3 W 3732 3-OO2 2-255 502 O-OO4 1-489 2 '222 3-019 3-762 Aug. 23 W 3723 2-994 2-250 484 o-oio 1-483 2 212 3-006 3758 ,, 23 E 3732 3-003 2-241 490 0-005 1-480 2 212 3-016 3-760 29 W 3732 3-OOI 2-249 483 0-006 1-484 2 22O 3-010 3-757 ,, 29 E 37*3 2-998 2-255 -49' O'OI I 1-488 2 2I 9 3-014 3-760 July 9 w 3727 3-002 2-252 '493 0-008 1-489 2 213 3-019 3761 9 E 3-729 3-004 2-251 491 o-ooi 1-488 2 2I 4 3-016 3758 Sept. 10 E 3724 2-993 2-253 490 0-005 1-485 2 216 3-017 3745 10 W 3731 3'OOI 2-245 "493 0-008 1-486 a 21 7 3-01 1 3-760 Means - -3-7282 2-9996 2-2503 -1-4913 0-0060 + I-4853 + 2 2165 + 3-0146 +37583 Subtracting the value for the centre wire and converting the revolutions into time with the value of one revolution of the screw given on p. 122, the following adopted values for distances from the centre wire are obtained. Wire (W.) Transit D. Transit E. s k I. - 14-144 - H- 002 II. 11-301 1 1 262 III. - 8-698 - 8 442 IV. - 5-815 5 588 V. VI. + 5-525 + 5' 610 VII. + 8-298 + 8- 361 VIII. + 11-116 + ii- 363 IX. + 13-972 + H- 161 (3) The Value of l rev - of the micrometer screw of the levels was determined in September 1891, after the alterations were made as described above. The level was fixed to the clamping circle of the Greenwich Transit-Circle, and the bubble being brought to a central position of the scale, the bubble, micrometer screw and circle of the transit-circle were read. The whole apparatus was then moved slightly and the bubble was brought back to its original position by adjustment of the level micrometer screw. Comparison of the readings of the screw and circle in the new position with those previously made gave a value of a revolution of the micrometer screw. During the longitude operations in 1892, the quantity was determined at con- venient times by the following method. 124 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. The level error of the transit instrument was determined in the usual way by observations of the nadir and by striding level. The level of the instrument was then altered by moving the adjusting screws of the stand, and the level error was again determined by both methods. Comparison of the change of level, as measured by the R.A. micrometer screw and by the micrometer screw of the level, gave a value of one revolution of the latter in terms of the former, which was converted into arc by means of its known values. The following are the values found for l div< (^th. of a revolution) of the level micrometer screws. Level d. 1891, Sept. 0-98 1892, April 20 0-97 0'99 '9 8 June 14 0-98 July 9 0-98 0-08 Level e. 1891, Sept. 1-02 1892, May 27 1-03 July 22 1-02 For the reduction of the longitude Greenwich-Paris in 1892, the values used for l dlv- of the micrometer heads were : for level d c/'-gS for level e i"-O2. (4) The Calibration of the level bubbles was effected by placing the level in its usual position during observation, on the pivots of the instrument and making the air-bubble gradually traverse the whole of the scale by turning the micrometer screw. Readings of the position of the ends of the bubble and of the screw were taken at about each division of the scale the whole length of which, in the case of each level (though showing variations with different temperatures) had a mean length of about 50 divisions. From these readings curves were laid down showing the value of 1 scale division at different settings of the bubble. This operation was repeated several times, and the following table shows the mean value of 1 division of the scale at different readings deduced from these : VALUES OF LEVEL SCALES. 125 Level d. Reading of centre of bubble. div. 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 5* 54 56 58 60 Value of i div. O f scale. l; 95 I- 99 I.7I ''55 1-52 I-6 5 I-8 3 1-96 Z'OI 1-90 174 1-63 1-51 i'S3 >'45 i '49 Level e. Reading of centre of bubble. div. 3 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 5 5 Z 54 56 58 Value of i dlT - of scale. 09 06 04 09 16 19 22 21 '22 22 '20 'I? '5 10 (5) Inequality of Pivots. The mean level indications, in reversed positions, of the instruments on each night of observation were compared, and the results are given below. In the first column is the date, in the second the number (m) of observations of level, by means of the striding level, micrometer head W, in the third the number (n) of observations, micrometer head E, in the fourth the weight - to be assigned to the result in the fifth column, which is one-fourth of the difference between concluded level indications W and E respectively, and is the correction applicable, positively for the position E, and negatively for W, to the observed level indications in these positions, due to inequality of pivots. Date. June Transit D. 2 mn W E 7 I i i + 0-303 8 2 3 2 0-013 9 3 6 4 0-158 ii ... ... ... 12 13 5 5 5 + 0-235 15 ... 2O 3 5 4 + 0-089 Transit E. 2 mn W E 4 6 5 - 0-273 3 6 4 0-085 4 4 4 0-188 3 3 3 0-260 5 5 5 - 0-043 5 3 4 0-270 126 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. continued. Transit. A'. continued. Date. 2 in n W E 771 2 m W E m-\-n 4 71, m+i 4 June 23 7 3 4 + 0-170 6 5 5 0-025 24 5 4 4 + 0-093 i 3 2 0-145 26 5 6 5 + 0-080 5 3 4 + 0-245 27 9 4 6 + O-22O 5 4 4 0-2I5 29 5 4 4 0-008 30 4 4 4 + 0-298 4 6 5 0-063 July i 4 6 5 + 0-015 4 5 4 0-123 2 4 5 4 + O-2IO 6 3 4 0-293 6 6 i 2 0-240 7 3 3 3 0-063 8 2 3 2 + 0-423 4 6 5 0-073 9 4 8 5 0-263 ii 4 5 4 + 0-093 8 5 6 + 0-018 12 ... 3 6 4 0-343 13 ... 6 3 4 + 0-028 15 i 3 2 + 0-288 5 7 6 0-280 21 ... 4 5 4 0-225 22 2 2 2 + 0-248 7 7 7 - 0-165 Means 66 63 62 '+0-134 105 107 99 0-139 As the apparent level error due to inequality of pivots is thus very small, and as the method of making observations in the two positions of the instrument on each night eliminates any such error from the mean result, it has not been considered neces- sary to apply any correction for inequality of pivots. V. CLOCKS. The clock used at Greenwich was the Sidereal Standard operating on the chronograph through a relay. The currents obtained from it at every alternate second are used, to actuate a relay, from which three independent circuits are derived. One of these is appropriated to the seconds' magnet of the Transit-Circle Chronograph ; and another was used to give the clock-register used in the longitude operations. The clock used at Paris was one belonging to Greenwich Observatory, known as Graham 2, and is fitted with a contact wheel having thirty-one teeth, which closed the circuit at the alternate even seconds by the clock face, and also at the seventh second of every minute. This clock was set up in the cellar of the dwelling-house at Pare Montsouris, where the temperature was approximately constant. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. 127 VI. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. The chronographs used were those made by Hilger, which had been used in the first part of the determination of the longitude of Greenwich-Montreal in 1892, April and May. A paper strip, actuated by clockwork, is made to travel over a metal plate and under a fountain pen. The pen is held in a socket attached to the armature of an electro-magnet, and marks a straight line on the paper when in its position of rest. When the circuit of which the coils of the electro-magnet form part is closed, either by the clock (which happens every two seconds), by the observer as he records transits or sends signals, or when signals are received, the pen is deflected and makes a notch in the straight line on the paper strip. Electrical Apparatus for Registering Observations and Signals. This apparatus is mounted on a portable board, and consists of a commutator A, a Siemens' polarized relay B, a rheostat C, and a galvanometer D, with twelve terminals and connections as shown in the diagram on Plate V. A small battery being connected with the terminals a and e, and the terminals b, c being connected with the terminals of the coils of the electro-magnet on the chronograph, a circuit is formed either through a, b, c, s, g, f, e when the clock connects g, f, or through a, b, c, s, t, e when the tongue of the relay connects s and t. The circuit is closed by the clock springs through g, f, every two seconds. It is also closed through s t, by a current) actuating the relay, in three ways : (l) Recording Transits. In this case plugs are inserted to make connection in the holes T, T' (" Transits "). When the tapper is closed between h, i a current passes through the relay from the local battery along the circuit n, T, U, p, q, d, u, V, h, i, W, T', r to earth ; at U the circuit divides, and one branch passes through the rheostat C, the other through the galvano- meter and relay. The branches unite again at u. The rheostat can be adjusted so as to vary the strength of the current passing through the galvanometer and relay. (2) Sending Signals. The plugs are inserted in the holes S, S' ("Sending"). The current passes, when the tapper is closed, from the main line battery along the circuit k, S, U, p, 128 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION or LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. q, d, u, V, h, i, W, S', /, and along the main line to the other station. The current divides at U just as in the case of recording star-transits. (3) Receiving Signals. The plugs are inserted in the holes R, R ("Receiving"). The current received from the distant station enters at I, and passes along the circuit I, R, U, p, q, d, u, V, R', r to earth ; the tapper in this case being open. The current divides, as in former cases, at U. In all three cases the rheostat was adjusted so that the deflection of the galvanometer needle should be approximately the same. It will be noticed that in each of the three cases the u terminal of the relay, which is a polarized one, is put to earth, so that the current which actuated the relay when receiving and sending signals and for recording transits was of the same sign. VII. METHODS OF OBSERVATION. The general methods of observation were similar to those adopted in the determina- tion in the year 1888. The description of the method of observing the nadir and azimuth given on pp. 23 and 24 applies equally to this determination, except that in this case the Polar Stars were always observed by the method of moving the wire, and were never observed by the eye-and-ear method. The programme given on p. 24 was again adopted, the number of Clock Stars in a group being limited to 6 instead of 10. VIII. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. This error was determined by nadir observations and by observations of the same circumpolar star in reversed positions of the instrument. In the following tables are given all the results obtained for collimation. In column 1 is the date and the adopted reading for line of collimation at which the R.A. micrometer was left when not in use for nadir or circumpolar observations. Columns 2 and 3 give the name of the circumpolar star and the error of collimation of the middle wire deduced from observations of that star in reversed positions of the instrument. Column 4 the error of collimation deduced from nadir observations. These errors have been divided ERROR OF COLLIMATION. :;< into groups, and the meaus of the errors from observations of Polar Stars and from observations of nadirs taken. The adopted collimation error is given in the last column. If the adopted Collimation error in the last column be denoted by c, and * denote the diurnal aberration viz. : O'"20 for Transit E at Paris and O'"l9 for Transit D at Greenwich, then the whole Collimation error applicable to observations in the position of instrument West is c + x and in position East c + x. Transit D. Dntc and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimatiou. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) . .. : ', . N P Adopted Collimatiun Error. 1892. June 7 ( Iroombridge 2283 // -f O'62 O'l I tt a 0-06 n"68o Groombrids'e yco S.P... 4- Q'^6 O'OO O* 3Q . . * JV i + 0-59 - 0'17 076 June 8 Groombridge 2283. .< O'lA. O'7<1 n r -68o Groombridge 750 S.P O'C I 0-28 - 0-43 - 0-31 + 0'I2 June 9 Groombridge 2283 O'2 2 + o'o6' -> u r -68o Groombridge 750 S.P + O'o6 O'OO 8 Ursse Minoris . . . -f- O'l I + 0-28 + 0-03 -0-25 June 13 Groombridee 228? .. O'2? + O'14 n r -68o Groombridge 750 S P + O'l I O'7Q 8 Ursse Minoris 4- O'l i '" , - ..,,,! ., ' O'OO - 0-23 - 0'23 June i 5 + O'62 i i r -68o June 1 8 O'62 t:H ; ' ' ,' i ,.., .i. n r -68o - 1-64 -0'55 ... 1 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, If- 99. 130 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONOITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. tit L>. continued. Date and Adopted Ill-inline. STAR. Deduced Colliination. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N 1' Adoplcd Collimation Error. 1892. + 2"J.t O'2 3 " ft 4- I -07 i i r *7oo -1- I 'Q7 + 1-18 4- O'I7 + 2'20 + 0-37 - I-8 3 J une 2 3 Groombridge 750 S.P + r86 4- 0-06 I I r- 7 750 >S.P -1- 2-6c + i '47 I I'''7OO 8 Urssfi Minoris . .. _(- I'C2 4- i'47 + O'62 + 2-09 + 1-18 O'gi Groombrid ..' O"I7 + O*7 1 + 0-23 + 0-39 4- 0-16 June 1 1 Polaris S.P......!.... '.'... 0*2 1 O' I I 4- O'CI I3 r- 5oo Groombridse 2283... M *J + t*IO & Ursa- Minoris 0-28 4- 0*8 c 4- 0-86 + 0-37 - '49 June 12 8 Ursa Minoris 4- I '/tfi O" I 7 i3 r- i;oo + O*7Q w JV + I^ + O'll - '35 June 13 I'olarisS.P _i_ o'8c + 1 *O2 I* r -COO Groombridge 2283 + O'7Q S Ursse Minoris 4- o'cfi + O-A C - .. >;'.:;: .;,-:,..;,: + 0/64 + 0-75 + O'l I June 15 Groombridge 750 S.P % ^T^ 4- o - c6 i* r -coo S TJrsse Minoris 4- O'cfi + o*c + o- 99 4- O-JI - o- 4 ERROR OF C!OLLIMATION. 133 Transit E. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. June 1 8 I3 r ' 4 20 June 23 Groombridge 2283 0-51 I3 r -420 Groombridge 750 S.P OMI. 8 Ursae Minoris..; 0-73 0-45 June 24 13^-430 June 26 Groombridge 2283 0*34 I3 r '43o Groombridge 750 S.P 0-39 June 27 Groombridge 750 S.P 0-62 !3 r '43O 8 Ursae Minoris O'6.8 0-65 June 29 I3 r -430 June 30 Groombridge 750 S.P 0*06 July i Groombridge 750 S.P 0-17 i3 r '43O 8 Urs Minoris 0-28 0-23 July 2 Groombridge 750 S.P 0-45 July 6 Groombridge 750 S.P +0-17 i3 r '4OO 8 Ursae Minoris :..! i'4i 0-62 ... 0-56 . . o-i i -0-45 - 0- 45 + 0-23 - 0-17 -0-17 0-06 0-06 0-28 0-28 o-oo O'2O + 0-59 O'22 0-06 0-06 0-17 O'OO i -80 *-i4 1-69 1-88 - 1-26 0-62 0-06 - 175 134 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. continued. Date ami Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Adopted Collimation K.rror. 1892. July 7 < O'AC " / o'o6 i 3 r '43o O'l^ > - o'34 July 8 Groombridge 750 S.P + O'7O O'I7 M r '4io t Ursae Minoris O'27 O'2^ + I*O7 O'4.C Cephei 51 S.P 4- 2-76 + I-IO 0'28 -1-38 July o Groombridge 750 S.P 4. 7-6 1 4- 0*06 I3 r '' -|- 0-68 + 0-23 4- 0-32 + 0-09 July i 3 Groombridge 7508.? + l'tO 4- O'ci I3 r -6;o 8 Ursae Minoris 4- O'J.C + O'77 X Ursae Minoris 4- O'4.C + 0-73 4- 0-62 O'll July 15 8 Ursae Minoris + 0-84. O'I7 + POI Groombridge IIIQ -1- 2*14. + O*o6 I3 r -6oo Groombridge 3548 .... + -i'OA 4- 0*06 + 2'OI O'O* - 2-03 July 1 8 i3 r '4-5 + O'2? . July 21 Groombridge 31:4.8... -(- O*I7 + O'28 39 i3 r '45o 4- o-c6 O'l I + 0-17 4- 0-24 + 0-07 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 135 Transit E. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. STAR. Deduced Collimation. (P) Nadir Observa- tion. (N) N P Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. July 22 Ursss Minoris ... . // + o-ei It + 0-28 ft n + '39 H r 'ACO Gephei 51 S.P. + 2'IA X Ureae Minoris T * '^ + o-c6 A- O"4.C + o - o6 + 0-9 + 0-17 - o-75 The object-glass of Transit E was taken off and cleaned on June 18. July 6. The Adopted Collimatiou Error for the five stars observed with R.A. Micrometer i3'4io was "'i9- July 15. The Adopted Collimatiou Error for the seven stars observed with R.A. Micrometer 13-650 was + 3"'83. The object-glass was dismounted for examination on July 16. IX. LEVEL ERROR. The Level Error was determined several times during each set of observations by the striding level, and generally at the beginning and end of each evening by the nadir observation. In the latter the pivots were assumed to be sensibly equal (see p. 126), and the simple difference of the readings of the R.A. micrometer for coincidence of the middle wire in reversed positions of the instrument was considered to be twice the error of level. The difference between the level error as found from nadir observations and with the striding level is shown in the following table ; columns W+E N W+E z 2 Transit D. Transit E. Transit D. Transit E. 1892. June 7 8 9 I I If - *'S7 0-81 - 077 + 0-57 + 0'O2 O*O I 1892. July i 2 July 6 // + 0-48 + 0-65 // + 0'57 + 0-90 0-16 12 7 + 0-62 13 i e 0-90 + 0-4I + Q'AC 8 + o'4 + O-22 + '45 4- l-A.6 w ^-5 ii 12 + o'99 + ox>o I 9 + 0-14 "5 *4 6 *7 + '33 + 0-15 4- 0-26 + 0-08 + - H + '7 '5 21 22 o-oi 0-8; + '7 - 0*37 + O'2O 9 ?o 4/- 0-90 + o*c6 + O'7 I + 0-004 + 0-298 136' TELEORAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS -GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. 2 and 3 are found by taking the means of the level errors found by the striding level in the two positions of the transit instrument West and East, and subtracting tlie mean of these ( ^ ) from the mean (N) of the errors determined by nadir observation on the same evening. In default of any explanation of these discordances it has seemed advisable to adopt a weighted mean of the errors as found by the nadir observations and by the striding level. To each nadir observation a weight of 2 has been assigned, to each observation by striding level a weight of 1, and the mean with these weights has generally been adopted as the level error for the whole of the evening. In some cases where it appears that the level changed during the evening the observations have been divided into groups and a mean adopted on the following plan. Between the results of the nadir observations at the beginning and end of the evening a value of the level error has been interpolated, corresponding to the mean time of a group of stars, and this interpolated value has been given a weight of 2, and combined with the values found by the striding level during the same group, each with weight 1. Transit D. 1 n ( Sidereal .,**** Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Stridin; W ; Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E E 1 1892. b in H // " " 1892. h m " n H n June 7 15 o + 6-87 June 9 15 3 (- 0-03) '5 55 4 9' 2 4 + 8-13 '5 45 44'5 1 6 10 i -f 10-45 ! 16 10 4 4-56 16 30 . + 7-68 16 30 4 576 i . '6 35 4 476 + 5-20 17 50 4 570 June 8 14 10 + 4'3 18 10 4 4'57 14 30 + 5-48 18 15 4 5-84 14 40 + 5'55 15 15 + 5^8 + 5-18 15 25 1+ 5-84 June 13 14 20 4372 16 10 + 5-54 14 40 4 4'3' 16 20 + 5'43 H 45 4 4'5 8 + 4'94 1510 4 4'47 '5 '5 4 4'39 June 9 '4 30 + 3 '04 15 50 4 5-86 14 40 4 3'45 15 55 4 7*84 14 50 + 3-36 + 3-66 16 15 4 6-34 15 10 + 3'73 18 o 4 57' The determination on June 9 at I5 h 30 has not lieen used.' On June 9 for observations from i6 h io m to iS h 15, the adopted level error is deduced entirely from determinations with tlie striding level. ERROR OP LEVEL. 137 Transit D. continued. Date. i Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W t E W E 1892. h m i , " 18^92. ] t in n ft ft .. June 1 3 18 30 + 5*88 + 567 June 24 16 IO - 1-46 1 8 40 + 6-13 16 55 2-21 ;. 18 50 + 5'57 17 9 2'O6 '7 35 ro6 1-42 17 40 - '-55 June i 5 15 50 2-89 18 35 '97 15 55 - 4-6, -3'33 1 8 40 I'22 1 6 40 18 45 -0-31 June 26 1515 -4'20 June i 8 14 50 15 o - 3-81 -2-87 -3-18 15 3 15 35 - 4' 2 7 -3-97 -37' 15 50 - 2-88 16 5 - 3'H June 19 15 o I-2I P2I 16 55 2-80 17 25 - 3'9 ' -2-85 June 20 14 o i -3-24 '7 45 17 co 2 "60 15 o 5-00 / J 1 8 o - 276 15 5 - 3-82 -3'93 18 25 2-05 15 25 15 40 - 4-12 - 4-97 18 50 iq 10 - 2-26 - 1-66 -I-8 7 1611; 4*O7 7 Q j T / iq 10 ! " I o 1 6 40 - 4V 7 17 15 18 10 I 8 20 1 8 40 (+ i '46) 2156 i - 3-88 -1-97 -3-27 June 27 15 o 15 25 15 30 15 50 1-90 - 2-82 -3'49 i -2-83 '5 55 - 3'39 June 23 15 o -2-98 16 5 2'6 1 15 30 3'3 2 17 o - 2 '49 2 '33 15 35 2-72 '7 5 2-61 '5 55 - 3' 2 4 .17 30 - 2-50 16 35 2-89 18 15 - 1-85 17 o 7 35 i . : 3-07 ;- 2'6l -2-48 - '9 5 19 10 0-86 0-90 -6-86 18 20 I'55; 19 25 0-29 18 25 2'II I 1 . 19 30 o - 45 18 55 1-25 '9 45 0-20 18 58 - 1*04 19 o -2-45 June 29 16 50 0-68 ..< . 16 55 i -24 17 20 - 1-81 June 24 1 15 o ^274 17 25 - 170 i 15 3 3'i6 270 17 35 - 1-92 '5 '55 2-80 18 o I'S 1 -1-19 I The determination uo June 2o d i8 h io m has not been used. The determination by Nailir on June 29 at i6 h 50 and i6 h 55 m have been combined. -I GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 138 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E 1892. h m " n " " 1892. h m - ' " - June 29 18 20 - 2-17 1-19 July 8 16 30 ~ 4-' s v 18 25 - 2-58 17 o ^~ 4-" I Q 18 40 '7 35 -3-01 -3'4 18 55 0-62 17 45 - 2-81 19 o 0-17 18 10 "* 2 "Q o 19 15 - 0-51 18 55 - 2-30 June 30 15 40 3-80 July 9 -4- o * C 3 +0-55 15 5 J-^2 16 10 3*67 16 30 - 3-28 -3'54 July 1 1 1 6 40 ~4~ ^*Q 1 17 o - 3'93 17 o + 371 17 40 - 3 '99 17 5 + 3''6 18 5 2-20 17 25 + 27* 18 40 2'II '7 45 + 3'*4 18 55 - 2-04 2'O2 18 10 + 3'68 + 3-54 19 10 - 2-0 4 18 15 + *'S4 19 20 -1-72 18 25 + 3-I7 18 55 + 3'i8 , 19 o + 3-62 July i 15 30 5'26 19 25 1 A ' C O IS 35 - 4-67 '5 55 - 5'33 -4-56 16 5 - 4'39 16 45 - 5-16 July 1 5 16 35 + *'49 17 o - 4'57 16 55 + 2-48 17 35 - 4'55 17 15 + *'45 + 2-85 18 10 - 2-82 17 20 + 3-04 18 25 - 373 17 40 + 3 '6* 19 o - 2-65 -2'80 '9 5 2 -79 19 10 1-89 July 20 17 o + 4''7 17 5 + *'95 July 2 15 40 -4'93 18 10 + 3-38 + 3-82 15 50 - 575 18 15 + 4-11 16 45 - 4-10 18 20 + 4'H 17 o - 4-48 17 40 - 4-12 18 o - 3'99 -3-90 18 25 3-80 July 22 19 50 + 3'9 2 18 40 - 3-62 '9 55 + 3''4 19 20 3-80 to o + 3-18 + 374 9 45 - 3-36 20 10 + 4-i3 19 50 -1-91 20 15 + 4'9 ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit E. Dtte. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. , , Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W K W E 1892. h m ,, " i < 1892. h m " " IT H June 7 18 O 1 8 20 -0-42 I'll 0-82 June i 2 18 15 18 20 + 0-64 (+ 0-85) + 1-60 18 40 I- 2* CO June 8 13 5 13 10 I -08 -0-34 18 45 18 50 I i "Q7 + 2-65 '3 35 - 1-19 '4 5 14 20 - 0-88 - 0-88 June 13 '3 4 14 o + 2-16 + 2-68 '4 55 15 10 15 40 ;t- 1-97 0-89 -1-13 -, 3 8 14 3 '4 55 1C IO + I -60 + 2-52 + 2-13 i5 55 16 20 1 6 40 - *74 0*90 1-98 j 15 40 16 o 16 10 + 0-98 + 2-22 -M'54 + 2-33 18 10 - 3-05 IT n 18 20 1-80 17 o 17 20 + 1-86 June 9 13 o 13 40 1-69 -2-31 18 5 '9 5 19 40 + 3-03 + 2-66 + 2-56 14 20 2'OO H 3 1-51 15 o 15 40 'I 55 16 20 - 2-48 - 1-83 - '54 -1-30 -1-82 June 15 15 20 '5 3 15 40 1 1 n + 1-16 -f-2'II 16 co - 1-68 17 o 4 J 17 20 1 O' ^ V 17 10 -175 17 40 + 1*90 + 1-33 '7 55 2-22 18 o + 1-36 '- 18 o 18 20 I -1-86 18 30 18 50 + 0-84 + 0-65 18 55 + 0-65 June 11 13 10 -1-94 "9 5 + '49 '3 45 - rji 14 30 2'22 H 45 2'22 June i 8 14 50 +0-34 o-oo >5 15 3-80 86 15 o 0-67 16 20 - 3-48 ~ 2 16 40 - 2-52 , 1 6 40 - 3-I3 1 8 20 3-15 June 23 15 25 + 0-60 19 o -3-80 15 30 0-07 '5 4 - 075 June 12 17 10 + 1-28 15 50 - 0-23 17 50 + 0-28 16 15 0-76 i June 9. The determination by Nadir at i5 h 55 was made in the West position of the instrument only. Weight i has been assigned to this. The observation on June i2 d i8 h zo m depends on a doubtful entry. This has not been used. 140 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adoptet Level Error. Wl E W E 1892. h m // ft tr 1892. h m // " // June 2 3 16 40 + *'3S +'35 June 30 '5 55 + I'O2 16 50 + Q'97 16 o + 0'49 17 10 +o-3 16 15 + 0-69 17 40 + i'i9 16 20 + 0-99 + i'*6 7 55 + 0-58 1 6 40 + 1-83 18 10 0-64 17 o + '74 18 50 + 0'88 17 5 + '-34 >7 45 + i-3* i7 55 + 0'95 June 24 16 30 +0-70 16 50 + 0-33 17 20 + i'3 +0-78 July i 16 10 + 17' 17 40 + 0-75 16 15 + 1-28 '7 45 + 0-89 16 25 + 2-22 1 6 40 + 0-15 16 45 + 0-60 June 26 1510 + 0-18 17 25 4- 2-30 + '77 15 25 + 072 '7 3 + -S5 5 45 + 3'2i 18 15 + 1-40 i . '5 55 + 2-86 18 20 + 2-84 16 15 + 0-96 + 1-4 18 25 + 2-21 16 40 4- 1-04 16 45 + 1-41 17 o 18 10 + 0-99 + 1-17 July 2 'I S5 16 5 + 1-15 + 74 16 30 + 0-74 June 27 >5 45 '5 55 16 10 16 20 + 1-64 + 1-17 + z '94 + *'i4 1 6 40 17 o '7 5 17 30 + '43 + 17 + '"34 4-I-9I + I'OI 1 6 40 16 45 17 o + 0-60 + 176 + 1-58 + '49 17 40 >7 55 18 o - 0-15 + 0-39 0-09 17 20 + 0-92 i : 18 10 + 079 18 20 + 1-22 July 6 15 50 + 2-90 1 16 10 + 1-56 - l t '6 35 + 2-89 June 29 16 25 + 171 16 45 + 3'4 2 1 6 40 + '85 + 1-85 17 o + 3-20 + 3-13 17 o t + 2-39 17 30 + 3-30 17 40 + 3'44 18 o + 3-86 June 30 15 35 + 0-66 18 10 + 3-06 15 40 + 2'20 18 15 + 3-33 ERROR OF LEVEL. 1-4.1 Transit E. continued. Date, Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adoptee Level Krror. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E 1892. h m " " 1892. h m if . ' . n July 7 i5 35 + 3-46 July 1 1 16 10 + 2-40 '5 55 + 2-36 16 25 + 3-05 16 20 + 2-93 16 45 + 3'35 >6 35 18 30 + *73 + 3-09 + 3-05 16 50 i7 35 + 2-61. "8 35 + 3-27 i7 55 + z'H, '9 : 5 + 2-39 I 8 20 + 2-07 19 10 + 3-38 '9 5 19 20 + 1-61 + 1-56 ' i + 2-29 ' 19 35 + z '59 July 8 '5 45 + 3-10 19 50 + 2-06 16 o + 3'59 19 50 + 1-97 16 ib + 2-91 1 6 35 + 2-61 < f ' ' 17 .0 + 3''5 July 1 2 5 30 + 271 17 25 + 2-90 '5 45 + 2-28 17 40 + 2-06 + 2-48 16 30 + 3-56 18 b + 2-65 17 o + 3''4 1 8 20 + 1-84 17 25 + 3'45 1 8 40 19 o + 1-52 + ''97 18 10 18 50 + 1-91 + 2-27 + 2-65 19 20 -f I'Ji '9 5 + 1-24 19 3;5 + 2-06 19 50 + 3'4 6 19 55 + 3'12 20 IO +2-28 July 9 '5 55 + 3^7 16 o + 3''8 16 10 + 2-36 July 13 16 o + '75 16 25 + 2-05 1 6 40 + 1-69 i 16 50 + 1-86 16 55 + 1-48 17 o 4- 3-00 7 55 + 2-41 - 17 25 + 2-90 , 2 18 o + 2-22 17 30 + 3'39 94 18 10 + 1-15 + 177 '7 45 + 3'3*> '9 5 + 2-70 17 50 + 3-14 19 25 + 1-13 18 10 + 2-54 19 50 + i-35 1 8 40 + 2-68 '9 55 19 30 + 3-09 20 25 + 1 '97 .:',' ' 19 35 + 3'39 July 15 15 25 + 3-" July 1 1 15 40 + 3-66 15 1,0 + 2-36 '5 45 + 3-52 15 50 + 0-50 15 50 + 2-92 '5 55 + 1-52 '5 55 + 3' + 3'i8 16 30 + 1-92 1 16 o + 3-'8 '7 '5 + 2-94 ' 3, - '.i ... . ,. 14'2I TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E.- continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adoptsc Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level, Nadir. Adoptee Level Error. W E W E 1892. h m ft " 1892. li in . July 1 8 '7 45 + 1-63 18 50 4 2-33 * 17 50 + 2'10 + I"99 '9 5 4- 2-79 18 10 4- 2-61 19 40 + 3'4^ . .-. i 19 50 4- 2-62 ,, July 20 1 8 25 4-2'o8 '9 55 4- 2-31 1 8 30 + 1-51 )| | + 1-88 21 IO 4 2-96 8 35 + 1-86 21 45 + 17' 21 50 4 2-40 ' ,[;, 22 3O 4 2-31 , , July 2 1 1-7 50 + i75; 22 35 4 1-69 , 20 o + i-9 ' 22 40 + 2-54 July 15. The determination at 19'' 2o m has not been used. X AZIMUTH ERROR. The azimuth of the instrument was determined by observation of one or more of the following Polar Stars. The first column contains the name of the star taken from the Greenwich Catalogues. In the next two columns are given the approximate N.P.D. and the mean K A. for 1892'0 as given in the Connaissance des Temps. The fourth column contains corrections to this mean R.A., deduced from the places given the Greenwich Five Year Catalogue, 1890, except in the cases of Bradley 1399, the correction for which is deduced from the Greenwich Ten Year Catalogue, 1890, and of 24 Ursae Minoris, the me;m place of which given in columns 2 and 3 is taken direct from the last mentioned Catalogue. AZIMUTH ERROR. 143 Star's Name. Approxi- mate N.P.D. Mean R.A. 1892*0 given in C.T. Adopted Correction toR.A. Star's Name. Approxi- mate N.P.D. iMeaii 11. A. 1892*0 given in C.T. Adopted Correction toR.A. Polaris . , t i 16 h m a I IQ l6'8A i -f- 0-82 Bradley 1 399 * / C 12 k m IO I 3 52'QO + 0-6 1 Ciroombridge 750.. Cephei 51. 4 44 2 J.7 4 247-96 6 4.Q A7"2 I O'26 I "3O t Ursae Minoris 7 47 16 57 3-06 - o-54 8 Ursss Minoris.... 3 -3 1 8 7 9'*o 0-63 Groombridge 1119 Ursse Minoris ... i 3 II 5 2 749 4'59 547 55'9 + 3-93 O'62 24 Ursae Minoris... 3 o 1810 46 1 6 /J Ursae Minoris ... 15 24 1451 1-28 + 0-05 X Ursse Minoris ... I 2 19312 4-00 + 0-30 Groombridge 2283 2 2, 15 12 9'10 - i'57 Groombridge 3548 3 *S 21 21 6*44 0^46 The observations of transits have been reduced to show clock error by the formula R.A. = Observed Time + c sec. S + n tan S + m + Clock Slow : $ being the declination of the star, c the whole collimatiori ;is defined on page 129, n the deviation (in arc of a great circle) of the line of collimation from the meridian when the instrument is set at the altitude of the pole, m the deviation when it is set on the equator. For convenience in computation m and n are expressed in seconds of time. The following table exhibits the computation of the quantity n. The second column contains the names of the stars used for the determination. Column 3 gives the position of the instrument in which each was observed. Column 4 shows the seconds of the difference between the R.A. for the day (with the above corrections applied) and the observed time on middle wire corrected by application of the quantity c sec S, and for clock-rate. No correction for difference of personal equation in observing Polar and Clock Stars (see p.45) has been applied. The next column shows the tangent of the declination of each star being the factor of n. Subtracting the lower of each pair of lines from the upper in columns 4 and 5, the quotient of the difference in column 4 divided by that in column 5 gives the value of n found in column 6. The simple mean of all such values found on any night has generally been adopted for reduction of the whole night's observations and is given in the last column. 144 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. Greenwich. Values of n. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular H^- Observed Transit. Factors. n Observed. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Observed. tl Adopted. 1892. June 7 June 8 Jane 9 W E E E E E W W W W E E E E W W W W W W E E W E E E E E W W I + 54''9 +49"55 + 52-04 +49-08 +457* + 49-04 + 46-48 +49'5 +45-88 +49' 2 7 + 4675 + 49-40 + 4974 + 49'4> + 50-46 + 49" 2 7 +48-24 + 49 '94 + 39' 6 7 + 4979 + 398 + 49-68 + 52-45 +4977 + 53-o8 +49-83 +46-72 + 49-57 +47-09 +49'56 + H-36 + 1-69 + 24-36 0-29 12-09 0'2O I2-O9 O'O6 + 24-36 + 0-86 + 24-36 + '59 12-09 + 0-12 I2-O9 O'O6 + 3^3 - 0-14 + 24'36 0-28 + 24'36 + '59 12-09 + O-I2 12-Og 0-06 + 16-88 + 0-04 + 16-88 0-05 8 + 0-205 + O'I22 + 0-280 + 0-213 -0-145 O'l II O-O27 -0-099 -0-451 0-411 -0-415 C-22O O-27O D-I70 0-146 8 + 0-205 O-O96 0-426 -0-329 O'2O2 1892. June 1 3 June i 5 June 20 ft Ursse Minoris.... 8 Librae . . .... E E E E W W W W E E E E W W E E E E E E W W E E E E E E' W W + 49-5I + 4979 + 49-36 +4977 + 48-88 + 49-83 + 47'8i + 49'45 + 48-12 + 49-66 + 5>-43 + 49-61 + 5.'77 + 49-52 + 46-87. + 49'49 +47-01 +48-90 + 36-82 +49-10 + 52-63 +49-11 + 54-8i + 49-49 + 47-02 + 49-39 + 42-68 + 49-37 + 4473 + 49"'5 + 3-63 -0-14 + 24-36 + 0-52 + 24-36 + i'6 9 I 2 '09 . O-2O ~ I2-09 ~ 0-35 + I6-88 O-O6 + 16-88 o'i6 + 475. - 0-25 + 3-63 + 0-86 + 24:3$: + .'5 2 12-09 O'2O ,>I 2-09 0-36 + 7-3,i 0-28 + 16-88 - ^0-38 + 16-88 0-05 8 -0-077 0-017 -0-045 + 0-053 + 0-127 -0-524 0-488 -0-342 i Draconis Groomb. 2283 Groomb. 2283 ilt Bootis 3 Libra: Groomb. 750 S.P.. 51 Librae Groomb. 2283.. + 0-I38 + 0-I3I + 0-107 + 0-I32 -0-524 -0-683 -0-5I5 0-298 -0-454 O-3I2 -0-387 0-26l Groomb. 750 S.P.. S Ophiuchi Groomb. 750 S.P.. Groomb. 750 S.P. . v' 2 Scorpii Groomb. 2283 ft Bootis. 8 Ursafi Minoris 8 Ophiuchi Groomb. 2283...... 8 Urs -0-335 -0-175 0-084 0-615 -0-519 1892. une 26 June 27 June 29 8 Ursae Minoris. ... 3 Sagittarii E E W W W W W W E W W W W W E E E E E E W W W W W W E W W W E E 8 + 10-88 + 18-62 + 11-91 + 18-39 + 10-98 + i8'39 + 24-12 + 18-18 - 1-61 + i9'*3 + O'l I + 19-01 +*5'59 + 15-83 + 27-86 + 18-65 + I4-35 + 18-87 + 9' 6 3 + 18-84 + 9-8' + 18-85 + 9" ZI + 1870 - 1-41 + 1872 - 9^5 + 1877 + 16-04 + 18-90 + 14-26 + 19-29 + 16-88 - 0-53 + 16-88 0-05 + 19-03 0-05 -20-57 + 0-27 + H'37 - o-35 + 24-37 0-27 12-09 + 475 12-09 + 0-27 + 7-3i - 0-34 + 16-88 + 0-05 + 16-88 0-05 + 19-03 + 0-24 + 55-55 + o-53 + 55-55 + 0-05 + 16-88 - 0-17 + 16-88 0-05 -0-444 -0-383 -0-389 0-286 -0-843 -0767 0-580 -0-745 -0-591 -0-547 -0-534 -0-505 0-366 0-512 -0-168 -0-297 -0-376 -0-734 -0-599 -0-493 0-245 Groomb. 750 S.P.. 8 Ursae Minoris.... 77 Serpentis 24 Ursse Minoris... rj Serpentis t Ursae Minoris .... ic Ophiuchi 8 Ursae Minoris .... Cephei 51 S.P c Aquilse 8 Ursae Minoris .... 77 Serpentis Groomb. 2283 24llrs83 Minoris... 21 Sagittarii Cephei 51 S.P 6 l Lyrae Groomb. 2283 ... Groomb. 750 S.P. Ursae Minoris.... Groomb. 750 S.P. 49 Herculis Groomb. 2283 Groomb. 750 S.P. Ursae Minoris .... Groomb. 7 50 S.P. c Ursse Minoris.... 29 Ophiuchi 8 Ursse Minoris .... 67 Ophiuchi 8 Ursse Minoris .. . 8 Ursae Minoris T? Serpentis 8 Ursse Minoris . . . 24 Ursse Minoris... t Aquilae f Ursse Minoris... 8 Scorpii X Ursse Minoris.... ft Cveni r* '-'Jo" 1 X Ursae Minoris Groomb. 7JoS.P.. Ursse Minoris . . . Groomb. 750 S.P. 8 Ursae Minoris v Ophiuchi t Ursae Minoris . . . 8 Ursse Minoris 77 Serpentis GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 146 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. Greenwich continued. Values of n. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. 1892. June 29 June 30 July i 24 Ursse Minoris.. 21 Sagittarii ....:... E E E E W E W W E E E E E E W W W W E E W W W W E E E E W W W W E E a + n'54 + 19-18 + *3-38 + 19-02 + 22-26 + 18-91 + 21-28 + 19-30 + 23-57 + 18-52 + 16-52 + 19-11 + 15-39 + 19-17 + 17-34 + 18-95 + 20-66 + 18-88 + 28-01 + 16-11 + 28-02 + 18-44 + 15-12 + >9'S5 + 15-26 + '9'S3 + 11-71 + 19-36 + n-97 + I9-5 1 + 25-57 + '9'33 + 26-28 + 19-46 i + 19-03 0-38 -20-57 + 0-66 -20-57 + O-2O I 2-09 - 0-35 1 2-09 + 1-86 + 7'3' - o-34 + 16-88 + 0-04 + 16-88 - 0-15 -20-57 + 0-66 12-09 + 475 12-09 + r86 + 7-31 + 0-17 + 7-31 + 0-26 + 16-88 + 0-38 + 16-88 + 0-80 -20-57 + 0-66 -20-57 + 0-27 8 -0-394 0-206 0-162 0-169 0-362 -0-339 0-225 -0-095 0-081 0-706 -0-686 0-621 0-606 -0-463 -0-469 -0-294 0-328 0-238 -0-134 -0-655 -0-540 -0-389 1892. July 2 July 8 ' July ii July 15 July 20 July 22 Groomb. 750 S.P. . n Draconis E E E E E E W W W W E E W W E E E E W W E E W W E E E E W W E E W W E E 8 + 30'45 + 18-5I + I4-8I + I 9 -85 + 11-80 + I9-90 + I2-78 + I9-99 + 30-69 + I9-4I + I7-3 6 + 21-67 + I4-30 + 21-12 + I4-57 + 21-49 + 27-44 + 21-28 + 28-30 + 21-25 + 21-55 + 22+6 + 21-67 + 22-09 + 22-68 +22-36 + 19-79 +22-25 +21-78 + 22-26 +21-63 + 22-96 +23-30 +23-55 + 26-43 +24-22 1 2'o8 + 1-86 + 7-3' + 0-17 + 16-88 + 0-04 + 16-88 - 0-15 -20-57 + 0-80 + 7'3' - 0-28 + 16-88 + 0-38 + 16-88 0-05 -20-57 + 0-80 -20-57 + 0-27 + 7-3i + 0-17 + 16-88 + 0-38 + 16-88 0-05 -20-57 + 0-66 + 20-57 + 0-27 + 7-3i 0-28 + 7-3i + 0-26 + 55-69 + 0-15 i 0-856 0-706 -0-481 -0-424 0-528 -0-565 0-410 0-408 0-288 -0-339 0-128 0-025 + 0-019 +0-116 +0-023 -0-175 0-036 0-015 a 0-6l7 -0-478 0-461 0-361 -0-045 + 0-040 -0-175 0-036 O-OI5 Cephei 51 S.P /Ji Lyras e Ursse Minoris.... K Ophiuchi 8 Ursse Minoris.... p 1 Ophiuchi Cephei 51 S.P o> Aquilae 8 Ursse Minoris.... i Aquilae Groomb. 750 S.P. . ft 1 Scorpii Cephei 51 S P Groomb. 750 S.P.. 77 Draconis Ursae Minoris rj Ophiuchi 8 Ursse Minoris .... 96 Herculis t Ursse Minoris .... 29 Ophiuchi 8 Ursse Minoris 8 Ursae Minoris .... 1) Serpentis 8 Ursse Minoris 1 Aquilse .. . . Cephei 51 S.P 29 Sagittarii Cephei 51 S.P Cephei 51 S.P fl 1 Lvrse . . Aquilae e Ursae Minoris K Ophiuchi Groomb. 750 S.P. . Ursse Minoris Groomb. 750 S.P.. 8 Ursse Minoris.... 96 Herculis 8 Ursse Minoris ij Serpentis f Ursse Minoris 4'35 + 0-17 + 0-17 Ursae Minoris a Herculis E F, + 17-56 + 14-10 + 7-3i + 0-26 + '479 July 2 Groomb. 750 S.P.. ^31 Scorpii E F + 5-21 + 8-ci 12-09 O'lC +0-283 F 4-20*4.4. + 16-88 +0-178 + 0-496 B.A C. 6069 F, + I4/OC + o-oi Groomb. 750 S.P.. 8 Ophiuchi W W + 5-84 + 8-82 12-09 0-06 +0-248 W -|-22'Q7 + 16-88 + 0-506 +0-285 t) Serpentis W -f 1 4/4-O 0-05 t Ursse Minoris t) Ophiuchi E F + 11-42 + Q-o6 + 7-31 0-28 +0-311 W +26-71 + 19-02 + 0-648 21 Sagittarii w + 14-17 0-38 8 Ursae Minoris v Ophiuchi W W + 13-86 + 8-81 + 16-88 O'I7 +0-297 Cephei 518? w + VI \ 2o-c6 +0-527 w + I4'4Q o'i6 July 6 Groomb. 750 S.P.. 51 Librae E F, + 7-96 + I I'Ql 12-09 O*2O + 0-334 Cephei 51 S.P E E + 11-41 + 13'33 20-56 0-33 (+0-091) 150 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Paris continued. Values of n. Date. Names of Stare. Position. Tubular H^- Observed Transit. Factore. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. bserved Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. 1892. July 9 Groomb. 750 S.P.. o-Scorpii E W s +13-89 + 1?'?? 12-09 O-4.7 8 + 0-128 I 1892. July 1 3 8 Ursse Minoris E E s + 26-37 + 16-88 + n-$tn +0-444 s +0-430 Groomb. 750 S.P.. W + 7 '97 12-09 + O-62C Cephei 51 S.P E *V Z J + 0-71 20*56 liOphiuchi W + ic-3o o-?6 fli Lyrae E + n .<< T 443 c Ursse Minoris.... $ Ophiuchi W W + 18-32 + 15-22 + 7-3i O'2O + 0-408 A Ursse Minoris .... E E 19 14 +4*73 + 18-86 + 55-62 + 0-438 < Ursae Minoris IT Herculis E E + 17-40 + I5-1O + 7-31 + O'7 C + O-32O + 0-407 A Ursae Minoris .... W W + 42-90 + 55-62 + rv T 8 + 0-430 8 I " rsaa Minoris .... ft Ophiuchi E E + 2i8o -4- 1 c "oo + 16-88 + O'o8 + O-4OO Ophiuchi E + 22 27 -f 2O'^I 7 3 1 0-18 + 0-257 8 Ursae Minoris 21 Sagittarii W W +22-95 J- I C-QQ + 16-88 0-38 + 0-456 /? Ophiuchi E + 2 S 73 + 2O'CI + O*O8 +0-314 A. Ursse Minoris 2 Aquilae E E +42-58 -1- I C-2 7 + 55-62 +0-493 T *i * 3 rj Serpentis W + 2 5'35 + 20-68 O'OC + 0-276 July 12 t Ursse Minoris.... K Ophiuchi.... E E +20-40 + T7*O,L + 7-3i + 0-345 A Ursse Minoris.... W + 33' 6 9 W u^ +55-62 + 0-238 / vt ft Sagittae W + 2O-C2 + O*^ I 8 Ursse Minoris.... /3 Ophiuchi E E +26-24 + 18-0* + 16-88 + 0*08 + 0-489 Groomb. 1 1 19 S.P. W + 6-80 -54-85 + 0-251 + 0-221 a Aquilse W + 2O'CC + rv i c 8 Ursae Minoris a Lyrae W W + 26-6I + I8-C7 + 16-88 + 0-80 + 0-500 Groomb. 1119 S.P. E + 12-67 1 5 -54-85 + 0-136 Cephei 51 S.P W + 8 -70 + 0-485 a 1 Capric.orni E + 20-10 - 0-23 W -4- 18-78 T 45' 75 Draconis E + 2 I -09 + 6-36 + O'II f Delphini .. .. E + 20-28 + O* 1 O A. Ursse Minoris.... fl'Cyeni.. W W + 47-06 4- I 8 AQ + 55-62 + 0-519 Groomb. 3548 E + 21-66 '7 + 16-77 +0-062 -]- 10 <).y U 1J Cygni . . . E + 2O'6c + O"C7 A Ursae Minoris.... ft Aquilai E F + 51-68 + l8'22 + 55-62 + 0-603 Groomb. 3548 W +26-11 w >/ + 16-77 +0-320 v Capri';orni W + 20-65 O' ^ I July 1 3 Groomb. 750 S.P... 40 Herculis... E W + 14-46 + I 8-80 12*O9 + 0-351 July 1 8 8 Ursae Minoris.... 96 Herculis W W +31-26 4-2 V4.2 + 16-88 + 0-78 + 0-475 + 0-475 K Opliiuchi. W + '3'H 4_ 18-78 I2-09 + 0-460 8 Ursas Minoris i' Ophiuchi W W + 26-39 + 18-70 o 17 + 16-88 O" 1 7 + 0-446 July 2 1 A Ursse Minoris. .k. W + 5'-30 + 55-67 + 0-390 1 35 AZIMUTH ERROR. Transit E. Paris continued. Values of n. 151 Dte. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. H Apparent n Adopted. 1892. July 2 1 July 22 Groomb. 1119 S. P. Q Capricorn! W w W w E E E E W W E E E E W W l + 9"9i + 26-46 + 28-97 + 26-84 + 29-58 + 26-06 + 23-86 + 26-26 + 3*-97 + 27-92 + 3'73 + 27'39 + 24-25 + 27-01 + '9'53 + 2773 -54-82 0-27 + 1677 + 0-57 + 1677 - 0-25 -10-99 O'OI + 16-88 + o-53 + 16-88 - 0-15 -20-55 - 0'37 -20-55 - 0'39 8 + 0-303 + 0-I3I + 0-207 + O'220 + 0-309 + 0-255 + 0-137 + 0-409 8 O-250 1892. July 2 2 A Ursae Minoris ?> Aquilaa W W E E E E E E W W W W E W 8 + 47-5 6 + 2773 +46-79 + 27-62 + 11-80 + 27-62 + 32-79 + 27-62 + 32-80 +27-72 + 24-72 + 2775 + 23-17 + Z7-75 + 55^7 + O'2I + SS-67 + O'22 -54-82 + O'22 + 16-77 + 0-08 + 1677 - 0-31 -IO- 99 + o-io -10-99 + O'lO +0*357 +0-347 + 0-287 +0-310 + 0-297 +0-273 +0-413 + 0-309 4 Groomb. 3548 A Ursae Minoris 16 Delphini .... / Cveni.., Groomb. 3 548 Groomb. 1119 S.P. p. Capricorn! Bradley 1399 S.P.. 71 Aouani Groomb. 3548 8 Ursce Minoris u, Herculis.. a Eouulei Groomb. 3548 y Capricorni .. .. 8 Ursas Minoris i AquilsB Bradley 1 399 S.P.. Pp< r asi f Cephei 51 S.P 29 Sagittarii Bradley 13998.?.. 6 Pegasi Cephei 5 i S.P.. .. TT Sagittarii Transit E was moved in Azimuth between June ix and ij. Value of the Instrumental Constants I, m and n. In the following tables the values of I (the level-error) converted into seconds of time ) the values of n and the deduced values of m are collected. The values of m are derived from the adopted values of / (the level-error) and n by the formula, m = (I n sin A) sec. A where A is the latitude. The adopted values for A are : Latitude of Greenwich, 51 28' 38". ,, Montsouris, 48 49' 18". 152 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Adopted values of I, n and m far Transit D at Greenwich. Date. Sid. Time. I n m Date. Sid. Time. I n m 1892. June 7 8 h m h m 15 12 16 9 14 39 - 16 13 s + o-54* + o-345 a + 0-205 0^096 8 + 0-62 + 0-68 1892. June 27 h' m h m 16 2 18 7 18 7-19 32 s - o-'55 - 0-059 a - 0-595 - 0-493 8 + 0-50 + 0-5I 9 14 40 - 15 12 15 12 16 z 16 2 18 16 + 0-244 + 0-244 + 0-347 0-426 - 0-329 O-202 + 0-93 + 0-8o -j- 0-81 29 30 17 4-19 15 15 45-18 7 18 719 6 - 0-079 0-236 - o-i35 - ' 2 45 0-238 - o-i34 + 0-18 0-08 0-05 3 14 36- 15 12 15 12 l6 2 16 2 18 45 + 0-329 4- 0-329 + 0-378 - 0-045 + 0-053 + 0-127 . + 0-58 + 0-46 + 0'45 July i 15 45 - 16 56 16 5618 7 18 7-19 7 - 0-304 - 0-304 0-187 - 0-655 - 0-540 - 0-389 + 0-33 + 0-19 + 0 Ophiuchi Sagittarii L VI l8. ^8 C4-'42 - 27. 6 4- o"o4 Ten year, 1890. 29 Sagittarii .. L. c-r l8. 4^. I C'C4 2O. 27 O'O4 Ten year, 1880 fi 1 Lyra... C.T. Var. 18. 46. C'44 4- -?^. 14 o-oo Five year, 1890. 6 l Serpentis L. 4*O 18 co. CO-Q'? + 4. 4 4- 0-02 Ten year, 1880. L 3*c 1 8. 51. 17-07 21 1C O'OI Ten year 1880. e Aquilse L. 4' I 18. C4. 43-18 . ) + 14- ^l + O-02 Ten year, 1880. o Sagittarii L. VQ 18. 5-8 12-63 21. C4 + O'O2 Ten year, 1880. Aquilse C.T. VI IQ. O. 26'C7 + 13.42 4- 0-16 Five year, 1890. IT Sagittarii... C.T. VI IQ 3. 2O-37 21 12 4- 0-04 Ten year, 1880. 20 Aquilfe 5*3 IQ. 6.4Q-IQ - 8. 7 Ten year, 1 890. d Sagittarii L. 4*0 19. I I. 18-90 IQ Q o-oo Ten year, 1880. (o Aquilae C.T. C'l IQ. 12. 44'74 + II. 24 4- o'oc Five year, 1 890. v Sagittarii b Aquilse L. C.T. 47 K'9 19.15.32-43 IQ IQ. 4Q'32 16. 10 + 1 1 4*^ + 0-08 O'I2 Ten year, 1890. Ten year, 1 890. 8 Aquilfe C.T. 3'C IQ. 2O. ?'OQ -I- 2. C4 4- 0-06 Five year, 1890. A.' 7 19 24 I2'66 + 24. 27 Ten year, 1 890. B l Cyeni .. C.T. VI 19. 26. 21-87 + 27. 4,4 4- o-oq Ten year, 1880. K Aquilse CT. 4"Q IQ 31 4'86 7. l6 4- o-oi Ten year, 1880. /? Sagittarii L. 4"4 IQ. 36. I 1-83 + 17. 14 0-04 Ten year, 1880. C.T. 2-8 IQ 4.1. 7*4.4. -J- IO. 21 4- O'O3 Five year, 1890. a Aquilse C.T. I'O IQ.4.C ^O*78 + 8. n 4- o-oi Five year, 1890. /3 Aquilse C.T. 4'O IQ. CO. O"4.^ + 6. 8 + o-oi Five year, 1800. rj Aquilee L. Var. IQ. 4,6. C8*l8 + O. 44 4- o-oi Five year, 1800. & Aquilsc C.T. 3'4 20 c 4.^*87 - i. 8 4- 0-03 Five year, 1 890. CT 4'C 20 1 1 39*66 12. CO + O'OI Ten year, 1890. a 2 Capricorni C.T. 3-8 20. 12. v6y 12. C3 4- 0-07 Ten year, 1890. Ophiuchi B.A.C. 6060 v Ophiuchi 7 Draconis 67 Ophiuchi .... p l Ophiuchi 8 Ursae Minoris. 8 Ursae Minoris. T] Serpentis 34-54 12-89 55-21 6-75 17-14 24-55 5'54 '75 46-63 49-38 9'44 45-4I '75 23-62 2-06 44-40 55-8i 6'2I 13-72 5476 50-96 36-52 36-52 58-47 34-69 50-91 49-08 49-I7 49-19 49-06 49-07 49-17 49-22 49-21 49-89 47-14 49-03 49-28 49-16 49-09 49-18 49-20 49-07 49-18 49-23 49-22 49-16 49 Librae 51 Libra (jroombridge 750 S.P Groombridge 750 S.P i/ 2 Scorpii 8 Ophiuchi o- 1 Coronae 8 Ursae Minoris 8 Ursae Minoris.. 2 Aquilae 29 Sagittarii /3 1 Lyras 11-680 12-990 I3-450 11-680 11-680 12-024 15-009 11-680 8-610 11-680 1892 June 13. Observer H T. Transit D. IS- 53- 9-67 IS- 57- 38-50 16. i. 46-98 16. 16. 1 6. 1.46-12 7- 53-90 9. 50-83 15. 28. 15. 29. 15- 33- I5-38. 16. 1. 16. i. 16. 7- 16. 9. 16. 13. 41-36 19-39 6-18 9-3i 43-12 42-30 53-69 50-83 50-25 1 1 -362 16. i. 38-95 16. 8.53-13 16. 10. 50-67 16. 14. 20-37 16. 17. 59-09 1 6. 20. 58-00 16.22.4573 16. 24. 9-60 16. 25. 46-74 17. 49. 46-30 | 17. 53. 17-21 17. 54. 18-74 17. 55. 26-53 18. O. 12-22 18. 6. 40-64 8-241 i 18. 6. 40-39 11-680 18. 15. 55-61 11-680 8-860 11-525 11-680 8-836 11-991 11-680 15- S3- 28-33 I5.S7.38-I3 16. 1.4579 i. 45-58 4.55-40 9- 50-45 6.35-80 18. 6.35-58 18. 35. 34-10 1 8. 42. 28-28 18.45. '773 10-19 39-06 45-22 44-46 54'49 51-57 42-04 20-00 6-88 9-96 45-06 44-34 54-3S SMI 50-95 42-3I 53^4 5I-33 21-26 58-87 46-14 10-46 47-46 47''7 18-04 19-29 27-32 13-01 37-88 37-51 56-42 28-75 38-56 45-82 44-60 55-8o 5375 50-98 38-11 3777 34-5I 28-66 18-24 58-72 27-53 32-80 32-80 42-93 40-15 30-88 8-85 55-66 58-71 32-96 32-96 42-94 40-15 39-49 33-13 42-95 40-15 IO"22 4777 34-97 59-25 36-58 36-24 6-80 8-27 15-96 1-78 27-20 27-20 45-iS 17-87 27-56 33-8o 45-05 40-15 27-07 27-07 23-60 17-65 17-40 48-47 48-58 48-84 48-85 48-78 4875 47-90 48-62 48-59 4874 48-54 50-82 49-01 48-82 48-96 48-99 48-90 48-83 48-79 49-12 49-07 48-76 48-98 48-64 4877 49-32 49-69 49-12 49-00 49-20 49-25 49-22 49-I7 48-96 49-3 49-09 48-99 49-16 48-55 48-49 48-46 48-60 48-86 48-87 48-80 48-61 48-76 48-5S 49-02 48-83 48-97 49-00 48-91 48-80 49-I3 49-08 48-76 48-98 48-64 4S-77 48-73 49-12 49-00 49-22 49-I7 49-09 48-99 49-16 158 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. B.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent B.A. Clock Apparently Slow. >W3 iPJ SS^-H 0.0 ,33 <& Star's Name. Position. 1 No. of Wires. 1 E.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. ll-J !* H * Ill O fWD S > 1) 13*579 H'SSI II7OO tt Fl it II700 11 11 1} 9-591 9^97 11-700 ii i j 12-403 11-700 h m s 15. 47. 14-81 14. 50. ig'IO 14-57- 5'92 14.59. 1-90 15. 11.59-15 15. 29. 19-54 IS-38- 939 15.44. 38-55 15- 57- 38-41 16. i. 42-93 16. i. 39-05 16. 16. 59-60 16. 19. 58-54 16. 47. 2271 15. 20. IO'2I 15.22.45-52 15. 27. 28-68 15. 29. 19-35 15. 38. 9-14 IS. 44. 38-23 15-53- 9^7 16. 1.4275 '6- i- 3973 16. 36. 25-72 16. 46. 22-39 16.51.45-91 16. 55. 22-27 1 6. 56. 25-44 17. 8. 43-54 17. 9.48-42 17. to. 30-13 17. I3-44-58 17. 15-50-14 15. ii.47 - 38 15. 29. 19-59 I5-34.55-85 15- 38. 9-47 15. 44. 38-55 15. 47- 12-54 15. 51. 21-06 16. i. 44-64 16. i. 44-71 16. 7. 53-61 16. 24. 40-56 1 6. 34. 32-40 16. 36. 25-78 15. 29. 50-38 15. 38. 40-05 15-45- 9-I4 I5-47-45-I5 15- 53- 39-85 15.58. 8-91 16. 2. 13-56 16. 2. 7-47 16. 36. 56-83 1 6. 46. 53-67 16. 48. 2-89 1 6. 50. 26-68 16- 56. 57-37 17. 8. 26-01 1892 12-58 189 17-21 S'57 174 45-43 19-55 9-58 3876 38-76 43-01 40-56 59-70 58-64 22-61 185 9'5o 45-23 28-96 19-41 9-32 38-42 9H3 46-26 44-96 25-57 22-37 45-93 22*13 22-46 4273 48-33 29-94 44-78 49-99 189 42-76 19-34 5575 9-3 38-39 11-23 20-94 477i 44-98 53-63 40-57 32-45 2575 189 50-52 40-42 9-53 42-88 40-54 9-47 19-77 16-03 56-76 53-79 3-37 27-12 53-31 26-53 Jun s 1-64 2 Ju 578 54-70 50-91 33-98 8-81 5872 2775 27-58 34-S7 34-87 49-02 47-83 11-79 )2 Ji 58-38 34-49 18-26 8-80 58-71 2775 58-78 35-54 35-54 14-97 1 1 -80 35'33 ii-53 11-31 31-90 37 79 I9-33 34-10 39-27 2 Ju 32-07 8-79 45-25 58-71 27-74 1-09 10-26 3578 3578 43-00 29-90 21-62 14-96 2 Ju 8-78 5870 2774 0-95 58-78 27-59 36-22 36-22 14-97 n-8i .21-41 45'4 T 11-09 .44-69 e 15. 3 49-O6 ne 20. 48-57 49-13 49-17 48-55 49-26 49-14 48-99 48-82 51-86 54-31 49-32 49-19 49-18 me 23 48-88 49-26 49-30 49-39 49-39 49-33 49-35 49-28 50-58 49-40 49-43 49-40 49-40 48-85 49 -I 7 49-46 49-39 49-32 49-28 ae 24. 49-31 49-45 49-50 49-41 49-35 49-86 49-32 48-07 50-80 49'37 49-33 49-17 49-21 tie 26. 18-26 18-28 18-21 18-07 18-24 18-12 16-45 20-19 18-21 18-02 18-04 18-29 1778 18-16 Obser Obs 49-14 49-18 49-27 49-15 49-00 48-83 49-33 49-20 49-18 Obs 49'30 49-39 49-39 49-33 49-35 49-40 49H3 49-40 49-40 46-46 49 '39 49-32 49-28 Obse 49-45 49-50 49-41 49-35 49-32 49-37 49-33 49-17 49-21 Obse 18-28 18-30 18-23 18-26 18-14 18-22 18-03 18-05 18-30 18-17 ver H T. Transit 48 Librae D. p 5. E E E E E E E E W W W W W w D. E K E E E E E W W W W W W W W W W w ;. w w w w w w w w w w w E E ). E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 9 7 9 4 9 9 7 9 IO 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 9 6 10 5 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 7 9 9 IO 10 9 8 5 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 r 1 1 "680 11-700 > > i > 8 '943 1 1 '027 11700 ii ii H 11700 i ) i ) 9-019 11*151 I2'2I9 II700 II j t| II'50I II7OO M II700 II 11 > j 11-977 14-638 11-700 11-700 > i i > ) > i D D i j i h m s I5.5I.20-77 16. 53. 46-24 16. 55. 22-57 16. 56. 25-12 17. 3.23-81 17. 8. 56-16 17. 10. 30-37 17. 13. 44-80 18. 6. 45-67 18. 6. 41-20 18. 14. 56-09 18. 18. 8-08 18. 28. 32-59 18. 32. 29-82 18. 35- 34-55 17. 20. 21-92 17. 24. 2-57 17. 27. 13-33 17. 29. 7-97 17. 30. 36-98 17- 34- 33-40 1 8. 6. 43 -96 1 8. 6. 42-02 18. 7.21-69 18. 14. 55-86 18. IB, 7-94 18. 28. 32-50 18. 32. 29-80 18. 35. 34-49 18. 45. 18-34 1 8. 48. 34-93 18. 50. 30-01 18- 53- 55-85 1 6. 39. 27-66 16. 46. 22-56 16. 49. 56-14 16. 51. 46-12 17. 3. 23-81 17- 8.42-53 17. 20. 22-16 17. 27. 12-72 17.29. 7-92 i?- 30. 37-oi 18. 5-37-61 18. 5.38-52 18. 32. 30-04 17. 9.27-17 17. 10. 19-61 17. ii. 1-26 17- M- 15-57 17. 16. 21-16 17- 17- 58-35 17. 19. 30-12 17. 20. 53-13 17. 27. 44-38 17. 29. 38-96 17.30. 778 17-34- 4-38 17.36.41-27 17-37- 5 I- 89 17. 40. 29-70 5 21'lg 46-I8 22-35 22-08 23^0 56-06 3O-O8 44-92 38-55 36-50 5^25 8'35 3279 29-70 34-74 21^8 2'79 I2-9I 7'97 37-14 33-7I 37^4 S?^ 2 16-61 56-10 8-29 3277 29-76 3476 18-35 40-78 30-36 55-98 2771 22-55 56-18 46-12 23-84 42-43 22'l6 12-66 7-91 37-04 37-13 35-62 29-80 27-30 19-63 I'll 16-03 2 1 'OS 58-8I 30-61 53-36 43-94 39-11 8-18 477 4174 52-12 30-24 3 IO'2I 35'32 II'52 "'S3 IS'" 45 '37 19-32 34-08 26-92 26-92 45-3 57-32 21-85 19-05 2372 11-36 51-89 2-09 57-29 26-31 22-91 26-64 26-64 6-31 45'34 57-35 21-89 19-08 23-76 7'54 27-45 19-41 45-23 1 6 -80 1 1 -So 45-40 35-33 I3 -I 4 31-88 II-37 2-09 57-30 26-34 26-52 26-52 19-09 4539 3778 I9-33 34-12 39-28 16-71 48-70 11-38 2-08 57-3I 26-33 22-93 59-82 10-29 48-23 8 49-02 49-I4 49-I7 49-45 49-21 493I 49-24 49-I6 4837 50-42 49-05 48-97 49 -06 49^5 48-98 49-38 49-10 49-18 49-32 49'7 49-20 49-60 49-12 49-70 49-24 49-06 49-12 4932 49-00 49-19 46-67 49-05 49-25 49-09 49-25 49-22 49-21 4930 49-45 49-21 49'43 49-39 49-30 49-39 50-90 49-29 18-09 18-15 18-22 18-09 18-20 17-90 18-09 18-02 18-14 18-20 18-15 18-16 1 8 -08 18-17 17-99 s 49-02 49-14 49-I7 49-21 49-3I 49-24 49-16 49-05 48-97 49-06 49"35 48-98 49-38 49-32 49-17 49-20 49-24 49-06 49-12 49-32 49-00 49-19 49-05 49-25 49-09 49-25 49-22 49-21 49-3 49-21 49'39 49-30 49-29 18-10 18-16 18-23 18-09 18-20 17-90 18-09 18-02 18-20 18-15 18-16 1 8 -08 18-17 17-99 Ursae Minoris rver H. Transit 1 ft Bootis if< Bootis a Herculis a Serpentis Serpentis 51 Libra Groombridge 750 S.P Groombridge 750 S.P TJ Serpentis 21 Sa^ittarii. 1 II 9 } || I I '680 II || J) 1 I -740 1 1 -680 M II 11 J) II II I 1 I I '680 io'357 1 1 -680 11 ii i i ii ii i 189 h m s 16. 24. 39-45 16.35. I' 6 5 16. 36. 55-55 1 6. 46. 52-44 16.52. 1574 16. 56. 55-11 16. 56. 56-01 17- 8.13-83 17. 9-25-97 17. n. 0-14 17. 16. 20-01 17. 29. 37-82 17. 31. 6-72 17- 37- 5 76 16. 2. 5-90 l6. 22. 16-28 16. 25. 10-04 16. 46. 52-16 16. 52. 15-58 16. 55. 52-12 16. 56. 56-37 '17. 8. 13-61 17. 9.25-70 17. 16. 19-85 17. 20. 51-60 17. 24. 32-02 17.27.43-15 17- 29- 37-53 17. 31. 6-30 1 6. 24.37-89 16. 46. 50-49 16. 51. 23-72 16. 52. 14-05 16. 56. 52-70 17- 4- 5I-53 17. 8. 11-24 17. 10. 16-54 17. 10. 58-01 17.41. 54-90 17.45. 6-47 ! 7- 53- 4576 17- 53-47-36 I7-54-55-05 17. 57. 27-02 17. 59- 40-81 16. 52. 12-89 16. 56. 48-15 17. 8. 9-42 17. 9. 22-84 17. 14. 1173 17. 16. 16-86 17. 17. 54-45 17. 19. 26-44 17. 20. 49-16 17. 27. 39-80 17. 29. 35-00 17- 45- 574 17. 49. 14-06 17. 52. 44-96 17.54.54-18 17. 57. 26-06 17- 59- 39'99 2 Ju 40-03 2-26 55-54 52-65 1 6 -02 51-07 5 1 '63 I2'6l 25-93 59-8i '975 37-8o 6'97 50-82 18 1473 15-32 10-29 52-26 15-76 52-01 51-60 12-38 25-81 19-72 51-84 32-56 42-57 37-66 6-74 1 38-23 50-58 24-09 14-18 49-48 51-87 10-41 16-53 57-8? 54-86 6-83 46-04 46-97 55-23 27-04 40-99 1895 13-3 48-18 973 23-25 12-17 17-25 54-89 26-88 49-58 40-17 35-4I 6-17 14-49 45'3 54-59 26-45 40-40 iy i- 8 59-33 21-64 14-94 11-81 3535 io"66 10-66 31-76 45-40 19-32 39-28 57-33 26-37 10-32 92 J 37-36 34-62 29-90 ii'8i 35-35 11-52 io-57 3' 74 45-40 39-27 11-40 5I-95 2-05 57-33 26-37 892 59-32 1 1 -80 45-43 35-35 9-99 I3' J 9 31-61 37-79 19-29 16-00 27-81 7-11 8-34 16-24 48-13 2-08 I Jul 35-34 9-64 31-52 45-40 34-I7 39-27 1677 4876 11-42 1-97 5734 27-82 36-25 7-12 16-24 48-I3 2-09 Obse 8 19-30 19-38 19-40 19-16 I9-33 I9-59 19-03 19-15 I9-47 19-51 19-53 I9-53 19-40 19-50 aly 2. 22-63 19-30 19-61 19-55 19-59 19-52 18-97 19-36 19-59 19-55 19-56 19-39 19-48 19-67 19-63 July E 21-09 21'22 21-34 21-17 20-51 2I-32 21-20 21-26 21-42 21-14 20-98 2I-O7 21-37 21-01 2I-O9 21-09 y n. 22-04 21-46 21-79 22-15 22-00 22-02 21-88 21-88 21-84 2 1 'SO 21-93 2I-65 21-76 2174 2I-65 21-68 21-69 rver I 8 I9-3I 19-39 I9-4I I9-I7 19-34 19-48 I9-52 19^4 I9-53 I9-40 I9-50 Obse 19-62 19-56 19-60 19-53 19-60 19-56 19-57 i9'39 19-67 19-63 . Obs 21-11 21-23 21-35 21-18 21-33 21-27 21-43 21-14 20-98 21-07 21 "OI 21-09 21-09 Obsei 22-05 22-16 22 -O I 22-03 21-89 21-88 2I-84 21-93 2I-65 21-76 2174 2I-65 21-68 21-69 '.. Transit D. con tin E E E E W W W W w E E E E E E E E W W W w w w w w * . w E E E E E E E E W W W w w w D. w E E E E E E E E E W W W w w w w net 9 9 9 10 10 9 9 7 10 IO 9 9 10 9 9 9 8 10 10 8 9 5 9 9 9 5 D. 10 IO 9 9 9 7 9 7 IO IO 5 9 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 10 IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 i. r II7OO 1 1 i IO'222 IO-532 II7OO jj 10-868 10-489 11700 ii n II-7OO H If 14-995 5-609 11-700 tt 14713 II7OO II || 13-821 12-158 1 1 -680 > i II |*| D 11 13-153 12-060 i i -680 11 > i n )) 11-648 14-266 11-680 II II ) i >' 12-618 12-911 11-680 )i ii 1 1 h m s 17. 14. 56-67 17. 57- 28-83 17. 59. 42-59 18. 7- 15-51 18. 7. 12-83 18- 32- 59-56 18. 42. 58-12 18. 45. 48-21 18.49. 3-74 1 8. 49. 0-09 1 8. 54. 25-96 i8.57.55-5i 19. o. 9-47 17-35- 3'i6 17- 37- 50-50 17- 52-47-13 17. 59. 42-22 18. 7.I5-33 18. 7. 11-93 18. 29. 1-94 18. 32. 59-66 1 8. 48. 58-67 19. 15. 14-99 19. 19.45-48 19. 26. 4-40 19.45. !3'24 18. 7. 10-71 18. 7. 10-32 18. 15. 24-00 18. 18.35-90 18. 29. 0-56 18-33. 58-oi 18. 36. 2-54 18. 42. 56-77 18. 49. 1-41 18. 49. 0-36 18. 51. 58-27 18. 54. 24-17 1 8. 57. 53-88 19. o. 773 19. 3. 1-68 18. 7. 2-74 1 8. 7. 1-61 1 8. 15.23-14 18. 18. 35-20 18. 28. 59-85 18. 32. 56-65 1 8. 36. 1-66 18. 42. 55-81 18.45.45-43 18. 49. 9 64 18.49. 7-49 18. 54. 23-18 19. o. 6 -So 19. 3. 0-99 19. 12. 24-85 19. 15. 12-95 19. 19. 29-29 s 56-54 28-72 42-68 5-15 7-44 59-52 58-51 48-21 10-74 10-03 25-95 55-77 9-49 3'57 5073 47-5i 42-48 3-85 5-03 2-25 5953 7-48 I5-37 4570 4-39 13-42 2-87 4-16 24-10 36-12 0-69 57-8o 2-68 56-98 9-12 8-23 58-48 24-14 54-09 7-71 1-89 2-13 2-46 23-46 35-50 0-16 57-oo 1-97 56-12 45-78 9'34 7-35 23-50 7-12 1-28 25-17 13-25 29-61 s I5-99 48-10 2-04 2579 2579 19-15 17-96 7'6l 28-10 28-10 45'33 iS'JS 28-85 22-97 10-33 7-07 2-04 25-70 25-70 21-99 19-15 28-15 34-91 5-33 24-06 32-91 24-73 24-73 45-48 57-52 22-05 19-18 23-94 18-04 29-00 29-00 19-63 45-40 15-24 28-93 22-98 24-13 24-13 45-49 57-54 22-07 19-18 23-96 1 8 -06 7-67 29-61 29-61 45-42 28-95 23-01 47-01 35-02 51-45 8 '9'45 19-38 19-36 20-64 i8'35 19-63 !9'45 19-40 17-36 18-07 19-38 19-38 19-36 19-40 19-60 19-56 19-56 21-85 20-67 1974 19-62 20-67 I9-54 19-63 19-67 19-49 21-86 20-57 21-38 21-40 21-36 21-38 21-26 21-06 19-88 20-77 21-15 21-26 21-15 21-22 2I-O9 22-00 21-67 22-03 22-04 21-gi 22'lS 21-99 21-94 21-89 20-27 22-26 21-92 21-83 21-73 21-84 21-77 21-84 s !9'45 19-38 19-36 19-63 19-44 J 9'39 I9-37 I9-37 I9-35 19-40 19-60 19-56 19-56 1974 19-62 I9'53 19-62 19-66 19-48 21-38 21-40 21-36 21-37 21-25 21-05 21-14 21-25 21-14 2I'2I 21-08 22-O3 22-04 21-91 22-18 21-99 21-93 21-88 21-91 21-82 2172 21-83 21-76 21-83 B.A.C. WQ. 96 Herculis p 1 Ophiuchi. , S Ursa? Miuoris ic Opliiuchil S TJrsae Minoris t Ursfe Minoris a Lyrae 29 Sagittarii ' Lyrae a Herculis Cephei 51 S.P TT Herculis Cephei 51 S.P. a Ophiuchi Serpentis o Sagittarii . ... j8 Ophiuchi Aquilae Groombrid^e 750 S.P. ... rver H. Transit D o Serpentis Ophiuchi p l Ophiuchi K Ophiuchi 5 Ursa; Minoris e Herculis 8 Ursfe Minoris a Lyrse Cephei 51 S.P erver H T. Transi 5 Ursa; Minoris 49 Herculis 8 Ursffi Minoris B A C 5700 e Ursfie Minoris 21 Saoittarii i Aquilae 5 Herculis . . 2 Aquilse 29 Sagittarii fj. Herculis Cephei 51 S.P. Cephei 51 S.P B A C 6034 1? Sagittarii y Uraconis e Aquilse 67 Ophiuchi o Sagittarii 96 Herculis ( Aquilse p 1 Ophiuchi .. ir Sagittarii ver H T. Transit 8 Ursee Minoris 5 Ursce Minoris 77 Serpentis 21 Sagittarii i Aquilse B A C 5866 . . a Lyrse j8 Lyrse Cephei 51 S.P BAG 6034 Cephei 51 S.P B A C 6060 . AquiUe 01 Aquilse v Sagittarii On July 2 Groombridge 750 S.P. and Cephei 51 S.P. were observed on wire IX. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED AT GREENWICH AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 161 Star's Name. " ~ Observed Transit. r=!H Ill ji^ MS"' y t* ; Star's Name. Observed Transit. . IP f Hcrculis K Ophiuchi i Ursa; Minoris ij Ophiuchi ( Draconis 11-680 11-869 11-680 1892 July 15. Observer H T. Transit D. 1 6. 36. 51-94 16. 52. 12-34 1 6. 56. 47-66 17. 3. 50-23 17. 8. 8-68 52-36 12-84 4672 50-81 8-80 14-85 35-32 9-16 13-18 3'"4I 22-49 22-48 22-44 22-37 22'6l 2249 22-38 a Herculis . ir Herculis . /3 Ophiuchi ._ . H Herculis 1 i -680 1 1 -680 17. 9. 22-49 17. ii. 56-33 17- 37- 47 5 17.41.53-15 22-97 56-72 48-01 53-57 45 '39 19-23 iQ'35 15-99 22-42 22-51 22-34 22-42 22-43 22-52 22-34 22-42 t Ursa; Minoris. ( Draconis 1 1 -448 11-680 16. 56. 45-86 17. 8. 7-64 1892 July 20. Observer H T. Transit D. 45 '92 7'97 9-04 31-25 23-12 23-28 a Herculis . w Herculis , 1 1 '680 17. 9.21-84 17. 10. 55-62 22-26 56-02 45 '37 19-19 23-11 23-17 23-12 23-18 A Ursa; Minoris. a Aquilse /3 Aquilffi .3-887 11-680 1892 July 22. Observer H T. Transit D. 19-31.39-99 19-45- 8-93 19. 49. 38-63 3906 9'34 39 '04 5-92 33'H 2-78 26-86 23-80 23-74 2373 6 Aquilse $- Capricorni. t Delphini .... 1 1 -680 2O. 5. 22-24 20. 14. 35-16 20. 27. 41-38 22-64 41-78 46-32 59-I9 5-45 23-63 23-67 23-66 23-61 23^5 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED AT PARIS AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 1892 June 7. Observer K. Transit E. S Ursa; Minoris. i\ Serpentis 14-142 13-460 18. 6. 37-86 18. 14. 5679 56-63 27-20 45-11 48-42 48-48 48-47 21 Sagitturii. W 13-460 18. 18. 8-83 8-67 57-08 48-41 48-40 1892 June 8. Observer H. Transit E. Polaris S.P W Polaris S.P 86 Virginis n Bootis B.A.C. 4666 T Virgiuis a Draconis Arcturus \ Virginis 2 Libne a 2 Librae 3 Urs;e Minoris 20 Libra iji Bootis Groom bridge 2283 . I4-I37 388 450 14-707 13. 17. 56-42 13- 39- 13. 48. 13- 53- 13- 55- 14. o. 14. 9. 14. n. 14. 15. 14. 44. 14. 50. 14. 56. 14. 59- 15. ii. 59-70 23-81 45-45 36-24 22 "O I 42-22 57-04 29^3 50-I8 7-65 I7-6S 58-49 2- 5 6 49-40 47^4 23-29 45'OS 3574 21-56 42'32 56-68 28-51 49-67 7-11 18-16 57-9I 2-24 54-21 34 '2 1 34'2i 12-25 34-06 24-52 10-40 31-05 45-70 17-41 38-42 55-82 6-46 46-63 50-98 38-36 49-85 48-96 48-98 48-78 48-84 4873 49-02 48-90 4875 4871 48-30 4872 48-74 44-I5 49-09 49-11 48-90 48-96 49-14 49-01 48-86 48-81 48 ; 8i 48-83 Groombriilge 2283 W 10 42 Libra;..' W 9 K Librte W 9 o Serpentis Wj 9 3 Serpentis W 9 ir Scorpii Wj 4 S Scorpii : W ; 9 Groombridge 750 S.P E p Ophiuchi E 7j Draconis \ Ophiuchi E C Herculis ... .. E < Urste Minoris W 9 21 Sagittarii W 9 8-274 I3-450 15-246 6-232 I3'450 12-450 13-45 15. ii. 44-31 I5-33- 6-95 15. 34-56-69 IS- 38. 9-95 15.40. 25-38; 15.51.32-63 15. 53. 10-19 16. I. 50-58 16. i. 46-07 16. 18. 20-43 16. 21. 46-18 16. 24. 41-57 16. 36. 26-37 49-12 , 38-36 6-37 ! 55-66 56-14 , 45-24 9-52 i 58-71 25-00 14-07 32-04 9-62 47-01 42-50 I9-S5 46-20 41-12 26-07 21 -OI 5873 32-96 8-53 34-98 29-83 I4-95 16. 56. 19-93 : 21-36 , 12-10 50-74 18. 18. 8-40, 7-84 57-10' 49-26 49-24 49-29 49-10 49-19 49-07 4<>"97 49-11 50-46 48-68 4878 4871 48-88 49-36 49-I7 49-26 49-I4 49 '03 49-I7 4S-73 48-76 48-92 QKBENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 162 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Star's Name. No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at i8 h Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at i8 h Sidereal. Polaris S.P W E E E E E E E E E E E E E W W W E E E E E E E E E W W W w w w w w w w w w w E w E E E E E E E W W W w w w w w E E IO IO 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 5 1 10 10 6 8 6 9 9 9 9 IO IO 6 IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 5 9 5 IO 10 8 r 14-614 11-061 I3-450 II 11 t) it H-673 I3-450 14-419 11-135 13-500 II ) 1 13-245 9-822 13-500 15-818 13-500 13-500 M jj 11 > I4-03I 14772 11 13-004 10-894 13-500 H it it 16-580 12-040 8-753 13-500 h m s 13. 18. 4-18 13- 18. S'37 13.55.21-38 13- 59- 47-23 14- 4- 9'43 14. 9. 56-43 14. 12. 28-72 14. 26. 23-27 14. 35. 12-19 14. 36. 35-03 14. 39. 28-87 14. 54. 25-19 14- 57- 5'53 15. 11.42-42 15. 27. 29-19 15.28.41-95 13. 18. 19-51 13. 18. 18-20 14. o. 39-29 14. 9. 55-56 14. 23. 11-63 14. 26. 21-74 14. 35. 10-94 14. 39-27-63 14. 44. 6'2i 15. II. 38-30 15. II. 28-10 15- 57.37-12 15. 58. 2 1 'O8 16. i. 54-30 16. 9.49-19 17- 8.53-13 17. 34. 30-73 17. 37. 17-89 17. 41. 23-48 17. 43. 16-16 17- 46. 13-58 17- 53- I5-53 I7.56.55-67 13. 17. 49-00 13. 17. 54-22 14. 34. 7-64 14. 36. 30-44 14. 39- 24-57 14. 44. 2 - 6i 14. 50. 12-44 '4-58. 57-55 15. 11.40-39 15.11.3875 15.27.2478 15. 29. 15-19 I5-37- 8-27 15.38. 5-16 15. 40. 20-42 16. i. 44-12 16. o. 39-31 1 6. o. 37-03 16. 36. 19-24 18! s 46-70 20-73 46-50 8-64 27-96 22-84 11-62 34-32 28-41 24-46 5-21 28-45 41-17 189 45-57 47-32 39-59 54-66 10-40 21 -OO 9^7 26-85 4-8? 5335 4479 35-89 1975 44-39 48-60 189 5270 29-95 17-33 23-23 1579 12-83 15-80 55-32 18 43-05 45-21 7-67 30-40 24-64 2-54 12-94 57-62 43-69 4370 24-80 15-33 8-27 5-23 20-51 42-13 18 39-12 37-66 I9-3 1 )2 Ji 8 35-22 35-22 10-39 36-00 57-99 45-69 17-41 12-34 1-13 23-63 18-03 1376 5479 37-98 18-24 30-88 2 Ju 37-10 37-10 30-95 45-68 i-43 I2\33 18-02 55-8i 37-22 37-22 27-55 n'35 33-48 40-15 2 Ju 45-31 2278 10-16 15-88 8-34 5-56 8-30 47-94 12 Ju 38-81 38-81 I'll 23-61 18-01 55-81 6-21 50-96 36-52 36-52 18-25 8-84 1-59 5872 14-07 33-80 2 Ju 34-08 34-o8 14-96 me 9. s 4971 48-52 49-66 49-5 49-35 49-78 49-45 49-50 49-51 49-31 49-62 49-3 49-58 46-44 49-79 4971 ne 11. 51-53 5078 51-36 51-02 51-03 si;is 50-94 43-87 52-43 51-66 51-60 49-09 51-55 ne 12. 52-61 52-83 52-83 52-65 52-55 5273 52-50 52-62 ne 13. 5576 53-60 53-44 53-21 53-37 53-27 53-27 53-34 52-83 52-82 53-45 53-51 53-32 53-49 53-56 51-67 ne 15. 54-96 56-42 55-65 Obsei s 49^3 49-48 49-90 49-61 49-62 49-73 49-40 49-68 49-87 49-79 Obse 51-18 51-18 51-48 51-30 51-31 51-08 5174 51-68 51-63 Obse 52-64 52-85 52-66 52-56 5274 52-62 Obs( 53-58 53-35 53-51 53-40 53-46 53 : 55 53;6i 53-59 53-66 Obs 5571 pver H. Transit E 42 Librae w w w w w w w w w w E E E W W 3. w w w w w w w w w w E E E E E ?. W W E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ,W W W W W I E E E E 9 9 4 6 9 4 9 9 9 8 IO 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 10 8 9 9 9 9 IO IO 8 9 9 9 5 9 I 9 9 9 7 9 7 10 IO 9 9 4 4 9 9 9 9 r M 13-450 II-925 6-636 ISHSO I3-500 1 > 1 } H jj D 1 4 '680 13-500 D ii 13-500 14-106 17-605 13-500 11 i> 13-500 11 j> 11 11 M II 11 13795 7-132 13-500 jj j > 11 13-500 11 H 1 1 h m 8 15. 33. 6-87 15- 37- I2 '79 15-51-21-32 15-53- 9-9i 1 6. 9. 50-93 16. 13. 21-29 16. 16. 59-97 16. 24. 47-28 16. 30.25-57 16. 36. 25-54 17. 52. 17-86 17. 56. 58-81 18. 10. 9-81 1 8. 6. 29-54 18. 18. 8-28 16. 11. 47-93 1 6. 13. 49-43 16. 16. 58-88 16.34.31-25 16. 36. 24-01 16. 39. 26-70 17. 4. 22-88 17- 7- 39-87 17. 9. 46-90 1 8. 6. 24-45 1 8. 10. 3-49 1 8. 18. 7-29 18. 28. 31-51 18.32. 27-88 18.38. 673 17-59- 975 18. 6.21-84 1 8. 6. 25-38 '8- 14- 53-32 18. 18. 574 18. 32. 26-31 18.35.31-98 1 6. 30. 21-23 1 6. 34. 28-29 1 6. 36. 21-47 16. 55. 17-99 17- 3- 1978 17. 7. 38-21 17. 9.44-16 17. 13. 40-81 17. 15. 45-69 17. 53. 14-60 18. 10. 10-73 1 8. 6. 29-64 18. 59. 34-77 19. 2. 28-90 19. 25. 29-96 19. 30. 13-04 16. 46. 16-22 16. 51. 39-63 16. 55. 15-87 17. 7. 36-26 a 6 -02 I2'OI 20-55 9-07 50-53 20-44 59-15 46-78 24-83 25-12 17-12 58-30 16-79 35-63 7-45 4679 48-02 57-55 29-94 23-37 25-29 2 1 '60 40-39 46-I5 35-64 15-00 5-87 30-26 27-29 5-22 9-16 33-39 3579 52-60 479 26-17 31-18 28-21 21-55 1807 1971 38-53 44-22 40-72 4578 1477 I3-33 28-88 30-11 13-07 16-30 3971 36-29 55-66 1-58 10-23 5873 40-15 10-22 48-95 14-60 I4-95 6-80 47-90 6-87 27-20 57-12 3S-20 39-5I 48-96 21-54 16-72 13-03 37-66 27-14 6-81 57-15 21-70 18-93 5676 1-83 27-10 27-10 45-19 57-17 18-94 14-63 2 1 '60 14-96 11-50 13-05 31-98 37-68 34-00 39-26 8-31 6-74 27-07 28-58 22-55 2375 676 1177 35-29 11-50 3I-97 s 49-64 49-68 49-66 49-62 4978 49-80 49 '80 4977 49-68 49-60 50-08 5i;57 51-41 51-49 51-41 51-60 51-59 51-43 51-43 51-60 51-51 51-81 51-28 5 I- 44 51-64 5I-54 52-67 5371 52-59 52-38 52-40 53-39 53-4I 53"43 53-41 54-oi 5373 53-69 55;47 55-68 s 49-65 49-68 49-86 49-85 49-82 49-88 49-68 49-60 49-66 5I-57 51-48 51-65 51-64 5I-48 5' '47 5I-55 51-27 51-42 51-62 52-67 5275 52-38 53-45 53-47 53;47 53-49 53-3I 53-5I 53;69 55-53 Polaris S.P. T Virginia. 5 Scorpii 94 Virginia BAG. 4700 A Virginia j8 Herculis p Bobtis Ophiuchi Herculis p Virginia y Ophiuchi 2 Bobtis ... 5 Libne 24 Ursae Minoris 5 Ursae Minoris 37 Librae 21 Sagittarii srver H. Transit 1 Polaris S.P Polaris S.P tr Scorpii a Draconis BAG 5579 Arcturus 106 Virginis 25 Scorpii p Bootis Bobtis 2 Bobtis . o 2 Libne Groombridge 2283 Groombridge 2283 24 Ursae Minoris 51 Librae jS 1 Scorpii Groombridge 750 S.P Sagittarii rver H. Transit 1 a Herculis Ophiuchi ft Herculis B.A.C. 6030 B A.C. 6049 y Draconis Polaris S. P irver H. Transit 1 Polaris S. P B. A. C. 5579.... fBobtia /i Virginis e 2 Bobtis a 2 Librffi j8 Ursai Miuoris Observed Transit. 1892 June 15. Observer H T. Transit E. continued. S Herculis w Herculis iSDraconis a OpMii<-hi o Serpentis Opninohi B. A. C. 6069... 7 Draconis 96 Herculis S Ursre Miuoris , 13-500 I4176 17- 9- 42'09 17- I5-43-5 17. 27. 6-34 17.29. 1-54 17. 34. 27-20 17. 37. 14-52 17- 49- 54"57 17- 53- 12-83 17. 56- 52-38 18. 6. 31-91 42-17 43-S7 6'39 1-62 27-28 14-60 54-65 12-89 52-46 3I-35 39-27 2-08 57-23 22-82 IO'2O 5 '24 8-32 47^7 27-04 5570 55^9 55-61 55-54 55-60 SS'59 55-43 55-51 55-69 5573 55'63 55-56 55-62 55-60 55-5I 8 Ursae Minoris . . . 24 Ursre Minoris oLyrae 2 Aquilae 29Sagittarii S 1 Lyrse 1 Serpentis e Aquilfe jrSagittarii 9-489 10-764 13-500 h m s 1 8. 6. 30-65 1 8. 10. 9-90 18. 32. 22-96 18.35.27-73 18. 42. 21 -79 18. 45. 11-58 18. 49. 57-04 18. 53. 49-22 19. 2. 26-6l 10-56 23-12 27-88 21-94 11-74 57-I9 49-37 26-76 27-04 671 18-98 23^4 17-69 7-43 52-90 45'" 22-59 56-I5 55-86 5576 5575 55-69 557i 5574 5573 5572 55-66 55-67 557 5578 1892 June 18. Observer H T. Transit E. 5 Libra ] E 3 Booti- I E 13-420 14. 54. 14-26 14. 56. 55-45 55-50 1374 5472 5937 59-22 59'53 Grootubridge 2283 1 E I 5! 11-569 15. II. 37-38 35-62 i 34-83 ; 59-21 1892 June 23. Observer H T. Transit E. Groombridge 2283 E Groombridge 2283 ri Coronie 7 2 Ursse Minoris f 3 Libra a Coronse a Serpentis ft Serpentis 6 Librse Groombridge 750 S.P Groombridge 750 S.P a 1 Coronoe f Ophiuchi f Herculis 49 Hereulis e Ursse Minoris T; Ophiuchi 12-464 12-302 13-420 13-851 6-989 13-420 I4-I53 13-420 15. 12. 23-001 26'68 15. 12. 15. 18. 15. 20. 15. 24. 15. 30. I 5 . 3 8. 15.41. 15. 47. 1 6. 2. 22-64 40-17 51-29 30-30 2-28 52-26 7-59 36-15 31-65 16. 2. 30-81 1 6. 10. 33-46 16. 19. 2-28 16. 37- 8-33 16.47. 5-23 16. 57. 4-23 17. 4. 672 26-32 40-04 5I-45 30-02 2-14 52-06 29-61 2877 33'44 2-08 8-25 5-I5 5-21 6-54 32-55 46-52 58-38 36-50 8-80 5871 14-05 42-45 35'54 35-54 40-13 8-60 I4-97 1 1 -80 11-28 5-87 6-23 6-48 6-93 6-48 6-66 6-65 6-64 6-58 5'93 677 6-69 6-52 6-72 6-65 6-07 6-59 6-64 6 : 6 4 6-Si 6-79 6-78 6-71 6-80 6-62 6-80 672 6-65 ( Draconis. 8 Herculis .. Serpentis /3 Ophiuchi B.A.C. 6030 B.A.C. 6049.... B.A.C. 6069 v Ophiuchi 96 Herculis 8 Ursse Minoris.. 8 Ursae Minoris. r\ Serpentis 1 Aquilse Lyrae 2 Aquilae 1 Lyrse Cephei 51 S.P. .. 13-420 13-420 15-729 13-996 13-420 12-620 8. 24-99 10. 31-22 17. 35. 16-38 17-38. 3-87 17.44. 175 17. 46. 59-21 17, 50. 43-84 17-53- 0-55 17. 57.41-41 18. 7. 17-07 18. 7. 16-88 18. 15. 38-72 18. 29. 15-22 l8. 33. I2'II 18. 36. 17-15 1 8. 46. 0-69 1 8. 49. 24-50 25-28 3-66 1-58 58-95 43-62 0-29 41-24 I9-54 I9-35 38-58 15-06 I2'I2 I6'99 0-67 21-15 3I-90 37-73 22-91 10-27 8-38 5-47 50-27 6-99 48-05 26-64 26-64 4534 2I-89 19-08 2376 6-62 6-56 6-80 6-61 6-80 6-52 6-65 6-70 6-81 7-10 7-29 676 6-83 6-96 6-77 6-87 6-30 6-61 6-83 6-63 6-82 6-53 6-66 671 681 674 6-80 6'93 673 6-82 1892 June 24. Observer H T. Transit E. C Herculis I W W W W w w K Ophiuchi . e Ursse Minoris. a Herculis 8 Herculis ir Herculis cr Ophiuuhi. I3-430 > ) 12-676 13-43 I3-430 16. 37. 6-82 16. 52. 27-42 16. 57. 2-56 '7- 9-37-3I 17. 10. 29-67 17. ii. 11-13 17.21. 3-22 6-82 27-37 3-25 37-27 2965 11-15 3-17 14-96 35'33 1 1 -21 45-38 3773 I9-33 "'37 8-14 7-96 7-96 8-n 8-08 8-18 8-20 8-23 8-03 8 : 'i6 8'! 3 8-23 8-24 8 Draconis.... fa Ophiuchi .. o Serpeutis ... Ophiuchi ... ft. Herculis .... B.A.C. 6030 . 13-430 17- 27. 53-59 17. 31. 52-51 17- 35- 1475 17. 38. 2-19 17.42. 7-73 17. 44. 0-24 53-68 52-43 14-66 2-14 7-72 0-22 2-O9 O'6l 22-91 10-28 ISW 8- 3 8 8-41 8-18 8-25 8-14 8-25 8-16 8-2i 8-28 8-16 8-27 8-18 1892 June 26. Observer H T. Transit E. S Bobtis E 9 Groombridge 2283 E 10 Groombridge 2283 ri Coronfc 7 2 Ursce Minoris.... i Draconis f Libra 37 Librae y Libra 42 Librae K Librae T; Librae (8 Serpentis . i Serpentis.. \ Librae 48 Librse . . . . 8 Scorpii 51 Libra .... I3-43 14-096 10-698 13-430 15. 10. 59-28 15. 12. 13-59 15. 12. 15. 18. 15. 20. 15. 22. 15. 24. 15. 28. 15. 29. 15- 33- 15-35- IS- 37- 14-72 35-I4 45-86 22 '8O 25-50 7-I4 1979 44-68 34-I9 50-64 15.41. 2-83 15. 45. 16-67 15. 46. 54-64 15.51. 59-14 IS- 53-47-63 IS. 58. 16-45 59-3 18-82 I9-95 3VI5 46-40 23-04 25-29 6-96 I9-59 44-44 33W 50-44 276 16-56 54H3 58-95 47-4I I6-27 10-86 46-49 58-24 36-49 18-25 30-88 1-59 14-04 2774 5-72 10-26 5878 27-59 11-56 12-35 1 1 '22 H'34 11-84 11-38 1 1 '20 II'29 11-29 II-23 11-28 11-15 11-28 11-18 11-29 11-31 n'37 11-32 11-74 11-51 "37 11-45 11-45 11-39 n-43 11-30 "43 11-32 ii-43 11-45 11-50 11-45 Groombridge 750 S.P E Groombridge 750 S.P 8 Ophiuchi o- 1 Coronae e Ophiuchi f Ophiuchi B.A.C. 5579 f Herculis e Ursae Minoris... Ophiuchi w Herculis B.A.C. 5866 B.A.C. 6069 v Ophiuchi 67 Ophiuchi 96 Herculis 24 Ursae Miuoris . 10 14797 15-998 13-43 16-417 13-43 12-546 1 6. 2. 28-23 16. 2. 27-66 16. 8. 31-99 16. 10. 28-75 16. 12. 27-24 16. 31. 3-60 16. 35. 10-63 I6.37- 3'53 16. 56. 17. 14. 17. 16. 17. 18. 17. 50. 17. 52. 17- 55- 17- 57- 18. 10. 58-83 23-04 27-86 5-68 39-05 55-85 5'3 36-86 50-52 24-90 31-84 2877 27-08 3-42 10-42 60-30 22-82 27-87 5-46 38-92 55-68 4-91 36-82 54-59 36-22 36-22 43-00 40-12 38-25 14-69 21-63 14-96 1 1 -06 34-12 39-28 16-71 50-36 7-02 16-16 48-07 5-92 1075 11-32 iri6 "35 11-17 11-27 11-21 II-42 10-76 II-3O If4I 11-25 11-44 11-34 11-25 11-25 H'33 11-28 11-47 1I-29 n-37 11-30 11-51 n-35 11-46 11-29 11-45 ii-35 11-26 11-25 K Librae B Serpentis . fl Librse I3-430 1892 June 27. Observer H T. Transit E. '5- 35- 41 "36 15.41. 9-81 15- 47- 38-39 41*03 9-68 38-08 45-2S 14-04 42-45 4-22 4-36 4-37 4-31 4-45 48 Librse . 8 Scorpii . 5 1 Librae . I3-430 I5-52. 6-32 15- 53- 5479 15. 58. 23-62 6-02 ' 10-26 54-44 ' 5S-78 23-34! 27-59 4-24 434 4-25 4-42 4'33 164 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREEXWICH, MADE IN 1892. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. E.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. 1 * gg* .28.2 O C.IC a Clock Apparently Slow at i8 h Sidereal. Star's Name. 1 No. of Wires. K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at is' Sidereal. Groombridge 750 S.P Groombridge 750 S.P. E W W W W W W W W W E E E E E E E W W W E E E E E E E E K W W W w w w w w w w w w w E E E E E E E E E W W w w w w w w E E E E IO IO 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 5 IO 9 9 5 7 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 IO 10 8 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 r 14-115 I7-554 I3-430 II )) II II 1) 13-830 I3-430 >t 1 I I3-430 II || 13-430 1) 1 t tt I I '968 1 3 '430 i t I3'430 10*643 10761 ^3'43O H M 1) I3-430 )l I3-IOO I3-430 13 '430 II ft tt 1892 h m 3 16. 2. 36-23 16. 2. 35-30 16. 12. 34-29 16. 14. 6-43 16. 17.45-15 l6. 22. 30-07 16.24.55-50 16. 31. 1076 i6.35- 1773 16. 37. 10-66 16.57. 4-55 17. 4. 9-24 17. 8.27-20 17. 9.41-14 17. 10.33-44 17. n. 14-81 17. 14. 30-24 16. 25. 24-19 16. 31. 9-08 16. 35. i6'ii '5- 35- 38-47 15- 37- 54-83 I5-38.5I-77 15.41. 6-99 15. 45. 20-70 15.46.35-56 15- 52. 3-49 15. 54. 10-94 16- 2. 33-73 16- 2. 33-77 16. 8. 36-23 16. 10. 33-12 16.12.31-53 16. 22. 27-26 16. 24. 5277 16. 29. 5-12 16. 31. 8-03 16. 35. 14-98 16.37. 7-94 15. 54. IO'2O 15. 58. 19-85 16. 2. 32-79 16. 2. 33-08 16. 8. 35-08 16. 10. 31-88 16. 12. 30-41 16. 17. 41-15 16. 19. 0-79 16. 20. 40-10 16. 22. 26-11 16. 25. 21-94 16.37. 675 16.47- 379 16. 50. 37-95 16. 52. 27-37 16. 57. 0-44 17- 4- 5'34 17. 8.23-16 17- 8.37-37 15. 50. 4-07 15. 54. 9-22 15. 58. 18-97 15. 59. 2-86 June 8 34^3 6-06 44-8I 30-4I 55-18 10-47 I7-40 IO-63 6-56 8-93 27-69 41-00 33-37 14-82 29-90 189 23-86 8-65 15-61 189$ 38-08 54-47 51-54 6-82 20-46 35-19 3-13 10-57 29-50 29-54 35-93 33-08 31-22 27-60 52-39 4-67 7-69 14-59 7-88 189 9-87 19-55 28-66 28-85 34'84 31-88 30-16 40-81 0-42 39-77 26-51 2173 673 37-6i 27-20 2-60 5-01 23-68 37-23 189 377 8-91 1 8 -68 2-53 27. 8 36-42 36-42 38-25 10-27 49-02 3473 59-32 14-69 21-64 14-96 10-99 13-15 31-84 45-40 37-67 I9-33 34-I3 2 Jui 29-91 1470 21-64 ! Jun 45-24 1-58 58-69 14-02 2773 42-44 10-25 17-87 36-97 36-97 43-00 40-09 38-25 34-66 59-33 11-76 1470 21-64 I4-95 2 Jul 17-87 27-58 37-16 37-16 42-99 40-09 38-25 49-02 8-61 47-89 29-90 14-94 11-81 35-35 10-63 I3-I7 3176 45-40 2 Jul 12-88 17-87 27-58 11-38 -Obse s 4-08 5-01 4-22 4-21 4-21 4-32 4-14 4-22 4-24 4-33 4'43 4-22 4-I5 4-40 4'3 4-23 ie 29. 6-05 6-05 6-03 e 30. 7-16 7-11 7-15 7-20 7-27 7-25 7-12 7-30 7-47 7-43 7-07 7-01 7-03 7-06 6-94 7-09 7-01 7-05 7-07 y i- 8-00 8-03 8-50 8-15 8-21 8-09 8-21 8-19 8-12 8-13 8-17 8-21 8-16 7-81 8-15 8-03 8-16 8-08 8-17 y 2. 9-11 8-96 8-90 8-85 rver H 8 4-28 4'2O 4-30 4*38 4*26 4-43 4-54 Obse 6-II 6-09 Obsei 7-26 7-21 7-25 7-30 7-36 7-34 7-21 7-39 7-15 7-09 7-10 7-01 7-15 7-07 7-11 7-13 Observ 8-08 8-n 8-28 8-16 8-28 8-26 8-19 8"-2 3 8-27 8-21 7-86 8-20 8-20 8-20 Obsen 9-19 9'4 8-98 8-93 T. Transit E.c wit E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W E w w E. E E E E E E E E E W W W W VV W W W W E E E E E E E E E E W W W w w w w E E E E W W ini g 9 9 I 7 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 9 20 9 9 20 7 9 6 5 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 40 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 20 IO IO 50 IO IO 9 led. r 13-430 tt 11 li tt tt 9-944 13-909 13-43 il n 12-758 13-430 15-955 13-430 13-985 13-430 9 t I3-430 II ) t tt 13-430 1 t t t tt I3'430 It It tt tt 14-519 16-930 I5-363 I3-465 15-118 I574I 13-430 h m a 17. 16. 35-10 17-29-53-15 17. 31. 56-60 17.49. 32-21 17. 50. 46-32 17- 53- 3-05 17.57-43-88 18. 7. 16-17 18. 7- 17-62 18. 15.41-30 1 8. 1 8. 53-49 1 8. 29. 18-00 18. 33. 14-56 18. 36. 19-83 18. 43. 14-08 18. 46. 3-35 1 8. 49. 3079 16. 37. 8-78 16. 57. 2'22 16. 50. 38-60 16. 52. 28-46 16.57- 1-53 17. 4. 6-50 17. 8. 24-12 17. 10. 30-56 17. ii. 12-09 17. 14. 27-37 17. 16. 32-13 17. 21. 4-56 17. 24.45-19 17. 27. 55-02 17. 29. 50-44 I7.3I-53-80 17. 35. 16-12 17- 38- 3 '42 17. 42. 8-81 18. 7. 13-08 17. 14. 26-21 17. 1 6. 30-96 17.18. 877 17. 19. 40-80 17.21. 3-36 17- 35- 14% 17.36.51-92 17. 38. 2-23 17. 44. 0-30 17.46. 5772 17. 50.42-33 17. 52. 59-08 17.55. 8-28 I7-57-39-94 17- 59- 54-07 1 8. 2. 7-62 18. 7. 12-18 18. 7. 11-54 18. 10. 50-40 1 8. 49. 27-23 16. 2. 32-03 16. 2. 31-31 16. 8. 34-19 3 35-08 53-00 31-88 46-IO 2-78 20-95 22-4O 4I-05 53-14 17-72 I4-59 I9-55 1373 3'33 24-6I 8-72 5-11 38-21 28-25 3-66 6-13 24-60 30-45 12-08 26-97 32-07 4-3 44-76 55-I7 50-24 53-47 15-76 3-17 871 18-36 25-86 30-95 8-42 40-43 3-16 I4-59 51-56 2-04 O'2O 57-44 42-10 5879 8-07 39-84 53^5 7'45 17-46 16-94 2O-I7 28-47 33'93 I 39-28 0-62 36-16 50-36 7-03 48-08 26-I6 26-I6 21-94 19-12 23-82 17-90 27-88 14-95 11-36 10-73 I3-I7 3I-79 37-80 19-32 34-I5 39-28 11-40 5f94 2-07 57-33 0-64 22-96 10-32 15-99 25-88 34-I5 1674 4873 11-40 22-97 59-86 10-32 8-47 677 50-38 7-06 1 6 -20 48-10 2-04 15-86 25-79 2579 5-35 28-10 37-36 37-36 42-99 s 4'20 4-31 4-28 4-28 4-26 4-25 4-30 5-21 376 4'34 4-27 4-22 4-17 3 '27 6-23 7-21 7-10 7-07 7-04 7-19 7'35 7-24 7-21 7-10 7-18 6-90 7-09 7-17 7-20 7-i5 7-28 7-52 8-29 8-32 8-32 8-30 8-24 8-38 8-30 8-28 8-27 8-33 8-28 8-27 8-13 8-26 8-19 8-41 8'33 8-85 878 7-93 8-89 9-51 9-06 8 4^3 433 4-30 4-27 4^5 4'3 4'20 4-5I 4-I4 4-22 6-28 7-26 7-15 7 : o8 7-27 7-21 7-24 7-20 7-19 7-22 7-I7 7-29 8-32 8-35 8-35 8-33 8-27 8-40 8-32 8-29 8-28 8'34 8-29 8-27 8-13 8-26 8-19 8-41 a Ophiuchi fj. Ophiuchi Ophiuchi BAG. 6060 19 Scorpii B.A.C. 6069 i// Ophiuchi T] Draconis Ophiuchi B.A.C. 5579 Hercuhs e Ursa; Minoris 21 Sagittarii T; Ophiuchi Draeonis o Herculis 29 Sagittarii .. . IT HerculH Cephei 51 S P Ophiuclii rver H T. Transit \ Ophiuchi COphiuchi B.A.C. 5579 ver H T. Transit BAG 5700 K Libra; j) Libra; Scrpeutis 6 Serpentis 6 Libra; 48 Libra; 49 Libra; Groombridge 750 S.P GroombridgK 750 S.P Ophiuchi T Scorpii ( Ophiuchi B.A.C. 5579 Herculis -er H T. Transit j 49 Libra; 51 Libra; Groombridge 750 S.P BAG 5866 Groombridge 750 S.P b Ophiuchi. 8 Ophiuchi gg -2S.2 "g* s c% si-Si 3 > S OO.S3 fga Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. 1 K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. If g** Tabular Apparent 1 K.A. Clock Apparently Blow. Clock Apparently Slow at iS* Sidereal. o- 1 Coronpe W W w w w w w E E E E E E E E E W W W W W w w w w w w \v w w w w E E E E W W W W W W W W W E E E E E E E W W W w w w w w 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 20 9 9 9 9 10 IO 9 6 9 8 9 IO 6 9 9 9 8 9 9 5 IO 4 9 9 IO IO 8 5 9 9 9 9 IO 7 9 6 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 r 13-430 M it j> t) M 13-430 n n 14-016 13-430 13-400 14-590 17-253 13-400 ii n ii 13-212 13-400 13-430 12-990 13-430 M 14-728 16-279 13-430 I > I5'l93 17-421 I3-430 || II D 91 13-833 17-937 13-430 189: h in a 1 6. 10. 30-96 16. 12. 29-50 16. 14. 1-56 16. 17. 40*25 16. 19. o'oo 16. 20. 39-15 16. 22. 25-13 16. 47. 2-63 16. 50. 36-50 16- 52. 26-41 16. 56. 59-19 17. 4. 4-11 17. 9- 36-42 15. 53. 46-92 15. 58. 15-52 16. 2. 3 1 '62 16. 2.31-91 16. 17. 3677 16. 22. 37-I2 16. 40. 4-67 1 6. 43. 0-08 16. 52. 22-95 16. 56. 55-36 17. 8. 18-56 15. 47. 29-22 15.51.57-10 I5-53-45-55 1 6. 8. 29-63 16. 14. 26-39 16. 28. 58-52 16.31. 1-55 '6. 56. 53-73 15-48.43-32 '5- 52- 7-5 15- 53-45-oo 1 6. 2. 29-90 16. 2. 31-22 16. 28. 57-64 16. 31. 0-27 16.37. 0-33 1 6. 40. 276 16.46. 57-44 16. 50. 31-16 16. 52. 21 -02 16. 56. 52-70 16. 56. 52-47 17- 9-3'" 2 3 17. ii. 478 17. 16. 24-89 17.20.57-33 17.29.43-11 16. 2. 25-12 16. 2. 30-94 16. 14. 24-20 16. 17- 33-72 16. 18. 53-39 16. 20. 32-59 l6. 22. 17-85 16. 24. 44-14 1 6. 36. 59-38 I Jul a 30-92 29-24 I-I9 39-9I 59-64 38-82 25-41 2-48 36-I7 26*23 60-98 3-80 36-26 18 46-59 15-29 24-27 27-40 36-22 36-50 4-06 59-48 22-66 577 19-08 18 28-95 56-S4 45-23 29-45 26-05 58-15 1-32 56-32 18 45-16 7-01 44-55 24-30 2572 57-12 59-91 0-33 2-27 57-28 30-72 20-82 55-61 55-44 31-12 4-89 24-95 57-13 42-98 L{ 20-14 26-06 23-82 33-38 53-02 32-27 18-40 43-83 59-44 y * s 40-08 38-24 10-26 49-02 8-61 47-89 34-62 11-81 4542 35-35 10-54 13-17 45-40 92 J 58-76 27-56 38-32 38-32 49-01 49-23 16-83 1 2 - 2O 3515 IO-I5 3I-65 92 J 42-41 10-23 5875 42-98 39-55 11-75 14-69 1 0-06 92 J 0-03 2f02 58-75 38-86 38-86 11-75 14-69 14-9: 16-83 1 1 -80 45-43 3535 9-96 9-96 45-41 19-29 39-29 11-42 57-35 ,92 J 39-12 39-12 39-54 49-01 s-6o 47-88 34-45 59-32 14-90 Obse s 9-16 9-00 9-07 9-11 8-97 9-07 9-21 9'33 9-25 9-12 9-56 9-37 9-14 uly 6. 12-17 12-27 14-05 10-92 12-79 12-73 12-77 12-72 12-69 12-45 12-57 illy 7. J3'46 I339 13-52 I3-53 13-50 I3'6o I337 I3-74 uly 8. 14-87 14-01 14-20 14-56 13-14 14-63 14-78 14-58 14-56 14-52 1471 14-53 14-35 14-52 14-29 14-40 14-34 14-29 14-37 uly 9. 18-98 13-06 15-72 15-63 15-58 15-61 16-05 15-49 15-46 rver H a 9-23 9-07 9-14 9-18 9-03 9-I3 9-38 9-29 9-16 9'40 9-i7 Obse 12-24 12-34 12-85 1279 12-82 12-76 1273 Obse 13-54 13-47 13-60 13-60 13-57 13-66 13-78 Obse 14-09 14-28 14-69 14-84 14-64 14-61 14-57 1476 14-58 14-32 14-43 14-37 14-32 14-39 Obse 15-79 15-70 15-65 15-67 15-55 15-51 Transit E. con tin E E E W W W w w w w w w w ;. w w w E E E E E E W W W E E E E E 1 'E E E E E E W W W W W W W E E E E E ?. W E E E E E E E E ue 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 8 8 9 9 8 9 9 8 IO 10 8 7 7 9 9 8 5 9 9 9 9 9 IO 10 6 9 9 9 6 IO IO 9 9 9 9 IO 7 5 7 9 9 7 9 9 d. r I3-430 II II I3-430 || ) 1 J 1 I ) II I3-495 13-400 )) 13-410 ii > H 14-202 9-960 13-430 13-529 13-430 13-429 13-430 ) 13-430 D M >l 1 1 "640 IO-936 12-294 I3-430 1) t* I3'837 IO*20I I3'430 t > II ii 14-547 18-193 13-430 H II 1 II l t h IB I 17. II. 10-04 17. 14. 25-36 17. 16. 30-14 17. 27. 5273 17- 38. i'55 17.42. 6-85 17.43-59-5I 17. 45. 19-01 17. 46. 56-97 17.49. 27-44 17. 50.41-45 17. 52- 58-29 l8. 7. I2'I2 17. 14. 21-98 17. 20. 59 - IO 17. 29. 44-78 17. 49. 24-00 17- S 2 - 5474 17.55. 3-88 17- 57- 35-54 17. 59. 49-56 18. 7. 3-01 18. 7. 6-28 17- 3-59-98 18. 7- 376 18.33. 5-40 18. 45. 54-31 18. 49. 20-93 18. 54. 32-21 19. o. 15-63 17.31.46-69 17- 35- 9-05 17. 37. 56-26 17. 49. 22-40 17. 50. 36-37 1 8. 7. 4-45 1 8. 7. 2-04 18. 10. 37-74 18. 15. 31-09 1 8. 1 8. 43-36 18. 33. 4-69 1 8. 36. 9-49 1 8. 49. 24-92 18. 49. 17-40 1 9. 1 1 . 8 - 1 1 19. 15.21-43 19- I9-37-58 19- 30. 53-63 1 6. 56. 51-65 16. 56. 52-51 17. 8. 15-95 17.11. 3-99 17. 14. 19-55 17. 16. 24-05 17. 18. 2-14 17. 20. 56-46 I?' 31- 45- 8 3 3 10-01 25-02 30-08 52-86 1-33 6-77 59-38 18-67 56-68 27-10 41-21 58-00 16-43 21 '42 58-76 44-52 23-67 54^9 373 3535 49-41 12-69 1 2 -O2 59-7I 9'94 5-56 54-42 12-45 32-17 I5-57 46-40 872 56-07 22-02 36-14 11-68 9-15 45-84 30-83 42-95 4-81 9-18 1578 8-10 772 21-07 37-44 53^4 54^3 55-25 16-67 4-12 19-22 24-13 i -So 56-31 45-59 8 I9-3I 34-15 39-27 2-05 10-33 I5-99 8-48 2777 577 36-20 50-38 7-07 2570 34"i6 11-41 57'34 36-23 7-10 16-31 48-12 2-07 25-I3 25-13 13-19 24-93 19-17 7-65 2879 45-39 28-92 0-68 23-00 10-35 36-24 50-41 24-73 2473 4-18 45-48 57-52 19-18 23-94 29-00 29-00 21-44 34-99 51-43 7-22 9-84 9-84 31-58 19-28 34-I7 39-28 1677 11-42 0-68 a 9-30 9-I3 9-I9 9-19 9-00 9'22 9'io 9-10 9-09 9-10 9-I7 9-07 9-27 1274 12-65 12-82 12-56 I2'6l 12-58 12-57 12-66 12-44 13-" 13-48 I4-99 13-61 13-23 16-34 13-22 I3-35 14-28 14-28 14-28 14-22 14-27 13-05 I5-58 '8-34 14-65 H'57 I4-37 14-76 13-22 Jb'9O 13-72 13-92 I3-99 13-88 15-51 I4-59 14-91 15-16 I4-95 I5-I5 14-97 15-11 15-09 a 9-33 9-16 9'22 9-01 9-23 9-11 9-11 9-10 9-11 9-18 9-08 12-77 12-67 12-84 12-57 12-62 12-58 12-57 12-66 13-52 I3-59 13-20 13-18 13-31 14-30 14-30 14-29 14-23 14-28 14-64 14-56 I4-35 474 13-67 13-87 I3-94 13-82 15-19 14-98 15-18 15-00 15-14 IS'" ( Ophiuchi 19 Scorpii ^ Ophiuchi p Ophiuchi X Ophiuchi TJ Draconis 49 Herculis B.A.C. 6030 BAG 6034 B.A.C. 5700 B A C 6049 K Ophiuchi B A C 6063 c UrssB Minoris BAG 6069 . n Ophiuchi a Herculis 5 Scorpii rver H. Transit L 51 Libre Groombridge 750 S.P Groombridge 750 S.P \ji Ophiuchi B.A.C. 6060 25 Scorpii 18 Ophiuchi K Ophiuchi ( Ursfe Minoris f Draconis 8 Libra 1 rver H. Transit E 48 Librae ; S Ophiuchi a Scorpii T Scorpii Oephei 51 S P f Opliiuchi Ursre Minoris Urs;e Minoris rver H. Transit E IT Scorpii S Scorpii Gi'oombridge 750 S.P HAG 6060 Groombridge 750 S.P BAA 6069 5 Ursie Minoris Ophiuchi Herculis 25 Scorpii 49 H erculis B.A.C. 5700 K Ophiuclii c Ursiu Minoris Cephei 51 S P t Ursre Minuris Oephei 51 S P a Herculis ir Herculis w H t-rcu 1 i s CT Ophiuclii a Opliiuchi rver H. Transit 1 Groombridge 7508. P Groombridge 750 S. P a* Scorpii y Ophiuchi p Opliiuchi X Ophiuchi 7; Draconis B A C 5866 ^ Hurculis 166 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Star's Name. d 3 of Wires. R.A. crometer. Observed Transit. 11 ll H a ill *s> . llil Star's Name. osition. of Wires. 1 K..A. srometer. Observed Transit. -N 4J Q sg . alh 3 &* ||| = %*' ills o fc S "' 1 <*<* M o fc S H ^ 13-600 W o a Aquilse W Groombridge 1119 S.P Groombridge 1119 S.P W E 10 IO 14-350 11-661 y Draconis.. 96 Herculis . 13-540 16. 25. 9-79 1 6. 30. 54-65 16. 56. 48-84 17. 9. 25-03 17. 10. 17-35 17. 14. 14-28 '7-37- 50-13 18. 7. 2-23 18. 6.53-95 18. 15. 24-58 18. 18. 36-87 19. 19. 30-85 '9- 3L3I-97 19- 35- 53-43 19. 40. 49-05 19. 45. 12-49 19. 48. 23-87 19. 48. 10-57 17. 53. 44-29 17. 57. 24-69 24-71 29-86 14-67 9-14 4539 17-06 37-76 13-80 49-78 1-45 i'8 3 2471 36-94 30-86 47-41 12-48 8-45 2-57 34-17 10-35 23-41 23-41 45-51 57-55 5 I- 49 8-68 14-01 27-69 27-69 20-43 20-43 2070 2068 20-70 20-37 20-57 21-96 21-58 20-80 20 -6 1 20-63 21-27 20-55 20-68 20'6O 19-24 25-12 20-48 20-48 20-71 20-73 20-40 20-58 20-79 20 -60 20-59 20-50 20-62 20-54 a 1 Capricorn! a 2 Capricorni # 2 Capricorn! B.A.C. 7014 p Capricorn! f Delphini 75 Di-aeonis i Cygni 15 Delphini 20 Capricorn! T) Capricorn! 27 Capricorni CCygni Groombridge 3548 . Groombridge 3548 . y Capricorni c Pegasi 5 Capricorn! 1892 July 18. Observer H. Transit E. 13-650 18. 33- 0'59 071 Q H 18. 43. 0-20 5975 9 18. 45. 49-37 49-42 IO "4-155 18.49. 21-45 10-84 9 13-650 19. o. 10-65 10-50 Q ii 19- 3- 5-oS 4'59 9 19- 19- 3332 33-I5 9 ,, 19. 26. 5-65 5-64 8 13-122 19. 31. 21-30 48-92 IO 15-681 19. 31. 2O'O2 49-12 9 13-650 19. 48. 44-50 44-22 9 13-650 20. 17- 33-55 3332 9 j 2O. 22. 26-50 26-07 7 i ) 20. 23. 44-55 44-25 19-18 18-07 7-67 29-80 28-95 23-02 51-46 24-16 9-29 9-29 2-68 51-80 44 4 53 2'53 E IO 13737 E 9 13-650 E 9 J) E 9 )1 E 9 E 9 1) E IO I3-45I W IO 12-152 W 9 13-650 W 9 > W 7 W 9 I W 9 I W 9 ] 18. 49. 19-34 19. o. lO'oi 19- 3- 4'45 19. n. 3-10 19. 15. 16-59 19. 19. 32-66 19. 31. 28-75 19.31.25-24 19. 40. 50-65 19. 45. 14-03 19. 46-41-59 19. 49. 43-68 20. 14. 40-11 20. 17. 32-78 11-14 976 3-92 2'59 l6'I2 32-40 49-78 49-61 50-44 13-80 41-35 43-44 39-70 32-53 29-96 28-96 23-03 21-49 35-04 51-47 9-07 9-07 9-71 33-06 0-50 2-70 59-07 51-81 E 9 E 4 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E IO E 9 E E g E 6 E 9 E 8 E IO W IO W 9 W 9 W 8 I3*6OO 20. II. 22-13 21-90 42-15 ,, 20. II. 46-33 46 - IO 6-22 ) 20. 14. 39-04 38-80 59-10 20. 17. 31-50 3 I- 34 5I-84 M 2O. 22. 24-62 24-36 44'58 )1 2O. 27. 45-16 45-02 5;36 13-881 20. 34. 44-92 45-72 13-600 20. 41. 32-07 32-02 52-61 M 20. 44. 10-88 10-75 31-10 I) 20. 53. 10-50 10-24 30-39 1) 20. 57. 58-02 57-75 18-01 ,, 21. 3. S'20 4-92 25-05 ) > 21. 8. 1-87 1-81 22-43 11-680 21. 20. 56-47 58-78 16-77 10-737 21. 20. 49-74 54-23 16-77 13-600 21. 33.48-14 48-03 8-85 t> 21. 38.34-19 34-I9 54-89 1 1 21. 40. 46-51 46-40 18-47 18-32 18-25 18-96 18-45 18-43 18-31 18-52 20-37 20-17 18-46 18-48 18-46 18-28 18-82 19-20 19-11 18-90 18-92 19-07 19-29 19-46 19-27 19-26 19-15 19-26 19-37 19-28 20-25 20-12 20-30 2O-5O 20-22 20-34 19-76 20-59 20-35 20-15 2O-26 20-13 2O-62 I7-99 22-54 20-82 20-70 20-7I 44-57 8-25 48-13 23-68 23-58 23-58 S Urste Minoris . 16-067 18. 6. 51-23 59-20 22-78 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED AT PARIS AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 1C7 Star's Name. Observed Transit. 5J II 11" H^ ill Star's Name. < ~ Observed Transit. w II 1892 July 21. Observer H. Transit E. X Ursre Minoris Groombridge 1119 S.P a Capricorni ff- Capricorni B.A.C. 7014 p Capricorni eDelpliiiii jSDelphini aCygni 19 Capricorni CCygni 51 18 19 5 12 I 8 49-25 8 49-41 49-29 I S 49^6 49'3 49-24 > + 0-05 O'OI 0-07 +0-17 0-03 0-05 +0-09 0-07 +0-08 0-04 +0-13 0-09 +0-13 +0-07 o- 14 +0-04 0-04 o-oo +0-13 0-09 0-05 + o- 1 1 15 50 2 > 4 48- 500 16 33 12, 6 49-313 14 48 15 29 16 10 4 5 3 48-64 48-62 48-80 48-69 48-75 48-67 '5 45 17 12 1 8 40 5 19 8 18-22 1 8 -oo 18-12 18-27 18-07 18-05 15 26 7,5 48-710 17 20 '3, '9 18- 104 14 52 15 28 16 58 18 16 7 5 12 I 48-90 48-73 48-98 48-90 48-95 48-93 48-85 48-78 I 5 3 8 17 21 "9 5 4 '5 7 18-31 18-30 18-25 18-36 18*20 18-35 16 8 8,17 48-891 17 33 u, 15 18-265 14 48 '5 45 .6 7 18 41 7 3 3 3 49-09 49-08 49-16 49-21 49-11 49-14 49-16 49-13 17 32 18 29 '9, '3 9 5 3 18-72 18-99 18-77 18-77 18-94 18-72 18 5 9,8 18-811 '5 57 6, 10 49-129 15 50 17 ii 18 52 3 12 9 19-20 18-93 19-24 19-25 19-19 18-98 1 '5 5' i 49-02 4 8- 9 7 '5 5' i 48-97 17 39 12, 12 19-119 14 58 15 42 16 52 18 26 2 4 9 5 49-05 49-08 49' '5 49-21 49-10 49-10 49-16 49' n 15 50 16 31 17 32 1 8 40 18 57 3 8 9 3 3 19-32 19-49 19-50 19-46 i9'37 I9'45 i9'37 19-41 '9'54 19-32 16 50 9, "' 49-'35 17 19 n, 15 19-407 15 38 17 10 8 34 5 12 8 49-35 49' '5 49-35 49-40 49*3 49-20 17 19 19 8 4 6 19-62 19-56 19-51 19-67 17 19 13, 12 49-288 17 52 6, 14 19-558 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. 170 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. Greenwich Clock. continued. Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. July 8 July 1 1 h m 16 58 17 52 18 29 18 57 6 6 5 21-o6 21-17 & 21-26 21-31 8 21-21 21- II 2I-26 21-22 + O-OI 0-09 + O-00 -f-0-02 + 0-04 O-I3 + 0-07 o-oi July 15 July 20 July 22 h m 17 o '7 39 5 2 22-38 8 22-45 s 22-40 22-43 s O-OI + O-O2 o-oo + 0-01 o-oo 17 ii 2,5 22-409 i7- 59 ii, 13 21 -20O 17 10 2 23-14 23-19 i? 15 '7 53 18 31 19 7 8 6 7 6 21-70 21-82 21-97 22-00 2I-92 21-75 26-95 21-87 17 10 2 23-19 '9 47 20 15 2 3 23-66 23-77 23-72 23-71 18 8 12, 15 21-879 20 4 3,2 23-714 Transit E. Paris Clock. June 7 June 8 June 9 June ii 18 16 2 48-45 48-36 o-oo O-O2 + 0-08 o-io + 0-22 O-O2 + 0-01 + 0- II 0-04 0-ig + 0-04 -f 0-18 June 12 June i 3 June 15 June i 8 June 23 17 40 18 25 8 4 52-69 5*'54 52-60 52-63 o-oi + O-O2 0-05 0-09 +0-03 + O- 12 o-oo o-oo o-oo 0-06 o- 10 18 16 2 48-36 '7 55 8,4 | 52-610 14 15 15 42 16 27 18 18 10 6 3 i 49-12 49-26 48-84 48-76 48-93 49-03 48-85 49-17 14 42 i| 34 16 55 19 14 5 8 4 53-47 53-68 53-33 53-4i 53-42 53-38 53-5 53-59 '5 '3 7, i3 48-960 16 32 9, '3 53-470 14 24 16 o '7 54 18 18 ii 12 2 I 49-72 49-67 49'5i 49-64 49-60 49-63 49-73 49-58 17 16 1 8 46 ii 7 55-76 55-58 55-67 55-67 17 51 7, I' 55-670 15 43 '3, 13 49-623 '4 55 2 59-30 59-39 14 29 16 30 18 29 6 ii 4 51-52 51-11 51-48 51-20 51-43 51-57 H 55 2 59-390 '5 33 16 4.2 6 6 6-58 6-62 6-62 6-58 16 21 II, 10 5i-39i CLOCK ERROR. Transit E. Paris Clock. continued. 171 Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Krror. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. June 23 June 24 June 26 June 27 June 29 June 30 July i h m 17 46 18 32 7 5 s 6-70 S 6-84 6 8 . 74 6-80 a + O-O6 -J-0-I2 O-O2 + 0-01 + 0-23 o-oo 0-04 4-0-01 o-oi O-O2 O-O2 O-O2 +0-05 + 0-00 ,+ o o i 0-08 o-oo +0-06 -0-15 0-09 o-oo + 0-06 +0-09 July 2 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 12 July 13 h m i5 55 16 15 17 3 17 46 4 7 8 8 8 9-O6 9-11 8 8-96 9' 2 3 8 8-92 9- 10 9-19 9-15 8 o- 19 o-oi + 0-08 + 0-04 0-25 o-oi +0-13 0-05 -f o- ii -0-13 + 0-10 + 0-06 +0-07 0-36 +0-15 O. O Q 17 6 13, II 6-683 17 I i7 36 6 8-09 8-20 8-13 8-16 16 53 15, 12 9-115 15 56 16 52 17 55 2 8 5 12-74 12-22 12-60 12-36 12 -60 12-74 17 20 5,6 8-146 15 II 15 2 9 '5 49 l6 22 '7 37 i 6 6 7 11-25 11-26 11-56 1 1-29 11-32 11-52 1 1-29 11-25 11-30 11-28 17 6 8,7 12-615 16 17 1 8 48 8 4 13-47 I3-35 '3'33 I3-49 16 18 '3, H 11-299 7 7 8,4 13-383 15 48 1 6 24 17 28 18 32 6 7 12 7 4-22 4-29 4'3 4 - 3 4-26 4-26 4-26 4'33 '5 53 16 41 17 30 18 26 19 19 2 7 10 4 4 14-62 H'59 I4-II I4-30 13-88 14-25 14-48 14-44 I4-4S 14-02 17 6 14,18 4-275 17 35 n, 16 14-376 16 32 4 6-09 6-13 l6 22 17 27 19 49 6 10 5 15-58 15-42 I5-07 '5*44 15-21 15-28 16 32 4 6-13 o-oi +0-03 0-07 +0-28 0-05 O-20 +0-13 o-oo 15 44 16 23 '7 5 17 32 8 8 7 7 7-03 7-17 7-20 7-19 7-16 7-07 7-15 7-21 17 4 2 II, 10 15-292 16 52 18 59 19 48 20 27 12 7 i 3 18-39 18-41 I8-2I 18-46 18-35 18-25 18-60 18-27 16 38 r 5, IS 7-145 15 56 16 16 16 54 17 29 17 56 2 7 6 10 6 8-02 8-ii 8-26 8-16 8-31 8-06 8-12 8-15 8-27 8-30 18 6 10, 13 18-320 17 24 18 59 19 55 5 8 6 19-06 19-26 19- II 18-92 19-25 19- 12 17 5 H, 17 8-205 18 52 11,8 I9-I25 172 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Paris Clock. continued. Mean Clock Mean Clock Date. Meau R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. h in 8 8 s h m s S s s July 1 5 17 3 6 20-53 20-67 + 0-13 July 2 1 20 35 IO 26-57 26-43 o-oi 19 29 6 20-65 20-51 0-03 22 23 10 26-26 26-40 0-O2 *i 37 3 20-74. 20-33 20-47 20-60 + 0-06 21 29 IO, 10 26-415 1 19 40 9, 18 20-538 July 22 I 7 3 8 8 27-75 27-61 o- 10 18 ia 27" CO 27 -64. O-O7 10 JU T 19 '3 4 27-91 27-77 + O-O6 , 20 58 7 27-70 27-84 + 0-13 July 1 8 "7 57 i 23-58 Z 3'44 o-oo 21 49 6 27-87 27'73 + O-O2 17 57 i 23-440 19 41 18, ii 27-712 1 From comparison of consecutive clock-errors thus determined, the rates of the clocks in the interval have been deduced and are set down in the second and fifth columns of the following Table. The clock-rates adopted for each day given in the third and sixth columns are in general the means of the figures preceding and following in the second and fifth columns. In the case of the Sidereal Standard the rates as found from observations with the Greenwich Transit- Circle 'have been added for comparison. Clock Rate. Siilereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham z at Paris. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham 2 at Paris. Date. Hourly Rate. Hourly Rate. Date. Hourl y Rate> Hourly Rate. from Star Obs. Adopted. by the T. C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. from Star Obs. Adopted. by the T. C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. 1892. i 8 8 8 a 1892. 8 s 8 3 June 7 + 0-008 + 0-005 + 0-028 June i 3 + O-OO3 + O-OO2 + 0-043 + 0-009 + 0-028 0-003 + 0-045 8 +o - oo8 + 0-005 + 0-028 >5 O-OO3 + O-O03 + 0-043 + 0-007 + O-O27 9 +0-005 + 0-006 + 0-032 20 + O-O36 + O'OO2 1 1 +0-003 + 0-043 23 + o-oo i + O-O03 + O-O64 + 0-003 + 0-048 +0-000 + o - o6o 12 +0-003 +0-003 +0-043 24 + O-QOO + 0-005 + O-O64 - + 0-038 +0-067 CLOCK RATE. Clock Bate. continued. . 173 Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham 2 at Paris. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham 2 at Paris. Date. Hourly Rate. Hourly Rate. Date. Hourly Rate. Hourly Rate. from Star Obs. Adopted. by theT.C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. from Star Obs. Adopted. by theT.C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. 1892. , s , 8 8 1892. 8 s 1 8 a June 26 + 0-007 + O-OI2 + O-O64 July 8 + O-OO8 + 0-010 + 0-040 + 0-007 + 0-038 27 +0-009 + O'OI2 + O-04I 9 + O-OO9 + 0-010 + 0-040 + 0'OI I + 0-039 29 + O-OI2 + O-OI3 + 0-04I ii + O-OO8 +0-005 + 0-042 +0-013 + O-042 30 + O-OI2 + O-OI3 + O-O4I 12 + 0-037 + O-OO6 +0-032 + 0-012 + 0-043 '3 + 0-031 July i + O-OO9 + 0-010 + 0-04I + 0-029 + O-OO6 + 0-038 IS + O-OO7 +0-007 -hO-035 2 + 0-006 +0-007 + O-O4I + O-OO7 20 + 0-006 + 0-040 6 + 0-039 + 0-032 21 +0-OIO + 0-009 + 0-008 + 0-050 7 + 0-010 + 0-037 + 0-058 + O-O4I 22 + 0-009 + 0-008 + 0-058 The Sidereal Standard stopped and was set going again between June 24 and 26. Graham 2 stopped and was set going again between June 26 and 27. The Clock Errors as shown in the Table on page 169 a,t the Mean Sidereal Time of Observation together with the Adopted Rates shown above, have been collected in the following Table for convenience of reference. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham 2 at Paris. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations, (local) Adopted Clock Slow. Hourly Losing Rate. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations, (local) Adopted Clock Slow. Hourly Losing Rate. h ra 8 8 b m 8 9 June 7 15 50 48-500 + 0-008 18 16 48-360 + 0'028 8 15 26 48'7IO + 0-008 15 13 48-960 + 0-028 9 16 8 48-891 + 0-005 15 43 49-623 + 0-032 ii 16 21 Si'39 1 + 0-043 12 '7 55 52-610 + 0-043 13 IS 57 49-I29 + 0-003 16 32 53H70 + 0-043 '5 '5 Si . 48-970 0-003 17 51 55-670 + 0-043 20 16 50 49*'35 2 3 17 19 49-288 +0-001 17 6 6-683' + 0-064 2 4 '6 33 49'3i3 o-ooo 17 20 8-146 + O-O64 26 17 20 18-104 +0-007 16 iS 11-299 + O-O64 27 '7 33 18-265 +0-009 17 6 4' 2 75 + 0-O4I 29 18 5 18-811 + 0-012 16 32 6- 130 + 0-04I 3 '7 39 19-119 + O-OI2 16 38 7-145 + 0-04I 174 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Clock Rate. continued. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham z at Paris. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations, (local) Adopted Clock Slow. Hourly Losing Rate. Mean Sidereal Time of Star Observations, (local) Adopted Clock Slow. Hourly Losing Rate. h m 8 s h m 8 July I 17 19 I9-4.07 + 0-009 '7 S 8-205 + 0-041 2 17 52 I9-558 + 0-006 16 53 9'IIJ + 0-041 6 17 6 I2-6I5 + 0-039 7 17 7 I3-383 + 0-037 8 "7 59 2 I 2OO +0-008 i/ 35 I4-376 + 0-040 9 17 42 I5-292 + 0-040 1 1 18 8 2I-8 7 9 + 0-008 12 18 6 I8-32O + 0-037 '3 18 52 I9-I25 +0-031 15 17 ii 2 2 ' 409 + 0-007 19 40 20-538 + 0-035 20 17 10 23-190 21 21 29 26-4I5 + 0-050 22 20 4 ZS^H +0-009 19 41 27-7I2 + 0-058 XV. EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. The individual signals of an exchange were made by means of the observation tapper as explained on page 127. The programme arranged for each exchange was as follows. Greenwich sends 20 signals. Paris sends 20 signals. Greenwich sends 10 signals. Paris sends 10 signals. But as only one pen was used for making the record on the chronograph slip, both of the clock seconds and the signals, it is not possible to read accurately the time of such signals as happen at the same instant as a clock beat, and for this reason the number of signals set down in the third column of the following Table falls short of those given above. Two such exchanges between the English Observers were usually made on each evening when a determination of clock-error was made at each station. On other nights one exchange only was made. In the following Tables the second column gives the mean Greenwich Sidereal Time of a set of signals the number of which is given in the third column. The fourth and fifth columns give the difference of clocks, Graham 2 Sidereal Standard, as given by the mean of each set of signals sent respectively from Green- wich and Paris. The sixth column contains the simple means of the figures in the second column, while the seventh column shows the simple means of the four differ- ences in the fourth and fifth columns and is therefore the difference of the clocks, with the time of transmission eliminated if this be supposed the same when the signals are sent from Greenwich or Paris, at the time given in the sixth column. TABLE. 175 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 found by Signals sent from Paris and Greemcich. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference ol signals se Greenwich. Clocks by nt from Paris. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1892. b m m s m 8 b m m s r June 7 15 38 9 9 20-352 15 41 '5 43 13 7 9 20-384 9 20-329 15 42 9 20 '344 024 '5 44 7 9 20-311 June 8 '4 '9 H 9 19-844 14 21 14 22 '3 6 9 19-833 9 19-77 14 22 9 19-804 035 14 24 6 9 19-768 17 51 4 9 19-788 '7 55 17 56 15 10 9 '9*764 9 '9 <6 99 '7 55 9 I9-736 040 '7 57 8 9 '9' 6 94 June 9 14 3* '4 9 19-291 '4 34 '4 35 17 7 9 19-290 9 19-209 '4 35 9 '9* 2 44 047 '4 37 10 9 'g-'Ss 16 51 '7 9 i9'3 16 51 16 50 '9 8 9 19-233 9 19-160 16 51 9 19-192 036 16 52 10 9 '9-I5I June i i 15 23 8 9 '7'775 15 24 15 27 10 10 9 17-679 9 '7-697 15 26 9 I7-736 048 '5 29 13 9 '7'79 2 June i 2 15 27 '9 9 16-872 15 28 '5 34 10 9 9 '6-773 9 '6-754 15 30 9 16-818 053 Juno i 3 15 36 15 9 '5'9 2 3 15 38 '5 39 20 IO 9 '5-938 9 '5-859 '5 38 9 I5-893 038 '5 4 10 9 15-851 17 50 20 9 I5-845 17 52 20 9 '5'77 2 >7 53 IO 9 15-860 18 6 9 15-803 -041 '7 55 9 9 15-765 18 59 2 3 9 15-809 June i 5 '4 57 '9 9 14-069 H 59 16 9 i 4 oo i '4 59 9 I4-034 027 15 o 8 9 '4-53 '5 i 10 9 14-014 176 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich. continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of signals sei Greenwich. Clocks by it from Paris. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1892. h in m a m 8 h m m a 1 June i 8 15 19 1 1 9 10-705 15 20 15 22 18 9 9 10-711 9 10-632 15 21 9 10-673 35 IS 23 6 9 10-645 June 22 IS S5 20 9 5-123 IS 57 16 5 18 16 9 5-"4 9 5-54 16 i 9 5-070 048 16 7 3 9 4-987 June 23 16 1 1 20 9 3-764 16 12 16 14 2 9 9 3-73I 9 3-660 16 19 9 3-704 041 16 29 15 9 3-658 18 38 14 9 3-617 1 8 40 18 41 12 9 9 3'579 9 3'5'S 1 8 40 9 3-55 8 039 1 8 42 8 9 3-52I June 24 16 15 6 9 2-303 16 17 16 18 18 7 9 2-287 9 2-234 16 17 9 2-270 024 16 19 8 9 2-257 June 2 5 IS 55 17 9 -784 IS S 6 IS 58 16 10 9 0-788 9 0-698 '5 57 9 -.74* 044 '5 59 5 9. 0-696 June 26 16 42 i7 9 27-856 '6 43 16 44 16 6 9 27-833 9 27-766 16 44 9 27-802 042 16 45 8 9 27-754 18 20 16 9 27-756 18 21 18 22 20 8 9 27-755 9 27-676 18 22 9 27-712 043 18 23 7 9 27-659 June 27 16 39 '9 9 35-166 1 6 40 >6 43 17 JO 9 35-162 9 35-109 16 41 9 35-I38 026 16 43 9 9 35-H4 i? 49 i5 9 35-143 17 50 17 5' >5 10 9 35-ioS 9 35-055 17 50 9 35-o87 037 17 52 ii 9 35-045 . _ TABLE. 177 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 found by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich. continued. hg O . Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. H 5 S: signals s< nt from Greenwich Difference Time of Transmission. I" Greenwich. Paris. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1892. h m m a m s h m m s i June 29 I 5 5 8 '9 9 33' 8 4 15 o !5 ' 10 10 9 33-84I 9 33-789 16 i 9 33-8i7 023 16 4 10 9 33-79 8 June 30 16 31 17 9 33-052 16 32 16 33 20 I I 9 33-055 9 32-962 16 32 9 33-012 042 16 34 9 9 32-979 17 52 '9 9 33-011 17 54 17 55 17 10 9 33-025 9 32-925 '7 55 9 32-97* 046 17 56 1 1 9 32-925 July i 16 29 17 9 32-206 16 30 16 31 20 8 9 32-218 9 32-121 16 31 9 32-161 053 16 32 9 9 32-089 18 28 17 9 32-160 18 29 18 30 20 9 9 32-I37 9 32-015 18 29 9 32-089 060 18 31 10 9 32-043 July 2 16 31 20 9 31-516 16 32 16 33 17 IO 9 3''52i 9 31-439 16 32 9 31-475 044 '6 34 7 9 31-423 17 46 17 9 31-462 17 47 17 48 8 9 9 31 -4 66 9 31-390 17 48 9 3i-4*4 040 17 51 10 9 3I-378 July 6 16 18 21 9 28-542 16 19 l6 20 18 IO 9 28-529 9 28-444 16 19 9 28-491 045 16 20 10 9 28-447 July 7 18 6 17 9 27-695 18 7 18 8 H ii 9 27-709 9 27-628 18 7 9 27-656 046 18 8 9 6 27-592 July 8 16 31 '9 9 27-084 16 32 ' 6 33 5 7 9 27-074 9 26-954 16 32 9 27-015 039 16 34 7 9 26-947 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1899. z - 178 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1892. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 found by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich. continued. lM O . t- m Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Green wicli Sidereal Time. Si s a, signals se nt from Greenwich Difference Time of Transmission. !* Greenwich. Paris. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1892. h m m s m s b m m s s July 9 16 31 3 9 26-337 16 32 '6 33 16 ii 9 26-277 9 26-279 '6 34 9 26-312 034 16 38 12 9 26-353 July n 17 i H 9 24-598 17 2 17 2 IS 9 9 24-627 9 24-545 17 2 9 24-580 033 17 4 ii 9 24-548 18 32 16 9 2 4-555 18 33 18 36 10 13 9 24-568 9 24-485 '8 35 9 24-526 036 18 37 6 9 24-497 July 12 17 49 20 9 23-890 >7 49 17 50 '4 12 9 23-908 9 23-814 '7 49 9 23-864 035 17 50 8 9 23-845 July 1 3 17 2 IS 9 23-27 17 2 17 4 '9 8 9 23-265 9 23-176 '7 4 9 23-223 045 17 6 13 9 23-179 July 1 5 18 28 '9 9 21-857 18 29 18 30 17 10 9 21-870 9 21-758 18 29 9 21 -820 044 18 31 10 9 21-795 July 20 '8 43 18 9 '7'955 18 44 18 9 17-906 18 45 9 9 '7-970 1 8 46 9 17-928 032 18 46 9 9 17-891 18 50 17 9 17-956 July 2 1 17 26 '9 9 '7-956 17 27 17 34 28 10 9 17-011 9 17-000 17 29 9 '7-035 043 July 22 18 12 20 9 I5-99 6 18 14 16 9 15-907 18 15 '3 9 '5-972 18 15 9 15-952 034 18 16 8 9 15-929 18 18 9 9 '5'9 8 7 Mean 040 RESULTING DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 179 RESULTING DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE.. In the following table the second, third and fourth columns give respectively the Greenwich Sidereal Time of the Star Observations at Paris, at Greenwich, and of the exchanges of signals. The difference of clocks, as found by each exchange of signals, is given in the fifth column. In the sixth and seventh columns are the errors of the clocks, found from star observations reduced by application of the rates given in the table on p. 173 to the time in the fourth column, and from the figures in the fifth, sixth and seventh columns the values of the longitude, uncorreeted for personal equation, given in the eighth column are deduced. Date. Mean Time Sidereal Obseii at Paris. (Greenwich ) of Star 'ations at Greenwich. Greenwich Sidereal Time of Signals. Difference of Clocks by Signals. Graham 2 Slow. Sidereal Standard Slow. Difference of Longitude. Discordance from Mean. Part I. H. at Paris. H.T. at Greenwich. u m h m h m m s 8 8 m s 8 June 8 '5 4 15 26 14 22 9. 19-804 48-940 48702 9. 20-042 + 0-013 8 17 55 19-736 49-040 48-729 20-047 + o-o i 8 9 '5 34 16 8 14 35 19-244 49-592 48-884 19-952 - 0-077 9 16 51 19-192 i 49-664 48-894 19-962 0-067 13 16 23 15 57 15 38 I 5' 8 93 53H38 49-I28 2O-2OO + 0-174 13 18 6 15-803 53-544 49 M 35 20'2I2 + 0-183 Mean 9. 2O-O7O Part II. H.T. at Paris. H. at Greenwich. 23 16 57 17 19 16 19 9. 3-704 6-642 49-287 9. 21-059 + 0-008 23 18 40 3-558 6-793 49-290 "O6 I + o-oio H 17 ii 16 33 16 17 2-270 8-088 ; 49-313 045 0-006 26 16 9 17 20 16 44 27-802 11-336 1 8- 1 oo 038 0-013 26 18 22 27-712 11-441 18-1 i i 042 0-009 27 16 57 '7 33 16 41 35-I38 4-264 18-257 ''45 + 0-094 27 17 50 35-087 4-311 18-268 130 + 0-079 29 16 23 18 5 16 i 33-817 6-115 18-787 '45 + 0-094 30 16 29 17 39 16 32 33-012 7-147 19-106 053 -f- O'OO2 3 17 55 32-972 7-204 19-122 21-054 + O'O03 July i 16 56 17 19 16 31 32-161 8-188 19-400 20-949 O-IO2 I 18 29 32-089 8-268 19-418 '939 0'II2 2 16 44 17 52 16 32 .3I-475 9-107 19-550 21-032 0-OI9 2 17 48 3i-4 2 4 9-159 19-558 21-025 0-O26 Mean 9. 21-051 180 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATIONS OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH MADE IN 1892. Date. Mean Time Sidereal Observ at Paris (Greenwich of Star itions. at Greenwich. Greenwich Sidereal Time of Signals. Difference of Clocks by Signals. Graham 2 Slow. Sidereal Standard Slow. Difference of Longitude. Discordance from Mean. Part III. H. at Paris. H.T. at Greenwich. July 8 '5 22 h m 17 26 "9 31 I 9 3 2 fa m '7 59 17 ii 20 4 h m 16 32 i 8 29 18 15 m s 9. 27-015 2I-82O 9. 15-952 S 14-340 20-502 27-637 s 21-189 22-418 23-698 Mean m s 9. 20-166 19-904 19-891 s + 0-137 0-125 - 0-138 9- ! 9'9 8 7 The squares of the discordances in the last column give for the mean discordance of a single determination. Parts I. and III. O s '126. II. 3 -052. Mean =t 8< 089. Thus we have the following results : From Parts I. and III. 9 m 20 S> 029 H= O s '042. II. 9 m 21 S '051 O s> 016. Longitude of the Paris instrument east of the Greenwich instrument : 9 20'54 s 022. This longitude refers to the following meridians : ' At Paris the pier of the English instrument which is B> 27 west of Cassini's meridian. At Greenwich the old meridian of Bradley 19 ft. or 8 '02 west of the Transit Circle. Thus the meridian of Cassini is 9 m 20 8> 54 -0-02 +0 8 '27 or 9 m 20 8 '79 E. of the Greenwich Transit Circle. