UC-NI - THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID PRINTED BY TAYXOR AND FRANCIS, BED LION COURT, FLEET BTREET. \vn PEEFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. THE first edition of this List was issued in 1862, and con- tained the names of all the animals that had been living in the Society's Gardens at any time during the previous year, with their habitats, and the dates and modes of their acquisition. In the second edition, issued in 1863, the animals living in the Society's Gardens from the 1st of January to the end of May of that year were given in a similar form . In the third edition, which was completed for press on the 1st of January, 1865, the names of all specimens received by the Society during 1864 were added to the List. In the fourth edition, issued in 1867, the names of all the vertebrated animals added to the Society's collection during the years 1865 and 1866 were inserted in their proper places ; so that the List contained a complete record of all specimens of Vertebrates that had been exhibited alive in the Society's Gardens in the years 1864, 1865, and 1866. In the present revised edition of this Catalogue I have pursued exactly the same system, and have added the names of all the vertebrated animals that we have received during the years 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, and 1871, with the date and mode of acquisition of each specimen. The result is a nearly complete Catalogue of all the living Vertebrates received by the Society during the past ten years. It is not, however, quite complete, as in the two first editions the references to some of the specimens which had been lost by death or departure were struck out ; but commencing from IT PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. January 1st, 1864, 1 believe that every specimen received will be found to have been inserted in its proper place, although there may of course have been errors in the determination of the species. For several years it has been my practice to bring before the scientific meetings of the Society short notices of the more important accessions to the Menagerie, with the object of calling attention to such as are of special interest. These notices are subsequently printed and published in the f Pro- ceedings* of the Scientific Meetings. Both our ' Proceedings' and ( Transactions ' also contain frequent communications referring to specimens living, or that have previously lived, in the Society's Gardens. I have thought that it would add to the value of the present Catalogue to add references to the ' Proceedings ' and ' Transactions ' in all these cases, so as to make the Catalogue a sort of index to numerous pas- sages in our scientific publications that refer to specimens in the Society's collection. When animals have been figured in our publications from specimens in the Gardens, a reference to the figure is like- wise added. The thirty woodcuts in the present Catalogue have mostly already appeared in the Society's ' Proceedings.' Some of them, however, have been kindly lent to me for the purpose of this Catalogue by the proprietors of ' Nature/ P. L. S. Hanover Square, W. June 6th, 1872. PEEFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. IN the present edition the names of all the specimens added to the Collection during the years 1872, 1873, 1874, and 1875 have been inserted in their proper places. The result shows that since the commencement of the year 1861 we have exhibited specimens of 570 different species of Mammals, 1224 of Birds, 227 of Reptiles, 39 of Batrachians, and 83 of Fishes, in all 2143 species of Ver- tebrated animals. The subjoined Table of the number of Species of the principal classes of Vertebrates included in the successive editions of the Catalogues will serve to give some idea of the progressive development of the Collection : First Edition, 1862. Second Edition, 1863. Third Edition, 1865. Fourth Edition, 1866. Fifth Edition, 1872. Sixth Edition, 1877- Mammals Birds 188 409 229 468 272 558 339 721 498 1044 570 1224 Reptiles 45 60 52 73 181 227 Batrachians Fishes.. 17 23 24 40 23 51 25 54 35 68 39 83 Total 682 821 956 1212 1826 2143 P. L. S. 11 Hanover Square, W. Feb. 8th, 1877. LIST OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS. 1. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. 1862. (pp. 100.) 2. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Second Edition.) 8vo. 1863. (pp. 120.) 3. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Third Edition.) 8vo. 1865. (pp. 148.) 4. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) 8vo. 1866. (pp. 204.) 5. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. 1872. (pp. 399.) 5 a . Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. Supplement, containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. 8vo. 1875. (pp. 54.) CONTENTS, MAMMALIA page 1 Quadrumana . . page 1 Lemures 33 Chiroptera 39 Insectivora 42 Carnivora 43 Rodentia 79 Proboscidea . 99 Sirenia , . . . 99 Hyraces 100 Ungulata 101 Cetacea 141 Edentata 142 Marsupialia 147 Monotremata . 159 AVES 160 Passeres 160 ; Columbas 338 Cypseli 219 j Gallinse 356 Pici 219 i Fulicarise 392 Coccyges 221 I Alectorides 398 Psittaci 232 j Limicolse 405 Striges 269 i Gaviaj . . 7T 412 Accipitres 279 \ Pygopodes 416 Steganopodes .... 302 Impennes 418 Herodiones 306 j Crypturi 419 Anseres 316 | Struthiones 421 REPTILIA . 426 Testudinata 426 Crocodilia . . . 441 Sauria 443 Ophidia 455 BATRACHIA 473 Anura 473 | Urodela 478 PISCES . . 481 LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. 1. Cercopithecus pluto Page 9 2. Macacns leoninus . . 15 3. Macacus cyclopis $ . . 17 4. Brachyurus ouakari . . 30 5. Perodicticus potto .... 37 6. Cynonyeteris collaris $ et pull 40 7. .Murus fulgens 72 8. Head of Ursus piscator . 74 9. Otaria jubata 77 10. Rhinoceros unicornis c? 100 11. Rhinoceros lasiotis. . . . 101 12. Rhinoceros sumatrensis 102 13. Rhinoceros bicornis $ . . 103 14. Tapirus terrestris .... 104 15. Head of Phacochcerus sethiopicus c? ad. ... 107 16. Head of Phacochcerus africanus $ jr 107 17. Cervus alfredirf 137 18. Cervus humilis <$ 139 19. Orycteropus capensis . . 145 20. Orycteropus sethiopicus 146 21. Head of Macropus eru- bescens , 152 Fig. Page 22. Heteralocha gouldi . . 215 23. Buceros plicatus 224 24. Head of Buceros sub- cylindricus 226 25. Stringops habroptilus . . 233 26. Head of Cacatua san- guinea 237 27. Head of Cacatua du- corpsi 238 28. Head of Licmetis gym- nopis 239 29. Speotyto cunicularia . . 277 30. Cathartes californianus 301 31. Plotus anhinga 305 32. Male and female Magel- lanic Geese in the So- ciety's Gardens, bred between Bernicla dis- par $ and Bernicla magellanica $ .... 321 33. Numida vulturina .... 383 34. Megacephalon maleo . . 390 35. Tribonyx mortieri .... 397 LIST OF ANIMALS, Class MAMMALIA. Order QUADRUMANA. Family SIMIID^E. Genus TROGLODYTES. Troglodytes niger } Geoffr. Chimpanzee. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1864. b. Male. Purchased, August 15, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1866. d. Male. Deposited, June 13, 1866. e. Female. Deposited, Aug. 17, 1866. f. Male. Presented by J. Snowdon Henry, Esq., Sept. 28, 1866. g. Male; h. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1867. From the river Congo. i. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1867. /. Male. Deposited, Jan. 22, 1869. 'fc. Male. Deposited, April 29, 1869. 1. Deposited, June 1, 1869. m. Deposited, July 1, 1869. n. Female. Deposited, Aug. 20, 1869. o. Female. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1869. p. Female. Deposited, April 10, 1871. q. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. r. Male. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. s. Male. Deposited, July 14, 1871. t. Male. Deposited, July 17, 1871. SIMI1DJE. u. Female. Deposited, July 9, 1874. v.-Male. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 14, 1874. w. Deposited, March 13, 1875. x. Female. Deposited, June 6, 1875. y. Male. Presented by Capt. Lees, Governor of Lagos, July 19, 1875. SeeP.Z.S. 1875, p. 529. Genus SIMIA. 2. Simla satyrus. Linn. Orang-outang. Hal). Borneo. . Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. I. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. d. Deposited, March 29, 1867. e, f. Presented by Colonel Benson and Mr. Vyapoory, June 19, 1868. g, 7i. Females. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. Genus HYLOBATES. 3. Hylobates hoolock (Harlan) . Hoolock Gibbon. Hab. Assam. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. v. 4. Hylobates lar (Linn.). White-handed Gibbon. Hab. Malay peninsula. a. Male ; from Mergui. b. Female ; from Tenasserim. Pre- sented by G. S. Rodon, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 603. Specimen a is figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. v. p. 86. c. Female. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Anson, May 16, 1872. From Malacca. d. Male. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1872. e. Female. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1873. /. Male. Purchased, July 25, 1873. g. Male. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1873. h. Male; i. Female. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Dec. 4, 1873. SIMIIDJK. CERCOPITHElD.li. 5. Hylobates leuciscus (Schreb.) . Silvery Gibbon. Hab. Java. . Female. Purchased, July 20, 1871. 6. Hylobates variegatus (Geoffr.). Ungko Gibbon. Hab. Sumatra. a. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. c. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. Family CERCOPITHECID^E. Genus SEMNOPITHECUS. 7. Semnopithecus entellus (Linn.) . Entellus Monkey. Hab. India. a. Presented by Miss M. L. Gordon, July 23, 1864. b. Presented by Capt. H. T. Forbes, Roy. Art., June 26, 1865. c. Purchased, March 28, 1866. d. Purchased, May 1, 1866. e. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. f. Male. Purchased, April 20, 1869. 'g. Male. Purchased, June 22, 1869. h. Purchased, April 14, 1870. i. Female. Received in exchange, March 31, 1871. j. Female. Purchased, June 9, 1873. 8. Semnopithecus obscurus, Martin. Dusky Monkey. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110. b. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1874. 9. Semnopithecus leucoprymnus (Otto) . Purple-faced Monkey. Hab. Ceylon. a. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1864. b. Purchased, June 22, 1868. c. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1871. e. Male. Purchased, June 21, 1873. 13 2 4 CERCOPITHECID.E. 10. Semnopithecus maurus (Schreb.). Moor Monkey. Hab. Java. a. Received, July 30, 1864. b. Received in exchange, Feb. 8, 1866. c. d. Presented by Capt. D. Nutsford, March 1], 1871. e. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. From Malacca. /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. Genus COLOBUS. 11. Colobus polycomus (Schreb.). King Colobus. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Purchased, May 16, 1873. 12. Colobus ursinus (Schreb.). Ursine Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 23, 1864. 6. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c. Purchased, May 17, 1868. d. Female. Deposited, May 13, 1869. e. Purchased, April 14, 1870. 13. Colobus bicolor (Wesmael). White-thigbed Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 28, 1873. 6. Female. Purchased Aug. 8, 1875. c. On approval. Aug. 21, 1875. i Genus CERCOPITHECUS. 14. Cercopithecus talapoin (Erxl.) . Talapoin Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. W. B. Bridges, R.N., Nov. 28, 1866. From the Congo river. 6. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, March 29, 1867. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., F.Z.S., April 13, 1869. d. Female. Purchased, April 14, 1870. e,f. Females. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. g. Male. Presented by C. B. Maseyk, Esq., Aug. 20, 1872. h. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1873. t. Male. Purchased, June 21, 1873. CERCOPITHECID^E. 5 15. Cercopithecus cynosurus (Scop.). Malbrouck Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 3, 1865. b. Purchased, May 13, 1865. c. Presented by W. W. Vine, Esq., R.N., May 24, 1866. d,e,f. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Purchased, June 10, 1868. h. Presented by D. Thompson, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. i. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. j. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., July 21, Jc. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., Sept. 6, 1874. I. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1874. m. Received in exchange, July 8, 1875. n. Female. Presented by C. S. N. Newman, Esq., Nov. 1 1, 1875. 16. Cercopithecus lalandii, Is. Geoffr. Vervet Monkey. Hab. South Africa. a-z. See last edition. act. Presented by Rev. H. H. Woods, Oct. 18, 1869. 66. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1869. cc. Female. Presented by R. R. Juler, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. dd. Male. Presented by C. S. Robinson, Esq., Nov. 24, 1869. ee. Presented by R. Aytoun, Esq., Sept. 20, 1870. ff. Male. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1870. gg. Male. Presented by John Bruce, Esq., Nov. 22, 1870. From Eastern Africa. hh. Female. Deposited, Nov. 30, 1870. ii. Male. Presented by Rd. Jeffs, Jun., Esq., Dec. 10, 1870. jj. Female. Presented by T. Hooby, Esq., Feb. 20, 1871. We. Female. Presented by the Rev. J. C. King, March 13, 1871. II. Male. Presented by W. S. Page, Esq., March 20, 1871. mm. Female. Presented by J. C. Lawrence, Esq., May 29, 1871. nn. Presented by His Highness Prince Duleep Singh, F.Z.S., July 10, 1872. oo. Male. Presented by F. A. Dixon, Esq., Aug. 27, 1872. pp. Male. Presented by E. Yince, Esq., Jan. 31, 1873. qq. Male. Presented by H. N. Hewitt, Esq., May 22, 1873. rr. Female. Presented by Capt. E. G. Fenn, Aug. 9, 1873. ss. Male. Presented by Col. Gordon Ives, F.Z.S., Aug. 12, 1873. tt. Male. Presented by Lord Calthorpe, F.Z.S., May 25, 1874. uu. Male. Presented by Comm. J. H. Smith, June 1, 1874, CEllCOPlTHECIDjE. vv. Male. Presented by Mr. C. Hassam, Aug. 26, 1874. ww. Male. Deposited, Nov. 27, 1874. xx. Male; yy, Female. Presented by Mrs. A. Thornley, March 32,1875. zz. Male. Presented by Miss E. Sissison, April 9, 1875. aaa. Female. Deposited, June 7, 1875. lib. Presented by Mrs. Bond, July 24, 1875. ccc, ddd. Presented by Mrs. Abbett, Oct. 8, 1875. eee. Deposited, Dec. 26, 1875. 17. Cercopithecus griseo-viridis, Desm. Grivet Monkey. Hob. North-east Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1864. b. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1865. c. Presented by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S. Feb. 24, 1865. d. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1865. e. Presented by E. G. Brietzeke, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Female. Presented by Capt. J. Cracknell, March 30, 1869. "g. Male. Presented by Mrs. Yaughan, June 12, 1871. h. Male. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1871. i,j. Males. Presented by Dr. Horner, Dec. 21, 1872. Jc. Females. Presented by J. Daws Bray, Esq., Jan. 17, 1873. I Male. Presented by MTS. Contearn, Dec. 31, 1873. 18. Cercopithecus callitrichus, Is. Geofir. Green Monkey. Hab. West Africa. o-z. See last edition. aa. Female. Presented by Miss E. Gardner, March 5, 1872. bb. Male. Presented by T. Brosking Howe, Esq., March 15, 1872. cc. Male. Presented by Miss Bulmer, March 15, 1872. dd. Female. Purchased, June 28, 1872. ee. Male. Presented by E. W. Day, Esq., M.D., Jan. 14, 1873. ff. Born in the Menagerie, July 13, 1873. gg. Male. Purchased, July 29, 1873. hh. Male. Presented by Mrs. Bradshaw, Dec. 4, 1873. ii. Male. Presented by Mrs. Lange, April 6, 1875. jj. Male. Deposited Aug. 14, 1875. Tele. Presented by W. Winter, Esq., Nov. 16, 1875. II. Female. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1875. mm. Female. Presented by C. F. Wood, Esq., Nov. 30, 1875. nn. Presented by the Rev. J. W. Ayre, Dec. 31, 1875. CERCOPITHECID/E. 7 19. Cercopithecus rufo-viridis, Is. Geoffr. Mozambique Monkey. Hab. Mozambique. a. Presented by Commander Bedingfield, R.N., June 14, 1859. From the Zambesi. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 420. Mus. Brit. b. Presented by G. Billing, Esq., June 1, 1860. 20. Cercopithecus ruber (Gin.). Patas Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by G. E. Stanley, Esq., Aug., 1, 1863. b-d. Purchased, Dec. 27, 1864. e. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1868. g. Presented by Clement P. Penny, Esq., Sept. 28, 1869. h. Female. Deposited, Nov. 8, 1870. i. Female. Presented by E. Hoad, Esq., July 14, 1873. j. Female. Presented by A. E. Oakes, Esq., Dec. 22, 1873. k. Male. Purchased, July 11, 1874. I. Male. Presented by Dr. R. F. Mayne, Nov. 3, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 664. m. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. n. Male. Purchased, April 14, 1875. 0. Female. Deposited, May 6, 1875. 21. Cercopithecus pyrrhonotus, Hempr. et Ehr. Nisnas Monkey. Hab. Nubia. a. Female. Presented by Col. the Hon. P. Fielding, June 16, 1871. SeeP.Z.S. 1871, p. 623. b. female. Deposited, March 31, 1875. 22. Cercopithecus albigularis, Sykes. Sykes's Monkey. Hab. East Africa. a. Received in exchange, Dec. 15, 1864. b. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1865. d. Deposited, May 22, 1866. e. f. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1868. g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. h. Female. Deposited, April 15, 1872. 1. Male. Purchased, June 18, 1872. j. Male. Presented by F. B. H. Lambert, Esq., July 30, 1872. 7c. Female. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1875. 1. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. 8 CERCOPITHECID^E. 23. Cercopithecus mono, (Schreb.). Mona Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 5, 1862. 6. Received in exchange, March 9, 1865. c, d. Purchased, March 6, 1867. e. Purchased, June 24, 1867. /. Purchased, June 27, 1867. g. Purchased, March 10, 1868. h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. i. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. j, Jc. Males ; Z, m. Females. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1871, 7i, o. Females. Purchased, April 7, 1874. p. Female. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. 24. Cercopithecus diana (Linn.) . Diana Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, June 14, 1864. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Purchased, May 18, 1866. e. Purchased, July 18, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Male. Purchased, May 8, 1869. h. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871. i. Male. Presented by H. Worrall, Esq., May 2, 1872. j. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. k. Female. Purchased, March 15, 1875. 25. Cercopithecus erxlebeni, Dahlb. et Puch. Endeben's Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. b. Female.. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From the river Congo. 26. Cercopithecus erythrog aster, Gray. Red-bellied Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 16, 1866. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 168, pi. xvi. See also notes by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 380. b. Purchased, May 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 430. CERCOPITHECID^E. 9 27. Cercopithecus campbelli, Waterh. Campbell's Monkey. Hob. West Coast of Africa. . Female. Presented by Mrs. E. Ivey, June 15, 1872. b. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1874. See P.Z. S. 1875, p. 1. c. Male. Presented by Capt. Damm, ship ' Cupido,' May 10, 1875. d. Male. Presented by Miss A. J. Brown, Oct. 9, 1875. e. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. 28. Cercopithecus pluto, Gray. Pluto Monkey. (Fig. 1.) Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1870. b. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Purchased, June 29, 1871. d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. e. Male. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. /. Male. Purchased, June 25, 1872. g. Male. Received in exchange, July 2, 1872. h. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1873. i. Male. Purchased, May 10, 1873. Fig. 1. Cercopithecus pluto. 10 CERCOPITHECID^E. 29. Cercopithecus cephus (Linn.). Moustache Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1862. I. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Purchased, March 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1867. h-Jc. Received in exchange, July 3, 1868. I Presented by Dr. Dyer, Nov. 16, 1868. m, n. Received in exchange, July 2, 1869. o. Male. Presented by Major- General Gambier, July 19, 1870. p. Male. Presented by Mr. F. Barnett, Nov. 8, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871. r. Received in exchange, Dec. 21, 1871. s. Female. Purchased, March 5, 1872. t. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1872. u. Female. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1873. v, w. Females. Purchased, June 10, 1873. x. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From Cabinda, West Africa. y. Female. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1874. z. Female. Received, July 16, 1874. 30. Cercopithecus nictitans (Linn.) . Hocheur Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, April 8, 1871. c. Purchased, July 26, 1871. d. Male. Purchased, April 13, 1872. e. Female. Purchased, May 16, 1873. /. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1874. g. Female. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1874. 31. Cercopithecus petaurista (Schreb.). Lesser White-nosed Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1864. b. Deposited, June 13, 1866. c. Purchased, July 18, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1867. /. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. h. Male. Presented by John Gordon, Esq., May 14, 1875. CERCOPITHECIDA1. ]_ ]_ 32. Cercopithecus ludio, Gray. Ludio Monkey. Hab. West Africa. . Purchased, May 26, 1868. b. Female. Deposited, Aug. 7, 1871. c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. d. Female. Purchased, June 27, 1872. Genus CERCOCEBUS. 33. Cercocebus collaris (Kuhl). White- collared Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Received in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Presented by A. F. Bidgway, Esq., Dec. 3, 1864. d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Presented by Capt. James Erskine r R.N., Feb. 6, 1867. f. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1867. h. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. i. Presented by the Rev. Dan. Greatorex, Jan. 28, 1868. j, k. Presented by Dr. Leared, Dec. 19, 1868. I. Female. Presented by Col. Addison, April 14, 1869. m. Male. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. n. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. 34. Cercocebus fuliginosus, Geoffr. Sooty Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Addison, Esq., April 13, 1864. b, c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Deposited, Nov. 24, 1865. e. Deposited, July 23, 1866. /. Female. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, May 3, 1870. h. Male. Purchased, June 6, 1870. i. Presented by General Osborne, Sept. 30, 1870. j. Male. Presented by E. Atkinson, Esq., July 14, 1871. k. Male. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. I. Female. Presented by Mr. Martin, July 22, 1874. m. Male. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. 35. Cercocebus cethiops (Linn.) . White-crowned Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. b. Presented by F. van Zeller, Esq., June 15, 1870. c. Female. Presented by W. G. Petchett, Esq., March 5, 1875. 12 CERCOPITHECIDJE. 36. Cercocebus albigena (Gray) . Grey-cheeked Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1865. See notice by Dr. Murie, P.Z.S. 1865, p. 740. b. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1866. c. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, R.N., Feb. 16, 1867. d. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1869. e. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. g. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. Ti. Male. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. i. Male. Presented by the late H. Ansell, Esq., May 27, 1875. Genus MACACUS. 37. Macacus radiatus (Shaw). Bonnet-Monkey. Hob. Continental India. a-xx. See last edition. yy. Female. Presented by J. Hare, Esq., Feb. 19, 1872. zz. Male. Presented by Mr. T. Egerton, March 6, 1872. aaa. Female. Purchased, April 13, 1872. bbb. Male. Presented by the Rev. T. W. Wrench, April 18, 1872. coc. Female. Presented by R. Campbell, Esq., May 1, 1872. ddd. Male. Received in exchange, May 4, 1872. eee. Male. Presented by J. F. Green, Esq., May 8, 1872. fff. Female. Presented by W. Clayton, Esq., July 18, 1872. ggg. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1872. hhh. Female. Presented by the Hon. C. Lowther, Sept. 23, 1872. Hi. Male. Presented by Capt. James Riley, Oct. 18, 1872. jjj. Female. Presented by Miss Nelson, Nov. 13, 1872. TcTclc. Female. Presented by W. Blackmore, Esq., Nov. 26, 1 872. III. Female. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1872. mmm. Male. Presented by R. Laws, Esq., Jan. 6, 1873. nnn. Male. Presented by Miss Miiller, Jan. 8, 1873. ooo. Male. Presented by A. Lloyd, Esq., Aug. 9, 1873. ppp, qqq. Females. Presented by Lord Louth, F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1873. rrr. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1873. sss. Female. Presented by J. K. Ward, Esq., Oct. 20, 1873. ttt. Male. Presented by Miss Bradshaw, Dec. 4, 1873. uuu. Female. Presented by F. E. Bradley, Esq., Dec. 24, 1873. wv. Female. Presented by Miss Shepherd, Jan. 20, 1874. www. Female. Presented by R.Wilkinson, Esq., Feb. 9, 1874. ssxx. Female. Presented by Mrs. Manser, April 22, 1874. CERCOPITHECID^E. 13 yyy. Female. Deposited, May 5, 1874. zzz. Female. Deposited, May 27, 1874. aaaa. Male. Presented by Mr. Bruce, May 28, 1874. bbbb. Female. Presented by Miss Du Boso, June 13, 1874. cccc. Male. Presented by Mr. Woods, June 18, 1874. dddd. Male. Presented by M. Nicholson, Esq., Oct. 7, 1874. eeee. Female. Presented by Mr. Fullard, Oct. 15, 1874. ffff. Female. Presented by T. Hughes, Esq., Oct. 26, 1874. gggg. Male. Presented by Mrs. Phillips, Dec. 1, 1874. hhhh. Female. Presented by L. Miller, Esq., Dec. 21, 1874. iiii. Male. Presented by Miss Isabel Watt, Dec. 23, 1874. jjjj. Female. Presented by H. Lumsden, Esq., Jan. 19, 1875. khkk. Female. Presented by Miss Mary Hailes, Jan. 23, 1875. llll. Presented by Miss MeUey, Jan. 26, 1875. mmmm, nnnn. Females. Presented by Sir F. S. Gooch, Bart., Feb. 11, 1875. 0000. Male. Presented by Chas. Hajee, Esq., April 30, 1875. pppp-tttt. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. uuuu. Male ; vw v. Female. Presented by Mr. Turnbull, Sept. 23, 1875. wwww. Male. Presented by Mr. Aspinall, Nov. 9, 1875. xocxx. Presented by Gordon Adam, Esq., Nov. 22, 1875. 38. Macacus pileatus (Shaw) . Toque Monkey. Hob. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. Kelsall, R.E., July 31, 1862. b. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1863. c. Presented by Miss Maria Laura Ronald, Dec. 13, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. John Williams, Oct. 19, 1866. e. Purchased, June 5, 1868. /. Male. Presented by Mr. A. S. Redrup, May 14, 1872. g. Male. Presented by the Serjeants of the First Battalion Scots Fusileers, July 31, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1873. 1. Presented by Mrs. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1874. j. Female. Presented by A. Ferris, Esq., May 12, 1875. 39. Macacus cynomolgus (Linn.) . Macaque Monkey. Hob. India. a-dddd. See last edition. eeee. Male. Presented by Mrs. Farnham, Feb. 15, 1872. ffff. Female. Presented by Mrs. C. Salvin, Feb. 17, 1872. gggg. Female. Presented by Miss Perkins, June 20, 1872. MM. Male. Deposited, July 23, 1872. iiii. Male. Presented by S. E. Phillips, Esq., Aug. 15, 1872. 14 CERCOPITHECID.E. jjjj. Female. Presented by J. Norris, Esq., Sept. 5, 1872. Jckkk. Female. Presented by T. Crook, Esq., Sept. 23, 1872. llll. Male. Deposited, Oct. 4, 1872. mmmm. Male. Presented by W. Watts, Esq., Nov. 2, 1872. Prom Siam. nnnn. Male. Presented by H. Speed, Esq., Dec. 12, 1872. oooo. Female. Received in exchange, Jan. 20, 1873. pppp. Male. Presented by H. N. Hewitt, Esq., May 22, 1873. qqqq. Presented by Capt. Denison, R.N., Oct. 8, 1873. rrrr. Female. Presented by G. Veitch, Esq., Oct. 14, 1873. ssss. Male. Presented by R. G. Whitfield, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 1, 1873. tttt. Hybrid between this species and Macacos erythrceus. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 2, 1873. uuuu. Female. Presented by Mr. Gore, Nov. 22, 1873. vvvv. Male. Presented by Lady Stirling, Nov. 28, 1873. wwww. Male. Presented by L. Owen Fox, Esq., Jan. 28, 1874. xxxx. Female. Deposited, Jan. 31, 1874. yyyy. Female. Presented by Mr. T. Waight, March 3, 1874. zzzz. Female. Presented by Mr. W. Webster, April 4, 1874: aaaaa. Female. Presented by Capt. J. Mahood, June 4, 1874. bbbbb. Female : white variety. Presented by Sir Andrew Clark, K.C.M.G. &c., Aug. 11, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 495. ccccc. Female. Presented by H. A. Marckmann de Lichtabbell, Esq., Sept. 6, 1874. ddddd. Presented by P. T. Wharton, Esq., Sept. 12, 1874. eeeee. Female. Presented by Mr. Fullard, Oct. 15, 1874. fffff. Male. Presented by C. Lucas, Esq., Jan. 4, 1875. 99999' Presented by H. Lumsden, Esq., Jan. 19, 1875. hhhhh. Presented by F. G. Lane, Esq., Jan. 29, 1875. iiiii. Female. Presented by Mrs. Pole Shawe, Feb. 2, 1875. jjjjj. Male. Presented by H. Edwards, Esq., March 12, 1875. Tckkkk. Female. Presented by H. Pocock, Esq., March 24, 1875. lllll. Male (white variety). Presented by J. Ross, Esq., April 23, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349. mmmmm. Male. Presented by S. Lawrence, Esq., May 1, 1875. nnnnn. Male. Presented by A. Le Miere, Esq., June 16, 1875. ooooo. Presented by Lord Lindsay, July 3, 1875. ppppp. Presented by G. Vallenten, Esq., July 16, 1875. qqqqq. Female. Presented by Mrs. Kent, Sept. 18, 1875. rrrrr. Male. Presented by Mr. Knight, Sept. 23, 1875. sssss. Male. Presented by Mrs. Gibbs, Oct. 28, 1875. ttttt. Male, uuuuu. Female. Presented by Mrs. Tipping, Nov. 4, 1875. vvvvv. Female. Presented by Mrs. Marsh Nelson, Nov. 16, 1875. wwwww. Male. Presented by Miss Kate Symonds, Dec. 3, 1875. xxscxx. Presented by J. A. Ferris, Esq., Dec. 20, 1875. yyyyy. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1875. CERCOPITHECID^E. 15 40. Macacus nemestrinus (Linn.). Pig-tailed Monkey. Hob. Java. a. Keceived in exchange, Dec. 15, 1864. 6. Purchased, July 19, 1865. c. Presented by S. Youlton, Esq., March 31, 1866. d. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1866. e. Presented by Douglas Marsh, Esq., Peb. 2, 1867. /. Presented by W. D; Garside, Esq., April 15, 1867. g. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1868. Ti. Male. Presented by Lieut. Codrington Hall, E-.N., Jan. 4, 1870. Fig. 2. Macacus leoninus 16 CERCOPITHECID^K. i. Presented by V. H. Straker, Esq., April 29, 1870. j. Female. Presented by M. Olivier, Oct. 3, 1870. k. Male. Purchased, March 3, 1873. I. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1873. w. Female. Presented by J. E. Kincaid, Esq., June 5, 1874. n. Male. Presented by Dr. Cole, Jan. 15, 1875. o. Male. Presented by Miss H. E. Humphreys, April 26, 1875. p. Male. Presented by A. B. Gordon, Esq., May 1, 1875. 41. Macacus sancti-johannis (Swinhoe) . St. John's Monkey. Hab. North Lena Island, Hong-Kong, China. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1867. Original specimen received from Mr. Swinhoe, and described by him in P.Z. S. 1866, p. 556. b. Presented by T. J. Fawcett, Esq., Oct. 29, 1867. 42. Macacus leoninus (Blyth). Leonine Monkey. (Fig. 2, p. 15.) Hab. Arracan. a. Female. Presented by Capt. R. A. Brown, R.N., July 8, 1869. Specimen named by Mr. Bartlett M. andamanensis, Land & Water, 24 July, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467, and 1870, p. 663. b. Male. Purchased, June 14, 1870. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. xxxv. p. 664. 43. Macacus erythrcsus (Schreb.). Rhesus Monkey. Hab. Continental India. a-ii. See last edition. jj. Male. Presented by M. A. Nasmith, Esq., April 6, 1872. We. Female. Presented by Capt. R. H. Abadio, May 1, 1872. II. Female. Presented by J. F. Green, Esq., May 8, 1872. mm. Male. Presented by W. Clayton, Esq., July 18, 1872. nn. Male. Presented by "W. Walls, Esq., Aug. 13, 1872. oo. Female. Presented by M. C. Key, Esq., Sept. 20, 1872. pp. Female. Deposited, Oct. 14, 1872. qq. Female. Presented by Mr. T. Toon, Oct. 26, 1872. rr. Male. Presented by Dr. Reed, Nov. 7, 1872. ss. Female. Presented*by H. RusseU, Esq., Nov. 19, 1872. it. Female. Presented by Mr. H. Hunter, Dec. 18, 1872. uu. Male. Presented by Miss H. Smith, Jan. 16, 1873. vv. Female. Presented by H. N. Hewitt, Esq., May 23, 1873. ww. Female. Presented by J. C. Freeman, Esq., June 20, 1873. xx. Female. Presented by Miss E. Wishart, July 17, 1873. yy. Male. Presented by H. Knight, Esq., Aug. 13, 1873. CERCOPITIIECID^E. 17 zz. Female. