UC-NRLF 173 OF THE A UNIVERSITY OF * A Department of Science and Art, t London, S. W. . Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Utter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. !."!'L- : - tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \VIKI1.K (or i-adi Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1878. o o o 1878. o 6 d -0 I 2 O'qoS 256-7 78 62 d '945 2690 0-288 3o8'7 i5o"5 + 3-3 7 23 0-892 2597 log 26gr 0-264 32 1-4 147-0 + 47 8 38 0-914 114-2 222 270 0709 81-8 g3-i + 0-6 6 728/ Jan. 7 (49) Mar. 5 (5) (6 7 ) (728) 9-048 O-gSg 273-0 9 62-902 2690 0-291 3o8'4 i5o-5 + 3-3 3 33 Jan. 10 (9) 270 0-710 81-4 g3-o -f o-g o 10 5 7 o/ Mar. 5 (3) (43) (570) i5'g55 0-866 1047 80 0-896 78-7 264 63-629 2690 0-425 294'9 iSri + 3-6 o it Jan. 17 (344) 270 0-588 78-5 93-5 + 0-8 2 ii Mar. 6* (2) (29) 16-973 0-844 loo-S 4 52 o-8;3 78-2 499 65-890 0740 281-9 236 Jan. 1 7 (95 ) o-663 260-5 178 Mar. 8* (4H) 22-078 2660 O'3 I 2 3i6-i 328-2 + 7-6 32 50 2666 0-274 327-8 324-1 + 7'9 16 5 7 Jan. 23 (48) (107) 66-727 0-888 279-9 215 o-85g 266-6 46 22-089 266 o-3i2 3i5-5 328-2 + 7-4 24 61 M ar. 9* (261) 266* 0-273 327-5 324-0 + 7'8 '9 83 Jan. 23 (43) (144) 68-806 2716 0-621 70-8 2 4 -3 + 5-g 2 18 Mar. n (*) (18) 23-687 266n 0-6 1 1 290-4 33o-8 + 77 7 77 2666 0-552 294-8 326-1 + 8-2 35 69-979 2710 0-371 48-1 28-7 + 7'3 3o i3o Jan. 25f (27) (112) 271-6 0-424 56-i 14-1 + 6-g ii 40 Mar. 12 (41) (70) 24'583 266 0-767 284-2 33ri + 7'i o 84 2666 0-700 288-2 325-2 + 8-5 o 20 70*003 2710 o-36g 48-3 28-4 + 7'3 22 104 Jan. 26| (o) (104) 2716 0-427 56-7 23-5 + 6-8 I I 6l Mar. 12 (33) (i 65) 38-040 267 0-730 265-7 152-5 + 7-6 o i5 38oc 268 0-476 263-1 1 33'9 - 9' o 21 70-8o3 2710 0-258 16-9 297 + 7' '9 140 Feb. 8 (o) (36) (38o) 2716 o-3io 35-g 23'5 + 7'4 3 52 Mar. 1 3* (22) ('92) 43-786 0-870 82-7 282 Feb. 14 (282) 71-989 2710 o-33o 3i8-i Sri + 7'2 27 93 2710 0-289 327-1 27-4 + 6-9 O 18 Feb. 26 2681 0-427 281-4 258-3 - 17 o 4 2716 0-281 338'4 2 4 -3 + 8-0 22 Mar. 14 (27) (133) 56'736 2686 0-910 98-5 153-2 -107 8 3i5/ 72786 2710 0-473 3oo-g 3l-g + 7'5 26 142 Feb. 27* (o) (8) (3i5) 2710 0-421 304-3 28-2 + 7'o '4 63 2716 0-387 3i4'3 24*0 + 8-8 II 82 62"oi3 2690 0-181 35q'l H9'9 + 3-i 18 43 Mar. 1 5* (50 (287) 2696 0-209 2'3 149-3 + 4'8 o i3 2690 0-207 12-5 147-2 + 4'4 17 72 270 0-846 84-8 92-6 + 0-4 3 23 44/ 7 3'65 7 ijin 0-621 291-8 3i- 7 + 7'5 17 86 Mar. 4 (38) (i5i) (404) 2710 0-579 293-2 28-6 + 7-2 9 61 2716 0-028 3oo - i 23-7 + 9-0 5 67 Mar. 1 6* (3i) (214) 62*028 2690 0-181 357-9 i5o-o + 3-i 20 5 4 \ T/ 269* O'2l3 1-2 149-3 + 5-o 5 26gr 0-208 II'4 147-3 f 4'5 4 54 75-734 27ia 0-791 285-6 32-1 + 77 16 80 270 0-842 84-7 92-9 + o-5 4 18 35 7 / 2J lb 0-713 291-0 24-4 + 9'5 o 6 Mar. 4 (28) (i3i) (35 7 ) Mar. 1 8* (16) (86) Indian photo. f Melbourne photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnls are expressed in Millionth! of the Sun'i viiible Hemisphere. KEDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.*: upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1878 continued. Dis- HELIOGKAPHJC SPOTS. FACUL^E. Dis- HBLIOGRAPUIC SPOTS. FACUL*. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Liadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1878. o o 1878. o o o 76 d '636 0*945 282-3 525 l5o d -588 2720 0-238 3oo-3 72-0 + 6-4 O 20 Mar. 19* (525) 2726 0-184 342-4 63-3 + 9-6 3 4 108 2726 0-162 346-8 62-2 + 8-5 20 "4 86-8i3 0-960 283-0 575 2 7 3 0-834 83-8 4-0 + 4'9 O 12 Mar. 29* (575) June i f (54) (25 4 ) 91775 0-960 787 256 151-780 2720 0-478 284-7 7**9 + 6-6 2 H Apr. 3* (256) 2J2l> 0-364 296-6 63-5 + 9'' '9 i5g 2 7 3 0-638 82-4 5-i + 4-6 2 12 33l/ 93-681 271 073o 83-3 46-0 + 0-6 O 13 June 2* (23) 085) (33 1) 0-883 76-3 356 Apr. 5* (o) (13) (356) 102-785 2720 0-667 280-9 72*0 + 7'o 3 6 ijlb 0-570 286-7 64-3 + 9'2 22 81 102-768 0-892 286-0 143 2 7 3 0-444 787 5-1 + 4'8 3 8 Apr. 14* ('43) June 3* (28) (95) 128-981 0-852 96-3 112 June 4 272 0-763 281-4 64-7 + 8-6 9 52 May 10 (112) 129-016 0-860 96-3 1 68 154-589 272 o-85i 279-1 6 4'9 + 77 9 1741 s May 10 ('08) June 5f (o) (9) (1740 145-962 2720 2726 0-795 0-885 82-4 79*9 69-1 59-7 4- 5- 4 + 8-5 i3 5 4 60 232 Siosp i56'oo5 June 6 272 0-978 279-9 65- 9 + 97 (o) 27 (27) 656* (656) May 27 (67) (292) (810) 169-95 1 274 0-747 260-4 343-8 - 6-7 o '4 146-1 10 2720 0-773 82-0 69-2 + 5-6 '7 55 June 10 (o) 04) May 27 2726 0-871 797 59'5 + 8-5 48 (65) 214 (269) (85i) 162-017 0-968 263-3 200 June 12 (200) 146-628 2 7 2a 0-684 80-6 69*9 + 5- 7 67 170-906 0-90 5 66-0 2 7 8 272* 797 78-3 60-4 + 8-8 4 5 284 58oc June 21 (2 7 8) May 28* (45) (35 1 ) (58o) J 171-896 0-788 62-3 1 3 7 o-go3 85-2 425 147-637 2720 0-493 76-8 7 0-3 + 5-7 i3 84 June 22 (562) May 29* 2726 0-637 74'9 60-7 + 8-9 5o (63) 3i8 (402) 6i3c (6i3) 175-928 275* 0-689 o'-653 287-9 2877 126-9 124-2 + 14-0 o 4 20 20 0-970 8i-3 86 148-616 2720 0-287 67-2 707 + 5- 7 8 5g June 26 (4) (40) (86) 2726 0-448 o-qSq 69-3 88-1 61-1 + 8-5 38 213 200 176-103 2750 0-726 287-3 127-8 + 14-2 12 46 May 3o* y y (46) (272) (200) 2 7 56 0-684 o-g63 287-0 8i-3 124-4 + i3- 4 7 25 1 36 June 26 09) (70 ('36) 149-910 2720 2726 273 O'l32 O'2II o-gio 341-8 35-5 85-o 61-9 3'9 -f 6-6 7 61 o 44 240 20 528 c 176-900 2 7 5a 2756 0-843 o-797 285-1 285-1 128-6 123-g + 14-1 + I3-6 7 24 45 102 i8oc May 3 1 / (68) (3o 4 ) (528) June 27 o-gio 8i-5 (3i) ('47) 140 (320) 149-929 2726 o-i36 O'2I I 341-6 35-4 71-2 61-6 + 6-9 + 9'3 8 46 32 238 177-101 2760 2756 0-873 0-823 284-4 284-4 '29'4 i23-g + I3-8 + I3-3 n 29 68 "9 322 C May 31 / 2 7 3 0-914 84-8 3-o o (54) 6 (276) 583 r (583) June 27 O'8g2 8r8 (40) ('87) 118 (44) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAH 1878 continued. Dis- HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL*. Dis- HKLIOOKAPHIO SPOTS. FAOULJC. No. of tance ^L. . . No. of tance g Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. rrom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA fur each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spof (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1878. o o 1878. o o I77 d 8 97 275a O'gSo 283-4 i3o-2 + 13-5 29 130 176 c 244^027 277 0-978 88-2 186-0 + 3-3 23 146 i47y 275i o-gi8 283-3 124*9 + 13-3 17 93 Sept. 2 (23) (146) (147) 2 7 5r 0-904 282-8 123-0 + 12-8 15 85 0-787 81-7 IO2 June 28 '947 (61) (3o8) (3 9 2 4 ) 244-077 Sept. 2 277 0-973 87-6 186-6 + 4-o (24) 1 36 (136) u5/ (ii5) 178-106 275a 0-964 o-g32 284-0 284-1 i3o-3 124-3 + IO + 14-' 18 18 '59 128 c 244'949 Sept. 3 277 0*910 89-8 186-4 + 3-3 34 (34) 127 (127) 298 nf (298) 2750 o-g22 283-4 122-8 + i3'4 ii 56 0-761 80-8 57 June 28 0-929 99'8 (47) (246) 1 20 (3o5) 245-1 1 5 Sept. 3 277 0*887 89-4 187-2 + 3-9 26 (26) 141 (HO 283 nf (283) 178-948 June 29 275c 0-980 283-1 123-2 -l-i 3'4 i5 (IS) 68 (68) (W 245-905 Sept. 4 277 0*794 90-3 187-2 + 4'2 3i 1 65 (65) 229 / (229) 179-067 June 29 2 7 5c 0-981 282-9 122-0 + i3-2 (o) I2O (120) 61 c (61) 248-007 Sept. 6 277 0-413 96-4 187-2 + 4-o 43 (43) I 4 5 (i 4 5) igS-giS July 1 6 0-778 76-8 368 (368) 248-079 Sept. 6 277 0-399 97-0 187-3 + 3-g 35 (35) i38 (,38) 196*1 1 1 0-768 78-7 33g 248-893 277 0-218 104-1 187-6 + 4-1 33 148 July 16 (33g) Sept. 7 (33) (148) 196-910 0-967 75-o 1 20 249-781 277 0-060 I79'3 188-1 -I- 3-8 35 178 July 17 (120) Sept. 8* (35) (178) 197-115 0-940 76-5 u5 25ro6o 277 0-299 258-1 188-1 + 3- 4 27 i3g July 17 (ii5) Sept. 9 (27) 03g) 2o5-go6 276 o-5go 288-6 83-2 + I5-3 3 II 252-005 277 o- 49 8 265-9 188-4 + 4-3 34 148 0-864 91-7 267 0*963 717 94 July 26 (3) (II) (267) Sept 10 (34) (148) (94) 206*999 o-g 4 7 67-5 5 4 202-117 277 0-525 265-5 1887 + 3-8 3o 142 July 27 (54) 0-967 7 i-3 227 Sept. 10 (3o) (142) (227) 207-021 0-948 68-0 5 4 July 27 (54) 262-907 277 0-671 267-4 188-8 + 3-6 27 ill 216-934 Aug. 6 0-961 87-2 89 (89) Sept. 1 1 0-916 70-2 (27) 0.8) 298 (298) 253-ogi 277 0-707 268*8 i8g*3 + 4*3 3 4 172 217-088 0-960 87-2 190 o-goi 72*3 480 Aug. 6 (9) Sept. 1 1 (34) (172) ( 4 85) 217-890 o-8g3 86-7 46 253-8gg 277 0-824 270-1 189-2 -f 4*2 32 126 H6*/ Aug. 7 (46) o*go3 289*5 431 0-819 70*3 207 2 1 8- 1 04 0-860 82-2 149 Sept. 12 (32) (126) (784) Aug. 7 (H9) 226-990 Aug. 1 6 o-g2q 226-0 IOI (101) Sept. 1 3 277 0-937 0-919 271*6 291*5 190*1 4' 23 (23) 49 (49) 47 */ 229 (636) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculas are exprsssed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AKEAS of SPOTS and FACULS upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1878 continued. Dis- HEMOOHAPHIC SPOTS. FACCL.S:. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL^E. Mean ' Solar Time. No. of Sroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's iadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean < Solar Time. So. of Jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's iiulius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of JMBRA 1 for each Spot (and for Day). . Area of IVHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- ' tude. Area of JMBRA i for each Spot (and for Day). Area of VHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1878. o o 1878. o o o 255 d 'IOI 277 o-g5i 272-0 189-9 + 4'2 33 100 260 */ 3o4 d '783 2 7 8 O-343 69-8 i63'3 -io-6 4 79 o'g3i 292-0 35g Nov. 2* 04) (79) Sept. 1 3 (33) (100) (619) 3o5'8o4 278 o-'i5i 4 2-I 1 63 - o + 10-4 i3 7' 256-014 o-g8i 292-3 '44 Nov. 3* (i3) (7') 0-969 272-0 118 Sept. 14 (262) 306-714 278 o-'i5i 3i6-i i63-2 + 9'9 9 65 Nov. 4* (9) (65) 27O-6g5 o-g83 87-6 170 Sept. 29* (170) 308-047 2 7 8 0-404 286-5 162-8 --lO'I '7 7 Nov. 5 ('7) (70 271-894 o-g 1 4 88-5 207 Sept. 3o (207) 3o8'8ig 278 0-564 283-0 i63'o -t-io-3 i3 66 Nov. 6* (13) (66) 272-017 o-go7 89-2 302 Sept. 3o (302) 3 1 0-008 2/8 0-770 280-8 1 63-6 -t-io-5- 20 7 1 Nov. 7 (20) (71) 272-933 Oct. i 0-807 88-0 401 (401) 3 1 0-800 2 7 8 0-869 280-3 84-2 1 63-3 -pi 0-6 16 69 136 280-004 0*901 75-5 78 Nov. 8* (16) (69) (36o) Oct. 8 (78) \/ f 3ir682 2 7 8 o'gSo 279-9 1 63-3 H-io-4 11 37 226/ 28o-o65 Oct. 8 0-896 76-5 58 (58) Nov.- g* o-g 1 8 84-3 00 (37) 107 (333) 283-703 0-968 86-4 33 1 3i8-g86 0*948 62-7 166 (s s\ Oct. 12* (33 1) Nov. 1 6 1 66) 284778 o-g 1 5 85-3 222 32i-g83 0-943 276-0 168 Oct. 1 3* (222) Nov.. 19 ('68) 291-045 o-8 9 7 0-876 296-5 io6-3 '77 322-790 Nov. 20* 2780 o-g82 86-1 226-1 + 4'* 8 (8) 5o (5o) 179P ('79) Oct. ig (3n) 2 9 2-g67 Oct. 21 0-705 269-7 227 (227) 323-828 Nov. 21* 2780 o'gn 86-6 226-5 + 3-9 2 (*) '9 ('9) I I2p (.12) 3oo-8o5 Oct. 29* 2 7 8 0-948 80-6 ,63-, + .0-3 13 (i 3) io3 (.03) 36i/ (36 1) 324-714 NOV. 22* ^ 0-800 85-g 226-7 + 4* 9 ('9) 122 C (.22) 301-682 2 7 8 0-86 1 8o-3 i63 - 4 + 10-6 l3 91 35 7 f Oct. 3o* (13) (35 7 ) 33I-978 0775 276-2 l6 7 (l ^\ Nov. 2g 167) 302-704 2 7 8 0719 79'3 1 63- 9 + io-6 7 io5 i6o/ Oct. 3i* 07) (,o5) (160) 332-071 Nov. 2g 0-774 275-7 "74 (74) 3o3-g68 2 7 8 0-504 75-9 163-4 4-10-6 20 io3 0-941 262-7 97 348-803 o'g5g 278-0 f CN 0-878 129-8 98 Dec. 1 6 (9 3 ) Nov. i (20) (io3) (195) , 349-674 o-g46 291-0 (fs\ 304-021 2 7 8 O'4g3 7 5- 7 1 63-5 + 10-6 17 79 Dec, 17 () Nov. i o-942 0-878 261-7 i3o-o O/) (79) 85 go (i 7 5) 35i'g3g Dec. ig 27/ 0-924 268- 348-1 1'7 (7) 36 (36) 3o3/ (3o3) * Indian photo. The Area* of Spots and Faculas are expressed in Millionth* of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OP SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MKVSLRKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.* upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YKAK 1878 continued. Mi-an Solar Time. No. o( Group and Letter for Spot. Dis- tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Alujle from Sun's Axis. HBLIOGRAI-UII: SPOTS. FAC,, Mi-an Solar Time. No. of Group and Letter for Spot. Dis- tance troiu Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Bon'i Axis. HEI.IOOKAIMIIO SPOTS. FAC,,,, Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of KMliKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \vnou-; for each Spot (and for Day). Area for eacli Group (and 101- Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area i.f UMBRA for eaeh Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE ' for each Spot (and for Day). Area for !;:.-!] Group (and for Day). 1878. o o 1879. o o 352 d -668 Dec. 20* 278^ 0-976 269-0 3 4 8-4 - ''4 P (9) 26 (26) 23. ./ (231) 69 d '8.2 Mar. 12* '944 174-2 "9 0'9) 71-732 0-962 274-1 65 1879. 0-843 .04-7 40 17-800 0-957 n3-3 249 o-g58 1 33 Ian. 19* (249) Mar. 14* (238) .8-666 0-979 89-6 83 73-710 0-944 186-6 ,3, 0-889 1 14-6 2 4 3 0-959 166-0 83 Jan. 20* (326) Mar. 1 6* (214) 74-662 0-887 53-i .3 7 19-668 0-929 88-0 252 0-949 i56-q 63 0787 117-4 274 Mar. 17* J (200) 0-91 3 258-6 66 Jan. 21* 76-647 0-943 68-8 77 0-939 175-4 5. Mar. ig* (i38) 20-675 0-917 87-8 96 ? 0-92.5 258-5 35 82-848 0-852 347-9 25 7 Jan. 22* (.3.) 0-949 119-9 III Mar. 25* (438) 28-804 0-960 2 9 8'2 62 o'Soo 271-8 155 83-790 0-888 122-8 i5o Jan. 3o* 2780 0-678 241-1 129-9 -23- 7 (4) 29 (29) (217) Mar. 26* 0-964 57-4 221 (37 1 ) 29-790 0-937 272-0 270 84-654 0-816 126-6 55 Jan. 3.* 2 7 8c 0-8 1 8 244-9 i3o-5 23-g o (7) (466) Mar. 27* o-giS 53-5 2 49 (304) 30-804 0-896 248-0 .52 96-023 0-921 123-7 262 0-961 g5-3 125 Apr. 7 (262) o-g85 66-g 110 Feb. i* (38 7 ) 96-038 0-917 123-8 203 Apr. 7 (203) 31-721 0-960 246-6 89 0-888 9 2'2 84 96-927 0-848 126-3 204 : 0-948 62-5 212 Apr. 8 (204) Feb. 2* (385) 32-684 0-892 5g-o 385 96-975 Apr. 8 0-837 126-0 '7' Feb. 3* (385) 35-668 0-971 348-1 32 104-094 2790 279* 0-449 0-469 127-8 .25-6 1 55-0 1 53-3 21-0 20-8 24 1 10. 47 Feb. 6* 0-718 96-8 140 (172) Apr. i5 2790 o-53o 123-7 149-0 -2I- 9 II (36) (182) 41-934 0-912 298-0 186 0-877 229-7 1.6 104-587 2790 o-3 74 .34-4 154-3 -20-3 16 75 Ffl>. i 2 (302) 279* 0-394 .3i-6 152-6 20-3 74 27gd 0-420 i33'4 .01-7 -21-8 o 5 Feb. " 1 2 0-897 297-0 IOO (.00) Apr. i6f 2790 0-451 129-0 148-9 21-6 .6 (32) 73 (227) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculnc are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne phoio. a f-4893. 10 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MBASCRES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAK 1879 continued. Dis- HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.IE. Dis- HELIOORAPHIO SPOTS. FACUL.E. No. of tance D ' ' No. of tance ^ D ' ' Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. . osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of QMBHA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irorn Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBliA for each Spot (and for Da)). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1879. o o 1879- o io6 d -og5 O'qi I 233-5 89 i37 d '944 o-g33 248-3 205 0-8 1 8 320-7 70 May 19 (205) 279 C'268 igi-3 1 54-0 20-5 28 122 27 9 C o'2go 170-0 '477 -21-8 5 22 i38'oi4 o-g3o 248-8 203 0-806 58-5 184 May 19 (2o3) 0-808 8-5 54 o-g57 1 14-5 146 iSS-ggS o-83o 99' 2 1 34 Apr. 17 (33) ('44) (543) o'8g4 go-5 37 June g (171) io6'g53 279 0-358 222-1 154-2 -20-4 3o '49 2790 o-3 1 8 204-1 147-5 22-0 3 20 163-975 o-8n 240-5 52 280 o-8g3 I17-0 77-1 26*4 o 9 149 np .lune 14 (52) Apr. 18 (33) ('78) (149) 164-054 0-841 242-3 log 108-012 2790 0-533 23g-o 154-5 2O'4 26 i35 June 14 i (log) Apr. 19 (26) (.35) 176-904 2820 0-700 i3i'4 207-2 25-3 22 40 108-068 2790 0-041 239-4 154-4 2O'4 28 1 20 2826 0-755 I2g-g 253-8 26-g 18 65 Apr. 19 (28) (120) June 27 (4) (105) ioS'562 2790 0-622 243-1 154-3 2O'3 23 i3o i 77 -g82 2820 0-565 146-5 209-7 -25-4 25 75 Apr. 2o1 (23) 03o) 2826 0-633 141-2 253-6 -27-0 26 70 June 28 (5i) (HO) 109-628 2790 0-780 247-3 154-3 -207 23 140 6 7 o/ Apr. 2 1 < (23) (140) (670) i78-o6g 2820 0-554 M7'9 25g-8 -25-2 16 94 2826 0-616 142-7 254-1 26-7 H 46 1 10-558 2790 0-887 249-2 154-2 -20-7 3i 178 i538/ June 28 (3o) (140) Apr. 22 1 (3i) (l538) I7979 6 2820 0-492 189-5 261-0 26-0 21 I 12 iirogS 2790 o'g6g 249-5 154-3 2I'O o 207 I2 4 8/ 2826 o-5o8 175-6 253'4 -27-4 H 75 Apr. 231 (o) (207) (1248) June3o (35) (187) I27-583 28ia 0-702 67-6 181-2 + 14-4 84 180-170 282^ o'5i3 197-9 26ro -26-2 '7 98 0-833 66-6 1 1 06 2826 o-5i2 183-3 252-g -27-6 13 73 0-934 64-7 n3o June 3o (3o) ('70 May g1 (o) (84) (2236) 180-622 2820' 0-546 207-4 261-2 26-0 24 n5 128-894 28u 0-547 58-2 181-0 -T-14'0 13 43 , O'02O 194-6 253-4 -27-1 o 97 2816 0-643 58-o 174-8 + 17-4 3 2 0-5 16 iqi-8 25i-8 -2 7 -3 12 56 0-843 61-2 246 283 o-g6g 61-7 170-0 + 28-1 O 20 0-875 1 12-5 364 July if (36) (288) May 10 (i3) (46) (610) 181-927 2820 0-697 225-8 261-4 26-4 7 101 I28'g55 2810 0-535 57-6 iSri 4-13-g 16 4 6 282^ 0-629 2 1 6- 7 252-6 -27-3 ii 29 2816 0-629 57-4 175-1 + 17-2 o 3 283 0-871 5 9 '8 169-7 + 27-6 3 9 374 / 0-818 60-0 23l July 2 (30 ('39) (374) 0-890 ii3-8 276 May 10 (16) (49) (007) 181-949 2820 0-698 226-0 26r3 -26-3 20 io5 1 16 c 2826 0-627 216-8 252-3 -27-1 7 3o i3o-gi6 28ia 0-283 3-5 181-8 + 13-5 4 20 283 0-869 5 9 -6 169-7 + 27-8 2 10 435 nf Miiy 1 2 (4) (20) July 2 (29) (I 4 5) (55 1 ) i3rog2 2810 0-284 354-6 182-0 + 13-6 3 II May 12 (3) 00 182-587 2g20 0-775 23l'I 261-3 -26-7 3i 128 2826 0-698 224-6 252'2 27-0 37 i35-8g5 o'Sgg 2887 426 283 o'8oo 56-g i6q'q + 2 7'q 8 25 l32O nf May 17 (426) July 3f (39) ('9) (i32o) The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionth^ of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 11 MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.-K upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAU 1879 continued. Dis- IlKi.iocRAriin; Si-ors. FACI;L.. Ms. III I.IOGHAl'HIC SPOTS. FACUI./E. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tanec from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sim's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from ('.litre in terms of Sun's Kailius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. .An :i (H UMBRA for earh Spot (anil fur Pay). Are.i nt Will ILK for each Spot (and fo,- Day). Area for each Group (aud for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (anil for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1879. o o o i8 7 g. o o o i83 d -gg6 2820 O-qi3 23g-i 26ro -26-3 20 9 59' / 2-|i d -og2 286a '477 40-9 '447 + 27-8 26 '3 7 283 0-617 47-6 169-5 + 27-4 12 2866 o-57 9 4g-3 i35'5 4-28-4 5 16 0-832 5i-o 3i5 286r: 0-079 52'O 134-6 -t-27'1 o 12 .July 4 (20) (102) (906) o-go5 82-3 3g6 Aug. 3o (3i) (i 65) (396) 184-900 2820 283 0-973 0-497 2417 35'2 261-2 169-6 26-5 + 27-2 1 1 1 66 9 607 */ 432 / 242-g2g 2860 0-366 354-7 143-2 4-28-5 4" 162 J uly 5 (12) (75) (1089) 2866 0-382 7'9 137-6 4-29-3 12 Sept. i (40 (174) > i >4'977 282" 0-970 241-8 260-8 -26-5 4 8l 7io*/' 283 0-490 33-g 169-5 +27-2 i 10 658 / .Inly 5 (5) (90 (i368) 243-095 286 o-366 349-8 143-0 + 28-2 38 1 55 2866 o-3 74 3-2 137-5 + 29-1 o 8 187'ojg O'gi 2 3io - o 94 Sept. i (38) (i 63) 0-971 85-2 86 July - (i 80) 243'g64 286a 0-432 327'g 142-4 4-28-4 35 i53 187-060 0-gl I 309-7 1 35 Sept. 2 (35) ('53) 0-970 85-o i55 July 7 (290) 244-060 2860 0-443 325'g 142-4 + 28-4 25 106 Sept. 2 (20) (156) 194-622 283a 0'5 1 2 273-3 9O-5 + 5-5 23 129 July i of (23) ("9) 244-896 286a 0-544 3i3-5 141-6 + 28-4 29 167 Sept. 3 (29) (167) i , 7-891 O-g55 275-7 222 July 18 (222) 240-032 2860 0-563 311-7 141-6 4/28-3 32 1 80 Sept. 3 (32) (180) 209-902 0-957 243-7 286 July 3o (286) 245-907 2860 0-686 304-7 141*5 4-28-6 34 168 Sept. 4 (34) ('68) 212-928 0-978 85-o 140 Aug. 2 (I 4 0) 249-904 o - 82g 5g-5 416 Sept. 8 ( 4 i5) 222-922 284 0-849 244-8 98-7 -i 7 -3 7 56 270 sf 285 0-748 277-3 94-0 + 9' 8 26 81 265-g38 287 o-g27 61-1 128-g 4-2 9 -3 23 g6 484 n Aug. 12 (43) ( 3 7 ) (2 7 0) Sept. 24 (23) (96) (484) 223'ogi 284 0-869 245-4 98-9 -17-5 20 58 38o*/ 267-062 287 0-824 58-7 128-6 4-29-5 12 3 9 352 nj 285 774 277-2 94'' + 97 7 172 o- 9 27 81-2 221 Aug. 12 (9) (a3o) (38o) Sept. 25 (2) (3 9 ) (5 7 3) 267-090 287 0-821 58-6 128-6 4-29-5 17 56 366 nf 223-g3o 284 0-943 248-8 98-9 -17-4 i3 29 203S/ o-g3g 8o-5 i3i 285 0-881 278-0 94-2 4- IO-2 52 1 38 Sept. 20 ('7) (56) (497) Aug. 1 3 (65) (-67) (203) 268-016 287 0-71 1 5 4 -3 128-4 4-29-7 27 52 Sept. 26 (27) (52) 238-092 285a 0-883 282-3 z6o'q 4-I4-I 52 814 *./ 2860 0-810 5g'o 145-9 4-29-1 28 121 268-093 287 0*699 53-8 128-5 4-29-6 i3 4' \j6n 2866 0-853 5g-i 141-0 + zg-g '9 77 1052 C Sept. 26 (i3) (40 (-6) Ang.aSt (47) (25o) (1866) 268-991 287 0-584 46-7 187-9 4-29-6 9 29 0-786 77-5 5oo 240-910 286a o'Soo 43-7 144-8 + 27-8 33 162 Sept. 27 (9) ('9) (5oo) 2866 0*604 Sri 135-5 4-28-4 6 '9 0-906 83-o 228 269-016 287 0-087 46-4 127-4 4-29-8 7 18 Aug. 3o (3 9 ) ('80 (228) Sept. 27 (7) (18) The Areas of Spots aud FacultD are expressed in Milliontlis of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne p'uoto. B 2 12 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1879 continued. Dis- HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.E. Dis- HKI.IOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACULJE. No. of tance . No. of tance ^ . . Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in tenns of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA tor each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (ami for Day). 1879. o o 1879. o o o 2880 0-637 222-6 II7-5 22"! 4 23 288 d- 046 2gia 0*466 174-0 262-6 2l'g o 9 2886 0-642 218-0. 116-0 24*0 '9 31 2916 0-478 168-6 269-7 + 22-2 o 10 o-86g 67-8 335 0-9 1 5 Iig'3 280 Oct. 2 (23) (54) (335) Oct. 1 6 (o) (19) (280) 274-091 288a 0-640 222-8 117-2 -22-4 3 26 289-967 0*890 28g-o 806 2886 0-647 218-8 1 1 6-0 24-3 10 3i 2910 0-618 220-3 266-0 -23-1 4 5 i3 7 0-847 5i- 7 79 2gic o-5g5 2i8-5 263-g 22'6 o 38 0-887 65-5 41 2916 0-569 214-4 260-6 22-8 52 236 Oct. 2 (13) (57) (120) Oct. 1 8 (97) (4") (806) 274-906 288(7 0-748 232'6 118-6 22-O i3 4 3 290*066 o-8gg 288-7 g3o 288* 0-734 228-3 1 1 5-6 24-0 8 3 4 2gia 0-627 221-4 265-6 -23-1 49 i3i Oct. 3 (21) (77) 2gic o'6oi 219-8 263-4 22'4 4 56 " zgiA 0-575 2 1 5-6 260-1 -22-7 53 226 276-070 o-85i 3o8-8 5i3 Oct. 1 8 (106) (41 3) ( 9 3o) o-85g 237-5 191 Oct. 4 (704) 291-914 2gia 0-856 23g-o 267-2 22-g 5i 232 "1 2916 799 235-8 260-2 22-g 4 1 21 I / 277-980 o-g87 244-0 io5 Oct. 20 (92) (443) (244) Oct. 6 (i 05) 291-951 2gia 0-853 23g-o 266-4 22'7 83 265 i 278-910 28ga 0-969 7 5- 4 3og-5 + 15-7 IO 3 4 2916 797 235-8 25g"5 -22-g 52 2ig 1 ooc 2896 0-981 72-9 3o6-i + '7'9 10 52 325/ Oct. 20 (135) (484) (3oo) Oct. 7 (20) (86) (325; i 279-051 28g.7 0-961 75-6 3og"4 + i5-6 23 2g2-g83 2910 2916 o-g54 o-gii 243-8 241-3 268-7 260-8 23-o ! 5i 23-4! 20 217 1 60 }io8/ 28g6 '974 72-9 3o6-3 + 18-0 7 35 633 / o-g62 5 7 '2 280 Oct. 7 (7) (58) (633) Oct. 21 (70 (377) (,388) 279-616 2890 2896 o-gi i o-g3i 76-2 72-4 3 1 0-6 307 -6 + 16-1 + 18-6 o o 34 3o i8oo/ 2g6-g3o Oct. 25 0-866 236-3 5o (5o) Oct. 8f (o) (6 4 ) (1800) 2g7 - o65 o-8g6 237-0 1 1 1 Oct. 25 (HI) 282-097 2890 o-568 70-9 3 io-3 + i5'8 o 6 2896 o-6o5 7 o-3 307-7 + 16-7 2 6 3o8-g4i 0-922 1 1 o-3 i3i 2896 0-638 6g'5 3o5'4 + 177 '9 68 Nov. 6 (i3i) 28g6 0-702 68-0 3oo-5 + 19-7 22 44 Oct. 10 (43) 3lO'02O 2923 o-4g5 340-5 346-9 +3i-2 5 20 2926 o-5o3 345-5 344-3 + 32-5 9 3i 2g3 0-522 60-8 307-3 + 17-8 5 287-039 2900 0-718 5g-2 235-8 + 25-8 4 28 2g-r 0-8 1 1 5g'7 284-6 + 26-3 o 12 "1 ... 2906 0-767 6o-g 23l'0 + 2J-8 5 0-833 60- 1 282-1 + 26-6 3 2 4 j 106J 2goc 0-784 62-3 229-0 + 20-I 9 23 2g5a o'8gg 1 16- 1 275-8 -21-5 6 22 1 Oct. 1 5 (i3) (56) 2g56' 0-944 114-7 268-0 21-8 44 3i5 1 - > GOO C 2g5c o-g5g 117-8 266-2 25-4 27 92 J Nov. 7 (94) C52i) (1142) 287-064 2gon 0-713 59-7 235-8 + 25-3 25 2gob 0-765 6r5 230-7 + 25-3 o 5 310-046 2g2 0-488 33g-8 346-7 +3o-6 is 22 2goc 0-781 62-8 228'g + 24-6 9 13 2926 0-496 345-0 344-1 + 32-O 9 33 Oct. i5 (9) (43) 2g3 0-014 6ri 307-5 + 17-5 o 8 2940 o-8o5 5g- 9 284-8 + 26-0 6 i3 I -,8 f 2946 o'83o 6o-3 281-1 + 26-4 10 25 / '""' 287-ggS 2gia 0-466 172-9 262-6 -21-8 o 8 . 2g5 o'8g8 u 6-3 275-6 21-7 26 57 2gi6 0-478 167-5 2 5g-8 22-1 o II 2g56 0-942 1 H'9 268-5 22-0 4 5 282 542 c 0-912 i ig'o 340 2g5c o-gog 118-1 265'q 25-6 13 IO2 Oct. 1 6 () ('9) (3 4 o) Nov. 7 (116) (542) (8 10) The Areas of Spots and Facials are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 13 MEASURES of POSITIONS and ARKAS of SPOTS and FACOLJS upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1879 continued. Dis- HELIOOUAFHIC SPOTS. FACUUK. Dis- HKI.IOORAPIUC SPOTS. FACULJE. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, ami Leltt-r for Spot. tance from ( 'eiitrc in ti-nn-i of Sun's Kadiu-. Position Angle from Bftn'i Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, aud Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Ami of UMliHA for each Spot (aud for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot 'and for Day). Area for each Group (and tor Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group ^nd for Day). 1879. 1879. o o 3i5 d -07i 0-969 302'2 261 .33i d -078 0-917 289-8 21 I 2goa 0-422 Iq3'7 275-3 21-2 H 296 0-624 U3'2 22-7 -i3- 4 12 28 2 q56 O-435 176-4 267-0 22'7 60 172 297 0-853 3o5'7 111-4 4-30-3 O 8 7 8sp 2gorf o'3go 174-8 ; 267-5 19-8 10 21 298 0-906 1 1 3-6 355-8 20-8 O 33 I97/ 2g5e 0-522 171-3 i 264-0 28-0 5 Nov. 28 (12) (69) (296) 2g5e 0-400 181-9 260-0 2O-5 i5 58 Nov. 12 (85) (270) (261) 335-o55 298 0-372 164' i 35g-6 -20-4 2O 88 2 99 0-464 146-9 35o-o -22-3 3 18 3i5-g24 2 90 f> 0-400 199-6 267-3 22'2 36 149 Dec. 2 (23) (106) 2g5ti 0-424 203-7 268-3 ig-8 i? 5 9 Nov. 1 3 (53) (208) 336-037 0-908 25g-8 106 298 0-377 199-0 o-3 -20-4 10 55 3i6'o5z 2966 0-460 2o3'o 267-4 22'2 37 164 299 o-3go 172-8 349-8 -22-3 o 10 2g5rf 0-437 207-9 268-8 19-8 1 1 64 Dec. 3 (10) (65) (io5) Nov. 1 3 (48) (228) 3i 6-902 0-91 1 292-5 "97 336-g63 298 0-482 22 1 -g 0-7 -20-7 4 16 2 9 56 o'55 1 221"! 267-3 -21'9 *7 1 63 Dec. 4 (4) (16) Nov. 14 (27) 063) (197) 336-970 298 0-482 221*1 o-3 2TO o 7 316-997 0-846 294-7 2 7 8 Dec. 4 (o) (7) 2966 0-557 221-7 267-3 22'0 25 100 Nov. 14 (20) (i5o) (2 7 8) 338-927 0-700 236-8 616 0-834 120-0 720 3i8'ooo 2 9 56 0-680 233-2 266-7 22-1 19 1 20 Dec. 6 (i336) Nov. 1 5 (19) (120) 339-024 0-707 238-7 3n 3i8'oc6 zg56 0-681 233-4 266-4 -21-8 18 102 o'8 ii 122-5 447 Nov. 1 5 (18) (102) Dec. 6 (758) 320-924 2966 0-972 246-5 266-5 22-2 o 27 646 */ 349-0)6 o-g58 246-2 352 '947 71-2 5o 3oo 0-791 u3-i i3i-8 l8-g 9 27 i6osf Nov. 1 8 (o) (27) (696) 0-708 58'7 1961 0-981 60-7 81 320-983 2966 0-978 246-5 267-0 -22-4 o 23 443 / Dec. 16 (9) (27) (255 4 ) o- 9 3 4 70-8 89 Nov. 1 8 (o) (23) (532) 349-889 3oo 0-602 1 1 8-5 134-1 -I 9 -2 23 122 3oo 0-692 n8-5 i3o-o -20-3 8 3g 021-999 0-845 69-3 162 0-926 58-6 424. Nov. iq (162) Dec. 17* (3i) (161) (4H) 32 2-009 0-834 70-7 1 55 35o'75g 3oo o-5og 128-6 1 34-0 ig-8 22 103 Nov. 19 (i 55) 3oo 0-555 125-6 i3o-3 20-1 7 49 | 0-863 54-0 236 328-o37 296 o-g5i 100-4 2 7 -3 12'2 10 28 268 sf Dec. i8 (29) (1 52) (236) Nov. 20 (10) (28) (268) 351-907 3oo 0-304 i5r8 i33'7 ig'6 24 93 328-071 296 0-900 103-4 27-0 12-2 o 17 282 */ 3oo 0*384 I43-5 129-9 -19-4 8 52 Nov. 26 (o) (<7) (282) 0-747 46^2 266 Dec. 19* (32) (140) (266) 33roi5 o-qoi 291-5 66 296 0-628 112-9 247 -i3-3 9 21 352-671 3oo o-3 ii 1 80-6 1 33-g '97 9 108 297 0-847 3o5'7 i iii-o 4-30-2 II I46*/J 3oo o-3o8 167-6 129-7 -ig-i o 47 298 0-914 113-4 355-5 20-8 9 26 197 f 0-942 125-4 i65 Nov. 28 (18) (58) (3 99 j Dec. 20* (9) (i 55) (i 65) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots ami Facials are expressed ii. Millionth* of the Sun'i visible Hemisphere. 14 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACOL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1879 continued. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACULJE. Dis- HEI.IOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACUT.2E. No. of tance No. of tance . . Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's -iadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMliRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). I879- o 1880. o 353 d -6gi 3oo 0-378 216-6 l34'l 19-5 26 i3i 8 a 785 0-942 240-8 365 3oo 0-334 208-2 129-9 18-9 29 3oi o'56g 3127 241-8 4-18-9 63 352 0-879 '3o'O 109 3oi 0-537 322-7 236-o 4-2T2 5 21 Dec. 21* (26) (i 60) (109) 3oic o'48g 225-5 238-o 23-8 8 3o3 79 38-o '7 9'4 + 35-0 17 82 3o3 0-8 10 3g-3 176-8 4-35-4 o 6 3780 1880. 3o3 0-827 41*0 174-1 4-35-4 6 3i 1-964 0-802 244-2 I 7 8 o-g3o 57-6 120 Jan. 3 3oi o-g3o 66-6 240-2 4-20-2 38 (38) i ii ('") 57' / (749) Jan. 10* o-g66 io8-5 (90 (5oo) '47 ( 1 1 0) 9'7 6 9 o-g83 241-2 u3 1.988 0-861 243-2 i3 7 3oi 0-705 3o2-g 241-3 4- 19'! 65 323 674 c 3oi o-g3l 66-7 239-7 4-20-2 28 io3 35i/ 3o3 0-716 27-9 178-6 4-35-2 7 47 Jan. 3 (28) (io3) (488) 3o3 o- 7 3o 3o-2 176-1 4-35-2 o '7 3o3 0-750 33-o 172-8 4-35-1 5 4' o-qi6 111-4 196 2-708 0-922 245-8 326 Jan. n* J (77) (428) (983) 3oi 3oia 0-852 0-928 64-1 ioS-5 241-3 227-9 Ig-8 18-4 26 o 1 IO 3 4 7I7/ lo-gSo 3oi 0-854 295-4 241-5 4-18-9 62 304 6o3 nf 3oia 0-945 109-2 225'C lg-2 9 29 356 e 302 0-684 249-6 229-0 -17-1 i3 34 Jan. 4* (35) ('73) (l3gg) 302 o-65g 248-6 226-9 -i 7 -3 23 54 3o3 O-652 I 1*2 178-3 4-35-2 ii 4.6 270 c 3o3 0-66 1 "'9 175-9 4-35-4 o '8 3-732 0-986 248-4 5 4 2 3o3 0-672 18-2 172-3 4-35-3 12 26 ( 3oli 0798 0-573 3l2'I 52-1 264-0 4-I7-3 4 27 112 Jan. 12 304 0-942 110-4 116-7 -20-7 O (121) (477) (i 2 io3) SP 3oi 0719 58-5 241-8 4-I9-2 3 9 1 7 5 3oi 3oi 0-756 0787 5 9 - 7 60-7 238-4 235-3 4-197 4-20-1 16 i5 62 4 i/ i rooo 3oi 0-864 2g5'2 242-0 4-19-1 52 3lo 5i8n/ 3oia 0-810 110-2 229-1 18-4 24 74 3O2 0-698 25o-o 229-6 -17-1 22 4' Jan. 5* 3oia o-85g III-I 223-9 -'9'9 4 (87) 3 4 (38 7 ) 229 c (1284) 302 3o3 3o3 0-671 o'65 1 o-656 249-0 97 12-6 227-3 1787 176-4 17-2 4-35-3 4-35-3 16 '4 o 42 42 5 2760 3o3 0-667 l6'q 1727 4-35-2 8 26 4-824 3oi6 0-4 1 g 3o-g 254-8 + '7'4 6 3i 3o 4 o-g36 1 1 0-2 117-0 20-4 1 1 249 s p 3oi 3oi 0-562 0-60 1 46-8 50-7 242-2 4-19-2 4-19-1 25 o '77 '4 Jan. 12 304 0-949 104-4 1 14-6 1 5* i o (122) ( 4 st) (1043) 3oi o-663 52-o 233-g 4-21-0 12 52 Jan. 6* 3oia 0-647 Il3'2 229-4 -17-6 '4 (57) 63 (337) 11-807 3oi o- 9 3 4 292-5 241-5 4-ig'i 5 9 O 353 O Q 461 nf 302 0-810 25i-g 229-3 -17-2 18 08 302 0773 25r3 225-7 -17-2 8 58 5-683 0-ql8 294-4 636 3o3 0-642 357-4 177-8 4-35-2 52 3oii 3oi o-365 '449 3- 4 3o*4 255-2 242-7 4-17-4 4-18-9 4 4' 46 164 Jan. i 3* 3o3 o-638 3-g 172-8 4-34-8 o (85) (573) (461) 3oi 0-472 34-6 240-1 4-iq-o o 70 Jan. 7* 3oi 3oia 0-534 0-482 40-7 120-0 234-8 230-7 4-20-1 -17-4 i5 i3 (73) 132 66 (478) (636) 12-785 3oi 302 302 0-988 0-920 0-888 290-7 204-5 241-4 23o-o 225-4 4-19-6 16-1 -16-8 58 61 58 291 3i 7 2 7 5 58i/ 814 c 3o3 0-668 343-4 176-4 4-35-2 5 26 7-609 3oi 3oi 0-428 0-428 333-0 33g-i 243-0 240-5 4-18-3 4-19-4 2 9 '7 '79 70 3o3 3o5 0-653 o'2g5 349-2 237-4 171-5 177-7 + 35-2 -13-6 2 5 '7 34 Jan. g-j 3oi 3o3 0-433 0-88 1 348-7 45-6 236-4 1 80-8 4-20-9 4-35-4 24 (70) 94 78 Jan. 14* 3o5 3o5a 0-202 O'lSo 269-1 170-6 173-5 -n-g - 47 o ('92) '4 (1010) (i3 9 5) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facula: are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's -risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. :-.