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE BETWEEN PARIS AND GREENWICH IN THE YEAE 1902. I. INTRODUCTORY. IN view of the discordance between previous determinations of the longitude Paris Greenwich, the view was expressed at the International Geodetic Conference in 1898 that a re-determination was desirable. It was arranged by M. Loewy and the Astronomer Royal that the re-determination should be undertaken in concert by the two observatories of Paris and Greenwich. Owing to the longitude determinations of Greenwich' Killorglin in 1898 by members of the Greenwich Staff, and circumstances connected with the Eclipse expeditions of 1900 and 1901, it was not found practicable to begin this work until 1902. After some correspondence between M. Loewy and the Astronomer Royal, it was arranged that a re-determination of the difference of longitude should be made in two parts, each complete in itself, with double interchange of observers and instruments, the first part in October 1901, and the second in March 1902. It was proposed that the observations should be made by four observers, two from Paris and two from Greenwich, using four precisely similar portable transit instruments belonging to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. A pair of these instruments would be sent to M. Loewy to be tested by him before the beginning of the longitude determination. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 a 182 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. The pairs of instruments at Paris and Greenwich would be interchanged with the pairs of observers twice in each part of the operations, so that each observer would take his own instrument with him. M. Lrewy came to Greenwich in 1901 June to discuss arrangements with the Astronomer Royal, when it was decided that the first part should be begun in March 1902 and the second in September of the same year. M. Loewy named M. Renan and M. Bigourdan as the French observers, the English observers being Mr Dyson, Chief Assistant, and Mr Hollis. The following programme indicating the stations of the observers in each series was drawn up, the letters B, C, D, E, indicating the transit instruments to be used by Mr Dyson, Mr Hollis, M. Renan and M. Bigourdan respectively : PART I. 1902. March, April, May. Series I. C., D. at Greenwich . , . B., E. at Paris Series II. ,, . . C., D. ,, ,, ,, . . L., D. ,, ,, Series III. ,, . . B., E. ,, ,, B E -U., J-l. ,, B E **! J - C., D. 3 nights. 3 nights. 3 nights. 3 nights. PART II. 1902. September, October, November. Series I. . B., D. at Greenwich . . C., E. at Paris . 3 nights. C E V>. , .LJ. M C E '-'i *-*' D B.,D. Series II. . B., D. B., D. Series III. G E \Jf y J-J, , . 3 nights. 3 nights. 3 nights. The transit instruments D and E were" sent to Paris in 1901 October. Preliminary experimental observations were made at Greenwich with transits B and C in the first three months of 1902. On March 15, M. Renan came to Greenwich and Mr Dyson went to Paris, and the operations were carried on by the English observers as shown in the following table. The first series of Part I. was not completed by the French INTRODUCTORY. 183 observers until April 7. On April 8, M. Renan left Greenwich, and M. Bigourdan came to Greenwich. When M. Renan arrived in Paris he was taken seriously ill, and the work was necessarily discontinued by the French observers. M. Bigourdan remained at Greenwich and made experimental observations until M. Loawy decided that M. Renan should be replaced by M. Lancelin, and on April 18 M. Bigourdan returned to Paris. M. Bigourdan came to Greenwich again on April 27, and Part 1. was begun again by the French observers, so that their Series I. coincided in time with Series III. of the English. M. Lancelin used transit D, and the scheme of arrangement given above was modified, so far as the French observers are concerned, by the interchange of the letters D and E. The programme was carried out by the English observers (Mr Dyson and Mr Hollis) as shown in the scheme : PART I. Mr Dyson at Paris. Mr Hollis at Greenwich. March 16. Partly fine G : trial signals exchanged. March 17. Cloudy P: clear G. March 18. Partly clear P : cloudy G. : two exchanges of signals. March 19. Clear P and G : two exchanges. March 20. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. March 21. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. March 22. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. March 23. Clear P : partly clear G : two exchanges. March 24. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. March 25. Clear P and G : two exchanges. March 26. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. March 27. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. March 28. Clear P and G : two exchanges. March 29. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. March 30. Cloudy P aud G : one exchange. March 31. Mr Dyson returned to Greenwich. (End of 1st Series.) Mr Dyson at Greenwich. Mr Hollis at Paris. April 6. Mr Hollis arrived at Paris 8 h P.M. : clear P : no observations : partly clear G : experimental exchange of signals. April 7. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. April 8. Partly clear P : clear G : two exchanges. April 9. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. April 10. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. April 11. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. 184 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. April 12. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. April 13. Clear P and G: two exchanges. April 14. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. April 15. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. April 16. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. April 1 7. Clear P and G : two exchanges. April 18. Clear P and G : two exchanges. April 19. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. April 20. Clear P : partly clear G : one exchange. April 21. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. April 22. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. April 23. Clear P and G : two exchanges. April 24. Clear P and G : two exchanges. April 26. Mr Hollis left for Greenwich : Mr Dyson left for Paris. (End of 2nd Series.) Mr Dyson at Paris. Mr Hollis at Greenwich. April 27. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. April 28. Clear P and G : two exchanges. April 29. Partly clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. April 30. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. May 1 . Clear P and G : two exchanges. May 2. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. May 3. Clear P and G.: two exchanges. (End of Part I.) PART II. Mr Dyson at Greenwich. Mr Hollis at Paris. Sept. 20. Mr Hollis left for Paris. Sept. 21. Clear P : partly clear G : one exchange. Sept. 22. Clear P. and G. : two exchanges. Sept. 23. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. Sept. 24. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Sept. 25. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. Sept. 26. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Sept. 28. Mr Hollis came to Greenwich : Mr Dyson left for Paris. (End of 1st Series.) Mr Dyson at Paris. Mr Hollis at Greenwich. Sept. 29. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. Sept. 30. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. INTRODUCTORY. 185 Oct. 1. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 2. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. Oct. 3. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 4. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 5. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 6. Partly clear P : cloudy G : two exchanges. Oct. 7. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. Oct. 8. Partly clear P : clear G : two exchanges. Oct. 9. Partly clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 10 Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 11. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 12. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. Oct. 13. Partly clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. Oct. 14. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 15. Partly clear P and G : one exchange. Oct. 16. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 17. Clear P and G : two exchanges. O Oct. 1 8. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. Oct. 1 9. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 20. Cloudy P and G : one exchange. Oct. 21. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 22. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 24. Mr Dyson arrived at Greenwich : Mr Hollis left for Paris. (End of 2nd Series.) Mr Dyson at Greenwich. Mr Hollis at Paris. Oct. 25. Clear P : partly clear G : one exchange. Oct. 26. Partly clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 27. Partly clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 28. Partly clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. Oct. 29. Clear P and G : two exchanges. Oct. 30. Cloudy P : clear G : one exchange. Oct. 31. Clear P : cloudy G : one exchange. Nov. 1. Cloudy P : partly clear G : one exchange. Nov. 2. Clear P : partly clear G : two exchanges. Nov. 3. Clear P : partly clear G : one exchange. Nov. 4. Clear P and G : two exchanges. (End of Part II.) 186 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. The following account refers exclusively to the observations made by the English observers except in the section relating to the corrections applied to the Tabular apparent R.A. of stars where the corrections found by the French observers are included in forming the means : II. OBSERVING STATIONS. Greenwich. The observations at Greenwich were made in the Transit Pavilion which is described on pp. 115, 116. of the section giving the account of the Paris- Greenwich longitude determination in 1892. Paris. The observations were made at Paris in a brick and stone building specially erected in the grounds to the south of the Observatory. The centre of the pier, which was of brick on a concrete foundation 1 metre cube, was 92 '9 feet east of Cassini's meridian, 115'1 feet south and 12'0 feet west of the centre of the Grand Cercle Meridien of the Paris observatory. The height of the pier above the floor of the pavilion was 2 '30 feet. Ill INSTRUMENTS. The instruments used by the English observers were those designated B and C of the series of five transits, precisely similar in all respects, constructed for the Transit of Venus expedition (1874). A description of 'these taken from the volume Transit of Venus 1874, British Observations has been reprinted on pp. 6 and 7 of the account of the Paris Greenwich longitude determination, 1888. The most recent occasion on which transits B and C had been used was in the determination of the longitude of Montreal in 1892 when they were lent to the Canadian observers. In 1901, the four transits B, C, D and E were overhauled, examined and cleaned by Messrs Trough ton and Simms, and relacquered externally. A buffer and spring to hold the lenses of the object-glass firmly in their place were fitted to the object-glass cells of Transits B and C similar to those already attached to transits D and E, as described on p. 116 of the account of the determination of the Paris Greenwich longitude, 1892. In the course of the preliminary observations, the webs of transit B were broken and were replaced by a new system. For the purposes of this determination two cast-iron stands with steel segmental bearings fitted with apparatus for rapidly reversing the telescope in its bearings were supplied by Messrs Troughton and Simms. These were similar, but with small differ- ences, to the two stands supplied for the Montreal longitude, and described on p. 116 of the account of the Paris Greenwich longitude, 1892. The new stands are not so heavy, INSTRUMENTS. 187 the steel segments not so broad as those of the older stands, and the reversing apparatus is not supplied with anti-friction wheels or springs to act as counterpoises. These counterpoise springs had indeed been removed from the older stands. The new transit- stands are numbered 1 and 2 ; the stands which had been numbered I. and II. in the Paris Greenwich longitude, 1892, are designated 3 and 4 in the paragraph which follows. The transit-stands were disposed as follows : PART I. Stand 1 was used by the English observers at Greenwich. Stand 2 ,, ,, French ,, Greenwich. Stand 3 English Paris. Stand 4 ,, ,, French ,, Paris. During the whole of Part 1. Stand 1 was set up at Greenwich with the level adjust- ing screw at the east end of the pier, Stand 3 was set up at Paris with the level adjust- ing screw at the west end of the pier. In 1902 August it was decided that during Part II. one stand should be appropriated to each individual instrument, and that the stands should change stations with the observers and instruments. In this part, therefore, Stand 1 was used in each series with Transit C, Stand 2 with Transit B, and in all cases the stands were set up with the level adjusting screw at the east end of the pier. Before the observations of Part II. were begun, the bearings of Stand 2 were re- ground, and the reversing apparatus of Stands 1 and 2 was slightly modified. The illumination of the field of the transits was effected by means of electric lamps fixed to the stands at both ends of the axis, which were always alight simultaneously. At Greenwich these lamps were fed by storage batteries, at Paris from the lighting circuit of the Observatory. Bohnenberger eye-pieces of the usual direct form and also eye-pieces of the same type with diagonal reflectors, in which the eye-tube takes a horizontal position when in use, were supplied to each instrument. The observation of the Nadir was made by either of these at the discretion of the observer. The levels used were the striding-levels 'with aluminium legs fitted with micrometer screws, as described on pp. 116 and 117 of the account of the determination of the Paris Greenwich longitude, 1892. 188 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Marks. For the purpose of determining collimatiori with the instrument in a horizontal position, South meridian marks were provided at both stations. At Greenwich the 7^-inch object-glass of about 51 feet focal length, which had been made in 1887 for use with the personal machine, was utilised for the purpose. A strong shelf was attached to the girder on which the dome of the transit pavilion rests, and the object-glass was set in a stand, so that it could be placed, when necessary, in a vertical position on this shelf, and a mark on the north wall of the main observatory building could be viewed through it by the telescope. The mark was formed by a small hole in a metal plate, behind which an electric light was placed, and when seen in the telescope it was very similar to the image of a star of about the 4th magnitude. The mark was 55 feet south of the centre of the observing pier, and the object-glass, when in position, 6 feet south of the same point. At Paris a stone pier was built 16 "4 feet south of the centre of the observing pier, and on this a lens of 3 '2 inches aperture was permanently fixed, through which a mark on a pier 181 feet south of the centre of the observing pier and 5 '6 feet above the ground was viewed. This mark could be lighted at will by an electric lamp, and when looked at through the telescope, was seen as two close parallel black lines on a white background. IV. INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS. (1) The value of one revolution of the micrometer screws. It is explained later in the section on Azimuth error that a close circumpolar star was usually bisected 10 times with the middle wire, the instant of bisection being registered on the chronograph. On some occasions during the work, additional bisections, usually 10, were made when the star was at some distance from its first position. The mean of each group of readings for bisection is taken, and also the mean of the corresponding times. The ratio of the differences of these means gives the value of one revolution. In the following tables, Column 2 gives the N.P.D. of the star observed, a negative sign implying that the observation was made below Pole. Columns 3 and 4 give the intervals between the mean of the observations in time and revolutions of screw, respectively. From the figures in Column 4, the weights in Column 5 are deduced. The quotient of the quantities in Column 3 by the corresponding number in Column 4, multiplied by sin. N.P.D., gives the results in Column 6, of which the weighted mean is taken. DETERMINATION OF THE VALTJK OF R.A. MICROMETER SCREWS. 189 Determination of the Value of one Revolution of the R.A. Micrometer Screws in Equatorial Seconds of Time. Transit B. Date. 1902. N.P.D. of Star. Interval in Time. Interval in Revs, of Screw. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. , 8 r 8 April 8 + 8 14 21 97-35 37300 37 3-7402 8 i - 3 '3 59 127-16 1-9269 1-9 37216 10 - 4 23 9 156-37 3-I952 1-6 37426 10 - 4 23 9 '9 2 '43 3-9457 2'0 3-7296 12 + ' 45 27 429-13 3-5122 3'5 3-7474 '3 + 8 14 20 132-49 5-0689 5'I 37456 '3 + ' 45 27 501-62 4-1051 4'I 37476 13 I 12 51 812-88 4-6198 4'6 37285 17 I 12 52 609-27 3'4625 3'5 3-7298 i7 I 12 52 1168-18 6-6404 6-6 37286 Mean . . 1 "7 1 6 C J / J^J Transit C. March 1 7 + i 45 35 4 l6 "37 3"4 OI 4 3-4 37593 19 i o 38 263-35 1-2405 I'2 3-745I '9 + 5 '5 3 148-09 3-6059 3-6 3-7584 '9 - 4 23 4 120-16 2-4572 2'5 3-7383 '9 - 3 '3 52 192-14 2-9077 2-9 37245 20 - 4 23 4 154-00 3'i472 3-i 3747 21 + 8 14 25 133-02 5-0851 5'i 3749 ' 27 + 5 '5 I34"53 3-2744 3'3 37595 27 - 4 23 6 150-86 3-0772 3-1 37483 28 - 4 23 6 165-40 3"39i9 3'4 37284 April 9 - 4 23 9 205-99 4-2094 4'2 37422 9 + i 45 28 161-83 i-3i74 i'3 3-7680 1 1 + i 45 27 165-93 1-3634 i'4 373^8 13 I 12 51 166-64 o-9374 0-9 37671 17 I 12 52 231-82 1-3149 i-3 3737 18 - 3 14 i 235-62 3-5459 3'5 3-7481 20 - i 12 53 319-04 1-801 j 1-8 37555 23 - 3 H 2 251-48 3-7823 3-8 375 8 24 - 3 14 2 132-41 1-9998 2-O 37352 May i - 4 16 9 171-27 3-414 3'4 37345 2 + i 45 22 151-26 1-2325 1-2 3-7609 3 - 4 16 9 233-49 4-6436 4-6 3743' 37458 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 b 190 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C7. continued. Date 1902. N.P.D. of Star. Interval in Time. Interval in Revs, of Screw. Weight. Value of i rev. in Time. 1 H s r 8 Sept. 22 + 4 22 39 28O'IO 5-7019 57 3-7495 26 + I 12 48 262'O2 ''4743 '5 37630 29 + o 59 58 449'33 2-OgjO 2'l 37487 Oct. 8 - i 45 46 666-55 5-4669 5'5 37508 9 + 3 13 32 279-05 4-1872 fa 37497 10 - * 45 47 270-55 2-2272 2'2 37374 IS - 5 '5 33 18370 4-4966 4'5 37446 16 - > 45 49 31276 2-5650 2-6 37527 16 + 4 '5 47 205-1 1 4-0651 4'' 3757 21 - 5 '5 34 i49-'3 3-6696 37 37253 21 + i 12 38 266-54 1-5029 ''5 37472 22 + I 12 3 8 670-14 37776 3'8 3-7478 27 - ' 45 53 293-14 2-4127 2'4 374' 8 28 + 3 '3 25 249-28 37354 37 37528 3' + I 12 35 254-60 1-4365 '4 374'6 Nov. 3 + 4 15 40 201-76 4-0106 4-0 3-7380 3 + i 12 34 535-79 2-9993 J'O 3-7702 Mefin 3-74.76 J /T/ Inequality of the Micrometer Screws. At Paris a scale of opal glass, divided by black lines, was provided, which could be placed in the focus of the lens of the collimating mark for the purpose of determining the errors of the micrometer screws. The intervals of the scale were of such size that each was equivalent approximately to one revolution of the screw, and the middle interval was subdivided into tenths. A complete series of observations, which it is not necessary to describe in detail, were made with this scale to determine the errors of the screw of Transit B. The result is given in the following table of corrections which are applicable at different screw readings if the uniform value 1 = 3 S 736 = 56"'04 is used. Part of Screw in Use. rev. 5'4 6-4 7'4 8-4 9'4 Correction. + 0-26 + 0-17 + 0-17 + 0-06 + 0'02 Part of Screw in Use. rev. 10-4 11-4 12-4 3'4 "4'4 154 Correction. M 0-09 O-06 + 0-06 + 0-20 + 0-50 + 74 The part of the screw used was generally between 8'4 rev - and 13'4 rev -, where the correction is small. The effect of applying these corrections can be seen from the INEQUALITY OF MICROMETER SCREWS. 191 following values of n determined on 1902 April 17 and computed with and without these corrections. Values of n Determined with Adopted Value of Screw. Corrected. Uncorrected. s s + 0-873 + 0-862 + 0-852 + 0-852 + 0752 + 0750 + 0-817 + 0-819 + 0-823 + 0-820 + 0-851 + 0-854 Means + 0-828 +- 0-826 Similar observations with the scale were made with Transit C, from which it appeared that the errors of the micrometer screw were of the same order of magnitude. As the effect of the corrections is so small, no corrections for inequality of the screws have been applied, and the following values have been used throughout : For Transit B, i revolution = 3 8 736= 56"'O4 For Transit C, i revolution = 3 S 746= 56"-i9 (2) The Equatorial intervals of the vertical wires were found from all the observations of transits of stars made during the longitude, omitting those for which the transit was not observed over all the nine wires. The difference between the observed time on each wire and of that on the centre wire was multiplied by Sec. Dec. to find the distance from each wire to the centre wire in time at the equator, and the means of these for each instrument during each part of the longitude are given below. Also for determinations of these intervals, observations were made of coincidence of each wire in turn with its reflected image at the nadir, and on one occasion with Transit C, the mark was bisected by each wire in turn. These last-mentioned observations were reduced by subtracting the reading for the centre wire from that for each of the others and convert- ing the revolutions into time with the values of one revolution of the screw given above. In the following tables the nine vertical wires are denoted by the Eoman numerals I, II, III, etc., in the order in which a star transits when the instrument is in the position Micrometer head west. 192 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Wire Intervals. Transit B. Date Number Position of of Wires. 1902. Stars. Instru- ment. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. March 19-28 \ s s S s s . s s s s and 86 West 14-036 11-239 8-447 5-527 5-621 8-630 u'345 14-109 April 28-May 3 ) > > 87 East 072 239 423 502 6,4 596 329 57 April 6-24. I IO West 044 247 421 543 628 623 329 114 > I 10 East O/o 213 382 490 636 610 339 08 1 Sept. 22-26 \ and > 141 West 14-040 274 '43' 548 ... 629 620 348 124 Oct. 25-Nov. 4 ) H5 East 076 256 410 '544 612 '593 328 "046 Oct. y-Oct. 22 129 West 06 1 251 412 550 618 '595 317 087 j 124 East 050 231 397 512 633 612 '34' 087 April 14 Nadir Obs. 13-966 242 395 '5>5 649 "604 320 13-981 Wire Interval*. Transit 0. Date Number Position of of Wires. 1901. Stars. Instru- ment. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. March 17-30 \ ftnH ' 121 West s 14-013 8 I I'2I3 s S'393 s s 5'579 s 5'55 6 s 8-283 s H'127 8 I4-045 til!' I f April 27-May 3 J 123 East 013 205 402 598 ... 598 '34 1 7 6 067 April 8-24 110 West 029 *35 399 611 556 288 I 3 I 064 > I IO East OI2 216 '4'3 613 .- '574 336 147 5 2 Sept. 21-26 \ and \ 123 West 13-981 11-226 8-402 5-569 S-SSz 8-279 11-134 14-046 Oct. 25-Nov. 4 ' 123 East 14-007 191 387 610 607 344 180 "056 Sept. 2g-0ct. 22 '59 West 006 222 392 573 556 277 125 027 i 150 East 003 195 385 591 600 356 199 O8l March 5. Obs. of Nadir ) ., , , . ,, , f Mean 14-017 11-233 8-399 5'595 March 22. Obs. of Mark ) ' J " 5'577 8-330 11-160 14-032 WIRE- INTERVALS. 193 The simple means of these nine determinations was taken in each case and the following adopted values for distances from the centre wire are obtained : Win ( /F). I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Transit B. 8 - 14-046 - 11-244 + 8-609 + U-333 + I4-076 Transit C. 14-009 11-215 - 8-397 + 8-315 + H-I53 + 14-052 (3) The value of l nv - of the micrometer screw of the levels was determined in the following manner. The level was hung in a frame rigidly attached to the tube of the New Altazimuth, care being taken that the level rested in the same position, as shown by the cross-level, as when it was used in the longitude observations. The bubble being brought to a central position, the bubble, the micrometer screw, and one of the vertical circles of the altazimuth were read. The whole apparatus was then moved slightly, and the bubble was brought back to its original position by adjustment of the level micro- meter screw. Comparison of the readings of the screw and circle in the new position with those previously made gave a value of a revolution of the micrometer screw. The following are the values found for l div - micrometer screw : Level b. a revolution) of' the level Level c. 1901, Oct. 4 0-846 1901, Oct. 4 1 113 ., ,. 0-830 ,, 5 099 1902, July 9 0-840 1902, July 8 089 Sept. 9 0-825 ,, 9 090 12 0-827 Sept. 1 1 090 >, '3 0-829 Oct. 17 08 1 ,, 17 ^ 075 Dec. 16 090 For the reduction of the observations of level made during the longitude, the values used for l div - of the micrometer heads were : for level b for level c i -09. (4) The value of l div - of the level scales was determined during and after the longitude operations by means of the micrometer screw of the level. This value enters with small effect into the result of the longitude since the level error was usually very 194 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. small, and when large was determined by the use of the micrometer screw whose value is given in the preceding paragraph. Nevertheless, as it was seen that the value of a divison of the level scale varied with the length of the air-bubble i,e., with the temperature, an extensive investigation was made. The level being set on the axis of the transit- instrument, the air-bubble was made to traverse the scale by steps, after each of which the micrometer screw head and the ends of the bubble were read. This was done on many occasions, and the actual readings plotted to form curves for interpolation, and in the following tables the observed changes of inclination of the air-bubble measured by the screw, as it occupied the positions indicated by the means of the readings of the ends of the bubble shown in the first column, are given for different lengths of the air-bubble shown in the heading. Constants have been added so that the mean reading 45 d of the bubble corresponds to a level indication of 10" in all cases. Level b. Mean Bubble [leading. 47 i-, ,., 54 d '3 ,,, 55 d< 3 55 d '4 561-4 561-6 + 571-36 57 d "3 581-3 ., 581-8 581-8 591-2 59 d '9 601-3 6oi- s 6id-o ,,, 34' 2'8o 1 "3 5 35-o 6'O2 ... *.. ... ... ... . . . . . -I- 7 O'lO O'OO 0-40 . . . . . . -1-45 0-89 36-0 4-15 o-c8 -t-O"7C O-QC -Uo'c? O'23 4-n-oi 37 -o 2-41 o"6o 1"O7 1-67 1-85 I'CC J'ICt J-O*QQ 38-0 0-69 I'AO I'M 2 ' IO 2-78 2-C C 2"3 ~: 2"I2 ~ v yy 2'OI 39" +0-95 2-16 2-61 2-39 3-01 2-82 2-97 + 2-90 2-80 3-14 3-52 37 1 ; 3-08 3^3 ... 40-0 2-58 3-43 3-8 1 3-25 3-65 4"44 4"z8 3-97 4-11 4-07 4'55 4-00 4-17 4-52 4-73 4-6, 4-40 4-27 4'35 4-27 4-19 41-0 4-14 4-68 5-00 4-60 4-91 5-50 5-30 5-13 5-23 5-22 5-7-; 5-20 5-28 5-46 577 5-66 5-47 5-44 5H9 5'33 4-82 42-0 5-67 5-99 6-21 5-95 6-17 6-56 6-44 6-32 6*40 6-40 6-91 6-40 6-43 6-56 676 6-71 6-58 6-62 6-65 6- 7 I 6-49 6-07 43' 7-I4 7-31 7-45 7-30 7'43 7-66 7-61 7-52 7-57 7-58 7-85 7 -60 7-60 7-70 7-81 7-80 7-70 777 7-77 7-84' 7-65 7-34 44" 8-58 8-65 8-71 8-65 8-70 8-81 8-81 874 8-78 878 8-83 8-80 8-80 8-85 8-92 8-89 8-85 8-90 8-91 8-93 8-82 8-66 45-0 lO'OO 10-00 lO'OO lO'OO 10 '00 lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO 10-00 lO'OO 10-00 lO'OO 10-00 10-00 lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO lO'OO 10-00 46-0 11*41 11-35 11-31 11-35 11-32 11-31 1 1-23 11-29 11-23 11-28 11-25 i rzo I1'20 11-15 11-10 1 1-15,1 i-i 5 1 1-09 i no 1 1-19 11-18 1 1-36 47-0 12-81 12-70 12-64 12-70 I2'68 12-66 12-53 12-59 12-47 12-58 12-58 12-40 12-40 12-30 12'21 12-33 12-30 I2'l6 12-21 12-36 12-36 12-77 48-0 14-15 14-07 '3 "97 14-05 13-98 13-95 13-86 13-90 13-69 13-87 13-93 13-60 13-62 13-45 I3-32 13-51 13-45 13-22 13-38 '3'54 '3'53 14-04 49-0 15-45 15-47 15-31 15-40 15-31 15-12 15-19 15-20 14-87 15-11 15-32 14-80 14-84 14-60 14-44 14-70 14-60 14-30 14-58 14-70 14*69 15-27 50^0 16-71 16-88 16-65 16-75 16-66 16-26 .6-52 16-47 I6-OI 16-32 16-35 i6'oo 16 -06 575 15-55 15-89 15-77 15-35 15-82 15-89 15-85 51-0 17-95 18-29 ... 18-10 1 8 -oo 17-56 17-75 17-10 17-52 17-42 17-20 17-30 16-90 16-67 17-10 16-96 17-02 17-10! 17-02 52-0 19-17 19-72 ... 19-45 18-82 ... 18-14 18-70 ... 18-35 18-05 17-79 18-32 18-23 18-32 18-18 53-0 19-86 UrvS-j I Q'2O I 8*Q2 19-561 lO'^A 1 O *C 7 tn.sfi 54.-Q . 7 2O'8o 20'8c 20'82 <"> rn 55-0 22-11 ... 21-502,18 "7 22-04. ,_ -,- 21-65 CALIBRATION OF LEVEL-SCALES. Level e. 195 Mean Bubble Reading. 6 4 d-z 6 4 d- 3 65" M The means of figures in the consecutive columns were then taken in groups as shown by the subscript figures in the heading of the following tables : . Level b. Mean Bubble Reading. 47 d- ij 5* d '4: 54 d '94 55 d '94 56 d '96 58 d '6 59 d 'e 6o d 'o 4 6o d - 94 d ft ft ft // // // 40-0 2- 5 8 3'43 379 4-08 4-16 4'34 4'4S 4-28 4-06 41-0 4-14 4-68 5-01 5-21 5'3' 5'45 5'S 1 5"47 5-28 42-0 5-67 5'99 6-22 6-37 6-48 6-58 6-6 1 6-64 6-48 43-0 7''4 7-3i 7-46 7-56 7-62 7-69 773 777 7-65 44-0 8-58 8-65 872 877 879 8-83 8-87 8-90 8-83 45-0 lO'OO 10-00 10-00 lO'OO 10-00 10-00 10-00 lO'OO lO'OO 46-0 11-41 n'35 11-32 1 1-29 11-25 11-20 ! 11-14 11-13 II'2I 47-0 12-81 12-70 12-67 12-62 12-52 12-41 I 12-28 12-26 12-45 48-0 14-15 14-07 13-99 13-92 13-80 13-63 13-43 13-40 13-5* 49-0 15-45 I5-47 15-29 15-21 15-08 14-85 14-58 14-57 ' 14-81 50-0 16-71 1 6-88 16-58 16-48 16-29 16-00 1573 15-70 16-01 Level c. Mean Bubble Reading. d II n // // // // // It II 41-0 0-59 1-44 I'S3 I '2 I I- 7 6 2-01 171 42-0 2-99 3'45 3-82 3'5 3-87 4'01 3-80 4-14 3'9 2 43-0 5-46 5-64 5-92 5-54 5-87 5'99 5-84 6-09 5'9' 44-0 778 7'99 7-91 779 7-8 7 7'95 7'9 7-90 ' 7-92 45-0 lO'OO 10-00 lO'OO 10-00 10-00 10-00 10-00 lO'OO 10-00 46-0 I2-2O 12-05 12-19 12-36 12-30 12-13 12-15 12-17 12-24 47-0 14-38 14-16 14-41 '477 14-69 14-30 14-37 H'45 14-61 48-0 17-24 17-46 17-30 17-67 196 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. From the differences of consecutive numbers in the several columns the following double interpolation tables, which give the values of l div - at different parts of the scale when the air-bubble has the length given in the heading, were deduced. These were used in reducing the obervations of level made during the longitude operations : Value of 1 div - Level b. Part of Scale. 47<-i 5*1-4 S4 d '9 55 d- 9 5 &d '9 58<-o 59 d- 6o d 'o 6o d '9 6i4 13 18 32 44-45 '4* 35 28 23 21 17 13 10 '7 34 45-46 '4' '35 32 29 Z5 20 14 '3 21 3 6 4 6 -47 40 '35 '35 '33 27 21 >4 13 24 41 47-48 "34 '37 '3* 30 28 '22 ''5 '4 17 27 48-49 '3 40 30 2 9 28 '22 15 17 I 9 *3 49-50 26 '4' 2 9 27 21 '5 IS '3 20 '22 Level c. Part of Scale. 641-5 651-5 661-5 671-5 691-0 70 d- o 7*1-0 73 *-o d d it .// ft 41-42 2-47 2-25 2-32 2-14 2'OO 2-05 4 2 ~43 2-40 2-26 2-13 2'IO 1-98 1-99 1-99 2-05 43-44' 2-32 2-21 2-01 2-1 ) 1-98 ; I-gS 2'O2 2-07 44-45 2'22 2"! I 2'Og 2'08 2-05 2'08 : 2-12 2-15 45-46 2'2O 2-15 2-16 2-18 2-18 2-15 2-2 4 2-36 46-47 2-18 2'2O 2-24 2-26 2'22 2 ' H 2-44 (5) Inequality of Pivots. The mean level indications, in reversed positions, of the instruments on each night of observations were compared, and the results are given below. In the first column is the date, in the second the number (m) of observations of level, by means of the striding level, Micrometer head W, in the third the number (n) of observations, Micrometer head E, in the fourth the weight -~^"^ to be assigned to the result in the & m + n fifth column, which is one-fourth of the difference between concluded level indications W and E respectively, and is the correction applicable, positively for the position E, and negatively for W, to the observed level indications in these positions, due to inequality of pivots. INEQUALITY OF PIVOTS. 197 Date. Tran ,: .tf. ?rt -f- n W E TO. n. [ransit C. W-E m. n. 2 TO M 4 + n 4 March 17 " 3 6 4 + o"i3 18 4 2 3 - 0-09 4 6 S o-oi '9 8 5 6 O'lO ... 20 . 2 4 3 + 0-05 3 4 3 0-07 21 ... ... 3 2 2 + 0-05 22 I 2 i 4- 0-07 5 4 4 0-14 Z 3 6 6 6 O'OI 2 3 2 + 0-03 2 5 6 5 5 O'OJ 5 5 5 O'OO *7 ... ... 5 4 4 O'l I 28 3 4 3 + 0-04 5 4 4 O'OZ April 8 3 3 3 0-09 3 2 2 + O'22 9 2 i i O'Oj 2 3 2 -J- 0*09 10 2 3 2 0-07 ... ... 1 1 S 2 3 + 0-13 12 3 2 2 O'O, 4 5 5 + 0'15 13 4 6 5 O'lO ... '7 6 4 5 + O'OI 3 5 4 + 0'19 18 4 5 5 -0-14 5 5 5 + 'i 4. 20 3 2 z 0*05 6 3 4 + O'2I 21 ... 3 5 4 O'O, 22 4 3 3 + o'o6 ... ... 23 5 4 4 O'O2 5 5 5 + '39 2 4 4 6 5 + 0-04 4 5 5 0-03 27 ... ... 3 4 3 4- 0-06 28 6 6 6 + o-oi 6 5 5 + O'OI May 1 4 6 5 O'OZ 6 4 5 O'OO 2 ... 3 5 4 o-i i 3 5 4 4 O'OO 5 4 4 + 0-03 Weighted Mean 79 -0-03 93 + 0-05 Sept. 2 1 4 4 4 + 0-04 22 4 4 4 + o'o6 5 8 6 O'OO 4 4 4 4 - 0-09 7 . 4 5 - 0-15 25 z 3 2 + O'I2 ... ... 26 3 4 3 O'OO 6 5 5 + 0-15 29 ... 5 5 5 0'IZ Oct. z 4 6 5 O'l I 6 3 2 2 O'lZ ... 7 i 4 2 - 0-25 8 2 2 2 4- o-zo 5 7 6 + 0-04 C^nffKVwrnT r ORSTSR VATTO1> rs. 1902. 2 c 19.8 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Oct. Nov. 5 ranait #. con tmued. 7 ransi t (J. eontii ueu. Date 2 in n \v - E -2 m n w -E ?l. in 4- ?t 4 - m 4- n 4 9 2 2 2 + 0-03 5 5 4 0-07 JO 5 2 3 o 06 7 5 6 0-08 12 ... ... 3 3 3 - 0-13 '3 2 I i + 0-07 ... H 4 4 4 - 0-03 7 6 6 o - o6 15 ... 4 4 4 4- 0-04 16 5 3 4 0^03 9 5 6 0-08 '7 3 4 3 o 05 7 5 6 O'O, 18 ... ... ... 6 5 5 O'l I 21 4 4 4 + 0-03 7 9 8 4- 0-08 22 4 2 3 - o'o8 6 8 7 0-04 2 5 2 I i - 0-13 4 5 4 - 0-15 26 I I i 4- O 09 ... ... 27 3 2 2 + 0-13 3 5 4 4- 0-08 28 3 5 4 O'OO 29 7 6 6 4- 0-08 6 5 5 4- 0-03 30 4 2 3 + o-n 3' ... ... 5 7 6 4- 0-04. i i 2 i O'2O . . ... ... 2 3 4 3 0-03 8 4 5 4- 0-07 3 2 2 2 + 0-06 6 8 7 4- 0-09 4 5 3 4 + 0-09 6 8 7 4- 0'12 66 tf O'OO '33 0-09 As the apparent level error due to inequality of pivots is thus very small, and as the method of making observations in the two positions of the instrument on each night eliminates any such error from the mean result, it has not been considered necessary to apply any correction for inequality of pivots. V. CLOCKS. The clock used at Greenwich was the Sidereal Standard operating on the chronograph through a relay. The currents obtained from it at every alternate second are used to actuate a relay from which four independent circuits are derived. One of these iis appropriated to the seconds' magnet of the transit circle chronograph, another was used during the longitude operations to give the clock register on the chronograph used by the French observers, and another to give the clock register on that used by the English observers. Besides the relay which sends the current every alternate second, the Sidereal CLOCKS-. 199 Standard also actuates a relay once each minute, and the relay was put in the circuits which gave the clock registers in order to indicate on each chronograph slip the 2nd second* of each minute. A clock, Graham 2, set approximately to % Greenwich Time, was hung in the Transit Pavilion by help of which the assistant marked the minutes on the slip. At Paris a clock consisting of a dial plate and pendulum was set up in the observing room. A galvanic circuit, completed every alternate circuit by the normal clock of the Observatory, passed through the coils of a delicate relay which stood in the observing room and also through a pair of contact springs on the pendulum of the clock. The current passed 1 therefore only when the pendulum of the clock in the observing room made contact exactly at the same moment as contact was made by the normal clock. The tongue of the relay completed the circuit which made the clock register on the chronograph slip, so that the register was actually made by the normal clock of the Observatory, the beat of the clock in the observing room being synchronous with the seconds of the normal clock. VI. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. The Chronographs and the electrical apparatus for registering observations and signals were those used in the determination of the Paris-Greenwich longitude, 1892, and are described in detail on pp. 1 27 and 1 28 of the account of that work. The description there given a.nd the diagram on Plate V apply here exactly, except that in the description the letter ra should be substituted for s, and in the diagram the two wires attached to terminal s should be considered transferred to m. The "zinc" pole of the local battery was joined to terminal n, and the "zinc" pole of the main line battery to k, the " copper" poles of the battery being put to earth in all cases. VII. METHODS OF OBSERVATION. The general methods of observation were similar to those adopted in the determina- tions iu the years 1888 and 1892; described on pp. 23 and 24 of the account of the former work.. A difference was made in the method of observation of the nadir in this determination. Additional draw-tubes which had been fitted to the supports of the axis * During the latter part of the longitude the 6tll second was thus indicated: 200 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. lamps permitted observation with the Bohnenberger with the lamp both on the East and the West sides of the instrument, and coincidences of the wire with its reflected image were made with the illuminating lamp East, and illuminating lamp West, when the instrument was in position Micrometer East and when in position Micrometer West. In observing the level error with the striding levels, the micrometer screws were used to bring the air-bubble, after the level had been reversed on the pivots, as nearly as possible to the same reading of the scale that it occupied before reversal, generally within one division of the level scale. By this method of observation the mean level error determined for the evening depends almost entirely on the determined value of the screw, and inequalities in the value of the level scale are eliminated. The value of the level error was kept very small, and it was frequently unnecessary to move the screw. Observations of Polar stars for determination of Azimuth error were almost always made by turning the R. A. micrometer to bisect the star, the instant of bisection being recorded. The only exceptions were in the cases of certain stars which, being more than 5 from the Pole, were observed as the clock stars over the wires set at the reading of the R. A. micrometer adopted. The complete programme for a full night's observations was as follows : Observation of Mark and Nadir. I. Micrometer E. 8 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. First Exchange of Signals. If. Micrometer W.8 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. Observation of the Mark and Nadir. III. Micrometer W. 8 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. Second Exchange of Signals. IV. Micrometer E. 8 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. Observation of Nadir and Mark. * It is of course immaterial if the letters E and W are interchanged in the above scheme, and generally the first group of Clock Stars was observed in the positions E and W respectively on alternate nights. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 201 VIII. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. This error was determined by nadir observations, by observations of the mark, and by observations of the same circumpolar star in reversed positions of the instrument. In the following tables are given all the results obtained for collimation. In Column 1 is the date and the adopted reading for line of collimation at which the R.A. micro- meter was left when not in use for nadir or circumpolar observations. Columns 2 and 3 give the name of the circumpolar star and the error of collimation of the middle wire deduced from observations of that star in reversed positions of the instrument. Column 4 the error of collimation deduced from nadir observations. Column 5 the error of collimation deduced from observations of the mark. Columns G and 7 give respectively the difference between the error as determined by observation of the nadir and of polar stars, and as determined by observations of the nadir and of the mark. These errors have been divided into groups as shown in the table on p. 218, and the means of the errors from observations of Polar Stars, from observations of the Nadir, and from observations of the Mark taken. The adopted Collimation error is given in the last column. If the adopted Collimation error in the last column be denoted by c, and x denote the diurnal aberration viz. : -0"'20 at Paris and -0"'19 at Greenwich, then the whole Collimation error applicable to observations in the position of instrument West is c + x and in position East c + x. Transit B. Paris. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (I 5 ). Nudir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. March 18 io r '35o March 19 io r- 35o " 0-29 P20 - 1'93 -0- 4 8 - o-3' + 0-4.7 + 069 + '-34. - 0-86 Groombrid^e 1119 ... ... o'zg - 098 - 068 - '39 o'o6 0'22 - OM7 - ''25 - 1-16 - 071 - 3-09 0-68 0-21 - ' 55 The wire frame was adjusted for focus botween the observations on March 19 and 20. 202 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B. Paris continued. Date and Adopted Keadiug. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. March 20 lo r '40O March 2 1 io r '4Oo March 22 io r '4oo March 23 io r- 4OO March 25 io r- 4Oo March 28 io r- 400 March 29 io r '4oo // 0-90 + 0-8-5 + 1-36 II + 0-19 + 0-19 + 0-03 it 2'O1 + r67 + '93 + o' 5 8 + 0-82 + 0-8 1 // + 0-19 0-90 + IMI + 1-62 O'Oj + 1-27 + 0-80 o - o6 + 0-27 X Ursse Minoris S.P + 1-04 + O'l I + '54 + 0-71 + 0-31 + 076 + 1-13 0-05 0-03 + '34 + '34 Cephei 51 + o'54 + 0-73 + 0-15 + 0-18 + 0-88 + 0-85 + '9z + 1-38 + 0'35 + 0-66 + O'20 + 0-14 0-30 X Ursse Minoris S.P Groombridge 1119 Bradley 1672 + 0-64 + 0-83 + O'OI 0-16 -f O-22 O'I4 + Q'25 - 0-81 - 0-68 Polaris S.P + 0-03 + cro6 -075 - 0-25 Transit B. Greenwich. April 6 io r '400 + 074 + '57 0-18 - '35 + 0-93 . + 0-19 + 0-66 -0-27 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 203 Transit B. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Gollimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation ol Maik (M). N P.. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. April 8 Polaris S. P II 4- 0*64 // 4- O-7* /' O'2I // + O' I Q io r '4Oo + o-go + 0-71 \ 9 + 0-64 + 075 0'2 I 4- 0*1 1 + 0-96 April q 4- O'72 4 nc io r '4Oo 4- 0-52 + 0-62 4- 1-15 - o-53 April i o 4- O'C + I'^r io r '4oo + '57 4- i'4 2 ( + o'55 + ''39 0-84 April 1 2 + o'oc + 1'IQ i 0^400 + 0-43 + '45 + 0-67 + 0-31 4- 0-93 0-62 April 1 3 + O*CQ io r- 4OO + 0'22 + 0-29 + 0'36 w >y 4- 0-94 + 1-24 4- 0-29 + 0-92 0-63 April 1 5 -4- O'lo -1- O'7O 0*60 April 1 6 + 0-26 4- o'4C O'lQ April 1 7 io r '4Oo Bradley 1672 . i '04 + 0-19 + o'o8 + 0-93 4- 0-31 + 0-52 1*04 4- 0-19 4- 073 + i'23 - '54 204 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GKKENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark N P. (M). N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. April 1 8 io r- 4oo April 19 io r- 4OO April 20 io r '4OO April 2 1 io r '4oo April zz io r '4Oo April 23 io r '4oo April 24 io r '4OO Bradley 3147 S.P I '01 - 2-82 + 0-03 + 0-13 + 0-18 + 0-16 + 0-34 + 2'03 + I'39 + 0-56 + 079 /' - 0-14 o p 6; 0-42 O'l I + 0-19 o - o6 - '54 0-36 + ''9 Bradley 1672 - 1-92 + o-n + 0-25 CT20 -1- 0-45 O'20 + 0-29 0-18 -f 0-16 0-19 + 0-23 OI3 O'O2 Bradley 3147 S.P I '00 2 '02 021 O'O2 0-06 Polaris S.P Bradley 3147 S.P - 1-5I O'l 2 0-06 0-80 o'gi - 0-66 O'22 O'l6 - 0-32 + 0-27 + '34 001 2 Ursae Minoris S.P Polaris S.P Bradley 3147 S P -0-79 -023 + '3i I'22 1-4! - f23 0^6 - '49 0-41 -o-35 - 0-17 + 0-04 Bradley 1672 2 Ursse Minoris S.P Polaris S.P I -21 0-42 0-06 Transit B. Paris. April 28 (morn.) IO r '4 4oo 2 Ursse Minoris S P + 0-68 -f 0-26 4- o'6o + 0-6 1 0-19 + O'2I H + o'H /' + o - 6o + '47 o-o i Polaris S P. + '47 + 0-61 + O'O I + 0-31 + 0-51 - 0-27 + 0-IJ + 0-41 o - o6 Transit B. Greenwich. Sept. 2 1 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Tiazzi IX 37 S.P . + 0'J2 0-16 - 0-15 ro2 0-19 O'22 + 0-17 - 0-68 0-14 O'24 + 0-40 0-07 + 0-16 + 0-27 + 0-58 + 0-57 + 0-6 1 - 0-25 Cephei 51 S P + 0-52 o'i6 -0-32 - 0-68 0-26 + 0-19 0-30 o - 4o 0^46 O'56 076 X Ursse Minoris ... Bradley 3 1 47 - 0-25 - 0-39 -0-66 0-61 Cephei 51 S.P O'O2 + 0-07 + 0-25 O'OO 0-04 - '34- - 0-14 - 0-08 - 77 0-76 Groombridge 1119 S.P.... Bradley 1672 S.P X Ursae Minoris + 0-05 0-19 - o-77 - 0-68 0-50 O'22 o-.i6 076 Groombridge 1119 S.P.... X Ursae Minoris - 'S9 0-19 076 + 0-26 o - 3o - 0-51 + O'lO 0'2I 0-26 0-07 o'8i 076 Groombridge 1119 S.P.... Bradley 3 147... Bradley 16728.? O'l I - 0-18 079 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 d 206 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B. Paris. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimatiou (I 1 ). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. Sept 20 ' // + 0-12 II O'Z^ // // // CT2C + 0'12 0-23 + 0'35 Oct. 3 Groombridge 1119 S.P.... + 0-33 + 0'45 CT20 + '33 + 0'45 CT20 + O-I2 + 0-65 i Oct 6 O'OO o-oc ... + 0-57 + 0-29 O'O5 + 0-34 Oct. 7 Bradlev 3 14.7 ... + O-27 076 O'lQ Bradley 1672 S P + O'll + O'O2 , + 0-24 ... + 0-29 OM7 O-I9 0^6 + 0'O2 Oct. 8 Bradley 3 1 47 O 4 I2 0-45 o'4.c ... -0- 4 8 - 77 - o-74 0'12 -0'47 0-65 -o-35 + 0-18 Oct o 0-48 O'AQ - '35 -0-42 - 0-49 + 0-07 Oct 10 Groombridge 3548 O34. o'?4 o'lq Bradley 1672 S P O'32 O'C* - 0-72 - o'33 -0-53 0-19 O'2O - '34 Oct 1 1 O'Sl O'CO 0-03 Oct. 1 2 o'co 076 + 0-26 , ERROR. OF COLLIMATION. Transit B. Paris continued. 207 Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark CM). N P. N M. Adopted Collimatiou Error. 1902. Oct 13 - O'*2 O4.I // // // O'ZC ... -o-35 - 0-34 -0-41 + 0-07 Oct 14 Grootnbridge 3548 -4- o'j? OMl O'C7 Bradley ? I d.7 -i- o'i i 0-28 Bradley 1672 S.P O'OI O'lO + '*5 - 0-27 -0-57 -0-52 + 0-30 Oct 15 O'l 1 O'J. I - 0-35 0-24 o'4-i + 0-17 Oct 1 6 Bradley 1672 S P 4- o'la. O'3 I O' I I + O'2I 0-38 + 0-18 - '35 cri i -0-53 -0-24 Oct. 17 Bradley 314.7... + 0-87 + O'I2 O'CO Bradley 1672 S.P + 0-16 + 0-26 0-28 -f- O'O2 + O'OI + 0'43 0'O5 -0-25 -0-48 + O'2O Oct. 1 8 O'64 O'4Q 0-I5 Oct. 2 j - 0-68 O'^O 0'2I - '5S. 0-48 0-30 0-18 Oct 22 Polaris 0*34. O's4. o-ce - 0-48 - '59 - '34 -0-54 -0-55 0'2O + O'OI 208 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B. Greenwich. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N-P. N M. Adopted Cullimation Error. 1902. Ocfc 25 2 Ursus Minoris 'r + I'I4 OM4. */ 0-8? n " O'2C + 0-31 - 0-49 + i''4 + 0-08 - 0-68 i -06 + 076 Oct 26 O'I2 0*41 O'22 - 0-17 - o- 4 i + 0-24 Oct 27 Polaris + 0-81 O'o6 o'4-4 0-89 + '38 Oot 29 Bradlev 3 IA7 . O"2Q O'OQ o-q8 Bradley 1672 S.P I*O* -t- O'O? + 0-07 - 0-66 o-oo -0-58 + 0-66 + 0-58 Oct. 30 Bradley 2003... O'OZ 0-17 - 0-86 OM I O'02 - 0-14 - 0-86 O'I2 + 072 Oct. 3 1 O'CK 0-58 + c '53 Nov. i Bradley 2993 l"\Z O'2A 0-76 0'2O - ' - 3* O-22 076 + I'lO + '54 Nov. 2 -f- O'I2 - o-;8 0'2I o'o; 0-58 + 0'53 Nov. 3 Bradlev 2001 O'7C O'OJ. + 0-71 Nov. 4 Bradley 3147 + 0-08 O'O2 o'?4 Bradley 1672 S.P. . 0-18 O'OA 2 Ursse Minoris + o';o 0'2? '39 Polaris O'23 + 0-04 o-io - 0-37 0-14 + 0-27 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 209 Transit C. Greenwich. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Colliinatioii (P). Nadir Observation Observation of Mark (N). (M). N P. N M. Adopted Colliination Error. 1902. March I 5 , O'O2 " " 4- o'l f March 1 6 + 0'08 io r -o8o ... + 0'08 + 0'08 March 17 io r< o8o A. Ursse Minoris S.P Bradley 3147 S P - 1-50 - 1-18 O-O2 -f- 0^69 0-24 + o'3i - ''3 + 0-13 -f- 0-50 + I '2 I 0-63 March 18 + O'J. 4- O'QC O'C I March 19 io r 'o8o \ Ursse Minoris S.P Grootnbrid"e 1119 - 0- 39 CTOA + 0-05 -f 1-28 O'U O - 22 0-03 + 1-28 + 0-19 - 1-31 March 20 A UrsaB Minoris S P 0-16 0*26 + 1-26 io r 'o8o o'zo + '44 o'i6 0-23 + 0-85 0-O7 I -08 March 21 io r 'o8o A. Ursse Minoris S.P...... - Q'53 1 o - 36 + 1-07 -0-33 +0-39 -0-53 -0-35 +073 + 0-18 I -08 March 22 Bradley 2993 S.P ( - 070 0'22 4- 0-56 0-12 io r -o8o I - '4 -0-55 0'17 + 0-56 + 0-38 - 073 March 23 io r- o8o O'22 + 0^84 0*26 -)- o'66 0^92 V 210 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C. Greenwieli continued. Date and Adopted Heading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted <~ a Collimatioiij Error. 1902. March 24 io r -o8o March 25 io r> o8o March 27 io r -o8o March 28 io r- o8o March 29 n 0-03 + 0-42 // 0-64 -0-45 -0-25 - '4S -0-99 - 1-16 - 1-05 0-98 + 0-15 X UrssB Minoris S.P 0-62 + '97 + 0-69 - 0-27 CTO2 - 0'57 + 079 -f- 0-60 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P + '35 0-29 + 070 + '3* + 0-04 + 0-07 O-JO + 0-62 + i'43 Bradley 3147 S.P + '3 2 - 0-13 + i "03 O'lO 0-18 - 0-41 0-41 - '39 + roz 4-0-38 OMO - '35 + 0-70 - - 34 + 0-64 Transit O. Paris. April 7 April 8 Bradley 3147 S.P + 2-64 0-30 O-2O o - z4 + 0-63 + 0-58 0-16 + 0-23 2-89 - 1-91 -0-57 - 0-66 + 0-15 Bradley 3147 SP ..... + 2-64 - 0-25 + 0-32 + '43 0-60 0-6 1 0-23 + 0-31 4- 0-06 + 0-17 + i '43 0-48 + 0-18 ERROR OF COLLIMATIOX. 211 Transit O. Paris continued. Date and Adopted Heading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. April Bradley 3147 S.P O'lO // 0-60 o-ic " // + 0-15 + O'OI + '43 O'OI o-io '3Q + 0-09 O'ZO -0-39 April 1 1 Bradley 2993 S.P + o-sS O'4i " + 0-64 Bradley 1672 + I'12 O'^O O'OO + 0-81 + 0-8; 0-24 + 073 1-09 - Q'97 April i 2 + 0-16 + O'QC 0-08 + '4 + 0'95 0-91 April 13 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 1672. . + I'57 -4- o*c? O'lO 071 O'ld. + 0-84 + 0-69 + 0-68 + 1-05 o'38 + 074 - 1-43 I'I2 April 14 o'j.6 + 0-61 + 0-67 ... 0-46 + 0-64 no April i c O'?7 4- O'C7 I'I4 April 1 6 4- o*co ... + 0-39 + '45 April 17 Bradley 1672 + O'7I O'Q? 4- 0-4.6 Polaris S.P 4- 0*84 O'Si; + 0-70 0-48 + 071 + 078 -0-75 + 0-65 - 1-53 1-40 April 1 8 Bradley 3147 S.P + I'23 O'72 4- 0*47 Bradley 1672 + CTQO O'67 -1- O'3 I o'6i + 0-27 + i '07 0-67 + 0-35 - 174 I '02 212 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE TN 1902. Transit C. Paris- continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. April 19 April 20 April 2 1 April 23 April 24 - 077 + '39 // - i-79 - 1-18 - 1-42 0-58 // - 1-16 - 1-08 '83 0-85 -0-49 + 0-15 Bradley 31478?. + 178 + 1-05 + 0-62 072 - '55 + 0-18 + 078 + 0-37 2 Ursse Minoris S.P Polaris S.P Bradley 3147 S.P + 1-15 0^64 + 0-44 + 0-67 .+ 0-67 -o'57 - '44 + Q'3 1 + o'35 + '3i Polaris S P Bradley 1672 -I- 0-67 -0-51 +0-32 | + 0-97 1 +0-56 (-1-23*) o'54 076 + 0-07 + '39 + 0-15 Polaris S.P Bradley 1672 + 077 0-65 + O'2O + '37 + 0-25 o'4o o - i6 0-19 - o'33 + 0-36 + OM9 + O'lO Polaris S.P + 0-31 - 0-27 + 0'22 Transit G. Greenwich. April 27 April 28 Bradley 2993 S.P... + ''94 + i'9' + i'53 + O'Ol + 0-18 no ro6 - 79 1-69 - 176 + ro8 +0-91 + 0-15 2 Ursa Minoris S.P Polaris S.P Bradley 2993 S P . + 179 + o-io 0-98 + i'97 + 176 0-05 + Q'i3 + '44 0-08 1-27 0-42 070 Polaris S.P + 1-87 + o-ii o'8o This Collimation Error from Polaiis depends upon s-ix bisections during a 1 reak in clouds, and has not been included in the mean. ERROR or COLLIMATION. 213 Transit C. Greenwich -continued. Date and Adopter] Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. April 30 May i May 2 May 3 It + o-oi 0-08 // I'OO -1-63 1-64 - 1-15 + 0-96 + I'04 + I'22 + 0-95 // Bradley 3147 S.P Polaris S.P o'04 i-oo I + 2-08 1 + I-S8 + 17 + O'22 + 0'2I + 0-28 0'08 - 0-80 0-98 - 0-86 Polaris S.P + 179 + 0-16 - 0-88 + '-89 + 0-35 + 'i5 0-98 0-96 Polaris S P + 1-89 + 0-25 - '97 + I '60 + 0-90 + 0-27 - 0-15 + 0-19 ro2 o - 6o 0-92 Groombridge 2283 + 1-25 + O'lO 0-85 Transit C. Paris. Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Groombridge 1119 S.P... A Ursse Minoris o-oo - 0-13 0'38 + 0-22 + 17 + 1-22 + I-I3 o-io - I'45 + 0-39 o-oo o-io + 1-35 + 0-56 + 0-86 + i -08 O'l I O'l I O'l 1 + o'04 4- 0-04 + 0-28 Groombridge 1 1 19 S.P... Bradley 3 1 47 . . . + 0-83 O'll + O'I2 - o 94 o 23 0-26 0'12 + 0-14 May i. The Collimation Error from Bradley 3147 S.P. was obtained from double reversal of the instrument. September 2Z (morning). An alteration was made in the uprights of the reversing gear, the lifting Y's being slightly lowered, so as to leave more clearance between them and the axis of the instrument. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 e 214 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C. Paris continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collhua'ion (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimatiou Error. 1902. Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Rradlpv 1 1 J.7 + 0-86 + 0-99- '* 0-16 0-19 + 0-15 + 0-16 - 33* + 0'33 // I'OO 0*90 // 0'12 + 0-16 + 0-39 Bradley 2993 -Ko-93 0-07 + 0-05 + 1-05 + 0-65 4- I'OO + 1-05 + O'lO 0-18 + 0-19 o-io + 0-02 -0-37 0-04 Rradlev radlev 200? . . 4- 072 + 0'?Q 4- 0-44 Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S.P + 072 + 0-85 + 0-38 + '35 4- 0-43 + 076 -H 0-37 4- 0-44 - 0-39 0-07 216 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit 0. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. Oct. 17 Oct. 1 8 Oct. 2 1 Oct. 22 Bradley 200? .. II 4- 0-68 + '4 2 + 0-26 O'i I + 0-62 + 0'55 - '47 0^9 078 - '"44 f - 0-51 0-46 0*42 0-80 a + o'39 Bradley 314.7 .. Bradley 2003 + 0-55 + =-08 + '59 + 0-68 + i-4 + 1-01 + '33 0-04 + 0-6 1 Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S P..... Bradley 200?... + 1-04 + 0-15 + 0-61 + 1-03 -f 0-16 + i'o6 + o'oi + 0-92 + o - 6o + 0-20 + 74 + 0-39 + 0-48 Bradley 3147... Bradley 1672 S P Polaris Bradley 3147 .. + 0-90 + OM2 + '54 + ,-42 + 1-61 + i'35 4 O* I J. + 77 + 0-86 Bradl-y 1672 S.P O'lO Po'aris + 1-46 -f O'O2 -f o 82 1 Transit C. Paris. Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Bradley 3147... + '35 + 2-18 + I '06 + i-55 + 0-88 + '-13 + '04 cri6 + '3 + 0-16 O'l 1 + i-57 Polaris + i '27 + 1-31 -j- roi + o-?'i + 1-40 + 1-30 + 1-26 + 0-80 Bradley 3147 ... ... + 1-19 + i "03 + '-43 + i'55 + 1-26 + 1-40 + i '40 + ''47 Bradley 1672 S.P. .. + 1- 49 + ''33 + >'44 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 217 Transit G. Paris continued. Date -'aid Adopted Heading. Deduced Star. Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark (M). 1 N P. N M. Adopted Collimation Error. 1902. Oct. 28 liradley 1672 S P + 2-03 + o'8o + I '47 " " + ''57 + i'3 + 1-51 + z'3 + 1-05 + ''49 - 0-98 - '44 Oct 29 Bradley 3147 + 2-13 4- I'M + r?8 Bradley 1672 S.P 4- i '67 4- i"?8 2 Ursse Minoris 4- 2'zo Polaris -4-2*17 4- r?? + i '48 4 2-04 + i-35 + i'43 o'6g 0-08 Oct. 3 1 Bradley V47 + 2 '4^ + i '48 + I'lO Bradley 1672 S.P 4- 2-56 2 UrsEe ^linoris 4- 2 - i6 Polaris ... -f- 2*03 + 1-^6 -1- r^o + 2-31 + i"5 2 4- I'2O - 79 4- 0-32 Nov. 2 Brndlcv 1672 S.P 4- 2 - O2 + 1^6 + i'^3 2 Ursfe Minoris -+- i j g6 Polaris + 2 ' i i 4. I-cr 4- i"3Q + 2'03 + 1-56 + i'4 6 - '47 4- o'lo Nov. \ Bradley 3147 -(- i '97 + 1 'I t 4- r^ liradley 1672 S.P 4- 2^43 Polaris... ... 4- 2 ' 2 5 4- l '20 -h I 60 + 2'22 + 1-22 + i 51 roo O'2g - >Jov. 4. Bradley 3147 + 2*17 4- 1-48 + I'?* Bradley 1672 S.P +221 4- 1-32 Polaris .. +2*13 -I- I '14. 4- i'37 I + 2'17 -,- .-38 + i-45 - 079 0-07 The following table gives the means of the figures in Columns 3, 4 and 5 of the above taken in groups as shown by the dates in Column 1. Weighted means of two or more of these groups are taken as shown, and the weighted mean of these three results from observations of Polar Stars, Nadir and Mark has been adopted as the Collimation Error for the period to which it refers, and is 'given in the last column of the preceding table. 218 .TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit D. Reading Pol ar Stars. J 'adir. ,] lark. Date. Station. Micrometer. No. of Obs. Error. No. of Obs. Error. No. of Obs. Error. 1902. Mar i"8 19 Paris r lo'ico 0-68 5 4 + O'22 12 + 0-03 Greenwich . I O'J.4.0 I C O'l I H' O'2C 1 I 0-60 2Q-Oct. 14. Paris 9 + o-io 2 1 0'2C 13 - '43 Oct 1C 22 . .... Paris 6 -f- O'22 14 0-36 0-34. Oct. 25-Nov. 4 Greenwich J J 1 1 O'l 2 '9 - 0'08 I I - 0-57 Weighted Means J > 4 1 o-oz 68 0-23 4 2 0-50 Adjustment of the wire frame for focus was made between March 19 and 23. The object glass was taken off and replaced between the observations on April 22 and 23. Transit G. Date. Station. Reading of R.A. Micrometer. Polar Stars. Nadir. Mark. No. of Obs. Error. No. of Ol>s. Error. No. of Obs. Error. 1902. Mar. 1529 Greenwich Paris r IO'O8o ) ) '3 T 9 IO 0*30 + 0-93 + 1-70 28 35 '7 - 0-17 - 0'44 + O'l 2 !9 4 '5 + 75 + 0-41 o'Sg Aor 724. Anr 27 Mav 1 . . Greenwich Paris . Weighted Means Sept. 21 26 j 42 + 073 80 - 023 74 i- 0-23 IO'08O I t ) ) IO 12 20 + 0'8o 4- o 33 + 0-91 "3 '9 18 - 0-13 + 0-03 + 0-13 H '9 16 + 0-30 + 0-50 + 0-60 Sept. 29-Oct 13 Oct 14 22 Greenwich .... Greenwich Paris Weighted Means Oct. zj-Nov. 4 j j 4* + 0-72 5 + 0-02 49 + 0'4 8 IO'080 22 + 2 '01 21 + i'3 2 18 + i-3* ERROR OF LEVEL. 219 X. LEVEL-ERROR. The Level-Error was determined several times during each set of observations by the striding level, and at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each evening's work by the Nadir observation. In the latter determination the pivots were assumed sensibly equal, and the simple difference of the readings of the R. A. micrometer for coincidence of the middle wire with its reflected image in reversed positions of the instrument was considered to be twice the error of level. The difference between the level error as found from nadir observations and with the striding level is shown in the following table ; Columns 2 and 3 are found by taking the mean ( ) of the level errors determined by the striding level in positions West and East, and subtracting this mean from the mean (N) of the errors determined by nadir observation on the same evening. Date. N-- P + E Date. ,-! r + E 2 2 Transit B. Transit C. Transit B. Transit C. Parix. Greenwich. Paris. Greenwich. 1902. H 1902. March 1 7 + 0-51 April 27 0-04 18 0^04 28 + 0'02 - 0-25 '9 + 0-39 - '39 May i -f 0'2I 0-36 20 0-08 2 - 0-19 21 - 0-17 3 o'O7 - 0-27 22 + 0-6 1 + 0-38 23 + 0-33 - 0-27 25 + o'6o + 0-03 27 28 + 0-68 + o-oi 0-36 Greenwich. Paris. Sept. 21 + '49 Greenwich. Paris. 22 0-26 4- 073 24 + 0-08 - o'S4 April 0'22 + 0-06 25 O'og 9 0-24 0-36 26 + 0-15 + 0-28 10 + O'lO 1 1 0-04 12 + 0-08 13 17 + 0-08 0-07 - 0-18 + Q'3 1 Paris. Greenwich. 18 O'OZ O'20 20 - '35 o'54 Sept. 29 .. . o'ig 21 - 0-15 Oct. 2 - '4S 22 0-63 ... 6 0-30 23 0'02 - 0-23 7 - 74 24 -|~ o ' 1 9 - 0-44 8 + 0-16 - 0-23 220 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Level-Error continued. N W + E N W + E 2 2 Date. Date. Transit B. Transit C. Transit B. Transit C. Paris. Greenwich. Greenwich. Paris. 1902. " 1902. " lf Oct. 9 + 0-29 o'i6 Oct. 25 - '39 0-38 10 O'O2 O'lO 26 + O'OI 12 O'2O 27 + 0-14 - '39 '3 Ol 28 + o - o6 '4 0-28 0-08 29 0-29 - o'44 '5 + 0-I5 3 + 0-08 16 - 0-68 O-OQ 3' - 0-17 i? O'OI + 0-37 Nov. i + 0-62 18 + 0-04 2 + 0-04 o'24 21 - 0-37 + 0-08 3 + 0-14 - 071 22 + 0-14 O'OI 4 + 0-17 - '49 The following tables give the individual level determinations made with Transits B and C respectively, together with the Adopted Level-Error found by giving a weight of 2 to each nadir observation and a weight of 1 to each determination with the striding level during the evening : Transit B. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E Pari5 10 0^36 12 59 i -06 10 30 O'22 ,3 8 i '04 '3 3 - i^3 Apr. 10 8 40 0-82 8 45 - 0-13 9 '5 - '39 Apr. 1 8 8 45 - 1-40 9 40 - 0-66 0-48 9 18 - 1-58 10 0-40 9 35 - 1-31 10 40 0^96 9 5o 0-70 10 55 o - o6 10 25 no 10 38 i '03 - 1-26 Apr. 12 9 o - 93 I 1 1-02 9 35 - 0-58 11 1 2 - 1-18 IO O - 1-07 I 1 40 - >'? IO 10 - i'>3 - '95 12 O - I'S" 10 30 O'gi 12 27 - 177 II 50 - 1-16 I 2 40 - 1-30 12 O 1-09 12 40 - 0-85 Apr. 1 3 8 20 - 1-58 Apr. 20 9 o i "90 8 30 - 1-24 9 20 0-98 9 5 - 1-56 9 35 - 1-14 9 20 - 1-68 10 - 1-30 - I-32 9 55 - 2-56 10 30 - ''23 10 15 - 1-87 II 10 no 10 40 - ''45 - i5' 1 1 30 1-20 II 15 - '33 n 45 - 1-30 12 - 1-50 Apr. 21 9 - *'54 12 I 5 0-8 1 10 5 2'2I 12 40 - ''37 13 o - i '44 Apr. 22 9 - '77 9 30 - l- 5 6 Apr. 1 7 8 50 - i'34 IO O 0*90 9 20 - 1-41 10 35 - 0-86 9 35 - i'35 I I 20 - 0-79 - 0-82 10 I I - 1-18 I I 40 0-69 10 30 ro6 12 O'OO 10 56 0-87 13 10 + 0-32 II 15 - i'*9 - 1-24 13 30 0-26 1 ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit B continued. 223 Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Paris continued. 1902. h nl . . - 1902. h in Apr. 23 8 50 - 2-56 Apr. 29 10 + 4*20 9 20 - i '34 10 8 + 3'3 2 + 3'69 9 4 1-47 10 40 + 3-05 10 2'I I 10 25 2-19 1 1 10 - 170 May i 10 15 + 2-26 I I 20 - 2-03 - 170 10 47 + i'99 . II 25 171 ii 7 + 2-04 1 1 40 - ''35 ii 18 + 1-56 12 O 2'OO n 45 + I'53 13 O I '02 12 22 + i '49 13 4 - 0'86 12 40 + 1-58 + 173 '3 5 + 1-89 '3 39 + 2-OO Apr. 24 9 10 - 2 '95 13 55 + ''33 9 '5 - 2-84 14 15 + I- 33 9 4 ~ 2 '33 14 30 + ''49 100 3'oi 10 35 - 2-50 10 55 2'6o May 3 10 25 + 3&5 ii 10 275 - 2-52 10 36 + 3'5 2 ii 35 - 2-27 10 58 + 377 12 o 2-28 1 1 18 + 4' 10 12 25 - 2-29 n 43 + 3'^5 12 35 - 2 '99 12 + 3'66 + 3 '47 13 o - 2-36 12 24 + 3-23 13 35 - !'94 12 44 + 3 '47 13 30 + 2'97 13 4 + 3' 1 1 '3 5 + 3' Pan's. Apr. 28 IO O + 3'68 Greenwich. 10 18 + 3 QI 10 30 + 4' 2 6 Sept. 21 20 55 0-98 I I + 3'54 21 30 I - 0-57 - 75 II 15 + 4 'oo 23 10 | 0-62 ii 45 + 374 12 IO + 3'4 2 + 2 '95 12 25 + 2 '9 X Sept. 22 19 o i'35 >3 3 + 1-89 19 '5 - 1-07 14 o + z'87 19 45 - 074 14 10 + 2-51 20 2O + 0-09 14 25 + 176 20 4 - '49 14.40 + 2 ' 2 5 21 - 0-24 0-30 15 10 + >'43 21 40 + O'l I 224 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS -GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Paris contin ued. 1902. h m /' " " 1902. h m '/ /; " Sept. 22 21 55 + 0-04 Oct. 6 20 35 + 1-58 22 JO + 0'34 21 5 + ''44 22 40 + 0'2I 21 17 + 174 23 10 + 0-25 21 42 + 2-13 + 1-86 22 O + 2-36 22 28 + 2-15 Sept. 23 2.1 O - 38 22 55 + r86 21 55 0-30 0-21 22 25 + 0-14 Oct. 7 20 2O + i'37 21 8 + 1-68 Sept. 24 I 9 3 0*63 21 45 + 2-15 '9 45 - 0-83 22 4 2 + 3-3i 20 2O 1-04 22 55 + 3 '47 + *'40 21 O - 0-68 23 13 + 272 21 15 - 0-51 23 57 + 2-87 22 - '57 - 0-68 12 + 3^3 22 40 - 0-17 23 5 078 23 16 - 0-89 23 30 078 Oct. 8 21 I 3 0-31* 23 50 072 22 53 - 077 '3 8 - 0'93 - 0-38 23 48 0-09 23 58 0^03 Sept. 25 19 10 - ''49 o 38 0-28 '9 45 - 1-29 19 50 - i'39 20 5 - 1-32 - ''IS 20 25 - 77 20 55 0-90 Oct. 9 20 i 3 - i'33 21 5 0-87 20 53 - '7' 21 12 - i'47 21 38 - i -80 - 1-38 21 53 - i'i3 Sept. 26 19 10 - 1 03 22 1O , - i-'5 19 40 o'6i '9 45 - 077 20 1, - 0-85 20 25 0-80 20 55 0-67 067 Oct. 10 2O 23 - 1-23 22 I 5 - '55 21 3 - '97 22 50 - 074 21 43 076 23 10 - 074 22 18 n i O O o - i9 22 43 I '02 - 0-89 Oct. 8. The instrument was adjusted in level before the observations. This observation of Nadir has been used with weight i. ERROR OF LEVEL. 225 Transit B continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nuilir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E Paris continued. Pari* continued. 1902. h in " " 1902. h "' - > " Oct. i o 22 58 - '99 Oct. 1 6 I 28 + 2-51 23 18 - 071 i 47 +- 2-47 + 1-98 2 3 48 - 0-87 i 58 + 276 o 3 - 0-83 2 30 + 3-17 o 28 o'40 2 56 + 2'59 3 '6 + 3-3 Oct. 1 7 20 43 + 1-85 Oct. i z 20 33 + 0-07 21 I 3 + 2-55 20 55 + 0-07 2 1 40 + 2-56 21 16 0-07 21 50 + 2-44 22 8 + 2'59 22 45 -1- 2-94 + 2-84 23 7 + 3'2I Oct. 1 3 20 33 0-26 23 4 2 + 3'20 20 54 O'OO o 23 + 3-4 21 33 + '39 + 0-16 I 10 . + 37' 21 ,2 + 0-19 22 I 3 + 0-53 Oct. 1 8 21 55 + 3'3 22 5 + i'95 Oct. 14 20 33 + 0-69 20 55 + 0-85 21 6 + 0-87 Oct. 2 1 21 + i'5o 21 41 + 1-31 21 14 + '"55 22 4 + '-S3 21 40 + 2-40 22 25 + i'H + i'43 21 50 + 2-19 22 43 + i'59 22 6 + 2-31 23 8 + i'97 22 34 + z'45 + 2-49 23 4 + 1-82 23 10 + 3'28 23 56 + 2-42 23 41 + 3'i o 23 + 1-98 o 27 4- 3-40 o 57 + 2-99 1 35 -(- 2-90 Oct. 1 5 21 O + '49 22 22 22 55 + 0-55 + 74 + Q'54 Oct. 22 2 I 30 + 2-43 23 21 + '49 i 21 15 + 2-45 o 36 + '77 ' '3 + 3-09 i 41 + 3^3 + 2- 9 8 Oct. 1 6 23 33 + Q'05 ' 55 + 3'"7 O + 0-87 2 29 + 2 "9 o 28 + i'4 2 51 + 3'79 I + 1-85 3 >5 + 3'65 226 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS- GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. \V. E. Greenwich. Greenwich c Dn tinned . 1902. b m If // 1902. b m " " " /* Oct. 25 23 o - '54 Oct. 30 O IO 072 23 50 + 0-07 o 35 + 0-36 + O'22 1 5 + 73 Oct. 31 o 30 - i'37 i 35 + 0-72 o 40 - 1-14 I O - 0-89 Oct. 26 o o - 0-34 o 27 0-28 0-46 Nov. I 22 42 - 2-07 i 6 0-65 22 55 - i '3 1 i '5 - o'57 23 10 1-40 - 1-27 23 45 - i'i7 Oct. 27 - 1-34 o 3 0-81 O IO - 1-52 o 35 - 1-32 1 10 - 1-03 - 1-05 Nov. 2 21 32 O'20 i 35 - '44 21 43 - 0-I 5 2 - ri6 21 55 O'OO 2 15 0-67 22 IO + O'OI 22 26 O'OI 0-04 22 45 + O'o6 Oct. 29 21 10 0-65 22 55 + o'o6 21 40 + 0-16 2310 o'O4 21 53 + 0-03 o 20 O'l I 22 7 O'OO 22 2O - 0-17 22 44 + 0-03 23 o + 0-21 Nov. 3 21 45 - 0-49 23 10 + 0-15 22 4 0-83 23 39 + o'o6 + OM I 22 2O - 0-66 0-58 23 53 + 0-06 22 50 - 0-35 1 + '9 23 5 0-64 20 + 0-40 o 28 + 0-57 o 36 + 0-84 I IO + 0-42 Nov. 4 21 38 - o-57 I 20 + 0-17 21 56 - '54 23 o - Q'47 23 20 - i'i3 Oct. 30 21 I, - 0-88 23 45 - 73 21 24 - '99 o 8 - 1-18 0-8o 21 55 i -08 o 27 0-89 22 26 o'og 076 o 40 0-84 22 50 o'6i i 5 0^92 23 35 0-8 1 i 45 - 0-84 2 3 45 0-84 2 - o'88 ERROR OF LEVEL. 227 Transit G. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. i Greenwich. Greenwich continued. 1902. h in " - 4t < 1902. h m " ft " Mar. 15 8 o - 5'2i Mar. 2 1 7 o + 2-23 7 5 + 2-28 8 10 + 3-00 Mar. 1 6 7 o - 7 - >2 8 30 + 2-56 + 2-33 10 + 2-64 10 10 -f 2'OO Mar. 1 7 6 50 - 8-38 10 35 + ''97 7 5 - 9'3 I I IO + 2-25 7 45 - 8-05 8 10 - 8-18 8 25 - 8-22 Mar. 22 7 o + i'45 9 '5 - 871 7 4 + '47 10 45 - 8-28 - 7'97 7 50 + i'*9 II 10 - 7'34 8 35 + '49 II 15 - 8-64 8 40 + 2-18 1 1 20 - 7'45 9 '5 + 0-81 + i '42 12 - 7'39 9 30 + 075 12 1 5 7-00 9 50 + 0-98 10 35 + 1-80 10 50 + 1-86 Mar. 1 8 8 o - 7'95 U o + 1-96 12 - 7'39 Mar. 23 7 3 + i-oo Mar. 19 6 50 0-04 8 30 + i-5' 7 5 + 0-06 8 45 + 1-83 7 25 + 0-42 9 3 + 2'O2 + 1-48 7 40 + 74 10 + 1-03 8 5 + 1-04 IO 2O + I "60 9 5 + 0-89 I I O + 1-67 9 35 + 1-03 + 75 9 40 + 0-85 Mar. 24 8 o + 1-36 10 5 + i-33. 10 35 + i 15 Mar. 2 5 7 25 + 1-07 I I 4- I -06 7 3 + I-H I I 20 + 0-98 8 10 + 0-58 8 20 + 1^9 Mar. zo 7 + 0-96 8 35 + i'95 7 5 + i'53 9 '5 + ''S3 8 10 + 1-04 9 45 + I'2O + i'33 8 50 + i '47 9 58 + I'OO 9 20 + '44 + POI 10 15 + i-35 9 4 + 0-80 10 55 + i-3* 9 50 + i '43 I I 10 + 2-24 10 o + 0-93 1 1 30 + 0-91 10 30 + -59 1 1 40 + 1-63 228 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Levc'l Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued . Paris continued . 1902. fa in " " " ' 1902. h m " " " Mar. 27 7 3 0-55 Apr. 9 8 30 + 3'9 7 5 - 0-18 9 ' + 3 '96 8 25 0'2 1 10 18 + 4'2Q 8 45 0-67 10 23 + 3'59 9 10 0-29 I I + 3'68 9 4 + 0-14 O'l I 1 1 20 + 4' 22 10 + 0-26 12 5 + 2-92 IO iO 0*29 10 30 + '34 I I + 0'08 Apr. 1 1 8 50 + 4'45 II 10 0*56 9 25 + 4'48 " 35 + 0-56 9 44 + 3'9 6 10 54 + 3-71 Mar. 28 7 3 0-50 I I IO + 3-87 + 4'8 8 10 0-90 12 + 3'9 8 30 + O'OI 12 25 + 3-9' 9 o 0-50 12 39 + 4'&7 9 3 o - 3o 12 55 + 4' 2 5 9 40 - '39 13 o + 3 '^4 10 5 - 0-68 0-2O 10 2O 0-40 Apr. 13 9 5 - 2-94 I' 5 + '45 9 48 2-92 ii 15 + 0-31 IO 1 I - 3'93 1 1 50 + '9' 10 27 3'3z 12 25 O'OO II 15 2-83 12 50 + 0-13 ii 45 - 3-41 - 3-68 12 3^3 Mar. 29 8 15 '43 12 24 - 4''7 8 20 o - 6o 13 o - 4-03 8 30 - 0-57 ( 3 39 - 4'3 14 o - 4'7 Paris. 14 10 - 4'34 Apr. 7 8 50 + 2'IO I I + 178 + I-63 Apr. 14 9 5 - 1-64 13 o + I '02 9 '7 - 1-52 i -60 Apr. 8 845 + 277 Apr. 15 9 23 - 0-37 8 56 + 2'IO 10 8 + 2 f 35 10 54 + 2-87 Apr. 17 9 20 - 1-03 II 20 + r6 9 + 2-03 9 45 1% 34 12 + 2I I 10 15 - ''57 I 3 15 + I '42 1 35 i '60 '3 3 + 74 ii 16 - i-75 The instrument was adjusted in level on April 12. ERROR OF LEVEL. 229 Transit C. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Adopted N'adir. Level Error. W. E. W. E. Paris con tinued. Parix continued. 1902. h m " " 1902. b m , " - Apr. 17 1 I 22 - 2-05 - 1-92 Apr. 21 ii 58 + o-;8 + 0-96 ii 45 - * '49 12 10 + 0-84 12 40 - I'82 12 35 '3 25 - I' 9 8 13 18 + 0-05 '3 4 - 2-44 '3 3 + 0-09 '3 55 - 372 3 4 o - o5 Apr. 23 9 36 + 1-85 Apr. 1 8 9 35 - O'o8 10 14 + 2'45 10 17 0-12 10 35 +2-10 10 36 - 0-89 II 4- 2 '07 10 53 - 0- 5 7 I I 42 + 1-65 H 5 0^65 12 2 5 - '34 + 0-96 1 1 20 0-2O 12 40 + 0-55 ii 42 + o'o6 0-65 13 o + 0-25 12 - 0-37 13 20 ; + 0-75 12 24 - 0-23 13 36 + 073 12 37 0-76 14 15 - 0-25 '3 30 - 1-48 '4 35 + 0-06 '3 55 - I'I 9 14 8 I -60 Apr. 24 IO O 4- 2-04 10 45 4- 1-48 n 18 4- 2-20 Apr. 19 9 38 + I'lO " 43 + r62 10 25 + 1-45 + i-i n 57 !+ 1-28 I I 2 + 1-19 12 24 + 0-93 12 37 + 2-17 + i '29 '3 5 + I'H Apr. 20 9 36 + 0-68 13 22 + i '49 IO 20 + I -80 13 3 + 1-88 10 35 + i'5 14 20 + o - 59 10 52 + 74 H 35 4- 0-40 I I 10 + 0-13 '4 48 + 0-48 ii 43 O'OO + 0'47 ii 25 + 0-16 12 43 + 0-16 Greenwich. 13 19 + 0-96 13 3* + 0-60 Apr. 27 10 30 0-78 13 58 - 0-68 I I - 2I i i 20 0-87 35 - I-3I Apr. 2 1 9 5 + 1-58 12 - 0-87 o'6i IO IO + 3-23 12 35 0-65 10 40 + 1-24 12 50 + O'll 11 5 + "95 I 3 I 7 0-46 1 1 42 + 1-27 '3 35 - 0-47 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 230 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit G. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Greenwich continued. 1902. h m " " " " 1902. h Hi " " " Apr. 2 8 10 10 - 73 May 3 10 25 I '00 10 25 - 1-28 10 35 - 0-86 10 35 0-65 10 45 - '44 10 53 + 0-07 ii 5 - 0-88 n 15 - '43 ii 35 0-28 ii 28 O'OO ii 43 + 0-36 ii 58 - '35 0*03 1 1 50 roi 12 23 12 40 + 0-29 12 39 O'22 13 20 + 0-46 13 o + '54 13 4 + 0-58 13 25 - 0-98 13 54 + 0-89 13 35 - 74 14 17 + Q'98 '3 53 0*27 14 30 + 0-29 14 20 + 0-56 0'2 14 40 + '!9 14 40 - 1-03 14 48 O'I2 1 5 10 0-40 Apr. 30 10 50 1-15 15 25 O'22 11 10 1-20 Paris. May i 10 1 5 10 33 ii 6 0-65 - 1-82 - I-52 Sept. 21 19 5 6 20 2O 2O 42 - I- 5 8 - 0-52 - 0-38 1 1 19 0-38 21 IO - i '45 ii 58 12 2O '33 0-56 22 22 42 + '49 0-44 - '43 12 26 0-28 22 52 - no 12 44 13 o + 0-83 I '01 - 0-37 23 27 23 5 6 + O'll 13 25 + 078 5 + 0-23 13 49 + 0-51 Sept. 22 19 18 ; - ^-65 14 24 + 0-30 19 25 2-03 14 42 0-16 19 49 2-21 14 48 o'03 19 59 - 1-66 2O 20 - 0-97 i 2O 36 1-90 i May 2 10 47 - n8 21 no 12 1-47 21 44 2'12 - 1-24 12 I 5 - 0-18 21 48 - '97 12 36 - 0-27 22 21 0^96 12 56 - 071 o'8i 22 40 - 0-66 13 17 1-92 22 55 1-09 13 35 0-09 23 15 0-39 13 49 0-40 Z 3 35 - 0-81 H 7 072 Z 3 57 0-50 May 3. Observations of stars began at iz h 44 m , the sky had been overcast earlier. The Adopted Level Error has been deduced from the determinations made after n h 5o m . ERROR OF LEVEL. 231 Transit C. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Paris continued. Greenwich continued. 1902. h lu " ft " * 1902. h m i " " - " Sept. 23 20 10 - I- 59 Sept. 30 1 9 30 2 '90 >9 57 - 270 Sept. 24 9 55 - 34 22 42 + 0-06 23 o + '44 Oct. i 20 5 - 2-31 23 10 + o-55 23 26 + 0-83 23 39 + '55 Oct. 2 19 40 - 2 '94 23 5' + 1-15 20 10 - 3'44 I I + 1-42 + o'53 20 40 - 2-40 o 18 + 1-15 20 45 - 1-81 o 36 + o-6 21 20 - 1-50 o 54 + '49 21 50 2-48 - 2-36 I 12 + 0-54 21 56 - 276 I 2 S + '43 22 5 - ''95 i 49 + '43 22 15 2-69 22 45 2'02 Sept. 26 20 55 + 0'47 22 53 - I-I2 21 5 2 O'l I 23 10 - 2-48 22 7 + O'l 1 22 24 + i '26 Oct. 3 21 3 - o6 22 43 + 0-61 22 53 + 0-17 Oct. 7 2O 2O - 1-87 23 15 + i-35 + 0-89 2O 30 - 2-33 23 35 + 1-22 21 O - 2-18 o 38 + o'53 I 10 + 1-03 Oct. 8 19 50 - i'77 i 16 + 0-83 20 23 - 1'59 ' 39 -1- 1-68 20 35 I'22 i 50 + i'4 20 52 - i '39 2 2 + I-48 21 3 - 1-37 21 50 - ''52 Greenwich. 21 55 070 - 1-16 22 5 - 1-14 Sept. 29 19 24 2-08 22 45 i -04 2O O 2'O 22 55 - 071 20 30 - 2-97 23 25 0-82 2O 40 2-01 23 35 0-69 21 18 ~ 1-83 5 - 1-05 21 45 - ''54 2'2C O 20 - 0-86 21 55 - 274 22 5 - 3'99 22 10 - 1-81 Oct. 9 2O 2O - ''54 22 30 - I-30 2O 40 - 073 22 40 1-69 21 5 - i'33 22 55 - 275 21 53 - 1-47 232 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued . Greenwich continued. 1902. h m " " ' " 190*. h m " " " " Oct. 9 22 20 - 1-84 Oct. 1 4 21 50 - 0-47 22 2 5 - 073 - <' 2 9 22 15 - 1-04 22 53 0-98 22 45 - '55 - 73 23 12 - 1-42 23 4 - 77 23 30 - 178 23 12 I'll 23 50 - '93 23 2J + 0-08 10 - 1-23 23 55 - '99 o 6 i '64 o 15 - 0-68 Oct. 10 2O 10 - 173 o 30 I'02 20 50 - 177 21 5 - 2-30 Oct. 1 5 21 5 - ,-8 7 21 20 - I -08 21 44 - I "So 21 25 0-40 22 - 1-64 21 55 - 1-07 . 22 I 5 - 1-72 22 40 i'o6 22 55 - '94 22 50 I -oi 1-04 23 o - 1-66 - I'47 23 20 - 79 2 3 22 - 2-33 23 28 - 0-85 23 35 - 1-04 23 40 + 0-18 5 - 0-88 23 55 2-08 o 30 - 1-27 o 5 - 0-86 o 40 - 1-23 o 15 o'o5 2, - 0-54 Oct. 1 6 20 30 - 2-86 20 58 - 1-64 Oct. 1 1 0-80 21 18 - l'93 2O 40 - 1-04 21 25 - 170 21 45 - 1-87 . Oct. 1 2 20 10 - i'35 21 53 - 1-64 20 50 - 1-04 22 5 - 1-17 21 2 - 0-51 22 30 0-87 21 22 + 0-36 22 5; - 2-54 - i '47 21 30 078 - o-77 23 10 - 1-65 21 45 - '44 23 55 o - 6o 22 10 - >'5 2 5 - 0-84 22 30 - 0-42 o 15 - 1-30 o 20 I'02 Oct. 1 3 22 - '5' o 40 - ''S3 55 - 0-98 I 10 - 079 Oct. 14 20 15 078 2O 40 - 0-68 20 52 0-27 Oct. 1 7 20 35 - 279 21 10 ri2 21 8 - 4'4 8 21 2O 0^29 21 30 3'o6 21 25 - 0-17 21 50 - 273 * ' ' ERROR OF LEVEL. 233 Transit C. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenioich continued . Greenwich continued. 1902. h in // ." // < 1902. b m " // it // Oct. 17 21 55 - 3''5 Oft. 22 21 18 ' 2-24 22 36 - 2-26 21 45 - 278 22 50 - 2-93 21 55 - 2-46 22 55 . 2-90 - 273 22 2O - 2-58 23 5 - 2-62 22 50 - 2-53 23 16 2-89 23 3 - 2-51 23 33 - i '43 23 16 - 1-88 23 40 2'62 23 30 - 2-13 23 50 - 2-85 23 35 - 2-13 2'2I o 15 - 2-09 23 54 - 2'45 2 - 270 o 16 - 2-46 Oct. 1 8 21 45 - 1-88 o 30 2'OO 22 18 1-69 i 38 - 1-52 22 25 - 1-64 i 40 - 1-26 22 53 - 2-56 1 53 - 1-71 ! 23 9 - 2-23 23 20 j 2'l8 23 39 0^96 1-82 Paris. 23 52 - 2-36 o 4 1-48 > Oct. 25 22 23 + I -2O o 15 - 1-50 22 44 + 1-87 o 30 I '69 23 4 4- i-47 o 53 - 1-86 o 3 + 2-74 I - 1-67 o 15 + 3'6 o 33 + 3'37 + 2- 5 8 o 56 + 2-84 Oct. 2 1 20 50 - ''95 i 7 + 3' 6 21 28 - ''39 I 22 + 3'34 21 42 - 1-43 I 31 + 2-84 21 JO - 2-24 > 45 + 3-n 21 57 2-01 22 3 - 2'lS Oct. 27 22 44 + 0-18 22 26 - i-39 22 50 0-61 22 58 1-50 23 o + 0-66 23 3 - 0-99 23 28 + o'57 23 9 - 1-15 - ''52 23 52 0-46 23 30 - 1-27 o 13 + 0-67 + 0-17 o o - 175 o 35 + '55 09 I '42 i 5 + 0-24 o 28 I "80 i 30 + 0-07 o 32 1-80 i 58 + 0-33 o 52 - i'53 55 - o 87 Oct. 28 22 + 0-55 i 30 i '48 22 40 + 0-08 1 35 - 1-09 23 10 + o'66 Oct. 26. o h . The instrument was adjusted in level. 234 TELKGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Stridiug Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Paris continued. Paris continued. 1902. h in " " tt " 1902. | >' '" " ' " " Oct. 28 23 2 9 4- 0-94 Nov. 2 o 32 + i'53 23 51 + 1-23 + 0-96 o 46 4- 2-64 + 2-II 12 + 0-88 5 J4- r66 o. 33 + 0-55 22 4- 1-98 o 48 4- 1-52 45 + 2-94 I + I-2I 51 + 2-40 I 50 + I-92 59 f 278 2 1 8 | 2 '04 2 23 + 2-13 Oct. 29 22 O + 1-64 22 l6 + 1'02 22 52 + 2-61 Nov. 3 22 21 + 2-53 23 16 4- 2-46 22 44 + 2-89 23 38 + 3-49 22 52 4- 2-51 23 51 + 4'3O 23 ' + 2-47 + 377 23 '7 4 2-06 o 17 + 5'o6 + 3'j6 23 39 + 3'55 o 35 + 3*61 23 55 + +' o 46 + 4'8 O 20 + 2 '95 i 6 + 5'7 o 43 + 3'5 + 3-29 I 10 + 4 -I 9 55 + 284 I 20 + 4-65 8 + 4-42 i 57 + 3-62 23 + 4'4 32 ;+ 3'55 45 + 3'93 Oct. 3 1 22 8 + 2-98 54 + 5'4 22 18 4- 2-19 2 15 + 3'45 22 4 I + 278 22 58 + 2-29 Nov. 4 22 21 + 316 *3 39 + 2-19 22 4! 4- 3-06 23 5' + 3' 2 4 22 5 1 + 2-62 O 21 + 2-19 + 2-98 23 6 + 2-08 o 35 + 3'5 23 26 4- 2-03 o 46 4- 3-52 23 39 4 i'H i 6 + 274 o 6 + 3-29 i '3 + 3'87 12 + 2-25 1 22 + 3-87 O 2O + 2-35 I 3 + 3'5 8 o 36 4- 2-95 + 2-68 i 55 + 3H5 o 58 + 2-94 7 + 3-05 2 I + 3' 01 Nov. 2 22 21 + 2-18 43 + 3-27 22 45 4- 2-81 47 + 3-88 23 21 + rn 57 + 276 o 3 + 1-85 2 1 9 + 274 o 27 + r8o 2 2) + 2-59 ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 235 XL ERROR IN AZIMUTH. The deviation of the instrument in azimuth was determined by observation of one or more of the following Polar Stars. The first column contains the name of the star taken from the Greenwich Catalogues. The second gives the Ephemeris, either the Nautical Almanac (N.A.) or the Connaissance des Temps (C.T.), M. Lcewy's Ephemeris (L.) or the Berliner Jahrbuch (B.J.), in which the star appears. In the next two columns are given the approximate N.P.D. and the mean R.A. for 1902 as given in the Ephemeris. The fifth column contains corrections to this mean R.A., deduced from Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue, from the Greenwich Ten Year (1890) Catalogue, or from the Greenwich Clock Star List 1902 ; a correction of + S- 054 being applied in the last two cases to reduce the R.A. to Newcomb's Equinox. In the cases of 75 and 76 Draconis and of Bradley 1508 the apparent R.A. for the day has been deduced from the Greenwich Ten Year Catalogue (1890), or Newcomb's Fundamental Catalogue, and the mean places given in Columns 3 and 4 are computed from the last-mentioned Catalogues. The corrections to observed transits for instrumental errors have been computed by the formula c sec. S + n tan 3 + m, where S is the declination of the star, c the collimation error including diurnal aberration, n the deviation of the line of collimation at the pole, and m the deviation at the equator. For the determination of the quantity n, transits of a polar star and a clock star are combined, and the value of n deduced by use of the appropriate factors, as exhibited in the tables, pages 237 et seq. In these tables the second column gives the names of the polar star and clock star observed generally in the same position of the instrument as the polar star and not long before or after. Column 3 gives the position of the instru- ment in which they were observed. Column 4 shows the seconds of difference between the Tabular R.A. for the day, and the Observed time of transit corrected for collimation by application of the quantity c sec. S. The correction for clock rate for the interval between the two observations has only amounted to 8 '01 in a very few cases. The next column shows the tangent of the declination of each star. Subtracting the lower of each pair of lines from the upper in columns 4 and 5, the quotient of the difference in Column 4 by that in Column 5 gives the value of n found in Column 6. The adopted value of n, given in the last column, has been found by taking the simple mean of the values for the two positions E and W respectively. 236 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. Ephemeris Approximate N.P.D. Mean R.A. 1902*0, given in Ephemeris. Adopted Correction to R.A. Authority. 2 Ursas Minoris L. O ' A. l6 h m s o c c i6*6c 8 0*24. Ten Year ( 1 890) Catalogue. Polaris N.A. I It I 1\ 24/O4 + 0-28 Clock Star List. Cephei 4.7 ... B.J. 10 c8 2 C^ 2'^4. O'O7 Newcomb's Catalogue. Cephei 51 N.A. 2 4.8 6 C4 4^'2^ + 0-62 Clock Star List. Groombridge 1119 N A I A 8 O I2'Q7 O'A.6 Piazzi IX. 37 L 8 14. t y q ^^ 8-c8 -4- O'AC Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Bradley I iqq. .. C.T. C I C 10 15 28*07 o'o6 Newcomb's Catalogue. Bradley 1508 1 1 4.3 IO C2 7'6? Bradley 1671 N.A. 1 AC 12 i j. 23 *6 1 -4- o'j.? Clock Star List Groombridge 2283 NA. 1 -t!> 2 27 1C 8 3Q'73 + O'IQ N A. 39,-J l8 \ C^'74. -4- O'lO X Ursaa Minoris N.A. I O IQ 2O I V4.3 + 0-82 Bradley 2701..... L. 8 C4. 2O 37 I'CQ ' + 0-41; Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. 75 Draconis 8 c.4 2O ^,1 2J.*1O 76 Draconis o 5^ 7 A.Q 2O 4.Q 4.2'J.I Newcomb's Catalogue. Groombridge 3548 C.T 1 22 2 I IQ I I'SQ + 0-28 Clock Star List. Bradley 200*... L 423 22 21 Q*6 1 -4- O'z c Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Bradley 314.7... N A 1 14 23 27 A7'iQ + 0-88 Clock Star List ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 237 Transit B Values of n. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. : Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted 1902. Mar. i 8 Mar. 1 9 Mar. 2 3 Bradley 1 399 w w \v W W W E E E E E E W W W w E W W E E E W E W W w w Paris. m a - I- 0'43 o. 46*09 o. 28-05 - 0.47-19 - I. 6-6 7 - 0.47-15 - I- 7'9 8 ~ Q-47'37 o. 51-89 - 0.47-39 o. 40-08 - 0.47-48 o. 36-85 - o-47' 59 - i. 6-31 - 0.47-32 - o. 59-96 - 0.47-32 o. 50-98 - 0.47-69 - o. 33-72 - 0.47-67 o. 36-38 - 0.47-73 - 0.43-73 - 0.47-64 - o. 50-73 0.47-68 + 10-88 + 0-64 -56-69 + 0-51 + 53-50 -1- o-37 + 53-50 + o-54 + 10-88 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-95 -17-71 + 0-87 + 3^54 + 0-50 + 3Z-54 + 0-50 + 20-49 + 0-41 56-68 + 0-41 -56-68 + 0-51 -16-99 + '47 + 10-88 + 0'45 a 1 -40 1 -o-335 -0-367 -0-389 -0-439 -0-529 -0-578 -o-593 -0-395 0-164 -0-244 0-198 0-224 0-292 1-401 -0-453 -0-235 1902. Mar. 23 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 28 P Bradley 2993 S.P. 33 Leonis Minoris Cephei 51 iris W W W E E E E E W E E E W W E E E E E E E E W E E E W W E W -continurd. m s - 0-44-43 0.47-80 - o- 49'59 - 0.47-95 - 0.49-58 - 0.47-95 0.40-91 - 0.47-92 o. 46-15 - 0.47-90 o. 58-19 0.47-81 - o. 53-50 - 0.47-94 o. 50-81 0.48-15 - 0.47-48 o. 48-10 - o. 55-14 - 0.48-13 - o. 50-41 o. 47-80 0.46-23 - 0.47-87 - 0.44-71 - 0.47-85 o. 51-60 o. 47-81 - 0.51-41 - 0.47-81 -13-041 + 0-65 + 20-49 + 0-82 + 20-49 + 0-82 -56-68 + 0-87 -56-68 f 0-51 + 53-52 + 0-53 + 53-52 + 0-46 + 10-88 + 0-87 -13-04 + 0-69 + 32-56 + 0-50 -17-71 + 0-40 + 32-56 + 0-16 + 32-56 + 0-47 -47-24 + 0-77 -47'24 + 0-77 a 0-246 0-083 0-083 0-122 O-O3I 0-196 O-I05 O-266 -0-045 0-219 + 0-144 + 0-05I + 0-098 + 0-079 + 0-075 a o'i 14 + 0-086 20 Leonis Minoris. X Ursse Min. S.P... v Geminorum Groomb. 1119 6 3 Auri< r e . ... 63 Aurigse X Ursae Min. S.P... 66 Aurigse 85 Geminorum Groomb. u 19 1 Cancri X Ursse Min. S.P... Geminorum Bradlev 1 3QQ .. Groombridge 1119 6 Cancri 22 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. A Ursfe Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P. Groomb. 1841 Bradley 1672 Groomb. 1119 v Cancri Bradley 1399 Piazzi IX. 254 Bradley 2993 S.P. 46 Leonis Minoris. 4 Comse Bradley 1672 ... 4 Comas Cephei 51 Bradley 1672 4 Com'9z) + 1-870 + 0-728 + 775 + 0-870 + 0-925 + 0-760 ( + 0-807) + 0772 ( + -75) ( + 0-760) + 0-807 + roo2 + 0-928 S +0-829 1902. Apr. 1 8 Apr. 20 Apr. 22 Ore Bradley 2993 S.P.. 37 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 31478.?.. enwie E E W E E E W W E W E W E W E E W W E E E E W W W W E W h continuec 111 B o. 28-74 o. 16-32 o. 30^84 o. i6;6i o. 33-66 o. 16-04 + o. 10-74 o. 15-90 + o. 13-96 o. 16-06 o. 59-69 o. 16-15 i. 2-09 o. 16-15 o. 10-95 - o. 1 6-86 o. 7-06 - 0.16-53 o. 10-71 - o. 17-19 o. 6-31 o. 17-04 o. 29-20 o. 16-99 - 0.33-56 o. 16-97 - 0.35-90 o. 16-85 I. -13-04 + 0-64 -17-70 + 0-39 -17-70 + 0-97 + 32-60 + 0-88 + 32-60 + 0-90 -47-'7 + 0-88 -47'>7 + 0-88 + 6-906 + 0-468 + 10-89 + 0-76 + 6-906 + 0-501 + 10-89 + 0-72 -13-04 + 0-65 -17-70 + 0-67 -17-70 + 0:87 8 fo-goS + 0-787 + 0-944 + 0-841 + 0-947 ( + 0-906) +0-956 + 0-918 -r-'935 + I-OI2 + 1-055 + 0-892 + 0-903 + I-O26 a + 0-882 + 0-927 + 0-963 3? Comae.., Polaris S.P a Canum Ven Piazzi IX. 37. Bradley 3147 S.P.. 59 Ursse Majoris. .. Bradley 1672 10 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 1399 2 Canum Ven Bradley 1672 A. Ursse Majoris Bradley 2993 S.P.. 46 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 1672 ... R Canum Ven Polaris S.P 9 Canum Ven Polaris S P 2 Canum Ven Bradley 1672 9 Canum Ven .... Piazzi IX. 37 9 Leoiiis Polaris S P 20 Canum Ven. ... Polaris S P . . Bradley 1399 |8 Leonis Minoris... Piazzi IX 37 20 Canum Ven. ... Polaris S P 20 Canum Ven. ... Polaris S.P 20 Canum Ven. ... Piazzi IX. 37 Bradley 1399 21 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 33 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 3147 S.P.. v Ursse Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P. . Groombridge 1841. a Lyncis Bradley 1399. X Ursas Majoris Bradley 2993 S.P.. 35 Leonis Minoris. f 240 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n n Apparent. Adopted. 1 1902. Apr. 22 Apr. 2 3 Apr. 24 Gn Bradley 1672 2 Canum Ven .... enwii W W E E E E W E E E W W W W E \V W W W W E E W W W W E E K E h continue in a + o. 1 1 -07 o. 16-65 + o. 16-55 o, 17-12 - I. 9-73 - o. 16-81 - o- 57'07 - o. 16-81 o. 10-84 - c. i?'37 - o. 7-24 o. 17-28 o. 30-08 - o. 17-29 o. 36-41 - o. 17-03 - - 34'54 - o. 17-03 + o. 12-69 - o. 16-84 o. 33-18 o. 17-22 - o. 31-56 - o. 17-05 - ' 777 o. 17-08 1. 1 1-84 o. 17-02 - o. ir-44 - o. 17-67 d. + 32-61 + 0-88 + 32-61 + '55 -47-I5 + 0-88 -*7'i$ + 0-88 + 6-906 + 0-501 + 10-89 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-65 -17-70 + 0-79 -17-70 + 0-79 + 32-61 4- 0-88 '3'4 + 0-8 1 -13-40 + 0-81 -47-14 + 0-86 -47-14 + 0-92 + 6-906 + 0-450 a + 0-8 7 4 + I-050 + no2 + 0-838 + 1 -020 + 0-978 +'934 + 1 -048 + "947 + 0-930 + 1-123 + I-O2I + 1-056 + I-I4I + o 965 + 1-031 1902. Apr. 24 Apr. 28 On Bradley 3147 S.P. . 58 Ursae Majoris. . Bradley 3147 S.P.. Groombridge 1830. Bradley 1672 >enwit W W E W W W E E E E W W W W E W E E W W W W E W W W E E h continue in s o. 34-10 o. 16-96 o. 36-96 - o. 17-32 + o. 13-14 o. 17-08 + o. 18-13 o. 17-69 - o. 33-10 - o. 17-42 o. 30-91 - . '7'53 - ' 5-64 - o. 17-13 I. 1 1-24 - o- 17-13 Paris. - ' 39-59 o. 51-68 - '-4''49 - o. 5I-47 - 1.29-65 - -5 z 73 - I.27-95 - 0.52-67 - 2- 5 6 '57 - 0.52-12 - 2-53'07 - o. 52-04 i. -17-70 + 0-96 -17-70 + 079 + 32-61 + 0-88 + 32-61 + 0-50 -13-40 + 0-81 -13-40 + o-54 -47-14 + 0-98 -47-14 + 0-98 -1770 + 0-96 -17-70 + 0-95 -13-40 + 0-54 -13-40 + '54 -47'i3 + 0-77 -47''3 + 0-81 8 + 0-919 + 1-062 + 0-952 + 1-116 + 1-103 + 0-960 + 1 -008 + 1-124 + 2-568 + 2-682 + 2-648 + 2-531 + 2-598 + 2-525 | + 1-017 + 2-592 Bradley 1672 14 Comse ... Polaris S.P 19 Canum Ven Polaris S.P 2 Canum Ven Bradley 1 672 19 Canum Veil Piazzi IX. 37 1 3 Comae 2 Ursse Min. S.P... K Leonis 2 Ursae Min. S.P. .. Bradley 1309 22 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 33 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 3147 S.P.. Groombridge 1830. Bradley 3147 S.P.. Groombridge 1830. Bradley 1672 Polaris S P Piazzi XIII. 71.... Polaris S.P.. .. Piazzi XIII. 71.... Bradley 3 1 47 S.P.. 58 Ursse Majoris... Bradley 3147 S.P.. 67 Ursae Majoris... 2 Ursae MinorisS.P. 30 Coma? 2 Canum Ven 2 Ursae Min. S.P... a Canum Ven 2 Ursae Min. S.P.. 15 Canum Ven Polaris S.I' 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. Piazzi XIII. 27 .... Polaris S.P Groombridge 2008 Piazzi IX. 37 t Leonis Polaris S.P Groombridge 1986. Polaris S P Groombridge 2043. ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 241 Transit B- Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. a f O Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. j Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Apr. 29 May i May 3 Sept. 21 / Bradley i 399 'aris- W W W W E E W W W W E W W W E E W W E E E K W W Gr E E W W -continued. IU S o. 25-82 - 0.5176 1.28-10 o. 52-88 - 1. 30*65 - o. 5>'73 + o. 16-98 - o. 51-83 i. 22-60 - o. 52-09 I. 21-36 - o. 52-24 - 2- 34'4I o. 52-28 - 2. 32-70 - o. 52-24 - I.37-87 - o. 52-58 + o. 22-83 - o- 53'7 - 1.25-68 - o. 53-07 - 2.49-05 - o. 52-50 eenwich. + o. 6- 1 1 + o. 5-43 + o. 5-40 + o. 5-49 + 10-89 + 0-87 -I3-04 + '44 -17-70 + 0-96 + 32-62 + 0-88 -13-40 + 0-81 -13-40 + o'74 -47-05 + 077 -47-05 + 0-77 -17-70 + 0-67 + 32-62 + 0-50 -13-40 + 0-53 -47 ii + 075 - 6-898 + 0-950 - 6-898 + 0-894 B + 2- 5 89 4 2-612 + 2-086 + 2-168 + 2-147 + 2-059 + 2-136 + 2-IOI + 2-465 + 2-363 + 2-341 + 2-435 0-087 + 0-012 8 + 2'6oi + 2-116 + 2-401 0-038 1902. Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Ore Cephei 51 S.P enwic E E W E W E E E E E W W W W W W E E E E W E E E E E E E E E h continuec m a + o. 4-86 + o. 5-43 + o. 6-04 + o. 5+3 + o. 4-38 + o. 5-46 + o. 579 + o. 5-46 - o. 0-43 + o. 5-38 + o. 7-00 + o. 5-65 + o- 5^7 + o. 5-54 + o. 5-72 + o. 5-61 + o. 4-33 + o. 5-40 + o. 5-89 + o. 5-51 + o. 6-14 + o- S-Si + o. 5-16 + o. 5-64 + o. 2-46 + o. 5-59 + o. 5-39 + o. 5-54 + o. 770 + o. 5'54 1. 20-41 + 0-56 20-41 + 0-56 + 57'30 + 0-79 + 57-30 + 079 -52-99 + 075 + 6-393 + 0-624 + 7-288 + 0-573 - 6-898 -i- 0-476 10-87 + 0-76 + 13-06 + 0-43 + 1774 + 0-47 + '774 + 0-92 10-87 + 0-64 -10-87 + 0-76 + >3'4 2 + 076 8 + 0-027 0-O29 O'Oig + O'O06 + O'IO2 + 0-234 + 0-064 + 0-042 + 0-092 + 0-030 + 0-036 O-O29 ( + 0-272) + 0-013 + 0-I7I 8 + 0-034 + O-O6O Piazzi IX. 254. . ... Bradley 2993 S.P.. 41 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 3 147 S.P.. 58 Ursfe Majoris... Bradley 1672 Cephei 51 S.P Q Cvcni .. A Ursse Minoris.... Groombridge 2389. A, Ursse Minoris.... Groombridge 2389. Grooinb. 1 1 19 S.P. 2 c Cvcni . 2 Canuni Ven 2 Ursa3 Minoris S. P. a Canum Ven 2 UrsaeMinorisS.P. 14 Canum Ven Polaris S.P A.Q Cveni... Cveni . . Grooinbridge 1986. Polaris S.P Piazzi IX. 37 S.P... Piazzi XIII. 136... Bradley 3147 S.P.. v Ursse Majoris Bradley 1672 Bradley 13998.?.. i LacertsB Bradley 2993 X Peeasi . . "Rradlpv -i \A~J 1 2 Gornse 2 Ursse Minoris'S.P- 3 1 Comse c6 Peeasi .. Tiradlev 3IJ.7 Polaris S.P L Andromedae .. Bradley 1399 ^.P- 7T 2 Pecrasi . 25 Canum Ven Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. f Cvsrni. . . Bradley i 399 S.P.. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P... o Andromedse Bradley 2997 i Lacertse Between the observations on April 29 and May i, the instrument was adjusted in Azimuth and Level. Sept. 22. Bradley 2701. The Observer noted this as a bad observation. It has been given a weight of i in forming the Adopted n. 242 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted 1902. Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 2 5 Gre Bradley 2003... emoic W E W W E W E W W W W W E W E E E E E E W W E W W W E W W E h continuec m 8 + o. 5-88 + o. 5^4 + o. 6 45 + o. 5-58 + o. 7-07 + o. 5-58 + o. 3 -6 1 + o. 5'55 + o. 5'93 + o- 5'55 + o. 0-68 + o- 5'55 + o. 4-20 + o. 5-64 + o. 5-07 + o. 5'39 + o. 5-48 + o. 5-40 + o- 5 '44 + o. 5-48 + o. 5-21 + o. 5-51 + o. 4 <6 3 + o. 5-56 + o. 6-23 + o. 5-55 + o. 7-10 + o. 5-41 O. 0'2O + - 5'53 1. + I3-07 + 076 20-41 + 0-76 20-41 + 0-76 +57-31 + 0-66 + 57-3I + 0-66 -52-99 + 075 -52-99 + '49 + 6-385 + 0-525 -6-898 + 0-809 - 4-^5 + 0-522 + 1774 + 0-43 + I7-74 + 0-55 -32-52 + '54 -32-52 + 0-85 + 57'3' + 0-68 s + 0-028 0-041 0-070 -0-034 + 0-007 + 0-091 + 0-027 -0-055 O'OIO +0-007 0-017 -0-054 0-021 0-051 O'lOI B 0-OI4 1902. Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Gre A. Ursse Minoris 9Cvrni envric E E E E W W W W W W W W W E E E E E W E W W W W E E W E W E E E h continuec m s + o. 3-07 + o. 5-50 + o. 5-37 + o. 5-51 + o. 7-14 + o. 5-58 + o. 5-10 + o. 5-57 + o. 5-38 + o. 5-63 + o. 5-67 + o. 5-63 + o. 3-23 + o. 5-32 o. 0-67 + o. 5-38 + o. 6-98 + o. 5-38 + o. 7'33 + o. 5-50 + - 5-35 + o. 5-64 + o. 4-60 + o. 5-67 + o. 4-22 + o- 5-59 + o. 3-59 + o. 5-64 + o. 7-48 + o. 5-64 + o. 8-95 + 0- 5'59 1. + 57-31 + 0-56 -52-98 + 0-75 -52-98 + 0-39 + 6-394 + 0-624 + 7-281 + 0-730 - 6-898 + 0-863 + 57-31 + 0-79 + 57'3< + 0-70 -52-98 + 75 -52-98 + o'49 + 7'279 + 0-624 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 1774 + 0-62 + '774 + o-43 -3 2- 5* + o 4 43 -32-52 + 0-62 8 -0-043 + O-OO3 O-O29 O'OSl -0-038 O-OO5 -0-037 O-I07 O-O3O -0-034 -0-044 -0-086 0-080 -0-118 0-056 O'lOI 0-036 -0-072 I Lacrtse Cephei 51 S.P Groombr. 1 1 19 S.P. 2 c Cvcrni 1 1 Cygni... Groombr. 1 1 198. P. Lalande 39329 Cephei 51 S.P ic Cygni... Bradley 2701 A. Ursse Minoris ... v Cveni... 4-Q Cvffni... A. Ursse Minoris ... X Cygni . . . 54. Cyeni .. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. v Cvcni Groomb. 1 119 S.P. 2C Cygni... XUrsee Minoris Groombr. 2889 A. Ursse Minoris.... T/l Cygni Groomh. 1119 S.P. 20 Vulpeculse 75 Draconis Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. Groombr. 1 1198. P. 25 Cygni Bradley 1508 S.P.. Groombr. 1119 S.P 20 Vulpeculee 76 Draconis 49 Cygni Bradley 3147 Bradley 2007... 38 Pegasi Bradley 16728.?.. Bradley 3147 67 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P.. 23 Andromedee A, Ursse Minoris.... 8 Cygni Bradley 3147... T Pegasi Bradley 16728.?.. Bradley 16728.?.. ERROR IN AZIMUTH. Transit B Values of n continued. 243 Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Tabular .2 R.A. g Obserxed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Groombr. 1 1 198. P. cj. Cveni.. 1 E W vv W W W W W E E W W E E E E W E E E W W E E W W E E E E 3 am. HI 8 O. 3O-OO + o. 3-05 o. 34-08 + o. 3-05 + o. 7'35 + o. 2-97 - o- z'43 + o- 3-i5 + o. 10-42 + o. 2-92 - o- 4^5 + o. 3' 11 + o. 9-69 + o. 2-85 + o. 13-50 + o. 2-63 + o. 1472 + o. 271 o. 18-40 + o. 2-84 0. 2I-l6 + o. 2-92 + - 9'57 + o. 2-39 + o. 9-85 + o. 2-56 + o. 4-40 + o. 2-31 + o. 9-69 + o. 2-32 -52-96 + 73 -52-96 + 73 + 7^79 + c'574 - 6-897 + 0-809 + 13-07 + 0-63 -10-87 + 076 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 1774 + 0-47 + '774 + 0-46 -3 2 '49 + 0- 54 -3^49 + 0-56 + '775 + 0-45 + 775 + 0-55 + 6-384 + 0-698 + 17-07 + '57 8 + 0-616 + 0-692 + 0-653 + 0724 + 0-603 + 0-693 + 0-550 + 0-629 +0-695 + 0-643 + 0728 + 0-415 + 0-424 + 0367 + o-447 8 + 0-650 +0-656 +0-420 +0-407 1902. Oct. 10 Oct. 1 3 Oct. 14 F 76 Draconis Piazzi XXI. I 'aris- W W W W E E E E E E W W E E W W E W E E W W W W W W E E E E -continued. m s + o. 4-29 + o. 2-04 + o. 7-56 + O. 2-10 + o. 776 + o. 2-15 o. 0-04 + o. 2-15 o. 1-96 + o. 2-07 + o. 6-40 + o. 2-16 + o. 8-. 5 + O. 2-O2 - o. 9-54 + o. 2-24 - o. 9-85 + o. 2-03 + o. 8-98 + o. 1-69 - o. 1-37 + o. 1-83 + o. 7-15 + o. 1-94 + o. 9-4.8 + o. 1-89 + o. 8-07 + o. 1-92 ~ o. no + o. 1-98 + 7-280 + 0-573 + 17-04 + 0-57 + 17-04 + 0-53 - 6-897 + 0-534 -10-86 + 0-47 + 13-07 + 0-8 1 + 1775 + 0-55 -32-49 + 0-65 -3Z-49 + 0-50 + 17-04 + 078 - 6-897 + 0-429 + i3'7 + 0-64- ' + 17-04 + 0-57 + 17-04 + 078 - 6-897 + 0-839 8 +0-321 +0-332 +0-340 +0-295 +0-355 +0-346 +0-356 +0-356 + 0-360 +0-448 +0-437 +0-419 +0-461 +0-378 +0-398 i + 0-340 +0-438 Grooiubr. 1 1 198. P. C4. Cvsni... Groombridge 3548. / Gvffni 76 Draconis Groombridge 3548. 72 CvErni Cveui . . Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. o- Cygni .. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 72 Cvt?ni Bradley 2007... Bradley 1 399 S.P.. Bradley 2851 38 Peeasi . Bradley 1 399 S.P.. I Lacertse Bradlev 200,3 .. 8 Lacertiy. Bradlev si 47 .. Bradley 2903 78 Pegasi 38 Peeasi . Bradley 1672 Bradlev 3 14.7 Lalande 47034 Bradley 1672 c6 Peeasi .. Bradley 3147 85 Pegasi . \!/ Peeasi . . Groombridge 3548. Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse Bradley 1672 S.P.. 2 8 Andromedte Bradley 3147 T Pecrasi Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 2 Peeasi . . Bradley 2993 71 Pegasi Groombridge 3548. t Cveni Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi 7 5 Draconis Groombridge, 3548. 72 Cygni Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 47 Cvgni.. Groombridge 3548. Cyeni 74 v - / yg ni 244 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 1 6 Oct. 17 / Bradley 13998.?.. i Lacerte ... . Vzm- E E w E E E W W W W E W E E W E W W E W E E E E W W E E E E -continued. m s - o. 277 + o. 1-86 + o. 8-05 + o. 1-84 + o. 9-08 + o. 178 + o. 10-65 + o. 1-88 - o- J5-35 + o. i '90 o. 14^42 + o. 1-96 o. 2-91 + o. 1-46 + o- 774 + o. 1-46 o. 13-84 + o. 1-46 o. 12-17 + o. 1-46 + o. 7-20 + o. 1-59 + 0. 2 I -07 + - I- 55 + 0.23-94 + o. 171 + o- 3'57 + o. 1-63 - o. 1-94 + - I- 54 10-87 + 076 + 13-07 + '45 + I77S + 0-62 + 1775 + '55 -3*'47 + 0-85 -32-47 + 0-65 10-86 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-43 -32-47 + 0-46 -32M7 + 0-46 + I3-4 1 + o'57 +47-30 + 0-50 + 47'30 + 0-65 + 5-160 + 0-506 - 6-897 + 0-574 8 + 0-3 9 8 + 0-492 + 0-426 + 0^10 + 0-5I8 +0-495 + 0-376 + 0-497 +0-465 +0-414 + 0-437 + 0-417 +0-477 + 0-417 +0-467 s + 0-457 + 0-437 + 0-446 1902. Oct. 17 Oct. 2 1 Oct. 22 P Bradley 2993 aris- W W W w E E E E W W W W E E E E W W E W W w w w w w E E W W W w -continued. Ill S + o. 8-59 + o. i '60 + o. 10-97 + o- ''57 + o. 8-32 + o. 1-37 o. 13-88 + o. 1-58 - o. 15-65 + o. 1-63 + o. 8-55 + o. 171 + o. 7-65 + o. 1-72 - o. 2-45 + o. 1-07 - o. 5-17 + o. 0-99 + o. 7-44 + o. 0-96 + o. 9-47 + o. 0-94 + o. 6-84 + o. 0-97 + 0.23-52 + o. 0-93 + o. 24-08 + o. 1-03 + o. 3-56 + o. 0-96 - 0.10-53 + o. 0-96 + 13-07 + 0-64 + 17-75 + 0-52 + 1775 + 0-46 -32-47 + 0-59 -32-47 + 0-98 + 13-42 + 075 + 13-42 + 0-59 - 6-897 + 0784 -10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 1775 + 0-46 + 13-42 + 0-57 + 47-3 + 0-50 + 47-30 + 0-75 + 5''6i -h 0-548 -23-94 + 0-51 a + 0-563 + 0-546 + 0-402 + 0-468 + 0-5I7 + 0-540 + 0-462 + 0-458 + 0-536 + 0-52I + 0-493 + 0-457 +0-483 + 0-495 + 0-563 + 0-470 H H-0'496 + 0-503 + 0+94 7]-2 Pecrasi Bradley 200 i .. Bradlev ^ 1 4.7 /x Pegasi R Pefasi Bradley 3147 .. Bradlev 3 14.7 .. 67 Pegasi Bradley * i + o. 16-09 + - 4 - 25 + o. 15-98 + o. 4-65 O. 2 1^96 + o- 4'45 -32-46 + 0-96 + >3'4 2 + 0-78 + 13-4* + 7 -32-46 + 0-96 + 13-42 + 0-70 + 13-42 + o-59 +47-35 + 0-76 + 47-35 + 0-87 + 17-05 + 0-84 -10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 17-76 + 0-43 + 17-76 + 0-92 -32-45 + 0-85 s + 0-655 + 0-744 + 0-576 + 0-629 + 0-654 + 0-569 + 0-690 + 0-540 + 0-647 + 0-697 + 0-672 + 0-683 + 0-673 + 0793 8 + 0-638 + 0-642 + 0-623 + 0703 1902. Oct. 29 Out. 30 Nov. i Nov. 2 Oft Bradley 16728.?.. 28 AiiiJromedse 2 Ursae Minoris.... LL AndroniedtU . . . enwii W W W w E E W W E E W W W w E W W w E W W w E E E W W W h continuec w s o. 18-58 + o. 4-38 + o. 13-99 + o. 4-66 - o. 0-55 + o. 4-43 o. 2-70 + o. 4-19 + 0. 12-21 + o. 4-23 + O. I 2'6 I + o- 4'39 + o. 16-42 + o. 4-28 - o. 1578 + 0- 4'37 - o- z-75 + o. 4-29 + o. 1175 + o. 4-29 + o. 9-91 + o. 4-25 + o. 15-38 + o. 4-32 + o. 16-21 + o. 4-25 - o. 1-39 + o. 4-55 1. -32-45 + 0-56 + 13-42 + 078 - 6-897 + 0784 -10-86 + 0-76 + i3'07 + 0-46 + 13-07 + 0-81 + '775 + 0-55 -32-45 + '54 10-86 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 1776 + 0-92 + 17-05 + 0-86 6-90 + o-93 B + 0-696 + 0-738 + 0-648 + 0-593 + 0-633 + O-670 + 0706 +o-6n +0-606 + 0-606 + o-455 + 0-657 + 0739 + 0-759 s +0-644 +0-582 + 0-760 2 Ursse Minoris.... /j. Andromeda; 2 Ursse Minoris J3 Andromedse Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1399 S.P. i Lacertse 2 Ursse Minoris.... ft Andromedie Bradlev 200? v Pegasi 2 Ursse Minoris 8 Andromedaa Bradley 2993 8 Lacertse Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse .... 47 Andromedse Polaris Bradley 1399 S.P.. i Lacertse 50 Andromedse Groombridge 3548. 74. Cvcni... Bradley 2993 Bradley 1399 S.P.. TT , Pe^asi . . Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 38 Pe^asi Bradlev 314.7 38 Pe u asi Bradley 3 14.7... i Andromedse Groombridge 3548. 77 Cv?ni T Pegasi . ... Bradley 3147 i Andromedse Bradley 16728.?.. 23 Andromedse Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 7C Cvsni GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 i 246 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Or Bradley 1399 S.P.. 7r 2 Pegasi tenwi W W E E E E W E E E W W W W ;ft continue m B - o. 4-70 + o. 4-30 + o. 13-72 + o. 4'3 - o. 3-93 + o. 4-21 + o. 11-45 + o. 4-31 + o. 12-33 + o. 4-21 - o. 3-58 + o. 3-99 + o. 0-67 + o. 4-19 d. 10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-63 10-87 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-80 + 13-07 + 0-88 -10-86 + '43 - 4-822 + '835 8 + 0-783 + 0757 + 0707 + 0-582 + 0-667 + 0-67I + O-622 8 + 0-635 1902. Nov. 4 Or Bradley 3147 ... lenwi E E W E E E W W W W E E E E W W ;7i continue m B + o. 14-91 + o. 4'4 + o. 15-67 + o. 4-0 1 o. 16-61 + o. 4-00 o. 16-88 + o. 3-90 + 0. I2'80 + o. 4-00 + o. 11-47 + o. 4-09 + o. 32-95 + o. 4-01 + o. 33-05 + o. 4' '4 d. + 17-76 + 0-80 + 1776 + 0-55 -32'44 + 0-54 -3^44 + 0-65 + 13-42 + 0-78 + 13-42 + 0-70 + 47-38 + 0-76 + 47-38 + 75 I + 0-641 + 0-677 + 0-625 + 0-628 + 0-696 + 0-580 + 0-621 + 0-620 I + 0-635 14 Andromedse Bradley 3 147. Bradlev 2001 .. 38 Peeasi. 78 Pegasi. Bradley 1399 S.P.. 7r 2 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedae Bradley 1672 S.P.. IT Andromedse 2 Ursse Minoris.... H Andromeda; 2 Ursse Minoris.... /3 Andromedse Polaris Bradley 2993 10 Lacertse Bradley 2093 .. 1 3 Lacertas Bradley 1399 S.P.. A. Pe^asi . 47 Andromedse Polaris Bradley 1508 S.P.. Groombridge 3919. Piazzi I. 104 .... Transit O Values of n. Mar. 17 A. Ursa; Min. S.P... 6 Cancri Grew E W W W E E E E iwich. o. 8-42 o. 12-46 + o. 3-76 - o. 12-45 - 0.13-23 o. 12-56 - o. 11-45 - o. 12-44 -56-66 + '53 -56-66 + 0-40 - 6-386 + 'SS7 -16-99 + 0-76 O-O7I 0-284 + 0-097 O-O56 -0-034 Mar. 1 7 Gn Bradley 3147 S.P.. 5 1 Ursa Majoris.... Bradley 31478.?.. email E E W W W W W W h continue o. 12-58 o. 12-52 - o. 9-43 - o. 12-45 o. 13-22 o. 12-46 - o. 15-38 o. 12-41 d. -1771 + 0-80 -17-71 + 0-40 + 32-55 + 0-50 + 3z'55 + 0-88 0-003 + 0-167 0-024 ( 0-094) A. Ursa; Min. S.P... /A Cancri Bradley 2701 S.P.. i Cancri Bradley 1672 Groomb. 3 5 48 S.P. 38 Lyncis Bradley 1672 ERROR IN AZIMUTH. Transit C Values of n continued. 247 Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. 1 n Apparent n . Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. 1 Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n . Adopted. 1902. Mar. 1 9 Mar. 2 o Gi XUrsse Min. S.P... v Geminorum eemm E W W W W W W W E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W E E E E E eh continue m 8 - 0.36-93 o. 11-98 o. 32-62 o. 1 1-96 o. 32-63 0. I2'O2 + o. io- 1 8 O. IZ'IO + o. 11-52 0. I 2' I 4 o. 20-67 O. I2'OI o. 6-60 0. I2'IO o. 7-09 o. 11-88 o. 18-05 0. I 2 '04 o. 17-80 o. 12-05 o. 21-82 - o. 11-95 o. 20-71 - o. 11-95 o. 36-80 o. 12-26 - 0.39-19 o. 12-29 + o. 16-56 O. 12-22 d. -56-69 + 0-51 -56-69 + 0-70 -56-69 + 0-67 + 53-50 + o'53 + 53-50 + 0-52 -16-99 + 0-84 + 10-88 + 0-62 + 10-88 + 0-87 -13-04 + 0-65 -13-04 + 0-75 -17-71 + 0-80 -17-71 + 0-80 -56-69 + 0-46 -56-69 + 0-48 + 53-50 + 0-58 a +0-436 + 0-360 (+0-359 +0-420 +0-447 +0-486 +0-536 (+ 0-479) +0-439 + '4!7) + 0-533) +0-473 + 0-429 +0-471 +0-544 a +0-450 +0-481 1902. Mar. 20 Mar. 2 1 Mar. 22 Gl Groomb. 3548 S.P a Lyncis ... eenwi W W E E E E E W W W W W W W E E E E E E W W W E E E E E W W c/i continue m a o. 20-40 0. 12-22 o. 19-61 o. 12-31 o. 19-40 o. 12-24 - 0.55-IO o. 12-40 - 0-49-97 0. I2'U + o. 21-51 o. 12-40 o. 16-98 - o. 12-33 - o. 8-21 - 0.12-55 - o. 8-34 - o. 12-57 o. 5 -2 1 o. 12-46 o. 21-18 - o. 12-35 - o. 55-84 O. I2'6l i. ri6 o. 12-85 + 0.35-93 o. 12-99 - 0.27-17 o. 12-83 d. -16-99 + 0-70 -13-04 + 0-65 -I3'04 + 0-75 -56-69 + 0-52 -56-69 + Q'95 + 53'5 + 0-52 - 6-386 + 0-791 + '6-905 + 0-463 + 6-905 + 0-495 + 10-88 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-65 -56-69 + 0-67 -56-69 + 0-51 + 53-52 + 0-48 -16-99 + 070 B + 0-462 + 0-533 (+ 0-519) + 0-746 + 0-657 + 0-641 + 0-648 + 0-674 + o'66o] + 0-707 + 0-645 + 0-753 +0-845 +0-922 +o'8n r " ' +0-679 +0-853 X Ursre Min. S.P. . o Geminorum Bradley 2993 S.P.. 33 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 35 Leonis Minoris.. X Ursae Min. S.P... \ Cancri XUrsfcMin. S.P.. TT Guminorum Groombridge 1 119, 6 Cancn Groombridge 1119. X Cancri X Ursas Min. S.P... 3 1 Lyncis Groomb. 3548 S.P. 1 6 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 1399 Groombridge 1119 X Cancri Bradley 3701 S.P.. 11013 Lyncis 22 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 1 3QQ... Piazzi IX. 37 Piazzi IX. 254 Bradley 2993 S.P.. 33 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 35 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 3147 S.P.. 51 Ursae Majoris.. .. Bradley 3147 S.I 5 .. 51 Ursae Majoris... X Ursa?, Min. S.P.... K Geminorum v Cancri Piazzi IX. 37 i 3 Leonis Bradley 1399 22 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P. 33 Leonis Minoris. X Visas, Min. S.P... TT Geminonim XUrsaaMin. S.P... Geminorum Groombridge 1119 XUrsfeMin. S.P... co Cancri Groombridge 1119. I C Cancri Groomb. 3548 S.P. 248 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit G Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent TO Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. H Adopted. 1902. Mar. 22 Mar. 2 3 Mar. 2 5 Or Bradley 1 399 lentcit W w E E W W E E W W w w E E E E E E W E E E W W W w w w E E ~:h continue m g - . 3-84 - o. 12-54 - 0.25-67 o. 12-76 o. 23-88 o. 12-94 0.24-85 o. 12-91 + 0.23-83 - o. 12-88 o. 18-96 o. 13-02 o. 7-60 o. 13-00 - o. 3-40 o. 12-90 I. 8-09 - o. '3 - 39 - i. 2-23 - - '3'49 + 0.34-23 - o. 13-23 - o. 19-13 o. 12-98 o. 28-93 o. 12-90 o. 26-65 o. 13-10 o. 25-21 - o. 13-23 1 + 10-88 + 0-84 -13-04 + 075 -13-04 + 0-50 -13-04 + 0-54 -r-53'5* + 0-52 - 6-386 + Q-455 + 6-905 + o'49S + 10-88 + 0-64 -56-68 + 0-51 -56-68 + 0-37 + 53-52 + 0-58 - 6-385 + 0-548 -16-99 + 0-75 -13-04 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-6 1 s + 0-863 + 0936 + 0-808 + 0-879 + 0-693 + 0-868 + 0-842 + 0-928 + 0-956 + 0-854 + 0-897 + 0-887 + 0-904 + 0-992 +0-878 a + 0-83 3 + 0-966 1902. Mar. 25 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 On Bradley 3147 S.P.. X Ursa; Majoris .... Bradley 3147 S.P.. X Ursae Majoris.... Groombridge 1119. v Cancri >emci( E E W E W W W w E E E E E E E E E E W W E W E E E E W W W W :h continue in s - 0.29-41 o. 12-90 o. 30-70 o. 12-90 + 0. 2I-2O - 0- '3'37 o. 18-59 o. 13-10 o. 10-88 - o. 1377 - o. 6-93 - o. i 3 48 - o- 7 + 1 o. i 3-60 o. 22-71 o. 13-28 0. 22'8O o. 13-28 o. 28*14 - - '3'37 - o- *775 - - I3-37 + o. 28-15 - - 13-5! o. 19-20 - 0.13-50 o. 9-40 - o. I3M-4 o. 6-69 - 0-I3-59 J. -13-71 + I'OO -13-71 + i -oo + 53'5 2 + 0-46 - 6-382 + 0-791 + 6-905 + 0-468 + 10-88 + 0-87 + 10-88 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-95 -13-04 + 0-95 -17-71 + o-47 -17-71 + 0-47 + 53-5 2 + 0-58 - 6-382 + 0-791 + 6-905 + 0-695 + 10-88 + 0-64 8 + IM22 + 1'2IO + 0-65I + 0765 + 0-449 (+0-&55) + 0-603 (+ 0-674) + 0-68I + 0812 + 0-791 + 0-787 + Q-795 +0-651 + 0-674 8 + 0-687 16 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P. 35 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P. /x Leonis Bradley 2993 S.P.. 44 Leonis Minoris. Groombridge 1119. X Cancri Bradley 2701 S.P.. 11013 Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 9 Leonis Bradley 2701 S.P.. v^ Cancri Bradley i 300... Piazzi IX 254 Piazzi IX. 37 .. Bradley 1399 13 Leonis 22 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 2993 S.P.. X Ursae Majoris .... Bradley 2993 S.P.. X Ursse Majoris.... Bradley 3147 S.P.. 54. Leonis Bradley I 3QQ. 20 Leonis Minoris. X Ursse Min. S.P... tf> Geminorum X Ursse Min. S.P... 85 Geminorum Groombridge 1119. 1 5 Cancri.. Bradley 3147 S.P.. Groom bridge 1 119. Bradley 2701 S.P.. /> 2 Cancri Groomb. 3548 S.P. 10 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P. 22 Leonia Minoris.. Bradley 2993 S.P. 42 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2701 S.P.. 11013 Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 a Lyncis Bradley 1 399 20 Leonis Minoris.. ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 249 Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. 1 Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. a o '3 & Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. 71 Adopted. 1902. Mar. 28 April 7 April 8 Gr Bradley 2993 8. P.. 21 Leonis Minoris.. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 5 1 Ursse Majoris . . . Bradley 3147 S.P.. u Ursie Minoris Bradley 3147 S.P.. 67 Ursse Majoris... Bradley 1672 ... ienwi( W W W W W W E E E E W E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W W :7i continue in B o. 23-61 - o- 13-45 0.22-83 - o- i3"34 - o. 27-84 - 0- I3-39 o. 28-44 - o. 13-03 + o. 13-20 - 0.13-56 aris. o. 52-18 - 0-48-37 o. 46-90 0.48-28 - o- 53'53 o. 48-28 o. 51-20 - -4 8 '33 o. 57-08 o. 48-18 - o. 38-17 o. 48-11 - 0-43-59 o. 48-00 - 0-55-29 o. 48-06 - 0.55-24 - 0.47-96 d. -13-04 + 0-72 -13-04 + 0-80 -1771 + 0-67 -17-71 + 0-95 + 32-57 + '5 - 6-380 + 0-468 + 6-907 + o-495 -13-04 + '54 -17-71 + 0-47 -177' + 0-40 + 32-58 + 0-47 + 10-89 + 0-65 -13-04 + 0-75 -17-70 + 0-67 8 + 0738 (+ 0-686) + 0786 + 0-826 + 0-834 + 0-556 + 0-215 + 0-387 + 0-158 + 0-491 + 0-310 + 0-431 + 0-524 + 0-396 I + 0-762 + 0-327 + 0-336 1902. April 8 April 9 April n 1 Bradley 31478.?.. 67 Ursae Majoris... Bradley 1399 ^aris- E E E - E E E E E W W E W E E E E W W W W W W E E E E E E E E continued. m a - o. 52-24 0.48-10 - 0.45-23 - 0.48-17 - o. 53-32 0.48-17 - 0.53-11 - 0.48-23 - o. 53-82 0.48-21 - c-54'4 1 o. 48-08 o. 39-01 o. 48*40 - o. 39-96 - 0.48-52 - 0.45-24 - 0.48-33 o. 42-90 - 0.48-45 - 0.55-91 - 0.48-17 - 0.55-13 o. 48-40 - 0.56-53 - 0.48-33 - o. 37-03 - 0.48-44 - o. 36-44 - 0.48-47 -17-70 + 0-95 + 10-89 + 0-62 -13-04 + 0-64 -13-04 + o-44 -17-70 + 0-67 -17-70 + 0-91 + 32-59 + 0-50 + 3*'59 + 0-53 + 6-906 + 0-695 + 10-89 + 0-50 -13-04 + 0-89 -13-04 + 075 -17-70 + 0-80 + 32-59 + 0-53 + 32-59 + 0-50 i + O-222 + 0-286 + 0-376 (+o- 3 6z) + 0-305 + 0-340 + 0-293 (+ 0-267) + 0-498 + 0-535 + 0-555 +0-488 + o-443 + o-35 6 (+0-375) 8 +0-315 +0-477 22 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 37 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 41 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 31478.?.. v Ursse Majoris Bradley 31478.?.. Piazzi IX. 146 Bradley 1672 12 CoilliB Bradley 2701 S.P.. 9 Leonis I 3 COQ188 . Piazzi IX. 37 Bradley 1672 i 3 Leonis 1 4. (Jomse Bradley 2993 S.P.. 44 Leonis Piazzi IX 37 Bradley 3147 S.P.. 54 T^eonis a Lyncis Bradley 3147 S.P.. 92 Leonis u, Leonis Bradley 2993 S.P.. 19 Leouis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 35 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 3147 S.P. 51 Ursa; Majoris... Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672 2 I CotB4 -13-04 + 1-257 25 Canum Ven W - o. 17-84 T/ J + 075 -p i tt^> 5 i Ursae Majoris... E - o. 17-75 + 0-80 Bradley 2993 S.P.. E o. 32-02 -13-04 + 1-031 May i Bradley 2993 S.P.. W - 0.37-29 -I3-04 + I-376 51 Ursae Majoris... E - o- '775 + 0-80 37 Leonis Minoris. W o. 18-32 + 075 Bradley 3147 S.P.. E - o. 38-49 -17-70 + 1-128 Bradley 3147 S.P.. W - 0-43-44 -I7-70 + I-368 Piazzi XI. 146 E - o. 17-50 + 0-91 \l> Ursse Majoris .... W o. 17-86 + TOO Bradley 1672...., . W + o. 2476 + 32-61 + 1-334 + 1-199 Bradley 31478.?.. E - o. 38-88 -17-70 + PIII 12 Comae W o. 18*09 + 0-50 v Ursse Majoris W o. 18-48 + 0-6 7 2 Ursae Min. S.P. . W o. 36-67 -13-40 + i'34i Bradley 3147 S.P. W - 0.42-25 -1770 + 1-304 31 Comae W - o. 17-99 + 0-53 92 Leonis W o. 18-65 + 0-40 ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 253 Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular RA.- Observed Transit. Factors. n A pparen t. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. 1 1 Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. May i May 2 May 3 Gre Bradley 1672 enwii E E E E E E E E W w E E W W W w E E W W w w w w E E W W E E li continuei m s + o. 18-83 - o. 18-68 - 0.35-01 o. 18-15 - o. 34-48 o. 18-17 - 1.13-83 o. 18-15 - I.Z3-53 c. 18-19 + o. 17-32 o. 18-70 - 0.37-16 o. 18-29 - 1-23-43 O. l8'22 - 1. 12-47 o. 18-39 - o- 37 '4 o. 18-52 0. 37'22 o. 18-90 r. 23-86 o. 18-43 I. 14-80 o. 1831 + o. 11-51 o. 18-89 + o. 9-10 o. 18-79 1. + 32-62 + '5 -13-40 + 0-88 -13-40 + 0-86 -47-12 + o-87 -47-12 + 0-81 + 32-62 + 0-50 -13-40 + 0-86 -47-11 + 0-86 -47-11 + 0-75 -13-40 + 0-8 1 -13-40 + 0-54 -47-11 + 0-86 -47-11 + 077 + 23-96 + 0-50 + 23-96 + 0-58 s + 1-168 + 1-181 (+''44) + 1-160 + i-3 6 3 + I-I2I + I-323 + 1-359 + I-I30 + I-329 (+ ''3'4) + 1-364 + i'i8o + 1-296 + I-I93 B + 1-254 + 1-234 + 1-259 1902. Sept. 21 Sept. 22 X Ursse Minoris .... 24 Vulpcculse W E W E E E E E W W W w E E E W W w w w E E E E E E E E E E Paris m B + 0. I 2'I 6 o. 1-26 o. 13-86 O. I"26 o. 16-58 o. 1-26 + o. 0-48 o. 1-27 + o. 2-27 o. 1-07 + o. 5' 6 9 - o. 1-07 + o. 2-66 o. 0-92 + o. 7-06 - o. 1-08 + o. 8-42 o. i -08 o. 12-91 o. i -08 - o. 9-59 o. i -i 6 o. 0-09 0. I'22 - o. 2-35 o. 1-14 o. 3-62 O. I'22 + o. 1-48 O. 1-22 + 57-30 + 0-45 -52-99 + 0-45 -52-99 + 0'45 + 6-387 + 0-624 + 13-06 + 0-82 + 1773 + 0-53 + 1773 + 1-03 + 57-30 + 0-92 + 57-3 + 0-92 -52-99 + 075 -52-99 + '45 + 6-393 + 0-586 - 6-899 + 0-784 -10-87 + 076 + 13-06 + 0-76 8 + 0-236 + 0-236 + 0-287 + 0-304 + 0-273 + 0-393 + 0-214 + 0-145 + 0-169 + O'22O + 0-158 + 0-195 + 0-157 + 0-206 + 0-22O a + 0-277 + 0-204 1 2 Corns 2 Ursa? Minoris S.P. 9 Canum Ven Groomb. 1119 S.P. 24 Vulpeculae 2 TTrsae Minoris S.P. Piazzi XIII. 27 Polaris S.P Groomb. 1119 S.P. 24 Vulpeculse Bradley 2701 . 20 Canum Ven Polaris S.P A a Cveni .. Bradley 2993 Groombridge 2043 Bradk-y 1672 Groombridge 3804. Bradley 3 1 47 1 3 Comse .... Bradley 314.7 .. 2 Ursa; Minoris S.P. Piazzi XIII. 27 .... Polaris S.P \f/ Andromedae A Ursse Minoris ... 23 Canum Ven. ... Polaris SP X Ursse Minoris .... 25 Canum Ven. ... 2 UrsaeMinorisS.P. a Canum Ven z UrsaeMinorisS.P. /? Corase Groomb. 1119 S.P. 2C Cvcrni... Groomb. 1 1 19 S.P. 24 Vulpeculse Bradley 2701 Polaris S P 23 Canum Ven. ... Polaris S.P C2 Cvffni Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 72 Cveni... 4536 B. A. C Groombridge 2283. b Bobtis Bradley 1399 S.P.. Piazzi XXII [.65.. Bradley 2003... Groombridge 2283. o Corome Piazzi XXIII. 65 .. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 k 254 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular K.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. 1902. Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 1 Bradley 2001. D am- E E W w E W \V \v W W E E E E W W W W E W E E W W W W E W W E continued. m s + 0. I"22 0. I '2 2 + o. 376 o. 1-17 + O. 2'12 o. 1-17 - o- 3H6 o. 0-98 + o. 5-28 0. 1 '00 + o. 4'i6 o. i 'i 3 - o. 15-56 O.I 'DO + o- 473 o. 0-76 + o. 19-39 o. 0-99 + o. 15-56 o. o'99 + . 4"92 o. 0-65 + . 5-69 o. 0-80 + o- 7-02 o. 0-83 + o. 6-41 o. 0-83 - o. 8-62 o. o 76 + 13-06 + 0-76 + '774 + 0-43 + 1774 + '43 - 4-8^5 + 0-426 + '774 + 0-62 + 1774 + Q'46 -32-52 + 0-56 + 13-41 + 078 + 47-22 + 0-50 + 47-22 + 0-50 + 13-07 + 0-89 + 13-07 + '43 + '774 + '43 + 1774 + o'43 -32-52 + 0-65 8 (+0-198) + 0-285 + 0*190 + 0-472 + 0-367 + 0-306 + 0-440 + 0-435 + 0-436 + o-354 + o-457 + 0-513 + o-454 + 0-419 + 0-539 8 + 0-398 + 0-468 1902. Sept. 26 Sept. 29 v Oct. 2 1 Bradley 1672 S.P.. TT Andromedse 3 am- E E E E E E E E W W Gr E E W E W E E E W W W "W E E E E E E continued. m s o. 15-96 o. 0-76 + o. 4-68 o. 0-84 + o. 19-22 o. 0-84 + o. 18-03 o. 0*84 + 0. 22-20 - o. 077 eemcich. o. 8'6o + o. 5-32 - o. 9-53 + o. 5-30 o. 9-86 + o. 5-31 + o. 2-27 + o. 5-32 + o. 6-78 + o. 5-40 + o. 2-86 + o. 5-49 + O. I 62 + o. 5-35 + o. 472 + o. 5-24 + o. 4-47 + o. 5-24 -32-52 + 0-65 + I3 + I + 0-57 + 47-23 + 0-57 + 47-23 + 0-57 + 47-23 + 0-96 + 57-3I + 0-39 + 57'3' + 0-47 + 57-3I + 079 + 17-04 + 0-78 -10-87 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-46 + 13-07 + 0-43 + 6-40 + 0-70 + 6-39 + 0-70 a + 0-458 + 0-430 (+ '43) + 0-404 + 0-496 -0-245 0-261 (-0-268) -0-188 o-i 19 0-209 -o-295 0-091 -0-135 8 O'220 Piazzi XXIII. 65 .. Bradley 3 14.7. 2 Ursfe Minoris.... T Pegasi Bradley 3147 Polaris . T Pegasi Bradley i 508 S.P.. X Pegasi Polaris T Piscium Polaris Bradley 3147 67 Peeasi .. X Ursse Minoris ... Lalande 39329 X Ursae Minoris .... Berlin 3.7685 X Ursse Minoris.... Bradley 3 147... \1/ Peirusi . . , Bradley 1672 S.P.. 28 AndromedcB 2 UrsB Minoris .... p. Andromedae . .. Polaris v Piscium Polaris . . . Groombridge 3548. v Piscium Bradley 2993 Bradley 1399 ^^ >< Groombridge 3750. Bradley 2993 Bradley 2003 ., X Peeasi .. Bradley 2993 X Pecisi Bradley 3147 T Pegasi . Bradley 2701 Bradley 3147 r Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. TT Andromedse 4/ wo 111 75 Draconis 47 Cvni < ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 255 Transit D Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Ovserved Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 2 Oct. 8 Grei Groombridge 3548. Lund 10053 . nwicl E E W W W W W W E E W E E E E E E E W \v W W W W E E E E W W i continue'^ in s + o. 3-80 + o- 5'3' + o. 2-40 + o- 5-25 + 0- 5'37 + o- 5-3i + o. 3-60 + o. 5-31 + 0- 273 + o. 5-29 + . 4-63 + o. 4-42 + o. 5-23 + o. 4-42 + o. 4-60 + o. 4'35 + o. 4-24 + o- 4-35 + o. 3-18 + o. 4-46 + o. 2-42 + o. 4-40 + o. 474 + . 4-4 + o. 4'44 + o. 4-31 + o. 4-66 + - 4-34 + o. 4-87 + o. 4-43 4-17-04 + 078 + 17-04 + 0-78 -10-87 + 0-46 + 13-07 + '4 6 + i3"07 + 0-81 -52-96 + 75 -52-96 + 0-75 + 6-394 + 0-525 + 6-384 + 0-525 - 6-974 + 0-856 10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-43 + I7-75 + 0-43 + 1775 + 0-46 8 -0-093 -0-175 0-005 0-136 0-209 0-004 0-015 + 0-042 0-019 + 0-163 + 0-172 + 0-027 + 0-010 + 0-019 +0-025 8 0-119 + 0-043 1902. Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Gn Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 1 3 '.enioii W W W W W W W W W W E E E E E E W W W W E E E E E E E E W W h continue m s + o. 1-37 + o. 4-26 + o. 0-54 + o. 4-29 + o. 3-85 + o. 4-49 + o. 3-83 + o. 4-51 + o. 4-2 1 + - 4-39 + o. 3-60 + 0- 4'54 + o. 5-04 + o. 4-45 + o. 477 + o. 4-54 + o. 4-56 + o. 4-50 + o. 3-39 + o. 4-50 + o. 6-38 + o. 4-38 + o. 2-54 + o. 4-49 + o. 6-05 + . 4^9 + o. 6-40 + o. 4-40 + o. 5-70 + o. 4-46 d. -32-49 + 0-85 + 32-49 + 0-85 + 7-280 + 0-730 10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-93 + I7-75 + 0-62 + I7-75 + 0-72 + 7-280 + 0730 + 17-04 + 0-8 1 + 17-04 + 0-47 10-86 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-82 + 1770 + 0-62 + 17-70 + 0-46 a + 0-087 (+0-113) 0-098 + 0-059 -0-OI5 -0-077 + 0-034 + O-OI4 + 0-009 0-068 + O-I21 + 0-168 + 0-II9 + 0-II7 + 0-072 8 O-OI4 + 0-092 Groombridge 3548 72 Cvffni .. Bradley 1672 S.P. 23 Andromedre 76 T)racon : s . Bradley 1399 S.P.. t Pesasi... Bradlev 2003 C 4. CvETlli. . . Bradley 1399 S.P.. TT Pegasi i Pe (r asi .. Bradley 2993 Groomb. 1119 S.P. 16 Cveni.., i Lacertse Bradley 2993 1 5 Lacertse Bradley 3 1 47 . . . Groomb. 1119 S.P. 36 Cvsni... 6? Ptjcasi . Bradley 3147 Bradley 2701 W.B.(a) XXIII. 907 32 VulpeculaB 3 2 VulpeculeB HCvcui .. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. Bradley 2841 Groombridge 3548. Bradley 1399 S.P. TTj Pegasi Groombridge 3548. Bradlev 2993 .. .. Bradley 1399 S.P.. i Lacertre . ;r 2 Pegasi Bradley 2993 \ Pegasi Bradley 2993 Groombridge 3804. Bradley 3 1 47 Bradley 314" T Pegasi Bradley 3147 \lf Pegasi. . . Bradley 3147 256 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF 'LONGITUDE, PARIS -GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Obsevved Transit. Factors. 71 Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 10 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 &n Bradley 1672 S.P.. 23 Andromedee Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 13 tenwi W W E W E W E E E E W W W W W W W W E E E E E E W E E E W W *Jh continue m s O. I "2 I + o. 4-32 O. POI + o. 4-42 o. 0-38 + o. 4-42 + o. 4'99 + o. 4-55 + o. 8-42 + o- 4"5-3 + o. 772 + o- 473 + o. 5'55 + o- 475 + o- 5-55 + o. 475 + - 7"43 + o. 4-52 + o. 3-40 + o. 4-66 + o. 1-68 + o. 4-56 + o. 6-44 + - 4'57 + o. 674 + o- 4-53 + o. 7-36 + o. 4-64 + o. 6-92 + o- 4' 6 3 d. -32-49 + 0-85 -32-49 + 0-85 -3 2- 49 + 0-85 +6-384 + 0-586 + 17-04 + 0-57 + 17-04 + 0-84 + 6-393 + 0-730 + 6-384 + 0730 + 17-04 + 078 - 6-897 + 0-839 -10-87 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 076 + 13-07 + 0-52 + 775 + 0-62 4-1775 + "55 s +0-166 + 0-163 (+0-144) +0-076 +0-236 + 0-185 +0-141 +0-141 +0-179 +0-163 +0-250 + 0-152 +0-176 +0-159 + 0-133 i + 0-171 +0-168 1902. Oct. 1 5 Oct. 1 6 Gn Bradley 1399 S.P.. 7T Pegasi wnwic E E E E W VV W W E W W W E W E E W W W \v W W E W W W E E E E h continue m s + o. 3-54 + o. 4-62 + o. 5-28 + o. 4-58 + O. 6'02 + o. 4-56 + o. 6 59 + o. 4-65 + o. 5-22 + o. 4-65 o. 0-68 + o. 4-61 + o. 3-01 + o. 4-62 + o. 7-20 + o- 4'59 + o. 3-23 + o- 4'54 + o. 1-96 + o. 4-64 + o. 6-57 + o. 4-63 + o. 5-98 + o. 4-58 + o. 6-8 i + o. 4-58 + o. 6-02 + o. 4-56 + o. 0-66 + o. 4-61 d. 10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-82 + '775 + 0-62 + 1775 + 0-62 -32-48 + 0-85 -32-48 + o-54 + 17-04 + o-57 - 6-897 + 0-469 10-86 + 0-97 + 13-07 + 0-46 + 13-07 + 0-52 + 17-70 + 0-91 + 1770 + o-55 32-60 + 0-54 a + 0-094 + 0-056 + 0-II9 + 0-II3 + 0-033 + 0-159 + 0-049 + 0-158 + 0-178 + 0-227 + 0-154 + 0'1 12 + 0-133 + 0-085 + 0-II9 + 0-094 + 0-146 Bradley 2993 7T> Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 13 Bradlev 2003 .. Groombridge 3804 Bradley 3147 75 Draconis 67 Pegasi 52 Cvtrni... Bradley 3147 Groombridge 3548. Cv tr ni.. 67 Peaasi... Bradley 1672 S.P.. 23 Andromedse Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse Groombridge 3548. 74 Cyeni... Bradley 2701 Groombridge 3548. C4. Cvcni... 75 Draconis 54 Cysni Groombridge 3548. Lund 10053 Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 74 Cyeni... Bradley 1399 S.P.. Groombridge 3655. Bradley 2993 Bradley 13998.?.. IT, Pef'asi Bradley 2003... Bradley 2993 i Lacertae Bradley 2003 .. Bradley 3147 1 3 Androm edse Bradley 3147 78 Pp^asi p Pegasi Bradlev 3147 67 Pegasi Bradley 3 14.7... Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedae 78 Pegasi ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 257 Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. C O 1 PI Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. 71 Adopted. 1902. Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 1 8 Or Bradley 16728.?.. ir Andromeda* iemci W w W w w w w w w w w w E E E E W W w w E E E E W W W w E E :7i continue in s - o- i'35 + o. 4-68 o. 1-90 + o. 4-72 + o. 676 + o. 4-66 + o. 6-51 + o. 4-66 + o- 3*96 + o. 4-65 + o. 472 + o. 4-65 + o. 4-21 + o. 4-60 + o. 4-49 + o. 4-58 + o. 4-55 + - 474 + o. 1-31 + o. 4-66 + o. 4-67. + o. 4-61 + o. 4-16 + o. 4-61 + o. 4" 6 7 + o. 4-71 + o. 6-29 + o. 4' 6 7 + o. 3-85 + o. 4-57 d. 32-60 + 0-65 32-60 + 0'59 + '3'4' + 075 + I3'4' + o-95 10-86 + o' 4 6 + 13-07 + 0-46 + 13-07 + 0-63 + 1775 + 0-62 + 1775 + 0-96 + 47'3 + o"55 -10-86 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-76 + 13-07 + '45 + 1775 + 0-43 + 1775 + o-55 a + 0-181 (+0-199) + 0-166 (+ ''49) + 0-061 + o'oo6 0-031 0-005 O'OII 0-072 0-005 -0-037 0-003 +0-094 0-042 O'OI I + 0-023 1902. Oct. 1 8 Oct 2: Gn Bradley 1672 S.P. a Andromedse lenwii I E W W E E E E E E E E E E W W W W E W W W E E E E E E E E h continue in a + o. 4-10 + o. 4-57 + o. 1-42 + o. 4-70 + o. 5-95 + o. 478 + o. 4-65 + o. 4-68 + o. 3-19 + o. 4-66 + o. 4-02 + o. 4-83 + o. 4-83 + o. 4'55 + - 5'95 + o. 4-67 + o. 6-99 + o. 4-52 + o. 5-41 + o. 4-49 o. 0-69 + o. 4-65 + o. 1-65 + . 4'43 + o. 6-03 + o. 4-66 + o. 7-25 + o. 4-63 + o- 7-I5 + o. 4-63 d. -32-47 + '54 -32-47 + 0-56 + 17-05 + 0-84 - 6-894 + 0-927 10-86 + 0-64 10-86 + 0-97 + 13-07 + 0-46 + i3'07 + 0-82 + 1775 + 0-62 + '775 + 0-65 -32-47 + 0-85 -32-47 + 0-96 + 13-42 + 0-75 +47'33 + 0-45 + 47-33 + -45 s + 0-014 + 0-099 + 0-072 + 0-004 (+0-128) + 0'o68 + O'O22 + 0-104 + 0-144 + 0-054 + 0-160 +0-083 +0-108 (+ o'S 6 ) + 0-054 + 0-091 Bradley 1672 S.P.. 8 Andromedae Bradley 1672 S.P.. 28 Andromedae .... Groombridge 3548. 74 Cv^ni 2 Ursse Minoris.... W.B. (2)0. 1172... 2 Ursse Minoris ... 41 Andromedae Bradley 1399 S.P.. i Pegasi Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 7: Cveni. .. Bradley 1399 S.P.. Leiden 9262 Bradley 2003... Bradley i 399 S.P.. Groombridge 3655. Bradley 2993 i Pegasi Brad lev 2003 .. 38 Pegasi Bradley 3147 . i Pegasi Bradley 2993 67 Pegasi Bradley 714.7 .. Groombridge 3804. Bradley 3 1 47 K Andromedee Polaris 67 Pegasi ...* 78 Pegasi Bradley 1399 S.P.. i Lacertse Lalande 47034 Bradley 1672 S.P.. Bonn 134 Bradley 2993 Bradley 1672 S.P. Piazzi 74. i LiK-ertae Bradley 2003... 2 TJrsae Minoris... W.B. (2)0. 1172... Polaris J W> u. Pesasi Bradley 3147 T Pegasi Bradley 3147 Polaris 78 Pegasi Piscium 258 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902, Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 2 5 Gr Polaris eemoi W E W W E E E E E W W W w E W W E E E E E W W W W W W ch continue m s + o. 8-46 + o. 4-64 + o. 3-87 + o. 478 + o. 5-19 + . 4-54 + o. 3-80 + o- 4'54 + o. 3'i9 + o. 4-56 + o. 5-63 + o- 4-83 + o. 2-15 + o. 4-81 + o- 7'43 + o. 4-81 + o. 8-8 i + o. 4-73 + o. 273 + o- 473 + o. 2-35 + 0- 473 Pan's. + o. 4-66 + o. 1-03 - - 377 + o. 0-97 - o. 3-15 + o. 1-34 d. + 47'33 + 0-50 - 6-897 f 0-776 10-86 + 076 + 13-07 + 0-76 + '775 + o-43 + 1775 + 0-72 -3*'4 6 + o'54 -32-46 + '54 + 47'33 + 0-56 +47-33 + 0-56 + 47-33 + 0-56 10-86 + 0-82 + 13-07 + 0-81 + '775 + '45 s + 0-082 + 0-119 0-056 0-060 -0-079 +0-047 + 0-081 -0-079 + 0-087 -0-043 ( 0-051) 0-311 -0-387 o-z6o g + 0-OI I 1902. Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 1 3 aris- E E 1 E E E W w E W E E W E E W W W w W W w w w w w E E W E continued. m s o. O'z6 + o. 1-34 + o. 672 + o. i -06 - o. 0-57 + 0. I'2S o. 4-26 + o. 1-33 o. 8-14 + o. 1-33 + o. 5-80 + - 0-63 + o. S+S + o. 0-63 - o- 775 + o. 0-86 o. 7-62 + o. 078 - o. 7-27 + o. 078 + o- H75 + o. 0-69 + o. 6-32 + o. 072 + o. 5-87 + o. 071 o. 9-96 + o. 0-60 - o. 11-94 + o. 0-63 + 1775 + 0-jO -32-46 + 0-96 + 13-42 + 7 8 + 47-34 + 076 + 47-34 + 7 6 + '775 + 0'43 + 1775 + 0-43 -32-46 + 0-65 -32-46 + 0-53 -32-46 + '53 + 47-35 + o-57 + 1775 + 0-91 + I7-75 + 0-55 -3^45 + 0-85 -3^45 + 0-65 -0-093 + 0-169 -0-144 O'I20 O-2OJ + 0-299 + 0-280 + 0*260 + 0-255 (+ 0-244) + 0-30I + 0-333 (+ 0-300) + 0-317 + 0-380 a 0'2I I + 0-280 + 0-332 v Piscium gc Peorasi Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. Lund 10053. . Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 74 2 TJrsse Minoris.... u. AndroiuedcG Bradley 1399 S.P.. I Lacertse Polaris Bradley 2993 S.P. i Lacertse 47 Andromedae Polaris Bradley 3 14.7. 47 Andromedse Bradley 3147 T Pegasi Bradley 3147 W.B.(2)XXIII. 9 o7 Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse T Pesasi . . liradlBV 3 1 4.7 T Pegasi . . Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse Bradley 1672 S.P.. Polaris Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Trianguli Polaris Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Trianguli Polaris a Trianguli Bradley 1399 S.P.. Groombridge 3804. Bradley 200'?.., Bradley 3147 13 Andromedaa Bradley 3147... 78 Pegasi . Bradley 1672 S.P.. 23 Andromedae Bradley 1672 S.P.. 18 Lacertse Bradley 3147 /* Pegasi ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 259 Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tubular K.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1902. Oct. 28 Oct. 29 (lot. 31 1 2 Ursse Minoris W.K (2) 0. 1172... Bradley 1399 S. P. PiazziXXII. 65 ... Bradley 2993 "aris- E E W W W W E E W E E E W E E E W W W W E E E E E E W W E W continued. m s + o. 4-52 + o. 078 - o- 5'23 + o. 079 + o. 6-51 + o. 097 + o. 7-19 + o. 0-72 + . 8'53 + o. 0-84 o. 15*90 + o. o'8o - o. 16-33 + o. 0-80 + o- 5-85 + o. 0-85 + o. 6-98 + o. 0-87 + o. 25-1 1 + o. 0-80 + o. 21-31 + o. 0-85 - o. 3-83 + o. 0-51 + o. 4-05 + o. 0-60 + o. 8-44 + o. 0-58 + o. 6-27 + o. 0-60 + 13-42 + 75 10-86 + 0-76 + 13-07 + 0-82 + 1776 + Q'9 1 + 17-76 + 0-92 -32+5 + 0-85 -3*'4S + 0-85 + 13-42 + 078 + i3 - 42 + 0-70 + 47'3 6 + 0-76 + 47-36 + 0-56 10-86 + 0-64 + 13-07 + 0-82 + '775 + 0-62 + 1775 + -55 + 0-295 + 0-518 + 0-452 + 0-384 + 0-457 + 0-502 +'5'5 +0-396 + 0-480 + 0-522 + '437 + o-377 + 0-281 + '459 + 0-330 a + 0-461 1902. Oct. 31 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Bradley 16728.?.. Piazzi 0. 13 Pa> W W E W W W E E E E W E W E W W E E E E W E E W W W E E E E is continue m a - o- 'S'S' + o. 0-64 o. 1 1-24 + o. 0-73 + o. 6-62 + o. 0-68 + o. 5-54 + o. 0-65 + o. 18-32 + o. 0-53 + o. 21-23 + o. 0-53 + 0. 2 I -49 + o. 0-53 - o. 12-44 + o. 0*24 o. 10-50 + o. 0-14 + o. 4-45 + o. 0-28 + o. 5-15 + o. 0-28 + o. 13-45 + o. 0-47 + o. 16-88 + o. 0-48 - o. 3-23 + 0. O-2O + o. 3-94- + o. 0-34 i. -32-45 + 0-85 -32-45 + 0-65 + I3'4 2 + 078 + 13-4* + 070 +47-36 + 076 +47-36 + 076 +47-36 + 076 -3*"45 + 0-85 -32H5 + 0-96 + 13-42 + 078 + 13-42 + 078 +47-37 + 0-96 +47-37 + 0-90 10-86 + 0-81 + 13-07 + 0-80 8 + 0-485 + 0-362 + OH70 + 0-384 + 0-382 + 0-444 (+ 0-450) + 0-38I + 0-3I9 + 0-330 + 0-385 + 0-280 +Q-353 + 0-294 + 0-294 I + 0-409 + -342 Bradley 16728.?.. TT Auiiromedpe 2 Ursae Minoris ... u. Andromeda^ .... Groornbridge 3804. Bradley 3147 2 Ursai Minoris ... 8 Andrornedse . ... 13 Andromedee Bradlev 3 14.7... Polaris 47 Andromedae Polaris 2 Andromedie... Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 1 3 47 Andromedee Polaris Bradley 16728.?.. Piazzi 1 3 47 Andromedae Bradley 1672 8.P.. Bonn i 34. 2 Ursae Minoris ... u, Andromeda} .... 2 Ursie Minoris .... /3 Andromeda; Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 74... . Polaris 2 Ursse Minoris u. Andromeda? 47 Andromeda) Polaris 2 Ursse Minoris a Trian ( *uli . . . Bradley 1399 S. P.. IT,, Pei'asi Polaris Y Andromedse Polaris Bradley 2993 Groombridge 3804. Bradley 3 1 47 . . Bonn 1434 Bradley 1399 S.P.. 67 Pegasi Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi Bradlev 200?... 260 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREEXWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit C Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. 1902. Nov. 3 1 Bradley 3147 y aris- E E W W W W E W W W W W W w ; E E E E continued. m s + o. 6-34 + o. 0-03 + o. 7-29 + o. 0-33 - o. 15-38 + o. 0-27 o. 11-69 + O. O'2I + o. 5.99 + o. 0-44 + o. 6-42 + 0. 0-26 + 0.23-62 + o. 0-33 + o. 19-25 + o. 0-19 + o- '573 + o. 0-19 + 1776 + 0-47 + 1776 + 0-55 -32-44 + 0-85 -32-44 + 0-56 + 13-42 + 0-78 + 13-42 + 0-57 +4T37 + 0-76 +47-37 + 0-77 +47-37 + o-77 8 + 0-365 + 0-404 + 0-470 + 0-361 + 0-439 (+ 0-479) +o'5oo +0-409 !+"334) H +0-399 1902. Nov. 4 1 Bradley 1399 S.P.. Groombridge 3804. D am- W W W W E E W E E E W E E E E E W W continued. m s - o. 4-63 + o. 0-28 + o. 4-86 + o. 0-28 + o. 5-88 + O. 0-02 + o. 7-31 o. 0-07 - o. 11-73 0. 0-02 - . H'47 0. O'OO + o- 4'5' + o. 0-14 + o. 17-36 O. O"O2 + o. 20-93 + o. 0-39 10-86 + 0-82 + I3-07 + 0-82 + 17-76 + 0-91 + 1776 + 0-55 -32'44 + 0-46 -32+4 + '45 + 13-42 + o-95 + 47-38 + 0-5 + 47-38 + 0-96 s + 0-420 + 0-374 + 0-348 + 0-429 + 0-356 + 0-440 + 0-350 +0-371 +0-442 8 + 0-38 9 Bradley 3147 78 Pe<*asi Groombridge 3804. Bradley 3 1 47 Bradley 1672 S.P.. Bonn 134 13 Andromedae Bradley 3147 Bradley 1672 S. P.. 28 Andromedse .... 2 Ursse Minoris. ... //. Andromedae 78 Pe CT asi Bradley 1672 S.P.. \h Pe"asi 2 Ursfe Minoris T Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 148 Polaris 2 Ursse Minoris 41 Andromedse 47 Andromeda; Polaris Piazzi I. 170 v Pisciuin . Polaris Piazzi I. 170 XII. VALUES OF THE INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS I, m, AND n. In the following tables the values of I (the level-error) converted into seconds of time, the values of n and the deduced values of m are collected. The values of m are derived from the adopted values of I (the level-error) and n by the formula, m = (I n sin X) sec. X where X is the latitude. The adopted values for X are : Latitude of Greenwich 51 28' 39" N. ,, Paris 48 50' 10" N. TABLE OF INSTRUMENTAL ERKORS. 261 Transit B. Date. I n m Date. n m Date. l n m Pterit, Paris. Paris continued. 1902. - 8 8 1902. 8 :.| 8 8 1902. 8 8 s Mar. 1 8 + 0-053 1-401 + 1-681 Apr. 28 +0-198 + 2-592 -2-667 Oct. 10 -0-0,9 +0-340 -0479 '9 -0-374 -0+53 -0-049 29 +0-246 + 2-601 2 '6O2 '3 + 0-01 1 | +0-438 -0-485 20 -0-371 0-265 0-260 '4 + -95 , +'457 -0-379 23 -'359 -0-235 -0-274 May i +0-115 + 2-116 2-246 '5 + 0-036 + 0-437 -'445 25 0-291 O'l 14 0-310 3 +0-229 + 2-401 -2-397 16 + 0-132 + 0-446 0-310 28 o- 1 1 1 + 0-086 0-267 17 + 0-189 + 0-496 0-280 Greenwich. 21 + 0-166 + 0-503 -0-324 Greenwich. Sept. 21 0-050 0-038 O-O32 22 + 0-199 + 0-494 0-264 Apr. 6 8 10 12 + 0-043 + 0-103 0-032 0-063 + 1-048 + 1-127 -1-1-698 + 1-963 -1-249 1-251 2-184 -2-567 22 23 24 25 26 0-O2O 0-OI4 -0-045 -0-077 -0-045 +0-034 +0-060 0-014 0-036 0-072 -0-075 -0-097 -0-055 -0-078 + 0-018 Oct. 25 26 27 Green + 0-015 0-031 0-070 icich. + 0-638 + 0-642 + 0-623 -0-777 -0-855 -0-894 ! 3 17 18 o- 101 0-083 0-084 + ''939 + 0-829 + 0-882 - -174 - "243 Paris. 2 9 30 + 0-007 0-05 i + 0-703 + 0-644 -0-871 0-890 20 -0-088 +0-927 - -305 Oct. 6 + 0-124 + 0-650 0-556 Nov. i -0-085 + 0-582 0-867 22 -0-055 + 0-963 -298 7 + 0-160 + 0-656 0-508 2 0-003 + 0-760 -0-959 23 0-113 + 1-031 - '477 8 0-025 +0*420 ' 0-5 18 3 -0-039 + 0-635 o'86o 24 -0-159 + 1-017 - -548 9 0*092 + 0-407 0-605 4 -0-053 + 0-635 0-884 Transit C. Greemoich. Greemoich. Greenwich continued. Mar. 17 '9 20 21 22 23 25 -0-531 -0-034 + 0-050 +0-450 +0-067 +0-481 + 0-155 +' 6 79 + 0-095 +0-853 + 0-099 +' 8 33 + 0-089 -1-0-966 0-810 -0-485 0-496 0-604 -0919 -0-888 1-071 April 27 28 May i 2 3 0-041 O'OO2 -0-025 -0054 0-Olg + 1-199 + 1-316 + 1-254 + 1-259 -I-57I -1-656 1-615 -I-637 I '6 I 2 Oct. 9 10 12 H 15 16 17 -0-086 0-069 0-051 -0-049 0-098 o 098 0-182 + 0-014 + 0-092 +0-171 +0-168 + 0-094 +0-146 O'OI 1 O'I2O 0-227 -0-297 0-284 -0-275 -0-340 0-278 27 0-009 +0-687 -0-875 / 18 0-I2I +0-023 O-224 28 0-013 +0-762 -0-979 Paris. 21 O'lOI + 0-091 -0-277 Paris. 22 -0-147 + O'OI I 0-25O April 7 ! +0-109 + 0-327 0-209 Sept. 21 0-O29 + 0-277 0-360 8 +0-135 + 0-336 -0-179 22 0-083 + 0-204 -0-358 Paris. 9 +0-239 +0-315 + 0-003 24 + 0-035 +0-398 0-401 n . +0-272 + o-477 0-126 26 + 0-059 + 0-468 -0-445 13 -0-245 + 0-233 -0-639 Oct. 25 + 0-172 O-2I I + O-502 H 0-107 + 0-419 0-641 27 + O'OI I + O-28O -0-303 17 18 0-128 -0-043 + '343 + 0-443 -0-586 Greemoich. 28 29 + 0-064 +0-237 + O-332 + 0-461 0-283 0-167 19 + 0-081 + 0-652 0-624 3' +0-199 + 0-409 O-|67 20 + 0-031 + 0-530 -0-559 Sept. 29 O-I50 O"222 + 0-038 21 + 0-064 +0-562 -0-546 Nov. 2 + 0-141 + O'342 0-178 23 +0-064 + 0-569 -'554 Oct. 2 -0-157 -0-II9 O-IO4 3 +0-219 + 0-399 0-I24 24 +0-086 + 0-605 0-562 8 -0-077 + 0-043 -0-I78 4 +0-179 + 0-389 -0-174 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 262 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. XIIL CATALOGUE OF STARS. The following stars were selected by M. Lcewy for observation during the longitude work, and their mean R.A. for 1902'0 was computed at the Paris Observatory under his direction. This quantity which is the mean of the Right Ascensions taken from all available catalogues, reduced to the required epoch and corrected to make them consistent with Newcomb's Equinox as explained in the section relating to stars used for Azimuth Error on p. 235, is given in Column 3 of the following Table. Ephemerides of apparent places were computed from these, also under M. Loswy's direction, and these were compared with the observed transits, corrected for collimation, azimuth, and level, to find a preliminary clock error. The mean of all the clock errors deduced from the stars in each group of observations was then subtracted from the clock error from each individual star to find the apparent error of the ephemeris of that star : and the mean of these errors for each star from all the observations by each observer with the sign changed is given in Columns 5, 7, 9 and 11, the number of observations being given in Columns 6, 8, 10 and 12. In Column 13 the adopted corrections to the computed ephemeris are given, formed by combining the results found by the different observers with weights proportional to the number of observations. These corrections were applied to the apparent places of the ephemerides in calculating the final clock errors. This descrip- tion does not apply to the circumpolar stars given in the list. In these cases the Tabular Right Ascension and corrections given in Column 13 are repeated from page 236. Name of Star. Magnitude. Tabular Eight Ascension, I9O2'O. Approximate Declination. Correction to Epliemeris. Bigourdan. Lam-din. Dyson. Hollis. Adopted Means. Corr. w. Corr. W. Con-. W. Corr. \v. Corr. w. Cephei 51 5'3 5'i 6-5 57 3-2 5'3 4-2 4'9 37 5 '4 5' 5'3 5-8 5'i y h m s 6.54.43-23 7- 4-54'99 7. 8.42-40 7. 11.13-48 7. 14. 16-28 7- '7-*i'44 7.29.53-11 7.32.46-25 7.38.31-96 7.41. 11-39 7.47. 30-08 7.49.5678 7.55. 0-16 7. 57. 30-07 8. o. 12-97 + 87. 12 + 39-29 + *5. 5 + 41. 4 + 22. IO + 40. 52 + *7- 7 + 34-49 + H-38 + 33-4 + 27. i + 20. 10 + 25.40 + 28. 4 + 88. 56 a 8 8 + 0-62 o-oo o-oo o-oo O'OO O'OO o-oo O'OO O'OO O'OO + 0-01 + 0'OI +0-03 O'O2 0-46 '$ 5 5 5 63 Aurigse ... O'O2 + 0-02 + 0-04 O-O5 O-O5 O'OO 2 2 2 2 2 I -0-13 0-07 0-03 O'lO +0-03 +0-03 +0-04 O'OO I I 2 2 3 3 4 3 52 Gemiiiorum 64 Aurigse 8 Geininoruin 66 Aurigce ... v Geminorum o Geminorum +0-04 O'O2 O'OI O'OI O'O2 O-O5 I I 3 2 I 2 TT Geminorum Geminorum 85 Geminorum .... to 1 Cancri 6 Cancri Groombridge 1119. CATALOGUE OF STARS. 263 Name of Star. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1901 'o. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Bigourdan. Lancelin. Dyson. HollU. Adopted Means. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. Corr. W. ft Cancii 5 2 S'S 56 5' 2 4'4 5'9 i 9 O'O 4-' 6-2 S'S 4"2 5'6 4'7 S' i] 3-8 3 '4 4'6 4'5 4'4 4-6 6-; 6-5 J'l 6-6 4'i 5'2 6-0 46 6-5 6-6 3-6 5-0 4'4 57 6-3 4-8 5'o 5-4 6-3 3'9 4'3 6-2 5-i 5-8 3'2 2-8 37 h ill 8 8. 1.59-92 8. 4. 33'o6 8. 7. 4-56 8. 14. 6-80 8. 16. 7-82 8. 20. 30-17 8. 22.48-21 8. 26. 32-88 8. 40. 46-15 8. 46. 45-86 8.50.53-84 8. 54. 16-85 8.57. 0-58 9. o. 17-89 9. 3.43-61 9- 7-23-83 9- 9' '3'45 9- i2-44'94 9.15. 5-23 9. 18. 56-92 9.23. 8-58 9. 26. 7-84 9-28. 13-35 9.32. i3'54 9. 36. 0-28 9.40. 17-41 9. 44. 12-86 9.47. 11-48 9.51.41-09 9.55.21-78 10. i. 39-09 10. 5. 4-64 10. 9. 28-78 10. 1 1. 11-40 10. 15. 28-07 10. 22. 13-17 10. 26. 17-65 10. 30. 44-08 10. 33. 12-43 10. 38. 5-36 10. 40. 25-06 10. 44. 30-66 10. 47. 50-00 10. 50. 18-51 10.52. 7-67 10. 53. 58-88 10. 59. 4-42 ii. 4. 9'43 II. 8.53-88 II. 13. 11-26 / + 21. 52 + 25 49 + 29.58 + 27-32 + 43-3I + 28.13 + 24.30 + 38.22 + 29. 8 + 28.43 + 33- i + 42. ii + 24. 50 + 38-51 + 22. 27 + 43-38 + 35- 3 + 37- H + 34- 49 + 26.37 + 81.46 + 23-27 + 36.51 + 25. 8 + 26. 22 + 24.14 + 4- 5 + 26. 29 +41. 32 +32.25 +35.44 + 41- 9 + 31.58 + 43-25 + 84.45 + 37- 13 + 32. 54 + 36.5' + 32.3 + 23-43 + 3i-i3 + 28.30 + 34-45 + 25-17 + 78.18 + 40-58 + 38.47 + 45- 2 + 21. 4 + 33-38 i s H 8 0'02 + 0-04 O'O2 O'O3 0-09 + 0-08 + 0-03 + 0-05 +0-01 -0-13 + 0-05 +0-03 + O'o6 + O-O2 + O J 02 O-O3 + O'02 -o 03 +0-03 I 2 5 7 6 6 3 2 6 6 5 4 3 4 4 6 6 s 00 O'OO o-oo o 03 0-09 +0-07 +004 +0-04 + O'OO 0-12 +0-05 + O'02 + 0-05 + 0-01 O'OI O'OI + 0-03 0-05 o-oi +0-01 +0-45 0-08 0-05 O'O2 + 0-04 0-04 0-03 + 0-03 + 0-01 +0-03 + O'02 0-04 +0-03 0-04 0-06 o-oo O'OO +0-06 o-oi O'OO O'OI + 0'02 O'OO +0-04 O'OO 0-06 +0-04 0-04 0-03 o-oi 7 7 8 8 4 8 8 8 9 9 8 IO n 15 H 5 3 6 10 18 21 25 21 16 18 18 '3 '3 1 1 20 21 21 '9 23 2 5 2 4 23 2 4 2 S 25 2 S i/f 2 Cancri i 5 Cancri X Cancri 3 i Lvncis o + 29. 8 + 27- 59 + 27.52 + 44. 20 + 25-34 + 42. o a + 0-03 + 0-03 o 06 I 3 I + 0-10 + 0-10 +0-08 + 0-05 O'OI I s 0-07 0-03 O'Ol O'Ol O'OI + 008 O'OO + 0'I I 0-03 0-06 + 0-O2 0-08 3 i 4 7 7 7 4 12 9 1 1 12 8 s O'OI 40-01 O'OO 0-04 +0-04 +0-03 + O'I2 o'O4 0-04 + 0-01 0-09 3 4 8 8 IO 4 4 9 IO IO 5 B O-OO -1-0-03 + 0-G2 + 0'01 0-03 + 0-06 + 01 + 0-11 0-04 o-oi + 0-01 0-09 + 0-43 + 0-03 40-03 +0-04 O'OO +0-04 0-09 O'OI 0'02 o-io 40-06 + 0-02 + 0-05 + 0-O2 O-O5 O'Ol 0'01 o-oo + O-02 + O'O6 O - O3 + O"OI o-oo +0-04 0-09 O'Ol o-oi +0-03 + o'o6 0-18 + O'01 o-oi -0-08 4 01 O'OO +0-07 0-07 +0-05 5 7 12 23 '9 17 '9 24 30 32 2 5 18 7 12 25 34 4 1 22 38 28 39 29 29 2 4 3 10 1 1 29 38 27 3' 3 '7 9 8 10 21 2 5 20 '3 30 35 2 7 2 4 21 '9 1 1 10 Piazzi XI. 146 Groombrklge 1830. Groombridge 1841. 67 Ursse Majoris... Piazzi XII. 3 O'OO + 0-08 0-04 +0-03 o-oo 6 5 5 5 2 + O-O2 + 0-13 O-07 + 0-08 O'OO O'lO 5 3 7 6 i 5 4 Comae 2 Canum Ven Bradley 1672 ... 12 Comse O'OO 2 O'OO 0-06 +0-03 i i 9 O'O2 +0-04 + 0'O2 2 6 + 0-06 + 0-04 +0-07 4 6 8 i 3 Com0e 14 Com* i 5 Comse +0-04 OMO 0-04 O'OO 0-08 +0-07 + O-O2 + 0-03 O'CO 0-04 -0-13 O'OI O'OO O'OO + 0-06 O'O2 + O-QI O'OO -0-08 O'OI O'OO + 0-04 +0-05 -0-14 4- o-oi + 0'OI 0-07 + 0-03 + 0-01 + 0-06 0-05 + 0'I I 7 7 5 9 5 i3 12 4 2 I 6 8 12 II IO 12 7 4 4 10 12 6 9 12 '4 12 IO I I 5 3 2 +0-05 0-09 O-O2 -0-13 + 0-06 + 0'I2 + 0-06 0-05 0'O2 12 12 IO 12 IO '6 7 4 5 + O-O2 O'lO O'Ol -0-03 0-06 +0-05 +0-07 +0-08 o-oo -0-08 O'OI 4 IO 7 6 8 6 4 7 2 I +0-03 0-06 O'OI 0-03 O'lO +0-05 O'OO + O-02 + O-QI 0-05 + 0-06 O'02 + O'OI +0-03 + 0-08 0-03 + O-O2 O'OO +0-04 (0-25) O'O2 + O'O2 + 0-03 -0-27 o-oo O'O2 o-io +0-03 0-03 +0-08 0-06 0-05 1 1 12 IO 12 5 8 1 1 8 6 5 3 5 7 9 5 9 9 3 3 i 2 5 3 2 5 7 5 4 2 3 3 3 23 Comse 9 Canuni Yen GiMombridge 1919- 30 Comoe 3 i Comas 35 Coinse .. a Canuni Ven 14 Cnnum Ven 1 5 Canum Ven 17 Canum Ven. ... /8 Comse O'OO + 0-01 + 0-06 0-03 0-05 O'OI + 0-II -0-13 O'OI 0-03 +0-04 +0-07 + O'02 O'03 0-07 O'OI O'O2 + o - o6 0-09 +0-09 7 9 4 6 4 2 I 3 4 7 6 10 12 '4 9 9 7 IO 5 4 O-O2 +0-05 +0-04 0-06 +0-01 O'OO + O'O2 0-04 O'OO O-O2 O-02 + O'O2 O-26 + O'O2 O'lO + 0'02 + 0-03 + 0-15 + 0-03 7 8 7 6 5 5 5 i 2 2 2 I 2 I I I I I I Piazzi XIII. 27.... 19 Canum Ven 20 Canum Ven 23 Canum Ven Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombridge 1986. Groombridge 2008. Piazzi XIII. 136... 25 Canum Ven I Bootis Groombridge 2043. Groombridge 2047. B. F. 1898 B. F. 1905 Piazzi XIII. 235... 9 Bniitis ... 1 1 Bootis Piazzi XIII. 316... d Bcbtis Groombridge 2089. CATALOGUE OF STARS. 265 Name of Star. g 1 1 s -58 + 30. 21 + 36- 8 + 43-41 + 82. 10 + 27.41 +40.47 + 4'- 57 + 43-32 + 29.48 + 29.50 + 37.38 + 0-06 + 0-07 0-04 o - o6 0-07 0-O2 + 0-II 0-05 +0-03 O'OO -o-i i 0-03 0-06 + O'O2 0-09 0-05 0-06 + 0-04 O'O2 +0-08 O'OI + 0-02 + 0-10 o-oo + O-O2 O'OI O'lO + O'O1 2 4 6 6 1 1 7 '7 18 16 3 I 2 2 3 2 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 3 4 I I I l O'OO + 0-02 O'OI 0-04 o-oi O"O2 + 0'1 I +0-07 O'OO + 0'1 I + 0-08 + 0-05 O-O2 O-O7 0-O7 0*04 + o - o6 +0-05 +0-08 + 0'01 + 0-06 +0-07 +0-04 + 0-02 0-03 0-07 II 5 '3 '3 1 1 1 1 9 '5 4 2 7 6 4 5 6 6 5 4 5 5 7 8 8 8 4 s O'O3 + O'I I 0-03 + O-QI O'O2 + 0'08 O-O2 0-02- 0-04 O'O2 OO + 0-05 O'OO O-02 O'OO + 0-05 4-0-04 + 0-01 + 0'O2 + 0-05 O"O4 o-oo O'Ol + O'O2 0-08 -0-07 I I I I I I I I I I 3 3 3 I 2 2 I I 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 H o-oo +0-06 O'OO + 0-03 +0-06 O'll + 0-06 +004 O'OI O'OO + O'OZ + O'O2 4-0-02 0-05 f 0-05 0-03 + 0-03 O-02 0-03 O'OZ -O'o8 O'OO + 0-05 O'OO + O-O2 0-04 +0-01 + 0-06 3 3 3 I 2 I 2 3 1 4 I 2 1 I 3 4 8 + O'OI +0-05 O-O2 0-04 O'O2 O'O2 + 0'I I +0-01 +0-03 O'OO O'O2 + 0-06 + O'O2 + 0-01 0-05 0-05 0-04 +0-05 + O'O2 + 0-07 + 0'OI +0-04 + 0-06 + 0'02 + 0'OI O'O2 0-08 0-03 o-oo + 0'O2 O'OI 0-03 + O'O2 +0-04 +0-45 O'OO +0-04 0-04 0-03 O'OO 17 13 24 21 21 23 17 34 20 22 7 9 1 1 9 12 9 12 '3 9 10 12 12 1 1 13 '5 '5 9 9 15 '5 1 1 14 16 '4 '9 21 '9 Groom t Bridge 2 loo.. p Bocitis Bodtis c Bob'tis... . * ... 8 Cvcni Q Cvttii . . Groonibridg<; 2889. Groombridge 2912. i c Cveni... IQ Cvcni.. i 3 Vulpeculse 2 c Cvffni... 20 Vulpeculse 24 Vulpeculas 2 6 Cvcni . . Groombridge 3140. y Cygni Berlin B. 7685 Lalande 39329 +0-05 + 0-01 0-03 + 0-06 +0-07 4 4 2 3 2 + O'O2 0-0} O-03 O'OZ + 0-01 7 8 7 6 8 O'OO +0-05 O'OI + 0-06 +0-05 2 2 I 2 2 40 Cvcni .. 42 Cvtnri .. 44 C\ 7cr ni 47 CvTin . Bradley 2701 75 Draconis 4Q Cv o. 34- j 10. 38. I 10. 45 i 10. 48. 10. 50. 'o- 55- : ii. 28. 11. 53. 9*515 10*350 10*360 12. 7. 12. 15. 7-64 34-19 2 '53 55-21 20*62 40*08 8*41 4 s '99 9*85 2*38 37'3 z 4276 58-44 I2'283 12. 15. 48-35 IO'4OO 9-390 I 1 "906 10-400 10-400 9- 33- 3'5 6 9- 3 6 - 50-47 9.41. 7-48 9-45- 3' 2 5 9.48. i - 66 9- 5 2 - 3'"5 9. 56. I2"oS 10. 2. 29*48 10. 16. 30*37 10. 21. 43'3I 10. 27. 7-98 10. 38. 55*64 10. 41. 15-44 10. 45. 21 -OI io. 47. 40-40 10. 51. 8-83 11. 9.44-09 11.14. '7' 20-15 39'4> 7-86 48-28 53-88 5f33 18-37 I'n 26-92 44-36 7-22 337' 2"II 54-88 20-24 39-63 8-07 48-46 19*08 i-8 5 36-95 42-40 41-34 3-18 50*08 7*10 2-78 1*27 31*02 n-66 29-04 27-53 46-11 55' 2 4 15-00 20-58 39'94 8-42 4370 1-25 33' 21 52-58 21-05 ' '47 7-08 3i '34 14-07 40*01 58-42 2O '2 I 4675 I4-98 7-84 33-20 52-58 2I"05 ''47 34-26 14-81 49-98 55'37 49-82 34-99 ' 49-82 15-90 272 19-76 15-41 '3'93 437' 24-29 41-65 39-63 58-89 20-18 7-83 27-58 33''9 5 2 "57 21-04 5 6 '35 13-80 -46-94 -46-83 -46-81 -46-81 -46-80 47 -06 47*03 47*04 46*91 45 '94 47-01 46-96 47''3 47-04 47 '4 47-05 47-02 46-91, -44*82 47-04 46*97 47-03 41*52 45''7 -47-28 -47*3 6 -47'34 -47-37 -47 '34 -47'3' -47'37 -47'39 -47'90 -47-22 47*41 47'4 2 47-39 -47-38 47-45 46-95 -46*84 46*82 46-82 46*81 -47 "07 -47 '04 -47*05 -47*02 -46*97 -47*14 -47*05 -47*05 -47-06 -47'3 -47*00 -47-04 -46-97 -47'03 -47-29 -47'37 -47'35 -47-38 -47'35 -47'3 2 -47-38 -47-40 47 '39 47-42 47-42 47'39 47-37 -47'38 -47'35 -47-45 GHEENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 in 270 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. * Position. No. of Wires R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. >* 1) g *" P t: -*-: o *J ^ aj Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. S-a ill o "ve a Clock Apparently Slow at i2 h Sidereal. 1902 March 25. Cephei 51 W E E E E E E E E E E E E W W W W W IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 10 10 4 9 9 7 r 10*701 12792 M F| 10-288 H-587 IO*4OO J) l| '0-357 9-199 10*400 i ii h m s 6. 1-5. 48*10 6. 55. 48 *6o 7- 5- 44-97 7- 9- 32-21 7- ii. 3'48 7. 15. 6-03 7. 17. 11-48 7. 20. 14*28 7. 20. 20-95 7. 48. 20*02 7,49.46*63 7. 55. 50*09 7. 58. 19*99 8. i. 56*58 8. i. 50*55 8. 21. 20*l8 8. 23. 38*28 8. 27. 23*06 8. <;;. 7'iQ s 45'44 45 '43 44'54 31-82 3-04 5*64 1 1 '04 21 "92 27*16 46*25 49*70 19-59 48*78 44-09 I9*8l 37*92 22*66 6*78 s 58*49 58-49 56-99 44^3 I5'54 18-14 34*86 34*86 32*10 5875 2'22 57*00 57*00 32*40 50*38 35-24 lq'54 46*95 47'94 47-55 47-59 47-50 47*50 -47-5' 47*06 Pa s 47-56 47-60 47'5' 47-5I 47-52 47'53 47 '51 47 '49 47'47 47 '42 j 47-55 ' 47-43 47*4-: ris. W w w w w w w E E E E E E E E E E E E E 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 7 IO 9 7 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 r 10*400 it > > > 1 1 10*400 10*228 10*400 ) * Ii M >i l> 1 > 1 1 '024 h m s 8. 57. 50*57 9. i. 8*15 9- 4-33'54 9- 33- 3 7' 9. 36. 50-64 9-4i- 7'54 9.48. 1*72 io. 2. 29*47 io. 5.55*43 IO. 12. 2*l8 io. 16. 30*44 IO. 21. 46*37 10. 48. 40*68 io. 51. 9*16 n. 5. 0*31 ii. 9.44-34 11.54. 2*93 ii. 58. 59'n 12. 6. 38*04 12. 7-43'55 12. 15. 46*03 s 50-21 775 33-18 3]35 5 *i8 ''35 29*08 54-99 172 28-61 47-89 40*26 877 43-96 2 '49 58-65 37'64 43-15 41 "16 s 2*88 20-34 45 S 4 15-87 2-69 I9-74 4i'63 7*21 14*01 39'35 59-23 52*55 21 "03 I2*O9 56-34 14*82 10*96 50*OI 55-40 50*04 K 47'33 47-4I 47-34 -47-48 4 7 '44 47'44 47-45 -47*78 47'7i 49*26 48-66 4771 4774 -4776 47-62 47-67 47*69 47-63 4775 51*12 s 47-34 47*42 47-35 47-49 47-59 47-44 47-44 47-45 47-78 Cephei 51 Piazzi VII. 245 63 Auriyse ... 64 Aurigae 8 Geminorum 66 Auriga; A Ursse Minoris S.P Piazzi IX. 254 47-52 47-50 47-48 47-46 -5178 47-09 47"4! 47-54 47-42 .17 "4.4 Bradley 1399 47-7I 47'74 4776 47*62 47-67 47*69 47 63 4775 a' Cancri Groombridge 1119 Groombridge 1119 Groombridge 1841 . ... Piaz?i XII 3 i/ 2 Cancri Groombridge 1450 Bradley 1672 io Ursse Majoris..., 1902 March 28. 46 Leonis Minoris.. 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris.... 51 Ursae Majoris.... ifi Ursae Majoris 5 Leonis... Paris. Bradley 3147 S.P. 59 Ursa; Majoris.... 92 Leouis Piazzi XI. 146 {Virginia Bradley 1672.. Bradley 1672. 14 Comae xi Comae W 9 W 9 w 9 w 9 w 7 vv 8 E IO E 5 E 9 E 9 E 9 W IO E IO E 5 E 9 1902 April 6. { Cancri 36 Lyncis 38 Lyncis a Lyncis K Leonis Piazzi IX. 37. 10-400 8 '353 10-400 10*260 12*222 10-400 10-400 1902 April 8. Piazzi VIII. 245.... 38 Lyncis a Lyncis K Leonis Piazzi IX. 37 Piazzi IX. 37 X Ursae Majoris Bradley 1399 Leonis Minoris... 33 Leonis Minoris.. 37 Leonis Minoris.. 41 Leonis Minoris.. 42 Leonis Minoris.. 44 Leonis Minoris. 51 Ursse Majoris..., i|< Ursae Majoris.... 8 Leonis v Ursae Majoris .... Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. . W 9 W 8 W 9 w 9 w 10 w IO \v 4 w IO w w E 9 E 8 E c E J E E E E W I o W ii 10-400 14-364 10*634 10*400 10*851 10*400 10-400 S'oio 9^37 10. 48. 40-30 io. 50. 8-86 io. 54. 49-13 10. 59. 54-80 11. 4. 59-76 n. 9. 44-14 ii. 28. 25 05 n. 33. 57-82 n. 36. 3172 11. 39. 16-54 11.41. 4-37 12. 15. 36-00 12. 15. 35-30 12. 22. 2O'45 12. 26. 57-33 9. 4. 0-56 9. 7. 40-44 9- n- 170 9. 15. 22*08 9- >9- i3'95 9- 23- 23-85 9. 0. 9. 13. 9- 15. 9- '9- 9. 23. 9.23. io. ii. 10. 15. 10. 22. to. 26. 10. 59. I). 4. 11. 9. n. 13. ii. 28. 40*09 8*63 48*93 54-60 59-58 43*90 23-72 57'59 3 ''45 16*31 4-08 38*50 36-98 20'20 57-07 59'7' 4O*l6 1*22 21*53 I3*20 29*67 52'53 21*02 I-42 7-04 I2-O7 35*10 10*07 43*90 28-68 16-53 4974 4974 32*58 9 '49 45 67 26-13 47-3 7 '44 59*09 15*40 34*61 34-27 20*08 1-71 1*32 47-09 22'O2 21-55 7*40 13'96 13-27 59*06 22*25 28-78 15*13 22*36 28-89 28*24 28 06 13*81 4O'O6 51-08 37-35 3O*I2 29-73 15-57 34-80 34-28 2O'02 29-64 29*08 14-81 22*79 22"OO 77* 42-43 4I-83 27-45 48*01 47'34 33-07 21*69 21*31 6-95 26*45 26*29 11-97 11*44 10*59 56*28 28*55 28*02 1372 13-17 52*01 3670 12*71 5I-51 3670 47*56 47*61 47-5I 47*56 47-5I 47'57 48-62 47-52 -47-55 47*63 -47-55 -48*76 47*62 47-58 -14-04 -14*03 -14*09 -14*09 -14*11 -14-27 -14*19 -14*23 -14-15 -14-21 -13*65 -13*76 -14*25 -'373 -14-16 -14-26 -14*27 -14*29 -14-38 -14*27 -14-36 -14*32 -14-31 -14-30 -15*31 -14*81 -47-56 -47-61 -47 "5 ' -47*56 -47'S 1 -47-57 -47'55 -47-63 -47'55 -47 ' 6 2 -47*58 Canum Venaticum. 23 Comae 9 Canum Venaticum. 30 Comae 31 Comae 35 Comae a Canum Venaticum. Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum. 20 Canum Venaticum. 23 Canum Venaticum. Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombrid^e 1986 Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P. IO*4OO Greenwich. 14*05 14*04 14*10 14*10 14-12 Bradley 2993 S.P 37 Leonis Minoris 41 Leonis Minoris 42 Leonis Miuoris 44 Leonis Minoris 46 Leonis Minoris Greenwich. -14-20 -14-23 -14-16 -14*22 14*26 14-17 14-27 14*27 14-29 -14*38 4-27 14*36 14*32 14*31 14*30 Piazzi XI. in 59 Ursae Majoris... 92 Leonis Grooml ridge 1841 . 67 Ursse Majoris... Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae Bradley 1672 Groombridge 1919 .... 30 Coma: 31 Comae 35 Comse o Canum Venaticum . 2 Ursfe Minoris S.P... /3 Conife Piazzi XIII. 27 Polaris S. P., Polaris S. P. W \V \v w W w 10*400 9-967 9734 10-609 10*400 12. 29. 55-68 55-46 12. 30. 48-38 48*12 12. 34- 5377 53'55 12. 45. 2 I "3 3 21 'OS 12. 47- 45" 88 45" 6 3 12. 49. 18*55 l8'28 12. 52. 16*97 1674 13. io. 671 6-51 13. II. 57-91 57-72 13. 13. 59-13 58-93 13. 16. 45-81 45*61 13. 18. 37*00 i 36*81 13. 20. 17-61 i 17-41 13. 23.49-87 |45*59 13. 23.48-50 45-40 10-400 io 848 10*400 9*044 10*400 12*122 10*630 10. 21. 30-58 io. 33. 29-48 io. 38. 22-62 io. 40. 42-17 10. 44. 47*89 io. 48. 7*01 ii. 31. 25*97 ii. 33. 24*44 ii. 35. 58*92 ii. 52. 29*30 11. 57. 25*40 12. 6. 4*91 12. 7. 10-43 12. 14. 30-39 15-67 28-90 21*83 4^55 47*21 6*49 25-30 24*25 58-09 28*99 25*18 4-23 971 5*04 12. 40. 6*6 1 6*47 12-44- 48-37! 4772 12. 47. I2'gl 12. 48. 45 82 12. 51.43-70 12. 55.4i'<3 13- 7-35'34 13- 9- 33-37 13. 24. 2 26 13.24. 6-31 12*26 45*02 43*36 24*78 34*70 33-09 9*00 11*87 7'9i 0*6 1 5'99 33-51 58-02 30-74 29-18 18-84 10-09 11-41 57 '9 6 49*21 29-84 58*32 58-32 ,* I -*7 1-4*83 773 27H7 33-09 52-46 II'IO 10*00 43-87 14*80 10*94 50*02 55-41 48-47 52-24 33-55 58-06 30 79 29-23 8*99 20-55 18-92 57-00 57-00 -47-55 47-5I 47-56 47'57 47*61 47-54 47"5 6 47*67 47*63 47 '5 2 47*65 47*60 47-57 47-27 47*08 -14*40 -14-07 -14-10 -14-08 -14-12 -14*03 ! -14-20 -14-25 -14-22 -14*19 -14-24 - 14-21 -14*30 -16-57 -14-23 -14-1- -14-20 -14-23 -14-13 - I 5'79 -14*15 -14-17 j -14*87 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY Mu DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERROKS. 271 Star's Name. Obserred Transit. |H 1 l 3 S-S-! . 00.3= II?! 1 sss Star's Name. OhMrved Transit. j - is Hll 1902 April 10. p" Cancri 59 Ciiiicri y C;ineri Piazzi VIII. 245 Cancri 36 Lyncis 19 Ursa- Majoris., 38 Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 16 Leonis Minoris., fi Leonis K E E B E K E K W W 1902 April 12. 36 Lyncis 19 Ursa; Majoris 38 Lyncis o Lyncis Groomliridge 3548 S.P Piitzzi IX. 37 A Leonis 10 Leonis Minoris 16 Leonis Minoris p. Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris Bradley 1399 S Leonis Minoris.. 1902 April 13. i Cancri ( 59 Cancri 10 Ursie Majoris v Cancri Piazzi VIII. 245 36 Lyncis 19 Ursa; Majoris 38 Lyncis o Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 Pinzzi IX. 37 e Leonis W 16 Leonis Miuoris W H Leonis W 19 Leonis Minoris W 21 Leonis Minoris W Piazzi IX. 254 W 22 Leonis Minoris W A Ui-sse M:ijoris W Bradley 1399 ! W Bradley 2993 S.P W 47 Ursie Majoris W 51 Ursa: Majoris W */ Ursa- Majoris W ! Leonis W 1902 April 17. \v W w w \v w m Piazzi IX. 254' |W A. Ursa: Majoris Bradley 1399 | Cancri 36 Lyncis 19 Ursa: Majoris ... 38 Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 10 Leonis Minoris. 21 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leonis Miuoris . 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris. ... 10*400 8.47. 3*51 8. 51. ii -56 8. 57. 18*62 2-23 10-47 17 20 o. 35'37 34-53 4. I 69 I or-l8 7.41-10 40 5 1 12-965 10*400 10-400 10-443 10-367 10*400 9- 9- 9- 9' 9. 13. 2-45 9- 23- 45' 6 * 9. 31 "08 30-06 "'53 28-91 9. 44. 30-18 29*43 15-13 9.47.29*39 28*06 13-71 477' 55 '93 2:63.! 20 -04 : 45-61 ! 26-05. 15-61 I 47 '5 , 9- 7- 9- 9- 9.13. 9. 15. 9. 19. 9.23. 9. 26. 9. 28. 9- 44- 9- 47- o. 51. 41-48 3i'47 2-84 23 "26 5 3 '9 18-42 26-39 31-35 30-81 30-03 58-96 10^634 10. 15. 32-65 IO'4OO i IO. 22. 31 '17 10-400 6-932 I I 'OOI 10-400 H'212 10-651 IO'4OO 8.41. 4-35- 8. 51. 12-15 .8. 54. 34 62 8. 57. 19-24 9- .35'92 9- 7- 4i 54 9- 9- 3i" 6 9 9- J 3- 3"4 9- 15- 23-53 9.23. 18*23 9- 23- 44- 6 4 9. 40. 9- 44 9-47- 9. 51. 10. i. 10. 5. 10. 9. IO. II. 10. 15. IO. 21. 10. 54. 10. 59. 11. 4. ii. 9. 30-77 30-09 59-04 57-38 22-65 47-33 29-27 33-37 44-83 16*97 22-68 27*27 12-75 10*400 7-617 10*400 9-479 10 10*240 10*400 9. 4. 1-65 9. 8.41-71 9. 9.31-52 9. 13. 2-92 9. 23. 25-51 9. 28. 3 1 '41 10. 1.57-33 10. 5. 22-80 10. 1 1. 29*53 10. 15. 43 93 10. 21. 31 '36 10.44. 49'33 10.48. 8-45 10. 50. 37*17 10. 54. 17-22 40-75 30:25 '"73 22"O2 18/42 29-24 24-64 30-22 29-86 28-41 58*IO 5' "45 30-09 2-80 10*79 33-75 17-51 34-S5 40-76 30-42 1-88 22-25 28-85 29*19 0-82 4I-33 3'93 2-38 30-07 30-86 5676 22*35 29-14 51-78 19-71 48*58 7*82 36-36 16-74 48-06 55-87 18-95 2-58 19-98 25*98 5-55 46-99 7-31 14-48 14-48 19-49 15-08 13-66 43-38 41-37 6-93 31*06 1373 3 6 '43 2-85 , 1-26 6*89 11*90 56-24 45'49 25-89 15-47 46*92 14-01 15-38 41-30 6-85 ,3-65 3579 3-65 32-97 S-s-33 20-84 -14*52 14*54. 14-57 H-49 14-57 MH* 14-45 -14*48 14 06 14-30 26 -oo 15-57 47-01 7-33 3-59 14*60 9 9' 5 47 15-09 13*68 43*40 15-51 I4'75 14-68 14*72 14*69 14*83 14 64 1473 '475 H'77 '4'73 14*70 14-86 14*58 -1474 -14-92 -14-80 -14-93 -14-87 -14*78 -14*87 -14-89 -14-94 -I4-37 -14-71 -14-76 -14-72 -14*80 -14*78 -14-80 -14*81 -14-88 '477 -5"45 -14-10 -'479 -1475 -14*71 -14-67 -5-33 -15-44 -15-46 -15-46 -i6'o6 -15-48 -15-46 -15-50 -15-49 -15-99 -16*06 -15-61 -15-49 -15-52 -15-54 Greenwich. -14-53 > -14-55 -14-58 l '4-5 [ -14-58 -'4'47 -14-46 j --4'49 j -14-31 -14-36 19 Leonis Minoris. 20 Leonis Minuiis. Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leonis Minoris, Bnidley 1399 I!radle--2 9 93 S - '' Bradley 2993 S.P.., Bradley 2993 S.P.., 35 Leonis Minoris. 37 Leonis Minoris. 44 Looms Minoris., 46 Leonis Minoris., -H'77 14:70 -I4-74 -14*71 92 Leonis Piazzi XI. 146.. '475 -1477 -14*78 -i4'74 -14*71 14*59 1 Virginia Groombiidge 1841.... Piazzi XII. 3 4 Coma: 2 C-umm Venaticnm. Briidley 1672 Bradley 1672 21 Coma; ft Ciinum Venaticum. 23 Cointe Greenwich. -14*76 -14-94 -14-82 - T 4-95 -14*89 -14-80 -14-89 -14-91 -14-96 -14*78 -'474 -14-82 -14*79 -14-81 -14-82 -14-89 -14-78 -14*80 -14-76 -14-72 -14-68 v Ursae Majoris .... Bradley 3147 S.P. Pmzzi XI. i ii 59 Ursae Majoris... 92 Leonis Piazzi XI. 146 { Virginis. Groombridge 1841 67 Ursa: Majoris Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae Bradley 1672 Brailley 1672 14 Coniiie Oanum Venaticum.. 23 Conine 9 Camim Veuaticum. , 30 Comae , 31 Coma: 35 Comae a Cinum Venaticum., Polaris S.P. P.daris S.P. Greenwich. '5-35 15*46 -15-48 -I5-48 -15*50 15 '47 r 15-50 -15-62 -15-50 -15-53 -5'55 ty Ursa: Majoris B L".onis v Ursa: Majoris 92 Lonis .. Piazzi XI. 146 | Virginis Groombridge 1830.... Groombridge 1841 67 Ursa: Majoris Piazzi XII. 3 4 Coma: 2 Canum Venaticum . Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672. 14 Comae W: 6 W 4 W 9 W] 9 W 9 W 9 w; 9 \V 10 W! 10 W 9 W 9 w; I 10-400 10-135 7-303 10-499 14-444 10*400 9.51. 9-55- to. 5. ID. 9. 10. 15. 10. 21. IO. 21. IO. 21. 10. 31. 10. 33. 10. 44. IO. 48. 58-45 39-5- 21*97 46*61 33'5 6 4' 77 42-04 41-71 1*78 30*23 48-70 7*82 10-400 \ ii. 36. 0-25 In. 38. 44*04 10-400 11.40. 33-45 11. 52. 30*38 12. 6. 6-13 12. 7. 11-63 12. II. 31-OO IQ'377 12. 14. 0-40 6-865 12. 14. I-70 10-400 ! 12. 26. 25-77 12. 29.23*41 12. 30. 17*05 I O '400 9779 10*400 10-400 .8*319 12*424 10*400 5'497 10-117 10*400 n. 13.29*68 ii. 28. 27-72 ii. 31. 27*28 " 33- 25-42 ii. 36. 0*36 ii. 39.44-18 11.40. 33-55 11. 52. n. 57. 12. 6. 12. 7. 12. I 3 . 12. 13. 12. 21. 12. 29. 12. 30. 12. 34. 12. 44. 12. 47. 12. 49 12. 51. 30-58 26*55 6*52 12*03 57-55 59*11 49" ! 7 23-73 17*40 21*82 50-05 14-68 47-58 45-20 13. 24. 45*17 3-24. 43'54 10-205 10 8951 9 i o '400 ii. 4. ii. 9. n. 13- n. 36. ii. 38. 1 1 . 40. 11.47. n. 52. 11. 57. 12. 6. 12. 7. 12. II. 12. 14. 27-74 I 2 "6 1 29'79 O'22 44-58 33-I2 38'57 30-69 26-79 6*27 11-74 3I-54 5777 38 41 21-27 45-49 49*86 '7 '45 17*72 '7'39 0-87 29*13 47 '44 6*82 31*18 29*51 4*60 10*04 30-15 1-81 3-11 24*12 22-60 15-32 28*37 50-80 2573 24-70 58-54 43'34 31-25 29-63 2577 4-91 10:36 57-33 58-89 47'5 6 22-84 15*60 20*90 48-46 13-08 4572 44'I3 43'44 24*06 6-98 31*11 36-96 2*19 2-19 2-19 46-54 1479 33'5 52-42 58-47 43*85 43-25 28-60 16-49 14-77 50*01 SSHo 15-56 47*27 47'27 9-52 7'93 0*64 13*67 37-85 11*07 9*96 43-84 28-59 16-48 '477 10*91 50*00 55'39 47-00 47-00 32*60 7-92 0*63 6'oi 33'5 6 58-07 30-80 29*24 ii -08 57-86 9*45 i 57*86 12. 14. 3S*oi 12. 21. 48-82 27*36 ir'73 29*14 59'35 44-13 32-05 38-03 30*2! 26*38 5'51 10-95 31*07 58-50 3*86 48-09 11-85 56*21 13*63 43-82 28-5.5 16*47 22-55 1473 10*87 49 '99 55-38 -5'53 46 'i i 46-11 -14*33 -'4'3S -14-29 -14-38 -12-90 -15-26 -'5-53 -15-20 -14-33 -!4'34 -14-39 -14*40 -14*62 -14*65 -14*69 -14*74 -14*59 -14*64 -14-59 -14-54 -15*84 -14*60 -14-67 -14-68 -14*70 -12*95 -14-66 -14-74 -14-70 -14-75 -'477 -14-86 -14-86 -14-91 -14-97 -10*33 -11*89 -14-96 -14-92 -14-97 -14*89 -14-90 -15-01 -14-92 -14-89 -13-22 -11*59 15-51 15-52 15-51 -15-53 -15-58 -15-48 i5>8 15-51 15*52 -I5-57 5-54 12-39 1775 -I4-34 -14-36 -14-30 -14-39 -H'34 14'35 14-40 14*41 14-61 14*65 14-69 -474 14-59 14*64 14-59 -14-60 -14*67 -14*68 14-71 14*66 '474 1470 -1475 '477 14*86 14*86 14*91 H-97 -14-96 -14-92 ->4"97 -14-89 -14*90 -15 *oo -14-91 -14*88 15-52 15*51 '5'53 -15-58 -15-58 15-48 15*48 -15-51 15-52 i5'57 -I5-54 15*50 272 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. ' Star's Name. Observed Transit. A " -*! Star's Name. -< 5 Observed Transit. l-l sg . I! 3 1902 April 17 continued. 21 Comae Canuni Venatieum. .. Groombridge 1919 o Canum Venaticum... 14 Canum Venaticum.. ft Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 1902 April 18. f Cancri 36 Lyneis 19 Ursas Majoris ... 38 Lyneis a Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 10 Leonis Miuoris . ( Leonis 1 6 Leonis Minoris . fn Leonis 19 Leonis Miuoris E 20 Leonis Minoria E 22 Leonis Minoris E \ Ursa: Majoris ' E Bradley 1399. Bradley 2993 S.P. , Bradley 2993 S.P. 35 Leonis Minoris . 37 Leonis Minoris . 41 Leonis Minoris . 42 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leouis Miuoris . 47 Ursae Majoris ... 51 Ursse Majoris ... fy Ursse Majoris 8 Leonis 1902 April 20, 38 Lyncis a Lyncis K Leonis Piazzi IX. 37 9 Leonis 13 Leonis t Leonis 16 Leonis Minoris . p Leonis 1902 April 22. a Lyncis E K Leonis E Piazzi IX. 37 E 10 Leonis Minoris E f Leonis E 1 6 Leonis Minoris E 1^ Leonis K 19 Leonis Minoris E 20 Leonis Minoris | E 21 Leonis Minoris E x Ursse Majoris. Bradley 1399 . Bradley 2993 S.P. . 33 Leonis Minoris. 37 Leonis Minoris . 41 Leonis Minoris . 42 Leonis Minoris . 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leonis Minoris . 51 Ursse Mnjoris.... $ Ursae Majoris $ Leonis.. \V w w w w W 10 W 1 9 W| 9 [OO 10-400 8-480 10-400 10*400 9'873 12718 10-502 10-400 10-400 10-400 10-400 t> 10741 i o -400 9-407 9-008 10-400 h m B 12. 26. 25-78 12. 29. 23-90 12. 40. 8*17 12. 51. 45'25 13. I. 28'17 13. 7. 36-86 13* 9- 34'94 9- 4- 9- 7- 9- 9- 9- 13- 9- 15- 9* 2 3- 9. 28. 9.40. 9- 44- 9-47* 9. 51. 9- 55- 10. 9. 10. ii. 10 15. IO. 21. IO. 21. 10. 31. 10 - 33- 10. 38. 10. 40. 10. 48. 10. 54. 10. 59. 11. 4. II. 9. 1*93 41-90 3-04 23*39 25-03 31-52 35;5 30*02 59'35 40*29 47-35 29-69 41-90 32-67 32-29 272 31*04 24-16 4373 8-64 17-42 23-14 27-88 12-87 9- J 3- 3'39 9- 15- 2 3' 8 3 9- 19- 573 9. 23. 24-62 9- 3 2 - 3 2 '39 9. 36. 19-21 9. 40. 36-28 9- 44- 3 1 '55 9- 47- 3'48 9- '5. 9- 19- 9.23, 9. 28. 9.40 9- 44 9- 47 9- 5 2 9- 55 10. i IO. II 10. 15, IO. 21. IO. 26. 10. 33. 10. 38. 10. 40. 10. 44. 10. 48. 10. 59. 11. 4. II. 9 . 24-08 l6'O2 24-08 32-24 36-61 31-82 30-72 0-07 40-99 58-25 3'35 41 '20 3 3 '97 36-84 31-67 2 4'75 44 '3 5 50-01 9'i3 23-61 28-37 I3-37 25-00 2 3'47 7-82 4475 27-61 36-14 1-05 41-50 31 *O2 '47 22-76 29-88 30-94 35-01 30*60 29-22 58-86 39-58 46-63 29-25 49'99 20-26 19-88 2'1 I 3'33 23-28 42-98 7-98 16-92 22-58 27-48 11-94 276 23-1-; 14-87 29-63 31-50 18-35 35'38 31*00 29-62 2 3'44 15-19 2 9'35 3'- 6 5 35'73 31-31 29-89 59-60 40-29 57 ' 6 3 29-94 50-25 7-91 52-22 29-23 12'10 20-57 18-94 45 '47 25-87 ! 5'45 46-90 7-22 13-88 !5'37 19-41 14-99 13-58 43 ' 2 9 2 3'93 30-99 13 6 4 35' & i 3-88 3-88 46-42 14-68 7'59 *7'33 52-32 1-19 6-83 11-83 56-20 46-86 7-18 58-86 I3'59 15-50 2-32 19-38 M'95 I3-55 7'H 58-83 13-29 15-29 '9'35 14-91 13-52 43*21 23*87 41*22 i i3'5 6 3476 20-29 4 '94 36-14 ! 19-83 30-96 ' 14-62 23-86 43-61 49-22 8-48 23*06 28-01 12-43 7-54 27-27 32*90 52*26 677 11-77 56-16 I -16-30 -16-36 -16-06 - 16*36 -16-38 -16*40 -16-37 -16 39 -16-42 -16-41 -16-38 -15-49 ->-5'35 -16*31 -16-32 -16-34 -16*32 -l6'22 -16-29 -16*24 -16-27 Greenwich. -15-49 -15-56 -15-60 -15-52 -15-51 -I5'57 -'5 54 -15-58 -15-63 -!5'57 -!5'57 -i5'54 -i6'oo -'5'57 -15-60 -15-61 -15-64 -'5'57 -15-65 -15-64 -15 '61 -14-38 -16-38 -16*00 -15-69 -15-65 -15-69 -15-65 -15-66 -!5'73 -1575 -15-65 -1574 -15-90 -15-97 -16*04 -1 6*00 -16-03 -i6'oo -16-05 -16-07 -15-49 -15*56 -15 - 6o -15-51 -15-50 -15*56 -i5'53 19 Cannm Venaticum. 20 Canuni Venaticum. Polaris S.P , Polaris S.P Polaris S.P Polaris S.P. .. Greenwich. -15-60 -15-65 -15-59 -i5'59 -15-56 -15-62 -15*63 -15-65 -15-58 -15*66 -15-65 -15-62 -15-70 -15*66 -1570 -15-66 -15*67 -1574 -1576 -15*66 -1575 Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. . 59 Ursie Majoris ... 92 Leonis Piazzi XI. 146 | Virginis Groombridge 1830 . Groombridge 1841 .... 67 Ursae Majoris PiazziXII. 3 4 Couue 2 Canum Venaticum . Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672. 15 Comae $ Canum Venaticum. 23 Comse 9 Canuni Venaticum., Polaris S.P. Polaris S.P. . Greenwich. 15*92 15-99 16-03 16 02 16-05 I 6 "02 16*07 1 6 "09 19 Leouis Minoris .... 20 Leonis Minoris .... A Ursse Majoris Bradley 1399 $ LeoniM Minoris 41 Leonis Minoris .... 42 Leonis Minoris .... 3 Cannm Venaticum. Greenwich. -16-32 -16-38 -16-38 -16-40 -16-41 -16-38 -16-40 -16-43 -16-42 -16*39 -16-32 -16*35 -16*33 -16*35 -16-33 -16-23 -16*30 -16-25 -16-28 v Ursae Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. Groombridge 1841.... 67 Ursfe Majoris Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae 2 Canum Venaticum. Bradley 1672 E i 10 Bradley 1672 14 Comse 21 Comte Canum Venaticum /3 Comre _... Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum Polaris S.P Polaris S.P. 9 10-400 7-733 10-043 i3'55 h m s 13. II. 26*17 13. 13. 27-54 13. 23. 52-90 13. 23. 51-22 I 3 . 23. 50-21 14-374 13. 23. 50-66 2 573 27*09 12-63 10-95 9 '94 10-39 10*19 1 1 -5 i 58-15 58-I5 58-15 58-15 -I5'54 -15-58 -14-48 -12-80 "'79 -12-24 -I5-53 - ! 5'57 7-910 9-230 10*400 10*400 10739 11-999 10-400 '5'3 2 3 10*176 n. 28. 9-70 ii. 28. 12*08 ii- 33* 2 5'95 ii. 36. 0*43 ii. 38. 4473 11.40. 33-37 ii. 47. 38*83 1 1. 52. 30*67 11. 57. 26-72 12. 6. 6*14 12. 7. 11*52 12. II. 31-51 12. 14. 35-10 12. 14. 32-70 12. 22. 22*26 12. 29. 24*05 12. 30. 17*13 12. 34. 22*l6 13* 2 3- 5 6 '77 13. 23. 59-17 52-85 38-86 55' 6 7 2 5'54 59'5i 44-26 32-24 38-26 30-19 26-32 5'37 10-72 31-04 2-61 59'39 21-50 23-60 16-27 2170 15-11 17-51 38-86 9-90 43'Si 28-54 16-46 22-54 H73 10-87 49-98 55'37 i5'5 2 45-84 45-84 576 7-90 0-62 5 '99 58-26 58-26 13-99 16-81 15-64 1570 15 7* -1578 -.57* -15-46 15'45 ] 5'39 '5'35 15-52 16-77 '3'55 1574 1570 15-65 -15-71 16-85 19-25 -15-64 -15-70 -15-72 -15-78 -1572 -15-46 -i5'45 -'5'39 -'5'35 -15-52 -1574 -1570 -15-65 -15-71 10-400 11-815 10-400 9- 5i* 59-64J 59''3 43 - *5 | -S' 88 9. 55. 40-56 [ 39-82 23-9015-92 10. ii. 30*02 29*57 13*60 15'97 10.15.42*40 51*04 35*20 15-84 10.22.31*94 31-31 15-39, 15-92 10.38.24-41 23-50 7'57 i 15'93 10.40.44*04 43-27 27-30 i 15-97 12. 29. 24*45 2 3'95 7'89 ; 1 6 "06 -15-89 15'93 -15-98 ! 5'93 15-94 -15-98 1 6 "06 10-400 ; ii. 13. 30-57 9-075 ii. 28. 13-31 8-326 10-400 10-308 1 2 '6 1 1 10-400 11. 28. 15-67 " 5 2 - 3i'45 n. 57. 27-52 12. 6. 7-0 1 12. 7. 12-54 12. II. 32-25 12. 14. 33-69 12. 14. 28"l8 12. 21. 49-66 12. 26. 26-68 12. 29. 24-65 7- 3771 9- 3574 13. II. 26-95 11-380 i 13, 24. 8-45 10-975 13- 2 3- 5575 29-89 55-20 57'54 30-96 27-12 6-21 11-71 3177 3 '37 25-82 24-19 36-92 35' 2 5 26-48 22-31 9 65 i3'57 39-98 39-98 14-69 10-83 49-96 55'35 1 5 '49 44-34 44'34 3 2 '57 9 '49 7'87 20-58 18-93 10-18 59-29 59-29 16-32 15*22 17-56 -.6-27 16-29 -,6-25 16-36 16-28 19-03 i3'55 16-31 -16-33 16-32 16-34 16-32 16-30 23-02 10-36 16-32 -16-27 -16*29 -16-25 -16-36 -16-28 -16-31 -16-33 -16-32 -16-33 -16-31 -16-29 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 273 Star's Name. Observed Transit. sg . - His Star's Name. 1 . V Observed Transit. 1902 April 23. Greenwich. 38 Lyncis a Lyiicis K Leonis Piazzi IX. 37 9 Leonis 13 Leonis ( Leonis , 16 Leuiiis Minoris., ju Leoiiis 19 Leonis Minoris , 20 Leonis Minoris.. Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leonis Minoris.. A Ursie Majoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 2995 S.P. 33 Leonis Minoris. 35 Leonis Minoris. 37 Leonis Minoris. 44 Leonis Minoris. 42 Leonis Minoris. Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P.. 92 Leonis Piazzi XI. 146 Virginia Groombridge 1830., 10 '400 n i > 10*062 10 '400 10*400 10 '6 1 3 9'59 6 io'4Oo 1 2 *o 1 5 14*140 10*400 9- '3- 3 '9 9. 15. 24*26 9. 19. 16*18 9. 23. 24*06 9. 32. 32*84 9. 36. 19*69 9. 40. 36*89 9- 44- 3 2 "3 9- 47- 3 J -4 9. 52. 0*36 9- 55- 10. 5. 10. 9. 10. 1 1. 10. 15. 1O. 21. IO. 26. 10. 31. 10. 33. 10. 38. 10. 40. 3*18 2 3'49 15-21 29-62 31*83 18*71 35*86 31*40 30*06 5977 41-02 40*17 23*66 23*06 47'3 2 29*92 51*52 20*37 36*29 271 31*04 2 3 '94 43'7 30*44 41*92 35"i 2 37-12 3 '44 31*88 24*98 44*58 46*80 7*12 58*81 13*14 I5-45 1*27 i9"33 14*89 13*50 43'i9 23*85 6*74 30-91 I3-54 34-54 5-21 19*81 46*34 14*60 7'53 27*25 ii. 28. 16*49 56*97 40*29 11.28.14*60 55*10 40*29 ii. 36. 1*11 0*03 i 43*77 II. 38. 45'4O 44'84 ': 28*48 ii. 40. 34*08 32*71; I 16*43 >' 47- 39'54i 3 8 '86 ! '5 16-38 16*37 16*40 16*48 16*38 16*44 16-53 16*51 16-56 16-58 16-32 l6~J2 -16-41 16-38 16*98 15*16 16*48 16*37 16*44 16*41 16-45 16*68 14*81 16*26 16*36 16*32 16*36 - 16 40 -16*39 -16*42 -16-39 -16-45 -16-54 -16*52 -16*57 -16*59 -16-33 -16-33 -16-42 -16*39 -16*49 -16*38 -16*45 -16*42 -16*45 - 16*26 -16-36 -16*32 -16-36 Groombiidge 1841.... 67 Ursie Majoris Piazzi Xli. 3 4 Conine 2 Ciinuiii Venaticum. Bradley 1672 12 Comae 13 Comae 14 Comae Cauiun Venaticum. 9 Canum Venaticum. Groombridge 1919 30 Comae 31 Comae 35 Comae a Canum Venaticum.. 2 UI*S;K Minoris S.P... 2 Ursie MiuorisS.P /} Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 15 Canum Veuatieum 19 Canum Veuaticum Polaris S.P '.. Polaris S.P Groombridge 2008. Pi>izzi XIII. 136.... 10*400 10-813 10*400 12*225 12*466 10*400 9*132 10*567 10*400 ii. 52. 31-62 11. 57. 27*80 12. 6. 7*14 12. 7. 12 67 12. II. 32*43 12. 14. 31*63 54*83 43-64 12. 17 12. 19 12. 21 12. 29, 12. 34. 12. 40. 12. 44, 12. 47, 12. 48, 12. 51 12.55. 23*16 9 22 1 5 '62 48*47 46*43 43 '.3* 12. 55. 41*69 13. 7.37-86 36*01 31*07 27*13 6*82 13. 9, 13. 5 13. ii 13. 24 13. 24. 10*93 13. 27. 20*39 13. 30. 45*14. 3 1 *oi 27*28 6*29 1 1-69 31-83 3'35 42*68 49*14 24*39 22*57 874 50 07 47-39 45-76 28*19 26*57 36-93 3 5 '4 30-41 26-54 i7'35 21 -42 19*84 44-44 14-67 10*81 i 49 '95 I 55'34 i 15*48 43 '9 j 37'33 ' 26*08 3 2 '5 6 i 7*87 ! 5*96 52-19 33-55 ' 58*06 | 30*79 | 29*21 i 10-30 i 20*58 1893 13 99 10*18 59*66 59*66 3*26 27*86 -16*34 -16*47 -16*34 -16-35 -16*35 -19*45 -16-52 - l6 "60 -16*58 -16*52 -16*55 -16*55 -16 52 -16*62 -16*60 -16*55 -17*89 -16*27 -16-35 -16*47 -16*42 -16-36 -17-69, -21*76 -16*58 -16-58 -16*34 -16*47 -16*34 -16*35 -16*35 -16*52 -16*60 -16*58 -16-52 -16-55 -16*55 -16*52 -16*61 -16*59 -16*54 -16*34 -16*46 -16-41 -16*35 -16*57 -16-57 1902 April 24. Greenwich. Piazzi IX. 37 E Leonis IJL Leonis 19 Leonis Miuoris.. \ Ursse Majoris 35 Leonis Minoris.. 37 Lconis Minoris.. 42 Leonis Minoria.. 44 Leonis Minoris. 46 Leonis Minoris 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris 51 Ursfe Majoris ^/Uisre Majoris S Leonis y Ursse Majoris 58 Ursa; Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3 147 S.P. . Groombridge 1830 . Groombridge 1841 . 67 Ursae Majoris.... Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae E 10 \v W W W W B B E 7 E i 9 E; 9 E 9 E 9 W; 9 W! 8 W 10 E 10 10*400 10*400 10*382 7*894 10*400 9. 23. 9- 4- 9. 47. 9. 52. 10. 1 1. 10. 31. 10. 33. 10. 40. 10.44. 24*51 37'4 31*27 0*66 30*92 3*89 32*19 44*79 10.48. 9-51 10. 50. 38*34 10. 54. 18*31 10. 59. 23-96 11. 4. 28*84 ii. 8. 13*74 ii. 13. 30*91 ii. 25. 32*48 ii. 28. 14*70 ii. 28. 17*35 n. 47. 39*82 11. 52. 31*92 n. 57. 27-94 12. 6. 12. 7 7-51 12*95 29*90 3 5 "94 30*22 59'99 30*31 3*09 31*28 43-85 49*62 8*64 37*26 17*62 23*21 28*29 12*57 30*02 31*88 55^5 39*06 31*23 T 34 6*49 1 1*90 12*99 19*32 '3'49 43''7 13*52 46*33 i4'59 27-24 32*88 52*23 20*76 i '09 674 11-73 56-14 '3'55 15*50 40*60 40*60 22*49 14*66 10*80 49'94 16*91 16*62 16*73 16*82 16*79 16*76 16*69 16*61 16*74 1 6 *4 1 16*50 16*53 16*47 16*56 16*43 16*47 16*38 '4'55 16-41 16*57 16*57 -16*54 16*55 16*57 - 16*64 -16*75 -16 83 -16*80 -16*77 -16*70 -16*62 -16*75 -16*42 -16*51 -16*54 -16*48 -16-57 -16*44 -16*48 -16*38 -16-57 -16*57 -16*54 -16*55 -16*57 2 Canum Venaticum W 9 Bradley 1672 W 10 Bradley 1672 13 Comae 14 Comae j3 C.mum Venaticum 23 Compe 9 Canum Venaticum Groomliridge 1919 30 Comae 31 Comae...,, 35 Coin* a Canum Venaticum 2 Urs-e Minoris S.P 2 Ursie Miuoris S.P 3 Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum 20 Cauum Venaticum 23 Canum Venaticum Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P Polaris S.P. 10*400 | 12. II. 32*66 31*98 10*578 12. 14. 30*74 1-93 11-582 i o "400 10*903 I3*l8o IO*4OO 9*709 12. 14. 12. 19. 12. 21. 12. 29. 12. 30. 12. 34. 12. 40. 12. 44. 12. 47. 12. 48. 12. 51. 12. 55. 2572 4375 50-17 25*14 18*39 23*26 9-42 51-22 '579 48*66 46*63 43'39 12. 55. 41*19 13. 7.38*12 13. 9. 36*22 13. ii. 27*42 13. 13. 28*70 13. 16. 15*32 13. 18. 6*47 13. 19. 47*28 13. 24. 5*08 10-090 13. 24. 10-73 56*94 42*70 49"'5 24*48 17*27 22*59 8*85 50*20 '477 47'5' 45-88 28*37 26-18 37-11 35'5 2 26*75 28*02 14*62 5*90 46-49 16-19 21-79 I5'47 43*46 43*46 26*08 32*56 7*86 0*60 5^5 52*18 33'54 5 8, *o6 30*79 29*21 10*45 10*45 20*58 18*92 10*18 11-51 58*07 49-3 1 29*97 0*05 0*05 16*51 18*47 -13-48 16-62 16*59 16*62 16*67 16*64 16-67 16-66 -16*71 16*72 16-67 17*92 16*73 16*53 1 6*60 16-57 16-51 16*55 16*58 16*52 16*14 21-74 16*51 -16*62 -16-59 -16*62 -16*67 -16*64 -16*67 -16*66 -16*70 -16-71 -16*66 -16*52 -16*59 -16*56 -16*50 -16*54 -16*57 -16*51 1902 April 28. Paris. 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris.... 51 Ursae Majoris ... ^ Ursae Majoris 8 Leonis v Ursae Majoris 58 Ursae Majoris ... Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. Piazzi XI. 146 67 Ursae Majoris.... 12 Comae 13 Comas W W W 9 W! 5 W q 10*400 10*434 10*400 10. 51. 13*79 10. 54. 52*93 10. 59. 58*76 11. 5. 3*29 II. 9.49-17 II. 14- 5-89 II. 26. 7*14 II. 29. 21*12 II. 29. 23*OO 11. 39. 20*13 11.58. 2*28 12. iS. 30*05 12. 20. 18*87 12*33 52'49 58*15 3*19 47'49 4*92 6-93 33*81 20*71 i "02 6-67 n-66 56-09 13-50 '5 '44 41*76 34*71 41*76 19-80 28-42 2 -06 1 0*7 5 28*65 j 37-3 17*48 26*05 -51 '62 -5' "47 -51*48 -5''53 -51*40 -51*42 -51*49 -52*05 -5 2 "95 -51*38 -51*31 -5'"35 -5 '"43 -51*62 -5 ''47 -51*48 -5'"53 -51*40 -51*42 -51-49 -51*38 -51*31 -5i'35 -5' '43 9 Canum Venaticum . 30 Comae 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. .. 2 Ursae Minoris S.P.. Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum 20 Canum Vniaticum 23 Canum Vonaticum Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P 9 10*400 5! 10 9*489 7'47 10*400 9*462 ' 2 - 34- 5771 12. 45. 26*22 12. 56. 40*49 12. 36. 38*81 13. 8. 13*26 13. 10. 10*76 13. 12. 1*95 13. 14. 3-30 13. 16. 49-86 13. 18. 40*85 13. 20. 22"O6 13- 2 5- 57'49 57-3I 24-91 3-28 1*58 11-97 10*30 '54 2*87 49-40 40-70 21 '36 53'33 5*92 33'53 1 1 '03 ii '03 20-57 18-91 10-17 11-50 58-06 49'3' 29-96 1-58 -5f39 -51-38 52-25 -5'55 51*40 5i'39 5I-37 5i"37 5''34 -5i-4! 5175 -5i'39 -51-38 -51*40 -5-'39 -5"37 -51-34 -5''39 -51*40 274 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Slur's Name. Observed Tranit. lr , x ? * III III - =.;._. Star's Name. Observed Transit. 1902 April 28 continued. Polaris S.P Groombridge 2043 . Groombridge 2047.. Groomliricige 2089.. A Bootis Groombriilge 2100. /Bobtis 1902 April 29. Piazzi IX. 254 Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. 1902 May 1. 41 Leonis Minoris ' E 46 Leonis Minoris E 54 Leonis ! E 47 Ur.sse Ma.joris I E 51 Ursa; Majoris ' E Ursae Majoris ! E S Leonis | E v Ursa; Majoris E 58 Ursa; Majoris i E Bradley 3147 S.P E Piazzi XII. 146 ;W Groombridge 1841 i W 4 Comae ! W 2 Caimin Venaticum W Bradley 1672 W Caiium Venaticum.. 23 Comfe 9 Canum Venatieum. Groombridge 1919 30 Coma; 31 Coma; 35 Comae a Canum Venaticum . 1902 May 3. 37 Leonis Minoris I W 42 Leonis Minoris . 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leonis Minoris . 54 Leonis 47 Ursffi Majoris.... i)/ Urste Majoris $ Leonis . W \v W \v W W W v Ursa? Majoris I W Bradley 3147 S.P W 92 Leonis E { Virginia I E Groombridge 1830 E Groombridge 1841 1 E 67 Ursse Majoris., Piazzi XII. 3 4 Com;e i Canum Venaticum. Bradley 1672 11 Coma; ... 9'5'3 10-400 10*400 6-532 12-307 10-400 10-477 10*400 10-392 10-400 10-400 12-590 10-400 10-544 10-400 13. 25. 54-04 13. 42. 58-98 13.43.40-77 14. ii. 20-84 14. 14. 46*08 14. 16. 40194 14. 22. 4972 10. 5.58-45 10. 15. 59'28 10. 22. 34-66 10. 39. 0*48 10. 48. 44*63 10. 51. 13*64 10. 54. 53-10 10. 59. 58*89 ii- 5- 3-33 11. 9. 49' 11 ii. 14. 5-90 ii. 26. 7-14 ii. 29. 13-00 ii. 39. 11. 53. 12. 7. 12. 12. 12. 14. 12. 29. 12. 30. 12. 34. 12. 40. 12.45. 12.47. 12. 49. 12. 5 2. 20-28 6-63 48-07 7'34 24-09 43'9' 26-I6 M -i j- / - I 49 23*75 22 21*26 2O 49-83 58-39 40-18 20-48 45 -^ 40-37 47'97 58-10 14-83 59"'5 4383 12-38 52*67 58-32 3-18 47-66 5-04 6-89 33-53 '93 -19 ,- 5 8 j 6 98 4874 28-97 53-78 48-88 56-46 6-63 33'3' 6-74 7'43 52-12 20'6/ 0-97 6-62 1 1 *6 1 56-06 13-46 I5'39 42-58 '6 9 46-85 55-28 28-37 14-58 - 92 ' 15-40 "40 ' 40*61 21 i 7*80 J J J '57 I 5 -3 "32 I 377 69 i 29-17 10.34. 7-18] 10. 41. 19-88 10. 45. 25-64 10. 48. 44-67 10. 51. 13-68 10. 54. 53-06 ii- 5- 3'39 11. 9-49-33 n. 14. 6 '04 ii. 29. 20 "79 ii. 36. 36-96 II. 41. 10-22 II. 48. 14-78 II. 53. 6'8o 11. 58. 2-73 12. 6.42-85 12. 7-48-35 12. 12. 7-62 12. I 4 . 17-36 12. 1 8. 30-31 6-29 18-91 24-52 43'9i 12-39 52-62 3'37 47-83 5'22 36*15 3-T5 2 8-18 14-26 6-46 2 '60 4I7I 47-13 7*30 32*85 29*09 27-10 3275 52-09 20-64 0-94 11-57 56-03 3"43 43">7 43*68 16-34 22-39 '4'55 10*68 49-87 55*26 15-37 39-77 37-26 Pmnt; 0'57 5-90 5Z-I2' -48*25 -51-41 -5-44 -51*51 -51-49 -5i 49 -51-51 -5 ''47 ; -51-52 -5'"59 -51*72 -51-71 -51-71 -51*70 I -51-70! -5I-57 -51-60 -51-58 -51-50 -50-95 -51*56 -51*61 -5-"57 -51*52 -4979 -51-41 5-'S4 51-52 51-61 51-51 -51-40 -5- '43 -51-50 -51-48 -51*48 -51-50 Boiitis E a Bootis... 40 Bootis . a Bootis... i|* Bootis... c Bootis ... 6 Bixitis... Paris. 41 Leonis Minoris W v Ursa; Majoris W r h m s 10*400 , 14. 28. 31*62 ,, j 14. 31. 20*14 I 14. 56. 46*09 i j 14- 5 8 - 44'47 ,, I 15. i. lo'iS .. 1-5- 3-55'34 .. !l 5* 5* 5'35 10-400 10. 39. 11. 14. '35 5-80 3 "47 18-96 45-55 43-01 8-84 53-88 3'97 58-87 4-91 27-38 53'95 5' '49 7'33 2'37 12-46 7'45 13-48 Paris. -5' 73 -51-72 -51-71 -51*70 -51-70 -5'"57 -51-60 -51-58 -51-50 -51*56 51-61 51-52 5i'4i 5' - 54 51-52 51-61 51-51 -5''55 51*52 2 Ursae Minoris S.P IW 10 \ 8*322 12.56.33-83 3-42 2 Ursa; Minoris S.P. 14 Canum Venaticum ft Comse Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum 20 Canum Venatieum 23 Canum Veuationm Piazzi XIII. 71 Croombriclge 1986 Polaris S.P. Polaris S.P Piazzi XIII. 136 25 Canum Venaticum. i Bootis B. F. 1898 Piazzi XIII. 235 9 Bootia ii Bootis Piazzi XIII. 316 E 10 Paris. -51*84 -51*81 -5'77 -51-82 -5 l "75 -51-68 -51-80 -51-80 -51-79 -52-92 -51-84 -51-84 -51-87 -51-91 -51-92 -51-84 -51-87 -5' "93 -53-08 -51-83 -51-85 -51-82 -51-78 -51-82 -5'75 -51-68 -51-80 -51 '80 -5I-79 51-84 51-84 51*87 51-91 15-92 51*84 51-87 51*93 13 Comae 14 Comae (8 Canum Venaticum. 23 Coma? , 9 Canum Venaticum. Groombridge 1919 .... 30 Coma; 31 Comce 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. . 14 Canum Venaticum 20 Canum Venaticum 23 Canum Venaticum Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P 25 Canum Venaticum i Bootis Groombridge 2043 Groombridge 2047 7-802 10-400 12. 56. 32-61 9-906 10-400 13. 2. ,3. 8. 13. 10. 13. 12. 13. 14. 13. 16. 13. 18. 13. 20. 13-24 II'OO 2-14 3-47 50-11 41*12 22'2I 2-18 3-65 !'55 3-04 j 49*66 40-92 13- 25- 36-35 55-20 13. 25. 13. 31. '3- 34- 13. 36. >3-45- '3- 49- '3- S3- '3- 57- 14. 4. 34-69 20-13 1-29 55-3i 8-63 38-96 1*09 39-3I 55-22 10-400 10-648 i o -400 9-798 10-400 12. 20. ig-ll 12. 22. 25'53 12. 30. O*o6 12. 30. 53'82 12. 34. 58-09 12. 40. 44*09 12. 45. 26-53 12. 47. 51*08 12. 56. 37-22 13. 2. 13. 14. 13. 16. 13. 18. 13. 20. 13.25. 13- 34- 13. 36. 13. 42. 13-43- 4-58 3-72 50-33 41-26 22-40 5 '74 1-48 55-60 59'3i 41-06 19-49 o'6o 53^4 7-67 37-84 59^5 38-17 55-02 17-91 24-39 59'79 52-44 5779 44-04 25-40 49-95 2-83 3-92 3'39 49 '97 41-19 21-82 56-88 0-86 54-09 58-83 40-58 -51-52 -51-58 -51 "60 -51-52 -51-51 -51-51 -51-51 -5I-5I -51-51 -51-50 -51-50 -51-50 -51-42 5I-42 -5I-43 5-"43 11-42 1 1-42 52-00 50-76 1 2 "06 I 20-56 10-15 11-48! 58-04 49' 2 9 29-95 5' "59 5''55 51-66 51*58 51-56 51 -62 51-63 51 '62 2 '60 2'6o 2y86 8-96 2-23 '5 "99 46-19 8-27 46-47 3" 2 7 26-02 32-50 7-78 0-56 5-88 52-10 33'5 58-02 11-71 12-05 11-47 58-03 49-28 29-94 3'35 8-95 2-23 6-97 48-74 52-60 -51-89 51-63 51-64 51-61 51-68 51-65 51-68 51-70 51-75 -51-89 -51-89 -52-01 -51-88 -51-91 -51-94 -51-90 -5i'93 -51-87 -51-92 -51-94 -51-91 -51-88 -53-53 -51-91 -51-86 -51-86 -51-84 5 '"59 5i"55 51-66 -51-58 51-56 51-62 5"" 6 3 51-61 -51-62 -51-63 -51-60 -51-67 -51-64 -51-67 -51-69 -5174 -51-89 -51-89 -52-01 -51-88 -51-91 -5''94 -51-90 -51-93 -51-87 -51-92 -51-94 -51-91 -51-87 -51-90 -51-85 -51-85 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 275 Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Appaieutly Mow at o* Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. 1 No. of Wires. 1 R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected 1 Transit. Tabular Apparent 1 E.A. Clock- Apparently Slow. >._ ^i^-s S2; = 5j fc. ^ Isa a 35 %9 m 1902 September 21 K E E 22 E W w E E E B E E B E V E W \v \v \v w \v w w \v w w w 9 8 10 10 IO 9 IO 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 " 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 8 8 9 IO 9 9 9 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 r 10-440 13-322 11-193 12-418 10-496 11-778 10-440 D 1 1 i > >i > ii 10-535 io'44O jj n M 9'6oz 10*440 M )) > ) 10-440 )) )i ii j > n 10-440 13-230 5-721 10729 9''57 10-440 H l lO'OOO 9-800 10-440 n M M M > 9-985 10 440 i 9 1 1 > > h m a 21. I. 2O '05 21. 15. 25-90 21. 23. 0'97 18. 54- 5579 8. 54- 53'93 '9- '9-47*57 19. 19. 44-27 19. 30. 54-65 19. 33. 27-14 19. jo. 12-29 19. 38. 33-78 19.40. 41-85 '9- 4z- 3974 '9- 5*- 35'*3 19. 56. 17-08 20. O. 20-82 20. 14. 45'86 20. 16. 39-67 20. 1 8. 40-07 20. 26. 1 3 '58 20. 30. 3-18 20. 32. 59-27 2O. 37. 2'22 20. 49. 41-92 21. 8. 43'92 21. IO. 50-78 21. 13. 31-97 21. 15. 25-80 21. 30. 44-54 21. 32. 59-44 21. 36. 18*56 21. 38. 24-67 21. 40. io"66 21. 41. 28*15 21.41. 54-43 21. 45. 28-76 22. 4. 5 I -44 18. 54. 54-63 1 8. 54. 54 '68 '9- '9- 43 '5 19. 19. 43-07 19. 40. 4175 19. 42. 39 60 19. 52. 35-06 19. 56. 16-90 20. o. 20-84 20. o. 19*07 20. 7.51-55 20. 10. 10-42 20. 12. 33-03 20. 14. 45 '85 20. 1 6. 39-52 20. 1 8. 40-15 20. 34. 23-08 20.46. 33-97 2O. 50. 20-98 20. 53. 29-12 21. I. 19-94 21. 4-27-57 21. 8. 43-99 21. 10. 50 86 21. 13. 32-16 lo'oo 25-85 1-18 54'97 5379 4773 46-32 54-60 27-10 12-25 3374 41-81 39-69 35-18 17-04 19-11 4S78 39'59 39'99 13-50 3-09 59'23 2-13 41-88 43-84 50-70 31-89 2572 44-42 59'35 18-48 24-58 10*56 28-05 54*33 28-66 51-38 5 5 '47 54'85 42-81 40-49 41-64 39'49 34*95 1679 23-11 '9'59 5 1 '45 10-32 32'93 4574 39'4i 40-04 22-95 3 3 '9 20-91 29-05 19-87 27-50 43'92 579 32-09 25-48 3''33 7-06 0-59 0-59 50-23 50-23 O'lO 32-61 1772 39-21 47'3 45-21 40-68 22-50 20-55 5 ''39 45''9 4572 19-09 8-69 6-08 7-87 47' 6 7 49-42 56-29 37'5 6 31-32 50-04 4 '97 24-09 30-15 16-16 337 59-98 34'3 Z 56-98 i "69 1*69 47 ** 47-28 47 '2 5 45-16 40-63 22-45 23-11 23-11 57-22 i6'oo 38-63 S''34 45'i4 45-68 28-17 39'37 2'33 34'53 2 5'43 32-88 49'39 56-26 37'53 5-48 5-48 5-88 5-62 6-80 2-50 3-91 5'5 5'5' 5 '47 5 '47 5 '49 5'52 5'5 5-46 1-44 5-61 5-60 573 5'59 5-60 6-85 574 579 5'58 5 '59 5-67 5 -60 5-62 5-62 5-6, 5'57 5 '60 5'65 5-65 5-66 5 "60 6-22 6-84 4 '47 6 79 5-6, -5-67 5-68 5-66 o'oo 3'52 577 5-68 570 5-60 573 5-64 5-22 5 '47 5 '42 5-48 5'S6 5'38 5 '47 5 '47 5 '44 Greet 5-48 5-48 Greet iwicli. Piazzi IX 37 S.P V \v W w w w w \V vr w \v E E E E K J K E It K W \v E E E W W B B K B B E B W E E B E K K E B E E E E W W w w \v E w \v \v w w w E 6 9 9 4 10 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ii g 9 9 9 9 9 9 IO 10 IO 8 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 IO 9 IO 7 10 5 9 9 4 9 9 9 IO 9 9 9 9 9 8 4 IO IO 9 7 9 9 9 IO IO r 13-697 10-440 > )> 7'554 10-440 i i 10-440 ii 1 1 -440 1 1 -440 10-440 ii ii >j > n 12-308 11-561 13-894 10-440 vi 10*440 1 > io'44O n >} > 10*716 7-636 8-614 7 '494 8-844 10*440 H H M j > 10-315 10-440 > 10-440 II ) t n 12-274 11*912 i o '440 > i > > > 9 '344 10-031 h m s 21.23. 1-45 22. 57.23-65 22. 59. O'Ol 23. 2. 19-02 21. 23. i'66 21. 45. 28'83 21. 48. 34-36 " S 1 - 47'34 22. 2. 25*24 22- 4- 51*54 22. 5. 36-46 22. 9. 38-97 22. II. 40-42 22. 15. 14-49 22. 21. 21'47 22. 28. 5'10 22. 39. 42*00 22. 41. 47-11 22.45. 14-89 22 57. 23-59 22. 58. 59-94 23. 2. l8'85 23. 28. I2'62 23. 28. 13-82 23.27. 7-91 23. 33. 1877 23. 35- 34'4 23. 39. 2-36 23.41. 9-87 22. 2.25-17 22. 5 . 36-38 22. 9. 3878 22. II. 40-27 t2. 15. 16*48 22. I 5 . 13-55 22. 21.45-34 22. 21. 2l79 21.23. i'95 22. 34. 50-55 22.37. 4''3 22. 39. 42 "06 22. 41.47-19 22. 45. 14-98 22. 47-3572 22.49. 3 6 ''7 22. 51. 58-38 22.57.23-65 22. 59. 0-03 23. 2.18-97 23- '3-43'37 23- '5-4579 23. 20. 1-67 23. 22. 22-88 23. 28. 14-65 23. 28. 14-65 23. 39. 2-42 23.41. 9-82 0. 3. l8'I2 o. 5. 13-02 o. 8. 24-67 o. 13. 19-48 o. 13. I9'6g s 1-89 23*55 59'95 18-96 1-15 28-75 34-28 47'25 25-16 5*'45 36-37 38'93 40-38 14-02 21-88 5-06 41-96 47 '5 14-84 23'55 59-89 18-80 12*62 13-82 14-80 18-73 34-00 2-28 9-80 25-10 36-32 3873 40*22 1570 12-77 46-08 22"IO '77 50-48 4-06 41-99 47-12 14-91 35-65 36 '10 58-37 23-58 59-96 18-90 43-26 45-69 1-56 2277 13-81 '4'39 2-32 971 18-02 U'yi 24-56 20-86 19-99 7-06 29-08 5-48 24-40 7-17 34'33 39'94 52'X4 30-76 56-99 41-98 44-36 45'4 18-79 27-40 10-58 47*47 52 '63 20-39 29-08 5-48 24-40 ' 9 '43 "9'43 '9'43 24'35 39'5' 7 '94 15-40 30-75 41-96 44-35 45-83 18-91 18-91 50-61 27-28 7"4 55'95 9-58 47-46 52-62 20-38 41*16 41-61 3-80 29-07 5-48 24-39 48-82 51-28 7 '23 28-51 19*33 19-33 7 '94 15-40 23'59 1 8 '45 30'12 26-69 26-69 3 5'17 5'53 5'53 5 '44 6'02 5-58 5-66 5'59 5 -60 5 '54 5-6, 5 '43 5-46 477 5'52 5'52 5'5' 5-58 5'55 5 '53 5'59 5 '60 6-81 -,'61 4-65 5-62 5'5" 5-66 5 -60 SS 5-64 5-62 5-61 3-21 6-14 4'53 5 -,8 5-64 5'47 5 '5 2 5 '47 5 -60 5 '47 5'S 1 5'S 1 5 '43 5 '49 5 '52 5 '49 5'56 5 '59 5'67 i 574 5'52 4 '94 5-62 5 69 5 '57 5 '54 5'56 5'83 67O s 5'53 5'53 5 '44 5'59 5'7 5 *6o 5-61 5 '55 5-62 5 '44 5 '47 5'52 5'5' 5-58 5'55 5'53 5'59 5 -60 5 : 6z 5'5' 5-66 5-60 5'65 5-64 5* 5-61 ... 5 '47 5'52 5 '47 5-^0 5 '47 5'5' 5'S 1 5 '49 5 '52 5 '49 5'56 5*59 5'67 574 5-62 5-69 5'57 5 '54 5'56 o Androiuedae IVizzi IX 37 S P Peffasi 1902 September Cephei 51 S P 56 Pegasi iwich. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P Gepliei 51 S.P 16 Pe"asi X Urs.c Miuoris t Pe ff asi ir 1 Pegasi 5"S 5-52 5-48 5-48 5'5 5'53 5'5' 5 '47 5-62 5-61 574 5 '60 5-6, 575 5'59 5-60 5-68 5-6, Green 5-62 5-62 5 -6i 5 '57 5-60 5'65 5^5 5-66 5-60 Green 5 '-6, 5'67 5-68 5-66 577 5-68 57 5-60 573 5-64 5 '47 5-42 5-48 5-56 5'38 5 '47 5 '47 5 '44 ir 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. 36 i Lacertse , .. .. Bradley 1399 S P. . . Y CvflTU . Bradley 2993 Groombridge 3804 Groombridge 1119 S.P 16 Cv^ni . \ Pegasi p Pe^'asi v Cveui ... 56 Pegasi ... Bradley 2701 AQ Gvpi .. <* Cvirni... i Andromi'dae T Cvgni 78 Pegasi Lund. 10053 1902 September 23 72 Cvcni... , W wich. 74 Cygni w w w w w \v w B 24 \v B E W \v \v w w w E W W w w w vr E K B B B K K V: [: 75 Cygni Piazzi XXII 36 77 Cvinii ... < Pe rf asi Bradley 2851 Bradley 2852 14. Pe^asi ., Bradley 2993 wich. Pifiz/i IX 37 S P 1902 September Cephei 51 S.P Cephei 51 S.P 10 Lacertse \ Ursse Minoris X Ursiu Miuojis \ Pegasi 15 Cygni v Cygui 77 Cvgni Bradley i <;o8 S P 25 Cy^'ni Groomiiridge 11198. P GroonibviJge 1119 S.P 20 Vulpeculae Pegasi 56 Pegasi 9 AndromediB 21 Vulpeculse 24 Vulpeculae 16 CvsJ'ii Groombridge 3140 7 Cygui 75 Draconis 78 Pe"asi 56 Cy ff ni 32 Vulpeculse v Cygui C Cygui A 1 d Piazzi XXI. i Bradley 1672 S P t Cy 10*440 10-456 10*440 j > ll '928 i o "440 14-274 h in s 20. 16. 39-66 20. 1 8. 40*17 20. 21. 18-17 20. 23. 54-00 20. 33. o 77 20. 37. 2-24 20. 41. 34-71 20. 43- 33-17 20. 46. 3372 2O. 49. 42'! I 20. 53. 28-94 21. I. 19-83 21. 23. i '66 39-55 40*06 1 8*08 0-73 2'IO 34^8 33-02 33]57 28*79 19-68 2-07 s 45*12 45-66 2377 59-50 5-68 7-81 40-26 38-73 39-35 25-41 7-54 3 5'57 5 -60 5-69 5*6, 4'95 57' 5*68 5-71 578 573 5'73 5 '47 8 5*60 5-69 5-6, 57' 5-68 57' 573 Lalande 39329 8 Cygni 9 Cy^m 14 G\'rni .. 19 Cygni 52 Cyni... . 13 Vulpeculaj Groombridge 1119 S.P. Groombridtfe 1119 S.P.. 76 Draconis . .... 76 Cygni... Piazzi IX 37 S.P. 1902 September 26. Greenwich. \ Ursai Minoris W IO q'427 19 19. 42*74 76*01 44.'2C 7*74 Bradley 2993 W IO II '851 22. 21 22*59 21*28 38 Pegasi W 9 10 '440 22. 2$. 31 "21 31 "14 76-84 c '70 F M' 4*82 F w " Groom bridge 2889 F, 5 5 1 r ?6 \\ ' ' 5 L CO* i^Cygui F, 12*28 w ij Cvgni F " "W ill "87 <*6z 25 Cygni E o w >-;2'6i Groombridge 1119 S.P K 10 IO*67-3 20. o. i8'86 22'<7 25*68 7*1 "*, u Pegasi... w q 22. 45. I4'8l H'77 20*77 w 11 ? C 'AC Groombridge 11198.? W 10 II'42I 20. o. 16*76 22 'J 8 25-68 3'5 o Andromedse V. o 22. 58. 23 "47 27 '47 2q '06 C'67 20 Vulpeculse F, C'<8 E CQ'8? <'6z 21 Vulpeculse F, o E 1878 <*6i *v Cye*ni ... F, Q I* 1 B 8 * ' 23. 13. 43*27 43*23 48*82 c - cq Lalande 39329 W I 8 '02 Ii " 51*28 5-66 40 Cygni W <7'82 c*66 ()! E r-62 42 Cv'iii... W r*6c S 28 *5 1 c'c6 49 Cygni W 7*80 1 ?*A8 A. Cygni W l8 '72 c'6-i c*6i 56 Cv^ni W -62 ?'6i "W I4'28 d.'8 c 76 Draconis W I I '714 41*28 :> r-gc Bradley 1672 S P W 26-64 v Cygni W 20 53 28*88 28'8o Groombridge 3750 W q 22. 17. 77*77 77'6c 47*74 ;'6q c'6q Bradley 1672 S.P.... B IO 8'702 0. 14. I7'7Q 20 'o--; 26-64 6'Cq 1902 October 6. Groombridge 1119 S.P Paris. Groombridge 1119., X Cygni 5 6 Cygni 76 Draconis v Cygni {Cygni fCygm v Cygni tr Cygni Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. 2 Pegasi 1902 October 7. 74 Cygni Bradley 2841 14 Pcgaai 16 Pegasi i Pegasi irj Pegasi T . 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. i Lacertse Bradley 1 3998. P., 36.. Bradley 2993. 38 Pegasi IO 9*092 IO 13-037 9 10*440 6 IO ii '306 9 10-440 9 u 9 5 9 M 10 IO*68o 5 10*440 10*440 10*960 20. I. 7-75 20. i. 10*08 20 -43- 35'54 20.46. 35-96 20. 49. 38 '56 20. 53. 31-21 21. I. 22*OO 21. 8. 46*28 21. IO. 53*03 21. 13. 34-23 21. 23. IIT5 21. 25. 31-17 21.33. 1*77 21. 39. 1071 21. 45. 31-26 21.48. 36-94 22. 2.27-79 22. 4. 53-86 22. 5. 38-91 22. 19. 41-13 22. II. 42*58 22. 15. 25'6o 36*63 35 - 4' 35-98 42-52 31-17 22*02 46*06 52-93 34-16 6*31 30*86 37'54 37^4 38-52 39-10 45-70 34-29 25*18 49-21 56-05 37-3I 8-92 33'97 9-894 22. 21. 15-34 10-440 [22. 25. 33-89 '77 475 10-72 13-69 31*09 34*1 5 36-71 39'77 27-55 30 '6 1 53'74 56-83 3879 41 'Si 41*10 44-18 42-53 45 '67 18*28 20*97 23H5 25*08 33'79 3 6 '74 4-99 0*91 3-11 3-12 3-18 3-12 3-16 3 - '5 3-12 3 - '5 2-61 3'" 2-98 2-97 3-06 3*06 3-06 3-09 3-02 3-08 3-14 2-69 1-63 2-95 3 10 3-11 3-11 3 -I 5 3''4 3' Ll 3-I4 3-10 72 Cygni W 77 Cygni W Piazzi XXI. 339 . Piazzi XXII. 36.. i L;icertse Piazzi XXII. 65.. Bradley 2993 38 Pegasi 13 Lacerte A. Pegasi 10*440 21. 30. 46*80 46*71 21.38.26*82 26*78 10*440 21. 51. 49*96 22. 9. 41-16 22. II. 42-73 22. I 4 . 39-29 9-691 10-440 49-65 41-14 42-67 39' 2 3 22. 21. I4'79 I 22*78 22. 25. 33*83 22. 39. 44*26 22. 41.49*72 336* 44'28 49'44 49-83 29^5 52-70 44-I8 45-68 42*27 25*26 3 6 '75 47-36 Paris. 2*96 2*96 3*05 3-05 3*05 3*08 3-01 3 - 7 3*13 2- 94 Groombridge 3804 . 8 Laeertse p. Pegasi 15 Lacertie Groombridge 3919 . 56 Pegasi 6 Andromedie K Andromedse i| Andromedse Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147. E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 K 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 10 W IO 10 440 8'6io 9-168 22. 28. 7-46 22.31. 31*77 22.45. I7-57 22. 47. 38-07 22- 59- 38-53 23. 2. 21 '67 23. 5. 56*87 23. 35' 3 6 '39 23. 41. 12*23 23. 28. 4'5 Z 23. 28. 3-88 7*50 31 *8o '7'35 38*18 38-58 21*47 56-98 36-52 12*41 15-72 14-50 10*43 34-68 20-31 41-05 41*52 24*34 59-84 39'49 '5"39 1 8 '09 18*09 3 12 3-17 3-05 3*04 3-01 3-04 2-48 3-07 3-08 3-11 2-93 2*88 2*96 2-87 2-94 2*87 2*86 2 97 2*98 2-37 3'59 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 277 Star's Name. Observed Transit. a; ~ Star's Name. * B 42 Observed Transit. jfiH ir 11)02 October 7 continued. Paris. Groombridge 4159 85 Pegasi B-adlcy 3112 a Andromedffi 22 Andromeda?.. 10-440 23. 49. 23. 52. 23. 57. o. i. o- 3- o. 5. 7 '97 47'4' 4-67 33-14 20-84 15-46 8-00 47-20 4 '49 32-99 20-69 '5-63 5''3 7 '45 35-96 23-63 18-49 2-98 2-93 2-96 2'97 2-94 2-86 2-98 2-93 2-96 2-97 2-94 2-86 Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P.. 28 Andromedae .... TT Andromedie .... S Andromedie .... 8-919 13-510 10-440 h m 8 o- '3-45'55 o. 13. 46-91 o. 24. 58-61 o. 31.40-35 o. 33. 676 23 '6o 27-02 26-03 58-44 40-24 6 '60 26-69 1-51 43^5 9-70 3 '4* 0-66 3'7 3-11 3-10 1902 October 8. Paris. \ Pegasi /* 1'egasi 15 Lacertae Groombridge 3919. 8 Pi-gasi 56 Pegasi 9 Andromeda r Pegasi 67 I'egaai 13 Andromedse E E K E F. E K E K R 10-440 22. 4'- 49'95 22. 45. 17*78 22.47. 38-55 22. 49. 38*93 22. 59. 2*88 2. 21*86 13. 46-19 15. 48-84 4-64 23. 22. 25-92 IJ. *3- 23- 23. 20. j 49 "6 1 ' i7'45 2-58 21-54 46-05 48-50 4-38 2579 20-30 41-04 41-51 5-41 2 4'33 48-76 51-24 7-i9 28-46 2-92 2-85 2-61 2 74 2-83 2-79 2-71 274 2-81 2-67 2-91 2-84 2 "60 2'73 2-82 2-78 2-70 2-73 2-80 2-66 Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147 ... K Andromeda... 78 Pegasi if/ Andromedie... Lalande 47034.. a Andromed* . 23 Andromeda . 9-271 8-623 10-440 23. 28. 8-31 28. 8-61 35.36-81 39- 5H2 12-72 3 23 23. 41 23. 54. 31-64 O. 3. 21*21 o. 8.27-58 15-31 15-03 36-65 5'10 12-59 31-36 20-89 '7'95 '7'95 39-48 7 '94 15-38 34''3 23-63 30-17 2-64 2-92 2-83 2-84 2-79 * '77 274 2-79 1902 October 9. Paris. 44 Cygni E 47 Cygni E 75 Draconis E 52 Cygni E X Cyxiii E 56 Cvgni E { Oygni E PiazziXXI. i E ( Cygni E r Cygni E Groombridge 3548 ...; E 10-440 20. 27. 16-41 20. 30. 5-99 !O'2l8 20. 34. 21-76 10-440 j 20 41. 3775 20. 43. 36-07 20. 46. 36-66 21. I. 22-72 21. 4 . 30-43 21. 8. 46-84 ,; in. 9.53-69 12-116 I 21. 19. 10-45 16 *io 5-66 2377 37-38 3576 36-45 22-51 30-05 46 '46 53-40 16-86 18-73 8 '34 26-18 40-01 38-46 39-03 25-11 32-63 49''5 55-99 2-63 2-68 2-41 2-63 2-70 2-58 2-60 2-58 2-69 2'59 3'35 2-60 2-65 2 '60 2-67 2'55 2 '57 2'55 2-66 2-56 72Cygni 74 Cygni 75 Cygni 14 Pegasi 16 Pegasi Groombridge 3655. < Pegasi T! Pegasi ir. 2 Pegasi 10-400 21. 30. 47-47 21.33. 2-40 21. 36. 21-48 21. 45. 31 '88 21. 48- 37'S 1 21. 59. 0-76 22. 2. 28-39 22. 4. 54-58 22. 5. 39-64 47''4 2-09 21-21 3 ''47 37-06 0-51 27-95 54-20 39-26 4977 4'7 23-82 34-12 3974 3''4 30-58 56-80 41-78 2-63 2-62 2-61 2-65 2-68 :*3 2-63 2 "60 1902 October 10. Paris. 76 Draconis Piazzi XXI. i ...... C Cygni ............... T Cygni ............... a Cygni .............. Groombridge 3548. Groombridge 3548. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 72 Cygni ............. 74 Cygni ............. 75 Cygni ......... .... Bradley 2841 ........ Bradley 2851 ........ 16 Pi-gasi ............ Piazzi XXII. 36.... i L-ieertae ........... Bradley 1399 S.P. Bradley 2993. 8 Licertae .. . 10 Lacertae... 12 Lacertae .. . 8*124 10-440 9 9 9 9 10 12-170 12*593 775' 10*440 9 9 9 5 4 9 9 10-999 20. 49. 41-11 42-90 21. I. 22-92 2272 21. 4. 30-57 30-25 21. 8. 47-08 46-77 21. 10. 53-85 53-59 21. 13. 35-04 34-80 21. 19. 12-79 17-61 21. 19. 21. 23. 21. 30. 21. 33. 21. 36. 21. 39. 21. 41. 21. 48. 22. 9. 22. II. 22. 15. I2-O3 9-58 47-62 2-50 21-58 u 39 3i '43 3778 42 "06 43'54 23-51 12-777 22. 21. '8-45 10-440 I 22. 21. 32-52 .. 22 -34-53 '71 ,, 22. 37. 7-32 17*41 673 47-32 2'3* II *2I 31-11 41-87 43'33 19-29 45-09 25-09 j 32-62 I 49-14 ' 55-97 i 37' 2 3 19-86 I 19*86 9'5' 49'75 4-69 23-80 13-63 33-48 39'73 21-51 22-03 24-47 32-28 34-64 53-46 55-79 7-08 9-42 2-19 2 '37 z'37 2-37 2-38 2-43 2-25 2-45 2-78 2-43 2-37 2'37 2-42 2'37 2-27 2-26 2-29 2'22 2-33 2'34 2'35 2'35 *'35 2-36 2-41 2-41 2'35 2-35 2*40 2-35 2-25 2-25 2-28 2-35 2-32 2'33 1 3 Lacertae K Pegasi fj. Pegasi Groombridge 3919. 6 Andromedse W.B. (2) XXIII. 95. 6 1 Pegasi 9 Andromedie T Pegasi 14 Andromeda! . Bradley 3147.... i Andromedaj... K Andromeda;.. 78 Pegasi if- Andromedse W.B. (2) XXIII. 907.. i(/ Pegasi Lalande 47034 85 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 1672 S.P. , W w W w E E K E K K K E K E W W W w w w 10-440 10-440 II 760 10-440 10-440 10-500 8723 22. 39. 45-16 22. 41. 50-55 22.45. 18-27 22.49. 39-41 57'67 20-72 1-18 46-63 49-25 44'94 50-18 17-91 39''7 57'52 20-43 o-S8 46-46 48-92 30-36 !5-3 22-03 37'24 23 23. 26. 30-56 23. 28. 9-40 23- 33- 22-19 23- 35- 37-38 23 39- 5'92 23.41. 13-12 12-95 23-44.47'59 47'26 23. 52. 48-16 ; 47 " 23- 54- 32-09 23.57. 5-42 3 -"79 5-08 o. 13. 36-03 125-45 o. 13- 37'4 T 25-76 47 '3 ' 52-51 20-28 41-48 59-81 2278 3-21 4874 51-23 32-61 17-62 24-31 39'47 7-93 <5'37 49-64 50*12 34-12 7'44 2 7'43 2 '37 2'33 2-37 2-29 2-35 2'33 2-28 2-31 2-25 2-59 2-28 2-23 2-30 2-42 2-38 2-31 2'33 2-36 1-98 1-67 1902 October 13. Paris. 56 Cygni... 32 VuTpeoulee * Cygni f Cygni C Cygni (T Cygni Lund 10053 Groombridge 3548.. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.. 2 Pe-jasi 74 Cygni 10-440 10-159 9-661 10-440 20. 46. 36-95 2O. 50. 24-23 20. 53. 32-22 | 21. 1. 23-03 21. 8. 47-26 21. I 3 . 35-27 21. 15. 29-18 21. I 9 . 978 21. 23. 11-14 21. 25. 32*04 21. 33. 2*71 36-89 23'97 32-12 22-97 47-02 35'H 29-04 1676 783 31*71 2-55 26-00 34-I3 25-02 49 '08 37-16 3'93 1879 9'97 33-86 4-63 2-04 2-03 2"OI 2-05 2"o6 2'02 1-89 2-03 2-I 4 2-15 2'08 2 03 2"OO 2*04 2-01 1-88 2-07 75 Cygni 77 Cygni Bradley 2841. Bradley 2851. Bradley 2852. 14 Pegasi 1 6 Pegasi i Pegasi ir 1 Pegasi 15radley 2993. 10*440 5-297 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 39. 21. 41 21. 41. 21.45 21. 48. 22. 2. 22. 4. 54*87 22. 5. 39*84 22. 21. 17-05 21-83 27-94 ii*6S 31 '62 32-23 37-80 28-71 2171 2779 11*37 31*31 57-61 31-96 37-49 28-39 54-62 39'59 21 "90 2373 29-81 '3'57 33'44 5973 34-05 39-69 30-53 56-74 4173 23-82 2 'O2 2 - O2 2 '2O 2-13 2'12 2*09 2 "2O 2-14 2-12 2-14 l- 9 2 2*OI 2'OI 2-19 2-12 2'II 2-08 2-I 9 2-13 2'II 2-13 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 n 2-78 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902.. Star's Name. Observed Transit. 1 IIH ill I I!!! iStar's Name. < 5 42 Observed Tnuisit. .S z~ IS . =* 1902 October 14. Paris.. 32 Vulpeculfe. v Cygni I Cygni Piazzi XXL i C Cygni "Cygni Lund 10053 Groombridge 3548. Groom bridge 3548. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P.., 7* Cygni 74Cygni 75 Cygni 77 Cygni. Bradley 2841 , 16 Pegasi , Piazzi XXI. 339 Piazzi XXII. 36 i Lacertae Bradley 1399 S.P... Bradley 2993 12 Lacertae 13 Lacertae fi. Pegasi GrooTii bridge 3919.. i o '440 1 1 '124 i3' 2 53 5715 10-440 10*709 10-429 10-440 20. .50. 24-25 20. 53. 32-24 21. I. 23-00 21. 4. 30-76 21. 8. 47-21 21. 13. 35-26 21. 15. 28-93 21. 19. 9-44 21. 19. 21.23. 21. 30. 21. 33. 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 39. 21. 4 8. 21. 51. 22. 9 . 22. II. 22. 15. IO-29 11-25 4778 2-66 21-82 27-93 11-65 37-86 50-92 42-25 43-67 25-09 22. 21. 15-94 22. 37. 24-08 32-21 23 01 30*61 47-06 35'2I 28-86 16-36 1777 7-69 47 7 6 2-67 21-87 2 7'95 11-67 3770 50-71 42-25 43 '65 19-70 21-, 5 7 '44 25-98 34-11 24-99 3 2 '54 49 "06 37"'4 30-91 1 8 -43 18-43 IO'I2 49-68 4'6l 2371 29-79 '3'55 39' 6 7 52-59 44'07 45'5 6 22-28 23-61 9'37 7-43 22. 39. 45*26 45-29 22. 45. 18-43 ' 18-25 2O'24 22. 49. 39-44 : 39 -45 41-44 1-90 1-90 1-98 1*93 2'OO '"93 2-05 2-07 0-66 2-43 92 '94 84 84 88 '97 88 82 '91 2-58 2-46 1-93 i -96 '99 1-99 1*88 1*88 1*96 1*91 1*98 1*91 2*03 1-90 1-92 1-82 1-82 1-86 1 '95 1-86 1*1 1*90 1-92 ''95 1-98 1-98 o Andromeda;... Pegasi 56 Pugasi 6 Andromeda;.. . T Pegasi 67 Pegasi 1 3 Androniedie . Bradley 3147.... Bradley 3147 i Andromedse K Andronied-s 78 Pegasi Groombridge 4153- Groombridge 4159., Piscium Piazzi I. 29 v Piscium J Andromedae... 47 Andromedae . Polaris Polaris . \V 10-440 (1 7'934 11-175 10*440 8-294 10-440 8-997 10-691 23. 46. 40-54 23. 49. 9-36 23. 52.48-67 o. 13. 41-48 o. 13. 40-88 o. 44. 27-76 0.48. 8*38 o. 51. 21*97 0.55. 39*64 0. 57. 27*17 1. 4. 17*83 6. 18*82 8. 28*63 10. 54*n 14. 7*81 16.37*76 18. 7*50 24. 49*95 i. 24. 48*64 40-59 9'37 48-53 27-63 25-96 2779 8-36 21-97 45-36 27*26 17-83 18-76 28-52 54-09 7-72 37'9 7 '54 10-93 8-06 42-I5 10-94 50 II 28-58 28-58 29-46 IO-07 23-67 46-89 28-83 19-46 20-39 3-'5 557i 9-36 39-5i 9-18 1-56 'S7 1-58 0-95 2/62 '67 7' 70 '53 "57 63 63 64 60 64 0-28 1-56 '57 i- 5 8 Bonn 1434.... Lalande 3149 Piazzi I. 170 . A Arietis e Trianguli a Arietis 6 Trianguli 7 Trianguli W.B. (2)11. 270-1. Piazzi II. 61 ii Trianguli Lalande 4588 W.B. (2)11. 581.... 33 Arietis '. 35 Arieti.s W.B. (2)11. 915. 41 Arietis 20 Persei Cephei 47 10 '440 10-440 10-440 11-227 1. 35. 52-69 1. 38. 17-55 1. 42. 55-39 1. 52. 31-13 1. 57. 17-62 2. I. 4 I '91 2. 6. 44-25 2. II. 32-55 2. 14. 23-79 2. 16. 47-86 2. 21. 42-57 2. 24. 26'O5 2. 27. 0-84 2- 35- '54 2. 37-45'" 2. 40. 58-36 2. 44. 15-95 2. 47. 34-98 2. 53. I4-12 52-79 17-52 55 '43 31-01 17-56 41-76 44'"7 3 2 '49 23-70 47-90 42-50 25-99 0-79 0-45 45 '3 58'37 15 -87 3 5 '3 16-15 54-34 19-12 56-92 19*28 43H3 45-86 34-18 25-49 49-59 44'25 27-78 2'54 2-06 46-70 59-98 17-54 36-66 17-73 '55 60 '49 56 72 '67 69 -69 79 69 '75 79 75 6 1 67 -fa '67 63 58 1-56 1-61 1-50 ""57 i"73 1-68 1-70 1-70 i -80 1-70 1-76 i -80 1-76 1-62 1-68 1-62 1-68 1*64 1902 October 17. Paris. {Cygni Piazzi XXI. f Cygni . T Gyt Uygm Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. , 7^ Cygni 74 Cygni 75 Cygui 77 Cygni Bradley 2841 1 6 Pegasi. 10*440 6-303 10-440 10 440 21. I. 23*19 21. 4. 31*01 21. 8.47*48 21. IO. 54-23 21. 23. 12*50 21. 30. 48*06 21. 33. 2-89 21. 36. 21 -95 21. 38. 28-13 21. 39. 11-83 21. 48. 38*09 23-39 31 '01 47-48 54-34 877 48-18 3-04 22'14 28-29 38-02 24-92 32-49 49-01 55'83 10-53 49-62 4-55 23-65 2973 '3 '49 39-63 '53 48 '53 '49 76 '44 '5i '5 1 '44 '5' 1-61 '5' 46 V '47 '43 '5 '5 '43 '5 i -60 Leiden 9262 Groombridge 3655 . i Pegasi ir 1 Pegasi ir 2 Pegasi Bradley 2993 38 Pegasi Groombridge 3804 . 8 Lacerfce 10 Lacertffi 12 LaeertiC 13 Lacerte 10*440 9-547 10*440 21. 56. 21. 59. 22. 2. 22. 4. 22. 5. 22. 21. 22.25. 22. 28, 22. 31. 22. 34- 22. 37. 22. 39. 10-30 I'33 29-07 55-18 4O-II 14-83 35'4 8-68 32-96 54'5 7-65 45 '54 10-31 1-49 28-99 55''9 40-12 20-65 35-04 877 33'4 54-13 7-74 45-66 11-89 2-99 3'47 56-68 41-67 23-04 36-61 10-29 34'54 55-70 9'33 47-21 ,-58 1-50 1-48 1-49 ''55 2-39 '57 1-52 1-50 'J7 ''59 ''55 '"57 1-49 ''47 .-48 ''54 1*56 1*51 "'49 1-56 ,-58 ''54 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 279 Star's Name. Observed Transit. II 3 o It" 8 jj O 5 S.v3 E Star's Name. Observed Transit. Ill O ftM 1902 October 17 continued. \ Pegasi o Androniedte... Pegasi 56 Pegasi 13 Andromedse . Bradley 3147.... Bradley 3147 i Andromeda? 78 Pegasi i| Pegasi Lai-Hide 47034 85 Pegasi Groombridge 4219 . 1902 October 21. Piazzi XXI. i T Cygin ............... a Cj-gni .............. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. 72 Cygni ............ , 74 Cygni ............. 75 Cygni ............. 77 Cygni ............. 14 Pegasi 1 6 Pegnsi Groombridge 3655 . i Pegasi T 1 Pegasi T 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. 65.... Bradley 1399 S.P. . Bradley 2993 1902 October 22. ( Cygni W T Cygni W $ Andromedse W 2 Ursx Miuoris W 41 AndromediB W P AmlroniediB W T Piscium W Piscium I W Piazzi I. 29 W v Piscium W Polaris... .. W Polaris Piazzi I. 104..., v Aiidromedse . X Andromedae. Bonn 1434 , Bradley 253 ..., A Arii-tis 1902 October 25. 78 Pegasi... t Andromedae /.B. (2) XXI 1 1. 907.. ifi Pegasi 85 Peg \V W W W W Piazzi 0. 74 . Piazzi 0. 103... ir Andromeda?. W \v W 1 9 Groombridge 4219 j W 9 Bradley 1672 S.P W 10 10*440 12-548 12*040 10*440 22. 41. 50-95 22. 57. 27-24 22. 59. 3*84 23. 2. 22*8o 2-!. 22. 26-67 23. 28. 5*95 23.28. 8*02 2 3 . 33. 22*60 23.39. 6-44 23- 52. 48*72 2 3* 54- 32 5- 23- 57- 5 '94 50-85 27*36 379 22-72 26-80 13-96 16-61 2279 6-43 48-67 32-61 5'9' J~ J I J 7^ J ~J - 23. 59. 37.63! 37-80 28-87 5'34 24-26 28-39 16-41 16-41 24-26 7-90 50 "I I 34 10 7H3 39' 2 5 10*440 6 881 10*440 4- 3 1 '54 3''5- 8. 47*96 47-93 9- 547 547 s 13. 35-96 36*06 23.13*61, 979 ! 48*93 5574 13-469 10-348 10-440 9-041 10-440 11-541 10-674 10-440 36-99 11*13 21.30.48*49 48*561 49*54 2 '- 33- 3'44 3'55 ! 4'46 21. 36. 22*52 22*68 j 23*y6 29-65 j 21. 38. 28-67 21.45. 33-05 21. 48. 38*65 21. 59. 1*83 22. 2. 29-58 22. 4. 55*65 22. 5. 40*65 22. 14.41-05 22. 15. 28*41 28-79 32-99 3^54 1-96 29-46 55-62 40*62 41-07 22-95 22. 21. 1472 21-02 33'92 39-56 2-91 30-41 56-61 41-60 42-04 23-56 22'2I 21. 8.48-00 21. 10. 5472 0.34. 8- 9 8 0. 55. 40-43 1. 2.27-41 I. 4. 18-57 i. 6. 19-49 i. 8.29-32 i. 10. 54-81 i. 14. 8-49 i. 24. 49-88 i. 24.47-76 i. 28. 41 '08 1.31. 6-79 i. 33. 32-63 ' 35- 53'42 i. 50. 10-70 i. 52. 3174 10-440 ! 23. 39. 3-35 ,, i 23. 41. 10-30 ,. 23.44.44-95 .. j 23. 52.45'69 23. 57. 2-95 .. 1*3- 59- 34 - 55 12-584 o. 13. 46-93 10-440 0.22.57-77 o. 27. 38-82 o. 31. 38-77 47-99 54-80 8-98 46-41 27-63 .8-66 19-48 29-25 5 + " 8 4 8-45 11-62 1 1 '06 41-20 6-97 32-86 53-62 10-82 31-69 2-89 10*14 44-59 45-17 2-46 34'3 26-40 57-56 3 f 3 ! 38-38 42-13 7-85 33-65 54^9 1 1 "69 32-62 >'59 1-51 '55 ''54 '"59 -O'2O '"47 ''47 1-44 1-49 1-52 '"45 0*90 I'OO 0-96 0-93 '"34 0-98 0*91 0-98 0-86 0-93 I "02 0-95 0-95 0-99 0-98 0-97 o'6i 1-19 0-92 0*92 0-73 0-47 0-83 0-82 "93 0-92 0-90 0-94 0-41 0-97 0-93 0-88 0-79 077 0-87 0-93 Pans. r- 5 S 1-50 1-5-4 '53 '59 i'47 '"47 1-44 1-49 ,1-52 I- 45 Bradley 3212 , 23 Andromedse ir Audromedie 8 Andromi'dse Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. Groombridge 140 . v Andromedae W.B. (2)0. 1172.. fi Androrned* 2 Ursse Miuoris.... 2 Ursre Miuoris E 10 *i 9 E Q E| 9 E 9 E ! 10 W; 10 W| 9 W 9 Pans. 0-89 0-99 0-95 0*92 0-97 0*90 0-97 0-85 0*92 I '01 0-94 0-94 0-98 0-97 0*96 38 Pegasi Groombridge 3804 8 Licert-9 56 Pega-d 6 Andromedse Bradley 3147 i Andromeda $ Pegasi Lilande 47034 Groombridge 4219 ,. Bradley 3212 a Andromedse 22 Atidromedse > p AndromediB .... Gt"Oonibridge 57 , Piazzi 0. 74 28 Andromedae .. 8 AndromediB.... v AndromediB .... /i Andromedae ... Paris. 0*92 0*92 73 0-83 0-82 0-93 0*92 0*90 0-94 0-93 0-88 0-79 77 0-87 0-93 6 Triauguli .... y Triauguli W.B. (2)270-1. Piazzi II. 61 ii Triangtili .... Lalande 4588 ... W.B. (2)11. 581 33 Arietis 35 K B i-; E E I B < Arietis ... ... E W.B. ( 2 )II. 915 W 41 Arietis W 20 Persei W Cephei 47 |W p Persei. 3 Pers.*i.... 55 ArietU . 56 Arietis. W W W W Jroombridga 2283 S.P | W, 10 Greenwich. 10-440 11-197 11-382 10-440 12-392 I2'22O 10-440 12-285 I I -440 [ I -440 10-440 10-361 8-592 10-440 1 1 '640 h m s o. I. 34-48 o. S. 28-50 o. 31.4179 o. 34. 8'2i o. 13. 4273 - '3- 43 '43 o. 40. 48 *6 1 o. 44. 27 '60 o. 48. 8*40 O. 51. 22"O2 55- 3874 o. 55. 39-20 22. 25, 22. 28. 22. 31. 23. 3. 23. 5, 23. 28, 23* 33- 23. 52, 23- 54 23. 59 o. i. o. 3. - 5 35-62 9-22 33-48 Z3-37 58-62 679 18-08 45-06 28-60 32*20 30*75 18-41 11*99 o. 16. 5*94 o. 19. 1-43 o.,23. 674 o. 25. 4-89 o. 34. 13*18 o. 44. 28-48 o. 51. 22*70 34-47 28-65 41-83 8*22 26-21 27-98 4877 2774 8-45 22*09 44-72 45-62 9-27 33-53 23*25 5873 14-88 23-27 49-05 33"4 38-28 34'9* 22*48 '7 '47 1*31 56-42 1-72 '57 8*83 28-60 22-78 2. 6. 44-49 44-85 2. ii. 32-78 33*21 2. 14. 24-31 24-67 2. I 6. 48*24 48-80 43-40 2. 21. 43*01 2. 24. 26*57 j 27*00 2. 27. 1*28 \ 1*71 2-35- '94 ''26 2. 37- 45 '59 45^2 2. 40. 59-38 59-07 2. 44. 17*03 16*66 2.47. 36-06; 3577 2. 53. 14-67 : 16-81 >-s. 57-93 58-02 5 '75 3.46*87 6. 27*69 7- 5 2 '4 51-87 46-85 27-65 41 *oo 35-94 3'-5 43'37 9*72 28-72 28-72 5"33 29-46 10-07 23*67 46-90 46*90 3 6 '55 10*22 34-48 24-22 59*68 '574 24*22 50-09 34*08 39-22 35-92 23-60 18-44 2-19 57-40 2*58 1*51 971 29-46 23*67 45*92 34-25 25-56 49-68 44 '3 3 27-86 2-63 2-15 46*79 0-08 17-63 3676 1 8*08 59"5 52-88 47-82 28*62 ''47 1-50 -'54 1*50 2*51 074 1*56 1*72 1*62 1*58 2*18 1-28 0*96 0-95 0-95 0-97 0-95 0-86 0-95 1-04 i "04 0*94 I'OO 1*02 0*97 0-88 0-98 0-86 0*94 0-88 0*86 0-89 1*07 1-04 0-89 0-88 0*93 0-86 0*92 0-89 0-87 i -oi 0-97 0*99 f7 1-03 I'OI 0*97 0*97 ''57 October 21. The R.A. Micrometer was inadvertently left at ii r '440 from ( Andromedae to 8 Andromedfe. October 22. The R.A. Micrometer was inadvertently left at io r *36i from 6 Triangnli to 20 Persei. i'47 1*50 i '54 1*50 1*56 172 1*62 1*58 0*94 0*94 0-97 0-95 0-95 1-04 1-04 0-94 I'OO I*O2 0*97 0-88 0-98 0*86 o-94' 0*88 0*86 0-89 ''07. 1*04 0*89 0*88 0*93 0-86 0*92 0-89 0*87 I "01 0*97 0-99 i-oj 1*01 0*97 0*97 7-84 4-95 4'Q---; W 9 10*440 o. 40. 45*58 45-36 5'32 4*96 4*96 15-25 5*11 TII W q o. 44. 2476 24-49 29'45 4*96 4-96 49-55 4-96 4*96 Lnnd 350 W q o. 48. 5-47 S'*4 10*07 4-93 4 '93 50-06 4-89 4*80 W 9 o. 51. 19-05 18-74 23-68 4'94 4-94 7-40 4*94 W 7 13*266 o. 55. 32-97 4'35 46-66 6*31 39-19 30-67 4-89 4' 2 7 4*8 9 2 Ursfe Minoris F, 7 15*415 o. 55. 35*01 42-83 46-91 4*08 2 '57 5 'ot < "OI F, <1 10*440 '. 2- 23'77 23-60 28-47 4*87 4-87 43-29 4*94 4 '94 F, q I. 4. 14*99 14-66 19-49 4*83 4-83 43*35 4*97 4-07 T Piscium F. q I. 6. 15-95 i5'53 20-42 4-89 4*89 280 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. Observed Transit. il - Star's Name. s 0> < B Observed Transit. -- U o - 1902 October 26'. Greenwich. Bradley 1672 S.P W Piazzi 0. 74 ir Andromedae 8 Andromedae , Piazzi 0. 148 Groombridge 140 Bonn 654 o. 13. 46-56 0. 22. 57-97 o. 31. 38-94 0.34. 5-36 o. 36. 24-23 o. 40. 4 5 '8 1 o-43- 5 2 '75 25-84 57-69 38-47 4-85 23-63 45 '54 52-40 31-02 2-56 43^5 9-70 28-53 50-32 57'3' 5 -,8 4-87 4-88 4-85 4-90 4-78 4-91 4-87 4-88 4-85 4-90 4 ' 7 8 4-91 v Andromedse... Lund 350 fi Andromedse. . 2 Ursse Minoris.. 41 Andromedse.. ft Andromedae... 10-440 9-908 10*440 o. 44. 24-92 o. 48. 5*61 o. 51. 19-18 0. 55. 33-87 41-67 1. 2. 24-02 23-77 I. 4. 15-16! 1475 24'57 5'i9 18-78 29-45 10*07 23-68 46-59 28*47 19*49 4 *8S 4*88 4*90 4*92 4*70 4'74 4-88 4-88 4-90 4-70 4-70 1902 October 27. Greenwich. 85 Pegasi a Andromedse... 22 Andromedse.. Piazzi 0. 74 Andromedae ... J Andromedse ... 2 Ursse Minoris.. 39 Andromedae.. 41 Andromedae.. j8 Andromedae.... T Piscium Piscium Piscium W 10-440 8-237 10-440 10*440 2 3- 57- 3'34 o. 3. 19*41 o. 5. 14*12 o. 23. 58*30 o. 31. 39-16 o- 34- 5'4 8 o. 55. 34*89 0. 57. 24*38 1. 2. 23*98 I. 4. 15*15 i. 6. 16*14 i. 8.25*97 i. 8. 5*13 2-76 18-86 13*87 58-01 38*68 4'95 42-40 24*03 23*68 14*70 15*60 25*36 4'5 2 7'39 2 3'57 18*40 2*56 43'35 9*70 46*52 28*86 28-47 19-49 20*42 30*18 9*41 4*63 47' 4'53 4'55 4-67 475 4*12 4*83 479 479 4*82 4-82 4-89 4-63 471 4'53 4'55 4-67 475 4-83 479 479 4*82 4*82 47 Andromedae W Polaris... .. W Polaris . 50 Andromedae. . X Andromedse .., a Trianguli Lund 870 \ Arietis a Arietis Trianguli 6 Trianguli y Trianguli 10*440 11*713 10*237 10-440 i. 18. 4-79 i. 24. 36-30 i. 24.41*53 1-31- i. 33. i. 47. i. 50. 1. 52. 2. I. 2 - 3- 2. 6. 2. II. 3'3i 29-01 30*13 20*67 28*34 39*19 43'3i 41 '64 29*95 4'33 3 '49 10*28 2-92 28-68 29*56 20*21 27*69 38-53 42*81 41 "08 29-44 9' 2 3 ! 11-44 11*44 33-68 34*46 25*17 32*66 43'53 4775 45 '97 34'3 4-90 7'95 1*16 4'95 5*00 4*90 4*96 4 '97 5-00 4 '94 4*89 4*86 4*90 1902 October 29. Greenwich. Groombridge 3548 . 74Cygni 75 Cygni 77 Cygni 16 Pegasi Groombridge 3655. i Pegasi * Pegasi w 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. 36 ... i Lacertse Bradley 1399 S.P.. Bradley 2993 38 Pegasi Groombridge 3804. 8 Lacertae 10 Lacertse 12 Lacerbe 13 Lacertse \ Pegasi fi Pegasi T Pegasi Bradley 3147 7'i39 10*440 9*790 7*83, 10*440 8*740 21. iS. 21. 3 2. 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 48. 21. 58. 22. 2. 22. 4 . 22. 5. 22. 9 . 22. I I. 22. I 5 . 22. 21. 22. 2 5 . 22. 28. ^^. 31. 22. 34 . 22. 37. 22. 39. 22. 41. 22. 45. 23. I 5 . 23. 2 7 . 58*27 59' 6 7 18*71 24*94 35''4 58*06 2 5'95 52*04 37-07 39''7 40*82 28*56 7 '41 32*02 5 '5 29*90 50*99 4*62 42*49 48*08 15*88 46*81 59'35 18*45 24*63 34^7 57'83 25*38 5' '59 36*62 38-83 40-44 20-39 15-77 31-59 5-21 29*60 50*68 4'33 42*24 47-5I 15*32 46-24 9'3' 12*95 4*29 2 3'38 29-48 39'43 2*73 30*29 5 6 '47 41*48 4379 45 3 2 5'34 20*22 3 6 '43 10*08 34 '34 55'5' 9-13 47-01 52*29 20*06 51-07 '379 4*07 4-94 4'93 4-85 4-86 4*90 4*91 4-88 4*86 4-96 4-86 4 '45 4-84 4*87 474 4-83 4-80 477 4-78 474 4-83 4-48 4 '94 4'93 4-85 4-86 4-90 4*91 4-88 4-86 4-96 4-86 4 *S 4 4-87 4'74 4*83 4-80 477 4*78 474 4-83 Bradley 3147 W i Audromedse K Andromedae 78 Pegasi W.B. (2) XXIII. 907, ty Pegasi Lalande 47034 85 Pegasi o Andr-omedfB 22 Andromeiise 23 Andromedfe Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 1672 S.P. 28 Andromeda ir Andromedse S Andromeclse W.B. (2) 0. 1172. H Andromedse 2 Ursse Minuris... 39 Andromedae 41 Andromedse \V w \v w \v \v w w w Andromedae ! W 9*072 10*440 11*682 11-182 10*440 12*131 10*440 2 3* 2 7- 5 8 '34 2 3- 33* '9'54 2 3- 35* 34'5 8 2 3- 39- 3'4i 23. 44. 45 '3 2 3- 5 2 - 4574 2 3- 54- 2 9'53 2 3- 57- 2 '99 o. 3. 19-19 o. 5. 1373 o. 8.25-54 o. 13. 54"oo o. 13. o. 24. o. 31. o. 34 o. 48, o. 51. o. 55 0. 57. 1. 2 i- 4 49-55 57*12 38*89 5' 2 4 5*60 19*08 32*82 24*36 2 3'93 '4'95 9-42 19*32 34-38 2*93 44-54 45-19 29*12 2 '47 18-70 13*58 25*27 30*22 26*84 56-61 38-44 475 5-22 18-72 40*97 24*06 23*69 14-53 "379 2 4'-3 39-29 7*81 49'5i 5'3 34*02 7'37 2 3'5 6 18-38 30*07 3''94 3i'94 1*48 43'34 9*69 1 0*06 23*67 46*40 28*85 28*47 19*49 4*8 1 4*91 4*88 4'97 4-84 4*90 4-90 4-86 4-80 4-80 1-72 5-10 4-87 4*90 4'94 4*84 4-95 5 '43 4'79 4*78 4*96 1902 October 30. Greenwich. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P ., 72 Cygni 74 Cygni 75 Cygni 77 Cygni 16 Pegasi Piazzi XXI. 339 ... Groorabridge 3655. t Pegasi ir 1 Pegasi r 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. 36 .., i Lacertse.... Bradley 1399 S.P.. Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 . 8 Lacertse 10 Lacertae .... 5'594 10-440 10-440 ii 8-817 7-045 IO"2o8 10-440 21. 23. 13*17 21. 31.44*94 21. 32. 59*77 21. 36. 18*85 21. 38. 25*04 21.48. 35-19 21. 51. 48*24 21. 58. 58-22 22. 2. 26*06 22. 4. 52-16 22 - 5- 37-I3 22. 9. 39*45 22. II. 41*07 22. 15. 28-01 22.21. 7-75 22. 21. 7*78 22. 31. 29*98 22. 34. 51-15 7*82 44'55 59'4 2 18*56 24*70 34-61 47'59 57 '96 2 5 '47 51-68 36*65 39*09 40-67 20*45 15*32 14-92 2 9'5' 50-72 I 2 '60 49'35 4-26 23*36 29*45 39-4I 5 2 "35 2*71 30-27 56*46 41-56 4377 45-28 25-64 20'00 20-00 34-33 55-5 4-78 4-80 4-84 4-80 475 4-80 476 475 4-80 4-78 4-91 4-68 4-61 5''9 4*68 5*08 4-76 4-78 479 4-83 479 474 479- 475 474 4-80 4*78 4*91 4-68 4'6i 4*76 4*78 12 Lacertae. 13 Lacertae \ Pegasi H Pegasi T Pegasi 67 Pegasi 13 Andromedse 14 Andromedae Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi (/ Andromedae t|i Pegasi Lalande 47034 85 Pegasi Groombridge 4219. Bradley 3212 a Andromedas... 22 Andromeda! Bradley 1672 S.P. W W \\- w w \v w w \v \v \v w \v w \v \v w wi E '10 10*440 9*036 10*4^0 8-161 22. 37. 22. 39. 22. 41. 22. 45. 2 3- '5- 23. 20. 23. 22. 23. 26. 23. 2 7 . 23. 39. 23. 41. 23. 52. 23. 54. 23. 57- 2 3* 59- o. i. o. 3. o. 5. o. 1 3, 48 '10 475 4 2 '57 48-17 15-91 46-85 2-71 2 375 28-02 57 '69 3'56 io'6o 4578 29*66 3-11 3475 3''55 19-26 4-36 42*21 47'5 2 15-28 46-21 2-19 23*41 27*61 7*70 2 '99 10*33 45'-5 29*15 2*51 34'39 30*98 18-69 13-48 26*21 9*12 47*00 52*28 20*05 51*06 7*00 28-23 32*42 3-58 7*80 15*19 50*03 34-01 7 '37 39''5 35'S7 2 J'55 18*37 32*22 4-76 479 4-76 477 4-85 4-81 4-82 4-81 5-88 4-8, 4-86 4-88 4-86 4-86 476 4-89 4-86 4-89 6*01 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 281 Star's Name. Observed Transit. A u . =< Star's Name. - j .= Observed "o'* = ^ Transit. ss -2 | B 1902 November 1. i Lacertse Bradley 1399 S.P.. Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 38 Pegasi Groombridge 3804. 8 LftOtrtB 10 Lacerte 12 Lacert'e 13 Lacertse 1902 November 2. Grooiubridge 3548.. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. 75 Cygni 77 Cygm 14 Pegasi 16 Pegasi Piazzi XXI. 339 .... Groombriilge 3655., i Pegasi T, Pegasi jr., Pe,asi E 10 1902 November 3. 14 Pegasi ... i Pegasi ir l Hegasi ir 2 Pegasi i Lacertse Bradley 1399 S.P. Bradley 2993 i W j 10 Bradley 2993 E 10 Lacertoe . . . , E 1902 November 4. Bradley 1399 S.P. . \ Pegasi .............. 