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1873. aaa. Male. Deposited, May 20, 1874. bbb. Male ; ccc. Female. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.8., June 22, 1874. ddd. Male. Presented by J. Allen, Esq., July 6, 1874. eee. Male. Presented by W. 0. Cosgrove, Esq., Aug. 1, 1874. fff. Female. Presented by Major E. Stainley, Sept. 14, 1874. (jgfj. Male. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1874. )ihh. Male. Deposited, Nov. 27, 1874. in. Male. Presented by Walter De Winton, Esq., Jan. 19, 1875. jjj. Female. Presented by Dr. Marfels, May 19, 1875. **& Male. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. III. Female. Presented by David Gooding, Esq., May 27, 1875. mmm. Female. Presented by Mrs. O'Flaherty, July 21, 1875. nun. Male. Presented by E. lioberts, Esq., Oct. 27, 1875. 44. Macacus lasiotus, Gray. Chinese Rhesus. Hab. Interior of China. a. Presented by Miss C. A. Winckworth, Jan. 15, 1868. From Szechuen. Specimen with tail removed, as described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. 8. 1868, p. 60, pi. vi. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 221. Fig. 3. Macacus cyclopis 18 CERCOPITHECID.E. 45. Macacus cyclopis, Swiiihoe. Round-faced Monkey. (Pig. 3, p. 17.) Hob. Island of Formosa. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, Formosa, Sept. 4, 1862. See Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 350, and 1870, p. 615 ; also Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 710. 46. Macacus pelops, Hodgs. Cashmere Monkey. Hub. Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Rev. T. P. Methuen, Aug. 29, 1869. Died Dec. 17, 1870. 5. Male. Presented by Rear-Admiral Davies, May 16, 1873. 47. Macacus assamensis, McClelland. Assamese Monkey. Hab. Bhootan. . Deposited, Nov. 9, 1868. From Bhootan. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 566. Died March 21, 1869. Specimen, described by Dr. Gray, Cat. Monkeys, p. 128, as Macacus problematicus. See Sclater, P.Z.S. 1871, p. 222. 48. Macacus rheso-similis, Sclater. Rhesus-like Monkey. Hab. East Indies. . Male. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxv., and P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418. 49. Macacus silenus (Linn.). Wanderoo Monkey. Ha b. Malabar coast of India. a. Presented by Capt. Pocklington, 18th Regt., Sept. 2, 1863. b. Presented by Hcllendaal, Esq., Dec. 23, 1865. e, d. Presented by Col. Denison, May 3, 1866. e. Presented by Gen. Sir Henry G. A. Taylor, F.Z.S., March 26, 1867. /. Male. Presented by Capt. A. A. Davidson, Sept. 6, 1869. g. Presented by J. W. Busteed, Esq., Nov. 1870. 7i. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. j. Male. Presented by Lieut. Yipan, July 21, 1874. 50. Macacus melanotus (Ogilby). Black-backed Ape. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, June 3, 1864. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 418, and 1876, p. 425. CERCOPITHECID.E. 19 51. Macacus speciosus, F. Cuv. Japanese Ape. Hob. Japan. a. Female. Presented by Abel A. J. Gower, Esq., April 2, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418, pi. XLVII. 52. Macacus maurus (F. Cuv.). Moor Macaque. Hab. Borneo? a. Purchased, August, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 420. b. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1866. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as M. inornatus, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 292, pi. xix. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. c. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223. 53. Macacus arctoides, F. Cuv. et Geoffr. Brown Monkey. Hab. Burmah. a. Male. Presented by Mr. Oscar Fraser, Feb. 14, 1872. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 203, pi. xn., as M. brunneus. b. Female. Presented by Lieut. Burne, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 494. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 494, and P. Z. S. 1874, p. 652. 51. Macacus rufescens, Anderson. Reddish Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P.Z.S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxiv. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1873. See P, Z. S. 1873, p. 194. 55. Macacus ocreatus (Ogilby) . Ashy-black Macaque. Hab. Celebes (?). a. Purchased, 1858. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 420, pi. LXXXII. b. Purchased, May 31, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. c. d. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. 56. Macacus inuus (Linn.). Barbary Ape. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. c. Purchased, March 6, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. L. Brooke, Oct. 23, 1867. 20 CERCOPITHECIDJE. e. Male. Presented by J. G. Jalland, Esq., March 26, 1872. /. Male. Deposited, April 4, 1873. g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1873. Genus CYNOPITHECUS. 57. Cynopithecm niger (Desm.). Black Ape. Hab. Celebes. a. Female. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1869. b, c. Males. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. d. Male. Presented by the Hon. Evelyn H. Ellis, May 19, 1875 Genus CYNOCEPHALUS. 58, Cynocephalus hamadryas (Linn.) . Arabian Baboon. Hab. Arabia and Abyssinia. a. Female. Presented by Gordon Saiidiman, Esq., June 30, 1860. b. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. c. Deposited, June 2, 1868. From Abyssinia. d. Presented by the Hon. E. Melville, July 7, 1868. e. Presented by Lieut. A. E. Puzey, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Presented by Comm. W. G. Aldrich, R.N., Jan. 22, 1869. g. Male. Presented by H. Duncan, Esq., Feb. 15, 1870. h. Presented by Ch. Booth, Esq., April 24, 1870. i. Male. Presented by the Non-commissioned Officers and Sappers of the llth Company of Royal Engineers, Sept. 13, 1870. From Abyssinia. j. Male. Presented by Capt. T, A. Hunter, Dec. 27, 1871. k. Male. Presented by Miss Pandon, Nov. 25, 1873. I. Presented by &rs. M. A. Moore, Nov. 15, 1875. 59. Cynocephalus porcarius (Bodd.) . Chacma Baboon. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1861. b. Deposited, Dec. 1, 1864. c. Presented by A. G. Smith, Esq., May 8, 1865. d. Presented by Major Lenon, 67th Reg., Dec. 22, 1866. e. Presented by J. Gurney Hawes, Esq., Feb. 11, 1867. /. Presented by Thomas Lancaster, Esq., May 10, 1867. g. Deposited, May 26, 1867. h. Deposited, July 25, 1867. i. Presented by J. P. Spring, Esq., 5th Fusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. j. Presented by Lieut. Booth, 5th Fusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. fc. Male. Presented by Alex. Sinclair, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. .CERCOPITHECID^E. 21 I. Presented by W. F. Harold, Esq., Nov. 29, 1870. m. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., July 25, 1871. n. Male. Presented by H. Hand, Esq., July 29, 1872. o. Male. Presented by J. D. Lloyd, Esq., Oct. 16, 1874. 60. Cynocephalus anubis, F. Cuv. Anubis Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 421. b. Presented by the Crystal-Palace Co., July 6, 1865. c. Female. Presented by F. Tanzeller, Esq., May 5, 1868. d. Male. Presented by M. Olivier, Oct. 3, 1870. e. Female. Presented by A. E. Oakes, Esq., Dec. 22, 1872. /. Male. Presented by Mr. E. N. B. Walter, March 2, 1875. 61. Cynocephalus babouin, Desm. Yellow Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 18, 1864. b. Eeceived, March 8, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1869. e. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1869. /. Female. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. g. Male. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1875. 62. Cynocephalus sphinx (Linn.) . Guinea Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1862. 6. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. Wilson, Nov. 25, 1867. e. Presented by Dr. Hessel, July 30, 1868. /. Presented by W. H. Eoberts, Esq., Oct. 19, 1868. g. Male. Presented by Mr. Hart, Jan. 4, 1870. h. Female. Presented by P. D. Hadow, Esq., June 29, 1870. i. Presented by Mrs. Smethurst, Aug. 3, 1870. j, k. Males. Presented by W. Burrows, Esq., May 13, 1871. I. Male ; m. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1872. n. Male. Presented by T. Pauwitz, Esq., April 27, 1872. 63. Cynocephalus mormon (Linn.) . Mandrill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. 22 CERCOPITHECID^. CEBID^E. 64, Cynocephalus leiicoph&us, Desm. Drill. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. d. Male. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1874. Family CEBID^. Genus ATELES. 65. Ateks paniscus (Linn.). Red-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 20, 1865. b. Eeceived, July 13, 1866. c. Male. Presented by D. M c Gibbon, Esq., Sept. 20, 1871. From Demerara. 66. Ateles mfiventris, Sclater. Red-bellied Spider Monkey. Hab. Atrato River. a. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1871. Specimen described and figured. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 688, pi. LVII. 67. Ateles ater, F. Cuv. Black-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Eastern Peru. a. Purchased, Dec. 2, 1863. b. Purchased, March 31, 1866. c. Purchased, June 11, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. e. f. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. g. Purchased, March 4, 1867. h. Purchased, April 18, 1868. i. Presented by J. Templeton, Esq., May 19, 1870. From Panama. j. Purchased, June 26, 1871. From Cartagena. Tc. Female. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1871. I. Female. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1871. m. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1871. From Panama. See P. Z. S. 1872, p, 5. n, o. Females. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. p. Male. Purchased, May 3, 1872. q-s. Females. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. From Nicaragua. t. Female. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. From U.S. Columbia, w, v. Females. Purchased, July 30, 1873. w. Male. Purchased, March 2, 1875. CEBID.E. 23 x. Male. Presented by C. F. Filliter, Esq., May 31, 1875 y. Male ; z. Female. Purchased, July 26, 1875. 68. Ateles grisescens, Gray. Grizzled Spider Monkey. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 732. Mus. Brit. b. Male. Purchased, Oct. 12, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223, c. Purchased, June 26, 1871. From Cartagena. 69. Ateles cucullatus, Gray. Hooded Spider Monkey. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 30, 1865. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 733, and figured by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223, pi. xiv. Mus. Brit. See also notes by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 739. 70. Ateles marginatus, Geoffr. Chuva Spider Monkey. Hab. Lower Amazon. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1864. 6. Purchased, May 20, 1865. c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. 71. Ateles hybridus, Geoffr. Brown Spider Monkey. Hab. U. S. of Columbia. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. b. Purchased, May 21, 1869. 72. Ateles melanochir,DGsm. Black-handed Spider Monkey. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1864. b. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. c. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1864. d. Purchased, June 17, 1867. e. Presented by Capt. Acklom, 6th Regt., Oct. 21, 1867. /. Purchased, July 29, 1870. g t h. Males. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 797, and 1871, p. 226, pi. xv. i,j. Females. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. Nicaragua. k, I. Females. Purchased, April 14, 1872. From Panama. m, n. Females. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1872. From Colon. 24 0. Female. Purchased, Dee. 1, 1872. From U.S. Colombia. p. Male. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1873. From Greytown. q, r. Females. Purchased, April 29, 1873. s. Male. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Nicaragua. t, u. Males. Deposited, Aug. 14, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 422, pi. XLIX. fig. 2. v. Female. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1873. w. Female. Presented by Bradford Went, Esq., Oct. 7, 1873. x, y. Females. Presented by S. W. Eix, Esq., July 31, 1874. See P.Z. S. 1875, p. 419, pi. XLVIII. fig. 1. z. Female. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 419, pi. XLVIII. fig. 2. aa. Deposited, Nov. 29, 1874. bb. Presented by H. Campbell, Esq., Jan. 4, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 419, pi. XLIX. fig. 1. cc. Female. Presented by Capt. A. M. Drummond, F.Z.S., April 22, 1875. dd. Presented by H. "W. Oakes, Esq., Nov. 17, 1875. 73. Ateles belzebuth (Geoffr.) . Marimonda Spider Monkey, Hob. Guiana. a. Purchased, Sept. 27, 1864. b. Purchased, Jan. 3, 1866. c. Eeceived in exchange, April 15, 1867. d. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1867. e. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. /. Purchased, March 10, 1868. <7, h. Purchased, May 23, 1868. 1. Purchased, March 5, 1870. 74. Ateles variegatus, Wagner. Variegated Spider Monkey. Hob. Upper Amazons and Eio Negro. a. Female. Presented by the Hon. A. H. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1870. From the Upper Caura river, Venezuela. Died Aug. 18, 1870. Specimen described as A. bartletti $ , by Dr. Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4. vol. vi. p. 428. See also P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668, and 1871, p. 225. b. Female. Purchased, May 3, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 728. c. Female. Deposited, July 7, 1874. Genus LAGOTHRIX. 75. Lagothrix humboldti (Geoflr.). Humboldt's Lagothrix. Hab. Upper Amazon. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1863. Specimens figured, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374, pi. xxxi. c. Purchased Sept. 19, 1867. CEIHD.E. 25 Genus MYCETES. 7G. Mycetes seniculus (Linn.) . Red Howler. Hab. New Granada. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1863. Prom the Dekke river, near Cartagena. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374 ; and description of the brain by Prof. Mower, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 335. c, d. Purchased, June 12, 1864. Prom the Dekke river, near Car- tagena, Columbia. See notice in ' Illustr. London News/ Sept. 19, 1863. e. Purchased, June 27, 1866. /. Purchased, May 27, 1867. g. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1872. h. Purchased, June 17, 1875. 77. Mycetes fuscus, Kuhl. Brown Howler. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1872. Genus CEBITS. 78. Cebus fatuellus (Linn.). Brown Capuchin. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by William Lloyd, Esq., Aug. 26, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. d. Presented by the llev. Dan. Greatorex, April 3, 1865. e, f. Purchased, May 3, 1865. g, h. Purchased, May 18, 1866. i. Presented by Mr. Bonne, Nov. 25, 1867. j. Presented by Lieut. D. Macneill, H.M.I.A., Jan. 24, 1868. fc, I. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. m, n. Purchased, March 5, 1868. o, p. Deposited, June 9, 1868. q. Presented by J. Clarke, Esq., October 30, 1868. r. Male. Presented by G. Peacock, Esq., Aug. 3, 1869. s. Purchased, May 13, 1870. t. Pemale. Presented by J. D. Gibb, Esq., Aug. 3, 1870. u. Male. Purchased, March 31, 1871. v. Male. Presented by Percy Frere Luck, Esq., April 16, 1871. w. Deposited, May 9, 1S71. x, y. Males. Deposited, July 20, 1871. z. Purchased, July 26, 1871. act. Pemale. Purchased, Peb. 27, 1872. bb. Male. Purchased, May 25, 1873. 26 CEBID.E. cc. Female. Presented by Lord Louth, F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1873. del. Deposited, May 22, 1874. ee. Presented by Chas. Wilson, Jun., Esq., June 1, 1875. 79. Cebus lunatus (F. Cuv.). White-cheeked Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, 1861. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as Cebus leucogenys, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 824, pi. XLV. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. b.~ Female. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1872. c. Male. Purchased, March 5, 1873. d. Male. Deposited, Sept. 17, 1873. e. Male. Deposited, June 22, 1874. /. Female. Presented by P. W. Bennitt, Esq., F.Z.S., April 30, 1875. 80. Cebus capucinus, Geoffr. Weeper Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Purchased, July 14, 1865. d. Presented by Miss Jones, Sept. 27, 1865. e. Purchased, June 11, 1866. /. Purchased, June 22, 1866. g, 7i. Purchased, July 18, 1866. i,j. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1866. Jc. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1866. I. Received in exchange, June 3, 1867. m. Purchased, May 5, 1868. n, o. Received in exchange, July 31, 1868. p. Presented by J. Ramsbotham, Esq., Sept. 2, 1868. q. Presented by Mr. Sandland, Sept. 16, 1868. r. Female. Presented by Mrs. Walker, Feb. 25, 1871. s. Male. Purchased, March 31, 1871. t. Male. Purchased, April 1, 1871. u t v. Males. Purchased, April 5, 1871. w. Deposited, May 17, 1871. x. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1871. y. Male. Presented by W. Parfitt, Esq., Nov. 15, 1871. z. Female. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1872. aa. Female. Presented by Miss L. E. JBeard, May 31, 1872. bb. Male. Presented by S. Sulyarri, June 26, 1872. cc. Female. Presented by the Lady Kingston, Aug. 27, 1872. dd. Male. Deposited, Jan. 15, 1873. ee. Female. Purchased, May 6, 1873. ff. Female. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1873. CEBIDJ5. 27 gg. Male. Deposited, Sept. 12, 1874. hh. Male ; ii. Female. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1874. jj. Deposited, Sept. 10, 1875. 81. Cebusalbifrons,Geoffr. White-fronted Capuchin Monkey. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. c. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1866. d. Purchased, July 20, 1867. e. Deposited, July 25, 1867. /, g. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. U. Female. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1869. i. Male. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. j. Male. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. k. Male. Purchased, July 30, 1873. I. Male. Presented by T. R. Pickthorn, Esq., June 20, 1874. m. Female. Presented by Mrs. Carpenter, Dec. 12, 1874. n. Female. Deposited, Feb. 2, 1875. 0. Female. Purchased, July 26, 1875. 82. Cebus hypoleucus (Humb.) . White-throated Capuchin. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., Aug. 2, 1864. b. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1864. c. Purchased, March 7, 1865. d. Purchased, June 22, 1866. e. Presented by Dr. Edward B. Bigg, E.N., H.M.S. Devasta- tion,' C.M.Z.S., Aug. 8, 1866. /. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g. Presented by Mrs. Fletcher, Oct. 6, 1868. h. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1870. 1. Purchased, June 26, 1871. From Cartagena. j. Purchased, July 26, 1871. 1c. Male. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1872. I. Female. Purchased, April 14, 1872. m. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1872. From Cartagena. n. Female. Purchased, May 3, 1872. o. Male. Presented by Mrs. Leary, May 26, 1872. p. Female ; q. Male. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Columbia. r. Female. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. From Panama. s. Male. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1872. From Cartagena. *, u. Males ; v. Female. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872r From Columbia. w. Male. Purchased, March 1, 1873. 28 CEBID.E. a?. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1873. y. Female. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1873. z. Male. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1874. aa. Male ; bb. Female. Purchased, March 2, 1875. cc. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1875. 83. Cebus monachus, F. Cuv. Smooth-headed Capuchin. Hob. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1868. See notice, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. b. c. Females. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. d. Male. Purchased, June 12, 1873. e. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1875. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, May 21, 1875. h. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1875. Genus NYCTIPITHECUS. 84. Nyctipithecus trivirgatus. Three-banded Douroucouli. Hob. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1867. 6. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1867. c. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Cartagena. 85. Nyctipithecus felinus, Spix. Feline Douroucouli. Hob. Southern Brazil. a. Purchased, May 29, 1857. b. Presented by F. Le Breton, Esq., May 12, 1864. c. Purchased, June 19, 1865. d. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, March 1, 1870. g. Female. Purchased, June 12, 1871. h. Male. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1872. i. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1872. j. Male ; Tc. Female. Received in exchange, July 29, 1872. 1. Male. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. From U. S. Columbia. w. Female. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1872. . Female. Presented by G. Hollis, Esq., Feb. 5, 1874. o, p. Females. Deposited, Feb. 15, 1875. q. Male. Deposited, June 28, 1875. 86. Nyctipithecus rufipes, Sclater. Red-footed Douroucouli. Hab. Nicaragua. a. Female. Purchased, June 12, 1871. Specimen described and figured P. Z. S. 1872, p. 3, pi. i. CEBID7E. 29 Genus SAIMARIS. 87. Saimaris sciurea (Linn.). Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, March 15, 1864. b. Presented by Lieut. C. S. Candall, R.N., Nov. 30, 1864. c. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1864. d. Purchased, June 3, 1865. 0, /. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, June 5, 1865. #, h. Purchased, July 15, 1865. 1. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1866. j. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1866. k. Presented by F. Foorome, Esq., Nov. 26, 1867. Z. Purchased, April 27, 1868. m. Male. Purchased, April 16, 1869. n. Female. Presented by F. G. H. Price, Esq., Oct. 13, 1869. o. Presented by C. W. Newall, Esq., June 16, 1870. p. Female. Purchased, April 4, 1871. q. Male. Deposited, Aug. 25, 1871. r. Male. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1872. s. Female. Presented by Catterson Smith, Esq., Dec. 15, 1872, t. Presented by Mrs. Paget, Dec. 10, 1873. u. Male ; v. Female. Purchased, May 19, 1874. w. Male; x. Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1875. y. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1875. 88. Saimaris cerstedi (Reinh.). Red -backed Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Yeragua. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. b. Female. Presented by W. F. Kelly, Esq., Sept. 5, 1874. From Guatemala. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495. 89. Saimaris usta, Is. Geoffr. Naked-eared Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Deposited, July 4, 1871. See P.Z. S. 1872. Genus PITHECIA. 90. Pithecia leucocephala (Audeb.). White-headed Said. Hab. Guiana. a. Male. Presented by "W. H. Barton, Esq., R.M.S. ' Wye/ May 15, 1866. From the interior of Demorara. See 30 CEBID.E. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 305, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. Died Juno 26, 1866. Mus. I3rit. b. Male. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1873. From Demerara Falls. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. 91. Pithecia monachus (Humb.). Humboldt's Saki. Hob. Amazons. a. Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1862. Died Oct. 24, 1862. Specimen figured and described by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1862, pi. xxxvn. p. 326. b. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 664. 92. Pithecia chiropotes (Humb.). Red-backed Saki. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1865. b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 228. 93. Pithecia satanas (Hoffm.). Black Saki. Hab. Lower Amazons. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1864, pi. XLI. as P. satanas (?). Mus. Brit. b. Purchased, April 30, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 228. Mus. Brachyurus oudkari. CEBID.E. HAPALID^l. 31 Brit. Upon these specimens Chiropotes ater, Gray (Cut. Monkeys, p. 61), is founded. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. d, e. Males. Purchased, May 9, 1874. Genus BRACHYURUS. 94. Brachyurus ouakari (Spix). Ouakari Monkey. (Fig. 4, p. 30). Hab. Rio Negro. a. Female. Deposited by Lewis Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Dec. 16, 1869. See notes, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 1. Family HAPALID^E, Genus HAPALE. 95. Hapale jacchus (Linn.). Common Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a-mm. See last edition. nn-pp. Males ; qq. Female. Purchased, March 11, 1872. rr. Female. Presented by Mr. Higson, Jan. 24, 1873. ss. Male. Purchased, July 22, 1873. tt. Female. Presented by J. Stanley, Esq., Aug. 11, 1873. uu-ww. Males. Presented by L. Chevalier d'Albuquerque, Jan. 7, 1874. xx-aaa. Males ; bbb-ccc. Females. Purchased, May 21, 1875. ddd. Presented by Mrs. Puente, Aug. 26, 1875. 96. Hapale penicillata (Geoffr.) . Black-eared Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, April 7, 1865. d-Ti. Presented by Alexander Collie, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. i. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1867. j. Male. Presented by Miss Cook, May 3, 1869. k. Male ; I. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Ball, Sept. 2, 1869. m. Female. Presented by Gen. Sir B. T. Phillips, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1870. n. Female. Received in exchange, March 14, 1872. o. Male ; p. Female. Presented by Mrs. Bischoffsheim, Feb. 28, 1873. q, r. Males. Purchased, July 29, 1873. s. Male. Presented by J. Stanley, Esq., Aug. 11, 1873. HAPALIDJE. t. Female. Presented by T. Hawkshaw, Esq., Oct. 21, 1873. u. Presented by F. Graham, Esq., March 20, 1874. v. Male. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1874. w. Deposited, Aug. 17, 1874. x. Male; y. Female. Presented by J. P. Harrison, Esq., Aug. 24, 1874. z. Female. Deposited, Nov. 18, 1874. 97. Hapale chrysoleucos, Wagner. Silky Marmoset. Hob. Rio Madeira, Brazil. a. Purchased, March 21, 1868. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P.Z. S. 1868, p. 256, pi. xxiv., as Mico seri- ceus. Noticed by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 262, as Hapale argentata, and subsequently, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 594, as H. chrysoleucos. See also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 229. 98. Hapale melanura (Geoffr.) . Black-tailed Marmoset. Hab. South America. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 419, pi. L. Genus MIDAS. 99. Midas rufimanus, Geoffr. Red-handed Tamarin. Hab. Surinam. a. Received, July 13, 1866. 100. Midas ursulus (Hoffm.) . Negro Tamarin. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by Comm. C. A. J. Aysham, R.N., Aug. 4, 1864. b. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1866. c. Purchased, July 8, 1868. d. Presented by W. Thomson, Esq., March 7, 1874. e. f. Purchased, April 6, 1874. From Rio de Janeiro. g. Male. Purchased, May 9, 1874. 101. Midas cedipus (Linn;). Pinch e Monkey. Hab. New Granada. a. Purchased, June 15, 1864. b. Presented by T. A. de Mosquese, Esq., Aug. 2, 1864. c. d. Purchased, June 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Aug. 14, 1867. /, g. Presented by W. Levi, Esq., Aug. 29, 1867. h, i. Purchased, July 22, 1868. HAPAL1D/E. LEMUR1D.E. 33 j, 1: Deposited, Aug. 1, 1870. I. lieceived in exchange, Aug. 1, 1870. m. Male. Purchased, April 29, 1872. From Cartagena. w, o. Females. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1872. p. Presented by W. Stride, Esq., Oct. 23, 1874. q. Female. Purchased, April 26, 1876. 102. Midas geoffroii, Puch. Geoffrey's Marmoset. Hab. Panama. a. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1871. From Panama. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 478, pi. xxxvm. b. c. Presented by Miss Miller, Sept. 2, 1871. d. Male. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. From Darieu. e, f. Males. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1872. r/. Deposited, Oct. 9, 1874. 103. Midas rosalia (Linn.). Silky Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1866. 6. Presented by Colin A. Campbell, Esq., May 25, 1867. c. Purchased, June 29, 1868. d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1871. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, July 18, 1872. From Cabo Trio, Mexico. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1872. i. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1873. j. Male ; &. Female. Purchased, April 19, 1875. 104. Midas chrysomelas (Kuhl). Golden-headed Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, May 14, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. Order LEMUKES. Family LEMUEID^E. Genus LEMUR. 105. Lemur varius, Geoffr. Ruffed Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by John Fleming, Esq., Jan. 19, 1864, 6. Female. Purchased, July 18, 1865. Died July 17, 1869, 34 LEMURID,. 106. Lemur macaco (Linn.). Black Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. . Female. Purchased, May 3, 1861. The original of Lemur lewomystax, Bartl., described and figured, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 347, pi. XLI. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 1, and 1871, p. 229. b. Male. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1864. c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1865, Mus. Brit. d. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1867. See P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 230. e. Female. Presented by Lieut. F. Babington Peile, Oct. 1, 1875. /. Female. Presented by Capt. Burke, S.S. ' Arcot,' Dec. 22, 1875. 107. Lemur mongoz (Linn.). Mongoose Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Female. Purchased, May 29, 1857. Died June 25, 1867. Mus. Brit. 6. Male. Purchased, April 24, 1863. c. Presented by F. Le Breton, Esq., F.Z.S., May 12, 1864. d. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 28, 1865. Died Aug. 26, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1867. Died Sept. 15, 1867. Mus. Brit. /. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1867. Died Jan. 16, 1868. Mus. Brit. . Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 86* f. Purchased, March 31, 1871. NYCTICEBIIMS. GALAGINIDJS. d. Male. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1871 . e. Female. Presented by A. Swanzy, Esq., Aug. 23, 1871. /. Male. Received in exchange, July 29, 1872. g. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1873. h. Male. Presented by the Rev. A. W. Petre, Oct. 28, 1873. Perodicticus potto. Family GALAGINID33. Genus GALAGO. 119. Galago crassicaudata (Geoffr.). Grand Galago. Hab. East Africa. a. Presented by Dr. Waghorn, July 26, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 711. From the Zambesi. b. Purchased, June 22. 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 12/1866. . Male. From the Argentine Republic. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., March 16, 1858. c. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 23, 1864. 45 d. Male. Presented by A. de Marriette, Esq., Nov. 1, 1871. e. Male. Presented by I. H. Murchison, Esq., July 16, 1873. /, g. Received in exchange, Nov. 18, 1873. li, i. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1875. 142. Felis pardus, Linn. The Leopard. Hob. Southern Asia and Africa. a. Female. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1856. 6. Male. Presented by Sir John H. Drummond Hay, K.C.B., C.M.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Minister Resident at Tangiers, May 24, 1858. From Morocco. c. Male. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, Feb. 16, 1860. d. Female. Presented by the King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Nov. 15, 1862. e. Deposited, Sept. 29, 1863. /. Presented by Mrs. Campbell, June 10, 1865. -d. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. CORVID^E. 211 e. Presented by Capt. E. Whitehead, March 23, 1874. /, g. Presented by the Rev. A. W. Petre, March 31, 1874. Genus NUCIFRAGA. 290. Nucifraga caryocatactes, Linn. Nutcracker. Hob. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1864. b. Received in exchange, Sept. 27, 1865. c. Purchased, March 19, 1867. Genus PICA. 291. Pica caudata, Flem. Common Magpie. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by Miss Perry, Dec. 17, 1858. b. Presented by William RusseU, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. c. Presented by the Rev. Thomas Gregory, Dec. 24, 1866. d. Presented by F. S. Hoblyn, Esq., July 18, 1867. e. /. Received in exchange, July 6, 1869. g. Presented by T. Broadwood, Esq., May 29, 1872. h. Presented by Mrs. L. Grenville, July 21, 1874. i. Deposited, June 1, 1875. 