- UK SUI.AH PHOTOI;HA.PHY THROUGHOUT 1878-lssi. 15 MKASI-RKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS nnd FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YKAK 1880 continued. Dis- IlEl.tOGKArHlC SPOTS. KACI-I..K. Dis- llri.ln..i: vi Ml. SPOTS. FACUUE. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terni< of Sun's Kadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Uadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLK for each Spot (and for Diiv). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMHKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o 1880. o o l3 d 707 302 0-982 255-6 23o-6 1 5'O 56 270 24 d - 9 23 0-778 232'7 299 302 0-967 264-4 224-4 -16-2 3o '74 982 c 3o 7 0-688 56-8 326-1 + I7'5 6 3o3 o-6qg 335-9 171-3 -I-35-I o '9 233 c 307 0733 58-3 322-2 + 18-3 8 5l3/ 3o5 0-488 260-5 >79' 13-5 7 102 o-go3 ii9'7 I 4 3 3o5 0-424 249-0 174-8 -i3-o 38 I 4 5 0-967 114-6 84 3o5 0-362 243-7 170-3 -i 3-6 12 5o Jan. 26 (o) (H) (lo3 9 ) 3o5o o-35o 268-6 171-4 4'9 O '4 Jan. 1 5* (153) (774) (1216) 24-979 o-8o3 234-2 44 3 3o 7 0-682 56-8 325-8 + 17-3 o 6 14784 o-qo8 295-5 297 3o 7 0728 58-3 32 I -9 f-18'2 o 8 45*/ 3o5 o-6g3 255-9 180-2 -i 3-3 26 .76 5i5 o-gu 119-8 107 3o5 0*619 264-6 '74*4 133 98 349 0-962 116-2 90 3o5 o'56q 262-1 170-5 -14-1 2 24 Jan. 26 (o) (H) (1092) 3o6 o-3 4 3 196-8 142-9 23-9 O 9 3o6 0-334 189-0 140-0 24-0 4 22 26-042 0-916 240-2 269 0-970 122'0 632 0-810 122-2 49 Jan. 1 6* (<3o) (58o) ('444) 0-883 11 6-3 69 Jan. 27 (377) i5-g55 0-882 3i5'7 23 4 3o5 0-872 208-8 182-0 I2'2 ii 56 719^ 26-062 0*916 23g-3 394 3o5 0-798 267-6 174-1 -l2- 9 82 329 0-804 122-2 65 3o6 0-469 223-7 141-4 23-g 10 4' 0-868 116-8 82 o-8g5 12O-5 3i6 JaD. 27 (5 41 ) Jan. 1 7 (io3) (426) (1269) 27-672 296/7 16-040 0-885 314-2 240 Jan. 29* () (49) (296) 3o5 0-879 268-4 181-7 -12-6 i3 78 5i3 p 3o5 0-808 267-6 I73-9 i3-o 7' 36o 2g-i36 3o8 0-961 67-6 238-6 -r-ig-5 8 32 401 np 3o6 0-478 226-6 141-9 -24-1 10 28 3o8 0-982 68-7 233-1 + 19-6 114 4 i5 0-887 I 21 -8 498 3og 0-967 104-3 233-0 16-4 48 204 532 sf Jan. 1 7 (94) (466) (1251) Jan. 3o (170) (65.) (933) 17-911 3o5 0-973 267-2 1727 13-6 H 63 337 c 29*062 3o8 0-968 67-8 239-0 + 19-2 II 4' 555 n p 3o6 0-789 242-0 146-6 -24-7 24 88 3o8 Q'979 68-8 233-7 + 19-3 75 408 Jan. 19 (48) (ISO (33 7 ) 3og 0-966 104-6 233-2 -i5-6 27 1 83 476 ,-/ Jan. 3o (Hi) (632) (io3o) > 7*978 3oo 0-970 267-5 172-3 i 3-3 24 85 342 c 29-921 3o8 0-898 ^4'9 238-0 + 19-2 7 26 790 n p 3o6 >799 242-7 146-8 -24-7 24 75 3o8 o-g33 66-3 232-5 + 19-5 97 47" Jan. 19 (48) (i 60) (3 4 2) 3o8 0-971 66-3 226-0 + 2f2 o 5i 3og o-8g3 io3-g 233-7 16-1 25 '99 433 sf Jan. 3 1 (129) (746) (1223) 18-672 3o6 0-897 247-2 148-8 -22-7 3 33 88 1 n 3o6 0-849 244-2 142 3 -24-6 7 49 3o-653 3o8 0-824 61-2 237-9 + 19-4 9 4' O'8g3 109-5 "9 3o8 0-862 62-8 233-4 + '97 126 56 9 i36q c Jan. 20* (10) (82) (1000) 3o8 0-911 64-6 226-7 + 20-2 14 94 3og 0-809 104-7 233-6 -i5-5 55 198 6i8.v/ 19-718 3o5 0-976 247-6 lOO'O 20-0 o 59 454/ Feb. i* (204) (902) ('987) 0-917 1 1 3-6 187 Jan. 21* (o) (59) (641) 32-oog 0-878 294-0 224 3o8 Q-655 49'9 237-8 + 19-6 5 10 370 /* 22-784 3o6a 0-761 299-2 76-4 + I7-8 o 5 3o8 0-700 5rg 233-g -I- 20-5 4' 184 '949 6 9'4 563 3o8 0-687 04-8 233-7 + I8-3 35 126 Jan. 24* (o) (5) (563) 3o8 0-802 66-9 224-1 -|-22- 4 12 4 6 3o8 0-781 67 5 220-4 + 20-4 7 18 23-679 0-883 65-8 699 3og 0*604 107-4 233-3 16-4 3o 168 Jan. a5* (699) Feb. 2 (i3o) (5 4 2) (3 oi6 0-881 294-3 226 36 d 742 3o8 o'6og 3 1 8-5 233-0 + 21-2 28 164 3o8 0-65 1 49'8 238-0 + I9-5 5 9 549 3o8 0-587 317-2 232-4 + I9-5 13 53 3o8 0-697 52-0 234-0 + 20-4 3 4 III 3og 0-458 249-3 233-7 -i5-i 28 1 20 3o8 0-683 54-7 234-0 + 18-2 18 124 3lb 0-633 317 185-8 + 26-4 7 332 3o8 0794 55-8 224-8 + 22-1 39 3lo 0-682 32-8 182-6 + 2q-o 6 i5 3o8 0776 57-5 225-8 + 20-1 5 14 3io 0-668 35-g i8r5 + 26-9 o 10 UlSsf 3og O'6o2 108-0 233-4 1 5-8 2 9 1 55 Feb. 7 (I 4 5) (694) (1118) Feb. 2 (9i) (522) (775) 38-882 3o8 0-855 299-5 23rg + 20-9 28 i So 916 c 3o8 0-847 297-7 23i'7 + lg-2 4 17 3og o-8o5 255-g 233-1 15-2 20 71 32-823 3o8 o-55o 37-7 238-2 + '9*9 o 16 3ii o-5 10 324-5 '97'4 + 18-2 20 '47 3o8 o-5g5 41-2 234-4 + 20-9 29 170 3u 0-471 332-5 192-5 4-iS'i 22 99 3o8 0-576 44-3 23 4 -i + 18-7 29 i38 3io 0-567 35 1 -3 184-8 + 2 7'4 4 6 255 3o8 0-602 4^9 232-8 + 20-I o 46 3io 0-575 357-2 181-1 4-28-3 ii 3o8 0-678 48-6 226-2 + 21-3 o 48 3io o-565 355-4 i82-g + 27-5 5 20 3og 0-48 1 urg 233-5 -i5-3 34 172 Feb. g* (45) (770) (9i6) 3io Q'97-3 5g-6 1 88-0 + 27-6 25 25 7 o-g68 io2'5 184 3g-6i6 0-888 3oo - 2 925 Feb. 3* ("7) (847) (.84) 0-870 25r8 785 3og 0-894 255-6 233-5 i 5-8 o 48 3o8 0-928 2g5'6 232-g + 20-7 33 I 12 34-001 3o8 0-486 19-2 233-8 4-20-g 36 1 38 3n 0-622 3io-8 99'2 + 18-1 24 119 3o8 0-458 217 233-3 + 18-8 24 IOI 3ii o-5g6 312-4 197-0 + '77 o 6 3o8 0-485 23-2 23i'9 + 2O'I 4 21 3ii o-552 317-3 192-6 + I7-7 22 125 3o8 0-556 32-4 224-9 + 2I-g 3 '9 3io 0-612 336-5 185-5 + 27-6 24 148 3og o-236 i32-6 233-3 1 5'4 33 1 36 3io 0-602 341-0 182-4 + 28-1 O 6 3io 0-904 55-6 186-7 + 27-4 68 296 9'i */ Feb. lof (10$) (56 4 ) (1710) 0-880 ioi-3 263 Feb. 4 (168) (7ii) (U74) 40-737 o-g3 9 249-4 627 3o8 0-987 292-3 23l'2 + 20-7 21 90 3ii 0-770 3oo-5 198-1 + 18-2 44 228 34-969 3o8 0-463 35 4 -6 233-5 + 20-9 3o 125 3n 0700 3o3-g igi-3 + 17-6 i5 76 3o8 0-432 355-6 232-g + 19-0 23 72 3io 0-708 321-6 183-6 + 27-8 29 182 3o8 0-443 358-g 23 1-4 + 19-8 4 3i 3io 0-66 1 33o-5 175-6 + 28-7 12 3og o-i63 ig6-3 233-6 -i 5-4 37 146 3io o-633 330-4 '74'4 + 27-0 13 3io 0-814 5o-2 186-5 + 26-9 53 285 707 sf 3io 0-641 334-5 172-2 + 28-g 5 43 0-785 103-2 271 Feb. n* (H4) (544) (627) Feb. 5 (147) (65 9 ) (978) 42-011 3ii 0-908 294-2 198-9 4i8-6 20 116 406 c 3n 0-884 2g4-o ig5-8 + I7-5 2 16 34-987 3o8 0-462 35 4 -2 233-5 + 20-9 37 iSa 3u 0-856 2g5-6 192-1 + 17-8 8 40 3o8 0-432 355-2 232-8 + 19-0 25 87 3io 0-834 3 1 0-8 183-8 + 28-2 >7 5o 667 c 3o8 0-444 358-8 23l'2 + 19-8 5 36 3io 0-785 314-5 I77-4 + 28-1 7 13 3o8 0-482 I2'O 224-5 + 21-7 2 12 3io 0-763 314-6 I75-6 + 27-0 1 1 3og 0-164 196-1 233-3 -i 5-4 2g HI 3io o-749 3 1 9-2 172-0 + 28-9 ll 23 3io 0-814 So- 1 186-4 + 26-9 70 281 H44*/ Feb. 12 (65) (269) (1073) 0-843 104-3 '99 Feb. 5 068) (709) (i343) 42-060 3u 0-916 293-7 igg-S + I8-5 20 191 336 c 3n 0-890 2g3'6 196-0 + 17-4 4 22 35780 3o8 o-5o3 335-6 233-4 + 20-9 3i i38 3u o-865 2g5'2 192-6 4-17-8 o 39 3o8 0-477 335-1 232-8 + 9'2 20 69 3io 0-842 3io-o 184-6 4-28-1 36 io5 854 c 3o8 0-474 338-g 23l'0 f iq-q 4 3o 3ic 0-792 314-1 177-6 + 28-2 H 3og 0-270 234-3 233-7 -i 5-3 26 1 36 3io 0-772 3i3-8 176'! + 27-0 7 3io 0-730 43-8 186-4 -f-26-5 74 3io 99 6s / 3io 0769 3l8-8 172-4 + 29-2 5 33 Feb. 6* (i 55) (683) (996) Feb. 12 (65) (421) (1190) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. . REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MKASI iiKS of POSITIONS and AKEAS of SI-UTS and FACI i. i: U|M>U tlie SUN'S DISK on PIIOTOKKAIMIS laken in tlie YKAU 1880 continued. tanee llri mult u-iiie SPOTS. !' \ . Dis- tanee HKMOOHAPIIIC SIMMS. FA< i .No. ot Croup and for in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. o! Group and Letter for Spot from Outre in terms of Sun's I'ositioi An^'le from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of \VIKII.K Alv: breach ,.^'J (and for t-''" 1 ' Lonffi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Bpol (and fin- Area of \VIIOLl' for each Spot (and for : for Group 1 for 1 1 , Radius. Day). Day). Kiidius Day). Day). i M\ ) l8So. o o o 1880. o o 42^-937 0-872 260-2 i58 54 li -g56 312 O-543 1 35-5 3org -29-2 32 160 3n 0-972 290-7 '9 8 '9 + 18-2 34 126 473 '/ 312 0-617 1 33- 1 296-1 3ro I '7 3i i O'goo 2qo'3 ig5'2 + I7-0 40 Feb. 25 (33) (182) 3io O-g I I OOO'O i83'2 + 28-3 o 28 g65 sj OIO 0-873 306-7 '777 + 27-3 o 12 55-oSg 312 o'523 i36-2 3oro -28-6 26 167 OIO 0-864 ^07-6 176-3 + 27-0 1 i5 312 0-600 1 33-7 290-7 307 6 16 3io o-83i 311-7 170-9 + 28-8 o '9 Feb. 20 (32) ('83) 0-933 1 16-0 289 Feb. 1 3 (35) (240) (1880) 55-961 312 0-420 i5r5 3oi-3 -28-6 28 '49 3l2 0-487 147-0 296-5 3o-g 2 10 42'g55 0-874 25g'3 3i6 Feb. 26 (3o) (5g) 3u '974 290-7 lgg-2 + 18-3 39 120 2 99 s f on 0-9.11) 2go'3 igo'8 + I7'2 8 38 56-o57 3l2 0-414 i53'4 3oro -28-7 28 161 3io 0-917 000-4 i83'g + 28-6 o 3g 610 sf 312 0-480 148-3 2g6-i 3o-g 3 20 3io 0*878 3o6'5 178-2 + 27-4 o i3 Feb. 26 (3i) (181) 3io 0-871 3o7'3 177-0 4-27-6 o 16 3io o-83g 3iro I7ro + 29-1 i5 56-go8 312 0-370 177-3 3oo-8 -28-8 32 i38 o-g2 7 116-8 343 o-8g5 62-8 296 Feb. 1 3 (47) (240 (i568) 0-898 114-8 I 7 8 Feb. 27 (32) (i38) (474) 40-560 o'go5 3o6'9 2273 0-861 nt, i 808 56- 9 5i 312 0-370 177-8 3oo-5 -28-8 28 145 Feb. I4f (3o8i) o-goS 64-3 264 o-go3 IIO'O 384 44-666 o-g63 3o5'7 866 Feb. 27 (28) (146) (648) o-8g2 63-g i g3 Feb. i5 (io5g) 57721 312 o-3g6 202-0 3oo-g -28-6 54 153 o-83g 107-8 1 58 4.V573 0-8 ii 332-1 7'7 0-863 6l-2 411 o-i>85 i5o-6 666 o-ggo 1 1 2-3 284 . i6f (i383) Feb. 28* (54) (,53) (853) 080 o'go2 246-2 84 58-668 312 0-498 22O'6 300-4 28-9 5i 49 i88 0-922 557 161 0-838 57'6 43 1 Feb. 1 8 (245) 0-941 iii'4 978 Feb. 2g* (01) (H9) (1597) 00-gOO 312 0-969 ii8-3 3o3-8 29' i 21 66 248 / Feb. 21 (21) (66) (248) 60-028 312 0-675 234-5 2gg-5 -28-7 32 i38 312 0-675 3oi-8 2 9 7'2 4- 1 5-o 9 18 5 1 '673 3l2 0-720 3o8'i 48-0 + 207 O 8 226 s 312 0-647 3o5 - 7 2g3-g 4- 16-0 8 12 312 0-919 118-8 3o3'g -29-2 33 1 83 0-841 I I 2'5 640 312 o - g62 120-7 295-4 -3i-4 4 4 5 706 c Mar. i (49) (168) (640) Feb. 22* (37) (236) (932) 60-806 312 0773 239-1 299-2 -28-2 45 l6 7 082 */ 52797 0-871 2427 ,67 3l2 0-790 290-8 2 97'9 H-iS-3 3 35 118 n 0-834 2gg'2 401 3i2 0-704 2gg-g 2g3-5 4-16-8 2 20 3l2 0-810 120-9 3o3-6 29-0 37 207 0-753 114-7 459 3l2 0-871 I 21-0 296-5 -3o-3 9 02 g33 c 0-808 3g'o 2 7 3 312 0-882 122-2 2g5-i 3r6 2 22 0-865 6r5 335 Feb. 23* (48) (28l) (1001) 0-870 io3-i '74 .Mar. 2* (So) (222) ('74') 53-784 0-909 243-5 i3o 61-668 312 0-864 241-6 298-6 -28-1 35 i83 5i 9 / o'go i 2g5'i 234 312 o-8g3 2go 4 6 298-9 + '47 4 33 349 c 312 0-690 120-3 3o2-g 29-2 33 1 58 312 0-855 294-8 293-3 3o 312 0-770 123-7 295-5 3o-2 3 26 492 c o-g63 5 4'9 706 Feb. 24* (36) (184) (856) Mar. 3* (3 9 ) (246) (i58 4 ) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and FacuUe are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visihle Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. 64893. 18 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULA: upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- tance HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACULIE. Dis- tance HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACIJL.K. No. of f,. , 11 'i.' *Jo. of r> Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. iroin Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. t osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. t osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of CTMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). I88o. o o I88o. o o 6 2 d - 9 53 0-968 289-3 269 6g d -g52 3l3 0-957 248-1 204-5 23'O 4 3 406 n 312 0-960 242-7 297-4 28-2 9 I 7 5 '69 sf 3i3 0-944 249-2 201-g 22-0 o 25 O'go6 49' 2 538 3i 4 0-740 3o5'g 169-6 + 20-2 7 78 3 49 up Mar. 4 (9) (I 7 5) (976) 3i 4 o-652 3i 3-6 1 6o - 2 + 20-4 4 21 0-924 5 7 -5 362 Mar. 1 1 (21) (l6 7 ) (1117) 63-Qio 0-973 288-2 2 9 5 312 0-966 242-5 298-2 28-4 16 79 121 if 70-083 3i3 0-964 247-6 204-3 23-5 49 486 n 0*899 48-8 216 3i3 0-746 248-6 200-5 22-5 o -39 Mar. 4 (16) (79) (632) 3i 4 0-758 304-6 169-8 + 20-1 23 86 417 np 3i 4 0-670 3irq 160-4 + 20-4 2 19 0-912 56-5 2g5 64-062 o;8i3 41*0 233 Mar. ii (25) (-9-3) (1198) 0-968 5o - 7 171 Mar. 5 (404) 70-978 o-85g 3 1 4-3 254 314 0-869 298-0 171-1 + 20-0 '7 53 1 55 c 64744 0-876 3o3'2 485 814 0-838 298-5 167-6 + I 9 -I 6 3126 0-341 235-8 2i5-g -17*9 21 5 4 314 0-807 3oi-g i63-3 + 20*4 20 5 4 0-766 3 7 -2 764 314 0-783 3o3'7 i6o-5 -f-20'6 O '4 0-929 477 55 1 0-843 5l-2 132 Mar. 6* 9 (21) (54) (1800) Mar. 12 (37) (i*7) (541) 65-;i 6 0-842 3o3'2 816 7 1 -o56 0-864 3i3-5 35g 3l2& 0-537 248-3 217-4 -17-4 H 47 314 0-876 297-6 171-0 + 19-9 26 84 352 c 0-742 287 834 314 0-847 299-0 167-3 + -9'9 9 0-877 43-6 4 3 1 314 0-814 3oi-2 1 63-2 + 20-1 29 7i 0-945 64-4 107 314 0-792 002-9 160-6 + 20-4 36 Mar. 7* (14) (47) (2188) 0-832 5ro ig3 Mar. 12 (55) (200) (9 4) 66779 o'goo 3oo-o 3go o-8i5 320-7 636 7''9 6 9 0-922 3o8-3 376 3iz6 0-721 253-1 217-9 -17-1 II 47 297 sp 314 o-g55 2g3'6 171-9 + 20-0 60 019 c 314 0-478 i5-o 164-4 + 20-3 4 4 3 314 o-g35 zg5'2 167-9 + 20-5 o 68 314 0-487 21-6 160-9 + 2O-O 7 65 314 0-904 296-7 162-8 + 20-4 21 92 0-806 35-3 298 314 0-883 297-1 1 60-0 + 19-8 H 0-947 64-0 333 3i5 0-484 343-0 II2'2 + 20-4 2 4 64 Mar. 8* (22) (i 55) ('9 5 4) 3i5 0-464 346*0 1 1 o-3 + 19-5 O 3 3i5 0-463 348-2 109-2 + 197 o 5 3i5 0-485 35o-i 108-6 + 21-3 5 10 67-823 0-909 3o3-8 49 6 3i6 0-964 106-7 2 9'9 1 8-0 20 7 5 206 sf 3i2i 0-862 264-4 218-2 -17-1 6 '7 58 if Mar. 1 3 (70) (39 (1101) 314 0-476 342-9 166-6 + "9'9 25 116 314 0-475 347-6 164-3 + 20-4 o 27 314 0-466 353-g i6ri + 20-3 "9 67 72-o55 0-933 3o7'5 266 0-872 60*9 47' 3i 4 0-966 293-3 173-2 + 20-2 O 63 2g5 c Mar. g* (40) (227) (.5 4 8) 314 0-941 294-8 167-9 -(-20-4 O 21 314 0-914 296-9 1 63"o + 21-0 o 24 3i 4 0-892 296-7 160- 1 -f-lg-q o 6 69-092 3i3 0-880 246-6 2o3-3 23-9 3 1 1 228 KJ9 3i5 0-489 040-6 1 12-3 + 20-3 3i 61 3i3 0-867 248-1 201-7 22-5 9 3i5 0-469 343-6 110-4 + 19-5 3 014 0-617 3i5'5 1687 + 197 23 9 3 3i5 0-467 047-2 108-6 + 19-9 4 314 o-555 325-3 i6ro + 20-3 4 18 3i5 0-490 348-2 io8-5 -21-4 o 9 0-971 60-0 I qO 3i6 o'94 6 1 06-8 3o"2 -18-2 o 5i 23qsf Mar. 10 (So) (i3i) ( 4 "i8) Mar. 1 3 (31) (242) (800) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculie are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 19 MI:ASI KKS of POSITIONS and AKKAS of SPOTS ai:E. Dis- tance HELIOGBAPIIK: SPOTS. FA c v L.I:. Mean Solar Time. No. of 3roup, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sim's ladius. Position A ngle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Arm of UMHRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Ai'i'a for each Group i for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o g3 d 'oio O'g 1 3 296-5 "7" loi d -gig 3ig 0-574 245-3 101-6 -i 8-6 8 33 3l8 0-481 322-4 203-7 H-16-3 16 49 3ig 0-533 243-0 98-5 18-6 10 3l8 0-470 328-4 200-9 + 17-5 16 3i 3ig O'Soq 243-8 96-9 -"7'9 i3 36 3i8 0-442 33i-5 1987 + 16-7 o 4 3ig 0-478 238-8 93-9 -19-4 38 ig5 3i 7 25-6 174-0 + 18-2 24 121 0-902 I23'O 58 Apr. 3 (56) (205) ("7") Apr. 12 (59) ('74) (58) 94-952 0-946 245-8 124 iorg5o 3ig o-58o 245-1 ior6 -18-8 20 45 0-685 242-8 3g5 3ig 0-535 2 4 3-8 98-3 -i 8-5 O 7 3i8 0-767 297-5 2o5'4 + 16-4 5 7 3o8c 3ig o-5 12 244-6 96-9 -177 IO 36 3i8 0730 3or6 20 rg + 17-5 6 i3 3ig '479 23 9 - 4 g3-8 -19-2 4 3 "99 3i 7 0-469 33 1 "3 174-0 + 18-2 32 124 0-855 119-2 72 3"7 0-487 335-4 172-6 + 20-3 i3 53 Apr. 12 (73) (287) (72) 0-840 6o-5 2og o-8g4 117-8 72 Apr. 5 (56) (>97) (1108) I02'g62 0-834 302'0 23 7 3ig 0-751 249-1 102-9 ig-3 6 1 1 3lg 0-726 249-1 100-7 i8-g 4 "9 go - o83 0-927 245-0 i5o 3ig 0-705 248-2 98-8 -19-2 6 0-706 240-8 338 3ig o-68g 249-4 97'7 -18-1 36 72 3i8 0782 296-8 205-2 + 16-4 o 7 283 c 3ig 0-640 249-1 9 3-8 -17-5 4 9 3i8 0-748 3oo'3 2OT2 + 17-6 o 13 3ig 0-633 246-1 9 2 7 i g-3 34 107 3"7 0-485 328-5 174-1 + 18-4 25 io5 Apr. 1 3 (84) (224) ( 2 37) 3i 7 0-504 332-3 I73-I + 20-5 1 1 64 0-837 60-8 198 0-889 n8'o 58 103-675 3ig 0-836 25o-o 101-5 "97 4 5i Apr. 5 (36) (189) (1027) 3ig 0-799 250-2 977 -19-1 9 60 700 c 3ig 0-751 25o'5 q3'2 i 8-2 2 7 3ig 0-740 247-9 gi-8 ~'9'9 32 92 g6'gi6 o-goo 291-0 192 3<9 0-694 249-1 88-i -i 8-3 I 6 o'goi 247-7 485 o-g58 II2-2 271 0-872 2I2'2 99 Apr. 14* (48) (2,6) (1021) 3i 7 0-737 302-7 I75-3 + 18-9 34 166 Apr. 7 (34) (166) (776) 104-786 o'g35 2g5'7 5 7 3ig o-947 25l'0 102-4 ig-8 IO 54 96'977 0-944 290-5 21 I 3ig .o-gig 25 1-7 97-5 i8-g 10 40 I 125 C 0-878 245-8 362 3ig o-8q3 262-4 93-8 18-1 o 22 317 0-724 3o3-i I73-3 + 18-6 44 192 3ig 0-877 25o-6 9'7 ig-6 4 '9 Apr. 7 (44) ("92) (573) 0-871 II2-2 312 Apr. 1 5* (24) (1 4 5) ("494) 98-000 o-g5i 247-5 344 3i7 o-85g 296-0 74'4 + 19-1 o 24 3g3 c o'85g 296-4 '74'4 -r-ig-o 24 93 io5'g46 3ig o-g85 25r8 96-2 i8-g 42 325 '974 ii8-3 64 Apr. 1 6 (o) (42) (325) Apr. 8 (24) ("17) (801) q8-o53 o-g56 246-7 3i5 io5-g74 3ig 0-993 25i-8 gg-2 -.87 o 35 408 nf 3i 7 0-867 295-9 174-8 + 18-9 o "7 45g c Apr. 1 6 (o) (35) (48) 3"7 0-867 2q6'O 174-8 4-ig-o 17 7' 0-945 li8-5 3i io6-gio 0'973 I l6'2 3oo Apr. 8 (7) (88) t,8o5) Apr. 17 (3oo) io6'g5g 0-97" 69-2 36 7 98-754. 317 0-929 292-6 '747 + I8-5 17 78 474 0-971 1 17-0 242 Apr. g* ( (-7) (78) (474) Apr. 17 (609) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facute are expressed in Millionth? of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 21 - ..!' POSITIONS and AHEAS of SPOTS nn.l F.vcfL.i-: upon tin- Si (fa DISK on I'linTocKAriis t.-ikrn in the Vi:\i: 1SSO ,<>! inuetl. Dis- HEI.IOGRAPHIC S 1H ITS. FAUUUE. Dis- 111 U'M.KU'IIIC Si-di -. I'M: ri,.!-:. Mean Time. ( iroup, and Letter lor Spot. from Centre in terms of BOB'S Radios. Position Auple from Sun's A\i>. Moan Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from (.'cum- in terms of Sun's Radius. Position A null' from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Aiva for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of DMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WIIOLK Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o Q l88o. o O o io8 d -gio 0-870 247-5 1 56 Ii7 d -o8g 0' 9 24 294-2 167 O'82C) 60-3 l52 0-866 302'0 64 Apr. 19 (3o8) 0-824 23g-5 204 o- 7 35 218-2 56 109-976 o-qSq o-856 247-8 242-3 132 66 320 320 0-621 0-698 47 -5 5rg IgS'S igi-8 + 2I-O + 22-0 o 33 4' 1 65 23go/ 0-714 120-8 134 32O 0-723 56-i 188-4 4-20-4 16 7 5 0-853 132-3 258 32O 07-57 57-9 186-6 + I9-8 i 26 0-807 I IO'2 I2g 320 0-750 09- 1 180-1 + iq-5 o 5 4 Apr. 20 (7 '9) 320 0-773 5g'9 182-9 + 19-8 i3 118 320 0-827 64-1 176-6 + I8-5 42 240 109-991 0-908 250-2 234 Apr. 27 (no) (7 '9) (2 9 3l) 0-840 240*2 1 85 0-686 125-3 212 0-859 1 33-3 26 7 117-800 o-8g5 242-4 37 0-853 1 1 o-o 189 0-8 1 1 223-2 256 Apr. 20 (1087) 320 0-483 32-8 202'5 + 19-8 4 23 320 o - 56g 37-9 196-4 + 22-7 5 27 110-898 0-777 i38-5 198 320 0-604 43-0 192-2 + 22-4 46 196 0-917 61-2 23 4 320 0-626 48-1 188-8 + 21'0 3i 148 Apr. 21 ( 4 32) 320 0-637 5o - 2 187-3 + 20-4 3 4 5 320 0-660 53-5 184-5 + I 9 -6 10 97 i irogo 0-804 66-4 683 320 0-678 53-7 183-1 + 20-2 25 82 Apr. 22! (683) 320 o-6g8 54-6 181-4 + 20-4 o 28 320 0-712 5/-3 179-3 4-I9-3 6 40 1 10-046 0-780 245-3 0-948 1 1 3-7 3o6 1 58 Apr. 28* 320 0-730 5g'2 177-0 + 18-8 68 (198) 272 (958) I7'/ (1994) Apr. 20 (464) 114784 020 0-940 63-8 ig2-o 4-22-8 3 4 175 118-937 0-960 242-8 205 320 0-965 68-2 186-6 + ig-6 20 1 06 17420 O'8q5 228-0 227 320 0-980 67-8 182-7 + 20-7 46 370 0-864 248-2 75 02O 0-987 69-8 180-0 + 19-1 74 32O 0-394 4'4 201-8 + 19-2 o 5 320 o-ggS 70-0 176-4 4-19-3 I 7 5 322 0-437 9'9 igg-o + 21-3 o 3 Apr. 25* (100) (900) (742) 320 0-487 22-9 191-8 + 22-6 29 76 320 0-489 30'2 188-4 + 2I'0 17 42 320 o"5 1 1 29-4 187-9 + 22-4 16 110-806 320 0-853 58'5 j 192-5 + 23-7 4i 213 32O o-499 32-2 187-1 + 20-9 9 22 320 0-878 62-2 188-4 4-21-7 24 70 320 o'5og 38-8 i83-g + '9'4 o 20 320 o-8g3 62-6 i85-g + 20'5 4 116 320 0-026 3g-3 182-9 + 20-1 18 64 320 0-908 63> 183-6 4-20-3 24 80 i8o5 c 320 0*545 4''9 180-9 4-20-1 o 4 320 0-900 65-6 184-9 + ig'z 9 52 320 o'553 44-2 179-5 + 19-5 20 320 0-902 66-5 175-7 4-19-2 72 210 320 0-564 46-9 177-9 -f'8-g. 12 -5 Apr. 26* (174) (740 (i8o5) 320 0-585 48-7 176-0 + 19-0 16 73 Apr. 29 (101) (420) (5o?) 1 17-055 o-qig 2g3-3 1 5 4 o-83g 302-3 i3 7 0-824 23g-5 i 2O5 iiS'gSi 0-971 243-0 236 0751 218-3 173 0-890 228-5 1 80 320 0-629 48-1 igS-5 + 21-1 52 2633 / 0-876 248-0 8 4 020 0-704 02'2 I9I7 + 22-1 40 170 320 0'436 9'4 199-0 4-21-3 O 5 320 0-727 56- 2 188-5 + 20-5 23 112 320 0-482 22'6 191-9 + 22-3 22 9' 32O 0-740 ; 58-2 186-7 + 19-7 3 14 32O 0-486 3o-2 188-3 4-20-8 10 4 3 320 0-754 5g-5 i85-2 + '9'4 2 68 320 O'5og 29-4 187-8 4-22-3 18 320 0-777 60-2 182-9 + 197 20 142 320 0-494 32-1 187-2 + 207 5 12 320 0-827 64-3 176-9 + I8-3 66 253 320 O'5o6 3g-8 183-5 + 18-9 i i3 Apr. 2- (i5 4 ) (811) (33o2) 320 0-524 3g-5 182-7 + 19-9 19 48 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculac are expressed in Millionths of the Sun'u visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. 22 SEDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULX upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- tance HKI.IOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACI i..],. Dis- HELIOOEAPJIIC SPOTS. KAI i Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, aud Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms ol Sun's Radius. Position An9 66 126-921 0-901 297-2 447 320 0-463 336-8 188-2 421-3 ii 33 0-922 283-3 87 320 0-419 346-8 182-8 4-20-1 8 25 321 0-607 16-4 8g-o 4-25-g 65 347 32O o-3g7 364-0 1 79-6 4-I9-3 18 4" 322 0-482 149-5 82-1 -27-6 3 II 320 0-368 2-3 176-1 4-17-6 o 5 322 0-5 1 8 146-7 78-8 28-3 2 IO 32O o-383 2-8 176-9 4-18-5 23 38 May 7 (70) (368) (5*4) o-8g6 40-8 68 o-g25 66-3 ii3 127-936 o-g32 299-8 210 o-g5o 1 1 o-3 125 321 0-487 362-4 887 + 26-6 86 49' May i (88) (247) (477) May 8 (86) (490 (210) 1 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAU PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MK\MKKS of POSITIONS and ARKAS of SPOTS niul R\ci:i..r upon the Srx's DISK on PnoronuAi'iis taken in (lie YKAI; 1*80 c:.} ). Area of win ILK Spin (and for Day). Area I'or each up (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o . I28''-000 321 0-489 35o-8 88-7 + 25-6 74 473 i34 d -g37 '977 288-7 104 May 8 (74) (473) 0-9 1 3 2g6'3 268 o-g5g n8-5 2l5 128717 321 0-534 336-1 88-2 + 26-1 Q2 422 May 1 5 (58 7 ) May g* (92) (422) 135-782 0-970 2 94 -3 149 129-686 321 o-63o 32TO 87-6 +26-5 116 543 0-909 120-6 122 323 0-366 343-2 70-6 4-17-4 O 26 May 1 6* (VO 323 o-36 1 35o'7 64-9 + 17-8 2 40 May 10* (118) (609) l36-g6g 0-814 126-2 210 0-867 102-5 73 130-946 321 o- 7 83 3o 7 -6 88-5 + 26-4 82 4i5 256 c May 17 (283) 323 0-538 309-4 70-6 + I7-3 4 10 May ll (86) (4*5) (256) 1 36-986 0-8 1 6 125-7 85 o-855 102-0 194 i3ro53 321 0-789 3o7'3 87-6 4-26-5 87 43o 4l3 c May 17 (279) 323 o-55o 3o8-2 70-2 4-i7'3 5 10 May II (92) (440) (43) i38-6gi 0-936 63-5 253 May 19* (253) i3i-go5 0-879 246-2 241 0-646 3oi-5 56 i3g-g52 325 o-83g 5q-I 233-7 4-24-4 g 28 246 c 321 0-876 302'2 87-7 + 26-3 1 06 38o 6i5/ 32 5 o-865 6l-3 23o'I -I-23-5 o 23 323 0-684 298-4 70-9 + 16-8 3 1 1 o-83g I43-0 267 May 12 (i9) (3 9 i) (9,2) 0-885 i8r3 "9 May 20 (9) (5i) (632) iSi-gg; 321 0-884 302'I 87-5 + 26-5 96 385 532 nj 323 0-699 298-0 71-0 + 7' 3 7 140-012 325 o-83o 58-6 234-0 4-24-4 10 38 167 c May 12 (99) (392) (532) 325 o-85i 61-1 23i-o 4-23-2 4 5o o-85i 140-3 25 7 l32-go5 o-g3o 246-0 1 34 o"qo6 176-0 65 0-785 290-0 121 May 20 (19) (88) (489) 32J o-g55 298-3 88-0 4-25-9 137 477 7H/ 32 4 0-698 307-0 55'9 + 227 5 21 60 s p 141-012 325 0-707 5i- 7 234-2 4-24-6 8 22 171 c 32 4 0-669 3 1 0-4 52-5 + 23-4 7 21 76 nf 325 0-727 55-7 23l'2 4-22-g 2 '4 May 1 3 (-49) (5ig) (uo5) May 21 (10) (36) (170 102-934 0-923 244-2 147 o- 79 3 294-5 84 I4i-o58 325 0-703 5o-6 23^4 4-20-1 5 i3 IOOC 321 0-964 298-2 87-0 4-25-g 101 3gg 8o5 nf 3z5 0-724 55-3 23ro 4-23-0 o 7 32 4 0-700 3o6-6 56-o 4-22-6 2 i5 "(1 Si p May 21 (5) (20) (i5o) 024 0-670 3l0'2 62-4 4-23-4 3 17 1 08 n f May 13 (106) (430 (1195)' 141-760 o - g6i 67-6 43, May 22* ( 4 3i) 133-922 0-886 291-0 ,46 321 0-998 206-0 89-9 4-25-7 o 5 4 2 5oo nj 143-722 325 0-853 293-9 291-0 4-19-5 z 7 324 0-796 3o3-2 52M +24-1 2! 284 r 320(7 0-844 294-0 290-5 4-IQ-3 2 7 107 c May 14 (o) (563) (93o) 3230 0-841 2g5-8 289-7 4-20-7 2 5 326 0-982 757 1 57-7 4-13-8 21 74 2970 133-943 0-901 291-2 142 0-900 64-6 466 321 0-996 296-3 87-9 4-25-9 o 446 262 nf May 24* (27J (93) (870) 324 O79i 302-6 52-o 4- 24-2 o H 3o2 c May 14 (o) (460) (5o6) 144-925 0-902 291-3 1 33 134-922 0-968 289-0 1 36 0-883 238-5 107 0-909 296-5 2OI o-8--> J o.Vo 61 0-965 ii8-3 198 326 0-867 70-2 161-7 4-12-3 1O 47 3zi e May 1 5 (535) 326 0-876 74-2 160-2 4-13-3 4 1 1 * Indian photo. TL' uid Vacate are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. 24 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MKASURKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUI^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. No. of Dis- tance Position HELIOGEArillC STOTS. FACUL/E. No. oi Di-- >t;incu i> HKLIOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUI.^E. Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of .UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group ;mil Letter for Spot. iron} Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group ! tor Day). 1880. o o o 1880. o o o H4 d- 9 2 5 026 0-904 74-0 156-6 + i3-g 77 286 I48 d -loo 326 0-424 55'7 1 56-8 + i3-o 36 184 0773 i53'3 60 326 0-463 54-0 i55-i + i5-o 67 348 0-879 61-7 370 o-86g og-3 35 7 May 25 (9') (344) (1052) May 28 (184) (829) / (477) 1 45-07 1 o-g85 290-8 324 148-914 o-g20 221-3 217 0-896 3oo-3 43 o'go 245-3 1 65 0-858 236-2 1 75 0-906 3oo-5 210 326 0-847 74-3 i6i-5 + 12-6 4 58 290 e 326 0-260 6-6 1 65-3 + 14-4 ig 5o 3z6 0-862 73-5 160-0 + I3-5 '7 326 0-254 16-7 162-8 + I3-3 44 168 326 0-892 73-5 156-3 + 14-1 59 220 326 O-202 25-0 i6o-g -r-12'4 o 35 0-764 149-8 122 326 0-237 33-2 i5g-6 + 10-7 8 23 0-809 597 52O 326 o-3 1 5 35-o i56'4 + 14-2 69 5g2 May 25 (63) (295) (1474) 326 o'35i 40-7 1 53-3 + 14-8 i3 67 0-774 54-8 21 1 145-916 0-91 1 238-2 247 May 29 ('53) ( 9 35) (8o3) 326 0-724 71-7 162-2 + 12-4 53 I 7 8 409 c 326 0-764 72-3 i58'7 + 127 6 44 148-940 0-918 298-3 223 326 o-8o3 717 i55-2 + i3-g 9 3 379 0-918 245-2 101 0797 58-o 3oi 0-914 220-7 1 60 May 26 (i5a) (60 1) (957) 326 0-262 4'9 (65-5 + 14-4 >9 69 326 0-201 1 5-3 i62-g + 13-3 25 '74 145-991 0-91 1 237-2 1 60 3 2 6 o-25g 26-0 1 60-0 + 12-7 i 36 326 0-712 71-1 162-3 + 12-6 4 8 i5 4 208 c 326 0-233 32-7 i5g-5 + 10-6 i3 32 326 0-748 72-1 iSg-i + 12-5 8 4 8 326 o-3 1 3 34-6 156-3 + 14-2 93 547 326 o- 79 3 71-1 155-3 + 14-1 107 3 4 8 326 0-346 3 9 -6 1 53-7 + 14-7 16 80 0-820 55'7 321 777 25l May 26 (i63) (55o) (68g) May 29 (>6 7 ) (938) ( 7 35) 147-090 326 o-5 1 5 60-7 i63'8 + i3-7 5o i3o 149-780 o- 9 70 2 4 5-g 149 326 0-528 64-5 162-2 + 12-3 8 48 o'g66 2g5'6 4 2 9 326 0-558 64-5 1 6o-3 + i3-i 10 33 326 0-314 025'2 166-2 + H-3 17 76 326 0-622 65-o i55-8 + '4'4 88 482 326 0-283 33o'7 i63'8 + i3'7 20 98 0-947 23g 326 o-3o5 333-g 163-6 4-15-3 O 24 May 27 (i56) (6 9 3) (23 9 ) 326 0-271 335-5 162-2 4-13-7 23 9 3 326 o-25o 332-7 162-3 + I2-2 16 44 147-113 326 o-5 1 5 60-6 163-5 + I3-8 38 I2O 326 0-206 342-1 160-2 + i3-4 4 34 526 o'53 1 64-0 161-8 4-12-6 10 68 326 O'2IO 337-7 160-2 -f 10-4 10 38 326 o-558 64-1 1 60-0 -f l3'2 8 48 326 0-262 356-6 1 56-5 + 14-5 132 6 49 326 0-621 64-7 155-6 4-14-6 go 453 3 2 6 0-268 7-1 153-6 + 14-8 14 99 o'gSo 62-8 219 32 7 o-g58 63-6 84-6 + 25-0 16 82 325 May 27 (55) (689) (219) May 3o* (252) (1237) (93) 147-908 326 0-367 46-4 164-6 + 13-8 21 76 326 0-377 53-o 162-6 + 12-3 2 9 114 i5o'785 3z6 0-485 3oi-2 167-6 + 14-0 '4 27 326 0-386 58-5 160-9 + IO-8 o 3o 326 0-404 3o3-3 i65-3 + i3-g 14 3o 326 0-416 55-i 1 60-0 + 12-9 26 326 0-438 3o2-o 164-7 + i2'g g 3o 326 0-455 58-7 107-0 + i2'g 27 '49 326 0-422 3o5-5 i63-o + 13-7 10 28 326 0-487 5 7 -4 1 55-5 + 14-4 98 35g 326 o'4og 3o3'o 162-8 + 12-6 17 65 0-880 289 326 0-386 2 99'9 162-2 -r-io-6 9 May 28 ('75) (754) (289) 326 o-3g6 307-5 161-2 + i3-4 i5 7' 326 o-38o 3oi-g i6i-5 + M-I 4 19 148-105 o-SSg 3o2'5 120 326 O-355 3ori 160-3 + IO'I o 4 326 0-343 40-0 164-7 + 14'4 28 96 326 o-3o2 3i8'6 1 56-3 -I-H-S 166 755 326 o'35 1 47'4 162-5 + 12-9 38 i5o 32 7 0-880 6r3 84-4 + 247 21 77 326 0-356 53-7 160-9 + ii'3 10 27 327 0-907 6i-5 80-6 4-25-4 4 i3 35o c 326 o'3g2 5r3 i5g-6 + i3'4 5 24 May 3i* (274) (1128) (35o) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculac are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 25 MKASUKKS of POSITIONS ami ARKAS of SPOTS and FACUL.* upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. I)i>- HKLIOHKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.K. Dis- HEUOGKAI-HIC Sl'OTS. FACUL.E. Mean Time. No. of Group, iiml Ll'ttiT for Spot. tancc from (Yiilr.' in tlTTMS of Sun's Kiiilius. Position AnjfU' from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. l/iti- tudo. Ar.'a of OMBKA for cadi Spot (Mini lor Day). Area of WHOLE for c;u'h Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o 1880. o o i5i d 866 0-890 293-3 182 i6o d - 9 85 0-920 3oo-o 352 326 0-682 291-2 168-8 + 14-0 8 28 328 0-384 3io-i 20'O + 1 5-o O 5 326 0-644 291-5 166-1 4- 1 3'4 9 42 328 0-354 3io'7 23-3 4-H' I 326 o - 6io 29I-5 l63'4 + 127 i3 4' 328 0-328 314-4 21-3 4-14-0 7 i5 326 o'5q3 292-9 162-0 + i3-i o 46 328 o-3 1 7 320-8 ig'2 4-14-9 5 7 3z6 0-585 2qo'6 161-8 + 11-6 '4 328 o-2g3 326-1 17-0 4-147 9 78 326 O'52 I 300-7 1 55-3 + i5'i 122 016 32g 0-812 117-7 3i6-8 -21-6 '4 28 45 1 nf 32 7 0-754 5 7 -2 84-3 + 23-8 16 52 June 10 (35) (34) (8o3) June i * 32 7 0-789 57'5 8ro + 24-9 (168) 20 (759) 28 4 / (466) 161-712 o-g32 0-884 2 9 5-8 3n-3 410 348 i53'ii6 3z6 326 0-904 0-867 0-818 299-2 286-4 286-3 170-3 i65'o 4- 1 4 >0 + l3'2 7 o i3 23 535 5o5 328 328 328 0-469 0-402 0-397 3oo-i 3o6-8 3o8-6 21-8 17-1 16-4 4-H'o + 14-7 4-i5-i 6 4 6 '9 n 18 326 326 32 7 0-736 0-723 o-58g 289-4 291-9 45-3 i56'9 i55'4 84-3 4-i3-g 4- 1 5-5 f 24-2 27 39 i5 123 154 32 June n* 32g 32g 07^7 0-740 121-6 121*2 3i6 - i 3i 4 -8 -217 -21-9 9 (20) 22 7 (77) (758) 0-91 3 O'rtfi^ IO2 1 ':-> 162-933 328 0-647 292-3 "97 4- 1 5-o 7 24 June 2 y (88) (345) 193 ('294) June 12 328 o-6o5 294-4 16-2 4-i5-2 12 (19) 42 (66) I 53 - 7 2.5 326 326 326 0-927 O'qo4 0-820 284-8 284-6 286-9 170-5 167-2 157-2 + 13-6 4-I3-I 4-13-7 2 O 18 16 7 86 164-580 June 14! 0-879 286-6 656 (656) June 3* 3z6 32 7 0-806 o-5 10 0-904 290-0 36-3 77-0 155-3 84-0 + i5-g + 24-3 3i 1 1 (62) i3i 35 (285) 3g6 /< 9 5 (490 165-700 June 1 5* 33o 33 1 o-g6 4 o-g52 0-981 285-2 65-g 65-7 234-1 226-8 + 23-3 4-24-1 5i o (5i) 161 29 (190) 214 432 c (646) io5'o66 June 4 326 326 32 7 0-946 0-928 0-388 287-0 285-c 349-8 1 55-8 i52'g gO'O 4- 1 6-0 + i3-8 + 22-4 6 o (6) 44 H '9 (77) 867 c (867) 1 66-733 June 1 6* 33o 33 1 33 1 0-864 0-918 o-g6i 63- 4 63-8 64-4 234-2 226-7 2i8-5 4-23-4 4-24-5 4-25-0 29 o o 09) a 21 (| 7 6) 258/ (258) 106789 June 6* 328 328 0-698 0-723 68-6 70-4 20-8 1 8-5 + 4'9 + 14-1 10 2 (12) 36 8 (44) 167-782 33o 33 1 o-8o3 0-743 0-81 3 2g3-2 5g-2 60-7 233-5 226-5 4-23-4 4-24-3 26 7 1 60 23 i5g 33 1 o-87g 62-2 2i8-5 4-25-0 9 25 io8-o53 328 328 0-468 o'oiS 58-5 62-1 21-9 i8-3 -t-14'5 4-I4-2 4 1 1 6 33 1 332 0-91 5 0-980 62-2 iog-i 2i3-5 20O-2 4-25-g -18-4 10 98 44 367 4 8o/ 632 c June 7 (4) (-7) June 17* 169-001 o'82g 243-2 36o o-g76 248-2 i3 7 108-687 328 0-356 46-5 22-4 4-14-6 6 '7 33o 0-576 49'4 232'9 4-23-5 3o I 52 328 c-3 79 48-6 20-8 4- 1 5-o o 10 33 1 0-66 1 53-7 225-6 4-243 2 7 328 0-404 5r6 1 8-5 4-14-6 7 33 1 0-736 57-5 218-4 4-24-5 4 12 32 9 0-991 1117 3i6-6 -21-4 42 2540 33 1 0-752 58-3 2 1 6-8 4-24-4 6 27 June 8* (6) (76) (25 4 ) 33 1 0-798 58-7 212-3 4-25-6 26 72 z68/ 332 0-882 118-9 203-6 24-3 9 12 1112 C 109701 0-888 295-7 224 332 0-894 II2-I 200-4 -i 8-8 89 3 4 5 328 0-243 6-2 22-g 4-14-6 4 16 332 0-920 1147 '97'3 -21-8 o 29 3*8 0-279 22'4 18-1 4-15-5 32 332 0-9^7 11 3'9 194-3 -21-6 34 328 0-272 26-2 17-3 + 147 o 9 332 0-946 III-2 192-3 -9'4 o H 028 0-288 2 7 -6 i6-5 4-15-3 o 9 332 o-gSg 1127 189-9 21-2 o 4 3 32Q 0-938 u3-i 3i6- 7 21-4 15 47 385 c 0-943 66'7 237 June c,* 09) d47) (609) June 1 8 (166) (757) (21 If) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. a 64893. D 26 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULJE upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- IlELJOOKAl'HIC SPOTS. FACULA. Dis- HKLIOGRAFHIC SPOTS. FACUI./E. Mean Solar Time. No. of 3roup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean I Solar Time. No. of Jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of SVHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o o I70 d- o34 0-912 240-7 473 I72 d 734 33o 0-495 3l7'7 233-0 + 23-3 '7 64 33o 0-438 32'0 233'O + 23-5 64 329 33 1 0-379 347-8 216-8 4-23-8 3 1 1 33 1 o-63i 41-3. 219-0 + 29-8 O II 33 1 0-400 2-5 210-7 4-25-g 1 1 40 33 1 0-594 49'4 2 I 8'0 4-24-2 5 6 332 0-468 163-4 203-4 24-5 89 3g3 33 1 0-673 52-5 21 I'4 + 25-6 H 52 332 0-387 1 52-7 20I-I i 8-0 49 197 33 1 0-657 5 7 -i 2II-I + 22-3 9 19 332 0-485 i52'7 197-8 23-4 6 37 33 1 0*646 65-g 209-7 + 16-7 o 9 332 o-5o6 i55'7 198-5 -25-3 H 53 332 0-773 u 6-3 200*7 -187 62 267 9 37 c 332 0-514 i52-6 1967 25-0 2 '9 332 0-786 iig-3 200-4 -21-3 12 5 4 332 o-53 1 1 52-4 196-0 25-g O 27 332 0-792 121-6 20O-5 -23-2 40 66 332 0-545 i5rg 196-2 -26-6 5 24 332 0-802 n5'o 197-7 -i 8-6 O 8 June 2 2* (190) (865) 332 0-808 ng-3 198-3 -22-4 7 H 332 0-8 1 5 I21'5 198-2 24-0 1 1 32 332 o-85i 117-1 1 93- 1 -21-7 10 27 173-964 33o 0-669 3o3'7 232-8 4-23-6 19 82 332 o-857 ii3'9 1917 1 9-3 '4 37 33 1 0-462 33i-5 209-7 4-26-1 o 12 332 0-873 n 5-5 190-2 2I'O 7 28 33 1 0-464 341-3 205'2 4-28-2 2 0-860 65-3 33 1 332 0-466 193-6 202-4 24-6 104 475 0-967 74-8 344 332 0-353 '94'9 2OI'O -17-6 60 249 June 19 (255) (95 9 ) (2085) 332 o'3go igo-z 1997 2O'2 23 4 5 332 0-433 186-4 lg8-6 23-7 42 120 332 0-382 184-8 I97-5 20-1 16 170766 33o 0-377 10-8 233-5 + 23-6 29 89 332 0-470 1 80-8 ig5-g -25-6 25 80 33 1 0-493 38-5 2i8-3 +24-4 o 9 332 0-468 177-0 '94' 25-5 24 33 1 0520 42-0 2i5'5 + 24-4 5 22 332 0-418 i65-8 i8g-3 21'6 o 57 33 1 0-567 43-8 212-2 + z5-8 2 '9 June 23 (273) (1167) 33 1 o-58o 44-3 lira + 26-1 5 18 332 o'66o 119-1 200-9 17-2 o i5 332 0-681 120'^ 1997 -18-6 56 3i6 175-027 332 0-541 227-2 206-3 -.9-3 I 10 332 0-673 I29-3 203-4 -237 81 248 332 0-461 223-3 200-7 -17-3 57 275 332 0-705 128-8 200-9 24-6 8 22 332 0-488 219-6 200-7 19-8 23 68 332 0-726 I25'4 198-0 -23-3 8 37 332 o"555 2i5-3 2O2-0 24-6 no 5ig 332 0-720 128-1 1.987 -25-2 u 42 332 0-507 2IO'I I 9 7'5 23-6 8 35 332 0-748 127-2 196-8 -25-4 3 '7 332 0-460 2 I 2'g 196-9 20-3 24 1 09 332 o- 7 63 I2O'I ig3'o 2I'I o 10 332 o-5 1 2 203-4 194-4 25-6 20 68 332 0-770 1 1 6-4 igi-3 -187 6 3i June 24 (H9) (1084) 332 0-790 II8-3 igo'o 2O'7 3 17 0-929 73-9 567 June 20* (217) (912) (56 7 ) 175-601 332 0-624 223-8 202-O 24-4 76 423 332 0-571 228-8 200-9 lg-8 5o 332 0-545 23 1 -g 200-4 -17-4 49 3o6 171-969 o-g3o 2447 148 332 0-568 219*8 i97'i 23'4 o IOI 0-9 1 3 3og'8 99 332 O-523 223-1 196-1 2O- 1 o 68 33o 0-405 334-7 232-8 + 23'4 '9 1 06 332 0-563 2l3'2 193-7 25-6 128 33 1 o-385 14-4 216-0 4-23-8 i5 26 June 25' (125) (1076) 33 1 0-436 22-8 2IT2 4-25-6 28 4 5 332 0-414 144-0 207-2 -17-5 o IO 177-630 o-gi5 298-3 536 332 0-489 1 35-5 200'g 18-4 60 281 332 0-879 246-3 2o5'3 19-2 5 i3 332 o-5o5 141-4 202'^ 21-2 4 332 o-85i 240-2 200-3 23-3 122 733 332 0-029 i 47 -3 203-7 24-4 7 368 332 0-849 245-7 201-7 i8-g 23 82 332 0-553 141-0 99'8 23-5 35 332 0-828 247-8 99'9 16-6 5o 345 332 o-583 142-2 198-7 25-4 20 47 332 0-811 243-1 I97'i :g-8 o u 332 0-610 140-3 196-3 26-0 16 Si 332 0-809 234-6 194-0 -26-0 25 1 5 4 332 o-55i 126-0 194-3 -17-0 7 332 o-8o5 236-7 '94'4 24-3 14 56 332 o-656 124-3 186-9 '9'9 o H 332 07 q6 240-4 194-8 -21-3 3 10 0-759 336 332 0-786 243-0 194-6 19-0 9 36 0-871 862 333 0*946 1 19*2 80-0 26-4 i3 35 384 e June 2 1 (23 4 ) (994) (1445) June 2 7* (264) (H75) (920) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facula; are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. RKDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 27 MKisn;i:s of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUI,< upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- HKI.IOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUIuE. Dis- HELIOGBAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL*. No. of tance . . No. of tance 4V ... Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. L os:tion Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of r.MliKA for each Spot (and for Day). Arr:i of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar . Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in terms of Sun's liadius. L osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o I7i)' 1 -oi l o-863 2g5-2 297 i85d- 9 38 333 0-777 2 1 5'7 71-0 -36-i 27 86 462 p 332 0-964 244-9 2OO-3 -23-2 70 33 1 1083/ 333 0-766 2IO-2 66-3 38-2 2 i5 332 0-908 25ri 200'! -I7-2 3o 92 336 o-5o8 I4O-3 17-0 19-6 12 32 332 o-q3g 240-1 94'2 -267 33 336 0-525 136-6 47 ig - o O 10 333 0-826 124-8 79'8 -26-2 7 12 336 o-55i 135-6 12-9 19-8 17 53 333 0-908 1 33- 1 7 3'2 36-7 11 81 0-888 ii 6'o * 335 333 o- 9 3 7 133-4 68-3 -38-7 o 3 4 July 5 (58) (196) (797) 0-865 5 9 -5 142 June 28 (118) (583) (205 4 ) 1 86-631 333 0-834 221-5 70-8 -35-g o 4 5 336 0-436 167-0 i 7 -5 2O'O o 3i 180-086 0-938 294-3 36 9 336 0-475 148-0 12-4 2O- 1 21 73 0-867 285-2 543 336 0-467 146*1 I2'O -lg-2 O 22 332 0-992 243-0 "947 26-3 3 io58/ 0-907 118-4 1854 334 0-462 222-0 133-3 17-2 28 148 o-g64 75-3 3366 334 0-446 214-9 i3o - i -i 8-5 8 46 July 6f (21) ('70 (5220) 335 - 444 321-5 i3i-g + 23-1 3 12 335 0-431 326-0 1297 + 23-7 8 333 0-826 138-6 72-2 36-2 II 3o 412 np 188-903 0-945 287-0 1OI 333 0-878 137-9 65-8 -38-7 18 40 333 o-g8o 23r8 70-2 36-2 38 i go June 29 (68) (287) (2382) 333 0*961 228-0 63-5 38-5 61 2 4 5 336 0-526 218-1 18-0 20-7 '9 80 336 0-496 2 1 5- 1 1 5-4 20-2 2 6 i8ro45 0-988 243-2 698 336 o-479 208-7 12-1 21-0 24 82 0-900 286-0 371 0-808 I2I-8 118 33 4 0-604 235-g 1 33- 2 -17-1 4 i58 0-941 1I2'3 26g 334 0-576 233-9 i3o-8 -17-1 o 12 July 8 (44) (6o3) (1210) 33 4 0-58; 23o-6 i3o - 4 -19-1 o 7 33 4 o - 565 23o-8 129-1 -18-1 7 23 1 89*980 333 0-99 5 23o-5 62-7 -38-6 5 9 230 333 o-583 i 4 5-6 80-4 25-8 o ii 336 0-677 233-3 18-8 -20-5 8 29 333 0-743 147-3 72-2 35-9 9 27 336 0-657 231-7 i6-g 20-6 o 7 333 0-8 1 1 144-2 64-5 -38-6 8 17 336 o'63o 229-6 14-2 2o - 6 6 June 3o (65) (255) (1069) 336 0-608 227-3 12-0 -20-7 i5 56 0-743 132-3 226 0-845 117-0 227 182*902 0-965 293-2 608 0-946 nr3 261 0-828 296-2 109 July 9 (82) (328) (i 100) 334 0-853 247-6 132-6 17-1 3 9 i85 319 */ 333 0-627 172-9 71-8 -35-1 6 3o 190-897 336 0-798 240-5 ig-o 20-4 6 9 333 o'65g 170-2 69-1 -3 7 -i 5 21 336 0788 239-4 17-8 20-8 o 8 333 0-676 162-8 62-8 -36- 9 6 II 0-745 124-3 230 July 2 (56) (247) (io36) 0-875 114-3 204 July 10 (6) (7) (434) 183-997 334 0-954 200-6 i33-o -17-4 4' 2O6 355 sf igi-638 336 0-882 2 4 3-6 '9' 1 20-8 3 10 290 c 333 0-648 192-2 72-4 -35-8 2 6 July 1 1 * (3) (10) (290) 333 0-649 188-6 69-6 -36- 4 10 65 333 0-666 187-0 68-6 -37-9 7 9 192*891 o-g55 246-0 621 333 o - 66 1 179-2 62-1 -37-8 7 9 July 12* (621) July 3 (67) (3o5) (355) 193-922 0-799 240-3 i5 4 184-871 334 0-992 25rg l32'2 -17-4 5 7 i go 720 c 33? o-652 197-8 3o5-3 34-0 o 26 333 0-689 202-0 69-8 -36-3 3i 86 o-885 65-3 88 333 0-698 I98-2 67-2 -38-o 8 33 July 1 3 (o) (.26) (242) 336 0-688 122-6 i3-5 19-0 ii 42 0-969 II2'6 421 194-897 0-967 in 2 7 5 July 4* (107) (35i) (1141) July 14 (2 7 5) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnlac are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. D 2 28 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YKAR 1880 continued. Dis- HEUOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACDLjE. Dis- HEMOGHAl'HIC Sl'OTS. FACUL.&. No. of tance No. of tance from . . Mean Solar Time. jroup, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean' Solar Time. ^roup, and Letter for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. i osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (anil for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o ig5 d -g5i o'goS n5-8 419 2o5 d -o83 0-875 240-8 1296 July 1 5 (419) 338 0-934 290-8 2l3'I + 21-3 O '4 2 4 2 / I97-538 o'82g 118-8 1840 338 338 o-g33 O-653 292-5 2 99'4 212-8 lSl'7 -t-22-g 49 27 23l July 17! 0-874 77 -3 1271 (3iu) 338 338 0*625 O'6o6 297-2 3oi-5 180-1 '-7-7 4-20-g + 22'g 6 8 22 67 200'll3 July ig 0-914 0-868 246-5 64-3 358 406 (764) July 24 338 o-5gi 0-834 3o3-5 141*2 176-1 -t-23'5 '7 (80) 86 (447) 83 (1621) 201-087 338 o-3o6 28-0 187-8 + 20-6 H 76 207-053 o'g52 242-8 Bti 338 0-406 47-8 i77'9 4-20-6 17 123 338 o-go2 293-5 i8i-q -r-23'5 32 208 11570 0-975 25o-3 1 60 338 0-886 291-7 179-8 + 21-7 9 0-894 233-2 184 338 0-866 290-7 77 - 4 + 20-7 6 22 0-822 60-2 404 338 0-846 294-3 174-6 4-23-4 4 28 o-g3o 1 14-0 i3o 340 0-847 64-3 60-8 + 24-6 o 10 338 c July 20 (Si) ('99) (878) 340 0-857 63-2 5 9 -3 + 25-7 5 20 340 0-879 62-5 57-1 + 26-7 o 2 202-007 338 6-269 339-2 190-2 + 19-6 4 3i 340 o'Sqo 64-3 55-4 + 25-3 8 338 0-288 35o-7 187-3 + 21-6 17 5 4 3 4 i 0-962 78-0 43-0 + 1 3' i o 8 36o sf 338 0-298 io-3 181-1 + 22'I 39 1 54 0-948 i32'7 241 338 0-240 H'9 180-7 4-18-5 o , 32 July 26 (47) (3i5) (2907) 338 338 338 33g 0-270 o-338 o'2g5 0-970 1 5-3 20-7 28-6 67-5 1 80-1 177-0 175-8 107-8 + 20-2 + 20-0 + 23-5 4 10 o o 5 72 4 33 284 c 207-946 338 338 340 '979 0-968 0-924 244-0 293-I 293-7 6ro 182-2 173-4 59-4 + 23-7 4-24-6 29 o 5 187 42 32 55 9 747* 365 c 0-810 5r8 123 340 799 62-2 54-6 + 25-4 o 14 July 21 0-844 Il8'2 (74) (385) 97 (5o 4 ) 3 4 i 341 0-884 0-916 78-6 77-8 43-4 3g'l + 12-7 4 2 20 10 263 c O'q2O i35-o 38o 202-719 338 338 0-371 o-355 3l2'6 314-7 191-8 iqo'5 + 19-5 + 19-5 i ii 20 July 27 .7 (4) (3o5) (23i4) 338 0-360 321-3 188-9 + 21-4 4 18 2o8'5go 340 o-665 57-6 5g'l 4-25-3 O 66 338 0-344 324-4 187-3 + 21-2 12 46 341 o-83i 77-2 41-0 + i3-8 37 192 338 0'25l 337-1 180-9 + 18-5 O 4 5 o-85o 140-8 782 338 0-294 34.2-0 1 8 0-6 + 2I-4 48 258 0-923 134-9 856 338 0-3 1 2 35i-8 177-8 + 23-1 17 78 July 28| (37) (258) (i638) 333 0-307 356'4 176-2 + 23-0 3 25 338 0-362 356 - 7 176-3 + 26-3 o 9 210-026 o-g53 294-8 536 33g 0-923 67-3 107-7 +22-9 ii 32 63i c 0-881 241-7 ii5 0-975 127-6 22g 0-736 210-7 61 July 22* (86) (5 4 2) (860) 340 0-448 41-7 5g-5 + 25-1 10 3o 341 0-625 76-4 40-0 i 1 3-o 9 38 204-073 0-787 240-0 1297 o'752 164-2 221 338 0-8 1 8 293-1 2II-0 + 2i-q 8 3i3 p o-863 143-3 32 7 338 0-789 2q6'2 207-5 + 23-8 o 8 0-904 1 17-0 379 338 o-553 3oi-6 187-4 + 21-4 o 6 0-974 109-2 i6g 338 0-462 3oi-g i8r5 H-iS-g o i5 July 29 (9) (68) (1808) 338 0-490 3o8'7 i8i-5 + 22-6 65 290 338 0-444 3o6'o 179-5 4-20-0 4 18 338 0-418 2 997 I79-3 + 16-8 o 9 21 roog o 948 246-0 47 338 0-464 314-7 177-6 + 23-5 32 94 0-806 2 1 3-5 66 33 S 0-422 3i2-i 176-7 + 21-4 o 6 0-751 3o5-5 382 338 0-406 3l0'2 176-3 + 20-8 o 9 340 o-33g 14-8 5g-g + 24-9 5 37 33g 0-781 64-7 107-2 + 22-9 7 444 "/ 0-775 i55 - 7 700 o-8g5 134-7 280 o-85o 121-7 555 July 23 (101) (5 7 o) (233 4 ) July 3o (5) (37) (i 7 5o) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Fiieula! are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MK.VTKKS of POSITIONS and AKKAS of SPOTS and FArrr./K upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- HKLIUUBAPIIIC SPOTS. FACCL*. Dis- HKI.IOGUAI-HIC SPOTS. FACUI..K. Xo. of tance from . . No. of tance . . HMD Solar Timo. Group and I.ittlT for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's Radius 1 osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tuae. Lati- tude. Area of 1MBRA for each S]ot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group aud Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius "osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of r.MISKA tor raeh Spot (aud for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). l88o. o o 1880. o 21 i d -g3o 0-820 297-5 267 21 8^649 0-960 224-7 238 340 o-33g 341-9 5g-8 -r-H'6 5 9 0-869 241-5 26 7 0-757 160-7 356 342 O-I0 4 35i-5 3 2 5-2 4-12-2 i3o 49 0-776 1 22-7-1 3 77 342 0-082 1 1-6 323-3 -f-io-8 4 '4 o-g3i 108-2 89 3 4 2 o-o7g 21-4 322-7 4-10-5 o IO Julj 3i (5) ('9) (1089) 342 o'ogg 28-2 32.1-6 4-H-3 o '4 342 O-I22 3o-5 320-7 4-12-3 o 17 3 4 2 0-128 447 3lg'l 4- 1 1 -5 14 72 2i3'7g3 342 0-882 79-6 326-2 4- 12'0 5i 485 342 O'lSg 57-0 3 1 5-o 4-I2-I 4 i3 3 4 2 0-9 1' 79-6 322-0 4- 12-0 o 5 343 0- 999 66-5 235-1 4-23-6 o 83 3 4 2 0-921 79-4 320-5 4-I2'I i5 Aug. 7* (1 52) (73) 3 4 2 o-g33 80-8 3ig-i 4-10-7 46 25 7 53o c Aug. 2* (97) (762) (53o) 219-734 3430 0*899 247-7 lO'I -16-8 3 16 86 c 2i5-og3 3 4 2 0703 82-5 326-5 + 9-6 o 2 162 f 3430 0-884 247-0 8-1 i6-g 9 33 342 o 708 79-0 326-2 4-I2M 104 4 55 3 4 36 o-56o 212-9 329-1 -21-9 6 27 342 0-720 82-1 325'2 + 9'9 o 1 1 342 0-274 291-5 325-0 4-u-g 124 447 3 4 2 0-735 80- 1 323-g 4-11-4 9 342 0*190 3oo-3 3 1 9-6 4-ir8 2 21 3 4 2 0-758 77'8 322-0 4-13-2 o 3 342 0-170 295-9 3i8'g 4-10-6 l6 58 3 4 2 0-760 81-2 321-7 4-10-7 5 3 4 342 0-123 338-g 3i2-6 4-i3-o O 20 3 4 2 0-779 79-8 32O'O 4-ir8 10 24 342 0-126 346-5 311-7 4-13-4 10 3 4 2 0-792 82-0 3i8-8 4-10-1 16 i5o 342 0-125 6-5 3og-2 4-13-6 2 7 342 0-801 80-2 317-9 4-II-5 o 2 4 343 o-g55 66-g 236-3 + 23-8 48 292 642*7 342 0-874 79'4 3oo - i 4-12-2 i5 Aug. 8* (210) (940 (7*8) Aug. 3 (i 35) (727) (162) 215-735 342 o'6oo 777 326-1 4-12-3 9 3 411 221-082 0-900 24g-3 230 342 0-629 79-1 323-g 4-11-6 8 56 342 0-540 281-8 324-7 4-M-8 9 1 481 342 0-657 80-4 321-7 4-io-g 16 5 4 342 0-466 283-2 4- 1 1-8 o 6 342 0-679 79' 320-O 4-11-9 6 '9 3 4 2 0-454 280-2 3ig-i 4-10-4 6 16 342 0-696 8r6 3 1 8-6 4- io-3 32 1 58 3 4 2 o-3g3 286-6 3i 4 - 7 + 12-4 IO 24 342 0-779 78% 3u-5 4-12-8 i5 3o 3 4 2 0-376 287-4 3 1 3-6 4-12-5 7 3 4 2 o'85o 77-6 3o 4 -3 4- 1 3-7 2 12 342 0-347 2gr2 3n-5 4-13-3 2 Aug. 4* (172) (740) 342 o'3og 2 9 5-g 308-7 4- 1 3-g i3 3o 2i6'6g4 0-891 223-9 470 343 344 0-838 0-942 65-7 ur3 235-8 225- 4 4-23-8 -17-5 44 44 25o i5o 741 */ 127 c 342 3 4 2 0-423 0-480 74-5 78-9 325-7 321-7 4-I2-I 4-10-8 102 7 499 35 340 3 4 6 0-976 o'gSi 6g-3 111*3 2i3-5 216-7 4-21-6 19-2 4 5 o 166 48 2i5 n io3/> 342 342 0-507 o-5 1 5 77'4 79-1 320-0 3ig-3 4-117 4-io-g o 2 '7 1 1 Aug. 9 (253) (1180) (1416) 342 0-026 80-9 3i8-5 4- 10-0 35 161 342 0-528 78-6 3i8-5 4- 1 1-3 5 2 4 342 0-604 77-5 3i3-2 4- 12-5 '4 59 221-907 0-785 235-7 141 Aug. 5* (i65) (806) (470) 3 4 2 o-68 4 280-5 324-5 4-ii-g in 461 217-594 0-916 223-6 io3o 342 342 0-6 1 3 o-5 7 , 278-4 281-5 3ig-2 3 1 6-0 4-10-3 4-irq o II 22 0-887 279-8 80 1 342 o'55o 283-3 314-4 4-127 o 2 342 0-196 70-2 327-4 4- 1 o-o 5 342 o-5 1 3 285-1 311-7 4-i3-3 2 1 I 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 o- 2 1 5 0-246 0-299 0-348 70-7 64-4 7 3-2 76-8 326-4 325-1 321-3 3i8'i 4- 10-2 4-12-2 4-io-g 4- 1 o-o o 77 32 38i 24 1 33 342 343 3 44 344 0-470 0-741 0-867 0-896 287-3 63-3 114-4 1 14-2 3o8'7 4-i3-8 235'Q 4-24-0 225-7 -17-4 222-1 l8'3 '4 104 27 o 3o 32g i53 1 1 480 if 325 c Aug. 6f 342 342 0-420 73-8 7 3-5 3 1 3-g 312-4 4-12-5 4-i2-g 1 1 (120) 2 4 35 (5og) (,,, Aug. 10 345 346 0-925 0-934 69-6 1 1 3-5 2 I 3-0 2l6'4 4-21-3 -19-1 28 8 (3o5) 23g 70 (i 33 4 ) 425 nf 38i c ('757) Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculic are exprefsed in MiUionthi of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. so REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACDL;E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAU 1880 continued. Dis- HELIOGRAPH ic SPOTS. FACUL*:. Dis- HELIOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.E. No. of tance . No. of tance Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. i OSltlOI] Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \V HOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. 1880. o 222 d 'g6g 3 4 2 o-83g 280-4 324-6 4-12-3 89 443 3g2 c 22g d 74i 3 47 0-979 288-9 257-4 + '9'9 20 io5 385/ 342 0-761 279-6 317-0 + 11 -5 o 13 343 0-848 2g5'0 235-3 + 24-8 35 227 616 c 342 o-665 284-2 308-7 -f-14'3 o 10 3 4 4 O'SlO 244-0 227-0 i 6-3 17 I IO 343 0-585 56-5 235-0 + 24-4 4 5 4 25 346 0-714 236-4 2l6'2 -17-8 4 8 344 0-738 120-6 225-7 -17-1 16 79 346 0'7o5 238-6 216-4 -16-2 i 5 345 o-8i3 69-0 2,3-i ^f-20-g 38 2 4 5 3i6w/ 346 0-700 235-0 214-7 -18-1 1 1 33 346 0-835 118-4 2 1 6-3 ig-3 16 &7 H9/ 3 4 6 o-685 233-6 2l3'I -i 8-3 22 65 Aug. 1 1 (204) (1272) (957) 346 0-657 23o-8 2 ID' I -187 5 346 0-660 229-5 209-7 ig-5 5 21 346 0-667 228-1 20g-0 20'I 21 7 223-985 0-967 245-0 io3 346 0-644 224-4 206-5 21-3 5 23 749 235'c 67 346 0-638 225-5 206'6 20-4 o 6 342 0-940 281-0 324-5 + 12-6 1 06 4^9 97 7 nf 346 0-633 223-8 2o5'6 2I'O I 6 342 0-898 27g-2 3i8-2 + U'2 3 20 345 o-5gg 297-4 212-5 4-217 4 204 343 0-436 43-6 234-0 + 24-6 I 10 444 348 o-33o 327-5 188-9 + 22-8 9 37 344 o-5g6 i3o-6 225'6 16-9 24 i3i 348 o-3 1 5 3297 187-6 + 22-5 4 345 0-665 65-6 2 1 3-5 + 2I-0 60 264 267 nf 348 o'3o2 321-6 lSg-2 -f-20'4 2 6 346 0-705 125-4 2i6-5 -18-8 i5 66 348 o-3o5 338-0 184-8 4-23-1 6 21 046 0-726 124-7 214-7 19'3 2 24 348 o-3oo 342-0 183-5 4-23-4 4 i3 o'gi6 70-7 5ig Aug. 1 8* (204) (969) (1001) Aug. 12 (320) (i388) (2568) 23 1 -008 343 0-957 294-7 235-2 4-25-6 3 4 1 33 972/ 224-988 3 4 2 '994 281-6 325-3 + 12-2 o 279 634 nf 3 4 4 o-g35 249-8 226-7 -16-1 i3 69 "44/ 3 4 3 0-326 177 234-3 + 24-6 106 36 4 345 0-779 2g3'3 211-5 + 22-4 33 203 344 0-464 147-3 225-4 i 6-5 27 129 346 o-85o 244-2 214-2 -17-6 22 58g c 345 o-5oi 58-8 213-3 + 2TO 46 211 346 0-834 243-1 2I2'2 -17-9 52 3 4 6 0-064 140-7 218-3 ig-6 o 7 346 0-8 1 g 240-7 209-9 ig-i o 25 346 0-574 1 37-4 216-4 i8-g 21 122 346 0-808 23g-2 208-3 19-7 o i5 346 0-617 1 36- 1 213-5 20-4 I 4 3 4 6 0-788 236-6 2o5-5 20-8 10 33 346 0-6 1 3 i32-5 2I2'2 i 8-6 5 12 348 o-53o 3o3 - o 189-0 + 22-8 56 3i6 3 4 6 0-649 1 33-g 210-6 20-9 6 20 348 0-490 3og-3 184-8 +24-3 9 28 0-862 68-5 63o 348 0-467 3o8-o 183-8 + 23-0 6 27 0-9 ii I23'2 680 348 0-447 304-9 183-4 -f-21'2 o 5 Aug. 1 3 (212) (II 4 8) 0944) Aug. 19 348 0-448 309-4 I82-3 4-22-g i5 (-76) 76 (i625) (i 7 o5) 227-618 3 4 y 347 343 344 0-707 0-721 0-548 o-5og 291-9 294-2 3o6-3 220-9 254-4 25o-8 234-8 226-0 4-20-9 + 22'O + 24-9 -1 6-2 10 43 '9 4 3 42 290 9 1 231-718 343 3 44 3 4 6 0-987 0-984 o-gog 2 9 4'3 25i-6 246-8 234-2 228-4 212-7 + 25-0 -16-6 -17-7 25 25 107 101 i5 676 n f\ 242 c 1 6n c 1 345 0-280 335-2 21 3-0 + 21-4 29 176 346 0-894 244-2 209-9 1 9-3 5 21 3 4 6 346 0-453 0-432 203-4 200-7 216-7 2 1 5'0 -I 7 -8 17-1 18 g 9 5i 345 048 0-867 o-65g 2gr3 2g6-5 211-9 191-1 4-21-9 4-22-5 43 67 217 36 7 Aug.i6f T 346 3 4 6 346 3 4 6 T 0-45 1 0-443 0-465 0-467 '99' 1 i8g-5 187-1 183-3 214-7 2IO'2 2og'3 207-4 18-4 19-0 20'6 20-9 o o i3 (nO ii 26 35 39 (894) 3 4 8 348 348 3 4 8 348 0-635 0-618 o'5g3 o-588 0-562 o-g83 3oi-o 297-3 3ori 298-8 3ori 68-7 188-3 187-8 i85'i i85-3 182-9 +247 + 22-1 + 23'7 + 22-3 + 22-8 2 5 10 12 20 7 12 5 7 48 ii i 218 Aug. 20* (2I 9 ) (io63) ('747) 229-062 347 0-933 28g'5 256-4 + 20-6 3i 76 2l5/ Aug. 17 3^3 3 44 340 346 0-764 0-719 0-486 o'5g3 297-6 23g'4 3o3-8 224-4 235-0 226-7 212-4 212-6 + 25-3 -16-2 4-21-8 i3'g 3g 32 44 47 (93) 217 1 06 203 227 (829) 764 c 272 s (1251) 233-oo3 3 4 5 348 o'g66 o'82g o-g66 0-842 245-0 23r8 291-4 292-5 2iro 191-8 -f-22'4 + 22'7 7 5 75 3o3 418 663 5 9 3 343 nf 553 c * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculas are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 31 MKASI-KKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACDL/E upon the SUN'S DISK on PUOTOGKAPHS taken in the YEAK 1880 continued. Dis- Hi. I in.ii! iriiic 1 SPOTS. FACUL.E. Dis- HELIOGHAPHIO SPOTS. FAOUL*. No. of tance . No. of tance Mean Solar Time. Group and Letter for Spot. from (Ymiv in terms of Sun's PoBtioi Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of r.MBK.V for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for T1 , r \ Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLK for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for r\ _.\ Radius Day). Day). Day). liailius Day). Day). LJaj). 1880. o o 1880. o o 233 d -oo3 348 0-784 2g5'2 185-3 4-24-0 3 '4 243^04 0-962 246-0 IO2 348 0-785 294-4 182-7 4-22-g 25 I3 4 349 0-982 290-4 7''4 4-21-4 3l 181 525 C 348 0-757 182-5 + 24-4 IO 649 c 0-941 291-3 61-8 4-22-4 20 262 288 c 349 0-891 67-6 71-2 4-23-1 '9 36 447 */ 35 1 o-3g6 8i-5 327-3 4-10-0 >9 1 12 Aug. 2 i (-97) (9 1 5) (3i 4 8) Sept. i (70) (555) ( 9 i5) 233-761 o-g82 242-6 "7 348 o-q25 291-1 ig3-i 4-22-2 86 439 348 0-874 292-6 185-7 4-23-2 5o 245-017 349 o-993 293-2 6i-3 4-23-8 o 218 175 c 348 0-862 291-2 184-3 4-21-8 4 56 352 0-872 25o-o 33-i i 3-3 o 24 348 0-846 292-3 182-3 4-22-5 '4 "9 63ic 352 0-854 25o-5 3l'2 12-5 o '4 Aug. 22* ('04) (664) (748) 352 0-823 249-1 27-7 -12-7 1 1 3i 218 c 35 1 o-i58 69-2 327-3 4- 10-4 28 u3 234-705 0-940 233-9 226 353 0-969 7 2-5 258-g 4-187 o 34 n3/ 348 0-979 291-6 192-0 4-22-5 79 53 1 Sept. 2 (3q) (434) (5o6) 3 4 8 0-947 2go-g 184-4 4-22-0 i3 67 348 o-g3z 2go - 7 181-8 4- 2 1 -9 20 82 348 o-g20 287-3 '79-8 4-18-6 10 62 3 4 8 o-go8 289-0 '777 4- 20- 2 '7 58 246-o5g o-g38 221-8 186 348 0-892 287-8 175-8 4-ig'o 9 21 8340 0-923 296-5 70 349 0-702 65-5 68-7 4-22-0 9 28 o-8o3 240-3 211 349 0-728 65-4 66-5 4-22-5 3 18 352 0-927 253-6 27-4 12-2 o 16 3i5/> Aug. 23* (i 60) (867) (1060) 35 1 o'io5 3oo-8 327-4 4-10-3 21 10,") 353 0-890 72-9 258-6 4-18-5 IO 21 5n/ Sept. 3 (3i) (I 4 2) (|2 9 3) 235-716 348 0-988 2go-g 181-7 4-21-7 o 36 663 af 349 o-53 1 5 7 - 7 69-8 + 22-7 21 72 Aug. 24* (21) (108) (663) 246-902 0-984 255-7 196 240-006 o-8g3 304-2 1 63 0-898 214-8 184 349 0-497 3o3 o 68-7 4-22-1 O 8 0-877 244-5 269 3 49 0-457 3o5-6 65-6 4-22'O O '4 35 1 0-288 282-7 327-5 4-10-6 21 log 3oo 0*064 214-3 61-9 20-9 6 i3 353 0-792 72-1 258-5 4-18-6 8 16 io3/ 35o 0-027 2ir6 5g-o -'97 IO 23 354 0-981 65-g 230'2 4-25-0 49 134 761 sp 35 1 35 1 o-g58 o-g65 80- 1 82-1 327-g 326-6 4-11-5 4- 9-5 o 49 9 1 80 204 n/ Sept. 4 (78) (25 9 ) (i832) 0-923 147-0 164 o- 9 3 7 72-0 98 247-671 35 1 0-453 279-0 3277 4-10-5 22 IOI 0-902 1 1 5'o '47 353 0-674 70-4 25g-i 4-18-4 5 16 Aug. 28 (65) (247) (776) 355 o'9i3 112-8 23g-2 -'7-3 3 i3 240-736 349 o-636 2 9 5-g 67-1 4-21-8 1 1 47 355 355 0-924 0-948 I I2'6 I I2'0 237-4 233-3 -'77 18-2 7 '4 26 48 403 c 349 0-574 2g8-2 65-i 4-21-8 16 62 354 o-g36 66-2 230-4 4-24-8 40 148 641 c 35 1 o-go5 82-6 326-8 4- 97 '7 90 356 0-972 66-8 222-7 4-24-2 22 102 Aug. 29* (44) ('97) Sept. 5* (i 1 3) (454) (1044) 241-785 349 0-784 2gr6 69-9 4-21-4 35 1 7 3 349 35 1 0-720 0778 2g.V5 82-9 63-7 327-2 4-21-8 4-io-Q 37 24 i 7 5 IOO 248-781 35 1 353 o'65g o-477 277-6 64-7 327-7 25g-3 + io-5 4-18-3 24 4 IOO 18 Aug. 3o* (96) (448) 355 0-786 119-5 240-5 -'77 16 6q 355 0-809 117-1 237-5 i6-g 16 24.3-016 0'8g2 242-8 76 355 0-8 n ii8-5 237-8 i 8-0 3 9 349 O'g22 290-3 70-4 4-21-5 3i 23 4 g56 c 355 o-83o 118-2 236-g i 8- 1 2 8 34g O-865 291-5 62-4 4-22-2 43 280 355 o-85 1 116-9 233-3 i 8-3 38 173 588 / 35 1 0-073 82-7 327-2 4- 1 o-i 33 1 55 354 o-83i 64-4 23o-5 4-25-2 3i 1 63 327 c Aug. 3 1 0-766 6g-5 (107) (669) 464 (1496) Sept. 6* 356 O'Sgo 66-4 222-g 4-24-3 9 49 I52/ * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculac are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. 32 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of Srois and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- HELIOGKAFIIIC SPOTS. FAOIIL*. Dis- HELIOOKAFIIIC SPOTS. FACUL.*:. No. of tance . No. of tance from . . Mean Solar Time. Jroup, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. 1 osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o o 25o d -o83 O'g3g 2 go- 5 5 4 2 53 d - 100 0-917 280-2 64 o-8g7 245-8 247 355 0-481 210-6 244-0 -17-4 94 338 35 1 0-848 278-1 327-5 + I0'7 18 io5 241 / 355 0-450 206-6 241-2 16-6 10 33 35 4 0-662 5g-6 23o-o + 25-2 32 117 I ig c 355 0-453 203-4 240-0 -17-4 8 '9 355 0-586 134-2 243-0 -l 7 -6 23 68 355 0-460 202-2 23 9 - 7 -i 8-0 o 8 355 o-623 i3ri 23g-6 -I 7 -8 10 5i 355 0-466 199-4 238-5 -1 8-8 4 6 355 o'6g3 126-4 233-1 18-4 16 IOO 33g c 355 0-447 ig8-6 207-6 -17-8 5 3o 356 0-740 64-1 222-5 + 23-g 6 ig 1 14 c 355 0-424 197-8 236-g -i 6-5 7 42 357 0-867 1 1 5-4 2i3-g 17-7 9 25 7 9 3c 355 0-427 193-3 235-1 -i 7 -3 53 1 53 358 0-880 67-8 207-0 t-23-o i3 3i 266 nf 355 0-456 188-6 233-3 -9-5 2 >4 35g 0-973 68-6 igo'8 + 22-4 5o 216 241 sp 355 0-439 187-2 232-5 18-5 II 3i Sept. 7 (177) (732) (2414) 357 0-414 172-9 226-1 i6-g 3 i5 357 0-405 169-9 224-9 16-2 80 25g 357 0-441 1 60- 8 220-4 -17-4 9 54 357 0-410 iSg-8 220-8 i 5-4 2 i3 25o - g8o 35 1 0-937 277-7 327-4 + 97 32 1 10 28gn/ 35~ 0-395 i58'7 220-7 -14-3 9 53 35 4 o'Sog 5i- 4 23r3 + 25-0 37 i3o 357 0-428 i58-g 220-0 -i 6-3 3 21 355 0-474 i5o-g 243-3 17-4 29 n3 357 0-453 156-5 218-3 -i 7 -3 22 70 355 0-470 146-8 241-7 -16-1 o 17 357 0-417 i55-g 219-0 -I 5-2 15 43 355 0-495 '47'4 241-0 -17-7 16 77 35 7 0-422 1 52 -3 2I7-5 14-8 4 '4 355 o-5 17 146-4 23g'7 -i 8-6 2 5 35 7 0-458 I 54- 2 2I7-2 -17-2 ii 355 o'Szg 141-6 237-1 -17-7 O 5 357 0-464 1 53'2 2l6'5 -17-3 o 7 355 0-572 1377 233-4 18-4 17 89 357 0-447 l52'I 216-6 16-1 i3 58 355 O-585 232-1 i 8-5 23 7 5 357 0-476 i5o"4 2l5'O -17-3 ii 24 307 0-681 I22'I 220-6 i 5-4 3 '4 357 0-482 148-8 214-0 -17-3 i5 52 357 o-6g8 121-6 2ig-2 -i5-8 5 354 0-335 353-3 231-7 + 26-6 3 16 357 0-704 123-6 2ig-5 -17-2 6 16 354 o-3o8 356-6 23o-3 + 25-1 20 76 357 0-710 Iig-3 2I7-5 14-8 i3 35 356 0-256 4-5 227-9 4-22-0 4 3:i 7 0-716 121*2 217-7 -16-2 8 28 356 0-286 1 5-o 224-6 -r-23-2 O 4 357 0-746 120-2 2l5'0 -167 23 io3 356 o-3oi 19-4 222-9 + 23'6 3 357 0-770 120-2 2 1 3-0 17-7 3 10 358 0-456 5o-8 206-6 4-23-4 5 i3 358 0-776 65-g 207-0 + 23-2 i3 40 35g 0-647 63-8 igo-5 + 22'2 67 218 35g 0-912 68-0 190-7 + 23-0 83 3ig 35g 0-702 70-8 i85-g + 18-6 *4 47 35g o-gSo 72-4 184-2 + ig-o 26 74 35g 0-771 68-9 I79-' + 20-8 10 5g5/ Sept. 8* (33 9 ) (1284) (28g) Sept. 10 0-865 127-3 (499) (75g) 553 (1212) 25rgi8 355 0-421 1787 244-2 -17-6 42 206 355 0-426 I73-5 241-9 17-7 i5 43 355 0-445 1 63-5 237-2 -18-1 6 23 253-766 355 o-563 222-9 2 4 3-g -177 123 480 355 0-441 160-6 236-0 17-4 14 5 4 355 0-536 221-3 241-9 -17-0 12 46 355 0-476 i56-i 233-1 -187 25 355 0-529 2ig-o 240-6 -17-4 O 6 357 0-528 137-4 223-1 -i 6- 1 2$ 98 355 0-525 217-5 23g-8 -17-8 H 37 357 0-546 l32'O 220-6 -14-8 '9 82 355 0-536 2 1 5'9 23q"6 i8-g 2 9 357 0-572 i35'7 220'I -17-6 5 19 355 0-526 212-4 237-6 I 9'4 2 8 357 Q'582 l33'5 218-7 17-1 20 7 5 355 o-5 1 5 214-8 238-3 18-1 O 9 357 o-585 i3ri 217-6 -16-2 12 48 355 0-504 2l3'l 237-1 1 8-0 8 4 5 t 357 O'OQO 129-4 216-7 -i 5-6 3 20 355 0-489 212-7 236-4 -17-3 5 ii 357 ":; 0-6 1 8 I2g-g 2l5'2 17-1 27 i3i 355 0-487 214-6 237-0 16-6 i3 46 / 354 0-387 35-3 23o'5 + 25-4 3i i3 7 355 0-478 210-2 234-9 -17-4 35 164 35g Mean Solar Timi'. Group, and Letter for SjlOt. Iroin in tiTHIS of Sun's Iviulius. .Position Angle from Bon'i Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from 0'eutre in terms of Sun's iadius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). l88o. o o . 