15 Lacertae .......... Groombridge 3919.. Bradley 1508 S.P. o Andromedse ........ Pegasi ............ 56 Pegasi ............. 6 Amlrornedae.... W.B. (2) XXIII. 95.. 61 Pegasi 9 Andromeda! T Pegasi 67 Pegasi 13 Andromedse 14 Andromedae Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147. ic Andromedse 78 Pegasi i^ Andromedae 85 Pegasi Groombridge 4219., Bradley 3212 a Andromedae 23 Andromedte Bradley 1672 S.P.. 10 '440 j 22. II. 40-98 40-51 8-895 j 22. 15. 28-38 21-52 6-519 10*369 10-440 22.21. 775 22. 21. IO'O2 22.25. 32-17 22.28. 5'75 22. 31. 29-98 22. 34. 51-18 22. 37. 4'8o I4-53 16-37 31-62 5'3 2 29-54 5'73 4'37 22. 39. 42-62 42'22 11-399 21. 18. 55-24 14-452 10*440 21. 23. 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 45. 21. 48. 21. 51. 21. 58. 22. 2. 22. 4. 22. 5. 14*19 18-83 25 '06 29-55 35*26 48-24 58-21 26 'i i 52-18 i o '44 o 10-030 11-463 13-655 10-440 14-164 10-440 11-876 10-440 10*440 10-817 7-487 10*440 10-890 21.45. 297 22. 2. 26-12 22. 4. 52-27 22. 5. 37-18 22. 11.41 '00 22. 15. 30*37 22. 21. 7*98 22. 21. 6*67 22. 33. 51-17 22. 15. 29*90 22. 41. 48-25 22. 45. 15-98 22. 47. 36-38 22. 49. 36*97 22.52. 5*84 22. 57. 24-35 22.59. I-0 5 23. 2. 2O-O5 23. 6. 55-22 23. 8. 18-57 2 3- '3- 59-07 23- '3- 44'37 23. 15.47-11 2 3 . 20. 2-93 23. 22. 24-00 23. 26. 28-34 23. 2 7 . 57*41 2 3 . 2 7 . 2 3- 35- 23. 39. 23. 41. 23- 57- 23* 59- o. i. o. 3. o. 8. o. 13. 57' 2 3 34*92 10*85 3 '37 34'94 3' '94 25-84 7-29 8*20 18-51 24-71 28-99 34-63 47-54 57-95 25-47 51-67 29-20 25'55 51*82 3673 40*62 23-58 15*03 14-15 50-82 22*45 47-61 '5'35 36*05 36-58 2-05 24-00 0-47 19-44 18-04 5 8' 5 2 44*05 46*50 2 '44 23-70 17-97 7-09 3-22 10-62 2-81 34-62 31-40 19-03 25-50 28-96 25-96 19-54 -9"54 36-38 10-03 34^9 55M6 9-08 46*96 50 "OI 36*64 ; 41 *3 40 '40 33-69 30*22 56-38 41-38 45-21 26-41 19-04 19-04 55'4 2 26-65 52-22 19-99 .0-62 41 "12 6-66 28-59 5''3 24-06 59*46 22-52 2*96 48*44 51*00 6-94 28-16 32-36 12-37 12-37 39-22 775 15-12 7'33 39-10 35-83 23-51 30-02 33-83 474 4'44 5-01 4-76 47' 475 4-73 4'7i 474 4-21 4-81 476 4-68 4-72 473 476 4-69 476 473 4-76 4H9 4'67 4-56 4-65 4'59 2*83 4-01 4-89 4-60 4-20 4'6i 4-64 4'57 4'54 4-61 4'59 4-66 4*62 4-57 4 * 4 8 4 '44 4'39 4-50 4*50 4H6 4'39 4-52 5-28 4'57 4-53 4-50 4-52 4-48 4'43 4-48 4'5* 4-87 Greenwich. 4-74 476 4-71 475 473 47" 474 A Pegasi | W /i Pegasi W 3 Pegasi | E 56 Pegasi E E Peg* 67 Pegasi 13 Andromedae . 14 Andromedae. Bradley 3147 ... i Andromedae ... c Andromedae .. Greenwich. 476 4-68 4-72 47 2 4-76 4*69 4-76 473 476 Bradley 1399 S P.. \V E B E 10 Lacertae ..I E Bradley 2993. 38 Pegasi 8 Lacei'tas.... 1 2 Lace tse . 13 Lacertae . X Pegasi p. Pegasi o Andromedae. Greenwich. 4-48 4*66 4-55 4-64 4-58 4-59 13 Lacertae E A Pegasi E ,u Pegasi E o Andromedae . jS Pegasi 56 Pegasi T Pegasi i Andromedae . K Andromedae . W 9 W| 9 w! 9 W| 8 W \v Greenwich. 4 *6 1 4-64 4'57 4'59 4-66 4-62 4-57 4-48 4'44 4'39 4-50 4-50 4-46 4-39 4'57 4-53 4-50 4 52 448 4-43 4-48 4-52 Bradley 1672 S.P. Groombridge 57... Piazzi 74 28 Andromedae .... K Andromeda* S Andromedae Groombridge 140.. v Andromedae Lund 350.. \Y \V \V \V W W w w w Amiromedae j W 2 Ursae Minoris.... .. W 2 Urste Minoris E 41 Androtnedse j E E B Andromedae T Piscium Piscium ' E Piazzi I. 29 1 E v Piscium < E { Andromedae E 47 Andromedae E Polaris... . E Polaris W 10 Piazzi I. 104 W 9 v Andromedie | W 9 X Andromedae W 9 Bonn 1434 W 9 oTrianguli W 9 Lund 870 W 9 \Arietis W| 9 9 10*440 22. 41. 48*19 9 ,, 22. 45. 15*96 10-440 22. 59. I -Ol 23. 2. 20*05 23- '5- 47-04 23. 20. 2*88 23. 22. 23-99 23. 26. 28-27 I1-332 23.27.57-7! 10-440 23. 33. 19-84 23- 35- 34-9 I2'206 22. 15. 30-55 22. 21. 5-54 10-440 22. 25. 32-06 22. 31. 29-95 22. 34. 51-06 22. 37. 4-69 22. 39. 42*61 22. 41. 48*19 22. 45. 15-94 22. 57. 24*27 10*440 [ 22. 38. 42-73 22. 41. 48-23 22. 45- '5"9 8 10*440 22. 57. 24*28 22. 59. 0-99 23. 2. 19-97 23. 15. 46-94 23. 33. 19-67 2 3 . 35. 34-81 11-576 10*390 10-173 13-641 10-440 9-426 10-351 10-440 10*440 o. 13. o. 17. o. 23. 0.25. o. 31. o. 34. o. 45. o. 47. o. 48. o. 51. o. 55. 4974 53-3 1 58-53 5772 39'49 46-23 25-44 6-19 19-72 33-86 o- 55- 3475 I. 2. 24*24 I. 4. 15-42 i. 6. 16-46 i. 8. 26-28 i. 10. 51-83 i. 14. 5-49 i. 16. 35-35 i. 18. 5-17 i. 24. 37*62 47-54 15-32 0-44 ' 9 '45 46*42 2-37 23-65 27-87 7*22 19-51 21-66 '4'55 31-58 29-61 50-71 4*36 42*32 47-55 15-32 23-99 47*64 15-40 *3"95 0-43 19*38 46-32 19*36 34-52 52-26 20-03 26-18 19*30 36-36 34-27 55-44 9*06 46-94 52-24 20 -oi 28*62 4 6 9 2 52*23 20*00 28*61 5-I4 24*07 51 *oi 24-07 5274 57'3 2 57*96 i 2*50 56-94 1*45 43 '3' 9*67 50*28 29*42 10-05 23 65 46-26 38-79 5*09 4572 24*81 5"5 2 19*06 41*10 42*43 23*96 14*99 15-94 25*68 51-36 4-93 35'" 477 6-97 i. 24. 39*08 | 6*87 i. 28. 38*06 37*61 i. 31. 3*67 3-30 i- 33- 2 9'45 29-13 i. 35. 50*15 49-80 '47- 3'53 I. 50. 21 '05 I. 52. 28-78 20*6o ,28-14 46-26 28-45 19-48 20-42 30-l8 5574 9-41 39-56 9*24 10*71 10-71 42-17 7-89 337 54-44 34-49 2 5 21 32-69 472 47" +'73 4*65 4*62 4*6 1 4'55 4'53 5 '9 2 4'59 4'6; 4-52 475 4*78 4*66 4-73 4-70 4-62 4-69 4-69 4-63 4 '49 4'59 4'6o 4-66 47' 4-69 4-69 47' 47' 4*60 4-58 4'54 4-51 4'5-s 4-58 4'56 4*61 4^3 4'59 5*16 4'49 4'49 4*48 4*50 4-38 4*48 4'45 4'47 374 3*84 4-56 4 59 4-57 4*64 4-5 2 4-6, 4'55 s 4-72 4'73 4-65 4-62 4 "6 1 4'55 4'53 4'59 4-67 4*78 4-66 473 4-70 4-62 4-69 4-69 4*63 4-48 4-58 4"6o 4*66 47' 4*69 4*68 47' 47' 4-58 4'54 4'5' 4'5-i 4-58 4-56 4 -6 1 4'53 4 '59 4"49 4 '49 4*48 4-50 4-38 4-48 4'45 4'47 4'57 4 "60 4-58 4-65 4-53 4-62 4-56 November 4. The R.A. Micrometer was inadvertently left at lo'^o from Groombridge 57 to , u Andromedse. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. Star's Name. Observed Transit. ia* H -! ifi . ->*.:/: Star's Name. Observed Transit. IM ^r 8 | * 1902 March 17. A. Ursse Minoris S.P. A Ursse Minoris S.P W 6 Cancri W ^ Cancri W J 2 Caucri ! W 15 Cancri X Cancri d>' Cancri W W w Caucri |W Bradley 2701 S.P E i Cancri E p l Cancri E io Ursse Majoris E v Cam-ri j E Piazzi VIII. 245 E { Cancri E 36 Lyncis I E 1902 March 19. A Ursffi Minoris S.P E \ Ursoe Miuoris S.P. . A Ursse Minoris S.P. . v Geminoruni o Geminorum K Geminorum TT Geminorum Geminorum 85 Geminorum ai 1 Cancri 6 Cancri Groombridge 1119 .... Groom bridge 1119 , X Cancri 31 Lyncis 0' Cancri K 2 Cancri Piazzi VIII. 245 ... { Cani'ri 36 Lyncis 19 Ursse Majoris ... 38 Lyncis a Lyncis 1902 March 20. A Ursa; Minoris S.P. A Ursie Minoris S.P. . K Geminoruni eo 1 Cancri W 10-315 I2'IO7 10*080 10^456 io'o8o 10-914 10-349 11-589 10*080 9-923 11-253 10*080 10-019 10*080 h in s 7- >9- 3 Z '59 7. 19. 21*56 7. 56.44*74 8. 2. 14*52 8- 4-4775 S. 7. 19*29 8. 14. 21*59 8. 20. 44*96 8.23. 3-09 8. 33. 9-97 8. 41. i "10 8. 47. o'8o 8. 54. 32*08 8. 57. 15*60 9. o. 33*07 9. 3. 58*60 9- 7- 39'7 50. 1 1*08 55- H'47 57-44-35 o. ''36 7- '9- 59^4 7.19-59-95 7-3- 7'' 5 7-33- '39 7.38.46*15 7. 41. 25*60 7- 47- 44'4 8. o. 53*08 8. 14. 21*20 8. 16.22*26 8.20.44-77 8.23. 2-75 9. o. 32*48 9. 3.58*18 9- 7- 38-49 9. 9.28*07 9. 12. 59-48 9. 15. 19-80 7. 20. 5'22 7. 20. 6-46 7.38.46-30 7. 55. 14-60 35*03 25*49 22*85 43'9i 13*70 46*92 18*46 20*76 44'' 3 2-26 9'53 0-24 59^4 31-21 '474 3 2 '20 5776 38-20 7 . 20. 3 -IO | 38-43 34-I2 34-I3 6-90 O*22 45*88 2 5'42 44-I5 10-77 14-21 ! 44-1 1 16-80 15-46 20-92 22-18 .44-50 I 2 '44 38-41 27-88 59'3' 19-60 37-62 40*01 45'99 14-30 2 5 '49 32-26 2-07 35' 2 7 6-82 9-03 3 2 '53 50-51 56-89 48*51 48*10 19*48 2*98 20*47 45'94 26*50 2 7'49 27*49 55"'7 48*43 34*02 13*58 58*85 2*32 32*23 3*38 9*00 10*25 32*50 50*48 45*92 26*47 15*96 28-59 28-59 34-01 2-31 Greenwich. 9'54 11-65 1 1 "62 11-65 11-64 11*73 11*60 11*75 12*64 1173 11*84 11-73 11-76 "73 11*82 11*70 -i 1-67 -i 1*64 -i 1*67 -i 1*66 -11-75 -11*62 -11*77 -11*74 -11*85 -11*74 -"77 -11*74 -11*83 -11*71 38 Lyncis Groombriilge 3548 S.P.. 16 Leonis Minoris 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris 51 Ursse Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P 92 Leonis Virginis Groombriilge 1830 Groombridge 1841 67 Ursa? Majoris Piazzi XII. 3 4 Coin's 2 Canum Venaticum., Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672 E E K E E E E w W w W 9 w; 9 w; 9 Wj 8 W| 8 W io W io Greenwich. 27*49 10*94 6-63 6-64 11-73 11-79 n-86 11-84 32-20 111*95 11-92 -n-88 -13-42 12*08 1 1*92 11*93 12*00 11*96 20*44 i 11*89 11-95 11-94 11*92 11-90 11*89 7-71 i -11*76 -11*82 -11*88 -11*86 -11*97 -11*94 -11*91 -11*90 -1.1-94 -11*95 -12*02 -11*98 -Il-gl -H'97 -11-96 -11-94 -11-92 Groombridfje 3548 S.P. 16 Leonis Minoris fj. Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris 20 Leonis Minoris 21 Leonis Minoris Piazzi IX. 254 22 Lonis Minoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 2993 S.P 33 Leonis Minoris 35 Leonis Miuoris 37 Leonis Minoris 42 Leonis Minoris 44 Leonis Miuoris 46 Leonis Minoris 54 Leonis Minoris 47 Ursie Majoris 51 Ursse Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P .|E IE . K . E JE ' E E E E \v \v W \v W W w w \v \v w w Greenwich. 1 1 -42 11*98 11*99 12*01 I 2*O2 Groombridge 1119.. 15 Caucri 31 Lyncis 59 Cancri io Ursas Majoris E i 10 E 9 io'o8o 6 '533 10*080 13-259 10-511 io'o8o 10-135 57/6 io'o8o 8-360 11-966 9-802 12-260 10*080 7794 10-702 10-225 10*080 h m s 9. 12.59-96 9- '9- 7"'5 9.44. 28-11 10. 50. 3 3 "6 8 10. 54. 14-04 10.59. "9'59 11. 27. 46-42 11.27. 11.35. 11. 40. 11.47. 11.52. 11.57. 12. 6. 12. 7. 12. II. 12.15. 12. 15. 43-63 56-32 28-84 35-18 27-42 23-61 2-34 7-80 28-02 2-86 9. 19. 16-76 9-44-VS3 9.47.26-17 9.51.5570 9- 55- 3 6 '49 10. 1.53-81 10. 5. 19-22 10. 9.43-44 10. 15. 46-86 10. 15. 47-35 10. 21. IO. 21. IO. 26. 10. 30. 10. 33. 10. 40. 10. 44. 10. 48. io. 50. 10. 54. io. 59. 11.27. 11.27. 16-43 16-18 32-25 5874 27-12 39-69 45'35 4-59 33-20 1 3 '4 18-99 56-03 54-92 47 '44 56-09 5-48 59-09 7'3> 27-24 32*82 j 21-05 13-17 1-47 18-72 7-08 46-62 ! 34-25 4 3 '47 55'5 28-02 34-34 26-58 2277 1-51 6-97 27-18 0-84 3-00 9*02 27-40 25-88 55"59 36-27 53-62 19-10 43-21 51-03 51-52 IO"I2 9-87 32*06 58-60 26-93 39-48 45'H 4>2 32-93 13-31 18-87 47-63 46-52 s -1 1*65 -11*22 -Il*76 -11*77 -11*70 - 1 1 '64 -12*37 - 9'22 62 '5* 74 "78 84 '54 11-62 n-66 11-30 49'54 I '3'46 43-88 16-50 22*6o 14-80 i'93 49'97 55^5 15-52 49^4 8. 0.47*12 i -."13 8. 7. 19*03 18*78 8. l6. 22*27 22*20 8. 51. 8*60 i 8-39 8-54- 3'"55 S'4* 56-48 15-46 13-96 43-76 24-32 141-68 7' 2 7 3I-34 4o'oi 40*01 58-42 58-42 2O"2I 4675 14-98 27-59 33-20 52-58 2I-05 i '47 7 '08 34-26 34*26 2-46 678 10-23 56-29 19-44 -12-54 -11-94 -11-92 -11-83 -11-95 -11-9+ -11-83 -11-87 -ii "02 -11-51 -11-70 -11-45 -11-85 -11-85 -11-95 -11*89 -i i '9 1 -11*84 -11*88 -11*84 -11*79 -i3 - 37 -12*26 8-67 12*00 11-97 12'1O I2'O2 -11-67 11-77 11-77 1170 11-64 -11-62 -11-52 -11-74 - 1 1 -78 -11-84 -11-54 -11-62 -ii '66 -11-95 -11-93 -11-84 -11-96 -11-95 -11-84 -H-88 -11-86 -H-86 -n'96 -i 1*90 -11-92 -11-85 -11-89 -11-85 -"'79 1 2 "03 I2'OO I2*O5 STAR-TBANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 283 Star's Nume. < s osS Observed Transit. Star's Name. Ohgerred Transit. "I* = ss 5 L902 March 20 continued. v Cain-ri . 19 Ursfe Majoris W 38 Lyncis W a Lyncis I W Groombriilgc 3548 S.P W A Leonis W 10 Leonis Minoris W 9 Leonis W 13 Leonis , W f Leonis ... .. W 1902 March 21. \ Ursa: Minoris S.P A Ursie Minoris S.P. . Groombridge 1119 .... X Ciincri 31 Lyncis 0j Cancri Groombridge 1450 .... Bradley 2701 S.P Pi Caucri 59 Cancri v Cancri Piazzi IX. 37 1902 March 22. X Ursa; Minoris S.P. .. ... W A. Ursse Minoris S. P. '., ir Geminonvm Geininorum 85 Geminorum oi 1 Cancri Groombridge 1119 if/2 Cancri 15 Cancri X Cancri PJ Cancri 59 Cancri 10 Ursis Majoris . v Cancri Piazzi VIII. 245. Cancri 36 Lyncis 1902 March 23. Groombriilge 1119 W X Cancri j W 31 Lyncis "W 0j Caneri j W u 2 Cancri i W Bradley 2701 S.P ! W 59 Cancri. 10 Ursas Majoris. v Cancri Piazzi VIII. 245 1902 March 25. \ Ursse Minoris S. P E A Ursa; Minoris S.P ; W Gemiuorum E 85 Gemiiiorura.... I E to ) Cancri . 6 Cancri Groombridge 1119. 15 Cancri X Cancri 1 1 io'o8o 8.57.15*41 10*080 11*329 10*080 9*918 io ; ii*597 9 io*o2O 9 | 10*080 9 9 i. 9 io 10*681 7 10*080 10*080 9*117 10*713 7*964 10*080 10*194 10*080 8*123 10*080 13*900 10*080 10*294 10*837 10*080 10-728 10-080 9. 9.28-15 9. 12. 59*66 9. 15. 19*93 9. 19. 17*04 9.26.22*57 9. 28. 28*01 9. 32. 28*30 9- 36. 15-04 9. 40. 32-18 5-10 i 2-95 | 12-15 27-99 15-95 59-53 47-40 19-76 7-70 8-41 56-69 22-28 27-87 28-03 '478 31*90 I0'22 15*84 >5'93 75 19*79 12*04 12-13 I2'o6 11-72 I2'o6 12*03 12-03 7.20.23-52 45-75 29-74 16*01 7- 20. 19'54 8. 0.40*12 8. 14. 21*40 8. 16. 22*41 8. 20. 45*00 8.26.47-61 8. 33. 14-29 8.47. 0*41 8.51. 8-68 8. 57. 15-47 9.23.25-51 7. 20. 26-64 7. 20. 30-81 7. 41. 26-16 7.47.45-02 7. 50. 11*86 7.55. 15*26 8. o. 25*70 8. 4.48*25 8. 7. 19*70 8. 14. 21*98 8.47. 0-8 1 8. 51. 9*00 8. 54.31*94 8.57.15*89 9. 0.33*10 9. 3.58*81 9. 7.38*89 8. o. 35-63 8. 14. 21-85 8. 16. 22*75 8. 20.45*40 8. 23. 3*40 8. 33. 16-49 8.51. 9*05 8. 54. 32*00 8.57.15-88 9. 0.33-11 7. 20. 41-63 7. 2O. 36-92 7- 47- 45'5 1 7- 5- !2'25 7.55. 15*67 7.57.45-5- 8. o. 23*99 8. 7. 19-95 8. 14. 22*16 40*62 15-69 21-15 22-45 44-76 47-55 9-37 o'i8 8-53 15-15 37'53 42-85 25-78 44'5 ' 11*23 14*72 9*21 477 1 19*24 21*47 0*36 8*64 3-79 '5-36 32*87 58*24 3.878 19-16 21-39 22-65 44*96 2*89 10*30 8-71 31-87 32-89 29-74 i"47 .8-97 IO"2I 32*47 35-32 57^9 48-05 56-28 2'94 30*97 30-97 13*52 32-15 58-80 2-27 0-41 35"i9 6*74 8*95 48*03 56*26 19*40 2*92 20*39 45'89 26*42 59-30 8-94 10-17 32-44 50-42 57-55 56-25 19-38 2*91 20-38 47-13 34-86 41-27 44-90 11-51 '5 "P3 44-92 13*40 19-41 21-56 34-86 32*10 5875 2"22 32-I3 57-00 6-69 8-90 Greenwich. 12-17 12*06 12*15 12*08 12*08 12*05 I2'I2 12'05 12-13 1 6 Leonis Minoris . fi Leonis Bradley 2993 S.P E Bradley 2993 S.P E 33 Leonis Minoris I E 35 Leonis Minoris . 37 Leonis Minoris . 41 Leonis Minoris . 42 Leonis Minoris . Greenwich. 10-88 14*22 12*18 12-24 12-29 12-23 : 12-08 ! "-12*13 12-25 12-30 - 6-56 n-88 12*26 12*36 12*43 12*45 8*80 12*52 12*50 12*52 12-33 12-38 12-39 12*44 12*48 12-35 12-36 19-86 12-45 12:48 12-52 12*47 12*75 12*46 12*49 12*47 12*51 -12*27 - 6*41 -12*80 -12-76 -12-81 -12*79 -16*40 -12*72 -12*66 -12*21 12*27 12*32 12'26 -12-15 12-27 12-23 Greenwich. -12-29 -12*39 -12*45 -12*46 -12-54 -12-52 -12*54 -12*40 -12*41 -12*46 -12*50 -12*37 -12*38 Bradley 2993 S.P.. Bradley 2993 S.P. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 35 Leonis Minoris , 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leonis Minoris. 54 Leonis Greenwich. 12*47 12*50 12-53 12-48 12*47 12*50 12-48 12-52 Piazzi IX. 37 13 Leonis t Leonis 1 6 Leonis Minoris . p. Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris . 20 Leonis Minoris.. 21 Leonis Minoris . Piazzi IX. 254 Bradley 1399 Greenwich. -12-82 -12-78 -12-83 -12*81 -12-74 -I2-6S 31 Lyncis. 0, Cancri.. v. 2 Cancri... Bradley 2701 S.P. />[ Caucri 59 Caneri 10 Ursse Majoris.... v Cancri 38 Lyneis a Lynois Piazzi IX. 37 13 Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris 21 Leonis Minoris Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leonis Minoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. 33 Leonis Minoris . 35 Leonis Minoris . 37 Leonis Minoris "41 Leonis Minoris . 44 Leonis Minoris . 19 Urse Majoris W 38 Lynois W W W W W W \v W a Lyncis Groombridge 3548 S.P 13 Leonis e Leonis 16 Leonis Minoris /j. Leonis Bradley 1399 E 10 W 10 10*080 10*868 7*721 10*080 14-202 10*080 10*564 11*265 10*080 io'o8o 12*400 10*080 10*893 11*609 12*210 4*485 io'o8o 11*875 10*080 10*700 10*080 10*531 10*080 9.44.27*61 27-52 9. 47. 26-25 : 25-99 IO. 21. 17*82 IO. 21. 17*61 10. 26. 32*54 io. 30. 58*95 <- 33- 27'34 10. 38. 20-30 io. 40. 39*95 11-35 11-14 3 z -32 58*78 27*12 19*98 39-71 29-57 15-01 9.23.25-64 9.36. 15-30 9. 51. 56*01 io. i. 54-08 io. 5. 19-54 19-50 io. 9-43'79 4V;8 io. 15.45*31 5 r8 5 IO. 21. 19*76 io. 26. 32*55 io. 30. 59-05 io. 33.27*38 io. 38. 20*32 io. 44. 45-66 9. 9. 28-62 9. 13. o'oi 9. 15.20*51 9. 19.24-29 9. 36. 15-61 9. 40. 32-72 9. 44. 28*00 9. 47. 26-85 10. 15. 43*62 IO. 21. 24*05 IO. 21. 22*52 IO. 21. 23-23 io. 30. 59-46 IO. 44. 46*1 I 10.48. 5*37 io. 50. 33*76 9. 23. 24*70 9.36.15-71 9- 40. 32-92 9.44.28*14 9- 47- 27*03 9. 51.56*40 9-55- 37-19 io. 1.54-51 io. 5.20-02 io. 15. 43-28 8. 16. 23-04 8. 20.45-68 8.23. 3-79 8.33. 16-93 8.47. 1-09 8.51. 9-28 8. 54.32-16 8. 57. i6'io 9. 13. 0-28 9. 15. 20-69 10-34 32-39 58-96 27-21 20*02 45'43 28-30 5974 20-18 8*93 15-11 32-18 27-80 26-35 5- '95 12-31 10*52 11-49 59'JS 45*62 5*01 33-21 29-40 15-20 32-37 27-92 26*53 56*22 36-80 54'- 9 19*83 51-21 22-86 45-10 3-13 9*71 0-55 8*84 3' "97 15*48 59'94 20*29 -5'45 13*96 58-51 58*51 20*20 46*74 '4"97 -12*07 -iz'03 12-84 12*63 I2'12 I 2*04 IZ'15 12-14 27-59 '2*12 12-09 12-05 I2"O5 I2*l6 -12-15 12-13 17-14 2-74 4374 41-67 7-26 3I-33 58-62 20'20 4674 I4"97 7-84 33-20 15-92 47 '3 7 7-67 57-'7 2 '73 '977 '5'43 13-94 3975 58-68 58-68 58-68 4 6 73 33'i9 52-57 21-04 16-94 2-72 19-76 15-41 13-93 43 7 i 24-29 4i'65 7-24 39-63 IO'I2 32-40 50-38 57-82 47^9 56*21 '9'34 2-88 47-33 -12-43 -I2'27 -I2'24 -12*27 -I2-24 -I I"72 -12-19 -12*22 -12-24 12*23 I -12*29 -12*26 -12*28 -12*25 -12*26 12*20 12*23 12*25 12*19 12*24 12-37 I2-5I 11-76 12-38 I2-4I 12-37 12'41 12'20 13-63 -12-42 -12-43 -12-44 -12-17 12*46 12-48 I2'6l -12-51 I2'6o 12-51 -12-51 12-54 12-59 11-58 -12-74 -12*70 -12*75 -11*89 -12*56 -12-63 -12-63 -I2"6o -12*61 -12*66 -12-40 -12-39 -12-53 -12-40 -12*43 -12*39 -12*43 -12-43 -12*44 -12*45 -12-18 12*49 12*62 12*52 I 2*6 1 12*52 12-52 -12-55 12*60 -12*76 -12-72 -12*77 -12*57 -12-64 - 12*64 -12-62 -12-67 284 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. < a 31 Observed Transit. -si O i- Star's Name. < Observed Transit. leg o 1902 March 25 continued. Groombridge 3548 S.P 10 Leonia Minoris 9 Leonis 13 Leonis t Leonis' 16 Leonis Minoris 11 Leoiiis 19 Leonis Minoris 21 Leonis Minoris Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leonis Minoris Bradley 2993 S.P Piazzi IX. 37 E 9 Leonis E 13 Leonis ' E 16 Leonis Minoris E ft. Leonis E 19 Leonis Minoris E 20 Leonis Minoris E 21 Leonis Minoris E 1902 March 28. Groombridge 1119.. 15 Cancri X Cancri 31 Lyncis j Cancri u. 2 Cancri Groombridge 1450., Bradley 2701 S.P.., 36 Lyncis ....................... W 19 Ursae Majoris .............. I W Lyncis Piazzi IX. 37 ( Leonis ....................... W 16 Leonis Minoris ............ j W H Leonis ....................... W 19 Leonis Minoris ............ W 20 Leonis Miuoris.... ,.IW 21 Leoiiis Minoris. Bradley 1399 1902 March 27. Groomhridge 1119 W ii 31 Lyncis W 9 u 2 Cancri W 9 Groombridge 1450 W 7 Bradley 2701 S.P W io i Cancri W 7 p l Cancri W 9 59 Cancri W 9 10 Ursae Majoris W 9 E 10 1902 April 7. Bradley 2701 S.P W, 6 Piazzi IX. 37 9 Leonis 13 Leonis e Leonis 16 Leonis Miuoria. p Leonis Bradley 2993 S. P.. 44 Leonis Minoris. 54 Leonis.. E 10 E 9 ih E > 9 E i 8 E 10 E! 7 K 9 47 Ursae Majoris I E 9 Bradley 31478.? E 10 086 080 7-691 9'449 10*080 12-861 10 080 13-863 io'o8o 10*174 io'o8o 7737 7 | 10*080 9 ., 9 j ,, 9 9' 6 33 10*080 8-870 9. 19. 26-92 9. 28. 28-73 9. 32. 29-07 9- 3 6 - '5' 8 7 9.40. 32-97 9.44.28-25 9. 47. 27-07 9.51.56-51 !O. I. 54*63 I O. 5. 2O"O2 10. 9.44*36 IO. 21. 25-84 8. o. 33-72 8. 16. 23-11 8. 23. 3*68 8. 26.48*26 8. 33. 16*65 8.41. 1*66 8.47. i - 2i 8.51. 9-39 8- 54- 3*'39 9.23.27-53 9- 3 2 - 2 9' 6 7 9. 36. 16*42 9.44.28*78 9-47- 2 7'55 9.51.57*19 9- 55- 3774 10. 1.55-05 8. 0.26*75 8. 7. 20*17 8. 14. 22*49 8. 16.23*34 8.20.45*99 8. 23. 4*07 8. 26.48*67 8. 33. 17*26 9. 8.39*51 9- 9-*9' 2 3 9. 15.21*03 9. 23. 25*80 9.40.33*29 9. 44. 28*63 9-47- 2 7'5' 9.51.56*98 9-55-3779 10. i. 55*02 10. 15.45*65 '3'34S I 8.35.23*12 10-360 10*080 8*218 10*080 12*720 9- 2 4- 9-33- 9.36. 9.41. 9.45. 10. 21. 10.45. 10. 51. 10. 54. 11. 28. 27*27 2'33 4*12 5079 7*92 3-38 2*01 547' 21*37 9*26 49-48 9'49 28*37 28*44 15*27 32*32 27*98 26*47 56*28 54' 2 4 19*78 43*88 12*21 j 5 8 '4 i '577 '15*87 2*69 '974 15*38 <3'9' 43*69 41*63 7*21 31*29 59' 2 3 -11*45 -12*60 -12-57 -12-58 -12-58 -I 2*6o -12-56 -12-59 -I2'6l -12-57 -12*59 -12*98 9*46 22*89 3*12 47^3 11-42 7-I7 0*72 8-97 32-14 31*24 29*09 15*86 28*46 26*99 56*90 37*28 54*64 5'33 19*60 21*88 45'39 3'4' 48*26 11*57 39*26 28*78 20*58 30*06 32*65 28*29 26*91 56*67 37' 2 9 54-59 5 2 '93 50*37 4-22 4-03 50*71 7-83 3*42 1*93 5'54 21-31 9*17 49'5 2 21*68 5476 io'o8 5'35 35*20 58*08 : 48*36 47'95 56*18 19*31 16*49 '5'*5 2*67 15*36 13*88 43*66 24*24 41*60 53*68 6*63 8*85 10*06 3 2 '35 50*33 35*18 58*21 26*31 15*83 7-58 16*38 19*70 >5'34 13*87 43^5 24*23 41 '59 3893 -14*70 -12*81 -12*77 -12-73 '3 '34 -12*81 -12-77 -12-79 -12-83 -'475 -13*24 -13*19 -13*10 -13*11 -13*24 -13*04 -13*04 -11-65 -12*97 -'3'3 -12*99 -13*04 -13*08 -13*08 -13*36 -12-95 -12*95 -13*00 -13-68 -12*95 -12*95 -13*04 - 1 3*02 -13-06 - 1 3 -oo -14*00 5 9 '49 15-27 15-70 2-52 19*58 15*18 1375 1*48 33*08 20*94 1*33 36*48 50*88 48*95 -48*33 -48*19 -48-25 -48*24 48*18 49*06 -48*23 -48*23 48*19 45*20 Greenwich. -12*61 -12-58 -12-59 -12-59 - I 2'6l -12*57 - I 2'6o -I 2*62 -12*58 -I 2'6o Bradley 2993 S.P. 41 Leonis Minoris., 42 Leonis Minoris.. 44 Loonis Minoris.. 46 Leonis Minoris.. 54 Leonis 47 Ursas Majoris.... 51 Urste Majoris.... i// Ursee Majoris 8 Leouis Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. . Greenwich. -12*82 -12*78 -12*74 -12*82 -12*78 -12*80 -12*84 -13*25 -13*20 -13*11 -13*12 -13*25 -13*05 -13*05 Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leoiiis Minoris.. A Ursce Majoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. . Bradley 2993 S.P. , 41 Leonis Minoris W 42 Leonis Minoris | W 44 Leonis Minoris W 46 Lconis Minoria W 54 Leonis W 47 Ursae Majoris W Bradley 3147 S.P W Bradley 3147 S.P E Greenwich. -12*98 -13*04 -13*00 -13*05 -13*09 -13*09 -12*96 -12*96 1 3 *o i -12*96 -12*96 -13-05 -13*03 -13*07 -13*01 Bradley 2993 S.P. , Bradley 2993 S.P.. 47 Ursae Majoris... 51 Ursae Majoris... i/ Ursae Majoris... 8 Leonis v Ursse Majoris... Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 31478.? 67 Ursse Majoris Piazzi XII. '3 4 Comas 2 Canum Venaticum... Bradley 1672 12 Comae 13 Comae 14 Comae 21 Comae $ Canum Veuaticum W W W \V \v W W 10 Paris. -48-35 -48*21 -48*27 -48*26 -48*20 -48*24 -48*24 Bradley 3147 S.P 92 Leonis Virginis Groombridge 1830 67 Ursae Majoris Bradley 1672 21 Comae 23 Comae 9 Canum Venaticum 31 Comse 35 Comse W W \v W \v W W W W W W \v 7'933 10*080 94 2 3 io'o8o 8*308 11*582 "655 8*578 10*080 8*326 8*548 IO. 21. 24*14 10. 38. 21*43 10. 40. 40*84 10.44.46*58 10.48. 5*84 10. 50. 34*57 io. 54- '4'57 10. 59. 20*27 'ii. 4. 25*06 n. 9. 9-92 1 1. 28. 3*69 11.28. 5*34 io. 5. 20*74 io. 9.44*88 io. ii. 27*34 10. 15. 46*25 o. 15.46*73 s 10*77 20*75 40*32 46*00 5'4' 33-93 14*31 33-i8 5 2 '55 21*03 ''44 7*06 24-93 i 12-09 9-20 | 56-34 49-78 ! 34-69 59' 2 3 7-82 11-54 12-93 12-75 12-82 12-86 12-90 12-87 12-89 12-84 12-86 15*09 51*07 34*69 16*38 20*44 44-4I 27*09 52*61 53'9 io. 21. 21*99 I ' 2 '46 io. 21. 22*08 12-55 io. 38. 21*15 10.40.40*75 io. 44. 46*49 10.48. 5*64 io. 50.34*35 10. 54. 14.50 11. 28. 3*05 20*58 40*30 45'99 5' 2 5 33*80 14*23 50*06 11.28. 2-30 | 49*67 8*928 12*320 10*080 9-044 7-161 io'o8o 10-117 10.21.23-33 IO. 21. 22"55 io. 54. 14-65 10. 59.20-34 11. 4. 25-18 ii. 9. 9*93 11. 13.27*19 11.28. 2*89 11.28. 3*13 11.57.24*07 12. 6. 3*59 12. 7. 8*97 12. II. 28*82 12. 14. 37-29 12. 17. 50-93 12.19. 3971 12. 21. 46*20 12. 26. 23*17 12. 29. 2I'I9 11-734 I ii. z8. 33*51 IO*o8o II. 36. 32*04 11.41. 4*66 II. 48. 10*65 11. 57. 58*91 12. 15. 26*99 12. 26. 57*59 12. 29. 48*81 ' 2 -34- 53'99 I 2. 45. 21*64 12. 47. 46*07 12. 49. 18*81 12*45 11*67 '4'33 19*97 24*96 9*24 26*72 48*47 49-07 2 3'79 2-98 8-34 28-48 '37 50-30 39-08 45'59 22-52 20*86 9'554 10*080 7''9 31*28 '3'99 39'07 39*07 59-58 7*80 2 7'55 33*16 5 2 '54 21*02 1-43 34*96 34*96 13*25 13-13 13*10 '3'54 14*02 12*88 12*97 12*78 1275 12-83 12-71 12-78 12'8o 15-10 14*71 5976 12*69 5976 , 1*42 7*04 I2'O7 56-33 '379 35:10 27*56 31*96 4*50 10*70 59*01 37'33 57'53 48-74 54'07 2l'6o 46*03 18-73 35*10 10*97 50*02 55'35 15*58 49'74 37'37 26*12 3 2 '59 9*50 7-92 36*48 43-87 16*51 22*61 10*94 48*72 9'5 2 0*64 6*0 1 33*56 58*06 30*79 12-91 12-93 12-89 12-91 12-93 '3'37 12*94 12*76 12*83 12*87 12*91 12-88 12-89 12-84 12-86 13-26 13-14 13-11 12-78 12-75 12-83 12-71 12-78 12'So -13-97 -12-82 -12-96 -12-99 -12*90 -10*63 -12*93 -12*96 -13*00 -13*02 -12*94 -51*08 -48*09 -47'99 -48*09 -48*10 -48*61 -48*01 -48*10 -48*06 -48*04 -47'97 -47'94 -12*91 -12*93 -12*89 -12*91 -12*93 -12*82 -12*96 -12*99 -12*90 -12*93 -12*96 - 1 3 *oo -i 3*02 -12*94 48*09 47-99 48*09 48*10 48*01 48*10 48*06 48*04 47'97 47'94 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 285 Star's Name. MS i Observed Transit. il! Star's Name. Observed Transit. 3 a'*' ir Ill 32.5 1902 April 8. Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P... 33 Lconis Minoris., 35 Lconis Minoris.. 37 Leonis Minoria.. 41 Leonis Minoris.. 42 Leonis Minoris. \V w w w w| w w 46 Leonis Minoris I W 1902 April 9. 13 Leonis e Leonis 16 Leonis Minoris- H Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris 20 Leonis Minoris 22 Leonis Minoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 2993 S.P 37 Leonis Minoris ; K 41 Leonis Miuoris j E 46 Leonis Minoris . 54 Leonis 47 Ursa; Majoris.... 51 Urs;e Majoris.... \l/ Ursae Majoris.. .. \V W W w w 9-632 1902 April 11. 38 Lynris a Lynris Piazzi IX. 37 13 Leonis t Leonis /i Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 2993 S.P 35 Leonis Minoris 37 Leonis Minoris 41 Lt-onis Minoris W 9 W| 9 W 10 W 1 8 w: 9 W g W 9 W 10 W 10 42 Leonis Minoris I E 9 1902 April 13. Groombridge 3548 S.P W 10 Piazzi IX. 37 E 9 Leonis I E 13 Leonis I E e Leonis 16 Leonis Minoris /j. Leonis 20 Leonis Minoris 21 Leonis Minoris Piazzi IX. 254 Bra'lley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P Bradley 2993 S.P. , 47 Uvsie Majoris.... 51 U r.i Majoris.... ij/ Ursae Majoris 5 Loonis v Ursa- Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. . 59 Ursae Majoris... 92 Leonis I'iazzi yi. 146 998 389 179 '080 io'o8o io'o8o 8715 io'o8o io'io6 8-596 6-677 lo'oSo 1-351 >'o8o 10-967 12-003 12-966 10*080 9-482 11-582 io'o8o 10. 1 6. 20-97 1O. 21. 56-96 10. 27. 8'02 10. 31. 34-56 10. 34. 2-85 10.38.55-72 10.41. 15-51 10. 48. 40-40 9- 3 6 - 9.41. 9-44- 9. 48. 9.52. 9- 5 6 - 10. 10. 10. 16. IO. 21. IO. 21. 10. 33. 10. 38. 5073 7-88 3-21 1-97 31-60 12-31 19-29 22-63 54'97 S476 3-01 55-96 10. 48. 40*74 10. 51. 9-18 io. 54. 49-60 10. 59.55-23 11. 5. 0*24 24-42 5 2 '44 8-06 34^3 2-88 5 5 '69 5"53 40-45 50-86 7'99 3-45 2'10 31-85 12-48 19-46 25-81 51-16 5'95 3-18 56-07 40-96 9'33 49-87 55^ 0-56 9- >3- 35'33 9- '5- 55' 6 9 9. 23. 59-90 9. 36. 50-83 9-4i. 7'93 9.48. 2-1 1 9-54.31-58 10. 1 6. 19-70 IO. 21. 58-29 io. 21.57-25 io. 31. 34-89 io. 3. 3-16 io. 38. 56-16 io. 41. 15-78 9.19.55-38 50-83 9.24. 1-99 9- 33- 4'93 9- 3 6 - 5'73 9.41. 8-93 9-45- 4'35 9.48. 3-16 9- 5 6 - '3'44 10. 2. 30-85 io. " 5. 56-28 10. 16. 24-13 10. 21. 54-54 10. 21. io. 54. 10. 59 . 11. 5. II. 9 . 11-14. II. 28. II. 28. ii. 33- 1 1. 36. 11.39. 57-28 50-38 56-11 1-13 45^5 2-86 3 2 '94 32-84 59-I5 33''5 1772 2'So ! 4-37 51-18 : 8-36 3-88 2'6l 12-92 30-35 55-81 25-78 51-16 I : 53-64 ' 49 '94 I 55-66 [ "7 2 45-00 2 '37 28-23 28-13 5874 32-60 17-29 j35'5 6 155-89 3'4 i 5'94 8-01 ! 2--J2 3f87 ; 2 473 51-98 5' '2 35-09 V3 56-21 15-91 37-35 1-71 20-02 46-56 14-81 77' 2 7"45 5 2 '44 2-49 '9'55 15-15 13-72 43'45 24-07 31-12 37-15 i '95 i'95 14-80 7-70 20-93 1-31 6-94 11-96 47'03 7^5 14-64 z- 45 19-52 13-69 43-42 3677 2-42 2-42 46-52 14-78 7-68 27-42 14-48 15-61 2-42 19-49 15-08 13-66 24-01 41-37 6-93 36-43 2-85 2-85 1-26 6-89 11-90 56-24 13-67 3785 9-96 28-59 -47-07 -573 -48-04 -48-07 -48-07 -47-98 -48-08 48*44 48*30 -48-38 48-40 -48-41 48*34 48*66 49'2i 49*00 -48-38 -48-37 -48*53 -48*56 48*54 48*60 -48-53 -48-54 -48-40 -48-49 -48-49 -48-51 -48-45 -47-96 -49-56 -48-78 -48-57 -48-52 -48-53 -48-49 3-90 , 46-93 -48-32 -48-76 -48-76 -48-87 -48-80 -48-95 -48-91 -48-98 -48-88 -49-35 -48-31 -50-79 -48-68 -48-77 -48-82 -48-76 -48-70 -50-38 -50-28 -48-78 -48-76 -48-70 Paris. -48-05 -48-08 -48-08 -47-99 -48-09 -48*02 ty Ursae Majoris j Leonis Ursae Majoris | W w Bradley 3 1478. P., Bradley 3147 S.P. 92 Leonis ........... . 67 Ursae Majoris.. . Paris. -48-38 -48-45 -48-31 -48-39 -48-41 -48-42 -48-35 -48-39 -48-38 -48-54 -48-41 -48-57 -48-55 -48-60 S Leonis v Ursae Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. 92 Leonis Piazzi XI. 146 , Virginia Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672 13 Gomie 14 Com;e 21 Coras j8 Canuin Venatioum . 23 Comas 9 Canum Venaticum . Paris. -48-54 -48-55 -48-50 -48-50 -48-54 -48-45 -48-58 -48-53 -48-54 -48*50 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leouis Minoris . 51 Ursae Majoris.... Bradley 3147 S.P. Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672 ,, 21 Comae Canum Venatieum 9 Canum Venatioum 31 Comae 35 Comas Paris. -48- 77 -4877 -48-88 -48-81 -48-96 -48-92 -48^9 -48-89 -48-69 -4878 -48-83 -4877 -4871 -4878 -48-76 -4870 67 Ursa; Majoria ! W Piazzi XII. 3 j W Bradley 1672 W Bradley 1672. 9 Canum Venaticum. Groom bridge 1919.... 30 Coma; 31 Comae 35 Comae a Canum Venaticum . /8 Comae 23 Canum Venaticum Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P Polaris S.P Piazzi XIII. 136 25 Canum Venaticum i Bob'tis B.F. 1898 B.F. 1905 Piazzi XIII. 235 9 Bobtis io'o8o 9*864 6-893 io'o8o 10*080 8*282 10*080 10-669 10*080 10*080 10*342 10*080 8-625 9*988 10*080 9 io'o8o 8; io ! 10-007 io ; 12*540 io'o8o 9' 9 9 9 9 10*080 10-031 9-094 10*080 h m s II. 4. 59*81 ii. 9.44*29 II. 14. 1*69 n. 28. 31*89 11.28. 28-53 ii. 36. 30-15 11.57.59-11 ii. 9.44-69 11.14. i'93 ii. 28. 30-70 ii. 28. 30-93 11.36.32-17 11. 39. 16-74 11.41. 4*76 12. 15. 27-94 12. 15. 28-89 12. 2O. I4'53 12. 22. 2I'I2 12. 26. 57-91 12. 28. 56-28 12. 30. 49-06 I 2 - 34- 54^5 io. 45. 21-56 io. 48. 40*81 io. 59. 55*24 n. 28. 33*54 12. 6. 38*49 12. 7.43*89 12. 15.25-34 12. 15. 24*75 12. 15. 19*86 12. 26. 58*11 12. 29. 56-32 IZ-34-5V35 12.47.46-49 12.49. i9' 2 9 1 1. 58. 0-04 12. 6. 39-27 12. 15.28-74 12. 15. 31-03 12. 34. 55-20 12. 40. 41-38 12.45.2277 12.47.47-33 12. 49. 20*09 12.52. 18-45 16., 13 13 13. 20. 13- 2 3- 13.23. 13-31. 13-33. 13-36- I3-45- 13-47- 13-49- 13. 52. 19-48 5 r 97 52-89 17-21 58-42 i 1 ' 66 5-31 41-69 35^3 57-67 59'97 , ii-97 44-24 ; 56-28 1-73 13-72 25-81 36-70 12*81 36*70 32*09 ! 43*87 59-22 10-94 44-81 2-14 25-17 2576 32-30 17-03 4-81 38-41 14-66 21-26 58-03 56-53 49-16 54-50 21-66 40*98 55-46 25-38 38-58 43^7 40*01 39'4 2 35-18 58*20 56-62 54' 6 4 46-61 19-35 59-62 3875 35-59 5477 40-97 22-25 46-81 i9'54 18-00 9-64 47-11 18-99 4i-43 42*35 16-72 57"9 2 51-09 478 41-18 34^9 57-12 56-27 13-71 36-93 36-93 43-86 28-63 16-50 48-18 48-18 26*13 32*61 9'53 7'94 0*64 6*02 33'04 52*41 6*92 37"4 2 50*01 55-40 47-56 47'5 6 48-00 47-96 48-01 49-11 46-11 48-22 48-28 -48-54 48-43 -48-24 -48-83 -48-44 48-40 -48-31 49-28 50-23 -48*53 -48*65 48-50 48-59 -48-52 -48-48 -48-62 -48*57 -48-54 -47-96 -48-57 -48-57 -5 2 '45 -51*86 47-56 7'93 6 '02 58-07 30-80 47-62 48-67 48-69 48-62 48-54 10-91 I 50*00 47-00 47-00 6*01 52*23 33^6 58*07 30*80 29*24 20-57 58-07 29-96 57-86 57-86 27-83 8-93 2-18 15-94 52-26 46-12 8-20 48*71 4875 48 59 50*23 48*76 48-74 48*69 -48*74 -48*74 -48-76 49*07 49-04 49-03 -43-57 44-49 , 48-89 -48-99 -48-91 -48-84 48-92 - 4 S'S 7 -48-92 -4876 -48-74 -48-69 48-74 -4874 -48-75 49-06 49'03 49-02 -48-88 -48-98 -48-90 -48*83 -48*91 -48*86 -48-91 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 o 286 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's N:ime. Observed Transit. Slur's Name. .1 Si Observed Transit. "" " 1902 April 14. Piazzi IX. 37 X Leonis io Leonis Minoris. 1902 April 17. 9 Leonis 13 Leonis < Leonis ... 1 6 Leonis Minoris., u Leonis 19 Leonis Minoris. 20 Leonis Minoris. Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leouis Minoris. Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. 51 Ursae Majoris..., 9 2 3"93 41-29 6-84 35-6, 3-88 19-89 46-42 14-68 7-59 1902 April 20. 21 Leonis Minoris I W Piazzi IX. 254 22 Leonis Minoris W Bradley 1399 W Bradley 2993 S.P W 33 Leonis Minoris W 35 Leonis Minoris W 37 Leoi.ia Minoris ! \V 46 Leonis Minoiis : W 54 Leoiiis W 51 Ursa; Majoris W 9 io I 080 u ,-873 '55* IO. 2. JO. 5. IO. IO. io. 16. 10. 22. io. 27. io. 31. io. 34. io. 48. io. 51. io. 59. 3'93 56*44 20*59 '779 3'5 9*72 36*15 4*40 42*05 10-68 56-48 375 56*34 20*36 22*97 55*62 9*50 35'99 4*18 41*86 10*37 56'35 Paris. -4877 -48*80 -48*87 Leonis . -48*81 n Leouis -48*88 Bradley 2993 S.P. Paris. 49*32 i 49'35 49'35 49*31 49*42 49-36 49'33 49'43 49-44 49-28 50-59 49'44 49-57 49-60 49'59 49-72 49-41 49-49 49*41 49-53 49'54 49'57 -50*96 49-33 -49*36 -49*36 -49'43 -49'37 -49'34 -49'44 -49'45 -49'57 -49-60 -49'59 -49-41 -49-49 -49-41 -49-53 -49"54 -49'57 Brailley 1672 W .21 Coma? Canum Venaticum. 23 Comse 9 Caniim Venaticum . a C'anum Venaticum . 2 Ursa* Minoris S.P... 14 Canum Venaticum 15 Canum Venaticum $ Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canum Venaticum 20 Canum Vennticum 23 Ciininn Venaticum Piazzi XIII. 71 Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P Polaris S. P.. Polaris S. P. Paris. 41-25 6-80 30-96 35-20 4'38 19-86 46-39 14*65 52-29 20*81 6-80 49'59 -49-56 49-48 49'5' -49*91 49-96 49'54 -49-56 49-52 49'57 49-56 49*50 49*46 -50*98 51-11 -48*56 49 '47 49*46 49'45 49*44 49'34 49*28 -49*58 49'5 2 -49*50 -49'54 -49*40 -4777 -51*24 -49-64 -49*60 -49'53 -49'57 -49*56 -49'55 49*60 49-57 49'49 49-52 49'54 49*56 49'57 49*56 49*50 49*46 -49'47 -49*46 -49'45 -49'44 -49'34 -49-28 4 Com.t? Brailley 1672. Bradley 1672. 14 Comse 21 Comae 3 Canum Venaticuni. 23 Comae 9 Canum Venaticum Groombridge 1919 .... 30 Comse 31 Comae 35 Comae 2 Ursa; Minoris S.P... Piazzi XIII. 27 20 Canum Venaticum 23 Canum Venatieum Polaris S.P B.F. 1898 B.F. 1905 Piazzi XIII. 235 Paris. 49*58 II Bradley 1399 i^i 49*52 || Bradly 29938.? | W I Paris. -49*50 -49-54 -49* 4 o -49*64 -49*60 -49-53 -49-57 -49*56 -49-55 Bradley 3147 S.P., Bradley 3147 S.P. w E E E 14 Comie... | E 1 Coma! K Piazzi XI. 146 . J Virj-inis Brailley 1672. 3 Canum Venatieum. 23 Coma; lo'oSo 9*436 9.41. 8*87 9.48. 3-07 10. 21. 58*08 io| 8-649 12.15.24-16 [34-65 10*o8o 10*427 IO*oSo IO'o8o 12. 26. 59*45 12.29. 5775 12.30.50*55 12. 34. 55*82 12. 52. 18*99 12. 56. 3*12 13. 2. r86 JO'377 7775 6*460 13. 6. 371 13. 8. 10-31 1 3. 10. 8"66 13. 11.59-93 13. 14. i"i8 13. 1 6. 47*80 13. 18. 38*92 13. 20. 19*58 13.24. 5-12 13.23.59*81 13.23.59*25 w 9 w 10 E 10 W W j W w 7 w 9 w Q w 6 w 9 w g w IO E Q E 7 9 E 9 E 9 E 8 K 8 E Q I0'o8o I 12. 7. 45-24 II'Sll I 12. 15. 20'1I 10-348 12. 15. 24-04 10*080 11-904 lo'oSo 9-048 lo'oSo | 11-167 j 12*023 10739 13-780 lo'oSo 11-748 10*080 12. 22. 22'4O 12. 26. 59'32 12. 29. 57-56 12. 30. 50-50 12.34. 55-58 12. 40. 41'78 12.45.23-35 12.47. 47'9 12. 49. 2O-&5 12. 56. 6'2O 13. io. 8-86 13.14. 1-41 13. 16.47-88 13.23. 59*97 13.45. 5*86 13.47.42*13 13. 49. 36*06 I io. 16. 18-95 I io. 22. 3*24 58-99 57'44 50-08 55'5 18-65 58-24 1-49 3-40 9-91 8-36 59-64 0-89 47'5 38-67 19-25 48-49 44' 1 3 43'57 44-89 33-88 37-16 22-06 58-96 57'39 5O'I2 5 5 '4 41-65 23-02 47'5' 20"26 59'73 8-64 I "20 47-66 39-60 5'53 41-84 35'7' 25-40 54-16 ii. 28. 41-54 ii. 39. 18-45 1 1. 41. 6*65 12. 15. 20-90 12. 22. 22'j6 12.26. 59-43 12. 29. 57-65 12. 30. 50*65 18-34 6-, 5 36-87 22-25 59-09 57'53 50-29 19*48 - 8-42 = '64 52-02 3-05 48-94 48-99 48-97 46-11 148-54 9'5- 7'9' 0-63 5 '99 29-23 9-64 14-00 20-57 18-94 10*19 11-51 58-07 49'33 29-96 58-15 58-15 58-15 11.28.37-35 27-82 39-38 3'' 6 5 i39'3 s 28-52 16-45 45-16 32-58 9-50 7-89 0-62 49*48 49-53 49'45 49'5i 49-42 48-60 49'39 49-40 49'34 49*42 49'45 49-38 49'43 49'34 49-29 50-34 -45-98 55'37 45-84 45-84 9'5 ' 7-90 0*63 5 '99 52*22 58*07 30*80 9*71 18-94 11-52 58-08 58-26 15-96 52-29 46-16 4-12 -49-52 -48-04 51-32 49'47 49'45 49-49 49'49 49'4> 49'43 49-46 49'44 49-46 50-02 -49-70 -49-68 -49-58 -41-34 -49'57 -49'55 -49'55 49'99 50-04 -48-44 -52-27 -49-82 49-70 51-71 49-67 49'59 49-64 49-67 -4 S '95 -9*00 49-48 49'53 49'45 49"5' 49-42 -49-38 49'39 49'33 49-41 49'44 4y'37 49-42 49'33 49-28 49-52 -49'47 -49"45 -49'49 -49'49 -49-41 -49'43 -49-46 -49'44 -49-46 -49-70 -49-68 -49-58 -49-56 -49'54 -49'54 -49-82 -49-70 -49-67 -49'59 -49-64 -49-67 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MH HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 287 Star's Name. .1 *. Observed Transit. Star's Name. Observed Transit. 1-T S--..C 3 C ""3 S3 1902 April 20 continued. 9 Canum Veiiuticum E Groombridge 1919 | E 30 Comae ' E 31 Coma; ! E a Canum Venaticuin E 2 Ursas Minoris S.P K 2 Ursne Miuoris S.P 14 Canum Venaticum..... 15 Canuin Venaticum .... 17 Canuin Veuaticum .... 1902 April 21. Piazzi IX. 254 j E 22 Leonis Minoris E Bradley 1399 E Bradley 299 3 S.P E 44 Leonis Minoris ' E 46 Leonis Minoris I E 54 Leonis 47 Ursae Majoris... 51 Ursae Majoris... S Leonis v Ursae Majoris... Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P 92 Ltonis | Virginia Groonibridge 1841 67 Ursse Majoris Piazzi XII. 3 , 4 Com; 1 - 1 . Bradley 1672 Biadley 1672 1902 April 23. Bradley 2993 S.P... 35 Leonis Minoris.. 44 Leonis Minoiis.. 46 Leonis Minoris.. 54 Leonis Bradley 3147 S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P. . Piazzi XI. 146 { Virginia Groombridge 1830. Groombridge 1841 . 67 Ursse Majoris Piazzi XII. 3. 4 Comae Bradley 1672. Biadley 1672. 1902 April 24. 54 Leonis i|( UrsiE Majoris 8 Leonis y Ursae Majoris... Bradley 3 1 478. P.. Bradley 3 1 478. P.. Piazzi XI. in 59 Ur*3 47'97 20*70 19*02 7*56 2. 1-99 6. 4-03 6. 25-80 8-81 0-08 i'34 13. 16.47*93 13.24, 9*51 '3' '3 13. io. 13.12. '3 13.24. 13*69 12. 15. 12. 26. 12. 29. 12. 40. 12.45. 12.47. 12.49. .2.52. 12. 56. 13. 2. 13. 6. 13. 8. 13. 10. 13. 14. 13. 16. 13.24. 18*50 59*69 5 7 '94 42*08 23*76 48-23 21*08 19*22 7'I7 2*34 25*85 10*80 8*91 1*67 48-02 12. 15. 14*29 12. 22. 22'73 12. 26. 59'67 12. 29. 57-81 12. 30. 50*89 12. 34. 55*92 12. 40. 4I*IO 12. 45. 23*62 12.47.48*23 12. 49. 2I*O1 12. 52. 19*16 12. 56. 9*09 13. 2. 2 4 I4 IO-I5 8*61 59-81 1-18 477 38-96 47"5 4375 44-56 20-58 18-94 10*19 11*52 58*08 i 49'33 49'57 49*67 49*62 49*66 49*62 49*63 58*66 -48*39 58*66 58*66 45*09 45*90 49'57 49*67 49-62 49*66 49*62 49*63 22*17 59*06 57-55 50*38 55'5 6 41*86 23*18 4772 20*37 18*92 59-52 9'49 7*88 0*62 5'97 52*20 33-56 58*07 30*80 29*22 10*02 49*60 49*60 49-57 49*67 49*76 49'59 49-66 49*62 49*65 -49*67 -49*76 -49'59 -49*66 -49*62 -49*65 -49-57 -49*70 -49*50 1*82 i I2'io i 4 3* 9 I 25*68 8* 7 I o'oo 1*25 47-83 43'55 46*78 3575 49*72 14*00 ! 49*91 49*85 4977 49*81 4973 '4975 44*60 18*94 10*19 11*52 58*08 49*70 -49*72 -49-91 -49-85 -49'77 -49*81 -4973 -49-7S 58*95 1-47-83 42*06 23*48 47 '95 20*74 19*10 59'3 ' 2*18 2573 10-53 8-82 '"59 47'93 46-93 43*90 9-48 7-87 52*19 33-55 58*06 30*79 29*21 10-30 12-09 35-82 20*58 18-93 11-51 58-07 59-66 -51*85 -49*90 -50*00 -49-87 -49'93 -49-89 -49-95 -49-89 -49*01 -50*09 -49*91 -49'95 -49-89 -50*08 -49-86 -49-90 -50*00 -49*87 -49-93 -49*89 -49'95 -49*89 -50*09 -49*91 -49-95 -49-89 -50*08 -49*86 33-36 22-49 59^9 5779 5'59 55^9 42*14 23*38 47'99 20*69 19*09 0*46 2'02 43-46 32-56 9-48 7-86 o"6o 5^5 52-18 33'54 58-06 : 379 | 29-21 IQ'45 11-09 49-90 49-93 49-93 49-91 I 49-91 49-93 | 49-93 49-99 ; 49-99 49-94 49-96 49-84 49-93 49-90 49-88 -49-96 -49*84 -49'93 -49-90 -49*88 -50*01 49-93 288 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name H Observed Transit. Si 3 S G a Star's Name. .1 p-ti o s Observed Transit. H 53 S gg- * * 1902 April 24 continued. ft Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 19 Canuin Venaticum ... 20 Canum Venaticum ... 23 Canum Venaticum ... Piazzi XIII. 71 Polaris S.P w w ff w w w \\ T Polaris S.P. , B.F. 1905... 1902 April 27. Bradley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. . Bradley 2993 S.P.. 47 Urste Majoris ... 51 Ursae Majoris ... 5 Leonis Bradley 3147 S.P. . Piazzi XI. 146 f Virgiuis Groombridge 1841 2 Canum Venaticum . Bradley 1672 12 Comae 13 Comae 21 Comae ft Canum Venaticum. 1902 April 28. Braiiley 1399 Bradley 2993 S.P. Bradley 2993 S.P.. 33 Leonis Minoris . 35 Leonis Miuoris . 41 Leonis Minoris . 42 Leonis Minoris . 44 Leonis Minoris . 46 Leonis Miuoris . 54 Leonis 47 Ursse Majoris..., 51 Ursae Majoris.... Bradley 3147 S.P. Piazzi XI. in 59 Ursse Majoris..., 67 Ursae Majoris... Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae Bradley 1672 12 Comae 13 Comae 1902 May 1. Bradley 2993 S.P 35 Leonis Minoris 37 Leonis Minoris 44 Leonis Minoris i|/ Ursse Majoris 5 Leonis v Urste Majoris Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 3147 S.P. 92 Leonis { Virginis Piazzi XII. 3 4 Comae 2 Canum Venaticum. Bradley 1672 12 Comfe 13 Comse W W ll E E B K B E W W w W W w 10*080 E 10 8-041 E 9 10-080 13. 7. 10-69 13. 10. 8-92 13. 12. O'I3 13. 14. 1*40 13. l6. 48-07 13. 1 8, 39'2i 13. 24. 18-85 13.24. 17-29 i3-47-4 2 '4 2 8-658 10. 15. 39-02 8-355 7-205 io'o8o 8-627 io'o8o io"o8o 9-882 io'o8o 10-141 13-017 12-430 lo'oSo 10-402 10*080 10-175 io'o8o 12-896 io'o8o 6-560 10*137 12-768 io'o8o io'o8o 10-149 io'o8o 10. 21. 37-98 10.54. 18-75 to. 59. 24-43 11. 9. I4'3' 11.33.51-56 11.38.45-99 11.40. 34-92 11. 52. 32*20 12. II. 32-99 12. 14. 17-52 " -7- 55'37 12. 20. 44*14 12. 26. 27-58 12.25.25-35 s 10-46 8-88 O'lO ''37 48-03 39' 2 4 49'94 49-30 42-26 5'47 24*20 21-08 18-19 2379 13-18 57-18 45-48 33'S 1 31-64 3 2 '47 54'95 54'4 43'>7 26-57 24-86 io. 15. 39-98 ( 52-40 io. 21. 40-18 , 2i'66 io. 21. 43-61 10. 26. 37-72 io. 31. 4-12 io. 39.25-73 io. 40. 45-22 io. 44. 50-95 io. 48. IO'ID 10.50.38-95 10.54. '8-73 10. 59. 24-45 11.28. 21-82 11. 31. 29-19 11.33.27-44 11.57.28-35 12. 6. 8'oi 12. 7 . 13-52 12. 14. 20"o6 12.17.55-59 12. 18.44-33 IO. 21. 44*48 10.31. 4*47 10. 33. 32*93 10.44. 5'' 2 9 11. 4. 29*51 ii. 9. 14*80 ii. 13. 31*95 1 1. 28. 25*97 ii. 28. 21*05 11. 28. 24-78 11.36. 2-34 "4-35'35 12. 6. 8-43 12. 7.13-96 12.11.33*53 12. 14.22*53 12. 17.55*96 12. 19.44*61 24-83 36-91 3'45 24-65 44-36 50-01 9'35 37'9> 18-21 23-85 57-28 28-21 27-03 27-91 7-02 12-48 0-57 54'55 43'3 20-58 18-92 10-18 11-51 58-07 49'3 2 0-05 0*05 52-31 337 6-26 6-26 1-04 6-69 56-10 41-48 28-43 16-39 '4'55 '5'44 42-18 37'3" 26-06 9'47 33'5 6-50 6-50 '973 46-26 7'47 27-18 32-83 52-17 20-71 I'02 6-67 41-76 10-93 977 10-75 49-91 55'3 4'77 37-30 26-05 26-55 3"So 32-12 50-36 29-16 ,3*67 31-17 2*22 57*66 1*03 1*23 33'93 7'45 12*94 32*99 1-07 54'94 43-60 7' 2 3 46*21 14-48 3278 1 1*61 56-06 13-46 42-58 42-58 42-58 4370 16-36 49*89 55*28 15*40 40*61 37*28 26*03 Paris. -49*88 -49-96 -49-92 -49-86 -49-96 -49-92 -49-89 -49' 2 5 -49'95 -16-77 -17-94 -14-82 -17-15 -17-10 -17-08 -15-70 -17-05 -17-12 -17-09 -17-03 -12-77 -17-09 -17-11 -17-10 -17-03 -18-90 -15-16 -17-18 -17-19 -17-18 -17-18 -17-18 -17-18 -17-20 -17-19 -17-18 -15-52 -17-28 -17*26 -17-16 -17*1 1 -17-18 -18-80 -17-25 -17*25 -19*32 >7'59 17-64 -17*58 '7'55 17-61 -17*71 19*64 15-08 -18-45 '/53 -<7'57 -17*56 17*66 '7'59 20*46 17-66 '7'57 -49*88 49-96 49*92 -49*85 49'95 49-91 49-94 Piazzi XIII. 235 9 Bobtis Piazzi XIII. 316.... d Bobtis Groombridge 2089... A Bootis Groombridge 2100., / Bootis p Bootis Greenwich. 17*16 17-11 17-08 17-05 17-12 17-09 17*03 17-09 17*11 17*10 17-03 23 Comae 9 Canum Venaticum . 30 Comae 31 Comae 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. . 2 Ursne Minoris S.P. ... 14 Canum Venaticum . 1 5 Canum Vnaticum . 17 Cauum Venaticum . ft Comae Piazzi XIII. 27 , 19 Canum Venatioum , 20 Canum Venaticum . 23 Canum Vi'iiaticum . Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P. Greenwich. -17-19 -17-20 -17-19 -17*19 -17-19 -17-19 -17-21 -17-20 -17*19 -17*28 -17*26 -17-16 -17*11 -17*18 -17-25 -17-25 14 Comae ft Canuin Venaticum... 23 Comae 9 Canum Venaticum... 31 Comae 2 Urste Minoris S.P. ... 3 Comae Piazzi XII. 27 20 Canum Venaticum . 23 Canum Venaticum . Groombridge 1986 Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P 25 Canum Venaticum . i Bootis B.F. 1905 Piazzi XIV. 235 9 Bootis 1 1 Bobtis Piazzi XIII. 316 d Bootis Groombridge 2089 Greenwich. -17*60 -17*65 -'7'59 -i7'55 -17*61 -17*71 -"7'53 ->7'57 -17-56 -17-66 -17*59 -17*66 -'7'57 14 Corns 1 21 Comie ft Canum Venaticum.. 23 Comae 9 Canum Vennticum... 2 Ursae Minoris S. P. .. 2 Ursae Minoris S. P. .. Piazzi XIII. 27 20 Canum Veuaticum Polaris S.P Polaris S.P i Bobtis Groombridge 2043 . B.F. 1898 B.F. 1905 9 Bobtis n Bootis A Bobtis Groombridge 2100 . 10*080 7 10*080 ' 9| ,, 8 io ' 8-480 10 6-250 7 io'o8o 5 ' ., io 10-398 h m s 13.49. 36-43 13.52.58-48 H- 4-53''5 14. 6.48*55 14. ii. 18*82 14. 14. 43-82 14. 16. 38-97 14. 22. 46-73 14. 28. 29-11 12. 30. 1 8 -74 12.35.23*44 12.44. 5''55 12. 47. l6'02 > 2 - 55-47'5 2 11.55.44-11 13. i. 29-88 13. 5.31-81 '3* 5-53'5 2 13. 7. 38*60 '3- 9-3 6 '57 13. ii. 27-84 13. 13. 29*18 W io 10-885 10.080 7*871 10*080 ''S35 11-341 10*080 10*080 8*954 5'54 10*080 10*628 11*197 10*080 j- j- y 13. 16. 1576 Ij. 24. 11-15 13. 24. 20-78 12. 21. 12. 29. 12. 30. 12.34. 12.47. 12.55. 13. 7. 13. 9. 13. 13. 13. 1 6. 13.19. 13.24. 13.24. '3-33- '3- 3 6 - '3-47- 13.49. 13.52. -3-57- 14. 4. 14. 6. 14. io. 50*80 2 5'53 18*95 23*64 16-26 46-43 38-78 36-71 29*31 15*83 47*86 17*14 28*22 26*81 20-54 10-18 4-28 26-39 4"6o 20-79 16-55 46-45 12.21.51-13 12. 26. 28-03 12.29.25-95 12. 30. 19*29 12. 34. 24'IO 12. 55.46*12 " 2 - 55-45'59 "3- 9- 37'7 13. 13.29*69 13.24. 15*34 13.24. 25-99 13. 36. 20-88 13.42.25*11 13-44- 34'35 '3-47- i'55 13. 52. 26*74 '3-57- 4'9 6 14. 14. 1 2*00 14. 16. 7*00 36-18 58*21 53''5 48*25 18*77 43' 6 7 38-87 4 6 '37 28*88 17*68 22*93 50*62 15*09 29*91 26*77 29*16 31*18 52*89 37-65 36*00 27*30 28*63 15*19 14*16 22*84 49*80 25*02 17-83 23 ii 15*27 2 7'45 37-80 36-15 28*77 15-27 47*18 -4'55 24-68 26 13 19-37 9'45 3'35 2 5'43 3*63 20*42 15-52 45'97 50*15 26*98 25*44 18*19 2 3'57 28*02 2 7'49 36*5, 29*14 '573 2 5'43 '974 24*51 33'5' 9-82 25-80 4-01 11-30 6-42 46-18 8-25 3'*5 5^37 28*96 5376 48*86 5 6 '44 38*92 3 2- 53 7-83 0*59 5*92 58-04 11*03 20*57 18*91 11-50 58-06 29-96 1-58 1-58 8-96 2-23 52-32 46*19 8-27 46-46 3-26 48*39 28-97 32-51 9'44 7-80 0-57 5-90 11-42 1 1-42 18-89 11-48 2-60 2 '60 2-23 6-98 '5 '99 52*32 8-27 46*47 5379 48*89 -50*00 -49-96 -49*90 -49*S8 -49-81 -49*91 -50*01 -49'93 -49-96 0-59 5 '93 33'53 58-05 10*89 10*89 12*08 13*98 35*81 20*57 18*91 10*17 11-50 58-06 0'22 17-09 17-00 17-09 17*04 19*02 -15*88 -17-08 -17-20 -17-08 -17-08 -17*09 -17*13 -17*13 -17-13 -'3'94 49-99 49'95 49-89 49-87 49-80 49*90 50*00 49-92 49'95 -17*09 - 1 7 *oo -17-09 -17-04 -17*07 -17-19 -17-07 -17*07 -17*08 -17-12 -17-12 -17*12 0*22 22*62 -17-27 -17-19 -17*24 -17-19 -16-42 -17-23 -17*24 -17*27 -17*21 -17*22 -12-97 -17-27 -17-19 -17-24 -17-19 -17*23 -17*22 -17*23 -17*26 -17-20 -17-21 23-10 17*17 17*14 17-13 17*16 17*16 17-17 17*16 17-16 17-13 17-12 17-15 17-15 17-16 17-15 17-12 17*00 1 6'99 -17*64 -'7'54 -17*64 -17*62 -17*67 -i 6*60 - 16*07 -17*62 -17*66 -13*13 -22*83 -17*51 -'7'53 -17-52 -17*50 -'7'53 -'7'54 -17-51 -'7'53 -17-64 -i7'54 -17-64 -17-62 -17*67 -17*62 -17*66 -17*50 -17*52 -17*51 ->7'49 -17-52 -7'53 -17*50 -17-52 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 289 Star's Name Position. Xo. of Wires. 1 K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent jt.A. Clock Apparently Slow. !!* 5 ||t a" a Star's Name. . to So. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. flL* Clock Apparently Slow. >vB ^^ "~a ! S .*= &3o5 7'37 2-41 12-50 52-63 52-63 7-8. s 17-69 17-65 17-64 -17*63 23-66 12*70 17*79 17*68 -17-78 17*74 17-66 17*72 1777 I?'? 6 -17-87 17*94 17*94 17-99 17-86 17-96 -17-87 18-03 17*93 17*99 17*80 -17*84 17-92 -17-85 17-88 17-89 17^3 17-04 19-45 17-91 s 17*68 17*64 17-63 17*62 -1778 17*67 17-77 17-73 17*65 17*71 17-76 1775 17*86 17-93 17-93 -17-98 -17*84 17-94 17-85 18*01 17*91 I7-97 -'778 17*82 17*90 -17*83 17-86 Piazzi XII. 3 . 4 Comae 20 Canum Venaticum 2 Canum Venaticum Bi'fiJlev 1672 Polaris S P 13 Comae Polaris S.P ... 14 Com* Canum Venaticum Piazzi XIII. 136 25 Canum Venaticum i Bootis . . , 23 Coma? 9 Canum Venaticum 31 Comae 35 Comae li.F. 1898 H F. I qo < z Ursa? Minoris S.P -S Comfe Piazzi XIII., 235 ^wich t Piazzi XIII 235 1902 May 3. 30 Con:te 31 Coma; 9 Bootis 35 Comae Piazzi XIII 316 a Canum Venaticum d Bootis 2 UrsjE Minoris S.P 2 Ur>B Minoris S.P A Bootis 17 Cauum Venaticum W W W W W W W E E E E E E E /3 Comae / Bootis Piazzi XIII. 27 p Bi>otis 20 Canum Venaticum i IT Bootis Piazzi XIII. 71 Polaris S.P B F 2044 Polaris S.P 40 Bootis ca Bootis \|/ Bootis 25 Canum Venaticum c Bootis . -17*87 17*91 -17*89 i Bootis ^ Groombridge 2043 Groombridge 2047 ... . B.F. 1898 B.F. 1905 1902 September 21. \ Ursre Minoris W 10 9"3 2 4 9-573 8*122 10*080 ), ) - tt ft 8*966 10*080 10-245 8-398 10*079 i 10*361 h m s 19. 19. 38*68 20. o. 33*95 20. O. 33'9I 20. 12.39*97 20. I 4 . 52*74 20. 1 6. 46*43 20. 1 8. 46-95 2O. 21. 25-12 20. 30. 9*95 2 o. 33- 5^7 20. 37. 9*16 2O. 40. 41*69 22. 21. 25*07 22. 28. I 1*64 22. 31. 11*13 22. 31.3576 19- '9-45-41 19. 19.41*07 19. 36. 18-83 19. 38.40-34 19.40.48*37 19. 42. 46*30 19-47- 9'46 19.49.21*90 19-56- 2 3'5 2 20. 0.34-15 s 55' 2 5 18-22 20*94 39*70 5 2 '54 46-25 4677 24*83 973 8*92 4i-45 28*50 11*53 11*02 54^0 53-14 1 8*68 40*17 48*18 46*10 9-28 21*64 2 3'33 22*29 51*60 19-40 38-68 51-41 45-21 4575 23-84 8-70 6 '20 7-88 40-33 27*51 10*58 10*04 34*82 5' 2 3 50*23 17*72 39*21 47'3o 45*21 8*44 20*79 22*50 20*55 s - 3-65 -f- 1-18 - 1*54 I'O2 1*13 1*04 I'O2 '99 1*03 0*93 1*04 '99 '95 0*98 0-83 4" 2 7 2*91 0*96 0*96 0*88 0*89 0*84 0*85 0*83 1 74 Pa At oh. s ris. W W W W W W W W W W W W W E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 8 9 8 IO IO 7 7 8 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 9 8 r io'o8o J I )t 1 1 9*710 14*108 10*080 7-969 10*080 11 1 1 >J 10*124 U m a 22. 34. 56*96 22. 37. IO'6l 22.39.48*50 22. 41. 53'8o 22. 45. 21'jO 22. 49. 42*62 22. 59. 6*54 23. 2.25*42 23. 6. 0*99 23. 8.23*84 23. ii. 4*29 23. 13.4976 23.28. 13*52 23.28. 17*47 23.41. 16*44 23.49. 12*15 20. O. 28*07 20. 12. 39*86 20. 14. 52*52 20. 18.46*88 ' 20. 27. 20*25 ' 20. 30. 9*94 ; 20. 33. 6*42 20. 40. 41*62 i 21.23. 9-25 21. 30. 51*26 21. 48. 41*20 s 56*84 10*50 48*40 53-57 21-27 42-51 6-33 25-20 0*91 23*64 4*09 49*66 18*30 51*33 16*31 43"'9 1 1*96 18*97 39'55 52*26 46*64 19*99 9-67 7*11 41*34 775 51*01 40*90 s 55^7 9"6o 47-48 52*63 20*39 41*62 24*40 59*92 22*86 3*28 48*83 19*44 19*44 15*40 42*18 10*96 20*55 38-67 51*39 4573 19*09 8*69 6*08 40*32 7-17 50-05 39-94 - 0*87 0*90 0*92 0*94 0*88 0*89 0*85 0*80 0*99 0*78 0*8 1 0*83 + i-'4 1-89 0*91 \ I'OI Too + 1-58 0*88 0*87 0*91 0*90 0*98 1*03 I '02 0-58 0*96 0-96 Ato*. 8 0*87 O'90 0*92 '94 0-88 0-89 0-85 0-80 0-78 0-8 1 0-83 0-91 I'OI Too 0*87 0-86 0-90 0-89 I '02 0-96 0-96 Groom briil g 1119 S.P W E E E E E E E E E E W W W W 22 E W W 10 10 9 8 8 8 9 9 7 9 9 10 9 5 9 IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 S 9 IO 12 Lacertse . , Groombridge 1119 S.P 24 Vulpeculse 1*02 -I- 1*13 1 "04 1*02 '99 I-0 3 1*12 0*95 0*98 0*83 Pai 0-95 0*87 0-88 - 0*83 0-84 0-82 13 LacertcB A. Pegasi 36 Cygni Groombridge 3140 y Cygni Lalamle 39329 47 Cygni W B (2) XXIII 95 Bradley 2701 49 ^-yg n i 52 Cygni Bradley 2993 Groouibridj-e 3804 Piazzi XXII. 159 8 Lacei'ta- 1902 September 1& Groombridge 1119 S.P 24 Vulpeculie. , .... A Ursse Minoris 14 Cvgni Groombridge 2912 W 15 Cygi W W W W W W X Cygui 19 Cygni 13 Vulpeculae .. Pi-izzi IX 37 S P 25 Cygui Groombridge 1119 S.P 16 Frgnri . 290 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. Observed Transit. 11 3 Star's Name. * -Hi o I 8 Observed Transit. , ., III sas-s SB* 1902 September 22 continued. Piazzi XXI. 339 1 E Groombridge 3655 1 E i Pegasi I E TI Pegasi ' E ir 2 Pegasi E Piazzi XXII. 36 E i Lacertae E Piazzi XXII. 65 E Bradley 1399 S.P E Bradley 2993 1 E Bradley 2993 | E i 9 10*080 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 lo 10 TO 6792 10765 16-466 1902 September 24. 12 Laceitse 13 Lacertae X Pegasi Groombridge 3919.... Bradley 1508 S.P o Andromedse ft Pegasi W.B. (2)XXIU. 95. 61 Pegasi 67 Pegasi Bradley 3147 Bradli-y 3147 K Andromedae 78 Pegasi Groombridge 4153 . Groombridge 4159 . -'5 0*71 0*69 0*68 0*74 2*43 3*62 o"55 0*64 0-55 o"45 5-44 5'5 6'oi 5'45 5'54 5'54 5-5i 5'44 5'45 0*96 0-94 0-94 0-86 0-85 o'8o 0-83 0-89 0*92 0-85 0-85 0-83 0-90 0-8 1 0-74 o-S i 0-83 0-82 0-70 077 0-78 0-79 0-83 0-66 o-6S 0-56 0-76 o'6o 0-72 071 0-69 0-68 0-74 0*65 0-56 0-46 5'4i 5 '44 5'5 5'45 5'54 5'54 5"5i 5'44 5'45 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 291 Star's Name. Observed Transit. .s.t: a v . S S -= a"! t* -i.~x September 29 continued. Bi-aillry 2851 W 1 6 Pegasi W Piazzi XXI. 339 W Leiden 9262 W Groombridge 3655 W i Pegasi W Piaz/i XXII. 36 \V i Lacertic W Bradley 1399 S.P W lo'oSo zi. 41. 54-50 21.48.34-42 21.51.47-25 21.56. 675 ,, 21.58.57-99 22. 2.25-22 22. 9.38-81 22. II. 40'33 II-470 22. 15. 13-18 1902 October 2. 7 Cygni 47 Cygni Bradley 2701 75 Draconis 52 Cygni A Cygni " Cygni Groi.iubridge 3351 . i* Cygni Lund. 10053 Groombridge 3548 . Groombridge 3548 . 72 Cygni 75 Cygni 77 Cygm Bradley 2841 K Pegasi Bradley 2851 Bradley 2852 14 Pegasi 7 10*080 9 7 10 10*068 9 6 '39 8 9 10*080 9 9 i 9 5 9 7 ,, 20. I 8. 20. 30. 20. 33. 20. 34. 20. 41. 20.43. 20. 53. 20. 55- 21. 10. |I. 15. 21. 19. 40-31 3-26 0-30 22-91 34'3 33'30 29-12 45'97 50-81 25-84 19-29 21. 19. 19*80 21. 30.44-65 21. 36. 1870 21. 38. 24-72 21. 39. 8>8 21. 40. 10*70 21. 41. 28*32 21.41.54*54 21. 45. 28*90 1902 October 8. Groombridge 1119 S.P W 12 10-865 Groombridge 1119 S.P 36 Cygni Lalande 39329 44 Cygni 47Cygni Bradley 2701 75 Draronis .......... 56 Cygni 32 VuIpecnUe v Cygni Groombridge 3351 I Cvgni Piazzi XXI. i Piazzi IX. 37 S.P. . Bradley 2841 K Pegasi Bradley 2851 Bradley 2852 14 Pegasi 16 Pegasi Piazzi XXI. 339.... Leiden 9262 Groombridge 3655 . i Pegasi ii 7717 9 io'o8o 7 ' 9 9 9 10-917 8 10*080 5 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 0.36*24 20. o. 20. 14. 20. l8. 20. 21. 2O. 27. 20. 30. 20. 32. 20. 34. 20. 46. 20. 50. 20-53- 20. 55. 21. I. 21. 4 . 21.13. ' 21-39- '21.40. 21. 41. ! 21. 41. j 21.45. 21.48. 21.52. 21. 56. 21.59. 22. 2. 32*88 46*69 41-11 19*16 14-44 4-03 59-62 22*33 347 21-82 29-89 46*78 20*74 28*37 6-12 9-21 11-54 29*10 55-38 29*65 35-34 48*23 7*64 58*70 26*14 L902 October 9. 49 Cygni W A Cygni W 76 Dniconi-* W. 14 Pegasi \V 16 Pegasi W Piazzi XXI. 339 W Leiden 9262 | W ' T! Pegasi | W ; T 2 Pegasi ' W Piiizzi XXII. 36 |W| i Lacertee I W ! Bradley 1399 S.P W. io'o8o ' 20. 37. 3*06 j 20 - 43- 33-98 20. 49. 41 '29 21.45. 29-64 \ 21. 48. 25'2I I 21. 51. 48'! I 21.56. 7*54 22. 4. 52-30 I 22. 5.37-31 I 22. 9.39-65 ,, ; 22. II.4I-2I io'8o8 ! 22. 15. 17-63 54-'45 34'3 6 47*22 6-67 57-83 25-17 38-69 40'22 '5'49 40*06 3-03 59''9 21-80 34-61 33-06 28-87 457 5'57 25-60 16-49 17-89 44*48 18-51 24'54 8-30 10*55 28-17 54'39 28-74 59-92 39'87 52-78 12-15 3*31 30-70 44*28 4577 19*82 45'5 8*49 477 27*13 40*14 38-60 34-38 51*17 56*12 31-15 22*42 22*42 49*90 2 3'95 30*02 13*78 1 6*06 33*60 59*88 34-22 33-09 140-18 40*18 51*04 45'3 6 46-49 40-92 18-96 14-24 3*83 59*46 22*17 34'5I 21*62 29*70 46-59 20*55 28-18 5'55 9-09 11*39 28*95 55' 2 3 29-50 35''9 48-08 7'5' 58-58 25-99 2-95 33-87 41*17 29*52 25*09 47'99 7'43 52*19 37*20 39'54 41*10 17-52 18*76 8*36 3'97 26*82 39-05 26*09 34'25 51*04 25*14 32*65 9-21. 13-67 1 5 '97 33'5' 59*81 34'' 3 39*76 52*68 12*03 3-16 30*60 7-54 38*46 45'24 34*12 3974 52-66 12'02 56-80 4I- 7 8 44' '5 45*64 21-32 ., O 5.73 - Star's Name. S -sl Observed Transit. III 6 g. < S-Vj ^ =*J * Greenwich. SS7 5'5' 5-56 5-48 5-48 5'53 5'59 5'55 4'33 5 '44 5-46 5-58 5'33 5'53 5'54 5'5' 5-46 5'55 5'55 5'93 4'53 5-42 5 '44 5-48 5-48 5'5' 5'43 5 '49 5-48 7-09 7-69 4'55 4 '44 4-58 4-52 4'53 4'S 1 4-65 4'54 4'47 4-55 4'45 4'59 4'47 3-66 4-58 4-58 4-56 4-58 4-63 4'57 4'6o 4'52 4-58 4-6, 4'59 4'59 4-07 4-60 4-65 4-67 4'59 4-61 4-58 4-6. 4'54 3-80 S - 47 5V 5-56 5-48 5-48 5'53 5'59 5'55 Bradley 2993 1 W Bradley 2993 ' E i o Lacertje . 12 L:icei*tae. i 3 Lacertfl-.. \ Pegasi.... ,a Pegasi.... Greenwich. 5'43 S'45 5'57 5"53 5'5 5 '45 5'54 5'54 5V 5'43 5 '47 5 '47 5 - 5 5 '42 5-48 5 '47 16 Pegasi I W Piazzi XXI. 339 J W Leiden 9262 Groombridge 3655 i Pegasi T! Pegasi a-2 Pegasi Pinzzi XXII. 36 Bradley 1399 S.P Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 8 Lacertie 10 Laceitie 12 Licertie 13 Lacertie \ Pegasi p. Pegasi 15 Lacertie Groombridge 3919 Greenwich. 4-54 4'43 4'57 4'5' 4-52 4'53 4-46 4'54 4'44 4-58 4-46 4-58 4-58 4-56 4' 5 8 4-63 4'57 4'6o 4-52 4-58 4-61 **! Pegasi W T 2 Pegasi* W I'iazzi XXII. 65 W Bradley 1399 S.P W Bradley 2993 W Bradley 2993 E 10 Lacertie E 13 Lacertre E \ Pegasi E 15 Lacertae E Groombridge 3919 E 9 Andromedse E T Pegnsi E 67 Pegasi E Bradley 3147 E Bnidlev 3147 W if< Pegasi j W Laliiude 47034 ' W 85 Pegasi W GroombrMge 4219 W Bradley 3212 1 W 23 Andromedae : W Piazzi 0. 13 i W Bradley 1672 S.P ' W Bradley 1672 S.P W Greenwich. 4'6o 4'6o 4-6, 4-66 4-68 4'6o 4-6, 4-58 4'6i 4'54 Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993 15 Lacertae o Andromeda 56 Pegasi 67 Pegasi 13 AndromediE Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147 W.B. (2) XXIII. 907.. o AndromediE 10*627 22. 21. 23-26 13-284 10*080 22. 21. 25-18 22. 34. 50-65 22. 37. 4-38 22. 39. 42-28 22. 41. 47'28 22. 45. I5'O8 10'oSo ! 21. 48. 21.51. 21. 56. 21.58. 22. 2. 22. 4. 22. 5. 22. 9 . 22. 15. 22. 21. 22. 21. 22.31. 22. 34. 22. 37. 22. 39. 22. 41. 22.45. 22. 47. 22. 49- "'557 10-582 14-420 io'o8o 34'58 47'39 6*78 58-02 25'37 3 6 '57 38-92 15-00 22'1O 23-65 29-49 50-70 4'34 42-18 47'3' 15*11 35'98 36*41 io'o8o 13*766 11-187 '3'33 io'o8o 22. 4.52-43 22. 5.37-40 22. 14. 37-88 22. 15. 18-85 22. 21. I9'97 9 9 8 6 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 5 '947 io"o8o 9'375 14-842 22. 21. 22. 34. j 22. 39- ,22.41. 22. 47 . I 22. 49. 23- '3- 2 3 . 15. 23. 2O. 23. 28. ' 23- 2. 23- 52. '23- 54- 23- 59- ; :: I: o. 9. I - '3- o. 13. 20*95 5 1 '43 42*94 48-25 36*65 37-.I 44*46 46*93 2-87 13-98 12*85 45*68 34' 8 4 3''54 2578 26-69 26-17 27-00 I2T48 22. 21. 20-30 14-510 lo'oSo 9'9'5 14-102 io'o8o 22. 21. 21'59 '22.47. 3 6 '5 l 22.57.24-61 I 23. 2. 20-03 J 23. 20. 278 i 23. 22. 24-02 , 23.28. 13-44 '23.28.13-71 23.44.45-21 ' o. 3. 19-28 2O'J7 26-29 2I'8l 50-46 4-19 42-07 47''9 14-98 34'43 47-25 6-62 57-82 25-22 51-51 16-05 2O"6l 21-48 29-24 50-46 4-09 4''93 47-12 14-91 3572 26-29 55'9' 9'54 47 '42 52-60 20-36 , 5275 I2'IO ! 3-26 30-67 56-89 '41-87 44-25 20-23 ' 25-87 25-8- 3473 55-88 [ 9'5 i 47'4= ; 52-58 20-34 41*10 46-16 41-56 52-30 37'27 3775 1 8 -06 20-52 20-82 51-23 42'75 48-05 36-46 36-92 44-27 4*73 2-67 13-87 13-66 45'53 29'57 2-83 3472 3I-39 25-66 26-57 24-18 25-01 56-82 41-80 42-24 21-13 24-88 24-88 55-82 47'34 52'53 41-04 41-51 48-76 51-24 7-19 '7'95 '7'95 50-13 34-I3 7'45 39-28 35-96 30-17 31-04 27-12 27-12 20-17 24-68 20-78 3 6 '33 24-43 19-86 z"6o 23-84 12-38 12-65 45'03 19*11 24-68 41-02 28-96 24-32 7*19 28*45 '779 '779 49-64 23-63 5'72 4*48 5'45 5'35 5'35 5'4' 5'38 5-40 5'5 5-48 5 '44 5'45 5-38 5*46 5V 4-, 8 5-26 4'39 5 '49 5-42 5-42 5 '47 5-46 5'43 5-38 5-40 4-52 4'53 4'49 3*07 4*06 4'59 4'59 4-48 4-58 4'59 4'49 4'5' 4-52 4-08 4-29 4 "60 4-56 4-62 4-56 4'57 4'5' 4'47 2-94 2'I I 4'5 1 3-90 4-69 4'59 4-61 5'4' 5''4 4'6i 4-52 5'35 5'35 5'4' 5'38 5'39 5 '49 5 '47 5'43 5 '44 5'37 5 '45 5'5 5'49 5-42 5'42 5 '47 5-46 5'43 5'S 5 '49 4'53 4 "49 4'59 4'59 4.48 4'58 4'59 4'49 4'5' 4'52 4-60 4-56 4-62 4*56 4'57 4'5' 4 '47 4-69 4'53 4-46 4'59 4*61 4-61 4'5 Z 292 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. Observed Transit. - >g.53 eyl Star's Name. 42 Observed Transit. J-S jia-j > ^l-*** i si* SSS o Q.SO A 1902 October 10. Greenwich. 52Cygni X Cygni 56 Cygni 76 Draoonis I Cygni Piazzi XXI. r f Cygni r Cygni 'o8o Cygni. a Cygni Lund 10053 Groombridge 3548.. Piazzi IX. 37 S.P 75 Cygni 77 Cygni Bradley 2841 K Pegasi Bradley 2852 14 Pegasi 16 Pegasi Leiden 9262 Groombridge 3655 < P'-gasi ,... Bradley 1399 S.P...;... Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993 E 13-058 15-116 io'o8o 9-962 12-658 11-867 lo'oSo o Andromeda W /3 Pegasi !W 1902 October 17. Cygni W 6 10*080 Piazzi XXI. i W 7 i r Cygni W 9 I Lund 10053 W, 9 Bradley 2841 W] 9 K Pegasi W 9 Bradley 2851 W 7 Bradley 2852 W 9 14 Pegasi W 9 ! Piazzi XXI. 339 W 5 Groombridge 3655 W 9 t Pegasi W 9 Bradley 1399 S.P W 10 10-488 Bradley 2993 : W | 10 12*926 Bradley 2993 E 38 Pegasi | E Groombridge 3804 E 8 Lacertte I E 10 Lacertie E \ Pegasi E 1902 October 18. h m a 22. 21. 22. 28. 22. 31. 22. 34. 22. J/. 22. 39. 22.41. 22.45. 23. 8. 23. 10. 23.13. 20. 53. 20.55. 21. I. 21. 4. 21. 8. 21. I O. 2I.IJ. 21. 15. 21. 19. 21.23. 2..36. 21. 38. 21. 39. 21. 40. 21. 41. 21.45. 21.48. 21. 56. 21. 58. 22. 2. 22. 15. 22. 21. 17-23 575 29-93 51-11 47' 42-53 47-8, 15-64 18-07 5^54 43-89 29-50 46-26 20-48 28-06 44-60 51-28 32-55 26-33 11-25 7-25 18-99 25-06 8*80 11-23 55'7 29-40 35-00 7'24 58-36 25-86 20-82 16-49 22. 21. 17-76 22. 57. 24-22 22. 59. 079 21.39. 21. 40. 21.41. 21. 41. 21.45. 21. 51. 21. 58. 22. 2. 22.15. 22. 21. 20-32 27-88 5I-28 26-29 8-90 II '20 2876 55'3 29-35 47 '99 58-38 25'83 18-99 18-15 11-476 ,22.21. 19-34 10'oSo i 22. 25. 32-06 ,, 22. 28. 5-64 . |22. 31.29-87 ,, ,22.34.51-10 i 22. 41.47-89 i Laoertse I El 8 10-080 Bradley 1399 S.P E ] 10 J 10-925 Bradley 2993 E 10 7-817 Bradley 2993 W H Pegasi W| 15 Laeertse W Groombridge 3919 W o AndromediE W 3 Pegasi ' W 7-256 10*080 22. II. 40-92 22. 15. 17-88 22. 21. 19-21 22. 21. l8'02 22.45. '5"5- 22. 47. 36-22 22. 49. 36-72 22. 57.24-2I 22. 59. 075 '8-35 5'57 2 9'75 50-92 4'53 15-41 17-85 58-32 437" 29-30 46-00 2O"2 } 27-76 44-30 5 1 "oo 32-28 26-05 2*72 6-81 18-81 24-87 8'6i 10-97 54-81 29-15 3474 7-01 58-18 2^-60 ,875 18-23 18-82 24-03 0-54 26*03 8-64 10-93 28-49 5476 29-08 4773 58-12 25-56 18-70 ,8-, 9 18-70 3'73 5'3' 29-54 5077 40-67 17-84 18-78 18-27 15-31 36-04 36-54 24-03 0-55 23-42 10-32 34-57 5573 I 9-36 47^4 52-46 20-23 j 2274 i 3''7 48-70 34-06 50-85 2**94 32-51 49-03 55^5 37-10 30-87 17-78 10-39 23-67 2975 13-51 15-86 59-69 34-01 39-64 11-91 3-01 30-48 22-64 23-23 23-23 28-87 5'35 20-06 : 24*92 27-61 : 32-49 30-85 '3'49 15-84 33-38 59" 6 7 33'99 52-55 2-99 30-47 22-81 23-04 23-04 36-61 10*29 34-54 557 52-44 45-5 22-98 22-86 22-86 2O'2O 40*90 4I-J9 28*85 5'33 4-82 4-81 4-83 4-89 4 -s8 4-82 4-89 4-85 4-99 4-76 4-85 47' 4^5 473 4-85 4-82 4-82 5-06 4-86 4-88 4-90 4-89 4-88 4-86 4-90 4-90 4-83 4-88 3*89 5*00 4-41 4-84 4'8i 4-86 4-88 4-81 4-82 4-85 4-91 4-89 4-91 4-91 4-82 4'8 7 4-91 4-11 4-85 4'34 4-88 4-98 5-00 4'93 4-86 4-83 5"'4 4-08 4-89 4-86 4-85 4-82 478 Greenwich. 475 4-82 4*81 4*83 4*89 4-88 4-82 4-89 4-85 4'99 67 Pegasi Bradley 3 1 47 . Bradley 3147. a Andromedse 23 Andromedse PUzzi 0. 13 Bradley 16728. P.. Bradley 1672 S.P.. Greenwich. 477 4*86 4-72 475 473 4-85 4-82 4-82 4*86 4*88 4*90 4-89 4*88 4-86 4'9 4*90 4-83 4-88 4-81 56 Pegasi 13 Andromelse. Bradley 3147.... Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi ij/ Andromedse W.B. (2)XX1II 907.. Qroombridge 4153 ty Pegasi Groom bridge 4219 .... Bradley 3212... a Andromeda 23 Andromedse Piazzi 0. 13 Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. TT Andromedie ! Andromedie Piazzi 0. 148 v Andromeda W.B. (2)0. 1172... 2 Ursse Minoris 2 Ursse Minoris 41 Andromedse Greenwich. 4-86 4 -88 4 -8 t 4-82 4-85 4-91 4-89 4-91 4-91 4-82 4-87 4-91 4-98 5 "oo 4'93 4-86 / Pega-n 15 Lacerrn? Groombridge 3919 ... o Andromedae j3 Pegasi 56 Pegasi 6 Androtnedie W.B. (2) XXIII. 95. 61 Pfgasi , T Pegasi 67 Pegasi 13 Andromedie Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147 K Andromedse 78 Pegasi \f/ Andromedae W.B. (2) XXIII. 907. Polaris .. 1 E I E E E E E E K K i-: !: E E \v W W W W W Greenwich. 4-83 4*8 9 4 -86 4-85 4-82 47 8 56 Pegasi 6 Andromedae W.B. (2) XXIII. 95.. 61 Pegasi 9 Andromedae T Pegasi Bradley 3147 Bradley 3147. i Andromedae 10*080 10*985 E 10 12*320 23. 28. 12 23. 20. 2*46 23. 28. 9-89 W 9 W 8 W 9 W 10 E 10 \V W: Wj E E E K i B B E E B W 10 JW 9 ! w! 8 w w Iw I W 1 9 W 10 W 9 io'o8p o. 3. 19*04 ,, ' o. 8. 25-44 it - 9.26-36 10-427 0.13.29-53 7-665 o. 13. 24-15 io'o8o 10-380 12-994 10*080 10-127 12-450 15-015 10-370 10-370 10*080 13*684 9-619 10*080 10-080 23. 2. ig'68 23.22. 23-78 23.28. 9-52 23. 28. 23. 39. 23.41. 23.44. 23.46. 23. 52. 23. 59. O. I. o. 3. o. 8. o. 9. o. 13. 1 1-23 3-39 10-69 45-06 37-39 45-63 34-66 31-42 19-10 25-58 26-41 26-65 8-415 7-637 1O'O8O 7*684 IO*oSo 12-973 10-568 io'o8o 2-26 11-51 12-88 18-82 25-26 26-18 25-78 7' 1 4 16*71 16*71 23*62 3"'5 31*02 28-43 22*09 28-43 o. 13. 30*35 o. 13. 30-90 0.31.37-42 0.34. 3-81 o. 36. 23-95 o. 44. 24-89 o. 48. 5-39 o- 55- 39-95 0. 55. 40*20 1. 2. 23*76 22.45. 15-63 22. 47. 36-34 22. 49. 36*85 22. 57. 24*28 22. 59. O'8l 23. 2.I9-82 2 3 . 5.55-06 23. 8. 18-16 23. 10. 58-64 23. 15. 46-66 23. 20. 2*59 23.22.23*76 23. 28. I2"6i 23. 28. 1 1-63 23- 35- 347 23.39. 3*24 23. 41. 10*62 23- 44- 45' 02 1.25. 9'45 23- 2. 19*55 23- 5- 54-95 23. 8.18*07 23. io. 58-44 23- 13-43-95 23. 15. 46*48 23.28. 9*75 23. 28. i3'n 23. 33. 19-66 19-42 23-59 11-99 1278 3-09 10*44 4477 37''3 45-32 34*40 31*12 18*80 25-31 26-14 22-82 24-83 25-38 38-49 4-82 23-69 24'69 5*18 4'75 42*00 23-58 15-32 36-01 36-52 23-95 0-49 19*50 5473 17-84 58-32 46-35 2-26 23-43 1 1*46 11-40 3444 2'97 10-36 44-76 9-27 19-35 5477 17*87 : 58-24 4377 46*28 10*17 I2"6l 19-41 24-27 28*40 16-56 16-56 7-90 15-34 49*61 42*14 50*11 39-25 35-94 23-62 30*15 31-02 28-58 28-58 28-58 43-37 97 i 28-54 29-46 10-07 46-89 46-89 28-45 20'2I 40-92 41-40 28-87 5 '34 24-26 5974 22-72 3-16 51-18 7-'3 28-39 16-41 16-41 39-42 7-90 '5"33 49-61 11*37 24-25 5973 22-71 3''5 48-67 51*17 16*27 16*27 24*25 4*88 5*20 4*80 4-89 4-84 2-65 6-34 4-85 4-81 4'57 378 4-81 4-90 4-84 5-01 479 4*85 4*82 4-82 4-84 4-88 576 375 3-20 4-88 4-90 4-85 477 4*89 5 - '4 4-89 4-87 4-89 4-91 4-88 4-92 4-85 4-76 5*01 4*88 4*84 4-83 4-87 4-96 4'95 5*01 4*98 4-93 4'97 4-85 2*10 4*90 4^6 4^4 4-91 4-90 4^9 6"io 3-66 4-84 4-84 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 P 294 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. o S ^ = o G|l < Clock Apparently Slow at o h Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Clock Apparently Slow. - -*1": +j*rt gS 5 0,5-3 f|i 1902 October 18 K Andromedse i SB m E E ]; B E B B K I con 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 5 9 9 Q tinuei r 10*080 ) D j> H M ) 1 I) If 1. h m s *3-35-34'9i *3- 39- 3'37 23. 41. 10-65 23. 44. 44-97 23.46.37-50 23.49. 6-24 23.52.45-58 23- 54- *9'49 *3- 57- z'9 23. 59. 34-69 O. 1. IQ"I7 3 34-66 3-12 10-39 44-72 37'*5 5 '99 45'33 29-24 2-65 34'44 iS'88 s 39'4i 7-89 15-32 49-60 42-13 10-93 50*10 34-09 7'43 39-24 27'6l 475 477 4'93 4-88 4-88 4'94 477 4-85 4-78 4-80 *TH Greet s 475 477 4'93 4-88 4-88 4'94 477 4-85 4-78 4-80 4'73 i wick. E E W W W w w w w 9 10 IO 8 8 9 9 9 9 10*080 9-663 13-253 lO'oSo ft j> j ) j h m s o. 8.25-58 o. 13.23-48 o. 13. 27-85 o. 24. 56-80 o. 27. 38-59 o. 31.38-52 o. 34. 4-90 -3 6 - 2 3'74 0.40.45-51 8 *5'33 23-78 26-46 56-58 38'37 38-30 4-69 *3'53 45' 2 9 s 30-14 28-85 28-85 1-52 43'3> 43'37 9-72 28-54 5'33 s 4*81 5'7 2-39 4'94 4'94 5 '7 5'3 5-01 5-04 s 4-81 4'94 4'94 5 '7 5-03 5-01 5-04 78 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. . . . ty Andromede-e Bradley 1672 S P W.B. (2) XXIII. 907 Groombridge 4153 28 Andromedre Groombridge 4159 .. Piazzi 0. 103 I// Pegasi TT Andronied; 0.48. 5-46 5*20 10*07 4-87 " 4*82 4*87 H Andromedse E a o. ci. 10*06 18-80 23*67 4-87 22. io"o47 7'544 io'o8o ii ii M H 1) ir552 IO-24O io'o8o J 21. 13.32*25 21. 15. 25*90 21.23. 7'5* 21. 30. 44-63 21.32. 59*58 21. 36. 18*83 21. 39. 8*76 21. 45. 29*12 22. 4.52-07 22. 5.37-05 22. 9. 39*30 22. II. 40*92 22. 15. 18-17 22. 21. 18-67 22. 57. 24-20 22. 59. 0-77 23. 2. 19-69 23. 5.55-08 23. 8. 18*12 23. 10. 58-56 23. 13.44*06 23. 15. 46*61 13. 22. 23-79 22. 15. 20-83 22.21.23-75 22. 28. 9*OI 22.31.33-32 32-03 25-68 7-10 44-41 59'3 6 18*61 8-54 28-89 51-78 3676 39-01 40*63 18*23 18*05 23-91 0-49 19-41 5479 17-84 58-28 43'77 46*32 23-50 22-63 22-68 9-46 3377 36-97 375 11-30 49-52 4'44 3'54 '3'39 33'9' 56*60 4i'59 43'93 45'43 23*79 21*96 28-80 5'*9 24*21 59' 6 7 22*67 3-11 48-62 51-14 28-33 24-50 21-17 10-15 34'4i 4'94 5'7 4-20 5-11 5*08 4'93 4*85 5-02 4-82 4-83 4-92 4*80 5-66 3-91 4*89 4*80 4-80 4-88 4-83 4-83 4-85 4'82 4-83 1-87 -1-51 0*69 0*64 4'94 5'7 *"*! 5-08 4'93 4-85 5*02 4-82 4-83 4-92 4-80 4-89 4-80 4-80 4-88 4-83 4-83 4-85 4-82 4-83 Pa 0*69 0*64 Bradley 3147 E W W W W w w w w w w E W E E E E E E E W W W W IO 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9* g 10 10 10 IO 10 9 9 g 9 1 9 .9. 9 9 8*046 6*645 10*080 D >i )> > )> H 9-928 7-932 11-298 10-138 13-916 io'o8o I] It 19 ) io'o8o tt >r 23. 28. 13*01 23. 28. 9*65 *3-44-447 8 *3- 4"5. 37'43 23. 49. 6'io 2 3-5 J -45'35 23.57. 2-62 *3-59-34'35 O. 1.31 *2O o. 3. 18*83 o. 13. 27-91 o. 13. 20*94 1.25. 2*61 I. 25. 11*14 1.25.11-52 1.47.29*77 1. 50. 7-24 I. 50. 20*62 I. 52. 28*05 1.57. 14-71 22. 34. 54>I 22-37. 7-94 22. 39.4576 22. 41. 51*04 I2'26 9-82 44-56 37-21 5-88 45-I2 2-39 34''3 3'97 1 8*60 26*88 21*60 3 '49 9'57 9'95 29-49 6*95 20*33 27-76 14-42 54-86 8*38 46*19 5''55 15*51 15*51 49'57 42*10 10*90 50*08 7'4' 39*22 35'9 2 23*60 29-64 29-64 12-03 12-03 12-03 34-42 11*69 25-13 32-62 '9'34 55'58 9*20 47-08 5 Z> 34 3'5 5*69 5*01 4*89 5*02 4*96 5-02 5*09 4'95 5*00 2-76 8-04 8-54 2-46 2-08 4'93 474 4-80 4-86 4*92 0*72 0*82 0*89 0-79 5-01 4-89 5-02 4*96 5-02 5-09 4'95 5-00 4'93 474 4-80 4-86 4'93 0-72 0*82 0*89 0*79 Lund 10053 Piazzi IX. 37 S.P 72 CvTTli.. . W B (2) XXIII 907 74 Cvgni .. . 7C Cvni .. . Bradley 2841 1 4 Pegasi -., Peo-asi. . . Groombridge 4219 jr 2 Pegasi Piazzi XXII. 36 Bradley 1672 S P Bradley 1672 S P Bradley 1399 S.P Bradley 2993 o Andromedfe c6 Pegasi.. . 6 Andromedse W.B. (2) XXIII. 95 6 1 Pe^asi 9 Andromedse T Pegasi 13 Andromedse 1902 October 25 ris. 10 Laeertte Bradley 2993 Groombridge 3804 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT 0., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 295 Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. R.A. -Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. llj SS* P-5J j>> Sis 3, 'S 5H.S IS 9 Clock Apparently Slow at i2>> Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. K.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at i2 b Sidereal. 1902 October 25 W W E E E E E ]; E E E E E E E E E E E E E W E S E -W W W \v w w w W w E E E E W \v \v w w w w w w w E E E E W E B E B E K. E E E CO 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 9 7 9 8 6 7 7 8 6 9 9 9 10 9 8 10 8 9 10 9 9 9 8 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 IO 5 9 9 9 10 IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 itinue r io'o8o 10-259 14-083 ic'oSo t > 9-302 io'o8o ) >j 10*080 ? ) ; 8753 5787 12-386 10*080 12*080 8-345 10*080 ) ) I M }) lo'oSo ), )> 10*080 ) >J )l H J 13-253 8-382 10*080 10*080 ;> 7-693 9^5" 10*080 ) t } > u M > d h m 3 22. 45. 1870 23. 28. 16-27 23. 28. 17-09 23.57. 6-17 23- 59' 37'94 o. i. 34-67 o. 3. 22-43 0. 1 3. 20'I I 0.23. 1-52 o. 25. 0-25 o. 31.42-15 o. 34. 8-52 o. 40. 49*2 1 0.43. 56-13 22. 39. 46-41 22.41.5175 22. 59. 4-65 23. I. 23-68 23. 13.47-82 23. 15. 50-58 23. 28. 10-54 23.28. 7-15 o. 3. 23-08 o. 5. 1778 o. 13.35-26 23. 20. 6 - 24 23.22.27-40 23. 28. 6-08 23. 28. 6-53 23. 39. 7-02 23.41. 14-30 23.46.41-23 23.49. 9-96 23. 52.49-28 23. 59. 38-00 o. 1.35-37 o. 3. 23-07 o. 5. 1774 21. 56. 10-78 21.59. ''77 22. 2. 29-45 22. 4. 55*66 22 5.40-56 22. 12. 44-36 22. 14. 40-88 22. 15.31-56 22. 21. I2'52 22. 28. 9'OO 23. 15. 50-61 23.20. 6-49 23. 22. 27-66 23.28. 870 23.28. 3-65 23- 33- Z3-51 23.35.38-66 23.39. 7-29 23.44.48-91 23.49. 10 ' 2 7 23.52.49-56 23.57. 6 ' 8 3 23. 59. 38-40 - '-35'35 s 19-21 14-63 1174 6-43 38-09 34-93 22-69 31-50 1-66 0-49 4*'37 876 49'33 56-29 46*20 5 1 '44 4-37 23-38 47-61 50-27 13-11 3'43 22-80 17-60 2971 6-28 27-54 13-30 1375 7-02 14-49 41-36 10*07 r**a 38-51 35-14 22-84 i7' 6 3 I I'OI 2-18 2 9'59 5 5 '9 40-80 44-65 41-17 25-39 i9'57 9-33 50-51 6-47 2775 14-62 13-28 23-61 3877 7^4 48-92 10-32 49'47 676 38-48 35'3 s 2O'II 1473 1473 7-40 39'19 35-90 23-58 30-67 a-57 1-50 43-35 9-70 50-32 57-31 47-05 52-32 5-23 24-16 48-56 51-09 14-24 14-24 23"57 18-40 3i-35 7-03 28-26 14-01 14*01 7-82 15-22 42-05 10-85 '0*04 39'i; 35-88 23-56 18-39 n-68 2'73 2O'29 5 6 '47 4i-47 45'30 41-90 25-34 20'22 io'o8 51-07 7-02 28-24 '3 "79 13-79 24-13 39-29 7-8i 49'5i 10-84 50-03 7'37 39-16 35-88 s 0/90 O'lO 2*99 0-97 no 0-97 0-89 0-63 0*91 I'OI 0-98 0'9 1 0-99 I'OI 0-85 0-88 0-86 0-78 o'9S 0-82 1-13 0-8 1 o"77 o'8o i '64 o-75 072 071 0*26 o'8o '73 0-69 0-78 079 a-55 '74 072 0-76 0-67 '5S 070 "57 0-67 0*65 0-73 0-05 0*65 o-75 0-56 '55 0-49 0-83 0-51 0-52 0-52 0-57 0-59 0-52 0-56 o"6i 0-68 0-58 PC s 0*90 0-97 I'lO 0-97 0-89 0-91 I'OI 0-98 0-94 0-99 l'O2 Pa 0-85 0-88 0-86 0-78 0-95 0-82 o-77 o'8o Pa "75 0-72 0-80 073 0-69 0-78 0-79 0-66 C'74 0-/i o;6 Pa, 0-66 0-54 0-69 0-56 0-66 0-64 072 074 0*56 "55 0-49 0-52 0-52 0-57 0-59 0-52 0-56 o'6i 0-68 0-58 iris. v Anilromedie E E \V W W W W W W W E W W W W W W W W W W W W W E E E W E E E E E E E E E E E E W E E E W W W W W W W W W E W E g 9 9 IO 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 IO IO IO IO 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 4 9 8 IO 9 7 IO 10 8 9 9 7 9 8 4 IO 9 8 9 IO IO 9 5 IO IO 9 9 6 9 8 9 9 9 IO IO r io'o8o > n 9-645 IO*O8O l 1) I I*OO4 in86 10*852 13-265 10*080 >i j) n n ' n it -'8S3 IO"O8O }) io'i48 12-874 10*080 H > > VI 9-651 io'o8o ft 10-521 11-993 ic'oSo 8-355 7-I34 io'o8o if tf i ii >. > lo'oS 10-422 11-749 h m s o. 44. 28-32 o. 48. 8*94 O. 51. 22"6l 0.55.48-83 I. 2. 26-92 i. 4. iS'oi i. 6. 18-88 i. 8. 28-63 i. 14. 7-82 i. 1 6. 38-02 i. 18. 772 i. 25. n'68 1.25.25-44 o. 13.41-93 o. 13.41-58 o. 27. 42-45 o. 31.42-42 o. 34. 8-89 o. 36. 27-67 o. 43. 56-46 0.44. 28-58 o. 51. 22-82 I. 2. 27-63 i. 4- '8-55 i. 6. 19*65 i. 24. 52-39 o. 8. 29-56 o. 9. 30-44 0.13.3778 o. 13. 46-56 o. 31. 42*89 o. 34. 9-21 o. 40. 49*64 0.43. 56-63 o. 44. 28-91 0.48. 9-44 0.51.23-07 0.55.43*52 O. 2. 23-09 o. 8. 29*39 o. 9. 30*24 o. 13. 44*00 0.13.51*23 o. 51. 23*00 0.48. 9-39 0.55.42-14 o. 55. 38-20 I. 2.27*34 i. 4- 8 '54 i. 6. 19*48 I. 8. 29-23 i. 10. 54*84 I. 14. 8*46 i. 16. 38*43 i. 1 8. 8*26 1.47. 33*80 i. 24. 41*85 L 24. 55-53 s 28*48 9-13 22-80 44-91 2 7-35 18-47 19-36 29-14 8*32 38-44 8-17 6-49 10-37 29-58 29*23 42-40 42*41 8*86 27*60 5 6 -52 28-64 22*86 27-73 18-56 19*61 9*65 29*40 30*28 30-52 32-55 42*69 8*98 49-51 5 6 "47 2875 9-26 22-90 46-10 23-04 29>5 30-30 32*71 33 - '4 23-04 9*42 4 6- 57 45'44 27'74 18-80 19-68 29-37 55-08 8-62 38-85 8-55 3375 7-8, 11*65 29-45 10*07 23-68 46*67 28*47 19*49 20*42 30-18 9-40 39-55 9-22 11-72 11-72 3'-35 3i'35 43'29 43-35 970 28-53 57-3I 29-45 23-68 28-47 19-49 20-42 11-44 30*08 30-96 31-66 31-66 43-34 9-70 50-31 57-3I 29>5 10*07 23-68 46-45 23-56 30-07 30-95 31-94 3"94 23*67 10*06 46-40 46-40 28-47 i9'49 20-42 30-18 55'75 9-41 39"5 6 9-23 34'47 11*26 11-26 s 0*97 0-94 0*88 1*76 1*12 I '02 I "06 l'O4 I -08 I'll I-0 5 5'23 I"35 I'77 2*12 0-89 0*94 0-84 0-93 0-79 0-8 1 0-82 0-74 0-93 o'8 1 1-79 0-68 0-68 1-14 0-89 0-65 072 o'8o 0-84 070 0-8 1 0-78 0-35 0-52 o"6i 0-65 077 i -20 0-63 0-64 0-17 0*96 0*73 0*69 074 0-81 0*67 0-79 071 0-68 072 3'45 0-39 0-97 0*94 0-88 ri2 I'OI i'o6 1-04 i -08 I'll 1*05 0-89 0-94 0-84 0-93 ' 079 0-8 1 o'8i 074 0-93 0*8 1 0-68 0-68 0-65 071 o'8o 0-84 070 o'8 1 078 0-51 0-62 0-65 0-63 0-64 073 0*69 074 0-8 1 0-67 079 071 0-68 072 Bradh-y 3147 W.B. (2) 1172 2 Ursa} Minoris 85 Pegasi Andromeda? Bradley 1672 S P v Piscium | And ro i n eda? 8 Amlroiiiedse Polaris Polaris Bonn 654 1902 October 27 ris. Bradley 16728.?. . A. Pe^asi Bradley i672.S.P /S Pegasi.. Piazzi 0. 103 <6 Pegasi.. . 9 Anilroined D t- O s as Star's Name. Observed Transit. t- c at aj . isi 5S.S3 1902 October 31. Paris. -! Pegasi r 2 Pegasi Bradley 1399 S. P... Bradley 2993 Groombridge 3804., 8 Lucertse 10 Lacertse 12 Lacertse 13 Lacertse A Pegasi 11 Pegasi 15 Lacertfe 67 Pegasi 13 Andromedfe . Bradley 3147.... Bradley 3147. x Androme'lse 78 Pgsi W.B. (2) XXIII. 907 Groombridge 41 5 3 Groombridge 4159 3'37 39" 2 7 779 49"49 42-01 10-82 50*02 30-05 s 0-37 0-41 0-78 -1-13 0*43 0-32 0-32 0-34 '35 0-29 0-30 0-30 0-51 "55 ''35 '3'37 , 0-82 '57 0-54 0-50 0-51 0-50 0-45 0-54 0-36 0-40 0-42 0-31 0*31 0*33 0*34 0*28 0*29 0-30 0-51 '55 0-57 0-54 0-50 0-51 0-50 0-45 0-54 Piazzi 0. 13 Bradley 16728. P.. Bradley 16728.?. tr Andromedse S Andromedse Groombridge 140., Bonn 654 v Andromedse .... /i Andromedse 2 Ursse Miuoris ... 2 Urste Minoris. 41 Andromedse . /3 Andromedae . T Pisciuin Piazzi I. 29 v Piscium | Andromeda ., 47 Andromedie ., Polaris.... Polaris . Polaris ., W W lo'oSo 9-854 11-540 14-365 10*080 9-461 o. 9. 30-10 o. 1 3. 50*96 o. 13. 39-89 0.32.42-53 o. 34. 8-90 0.40.49*32 0.43. 56-50 o. 44. 28-61 o. 5 1. 22*89 0.55.42-35 I. 2.27-86 r. 4. 19-01 i. 6. 20*07 i. 10. 55-29 i. 14. 8-97 i. 16. 39*02 i. 1 8. 8-79 1.24. 58-43 30-40 34'5 6 s 30*93 3 2 '49 30-29 32-49 4 2 74 9-08 49-68 56*80 28-91 23-16 o. 55. 38-46 j 45-00 8764 1.24.45-64 7-327 I i. 24. 45-38 46*08 27-92 18-99 19-99 55'H 8*88 39*09 8*78 12*05 9-14 8-88 43'33 9*68 50*30 57-29 29*43 23*66 46*30 46*30 28*46 19*49 20*42 5575 9*41 39*56 9*23 11*17 11*17 11-17 s 0*53 -2*07 2*20 0*59 0*60 0*62 0-49 0*52 0*50 1*30 C'22 0-43 0*51 0*53 0*47 0*45 -0-88 2-03 2-29 '53 0-59 0*60 0-62 0-49 0*52 0-50 0*54 0-50 0*43 0-51 '53 0*47 0*45 1902 November 2. Paris. 10 Lacertse /8 Pegasi ty Pegasi 85 Pegasi Bradley 3212 . a Andromedse.. W W W W W W 22 Andromedse ... ..I W 23 Andromedse Piazzi 0. 13 Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. Piazzi 0. 74 28 Andromedse .... Piazzi 0. 103 IT Andromeda- 8 Andromeda! Piazzi 0. 148 Groombridge 140 . 10*080 9-485 8-552 io'o8o 22. 34. 54-95 22. 59. 474 2 3- 5 2 - 49"58 7-02 35"5 2 3.23*19 2 3- 57- o. i. o. o. 5. 17*72 o. o. 2 9"53 9. 30*49 O. 1 2. 48*5 I o. 13. 39-77 o. 23. 2-39 0.25. 1.37 0.27.43-22 o. 32. 43-28 o. 34. 9 "60 o. 36. 28*42 o. 40. 50*12 55*18 4*84 49*66 7*11 35-63 2 3'3 18*02 2976 30*72 34' 2 7 3 2 '43 2*38 1*24 43*09 43*18 9-48 28-26 50*10 55H4 5''5 50-00 7-34 35-85 2 3'53 18-34 30-04 30*92 33'" 33-11 2-52 1-46 43-26 43'3 2 9-68 28-51 50-29 0*26 0-31 0*34 0-23 0*22 0*23 0*32 0*28 O'2O -ri6 0-68 0-14 O"22 0*17 0-14 0*20 0*25 0*19 0-25 0-30 0-34 0-23 O'22 0-23 0-32 0-28 0"2O 0*14 O*22 0'17 0-14 O'2O 0-25 0-19 Bonn 654 ' E v Andromedse I E W.B. (2)0. 1172 | E ft, Andromedse E 2 Ursse Miiioris E 2 Ursse Miiioris ' W Polaris. Polaris X Andromedse .. Bonn 1434 Lalande 3149 ... Piazzi I. 170 a Triauguli A Arietis e Trian<*uli a Arietis..., 10 9! 10*080 8-894 6-303 9'333 8-857 lo'oSo -43- 57'13 o. 44. 29*32 o. 48. 9*90 0.51.23-56 -55*43'33 -55- 57*08 29*27 9*83 23-5 ! 46-15 I i 45-45 3-15 13*59 i. 24.49*84 1.33.33*06 i. 35-53' 8 4 i. 38. 18*76 42.56*41 34-02 32-30 18-89 I 1.47, 1.52. 1.57. 2. 1.43*19 10*16 33-34 54*09 18*90 56*60 34''4 32-37 19*04 43*26 2 9'43 10*05 23*66 46-19 46*19 11*02 33-69 54'44 19-22 57-02 32-68 19*41 0*21 0*16 O*22 O'l6 0*74 2 '57 0*86 0*35 "35 0-32 0-42 0*34 0*31 0-37 0-30 0'2I 0*16 0*22 0*l6 0*36 0*36 '33 0*43 '35 0*32 0*38 0*31 1902 November 3. Paris. Bradley 1399 S.P ; E Bradley 2993 I E 8 Lacertae E 10 Lacertae ' E 12 Lacertse 'E 13 Lacertas . A Pegaai /i Pegasi Groombridge 3919 o Andromedse Pegasi 56 Pegasi Bradley 3147 Br.idley 3147 K Andromeda} 78 Pegasi W.B. (2) XXIII. 907 Bradley 3212 a Andromedie 23 Andromeda; Piazzi 0. 13 Bradley 1672 S.P Bradley 1672 S.P. 9-37I 10*080 E 10 ' 10-685 5-899 lo'oSo 9*388 8*540 22.15. 22. 21. 22.31. 22. 34. 22. 37. 22. 39. 22. 41. 22.45. 22. 49. 22. 57. 22. 59. 23. 2. 23. 28. 28*35 16*65 34-20 55' 2 9 8-98 46-84 5 '31 19*96 41*08 28*51 5''7 24*13 8*40 23. 28. 3-74 23.35.38*67 2 3- 39- 7'34 23- 44- 49'2 - i-35"5 2 o. 3.23*12 o. 8. 29*46 o. 9. 30-45 o. 13.51*79 o. 13. 41*30 25*19 20*20 34*26 55-34 9-04 46*91 52*23 19*89 41*14 28*59 5-13 24*07 13-27 12-32 39*06 7-54 49*30 3572 23*32 29*80 379 3577 32*08 26*41 +1*22 19*04 , ri6 34*25 i o'oi 9*04 46*92 52*23 20*00 41-14 28*61 5-i4 24*07 12*64 12*64 39' 2 3 7-76 49'45 35-84 23-52 3'3 30*91 33'45 o'oo O'OI o'oo O'l I o'oo 0*02 O'OI -j-o'oo 0-63 +0-32 0*17 O - 22 0-15 O"12 O'2O 0-23 +0'I2 2-32 O'O2 +0-07 O'OO O'OI +0*10 O'OI o'oo 0*00 0*17 O'22 0*15 0*12 O"20 0-23 +0'12 33'45 +''37 28 Andromedse .... Pia>.;;i 0. 103 8 Andromedse Piazzi 148 Groombridge 140 W.B. (2)0. 1172.. /j. Andromedse 2 Ursse Miuoris..., 2 Ur.e Minoris..., T Piscium Piscium Piazzi I. 29 v Piscium Andromedse...... 47 Andromedse .... Polaris.... Polaris Polaris Piazzi I. 170 , a. Trianguli .. Bradley 253 ., Lund 870 \ Arietis e Triauguli .., a Arietis.... W W W W \vj W wi W| W W W W W E E E E E 10*080 9*548 5-537 10*080 10*706 11-367 14*366 10*080 0.25. 0.27. o. 34. o. 36. 0. 39. 0.48. 0.51. 0.55. 0.55. 1. 6. i. 8. i. 10. I. 14. i. 16. i. 18. 1.24. 1*14 42*91 9*28 28*16 497i 9*58 23*12 38*90 38-47 20-08 29-75 55-34 8*95 38*93 8*74 42*97 1.24. 57*22 i. 25. 0*74 i. 42. 56*98 '47- 34'49 i. 50. 1 1 '64 i. 50. 25*16 1.52.32*70 1.57. 19*29 1.43-51 2. '"34 43*10 9-50 28-32 50-11 4*87 2 3"43 45-35 44-92 20-29 29*91 55-59 9*13 39'34 9*03 6*05 10*42 '3"94 57*02 34-45 1 1*67 25*19 32*62 19*29 43'43 1-46 43-26 9-67 28-50 50-29 10-05 23-65 46-11 46-1, 20-42 30*18 5574 9*41 39"5 6 9-24 10-89 10-89 10*89 57"3 34'49 11*77 25*20 32*69 19*41 43'5 6 +0*12 0*16 0*17 0*18 0-18 0-18 0-22 0*76 1*19 0*13 0*27 0*15 0*28 O'22 O*2 1 +"47 -3-05 -(-O'OI 0*04 O'lO O'OI 0-07 0"I2 -j-0'12 0*16 0*17 0*18 0-18 o'i8 0*22 0*14 0*28 o'i6 0*29 0-23 0'22 +0*02 0*05 0*11 O'O2 o'o8 0-13 +0 '4 STAR- TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT C., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 297 Star's Name. Position. No. of Wire t SJ Observed Transit. ^j H Sf . ill < ill! u|S3 Star's Name. Position. | 5 O ; i i -< | Transit p> 9 Observed. .2 j Corrected Transit _ . If ||| ftto Piscium v Piscium f AnUroinedse 47 Andromedse .... Polaris.... Polaris X Andromeda. lionn 1434 Lalande 3149 .. Piazzi I. 170 ... a Trianguli Bradley 253.... Lund 870 \ Arietis o Arietis /3 Trianguli 7 Trianguli io'o8o 11-402 10 080 9-370 8-756 o. 36. 28-59 o. 40. 50-34 0.43.57-38 o. 48. >o"i8 o. 44. 29-52 o. 55.43-10 2. 28-46 4- '9'45 6. 20-59 8. 30-41 '4- 9'5 6 . 16. 39-61 . 18. 9-25 24- 5 8 '93 . 24. 45-48 33- 33''5 35-53'92 . 38. 18-81 . 42. 56-61 47- 34'7 .50. 11-43 . 50. 24-88 .52.32-39 2. 1.43-41 2. 3.47-46 2. II. 34-04 28-46 10*15 29-52 4 6- 5 6 28-50 19-41 20-50 30-28 9-46 39-66 9-23 ii "6 1 8-04 33'4*> 54-22 1 8 '99 56-85 34"3 2 n-66 25-11 47^7 34-24 28-50 50-28 57-28 10-05 29.42 46-02 28-45 19-48 20-46 30-18 9-41 39'5 6 9-24 1071 10-71 33-70 54-44 19-22 57-03 11-77 25-21 32-69 43-57 +0-04 o'io O'lO O'lO O'lO 0-54 0-05 +0-07 0*04 O'lO 0-05 O'lO O'OI 0-90 + 2 -6 7 0'22 0-22 0-23 0-18 0-17 o'i i O'lO O"2O o'o6 0-13 +0'I2 +0-04 O'lO O'lO O'lO O'lO 0-05 +0-07 0-04 O'lO 0*05 O'lO +0'02 +0-23 0-23 0-24 0-19 0-18 O'lZ O'll 0'2I 0*07 0-14 +0-13 XV. MEAN CLOCK ERROR. Forming now the means of column 8 in the preceding pages for each group of clock stars observed in positions of the instrument Micrometer West or Micrometer East respectively, the result shown in the tables on pages 299 to 305 are obtained. The first five columns require no explanation. In Column 6 the results of Columns 4 and 5 are corrected for systematic difference between the two positions W and E. To obtain this Correction, the clock errors shown in the various groups on each day were all reduced to the same epoch by applying the clock rates given on pages 306, 307. The meaiis of the results W and E were then taken, weighting according to the number of stars in each group, and the difference of these means formed for each day. These differences are given in the following table, and assigning the weights to them shown in the third column the mean differences are formed : 298 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Transit B. Transit C. Part I. Part II. Part I. Part II. Date. W E. Weight. Date. W E. Weight. Date. W-E. Weight. Date. W-E. Weight Pat is. Greenwich. Greenwich. Paris. s s s s Mar. 1 8 0-040 I Sept. 21 + 0-018 I Mar. 17 + 0-075 2 Sept. 21 +0-145 2 '9 + 0^038 2 22 + O'IO2 2 ! 9 + 0-053 2 22 + 0-061 2 23 + 0-035 2 23 O'OOI I 20 + 0-003 I 24 + 0-062 2 25 + 0-173 2 24 + 0-161 2 ii + 0-033 I 26 + 0-059 2 28 0-014 I 25 + 0-090 1 22 + 0-013 I 26 + 0-130 2 23 + 0-058 I 25 + 0-207 2 27 + 0-363 I 4T 28 + 0-017 2 Greenwich. Pans. Paris. Greenwich. Apr. 6 0-003 I Oct. 6 + 0-071 I Apr. 7 + O'206 I Sept. 29 + 0-090 2 8 + 0-079 2 7 + 0-130 2 8 +0-219 I Oct. 2 O'OI I 2 10 + 0-170 1 8 +0-032 I 9 0-030 I 8 +0-036 2 12 + 0-099 I 9 0-003 I ii O'OO2 I 9 +0-034 I 13 + 0-140 2 10 + 0-050 2 '3 + 0-I70 2 IO 0-062 2 17 + 0-028 2 13 + 0-106 I 7 + 0'I2O 2 12 + 0-014 I 18 + 0-109 2 4 + 0-083 2 18 + 0-124 2 '4 0-038 2 20 + 0-067 1 16 + 0-079 2 20 + 0-065 2 15 +0-044 I 22 + 0-063 2 17 + 0-076 2 21 + 0-069 2 16 +0-038 2 2 3 + 0-142 2 21 + 0-054 2 2 3 + 0-163 I 17 O'OIO 2 *4 + 0-168 2 22 + 0-027 2 2 4 + 0-040 2 18 +0095 2 21 0-OO2 2 22 + 0-156 2 Paris. Greenwich. Greenwich. Paris. Apr. 28 + O-I22 2 Oct. 26 + 0-152 Apr. 27 + 0-047 I Oct. 25 -0-044 2 May i + 0-093 2 27 + 0-215 28 + 0-055 2 *7 + 0-017 I 3 + 0-058 2 2 9 + 0-051 2 May i + 0-059 2 28 + O'O2O 1 3 + 0-008 2 + 0-065 I 2 9 + 0-II7 2 Nov. i + 0'I IO 3 + O-OO2 2 31 + 0-131 2 2 + 0-043 Nov. 2 + o- 1 1 6 2 3 +0-117 3 + 0-146 2 4 +0-104 2 4 + 0-193 2 Means + 0-087 3 2 +0-083 37 + 0-086 38 + o - o6o 45 The following corrections have therefore been applied in forming the corrected Clock Error in column 6 : For Transit B, in Part I. o Sl o43 to West groups, +O 8 -O43 to East groups. in Part II. -0*042 +0^042 JT-jr Transit C, in Part I. o-o43 +o"O43 in Part II. -o^ojo +o 9 -O3O The daily mean of the groups is now formed and the difference of each group form the mean given in column 7. CLOCK ERKOK. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit B. 299 Date. 1902. Mean R.A. of Group, Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1902. Hen R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Mar. 1 8 Mar. 19 Mar. 23 Mar. 25 Mar. 28 Apr. 6 Apr. g h m 9 49 10 51 1 6 5 'am G?ot'7 -46-872 46-908 c. s 46-838 -47-013 -47-377 s -46-915 -46795 s -0-055 + 0-065 + 0-049 + 0-030 -0-068 + 0-028 0-032 + 0-009 + 0.068 + 0-054 0-126 0-025 + 0-048 -0-079 + 0-042 0-042 Apr. 10 Apr. 1 2 Apr. 13 Apr. 17 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 20 Apr. 2 2 Apr. 23 h m 9 I 10 13 Green wicl 8 10 i Clock <. s -14-346 -14-641 -'4-753 -I5-453 -'5-54' -15-590 -'5-552 -15-950 ontinued. s -14-510 -14724 14-860 -14-922 -15-531 -IS^SO s -14-467 -14-389 s -0-043 + 0-035 + O-OO2 O'OOI 4 0-003 + 0-030 -0-053 + O-O22 + 0-030 0-o66 o - oo8 O-OI2 + 0-030 +0-013 0-014 0-009 10 17 6,5 46-860 9 41 10, 8 -14-424 7 29 9 '9 ii 3 8 12 II -46951 -46-970 9 2 7 ii 54 9 1 1 14-681 14-684 47 025 -47-351 -47-440 -47-553 -47-607 enwich Clc 14-080 H"2O7 10 48 11,9 -14-683 9 2*7 19, 12 9 ' 10 43 12 26 9 18 12 -14-817 -14-796 -14-879 8 20 9 44 10 52 IO I I 7 -47-334 -47194 4/ 39 -47-512 -47-706 -47-566 >ck. T? 353 10 52 18, 21 I A 'fi-1 A 9 3i ii, 17 T/ J uz 9 32 1 1 29 12 51 8 16 IO -15-496 -15-488 -15-584 7 3 9 6 ii '3 9 12 10 -47-469 -47-4 8 3 -47-663 II 26 18, 16 -I5-5I8 9 19 12, I 9 -47-537 9 2 3 10 52 12 14 9 18 9 -15-633 -15-637 -'5-595 10 57 12 19 13 I^ 6 '3 6 -47 '59 6 i 7'C 7 2 T/ -> z J -47-650 10 50 1 8, 18 -15-625 12 12 '2, 13 -47'57I 9 3i i 35 8 7 9 12 10 41 &n 5 5 -16-377 16-320 16-461 16-561 -I5-993 10 5 7,8 -15-979 -14-274 -I4-I23 9 43 1 1 14 12 47 IO 'I -'6-334 9 57 5,5 14-081 -'6-374 i is 338 -16-277 + 0-048 +0-031 + 0-032 0-069 9 4i 1 1 19 12 53 7 15 7 ii 3 15, 16 -16-325 -14-183 -I4-23I 14-226 + 0-003 + O'oo8 9 33 ii 7 12 35 i! 10 -16-418 -16-417 16-518 ii 18 H, '5 -14-234 300 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit B. continued. Date. 190*. Mean K.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference f i oni Mean. Date. 1902. Mran R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 28 May i May 3 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Greemri'-) h in '3 8 4 13 29 2 i Clock c s 16-400 16-504 - 16-551 'am Cloci -5I-377 -51-564 -51784 -51-888 lentricli C 5-500 5-618 ontiuued. s 16-580 16-720 s -16-443 -'6-537 s + 0-006 0-088 0-078 + 0-052 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 . Oct. 6 Oct. 7 h m 22 59 23 40 Greemoicli 1 1 2 Clock. ( s 5-630 5-623 5^74 5-616 5-701 5-671 ^aris Cloc 3-I33 3-051 3-093 ontinued. s 5-53 6 5-624 5-486 5-610 S'474 5-608 fc. 3-059 2-928 5-578 5-588 s + O-QIO + 0-020 0-031 40-054 + 0-065 -0-039 + 0-007 0-003 + 0-004 0-091 + 0-O22 + 0-043 0-004 + o - oo6 + 0-018 0-021 + 0-060 I I 26 22, 21 -16-449 21 32 1 8, 19 5-568 1015 8 II 27 14 12 37 , 10 13 13 7 -16-677 -16-547 21 39 22 7 8 5 5-581 5-666 ID 057 fc. - 5 I- 4 8 7 -51-508 -5I-643 -51-668 -51-894 oek. 5-480 5*49 -16-594 + 0-005 O'OOI + 0-023 O O22 + 0-OO9 + O'OO2 O'Ol6 + 0-038 + 0-014 0-066 + 0-044 0*030 0-036 + 0-008 21 50 8,5 5 -6 1 2 1 1 49 21, 18 -16-599 20 3 22 O 23 39 10 18 9 5-632 5-528 5'574 'I 5 12 47 H 3 I 7 13 13 - 5 i '444 -51-420 -51-465 21 52 19,18 5-567 I 9 51 2O 41 IO 8 5-652 5-659 13 3 13, 20 -5''443 2O 13 8, io 5^55 I I 12 44 13 46 9 20 8 51-600 -51-607 -51-625 19 53 21 46 23 io 8 17 8 5-5i6 5-629 5-650 12 32 20, I 7 51-609 21 39 17, 16 5-607 io 53 12 14 13 2 5 9 17 9 -51-827 -51-851 -5 1 '93 1 21 9 22 19 j IO 7 3-091 3-101 12 II 1 8, 17 -51-865 21 9 23 o Or 2 3 5'532 5-458 21 38 10,7 3-095 21 56 23 19 o 30 il 3 3-009 2-970 3-051 22 l6 5-488 19 42 21 II 8 16 5-532 5-576 23 o 12, 16 2-991 CLOCK ERROR. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit B. continued. 301 Date. 1902. Mean R.A. of Group. Number Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1902. Mean R.A. of Group. Mean Clock Number Error ' Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Oct. 8 i ,/ . i Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 1 3 Oct. 1 4 Oct. 1 5 Oct. 1 6 Oct. 17 h m 23 2 23 50 Paris 10 6 Clock co s 2793 2-619 2-384 2-344 2-380 2-117 1-956 2-018 1-632 1-727 1-546 1-620 ntinued. s 2-767 2-631 2-348 2-291 2-014 1-909 1-671 1-597 1-638 ''493 1-475 s 2-809 2-751 M + 0-022 0-036 + 0-048 0-048 o-ooo + 0-048 0-040 0-009 0-004 O-OI2 + 0-OO7 -0-039 O'OO2 + 0-023 -0-059 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. i h m 21 22 22 54 o 30 Paris Clock co s 8 19 0-975 7 ntinued. s 0-940 0-899 0-901 s 0-982 Q'933 0-941 s + 0-036 0-013 23 20 6, 10 2-787 -0-077 + 0-029 + 0-037 + O-OO2 + o-oiz zz 52 '9. '5 0-946 20 50 2 1 50 9 9 2-673 2-577 O I I 2 5 * 55 9 o- 8 79 i5 7 o-993 0-837 o-943 0-951 21 2O 9.9 2-625 21 8 21 46 22 40 23 21 23 50 5 8 7 9 5 2 "34* 2-390 2-302 2 -333 z'338 i 43 1 6, 15 0-914 o 16 Greenwch Clock. 13 4-958 4-916 22 35 >7, 17 2'34 2 2-056 2-075 o 25 13 4-720 4-717 4-835 4-799 4-619 4-914 21 I 21 45 7 12 39 i 3 9 4- 8 72 2 4-830 4-762 21 29 '? 2-068 0-056 0-066 + 0-066 0-009 + 0-015 0-025 + 0-054 0-026 + 0-013 0-014 21 4 22 27 O I 7 20 13 1-914 1-951 1-976 o 43 9> 2 4-818 38 II I 47 II 4-933 4759 4-891 22 43 20, 20 ''953 I 13 n, II 4-825 22 24 8 1713 21 55 23 18 o 47 10 4-895 19 8 4-879 4-853 4-877 4-837 o 19 I 21 2 14 2 41 6 12 Q 5 i 590 1-639 1-685 1-680 + 0-036 + 0-03I + 0-013 0-018 0-005 + 0-056 23 15 18, 19 4-862 21 49 23 '7 IO 21 4'803 4-841 4-761 ' 37 15, '7 i 649 21 23 22 29 I o 46 9 '7 10 4 1-535 1-504 1-517 1-578 22 49 21, IO i 4-787 22 33 23 20 9 4-73 8 4-688 4-661 22 5 I 21,19 1-522 22 55 9,8 4-675 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2q 302 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit B. continued. Date. 1902. ' Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1902. Mean B.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Mar. 17 Mar. 1 9 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 li m 21 53 22 39 Greenwich Clock c s 9 4732 8 ontiuued. 8 4-688 4-582 Clod ick. -11-736 11-916 12-030 12-114 -12-247 -12-434 -12-365 s 4-690 473 s 0-019 + 0-O21 0-012 + 0-017 und by A 0-005 + o'ooS Nov. 4 Ir Hollis ' Mar. 2 3 Mar. 2 5 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Apr. 7 li m 22 54 23 3 6 35 1 10 I 40 Greenwich 8 '5 9 8 7 Clock continued. .s s 4-600 4-479 4-468 4-577 I i Clock continued. -12-481 -12-544 1 2-7x8 s 4-521 4-516 4-510 s + 0-031 o'oo6 22 15 9,8 4-695 enwich Cl 1 1-663 4-709 0-017 + 0-008 o-oii + O-OI2 0'OO2 + 0-064 0'II2 + 0-II5 0-156 + 0-127 o'oiS - 0-035 4- 0-067 0-058 -f- 0-047 22 19 23 I 4 9 6 4-624 o 15 24,23 4-527 pith Trail 8 37 9 5 *it C. Greemric) 8 8 -12-524 12-501 23 7 6,9 4-636 8 10 9 3 " 55 Gre 7 12 8 Error fc 1 1-706 -11-693 11-858 11-867 O-O12 -f- 0-016 0-O2I + 0-075 9 14 8,8 9 5' 15, 12 11-701 12513 86 9 9 30 16 io 52 9 7 44 9 16 10 43 8 17 9 1 1-901 -11-873 1 1-910 i i 740 -12-596 12-858 -12-787 -13-144 -12-775 -13-032 -12-963 -12-947 ^aris Clock. -48-230 -48-039 -12-639 12-815 9 29 1 6, 1 8 i z 703 9 16 17, 17 -11-889 8 37 9 53 io 46 7 10 6 12-830 12-818 8 23 9 29 ' 34 7 IO 5 -11-987 12-214 12-212 -12-397 12-071 o 047 o'oog O'O22 + 0-031 O"O2O + 0-016 - 0-033 + 0-085 9 44 13, io -12-945 9 9 10, 12 12-062 8 18 io 8 12 15 6 '4 9 -12-989 8 25 9 39 io 35 5 7 5 -12-257 12-204 -12-255 I 2 -904 io 24 '4, '5 -12-971 9 34 10,7 -12-235 io 6 12 17 I 8 10 48-187 -48-082 7 57 9 '3 > 43 7 '4 4 -12-391 -12-440 12-322 9 6 14, n -12-407 ii 18 io, 8 -48-129 CLOCK ERROR. 303 Clock Error found by Mr Hollit with Transit G. continued. Date 1902. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. R " I<3 2 - : of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 1 1 Apr. 13 Apr. 14 Apr. 1 7 Apr. 1 8 Apr. 1 9 h in 10 47 ii 47 Paris ( 9 2 Hlock cor 8 -48-OZ4 -48-475 -48-505 48-614 -48-741 48-900 -49-368 tinued. s -48-250 -48-377 -48-553 -48-864 -48-948 -49-496 -49-539 -49-605 s 48-067 -48-207 s + 0-025 0-115 -T-O-I 14 0-070 -0-054 + O-QIO + 0-048 0-099 +0-007 +0-044 -0-077 O'OOO + 0-024 0-018 + 0-011 + o"oo6 + 0-017 0-060 Apr. 20 Apr. 2 1 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr. 27 Apr. 28 May i h m 10 29 12 26 13 10 Paris 9 ii 9 Clock cor s -49-543 itinued. s s -49-586 49*665 49'622 J.Q"6Q7 + 0*048 + 0-012 0-063 4-0-089 0-094 + 0-053 0-031 O'OI I 0-024 + 0-051 + 0-026 0-026 4-0-009 0-036 + O'OI2 + 0'OI2 0-050 + 0'OI5 + 0-027 10 58 9. 2 49-620 -49-773 -49-920 12 4 1 8, ii -49-634 IO ii ii 12 37 9 10 6 -48-518 -48-502 IO 46 12 17 '3 9 9 16 7 -49-608 -49-565 -49-663 4.Q-7QI J.Q'74.8 ii 6 10, 15 . 0. . .0 12 3 16, 16 9 34 I I O 12 37 6 9 5 48-510 -48-657 1 1 19 12 47 9 15 49-816 -49-943 -49'9 10 58 9, 'I -48-558 12 14 9, 15 -49-869 9 48 ii 55 '3 34 8 16 10 -48-821 -48-784 -48-905 I I 22 12 51 H 7 9 '7 10 -49'993:-49'95 -49-963 -49'93i -49-888 ii 54 16, 1 8 48-828 12 49 17, 19 -49-939 9 36 A -48-943 I I 22 12 28 13 9 Greenwich Clock. 6 17-098 ; 17-055 9 17-064 17-107 8 17-115 17-072 9 36 -48-943 9 49 1 1 56 13 12 9 16 8 -49-411 -49-453 12 38 9, H -17-184 -17-136 -17-521 17-081 49 38i -49-442 -49-55 49 4 2 4 10 44 13 31 13 53 9 17 9 -17-227 I7"222 17'I7Q I I 40 17, 16 -49-435 IO 22 12 I 3 13 30 10 17 -49-496 -49-485 -49-562 -I7-I79 12 54 18, 17 -I7-I9I ii 4 12 29 13 54 8 12 8 -17-641 ii 54 17, 16 -49-502 10 3 2 -49-593 -17-619 -I7-576 -17-564 2 -49-593 12 29 I 6, 12 ,-17-591 304 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Clock Error found by Mr Hollia with Transit C. continued. Date 1902. Mean R A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Mean Date R A. '9 02 ' of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. May 2 May 3 Sept. 2 i Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Greenwic) h m 1210 6 12 55 10 13 41 8 i Clock c -17-627 -17-950 -17-873 'aris C/oe/i 0-881 0-887 - 0-888 - 0-818 - 0791 - 0-618 - 0-547 ontinueil. s -17-630 -17738 -17-921 -17-587 -17-670 -17-695 s + 0-071 O-OI2 -0-037 -0-074 + 0-041 + 0-OO3 + 0-052 h in Sept. 29 20 45 21 49 22 40 Ore 9 H 5 enwic/i Cli s 5-507 5>59 4-565 4'55 6 4-603 4-636 4-615 4-768 4-815 4-623 )C/f. s 5-433 5-388 5-505 5-434 4'5'7 4-544 4-573 4-687 4753 4-762 s 5-4 6 3 5-477 5-4.8 H + 0-001 + 0-015 -0-044 + 0-071 -0-035 O'OOO + 0-002 o-oio + O'O2g 0-019 0-012 + 0-OI8 0-052 + 0-059 12 59 10, 14 1 -17-658 21 38 '4. H 5-462 13 2 14 o H 57 15 16 10 16 7 i -17-993 -.7-878 -17-916 -17-867 Oct. 2 20 49 2 1 50 22 41 i 8 16 8 5'535 5'4 2 9 5-464 '/ 9* 21 48 16, 16 5-464 13 57 17, '7 17 919 Oct. 8 20 41 *' 53 22 56 1 1 '3 8 7 4-547 4-535 4'574 4-526 20 24 22 49 Z3 46 ^ 8 '5 3 22 K 20, 19 4-545 i 049 - 0-973 - -949 0-867 0-641 0-680 - 0-911 - o-943 + 0-037 + 0-005 + 0-001 o-ooi o-ooo 0'OI2 0'OOI + 0-015 + 0-023 0-014 0-016 +0-057 Oct. 9 21 32 2 ? 2O 10 7 4-573 4-603 22 I I 1 5, I I o 94 22 l6 'o,7 4-585 '9 4-5 21 24 23 7 7 16 9 - 0-917 - 0-919 - 0-918 Oct. 10 21 I 33 *3 56 9 20 10 4-606 4-7I7 4-585 21 32 1 6, 16 o 073 +0-027 O-ni R 22 28 19, 20 4-658 22 56 9 oo 14 o 59 8 - 0-848 - 0-837 - 0-821 1 >Ct. 12 20 56 21 50 8 12 4783 4738 +0-041 +0-048 0-151 23 57 17, H 0-836 21 28 12,8 4-756 22 6 8 22 58 I 3 051 10 i 39 3 0-611 - 0-648 0-650 - 0-577 Oct. 14 21 1 22 27 23 50 10 20 9. 4-785 4-792 4-593 23 33 16, 18 - 0-634 22 24 19,20 4-744 CLOCK ERROR. Clock Error found by Mr Holliswith Transit 0. continued. 305 Date 1902. Mean R.A. of Grou|>. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date 1902. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Oct. 1 5 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 1 8 Oct. 2 1 Oct. 22 Oct. a 5 h in 21 5 1 *3 7 (jfreenwicl "O 4 1 Clock c 8 4-853 4-864 4-860 4-870 4-933 4-873 5-005 4-869 5-000 4-993 'art's Cloc/i 0-779 1-069 ontinued. s 4-806 4-786 4-856 4-897 4-830 4-825 4-898 4-831 4-838 4-850 0-967 4 S -8 3 6 4-823 8 + O'oo8 0-005 0-027 0*009 + 0-043 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 3 1 NOV. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Paris ( h in 23 15 8 o 46 10 7lock con s 0-850 0-751 0-661 0728 o-533 0-266 0-345 0-184 0-092 0-158 tinued. s 0-839 0-734 0-577 0-343 0-490 0-187 0-O22 0^069 0-063 s 0-869 0-820 . s + 0-027 O'022 0-028 + 0-015 O-O04 0-028 + 0-063 0*094 + 0-036 + 0-053 O-OI5 -0-034 + 0-064 0-064 + 0-038 0-OI7 + 0-028 0-067 + 0-094 22 35 14, 10 4-828 06 10, 8 0-842 21 6 22 9 2 3 55 o 43 8 H 10 6 4-816 4-834 4-886 4-830 23 41 7 o 25 13 0-721 0-764 0-052 + 0-035 + 0-01 1 0-015 0-032 0-O20 + 0-100 +0-058 0-031 O'oog + 0-056 0-046 + 0-049 -0-034 -0-195 + 0-053 + 0-095 08 7, 13 0-749 22 48 20, I 8 4-843 22 8 23 53 I IO 8 '7 8 0-631 0-607 0-698 21 35 22 55 23 40 12 '7 4 4-840 4-927 4'93 23 46 16, 17 0-635 22 31 16, 17 4-892 22 32 6 I IO 10 16 7 0-373 0-503 0-520 22 12 23 2 23 50 33 1 1 13 6 4-860 4'843 4-855 4-9/5 *3 5' 1 6, 17 0-467 23 38 17, H 4-875 23 46 37 , 46 9 1 1 8 0-236 0-217 0-315 21 46 23 22 o 37 12 20 8 4-928 4-839 4-861 23 8 20, 20 4-870 o 40 17, ii 0-251 21 3 1 22 50 23 54 1 5 2 '3 8 5 4-970 4-868 4'9 6 3 4-880 22 46 o 31 I 52 10 20 7 0-052 0-154 0-099 23 17 15,18 4-914 o 18 20, 17 O'l l6 22 37 o 27 I 10 ; 7 13 7 0-749 0-997 1-039 22 40 o 29 I 50 9 9 1 1 + 0-062 - 0-033 + 0'128 o 42 20, I 9 + 0-034 O IO H. '3 0-944 306 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. XVI.- CLOCK RATE. From comparison of consecutive clock-errors thus determined, the rates of the clocks in the interval have been deduced and are set down in the second and sixth columns of the following Table. The clock- rate adopted for each day given in Columns 3 and 7 is in general the mean of the figures preceding and following in Columns 2 and 6. In the case of the Sidereal Standard the rates found from observations with the Greenwich Transit- Circle have been added for comparison. Parti. Part II. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Date. Normal Clock at Paris. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Date. Normal Clock at Paris. Hourly Rat from Star 1 . , Obs Adopted. e by the T.C. Observer. I from Star Obs. lourly Ral Adopted. e by the T.C. Observer. Hourb from Star Obs. Rate Adopted. Hourly from Star Obs. Rate Adopted. I 9 02. s s 1902. s s 1902. s s s 1902. s 8 Mar. 1 7 o - oo6 0-003 Mar. 1 8 0-006 Sept. 21 + 0-004 + 0-000 Sept. 21 + 0-001 0-004 0-006 + 0-004 + O'OOI '9 0-006 0-007 '9 0-005 22 + 0-003 + 0-OO2 22 + O'OO2 0-007 0-004 + 0-OO2 + O'OO2 20 0-007 0-004 23 0-004 23 O'OOO + O-OO2 H + 0-O03 0-007 0-004 O-OO2 +0-004 21 0-007 0-005 25 0-O02 24 +0-001 + 0-OO3 26 +0-004 0-007 1 O'OOI + 0-004 22 0-006 0-005 28 : O-OO2 25 +0-001 + O-OO I 0-004 O'OO2 1 O'OO2 Oct. 6 0-003 23 0-004 0-005 26 O'OO2 0-003 0-004 0-004 April 7 I 0-OO7 I O-OO2 7 0-006 25 0-005 0-005 + O-O02 j 0-008 0-005 8 O-O07 29 O'OOI -0-003 8 0-008 27 0-003 0-004 O-OI5 + 0-000 0-007 o-ooi 9 O-005 Oct. 2 0-003 O-OO3 9 0-009 28 0-003 0-006 0-OO5 o-on o-oo; ii 0-OO5 8 0-003 0-003 IO o - oo8 J O - OO5 ; +O'OO2 -0-004 April 6 0-003 13 0-OO5 9: + 0-003 + 0-000 13 0-004 0-003 O-OO5 : +0-003 0-005 8 0-003 0-005 H 0-005 Oct. 10 + 0-003 + 0-000 Oct. 14 0-007 0-004 O-007 + O-OO2 O'OIO 10 0-005 0-005 17 O-OO5 12 +O'OOI ! +O'OO2 '5 0-006 0-005 0-003 O'OOO 0-OO2 12 0-006 0-005 18 O-OO3 '4 + O-O02 + 0-003 16 0-004 0-006 O-OO4 + O-004 0-006 >3 0-007 0-004 '9 0*003 15 + O-OO2 + 0-000 17 o - oo6 i 0-007 O-OO2 + 0-001 0-006 17 0-006 0-006 20 O'OO2 16 + 0-OO2 +0-001 21 0-004 0-005 0'OQI + O'O02 O'OOI 18 o'oo6 0-006 21 0-003 17 + 0-001 + 0-003 22 O'OOI 0-007 O-OO4 0'QOI CLOCK Clock Mate- RATE. -continued. 307 Parti. Part II. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Normal Clock Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Normal Clock at Paris. at P n ria Hourly Rate. Hourly Rate. Date. Date. Hourly Rate. Date. Date. Hourly Rat*. from Star Obs. Adopted. by the T.C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. from Star Obs Adopted. by the T.C. Observer. from Star Obs. Adopted. 1902. S S 8 1902. s s 1902. s s s 1902. s 8 April 20 0-007 0-006 April 23 0-004 Oct. 1 8 O'OOI O'OOO Oct. 2 5 0-002 0-007 0-003 o-ooo O'OO2 22 1 o - oo6 0-007 24 0-004 21 + 0-001 0-003 7 0-004 0-005 1 + O'OO2 O'004 23 O'Oo6 0-008 22 -T-O'OOl O'OOI 28 0-005 o'oo6 28 0-004 O'OOI 0-005 24 0-007 O'OOS O-OO2 2 9 0-004 26 + O'OOI 0-003 0.007 May i 0-004 o'Ooo 31 0-004 27 0-005 0-004 0-OO5 27 + O'OOI o-ooo 0*004 0-005 3 o 004 -l-o-ooi Nov. 2 0-005 28 0-005 ~ 0-004 29 o-ooi. O'OOO 0-006 0-005 0-003 "3 0-005 May i 0-004 0-005 30 0-003 O'OOO 0-004 0-003 O'OO2 4 0-004 2 0-007 0-009 Nov. i O'OOI O'OO2 O'OIO + O'OOI 3 0-007 0-008 2 O'OOI -0-003 0-003 3 0-004 0-003 0-004 4 0-004 0-004 XVIL EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. The signals for comparison of the clocks at Paris and Greenwich were made by means of the apparatus mentioned in Section VI. of this account. After the necessary connection had been made by insertion of the plugs in the appropriate holes of the commutator an exchange was begun by the observer at Paris depressing his sending key for one minute, during which each observer adjusted the resistance of his rheostat so that the needle of the galvanometer showed the same deflections as it had when he had been observing star-transits. This being completed, the observer at Greenwich depressed his sending key and the process was repeated. The observer at Paris then sent twenty signals at arbitrary intervals, the signals being usually separated by about two seconds. The observer at Greenwich then sent forty signals, and the exchange was completed by the Paris observer again sending twenty. In all cases of receiving and sending the resistance in the rheostat was adjusted to the amount found necessary by the preliminary trial. Two such exchanges were made on each night when observa- 308 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. tions were made at both stations. In the following Tables, the first three columns require no explanation. Columns 4 and 5 give the differences of the clocks in the sense East-West as found by the mean of each set of signals. Column 6 is the mean of the times in column 2 weighted according to the number of signals. Column 7 is found by forming the means of the differences similarly weighted in columns 4 and 5, and then by taking the mean of these weighted means. The last column is the half difference of the weighted means, and shows the time of transmission of the signals. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich. Date. Greenwich (Number Sidereal of Time. Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Mean of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h m m .s m s h m m s s March 1 8 832 16 9 56-249 833 834 18 20 956-304 9 56-281 832-3 956-271 O'O22 I 1 6 9 56-245 ii 6 '9 956-283 II 4-0 9 56-263 o-oto ii 9 5 95 6- 238 March 1 9 845 10 9 56-266 847 848 16 16 9 56-306 9 56-299 847-8 9 56-284 0-0,9 8 50 19 9 56-265 ii 31 10 9 56-255 1134 16 9 56-304 1137-8 956-283 0-022 1141 15 9 56-268 ii 44 19 9 56-260 March 20 832 16 956-219 834 835 16 '5 9 56-248 9 56-H5 8 34-8 9 56-236 o-o 10 837 24 956-230 March 21 9 9 18 9 56-078 911 912 20 '9 956-125 9 56-1 ii 9 1 1-7 9 56-096 0-O22 . 