292. Pica bootanensis, Delessert. Himalayan Magpie. Hab. Bootan. a. Purchased, March 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. 293. Pica mauritanica, Malh. Moorish Magpie. Hab. Algeria. a. Presented by A. E. Guest, Esq., F.Z.S., July 12, 1870. 294. Pica sericea, Gould. Chinese Magpie. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1866. Genus CYANOPOLIUS. 295. Cyanopolius cyaneus (Pall.) . Blue Magpie. Hab. China. a. Presented by the Rev. A. W. Petre, Oct. 28, 1873. p2 212 Subfamily GARRULIN^. Genus PERISOREUS. 296. Perisoreus infaustus (Linn.). Canada Jay. Hab. Nova Scotia. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. Genus GARRULUS. 297. Garrulus glandarius (Linn.). Jay. Hab. British Islands. a, t>. Purchased, June 12, 1863. f, d. Presented, Sept. 3, 1866. e , /. Received in exchange, July 6, 1869. g. Presented by F. H. T. Streatfield, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870. h. Presented by Master P. Tulcher, Oct. 9, 1874. Genus CYANOCITTA. 298. Cyanocitta cristata (Linn.). 'Blue Jay. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, July 14, 1855. fe, c. Purchased, 1859. d-f. Purchased, April 14, 1868. g, Ti. Purchased, May 29, 1869. *,,;. Presented by the Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., March 18, 1872. Genus CYANOCORAX. 299. Cyanocorax cyanopogon (Max.). Blue-bearded Jay. Hab. Para. , b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. c. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. d. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1872. e. Purchased, June 2, 1872. /, g. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. h. ' Purchased, June 21, 1873. i. Purchased, May 1, 1875. CORVID^E. 213 j, k. Purchased, June 17, 1875. l-o. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1875. p-s. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. 300. Cyanocorax pileatus (Temm.). Pileated Jay. Hab. La Plata. a. Presented by Mrs. Laird Warren, Feb. 28, 1865. b. Presented by E. B. Webb, Esq., Dec. 4, 1872. c. d. Purchased, July 17, 1875. 301. Cyanocorax incas (Bodd.). Peruvian Blue Jay. Hab. Columbia. , 5. Purchased, June 17, 1872. Genus UROCISSA. 302. Urocissa sinensis (Bodd.). Chinese Blue Magpie. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1861. 303. Urocissa maynirostris , Blyth. Siamese Blue Magpie. Hab. Siam. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1862. 6. Purchased, May 4, 1871. 304. Urocissa occipitalis, Blyth. Occipital Magpie. Hab. Western Himalayas. a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus CISSA. 305. Cissa venatoria (J. E. Gray). Hunting Crow. Hab. India. a, I. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. c, d. Purchased, May 4, 1871. . Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. See Buceros gr . Presented by Mostyn, Esq., Oct. 23, 1862. c. Presented by Eobert Drummond, Esq., F.Z.S., March 19, 1863. d. Deposited, July 23, 1863. e. Eeceived in exchange, April 9, 1863. /. Presented by Mrs. Moss King, Nov. 13, 1862. g. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1865. h. Deposited, May 20, 1867. i. Presented by Miss Ann E. Wimbolt, Sept. 27, 1867. j. Presented by Mrs. Dix, April 31 , 1868. k. Male. Presented by Mrs. Hutton, Jan. 20, 1869. /. Presented by Arthur Lewis, Esq., March 5, 1870. m. Presented by Dr. R. S. Peart, April 20, 1870. n. Presented by Mr. H. Baldwin, April 21, 1874. o. Presented by J. C. Elmes, Esq., July 21, 1874. p. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1875. q. Presented by Mrs. Sydenham, Sept. 18, 1875. r. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1875, PSITTACID^E. 235 385. Cacatua ophthalmica, Sclater. Blue-eyed Cockatoo. Hab. Solomon Islands. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1862. Specimens described and figured, P. Z. S. 1862, pi. xiv. p. 141, as Cacatua ducorpsii. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187, where the name is changed to C. opJithalmica. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1865. 386. Cacatua cristata, Wagler. Greater White-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, July 19, 1861. 6. Received in exchange, May 8, 1868. c. Presented by Major-General Sir B. T. Phillips, F.Z.S., April 10, 1871. d. Presented by T. Towndron, Esq., Dec. 9, 1873. 387. Cacatua galerita (Lath.). Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Richard Tress, Esq., E.Z.S., July 8, 1860. 6. Deposited, Dec. 15, 1860. c. Presented by Thompson, Esq., Aug. 9, 1865. d. Deposited, March 9, 1867. e. Presented by Mrs. Tanqueray, June 25, 1867. /. Presented by J. R. Cameron, Esq., July 2, 1867. g. Presented by G. R. Green, Esq., March 15, 1868. h. Deposited, March 16, 1869. ?'. Received in exchange, June 21, 1869. j. Presented by Mrs. Blatchley, April 26, 1870. 'k. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., Feb. 17, 1871. I. Deposited, March 21, 1871. m. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1871. n. Presented by Miss A. Crump, Jan. 12, 1872. o. Deposited, Dec. 18, 1872. p. Deposited, April 14, 1873. q. Presented by Mrs. Thomas, June 27, 1873. r. Presented by R. Dean, Esq., June 30, 1873. s. Presented by T. Phillips, Esq., Aug. 13, 1873. t. Presented by the Countess Somers, April 23, 1874. u. Presented by Miss Heath, April 28, 1874. v. Presented by Miss S. Hooper, July 31, 1874. w. Presented by Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice, Oct. 12, 1874. x. Deposited, Jan. 19, 1875. ?/. Presented by Mrs. Smith, Sept. 4, 1875. 236 PSITTACID^E. 388. Cacatua triton, Temm. Triton Cockatoo. Hob. New Guinea. a. Purchased, 1860. 389. Cacatua sulphurea (Gm.). Lesser Sulphur - crested Cockatoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Presented by H. Wickens, Esq., April 15, 1850. b. Presented by Button, Esq., Oct. 23, 1855. c. Deposited, 1860. d. Deposited, March 17, 1865. e. Deposited, April 13, 1866. /. Presented by Miss Atkinson, March 30, 1867. g. Deposited, Aug. 2, 1869. h. Presented by G. Thornton, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. i. Received in exchange, Aug. 21, 1873. j. Presented by T. Pearson, Esq., July 28, 1874. 'Jc. Presented by H. W. Wood, Esq., March 17, 1875. 1. Presented by W. Holborn, Esq., March 29, 1875. 390. Cacatua citrino-cristata, Eraser. Citron -crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Timor Laut. a. Presented by Miss Julia Fox, Dec. 22, 1855. b. Deposited, July 17, 1866. c. Purchased, March 26, 1872. d. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1873. 391. Cacatua leadbeateri (Vig.) . Leadbeater's Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Eleanor Cathcart, Nov. 21, 1854. b. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1863. c-e. Deposited, April 8, 1863. /, g. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May*5, 1865. 7i. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. i. Presented by Mrs. James Napier, Nov. 23, 1865. j. Received, April 15, 1867. fc. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. I. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1870. MI. Presented by the Rev. H. Fyffe, May 31, 1871. n. Presented by T. Phillips, Esq., Aug. 13, 1873. o. Presented by Col. Carrington, March 21, 1874. P8ITTACID/E. 237 p. Deposited, April 24, 1874. q. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1874. r, s. Presented by G. L. Prendergast, Esq., April 8, 1875. 392. Cacatua sanguinea, Gould. Blood-stained Cockatoo. (Fig. 26.) Hab. North Australia. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. See P.Z. S. 1871, p. 492. Fig. 26. Head of Cacatua sanguinea. 393. Cacatua philippinarum (Gm.) . Red-vented Cockatoo. Hab. Philippine Islands. a-c. Purchased, June 8, 1865. d. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. e. Purchased, June 18, 1872. From Negros, Philippines. 394. Cacatua ducorpsi, Horabr. et Jacq. Ducorps's Cock- atoo. (Fig. 27, p. 238.) Hab. Solomon Islands. , 6. Purchased, April 11, 1864. Specimens described and 238 PSITTACID.E. figured, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187. From Ghiadalcanar. See alsoP.Z.S. 1871, p. 491. c. Presented by C. Turner, Esq., June 28, 1871. Fig. 27 Head of Ccwatua duwrpsi. 395. Cacatua goffini, Finsch. Goffin's Cockatoo. Hab. Queensland. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. b. Presented by C. Turner, Esq., June 28, 1871. c. Presented by F. J. Dean, Esq., F.L.S., Oct. 17, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 61, pi. x. d. Presented by Mrs. Barton, Sept. 16, 1875. 396. Cacatua roseicapilla, Vieill. Roseate Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Rolle, F.Z.S., May 2, 1843. b. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1859. c. Deposited, July 12, 1861. d. Deposited, June 7, 1865. e. Deposited, March 10, 1866. /. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. f/. Presented by W. Stuttle, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. PSITTACID-ffl. 239 h. Presented by H. J. Aveling, Esq., Nov. 17, 1874. i. Presented by A. Thompson, Esq., July 10, 1875. Genus LICMETIS. 397. Licmetis tenuirostris (Wagl.) . Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. South Australia. . Received in exchange, May 17, 1847. 6. Received in exchange, April 11, 1866. c. Presented by Mrs. Taplin, June 1, 1870. d. Presented by H. R. Abadie, Esq., Aug. 10, 1871. 398. Licmetis pastinator, Gould. Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. Western Slender-billed a. Presented by Edgar Ray, Esq., Sept. 22, 1858. b. Presented by Mrs. Lesser, May 16, 1871. c. Presented by Madame R. A. Caplin, Dec. 4, 1871. d. Presented by W. J. Irving, Esq., Nov. 19, 1875. 399. Licmetis gymnopis, Sclater. (Fig. 28.) Hab. South Australia. Fig. 28. Bare-eyed Cockatoo. Head of Licmetis gymnopis. 240 PSITTACIDjE. a. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493. b. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. Genus CALLOCEPHALON. 400. Callocephalon galeatum (Lath.) . Ganga Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1859. b. Female. Purchased, May 14, 1864. c. Purchased, March 21, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. Genus CALYPTORHYNCHUS. 401. Calyptorhynchus banksii (Lath.) . B an ksian Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141 . b. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1867. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 24, 1870. Genus MICROGLOSSA. 402. Microglossa alecto (Temm.). Alecto Cockatoo. a. Presented by Capt. Denham, R.N., June 20, 1861. 403. Microglossa aterrima (Gm.) . Great Black Cockatoo. Hab. New Guinea. a, b. Purchased, May 31, 1875. Subfamily Genus ARA. 404. Ara hyacintha (Lath.). Hyacinthine Macaw. Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1867. b. Purchased, May 18, 1870. 405. Ara glauca, Vieill. Glaucous Macaw. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, June, 1860. PSITTACID^E. 241 406. Ara militaris (Linn.). Military Macaw. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1864. b. Purchased, July 5, 1866. c. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1866. Specimen referred to, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 183, as Ara ambigua (Bechst.). 407. Ara macao (Linn.). Red- and- Blue Macaw. Hab. Central America. a. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1859. b. Deposited, July 12, 1866. c. d. Deposited, June 8, 1868. e. Presented by J. P. Wilson, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1869. /. Presented by Mrs. Coffin, April 14, 1870. g. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Sept. 29, 1870. From Northern Venezuela. h. Deposited, Aug. 1, 1872. i. Presented by A. W. Deichmann, Esq., Aug. 6, 1872. j. Presented by C. F. Filliter, Esq., June 1, 1875. 408. Ara chloroptera, Gray. Red-and- Yellow Macaw. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, May 24, 1861. 6, c. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. d. Presented by J. Aird, Esq., Jan. 14, 1865. e. Presented by Charles Butler, Esq., Jan. 18, 1865. /. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1865. g, 7i. Deposited, July 25, 1867. i, j. Presented by J. Morris, Esq., Nov. 18, 1868. Jc. Deposited, March 9, 1869. I. Presented by the Earl Nelson, April 8, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Bancroft, April 28, 1869. n. Deposited, May 13, 1869. o. Deposited, July 25, 1870. p, q. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Cartagena. r. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1872. s. Presented by J. M c Candlish, Esq., Sept. 20, 1872. t. Purchased, April 29, 1873. u. Deposited, April 14, 1875. v. Purchased, July 24, 1875. M>, x. Presented by the Misses Eix, Sept. 30, 1875. 242 PSITTACID^E. 409. Ara ararauna (Linn.). Blue-and- Yellow Macaw. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1859. 6. Presented by B, W. Keate, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1862. c. Presented by Mrs. Heathcote, July 4, 1862. d. Deposited, Sept. 4, 1866. e,f. Deposited, July 25, 1867. g. Presented by Samuel Linder, Esq., Aug. 27, 1869. h. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., E.Z.S., July 26, 1871. i. Deposited, July 26, 1871. j. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1871. From Central America. Tc. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Oct. 27, 1871. From Vene- zuela. I. Presented by Quintin Hogg, Esq., July 16, 1872. m. Presented by Mrs. Higson, Jan. 24, 1873. n. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1873. o. Presented by Miss J. Staines, March 9, 1874. p. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. q. Purchased, April 9, 1875. r. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1875. 410. Ara maracana (Vieill.) . Illiger's Macaw. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 7, 1861. 6, c. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. 411. Ara hahni, Souance. Halm's Macaw. Hab. Guiana. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 9, 1872. Genus HENICOGNATHUS. 412. Henicognathus leptorhynchus (King) . Slight-billed Par- rakeet. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus CONURUS. 413. Conurus patagonus (Vieill.). Smaller Patagonian Conure. Hab. La Plata. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. PSITTACIDvE. 243 &, c. Purchased, Oct. 5, 1873. d. Presented by Mrs. Cabry, April 29, 1875. 414. Conurus byroni (J. E. Gray). Larger Patagonian Conure. Hab. Chili. a, b. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. c, d. Received in exchange, Oct. 13, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 761. 415. Conurus pavua (Bodd.). Green Conure. Hab. Trinidad. tf, b. Presented by A. Warrington, Esq., Nov. 4, 1871. 416. Conurus acuticaudatus (Vieill.) . Sharp-tailed Conure. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, July 13, 1868. 417. Conurus hamorrhouSj Spix. Blue-crowned Conure. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, April 12, 1864. b. Deposited, May 31, 1867. c. Presented by Mrs. Wright, April 9, 1869. d. e. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. /. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1875. 418. Conurus wagleri, Gray. Wagler's Conure. Hab. Venezuela. a. Purchased, July 7, 1873. 419. Conurus erythrogenys (Less.) . Red-masked Conure. Hab. Ecuador. a. Purchased, 1854. 420. Conurus holochlorus, Sclater. Mexican Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1862. 244 PSITTACID^E. 421. Conurus carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Conure. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, June 24, 1867. d. Presented by F. Gr. Streatfield, Esq., Feb. 3, 1869. 422. Conurus nanday (Desm.) . Black-headed Conure. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. b. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1875. 423. Conurus solstitialis (Linn.) . Yellow Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. b. Deposited, May 25, 1873. 424. Conurus jenday a (Gm.). Yellow-headed Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. e. Purchased, April 30, 1870. /. Presented by Mr. J. L. Symon, Aug. 1, 1872. g. Purchased, March 28, 1874. 425. Conurus luteus (Spix) . Golden Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 26, 1871. 426. Conurus aureus (Gm.) . Golden-crowned Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. a, b. Presented by Miss Langford, Dec. 22, 1862. c. d. Presented by Carl A. Schroder, Esq., July 29, 1865. From Para. e, f. Presented by Miss Vawser, Nov. 9, 1865. g. Purchased, June 1, 1875. h. Deposited, Sept. 10, 1875. i. Presented by Col. M c Arthur, E.M.L.I., Oct. 12, 1875. 427. Conurus petzii (Wagl.) . Petz's Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Purchased, June 15, 1869. PSITTACIDaE. 245 c, d. Received in exchange, Eeb. 15, 1870. e, f. Presented by Miss Hornby, Feb. 23, 1875. 428. Conurus aruginosus (Linn.) . Brown-throated Conure. Hob. South America. a, b. Presented by Mrs. C. Yinall, Sept. 21, 1866. c. Deposited, March 25, 1875. 429. Conurus xantholamus, Sclater. St. Thomas's Conure. Hob. St. Thomas, West Indies. a, 6. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1865. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. 430. Conurus chrysogenys, Mass. & Souance. Yellow-cheeke Conure. Hab. Venezuela. a. Purchased, 1853. 431. Conurus cactorum (Max.). Cactus Conure. Hab. Bahia. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. 432. Conurus aztec, Souance. Aztec Conure. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 6. Purchased, May 28, 1868. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1874. 433. Conurus smaragdinus (Gm.) . Chilian Conure. Hab. Chili. a. Presented by T. 0. Simpson, Esq., R.N., Aug. 10, 1866. 6. Purchased, May 8, 1868.. 434. Conurus vittatus (Shaw) . Red-bellied Conure. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, May 29, 1869. 46 PSITTACIDJE. 435. Conurus cyanopterus (Bodd.) . Blue-winged Conure. Hob. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. b. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1873. 436. Conurus leucotis (Licht.) . White-eared Conure. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, July 14, 1871. 437. Conurus cruentatus (Max.) . Red-eared Conure. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1872. Genus BROTOGERYS. 438. Brotogerys tiriacula (Bodd.) . All-green Parrakeet. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Lady Gilbert, June 17, 1862. c. Presented by Mrs. M'Mullen, Sept. 22, 1869. d. Purchased, March 14, 1871. 439. Brotogerys xanthopterus (Spix) . Orange-winged Par- rakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 28, 1868. 440. Brotogerys virescens (Gm.) . Yellow-winged Parrakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. b. Presented by Mrs. Grant Duff, Dec. 5, 1870. c. Purchased, March 14, 1871. 441. Brotogerys pyrrhopterus* '(Lath.)'. Orange-flanked Par- rakeet. Hab. Western Ecuador. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. c, d. Purchased, May 14, 1869. PSITTACID^E. 247 442. Brotogerys tui (Gm.) . Golden-headed Parrakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 443. Brotogerys tovi (Gm.). Tovi Parrakeet. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, June 28, 1872. Genus BOLBORHYNCHUS. 444. Bolborhynchus monachus (Bodd.) . Grey -breasted Par- rakeet. Hab. M'onte Video. a. Presented by Mrs. Malcolm, Aug. 5, 1859. b, c. Purchased, May 26, 1869. d. Presented by M/A. Carr, Esq., June 16, 1871. e, f. Presented by Mrs. Clinton Dawkins, Jan. 22, 1874. g-i. Presented by C. Punchard, Esq., July 21, 1874. j-q. Purchased, July 21, 1875. r, s. Presented by Miss Maiden, Oct. 8, 1876. Subfamily PLATYCERIN^E. Genus PAL^EORNIS. 445. Palaeornis alexandri (Scop.). Alexandrine Parrakeet. Hab. India. a. Eemale. Presented by Eichard Tress, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 22, 1855. b. Presented by Mrs. Roper, Nov. 3, 1862. c. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1863. d. Presented by Mrs. Synd, Aug. 4, 1864. e. Deposited, May 9, 1869. /. Purchased, Jan. 8, 1873. g. Presented by Hugh Nevill, Esq., July 9, 1873. h. Purchased, Nov. 7, 1873. 446. Palaeornis torquatus (Bodd.). King-necked Parrakeet. Hab. India. a. Deposited, 1862. b. Female. Presented by Mrs. James Part, Jan. 31, 1863. 248 PSITTACID^E. c. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1863. d. Presented by Miss Bushby, June 8, 1865. e. Presented by Toplis, Esq., Aug. 30, 1865. /. Deposited, Jan. 29, 1866. g. Presented by Yerzey, Esq., Dec. 11, 1866. h, i. Deposited, June 6, 1867. j. Presented by the Rev. T. K. Gaskell, Nov. 30, 1867. Jc. Presented by Mrs. Bruce, Feb. 13, 1868. I. Presented by Mrs. Hodgkinson, Oct. 21, 1868. m. Male. Presented by Vero K Shaw, Esq., Jan. 14, 1869. n. Yellow variety. Presented by Lieut. C. H. T. Marshall, April 21, 1869. o, p. Presented by J. Keene, Esq., Oct. 25, 1869. q. Deposited, March 9, 1870. r. Presented by Mr. Eldred, March 16, 1870. s. Presented by Major Sharpies, Eeb. 6, 1871. t. Presented by Miss Ouchterlony, July 27, 1871. u. Presented by Mrs. Hall, Dec. 11, 1871. v. Presented by W. E. Johnson, Esq., April 23, 1873. w. Presented by Hugh Nevill, Esq., July 19, 1873. x. Presented by H. J. Aveling, Esq., April 25, 1874. y. Presented by Miss Morris, May 8, 1874. z. Presented by Mrs. A. de Normanville, May 11, 1874. aa. Presented by Mrs. Cathir, May 29, 1874. bb. Presented by Miss Attwood, Jan. 9, 1876. cc. Presented by Miss Thirl wall, Nov. 5, 1875. dd. Presented by Capt. Ouchterlony, Nov. 22, 1875. 447. Pal&ornis docilis, Gray. Rose-ringed Parrakeet. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by George Dann, Esq., Sept. 13, 1861. b. Purchased, April 19, 1868. c-f. Presented by Col. Ivy, June 11, 1868. g. Presented by Mrs. Loveday, July 11, 1874. 448. Palaornis cyanocephalus (Linn.) . Blossom-headed Par- rakeet. Hab. Hindostan. a. Deposited, April 4, 1862. b. Purchased, April 15, 1862. c. d. Received, Jan. 14, 1865. e. Deposited, March 9, 1870. /. Purchased, March 17, 1872. g-j. Presented by Hugh Nevill, Esq., July 9, 1873. Erom Ceylon. &. Presented by G. Lawson, Esq., July 31, 1874. PSITTACID^E. 249 449. Palaornis luciani, Verr. Red-cheeked Parrakeet. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, March 11, 1857. 450. Palceornisjavanica (Osb.). Javan Parrakeet. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1859. b. Purchased, March 20, 1862. c. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1865. c?, e. Purchased, March 31, 1871. 451. Palcsornis columboides , Vig. Malabar Parrakeet. Hab. South India. a. Purchased, June 2, 1852. b. Female. Presented by E. Warre, Esq., April 12, 1871. P. melanorhyncha of first edition. c. Purchased, May 23, 1873. d. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1875. 452. Palceornis malaccensis, Vig. Malaccan Parrakeet. Hab. Malacca. a, b. Purchased, Feb. 29, 1864. c. Purchased, May 17, 1868. 453. Palaornis erythrogenys (Blyth). Red-cheeked Parra- keet. Hab. Nice-bar Islands. a. Purchased, March 13, 1873. Genus MELOPSITTACUS. x 454. Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw). Undulated Grass- Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a-c. Deposited, 1862. d-f. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. g-l. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. m, n. Deposited, Sept. 16, 1863. o-q. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1864. r. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1865. 250 PSITTACID^E. s. Presented by Miss Boyle, Dec. 14, 1865. t-iu. Males ; x-aa. Females. Purchased, April 29, 1867. bb-ee. Deposited, May 23, 1867. ff. Purchased, April 24, 1868. yg-jj. Purchased, May 26, 1868. Ick-qq. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1869. rr-uu. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1869. vv-ww. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1870. xx. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1870. yy-eee. Deposited, June 11, 1871. fff-KMi. Presented by T. Lupton, Esq., July 22, 1871. iii-mmm. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 15, 1871. Genus PEZOPORUS. 455. Pezoporus formosus (Lath.). Green Ground-Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 5, 1865. Genus GEOPSITTACTJS. 456. Geopslttacus occidentalis, Gould. Western Ground- Parrakeet. Hab. Southern Australia. a. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 16, 1867. See P.Z.S. 1867, p. 891. b. Purchased, March 16, 1873. Genus EUPHEMA. 457. Euphema pulchella (Shaw). Turquoisine Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male ; b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1860. c. Female. Deposited, May 19, 1863. d-f. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. g, h. Deposited, March 7, 1865. i,j. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1865. Jc, I. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. o-q. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1865. r, s. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 1, 1866. t. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1867. u. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1869. v-y. Purchased, May 19, 1870. PSITTACID^E. 251 z. Received in exchange, June 23, 1870. aa. Male. Purchased, June 16, 1871. bb. Female. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. cc. Male ; dd. Female. Purchased, June 29, 1872. ee. Deposited, May 1, 1873. 458. ' Euphema elegans, Gould. Elegant Grass-Parr akeet. Hab. South Australia. a. Presented by William Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. b. c. Purchased, July 29, 1874. d, e. Purchased, July 23, 1875. 459. Euphema splendida, Gould. Splendid Grass-Parrakeet. Hab. South Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1871. SeeP.Z.S. 1871, p. 102. c. Purchased, June 21, 1872. d. Hatched in the Gardens, July 21, 1872. 460. Euphema chrysogastra (Lath.). Orange-bellied Grass- Parrakeet. Hab. South Australia. a-d. Purchased, Feb. 11, 1873. 461. Euphema bourkii (Mitch.). Bourke's Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. b-g. Purchased, April 26, 1869. Genus PLATYCERCUS. 462. Platycercus pennanti (Lath.). Pennant's Parrakeet, Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Wheeler, Aug. 20, 1861. c. Received in exchange, July 29, 1865. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1867. e. Deposited, July 28, 1869. /. Deposited, May 23, 1871. g. Presented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Feb. 6, 1873. h. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1873. i. Presented by Dr. Henry Wheeler, Feb. 17, 1874. 252 PSITTACID^E. 463. Platycercus adelaida, Gould. Adelaide Parrakeet. Hob. South Australia. a. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. 464. Platycercus flaveolus (Gould). Yellow-rumped Parra- keet. Hab. Queensland. a, b. Purchased, May 27, 1867. 465. Platycercus icterotis (Temm.). Stanley Parrakeet. Hab. West Australia. a. Received in exchange, Nov. 15, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. 466. Platycercus eximius (Shaw). Rose-Hill Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by G. H. Parkinson, Esq., Nov. 23, 1861. b-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. li. Presented by Mrs. Satterthwaite, May 21, 1868. i. Presented by P. Haine, Esq., June 8, 1868. j, Ic. Purchased, March 11, 1871. I. Presented by Hume Nicholl, Esq., Aug. 8, 1872. m-o. Presented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Feb. 6, 1873. p. Presented by Griffiths Smith, Esq., Eeb. 23, 1873. q. Presented by Mrs. Hewitt, March 6, 1873. r, s. Deposited, May 19, 1873. t. Presented by E. J. Dean, Esq., Oct. 17, 1874. 467. Platycercus pallidiceps, Vig. Pale-headed Parrakeet. Hab. North-east Australia. a, b. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. c. d. Received in exchange, March 9, 1872. 468. Platycercus pileatus, Vig. Pileated Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 27, 1854. 6, c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. d. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. e. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1873. PSITTACID^E. 253 469. Platycercus flaviventris (Temm.) . Yellow-bellied Par- rakeet. Hab. Tasmania. a. Purchased, May 8, 1860. b. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1875. 470. Platycercus barnardi (Lath.). Barnard's Parrakeet. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1853. b, c. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. d. Purchased, April 7, 1871. 471. Platycercus semitorquatus (Quoy et Gaim.). Yellow- collared Parrakeet. Hab. West Australia. a. Presented hy F. J. Hooper, Esq., F.Z.S., July 8, 1862. b. Presented hy Mrs. Harborow, May 10, 1875. 472. Platycercus zonarius (Shaw) . Bauer's Parrakeet. Hab. South Australia. a. Presented hy Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. Genus PSEPHOTUS. 473. Psephotus hamatog aster, Gould. Blue-bonnet Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1869. d. Received in exchange, March 24, 1870. e-g. Purchased, May 30, 1873. 474. Psephotus hamatonotus, Gould. Blood-rumped Parra- keet. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 9, 1861. c. Male. Purchased, May 29, 1862. d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. e. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1874. 254 PSITTACI VM. 475. Psephotus multicolor (Brown). Many-coloured Parra- keet. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, April 25, 1862. c, d. Males ; e, f. Females. Purchased, April 30, 1867. g. Deposited, June 15, 1867. h, i. Purchased, April 16, 1870. .;. Deposited, July 20, 1875. k. Received in exchange, Sept. 16, 1875. 476. Psephotus pulcherrimus , Gould. Beautiful Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male; 6. Female. Purchased, March 28, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 201. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 5, 1871. g. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 31, 1873. Genus PYRRHULOPSIS. 477. Pyrrhulopsis tabuensis (Lath.) . Tabuan Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, July 7, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. 478. Pyrrhulopsis splendens (Peale) . Shining Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 375. I. Presented by Charles Moore, Esq., April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. c. Purchased, April 6, 1868. 479. Pyrrhulopsis personata (Gray) . Masked Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. 6, c. Purchased, March 21, 1868. d. Purchased, April 26, 1870. PSITTACID^E. 255 Genus APROSMICTUS. 480. Aprosmictus erythropterus (Lath.). Red- winged Parra- keet. Hab. Australia. a. Female. Presented by R. Marshall, Esq., F.Z.S., March 30, 1861. b. Male. Purchased, June 7, 1861. c. Deposited, July 25, 1867. d. e. Deposited, March 2, 1869. /, g. Presented by the Countess of Eglington, May 22, 1875. 481. Aprosmictus coccinopterus , Gould. Crimson-winged Parrakeet. Hab. North Australia. a. Male ; b. Pemale. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Australia, March 6, 1871. Prom Port Darwin, N. Australia. 482. Aprosmictus scapulatus (Kuhl) . King Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a. Pemale. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1859. b. Male. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. c. Pemale. Presented by P. Hansard Eivington, Esq., Oct. 6, 1865. d. e. Presented by E. M. Way, Esq., Sept. 11, 1868. f-p. Received in exchange, Peb. 4, 1869. q. Presented by Mr. Sercombe, June 11, 1869. r. Male. Presented by John Biffen, Esq., April 1, 1870. s. Presented' by Mrs. Hughes, June 4, 1870. *. Male. Deposited, Aug. 27, 1872. u. Male, Purchased, Aug. 6, 1873. v. Male. Deposited, Aug. 26, 1873. Genus POLYTELIS. 483. Polytelis barrabandi (Swains.). Barraband's Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Deposited, May 23, 1867. c. Purchased, June 24, 1867. d. Presented by George Cooke, Esq., Nov. 16, 1869. 256 PSITTACID.E. 484. Polytelis melanurus (Vig.). Black-tailed Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, March 15, 1864. c, d. Received, Jan. 14, 1865. e. Presented by Dr. John Cooper, June 9, 1869. Genus CYANORHAMPHUS. 485. Cyanorhamphus nova-zealandia (Gm.). New-Zealand Parrakeet. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, April 7, 1864. b-d. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. 486. Cyanorhamphus alpinus (Buller). Alpine Parrakeet. Hqf). New Zealand. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. 487. Cyanorhamphus auriceps (Kuhl) . Golden-headed Par- rakeet. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1865. b-d. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. Subfamily PSITTACIN^:. Genus CORACOPSIS. 488. Coracopsis vasa (Linn.) . Greater Vasa Parrakeet. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by the late Charles Telfair, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1830. b. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. 489. Coracopsis nigra (Linn.) . Lesser Vasa Parrakeet. Hab. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1857. b. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. c. d. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1872. PSITTACID^E. 257 490. Coracopsis barklyi, Newton. Praslin Parrakeet. Hab. Prasliii Island, Seychelles. a. Presented by Swinbourne Ward, Esq., Civil Commissioner of Seychelles, April 8, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. I). Received in exchange, Dec. 