1880. o o o 253< ] 766 35; 0-418 184-3 222-2 -I 7 -3 2 13 256 d -io8 357 0'6oo 23 1-4 218-4 -i5 7 18 ig3 , 357 0-407 181-6 221-0 -16-6 3 l5 35 7 0-592 227-1 2 1 6-3 -i 7 -3 5 4 256 35; 0-404 179-5 220-1 16-4 16 3 9 357 0-567 229-6 2i5-g -i5-i 8 36 35 7 0-376 181-4 220'7 -14-8 23 1 54 357 O-563 227-4 214-8 i 5-8 3 '9 35 7 0-423 174-1 2177 -17-6 25 125 357 0-568 223-9 21 3-7 -17-6 8 44 357 0-401 171-8 2l6'9 -16-1 52 190 357 0-544 217-4 2og-8 i 8-8 o 3 357 0-441 167-0 2I4-5 -17-6 24 86 354 0-673 2997 229-6 + 25-1 20 35 7 0-439 164-7 2l3'2 -18-4 6 358 o-386 312-8 207-2 -t-22'O 7 304 0-378 334-5 23o-8 + 26-9 2 5 358 o-3g3 320-1 205-4 4-24-4 12 20 364 o-3 4 6 33 r5 2307 + 247 32 7i 35g 0-261 358-4 189-9 4-22-3 44 174 358 0-353 37-0 207-0 + 23-3 7 0*910 63-2 383 358 o-38 9 34-7 206-2 + 25-5 i3 Sept. i3 (484) (2210) ('292) 35g 0-534 58-g 190-8 + 22-3 67 209 35g 0-588 68-0 185-4 + 18-7 18 35 Sept. 1 1* (607) (2250) 256-748 355 o-go5 247-0 241-4 17-2 126 7 33 355 0-886 245-4 238-5 -17-8 ii 96 355 0-867 244-2 235-g -18-1 20 63 254-821 355 0-697 235-2 243-3 -17-6 102 469 355 0-861 241-9 234-5 ig-8 O 10 355 0-707 232-0 242-7 20-0 o I I 355 0-846 244-3 233-7 17-2 21 55 355 0-667 232-3 240-1 i 8-0 4 3 152 355 0-855 240-8 233-5 20-4 27 IOI 355 o'65o 228-0 237-4 ig-3 16 64 35 7 0-778 240-9 226-1 -17-2 122 5i5 355 o-63i 229-7 236-8 -17-9 12 41 35 7 0-762 240-1 224-5 -17-2 O 7 35t 0-636 226-4 235'7 -'97 18 70 35 7 0717 23g-7 220-8 10-7 20 84 355 0-604 227-9 234-4 -i 7 -5 40 1 37 35 7 o- 7 25 235'g 220-0 -18-4 O 24 355 0-096 223-4 232-1 -19-1 5 18 35 7 0-691 237-0 217-g -i 6-3 i3 56 357 0-017 219-4 226-5 -16-8 i>9 4 53 35 7 0-6 7 8 236-5 216-8 16-2 18 58 357 0-474 214-9 222-8 1 5-9 3 9 35 7 o-6 74 233-8 2 1 5-5 -i 7 -5 49 '97 357 0-446 2l3'2 222"! 14-9 25 IO2 357 0-646 235-1 214*2 -i 5 7 3 u 35 7 0-487 2O9-5 221'0 18-0 q 36 357 o-652 23i'4 2l3'I 17-9 5 29 357 0-432 208-1 218-6 -i5-3 16 65 358 0-491 304-4 206-8 4-22-5 5 16 357 0-452 206-4 218-6 -16-8 4 46 358 0-488 3og-8 2O5'2 4-24-8 16 56 357 0-469 202'6 217-4 i8-5 i 10 358 0-471 307-4 204-8 + 23-2 o u 357 0-425 200-4 216-6 -i5-7 3i 1 66 358 0-475 3 10-6 204-2 4-24-5 6 20 357 0-450 201-9 216-6 -17-5 22 64 35g 0-293 332-8 i8g-2 4-22-2 42 l6 7 35; 0-437 200-9 21 5'5 17-1 1 I 35 Sept. 14* (504) (230 9 ) 357 0-436 195-9 21 3'7 -17-5 16 5o 35 4 0-482 3og-8 23o'4 + 24-5 u 42 354 0-478 3i2-8 229-3 + 25-5 5 18 20774" 355 o-g85 25o-g 245-0 ->7'4 64 345 35g 0-368 44-6 190-4 + 22M 47 222 355 0-980 249'2 242-9 i 8-6 5o 3oo 7040 Sept. 12* (566) (2280) 355 0-964 248 - 9 238-8 18-1 20 83 355 0-946 248-8 235-2 -17-4 6 3i 355 o'gSi 245-2 235-3 20-g i3 65 206-108 0-844 289-8 38 1 357 0-897 245-8 227-1 18-0 114 465 355 0-800 244-5 242-7 -17-2 i3o 652 357 0-842 246-4 220-9 -i5-4 22 82 724 < 355 0-849 241-7 241-6 19-4 o 9 357 0-822 2 4 3- 1 217-8 -17-2 55 256 355 0799 240-7 236-4 -i 8- 1 8 20 35 7 0-798 240-8 214-8 18-0 o 17 355 0-792 237-6 234-7 2O'O 22 97 358 o-655 2gg-5 206-5 4-24-5 i5 4 5 355 o- 77 3 240-7 234-1 -I7-I 22 88 35g 0-448 3o6-5 190-7 4-22'D 4 5 1 86 355 0-775 23 9 - 7 233-g -17-9 O 5 36o o-g33 75-2 98-0 4-I6-4 3 20 i36c 355 0-771 238-g 233-3 -18-3 6 9 36 1 0-968 73-3 gi' 4-18-0 24 68 688 sf 355 0-759 237-1 23i'7 ig-O o 8 528 c Sept. i5* ( 4 3 1) (i 963) (2252) 357 0-705 236-g 227-4 l6'9 "4 4i3 357 0-676 235-3 224-8 -l6- 7 5 29 357 0-662 235-2 223-8 -16-2 5 >9 259-090 o-g5i 2go-5 2g5 357 0-676 230-7 223-0 19-3 o 2 35 7 0-987 25o - 5 227-7 -I7-9 79 3go 357 0-634 234-7 221-8 10-4 '9 72 35 7 0-975 2007 224-0 16-9 o 44 357 0-644 23o'7 219-9 -17-9 6 10 357 o-g65 25 r3 221-8 -l5-g 9 51 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnla; are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. G4S93. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAK 1880 continued. Dis- HELIOOUAPIIIC SPOTS. FACULA. Dis- HEI.IOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.I:. No. of tance _ . . No. of tance . Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Suu's {adius. rositlon Angle from Suu's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Suu's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (aud for Day). 1880. o u 1880. o o 259 a 'ogo 357 0-948 25o-5 218-2 1 5-g O 3i 263 d- 7i4 362 0'994 290-1 172-2 + 20-7 46 322 357 0-942 248-7 2l6'7 17-2 5 9 142 gi8 sf 36o o-zg5 3o2-8 io3'g + 16-0 '4 29 358 0-828 294'7 2o5-6 + 24-4 o 8 2Og c 36o o-24g 3o8-5 100-6 + i5-7 o 8 35g o-65i 2g6'2 i8g-o + 22-3 3 4 184 36o 0-224 3o6-i 997 + 14-4 o 25 36o 0-780 74-6 98-6 + 16-4 7 '4 i4*/ 36 1 0-189 357-0 89-6 + 17-8 7 16 36 1 0-864 73-3 8g-8 + I8-0 21 72 364 0-457 59'4 64-4 + 19-8 4 41 36 1 0-873 74'9 887 + 16-6 O 6 402 nf 36 4 0-478 63-2 62-3 + 18-7 4 1 1 0-972 70-2 379 36 4 '499 62-1 61-2 + 197 i 6 Sept. 1 6 (2'9) (942) (23o 7 ) 364 o*5 1 5 64'9 5g-6 + 18-7 9 40 364 o-528 60-2 5 97 + 21-3 i 7 259-979 0-986 25 r3 666 Sept. 21* (96) (5o5) 0-917 294-3 265 35g 0-778 2g3'2 188-8 + 22-4 60 2l3 261 n 265-o3o 0-909 236-2 I5 7 362 o-633 2g5'3 176-0 + 21-3 i3 27 41 c 36o o-56o 288-9 io5-o + 16-2 2 7 36o o-635 72-9 99'3 + i6-3 7 23 36 1 0-347 304-6 89-1 + 18-0 3 9 36o 0-667 75-0 97'4 + I5-2 8 36 1 0-327 2 99'9 887 + 16-0 o 6 36o 0-687 72-6 g5-2 + 17-1 2 36 1 o-33o 304-0 88-2 4-17-3 o 4 36 1 0-750 7 2-5 89-8 + 17-8 21 62 324/ 36 1 0-343 3 1 3-4 87-0 + 20-3 o 3 0-899 71-0 170 364 0-246 25-4 65-3 + 197 "4 63 0-947 1 1 3-5 85 36 4 0-267 26-5 64-4 + 20-7 o 3 Sept. 17 (10.) (335) (1812) 36 4 0-290 36-1 61-2 + 20-4 7 364 0-271 44- 1 6o-3 + 18-0 7 261-064 o-g85 293-8 238 36 4 0-289 44-3 5g'4 + 18-7 2 i5 0-882 3i5-8 59 364 o-3o6 43-0 58-g + 19-7 O i3 0-833 229-5 662 366 0-899 1 1 6 - o 12-7 97 6 42 35g 0-899 291-3 188-6 + 22'2 81 212 281 c 366 o-go7 i i5'i 11-4 -ig-2 o 6 362 0-801 291-9 177-0 + 21-5 o 38 23l/ 366 o-g35 u3-g 6-9 -19-4 . 9 x 3i 463 c 362 o- 7 5g 290-8 173-0 + 20-3 16 57 Sept. 2 2 (36) (216) (620) 36o 0-408 65-6 101-4 + i6-3 12 28 36o 0-457 68-6 97'9 + 16-0 O 20 36 1 o-55o 6g-i 9^4 + i7'3 16 265-730 36 1 0-481 293-8 89-0 + I7-3 o 18 36 1 0-555 71-2 gi'o + 16-2 o 4 364 0-227 341-5 66-1 + ig-3 14 68 36 1 0-570 72-2 89-8 + i5-g 6 36 4 0'205 355-g 62-6 + 18-7 o 5 36 1 0-579 6g-5 Sg-S + 17-6 12 42 364 0-208 11-4 5g-2 + 18-7 o 10 363 0-609 57-0 8g-8 + 25-2 O 1 1 366 0-8 1 5 ng-8 i3-3 ig-3 17 4 5 364 0-866 7 i-5 63-6 + ig-5 44 i loZnp Sept. 23* (30 (146) 364 0-898 72-5 5g-5 + 18-8 o 5 0-788 1 65- 8 52 0-867 1187 23o 266-gi2 36i 0-733 287-6 93-7 + I7'5 6 21 0-946 79'2 i go 36 1 o-6g8 28g-8 go'5 + 18-7 2 6 Sept. 1 8 (12,) (483) (3o 4 6) 36 4 o-3g2 304-1 66-8 -f-ig-2 17 64 36 4 0-324 3i2-g 6r3 + '9'4 O 16 262-983 0-942 234-2 304 364 o'3 1 3 3i5'7 60-2 + ig-6 23 0-806 294-0 23 1 366 0-661 128-8 14-0 -187 5 28 362 0-967 290-7 I75-3 + 21-7 29 21 1 568 n 366 0-679 127-3 I2'2 1 8-6 7 36o 0-129 3 47 -6 100-3 + 14-2 O I 368 0-961 1 1 o-g 336'4 -17-8 36 n5 340 c 36o 0-178 337-3 102-8 + 16-4 12 3o 0-868 n8-3 302 36 1 0-240 3g'2 89-4 + 17-9 I I 22 Sept. 24* (66) (280) (642) 36 4 0-579 65-o 6 4"9 + 2O-0 O 7 36 4 o-Sgg 66-7 63-2 + ig-5 8 267 - g36 0-877 288-5 607 36 4 0-617 67-6 61-7 + 19-2 o i 0-728 232-0 107 36 4 0-644 68-g 59-4 + i8-g 6 i3 36 4 0-575 293-7 67-0 + ig-i '4 38 365 0-728 63-g 53-3 + 23-7 18 222 C 364 0-557 294-1 65-7 + i8-g o 6 o-65i 53-3 55 364 0-526 297-2 63-o + '9"9 i 3o 0-898 63-o I 10 365 0-473 3o5-8 57-7 4-22-3 o 5 o-g 1 3 108-7 400 366 0-524 144-9 14-8 -i 8-8 5 16 35/ Sept. 20 (58) (3n) (i8go) 367 0-756 125-6 3o2'3 2o-g o 16 a i?/ * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facula; are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 3.-. Mi: VSUKES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUI^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- HEUOOBAI-HIC SPOTS. I'l. 1 1 !.. Dis- HELIOOBAPIIIC SPOTS. FACUUE. Mean Solar ISme. No. of Gronp, and Letter for Spot. tance frun Centre in terms of Sun's liU'lius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMIiRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \VHOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o o 267'<-936 368 0-875 1 15-7 337-2 -18-6 47 264 272-1-077 0*960 2gro 290 36g 0-909 1 1 5-o 332-7 ig-3 '7 0-853 248-0 283 36 9 o-g35 1*4-4 328-6 ig-8 o 4 5o3 c 366 0-609 229-7 10-8 19-5 13 0-927 7 6-5 655 366 0-641 227-1 8-5 2O'O o 15 Sept. 2") (67) (432) (2124) 367 0-546 221-1 0-8 l8-0 o 27 36 7 o-55o 2I7H 359-3 ig-6 i5 1 4 3 367 0-540 212-0 356-4 20-8 4 29 268-800 364 0774 291-4 72-2 + 20-8 6 32 36 7 o'5o5 21 3'4 355-6 i 8-5 12 72 36 4 0-714 289-6 67-0 + 187 i3 36 367 o'5 ii 207-6 353-2 -20-4 83 3 74 364 0-653 291-4 61-7 + 19-0 5 23 368 0-419 186-0 341-3 -17-8 36 162 365 0-607 296-7 57-3 + 21-4 H 368 0-418 I82-6 339-8 ->7'9 7 3i 368 0-708 121-3 33g-i 18-2 33 i65 248 c 36g o- 4 35 170-0 334-1 i 8-6 o 14 36q 0-819 1 19*1 332-8 -19-2 7 27 36g 0-442 167-2 332-7 -18-8 o u 36g 0-845 u8-3 33o - o -197 o 25 424 c 36g 0-445 1 65- 2 33r8 -18-7 2 9 100 36 9 0-860 118-5 328-4 20-3 4 II 36 9 0-478 161-1 32g-2 -19-2 3 4 126 3"o 0-872 74-6 3zo-8 + 16-7 7 41 370 0-297 52-5 324-5 4-16-9 68 2gi 370 0-904 7 5'2 3i6-5 + i6-3 7 23 806 c 370 0-243 55-6 321-5 + '7'9 o i3 Sept. 26* (82) (397) (1478) 370 o-366 6r8 3ig-i 4-i6-2 8 1 3 7 370 0-408 65-6 3i6-i + i5-g i3 8g 0-789 65-8 420 269-907 0-927 246-0 147 Sept. 29 (3o 9 ) (6 47 ) (993) 36o 0-997 287-0 94-3 + 17-4 o 28 447 nf 364 0-91 5 291-2 74-1 + 22-1 o 8 364 0-910 2897 73-4 + 20-7 I 35 272-804 366 0759 237-1 u-5 ig'5 '4 7' 36 4 o-g32 290-9 72-4 + l6'7 10 40 366 0-732 234-1 8-2 2O'3 2 49 064 0-860 287-9 66-g + 18-8 3 18 36 7 0*640 23r3 0-6 -17-9 2 9 125 36 4 0-855 288-9 66-2 -f-20-5 o 4 36 7 o-65o 229-1 0-4 19-5 38 126 364 o-8i5 288-8 61-9 + 19-2 8 7i/ 367 o-63g 225'! 358-0 2o-g 20 366 0-450 ig8-4 i5-g -i 8-5 6 32 36 7 0-606 226-8 356-8 i 8-6 17 60 367 '479 i58'7 356-7 i 9-8 2 5 4 367 o-58g 220-6 353-2 2O'5 97 427 368 o-5g2 133-5 340-6 -17-9 3i I 7 3 368 0-462 206-9 341-7 -17-8 4 3 238 36g 0-699 126-6 33i-o -19-2 16 84 2 9 3/ 368 0-438 190-2 333-8 i8-g 4 370 0-741 74-2 3ig-6 + 16-3 27 75 2 4 gc 36 9 0-431 186-7 332-2 -i 8-6 i3 7 o-gi3 8o-5 99 36g 0-443 181-8 32g-g ig-6 i3 36 o-g58 70-0 486 36g 0-444 179-5 328'g -19-7 4 28 Sept. 27 (96) (55g) (25 9 2) 370 0-184 i3-5 326-5 + 16-9 61 278 370 0-189 29-7 323-5 + 16-0 4 18 270-808 o-g26 289-3 1024 370 0-214 28-5 323-0 4-17-3 7 25 366 0-553 22O-0 i 7 -5 -18-8 4 21 370 o-i gg 35-i 322-3 4-i5-g o 6 366 0-534 2i5'6 14-6 ig-3 9 370 O'2l3 40-5 320-g 4-i5-8 5 36; 0-416 i8g-o 35g-o -17-4 4 2 370 D'225 45-9 3ig-5 + i5-5 7 25 36 7 0-435 i85'7 358-o 18-9 o 9 370 0-237 46-0 3i8-g + 16-0 4 9 36 7 0-461 183-4 357-1 20-5 o 16 370 0-244 49-6 3i8-o 4-15-6 o 5 367 0-455 >77'9 354-4 20-2 29 95 370 O-26O 52-5 3i6-8 + i5-6 2 7 368 0-475 i5o'4 341-2 -I 7 -8 55 199 370 0-273 5i-3 3 1 6-3 4-16-3 12 37 368 o-5o3 146-7 338-5 -18-4 o i5 49 36g 0-021 144-5 336-8 -18-7 o 8 Sept.3o* (36 7 ) (i685) (49) 369 o-53i 141-1 334-9 -18-1 12 36g 0*564 i38'o 332-0 18-6 3i I2g 36g o-5g5 1 36-5 329-7 ig-5 45 I 7 2 274-021 366 o-gi6 246*1 i5-o -18-8 27 487/7 370 0-534 68-2 324-3 + I7'2 12 38 366 0-900 245-6 127 i 8-6 o 23 3 7 o o-57g 69-6 32o-g + 17-2 I ii 366 0-900 244-5 12-4 ig-6 o 12 3 7 o 0-608 ;n 3 1 9-0 + 16-6 4 20 366 0-869 242-3 7-8 20- 1 2 24 370 o - 6o5 72-8 318-7 + 10-7 9 37 367 0-824 241-8 2-9 -18-7 4 23 370 0-629 7 3-i 3i6-g + I5-8 '4 53 367 0-806 241-4 ro i 8-3 22 '*! 0-921 68-7 5i5 367 0-790 238-g 358-7 ig'5 63 Sept. 28* (204) (886) (i53g) 36 7 0-773 240-4 357-8 -17-7 12 23 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnlae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. E 2 36 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YKAK 1S80 continued. Dis- HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.S:. Dis- HELIOGRAI-HIO SPOTS. FACUL.E. Mean Sohu Time. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar lime. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o 274 d '02l 367 0-769 238-2 355-8 -187 7 18 277*738 368 0-q88 200-4 342-1 -18-1 40 igo 280 sf 367 0-763 235-4 355-1 20-8 4 35 370 0-884 284'g 326-6 4-16-1 I 12 35 1 4 8 9 C 367 0-735 234-2 362-4 20-4 96 467 374 0-699 120-8 225-5 i 6-0 8 25 368 0'6o8 22g-8 342*0 -17-3 4 '77 Oct. 5* (160) (57') (769) 368 0-678 226-4 338-6 -17-9 12 36g 0-626 217-8 332-8 i 8-3 4 23 36g O'5lO 212-7 329-9 iq-O 2 7 278-786 370 0-967 286-2 326-4 4i6-3 62 33g 8 4 2/ 370 o - 3oo 307-8 327-4 4-16-8 49 260 373 0-536 igS'l 269-0 24-8 5 16 370 0-269 3io-g 326-2 4- 1 6-5 5 ii 3 7 3 0-563 i8g-6 266-0 26-0 3 1 1 370 0-260 320-2 323-1 4-18-0 4 3 74 0*646 l32'O 220-4 -16-7 6 23 370 0-264 32 4 -8 32i-g 4-18-4 o 2 376 0-906 68-5 184-9 4-22-2 8 26 370 0-253 33 1 -8 320-3 4 '9'4 o 6 376 0-908 7 ,-6 184-6 4I9-3 o 9 49 5 / 370 0-209 324-7 320-2 4-16-3 8 '9 Oct. 6* (84) (424) (i33 7 ) 3 7 o 0'2 I I 332-8 3i8-8 4-17-3 i5 370 O'lSl 332-O 3i8-i + 167 9 19 370 O'ig6 337-5 317-6 4 17-0 i5 280-076 0-849 320-5 414 370 0-176 342-1 3i6-2 4-16-1 6 16 3 7 2 0-837 242-7 284-7 -187 o 10 1287} 3 7 i 0-476 67-4 287-8 4-20-8 5 9 373 o-63g 216-2 267-7 25-3 IO 49 3 7 i 0-620 52-0 286-4 + 24-6 o 2 373 o-632 210-8 264-3 -27-0 5 37 0-877 111-7 143 374 0-397 164-1 226-7 -16-2 o 4 '944 i3i'7 80 374 o-3g2 i5g"5 226-0 15-3 9 20 0-969 IIO'O 464 374 0-364 i55-2 224-2 i3'i o 7 Oct. i (276) (1446) (1164) 374 '449 1677 222-8 -i 8-3 o 6 374 o-5oi 162-3 223'7 22-2 3 274'8g6 36 7 o-go3 246-7 r5 i 8-6 123 376 0-766 66-6 ^84-1 4-21-8 i3 2 4 7 2 4/ 367 o-83o 23q-8 35i-3 20-5 80 4 35 376 o-gi4 74-3 171-9 4 1 6-9 o 59 62 p 368 0730 238-6 342-0 -17-4 16 164 Oct. 7 (37) (219) (i3i8) 368 0-698 234-0 338-0 18-9 i H 36 g 0-646 2 3i-6 333-6 i 8' i 6 3 7 o 0-466 294-6 327-0 4- 1 6-8 63 349 28ro5i 0-876 320-7 402 370 0-397 3o2'g 322-0 + 18'5 o 10 3 7 2 o-g36 246-6 285-6 -'9'4 8 370 o-3 1 5 304-6 317-1 4-16-6 o 35 3 7 3 0-767 227-6 258-6 -26-8 o 8 Oct. 2 (1 60) (n36) 373 .0737 223-0 269-7 -27-6 9 374 0-354 200-6 227-6 13'2 o 2 275-786 367 0-962 248-2 o-3 18-9 40 346 796 c 374 0-373 194-2 226-7 i5-o o 7 367 0-941 243-g 355-1 -21-9 10 35 374 0-402 187-5 223-4 -17-2 5 367 243-6 ' 35 1 -4 21-2 125 49 376 o'6oo 60-2 I86-I 422-4 2 20 368 0-844 243-9 342-3 -17-9 44 228 376 o-6ig 62-3 184-3 4-21-7 I 12 368 0-822 243-4 33g-g -17-5 6 24 376 0-644 68-4 i83-3 4-24-6 10 368 0-811 242-6 ; 338-6 177 7 377 o-qi6 62-1 164-1 + 28-0 IO 638 c 368 o'8og 240-1 ' 337-6 -19-5 5 9 0-821 i5ro 96 36g 0-738 235-1 329-6 2O'O 2 12 1073^0 Oct. 8 (3) (90 (1262) 370 0-617 288-2 327-2 4-16-3 104 477 370 o'58g 286-0 326-4 + H7 5 16 370 o - 58q 290-9 324-8 4i7-5 9 3q 28r832 374 '43g 216-0 226-3 -.4-8 4 12 3 7 o 0-558 292-8 322-3 4-18-0 4 28 376 o-^SS 62-3 187-2 4-21-8 i3 3 4 370 o'4g8 289-7 3i8'7 + 1 5-3 18 IIO 3 7 5 0-488 52-2 1 85'3 -f-22-g o 4 374 o-g2o 112-7 226-8 -17-9 9 3 7 5 0-491 54-9 184-4 4-2i-q 5 18 374 0-926 1 IO"2 220-4 i5-g 14 73 85oc 376 0-029 5o"4 183-3 + 26-1 7 35 Oct. 3* (386) (1902) (2618) Oct. g* (29) (io3) 276-768 36 7 0-982 247-0 352-3 2I'I io3 687 7670 282-784 373 o'Sgg 236-3 204-0 -26-6 o 10 692 p 368 o'g35 248-0 342-3 18-0 42 ' 170 373 0-764 226-0 235'4 -27-2 3 12 36g 0-846 241-9 328-q i 9-6 o 12 378 0-462 2 1 5-8 2i3-3 -i 5-6 4 ig 370 0-764 286-7 326-6 4-16-1 80 436 378 0-430 2oq-3 210-0 -i 6-0 12 3 74 0-826 114-3 226-6 i 5-8 8 34 462 sf 376 o-3 1 6 3ro 187-4 421-7 6 23 Oct. 4* 1 (233) ( I2 3g) (1219) 376 0-340 34-8 186-4 4-22-1 4 H * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and FacuUc are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGHAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 37 MI.ASIKES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACCL.E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAH 1880 continued. Dis- HKI.IOI;KAIMIIC SPOTS. FACCL.E. Dis- HELIOOBAPHIC SPOTS. FAODLA. No. of tance * No. of tiiuce Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in term of Sun's Radius. rosition Angle from Sun's AxU. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each SjlOt (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). (lean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. 1 OSltlOU Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o 1880. o o o 8i d 784 37."i 0-349 38-o 184*1 4-21-g 2 6 288 d '749 0-919 29"9 245 37."i 0-38g 36-2 182-9 + 24-1 3 12 380 o-36o 25-8 log-O 4-24-3 3 15 ,i-.~i 0-408 3 4 -8 182-5 -25-4 2 7 38o o'36q 28-4 107-8 4-24-4 4 375 0-412 38- 4 i8ri 4-247 4 i5 38o 0-523 5r6 92-4 4-23-g 3 4 168 Oct. 10* (28) (I3o) (59*) 38o 0-540 56-i go-o 4-22-4 3 9 38o 0-538 6o-3 89-1 4-20-3 7 283-g86 o-83i 270-7 970 38 1 0-822 67-8 64-3 4-21-4 16 68 373 o-go3 236-8 239-9 -26-4 5 38 1 0-889 68-9 56-2 4-21-3 , 4 22 638* 374 0-790 240-3 229-4 i 5-3 o i5 Oct. 1 6* (60) (293) (883) 378 o-6z5 235'2 213-7 15'8 6 29 878 o-585 232'7 210-3 i 5'5 16 289-788 0-964 29'"7 617 3 7 5 0-289 341-4 187-2 + 21-8 o i3 38o o-38 1 32-4 92-1 4-24-1 3 4 168 375 0-284 3 44"9 186-1 + 21-8 6 38 1 0-681 64-1 64-0 4-21-4 21 81 375 0-279 35 1 -7 184-0 4-21-9 o 3 Oct. 17* (55) (249) (617) 375 0-374 3-6 180- 1 4-27-8 o 4 370 O'3 2 I 8-2 1787 4-24-4 5 25 2gro56 0-909 325-0 439 0-879 i5o-7 i5i 38o o-38i 345-4 g3-2 4-22-8 o 3 0-949 94-2 264 38o c'332 35o'4 gi-8 424-4 27 i33 Oct. 1 1 (") (H6) ( H 85) 38i 0-480 53-4 63-g 4-21-5 18 72 382 0-722 61-6 44-5 4-24-0 o n 97 / 284-931 3 74 0-892 249-6 228-9 -1 5-2 i 26 916 sf o'gSg 140-5 56 1 378 0-767 243-8 214-5 -i5 7 o 5 Oct. 18 (45) (219) (i>97) 379 0-722 307-9 210-4 -r-3o-8 4 125 np 3 79 0-714 307-1 2IO'O 4-29-9 o 5 375 0-402 3i5'7 186-7 4-22-3 2 16 291784 38o 0-388 327-4 9>'9 4-2f2 4 3 I 4 5 38o 0-966 67-6 9 3-I + 23-1 3i 196 izogsp 38o o-3o3 327-2 88-7 4-20'o 3 '9 Oct. 12 (^4) (252) (2260) 38o 0-287 326-4 88-3 4-ig-o '4 3 4 38o 0-273 327-0 877 4-18-4 4 18 286-o56 0-848 326-8 3o3 38o o-3o3 3i3'9 9''9 4-17-2 25 78 374 o-g85 252-8 23 1-9 1 5-8 o 49 38o 0'3 1 5 3ig-2 91-2 4-18-9 4 16 3 74 0-972 25o - q 227-8 16-9 4' 38 1 0-365 40-3 64-1 4-21-2 27 75 378 0-896 25o-o 214-7 i 5'o o 29 382a o-gg3 log- 8 358-0 18-9 161 078 0-869 250-4 2 1 1-5 13-8 o 22 1096 382a o- 99 5 111-9 357-2 2TI '9 302 793 */> 38o 0-881 667 92-81 + 23-2 46 '79 Oct. 19* (i3 9 ) (848) (793) 38o 0-966 67-9 78-3 4-23-0 52 1466 c Oct. i3 (46) (372) (2864) 293-784 38o 0-686 291-5 94*4 4-18-4 62 3io 38o 0-623 296-0 88-7 4-20-0 i3 37 286-712 o- 9 5 9 244-6 49 38o 0-609 297-4 87-4 4-20-5 2 4 3 74 o-ggS 2DI-6 227-8 -17-6 "9 69 38o o'5g6 296-6 86-6 4- 19'8 16 9 378 o-g52 25i-~ 21 5-o 1 5-4 18 4 5 38o 0-671 3oro 91-2 4-24-2 3i 125 378 0-928 252'3 21 ro 14-0 3 i5 547 c 3826 0-385 307-4 71-0 4-18-4 ii 45 38o 0-811 65-3 92-5 + 23-3 53 25 4 902 / 3824 0-355 3 1 3-3 68-1 4- 19-0 8 4 2 38o 0-917 67-9 78-9 4-22-6 20 38 1 o - 33 1 325-8 63-7 4-21-0 24 7 5 38o 0-919 66-9 787 4-23-5 5 i5 260 c 38 1 0-324 33o-o 62-3 4-21-4 2 10 38o o - g3o 67-7 76-8 4-22-g H 3820 0-857 I 1 6-2 358-0 -19-2 25 156 38 1 0-986 694 64-1 4-21-2 26 128 554* 3820 0-863 ng-3 358-2 22-0 37 240 8o3/- Oct. 14* ('24) (56o) ( 27 53) Oct. 21* (231) (n5a) (8o3) 287-697 0-992 253-5 806 294-790 38o 0-834 288-4 9 5-i 4-I8-I 55 2 4 5 38o 0-674 60-8 9^9 4-23-5 42 1 83 38o 0-766 293-0 8/7 4-20-7 9 38o 0-688 63-1 91-1 4-22-4 2 22 38o 0-804 296-5 9'9 4-24-2 20 66 38o 0-702 67-7 89-1 4-19-6 7 520/ 38o 0-745 292-5 85-q 4-20-1 I I 46 38 1 0-928 69-5 64-0 4-21-1 12 61 3826 0-571 295-1 71-g 4-18-3 28 i3o 38 1 0-968 69-6 56'2 4-21-1 O 25 6o3c 3S2/; o-55g 3oo - 2 70-0 4-207 i3 Oct. i5 (56) (298) (1929) 3826 0-525 296-9 68-4 4-18-2 I 7 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facul.-c are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. 38 KEDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SON'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Dis- HELJOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL^S. Dis- HKLIOGRAPIIJC SPOTS. FACUL^:. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for 7~\ ,/v Radius. Day). Day). Day). Radius. Day). Day). Day). 1880. o o o 1880. o o o 294 d 79 3826 O'52I 3oo-o 6 7 -5 + '9'6 18 74 2gg d '8o5 3820 0-614 221-6 35g-i 23-2 3 12 38i 0-480 3o5'6 63-6 + 20-8 17 58 382a 0'58g 223-8 358-7 20'g 4 1 68 3820 0-729 122-4 358-5 -19-1 23 63 3820. 0-575 220-g 358'7 i g-3 5 '9 382a 0-708 123-1 356-4 20-7 o >4 3820 1 0-447 227-4 352-6 -|3'2 8 26 382 o-;5l 125-g 358-1 22'2 46 208 3820 0-400 222-8 349-0 12-5 8 24 382a 0772 124-6 355-8 22'2 o 12 3826 o-5i8 75-O 302-5 + 11-6 2 1 1 382C "947 74'7 327-3 + 16-1 o 40 35 1 M 0-948 64-3 98 Oct. 22* (219) (985) (35 1) Oct. 27* (66) (260) (98) 2g5-679 38o 0-927 287-2 90-5 + 17-8 5o 296 300785 382 0-734 236- 7 0-7 20-4 3o 88 38o o-goi 294-9 gro + 24-5 5 3o 3820 0-714 255-7 358-8 20-1 4 24 38o 0-876 290-5 go'6 + 20-3 o 8 382a 0-708 234-6 357-9 20-6 ii 29 38o o855 290-9 85-5 + 20-4 2 1 1 996 nf 3826 0-322 66-6 3o2'5 + M-6 5 25 3826 0-722 2go-7 72-5 + 18-3 5o 227 Oct. 28* (So) (i 66) 0826 0-687 291-6 69-6 + 18-4 10 3826 0-682 2 9 3'2 68-7 + ig-3 II 39 3826 0-661 2 94 -3 66-9 + '97 16 79 301785 382a 0-857 243-8 1-4 -ig-7 i5 42 219 c 38 1 0-628 63-6 + 21-1 1 I 25 382/1 0-524 2977 335-g + 17-9 4 20 38i 0'6 I 2 2087 62-3 + 21-2 6 16 38 2/ O'5O4 301-4 334-0 4-18-6 2 9 38i o-5 9 4 3oo-8 6o-5 -T-2I-8 o 5 3826 0-107 6-5 3o6-i -r-io-5 6 '9 382 o'6oo 136-5 o-g 21-2 2 ii 3826 0-126 14-8 304-9 -f 1 1-4 2 8 382 0-607 i3i-8 358-5 ig-5 i5 72 3826 0-142 287 302-8 4-H-6 10 29 382 0-638 134-9 357'g -22-4 71 36o Oct. 2 9 * (3g) ('27) (219) 382a 0-664 35 7 -7 24-9 2 6 382c 0-865 74-6 327-5 + I5-8 4 17 260 / 0-865 1 1 g-3 542 3o3-o63 o'Sqg 244-3 455 Oct. 23* (2 4 5) (1212) (1798) 383 0-862 i ig-5 235-8 22-6 o 40 6o3/ 0-961 108-2 277 296-783 38o '9Qi 287-1 g6- 1 + 17-6 43 i5i 1781 nf Oct. 3o (o) (40) (i335) 0826 0-866 288-0 72-6 + 18-0 6g 336 3826 0-840 288-0 6q-6 + 17-8 o 20 3826 0-827 288-7 68-2 + 18-2 7 21 3o3'7 9 3 o-g58 246-0 1269 3826 0-334 290-5 68-6 + 19-7 4 16 385 0-752 117-1 236-0 -I7-0 9 21 3826 0-814 291-0 66-5 12 39 383 0-778 124-2 236-2 22-g 5 12 38 1 0-792 2g3-2 63-g 4-21-2 6 12 383 0-785 123-4 235-2 -22-6 18 35 401 / 38 1 0-770 2g3'2 62-7 + 2I-I 4 8 708 c 0-926 IIO'O 721 382a 0-473 155-3 0-7 20-6 2 9 Oct. 3i* (32) (68) (23gi) 382 0-491 1 55- 1 O'O 21'5 5 '7 382 0-489 l52'2 358-7 207 3 5 3820 o-473 i5o-5 358-6 ig-5 26 72 304783 O'g32 243-6 014 3820 o-5 1 g 1 52 -4 357-8 22'5 5g 320 383a 0-864 2 9 2'7 326-1 + 21-6 3i 38 2C 0-717 72-3 3277 + 16-0 6 17 384 o-6cS 2 9 0'2 3o3'4 + 15'4 4 18 Oct. 24* (246) (1043) (2489) 384 o-665 2 9 2' 4 3o2-g + 1 6-6 2 10 384 o'5g2 2 9 O'9 302'2 + i5'6 '4 25 297-886 3826 38 1 o-g58 0-906 287-1 2gr5 72-1 63-o + 177 4-21-5 78 o 263 H logo/ 384 384 o'5g6 o-582 2g3-o 302-1 3oo-8 + 16-8 + 17-5 2 6 9 21 3820 0:437 0*413 182-4 i8o'5 35g~4 358-5 2TO 19-5 2 '4 7 46 384 384 o'56o 0-545 2g5- 4 292-6 299-2 298-7 + i7 - 4 + i5-6 2 4 9 3820 0-433 '797 358-2 20-8 8 3o 385 0-602 i25 - g 236-7 -17-1 2 16 Oct. 25* 3820 0-460 178-8 35 77 22-5 37 215 383 383 0-654 0-662 l32'0 236-0 235-2 22-8 22-7 2 6 6 '9 383 0-676 i3i-o 233-8 -22-8 2 i5 2g8'784 3820 o'ggo 0-457 287-8 206-0 71-4 358-6 H-iS-2 ig-6 47 g '99 3i 1062 nf 3836 386 0-756 o-g36 io5-8 II2-2 220-0 201-0 -19-1 2 13 7 49 Oct. 26* 3820 0-488 203'I 358-3 22-0 32 (88) t25 (355) (1062) Nov. i* o-gn ii 5-3 (57) (23g) 643 ("57) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculas are expressed in MiUionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. RKDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 39 MK \SL-KKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULJE upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAH 1880 continued. Dis- UKI.IOOIIAPUIC SPOTS. FACUL^E. Dis- llri.MH.l: u-llir SPOTS. FAODL.E. Mr:i!l SoLn Time. No. of iroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from in t<-rnis of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. taller from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBliA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (;md for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMHltA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o o 1880. o o o 3o5 d -978 O'ggi 25o-5 252 3n d -go4 O'gi5 25l'2 323 o-g53 288-2 3 7 2 38g o-g72 238-5 245-4 29-6 '4 384 0-812 285-g 3o5'3 + l5'2 10 87 38g 0-968 23g-2 244-6 -287 o 16 544 nf 384 0-787 287-1 302-8 4-1 5-g 4 17 o-g53 6g-5 492 084 0-788 2gO-3 3o2'5 + 18-4 i5 3 4 Nov. 8 (o) (3o) (i35g) 38 4 0-778 288-6 3oi'7 + 16-9 21 38 4 0737 28g- 7 297 - 9 + 17-2 6 20 323 c 383 o-5i8 148-8 234-7 -22-4 '4 312-904 0-9^7 245-3 528 385 0-419 147-3 2 3 7 -g -i 6-7 12 0-875 249'3 1 60 385 0-399 143-3 237-3 -14-7 i3 0-785 23g-2 208 385 0-427 145-6 237-0 -16-7 1 1 47 3go 0-483 124-0 i36-i -127 o ii 385 0-427 141-4 235'5 i 5-6 1 1 3gi o*6g4 80-2 1 16-6 + 9'i 2 ii 385 0-448 140-7 234-4 16-4 o 18 0-889 69-3 768 385 0-459 i3g-g 233-6 -16-7 o 4 0-984 1 1 1-2 246 386 0-819 1 1 5-g 200-8 -18-4 4 21 584 c Nov. g (2) (22) (1910) 387 o-g3o 107-7 185-4 14-8 9 i56 */ 0-927 64-7 2o5 Nov. 2 (5o) (328) (1892) 3i6-783 0-941 2g5'3 274 3g2 0-812 66-1 56-6 + 20-9 3 24 3g2 0-844 66-3 53-2 + 21-4 12 40 33i c 3o6-g6g 0-819 296-0 96 Nov. 1 3* (i5) (64) (6o5) 384 0-920 284-5 3o5'4 + 14-8 12 4 5 38 4 o-go5 286-5 3o3'i + 16-6 4 58o c 384 0-883 287-9 3oo-i + 17-6 O 10 317-844 3g2 0-657 5g-2 577 + 21-8 4i 114 38 4 0-818 284-5 293-0 + 14-1 9 3 9 2 o-683 59-7 55-6 + 22-2 21 64 366 c 385 o-36o 176-1 237-0 -17-1 16 40 3g2 0-711 6r3 52-g 4-21-g 7 4 2 385 0-384 170-2 234-5 18-2 o 5 3g2a 0-908 108-9 32-o -i 5-8 o 7 367 385 0-371 164-9 232-7 17-0 7 52 Nov. 14* (69) (227) ( 7 33) 386 0-698 122-2 200-0 -18-7 5 24 215/ 387 0-835 111-8 i85-o -15-7 3 IO 68/ 0-846 62-3 176 3i 8-800 o-g22 296-7 2I 9 Nov. 3 (43) ('99) (u35) 3g2 0-523 5o*4 56-g + 21-7 i5i 49' 3g2 0-567 53-5 53-2 + 21-9 19 57 o-go3 116-7 3 9 6 Nov. 1 5* ('70 (5 4 8) (6 1 5) 308-075 0-961 288-0 5 2 6 0-904 247-0 86 0-770 235'5 224 319-948 '94' 304-5 '79 385 0-421 2I2'I 237-3 -17-2 8 ''7 3g2 o-37g 26-3 57-0 + 22'2 68 419 385 0-404 210-3 236-1 -16-7 5 '94 I 114-5 1 4 3 385 0-415 208-9 235-g -i 7 -5 7 Nov. 1 6 (68) (419) (322) 385 0-387 202-1 232-6 -17-2 8 20 385 o'3go '997 231-7 -17-7 4 16 320-795 3g2 0-357 358-4 56-8 + 2rg 88 356 388 0-424 40-3 206-7 + 22-4 2 8 3g4 0-364 1 35-7 41-2 12-8 o 8 386 0-540 i3 4 - 4 I99-9 -18-7 7 21 "7*/ 394 0-368 I32-I 40-1 I2'l 7 25 387 0-686 117-9 1 85-o -i5-8 o 5 394 0-411 i32-5 3;-8 -i3-8 26 53 0-714 58-2 213 Nov. 1 7* (121) (440 0-939 67-0 342 Nov. 4 (29) (99) (i5o8) 321-576 3g2 o'3gg 33 r3 S6- 7 + 227 22 201 3g2 0-371 335-g 54-2 4-22-0 82 008-700 385 0*004 225-g 237-1 -17-1 4 20 3g3 0-278 22O-I 55 - 2 9-9 O iq 385 0-457 2ig-5 232-5 -17-1 ii 28 3g3 0-232 21O-2 5i-6 9-2 O J 47 385 0-454 217-3 23i-6 -i 7 -5 4 H 394 0-264 1 66-6 41-2 12-5 T/ 10 386 0-451 1477 20O-2 -187 7 '9 394 o-3 ii i56-i 37-4 14-2 y 39 0-925 67-2 408 3 94 0'3 10 1 53-3 36-6 -i3'7 16 67 Nov. 5* (22) (90 (408) Nov. i8f (38) (474) * Indian photo. The Area- of Spots nnd Karuhr arc expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. 40 KEDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continued. Die- tance HELIOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACULJE. Dis- HKLIOGUAPIIIC SPOTS. FACULJS. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot ( and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o 323 d '045 0-962 265-2 125 32g d -0l5 ^97 0-817 64-8 255-6 + 21-2 122 700 0-920 290-2 263 3 97 0-877 65'i 248-8 + 22-3 76 538 732 C 0-854 242-3 136 3g8 o- 97 o 1 1 5-6 234-2 -24-4 20 53? */ 3g2 0-5/g 307-2 56-3 + 22-2 3 9 230 0-989 124-8 I8 7 3g3 0-554 247-6 57-8 IO'4 40 158 Nov. 25 (23g) ('397) (1684) 3g3 o'5 1 6 249-5 55-7 8-6 o 8 3 9 3 0-492 248-3 53-g - 87 o 7 3 9 3 0-467 2 4 5-3 5i'9 - 9'4 8 142 329-682 3g6 0-597 123-4 267-5 1 8-1 H 35 3 94 . 0-379 229-2 43-0 -12-3 6 40 3g6 0-641 122-3 264-2 ig-o 2 10 394 0-329 2 1 6-5 38-i -i 3-3 '7 96 ,'5g6 o-656 Ilg-5 262-3 -17-8 17 68 3 94 o-33o 2IO-I 36-3 14-5 o 17 397 0715 65-2 255-g + I8-3 O 38 3g5 0729 62-9 3 4 2 7 + 20-8 o 6 3g7 0-733 65-4 254-5 + I8-5 O 16 0-781 63-5 78 3g7 0-732 61-2 255*6 + 21-4 126 7 5 4 0-843 54-7 9 3g; o'/Si 65-i 253-o + ig-2 o 7 0-354 Il3'2 167 3 9 7 0-786 6r6 2807 + 22-5 25 95 o'gi6 68-3 no 3g7 0-788 627 250'2 + 2i-g 33 164 Nov. 19 (no) (704) (969) 3 9 7 0798 64-2 249-8 + 2I-I 8 38 3g7 0-808 63-o 248-2 + 22-2 8 2g 3g7 0-808 63-6 248-0 + 217 II 26 324-068 0-941 245-5 202 3 97 0-798 667 248-3 + ig-2 3 21 o'go3 292-5 23g 397 0-823 64-7 246-2 + 21-3 49 228 392 0-723 299-2 55'9 + 22-0 23 238 25o c 3g7 0-819 66-8 246-2 + I9-5 3 i3 3g3 0-760 261-5 62-0 - 5-2 8 3 9 7 o-83i 66-5 244'9 + 20-1 3 20 709 c 3g3 0-727 254-1 58-2 IO'I 45 218 3g8 0-922 117-3 235'o 24-5 4 4 9240 3g3 o'65o 253-1 5z-i - 9'5 27 i85 449 c Nov. 26* (3o6) (1602) (i633) 3 94 o-56 1 244-2 44-2 -12-5 12 28 394 0-483 237-8 3 7'9 -i3'i 33 io5 Nov. 20 (H) (782) (1140) 33ro52 3g5 0-907 293-2 344'3 + 21'4 o 9 428 n 3g5 0-866 294-2 338-8 + 21-3 o 6 3gg 0-864 243-6 33 7 - 4 21-9 i5 3l i c 325-884 3g2 0-924 293-2 55-2 + 22-O 61 242 680 c 3g6 o-36g 146-2 268-7 16-8 o 2 3g3 0-939 25g-3 58-2 - g-S 58 '79 3g6 0-388 145-2 267-6 -17-5 3 16 3g3 0-889 258'7 5o-g - 9-2 20 95 1124.0 3g6 0-440 i36-o 262-4 -17-4 2 NOV. 2 2* (I 4 8) (5i6) (1804) 397 0-455 43-2 261-7 + 20-3 o 10 397 0-489 52 7 257-0 + 18-1 4 19 ^97 o-5ig 49-3 256-2 4-20-6 io3 746 326-809 3g2 0*984 292-0 56-2 + 21-9 60 in 7'/ 397 o-5o5 53-7 255-8 + i8-3 o 12 3g3 0-989 260-2 57-8 - 9-5 41 2O5 397 0-514 55-] 204-8 + 18-0 3 25 3g3 0-968 260-3 5i- 7 - 9-0 24 73 16640 397 O-556 53-g 252'6 + 19-9 6 Nov. 23* (125) (38 9 ) (i835) 397 o-556 56-i 252-O + 18-9 10 397 0-602 53-5 249-7 + 21-8 II 37 397 0-6 1 5 55-2 248-3 -f-21'4 o 17 327-802 0-981 255-5 867 397 0-623 527 248-6 + 23-0 16 3g 3 9 6 o-85g 110-3 266-9 -i 6-5 3 tS 397 0-6 1 1 57'9 247-4 + 21-5 o 2 3g6 0-890 I I 0-2 263-0 17-2 7 3 1 397 o-635 54-0 247-3 + 22-7 5 28 397 o-g33 66- 7 206-3 + 22-2 60 248 397 0-646 56-4 245-8 + 2I-7 37 23 7 397 '948 68-8 253-4 + 20-5 58 266 397 0-668 57-5 243-8 + 21-8 3 27 3 97 o-g5z 67-0 252-8 + 22-3 60 3g8 0-785 I23'I 234-9 24-6 7 16 3l2 */ ^97 o-g58 65-8 25i'7 + 23-5 5 4 23o 17270 Nov. 27 (192) (1281) (io5i) 3g7 0-970 67-7 248-6 + 22-O 7 5 270 Nov. 24* 331-784 0-945 2g2'8 566 329-015 3g5 396 0-623 0-696 3o2-g 117-4 341-7 267-6 + 20-8 -17-6 6 8 27 38 397 397 o-3go 0-406 33-1 34-6 208-3 257-I + 19-8 + 20-3 '4 152 59 665 3 9 6 0739 1 1 6-0 263-7 '7*9 1 1 3 4 397 0-423 36-6 255'7 + 20-6 3i g5 3g6 0742 u 3-8 263-0 16-4 10 25 397 0-435 38-7 254-5 + 20-6 5 29 3g6 0-764 114-4 262-1 -17-2 6 i5 228S/ 3 9 7 o - 5oo 44'4 24g-3 + 21-7 22 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faeulse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1 88 1. 