9 '5 20 9 56-070 March 22 822 17 956-053 824 825 15 15 9 5 6 '93 824-9 956-075 O'020 828 15 956-057 i i - EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 309 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Mean of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Pdris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h in m s m s h m m s s March 2 3 9 16 20 9 56-046 917 9 18 18 '9 9 56-092 9 56-085 917-8 9 56-069 0*019 9 20 20 9 56-053 11 55 '5 95 6 '43 ii 57 ii 58 '9 18 9 5 6 "97 9 56-083 II 57-6 9 56-068 O-022 12 '9 9 56-049 March 24 835 18 9 56-009 8 37 20 8 38 20 9 56-067 9 56-064 837-2 9 5^-032 0-034 839 '9 9 55-986 March 2 5 9 4 18 955-982 9 6 9 7 20 21 9 56-023 956-013 9 6-3 9 56-000 O'OlS 9 8 18 955-9 8 4 I I 21 >9 9 56-022 I I 22 11 2 4 21 18 955'979 9 56-016 1 1 23-0 9 56-000 O-O20 11 23 2 I 9 55-98 March 26 8 36 20 9 S5-94I 8 37 21 8 39 18 95593 955-938 839-8 955-920 0'O2O 847 18 9 55'897 March 27 9 8 18 955-867 9 10 9 <> 18 18 955-908 955-902 9 io-6 955-883 0-O22 9'3 1 8 955-855 March 28 845 20 955-795 846 847 9 22 955^39 955-827 846-8 955-814 O-Olg 849 20 9 ?5'795 39 13 955-772 4' '9 955-8i9 42 43 21 15 955-776 955-821 1 1 42-4 955799 O'02I 4 6 '9 955-783 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 2 r 310 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Mean of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1 1902. h m Ill S III S li m m s s April 6 1054 H 955-264 10 56 10 58 '4 '4 9 55'274 955-289 10 56-2 955-271 o-oio 1059 22 955-258 April 7 10 2 '5 955-129 10 4 10 6 21 21 9 55-181 9 55-i86 10 5-0 9 55-'6i 0-023 10 8 15 9 55''47 April 8 938 12 9 55-042 94 94' 18 '7 9 55-069 955-069 940-3 955-059 O'OIO 943 1 1 955-056 12 20 13 955-027 12 22 12 23 12 12 9 55-0+5 9 55-051 12 12-6 9 55-038 o-oio 12 2, l6 9 55- 3 April 9 953 '5 9 54'9 6 7 95 1 95 6 J 4 20 9 55-o j 7 9 55-033 9549 9 54-990 0-041 957 12 9 54'927 April 10 9 28 16 955-026 9 3 931 '7 18 955-103 955-094 9 30-7 9 55-063 0-035 933 16 955-030 April 1 1 956 18 955-093 958 959 18 18 9 55-'H 9 55''3 2 957-6 955-113 0-015 10 1 1 9 55-102 April 1 2 936 16 955-084 937 938 16 16 955-121 955''37 9 37-7 955-107 0-023 94 7 9 55-084 April 1 3 10 30 '5 955-061 10 32 10 34 16 16 955-101 9 55-io6 1033-0 9 55-086 0'02O 10 36 20 955-073 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 311 Difference of Sidereal Stan lard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h in Ill S Ill S h m m s s April 1 3 13 o 16 955-064 13 2 13 3 '5 4 955-i 5 955-109 13 2'6 955-089 0-019 '3 5 17 955-076 April 14 956 17 955-034 959 10 20 20 955'075 9 55'79 10 58-8 9 55-059 0-019 10 I '9 9 55'45 April 1 5 1034. '9 955-064 10 36 1037 20 20 955'"5 955-132 1036-5 955-097 0-027 10 38 22 955'75 April 1 6 1145 24 955-018 1 1 46 II 48 22 22 9 55-070 955'75 ii 47-0 955-047 0-026 1 1 50 9 955-024 April 1 7 i37 22 9 54-9 8 5 10 38 1039 21 21 9 55-020 955-017 1038-8 955-001 0-017 1041 23 954-983 1232 2O 954-981 12 34 1235 '9 '9 955-014 9 55-006 12 34-2 954-991 0-019 12 36 23 9 54"9 6 3 April 1 8 10 H 9 54-877 10 2 10 3 18 18 954-901 954-898 10 2-3 9 54-887 0-013 10 4 15 954-873 12 42 1 1 954-871 1243 1244 20 2O 9 54-908 9 54-9 9 1245-2 954-887 O'O22 12 49 24 9 54-862 April 19 1 1 1 1 21 9 54-789 II 13 III4 21 21 954-813 954"823 H 137 9 54-802 O-OIS 1 1 l6 23 9 54-786 312 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Noi~mal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Numbe of Signals Difference signals . Paris. at Clocks by ent from Greenwich. Mean of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. h m m s m s li in m s s April 20 10 58 18 9 54- 68 4 1059 I I O 18 18 9 547 '9 954715 1059-9 9 547 O'OlS I I 2 22 9 54-680 April 21 10 24 17 9 54^39 IO25 10 26 '9 18 954-575 9 54 ; 576 10257 9 54-559 0-016 10 28 '9 9 54-546 April 22 10 49 12 9 54'489 1 10 5 1 i53 '9 '9 954-516 954'5 2 4 10 51-8 9 54'5 2 0-018 1054 ij 9 54-478 April 2 3 10 53 '9 9 54-439 H 6 20 9 54'4 2ti " 37 9 54^57 0-023 ii 8 22 9 54-480 '3 49 2O 9 54-429 '3 5 13 51 '7 17 9 54-462 954-475 '3 5"7 9 54-448 0'02I 13 52 20 9 54'4 2 5 April 24 IO 22 '9 954-335 10 23 10 24 21 21 954-373 954-37I 10 23-6 9 54-353 O-Olg 10 25 H 9 54'334 '345 21 954-3I8 '346 '347 21 21 954-369 9 54-364 1346-7 9 54'342 0-O25 13 50 23 954-316 April 2 T I 22 '4 955^44 I 2 4 1 25 '5 '4 9 55'3'7 955 3 2 5 1,24-6 955-287 0-034 i 27 16 955-261 April 2 h i 42 20 955-323 43 1 45 2O '5 9 55-246 955-320 1 1 46-6 9 55-282 0-040 1 5' 13 955-236 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 313 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Greenwich Number signals Sfint, from Time of Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. Paris. Greenwich. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. Transmission. 1902. h m Ill s in s Ii in m s s April 28 1338 2 I 955-180 13 39 22 9 55'299 1 3 40-0 9 55'252 0-05 I 13 4 22 9 5 5-306 13 42 2O 955-222 April 29 10 41 2O 9 55'257 10 42 i43 >7 17 955-264 9 55-269 10 42-8 955-269 O-OO2 1045 17 955-282 April 30 11 37 '3 955-055 i 39 19 955-096 ii 39-6 955-076 O'O22 i 40 9 955-097 i 41 19 9 55-052 May i i 48 H 955-079 i 49 20 9 55-130 1 1 49-9 9 55'ioS O-O27 i 50 20 955-I37 i 52 21 955-082 13 59 19 955-133 14 o '9 955-124 14 1-9 955-112 0-017 14 2 24 9 55'9' 14 7 18 955-099 May 2 10 58 18 955-057 1059 1 1 i 18 18 955-096 I I 0-0 955-077 O-OI7 I 1 2 20 955' 6 3 May 3 13 55 22 9 55-032 13 5 6 2 I 955-070 13 56-5 955-050 o-o 1 8 '3 57 21 9 55-064 1358 24 955^31 1 1 16 20 955-035 ii 18 i I 18 15 16 9 55' 6 5 955-073 II 18-9 955-051 0-016 ii 23 2 1 9 55-030 Mean 0-021 Sept. 2 1 21 42 21 44 22 927-439 26 927-3*5 2143-8 927-414 O-029 21 47 20 9 27-447 314 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. i Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h in in s m s h m m s s Sept. 22 2 I 29 22 927'379 2131 21 32 '9 18 927-438 927-437 21 3I- 4 927-411 0-027 21 33 24 927-387 23 10 21 927-382 23 12 23 13 18 18 927-438 927-424 23 I2'2 927-406 0-025 23 '4 21 927-379 Sept. 2 3 234! '4 927-416 23 42 2343 '7 J 7 927-458 927-461 23427 927-437 0-023 2 3 44 22 927-413 Sept. 24 20 27 24 927-334 20 29 20 30 20 21 927-382 927-382 2029-5 927-359 0-023 20 31 23 927-338 23 5 23 927-338 3 5 23 6 22 21 9 27-400 927-394 23 5 '9 927-363 0-034 23 7 24 927-320 Sept. 2 5 21 37 21 9 27-282 21 38 21 39 20 2O 927-346 9 2 7-333 2138-5 927-312 0-028 21 40 '9 927-287 Sept. 26 21 I 21 927-155 21 3 21 3 20 2O 927-239 927-237 21 3'8 9 27-204 0-034 21 5 24 927-163 21 9 7 927-195 2348 23 927-167 2349 23 50 Ifl 18 927-243 927-239 2349-3 9 27-206 0-035 23 5 1 10 927-177 Sept. 29 20 50 '7 9 22-922 20 JI 20 52 16 16 9 22-969 9 22-963 20 52-0 922-945 O'O2I 2054 22 922-925 EXCHANGES OP SIGNALS. 315 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals s Paris. ent from Greenwich. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h m in s in s h ni in s s Sept. 30 21 4-3 9 922-953 21 46 21 47 "4 '5 9 23-004 9 22-992 21 46-5 922-971 0-028 21 48 24 922-939 Oct. i 21 22 9 23-036 21 I 21 2 20 '9 923-107 9 23-1 12 21 1-3 9 23-076 0-034 21 3 23 923047 Oct. 2 21 3 2 1 923-178 21 5 21 6 21 2O 923-171 923-175 21 5 -6 9 2 3''7 8 0-005 21 8 24 923-190 Oct. 3 21 15 22 9 23-026 2] l6 2117 '7 18 9 23-063 9 23-060 21 17-0 9 23-040 O'O2I 21 19 2 I 9 23-011 Oct. 4 21 8 21 9 22-870 21 9 21 10 22 22 9 22-910 922-913 2149-6 9 22-891 O-O2I 21 I I 20 9 22-871 Oct. 5 21 45 21 9 22-768 21 47 21 48 23 22 9 22-807 9 22796 21 47-5 922-78^3 019 21 50 23 922-759 Oct. 6 22 55 '9 9 22-636 22 57 22 22 58 21 9 22-660 9 2 2 "661 22 57-2 922-645 O-O15 22 59 16 9 22-623 Oct. 7 22 28 20 9 22-636 22 30 22 31 22 23 922-675 9 22-693 22 30-8 9 22-663 O'02I 22 33 24 9 22-648 Oct. 8 2132 21 9 22-761 21 33 21 34 22 23 922795 922-795 21 33-6 922-775 0-020 21 35 22 922-748 316 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris ami Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Givenwich Number' signals sent from T'imrt nt Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. - ~o Paris. Greenwich. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. Transmission. 1902. li in rn s Ill S li in Ill s s Oct. 8 015 '9 9 22784 o 17 o 18 22 23 9 22-847 9 22-829 o 17-4 9 22-810 O-O27 o 19 22 9 22-783 Oct. 9 22 34 21 923-040 22 36 22 38 22 21 923 0-2 923-074 22 36-9 923-054 0-019 22 39 2 I 923-030 015 23 923-057 o 17 o 18 2O '9 9 23-092 923-092 o 17-3 923-074 0-019 o 19 21 923-052 Oct. l o 21 JI 22 923-335 21 5 2 21 53 21 2O 923-374 923-378 21 52-6 923-356 0-02O 21 54 23 923'338 o 26 23 9 2 3'359 o 28 o 29 '9 18 923-414 9 2 3-4'5 o 28-1 923-386 0-O29 o 30 22 923-355 Oct. 1 1 20 48 21 923-594 20 49 20 JO 21 21 9 23-626 9 23-630 2049-9 9 23-610 0-OI7 20 52 21 923-591 Oct. 1 2 21 48 23 923-748 21 49 21 JO 2 3 23 9 2 3745 923-776 923-782 21 49-3 923-763 0-016 21 51 2 4 Oct. 13 22 24 21 923-766 . 22 25 22 26 2 I 20 923-807 923797 22 25-4 923-784 0-018 22 27 '5 923-765 Oct. 1 4 21 49 18 9 23-869 21 50 21 5 I 20 25 923 T 2 2150-5 923894 923-879 0-023 21)2 21 923'845 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 317 Difference of Sidereal Stan/lard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Numbei of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Mean of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h m in s m s h m m s s Oct. 14 o 29 22 9 23-847 o 30 031 23 23 923-901 923-898 030-7 923-873 0-027 33 21 923-846 Oct. 1 5 22 52 26 923-961 22 57 22 58 23 23 9 24-000 22 56-3 923-979 0-020 22 59 23 923-957 Oct. 1 6 23 II '5 924-224 2 3 12 23 13 28 25 924-289 924-272 23 I3-9 924-253 0-028 2 3 I 5 20 9 24-228 23 19 16 924-223 I 18 20 924-239 I 1 9 I 22 20 20 9 24-292 9 24-282 I 20'6 9 24-264 0-O23 I 23 20 9 24-243 Oct. 17 22 7 22 9 24-429 22 8 22 Q 2J-*iU_8 22 10 23 9 24-464 22 9-0 924-441 0-015 22 I I 22 9 24-422 059 23 9 24-443 I O 2 2 I 2 22 924-418 9 i 1-7 924-436 o'ooS ' 5 22 9 24-437 Oct. 1 8 22 33 21 9 24-562 22 34 2235 22 22 9 24-608 9 24-629 22 34-6 924-589 0-030 22 36 2 I 924-555 Oct. 19 23 24 24 9 24-698 23 26 23 2 7 23 22 9 24748 9 24742 23 26'! 924723 O'O22 23 28 24 9 24704 Oct. 20 22 26 23 9 24-868 22 27 22 28 24 23 924-903 924-893 2227-3 9 24-881 0-018 22 29 24 9 24-858 Oct. 21 22 46 22 9 24-978 22 48 22 48 20 2O 925-042 925-037 22 48-0 925-003 0-037 22 50 20 9 24-954 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1902. 318 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Difference of Sidereal Slandard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals s ent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902. h in m s m s h m in s s Oct. 2 1 I 1O 23 9 2 4'9 6 3 1 II '9 925-007 I I 1-2 9 24-983 O'O20 I I I '9 9 24-998 I 13 24 9 24-962 Oct. 22 22 3 I 21 9 25-026 22 32 22 33 23 22 9 25-1 12 9 25-100 22 33"O 925-072 0-035 22 36 23 9 25-048 I 2 9 23 925'053 I 30 I 31 17 17 925-095 925-132 I 307 925-083 0-031 i 33 26 925-051 Oct. 25 23 5 24 9 24-844 - 23 7 23 8 22 22 9 24-883 9 24-877 23 7'6 924-865 0-015 23 9 23 924-854 Oct. 26 o 7 7 9 24-889 o 8 21 924-923 o 8 21 924-911 o 9-7 924-897 0-020 IO 2 5 9 24-878 015 26 9 24-872 i 49 22 9 24-886 i 52 i 54 27 25 9 24-883 9 24-93 I 53H 9 24'97 O-023 1 59 23 9 24-930 Oct. 27 2333 25 924-991 23 34 2335 22 21 925-024 925-036 23 34-6 925-013 O-OI7 23 37 2 4 9 25-001 1 35 2O 924-991 37 138 20 21 925-042 925-045 1 37-4 9 25-021 O-O24 i 39 26 9 25-002 Oct. 28 22 51 21 925-117 22 52 22 53 18 '7 925-148 9 25-160 22 53-2 925-132 O-023 22 56 24 9 25-100 - Oct. 29 22 59 23 925-207 23 o 23 1 23 23 925-235 925-238 23 0-9 925-219 O-O17 23 3 2 5 925-197 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 319 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Normal Clock at Paris by Signals sent from Paris and Greenwich continued. Difference of Clocks by Mean of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Paris. Greenwich. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. 1902, h in in s m s h m Ill S s Oct. 29 I 25 26 925-190 I 27 I 28 27 26 9 25-228 925-233 I 27-4 925-212 O'O2O I 29 26 925-193 Oct. 30 2 3 5 25 9 25^266 23 6 23 7 22 22 925-294 9 25-281 23 6-9 925-275 0-013 23 9 28 925-258 Oct. 3 1 23 50 2 5 925-289 23 51 23 5 2 20 21 925-349 925-341 235-9 925-317 0-028 2354 H 925-290 Nov. i 2349 2 4 925-355 23 50 23 51 22 21 925-395 925-391 23 50-9 925-377 0-017 ^3 53 2 5 925-365 Nov. 2 23 36 25 9 25-408 2337 2338 21 22 925-464 925-473 2337-6 925-443 0-026 23 39 H 925-425 158 2 5 9 2 5-422 2 2 I 22 22 925-472 925-476 2 O'4 9 25-449 0-026 2 2 2 5 925-423 Nov. 3 O 20 22 925-485 21 O 22 23 24 925-527 925-528 O 21'6 925-503 0-025 023 23 925-47I Nov. 4 ; 23 49 21 925-518 23 51 23 52 '9 9 925-554 925-556 23 51-4 925-538 0-017 23 53 25 925-521 , 5 6 24 925-520 1 57 1 59 3' 26 925-525 925-575 I 58-2 925-545 0-021 2 3 20 9 2 5'557 Mean O-O23 320 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. XVIII. RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. The following Table shows the individual values of the difference of longitude resulting from each night when the error of the clocks both at Paris and Greenwich was determined from observation of stars. The first three columns require no explanation. Oolumn 5 gives the difference of the clocks as found by the signals at the time given in Column 1, which is found by taking the simple mean of the results given on pp. 308-319 in the cases when there were two exchanges on one night. Column 4 gives the error of the clock at Paris at the same time, and is found by applying the rates given on pp. 306-307 to the errors on pp. 299-305. Column 6 similarly gives the error of the Sidereal Standard at the same time. From the figures in Columns 4, 5, and 6 the value of the difference of longitude uncorrected for personal equation of the observers is deduced and is given in Column 7. The weights given in the last column were assigned according to the number of groups of stars observed at either station. For most of the determinations given in the Table the clock-errors at each station depend upon three or more groups of stars, and to these a weight of 2 is assigned. If at either or both of the stations two groups only were observed, a weight of 1 has been given to the result. A clock-error depend- ing on -stars observed in only one position of the instrument is considered to be of weight zero, and has not been used in deducing the longitude. PART I. The weighted mean of results of Series i. and iii. = 9 m . 21 8 '133 of Series ii. = 9 m . 2P'049 Therefore the difference of personal equation between Mr Dyson and Mr Hollis - () 8> 0420 PART II. The weighted mean of results of Series i. and iii. = 9 m . 20 s- 982 of Series ii. = 9 m . 21 S '067 Difference of personal equation between Mr Dyson and Mr Hollis = 3 '0425 The value 8 '042 has been therefore adopted as the difference of personal equation, and has been applied with the appropriate sign to the figures in Column 7 of the preceding Table to obtain those in Column 2 of the Table on page 322, which gives the determined difference of longitude between the observing piers. At Paris the pier was O s< 094 east of Cassini's meridian, and the observing pier at Greenwich was 8- 020 west of the meridian of the Transit Circle, therefore to form Column 3 8< 114 has been subtracted from the figures in Column 2, which gives the difference of longitude between the meridians of the two observatories. KESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OP LONGITUDE. 321 Date and Greenwich Sidereal Time. Observer at Paris Clock Slow. Difference of Clocks by Signals. Difference of Greenwich Longitude Clock Slow. unconnected for Personal Equation. 1 March d 19 h in 10 13 23 10 38 25 10 15 28 10 15 PART I. Series i. H 8 47-004 m s 9 56-284 B - IP894 m s 9 21-174 2 47-366 56-069 - I2-5I9 222 I 47-539 56-000 I2-707 168 2 47-567 55-806 - '*'97' 210 2 PART I. Series ii. April 13 ii 48 H I ) - 48-827 9 55-088 - 14-832 9 21-093 2 17 ii 36 - 49-435 54-996 - J5-5I9 080 2 18 ii 24 - 49-50 54-887 15-628 015 2 2O II O 23 12 2 7 -49-632 - 49-870 54-700 15-986 - '6-454 054 036 2 2 24 12 5 54-348 16-601 013 2 April May 28 12 43 I 12 56 3 i* 38 D PART I. Series iii. H - 51-442 51-610 51-870 55-267 55-110 17-190 I7-593 17-910 9 2TOI5 093 091 September 21 21 44 22 22 22 24 21 48 26 22 27 H PART II. Series i. D 0-949 9 27-414 5-483 9 20-982 i 0-917 27-409 5-570 922 -> 0-842 27-361 5-567 952 L 0-639 27-205 5-606 -960 i PART II. Series ii. October 8 22 55 I ) I I 2-790 9 22-793 4-543 9 21-040 i 9 23 27 2-607 23-064 4-588 083 i 10 23 10 2-338 23-371 4-660 049 2 14 23 II I- 9 50 23-876 4745 08 1 X 16 o 17 1-655 24-259 4-846 068 2 i7 23 35 I-5I8 24-438 4-893 063 2 21 O O 0-942 . 24-993 4-871 064 2 22 2 0-916 25-078 4'9 " 5 079 t PART II. Series iii. October 27 o 36 29 o 14 November 2 o 49 3 O 22 4 o 55 H D 0-840 9 25-017 4-824 9 21-033 i 0-633 25^216 4-861 20-988 2 0-250 25-446 4-708 988 2 0-116 4-632 987 I 0-033 25-542 4"5 2 5 050 2 322 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, PARIS-GREENWICH, MADE IN 1902. Date. Difference of Longitude corrected for Personal Equation. March April April May '9 23 *5 28 18 20 23 *4 28 i 3 September 2 1 22 October 20 9 10 :t 17 21 Zl October 27 29 November 2 3 4 Difference of Longitude between Cassim's Meridian and the Greenwich Transit Circle. PAKT I. Weight. ra !> 9 21-132 180 m s 9 21-018 066 126 OI2 168 054 9 21-135 122 9 21-021 008 057 096 078 20-943 982 964 'OSS 941 9 20- 973 9 20-859 21-051 '937 049 '935 Mean discordance for weight 2 PABT II. 9 21-024 20-964 '994 2 I -OO2 9 20-910 850 880 888 9 20-998 9 20-884 21-041 007 927 893 039 O26 925 912 O2 1 O2 2 907 908 037 '9 2 3 9 21-075 030 030 9 20-961 916 916 029 092 915 97 8 Mean discordance for weight 2 Discordance from Mean of Part. 8 Discordance from Final Value, s + O-O4I + 0-086 + 0-089 + 0-134 + 0-035 + 0-080 + 0-077 + O-I22 + 0044 + 0-089 + 0-03I + 0-076 - 0-034 + O'OI 1 + 0-005 + 0-050 O-OI3 + 0-032 0-036 + 0-009 o-i 18 0-073 0-040 + 0-005 0*042 + 0-003 +- 0-047 -4- 0-059 O'OOO O-022 0-060 O"C82 0-030 O-O52 O-022 0-044 0-026 0-048 + 0-017 O-OO5 0-017. 0039 + 0-015 O-OO7 + O'OO2 O*'O2O 0-003 O-025 0-002 0-024 + 0-013 0-00 9 + 0-05I + 0-029 + O-OO6 0-016 -f- O-OO6 0-016 + 0-OO5 0-017 + 0-068 + 0-046 O'Oig 0-028 RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 323 If the determinations in the spring and autumn are considered separately, the weighted means taken and the discordances from these, as shown in Column 5, formed, the results are as follows : PART I. Difference of longitude = 9 m . 20 8> 977 8 '0110 PART II. = 9 m . 20 B '910 0"-0042 and the probable error of a determination of weight 2 PART I. ... 8 '039. PART II. ... 8 -016. The smaller probable error in the second series entitles it to greater weight, but the difference between the two determinations is so much larger than the probable errors would indicate that the two results were not combined with the relative weights given above. If the simple mean is taken, 9 m . 20 s- 943, and the discordances formed from it, the probable error of a determination of weight 2 in the spring is found to be 0"'051, in the autumn =fc0 8 '037. The autumn determination has therefore been given a double weight as compared with that in the spring, and the resulting value for the Longitude of Cassiui's meridian referred to that of the Greenwich Transit Circle is 20 st 932 E. 9 '0060. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF THE DIFFERENCES OF LONGITUDE BETWEEN GREENWICH, WATERVILLE, HAZEL HILL (CAM), NOVA SCOTIA), AND MONTREAL IN THE YEAH 1892. I. INTRODUCTORY. IN May 1890, the Astronomer Royal was invited by Prof. C. H. M c Leod of M c Gill College Observatory, Montreal, to co-operate with him in determining the difference of longitude between Montreal and Greenwich, by means of the telegraph cable and line of the Commercial Cable Company. After submitting the matter to the Board of Visitors and obtaining the sanction of the Treasury to the necessary expenditure, the Astronomer Royal consented to take part in the work, on the understanding that the cable stations at Hazel Hill, near Canso, in Nova Scotia, and Waterville, in Kerry, should be used as stations for time-observations and for transmitting clock com- parisons by signals, thus doing away with the necessity of making the connection between the cable and land lines, and that the longitudes of these places should be determined incidentally. It was therefore arranged that four observers should take part in the work : Mr Turnef, Chief Assistant, and Mr Hollis, Assistant, from Greenwich, under the direction of the Astronomer Royal and Prof. M c Leod with another observer. After some correspondence, the following scheme for the arrangement of observers was drawn up. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. a TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATKRVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. TABLE I. Greenwich. f T? Part 1. Part 2. Greenwich. Waterville. Canso. Montreal. / E D B C \D E C B / B E C D In this table the letters are those which distinguish the transit-instruments after- wards referred to. Each observer always used the same transit-instrument, level and chronograph, taking these with him from station to station. The Transits D and E were assigned respectively to the Greenwich observers, Mr Turner and Mr Hollis. Prof. M c Leod used the Transit B. By reason of some misunderstanding, no clock-errors are forthcoming from the observer who used Transit C, and consequently the observations under C in the preceding table cannot be used for determination of longitude. It was arranged that the first part should take place in the spring of 1892, and the second in the autumn of the same year. Mr Turner made a preliminary visit to Waterville in May 1891, to choose the site for the Observatory and to have the pier built for the stand of the telescope. At the same time the Ordnance Survey Officers, under the direction of Major Johnstone, R.E., set up a meridian mark 1 mile 1350 yards to the south of the pier. Prof. M c Leod visited Hazel Hill, Canso, at the same time for similar purposes, and experiments were then made on the time of transmission of signals through the cable. On 1892, April 10, Mr Turner left Greenwich for Waterville for the first stage of the work, taking with him the clock and the transit-stand. These were set up and actual work was begun on April 18. Mr Turner returned to Greenwich on April 29. Mr Hollis left for Waterville on May 2, returning to Greenwich on May 20, which com- pleted the first part. On 1892, April 16, Prof. M c Leod reached Canso, and on April 17 and 18 ex- periments were made in order to arrive at the most satisfactory method of exchanging time-signals through the cable. On April 20 the siphon recorder was satisfactorily adapted to the purpose in view, and complete sets of signals were sent and received from both stations. Prof. M c Leod returned to Montreal on May 3, and observations were begun again on May 4. On July 7 he came to Greenwich to discuss some points connected with the work already done, and to make preliminary arrangements for the second part. INTRODUCTORY. On 1892, August 16, the second part was begun ; Mr Turner arrived at Montreal on August 17, Prof. MLeod being at Greenwich, and Mr Hollis at Waterville. The observers continued at these stations until August 30, when Prof. M c Leod and Mr Hollis exchanged places and Mr Turner went to Canso. The following table shows the actual nights when observations were made at the various stations : Greenwich. Number of Exchanges. Waterville. Number of Exchanges. Canso. 1 Number of Exchanges. Montreal. April 1 8 Half night Cloudy Cloudy ,, >9 Full night 2 Cloudy o Full night 20 Cloudy I Cloudy Full night \ 21 Full night 2 Cloudy Full night ,, " Full night 2 Full night Cloudy ,, 2 3 Half night 2 Full night Cloudy .. 2 4 Observations inte rmitted Full night ,, 2 5 Full night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night *6 Full night 2 Full night 1 Full night ,, 2 7 Half night I 2 8 Mr Turner left Waterville for Greenwich, arriving April 29. Professor M c Leod left Canso for Montreal. May 2 Mr Hollis left Greenwich for Waterville, arriving May 4. 4 o O Half night. 5 Full night 2 Full night o Cloudy. 6 Full night 2 Full night I 2 Full night. 7 Cloudy 2 Full night ! 2 Cloudy. . Observations inte rmitted I ., 9 Full night 2 Full night 2 Full night. ,, 1 FulL night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night. ,1 I' Full night i Cloudy 2 Cloudy. , I2 Full night i Cloudy 2 Full night. ,, '3 Cloudy o Full night 2 Full night. '4 Cloudy o Cloudy 2 Full night. '5 Cloudy o Full night O Cloudy. 16 Mr Hollis left Waterville. Half night. Aug. 15 Half night Cloudy 16 Half night 2 Full night I '7 Cloudy I Cloudy Half night. 18 Full night i Full night I 2 Full night. ,, ! 9 Cloudy 2 Half night 2 Cloudy. 20 Full night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night. ,. 2I Full night 2 Cloudy O Cloudy. ,, 22 Full night 2 Half night 2 Full night. ,, 2 3 Half night 2 Cloudy 2 Half night. ,, 2 4 Cloudy 2 Half night I Cloudy. >, 2 5 Half night 2 Full night O Cloudy. 26 Full nigh? 2 Cloudy 2 Half night. ,i 2 7 Observations inte rmitted , 2 8 Full night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night. ,. 2 9 Full night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night. ,, 3 Full night 2 Cloudy 2 Full night. ,, 3' Mr Turner left Montreal for Canso. Mr Hollis left Waterville for Greenwich, arriving Sept. 2. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO- MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Greenwich. Number of 1 Exchanges.! Waterville. Number of Exchanges. Canso. Number of Exchanges. Montreal. Sept. 2 ProfessorM c Leod left Gr eenwich for Wate rville. >, 3 o Half night ,, 4 Half night 2 Cloudy Full night 5 Full night 2 Cloudy Cloudy 6 Half night 2 Half night Cloudy >, 7 Full night 2 Half night Full night ,, 8 Full night 2 Cloudy Full night 9 Cloudy 2 Cloudy Full night ,, ' Cloudy 2 Cloudy Half night ,, ii Observations inte rmitted Half night ,, >2 Full night o Cloudy o Half night ,, '3 Full night 2 Full night I Full night H Full night 2 Half night I Full night '5 Full night 2 Full night I Half night '6 Half night 2 Full night I Half night On April 24, May 8, August 27, and September 11, observations were intermitted by arrangement in order to rest the observers and their assistants. On May 13, 14, 15, and on September 12, the signals between Greenwich and Waterville failed owing to faults in the telegraph connections. II. OBSERVING STATIONS. Greenwich. The observations at Greenwich were made in the Transit Pavilion which is described on pp. 115, 116 of the section giving the account of the Paris- Greenwich longitude determination 1892. Waterville. At Waterville the pier for the transit-instrument was built in the grounds on the east front of the station of the Commercial Cable Company, its centre being 10 feet due south of the Ordnance Survey mark (see Plate VI.). The pier was of brick surmounted by a slate slab and stood on a concrete foundation (4 ft. cube), the foundation and pier both being carefully insulated from the floor of the observing hut. The hut was the one used by the English observers at Greenwich in the deter- minations of the Paris-Greenwich longitude 1888, and is described in the section relating to that work. It is shown in plan and section in Plate I. The chronograph was placed on a table in the position shown in that plan, but for purposes of signalling it was carried into the telegraph office. There was no clock in the hut at Waterville, OBSERVING STATIONS. 5 a chronometer being used for purposes of observation. The field of the transit- instrument was lighted by small electric lamps fed by a primary battery placed in the hut. In September the chronograph was permanently mounted in the Cable Office. Canso. At Hazel Hill, Canso, a wooden observing hut was built in the grounds of the Cable Station and supplied with electric light for illumination of the instru- ment from the lighting circuit. The centre of the pier was at a point which is defined by measuring 3 feet 4 inches along the N.E. wall of the new portion of the station from its north-west corner and then measuring 1,5 feet 6 inches at right angles to this wall as shown in the accompanying plan (Plate VII.). The chronograph was in the Cable Station. Montreal. At Montreal the transit-instrument was mounted in the Transit House in the grounds of the M c Gill University, which lies between the Arts Building and the Carlton Road, and about 200 feet due north of the Observatory. The pier used in August was 3 feet to the east of that used in May (see accompanying plan, Plate VII. ). III. INSTRUMENTS. The transit-instruments used were those designated B, C, D and E of the series of five transits referred to in the account of the Paris-Greenwich longitude 1888, p. 6. The modifications made in the instruments D and E, are described on p. 116 Paris- Greenwich longitude 1892. Transits B and C, which were used by the Canadian observers, were similarly modified except that in place of the buffer and spring, these were fitted with an additional ring screwing into the object-glass cell to hold the lenses firmly in their place. At Greenwich and Montreal the two stands with reversing apparatus described on page 116 were mounted and remained at these stations through- out the operations, the stand I being at Greenwich and II at Montreal. These stands have segmental bearings. At Waterville and. Canso, the cast-iron stands with V-shaped bearings used in the Parts-Greenwich longitude 1888 were used. The stand at Waterville was dismounted at the end of May for use in the determination of the Paris-Greenwich longitude and mounted again in August. The diagonal Bolmenberger eye-pieces were used throughout with transits D and E. A similar eye-piece was supplied for transit B and used in August and September. The four striding levels described on pp. 116 and 117 were used throughout the operations. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. IV. INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS. The explanation given in section IV. of the account of the Paris-Greenwich longitude 1892 refers equally to this work. The observations made for determination of the value of one revolution of the R. A. micrometer screws of transits D and E are there given. The value l r "' = 3 S 756 = 56"34 was used for both these instruments. The values of the Equatorial intervals of the vertical wires of transits D and E are given in the account above referred to. The values of the intervals for transit B were determined from transits of stars. The adopted values of the distances of each wire from the centre deduced from 200 star transits, the declination of the stars ranging from to + 80 are given in the following list, the wires being numbered in the order in which a star transits when the instrument is in the position with the micrometer head west : I. -14-08 VI. + 5-67 II. ll'2l VII. + 8-28 III. ~ 8'45 VIII. + 1 1-28 rv. - 5'S7 IX. + 13-95 V. O'OO The values of one revolution of the micrometer screw of the levels d and e and the values of one division of the scales are also given in the previous account. The value of one revolution of the screw of level b, was determined on 1892, April 6 and April 8, and from these determinations a mean value l rev ' =0"'885 was adopted. From deter- minations made on the same dates, a mean value for one division of the level 6= 1"'40 was adopted. V. CLOCKS. The clock used at Greenwich was the Sidereal Standard operating on the chrono- graph through a relay as described in previous sections. The clock used at Waterville was Dent 2016, which is one of those formerly used in the Transit of Venus Expedition (1874). This clock has a zinc and steel pendulum. An additional wheel with 31 teeth was inserted and contact springs fitted for registering on the chronograph. The even seconds were thereby registered on the tape, and also the first second of each minute in addition. This clock was set up in the Artificial Cable room on the premises of the Telegraph Company, where the range of temperature is very small. At Canso in April a break circuit-chronometer by Dent was used to make the time record on the chronograph. In May, August and September a clock by CLOCKS ; CHRONOGRAPHS ; ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS FOR SIGNALLING. 7 Howard & Co. of Boston was used. Both chronometer and clock were placed in the Artificial Cable room, the temperature of which did not vary more than 3 Fahrenheit, during the progress of the work. The clock used at Montreal was made by Ballou of Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., No. 102. It was placed throughout the work in a double-cased room in the base- ment of the Observatory, where the temperature was fairly constant, the range during the season being between 54 and 67 Fahrenheit. The greatest change between any two days did not exceed 4 Fahrenheit. In both the Howard and Ballou clocks the circuit was broken, at each second, by a wheel on the seconds arbor, the 59th second being, however, omitted to distinguish the minute. In the Dent chronometer all the seconds were recorded. VI. CHRONOGRAPHS. I The chronographs used with Transits D and E were those made by Hilger, which are described on p. 127 of the section relating to the Paris-Greenwich longitude 1892. The coils of the chronographs were made to form part of a galvanic circuit, which was completed either by the contact springs of the clock, by the tapping-piece, or by the receiving relay of the telegraph apparatus, as will be described later. The chronograph used with Transit B, made by Messrs Fauth of Washington, was of the form in which a paper-covered cylinder is rotated by wheelwork actuated by a weight and controlled by a double conical governor. The circumference of the barrel is about 60 c.m. Both the clock and the observation signals were recorded by the same pen on the chronograph by breaking a galvanic circuit. VIL ELECTEICAL CONNECTIONS FOR SIGNALLING. Greenwich was joined to Waterville by the Commercial Cable Company's line, consisting of 355 miles of land line between Greenwich and Holyhead (partly under- ground) ; 60 miles of cable between Holyhead and Howth, near Dublin, the cable being joined directly to the land line at its ends, and a repeater being placed in the line at Dublin ; and 270 miles of land line between Dublin and Waterville. Waterville was joined to Canso by a cable (the northern cable of the Commercial Cable Company) 2350 nautical miles in length. Montreal and Canso were connected by a continuous land line (the Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph Company's line) 860 miles in length, which, on account of the dry climate and its excellent condition, was worked without translating relays. 8 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Greenwich and Waterville. In April and May an ordinary differential set of duplex telegraph apparatus was set up at Greenwich, and connected with the Commercial Cable Company's system at Waterville, for the comparison of clocks. At Greenwich the receiving relay in the " bridge " of the duplex apparatus was connected with the local circuit used for recording star-transits, so that a signal was recorded on the chronograph when the relay was actuated. In order that the outgoing signal should actuate the relay and thus register itself, the duplex balance of the line was disturbed by a small amount. The incoming signal recorded itself in the usual way. At Waterville the arrangement for registering the outgoing signal differed slightly. Here, the instrument which transmitted the signal to the line, completed, by the same action, the local circuit of which the chronograph coils formed part. In August and September the signalling apparatus described on p. 127 of the section relating to the Paris-Greenwich longitude, 1892, was used at both stations, but owing to the length of the line it was found necessary to use a Morse double current key. At Waterville, therefore, the main line was joined to the terminal r (Plate V), and the terminal I joined to the Morse key used for the ordinary work of the Cable Company, while at Greenwich the main line was joined to I and the Morse key to r. The plugs were kept permanently in the holes marked " R," and the resistance in the rheostat was adjusted so that the deflection shown by the galvanometer was the same both in receiving and sending signals. The observations of transits both at Greenwich and Waterville were recorded directly on the chronographs without the intervention of the apparatus shown in Plate V. Waterville and Canso. The arrangements for finding the difference of the clocks at Waterville and Canso by means of the transmission of signals through a cable, were made by Messrs Wilmot and Dickenson, the Superintendents of the Commercial Cable Company's Stations at the two places respectively. The cable which was used for the purpose was that known as the "Northern," as before mentioned, and was worked duplex with the siphon recorder. This duplex working is accomplished by balancing an artificial cable (i.e., an apparatus in which all the electrical conditions of the actual cable are, as nearly as possible, reproduced locally at each end) against the real cable by means of a form of the Christie Bridge arrangement, it being in this case a condenser bridge consisting of two blocks of condensers of 80 microfarads each. The receiving instrument, the siphon recorder, is connected across the bridge system between the cable and the artificial line, in the position usually occupied by the ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS FOR SIGNALLING. 9 galvanometer when measuring with the Christie Bridge, and has a further block of condensers, called the " Receiving Condensers," connected in series with it for the purpose of producing the necessary curbing effect on the incoming signal, the number of microfarads in this being varied from time to time to suit working conditions. The arrangement is very sensitive, and whilst with a perfectly adjusted duplex balance no movement of the siphon is caused by the outgoing signals, a very small defect or variation in the artificial line, or any of the apparatus used in perfecting the adjustment of the balance, is sufficient to produce a disturbance of the balance and cause movements of the siphon due to the outgoing signals. It was a disturbance of this kind, produced at pleasure, that was used to give, for the purposes of the longitude, the record of the " sent" signals illustrated in the diagram below. For the clock beats, the contact springs of the clock were joined through a local battery and small condenser to the signal coil of the siphon recorder, acting as a derived circuit on the same, and by this means the line of ink dots left by the siphon was deflected sharply every two seconds by the clock. Sending Signals at Canso. Receiving Signals at Canso. Sending Signals at Waterville. Receiving Signals at Waterville. For the outgoing signals, beats were sent on the ordinary sending apparatus in use on the cable, the balance being disturbed by altering an adjustable resistance GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. b 10 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. at the beginning of the artificial line by about 0'5 of an ohm. Each outgoing signal was thus recorded on the tape of the sending station as well as on that at the receiving end, the first break from the straight zero line on the tape being read in each case. At Canso two siphons were used, one the cable siphon to receive the distant signals and record the sent signals, the other to record the clock-signals. The local siphon was moved by mechanical connection with an ordinary telegraph sounder, actuated by the clock. The "sent" signals were recorded on both local and cable siphons, the record on the cable siphon being obtained by disturbing the balance of the duplexed cable as explained above. The double record of the sent signals afforded a means of deter- mining the parallax of the siphons, but this was also measured from a number of simultaneous marks made by the siphons when the carriage carrying the tape was given a slight but sharp push sideways. The two measures gave results differing by from "'02 to 3 '04, showing a retardation to this extent in the cable siphon record for which an appropriate correction was applied to the readings. The diagram (p. 9} gives specimens of the signals recorded at the two stations. In all cases the first displacement of the siphon due to the incoming or outgoing current was taken as the signal, and it will be seen that this point is always easily identified, even if, as is the case in the last line of the diagram, the incoming signal coincided partially with a clock-beat. Canso and Montreal. The signalling apparatus before referred to (Plate V.) was used at both these stations in the manner described on pp. 127, 128 Paris-Greenwich longitude, 1892. VIII. to XIV. inclusive refer to the observations made by the Greenwich observers Mr Turner and Mr Hollis. Those made by Prof. M e Leod are given separately as supplied by him. VIII. METHODS OF OBSERVATION. The general methods of observation were similar to those adopted in the deter- mination of the Paris-Greenwich longitude in 1892. Section VII. on p. 128 of the account of that work, applies equally to the observations made with Transits D and E for this longitude determination. With Transit B, the observations of Polar Stars were usually made over the wires with the micrometer set at the adopted reading. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 11 IX. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. This error was determined by nadir observations and by observations of the same circumpolar star in reversed positions of the instrument. At Waterville it was also determined from observation of the mark (3110 yards distant). In the following tables are given all the results obtained for collimation. In column 1 is the date and the adopted reading for line of collimation at which the R.A. micrometer was left when not in use for nadir or circumpolar observations. Columns 2 and 3 give the name of the circumpolar star and the error of collimation of the middle wire deduced from observa- tions of that star in reversed positions of the instrument. Column 4, the error of collimation deduced from nadir observations. The next column gives the error found from observation of the mark (at Waterville), and the adopted collimation error is given in the last column. If the adopted collimation error in the last column be denoted by c, and x denote the diurnal aberration, viz : 0"'19 at Greenwich and Waterville, - 0"'22 at Canso and Montreal, then the whole collimation error applicable to observations in the position of instrument West is c + x, and in position East c + x. Transit D. Waterville. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. April 16 Bradley 1672... . 0-38 " O'l I 0'28 April 17 Bradley 1672 O'77 April 1 8 + o - o6 April 20 - 0-45 + O'l I 0-06 0-19 ^ i IS TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. Waterville continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. Piazzi IX. 37 + O'lQ /; " n // o - z8 April 22 ii r> 83O Bradley 3147 S.P Polaris S P - 0-23 + 0-4.6 - 0-51 O'OO + o'o6 + 0-14 O'26 0-40 April 23 n r '83O Bradley 31478.?.... Polaris S P . - I- 5 6 4- OM.7 + 0-06 - 'SS + o'o6 + 0-61 Aoril 2 c O'jLC u r -83o April 26 ii r -830 Bradley 2993 S.P. ... Bradley 3147 S.P. ... Polaris SP 0'12 - 2-84 O'7O - 1-18 O'OO w T5 - 0-68 I'22 - 0-59 + 0-63 Transit, D. Greenwich. 1 May 5 n r '73O 2 Ursee Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P 0-63 I'll + 0'34 O'62 - '97 + '34 + 1-31 May 6 ir-yoo Bradley 3147 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 2-96 VOl 0-23 - 2-31 Polaris S.P Z'CQ ( 2-08) >7 - 2-86 - 0-23 + 2-63 May 9 Bradley 1672 .. I "AC O'OO O'QO ii r '690 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P. 1 T> - 2-2 9 1-80 + O'28 - i '93 - 0-51 + i'4 2 On May 6, after the star observations, the telescope was thought to be not in focus, and an adjustment for focus was made. The second nadir observation of this night was made after this and has therefore not been used. On May 9, after the observations, the object-glass of Transit D was examined, and it was found that the lenses were not quite tight in the cell. This was remedied before the observations on May 10. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. IS Transit D. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. 1892. May 10 ii r -66o May ii May 12 Star. Bradley 1672 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. Polaris S.P... 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. Polaris S.P Bradley 1672. . 2 Ursse Minoris S.P , Polaris S.P... . Deduced Collimation (P). 0-68 IM I 1-38 1-06 0-87 0-09 0-48 + 0-08 - 0-68 - '39 Nadir Observation (N). + 0-06 - 0-23 0-09 + 0-17 0-17 O'OO + '39 + 0-51 + 0-4.5 Observation of Mark. N P. 0-97 + 0-48 + 078 Adopted Collimation Error. - 0- S 6 O-OO O-OO Transit D, Montreal. Aug. 17 n r -66o Aug. 1 8 ii r -66o Aug. 20 ii r -66o Aug. 22 i i r '66o V Ursse Minoris Groomb. 1119 S.P. 8 Ursse Minoris . . Cephei 51 S.P. . X Ursse Minoris. - '-'5 - 3'9 8 0-30 0-15 o-oo 0-06 - Q-73 0-96 - 0-68 - '79 - 1-63 - 1-07 - ''35 - 0-51 0-84. O'l 1 0-14. - '49 + 1-78 - 0-35 - 071 August 17, 1 8. It seems that a clamping bolt of the stand was missing on these nights. Observer's note Aug. 19 : "Tried to adjust in Azimuth, but found the missing bolt imperatively necessary. Must assume nothing done up to now." 14 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit D. Montreal continued. Date and Adopted Reading. 1892. Aug. 26 i i r -66o Aug. 28 u r -66o Aug. 29 n r- 66o Aug. 30 1 1 '660 Star. Cephei 51 S.P A Ursse Minoris.... Groomb. 1119 S.P. Deduced Collimation (P). Bradley 2701 Groombridge 3548 8 Ursae Minoris.. 2 '33 1-40 - 1-28 CT2O 0-88 Nadir Observation (N). I '01 O'o6 0-62 - 0-51 1-18 Observation of Mark. N P. '94 + 0-03 0-78 Adopted Collimation Error. - 071 Transit D. Canso. Sept. 3 n r -66o Sept. 4 i i r- 66o Sept. 6 i i r -66o Sept. 7 u r '66o Sept. 8 i i r- 66o Sept. 9 n r -66o A Ursa3 Minoris . A Ursse Minoris . Groomb. 1119 S.P. Groomb. 1119 S.P. . Groombridge 3548.. Cephei 51 S.P Groomb. 1119 S.P.... + 0-06 + 0-14 79 - 079 + o'6o 0-09 -\- 0-26 + 0-05 + o-o i + 0-03 o - o6 - '45 o - o6 0-28 - 0-17 - 0-68 - 0-68 - 0-68 - 0-68 - 0-68 Sept. 9. See last footnote on p. 24. O'20 + 0-62 - 071 0'2I ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 15 Transit D. Cansu continued. Date aud Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. Sept. 10 Cephei 51 S.P 0-18 " O'2I Sept. 1 1 S Ursae Minoris - '39 + O'l I + 0-50 Sept. 1 2 O'lQ i j r- 66o X Ursse Minoris O'?4- - 0'37 Sept. i? -f- o'o6 + O'?Q 4- O'3 Sept. 14. Cephei 518? -t- O'23 + o'o6 ii r -66o O'll + 0-23 0-03 0-26 Sept. 1 5 \ Ursse Minoris O'4Q O'2 Sept 1 6 Cephei 5 1 S.P. .. I'll) O'62 ii r -66o 0*62 - I-I 9 0-62 + 0-57 Transit E Greenwich. April 1 8 Polaris S.P 0-83 + '7Q - 0-68 I2 r '42O 0-83 + 0-79 + 1-62 April 19 I2 r '42O Bradley 3147 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 - 0'S7 - 1-65 o - o6 o-c6 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P 0-8 1 1-40 rn - 0-31 + o-So April 2 1 I2 r '42O 2 Ursse Minoris S.P.. Polaris S.P - 1-26 I'7O - 0-51 o-c6 - 1-07 - I- 4 8 ! - 0-71 + 077 16 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. April 22 I2 r '42O Bradley 3147 S. P.. . Bradley 1672 - i'53 2'OI 0-90 0*62 " " - 0-68 Polaris S.P I ' I - - o* c6 - 1-56 0-09 + i '47 April 23 I2 r> 420 0-28 0-06 - 0-17 April 25 I2 r '42O Bradley 3147 S.P. ... Bradley 1672 - 1-13 O"7d. - 0-23 O'J-C 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P ~ I'35 2-66 u T3 0-84 - i'47 - 0-5I + 0-96 April 26 I2 r- 42O Bradley 3147 S.P. ... Bradley 1672.... - -53 O' 1.1 + OM7 2 Ursae Minoris S.P.. Polaris S P. ... - 2-31 I * I 2 u jy - 0-23 - 1-03 - 0-15 + 0-88 April 27 I2 r '42O 2 TJrsse Minoris S.P.. - 0-80 + 0-06 . + 0-17 0-80 + O'I2 + 0-92 Transit E. Waterville. May 4 12 r '42O May 5 I2 r '42O Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 1672 2 Ursse Minoris S.P.. Polaris S.P. ... - i-55 + 0-04 1-09 0-56 - ''13 - 1-29 - ri8 - ''35 i - 6g - 0-84 u VJ - 0-88 - P20 - 0-32 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. Transit E. Waterville- continued. 17 Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N-P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. May 6 I 2 r *4-2O Bradley 3147 S.P Bradley 1672. 0'22 O'17 - 1-18 O'7? 0*56 " 0-84 Polaris S.P I'4 - 0-68 0-96 0-28 Mav 7 Bradley 1672 O'OQ I"?? I2 r '42O 2 Ursee Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P + 0'2O O - 7I I'OI 0-20 - 1-18 0-98 May 9 I 2 r *12O 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. . Polaris S.P 0-08 CrCA - 73 I 'O7 0-56 - 0-31 0-90 - '59 . May 1 1 Polaris S.P -f- O'62 + O'2? + 0-28 O'3Q + O'34 May 13 Groomb. 750 S.P + 0-77 0'84 - 1-61 May 14 I2 r '42O May 15 I2 r '42O Groomb. 750 S.P + 0-33 + 0-23 + 1-18 + 0-90 + O'l I + '33 + o'7 ' + 0-38 May 1 6 I2 r '42O + i-35 Aug. 15 i3 r- 45 Aug. 1 6 i3 r '45 X Ursee Minoris Groombridge 3548 ... - i-35 - i'5' I -01 0-96 - 1-29 - 0-28 1-40 - i'43 1-09 + 0'34 Aug. 17 i 3^450 - Q-45 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 18 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Waterville /-ontinued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. Auf 1 8 Cephei 51 SP 1-81 I -07 " P4.O I3 r '4.CO A. Ursae Minoris 0-4.7 1-24. 75 Draconis (+ i - =;q) I'OI - 1-14 i-ii + 0-03 Auer IQ Bradley 200,3.., O'Q2 IM 3 '3 r '45 - 1-41 0-92 - 1-27 - o'35 Aug. 21 13^-450 Aug. 22 I3 r '45 - ,.58 1-69 1-80 1-64 Aug. 23 '3 r '45 2-03 - '-35 - 2-25 - 1-69 Aug. 24. A. Ursss Minoris I '4.2 - i-c8 I '4.1 1 3 T3 U Aug. 25 i3 r -45 Bradley 1672 S.P. ... - r 5 6 - 1-91 - 175 - I- 5 6 - 1-83 0-27 Aug. 28 I3 r '45 Aug. 29 '3 r '45 - 2-14 2-48 2-03 - 1-86 - 2-31 Aug. 30 '3 r -45 -' 1-86 The determination by 75 Draconis on Aug. 18 depends partly on a transit of 4 taps only at some distance from the meridian. It has not been used in the adoption. ERROR OP COLLIMATION. 19 Transit E. Greenwich. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. Sept. 3 I3 r '45 Sept. 4. Bradley 314.7 . 2-80 - 2-70 2'2 - 2'93 I3 r -j.i:o Bradley 1672 S.P. ... -86 * %* 2-48 - 3-38 - 2 '45 + 0-93 Sept. 5 Bradley 2701 4- O 73 O'J.C I3 r '5oo Groombridge 3548 ... Bradley 2093 - 2-38 o'o6 + 0*39 X - 0-57 0-06 + 0-51 Sept. 6 Bradley 3 14.7 .. 1-18 -j- o'o6 I3 r -coo 2 Ursse Minoris 074 4- o-c6 ro6 + 0-31 + ''37 Sept. 7 I3 r -coo Groombridge 3548 ... Bradley 2993 - '-03 O'2A + 0-06 + O* 3Q Bradley 3 14.7 .. I4.3 - O-gO + 0-23 + 1-13 Sept. 8 Bradley 2701 I'13 + OM I Il r -COO Bradley 200? .. O'2 s + O'28 Bradley 3 1 47 'Q7 + O'4.C 0-92 + 0-28 + 1-20 Sept. 12 i3 r '5o Bradley 2701 Bradley 2993 + 0-38 - 1-67 O'OO 0-56 0^65 0-28 + 0'37 Sept. 13 Bradley 200? .. I '23 O'4C I3 r- 5oo Bradley 3147 2 Ursac Minoris O'63 I '4.C o-oo no - 0-23 + 0-87 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E. Greenwich continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Deduced Collimation (P). Nadir Observation (N). Observation of Mark. N P. Adopted Collimation Error. 1892. Sept 14 Bradley 2701 O'34 + O'l 1 '/ " 0-42 i3 r '5Oo Groombridge 3548... Bradley 3 14.7 .. - 179 O.2O - o'39 078 0-09 + '6g Sept. 15 I ?'''COO Groombridge 3548... Bradley 2093 . . + 0'2I I '43 - 0-28 O'CI Bradley 1672 S. P.... - 0-66 OM I 0-63 0-30 + 0-30 Sept i 6 \ Ursse Minoris O'4C O'4f I ? r 'COO Bradley 2993 .. o - ^6 O'l 1 0-41 - 0-28 + 0-13 X. LEVEL ERROR The Level Error was determined several times during each set of observations by the striding level, and generally at the beginning and end of each evening by the nadir observation. In the latter the pivots were assumed sensibly equal (see p. 126), and the simple difference of the readings of the R.A. micrometer for coincidence of the middle wire in reversed positions of the instrument was considered to be twice the error of level. The difference between the level error as found from nadir observations and with the striding level is shown in the following table ; column 2 is found by taking the mean ( ir~) of the level errors determined by the striding level in positions West and East, and subtracting this mean from the mean (N) of the errors determined by nadir observation on the same evening. In default of any explanation of these discordances it has seemed advisable to adopt a weighted mean of the errors as found by the nadir observations and by the striding level. To each nadir observation a weight of 2 has been assigned ; to each ERROR OF LEVEL. observation by striding level a weight of 1, and the mean with these weights has generally been adopted as the level error for the whole of the evening. Date. W + E Date. *-! f + E 2 z Transit D. Transit E. Transit D. Transit E. Waterville Greemoich Montreal Waterville April 1 8 ... + 075 Aug. 1 6 ... - 0-16 '9 ... + 0-41 18 + 0-72 + 0-15 21 ... + 0-42 '9 ... + O'lO 22 0-58 + 0-38 20 + '39 23 - '55 + '95 22 + 0-18 0-23 25 0-38 23 - 0-66 26 0-82 + 0-38 24 0-19 25 0-17 28 0-65 Greemvich Waterville 2 9 ''54 - '99 30 + 0-14 May 5 - 0-25 - '33 6 . - 1-70 + o-oi 7 + 0-46 Canso Greenwich 9 0-05 o-oo 10 + 0-12 Sept. 4 - 0-51 + 075 1 1 + '94 + 0-19 5 - 0-55 12 , + I "00 6 ... 0^46 13 + 0-19 7 0-61 + 0-05 "5 - 0-43 8 - 0-23 + 0-24 9 0^05 ... 12 0-48 + 0-23 '3 (+ 1-20) 0'12 '4 - '34 + 0-05 '5 + 0-27 + 0-14 16 o-o i TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. -WATERVILLE Transit D. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. \V. E. WatervUle. GreemtrieJi. 1892. li in " " " 1892. li in " " " if Apr. 1 6 12 4 + 3-18 + 3'33 May 5 12 25 + '34 12 28 + 3'47 12 34 + I- 33 13 o + 2-57 13 25 + 2-41 Apr. 17 II 27 + 6-12 + 6-12 13 4 + i'43 + 178 14 o + 1-58 H 45 + 2-76 Apr. 1 8 13 4 + 5-89 + 5-89 14 50 + 1-66 15 12 + 2-u Apr. 22 9 3 + 10-56 May 6 I I - 2-03 10 10 + 12-51 1 1 30 - 0-18 10 10 + 10-29 + 10-66 ii 35 + 0-20 10 26 + 10-07 ii 50 + 0-03 10 45 + 9-87 12 O + ! '54 + 0-40 12 25 O'I2 10 50 + 2-II 12 40 + 2-03 II 48 + 175 13 3 + 275 12 30 ;+ 1*50 + i'59 13 35 + 0-64 14 o + 1-29 13 4 + I -01 Apr. 23 IO OO 10 40 + 3-6 3 + 2-94 May 9 1 1 50 ii 55 12 1-96 2-26 i -oi I I O 1 1 50 12 20 + 3-92 + 2-48 + 2-91 12 15 12 40 12 4; I -80 - 0-86 13 o 13 10 + 275 + 1-91 13 4 13 10 - 1-17 - 1-86 13 20 - 0-53 Apr. 25 IO O 10 10 + 3-53 + 3-82 + 3-68 13 4 14 o 14 10 - 1-23 2-11 - 2-6 7 Apr. 2 6 IO + 4-61 May i o 1 1 40 - I' 9 l 10 26 + 3-68 1 1 50 - i '47 10 33 4* 3 '46 12 2*04 ii 3 + 2-35 12 15 1-20 " 33 + 4'3^ + 3 '42 12 35 0-40 - 0'93 ii 48 + 3-48 13 o 0-62 12 58 + 3-48 13 10 \ 0-70 13 2O + 2-70 13 20 (- 1-80) 14 27 + 3'34 13 35 0-46 13 4 + 0-25 The level of the instrument was altered on April zo and again on April 22 d io h 46. May 9. The two nadir determinations at end of evening have been given a weight of i eaoh. May 10. The determination at i3 b zo m depends on a doubtful reading, and lias not been used in forming the Adopted Error. ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit D continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Montreal continued. 1892. h 111 " n n " 1892. li in " >< " " May 1 1 12 20 - 172 Aug. 20 20 - 2-97 12 25 2-45 20 25 - 3-38 12 35 2-06 20 30 4-61 - 3 >6 7 12 45 2-33 20 55 2-89 13 o - 1-63 - 178 21 3-92 13 10 - 3-17 13 25 2-16 13 45 - 1-13 Aug. 22 '7 45 - 372 14 o - '59 i7 55 - 4'39 18 10 - 3'66 1 8 zo - 3^5 May 1 2 12 - 2-45 18 25 - 4-24 - 4'<>9 12 I, - 3-23 19 o 3-91 12 20 - 2-94 >9 5 - 4-85 I 2 35 2-86 19 40 - 4-I5 12 40 - 2-67 - 2-07 19 50 - 4^5 13 o 1-40 13 10 - 2-36 13 3 - 1-62 Aug. 23 18 20 - 4-21 13 3 - '39 18 25 - 3'97 1 8 40 - 472 4'z6 18 50 - 4"'7 Montreal. 18 55 - 377 Aug. 17 IO I I - 5-04 Aug. 26 20 10 - 4'39 19 40 + 8-14 20 45 - 5 '44 - 472 20 - 1-33 I '20 20 50 - 4-66 21 - 1-13 Aug. 1 8 18 30 1-62 Aug. 28 18 25 18 40 - 4'S 1 - 4' 6 7 1 8 40 - 274 18 50 - 4'7 18 45 2-40 '9 5 - 4-66 4-60 19 o - 1-29 19 20 - 3-87 19 15 - 176 - 1-62 I 9 50 - 5-18 20 o - 1-47 2O JO - ''47 f 21 - i '07 Aug. 29 20 2O - 3M-9 20 35 - 3-82 Aug. 20 '8 35 - 573 20 45 21 - 3-82 - 5'4 - 4-32 1 8 40 - 6-13 - 5'93 21 15 - 4-41 21 20 - 3-87 19 50 - 4-56 . The level of the instrument was altered on August iy d iq h . The instrument was moved in Azimuth August zo d 19!". 84 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit D continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Montreal continued. Canso continued. 1892. h m " " " " 1892. h m " " " Aug. 30 18 5 * Q 1 1", - 4'95 Sept. 8 14 o - 2-85 I o I O 441 '9 45 2-08 18 6 + 5-67 20 10 (~t~ 25) ~~ 3'5 2 18 10 + 5*56 20 20 - 3'66 I 8 20 + 6-04 2O 30 - 4'4 2 18 25 + 6-31 2O 40 - 2-19 18 30 + 6-15 21 - 3-15 1 8 40 + 5'43 20 + 6-19 20 5 + 5-88 + 6-26 Canso. 20 30 + 6-87 21 10 + 6-14 21 15 + 7'3 Sept. 3 '9 3' + 6-43 21 40 + 7'2I 19 40 + 7'62 + 7' 21 45 + 57 2 19 45 + 6-95 22 + 6-87 Sept. 4 18 36 + 4-86 Sept. 9 14 o - 3'6o 19 12 + 5'5 8 + 5' 22 18 20 + 4'4' 20 + 4'39 18 25 H- 4'95 20 33 + 4''9 + 4'3 ! '9 5 + 5'8i 20 44 + 4'4^ 19 10 + 5 '47 19 50 + 5'9 '9 55 + 4'5 + 5'9 Sept. 6 23 6 + 0-17 + 0-17 2O 22 + 5' 2 6 20 25 (+8-22) 20 50 + 5'20 Sept. 7 14 o 0-05 21 3 + 5' 12 14 10 - 0-25 18 o + 4' 18 3 + 4'9 Sept. 10 18 20 + 3' 2 7 19 o + 3'9 2 18 30 + 2 '47 19 5 + 479 18 36 + 3 -06 + 3-40 19 50 + 575 + 5'21 18 49 + 3-85 '9 55 + 6-97 18 55 + 4'34 20 + 6-21 20 50 + 573 20 55 + 5 "49 Sept. 1 1 18 o + 3'89 21 + 5'38 18 7 + 2-86 + 3 -I 4 18 18 + 2-90 The determination of level by stridiug level on August 30* zo h io m has not been used. On September 8* 20 54 + 670 '9 3 T 3^9 + 4'i 21 2O + 5'38 '9 5 + 5'io 21 25 + 6-34 19 42 + 5-47 21 30 + 577 20 + 473 Sept. 1 6 18 30 + 9' 10 Sept. 14 16 35 + o'3 1 8 36 + 9''7 17 10 + 1-67 19 o + io'H + 9'44 17 15 + '34 19 10 + 9'3 6 17 25 + 1-27 A 19 15 + 9'43 18 10 -+ 1-88 19 20 070 18 18 + i'79 2125 + 0-64 + ''3 '9 3 + 3'!' 21 30 + 1-26 Transit E. Greenwich. Greeniirich continued. I April 1 8 13 20 + 0-58 April 21 II + '59 13 40 + 2-45 + 2-07 12 O + '94 14 o + 2-81 12 5 + 0-90 April 19 u 15 + 3-I9 12 40 12 55 + 0^69 + '94 + i -08 ii 20 4~ 3 ' 5 14 2 -f- i '07 ii 46 + 4' IZ H 3 + 0-64 12 15 + 3'4 + 1 ' 1 1 14 40 + 2-31 12 40 + 1-56 3 33 13 o + 3'44 April 22 10 15 I'02 H 5 + 374 10 30 0-60 I 4 15 + 3'8o II IO + i'53 1 1 30 + 0-03 The level of the instrument was altered on September 16* ig h 15. GREENWICH .OBSERVATIONS, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich con ti nued . Waterville continued. 1892. h m " ' : 1892. h m " * " " April 22 12 10 + I'I3 May 5 II 25 + 3-98 12 40 + 0-84 + I'2I " 55 + 4'39 13 10 + 2-28 12 IO + 4'n + 4'3 14 2O + 0-36 '3 5 + 4^4 '4 3 + I'75 '3 35 + 4'85 April 23 10 40 + 0-17 1 1 40 + 0-40 May 6 I I 10 + 4'3 1 1 40 1 1 40 + 1-51 + 0-71 + 0-91 n 50 12 IO + 3'i6 + 3-8o + 3'59 12 5 + 2- 3 I 12 40 + 377 12 -40 0-30 13 4 + 3-27 April 25 10 40 ii 35 + 2-91 + 2-14 May 7 I I 10 II 3O + 6-08 ii 50 12 10 + 2-23 -f- 2'62 J 12 40 + 4-62 + 4'88 12 40 13 7 + ''99 + 2-04 + 2- 5 I '3 45 13 5 + 4-28 + 4'H 13 4 + 3'58 14 8 + 2^2 f May 9 10 40 + 574 12 IO + 6-02 April 26 I I + IMS 12 40 + 57' + 5' 8 4 1 1 50 + 0-60 13 15 + 5'8i 12 O + 0-68 14 50 + 5'94 12 IO + i'4i 12 40 + 1-64 i T + I-52 '3 7 + 0-84 May 1 1 1 3 10 0-82 13 4 + 2 '40 '4 5 - '"94 T r r 14 o + 270 15 40 - ''49 55 15 40 - ''99 April 27 12 IO + 1-24 3 45 '4 55 + 1-36 + 1-69 May 13 16 30 - 0-88 15 2 + 2-14 '7 35 18 5 - 2-05 - 1-24 I 8 20 - 1-07 Watfi-rville. May 15 15 3 - ri6 May 4 12 50 + 4-05 + 4'5 15 50 - 1-30 16 30 i -02 0-76 17 15 0-69 May 5 I I + 4')7 17 25 O'OO The level of the instrument was altered between May 9 and ii. ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit K continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopter) Level Error. W. E. W. E. Waierville contin ued . Watervitte continued . 1892. h m " - " 1892. h in " " " Aug. 15 16 o - 1-92 Aug. 22 21 15 - 2-61 2-84 22 3O - 2-39 22 35 - 2-93 Aug. 1 6 18 15 2'go 22 40 - 2-42 18 21 - 3-24 '9 5 - 3-09 19 10 - 3-51 Aug. 24 18 o + I- 95 19 20 - 3-30 18 15 + 1-52 '9 35 - 3'33 18 30 + i '43 19 50 2-70 19 ii + 0-8 1 -L i -]2 '9 55 - 2-84 - 3'37 19 20 + 0-89 l i j t. 21 15 - 3'8o 19 40 + 1-13 21 30 - 373 19 50 + 0-93 21 40 3-18 21 40 + 0-48 22 10 - 3'86 22 30 4-18 22 50 - 2-88 Aug. 25 18 10 - 0-37 23 10 - 3-69 18 30 + 0-54 18 33 - 0-17 20 18 0-36 Aug. 1 8 18 o + '45 20 35 + 0-59 i 18 10 + 0-23 21 41 + 0-63 18 15 0^42 22 7 - 0-23 O'26 18 36 O'I2 23 o roi 18 35 + 0-30 23 10 - 0-57 19 15 19 30 + 0-82 + OM2 + 0-25 23 32 5 - '49 0-89 20 25 O'OO 10 - 0-23 21 50 + 0-12 O 22 - 0-45 22 I 5 + 0-69 22 25 + 0-26 22 40 + '37 Aug. 29 18 o - 2-93 18 10 - 2-88 21 8 2'10 Aug. 19 13 20 + I '24 21 41 - J'44 - 2-61 17 40 + O'l I 21 47 - 1-50 18 10 - 1-23 23 45 - 2-19 18 15 - 075 0-31 O 2 - 374 18 55 + 0-23 22 10 0-84 Greenwich. 22 3O 22 40 - '39 - 0-87 0-89 22 50 - 1-18 Sept. 3 20 40 0-84 Aug. 22 2O O - 2-85 Sept. 4 20 30 + 0-93 20 10 - 3-71 21 55 - 079 Aug. 18. The observations of Nadir at i8 h o m and i8 h io m have been given each weight unity only. Transit E was moved in Azimuth on August 17 and 23. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. -\VATERVILLE Transit E continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Greenwich continued. 1892. h lu " ft " 1892. h m ft " " Sept. 4 22 30 + 0-13 Sept. 8 18 57 - 1-04 22 30 I '02 19 5 2 '43 23 40 + 0-03 0-04 19 10 - 2-85 23 50 0-27 19 15 1-04 o 15 + 0-03 20 2 0-16 20 0-46 20 39 + 0-86 o 30 + 0-03 2O 52 i -oi 2 I 22 - 0-88 22 9 + 0-67 + 0-32 Sept. 5 1 8 49 i-io 22 14 + 0-92 18 55 i -45 22 34 + 1-32 .'9 57 + 74 23 15 + 0-98 20 5 + i'35 23 18 + 177 20 24 + 84 ' 23 50 + ''53 20 56 21 I 5 f '43 f 0-33 + 0-57 o 5 o 15 + 2-12 + 2-31 21 43 + 0-87 21 47 + 0-89 22 32 + ''7 Sept. i 2 19 15 2'I I 22 50 + I'02 19 21 - 2-98 23 4 + I-56 9 58 - 2- 54 2316 + 1-52 20 24 2'IO 21 10 I'l I 21 48 J-gl - i-Si Sept. 6 22 15 22 30 - 1-63 22 28 22 34 - 2M3 2MO 22 50 + 0'ic 23 16 2-22 22 55 + 0-67 5 o 20 - 172 - ri8 23 15 + 0-91 + '47 10 + 078 o 25 I I 10 + 0-68 + 2-31 + 2-03 Sept. 13 22 22 15 + 0-03 O'l I 22 30 - 0-03 22 40 - OM5 Sept. 7 20 35 - 1-29 22 55 20 42 0'20 23 '5 + 0-27 + '34 21 I 5 ~ 1-25 23 4 + 99 21 26 - '54 2 3 50 + 0-82 21 43 - '33 o 45 + 075 22 15 22 31 - '99 - 0-35 0-65 55 i 5 + 0-64 + '59 22 51 1-33 23 20 0-42 23 40 0-21 Sept. 14 19 36 - 0-48 23 49 I'02 19 56 - 071 O 2 + 0-06 20 I - 1-26 i Sept. 8. The determinations by Nadir at i8 b 57 and i9 h 15'" have each been given the weight i. ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit K continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W. E. W. E Greenwich continued. Greenwich continued . 1892. h m " " " 1892. h m // " " Sept. 14 20 25 - 0-52 Sept. 15 22 15 - 1-05 0-80 20 28 + o'43 22 30 0-72 20 55 21 43 + 0-62 + 0-62 + 0-30 23 20 o 5 - 0'43 + 0-15 22 27 + 0-26 o 30 + 0-08 22 50 + 0'12 23 36 + 1-23 + i'7 Sept. 1 6 19 17 - 0-96 o 16 + 1-32 19 23 - i-45 19 44 - '74 20 5 - 1-26 Sept. 15 '9 45 - 1-58 20 51 0-19 - 0-31 21 8 - ''59 21 23 + 0-38 21 15 o'6o 22 5 4- '39 21 45 - 1-23 22 l6 + 0-39 21 50 - i-'S o 54 + roi XL AZIMUTH ERROR. The deviation of the instrument was determined by observation of one or more of the following Polar Stars. The first column contains the name of the star taken from the Greenwich Catalogues. The second gives the Ephemeris, either the Connais- Star's Name. 2 't- 0> n W Approxi- mate N.P.D. Mean R.A. 1892-0 given in Ephemeris. Adopted Correction 10 R.A. Star's Name. Ephemeris. Approxi- mate N.P.D. Mean E.A. 1892-0 given in Ephemeris. Adopted Correction to R.A. 2 Ursaj Minoris . . . Polaris L. C.T. C.T. C.T. C.T. L. C.T. C.T. 4 "9 i 16 4 44 2 47 i 3 8 12 i 42 ii 52 h m s 054 3-22 I 19 16-84 4 247-96 64947-3I 749 4'59 921 39'32 12 14 19-59 1547 5 5 '9 - 0-52 + 0-82 0-26 - 1-30 + 3-93 + '39 + 2-17 0*62 S Ursa; Minoris A Ursae Minoris.... Bradley 2701 C.T. C.T. L. C.T. L. C.T. / 3 23 I 2 8 56 8 57 3 25 4 26 4 '9 3 7 h m a 18 7 9-20 19 31 24-00 2033 37^5 203459-91 21 zi 6-44 22 21 50-65 22 22 I5'92 232749-63 8 0*63 + 0-30 + 0'37 0-46 -j- 0-2O - 0-3I Groombridge 750.. Cephei 51 75 Draconis Groombridge 1119. Piazzi IX 37 Groombridge 3548. Bradley 2993. Bradley 1672 Bradley 2997 Ursae Minoris Bradley 3 1 47 30 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. sance des Temps (C.T.) or M. Lcewy's Ephemeris (L.), in which the star appears. In the next two columns are given the approximate N.P.D. and the mean R.A. for 1892'0 as given in the Ephemeris. The fifth column contains corrections to this mean R.A., deduced from the places given in the Greenwich Five Year Catalogue, 1890. In the cases of 75 Draconis and Bradley 2997 the apparent R.A. for the day has been deduced from the Greenwich Ten Year Catalogue, 1890, and the mean places given in columns 3 and 4 are computed from the last-mentioned Catalogue. The observations of transits have been reduced to show clock error by the formula R.A. = Observed Time + c sec. S + n tan 3 + m + Clock Slow, S being the declina- tion of the star, c the whole collimation as defined on page 11, n the deviation of the line of collimation from the meridian when the instrument is set at the altitude of the pole, m the deviation when it is set on the equator. The following table exhibits the computation of the quantity n. The second column contains the name of one of the Polar Stars mentioned in the foregoing list, followed in O O ' the next line by that of a star of large N.P.D. observed generally in the same position of the instrument as the Polar Star and not long before or after. Column 3 gives the position of the instrument in which they were observed. Column 4 shows the seconds of difference between the R.A. for the day, with the above corrections applied and the observed time on middle wire corrected by application of the quantity c sec 8. No correction for difference of personal equation in observing Polar and Clock Stars (see p. 45) but a correction for clock rate, found from a provisional reduction, has been applied to the difference in the second line when the interval between the transits made this appreciable. The next column shows the tangent of the declination of each star. Subtracting the lower of each pair of lines from the upper in columns 4 and 5, the quotient of the difference in column 4 by that in column 5 gives the value of n found in column 6. The simple mean of all such values found on any night has generally been adopted for reduction of the whole night's observations, and is 'given in the last column. AZIMUTH ERROR. 31 Transit D Values of n. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. 1 Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 26 Piazzi IX 37 Wate E W w W w w E E E E W W W w w w E W E E E E W W W w w w E W W W rville. S + lO'OO + 6-92 + 10-44 + 6-92 + 1-53 + 7-23 + 1-14 + 7' 20 - 2'53 + 6-04 - 2-66 + 6-32 + 20-58 + 6-33 -24-63 + 6-40 20-17 + 6-40 + 6-16 + S-Si + 0'35 + 8-89 + 3-30 + 878 + 1-03 -t- 8-90 -18-61 + 8-86 14-06 + 8-86 + 12-16 + 15-80 S + 6-94 0'22 + 6-94 0-22 -13-23 + 0-25 -12-89 + 0-30 -I718 - 0-25 -17-38 + 0-07 + 3371 + 0-16 -45-16 + 0-16 -45-16 + 0-16 12-89 + 0'12 -I7-3 + 0-14 -17-38 + 0-07 -I3-23 + 0-07 -45-I6 0-05 -45-16 0-05 12-89 + O'12 s + 0-430 + 0-492 + 0-423 + '459 + 0-500 + 0-515 + 0-425 + 0-685 + 0-586 + 0-204 + 0-487 + 0-3I4 + 0-592 + 0-609 + 0-508 + 0-280 s +0-451 1892. Apr. 26 May 5 May 6 Watei Bradley 2993 S.P.. 50 Leonis ville- E E E E W W w w w w E E Greet W W E E E E W W W E E E W W E E W W -continu 8 + I2-46 + '5'95 + 6-78 + 15-88 + 12-72 + 15-77 + 9' 28 + 15-68 - 1-03 + 15-86 - 3-55 + '5'79 iwich. + 3873 + 43 -2 4 + 3871 + 42-99 + 24-90 + 42-81 + 29-10 +43-06 + 37-58 + 42-96 + 36-08 + 42-98 + 56-33 + 43-20 + 59-53 + 42-76 + 37-58 + 43-50 ed. 8 -12-89 + 0-30 -I7-38 + 0-14 -I7'38 + 0-15 -I3-23 0-05 -45-16 0-09 -45-16 0-09 -13-22 + 0-06 -13-22 0-09 -45-I3 0-18 -45 -I 3 o-oo -17-38 + 0-13 -17-38 + 0-27 +33-73 + 0-04 + 3373 0-14 13-22 + 0-81 s + 0-265 +0-519 +0-174 +0-486 + 0-375 + 0-429 +0-340 +0-326 + 0-398 + 0-309 + 0-307 + 0-391 +0-390 + 0-495 + 0-422 + 0-361 + 0-343 + 0-435 v' 2 Hydr . Piazzi IX. 37 Bradley 3147 S.P.. X Leonis v 2 Hydra; Bradley 2997 S.P. 34 Leonis Bradley 31478.?.. 10 Virginis 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . 48 Virginis Polaris S.P Bradley 2993 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. 8 Crateris & Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P. b Virginia. . +0-542 +0-452 Polaris S.P ... . w. Vir^inis Bradley 1 672 2 Ursae Min. S.P... 37 Vir^inis o Virginis Polaris S.P o Virginia Polaris S P. ... 2 Ursee Min. S.P. . Virginis. o Virginia Bradley 2993 S.P.. Polaris S.P Bradley 3147 S.P.. X Leonis 5 8 Virginis Polaris S.P Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P.. 3 c Virsinis Bradley 3147 S.P.. v Vir"inis 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . Bradley 3147 S.P.. ft I/eonis Bradley 1672 48 Virginis Polaris S P i o Virginis 48 Virginis Bradley 2993 S.P.. 43 Leonis B.A.C. 4201 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . a Canum Ven TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit D Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular K.A. Observec Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. May 6 May 9 May 10 May n Ore&r Polaris S.P. . .. mich- W w E W W W w w w E E E E W W E E W W W w E E E E W W E E contim 8 + 20-48 + 43-5 + I874 + 43 '9 + 41-92 + 43-92 + 39'45 + 44-10 +44-41 + 43-93 + 4i'95 + 43-8o + 37-3I + 43-66 + 44-36 +43-82 + 36-08 + 44-24 + 35-62 + 44-39 +46-41 + 44-35 +45-44 + 44'3 + 44">3 + 44' 2 5 + 49-01 +44-30 + 47-18 + 44-44 ed. s -45-12 + 0-81 -45-12 + i-5' + 33-74 + 0-16 + 3374 0-29 I 3'22 O-O2 13-22 O-Og -45-12 0-32 -45-12 + '75 + 3373 + 0-16 + 3373 0-16 13-22 0-02 -13-22 o'og -45-12 0-32 -45-12 O'lO -13-22 + 0-81 s + 0-501 + 0-540 0-o6o -0-137 0-036 + 0-141 + 0-142 O'O12 -0-243 -0-25 9 0-156 0-087 + 0-003 OMO5 -0-195 s + 0-006 0-141 1892. May 1 1 May 12 Aug. 17 Aug. 1 8 Gr 2 UrsseMin. S.P... 4.8 Vir J 7 4- 0-36 -13-23 + 0-06 -13-23 0-09 -4-5-I7 0-19 -45-I7 O'OO -17-38 + 0-39 8 + 0-50 5 + 0-484 + 0-6,3 + 0-648 + o 672 +0-534 +0-592 +0-591 + 0-672 +0-583 -0-047 O'l 10 -0-054 +0-077 O'lOI 8 + 0-495 +0-618 -0-034 1892. Apr. 22 6m Bradley 3 147 S.P. . B Leonis nwicl W W W W E E E E W W E E E E E E W W W W W E E E E W W W W E E i continued m s + 0-44'99 + 0.41-25 + o. 34-76 + 0.41-25 -j- o. 40-76 + o. 40-87 + o. 40-61 + o. 40-96 + 0.43-62 + 0.41-09 + o. 40-83 + 0.41-16 + 0.41-39 + 0.41-17 + o. 40-85 + o. 35-07 + o. 41-51 + o. 36-13 + 0.41-52 + o. 50-38 + 0.41-38 + o. 50-66 + 0.41-19 + o. 36-47 + o. 41-86 + o. 37-66 + 0.41-48 + 0.28-74 + 0.41-61 + o. 1679 + 0.41-34 8 -I7-38 + 0-27 + 3371 + 0-16 + 33-7I 0-16 -13-23 O-O2 -45-I6 0-08 -45-16 O'OO + '-39 + 0-16 + O'll -I7-38 - 0-32 -17-38 + 0-13 + 3372 0-40 + 3372 0-90 -13-23 + i-5i -I3-23 0-09 -45-16 + 0-54 -45-16 0-19 E O'2I2 -0-193 0-OO3 + 0-O27 0-056 + O-OO7 + 0'I 10 +0-377 + 0-308 + 0-266 +0-275 + 0-366 + 0-291 +0-282 +0-546 8 0-076 + 0'l 10 f o 339 Apr. 23 Apr. 25 Polaris S.P Bradley 1672 o Virginis Bradley 1672 .... Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P. . q Virginis 2 Ursse Min. S.P... yi Virginis Bradley 31478.?.. R Virginis Polaris S.P Bradley 1672 65 Virginis o Virginis Polaris S P .. . Bradley 1672. Virginis '. gsCorvi y Ursse Majoris... o Virginis 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . e Ursse Majoris 2 Ursse Min. S.P... 1 1 Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P. Crateris Polaris S P 6 5 Virginia Bradley 31478.?. v Virginis Polaris S P . . Arc turns Bradley 1672 c Corvi 2 Ursae Min. S.P... 37 Virsinis Bradley 1 67 z /Virginis 2 Ursse Min. S.P... Virginis . 2 Urs Min. S.P... e Ursse Majoris .... 2 Ursse Min. S.P.. Virginis . . . . Polaris S.P Spica Polaris S.P Polaris S P Bradley 3147 S.P. S Leonis R Com.ce Polaris S.P Spica . AZIMUTH ERROR. 37 Transit K Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. Apr. 26 Apr. 27 May 5 Ore Bradley 3 1 4.7 S.P.. enwic E W w W w w E E E E W W W W E E E W W vv w w w w w w w E E K E h coiitinuec m s + o. 37-52 + 0.41-36 + o. 37-19 + 0.41-36 4- o. 54-30 -\- o. 41-18 + o. 50-64 + o. 40-98 + 0.32-85 + 0.41-07 4- 0.3574 + 0.41-24 + o. 22-00 4- 0.41-51 4- o. 19-35 + o. 41-66 4- o. 36-83 + 0.41-58 + o. 37-04 4- o. 42-04 + o. 20-84 + 0.41-58 + o. 43-16 + o. 41-22 iterville. + o. 40-13 4- o. 36-03 + o. 38-50 4- o. 36-19 4- o. 34-59 4- o. 36-14 I. a -17-38 + 0-16 -17-38 + 0-16 4-3372 + O'l I + 3372 0-09 -I3'*3 + 0-07 -13-23 0-09 -45-16 0-19 -45-16 + 0-75 -13-23 4- 0-25 -13-23 4- rig -45-15 4- 0-25 + 3-63 0-28 -I7-38 + 0-06 -17-38 + 0-27 4-3373 4- 0-04 1 + 0-219 + 0-238 + 0-392 + 0-287 + 0-618 + 0-418 4-0-434 + 0-486 4-0-352 + 0-347 + 0-457 +0-496 -0-235 o-i 32 0-046 + 0-387 + 0-413 1892. May 5 May 6 May 7 Wat Bradley 1672 ervill W W w w E E E E W W E E W W W w E E E E W W W W W w E E E E 3 continued m 8 + 0.38-53 + o. 36-28 + 0.38-50 + o. 36-24 + o. 38-07 + o. 36-20 + o. 42-68 + o. 36-12 + 0.43-20 + o. 36-33 + o. 44-01 + o. 3876 + 0.42-56 + 0.38-73 + o. 28-09 + o. 38-50 + o. 25-96 + o. 38-28 + - 49-99 + 0.38-57 + 0.53-64 + o. 38-69 + o. 44-64 + 0.41-60 + o. 31-06 + 0.41-39 + o. 27-69 + 0.41-44 + 0.46-37 + o. 41-28 g + 33-73 O-O2 -I3-22 + 0-06 13-22 + "54 -45-I3 0-18 -45'>3 o-io -17-38 + 0-06 -17-38 + 0-27 + 3373 + O'l I + 3373 0-16 -45-12 + 0-43 -45'i3 + 0-75 -17-38 + 0-04 + 33-73 + 0-11 + 33'73 - 0-42 -13-22 0-05 8 + O-067 O-I7O 0-I36 0-146 -0-153 0-3OI O-2I7 O-31O -0-364 0-25I 0-326 -0-175 -0-307 -0-403 0-386 a 0-II9 -0-295 0-308 y 1 Virginis Bradley 31478.?.. Virginis 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . 37 Virginis Bradley 1672 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . R Comae Bradley 1672 Polaris S.P 5 8 Virginia . . 2 Ursse Min. S.P. . Polaris S.P ... V Virginis 2 Ursa; Min. S.P... 6 Virginia Bradley 3147 S.P. 83 Leonis Polaris S P Bradley 3147 S.P.. R Leonis Polaris S P 25 Canum Ven. ... 2 Ursa Min. S.P... / Bootis Bradley 1672 1 1 Virginis Bradley 1672 2 Ursse Min. S.P... i) Ursae Majoris Polaris S.P q Virginis Polaris S.P 23 Comas Polaris S.P Bootis . y3 Ursoe Minoris ... a 2 Librae 25 Canum Ven Bradley 3147 S.P.. 8 Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P.. 83 Leonis Bradley 1672 1 1 Virginis Bradley 3147 S.P. ft Leonis Bradley 1672 ft Corvi Bradley 1672 .. .. I o Virg inis 2 Ursse Min. S.P... 88 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. May 7 May 9 May 1 1 May 13 May 1 5 Wa 2 Ursse Min. S.P.. /3 Comse tervil W W W W E E W W E E E E W W W E E E W W E E W W W W E E le continue) m a + a-44'5 1 + 0.41-31 + 0.55-90 + 0.41-36 + o. 5670 + 0.41-52 * + o. 52-02 + o. 46-07 + 0.53-38 + 0.46-43 + I- 8-95 + o. 46-78 + i. 5' 88 + 0.46-86 + I- 7'2 + o. 49-80 + i. 8-75 4- 0. 49-80 + o. 58-50 + o. 53'5 + 0.59-19 + . 54-94 + o. 58-07 + i. 0-17 + ' 4-23 + I. O-2O + i. 4 - zi + i. o-n i. 8 13-22 + 0-54 -45"'3 + o-54 -45-13 o-io 13-22 + 1-51 -13-22 + o'54 -45-12 - 0-08 -45-12 O'OO -45-12 + 1-19 -45-13 + 1-19 12-09 + 4-75 12-09 0-06 + 4-75 + 0-12 I2-O9 + 0'08 I2-O9 0-06 8 -0-233 0-3I8 -0-337 O-404 -0-505 -0-492 O-422 -0-374 O-4O9 -0-297 -0-353 -0-454 -0'33' -0-341 a -0-456 -0-392 -0-325 0-360 1892. Aug. 1 6 Aug. 1 8 Wa Cephei 51 S.P 29 Sagittarii tervil E E E E W W W W W W E E W W E W W W E E E E W W W W W W E E le continue m s + I. 2-17 + 0.46-81 + o. 3-85 + 0.46-33 + o. 4-21 + o. 46-62 + I. 27-09 + o. 46-65 + - 34-52 + 0.47-07 + o- 34'74 + o. 46-86 + o. 37-15 + o. 46-99 0. O'OO + o. 273 + o. 1-69 + o. 2-96 -f o. 0-60 + o. 2-71 + o. 4-26 + o. 2-96 + o. 11-19 + o. 3-10 + b. 0-50 + o. 3-01 + o. 4-21 + o. 3-34 + o. 1-63 + o. 2-73 i. s -20-55 - 0-37 +55-79 + 0-53 + 55-79 + 0-15 -54-69 + 0-15 + 16-80 - 0-33 + 16-80 + 0-03 + 12-89 o-oi + 16-91 o'i c 8 0-761 -0769 0-762 -0737 -0-733 -0'723 -0763 o- 1 60 + 0-063 + 0-104 + 0-024 + 0-145 + o -046 +0-141 (-0-179) a -0-750 + -073 Polaris S.P A Ursae Minoris fli Cveni /3 Comse Polaris S.P X Ursse Minoris a AnuilcG V Virginia 2 Ursse Min. S.P... c Ursae Majoris 2 Ursa; Min. S.P... Groomb. 1119 S.P. a Aquilse Groombridge 3548. 30 Capricorni Polaris S.P Groombridge 3548. d Aquarii Polaris S P Bradley 2993 77 Aquarii Polaris S.P 8 Ursse Minoris r] Ursae Majoris..... Polaris S.P Cephei 51 S.P -20-55 - 0-37 -20-55 - 0-35 + 5579 + 0-53 + 55-79 + 0-18 -54-69 + O'OI + 6-352 + 0-193 + 6-352 + 0-215 r] Ursee Majoris Groomb. 750 S.P... Ursse Minoris Groomb. 750 S.P.. 8 Ophiuchi Cephei 51 S.P d Sagittarii X Ursse Minoris /3 1 Cytmi . . , X Ursse Mn oris. . . . y Aquilse Ursse Minoris a Serpentis Groomb. 1119 S.P. n Aquila; Groomb. 7508.?... 75 Draconis Groomb. 750 S.P.. S Ophiuchi e Delphini 75 Draconis .. On May 15, the determination from Ursse Minoris has been used with weight = $. The instrument was moved in Azimuth on Aug. 17. Aug. 18, the observation of 75 Draconis (E) consisted of 4 bisections only ; it has not been used in forming the mean. AZIMUTH ERROR. 39 Transit E Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular K.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n n Apparent. Adopted. 1 Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent n Adopted. 1892. Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Wt Bradley 2007 . itervi E E W W W W W W E E W W E W W W W W E E E E E E E E W W 'le continue m s + o. 3-03 + o. 3-16 + o. 075 + o- 5"33 + o. 10-07 + o. 5-38 + 0. 0'02 + o. 5-82 o. 0-80 + o. 5-63 + o- 5'37 + O. I2'I I + o. 17-68 + o. 15-31 -f- O. I2'I2 + o- I5-54 + o- zi'45 + o. 15-68 + o. 21-65 + o. 15-46 + 0.17-77 + o- 1773 + o. 17-26 + o. 17-96 + o. 17-71 + o. 18-09 + o. 16-47 + o. 1 8-06 d. 8 + 13-25 + 0-18 + 16-91 + 0-80 -20-55 + 0-80 + 12-89 0-03 + 12-89 + 0'57 + 6-352 + 0-165 + 16-91 - 0-15 -20-54 + 0-27 + 55-82 + 0'53 + 55-82 + 0-18 + 6-364 - 0-193 + 16-82 + 0-03 + 12-89 + 0-46 + 12-89 + 0-52 s O'OIO 0-284 O'22O -0-449 0-522 1-089 + 0-139 + 0-164 + O-IO4 + 0'I I I + 0-006 0-042 0-031 0-129 0-252 1892. Aug. 25 Wi Bradley 1672 S.P.. itervi W W E W G- W W W W w" W E E E E W E W W w w w w E E E E E E 'le continue m s + o. 20-99 + o. 18-33 + o. 20-30 + o. 18-34 f eenwich. + o. 8-93 + o. 13-94 + o. 9-68 + o. 13-94 + o. 9-94 + o. 14-01 + o. 9-19 + o. 14-17 + o. 18-40 + o. 14-04 +- o. 21-26 + o. 14-04 + o. 26-16 + o. 14-71 - o. 3-03 + o. 14-71 + o. i 3-08 + o. 14-98 + O. I 2 "08 + o. 14-51 + o. 12-26 + o. 14-51 + o. 12-29 + o- i4'5 z d. 8 -33-67 + '54 -33-67 + '54 + 16-79 + 0-18 + 12-90 + 0-18 + 17-41 - 0-18 + i7'4' + 0-04 -33'65 + 0-26 -33'6? + 0-26 -20-54 + 0-31 + 55-84 + 0-31 4- 6-364 - 0-328 + 6-364 + 0-524 "I- 6-35' + 0-524 + 16-79 - 0-33 . B : 0-078 [ i : -o-o57 0-302 -o-335 0-231 -0-287 0-129 -0-213 -0-549 -0-319 0-284 0-416 0-386 0-130 ' s 0-150 0-316 Pegasi 8 Ursae Minoris... a Lyrse Bradley 1672 S.P.. a Andromedse Groombridge 3548. t Pegasi Cephei 51 S.P. ... a Lyrae. Bradlev 2003 -0-486 1-089 + 0-130 -0-055 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Bradley 2993 Bradley 2993. t Peeasi Bradley 3 1 47 ii 8 Aquarii Pegasi Bradley 3147 8 Ursae Minoris .... i Aquilae 22 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P.. v Pegasi Cephei 51 S.P e Aquilae Bradley 1672 S.P. v Peaasi... X Ursae Minoris . . . 8 l Cysni . Cephei 5 1 S P . A. Ursae Minoris . . . y Aquilae B Saeittse... X Ursse Minons 3 Sagittse Bradley 2701 Delphini Groombridge 3548. d Aquarii Bradley 2701 3 2 Vulpeculae : 75 Draconis Bradley 2993 i Pegasi Bradley 2001 .. Groombridge 3548. 30 Capricorni p Pegasi Observation of the mark on Aug. 23 showed that the instrument had moved in Azimuth as shown by the observation on Aug. 22. In the afternoon of Aug. 23 it was adjusted in Azimuth. 40 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit E- Values of r continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Positiou. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 On Groombridge 3548. f Caprice rni enwic W w W w E E E E E E W W W W w w E W E E W W W W E E E E W W h continue m a + o. 7-89 + o. 14^98 + o. 1270 + o. 14-88 + 0. 12-09 + o. 14-28 + o. 8-82 + o. 15-04 + 0.^10-30 + o. 14-91 + o. 8-06 + o. 15-31 + o. 20-78 + o. 15-26 + o. 11-85 + o. 15^24 + o. 12-40 + o. 15-24 + - 9'94 + o. 15-18 + o. 8-57 + o. 15-69 + o. 11-57 + o- iS-SS + o. 11-27 + o. 15-24 + o. 10-74 + o. 15-07 + o. 8-38 + - >5'47 i. a -16-79 0-36 + 12-90 0-30 + 12-90 + 0-57 + 12-90 o-oi + 17-41 + 0-42 + 17-41 0-06 -33-65 O'lO + 13-23 0-03 + 13-23 '3 + 1679 - o"33 + '679 - 0-35 + 12-90 - 0-25 + 12-90 O'OI + 17-41 + 0-05 + 17-41 + 0-04 B -0-4I3 O-l65 -0-I78 O-482 O-27I -0- 4 I4 0-l65 O-256 O-2I4 0-3O6 -O^IS O-3OI O-3O8 -0-249 O^OS s 0-300 -0-331 1892. Sept. 8 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Gn Bradley 2701 tenwii E E W W w w E E E E W W W w w w E E E E W W W W E E W W W W h continue m B + o. 13-64 + o. 15-58 + o. 12-68 + o. 15-88 + o. 13-05 + o. 15-84 + o. 12-77 + o. 15-73 + o. 13-75 + o. 15-51 + o. 12-48 + o. 15-89 + I. 9-19 + o. 17-27 + o. 12-08 + o. 17-40 + o. 11-39 + o. 16-85 + o. 8 13 + o. 17-06 + o. 5-96 + o. 17-23 + o. 277 + o. 17-25 + o. 10-51 + o. 17-19 + o. 9-11 + o- 17-54 + o. 7-91 + o. 17-43 i. 8 + 6-364 + 0-193 + 6-364 + 0-171 12-90 + o-io + 1 2-90 o-oi + '7'4 ! + 0-05 + 17-41 O-I2 -54-60 + 0-I5 + 6-364 - 0-057 + 6-364 0-2I5 -(-I2-90 0'03 + 12-90 + 0-05 + I7-42 + 0-04 + 12-90 - 0-25 + 12-90 O'OI + 17-42 + O'OI -0-314 -0-517 -0-218 0-230 O'lOI -0-195 0-948 0-829 -0-888 0-691 -0-877 -0-833 0-508 -0-653 -0-547 0-263 0-844 e Delphini . . Bradlev 2003 .. Bradley 2701 8 Capricorn! y Equulei Bradley 2993 n Pesasi. . . Bradley 2093 Pec'asi Bradlev 200? .. Bradley 2993 w Aouarii Bradley 3 147 w Aouarii . y Piscium Bradley 3 '47 v Pecasi... Bradlev 3 14.7 .. 30 Piscium Groomb. 11 19 S.P. a Anuilft: Bradley 16728.?.. B. A. C. 17 2 Ursse Minoris.... 20 Ceti Bradley 2701. 69 Aquilae Bradley 2701 . .. 2 Ursae Minoris 20 Ceti Groombridge 3 5 48 . 30 Capricorni Bradley 2993 .... y Aquarii Bradlpy 2993 .. .. Groombridge 3548. K Capricorni y Piscium Bradley 3147 22 Piscium Bradley 2003... Bradley 2993 j.c Aauarii .. Bradley 2993 ij Aquarii Bradley 3147 y Piscium Bradley 2993 Bradley 3147 2 2 Piscium Bradley 3147 AZIMUTH ERROR. Transit E Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. 1 Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1892. Sept. 13 Sept. 14. Ore Bradley 3147 enwic E E E E E E W E W W W W E E E E E E W W W W W W E E h continue m H + o. 8-40 + o. 17-13 + o. 26-96 + o. 16-97 + o. 13-18 + o. 17-03 + o. 11-35 -1- o. 17-03 + o. 53-44 + o. 17-83 -r o. 14-50 + o. 1773 + o. 14-43 + o. 17-32 + o. 13-48 + o. 17-53 + o. 11-32 + o. '7*37 + o. 8-34 + o. 17*74 + o. 12-38 + o. 17-60 + o. 10-59 + o. I7*4 J + o. 10-07 + o. 17-12 1. | + 17-42 + 0-09 -33-64 0-07 + 13-23 + 0"I2 + I3-23 + O'I2 -54-60 0'O2 + 6-364 ~ 0-057 + 6-364 + 0-215 + 6-351 0-165 + I6-80 - 0-31 + 16-80 - 0'35 + I2-90 - 0-25 + 17+2 + 0-16 + 17-42 + 0-05 s -0-504 0-298 -0-294 -0-434 -0-653 -0-503 -0-470 0-622 -0-354 -0-554 -'397 -'395 0-406 -0-463 0-484 1892. Sept. 15 Sept. 1 6 Grt Groombridge 3548. y Equulei enwic W W E E E E W W W W E W E W W W W W W W W W W W E W h continuec m g + o. 9-20 + o. 17-68 + o. 7-79 + o. 17-70 + o. 12-36 + - I7-55 + o. 10-60 + o. 17-94 + o. 30-88 + o. 17-89 + o. 2979 + o. 17-89 o. 18-24 + o. 18-63 - o. 18-48 + o. 18-63 + o. 53-36 + o. 18-09 + o. 14-13 + o. 18-27 + o. 14-41 + o. 17-95 + o. 13-01 + o. 17-90 + o. 12-92 + o. 17-90 1. 8 + 16-80 + 0-17 + 16-80 0-36 + 12-90 - 0-15 + 12-90 O'OI -33-63 O'l 1 -33-63 o-ii + 55-88 0-36 + 55-88 0-36 -5+59 + O-20 + 6-364 O'27O + 6-364 0-165 + 12-90 0-02 + 12-90 O'O2 8 O'5IO -0-578 -0-398 -0-569 0-388 -0*355 0-656 0-660 -0-644 0-624 -0-542 -0-379 0-386 8 0-466 -0-556 i Piscium Bradley 16728.?.. 13 Ceti Groombridge 3548. Capricorni 2 Ursoe Minoris ... 8 Piscium Bradlev 2003 Aquarii 2 Ursae Minoris ... 8 Piscium Bradlev 2005 rj Aquarii Groomb. 1119 S.P. 6 Aquilae Bradley 16728.?.. 3 3 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P. 3 3 Piscium Bradley 2701 69 Aquilse A. Ursse Minoris f Sagittarii Bradley 2701 1 5 Delphini 75 Draconis X Ursse JMinoris / Sagittarii /n Aquarii ... Groombridge 3548. t Capricorn! Groomb. 1 1 19 S.P. a Aquilse Groombridge 3548. K Capricorni Bradley 2701 . . y3 2 Capricorni Bradlev 2003 75 I)raconis r 2 Aquarii fjL Aquarii Bradley 3 147 Bradlev 20,03 .. 58 Pegasi a Aquarii Bradlev 3 14.7 .. Bradley 2993 a Aquarii i GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 4% TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Values of the Instrumental Constants Z, m, and n. In the following tables the values of I (the level-error) converted into seconds of time, the values of n and the deduced values of TO are collected. The values of m are derived from the adopted values of I (the level-error) and n by the formula, m =(l n sin X) sec. X where X is the latitude. The adopted values for X are : Latitude of Greenwich, 51 28' 38". ,, Waterville, 51 50' o". Canso, 45 17' o". Montreal, 45 30' 17". Transit D. Date. Sidereal Time. l n m Date. Sidereal Time. l n m Waterville. Montreal continued. 1892. A pril 2 2 h m h m a 9 20 IO 21 + 071 1 1021 13201-)- o'io6 s i + o-45i + "54* a +0-58 -0-52 1892. Aug. 20 h m h 111 18 2818 50 1930-2044 | - 0'395 - ' 2 4S 8 + 4-28O + OHI3 8 -4^2 -077 23 10 10 13 20 f O'I93 + 0-452 0-26 22 17 4819 50 0-273 + 0-799 1-20 26 10 12 14 4.0 + 0-228 + 0-361 0-09 23 18 1419 12 - 0-284 + 0-673 I '09 Greenwich. 26 20 10 20 42 - 0-315 + 0-4l6 -0-87 28 18 28 19 50 0-307 + 0^22 -I'37 May 5 12 2015 IO + O-Iig + Q'343 0-24 2 9 20 I I 21 21 - 0-288 + 0-885 -I-3I 6 9 1 1 25 1 3 20 II 52-1343 + 0-027 - 0-I05 + '435 -f- 0-006 0-50 -o-i 8 30 17 57-2054 - 0-235 + O-giS -1-27 10 1 1 20 i 3 32 - O-O63 ; 0-141 + 0-08 Canso. 1 1 12 2013 43 0-119 0-224 + 0-09 Sept. 3 1910194! + O'467 + 2-359-I-72 12 12 31318 - 0-I38 - 0-340 + O-2I 4 18 32 19 44 ' + 0-348 19 48 20 44 + 0-287 + 2-443 + 0791 1-96 -0'39 Montreal. 7 '7 53~ 20 4 6 + '347 + 0-866 0-38 Aug. 1 7 20 420 44 0-080 - 4750 + 472 8 17 56 21 38 + 0-417 + 0-829 0-24 18 18 28 20 46 o'io8 - 4-198 + 4'I2 9 18 5 21 3 + 0-339 + 0-908 0-43 LEVEL ERROR. Transit D continued. Date. Sidereal Time. I n m Date. Sidereal Time. I n m Canto continued . Canso continued . 1892. Sept. i o h m h m 18 5 19 30 8 til + 0-227 + 0-770 0-46 1892. Sept. 14 h in h m a 17 25 20 37 + 0-197 8 + 0-890 i 0-62 1 1 17 50 i 8 20 + 0-209 + '8o8 0-52 '5 18 30 19 50 + 0-273 + 0-980 o'6o 12 13 17 50 19 30 l8 48 21 20 + 0-337 + 0-939 -0-47 + 0-305 + 0-957 -0-53 16 18 28 19 12 + 0-629 19 40 21 17 + 0-009 -f- I'2OO + 0-866 -0-32 -0-86 Transit E. Greenwich. - Waterville. Apr. 1 8 13 1713 38 + 0-138 + '495 o 40 Aug. 1 6 18 3122 58 O"225 - 0-750 + 0-59 19 10 13 14 10 -f- 0-222 + 0-618 0-42 18 18 7 2238 + 0-017 + 0-073 0-07 21 22 23 25 26 II 38-H37 10 56 14 17 II 48 12 38 II 2613 36 II 21-1343 + O-O72 + 0'08 1 + o'o6i + 0-167 + O'lOI 0-076 + O'HO + 0-339 + 0-387 0-16 + O'22 0-04 o'i6 -0-32 22 2 4 25 1 8 7 1849 22 22 49 20 10 21 39 1 8 61946 18 33 o 14 O'O2I - 0-059 0-189 - 0-075 O-OI7 0-252 0-486 1-089 + 0-130 - 0-055 + 0-29 + 0-52 + 1-08 0-29 + 0-04 27 1253-15 o + 0-113 + 0-413 -o'34 Greenwich. Sept. 4 21 21 O 14 O-OO3 0-250 + 0-31 Waterville. 5 1849-23 5 + 0-038 0-316 +0-46 6 22 21 055 + O'O3I 0-300 + '43 May 5 11 3-1335 + 0-287 0-119 + 0-62 7 20 58 o o - 0-043 - 0-331 + 0-35 6 1054-1342 + 0-239 - 0-295 + 0-76 8 '935- 3 + O"O2I - 0-263 + 0-36 7 II 26 13 42 + 0-325 0-308 + 0-91 12 19 26 23 58 O'I2I - 0-844 + 0-87 9 II 53-H44 + 0-389 - 0-456 + I-2I '3 22 4- 055 + 0-023 - 0-463 +0-62 ii 13 17-1529 0-103 - 0-392 + o-33 '4 1948 o o + O'O2O 0-484 +0-64 13 '547-1757 0-083 - 0-325 + 0-28 '5 20 49 014 - 0-053 0-466 + '5 15 15 3817 20 0-051 0-360 + 0-38 16 19 31 22 22 O'O2I - 0-556 + 0-67 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREKNWICH- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. -WATERVILLE XII. -CATALOGUE OF STABS. The following stars were selected for observation during the period of longitude work. The fourth column contains the Tabular Mean R.A. for 1892'0 given in the Connaissance des Temps (C.T.), M. Loewy's Catalogue (L.), or the Berliner Jahrbuch (B.J.), as shown in column 2. Column 6 contains corrections to these Right Ascensions found by comparison of the Ephemeris, with the Catalogue given in the last column. These corrections have been applied to the Apparent places of the ephemerides in calculating the final clock error. Name of Star. Ephemeris. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, iSgz'o. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Greenwich Catalogue. 4 Ceti L. 7'o h m s O. 2. I2-O6 o / 3. 9 a + 0-04 Ten Year, 1880. a Andromeda? . CT Z'l o 2. 48-20 + 28. 30 + - o6 Five Year, 1890. B Cassiopeisc B J 2"! O t,. 24'QO -h 58. 33 B.A.C 17 L. C-Q o. 4. 47' 1 1 c. ci 0-05 Ten Year, 1890. V Pecrasi CT. z-8 o 7. 4O"?7 + H- IS + 0'05 Five Year, 1 890. 13 Ceti C.T. 5-5 O. 2O. 4T2I 4. II + 0-09 Ten Year, 1890. Cassiopeise B.J. 4-0 o. 30. <;7'28 + 53- l8 0-05 Ten Year, 1880. 15 Ceti L. 67 o. 32. 33'i i f 1.6 0'02 Ten Year, 1 890. S Andromedse B.J. V3 o. 33. 33-18 + 30. 16 O-06 Ten Year, 1880. a Cassiopeiee ft Ceti C.T. C.T. '3 Z'2 o. 34. 2275 O. 38. Q'QQ + 55-57 18.35 0-04 + 0-09 Five Year, 1890. Five Year, 1890. 2 1 Cassiopeia^ . . B J 6-0 O. 38 3I'2C + 74. 24 o-oi Ten Year, 1880. 5 8 Piscium L. 5 '6 o. 4.1. 23-31 + H. 23 + 0-08 Ten Year, 1880. Andromedss B J. 4*1 o. 41. 36-70 + 23- 41 + 0'02 Ten Year, 1880. S Piscium C.T. 4-8 0.43. 4'66 + 7. o + O'OI Five Year, 1890. v Andromedse C.T. 4'5 o. 4.3. : 1-23 + 40. 2 9 + 0-08 Ten Year, 1880. 20 Ceti L. 5'O o. 47. 20-18 i. 44 + 0'06 Five Year, 1890. y Cassiopeia? C.T. 2-3 o. 50. 11-32 + 60. 8 + 01 I Ten Year, 1880. 77 Piscium L. 6-0 . o. 13-84 + 4. 20 0-08 Ten Year, 1880. [ji Cassiopeise C.T. ?'1 J . i. 5'io + 54. 23 O-O4 Ten Year, 1880. [3 Andromedse T Piscium C.T. L. 2'2 4'C 3-4'99 . 5. 42-60 + 35- 3 + 20. 31 + o - o6 + o-oi Five Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1880. v Piscium B.J. 4'I . 13. 31-78 + 26. 42 rj Piscium C.T. VI 2C. 42"I4 + 14. 47 + O'02 Ten Year, 1880. 40 Cassiopeise . . . B J. 5-6 2Q. C?'^'? + 72. 20 + O'OQ Ten Yean, 1880. 43 Cassiopeia^ B.J. 6-0 ^4. 2O'64 ' * + 67. 30 O-I4 Ten Year, 1880. Persei B.J. 4'O . 1.6. C^-47 + ?O. Q o Piscium C.T. 4'4 . -;Q. 41-41 + 8. 37 o"o6 Five Year. 1 8qo. 1 Ceti B.J. 3-0 . 46. 7-74 10. 52 0-03 Five Year, 1 890. f Piscium B.J. 4'O . 47. 57-84 + 2. 30 50 Cassiopeise B.J. 4'O . C4. 13'co + 71- 54 0-09 Ten Year, 1880. y Andromeda) B.J. 2 -4 . e7. i6'i6 + 4-1- 49 0-05 Five Year, 1890. a Arietis CT. 2'I 2. I 5"O2 + 22. 57 + 0-03 Five Year, 1890. P Trianguli B.J. vo 2. 3. 7'O3 + 34- 20 + O'4 Ten Year, 1880. 67 Ceti C.T. c-6 2 I I. 3C'7O - 6. 55 + 0-04 Five Year, 1800. 2 Ceti C.T 4/e 2 22. 24,'QI 4- 7. CO + O'O2 Five Year, 1 890. 36 H. Cassiopeise B.J. i 5-6 2.27.46-31 + 72- 21 - 0-31 Ten Year, 1880. CATALOGUE OF STARS. Name of Star. Ephemeris. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, iSgz'o. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Greenwich Catalogue. v Arietis B.J. T6 h m B 2. 32 4O'q8 / + 21. 3O i O'OO Ten Year, 1880. 8 Ceti B.J. 4' 2. 33. ;6'8o - o. 8 + 0-04 Five Year, 1890. 47 PI Cephei B J. 6-0 2 ?! J.4'68 + 78. qq O'l C Ten Year, 1880. a Ceti C.T. 2-6 2. c6. 37'q6 + 3. 4 o-oo Ten Year, 1880. fi Persei C.T. 2'3 T. I. 8'4O + 40. 32 + O"O7 Ten Year, 1880. u 2 Hydrce C.T. 47 q. 5q. 52'oo 12.32 o'oq Ten Year, 1 890. n Leonis B.J. 3*3 " 3V J 10. i. 2677 + 17. i? O'ot; Ten Year, 1880. Re^Tiltis C.T. 1*3 IO. 2 37'iq + 12. 3O + O'OI Five Year, 1890. 34 Leonis L. 6-0 10. c. 49-62 4- 13. 53 + o'io Ten Year, 1890. X Urs93 Majoris B.J V, 3 ^ v IO IO 74'QQ + -U 27 O'OC Ten Year, 1880 yi Leonis C.T. 2'5 10. 14. 1-03 + 2 - 2 3 4- o'oe Five Year, 1890. A 2 Leonis L. 6-2 10 16 i'8i + 1 1. 3i + O'O4 Ten Year, 1890. 43 Leonis L. 6-7 IO 17 2 I'32 + 7. 1 O'O2 Ten Year 1880. 50 Leonis 6-0 10. 33. 6'q3 > + 16.41 O'OI Ten Year, 1880. 34 Sextantis L. 7'o 10. 37. 2'8z + 4. 8 4- 0-03 Five Year, 1890. 37 Sextantis C.T. 6 '4- 10. 40. 28^28 + 6 ' 57 O'OI Ten Year, 1880. 1 Leonis C.T. 5*3 IO. 43. 347Q + 11.7 4- O'O2 Five Year, 1890. ft Ursse Majoris. C.T. 2 '4 10. ;c. 10*48 + 56. ;8 O'i7 Ten Year, 1880. a Ursse Majoris C.T. 2'O IO. C7. ^'74 + 62. 20 O'lO Five Year, 1 890. Y Leonis C.T. 4'8 IO ?Q 26'7^ + 7. I? -I- O'OI Five Year 1 890 I *O + O-OC X Bootis B J J.'O 14 12 i6'6? ly. 93 + i6 ^ C _1_ O'OI Ten Year 1880 X "Virginia CT. T 4.'7 14. 1 3 1C 'Q4. 4 U< 3j 12 C2 o*ot Ten Year 1880 2 Librae L 6-0 HI 7. ^6*8 J. II I 3 -|_ 0*06 Ten Year 1880 Bootis B.J r8 14 21 ^I '2O + C2 21 106 Virginia L 6-0 I j_ 22 CQ'8 C 6. 2C + 0*04. Ten Year 1880 p Bootis CT v6 + 7O C I y Bootis B J 2*Q 3 U - !> * 4. -18 4.7 -j O'O2 Ten Year 1880 Bootis C.T. * 7 V8 H2C CQ',12 -4- I J. 12 + O"O2 Ten Year 1880 IT Bootis(ist star) /j. Virginia B.J. L 4'3 A'O 14. 35. 39-00 + 16.53 C Q + 0-05 O'O2 Ten Year, 1880. Ten Year 1880 5 Libra? L 6-0 V 7 I C O + O'OC Ten Year i 890 109 Virginia BJ r6 i^. ^u. u ^vy 1 V M + 2 21 Ten Year 1880 a 1 Librae CT 5 -7 Ten Year 1880 a 2 Libra C.T / 2*O . q.^.. ^.z uy 1 3- 33 1C l6 + O'O^ Groombridge 2164.... * Libra B.J. C T * 7 5-8 t-6 TT JT *T 14. 48. 41*90 + 59-44 - in cS /? UrssB Minoris .. C T 5 14. 50. 5 4 41 (8 Bootis CT. 2 '7 HC 7 C 2'6 C /4- 3 U f O'O I Five Year 1800 \fr Bootis C T 4-6 " >/ p* **3 4^. 4^ _|_ o*O2 B.A.C 4084... L J 6*O * DV- 4V uu i 1 Librae L c*o 1 3- 3' 33 '4 i c 6 ?'8o *3 - 34 + O'O C 8 Bootis CT. 5- P ic ii H *oc Ten Year 1880 P Librae B J 3 3 2'O > y^ ic ii ii '68 33- 43 8 CQ i H. Ursae Minoris... /j. Bootis B..J. B J 5*3 v8 15. 13.23-89 o. 5^ + 67.45 + 77 ^ r + 0-04 -I- O'OI Ten Year, 1880. Ten Year 1880 /3 Coronas B J. 2-8 i >. *^ -^4 ^/ i/- "t) Ten Year 1880 y Librae L zy. 29 J_ O'OC Ten Year 1880 v 1 Bootis.... B J a Coronee C.T 5 2 '3 1 !> */ 3 uz 1530 6*88 41. i i + 27 C a Serpentis CT 2*7 i c 38 c^-8-2 */ 3 -1- 6 ^6 ft Serpentis I! J. 16 / * 1 5- 3- i u 3 1C J_I 12'IA + | r ^A + o*oc Ten Year i 880 K Serpentis B J J."O i y 4.1. i i i^. i ;,. /^u 4- l8^Q Ten Year 1880 ft, Serpentis .... B J T w 3*2 1 b- 43- S* / * ic ,1 1 c 8'n8 4 6 Ten Year 1880 e Serpentis B J J 32 1 5* 43- 3 y J' u 4- ^ A 8 Ursae Minoris C T 5 4/6 1 5. 45. 25 09 T 4- 4 4- 78 8 Five Year 1800 f Coronae B J T 4*O 1 ->" T/' -)-> 7 U Ten Year 1880 ft 1 Scorpii C T w 1 3- !>3- 95 TPTI VPIIT ififio 6 Draconis B.J ? ?'O 1 5- 5V- 9 4 1C CO C 2 'OC J 9- 33 4- c8 ci - - O'l 7 Ten Year 1880 S Ophiuchi C T 2'8 1 > !>V i* u i I i- i 1 U 1 / cr^ Coronae . C T 3- Z 5 4-^1 8 f Ophiuchi B J 3 + 34- 8 A 26 o 14 0*08 TAII Vpjir iSSn 19 Ursae Minoris IQ Scorpii... B.J. L j 5-8 6'o 16. 13. 54-26 4- 20 + 76. 9 -|- O'l I Ten Year, 1880. Ten Year 1800 T Herculis B J 3*2 Z 3- 55 4- xfi 5^ Tpn Vpar I SSo y Herculis ... B J 3 r 4- 34 p Ophiuchi L 1 5*0 u iu. i /. y j i 16 IQ 6*42 19. 24 Ten Year 1890 v Ophiuchi... L S'O *3- l * 18 17 rj Draconis CT u 2-8 4- 6 1 46 /? Herculis B J u /z i Q'o8 Tpn Ypar i Sfin A Draconis B.J 3 C'O iu. z^. 34 ijo 16 28 1 1 *c8 21. 44 Ten Year 1880 4$ TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. -WATERVILLE Name of Star. Ephemeris. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, i Sgz'o. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Greenwich Catalogue. f Ophiuchi B.J. 2-6 h ra s 16, 31. 12*67 IO. 2 I & O O2 Five Year, 1890. n Herculis B J VI 16. 30 1 1-6? + 39- 8 O'o6 Ten Year, 1880. Groombridge 2277... 4.9 Herculis ... B.J. L. 5-0 6-0 16. 43. 1 5-02 l6 4.7. Q'8o + 56-58 H- I C. Q O"O2 Ten Y.-ar 1 890. K Ophiuchi CT 3'4 16. cz v^'27 + Q. ?"? + O'OC Five Year, 1890. c Herculis CT 3'Q 16 c6. o'?4. -1-71 C + o'o; Five Year 1890. c Ursse Minoris C.T. 4'C 16. ey. v6 + 82. 13 O'Cl Five Year, 1890. Draconis B,I 3-0 17. 8.28-47 + 6c. ci O'O2 Ten Year, 1880. I'O 18. n. 16-84 + VS 41 4- O'OC Five Year, 1890 2 Aquilse . L C'O I 8 36 2 I "72 Q Q O'l J. Five Year 1 890 1 1 o Herculis B J. 4/O 18 41. 0*80 y. y 4- 2O. 27 O'OO Ten Year 1890 29 Sa< r ittarii L. 6-0 l8. 4V I C'C4 20. 27 O'O4 Ten Year, 1880. j8 l Lvrse . . . CT 3-6 1 8. 4.6. ;*j.4. 4- 33 14 O'OO Five Year, 1890 e Aquilse L 4*O I 8. ;A. J.^'i8 4- 14 C S -4- O'O2 Five Year 1890 y Lvrae .. C.T. 2'2 iS. C4- C4.*I7 + 32 5J 4- o'o; Ten Yenr, 1880. o Sagittarii L 4, c 18. 58. 12-63 ZI ?4 4- O'O2 Ten Y.'ar 1880. Aquilse CT VI IQ O. 26*C7 4- I 3 42 4- 0-16 Five Year 1 890 TT Sagittarii C.T. VI IQ. 3. 2O'27 21 12 + O'OA. Ten Year, 1880. d/ Sagittarii L C'O io 1 1 - i S-QO IQ Q O'OO Ten Year 1880. B J 3*O IO I 2. 1 1 "1 C *7' 7 4- 67 28 O" I 2 Ten Year 1880 CD Aquilce CT C' I Q 12. AJ/74. 4- I 1 24 -f- O'OC Five Year 1890 B J 4'O IQ IA. l6'A.1 4- C3 IO O'OC Ten Year 1880 p 1 Sagittarii L. 4"O I Q. I C 24-*4.4. l83 "h O'O7 Ten Year 1 890 u Sa a ittarii L S'O IO 1C ?2'J_2 1 6 i o 4- O'o8 Ten Year 1 890 T Draconis BJ 4/8 1 V' * b' $* *1-^ IQ 17. ^?7'72 -4-73 Q o'o6 Ten Yfar 1890. b Aquilie C.T C'3 IO IQ J.Q'^2 + 1 I 4.3 O'l 2 Ten Year i 890 8 Aquilse CT 3'C ly. iy. ^.y .ji + 2 C4. _i_ 0*06 Five Year 1890 fli Cveni C.T. J 3 'I + O'OQ Ten Year 1880 C T. 5*0 7 l6 1 O'OI Ten Year 1880 I'O IQ. 45. ^0-78 + 8. 35 4- o'oi Five Year, 1890. 77 Aquilas L. 4' 19. 46. 58-18 4- o. 44 4- o'oi Ten Year, 1880. e Draconis R Aquilse . B.J. C.T 3-8 VQ 19.48.32-19 IQ. CO. O'43 + 7- + 6 8 0-03 4- o'oi Ten Year, 1890. Five Year, 1890 i!/ Cvsni .. B.J. C'2 IQ. C2. CO-2C -4- 52. Q O'O3 Ten Year, 1880. y Sagittae B.J. 3-6 IQ. CJ. C7-23 + I9. I 2 O'O4 Ten Year, 1880 Aquilse ... C.T. -- 20. ;. 41-87 i 8 -4- o'o^ Five Year, 1 890 o- Cveni BJ. 4* 5 20. 10. 1 3"86 -1- 46*2? O'OO Ten Year 1880 a 1 Capricorni . C.T 4" A 20 11. 39-66 12 CO -4- O'oi Ten Year 1880 a 2 Capricorni C.T. VI 20. 12. ^'67 12. C3 4- Q'O7 Five Year 1890 K Cephei B.J. 4'3 20. 12. 31-08 4- 77 23 + 0-08 Ten Year 1880 o~ Capricorni L. 5-6 2O. I 7 Q"6c IQ 27 O'O2 Ten Year 1 880 /3 2 Capricorni C.T. VI 20. 14. q6';3 I C. 7 4 Q-Q4 Five Year 1890 B A.C. 7014 L. c-6 2O. 17. 4Q'6o + C. O'C2 Ten Year 1880 C.T 2'3 20. 18 21-05 + 70 CC -I- O'O3 Ten Year 1880 CT C'O 2O 22 4I'Q3 18. 10 4- 0-08 Five Year 1890 69 AquilcB L. C'O 20.24. ' 2 5 3. 15 4- 0-05 Ten Year, 1890. Cephei B.J. 4'O 20. 27. 46-1 ? + 62. 38 4- 0-03 Ten Year 1880. c Delphini L. 4.'O 20. 28. 3-11 + 10 56 4- o-oc Five Year 1 890 /3 Delphini L. 4*O 2O. 12. 28-Q8 + 14- I 3 -\- o'o6 Ten Year 1 890. 73 Draconis B.J. C'l 2O. 72, CC'74 4- 74 31 O'lQ Ten Year 1880 v Capricorni . . . L. c-6 2O. 7?. C4/O3 1831 4- O'O^i Ten Year 1890 a Delphini C.T. VQ 20. 34. 37'3o 4- I C 32 0-04 Five Year 1890 a Cvsni .. C.T. 1-4. 20. 37. 44-86 4- 44- C.4 4- O'OQ Five Year 1890 Aquarii B.J. r6 J / f-'r 20. 41. 4076 Q C.3 O'OI Five Year 1890. E Cveni .. C.T. 2-6 20. 41. 50-41 4- 33. 34 4- 0-04 Ten Year, 1890, 3 Aquarii C.T. 4'7 20. 42. 2-24 C. 2C 4- 0-03 Ten Year 1880. fj Cephei B.J. 3-6 20. 43. C-C5 + 61 25 O'O7 Ten Year 1880 1 5 Delphini L. 6-0 20. 44. 28-91 + 12. Q 4- o-o* Ten Year 1880 w Aquarii . C.T. 4-8 20. 4.6. 4.0*67 Q. 2? 4- 0-02 Five Year 1 890 19 Capricorni L. 6-0 20. 4.8. 41*63 18 20 O"O3 Ten Year 1880 32 Vul^eculse. C.T. IT'I 2O. 4Q. C7'3? 4- 27. 3Q 4- o j o6 Five Year 1890 16 Delphini L. 6-0 2O. 50. 29-32 4- 12. Q 4- o'oi Ten Year i 880 v Cvsni... B.J. 4O 20. . 8-82 + 4O. 4.C o'o6 Ten Year 1890. 2 o Capricorni L. 6-0 20. 53. 27-86 IQ. 27 O'OI Ten Year, 1880 21 Capricorni L. 6-0 20. 54. 47-00 17. 57 4- 0-04 Ten Year, 1 800. rj Capricorni L. 5-6 20. 58. I 5-44 20. 17 4" O'O2 Ten Year 1890 6 Capricorni L. 4/c 20. 59. 52-48 17. 40 4- 0-07 Five Year, 1890. 6i l Cygni C.T. 5'4 21. 2. 3-05 4- 38. 13 4- O'2C Ten Year, 1 890 6i 2 Cyffni... C.T. K 21. 2. 4'66 4- 38. 13 4- O'lQ Ten Year, i 890 27 Capricorni L. 6-0 21. 3. 22't4 2O. CQ 4- o'oc Ten Year 1890. y Equulei L. C'O 21. C. t'3I + Q 42 O'OO Ten Year 1890. Bradley 2777. B.J C'8 21. 7 WI3 -f- 77 J.I .4- O'OO Ten Year 1880 t Cyf'ni... C.T. 3-3 21. 8.20-27 -f- 2Q. 47 + O'IO Five Year 1890. a Equulei L. 4'O 21. !O. 2C'43 -(- 4.. 48 +- 0*04 Five Year 1890 T Cygni C.T. 3-8 21. 10. 2870 + 37. 3^ 4- O'O2 Ten Year, 1880. 30 Capricorni L. 6-0 21. II. 53-78 18.26 + O I I Ten Year, 1890. Aquarii i/? 1 Aquarii y Piscium \j/ 3 Aquarii T Pegasi v Pegasi 4 Cassiopeia K Piscium CATALOGUE OF STARS. 51 Name of Star. Ephemeris. Magnitude. Tabular Eight Ascension, iSgz'o. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Greenwich Catalogue. 70 Peeasi . . B.J. C'O h m s 21. 23. 4I'?2 + 12. IO 8 O'O3 Ten Year, 1880. i Andromedas C.T 4/4. 23. 32. ?O'I7 + 42. 40 + Q'O7 Ten Year, 1880. L Piscium ... CT 4/3 23 34., 24*6Q + ? 2 0-04 Five Year, 1890. y Cephei CT 3'C 23 34. sC'o6 + 77. 2 O'lC Five Year, 1 890. 1 9 Piscium L. 6-0 23. 4.O. 52"3I + 2 - S3 0*07 Ten Year, 1880. 20 Piscium L. 6-0 23. 42. 2V3Q 3. 22 o'o7 Ten Year, 1880. 41 H. Cephei .. . B.J c-6 23 4.2. 4-4*72 + 67. 12 + O'O2 Ten Year, 1880. 2 1 Piscium . . . L 6-0 21 4.3. CC'SQ + O. 2Q + O'O2 Ten Year, 1880. B.A.C 8285 L. 6-0 23. 44. 40*22 io. 35 o - o5 Ten Year, 1880. 22 Piscium L. 6-0 23. 4.6. 26'O4_ + 2. 2O + O'OI Ten Year, 1880. Pegasi L. 6-0 23. 46. ?Q'I;O + 18. 31 + 0-03 Ten Year, 1880. co Piscium C.T. 4/2 23. l !3. 45'84 + 6. 16 + 0-03 Fire Year, 1890. 29 Piscium L. C'l 23. c6. 17*24 - 3. 38 + o'O4 Ten Year, 1880. 30 Piscium C.T. 4-6 23. C6. 2C'IQ - 6. 37 + O'OJ Ten Year, 1890. 2 Ceti C.T. A 'A 23. c8. i2 - 3C 17 56 + 0-07 Five Year, 1890. 3 3 Piscium L. TO 23. CQ. 48'3i; 6. i Q + 0*04 Ten Year, 1890. XIII. CLOCK ERROR. The Clock Error was determined from observation of the stars given in the preced- ing section. The following table contains the times of transit of these stars and of the circumpolar stars used to determine the Azimuth Error. Column 1 contains the star's name ; column 2, the position of the micrometer head, whether East or West. Column 3 gives the number of wires over which the transit was observed, or, in the case of circumpolar stars, the number of bisections made, as explained on p. 25 of the section Paris-Greenwich Longitude 1888. Column 4 gives the reading at which the R A.. micrometer was set during the evening for observations of clock stars, and the mean of the micrometer-readings at which bisections were made for the polar stars. Column 5 gives, in all cases, the time of transit over the middle wire set at the reading of the R.A. micrometer adopted for the day. Column 6 gives the transit corrected for Collimation, Level, and Azimuth Error. Column 7 contains the Tabular Apparent R.A. of the stars taken from the ephemerides before mentioned, corrected by application of the corrections given in the preceding section. Column S shows the difference of columns 6 and 7, which is the Clock Error indicated by the individual stars. Column 9 is the Clock Error at the local Sidereal time shown in the heading on each day, obtained from each star. The corresponding Clock Errors deduced from polar stars are given in column 8, as a check on the accuracy of the reduction, but are not given in column 9, and they are, of course, not used in determining final Clock Error. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR TURNER WITH TRANSIT D, AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS Star's Name. Observed Transit. Star's Name. Observed Transit. gf .3 S.3 O CO .&1. 1892 April 22. Piazzi IX. 37 Piazzi IX. 37 u 2 Hydrae t) Leonis Regulus 34 Leouis \ Ursae Majoris .... Bradley 2997 S.P. Bradley 2993 S.P. 50 Leonis 34 Sextantis 37 Sextantis Z Leouis $ Ursae Majoris 1892 April 23. \ Ursae Majoris y 1 Leonis 42 Leonis 43 Leonis Bradley 2993 S.P. 50 Leonis 34 Sextantis I Leonis Ursae Majoris .... a Ursae Majoris X Leonis \l> Ursse Majoris .... { Ursse Majoris 1892 April 26. 7' Leonis .. . | W 42 Leonis j W 43 Leonis |W Bradley 2993 S.P ! W Bradley 2993 S.P. . E 50 Leonis E 37 Sextantis E I Leonis I E Ursse Majoris E o Ursae Majoris j K X Leonis ! E \fi Ursse Majoris. I Ursae Majoris .... Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. 11-830 1 1-830 11-430 7-030 11-830 1 1-830 12-230 ii '830 11-830 10797 7-230 11-830 15-730 12-580 9, 21. 34-68 9. 21. 34-50 9- 39-45-59 9. 41. 20*23 IO. 2. 30*84 10. 5.43-28 10. 10. 28-85 IO. 21. 59-87 IO. 21. 36-27 10. 33. 0-68 10. 36. 56-61 10. 40. 22-13 10. 43. 28-60 10. 55. 14-30 37'99 46*04 20-92 3' '49 43 '94 29-82 54-88 30-96 1-41 57-23 22-77 29-28 14-62 4472 44-72 52-48 27-42 37-96 50-46 36-20 1-82 37-33 7-90 37' 29-18 35-77 21-58 IO. 10. o. 13. o. 15. o. 17. O. 21. 0.32. o. 36. o. 43. o. 55. 10. 56. 10. 59. 11. 3. II. 12. 27-04 52-94 5377 13-27 31-48 58-81 54-81 26-85 11-84 5 6< 55 18-86 27-84 17-56 27-22 52-86 36-18 1-99 53*65 I 2*71 13*07 I 22-09 ' 37'5 6 7*89 3*70 58-69 54-59 26-69 12*29 57-16 18-67 28*04 >7"59 21-56 6-26 2772 37-I9 26-70 10. 13. 46-00 46-01 10. 15. 46-86 10. 17. 6-28 10. 21. 25-77 10. 21. 25*97 IO. 32. 51 '90 io. 40. 13*27 IO. 43. 19*86 10.55. 5-24 io. 56. 49-89 10. 59. 11-85 11. 3. 20-82 ii. 12. 10-55 II. 27. 20-13 II. 27. 13*53 1-96 46-84 2-67 6-20 22-05 21-15 5' '93 I3 - Z3 19-85 572 50-50 11-82 2I'IO 10-70 13-67 '35 85 "4 ! 73 ' '49 i 18 70 '5 66 7-73 26-81 6-29 6-73 6-44 6-50 6 '47 6-52 6-38 6-94 6-37 6-49 6-48 6-41 6-49 6-96 8-96 9''3 9-06 9-02 12-25 9-20 9-11 9-07 9-27 9-10 9-05 9-i5 9-11 '5"95 15-83 15-85 16-90 17-20 15-92 15-91 15-88 '577 15-68 15-88 16-05 15-96 13-14 19-08 Waterville. 6-69 675 6-68 6-73 6-58 6-65 6-63 6-55 6-63 o Ursae Majoris Crateris Ursse Majoris 5 Crateris Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. 7 Ursae Majoris .... b Virginis IT Virginis o Virginis Bradley 1672 Polaris S.P Polaris S.P. Waterville. 9-14 9-30 9-23 9-19 9'34 9-25 9 "20 9-I5 9-24 9-19 Bradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P. .. y Ursse Majoris 35 Virginis 37 Virginis ty Virginis 8 Virginis 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. 48 Virginis Polaris S.P Polaris S.P E Waterville. 16-12 '5 '99 1 6 -06 16-04 i6'oo 15-98 16-14 16-05 Polaris S.P E p Bobtis E ( Bootis E /j. Virginis I E 5 Libra E a> Virginis W Virginia W j3 Leonis : $ Virginis j W y Ursse Majoris W 2 Ursa; Minoris S.P W 48 Virginis W e Virginis I W & Comae W Polaris S.P .' W| 8 11-830 13-430 15-230 11-830 11-959 9-470 14-430 16-263 11-830 12-355 ii 830 io'68o h m s 10. 56. 58-62 11. 6. 15-70 II. 12. 19-97 ii. 13. 51-30 II. 27. 28-31 54' - 55 59 I* 27*78 4*40 19*86 15*16 37-40 53-57 13. 18. 27*54 13. 18. 24-77 ii. 27. 25-68 ii. 27. 22-07 11. 48. 1-90 12. 42. 13-98 12.45. 59-52 12. 48. 36-60 12. 50. 2'22 12. 53. 40-29 12. 58. 12-93 13. 18. 21-75 11-830 9-480 12-401 11-830 ii. 32. 38-79 ii. 39. 28*39 ii. 43. 18*39 11.44. 49-49 11. 47. 55*05 12. 53. 32*46 12. 58. 6-08 13. 4- 6*92 13. 6. 35-72 13. 18. 5*28 18. 9-50 26. 56-15 "3 '4 . 14. 35. 44-85 '4- 37- 7'5 2 14. 40. 1-64 59 -I 5 '4"97 19-80 50-65 18-27 18-40 4-58 i9'35 14-68 36-94 10*24 4*00 59'5> 17-46 14-51 2'22 1372 59-26 36-24 1-96 34'47 I2-&2 2'53 8 I 11-480 ; 13. 18. 18-92 ! 57-9 3872 28-33 18-37 49-38 55'4' 28-01 5'94 677 3578 5'34 52-84 56-29 44-86 7-41 i"75 21-59 26*71 57-33 25-68 25-68 11-39 26-18 21 "50 43-68 13-07 4'3 6 4-36 25'93 11-38 22-74 8-28 45'45 11-09 4'74 21-73 4'59 4-59 54-54 44">7 34'27 5-27 11-34 42-16 2174 22-73 51-68 57 57 12-34 I'OO 23-44 >7'95 7-14 6-62 6-91 6-68 7-28 6-81 6-83 6-82 674 2-83 0-36 4-85 2 5'93 i 8 '47 11-42 9-16 9-02 9 '02 9-21 9-13 7-27 9'" 2 '06 6-61 15-82 15-84 15-90 15*89 '5 "93 14-15 15-80 15-96 15-90 15-36 12-86 16-05 16-14 16-03 1 6 "20 6-72 7'oo 676 6-84 6-83 6-74 8-95 8-94 9-13 9-05 9'oi 15-86 15-87 '5 '93 15-91 15-71 15-86 15-80 15-82 15-90 15-78 '5'95 April 26. 2 Ursfe Jlinoris S.P. was observed on last 4 wires with K.A. Micrometer at n r '83O. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR TURNER WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT GREENWICH. Off Star's Name. Observed Transit. 32-: .*-.-< Star's Name. Observed Transit. Q w % 'SSi 43-28 43-48 43' 2 3 4*79 42-71 43-20 43-05 42-63 42-67 43-10 43-76 437 4378 437* 43'72 43-64 44-08 43 97 44-12 44-00 44-10 43"99 42. 49*94 50*01 34* 16 2 Urste Minoris S.P W IO 11-083 12. 52. 57'44 0-05 44-52 44'47 44. 20*88 46. 2*62 20-98 2-62 5 '7 46*8? 44*19 44-19 E IO 9*i 50 12. 52. 59'4I 1*02 44-52 43-50 47. 26*98 26*90 I I 'O9 .18 Virginis F, 9 1 1 "660 12. 57. 37-51 37*63 21 73 44-10 44*09 53. 41*74 41-84 26-08 44-24 44-24 ti Virginis K 13. 3. 38-40 38-52 22-73 44-21 44-20 54. 37-05 37-14 21 "40 $ Comre F, S 13. 6. 7-41 7 '44 51-64 44-20 44-19 58. 59*31 59-40 43*58 44' 1 8 58 Virginis F, 9 13. II. 4-67 4-81 48-93 44-12 44-11 14. 27-72 23-88 F 9 13. 12. 2-25 2-41 46-53 44-12 44-11 Polaris S.P K IO I2'2IO 13. 17. 29-30 34*61 12-32 377 1 14. 3074 27. 29-00 24-34 29-05 4-64 i V 74. 40-30 Polaris S P. W 10 I2-7IO 13. 17. 20-96 29*71 12-32 42*61 28. 45-35 45-31 29 '56 44 '25 44'2-.; I' 1 Virginis W q 1 1 "660 13. 25. 38-06 38-10 22-31 44-21 44-20 30. 30-40 30-44 1471 44*27 h Virginis W 5 13. 26. 33'80 33'85 1 8 -08 44-23 44-22 32. 8-82 8*84 53 9 44'2-r 80 Virginia W q 13. 29. 11-32 11-36 55"5' 44-15 44-14 35. 28-00 48. 35-28 28-03 35-o6 12-30 19-29 44-27 44-23 44-27 25 Canum Veii-iticum W 9 " 13- 3'- 57-43 57-34 4 1 "66 44'3 2 44'3 ! May 5. The times given for the Polar stars on this day all correspond to R.A. Micrometer-reading i i r '73O. M:iy 9. The times of transit of Bradley 1672 and 2 Ursse Minoria S.P. were observed Eye and Ear by clock Graham 2, which waa mounted in the Transit Pavilion. The difference of clocks waa applied to these to find the timea by Sidereal Standard given above. May io. The timea of transit of Bradley 1672 and Polaris S.P. were obaerved Eye ;md Ear by clock Graham 2. The dill'erence of clocks was applied to these to find the times by Sidereal Standard given above. 