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Presented by the Hon. Sir A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21 , 1874. d, e. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. Genus PSITTACUS. 491. Psittacus erithacus, Linn. Grey Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, 1854. b. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. c. Received, March 4, 1865. cZ, e. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1865. /. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. g. Deposited, May 10, 1866. h. Deposited, June 15, 1867. i. Deposited, Jan. 8, 1868. j. Purchased, Feb. -6, 1869. Tc. Deposited, April 14, 1869. /. Deposited, April 22, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Ford North, May 13, 1869. n. Presented by Miss Paget, Oct. 9, 1869. o. Presented by G. A. Wilde, Esq., Dec. 11, 1869. p. Received in exchange, Nov. 10, 1870. q. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1871. r. Presented by G. Simmonds, Esq., June 29, 1872. 492. Psittacus timneh, Fraser. Timneh Parrot. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 494. 6, c. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1872. Genus ECLECTUS. 493. Edectus polychlorus (Scop.). Red-sided Eclectus. Hab. Moluccas. a. Female. (E. linncei.} Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1859. b. Purchased, April 11, 1864. 258 PSITTACID^E. c, d. Purchased, Jan. f7, 1865. e. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1870. 494. Eclectus grandis (Gm.). Grand Eclectus. Hab. Gilolo. a, b. Purchased, June 8, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Purchased, March 15, 1868. e. Purchased, March 31, 1871. /. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1871. 495. Eclectus westermanni, Bp. Westermanir's Eclectus. Hab. Moluccas. P a. Living in the Gardens, 1857. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 226, Aves, pi. cxivn. 6. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. Genus TANYGNATHUS. 496. Tanygnathus megalorhynchus (Bodd.). Great-billed Parrakeet. Hab. Gilolo and Ceram. a. Purchased, April 20, 1856. b. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1875. 497. Tanygnathus muelleri (Temm.) . Mueller's Parrakeet. Hab. Celebes. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. b. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. 498. Tanygnathus albirostris, Wallace. White-billed Parrot. Hab. Celebes. a. Purchased, March 15, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 262. b. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 494. 499. Tanygnathus luzonensis (Linn.). Blue-crowned Parra- keet. Hab. Philippines. a. Purchased, April 24, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. b. Presented by Master Hugh Sutton, Dec. 14, 1875. PSITTACIM. 259 Genus CAICA. 500. Cdica melanocephala (Linn.). Black-headed Parrot. Hab. Demerara. a. Purchased, 1855. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1866. d, e. Deposited, June 30, 1869. /, g. Deposited, June 2, 1871. h, i. Presented by His Honour Judge Lovesey, Sept. 29, 1873. j. Purchased, July 23, 1875. Genus PJONUS. 501. Pionus menstruus (Linn.). Red- vented Parrot. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1868. c. Presented by the Kev. A. W. Booker, Feb. 6, 1872. d. Purchased, May 25, 1873. e. f. Purchased, July 22, 1875. 502. Pionus maximiliani (Kuhl). Maximilian's Parrot. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. 503. Pionus senilis (Spix). "White-headed Parrot. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1862. b. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1867. 504. Pionus violaceus (Bodd.). Dusky Parrot. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1869. b. Purchased, June 1, 1875. 505. Pionus sordidus (Linn.). Blue-throated Parrot. Hab. Venezuela. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. s2 260 PSITTACID/E. Genus DEROPTYUS. 506. Dsroptyus accipitrinus (Linn.). Hawk-headed Parrot. Hob. Brazil. a. Presented by G. Dennis, Esq., July 19, 1856. b. Presented by S. Booker, Esq., Jan. 15, 1868. c. Presented by G. Peacock, Esq., Aug. 3, 1869. d. Presented by J. G. Sawkins, Esq., Aug. 10, 1870. e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1873. Genus PCEOCEPHALUS. 507. Poeocephalus fuscicollis (Kuhl) . Brown-necked Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, July 13, 1869. 508. Poeocephalus robustus (Gm.) . Levaillant's Parrot. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Jesse, June 14, 1853. b. Deposited, June 26, 1866. c. Purchased, March 2, 1868. 509. Poeocephalus gulielmi (Jard.). Jardine's Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. 510. Poeocephalus senegalus (Linn.). Senegal Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Clark, Oct. 11, 1853. b, c. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. d. Presented by Miss M. D. Du Cam, April 8, 1865. e. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. /, g. Presented by Capt. Maule, Feb. 15, 1867. h, i. Females. Purchased, April 24, 1870. j, lc. Purchased, June 1, 1871. 511. Pceocephalus fuscicapillus. Brown-headed Parrot. Hab. Zanzibar. a, 6. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. PSITTACID^E. 261 512. PoBocephalus meyeri (Riipp.). Meyers Parrot. Hab. East Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1855. b. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1873. Genus CHRYSOTIS. 513. Chrysotis festiva (Linn.). Festive Amazon. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. 514. Chrysotis sallai, Sclater. Sailers Amazon. Hab. St. Domingo. a. Presented by William Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. b. Purchased, June 23, 1875. 515. Chrysotis vittata (Bodd.). Red-fronted Amazon. Hab. Porto llico. a. Purchased, June 9, 1869. 516. Chrysotis collaria (Linn.). Red-throated Amazon. Hab. Jamaica. a. Presented by J. W. Malcolm, Esq., F.Z.S., July 3, 18C9. b. Purchased, May 29, 1873. c. Deposited, July 16, 1873. 517. Chrysotis leucocephala (Linn.) . White-fronted Amazon. Hab. Cuba. a, b. Received in exchange, June 5, 1868, 518. Chrysotis albifrons (Sparrm.) . White-browed Amazon. Hab. Honduras. a. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1873. 519. Chrysotis xantholora, G. R. Gray. Yellow-lored Amazon. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1875. 262 PSITTACID^:. 520. Chrysotis diademata. Diademed Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 27, 1871. 521. Chrysotis fins chi, Sclater. Finsch's Amazon. Hab. Mexico. a. -Presented by Mrs. C. Chivers, March 9, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 206, pi. xxxiv. 522. Chrysotis agilis (Linn.). Active Amazon. Hab. Jamaica. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. 523. Chrysotis viridigenalis, Cass. Green-cheeked Amazon. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1863. b. Purchased, June 21, 1871. c. Purchased, April 21, 1874. 524. Chrysotis autumnalis (Linn.) . Yellow- cheeked Amazon. Hab. Honduras. a\ Purchased, July 3, 1869. 525. Chrysotis dufresniana (Kuhl). Dufresne's Amazon. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1863. 6. Purchased, June 9, 1875. c. Presented by the Rev. A. Hibbit, Nov. 13, 1875. 526. Chrysotis augusta (Vig.). Imperial Amazon. Hab. Dominica. a. Presented by P. N. Bernard, Esq., May 12, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 437. 527. Chrysotis guildingi, Vigors. Guilding's Amazon. Hab. St. Vincent, West Indies. a. Purchased, May 29, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 324. b. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1874. PSITTACIDJL 283 528. Chrysotis bouqueti, Bechst. Blae-faced Green Amazon. Hab. St. Lucia,, West Indies. a. Purchased, May 6, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 323, and 1875, p. 61, pi. xi. b. Deposited, March 25, 1875. From St. Lucia. c. Purchased, April 8, 1875. From St. Lucia. 529. Chrysotis guatemala, Hartl. Guatemalan Amazon. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, April 21, 1870. 530. Chrysotis far inos a (Bodd.). Mealy Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, March 18, 1863. 6. Presented by J. Aveling, Esq., Aug. 8, 1863. c. Presented by E. A. Ommaney, Esq., R.N., Jan. 28, 1868. 531. Chrysotis auripalliata (Less.). Golden-naped Amazon. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, 1844. b. Presented by Lady Ousley, March 24, 1866. c. Deposited, July 31, 1875. 532. Chrysotis testiva (Linn.) . Blue-fronted Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, May 13, 1864. b. Presented by Mrs. Sotheby, July 22, 1865. c. Purchased, June 19, 1867. d. e. Deposited, July 25, 1867. f. Received in exchange, June 10, 1868. *-, s. Presented by A. J. C. White, Esq., Dec. 6, 1873. t. Presented by J. A. Wright, Esq., April 7, 1875. From Spain. u. Presented by Mr. W. S. Warner, April 23, 1875. v. Presented by Mrs. Logan Home, June 21, 1875. w, so. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., July 14, 1875. y. Deposited, Oct. 27, 1875. From Hudson's Bay. 286 FALCONlDjE. 632. Aquila imperialis, Beclist. Imperial Eagle. Hab. Europe and Asia. a. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Aug. 30, 1860. b. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., April 1, 1862. c. d. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. e. Purchased, May 11, 1871. From Foo-Chow, China. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. f-h. Presented by Major Howard Irby, June 24, 1871 . From Southern Spain. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623. i. Presented by Joseph Gripper, Esq., Jan. 4, 1872. From Bulgaria. j~m. Deposited, June 25, 1872. From Southern Spain. 633. Aquila navio'ideSj Cuv. Tawny Eagle. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by W. H. Simpson, Esq., F.Z.S., 1857. From Algeria. b. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 31, 1860. From Cape Colony. c. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., March 11, 1870. From Cape Colony. d. Purchased, May 7, 1873. e. Purchased, July 2, 1873. 634. Aquila naevia (Gin.) . Spotted Eagle. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1863. 6. Purchased, April 3, 1867. 635. Aquila audax (Lath.). Wedge-tailed Eagle. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Samuel Magnus, Esq., May 15, 1858. b,c. Presented by Dr. Mueller, of Melbourne, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 13, 1859. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, of Melbourne, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1861. e. Presented by Eussell, Esq., March 26, 1863. /. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. g, h. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1867. ?', j. Presented by the Commissioners of South Australia to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. k. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Dec. 24, 1867. PALCONID^K. 287 /. Presented by C. J. Trendell, Esq., Nov. 2, 1868. wi. Presented by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, F.Z.S., June 19, 1869. n. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., Dec. 9, 1871. o. Presented by J. Pritchard, Esq., Dec. 12, 1871. p. Purchased, July 4, 1874. 636. Aquila vulturina (Daud.). Vulturine Eagle. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., May 20, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. Genus NISAETUS. 637. Nisaetus fasciatus (Vieill.). Bonelli's Eagle. Hab. Europe. a, b. Purchased, June 2, 1868. c. Presented by Major Howard Irby, May 14, 1872. d. Deposited, June 7, 1872. e. Purchased, March 5, 1873. From Morocco. 638. Nisaetus pennatus (Gm.). Booted Eagle. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by R. S. A. South, Esq., Dec. 5, 1865. b. Presented by Major Howard Irby, May 31, 1870. From Southern Spain. c. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1871. Genus SPIZAETUS. 639. Spizaetus occipitalis (Daud.) . Black-crested Eagle. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by the late Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M/s Commissioner at Loando, Angola, Oct. 4, 1860. From Angola. 6. Deposited, July 25, 1864. From South Africa. c. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1865. d, e. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1865. /. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1869. 288 FALCON JD#:. 640. Spizaetus coronatus (Linn.). Crowned Hawk-Eagle. Hab. Senegal. a. Male. Purchased, April 30, 1806. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1869. c. Purchased, July 25, 1873. d. Received in exchange, April 21, 1875. 641. Spizaetus ornatus (Daud.). Ornamented Hawk-Eagle. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1867. b. Female. Presented by Capt. Dow, F.Z.S., Sept. 27, 1869. From Costa Rica. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 469. 642. Spizaetus caligatus (Raffl.). Malayan Hawk-Eagle. Hab. Burmah. . Presented by H. Fielden, Esq., Nov. 21, 1873. Genus CIKCAETUS. 643. Circaetus gallicus (Gm.). Short-toed Eagle. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Presented by Capt. P. Perry, March 18, 1873. From Saffi, Morocco. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. Genus SPILORNIS. 644. Spilornis cheela (Daud.) . Cheela Eagle. Hab. British India. a. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18, 1871. From Ceylon. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. 645. Spilornis bacha (Daud.). Bacha Eagle. Hab. Java, Sumatra, and Malacca. a, 6. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., May 20, 1865. From the Andaman Islands. Received as typical specimens of Hvematornis elgini, Tytler. See remarks, P. Z. S 1865, p. 466, and 1871, p. 495. FALCONID^. 289 Subfamily IV. ACCIPITRIN^:. Genus ACCIPITER. 646. Accipiter nisus (Linn.) . Common Sparrow-Hawk. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by W. H. Allies, Esq., March 3, 1866. b. Male ; c. Female. Presented by Mr. R. B. Sharpe, Aug. 29, 1869. d. Presented by T. Tax, Esq., June 14, 1871. From Norway. 647. Accipiter melanoleucus, Smith. Black-and- White Spar- row- Hawk. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Griffiths, Sept. 5, 1874. Captured at sea off Cape Yerd. Genus MELIERAX. 648. Melierax polyzonus, Riipp. Many-zoned Hawk. Hab. East Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 1859. b. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. c. Purchased, July 2, 1873. 649. Melierax monogrammicus (Temm.). One -streaked Hawk. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 1861. 6. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1869. c. Purchased, July 19, 1869. d. Purchased, July 20, 1871. e. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Sept. 11, 1872. Genus ASTUR. 650. Astur palumbarius (Linn.). Goshawk. Hab. Europe. a, b. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1861. c, d. Deposited, July 4, 1862. e, f. Deposited, July 2, 1866. 290 FALCONIDvE. g-i. Presented by B. James, Esq., July 24, 1871. From Norway. j. Presented by Gerald Lascelles, Esq., March 3, 1874. fc. Deposited, March 1874. 651. Astur nova-hollandice (Gm.) . White Goshawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, July 12, 1859. b. Presented by Dr. Mueller of Melbourne, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 10, 1864. c. Deposited, Dec. 5, 1868. d. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 652. Astur approximans, Vig. Allied Goshawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 2, 1868. b. Purchased, May 21, 1868. c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1876. 653. Astur tibialis, Verreaux. Gambian Goshawk. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 29, 1875. Subfamily V. FALCONING. Genus FALCO. 654. Falco peregrinus, Gm. Peregrine Falcon. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Thomas Eraser, Esq., Oct. 22, 1862. b. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1862. c. Presented by Capt David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 12, 1863. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. d. Purchased, Dec. 2, 1863. From North America. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1863. /. Presented by J. M. Baragett, Esq., March 15, 1865. g. Presented by John Wingfield Larkin, Esq., Nov. 21, 1865. h. Presented by Capt. C. Griffith, Beng. Army, May 28, 1866. i,j. Presented by LordF. Conyngham, July 16, 1866. From Ireland. k. Presented by Mrs. Charles Cox, Dec. 6, 1866. I. Presented by the Rev. J. Climenson, June 12, 1867. m. Presented by C. H. Akroyd, Esq., Nov. 28, 1867. FALCONID^E. 291 n-p. Presented by the Hon. C. Ellis, July 18, 1868. q. Presented by W. D. Dugdale, Esq., Oct. 25, 1870. r. Presented by Jas. Weller, Esq., Dec. 14, 1870. s. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., Dec. 9, 1871. From North America. t. Presented by H. Stone, Esq., Feb. 3, 1871. From the Island of Lewis, W. Hebrides. u. Presented by H.E.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, F.Z.S., June 3, 1871. v. Presented by W. Thompson, Esq., June 14, 1872. w, oc. Presented by Capt. John A. Martyn, Oct. 19, 1872. y, z. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Colon. aa, bb. Presented by Herbert Wood, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 12, 1874. cc. Presented by A. F. Ross, Esq., Dec. 18, 1874. dd. Presented by H. J. Watson, Esq., June 29, 1875. ee. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. Captured at sea off San Do- mingo. 655. Falco biarmicus, Temm. Beardde Falcon. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Perry, March 15, 1875. Captured at sea. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. 656. Falco barbarus, Linn. Barbary Falcon. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, July 27, 1864. 657. Falco lanarius, Schleg. Lanner Falcon. Hab. Eastern Europe. a. Presented by J. H. Cochrane, Esq., F.Z.S., April 27, 1863. b. Deposited, July 30, 1866. c. Male. Purchased, Oct. 9, 1867. d. Purchased, April 8, 1870. e. Deposited, June 14, 1870. From Algeria. /, g. Deposited, June 28, 1873. h. Purchased, June 27, 1874. 658. Falco jugger, Gray. Jugger Falcon. Hab. India. a. Presented by His Highness the Prince Duleep Singh, K.S.I., F.Z.S., May 17, 1865. b. Presented by W. Jeffreys, Esq., jun.. July 15, 1868. u 2 292 FALCON1D/E. 659. Falco sacer, Gm. Saker Falcon. Hab. Western Asia. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 6, 1863. b. Deposited, Sept. 10, 1866. 660. Falco candicans, Gm. Greenland Falcon. Hab. Greenland. a. Purchased, 1859. b. Purchased, April 27, 1868. 661. Falco islandus, Gm. Iceland Falcon. Hab. Iceland. a. Presented by Major Delme Kadcliffe, May 4, 1862. 6, c. Deposited, June 11, 1866. d. Purchased, March 20, 1867. e. Female. Purchased, April 14, 1869. /. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1872. g. Keceived in exchange, March 7, 1873. Genus HYPOTRIORCHIS. 662. Hypotriorchis subbuteo (Linn.). Hobby. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1866. b. Presented by J. E. Harting, Esq., F.Z.S., July 26, 1866. c. d. Deposited, July 30, 1866. e. Purchased, June 12, 1867. /. Purchased, July 26, 1873. g. Purchased, June 16, 1875. h. Deposited, July 12, 1875. 663. Hypotriorchis eleonorce (Gene). Eleonora Falcon. Hab. South Europe and North Africa. a, b. Presented by Capt. Thomas Waite, Oct. 7, 1868. From Mogadore. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. c. Deposited, July 11, 1874. FALCOMD.K. 293 664. Hypotriorchis rufiyularis (Daud.). Rufous -throated Falcon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. 665. Hypotriorchis cesalon (Linn.). Merlin. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Joseph Wolf, Esq., F.Z.S., May 25, 1871. b. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., March 14, 1872. 666. Hypotriorchis columbarius (Linn.). Pigeon-Hawk. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1866. b. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 19, 1870. Genus HIERACIDEA. 667. Hieracidea berigora (Vig. et Horsf.). Berigora Hawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, July 1861. b. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1864. c. Purchased, April 10, 1865. d. Purchased, July 18, 1874. 668. Hieracidea novae-zealandia (Gm.) . New-Zealand Hawk. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, May 9, 1866. b. Presented by J. M. Imade, Esq., July 1, 1869. Genus ERYTHROPUS. 669. Erythropus vespertinus (Linn.) . Red-footed Falcon, Hab. Southern Europe. a. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. b. Male ; c. Female. Received, Sept. 10, 1866. d. Deposited, July 1, 1869. e-i. Purchased, May 21, 1874. 294 FALCON ID ;E. Genus TINNUNCULUS. 670. Tinnunculus alaudarius (Gm.). Common Kestrel. Hob. British Islands. a-c. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1862. Prom Algeria. d, e. Presented by J. E. Harting, Esq., F.Z.S., July 27, 1866. f. Presented by A. Burman, Esq., Nov. 27, 1866. g. Presented by E. C. Newcombe, Esq., Feb. 28, 1867. h, i. Presented by Capt. Parsons, June 27, 1868. j, Tc. Presented by Capt. T. "Waite, July 6, 1868. From Teneriffe. I. Presented by Miss Lucy Royle, June 12, 1869. m. Presented by Mr. J. Stanton, June 16, 1869. n, o. Presented by Mr. W. Lake, Sept. 3, 1869. p. Presented by E. E. L. Wade, Esq., Jan. 15, 1870. q. Male. Presented by Mrs. Goodman, July 21, 1870. r. Presented by D. M'Donnell, Esq., Aug. 2, 1870. 5. Presented by G. W. Obicini, Esq., May 23, 1871. t. Presented by W. Lund, Esq., July 31, 1871. u. Presented by C. Whymper, Esq., Jan. 10, 1872. v. Presented by Mrs. Jones, Jan. 11, 1872. w. Presented by E. Beddingfield, Esq., March 12, 1872. x, y. Presented by G. W. Thompson, Esq., May 15, 1874. Captured on board ship in the Red Sea. z. Presented by T. Stilman, Esq., Oct. 24, 1874. aa. Presented by Mr. J. Page, Oct. 19, 1874. bb. Presented by Miss Truefitt, Nov. 16, 1874. cc. Presented by E. M. Burton, Esq., Aug. 3, 1875. dd. Presented by J. H. Willmore, Esq., Oct. 11, 1875. 671. Tinnunculus cenchris (Naum.). Southern Kestrel. Hob. Southern Europe. a, 6. Purchased, May 29, 1875. 672. Tinnunculus cenchroides (Vig.) . Nankeen Kestrel. Hob. Australia. a, b. Purchased, March 2, 1868. 673. Tinnunculus sparverius (Linn.) . American Kestrel. Uab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1874. FALCON IDA. 295 Subfamily VI. MILVIN^E. Genus MILVUS. 674. Milvus ictinus, Sav. Common Kite. Hob. Europe. a. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1860. b. Presented by the late King* of Portugal, F.Z.S., Aug. 3, 1860. c. Presented by Henry Oakley, Esq., E.N., July 5, 1863. d. Presented by Howard Saunders, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1866. e. Presented by the Eev. T. P. Powell, May 2, 1875. 675. Milvus cegyptius (Gm.). Egyptian Kite. Hob. Africa. a. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Stuart, Dec. 16, 1861. From Lake Menzaleh, Egypt. b. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1863. From West Africa. c-e. Purchased, June 16, 1864. From Egypt. /. Presented by His Excellency Governor Ussher, March 19, 1872. From West Africa. g, h. Presented by H. F. Blissett, Esq., June 10, 1873. 676. Milvus migrans (Bodd.) . Black Kite. Hob, Europe, Africa, and Asia. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1860. From Germany. b. Presented by G. B. Bird, Esq., May 26, 1861. From North China. c. Purchased, July 12, 1861. From Germany. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1864. e. Presented by E. M. Young, Esq., May 17, 1865. /. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1866. g. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1867. h. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1872. i. Purchased, April 3, 1873. 677. Milvus govinda, Sykes. Indian Kite. Hab. Eastern Asia. a. Presented by Henry Markmann, Esq., Jan. 4, 1871. b. Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, April 23, 1875. 296 FALCON ID A'. 678. Milvus isurus (Gould) . Long-winged Kite. Hob. Australia. a. Purchased, May 27, 1867. Genus BAZA. 679. Baza lophotes (Temm.). Crested Black Kite. Hab. India. a-c. Purchased, March 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. Genus ELANUS. 680. Elanus scriptus, Gould. Letter-winged Kite. Hab. King George's Sound, "West Australia. a. Presented by E. St. Jean, Esq., May 29, 1 865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466. Subfamily VII. HERPETOTHERIN^E. Genus HERPETOTHERES. 681. Herpetotheres cachinnans, Linn. Laughing Falcon. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 30, 1874. Subfamily VIII. POLYBORIN^E, Genus MILVAGO. 682. Milvago australis (Gin.). Forster's Milvago, Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1859, 6, c. Deposited, Sept. 2, 1862. d. Deposited, May 29, 1867. e, f. Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868, g. Presented by Capt Dyer, Sept. 7, 1868. h-l. Purchased, June 22, 1870. m. Eeceived in exchange, June 22, 1870. n. Presented by Capt. Macey, June 22, 1870. o-s. Purchased, July 13, 1870. t. Presented by Capt. Macey, July 13, 1870, FALCONIDJi. .297 683. Milvago megalopterus (Meyen) . Long- winged Milvago. Hab. Chili. a, b. Purchased, May 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. 684. Milvago chimango (Vieill.). Brown Milvago. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1851. b-d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1868. From La Plata. e. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1870. 685. Milvago chimachima (Vieill.). Chimachima Milvago. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. b. Purchased, April 14, 1875. c. Purchased, June 12, 1875. Genus POLYBORUS. 686. Polyborus brasiliensis (Gm.). Brazilian Caracara. Hab. South America. a. Presented by the late Hugh Cuming, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1831. 6. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1863. c, d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1870. From Buenos Ayres. e. Presented by Dr. Palm, C.M.Z.S., June 17, 1871. From Brazil. Subfamily IX. VULTURIN^. Genus VULTUR. 687. Vultur monachus, Linn. Cinereous Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1851. b. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1862. c. Presented by G. F. Moss, Esq., Nov. 6, 1667. d. Presented by Sir S. Lakeman, Nov. 19, 1867. From Turkey. e. Received in exchange, March 22, 1872, 298 FALCONID^E. 688. Vultur calvus, Scop. Pondicherry Vulture. Hab. India. a, 6. Purchased, May 20, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. c,d. Purchased, July 2, 1875. 689. Vultur auricularis, Daud. Sociable Vulture. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, March 28, 1850. From Eastern Africa. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. b. Purchased, March 25, 1865. From Natal. See P.Z.S. 1865, p. 675. c. Deposited, March 7, 1866. d. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 11, 1870. From Angola. e. Presented by C. A. Fairbridge, Esq., Feb. 8, 1872. 690. Vultur occipitalis, Burch. Occipital Vulture. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. Genus GYPS. 691. Gypsfulvus(Gm.). Griffon Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Col. Harding, Sept. 12, 1855. From the Crimea. 6. Presented by Cuthbert Wigham, Esq., July 26, 1856. c. Presented by Eees Williams, Esq., June 10, 1862. d-g. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., April 1, 1863. h. Presented by E,. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 20, 1866. From Portugal. i. Presented by Sir S. Lakeman, Nov. 19, 1867. From Turkey. j. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1870. From Mount Lebanon. fc, 1. Presented by A. J. C. White, Esq., Dec. 6, 1873. m. Deposited, Feb. 2, 1874. n. Presented by Saville Iteid, Esq., F.Z.S., June 7, 1874. 692. Gyps rueppelli, Bp. RuppelFs Vulture. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Purchased, March 16, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. FALCON I DJi. 299 Genus NEOPHRON. 693. Neophron percnopterus (Linn.). Egyptian Vulture. Hab. Africa and India. a. Presented by Edmund E. Wodehouse, Esq., April 30, 1863. Prom the Cape Colony. Specimen noticed, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. b. Purchased, May 20, 1865. From India. Specimen noticed, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. c. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1872. d. Purchased, July 22, 1873. e. Presented by S. G. Reid, Esq., and Lieut. Denison, B.E., Aug. 20, 1873. 694. Neophron pileatus (Burch.). Pileated Vulture. Hab. West Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 16, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. Subfamily X. GYPOHIERACIN.E. Genus GYPOHIERAX. i 695. Gypohierax angolensis (Gm.). Angolan Vulture. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1864. b. Presented by John Montague Grant, Esq., Aug. 30, 1866. c. Purchased, June 27, 1867. d. e. Purchased, June 29, 1870. /. Presented by H. J. Blissett, Esq., July 4, 1872. g, h. Presented by the late H. Ansell, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1875. Subfamily XI. GYPAETIN^E. Genus GYPAETUS. 696. Gypaetus barbatus (Linn.). European Bearded Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. From Southern Spain. Taken from a nest between Ronda and Malaga in May, 1870, by a collector employed by Mr. Howard Saunders, F.Z.S. 300 FALCONID^E. CATHARTICS. 697. Gypaetus meridionalis, Keys, et Bl. Southern Bearded Vulture. Hob. North-eastern Africa. a. Received in exchange, Oct. 4, 1851. Family SERPENT ABIID^E. Genus SERPENTARIUS. 698. Serpentarius reptilivorus, Daud. Secretary Vulture. Hab. South Africa. a. Deposited, Aug. 21, 1866. 6. Deposited, April 23, 1867. c, Purchased, May 21, 1868. d, e. Purchased, April 14, 1869. /. Presented by J. S. Mackenzie, Esq., April 15, 1869. g,h. Purchased, May 20, 1869. i,j. Deposited, April 22, 1870. fc, I Purchased, Jan. 21, 1873. Family CATHARTICS. Genus CATHARTES. 699. Cathartes atratus (Bartr.) . Black Vulture. Hab. America. a, 6. Presented by Dr. H. B. Holbeck, of Charleston, U.S.A., July 25, 1861. c, d. Purchased, July 16, 1872. From Central America. e, f. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Colon. g, h. Presented by L. T. Lovesy, Esq., July 14, 1873. 700. Cathartes aura (Linn.). Turkey Vulture. Hab. America. a. Purchased, May 28, 1864. 701. Cathartes californianus (Shaw). Californian Vulture. (Fig. 30, p. 301.) Hab. Monterey, California. a. Presented by Colbert A. Canfield, M D., C.M.Z.S., June 22, 1866, See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 366. CATHARTIDJ*:. Fig. 30. 301 Cathartes calif ormanus. Genus SARCORHAMPHUS. 702. Sarcorhamphus gryphus (Linn.). Condor Vulture. Hab. South America. a. Male. Purchased, 1853. I. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1856. 302 CATHARTID^. PELECANID^E. c. Male. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Chili. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. d. Male. Deposited, Aug. 26, 1872. e. Male. Presented by Lieut. L. CliveStrachey, E.N., March 15, 1873. From Western Peru. Genus GYPAGUS. 703. Gypagus papa (Linn.) . King Vulture. Hob. Tropical America. a. Male. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Nov. 16, 1856. b. Female. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., May 13, 1857. For notice of egg of this bird see P. Z. S. 1860, p. 193. c,d. Presented by Josiah Booker, Nov. 29, 1865. From Demerara. e. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. /. Purchased, May 8, 1869. g. Purchased, June 25, 1870. h. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1872. t. Presented by P. Stewart, Esq., Dec. 20, 1872. j. Deposited, July 23, 1874. l\ Presented by G. J. Brunnschweiler, Esq., Sept. 17, 1874. I. Presented by Mariano Billinghurst, Esq., Jan. 18, 1875. Order STEGANOPODES. Family PELECANID^. Genus PELECANUS*. 704. Pelecanus onocrotalus, Linn. White Pelican. Hab. Southern Europe and North Africa. a. Purchased, April 22, 1851. From Egypt. b. Purchased, July 9, 1852. From Egypt. c. Purchased, April 12, 1853. From Egypt. d. Presented by E. T. Rogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., H.B.M. Acting Consul at Beyrout, Syria, Feb. 3, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 265. * On the Pelicans in the Society's Gardens, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 264, and 1871, p. 631. PELECANIDvE. FREGATID^!. 303 705. Pelecanus mitratus, Licht. Mitred Pelican. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 266. 706. Pelecanus rufescens, Lath. Red-backed Pelican. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 18, 1866. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 267, pi. xxvi. fig. 1. b, c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 267, pi. xxvi. fig. 2. 707. Pelecanus crispus, Feldegg. Crested Pelican. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1853. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 267. b, c. Received in exchange, Dec. 4, 1868. d, e. Received in exchange, March 22, 1872. /. Presented by Dr. Doyle, April 10, 1873. 708. Pelecanus fuscus, Linn. Brown Pelican. Hab. West Indies. a. Presented by Capt. Abbott, July 18, 1854. Specimen de- scribed and figured, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 268, pi. xxv. b. Presented by Capt. Dow, May 30, 1869. 