41 M I:\SURES of POSITION'S ami AKKVS of SPOTS and FACUI^E upon the Sun's DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAK 1880 continued. Dis- lln.icMii: U'm. SPOTS. FACIII..*:. Dis- IlKi.ioGiiArmc SPOTS. FACUI..*:. \i>. of Mean Group. Let 'Iini>'. for Spot. U1I1UC from Outre in !.-rm~ of Sun's Radius. Position from Sim"- Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from SUM'S Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of L'MJIRA lor i aril Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Ila.M. Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of Wlllil.K for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. o o o 831*784 ^97 o-5 1 9 43'6 248-0 -L22-8 2O 60 337-1788 0-960 25i-5 288 397 O-.VH 45-7 247-0 -f2 2'6 o 55 4000 0-954 2 94'4 267-2 -t-23-2 i5 397 0-041 48-4 245-6 +21-8 65 1 85 ^97 o-go5 292-0 255-1 4-I9-8 83 504 1670 c 397 0-007 5i-6 240-0 4-2i'o 6 21 400 0-801 107-3 140-5 -i3- 7 3 26 3g8 0-674 128-8 236-4 24-1 2 i5 400 0-840 loS'g 136-2 -13-2 57 433 3g8 o'6g5 128-1 234-5 -24-6 6 400 0-864 i o6-3 1 33-7 l3-g 21 Nov. 28* (2 9 5) (1212) (566) 400 0-870 104-6 i33-o 12-5 3 3i 400 0-885 108-2 i3i-5 i5-g 3 400 0-908 108-4 128-5 16-0 4 i5 33 z '903 0-784 295-5 88 400 0-924 108-1 126-0 16'5 24 68 0-780 286-3 52 400 0-943 log- 2 123-0 18-0 9 3g7 0-299 355-7 257-9 -f-iS-i 2 23 400 0-944 107-1 122-6 16-0 18 69 1662 c 397 0-280 357-3 207-4 + 17-0 5 Dec. 4 (192) ("94) (362o) 3q7 0-333 o-i 256-5 4-20-2 161 688 397 0*324 g-i 253-5 + '9'4 c 6 397 o-3 44 1 1-5 252-4 4-20-4 3 13 397 o-38o 18-1 249-3 + 21-9 o i5 339-687 | 4006! 0-340 27-1 107-9. + 17-5 o 5 4 397 0-390 2I'O 247-9 + 22-2 18 57 4006 o-3g5 34-3 i53'7 +18-8 24 84 397 0-406 22-6 246-9 + 227 6 2 9 400 o-55g 114-3 1 35-8 13-3 80 49 397 0-408 26-2 245-5 -1-22-2 43 146 400 0-6 1 1 ii3-o i32'o -13-8 o 18 397 o'3q6 o2'I 243-7 4-20-3 o 7 400 0-629 1 1 3-o i3o'7 14'3 '4 3g8 o - o3z I43-3 236-2 24-4 5 8 400 0-664 114-0 128-3 -i 5-7 39 0-744 62-7 58 400 0-688 ni'o 125-8 14-3 28 64 0-814 II7-8 4 5 400 0-747 114-8 121-81 18-3 12 35 63o c 0-874 I24-5 4' o-g5o 128-4 53 7 0-898 l3z-o 119 Dec. 6 ('44) (717) (1.67) Nov. 29 . (238) (997) ( 4 o3) 340-686 40or 0-861 2gr3 211-4 4- 1 8- 1 9 3o 333-988 o'qoq 285-2 53 4000 0-843 293-9 208-8 4- ig'g 1 1 4 7670 o-qoi 2 9 27 1 53 4Oo6 | o*3 1 o 338'4 160-8 +i6-5 16 3g7 0-406 326-1 256'2 +20-3 IOO 6,4 400^ o - 3o2 344-1 i58-g 4-16-6 II 26 397 0-358 328-5 253-6 +i8-3 I 1 1 4006 o-3o2 348-8 107-5+17-0 5 21 397 0-342 33 1 -4 252-2 4-I8-I o 6 4006 0-328 0-4 i53'g + i8'g 16 62 397 o-35o 345-2 247-8 4-20-4 6 4006 o-363 r6 |53'4 +21-0 5 397 0-377 347'g 247-2 -r-22'2 8 3o 400^ o-3 8 g i-5 1 53-4 +22'6 o 3 397 0-369 352-2 245-4 4-22'D '4 4 3 400 0-384 128-0 i35-gi 13-8 84 552 397 0-335 304-6 244-2 4-20-1 o 6 400 o-o 1 9 118-9! 126-1 -147 23 5 4 397 o-366 356-2 243-8 4-22-0 5 10 400^ 0-702 114-5 112-3 16-8 2 7 397 0-421 o-o 242-3 + 25-5 i 12 0-891 i3i-8 658 0-927 5g-3 3g6 Dec. 7" (i6O (826) (Hi5) Nov. 3o (129) ( 7 38) (602) 342-784 400 0-290 2l6'0 136-5 14-0 87 5g5 334-680 3g7 0-494 3ir5 256-2 4-19-6 99 600 0-921 1OO-2 687 397 0-471 3 1 g-3 252'4 + 21-4 o 18 Dec. 9* (7) (595) (687) 3g7 0-428 327-3 247-5 -(-21-6 9 52 3g7 o - 4og 33o - 2 245-8 4-21-3 7 34 Due. i (n5) (704) 343-979 0-926 297-3 3io 0-740 297-2 255 0-767 234-0 88 400 0-488 242-0 i36-g -i3-8 85 5i 7 336-685 397 0-792 2g5-6 256-: 4-2O'i 79 446 264 c 400 o-3g8 227-2 128-3 -16-2 8 400 0-942 104-3 137-3 13'3 82 401 400 o-36- 227-9 127-0 14-8 4 6 400 0-980 io5'3 127-3 io-i o 70 I2OI C O-853 104-8 342 400 0-991 107-9 I25'2 18-7 o 100 0-920 60-0 062 Dec. 3* (161) (017) (| 4 65) Dec. 10 (8 9 ) (53i) (1901) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculso are expressed iu Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. a 64893. 42 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROGUHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and ABEAS of SPOTS and FACVLX upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAU 1880 continued. Dis- HELIOGBAPIIIC SPOTS. FACULJE. Dis- HEJ.IOURAPIIIC SPOTS. FACUL.K. No. of tance from . . No. of tance f . Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. . osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Area of T .. UM15RA Lat1 ' for each tude. /pot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1880. 3441-965 0-798 299-5 385 354 d -8gi 402 0-269 358-8 327-I + I3-6 24 7 6 400 o-6g3 25r3 140-1 -12- 7 7 401 0-448 8-3 322'7 + 24-2 16 28 400 0-673 z5r2 138-3 i3-i 47 190 403 0-972 68-3 252'2 + 20-6 64 277 1058 c 400 o-652 264-3 l37'2 -10-7 29 292 c Dec. 21* (104) (38 1) (io58) 400 0*641 249-6 1 35- 7 -i 3-5 73 280 400 o-63o 252-5 135-3 -n-5 o 26 0-853 208 355-784 402 0-337 323-6 326-g + I3-6 16 34 Dec. 1 1 (1 20) (532) (885) 401 0-408 346-1 322-0 + 24-2 9 24 400 0-923 66-4 25o-5 + 20-8 7 5 377 i5 9 6/ 345-775 0-936 291-3 670 Dec. 22* (100) (435) (i5 9 6) 400 0-817 247-3 , i3g-6 18-9 3 8 400 0-793 253-6 i38-3 13-5 3o 126 400 0-780 253-1 137-0 -i3-6 7 61 356-gn 0-802 302-3 1 15 400 0-767 354-8 i36-o I2'I 5 5o 401 o'56i 32r8 322-6 + 24-0 4 6 400 0-763 252-2 i35'3 14-0 4 3 202 401 0-552 3247 320-8 + 24-6 2 16 Dec. 12* (88) (447) (670) 401 0-537 329-2 3i8-o + 25-2 I 12 | 402 0-526 3oo-7 327-9 + I3-5 4 2O 346-824 o-g36 298-5 238 402 0-468 3o6"7 322-7 + 14-1 6 II 400 0-9 ii 255-2 1 38- 1 -i3'8 -?7 141 402 0-464 3o8-i 322-1 + 14-5 o 4 400 0*899 256-0 136-3 -12-4 10 5 9 !1 94 402 0-420 008-9 3l9'5 + i3-i o 3 400 0-897 256-o i36-3 i 3 - o 7 48 402 0-422 3io-g 3ig-i + l3-g 3 9 400 0-888 254-2 i34' 9 -14-4 5 7 233 403 0-804 61-8 25o-g + 20-8 69 3 4 1 2 9 3/ Dec. 1 3* (HI) (481) (I 4 32) 0-881 114-8 264 Dec. 23 (8 9 ) (422) (672) 349734 0-939 291-8 710 0-899 227-3 4 5 4 357-939 0-819 238'7 225 402 0-948 78-0 324-4 + I3-8 29 86 936 / 402 0-696 292-3 328-1 + 13-5 '4 26 Dec. 1 6* (29) (86) (2100) 402 0-653 2g5'2 324-2 + 14*2 5 1 1 402 o-63i 2g5'i 322-6 + i3-5 2 8 402 0-608 2g5'i 32 ro + 12-9 5 9 350-774 o-g53 23i-3 454 402 0-586 2 97 '4 3ig-o + 13-6 12 65 402 0-856 73-2 323-8 + I3-6 24 68 480 / 401 0-679 3u-2 320-8 + 24-5 4 21 401 0-899 65-z 320-1 + 21-4 7 28 403 0-673 55'2 260-7 + 20-6 79 335 3o 7 / 401 0-9 1 5 64-9 317-9 -f-22'2 ii 49 IO2O C 0-776 j 117-6 240 401 0-929 62-6 3i6-i + 247 8 33 Dec. 24 (0 (475) (772) Dec. 17* (5) (178) (i 9 5 4 ) 309-664 4O3 0*456 29-4 25o - 2 + 20-8 42 225 351779 402 0-715 68-7 324-8 + 13-8 22 44 Dec. 26* (42) (225) 401 0787 59-4 32o-g + 22-5 5 22 401 0-795 5 9 -i 320-3 + 23-0 10 3o 360-779 o-g5i 284-4 1082 401 0-832 58-8 3 16-4 + 24-5 6 '9 23gc 403 0-400 35 7 -7 200-3 + 20-8 62 337 401 0-842 57-9 3i5-g + 25-5 o 9 406 0-874 123-4 ig2'o 3o - i 57 246 401 0-847 5g'i 3 1 4-9 + 24-8 3 '4 406 o-g2o 121-8 184-8 3o'i o 20 1 338 c 0-916 73-5 534 406 o-g3z I 21'6 182-7 3o-3 4 5o Dec. 1 8* (46) (138) (773) Dec. 27* (123) (653) (2420) 352-682 402 0-564 6rg 325-3 + I3-8 '9 75 401 0-670 5o-8 321-6 + 23-6 '9 73 361-772 4o3 0-454 332-g 249-0 + 21'0 42 204 401 0-731 52'I 3i6-5 + 25-3 2 ii 406 0-771 129-2 193-2 -3ri 24 92 Dec. i g* (40) (i5g) 0-838 125-8 662 Dec.28f (66) (296) (662) 353-687 402 o-3gi 47-6 325-5 + i3-5 )8 80 362-743 403 0-069 3i3-o 249-7 -I-20-I 56 263 401 0-541 07-1 321-g +23-8 18 88 406 0-664 135-6 190-9 00-7 35 io3 Dec. 20* (36) (i 68) Dec. 29* (95) (366) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facukc are expressed in Milliouths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THUOUQHOUT 1878-1881. 43 MEASUUKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOT* and FACri.,K upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1880 continual. DU- HKLIOGKAPIIIC SPOTS. FACIT-K. Dis- Hi i n M.I: vi -in.- SPOTS. KACUUB. Mean Solar How. No. of Group and 1. I'M IT for Spot. ranee from Centra in t, THIS of Sun's Radius. 1'ositiui Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. lati- tude. Area of DMBBA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \VUOLK for eacli Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1880. o o 1881. o o o 363''78 9 4O3 0-71 I 3o2'3 249'4 + 19-9 42 252 407 O'5 2 5 336-3 93-5 4-24-6 25 9' 4o5 0-253 171-6 207-6 -I7-5 2 18 407 0-520 340-7 gro + 25-2 5l 207 400 0-270 171-5 207-4 18-5 3 16 Jan. 9* (76) (298) ; 4 0-289 162-3 204-5 19-0 6 23 406 o'55o '49'4 lgo'7 -3n 46 1 85 0-945 100-8 702 8716 407 0-636 3ig-i g3-o 4-24'q 3o 80 Dec. 3o (99) (56o) ( 7 02) 407 0-632 320-9 9''9 4-25-4 4 18 407 0-61 5 321-0 9'9 4- 24-6 8 27 407 0*622 323-7 89-9 + 26-1 69 360-078 404 0-378 228-7 210'0 -i 7 -5 47 139 Jan. 10* (III) (298) 404 0-374 224-9 208-8 18-4 q 400 0-342 219-8 206-0 i8-3 o 8 400 0-342 214-4 204-5 ig-5 46 123 9782 407 0-760 3o8'4 92-5 4-24-8 3i "4 406 o- 47 g 175-6 190-2 3r6 3o 1 53 407 0-740 3ii- 7 89-5 + 25-9 46 1 60 ! 406 o- 4 go 171-2 '877 32-0 12 Jan, n* (77) (274) Dec. 3i (123) (444) 10-783 407 0-849 3o3-3 9''4 + 25-0 23 58 36o"gg3 403 0-943 293-6 248-1 + 2o-g 3 4 214 407 o-83o 3o6 - o 88-4 + 26-2 28 1 13 1108 c 404 D'555 243-1 211-8 -17-4 27 116 Jan. 12* (5i) ('7') (1108) 405 0-474 232-9 204-2 19-6 20 75 1881. 406 '49 5 196-2 188-0 3r5 35 / 7' Jan. i (116) (476) 11776 407 0-941 297-8 91-2 4-24-2 9 68 407 0-924 3oo-o 87-8 + 25-4 44 132 19940 4070 o-856 3oi-o 78-4 4-23-3 o 42 i'7og 404 0-833 251-7 213-6 -17-1 56 244 Jan. 1 3* (53) (242) ('994) 404 o- 7 8g 25o*4 2og-o -17-5 5 20 1 161 c 405 0771 247'4 206-9 ig-5 o 34 400 406 074' 0-646 247-3 2227 204-1 188-7 ig-o -3i-3 44 40 1 60 192 12778 407 407 o-g85 '977 295-2 297-2 89-2 86-2 4-23-8 4-25-3 '7 35 87 142 I2o6/ 47 0-928 6ro 94 '4 4-25-2 n5 44-5 '972/ Jon. 14* (52) (229) (1206) Jan. 3* (260) (,o 9 5) (3 1 33) 2-6;g 404 o-g3o 253-0 2 1 3-6 -17-1 46 262 13-787 Jan. 1 5* o-g82 298-4 400 (400) 405 0-873 249'4 2o5-3 -'97 o 60 i5i5 c 406 o'Soo 249-8 203'2 -19-1 21 80 iS'765 408 0-476 320-0 35i-5 4-16-6 18 97 406 o- 7 5 9 23 1-4 188-8 -3o-8 52 1 65 408 0-465 328-8 3477 4-18-6 3o n3 407 0-848 5;-2 93-5 4-25-1 no 55o 2 4 5g/ 49 0-403 22 9 '4 35i-g -'9'9 '9 68 Jan. 4* (229) (1117) (3974) 49 0-353 226-5 348-6 18-9 o 4' 49 0-573 ig-3 320-7 4-277 6 26 4-046 405 0-969 201-1 2o3'2 -19-2 5 4 i3g sp Jan. 17* (73) (3*5) 406 0-901 237-2 189-1 3i-o 23 88 4o5 if 407 0-702 47-3 927 + 25-3 9 3 3qi 7 5osf 16-784 408 0-632 3o3'5 3527 + 16-1 o 109 Jan. 5 (116) (533) (1294) 408 o-5g3 3117 347-4 4-187 25 1 63 49 o-585 241-8 352-8 20-3 72 4-929 406 0-957 23g-o 188-0 -3o-7 '4 73 445 / 49 0-528 23g-8 348-5 ~'9'9 o IOO 407 o-6o3 36-i gz'6 4-25'O 9' 444 4og 0-548 356-8 321-6 + 28-0 37 407 o-582 38-4 92-6 , + 23 5 8 Jan. 18* (25) (481) 407 o-6o3 40-2 90-6 4-23-8 5 3o 65 7 / 0-962 64-7 I 4 5 17-886 o-q5i 2g5'8 689 Jan. 6 (no) (555) (247) 408 0-8 u 2 9 5-5 354-9 + i6'9 3 9 184 408 0-775 296-9 35i-2 4-16-9 2 61 5-992 0-982 23g-2 220 408 0-740 299'4 3 47 -5 4-I7-5 2 46 407 0-517 17-1 92-0 + 25-6 61 439 408 0-740 3o2-3 346-5 + '9'4 46 240 407 0-495 22-1 go-o 4-23-3 10 409 0-759 247-7 353-3 20'2 '4 47 0-902 60-3 240 409 0703 247-5 3 4 8-6 lg-8 9 104 Jan. 7 (61) (449) (460) 4100 o"558 335-g 3.97 4-25-5 20 * Indian plioto. The Areas of Spots and Facula; are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. F 2 44 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AUKAS of SPOTS and FACUL.E upon the SUN'S DI-K on PHOTOG&APBC taken in the YEAU 1881 continued. Dis- HEI.IOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.S:. Dis- HEUOGKAFHIC SPOTS. FACUI^S. Mean Solar Tims. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of DMBBA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o l88l. o o o i7<'-886 4103 O-558 339-9 317-4 4-26-4 17 22 ll 786 0-961 261-1 1240 4100 o'565 343-5 3i5-5 4-27-5 o 17 410/y 0-348 127 236-1 + 14-1 33 410 o-3o8 210-8 3147 -20-4 o i5 41097) (1902) 27-690 0-871 293-2 2499 30-787 0-934 25l'2 942 tied 0-912 253-0 242-3 18-0 168 56o 411 0-664 301-9 170-9 + i5-5 8 21 4.1 od 0-844 253-3 233-6 -i 7 -3 7 n5 i558c 411 0-643 3oro 169-7 + 14-2 3o 72 4 loc/ 0-790 247-1 227-3 -21-6 20 5o 411 o-63o 3oo'3 169-1 4-i3'4 2 4 4" 0-377 13-5 170-8 + 10-4 72 267 411 0-628 3or6 1 68-5 4-14' 4 18 411 O-366 20-5 168-4 4-14-1 8 3o 411 0-6 1 1 3o3'8 166-7 4-14-6 >9 64 4" 0-397 23-5 166-6 4-15-4 42 1 34 411 o-6i3 3o6'o 1 66- 1 + 15-8 4 10 412 0*190 129-0 167-3 12-8 7 55 412 0-584 257-5 170-7 -12-3 36 200 412 0-240 129-3 1 65-o 14-6 8 '4 412 o-563 256-8 169-2 -12-5 7 '9 412 o'2lq 120-8 164-9 12-3 2 8 412 0-557 255 '' 168-7 -13-4 7 412 O'245 12O'O i63'5 12-8 2 9 64 412 0-525 252'3 166-2 I4'5 7 16 412 0-269 117-8 161-9 i3-o 8 '4 412 0-494 203-0 164*2 -i 37 5 12 4 i3 0-878 io5-i 1 14-3 -16-1 32 112 573 c 412 0-486 254-1 i63-8 -i3'i 2 7 414 0-920 io5-3 108-6 16-4 o 16 412 0-469 2 55' 2 162-7 -12-4 O 9 .lull. 29* (423) (I 44 3) ( 4 63o) 412 0-468 z53-i 162-0 -i3-4 24 78 412 0-455 25o-5 161-4 -H-3 52 '99 28-693 0-920 289-5 i58i 4 i3 o-35 4 121-9 117-0 -i 6-6 i3 3i 4 1 od 0-975 202-3 241-1 -i 8-6 122 476 45 0-924 66-0 72-0 + 19-3 40 120 I032/ 41 od o-g3o 2 53- 1 23i'7 -17-9 4 2 116 1718 c Feb. 1* (2 4 3) (887) (974) 41 od 0-921 252'2 230-4 -18-7 47 411 0-385 340-1 170-6 4- 1 5'3 80 334 32-788 0-889 290-9 i523 4" o-36i 048-3 167-1 + H'6 58 215 412 0-888 25 9 -8 172-0 12-0 37 i5o 412 O'l 53 220'2 168-6 -12-7 44 122 412 0-807 257-1 162-9 -I4-I 3 8 412 o'i5o 207-8 166-9 i 3-6 44 i33 412 0-793 258-1 161-6 -i3'3 i3 7 i3o6 c 412 0-118 201-6 1 65-3 12-3 20 44 412 0-782 256-4 1 6o-5 14*6 32 123 412 0-147 ! 9 5 '9 165-2 -14-1 16 28 4 i3 o-23o 219-9 117-7 16-4 6 13 412 0-116 181-1 162-9 -12-5 47 129 41 5a 0-436 i86-5 I 12-2 3 1-9 7 412 0-145 174-9 162-0 14-3 3 4 59 4i5a 0-446 182-0 1 lO'O -32-6 3 9 4i3 0-737 106-9 iio'6 -i 6-5 23 68 4i5 0-692 54-4 72-6 4-18-7 Bl 4 3 7 4i3 0-797 109-9 110-4 -19-4 3 i3 4 i5 0-728 07-3 68-8 4-18-4 2 7 414 o'8n 104-8 1 08-6 -164 3 i3 1091 c 4i5 o- 7 65 5 7 -5 65-8 4-I9-7 Bl 11 5 1049 c 0-777 '29' 684 4i5 0-791 57-9 63-4 4-20-5 3 10 0-919' 63-6 388 0-754 42-6 | 797 .Inn. 3o* (536) ('797) (5 4 62) Feb. 3* i oo (io5o) ( 4 6 7 5) 2g'q52 0-990 287-3 355 0-984 i 248-2 344 33-777 0-960 289-3 1723 o-g32 20 1 -o 244 412 0-969 209-8 172-1 -11-4 62 1 80 0-909 234-7 270 412 0-908 258-6 i6i-5 i3 - o 7 44 15340 0-801 248-0 216 412 0-901 257-4 i6o-5 14-1 36 100 411 0-532 ! 3 1 1-9 170-3 4- 1 5-2 24 1 85 4 i3 0-409 244-2 1 18-2 -16-2 5 i5 411 o-53i 3i5'z 169-1 + 16-4 i 4 i5 0-555 40-7 73-3 4-18-9 84 487 411 o-5o2 012-0 168-7 -l-i 3-g 2 26 4i5 o - 6 1 5 47-9 67-0 4-18-7 20 55 411 0-006 3 14-2 1 68- 1 -r-14'9 O 32 4 i5 o-65z 48-5 64-5 4-20-1 47 195 411 0-404 317-1 i66'5 4-10-4 "9 116 0-883 63-4 99 412 0-407 253-2 169-6 -12-4 67 260 Feb. 4 (261) (076) (3356) * Indian >hoto. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUJUE upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. No. of Dis- tance r __. HKUOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACULSE. No. of Dis- tance HKJ.IOGKAPIIIC SPOTS. FAI,I;I./K. Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for eiich Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for eacli Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (iiinl for Day). 1881. c 1881. o o o 34^-991 416 0-676 3i2-6 I 12-g + 21-7 5 16 37 d -828 4'7 0-423 356"o 44-6 + 18-3 3 4 68 416 0-461 14-6 73-8 + '9'4 83 35q 4'7 0-414 35g-8 42-8 + 17-8 o 3 416 0-440 19-2 72-0 + 18-1 5 47 4'9 0-796 64-2 364-7 + 16-9 76 343 410 o'3gi 23-2 71-6 + 14-6 1 1 419 o'Sog 66-5 352-8 + 14-6 o 3g "47/ 4 i5 0-461 26-I 68-4 + 18-1 o 5 Feb. 8* (320) (i33 9 ) (358o) 4 i5 0-496 28-9 66-0 + IQ-3 o 53 4i5 o-536 2 9 -3 64-3 + 21-6 o 8 38-946 o-g66 236-3 200 416 o-53o 32-1 63-3 + 20-4 41 1 35 0-886 3o5'7 3oo Feb. 5 OH) (633) 416 0-786 3oo-3 73-4 + 18-7 go 408 364 c 416 0-684 3oq-2 62-0 + 2O-I 7 462 np 417 o'4qo 327-3 4 3-8 + I7-9 10 64 35-668 416 0-777 004-4 1 14-3 + 21-4 7 12 417 0-432 334-8 38-8 + 16-4 o 23 4i5 '43g 353'3 74-0 + 19-2 57 321 418 '46g 34q-5 33-o + 20-7 6 '7 4 i5 0-410 356"o 72-6 -H/-9 9 26 419 0-647 55-8 364-1 + i5-8 59 271 55g/ 4i5 0-424 358-0 71-8 + 18-4 o 3 420 0-809 62-0 33g-3 + '7'9 12 '4/ 416 0*435 358-5 71-6 + ig-2 3 421 0-924 108-8 3ig-6 19-8 o 9 497 c 415 0-418 0-8 70-6 +18-1 o 2 0-924 341 416 0-408 2"! 70-0 + 17-5 10 '9 Feb. 9 (.65) (801) (28 4 3) 416 0-447 l3'l 64-81+19-3 3 19 416 0-480 I2- 9 64-3 + 21-4 o 4 40-046 416 0-902 294 4 3i 0-460 121-9 3i5-3 20-8 21 5o 4 35 0-726 260-6 333-1 18-9 53 211 342 c 4 3 1 0-643 117-8 3og- 4 20-8 6 17 4 35 0-622 260-4 324-7 -17-6 2 28 0-6 1 1 116-8 304-4 -21-8 8 24 4 3o 0-684 306-4 3 1 5-8 4- 14-0 4 7 436 O'q6l 104-4 266-1 16-8 28 1232 C 4 3o 0-626 3i5-g 3og-2 4-16-6 '9 Vlar. 12* (25 7 ) (827) (273 4 ) . 4 3i 0-533 242-8 3i7'2 20-2 16 53 4 3i 0-431 230-7 3o8-o -22-4 6 4 3i o-3g2 220-6 3o3 - i -24-1 28 70-664 0-916 297'9 1012 4 36 0-325 1177 269-7 16-4 5g 3oi 433 O'O2I 332-2 344-9 4-20-4 o 2 436 0-412 1 16-0 264-1 -i 6-5 52 294 4 33 0-490 336-8 341-7 4-19-6 73 2 7 8 436 0-486 114-9 269-6 18-0 35 1 66 433 0-496 343-6 338-5 4-21-2 4 9 437 0-679 61-1 266-1 4-10-2 37 141 26 4 / 4 33 0-535 353-4 333-8 4-24-8 19 84 0-8 1 5 63-7 818 0-648 35 7 7 33r3 4-25-g '9 7 5 0-8 1 8 1 1 3-8 497 435 0-189 186-6 33r2 -I7-9 32 184 Mar. 1 6 (3o8) (H76) (2802) 435 O'2OO i55-i 324-6 18-0 21 146 4 3o O'43o 35-3 3i5-2 4-13-6 12 '9 74-696 0-716 3oo-5 3l 4 o-5 10 44-1 3o8-5 4-147 24 IO1 433 0-966 293-8 3 4 3-8 4-20-7 37 179 838/ 4? i 0-344 1 3 4 -8 314-8 20-9 25 1OI 4 35 0-860 252-3 333-0 -i 8-8 32 ig3 56 4 / 43) o-5oo 122-8 3o3-o 22-2 13 36 4 3i 0-702 248-9 317-2 -19-7 9 4' 406 o-goo 104-6 265-0 -16-2 36 108 43i 0-676 242-0 3o6-3 -21-6 10 20 436 o-g28 io3'7 26o'g 16-4 o 21 876 c 436 0-161 166-2 271-0 -16-4 73 302 436 o-g3o io5'5 260-5 -I7-1 7 5g 436 0-220 137-1 264-3 -1 6-2 36 167 437 0-970 77-2 255-g 4-io'5 32 172 1081 c 4 36 o-3og i3r6 269-2 -18-6 33 120 Mar. 1 3* (327) (1394) (2969) 437 0-41 1 46-0 266-2 4- 10-1 22 I 4 6 i o-8o3 56-3 161 0-8 ii 1 17-5 129 7 ' '9 6 4 433 0-644 3i3-5 342-6 + 20- 1 73 3 1 1 341 p Mar. 17 (252) (n58) (2006) 433 0-609 332-8 33o-8 4-25-g i3 g3 1 53 * p 435 0-3-6 237-6 332-2 i 8-3 49 23 4 76-044 0-970 3oo-8 401 435 0*289 127-1 326-7 -i 8-3 9 96 0-820 2g5 - 5 533 4 3o 0-357 358'9 3 1 3-2 4- 1 3-7 ii 28 4 35 0-968 262-0 333-5 -19-2 49 192 476 / 43i 0-243 188-0 3i 4 -g 21-0 8 i3o 4 3i 0-849 25 1 -3 317-4 ig-6 4 20 431 0-334 '49' 1 3O2M 23"6 6 35 4 3l 774 246-8 3og'i -22-4 8 10 | J 434 0-682 537 277-7 -M7-9 10 1 56 c 4 38 0*60^ 3o3-3 284-2 4- g-6 5 '4 436 0714 io5'2 267-3 -15-8 20 114 437 0-296 7'9 266-7 -l-io-o '4 89 4 36 0747 io6'6 264-0 -17-1 2 4 143 436 0-261 234-1 271-7 -i 5-6 65 388 436 0-790 106-2 260-0 I--2 12 102 4 65 c 436 0-187 208-5 264-4 16-4 32 136 437 0-863 73-7 255-7 4- 10-2 33 I 7 6 61 1 n 4 36 0-191 177-2 268-6 18-0 16 io3 0-946 1 1 0-5 161 0-867 109-3 248 Mar. 14 (268) ('52.) (1887) o-g3o 67-2 4 3l Mar. r8 (1 9 2) ( 9 5a) (2694) ' Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnlsc are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. B4893. 50 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACCL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- tllllCt ' HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACCL.S:. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FxCCLwE. Mean Solar Time. No. of Gronp, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. o 7 7 a-o 4 8 0-926 292-3 427 8l d - 7 86 o- 97 8 282-7 1047 4 3i '947 252-3 3i8-i ig-o 5 0-964 252'4 6,7 4 36 0-464 2 4 8-6 272-4 16-0 7 2 38 1 o-gog 246-6 1060 436 o-36 1 24.0-9 265-0 -.6-7 10 89 4^9 749 297-1 226-8 + i5-o 96 2 7 5 1770^ 4 36 0-284. 226-3 258-2 -18-1 H 97 439 o-67g 298-6 221'0 + i3-6 76 400 4 3 7 o-35 1 326-2 257-2 + 10-0 6 44 44' 0-384. 22-6 I74-6 + i3-g O 34 4^9 o- 4 g8 44-8 224-7 + 14-1 4 5 i5 7 44' o'3g3 3l'2 I7I-3 + 12-9 7 57 44 0-982 117-4 164-7 28-2 o 4 5 i85/ 441 o- 4 5g 33- 7 168-0 -f 10-9 4 18 0-7 4 o I I 2-3 521 o-g33 62-0 604 o-85g 62-5 213 Mar. 24* (, 9 3) (784) (5i53) O'g82 747 ig3 Mar. 19 ('47) (8 1 8) (2125) 82-900 0-838 2 4 6-5 3i? 4 3g 0-872 292-1 225-3 + i5-5 33 222 77723 o-g26 249-1 1277 439 o-83o 290-9 22T1 j+ |3'1 75 386 6 74 c 44 oa o-88g 3o 7 -6 290-2 + 28-8 IO 17 441 o-3o8 355'2 i6 9 -g + 12-9 5 32 4 36 o-58 4 252-4 2 7 2'I i5-g 58 340 441 o-3go 7 -2 65- 7 + i5-g 5 9 4 36 o'5o5 249M- 266-3 i 6-3 7 55 o-86 7 58-2 326 4 36 o- 4 o3 241-4 258-6 -17-7 o 5 7 o-g23 io 4 -8 ,,3 4 3 7 o- 4 5 1 3o8'7 25 7 ' 7 + 9-8 18 67 Mar. 25 (1,8) (649) (, 4 3o) 4 3g o-3g6 23-3 27.7-7 + i 4 -3 77 334 4 3g 0' 4 20 3i'9 223' 7 + 14-0 7 5 243 Mar. 20* (2 4 5) (n,3) (277) 83-555 439 o-g3g 290-2 226-4 + i6-3 o i3g ,0,7 c 43g o-go3 287-4 2217 + 12-5 37 204 441 o-386 333- 4 170-1 + 13-5 24 78-8o3 o-g8o 2 44 ' 4 77 6 Mar. 2 6f (37) (36 7 ) (1017) 4 36 0-766 255-o 2 7 2'8 i 5-g 68 3i8 4 36 0-739 25 4 - 4 2 7 0'3 -16-2 5 4 632 c 4 36 o-66 4 252-3 263-g 16-9 2 6 84-751 4 3g 0-979 28 4 -5 220-3 + 12-7 76 '9' 4 3 7 o - 63o 294-1 258-2 + 9'3 4 20 Mar. 27* (76) ('9') 439 0-371 349-4 226-7 + i4'4 85 424 439 0-357 35g-g 222-7 + i3-g 68 338 85"g57 0-909 293-3 122 4406 0-731 102-7 175-6 14-0 23 o-g38 2or5 118 o-85 4 67-7 I 4 8q o- 7 55 2gg-2 , 9 5 0-906 I22'I 885 442 0-844 i o8-3 70-6 19-0 8 4 302/ Mar. 21* (232) ("43) (3 7 82) 443 0-888 66-6 70-0 4-17-3 8 55 334 np Mar. 28 (16) (69) (1071) 80-143 o'goi 2937 79 0-828 287-8 367 o-6 4 5 3oi-3 I 4 3 87-016 0-728 233-5 ,78 4 36 o-g22 255-3 273-0 -16-2 ii3 343 444 0-868 291-1 171-0 + I 4 '6 2 7 494 n 4 36 o-8q3 255-7 268-9 i 5-g o 37 442 o-6g5 uo-g 71-1 -19-1 6 '7 3o,/ 4 36 0-860 254-3 264-8 17-0 9 44 1 383 44 5 0-777 6o - 7 6g-2 + I/-7 16 95 607 / 4-'9 o 5o3 3 1 5-4 226-3 + 14-5 IOO 468 Mar. 2g (24) (H9) (i58o) 4 3 9 0-456 321-6 22 rg + 14-3 95 4 5i 44' 0-653 7O"3 i66-g + 7-3 8 3, 87-910 o-g3q 2go-8 5 7 6 0-709 123-8 266 o-8g3 247-3 411 0-858 108-2 204 442 0-548 1 15'5 71-1 19-2 42 Mar. 22 (325) (i3 7 4) (2 44 2) 44 3 0-666 52-1 6g-o + 187 6 5 9 0-785 1 14-0 i38 80-676 0-886 286-6 i5oi o-8i5 52-7 i3 7 4 36 o-g5g 255-2 272-6 -16-2 55 208 Mar. 3o (6) (10,) (1262) 4 36 0-912 200-0 264-4 -i6-5 4 '9 2205 C 4^9 o-58o 3O7-3 226-2 + 14-5 87 425 88-964 0-978 288-3 118 4 3g 0-523 3l2'0 221-4 4-14-1 83 3/9 0-967 248-7 ii3 44 ' o - 5 44 54-3 171-1 + 12-3 iq 56 o-q3o 240-5 170 Mar. 23* (248) (,087) (3706) 44 5 o- 4 3g i6g-6 83-3 3rg 28 6, * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and FaeuUe are expressed in M illionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGKAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 51 MEASURES of POSITIONS and AKEAS of SPOTS and FACUL/E upon the SDK'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPUS taken in the YEAK 1881 continued. Dig- HELIOORAPIIIC SPOTS. FACUL*. Dis- HELIOOKAl'IIIC SPOTS. FACCLJC. fttta Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. taace from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Ani;le f'rulll Sun's Axis. Menu Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of I'M UK A for each Spot (and for Day). An-ii ( \VHuLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of r.MliKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o 1881. o 88' i 'g64 445 0-490 t63-i 787 -3 4 -5 8 76 go d 'ooq 0-9 1 5 297'3 5l5 442 0-349 i3i-3 7 2-6 ig'5 7 44 5 0-965 241-0 84-6 2g-6 39 248 409*7' 443 o-536 3 7 '2 68-7 + 19-1 26 45o 0-716 201-4 54-1 -17-6 7 01 23op 0-919 62-3 215 45 1 0-675 47'9 336-4 + 2I'8 >9 96 370 / Miir. 3 1 (36) (-70) (606) 4 5 Z o-g56 112-6 295-1 -23-3 i5 5i 433 p 0-867 66-2 32g Apr. 6 (80) (446) (2286) 89-908 0-973 240-5 187 0-922 249-8 i55 95-925 0-973 235-7 387 0-700 3i2-5 1 35 0-929 299-5 358 446 0-818 2 4 3-8 i3o'o 25-o 1 1 480 0-840 252-1 53-q -i 8-3 o 16 247 c 44 5 o- 4 36 195-4 84-0 -3n 26 192 4 5i 0-075 35-5 335-7 + 22-2 20 62 445 0-477 181-4 77-0 34-8 22 147 452 0-871 11 3-9 296-6 -23-7 55 442 0-2.36 164-7 72-4 ig-5 O 21 453 0-996 io5'5 270-5 i5 - g 401 447 o-g56 72-1 6-0 + i5-o *7 400 p 0747 3 9 -3 1 85 448 0-969 i to-6 35g - 4 21-5 23 9 256 / 0-81 3 63-8 210 Apr. i (70 (493) (u33) Apr. 7 (20) (53 4 ) (2099) 97'oi3 0-924 253-5 3o8 91-019 0-0,21 245-7 209 4 5i 0-486 i3- 7 335-3 4-22-a II 57 0-844 3oi-2 365 4 52 o- 7 3 4 116-6 297-0 23-3 8 4* I28S/ 449 0-664 304-4 g6-3 + 16-8 o 21 454 i o-g63 60-2 273-5 4-26-6 o 3i 212 C 44.) 0-537 219-5 84-7 3o-2 3i 189 4 53 0-945 104-9 270-9 16-0 52 224 54O 44 5 O"53 1 201-0 75-3 -35-6 36 i5o o-g85 77-0 4 25 447 O'854 68-0 6-7 4-i5-i 2 6 37/ Apr. 8 (70 (35+) (i6i3) 448 0-880 1 1 o-3 35g-8 20-9 18 9i 5 9 5/ Apr. 2 (87) (457) (i5 4 o) g8'oi2 0-984 253-5 240 0-968 293-7 72 4 5i 0-483 3487 335-1 4-22-3 18 56 91-754 0-883 775 452 0-548 122-6 299-5 22-2 9 4 445 0-635 227-3 84-6 -3o-8 47 164 4 52 0-628 I2O'3 293-3 z3-2 8 38 445 o-58g 212-9 74-8 35-4 28 104 4 5 4 0-872 54-9 276-5 + 26-6 "9 i8o/ 448 0-790 ii ri o-i 20-5 10 65 8 4 8/ 4 53 0-847 IO4-5 271-2 -i 5-3 38 290 710 c 4 5i 0-976 66-5 338'3 + 21-2 21 100 697 P o-g3i 73-8 473 Apr. 3 (106) (433) (2320) Apr. 9 (73) (4*7) (i6 7 5) 98722 4 5 1 0-528 333-0 334-9 + 22-4 ii 32 93-084 o-83o 3o2 - o 597 452 o-5 1 1 126-2 293-5 -22-7 9 446 0796 236-g 84-3 2Q-8 7i 226 453 0-703 io5-i 271-2 -1 5-2 34 182 44 5 0725 224-7 7 3-i -35-8 H 96 617 c Apr. 10* (45) (223) 460 0-340 233-5 5o-g -17-6 5 9 448 0-089 I' 5'3 o-o -19-7 9 26 498 / 4 5 1 0-887 6l '9 337-3 + 21-4 >7 126 395 / 99-809 401 0-645 3 1 6-4 334-3 4-22-8 17 29 0-749 5 ro 120 4540 0-548 118-6 274-9 20- 1 o 13 Apr. 4 (121) (533) (2227) 4 53 0-570 108-1 271-6 i5'o 29 162 Apr. n* (46) (204) 93-786 0-963 288-5 435 1 00-730 o-83g 245-7 882 o'85o 298-4 946 4 5i o-753 307- 1 333-g 4-22-7 5 17 3i6 e 44 5 0-875 23g-| 84-1 :-2g-8 32 232 4540 o-36g l3O'2 276-1 ig-2 2 9 44 5 0798 228-7 72-6 36-0 1 1 3g 1070 c 4 53 o-3gg 114-7 271-5 -14-8 37 202 460 0-472 242-8 5ri 18-0 27 65 405 0-568 124-8 262'g -23-8 H 448 0-470 121-3 35g-g -19-7 9 '4 455 0-612 125-6 260-0 -25-6 8 "4 45 1 0-8 1 3 5 7 -6 337-5 4-21-7 27 9 5 848 / 406 0-966 74-7 220-5 + i3-i 18 1 l.")2 C 0-929 108-6 lo3g 0-8841 ii3-2 836 Apr. 5* (i 06) (445) (4338) Apr. 12* (50 (^74) (3i86) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. G 2 52 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASUBES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- tance IlKl.lnclillMlIU SPOTS. FACULSE. Dis- tance HELIOOUAPIHC SPOTS. FACOL.*. No. of flTM 11 'A.* No. of f ._, i> Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. irom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. L OSltlOIl Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. rrom Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. 1 osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o 1881. o loi d -gi I 0-8l6 2497 497 I07 d> oi3 460 0-732 1 08-3 164-0 16-8 12 '9 45 1 0-877 3oo-2 333-1 + 23-1 26 56gs/ 460 0-776 106-6 i5g-g 16-0 18 14.0 c 453 o-ig5 447 271-1 -'47 37 182 460 0-8 1 8 107-9 l55-g 17-5 4 19 4 55 0-377 146-5 264-7 23-7 20 3 4 461 0-906 79'4 146-7 + 7-3 i5 1 36 $11 f 455 0-453 140-3 25g-i -25-6 2 6 462 0-925 977 142-5 ' g-o o 8 io5 * 4 56 0-878 7'4 2ig-2 + i3'4 '9 90 374 n 463 '979 116-1 l3l'2 26-6 o 3o 3o5s Apr. 1 3 (78) (338) (1440) 0-770 63-3 221 Apr. 18 (i 4 3) (774) (35gg) 102728 0-885 3o6-i '769 0-882 247'4 728 107-700 4 5 4 0-981 2977 276-1 + 25-g 81 11970 453 0-170 204-8 271-1 -H-3 39 1 63 453 o-g33 207-5 270-6 i 3-5 35 123 I i528s 4 55 o-3 1 1 '74'4 265-0 1-23-5 17 68 4 55 0-906 247-8 266-0 22-2 26 124 4 55 0-345 1 63- 1 260-6 -24-7 >7 48 455 0-860 244-7 25q-6 24-3 9 3i 14890 486 0-788 67-7 218-4 + I3-8 16 86 817 n 4^9 '499 3i-g 185-1 + 20-1 i3 56 '947 69-8 446 45g o-53i 36-6 1817 4-20-3 47 142 Apr. 14* (89) (365) (3 7 6o) 460 0-621 i 10-7 164-1 -16-8 8 '4 460 o-655 108-6 i6i-3 -i 5-g 4 1 1 460 0-713 109-6 i56- 7 -17-5 9 23 103-672 0-963 3o5'i 823 461 0-817 77-5 148-0 + 7'2 42 167 0-908 252-3 342 461 0-870 76-7 142-5 + 8-9 23 9' 656 c 4 5 7 o'Sgg 2 47'9 290-0 -i 7 -5 48 i56 462 0-848 98-9 143-2 10-2 o 3 121 453 0-324 241-1 271-5 14-1 27 i53 4 63 o-g3g 1 16-1 i3i-5 -26-2 9 23 1067 c 455 o'36 1 2I2'6 2667 23-0 7 83 Apr. i g* (225) (889) (6o58) 455 0-345 '97'' 261-0 24-5 o 4' 456 0-646 60-8 219-2 + 14-0 i5 3 4 108785 455 '97 247-3 263-5 -23-2 o '94 i5g8 c 0-942 65- 9 iog5 464 0-175 171-2 185-3 -H-g 5 3i Apr. i5* (107) (467) (2260) 4 5g 0-428 5-8 184-3 i + 20-1 89 249 4^9 0-466 3-4 180-2 + 21-9 35 87 460 0-486 1 16-3 i5g-g 16-9 18 104-698 4 5 7 777 252M 291-6 -17-3 38 1 53 460 0-534 I l5'2 156-6 -I 7 -5 '9 57 453 O"5 21 251-7 271-5 14-0 28 1 60 461 o-633 72-6 '49' 6 + 6-g 5o 2gi 4 55 o'4g5 233-5 266-3 22'0 33 1 63 461 0730 7i'4 142-5 + 9'9 47 "7 75gc 455 0-447 223-1 260-5 -2 4 -I o 68 462 0-703 io3-o 142-5 -127 16 4 56 0-482 46-6 2ig-g -j-14'2 9 18 o-84g 116-7 1452 0-908 63-o 1064 Apr. 20* (2 4 5) (1060) (38og) Apr. 1 6* (.08) (562) (1064) 109727 458 0-752 243-7 221-4 22-8 10 2 9 105-699 457 0-906 252-g 2 9 2'9 -177 38 132 4 5g 0-447 336-8 1 85-3 + '9'4 18 104 4 5 7 0743 249-8 274-8 i 8-5 48 144 4 5g 0-447 346-6 i8o-g + 20-8 18 77 4 53 0-687 255-6 270-8 -i 3-7 55 i5o 464 0-265 228-5 186-4 -14-8 o 5 455 0-647 241-5 265-4 22-2 32 122 464 0-223 2 I I'3 1 8 r5 15-8 8 455 o-5g7 236-1 260-4 23-8 o IOO 460 o-3o8 i32-5 i6o-g -167 3o ill 0-925 io5-g 6g3 460 0-346 134-0 169-4 -i 8-6 7 '7 Apr. 17* ('73) (648) (6 9 3) 460 0-366 1277 157-0 -17-6 23 78 4620 0-441 103'2 '48-g 1O'2 9 65 107-013 0-906 25l'0 5g5 461 '449 63-i i5o-g -1- 7'2 4i 207 0-862 278-7 323 461 0-027 6g-i 145-0 + 6-6 2 8 4 5 7 '994 252'4 2g5'2 i 8-0 o 5 9 494/ 461 0-577 64-9 142-7 + 1 o-o 20 59 4 5 4 '949 299'9 276-7 + 26*2 4 28 353 / Apr. 2 1 * (178) (5*6) 4 53 0-868 257-4 270-7 -i 3- 4 38 184 377 c 455 0-845 2467 267-2 22-3 26 1 3 4 208 f 110-703 458 0-883 2 4 6-g 223-0 22-6 '7 "9 455 0-787 243-1 260-4 -24-2 '4 33 1670 458 o-863 247-8 220-6 -21-5 13 44 458 0-367 212-6 222-7 23-0 o 5 4 58 c-854 245-8 219-3 23-1 31 "7 408 0-347 206-5 220-0 -23-1 12 4 5 9 o-55g 317-5 185-2 + '9'9 10 2 9 458 0-290 lSg-0 2l3'2 -217 o 4 4 5g o-52g 3217 181-9 + 20-0 o 72 4^9 0-617 45-9 182-2 + 20-8 3o 85 460 0-219 iSg'i 163-7 -I7-2 21 I2 4 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULJ, upon the Sun's DISK 011 PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOORAVHIO SPOTS. FACUL*. Dis- III i HM.iiii'in. SPOTS. FACULA. Mean Solar Time. N" 52 33 1 481 0-712 I2g-5 86-8 -28-1 2 28 o-g36 I 12-3 112 May 22* (66) (246) (i3o5) May 27* (161) (io3o) (20 7 5) 142-063 o-g35 294-0 7 5o 146-692 481 0776 234-6 9'9 -27-3 47 246 0-822 283-2 683 481 0-742 23r3 86-7 -28-2 68 477 o-g55 239-4 177-6 29-6 16 58 482 0-375 340-5 53-3 + '97 16 53 477 o-gig 236-2 170-2 3 1-4 '7 44 58 1 c 482 0-356 35o- 1 49-4 4-19-9 5 49 480 0-835 240-6 160-2 25 p o 23 60 377 482 0-374 2-g 44-6 4-20-g 5o 480 0-787 233-6 i53'i 28-8 2 9 '79 ;> 484 0-829 1 12-6 35r8 -ig-i o 32 481 o-5o3 i5i'5 91-4 -27-5 23 97 485 0-860 99-7 346-9 - 8-8 35 io5 481 o'56 1 '44'7 85'4 28-5 20 60 485 0-886 100-2 3 4 3'8 - 9'4 3g i.'n i58g c 482 o'85g 66-3 5o-7 + '9'4 04 99 485 0-925 IO1'2 338-5 -10-7 i5o 355 482 0-904 67-2 44'9 4-19-8 3 ig igoc 0-888 116-8 1027 0-836 l3l'2 IOI May 28* (292) (nog) (2616) May 23 (58) (446) (2861) 147-601 481 0-874 239-3 9'9 26-g 47 225 142-886 0-978 294-3 432 481 o-83g 237-5 86-3 -2 7 -3 5i 0-948 28o-3 3i8 482 0-474 3i8-i 53-3 + 19*8 i5 5 4 0-825 284-7 323 482 0-444 322-5 5o-3 + 19-8 ii 49 477 0-968 237-6 i6g-5 3r6 o 32 493 c 482 0-413 334-1 44-8 4-20-9 o 25 480 0-916 243-6 i6o-3 -24-6 i5 48 35g n 484 0-692 1 1 5-2 352-8 17-7 o 5 480 0-871 23 7 -3 i52-6 -28-8 9 201 c 484 0-700 1167 352-1 ig'o 21 481 0-450 172-0 92-0 27-7 22 io3 485 0-729 101*4 347-6 8-g >7 79 481 0-489 161-0 85'7 -28-8 I 1 38 485 O'76g ioi-5 344-1 - 9-3 26 161 7 3gc 482 0-748 6r6 5rg + 19-8 36 i 1.3 4 85 0-826 102-6 3387 i 0-9 i3o 376 482 0772 63-4 49'3 + .9-2 o i5 May 29* (246) (1046) (739) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THBOUQHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.S: upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOGBAFHIC SPOTS. FACUL.S:. Dis- HELIOOEAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.E. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- Lti- j tude. tode. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). l88l. o 1881. o o 148-992 481 0-976 242-6 91-3 -26-8 83 3i8 428 if 486 0'35 1 23 1 -4 339-3 -12*7 '4 482 0-670 3oi-8 52-5 + 20-1 H 9 167 c 486 0-298 240-5 338-2 - 8-5 78 33 1 483 0-617 333-5 34-4 +32-8 O 16 487 0-671 60*1 296-1 + 21-3 24 88 483 0-61 1 328-2 3 7 *2 + 3o-6 o 1 1 487 0-626 64-6 290-1 + 21*1 28 1 55 484 0-492 i3o-2 352-0 19-0 o 6 0-838 66-3 1 34 485 0-478 108-0 348-0 9-0 II 81 0-840 1 1 2- 7 312 485 0-529 107-6 344-7 - 97 '9 142 June 3 (207) (944) (446) 485 0-6 1 5 107-8 338-8 -n-3 116 647 716 c 0-703 i3i-i 1 5 4 153-goi 0-736 2 4 3- 7 340 0-824 121-7 i55 486 0-621 264-7 3 47 -6 - 9'4 -9 1 06 0-928 84-0 67 486 0-569 264-9 343"9 8-5 i3 32 0-963 697 168 486 0-669 261-6 3 4 3-5 10-3 12 26 May 3o (2 4 3) (I2II) (i83 4 ) 486 o-532 261-4 3 4 ro - 9-8 n 56 486 0-489 253-5 338-5 8-0 47 3oi 499 c 149*896 o-g36 299-8 161 487 0-430 34-9 296-2 + 20*5 23 124 0-704 319-8 io3 487 0-487 41-8 290-1 -f-21'2 3i 203 482 0-795 296-0 62-7 + 20-0 II 42 472 nf o- 7 38 118-8 283 485 0-297 118-7 348-2 8-6 14 57 June 4 (i 56) (848) (1122) 485 0-349 1 1 6-8 346-0 9-6 20 126 485 0-460 n3-6 338-6 10-8 128 702 1 64*694 0-789 246-1 699 486 0-711 127-0 324-6 267 o g 1 08 c 486 0-738 266-9 347-8 - 9*5 24 78 646 c 487 0-970 66-3 289-1 + 22-8 9 33 474 *P 486 0-694 268-1 344*3 8-1 o 3o o-85o 83-2 73 486 0-621 266-9 338*7 - 8-0 53 164 0-866 io3-8 7* 486 0-617 253-0 337-g 10-3 40 May 3 1 (182) (969) (1464) 487 0-367 12-2 296-5 + 2I'I 12 48 487 0-353 I4M 2g6-o + 2O'O 7 27 i So'giS 0-864 294-5 692 487 o-36i 1 6-0 2g5-i + 20-3 7 27 486 O'I2I 1 83- 1 35o-2 - 7 -3 4 487 0-406 27-2 289-8 + 21*2 27 116 485 486 0-146 0-167 170-9 1 65- 1 348-5 347-3 8-6 - 9-6 3 u 40 June 5-| o-838 7-2 (i3o) (620) 604 (1848) 4 85 0-176 1 56-3 3457 - 9-6 26 124 4 85 0-252 133-6 33g-2 10-3 168 9 3i 487 0-847 63- 4 296-2 + 22'0 10 29 1 66*040 0-877 238-5 298 487 0-898 63-7 288-9 -r-23-3 II 5 7 53oc 0-410 297-3 83 0-914 118-7 110 486 0-918 269-6 348-0 - 9'5 12 26 June i (207) (1196) (1232) 486 0-898 261-1 346-4 - 7-9 O 10 486 0-846 260*6 33g-i - 7-8 22 64 n85c 487 0-426 326-2 296-7 -f-20-g 9 25 161-904 0-946 292-8 676 487 0-384 340-4 290-0 + 21-4 22 79 4 85 0-264 234-2 348-7 - 8-8 o 4 487 o-3gi 3-8 280-4 + 23-1 O 6 485 0-235 226-6 346-5 - 97 18 in 487 0-406 9-6 277-8 + 237 O 3 485 4 85 0-198 0-167 207-8 189-1 342-1 338-3 10-3 - 97 3 4 94 23g 466 June 6 0-368 122-5 (65) (213) 348 09H) 487 0-723 5g-3 . 296-0 +21-4 26 9 3 487 0-767 6 1 -3 290-7 + 21-3 3 4 89 487 797 60-2 288-2 + 23-1 o 24 !+/ 1 58-o32 0-990 269-6 326 0-923 71-2 216 o'g53 297-2 280 o-g3o 1 10-8 220 o'g33 241-0 3l3 June 2 .7 i (206) (1026) (II 9 6) 487 487 o-63o 0-555 304-4 3i3-2 289-4 281-6 + 2I-2 + 22-7 7 ii 23 -9 445 P 487 o-558 317-6 280-0 + 247 o 8 i52-g38 4 85 485 4 85 0-436 0-370 0-370 248-6 ' 3~47'3 9'3 246-4 343-0 ; 8-6 241-0 '342-0 io'6 24 '4 23 87 102 6 9 487 488 488 0-644 0-438 0-491 _ .0 } 322*0 5ri 53-1 Afi'T 277-4 234-9 23 1*4 + 26-7 + i6-3 + 17*5 4 2 4 29 16 16 261 485 485 486 o-35g o-33o o-33g 236-3 340-7 246-2 340-7 240-0 340-3 u-6 o 7-8 5 -9-9: n '9 28 5i 1 June 8 O o7o o-g88 DO / 119-0 (28) (no) 617 (2132) The Areas of Spots and Faculs are expressed in Millionth* of the Sun's -risible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOCKAPUS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881, 57 MKASUI;ES of POSITIONS mid AKEAS of SPOTS mid FACUI../E upon tin- Srx's DISK on PIIOTOGKAIMIS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- IlKLUXiK.U-IlIC SPOTS. FACUL.*:. Dis- IlKLIOUKAl-1110 SPOTS. KACTI..T:. Mean Solar rime. Ho. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area (if UMBRA lor earli Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Longi- tude. Lati tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLK for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Davl Radio*. Day). Day). Da,). Uadius. Day). Day). ' '-i > j . 1881. o o o .881. o o j l58 d -6q8 487 0-726 2 99 -2 289-4 4-2TI O 29 1 63 d - 90 1 49 o-5o6 172-6 173-7 28-8 II 487 0-607 3oo'o 282-1 4-22-8 1 1 26 49' o-3o8 I25'9 163-4 9-2 '4 28 487 0-648 3o8-6 280-4 + 24-3 6 22 49' o-33g I26-I 161*9 10-3 o 5 487 O'6iq 3i3-3 276-6 + 25-5 1 1 40 49' 0-405 116-8 156-6 - 9'4 o 7 488 0-3q6 40-7 i3l'i 4-18-0 18 495 0-680 1 1 8-6 i3g-2 i 8-0 9 '9 489 0-924 74-5 180- 1 4-i4'5 3 9 270 ioo8/ 495 0-712 118-1 136-6 -i 8-7 o 22 78 c 0-848 67-9 342 494 0-867 116-2 121-3 21-8 .6 1 08 49' / 0-976 121-0 i3.)6 June 14 (83) (5i8) (io56) June 9* (67) (405) (2696) .06-937 487 0-829 297-9 283-1 4-23-2 i5 39 164-711 0-921 288-5 36o 487 O'SlO 299-8 280-6 4-24-2 23 I 123.S/' 0-870 235-2 734 489 0-792 71-7 179-6 4-14-8 82 3o6 492 0-732 290-9 212-4 4-16-0 o 44 489 0-821 72-3 176-7 + '4'9 o 26 1258/ 492 0-686 293-9 208-0 4-17-' 9 3o 49 0-863 I25'2 176-6 29-3 i5 36 489 o-3 1 6 320-6 179-2 4-15-4 3o 17' 49 o-g2O 122-7 167-9 29-5 o 29 i3o4<- 489 0-282 326-0 176-5 414-8 2 60 49' o-g3i ioc-5 162-5 - g-5 '4 67 6oi/ 49 o-5o8 193-7 175-0 -28-2 O 44 190 c June 10 ('26) (526) (4286) 49' 0-194 '61-9 163-7 - 9'3 3 i5 491 0-2 IO i5i'4 161*4 - 9-3 o 24 160-91 1 0-865 244-8 124 49' 0-248 141-1 i58-i 9'8 15 487 0-928 294-8 283-8 4 23-2 10 738 c 49' 0-257 |33'4 i56'4 - 8-9 o 22 489 0-647 67-8 179*4 4-H'8 5o 244 495 o-53g 128-5 140-9 18-4 20 39 489 o'68o 68-7 176-8 + '4'9 9 no '449/ 495 0-602 124-5 i35- 7 l8-g 21 5o 490 0-761 i3o-g 176-5 29-2 i5 40 494 0-776 120-4 12. 'I 22'2 29 io5 49 0-775 128-2 174-1 28-0 5 4g5a o-g84 85-g 8 7 -7 + 4'3 27 73 49 0-838 126-9 167-3 29-6 3o 979/ 496 o-ggS 1 17-2 84-2 27-0 i5g 49' o-838 102-7 161-6 10- 1 12 109 .June 1 5* ('4') (85i) (1284) 49' 0-863 99'9 158-6 8-1 12 49' 0-880 101-4 i56-2 - 9-6 9 78 8070 June 1 1 (95) (638) (497) 165-705 489 0-479 3oo-g I79-2 4-15-5 25 176 495 0-405 i5o'2 141-8 19-2 18 72 162-917 0-914 245-2 I 7 3 495 0-459 i3g-3 135-7 i8-g '9 75 0-819 233-8 191 494 0-643 128-2 I 2 1-2 2 2 '2 i5 97 492 492 0-433 o-3g6 3o5-6 3i rg 212-4 208-8 4-1 5-5 4-i6-3 o o 4 4 June i 6* 496 o- 9 56 iig-i 84-4 -2 7 -2 39 (116) i3 4 (55 4 ) 56o c (56o) 489 o-3 1 3 3g"5 179-2 4-i5-o 49 ig5 489 0-298 45-9 178-4 4 1 3-o o 8 489 0-338 4'7 177-6 4-15-6 22 166-747 o-g56 286-3 756 489 o-33g 176-5 4- '4'6 9 106 489 0-660 2g2-3 I79-5 4-15-7 3i 187 4g3 0-370 5-5 168-7 + 22-6 6 i5 490 o'36o 1 86-6 142-8 -'9'4 18 53 49 o -."),").") iSo'i 170-5 -29-1 5 29 49 5 o-36 1 167-0 1 35-4 19-0 18 53 49 0-571 1O2'2 I73-3 -29-2 26 494 o"5o5 143-0 121-2 -22-3 23 73 490 0-62I H4-2 1 66-5 -29-2 3i 496 0-871 122-4 84-9 26-9 '7 i5i 491 o-5 1 5 1 1 o-3 161*8 - 9'3 9 72 0-898 125-7 06O ~y 491 107-4 i56-o 8 40 June 1 7* * ('07) (5 1 7) (56o) 494 o-g52 ! u3'8 121-0 22'2 40 '72 426* 0-706 138-3 667 0-880 i iro 149 167-691 0-916 291-7 783 June 1 3 (126) (724) (1606) 0-808 23 rg 49 489 0-802 288-7 .79-8 4- 1 5-g 33 1 32 276 c i63-goi 0-844 289-0 140 49 5 0-442 2 1 5-5 143-5 i g-5 20 70 0-795 234-7 3 47 495 0-370 igS-3 .34-8 i8-g O 16 492 0-090 296-7 211*2 4-16-3 o '4 494 0-420 165-4 12 r3 -22-4 22 78 492 o - 56i 297'9 208-9 -16-2 5 9 49 6 0-770 127-7 84-9 -26-8 28 129 489 0-245 355-6 179-1 4-i5-3 33 '97 496 0-807 127-8 8r5 -28-4 6 3i r * - 489 490 0-240 o - 5o6 5-o 175-2 176-7 1-5-2 4-i5-o -29-0 6 o 73 25 June i 8* 0-843 1 33-1 (I0 9 ) (456) 567 (2,16) * Indian photo. 1 In- Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. a 64893. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAK 1831 continued. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC Sl'OTS. FACUL^E. Dis- HELIOOKAPHIC SPOTS. FACCLJE. Mean 1 Solar Time. No. of 3roup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. ,'osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMHUA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. o o i6o d 'Q04 0-894 266-6 344 I74 d 7I2 5oi 0-902 6r3 332-7 4-26-8 42 1 33 y j T 0-872 233-0 7^9 5oi o-gi3 62-9 33o-8 + 26-6 12 73 1277 c 0-864 288-2 363 502 0-964 60-7 321-5 4-28-8 86 4g5 0-766 242-3 144-3 ig-5 27 '96g 12~ l '6 8gi 4Q4 0-646 220-6 I2I'O 22-7 9 28 0-988 76-9 624 ~y i 496 0-624 164-8 84-1 26-4 18 83 June 26* (.64) (725) (3252) 497 0-626 6l'4 70-0 4-I6-2 8 0-863 62-8 229 June 20 (27) (146) (1676) 176-780 o- 97 3 240-5 860 5o3 0-321 i58-8 0-7 -'47 3i 122 5o3 0-355 i5o-i 367-1 -15-2 4 35 170-982 0-976 o-g38 258-0 234-5 496 760 5o3 601 o-368 o - 65g 144-9 5i-5 355-0 332-6 14-8 + 26-3 20 29 98 143 0-926 283-3 493 5oi 0-674 64-7 33o-5 4-25-0 22 74 496 0-892 247'4 144-6 19-0 i3 '9 266 / 602 0-788 55'4 320'3 4-28-4 l5 64 494 0-684 234-0 120-8 22-0 2 12 604 0-766 76-3 3 1 g-3 + 12-8 26 126 t 49 0-476 '797 84-1 -26-3 i3 47 604 0-787 76-6 3i6-2 + 12-2 I I 67 June 21 (28) (78) ('994) 5o5 0-847 77-3 3io-i 4-12-2 6 78 353 c 5o5 0-868 74-0 3og - 2 4-I5-I '9 1/6 0-862 136-8 325 171-938 0-942 0-862 287-3 244-0 146 1 65 June 27* o-g83 73-5 (i 80) (973) 1061 (2689) 496 o'5i3 200-7 83-2 -26-5 7 32 0-962 io6-3 56 9 June 22 (7) (32) (880) 178-027 0-802 2997 23o 5o3 o-33 1 207-3 35g-g 14-3 64 260 5o3 o'3og 192-4 354-9 -147 48 261 172-961 0-896 241-3 241 601 o'5o3 36-2 33i-7 4-26-5 3i 144 496 '99 3 260-8 1 3g-8 -i 8-8 21 48 isf 5oi o-5o3 42-0 329-4 4-24-6 10 65 49 8 0-761 288-1 106-4 4-16-1 o 6 602 o-63g 47-2 3 19-0 4-28-0 ii 39 67 1 / 49 8 0-716 287-6 102-5 + 14-1 7 18 604 0-538 70-6 3ig-8 + 12-7 34 7i 496 0-6 10 218-3 83-o -26-6 i3 22 604 0-674 72'9 317-0 + I2'O 5 34 170 c 499 0-466 '447 42*0 19-6 o 6 606 0-684 7 3- 7 3o8-8 4-I3-I 9 70 353 c 600 0-918 100-4 352-3 - 8-6 4 33 5o5 0-674 70-6 3io'i 4-lS-o 10 80 5oo 0-980 io3-5 340-7 -12-8 4 17 1372 c 5o5 0727 70-2 306-7 4- l6'2 i3 1 1 1 5oi 0-998 64-3 33r3 + 26-8 108 5i5 182^9 606 0-926 68-2 284-0 4-21-2 o 17 0-916 68-7 64 606 0-928 66-2 283-g 4-23-1 3o 121 June 23 (i36) (638) (23 4 0) 606 0-968 66-2 278-3 4-24-6 o 43 1277 c 0-747 146-7 394 June 28 (266) (I 3 9 6) (2995) 173-976 0-967 232-5 267 49 8 0-890 286-3 106-9 + I5-6 16 60 178-916 0-882 2 9 7'5 246 498 0-867 287-2 io3-g 4-16-1 94 i5 4 5o3 0-466 229-1 0-5 ->4'9 69 270 498 0-855 284-8 JQ2-8 + I3-9 16 98 3g8 c 5o3 0-404 221-5 355-2 14-8 65 2l8 496 0-734 229-0 82-9 26-9 9 28 462 s 5o3 o-35o 226-5 364-2 i n 7 3o 5oo 0-789 io3*o 353-8 - 8-7 20 5oi 0-426 I 5'9 332-2 4-26-9 32 1 35 5oo 0-816 196-2 35 1-7 -117 o 25 871 n 5oi 0-417 24'I 328-4 + 25-1 10 5o 5oi 0-962 63-5 33 1 -5 + 26-1 73 38 1 604 0-363 62-1 320-2 4-12-5 29 118 502 '994 61-6 320-8 + 28-6 o I 10 690 w 602 0-608 34-I 320-6 4-27-6 8 23 June 24 (207) (8/6) (2678) 606 o'5o6 65-8 310-9 + 14-6 17 72 5o5 0-535 69'9 3o8-3 4-I3-I i3 49 5o5 0-679 66-7 3o6-i + 16-2 21 1 66 174712 498 0-964 285-3 107-2 + i5-3 27 203 5o6 o-836 66-4 284-2 + 2I-2 O 9 498 0-929 286-9 102-8 4-16-7 o 44 5o6 0-846 64-1 283-6 + 23-3 38 142 498 o-g3o 283-3 io3-i + I3-3 46 121 7 3 9 c 5o6 0-861 68-1 282-2 4-20-1 o 10 496 0-816 233-5 82-1 -27-1 o 40 783 c 606 0-896 63-3 277-6 4-26-1 o 67 i oog c 5oo 0-672 io5-6 364-2 - 8-6 2 18 June 29 (3og) (i 35 9 ) (i3o 4 ) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculas are expressed in Millionthe of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGKAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 59 MKASI-RES of I'osrndxs and AKKAS of SPOTS and FAC'LM..K upon the SUN'S DISK on PIIOTOORAI-IIS taki'ii in the YEAR 1881 continual. Dis- HKI.HM..I; Armc S I'OTB. FACULJB. Dis- 111 I.IIH.I: n-lii.' SPOTS. FACUI..K. Mean Solar Time. No. of Ghroap, un'l Lcttt-r for tance from Centra in terms of Hailius. Position Aiifrlf t'nim Sim'- Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Kadi us. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA tor each Spnt (and for l)av). Area of \V1IOLK for each Spot (and for Day). .\rr;l for each ( i roup (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \V1IOI.K for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. o o o I7 9 d - 9 8i 0-961 2 9 5-5 162 l82 d '6l5 5o5 0'4l5 3oo'l 3l2'0 -r-iS-o 18 55 5o3 0-626 242-2 35 9 -9 -14-4 45 238 5o6 0-374 18-8 282-8 + 23-9 2O 98 5o3 0-568 238-6 355-1 14-5 4' 206 5o7 0-8 44 64-9 23 4 -5 + 22-8 37 123 447 c 5oi 0-423 3 4 6-8 33i-3 + 27-2 25 1 2O 0-970 120-2 668 504 0-187 3o-3 3iq-6 + 12-3 10 33 0-972 71-9 igo3 502 0-445 13-4 3 18-4 +28-6 o '4 July 3* (209) (899) (3g8 4 ) 5o5 o-3 16 49-3 310*9 + 14-8 i3 5 4 5o5 o-3oi 56-i 310-4 + 12-6 4 27 5o5 0-400 53-g 3o5'5 + 16-4 24 ii3 183-944 0-974 255-3' 842 006 0-657 64-8 286-5 + 18-6 o 12 0-841 222-5 234 5o6 0*691 6i-5 284-6 + 21-5 2 8 5oi 0-869 3oo - 5 330-4 + 27-9 3i 80 5o6 0-71 5 5 9 -3 283-2 + 23-6 21 95 5oi o-85g 297*9 339-7 + 25-6 3 i5 1076 / 5o6 0733 60-8 28r3 + 23-1 5 ioo3c 504 0-726 285-1 3 18-5 + 13-3 o 8 23 1 0-812 122-5 3 94 5o5 0*646 289-6 3u-6 + 15-2 10 '9 June 3o (i 85) ( 9 25) (iSSg) 5o6 0-364 333-2 282-8 + 22-3 "9 5o6 0-383 338-1 281-6 + 24-1 i5 61 5o6 0-411 352-8 276-0 H-27'4 o 2 181-022 5o3 0-780 248-4 359-7 14-6 78 289 607 0-690 6o-3 232-4 + 22-6 4 80 5o3 0701 245-4 356-4 16-0 i3 39 5o8 0-923 65-3 206-2 + 24-3 47 95 5o3 0-733 248-8 355-7 -i3-i >4 77 5og 0-943 69-3 202-4 + 20-7 o 27 929 S P 5o3 0-728 246-7 354-8 -14-4 23 81 5io 0-966 ni'5 200"2 "97 8 n6/ 5o3 0706 247-3 353-2 13-4 9 23 779 5i5 0-960 74*3 198-8 + 16-0 9 47 5oi o-5i5 323-8 33r3 + 27*4 32 H7 $11 o-g83 73-7 I92'9 + 167 o 25 640 c 5oi 0-463 326-0 327-9 + 25-5 i 37 0-866 125-7 IOI 502 0-421 3 4 5'8 3i8-o + 27-1 8 18 0-978 117-8 81 504 0-207 321-6 3i8'g + 12*4 6 27 July 4 (.29) (486) (4280) 5o5 0'205 ri 3iri + H'9 ll 7 5 5o5 0-247 20-6 3o6-2 + 16-4 5 37 5o6 o-53 1 5i 7 284-8 + 22-0 3 8 1 84-960 0-912 22g-5 250 5o6 o 069 5o- 7 282-7 + 23-8 24 86 o-865 283-3 354 5o 7 o*979 67-2 233-0 + 23-0 o i35 3o5 n p 5oi o'gSo 297-8 33o-3 4-27-5 "9 63 1 1 66 nf 0725 52- 7 209 5o6 0-496 3i5-6 281-5 + 24-0 i3 61 0-795 120-8 io3 512 o-3g3 143-7 245-4 -'4*9 4 o-g.3 1 io5'o 176 512 0-413 1 3g-3 243-1 14-7 i July i (23 4 ) (1049) (5 7 2) 512 0-427 136-6 2417 14-6 4 7 507 0-542 5o-g 232-2 + 23-1 10 32 5o8 0-806 63-7 207-7 4-23- 1 5 4 492 ' 181*919 5o3 0-891 2817 O'O 14-6 25 297 5og 0-849 68-0 202-3 + 2O-5 23 89 / 5o3 0-806 252-1 355-9 13-5 o 85 5io 0-884 114-2 200-7 -19-4 15 25o/ 5o3 0-846 25o - 4 354-5 -14-6 18 IOI 5i5 0-862 7 3-6 200-2 + i5- 9 21 124 2840 5o3' o-83i 25r6 353-2 i 3-3 i5 1265 5u 0-918 7 3-2 192-8 + 16-9 25 82 5o 4 / 5oi 0-627 3i2-3 33o7 + 27-7 25 7 5i3 0-906 120-6 I99-5 -257 8 21 g2 c 5o2 0-482 323-3 3i 7 -8 + 25- 7 3 10 5i3 o-g2g 119-9 igS-8 26-0 12 604 0-363 297-6 3i8'4 + 12-7 o 38 July 5 ( oo) (499) (3 4 5i) 5o5 0-287 314-9 311-4 + 14-8 i5 87 5o5 o-25g 33o-8 3o6-8 + 16-2 3 33 5o6 0-449 37-3 282-1 + 23-g 7 72 185-949 0-918 285-5 1123 So; 0-921 66-9 233-0 + 22-5 22 134 338* 5o6 0-638 304-5 28r2 + 24-2 1 1 43 0-701 166 5o8 0-643 5 7 -i 210-2 + 23-5 o i5 0-981 '497 5o8 0-657 58-5 208-8 + 23-0 4 July 2 (128) (942) (3266) 5 1 .") 0705 71-8 202'3 + i5-4 23 77 5i5 0-721 7o-g 201-1 + i6-3 26 9" 182-610 5o3 0-945 252'4 35 9 -2 -i 5-4 5o 215 5og 0-721 64-5 202-2 + 20-7 5 24 5o3 0-921 253-5 355-5 13-8 38 170 966 c 5ll 0-814 7 i-5 192-4 + 17*2 37 122 5o3 0-904 252-0 352-8 14-7 23 127 o-8g5 7 2-5 99 5 5oi 0-722 3o5'4 33r5 + 27*1 21 84 0-982 io3-3 8i3 604 0-494 191*6 3 18-4 + i3- 4 2 27 July 6 (102) (3 7 6) (2930 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculoo are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. H 2 60 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURKS of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FA.CVLJE upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YKAR 1881 continued. Dis- HKLIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACUI.JE. Dis- IlKI.IOCKAI'HIC SPOTS. FACUTUS. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Long! - tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o 1881. o o o I86 d -6o8 5o6 o-;33 3oo-i 28r3 + 24-2 29 576*^ ig2 d -g85 016 0-444 106-7 I42-3 -19*7 7< 407 5o8 0'45l 56-o 214-3 18-0 o 11 520 O-532 147-3 i35'o -22*3 i3 5o8 O'5g6 5o-5 206-9 25-4 o 21 5i8 o'6io 120-3 120-2 -14-2 7 32 008 0'552 5o-8 209-7 237 o H 5'7 o-638 72-9 114-2 + 14-2 "9 77 38o/ 514 0'20I 0-4 237-3 + l5'2 i5 39 0-749 1 56 7 224 5i5 0-592 69-3 202-5 -f-i5-i 33 l6o July 1 3 ('44) (85.) (2191) 009 0-627 6ro 2OI-7 + 20-6 6 28 5i5a 0-647 67-4 l9-g + 17-2 o 46 193-978 0-896 240-5 4 i5 5n 0-726 70-1 I92-1 + 16-8 22 i3i 5i5 O'qi3 283-8 2o5'g + 14-4 7' 256 74 3 70 o 684 5i5 0-885 285-3 202-1 -H5-6 o 29 97'/ 0-939 ii 4* i 1322 5i6 0-417 >9'7 140-1 19-6 o 5 July 7 t (76) (479) (2582) 5i6 0-414 i85-i 142-2 19-8 52 418 520 o- 4 5g 169-2 134-6 22'2 i '7 188-926 0-954 290-8 270 5i8 0-442 134-7 121*1 -i3-8 4 i5 0-888 245-0 275 5i 7 0-455 66- 9 114-4 + 14-3 24 83 0-885 3o2-3 299 0-914 6ro 3io 614 0-536 293-1 2^7-4 -H5-5 II 40 o-gi5 123-3 201 5i 4 0'502 296-7 234-5 + i6-5 3 5 July 14 (52) (823) (2897) 5o8 0-335 35i-5 209-8 + 23-2 6 27 1 5o8 o-38 1 3-6 205'2 + 26-2 o 4 194-900 o'gSi 244-8 480 5og o-3 10 i6'9 2O1-2 + 2I-I o 8 5i5 o- 97 8 283-4 206' 1 + 14-0 37 264 780 nf 5i5 0-176 ,4-6 204-1 + i3- 7 20 1 65 5i6 0-473 210-2 I42-3 19*6 73 425 5i5 0'203 15-3 203-6 4-15-2 O 4 520 0-468 Iq3'7 I34-6 22*4 63 5ii 0-325 46-8 I92-5 + 16-7 12 75 5i8 0-337 l6o-3 I21'0 -i3*g; 6 23 5i6 0-916 114-2 144-0 20-2 I? 122 5i 7 0-276 5i-5 II4-9 + 14-3 16 33 5i6 0-927 I I 2'3 H''9 i8-g 62 299 0-789 57-5 23l 5i6 o-g36 u5-3 141-1 22'0 O 1 I 634/ 0-884 128-0 Sog 0-835 i33'7 187 0-922 1 10-7 198 July 9 (i3i) (760) (i665) July i5 (13*) (808) (2198) igro27 0-928 253-5 9 1 igS-SgS 0-980 25o-3 201 0-771 23o-8 294 0-918 286-0 653 514 0-872 28 4 -g 239-4 + i5-o 4 18 386/ 0-872 23z-3 2 4 5 5i5 0-464 2g2'6 2o5'o + 14-0 5 7 269 o-85o 200-8 533 5i5 0-411 301-7 2OO"2 + 16-3 12 127 5i6 0-618 225'6 142-7 21*5 18 55 5ii 0-365 307-3 I96-5 + 167 9 58 5i6 o-og3 228-5 142-4 i8-g 65 337 5i6 0-6 8 1 127-0 I43-5 20-7 16 106 5i8 0-338 igg-3 121*1 i 3*g 10 5i6 o-68g 124-2 H I- 9 -9'4 68 3o3 i8 4 i/ 5i8 0-329 ig3'6 I'9'I i 3*9 o 4 5-7 o'gog 76-7 n3-5 + i3-g 25 125 452 / 617 0-174 357-0 1 1 5- 1 + 14-6 4 '4 July 1 1 (9i) (1006) (3064) 0-834 134-5 268 July 1 6 (87) (420) (igoo) 191-990 0-849 2g2'2 666 5i5 0*645 287-1 zo5-5 + 14-2 62 281 196-641 5i6 0-719 233'4 142-9 -21-7 12 33 5i5 o-5g3 290-9 201-2 + 10-7 1 1 46 5i6 0-702 238-0 143-2 18-1 7 3o 5i i o'53g 2g5 - o 196-7 + 16-8 6 33 5i6 0-691 235-g 141-7 19*0 32 121 5i6 0-554 1 36-5 142-4 -19-7 74 3g3 5-7 0-260 3i2-g 1 1 5-9 + 14-8 2 9 5i8 o- 77 3 i i3-i I ig'O -147 o 41 July 17* (53) (ig3) 5i8 o-7g8 1 12-4 II6-6 14-9 o ; 7 121 C S( 7 0-794 75-8 i i3-g + I3-8 20 101 556 / '97'9 81 0-807 225-3 692 0-866 141-5 583 5i6 0-871 242-3 142-5 21-2 o '7 July 12 (173) (902) (1926) 5i6 0-857 244-1 141-4 -jg-2 17 5 9 370 c \ 5i8 0-638 240-3 121-7 -I 4 *5 II 23 5i8 0-618 238-6 1 19-8 -14*7 10 192-980 0-866 238-7 463 521 0-826 76-1 3i'4 + 14-2 26 122 5i5 797 284-6 2o5'5 + 14-2 42 272 521 0-880 76-8 25-2 + i3*g 52 323 c 5i5 0-757 287-2 201-6 + I5-8 5 4 5 1 124 n 522 0-973 72-2 g-6 + 18-5 u5 382 3go/ ")!() 0-754 240-7 196-7 18-4! o 5 July 1 8 (169) (665) (775) i * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 01 .MKVSL-HES of POSITIONS and AREAS of Si-ors uml KM ri..v. upon tho SON'S Disc on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YI.AK 1881 continued. Dis- HKI.IOCH vi-iiic Sr.)TS. FACUL.K Dis- HKMOQRAPIUC SPOTS. FACUL*. Mean Belar Time. No. of (iroup, and Letter for Spot tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. Xo. of iroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and lor Area of \VI10I.K for each 1 s !' '' (and for Day). Ai.'a for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \vnoi.i-: for each Spot (and for Ray). Area for Mob ( iroup (and for Day). 1 88 1. o o 1881. o o o IQ9 d -026 0-887 224-7 4i3 2O3 d '92O 525 o-83o 63-2 3i3'7 + 25-1 9 44 0-762 229-3 1 60 526 0-866 62-4 3og-6 4-26-5 36 3i3 3g5c 016 0-952 247-8 142-0 -19-3 21 97 56 7 sj 52 7 0-847 109-7 3 1 3-5 -i 3-6 34 5i8 O'Soo 2 4 8- 4 I22'9 i3-g 12 3i 52 7 0-872 iog-3 3io'6 13-9 o 3o 5i8 0-780 248-8 111*0 i 3-3 O 8 189 c 528 0-918 108-1 304-4 -i 4 -3 12 83 023 0'45q 2g2'6 98-8 4-14-5 1 1 o-g5g 108-9 8g3 521 0-667 73-5 3 1-9 + 14'6 32 146 July 24* (20 9 ) ( H 53) (i6o3) 521 0-682 70-5 3o-5 + 13-5 12 3 4 521 0719 76-5 27-4 4- i3-i 12 48 521 0-747 74'9 25-1 4-14-5 O 26 222 C 204-966 0-939 232'O 1 36 522 o-8g3 7 i-5 9'9 + 18-7 86 3 4 7 3 4 8/ 524 0-864 285-6 53-2 4-16-2 2 9 96 July 19 (75) (748) ('899) 524 0'838 284-5 5i*5 4-i5-i O H 52 4 0-816 287-4 48-9 4-17-3 i3 53 199-587 0-846 249-7 6g5 52 4 0-807 289-1 47'9 + 18-6 4 ii 243 c 0-820 232-8 504 521 0-618 278-2 32- 7 4- 9'3 i5 23 521 o 060 70-2 32- 7 4-iS-i 24 134 521 0*600 279-9 3i-3 4-10-3 3 16 521 0-579 72-9 3ro 4-13-g 8 4 3 021 0-597 277-5 3l'2 4- 8-8 4 521 0-621 74-2 27-8 4-13-7 '7 5i 521 0-602 286-8 3o-g + >4"4 10 90 522 0-827 6g-g 10-4 4- ig-3 85 33i 521 o-55 4 280-9 27-9 4 o-6 3 24 0-912 70-3 IOOO 521 o-536 280-4 26-8 4-10-1 8 22 0-912 "07-9 i3oo 522 o-3 4 g 3 1 5-5 9-5 4-19-6 53 290 July 2of ('34) (55g) (3499) 522 0-317 319-0 4-ig-i o 6 525 0-576 58-g 322-5 4-21-0 4 8 200-942 0-926 246-8 542 525 0-621 56- 9 3ig-8 4-24-2 76 323 0-689 216-8 33g 525 0-657 57-6 317-0 4-24-9 4 124 3o6 c 523 0-807 283-8 101-4 + i 4 ;2 16 98 526 0-726 58-2 3iri +26-4 34 79 023 0-770 284-6 98-3 4' 108 411;} 526 0-755 58-5 308-4 4-27-0 63 249 485 c 521 0'3 10 55- 4 32-2 4-15-2 3 4 122 52 7 0-692 1 5-9 3'4'9 13-4 6 '7 521 0-355 71-1 2 7 -8 + 11-4 i5 52 7 0-726 14-4 3n-g 134 1 1 521 0-376 66-8 27-0 4-13-3 o 10 528 o- 77 3 i3-8 307-8 -H-5 o 2 521 0-432 74'7 22-7 4-n-i n 528 0-801 12-4 304-9 -14-2 29 1 13 522 0-644 65-8 9'4 4-19-3 114 402 442 / 528 0-837 12-7 3oi'4 -i5-6 20 5 9 0-819 1 14-0 1043 528 0-855 11-7 299-2 15-3 '4 94 July 21 (205) (770 (2777) 528 0-880 12-2 296-5 -i 6-6 3 4 i3o 528 0-892 10-8 294-7 -i5- 7 28 78 602 c 202-583 o-855 234-7 477 0-884 7 o-3 "47 523 0-945 283-3 97-5 + I4-3 o 75 73o np July 20 (460) (2036) (igig) 521 o-ig3 33 1 -6 3r5 + 14-9 22 125 522 0-372 47-2 9-3 + 19-6 68 328 525 o- 9 2 7 65-8 3 1 8-3 4-24-3 70 25l 79* P 2o6-o35 524 0-909 286-3 5 4 -5 4-17-2 56 176 526 0-968 6 4 -3 3og-g + 26-2 i3o 52 4 0-934 286-8 49-9 4-17-6 6 18 O'g i o 78-9 792 524 0-926 286-3 48-6 + 17-2 21 47 38 1 c July 23f (1 60) (909) (279') 521 0-797 277-9 33-3 + 97 '7 56 521 0-778 278-4 3r6 4- io'o 10 521 0-744 279-8 28-5 4- 10-9 i 2 1 55 c 2o3-g2o o-g58 240-7 3i5 021 0-775 283-6 3n 4-14-0 20 IOO 528 / 524 0-739 289-8 55-2 + 18-1 o 12 522 C'522 299-2 9-2 + 19*6 38 246 52 4 0-701 289-0 52-1 + 17'4 7 35 525 0-384 40-7 324-8 + 22-2 o 3 52 4 0-674 290-1 49-6 4-I7-3 2 1 1 525 0-402 5o-5 32T2 4-20-0 i 4 524 0-662 2 9>"4 48-6 4-18-0 2 22 520 0*456 45-0 3 1 9'8 4-23-q 98 352 591 0-412 294-1 3l'2 4-14-6 20 IOO 525 0*494 47'' 317-0 + 24-7 7 49 521 0-391 283-0 3ro + 9*9 25 52g o*3g8 67-9 3i8-2 + I3-7 5 2 4 521 0-343 286-6 27-8 4-10-6 18 53 026 0-604 5i-2 308-7 4-26-9 1 35 552 3 9 3/ 522 0-248 355-1 9'7 4I9-5 5i 256 527 o-5i5 127-7 3i5'7 -i3-3 4 ii 522 o'2g3 14-5 4-21-7 o 3i 027 0-555 I2V7 3i2-5 -i 3-5 i 7 0280 0-716 77-1 322-8 4-i3-o 5 28 028 0-655 119-3 304-4 -14-2 32 126 525 0771 62-5 32O-0 + 24-5 47 376 528 0-696 119-1 301-4 1 5-o 22 128 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facute are expressed in Millionth* of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. 62 KEDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL.E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOGKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL/E. Dis- HELIOGKAPIIIC Sl'OTS. FACUI..K. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. o o o 2o6 d -o35 528 0-700 118-6 298-6 -i6-3 i5 2o8 d -8g8 528 0*402 164-0 295-9 16-9 7 5o 528 0-782 116-3 293-6 16-5 i3 i36 680 c 53i 0-224 ig- 4 298-1 + 17-9 4 5 201 0-826 66-7 720 532 0279 37-4 2g2-3 + 18-4 44 209 July 26 (477) (2062) (285 7 ) 533 0-833 72-2 246-3 + 18-0 7 10 533 0-872 7'"4 241-8 + 19-0 16 507 c 206-715 521 0-883 278-2 33-6 + 9-8 o '4 0745 497 187 521 0-863 277-0 3l'2 + 8-9 o 7 o-gSo I I 2-8 190 521 o-85q 278-2 3o*7 + 9'9 o 6 'July 2g (35 7 ) (i5i5) (2 i 35) 521 o-85g 282-8 3o*7 + I3-8 IO 2 9 522 0-632 293-9 8'9 + '9'3 4' u5 92 1 nf 20g-g53 o-g56 - 2go-3 616 525 0-367 3o-3 319-7 + 23-g 64 2g5 534 0-643 23i"4 320*4 -187 6 37 5z5 o 401 33-8 317-1 + 24-8 o 9 534 0-620 22g-o 3i8-o 18-9 2 i5 525 0-456 35-g 3 1 3-9 + 27-0 o 4 525 o'565 304-6 3 1 8-9 + 237 42 244 5 2 5 0-473 3 7 -i 3i2-6 + 27-4 o 4 526 0-498 3,197 309-7 + 27-7 4 '9 525 0-469 40-0 3l2'2 + 25-9 6 35 526 0-459 324-3 3o6-o + 27-3 9 3 457 525 0-495 3 7 -i 3i r5 + 28-4 o 4 528 0-462 2i5-5 304-3 i 6-0 4 22 526 o-Sog 43-3 3o8'4 + 26-8 94 528 0-414 211-8 3oi-5 -14-9 27 123 52g 0-271 54-7 3i8-5 + '4'4 7 26 528 0-402 1987 296-2 i 6-5 18 5 4 52 7 0-446 137-6 3i3-6 i 3-g o 18 53 1 0-273 321'2 298-8 -r-iS-o 60 224 527 0-454 1 33-o 3n-8 127 9 53 1 0-244 325'7 296-7 + 17-4 9 22 528 o-54g 126-0 304-2 13'8 38 89 53 1 0-242 334-4 294-8 + 18-3 '9 68 528 0-089 126-1 3or8 -i 5-4 2 9 70 53 1 0-209 340-3 292-7 + 17-1 8 27 528 0-606 123-9 3oo-i '4'9 o 3l 532 0-222 345-4 291-8 + 18-1 25 136 628 0-694 I 21-0 293-1 16-6 39 120 533 0-686 69-4 246-1 + I8-3 o 4 July 27* (328) (.33 4 ) (9^0 536 0779 65-3 238-6 + 22-8 o 16 536 0-802 6i-5 236-g + 26-2 o 28 207'gi2 0-780 240-8 25l 535 0-846 117-4 235-g -19-4 3 3i 1 3g c 521 '977 279'4 33-8 + 10-4 28 i58 535 0-885 116-8 23i-3 2O'4 o 32 521 0-964 283-3 3o-8 + 14-3 o i5 0-795 65-i 299 521 o-g5o 279-6 27-8 + 10-9 o '9 533 c July3o* (320) (i56 9 ) (1054) 522 o-8o3 290-5 8-4 -r-ig-8 '4 58 278 nf 53o o-2 94 335-8 322-6 + 9'9 o 8 2irg35 53 4 0-897 247-3 322-2 -l 7 -3 53 145 235 / 525 0-321 349-3 319-3 + 23-9 61 323 525 0-834 2g5-2 317-9 + 24-2 76 265 1010 S 5z5 0-366 11-4 3 1 0-9 + 26-6 6 526 0-716 3o3'7 304-5 + 27-8 132 573 489 <* 529 0-137 340-6 3i8-2 + i3-o 2 12 5 2 8 0-734 242-4 304-6 -i 5-5 '9 66 526 o'3go 19-4 307-2 + 27-1 129 5i i 628 0-634 1 35-2 295-0 I 6'2 o 4 6 527 0-339 172-6 3 1 3'o i3-g 20 53 1 o-63o 294-0 299-8 + 19-0 42 19' 528 o-38o 149-1 304-0 13-4 '4 8l 53 1 0-575 2g3-7 295-9 + i8-3 7 26 528 0-428 146-8 3oi-6 i 5-4 22 88 532 0'52I 2g7'3 291-5 + 19-1 35 216 528 0-504 i38-g 295-4 i6-g i5 83 535 0-573 1 36-5 237-8 -19-1 5 21 53 1 0-374 5 4 -8 296-9 + 17-8 3i 1 5 7 535 o-5gi i35-o 236-2 ig-3 7 28 532 0-443 58-3 292-2 + 18-6 18 1 06 535 0-635 i3r5 232-1 -'97 o 18 533 o- 9 34 7 3-2 246-0 + 177 7 19 63 1 n 536 0-536 47-5 236-2 4-26-5 o 23 o-85o 56-3 232 537 o-go3 76-0 197-4 + l5'2 o 21 918 np July 28 (3 4 i) (1664) 0925) 538 o-g88 77-0 180-4 + 13-7 o 218 214 c O-Q25 114-8 3l4 208-898 0-857 248-7 5 4 i Atlg. 1 y (3 7 6) (i85 7 ) (3 i 85) 522 o-go 7 289-3 7-8 + 19-9 6 i5 7' nf 525 '49 320-1 3ig'i + 23-7 7 3oo 2 1 3'OO I 0-8 1 5 246-0 1067 525 0-397 335-0 3i3-3 + 26-6 13 0-724 2gi-5 445 534 0-478 2IO - 6 3 17-3 -187 8 24 534 -974 25l'l 322-3 16-9 o 94 42,6 p 526 0-375 35o-o 3o6 - 7 + 27-3 126 49 525 o-g35 293-3 317-9 + 23- 9 1 06 288 53i c 528 0-354 187-7 3o5-3 -14-7 i 6 526 0-841 299-2 304-0 4-277 118 022 524 c 528 O'32O 182-8 3o3'4 12-8 8 46 528 0-876 248-3 3o5'7 -i 5-7 o 24 528 0-365 181-6 3o3'i i 5-6 '9 67 528 779 244-1 294-8 15-8 3 27 528 o-35i 176-6 3or3 -'47 12 42 53 1 0-798 290-1 300-7 4- '9'6 36 185 528 0-377 169-9 298-6 i 6-0 4 21 532 o*6g3 291-9 291-0 + '9'4 12 117 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. Ri:nrrnoN OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 63 MKASVKKS of POSITIONS ami AKKAS of SPOTS and l'Acri..K upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the Vr\it 1881 continued. Dis- IlKI.loi;i;u'illr Sri us. FACUL.K. Dis- HKUOOKAIMIIC SPOTS. FACULJS. No. of tailt'e frODi No. of tance froMi . . Mean Solar Time. (iroup, and I.rttiT tot Spot, ( 'eiil re in terms of Sun's Kadius. I OSltlOU Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of OMBBA for eacli Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. Group, and Letter for Spot. Centre in terms of Sun's \adin-. 