64 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Star's Name. | Position. No. of Wires. 1 E.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent B.A. Clock Apparently Slow. Clock Apparently Slow at i2 h Sidereal. Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. 1 R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. >* Ml > 5|I N-fl 3 w^4 D i=.*2 p' 1892 May 11. B.A.C. 4201., S Corvi 23 Comae B.A.C. 4254. y l Virginia..., B.A.C. 4277., 35 Virginia 37 Virginis e Ursae Majoris a Canum Venaticnm . 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. . 1 1 '670 11-670 12*310 12. 21. 39-25 12. 23. 32-81 12. 28. 44-97 12. 32. 8-47 12. 35. 27-68 12. 37. 2178 12. 41. 38'2O 12.45. *377 12.48. 35-13 12. 50. I5'96 12. 52. 57-40 39-36 3 2 "95 44 "9 5 8-54 27-76 21-86 38-26 23-84 34-86 15-85 0'62 1892 May 12. ii Virginis E Bradley 1672 E Bradley 1672. q Virginis 23 Comae /Virginis B.A.C. 4254.. x Virginis.... B.A.C. 4277. 37 Virginis .. 38 Virginis.. 9 11-670 12. 3. 49-23 49-39 10 IO'22O 12. 14. 36*92 2 5'54 IO 11-155 12. 14. 36-54 25*16 9 1 1 '670 12. 27. 28'47 28-72 9 II 12. 28. 44-88 44-93 9 II 12. JO. 29*85 30*08 9 ] 12. 32. 8-28 8-47 9 II 12. 32. 56*64 56-88 9 11-670 12. 37. 21-64 21-85 9 II 12. 45. 23*56 2374 9 j 12.46. 55*87 56*09 23-89 17-63 Z9"55 53-o8 12-30 6-41 22-69 8-24 19-27 0-38 4475 34-15 3'37 3 '37 13-32 Z9'55 14-70 5 3 '7 4' '45 6-40 8-24 40-52 44^3 44-68 44-60 44'54 44'54 44^5 44 '43 44-40 44-41 44^3 44-I3 44-76 37^3 38-21 44-60 44-62 44-62 44 "60 44'57 44-55 44-50 44-43 1892 Aug. 17. Greenwich. 44-53 44-68 44*60 44'54 44-54 44-55 44-42 2 Ursie Minoris S.P 48 Virginis P Comes 58 Virginis 61 Virginis Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P 25 Canum Venaticum m Virginis B.A.C. 4572 86 Virginis 17 Ursae Majoris Greenwich. 44-76 44-60 44-62 44-62 44-60 44-57 44-55 44-49' 44-42 Polaris S.P. , Montreal. 6 Aquilffi W g 11*660 20. 4. 38 'O2 42*78 63-6-; At iS" Sidereal. Bradley 270 1 w IO io*6c,q a Cvtmi... W 4 1 1 '660 1892 Aug. 18. i Aquilse "W 9 1 1 '660 18. 28. 16*45 60*89 Mont a Lyrse w f l8 ?2. 17*4.8 l8'!7 18*86 60-68 2 A<]iii!;i- w " 18 35 18*28 29 Sagittai ii w Q * ' 1 8*06 Cephei 51 S.P w IO " 41 "28 v Lvrse ... w e 56'28 6o"8i w Aquilae F, Q 1 1 *66o p 1 Sao'ittarii F b Aquilse F, 9 F, 20 8-77-1 47*08 co'88 A Ursse Minoris "W 50*82 ft Sagittse w e 13*66 6o'i8 6 '6 Groombridge 1119 S.P. .... 1892 Aug. 20. w F, 10 13-598 19. 43. 40-85 18 28 33*58 38*01 28*07 46-84 58-83 Mont C-! 'Q8 F, 18 32 26*38 i8'8? 2 Aquilse F, 4' 18. -ic. ic'66 53 9 C-3'82 53 97 E Q 2*87 Cephei 51 S.P F, 14 1 3*8-5 5 18. 50. 22*04 48 'A7 W IO 10*790 "W g 1 1 "660 12*84 y Aquilae W 9 C-3'84. 5 Sac'ittae w o IQ. 41. 47*6c ^6'-t6 ci'8-j w g ci 'Ra. Groombridge 1119 S.P w IO 11*170 19. 48. 13*66 5374 48*85 55*11 f Aquarii 15 Delphini. S Aijuilse a 1 Capricorni. a 2 Capricorni. a Capricorni ., B.A.C. 7014. i Delphini.... Bradley 2701. 75 Draconis .. a Cygni e Cygni 15 Delphini .. f Ursse Majoris S Virginis a Canum Venaticum 2 Ursse Minoris S.P 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. . 48 Virginis e Virginis Comae Polaris S.P Groombridge 1119 S.P ft Aquilae a 1 Capricorni a 1 Capricorni f)~ Capricorni B.A.C. 7014 69 Aquiise e Delphi-)! Bradley 2701. 75 Draconis .. e Cygni ...... 15 Delphini .. ju Aquarii 14*237 11*670 10*920 11*670 9 ] 11*670 4 S '"574 '4 '447 11*670 10*188 12-088 W Wi 1 1 -660 8-732 n*66o 11*660 9 j 1 1 *66o 9 6 6 ii '660 10-492 ii -660 12. 52. 55-86 12. 58. 37*19 13. 6. 7*11 13. ii. 4-38 13. 12. 1*88 13. 17. 18-85 13* '7- 19'39 13. 31, 57*26 '3- 35- '3"44 '3- 37- 33-99 13. 39. 27*87 13. 42. 35*06 12. 48. 34*98 12. 49. 26-39 12. 50. 15*83 12. 52. 57-07 12. 52. 55*87 12. 57. 36-96 '3* 3-37-94 13. 6. 7-00 13. 17. 17*38 '3- '7- '9"55 20.40. 43*94 20. 43. 24-63 19.44. 9*81 10. 4. 42*27 20. 10. 37-54 20. ii. 1*54 20. I3.54'27 20. 16. 48-44 2O. 22. 58-63 2O. 27. 2-31 20. 33. 4-40 2O. 34. 26'2I 2O. 40. 51-38 2O. 43. 28-18 20. 45. 47-78 59-08 37-28 7-07 4-50 2-0 3 29-64 30-18 57"l6 '3'55 34*09 28*00 34*86 34*66 26*57 1574 1*94 0*74 37*18 38-17 7 "02 35*69 49'43 28-27 1-66 46-50 42-66 6-66 59-38 52-22 3 '02 5-65 4"39 3' 2 5 52-63 3 I- 34 5 2 '53 20- 4- 5377 i 52"93 20. 10. 49*84 48-92 20. ii. 13-87 2O. 12. 2O-I5 20. 16. 59-37 20. 27. 12-98 2O. 32. 46-84 2O. 34. 8*98 20. 36. 53*98 20.40. 59-52 20.43. S 8 ^ 12-95 I9*I7 58-58 12-32 48-92 11*05 53" 6 7 59-06 3779 4475 21-72 51-64 48-93 46-53 13*02 13-02 41*66 57 '92 18*41 12*31 >9'57 19-26 1 1 '06 0-37 44'99 44'99 21-72 22-72 51*63 '3'73 '373 5 2 '45 31-38 46-84 46-43 42-39 6-46 59-34 52"5 2-82 5'59 42-49 4-58 52-82 31*38 52-40 46-42 42-38 6-46 12-48 52*04 5*58 4*'33 4-42 47-27 52-81 31*37 S 45-67 44 '44 44-57 44'43 44*50 42-84 44-50 44'37 44'3 2 44'3' 44-7I 44-60 44 '49 44-63 43-05 44-54 44-55 44-61 40-21 38-04 63-02 63-11 45-18 59^3 59-73 59-80 59-96 59-83 59-80 59'94 6i'io 61*33 60*19 60*04 53'49 53-46 53'5- 53-3 1 53*26 53-60 5375 May 1 1, 12. The times of transit of Polaris S.P. were observed Eye and Ear by clock Graham 2 which hung in the Transit Pavilion. to these to find the times by the Sidereal Standard given above. 1892 Aug. 20. The instrument was adjusted in Azimuth between the observations of Cephei 51 S.P. and x Urs-E Minoris. The difference of clocks was applied STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR TURNER WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT MONTREAL. 55 Star's Name. Observed Transit. 3-8 it* Star's Name. S . v "S Observed Transit. gls o *- o 1892 Aug. 22. B.A.C. 6060 67 Ophiuchi 96 Herculis p l Ophiuchi 8 Ursa; Minoris . S Ursse Minoris . i) Serpeutis 21 Sagittarii 1 Aquilae ct Lyra 2 Aquilae 29 Sagittarii .... jS 1 Lyras Cephei 518.?.. Cephei 518.?. . i Aquilae 1892 Aug. 23. TJ Serpentis .. 21 Sagittarii. 1 Aquilse o Ly rse 2 Aquilse 1892 Aug. 26. o 1 Capricorui. a 2 Capricorni. /3- Capricorni. 1892 Aug. 28. 1 Aquilse a Lyrse 2 Aquilse 29 Sagittarii ... /3 1 Lyrae Cephei 51 S.I'. Cephei 51 S.P. . o Sagittarii f Aquilaj ic Sagittarii d Sagittarii a) Aquilse u Sagittarii 1892 Aug. 29. o 1 Capricorui.. a 2 Capricorni . . a Capricorni .. (P Capricorni.. f Capricorui. . . 69 Aquilse e Delphini Bradley 2701.. Bradley 2701.. o Cygni t Aquarii 1892 Aug. 30. 96 Herculis p* Ophiuchi '. 8 Ursa? Miuoris... S Ursa; Minoris.. TJ Serpentis 11-540 12-982 17. 48. 50-29 48-23 17. 54. 29-97 '7-57- I- 53 17. 59. 15*78 18. 6. n'73 13-475 18. 6. 11*80 28-26 0*05 14-06 23-05 2475 n'66o 18. 14. 58-49 57*2 ,, 18. 18. 10*94 9*47 18. 28. 35*32 34-03 ,, j 18. 32. 31-34 30-82 > -8. 35. 37*25 35*95 18. 42. 31-59 30-13 ,, 18. 45. 20*23 19*60 13-368 i 18. 49. 12-53 54-I4 W 10 11*818 18. 49. 11-72 j 55-33 W 9 11-660 18. 53. 58*66 j 57*62 *66o 1 1 '660 1 1 "660 9-000 ii *66o 1 1 "660 9-122 8-437 11*660 1 1 -660 12-604 14*430 1 1 *66o 18.15. 1-83 18. 18. 14-22 18. 28. 38-71 18. 32. 34-59 18. 35. 40-64 20. n. 9 "2 1 20. II. 33-17 20. 14. 26*19 18.28.55*57 18. 32. 51-47 '8. 35- 57H9 18. 42. 51-92 18. 45. 40*42 18.49. 3 2 '49' 18. 49. 39*77 18. 57. 49-27 19. o. 2-32 19. 2.57*16 19. 10. 55-58 19. 12. 20*44 19. 15. 9-13 2O. I I. 19*44 2O. II. 43-32 2O. 12. 49-66 2O. 14. 36-50 2O. 22. 22*O I 20- 23. 3978 20. 27. 42-27 20. 33- 13-38 20. 33- I3'55 20. 37- 23*31 20. 41. 29'82 17. 57. 27-67 17. 59. 42*09 18. 6. 31-93 18. 6. 32*83 18. 15. 25-50 0-65 12-80 37-46 33'94 8-19 32-14 25*15 54 'o 50-75 55'9- 50-14 39-57 13*63 18-91 I '21 36-03 16*09 47-81 ,-8 7 11*65 11*65 45'33 57-40 21*97 18*79 23-88 18-02 7'39 43-10 43*10 45'3' 21*96 1877 23-87 42-36 6-43 21 '91 18-68 23-82 17-96 7-30 45'49 '5-23 28-Sl 22-99 53-93 j 21-48 19*28 46-94 35-05 17-96 41-84 48-08 34^9 20-45 38-45 41-16 17-92 17*46 22*79 28*30 26-68 40*80 45-11 47-64 24-21 42*35 6-42 12*45 59-31 44*83 2-86 5'55 41-66 41-66 47*18 52*44 47-69 176 8*66 8*66 45*24 4776 47-81- 48-60 46-90 48-05 47'93 47'94 47-97 47-93 47-89 47'79 48*96 4777 47'69 44-67 44-60 44-5 44-83 44-49 34'i7 34'29 34-I7 27-91 27-93 27-91 27-82 2773 31-80 26-58 27-66 27-60 27-52 27-55 27-66 27-52 24-39 24-58 24-37 24-32 24-38 24*41 24-39 2374 24-20 24-39 24-14 21 "O I 20-96 21'02 2I-03 Montreal. 4777 47*82 4776 47-81 47'97 48-00 48*04 48*00 47-98 47-88 47-80 o Sagittarii f Aquilse IT Sagittarii d Sagittarii u Aquilse v Sagittarii b Aquilae a 1 Cygni A Ursfe Miuoris . \ Ursse Minoris 6 Sagittaa /Sagittarii 7 Aquilse S Sagittae a Aquilae r; Aquilse Groombridge 1119 S.P Montreal. 4470 44-64 44-56 44-90 44-57 Cephd 51 S.P. , t Aquilse ( Aquilas IT Sagittarii d Sagittarii co Aquilse Montreal. 134-46 34-58 34-47 y Cygni 75 Dracouis . t Cygii Montreal. 27-97 27-99 27-99 27*92 27*83 27-80 2774 27-66 2771 27*82 27-69 A Aquilse 0'Cyg.ii \ Urs;e Minoris. Montreal. 24-69 24-88 24-67 24-63 2471 24-74 2473 2475 24*51 15 Delphini... 32 Vulpeculse.. 20 Capricorni.. 21 Capricorni . 7 Equulei a Equulei 30 Capricorni " Cygni Groombridge 3548... Groombridge 3548.. Montreal. 2 I '00 20*96 21-07 A Ursse Minoris 6 Sagittae 'Sagittarii y Aquilae 8 Sagittae a Aquihe i) Aquilae Groombridge 1119 S.P Groombridge 1119 S.P 21 Sagittarii Groombridge 1119 S.P 9 Aquilse o 1 C.ipricorni a 2 Capricorni a Capricorni E 10 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 4 - 66o 12-394 11705 n'66o 11-219 12-640 1 1 -660 n'66o 9'537 1 1 -660 1 1 '660 ii 11-320 10-760 1 1 -660 12-860 10 10-165 1 1 -660 11-763 1 1 -660 10-372 10-107 1 1 "660 9-027 1 1 '660 18. 57. 29-37 18. 59. 42-24 19. 2. 36-99 to. 35-57 12. 0-45 '4- 48 - 95 4-94 37-26 8-87 19. I 9 . '9- 19. 19. 19.25. 19. 30 19. 30. 7-74 19. 35. 27-29 19. 39. 20-30 19. 40. 23-10 19.41.4975 19. 44. 46-46 19.46. 14-15 19. 48. 44*82 18. 49. 14*42 18.54. 1-49 18. 59.45-09 19. 2. 39-79 19. 10. 38-26 19.12. 3-39 20. 17.49-65 2O. 34. 28-48 20. 41. iyii -9. 19. 24-94 '9- 25. 57 - '5 19. 30. 12-57 19, 30. 23 *io '9- 35- 47'6S 19. 39. 40*65 19. 40. 43-47 19. 42. IO'O2 19. 45. 6-89 19. 46. 34*64 19. 49. 21*66 19. 49. 20*94 20. 44. 8-34 20. 49. 36-30 20. 53. 8-44 20. 54. 27-52 21. 4.45-IO 21. IO. 4*98 21. II. 34'2I 21. 12. 48*91 21. 20. 35-43 21. 20. 37-42 18. 18. 38-00 19. 49. 23-49 20. 5. 26-33 20. II. 22'43 2O. 1 1. 46*40 2O. 12. 52-72 27-78 4I-I7 35'4' 34-02 59'35 47-46 P5 36-41 48-97 53-26 26-38 18-85 22-08 48-85 45 '4' 12-99 58-81 0-62 44-19 38-48 36-97 2-47 49'5 29-84 18-44 2379 56-30 4-18 9-29 46-50 38-88 42*21 8-88 5-60 33-22 3372 2770 7-16 35-38 675 25-86 43'55 377 32-65 48-36 49'57 49-91 36-42 30-25 25-07 20-98 44^5 51-17 15-28 28-87 23-04 21-53 46-99 35 '9 51-46 24-09 4277 4277 14-01 6-43 9'77 3 6 '54 33'-5 0-62 5'75 43-5 45-30 28-86 23-04 21-52 46-99 23-29 3 '97 51-41 24-02 37 '23 37-23 13-96 6-40 973 36-49 33-11 0-58 5579 5579 3''35 5975 377 49'93 779 28-02 56-83 1277 15-21 15-21 57'3' 57-81 46'35 42-34 6-41 12-44 47-5 47-70 47-63 47 '5 1 47-64 47-63 47-61 47-68 49'5' 47-63 47-58 47-69 47-69 4774 47-63 52-90 44-69 44-68 44-67 44-56 44 '5 5 44-52 34'24 34'53 34'35 27-62 27-72 33'5 27'94 27-46 27-52 27-52 27-61 27-51 27-36 22-07 28-09 24-19 24 '37 24-02 24-07 24-24 24-25 24-18 24-41 25-64 25-28 20-89 27-56 21-28 21-36 21-46 21-27 -3- IN 5a*S 5*- 33 * 47-62 47-83 47-76 47-66 4779 47-79 47-78 47-86 4779 47-90 47-90 47-96 44-80 44*80 44*70 447' 44-68 34'54 347' 27*80 27-92 27-68 27-75 27-75 27-84 2775 27*60 2476 24*41 24-46 24*66 24-68 24-62 24-85 20-93 21-66 2176 21-58 Aug. 22. The R.A. Micrometer for first group of stars was inadvertently left at i i r '540. The times in column 5 correspond to this. The time of transit over centre wire given for S Ursa; Minoris corresponds to 1 1 '660. 66 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Star's Name. Observed Transit. SB SH III 5 0.8 ll!l will 3-s 50 Star's Name. Observed Transit. Ir 1892 Aug. 30 continued. Montreal. j8 2 Capricorni. B.A.C. 7014.. 7 Cygni Bradley 2701. o Cygni 1892 Sept. 3. d Sagittarii 0' Cygni A Ursae Minoris. 1892 Sept. 4. o Lyrse 2 Aquilas /3 1 Lyrae Cephei 51 S.P... 56-66 56-58 56*64 56*63 56*80 s 6? 3 Aquarii '59 p. Aquarii 71 19 Capricorni 32 Vulpeculse .. . 1 6 Delphini *tl 20 Capricorni . . w w W| 9 W! 9 Canso. 48-65 4871 A Urs;e Minoris. o- Aquilse y Aquilse W Canso. 50-09 50-11 50-46 50-27 50-39 50-29 50-50 50-41 Gruombridge 1119 S. P j E 6 Aquilse E u 1 Capricorni E o" Capricorni E a Capricorni.. 3 2 Capricorni. B.A.C. 7014.. Canso. 54-96 54-86 54-92 54 - 99 54-90 54'9 55-03 55-00 55-08 Canso. 56*38 56-33 56-31 56-54 56-33 56 60 56-62 56 '47 56-53 56-45 56-51 56-49 5^65 a Cygni. e Cygni.. 15 Delphini p. Aquarii 19 Capricorni 32 Vulpeculie 16 Delphini 20 Capricorni ...... 2 1 Capricorni 7j Capricorni ti Capricorni 61- Cvgni 6i 2 Cygni 7 Equulei (.' Cygni Groombridge 3548., Groombiidge 3548. Aquarii 3 Cephei r Capricorni. d Aquarii K Capricorni a Aquilse /3 Sagittse / Sagittarii 7 Aquilse a Aquilse Groombridge 11198.!' Groombridge 1119 S.P e Aquilffi a 1 Capricorni a'- Capricorni e Cygni ft. Aquarii 1 1 -660 Bradley 2701 W 8 a Cygni W| 9 3 Aquarii W! 9 15 Delphini W 4 W 9 W 9 20. 41. 33-16 20. 46. 33 '18 31-67 3170 20. 48. 25-59! 23-95 20.49. 3977 i 38-91 20. 50. iz"o8 10-95 20. 53. 11-82 10*16 9-420 ii -660 7-782 1 1 "660 9-299 1 1 -660 19. 28. 32-04 19.33. 6-85 19. 40. 22-30 19.48. 55-46 20. 4. 56-40 20. 10. 52-50 2O. II. 16-52 2O. 12. 22'59 2O. 14. 9*40 2O. 17. I '89 20. 32. 45-95 20. 36. 56-08 2O. 41. 14-87 2O. 43. 41*11 I 9 . 32. 59-08 >9- 35- i8'79 19. 39. 11-92 19. 40. 14-55 9- 44- 37"97 19.48. 55-24 19. 49. 0-95 20. 4.5I-49 29. io. 47-62 2O. II. 11-62 20. 40. 57'oi 20-45- 57 '54 n'66o I 20. 36.14971 20.40.55-56 1 1 -660 20. 43. 34-64 | 2O. 45. 56 03 ,, j 2O. 47. 48*36 2O. 49. 2*63 20. 49- 35"' 20. 52. 34'66 20. 53- 53-70 20. 57. 22 "24 20- 58. 59-19 21. i. 8 -49 21. I. IO-O9 21. 4. II*I3 21. 7. 25'53 21. 2O. 3*29 I I '660 13 11-630 10-537 1 1 '660 I0 '333 9-607 1 1 -660 21. 20. 3*49 21. 24. 58-67 21. 26. 19-78 21. 30. 8-93 21. 33. 10-59 21. 35. 44*45 21. 37. 5876 4'37 5"3' 20*08 n-86 55'99 5 ' '93 1 5 '94 21-92 8-80 i'57 50*40 56-44 i4"37 40-86 5875 18-65 I I *2O 14-30 37-69 9-20 13-27 51-09 47-04 11-04 57-21 57-02 5^43 52-40 44-48 5972 3 '75 30-77 30-12 53-98 9*67 3'58 46-33 42-30 6-37 12-40 59-26 51-96 41-06 47-10 4-88 31-32 5 3 '94 13-85 6-31 9-63 33-01 678 6-78 46-31 42-28 6-35 52*68 52*36 50*26 , 47-05 55-83 i 52*66 34-58 ! 3'"*9 55-65 ' 52-35 47*85 44 '44 2*82 <;Q'6.: 35-04 34-I3 53' 2 21*69 58-69 8-90 10-50 11-03 25-76 16-98 56-68 58-31 21-74 8-36 10-34 43-89 58-63 3170 30'74 49-90 18-38 55H3 576 7'3' 776 22*65 13-21 13-21 55-09 18-56 4*98 7-06 40^62 55-37 20-76 2070 20-53 20*8 1 2o'8o 2O'6l 49-75 48-67 48-69 5172 50-34 50-37 50-43 50-48 50-46 5'39 50-66 50-66 50-51 50-46 55-I9 55-20 55-11 53'5> 55-22 55-24 55-3I 55H7 55-34 56-79 56-83 56-71 56-70 56-59 56-83 56-66 56-61 56-70 56-69 56-74 56-86 56-81 56-73 56-89 56-23 56-53 5678 56-82 56-62 56-72 56-73 56-74 21-13 21-08 20-92 21 "2O 21 "19 2 I "01 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR TURNER WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT CANSO. 57 Star's Name. .1 Observed Transit. f|H * g S b BBS Star's Name. Observed Transit. I8B 5 f-* 3- 1892 Sept, 9. Canso. S Ursa; Minoris . 7) Serpentis 2 1 Sagittarii 1 Aquilae a Lyrae 2 Aquilse 29 Sagittarii Lyre . E E E E Cepl'ii-i 51 S.P | E Cephei 51 S. P..., f Aquilie T Sagittarii d Sagittarii a AqlliliE A Ursai Minoris.. a AquiliE 7) Aquilos 11*078 18. 5. 51-66 n"66o i 18. 14. 4772 ,, j 18. 18. 0-08 18.28.24-44 18.32.19-99 i 18. 35. 26-25 j 18. 42. 20-75 ,, I 18. 45. 8-99 12-572! 18. 49. 11-55 I4-934 1 1 -660 9-962 ii "660 1 8. 49. 11-70 18.59.30-85 19. 2.25-72 19. 10. 24*21 19. ii. 49*01 19. 29. 34-63 19. 44. 35-22 19. 46. 2*91 6-58 47'24 59-30 23-87 20-29 25-67 19-98 9"'5 52-46 30-61 24-91 23 '43 4873 23-25 34-90 2*46 4-56 45-09 57-16 21-74 18-41 23-65 '779 7-07 51-30 51-30 28-64 22-84 21-34 46-78 23"27 32-99 0-46 57^5 57-86 57-87 58-12 58-84 58-07 58-03 57^3 57'9' 58-05 O"02 58-09 58-00 58-09 57-88 57-97 57-99 57-90 Groombridge 1119 S.P Groombridge 1119 S.P a 1 Capricorni a? Capricorn! IT Capricorni 2 Capricorni y Cygni p Capricorni 69 Aquilse 32 Vnlpeculse .. 16 Delphini ri Capricorni .. 9 Ciipricoriii .. 61- Cygni 6i 2 Cvgni 27 Capricorni . 10 11-461 10 10-932 9 | 1 1 "660 5 9 9 9 9 9 b ii 19. 49. o"o6 19. 48. 59-97 20. 10. 44*71 20. n. 8-70 20. 12. I4'97 2O. 14. I '69 2O. 17. 24-56 2O. 21. 47-31 2O. 23. 5"O8 1 1 -660 20. 49. 1-41 20. 49. 3 3 "86 20. 57. 21 "10 20. 58. 57-99 21. I. 7-33 21. I. 8-95 i 21. 2. 28'12 B . S n-68 : 8-82 9-95 44-07 8-06 14-22 I "01 24-89 46-58 4 "60 '"43 33-60 20*30 57-24 7'57 9-19 27-31 : 8-82 : 42-26 1 12-36 59*22 23*10 4475 278 59-64 31-69 18-37 55H2 575 7'3 57-I4 58-87 58-'9 58-27 58-14 58-21 58-2, 58-17 58-18 58-21 58-09 58-07 58-18 58-18 58-11 58-13 58-06 58-14 58-01 58-08 58-08 58-03 58-04 58-05 57-93 57-9 58-01 58-00 57-93 57-95 1892 Sept. 10. 5 Ursse Minoris. 77 Serpentis a Lyrte 2 Aquilte 29 Sagrttarii 14-267 ii "660 18. 5.53-21 18. 14. 46-40 18. 32. 18-90 18. 35. 25-01 18. 42. 19-33 5'77 45 "9 ' 19-06 24-43 18-59 4-I5 45-o8 18-38 23-64 17-78 58-38 59-I7 59-32 59-21 59-19 59-16 59-29 59-18 59"'5 Canso. Cephei 51 S. P. Cephei 51 S.P. . P Cygni A Urste Minoris 13-097 13-288 1 1 "660 11-149 18. 49. 8*64 18.49. 8-15 19. 25. 24-47 19. 29. 39-04 52-36 24-38 19-92 5179 5'79 23-82 22-12 59-43 59-30 59'44 62-20 59-36 1892 Sept. 11. v Ophiuchi .... y Draeonis 6- Ophiuchi... 96 Herculis ... p l Ophiuchi ... n'66o 17. 52. 6-74 17.53. 5'8o '7- 54- i5'79 17. 56. 47-15 17.59. ''55 6-05 6-25 15-28 46-91 1-04 6-62 6-88 I5'79 47-48 1-58 60-57 60*63 60-51 60-57 60-54 Canso. 60*58 8 Ursse Minoris. 60-52 60-57 60-54 8 Urs;e Minoris. 77 Serpentis 21 Sagittarii .... W 10 12-015 '8. 5- 5 -73 3'37 372 60*35 13-671 11-660 18. 5. 49*85 18. 14. 45*07 18. 17. 57-39 3-00 44'5- 56-56 372 45-06 57-13 60*72 60-55 60-57 60-54 60-56 1892 Sept. 12. Canso. v Ophiuchi y Draeonis 67 Ophiuchi 96 Hurculis p l Ophiuchi S Urste Minoris. 8 Ursse Minoris. Cephei 51 S.P. . n'66o 17. 52. 5-63 '7- 53- 4-38 '7- 54- 14-53 17. 56.45-95 17. 59. 0*29 12*948 18. 5. 47-21 12-630 | 18. 5. 46-32 11782 i 18. 49. 12*83 4'97 5-04 14-08 45-81 59-83 2'I I '73 53'07 6-60 6-84 I5-77 47-46 1-56 3-27 52-82 61-63 61-80 61-69 61-65 61*73 61-16 61-54 5975 61*64 61 '70 61-65 61*73 y Ly fre b Aquilffi l Cygni A Ursa? Minoris a AquiliB A Ursa; Minoris..., 1 1 "660 II'IOO 1 1 *66o 10*039 18. 53. 53-67] 53-80 19. 18. 49*49 < 49 "21 19. 25. 21*62 \ 21*64 19. 29. 26-50 '9- 3- 5'74 19.32. 52-11 19. 29. 29-05 18*49 5"'5 5172 '9"37 19-62 62-05 62-01 62-15 61*13 62*01 62-15 60-25 62 "oo 61-94 62*08 61-93 62*07 1892 Sept. 13. Canso. Cephei 51 S.P. .. y Lyrae f Aqnila TT Saj-ittarii v Sagittarii b AqiiiLt /8 1 Cygni A Ursse Minoris. A UrsiB Minoris K Aquilse a AquiUe .. Groombridge 1 1 1 9 S. P Aquilse 1 Capricorni of Capricorni a Capricorni j3 2 Capricorni f Capriconii 69 Aquila; 12-822 1 1 "660 12-159 12-305 1 1 "660 9 '8 57 11*660 18. 49. 10*22 18. 53. 52*96 18. 59. 26-14 19. 2. 20-98 19. 14. 32*95 19. 18. 48-66 19. 25. 20-87 19. 29. 21*27 19. 29. 19. 30. 19. 32. 19.48. 20. 4 20. 10. 20. ii. 20. 12. 2O. 13. 2O. 17. 2O. 21. 2O. 23. 21*73 4'94 51-46 40-08 4-07 10-25 56-99 19-68 42-55 0-31 50*63 20-03 32-09 48-28 2079 12-52 14-65 4-27 51*00 3'54 43-27 39'3' 3-30 9'37 56*18 19*93 41*69 597 28-58 22-78 34-73 51-20 2377 18-27 18-27 7-i5 53-86 13*50 46*24 42*22 6*29 12*32 59''9 23-03 447' 274 6275 62-84 6279 6275 62*64 62-92 62*98 63-62 62*88 62*86 69-96 62-97 62*91 62-99 62-95 63-01 63-10 63-02 63-04 62-80 62*74 62-70 62*58 62*86 62-91 62-81 6279 62-87 62*81 62-89 62-84 62-90 62-99 62-91 62-93 e Delphini Bradley 2701 a Cygni e Cygui 15 Delphini /i Aquarii 19 Capricorni 32 Vulpeculse 16 Delphiui 20 Capricorni 21 Capricorni 61 1 Cygni 6i' 2 Cygni 27 Capricorni y Equulei CCygni a Equulei 30 Capricorni and y Aquilse. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. Star's Name. .3 Observed Transit. 3*8 - Silt O I- O - " Star's Name. /I Observed Transit. S op.55 B -a rj 1892 Apr. 18. Polaris S. P. Polaris S.P. Virginia ... 1892 Apr. 19. y l Leonis j Ursie Majoris 5 '3 47-06 437 '3'9' 13-91 '77' 13-40 49-33 ! 29-65 12*420 ii. 39. 3-48 11.42.53-48 ,, 11.44.24-46 ,, 11.46. 6-43 12. 3.53-58 3' 2 5 53'*5 24-24 6-17 53'3 6 I2-42O 12. 35. 31-40 j 31*27 ,, 12.45.27-63 27-50 14-488 12. 53. 0-74 59-70 14-659 [ 12. 52. 58-51 | 58-67 I2-420 | 13. 3.41-9514173 I2-42O 11-634 16-229 I2'420 10. 56. 25-58 10. 58. 46-52 11. 2. 56-11 II. 5. 40-52 ii. 7- 4' '83 II. 15. 13-97 11.23. *5'33 ii. 26. 43-21 II. 26. 39-67 ii. 42. 53' 10 ii. 44. 24-12 2572 46-76 56-30 4O'8o 42-05 14-22 *5'57 44-20 42-22 5 3 '*4 24-28 44-20 34'3 5-29 47 '4 34-26 12-36 8-28 41-56 41-56 22-72 6-29 2773 37-20 21-59 23-08 55-00 6'37 25-67 25-67 34'*9 5-28 39-86 40-80 40-30 40-24 40-32 40-15 39'54 3977 4'35 40-30 40-21 40*26 42-06 377 40 "6 1 40-38 40-32 40-95 41-05 41-05 40-87 40*90 41-09 4078 41-86 42-89 40-99 40-57 40-97 40-90 4079 41-03 40-78 40-80 4 ' '47 43 '45 41*05 41-00 Greenwich. 40-29 25 Canum Venaticum m Virginis B.A.C. 4572 Greenwich. 40-26 4'33 40*16 4'35 40*30 4O '2 1 40*26 40-38 40-32 /Virginia B.A.C. 4254 37 Virginia e Ursse Majoris 2 Ursse Minoris S. P. 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. 8 Virgiiiis S Comse 65 Virginis Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P. o Draconia... Arcturus . Greenwich. 40*95 41*05 41*05 40-87 40-90 41-09 40-78 40-9 Polaris S.P f Virginis 25 Canum Venaticum a Draconis Arcturus 106 Virginis p Bootis jj. Virginis Greenwich. 40*97 40*90 4079 41-03 40-78 40*80 41-05 41*00 Groombridge 1830. b Virginis IT Virgiuis o Virginis Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672. q Virginis 23 Comae / Virginis X Virginis.... 7* Virginis . . . . ft Comae ] Wj 9 Spica Polaris S.P. .. 12*420 12*420 10*755 10*712 12*420 12-057 13-966 12-420 12*420 12-420 H I I '606 10-473 12*420 I2-420 13-338 13-264 12*420 13.32. 1-54 13. 35. 18-16 13. 37. 3878 12. 30. 34-95 12. 32. 13-25 12. 45. 28-32 12. 48. 38-67 12. 53. 8-42 12. 53. 9*86 13. 3.42-94 13. 6. 11-31 13. 17. 4-62 '3- '7- 55'97 '3- '7- 47'5S 14. o. 50-83 14. 10. 5-38 13. 6. 11-05 13. 18. 50-70 13. 17. 18*29 13. 17. 28-53 13. 28. 32*11 13. 32. 0-95 14. o. 50*81 14. 10. 4-77 14. 22. 2074 14. 26. 3I'3I 14. 36.4273 II. 46. 6"25 ii. 53. 45' 6 11. 54-4'39 11.59. 2-49 12. 14. 40*28 12. 14. 31 '24 12. 27. 32*49 12. 28. 48*60 3- 33'93 12. 33. 0-52 12. 35. 31-35 1-44 17-63 38-28 34'4' 12*79 27*88 39-08 '59 0-83 42-49 11-26 4-18 26-18 21-84 5"'59 5-21 io'8o 50-49 22-30 28*46 31-98 o'8o 50-66 4-63 2O'6l 31-16 42'6o 6-34 45-21 40-54 2*64 29-98 3*75 48*82 34''9 0-78 31-60 41*66 57-84 18*33 14*76 I 53''4 8*28 19-52 41-41 22-72 51-68 44'34 3*88 3*88 3' 77 45' 6 5 51*68 31*46 4''7 4''7 12*71 41*67 3'77 45-66 1-25 12-30 23-38 47 '3 26-18 21-50 43-68 13-08 13-08 '3'39 29-64 '477 41-51 12-35 40-22 4O '2 I 40-05 4'35 4'35 40-40 40-44 40-82 40-58 40-23 40*42 40*16 3770 42-04 40-18 40-44 40-88 40-97 41-87 357' 40-73 40-87 41-11 41-03 40*64 41*14 40*78 40*69 40-97 40*96 41*04 37*10 43*10 40*64 40*82 40*58 473 475 s 40*20 40*19 40*03 40-34 40-34 40-39 40-22 40*41 40*15 40*42 40-87 40-96 4072 40-86 41 "02 40-63 4I-I3 477 40-69 40-97 40*96 41-04 40-64 40'82 40-58 473 475 60 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. 1 s T3 ^ >, . V "s^s -d *" G 5 rs~- i Name. 1 ? "o . o SI Observed Transit. 2.T5 81 I 2 --^ pi o3 o -3 c o 63 Mil Star's Name. 1C 1 s "o 41 -4 g Observed Transit. -8-1 gi : : -*- 1 3 5 it-4 5 Ss ^ S t ^ H o .H 8 H a ^-2 X 6 a 5^ Si! z~2. 5*-; X a < la 3 i 1892 Apr. 22 ccmtanwed. 38 Virginis 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. 9 Virginia. Comae .... 65 Virginis., W \V W Polaris' S.P... . ..|W 1892 Apr. 23. 7 Ursse Majoris. o Virginis n Virginis I 2 '420 12*650 12 '420 13*609 I2*42O 12. 46. 5970 12. 53. I- 4 6 59-95 2-26 13. 3.41-51 ! 41-66 13. 6. 10-67 i 10-78 13- 17- 3'3 2 ! 3'49 13. 17. i8'io ' 24-38 40'55 41-64 ii. 47. 29-94 11. 59. 2*48 12. 3-53-37 30-10 2-49 53'37 11-38 43-68 34 ZS 1892 Apr. 25. Bradley 3147 S.P E 10 14-014 Bradley 3147 S.P W Crateris W v Virginis W ft Leonis W ft Virginis W Groonibridge 1830 |W y Ursse Majoris W o Virginis W e Corvi W Bradley 1672 W Bradley 1672. /Virginis B.A.C. 4254.. 7 1 Virginis... I3-935 12-420 10-995 15-362 12-420 ii. 26. 49-35 ii. 38. 36 84 ii. 39. 38-15 ii. 42. 52-72 ii. 44. 23-80 11.46. 5-44 ii. 47. 29-64 11. 59. 2-23 12. 3.53-93 12. 14. 23-47 12. 14. 20*15 12. 30.33-52 12. 32. 11-90 12. 35. 30-99 36-51 37^7 5 2 '59 3-59 5-48 29-85 2 'O6 53-58 3278 32-50 33-3 11-78 26-49 18-29 19-61 34' 2 7 47*01 11*35 43*67 35 ' 2 5 11*89 11*89 1475 53-I3 12-35 1892 Apr. 26. Bradley 3147 S.P E 10 12-064 11.26.49-83 42-23 26-80 Bradley 3147 S.P. { Virgiuis ft Leonis ft Virginis y Ursje Majoris.... ii Virginis Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672. / Virginis B.A.C. 4254 . y 1 Virginis ... B.A.C. 4277.. 38 Virginis ... I5-954 12-420 11-071 15-392 12-420 ii. 26. 48-60 11.39. z'&7 n. 42. 52-76 ii. 44. 23-98 11. 47. 29-66 12. 3.53-I2 12. 14. 19-06 12. 14. 19-68 12. 30. 3373 12. 32. I2'OI 12. 35. 31-10 12. 37. 25-50 12.46. 59-83 42-56 2 '55 52-48 23-62 29-78 52-78 29-83 3 3 '49 33'4i 1 1 '70 30-80 25-20 59-52 26-80 44'I7 34 - 27 5 -2 7 11-34 34-24 11-40 ii -40 I4-75 53-I3 12-35 6-45 40-55 2 Ursse Minoris S.P Polaris S.P TJ Ursse Majoris f Bobtis 17-533 14-508 12-420 i 2 - 53- 4'53 13. 17-42-71 '3- 4 2 - 37'67 '4- 35- I9"49 59'5 26-35 37-73 19-19 42-34 6-18 19-63 I '01 1892 May 5. 40-60 39-38 22-73 4'7 51-68 40-90 44-35 40-86 41-28 41-19 40-88 ii. 26. 51*96 j 45-37 26-49; 41-1 42-18 4178 41-64 41-68 41-68 4i'S3 41-50 41-61 41-67 39-11 39'39 4i - 39 4I-35 41*50 44'57 44-24 41-62 4179 41-65 41-56 41-46 4I-34 4''43 4'-55 41-25 41-03 1892 Apr. 27. 2 Ursse Minoris S.P E 10 11*059 i 2 - 53- 5'94 5971 4 2 '34 4 2 "63 42-84 39-83 41-90 41-82 Greenwich. s 40*60 41*07 40*90 40*86 Polaris S.P f Virginis 25 Canmn Venaticuin \ Virginis 2 Libra Greenwich. 41-19 40-88 7 1 Virginis... B.A.C. 4277. Greenwich. 4178 41-64 41-68 41-68 41-53 41*61 41*67 4''39 4i'35 41*50 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. (> Virginis ft Coiuse Polaris S.P. .. Greenwich. 41*62 41-79 41*65 41*46 41-34 41-43 41-55 41-25 41*03 if Virginis 5 Virginis 2 Ursa; MiuorisS.P. 2 Urssa Minoris S.P. Virginis ft Conise 61 Virginis Spica Polaris S.P. .. Greenwich. B.A.C. 4277 37 Virginia 38 Virginis e Ui>se Majoris 2 Ursse Minoris S.P Polaris S.P Spica P Virginis f Virginis 25 Canum Venaticum m Virginis Polaris S.P 25 Camuii Venaticum TO Virginis T) Ursce Majoris 41-81 p Virginis j W o 2 Librse W ft Ursfe Miuoris W ft Bootis j W if Bootis j W Waterville. io'o8o 12-420 12-420 12-420 I2 '333 16*178 12*420 12*028 1 1 '306 12*420 12*420 12-454 16-630 12-420 M i> 12-044 11-151 12-420 12-420 13. 17. 24-97 13.28. 31*51 13.32. 0-51 14. 12. 36-23 14. 16. 57-28 12. 35. 3! "OO 12. 37. 25*20 27*17 3'77 0* 7 I 36-50 30*90 25'10 12. 37. 25-16 25-02 12. 45. 26*98 26*87 12.46. 59-43 59-28 12-48. 37'55 12.53. 5'9 6 37*96 0*89 1 2 - 53- 3'57 i 59'7 13- 3-4'-3i 4 1 '' 2 13. 6. 10*14 ' 10*09 13. 17. 33*88 21*04 13. 17. 49*91 13. 18. 50-11 13. 25.41-15 13. 28. 31 -56 13. 32. o'i8 13. 35. 16-92 12. 48. 4-58 12. 49. 29-98 12. 53. 9*74 1 2 - 53- 5'5 13- 3-4>'55 13. 6. 10-24 13. 12. 5-46 13. 18. 50*02 13. 17. 41-06 13. 17. 47-79 13. 31. 59*98 13. 35. 16*86 13- 4 2 - 37'58 14. 36. 42-16 14. 44. 14-44 14. 50. 24*38 14. 57. 13*05 | 14. 59. 9-22 32-99 49-92 40-99 31-43 0-31 16-74 4' 2 3 29-72 4*87 1*98 41-14 10*06 .4-96 49'57 25-89 28*54 59^9 16*53 3777 41*72 13*92 25-32 12-99 9-02 4-35 1271 41 68 17*27 38*26 12*35 6-46 6-45 8-28 40'55 19-47 42-00 42 "oo 22 73 51-68 5' 2 5 5' 2 5 3 1 '47 22-28 12-72 41-68 57-88 45'45 ii "09 42-16 42-16 22*73 51*68 46-52 3 1 '47 5-69 5-69 41-68 57-88 19-63 2 3'45 55-60 7-32 5475 50*83 37-18 40-94 40-97 40-77 40-71 4 ''45 41*36 4I-43 41-41 41-27 41-51 41-1 1 42-30 41 '61 4I-59 44-21 32*26 4I-55 41*29 41-29 4i'37 41-14 41 '22 4'37 37-29 40-18 4^59 41 '62 41*56 41*90 39-80 41*69 4I-35 41*86 4173 41*68 42*00 41*76 41*81 t|/ Ursae Majoris W 9 12 '420 F, 4 I2'42O i j. 55. 45 '19 45 *^3 21 '43 7 ^ *6O -: c'6i Ursre Majoris W q 26"5& F Q 1 1. Co. 7 "-I C 7 'QQ 4-"-5"6l * 3 ^ 31; "62 -^62 ff Leonis W " F 12. 3. 34*21 34*87 lo*-;? -1C 'CO 83 Leonis W 8 d.2"78 V 12. 14. 31 '27 2Q*?2 Bradley 3147 S.P W c 35 4 1 35 47 2 9 45 37 44 W TO 9'96l 12. 14. 3I'll 25-38 7*31 41*93 Bradley 3147 S.P K 7 7-687 ic'Sr W 12. ^ s. ?6'o8 -16-6-1 12*^2 F, A2 - C8 l8 '21 35 l W 47 '^ 22*71 -8 Leonis F, 8 I I. 42. S7"Q7 58*60 35 3 W 12. 45. 32*10 32*64 8*26 71; '62 j3 Virginis E 7 W " 12. 48. 43*64 43*96 19*36 TC'dO y Ursae Majoris F, 1 1 '18 35 t 02 W 11*368 12. C7. 4.'2O 4-? '62 JJ ' J 35 43 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT WATERVILLE. 61 i 's Name. a e 1 * Observed Transit. 111 Star's Name. Observed Transit. II < t, III 1892 May 5 continued. i UrsiB Minoris S.P. /3 Comai 58 Virgiuis Polaris S.P. .. 1892 May 6. j8 Ursae Majoris X Leonis fy Ursa; Majoris B.A.C. 3837 , 83 Lrouis Hradley 3147 S.P. Bradley 3147 S.P., Leonis 3 Virginia ., 7 Ursae Majoris b Virgiuis o Virginia 1892 May 7. Bradley 3147 S.P.., /3 Virginia Groombridge 1830. y Ursie Majoris b Virginis o Virgiuis ii Virginis Bradley 1672 Bradley 1672. Corvi X Virgiuis...., 7' Virginis.... B.A.C. 4277.. 38 Virginis... 1892 May 9. Ii Virgiuis IT Virginis o Virginis 10 Virginis q Virginia / Virgiuis X Virginis 7 1 A irginis B.A.C. 4277 37 Virginis e Ursse Majoris 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. 1892 May 11. Polaris S.P. Polaris S.P. Groombridge 750 S.P. 5 Ophiuchi cT 1 Coronse 19 Scorpii 7 Herculis p Ophiuchi X Ophiuchi i] Draeonis E 10 E ; 9 E 8 E 10 2 Ursse Minoris S.P E $ Com se E 4 1892 May 13. J UrssB Minoris Groombridge 750 S.P. w 9-610 12-420 12-395 12-420 13-867 12.53. 6*13 13. 6. 15*39 13. ii. 12*77 13. 17. 28-99 10.54.43-05 10. 58. 48*74 11. 2. 58-37 II. 7.47-20 II. 20. 39-39 II. 26. 46-48 7'74 i6"oo '3'45 33-03 43-44 49-50 58-89 47-96 40-17 11.26.45-97 53-07 12-420 ii. 42. 55-50 ! 56-11 i ii. 44. 26-41 1 27-10 ii. 47. 32-96 1 33-19 ii. 53. 47'66 48-33 ! ii. 59. 4-90 5-54 43*62 51*66 48*93 9-72 21*25 27-60 36-98 25-98 18-19 29-74 *9"74 34"'9 5-20 ii'i6 26-11 43*61 17-363 12-420 13-679 16-483 12-420 ii. 26. 44*19 n. 44. 2 3'64 1 1. 46 5 "69 ii. 47. 30-11 n. 53. 44-65 ii. 59. 12. 3 12. 14 2-07 52-88 37' 6 4 51-66 i 30-04 2 4'47 ! 5" r 9 6-26 I 46-88 11*14 26-10 43-60 34*18 30-47 45-47 2-86 53' 6 9 25-83 12. 14. 37'23 29-20 12. 28. 2*38 , 3-47 12. 33. 0-05 I*04 12. 35. 30*74 , 31*69 12. 37. 24*86 25*81 12. 46. 59'2I O'l8 12-420 15-026 4-908 12-420 12*164 11-146 12*420 10-419 9-684 12-420 II. 53. II. 54. 11. 58. 12. 3. 12. 27. 12. 30. 12. 32. I2 - 35- 12. 37. 12. 45. 12. 48. 12. 5 2. 39-35 3473 56-93 23-77 26-52 27-98 5475 2 5'54 19-49 21 '62 33-37 5^37 12. 52. 51*51 13. 6. 5-15 13. 17. 6-37 13. 17. 2'66 40-46 35-81 58*00 24-89 2 773 29-16 55^5 26 69 20-64 22*73 3377 59-53 6-37 6-37 43'9i 41-48 12-32 6-43 40-53 26-09 21-41 43-59 -o'35 13-34 14*72 4i'47 12-31 6-42 8-25 19-31 44-3I 58-17 44'3' 6'i6 51-65 23-96 22-33 15.47. 9-03 7-82 16. i. 32-59 36*68 16. 1.31*34 16. 7. 4778 16. 9.45*27 16. 13. 15*14 16. 16. 16*36 16. 18. 13*31 16. 19.52*59 l6. 21. 40*53 35'99 48*04 45 "*9 15-52 16-49 13-69 52-94 40-13 13*04 13-04 2*56 30*97 30-97 42-69 3978 9-87 10-99 8-19 47>3 Waterville. 35*88 35-66 35-48 36-69 37-81 38-10 38-09 38*02 38-02 38-12 36-67 38-08 38*10 37^7 37-78 38-07 38-38 4072 40-62 40-67 40-63 4074 40-49 40-54 37-I7 40-44 40-44 40-63 40-62 40-35 45-63 45-60 45-59 45-46 45*61 45-56 45'5 2 45*62 45-78 45'5 2 45-54 44*78 46-14 45-49 49-08 5071 54-74 54-29 54-49 54-35 54-5 54-50 54-49 5474 35-55 Polaris S.P I- Virginis ( Virginis 25 Canum Venaticum , Waterville. 38-21 38-19 38*11 38*09 38-11 38-13 37-79 38-07 ii Virgiuis.... Bradley 1672. Bradley 1672. 23 Corns Polaris S.P. .. Polaris S.P , 25 Canum Venaticum . m Virginis B.A.C. 4572 i) Ursae Majoris Waterville. 40-75 40*64 40-64 40-74 40-48 40-39 40-38 40-57 40-56 40-27 2 Ursse Minoris S.P. . 2 Ursae Minoris S.P. 3 Comae Polaris S.P Polaris S.P P Virginis h Virginis J Virgiuis 25 Caimm Venaticum , m Virgiuis B.A.C. 4572 86 Virginis 88 Virginis Waterville. 45-64 45-61 45-59 45-46 45-58 45 '5' 45'47 45-56 457 2 45-45 58 Virginis 6 1 Virginis 66 Virginis Polaris S.P. Polaris S, j,' Virginis 25 Canum ra Virginis f Bootis p. Virgiuis. 5 Librae.. a 1 Librae. a 2 Librae. Waterville. ri Ursoe Majoris. Arcturus a Corouse Waterville. (3 Herculis . 54*24 54-08 53-93 54-08 54-o8 54-06 x Ophiuchi f Ursse Minoris . a Herculis 8 Herculis J Ophiuchi a Ophiuchi 3 Sagittarii p Herculis 96 Hercnlis 13*885 12*420 13- i/- 2 3"39 13. 25. 46-04 13. 28. 36-57 13.32. 5-61 12-420:12. 3.55*76 12*621 1 12. 14. 41*10 13*997 I 12. I4.39-45 12*420 ; 12. 28. 51*05 11-360 13. 17. 22*o8 '5'55 2 12*420 13- 4 2 13-35 3-05 18-94 39-84 41-03 IO 12*520 12. 52. 58*14 16*852 I2*42O II*I26 I2*42O F, 9 I 2 '4 lia F 4 F, 9 .p. F, 10 10-9 ,P W 10 15-0 w q 12*4 n Venaticum is ...'... . W w 9 q 11 F, q s F 9 F, 9 F, <; E 7 12. 52. 58-50 13. 6. 10-41 13. 17. 11-54 13. 17. 15-82 13.25. 40-75 13. 26. 36-48 13. 28. 31-10 13. 32. 0-48 13. 35. 16-39 '3- 37- 3 6 '9 2 13. 39. 3075 13.41. 58-95 13. ii. 2-27 13. ii. 5970 13. 18. 10-56 13. 17. 4-69 13. 17. 2'68 13. 28. 25-94 '3- 3'- 55" 2 3 13. 35. 11-04 14. 35. 14-29 14. 36. 36-73 14. 39. 15-16 14. 43. 57-61 32-51 46*60 37-12 6-05 9-72 22-31 12-75 41-68 56-42 29-58 3171 34-I9 1 6-86 ' 6-86 i 29-59 34'2O 1O"I2 30-55 3'5 19-67 40-56 4>'33 10-12 41-68 57-9I 18-40 19-60 2 '54 43 '93 4'40 43 '93 11-07 ' 5i'66 29-48 10-57 28-68 4172 37^7 32-04 I-I 9 I7-37 3'75 59 "9 2 3-60 i-ii 11-85 2 4'53 27-60 27-08 56-01 12-24 1 5 '43 38-02 16-53 58-99 14. 44. 8'8i 10-19 10-57 22-31 1 8 -08 12-75 41-67 57 '9 2 18-41 12-30 40-31 48-93 4 6 '53 57-I5 11-69 11-69 1275 41-67 57'9 2 1-09 2 3'55 1-93 44-30 557' 12-420 12-420 12-420 42. 29-79 9- 55-9I 29. 18-82 16.24.41-54 16. 51 16. 56 17. 8 17. 9 17. 18 17. 20 '7- 39 17. 41 17. 56 39-89 17-22 50-12 42-48 52-88 15-80 52-33 20-66 5 2 "35 29-59 19-57 56-06 4575 18-91 873 41 '65 j 3 6 '33 .40-12 15-19 5'33 42-62 53"3 2 1 6 '07 5 2 79 20-78 52-52 34-90 1 2 "02 44-90 37" 2 7 48-02 10-81 47 '43 i5"39 47 '4 1 37-21 357' 35-63 35"63 3777 37-28 35"'5 37-86 35 '9 2 39'57 38-18 38-24 37-84 38-27 4I-39 39'53 40-59 41-09 41-89 4 '59 40-61 40-71 40-48 4'55 40-52 40-55 40-39 45-33 45'4* 45'3 47-16 44-09 45 ' 6 7 45-66 45-68 45-66 45-53 45-40 45"3' 45'5 2 49-98 49-69 49-82 54-68 5478 56-83 54"57 54^5 547 5474 54 64 54-61 54-89 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. .Star's Name. 2 Observed Transit. sg . s-; 5S.S o 5 * o.o >* Star's Name. Observed Transit. Sg . 1892 May 15. Waterville. a Serpentis ( Serpentis ( Ursse Minoris Groom bridge 750 S.P. V9"|[ ">' Groombridge 750 S.P. . S Ophiuchi 4 8*92 30-38 56'33 13-68 4 '49 48-10 28-00 5679 I 2 'So 272 16-89 16*89 7-02 4'55 55-33 16-75 42-68 59-91 50-90 46*39 46*22 46-39 46-08 46'75 46-30 46-42 46-41 46'37 46-23 46*41 46-48 1892 Aug. 18. Waterville. S Ura;e Minoris.. 1 Aquilse Lyrse 2 Aquilse 29 Sagittarii Cephei 518.?.. Cephei 51 S.P. ., d Sagittarii o> Aqiulse u Sagittarii S Aquilse 1 Cygni A Ursa; Minoris.. A Ursse Miuoris. > Aquilse a Aquilse i) Aquilse 13-476 13-450 12*669 11-417 13*450 12*882 12-908 13*450 18. 7. 11*89 18. 29. 19-39 18. 33. 16*06 18. 36. 21 '07 18. 43. 15*22 18. 49. 37-31 18. 49.42*27 19. II. 18*74 19. 12. 44*04 19. 15. 32-21 19. 20. 2-52 19. 26. 21 *o8 19. 31. 38-36 41*92 6-go 19. 31 19. 41 19. 45. 30-24 '9-46. 5774 14-23 19-20 15*90 20*88 15*02 38-19 39-28 1874 44-06 32*20 2-53 21*13 46*21 39*28 6-63 30-07 57-56 13-26 22*01 18-86 23-92 1 8 -06 41 '20 41 '2O 21*56 47-03 35-12 5-51 24-13 47-14 47"i4 9-80 33"'7 0*64 59-03 2*81 2*96 3-04 3-04 3-01 1*92 2*82 2-97 2-92 2-98 3-00 0-93 7-86 3''7 3*10 3*08 2-76 2-91 2-98 2-97 2-71 2-86 2-80 2-85 2-86 3-01 2*93 2*91 Groombridge 1119 S.P. B.A.C. 7014 69 Aquilse Delphini 75 Draconis 75 Draconis .. e Aquarii 15 Delphini .. a Aquarii .... i Pegasi 35 Aquarii e Pegasi Cephei fl Aquarii .... Bradley 2997. ( Pegasi . 1 ~ W,20 W| 8 14*418 13-450 15*890 19-145 13*450 13-611 13-450 19. 48. 40*32 42*76 20. 17. 49-08 ! 48-91 20. 23. 59-78 i 59-60 20. 28. 2-37 20. 35. 1*04 20. 35 20. 41 20. 44 22. O 22. I 22. 3 22. 4 22. 7 22. II 22. 22 22. 36 22. 37 2-41 49*60 28-57 13*87 58-36 3-52 44-69 6"2O 8-n 2 I '06 3-69 5 5 '42 2*20 0*67 3-25 49-60 28-59 13-88 58*41 3-52 44 7 ' 6-38 8-n 22-84 37i 55-47 46*67 52-05 2-89 5'59 4-56 4*56 52-45 31-38 16-77 1-37 6-52 47'57 9*0 1 10-75 25*13 6-95 5873 3'9' 3''4 3-29 3-39 3-89 I'M 2*8 5 2 79 2-89 2-96 3-06 2-86 2-63 2-64 2-29 3-24 3*26 1892 Aug. 19. S Ursse Minoris. a Lyrce Cephei 51 S.P. . Aquarii 1 Pegasi 9 Pegasi y Aquarii W w w w w w W 11-675 13-450 '3"355 13-45 18. 7. 13-91 18. 33. 13-62 18. 49. 29-41 22. O. 11*01 22. I. 55*91 22. 4. 41*94 i 42*30 22.16. 1-55 1-98 8'i 3 >3'57 37-08 11-43 56-09 12-85 18-84 41-68 16*77 '"37 47-57 7-27 4'73 5-28 4-61 5'33 5-27 5-26 5-28 Waterville. 5-23 4-95 4-89 4-87 4-88 Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993. C Pegasi 7, Pegasi. S Aquarii 15-208 i 22. 22. 1*27 17*818 I 22. 21. 59*67 13-450122.36. 1-13 22- 37- 53' 22. 48. 51*82 54-14 54-96 1-64 53-33 52-55 59-91 59-9 1 6*96 5874 57-92 576 4'94 5'32 5'4' 5'37 1892 Aug. 22. o 1 Capricorni. a 2 Capricorni. e Delphini 13-450 20. ii. 30*00 20. II. 54-04 20. 27. 53-62 31-22 6-44 5'57 11-15 11*18 11*19 Waterville. 10*95 10*98 10*97 75 Draconis . e Pegasi W 20 W 6 i i * i 40 13-45 20. 34. 59-23 21. 38.43*36 52*69 44"'5 3*91 55-36 II '22 I 1*21 1892 Aug. 24. B Ursffi Minoris Waterville. i Aquilse Cephei 51 S.P. i Aquilse o Sagittarii '5'394 13-450 12-045 13*450 18. 6. 51*96 18. 29. 6*72 18. 49. 29*48 18. 54. 29-85 18. 58. 0*07 55-25 6*3, 28*10 29*50 59*62 11*01 21-95 43-80 45-29 15*27 1576 15*64 1570 '579 15*65 15*60 1571 '5"57 f Aquilse n Sagittarii.. ID Aquilge v Sagittarii.. 5 Aquilse 3 1 Cygni 13-450 19. o. i-**5 19. 3. 772 19. 12. 31*66 I 9 . 15. 19*76 I 9 . 19. 50-05 19. 26. 8 13*14 7*28 3 '-.3 '9'33 49*67 8*18 28-85 23*03 46-98 35-o8 5-46 24-06 1571 1575 15*68 '575 '579 15-88 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT WATERVILLE AND GREENWICH. 63 Star's Name. Position. at jt I R.A. Microme ter. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent E.A. Clock Apparently Slow. -^"oo Star's Name. Position. No. of Wires. 1 R.A. Micrometer. Observed Transit. Corrected Transit. Tabular Apparent E.A. 3 off. lljl U3 1892 Aug. 24 c A Ursee Minoris ynt w E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w E E E E E E E E E E E E E im 10 IO 9 9 6 5 5 6 12 9 9 4 9 5 9 9 9 '3 5 '9 6 9 9 8 9 8 9 IO 28 IO 9 8 6 9 9 8 8 8 9 7 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 IO 9 9 9 9 9 ted. r '3777 I4-7I3 13-450 9-806 13-450 17-119 13-450 M 9 lO'IIO 15-044 13-323 13*450 t 14-783 14-718 13-227 13-500 1 1 16-505 17-946 18-122 13-500 14-526 13-500 bun 19. 31. 25*62 19. 31. 14*93 18. 33. 0*83 20. 18. 5*35 20. 27. 47-77 20. 33. 23*68 21. 1.47-92 21. 15. 4473 21. 2O. 57*09 2'. 33' 49-0 21. 36. 22*6l 21. 38. 37*31 2'. 40. 49-59 21.47. 53''7 21. 59. 58*64 22. 1.43*25 22. 6. 50*98 22. 21.41 'OO 21. 21. 8*94 22. 21. 52*59 22. 35- 53-I9 22. 37. 45*01 22. 46. 47*57 22. 48- 43^2 23. 8. 32*41 23. 10. 2*83 23. ii. 22*66 23- '3- 9-37 23. 27. 56*38 18. 49. 22*38 19. 31. 33*25 19. 35. 59*20 19. 42. 21*77 19. 45. 18*20 19. 46. 4576 '9- 49- 47-90 19. 52. 37*74 '9- 53- 44-55 20. II. 27*34 20. II. 51-47 20. 12. 57-55 20. 14, 44 '29 20. 17. 36-99 20. 22. 29*85 20. 33. 28*16 2O. 33. 28*80 20. 34. 50*71 2O. 41. 38*02 20. 49. 45*15 20. 52. 56*57 21. I. 51*41 21. 8. 8*05 22. 21. 50*15 22. 29. 36*00 22. 44. 34*93 22. 46. 46*54 22. 48. 43*02 22. 59. 10-50 s 26*63 26*43 0-94 5-45 47*88 23-89 48*03 44'84 49*12 22*76 37-42 4973 58*76 43'35 51*08 4I-37 1*22 46*73 53'4' 45''3 47*88 44*26 32-71 3"'4 22*92 9*69 48-36 30-15 '375 59-5 22*07 18*55 46 'i 6 48-27 377o 44-84 27*81 5' '94 58-06 44-78 37-36 30-35 26-33 49-24 38-27 45'45 56*76 51*62 8-33 46*90 35^4 47-03 43-56 10*87 a 41*10 41*10 18-74 23-3 5"57 4I-97 5-85 2'64 ,5-71 7 '06 40*61 55-37 7*68 11*26 16*82 9*04 5975 14*04 59-33 7*09 58*86 1*58 58*02 46-41 16-82 36-66 23-34 2-34 49-38 27-93 13-87 36-40 33-03 0-51 2-70 52*12 42*30 6*37 12*40 59-26 51*96 4479 40*98 40*98 3*07 52-67 59-68 10-97 22-68 59-16 51-06 49'93 1-50 58-04 25>2 1 s 14-47 14*67 1 17*80 17*85 17*69 1 8 -08 17-82 17-80 18-15 '7 "94 17-85 '7'95 '7'95 17-99 1 8 -06 1 8*06 17-96 18*38 < 12*82 12*60 13*68 '373 13*70 13*76 13*70 13*68 i3'74 13*65 13*98 ( 19*23 14-18 14-37 '4'33 14*48 '4'35 '4'43 14-42 14*49 14*49 '4-43 '4'34 14*48 14*60 14-44 14*65 13*65 14*40 14*23 14*21 14*21 I4-35 12*26 14*61 14*69 '4'47 14*48 '4'55 Vaterv s Vateri '775 17*66 17*48 '7'57 '7'53 17*64 I7-55 17-64 17-64 17*66 17-72 17*72 rreenu '3"57 13*62 13-59 13*65 '3'57 13-55 13*61 13-52 '2reenu '4"34 14*30 14*44 14*31 '4'39 14*38 '4 "45 I4-45 I4-39 14*30 14*44 I4-55 '4'39 '4'35 14*17 14*15 14*15 14-29 Gree 14-54 14-62 14-40 14-41 14-48 ille. y Aquilse E E E W W "W W \v w w w w w E E E E E E E E E W E E E E W W w w w w w E E E E E E E E E E E E E W W 9 5 9 8 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 IO IO IO 8 9 5 9 9 9 10 IO 8 9 8 6 6 9 9 1 IO 9 8 9 9 7 9 7 8 5 8 7 4 8 9 r 13*450 6*588 13*450 i i i 14*020 10*495 15*376 13-45 13*990 14-768 13-500 n I 4 *i6 9 7758 13*500 J 14-657 16*134 13*500 11 I) 13-500 ,3-878 io'68o 13-500 h m s 19. 40. 54-21 19. 42. 20-96 19. 45. 17-58 22. 21. 44*66 22. 58. 16*74 23. 4. 19-52 23. 8. 28-28 23- '9- 43'52 23- 43- 40-ii 23. 46. 43-88 23. 53. 30-22 23- 57- 57-13 o. 2. 32-44 o. 13. 37-35 o. 13.44-36 23. 27. 49-63 23. 46. 14-50 23- 53- 34-42 23- 59- 37-13 0. 2. 36*76 o. 4- 35-67 o. 7. 28*90 o. '3- 47-56 o. 13. 30*25 21. IO. 13*44 21. II. 42*27 21. 12. 58*15 21. 21. 1*28 21. 21. 6*62 21. 30. 50-04 21. 33. 52-27 21. 36. 2577 21. 38. 40-56 21. 40. 52-86 22. 21. 47-07 22. 21. 46*96 22. 37. 44*63 22. 44. 35-47 22. 46. 47-16 22. 48. 43-65 22. 56. 45 "21 22. 58. 20-32 22. 59. 10-89 23. 3. 29-88 23. 4.23-27 23. 3-29-38 23. 19. 46-93 23- 27. 5'77 23. 27. 54*99 23. 42. 10*78 s 54-03 20 '8 1 17-40 42*61 16*63 19*44 28*22 43-42 40*04 4379 30*14 57*08 42*84 43'53 49*11 14*82 37-49 36*95 36*03 29*16 49'49 46*63 13*87 42-83 56*66 i '06 50-55 52*66 26*28 40*91 53'35 42*91 44-91 3579 47-67 44*20 20*62 11*27 30*46 23*68 47-25 47-23 49'47 11*19 9 9*76 33''4 5975 34*70 37-66 46-31 '73 58-14 1-94 15-14 50-64 '"94 1-94 2-34 28*69 51*09 50*80 4975 42*96 59-17 59-I7 28*00 56*81 12*72 13*82 13*82 4-98 7*07 40*61 7*70 59*24 59-24 49'92 1*58 58*03 59*66 3478 25*41 3777 44'33 1-86 2-33 2-33 26-05 8 '573 15-71 '574 17-14 18-07 18-22 18-09 18-31 18-10 18-15 18-19 18*06 18*31 19*10 18*41 13*23 13-87 '375 13-60 ,3*85 13*72 13*80 9*68 12*54 14*13 13-98 '4"37 17*16 12-76 H-43 14-41 '4"33 H'47 '4'35 16-33 15-72 14-02 14-13 13*91 13*83 14*28 14*16 14-14 13-86 14-09 14-38 14-61 15-10 12-86 14-86 3 '5'59 15-56 '5'59 17-68 '779 17-66 17-86 17-62 17-66 17-69 17-56 17-80 '373 13*60 '3 "45 13-70 '3'57 13-65 12-39 14-07 13-92 14-31 14-36 '4'34 14-26 14-40 14-28 13-93 14-04 13-81 '373 14-18 14-06 14-04 13-76 13-99 14-30 '4'53 '477 A Urs?e Minoris S Sagittarii o Aquilas ille. 1892 Aug. 25. 58 Pegasi Aquarii. v Peeasi Groombridge 3548 Pegasi d Aquarii o> Piscium. . K Capricorni z Ceti e Pegasi a Andromedse 8 Capricorni. Bradley 1672 S.P 1 6 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P a Aquarii i Pegasi 4ch. Cephei.. Bradlev 2993 1892 Sept. 4. Groombridge 3548 Bradlev 2993 <* Pe-^asi . . , TJ Pegasi \ Aquarii , ... 5 Aquarii B A C 17 $ Aquarii tp 1 Aquarii Bradley 1672 S P 7 Piscium Bradley 1672 S P 4* 3 Aquarii 1892 Sept. 5. Cephei 51 S.P A Ursa; Minoris 3 Sagittse 5 Sagittfe . .... a Aquilie -. vi Aquilie 8 Aquilse it Cygni .. . 7 Sagittffi a 1 Capricorni a 2 Capricorni ff Capricorn i S 2 Capricorni B.A.C. 7014 p Capricorni Bradley 2701 Bradley 2701 75 Draconis Cygni 32 Vulpeculse v Cygni 6I 1 Cvgni 58 Pegasi viwich. 1892 Sept. 6. Bradley 2993 17 Aquarii ju Pegasi \ Aquarii ... .... 5 Aquarii a Pegasi Aug. 25. Bradley 2993 (W) was observed on the gth galvanic wire as clouds intervened. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OP LONGITUDE. 1 J b ^ i .j >, ^.- Star's Name. osition *o -is 2 Observed Transit. || JJN ^ c ^ up Star's Name. .2 1 "o . s rff Observed Transit. 3 -a o C 11 jji-5 111 !T ilil tt 6 = H | .?F & o K i s fl H^' H: " PI^M 1892 Sept. 6 continued. Greenwich. r h m s 3 S S s r h m s H , H 8 B.A.C. 8285 W 7 w o. 41. io - 68 1 I *OI 25-92 14*91 14-81 w c 14*86 w c-7 'q-i 14*76 14-66 a Andromeda w 20 Ceti w ' ' o. 47. 16*62 17-02 31-82 14-70 B.A.C. 17 w w 9 IO ii 15 '164 0. 4. 34-56 O. 17. 76*77 34-98 49*78 48-64 58*89 I4 P 80 14-71 w w 9 IO 15 '077 o. 49. 59-82 o. 54. 2*87 59' 6 5 58-79 14-50 14-18 14-85 '475 Bradley 1672 S.P 2 Ursse Minoris 15 Ceti w s I 7 'COO O. 72. 2O'6c flCeti... w q 0. VI. <7'-!6 C7'8i: 12-88 11 '07 2 Qrsae Minoris .. E 7 I? *6 1 2 o. Cd. 1*58 58-24 14-18 15-94 1892 Sept. 7. 7) Capricorn! ....... ; 9 Caprioonti ........ 6 1 1 Cygni ........... 7 Equulei ........... fCygui .............. a Equulei ............ 30 Capricorni ....... Groombridge 3548 Groombridge 3548 K Capricorni ........ t Pegasi .............. S Capricorni ........ /i Capricorni ........ 16 Pegasi ............. i Pegasi e Pegasi Cephei 42 Aquarii 45 Aquarii 1892 Sept. 8. /3 Sagittse 7 Aquilae a Aquilse a 1 Capricorni.. o 2 Capricorni.. 69 Aquilae t Delphini Bradley 2701.. Bradley 2701.. 32 VnlpecuUe.. 6i> Cygni 7 Equulei I Cygni r Cygni a Cygni a Cepbei a Aquarii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi 1892 Sept. 12. /3 1 Cygni 7 Aqnilse SSagittse o Aquilae Groombridge 1119 S.P fl Aquilse B.A.C. 7014 p Capricorni 69 Aquilse Bradley 2701 Bradley 2701. Cygni c Aquarii 15 Delpbini .. fi Aijuarii K Capricorni.. 13-500 12-580 1 1 -004 13-500 20. 58. 3'10 3 '59 20. 59. 39-97 40-45 21. I. 50-74 50-85 21. 4. 52-59 52-90 21. 8. 7-53 771 21. 10. 1276 13-10 21. II. 41 '60 42-07 21. 21. 3-23 58-27 21.21. 5-54 59-64 21. 36. 24-98 25-41 21.38. 39-98 40*24 21. 40. 52'15 52*56 21. 47. 11-85 12*24 21. 47. 56*00 56-14 22. 0. 1-33 1*65 22. I. 45 -90 46*06 22. 4. 32-27 32-55 22. 6. 54*07 53-82 22. 1O. 48 30 48-69 22. 13. 0-38 0*77 13-500 io'o6o 8*033 13-500 13*500 '5"35o 13*500 15*141 18*857 13-500 18-38 55H3 577 7-76 22*66 27 '99 56-80 13*42 13-42 40-63 55-38 77 27-38 11-25 16-86 l- 43 47*66 9-00 3-89 15-87 '9-35- 58-25 58-55 13-83 19. 40. 54-14 54-47 9-61 19. 45. '7'40, '774 33-00 20. n. 26-63 2 7'7 42-27 20. ii. 50-64 51-08 6-34 20. 23. 47*28 47-68 2-79 20. 27. 49*88 50-21 5-48 20. 33. 26*94 2573 40-68 20. 33 . 28-26 26-69 40-68 20. 49. 4378 43'95 59' 6 5 21. I. 50-08 50-18 5-76 21. 4. 51-92 52*20 7*76 21. 8. 6*87 7-03 22*65 21. 10. 15-24 '5'35 30-99 21. 12. 5678 56-88 12-69 21. 15. 47-20 46-97 2-40 22. 0. 0-95 1-27 16-86 22. I. 45-62 45-81 '"43 22. 4 . 31-86 32-15 47*66 19. 26. 19. 40. 19. 42. 19. 45. 19. 48. 20. 5. 2O. 17. 2O. 22. 20. 23. 20. 33. 20. 33. 20. 37 . 20. 41. 20. 44. 20. 46. 21. 36. 6-95 52-48 19-26 '572i 0-58 28-91 347o 27-22 45"42( 28-46 28*79 3'53 35''3 '4'39 35*11 23-39 7'33 53-16 19-81 16-42 49'77 29-76 3V45 28-33 46-30 23-70 24-39 30-58 36*17 15-09 36-14 24*58 23-79 9-56 36-3 1 32-95 I2"OI 46*25 51*89 4472 278 40*28 40*28 46-98 52-35 31-26 52-32 40'6l 4-79 14-98 14-92 14-86 I4-95 14-89 '473 15-15 13-78 15-22 15-14 15-14 15-14 15*11 15*21 I5-37 15-11 15*18 15-20 15-10 15-28 15-14 15-26 15*20 15-26 15-11 15-27 '4'95 '3 '99 15-70 15-58 15-56 15-62 15-64 15-81 '5 "43 '5"59 15-62 15-51 16-46 16-40 16-50 16-53 22-24 16-49 16-44 16-39 16-48 16*58 15*89 16*40 16*18 16*17 16*18 16*03 Greenwich. '475 14*94 14-87 14-81 14-90 14-84 14-68 15*17 15-09 15-08 15-08 15-05 15-15 15-31 15-05 15-12 15*14 15*04 Bradley 2993 W Bradley 2993. T) Aquarii n Pegasi r 2 Aquarii \ Aquarii 8 Aquarii /3 Pegasi o Pegasi 58 Pegasi 7 Piacium Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147. 22 Piscium.... ID Piscium 30 Piscium.... 2 Ceti 33 Piscium.... Greenwich. 15*26 15-12 '5-23 15-17 15-23 15-08 15-24 15*66 '5"54 15-52 15-58 15*60 15-77 '5'53 15*56 '5 "45 ( Cepliei Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993. TJ Aquarii r, Pegasi. H Pegasi A Aqurtrii S Aquarii /3 Pegasi a Pegasi Aquarii 7 Piscium Bradley 3147. Brail ley 3147. 30 Piscium 33 Piscinm.... a Andromeda Greenwich. 16*44 16*38 16*48 16*51 16*47 16*42 16-37 16-46 16*37 16-15 16*14 16*15 '5 '99 i Pegasi J Capricorni .. /t Capricorni. . 45 Aquarii.... 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993. /8 Pegasi y Piscium v Pegasi Bradley 3147. 7 Cephei 22 Piscium.... 01 Piscium 30 Piscium.... 2 Ceti 14-034 22. 21. 48-04 43'59 16*640 22. 21. 47'62 43-89 13-500 22. 29. 35-80 36-17 22. 37- 43" 61 4379 22. 43. 40-05 40-50 ) 22. 46. 46*26 46-68 J J 22. 48. 42-72 43''9 . 22. 58. I9'58 .9-78 ) > 22. 59. 10'l8 10-46 9 J 2 3 . 4. 22-44 22-76 23. II. 21 "60 21 95 II*948 23-27- 5''35 46-20 10-366 23. 27. 54-69 48-56 13*500 23. 46. 13-30 13-60 > 23- 53- 33-05 33-32 23. 56. 12-47 12-82 ( } 23. 57. 59-82 0*24 23. 59. 35-62 35^7 W 9 w IO E 10 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 5 E 5 E 9 E 9 E IO W IO W 9 W 9 W 9 13-500 14*180 22. 6. 53*51 22. 21. 46*50 53-37 42-94 16-570 13-500 22. 21. 46*06 22. 29. 35-31 43-22 35-69 ,, 22. 37. 43-27 43-5 i 22. 44. 34-37 22. 46. 46*06 22. 48. 42-56 22. 58. I9'42 46-48 43-02 ig-te VI 22. 59. 9*89 IO"2O ii 11-989 23. 8. 30*99 23. ii. 21*16 23. 27. 48*37 31-40 21-53 44*41 "759 13-500 23. 27. 50*62 23. 56. 12-15 45-68 ,, 23- 59- 35'4o 3575 " o. 2.35-03 35*20 13-500 11-087 11-123 13-500 12-730 13*500 21. 38. 38*44 21. 40. 50-44 21. 47. 10*18 22. 12. 58*65 22. 15. 50*29 22 21. 50-44 22. 21. 22. 58. 23. II. 23. 19. 23. 28. 23. 34. 23. 46. 23- 53- 23. 56. 23- 57* 53-33 17-92 19-52 44-99 0*50 45*98 11-56 3I-35 10*66 58-01 39-19 51*56 11*28 5975 51-21 40*62 42-79 18-30 '9'95 45*46 45*96 43*01 12-36 32*09 11*59 59-11 59-08 59*08 51 '06 58-87 55'3 6 ''59 58-04 34-79 25*42 3779 36*69 28*73 48-51 27-99 '5'33 51-13 8-99 59-02 59-02 51 -06 58-87 49 '9 3 i -60 58-05 34-80 25'43 46-44 36-69 2*38 28-OO 5I*I4 50-85 7-68 27'37 15-89 7'37 58-76 58-76 34'8i 36-71 1-90 2'55 59-48 2877 48-56 28*04 >5'39 1 5 '49 15-19 14-89 15-08 14-86 14-91 >4-85 15-01 14-96 15*03 1474 1615 '379 15-13 15-19 15-17 15-09 15-16 15-62 1 6 -08 15-80 I5-37 '5'37 15-30 15-12 15*03 15*14 15-23 15-04 15-16 '7*97 1 6 70 15-50 '5'39 15-65 16-17 l6'12 16*09 16*14 16-16 18-14 I5-97 16*51 16*76 16-44 16-59 16-47 16-31 16*47 16-45 16*28 STAR TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT GREENWICH. 66 Star's Name. 1892 13. E E E E E W w w w w w \v w w w w > 3 Aquarii I W u Pegasi IW 1892 Sept. 14. 8 Pegasi f Cephei 8 A([iiarii 45 Aquarii.... Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993 17 Aquarii T) Pegasi H Pegasi \ Aquarii 5 Aquarii J3 Pegasi a Pegasi 58 Pegasi <> Aquarii 7 Piscium ... Groom bridge 1 1 1 9 S. P Aquila; o* Capricorni a 2 Capricorni a Capricorni 3'- Capricorni .; B.A.C. 7014 p Capricorni 69 Aquilte Bradley 2701 Bradley 2701 75 Draconis 15 Uelphini ^ Aquarii 32 Vulpecul-B 61- Cygni y Equulei C Cygni a Equulei 30 Capricorni a Cygni i Capricorni Groombridge 3548 . 1892 Sept. 15. 32 Vulpecula; 21 Capricorni S Capricorni 61' Cygni 27 Capricorni y Equulei T Cygni 30 Capricorn! Groombridge 3548 , Gioombridge 3548. $ Cephei Capricorni 7 Capricorni K Capricorni f Pegasi S Capricorni 16 Pegasi 29 Aquarii 13-500 11-518 11-634 13-500 14-079 13-500 i5'993 17*194 17*760 13-500 9 9 9 9 9 10 i 12*024 W W W \v \v w \v \Y \V E E E E i EJ E El E E 6 ! 13-500 6 ,, 9 9 i 9 8 8 5 10 15-106 16-169 13-500 Observed Tranit. 5 c h in B 22. 4- 3'S 22. 6. 52*52 22. 10. 53-43 22. 12. 5 8 '66 22. 21. 47-97 22. 21 22. 29, 22. 37, 22. 44 22. 46, 22. 48 22. 58 22. 59 23. 4 23. 8 23. II 23. 13 23. 19 50-09 33'5 8 4'74 3275 44-07 40-42 1771 8-28 20-63 29*20 19-46 6-25 44-76 31-09 52-44 54'H S9'42 42-81 44-21 34-16 42-05 33-12 447" 41-13 18-04 874 21*14 29-84 20'02 6-9! I45">5 47^5 8-94 10-86 15-87, 58-67 58-67 51-07 58-87 i 49 "94 I -61 58-06 34-81 25 '45 37-81 46"47 367' | 23 '4 ' i -90 19.48. 20. 5. 2O. II. 2O. II. 2O. 12. 20. 14. 20. 17. 2O. 22. 2O. 23. 20. 33. 20. 33. 20 34. 20. 44. 2O. 46. 20. 49. 21. I. 21. 4. 21. 8. 21. IO. 21. II. 21. 9i. 2!. 15. 21. 21. 18-92 28-44 24-40 48-27 5 4 '45 41-31 34"i3 27-01 45-04 25-52 48-56 13-90 3476 42-41 48-69 50-51 5 '3' 10*64 39'34 S5'53 59'45 0-39 48-23 29-05 25-11 48-98 55-22 42-04 34-69 2777 45-61 23-11 14-60 46-23 42-21 6-28 : 12-31 59-18 51-87 44-70 2-73 40-05 23-18 46-22 '4'45 35-50 42-81 ; 48-97 51-09 5-69 II -02 ! 40*16 . 55*80 i 0-26 53-15 40*05 2-14 31-24 5-69 7'72 22'6o 27'95 5677 12-62 16-84 11*96 20. 49. 41-94 2. 54- 3'74 20. 59. 37-14 21. I. 48-43 2i- 3- 7 '34 21. 4. 50-07 21. 10. 13-70! 13-79 21. II. 38731 39-34 21.21. 3-!-' 55-15 42-15 32-'5 3775 48-51 7-98 50-45 21. 21. 3-64 21. 27. 2-36 i 21. 30. 47-23 21. 33. 51-58 21. 36. 22 -94 21. 38. 37-76 21. 40. 50*13 21.47. 53'86 21. 56. 17*28 56-56 I"59 47^2 23*62 38*20 5079 54-16 '7'94 59'57 49-85 55'38 5-68 25-41 77 30-91 56*76 n-68 n-68 18-32 4'95 9'37 40-59 55'34 7-67J 1 1 "2 1 3478 16-56 16-50 16-72 16-25 15-86 14-46 16-91 I6-82 16-82 16*90 16*93 16-77 1 6*7 1 16-67 16-63 16*69 16*49 16-75 26-37 17-18 17-10 17*30 17*09 17*14 17-18 16*93 17*12 16*94 16*87 15*92 16*79 16*81 16*76 16*72 16-63 16-91 16*93 16*61 16-82 16-58 17-42 17*50 17*63 17*17 '7"43 17*26 17-12 17*42 16-53 15-12 16*73 17*03 17*13 16-97 17-14 16-88 17-05 16-84 - Star's Name. Greenwich. 16*52 16-45 16-67 l6'20 16-86 1 6 77 16*77 16-85 16-88 16-72 1 6 -66 16-61 16-57 16-63 16-43 i6'6g K Pisciura W Bradley 3147 W Bradley 3147 E i Piscium K 20 Piscium E 21 Piscium E 22 Piscium... .! E to Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P. 13 Ceti 15 Ceti a Cassiopeise Ceti 58 Piscium 5 Piscium 2 Ursse Minoris.... 2 Ursse llinoris.... .. W Greenwich. 17*16 17*08 17-28 17-07 17-12 17-16 16*90 17-09 1676 16-78 16-73 16-69 16-60 16-88 16-90 16-58 16*79 16*54 Groombridge 3548 . K Caprioorni Pegasi S Capricorni Bradley 2993 r 2 Aquarii ^ Pegasi S Aquarii Pegasi a Pegasi c 2 Aquarii 58 Pegasi'. Bradley 3147. Bradley 3147. 19 Piscium.... 20 Piscium ... 21 Piscium 22 Piscium 2 Ceti 33 Piscium.... Greenwich. "7 '39 17-47 17-60 17-14 17-40 17-23 17-09 7-39 16-99 17-09 16-93 17*10 16*84 17*01 i6'8o 35 Aquarii . CCepliei e Aquarii Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993 7j Aquarii CPegari ) Pegasi T a Aquarii 20 Piscium 21 Piscium 33 Piscinni a Andromeda Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. 13*500 14*228 15707 13-500 11*820 13-500 10*956 12-639 11*078 13*500 12*897 13*500 13*500 14-154 15-490 13-500 13-500 1 1 -067 11-488 13-500 13-440 10-710 Observed Transit S* h m s 23. 21. 9*09 23- 2 7- 55'37 23. 27. 23- 34. 23. 42. 23- 43 23. 46 23- 53' o. 13 o. 29 o. 32 o. 34 o. 37 0.41 0.42 0.54 53-90 9-24 9-07 41-24 1 1 "60 3 ' '44 30-91 27-07 18-85 9-08 5572 8-95 50-28 1-86 o. 54. 4*43 21. 21. 21. 36. 21. 38. 21. 40. 22. 21. 22. 43. 22. 44. 22. 46. 22. 48. 22. 58. 22. 59. 23- 3- 23. 4. 23. 2 7 . 4* 4 I 22'9O 37^2 49-99 46-71 37-82 3 2< 59 44-19 40-64 I7-57 8-07 26-84 20-45 52-68 23. 27. 52-22 23. 40. 37-83 23.42. 879 23.43. 41-07 23. 46. 11*48 23- 57.57'96 23- 59- 33' 8 3 22. I. 44*00 22. 2. 49 '04 22. 4. 30*34 22. 6. 52*05 22. IO. 53*29 22. 21. 45-88 22. 21. 22. 29. 22. 35. 22. 37. 22. 43. 23. 4 2. 23-43- 23. 59. O. 2. o. 13. 48-36 33"i7 49'37 4-"35 37 '47 8-44 40*60 33^5 33'4i 24-91 9*66 47-I9 4670 9-84 974 41-88 12*22 32*03 46*62 2774 I9-50 9*04 56*52 9*50 50-86 56-56 58 - 39 i 26-48 2-56 2-56 26*39 26-II 5^35 2878 48*57 57'37 44-06 3579 2575 12-99 26*02 7'33 15*24 56-23 23-67 38-44 50-74 40-58 38-54 32-96 44-86 41*38 17*91 8-54 27-63 20-97 44'i7 44*69 4^73 I2'I2 58-78 11-96 4O"6o 55-35 7-68 58-56 55^8 49 '95 1-61 58-06 34-81 25'45 44-38 37-82 2'55 54-97 26-11 58-36 2879 15-41 51-21 o. 13. 27-8 44 "3 i 49-72 30-81 51-84 53-88 40*56 42-32 33-64 49-75 4f53 38-05 8-93 41-06 33-86 33*61 42-46 1-40 6-60 47^5 8*92 10-86 51-07 7-11 58*87 55'27 26-12 58-37 51*20 50-93 57''7 43-55 57''7 8 I6-82 '4'37 15-86 16-55 16-37 16-47 16-56 16-54 16*75 16*32 16*29 16*69 .16*47 16*52 16*47 18*68 16-85 '573 16*93 16*91 16-94 17-98 16-84 16-99 1675 16*68 16*90 16*91 1675 16-85 18-38 17-86 16-50 16-63 16-63 16-67 16-63 16-67 17-09 16-88 16*84 17*08 16*98 17*87 I(>'I I '7 "43 17-36 7-34 17-22 17-19 17*31 '7'34 17-32 16-71 13-62 SrS> .*! --3 *w 1676 16*49 16-31 16*41 16-50 16-48 16*25 16*22 16-62 16*40 16-45 16*40 16*89 16*87 16-90 16*79 16-94 16-70 16-63 16-85 16-86 16-69 16*79 16-44 16*57 16-57 16-61 16-56 1 6 '60 17-05 16-84 16-80 17-03 16-93 17-38 17-31 17-29 17-17 17-13 17*25 17-27 17-25 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 66 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Star's Name. Observed Transit. 3 52 d si-; -ss^s Star's Name. 1892 Sept. 16. \ Ursse Minoris. \ Urss Minoris /Sagittarii 8 Cygni a Aquilse Groombridge 1119 S.P a 1 Capricorni a 2 Capricorni S? Capricorni Bradley 2701 75 Draconis r h in *s 8 13*664 ' 19. 31. 31-68 2"io 12*075 13*500 14-784 13-500 13-304 11-883 19. 31. 19. 39. 19. 41. 19.45. 19.48. 20. ii. 2O. 12. 2O. 14. 20. 33. 20. 34. 35'4 47-60 20-17 14-85 21-73 24-07 48*13 4 '9 3 25-92 4773 2-34 48-43 20-23 15-40 55-00 24-83 48-89 4171 2279 44-60 14-27 14*27 6-19 37-60 32-90 17*33 42-19 6-26 59*16 39'79 12-17 11-93 1776 '7'37 17-50 22-33 17-36 I7-37 '7'45 17-00 17-28 Greenwich. 1774 17*35 17-48 '7'34 '7'35 17*43 Cygni ........ u. Aquarii ...... 32 Vulpeculfe r Cygni ......... a Cephei ....... i Pegasi ........ Bradley 2993. Bradley 2993. 13 15 Observed Transit. '500 20. 41. 34*87 20. 46. 34-37 20. 49. 41-91 21. IO. 13-40 21. 15. 45-35 21. 59. 58*99 22. I. 43*78 '231 ! 22. 21. 45'8l 9 j 16*789 22. 21. 45'i8 * ISI O QM 35-12 35-09 4 2-24 '3'59 44-88 59'63 44-14 38-78 38-87 52-28 59'5 6 30-90 2'22 16-85 I '40 17-41 I7-I9 17-32 I7-3I '7'34 17 "22 17-26 19-42 17-38 17-16 17-29 17-28 17-30 17-18 17-22 XIV. MEAN CLOCK ERROR. Forming now the means of column 8 in the preceding pages for each group of clock stars observed between reversals of the instrument, we get the results shown in the tables on pages 68 to 72. The first five columns require no explanation. In the sixth column the results of columns 4 and 5 are corrected for systematic difference between the two positions W and E. To obtain this correction, the means of the various groups were all reduced to the same sidereal time with clock j:ates generally agreeing with those on page 73. The means of the results W and E were then taken, weighting according to the number of stars in each group, and the differences of these means formed for each day. These differences are given in the, following table ; and assigning weights to them by the formula , where m and n are the number of stars observed W and E respectively on each day, the mean differences are found : CLOCK KRROK. 67 Clock Slow W Clock Slow Date. 1892. Transit D. Transit K. Date. 1892. Transit D. Transit E. W E. Weight. W E. Weight. W E. Weight. W-E. Weight. Water Me. Greenwich. Montreal. Waterville. s s K S Apr. 18 Aug. 1 6 + 0-02 I 1 '9 ... + 0-09 18 (+0-45) ... + 0-30 12 21 + 0-07 8 '9 . .. + 0-04 4 22 + 0-02 7 + O - I5 12 20 -0-13 9 ... 23 0'2O 7 + 0-37 2 22 -0-15 '3 25 + 0-29 10 23 0-07 5 26 0'06 10 + 0-30 9 24 0-04 5 2 5 + 0-07 10 28 + o - o6 9 . .. 29 -0-13 8 30 0-40 9 Greenwich. Waterville. ( Ganso. Greenieich. May 5 +0-46 10 0-08 9 6 +0-32 9 0-07 6 Sept. 3 O'l I 2 7 + O'2I 8 4 4-0-09 8 0-03 7 9 + 0-05 9 + 0-30 1 1 5 + 0-31 17 10 -t-o-o- 10 6 + 0-27 9 1 1 4-o'i2 8 7 O'OI 10 + 0-26 16 12 + 0-04 7 ... 8 -0-08 1 8 + 0-39 '4 13 +0-06 7 9 0-04 13 15 + 0-05 4- 10 + 0-16 2 1 1 o'oo 3 1 12 -0-32 4 + 0-29 12 '3 O'lO '7 + 0-29 4 '4 +0-04 16 + 0-27 7 ' '5 0-05 6 4-0-35 '4 16 +0-19 6 ... ... Weighted Mean o-oio 235 + 0-205 256 Transit D. After the observations on May 6, the lenses of the object-glass were thought to be loose. The holding ring and screws were tightened before May 9. Aug. 1 8. See note page 13. The value on this night has not been used in forming the mean. Transit E. The lenses of the object-glass were separated and re-adjusted between May and August in the course ot the determination of the Paris Greenwich Longitude. For Transit D a correction of +0 8- 01 has been applied to W groups, and 8- 01 to E groups, in forming the numbers in the sixth column. For Transit E 8> 10 has been applied to W, and +0 B- 10 to E groups. The daily mean of the groups is now formed, and the difference of each group from the mean given in column 7. 68 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Clock Error found by Mr Turner with Transit D. -\VATERVILLK Date 1892. Meun B.A. of Group. Number of Stars, j Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 26 May 5 May 6 May 9 h m 9 58 10 52 ii 56 Water 5 7 3 vtile Ck 6*46 6-80 ck. s 6-58 s 6-47 6-57 6-81 s 0-12 - 0-02 + 0-22 o-oi -f O-O2 - 0-05 O'O2 O-o6 + o- 16 + 0-29 0-04 -r-o- 16 -0-32 o- 16 + o- 1 1 0-27 -f-o- 18 + O-QI -f 0-06 0- I I 0-06 May 10 : May 1 1 May 1 2 Aug. 17 Aug. 1 8 Aug. 20 Greenwich C Ii in ' 1151 6 12 32 5 3 7 5 13 29 4 lock. c s 44' 2 7 44 -i 3 ontinued. s s 44-21 44-20 44-28 44-15 44-14 44-24 s O'OI +0-07 0-07 + 0-03 + 0-09 10 47 8,7 6-585 12 40 9. " 44-213 10 37 12 49 10 5 9- 10 9-09 9-08 9-11 12 31 12 46 13 8 '3 37 6 3 4 4 4-I--57 44-49 44-45 44-38 44-58 44'H 44-50 44' 37 II 21 5, 10 9-090 + 0-01 10 16 10 52 12 17 H 35 6 7 4 15-88 15-87 15-93 16- 1 1 15-89 15-92 15-88 16- 10 + o- 18 + 0-04 0-07 -f-o-oi 12 58 10,7 44-487 12 5 12 31 12 47 13 3 i 5 5 3 8,6 44-60 44-57 44-76 44'5' 44-75 44-61 44-50 44-58 12 I 10, I O I5-938 12 35 13 8 13 3i 15 o Green 6 3 4 7 uric/i. Cl 43'5 43-37 )ck. 43-I9 42-9I 43'5' 43-18 43-38 42-90 12 4 2 44-574 20 32 Montreal. Clock. 4 63-26 ' 63-27 13 4 2 10, 10 43-221 20 32 4 | 63-270 + 0-60 -1-0-07 +0-14 0-40 ii 48 12 3 12 23 12 37 6 3 2 6 43-66 43-73 43-4I 43-3 43-40 43-67 43-29 43-74 18 39 19 16 19 36 20 1 6 20 44 5 60-84 3 i 60-38 7 3 60-03 60-33 59-86 60-85 60-32 60-39 59-85 60-04 12 14 9,8 43'55:> +0-24 -0-08 0-07 >9 43 q, 10 60- 246 II 58 12 32 13 6 '3 35 4 8 4 3 44-16 44-04 44-I3 44-01 44-12 44-I7 44-00 44-05 18 36 19 58 20 38 4 9 4 53-52 53-86 53-55 53-85 53-53 53-54 12 42 11,8 44-105 I 9 4 8 9,8 53-608 1 CLOCK ERROR. 69 GlocJc Error found by Mr Turner with Transit D. continued. Date. 1892. Aug. 22 Aug. 23 Aug. 26 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Sept. 3 Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. I h m '7 55 18 32 19 9 19 42 Montreal C 4 7 I loch. c 8 47-80 47-62 ontinue s 47-93 47-66 a. s 4^-81 47-92 47-63 47-65 8 + 0-07 -f-o-lS o- 1 1 0-09 + O-O2 O-O2 + 0-23 0-04 -0-I 3 + 0- 10 0-09 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 1 1 Sept. 12 h m 18 59 19 43 2O 12 20 41 (Janso Clo 6 6 3 ck. coi s 50-52 50-54 itinued. s 5'37 50-41 3 50-36 5-53 50-40 50-55 s 0-07 + o- 10 0-03 + 0- 12 O-22 o-oo + 0-18 -0-24 o-oi +0-06 +0-07 +0-08 18 55 13, 13 47-74 I 9 48 6,12 50-433 18 27 ! 9 5 5 5 44- $2 44-60 44' 6 3 44'59 18 7 19 12 2O 23 4 12 5 55-12 54-92 55-32 54'9' 55-13 55-3I 18 46 5,5 44-610 19 18 12,9 55''3i 20 20 5 34^4 34' 2 5 18 18 '9 43 20 24 20 56 21 33 7 5 7 '3 5 56-40 56-70 56-72 56-65 56-73 56-41 56-64 56-71 56-72 56-73 2O 2O 5 34-250 18 38 19 I I I 9 42 5 8 6 27-86 27-50 27-61 27-87 27-60 47-51 20 15 19, 18 56-650 > 19 12 11,8 27-643 18 31 19 20 20 l6 20 58 7 6 7 7 58-00 58-14 57-92 58-20 57-91 58-01 58-19 58-15 o- 16 0-06 + 0- 12 +0-08 0-05 +0-19 o-oo 20 18 20 47 21 10 7 6 4 24-20 24-41 24-27 24-40 24-21 24-26 O-O2 + O-22 o- 27 + 0-03 0-03 I 9 4 8 13, H 58-067 2O 41 6, ii 24-300 18 32 ig 26 4 i 59-44 59-22 59-21 59-45 ! 7 59 19 48 20 47 2 9 7 20-99 20-74 21-25 2I-OO 2I-24 20-75 '8 43 i4 59-258 '9 59 9-9 21 -023 17 56 18 17 4 2 60-55 60-56 60-56 60-55 19 19 19 37 Cow 2 2 iso Cloc 48-68 fe. 48-77 48-76 48-69 o-oi 0-21 +0-16 1 8 3 4, 2 60-557 17 56 19 21 4 5 61-68 62-07 61-69 62-06 19 28 2, 2 48-725 18 43 4, 5 61-896 70 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE- CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Clock Error found, by Mr Turner with Transit D. continued. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1892. Mean RA. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock- Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Canxo Clock. continued. Cunso Clock. continued. h m s s 9 s h in S S 3 S Sept. 13 1910 6 ' 62-82 62-83 O-2I Sept. 15 ' 57 7 65-42 65-41 o-oo 20 7 10 62-97 62-96 0-08 19 36 6 65-40 65-41 O-OO '' 20 45 10 163-08 63-09 +0-05 21 7 8 63-26 63-25 + 0-21 19 15 6,7 1 65-410 20 22 l6, l8 63-044 Sept. 1 6 i 37 5 66-56 66-55 -0-15 Sept. 14 18 21 7 64-02 64-01 -0-17 '9 43 66 -79 66-80 +o- 10 19 5 7 64-09 64- 10 0-08 19 33 9 64-23 64-22 +0-04 19 '5 7,5 66-696 20 17 9 64-31 64-32 + o- 14 I 19 24 16, 16 64-176 Clock Error found by Mr Uollis with Transit E. Greenwich Clock. Greenwich Clock. continued. Apr. 1 8 '3 34 4 40-20 40-10 Apr. 22 119 6 40-88 40-98 + o- 10 1151 6 40-95 40-85 0-03 4 40-10 12 34 6 40-69 40-79 0-09 13 10 3 40-94 40-84 0-04 13 53 4 40-85 40-95 +0-07 Apr. 1 9 10 54 ii 49 3 4 40-24 40-28 40-14 40-38 o- 16 + 0-08 12 20 9, 16 40-879 12 32 6 40-40 40-30 o-oi '3 '9 3 14 i o i 40-44 40-27 40-37 4'34 + 0-06 -1-0-04 Apr. 23 12 2 I* 37 2 2 41-41 1 41-041 41-14 41-31 0-09 +0-08 12 17 10, 7 40-305 12 19 2. 2 41-225 Apr. 2 1 II 48 5 40-96 ! 40-86 0-06 Apr. 25 + 0-06 II 48 7 41-66 41-56 12 41 2 40-94 41-04 + 0- 12 12 39 6 41-39 41-49 o-oi 13 10 3 40-95 40-85 0-07 ,3 6 2 41 -60 41-50 o-oo H 7 6 40-87 40-97 -1-0-05 13 29 5 4'"33 4''43 0-07 I 3 2 8. 8 4C- 9 22 12 36 9, " 41-501 CLOCK ERROR. Clock Error found by Mr Hollis with Transit K. continued. 71 Date. 1892. Mean K.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error, t Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Apr. 26 Apr. 27 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 9 o h m II 48 12 4! 13 I' 13 34 reenwich ( 4 7 4 2 llock. s 41-63 41-67 contimif s 4i-3i 41-52 id. s 4I-53 41-41 4I-57 41 -62 8 + 0-03 0-O9 + 0-07 + 0- 12 o-oo O-26 + 0-16 O-05 + 0-13 + O-O2 4-0-16 o- 14 0-04 +0-03 0-06 o-oo 0- II + 0-05 0-03 May 1 1 May 13 May 15 Aug. 1 6 Aug. 1 8 Aug. 19 Aug. 22 ff h m 14 50 'aterville ( 2 Sock 8 continued. S 1 S 49-76 49-86 s o-oo o-oo o-oo o * 06 14 50 2 49-860 16 18 17 24 7 8 54-70 54-50 54-6o 54-60 12 42 8,9 41-501 '4 47 5 41-76 41 -66 16 53 8,7 54-600 H 47 f 3 41 -660 15 42 16 15 17 i 2 3 5 59-82 59-86 59-76 59-72 59-86 59-76 ii 14 ii 51 12 44 13 9 13 29 JFato 4 6 4 2 3 oille Cl 35-38 35-59 35-66 oc,k. 35-60 35-57 35-28 35-70 35'49 35-67 SS-S 6 +0-08 0-02 16 31 7,3 59-782 19 5 20 34 21 43 22 36 Watei 8 7 4 3 ville Clock. 146-09 46-31 ^46-38 46-41 46-19 46-21 46-48 46-31 12 27 11,8 35-542 0-05 + 0-22 + 0-05 ii 8 ii 53 12 29 '3 37 4 5 i 4 37-9 6 38-13 38-06 37-86 38-16 37-86 37-96 38-03 20 31 10, 12 46-257 18 35 19 17 20 4 21 53 4 6 9 2-96 3-20 2-94 2-95 2-86 3-04 3-10 3-05 12 16 9, 5 38-001 -0-17 + 0-01 +0-07 -|-0-O2 ii 54 12 37 '3 7 13 34 5 5 i 8 40-64 40-59 40-50 40-55 40-54 40-60 40-49 40-65 2O 20 10, 14 3-029 21 23 22 41 5 3 5-28 5-37 5-i8 5-47 12 51 6, 13 40-599 o- ii 4-0-18 I 2 2O 13 13 13 33 14 41 i 45-59 4 3 45-67 5 45-39 45-48 45-49 45-49 45-57 45-58 21 59 5, 3 5-289 + 0-05 + 0-06 20 46 4 11-18 ii -08 13 12 '3,9 45-52I 2O 46 4 1 1 -080 The Waterville Clock (Dent 2016) appears to have dropped 12 seconds between August 16 and 17. It was put forward i minute before the observations on August 18. 7S TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. , Clock Error found by Mr Hollis with Transit E. continued. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1892. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Aug. 24 Aug. 25 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 w li in '9 5 19 43 aterville C 9 3 lloc.k. s I5-74 sontinue s 15-73 )d. s 15-64 I5-83 s 0-05 + 0-14 0-03 + 0-04 o- 1 1 + 0-15 + 0-05 + 0-06 + 0-02 -0-I 3 O'O6 + 0-03 O-O2 + 0-08 +0'04 + 0-06 Sept. 8 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 1 6 ffn h m 20 2 21 29 22 52 xnwich Ct 10 9 3 ock. c< s 15-63 15-51 mtinuet 8 15-22 15-20 I. s 15-32 S"53 15-3 15-41 s 0-08 + 0-13 o- 10 + 0-01 +0-04 0-06 +0-04 o-oi +0-04 0-04 + o- 19 4-0-02 0-08 0- 12 +0-09 0-09 +0-03 19 15 9. 3 15-687 21 10 23 33 12 9 18- 17 17-90 18-00 18-07 21 50 13, i 6 15-396 19 58 21 24 23 35 8 10 7 16-46 16-46 16-16 16-36 16-26 16-36 22 I I 9, 12 18-030 22 58 2 3 59 Greenu 8 6 ich Clot 13-71 k. 13-77 13-61 13-87 21 33 15, 10 16-320 22 9 22 59 o 13 4 13 1 1 16-76 16-51 16-48 16-61 16-66 16-58 23 24 8,6 13-721 23 21 13, '5 16-621 20 O 21 I 21 36 22 54 '3 8 5 9 '4'43 14-40 14-24 14-05 I4-33 I4-34 14-3 14-15 20 15 21 3 22 33 2 3 4 8 8 10 1 1 6 17-13 16-86 16-76 16-62 17-03 16-86 16-76 16-72 21 13 18,17 14- 282 21 49 19, 16 16-843 22 53 o 20 7 1 1 I4-83 14-54 14-64 I4-73 21 2 21 5 I 23 S 8 12 8 '7-37 17-31 16-99 17-27 17-09 17-21 23 46 11,7 14-695 21 5 21 55 22 51 23 55 7 1 1 9 5 15-17 15-15 14-87 14-93 1 14-97 15-07 15-03 15-05 22 1 l6, 12 17-176 2O 19 13 17-37 17-27 22 19 16, 16 14-990 20 19 13 17-270 CLOCK RATE. 73 XV. CLOCK RATE. From comparison of consecutive clock-errors thus determined, the rates of the clocks in the interval have been deduced and are set down in the second and fifth columns of the following table. The clock-rates adopted for each day given in the third columns are in general the means of the figures preceding and following in the second columns. In the case of the Sidereal Standard the rates as found from observations with the Greenwich Transit -Circle have been added for comparison. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Date. Dent 2016 at Waterville. Date. Clock Howard at Can so. Date. Ballou 102 at Montreal. I from Star Obs. [ourly Rat Adopted. e. from Ob- servations with T.C. Hourly from Star Obs. Rate. Adopted. Hourly from Star Obs. Rate. Adopted. Hourly from Star Obs. Rate. Adopted. 1892. s s 1892. s s 1892. s s 1892. s s April 1 8 i +0-009 April 22 + 0-102 , S^pt. 3 + 0-070 Aug. 17 0-129 April 19 + O'01 I + 0-006 23 + 0-102 + 0-098 4 + 0-070 + 0-068 18 0-129 0-134 21 -p w Wi J O-OO2 + 0-006 + 0-006 26 + 0-094 +0-094 7 + 0-066 + 0*064 20 -0-139 0-132 22 + 0-006 + 0-008 8 + 0-061 + 0-06 1 22 0-125 0-128 23 + O-OI4 + o"oo6 + 0-010 + 0-010 May 5 + 0-103 9 + 0-060 + 0-056 23 0-131 0-136 *5 O'OOO +0-003 + 0-008 6 + 0-I03 + 0-105 10 + 0-052 + 0-054 z6 0-140 0-141 26 + 0-006 +0-003 + o'oo8 7 + 0-106 + 0-104 I] + 0-056 + 0-055 28 0-142 -0-137 27 + 0-006 + 0-007 9 + 0-102 + 0-095 12 + 0-054 + 0-050 29 0-131 0-136 May 5 + 0-009 + 0-006 + 0-087 + 0-045 0-141 + 0-009 1 1 + 0-091 13 + 0-047 3 0-141 6 + 6"oio + 0-009 + 0-095 + 0-049 +0-010 ' 13 + 0'I02 '4 + 0-051 9 + 0-008 + 0-008 + 0-I09 + 0-052 + 0-005 15 + 0-109 '5 + 0-053 10 + 0-008 + 0-008 +0-054 + O'OI 1 16 + 0-054 ii + 0-008 + 0-008 + 0-004 Aug. 1 6 + 0-100 12 + 0-004 + 0-008 + O'IOO Sept. 4 + 0-026 + 0-026 + 0-023 18 +0-088 + 0-094 5 + 0-0 1 6 + O'O2I + O'O2I .'9 + 0-082 + 0-085 6 + 0-015 + 0-013 22 + O'OI5 + 0-099 + 0-091 7 8 +0-015 + 0-017 + 0-014 + 0-OI3 + 0-OII + 0-087 + 0-093 + 0-087 + 0-010 12 l + o-oi i + o'oo8 + 0-012 13 + Q-OII + 0-015 + Q-OIO 14 + 0-012 + O-QI 3 + 0-014 15 + 0-009 + 0-005 + 0-004 16 + O-OO4 + 0-013 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 74 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATER VILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. XVI. OBSERVATIONS MADE WITH TRANSIT B. This section refers exclusively to observations made by Professor M c Leod. The description and reduction of the observations have been supplied by him. All transit observations were recorded by a break circuit telegraph key on a cylinder chronograph. The instrumental equipment is described, and the constants employed are given under paragraphs IV., V. and VI, pp. 6 and 7. In April and May, at Hazel Hill and Montreal respectively, all stars were observed on the fixed wires of the reticule at a constant setting of the micrometer head, and there were no supplementary observations of polar stars for independent determination of azimuth. In August and September, at Greenwich and Waterville, several polar stars, in addition to those regularly observed as time stars, were observed each night for azimuth by using the micrometer-screw to obtain extra-meridional settings to be reduced to the middle wire. The stars were observed in groups with the micrometer West or East, and each group has been reduced independently by the method of solution of equations of condition, as explained in a later paragraph, to determine the clock error at the mean of the times of the observations of the group. Collimation. The collimation error used was found from comparison of the equations of condition of observations made in the two positions of the instrument, Micrometer West and Micrometer East. This error was also determined by observation of the Nadir, and from polar stars observed in both positions at the same transit. These values are given in the following table of errors, but have not been used in the reduction of the observations. In the few instances in the first part of the work in which the collimation error was determined by reversal on polar stars, the observations were made between groups, or at the beginning or end of a night's work. In the former case, the stars are included in the equations for both groups, but in August and September the stars so observed have not been included in the equations from which clock errors have been determined. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 75 Error of Collimation : Trans-it B. Date. Star. Deduced Collima- tion. Adopted from Compari- son of Groups. Date. 1 Star. Deduced Collima- tion. Adopted from Compari- son of Groups. Polar Star. Nadir Observa- tion. Polar Star. Nadir Observa- tion. Canso. Greenwich. 1892. s s s 1892. s s s April 19 O'OO A"g. 1 5 0-19 -0-19 20 /? Ursse Minoris O'OO 0-03 0-05 16 X Ursae Minoris. O'2O O'lQ 0-22 0-03 o'o 5 S + 0-03 18 Bradley 3147 ... O'2g O'22 Bradley 1672 S.P.. O'2O 0'24 2 I + 0-04 20 X Ursae Minoris. O' 30 -0'24 -0-05 + O'O2 -0'2 4 -0-24 24 ft Ursas Minoris 0-09 -f 0'02 21 -0-24 + 0'OI + o'o8 Gioomb. 3548... -O'Ji O - 26 O'24 25 o'og 22 O'2| 4 Ursae Minoris O'O2 O'I2 0-05 . 0-36 26 0-04 23 0'2I -0'24 O'Og + 0-03 25 O'26 -0'25 26 -0-2 7 0'38 28 X Ursse Minoris. 0-25 -0'25 O'2J Montreal. -0'2 5 29 O'22 Bradley 2993 ... 0-30 __ O' 2 2 May 4 + o'O9 -0'27 , 30 o'35 6 O'lO -0-32 0-28 Ursae Minoris O'lO -0-14 0^7 9 0-13 Waterville. igUrsae Minoris -0-17 -OM3 -0-05 Sept. 6 0-14 0-16 10 o'o/ 0-18 0-07 7 X Ursaa Minoris. O'JO 0-13 -0-15 12 19 Ursse Minoris O'2O 0-16 -0-17 -0-17 13 Bradley 2993 ... -0-14 O'lO -0-13 0-18 '3 4. H. Draconis ... 0-28 -0-27 4 0-18 -0-15 O'Zl 0-30 J J I c 0*14- O'I2 '4 -0-33 OM9 0-17 -0-17 16 X Ursse Minoris. O - 2I O'lg 16 -0-27 0*17 o'ig 76 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Level Error. The level of the instrument was determined several times during each set of observations by the striding level, and generally near the beginning and end of each evening's work by Nadir observations. The striding level was so constructed (see Paris Greenwich Longitude Determination, pp. 116 and 117) as not only to be capable of being used in the ordinary way but also it was fitted with the micrometer devised by Mr Turner, and in all cases readings were made by both methods. The axial adjustment was examined each evening, and the cross level carefully scrutinised for all readings. The observed inclination values given in the tables are, as a rule, the mean of four pairs of end readings and four micrometer settings. The values computed from Nadir observations are given separately, and were obtained in each case from at least five pairs of readings in each of the positions of the instrument. The adopted level errors were obtained by plotting all observed values and drawing a smooth curve as nearly as possible through them. Transit, B. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Adopted Nadir. Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E Canso. Canso continued. 1892. h m 3 s 8 a 1892. h m s s a 8 Apr. 1 9 14 18 + 0-06 Apr. 20 13 54 O'05 0-06 H 3 + 0-04 14 6 0-05 14 42 -f O'02 14 12 0-04 H 54 O'OO O'OO 14 18 0-06 0-03 15 12 0-07 0-06 14 30 + 0-02 O'OI i; 18 o'04 0-03 14 42 O'OO O'OO 15 30 + O'OI + 0'OI H 54 O'OO 15 36 + O-QI 15 6 O'OO O'OO '5 4 8 + o-oi + O'OI 15 18 O'OI + O'OI 16 o 0-05 15 3 + 0'02 + O-O2 16 36 0'O2 15 3 + 0-03 16 54 O'OI O'OI Apr. 2 1 9 12 + 0'OI Apr. 20 6 o -f- 0-03 9 12 + O'OI 6 12 + O'O6 ii 18 + 0'03 O'OI 6 24 + o-io ii 36 O-OJ 0-05 12 18 0-07 o - o7 ii 48 O'O7 0-08 12 30 0-07 ii 54 O'l I o'og 12 42 0x17 O'o6 12 6 0-09 13 o 0-02 0-04 12 18 0-08 0-07 '3 3 0-06 0-06 12 30 o'o6 '3 36 0*07 o'c6 12 30 O'O4 0-06 '3 4* 0-08 0-06 12 42 o'o6 ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit B. continued. 77 Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. K Adopted Level Krror. Date. Sidereal Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E Ganso continued . Canso continued. 1892. h ill H 8 B i 1892. h m s a a a Apr. 21 12 54 0-08 o'o6 Apr. 26 I I 42 + 0-14 + Q-IZ 13 6 0-05 o'o6 ii 54 + 0-05 + OMI 13 36 0-I4 0-09 12 + O'lO + O'IO '3 42 O-IO 13 12 + 0-13 + 0-13 3 54 0-05 0-09 13 30 + 0-15 + 0-15 14 6 O'lO 0-08 I 3 4 8 + 0-15 + 0-17 14 12 0-07 -0-08 '3 54 + 0-24 + 0-18 14 18 . 0-O7 14 12 + 0-19 + O'2I 14 2 4 + O'2O + 0-23 14 30 + O-ig + 0-23 Apr. 24 14 12 + '04 4-0-04 14 48 + 0-24 + 0-24 14 30 + 0-04 H 48 + 0-04 + 0-04 H 54 O'O I + 0-04 Montreal. ,5 6 + 0-07 +0-04 15 18 + 0-07 + 0-04 May 4 12 36 - 0-25 O'2O 15 30 O'OO + 0-03 12 54 0-16 O'2O 15 48 + O'OI + 0-03 13 6 0-18 16 6 + 0-04 + 0-O2 13 18 O'2O -0-18 16 18 + 0'02 13 30 o"i6 0-18 16 30 -)- o-oi + 0-03 17 18 + 0-04 May 6 13 36 0-03 o'o 3 17 24 + 0-06 + o"o6 13 42 + 0-05 +0-05 i3 54 + 0-05 + 0-05 14 6 +0-05 Apr. 25 1 1 30 + 0-09 14 18 + 0'12 + OM2 ii 48 + - IO + 0'IO 14 24 + O'll + O-I2 ii 54 + o-io + 0'I I H 30 + O'lO +0-10 12 + O'I2 + 0-1 1 14 42 +0-08 12 12 + O'lO + 0'I I H 54 + O'O2 +0-04 12 30 -fO'IO ,5 6 + 0-04 +0-03 12 54 + 0-09 +0-08 15 18 + 0-03 +0-05 13 12 + 0-05 + o'oy 15 24 + 0'06 +0-07 14 12 + 0-05 + 0-06 15 36 +0-09 14 24 + 0-08 4-0-07 '5 54 + O'l I + 0'I I H 36 + 0-07 16 6 + 0-12 + 0'IO 14 48 + 0-07 + 0-08 16 18 +0-09 H 54 + 0-09 + 0-09 16 30 + 0-08 +0-09 15 o + O'lO + 0-09 16 36 + O'lO +0-09 16 42 + 0'08 +0-09 16 54 + o-io + 0-10 Apr. 26 10 48 + o-io + o-i I 16 54 + O'IO + 0-10 I 1 + 0-12 II 12 + 0-15 + 0-13 May 8 13 12 O'OO O'OO 1 I 24 4-0-13 13 24 O'O2 II 36 + 0-14 + 0'I2 13 36 0-05 0-05 78 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH -WATERVILLE CANSO -MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit B. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E Montreal continued. Montreal continued. 1892. h 111 8 8 8 s 1892. h "i s s s i May 8 13 4-8 0-07 o'o6 Mil}' 12 13 18 O'OO O'OO 14 o 'O3 0-04 13 36 + 0'02 +0:03 I 4 12 0-03 13 54 4- o'o6 + 0-06 14 o + 0-04 + 0-04 14 18 + 0-03 + 0-03 May 9 ii 6 + 0-03 + 0-09 H 3 + 0-03 + 0-03 ii 18 + O'l I + 0'I I '4 54 + 0'05' +0-04 ii 30 + 0'1 1 5 6 + O'Ol + 0'O2 1 1 42 + O'lO + 0'IO 15 18 o-oo ii 54 + O'l I + 0'IO '5 3 O'OO O'OO 12 6 -f-O'IO 15 36 + 0-07 +0-07 12 2 4 + 0-07 + 0-09 15 48 + 0-07 +o'o6 12 30 + 0-09 +0-09 '5 54 + 0-03 + 0-05 12 42 + 0-07 +0-07 16 6 + 0-05 14 o + O'lO + O'JO 16 18 4- 0-08 + 0-05 14 6 + O'IO 16 30 +0-05 14 12 + O'lO + 0'IO 16 42 + 0-04 14 24 + o-io 4-Q'IO 14 3 + 0-16 + 0-13 14 42 +0-15 Mny 13 10 54 O'OO O'OO H 54 + 0-14 + 0-16 II 12 O'OO O'OO 15 6 + 0-17 + 0-16 II 18 O'OO O'OO '5 30 +0-16 II 30 O'OO '5 54 + 0-14 +0-15 1 1 36 O'OO O'OO 16 o + O'I2 +0-13 II 48 0-05 0-04 16 12 + O'I2 12 ,O'02 12 6 O'Ol O'Ol May 10 10 36 O'OO O'OO 12 18 O'OO O'OO 10 48 O'OO O'OO 12 36 O'OO O'OO I I O O'OO 12 42 O'02 O'OO ii 18 + 0'02 + O'O2 12 54 O'OO O'OO ii 36 + 0-07 +0-07 13 o O'OO O'OO ii 54 + 0-06 + 0-06 13 12 O'OO 12 O'OO O'OO 13 30 O'OO O'OO 12 l8 O'OO O'OO 3 36 O'OO O'OO 12 30 O'OO '3 54 + 0'O2 + 0'OI 12 36 O'OO O'OO 14 o O'OO + 0'OI 12 48 +0-04 14 12 + O'Ol 13 o + 0-08 14 2 4 O'OO 13 18 + 0-14 H 36 o-oi 13 4 8 O'Ol 14 o + 0'OI May 12 12 36 0-06 May 14 10 48 11 O'll O'lO O'lO 12 48 O'O2 II 12 0-08 0-08 13 o + O'Ol + O'Ol ii 18 0-08 0-08 ERROR OF LEVEL. 79 Transit B. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Xadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. w E W E 1 Montreal continued. Greenwich continued. 1892. h in s H s s 1892. b m 8 s 8 s May 14 1 1 48 0-04 0*04 Aug. 1 6 20 18 0-07 12 O ! O'OO O'OO 20 30 O'Og o - o7 12 12 0-04 0*04 20 42 0-07 12 24 o'o5 0-04 20 54 0-08 12 42 O'O2 ' O-O2 21 6 O'03 0-07 13 o o - o3 0'03 21 18 0-07 13 12 0*03 21 30 O'04 0-07 13 36 0-03 '3 '3 48 o'O3 '3 54 O'O2 O'O2 Aug. 1 8 22 18 O'Og 0-08 14 o 0-03 O'O3 22 30 0-07 14 18 0'02 O'O2 22 4 2 0-06 22 54 0-O5 " 0-06 23 6 0-05 May 1 6 '3 54 - 04 o'O4 23 18 o'04 14 o O'OO 2 3 H 0'O4 0-03 14 12 + 0-03 + 0'02 23 36 0-03 14 18 + 0'02 + O'O2 23 48 o - O3 O'O2 14 24 + O'OI + 0'03 O'OI 14 30 + 0-05 + 0-04 12 + 0-03 O'OO 14 42 + 0-04 + 0'04 o 24 + o'o6 o-oo . H 54 + 0'04 o 36 + O'OI o 48 + 0-07 + 0-01 I o - O4 + O'OI Greenwich. Aug. 15 21 42 O'OO + 0'02 Aug. 20 1 8 42 0-06 0-04 22 + 0'02 18 54 O'O2 22 l8 + 0-07 + O'O2 19 6 + o-oi o-oi 22 30 O'OI 4-O'O2 19 18 o - oo + O'OI 22 42 + O'O2 19 30 O'OO + 0-01 23 o + 0'02 19 42 + O-O2 23 12 + 0-06 + O'O2 '9 54 4- 0-03 + 0-03 23 18 + O'OI 20 6 +0-03 23 30 + 0-02 20 18 +0-04 2 3 4 2 + 0'02 -f- O'O2 20 30 +0-04 20 42 + 0-05 20 54 + O'lO +0-06 Aug. 1 6 18 42 0-07 22 + 0-05 +0-07 18 54 O-O7 22 12 +0-07 19 6 o'07 o'O7 22 24 +0-08 19 18 0-07 22 36 +0-09 19 30 0-04 o'O7 22 48 + 0-08 + 0-10 19 42 0-06 0-07 23 o + O'I I 19 54 0-08 0-07 23 12 + 0-14 +0-13 20 6 0-07 23 24 +0-14 * Inclination changed on August 17. 80 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Transit B. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Adopted Level Error. W E W E Greenwich continued . Greenwich continued. 1892. h m S S H 1892. h ID 8 s S H Aug. 20 23 36 + 0-15 + 0'l6 Aug. 2 2 23 o 0-14 23 48 + o'i8 + OM7 2 3 12 12 O-I4 -fo-iS 23 24 OM4 12 + 0-18 + 0-18 Aug. 23 21 42 O'O, O'O7 Aug. 21 19 30 O'OO + 0-03 22 0'08 19 42 +0-04 22 12 O'O, 0-08 '9 54 + 0-05 + 0-05 22 24 0-09 0-09 20 6 + 0-05 22 36 O'lO 20 24 + 0-08 + O'o6 22 48 O'l I 20 36 + o - o6 22 54 o'og o-i I 20 42 + 0-04 + o 07 23 6 O'12 12 20 48 + O'l 2 + 0-07 23 18 0-12 21 H-o-07 23 36 - 0'08 0'13 21 12 + 0'08 + 0-08 23 42 0-16 21 24 + 0'08 + 0-08 23 54 0-08 0-12 21 36 + 0-09 21 48 + O'l I + 0-09 22 + 0-09 Aug. 25 18 18 O'll 8) sec. 8 B = cos. ( - 8) sec. 8 C = sec. 8 a = approximate value of azimuth error If ft = inclination of horizontal axis of transit c = collimation error T = observed time of transit reduced to mean wire d = correction for clock rate t = approximate clock error at an adopted instant, which is generally taken as the arithmetical mean of a (T + Aa + IBb + Cc 0) for all the stars observed during the nis'ht. da and dt corrections to a and t , then a = T + A (a + da) + B6 + Cc + (t + dt) Or if D = a - (T + Aa +Bb + Cc + t6) Ada + dt - I) = o. The equations of condition corrected as above are entered in the tables, and the other values necessary for the computation of the clock errors are also there given. The azimuth errors were assumed to have been different for each position of the instrument. Normal equations were formed for each side, and corrections to the assumed values of azimuth and clock error computed from them. In forming the normals the equations of condition have been multiplied by a weight factor W, = / LU1_ This V 10 + 2 sec. Z sec. 2 8 formula is due to Professor C. A. Young, and is a modification, taking into account the zenith distance of the star, of those proposed by Struve and Safford. Where stars were not fully observed, the equations were also multiplied by a factor W 8 = N is the number of wires in the reticule and n the number observed. (See Chauvenet's Astronomy, vol. ii. p. 198.) The quantity (t + dt) represents the clock error given by any group of stars, and the weighted mean of these quantities given by all the groups on a given night represents the clock error for that night. The stars observed were selected from the Berliner Astronomischen Jahrbuch, the Connaissance des Temps, and the British Nautical Almanac. The Tabular Apparent R.A., given in column 7 of the following tables, are those given in these publications, corrected by the quantities given in pages 44 to 51, and also for diurnal aberration. STAR TRANSITS OBSERVED BY PROF. McLEOD WITH TRANSIT B AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 87 OBSERVATIONS AT CANSU. Star's Name. Dec. 1892 April 19. TT Boiitis 109 Virginia a Librae /8 Ursre M.inoris. S Boiitis i H. Ursae Min. n Bobtis Coron. Bor.... v l Boiitis a Serpentis Serpnntis n Serpentis Ursoe Minoris 1) Hemilis Groomb. 2377... 49 Herculis K Ophiuchi +.6 53 + 2 21 '5 3 6 +74 3 6 + 33 43 + 6 7 45 +37 45 +29 28 +4" '2 + 6 46 + >5 45 +78 7 +39 7 + 56 58 + 15 09 + 9 32 1892 April 20. TI Virginia 20 Ooniie K Draconis e Ursae Majoris .. f Virginis 17 H. Can. Ven. i) Bobtis T Virginia a Draconis 4 Ursie Minoris.. A Boiitis 6 Bobtis f Bootis ir Bobtis p. Virginis Groomb. 2164.... 8 Ursae Miuoris . Ursfe Miuoris... i W fl Bootis | W ifi Bobtis i W Libra; W 1 H. Ursi-e Miu. W 1892 April 21. A Draconis | Hydrse v Leonis 3 Draconis Leonis 3 Virginis j Ursre Majoris .. o 14 +21 30 +70 23 +56 33 + 11 32 +37 44 + >8 56 + 2 4 + 6 4 53 +78 3 +46 35 +52 21 + 30 5' +'6 53 5 " + 59 44 +74 3 6 +74 3 6 +40 49 +27 22 - 8 59 +67 45 e Corvi 4 H. Draconis Ursa Majoris ... n Virginis 20 Comae, K Draconis Ursse Majoris ... 8 Virginis 8 Draeonis ( Virgiuis 43 Comse y Hydrse Groomb. 2001 ( Virginis 17 H. Can. Ven... T Bobtis i) Ursai Majoris ... T) Bobtis a Draconis 4 Ursre Minoris ... +69 56 31 16 014 + 6 7 21 + 15 10 + 2 22 + 54 '8 + /8 13 + 57 3 04 + 21 30 + 7 2 3 + 56 33 + 3 59 +66 i + 11 32 +28 25 22 36 +72 57 03 9 +37 44, 9 + 18 oi 9 +49 5' ! 9 + 18 56; 9 +64 53 i 9 +78 3 5 r Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent B.A. Oomcttoai. Level. i *oo 0-99 0-92 0-54 0-94 070 0-97 0-99 0-97 I *OO I'OO 0-98 0-43 0-97 0-87 I'OO I'OO h tu B h in s 45 3''93 1 '4 3540'59 o 50 39-19 I 14 40 48-68 5445-64 j 1444 55-52 1 054-42 1451 7-28 2055-91 23 12-43 30 10-23 33 7 '44 3647-41 48 39-28 50 54-18 53 40-60 57 39 '40 248 43-72 25247-04 2 56 4071 3 2 3-20 O'99 j 22 20 42-07 I 'OO | 22 30 35'25 0*64 0-86 I'OO 0-97 I'OO 0-99 0-76 0-40 0'94 0-90 0-99 I'OO 0-97 0-82 0-50 0-97 0-99 0*96 0-71 o'66 '75 0-99 071 I *OO 0-99 o'88 0-87 0-43 0-85 0-99 I'OO o"6o 0-87 0-95 074 0-96 0-99 o'S7 0-54 0-99 0-98 1 *OO 0-92 I '00 0-76 0-41 22 35 10-72 22 55 30-81 23 3 0*26 2336 5-53 23 55 3 6 '44 o 211 '59 o 7 30*98 o 15 21 '43 15 II 1074 15 13 27-96 15 2O 26-43 15 23 24'19 '527 4'93 15 38 58-21 1541 13-59 '544 0-23 15 48 2'o8 16 39 13-09 1643 17-15 16 47 10-96 16 52 34-42 12 14 23-99 0-05 12 24 19-30 O'O7 12 28 57*05 0-19 1249 19-54 0-09 12 5649-45 0-04 13 30 o"39 0x57 13 49 34' 1 2 o'o6 13 56 10-36 0-04 14 131 '80 0*1 1 14 924-36 o"i6 o 18 17*03 [ 14 12 19*01 o'o6 027 30*14 I 14 21, 33/82 0-05 033 7*90 041 34*98 043 17*87 54 36*60 5 6 57'57 056 57-56 1 345-26 i 541-24 i 17 2*13 i 19 15*58 21 27 30'!! 21 30 II 'OI 2' 33 54'07 21 38 55*99 2' 45 59'89 2147 3076 21 5035*58 22 658*12 22 934*43 22 12 28*39 22 16 44*87 22 26 38*02 22 3 I 13*57 2251 33*37 22 52 26*05 225327*79 2259 3*16 23 9 3*38 23 '5 '5' 6 4 2325 35'5 23 31 21 '20 2332 8-23 2344 15-46 234525-09 23 5' 38'99 o 333'5 8 o ii 23*30 142712-31! o'oi M 35 4'59 ' 14 37 23-38 o'oo 14 48 45*02 o'oo '45' ~']= o'oo 1451 7-30 457 54*68 '459 50*76 i 1511 12*96 0*00 1513 27*97 +0*02 o'oo o'oo o'oo "25 3*40 11 2742*37 1131 26*16 " 3 6 3'43 n 43 34*32 "45 5 '3 11 48 1 1 '43 12 435' 28 12 7 15*58 12 10 7*6 1 12 I423*99 12 24 I9'3O 12 28 57'02 1249 1 9 '54 12 50 11*10 125' '4'49 12 5 6 49'45 13 65170 13 13 4-21 13 23 28*43 13 29 12*72 1330 0-39 '342 9-33 '343 '9' 6 4 1349 34-12 14 i 31-80 14 924-36 0*05 0*01 0*03 O*I2 0*05 0*06 0*14 0*37 -0*15 0*06 0*06 0*16 o*ii 0*04 0-14 0*05 0*07 0*03 0-24 o'o6 o'n 0*09 0-15 0*09 0*18 -0*32 Collima- U'.n. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. |-- j Normal Equations and Solution. +0*03 +0*02 +0*O I +0*02 O*O7 -0-13 0*03 O'OI +0'0l +0*0 1 +O'OI +0*01 +0-04 o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo 0*00 O'OO O'OO 0*00 0*00 O'OO o'oo o'oo O'OO o'oo o'oo O'OO +0*05 +0*05 +0*15 +0*09 +0*05 0*06 0*05 0*05 0*12 o '24 +0*07 +0*08 +0*06 +0-05 +0*05 +0*10 +0*19 0*19 0*07 0*05 0*05 0-13 +0'I2 +0-05 +0*04 +0*10 +0*04 +0-04 +0-07 0-04 O'20 0-07 0*04 0*04 O'12 +0-04 +O'O2 +0*05 +0*02 +0*02 +0*02 +0*07 0'O2 0*03 0*02 0*03 0'02 0-05 Canso. io h 9 488-6ioat i h (+98-900) [08-670] [ o s *6oo] +0*50 da+dt+ "04 +0-68 ,, -08 +0*91 ,, +'04 1*84 ,, "07 +0*24 da+dt '19 = I'oi +'17 = +04 = 09 = -(-0*17 +0*31 +0*10 +0*63 +0*51 +o*75 -2*63 [ o'4oo] +*o8 +18 -16 = o +'05 = o '08 :OJ+'03 : O ! 'OO :0 '19 ,+"- :O O : o +09 +0*14 da+dt '13 = '37 , +'o = +0'52 ,, +'l6: +0*59 ,, +'06 - '4 +06 +-io '02 2-385 ila +i -401 dt +8-040=0 i -401 da +3-118 dt -024 = +8-021 -027 3-155 da +1-648 dt + S *i68 = o 1-648 da +7-381 dt + '104=0 s '5 2 > -002 '03 2 0-740 da +0-967 dt+ 3 'ioo = o 0-967 da +3-698 dt+ '094 = -"'53, + 3- oi 5 '045 Mean value of dt +o s '007, Wt. 14-20 Canso. _ I0 h 6m 08*920 at o h (+9^-826) [-18-050] +0*43 1-26 '35 +o*57 [ o s '8oo] [03*770] [ o s '900] da+dt+'i5 =o '08 +'13 '03=0 +0-17 da+<1t+'03 = o +0*47 4-'l9=o +0*69 ,, +'02 = 0*79 ,, *i I =o 2*61 +'36 = 0-03 da+dt+'i2 = o O'2O ' +0-29 +0-50 +'77 0-49 -1-84 +o'io +'35 +0-82 +09 "09 -06 + 'I2 +08 +29 '06 = 05- +'07 = +'47 = +''3 '12 1-746 da +0-917 dt 8-056 = '02 0-917 da +4-129 dt + "219 = +'7 i 06 +s 068, 2*150 da +0*426 dt + s 'oio = o 0-426 da +3*659 dt+ -234 = 04 13 +05 +-oi '12 '07 +'3 'oi +03 + 3 'oo8, 8-065 '045 +-,8 i '936 da +0*536 dt S 'i4i =o 0-536 da +5*537 dt+ -270=0 +"089, "058 '026 2"i2i da +0*23 1 dt 270 = 0-231 da +3-597 dt + '229 = +135, -i Canso. Mean value of dt 08*065, Wt. i6'93 [ 18-100] [ i s *ioo] [ i s *ioo] i *2 1 da+dt+*o6 = + ''4 i, '18- +o'7' + - '5 = o'97 ,, +'44 = +0*52 ,, -01 = +0-68 ,, '06 = 0*27 +'H = 1*00 da+dt+'i2 = 2*66 ,, +'io = 0*40 ,, +'36 = +0*71 ,, +*o8 = +o - 43 .. ''4 = 1'26 ,, +'I2 = 0*35 da+dt '04 = +0*66 +'17 = 0-87 +*3' = +o'57 +'33 I'OO -,' 5 8 [ i s 'ooo] '03 +04 +*o8 +0*71 da+dt+'o7 = +0-17 +0*48 O'I2 +o'47 0*79 2-61 +04 +05 +09 + '02 +03 '4 *o8 +''5 +'4 03 -06 +06 06 +21 +02 +5 +03 '10 '01 03 +02 *OI *oo +03 03 '03 + 02 3-105 da +1-285 dt 8-326=0 i '285 da +5-237 dt+ '334=0 + 8 ''47, s 'ioo '036 3*425 da +0*645 dt 8- I2I =o 0*645 da +4*004 dt + '349 = + S '053, 8*0964^*053 2787 d#+i *oi6 dt s *ooo = o i'oi6 da +5*157 dt + "410=0 +8*031, 2-487 da +o'8i4dt o-8i4da+5'533dt + "288 = Clock A Appare, tl.v at i h _ I0 h fim 0^-985 at o>> at Mean value of dt o s *o83, Wt. 19*93 88 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATERVILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. Star's Name. Position. Dec. No. ot Wires. .j f O Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent a.A. Cor Level. action. Collirna. tion. Assumed Clock Slow. (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. Weighted Residual. Normal Equations and Solution, da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 Apr! 4 Ursse Minoris... X Bobtis 124 w w w w w E E E E E W W W W W W E E E E E E I 25 W w w w w w E E E E E E E E E E E W W W W W W W 26 E E E E E E E W W W w \v w E E E E E E +7 3 +46 35 +30 51 15 36 +74 3 6 +40 49 +27 22 - 8 59 + 6 7 45 +29 28 +41 12 14 26 + 6 46 +'5 45 +18 28 +78 7 3 2 5 4 26 +76 9 +46 34 +61 45 +21 43 31 16 o 14 + 6 7 21 +48 2 3 + 15 10 + 2 22 + 9 20 22 I + 7 8 ,3 +57 38 o 4 +56 33 +38 54 - 4 58 +28 25 10 36 +72 57 +78 3 +46 35 +52 21 + .6 53 - 5 ii + 2 21 +74 3 6 + ,, 7 + 62 20 + 755 +45 5 22 14 +2, 7 +64 55 +69 56 31 16 o 14 +48 23 + 15 10 + 2 22 +72 57 o 3 +37 44 +18 o +49 5- + 18 56 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 8 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 0-44 0-94 0-99 0-92 0-50 0-97 0-99 0-95 071 0-99 0-97 0-90 I'OO I'OO I'OO 0-43 0-98 0-97 0-49 0-94 0-80 I'OO 075 0-99 0-72 0-93 I"OO 0-99 I'OO 0-87 0-43 0-85 0-99 0-87 0*96 0-97 0-99 0-95 0-59 0-40 0-94 0-90 TOO 0-97 0-99 0'54 TOO o"8o I'OO 0-95 0-87 TOO 076 o"66 o' 75 o" 99 0-93 I'OO 0'99 0'59 o'99 o'9& I'OO O'92 I'OO h in s 23 59 3070 O 227'6l o 17 i8"49 o 34 59-42 041 7-96 04755-81 049 5171 i 12*56 3 2 5'4 13 2i'i8 17 I'oi 19 26*99 28 52-93 31 7-82 3347-83 37 5 2 '3 i 5832-41 2 227-II 2 346-44 2 6 1974 2 12 20-97 2 15 22-83 19 85371 19 12 36-61 19 1738-23 19 21 31*08 192442-43 19 26 13*52 194049-07 I94540'I7 19 48 15-82 1951 I0'32 I95527"I7 20 30 15*96 203157-05 2045 17^67 204745-65 21 O 24*06 21 4 iS'io 21 50 5*36 21 53 2'n 22 2 I5'l8 22 I 6 2O"42 22 18 3-49 22 21 27*93 2231 4275 18 20 57'6i 18 34 24^14 18 3646-98 18 40 54-88 18 43 40-30 18 45 40^48 18 53 43*67 19 215-87 -9 4 57'7 2 19 S 40*39 19 17 34*56 19 20 46*23 1922 17-23 21 021-47 21 6 7-67 21 654-32 21 19 173 21 20 ( I*O8 21 26 25*31 h m s 14 924-34 14 12 I9'O4 1427 12-34 '44455-58 45' 7'34 -4575473 1459 50-81 15 ii 13-02 15 13 28*04 152324-27 1527 5*00 1529 30*44 153858-29 15 41 13-68 '543 54">9 15 48 2-28 16 8 42-38 16 12 37-57 1613 59-98 1 6 1 6 3 1 "60 162234-53 16 25 36-02 ii 2742-32 ii 31 26'i4 ii 36 3O'3i II 40 22'85 i'43 34' 2 9 "45 5' 2 8 ii 5943*68 12 435' 2 7 12 715-38 12 10 7-56 121423-97 12 49 '9'5 1251 0*50 13 4 22 '74 13 651*70 13 1931-48 132328-34 '4 9 2 4'33 14 12 ig'03 1421 33-87 143540*65 '437*3'44 14404875 45 1 7'35 10 43 35'74 1057 6'2i 105927*71 ii 337*19 ii 621*67 ii 8 23*06 1 1 1 6 28*90 1125 3-22 ii 27 42-32 1131 26'! 3 1 1 40 22^84 ii 43 34-29 "45 5' 2 7 13 23 28^36 1329 1274 13 30 0-40 1342 9-36 -343 i9' 6 5 '349 34-15 +0-16 +0*06 +0-05 +O'O2 +0-13 +0'05 +0'04 +0'O2 +0'IO +0*04 +0*04 +0*02 +0-02 +0'03 + 0'03 +0'I2 +O*0 1 +O'OI +0-07 +0'03 +0'04 +0'02 +0'O2 +o'o6 +O'22 +0*15 +'9 +0'07 +0/09 +0'05 +'45 + O'20 +o'o8 +o'i6 +O"IO +0-05 +0*08 +0-04 +0'2I +0'24 +0-09 + 0*11 +o'o6 +0-04 +0-05 +0-26 +0-09 +0-23 +0'IO +0-17 +0-05 +0*13 +0-29 +'34 +0-03 +0-08 +0-1 8 +O'II +0-09 +0-42 +O'IO +0-18 +0*15 +0-24 +0-16 s +O'IO +0-03 +0'02 +O'O2 +0*07 0*03 O*O2 O"O2 o"o5 O"O2 +O*II +0*08 +0*08 +0-08 +o"o8 +0*39 0-08 0-08 0-33 0"I2 -0-17 0-09 O"I I 0'09 0-23 0-I 3 0*09 O'Og +0"09 + O'IO +0*44 +0*17 +0*09 +0*09 +0*06 +0-05 +0*06 +0-05 +0-17 0-24 0*07 0*08 0-05 0*05 0*05 0*19 +0-04 +0-09 +0-04 +0*06 +0*04 +0-04 +0*09 O'I2 O'OC 0'O4 o'o6 0*04 0*04 0*10 o'O3 0*04 o'O3 0*05 0*03 Canso 9^ 49 ra 583-900 at i h (98*972) [ o s 'goo] 1 o s *goo] [ o s '9oo] [ i s *ooo] Cansc _ 7 h 4 ,ln I "780 at 20 h (+96*920) [_ ,8-000] [ i'ooo] [ o s '9Oo] [ o s '9Oo] Canso -7 h 37 m 4 a '88o at 20 h (+9 8 '8 7 o) [ I S '200] [_ ,8.300] [-is--5o] s 2*61 da+dt+'oi =o O'O3 ,, + -22=O -{-0*29 ,, '03 o +0*91 ,, +'oo = o '4 ,, +'45 = +0*10 da+dt+'n =o +"35 ,, +-02 = +0*82 ,, +'IO=0 I'OI '01=0 s '3 + 12 *IO *02 +,, +08 '02 + -0 3 'oo -08 08 +-,o +0, 'OI -03 +'5 03 +08 'OI +'3 '04 '14 lean va -09 +'4 -05 +'7 09 +09 05 "10 08 +10 +08 +06 '02 +03 17 +09 +03 07 09 '5 -04 + '2I 'oo + '22 ea val + 09 05 +06 17 +04 'ii +-:6 '01 03 +03 + 02 04 + 02 + '06 + 12 09 -0 3 04 + 0, 2'959 da +o'o66 dt S '2i7 = o o'o66 da +3'i54 dt + '278 =o + 8 -075, 8 *o9o-o5i i '355 da +0-980 dt +"'083=0 0*980 da +4*308 dt + '165 =o "'041, S 'O29'022 2'8i4 da +['951 dt +"'078 = 1-951 da +4-936 dt + '357=0 +"031, S 'o84-o22 2-614 da +0*946 dt + S 'o94=o 9 h 49 m 58 s '96g at i& _yh 4 im jS-gog at 20 h 7 h 37 m 4 8 '959 at 2o h p Bobtis a~ Librae Ursm Minoris... /3 Bobtis t^ Bootis Librae i H. Ursae Miii.... j8 Coron Bor, . j/ 1 Bootis -(-o'io da+dt+'oo = o 4-0-8? ,, +'17 = 7 Librae a Serpentis Serpentis K Serpentis +'5' +'06 = -f-o'4l ,, +'04 = 2*63 ,, -{-'29 -(-075 da+dt+"O5 = o Ursse Minoris... 5 Ophiuchi f Ophiuchi 19 Ursse Minoris.. 2-14 .. +'04=0 O'OJ + '2I=0 17 Draconis S 'oo9, S '075'O33 lue of dt o s- o69, Wt. 17-06 2-427 da +1-945 dt + s 'O94 = o i'945 da +4-906 dt + '467 =o + 3 '55i 8 "ii7-o28 3-022 da +1-271 dt S 'i86 = o i'27i da +3-664 dt + '330 = + 8 'ii7, 8 'i3i'038 2-283 da +'' I2 9 d* "'190 = i'i29 da +4*850 dt + '474 = + 8 'i49, S 'i32'o32 3-356 da +0750 dt + 8 '325 = o 0750 da +5-066 dt + "750 = _s-o66, 8-138 '048 ueofdt o s 'i29, Wt. 18-47 2 '270 da +1/523 dt + S 'oi8 = o 1-523 da +5-877 dt+ '407 = + 3 '045, S 'o8i'o36 2-577 da +1-921 dt + s 'oi 4 = 1-921 da +4-823 dt + "192 = + s '035, 8 'o54'oi5 i 8 4 4da+i'i47dt+ s -028=o i '147 da +5-096 dt + "474 = +"'050, *"I04"026 3 Herculis ] 892 Apri f Hydrae... +0*43 ,, '06 = ] v Leonis. -j-i 14 a-f- 7 3 Draconis '97 ,> +-io = o 0-08 +'19 = X Ursae Majoris... 3 Leonis . 13 Virginia -j-0'68 ,, 4-' I 7= +0*60 da+dt+'o2 = o o Virginia e Corvi 4 H. Draconis 8 Draae Majoris ... TI Virginia 2-66 ,, +'26 = 0-40 +'29 = +0-71 ,, +'13=0 0-35 da+dt+'25 = o +0-14 ,, +-09 = f UrssB Majoris.... & Virginis + 77 i> "f" 5 +o 33 09 o Groomb. 2001 4 Ursae Minoris... A Bootis o 84 ,, 1-58 +'41=0 2 '6 1 da+dt '21=0 0*03 ,. +'04=0 6 Bobtis H Virginis +'77 ,, +'40 = +0-68 +"i8=o ''84 ,, +'43 = M +0-57 da+dt+'i5 = o 0-63 +'05 = +o'6i ,, +'n=o +0'OI ,, 'IO = O -f-i'oo ,, -(-'08 = -0-44 ,, '05 = o'8o ,, +'33 = i '2 1 da+dt+'C7 = o + 1-14 ,, '03 = -|-o'7i ,, +'06 = o'oS ,, -(-'08 = 109 Virginis 3 Urse Minoris... 1892 April I Leonis a Ursae Majoris... X Leonis fy Urs Majoria... 3 Crateris ,. Groomb. 1771 \ Draeonis Hydrae u Leonia X Ureae Majoris... $ Leonis Virginis Groomb. 2001 ( Virginis 17 H. Can. Ven. . r Bobtis +0-68 +-05 = 1-58 da+dt+*29 = o +071 +-18 = T'*7 .. +'oo = o ?! Ursse Majoris... TJ Bobtis O'I2 ,, + 'o6 = O +'47 +'09 = STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY PROF. MLEOD WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT CANSO AND MONTREAL. 89 Star's Name. Dec. Obierved Transit. Tabular Apparent E.A. Corrections. Level. Collima- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Bate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. 11 "S3 sg 4 "s'ormal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 April 26 continued. Virginis a Draconis I Bootis it Virginia 4 Urs;e Minoris... it Bootis (ist star) u. Virginia 1892 May 4. 20 Comae K Draconis. Ursa; Majoris.. a Can. Ven 8 Virginis y Hydras 69 H. UrsKj Maj.. 17 Can. Ven 1892 May 6. 17 H. Can. Ven... W T Bootis i; Ursse Majoris.... o Draconis, W W W Bootis j W 7 Bootis \ W 109 Virginis er Librae Groomt>. 2164 Ursse Minoris... t|/ Bootis y Librae a Serpentis 18 Serpentis K Serpentis Ursse Minoris.... t Coronse B Draconis T Herculis.. i] Draconis.. Herculis.. A Draconis.. ( Ophiuchi.. + 2 4 +64 53 +25 36 - 9 46 +78 3 + '6 53 5 ii +21 30 +70 23 +5 33 +38 54 - 4 58 22 36 + 60 30 +37 44 +37 44 : +i8 o +49 5' +64 53 +30 51 +38 47 + 2 21 15 36 + 59 44 +74 36 +27 22 14 26 + 6 46 +'5 45 +18 28 +78 7 +27 " +58 5' L892 May 9. y Ursse Majoris ... 8 Crateris a Leonis \ Draconis {Hydra v Leonis 3 Draconis X Ursae Majoris... e Corvi 4 H. Draconis $ Ursse Majoris . . . TJ Virgiuis 8 Can. Ven 24 Comae (2nd star) 8 Virginis o Can. Ven B Bootis TT Bootis ft Virginis 109 Virginis o 2 Libra? fi Uisae Minoris... ij/ Bootis 34 + 6 > 45 +21 43 +69 o 10 21 +33 41 14 12 + 6 37 +69 56 31 16 o 14 + 67 20 +48 23 22 I +78 '3 +57 3 04 +4i 57 + ,8 58 + 3 59 +38 54 +52 21 +16 53 5 ii + 2 21 15 36 +74 3 6 +2 7 22 0'99 0-76 0-99 0-95 0'44 o'gS 0-97 h in s 21 33 0-64 21 38 I9'27 21 42 18-46 21 43 58-10 2146 7-73 22 12 24-10 22 14 7-14 h m s 1356 10-39 14 131-81 14 5 30-14 14 7 9-41 '4 924'33 143540-65 '4 37 23-45 +0-13 +0-42 +O"21 0'12 +0'8 5 +0'2I +0-I5 I'OO I 122645-27 122419-23; 0-65 0-86 0-84 0-97 0-87 0-83 0-97 0-97 I'OO 0-90 0*76 0-99 0-91 0-99 0-92 o'8 1 0-54 0-99 0-92 I'OO I'OO roo 0-43 0-99 0-85 0-94 0-8 1 roo 0-68 0-95 0-98 0-92 roo 0-66 076 0-99 072 0-93 0-86 0-43 0-85 0-99 o'97 I'OO 099 0-95 0-90 I '00 0-96 0-99 0-92 0-54 0-99 123122-55 12 28 56-64 '2$' 45'59i "49 '9 '4 125326-53 1251 0-45 -O'2O -0-54 0-26 13 6 49*38 i t *" /i 13 15 30-87 | 13 13 4-24 13265777 132432-51 -.--. .,*;-,-. j- ,Q 0*39 3 4 22-74 | '' 2 0-07 0'35 0'22 '3 3 2 3''45 '344475 >3455'35 14 4 1-42 '4 2943'5 6 1430 1675 1443 20'62 144727-89 1451 14-65 '4 53 34'57 15 2 22-O7 'S3 2 2-44 1541 29-87 '54345'3 154625-53 15 5029-87 '555 3977 16 225-16 16 19 2-30 1625 4-16 1628 7-58 163043-59 16 33 46-18 ii 15 1778 Ii 16 36-16 ii 1 8 13-44 ii 27 38-31 ii 30 21-50 " 34 473 11 39 5-91 "43 '3' 12 7 14-04 12 946-49 12 12 44'OO 1217 2-52 1231 16-14 12 32 22-31 12 5249-50 12 53 38-00 14 24 11-23 14 38 19*01 1441 2-42 144327-53 '447 3478 '453 4I-94 15 228-97 13 30 0-38 1342 9-37 13 43 19-62 14 i 3175 14 27 I2'42 142745-87 1440 48*86 '4445570 144845-15 1451 7-38 14 59 50-93 15 29 30-62 15 3858-47 1541 13-84 '5 43 54'3 6 1548 2-57 1553 8-68 I55954'83 161631-83 1622 34-79 16 25 36*24 16 28 15-47 16 31 14-15 ii 12 40-00 ii 1357-19 ii 15 34-89 1125 2-68 ii 27 42-19 1131 26*03 n 36 29-84 1 1 40 22*64 12 435-19 12 7 14-49 12 IO 7-3! 12 14 23-92 1228 3873 122944-15 12 50 II'oS 1251 0-42 1421 33-89 14354075 '437 23-56 14 40 48-87 '4445573 '45' 7'37 14 59 50-96 0*04 +0-05 +0-08 +0-1 1 +0-14 +0-15 +0-05 +0*03 +0*10 +0-13 +0-03 +0-04 +0-08 +0*09 +0*10 +0-45 +O"I2 +0-23 +0-13 +0-18 +0*09 +0-23 +0-05 +0-05 +0-08 +0-29 +0*03 +0*08 +0*26 +0-15 +0*04 +0*41 +0-1 8 +0*07 +0*12 +0*09 +0*05 +0*09 +0-16 +0-14 +0*10 +0*11 +0*08 +0-53 +0*17 +0*03 +0-07 +0-03 +0*03 +0*14 +0-03 +0-03 Canso. h m s 7 37 4-880 +0-69 da+dt+'o3 = c at 2O-- 1 0*79 (+9 8 -8 7 o) +0-37 [-18-150] +0-83 : 2-61 +0-50 +077 +15=0 +09=0 + 'IO = '03 =o + 'OI =O +17=0 +-08 05 +06 03 07 3-708 da +2^036 dt +8-195 = 2-036 da +5 -535 dt + '448 = s-oio, J_ 7 h 37 m 4 s- 959 at 2o h I Montreal. O'lO 0-27 o'i6 0'12 +0-09 +0*10 +0-1 8 -j-O'II 2 m 258-650 1+0-44 da+dt "04 = at I5 h j 1*25 ,, '17 = (o a 'ooo) [ 08-300] [ i s 'ioo] 0-35 +0-15 'I2=0 "OO = O Montreal. 0-13 O'lO 0*16 0-24 O'I2 0-13 +0'IO -j-O'IO +O'2O +0-38 0-07 0*07 0-07 0-07 0-34 0-08 0*14 +0'IO +0-15 +0-08 -j-O'20 +0*07 2 m 30" 700 at i5 h (08-000) [ i s '40o] [-' S 75o] +077 du+dt+'i2 = o i'oi -10 = 0-53 ,, +'oi=o +0-17 ,, +-04=0 +0*17 da+dt "04 = +0*48 ,, '04 = 0-12 +'12 = 0*78 ,, '07 = +0-29 ,, +'05=0 +0*15 ,, *oi=o +0-68 da+dt+'02 = o +'9' +'03=0 0*49 ,, '04 = 1-83 ,, +'20 = +'35 .. '03 = +0-63 +0-51 [18-200] '+0-48 2-62 +0-35 0-45 +0-89 da+dt+'o2 = o '05 = "10 = 08 = -15 = + 01=0 +"26 = [ i s '90o] Montreal. o"i6 0-13 0-13 0-38 0-15 0-13 0-34 O'20 +0-14 +0-64 +0-24 +0-13 +0-18 +0-14 +0-13 +0-17 +0-08 +o'o5 +0-05 +0-05 +0-05 +0-19 +o'o6 2 m 378750 at I4 h ( o s 'no) [ i s -6oo] 0*03 da+dt+"o6 = o -'59 +'i2 = o +'43 ,, -01=0 I'll "04 = +0-84 -15 = +0-25 da+dt "11=0 +0-89 +0-63 T20 + 1-14 +072 0-96 O'o8 [ i*"70o] [_ i- 300 ] +03 = +04 = + '00 = *I I = + 'O2 = 03 = +1-00 da+dt -21 = 2-65 +-oo = '39 i. +-21 = +0-71 +'04 = +0*08 ,, "02 = +0-47 +'oo = +0-66 ,, '17 = +0-15 ,, '04 = 0-20 da+dt+'o5 = +o'5 '03 = +078 +-, 7 = +o'69 > +'9 = +0*91 ,, +'16 = 1-83 ,, -18 = +0-35 '08 = Mean value of dt 08-079, Wt. 21-34 05 07 +0 "IO 03 +01 o'957 da o'235 dt + 5 'o4i =o 0-235 da +2-868 dt '025 = 8-041, +8'oo5'o42 i -556 da +1 -283 dt +8-013 = 1-283 da +3-328 dt-j- -085=0 + a "019, Mean value of dt "-015, Wt. =6-20 04 05 +11 05 +05 '01 +02 + 04 -06 + '06 04 09 07 'II +'02 + 20 +06 +06 "10 07 0-720 da +0-502 dt +'-005 = 0-502 da +5-137 dt+ "023=0 2-417 da +0-924 dt "-069 = 0-924 da +3-754 dt+ -053 = +8-038, '"O23'O2I 3-104 da +1-912 dt 8 "ii7 = o 1-912 da +5-734 dt '040 = +"042, 8 "oo7'o33 1-619 *-* +0-2 0-263 da +3'9O5 dt -026 = +8-089, + 9- ooi-o30 Mean value of dt "008, Wt. 18-52 14 05 07 +-oi 03 +'9 *1O 'II +'5 03 + 06 '09 +08 +'i +05 + 'O2 '12 3-493 da +1-900 dt S 'o62 = o i -900 da +6-183 dt + ' I 47 ==o + 8 '037, 8-035 '028 3 -307 da +1-966 dt s -304 = i -966 da +6 -45 1 dt -188 = + 8 '097, 8 'ooo"o29 3-115 da +2-316 dt + s '356 = o 2-316 da +5 -8 30 dt + '253=0 _ 2 in 258-665 at 15 _ 2 m jo s '7 at 15'' -2 m 3 at GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 90 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Name of Star, Dec. Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent B.A. Corrections. Level. domina- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Bate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. 53 II formal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 May 9 continued. H. Ursse Minoris... Serpentis Serpentis K Serpentis Serpentis Ursas Minoris 5 Ophiuchi 1892 May 10. a Lfrsse Majoris E X Leonis E II rsse Majoris E Crateris E 5 Leonis , E v Ursae Majoris I E 5 Crateris E \ llraconis E {Hydra j W u Leonis ' W 3 Draconis W X Ursae Majoris i W Leonis Virgmis y Urs!E Majoris o Virginia f Corvi 4 H. Dfiiconis.. . 5 (Jrsiv. Majoris . n Virginis 20 Comae.... f Ursse Majoris . 5 Virginis ( Virginis +67 45 + 6 46 + 15 46 + 18 28 + 4 48 +7 7 3 25 +62 20 + 7 55 +45 5| 22 14 +2, 7 +33 4' 14 12 +69 56 31 l6 O 14 +67 20 +48 2 3 +15 10 + 2 22 +54 18 + 9 20 22 I +78 .3 +57 38 04 +21 30 +56 33 + 3 59 + 11 32 1892 May 12. Ursae Majoris E 1+56 33 - " ' +38 54 +72 57 - o 3 +37 44 a Can. Ven ! E E K E Grooinbridge 2001.... f Virginis 17 H. Can. Ven W W W 4 Ursa? Minoria W y Bobtis W t\ Bobtis T Virginis... a Draconis., Bob'tis ^ Virginis 109 Virginis.. ( o s *o6o) [ i7oo] 0*62 da+dt '01 =o '03 = o +0'62 +O'OI + I'OO -j-o'44 +0-25 +0-89 1'2O +-I 4 = +'oi = +30 = +'7 = i'i4 da+dt '06 = [_ i [-i7oo] [ i7oo] (+0-72 10-96 I o'oS 1+0-52 +0-69 0-26 +05 = +18 = +'04 = '03 = -05 = +05 = +o'6o da+dt+'i i = +1*00 ,, +*o6 = 2-65 .. +'I2 = 0-39 .. + -1I = +o'7' ,, +'04 = +0-44 i, -18 = j 0*35 da+dt+'o4 = |+o'66 '10 = 1+0-57 ,, " = Montreal. +o- 3 i +0"22 +0' 5 & +0'1 7 +0'2I 0-18 0-17 0-40 0-82 O'22 0-18 0-17 0'I 7 +0-19 +0-17 +'45 +0'2I +O'2O 0-17 0-18 0-18 0-17 0-83 0-18 '33 0-17 2 m 45 s '28oj 0-35 da+dt "04 = at 14" l+o'is .. -5 = 1'57 .. '01 = [_ 8- 4 oo] [-08-380] [-o 9 "95] +071 +o'i7 +o"47 da+dt+"o4 = +0-69 078 2"6o +0-15 +0-50 +0-78 +0-69 [18-200] +08 = +'04 = +'15 = "03 = o +'oo = o 'IO = O '05 = o +05=0 + 'OI =O +0-3-; da+dt "16 = +o'82 ,, '14 = i-oo +'31=0 +0-17 '04 = +0-32 ,, -08 = +o'io ,, +'03 = +0-63 da+dt '07 = +0-51 +0-48 +0-65 2-62 +0-96 0-45 +076 +'oo = o *o8 = o +'09 = +*oo = o +*oo = o +'io = o '19 = Montreal. -0-49 -0-58 -0-27 -0-38 -0-29 -0-29 -0-32 -079 2 m 478-680 at I2 h ( o s *ioo) [-> 0'62 +0-62 +0*01 + 1*00 +0-44 +0-25 I'2O +'4 'OI +03 09 +05 '10 03 Mean value of dt "'014, Wt. 24^06 3*656 da +i'949 dt + 3 ' 1 24 = i '949 da +5 -599 dt+ "174 = 8 'O22, 8 'O23'O2& +01 j 08 ; '12 2-905 dn +i'86o dt + S 'zo6 = o +'05 ' r86o da +6-506 dt + '220 = '03 | 'ii | S 'o6o, +'5 +07 +03 "OI 03 = o '03 = o '03 = +'09 -o| +'03 = o;+'o 3 = o +'07 +'02 '20 2-528 da +1-791 dt S 'i59 = o 1-791 da +5-713 dt + "098 = +8-097, 3-209 da +1722 dt + S 'o28 = o 1722 da +4-627 dt + -i 10 = +8-005, oo 0-824 da +0-933 dt 8 'i36 = o +'oi 0*933 da +2*680 dt "181=0 oi + 3-I 4<>. + 8 'oi7'oo6 Mean value of dt a '024, Wt. 19-53 -02 06 +04 +04 +04 +02 +'.2 + '0. +04 'IO 07 +02 'O2 09 + '06 + 02 'Ol 'OI +04 -03 +03 05 +'3 04 +04 1-487 da +0-157 dt + s "O73 = o 0-157 da +3'8i7 dt + '036 = 1-048 , 3-425 da +2-335 dt +"''37= 2-335 da +6-580 dt + -085 = "'041, + a 'OO2'O20 1*392 da + i'i8i dt "'344 = i 'i 8 1 da +5*287 dt '216 = + 8 '262, 8 -oi8-oi8 4*019 da +2*945 dt 8 'i94 = o 2-945 da +6*550 dt '184 = -15 '04 = I '05 +'02 = +"06 -09 = '07 -01 = 9 'oi +'O8 = 'OO Menu value of dt S *oo2, Wt. 22*24 2*352 da +0*843 dt S *i2i =o 0*843 da+6'398 dt+ '012 = + 8 '5 5 1 I at at i2 h at i4 h STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY PROF. MLEOD WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT MONTREAL AND GREENWICH. 91 Name of Star. Dec. i Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Corrections. Level. Collima- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. 11 n Normal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 May 13 continued. Hydra) v Leonis 3 Draconis X Urste Majoris $ Leonis Virginis y UrssB Majoris o Virginia .. 4 H. Draconis 5 Ursse Majoris 17 Virginia 20 Comae 8 Can. Ven 24 Coma; (2nd star).. 76 Ursse Majoris t Virginia 8 Virginis $ Comas Groomb. 2001 C Virginis T Bootis 7) Ursse Majoris ij Bootis T Virginis 31 16 o 14 +67 20 +48 23 + 15 II + 2 22 +54 >8 + 9 20 +78 ,3 +57 38 04 +21 30 +4' 57 + 18 58 +63 ,8 E j +11 32 E i 4 58 E | +28 26 E 1+7257 El o 3 E !+i8 o E +49 5' E +18 56 E + 2 4 1892 May 14. 18 Ursae Majoris. a Ursse Majoris.. X Leonis i|< Ursae Majoris. S Leouis J Crateria a Leonis \ Draconis.... /3 Leonis ft Virginis y Ursse Majoris. o Virginis e Corvi 4 H. Draconis... 8 Corvi K Draconis 76 Ursae Majoris ( Ursse Majoris a Can. Ven f Virginis 6 A f irgiuis # Cornse r Bootis i) Ursae Majoris.. ri Bootis T Virginis a Draconis d Bootis 4 Ursae Minoris. 1892 May 16. Virginis d Bootis K Virginis 4 Ursse Minoris Bootis Bootis Bootis Virginis ' 2 Libra; Ursae Miuoris. +56 58 +62 20 + 7 55 +45 5 +21 7 14 ii + 6 37 +69 56 + 15 1 + 2 22 +54 18 + 9 20 22 I +7 <3 -iS 55 +70 23 +63 18 +5633 +38 54 + 11 32 - 4 5 +28 25 +18 o +49 5' +18 56 + 24 + 6 4 53 +25 36 +78 3 + 2 4 +25 36 9 46 +78 3 + 52 21 +3 5' +16 53 - 5 'i -15 36 +74 3 6 1892 August 15. o Aquarii.. t Pegasi . . . , 24 Cejjkei.. y Aquarii., -o 51 +24 49 +71 48 - ' 55 076 0-99 072 0*91 I'OO 0-95 0-89 I'OO o'86 0-99 I'OO 0-97 I'OO 0'79 I'OO 0-97 0-99 0-59 0-99 I'OO 0*92 I'OO o' 99 o'86 o'8o I'OO 0-95 I'OO O'92 I'OO o'66 I'OO 0-99 o'88 I'OO 0-87 0'44 078 o'86 0-97 I'OO 0-97 0-99 I'OO 0*91 I'OO 0-99 076 0-99 0-44 o' 99 0' 99 0-95 0-44 0-99 I'OO 0'97 0'92 0-54 0-99 I'OO o'63 0-99 h in s II 30 31-14 ii 34 14*62 ii 39 15-48 "43 9'83 I II 46 22'23 j "4753'49, 11 5057-79] 12 23I -L 86 12 959-20 12 12 5476 12 17 12-97 1227 7-83 12 31 2677 12 32 32-87 12 39 41-18 125937-61 13 7 11-42 13 939-68 13 26 12*98 1332 1-33 '34457'4 1 3 46 6*84 13 52 22-46 13 58 59-11 10 58 10-03 10 5954-16 11 2 18-43 11 626-52 II II I3'52 II 16 48*1 1 ii 18 25-63 11 27 50-59 n 4625-23 i "47 5 6 '58 1151 1*50 12 234-38 12 7 26-41 12 10 3-93 1227 8-70 1231 4474 12 3943*04 1252 8-96 12 53 50-46 12 59 40-10 13 7 i3'76 13 942-13 1345 0-62 13 46 lo'oi 135225-47 1359 2-02 14 421'44 14 821'39 14 12 I I '43 '359 7'86 14 826-82 14 10 7'i4 14 ii 15-86 14 24 28-84 14 30 8^36 1438 37-07 14 40 20*47 >447 5273 145358-92 21 5953-48 22 i 38-28 22 725-31 221543-97 42-14 26-00 29-69 22-57 34''5 5-16 11-04 43'57 14-19 7-22 23-89 19-19 38-69 44' 1 2 53-82 49-41 22-73 51-65 27-91 1276 9'37 19-58 34-18 10-45 21-04 5-66 27'53 36-89 22-87 S7-J3 34-84 2-46 34''5 5"'5 1 1 '02 43'5 6 35''5 14-11 17-63 56-30 5379 19-25 0-38 49-41 2273 51-64 9'37 '9'57 34-18 10-45 31-66 30-19 23-89 10-46 30-19 9-50 23-81 12-44 40-77 23'59 5578 1675 ''35 47-12 7-23 o'oo o'oo o'oo -O'OI -0'02 -0*03 -0-07 -O'O2 o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo o'oo +0'OI +0'02 +0'OI +O'O1 -o'i8 -O'2I -o'o8 -0*13 -o'o8 -0*04 -o'o6 -o'ig -0*05 -0-03 -0-05 o'oo o'oo -O'12 -0'O2 -O'll -0*04 -0-04 -0*04 -0-03 -O"O2 -0-03 0-03 0-05 O'O2 0'02 0-07 0*03 0'12 0-03 +0'O2 +O'OI +o'o8 +o'o6 +0-04 +0'0 4 +O'02 +O'O2 +0'I2 +0'OI +0'O2 +o'o6 +O'OI Montreal. +0-31 +0-27 +070 +0-41 +0-28 +0'2 +0'4' +0-2; I'll 0-4"- 0-23 0-25 0'3' 0-24 -0-51 +0-23 +0-23 +O'26 +0-78 +0-23 +0-24 +0-36 +0-24 +0-23 +o'6o +071 +'33 +o'47 +'35 +'34 +o'33 +0-96 0-34 0'33 0^56 o'33 0^36 1-62 +o'i 8 +o'5> +o' 3 8 +0-31 +O'22 +0-17 +0-17 +0-19 O'lS O'2& O'lS 0'17 0*40 o'i9 0-82 0-27 o'3o 0-27 1-30 +0-44 +0-31 +0-28 +C'2 7 +0-28 _ 2 m 478-680 at i2 h ( o s 'ioo) [-I 8 ' 45 o] +071 96 o'o8 +0' 5 2 +o'6 9 0'26 +o'6o i'i4 da+dt+'03 = + '22 = O +-24 = +'13 = -O7 = O "09 = "14 = "OI =O 2*65 da+dt+'o3 = o 0-39 ,, -01=0 +0-71 ,, +'I2 = +0-44 ,, +'02 = +0'o8 ,, '07=0 +0-47 +-io = o 0-68 ,, +'o8 = o +0-57 da+dt '09 = +078 +-n = +0-33 ii +'06 = '57 +'07 = +071 ,, +'05 = +0-49 .. +'02 = O'I2 ,, '08 = +'47 > +'04 = +0-6 9 +!! = Montreal. 2 m 5o s 'i7o at i2 h ( o s 'ioo) [ i s '4co] 0-37 da+dt 0-62 +0-62 +o"oi +0-44 +0-89 +0-63 i '20 -14 = '20 = + '21 = '12 = '07 = '14 = O O o :0 O O e o +0*52 da+dt+'i2 = o i+o'68 +-38 = [ o 8 '8oo] 10-26 ,, '08 = j+o'6o ,, '16 = |+i'oo '09 = 2'65 +'oo = o +o'9i da+dt+'O7 = ,1-25 0-68 -0-35. +0-15 +o'57 +078 +o'33 '06 = +'08 = +'io = o '15=0 '03 = +'07 = +'OI =0 +o'4 9 da+dt+'oo = o [ i' 4 oo] O'I2 +'47 +0-69 078 +0-38 2'6o 06 = +08 = +04 = + 02 = + 05 = -16 = Montreal. 2 m 558750 at i4 h "4 ( o s 'ioo) [-1-850] +0-69 da+dt+'og = c +0-38 +083 2'6o [ i '06 = c s +03 + '2 I -j-'II + 07 9 "IO -17 I 03 : + 8 '047, 2^847 da+2'336 dt ''028 = 2'336 da+6'599 dt+ '192 = +02 '03 +'06 '03 'II 2-612 da+o'538 0-538 da+5'445 dt+ '214 + 05 "-028, 13 +07 +03 +06 'OI 08 +01 +07 3'3O2 da+3'3io dt+ 8 "i6i =o 3'3io da+8'076 dt4 '254 = "03 1, 3 'oi9 8 'oi8 _ z m 47^707 at i2 h Mean value of dt B- 027, Wt. 26-52 -'5 -18 +'5 '5 +16 '1 1 +03 +07 +'33 09 '21 -I4 03 + 06 +'09 -16 04 +06 04 05 +04 '01 +04 2^624 da +i'257 dt+ s- i04 = o i '257 da +6*564 dt + '307 = -"019, 3-258 da +1-823 dt +"'167 = 1-823 da +4'75 dt + '205 = 034, 2750 da +i '337 dt +"'040 = i '337 da +6-460 dt + '055 = s 'on, 3 'oo6'o23 2728 da o "959 da +5 '559 lit + '108 = "'054, S 'OIO'OII +12=0 I +'05 'IO = O | +'O2 + '2 -oi ' Mean value of dt "-022, Wt. 23-28 +'04 j 2-530 da +1-298 dt + 8 "i7i =o 1-298 da +3*056 dt + "117=0 o'2o da+tlt+'o6 +0-30 ,, +'oo -j-O'52 ,, 'O2 +078 ,, +'05 +'9' ., '08 1-82 ,, +-08 = 0|+'02 2 '636 da +i-63&dt 8 '070 = 1-636 da +4-869 dt+ '060 = = o -oi = O "O2 = +'o6 i = o '05 : + 8 '043, 8 '02i-oi3 = o -oi Mean value of dt '"017, Wt. 7-93 Greenwich. -O'2l -o'6i at 22 h ( 8 -o 3 o) i'ii [+"540] "foil +0-79 ila+dt '06 +o'5 +'00 = -05 = "00 "oo i '988 da +1 '623 dt 8 'io2 = 1-623 da +3 357 dt " 1 39 = +"028, 2 m 50 a 'I at I4H at 22 h TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Name of Star. Dec. Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Corrections. Level. Collima- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Bate) [Azimuth]. Equations ol Condition. 11 I'S Normal Equations and Solution. Clock Apparently Slow. da. dt. 1892 August 15 continued. C Pegasi... Pegasi.. Cephei. . . Pegasi . . Cephei.. Aquarii. +10 16 +29 39 +65 38 +27 30 +74 48 - 6 37 1892 August 16. o Sagittarii . Aquilse IT Sagittarii . S Draconis... u Sagittarii . T Draconis .. 0- Cygni .... a Aquilse Cephei ....... ft- Capricorni. p Capricorni... Delphini ..... o Cygni ........ 21 54 + <3 42 21 12 +6 7 28 16 10 +73 9 +27 44 + 35 i 8 +77 *3 15 7 18 10 +10 56 +44 54 1892 August 18. Cephei... IT Cephei . . . y Piscium.. J/ 3 Aquarii . Pegasi.... y Cephei 19 Piscium 20 Piscium Piazzi XXIII. 200 Pegasi a Piscium 29 Piscium 2 Ceti 33 Piscium Cassiopeise 2 1 Cassiopeiae . y Cassiopeise., H Cassiopeia., Andromeda?., +65 38 +74 48 + 2 41 IO 12 +22 4 8 +77 2 + * 53 3 22 to 35 + .8 3, + 6 16 - 3 38 17 57 619 +58 33 +14 35 +74 *4 +60 8 +44 23 +35 3 1892 August 20. y Lyrae o Sagittarii.. Aqnilse ir Sagittarii. S Draconis... r Draconis.., b Aquilae 6 1 Cygni S Cy^ni 8 Sagitta; a Aquilffi a 1 Capricorni.. a- Capricorni... ft 2 Capricorni.. y Cygni 69 Aquil?e Cephei 73 Draconis.... ( Cephei... y Aquarii. Pegasi... IT Cephei.., +32 33 2i 54 +'3 42 21 12 +6 7 28 +73 9 + " 43 +27 44 +44 52 + 18 16 + 8 35 -12 51 19 27 15 7 +39 35 3 15 +62 38 +74 35 +57 4 - , 56 +27 3 +74 48 I'OO 0-99 0-76 0-99 0-56 '95 0-85 I'OO 0-85 0'73 0-89 o'6o 0-99 I'OO 0-98 0*48 I'OO I'OO I'OO 0'95 0'77 0- 53 0-99 0-83 I'OO 0'49 I'OO 0'99 0'95 I'OO I'OO 0'97 o'88 0*96 0-86 I'OO 0-56 0-84 0'94 '94 0-98 0-85 I'OO o'86 073 o'6o I'OO 0-99 0-95 0-99 I'OO 0-92 0-86 o'88 0-97 0*96 o'8i 0-57 o'86 0-97 0-99 0*56 h m s 223543-26 2237 35'8 224529-97 22 58 II'I7 23 4 8-27 23 8 22-61 18 57 52-68 19 o 6-48 19 3 0-48 19 12 13-27 19-15 12^46 1917 20' 1 8 19 26 1-93 1945 10-34 20 5 23*66 20 12 I3'IO 20 1436-34 2O 22 21'86 20 27 42*87 20 37 24-70 2245 31-67 23 4 I0 '79 23 " 14-44 23 13 I'oo 23 '9 39"57 23 34 40*66 234033-03 2342 4'7 234421-04 23 46 40*36 235326-51 23 55 57' 8 4 23 57 53'4 235929-07 o 3 6-87 o 7 2i"o6 o 38 13-80 49 52-28 1 045-96 i 321-30 185435-29 185753-83 19 o 7-78 19 3 i '6 1 19 12 14*69 19 17 21-62 191930-30 1926 3-16 19 41 16-72 19 42 15-10 1945 11-70 20 1 1 20*74 2O 12 50-92 2 '43775 2O I S 2*00 2O 23 41*38 202727*58 20 32 38*09 22 648*91 22 15 46*16 22 58 1379 23 5 12-29 6-92 58-70 52'9I 34'57 31-29 46*17 5'35 28-94 23-10 34-22 35-02 4'53 24-16 33-19 46-44 34'83 59'35 44'87 5 -60 47'3' 52*96 31-38 36-46 23-14 1-65 58'95 54^5 2578 4271 .'83 48-22 19-70 15-02 50*82 27-52 42-68 34^3 13*92 7-67 43''7 5626 15*31 28*90 23*07 34-05 40-33 51-42 24*12 36-51 33-17 42-39 12*49 59'34 23*36 2-82 4872 58-81 9-06 7-28 34^5 31-42 Greenwich. +0*02 +0*02 +0*05 +0*02 +0*07 +O'OI O'O2 0*06 O"02 0-18 0-03 O'22 0*07 0-05 O'O4 0*29 0*03 0-03 0-05 O'lO +0*19 +0*22 +0*46 +0*21 +0*72 +0'I9 at 22 h (- "030) [+o s '54] +0-67 da+dt '14 = +0-42 ,, "21 = 0*59 ., +'19 = +0*46 ,, +'oi=o 1*51 '11=0 +0-85 ,, +-04=0 Greenwich. 0-24 -0-23 0-24 0-57 0-23 076 0*25 +0*22 +O*22 + I'OI +0*23 +0*23 +O*22 22 B '2IO at 2o h ( 8 *020) [+o'6 4 o] [+08-640] +1-03 da+dt "04 = +0-63 *ii =o 1*02 ,, +*OI=0 072 +'07=0 +0*96 ,, +*02 = O 1*27 ,, +*07 = +o'45 ,, '04 = +0*68 da+dt '03 = +0-80 ,, +-12 = 2"OO ,, 'o8 = O +o'95 .. '00 = +o'99 .. +'3 = o +o"66 ,, +"06 = +' I 7 i> *io = o Greenwich. -0*14 +0-58 -0*18 +0*91 -0*03 +0*24 -O'O2 +0*24 -0-04 +0-26 -O'I2 -O'OI -O'OI -O'OI -O'OI -O'OI -O'OI -O'OI -0'O2 -O'OI +0-03 +O'O2 +O'OI -j-O'OI 0'O2 o'oo O'OI o'oo o'oo +0-03 +0'OI -j-O'OI +0-03 +O'O2 +O'OI -{-O'OI +0*O I -j-o-or +0-05 +0'02 +0*08 +0-14 +o'i3 +0-04 +0'II +0-42 1-07 0-24 O'24 0-24 0-25 0-24 0-24 -0-25 0*24 0-46 0-25 +0-89 +0-48 +o'34 +0-29 2I'26o ato h ( S '020) [+o" 9 oo] [+o' 9 oo] o'59 da+dt 'n =o 1*51 +*o6 = o +75 +" I 5 = o +0-90 ,, -(-'17 = -j-0'52 ,, '12 = i '92 da+dt+'o7 = o [+08-900] +75 +0-8 1 +o' 9 o +0-58 +072 -j-0'82 -fo'99 +o'8 5 0-23 +0-62 +08 = +04 = +'16 = +'04 = '06 = +'03 = "07=0 i '45 da+dt+'o4 = o 9'3' .. '17 = +0-17 .. +"03 = o +0-34 '01=0 Greenwich. 0-28 O'26 0-25 O'26 0*63 0-83 O'24 0-27 +'34 +0-25 +0-24 +0-24 + 0-25 +0-25 +0-31 +0-24 +0-52 +0-90 o' 45 0-24 0-27 0*91 2O 8 '72O at22 h ( 8 '020) [+I S '020] +0-38 da+dt 'ii=o 1-03 +0-63 I'O2 072 1-27 +0'6 5 +o'45 [+08-670] [+08-800] +09 = +04 = +*io = o +05 = '04 = +08 = +'oo = o +0-17 da+dt 'i 8 = +0*58 ,, +'oi=o +0*68 ,, +-oo = o -j-0'93 . '02 = I'OO , +'H =O +o'95 . +'o6 = o +0*26 , *o8 = o +0-81 , +-n=o 0-42 , '07=0 1-48 +'07 = 0-20 da+dt+'io = o +o'8i +'05 = 1-51 '14 = *o8 -16 +'5 +06 *o8 +11 2*418 da +i'493 dt " 1 57 = 1*493 da +4-754 dt -227 = +8*044, + S " o 34"t 43 228-992 at 22 h Mean value of dt +8*032, Wt. 8'n 09 +04 +02 05 +10 +03 03 *oo +05 3-688 da +1-480 dt 3-109 = 2-480 da +5-098 dt '089 = +8-027, + 3 'oo4 '01 6 4-352 da +3'745 dt + S 'i68 = o 3 745 da +6 -093 (It + '073=0 Mean value of dt +"'015, \Vt. 11*19 05 +08 +09 -j-'o8 -16 +04 -j-'o8 +'04 +'5 +04 06 '12 '09 05 06 +05 -ii +06 2-223 da +1*105 dt + 8 'i66 = 1*105 da +3'543 dt + 8 *o99 = S '72| ""005 '046 6-141 da+5'956 dt 8 *oo2 5-956 iia +9*499 dt ''022 ''005, 0*852 da O'22I dt + S 'O22 = 0-221 da +2786 dt 8 'o88 = o 8- oi8, Mean value of dt 8 'oo7, Wt. 15*83 13 +03 '00 +04 +06 +-oi +'04 '03 04 +'07 +'03 *o6 +10 'OI +'07 '03 'OI -05 3 '566 da +2*750 dt + 8 *i8o = o 2750 da +6-296 dt-j- '175 = -"043, 8 '009 'o 1 8 4-490 da +3 '903 ill +8-133 = o 3-903 da +8'o86 dt '046 = S 'o6o, + S '035-o20 i "587 da +0-599 dt 8 "H5 =o 0-599 da +2-974 dt + '131=0 8-060, STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY PROF. MLEOD WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT GREENWICH. 93 .Name of Star. Dec. Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent R.A. Corrections. Level. Collima- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Bate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. II as Normal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 August 20 continued. Bradley 3077.. y Piscium i Andromedse.. y Cephei 21 Piseium Pegasi a> Piseium 29 Piseium 4 Ceti +56 34 + 2 41 +42 40 +77 2 + o 28 +18 31 + 6 16 - 3 38 39 1892 August 21. $ Cygni.. 8 Aquilie . K Cephei.. e Aquarii . 20 Capricorn! 8 Capricorn! .. Bradley 2777 . a Eqiiulei a Cygni fi Capricorui . a Aquarii i Pegasi Pegasi 24 Cephei 8 Aquarii rj Pegasi o Andromedse. Cephei +52 9 i 9 +77 23 9 53 19 Z 7 17 40 +77 4' + 4 48 +38 56 14 4 o 50 +24 49 + 5 4 +71 49 8 19 +29 40 +41 45 +74 48 1892 August 22. no Herculis.. Aquilae 5 Draconis Cygni Ij Aquilee Cygui y Aquilie $ Sagitt ._... y Sagittae Cygni 7 Cygni e Cephei 3 Delphini a Delphini a Cygni Bradley 2777.. o Andromedse. a Pegasi IT Cephei Aquarii ij/ 1 Aquarii v Pegasi +20 27 +'4 55 +67 28 +53 'o +" 43 +27 44 + IO 21 + 18 16 + 19 12 +46 25 +39 55 +62 38 +M '3 +'5 3 2 +44 54 +77 4 +4' 45 +14 38 +74 48 6 38 9 41 +22 48 1892 August 23. 20 Cephei. Pegasi..., f Cephei .., 7 Lacertae. Cephei... S Aquarii . o Andromedse. a Pegasi ir Cephei 4 Cassiopeise. . . +62 16 + 54 +57 4 +49 44 +65 38 16 23 +4' 45 +14 38 +74 48 +61 41 0-83 0-99 0-96 0-49 0-97 I'OO 0-99 0-96 0-96 0-91 0-97 0-47 0-94 0-86 0-86 0-47 0-98 0-93 0-91 0-98 I'OO 0-99 0-63 0-95 0-99 0-96 0-54 I'OO I'OO 0-71 0-90 0-99 0-99 I'OO I -00 0-99 0'93 0-97 075 I'OO I'OO 0'95 0-47 0*96 I'OO 0-56 0'95 0-94 I'OO o'8o 0-99 o'86 073 o'go 0-97 I'OO '55 0*76 h in s 23 746-37 23 II 15-02 233231-29 23 34 3772 23433 6 '55 234640-47 23 5326-73 23 5658-19 o i 53' 2 4 195231-32 20 5 24-89 2O 12 I4'O2 2041 31-06 2053 9-63 21 7 24*82 21 IO 7"O2 21 12 52*02 21 47 5-92 21 5955^1 22 I 40*18 22 4 26*34 22 725-81 22 1049*44 223738-14 22 56 39-05 23 4 12-15 1 8 40 41*84 18 5424*36 19 12 14*17 19 14 1809 I 9 I 9 30*39 1926 3'I 7 19 40 4876 1942 15*58 I95339'IO 20 9 56*20 20 l8 3'22 20 27 29*62 20 32 10*98 20 34 19*12 203727-23 21 7 26-58 2256 39-32 2259 4-55 23 4 14-49 23 825-33 23 955'53 23 1 9 4 1 "20 22 I 25*98 22 426*54 22 6 48*70 22 26 32*48 2245 33-20 2248 36*73 22 56 39*61 22 59 4*82 23 4 14*06 23 19 4<>'2O 777 52*64 59*02 58*06 1*86 48-25 '973 '4'53 5 2 '45 46*42 52*48 30*78 5 5 '46 43*09 28*03 12*81 27*13 16*80 1-39 47-60 47'i3 10*78 5877 59'55 46*27 47*61 9*07 5 3 '2 59'57 25-30 31-48 2*83 45'33 33'97 38*44 51*40 24-10 979 36-49 59'47 i6'io 23'35 48-68 31-39 39*67 47'27 43*06 25*29 31*46 46*28 16*68 1*70 +0*22 +0*09 +0*20 +0*64 +0*1 1 +0-15 +0*13 +0*10 +0*10 +0*08 +0*03 +0*25 +0*03 +0*02 +0-03 +0*29 +0*0 5 +0*10 +0*04 +0*05 +0*09 +0*06 +0*27 +0*05 +0*10 +O*I2 +0'32 -O*I4 -0*13 -0*45 -0*30 -0*14 -0*19 -0-14 -o'i6 -0*16 -0*25 -0*22 -0-34 -O'I2 -O'I2 -O'2I -o'5o -0*18 -o'n -0-49 -0-07 -0-07 0*13 -0*06 -0*15 -0*14 -0*26 -0*04 -0*16 -o'io -0'42 -0-25 Greenwich. +0-44 +0'24 +'33 +ro 7 +0*24 +0*25 +0*24 +0*24 +0*24 20*720 at 22 h ( S *020) [+08-540] o'i6 da+dt '14 = +075 +0*20 1*92 +0*78 +0*58 +0*72 +0*82 +0*8 1 '03 = '03 = +07 = '05 = + *OI=O '07 = 08=0 +17=0 09 'OI '00 +'06 '03 +'03 05 *o6 +18 4-135 da +3*874 dt s ' O 6i = o 3 *8 74 da +7 '595 dt '174 = 8*013, + 8 'O30'O2I Greenwich. +0-39 +0-24 + !*IO +0*24 0-25 -0'25 1*12 O'24 -0*31 +0*25 +0*24 +0-27 +0-24 +077 +0-24 0*28 0*32 0*91 20'66o at 22 h (o s 'ooo) [+08*800] [+08*800] [+o 3 '5oo] [+o*5oo] o'o2 da+dt '08 = +o'8o '02 = 2*00 , ' 1 9 : +o'9 n +''7 = i'oo da+dt+'oi = +0*98 ,, +'04 = 2-07 -17- +O'72 *O2 = +0'27 '17 = +o*9 4 da+dt+'i5 = +79 .. +'oo = +'5 i. +00 = +072 ,, +'oo = i'ii ,, '24 = +0*87 +*oo = +0*42 da+dt+'oo = +0*23 +*oi = ''S 1 '04 = 2*215 da +i'O9& dt + 8 '2o8 = o i '096 da +2 '873 dt+ '025 = "no, +8-03 3 -037 Mean value of dt + 8 'oi4, Wt. 24*95 04 '07 +03 +10 +'02 + '04 + '04 +'01 '09 + '09 '03 +*0, *04 *OI + *OI 2-953 da+i*934dt +0*057 = i -934 da +3-525 dt -172 = 079, 3-265 da +3-088 dt + s '225=o 3*o88da+5'o6Sdt + -033 = --148, + 3 *o84*oi6 897 da +0-184 dt+ 3 'oi9 = o 184 da +2-193 dt "001=0 "0*1, + S 'oo*'oo7 Mean value of dt +"'062, Wt. 13-66 Greenwich. +0-26 +0-25 +0-63 +0-40 +0-24 +0-27 +0-24 +0-25 0-25 -0-35 0-32 0-52 0-25 0-25 0-34 0-32 0-2 5 0-9! 0*24 0-24 O'26 at 2i h ( o s 'oio) [+i s "ooo] +0-55 da+dt+'oo = o '04 +0-62 0-72 0-05 +0-65 +'45 +0-67 +0-58 [+i"30o] +*io = o +*o6 -03 -j-'oi +"oi=o +'oi +'06 = +'02 "07 = - io +'06 = +'02 +07 = +-03 +o*5 7 da+dt+*09 = o +*o8 o . '05 o 'ii o I 'oo o +'15 +O'I2 +0*26 0*42 +0*63 +0*6 1 +0*17 2*07 '06 = '11 = 03 = +16 = + *oo = '13 = +'3 = +0-23 da+dt -17 +0-62 "02 1-51 -06 +0^85 +'i2 +0-89 ,, '03 +o'52 ,, +'06 2-346 da +3-101 dt +8-159 = 3-101 da +7-274 dt + '215 = 8 ' 6 4, S 'O02'OI3 2"22O d +1*603 dt + S 'O46 = O i '603 da +6-472 dt '014 = '027, +8-009 -028 "12 +09 13 "O2 + -5 +10 04 +07 Mean value of dt +"'014, Wt. 18-76 2-787 da +* -434 dt +8-071 =o 2-434 da +5-021 dt -064 = -8-064, +8-044 '030 Greenwich. +0-51 +0-24 +'45 +'37 +0-58 +0-25 0-32 0-25 0-91 -0-51 2O 8 '2IO at 22 h ( o s 'ooo) [+o 3 ' 9 oo] [+o- 9 oo] 0-40 da+dt "10 = +0*72 ,, "03 = O'2O ,, "04=0 +O-O5 "o6 = '59 .. +'17 = +'97 ,. +'04 = +0-23 da+dt -02 = +0-62 ,, '06 = '37 +'15 = 07 "02 - O2 05 -O2 '02 04 1-580 da +o-8i6dt s- oio = o 0-816 da +4-549 dt '051=0 +001, + S -OII"026 i -200 da +0-164 dt 3 * 1 14 = 0-164 da +2-821 dt+ -032 = +'097, 3 *oi7-t*o*4 Mean value of dt 8 - O oo, Wt. 7-37 20 s> 662at 22 h O m 20 3 '2Ioat*2 h O m TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Name of Star. Position. Dec. No. ol Wires. i V Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Corrections. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. Weighted Residual. Normal Equations and Solution. Clock Apparently Slow. Level. Collima. tion. da. dt. 1892 Augus 1 Cygni b 2 E E E E E E E W W W W W W W W W W W W W ; 2( w w w w w w w E E E E E E E E W W W W W w 2* w w w w w w w E E E E E E E W W W w w w w E E E E E E E 5. 1 ' +27 44 + 5 9 +'7 13 20 i +44 5 2 +70 o i 9 +46 25 12 53 15 7 +62 38 + 14 '3 +44 54 +6. 25 +7 5 +39 5 6 17 9 + 9 23 16 37 +*5 2 5 +53 > +73 9 + * 54 +27 44 +'7 '3 + o 44 +52 9 o 50 +24 49 + 54 +7' 49 -'56 +49 44 o 40 +65 38 +23 9 +61 41 + 18 3, +28 30 +58 33 +'4 35 !. + '4 55 -2i 54 21 12 +6 7 28 -16 9 + 2 54 +*7 44 +70 o +5 2 9 i 9 12 51 12 53 -'5 7 3 15 o 50 +24 49 + 5 4 +7i 49 8 19 - , 56 +29 40 6 38 9 41 + 2 41 1O 12 +61 41 + 12 IO +77 2 5 9 9 9 9 7 9 7 9 9 7 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 0-93 0-99 I'OO 0-86 0-95 0-66 0-98 0'92 0-93 0*90 0-79 I'OO 0-93 0-82 0*67 0-97 0-87 I'OO 0*91 I'OO o'go 0*60 0-99 0-99 I'OO 0-98 0*91 0-98 I'OO '99 0*63 0-98 0-93 0-97 077 I'OO o'8 1 I'OO 0-99 O'gl 0*92 0'99 0-83 0*84 072 0*91 I'OO I'OO 0^67 0*91 0-97 O'92 O'92 0*90 0'97 0-98 I'OO 0'99 0*62 0-95 0-97 0'99 0'95 '94 0-99 0-94 o'8i I'OO 0-49 b m s 1926 3-53 1933 33-50 1935 53-60 193945-64 1941 17-58 1948 15-41 20 5 25-69 20 9 56-31 20 ii 46*12 20 14 38-98 zo 27 29-62 20 32 11*21 20 37 27'35 20 42 48*81 21 27 0*91 21 32 19*63 21 334'97 2' 3 8 35' 2 4 21 4047-37 21 47 51-29 19 1419-09 1917 22"O2 '9'945'3' 1926 4*09 '935 54"09 19 46 40*69 19 52 32*86 215956*31 22 I 41*00 22 427-18 22 7 2670 22 15 46-82 22 26 32-44 2229 30-57 22 45 32-42 23 15 o'oi 23 1945*84 23 46 42'12 O 2 30*99 o 3 8*i2 o 7 23*00 18542574 18 5755'47 19 3 3-19 19 12 15-46 19 15 15-26 19 1945-9' 1926 4*66 19 48 15-11 19 52 32*60 20 5 26-43 20 1 1 22*44 20 11 46*42 20 143943 20 23 43*01 5957 - 23 22 I 42*01 22 428*26 22 728*71 22 IO 51*33 221547*84 223739*43 23 8 26*54 23 9 56*88 23 ii 1674 23 13 3*48 23 1945*12 232324*19 23 34 39*00 8 24*06 54-06 14-00 6-43 38-07 34*61 46-41 16*07 6-45 59'33 48*61 31-38 47'25 7-98 18-93 39-61 9-40 55'38 7-69 11-27 38-35 39-98 5-46 24-05 I3-99 0*6 1 52-36 16-83 1-42 47^3 47-12 7^3 53"4 51*00 53'04 *9"93 5*21 1*96 50*67 2772 42*83 45*26 15*24 23*00 33"7' 34'94 5 "44 24*03 34H8 52-32 46-39 42-36 6-43 59'32 2-80 16*84 '43 47*64 47*11 10*83 7'34 58-84 46*36 1676 36'6o 23-28 5'25 44-01 59-29 8 0*14 O'lO 0-13 o'o6 0*24 0-53 O'll O'2O O'O5 0'05 0'I 3 O*O2 0*03 0*02 +o'o6 +0-04 +0*0 1 +0*02 +0*0 1 +0*03 -0-15 0*26 0*05 0*07 0*04 O'O2 0*02 +0-03 +0*05 +0*0 4 +0-15 +0-04 +0-09 +0-04 +0-16 +o'o8 +0-17 +0*07 +0*08 +0*1 J +o'o6 O'lO 0*03 0-03 -0-15 0*02 0*04 0*06 O'42 0*26 0*13 0*09 0*09 0*08 0*09 +0-03 +0-05 +0-03 +0-15 +0-03 +0-04 +0-07 +0-04 +0-04 +0-05 +0-04 +0-17 +0-07 +0-36 < +0*28 +0*25 +0*26 +0*27 +0-35 +073 +o'25 0*36 0*26 O'26 0*54 0*26 0-35 0*52 o'73 -0*33 0*26 0*25 0*26 0*28 ( -0*45 -0*93 0*27 0*30 0*28 0-27 0*44 +0*27 +0*30 +0*27 +0*86 +0*27 +0-42 +0*27 +o'6 5 0*29 0*57 0*28 0*31 0*52 0*28 c 0*26 0*27 0*27 0*65 0*26 0*25 0*28 +0-73 +0-41 +0-25 +0-26 +0-26 +0-26 +0-25 0-25 0-27 0-25 0-80 0-25 0-25 0-29 +0-25 +0-25 +0-25 +0-25 +0-53 +0-26 +,*,, rreenwich 1 i9"-88o at 2i h ( o"*oio) [+o-8 7 o] [+o'8 7 o] rreenwich 198-890 atzz" 1 ( o s *ooo) [+08-650] [+o<"44o] [+08-440] rreenwich 1 98*400 at 22 h ( o s 'oio) [+o s *6io] [+o' 5 oo] [+08-300] [+o' 3 oo] s +0*45 da+dt *i i = o 8 09 +08 +*n +*10 -29 +16 03 26 +04 +*02 *04 *O2 '19 *04 +-34 ''3 +03 + *I2 +'I2 +'08 Mr, +03 + 03 "II -'5 +05 +18 03 *02 + *02 + '04 -oi +11 -I4 + 07 *04 *IO +06 *oo +*n *o8 + *OI Mea 06 '02 '06 'oo +05 +-07 + '01 +07 *o6 'IO 09 + *02 +07 +11 'IO 'O I +',0 +*0, + 03 + '02 '04 + 03 *0 3 *O2 +05 'IO + 02 + '08 2*763 da +2*927 dt + S 'i44 = o 2*927 da +5*883 dt '025 =o 8 *ii9, +8'o63 i o48 4735 da + 4*467 dt+ 8 *i63 = o 4*467 da +10*658 dt "213 = 8-087, + 8 '057-o33 n value of dt +8*059, ^*- l6 '54 2*244 da +i '993 dt 8 'o67 = o 1-993 da +5-919 dt '115 = "067, +s-o42'o33 3*259 da +2*738 dt + 8 *288 = o 2738 da +6-696 dt+ -040 = 8-127, +8-o46'022 1-251 da +1*663 dt +8-21 1=0 1-663 da +5' '39 dt + '184 = 8*213, +"*033-026 n value of dt +8-041, Wt. 1776 3*626 da +3*649 dt + S 'o23 = o 3*649 da +5-721 dt '050 = 8*042, + 9 'o35*oi6 3-819 da +3*437 dt +8*437 = 3-437 da +5-662 dt + '254 = "163, + 8 'o54-o26 198*939 at 2I h i9 8 *93i at 2 h 198*433 at 22 h ff Aquilae j8 Sagittae +0-58 ,, +*i2 = o + '00 ,, +'>7 = o f Sagittarii e Draconis o'93 ., +'08 = +0*80 +*oo = o 6 Aquilse o 2 Cvffni o Capricorn! +"93 .. +'06 = +0-95 ,. +-5= 2 Capricorn! & Cephei.. , 8 Delphini +0*63 P O2 = O -j-o'17 ,, '25 = o'36 ,, '14 = o'94 M +'37 = o -|-O*26 ,, 'IJ = Q 17 Cephei Cephei 74 Cvsmi.... y Capricorn! Pegasi +0-&7 +'I2=0 +0-97 ,, +'16 = +0-49 ,. +'07=0 8 Capricorn! 16 Pegasi 1892 August K Cvemi , . .. 1*27 ,, '08 = +"75 . -10 = +0-45 , "16 = +0-58 , +-05 = +0-78 , +-19=0 0*02 , '08 = +079 da+dt+'o3 =o +0*50 ,, +'04 = ft 1 Cygni ff Sagittaj 17 Aquilse ^ Cygni a Aquarii i Pegasi 9 Pegasi 24 Cephei I'll *OI=O +0*8 1 +'05 = y Aquarii 7 Lacer t as 7j Aquarii +0'79 .. +'I2 = '59 .. -17 = +0-52 da+dt "02 = '37 ,. '04 = +0*58 +-09 = +0*44 +'17 = 0-24 "18 = +0-62 ,, +'n=o +o'62 da+dt '07 = i Cephei r Pegasi 4 Cassiopeiae a Andromedas.... /8 Cassiopeia 7 Pegasi 1892 August e Aquilse o Sagittarii S Draconis 0*72 ,, '07 = v Sagittarii S Aquilse 1 Cygni +75 " +7 +0-45 *oi = o e Draconis 4i ii 14 o 40 +27 30 +74 4 6 38 IO 12 + 12 10 + 2 53 + 18 31 1892 September 6. 6 Aquilse a 2 Capricorni.. 7 Cygni 7 3 Draconis . . . in. Aquarii 19 Capricorni. 32 Vulpeculse.. v Cygni i 9 ii 53 +39 55 +74 35 9 24 18 20 +27 39 +4 45 roo 0-99 0-98 0-86 0-96 o'8o 0*56 0-95 0*92 071 I'OO 0-94 0-99 0-86 0-87 0-98 0-98 0-47 I'OO 0-82 0-90 0-49 I'OO 0-89 I'OO I'OO 0-98 o'go 0-99 '57 I'OO 0-97 o'6o 0-97 0-94 I'OO 0-85 0-98 I'OO I'OO 0'99 0'95 I'OO 0^67 o'gi 0-98 0'92 0*92 0-97 I'OO O'62 0-97 0*91 0-93 0-99 0^56 0-94 0-94 I'OO 0'99 I'OO 9 0-98 9 i '92 9 j '97 9 '5 6 9 | 0-94 7 o'8 5 5 ! 0-93 8 0-96 h m s 194943-16 '95339'94 20 5 26-67 20 22 24-89 20 23 43-22 2O 27 30^07 20 32 40*69 20 37 28-62 2041 33-13 2042 50-19 20 44 I2"22 2046 33-07 204940-88 2057 58-96 2059 35-96 21 I47-II 21 14874 21 7 26-91 22 58 15-26 23 1946-42 2321 6-73 23 3441-29 234035-36 23 42 6-40 23 46 42'66 o 2 31-84 o 7 23-92 o 30 41-64 033 16*70 o 38 19-27 041 20-31 43 35' 2 7 l8 22 46-34 1 8 33 0*60 18 36 5-27 1 8 4044-47 1842 59-31 184549-38 1 8 54 27-00 191932-48 1926 5'i6 19 30 48*26 '93555''4 19 48 lo'ig 195233-64 20 527-56 2O II 23-29 20 1 1 47-47 21 5958-42 22 M3'32 22 7 30-93 22 15 49-01 22 19 3-61 222440-34 22 29 3274 22 58 l6'IO 23 4i3'4i 23 8 27-62 23 13 4-46 23 23 25-39 234036-17 23 4 6 43'4> 20 245-13 20 9 4-94 20 15 22'3& 20 29 59-43 20 43 51-00 204542-99 2046 5872 20 50 10-35 2'77 59-42 46-36 44-84 2-80 48-54 58-42 47-20 52-47 7-90 31-36 52-41 5974 18-42 5 5 '47 5-84 7'4i 42-79 3474 5-26 26-36 59'3' 54-82 25-96 62-01 5072 42-88 59-90 35'53 35'2i 39-19 5378 171 18-65 23-80 2-72 >7'94 7-27 45'23 51-32 24-00 34'39 52-27 46-38 42-35 6-42 16-85 ''43 47-08 7'35 21-36 5873 5 1 '3 3475 31-58 46-38 23-30 44-03 54-84 2'02 46-33 6-37 23-17 58-00 52-38 44-46 59-68 11-03 Greenwich. -O'21 -0'26 -0'17 -O'Og -0-15 -0-51 -0'80 -0-30 -O'Og -0-39 -0-15 -0*09 -O'lg -0-05 -0-05 -0*19 -0-19 -0-59 o'o8 -0-19 -o'o6 -0-36 -o'oj -o"o6 -0*09 -O'll -0*09 -O'22 -O'I4 -0-48 -0-14 -o'i6 +0'22 +0-23 +0'22 +0-23 +0'22 +0- 4 8 +0-83 0-31 0'22 0-46 O'22 0"22 -0-25 0-23 0-23 0-28 0-28 1-03 +0-25 +0- 4 6 +0'22 +0- 9 8 +0-22 -J-O'22 +0-23 0-25 0-23 -0-37 -0-25. 0'82 0-24 0*29 at 22 h (08-045) [+08-850] [+08-850] [+08-850] [+08-850] Greenwich. -0-50 -O'2O -0'08 -O'I4 -0*05 -0-18 -0-13 -o'i 3 -o'i6 -0-08 -0-14 -0-42 -0*24 -0*09 -0-07 -0*07 -0*04 -0*07 -O'2I -O'04 -O'lO -0*03 -0-04 -0*06 -O'2I -0*03 -0-03 -0-05 -0*04 -0"O5 1-18 0-45 0-35 0-37 0-37 0*42 0-36 +0-36 +0-40 +'35 +'37 + I'02 +'57 +'35 +0-36 +0-36 0-28 o' 3 i 0-90 0-28 0-45 0-29 0-28 -l-0'32 +1-07 +0-28 +0-28 +0-29 +0-28 +0-29 +188-170 at 2i h (-08-035) [+08-940] [+8-0550] [+08-790] [+08-550] Waterville. +0"02 -j-0'02 +0-05 +0'I4 +O'O2 -j-0'OI +0-04 +0-05 +0-1 6 +0-16 -j-0'21 +o"6o +0-16 +0-17 +0-18 +o-i6 at 2i h (+o s '09o) +072 da+dt+'oo = o +o'57 '05=0 +o'8o ,, +'02 = o +o'99 i. +-oo = o +0-81 +'14 = o'42 ,, -}-io = o 1-48 ,, -01=0 +0-17 +0-90 -0-36 +0-64 +0-89 +OH5 +0-98 +0-29 +0-29 2-07 +0-46 0-37 +0-78 1-92 +075 +0-8! +0-58 da+dt '10 = ,, +'06 = -02 = +'06 = +"O2 = O +05=0 '02 = "O2=O +04 = '33 = da+dt "07 = o -05 = ,, +'02=0 ii "20 = ,, +'09 = +0-44 da+dt '07 = o +0-62 0-05 +0-42 ^+0-51 +0-25 +05 = 'IO = O -10 = +'31 =o "06 = "03 = o i '2 1 da+dt+'o7 = +0-28 '18 = +0-89 .. +''3 = +o'55 ,. +'' = 'oi ,, +'15 = +'37 ,, +" = +0'62 +'.0 = +0-65 da+dt "03 +o'45 +0-86 +0-58 0-93 O"O2 +0-80 +0-93 +o'93 -08 = = o = = o = o = ^0 '04 +'10 'IO +08 '06 +05 +0-79 da+dt+'oi = +0-50 i'ii +o'8 1 O'OI +0-90 +0-79 +04 = -oi = +11= 19= +'3 = + 13 = +0-46 da+dt '05 = o 1-51 +0-85 +0-90 +0-64 +075 +0-58 -05 +-06 +'oo +'04 +"o6 +-02 +0-80 da+dt+'o6 = o +'93 ,. +'3 = +O'27 "22 = ''45 ,, +'03 = +0-89 ,, +'07 = +0-99 ,, +'13 = +0-46 '08 = s 03 08 'oi "02 -03 07 +02 +-II 04 + 02 + 02 oo 06 "OI +05 06 -II +01 04 oo +'7 + 02 +04 3-576 da +2782 dt +'-078 = 2-782 da +5-555 dt + -153 = +"004, 4-677 da +4-187 dt +8-245 =o 4-187 da +8-755 dt + '030 = s-o88, 3-092 da +2-354 dt + 8 '3io = o 2-354 da +5-515 dt + -176 = 8-113, +-oi6-oi8 1-751 da +1-678 dt "'225 = 1-678 da +6-034 dt -188 = +13 '10 -05 +07 oo "oo Mean value of dt +8-009, + 8- '35. 25-85 +08 '21 04 +06 +07 +04 oo 09 05 -oi +08 07 03 +08 06 oo +09 +04 '5 +06 06 +03 03 + 02 2-867 da +2-867 dt +8-245 = 2-867 da +5-867 dt+ '300 = 067, 8'0l8'032 4-106 da +4-368 dt -i5o = o 4-368 da +7-813 dt '231 = +8-010, + s '024 '019 +06 +-o. '7 +'3 +06 +09 -05 '07 3'242da+3'ii2dt+"'324 = o 3-1 12 da +5'92odt + -234 = 8-124, 3-590 da +3\ _ 3-483 da +6-041 dt + -109 = 8-044, +8'oo7'oio i value of dt +8-oi i, Wt. 25-64 3-725 da +3-488 dt +8-096 = 3-488 da +6-454 dt -117 = -8-087, +8-065 '028 188-899 at i8-i8iat2i h at 2i h 96 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Name of Star. Dec. Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Corrections. Level. Collima- tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. Normal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 September 6 continued. Bradley 2777. a Cygni i Oapricorni.. Capricorni. . a Aquarii i Pegasi Pegasi ( Cephei +77 4' +38 56 17 18 22 53 o 50 +24 49 + 54 +57 40 1892 September 7. t Aquilae E +14 55 Sagittarii E 21 54 Sagittarii E 21 12 a! Sagittarii E 19 uSagittarii E 16 T Draconis E +73 1 Cygni E e Aquilse . o 2 Cygni. \V W it Cephei I W 6 Capricorn!.. | W 7 Cygni W y 9 +27 44 > 9 +46 25 +77 23 '5 7 +39 55 1892 September 13. 7 Aquilae 8 Sagittse a Aquilse 6 Aquilse K Cephei /3 2 Capricorni.. 7 Cygni. 69 Aquite a Cygni e Aquarii jj Cephei v Cygui Cygni a Cephei j8 Cephei f Pegasi ir 2 Cygni p. Capricorai. 16 Pegasi 29 Aquarii... a Aquarii , i Pegasi 9 Pegasi ( Anclroinedae.. 7 Cephei 19 Piscium Pegasi u Piscium 29 Piscium ft Cassiopeise. . a Cassiopeise. . 21 Cassiopeia? 5 Piscium 77 Piscium j3 Andromeda.. T Piscium v Piscium TJ Piscium , 40 Cassiopeia . 43 Cassiopeiae . fCeti | Piscium + IO 21 +18 16 + 8 35 i 9 +77 23 -IS 7 +39 55 3 15 +44 54 9 53 +61 25 +40 45 +29 47 +62 8 +7 5 + 9 23 +48 49 14 4 +25 25 17 29 o 50 +24 49 + 5 4 +42 40 +77 2 + 2 53 + .8 31 + 6 16 - 3 38 +58 33 +55 57 +74 24 + 7 o + 4 20 +35 3 +29 3' +26 42 +14 48 +72 29 +67 3 10 52 + 2 40 1892 September 14. J Cygni.., a Aquilae. 6 Aquihv!. o a Cygni . K Cephei . 7 Cygni... +44 S 2 + 8 35 i 9 +46 25 +77 23 +39 55 0-44 0-93 0-88 0-8 1 0-98 I'OO 0-99 0-86 I'OO 0-84 0-84 0-86 0*90 0*60 0-99 0-98 0-94 0-48 0-85 0-97 I'OO I'OO I'OO 0*98 0-48 o'go '97 0-97 0-95 0-94 0-79 o'9i 078 0-75 '53 0-99 '94 o'go 0-94 0-88 0-98 I'oo 0-99 0-96 0-49 0*96 I'OO '99 0^76 o'86 0-87 0-57 I'OO 0'99 o'gb 0-99 0-99 I'OO o'6 1 o'66 0-94 0-99 o' 95 I'OO 0-98 0'94 0-48 0'97 h m s 21 445'84 21 IO I2'37 21 13 i5'6i ii 1731-83 21 57 1572 21 59 070 22 I 4671 22 4 9'3' 18 51 41-84 18 55 11-18 19 o 18-90 19 8 17-53 19 12 3I-IO 19 14 38-18 19 23 2O'6i 20 2 42*89 20 7 13-30 2 934'93 20 ii 55-53 20 15 20-39 193752-23 19 39 18-81 1942 15-43 20 2 2873 20 9 15-20 20 u 41-66 2015 5-40 20 20 45-21 20342971 20 38 35'12 203950-53 204953-59 21 5 5-29 21 12 45*24 21 24 i'68 21 35 38-01 21 3933-21 21 44 9-96 214453*88 21 53 17-42 21 5659-54 2158 44-04 22 I 30-30 233041-36 23 37 37-39 23 5 3'74 2353 2-16 o o io'o6 031 776 035 17-67 03949-38 o 56 58-88 o 25-" 227*59 10 16*76 22 27-02 26 40*93 31 7*41 42 52-50 444271 1938 17-97 19 42 13-26 20 2 26-47 20 6 55-87 20 9 13*86 20 I S 3*38 42-37 1273 16*89 33'M 16-87 1*44 47' 6 7 9-04 45*11 15*11 22*88 21*38 34-83 39'9 23-88 46*32 15-85 23-15 9-56 36-24 32-95 46-25 32-92 59*20 23'5 2*68 46*98 52-38 7'53 10-92 22-62 2-33 18*44 55'3 6 5'47 27-18 11-24 34-80 16-86 1-42 47-66 Waterville. +0-17 +o'5 +o'oi -j-0'01 +0'02 +0*04 +0*03 +0-07 075 0*20 0*17 0-17 o'i6 0-18 o"i6 0-30 3 m o s 'oio at 20 h (+08-090) 59'55 54-98 2-17 48-58 20-07 28-05 2578 35-80 7'33 16-39 43'75 45-26 34*40 44'73 57'83 24*32 10*29 0*36 37^7 32*93 46-24 1570 32-82 23-03 -0*02 -O*OI -O'OI -O'OI -0*01 -0*06 -O'O2 -O'OI -0-03 -o'o8 -O'OI -0-03 -O'll -O'I2 -O'lO -0*08 -0-57 -0*06 -0*17 -o'o8 -0*19 -0-07 -0-28 -o'i8 -0*14 -0*29 -0*39 -O*IO 0*07 -0*05 -0*13 0*05 -0*08 0*13 0*09 0-15 -0-44 0*07 0-09 0-07 0*05 0-17 0*14 -0*28 0*06 0*05 0*08 0*07 0*07 0*06 0'22 0-18 0-03 0*05 +0*0 1 -j-O'OI o'oo o'oo 0*00 0*01 Waterville. +0*1 6 +0*1 6 +0*16 +0-16 +0-16 +0-52 +0-17 0-15 O'22 0'69 O'l6 0'20 at 2o h . (+08*100) [+10*650] 3 m 178*620 at 22 h (+OS-060) [ 08*070] Waterville. +0-13 +0-14 +0-13 +0-13 +o'6o +0-13 +0*17 +0-13 0-18 0-13 0-27 0-17 0-15 0-28 0-38 0-13 0"2O -0-I 3 0*14 0*14 -0*I 3 0*14 -0-I 3 +0-24 +0'8o +o-i 8 +0*19 +o*,8 +0-18 +'34 +0*32 +0-67 +0-1 8 0-18 0'22 O"2I O'2O 0-19 o"6o 0*47 0*1 8 0*18 [ 8 'O2O] Waterville. O'2I 0*15 -0*I 5 0*22 0*69 0*2O 1 2*04 da+dt *o6 = [+08-150] 30- 198*850 at 2o h (+o s 'oio) [+0*1 3 0] +0*29 +0*98 +1-05 +0-79 +0-50 +072 0*19 -07 = + 'OI =0 +09=0 '05 = o '06 = +05=0 '14 = +*o6 03 +*o, +06 04 03 +06 05 Mean value of dt +"-065, Wt. 12-62 3-718 da +3-120 dt +8-062 = 3"i2odt +6-169 dt "175=0 8-070, 3 m 08*07 5 at 2i>> +0*62 da+dt+'o2 = o + 1*03 ,, '05 = + 1*03 ,, '09 = -j-i'oo , +'oi=o +0-96 ,, +*o8 = o 1*25 ,, +'09 = +0*46 ,, '12 = +04 "02 06 + 03 4*151 da +3*601 dt 8'n6 = o 3*601 da +5*301 dt '098 =o +03 -ii +8*030, S *OO2*O22 +o*8oda+dt+*i6 = +0*14 ,, '13 = '12 I 2^251 da+i'37i dt +8-141 = ''97 .) +'06=0 +'05 1*371 da +3*738 dt + *o66 = o +'95 +'12 = +*io +0*27 ,, *o8=o! '09 8-067, + S *007*044 Mean value of dt + S 'oo2, Wt. 9 '04 +0*67 da+dt+*n= +0*58 +0*69 +0*80 1*97 +'95 +0-27 +0*82 +04: '06 = '03 = +04 = '02 = '5 = +05 = o o +-05 o I -06 o '+03 03 +0-17 da+dt '12 = +0*89 ,, *oo = o '35 +*02 = o +0-25 '15 = +'43 >, '09 = "38 ,, '05 = 0-92 , +'13 = +0-68 , '04 = +0*08 , +*o6 = o +0*94 , +*i2 = o +0*49 , '07 = +0*98 , '04 = +0*79 , +'oi=o +0*50 , '07 = +072 , -02 = +0*21 1*90 +'75 +0- 5 8 +072 +0-82 O*22 0'13 -'43 +071 da+dt -01=0 i> '09 = ii +"2I=O Ii +'O2=O *O7 = O *O7 = O '06 = +'06 = 'o*; = o +o*74da+dt+*i8 = o +0*35 --21=0 +0-44 , -09 = +0-47 , '03 = +0-62 , "06 = 1-17 , '08=0 071 , +'15 = +0-90 , '05=0 +0-76 +'06 = 09 +03 +'4 *I2 *0 5 '02 +08 *OI +08 +14 '04 *OI +04 04 + 01 '01 *OI +-,8 +-oi '02 06 05 *0 4 +*o6 *o6 4-202 da +4-042 dt +8*035 = o 4-042 da +6*883 dt '064 = 8*040, + S '03I"02I 4773 da + 5-375 dt 8-153 = 5'375 ( - a + 1 ''962 dt '320 = +8'002, + S *o26*oi4 3*873 da +2*165 dt +8-109 = 2*165 da +7*462 dt + '007 = 8 '33. 9 '019 + '9 -18 07 *oi 04 *02 +*I2 *04 + 07 Mean value of dt +8*023, wt - 33' 8 3 3-457 da +3-368 dt s *036 = o 3*368 da +7*533 dt '145 = +8-025 '029 +0*18 da+dt '03 = i -02 +0-69 ,, +-i3 = ol+'io +0-80 ,, +-03 = 0; '01 +0*14 1*97 +0*27 *i8 = o| *i6 '06 = I +'06 +04 = 0' +-04 2*100 da +i -534 dt +8*125 =o 1*534 da +4*918 dt '004 = at 2o h -8*078, Mean value of dt +08*002 8 *25*o 3 i , Wt. 1170 3*n 198*872 at 20 h STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BI PROF. MLEOD WITH TRANSIT B., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. OBSERVATIONS AT WATERVILLE. 97 Name ot Star. Dec. Observed Transit. Tabular Apparent K.A. Corrections. Level. Collima. tion. Assumed Clock Slow (Hourly Rate) [Azimuth]. Equations of Condition. Normal Equations and Solution. da. dt. Clock Apparently Slow. 1892 September 14 continued. a Delphini a Cygni.... v Cygni 6i J Cygni aCephei jBCephei + '5 32 +44 54 +4 45 +38 - . ! +70 5! a Aquarii ' i o 50 j i Pegasi i E 1+2449 1892 September 15. yuygw 69 Aquilae... e Drlphini... 73 Draconis. 61' Cygni.... T Cygni a Cygui IT Ceplini Aquarii ' y Piscium T Pegiisi i) Pegasi 70 Pegasi i Andromeda . i Piscium 19 Piscium 41 H. Cephei. 40 Cassiopeiae. Cassiopeiae. Persei o Piscium 50 Cassiopeia. a Arietis /3 Trianguli ... 67 Ceti.. 36 II Cassiopeia; v Aiieiis 8 Ceti.... Persei 47 H. Cephei.... a Ceti 3 Persei +39 55 3 '5 +10 56 +74 35 +38 13 +37 35 +38 56 +74 48 6 38 + 2 41 +*3 9 +22 48 + 12 IO +42 40 + 5 3 + 2 53 +67 13 +72 29 +67 30 +5 9 + 8 37 +7' 54 +22 57 +34 29 - 6 55 + 7 59 +72 21 +21 3 08 +48 46 +78 59 + 3 4 +40 32 1892 September 16. o Sagittarii.. ( Aquilse tr Sugittarii... d Sagittaiii .. co Aquilie u Sagittaiii... T Draconis ... a 1 Cupriconii . o 2 Capiicorni., '59 46*49 3 6 73 20-09 1-92 44-16 52-94 26-41 54'99 48^19 57'9 2 24'39 5 6 '45 43'93 >7'34 7*64 9'74 27-40 5'53 43-46 59-16 52-30 575 40-28 1 1 -08 14-98 28-54 22*75 21*25 46*69 3470 46*22 42'20 6*2 7 I2*3O 59'7 44-69 2-65 46-93 52-56 7'42 50*44 II'22 16-86 1-41 47 '66 4671 o'68 51-08 7-12 58-88 22-29 55-28 11-63 3''57 0-04 j 0*04 ' 0*06 O'll O'O2 0*06 0-03 0-04 0*17 0-05 -0-04 -0-04 -0-18 -0-03 -0*03 -0*05 -0-05 -0*04 -0*07 -0*03 -0*03 -O"I2 O*I2 O*1O 0*08 0*04 -0*I 5 0*05 o'o6 0-03 0*04 o-iS o'o6 0-04 o'og 0-33 o'o5 0-09 o'oo +o'oi o'oo o'oo +O'OI o'oo +0-03 +0"O2 +0'OI -j-O'Ol +0*0 1 +O'01 +0-01 -j-0'02 +0-07 +o'o6 +O'10 +0-05 +O'10 +0-07 +O'II +0-08 +0-36 +o'o6 +0-08 +0-08 +0-15 +0-13 +o'o6 +o'o8 +0-53 Waterville. 3 m ,98-850 at 2o h (+08-010) [+o 8 '2 5 oj 8 +0-16 +0'21 +0'20 +0-19 +0-32 +0-44 +0-15 +0-16 Waterville. +0-16 3m 228-580 +O'I2 +0'I2 -j-o'45 j [ o s 'ooo] +o-.5 -0-15 0^46 O'12 O'I2 0'I 3 0-13 0'12 o'i6 O"12 O'I2 0-31 -0-63 0-49 o'3O 0*19 o'6i 0'2I 0-23 o'lg +0-19 +0-63 +0'20 +0-I 9 +0-29 +0'99 +0-19 +0-25 [ 08-000] [+08-180] [ 08-000] Waterville. +0'2O +0'2O +O'2O +O'20 +0-19 +0'20 +0-66 0*19 0-19 0-19 0'20 O'2O O'20 0-19 0-27 0-23 0-40 +0-29 +0'2I +0-19 +O'2I +o'i9 +0-6 1 0-19 0*19 O"22 O'2I O'2O 0*19 -072 + 3 m 248-630 at 2i> (+0 3 '075) [08-220] [ o +o'6i da+dt+'oi =o +o'i7 ,, '07 = +0-25 ,, +'oo = o +0-30 0-38 0-92 +079 +0-50 s +01 06 1-841 (la +1-847 dt +"'009 = 1-847 da +6-775 dt '086 = + '02 = j +'04 '12 =O ' '05 -05=0' '05 j 8 '025, +8-oi9-oi6 "04 = I "03 Mean value of dt +o s 'o22, Wt. 11*70 +0-27 da+dt "05 =o +O'82 +'02 = O +0-67 ,, "04 = ''45 .. '02 = +0-31 da+dt '13 = +0-29 i'49 +0-86 +076 +0-52 +'53 +0-&5 +O'2I +o'73 +075 0-69 "19 = '03 = +-n=o '12 = --11=0 +'00 = '02 = +'o6=0 +'08 = +'20 = +'17 = 1-17 da+dt -06 = 071 +0-05 +o'6 9 no +0-52 +o- 3 6 +0-86 +06 = 05 = +14 = '12 = -|-'OO = -3 = + 24 = +070 da+dt+'o8 = i'i6 ,, +'40 = +'09 = +09 = +16 = +04 = +o-54 +o'79 +0-08 -2-39 +o'75 +0-26 24: 28: +1*03 da+dt "07 = +o'64 +'09 = +1-03 ,, '09 = +i'oo ,, '02 = -j-o'66 +'oo = +0-96 1-25 + 'oo = +o'8o da+ilt+'o3 = +o'93 +0-93 + I"00 +o'95 +0-99 +0-82 +0*17 +0*38 -o'35 07 = 16 = +'04 = 12 = "06 = +'O2 = +'04 = + *02 = '05 = [ o s -o 7 o] +0-08 da+dt+'02 = i+o'49 .. +'oi = ,+o'79 ,. +'3 = <: +0-50 -o6 = c +072 +'04 = c 1-09 ,, "oz = c f-o'gi da+dt+'oi=e [08-050] +o'79 +0-67 +o'43 +0-52 +0-94 +o'8 7 i '49 +11 = +'02 = -18 = + 'O2 = +'12 = +11 = + '09 = 06 +-oi 'OS 'OI +11 "12 -16 '01 +09 '12 'II OO '02 +07 +08 + '20 +12 + '04 + '09 06 + '06 OO 06 '7 +-4 i '865 da +1*491 d' + 8 '019 = 1*491 da +4 '098 dt + '041=0 ''004, 4*207 da +4 400 dt + 8 'oio = o 4'4oo di +9*968 dt '039 = "012, 2732 da +1 -234 dt +8-287 = 1-234 da +5-994111+ '157- 8 'io3, 8-005 'o 3 '386 da +2 '097 dt "'265 = 2-097 da +5-959 dt + '005 = +'3 +11 -'9 '20 + 8 'IOI, 28 Mean value of dt 8-007, "036 '050 26*02 '06 08 o "02 "oo +'0 7 o '03 +06 "02 "I I +07 08 '02 +'05 +04 06 + "O2 'OO +02 07 +03 'CO 03 +08 'OI '20 'OI +07 +06 4-385 da+3'8o8dt 8-023 = 3-808 da +5'303 dt + '016 = +S-02I, 3 '0l8'020 5-109 da +5'575 ilt 8 '2i2 = o 5-575 da +8-344 dt -222 = +3-044, 8 "oo3'oi6 2-068 da +2-078 dt +0-035 = o 2-078 da +5'202 dt +8-031 =o 8-018, +8-001 'OI2 4-303 da +4-263 dt + 8 -i75 = 4-263 da +6-820 dt + '200 = 8-031, S'OIO'026 Mean value of dt '-007, Wt. i$'66 3 m 228-573 at o h at 98 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH WATER VILLE CANSO MONTREAL, MADE IN 1892. From comparison of, consecutive clock-errors thus determined the rates of the clocks in the interval have been deduced and are set down in the second column of the follow- ing Table. The adopted clock-rates in column 3 are in general the mean of the figures preceding and following in the second column. In column 4 the assumed clock-rates from the preceding Table arc given for comparison, and in the case of the Sidereal Standard the rates as found from observations with the Greenwich Transit-Circle have been added in the last column. Clock Rate. Date. Chronometer Dent at Canso. Date. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. From Transit- Circle Observations. From Star Observations. Hourly Rate Adopted. Assumed in Reduction. From Star Observations. Hourly Rate Adopted. Assumed in Reduction. 1892. s H s 1892. s s s s April 19 + 9 - 896 + 9-900 Aug. 15 - 0-035 0-030 0-038 + 9' 8 9 6 - 0-35 20 + 9'97 + 9-826 )6 0-027 O'OZO 0-038 + 9-918 o-oiS 2 1 + 9-918 + 9-900 18 0-015 0-O2O + 9'9 l8 0'012 24 + 9-972 20 O'OOS O'O2O O'OII O-OO3 25 + 9-873 + 9920 21 0-009 O'OOO + 9' 8 73 O-OI5 26 + 9-873 + 9-87 22 O'OIO o-oio 0-009 0-004 23 0-005 O'OOO 0-007 Ballon 102 at Montreal. 0-006 25 0-003 O'OIO O'OOI May 4 0-105 O'OOO 0'OOO 0-105 26! O-OO5 O'OOO 0-007 6 O-IO2 o-ooo o-o 10 0-099 28 0-016 o-oio O'O2O 9 0-099 o-iio O'O22 0-098 2 9 0-026 0-045 O-O25 10 0-103 o'o6o 0-031 0-107 30 0-031 0-035 0-036 12 0-109 0-040 O'lIO Dent 2016 at Wattrville. '3 0-107 O'lOO 0-104 Sept. 6 + O'!02 + 0-090 '4 0-108 O'lOO + 0'102 O'l 1 I 7 + ' IO 3 + o-ioo 16 o- 1 ri O'lOO + 0-IO4 13 + 0-103 + 0060 + o-ioi '4 + 0-099 + O'OIO + 0-097 '5 -\- 0-098 + 0-095 + 0-098 16 +- O'ogS + 0-075 CLOCK ERRORS. 99 XVII. DISCUSSION OF CLOCK ERRORS. The Clock Errors derived from the Tables on pages 68-72 and from the last column of pages 87-97 at the Greenwich Sidereal Time of the Moan of the Observations, together with the Adopted Rates, have been collected in the following Table for convenience of reference. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Dent 2016 at Waterville. Chronometer Dent at Canso. Ballou 102 at Montreal. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Clock Slow. Adopted Hourly Rate. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Clock Slow. Adopted Hourly Rate. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Clock Slow. Adopted Hourly Rate. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Clock Slow. Adopted Hourly Rate. (Hollis) (Turner) (M"Leo,l) 1892. h in S s h m in s s h m h in a s h m in s s Apr. 1 9 12. 18 4"35 + 0-013 19.40-73 -10. 9. 40-963 + 9-896 20 ... ... ... ... 1 8. 8-13 -10. 5. 59-347 + 9-907 ... 21 13- 3 40-922 + 0'0o6 16. 44-97 -10. 2. 15-662 + 9-918 ... ... 22 12. 21 40-879 + o - oo6 1 1. 27-8 o. 6-585 H-O'IO2 .'.. .. . 23 12. 20 41-225 + O-QIO 12. 1-8 o. 9-090 + o 098 ... ... *4 ... ... 19. 30-45 9. 49. 56-266 + 9-873 ... 25 1*. 37 41-501 + 0-003 17. 0-08 7. 40. 55-808 + 9^73 ... ... ... 26 12-43 41-501 + 0-003 12, 42-0 o. 15-938 -(-0-094 16. 40-98 -7.37. 2-671 + 9-873 ... ... 27 14.48 41-660 + o 006 . . 1 . ... ... ... (Turner) (Hollis) (M c Leorl) May 4 ... ... 17.51-9 2. 25-665 0-105 5 13-43 ; 43-221 + 0-009 13- 8'3 0.35-542 +0-103 6 12. 15 43^55 + 0-010 12. 57'3 o. 38-001 + 0-105 20. 7'8 2. 30-708 o-ioz 7 13- 32'4 o. 40-599 + 0-104 ... ... 9 12.43 44-105 + 0-008 13.53-4 0.45-521 + 0-095 ... 18. 20-7 -2.37-707 0-099 10 12.41 44" 2I 3 + o - oo8 ... 16. 39-7 -2.39-902 0-103 ii 12.59 ! 44+87 + 0-008 I5-3I-5 o. 49-860 + 0-091 ... ... 12 12-43 44'574 +0-004 ... 19. 39-6 -2.45-314 0-109 13 1 17.34-6 o. 54-600 + 0-102 17- 5'5 -2.47-730 0-107 4 ! 17. 19-5 -2.50-239 0-108 15 ... 17. 127 o. 59-792 + 0-109 ... ... 16 ... ... ... 19. 17-4 -2.55-803 o-u i (M'Leod) (Turner) Aug. 15 22.33 22^75 -0-035 ... ... 16 , 19. 41 22-231 0-027 21. I2'5 o. 46-257 + 0-100 ... 17! ... ... 1.27-4 I. 3-270 0-129 '8 23.53 21-269 o-oi 5 21. 0'7 o. 3-029 + 0-094 ... 0.38-3 i. 0-246 -0-134 >9: 22.39-8 o. 5-289 + 0-085 ... 20 21.13 20-750 0-008 .. : 0.43-2 o. 53-608 0-132 21 21. 30 2O'662 0-009 ... ... 22 , 2O. 44 20-317 ! o-oio 21. 26-9 o. i ro8o + 0-O9I 23.50-1 o. 47-74 0-128 2 3 22.39 2O-2IO O-005 ... 23.41-1 o. 44-610 0-136 24 '9-55*9 o. 15-687 + 0-093 ... 25 20. 31 19-944 0-003 22. 52'O o. 18-030 + 0-089 26 21. 47 19-931 | 0-005 . . * 1.14-9 o. 34-290 0-141 28 21. I I 19-441 0-016 . . . o. 6-8 0.27-643 -0-137 29 22. 6 18-894 0-026 ... . . . ... 1-357 o. 24-300 0-136 3 20. 55 18-184 0-031 ... ... o- 537 o. 21-023 0-141 Clock Howard at Canso (Hollis) (M c Leod) (Turner) Sept. 3 ... ... 23. 32-9 0.48725 + 0-070 4 23-24 13-721 + 0-026 ... 23-53' o. 50733 + 0-068 5 21. 13 14-282 + 0-021 ... ... 6| 23.46 14-695 + 0-015 21.45-7 3- 0-078 -f-O*IO2 7 22. 19 14-990 + 0-015 20. l6'7 3 *-387 + 0-103 23.23-0 0.55-137 + 0-064 8 21. 50 15.396 + 0-014 ... o. 20- o. 56-650 + 0-06 1 9 ... ... ... a I 23- 53' o. 58-067 + 0-056 10 ... ... * 22.48- 0.59-258 + 0-054 ii ... ... . . 22. 8- i. "557 + 0-055 12 21-33 16-320 + 0-01 I . . . 22.48- i. 1-896 + 0-050 13 23. 21 16-621 + 0'O1 I 23. ig-O 3. 17-678 + 0-103 o. 27-2 i. 3'44 + 0-047 H 21.49 16-843 + 0-012 21. 24-0 ; 3. 19-879 + 0-099 23.29-2 i. 4-176 + 0-051 i5 22. I 17-176 + O-OO9 0.53-1 3.22-587 + 0-098 23. 2O'2 i. 5-410 + 0-053 16 2 J. 19 17-270 + O-OO4 21. 4I-I 3. 24-619 + 0-098 23. 2O-2 i. 6-696 + 0-054 100 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. XVIIL EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. The individual signals of the exchanges between the different pairs of stations were made as described in Section VII. and were sent at arbitrary times, separated by intervals of three or four seconds. The programme adopted in general was as follows : East Station sends 20 Signals. West Station sends 10 Signals. East Station sends 20 Signals. West Station sends 10 Signals. Between Greenwich and Waterville and between Caiiso and Montreal two such exchanges were made on each evening when a determination of clock-error was made at both stations. Between Waterville and Canso one exchange was made on each evening, usually at a time intermediate between the two exchanges Greenwich Water- ville and also between the two exchanges Canso Montreal, so that the difference of clocks at the terminal stations at the time of the exchange through the cable could be found by simple interpolation, and no knowledge of the absolute rate of the clocks at Waterville and Canso was necessary for finding the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Montreal. In the following tables the first three columns require no explanation. Columns 4 and 5 give the differences of the clocks in the sense East West as found by the mean of each set of signals, but in the case of the ex- changes between Waterville and Canso in April, as a mean time chronometer was used at Canso, these mean differences have been reduced by the application of a rate deduced from comparison of the clock-differences on successive days, so that the figures in columns 4 and 5 show difference of clocks at the mean epoch of the exchange. Column 6 is the mean of the times in column 2 weighted according to the number of signals. Column 7 is found by forming the means of the differences similarly weighted in columns 4 and 5, and then by taking the mean of these weighted means. The last column is the half difference of the weighted means, corrected for clock rate if necessary, and -shows the time of transmission of the signals in one direction. EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 101 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Waterville. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Numbei of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h in in s m s h m m s s April 19 10 31 '9 39 5 8 '9 2 10 41 1043 1 8 8 39 58-882 3958-952 1039-2 39 58-928 0-02J 10 46 4 3958-970 1327 it 3959''99 '3 3 13 35 20 '9 3959-254 39 59' 2 47 1331-8 39 59-230 O-02I '3 39 10 3959-228 April 20 i 7 '5 40 1-485 i 23 '9 40 1-589 II 15-4 40 1-537 0-029 April 21 i i H 40 4-485 i 13 i 16 16 12 4 4'534 4 4'57 2 ii 11-5 40 4-547 0-O32 i 17 12 40 4-60? 13 36 '7 40 4-720 13 39 1342 18 1 1 40 4-706 40 4-802 13 39' 40 4-765 O-O5O '343 10 4 4'843 April 22 10 16 '5 40 6-563 10 23 10 25 21 7 40 6-590 40 6-639 10 2 1 -9 40 6-608 0-O3I 10 26 10 40 6-651 354 '9 40 6-882 13 56 16 40 6-991 1 3 58 19 40 6-881 '3 56-5 40 6-947 0-063 140 1 6 4 7'33 April 2 3 10 16 14 40 8-764 10 19 10 36 1 1 7 40 8-794 40 8-842 10 24-0 40 8-813 0-036 10 38 6 40 8-868 '349 13 5i 9 16 40 9-076 40 9-153 '3 50-3 40 9-115 0-037 April 2 5 10 48 13 40 12-952 10 50 10 51 16 7 40 12-951 40 12-998 10 50-2 40 12-984 0-O28 1054 7 40 13-046 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Dent 2016 found by Signnlx sent from Greenwich and Waterville continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Greenwich Number signals sent from Time of Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. Greenwich Difference Transmission. Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h m Ill S m s h m m s s April 2 5 14 I '3 40 13-240 H 3 14 4 15 5 40 13-246 40 13-317 14 3-0 40 13-278 0-030 14 6 7 40 13-297 April 26 10 36 6 40 I 5 '028 10 40 10 41 16 18 40 15-040 40 15-084 10 40-3 40 15-060 0-024 1043 7 40 I 5-086 14 12 16 4015-336 I 4 15 "7 40 15-426 14 13-7 40 l 5-380 0-045 14 16 8 4 i5'33i Mean 0-035 May 5 1 1 1 1 16 4 3 3 '674 ii 13 ii 14 17 13 4033-678 4033755 11 13-0 4033-7I7 0-039 ii 16 12 4033761 1428 '7 4 34-035 H30 43i 15 H 40 34-048 40 34-090 1430-9 40 34-070 0*026 H34 20 40 34-106 May 6 ii 7 23 40 36-107 ii 9 ii 1 1 16 H 40 36-11 1 40 36-186 1 1 9-6 40 36-150 0-040 I I 12 21 4036-194 1449 13 4036-473 1450 1451 16 '5 4 36-493 4 36-564 14507 4036-525 0-039 1452 23 40 36-566 May 7 I I IO 12 4 38-597 II II II I 5 3 '3 40 38-610 40 38-663 1113-4 40 38-636 0-032 1 1 16 '9 4038-673 1442 13 40 38-961 H44 '445 '7 20 40 38-987 40 39-016 1444-9 40 39'4 0-025 1448 '7 4 39'44 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 103 Difference of Sidereal Stamlard and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Watern/le continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals s 3nt from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h m m s m s h m m a s May 9 II 25 16 40 42-989 II 27 II 28 12 2O 4042-959 40 43-090 II 27-4 4043-031 0-057 II 29 9 4043-089 1444 '5 443'259 1446 1448 15 17 4043-249 4043-367 14467 4 43-3I5 0-060 1450 '9 443'384 May 10 II 25 18 40 44-886 1 1 26 n 28 '9 '9 40 44-907 4045-007 II 26-7 4 44 '9 5 3 0-054. ii 31 18 40 45-010 '449 17 4045-178 1451 1452 18 16 40 45-180 4045-300 1449-9 4045-242 0-061 454 21 4045-310 May 1 1 1458 17 4047-212 5 4 !5 7 '9 16 4047-195 4047-311 IS 4-1 40 47-261 0-051 '5 9 12 4047-327 May 12 15 o 2O 4049-291 '5 4 '5 5 '9 17 4049-316 4049-385 15 4-1 449'343 0-038 15 8 '7 4049-382 Mean 048 August 1 6 18 16 18 20 '9 10 ' 4 1 5'4 2 3 41 5-428 18 18-6 41 5-372 21 2 5 18 41 5732 21 26 21 27 18 10 41 5731 41 5-883 2 I 26-3 41 5-806 0-073 21 29 9 41 5'8 7 o August 1 7 18 2 20 41 20-396 18 4 18 5 '9 9 41 20-381 41 20-507 18 3-8 41 20-451 0-058 18 6 10 41 20-517 August i6 d i8 h . The difference of clocks in column 7 is found by applying the mean time of transmission "'054 to tlie figures in column 5. 104 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Waterville continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Greenwich Number signals sent from rp- f Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. Greenwich Difference 1 llm 01 Transmission. Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h in m s m s h m m s s August 1 8 21 H 18 4023-384 21 36 21 38 2 I 9 4023-369 4023-497 21 36-2 4023-441 0-060 21 39 10 4023-512 August 1 9 18 16 '9 40 25-646 18 18 18 19 20 IO 40 25-662 4025764 18 17-9 40 25-708 0-055 18 20 10 40 25768 21 46 20 40 26-005 21 48 21 49 20 9 40 26-030 40 26-121 21 47-8 40 26-068 0-054 21 JO 10 40 26-128 August 20 18 35 17 4 2 7'978 l8 3 6 J837 18 8 40 27-967 40 28-079 18 36-1 40 28-026 0-051 1838 8 40 28-077 21 5 I 16 40 28-280 21 5 2 *i 53 '9 7 40 28-307 40 28-391 21 52-2 4028-344 0-056 21 54 10 40 28-414 August 2 1 20 15 20 40 30-400 20 l6 20 17 20 10 4030-413 40 30-506 20 16-1 40 30-458 0-054 20 I 8 9 4030-523 21 36 H 4030-524 21 39 21 4 I 22 I I 4030-529 40 30-624 21 39-4 4030-579 0-052 21 42 >4 40 30-641 August 22 18 18 18 19 '5 '7 40 32-461 " 40 32-548 1 8 18-9 4032-504 0-042 18 19 10 4032-463 18 20 IO 4 32'544 21 52 21 53 16 18 4032-775 4032-875 21 53'2 40 32-828 0-053 21 54 12 40 32-776 21 55 8 4032-893 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 105 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Waterville continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. li in in s 111 S h m m s s August 23 18 31 '7 4 34' 6 93 18 32 1833 20 9 4034718 40 34-821 18 32-2 4034757 0-055 J834 9 4034-793 21 51 '5 4034-983 21 5 2 21 53 16 9 4034-985 40 35-088 21 52-3 4035-038 0-053 21 54 10 4035-098 August 24 18 25 18 40 36-890 18 26 18 27 20 8 40 36-891 40 36-986 18 26-1 4 36-937 0-046 18 28 9 40 36-979 23 8 18 4037-328 23 10 23 ii 20 8 4037-336 4037-435 23 9-6 4037-383 0-052 23 1 1 8 4 37-444 August 2 5 1 8 27 20 40 39-188 1828 18 30 2O 20 4039-184 439" 2 93 1 8 29-8 4039-240 0-053 '834 2O 40 39-295 23 25 18 40 39-666 23 26 23 27 20 10 40 39-668 40 39-765 23 26-0 4039-720 0-051 23 2 7 10 4 39779 August 26 1839 17 4041-494 1 8 40 18 41 18 7 40 41-605 40 41-610 1 8 40-0 4041-552 0-054 18 41 9 40 41-506 22 5 2 20 4041-905 z- 53 2254 20 7 4041-904 40 42-01 1 22 53-4 4041-959 0-053 22 56 12 4042-017 August 28 1837 18 4046-329 18 38 1839 18 9 4046-324 4046-446 1838-4 40 46-386 0-058 1 8 40 16 4046-441 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. 106 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Sidtreal Standard and Lent 2016 found by Signals sent from .Greemcicli and Water cille continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of cacli Excliange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. li in m s Ill S h m m * s August 28 22 48 20 4046756 2249 22 50 '7 8 4046750 40 46-852 2249-1 40 46-805 0-050 22 ?! 8 40 46-860 August 29 1837 22 4048-816 18 38 '7 4048-937 '839 '839 10 IO 40 48-823 4048-927 18 38-6 4 48-877 0-059 1 8 40 10 40 48-823 18 41 IO 4048-943 23 8 20 4049-326 23 9 23 10 20 9 449'33i 4049-427 23 9-2 4049-383 0-054 23 u 10 4049-458 August 30 1859 i7 40 51-589 19 o 20 40 5 1-687 19 I I 9 2 8 1 1 40 51-606 40 51 -686 19 1-4 4051-645 0-049 '9 3 10 4051-715 19 6 1 1 4051-702 23 ij '9 4052-131 23 16 23 17 20 IO 40 52-129 40 52-221 23 16-0 4052-177 0-046 2 3 "7 IO 4052-227 Mean 0-054 Sept. 4 1912 20 43 20-253 1 9 1 4 19 16 18 10 43 20-248 43 20-345 19 14-2 43 20-298 0-046 19 17 10 4320-343 23 33 20 43 22-520 2 3 35 23 36 >4 10 43 22-522 43 22-663 23 34' 8 4322-591 0-070 23 37 10 43 22-658 Sejt. 5 '938 18 13 H' 08 ; '939 1940 "9 9 43 24-080 43 24-183 1939-0 4324-I33 0-047 1940 8 43 24-174 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 107 Difference of Sidereal Standanl and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Gfreetaeieh and Watervillc continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Greenwich. Waterville. Sidereal Time. ' of Clocks. Ii in m s m s h m in s s Sept. 5 2338 '5 43 24-370 23 39 9 43 24-479 2340 9 43 24-37 2339-3 43 24-424 0-054 234' 1 1 43 24-476 Sept. 6 19 10 20 4325-926 19 ii 19 12 18 10 43 25-930 43 26-022 19 10-9 4325-975 0-048 19 12 6 43 26-025 23 51 '9 43 26-321 23 52 23 53 16 10 43 26-330 43 26-459 23 52-2 43 26-390 0-067 23 55 1 1 .4326-454 Sept. 7 19 14 19 43 27-967 19 15 19 15 18 10 4327-961 43 28-056 19 14-8 43 28-010 0-045 19 16 9 43 28-052 23 35 20 4328-336 23 36 23 37 16 1 1 4328-351 43 28-443 2335-8 43 28-394 0-052 23 37 8 43 28-451 Sept. 8 19 21 '9 43 30-094 19 22 19 22 17 9 43 30-100 43 30-189 1921-8 43 30-143 0-047 1923 8 43 30-I93 234 19 43 30-469 234' 2342 19 1 1 43 30-485 43 30-571 2341-2 433-5i7 0-047 2343 9 43 3 0< 5 6 4 Sept. 9 19 22 '9 43 32-283 1923 1924 18 9 43 32-281 43 32-389 1923-0 43 32-334 0-051 1924 8 43 32-377 2337 18 43 32-663 2338 2340 17 ii 43 32-662 43 32767 2338-6 43 32718 0-055 2341 10 43 32-782 Sept. 10 1929 ! 9 43 34'568 1930 13 4-3 34-'66^ T J JT *""j 1930-2 43 34-6i7 0*049 1931 9 43 34*566 '9 3 2 10 43 34-667 108 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Dent 2016 found by Signals sent from Greenwic//, and Watewille continued. Ditference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Greenwich Number signals sent from Timp nf Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. Greenwich Difference iiiiie ui Transmission. Greenwich. Waterville. Siilereal Time. of Clocks. h in in s Ill 8 h in m s s Sept. 10 2 345 16 43 34'97 2 2346 2347 '3 9 43 34-9 8 4 4335-083 2346-5 43 35' 02 9 0-052 2348 '7 43 35' 81 Sept. 1 3 20 36 18 434I-373 20 40 20 41 '5 10 434I-39 2 434'"479 2039-2 43 4''43 2 0-052 20 42 9 434' 49 2 2 3 55 18 4341-695 23 56 23 57 15 10 4341701 4341-781 23 56-2 4341-741 0-043 23 58 9 434'79i Sept. 14 1942 '9 4343-6o5 '943 '944 '5 9 4343-59 8 4343-69I 1943-1 4343-65 0-047 '945 8 4343708 23 5o 12 4343'99 6 2 3 53 23 53 i5 1 1 43 44-000 43 44^94 23 52-6 43 44-045 0-045 2354 16 43 44-o87 Sept. 1 5 19 ;i 20 43 45"699 1952 '9 53 '9 9 4345'76 4345-828 1952-4 4345-768 0-066 '9 54 18 4345-842 37 20 43 46-098 o 38 39 18 7 4346-103 4346-196 037-9 4346-I47 0-048 39 8 43 46-194 Sept. 1 6 20 20 20 43479 02 2O 21 20 22 20 '5 4347-900 4348-003 2O 2 1-2 4347-956 0-055 20 23 9 43 48-026 2 3 5 6 20 4348-250 23 57 2358 18 10 4348-244 4348-368 23 57-1 4348-309 0-060 23 59 9 4348-370 Mean 0-052 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 109 Different* of Dent 2016 and Mean Time Chronometer by Dent, found by Signals sent from Waterville and Oanso. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Waterville. Canso. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h in h m s h m s h m h m s s April 20 14 I 8*462 20-987 2O '9 17 16 46-613 17 16 47^196 1419729 1716 46-905 0-291 April 2 1 H'3'343 10 17 2O 40-504 14784 16-363 1 1 9 40-518 17 20 41 '066 H '5-575 17 2O 40-787 0-276 17-808 ii 41-060 April 22 1416-957 18 172436-965 21715 24-1 12 '9 17 172436-449 36-962 14 22-309 172436707 0-257 26-452 16 36-451 April 2 3 14 26-087 29 17 2833-328 30'3'7 34-162 21 '7 33-367 17 28 33-861 1430769 17 28 33-608 0-265 36-508 15 33-890 April 24 16 39-680 '5 17 3249-894 42-380 44-676 26 H 49-883 '7 32 5'445 16 43'468 1732 50-171 0-283 47'"34 26 50-462 April 25 14 46-276 50-188 '5 13 1941 55-005 55-026 '449' 8 35 1941 54-728 0-287 53-040 37 1941 54-441 15 33'23i 35-513 24 22 19 42 I 1-469 19 42 12-058 1534-372 19 42 11764 0-295 April 26 16 22-691 22 1946 4-581 25-258 27-178 16 '4 1946 4-079 4-576 16 26-000 1946 4-316 0-263 28-873 12 4-019 April 27 16 33-062 28 19 50 1-086 36-1 12 39''45 22 22 19 50 0-513 1-083 1637-416 19 50 0-799 0-287 4 I- 345 28 0-512 Mean 0-278 110 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Dent 2016 and Clock Howard, found by Signals sent from Watermlle and Canso. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals st- nt from Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Waterville. Canso. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h m h m s h m s h in h m s s May 6 15 I 9 -0 18 3 3457'353 zi-o 22-7 16 '9 3 3456-827 57-35I 15 21-7 33457-082 0-268 2 4'5 16 56-798 May 7 15 10-8 18 3 34 52-200 12-4 H'5 17 3345 I- 6i8 52-193 15 13-5 3 345I-9 00 0-295 1 6-2 18 51-588 May 9 15 44'9 1 1 3 I943-I38 48-2 50-4 20 15 3 '94 2 '499 43-119 1549-2 3 19 42-810 0-313 52-1 16 42-484 May 10 15 21-6 15 3 1938-173 2 3'5 25-5 19 18 3 I937-59 6 38-146 15 24-5 3 1937-873 0-284 26 9 16 37-577 May 1 1 15 40-4 13 3 i933-oi5 42-4 44'3 13 31932-482 33-010 '543'4 3 I93 2 '745 0-264 45'9 16 3 2 '474 May 12 15 33'3 1 1 3 i9 2 7'894 35' 37'i 16 18 3 19 27-280 27-874 15 36"i 3 i9 2 7'577 0-304 38-8 12 27-260 May 13 15 41-5 13 3 1922-531 43'3 45'3 H 16 3 19 21-982 22-524 I544-5 3 19 22-256 0-267 48-3 H 21-988 May 14 15 '3-4 4 3 19 16-8 1 2 '5'5 17-5 18 i7 3.916-314 16-845 15 16-4 3 19 l6 '5 6 7 0-261 19-3 16 16-293 Mean 0-282 August 1 6 23 zi-i 9 3 20 51-163 23-0 2 5'4 26 19 32050-589 51-161 2 3 2 4'3 3 2 5 '87i 0-292 27-5 2 3 50-567 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. Ill Difference of Dent 2016 and Clock Howard, found by Signals sent from Waterville and Canso continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Waterville. Canso. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h m h m s h m s h m h m s s August 1 8 22 16-7 21 3 21 39'Il8 I 9 7 2 I '2 23 6 3 21 38-557 39-095 22 19-6 3 21 38-836 0-277 22-5 16 38-562 August 20 22 8-0 20 321 39'4'S 9-7 11 . f~. 22 3 21 38-925 22 10-3 3 21 39-169 0-250 1 U 2 5 39 T 13-2 10 38-907 August 2 1 2253-8 23 3 21 38-976 55-8 57-6 13 16 38-988 321 39-559 22 56-4 3 21 39-272 0-291 59-6 16 39-566 AugUSt 2 2 2247-4 20 3 21 39-661 49-2 23 3 21 39-126 2248-5 3 21 39-394 0-268 50-8 3 39-663 August 2 3 22 Zl'O '7 3 21 39-829 22- 9 18 10 3 21 39-233 39-8'5 22 2 2 "9 321 39'53i 0-294 24-9 1 1 39' 2 44 . August 24 2227-3 18 3 21 39-241 29-0 20 3 21 39' 8 38 22 28-6 321 39-543 0-295 30-2 1O 39-261 August 2 5 22 35'5 IO 3 21 397'4 3 9 -I 40-2 20 7 3 21 39-132 39717 2238-9 321 39'4 2 0-295 4^4 9 39' 10 9 August 2 6 2228-1 17 3 21 39'595 30-1 2 3 9 3 21 39' 01 3 39-600 22 30'! 3 21 39-306 0-291 32-5 10 39-020 August 2 8 22 32-1 24 3 21 39'77 33'9 35-0 20 12 3 21 38-510 39-057 22 347 321 38790 0-280 36*0 10 38-513 August 29 2249-1 '7 3 21 38-889 SI'S 20 3 21 38-256 22 5I-2 3 21 38-573 0-313 52-4 7 379 53'3 10 (38-269 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Dent 2016 and Clock Howard, found by Siynals sent from Watenille and Canso continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Greenwich Number signals sent from TV Date. Sidereal Time. of Signals. Waterville. Canso. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. lime 01 Transmission. h m h in s h m s h m h m s s August 30 21 50-6 22 321 38-695 52-3 537 15 14 3 21 38-140 38-689 21 53-0 3 21 38'4'3 0-281 55'5 '3 38-122 Mean 0-286 Sept. 5 23 18-4 18 3 21 20-468 19-4 20-5 20 9 3 21 19-865 20-460 2 3 I 9 -6 3 21 20-164 0-301 21-5 10 19-860 Sept. 6 23 40-1 20 321 19-651 42-2 43'3 i? 10 3 21 19-106 19-654 2342-I 3 21 19-376 0-276 44"4 10 19 086 Sept. 7 23 17-8 20 3 21 18-788 2O'I 21'2 16 12 321 18-191 18-801 23 20'0 3 21 18-498 0-294 22"2 8 18-227 Sept. 8 Z3 15-9 20 3 21 17-856 I 9 -5 20'0 21 II 321 17-271 17-839 23187 3 21 17-558 0*292 2O'9 I I I7-253 Sept. 9 23 26'! 9 3 21 16-730 26-9 28-2 18 10 3 21 16-148 16-725 23 27-4 3 21 16-440 0-289 29-1 9 16-157 Sept. i o 23 32-4 '9 3 21 15^508 34'4 35'9 21 12 321 14-930 '5-532 2334-5 3 21 15-224 0-293 36-8 10 14-929 Sept. 1 3 23 40-0 20 3211 1-738 417 43'i 17 II 321 1 1-169 11-745 2341-6 321 11-454 0-286 43'9 7 1 1-167 Sept. 14 2 '9 21 321 10-397 5-' 6-3 20 12 321 9-857 10-413 o 4-8 3 21 10-129 0-273 7'3 8 9-851 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 113 Difference of Dent 2016 und Clo'-k Howard, found by Signals sent from Waterville and Canso continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Waterville. Canfo. Sidereal Time. ' of Clocks. h m li m s b m s li in 1. in s s Sept. 1 5 o 25-6 23 321 9-289 27-5 29-1 19 321 8713 12 o 27-; 9'3" 321 9-004 0-292 JO'I 10 8711 Sept. 1 6 o 22-9 18 3 21 8-046 247 259 19 321 7-489 10 8-053 "* 321 7766 0-282 26-8 10 7-472 Mean 0-288 Difference of Clock Howard and Baliou 102, found l>y Signals sent from Canso and Montreal. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks by Number signals sent from of Signals. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Canso. Montreal. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h m 111 8 in s h in lit S B May 6 1451 '454 4 1 39 35 3i-i8o 35 31-224 14 52-4 35 31-202 O-O22 16 o 16 2 41 39 35 3'-'97 35 3f24 8 16 0-8 35 31-223 O-O26 May 7 1458 '459 21 22 35 3''3 6 2 35 3'-426 1458-6 35 3I-394 0-032 1752 18 5 21 20 35 31-381 35 3'-448 '758-3 35 3''4'5 0-034 May 8 15 3 '5 4 21 2O 50 30-484 5030-531 '5 3'5 50 30-508 O'O24 I i May 9 15 19 1521 40 4 50 30-898 5 3'949 15 20'O 50 30-924 0-O26 '7 5 6 17 59 4' 38 50 30-936 5030-985 '7 57-4 50 30-961 0-025 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Clock Howard and Ballon 102, found by Signals sent from Canso and Montreal continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Canso. Montreal. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h in m s m s li in m s s May 10 15 2 15 4 40 40 5031-258 50 31-300 '5 3'5 5031-279 0'02I '755 1758 4' 40 5031-291 53i'345 17 57-0 5031-318 0-O27 May 1 1 '5 9 1510 21 21 50 31-613 50 31-656 '5 9'5 5031-635 O'O22 '7 59 18 i 21 21 50 31-636 5031-694 18 o-o 50 31-665 0-029 May 1 2 15 8 15 10 4 4' 50 31-981 5032-045 15 9-0 50 32-013 0-032 18 8 18 9 '9 20 5032-047 5032-104 18 8-5 50 32-076 0-029 May 1 3 15 17 15 19 40 40 503-354 50 32-400 15 i 8-0 503^377 O-O23 18 8 18 10 21 20 50 32-406 5032-447 1 8 9-0 5032-427 O'O2I May 14 1521 15 24 39 33 50 32-840 50 32-883 1522-5 50 32-862 O'O22 18 20 18 22 20 '9 5032-897 5032-936 18 20-5 5032-917 O O2O Mean O-O26 August 1 8 2. 45 '7 52 55-771 21 46 21 47 16 7 5 2 55704 52 55746 21 45-3 5 2 55732 0-030 >i 47 8 52 55-694 35 13 52 55-111 o 36 16 037 6 52 55-061 52 55-127 o 36-2 52 55-088 O-O27 038 8 5255-059 i August 19 2247 '9 52 50-1 10 22 49 23 52 50-052 22 50 9 52 50-1 19 52 50-084 0-027 22 50 10 52 50-061 i i EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 115 Difference of Clod- Howard and Ballon 102,foun-l by Signals sent from Canto and Montreal continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Numbei of Signals. Difference of Clocks by signals sent from Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Canso. Montreal. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h in m s in s h in m s s August 1 9 033 17 52 49'4J i 35 '4 8 5 2 49'377 52 49-441 o 34-2 5249-410 0-030 o 36 8 5 2 49'3 8 August 20 2244 20 5244-542 2245 2245 19 8 5244-485 5244-535 2244-8 5244-512 0-027 22 46 IO 52 44-480 045 15 5243-844 o 46 047 18 13 5243-819 5243-865 o 46" i 5243-837 0-017 047 5 5243-822 August 22 22 4 21 5 2 34-094 22 5 22 6 20 52 34-022 S 2 34''5 22 5'O 52 34-058 0-039 22 6 8 52 34-010 I 7 15 52 33-44 i 8 20 - 2 - - . - ~2 1 9 10 52 33'43 i 8-1 52 33-404 0-036 1 9 10 52 33-360 August 2 3 21 51 '5 52 28-917 | 21 52 21 53 22 9 52 28-851 5228-914 21 52-1 52 28-886 0-029 / 21 53 IO 52 28-870 1 2 '9 52 28-186 i 3 1 4 9 IO 52 28-123 52 28-185 I 3-0 52 28-156 0-030 ' 4 10 52 28-130 August 24 i 24 15 5222-505 i 2 5 16 5222-438 1 25-3 52 22-469 C-O3I i 26 9 5222-492 i 27 10 52 22-439 August 26 22 13 22 I 4 20 18 52 12-285 5 2 "2-335 22 14-0 52 12-307 0-O23 22 I 5 10 52 12-324 22 l6 6 52 12-277 116 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Difference of Clock Hoicard and Rallou 102, found by Signals sent from Ca-inso and Montreal continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Datp. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Nuinbe of Signals signals sent from Time of Transmission. Greenwich Difference Canso. Montreal. Sidereal Time. of Clocks. h -a in s i in s h m m s s August 26 125 '9 52 11-633 i 26 1 5 52 11-514 I 25-8 5 2 11-565 0-055 I 26 10 52 11-601 J 27 9 52 II'jOZ August 28 23 I H 52 1-483 23 2 20 52 1-420 2 3 2'3 5 2 ''455 ' 0-037 23 3 16 52 1-509 2 3 4 '9 52 1-412 o 58 20 52 1-085 1 2 I 52 0-998 o 59-2 52 1-039 0-036 I 9 52 ro66 I I 13 52 I-OO2 August 29 22 1 6 '9 51 56711 22 I/ 20 51 56-633 22 17-0 51 56 668 0-038 22l8 10 51 56-699 22 18 10 5 1 56-620 1 40 17 51 56-012 I 41 '9 51 55-928 i 41-2 51 55-967 0-044 I 4 2 10 5 1 56 008 I 42 10 5i 55'9" August 30 22 l6 18 51 51-548 22 17 '9 5' 5 '"479 22 17-1 51 51-510 0-034 22 18 9 5' 5f538 22 18 10 51 51-467 I 17 >5 51 50-825 I I 9 '9 5' 5'754 I l8'7 51 50792 0-035 I I 9 9 51 50-837 I 20 Q r i ro-7 s | 7 5 > w / j T Mean '33 ' ' RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LOXGITUUE. 117 XIX. RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. To compute the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Montreal, the difference of the clocks at Greenwich and Waterville at the time of the exchange of signals between Waterville and Canso has been computed from the actual difference shown by the exchanges of signals given in the first of the preceding tables. Similarly, the difference of the clocks at Canso and Montreal at the time of exchange has been computed from the figures on pp. 113-116. These computed differ- ences for the nights on which observations were made both at Greenwich and Montreal, together with the differences of clocks at Waterville and Canso determined by the signals through the cable, are collected in the Table which follows. The sum of the figures in columns 3, 4 and 5 given in the last column is the difference of clocks at Greenwich and Montreal. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Sidereal Standard Dent 2016. Dent 2016 Clock Howard. Clock Howard Ballou 102. Sidereal Standard Ballou loz. h in Ill S h in s Ill S h m s >fay 6 I 5 . 217 4- 36-577 3. 34. 57-082 35- 3>' 2 'i 4- 51- 4- 8 70 9 15. 49-2 40. 43-404 3. 19. 42-810 50. 30-931 4- 5- 57-I45 10 15- H'5 40. 45-292 3. 19. 37-873 50. 31-284 4- 5"- 54-449 12 15. 36-1 40. 49-388 3. 19. 27-577 50. 32*022 4- 5- 48-987 August 1 8 22. 19 6 .(0. 23-520 3. 21. 38-836 52. 55-603 4- 54- 57-959 20 22. 10'3 40. 28-373 3. 21. 39-169 52. 44-417 4- 54- 5 r 959 22 22. 48-5 40. 32-910 3- 39"394 5*. 33'93 4- 54- 46-207 23 22. 22'9 40. 35'OSl 3. 21. 39-531 52. 28768 4- 54- 43-38o 26 22. 3O'F 40. 41-922 3. 21. 39-306 52. 12-245 4- 54- 33-473 28 22. 34-7 40. 46780 3. 21. 38-790 52- ''553 4- 54- 27''3 29 22. 5 1 '2 40. 49-350 3- 21- 38-573 51. 56-551 4- 54- 2 4'474 30 21. 53'0 40. 52-004 3. 21. 38-413 51. 51-369 4. 54. 21786 Similarly, to compute the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Canso, the difference of time shown by the clocks at Greenwich and Waterville at the time of the exchange of signals between Waterville and Canso has been computed from the actual difference shown by the exchange of signals, and this computed difference has been added to the difference of clocks at Waterville and Canso given by the cable exchange. 118 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Sidereil Standard Dent 2016. Dent 2016 Dent Chronometer. Sidereal Standard Dent Chronometer. li m ll IN ll III S ll 111 3 April 21 : 14. 15-575 40. 4-819 17. 20.40-787 1 8. 0.45-606 *5 H. 49' 8 35 13-348 19.41. 54728 2O. 22. 8-O/6 26 16. 26-000 ,5-578 19.46. 4-316 20. 26. 19-894 Dent 2016 Sidereal Standard Clock Howard. Clock Howard. Sept. 7 23. 2O'O 43-28-372 3. 2 1 . 1 8-498 4. 4. 46-870 8 23.187 3-4S5 7-558 48-043 13 23.41-6 41-718 H'454 53"'7z 4 o. 4-8 44-064 10-129 54''93 5 o. 27-5 46-134 9-004 55-I38 16 o. 24-6 4-8-356 7-766 56-122 Greenwich and Montreal. The dates on which observations were made both at Greenwich and Montreal are given in the first column of the following Table. Column 6 shows the difference of clocks at these two places at the time of the cable exchange as computed above. Columns 4 and 7 give the error of the clocks at Greenwich and Montreal respectively also at the time of the cable exchange computed from the errors and rates on p. 99. From the figures in columns 4, 6 and 7, the value of the difference of longitude unconnected for personal equation of the observers is deduced and given in column 9. Weights have been assigned to each determination of clock error, on a scale of 1 to 4, weight 4 being given in cases where 15 or more clock-stars with polar stars were observed in reversed positions of the transit instrument. No clock error depending on observa- tions in one position only has been used, the weight being assigned in such cases. In the case of Prof. M c Leod's results which were based on a somewhat different system, the theoretical weights computed by him only take account of the accidental errors of a transit, and they require to be modified for systematic errors due to instru- mental corrections, variation of personal equation and other causes affecting the observa- tions on any particular night. In view of these sources of error it has been considered advisable to limit the weight for any night to a maximum of about 18 on Prof. M c Leod's scale of weights, and to make these comparable with Mr Turner's and Mr Hollis's results, a weight of 4 was assigned to this limiting weight of 18 or upwards, and weights 3, 2, or 1 to lesser weights on Prof. M c Leod's scale in rough proportion to them. Thus weight 4 in each case corresponds to what is considered a full night. The weights for the difference of longitude are formed by the formula i^, where m J m+n is the weight of the determination of clock error at one station and n that at the other. RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 119 Observer at Date. reunwiuh. loutreal. Greenwich JJ Difference of Clock .S> Clocks by Slow. ' fe Signals. Montreal Clock Slow. 1 Difference of Longitude uncorrected for Personal Equation. 3 ^3 $ 1 PH 1892, 1 s h m s m s h in s s May 6 H.T. M C L. 43-586 4 4.51. 4-870 - 2.30-225 4 4. 54. 18-681 8 + 0-126 9 1 ) j , 44-130 4 50.57-145 37-457 4 '8732 ! 8 + 0-177 10 ) ) , , 44^35 4 54-449 39-773 4 '8-457 0-098 12 " 44-586 4 48-987 44-871 4 18-444 ! 8 O'l II Weighted Mean . 4.54.18-579* 32 Aug. 1 8 M"L. H.T. 21-292 3 4- 54- 57-959 (i. o- 55 6)t o 4.54.18-695 20 ) J 20-742 4 5''959 o- 53-945 4 18-756 8 + 0-108 22 J > 20-296 3 46-207 47-872 4 18-631 7 0-017 23 y j 2O'2I I i 43-380 44787 i 18-804 2 + 0-156 26 , , 19-927 3 33+73 34-678 o 18-722 ! O 28 j ) 19-419 4 27-123 27-853 4 18-689 ' 8 + 0-041 2 9 j ) 18-874, 4 24-474 24-673 3 18-675 7 + 0-027 3 " 18-154 4 21-786 21-447 3 '8-493 7 - -'55 Weighted Mean . 4. 54. 18-661 39 Greenwich and Canso. The explanation of the preceding Table applies equally to this which follows, Canso being substituted for Montreal. Observer at Difference of Date. '| Greenwich Clock Slow. -tS a Difference of Clocks by Signal. Canso Clock Slow. t! Longitude uncorrected for Personal S *o3 i X , >-** ' ' 3 W s Equation. '53 1 O O ^ ^ ^ 1892, s h m s h in s h m s s Apr. 2 1 H. M C L. 40-929 3 18. 0.45-606 -10. 2.40-357 4 4. 4. 6-892 7 + 0-136 25 j ) , , 41-508 4 20. 22. 8-076 - 7.41. 17-240 4 6-824 8 + 0-068 26 J ) i 41-512 4 2O. 26. 19-894 - 7- 37- 5"'39 4 6-545 8 0-21 I Weighted Mean 4- 4- 6 '748 23 Sept. 7 H. H.T. 15-005 4 4. 4. 46 870 o. o. 55-134 4 4- 4- 6-741 8 0-063 8 ) '5'4'7 4 48-043 56-588 4 6-872 8 + 0-068 13 , , 16-625 4 53-172 i. 3009 4 6-788 8 0-016 '4 i 16-870 4 54"'93 4-208 4 6-855 8 + 0-051 '5 , , 17-198 4 5-469 3 6-867 7 + 0-063 16 " 17-286 56-122 6-754 2 6-654 Weighted .Mean . . . 4. 4. 6^824 39 * This result refers to the pier at Montreal used in May, which was 3 feet to the west of that used in August. The latter has been adopted as the meridian for the longitude of Montreal, and a correction of o'-ooj has been applied to this result in the subsequent calculations. t Clamping bolt of stand missing. See footnote, p. 13. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. Greenwich and Waterville. For the computation of this difference of longitude the clock errors given on p. 99 were reduced by application of the rates to show the errors of the clocks at the mean of the times of the exchanges of signals on the nights on which there were two such exchanges, or to the time of the exchange in cases when there was only one. This time is shown, with the date, in the first column of the following Table. The other columns are similar to the respective columns of the two Tables which precede. Date and Sidereal Time. Gieenwich. 5 1 n -* Waterville. g. Greenwich Clock Slow. la 1 "5 Difference of Clocks by Signals. Waterville Clock Slow. i 'S Difference of jongitude un- corrected for Personal Equation. -4-i fc 1 Residual. . 1 1892, tl li in s Ill S s Ill S ,s Ajtr. 22. 12. 9-2 H. H.T. 40-878 4 40. 6778 6-656 4 40. 4 i 'ooo 8 + 0-166 23. 12. 7-2 J J ) ) 41-223 o 8-964 9-099 4 41-088 26. 12. 27-0 > > J ) 41-500 4 15-220 15-914 4 40-806 8 0-028 Weighted Mean . 40. 40-903 16 May 5. 12. 52-0 H.T. H. 43' 2 '3 4 40. 33-894 35'5'4 4 4- 4 1 "593 8 0-125 6. 13. 0-2 > r ) 43-5 6 3 4 36-338 38-006 3 41-895 7 + 0-177 9- '3- 7'' ) ) ) i 44-108 4 43-173 45-448 4 4'' 8 33 8 + 0-115 11. 15. 4-1 ) ) j > 44-504 4 47-261 49-818 4 ''947 Weighted Mean . 40. 41-768 2 3 Aug. 16. 19. 52-5 M C L. H. 22-226 2 41. 5-589 46-124 4 40. 41-691 5 - 0-075 18. 21. 36-2 ) i y 21-303 3 23-441 3-085 4 41-659 7 0-107 22. 20. 6-1 ) ) > i 20-323 3 32-666 i io"957 o 42-032 o 25.20. 57-9 > ) 1 i '9'943 3 39-480 17-861 4 41-562 7 0-204 Weighted Mean . . 40. 41-632 '9 Sept. 6. 21. 3 1 '6 H. M C L. 14-661 4 43. 26-183 in 8 3- 0-054 2 40. 40-790 5 + 0-004 7.21.25-3 I 14-976 4 28-202 2-505 2 4' 6 73 5 o-i 13 13. 22. 177 I 16-609 4 41-587 <7'573 4 40-623 8 0-163 14. 21. 48-0 > 16-843 4 43-848 19-919 2 i 477 2 5 0-014 15. 22. I5'2 I 17-178 4 45'958 22-329 4 40-807 8 + 0-021 l6. 22. 9'2 ) 17-277 o 48''33 24-665 4 4'745 Weighted Mean . 40.40-730 3i In addition to the preceding results, the following independent determinations of difference of longitude Waterville-Montreal, Waterville-Canso, are available. RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 121 Wateraille anil Montreal. Observer at Difference of Date. o* '> 13 ! Waterville Clock Slow. -& Difference of Clocks by Signals. Montreal Clock Slow. -g Longitude uucorrected for Personal ja Residual. 3 o ' '3 Equation. 'IP * ^ , ^ 8 h m s in 8 h m 8 s May 13 H. ML. 54-413 3 4.9. 54-641 - 2.47-585 4 4- I3.36-639 7 0-198 Waterville ami Canso. Observer at Difference of Date. aterville. i I Waterville Clock. Slow. -M 1? '3 Difference of Clocks by Signals. Canso Clock Slow. i - !> * Longitude uncorrected for Personal Equation. 4i ^ to '3 Residual. f P is m 3 h m s m a h m a 8 Sept. 1 6 M C L. H.T. 3- 24-887 4 3.21. 7766 i-. 6-754 2 3.23. 25-899 5 O-II9 If a be the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Montreal, b ,, ,, Greenwich and Canso, c ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Greenwich and Waterville, h ,, Personal Equation, Clock Slow by H. T. Clock Slow by H., m Personal Equation, Clock Slow by H. T. -Clock Slow by M C L., the means of the groups in the preceding Tables can be equated as follows : Weight. Residual. h m s s a -f- m = 4-54- 8-576 32 + 0-024 a m = 4. 54. 18-661 39 -t- -013 f> + m -h = 4- 4- 6 748 23 -008 b - h = 4. 4. 6-824 39 + -O2O c - h = o. 40. 40-903 16 + "069 c + h = o. 40. 41*768 23 + "050 c m + / = o. 40. 41-632 9 - -134 c + m - h = o. 40. 40-730 3' '056 a c + m -h = 4. 13.36-636 7 -198 b e m = 3-23.25-899 5 - -119 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1892. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. The following provisional values were found from the simple means and difference of pairs as a first approximation : h m ft a a = 4. 54. 18-619 b = 4- 4- 7'H c = 40.41-258 These values being substituted in the above equations, the following equations of conditions were formed : m = 0-043 h = + 0-433 Weight. da da db db dc dc dc dc da dc 1 dZ> - dc and from these the normal equations i. + 78 da 7 dc ii. + 67 db 5 dc iii. 7 da 5 db +ioidc iv. + 18 db + 10 dc v. 7 da 62 db + 2 dc + dm = -QOO 32 dm = + -ooi 39 + dm - dh = -oi 6 23 - dh : + -017 39 - dh = + "078 16 + dh = + '77 23 dm + dh = 'IO2 '9 + dm - dh = - -0,2 3 1 + dm - dh = - "H9 7 dm = -126 5 - 7dh + 1 8 dm - 62 dh + i o dm + 2 dh + 1 56 dm - 8od/i 80 dm + i 5 8 dh = 1-704 = -t- As the coefficients of db, dm and dh in equations i. and iii. are small, these terms may be neglected as a first approximation, and solution of these two equations gives da = "-020 dc = -(- S 'oi7 and substituting these values in equations ii., iv. and v., we have ii. 67 db + 1 9 dm 62 dh iv. i8d/j +156 dm 80 cl/t v. 62 d& 80 dm +I58d/i = - -250 - - 1-364 = + I-47I A rigorous solution of these gave d& = + S> oo6 dm = "'005 dh = + "-009 The values S 3 dc = + -017 dh = + -009 being substituted in equations i. and iii., these become i. iii. 78 da jdc i da + 101 dc = 1-641 = + i'94 and solution of these gives da = - 019 dc = 018 RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 183 therefore finally h in s s a = 4. 54. 18-600 m 0-048 b = 4 . 4 - 7-*4<5 h = + . 442 c = 40. 41-276 Returning to the Tables on pages 119-121 the values of the different longitudes uncorrected for personal equation corresponding to the determined values in column 9 can be computed from these final values and the residuals formed for each night. These are given in the last column of the Tables. These residuals were treated for comparison by each of the two formulae : 2 Jj^.v A. Probable error of a result of weight I = 0-845 * - ,y n. n i and B- = 0-675 where v is the residual, p the weight of any determination, and n the number of determinations used to form the mean. The residuals of the three Tables gave, by the two formulae respectively, for the probable error of a result of weight 1 By Formula A. By Formula B. 8 s Greenwich to Montreal, . . . 0-234 0-211 Greenwich to Canso, . . . . 0-212 0-205 Greenwich to "Waterville, . . . 0237 0-227 Means 0-228 0-214 For a combination of two full night's, one at each station, with weight 8, the probable errors would be : By Formula A, o s -o8i ; by Formula B, o s 'O76. Referring to the Normal Equations from which the final results were obtained, it will be seen that the weights of the determinations of da and dc can, without appreciable error, be taken as represented by their co-efficients in equations i. and iii. respectively, viz., 78 and 101. Since the co-efficients of dfr, dm and dh are more nearly of the same magnitude, the weights of these quantities have been determined from the co-efficients in the equations ii., iv. and v., after the elimination of da and dc. If A be the determinant formed by the co-efficients of d&, dm and dA, B. M. H., the minors of these co-efficients respectively, Weight of dfi = = 41 B M d = * = .13 dh .... -| = 75 (See Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. xxxiv., p. 313.) 124 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE. and adopting the result of formula B., viz., that the probable error of a determination of any unknown of weight unity is O s '214, the probable errors of the determined values of the different quantities are : 8 S p. e. of a, weight 78, 0-024 p. e. of z, weight 1 13, 0-020 b, weight 41, 0-033 , ., h > weight 75, 0-025 c, weight 101, 0-021 Applying a correction of + O s '02, which is the longitude of the pier used at Greenwich west of the meridian of the Transit-circle, the final results become : Longitude of Montreal transit-pier * west of the Greenwich Transit-circle, 18 s 62 -024; longitude of Canso transit-pier west of the Greenwich Transit-circle, 4 h 4 m 7 s- 27 8 '033; longitude of Waterville transit-pier west of the Greenwich Transit-circle, 40 m 4r-30 -021; and the difference of personal equation between Mr Turner and Prof. McLeod, o s- O5 S> O2O ; the difference of personal equation between Mr Turner and Mr Hollis, + o s '44 "'025. It is to be remarked that owing to the absence of results from the observer who used Transit C., the scheme of observation was not fully carried out, and the number of nights available for the respective determinations is consequently less than the 'number intended. The value of the results is thus seriously affected by the failure of part of the scheme. * This result refers to the pier at, Montreal used in August. See footnote, p. 119. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE BETWEEN GREENWICH AND KILLORGLIN IN THE YEAR 1898. L INTRODUCTORY. IT had been suggested in the Report to the Board of Visitors of June 1892 that, as supplementary to the determinations of the longitude of Valentia, made many years ago, and to that of Waterville (the account of which is given in a previous section of this volume), it would be desirable in the interests of geodesy to determine the longi- tude of a third station in this neighbourhood, which forms the western end of the great European arc of longitude, since both Valentia and Waterville may not improbably be affected by considerable local attraction, situated as they are between the Atlantic on the west and a mountain mass on the east ; and Killorglin, at the head of Dingle Bay, was indicated as the station most suitable for the purpose. The subject was again referred to in subsequent reports, but it was not found practicable to take this work in hand until 1898. and the determination was made in the autumn of that year. Correspondence was opened with Colonel Duncan A. Johnston, Director General of the Ordnance Survey Department, in July 1898, who selected the Ballymacprier station of the Survey as a suitable site for the longitude determination. This station stands in a pasture field, half a mile north of Killorgliu and one mile east of Sun Hill. By GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. r 1%Q TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Colonel Johnston's direction, Mr W. Lally, the Observer of the Ordnance Survey in that district, made arrangements with the occupier of the field for the use of a plot of ground on which to set up the observing hut and build the observation pier. The Observers appointed were Mr Dyson, Chief Assistant, and Mr Hollis. Mi- Dyson left Greenwich on October 3, arriving at Killorglin on October 4. He set up the observing hut, and with the co-operation of Mr Kennedy of the Telegraph Department of the G.P.O. made the necessary telegraphic connections between the post-office at Killorglin and the observing station. Experimental signals were exchanged on October 6, 7, 8 and 10. Observations of stars were begun on October 11 by Mr Dyson at Killorglin and Mr Hollis at Greenwich, and made on every clear evening at each station until October 24. On October 25, Mr Dyson left Killorglin ; on October 27 Mr Hollis left Greenwich, arriving at Killorglin on October 28, and observations were begun again on that evening. This second series was ended on November 13, and the observers again interchanged stations on the night of November 14. Observations of the third series were begun, Mr Dyson being at Killorglin, Mr Hollis at Greenwich, on November 16, and the determination was completed on November 28. Signals were exchanged every night, whether star observations were made or not, except on November 7, and star observations were made whenever weather permitted. The exact dates of these will be seen from the records which follow. II. OBSERVING STATIONS. Greenwich. The observations at Greenwich were made in the Transit Pavilion, which is described on pp. 115, 116 of the Paris-Greenwich longitude determination in 1892. Killorglin. The observations were made in an observing hut consisting of a wooden framework covered with canvas 12 feet long by 8 feet broad, lent by Professor Turner. The pier, which was of brick, was built on a concrete foundation, 4 feet cube, and was surmounted by a capping stone. The height of the brickwork was 3 feet above the concrete, and the centre of the pier was 5 feet due south of the Ordnance Survey mark before mentioned. The observing hut was lighted at night by oil-lamps. III. INSTRUMENTS. The instruments used were those designated D and E of the series of five transits described in previous sections. These two transits had been used by the English INSTRUMENTS ; INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS ; WIRE INTERVALS. observers in the Montreal longitude, 1892, and in the determination of the longitude Paris-Greenwich, 1892, as well as in some experimental observations in the front court at Greenwich. Mr Dyson observed throughout with Transit D, Transit E being assigned to Mr Hollis. The stands used were those with reversing gear, supplied for the longitude determinations in 1892, which are described on page 116 of the account of the Paris longitude determination, 1892. Stand I. remained at Greenwich through- out the work, and Stand II., which had been returned from Montreal, was set up at Killorglin. The counterpoise springs were removed from the uprights of the reversing gear. The field of view of the transits at Killorglin was lighted by oil-lamps resting on supports attached to the transit-stands, at Greenwich by electric lamps fed by storage batteries. In each case the lamps ;it both ends of the axis were always alight simultaneously. Bohnenberger eyepieces with diagonal reflectors in which the eye-tube takes a horizontal position were used for determination of level and collimation. The level- error was also determined by the striding-levels, used in the other longitude determin- ations described in this volume. The level designated c was used with transit D throughout. In the first series, i.e., from October 11 to 24, level e was used with Transit E, but by some accident on the journey, this level was found unfit for use on its arrival at Killorglin, and level b was therefore used with this transit during the remainder of the operations. IV. INSTRUMENTAL CONSTANTS. (l) The value of one revolution of the micrometer screws. As Transits D and E were used in the longitude determinations made in 1892 as well as in that described in this account, the constants of the instruments were in general the same for all these operations. On pp. 117 et seq of the account of the Paris-Greenwich longitude, 1892, there will be found details of the observations made to determine the value of the revolutions of micrometer screws of Transits D and E, which include observations made for this purpose in 1898. In the reduction of the Killorglin longitude the value of one revolution of the screw = 56"'40 = 3 S 760 in equatorial interval was used for both instruments. Wire Intervals. (2) The equatorial intervals of the vertical wires of Transit E were found from the observations of the transits of stars made during the longitude, as described in a 128 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. previous section (see Paris-Greenwich longitude, p. 191), and also by observations of coincidence of each wire with its reflected image at the nadir made on 1898, October 19 and 22. The following table gives the details of the results of these observations, the nine vertical wires being denoted by the Roman numerals, L, II., III., etc., in the order in which a star transits when the instrument is in the position micrometer head west. Wire Intervals. Transit E. Number Position of of Stars. Instrument. II. III. Wires. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Oct. 11-24 and Nov. 16-27 I" West 13-938 1 1 254 8-438 5-568 ... 5-625 8-402 11-414 14-217 ii 3 East 14-019 ii 282 8-488 5-596 ... 5-576 8-337 11-356 14-132 Oct.28-Nov. 3 40 West 13*977 ii 256 8-450 5-577 5-608 8-344 11-394 14-196 n 40 East 1 3^94 1 1 297 8-475 5-565 ... 5-558 8-358 11-344 14-159 Oct. 19 Nadir Observation. 14-004 n 274 8-464 5*567 - 5-595 8-371 n'359 14-128 Oct. 22 ii n '3'993 ii 265 8-479 5-581 ... 5-610 8'33 2 11-353 14-119 The simple mean of these nine determinations was taken in each case, and the following adopted values for distances from the centre wire are obtained : Wire ( fT). Transit E. Equatorial Interval. i II III iv v VI VII. VIII IX. + I 3-988 +11-271 + 8-466 + 5-576 - 5-595 _ 8-358 -ii'37o 14-159 These intervals are sensibly the same as those found for this instrument in 1892. The wire intervals of Transit D found in that year, given on p. 122, were therefore adopted without alteration. diT (3) The value of l rev - of the micrometer screw of the levels and the value of 1 of the level scales. As the striding-levels 6 and c, which were used for the greater part of the observations of the Killorglin longitude, were also used in the Paris-Green- wich longitude determination, 1902, and the constants of these instruments were determined very thoroughly for that work, the values then found and given on VALUES OF LEVEL SCALES ; INEQUALITY OF PIVOTS. 129 pp. 193-196 of the account of that work were adopted. The value of the screw of level e had been found in 1892, so that in the reduction of the observations of level made during the longitude, the values used for 1 div - of the micrometer heads, were : for level b, o"' 8 3 | for level c, i"-o<) \ for level e, i"'O2 For the value of divisions of scales of the levels b and c, the tables given on the pages above quoted were used. For level e, observations of the same kind as those above referred to were made to determine this value on 1898 October 15, and on 1899 April 20, when the temperature as shown by the length of the level bubble was about the same as that which prevailed on the nights when this level was used during the longitudes, and from these the following table of values was deduced and adopted for use : Part of Scale. Value of i d". Part of Scale. Value of i<"'. d d 37-38 1-04 d d 46-47 H 1-19 38-39 I'll 47-48 1-15 39-40 1-17 48-49 1-07 40-41 I -2O 49-50 i -oo 41-42 1-23 50-51 0-98 42-43 1-24 51-52 0-98 43-44 1-24 5 2 ~53 1-03 44-45 I '22 53-54 i -06 45-46 I '22 54-55 I-OO Inequality of Pivots. The mean level indications, in reversed positions, of the instruments on each night of observation were compared, and the results are given below. In the first column is the date ; in the second the number (m) of observations of level, by means of the striding level, micrometer head W ; in the third the number (ri) of observations, micrometer head E ; in the fourth the weight rrl ^ n to be assigned to the result in the fifth column, which is one-fourth of the difference between concluded level indications W and E respectively, and is the correction applicable, positively for the position E, and negatively for W, to the observed level indications in these positions, due to inequality of pivots. ISO TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit D. Inequality of Pivots. Transit E. Date. m. ft, 2 TO Jt W E. Date. m. n. 2 m n W K. m+n 4 m+n 4 1898. October n 3 3 3 + o"43 1898. October 1 1 I 4 2 -o : 3i '4 2 2 2 +0-14 12 5 i 2 -0-14 19 I I I + 0-72 13 i 3 2 0-36 22 3 2 2 + O'29 '7 3 4 3 O'OI 23 6 6 6 + 0-31 18 4 4 4 -0-15 9 i 2 i O'OJ 28 2 4 3 O'OI 22 2 I i -0-25 JO 5 4 4 + 0-18 23 4 5 4 -0-23 31 5 5 5 0-09 H 3 3 3 -0-26 November i 5 2 3 + 0-14 3 5 4 4 + 0-23 4 2 2 2 + 0-07 November 3 3 5 4 -0-18 5 5 4 4 + 0-04 5 2 3 2 O'l 1 6 2 4 3 + 0-29 8 5 4 4 + 0'I2 10 4 6 5 O'OI 9 3 3 3 -0'04 12 i 2 i + 0'IO 10 4 4 4 O'O2 13 4 2 3 4-0-04 '3 5 4 4 o'o6 16 2 6 3 + 0-27 17 , i i + 0-19 '7 6 4 5 +0-30 18 3 2 2 -0-28 18 6 4 5 + 0-42 20 4 3 3 0-19 21 3 3 3 + 0-18 22 4 5 4 -0-05 26 i 2 i + 0-14 *5 5 5 5 0'12 27 2 3 2 -\-o~og 7 6 3 4 0'3O Weighted Mean 70 + 0-18 Weighted Mean 62 -0'1 3 As these differences appear to be systematic for the two instruments, these mean values have been assumed to be the result of differences in the radii of the pivots considered truly circular. Corrections resulting from these differences have been applied in forming the adopted collimation and level-errors given in subsequent sections. V. CLOCKS. The Clock used at Greenwich was the Sidereal Standard operating on the Chronograph through a relay, the arrangement being exactly as is described in the previous accounts in this volume. At Killorglin the clock Graham 2 was used. This clock was set up inside the observing hut on a wooden stand embedded in a concrete CLOCKS ; CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. ; METHODS OF OBSERVATION. 131 foundation. This clock is furnished with contact springs operated by a wheel having thirty-one teeth, which close the circuit at the alternate odd seconds by the clock face, and also at the last second of each minute. VI. CHRONOGRAPHS, &c. The Chronographs for registering observations and signals were those used in the other determinations of longitude, and are described in detail on pp. 127, 128 of the account of the Paris-Greenwich longitude, 1892. The electrical apparatus there described was also used, but in a somewhat different manner. In the course of the experimental signalling it was found impossible to send satisfactory signals through the whole line without a relay in the middle of the line. On the advice of an officer of the Telegraph Department of the General Post Office, who was of opinion that weather conditions might otherwise affect the work very considerably, it was decided to use a repeater at Haverfordwest in Wales where the cable across the Irish Channel is joined to the land line, and that a Morse double-current key should be used for sending the signals from both ends. The terminals of the key usually appropriated to "line" and "earth" were therefore joined respectively to the terminals "k" and "r" on the signalling board (see Plate V.), and the outgoing signals were recorded on the tape through the relay (B). With this arrangement there seemed no object in using the relay for recording transits, and the tapper wires were at both stations joined to the terminals "f '' and "g." Sensitive Post Office relays of the new pattern were used, adjusted as delicately as possible, and from experiments made, it appeared that the difference of time, whether the record was made through the observing circuit or the signalling circuit; was negligible. V1L METHODS OF OBSERVATION. The general methods of observation were similar to those described in previous accounts, but in this determination it was arranged that the reversals of the instruments in their pivots between the observations of groups of stars " Micrometer West " and "Micrometer East" should be made at the observations of the nadir, and not at the observations of the Polar Stars, but occasionally a Polar Star was so observed. The complete programme for a full night's observation was as follows : Observation of Nadir. I. Micrometer W. 6 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations First Exchange of Signals. Observation of Nadir. 132 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. II. Micrometer E. 12 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. Second Exchange of Signals. Observation of Nadir. III. Micrometer W. 6 Clock Stars, 1 or 2 Polar Stars, 2 or 3 level determinations. Observation of Nadir. VIII. ERROR OF COLLIMATION. This error was determined by observations of the nadir and by occasional observations of the Polar Stars in the two positions of the instrument. In the follow- ing tables all the results obtained for collimation are given. In Column 1 is the date and the adopted reading for line of collimation at which the R.A. micrometer was left when not in use for nadir or circumpolar observations. Columns 2 and 3 give the name of the circumpolar star (when observed in reversed positions) and the error of collimation of the middle wire, when the R.A. micrometer is set at the reading given in Column 1 deduced from observations of that star in reversed positions of the instrument. Column 4 is the error of collimation deduced from observations of the nadir. The last column shows the adopted Collimation error. This is found by applying the correction due to the inequality of pivots shown on p. 130 to ea,ch of the errors in Columns 3 and 4, to find from each the error as it would be found from reversal on a mark in the horizon, the mean of all being then taken. If this adopted collimation error be denoted by c, and x denote the diurnal aberration, 0"'19 at both Greenwich and Killorglin, then the whole collimation error applicable to observations in the position west is c + x and in position east c + x. Transit D. Killorglin. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. Date and Adopted Heading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. 1898. Oct. II Polaris // + 0-06 + O'3A + o'66 1898. (Jet 14 // + 0-06 " iz r '38o + 0-68 + 0-23 + 0-17 iz r '38o ... + 0-56 + 0-68 + 0-90 + 0-66 + '96 + 0-36 + 0'55 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 133 Transit D continued. Date and Adopted Beading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. 1898. Oct. 1 6 i2 r '36o Oct. 1 8 I2 r- 36o Oct. 19 I2 r '36o Oct. 22 I2 r '36o Oct. 23 i2 r '36o Oct. 24 I2 r 360 Oct. 28 i2 r '36o Oct. 29 i2 r '36o Oct. 30 i 2 r '36o Killorg lin continu /' ed. O'l I 0-28 // + 0-25 - o'39 1898. Oct. 3 1 iz r '36o Nov. i I2 r '36o Nov. 3 I2 r '36o Nov. 4 I2 r- 36o Nov. 5 Nov. 6 I2 r- 36o Nov. 8 i2 r '36o Greenw ich continu - 0-51 ed. - 0-34 0-62 n-AS - 0-39 1 0'20 - 079 O'l I + O'l? O'OO -0-51 o'6i ... - ri8 - 1-13 o-; i - 1-24 + 02 Polaris -0'37 Polaris + 0-85 u 3 36o Nov. 2 1 I2 r '36o Nov.4 I2 r- 36o Nov. 2 5 I2 r- 36o Nov. 2 6 I2 r '36o Nov. 2 7 ii r '36o Nov.28 Killorg Bradley 2993 lin continn - i-35 o-ii ed. - 1-07 0-90 - 1-07 - 1-07 I'22 Polaris + 0-25 Bradlev 200 * O'26 -0-39 0-56 O'll - 0- 5 I 73 1 Uj 1-02 O'l I 0-96 O'62 0^96 Polaris + '*5 1 35 39 0-28 O'l I - o 57 97 0^85 - i'35 - 1-41 Polaris . . . O'OO 0'20 O'56 - '39 - 073 -0-51 o 28 I'20 / -I- 5 8 O'OO - '49 Bradlev 114.7... roz - 1-0" - 1-07 'illorglin. - 1-52 Polaris I'O2 - I-0 7 -1-58 - "75 - i'35 - i'35 - i-75 Polaris M Jl- 39 0-90 - i'5 8 - ''55 / i - '35 - 0'34 0-67 ERROR OF COLLIMATION. 135 Transit K. Date and Adopted Heading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. 1898. Oct. II io r '56o Oct. 12 io r '56o Oct. 13 io r '56o Oct. 1 6 io r '56o Oct. 17 io r '56o Oct. 1 8 io r- 56o Oct. 19 io r '56o Out. 21 io r '56o Oct. 22 I0 r -56o c Polaris Greenwich. o - o6 n - 0-17 - OM7 O'OO - 0-I 5 1898. Oct. 23 io r- 56o Oct. 24 io r '56o Oct. 28 io r -85o Oct. 29 io"-85o Oct. 30 io r -85o Oct. 31 io r -85o Nov. 3 io r -85o Greenio ieh continu // ed. / - 0-23 O'l I + 0-23 -o-I 5 0-40 -2-58 Polaris Polaris -0-45 o - o6 O'l I o'O4 0-06 + 0-06 - 1-18 - 0-28 - 0-17 - 0-17 o-i i E 0-06 - '47 -0-45 - 0-15 0-06 o - o6 O'l I lillorglin. + O'l I + 1-24 + 1-07 + 0-85 ... . 0-08 + '34 + 0-82 o'o6 + o-ii - 0-23 - 0-51 - 079 + 0-06 - 73 Polaris + 0-96 1 o - o6 0-17 - '49 Polaris - - 45 - 0-17 + 0-23 - 0-28 - 2-82 O'4.C + 0-96 -0-14 + '34 O'23 + '45 - o'39 0-85 - '45 + '34 + O'l I - 2-82 - 0-54 - 0-17 - ''35 - 2-03 2-09 + 0-06 + O'22 + 0-14 - 1-82 136 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit E. continued. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimatlon Error. Date and Adopted Reading. Star. Polar Observation. Nadir Observation. Adopted Collimation Error. 1898 Nov. 4 10^850 Nov. 5 10^850 Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. i o Nov. 1 1 Nov. 1 3 Nov. 1 6 Killorgl in continue d. - 1-92 - 2'43 -2-58 + 0-20 1898. Nov. 1 7 Nov. 1 8 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 NOV. 2 2 Nov. 2 4 Nov. 2 5 Nov. 2 7 G-reenwi zh continued. " | -\- O'2O -2-, 4 + '34 - 2-18 0-03 I -80 - 2-26 2 '09 + '8s + 0-56 .r olaris - 2-14 + 0-71 - 2-05 + 0-85 2'2O Bradley 1672 S.P. - 1-97 2-48 + I -02 + 0-96 Bradlev 3 14.7 - 479 - 1-97 + '99 - 2- 5 + 0-62 + 0-56 +0-17 + 0-28 - 3^7 ... -3-13 4 79 + 0-41 - 1-64 I'l 2 - i '30 + 0-85 + 0-23 ... Polaris . . 0-23 + '54 - ''37 + 0-39 + 0-28 + 0-51 + 0-51 - ro 7 - 1-52 - 0-68 -73 - 1-07 c Greenwich. - 0-23 + 0-42 + 1-13 + 0-62 I'OO O'o6 + 1-03 ERROR OF LEVEL. 137 IX. LEVEL ERROR. The Level Error was determined several times during each set of observations by the striding level, and at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each evening's work by the nadir observation. The difference between the level error as found from nadir observations and with the striding level is shown in the following table. Columns 2 and 4 are found by taking the mean ( ) of the level errors deter- mined by the striding level in positions West and East, and subtracting this mean from the mean (N) of the errors determined by nadir observation on the same evening. Transit D. Transit E. Date. W + E. Date. W + E. 2 z Killorgliit. Greenwich. 1898. October 1 1 + 0-66 1898. October 11 0-26 '4 + 0-66 12 + 0-24 '9 O'I2 13 0'07 22 + '59 17 o 40 23 -f- 0-28 18 + 0-13 19 0-65 22 + 0-50 23 - 0-15 Greenwich. 2 4 + 0-03 28 + 0-61 3 + 0-48 3' November i O'lO + 0-35 Kiltorglin. 3 4 - 0-42 + 0-51 0-88 November 3 5 8 + 0-40 + 0-28 1 0-18 9 0-19 10 12 + 0-62 0-67 10 13 + 1-05 + 0-23 0-07 '3 - 0-17 Killonjlin. Greenwich. 16 - 0-13 '7 0'02 17 - 1-26 18 + 1-64 18 - 0-80 20 + I -01 21 1-22 22 + 0'12 26 1-58 2 5 + I "2 I 27 + 0-14 27 + 076 138 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. The following tables give the individual determinations made with Transits D and E respectively. The level indication given in the last column has been corrected for the inequality of pivots, mentioned on p. 130, and has been formed as follows. In the case of Transit D, to each level error found by the striding level in position West //- 36 has been applied, in position East + 0"'36. For Transit E the corrections applied were + 0"'26 and 0" - 26 respectively. The mean of all the errors found by the striding level on each night thus corrected has been taken, and also the mean of the error found by observation of the nadir. The mean of these two means is the level indica- tion given in the last column. To this quantity, which gives the inclination of the transit-stand, in the case of Transit D + 0"'18 has been applied to form the level error used in the reduction of the observations made in position West, and 0"'18 for the observations made in position East. In the case of Transit E, 0"'13 and +0 //- 13 have been applied in positions West and East respectively. Transit D. 1 Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Sidereal Date ' Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. W. E. \V. E. Killorglin. Killorglin continued. 1898. h m ' // " " 1898. h m " Ir " Oct. 1 1 2O O - 5'33 Oct. 1 6 21 o 373 - 3'86 2O 50 - 6-47 21 30 - 2- 99 21 O - 4-34 21 50 - *'93 21 40 - 4'QS 21 55 - 5 - 7 - 49 23 10 - 3'9 8 Oct. l8 20 30 - 3'2i 23 40 - 3'33 | 20 50 - 3'9 1 O - 5'5 22 IO - 2'5i - 2 '99 1 15 6-30 I O - 2-8* I 30 - 5' 2 7 ' 15 - 2-82 2 O - 2-17 Oct. 14 20 15 - 4'9' 2O 40 - 5'S 1 Oct. 19 21 30 2-96 21 - 6-52 21 55 4-02 21 15 - 5'39 - 54' o 45 - 2-82 2-65 21 30 6-03 I C - '-'5 23 o - 4-86 I 40 - z'34 23 10 - 4'94 Oct. 22 21 14 - 4'57 Oct. 1 6 2O 2O 4-60 21 30 3'6o 20 55 - 4-02 - 3-86 21 50 - 375 ERROR OF LEVEL. 139 Transit 1) continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. W. E. W. E. Killorglin continued . Greenwich continued. 1898. h m " 1898. h m " M Oct. 22 23 10 - 4'59 - 4-07 Oct. 30 o 30 + 2'99 + 2-67 IO - 5-38 o 35 + 4-56 I IO - 3-32 i 30 + 3-24 Oct. 23 21 30 - 3-36 Oct. 3 1 20 45 + 375 21 4; - 4'33 20 55 + 2-68 21 55 - 4'29 21 15 + 5'o8 22 5 - 4' 6 9 21 35 + 4-6 22 30 - 3-82 22 + 374 22 50 - 2-34 22 I 5 -f 4-00* 23 o - 3'3 - 2 '99 22 50 + 4-69 + 4-27 23 35 - 3-03 23 40 + 4-52 23 50 1-48 23 5 + 3-98 23 55 - 179 O 10 + 379 o 25 - 3-19 20 + 477 o 35 - 2-54 o 35 + 473 o 45 - 2-92 55 + 4-82 i '5 - 2-51 I 10 + 5'H i 30 + 4'4 Greenwich. Nov. i 21 O + 4' Oct. 28 21 40 + I '02 21 15 + 4-84 21 50 -f 0-70 21 30 + 3-87 I 30 + 1-65 21 40 + 5''6 1 5 + '49 21 55 + 4'37 2 I 5 + 1-25 + 1-92 22 I 5 + 3'86 + 4'33 2 25 + 2-27 22 3O + 3'94 2 5 + 2-6 5 22 50 + 4'54 3 2? + 2-67 23 5 + 4 -I 3 45 + 3' 02 23 5 + 4'39 o o + 5'o8 Oct. 30 21 15 + 2-36 21 2O + 2-28 Nov. 3 21 + 2-62 21 30 + 276 21 35 + 3-60 21 40 + 2-57 21 45 + 3'55 21 55 + i'9i 21 55 + 276* 22 5 + 2-23 22 5 + 3'54 22 2 5 + ''93 22 30 + 2-82 22 35 + 3-36 + 2-67 22 50 + 271 22 50 + 2-99 23 o + 2-55 23 o + 2-31 23 30 + 2-68 + 2'8l + 1-31 23 50 + 2-12 The Nadir observations marked with an asterisk were observed in one position of the instrument only, and to these a weight of J has been assigned in taking the mean. HO TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit D continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. W. E. W. E. Greenwich continued. Greenwich continued. 1898. b m tl // n " 1898. h m " " Nov. 3 o 15 + 1-90 + *-8i Nov. 10 22 o 4- 3 '59 o 25 + 3-09 22 25 + 4-09 o 40 + 2-71 22 55 + 3-05 I + 3'33 23 10 4- 3' 1 30 + 3-27 23 25 4- 3'59 I 50 + 2-62 23 4 + 3-30 23 5 + 3-26 O IO + 1-65 Nov. 4 21 2 5 + 2-II o 40 4 2-99 21 45 4- 3'44 o 50 + 2-34 21 55 + 1-68 + 2-63 I IO 4- 372 22 30 4- 3'34 I 25 + 4-00 22 50 + 2 '34 23 15 4- 2-38 Nov. 12 22 45 + 3-62 23 o + 4-21 Nov. 5 21 30 4- 1-52 23 30 4- 3 '44 4- 3'83 21 55 + 4'9 1 10 4- 4'3' 22 20 4- *'54 I 30 4- 3-55 22 30 + 2-93 22 50 + 3'43 23 5 4- 3'34 Nov. 13 22 4- 3'55 23 30 4- 3'37 + 2-85 22 15 -j~ J-'OO O O 4- 2-37 22 25 + 4*80 o 25 r 2-57 22 50 + 3-69 o 35 4 4'5 23 o + 4-18 I IO 4- 3'77 23 15 4- 4'95 + 4'47 i 35 4- 302 23 35 4- 3'84 i 45 + 2-62 5 + 47 o 35 4- 473 I 4- 5-5 , Nov. 6 21 2O 4- 2-54 I 30 4- 5'33 21 30 + 3'8o 22 + i -60 22 15 + 1-63 22 2 5 + 3-35 4 3' 01 KUlonjlin. 