1 O-lt loll Angle from Sun's AM-. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA Spot (and for Day). Area of U'lli ILK for each Spot (and for DT). Area for Group (.and for Day). 1881. o 1881. o 2l3 ll 'OOI 535 o- 4 5; i58'o 237-9 ig-O IO 26 2ig d -o56 5 4 3 0-459 202-8 '79'9 -i 8-6 29 i58 536 0-370 29-6 236-7 -4-24-6 1 5 542 0-845 117-4 1 10-8 19-0 5 12 2g5 / 53; 0-7/7 70-0 '97'3 + i5-5 20 972 np 0-880 76-3 483 538 o-qz3 78-2 180-4 + 13-2 87 588 4840 Aug. 8 (93) ( 4 85) (1612) 0-860 120-8 670 Aug. 2 (3 7 3) (1896) (49 2 9) 220-068 0-797 291-2 45o 0-796 240-2 186 2i3'6i6 o-g85 201-8 1 02 1 540 o'632 23o-g 185-7 -17-9 4 42 0-882 249-2 760 538 0-440 286-3 180-4 + 12-9 4 197 525 0-975 293-0 3i8-o + 23-7 73 218 io56 c 543 0-567 223-3 178-9 -18-4 1 1 5 4 526 o-go5 297-3 304-8 + 27-3 88 394 2870 5 4 3 0-532 218-4 175-1 i 8-5 2 6 53 1 0-882 288-6 302-3 -Hig-3 48 207 2760 543 o'5 1 5 214-2 172-6 19-0 1 2 532 0-789 289-5 291-9 + 19-1 21 80 5 4 2 0-725 124-3 1 1 5-6 -19-1 6 13 33o/ 53g o-833 128-5 193-3 -27-1 27 0-808 238 538 0-846 78-2 182-1 + I3-3 61 407 0-880 214 540 0-876 I i5-o 183-6 -18-4 o 10 Aug. 9 (64) (3i4) (1418) 540 0-9 1 3 u3-8 178-5 18-8 20 0-874 124-7 637 221-094 0-885 290-2 893 o'gi3 74-4 998 538 0-628 282-9 180-0 + I3-I 5i '79 0-937 "47 58o 5 4 3 0-707 235-2 178-9 -i 8-6 12 89 4 6 9/> Aug. 3* (291) (1363) (56 1 5) 5 44 0-718 i33-i 106-4 24-0 4 0-734 i32-8 200 2 14-90 1 o- 97 3 25 r3 796 o-g63 123-5 304 526 o-g85 2g6-6 304-1 + 27-2 95 449 227 c Aug. 10 (63) (272) (1866) 53 1 '979 288-0 3or8 -M8-8 3i i53 532 0-926 287-7 290-8 + 18-6 o 79 442 nf 221-889 538 0-755 281-7 179-9 + i3-i 3o 172 97i P 53g o'~oo 140-9 192-0 -2 7 -3 I 7 ?3/ 5 4 3 0-796 242-2 178-1 -17-4 7 540 0-740 122-4 i8r3 -187 21 04 266 c 5 4 5 0-578 1 8o-5 l3l'2 -28-6 o 5 538 0-674 76-9 1 8o-3 + I3-3 5 7 3g8 5iow/ 546 0-587 176-2 128-2 29-2 5 20 Aug. 4 (205) (1140) (2414) 5 4 6 o'5g2 172-9 125-g 29-3 21 37 5 4 2 0-498 149-5 1 1 5-3 19-0 6 216-061 0-968 292-0 203 o'8 n i5r3 276 0797 3o5'3 114 0-929 124-5 194 5 4 i 0-384 325-2 221-7 + 24-3 3 IO o-g64 7 3- 7 2q2 540 0-583 134-8 182-0 i 8-6 '4 68 Aug. ii (56) (247) (2582) 538 0-464 74-2 180-7 + 12-8 49 225 538 o- 49 5 76-0 178-0 + 12-3 7 IO2 222-780 0-934 247-6 746 o-8g3 I20'2 647 538 0-868 281-0 179-7 + 12-8 49 171 1 148 P Aug. 5 (83) (405) (964) 5 4 6 o'Sgi 190-3 125-g -28-8 10 5i 0-912 71-1 635 Aug. 12* (9) (Ml) (252 9 ) 216-998 0-897 3o2'5 247 0-807 291-7 182 223-771 o- 97 8 25o-i 1042 5 4 i O'5l2 3o8-2 221-4 + 24-1 2 16 o-gi 7 287-1 653 040 0-476 i52-3 182-0 -i 8-7 i5 104 538 0-907 281-1 79-8 + 12-6 44 128 445 538 0-274 60-4 180-7 + I2-6 38 210 5 4 6 0-638 205'0 124-0 -28-7 2 64 538 o - 2g5 70-2 179-0 + 11-8 6 74 0-910 82-3 47 5 4 2 o-ggo I lO'O ii 6-5 -18-6 41 ogisp Aug. i3* (46) (192) (2610) Aug. 6 (61) (445) (1020) 224-800 0-960 291-3 > 678 0-926 241-4 3o2 2 19-006 o-g48 246-7 386 Aug. 14* (980) 0-920 293-8 i 448 540 0-495 214-5 185-z -17-9 i5 85 225-991 0-878 238-0 85 1 540 0-490 207-1 181-8 ig-6 o 10 o'gog 69-7 IV, 538 0-237 288-9 i8i-3 + 10-6 i 9 '949 ill-o 255 538 0-237 298-4 1 8o-5 + 12-7 4 5 211 Aug. i5 02 9 5) * Imlian photo. The An as of Spots and Faculie are expressed in Millionths of the Son's visible Hemisphere. .REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASUKES OF POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- tance HELIOGKAPJHC SPOTS. FACUL/E. Dis. tance HKI.IOQIIAI'HIC SPOTS. f \CVLX. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for earh Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). | 1881. o o o 1881. o o 227 d 'o34 0-876 237-0 532 234 d '8gg 0-948 284-0 253 0-753 288-3 i3g 0-820 242-3 323 0-894 1 1 1-8 255 0*804 291-7 IS? Aug. 16 (940 549 0-469 42-0 298-2 + 2 7 -0 10 5 49 0-491 47'z 29.5-3 + 25-g IO 42 227^23 0-920 235-5 9 2 9 549 0-527 44'4 294-1 + 28-5 47 260 o-8o5 2877 35 1 549 O-534 36-7 296-8 + 3l-8 4 i5 5 47 0-235 41-9 41-6 + 16-8 9 26 55o 0-703 77-8 274-0 + I3-6 >7 89 647 0-275 5o-5 38-2 + 167 5 10 55o 0-739 78-6 270-9 + I3-2 i3 65 0-835 123-5 263 552 0-783 75-2 267-0 + 16-0 3 36 0-878 109-7 182 552 0-797 77-0 265-6 + H7 22 104 0-979 68-0 267 553 0-825 70-2 263-a + 20-3 60 299 Aug. 17 (H) (36) ('992) 554 0-882 70-5 256-5 + 20-5 6 3i 554 o'qoS 70-7 253-3 + 20-5 10 228784 547 0-169 347-5 41-8 + i6-3 33 0-817 7 3- 7 977 5 4 7 0-170 6-2 38-5 + 16-6 o 4 5 o-g52 109-7 635 Aug. 18* (o) (78) Aug. 24 (182) (961) ( 2 3 4 5) 235771 o-go3 244-7 3oo 229-816 0-966 286-2 562 i 3n 5540 5 49 0-271 0-373 187-6 277 309-4 296-2 O.t ~ O J + 26-2 12 24 53 Aug. 19* 547 0-724 0-705 0-282 o-g56 2 70"^ 204-1 3 1 0-8 65-2 38- 9 + 17-3 2 (2) 3 4 (3 4 ) I OU 23l 386 (i3og) 549 549 549 55o 55o o-38i 0-424 0-440 o'53g 0-554 32-0 28-8 33-2 75-8 77'4 2 94'4 293-9 291-0 274-9 273-8 + 25-7 + 28-6 + 28-4 + I3-6 + i2-g 4 32 9 IO 2 II 206 43 58 '9 55o o-58o 78-0 27i-g + 127 6 26 231-040 Aug. 20 5 47 5 4 8 549 0-9 1 5 0-507 0-925 o'g5 8 23r8 293-2 io8-3 62-1 38-g 3o5-2 2g5'3 + 17-6 14-0 + 287 5 o 5i (56) 9 ii 194 (224) 2 99 1081 929*7? (23og) 55o 552 552 553 554 554 0-611 0-641 0-666 o~6g2 0-756 0-765 76-6 747 75-7 67-1 66-3 69-3 2697 267-6 265-6 264-5 zSg-o 257-7 + 13-8 + I5-2 + 14-8 + 20-8 + 22'5 + 20-4 2 33 4 5 o 37 42 i5g 2 9 2 25 22 o-8gg 114-0 698 232-891 0-868 286-3 3o3 Aug. 25* (i 55) (ioz5) (998) 5 49 0-756 60-6 298-1 + 26-6 H 44 236-876 0-926 25i-5 1 85 549 0-776 60-0 296-3 + 27-5 3 32 555 0-287 3o3-o 307-1 + i5- 9 4 12 549 0-795 5g'o 2 94 -6 + 28-7 3o i3i 3go c 549 0-352 348-5 297-2 + 27-2 18 46 55o 0-948 77'7 273-0 + i3-g 44 215 422 c 549 0-325 355-O 294'5 + 25-g 6 6 0-772 187 482 5 49 0-372 358'4 2 9 3-3 + 28-g 25 '94 Aug. 22 (90 (422) (>5g7) 5 49 0-384 5-7 290-2 + 29-5 o 12 556 0-374 40-1 277-5 + 23-4 i5 556 0-419 42-4 274-6 + 247 9 12 233-902 0-902 284-7 464 55o o-33i 69'7 274-2 + 13-3 12 53 5 49 0-612 04-5 298-2 + 267 2 22 55o 0-355 7 3-4 272-4 f 12'5 8 34 5 49 0-66 1 53-g 294-7 + 28-6 22 io5 55o 0-376 7 2-3 271-2 + 13-2 3 7 5 49 o-665 56-i 293-7 + 27-3 7 53 55o 0-401 727 26g'6 + 13-5 o 5 55o 0-847 78-4 273-6 + i3-6 23 ii3 55o 0-417 72-1 268-7 + i3-g 9 55o 0-880 787 269-7 + I3-3 1 1 21 552 0-447 6g-3 267-1 + I5-5 3 28 55 1 0-899 73-3 267-3 -l-iS-o o 6 552 0-480 72-5 264-6 + 14-6 27 112 552 o-go3 70-4 266-7 + 16-2 9 53 553 o-5 1 6 61-6 263-8 + 20-4 89 328 552 0-909 77-1 265-9 + H'6 17 58 553 0-553 62-6 261-1 + 20-8 24 96 553 o-g32 71-6 262-3 + 197 73 277 55 4 0-618 65-o 256-o l-20'g 18 5 7 55 4 o-g5g 7'-' 207-3 + 20-0 64 7 9 3 c 557 o-ggS 108-4 21 I'3 -17-4 25 98 o-goo 123-5 204 0-776 119-8 792 0-988 107-0 336 0-875 66-0 688 Aug. z3 (64) (772) (1797) Aug. 26 (265) (1124) 1660) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculsc are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 6 MBASURKS CF POSITIONS and AHEAS of SPOTS and FACVL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAH 1881 continued. Dis- HKLIOOKAFHIC SPOTS. FACULJS. Dis- HKI tiir.itAPHic 1 SroTs. FACUL.K. ,, , tance M~ ~*j<5S. r ?- Time. tor of S '""- Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Meun Solar Time. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from in terms of Sun's Position Anf-lr t'niin Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA tor i-aeh Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of TMliKA for each Spot (and for Area of \VllnLK for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Radius. Day). Day). Day). Radius. Day). Day). ay . 1881. 1881. o o 207''- 890 '97 232-8 167 23 9 d -8i2 55o 0-309 288-5 271-3 4-12-5 15 7 0-753 ; tqrS 48 552 0-298 299-8 269-4 4- 15-4 7 24 549 0-443 320-0 297-8 4-26-5 12 29 552 0-268 3o3'4 267-3 4- 1 5-5 '9 72 049 0-426 33ri 292-8 4-28-8 36 '97 552 0-255 295-8 267-5 -f-13'4 59 2OI 549 0-418 336-7 290-2 j 4-29"5 26 552 0-218 3o8-o 264-1 4-14-8 18 82 556 0-2-2 3-3 278-3 4-22-8 20 7' 552 0-171 332-8 258-5 4-i5-g o i3 556 o'2q5 4'4 277*9 + 2 4" z 10 26 553 0-287 323-2 264-4 4-20-3 36 262 006 0*299 9-1 276-3 +24-3 8 20 553 0-275 33o-3 262-3 4-20-9 7 47 556 0-284 10-7 274-5 '4-22'g 7 13 553 0-229 355'3 255-0 4-20-4 o 58 556 0-326 13-5 274-5 -f-25'5 37 1 63 55 9 0-428 186-4 256-8 17*9 '4 ooo 0-107 ' 35-9 274-6 4- 13'5 9 40 559 0-428 179-9 253*8 -i 8-1 2 18 55o o-i38 4 5-6 273-5 -f- 12'6 8 557 0-738 122-0 2i3'o 17-6 2 48 55o 0-184 52-7 270-7 4- 1 3-5 i5 7 56 1 0-989 117-3 177-2 25-5 o l3g I442C 55o 0-221 62-1 267-8 4-12-9 5 i5 0-903 79-4 412 552 0-204 57-0 266-6 4- 14-9 '4 11 1 Aug. 29* (246) (1448) (2974) 552 O'2Q2 53-5 265-1 +16-9 4 6 5o2 0-272 66-1 264-0 4- 1 3-2 5 . 36 241*025 0-902 246-0 476 552 0-283 61*0 264-5 4-14-8 22 79 549 0-8 1 8 299-9 291-4 4-28-4 25 157 553 0-344 4 6-i 264-0 4-20-7 8l 35o 556 0-686 294-3 280*0 + 217 24 146 553 o-38o 49'4 26r3 4-2I"! 16 69 556 0-671 ; 299-8 2777 4-25-0 7 28 554 0-408 56-6 255-2 + 21-1 9 4 3 556 O-654 295-5 277-2 4-2i-g o 6 557 0-942 III-2 2127 -17-1 39 9' i52 c 556 o-63i 3o3-8 273-6 4-26-4 12 74 0-796 64-3 126 55o o-55 1 282-0 271-3 4-126 5 46 0-921 7 I-3 4 6g 552 0-489 286-5 266-7 4-I4-3 78 5g3 Aug. 27 (349) (1464) (962) 553 0-472 3oo-3 263-5 4-20-3 69 388 558 o - 3g5 294-6 25g-7 + 16-1 23 116 238-8gg o'83g 294-8 558 55q o-5o2 212-9 254-5 -7'9 4 16 0-700 429 557 0-579 i35 - 6 212-8 -17-9 5 20 549 0-584 304'9 297'9 4-25-6 o 3 56o 0-870 7 8-5 176-9 4-13-5 g 5o 3io/> 549 0-045 3l4'0 2 9 2*4 4-28-6 33 176 56 1 0-928 120-9 176-3 2 5' 2 io5 i)5 1 i3ioc 556 o"338 322-5 278*7 4-22-5 9 67 0-900 68-2 269 556 0-326 33i-2 275-8 4 23-6 o i3 Aug. 3o (366) (2091) (35o3) 556 0-357 33 9 -7 273-9 4-26-6 21 42 556 o'3 12 336-g 273-6 4-23-7 I I 20 556 0-328 340-1 273*0 4-25-O i3 73 242-907 549 0-970 297-7 290-6 4-28-6 3g 144 5640 55o 0*177 3o5-i 274-4 4- 12-9 2 20 556 0-902 292-0 278-0 4-22-9 10 53 554C 55o 0-140 3184 271-4 4- 1 3* i 24 14! 552 0'802 283-2 266-7 4-14-8 65 520 logoc 552 0- 1 ."i 2 334-9 269-7 4-i5*o 4 4 553 0771 290-2 263-2 4-20 i 88 3b4 552 0-182 336-g 270-2 4-16-8 10 26 55 9 0-741 236-2 203-4 18-9 17 73 32o/> 55-z 0-107 344-6 267-6 4- i3-i 9 63 56i 0705 i36-g i83-i 24-8 106 507 552 o'liS ro 265-8 4-13-9 49 3i3 56 1 0-768 i33'o 174-0 20-9 3o 168 36gc 553 0-2.33 6'5 264-3 4-2Q-5 81 3oo 56o 0-594 77-3 176-6 4-i3'4 5 24 553 o-2."j2 1 5-g 261-7 4-2I-I i5 70 562 0-783 123-2 168-9! 202 22 '97/ 553 o-3o5 36-i 254-9 + 2I-2 o 6 0-739 68-5 9' 557 0-846 115-4 2i3-i -17-0 20 g5 375 C 0-942 118-7 167 0-880 71-8 522 Sept. i (36o) (1870) (3352) Aug. 28 (3oi) (1442) (1884) 23g-8i2 o-g23 2 9 3-3 5 4 6 244-549 0-898 247-1 739 0-907 2q6'7 574 552 0-963 284-6 266-7 4-i5-g o 258 l/o5n/ 049 o"666 3o5-6 291-8 4-28-4 26 i52 55-3 0-944 28y'6 263-2 4-20-9 6g 261 556 0-478 3o3'8 279-1 4-21-9 '7 79 56 1 o-58 1 1656 182-0 27-0 24 97 556 0-462 3o6-5 277-5 + 22'5 4 56 1 0-040 i63-8 i8rg 2.3-g 01 206 556 0-470 3cg-o 277-3 4-23-8 o 6 56 1 c-565 162-8 180-7 -20-4 14 83 556 0-449 3ig-8 272-8 +268 5 27 56 1 o'6o,3 107-2 176-2 26-7 o 84 556 0-424 3 1 6-5 272-6 4-24-7 16 72 56 1 0-619 i5o'3 171-5 25-6 o 27 55o 0-326 2 9 7*g 271-2 4- 1 5'7 17 60 Sept. 3' (i58) (1016) (2 494 ) 1 Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facnlse are expressed in Millionth* of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. a 64983. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-188 J. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and YACVLX upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HKLIOGUAFHIC SPOTS. FACUL*. Dis- HKLIOGKAPIUC SPOTS. FACIIL.E. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WIIOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. c o 1881. o o 246*- 1 55 0*966 289-5 3oo 49 d -738; 566 0-378 7O-O 101-4 + 14-1 o 18 56 1 o-55 7 igS-S 181-2 24-7 5l 307 566 o-3g3 74-2 lOO'I +12'8 '9 5l 56 1 0-587 196-2 1807 -27-0 3l 148 566 0-449 71-4 96-8 + I4-7 27 78 56 1 0-554 193-1 178-1 -25-3 o 25 567 0-601 7 3-6 86-2 + i5-6 o "4 ' 56 1 0-546 185-5 173-4 25-5 '4 1 1 1 Sept. 8* (145) (568) (3 9 56) 563 0-309 189-9 I73-2 -10-4 o >7 0-888 127-0 155 0-961 75-5 302 250-769 0-910 253-7 427 Sept. 4 (96) (608) (757) 0-907 292-4 5 9 3 56 1 0-969 241-9 179-5, 24-9 65 "94 30780 566 i 0-149 46-5 102-9 '+ i3-o 28 255 246789 56 1 0-606 209-8 iSl'O 24-9 49 2 7 5 566 0-209 5q'i 98-6 +I3-3 63 56 1 0-626 207-7 180-7 -26-8 42 152 566 0*240 63-6 96-5 +i3-i IO 27 56 1 o-5 9 5 203-8 177-1 -25-g 10 56 566 0-262 57-4 96-0 + i5-i 32 202 56 1 o-5g5 200-8 175-3 267 2 28 0-878 80-4 236 56 1 0-563 198-9 173-3 25-0 20 118 Sept. 9* (35) (740 ( 4 33 4 ) 563 0-385 219-6 176-1 ! I0'2 21 5i 563 o - 35 1 208-4 171-4 10-8 12 35 0-980 166-6 52O 25i-688 0-980 240-3 1760 o-g53 76-3 2006 0-971 256-6 468 Sept. 5* (56) ( 7 .5) (2026) 0-961 292-2 764 566 o'i5i 3 18-5 102-9 + I3-7 66 271 566 0-122 327-1 100-9 + 13-0 2 33 247-936 0-933 248-7 128 566 0-106 336-7 99-5 + 12-8 5 18 56 4 o-g5o 289-8 219-6 4-21-1 i5 4 5 566 0-121 347-5 98-5 + 14-0 o 16 565 0-661 283-4 188-0 +14-3 1 1 25 566 D'102 io-6 gS-g + i3-o 16 67 56 1 0-723 224-4 180-4 25-0 58 283 566 0-149 77 g5-8 + i5'7 35 148 56i 0-736 221-9 180-6 27-1 12 108 566 o-i35 12-6 9 5-3 + '47 48 56 1 0-672 218-0 173-8 25-5 16 126 7590 Sept. 10* OH) (601) (2982) 563 0-574 2 4 r2 177-2 9-8 11 57 563 o-5 1 5 232-2 171-1 11-7 5 >9 566 0727 78-3 997 ! + i3-5 i3 40 382/ 202-666 o-g3 1 238-3 484 o8g3 I34-3 3i6 566 o-35o 289-2 104-0 + i3- 4 s 7 356 Sept. 6 (141) (703) (2355) 566 o-3o8 290-9 IOI"3 + 13-2 2 ii i 566 0-285 2947 99' 6 + 13-8 20 85 566 0-260 296-9 97'9 + i3'7 29 160 249-067 0-923 291-7 '74 566 0-266 3og-8 96-5 + 16-8 19 148 565 o - 85i 282-5 igo-5 + H'4 9 l62/ 56 9 0-835 73-5 27-2 + 77 12 32 56 1 0-833 236-6 180-4 22'5 o 9 5 7 o 0-865 71-2 23-9 + 19-8 10 48 56 1 0-840 233-9 1 80-0 *4 - 9 61 289 Sept.ll* (H9) (94) (484) 56i 0-846 231-8 179-6 26-7 3i 97 56 1 0-794 23o-2 I73-9 -25-2 o 87 8840 563 o-ySS 25o-5 1777 - 9-5 10 25 253-787 566 o-566 282-8 io3-8 + l3'2 65 3o 4 566 o-5i3 76-7 101-0 + i3-o 49 141 566 0-566 285-9 io3'5 + >4'9 55 566 0-536 76-0 99-5 + I3-6 7 42 566 0-534 283-2 loro + i3-i o 38 566 o-56 1 73-5 97-9 +i5-2 i5 61 566 0-525 285-0 100-8 -f-H'o 19 67 567 0713 74'4 86-2 + 16-2 2 il 1840 566 0-504 285-1 99' 3 + 13-8 o '9 Sept. 7 (1 7 5) (778) (1404) 566 0-487 282-6 98-4 + 12-4 i3 566 0-496 292-2 98-0 + I7'i 28 io3 566 0-476 285-6 97'4 + i3'7 61 249-738 0-957 25l'2 552 566 0-464 286-3 96-6 + i3- 9 9 35 T? / 0-957 243-2 938 566 0-454 285-3 96-0 + I3-3 2 16 0-919 282-8 53o 566 0-454 287-9 9 5-8 + 14-5 O 7 0-919 290-0 367 568 0-383 244-4 89-0 2-8 18 53 56 1 0-900 237-6 179-6 25-0 63 222 1 56g c 568 0-333 238-7 85-9 3-i 26 95 56 1 o-853 234-0 172-0 25-5 i5 62 56 9 0-669 72-6 27-71+17-0 4 24 566 0-370 7 3'2 101 6 + 12-9 21 123 570 0-733 70-9 22'5 + 18-9 12 36 * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facule are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS nml FACTI..*: upon the SON'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the Year 1881 continued. Dis- Iln.IOOUAPHIC SPOTS. FACII. .1:. Dis- HKUOOKAPIIIC SPOTS. l-'\. i i..i.. HMD Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter lor Spot. tance from Outre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean So'ar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Son'l I'o-ition from Sun's Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of TMIiKA for each Spot (and for Area of Will II, K tor e;u'li Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of DMBBA for each S]>ot (nnd for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for t~4o w^ Radius. Day). Day). I >.i}). Radius. Hay). Day). Day). 1881 o o 1881. o o 253 J 78 7 071 0-970 7 5- 7 352-3 + I5-6 i3i 258 d -g52 0781 277-0 Ill 571 0-976 74-0 35o-6 + 167 i3g 5 7 I 0-244 3g-2 35i'g + 17-9 49 248 572 0-976 69-4 35o - 4 + 21-6 154 23460 5 7 2 0-365 38- 7 346-8 + 23-4 7 5 4 5 1 072 o-g85 71-4 3 47 -6 + 19-5 o 1 56 5 7 2 0-353 49-2 344-7 + 20- 1 3 9 Sept. 1 2* (i 83) (i5o6) (2346) 573 0-334 5 7'3 344-1 + 17-2 5 0-892 uo-3 223 255-o83 566 0-770 280-9 io3-2 +i3-o 126 553 0-928 6r5 487 566 0-720 286-5 98-2+16-8 24 I2g Sept. 17 0*7) (7 '3) (821) 566 0-703 282-5 97-0 + lo'g 20 9 5 5 44 c 568 0-657 256-3 gr8 3-4 22 io3 568 0-570 2 53'4 85-3 3-3 41 u3 25g738 5700 0-897 278-8 55-2 + 11-0 18 6g 649 c 56g 0-444 65'2 27-4 +17-2 5 13 5 7 i o-i83 353-g 352-1 +17-6 3i 106 070 O-536 64-3 21-5+19-6 10 3o 071 0-175 358'4 35i-2 +17-2 i5 46 071 0-864 74'5 35rg + 17-0 76 224 5 7 2 0-291 i r6 347-3 +23-6 34 235 5-2 0-887 68-2 349-3 +22-6 86 238 5 7 2 o-23g 1 5'8 34o-g +2O-3 8 46 572 0-906 69-6 346-6 +21-5 69 235 5 7 2 o-25g 17-7 346-1 +21-4 8 33 573 o-g32 73-7 344-2 + 17'8 O 37 548 c 5 7 2 o-27g ! 18-8 346-3 +22-4 5o 0-806 127-8 5 7 2 o-3o5 18-7 344-8+23-8 5 64 Sept. 1 3 . (479) ('77) (i35 2 ) 5 7 2 O-252 26-4 344-1 + 20-1 i5 o- 94 6 6o'0 1230 255-g43 0-884 23O-2 283 '94 5 73-8 i537 566 0-882 280-0 io3'3 +12-2 83 494 Sept. 1 8* (i3o) (664) (3 4 i6) 566 0-839 284-5 98-4 + 16-0 28 ii5 4g3 c 566 0-828 28r5 97-2 i + i3-5 9 46 260-722 o*g3i 28l-8 262 568 0-798 25g 6 g2-6 3-g 24 log 5 7 3a o-g 7 2 2 7 g - 3 55-o +10-7 27 134 538 c 568 0-720 258-2 85-6 3-4 25 107 255 c 5 7 i 0-304 3o8'i 352-3 +17-6 3o i35 56g 0-289 oo-5 27-4 +17-6 2 5 7 i 0-287 309-4 352 2 + I 7 -3 i5 47 570 o-38i 53-o 21-9 +19-7 11 29 5 7 i 0-288 3i5-8 35o-o +18-8 o i3 671 0-753 7 3-i 352-0+17-4 52 225 572 0-321 332-5 347-1 +23'5 39 255 572 0-795 66-g | 3487+227 69 277 5 7 2 0-280 327-3 347-1 +20-6 2 3o 572 0-816 68-0 346-4 +22-1 25 230 5 7 2 0-292 336-3 345-1 + 22-5 12 118 5 7 3 0-836 73-1 343-8 + 18-0 i3 27 987 c 574 o-g55 76-3 264-1 +i5-i 38 107 Sept. 14 (33g) (1661) (2018) 075 o'97g 69-6 25 7 -8 +21-4 3g 217 0-866 72-1 383 207'o5g 566 0-972 280-6 1034 +12-0 97 45 1 0-866 74-0 4 9 5 566 566 0-948 284-5 98-6 +16-0 0-945 281-0 g7'g + i3-2 4 ' 17 11 } 463 nf 0-894 0-933 58-o 78-9 676 1012 568 o-g24 263-0 92-7 3-7 34 125 Sept. ig* (202) (io56) (3366) 568 0-871 261-9 85- 7 3-4 26 63 267 c 5 7 o 0-226 17-3 22-1 +19-6 4 20 261-961 0-878 288-0 161 571 0-571 69-5 352-2 +17-5 56 239 571 o'52i 292-9 35i-6 + 17-8 4 3 167 572 o-65o 63-4 347^ +22'6 9 538 572 0-480 307-7 345-8 + 23-5 61 269 573 0*675 717 344-1 + '7'6 10 19 574 o-83g 76-6 264-0 + i5-o '9 92 3i5 p 0-873 66-0 547 575 o-8gi 69-5 25 7 -g + 21-5 5i 264 273 f 0-9 1 5 I 10-2 177 0-761 57-8 33 1 Sept. i5 (321) (1483) ( 2 o3 9 ) 0-892 1 1 6-5 267 Sept. 20 ('74) (792) (i3 4 7) 258-102 0-961 284-7 445 O'6oi 125 568 o-ggo 265-3 g3'4 - 3-6 87 333/ 262 d - 7 84 571 0-670 289-1 352-1 + 18-0 3o 1 60 571 0-382 60- 1 352-1 +177 57 234 671 0-648 288-4 35o'4 +I 7 '2 o 13 572 0-482 53-o ; 347-7 +23-3 53 294 5 7 2 0-6 1 3 2997 340-8 +23-3 36 231 572 0-492 57-4 346-0 +21-7 23 161 574 0721 76-5 264-3 +14-6 12 40 573 0-489 i 67-4 044-3 +17-1 4 i3 575 0-798 68-g 25 7 -8 +21-0 48 228 0-878 114-3 200 c-883 697 748 0-902 62-3 79 1 0-925 1 1 3-o i ^76 Sept. 16 (37) (78o) ('944) Sept. 2 1 * (126) (672) (924) Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in Millionth* of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. I 2 68 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the Year 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOT*. FACDL^E. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. V \cm-M. MBOTI Solar Time. No. of Grroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre iu terms of Sun's Radius. 'osition Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Ja'lius. J osition Angle from Sun's Axis. i Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of [JMBHA i for each Spot (and for Day). Area of rVHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- ' tude. Area of JMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of VHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. j63 d 787 5 7 I O'SlO 287-1 35i-6 + 18-0 27 9 5 2l8c 26g d> g6i 0-869 2q3-8 836 5 7 2 0-756 295-7 345-2 + 23-8 44 96 0'8o3 238-8 133 5 7 2 0-7.31 2q3-l 343-4 + 21-5 o i3 352 c 574 0-729 283-8 262-7 + 14-6 5 5750 o'32o 328-0 3o 7 -8 + 22'6 o 26 575 0-674 293-2 256'g -f-20'5 54 255 574 0-557 74'9 263-8 + 14-1 10 35 578 0-337 221'2 228-7 - 8-1 4 7 575 0-654 66-2 2577 + 20-7 36 201 5 7 7 0794 128-9 173-0 25-0 8 10 5g5i/ Sept. 2 2* d'7) (566) (5 7 o) 576 0717 7^9 170-0 + 14-8 61 289 494/ Sept. 28 (127) (5 7 i) (2058) 264787 571 0-921 286-6 352-0 + 18-0 21 95 5770 270-ggg o-gz3 292-2 869 572 0-872 2g3 5 344-8 + 23-8 49 196 58 7 c o'8g5 243-8 228 574 0-372 68-1 263-3 + 14-5 9 3o 575 0-8 1 8 290-7 256-5 + 207 58 264 255^J 575 0-486 5g - o 2577 + 20-8 35 23g 578 0-527 243-0 23o-i - 7 - 9 ' 9 Sept. 23* (114) (56o) Oi6 4 ) 579 0-41 5 196-8 209-1 -167' 6 27 58o 0-196 3 7 -I 195-0 + i5-6 o i5 5 77 0-682 i3g-o 172-5 25-1 7 25 567 sj 265-923 '947 234-0 122 676 0-538 7 2-3 170-0 + i5-i 62 28g 0-826 295-3 J 74 o-g43 72-7 583 5 7 i '99i 286-8 353-0 + i7'5 3o 9' Sept. 2g (!3 4 ) (629) (2502) 5 7 2 O'q66 292-4 345-6 + z3-3 32 205 525 c j 574 0-164 34-6 2637 + 14-6 8 24 5y5 o-3o3 36-4 258-1 + 20-9 5o 242 272-044 o-g28 243-3 25o ! 0-858 68-0 182 575 0-926 289-1 256-8 + 20-2 65 223 407 / 0-964 747 202 579 o'53g 225-1 211-7 l6'2 3 11 Sept. 24 (120) (562) (1205) 58o 0-173 336'4 192-5 + i5- 7 9 H 5 77 o-58o 154-4 172-3 25-0 3 8 5y6 0-338 64-5 170-1 + 14*6 67 227 266-952 0-989 2367 3o3 0-894 464 0-9 1 3 2g5'o 25o 0-923 ii3 0-853 2417 211 Sept. 3o (H7) (483) (1284) 574 0-186 3 1 6-0 263-2 + H-5 6 H 675 0-243 352-1 257-6 + 207 35 25g 676 0-993 76-6 171-1 + i5-i 72 348 340P 272-896 o-g35 246-2 82 o-g35 1 1 3-3 269 | 0-808 253-7 9 2 Sept. 26 (ii3) (621) (I 3 7 3) 5 7 5 o-g75 289-6 255-6 + 20-6 37 213 304 nf 579 0-669 237-0 212-7 16-0 2 I 58o o-33 7 299-8 194-8 l+iS-g 7 20 267-988 0-9 1 3 292-8 4 23 577 0-532 171-5 172-2 25-0 3 8 0-888 240-7 321 576 o-i85 41-7 169-9 +14-5 36 223 574 0-379 zgi-6 263-1 + H'4 10 16 58i 0-826 I2I-I 128-1 20-9 7 '9 122 C 675 o - 35o 3 1 3-6 257-5 + 20-5 33 218 582 0-963 79-3 102-0 + I2-I 9 34 6l2/> 577 o-g58 118-9 174-2 25'2 o 9 632 C 0-796 7 2-3 268 5 7 6 0-942 0-786 767 74-3 170-7 + H'8 65 312 5 7 8 nf u5 Oct. i 0-975 ii3'3 (99) (5 1 g) 194 ('674) Sept. 26 (.08) (555) (2069) 274-079 o-g33 2og'2 1 167 269-087 O'qi8 241-0 '94 0-838 240-2 l52 o-83g 3O2'O 474 583 o-853 288-8 : 220-2 +IQ-4 i5 57 267 c 0-772 287-8 383 58o 0-575 288-3; ig5-g + i5-8 5 24 574 ; 0-575 285-7 262-5 + 14-5 o 5 576 o-2o5 3i3'2 170-4 + 14-5 38 211 5 7 5 ; 0-524 2g8'6 267-0 + 20-4 42 236 58i 0-677 I2 9'5 I2 7'9 ~ 2 ' i3 43 578 0-268 I 7 5'5 226-5 - 8-7 5 i3 582 o-856 80-0 102-3 +irg 4 16 4g2c 577 0-877 123-9 I 7 4'3 25-3 o 1 6 74 3/ 0-907 1 16'8 123 Sept. 27 5 7 6 0-841 77 -o i 7 o-2 + 14-6 49 (96) 264 (53 4 ) 6gg nf (H93) Oct. 2 0-Q25 1 1 96-2 (75) (35 1) 98 (> 2 99) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASrnES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACI-L.E upen the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAH 1881 continued. U- HELIOORAPHIC SrOTS. FACULJE. Qit. III MOOKAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.*. Xo. of tance , T - t;iin'i' N o. of f . . Mean Solar Time. tr-r tr r *- si. ! Kadiuv. Position Angle Su --<*- Vxi -' tnde. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Mean Solar Time. no iii r/" <* te', for ** Suk Radius. . osidon Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- ' tude. Area of JMBKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WIIOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o 1881. I74 d '920 0-922 307-2 ig3 2794-796 0-974 289-5 1445 583 0-926 288-6 218-9 4-I9-6 I 1 53 2i6c 0-752 235-0 637 5 79 o-gi I H9'4 212'g -i5-7 9 20 i go s 58 1 0-789 23g-8 i32-o 19-0 28 155 58o O'7o3 285-9 *94'9 4-10-8 13 46 167 c 58 1 0-746 233'7 126-1 21-5 10 90 5 7 6 o-36o 293-9 170-2 4-I4-5 28 1 58 58 1 0-705 228-3 120-7 22-8 4 20 58 1 0-573 141-5 128-1 2O-5 9 47 586 0-733 76-4 38-g +14-2 47 280 582 0-740 79-6 102-5 4-I2-I 8 ii 586 0-737 79-2 38-4 4-12-1 o 16 584 0-807 77-1 96-4 4-14-2 4 5o8c 586 0760; 77-1 36-o 4-13-8 5 57 0-852 98-2 87 586 0-802 7 8-I 32-5 4-13-3 II 48 ii45/ 0-868 I2I-0 146 Oct. 8* (1 05) (666) (322 7 ) Oct. 3 (78) (349) (i5o 7 ) 280-800 58 1 o-go3 245-0 i32'9 ig-5 18 io3 58i 0-870 242-3 127-9 20-4 o 121 275-962 0-969 25o-5 326 58i o-85i 241-6 125-5 20-2 9 39 926 c 583 0-979 289-9 2 1 6-3 4-20-8 40 141 252 S p 58 1 0-856 23g'4 125-3 22'2 o 28 58o 0-806 284-1 195-8 4-i 5-4 8 56 36i c 586a 0-726 ' 222-2 1O6'0 27-4 67 576 o-5 60 286-2 170-2 4-H'4 24 141 586 0-064 73-9 3g-o +14-1 38 269 58 1 0-473 161-9 1277 20-3 25 9 3 586 0-594 75-6 36-7 4-13-4 36 582 o'56o 78-2 102-7 4-irg 8 18 586 0-646 77-2 32-7 4-12-9 4 21 58 4 0-642 o-g83 7 5-5 797 97-0 4-14-2 o 5 222 Oct. 9* 0-799 7*7 (69) .(655) 474 (1400) Oct. 4 (io3) (449) (ll6l) 281793 58 1 0-974 248-3 133-3 ig-5 i38 58 1 o-g52 246-2 127-8 ; 20-4 o 128 9070 276786 58o 0-962 283-5 198 8 4-14-8 o 88 58 1 o-g36 245-4 124-7 -20-4 o 67 58o 0-921 283-3 I 9 3-5 4- H7 8 62 12770 586 o-38o 66-6 38-7 4-14-4 4 3 2g5 576 0-701 283-7 170-2 4-H-i 20 85 586 0-432 73-6 34-7 4-12-6 o 10 58i 0-446 191-2 i3ri ig-5 20 1 08 586 0-470 74-0 32-2 -f 12-8 18 58i 0-453 182-7 127-1 20-4 16 60 587 0'502 126-2 35- 4 -11-7 i5 61 58 1 0-485 1767 124-1 22-4 O 35 587 0-553 1227 3 1-4 I2'0 4 57 582 o-3 9 7 0-946 74'4 79' 102-9 4-12-1 4 18 5go Oct. 10* 588 0-973 66-4 34r9 4-24-3 o <6a) 142 (886) 745 c (|652) Oct. 5 (68) ( 4 56) (1867) 282784 0-979 246-4 840 0-877 282-1 55g 277791 0-981 284-6 77' 586 o-ig3 42-8 3g'o 4-14-1 4i 219 o-go3 235-1 i3gi 586 0-214 52-o 36-8 4-i3-5 *9 576 0-844 283-0 170-5 4-14-3 27 u3 58 7 0-342 i5o-4 36-8 -n-3 17 no 585 o-8o3 289-0 i65-8 4-ig'o 5 5 4 58 7 0-384 140-9 32-4 -11-4 48 541 s 58 1 o'53o 216-0 i3i-8 -*9'4 28 1 80 58 7 0-408 141-7 3i'7 12 8 o 17 58 1 0-492 204-5 1 25-1 20-3 17 65 587 0-413 i38'7 3o-6 -12-3 17 70 58 1 0-524 , 200- 1 1 23-g 23-2 o i5 588 o-giS 66-0 340-4 4-24-3 4 109 586 o-gSg 76-7 38-2 + H' 6 78 267 12400 Oct. 11* t (79) (602) (1940) Oct. 6* (i 55) (694) (3 4 02) 283796 0-9 56 238-1 1367 0-934 282-6 1062 278-899 o- 9 3 4 237-0 406 586 o'l 69 324-1 39-1 4-13-7 48 242 576 o-g5o 283-0 170-5 4-U-3 29 79 586 ' 0-192 340-9 37-0 4-16-3 3 16 585 o-g3- 289-5 168-1 +20-4 o 5o 556 nf 586 0-140 334-3 36-g 4-I3-I 29 58 1 o'66q 232-3 1.11-8 18-9 3i 160 587 o-3og 1 93-4 37-5 i r6 23 122 58 1 0-618 220-1 125-6 -20-3 20 log 143 c 587 0-296 188-1 35-7 i ri 3 i5 586 0-857 7 6< 9 38-6 4-14-4 87 343 587 o'3o8 176-4 32-2 -irg o 33 586 0-88.5 78-3 35-5 4-13-3 12 204 573 nj 587 o-32i 171-8 3o-6 -12-6 17 7 o-g3 1 105-7 200 588 0-814 63-g 340-1 4-24-5 14 63 Oct. 7 (179) ( 9 5o) (1878) Oct. 12 0-929 66-2 (108) (59*) 1124 ( 4 o53) * Indian photo. The Arras of Spots and Faculso are expressed in Nfillionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. 70 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOGRAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL.S. Dis- HELIOGBAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL^E. Moan Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's- Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for Radius. Day). Day). Day). iudius. Day). Day). Day). ' i ] 1881. o o l88l. o 284 d 78o 0-g52 288-2 1 536 2gi d -022 0-790 2go-3 9' 586 0-348 294-5 3q-2 4-13-8 34 25g 58g 0-240 3g- 4 288-9 4-io-g 92 443 587 0-422 I 226-6 38'4 I T2 9 35 5go 0-587 74' 262-7 4-i3 - 7 34 '77 587 0-408] 224-6 3 7 '2 11-2 o 21 5gi 0-6 1 8 627 262-2 4-20-8 26 '47 H/ 587 0-364 21 5-8 32-8 I I'3 24 5g2 0-696 125-4 261-2 i g-5 29 291 587 O-354 2og-g 3o-6 I2-O i5 68 5g2 73g I23'O 257-0 -197 12 87 i3i c 588 o'6g5 5g-6 33g-i 4-25-0 24 O'qi6 118-0 1 65 0-847 66-1 670 0-954 74-3 240 Oct. i3* (58) (43 ') (2206) Oct. 19 (I 9 3) ("45) (68 1) 285-898 586 o-566 285-g 3g-5 4-13-7 56 244 587 0-617 243-1 3g-6 11-4 4 9 291-978 0-854 2937 '94 587 o-5 1 8 235-4 3i-5 u-8 10 '9 58g o-ig8 342-4 289-0 + 16-1 94 544 588 0-533 5i-3 338-5 4-24-6 7 '9 5go o-3g2 72-0 263-1 + 11-8 23 78 58g 0-966 74-8 28g-8 4-16-1 3o 314 372 np 5go 0-410 66-5 262-7 4-14-3 4' 184 0-917 11 3-3 21 I 5gi 0-464 527 262-2 4-21-1 26 120 Oct. 14 ('07) (6o5) (583) 5gi o-5o5 55-i 25g-i 4-21-5 3 9 5g2 o-56 1 i36-g 261-0 ig-3 65 2 go 5g2 0-583 1 33-7 25g-i ig-o 17 286-898 586 586 0737 283-7 0-711 287-6 397 3 7 -2 4-16-4 4 5 10 227 38 252 C 5g2 5g3 0-6 u 1 32 -4 70-3 256-g 214-0 i 9-6 4-20-3 '9 32 129 go 4 33 p 58g 0-881 0-878 75-0 5g-2 2 9 o- 4 + i5"g 47 288 1 33 Oct. 20 0-844 123-2 (3o3) (1461) 77 (74) Oct. 1 5 (102) (553) (1004) 292-775 0-907 297-1 58o 287-787 o-83i 252-1 512 58g o-3 1 5 3oo-3 2gn 4-14-1 i5 5o 1 II 586 0-807 282-9 39'9 4-14-0 4 3 184 998 c 58g o-3o6 3og"4 28g-i 4-16-2 92 426 Oct. i6 58g 58g 5gi 5 go 0-773 0-840 o- 9 76 o-g8o 74-2 74-6 ~9'9 78-0 2 9 0'3 283-3 262-1 261-4 4-16-0 4-20-9 + 12-9 38 o o (80 170 23 , 4 3 196 (716) Il52 / i568 c ( 4 23o) 5go 5go 5gi 5gi 5 9 2 0-229 o-265 0*346 0-376 0-466 517 36-8 40-0 263-5 262-5 262-1 25g-g 26r3 4-I2-I 4-'4'5 4-21-2 4-21-7 ig-o i5 25 17 9 36 go '49 127 26 198 5g2 0'5 1 2 144-2 266-4 ig-5 '9 89 5g3 0-843 6g-2 218-0 + 20-3 '9 288-923 586 58g 0-948 0-962 o-5go 255-2 282-3 6 9'9 40-4 2go - 6 4-13-3 + 16-2 53 ' 52 3o8 199 297 3g3n/ Oct. 21* 5g3 0-894 0-961 6g-5 76-3 2117 + 20-6 (228) 46 (1220) 863 c 1420 (2863) 58g o-63i 717 2877 4-15-8 5 i5 7 58g 5go 5gi 5g2 5 9 2 0-682 0-889 o-8g3 o-g3i o-g55 O'Q22 72-8 777 69-2 i i3"o li2-g 56-2 283-3 262-7 262-5 26o-g 256-6 4-i3-5 4-2TO 19-0 -I9'9 9 32 3o 5 7 o 25 220 no i go 8 291 nf 5io/ 406 c 293-784 58g 5go 5go 5go 5gi 0-487 0-129 0-102 O'l66 0-276 294-6 344'9 352-4 355-g 358-8 288-9 263-6 262-4 262-3 262-0 + 16-2 4-12-3 4-io-q 4-14-6 4-2TI 46 8 24 '7 382 37 8 i3 7 1 08 Oct. 17 \j y** (238) (1217) (2251) 5g2 0-416 178-1 260-8 -ig- 4 40 175 5g2 0-427 1727 z58 - 3 -9'9 53 5g2 0-427 167-9 256-2 ig-5 32 97 289-896 58g 5go 5gi 5q2 o-gl6 0-437 : 0-769 0-783 o-83i 2go-8 - 63-g 75-8 67-6 117-8 288-g 262-8 262-3 26rg 4-16-0 !