22 45 4- 3'02 23 5 + 4-12 Nov. 1 6 21 40 4 8-57 23 15 + 3-40 22 10 + 9'3I I I IO + 3-21 22 30 + 10-25 23 o |+ 8-83 23 15 4 8-78 23 35 + 9-38 + 9-10 Nov. 10 21 30 + 3-36 o 30 + 8-83 21 45 + 1-91 I + 9-87 ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit D. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. LeTel Indica- tion. W. E. W. E. Killorfjlin continued. Killorylin con ti n u ed . 1898. h in " 1898. >' '" " " ' " Nov. 16 ' 5 + 7-68 Nov. 1 8 o 35 + 10-43 + 10-27 1 20 + 774 + 9'io I + 9'33 I 5 + 9'70 1 '5 + 9'8l i 35 + 10-43 + 7-93 NOV. 21 22 30 + 12-13 Nov. 17 21 50 22 50 + 14-64 22 10 + 8-90 23 o + 14-65 22 30 + 9'4 8 23 30 + I4-63 22 50 + 97 23 40 + 13-62 + 13-68 23 o + 9-36 23 5 + 14-06 2 3 20 + 10-95 o 20 + 14-17 23 4 + 11-16 35 + 13-55 23 55 + 12-03 + 9'95 o 40 + '3'45 o 15 + 12-13 o 40 + 9-87 1 I + 9-92 I 10 + 10-63 Nov. 26 22 30 + 14-83 I 30 + 11-61 22 45 + 17-81 I 50 + lO'IO 23 '5 + 16-08 + 16-46 23 55 + J7-5' o 15 + 16-50 Nov. 18 21 50 + 8-80 22 5 + 10-96 Nov. 27 o 35 + 15-28 22 30 + 9'43 o 50 + 16-60 22 55 + 10-14 I 20 + '5-45 23 5 + 9'8i I 40 + 15-96 23 25 + ' '44 I 50 + 15-59 + 16-29 23 40 23 55 + 1 -24 + 1 -10 + 10-27 2 15 2 40 + 17-24 + 16-98 5 + ' '93 3 5 + 16-52 o 20 + i -40 3 3 + 17-60 Transit E. Greenwich. Greenwich continued. Oct. 1 1 21 |+ 2-03 Oct. 1 1 23 21 + 1-53 i 2 1 30 + 2-5, i 30 + 2-67 22 1 5 + 2-91 ' 55 + 2-90 22 45 + 1-89 + 2-22 2 '5 + 2-34 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit E. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. . Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. W. E. W. Ji.. Greenwich continued. Greenwich continued. 1898. h m " 1 " " 1898. h m ii II II H Oct. 1 2 21 30 + 172 Oct. 19 23 o + 2-54 21 40 4- 1-12 1 O 4- 3-54 22 4- 1-82 i 25 4 3' 2 9 + 3^6 23 15 + 1-22 I 50 + 4'2I 23 30 23 5 ~\~ O' 5 2 + 1-07 + 172 2 10 + 3'33 o 30 + 1-88 I 20 + 276* I 50 + 2"OO Oct. 22 23 4- 1-27 2 O + 2-28 2 20 4- 0-67 2 40 + 0-83 2 55 + 1-64* 4- i '4 2 Oct. 13 20 55 + 2-48 3 20 + I '9 2 21 1 5 + 4'5^ 3 5 + 174 21 30 + 274 4 3 + 1*83 22 5 + 2-47 + 274 22 50 4- 2-56 I O + 1-82 2 5 + 3-5 Oct. 23 ! 2O 40 4- r86 22 50 + 2-83 23 5 + 3-45 Oct. 17 21 + 2-26 23 4 + 3-60 21 10 4- z '54 23 45 + 2 '99 21 40 -t- 3-39 23 50 4- 2'go 21 55 + 272 . 4- 179 + 3'2 22 10 4~ 363 + Q O 20 4- 3'2Q 22 30 4- 2-48 2 4 52 o 35 4- 2-57 22 50 + 2-43 o 50 + 3'33* 23 20 + 3"9 I 10 + 4' '5 O 2O + 3'5' 1 20 + 3'57 o 30 + 3'I3 1 3 + 3-58 Oct. 1 8 20 55 + V2 3 21 15 + 3-27 21 ^O + 3'9 Oct. 24 22 10 + 2-57 21 40 + 2-04 22 2 5 + 2-80 22 + 3'55 23 50 + 3-45 22 12 + 3'36 23 55 + 271 22 30 23 30 + 4'54 + 270 + 3'44 o 35 o 40 4- 2-24 4- 2-21 + 278 35 + 4'6 I IO 4- 2-28 o 45 + 3 38 I 20 + 2-82* 1 IO + 3-n I 40 + 3-60 i 30 4- 3-84 2 10 4- 3-10 * The Nadir observations marked with an asterisk were made in one position of the instrument only, and to the>e a weight of has been assigned in forming the mean. ERROR OF LEVEL. Transit E continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. W. V W. E. Killorylin. Killorglin continued. 1898. li in " " - " 1898. h in i " " Oct. 28 21 50 -\- '53 Nov. 5 2 1 30 1 -f 2-89 22 30 + 0-25* 22 40 + 3-24 23 o -t- 0-42 23 o -f 273 2 3 5 0-27* - 0-08 23 20 + 4' 20 + 1"i 35 - 1-25 23 5 + 3'4' J JT ' '5 - 0-89* o 15 + 4-00 i 50 + 0-19 o 40 + 2-90 i 45 + 3-34 Nov. 8 21 40 + 3-64 Out. 29 2 2 O O'OI 22 8 + 4'24 2 3 4 + 0-24 22 Ij + 276 o 20 -0-17* 22 3C 4- 3*63 o 40 - 0-65* + 0-03 -' J 22 50 + 3-81 1 O o'i6 23 o +4-11 2 + o'48 23 20 + 3-58 + 4' 02 23 5 + 472 o 10 + 5'07 o 28 + 3-97 o 45 + 3'9 2 i 20 + 4' 6 4 Oct. 3 1 21 40 + 1-85 i 50 + 4'3' 22 lj +' 172* 12 50 + 2-09 23 20 23 50 -f 2-01* + 2'06* + 2-05 Nov. 9 21 55 22 10 + 5-33 + 5'95 o 25 + I "92 22 30 + 472 1 '5 + 2 '2 2* 23 o + 475 4- 5-53 ' 3 + 2'4 2 23 45 + 5 '4^ o 30 -f- 5'" o 50 + 4' 6 9 I + 6-17 Nov. 3 21 40 + I "9 2 22 I 5 + 4' 02 Nov. 10 22 IO + 6-51 22 35 + 2-23 22 30 + 5-5i 22 45 + 1-67 22 55 + 6-01 23 o + 0-86 23 5 + 6-44 23 20 + 2-15 + 2 - o6 23 4 1 + 6-40 23 3 o o + 0-85 + 2-52 I I 30 + 6-01 + 6-47 + 6-14 o 40 + r88 I 40 + 6 - oo 1 30 + '75 2 + 5 '44 I 40 + 2'35 2 30 + 57i * The Nailir observations marked with an asterisk were made in one position of the instrument only, and to these a weight of J has been assigned in forming the mean. On Oct. 28, 29 and 31. The striding-level was not available for use with Transit E (see p. 127). 144 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit E. continued. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Nadir. Level Indica- tion. Date. Sidereal Time. Striding Level. Level Nadir. Indica- tion. W E W E Killorglin continued. Greeninc/t continued. 1898. h m " " " " 1898. h m " : " ' Nov. 10 3 1 + 6-29 + 6-14 NOV. 22 21 + 578 3 15 -t- 6-42 2 I 30 + 5'57 22 5 + 6-40 Nov. 1 3 21 55 22 15 + 8-30 + 874 22 25 23 5 + 6-23 + 7'9 22 35 22 50 23 o + 8-24 + 7^9 O O O 20 35 Q + 7'3 + 6-55 + 6-62 + 6-66 23 25 23 54 o 15 o 40 + 7-0 + 7 - 86 + 7'93 + 7-86 10 25 35 + 7-05 + 6'2 9 + 7'' o 50 + 7'35 40 + 7'o8 I 20 + 7 "4 I 40 + 7'5' ( I CO __[_ -,._,., 3 S Nov. 25 21 15 + 609 21 55 ~\~ 47 ' Greenwich. 22 10 + 5'34 22 20 4- 5'4 2 Nov. 17 23 2O + 3' 2 7 23 37 + 6-43 23 40 + 3' 10 S 23 5 + 4'37 35 1 + 3-87 + 3-67 5 12 + 4 -6 4 + 4'54 + 5-64 o 40 + 5''7 1 '5 + 5'3 Nov. 18 22 15 + 4^5 1 20 -h 6-26 22 35 + z'57 I 25 + 5'49 22 50 + 2-87 2 5 + 5'43 o 40 + 3'8 + 4' 16 2 2O + 6-20 I 50 + 3 '9 3 30 + 4'3 4 5 + 5'3 Nov. 27 23 35 + 4'66 23 5 + 5'33 Nov. 20 22 + 4'57 o 35 + 478 23 5 + 3'54 o 50 + 6-65 + 4'5' I + 6-51 1C o 27 + 3-52 + 4' 02 + 4 ' 1 1 I 25 45 + 6-90 + 6-58 + 6-24 o 30 + 2-93 4 *3 3 + 6-21 o 38 + 4-68* 3 3 + 6-80 55 + 276 3 52 ~t~ ^ "O2 1 20 + 3'83 4 5 + 577 I 3 + 4 '60 4 '5 + 6-49 * The Nadir observations marked with an asterisk were made in one position of the instrument only, and to these a weight of J has been assigned in forming the mean. ERROR IN AZIMUTH. 145 X. ERROR IN AZIMUTH. The deviation of the instrument in azimuth was determined by observation of one or more of the following Polar Stars. The first column contains the name of the star taken from the Greenwich Catalogues. The second gives the Ephemeris, either the Nautical Almanac (N.A.), or the Connaissance des Temps (C.T.), or M. Lcewy's Ephemeris (L.), in which the star appears. In the next two columns are given the approximate N.P.D. and the mean R.A. for 1898'0 as given in the Ephemeris. The fifth column contains corrections to this mean R.A., deduced from the Greenwich Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. In the cases of 75 Draconis and of Bradley 2997, which are not given in the ephemeris, the mean place given in Columns 3 and 4 has been deduced from the Greenwich Ten Year (1890) Catalogue, and the apparent R.A. for the day has been computed from this. Star's Name. Ephemeris. Approximate N.P.D. Mean R.A. iSgS'o given in Ephemeris. Adopted correction to Mean R. A. Authority. 2. Ursae Minoris L. o / 4. 17 h m s O C4 47"! I s 0-^6 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Polaris N.A. I 14. I 21 4VI I + O'3O Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Groombridi'e 750 C.T. J. 43 A. A. T, I '77 O'26 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Bradlov 1672.. N.A. I 12 Id.. 22 '92 -4- o-l 3 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Groombridge 2283 Bradley 2701 N.A. L. 2. 22 8 cc 15. 10. 2-07 20 33 i6'O2 O'OI 4- O'37 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. 7 5 Draconis 8. 57 2O. 34. ^S'Cq Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Groombridge 3^48 Bradley 2993 C.T. L. 3-23 i 24. 21. 19.58-54 22. 21. 26'19 0-46 + 0-26 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. Ten Year (1890) CataloTie. Bradley 2997 J. 17 22 21 50-36 Ten Year (1890) Catalo r ue. Bradley ? 1 47 . . . N.A. 3 I ? 2 3. 27. 48-6? 4- O'24 Ten Year (1890) Catalogue. The corrections to observed transits for instrumental errors have been computed by the formula c sec. S + n tan. S + m, where S is the declination of the star, c the collimation error including diurnal aberration, n the deviation of the line of collimation at the pole, and m the deviation at the equator. For the determination of the quantity n, transits of a polar star and a clock star are combined, and the value of n deduced by use of the appropriate factors, as exhibited in the tables, pp. 146 et seq. In these tables the second column gives the names of the polar star and clock star observed, generally in the same position of the instrument as the polar star and not long before or after. Column 3 gives the position of the instrument in which they were observed. Column 4 shows the seconds of difference between the Tabular R.A. for the day, and the observed time of transit corrected for collimation by application of the quantity c sec. S, and for the clock rate in the interval TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. between the observations of the two stars, which has been applied to the time of observation of the clock star. The next column shows the tangent of the declination of each star. Subtracting the lower of each pair of lines from the upper in Columns 4 and 5, the quotient of the difference in Column 4 by that in Column 5 gives the value of n found in Column 6. The adopted value of n given in the last column has been found by taking the simple mean of the values for the two positions East and West respectively. Transit D Values of n. Datt-. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Tabular .3 R.A.- ' 5 Observed fg Transit. F ' u:tors - Apparent. n Adopted. 1898. Oct. 1 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 8 Oct. 22 7 5 Draconis Kit E E W W W W E E W E E E W W W W W W E E lorglin. Ill 8 o. 1 2 '49 o. 10-26 o. 1 5-26 O. I 2'26 -o. 16-87 -0.17-65 -o. 2577 o. 22-72 -0.23-99 o. 22-91 + o. 35-62 + o. 36-50 +o. 38-31 + o. 36-44 + o. 19-07 + o. 27-69 + o. 9-01 + o. 9-63 + o. 675 + o. 8-98 + 6-37 -r 0-19 + 16-95 + 0-08 + I7-63 + 0-05 + 46-56 + '5 + 46-56 + 0-05 + 6-37 + 0-19 + 16-95 O'l I + 4 6 '59 o-o i + 6-37 - 0-32 + 13-01 0-03 I -0-358 -0-178 + 0-044 0-066 0-023 -0-143 + 0'1 1O 0-185 -0-093 -0-171 1 I 0-132 O-OI7 0-185 1898. Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 28 Ki Bradley 3147 K Piscium loryh E E W W ; E W E E W W W W &r W W E E E i E n contimi in s + o. 3-80 + o. 8-79 + o. 5-86 + o. 8-34 + o. 2-26 + o. 8-32 + o. 2:38 + o. 2-55 + o. 0-54 + o. 2-59 + o. 3-98 + o. 2-32 lenidch. + o. 50-89 o. 4'z6 + 0.3976 -o. 3-71 o. 24-09 -o. 370 ed. I + 17-63 0-283 + O'OI + 46-60 0-054 + 0-45 + 46-60 0-131 + 0-45 + 13-01 0-013 - 0-15 + 17-63 0-117 + O'OI 32-85 0-051 o-o i +46-63 +1-183 + 0-02 + 46-63 +0-937 + O-26 > 24 - o8 +0-843 + 0-15 i -0-135 -0-049 + 1-037 e Delphini Groombridge 3548 a Equulei Polaris Piscium Bradley 3147 Polaris y Piseium arent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. i 1-197 ''73 >-o85 >-o8i )-209 )-2I7 >-o68 1-098 117 ooi 041 1 14 8 -0-I 55 0-089 1898. Nov. I 8 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Kill Polaris orglii E E W W W W E E E E W W W W W W VJ E W W W W i continue m s o. 29-28 -o. 19-37 -0.22-37 -O.I9-35 -o. 34-52 -0.34-33 -o. 35-04 -0.34-55 -I. 2-97 -I. 2-35 -I. 2-51 -I. 2-58 -I. 7-72 -I. 8-56 -I. 6-63 -I. 8-58 I. 4-10 I. 8-70 -I. 9-13 -I. 8-98 I. 1 1-03 -1. 13-90 d. + 46-71 + 0-05 + 46-7. + 0-26 + 17-65 + o-oi 32-81 + 0-26 +17-65 + o-oi + 17-65 + 0-09 + 13-37 'O3 + 4 6 74 + 0-05 +4 6 74 + 0-21 - 24-04 + 0-35 j + 4 6 74 + 0-26 8 O-2I2 0-065 O'Ol 1 +0-015 -0-035 + 0-004 +0-063 +0-042 + 0-099 + 0-006 + 0-062 8 0-089 + O'OO2 0-016 + 0-068 + 0-062 f Piscium Polaris 77 Piscium. .. Bradlev 314.7 K Piscium Bradley 16728.?.. v Peeasi.., Bradley 3147... K Piscium Bradley 3147... t Piscium 2 Ursae Minoiis.... 20 Ceti Polaris /' Piscium . TT Piscium Groomb. 2283 S.P. 8 Arietis Polaris . rj Piscium GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 150 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit E. Values of n. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. Position. Tabular R.A. Observed Transit. Factors. N Apparent. n Adopted. 1898. Oct. 1 1 Oct. 1 2 Oct. 1 3 Oct. 17 Bradley 2003... Gn E E W W W W W W E K W W E E E E W W E E W W E E E E W W >,enwich. m s o. 2'oy + o. 0-60 -o. 2-34 + o. 0-69 + o. 6-10 + o. 0-63 o. 8-16 + o. 0-63 -o. 8-53 + o. 0-59 -o. 3-29 + 0. 0'6o + 0. 8-8 4 + o. 0-26 -o. 9-31 + o. 0-30 o. 8-62 + o. 0-46 o. 3-06 + o. 0-25 o. 6-27 + o. 0-39 + o. 13-33 0. 2M2 + o. 9-91 -o. 1-95 -0-37-57 -o. 1-87 + I3-OI 0-03 + 17-63 + O'OJ -32-88 + O'l I + 4-6-57 + o-n + 4 6 '57 + 0-15 + 17-63 + 0-05 -32-88 + 0-26 + 46-57 + 0-09 + 46-57 + 0-28 + 13-01 O'OI +4 6 '57 + 0-09 + 16-95 - 0-15 + 13-01 + O'lO -32-86 + 0-26 8 0-205 0-172 0-166 0-189 -0-197 0-221 -0-259 O-207 0-196 -0-254 -0-144 + 0-904 + 0-919 + 1-078 a O-lSg 0-221 -0-I 99 + '995 1898. Oct. 1 8 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 0m Groombridge 3548 a Equulei vnwic W W E E E E W W W W E W W W W W E E W W E E E E E E W W / continue III S + o. 17-39 o. 2-24 + O. I2'OO o. 2-65 + o. 17-21 o. 2-52 + o. 12-65 O. 2-12 + o. 51-60 -o. 2-39 + o. 44-04 -o. 2-39 + o. 12-76 -o. 2-74 + o. 51-50 -o. 2-74 + 0.48-62 -o. 2-53 o. 24-98 o. 2-90 + o. 8-82 o. 3-12 + o. 10-25 o. 3-22 + o. 15-42 -o. 3-27 - o. 40-92 -o. 3-17 d. + 16-95 + 0-08 + 13-01 0-03 + 17-63 + O'OI + 13-35 + 0-13 + 46-60 + 0-05 +46-59 + 0-05 + 13-36 - 0-03 + 46-60 0-03 +46-60 + 0-21 24-08 + 0'35 + 12-13 + 0-22 + I3-OI + 0-18 + 17-64 + 0-16 -32-85 + 0-26 I + 1-164 + 1-123 + 1-120 -f i 1 1 7 + i- 1 60 T 0-997 + 1-157 + 1-163 + 1-103 + 0-904 + 1-003 + 1-050 + 1-069 + 1-140 s + 1-114 + 1-132 + 0-954 + 1-1 1 1 y Aquarii Bradley 3147 K Piscium Bradley 2993 Bradley 1672 S.P.. to Piscium Braillpy 3 1 A? K Piscium Polaris 2 Ursa; Minoris c Piscium nwii' W w E E E E W W w w w w K E Ki W W E F E E W W w w E E W W '( continu< in a + o. 11-87 -o. 3-25 +o. 48-90 -o. 364 + o. 9-29 o. 3-60 o. 42-85 -o. 3-63 + o. 12-19 -o. 3-68 + o. 50-55 o. 3-66 + o. 52-51 -o- 3'3" llonjlin. o. 29-10 -0.28-33 -o. 27-99 -o. 29-34 o. 28-46 -0.29-33 o. 30-87 -o. 29-39 o. 30-91 -0.29-45 -. 35'H o. 35-20 -0.33-12 -- 35>7 id. + 13-36 + 0-12 + 46-61 - 0-15 + I3-01 O'OI -32-85 + O'O2 + I3-36 '3 + 46-61 + 0-03 + 46-61 + 0-26 + 13-01 0-03 + 17-64 + 0-05 -32-85 + 0-26 + 13-36 + 0-08 + 46-63 + 0-05 + 17-64 + o-o i -32-84 + 0-26 + ''142 + 1-124 +0-990 + ->93 + 1-185 + 1-164 + 1-204 -0-059 + 0-077 0-026 O'l I I 0-031 + 0-003 -0-071 + 1-111 + 1-139 0-021 O-O23 1898. Oct. 29 Oct. 3 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 5 Kil 2 Ursae Minoris.... /x Andromedse .. lorgli W W E E W W E E E E W W w w E W E E W W W w w w E E i continue m a -0.37-87 -o. 35-84 o. 29-70 o. 36-04 -0.47-42 o. 46-06 -o. 44-90 o. 46-52 o. 50-69 o. 46-58 -0.49-70 -o. 4678 -o. 55-94 o. 46-90 o. 40-84 o. 46-92 -o. 3-41 -- 3-14 + o. 2-91 o. 2-96 -o. 7-23 -o. 2-99 o. 14-10 o. 1 1-62 -o. 18-61 -o. 11-44 d. + 13-36 + 078 +46-64 + 0-26 + 13-01 - 0-15 + 17-64 - 0-17 -32-84 + O'26 +13-36 + 0-78 + 46-64 + 0-45 +46-64 + '45 + 17-64 + "43 -32-83 0-07 + 13-36 0-O2 + I3-OI + 0-46 -i-17-64 0-06 0-161 + 0-137 0-105 + 0-091 +0-124 0-232 0-196 +0-132 0-016 -0-179 -0-317 0-198 -0-405 O'OlJ 0-031 0-132 -'343 Polaris Polaris 6 Ceti Bradley 200?... Bradlev 200,3 .. ij Aquarii Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 33 2 Ursse Minoris 20 Ueti Aquarii Bradley 3147 >!/- Aquarii Bradley 1672 S.P. Polaris 33 Ceti... 2 Ursse Minoris... p. Andromedae.. . Polaris i] Piscium... . Polaris Bradley 2003.. Piscium y Aquarii Bradley 3147 Bradley 314.7... 1 9 Piscium Bradley 1672 S.P.. y Peeasi , T Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P.. 27 Piscium 2 Ursie Minori* 77 Piscium 2 Urses Minoris i 5 Ceti f Piscium .... Bradley 2993 Bradley 3 1 47 K Pisciura Bradley 1672 S.P.. v Pe^asi . . Bradley 3 14.7... 20 Piscium TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Transit E Values of n continued. Date. Names of Stars. Tabular .2 1 R.A.- Observed Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. Date. Names of Stars. B - Tabular .2 R.A. S Observed (2 Transit. Factors. n Apparent. n Adopted. 1898. Nov. 5 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 13 Kill Bradley 1672 S.P.. Piazzi 0. 33 yrglir) E E E E W W W W E E W W W W E E E E W W W W E E E E continue m s + o. 7-01 -o. 11-75 o. 30-80 o. 27-01 o. 36-96 -0.27-29 -o. 1471 -0.27-35 -0.37-84 o. 28-05 o. 40-14 -0.31-72 -0-4577 -o. 3171 -o. 40-52 -0.31-94 o. 40-63 -0.3673 -i. 8-58 -o. 37-03 -0.53-56 -o. 52-15 -o- 50-53 -0.52-78 o. 56-10 -o. 52-85 1. -32-83 + O'O2 + 13-01 O'OI + 17-64 + 0-43 -32-83 + 0-26 +46-67 + 0-57 + 13-01 + 0-57 + 17-64 + 0-42 + 17-64 + O'l I + 13-01 + 0-18 + 46-68 - 0-15 + 13-01 0-03 + 17-65 + o-oi 32-82 + 0-26 8 -0-571 0-291 0-562 0-382 0-212 -0-677 0-816 -0-489 -0-304 -0-675 0-108 + 0-128 + 0-098 8 -0-343 0-362 -0-618 0-490 + 0-040 1898. Nov. 1 3 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 22 Kill 2 Ursse Minoris e Piscium ir. Greenwich Catalogue. 69 Aquihi 1 L r '2 h in & 2O 2J. IQ"O6 313 8 + o'o6 Ts. ( Pe"asi N.A. 2'4 2 I 30 lO'C I -1- Q 24 + O'O2 Ten Year, 1890. TT- Cygni B.J 4*3 21 4.3 I 'CO -1-48 co O'O2 Ten Year, 1890. 1 6 Pe Piaeium L. Piscium N.A. / Piscium L. 0Ceti N.A. Polaris N.A. Piscium L. 77 Piscium N.A. ir Piscium L. 105 Piscium L. v Piscium N.A. 54 Andromedse C.T. o Piscium N.A. Piazzi I. 175 L. 54 Ceti L. Csti N.A. y Arietis L. 'Arietis N.A. 112 Piscium L. 60 Ceti L. a Arietis N.A. Trianguli N.A. 15 Arietis L. Ceti N.A. 6 Arietis L. Arietis L. '* Ceti N.A. 27 Arietis L. 4-6 3'4 5'5 var. 4-6 57 57 6-0 4-6 4'4 5-0 z-3 3'9 4'5 8-0 4'5 6-0 4 6-1 57 3-6 2 '2 6'3 47 4-6 4-2 5"' 3-8 2'2 5 -2 37 5-6 6-1 47 4* 4'4 5'9 5-8 2-8 5-8 6-0 2'O 3-1 5 '9 4"4 5-6 5 '4 4'4 67 o 32 33 33 34 o 34 39 o 41 43 o 43 43 o 44 o 47 o 50 o 51 o 54 o 56 o 57 o 58 o 59 o 3 3 \ 6 12 18 2 I 24 26 31 34 36 37 40 43 45 46 47 49 54 57 2 I 2 3 z 4 2 7 2 I 2 2 I 9 2 22 2 25 5I-48 9'8l 52-36 33'23 42-94 2-30 42-04 1-48 4'49 23-31 10-96 47-62 3 2 '93 5-25 47-11 48-52 38-86 34-00 35'39 32-42 6-81 27-41 IM2 18-51 *'34 12-35 23-99 32-10 55H3 43'n 50-28 1-38 4 ! '33 10-45 7-28 iS'94 0-31 9-03 27-07 25-46 55-74 0-17 50-64 57-69 25-28 28-40 58-18 35-49 26-96 20-81 44-03 H77 4 45 + 30 18 + 20 53 + 55 59 +47 44 + 11 25 + 4 45 + 6 44 + 7 2 +40 31 - i 42 + 60 10 + 37 57 + 85 43 + 7 23 + 7 20 + o 49 + 5 6 + 4 22 + 5 7 -10 43 + 35 5 + i 54 + 2 9 33 + 24 3 + 7 2 + 3 5 - 8 43 + 88 46 + 5' 37 + '4 49 + 'i 37 + 15 53 + 4 58 + 50 10 + 8 39 + 3 I' + 10 32 10 50 + 18 48 + 20 19 + 2 37 O 22 + 22 59 + 34 3 + 19 i + 8 22 + 19 26 + 10 9 + 80 + 17 IS + 0-05 o-oi 0-09 + '7 + o-oo 0-06 + 0-06 + '44 4- o-oi + 0-20 + O'02 O'OI + 0-06 0-36 + O'Ol O-02 + O'06 + "5 + O'OI O'O2 + 0-04 + 0-08 + o - i6 O'OI + o'7 + o-oi + '3 + 0-07 + O'O2 + 0-04 + o - o6 + O'O2 O'I2 + O'OI 0-14 + O'OI O'OI + 0-13 + O'O2 + 0-21 O'OI - 0-13 + O'o8 + o-oi + 0-06 + '5 O'OO + 0-04 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, i 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, i 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, i 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1 890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. Ten Year, 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. 1890. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 158 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREEN WICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Name of Star. Ephemeris. Magnitude. Tabular Right Ascension, 1898-0. Approximate Declination. Correction to Ephemeris. Greenwich Catalogue. L 6-5 h m 8 2 27 18-80 + 14 3? s + O'O4 Ten Year 1800. Piazzi II. 123 C.T. C'O 2 3O 2Q'O7 + 6 24 + O'OQ Ten Year, 1890. v Ceti jST.A. 4'Q 2 3O 3I'I7 + 5 Q O'OO Ten Year, 1890. 3 i Arietis L. 5-6 2 ?I 4'O4 f- 12 O + O - O3 Ten Year, 1890. 8 Ceti N A 4/1 2 ^4. I C 'l8 07 O'OI Ten Year i 890 jj. Arietis L c-8 2 ^6 ^6*76 4- iq 3; + O'O2 Ten Year, 1890. [j. Ceti L 4/4. 2 ^Q 2C'4? + Q 41 4- 0*12 Ten Year 1890 40 Arietis L 6*1 2 4.2 4.8'8o + 17 52 -1- O'O4. Ten Year 1 890 Tauri . . L 6-6 i J * 3? A. Tauri . C T i> * u 73 -(-22 53 A 1 Tauri N A 4. '4. 55 J 5 3c8 ao*7o -4- 21 .< fi A' 2 Tauri L* O'C J JV /7 Groombridge 750 4'4S 6-21 36-85 26-64 9'5 6 11-25 lo'oi 10-09 10*27 10-54 11-49 11-68 12-69 12-37 12-42 12-58 -3'36 13-68 15-21 -18-55 18-50 18-51 18-58 -18-47 18-69 -18-57 is -65 18-60 18-57 18-68 18 85 18-76 58 Pegasi y Piscium Bradley 3147. 12 Ceti 51 Piscium., e Piscium... 26 Ceti 73 Piscium., e Piscium.... 33 Ceti Piscium.. /Piscium... Polaris Polaris..., .. W 12-380 ii 13-146 12-380 "'977 11-527 23- 5- H'SS 23. 12. I4'O9 23. 28. zi"6i o. 25. 15-09 o. 27. 33-15 o. 58. 5-18 0. 59. 0-24 1. o. 1-79 ' 3-33-39 i. 5-45" 12 i. 8.39'SS I. 12. 59-19 I. 23. 30-22 I. 23. 24-36 14-03 1 3 '77 '9'49 14*66 32-69 472 59-80 i '34 32-94 44-68 39-05 5S74 21 '06 19-32 57-59 57-05 5-29 54'54 I2-5I 43"5 2 38-59 40*09 11-49 23-16 17-37 36-80 1-82 1-82 16*44 16*72 14-20 2O'I2 20-18 21 "20 2 1 '2 1 21-25 21-45 2I-52 21-68 21-94 19-24 17-50 -1877 -18-76 -19-04 -19-01 -18-73 -18-70 -18-69 -18-74 -18-72 -18-75 -18-83 1898 October 14. 69 Aquilse E 8 12-380 f Delphini E ' 6 75 Draconis i EJ 9 ft. Aquarii E \ 9 32 Vulpeculse ' El 9 33Vulpeculse E ! 9 y Etjuulei 9 ,, 20. 23. 46-37 20. 27. 47-30 20. 34. 0-46 20. 46. 36-75 20. 49. 39-56 20. 53. 9-67 21. 4. 50*22 45'73 46-65 59-40 36-10 38-90 9'O2 49-57 22-86 23-79 35-71 13-10 '5 '94 46-09 26-50 37-13 37''4 36-31 37-00 37 '4 37-07 36-93 Killorglin. 36-60 36-64 36-53 36-57 36*61 36-50 Groombridge 3548 . 8 Aquarii d Aquarii a Aquarii y Aquarii H Pegasi 9-946 12*380 21. 19. 15-13 21. 25. 39*03 21. 33. 50-31 22. I. 0-49 22. 15. 5fI7 22. 44. 32-47 14-82 38-52 49'79 59-97 50-65 3 I- 95 53-96 -5'45 26-70 36-82 27'47 8-85 39''4 36*93 36-91 36-85 36-82 36-90 3 6 '55 36-56 36-56 36-56 36-72 1898 October 18. ( Cygni... e Pt'giisi... o A<-uarii. 12*360 20 - 4 1 - 397' 21. 38. 46*17 22. o. 8*59 39-52 46*08 8-53 7-96 '437 36-78 28*44 28-29 28-25 Killorglin. 27-89 27-90 27-92 t Pegasi.. 8 Pegasi . Polaris .., Wi 9 W 9 W 10 12*360 H 13*365 22. I. 51*36 22. 4. 39*06 I. 22.43-77 5I-2I I 19-48 38-98 | 7-25 35-30! 3-04 28*27 28-27 27'74 27-95 1898 October 22. Killorglin. 75 Draconis.... 33 -Vulpeculfe . 6 Capricorni... y Equulei i Pegasi $ Aquarii d Aquarii e Pegasi 7 Aquarii E Bradley 2993 E $ Pegasi i E 58 Pegasi E Aquarii [ E y Piscium E T Pegasi i E 12*360 12*360 14-771 12*360 20. 34. 25-61 20. 53. 36-52 21. O. 7-42 21. 5. 17-07 21. 17. 16-23 21. 26. 5*92 21. 34. 17-22 21.39. 5'' 22. l6. 18-41 22. 21. 22*87 22. 58. 45*12 23. 4.4878 23. 8. 58*06 23. ii. 48-31 23. 15. 30-85 36-22 7*22 l6*8o 5'94 5*69 16-97 iS'io 20-45 44'73 48-46 57-76 47^9 30-47 34H3 45-94 16-95 26-39 2 5'59 '5-34 26-59 14-31 27-39 29-24 676 56-98 39'5 : 9-90 9-72 I 973 ! 9'59 : 9-65 9-65 9-62 9'57 ! j 9-29 8'79 9*10 9-08 9-00 8-99 9*04 8*90 8*88 8-82 8-94 8-97 8*98 8*95 8-83 8-84 8-78 878 8-85 v Pegasi K Piscium Bradley 3147. 4 Ceti 5 Ceti y Pegasi 26 Ceti 73 Piscium 77 Piscium Andromeda;. 33 Ceti Piscium Polaris . . . Polaris. 12*360 D 13-080 12*360 5 12-360 4 5 9 9 8 13-786 12-183 23. 20. 12-98 23- 37^3 23. 28. 0*1 1 O. 2". 26*68 O. 2. 54*92 o. 7.55-00 0. 58. 30*28 o- 59- 3'78 1. o. 28-83 3 - [4*88 9-05 57*11 . 23. 2-24 5- 1 2 '60 37 '5' 5 6 -93 26-37 54-61 30-03 3--52 28-58 57-50 14-63 875 50-78 21-52 46-62 3-40 35-05 3-22 38-64 40-13 37''9 6*23 23*22 17-43 3-16 3-16 8-92 9*11 6-47 8-68 8'6i 8-82 $*6i 8*61 8-61 873 8'59 8-68 12-38 8'79 8-74 8-94 '8-69 8-62 8-86 8-87 8-87 8-87 9 "oi 8-88 The rate of Clock Graham 2 was altered after Oct. 1 1 by mechanical adjustment. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 161 tar's Name. S I .i - = Observed Transit. ill 3 B.SC -5*53 Star's Name. I p 1 10 Observed Transit. 1898 October 23. 1 6 Pegasi ; Ej 9 12-360 9 17 Pegasi. 18 Pegasi a Aqiiiirii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi 8 Aquarii Bradley 2993. T Pegasi K Piscium Bradley 3147.... i Andromeda. . 78 Pegasi 19 Piscium 22 Piscium... 5 , .. 9i .. 9 . 9 > 7 | 12-360 9 ii 3 12*360 9 9 9 21. 48. 26-13 21. 51. 59-05 21.55. 3 '4' 22. O. 34"II 22. 2. 1 6 '67 22. 5- 4'55 22. II. 28 '71 2579 5873 3'10 33-8 16-33 4-24 28 '40 2876 1-69 6 '05 3671 19-41 7''9 31-27 22. 21. 26-99 | 25-69 , 28*99 23. 15. 36-68 23. 21. 43-98 2 3 . 28. 2-53 23.33. 978 23- 38- 53'4 23. 41. 12-64 23. 46. 46-41 36-42 4374 1-50 9-50 53'4 12-40 46-17 39'5 46'57 3''4 12*39 55^6 15-06 48-93 1898 October 28. a Aquarii W 8 12-360 44 Piseium W 5 Polaris... .. W 10 Polaris 7) Piscium . . a. Arietis.... 1 5 Arietis . -Ceti 9 Arietis... Arietis.. . J 2 Ceii. \\ 22. O. 40-88 39'75 36*65 o. 20. 19*23 i 18*14 14-93 14-056 I. 22. 13-47 ; 58-93 2-55 1898 October 30. 61 Cygni E 7 Equulei E C Cygni K a Equmei E 30 Capricorn! E i Pegasi E Groombridge 3548 K Aquarii E 17 Pegasi W 18 Pegasi I W a Aquarii | W 1 1'egasi i W o Pegasi \V 6 Aquarii \V y Aquarii W Bradley 2993 W 17 Aquarii W 7) Pegasi W \Pc-gasi W 70 Aquarii j W ,u Pegasi-. W /3 Pegasi E 1898 October 31. 32 Vulpeculae E 16 Delphini E 33 Vulpeculie | E 9 Capricorni | E y Equulei E fCygni E oEquulei j E 30 Capricorni ! E Groorobridge 3548 E 3 Aquarii K w'-Cvgni W 1 6 IVy-isi W 12-068 12-360 12-360 12-360 13-054 I. 22. 22-I9 1. 26. 9-98 2- L33-95 5 . 6-89 7.44-20 3572 29-54 2. 22. 52-94 2. 2. 2. 12 2. I 9 , 9"l6 33-29 6*14 43'25 28*62 5 '"97 2. 26-10 25-92 5. 30-52' 29-71 8. 42*46 42*06 10. 5 1 "29 50*40 12. 22*86 1 7. 29-49 '9- 33'37 12*360 2 1 . 26. 19*62 21-55 28*87 49*56 18-54 12*360 21.52. 21.55. 22. O. 22. 2. 22. 5. 22. II. 22. 1 6. 22. 21. 22. 30. 22. 38. 22. 41. 22'. 43. 22. 45. 5-84 10*29 41-10 23-31 II'47 35'82 31-81 18*57 15*42 20*86 44*96 17-09 12*71 oj 4' 10 7 5 61 79 '12 42 j '43 , '39 ! 9 i 16 22*44 26*29 38*69 47-07 17*96 25-47 47-16 15-23 '59 5*96 36*62 19*31 7-10 31-18 27*29 27-38 10-97 16*99 40-94 12*47 8*68 12-360 22.58. 57-59 57-141 53*74 12-360 14-772 12-360 12-360 20. 50. 19-64 20. 50. 54-26 20. 53. 50*00 21. O. 21 '70 21. 5. 3075 21. 8. 42*64 21. 1O. 51*59 21. 12. 23-11 21. ig. 32*16 21. 26. 19*92 21-43* 771 21. 48. 32*82 19*20 5 3 '44 49*41 20*23 29*88 42 26 50-61 21 '63 51*96 18*71 7'99 15*63 49-83 45*89 16-80 26-28 38-67 47-06 18-16 46-80 15-22 4-32 28-64 Killorglin. 2 '55 6-28 30-42 3'33 40-37 32-11 2-97 2-96 2*95 2-90 ro8 = '95 2-87 3'3 3-08 2-83 1*64 2*89 2*82 2-66 2-76 3-10 3-21 + 3-62 2*88 2*87 2'8l 2'88 2-87 2-84 2-40 2-41 2-41 2-38 2*46 2-41 2*89 2-67 2-77 273 | 2-58, 2-70 co Piscium 29 Piscium 33 Piscium 4 Ceti 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. Piazzi 0. 60 10 Ceti 51 Piscium e Andromeda. ... 70 Piscium. ( Piscium... 33 Ceti Piscium.. /Piscium... Greenwich. 3 2-87 2*85 2-79 1*86 2*85 2-82 48-92 3-05 i 3-03 27 Arietis i W 31 Arietis W 8 Ceti W H Arietis : W M Ceti W o Tauri E {Tauri K /Tauri E Piazzi III. 8; E 9 Taui-i j K Piazzi III. 103 E Greenwich. - 3-48 i - 3'37 V33 3'59 3'4 2*40 3*31 3-48 3 '47 3-48 3 '5 3 '5 2*74 3H5 3 '44 3-45 3 '43 3 '4 3'57 3-6, 3'52 3 '43 3 "60 3 '59 3'55 3'47 5*16 3-49 3*67 3-66 3'45 3 '40 | 3*62 3^3 3'34 - 348 3'47 3'49 - 3'5 3-52 - 3-46 3'45 - 3-46 3 "44 3'4i a Pegasi E 58 Pegasi | E Pegasi . K Piscium Bradley 3147 27 Piscium 29 Piscium 33 Piscium , y Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. Bradley 1672 S.P. 58 Piscium 5 Piscium 20 Ceti 2 Ursae Minoris 17 Ceti 33 Ceti r Piscium f 1 Piscium /Piscium Polaris Polaris . Greenwich. 3'59 - 3-63 3*54 3'45 - 3*62 - 3*61 3-57 3-51 3' 6 9 3-68 17 Pegasi 18 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi Bradley 2993. a Aquarii i) Aquarii A. Pegasi u Pegasi A Aquarii Bradley 3147. i Piscium Groombridge 2283 S.P E 10 12-360 12-566 12-360 12-360 12-586 12-360 12-488 12-360 11-286 12-360 12-360 11*393 12-360 12-360 11-523 12-360 13-209 13-201 12-360 h m a 23- 54- 6-33 23- 5 5 - 3772 o. o. 8 "96 O. 2. 3270 o. 8. i -05 o- '3- 4779 o. 19. 19*16 O. 21. 25-77 O. 27. IO-25 o. 33. 12-27 o. 56. 51*30 0. 57. 41-78 1. 5. 2I"28 i. 8. 15-50 I. 12. 34-94 2. 25. 2372 2. 31. 12*98 2. 34. 24*00 2. 36. 45*72 2. 39. 34-48 3- 9* 34'84 3. 19. 27*94 3.21.47-06 3- 25- 23*05 3.28.28-35 3' 3. 33. 48-20 22. 59. 23. 5. 2 3 . 20. 23.21. 23. 2 7 . 23- 53- 23. 56. o. o. o. 8. o. 14. o. 14. o. 41. 0.43. o. 47. 0. 54. 1. 3. I:!: i. 8. I. 12. I. 22. 48*95 1-63 25-42 50-85 49 "oo 36*02 4474 15-78 7'53 32-94 2975 51 "02 5677 59-98 36-84 27-68 11*41 33-18 41-36 23*66 I. 22. 23-8 21. 52. 21. 55. 22. O. 22. 2. 22. 5 . 22. 21. 22. 25. 22. 30. 22. 41. 22. 45. 22. 47. 2 3 . 2 7 . 23- 34- 6-07 10*64 41-42 23-49 11-73 16*96 24*08 '573 45-16 12-86 2677 45'95 51-12 6*09 3 7 '49 873 32-46 0-80 49-04 18-92 25'53 lO'OI 1 2 '01 50-98 41*46 20*97 15*17 34*63 22-92 12*08 22*88 46-98 33'54 8-44 26-99 46-13 22-18 27-58 6*21 47-40 8-83 40*25 1 1 '36 35-04 3-46 51-66 21 '46 28-06 I2-52 I4-58 53*20 43'5 6 23*22 I7H3 36-86 19-89 9-06 19-94 4' '93 30'54 10*44 24*25 43*28 I9-39 24*79 3-3 44-57 48*24 0-81 24-87 49-89 5*88 34-97 4370 14-69 6'8i 5869 57'24 50-23 3 ''47 11-86 35-66 26-72 10*99 32-31 40-42 7'53 10-07 9*68 40-31 22-96 10*76 31 "26 22-74 14*63 44*58 12*31 25-50 57i 50-13 44-85 57H5 21-45 46-51 1-61 31-49 4O "2 1 H-32 3 '44 53*61 53-61 4676 27-98 52-27 8-85 3 2 '07 | 23-23 7-45 28-72 36-88 2-57 2'57 2-74 2-76 2-63 2-58 2-66 2-62 2-54 2'53 2-51 2-57 2 "22 2"IO 2-2| 2-26 3'3 3*02 2*94 3-05 3-00 -f- 2-00 2*74 - 2*85 z'79 2-79 2-91 - 2-83 3 '39 3'36 3*42 4-27 3>8 3 '49 3'37 3 '37 5*08 - 3 '47 3 '49 3-01 3 '59 3'49 3 '54 3'59 i 3 '54 ' 4'9 6 7 '5 2-5 2*63 2*59 2*69 2-62 2-62 2-63 271 2 "46 2'35 2 '53 2'55 2'54 2 99 2-89 3-02 2-97 2-71 2-82 2-76 2*76 2-94 2*70 3*40 3-37 3'43 3 39 3'49 3'37 3 '37 3'47 rs3 3-53 i* 5 8 - 36*61 19-29 7*09 27*16 19*15 10*95 4 '9 3 8*66 21-83 1*40 3*65 373 3-70 3-67 3 '67 4-10 3-59 3*68 3-65 3-65 3*67 4'3- 3-60 - 3-67 3-74 3 '-i - 5*68 3*68 3*60 3*66 3 66 3*68 3*60 162 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Star's Name. Observed Transit. - ' ir Sill Star's Name. < ' Observed Transit. r 1898 October 31 continued. 20 Piseium w Piseium 30 Piseium 33 Piseium 4 Ceti Piazzi 0. I y Pegasi Bradley 16728.?. 15 Ceti 55 Piseium. 58 Pigciimi. Piazzi 0. 18 1898 November 1. a Equulei 30 Caprieorni i Pegasi Groombridge 3548. Aqnarii { Aqnarii d Aquarii Pegasi ir' 2 Cygni 16 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi 6 Pegasi 6 Aquarii y Aquarii Bradley 2997. 1898 November 3. 30 Capricorn! Groombridge 3548. /3 Aqnurii ............ d Aquarii ............ e Pegasi .............. a Aquarii ............. i Pegasi ............... Pegasi .............. Aquarii ............. y Aquarii ............ Bradley 2993 ...... . a Aquarii ............ 58 Aquarii ........... i\ Aquarii ............ A Pegasi .... 70 Aqnarii . p Pegasi.... X Aquarii .. $ Pegasi.... a Pegasi .... 58 Peg.-isi... Aqnarii .. y Piseium . . if 3 Aquarii . v Pegasi.... 1898 November 4. { Aquarii i E d Aquarii E f Pegasi i E 18 Pegasi 'W a Aquarii W , Pegasi W Pegasi i W Hradley 2993. T, Pegasi X Pegasi 12*360 12-414 I2'3IO 12*360 9*811 12*360 12-360 5 9 9 9 10 i H'545 12*360 "'375 12-360 12-360 23.42. 51-14 2 3- 54- '3"4i 23. 56. 53-10 O. O. l6'Z2 O. 2. 39-92 o. 5. 14-96 o. 8. 7-87 o. 14. 39-27 o. 33- 74 o. 34. 42*06 o. 41. 51-13 o. 43. ii '07 49^7 12*45 51-87 14-99 377 '374 7*09 59H7 41-65 50-49 10*28 21. 8. 21. IO. 21. 12. 21. 17. 21. 19. 21. 26. 21. 32. 21. 34. 21. 39. 21.43. 21. 48. 51-83 2 3"3 2 29-94 32-23 20*14 28-25 3-"35 18*86 778 32*98 22. O. 41-36 22. 2.23*55 22. 5. II '78 22. II. 36*18 22. l6. 32-14 22. 21. 38*79 21. 12. 21. I 7 . 21. 19. 21. 26. 21. 34. 21. 39 22. O. 2 3"37 30*09 35-00 20*35 3i'47 19*09 42*40 | 50-82 I 21-79 ! 29*26 26*95 30*27 "7'95 8*07 3 2 '45 40*24 23*02 10*80 34*90 31-00 54*00 21*94 29*39 5'-57 19*16 30*43 1019 22. 2. 22. 5. 22. II. 22. l6. 22. 21. 22. 2 5 . 22. 26. 22. 30. 22. 41. 22.43. 22. 45. 22. 47. 22. 58. 22. 59. 23. S . 23. 9 . 2 3 . 12. 23. 13. 23. 20. 7 J ~ J 41-78 40*69 12*14 36*5I -8-34 2 4"44 26-43 i6'n 45 '59 17-82 '3 "35 27*13 58*31 4974 2-44 12-07 2-07 49-19 26*23 11*17 35-28 3 ' -4-* 30*81 2 3-'5 25*14 15*02 44 '99 16-55 12*77 25-92 57*82 48*96 ''55 10-88 1*06 47-95 12-360 21.32.28-70127-48 21.34.31-79 30*76 ,, 21.39.19*26 18*37 12-360 ' 21. 55. I I'27 ,, ! 22. O. 42*08 ! 22. 2. 24*29 J22. 5.12*50 9*390 ! 22. 21. 18*23 12*360 ! 22. 38. 21*84 ,, '22.41.45*92 10-31 40-99 23-70 11*53 3'5S 21*36 45' 2 9 46*32 879 48*19 11*32 35-01 10*01 3 "43 56-11 38*00 46*76 6*58 38*65 47*04 18*13 -*5'44 46-42 15-20 23*23 26-45 14-17 4*29 28*63 36*60 19*28 7-07 31-16 27-27 51-13 18-11 25-41 45*62 15-18 26-42 14*15 3<5"57 19-25 7-05 31*13 27*24 26*40 19*12 21 *OI 10*92 40*90 I2*42 8-63 21*79 537 44*81 57"4i 6-66 56-89 ' 21*41 ' 23*19 26*41 14-13 5-89 36-56 19*24 7*04 26*12 16-92 40-88 4-09 4-I3 4-14 4'-3 4-12 4-I5 4-14 4-22 4''7 4' 2 7 4*22 4*29 4'35 4*24 4-42 4 "43 4-46 4 '49 4'43 4 '44 4*41 Greenwich. 3-65 3*66 3*68 3*67 3*76 373 3*66 5*58 37 2 3-65 373 37 375 3*78 3*66 3*82 5''3 3*69 3-72 3*82 3*78 3-78 3-82 3*64 374 373 374 373 2*87 3-S3 3*98 5-95 3*98 4*01 4-04 4-12 4-12 4*12 4-15 4*18 4-41 4-03 3*65 3*66 3-68 3*67 3-76 373 3-66 37 2 ! 3-65 3'73 ! 37 . v Andromedse 20 Ceti 2 Ursa; Minoris. 26 Ceti 77 Piseium e Piseium 33 Ceti f 1 Piseium /Piseium Polaris.... Polaris. Greenwich. 3 77 3-80 3-68 3-84 37 1 374 3*84 3-80 3*80 3*65 375 374 375 374 a Aquarii 58 Aquarii .... f Pegasi \ Pegasi 70 Aqnarii . . . . Pegasi a Pegasi 58 Pegasi Aquarii y Piseium j/ 3 Aquarii .... Bradley 3147. 21 Piscium .... 22 Piscium ... a Piscinm 29 Piscium .... Greenwich, 4 M o Greenwich. 4'3- 4-37 4-26 4'44 4>5 4*48 4'5- 4'45 4*42 E E B E E i E E K E E 12-310 13*164 12*360 1 1 -422 W 10 11*966 o. 44. 19 o. 47. 56 o. 54. 56 0. 58. 43 1. o. 41 i. 3.16 i. 5.27 i. 8.33 I. 12. 41 I. 22. 8 71 I I9*92 56-04 I n-68 i 42-30 40*90 15*21 26-94 32-49 40'6i 4-41 1.22. H*32| 5*30 12*360 12*360 10*184 12-360 22. 25. 24-19 22. 26. 26*13 22. 36. 30-97 22. 41. 45*18 22. 43. 17-57 22. 58. 22. 59. 2 3 . 5. 2 3- 9- 23. 12. 2 3- '3- 23. 27. 23. 44. 23. 46. 23. 54. 23. 56. 57^7 49*38 2*14 1 1 "69 '74 48*83 44H5 2 3'39 5376 13*60 45*28 22-84 24-78 30-09 44-61 l6'22 57-40 48*59 I "22 10-43 0-68 47^9 4-59 22-29 52*69 12*62 44*09 16*26 52*26 8*81 38-65 37*20 "'55 23-23 28-72 36-88 2 '55 2 '55 19*14 , 2I " 3 26*42 40*92 12-44 53'7 2 44-83 57-43 6*67 56*90 43-68 1-16 18-47 48-87 8-78 40*20 3*66 - 378 - - 2-S 7 - 3-65 3-70 : 377 3'73 1*86 - 2 '75 3-70 375 3' 6 9 378 3-68 3-76 379 3-76 378 3-8, 3'43 3-82 3*82 3*84 3-89 5*86 K Piscium Bradley 3147 a Andromeda? Pitizzi 0. I. Pi;izzi 0. 33 Bradley 1672 S.P 4*I4 12 Ceti 4'I4 5 Piscium z Ursae Minoris .. Piscium e Piscium 4*11 T Piscium C 1 Pisoium Polaris 4-15 4-I3 Polaris . . 4-18 o Piscium ... A'28 4'*3 E 9 12*360 23. 21. 51*74 I 50*69 | 46*48 4-21 E 10 11-849 23.27.47*47' 5*63 0-62 501 E 9 12*360 o. o. 16*54 1 15*36 ii '30 4-06 E 9| ,, o. 3.15-89 15-42 11-34 4-08 E 9 ., i o- 5- '5"35 H'18 9*994-19 E; 9| I O. 12. 43-15 42*11 37*80 4-31 E 10 10*794 0.14.38*29 1*43 54*99 6*44 E 9 12*360 0.24.59-87 58*72154-51 4*21 \V \V W W W W W W| W 12-360 13*676 12*360 14*352 0.43.33*12 32*18 27-97 o. 55. o'oi 12*84 8*62 o. 57. 48-66 ' 47*72 j 43*57 i. 3. 16*77 4. 10*83 i. 6. 12*11 8. 34*01 I. 12. 42-13 I. 22. I7*42 E i 16 11*870 i. 22. 13*94 W 1 1 616 12*360 I. 22. 20'22 I. 34. 20 46 I. 36. 17*28 I. 40. IO*3I I. 49. 1O*12 '579 10*51 11*65 33"7 41*11 4*81 37 2 7-61 19*69 16*30 9*40 9 '44 11*55 6*25 7 '44 28*72 36-89 2*13 4-21 4-22 4*24 4*26 4-21 4'35 4-22 2*68 2*13 1*59 2-13 -5'45 12*09 5*18 5 '-7 5*48 4*24 4*21 4-22 4''7 3*65 377 3*64 3*69 3*65 3-70 376 3-72 37i 3*76 3*68 3-70 379 3' 6 9 377 3-80 3-68 379 3-82 '3-82 3*82 3*84 3-89 4'22 4"o6 4-08 4-19 - 4-21 4*20 - 4*14 - 4' 2 3 4-25 4-20 4-34 4*21 4*22 4*I 9 4*20 4'-5 M Pegasi 3 Pegasi a Pegasi E 58 Pegasi E Aquarii E y Piscium E ip Aquani E v Pegasi E K Pisciuin E 12*360 : 22. 45. 13*68 ! 13*07 ; 8*62 I 4-45 4*46 12*360 22. 58. 58*47 57*96 53*68 22. 59. 49*82 2 3 . 5. 2-63 23. 9. 12-25 23. 12. 2-25 23. 13.49-36 23. 2O. 26*41 23. 21. 51-93 49*03 '"74 1 1 '06 1*23 48*10 -579 50*88 44*80 57-40 6*65 56-88 43*66 21 -40 46-47 4*28 4'34 4-41 4'35 4'44 4"39 4 "4 1 4-29 4*24 4^5 4*42 4-36 4'45 4-40 4*42 October 31. The R.A. micrometer was inadvertently left at reading 12*310 from 15 Ceti to 20 Ceti. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 163 Star's Name. , I +* ** 9 iS & ", 5 Observed Transit. Star's Name. ** S W2 Observed Transit. g g is" -S I 5 5 I* B||| 1898 November 5. Greenwich. t Pegasi 1 6 Pegasi 17 Pegasi 18 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi fl Pegasi 8 Aquarii 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993. a Aquarii 58 Aquarii .... T) Pegasi \ Pegasi 70 Aquarii ... H Pegasi \ Aquarii o Pegasi 58 Pegasi Aquarii.... . 7 Piscium ijr Aquarii .... *3- 5- 23. 9. 19-58 33-80 7*00 11*55 24 '44 12*66 37*10 15-57 25-06 27-04 16*70 31*90 22*29 58-83 3*04 12-67 12-360 12-592 12*360 12*360 12-900 12-360 12-360 12-129 12-360 21. 10. 52*73 21. I 9 . 37-48 21. 26. 20-96 21.43. 9'3 ii. 48. 34-11 2i: 55. 11*79 22. 2. 24*76 22. 7. 26*45 22. ii. 37*01 22. 16. 33*18 22. 21. 21*44 22. 25.25-13 22. 41. 22.45. 22. 47. 22. 58. 22. 59 . 23- 5- 23. 9 . 2 3 . 12. 2 3 . 13. 23. 2O. 23.21. 23.27. 2 3- 33- 46-40 14-11 27-78 59-10 5'47 3*18 12*67 46-52 4974 27*03 52-40 53''7 17-46 1 8*60 33"'9 6-07 10*51 23*82 11*61 3576 29*96 23*66 2 5' 6 3 15*52 30*94 22*15 58*26 2*05 11*35 52*26 49*00 20*36 9'54 33*89 11-32 24-54 26-98 36-36 32*61 29*51 2 4'45 46*17 13*89 27*15 58*94 50*12 2*76 12*06 45-87 49*08 26*79 51-88 5''7 17*58 14-10 28*55 1-50 5-87 19*20 7*01 31*09 2 5'54 19*08 20*97 10*88 26*36 '7 '49 53*66 57'38 6*63 46*92 4 2 77 15-08 4*06 28*48 5*81 19*14 21*56 31*04 27*15 24'45 19*03 40*80 8*54 21*71 53*61 4473 57'34 6-59 40*42 43*60 21*34 46*40 58*49 12*17 4*50 4-64 4-57 4-64 4-62 4*60 4*67 4*42 4-58 4*66 4*64 4*58 4*66 4*60 4*67 47 2 5'34 - 6*23 - 5*28 5*48 - 5'4- - 5-5i 5 '4 5-42 - 5-32 - 5 '4-5 5 "06 5'42 5'37 - 5-35 5H4 - 5'33 5-39 5'4 2 5'47 5H5 - 5-4S 5 - 45 - 5-48 6*68 5*41 4'S 1 4*65 4*58 4-65 4-63 4-61 4-68 4'59 4-67 4-65 4-59 4*66 4-60 4*67 4'7 2 i|r Aquarii ip Aquarii u Pegasi K Piscium Bradley 3147 22 Piscium 27 Piscium 30 Piscium 33 Piscium 5 Geti Piazzi 0. I y Pegasi Biadiey 1672 S.P.. / Piscium.. Polaris P Piscium . Greenwich. 5-37 5*30 - 5*50 - 5-43 5-53 - 5 "42 5'44 5-34 - 5-38 - 5-36 5-45 5'34 5'4 5-43 - 5-4* - 5-46 5 '49 5*46 5'49 - 5'4i i Piscium 20 Piscium 21 Piscium 22 Piscium 27 Piscium 33 Piscium 5 Ceti Piazzi 0. I 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. . E . E . E S Piscium 20 Ceti 2 Ursse Minoris. e Piscium 77 Piscium , -7 Ceti 33 Ceti T Piscium f 1 Piscium Polaris.... E E B E . W . W . W . w . w . w . w w . w .: w Polaris.... E Polaris T- Piscium . w \v 12*360 13*090 12*360 13*789 12*360 10*048 12*360 12*360 11*126 12*360 ii 13*072 12*360 14*262 11*520 12*282 12*360 46*43 49-75 2675 52*28 45*68 23. 12. 2 3- '3- 23. 20. 23.21. 23. 27. 23. 46. 23- 53- 23. 56. o. o. o. 3. o. 5. o. 8. 8-84 0. 14. 41*22 1. 12. 42-58 I. 22. 12*79 I. 25. 0*74 54*10 17*20 9*00 '5'95 45*04 48-35 26*06 51*11 4*72 53'44 36*09 52*78 15*89 7*76 14*65 7 '97 2-52 4" '47 7*42 59*69 o. o. o. o. 14. 25*89 0.43. 33*83 o. 47. 58-21 0. 55. 4*29 <- 57- 49 '34 o. 43*11 3- 38-25 5. 29*16 6. 12*99 8. 34*71 1. 22. 30*07 23-83 54*29 36*90 16*69 8*63 15*51 877 2*86 33-37 57^5 12*59 48-89 42-62 37'57 28-64 12-84 34' 2 5 '33 i. 22. 33*84, 6-49 I. 22. 34*15 4-41 I. 26. 12*03 11*67 23. 34. 52*28 5I-8l 23. 42. 52*23 [ 51*66 23. 44. 24*35 23. 46. 54*79 2 3- 53- 37-48 o. o. 17-30 3. 9*21 5. 16*11 8. 9*12 40*46 43 ' 6 4 21*38 46-45 59*69 48*84 31*38 48-15 11-28 3'-4 9 '97 3'4" 56*38 36*89 1*23 55''5 46-44 46*24 18*40 48*8 1 31*42 11*25 3*11 9'94 P 8 58*19 2 7'95 52*24 7*72 43'5 6 37*19 32*05 23*22 7 '44 28*7, 59*86 59*86 59*86 6*30 4*58 47' 4-68 4*66 5*03 4*60 47i 4-63 4*61 4*62 4*68 4*56 6*14 4-58 6-19 4 - 54 - 5'37 5'42 5'43 - 5-48 - 5-48 5 "44 - 5'5* 5'57 5 '39 - 4-67 SH 2 5'4- - 4-87 5'33 5 "43 5'5 2 5'4 2 5'4 5'54 '47 - 6*63 4-55 5'37 4-58 47" 4*68 4*66 4-60 47* 4-63 4 "61 4*62 4*68 4*56 4*58 4'53 5'37 5 '42 5 '43 5 '4 5-48 5 '44 5'5 2 5'57 5 '39 5'4' 5*40 5 '42 5'5- 5'4' 5-39 5-53 - 5-36 164 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Star's Name. Observed Transit. Ii Ii SH Star's Name. Observed Transit. .3 S .3 E ft 4'45 59'39 5'59 8-51 53-53 447' 5 '94 5-81 5-88 5'95 5-82 5-89 a Andromeda;.. Andromedse. . r Piscium Polaris... W 4 W| 9 W ! 9 W 5 12-360 I 16-666 1] 111 8 0. 3. 17-32 1. 4. 12-05 i. 6. 13-42 I. 22. 34-14 I7*I9 I2*03 I3'3i 5 -2 7 11*27 6*23 7 '44 5-92 5*80 - 5 87 5-89 5-92 579 5-86 1898 November 13. Greenwich. s Pegasi Cephei 7 Aquarii 3 Lacertse Bradley 2993. TJ Aqnarii Pegasi 7| Pegasi o Andromeda;. 6 Pegasi a Pegasi 58 Pegasi Aquarii 7 Piseium j< 2 Aquarii i|i 3 Aquarii v Pegasi 7 Pegasi Bradley 3147.. 18 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi 8 Pegasi Aquarii 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993 Aquarii E 1898 November 17. 12*360 11-265 12*360 22. 5. 36*75 22. 7. 26-64 22. l6. 33'9I 22. 19. 41*67 ' 42'I2 22. 21. 19*28 29-93 22. 30. 17*40 i 16*7! 22. 36. 32*76 : 32*24 22. 38. 22'97 [ 22'8o 36*64 27-36 33-20 12-360 22. 57. 23-11 .. 22 - 59- 59'6o 22. 59. 50-97 .. , 2 3- 5* 377 23. 9. 13-32 ,, 23. 12. 3-42 123.12.47-17 i 2 3- 13- 5o'4i ,23.20.27-66 ,, 23. 24. 10*28 12*540 23. 27. 48-29 12-360 12-622 12*360 12*360 12*360 '3 '479 15*104 12*360 12-360 10*612 22. 5 . 22. II 22. l6 22. 21 21. 55. 13*32 22. O. 43'85 22. 2. 26-63 14-42 38-40 34-60 34-18 22. 25. 26-55 22. 36. 34-05 22. 38. 24-60 22, 41. 48 '54 23. 9 . 14-25 22. O. 49'7O 22. 2.32-35 22. 5. 20 'l8 22. l6. 40-34 22. 21. 39*59 22. 21. 37*28 22. 36. 39*57 22. 38. 30*02 22.41. 53*94 22. 45. 21 *68 22. 47. 34-68 22. 59. 6'8i 22. 59. 57-88 12. IO-26 I 5 . 52-85 23. 23. 2 3 . 21. 59*85 23. 28. 13-13 23. 33.25*91 23. 35. 0*04 23.47. 2-36 o. o. 25*02 23-26 59'4> 50-54 3' 2 5 12-54 2-80 46-35 49-58 27*38 9-81 3*84 '4'59 45 -I 5 27-78 .5-69 3974 35 9' 30-44 27 '91 35-29 15-72 49-70 15-70 50*90 33-47 21*37 4I-55 37-67 37'45 40*87 31-27 55-21 22-94 36-03 8-07 59 -I 7 11*46 53-98 1-05 io'o6 26-94 1*23 3-56 26*20 30-65 21-47 27-11 35-86 23-71 io'8o 26-28 1679 17-52 53'57 447 57'3 6'55 5679 40-38 43"56 21-30 3-84 5772 573 36-40 19-05 6-89 30-96 27-07 22-90 18-95 26*24 16-75 40-72 36-39 19-04 6-88 27*06 22 '60 22'6o 26 23 16-73 40-71 8-44 21-63 53'5 2 44-65 5 6 75 39'24 46-33 56-51 1 2*06 46-45 4875 11*19 5^9 - 5'89 6*09 6*26 6*22 5-91 5'96 6*O I 574 - 5 - 84 - 5'84 5^9 6*01 - 5'97 6 "02 6-08 6-12 6'oo 5-90 6-10 6-27 5 '97 6 '02 575 5-85 5-85 5 '95 5 "99 6"oi 5 '97 6-02 6-08 5 '97 ID Piscium 30 Piscium 33 Piscium a Audromedse 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. 51 Piscium a Cassiopeise c;8 Piscium Piazzi 0. 189 7 Andromeda; 20 Ceti 2 Ursa; Minoris..., / Piscium , Polaris... Polaris /j. Piscium . T; Piscium . Killorglin. 8-86 S3 1 8-80 8-78 8-84 7'54 8-96 9-05 8*97 8-98 9'33 9 "20 9-17 9' 2 3 9-19 9-23 9'37 9-28 9-28 7 Piscium Piazzi 0. 33 58 Piscium S Piscinm 2 Urste Minoiis. 73 Piscium j3 Andromeda;... T Piscium Polaris Polaris. - Piscium . 6-52 9-181 9-37 105 Piscium |W Killorglin. -14-51 -'4'43 -14-49 -14-49 -15-07 -14-85 -14-64 -14-54 -14-50 -14-50 -14-40 ->4'55 -14-52 -14-71 -'474 -'473 -13-55 -14-88 -14-78 -14-81 -15-01 -14-96 -14-87 -14-92 -14-88 -14-96 -14-85 -14-79 -14-78 -14-67 -14-78 -1475 -14-89 -14-91 -14-86 -14-98 -14-87 -14-86 -15-01 4 Ceti 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P 51 Piscium 14 Ceti e Andromeda 20 Ceti E Andromeda;. 2 Ursa; Minoris i Piscium 73 Piscium e Piscium T Piscium Piscium /Piscium Ceti Polaris.... Polaris o Piscium . 54 Ceti K E B K K B B K E E W W \v 12-360 J23. 54. 15-19 ,, 23.56.54-73 o. o. 17-86 ' - 3- '7'35 o. 8. 9-76 13-616 o. 14. 31-95 12*360 o. 27. 19*02 o-34- 53^9 0.41.53-31 ,, 0.43.13*20 ,, O. 44. 22"l6 ,, o. 47. 58*96 0.55. I-I9 13*059 12*360 10-982 I. 12. 43-69 I. 22. 23*55 14*61 53^5 17-08 17-16 9*32 0*26 18*44 54*22 52*8l 12*59 22*24 58-25 12-15 43"7 12*456 i. 22. 23-68] 3*57 12*360 i. 25. 1*57 j 0*98 i. 26. 12*62 12*18 12-360 11*986 12*360 11-965 10*773 12*360 23. 12. 4'6o 0. 12. 46*00 o. 41. 55-02 o. 41. 36-15 o. 55. 19*69 0. 59. 48-47 1. 4. 14-64 i. 6. 15-90 i. 23. 20*64 i. 23. 22*82 i. 31. 54*91 ' 34- 23*97 6"oi 47 '42 56-38 37'54 17-96 49-87 15-87 17*16 ii '21 56*17 25*18 io'6i2 I o. 2.48-70:49-89 o. 8. 17*02 18-18 14*275 12*360 12-360 o. 14. 9*07 ! 18*47 o. 27. 26-24 27-42 o. 30. 36-96 38-17 -33- 2 8-35 29-46 556 -360 11*991 11*097 12*360 o. 48. 6 r o6 o. 51. 4-22 o. 55- "75 o. 57. 57*44 0. 59. 53-96 ' 3-25-39 1. 6. 21-31 i. 8.31*34 1. 12. 50*77 I. 19. 13-96 I. 23. 18-84 22-89 5875 55' 2 7 26-70 22-56 32-60 52*09 15-3, 16*17 8*69 48 09 11*22 II*26 3*36 59'33 I2H5 48-40 46-72 6*54 16*20 5 2 " 2 3 7'43 36-88 59'''7 59''7 55-'5 6*29 56-76 37-72 46*71 27-92 7-12 40*1 1 6-21 7 '43 46*24 15-46 3-33 I '22 12-42 23-06 14-49 52*21 10-35 6-97 43'54 40'10 II-52 7H2 17 '43 3687 0-08 5-86 5-86 5-90 5-96 '93 5 '99 - 5*82 6*09 6*05 6*04 6'02 472 6-19 : 6'66 j 4 '40 - 5-83 - 5'89 i. 23. 19-59 9*35 57-96 1.40. 19-39 20*57 5*19 1.45.46-28.47-45 31-99 - 9*25 - 970 - 9 -6 7 - 9-62 -10*84 - 9-76 - 9*66 - 973 -12*84 - 6*44 ' 9'93 - 9-72 -15 oo -14-85 -17*25 -15 *oo -15-1 1 -'4 '97 ! -15-18 -15*09 -15-92 -15 *2I -15-17 -15-18 -I5*1 4 -15-17 -15-22 -15*23 -I8-2I -11-39 ->5-38 - 1 5 '46 5-86 5-86 5-90 5-96 5'99 5-82 6*09 6-05 6-04 6 '02 6-18 5-82 5*8- 9'43 9*65 9-5i '"53 9-41 9-41 9'59 9-36 -.4-99 -14-8 -14-90 - 1 5 -oo -14-85 -15-00 -14-90 -14-99 -.4-94 -*4'95 -14-89 -14-91 -14*95 -14*93 -15-00 -15-06 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR DYSON WITH TRANSIT D., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 1G5 Star's Name. Ol)serve;l Transit. H - l|q H - o ii a S ce.2 w ftcc & ? Star's Name. i . Piscium f Piscium Polaris Polaris ........ Piscium. ... 105 Piscium . o Pis'-ium. fCeti E 10 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 9 E 4 23. 20. 40*29 23.22. 5-31 23. 28. i6'6i 2 3- 35- 5"53 23. 39. 14-78 23. 56. 59-11 4 2 -55 46-16 36-72 0-69 28-45 41-51 4 4i 41-40 6-46 14-62 6-68 15-87 0*27 36*38 19-03 6-87 30-94 22-29 i 22*29 26*22 16-72 40-69 8*43 21*62 53-5 44*64 21*25 46*33 56-14 46-37 5573 40-07 19-63 19-79 -19-83 -19-84 20 "o i i 20-26 i 19-94 j 20'OO 2O'OO j 2O'O2 19-89 '9'94 19*98 20*1 C J 20*13 18-38 -20*3, 20*14 2O'2O 22.43- 22. 45. 22.47. 22. 59. 13. o. 2 3- 5 2 3 . 12. 23. 22. 23. 28. 46-56 42-82 55'89 27 86 18-98 31 "62 31-15 20-71 31-19 47-97 44-21 57-29 29-25 20-38 33-03 32-56 22*12 12'20 8-38 21-58 53^6 44-61 57-21 5671 46-30 55-01 -3577 35-7I 3579 -35*82 -35*82 36*05 22.42. 22. 46. 22. 58. 59. 23.22. 23.28. 42*69 10-47 19-17 46-71 59-46 58*92 4''37 48-49 55-21 12-33 21-04 I-32 0- 7 8 43' 2 3 5'35 57-94 40-58 8-3, 17-11 53'39 44-55 57-16 56-65 39-I3 46*25 23. 44. 52-761 54-29 I 18-30 35-99 -63-97 -64-02 -63-93 -64*09 -64*02 -64-16 -64-13 -64-10 -64-10 -64-49 12*360 9-815 12*360 14-620 1 1-089 12*360 o. 44. 36-45 0.49. 0-77 0. 56. 14-23 1. 1.4574 I. 4. 20 - l8 I. 5. 14-78 I. 6.31-86 I. 9. 26*02 1. 13.45-48 1.24. 3-91 1. 23. 53*82 1. 32. 54-89 ' 35- 2 3'99 i. 37. 20-74 1.41. 13-79 i. 47. 38-66 38-06 2 '37 15-58 47-35 21-79 16-41 33'47 27-66 47-09 27-86 52-15 5' 2 5 37-11 11-47 6-15 23-15 17-38 36-82 52-92 1-89 52-92 56-64 j 46*21 2 574 | 15-44 22*48 i 12*08 1 5"53 5 -I 7 40-38 30-12 -70-20 -70-22 -70-33 -70-24 -70*32 -70*26 -70*32 -70-28 -70-27 -7 > "47 -68-97 -70-43 -70-30 -70-40 -70-36 -70-26 Killorglin. -20*07 -20-22 -20*22 -20*24 -20*25 -20*30 -20-29 -20*30 -20*l6 -20*17 -20*20 -20-29 -20*27 -20*40 -2O"22 -20*21 33 Piscium 4 Ceti y Pegasi Piazzi 0. 33 Brailley 1672 S.P. 51 Piscium 14 Ceti e Audromedse 20 Ceti p Andromedae ... 2 Ursie Minoris. t Piscium 33 Ceti Piscium /Piseium Polaris W. 7 \V 9 W, 9 Wj 9 W! 10 W 7 12-360 13-420 12-360 E ; 9 | 12-360 Polaris TJ Piscium . ir Piscium. W 10 W 9 !W q Killorglin. -36-11 -35-98 -36-02 -36-00 -36-02 -36-03 -35-96 36-05 Pegasi ID Pisciura 33 Piscium 4Ceti 5 Ceti y Pegasi ttradley 1672 S.P 51 Piscium 14 Ceti e Andromedse 12-360 12-178 12-360 Killorglin. -64-37 -64-31 -64-18 -64"33 -64-26 -64-38 -64-32 -64-27 -64-25 Bradley 3147 : W i Pisciuiu j W 78 i egasi W 19 Piscium ' W 20 Piscium I W 21 Piscium j W Pegasi W 29 PUeimn W 4 Ceti W y Pegasi W Killorglin. 13-450 12-360 11-097 12-471 12-360 10-846 -70-03 -70-03 -70-02 -70-08 -70*01 -70-07 -70-01 -79'99 -70-07 -69-93 -70-02 -69-97 -69-84 7 Arietis E 9 12*360 Arietis 27 Arietis 29 Arietis v Ceti JCeti fn Arietis 47 Arietis W t Arietis W A Ceti I W a Ceti... IW J Arietis I W Groombridge 2283 S.P W oTauri..... JW /Tauri W 4, 9 1 .. 9 .. 6 9 7 12*360 5 4 9 9 >3" 2 53 12*360 o. o. 30-27 O. 2. 53-99 O. 8. 22 '22 O. 12. 56*84 o. 14. 19-22 o. 27. 31-69 o. 3- 42*34 o- 33- 33-64 3 '"43 55'>5 23*46 57'99 26-47 32*83 43 '49 3473 o. 48. 11-31 o. 51. 29-53 26*62 30*72 42-46 12-59 30-76 27V 31-99 43'74 0-55 3 ' 8.36-65 . . 12. 56-14 57-42 . 23.23-54 23 82 . 23. 24-19 16-89 26.2575 26-88 32. 5-72 6-85 23- 47. 2 3- 54' o. o o. 3. o. 3. o. 8, o. 14 o. 7 o. 30, o-33 5 6 '47 43-09 45'5 2 9-36 37 '3' 3775 41-01 47-08 577" 48-97 23. 28. 57-62 23. 35. 4^ '9 8 23. 39. 58-14 23. 42. 17*42 23. 43. 48*66 23. 45. 20-86 23. 48. 24*58 23. 57. 4 2< 6i o.' 3- 37^ ' o. 9. 5'8o 57-50 50-71 59-85 19-15 5-39 22 59 26-30 44'34 39-24 7'53 8 11-18 | 34-88 , 3-32 377 s 12*42 23*06 14-48 52-20 10-34 6*81 11*5: 23*20 '7'43 36*86 57-46 6-29 46-24 58-01 44-62 47 '5 10-89 39-04 30-28 40-14 48-61 59" 2 4 50-51 22-05 8-62 11-15 34-85 3-02 3-29 3-69 12*39 23*03 '4'45 1.49. 9-43 "''9 2. 20. 34-61 36*35 2. 26. 28-59 3'34 2. 28. 32*66 I 34-41 2. 31. 44'8o i 4 6 '59 2. 35. 28*69 I 30-42 2. 37- 575 5 2 '49 2. 53. 29*28 2- 54- 37'iQ 2. 55- 28 "95 2. 58. 10-78 3- 7- 2 ' 2 3. 10. 1474 3- 2 o. 337' 3. 26. 28-82 30-91 3873 30'57 12-39 3-82 17-17 35^3 30-44 20-25 20-27 20*14 20-29 24*64 20*41 20*43 20*25 20-39 20*42 20*76 20*47 20*54 20*47 20*56 26*36 -19-43 -20-59 -20 -6 1 -20*25 -20-26 20-24 20-31 20-32 20*13 20*22 20*23 20*24 -20*30 -20*22 -20*29 -2O*27 -20*27 -35"96 -36-00 -35-90 -36-04 -36-02 -35'99 -36-45 -36-22 -36*21 -36-06 36-01 36-02 35-90 36-03 36-01 -35*96 -36- 36-10 35'94 53'45 46-29 55 -6 5 14-78 46-09 18-25 22'OD 40*00 34'S' 3-25 -64-05 -64-42 -64-20 64*52 64-28 _ 64-45 64-30 I 64-37 64-34 j 64-40 64-39 -64*36 -64-30 -64-34 -64-43 -64-28 64-42 64-25 0-94 25-92 20 "06 24-03 36*18 20'IO 42-I3 20-23 28-12 I9-97 1-82 53"'4 7-88 24-56 1973 -70-25 -70-43 -70-28 -70-38 -70-41 -70*32 -70-36 -70-68 -70-61 -70-60 -70-57 -70*68 -69-29 -70*77 -70*71 -69-83 -69-88 -69-71 -69*80 -69-82 -69-72 -6975 -70-01 -69-93 -69-92 -69-88 -69-95 -69-99 -69-91 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MB HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. Star's Name Observed Transit. Star's Name. x' 2 Observed Transit. 1898 October 11. Greenwich. 17 Pegasi 18 Pegasi a Aquarii i Pegasi 8 Pegasi y Aquarii Bradley 2993. i\ Aquarii Pegasi n Pegasi! v Pegasi K Pisciiim Bradley 3147. 78 Pegasi 19 Piscium.... 10*560 11-851 10-560 10*560 10-676 10*560 21. 52. ["36 21.55. 57 22. O. 36-26 22. 2. 1 8 '94 22. 5. 679 22. 1 6. 26-90 22. 21. 33-66 22. 30. 10-55 22. 36. 2&-O2 22. 38. l6'7I 20. 21 *O2 21. 45-96 28. 8-04 1-81 6-17 3675 >9"34 7-26 27-39 31-66 1 1 '04 26-47 17-09 21-38 46*40 4-76 2 3- 38. 55'39| 5572 23. 41. 14-52 14-95 1-84 6-21 36-85 9-57 7'33 27-50 3''55 ii "16 26-64 17-21 21-58 46-63 5-30 56-03 15-10 0-03 0*04 O'lO 0-23 0-07 O'll o-n O'I2 0-17 O'I2 O'2O 0-23 0-54 0-3I 0-15 8 O'OI 0*03 0-09 0'22 i o'o6 o'io o'n o'i6 o'n O'2O 0-23 o'-ji 0-15 20 Pisciuin 21 Pisciuin <(> Pegasi co Piscium 29 Piscium..... Bradley 16728.?. Polaris Polaris o Piscium '. Piazzi I. 175 54 Ceti : Arietis a Arietis. ..._ 15 Arietis 10-560 11-313 11-720 1 1 -054 10*560 7-1 22*12 h m 23. 42. 45 "66 46-11 23. 44. 17-85 18-29 23. 47. 21-75 23- 54- 8*25 23. 56.3970 0. 13. 42-41 1. 23. 1 1 "04 23. 10-49 40. 4-44 43. 13-08 3>"35 4'59 45- 49- i. 29-1 , 5. 2'6i ,*6 3 2*04 4*90 13-56 31-80 5*01 30*10 3*03 46-42 18-56 22-31 8*86 40*28 49-27 1-82 1-82 5 '3 3-53 31*80 5-08 30-24 O'-tl 0-27 0*19 0*29 0*10 0*94 0*19 0-03 o'oo 0-07 0-14 O'I2 0-31 0-27 0*19 0-29 o'io 0*14 O'O2 O'OI o'o8 0-15 0*14 1898 October 12. Greenwich. e Pegasi W 16 Pegasi W 17 Pegasi W a Aqunrii W ft Pegasi W X Aquarii W u Pegasi | W Bradley 3147 1 W 19 Piscium. 20 Piscium. 21 Piscium Piazzi 0. I E y Pegasi 10-560 10-250 10-560 9 10*560 9 21. 39. 21. 48. 21. 52. 22. O. 22. 45. 22. 47. 23. 20. 23. 28. 2 3* 4'- 23. 42. 23. 44. 14-10 28-54 I -40 36-27 8-40 2l*4O 21*16 8-82 I4-54 45-71 17*99 o. 5. 9*81 o. 8. 3*22 14-49 28-86 1-78 36*70 8-72 21-86 21-49 4'S7 4'93 46-15 18-41 10*30 3*63 14*44 28*92 ,-83 36-84 8*86 22*00 21*57 5 - '3 15*10 46*42 18*56 0*05 -(- 0*06 T '5 + -'4 + 0-14 + 0-14 + 0-08 -j- 0*16 + -'7 + 0-27 + o-'S 10 "06 0-24 3-48 0-15 0*07 + 0*04 + o-3 -j- 0*12 + 0*07 + '0-17 + 0-27 -)- 0*12 0*24 0*15 Bradley 1672 S.P. 44 Piscinm 10 Ceti 12 Ceti v AndromediK t Piscium e Piscium Polaris Polaris 105 Piscium . o Piscium Piazzi I. 175 . E 10 E E E E E E 10 10-133 10*560 9-005 9*116 10-560 o. 13. 40-51 48-35 o. 20. 14*49 14-96 O. 21. 27-66 j 28 13 o. 24. 54-13 54-62 O. 44. I 6*06 o. 57. 43*16 II "20 11-35 23. 11-58 34. 14-87 40. 4-52 43* '3'7 -6'34 43-60 11*65 '"39 0*67 J 5'*3 4*91 13*48 49'45 i + '-"-> 14-94 28*06 54-54 16*25 11-50 i '90 i '90 'S'3 1 5*04 3'54 0*02 0*07 0-08 0-09 0-08 - 0*15 + '-23 -j- 0-08 T -'3 + 0*06 0*02 0-07 0-08 0-08 0-07 0-14 0-09 0*14 0*07 1898 October 13. Greenwich. y Equulei ..................... j E fCygni ......................... E o Equulei ..................... ' E ft Aquarii d Aquiirii c Pegasi o Aquarii Bradley 2993 rj Pegasi 10*560 3-I59 J 10-560 j 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 22. 22. 21. 22. 38. 26-31 3874 47-08 26*40 14-07 473 36-58 34-25 17-05 26-83 39-18 47-62 15*71 26-95 14-59 s;5 32*18 17-49 26-53 39*00 47'32 2671 I4H3 475 31-15 17-19 0*30 0-18 - 0-30 0-25 0-24 o'i6 0-30 0-31 0*30 O'2I '33 0-28 0*26 0-18 0*32 0-33 0-31 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 55 Piscium Polaris 105 Piscium i/ Piscium 54 Andromedse , o Pisciuin a Arietis . W 9 W; 9 Wj 9 W 20 10*560 10-733 10*560 , 22*86 o. 30. o. 32. o- 34. 23- 34- .36. 37- 40. 2. I. 3O'OO 9'34 I5-OI 11*61 ! 21*69 476 Z3-37 56-46 38-21 59-53 15*46 I2*IO 21*95 5-24 30*42 i.56'i2 38-00 2*01 15*32 11*98 21-68 5'5 30*27 0*22 '34 O'2I + 2- 4 8 0-14 0"I2 0-27 0*19 0-15 O'2I 0-33 O'I2 O'lO 0-25 0-17 0-13 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLLS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 167 Star's Name. 8 I i < = ' Obaerred Transit. sg . = !< "III Star's Name. .1 *. s Observed Transit. 1*? ill! 1898 October 17. Greenwich. i Pegasi Groombridge 3548 , { Aquarii tl Aquarii e Pegasi 16 Pegasi a Aquarii 9 Pegiisi Bradley 2993 j Pegasi W 9 9-702 10*552 10*560 21. 17. 27 29 26*70 , 25*67 12*744 | 21. 19. 38*75 54*63 j 52*03 10*560 21. 32. 25*56 24-48 23*44 21. 34. 28*64 27-73 26-66 21. 39. 16*25 ' '5-48 ! 14*38 21. 48. 30*46 30*00 28*85 22. o. 38-90; 37*95 | 36*79 22. 5. 9*31 | 8*47 7*36 22. 21. 20*56 j 32*53 30*43 22. 38. i8'66 i 18-24 : '7''S 1-03 2'6o 1*0- 1-07 I *IO '-'5 1-16 1*06 1*07 1*10 1*18 1-13 70 Aquarii fa Pegasi /3 Pegasi o Pegasi Aquarii 96 Aquarii a Andromedas y Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. \V W w \v w w w w w W 2C i o 7 1 8 22. 41. 42*65 22. 43. 1479 22. 45. 10*50 22. 58. 55-47 22. 59.4 6 76 23. 9. 8- 9 I 23. 14. I3*32 o. 3. 12*97 o. 8. 5*37 o. 14. 26*86 42-09 13-61 9-96 55 oo 46-03 7-81 12-23 12-52 4-64 53^5 41-09 I2'6o 8-82 53-89 44^7 6-80 11*07 11-42 3-48 50*05 *OO '01 "'4 ii 06 *oi 'IO 16 3*90 1*01 1-02 1*15 1*12 I*0 7 1*02 1*17 I'lO 1*16 1898 October 18. Greenwich. 6 1 Cygni y Equulei a Equulei ..... 30 Capricorni . Groombriilge 3548 ! W Aquarii I W (/ Aquarii I W Pegasi W ff Aquarii 7 Aquani Bradley 2993.. 17 Aquar.i I E 9 Cl'egasi ! E 9 n Pegasi K 9 A. Pegasi K 6 it Piscium . Ei 9 10-560 10 '01 1 10-560 21. 2. 24-26 21. 5.28-66 21. 8. 40-61 21. 10. 49'5I 21. 12. 21 '02 21. 19. 34-69 21. 32. 25'8l 21. 34. 28-89 21. 39. 16-44 10-560 22. ii. 33*99 ,, I 22. l6. 30 08 13-432 \ 22. 21. l8'27 10-560 22. 30. I3'76 22. 36. 28-8l 22. 38. I9'OI 22. 45. lO-gO 23. 21. 49'12 ' 24-06 27-78 40-18 48-54 9-58 52-I4 24-58 2/-S6 15-56 2q"O2 31-70 12-73 27 '99 18-62 10-38 48-1. 22*69 26*45 38-91 47'25 18*35 51*69 2 3'43 26*65 I4-37 31-33 2 7'43 30-23 1 1 *io 26*58 17*14 8*81 46*60 '37 ''33 1-27 i 29 1-23 0*45 1-15 1*21 I*1 9 I* 4 8 '59J "'47 1*63 1*41 1*48 '"57 1*51 ''37 1-3 ''3 2 1-26 ''"3 -'24 I *22 1-50 '"43 1-50 '"59 1-52 Bradley 3147. 12 Ceti 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 58 Piscium.... 2 Ursae Minoris. E Piscium 77 Pisciuin e Piscium f) Andromedae..., 33 Ceti ' 1'iscium /Pi-cium Polaris ... K, E K K EE W W w w \v w w \v W Polaris... . E 8*496 10-560 11*886 10*560 10 10*930 10 13*909 23.27.47-13 o. 24. 57*17 o. 30. 25*79 o. 32. 58*84 o. 41. 49'n 0. 54. 57*07 o- 57- 45-69 1. o. 39-52 i. 3. 1378 i. 4. 7*91 i. 5- 2 5'6i i. 8. 31*01 I. 12. 39-25 I. 22. I2*5O I. 22. 19*14 5-70 56*06 24-75 57-80 48-31 10 60 4477 38-54 I2'8l 7-62 24-58 30-08 38-24 2-28 9-88 4*29 54-55 23*16 56-13 46*76 '4' '55 *7 "53 *22 -20 69 84 3-04 I-4I ''5' ''59 I*6 7 -'55 ; ''9 I '22 ' '37 ; \'h\ [ft 0*76 6*84 1*50 ,- 5 8 1*66 '"54 1*21 I*36 1*27 '"39 '"37 1*48 1898 October 19. Greenwich. o Cassiopeia 58 Piscium Piazzi 0. 189 .... v Audromedte... 2O Ceti 2 Uisae Miuoris . Polaris ... 1898 October 22 a Arietis ........................ W 15 Arietis ..................... \V ' Ceti 123 27 AriKtis Piazzi II. 5 Ceti...., p 2 Arietis e Arietis S Arietis Groombridge 2283 S.P. ... 1898 October 23. Bradley 2993. Cl'egasi 7| Pegasi \ 1'egasi A Aquarii ft Pegasi 58 Bradley 3147. ID Piscium 30 Piscium 33 Piscium a Andromeda 1 Piazzi i 7 Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. . 10-560 1 1 -420 11-315 8; 10-558 9 " i " 9 ' 10*560 6 | \\ 10 14 '302 E 20 11*230 E I 9 10*560 E 9 ,, K 20 10-895 W W W W w w w 10-560 8*984 o. 39 o. 41 o. 43, o. 44. 18*02 0.47. 55-02 0. 54. 56-97 1. 22. 1275 2. I. 33-22 2. 5. 6'2O 2 - 7- 43'54 2. 22. 51 '84 2. 25. 22-84 2. 30. 37-12 2. 34. 23-17 2. 50. 12-43 30-73 55-66 36 *io 9-28 9-41 49^3 4^45 9-26 2 - 53 3- 5 3- 9 22. 21, 22. 36, 22. 38, 22.41 22.45, 22. 47, 22. 58 22. 59 23. 4 23. 27, 18*78 2 9'74 1 9 '94 44*00 1172 25-50 56-69 48 10 I 0-78 ' 4777 12-08 23. 54. 2 3- 5 6 - 5>7 o. o. 14-87 o. 3. 14-22 o. 5. 13-58 o. 8. 6'6i o. 14. 31*81 8*24 7-87 53-88 10*70 3-05 3 2 '54 5 44 42-60 50-89 22*05 36-14 22*08 ii '65 30*01 54-9 1 12*62 32*14 28*88 19*51 43'4' 11*16 24*28 56 21 47-33 59*90 6-25 11*09 50-54 13-64 1371 12*36 579 54-98 7'55 46*76 6*58 16*27 52*26 9*42 3''9 30-37 J'*,7 40*32 48*86 19*82 34*06 19*87 2 777 1 5 2 "7"t j 11*67 I 28*99 26-52 17-08 41 '02 8*76 21-91 53-82 44*92 57'5' 8*83 48-23 1 1 '36 1 1 '40 10*04 i 3"4 2 51-65 1*8-. 1-69 1*66 1*60 1-62 1-28 0-14 2*17 2*17 2*28 2*03 2-23 2-08 2 '2 I 2-13 2*24 2*17 0*95 3"'5 2*36 2 "43 2 '39 2-40 2 '37 2 "39 2*41 z'39 3''" 2*26 2-31 2*28 2*31 2*32 2 '37 3'33 Polaris IT Piscium . . . . 105 Piscium . v Piscium .... Piaxzi I. 175 . 54 Ceti 7 Arietis a Arietis.... Greenwich. 2-16 2*16 2*27 2"OI *'*i 2*06 2-19 2*11 2*22 2*I 5 I0 3 . Piazzi III. 17 Tauri.... 23 Tauri Piazzi III. 187.... 33 Tauri \ Tauri Groombridge 750. a>- Tauri 7 Tauri x ' Tauri Greenwich. 2 "37 2 '44 2*40 2*41 2-38 2*40 2*42 2*40 2-26 2-31 2-28 2*31 2-32 2 '37 12 Ceti 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 55 Pisciuin 58 Piscium S Piscium 2 Ursse Minoris . e Piscium .. 77 Piscium. e PUcium... r Piscium.. f 1 Piscium . /Piscium... e Ceti Polaris ... W W W W W, w! E E E . E . E E E W ii 10*933 10^560 10-560 10-849 10-560 10-688 22. 14*71 31. 48-69 34. I7*80 36. 14*69 43. l6*22 45- 34-46 48. 3*04 i. 32*60 10*560 i 3. 34. 47*37 10*758 T . ,. 10*560 ] 4. ii. 3.38. 3- 4- 3-47- 3-5'- 3-55- 4- 4- 4- '4- 4.16. 24*15 27*98 8*89 9*61 54'44 24*82 7*11 30-41 o. 24. 57-94 o. 27. 15-85 o. 30. 26-64 o- 3 2 - 59-57 o. 34. 40-96 0.41. 49-96 o. 43. 31-26 o- 54- 577 0. 57.4676 1. o. 40-48 i. 3. 14-82 I. 6. IO'20 i. 8. 32-03 I. 12. 40-26 I. 19. 372 I. 22. 14-26 5-96 47-87 17-06 13-73 15-23 33-61 2-36 32"O2 46-61 56-32 33-53 27-24 8-26 8 -7* 4 '95 24-14 6-34 29*82 5674 14*86 2 5'5' 58*44 40-27 49'07 30-19 11*15 45-84 39-5 ' 13*86 9-77 31-11 39" 2 5 2-49 4-54 3-19 46-16 '5"37 12-03 13-60 3''*7 0-82 30-34 46! *2 2 | '44 | '02 06 '49 *oi '3 63 54-54 12-52 2 3"<5 56-12 38-01 4*'77 27-99 9-26 37''9 11-54 7 '44 28-86 36-86 0-08 3-02 2'77 171 l-6 9 170 I-6j '74 i '54 1-68 - 2-15 - 2'10 | 2-09 - 2-22 j- 2'2O 2-29 ''74 2-13 2*2U { 2*19 2"2O 2 '34 2-36 2-32 2-26 2-30 2-30 1-89 2-28 2-32 2-32 2 '33 2-25 2*39 2-41 1-52 i 70 1*68 i '69 1*62 '73 '"53 1-66 2*13 2*07 2 "06 2*19 2*17 2*26 2*IO 2'l8 2*l6 2*2O 2-34 2 '35 2-32 2*26 2-29 2-29 2-27 2-31 2-31 2*32 2-24 2*38 2-40 168 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GRKENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Star's Name. I Observed Transit. "?** i w S 5 Star's Name. . " E Transit Observed. eel' l 11*1 1898 October 24. Greenwich. Bradley 1993 a Aquarii n Aquarii ( Pegasi i Piscium 78 Pegasi 19 Piscium Piazzi XX III. 200. Pegasi Piazzi 0. 33 Bradley 1672 S.P. 12 Ceti 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 58 Piscium Piazzi 0. 189 '9 8 9 j 9i 9 9; 9 7 11-253 10*560 \V W W 9 W 9 W Q Wi 9 W 9 W. 9 h m 22. 21. 22. 25. 22. 30. 22. 36. 23- 34- 23. 38. 23. 41. 23.45. 23. 47. 8 19-48 23-08 14-63 29-98 50-18 59"03 18-89 7 '43 25-65 10-560 o. 12. 41 '49 10-703 i o. 14. 34-09 10-560 ; o. 24. 58-31 , o. 27. 16-08 ,, ! o. 30. 26 89 o. 32. 59-87 ,, ; o. 41. 50-18 ,, o. 43. 10-09 33-14 21-73 '3 '49 29-06 49-16 5 S '53 17-82 6-09 24-91 40-34 56-28 57 '5 15-03 2570 58-68 49-24 9-0 1 28-73 19-23 1 1 03 26-51 46-57 55'9 6 15-06 3-30 22-27 52-00 54'54 12-52 23-15 56-12 46'77 6-59 4-41 2-50 2-46 2 '55 2-59 2 "57 2-76 2 "79 2-64 2-50 4-28 2-51 2-51 2-55 2-56 2 '47 2-42 2-52 2-48 - 2-56 2 '59 2-57 - 2-76 - 2-79 - 2-64 2-50 2-51 2-5! 2-54 - z '5| 2-46 2-41 20 Ceti e Piscium 33 Ceti Polaris TI Pisciu TT Piscium 105 I v Pis 54 A a Piciu oinedn? W e r j o'c6o h 111 S o. 44. 1 9 '03 s 18-81 H I6-28 I 2 '<;"; it 2 W o. 47. 55 '97 54"77 52*27 2*t;o 2 omoilffi W O. C I. 17 '28 1 2'QQ 1O'47 2-?6 Minuris W 20 10*67 l o. 54. 57 '30 11*06 9*1 S i-SS \Y 10*560 o. 58. 42*31 41 'i c 38*64 2'C I 2 iuiu W i, o. 40*75 -10*67 ?7* 1 Q 2-48 W I, 1. I 1 *IO W i. c. 26*00 2^*76 27'22 2*54 2 W 1 1 '68 1 I. 22. I 7 '7.6 4*26 2*8? F, 1O io*8qc I. 22. 10*48 2 *34 2*85 + O*C 1 am K 5 10*560 i. 26. 9*57 8'75 6*26 2 '49 2 um F, g i. 32. 49*74 48*86 46*19 2*67 2 cium K q i. 34. 18*86 18*06 i <;*4O 2-66 F, 11 i. -;6. 15*71; 1 2*06 2*67 F K i, 40. 8 'So 7'*? C*14 2 "71 2 -) * 1898 October 28. Killorglin. 18 Pegasi a Aquarii Pegasi 9 Aquarii 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993 C Pegasi \ Pegasi /u Pegasi K Pisciuin Bradley 3147 . 78 Pegasi 19 Piscium 20 Piscium 21 Piscium 29 Piscium 10-850 10-335 10-850 10-850 io"355 10-850 34H7 4-98 35-53 59|52 57HI 21. 55- 22. I. 22. 5- 22. ii. 22. l6 22. 21. 22. 36. 54-96 22. 42. 9-36 22.45. 37-17 23. 22. 1573 23. 28. 2974 39- 25-17 41. 44-41 43- i5'5i 45- 47-67 57. 9'5 6 34 '43 4-95 35'49 59-49 55^4 56-63 54'9Z 9-31 37-12 15-78 28-85 25-21 44-46 15-56 47 72 9 '6 1 5 '99 36-65 7"'3 31-21 27-32 27-80 26-47 40-97 8-70 2'OO 55-92 15-03 46-34 18-50 4O'22 -28-44 -28-30 -28-36 -28-28 -28-32 -28-83 -28-45 -28-34 -28-42 -29-25 -26-85 -29-29 -29-43 -29-22 -29'22 -29-39 28-99 28-83 28-86 2876 28-77 28-68 28-76 29-41 -29-38 29-51 29-28 -29-31 29-40 33 Piscinm o Andromeda y Pfgasi Biadley 1672 S.P. 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 20 Ceti 2 Minoris. 77 Piscium e Piscium <(> Piscium /Piscium Polaris it Piscium C Ceii 7 Arielia E K E E 10 E 9 E 9 E 9 10-850 9'334 10-850 8-ioi 10-850 10-229 10-850 o. o. 40*51 40*56 O. 3. 40-58 ; 40-62 o. 8. 32741 32-78 o. 14. 22-06 I 22-32 o. 27. 42-04 ' 42*09 o. 30. 52-59} 52-64 o. 48. 2i"8o j 21-85 55.40-31 I. 6-64 3. 40-86 8. 46-72 6-32 35-26 i. 32. 15-80 i. 46. 59-63 I. I. i. i. 13 1.23 39-5I 6-60 40*82 46-67 6-28 3^-47 15-76 59-60 i. 48. 30-27 30-23 11 33 11-38 3 "45 53''4 12-52 23-15 52-27 8-92 37-20 11-55 17-45 36-88 2 '54 146-21 30-1 1 o'8o -29-23 -29-24 - J 9'33 -29-18 -29-57 -29-49 -29-58 -30-59 -29-40 -29-27 -29-22 -29-40 -29-93 -29'55 -29 49 -29-34 1898 October 29. Killorglin. (3 Pegasi 58 Pegasi Aquarii 7 Piscium iji 3 Aquarii T Pegasi u Pegasi K Piscium Bradley 3147 27 Piscium 29 Piscium 4 Ceti o Andromed*. Piazzi 0. I 7 Pegasi 10-850 12-165 10-850 22. 59. 28 76 23. S . 32-58 23. 9.4176 23. 12. 31-97 23. 14. l8'82 23. l6. 14-61 23. 2O. 56-72 23. 22. 21-67 - 28*81 32-64 41-82 32-03 18-89 14-66 5 6 "77 21*73 * ^ <> / i /J 23. 28. 36*69 36-58 4. 6*92 7- 1573 3. 10*50 3- 46-85 5- 45-42 8. 38-92 6-90 I57I 10-48 46*8 1 45-40 38-89 5377 57'46 6-70 56-93 437' 3945 2 I "46 46-52 i'So 40-22 35-02 ii"37 IO'O2 3'44 -35-04 -35-18 -35-12 -35-10 -35-18 -35-21 -35'3 -35-21 -3478 -35'47 -35-49 -35-46 -35-44 -35-38 -34-29 -35-43 -35-33 -35-30 -35'37 -35 39 -35 47 -35H9 -35'5 -35-45 -3542 -35-36 -35-41 Biadley 1672 S.P. 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 55 Piscium 20 Ceti /j. Audromedse 2 Ursse Minoris e Piscium.... Polaris 7; Piscium ir Piscium.... 105 Fistium. v Pisciun o Piscium.... 11-704 10-850 9-836 10*850 10-035 10-850 o. 14. 25-21 27-27 o. 27. 48*14 48*12 o. 30. 58-85 i 58-83 - 35- 1371 ; 13-68 o. 48. 28*04 ' 28-02 o. 51. 46*29 ' 46*24 0. 55.47-27! 46-46 1. 3. 47-28} 47-26 I. 23. 31-61 I. 26. 42-33 I. 32. 22'l6 i. 34. 51 V3 I. 36. 48*10 I. 40. 41-19 31-24 42-39 22*22 51H9 48-16 41-25 12-51 23-14 38-01 10-43 8*88 11*55 2*56 6*28 46*22 12*08 35-61 35' 6 7 35-75 3571 28*68 36-11 36*00 36*06 36*08 36*10 1898 October 31. 17 Pegasi I W 18 Pegasi W Aquarii W 1 Pegasi | \V fl Pegasi ' W ( Cephei W Aquarii Bradley 2993 7j Aquarii f Pegasi rj Pegasi Killorglin. a Andromeda;. Pegasi 9 i 10*850 9 9 9 9 9 10-658 10*850 10-850 21. 52. 21. 55. 22. I. 22. 3. 22. 5. 22. 8. 22. 12. 22. 22. 22. 30. 22. 37. 22. 39- 47-70 52*05 22*65 5-33 53-25 8*11 17-24 15-08 57-26 12-63 3''7 22.58. 3-89 22. 59. 4O-OO 47-90 52-26 22-86 5-52 53-46 8-24 14-41 57'47 12-83 3-35 1-58 5'95 36-61 19-29 7-09 2T88 31*17 27*15 10*95 26-43 16*98 4-i6 ; 17*57 40*28 , 53-74 -46-32 -46-31 -46-25 -46-23 -46-37 -46-36 -46-28 -47-26 -46-52 -46*40 -46-37 -46-59 -46-54 -46^82 -46*79 -4671 -46*69 -46-81 -46-80 -46-70 -46-87 -46-73 -46-69 -46-83 -4677 58 Pegasi Aquarii 7 Piscium ^ Ai'uani ip Aquaiii T Pegasi Bradley 3147 78 Pegasi 19 I'iscium 20 Piscium 21 Piscium Piazzi XXIII. 200. 22 Piscium Pegasi 10-850 10-646 10-850 2 3- 5- 23. 9. 23. 12. 23. 13. 23. 14. 23. 16. 23. 28. 23. 39. 23. 42. 23- 43- 23-45- 23-45- 23- 47- 23.48. 43-89 53-10 43-37 26-97 30-24 25-93 46*04 42-46 1-76 12-97 5'i5 50-02 35-5I 8-87 44-17 53-39 43*66 27*26 3 -54 26*21 46-01 4273 2*05 13-26 5 '44 50-32 35-8o 9-15 57-44 6-68 56-91 40-51 43-69 39'43 i"39 55'9 15-01 46-32 18-48 3-40 48-88 22-23 -4673 -46-71 -46*75 -46-75 -46-85 -46-78 -44-62 -46-83 -47-04 -46-94 -46-96 -46-92 -46-92 -46-92 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 169 Star's Name. Observed Transit. 111 -fi-a e<**s: Star's Name. Observed Transit. Ill o g> -t! 1898 October 31 continued. 33 Pisdmn 4 Celi 5 Celi Piuzzi 0. I y Pegasi Bradley 1672 S.P. 44 Pisciiim 55 Piscinm. 58 Piscinm. S Piscinm.. 1898 November 3. a Aqnarii ............ ... ...... E i Pcgnsi ........... .............. E 6 Pe<;asi ......................... E ( Cepln i ................... 6 Aijii-irii .................. y Ac-uarii .................. >) Aijiiarii ....... ......... 1'i 'igasi 58 Pegasi y Pisciiim 1898 November 5. a Aijuniii i Pegasi Bri dlry 2993 . II Pi [ 0-25. 6-n 9 ,, o. 27. 24-20 9 . o- 3- 3479 9 .. o- 33- 7'72 ! 9 0.41.58*48 9 > 0.43. 39*58 9 .. 0-48. 379 52*60 2374 47-56 15-61 22*50 15*82 5'35 0*98 40 55 7-11 25*14 3577 870 59'39 40-52 4*78 10*850 23. 41. 42*45 23.43.13*46! ,, 23.44.45*58 ,, 23.45.30*69 23. 47. 16*10! ,, '23.57. 7-40 o. o. 38*36 o. 3. 2*25 o. 3. 30-45 ., o. 8. 30*90 11730 o. 14. 4-97 10*850 O. 25. 21 -95 o- 3- 57 - 33-2377; o. 35. 5*81 i 10*850 I. 4 34*01 ,, ; '. 6 -35-27 10*690 1.23. 30*92 14-18 46-28 31*46 16*79 8*12 39*10 31-17 31-50 23*82 22*68 51*41 24*48 6*36 34-87 36-17 22*37 52*26 10-42 8*81 38-65 6*25 7'45 17-45 2'55 2 '55 40*18 11*29 34*98 3''5 9*98 3-4i 3779 55-9' 28*02 54-5 12*49 23-12 56*09 46*75 27*97 52-25 14-95 46-26 18-42 3'33 48*81 40-15 1 1 '26 34-96 3-39 57'34 54*48 23'ii 56*08 6*25 7 '45 0*50 39-40 0*61 31*40 55-00 54'S 1 12*50 23*13 56-10 57'9 46*76 8*62 47-26 -46-98 -49-53 47"'7 46*96 47*05 -47-08 5472 39*66 3H5 1*49 3-27 1*80 3-07 3-20 3'2i 3-29 3-32 3*28 5*84 -12*42 -12*45 -12*58 - 1 2 '46 -12*52 -I2*4I -12-56 - 5 '"7 -12*53 12 '6 1 -12*65 -12*65 -12*61 -12*64 -12*55 -12*53 28-18 27*92 27*86 -28-13 -27*98 27-97 -27*84 28*01 28*04 28*11 26-48 28-20 28-30 28-40 -28-38 -28-62 28*72 -21*87 47*07 -46*78 46*94 46-7 46*79 46*8 - 3-60 3" 1 3*1 3*18 3*20 3*13 -12*43 -12*45 -12*57 -12*45 -12*50 -12*38 -12-52 -12*46 -12*53 -12*56 -12*55 -12*50 -12*50 -12*40 -12*37 28-24 27-98 27*91 28-13 28-02 27-98 27- 28*00 28*03 28*08 28*11 28-19 28*28 28-25 -28-39 28-48 170 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Star's Name. . .2 Observed Transit. .Star's Name. I 4g Observed Transit. iyl ^coso 1898 November 9. Bradley 2993.. r) Pegasi /i Pegasi o Andromeda:. /3 Pegasi w Pegasi . . . Bradley 2993. f Pegasi 1 Pfgasi A Pegasi fi Pegasi S Aquarii a Pegasi 58 Peg'isi y Piscium r Pegnsi 58 Piscium.... 7 Cassiopeia. / 1'iscium 6 7 Aquarii Bradley 2993 58 Aquarii j W ij Aquarii I W C Pegasi W r, Pegasi W X Pegasi W 70 Aquarii W ^ Pegasi W \Aquarii W S Aquarii W /3 Pegasi W a Pegasi W 96 Aquarii E T Pegasi E v Pegasi E K Piscium E Bradley 3147 E 21 Piscium i E Piazzi XXIII. 200 j E j 2 Piscium ! E Pegasi I E 27 Piscium I E 1898 November 10. 1898 November 13. 1898 November 17. Bradley 3147. a> Piscium 30 Piscium.... 33 Piscium.... 4 Ceti ii '497 | 22. 22. 7 '24 10-850 j 22. 38. 48-84 [22.45.40-31 22. 57. 49-60 22.59.25-56 23. 20. 53-24 58-17 , 24-69 49 '66 16-85 41-21 ; 8-55 50-18 17-42 26-41 53-62 54-16 21-35 1O I5'55O 22. 22. 9 10-900 22. 37 8 4'M 3 "oo 10-900 22. 38.5379 22. 42. I? "65 22. 45.45-42 22.49. 55' 12 23. o. 2172 23. 5. 34-24 O'OI 4-30 54'9' 18-83 46-60 56-65 22-98 35'55 23. 12. 33-68 35-04 23. 16. 16-44 17-62 24-44 26-3 1 16-83 40-80 8-54 18-46 4473 57 '34 56-82 39'3 2 0.42. 24-27 25-35 46'73 0. 51. 16*99 17-22 ' 38-97 1. 13. 14-04 15-20 I 36*88 10-902 10-705 10-902 10-900 22. 12. 23 08 22. 17. 19-34 22. 22. l8'55 22. 27. 13-22 22.31. 3-05 22. 37. 18-58 *2. 39. 9-09 22.42. 33-04 22. 44. 4*60 22. 46. O'72 22. 48. 13-89 22. 50. IO7I 59- 45 '97 23. o. 37-02 10-900 11-442 10-900 23. 15. 23. 16. 23.21. 23. 22. 23.28. 23. 45. 2 3-45- 23. 47. 23.48. 2 3- 54- 3-48 3'"93 14-01 39-07 46-94 II"I2 56-09 41-50 15-02 24-18 23-87 20-13 18-67 14*00 3-84 19-38 9-89 33^4 5-38 I'52 I4'68 11-49 4677 37-82 4 '47 3 2 '95 15-03 40-06 49-87 I2'II 57-08 42-50 l6'O3 25-17 31 oo 27-11 23-70 20-88 io'8o 26-28 16-79 40-76 12-31 8-52 21-68 18-42 53'57 44-70 10-83 39-29 21-30 46-38 577' 18-38 3-29 4877 22-I3 31-39 10 j 10-734 9 I 10-950 6 9 7 23.27.46-03 3-48 23. 54. 16-14 15-28 23. 56. 55-821 54-71 o. o. 18-93 I '7-83 o. 2.42-51 41-47 8-66 48-06 1 1*19 1898 November 18. Bradley 2993... i) Pegasi \ Pegasi y Cassiopeiie ... Andromedfe. fl'Ceti... 8-129 10-950 22. 21. 19-28 32-05 22-30 22. 38. 24-01 , 23'72 1671 22.41.48-13 47-69 40-69 o 50.44-92 45-87 38-87 4 i. 19 13-24 8-17 13-09 7-13 6 '20 0-07 -32-81 32 *66 -3276 -32-79 -32-8, -35-57 -37-99 -38-08 -38-03 -38-06 -38-19 -38-25 -38-21 -38-22 -38-30 -38-62 -38-25 -38-32 -52-87 -53-02 -54-97 -53-12 -53-04 -53-10 -53 10 -53-08 -53-07 -53-02 -53-00 -53-07 -53-20 -53-12 -53-64 -53-66 -5373 -53-68 -52-16 -5373 -5379 -5373 -53-90 -5378 6-96 6-62 6-65 6-64 975 7-01 7-00 7-00 6-89 7 '06 Killorglin. 33-1, 3 2- 93 ! -32-98 32*01 3 2 "95 Bradley 3147 W 10 Bradley 3147. 51 Piscium.. .. 62 Piscium... Killorglin. -38-28 -38-37 -38-30 -38-33 -38-44 -38-47 -38-41 -3 8 '37 -38-45 -38-47 -58-04 -38-05 9 Ceti W Polaris W ir Piscium W 105 Pisuuim W v Piscium W o Piscium W Arietis W 60 Ceti W a Arietis... 27 Arietis . 29 Arietis . a Ceti Li'amlu 5724 . Killorglin. 53-26 53-39 >3'4 2 53-34 53'39 53-39 53-36 53'34 -53-28 53-26 53"3 2 53"4 2 53-34 -53-80 -53-81 -53'8i 29 Piscium E 4 Ceti E 5 Ceti E y Pegasi E Bradley 16728. P E 51 Piscium j E 14 Ceti E 15 Ceti E 58 Piscium. S Piscium.. -5378 -53-84 -53-77 -53'94 -53-80 2 Ursae Minoris 77 Piscium I \V e Piscium i W 33 Ceti W T Piscium I W Piscium ' W /Piscium i W Polaris W 10; Piscium W i/ Piscium . o Piscium . 54 Ceti.... y Arietis . . ft Arietis . . Greenwich. 6-62 5-65 6-64 ! 6-58 5 Ceti ' E Piazzi 0. I ! E y P.'gasi Piazzi 0. 33. E E Bradley 16728.?. [ E Greenwich. 7-02 7-01 6-99 6-88 7-05 Polaris W Poiaiis E T 1 Arietis E T- Arietis E o Tauri.... . E 12-361 i5"577 10-850 10-900 10-717 10-900 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 g 9j 9 9 ; 9 10-900 10 900 10-653 10*900 7-337 10-900 io"66o 10*900 10-950 10-868 h 111 8 23. 28. 47-80 23.28. 36-47 o. 27. 44-43 o. 43. 36-41 35-01 29-79 45-93 37-90 I. 19. 37-20 I. 24. 13-18 1. 32. 23-63 1.34.52-88 i. 36. 49-39 i. 40. 42-59 i. 49. 42-89 1. 58. 39-91 2. 2. 8-22 2. 25. 57-80 2.28. 174 2 - 57- 39'58 40-93 3. i. 30-66! 31-93 38-46 46-97 2471 53'9 2 5-'53 437 43-89 41-10 9-19 58-83 *3- 57- 3 2 "39 o. 3- 27 86 o. 3. 55 9* o. 8.56-11 o. 14. 57-88 0.28. 5-47 o. 31. 16-06 49-06 4 2 - 39'75 44. 20-91 o. 33. 0. 56. 1-23 1. i. 30-22 i. 4. 4'44 i. 6. 16 16 i. 7. 0-48 i. 9. 10-38 i. 13. 29-75 i. 23. 57-36 i. 35. 8-40 ' 37- 5"7 i. 40. 58-19 1.46. 25-23 i. 48. 53-9? i. 49. 58-28 33-88 28-85 56-91 57-12 55-06 6-47 17-05 40-75 21-91 '"33 31-02 5' 2 4 16-95 1-28 11-18 30'54 55-50 9-20 5-97 58-99 26-03 5475 59-o8 o. 3. 10-87 o- 5- '7'73 o. 8. 10-70 O. 12. 45-39 o. 14. 43-73 16-64 lO'OO 44-43 8-55 9 "'357 . 10 11-728 6 10-950 . 22. 23-71 11-82 22. 10-28 '5- 3p8 17. 6-03 19. 32-31 57-16 32-79 5-53 31-58 58-76 5876 12-47 4 '49 o'og o'oi 46-24 15-46 I2'IO 5-I9 5-30 2-50 30-50 19-99 23-96 40-41 34'9 ! 3-09 3-36 59^4 > 2 '45 23-08 56-06 4672 27-94 37-i8 . "'5 + ; 23-22 7-44 ; '7'45 . 36-88 59-16 15-46 I2'IO 5''9 31-98 0-94 5-30 3 "06 9-88 3'33 377' I "2 I 5 7 '47 57-47 75-66 58-38 24-50 36-25 31-03 33-46 33-41 33-36 -33' 2 5 38-37 38-08 68 -40 'y6 -38-47 -38-46 -38-43 -38-51 -3 8 '59 . --,8-60 -38-69 -38-84 -38-84 39-22 39' 2 5 -38-13 38-11 -38-08 -38-14 -38-,, -38-17 -38-25 -38-31 -38-30 -38-58 -53 77 -53-93 -53-82 -5370 -5T02 -53 97 -5|.-oo -54-03 -53'97 -53 9 -53-84 -53-70 -53 73 -5373 -53-66 -5 6 '34 -5374 5 j-o 5i'9' 53'So 5!"9' -53-5 -5J-8X -S! 88 -53-62 -53-46 -53-49 -53">9 -53-4* -53'39 53'39 53'5 2 53-8o 53-44 -54'05 I 53'67 -53-8i | 53-42 -5378 -53-3* 6-77 6 76 6-67 672 7'34 677 6-76 6-67 672 -r-o-3. - 7 7 '.\\\~ 7-08 7-09 7-11 7-04 STAR-TRANSITS OBSERVED BY MR HOLLIS WITH TRANSIT E., AND RESULTING CLOCK ERRORS. 171 Stai's Name. I i \ .3 I Observed Transit. Il star's Name. Observed Transit. v s D w 1898 November 20. Bradley 3147 78 Pejjasi 19 Piscium zo Piseium 1 1 Piscium 22 Piscium Pischim 29 Piscium 33 Piscium 4 Ceti 5 Ceti ylVgasi Bnulley 1672 S.P 1898 November 22. Groomliridfie 3548 ............. W * Aquarii ....................... i W d Aqnarii ....................... I W Pegasi ....................... W W [W VCygni 16 Prgasi 17 Pegasi 18 Pegnsi 9 PegaM y A<[\iarii E I'raclley 2993 E 58 Aquaiii. T) Pegasi 1'iiadley 3147 20 Piscium 21 Piscium Fiazzi XXIII. 200 <(> Pigasi , a Piseiuin 30 Pischnn 1898 November 25. Groombridge, 3548 E d Aquarii E T 2 Cygi)i E 16 Pegasi E 18 Pigasi E a AqiMlii E 6 Ac|iiarii E y Aquarii E Bradley 2993 E Bradley 3147 E i Andromedse E i Piscium E 21 Pisrium W 22 Piscium W Piscium W 30 Piseium W 33 Piscium W 4 Ceti W a Andromeda W Piazzi 0. I W y Pegasi W 1898 November 27. Brailley 3147 ....... Bi a-lley 1672 S.P. 44 Piscium .......... 51 Piscium .......... i5Ceti 14*264 ! 23. 27. 46*84 10-950 23. 39. 3-31 '23. 41. 23-06 ,, : 23. 43-54"42 :23. 44. 26-64 ,, 23. 46. 56-90 *3- 54- '6-82 23.56.48-48 ,, o.o. 19-47 o. 2.43-31 - 3- "'39 ,, O. 8. 11-21 ; 10-752 o. 14. 49-47 7-I27 10-950 21. 19. 27-55 21. 32. 31 '62 21. 34. 34 66 21 -19. 22-15 21. 43. lO'So 21. 48. 36-32 21. 52. 9*62 21. 56. 14*15 22. 5. 15-32 22. 16. 22. 21. 9 10-950 IO IO'6l8 6 ' 10*950 22.26. 9 9 13-876 22. 3- 22.36. 22. 38. 23. 27 10-950 23.42. 23.44. 23.45. 23.47. 23.54. 23.56. 35-82 1O"49 29-94 '9-48 34-72 24-66 36-76 55-11 27-24 12-43 30-42 17-36 57-17 12-784 21. ig. 26-72 10-950 21. 34. 35-80 21. 43. 12-45 21.48.37-45 21.55.15-28 ,, 22. O. 46-07 22. II. 4O'4I 22. 16. 36-53 9-596 22. 21. 14-23 10-982 23. 27. 42-98 10-950 23. 33. 20-24 23.34.55-56 10-950 23. 44. 27-36 23.46. 5777 ,, 23. 54. 17-64 23-56.57'3j o. o. 20-41 I ,, ! o. 2.44-13 ,, o. 3. 19-70 ,, o. 5. 19-12 ,, o. 8. 12-17 3 -,8 3"3 22-29 53-54 25-83 56-12 i6"n 47 '5 9 18-54 42-44 10-52 10-65 16-82 5'39 3'34 33-63 21-31 11-34 35-92 8-84 13-23 '4'39 34 7 27-44 28-59 18-40 33-91 24 '39 0'12 53-96 26-19 I I 'IO 29-83 16-45 5 5 '94 44H5 35-02 12-90 14-59 45-24 35-68 27-66 i'47 20-45 54-85 26-56 57-00 16-95 56-36 19-47 43-26 19-49 10 8-878123.27.42-52! 2-96 10 io'io6 o. 14. 53-75 | 13-30 9 10-950 9 ,, 9 6 O. 20. 24-35 O. 27. 21 -92 21-19 o. 30. 32-74 o. 33. 6-03 31-86 5 - '5 55-39 557' 14-84 46-15 18-31 48-72 8-63 40-05 n'i6 34-86 3-03 3'3 3-07 37-95 22-95 26-17 13-88 375 28-29 1-28 5-64 6-82 27-00 21 '06 20-76 10-69 26-17 16-65 54-67 46-13 18-29 3-20 22-04 8 61 48-02 36-86 26-13 3-68 28-25 5-61 36 29 30-85 26 -96 20-26 5375 11-94 46-30 18-26 48-67 8'59 47-99 11-14 9'8l 3-26 6-75 '475 12-35 22-99 55'9 6 Greenwich. 779 7-32 7'45 7'39 7-52 7-40 - 7-32 7-45 7-39 7-40 - 7-54 - 7-54 - 7 '49 ! 7 "49 - 7'35 - 7'35 -13*75 Bradley 16728.?.. 10 Ceti 12 Ceti 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 55 Piscium 58 Piscium Piazzi 0. 189 v Audromedae 20 Ceti 2 Ursse Minoris.... Polaris.... Greenwich. -12-44 7 39 7'46 7'43 7'59 7 '63 7-56 7"54 7'57 771 6-38 7-83 77' 774 7 '74 5'45 7-83 7'9 1 7 '9 ' 779 7-84 7-92 7-41 7-48 7-45 7 -6i 7-65 7-58 7-6, -84 772 775 775 '7-83 7-90 7-90 7'79 7 84 33 Piscium 4 Ceti 5 Ceti r Piazzi 0. I y Pegisi Bradley 1672 S.P. 10 Ceti 12 Ceti 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 15 Ceti e Piscium Andromedae., 33 Ceti T Piscium f 1 Piscium / Piscium Polaris IT Piscium 105 Piscium.... Piscium... Greenwich. 7-59 8-89 9-22 8-92 8-98 j . - 8-95! - 8-59 ! - 872! 8-30 8-33 8-36 8-37; 8-35 ! 8-44 8-35 8-38 8-39 8-92 I 9' 2 5 i 8-95 9'oi 8-97 8-61 8-74 8-51 8-55 8-30 833 8-36 8-37 8-35 8-44 8-35 8-38 8-39 Brailley 1672 S.P. , 12 Ceti 51 Piscium 14 Ceti 15 Ceti 55 Pi>cium 58 Piscium S Piscium v Andromedse 20 Ceti 2 Ursa; Minoris 77 Piscium e Piscium Polaris W \v W \v W W jw W I w I W w w \v Polaris Piazzi 1. 175 54 Ceti y Arietis jl Arietis E 112 Piscium E a Arietis E Greenwich. 9-81 6-55 877 8-84 8-87 9-19 - 877 8-84 8'86 9-18 55 Piscium 58 Pis'jium Piaz/i 0. 189 y Andromeda. 1 2 Ursa; Minoris 12-798 10-950 12-458 10-458 10-950 11-093 10-950 10-950 10-942 10-950 ii 11-082 1 1-981 10-950 10-950 13-063 10-343 10-950 h m 8 o. 14. 40-93 O. 21. 36*00 o. 25. 2-56 o. 27. 20-40 o. 30. 31-26 o. 33. 4-40 o- 34-45-72 0.41. 54-69 0. 43. 14-51 o- 44- 23-47 0.48. 0-38 0.55. 2-15 1. 22. 22'49 o. o. 20*34 o. 2.43*90 O. 3. I2'OI o. 5. 19-08 o. 8. 1 1 -8 1 j o. 15. 3-20; O. 21. 36-76 o. 25- 3 '43 o. 27. 21-15 o. 30. 32-06 o. 33. 5-09 3- 19-92 4- 1378 5.31-85 6. 15-32 8. 37*22 iz. 45'53 21. 56-16 31- 5472! -34- 23*82) . 36. 20*68 ! o. 14. o. 25. o. 27. o. 30. o. 33. o. 34. o. 42. o. 43. o. 44. 0. 48. 0.55. 1. O. I. 3. I. 22. 5271 3'54 21-33 32-l8 5''7 16-63 55-66 36-89 24-33 '"37 1-03 46-32 20*51 14-68 7-36 3S'7 1-66 19-69 30-42 3-56 44-28 54'7 1377 23'5 59'53 14-66 8-29 19-12 42-76 10-87 17-87 11 -ii 1679 35-68 2-25 20-24 30-96 3'99 18-98 13-70 30-82 15-05 36-32 44'53 o"97 53-95 23-14 19-73 15-19 2-64 20*64 31-34 4-33 15-24 55'7 36*21 24-47 0-52 15*17 45-60 19*80 6-16 3'57 22 '20 I. 22. 13-32 1.43. 22*94 1.45.41-161 40 56 1.48. 9-87! 9-44 1.49. 14-25! 13-85 55- 4' ' 39-35 o. 34. 47 "2 ' o. 41. 56*16 o. 43. i6'oo o. 44. 24-67 o. 55. 0-07 4-22 39*01 46-81 55'54 15-24 24-84 3-07 27-93 54"4i 12-40 23-04 56*01 37-9I 46*69 6-51 16*14 52-19 6-44 56-30 11-15 34-85 3-02 9-84 3-28 4'25 27-91 54-39 12 39 23-03 56-00 11-50 6-18 23-18 7-40 28-68 36-85 55-16 46-23 '5'45 12*09 576 54-37 12-37 23-01 37 V 46-66 27-87 ! 16-10 | 52-16 5'55 37-13 11-49 5378; 5378 13-69 31-98 0-94 5-30 4-29 7-24 7-25 7-29 7-38 7'55 7-37 7-38 7-26 7-36 7'34 8-22 11-99 - I 7-25 7'55 7'37 7'3' 7-2 7'35 30*52 7-97 7'9' 12-54 777 7-86 7-85 7 "93 7 - 48 7'64 - 7-65 7 '64 7*68 - 5-81 772 7' 6 9 7-64 - 9'43 - 8-27 - 8-27 - 8-33 - 8-35 - 8-36 - 8-41 - 8-34 - 8*37 - 8-36 - 9-62 - 8-47 - 8-31 -12-38 - 979 - 8-5. - 8-58 - 8-50 - 8-55 - 8-51 8-49 7-9- 7'9 7-8 8-0 7-8 777 7-86 7'99 7'47 7'5 7*6 7-64 77' 7*68 7-63 37-86 46-64 6-46 1 6 -08 - S'95 - 8 -90 - 878 - 876 -10-09 8-26 8-26 8-32 8-34 8'35 8-40 8-33 8-36 8'35 8-46 8-30 8-49 8-56 8-48 8-53 8-49 8-47 8'94 8-89 877 875 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Star's Name. Observed Transit. - * = St. III JS'I r? S .-n "> 2 * T Star's Name. Observed Transit. II 11*8 G !H 1898 November 27 continued. Greenivich. Polaris ft. Arietis Ceti 40 Arietis 9'97 1-82 53'H 77' 7-89 6-n - 9'*4 9'3 9-30 9-30 - 9-38 9 '46 9 '45 9-41 9'37 9'4' , 9-49 ' 9'85 9 -2 7 9 -2 7 9'35 9'43 9-42 - 9-38 9'34 - 9'38 9'4 6 I Tauri E /Tauri E Piam III. 87 E 17 Tauri W 7-Tuuri W e Tauri Wl f Persei W 33 Tauri WJ X Tauri Wl A 1 Tauri W A 2 Tauri W Groombridge 750 W 95 950 3.21.53-48 52-82 3.25. 29-59 3. 28. 34-82 10*992 3- 39- 3 '98 3. 41. 40-11 3-4Z- 5 5 '44 58-18 15-87 34-35 54-81 58-06 15-52 '5'93 3-47 3- 5' 3- 55 l6 '53 3. 58. 54-70 54-32 3.59.32-85 32-47 4- 5- 2 '59 ' 6 '3 8 43*61 ; 9'2I '973 I 9' 2 7 25*15 9-20 5476 30-92 45'9' 49' 2 3 6-64 7-03 45 '-H 23-63 7-98 - 8-89 8-86 i 8-90 ' 8-83 8-88 j - 8-90 - 8-78 - 8-84! 8-40 9''7 9*23 9"i6 8*85 8-82 8-86 879 8-84 8-86 74 8-80 XIV. MEAN CLOCK ERROR. Forming now the means of Column 8 in the preceding pages for each group of clock stars observed in positions of the instrument Micrometer West or Micrometer East respectively, the results shown in the tables on pages 174 to 177 are obtained. The first five columns require no explanation. In the sixth column the results of Columns 4 and 5 are corrected for systematic difference between the two positions W and E. To obtain this correction, the clock errors shown in the various groups on each day were all reduced to the same epoch by applying the clock rates given subsequently. The means of the results W and E were then taken, weighting according to the number of stars in each group, and the difference of these means formed for each day. These differences are given in the following table, and assigning the weights to them shown iu the third column the mean differences are formed : CLOCK ERROR. 173 Transit D. Transit E. Date. 1898. W E. Weight. Date. 1898. W E. Weight. Killorglin. Greenwich. s 8 October 1 1 + 0-03 2 October 1 1 2 H + 0'02 I 12 + O'2I 2 22 + '03 2 3 + 0-09 I 2 3 + 0-23 2 '7 + '3 I 18 + 0-25 2 '9 O'O2 I 22 O'OI I Greenwich. 2 3 + 0'07 2 2 4 + O'll 2 October 28 o'ig 2 3 + 0-07 2 3' 0-04 2 Killorglin. November i 0-06 2 3 + '3 2 October 28 + 0-44 2 4 O'll 2 29 + O'OI 2 5 0-07 2 3' + 0-15 2 6 0-04 2 November 3 + 0-48 I 10 O'OO 2 5 - 0-13 I 12 + 0-03 I 8 + 0-17 2 '3 o-o i 2 9 -f 0-31 I 10 + 0-24 2 '3 -t- 0-42 2 Killorglin. Greenwich. November 1 6 + 0-18 2 17 - O-O; 2 November 1 8 + O'og I 18 + o-o i 2 20 4- O'l I I 21 O'OI I 22 + 0'27 2 26 o'og I 25 + 35 2 2 7 - 0-13 Z z7 + 0-46 2 Means 0-008 38 -f 0-2O3 37 The following corrections have therefore been applied in forming the corrected clock-error in Column 6 : For Transit E, -- 8 '10 to West groups, +0 S '10 to East groups. For Transit D, no correction has been applied. GRBENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 174 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit D. Date. 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Oct. 1 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 1 8 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 b in 20 41-9 22 O'2 o 55-0 Kilh 5 10 9 wglin Clo S 13-60 + 36-88 + 28-30 + 9-65 + 8-64 + 27 tenwich Ct 3-16 - 3-01 - 3'45 - 3'Si I B& s 10-09 -21-17 + 37-05 + 8-97 + 2 '95 + 2-21 oclc. - 2-86 - 2-83 - 3'4' - 3"4' s 10-09 13-60 21-17 + 5^2 + 2-11 - 5'4 6 + 0-08 O'Og o-oo + 0-56 O'I2 ~ O+S + 0-28 + 0-03 0'46 - 0-23 + 0-07 0-08 + O'lO + 0-04 + O'OO + 0-04 o - o6 Oct. 3 1 Nov. i Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 li ni 21 5 22 54 o 53 Greenwicl 9 20 12 i Clock c 3 - 3-68 - 3'76 - 379 ontinued. s - 3-54 - 3-7I 8 - 3'54 - 3'68 - 37' s + O'I2 O'02 0-05 O'OO + 0-04 0'02 + 0-09 O'O2 0-08 0-06 + O-Og o'o6 + 0-02 + 0-02 + 0-02 0-07 O'07 + O'C2 O"O2 + 0-07 22 49-4 10, 14 -15708 23 5 2O, 21 - 3-658 20 45-6 22 I'l 6 5 + 37-05 + 36-88 21 27 22 21 23 24 10 IO 10 - 376 21 199 5, 6 + 36-973 7 2 - 4-I7 - 4' 2 9 - 4'36 - 4-58 - 4-61 - 4-56 3 72 - 379 21 42-4 5 + 28 30 22 24 1 2O, IO - 3757 21 36 23 2 1 I 2 1 40 '3 17 7 4 4-06 - 4">7 - 4' 2 3 - 4-21 21 42-4 5, o + 28-300 21 16-9 23 21-3 i 2-9 7 n 6 + 9-65 + 8-97 + 8-64 - 4 oo - 4' 2 3 - 4' 21 - 4'44 4-60 - 4 <6 9 - 4-69 - 4-65 23 2 5 24,7 23 10-4 13, I" + 9-086 4 '49 21 35 22 |8 23 10 3 7 8 - 4' 2 9 - 4'44 - 4'36 21 59-4 23 56-0 I 4-2 7 15 5 + 2-95 + 2-70 + 2-21 2 3 38-4 Ij, 12 + 2-674 22 34 7- ii - 4'38o 23 n 2 2 2 32 3 2 7 Gr 2 6 6 6 - 3-16 - 2-86 - 3'' - 2-83 22 3 23 21 o 56 34 ii 21 9 5 4-60 - 4-58 - 4 <6 9 - 4' 6 9 2 19 8,12 2-926 2 3 35 25,21 - 4-618 21 12 2i 24 *3 4 o 56 7 '4 7 9 - 3'4' - 3'45 - 3'+' - 3-51 22 8 23 33 i 19 1 1 15 2 - 4-6, - 4-65 - 4-56 23 2 *3, >4 - .V449 23 7 15, '3 4/628 i CLOCK ERROR. Clock Error found by Mr Dyson with Transit D. continued. 775 Date 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Differeuce from Mean. Date. 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Greenwich Clock continued. Killorglin Clock continued. h HI a i s s s h in s g a s Nov. 10 21 19 2 - 5'3' - 5'3' 4- 0'12 Xov. 17 22 6-O 4 -14-48 -14-48 + 0-39 22 4 8 - 5-43 - 5'43 + O'OO 22 46-8 7 -14-52 -14-52 + 0-35 23 26 21 - 5"44 - 5 '44 - o-oi 23 )2'I 12 - 14-88 -14-88 O'OI o 59 8 ~ 5H3 o-oo 1 VO 9 15-18 -15-18 - 0-31 i 26 i - 5'37 - 5-37 + o'o6 I 42-8 2 -15-42 -15-42 - '55 23 24 '7,23 - 5-428 23 51-5 18, 16 14-870 Nov. 12 22 55 o 45 3 3 - 5-86 - 5-88 - 5-88 - 5-86 o-oi 4- O'oi Nov. 1 8 Z2 4-9 22 46-5 23 58-9 4 7 12 -19-77 20-25 -19-97 -1977 -19-97 20-25 + 0-42 + O-22 o - o6 23 5 3,3 - 5-870 1 1-4 I 28-9 6 2 2O'6o -20-47 -20-47 20-60 0-28 - 0-41 Nov. 1 3 22 22 7 6'O2 6'O2 0-05 2 3 457 18,13 20-190 23 9 9 5-93 - 5 '93 + 0-04 22 I 12 1 26 1 1 i 2 - 5'9 6 - 5-86 6-19 - 5 '9 6 - 5-86 + O'Ol O'22 + O'l I Nov. 2 1 22 59-1 o 6 '9 8 10 -35-80 -36-04 -35-80 -36-04 + 0-13 O'll 23 36-8 8, 10 -35-933 23 38 20, 10 - 5-966 Nov. 26 23 1-9 9 64-06 64-06 + 0-14 23 49'5 9 -64-33 -64-33 - 0-13 Killorijlin Clock. '3 257 9, 9 -64-195 Nov. 16 22 17-4 10 - 8-87 - 8-87 + 0-38 Nov. 27 i 0-7 8 70-26 70-26 4- 0-14 o 23-5 8 - 9'57 - 9'57 - 0-32 2 4'2 I 2 -70-35 -70-35 4- 0-05 I 33-0 2 - 9-83 - 9' 8 3 0-58 3 3-6 7 70-66 70-66 0-26 23 27-4 12, 8 - 9' 2 4 6 2 0'8 15, 12 -70-404 Clock Error found by Mr Holli with Transit E. Greenwich Clock. Greenwich Clock continued. Oct. ii 22 13 9 + O'l I + 0'2 I + 0-04 Oct. 1 2 22 44 10 (+ O'll + O'OI + O'OI 2 3 4' 9 + 0-23 + 0-13 0-04 o 31 8 O'l I O'OI O'OI ' 51 6 + 0-07 + 0-17 O'OO i 39 3 + 0-09 o-oi O'Ol 2 3 4> 9, '5 + 0-I70 23 50 13,8 O'OOO 176 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- KILLORGLIN, 1898. Clock Error found by Mr Hollis with Transit E. continued. Date. 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. Date. 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Mean Clock Error. Corrected. Difference from Mean. W. E. W. E. Oct. 13 Oct. 17 Oct. 1 8 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 h m 21 36 I 16 Greenwich 9 8 , Clock e S 0'2I I '08 - 1-25 - ''35 - 1-69 - 2-17 - z'30 - 2 '5' ontinued. 3 O'26 rOg - ''55 - " 6 7 - 2-18 - 2- 39 - 2 '33 - 2-61 - 2-63 s 0-16 - 0-31 s + 0-07 O'o8 + O'l I - 0-08 + '7 0-03 0-03 - 0-13 + 0-09 0-09 + o - io + 0-04 0-07 + o-io + 0-05 0*05 + 0-03 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 3 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 5 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 h in 22 ig-l o o'3 1 21'6 Ki 8 12 7 llorglin C -28-36 'oek. s -29-35 -35 -I 7 -36-07 s 28-46 -29-25 s + 0-62 - 0-17 23 19 8,9 O'2 2 I -29-38 -29-48 + '47 23 51-4 15, I2 21 42 23 8 7 10 - '99 - 1-18 23 12-0 22'0 i 337 o 12 5 -35-07 22 33 10,7 IMO2 -35'57 -46-34 -47-10 - 3'3 12-32 -28-08 -3277 -35-67 -35'97 - 0-13 - 0-43 + '35 + o-oi - 0-41 + 0-03 0-07 + O'Ol O'OO + 0-28 o-io 21 18 23 19 i 5 8 ii 7 ''35 - ''45 - ''45 o 13-9 12, 13 -35'54 2 22 I 1 '9 23 36-5 o 52-8 10 21 9 -46-44 23 10 15, ii '-419 46 88 3-33 46-78 -47-20 o 43 ' 43 5 7 - '79 ''57 2 3 3 2 '5 19,21 -46-790 22 35-3 o 26-4 14 7 3-23 i 18 5,7 - 1-662 -' 2 '53 -27-90 -28-67 -33-44 - 3-33 2 30 3 55 10 9 - 2-27 2-08 23 12-3 7, 14 - 3' 2 63 22 35-8 o 16-3 1 1 17 -12-42 3 10 10,9 2-180 - I2 '43 2 3 36-8 n, 17 12-426 22 47 o 19 i 7 8 13 7 - 2-29 - 2-40 - 2-23 22 217 23 50 - 6 I 5'I ii 20 2 -27-80 -28-18 5 13, 15 -28-57 0-49 + 0-13 - 0-34 *3 2S'5 20, 13 23 15 43 1 34 8 '4 6 - 2 '5' - 2-61 - 2 '53 -28-077 22 56-0 o 35 i 5 2 -32-87 -33-34 o 29 14, H - 2 '564 23 24-3 5, 2 -33-004 CLOCK Ji Clock Error found by Mr Hollis with Transit E. continued. 177 Mean Clock Mean Clock Date 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Error. Corrected. Difference, from Mean. Date 1898. Mean R.A. of Group. Number of Stars. Error. Corrected. Difference, from Mean. W. E. W. E. Killorglin Clock continued. Greenwich Clock continued. h m s H s s h m s s s s Nov. i o 22 54-7 9 -38-15 -38-05 + 0-41 I 38-5 '3 -38-54 -38-64 0-18 Nov. 20 23 53 1 1 - 7-45 - 7'35 + 0-04 2 59-9 2 -39-24 -39-14 - 0-68 o 35 IO - 7-34 - 7'44 0-05 o 43-9 13, II -38-460 13 10, I I - 7'393 NOV. 13 22 40-6 '3 -53-06 -53-16 + "44 NOV. 22 21 46 8 - 7'53 - 7-63 + 0-09 2 3 58-4 18 53-83 -5373 - 0-13 23 43 21 - 7-85 - 775 0-03 I 25-I 12 -53-80 -53-90 - 0-30 i 16 9 - 7-63 - 773 O'OI 23 59-1 25,18 -53-605 23 40 17,21 - 7-720 Nov. 25 22 17 9 - 8-81 - 8-71 0-19 Greenwich Clock. O 22 20 - 8-36 - 8-46 + 0-06 ' 5' 6 - 8-52 - 8-42 + O'lO Nov. 17 O ? 8 6-68 6-58 O'OO 8. r IT O 4 0,8 6-580 5 20, 15 5'7 Nov. 27 o 35 8 - 8-88 - 8-98 + 0-12 Nov. 18 o 7 5 - 6 '99 - 7-09 0-03 2 59 4 - 9'34 - 9-24 - 0-14 3 '7 3 - 7'iz - 7-02 + 0-04 3 49 8 - 8-86 - 8-96 + 0-14 i 18 5, 3 - 7-064 2 34 16,14 9-096 178 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH -KILLORGLIN, 1898. XV. CLOCK RATE. From comparison of consecutive clock-errors thus determined, the rates of the Sidereal Standard in the intervals have been determined, and from these the rates given in Column 2 of the following table, which have been used to form the error of this clock at the time of the signals, have been deduced. The clock rate found by the observations with the Greenwich Transit-Circle have been added in Column 3 for comparison. As the clock Graham 2 used at Killorglin was in an exposed situation, and therefore liable to fluctuations in rate, although actually the observations showed this rate to be fairly steady, it was thought advisable to derive its rate from the comparisons by signals with the Sidereal Standard on nights when two exchanges were made, applying the rate of the Sidereal Standard given in Column 3 to the relative rate of the clocks in the interval between the exchanges. The hourly rates of Graham 2 derived in this way are given in Column 5, and these have been used subsequently. Sidereal Standard at Greenwich. Graham z at Killorglin. Date. Hourl Adopted. Y Rate By T. C. Observations. Date. Hourly Rate Adopted. 1898. _ 3 s October 1 1 0-007 0-005 October 1 1 - 2-556 12 0-009 O'OOS 4 - 'H7 '3 O-OIO O-OOg 18 0-167 17 o'oii 0'OIO 22 0-263 18 O'OII O'OI I 23 0-258 '9 0-008 o-oio 22 0-007 0-003 2 3 0-008 0-003 October 28 0-265 2 + 0-008 0-003 31 O'2l6 November 3 - ''95 October 28 O-OIO O'OIO 5 - 0-183 3 O'OIO O'OI I 8 - 0-175 3' 0-007 O'OII 9 0-208 November i 0-007 0-008 10 0-225 3 0-009 0-004 '3 - 0-154 4 0-009 0-008 5 0-005 0-005 6 0-004 0-008 November 1 6 0-231 10 0-009 O'OIO 17 0'22I 12 0-006 0-005 18 O-2I9 '3 0-005 ... 21 0-2I5 2 7 0-226 November 1 7 o-oio O'OIO 18 0-013 0-005 20 0-007 22 0-009 O'OII 25 O'Oll 0-013 27 O'OII O'OIO EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 179 XVI. EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. The signals for comparison of the clocks at Greenwich and Killorglin were made by means of the apparatus mentioned in Section VI. of this account. The exchange was begun by the observer at Greenwich sending fifteen signals at arbitrary intervals, consecutive signals being separated by two or three seconds. The observer at Killorglin then sent thirty signals, and the exchange was completed by the observer at Greenwich again sending fifteen. Two such exchanges were made on each night when observations of stars were made at both stations. In the following table Columns 4 and 5 give the difference of the clocks in the sense East -- West as found by the means of a group of signals, whose number is given in Column 3. Column 2 gives the Greenwich sidereal time of the mean of the group, and the time in Column 6 is found by taking the mean of the times of the groups of signals sent from Greenwich, weighted according to the number of signals, and then by taking the simple mean of this and the time of the group sent from Killorglin. The figures in Column 7 are found from those in Columns 4 and 5 in a similar way. The last column is half the difference between the mean of the figures in Column 4 and those in Column 5 corrected for rate of the clocks, showing the time of transmission. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham z found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Killorglin. Date. Givcuwicli Numlier Sidereal ol' Time. Signals. Dili'erence c wigimU s Greenwich. f Clocks by But from Killorglin. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Ditference of Clocks. 1898. Oct. 1 1 h in 1 14-4 2 22'8 2 36-4 '7 24 8 Ill S 38 49'34' 38 46-432 in s h tn z 15-4 38 46-000 Ill S S 38 46-819 0-074 Oct. 1 4 22 l8'5 22 23-4 '9 18 39 4-675I 39 46-824 Z2 2I'O 39 46788 0-042 23 44-5 14 23 49- 2 16 39 46-636 39 46713 Z 3 46-9 39 46-675 0-044 Oct. 1 5 22 48-0 l6 22 52'2 l8 39 43-600 39 43-683 22 5O'I 39 43'642 Oct. 1 6 22 297 27 22 35'I 31 39 40-028 39 40-106 22 32-4 39 40-067 ISO TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREEN WICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham z found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Killorglin continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Numbei of Signals. Difference signals 5 Greenwich. )f Clocks by ent from Killorglin. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1898. li in til S m s h m Ill 8 s Oct. ' 17 23 20-9 12 39 42-595 23 257 22 39 42-675 23 25-6 39 42-635 0*040 23 287 4 39 42-593 | Oct. 1 8 22 48-4 23 67 12 27 39 39''57 39 39""8 22 57-6 39 39"i93 0-058 I 36-4 I 40-5 4 12 39 387 2 9 39 38-818 I 38-5 39 38774 0-050 Oct. 19 23 46-0 o 7-6 13 21 39 35-402 39 35H37 2 3 56-8 39 35-420 0-044 2 35-5 I I 39 35-094 * 35-5 39 35-045 ... Oct. 20 23 477 13 39 3i'495 23 52-0 '9 39 31-573 *3 5'7 39 31-535 0-037 23 56-3 10 39 31-500 Oct. 2 i 22 52-3 10 39 27'36o 22 597 21 39 2 7'44 6 22 59-0 39 27-396 0-050 23 27 "3 39 2 7'334 Oct. 22 23 17-8 8 39 20-895 23 21-0 24 39 20-959 23 217 39 20-913 0-042 23 25-0 15 39 20-852 i 6-8 ii 39 20-401 i 10-8 22 39 20-488 I I I'O 39 20-4.38 0-049 i 15-5 II 39 20-374 Oct. 23 23 13-2 '5 39 H737 23 16-9 3 39 14-821 23 16-7 39 H'77 0-044 23 20-3 13 39 I4-730 2 28-8 '5 39 13-917 2 32-2 26 39 13-992 2 31-8 39 '3-948 0-046 2 35-0 10 39 13-886 Oct. 24 22 56-4 15 39 8-849 23 O'2 35 39 8-902 23 0'3 39 8-870 0-032 23 3-8 '7 39 8-826 i 46-4 3 39 8-118 1 547 29 39 8 - i6i I 54-1 39 8-123 0-041 2 1-8 1 1 39 8-045 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 181 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham z found by Signals sent from Greenwii-h and Killorglin continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference signals i Greenwich. if Clocks by ent from Killorglin. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1898. Oct. 28 h in I I 1-4 I 14-8 I 28-9 10 20 '5 Ill S 38 43728 38 43-669 m & 38 43-832 h m I 18-4 m s 38 43-763 s 0-056 2 4I-3 2 457 2 49-6 13 17 15 38 43-342 38 43-458 38 43-300 2 457 38 43-389 0-069 Oct. 29 23 31-6 23 36-3 23 41-2 '5 20 16 38 37'857 38 37-810 3 8 37-93I 23 36-5 38 37-882 0-049 Oct. 30 23 8'4 23 12-4 23 157 '4 3 16 38 32-007 38 31-975 38 32-086 23 12-3 38 32-038 0-048 i 48-4 15 I 52-2 21 i 55-7 22 38 31-425 38 31-412 38 3I-527 I 52-3 38 31-470 0-055 Oct. 3 1 23 19-9 23 23-9 23 26-6 17 38 27-121 27 16 38 27-114 38 27-207 23 23-6 38 27-163 0-046 i 49-9 1 53'5 i 56-8 15 38 26-612 20 13 38 26-596 38 26-694 i S3'3 38 26-650 0-045 Nov. i 23 23-4 13 38 22-106 23 277 22 23 30-5 16 38 22-058 38 22-194 23 27-5 38 22-137 0-056 Nov. 2 23 57'4 o 1-3 o 3-9 12 38 15-973 22 16 38 15-944 38 16-038 o i -a 38 15-997 0-040 Nov. 3 23 30-6 23 33'6 23 36-4 19 39 10-967 28 21 39 10-952 39 II '47 23 33-6 39 11-003 0-044 i 50-9 i 537 i 56-6 '9 23 17 39 10-521 39 10-499 39 10-602 i 537 39 IO '5S 6 0-046 Nov. 4 23 33-0 23 37'6 23 42-4 18 3i 14 39 6 79 C 39 6 '749 39 6-881 23 37'4 39 6-827 0-055 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS. 2 a TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 found ly Signals sent from Greenwich and Killnrglin continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. Difference o signals s< Greenwich. f Clocks by snt from Killorglin. Means of each Exchange. Time ot Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1898. h m m H Ill S h m m s s Nov. 5 23 43'4 13 39 2-064 23 487 26 39 2-180 23 48-4 39 2-117 0-064 23 5 2 '5 13 39 2-045 i 527 16 39 I- 72 i 56-5 3 39 '789 I 56-2 39 '74 6 0-044 i 59*5 4 39 r 72 Nov. 6 23 30-9 >7 38 57-099 23 37'5 25 38 57-161 23 37*i 38 57-121 0-041 23 42-0 '9 38 57-063 Nov. 8 23 5>'3 22 38 46-927 23 59'8 35 38 47-018 23 58-1 38 46-972 0-051 3'3 16 38 46-925 2 19*+ '4 3 8 46-535 2 24-4 27 38 46-614 2 24-7 38 46-567 0-047 2 29'I 18 38 46-506 Nov. 9 O 22'4 20 38 42-216 o 26-9 3 38 42-295 o 27-0 38 42-246 0-050 o 30-9 16 38 42-175 I 36-6 18 38 41-956 I 41-4 26 38 42-020 I 41-5 38 4I-978 0-042 ' 45*9 20 38 41-917 Nov. 10 o 19-8 '9 38 37-121 o 24-5 26 38 37-216 o 24-1 38 37-i6i 0-056 o 27-6 '9 38 37-090 2 45-1 17 38 36-599 2 49' 2 27 38 36-697 2 48-8 38 36-642 0-056 2 SI'S 17 38 36-574 Nov. 1 1 2 2 I -4 15 38 31-522 2 38-5 15 38 3i'554 2 35'3 38 3i-5'9 0-046 2 44-1 '3 38 3 ' '443 Nov. 1 2 o 7-8 '9 38 26-976 o 10-5 33 38 27-051 O 10- 1 38 27-011 0-041 I2'I 15 38 26-963 Nov. 1 3 O I I '2 18 38 22-564 o i6'o 26 38 22-643 o 16-2 38 22-596 0-047 o 217 '7 38 22-531 EXCHANGES OF SIGNALS. 183 Difference of Sidereal Standard and Orahnm 2 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Killorglin continued. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number . of Signals. Difference o signals 5 Greenwich. f Clocks by ent from Killorglin. Means of each Exchange. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1898. Nov. 1 3 h 111 2 30-1 16 2 34'i 37 2 367 13 m s 38 22-213 38 22-192 m s 38 22-298 h m 2 33-6 m s 38 22-251 s 0-048 Nov. 1 5 o 17-2 18 39 12-670 o 23-6 22 o 27-9 16 39 ' i2'62i 39 12-748 o 23-0 39 12-698 0-048 Nov. 1 6 o 17-4 17 39 6-961 o 22-6 39 o 28-8 20 39 6-926 39 7-039 o 23-1 39 6 '99' 0-048 2 2 2 "9 2 28-8 2 33'9 16 39 6-486 43 16 39 6-436 39 6 '594 2 28-6 39 6-528 0-067 Nov. 17 o 27-3 o 31-2 o 35-0 >3 34 16 39 ''4 6 5 39 1- 443 39 "'573 o 31-4 39 r 5i3 O-o6o 2 2IM 2 25 - 6 2 30-8 18 35 21 39 1-074 39 1-042 39 1-163 2 26-O 39 mo 0-052 NOY. 1 8 21'6 o 25-4 o 28-9 18 39 zo 38 5 6 '34 38 56-314 38 5 6 '435 o 25-4 38 56-381 0-054 2 8-7 2 i3'5 2 l6'4 17 32 15 38 55-966 3 8 55'93* 38 56-044 2 I2'9 38 55'997 0-049 Nov. 1 9 o 50-5 o 53-6 o 58-2 20 29 '9 38 51-276 38 51-248 38 51-362 o 53-9 38 5''3i2 0-049 Nov. 20 I 9-5 I 12-4 I 15-5 15 32 16 38 45-967 38 45-944 38 46-086 I I2- 4 38 46-021 0-065 Nov. 2 1 o 34-6 45'3 o 49-2 20 39 18 38 41-024 38 40-964 38 41-090 o 43-4 38 4>'43 0-054 2 6-5 2 lO'O 2 13-2 18 27 15 38 40-714 38 40-684 38 4797 2 lO'I 38 4074 8 0-049 184 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH- KILLORGLIN, 1898. Difference of Sidereal Standard and Graham 2 found by Signals sent from Greenwich and Killort/lin continued. Difference of Clocks by Means of each Exchange. Date. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Number of Signals. signals s Greenwich. ent from Killorgliu. Time of Transmission. Greenwich Sidereal Time. Difference of Clocks. 1898. h in m s m s | h in m s s NOV. 22 o 44'6 '5 38 36-188 o 53-3 36 38 36-268 o 52-0 38 36-220 0-053 o 56-2 16 38 36-156 Nov. 23 o 57-8 1 1 38 30-441 i 2-9 30 38 30-S33 i 37 3 8 30-477 0-054 i 8-0 20 38 30-408 Nov. 24 o 52-0 20 38 25-068 o 56-0 36 38 25'"39 o 55-8 38 25-097 0-043 o 59-0 20 ] 38 25-041 Nov. 2 5 i 4-9 16 38 19-507 ' I3-4 25 38 19-568 i 12-8 38 19-520 0-049 i 20- 1 '5 3 8 '9'437 Nov. 26 o 56-8 16 38 13-961 7-6 26 S 8 I3-995 i 6'9 38 13-961 0-039 H'5 14 38 13-889 Nov. 27 2 '5 16 38 8-472 7-0 36 38 8-536 i 7-0 38 8-493 0-043 11 3 '7 38 8-429 4 13-8 18 38 7765 4 17-3 3i 38 7-859 4 17-2 38 7-808 0-052 4 20-4 16 38 7747 Nov. 28 i 8-5 '9 38 3-386 i 11-5 34 38 3'475 i 1 1-6 38 3-426 0-049 i 15-2 18 38 3-365 Mean 0-049 RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 185 XVII. RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. The following Table shows the individual values of the difference of longitude resulting from the observations of each night when clock error was determined both at Greenwich and Killorglin. The first three columns require no explanation. Column 5 gives the difference of the clocks as found by the signals at the times given in Column 1, which is taken from the table on pp. 179-184, or is found by taking the simple mean of the results in cases when there were two exchanges of signals on one night. Column 4 gives the error of the Sidereal Standard at the same time, found by applying the rates given on p. 178 to the error shown on pp. 17J/.-177. Column 6 gives similarly the error of Graham 2. From columns 4, 5 and 6, the value of the difference of longitude uncorrected for personal equation of the observers is deduced, and is given in Column 7. In general the determinations depend on clock errors found from three or more groups of stars at both stations. To each such determination, or in the cases when only two groups were observed at one station, a weight of 2 has been assigned. To the determinations on October 18 and November 17 a weight unity is given, because the clock errors at Killorglin and Greenwich respectively depend on one group of stars only. To the determination on November 5 a weight unity has been given, because it appears from the table on p. 173 that there is some unexplained abnormal error in the observations on this night. 186 TELEGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDE, GREENWICH-KILLORGLIN, 1898. Observer at Difference of Difference of Date and Greenwich Sidereal Time. 4 .5 f Greenwich Clock Slow. Difference of Clocks by Signals. Killorglin Clock Slow. Longitude un- corrected for Personal M be '3 te Longitude corrected for Personal Difference from Mean. i Equation. r* Equation. 3 PART I. 1898. d h m s in s m s Ill S S Oct. II 215 H. I). + 0-15 38 46-82 -22-81 39 9-78 2 39 io'02 + 0-19 18 o 18 ) > j ' - 1*43 39 38-98 + 27-97 39 9'5 8 I 39 9' 8z O'OI 22 l6 ) 1 J - 2-16 39 20-68 + 8-97 39 9'55 2 39 979 0-04 23 o 54 ) ) ) - 2-33 39 H'36 + 2' 5 ! 39 9'5* 2 39 9-76 0-07 Mean 39 9' 6 > PART II. Oct. 28 2 2 D. H. - 2-93 38 43-58 -29-48 39 I0 ''3 2 39 9-89 + 0-06 3' o 38 - 3'6- 38 26-91 -46-88 39 10-12 2 39 9'88 + 0-05 Nov. 3 o 44 , , ) - 4-, 6 39 10 78 - 3'43 39 IO- 5 2 39 9' 81 O-02 5 o 52 ) ) 4-62 39 ''93 -12-54 39 9' 8 5 I 39 9' 6 ' O-22 io i 37 ) i - 5'45 38 36-90 -38-51 39 9'9 6 2 39 972 - O'l I 13 i 25 ) J - 5-98 38 22-42 -5373 39 10-17 2 39 9'93 + o-io Mean 39 10-06 PART III. Nov. 17 i 29 H. D. - 6-59 39 '3i 15-08 39 9' 8 I 39 10-04 + 0'2I 18 i 19 1 ) > > 7-06 38 56-19 -20-38 39 9'5i 2 39 975 0'08 27 2 42 > } > - 9-09 38 8-15 -70-41 39 9'47 2 39 97i 0-12 Mean 39 9'55 RESULTING VALUES FOR DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE. 187 The weighted mean of results of Parts I. and III. = 39 m 9 8 '59, Part II. =39 m 10 S '06, therefore the difference of personal equation between Mr. Dyson and Mr. Hollis = B> 24. This value of the personal equation has been applied with the appropriate sign to the figures iu Column 7 of the above table to find Differences of Longitude corrected for Personal Equation between the observing piers, the weighted mean of which is 39 m 9 s- 83. The differences of each determination from this, shown in the last column, give a probable error of the result S '023. The observing pier at Greenwich is 8 '02 west of the Transit Circle, so that finally the longitude of the Ordnance Survey Mark at Ballymacprier is 39 m 9 9> 85 O s< 023 West of the Transit Circle at Greenwich. LONGITUDE PARIS - GREENWICH, 1888. ?u*. i. Observing room/ at Greenwich/. N Shutter H 1- Shatter s GROUND PLAN Shutter Door Her Section, through, JFrcme Iferticab. SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION E .Weller 4 Grahams. U d Litho. London. .'SO* // 00 LONGITUDE PARIS- GREENWICH, 1888. Observing rvoTn/ at> Montsonri-s - N Shatter r~ ~~i Door Shutter 8 GROUND PLAN Scafe ffieJFoot - Door Section- through/ Prime, ~\fertical< SOUTH ELEVATION. through. Meridian/ EAST ELEVATION. E.Wel!riGraham.l*<* La.^o. London (O z o 55 o z (O o 1 UJ 00 o ir UJ CO LU CE or O DC OL QC i UJ CO cc I I > DC O a: or o 01 UJ CO CO o I :r cc o o o I- o 111 CO ul cc u > I 1 JC 3 2 ui g 3 Q_ 5 cr CO O O 1 Q. CVJ cr> co o UJ UJ a: CD I en cc LU a CD z: o UJ > UJ -J a cr l- (D at/// foaffoq ucuyy I. 2 | u t I O h- o UJ O O _J < u cc h- u UJ _J UJ cc O Plate VI. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. PLAN OF THE FRONT COURT. Zylinski s CU Transit. 1664. TV nta^esC pmx) to Hie Transit Pttr pf HyH WaltrH*r*. , n BALLI HSKELL1GS BAY u2 a t/imrffr of u !':..< distant PLAN OF THE PROPERTY Of THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY AT WATERVILLE. Co. KERRY, Haw.M INI ASITION ,,ff J STATION I *S Ro.o TO CH60 WellerSGraham.L^ Litiio. London. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ASTRGNDMY LIBRARY LD 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 701226 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. DETERMINATIONS OF ( LONGITUDE. 1888-1902.