+HH 4-20-8 19-4 78 46 27 37 335 225 126 178 I 7 594 594 5 94 3 94 5g3 0-296 O-29O o-3o5 0-328 0-716 26-7 36-5 38'4 35-8 66-1 253'5 25ro 25O'I 249-8 217-4 4-20-3 4-18-7 4- 1 8-8 4-20-4 4-2O-5 3 o 7 22 3o 8 64 18 y 5g2 0-874 0-858 1 1 6-6 52-o 256-8 ' 20-0 4 12 253 c 144 5g3 5g3 0770 0789 68-3 67-5 212*2 210-6 4-ig-g 4-20-8 o o 10 18 Oct. 1 8 ('92) (8 7 6) (99') Oct. 22* o'Sgo 74'9 (177) (1167) i5o5 (i5o5) Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facute are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOI.AK Pnr'> ( ;i; \riis THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 71 MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL* upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HKIJOOKAPBIO SPOTS. FACUL*. Dis- HKLIOORAI'HIC SPOTS. FACUL.K. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, anil Letter for Spot. tance froai Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from SOB'S Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of jroup, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun'i Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of DMBBA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of \VHOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBHA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o o o 1881. o o 2 9 4 d 788 58g 0-665 288-5 289-2 4-1 5-g 63 33 7 298*785 5go o-gog 284-2 261-2 + 4-9 O io5 5go 0'28g 296-4 263-7 4- 1 2- 1 7 16 5g2 0-929 246-0 260-2 20-2 25 "47 5go 0-289 306-4 262-2 + 47 20 123 5g2 o-go3 245-g 256-4 -ig-4 o 20 5gi 0-307 32 1 7 262-0 4-21-1 25 93 5 94 o-8i3 289-5 249'4 4-18-6 o 13 5g2 0-460 2o5'9 260-7 -19-4 4' 133 594 o-799 292-2 247-6 4-20-4 3 86 5g2 0-437 "97'7 256-5 ig-6 17 87 594 o-8o5 294'6 247-9 4-22-5 o 32 5g4 0-284 342-1 253'7 4-20-6 3 16 5g5a 0-206 22'4 141-5 4-15-6 56 . 0-249 344-4 202-4 418-8 18 62 5g5 o-gi2 33-7 ig-3 o 38 1 854 594 0-269 358-3 248-9 4-20-6 38 196 Oct. 27* (28) (502) (I85 4 ) 5g? 0-622 63-3 212-2 +20-2 o 6 5g3 0-647 63-5 210-3 4-2O-8 o '4 0798 74-8 1690 299-77 5 5 go 0-977 284-4 260-7 4-1 5-o 72 Oct. 23* ' (232) (io83) (i6go) 5g2 0-982 248-7 258-8 i 9-8 16 98 653 c 5 94 0-902 291-4 246-5 4-21-2 36 2 9 5'78o 58g o'8o5 286-4 288-6 4-16-1 53 357 5g5 0-811 118-1 i33- 4 ~'9'4 i3 32 5go 0-491 287-1 263-9 4-12-6 o 5 0-876 II8-3 5ig 5go 0-473 292-6 262-0 4-14-8 18 107 Oct. 28" (29) (238) (1172) 5gi o-5i i 304-4 262-1 4-21-2 24 88 0-569 2247 260-3 -ig-3 21 144 092 0-528 220-2 256-4 -19-1 26 107 3oo-g86 0-928 246-0 202 5 94 0-416 3i3-8 254-0 4-21-4 o 9 o-go5 299-0 129 5 94 o - 3g3 3 irg 253-3 4-19-8 17 68 0-783 2927 58 1 594 0-348 321-0 248-8 4-20-4 5o 249 594 0-990 291-5 249-3 4-21-g o IO2 2690 5g3 0-406 47-5 216-7 4-20-5 o 9 5g5 0-657 I26'9 i32-g ig-5 6 25 5g3 0-465 53-3 211-9 4-20-6 o 9 0-680 I25'7 4 26 5g3 0-496 5 4 - 4 2og-8 4-21-2 o '4 0-872 7 5-5 345 o-gSg 67-0 6o3 0-898 96-7 1 66 Oct. 24' (210) (1166) (6o3) o-g56 ug'3 94 Oct. 2g (6) (127) (2212) 2g6-g3o 58g 0-924 285-2 287-8 4-i5'g 104 3go 574/ 5gi o-6g3 295-9 261-9 4-21-2 26 102 5go 0-665 287-5 261-0 4-i5-i 44 I 4 2 302-068 0-916 289-7 449 5 9 2 0-727 236-3 260-0 20-1 36 i5o 5g6 0-700 246-1 i 9 3-3 -1 3-2 7 5 9 2 0-683 234-9 256-2 ig-2 1 27 68 5g6 o-65o 242-6 188-6 i 3-g 16 5 94 0-588 299-0 253-3 4-20-6 i5 4 3 0-870 68-2 io3 594 O-53" 2gq'8 249-7 4-19-6 9 9 5 Oct. 3o (o) (23) (552) 594 o-523 3o3-2 247-9 4-20-9 4 5 214 5g3 0-337 3o'5 209-6 4-21-6 5 10 o-837 j 687 250 3o2'75g 0-888 290-8 680 0-916 125-8 224 Oct. 3i* (680) Oct. 25 (3n) (1214) (1048) * 3o3-653 0-878 252-1 5 7 2 297-906 0-790 , 3io-3 67 5g6a o'goo 284-8 I93-5 4-iS-i o 36 58g 0-989 284-3 289-0 + 14-9 o 207 63gn/ 5g6a 0-875 285-4 ig2-3 4-15-5 o 26 17970 091 0-834 291-8 262-9 4-207 7 ^4 198 c Nov. i* (o) (62) (236g) 5go 0-814 2 84'7 261-3 : + 14-7 26 l.")2 182 c 5g2 0-845 242-7 260-0 2O'O 36 142 092 o'Sog 242-1 256-2 ig-i 9 58 438 c 304-760 o-g63 283-g 5i8 594 0-749 2g2'2 254-0 4-19-7 2 12 5g8 0-968 76-4 40-9 4-14-2 99 5 94 O'6gi 292-0 2^g-6 + 18-4 4 25 Nov. 2 (o) (99) (5i8) 594 0-680 2g5'3 248-1 4-20-5 3o 212 368 c 5g3 0-292 352-0 209-7 4-21-5 o 6 5g5 0-973 1 10-7 i33'4 18-8 9 37 36i c 0-753 617 23o 3o5'78g 5g8 0-887 76-2 40'9 4-14-1 3o 119 821 f 0-865 128-7 235 Nov. 3* (3o) (119) (821) Oct. 26 (|33) (885) (2718) -** I Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculic are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. 72 REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACULA upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPUS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- tance HBLJOQRAPBIC SPOTS. FACDL*. Dis- tance HELIOOKAI'UIC SPOTS. FACULZ. Mean Solar Time. No. of Gronp, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day), Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1881. o 1881. o o 3o6 d 764 0' 9 42 296-8 1276 3i3 d 784 5g8 0-704 287-6 41-5 4-I4-5 22 72 698 0-767 74'9 4 o-g 4-14-0 22 117 H23/ 599 0-387 3 1 6-9 14-3 4ig-0 34 Nov. 4* (22) (l 17) (23gg) 599 0-337 326-g 9' + 194 O 63 600 o'2g3 6-0 356-0 420-0 i5 600 O-255 24-7 35i-5 416-4 o 16 307-998 0-868 242'2 7 3o 600 0-281 27-0 35o-i 417-5 o i3 5g7 0-802 280-6 12 7'3 4-10-7 2 7 1770 600 0-274 36-6 348-1 4167 18 5g8 0-671 70-5 40-6 414'' 29 n5 60 1 0-358 133-7 342-6 I1'3 24 92 0-896 6i-3 179 60 1 '499 124-2 332-8 -i 3-4 18 Nov. 5 (3i) (22) (1086) 6o3 0-946 73-7 286-7 4 i6-5 log 38 1 1096 c Nov. n* ('89) (83 1) (1096) 308-789 o-g36 244-9 1221 698 0-416 62-8 4''4 4 14*3 24 104 o-g53 747 973 3i4"g4C 0-906 264-3 1 06 Nov. 6* (24) (I0 4 ) (2194) 698 0-863 284-4 41-8 4 1 3- 9 24 97 5 99 o-57g 2 99 -3 14-8 4i8-g 26 i55 309-793 0-960 246-0 856 599 0-614 304-8 9-1 419-6 9 37 698 0-242 38-3 41-6 414-4 19 97 600 0-263 333-3 3497 416-4 4 3i 6oia 0-614 46-8 26-8 424-1 o 28 60 1 0-246 i83-o 343-4 I I'2 17 66 6oi o-563 47'4 23-3 425-5 o i3 601 o-3 10 161-6 334-0 -12-g 2 6 600 0-840 7 3-2 353-g 416-0 o 38 602 o-5g3 68-5 3o8-o + '4'9 5 21 600 0-879 76-6 3 4 g-3 414-4 o 5 9 35? c 602 0-646 70-9 3o3-7 4i4-5 8 27 60 1 o-g3g io3'6 342-1 i i-5 o 104 6o3 0-800 75-7 290-1 4i3-i 6 3o 601 '977 io3-8 33 4 -i -127 o 101 6o3c 6o3 0-833 72-3 287-1 4i6-3 1x8 420 g63 c Nov. 7* (19) (44) (1816) Nov. 12 ("9) (890) (1069) 310-764 5g8 0-208 340-1 4"'9 414-6 18 97 316-047 698 o - g63 283-7 4 2-3 4i3- 9 20 77 i39/ 600 0-706 70-9 364-0 4i5-8 o 44 604 0-929 23g-3 3r6 -27-1 23 132 600 0-760 73-i 3 4 g-i 4 1 5'o 5 48 604 o-go3 234-6 26-0 -3o-i i5 125 i63c 60 1 o-83g io6-5 342-6 -ii-8 72 5 99 0-764 2g2'5 l5'2 418-6 i3 162 60 1 o - gi2 106-8 333-7 12-9 107 607 c 5 99 0-722 294-3 12-1 4lg-2 o 9 Nov. 8* (23) (368) (607) 599 o'6gg 295-9 9-8 4I9-8 i3 27 412 c 601 0-358 228-6 343-8 iro '9 69 602 0-382 55-2 3og-2 ;+>5-2 7 i3 311-975 0-918 294-0 23 7 602 0-466 62-4 3o3'5 4-147 2 24 5g8 0-394 3oi-3 42*0 414-8 24 112 6o3 0-671 72-0 2 94' 4 4-12-5 20 65 599 o-3 1 8 26-2 I3'2 + '97 7 4 6o3 0-6 1 1 7 i-5 2gi-6 + 1 3-4 4 3g 600 o'5oo 63-6 35 4 -i 4167 ii 27 6o3 0*660 71-8 288-0 414*0 i5 34 600 0-629 64-3 352-1 4i6-i 5 6o3 0-678 68-3 287-1 4i6-6 96 422 600 0-568 67-3 348-g + I5-3 10 47 606 0-972 66-3 261-6 4237 19 57 2l8/ 601 o - 66g ui'5 342-4 11-7 22 IOO 0-776 62-0 472 60 1 0-769 iog-5 333-g -12-6 15 64 160 c 0-879 68-3 222 0-904 65-o 67 o-g26 1 I2'2 167 Nov. 9 (89) (36g) (454) o-g55 128-2 102 Nov. i3 (266) (1266) (i885) 312-656 5g8 0-614 293-8 41-6 4I4-5 20 no 5 99 0-276 355-2 14-1 4ig-o 1 I 46 316786 o-go7 297-9 2 7 5 5gg 0-281 35g'4 12-9 + '9'4 7 23 0-889 287-6 3 7 2 5gg 0-266 8-2 10-4 418-4 8 33 604 0-972 242-1 3i-6 26-3 26 i n 600 0-365 55-7 364-6 + '4'9 '7 604 2o6'3 24-2 3o-5 19 7' 5g8 c 600 0-460 6r5 348-6 4 1 5-3 7 34 699 0-867 289-8 1 6-3- 4i8-3 4 5 601 0-555 117-1 342-5 -u-g 26 9' 599 0*840 2go"6 i 4 -3 4187 o 29 6240 601 0-667 1 14-1 334-1 -i 3-3 o 53 599 0700 2g3-2 g-O 4ig-g 26 0-962 71-7 1 397 60 1 0-483 240-7 343-7 11-2 16 36 Nov. 10* (79) (407) (1397) 6o3 0-428 64-7 296-1 + i3-o o 69 Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Facula: are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 73 MEASURES of POSITIONS and AKKAS of SPOTS and FACULA upon the Sun's DISK on PHOTOORAIMIS tukon in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HELIOGKAPIIIC SPOTS. FACUL.*. Dis- Hi i ILi: for each for eaeh Spot Spnt (and for (and for Day). Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. ,\1 .1 i:l UMBRA for eaeh Spot (and for Day). Area "f WHOLK for each Spot (and for Day). Area for e irll Group (and for Day). 1881. o o 1881. o o o 3l6 d - 7 86 6o3 0-483 67-6 291-2 4-13-0 5 5o 320 d '972 6o3 0-514 2Q2'I 292-3 4-13-0 O 7 6o3 0-018 68-5 288-8 + I3-3 4 27 6o3 0-462 304'1 286-6 4- 17-0 71 326 6o3 0-557 64-2 287-0 + I6-3 53 356 6o5 0*410 287 200-8 4-23-1 5 21 6o5 o-gzg 65-8 201-1 4-23-5 58 606 0'5o3 58-o 236-7 4- i->'4 32 168 Nov. 14* (123) (877) (1769) 606 0-533 59-9 234-9 + '7'7 8 12 606 0-604 60-8 229-4 4-iS-g 3o 116 606 0628 66-4 226-4 + 16-3 o 16 444/ 317795 0-920 289-6 7 88 607 0-575 7 3'2 229-1 + 11*4 70 2 7 5 6o3 0-245 35-1 296-7 + 14-1 8 37 607 0-694 76-5 2I9-9 4-io-g 7 40 6o3 0-247 42-4 295-2 + i3 - o 48 607 o - 6g i 81-6 219-7 + 7'4 o 8 6o3 0-291 5r5 29I-5 + 12-9 o 49 607 0-735 76-2 2i6-5 4-1 r6 1 33 488 3l7 e 6o3 O-323 55-2 289-3 + i3'i 18 0-878 67-0 480 6o3 0-383 5o-8 287-0 + I6-5 5i 338 0-924 io5'3 3i5 6o3 o-36o 67-2 285-4 -f-io'4 8 Nov. 1 8 (3 7 6) (1876) (2204) 6o3 0-386 57'9 285- 4 + 14-3 o 8 6o5 o-83i 63-g 25ri + 22-9 o 53 60 1 0-972 79-1 228-6 -+-II-2 i3o 322-OOI 0-896 292*2 222 606 0-986 224-6 + 16-3 o 9 14140 0-725 3i8-2 lOQ Nov. i5 (59) (780) (2202) 6o3 0-778 285-8 2997 4-13-5 27 1 06 go c 6o3 0-696 287-1 2g2-5 + I3-3 o 6 2g5 c 3 18-635 0-974 288-3 676 6o3 0-640 294-6 286-9 4-17-1 60 2 7 8 148 np 0-880 285-3 424 606 o-33g 36-6 23 7 - 4 + 177 4 3 I 7 2 6o3 0-2 1 1 344-5 297-2 + 14-1 32 80 606 0-363 4 r6 235-O 4-177 o 16 6o3 0-184 u-5 291-8 + I2-8 16 5 4 606 0-433 48-1 229-8 + 187 i3 60 6o3 0-272 24-8 287-1 + 16-6 55 3 4 i 606 0-445 56-i 227-1 4- 16-2 o 9 6o5 0-721 60-0 25i"4 4-22-8 1 1 4 5 607 o-38g 64-4 228-7 4-U-6 48 22 7 606 0-881 70-6 233-1 + 18-2 33 108 32 7 c 607 o'o55 72-5 217-1 4-11-4 102 442 606 0-928 73-5 226-2 4-16-2 42 832 c 0-842 58-5 35g 6o 7 o-gio 71-2 228-6 + 1 0-8 55 224 0-845 108-8 47 6o 7 0-976 79-5 2 1 6-5 4-10-7 21 211 1428 c Nov. 19 (2 9 3) (i3i6) (i3 7 o) Nov. i6 (223) (uo5) (368 7 ) 323-036 6o3 o-go3 283-6 3oo-o + I3-1 49 121 379 / 3ig-g6 7 0-971 285-2 585 6o3 0-791 290-1 286-6 4-17-0 67 343 745 601 o-g3i 256'o 343-6- I2-I O 9 4 83 / 606 0-277 354-0 237-6 + 17-9 3i 1 35 6o3 0-424 2 997 298-6 + 14-2 34 u3 606 0'302 17-8 23o - 4 4-18-6 9 26 6o3 0-377 3o3-3 295-2 + 14-1 3 607 0-286 3r8 226-9 4-iS-g o 3 6o3 O'o i-y 304-9 291-9 + 127 4 34 607 O'2O5 37'9 228-6 4-11-2 64 2JI 6o3 o-3o 325-5 286-8 + 16-9 75 326 607 0-269 62-6 222-0 4- 9' 4 16 6o5 o-53o 47'9 25l'2 + 22-9 4 4* 607 0-357 62-3 217-2 4-11-4 119 479 606 606 0-672 0713 66-9 67-6 236-3 232'g + 17-0 + 17-4 34 "4 'I! Nov. 20 609 0-843 108-2 I 80-5 -14-1 8 (35i) H (i3 9 8) 118 (1242) 606 749 66-3 23o-i 4-19-1 33 1 53 606 0-780 707 226-5 4-16-4 5 i3 226 c 323-g5o 6o3 0-972 282-6 3oo-i + 127 '9 9* 6o 7 0-750 77-2 228-4 48 279 6o3 0-894 287-9 286-3 4-16-8 5 4 265 68 \p 607 o-8o3 79-2 223-3 4-iQ-o 10 4 606 o-356 320-3 237-6 + 17-6 17 125 607 0-833 82-7 220-2 + 7'4 4 '7 606 0-291 340-5 2297 + 177 7 3i 607 0-865 78-0 2l6'9 -f 1 1-5 85 441 3g8 c 607 0-181 33 1 -o 229-0 4-io-g 25 1 55 0-755 120-3 '9' 607 0-177 3 4 5-i 226-5 4-H-6 3 39 0-822 53-5 23 4 607 0-140 O'l 223-9 + 9'9 3o 7 3 0-865 71-0 414 607 o-io3 ,67 222-2 + 7'5 6 26 Nov. I 7 (36o) (723) (2 53 1) 607 0-187 3o-g 218-3 4- 1 ro i5o 832 610 0-348 44-0 209-2 4-16-1 3 320-g 7 2 0-973 256-2 363 611 0-526 48-6 198-8 4-22-0 o i3 0-884 igo-5 22 609 0-731 I i3-i I79'9 15'3 i5 0-877 2o3-3 5o 0-942 120-3 126 0-778 2 977 213 0-943 63'2 206 6o3 0-606 290-4 298-8 + i3'9 20 99 Nov. 21 (3,.) (1669) (1016) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculte are expressed in Millionth! of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. K OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASTJHES of POSITIONS and AUEAS of SPOTS and FACUL.E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Dis- HEI.IOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACUL-E. Dis- HELIOORiPHIC SPOTSi FACUI^E. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). I88l. o o o 1881. o 324*793 6o3 0-962 287-2 286-5 + 17*0 5l 186 1 354C 33o d -o5o 0-91 1 3o6-o 141 606 0-487 304-4 237-6 + 17-5 18 5 9 0-848 253'7 118 606 0-382 3l7'6 228-9 + 18-0 7 47 607 0' 9 7I 27 9 -g 2ig-3 4 g-8 134 6 9 3 756 nf 607 o-3 1 5 299-3 229-0 4-IQ-5 3i 140 6og 0-682 247-8 i83-g -14-1 2 '4 igSp 607 0-260 3o5'4 225'2 -f-io-3 .6 81 6i3 o-g65 i io- 1 70-3 ig-o 8 20 607 0*191 3oo-o 222-3 4 7*1 5 17 6,4 o-g 9 2 iog-g 6,7 ig-6 16 322 402 c 607 0-192 326-8 2l8'9 -|-io-g io3 756 0-649 62-8 112 607 0-220 33g-8 2I7-3 + I3-5 6 32 0-866 62-0 io5 609 O'6o3 119-4 '79*9 -i5 7 4 ll Nov. 27 (160) (1049) (i832) Nov. 22* (241) (i336) (35 4 ) 33o-g54 o-g3o 255-8 93 326-004 0-899 293-8 225 6i5 0-929 255-o 198*7 -i3-5 o 10 0-898 238-8 92 6og o-8o5 25i-8 183-4 i3-g 5 16 3790 606 0*690 2g3-g 238-o + 17*4 17 72 616 0-747 56-5 88-4 425-o 5 18 606 0-602 296-6 23o-g -1-16-9 9 in 616 0777 58-8 8 4 -g 424-3 3 16 97 c 607 0-526 287-3 227-4 -r-io-3 28 248 6i3 0-891 I I 2*2 7o*9 -19-1 16 4 8 607 0-447 283-8 222-6 + 7-5 4 7 614 o-g55 I I II 60-6 -'9*9 143 60 1 482 c 607 0-412 294*9 219*1 + 11*4 171 972 Nov. 28 072) (709) (io5i) 612 o-2o3 4-2 I95-9 + I3-2 o 6 609 o'3gi i3g-g lSl'7 1 5-8 '7 95 0-864 78-2 116 331-995 0-909 252-0 400 0*922 1 1 3'7 302 617 0-535 70-8 87-0 4io-8 5 12 Nov. 23 (246) (i5n) (735) 616 o-5 9 7 45-8 897 425-2 10 20 616 o-63g 5i-i 84'9 4H' 2 2 5 026784 0-877 2g6-i 6 4 5 6i3 0-763 1 16-1 71-6 ig'o i3 53 606 0-796 290-9 237-5 + 17*4 i3 4 6i3 0790 114-1 68-7 -i 8-3 4 18 606 0-752 2gro 233-4 + 16-6 16 94 614 0-860 1 14-0 6r3 20'O 87 711 606 0-687 2g3-6 227-5 + 17-1 9 21 6,4 0-908 iog-6 54-4 -'7*4 6 '9 7 5 IC 607 0-683 284-2 228-7 + 10-7 21 123 0-820 62-3 53 607 o-65o 282-8 226-3 + 9'4 12 29 Nov. 29 (127) (838) (1204) 607 0-623 286-6 223-g + n*4 O 38 607 0-542 287-4 218-1 + io-6 1 08 742 609 0-294 174-3 184-8 -i 5-4 3 33 332-6o8 614 0-788 1 1 5-5 6 ro ig-3 i5i 428 609 o-3og 165-4 1 8 r 9 i5-g o IO Nov. 3ot (i5i) (428) 609 0-322 i5g-o 179-6 i5 - g 7 4' Nov. 24* ('89) (1172) (6 4 5) 333-783 614 0-629 123-3 6o-5 -97 86 49 1 327798 0-821 281-7 544 619 o-656 64*9 3-o 424-1 o 94 812 c 606 0*91 3 288-4 238-2 + *7'4 76 o-g56 122-7 996 606 0-889 288-3 234-8 + 16-8 17 196 865 c Dec. i* (86) (585) (1808) 606 0-834 289-7 128-2 + 17*1 n 112 607 0-836 281-8 229-3 -f-io-6 17 57 607 0-814 280-4 227-2 4 9'* o 27 607 0-798 282-6 225-5 4io-q o 77 334-904 0-940 3oo'7 171 607 0-717 283-4 218-2 4io-6 145 558 618 0-8 1 3 246-0 i3ri 19*0 44 76 609 0-326 2oo"5 180-0 -i 6-3 5 4 618 0*778 245-4 127-6 i 8-5 26 5 9 352 c Nov. 25* (190) (ii5 7 ) (1409) 614 0-452 142-8 62-6 20-6 27 IOO 614 0-466 136-7 5g-8 -ig-3 143 4'9 328-g38 o-go3 284-7 853 619 o-83g 60-2 26-3 424-9 5 4 25 7 0-875 67-9 200 619 0-867 5g"5 23-3 + 26-3 25 122 606 0-977 286-7 235-4 4i6-6 101 58o 6ig o-863 62-3 23-o 423-g 37 1 33 606 O"g53 288-1 229-8 417-6 i5 112 619 o-goo 6o-5 187 426-5 33 1 53 607 '947 280-1 229-1 + 9'9 20 78 619 o - g3i 6r8 1 3-6 426-3 "4 55 4 c 607 0-873 280-9 218-4 4 io- 1 '77 565 0-888 125-3 35g Nov. 26 609 0-467 229-5 79*7 -i 6-5 5 (3i8) 39 0374) (io53) Dec. 2 o-g34 70-7 (38 9 ) (i 333) 207 (1643) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. t Melbourne photo. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 75 MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS aud FACUL.B upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGUAPIIS taken in the YKAB 1881 continued. Dis- HEUOOKAPHIC SPOT*. FACUL.* Dis- HKLIOOKAPHIO SPOTS. FACULJE. Mean Solar Time. No. oi Group and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Positior Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group and Letter for Spot. tance from Centre in terms of Sun's 1'ositioi Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of DMB&A for each Spot (and for Area of \VIIOI.K for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for T-k__\ t Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of (7UB&A for each Spot (and (or Arra of \VHOI, K for each Spot (and for A rea for each Group (aid for 1 I i . i Radius Day). Day). Day). Radius Day). Day). Day). l88l. o o 1881. o o 335-9 7 6 618 0-916 248-3 129-8 -'97 98 512 525 c 340 d 78o 614 0-858 248-2 5g-i -187 60 27' 6i3 0-349 '947 70-8 -ig-3 7 6lg 0-625 3l6'7 307 + 267 o 20 614 0-364 I73-6 62-9 20-8 o 20 619 o'5g5 3i5-i 29-5 + 24-5 3 9 233 614 O-355 164-3 5g-6 iq-6 io3 33 1 6lg o'56g 3i8-5 26-6 + 24-9 38 190 614 0-413 143-7 5o- 4 19-0 24 6ig C'520 326-g 20-4 + 25-5 27 ,46 619 0-708 1 ."4-4 26-3 4-24-5 89 55 7 Dec. 8* (164) (860) 6ig 0768 56-2 2O'6 + 20-4 25 23g 601 c 0*704 , i32-o 32g 0-892 70-8 33o 341791 614 o-g5o 25o'2 59'4 18-9 44 138 763 nf Dec. 3 (3'5) (1690) (1788) 6ig 0-721 3o6-o 28-6 + 247 63 247 619 o - 6go 3o8-6 25-2 + 25-1 o 5 4 619 0-642 3i3-o 20'0 + 25-5 7 336-666 618 0-976 249-5 133-5 -ig-g o 282 625 0-914 71-8 282-7 + 16-6 16 73 566 c 618 0-954 249-9 127-4 Ig'O 5 iqo 1178 c 621 '97 8 61-8 2727 + 27-5 o 66 8o5c 620 0-470 320-1 7 5-i + 21-2 o 35 . Dec. g 6)4 0-340 188-0 5g-2 '9'4 96 332 (H3) (645) (a 134) 6iq O'6ll 46-9 27-0 + 24-8 75 5O2 619 0-634 52 7 23-3 4-22-7 o 10 342-831 o-g63 249-5 880 619 O'66q 49' 22'2 + 26-1 10 69 619 0-845 2997 28-5 4-24-3 38 145 619 O'6q4 52-1 ig-i + 20-4 i5 82 619 0-817 3oo-g z5-i +24'3 3 27 619 0-720 54-2 i6-3 4-20-0 18 261 / 619 0-782 304-5 20-5 4 25-8 25 0-901 68-7 802 619 0-741 3067 16-1 +20-8 o 19 0-960 104-4 6o3 619 0-71 1 3og-6 i 2*6 +26-4 o 1 1 881 c Dec. 4* ('9') (i525) (2844) 622 o-3gi 3i6'o 35 r3 4-i5'7 8 25 622 0-35 1 324-0 347-3 -|- i5-g o i5 625 0-8 1 8 69-1 282-3 !+i6-6 1 1 4 297 c 337780 0-940 286-q 94 621 0-917 59-7 272-2 4-27-3 8 128 697 c 620 0-641 302-6 76-6 + 2O- 2 o 20 '974 104-9 744 620 0-602 307-3 72-4 + 21-4 29 Dec. 10* (68) (435) (3499) 614 0-438 220-4 5g-o -ig-3 104 269 619 0-475 28-3 2 7 -3 + 24-7 85 532 343728 0-86 1 234-3 610 619 0-526 3 4 - 7 22-3 + 25-6 4 55 619 0-926 296-1 28-2 4-237 4' 1 4 3 I+54/ 619 o-5o8 37-6 2 I '9 + 23-7 o 18 622 0-043 298-8 352'5+i4-6 9 22 619 0-564 3g-9 1 8-0 + 25-6 9 i5i 622 0-467 2g8- 7 347'g +12-3 18 0-870 1067 864 622 0-434 3o3-8 344'g 4-13-3 o '9 Dec. 5* (202) ('074) (1768) 625 0*694 60-0 282-4 4-16-5 i3 5o 621 0-838 56-6 271-6 4-27-0 '4 7' 835/ 338 d -g3o 620 0-762 298-1 72-4 + 2o-g 5 10 297 up 6zja 0-881 1 06-0 262-5 -14-4 33" 490 614 0-637 235-3 60-6 -21-3 7 38 627 0-973 63-o 248-7 4-26-0 i3 166 88 9 / 614 0-609 207-9 5g'4 i8-g 60 156 620 np Dec. 11* (90) (022) (4278) 619 0*426 356-6 28-1 + 25-0 122 5go 619 0*450 14-2 ig-5 ! 4-25-7 2 9 192 344 d 78o 6ig o-g85 294-2 28-1 4-23-7 35 "4 242on/ o'gSo 63-2 2 4 3 622 0-720 289-9 353*4 + '3*5 25 0-973 107-0 216 622 0-6 1 o 292-8 344-0 ;+ '3-o o 16 Dec. 6 (223) (986) (1376) 625 0-534 56-o 282-0 4-i6-6 i3 37 621 0-717 5o-5 271-4 4-26-4 1 1 5i 33g-8o2 o-qi5 290-7 421 6270 0-746 iog-2 262-8 '47 o 12 804 / 0-832 246-2 55g 627 0-902 60-0 248-9 +26-4 IOO 358 614 77' 242-3 6i'8 2I'I 24 627 0-942 60-7 242-3 4-27-1 18 5i io3oc 6,4 619 0-737 0-475 244-3 333-3 5g-3 28-6 -187 + 24-9 69 9+ 219 4 25 628 0-961 72-0 236-6 4-17-' 22 '"{ 1 352 c \2j6nf 619 0-406 33 97 25'0 +200 18 "4 Dec. 12* ('99> (775) (6882) 619 0-446 347-6 in 4-25-5 23 122 619 0-446 357-6 16-2 + 26-2 13 346-781 o-g85 297'0 1980 o-go5 108-9 36 4 6290 0-967 287-6 io-3 4-16-8 o 4 8 8l6 o-g3o 61-2 56 7 625 o-38o 38-5 282-0 4-i6-3 3 25 Dec. 7 (*>4) (9 '7) ('9") 621 0-600 40-0 270-8 4-26-4 10 84 * Indian photo. The Areas tit Spots and Facnlz are expressed in Millionths of the Sun'- visible Hemisphere. a 64893. REDUCTION OF SOLAR . PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. MEASURES of POSITIONS and AREAS of SPOTS and FACUL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PnoToURArns taken in the YEAK 1881 continued. Dis- tance HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACDL*:. Die tance HELIOORAPHIC SPOTS. FACDLJE. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group and Letter for Spot. from Centre in terms of Sun's Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for r> av \ Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Area for each Group (and for 11 nil ins Day). Day). uay>. Radiug Day). Day). Day). 1881. o 1881. o 345 d 78i 627 0798 54-9 249-5 + 26-6 64 399 35o d '975 0-849 2 997 840 627 0-855 57-7 242-5 + 26-6 O 1 80 627 0-572 329-7 246-8 + 27-9 108 424 628 0-870 70-3 23 77 + 16-6 3i 1 10 i6 9 5/ 627 0-528 340*2 239-4 + 28-1 3 10 629 0-962 79-1 222-7 + IO-3 ii 79 628 0-358 328-9 238-8 + 16-2 22 I 10 629 '979 78-5 218-6 + 11-1 o 7 5 961 c 629 0-261 9-3 225-3 + I3-3 8 29 Dec. 1 3* (-19) (1000) (5 4 52) 629 0-216 17-9 223-g + IO-2 3 i5 0-929 627 119 346*954 622 0-949 285-0 35 1-3 + I3-8 24 258 c Dec. 1 8 (H4) (588) (959) 623 0-607 2 9 5- 7 3i5-o + 14-3 20 79 624 0-286 214-5 290-3 14-6 O 4 625 0-307 357-4 281-6 + 167 8 32 352-004 0-908 3oo-2 662 626 0-391 41-6 265-1 -f-15-g 5 i5 0-817 290-3 245 621 0-491 20-3 269-q 4-26-2 13 49 0-781 25o-8 1 68 627 0-670 4 5'3 248-5 + 27-1 86 414 627 0-683 3 1 6-3 246-4 + 28-0 75 365 627 0-738 5o-2 241-3 + 27-2 12 i58 53 7 / 628 o-5o6 307-0 23g-o -)-l6-I 29 96 628 0-721 60-2 23 7 -8 + 16-8 21 126 94/ 629 0-321 328-1 224-3 + H-I 23 629 o-855 77'' 220-1 + 10-4 23 97 629 0-247 329-2 221-6 + I0'5 o 8 629 0-892 76-3 218-8 + 117 O 57 0-873 57-8 219 629 0-925 76-0 214*1 + I2-5 o 32 406 c '949 72-0 76 Dec. 14 (188) (1087) (1495) 0-976 108-0 5o3 Dec. 19 (104) (492) (i8 7 3) 347782 0-984 285-2 1 1 56 623 0-751 290-1 3 16-3 + 14-1 9 129 625 o-365 327-0 281-7 + 16-6 o 20 353-o5 4 0-940 286-2 83 621 0-460 35g-3 270-2 + 26-1 2 32 o-g3i 3o3-2 418 626 0-280 g-5 267-1 + H' 8 3 24 627 o'8o5 307-3 246-6 + 27-8 89 36o 627 o-58 1 34-3 248-2 + 27-5 5 4 363 627 0775 3o8-3 243-4 4-27-2 o 3 7 627 o - 63g 42-1 241-1 + 27-1 12 87 628 0-674 296-5 239-0 + i5- 9 10 46 628 0-089 5g - 4 238-0 + 16-4 27 l3i 63o 0-917 I I 1-2 1 35-0 20-2 o 21 629 0-719 71-3 225-8 + 12-4 O 22 63o '949 109-7 129-5 19-2 o 13 907 np 629 0736 69-3 224-7 + 14-2 O 11 Dec. 20 (99) (477) (1408) 629 0-743 75-2 223-1 + 10-1 16 4 2 629 0-792 74'9 218-8 + iri 23 629 0-842 73-8 214-0 4 12-9 12 5 7 741 c 353-g5o 627 0-892 3o2'g 246-3 -t-27'9 1 34 3 4 6 Dec. 1 5* (.35) (940 (1897) 627 0-882 3o5-2 244-2 + 29-4 20 i3o 469 nf 628 0-804 291-9 23g'4 416-1 33 49 88 4 / 348-849 623 0-907 287-0 319-4 + 14-8 o H7 32O/> 63o 0-8 1 5 1 14-2 i36-2 20-7 3 '4 8 74 c 625 o'5i3 3o6-o 28i-3 + 16-3 16 63o 0-870 111-4 129-6 -I9'4 4 17 621 o'5o7 335-6 269-2 + 26-2 o 36 Dec. 21 094) (556) (2227) 626 0-335 323-8 267-5 + '4'4 o 25 627 o'5o5 i5- 4 247-1 + 277 72 362 354-778 627 O'g5o 3oo - 7 245-4 428-2 55 377 627 o"53g 26-6 240-1 4-27-5 7 65 628 o-8g3 289-3 238-8 416-1 o 16 363/ 628 '4 2 4 4.4-0 238-0 + 16-4 3i 126 63 1 0-412 207-8 897 23-3 o 12 629 o-53o 63-8 226-8 + 12-4 17 63 1 0-436 198-1 186-4 26-0 2 19 629 0-577 62-3 224-1 + 4'4 o i3 632 o-5 1 2 50-4 1 53-4 417-1 2 9 629 0-569 70-3 223"o + 9'9 6 28 632 0-547 55"4 >49'9 + 167 I 7 629 o-63o 70-5 218-7 + ii-i o 10 63o 0-703 118-4 i36- 4 2I'l I q 629 0-696 69-7 21 3'9 + i3-o 9 22 63o 0-774 1 1 3-9 129-2 ig-6 o 13 237 / Dec. 1 6* (125) (86 7 ) (320) Dec. 22* (61) (462) (600) 349-958 o - q56 296-3 206 355-686 o'g i o 287-0 1145 623 0-982 285-2 310 2 + 1 4'6 o 80 244/ 627 0-988 299-0 244-1 -t-287 10 365 547 / 627 O'5O2 35o-i 246-8 + 28-1 84 386 63 1 0-533 226-8 190-6 23-3 o 3 627 0-493 2-5 23g-8 + 27-9 o 35 63 1 0'02I 21 5-1 185-3 27-2 2 6 628 O'3io 8-1 238-6 + i6-3 17 83 632 O'3g2 36-9 i5r6 4i6-i O 8 629 o-36 1 56-i 223'! + 10-2 1 1 3i 633 0-368 5ro 148-8 4 1 I'2 4 29 Dec. 17 (.12) (6 1 5) ( 4 5o) Dec. 23* 06) (4") (1692) * Indian photo. The Areas of Spots and Faculae are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's visible Hemisphere. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 77 MEASURES of POSITIONS and ABEAS of SPOTS and FACOL^E upon the SUN'S DISK on PHOTOGRAPHS taken in the YEAR 1881 continued. Mean Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. 1881. 356 d - 7 57 Dec. 24* 357-684 Dec. 20* 358700 Dec. 26* 35g-6go Dec. 27* Dis- tance from Centre in terms of Sun's Kadius. 63 1 63 1 63 1 63 1 634 634 63 4 634 o-g53 0-989 0-992 0-964 0-804 0-767 0-931 0-975 0-904 0-881 0-490 0-527 0-863 0-9 1 5 0-964 0-920 0-406 0-448 0-784 Position Angle from Sun's Axis. 283-5 69-8 109-4 283-4 242'! 237-4 64-2 1 I2'I HBLIOOKAPIUC Longi- tude. 189-9 1 85' I 244-8 189-1 241-6 185- 147-6 144-6 63-3 1 1 3-6 -4 109-0 Lati- tude. SrOTg. Area of DMBBA WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). 2 4 5- 9 288-9 I72-3 1 65- 1 58-g iog-5 io5-5 -23-6 -26-1 -23-8 -26-0 -26-8 -277 26-3 28-2 (o) (7) o o 1 1 7 (18) 18 9 (37) Area of for each Spot (and for JLlay). (O) 38 7 (45) 43 29 26 to 9 3 73 (166) !' u-< i i . Area for each Group (and for Day). 711 253 354 286 258 c 121 c 4 5 7 689 (1811) 47 C 236 069 (.416) 810 io5 M4 (1064) Moiin Solar Time. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. i88i. Dec. 18* 36r6i8 Dec. 362-666 Dec. 3o 635 634 63 4 634 634 63 4 634 634 636 tanco from Centre in terms of Sun's Uadius. 0-817 0-986 0-419 0-436 0-773 0-968 O'5 1 7 o'5o3 0-488 0-937 0-938 0-873 0-663 0-610 o-85o Position Angle from Sun's Axis. HRLIOGRAPBIC Longi- tude. 292-0 287-9 2O2-5 189-2 118-0 617 221-8 208-7 209-8 71-9 60-0 249-3 233-7 224-9 57-3 109- 104- 109-9 io3-5 103-4 109-9 io3'o 21-6 Lati- tude. 25- 4 28'2 -25-2 28-8 -277 -25-5 -28-2 + 25-5 Si'OTS. Area of UMHKA for eiich Spot (aud for Day). Area of \VI10I.K for each Spot (and for Day). o 16 8 (H) 25 o 7 32 >7 i3 o (3o) 3i 97 81 (209) 73 32 38 (i 43) io3 25 n (.3 9 ) Area for each Group (and for Day). 22O 187* I O8 C 6 7 2 974 (2161) 770 i55 4 (2324) 700 n63 (i863) * Indian photo. The Area of Spots and Faculee are expressed in Millionths of the Sun's risible Hemisphere. f Melbourne photo. The following is a record of the absence of spots during the years 1878-81. Where the date is given without further remark, the photograph was taken at Greenwich. I. denotes the Indian, and Ma. the Mauritius record. When there was more than one record for the same day, preference has been given in the order named. 1878 January i Ma., 2 Ma., 3, 4 Ma., 5 Ma., 7, 8 Ma., 9, 10, i i, 12 Ma., i3 Ma., 16 Ma., 17, 18, 19 Ma., 20 Ma., 21 Ma., 22 Ma., 29, 3o, 3i. February i, 2 Ma., 9 Ma., 10 Ma., u I., 12, i3 I., 14 I., i5 I., 16, 17 I., 18, 19 I., 20 I., 21, 22 I., 23, 24 I., 20 I., 28 I. March i, 2, 3 I., 7 I., 8 I., 10 Ma., 19 I., 20 I., 21 Ma., 22 Ma. I., 23 I., 24 I., 25, 26 I., 27, 28 I., 29 I., 3o I. April i, 2, 3 I., 4, 6, 7 I., 8, 9, 10 1., 1 1 I., 1 1, i3, 14 I., i5 I., 16 I., 17 I., 18, 19 I., 20 I., 21 I., 22 I., 23 I., 24 I., 20, 26 I., 27, 28 Ma., 29 Ma., 3o. May i, 4, 5 Ma., 6, 7 Ma., 8 Ma., 9, 10, u Ma., 12 Ma, i3, 14 Ma., i5 Ma., 16, 17, 18, 19 Ma., 20 Ma., 21 M., 22 Ma., 23 I., 24 I., 25. June 7 I., 8 I., 9 I., n I., 12, i3, 14 I., i5 I., 16 Ma., 17 I., 18, 19 I., 20, 21, 22, 23 Ma., 24 I., 25, 3o Ma. July i I., 2 I., 3 I., 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12 I., i3, i5 I., 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 I., 22, 23, 24 I., 25, 27, 28 I., 29 I., 3o, 3i 1. August i, 2, 3 I, 4 L, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I., 1 1 I., 12, i3 I., 14 i5, 16, 17, 19, 21 I., 22, 23 I., 24 I. 20 I., 26, 27 I., 28, 29, 3o, 3i I, . September i I.. 14, i5 I., 16, 17 I., 18 I., 19, 20, 21 I., 22 J., 23 I., 24 I., 25 I., 26, 27, 28 I., 29 I., 3o. REDUCTION OF SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS THROUGHOUT 1878-1881. 1 878 continued. October i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 I., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 I., i3 I., 14, i5 L, 16 I., 17 I., 18 I., 19, 20 I., 21, 22 I,, 23, 24 I., 25, 26, 27 L, 28. November 10 Ma., u, 12, i3 Ma., 14 Ma., i5 Ma., 16, 17 Ma., 18, 19, 23, 24 I., 25 I., 26 I., 27 I., 28 I., 29, 3o I. December I I., 2 L, 3 L, 4 I., 5 I., 6 I., 7 I., 8 I., 9 L, 10 I., u I., 12 I., i3, 14 1., i5 I., 16 I., 17 L, 18 I., 21 I., 22 L, 23 L, 24 I., 25 L, 26 I., 27 I., 28 I., 29 L, 3o, 3i I. 1879 January i I., 2 I., 3 L, 4 I., 5 L, 6 L, 7 I., 8, 9 I., 10, n Ma. I., i3 I., 14 I., i5 I., 16 I., 17 L, 18 I., 19 I., 20 I., 21 I., 22 I., 23 I., 24 L, 25 L, 26 I., 27 I., 28 I., 29 I. February i L, 2 I., 3 L, 4 I., 5 L, 6 I., 7 I., 8, 9 I., 10 I., u I., 12, i3 Ma., 14 I., 17 I., 18 I., 19, 20, 21, 22 I., 23 I., 24, 25, 26 I., 27 Ma., 28 I. March i I., 2 Ma., 3, 4, 5 I, 6 L, 7 I., 8, 9 L, 10, 1 1, 12 I., i3, 14 I., i5, 17 I., 18, 19, 20 L, 21, 22 I., 23 I., 24 I., 25 I., 26 I., 27 L, 28 L, 29, 3o I., 3i. April i Ma., 2, 3 Ma., 4, 5 Ma., 6 Ma., 7, 8, 9 Ma., 10 Mo., u Ma., 25, 26, 27 Ma. 28 Ma., 29, 3o. May i, 2 Ma., 3, 4 Ma., 5, 6 Ma., 7 Ma., i3, 14, i5 Ma., 16 Ma., 17 L, 18 Ma., 19, 21, 22, 23 Ma., 24, 25 Ma., 26 Ma., 27, Ma., 28, 29, 3o Ma. June i Ma., 2 Ma., 3, 4, 6 Ma., 7 Ma., 9, to Ma., u, 12 Ma., i3 Ma., 14, 16 Ma., 17, 18, 19 Ma., 20, 21 Ma., 22 Ma., 23 Ma., 24, 25. July 7, 8 Ma., 9, 10 Ma., 18, 21, Ma., 22 Ma., 23 Ma., 24, 25, 26 Ma., 28 Ma., 29, 3o, 3i Ma. August i, 2, 4 Ma., 5 Ma., 6, 7, 8 Ma., 9, 14 Ma., i5, 16 Ma., 18, 20 Ma., 21 Ma., 22, 5, 26 Ma. September 8, 9 Ma., 10, n Ma., i3 14, Ma., i5, 16, 17 Ma., 18 Ma., 19 Ma., 20 Ma., 21 Ma., 22, 23 Ma., 3o. October 4, 5 Ma., 6, 23 Ma., 24 Ma., 25, 26 Ma., 27, 28 Ma., 29 Ma., 3o Ma. , 3i Ma. November i Ma., 2 Ma., 3 Ma., 19, 21 Ma., 22 Ma., 23 Ma., 24 Ma., 26 Ma. December 5 I., 6, 7 Ma., 8 I., 9 I., 10 L, 1 1, 12 Ma., i3 Ma., 14 Ma., i5 Ma., 24, 26 Ma., 27 Ma., 28, 29 L, 3o I., 3i I. 1880 January i I., 2 I., 22, 23 I., 25 I., 27, 28, 29 I. February i5 I., 16 1., 17, 18, 19 L, 20. March 5, 20, 21 I., 22 I., 23 I., 24, 25, 26 L, 28 I. April 10 I., ii I., 17, 18 L, 19, 20, 21, 22 L, 23, 24 I. May i5, 16 I., 17, 18, 19 I., 22 L, 23 I. June 5. July 12 I., 14, i5, 19. August i5 I., 26 I., 27 I. November 6 I., 7 I.. 10 I., 1 1 I., 12 I. 1881 January 16 I. August i5 I. December 24 T.