709. Pelecanus conspicillatus , Gould. Australian Pelican. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 10, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 268. b, c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 268. Family FREGATID^E. Genus FREGATA. 710. Fregata aquila (Linn.). Great Frigate Bird. Hab. America. a, b. Presented by Capt. J. M. Dow, F.Z.S., Aug. 28, 1871. From the Bay of Fonseca, Honduras. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 626. 304 PHALACROCORACIDJi. Family PHALACROCORACID^E. Genus SULA. 711. Sula bassana (Linn.). Gannet. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by J. J. Broadwood, Esq., July 13, 1864. b. Deposited, April 13, 1866. c. Presented by G. S. Patey, Esq., Sept. 24, 1868. d. Presented by W. H. Scratten, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. e. Presented by Mr. E. Frith, April 6, 1872. /. Presented by J. Foster, Esq., Sept. 12, 1872. g. Presented by R. Beveridge, Esq., Sept. 21 , 1872. h. Presented by A. Sanderson, Esq., Oct. 17, 1872. i. Presented by R. B. B. Norman, Esq., Oct. 5, 1874. 712. Sula fiber (Linn.). Brown Gannet. Hab. South America. , b. Presented by J. C. Hussey, Esq., Aug. 16, 1875. From Port Lemon, Costa Rica. Genus PHALACROCORAX. 713. Phalacrocorax carbo (Linn.). Common Cormorant. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Sir Henry Stracey, Bart., F.Z.S., Dec. 1, 1852. b. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1853. From Egypt. c. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 17, 1867. d. e. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1870. f,g. Deposited, July 2, 1872. k, i. Deposited, June 8, 1874. 714. Phalacrocorax lugubris, RUpp. West- African Cormo- rant. Hab. West Africa. . Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. PLOT1D/E. 305 Fig. 31. Plotus arJiinga. 306 PLOTID^E. ARDEID^E. Family PLOTID^. Genus PLOTUS. 715. Plotus anhinga, Linn. American Darter. (Fig. 31, p. 305.) Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Dec. 28. 1872. From Maranham. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 3. 6. Purchased, Sept 30, 1875- Order HERODIONES. Family ARDEID^E. Genus ARDEA. 716. Ardea cinerea, Linn. Common Heron. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1855. b. Presented by the Hon. C. A. Ellis, F.Z.S., Oct. 15, 1859. c. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., June 18, 1865. d. Presented by W. M. Wyllie, Esq., Aug. 1, 1865. e. Presented by J. Lane, Esq., Sept. 19, 1865. /. Presented by J. G. Chipchase, Esq., March 9, 1868. g. Presented by Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Cotton, May 18, 1869. h. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 7, 1870. i. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., Oct. 19, 1870. j. Presented by E. Y. Harcourt, Esq., June 7, 1872. k. Presented by A. Adie, Esq., Jan. 20, 1873. I. Presented by A. Brooksbank, Esq., Aug. 12, 1873. m. Presented by H. C. Tait, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 13, 1874. From W. Africa. n. Presented by L. Smythe, Esq., Oct. 2, 1875. 717. Ardea atricollis, Wagl. Black-necked Heron. Hab. Cape Colony. a, 1. Presented by Capt. Coxwell, Feb. 8, 1872, ARDEIDJG. 307 718. Ardea cocoi, Linn. Cocoi Heron. Hab. America. a. Purchased, May 28, 1864. b. Presented by J. M. Barton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 13, 1866. c. Presented by G. Dawson Eowley, Esq., F.Z.S., March 6, 1872. d. Purchased, April 11, 1873. 719. Ardea goliath, Temm. Goliath Heron. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 14, 1865. b. Purchased, June 13, 1866. c. Presented by F. G. Mercer, Esq., Sept. 5, 1867. 720. Ardea sumatrana, Raffles. Typhon Heron. Hab. Malacca. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 2, 1868. 721. Ardea purpurea, Linn. Purple Heron. Hab. Europe. a-d. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 21, 1861. ,/. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., June 25, 1871. 722. Ardea alba, Linn. Great White Egret. Hab. Europe. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 28, 1865. 723. Ardea egretta, Gin. Great American Egret. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para. b. Purchased, April 13, 1870. c. On approval, Dec. 5, 1870. d. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1872. e. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. 724. Ardea garzetta, Linn. Little Egret. Hab. Europe. a-e. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. x2 308 725. Ardea candidissima, Gm. Snowy Egret. Hab. America. a-c. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para. d. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1870. e-g. Purchased, March 19, 1875. 726. Ardea gularis, Bosc. Slaty Egret. Hab. West Africa. a-s. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1869. 727. Ardea comata, Pall. Squacco Heron. Hab. South Europe. -/. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. Genus BUTORIDES. 728. Butorides virescens (Linn.). Green Bittern. Hab. America. . Purchased, March 8, 1864. Genus ARDETTA. 729. Ardetta minuta (Linn.). Little Bittern. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, June 8, 1860. b-e. Presented by Henry Peters, Esq., June 26, 1806. /, g. Presented by Mr. A. A. Van Bemmelen, Sept. 15, 1874. Genus NYCTICORAX. 730. Nycticorax griseus (Linn.). Common Night-Heron. Hab. Europe. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1863. e. Presented by Henry Peters, Esq., June 1 9, 1866. /. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1871. From West Africa. 731. Nycticorax caledonicus (Gm.) . Nankeen Night- Heron. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 19, 1866. ARDEID^E. 309 6. Received in exchange, May 14, 1868. c. Purchased, May 14, 1808. 732. Nycticorax cucullatus (Licht.) . Hooded Night- Heron. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 14, 1867. 733. Nycticorax violaceus (Linn.) . Violaceous Night-Heron: Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. B. Webb, Esq., April 14, 1864. b, c. Purchased, June 4, 1866. d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. From Buenos Ayres. e. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1874. Genus CANCROMA. 734. Cancroma cochlearia, Linn. Boatbill. Hab. South America. . Purchased, March 6, 1867. See Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 466. b. Received in exchange, April 25, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. c, d. Purchased, March 20, 1874. Genus BOTAURUS. 735. Botaurus stellaris (Linn.) . Common Bittern. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by the llev. Benjamin Ruck Keene> Jan. 25, 1867. b. Presented by the Rev. R. Smith, Jan. 29, 1867. c. Presented by E. C. Capel, Esq., Sept. 17, 1868. d. Presented by the Hon. T. de Grey, M.P., .F.Z.S., April 16, 1869. From Norfolk. Genus TIGRISOMA. 736. Tigrisoma brasiliense (Linn.) . Tiger Bittern. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 28, 1864. 310 ARDEIM. CICONIID/E. 6, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. d. Presented by Capt. J. A. Perry, Aug. 1, 1870. 737. Tigrisoma leucolopham, Jard. White - crested Tiger Bittern. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 1860. b. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1866, Family CICONIIDjE. Genus CICONIA. 738. Ciconia nigra, Bechst. Black Stork. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by W. C. DomviUe, Esq., Aug. 14, 1855. b. Received in exchange, Oct. 21, 1861. c. d. Received in exchange, Oct. 14, 1862. c. Purchased, June 21, 1873. 739. Ciconia alba, Linn. White Stork. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1864. b-e. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1865. /. Presented by F. It. Hayward, Esq., June 28, 1866. g. Presented by J. D. Chipchase, Esq., March 9, 1868. h. Presented by F. M. Hayward, Esq., July 5, 1871. ?', j. Purchased, June 21, 1873. Jc, I. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1873. m. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1874. n. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1874. 740. Ciconia boyciana, Swinhoe. Boyce's Stork. Hab. Japan. a, b. Presented by R. H. Boyce, Esq., Dec. 31, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 2, pi. i. 741. Ciconia maguari, Gm. Maguari Stork. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para. CiCONIID^E. 311 c, d. Presented by G. Wilkd, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 5, 1869. e. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1872. 742. Ciconia episcopiis, Bodd. White-necked Stork. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. D. Campbell, Aug. 10, 1866. b. Purchased, Feb. 6, 1868. Genus AUDI MIA. 743. Abdimia sphenorhyncha, Bp. White -be! lied Stork. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 29, 1869. b. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1873. Genus XENORHYNCHUS. 744. Xenorhynchus australis (Shaw) . Black-necked Stork. Hab. Malacca. a. Male ; b. Eemale. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. c. Purchased, May 14, 1868. d. Purchased, May 2, 1870. e-g. Purchased, March 24, 1875. h. Presented by C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. 745. Xenorhynchus senegalensis (Shaw). Saddle-billed Stork. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, April 17, 1861. c, d. Purchased, July 22, 1869. Genus MYCTERIA. 746. Mycteria americana, Linn. American Jabiru. Hab. Para. a. Purchased. March 8, 1864. 312 CICONllD^E. Genus LEPTOPTILUS. 747. Leptoptilus crumeniferus (Cuv.). Marabou Stork. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1854. b. Presented by Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M.'s Commissioner at Loando, Angola, Aug. 22, 1860. From Angola. c. d. Presented by Capt. Glover, R.N., June 18, 1866. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1869. 748. Leptoptilus ar gala (Linn.). Indian Adjutant. Hab. India. ' , lj. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. c-e. Purchased, July 2, 1875. Genus BAL^NICEPS. 749. Balaniceps rex, Gould. Shoebill. a, 1. Purchased of Mr. Petherick, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 184 & 195. See also Mr. Bartlett's notes, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 461, and 1861, p. 131, and Mr. Parker's notes on its osteology, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 324. Cf. also, Rein- hardt, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 377. Genus TANTALUS. 750. Tantalus ibis, Linn. African Tantalus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 8, 1863. b. Purchased, July 16, 1863. c. Purchased, Oct. 27, 1868. d. e. Purchased, April 6, 1869. /. Purchased, April 16, 1869. g, h. Purchased, July 22, 1869. i. Presented by Master G. B. Campbell, April 30, 1870. j. Purchased, May 26, 1873. Tc. Received in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. 751. Tantalus leucocephalus, Gin. Indian Tantalus. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. b. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, ]864. PLATALEID^E. 313 Family PLATALEID^E. Genus PLATALEA. 752. Platalea leucorodia, Linn. Common Spoonbill. Hab. Europe. a, b. Received in exchange, March 30, 1860. c, 4. Purchased, June 1, 1873. e. Purchased, June 21, 173. 753. Platalea ajaja. Linn. Roseate Spoonbill. Hab. South America. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1870. Genus IBIS. 754. Ibis rubra, Linn. Scarlet Ibis. Hab. Para. a-f. Purchased, March 8, 1864. g. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. h. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1868. i. Deposited, Feb. 23, 1870. /, Jc. Deposited, May 4, 1870. I, m. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1870. n. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1871. o-q. Purchased, June 16, 1872. r. Received in exchange, Nov. 25, 1874. s-ii. Purchased, May 1, 1875. v. Purchased, July 17, 1875. w. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1875. 755. Ibis alba, Linn. White Ibis. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 28, 1864. 6. Purchased, June 11, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. e. Hybrid between this species and I. rubra. Bred in the Gardens, July 21, 1868. 756. Ibis falcinellus (Linn.). Glossy Ibis. Hab. Europe. , b. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1866. 314 PLATALEID^E. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1869. e. Keceived in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. 757. Ibis nippon, Temm. Nippon Ibis. Hab. China. . Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1872* See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862. Genus GERONTICUS. 758. Geronticus athiopicus (Lath.) . Sacred Ibis. Hab. River Gambia. a, b. Received in exchange, Aug. 9, 1855. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1863. From South Africa. e. On approval, March 15, 1871. From South Africa. /. Presented by H.E. Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., June 10, 1871. From Cape Colony. g. Presented by Capt. Wm. Dixon, March'8, 1872. h, i. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1873. From Gough's Island, South Atlantic. 759. Geronticus bernieri, Bp. Bernier's Ibis. Hab. Madagascar. a, b. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P.Z. S. 1870, p. 663. 760. Geronticus strictipennis (Gould). Australian Sacred Ibis. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, May 19, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 663. c, d. Presented by Dr. R. Schomburgk, June 13, 1870. 761. Geronticus melanocephalus (Linn.). Black-headed Ibis. Hab. Eastern Asia. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1864. From Siam. 762. Geronticus calvus (Bodd.) . Bald-beaded Ibis. Hab. South Africa. . Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Governor of New Zealand, Oct. 3, 1859. PLATALEIDJE. PHCENICOPTERID^. 315 763. Geronticus melanopis (Gm.). Black-faced Ibis. Hab. Chili. a-c. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P.Z.S. 1870, p. 665. 764. Geronticus albicollis (Gm.). White-necked Ibis. Hab. Brazil. . Purchased, Nov. 1, 1864. 765. Geronticus spinicollis y Jameson. Straw-necked Ibis. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 19, 1866. b. Purchased, April 19, 1866. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. Family PHCENICOPTERID^). Genus PHCENICOPTERUS. 766. Phcenicopterus antiquorum, Temm. European Fla- mingo. Hab. Southern Europe. a-e. Presented by Eees Williams, Esq., June 20, 1862. /. Presented by Charles Joyce, Esq., April 10, 1865. g-l. Purchased, July 16, 1866. 767. Phoenicopterus ruber, Linn. Ruddy Flamingo. Hab. North America. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1866. d, e. Deposited, Sept. 12, 1872. 316 I'ALAMEDEID/E. ANATID.E. Order ANSERES. Family PALAMEDEID^E. Genus CHAUNA. 768. Chauna chavaria (Linn.) . Crested Screamer. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a. Presented by A. C. Maxwell, Esq., March 22, 1872. See P.Z. S. 1872, p. 603. ?>. Presented by Higford Burr, Esq., F.Z.S., March 25, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. c. Presented by Mrs. Wilson, Feb. 28, 1873. 769. Chauna derbiana, Gray. Derbian Screamer. Hab. Northern coast of Columbia. a. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., July 29, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 377. 6. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 74, pi. XT., as Chauna nigricollis. See P.Z.S. 1866, p. 369. c. Purchased, June 27, 1866. d, e. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1871. From Cartagena. /, g. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1872. h-j. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1873. k. Purchased, May 31, 1875. Family ANATID^E. Subfamily I. PLECTROPTERIN^:. Genus ANSEKANAS. 770. Anseranas melanoleuca, Less. Black-and-White Goose, Hab. Australia. a. Female. Purchased, June 19, 1855. b. Presented by Mrs. K. W. Moore, March 3, 1865. c. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. . Presented by Mrs. Compton Robert, April 30, 1867. c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., Staff-Surgeon, May 6, 1867. d. Presented by Capt. R. M. Spirling, R.K, April 9, 1868. From the Shire River, East Africa. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. e. Received in exchange, Aug. 13, 1868. /. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1868. 'g-i. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1871. 772. Plectropterus rueppelli, Sclater. RiippelPs Spur-winged Goose. Hab. Eastern Africa. a, b. Males. Purchased, June 18, 1858. Types of the species as described, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 131. See also further remarks, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 38. Genus CHENALOPEX. 773. Chenalopex agyptiaca (Linn.). Egyptian Goose. Hab. Africa. a. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1863. From South Africa. b. Presented by W, C. Hewitson, Esq., F.Z.S., August 15, 1865. c,. Male ; d. Female. Presented by Frederick Powell, Esq., May 15, 1867. e. Presented by J. M. de Freitas Brance, Esq., April 9, 1868. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1868. h.' Purchased, Oct. 26, 1868. i-p. Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1869. q-cc. Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1870. y, z. Bred in the Gardens, May 3, 1871. aa. Hatched in the Gardens, June 21, 1872. bb. Male ; cc. Female. Presented by H. Welch Thornton, Esq., May 2, 1873. dd-ff. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1873. (/g, lih. Deposited, March 23, 1874. 'ii-lclc. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1874. 318 ANATID/E. II, mm. Females. Presented by R. B. N. Walker, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1875. nn. Male. Presented by Dr. E. Swain, Nov. 2, 1875. 774. Chenalopex jubata (Spix). Orinoco Goose. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 27, 1865. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c. Purchased, April 7, 1874. d. e. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. /, g. Purchased, June 12, 1875. Subfamily II. CEREOPSINJS. Genus CEREOPSIS. 775. Cereopsis nova-hollandia , Lath. Cereopsis Goose. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Bred in the Gardens, 1853. 6, c. Females. Purchased, April 26, 1861. d. Male. Received in exchange, April 17, 1863. e. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. /. Male ; g. Female. Deposited, March 25, 1865. h. Male. Presented by John Macmickan, Esq., Dec. 6, 1865. i. Presented by J. W. Tyas, Esq., March 4, 1869. Subfamily III. ANSERINE. Genus ANSER. 776. Anser ferus, Linn. Wild or Grey-Lag Goose. Hab. British Islands. a. Male. Purchased, 1855. From India. b. Female. Purchased, March 24, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female (domestic variety). Presented by Fre- derick Powell, Esq., May 15, 1867. 777. Anser brachyrhynchus, Baill. Pink-footed Goose. Hab. British Islands. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 14, 1861, .ANATIDJR. 319 778. Anser segetum, Linn. Bean-Goose. Hob. Europe. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1859. c. Female. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 20, 1872. 779. Anser erythropus, Linn. Little Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Purchased, May 18, 1852. b. Male. Purchased, May 27, 1852. c. Male. Purchased, April 4, 1858. d. Received in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. 780. Anser albifrons, Linn. White-fronted Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, 1861. 781. Anser indicus, Gm. Bar-headed Goose. Hab. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 5, 1852. c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. d. Male. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1874. 782. Anser cygnoides, Linn. Chinese Goose. Hab. China. a. Female. Presented by Russell Sturgis, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1859. b. Male. Presented by Capt. Cruikshank, April 22, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by Charles Shaw, Esq., July 1, 1867. Genus BERNICLA. 783. Bernicla leucopsis;"Bechst. Bernicle Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Male. Purchased, 1861. b, c. Presented by W. C. Hewitson, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 15, 1865. 3.20 ANATID/T:. d, e. Presented by W. C. Hewitson, Esq., F.Z.S., April ] 7, 1866. /. Female. Presented by T. P. Turdale, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 19, 1874. 784. Bernicla canadensis (Linn.) . Canada Goose. Hab. British Islands. a. Male. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S., Oct. 29, 1861. From Hudson's Bay Territory. b. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S., Oct. 29, 1862. From Hudson's Bay Territory. c. Presented by C. Anthony, Esq., jun., March 2, 1868. d. e. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1869. f-i. Presented by J. T. Liebert, Esq., Jan. 4, 1873. 785. Bernicla hutchinsi, Rich. Hutchins's Goose. Hab. Arctic America. a. Female. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1860. From Fort Churchill, Hud- son's Bay Territory. 786. Bernicla ruficollis (Pall.). Red-breasted Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Received in exchange, Aug. 19, 1858. 787. Bernicla brenta, Steph. Brant Goose. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, March 1, 1864. e. f. Males ; g, h. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. i-l. Presented by W. C. Hewitson, Esq., F.Z.S., April 17, 1866. m, n. Males ; o,p. Females. Purchased, May 13, 1871. q. Male ; r. Female. Received in exchange, Oct. 23, 1871. s, t. Males ; u, v. Females. Purchased, April 19, 1872. 788. Bernicla jubata (Lath.). Maned Goose. Hab. Australia. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1864. d-g. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. h. Purchased, June 15, 1870. ANATID.E. 321 789. Bernicla melanoptera (Eyt.) . Andean Goose. Hab. Chili. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, May 16, 1871. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. 790. Bernicla magellanica (Gm.) . Upland Goose. (Fig. 32. ; . Falkland Islands. CL a, Male, and 6, Female, Magellanic Geese in the Society's Gardens, bred between Bernicla dispar $ and Bernicla magellanica . Y 322 ANATID^, a. Male ; 6. Female. Presented by H.E. Capt. Thomas E. L. Moore, R.N., C.M.Z.S., Governor of the Falkland Islands, May 27, 1857. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by H.E. Capt. Thomas E. L. Moore, R.N., C.M.Z.S., Governor of the Falkland Islands, Sept. 5, 1861. e, f. Females. Bred in the Gardens, May 4, 1863. g, h. Bred in the Gardens, April 30, 1865. t. Male. Purchased, Jan. 9, 1867. j. Male ; k. Female. Deposited, May 29, 1867. l-o. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1868. p, q. Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868. r-u. Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1869. v. Female. Received in exchange, Jan. 24, 1870. w-bb. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1870. cc. Female. Received in exchange, Oct. 27, 1870. dd. Male. Presented by H. W. Peek, Esq., M.D., F.Z.S., Dec. 2, 1870. ee-gg. Bred in the Gardens, April 23, 1871. hh, ii. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. From Chili. (B. dispar.) jj. Female. Presented by Commander H. Stair Sandys, Nov. 21, 1871. Ick-nn. Hatched in the Gardens, April 22, 1872. oo-rr. Hatched in the Gardens, April 26, 1873. ss. Purchased, Oct. 5, 1873. tt-zz. Hatched in the Gardens, May 5, 1874. aaa. Hatched in the Gardens, May 17, 1874. bbb-eee. Hatched in the Gardens, April 29, 1875. fff. Male; ggg. Female. Received in exchange, Nov. 6, 1875. 791. Bernicla poliocephala, Sclater. Ashy-headed Goose. Hab. South America. a. Male ; 6. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1858. c. Male ; d. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 27, 1860. e-h. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. i~k. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1867. I. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1868. m. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1869. 792. Bernicla rubidiceps, Sclater. Ruddy-headed Goose. Hab. Falkland Islands. -dd. Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1872. ee-gg. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1872. hh, ii. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 28, 1872. jj, TcTc. Bred in the Gardens, July 29, 1873. II. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 10, 1873. mm. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1874. nn. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1874. oo. Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1875. pp, qq. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1875. rr, ss. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 27, 1875. Genus CHALCOPHAPS. 926. Chalcophaps indica (Linn.) . Green- winged Dove. Hob. India. a. Received in exchange, 1856. From China. 6,c. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. d-f. Received, Dec. 31, 1866. g-i. Presented by W. D. Glarside, Esq., April 15, 1867. j, fc. Presented by Col. G. W. Walker, May 20,1870. l,m. Presented by S. J. F. Stafford, Esq., July 19, 1873. COLUMBIDJ3. 353 927. Chalcophaps chrysochlora (Wagl.) . Little Green-winged Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1861. b-f. Received in exchange, April 23, 1863. g. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1863. h-Jc. Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. Genus PHAPS. 928. Phaps chalcoptera (Lath.). Bronze-winged Pigeon. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., June 22, 1859. b. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1861. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1862. d. e. Deposited, Feb. 14, 1863.. /. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. g. Male. Presented by Miss Ada Angus, April 9, 1865. #, i. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1865. j, Jc. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1865. Z, m. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1865. n, o. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1865. p. Bred in the Gardens, May 29, 1866. q. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. r-t. Deposited, July 20, 1866. u, v. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 6, 1866. tv, x. Presented by Commander Sir William S. Wiseman, R.N., Feb. 11, 1867. y. Received in exchange, March 27, 1868. z, aa. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1868. bb. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1868. cc. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 6, 1868. dd, ee. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 17, 1868. ff. Bred in the Gardens, May 10, 1869. gg, hh. Purchased, April 13, 1870. ii. Deposited, May 8, 1871. jj, M-. Deposited, Oct. 14, 1872. U. Female. Deposited, Aug. 22, 1873. mm, nn. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 21, 1873. oo, pp. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1874. qq, rr. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1874. ss, tt. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1874. uu, vv. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 12, 1874. ww. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1875. 2A 354 COLUMBID^E. xx. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1875. yy. Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1875. zz. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1875. 929. Phaps histrionica, Gould. Harlequin Bronze-winged Pigeon. Hab. South Australia. a-c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 16, 1866. Genus LEUCOSARCIA. 930. Leucosarcia picata (Lath.). Wonga-Wonga Pigeon Hab. New South Wales. , 6. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.S., June 2, 1859. c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1859. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1863. e-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. Ti-l. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Aug. 12, 1869. m. Presented by C. H. Wigram, Esq., Nov. 2, 1869. n~cc. Presented by Commodore Lambert, R.N., March 3, 1871. Genus PHLOGCENAS. 931. Phlogcenas cruentata (Lath.) . Blood-breasted Pigeon. Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Received in exchange, July 10, 1861. I. Purchased, Sept. 10, 1863. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1863. ,/. Purchased, March 9, 1869. g,'h. Presented by Harry J. Veitch, Esq., Nov. 2, 1871. 932. Phlogcenas crinigera, Puch. Bartlett's Pigeon. Hab. Sooloo Islands. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1863. Types of P. larfletti, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 377, pi. xxxiv. See also P. Z. S. 1865, p. 239. e. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1864. /. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 1864. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 22, 1865. COLUMBIDJE. 355 Ji. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. i-Jc. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. I. Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1867. Genus CALCENAS. 933. Calosnas nicobarica (Linn.)*. Nicobar Pigeon. Hob. Indian archipelago. a-/. Presented hy the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. g. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1865. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 31, 1866. j. Purchased, May 14, 1868. k. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1868. I. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 13, 1868. m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 1869. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1870. o. Deposited, Jan. 10, 1871. p. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 12, 1874. q. Purchased, June 3, 1874. r. Presented by Capt. R. J. Wimberley, Dec. 23, 1874. Genus STARNCENAS. 934. Starnoenas cyanocephala (Linn.) . Blue-headed Pigeon, Hab. Cuba. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1864. c, d. Purchased, June 19, 1867. , /. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g. Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1870. h, i. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1873. Genus GOURA. 935. Goura coronata (Linn.)f. Common Crowned Pigeon. Hab. New Guinea. a, b. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. * See description of the gizzard of this bird by Flower, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 330. f On the nesting of Goura, see Mitchell, P. Z. S. 1849, p. 170. 2 A2 356 COLUMBIDJE. PTEROCLID^. c, d. Presented by Mrs. Bacon, May 13, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 23, 1870. g. Deposited, Oct. 17, 1871. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, March 3, 1874. j. Hatched in the Gardens, April 28, 1874. Jc. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1874. I. Hatched in the Gardens, Sept. 27, 1875. 936. Goura victoria, Eraser. Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Hob. Island of Jobie. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1856. 6, c. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1861. d, e. Purchased, May 31, 1875. Genus DIDUNCULUS. 937. Didunculus strigirostris, Jard. Tooth-billed Pigeon. Hab. Samoan Islands. a. Female. Presented by Dr. G. Eennett, F.Z.S., April 10, 1864. See Bennett, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139, and Sclater, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 158. b. Presented by J. W. Boddam-Whetham, Esq., Oct. 23, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 605. Order GALLING. Family PTEROCLID^E. Genus PTEROCLES. 938, Pterocles alchata (Linn.). Pin-tailed Sand-Grouse. Hab. South Europe. a. Male. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1861. 6. Female. Deposited, 1861. c-e. Received in exchange, Jan. 12, 1863. /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. <7, h. Males ; i-m. Females. Purchased, May 7, 1870. PTEROCLID.E. 357 939. Pterocles exustns, Temm. Lesser Pin-tailed Sand- Grouse. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. e-g. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. 940. Pterocles arenarius (Pall.). Black -bellied Sand-Grouse. Hab. Asia. a. Female. Purchased, June 27, 1864. b, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Presented by Capt. E. C. Bevan, H.M.I.A., C.M.Z.S., April 30, 1867. f-t. Deposited, May 20, 1867. u-w. Males ; xz. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. , bb. Females. Deposited, June 25, 1872. From Southern Spain. cc. Male. Deposited, June 28, 1872. From Southern Spain. 941. Pterocles bicinctus, Teinm. Double-banded Sand- Grouse. Hab. Senegal. a-d. Purchased, Dec. 21, 1864. 942. Pterocles lichtensteini, Temm. Lichtenstein's Sand- Grouse. Hab. Africa and Arabia. a-f. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. From Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. Genus SYRRHAPTES. 943. Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pall.). Pallas's Sand- Grouse. Hab. Northern Asia. a-o. Presented by the Hon. J. F. Stuart "Wbrtley, April 15, 1861. From China. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. p, q. Presented by Capt. Hand, R.N., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 197. From China. r. Presented by Capt. Commerell, R.N., V.C., May 9, 1861. s-u. Presented by A. O'Brien, Esq., Feb. 27, 1862. v. Presented by Alfred Newton, Esq., F.Z.S., June 9, 1863. From Elveden, Suffolk, England. 358 TETRAONID.E. w. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, Dec. 11, 1863. From Donegal, Ireland. x. Presented by Harrington Kussell, Esq., M.P., Feb. 25, 1865. y-hJi. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Napier Sturt, M.P., F.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1870. Family TETRAONID^E. Genus TETRAO. 944. Tetrao cupido, Linn. Prairie-Grouse. Hob. North America. ctr-l. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1864. 945. Tetrao phasianelluSj Linn. Sharp-tailed Grouse. Hab. North America. a. Received in exchange, May 9, 1874. 946. Tetrao tetrix, Linn. Black Grouse. Hab. Europe. a, b. Males. Presented by John Wingfield Malcolm, Esq., March 13, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1865. 947. Tetrao urogallus, Linn. Capercailzie. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1865. b. Male. Presented by Percy S. Godman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 17, 1872. Genus LAGOPUS. 948. Lagopus scoticus (Lath.) . Red Grouse. Hab. British Islands. a-e. Presented by W. Hamilton, Esq., July 18, 1868. PHASIANID^E. 359 Family PHASIANIDJE*. Subfamily I. PERDICIN^E. Genus GALLOPERDIX. 949. Galloper dix lunulala : (Valenc.) . Hardwicke's Spur-fowl. Hob. India. a, b. Males ; c-e. Females. Presented by the Babu Ilajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. 950. Galloperdix spadicea (Gm.) . Rufous Spur-fowl. Hob. India. a. Male. Presented by Col. Charles Denison, F.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1863. b. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. 951. Galloper dix zeylonensis (Gm.) . Ceylonese Spur-fowl. Hob. Ceylon. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. Genus ITHAGINIS. 952. Ithaginis geoffroii. Geoffrey's Blood Pheasant. Hob. China. a. Deposited, July 19, 1875. Genus PTILOPACHYS. 953. Ptilopachys ventralis (Val.) . Buff-breasted Partridge. Hob. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. * On the introduction and breeding of the Indian Phasianidae, consult Mitchell, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 544, and Sclater, P.Z.S. 1860, p. 444. 360 PHASIANIDvE, Genus FRANCOLINUS. 954. Francolinus vulgaris, Steph. Black Francolin. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. /, g. Deposited, March 23, 1865. h. Female. Purchased, May 10, 1866. i-l. Deposited, May 20, 1867. m. Eeceived in exchange, June 5, 1867. w-p. Deposited, April 31, 1868. q-s. Males ; tr-v. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. 955. Francolinus madagascariensis (Scop.). Madagascar Francolin. Hab. Madagascar. a-c. Deposited, July 25, 1864. d-f. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1865. 956. Francolinus pictus, Jard. et Selb. Painted Francolin. Hab. Central India. a. Presented by lieut.-Col. Radcliffe, Jan. 5, 1871. 957. Francolinus rubricollis, Riipp. Red-throated Francolin. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Presented by Dr. J. Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 958. Francolinus bicalcaratus , Linn. Double- spurred Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 959. Francolinus afer (Lath.) . South -African Francolin. Hab. South Africa. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. 361 960. Francolinus clappertoni (Childr.). Clapperton's Fran- colin. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1862. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. /. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1869. g, h. Presented by Capt. W. H. Strachan, Dec. 8, 1869. 961. Francolinus capensis, Gm. Cape Francolin. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Governor of New Zealand, Oct. 3, 1859. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 962. Francolinus ponticerianus (Gm.). Grey Francolin. Hab. India. a. Purchased, April 5, 1862. b. (White var.) Presented by Capt. M. Fitzgerald, Nov. 3, 1870. From Bangalore. c-e. Males ; f-h. Females. Purchased, June 18, 1872. i. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 2, 1873. .;'. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. 963. Francolinus gularis (Shaw). Wood-Francolin. Hab. East Bengal. a-e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. /. Purchased, May 7, 1864. g. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Genus ARBORICOLA. 964. Arboricola torqueola (Val.) . Hill-Francolin. Hab. North India. a-c. Deposited, April 4, 1864. d, e. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. /. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g, h. Males; r,j>. Females. Purchased, May 4, 1871. C6.2 PHASIANID.E. Genus RHIZOTHERA. 965. Rhizothera longirostris (Temm.). Long-billed Fran- colin. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. Genus BAMBUSICOLA. 966. Bambusicola thoracica (Tenim.). Bamboo-Partridge * Hab. North China. cr, 6. Purchased, April 25, 1868. c-o. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. Genus PERDIX. 967. Perdix cinerea (Linn.). Common Partridge. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Presented by Riley, Esq., Aug. 19, 1864. c. Presented by Miss Puddick, May 26, 1870. d. Purchased, May 16, 1873. e,f. Presented by*A. Neale, Esq., Oct. 6, 1873. Genus COTURNIX. 968. Coturnix communis (Bonn.) . Common Quail. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Purchased, July 20, 1862. c. Presented by Lady Gust, July 20, 1862. d. Presented by Mrs. Frank T. Buckland, Feb. 9, 1865. e^ f. Males ; g, h. Females. Presented by F. Moreau Hay ward, Esq., July 21, 1865. i. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. j. Deposited, July 12, 1870. k. Presented by J. J. Croker, Esq., May 20, 1874. I Presented by Miss H. Miller, April 19, 1875. m, n. Deposited, July 22, 1875. 969. Coturnix histrionica, Hartl. Harlequin Quail. Hab. Island of St. Thomas, West Africa. a. Purchased, July 30, 1869. 6. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1873. From W. Africa. PHASIANIDvE. 363 970. Coturnix coromandelica (Gm.) . Rain-Quail. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by the Maharajah Duleep Singh, F.Z.S., June 24, 1861. c-l. Presented by F. J. C. Wildash, Esq., May 3, 1865. m-v. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. w-oc. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. 971. Coturnix pectoralisj Gould. Pectoral Quail. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. b. Purchased, June 18, 1873. 972. Coturnix chinensis (Linn.). Chinese Quail. Hab. China. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1873. c. d. Presented by Mr. A. Jamrach, June 23, 1875. Genus SYNCECUS. 973. Syncecus australis (Lath.) . Australian Quail. Hab. Australia. a-d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 27, 1861. From Melbourne. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1864. h. Presented by Dr. F. von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 1, 1869. i-k. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1869. l-n. Males; o. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1870. p. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Australia, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin. q. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1872. 974. Synaecus diemenensis, Gould. Tasmanian Quail. Hab. Tasmania. a-c. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. Genus PERDICULA. 975. Perdicula cambaiensis (Lath.). Cambaian Quail. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. 364 PHASIANID^. 976. Perdicula asiatica (Lath.) . Asiatic Quail. Hob. India. a-c. Presented by Dr. Shortt, March 21, 1868. d. Presented by A. George, Esq., May 21, 1875. Genus EOLLULUS. 977. Rollulus cristatus (Gm.) . Crowned Partridge. Hab. Malacca. a, 6. Males; c. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d. Presented by Barclay Field, Esq., F.Z.S., March 31, 1875. Subfamily II. ODONTOPHORIN.E. Genus ODONTOPHORUS. 978. Odontophorus guianensis (Gm.) . Guiana Partridge. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. 6, c. Purchased, July 17, 1875. d-h. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. 979. Odontophorus dentatus (Temm.) . Capoeira Partridge. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 20, 1873. Genus DENDRORTYX. 980. Dendrortyx leucophrys, G ould. White-eyebrowed Tree- Partridge. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by R. Owen, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 29, 1861. From Guatemala. Genus ORTYX. 981. Ortyx virginianus (Linn.). Virginian Colin. Hab. North America. a, 6. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1861. PHASIANID^E. 365 c, d. Males ; e, /. Females. Deposited, July 25, 1866. g, h. Presented by L. H. Smith, Esq., May 2, 1867. i-k. Males ; l-n. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1869. o. Male ; p. Female. Presented by P. L. Simon, Esq., April 23, 1869. q. Male; r. Female. Presented by S. S. Strange, Esq., F.Z.S., March 5, 1872. Genus EUPSYCHORTYX. 982. Eupsychortyx cristatus (Linn.). Crested Colin. Hab. Mexico. a-/. Eeceived, Aug. 9, 1865. g-j. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. Jc. Male ; L Female. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. m-p. Males ; q-t. Females. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. u-oc. Males; y-bb. Females. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 12, 1872. Genus CALLIPEPLA. 983. Callipepla picta (Douglas). Plumed Colin. Hab. California. a. Female. Purchased, April 25, 1863. 984. Callipepla californica (Shaw). Californian Quail. Hab. California. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1869. e,f. Presented by J. W. Pease, Esq., M.P., June 2, 1875. g, h. Purchased, July 17, 1875. 985. Callipepla gambelli (Nutt.) . GamheFs Partridge. Hab. California. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 29, 1872. See P.Z. S. 1872, p. 795. Subfamily III. CACCABININJE. Genus CACCABIS. 986. Caccabis saxatilis, Meyer. Greek Partridge. Hab. South Europe. a-c. Presented by A. H. Layard, Esq., M.P., Aug. 31, 1863. From Syria. 366 PHASIAN1DJE. d-g. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1864. h. Presented by A. H. Layard, Esq., M.P., Dec. 9, 1864. From Alexandretta. i-Z. Presented by Mrs. Brooks, Nov. 30, 1865. m. Male ; n. Female. Presented by G. Jackson Eldridge, Esq., Sept. 4, 1867. o. Deposited, July 2, 1874. 987. Caeca bis chukar (Gray). Chukar Partridge. Hab. North-west India. a, 6. Presented by the Babu Rajendra MuUick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. c, d. Deposited, May 20, 1867. e. Male; /. Female. Presented by R. Waylan, Esq., Aug. 25, 1871. g-k. Hatched in the Gardens, July 9, 1872. Z. Male; m. Female. Presented by the Hon. Justice Jackson, Aug. 21, 1874. n, o. Presented by Capt. Murray, Jan. 14, 1875. 988. Caccabis rufa (Lino.). Red-legged Partridge. Hab. Europe. a-g. Deposited, May 11, 1865. h-q. Deposited, March 21, 1867. r. Purchased, April 12, 1870. *. Presented by J. S. Younghusband, Esq., March 27, 1875. 989. Caccabis petrosa, Gm. Barbary Partridge. Hab. North Africa. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Presented by Lieut. Saville G. Reid, R.E., F.Z.S., June 7, 1874. From Spain. 990. Caccabis melanocephala (Rupp.). Black-headed Part- ridge. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. 991. Caccabis bonhami (Fraser) . Bonhanr's Partridge. Hab. Western Asia. a-d. Deposited, May 20, 1867. From the Punjaub. PHASlANID^l. 367 992. Caccabis heyi (Temm.) . Hey's Partridge. Hob. Arabia. a-g. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. Prom Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. h-j. Deposited, Dec. 11, 1867. Genus TETRAOGALLUS. 993. Tetraogallus himalayensis, Gray. Himalayan Snow- Partridge. Hab. Himalaya Mountains. a-d. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. e. Deposited, March 7, 1865. Genus LOPHOPHORUS. 994. Lophophorus impeyanus (Lath.). Himalayan Monaul. Hab. Himalayan Mountains. a, b. Females. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1861. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1862. e. Male. Deposited, July 9, 1862. /, g. Males. Deposited, March 31, 1863. \-k. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. l-s. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. t. Male ; u. Female. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1865. v, w. Deposited, March 7, 1865. x. Deposited, March 23, 1865. y, z. Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1865. a, bb. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. cc, dd. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1865. ee,ff. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1866. gg, Tih. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1866. ii. Female. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1866. jj-mm. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1867. nn. Female. Eeceived, June 15, 1867. oo, pp. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1867. qq, rr. Males; ss, it. Females. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 14, 1869. uu-ww. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1871. xx. Male. Presented by Capt. J. E. Whitting, April 12, 1875. 368 PHASIANIM. 995. Lophophorus sclateri, Jerdon. Sclater's Monaul. Hab. Upper Assam. a. Male. Presented by Major Montagu, March 12, 1870. See P.Z. S. 1870, p. 162, pi. xiv. Subfamily IV. PHASIANIN.E. Genus CROSSOPTILON. 996. Crossoptilon mantchuricum, Swinh. Mantchurian Cros- soptilon. Hab. Northern China. a, b. Males. Presented by Dudley E. Saurin, Esq., July 13, 1866. c, d. Females. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. dr-lc. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. l-t. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1867. u, v. Males ; w. Female. Presented by the late Sir Eric B. T. Farquhar, Bart., H.B.M.C.S., Pekin, Dec. 16, 1867. x-gg. Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1868. hh-oo. Bred in the Gardens, June 15, 1868. pp. Male. Received in exchange, Jan. 24, 1869. qq. Male. Purchased, May 14, 1869. rr, ss. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1869. . Deposited, March 4, 1870. uu. Male ; vv. Female. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1873. Genus PH ASIAN us. 997. Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Common Pheasant. Hab. British Islands. a. Male. Hybrid between this species and Gallus domesticus, Linn. Presented by Lord Wharncliffe, F.Z.S., June 4, 1862. b-h. Deposited, 1863. i. Male ; .;'. Female. (Bohemian variety.) Deposited, 1863. k-p. Females. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1865. q-v. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1865. 998. Phasianus elegans, Elliot. Elegant Pheasant. Hab. Szechuen, China. a, b. Deposited by J. J. Stone, Esq., Aug. 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 670. Specimens described by Mr. Elliot, PHASIANID.E. 369 Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 312, and figured Mon. Phas. pt. iii. 999. Phasianus torquatus, Gm. Ring-necked Pheasant. Hob. China. a. Male. Deposited, June 3, 1864. I, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. /. Purchased, April 3, 1865. g. Deposited, April 20, 1865. h. Presented by the late Sir Eric R. T. Farquhar, Bart., H.B.M.C.S., Pekin, Dec. 16, 1867. i. Female. Presented by J. E. Kincaid, Esq., June 7, 1873. 1000. Phasianus versicolor, Vieill. Japanese Pheasant. Hab. Japan. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1862. b. Male ; c. Female. Received in exchange, Dec. 18, 1862. d. Female. Hybrid between this species and Phasianus col- chicus, Linn. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1862. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. h. Bred in the Gardens, 1864. i. Female. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. j. Male. Deposited, May 29, 1865. Tc-v. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. w. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1867. x-gg. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1867. hh, ii. Males ; jj, TcTc. Females. Presented by Lient. Duncan Stewart, July 27, 1867. ll-qq. Bred in the Gardens, July 30, 1867. rr-ddd. Bred in the Gardens, June 9, 1868. eee-klcTc. Bred in the Gardens, July 12, 1868. lll-qqq. Bred in the Gardens, July 31, 1868. rrr-ttt. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1869. uuu-dddd. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1869. eeee-gggg. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1870. hhhh. Male; iiii,jjjj. Females. Purchased, March 7, 1872. JcJcJck. Received in exchange, Feb. 25, 1875. llll-qqqq. Hybrids between this species and P. torquatus. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. 1001. Phasianus scemmerringi, Temm. Soemmerring's Phea- sant. Hab. Japan. a. Female. Deposited, Dec. 18, 1863. 2s 370 PHASIANID^. 6, c. Males ; d, e. Females. Purchased, June 22, 1864. SeeP.Z.S. 1864, p. 374. /, g. Males. Presented by Begin aid Russell, Esq., June 22, 1864. h. Female. Deposited, May 29, 1865. t. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. j-l. Males ; m-p. Females. Presented by Lieut. Duncan Stewart, July 27, 1867. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. s, t. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1868. 1002. Phasianus reevesi, Gray. Barred-tailed Pheasant. Hob. North China. a. Male. Presented by John Kelk, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 8, 1864. b-d. Males ; e-h. Females. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1866. i. Male ; j. Female. Purchased, June 22, 1867. Tc-n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1867. o-v. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. w. Bred in the Gardens, June 9, 1868. x-bb. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1868. ccr-jj. Bred in the Gardens, July 12, 1868. Tck. Male ; II, mm. Females. Deposited, March 12, 1869. nn-zz. Deposited, Aug. 27, 1869. aaa. Male; bbb-ddd. Females. Deposited, Feb. 12, 1870. eee-iii. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. jjj. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1870. &&, III Deposited, Aug. 13, 1870. mmm-rrr. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. sss. Male ; ttt. Female. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1870. uuu-gggg. Hatched in the Gardens, June 21, 1872. Hybrids between a ^ of this species and P. wallichii . hhhh-JcMJc. Hatched in the Gardens, July 8, 1872. Hybrids between a 3 of this species and P. wallichii $ . 77??. Male; mmmm. Female. Received in exchange, Dec. 11, 1874. 1003. Phasianus wallichii, Hardw. Cheer Pheasant. Hab. North India. a. Female. Received n exchange, May 19, 1862. b. Male. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1862. c. Deposited, March 31, 1863. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1863. e-h. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. i-l. Deposited, March 7, 1865. m-q. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. PHASIANlDyE. 371 r-iv. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1866. fc. Male ; y. Female. Deposited, March 21, 1867. z-bb. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. cc, dd. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1867. ee. Male. Received in exchange, Dec. 20, 1867. ff-ii. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1868. jj-ss. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1868. Genus THAUMALEA. 1004. Thaumalea picta (Linn.). Gold Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Female. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1863. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1864. d. Hyhrid between this species and Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Deposited, March 30, 1864. e. Male ; /. Female. (New variety.) Purchased, July 5, 1865. g. Male. Bred in the Gardens. h. Deposited, March 16, 1868. i. Purchased, April 1, 1868. j, Ic. (Yarieties.) Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. l-o. Females. Purchased, March 30, 1871. jp, q. Males. Hybrids between a female of this species and a male Thaumalea amherstioe. Deposited, July 21, 1871. r. Presented by the Kev. H. G. Nind, Dec. 19, 1871. s. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1872. t-x. Hatched. in the Gardens, May 21, 1872. y. Male ; z, aa. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., August 21, 1872. bb, cc. Males. Presented by the Rev. A. B. Frazer, April 15, 1874. dd. Male. Received in exchange, Jan. 21, 1875. 1005. Thaumalea amherstia (Leadb.). Amherst's Pheasant. Hab. Szechuen, China. a-e. Males ; /. Female. Deposited, July 16, 1869. See P.Z.S. 1869, p. 468. g, h. Purchased, March 16, 1871. See P.Z.S. 1871, p. 298. i-q. Hybrids between a male of this species and female T. picta. Hatched in the Gardens, June 12, 1872. r-t. Hybrids between a male of this species and half-bred T. picta and T. amlierstice $ . Hatched in the Gar- dens, June 13, 1873. u-z. Hybrids between a male of this species and half-bred 372 PHASIANID.E. T. picta and T. amherstice. Hatched in the Gardens, July 1, 1873. aa. Male. Hybrid between this species and T. picta. Re- ceived in exchange, Feb. 20, 1874. 66, cc. | -bred between pure J Thaumalea amherstice and half-bred T. picta and T. amherstice $ . Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874. dd-ii. (Pure.) Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. jj-ll. Hybrid between a $ of this species and half-bred T. picta and T. amherstice $ . Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. mm. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. nn, oo. Hybrids between this species and half-bred T. picta. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. pp-ss. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 1875. Genus PUCRASIA. 1006. Pucrasia macrolopha (Less.). Indian Pucras. Hob. Himalayas. a. Female. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. 6. Male; c. Female. Deposited, Aug. 21, 1871. From Simla. 1007. Pucrasia darwini, Swinh. Darwin's Pucras. Hob. China. a, I. Males. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1874. c. Male. Deposited, April 1, 1874. d, e. Females. Deposited, May 20, 1875. /. Male. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1875. g-i. Males ; j, k. Females. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1875. 1008. Pucrasia zanthospila, Gray. Yellow-spotted Pucras. Hab. China. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. d. Male. Presented by H.G. the Duke of Wellington, K.G., Nov. 10, 1871. e. Female. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1871. Genus EUPLOCAMUS. 1009. Euplocamus prcdatus (Bonap.). Siamese Pheasant. Hab. Siam. a. Male. Received in exchange, March 4, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 256. PHASIANID^K. 373 b-d. Hybrids between specimen a and Euplocamus lineatus 2 . Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. i,j. Males; &. Female. Received in exchange, Oct. 28. 1867. I. Male. Purchased, May 7, 1870. m. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 18, 1872. n. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. o. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 1875. 1010. Euplocamus swirihoii, Gould. Swinhoe's Pheasant. Hob. Formosa. a. Male. Purchased, June 7, 1865. b. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1866. c. Male. Deposited, June 6, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. e-g. Males ; h. Female. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1866. ?". Male ; j, Tc. Females. Deposited, Oct. 27, 1866. 7, m. Females. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1866. n-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 3, 1867. u-w. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. x, y. Males ; z, aa. Females. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1867.. bb-dd. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. ee,ff. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. gg-TcTc. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. ll-oo. Deposited, June 24, 1869. pp. Male ; qq. Female. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1869. rr. Male ; ss. Female. Deposited, March 4, 1870. it. Male ; uu. Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. vv. Male ; ww. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1873. xx-ggg. Hybrids between a male of this species and female of E. nycihemerus. Hatched in the Gardens, June 2, 1873. ^ 1011. Euplocamus erythrophthalmus (Raffl.). Rufous-tailed Pheasant. Hob. Malacca. a. Male ; b, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Rajendra MuUick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. d. Purchased, June 15, 1868. ,/. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1868. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. 374 PHASIANID^. i. Male. Purchased, May 1, 1872. j. Male ; Tc. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1872. I. Male ; m. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1873. 1012. Euplocamus vieilloti (Gray) . Vieillot's Fireback. Hab. Malacca. a. Male. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1869. b. Male ; c. Female. Presented by Col. A. S. Greenlaw, May 8, 1869. d. Male; e. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. /. Male. Presented by Capt. Parish, E-.N., Nov. 6, 1871. From Mergui. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, June 1, 1872. i. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1873. 1013. Euplocamus nobilis, Sclater. Boruean Fireback. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, April 27, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1873. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, May 31, 1875. 1014. Euplocamus nycthemerus (Linn.) . Silver Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Male ; b. Female. Received in exchange, 1861. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1862. d-f. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. g. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. h. Female. Hybrid? Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. i. Male. Hybrid ? Purchased, Jan. 6, 1866. j-l. Deposited, July 31, 1868. m, n. Males. Deposited, March 4, 1870. o. p. Males ; q-t. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., Aug. 21, 1872. u-iv. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. 1015. Euplocamus lineatus (Vigors). Lineated Kaleege. Hab. Tenasserim and Pegu. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Presented by John Squire, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. d. Male. Presented by the BabuEajendraMullick,C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. e-k. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. PHASIAMDiE. 375 Z-o. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. p-t. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1866. u-bb. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. cc, del Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. ee-ii. Hybrids between a female of this species and E. cu- vieri g . Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. jj, Tele. Hybrids (as above). Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. II. Male; mm. Female. Presented by the Hon. Ashley Eden, June 1, 1875. 1016. Euplocamus cuvieri (Temm.). Oiivier's Kaleege. Hob. Arracan. a, b. Males ; c. Female. Presented by the Babu Kajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. d, e. Presented by Dr. J. Squire, Sept. 4, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 623. 1017. Euplocamus horsfieldi, Gray. Purple Kaleege. Hab. North-west Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. b. Male. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1861. c-e. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. f-j. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. Ic-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1866. n. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. o-s. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. t, u. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. v, w. Hatched in the Gardens, June 13, 1872. x. Hatched in the Gardens, June 2, 1873. 1018. Euplocamus melanotus (Blyth) . Black-backed Kaleege. Hab. Sikkim. a. Male. Presented by the late Viscount Canning, July 14, 1857. b. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1858. c. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. d-f. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. g-k. Bred in the Gardens, June 25, 1866. I. Received in exchange, March 3, 1867. m-r. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1867. 8-x. Bred in the Gardens, May 28, 1868. y-aa. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1870. 376 PHASIANID.E. 1019. Euplocamus albo-cristatus (Vig.). White - crested Kaleege. Hob. North-west Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the late Viscount Canning, July 14, 1857. I. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1859. c. Male. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1860. d. Male. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1861. e-g. Deposited, March 31, 1863. 7i, i. Males ; j 9 Tc. Females. Deposited, March 23, 1865. lr-p. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. q-u. Bred in the Gardens, June 25, 1866. v. Male ; w. Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. sc-bb. Hatched in the Gardens, June 13, 1872. cc-7ih. Hatched in the Gardens, June 23, 1873. ii-ll. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. Genus GALLUS. 1020. Gallus bankiva, Temm. Bankiva Jungle-fowl. Hab. India generally. a-c. Males. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. d-i. Females. Hybrids. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. j-oc. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. y. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. 1021. Gallus varius, Shaw. Fork-tailed Jungle-fowl. Hab. Java. , a. Male. Received in exchange, Oct. 1860. b f c. Males. Hybrids between tf of this *species and G. bankiva $ . Received in exchange, Nov. 1860. d, e. Hybrids between this species and G. domesticits. Pre- sented by W. T. Fraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 9, 1875. f,g. Male. (Pure.) Presented by W. T. Fraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1876. Ji, i. Hybrids. Presented by W. T. Fraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1875. 1022. Gallus sonnerati, Temm. Sonnerat's Jungle-fowl. Hab. Southern India. a. Male. Purchased, July 10, 1860. PHASIANID^E. 377 6. Male. Three-quarters bred. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1862. c. Female. Purchased, March 12, 1863. d. Female. Presented by Col. Charles Denison, F.Z.S., May 29, 1863. e-i. Half-bred. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. j. Male. Received in exchange, March 14, 1865. Tc-r. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. s~w. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. cc. Female. Presented by J. C. Parr, Esq., Nov. 7, 1865. y. Deposited, March 20, 1868. z-bb. Received in exchange, March 27, 1868. cc-jj. Bred in the Gardens, May 31, 1868. kk. Male. Presented by Mrs. White, March 17, 1874. II. Female. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., May 30, 1874. 1023. Gallus stanleyi (Gray). Ceylonese Jungle-fowl. Hab. Ceylon. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by H. Bayley, Esq., Sept. 10, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. c, d. Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. e. Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874. f-h. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. Genus CERIORNIS. 1024. Ceriornis satyr a (Linn.) . Horned Tragopan. Hab. South-eastern Himalayas. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 104. d-g. Males; h. Female. Deposited, March 31, 1863. i-k. Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1863. if. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1864. m, n. Deposited, March 23, 1865. o. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865, p-r. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1865. s. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1865. t. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1873. t(. Female. Received in exchange, June 21, 1873. 1025. Ceriornis temmincki (Gray) . Temminck's Tragopan. Hab. China. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1864. 378 PHASIANIDJfi. 6, c. Males. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1866. d. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 14, 1867. e. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 20, 1868. /. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1869. g-j. Bred in the Gardens, May 29, 1869. k. Male ; I. Female. Deposited, Aug. 27, 1869. m. Deposited, Jan. 6, 1870. w, o. Males. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. p-v. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1871. w-y. Bred in the Gardens. June 28, 1871. z, aa. Bred in the Gardens, July 13, 1871. bb. Male. Purchased, Sept. 27, 1871. cc. Male. Presented by H.G. the Duke of Wellington, K.G., Nov. 10, 1871. dd. Hatched in the Gardens, July 23, 1873. ee-gg. Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. M, ii. Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874. jj-mm. Hatched in the Gardens, June 15, 1875. nn. Deposited, July 10, 1875. 1026. Ceriornis blythi, Jerdon. Blyth's Tragopan. Hob. Upper Assam. . Male. Presented by Major Montagu, March 12, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 163, pi. XT. Subfamily V. PAVONINE. Genus PAVO. 1027. Pavo cristatus, Linn. Common Peafowl. Hob. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1860, by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., and afterwards presented. c. Male ; d. Female. (White variety.) Deposited, Jan. 26, 1860, by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., and afterwards pre- sented. e. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 30, 1863. From Burmah. /, g. Females. Hybrids between this species and Pavo nigri- pennis, Sclater. Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1863. fc, i. (White variety.) Deposited, April 27, 1865. j. Male. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1866. Tc. Presented by Mrs. Wambey, Aug. 12, 1867. PHASIANIDJE. 379 I. Male. (White variety.) Keceived in exchange, Jan. 20, 1869. m. Male ; n. Female. Presented by Major- Gen. J. K. Whistler, April 13, 1869. o. Presented by Lady Cranstoun, Sept. 25, 1869. p, q. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1871. r. Male. Presented by Sir Thomas Dyer, Bart., May 10, 1871. s, t. Males ; u, v. Females. Presented by Mrs. Stern, May 10, 1873. w, x. Presented by J. Blake, Esq., May 31, 1873. y. Male ; z-bb. Females. Presented by the Lord Nelson, Aug. 13, 1873. cc. Male; dd, ee. Females. Deposited, Feb. 22, 1875. ff. Presented by Major C. Morgan, March 2, 1875. 1028. Pavo nigripennis, Sclater. Black-winged Peafowl. Hab. Cochin China. a. Male. Presented by W. E. W. Halsey, Esq., April 29, 1859. b, c. Males ; d. Female. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1860, by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., and subsequently presented. Types of Pavo nigripennis, as described, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 221. e. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1868. /. Female. Purchased, April 21, 1871. g. Male; h. Female. Presented by Sir Thomas Dyer, Bart., May 10, 1871. i. Male. Presented by the Hon. A. S. G. Canning, May 29, 1874. j. Male. Presented by the Hon. A. S. G. Canning, Nov. 26, 1874. 1029. Pavo spicifer, Horsf. Javan Peafowl. Hab. Burmah and Java. a. Male. Presented by William Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. From Arracan. 6, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1867. e. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1868. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1869. h. Purchased, June 5, 1871. r. Presented by Capt. Parish, E.N., Nov. 6, 1871. From Mergui. 380 PHASIANID^E. j. Male. Presented by Sir C. Smith, Nov. 9, 1872. fc. Male; I. Female. Purchased, April 16, 1875. Genus POLYPLECTRON. 1030. Polyplectron chinquis, Temm. Peacock Pheasant. Hab. Burmah. a, 1. Males. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 124. c. Male. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 31, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 104. d. Female. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. e. Bred in the Gardens, May 27, 1866. /, g. Females. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. i-m. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. n, o. Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1869. p, q. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1869. r. Purchased, March 14, 1870. s-u. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1870. v, w. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1870. oc. Bred in the Gardens, May 15, 1871. y. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1871. z-bb. Hatched in the Gardens, April 12, 1872. cc, dd. Hatched in the Gardens, May 21, 1872. ee,ff. Hatched in the Gardens, April 21, 1873. ggkk. Hatched in the Gardens, May 5, 1873. ll-nn. Hatched in the Gardens, May 19, 1874. oo, pp. Hatched in the Gardens, June 10, 1874. qq-tt. Hatched in the Gardens, June 3, 1875. uu-vv. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1875. 1031. Polyplectron bicalcaratum (Linn.). Crested Peacock Pheasant. Hab. Malacca. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 20, 1871. b. Male ; c. Female. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1872. d, e. Males. Presented by J. G. Fanshawe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 27, 1872. /. Male. Deposited, July 13, 1872. g, Male. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1875. PHASIANID.E. 381 Genus ARGUS. 1032. Argus giganteus, Temm . Argus Pheasant. Hob. Malacca. a. Male ; b. Female. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1870. c. Male ; d. Female. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1872. e. Female. Deposited, June 24, 1873. /, g. Females. Presented by His Excellency Sir Henry Ord, K.C.B., July 14, 1873. Ji. Male. Received in exchange, Aug. 19, 1875. Subfamily VI. MELEAGRIN^:. Genus MELEAGRIS. 1033. Meleagris ocellata, Temm. Ocellated Turkey*. Hob. Guatemala. a, b. Presented by H.M. The Queen, Sept. ] 857. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402. c. Female. Presented by Eobert Owen, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861 , p. 403. d. Female. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, R.N., Nov. 22, 1864. e. Male. Hybrid between this species and Meleugris mexi- cana, Gould, var. domestica. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. 1034. Meleagris gallo-pavo, Linn. North- American Turkey. Hob. North America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c, d. Presented by E. K. Karslake, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 8, 1866. From Canada. e^g. Purchased, March 26, 1867. h-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1867. u-cc. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. dd-ww. Hybrids between a male of this species and M. ocel- lata $ . Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1868. * See remarks on this species and figures, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402, pi. XL. 382 PHASIAN !!),. Subfamily VII. NUMIDIN^E. Genus NUMIDA. 1035. Numida meleagris (Linn.) . Common Guinea-fowl. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. From the Cape of Good Hope. b. c. White variety. Presented by Lieut. L. C. Keppel, R.N., Feb. 23, 1864. From Madagascar. d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From West Africa. e, f. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Mexico. 1036. Numida ptilorhyncha, Lieht. Abyssinian Guinea-fowl. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 16, 1865. c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Aden. d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Eastern Africa. 1037. Numida rendalli, Ogilby. Kendall's Guinea-fowl. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Presented by J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., May 20, 1875. 1038. Numida cornuta, Hartl. & Finsch. Horned Guinea- fowl. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. 1039. Numida mitrata, Pallas. Mitred Guinea-fowl. Hab. Madagascar. a-d. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. 1040. Numida cristata, Pall. Crested Guinea-fowl. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. b. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. c. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. d. Deposited, Dec. 28, 1865. e. Purchased, June 13, 1866. PHA$IANIDyE. 383 Fig. 33, Numida vulturina. 384 PHASIANID^:. CRACID^E. /, g. Presented by William M c Coskey, Esq., Dec. 23, 1867. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383, and 1871, p. 495. Types of N. verreauxi, Elliot, as figured and described in Mon. Phas. pt. i. j. Received in exchange, Jan. 2, 1873. k. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. Z, m. Purchased, March 6, 1874. 1041. Numida vulturina, Hardw. Vulturine Guinea-fowl. (Fig. 33, p. 383.) Hob. Eastern Africa. a. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., April 27, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 280. 6, c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1872. d, e. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 28, 1874. /. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1874. Family CRACID^E. Subfamily I. GRACING*. Genus CRAX. 1042. Crax globicera, Linn. Globose Curassow. Hob. Central America. a, 6. Females. Presented by H.E. R. "W. Keate, Governor of Trinidad, Aug. 9, 1862. c. Male; d. Female. Presented by R. S. Bewail, Esq., Aug. 12, 1864. e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, Aug. 31, 1864. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. h. Presented by Commander Glynn, R.N., Aug. 20, 1866. i. Male ; j. Female. Deposited, Oct. 20, 1866. Ar, I. Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. m. Female. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. n. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. o. Male ; p. Female. Purchased, July 28, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, July 16, 1872. r. Female. Presented by Capt. Butler, Oct. 15, 1872. s. Male. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Nicaragua. * On the Curassows living in the Society's Gardens, see Sclater, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 273. CRACID^. 385 1043. Crax daubentoni, Gray. Daubenton's Curassow. Hab. Venezuela. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Sept. 29, 1870. From Tucacas, Venezuela. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 671. c. Male ; d, e. Females. Presented by A. Warrington, Esq., July 11, 1871. /. Male. Presented by George Hall, Esq., Sept. 5, 1871. (j. Female. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1871. 1044. Crax alector, Linn. Crested Curassow. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by W. Duncan Stewart, Esq., June 26, 1861. 6, c. Presented by R. W. Keate, Gov. of Trinidad, Aug. 9, 1862. d. Purchased, May 3, 1865. e. Presented by Mrs. Beaumont, April 10, 1866. f-i. Deposited, July 25, 1867. }', Tc. Presented by Col. May, Aug. 14, 1869. 1. Presented by Mr. J. Stanton, Jane 6, 1871. m, n. Presented by G. Browne, Esq., Sept. 7, 1871. o, p. Presented by Quintin Hogg, Esq., July 16, 1872. q, r. Females. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. From Demerara. s. Presented by Geo. Bruce, Esq., May 14, 1874. 1045. Crax sclateri, G. R. Gray. Sclater's Curassow. Hab. South America. a. Female. Received in exchange, March 12, 1861. b. Female. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863, c. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 21, 1872. d. e. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. From Maranham. 1046. Crax carunculata, Temm. YarrelPs Curassow. Hab. South-east Brazil. a, Male. Purchased, April 5, 1859. b, Female. Purchased, March 12, 1861. c, d. Purchased, May 3, 1865. . Male ; /. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 26, 1867. g, h. Presented by Edward Thornton, Esq. ,H.B.M.'s Minister, Rio de Janeiro, May 4, 1867. t, /. Deposited, Dec. 2, 1867. 386 CRACID.E. k. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1868. I. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. m. Male. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1873. n. Presented by Mrs. A. E. Nash, Jan. 2, 1875. o, p. Purchased, July 21, 1875. 1047. Crax alberti, Fraser. Prince Albert's Curassow. Hab. Columbia. a, 6. Purchased, April 2, 1868. c. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. d. Female. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Santa Martha. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669. e. Presented by Major Robert Miller Mundy, Oct. 3, 1872. /. Female. Purchased, March, 1, 1873. From Cartagena. g. Male. Purchased, Jan. 21, 1874. 1048. Crax viridirostris, Sclater. Green-billed Curassow. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, May 31, 1875. Specimen described Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ix. . 282. 1049. Crax incommoda, Sclater. Inconvenient Curassow. Hab. South America. a. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 690. 6. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. Genus MITTJA. 1050. Mitua tuberosa (Spix). Razor- billed Curassow. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1860. 6, c. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. d, e. Presented by Sir William Clay, Bart., F.Z.S., Dec. 17, 1863. /. Presented by Ed. Thornton, Esq., H.B.M.'s Minister, Rio de Janeiro, May 4, 1867. Male. Purchased, May 25, 1870. i. Presented by Mrs. A. E. Nash, Jan. 2, 1875. j, fc. Purchased, July 21, 1875. I, m. Purchased, July 31, 1875. CRACIDJE. 387 105 1 . Mitua tomentosa (Spix) . Lesser Razor-billed Curassow. Hab. Guiana. , 5. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. Genus PAUXIS. 1052. Pauscis galeata (Lath.). Galeated Curassow. Hab. Venezuela and Columbia. , b. Males. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Santa Martha, See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669. Subfamily II. PENELOPIN.E, Genus PENELOPE. 1053. Penelope purpurascens, Wagl. Mexican Guan. Hab. Central America. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1867. c, d. Deposited, July 25, 1867. e, f. Presented by John Carmichael, Esq., July 18, 1873. 1054. Penelope marail (Gm.) . Marail Guan. Hab. Guiana. a, b. Presented by S. Sandbach Parker, Esq., Oct. 23, 1882. c. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, R.N., Nov. 22, 1864. d. Presented by Lady Gust, March 9, 1867. e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1870, 1055. Penelope greeyi, Gray. Greey's Guan. Hab. St. Martha, New Granada. a. Purchased, July 14, 1865. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 206, pi. xxn. 6, c. Presented by Rob. Gardner, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. 1056. Penelope cristata (Linn.) . Rufous- vented Guan. Hab. Central America. a. Male. Presented by Capt. J. S. Symon, Feb. 28, 1870*. * Erroneously entered in P. Z, S. 1870, p. 893, as P. boliviana. 2 c 2 388 CRACIDjE. b. Purchased, June 28, 1870. c. Presented by A. Warmington, Esq., Aug. 20, 1875. 1057. Penelope pileata, Licht. Red-breasted Guan. Hob. Northern Brazil. , b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. c. d. Purchased, May 26, 1870. e. Purchased, May 25, 1873. 1058. Penelope jacucaca, Spix. White-fronted Guan. Hab. South-east Brazil. a-c. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 523. d. Purchased, June 28, 1870. e-g. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. h. Deposited, Nov. 4, 1875. 1059. Penelope superciliaris (Wagl.) . White-eyebrowed Guan, Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, July 25, 1867. b. Purchased, June 10, 1869. c. d. Presented by Edward Harris, Esq., Oct. 16, 1869. e. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. /. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1875. Genus PIPILE. 1060. Pipile cumanensis (Jacq.). Piping Guan. Hab. Guiana. a. Male. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1870. From the River Ca- siquiare. 1061. Pipile jacuting a (Spix). White-crested Guan. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. b. Presented by the Comte and Comtesse d'Eu, Feb. 13, 1865. c. d. Presented by Robert Barker, Esq., May 30, 1 866. From Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Brazil. e. Male. Presented by George Hall, Esq., Sept. 5, 1871. /. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1873. CRACID^E. MEGAPODIID^E. 389 1062. Pipile cujubi (Pelz.). Amazonian Guan. Hab. Lower Amazons. a-c. Purchased, May 25, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 518. Genus ORTALIDA. 1063. Ortalida motmot (Linn.). Little Guan. Hab. Guiana. . Purchased, May 28, 1864. b-e. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, June 12, 1866. 1064. Ortalida ruficauda (Jard.). Red-tailed Guaii. Hab. Tobago, West Indies. a, b. Presented by W. J. Buhot, M.D., M.R.C.S., Oct. 4, 1870. SeeP.Z.S. 1870, p. 796. 1065. Ortalida albiventris (Wagl.). White-bellied Guan. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1872. b, c. Purchased, July 31, 1875. 1066. Ortalida vetula (Wagl.) . Mexican Guan. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, May 15, 1873. 1067. Ortalida garrula (Humb.) . Chattering Guan. Hab. Columbia. a. Presented by George Dawson Eowley, Esq., F.L.S., Aug. 26, 1874. Prom Cartagena. Family MEGAPODITD^). Genus TALE GALL A. 1068. Talegalla lathami, Gray. Brush-Turkey. Hab. Australia. a. Female. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1854. 390 MEGAPODIID^E. 6. Female. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1860. See notice by Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 426. c. Female. Eeceived, April 24, 1863. d. Presented by C. Moore, Esq., Sept. 22, 1863. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, April 19, 1866. g. Male. Deposited, June 6, 1866. h. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 5, 1866. t. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1866. j. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 11, 1866. k. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 30, 1866. Z, m. Presented by F. J. Owen, Esq., April 10, 1867. n. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 3, 1867. o. Received in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1869. q. Female. Deposited, Aug. 8, 1871. Genus MEGACEPHALON. 1069. Megacephalon maleo, Temm. Great-headed Maleo. (Fig. 34.) Hab. Celebes. a. Presented by Capt. Parish, R.N., Nov. 6, 1871. Pig. 34. Megacephalon maleo. MEGAPODIID.E. TURNICID.E. 391 Genus LEIPOA. 1070. Leipoa ocellata, Gould. Mallee Bird, Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. I. Purchased, April 4, 1866. c, d. Deposited, July 20, 1866. e. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, South Australia, Dec. 24, 1867. /. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, South Australia, Feb. 16, 1869. Family TURNICID^E. Genus TURNIX. 1071. Turnix sylvatica (Desf.) . Andalusian Hemipode. Hab. North Africa. a. Presented by Kirby Green, Esq., Aug. 3, 1870, 1072. Turnix varia (Lath.) . Varied Hemipode. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, April 9, 1867. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, July 12, 1870. 1073. Turnix pyrrhothorax, Gould. Red-chested Hemipode. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, May 21, 1868. 1074. Turnix taigoor, Sykes. Black-breasted Hemipode. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 821 (T.pugnax). b. Purchased, June 3, 1868. T. bengalensis of P. Z. S. 1868, p. 645. 1075. Turnix lepurana, Smith. Lepurana Hemipode. Hab. West Africa. a, b, c. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1873. d. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1873. 392 Order FULICARLE. Family RALLID.E. Subfamily I. RALHN.E. Genus RALLTJS. 1076. Rallus aquations, Linn. Water-Hail. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. 6. Presented by the Eev. B. G. Davis Cooke, Dec. 9, 1867. c. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1869. d. Presented by C. Chignall, Esq., Nov. 14, 1870. Captured at sea. e. Presented by Lady Mildred Beresford Hope, Feb. 6, 1872. /. Purchased, Feb. 6, 1874. 1077. Rallus pector alls, Less. Australian Rail. Hab, New Holland. a, b. Received in exchange, April 18, 1863. c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. d. Presented by J. Harris, Esq., Oct. 7, 1874. Genus ARAMIDES. 1078. Aramides cayenensis (Gm.). West-Indian Rail. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, May 6, 1864. From Trinidad. c, d. Presented by L. Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Venezuela. e. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1868. f-h. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. i. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. j. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1873. fc. Presented by Mrs. C. C. Lovesy, May 15, 1873. 1. Purchased, July 1, 1873. m. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1874. n. Purchased, July 17, 1875. o. Purchased, July 31, 1875. p, q. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. r, s. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. 393 Genus PORZANA. 1079. Porzana maruetta (Leach) . Spotted Crake. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by William Thompson, Esq., Oct. 27, 1866. 6, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. Genus CREX. 1080. Crex pratemis, Bechst. Land-Rail. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, July 25, 1864. 6. Purchased, July 23, 1871. c. Purchased, May 2, 1872. Genus OCYDROMUS. 1081. Ocydromus australis (Sparrm.) . Weka Rail. Hab. New Zealand. a. Male. Purchased, April 29, 1861. 6, c. Presented hy the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, May 23, 1864. d-h. Presented hy the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. i,j. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 30, 1866. fc, I. Deposited, July 20, 1866. ?. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1872. Erom Otago. w, o. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago, Oct. 15, 1873. p, q. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. 1082. Ocydromus earlii, G. R. Gray. Earl's Weka Rail. Hab. North Island, New Zealand. a, b. Presented by the Auckland Acclimatization Society, Aug. 22, 1871. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1871. e. Purchased, July 4, 1874. /. Presented by Capt. Braddick, Dec. 27, 1875. 1083. Ocydromus fuscus (Du Bus) , Black Wood-Hen. Hab. Snares Island, New Zealand. o. Presented by Dr. James Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. 394 RALLID^. 1084. Ocydromus lafresnayanus (Verr. et Des Murs). New- Caledonian Rail. Hab. New Caledonia. a. Presented by Dr. Geo. Bennett, F.Z.S., June 10, 1869. See P.Z.S. 1869, p. 431. b. Presented by Dr. Geo. Bennett, F.Z.S., May 28, 1873. 1085. Ocydromus sylvestris, Sclater. Woodhen Rail. Hab. Lord Howe's Island. a, b. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., May 30, 1871, See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 546. Subfamily II. F u L i c i N JR. Genus PORPHYRIO. 1086. Porphyrio hyacinthinus, Temm. Hyacinthine Por- phyrio. Hab. Southern Europe and Western Asia. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1864. From Bagdad. 6, c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. d. Presented by Lady Gust, July 29, 1873. 1087. Porphyrio madagascariensis (Gm.). Madagascar Por- phyrio. Hab. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. b-d. Purchased, April 15, 1871. e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. /. Presented by Miss A. Furlonger, April 8, 1873. 1088. Porphyrio alleni, Thomps. Allen's Porphyrio. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1863. c-e. Purchased, May 28, 1867. /. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1873. RALLID.E. 395 1089. Porphyrio poliocephalus (Lath.). Grey-headed Por- phyrio. Hab. Java. a-d. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. ,/. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. g. Presented by Mr. Budgett, June 11, 1875. 1090. Porphyrio coelestis, Swinhoe. Chinese Porphyrio. Hab. China. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1868. 1091. Porphyrio indicus (Horsf.) . Indian Porphyrio. Hab. Eastern Asia. . Presented by the Eev. J. S. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1873. From the Navigators' Islands. See P.*Z. S. 1873, p. 518. 1092. Porphyrio vitiensis, Peale. Fijian Porphyrio. Hab. New Caledonia. a. Presented by G. C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. 1093. Porphyrio melanotus, Temm. Black-backed Porphyrio. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 31, 1860. c. Purchased, April 26, 1862. d-h. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 25, 1862. From Melbourne. ij. Presented by Henry St. Hill, Esq., Aug. 20, 1864. From New Zealand. Jc-n. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1866. o-s. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1866. t, u. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 30, 1866. v-z. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, Aug. 16, 1867. au-dd. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Dec. 24, 1867. ee-lih. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1869. ii. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 21, 1869. jj. Presented by A. Houlden, Esq., May 9, 1870. Tck. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, Aug. 29, 1871. 396 RALLIDJi. tt-qq. Deposited, Sept. 13, 1871. From Australia. rr-uu. Presented by Dr. F. von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 1, 1872. vv-ocx. Presented by A. C. Le Souef, Esq., Jan. 6, 1873. 1094. Porphyrio martinicus (\A\rn. }. Martinique Wat erheii. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 18, 1862. 6. Purchased, June 16, 1865. c. Purchased, June 13, 1868. d. Eeceived in exchange, June 24, 1868. , /. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Trinidad. g. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1868. h. Purchased, June 7, 1870. i. Presented by Mr. A. Jamrach, June 23, 1875. Genus TRIBONYX. 1095. Tribonyx ventralis, Gould. Black -tailed Waterhen. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1864. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, April 6, 1869. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, April 11, 1869. h-j. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1869. Tc, I. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1869. m. Bred in the Gardens, April 20, 1871. 1096. Tribonyx mortieri (Du Bus). Mortier's Waterhen (Fig. 35, p. 397.) Hab. Western Australia. a. Purchased, July 1, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 816. b. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1872. Genus GALLINULA. 1097. Gallinula chloropus (Linn.). Common Moorhen. Hab. Europe and Asia. a-c. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 8, 1867. From the Island of St. Denis, Seychelles. 397 Tribonyx mortieri. 1098. Gallinula nesiotis, Sclater. Island-Hen Gallinule, Hab. Tristan d'Acunha, a. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., May 26 f 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209, and p. 260, pi. xxx., where the species is described and figured. b-d. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept, 8, 1869, See P.Z.S, 1869, p. 469, 398 RALLID.E. OTID.E. 1099. Gallinula tenebrosa, Gould. Sombre Gallinule. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. 1100. Gallinula phoenicur a, Penn. White-breasted Gallinule. Hab. India. a-c. Deposited, Aug. 29, 1870. Genus FULICA. 1101. Fulica atra, Linn. Common Coot. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Jan. 3, 1859. b. Male. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1860. 1102. Fulica australis, Gould. Australian Coot. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. From Melbourne. 1103. Fulica cristata, Lath. Crested Coot. Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Presented by Earl Fitzwilliam, F.Z.S., Feb. 11, 1858. b-d. Hybrids between this species and Fulica atra, Linn. Bred in the Gardens. June 8, 1863. Order ALECTORIDES. Family OTID^E. Genus OTIS. 1104. Otis tar da, Linn. Great Bustard. Hab. Europe, a, b. Males. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. OTID.E. 399 c. Female. Purchased, Nov. 7, 1863. d. Purchased, May 21, 1874. Genus EUPODOTIS. 1105. Eupodotis australis (Gray) . Australian Bustard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 4, 1866. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 19, 1866. c. Female. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., May 11, 1867. 1 106. Eupodotis kori, Burch. BurchelPs Bustard. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 10, 1866. b, c. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1874. 1107. Eupodotis arabs (Less.). Arabian Bustard. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Purchased, June 6, 1867. b. Received in exchange, April 26, 1869. 1108. Eupodotis senegalensis (Vieill.). Senegal Bustard. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 6, 1867. 1109. Eupodotis ruficollis, Wagl. Red-necked Bustard. Hab. Natal. a. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1870. 1110. Eupodotis denhami (Children). Denham's Bustard. Hab. Western Africa. a. Presented by C. D. O'Connor, Esq., March 19, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. b. Presented by H.E. Governor Ussher, March 19, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. 400 OTID^. PSOPHIIDjE. Genus HOUBARA. 1111. Houbara undulata (Jacq.). Houbara Bustard. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1867. b, c. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1874. d-i. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1875. 1112. Houbara macqueeni, J. E. Gray. Macqueen's Bustard. Hab. Western Asia. a, b. Deposited, June 2, 1869. r. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus SYPHEOTIDES. 1113. Sypheotides bengalensis (Gm.). Bengal Floriken. Hab. Bengal. a. Male. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. Genus TETRAX. 1114. Tetrax campestris, Leach. Little Bustard. Hab. Europe. a. Received in exchange, Sept. 20, 1861. b. Received in exchange, Oct. 24, 1862. c. d. Purchased, 1863. e, f. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1866. g-j. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. k, I. Received in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. m-p. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. Family PSOPHIID^E. Genus PSOPHIA. 1115. Psophia crepitans, Linn. Common Trumpeter. Hab. Demerara. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1864. b-d. Presented by J. Lucie Smith, Esq., July 5, 1866. PSOPHIID.E. GRUIDjE. 401 e. Purchased, July 13, 1866. From Surinam. /. Deposited, July 25, 1867. y. Deposited, May 12, 1868. A. Presented by L. Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. i, j. Presented by Capt. Francis A. Ball, June 2, 1870. 1116. Psophia viridiSj Spix. Green- winged Trumpeter. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. c. Purchased, May 10, 1866. 1117. Psophia leucoptera, Spix. White-backed Trumpeter. Hab. Amazons. a. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1874. Family CARIAMIDJE. Genus CARIAMA. 1118. Cariama cristata (Linn.). Brazilian Cariama. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Presented by William Downing, Esq., Aug. 10, 1863. b. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1866. Genus CHUNGA. 1119. Chunga burmeisteri (Hartl.). Burmeister's Cariama. Hab. La Plata. a-c. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P.Z.S. 1870, p. 666, pi. xxxvi. Family GRUID^E. Genus Gnus. 1120. Grus cinerea, Bechst. Common Crane. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Purchased, May 13, 1848. b. Male. Keceived in exchange, May 27, 1852. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1863. d. Male ; e. Female. Deposited, May 20, 1867. 402 GRUID^E. 1121. Grus canadensis (Linn.). Brown Crane. Hob. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. c. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1869. d. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1869. e. Purchased, May 7, 1870. 1122. Grus antigone (Linn.). Sams Crane. Hab. North India. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. b. Purchased, March 3, 1868. c. d. Presented byH.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, June 19, 1872. e, f. Received in exchange, Feb. 22, 1875. 1123. Grus australasiana, Gould. Australian Crane. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Presented by the Marchioness of Londonderry, Feb. 14, 1857. b. Female. Received in exchange, April 18, 1863. c. d. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, June 27, 1864. e-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. h t i. Presented by Commander Sir W. S. Wiseman, R.N., Feb. 11, 1867. j. Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Nov. 23, 1868. Jc. Presented by Capt. A. Donald, Feb. 19, 1873. lj m. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Wellington, New Zealand, June 7, 1875. 1124. Grus americana (Linn.). White American Crane. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1868. From Mexico. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. c. Received in exchange, May 26, 1873. 1125. Grus leucauchen, Temm. White-necked Crane. Hab. Japan. a, b. Purchased, April 17, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. GRUID^E. 403 1126. Grus montignesidj Bp. Mantchurian Crane. Hob. North China. a. Male. 6. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 20, 1856. c. Chick. Hatched, June 24, 1861. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 369, pi. xxxv. d. Female. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1873. 1127. Grus leucogeranos, Pall. White Crane. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. 6, c. Purchased, June 20, 1874. 1128. Grm carunculata (Gm.) . Wattled Crane. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 28, 1861. 6, c. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 15, 1866. d, e. Purchased, May 30, 1873. /. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1873. Genus TETRAPTERYX. 1129. Tetrapteryx paradisea, Licht. Stanley Crane. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., May 26, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. b. Presented by Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Nov. 1, 1861. c. d. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1868. e. Purchased, May 20, 1869. /. Deposited, April 22, 1870. cf-Tc. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1871. I. Purchased, June 1, 1874. Genus BALEARICA. 1130. Balearica pavonina (Linn.). Balearic Crowned Crane, Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., Feb. 29, 1860. b. Purchased, Oct. 30, ] 866. c. Deposited, July 3, 1867. d. Presented by Master G. B. Campbell, April 30, 1870. 2 D 2 404 GRUID^E. EURYPYGID.E. 1131. Balearica regulorum (Licht.). Cape Crowned Crane. Hob. South Africa. a. Deposited, Feb. 19, 1851. 5, c. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1867. d. Presented by R. R. Juler, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. e. Presented by H. S. Mackenzie, Esq., Oct. 27, 1870. /, g. Presented by Capt. G. Clayton Swiney, April 5, 1872. Genus ANTHROPOIDES. 1132. Anthropoides virgo (Linn.). Demoiselle Crane. Hob. North Africa. a, 6. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1863. c. Purchased, June 6, 1867. d-g. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. From India. h. Presented by Mrs. J. Williams, Nov. 19, 1868. Family EURYPYGID.E. Genus EURYPYGA. 1133. Eurypyga helias (Pall.), Sun-Bittern. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Huggins, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1861. From Trinidad. See Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 465. 5, c. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1862. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 9, 1865. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 76, pi. ix. e. On approval, Sept. 13, 1865. /. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 28, 1865. g. Presented by James L. Inman, Esq., R.M.S. ' Shannon/ April 30, 1866. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 18, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. j. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 15, 1866. Tc. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1867. 1. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1868. m. Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1868. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1868. o. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1869. p, q. Brad in the Gardens, Aug. 25, 1869. r. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1869. EURYPYGIDvE. CHARADRIID^E. 405 s, Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1870. t. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1870. u. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1871. v. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1871. w. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 29, 1871. sc. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1871. y. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1872. z. Deposited, Nov. 1, 1873. aa. Hatched in the Gardens, May 7, 1874. bt>. Deposited, Oct. 16, 1874. Genus RHINOCHETUS. 1134. Rhino chetus jubatus, Verr. et Des Murs. Kagu. Hob. New Caledonia. a. Male. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141, and Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 218, pi. xxx. b. Female. Presented by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., April 18, 1863. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 19, 1866. d. Purchased, Feb. 5, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179,-and Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 465. Family ABAMID^B. Genus ARAMUS. 1135. Aramus scolopaceus (Gm.). Scolopaceous Courlan. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1875. Order LIMICOLJE. Family CHARADRIID^E. Genus GEDICNEMUS. 1136. (Edicnemus crepitans, Ternm. Thicknee. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S,, June 10, 1862. 406 CHARADRIID^E. b. Presented by K. M. Presland, Esq., Aug. 2, 1865. c. Presented by J. A. Clark, Esq., July 18, 1873. d. Presented by G. S. Patey, Esq., Sept. 30, 1873. e,f. Deposited, Oct. 28, 1874. 1137. (Edicnemus grallarius (Lath.). Australian Thicknee. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by the Koyal Dublin Zoological Society, April 10, 1864. c. Deposited, July 20, 1866. d. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1867. e. Deposited, March 25, 1867. /. Presented by the Commissioners of South Australia to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. g. Purchased, May 4, 1870. h. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., Oct. 8, 1870. i. Presented by Sydney Gilling, Esq., Nov. 24, 1871. j. Purchased, May 26, 1873. 1138. (Edicnemus bistriatus, Wagl. Double-striped Thicknee. Hab. Central America. > a, b. Presented by G. D. Bow y, Esq., F.Z.S., June 3, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 430 1139. (Edicnemus super ciliaris, Tsch. Peruvian Thicknee. Hab. Peru. a, b. Presented by the Baron de Biviere, Aug. 14, 1871. See P.Z.S. 1871, p. 625. c. Presented by Mr. Davidson, of Jamaica, June 28, 1872. Genus VANELLTJS. 1140. Vanellus cristatus, Meyer. Common Lapwing. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Bergmann, Esq., Aug. 26, 1863. b. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., Aug. 2, 1864. c. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. d-o. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1867. p. Presented by Mrs. H. Boach, Dec. 10, 1868. q. Presented by J. A. Clark, Esq., July 18, 1873. r. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, April 8, 1874. s. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1874. t. Presented by J)r. Brewer, Oct. 5, 1875. CHARADRIID^!. 407 1141. Vanellus cayennensis (G-m.). Cayenne Lapwing. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by George Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 4, 1867. From La Plata. c-e. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Chili. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus SARCIOPHORUS. 1142. Sarciophorus pectoralis (Cuv.). Black -breasted Peewit. Hab. Australia. a, b. Deposited, May 23, 1864. c. Purchased, May 21, 1868. d-g. Purchased, June 16, 1870. 7i, i. Deposited, Aug. 22, 1873. 1143. Sarciophorus bilobus (Gm.). Yellow-wattled Peewit. Hab. India. a. Purchased, April 31, 1868. Genus LOBIVANELLUS. 1144. Lobivanellus lobatus (Lath.). Wattled Peewit. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, April 19, 1866. Genus SQUATAROLA. 1145. Squatarola helvetica (Linn.). Grey Plover. Hab. British Islands. a. Deposited, April 15, 1865. b. Deposited, April 30, 1866. From Norfolk. Genus CHARADRIUS. 1146. Charadrius plumalis, Linn. Golden Plover. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 30, 1864, b. Deposited, March 15, 1865. 408 CHARADRHDjE. c. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. d-Ti. Purchased, April 15, 1869. i. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1871. j. Presented by Major Thompson, Sept. 21, 1872. Genus EUDROMIAS. 1 147. Eudromias morinellus (Linn.) . Common Dotterel. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Dr. C. E. Bree, F.Z.S., Sept. 7, 1875. Genus 1148. JEgialitis hiaticula (Linn.). Ringed Plover. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, July 14, 1873. Genus H^EMATOPUS. 1149. Haematopus ostralegus, Linn. Oyster-catcher. Hab. Europe, Asia, Africa. a-d. Purchased, March 27, 1862. e,f. Received in exchange, March 10, 1865. g. Deposited, April 30, 1866. From Norfolk. h. Presented by J. B. Williams, Esq., June 22, 1867. 1150. Hamatopus niger, Cuv. Black Oyster-catcher. Hab. South Africa. a, 1. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1867. Genus STREPSILAS. 1151. Strepsilas interpres (Linn.) . Turnstone. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. b. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. c. Presented by W. Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870.' d. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., March 27, 1871. CHIONIDIDJE. SCOLOPACID^E. 409 Family CHIONIDID^E. Genus CHIONIS. 1152. Chionis alba, Forst. Yellow-billed Sheathbill. Hab. Antarctic America. a. Purchased, July 4, 1865. 5, c. Presented by H. Roberts, Esq., July 24, 1874. 1153. Chionis minor, Hartl. Black-billed Sheathbill. Hab. Crozette Islands. a, 6. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., E.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 530. c. Purchased, July 12, 1875. Erom Kerguelen Land. Family SCOLOPACID^). Genus NUMENIUS. 1154. Numenius arquata, Linn. Common Curlew. Hab. Europe, Asia, Africa. a. Purchased, March 6, 1860. b-e. Received in exchange, March 10, 1865. /. Received in exchange, April 5, 1866. g. Presented by J. Kennard, Esq., Aug. 7, 1871. h. Male. Presented by Mr. J. G. Harrison, April 5, 1872. 1155. Numenius phaeopus (Linn.). Whimbrel. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by William Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870. b. Presented by Dr. Stafford, Aug. 7, 1874. 1156. Numenius minutus, Gould. Little Whimbrel. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 19, 1866. 410 SCOLOPACID.E. 1157. NumeniusfemoraliSjVeale. Pacific Curlew. Hab. Pacific Islands. a, I. Presented by the Rev. J. S. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1874. From Quiros Island, S. Pacific. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 323. Genus LIMOSA. 1158. Limosa lapponica (Linn.) . Bar-tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1860. b. Deposited, March 15, 1865. c. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870. 1159. Limosa melanura, Leisler. Black-tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1860. b. Presented by H. S. Marks, Esq., Peb. 23, 1874. Genus TOTANUS. 1160. Totanus calidris (Linn.). Common Redshank. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Cresswell, Dec. 11, 1868. b. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1871. Genus TRINGOIDES. 1161. Trmgoides hypoleucos (Linn.). Common Sandpiper. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by R. Mitford, Esq., June 7,~1865. b. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. Genus MACHETES. 1162. Machetes pugnax (Linn.). Ruff. Hab. Europe. a-e. Purchased, May 6, 1862. /. Male. Presented by Mr. J. G. Harrison, April 5, 1872. SCOLOPACIDJS. Genus TRINGA. 411 1163. Tringa cinclus, Linn. Dunlin. Hob. Europe. a-o. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 30, 1864. jp-s. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. t-aa. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Cresswell, Dec. 11, 1868. W. Presented by J. E. Halting, Esq., F.Z.S., May 12, 1871. British. ce. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1872. dd, ee. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Oct. 25, 1873. ff-jj. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 26, 1875. 1164. Tringa canutus, Linn. Knot. Hob. Europe. a-c. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 30, 1864. d-l. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Dec. 5, 1866. m-o. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Cresswell, Dec. 11, 1868. p-s. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Oct. 25, 1873. t-cc. Presented by E. Cresswell, Esq., Nov. 26, 1875. Genus HIMANTOPUS. 1165. Himantopus nigricollis, Vieill. Black-necked Stilt. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1872. From Maranham. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 2. Genus RECURVIROSTRA. 1166. Recurvirostra avocetta, Linn. European Avocet. Hab. Europe. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1874. 412 LARID.E. Order GAVLE. Family LARIDJE. Genus STERCORARIUS. 1167. Stercorarius catarractes (Linn.). Arctic Skua. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Sept. 25, 1868. 1168. Stercorarius antarcticus (Less.). Antarctic Skua. Hab. Antarctic Seas. a, b. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. From the Cape. c, d. Presented by the Rev. A. E. Eaton, May 10, 1874. From Kerguelen Land. e. Presented by Capt. Fairfax, July 1, 1875. From Ker- guelen Land. 1169. Stercorarius pomatorhinus (Temm.). Pomatorhine Skua. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1874. Genus LARUS. 1170. Larus glaucus, Briinn. Glaucous Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1859. b. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1860. c. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1868. e,f. Presented by R. E. Beaumont, Esq., Dec. 4, 1874. From Spitzbergen. <7, h. Presented by Capt. Loftus F. Jones, Sept. 10, 1875. From Greenland. 1171. Larus leucopterus (Faber). Iceland Gull. Hab. Northern Europe. a. Presented by B. L. Smith, Esq., Oct. 7, 1873. LARID.E. 413 1172. Larus marinus, Linn. Greater Black-backed Gull. Hab. British Islands. a. Female. Presented by W. N. Turner, Esq., Oct. 27, 1848. b. Male. Presented by W. H. Leach, Esq., June 3, 1861. c. Deposited, 1861. d. e. Young. Presented by W. Bleat, Esq., March 9, 1868. /, g. Presented by F. Roxburgh, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. h. Presented by C. A. Reed, Esq., Sept. 5, 1871. i. Presented by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, March 14, 1872. j. Presented by A. J. Adie, Esq., Aug. 15, 1873. 1173. Larus fuscus, Linn. Lesser Black-backed Gull. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Mrs. Cotton, 1861. b. Presented by A. K. Dale, Esq., Oct. 21, 1867. c, d. Presented by J. "W. Vines, Esq., April 28, 1870. e. Presented by F. H. T. Streatfield, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 2, 1872. /, g. Hatched in the Gardens, June 24, 1872. h, i. Presented by C. "W. Wood, Esq., July 29, 1873. j. Presented by C. W. Wood, Esq., Oct. 1, 1873. k. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, Jan. 29, 1874. 1174. Larus leucophaus, Bp. Yellow-legged Herring-Gull. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1859. From Mogador. Larus fus- cescens, olim. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315, and ' Ibis,' 1876, p. 61. 6, c. Young. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., June 17, 1871. d, e. Deposited, June 29, 1874. From Sardinia. /, g. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 29, 1874, as probably young of L. audouini. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. 1175. Larus canus (Linn.). Common Gull. Hab. British Isles. a. Presented by Dr. Stewart, Aug. 16, 1872. b. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, Feb. 18, 1874. c. Presented by M. F. W. Martin, Esq., May 28, 1874. ' 1176. Larus argentatus, Briinn. Herring-Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Bred in the Gardens, May 1857. See notice of habits of this bird, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 467. 414 LARIDjE. 6. Presented by S. Eedman, Esq., Feb. 4, 1860. c. Presented by Tomkinson, Esq., Oct. 25, 1861. d. Presented by Thomas Page, Esq., Nov. 12, 1862. e. Bred in the Gardens, 1864. /. Presented by H. Houlder, Esq., Sept. 12, 1864. g, h. Presented by Thomas Walker, Esq., F.Z.S., Eeb. 11, 1865. i. Presented by K. Tate, Esq., Ang. 5, 1865. j, Tc. Presented by W. Jeffreys, Esq., jun., Nov. 3, 1868. Z, m. Presented by W. Lawson, Esq., June 29, 1870. n. Presented by J. D. Bourdillon, Esq., May 15, 1871. o. Presented by J. H. Gurney, F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1871. p. Presented by Mr. F. Askew, Aug. 30, 1873. q. Presented by Miss Jessie Bovill, Eeb. 27, 1875. r. Presented by Dr. C. K. Bree, F.Z.S., Aug. 4, 1875. s. Presented by H. P. Hughes, Esq., jun., Aug. 24, 1875. t. Presented by L. Smythe, Esq., Oct. 2, 1875. u. Presented by P. Gipps, Esq., Nov. 17, 1875. 1177. Larus dominicanus, Licht. Dominican Gull. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868. 6, c. Purchased, May 16, 1871. From Chili. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. 1178. Larus ridibunduSj Linn. Black-headed Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Alfred Newton, Esq., F.Z.S., July 21, 1851, b. Presented by J. Salmon, Esq., July 25, 1856. c. Presented by Dr. Bree, May 1861. d. Deposited, April 30, 1866. From Norfolk. e-l. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., Aug. 15, 1868. m. Presented by John Gould, Esq., April 13, 1869. n. Presented by Mr. Keell, Sept. 4, 1874. 1179. Larus atricilla, Linn. Laughing Gull. Hab. America. a, b. Purchased, April 13, 1870. Entered, P. Z. S. 1870, App. p. 895, as L. melanorhynchus. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 496. c. Male ; d. Female. Beceived in exchange, Aug. 6, 1872. LAKID.E. 415 1180. Larusjamesoniy Wilson. Jameson's Gull. Hob. Australia. a, b. Presented by G. C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. Genus RJSSA. 1181. Rissa tridactyla (Linn.). Kittiwake Gull. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, April 28, 1865. 6, c. Presented by F. Koxburgh, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. Genus STERNA. 1182. Sterna hirundo, Linn. Common Tern. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1866. b, c. Presented by A. A. van Bemmelen, Esq., Nov. 15, 1868. 1183. Sterna cantiaca (Gm.). Sandwich Tern. Hab. Europe. a-d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1874. 1184. Sterna macrura, Naum. Arctic Tern. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by E. Lawson, Esq., Oct. 16, 1868. Genus HYDROCHELIDON. 1185. Hydrochelidon nigra (Temm.). Black Tern. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, June 1, 1868. Genus ANGUS. 1186. Anous stolidus (Linn.) . Noddy Tern. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 18, 1865. 416 PROCELLARIID^E. COLYMBIDyE. Family PBOCELLAKIID^. Genus PUFFINUS. 1187. Puffinus anglorum (Boie). Manx Shearwater. Hal. British Isles. a. Presented by Dr. Bree, F.Z.S., Sept. 10, 1873. b. Deposited, Sept. 19, 1873. Genus DAPTION. 1188. Daption capensis (Linn.). Cape-Petrel. Hob. South Atlantic. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1873. From Manilla. Order PYGOPODES. Family COLYMBID^E. Genus PODICEPS. 1189. Podiceps minor, Lath. Little Grebe. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1863. b-e. Presented by Master A. M. Hall, Dec. 1, 1863. /, g. Presented by Lieut.-CoL C. T. Cox, JSTov. 16, 1867. h. Presented by F. H. Salvin, Esq., Sept. 3, 1868. i. Presented by J. K Lord, Esq., F.Z.S., April 1, 1871. j. Presented by A. M. Hill, Esq., Dec. 6, 1871. k. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1872. 1. Presented by H. P. Hensman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1873. m. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1876. 1190. Podiceps rubricollis, Lath. Red-necked Grebe. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by W. C. Horsfall, Esq., Feb. 16, 1866. COLYMBIDvE. ALCID^E. 417 Genus COLYMBUS. 1191. Colymbus glacialis, Linn. Great Northern Diver. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by A. R. Hunt, Esq., Jan. 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 86. Family ALGID^E. Genus ALCA. 1192. Alca tor da, Linn. Razorbill. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by P. W. Symonds, Esq., July 28, 1864. 6, c. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. Genus FRATERCULA. 1193. Prater cula arctica (Linn.). Puffin. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. c. Received in exchange, March 31, 1870. Genus URIA. 1194. Uria troile, Linn. Common Guillemot. Hab. British Isles. . a, b. Presented by W. H. Scratten, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 25, 1872. c-e. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1873. f-k. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., July 22, 1874. 418 SPHENISCIDjE. Order 1MPENNES. Family SPHENISCID^E. Genus APTENODYTES. 1195. Aptenodytes pennanti, Gray. King Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Presented by Commander Fenwick, BJN"., March 27, 1865. See Owen, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 438. 6. Presented by Frederick Cobb, Esq., Jan. 8, 1872. c. Deposited, May 27, 1872. d. Presented by Frederick Cobb, Esq., May 18, 1875. Genus PYGOSCELES. 1196. Pygosceles taniatus (Peale). Gentoo Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 22, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 605. Genus SPHENISCUS. 1197. Spheniscus demersus (Linn.). Black-footed Penguin. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. 6. Deposited, Dec. 19, 1867. c-e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1874. 1198. Spheniscus humboldti, Meyen. Humboldt's Penguin. Hab. Western America. a. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1871. b. Presented by Major J. G. Sandeman, F.Z.S., March 31, 1872. From Guayca, West Coast of South America. Genus ETJDYPTES. 1199. Eudyptes chrysocome (Forst.). Rock-hopper Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Presented by J. M. Dean, Esq., July 1, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. TINAMID^E. 419 Order CRYPTUEI. Family TINAMID^E. Genus TINAMUS. 1200. Tinamus solitarius (Vieill.). Solitary Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Received in exchange, Oct. 13, 1873. c. Received in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. d. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. e. Received in exchange, Dec. 2, 1874. Genus CRYPTURUS. 1201. Crypturus obsoletus (Temm.). Obsolete Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Received in exchange, Oct. 21, 1873. 1202. Crypturus pileatus (Bodd.). Little Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. 1203. Crypturus noctivayus, Max. Banded Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1872. f-h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. i,j. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1875. 1204. Crypturus variegatus (Gm.). Variegated Tinamou, Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by John Blount, Esq., April 8, 1861. 2 E 2 420 Genus RHYNCHOTUS. 1205. Rhynchotus rufescens (Temm.). Rufous Tinamou. Hob. Brazil. a, 6. Purchased, June 27, 1864. c. Presented by the Comte and Comtesse d'Eu, Feb. 13, 1865. d, e. Presented by Edward Collier, Esq., July 10, 1866. /, g. "Bred in the Gardens, May 31, 1867. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687, and 1868, p. 114, pi. xn. Ti-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1867. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1867. o-s. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1867. t-^ju. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 31, 1867. x-z. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1867. aar-gg. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1868. Tih-ii. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 15, 1868. jj-ll. Presented by Dr. Wood, Oct. 14, 1871. mm. Presented by C. L. Getting, Esq., July 31, 1872. nn-pp. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1873. qq-tt. Presented by A. 0. Lumb, Esq., Aug. 6, 1874. uu. Presented by Viscount Hill, April 13, 1875. vv, ww. Presented by Mrs. Bingrose, July 23, 1876. 1206. Rhynchotus perdicarius (Kittl.). Chilian Tinamou. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. Genus NOTHURA. 1207. Nothura maculosa, Temm. Spotted Tinamou. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a, 6. Received in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. e-g. Purchased, July 17, 1875. STUUTHIONID^E. 421 Order STRUTHIONES*. Family STRUTHIONID^E. Genus STRUTHIO. 1208. Strut hio camelus, Linn. Ostrich. Hab. Africa. a. Male. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, April 4, 1850. From Morocco. b. Female. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, Feb. 8, 1859. From Morocco. c. d. Young. Presented by E. Hertslet, Esq., Oct. 10, 1863. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. /. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, May 1, 1869. h, i. Deposited, July 5, 1872. Genus RHEA. 1209. Rhea americana, Vieill. Common Rhea. Hab. South America. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1860. c. Young. Hybrid between this species and Rhea macro- rliyncha, Sclater. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. cl Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 14, 1863. e,f. Presented by A. Brenner, Esq., July 38, 1864. g. Presented by George Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 4, 1867. h. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1867. i. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1867. j, k. Purchased, Feb. 11, 1868. I. Purchased, June 7, 1870. m. Presented by W. C. Barnes, Esq., June 22, 1871. From the River Plate. n, o. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1873. p. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. q. Presented by A. Maxwell, Esq., Feb. 23, 1874. * For notes on the method of incubation of the Struthiones see P. Z. S. 1863, p. 233. On the Struthious Birds of the Society's Menagerie generally see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 247, and Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. iv. p. 353. 422 STRUTHIONID^. CASUARIIDjE. r. Purchased, April 6, 1874. From Buenos Ayres. s. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1874. t. Purchased, March 19, 1875. w, v. Purchased, July 31, 1875. 1210. Rhea macrorhyncha, Sclater. Great-billed Rhea. Hob. South America. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 1858. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 207, and Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 356, pi. LXIX. 1211. Rhea darwinii, Gould. Darwin's Rhea. Hob. Patagonia. . Male. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1858. Specimen figured, Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 357, pi. LXX. b. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. Family CASUARIID^E. Genus CASUARIUS. 1212. Casuarius galeatus (Vieill.) . Common Cassowary. Hob. Ceram. a. Male. Received in exchange, March 28, 1862. b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mul- lick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. e. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1866. /. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179. g. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., April 13, 1870. h. Purchased, March 3, 1874. 1213. Casuarius australis, Wall. Australian Cassowary. Hal. Australia. a. Presented by the Marquess of Normanby, Jan. 23, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 2, 82. b. Presented by E. P. Ramsay, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. CASUARIID.E. 423 1214. Casuarius beccarii, Sclater. Beccari's Cassowary. Hob. South-eastern New Guinea. a. Presented by Sir James Fergusson, Bart., F.Z.S., June 7, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 527, pi. LVIII. 1215. Casuarius bicarunculatus, Sclater. Two-wattled Casso- wary. Hob. Aroo Islands. a. Eeceived in exchange, May 2, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, pp. 211 & 247. 6. Female. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 149. c. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495. 1216. Casuarius uniappendiculatus, Blyth. One-wattled Cas- sowary. Hab. New Guinea. a. Presented by Capt. Moresby, of H.M.S. ' Basilisk,' Aug. 25, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495, et 1875, p. 85, pi. xx. et p. 533. From Threshold Bay, Western New Guinea. 1217. Casuarius westermanni, Scl. Westerman's Cassowary. Hab. New Guinea. a. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 20, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. Specimen figured as Casuarius kaupi, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 147, pi. ix. See P, Z. S. 1874, p. 248, and 1875, p. 85, pi. xix. 1218. Casuarius picticollis, Scl. Painted-necked Cassowary. Hab. Southern New Guinea. a. Purchased, May 27, 1874. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 85, pi. xvm. From Dis- covery Bay, S.E. Coast of New Guinea. 424 CASUARIID^E. 1219. Casuarius bennetti, Gould. Bennett's Cassowary*. Hab. New Britain. a. Male. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., May 17, 1857. Specimen figured, Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. pi. LXXII. 6. Female. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., May 25, 1858. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 271. e. Presented by Commander Sir W. S.Wiseman, B.N., Feb. 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179. /. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1869. Genus DROM^US. 1220. Dromceus nova-hollandia, Vieill. Emu. Hab. Australia. . Beceiyed in exchange, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 248. d, e. Yar. irrorata, Bartlett. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. /. Male. Beceived in exchange, April 1862. g. Presented by D. P. M c Ewen, Esq., June 14, 1864. h, i. Presented by H. G. Ashurst, Esq., Aug. 3, 1864. j-l. Bred in the Gardens, March 31, 1865. m-o. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 26, 1865. p. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard, Oct. 6, 1865. q. Presented by Money Wigram, Esq., E.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1867. r. Male. Beceived in exchange, Jan. 29, 1867. s-u. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1867. v. Presented by H.B.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S., Nov. 23, 1868. w. Presented by H.B.H. the Prince of Wales, Feb. 19, 1869. x. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., Nov. 18, 1869. y,z. Purchased, May 6, 1870. act. Presented by Capt. Cruickshank, April 3, 1871. 56. Male. Presented by Miss Beatson, May 4, 1871. cc. Presented by the Bev. G. T. Hudson, Feb. 8, 1872. dd. Female. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1872. ee, ff. Deposited, April 21, 1873. gg, hh. Presented by the Hon. Arthur Gordon, June 6, 1873. * For notice of the egg of this species see J. E. Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 271, Aves, pi. CXLIV., and Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 205, pi. APTEBYOIDJS. 425 Family APTERYGID^. Genus APTERYX. 1221. Apteryx australis, Shaw*. Kiwi. Hob. South Island, New Zealand. a. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 861. 1222. Apteryx mantelli, Bartlett. Mantell's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Female. Presented by Lieut. Governor Eyre, Dec. 9, 1851. 6. Male. Presented by Major Keane, Sept. 29, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. c. Male. Presented by Henry Slade, Esq., R.N., May 23, 1865. d. Purchased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. e. Presented by Alfred Lafone, Esq., May 20, 1871. /. Purchased, March 11, 1873. 1223. Apteryx oweni, Gould. Owen's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago, July 28, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 468. 6. Purchased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. c. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1 872. d. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. 1224. Apteryx Jiaasti, Potts. Haast's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 18, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 1. * For notices of eggs of Apteryx, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 350, and 1860, p. 194 ; for incubation of Apteryx, see Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 329. 426 TESTUDINlDjE, Class REPTILIA. Order TESTUDINATA. Family TESTUDINLD.E. Genus TESTUDO. a. Species orbis antiqui. 1. Testudo grceca, Linn. Greek Land Tortoise. Hob. Europe. a. Presented by G. Weaver, Esq., July 24, 1868. b-d. Presented by Capt. T. Waite, Nov. 18, 1868. ,/. Presented by Mrs. Lee, July 22, 1869. g. Presented by W. A. Jepson, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. h. Presented by Mrs. Lee, July 23, 1870. i. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1870. .;. Presented by Mr. J. E. Lane, April 30, 1875. Tc. Presented by Miss Barter, June 29, 1875. 2. Testudo mauritanica, D. & B. Algerian Tortoise. Hab. Southern Europe and North Africa. a. Deposited, June 28, 1872. b. Presented by W. Heslop, Esq., Sept. 17, 1872. From the Crimea. c. d. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., March 6, 1873. From Algeria. , /. Presented by Capt. Perry, March 18, 1873. g, h. Presented by the Hon. E. Ellis, Nov. 29, 1873. i-n. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., April 4, 1873. From Barbary. 3. Testudo sulcata, Miller. Grooved Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, July 6, 1862. 6, c. Presented by C. A. Fairbridge, Esq., May 28, 1867. TESTUDINID^:. 427 4. Testudo pardalis, Bell. Leopard Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Presented by Sir William Williams, Bart., F.Z.S., Oct. 19, 1866. c. Purchased, June 26, 1871. 5. Testudo semiserrata, Smith. Semiserrated Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a-c. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. SeeP.Z.S. 1872, p. 182. 6. Testudo radiata, Shaw. Radiated Tortoise. Hab. Madagascar. a-e. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1863. /. Received in exchange, Aug. 31, 1871. g, h. Deposited, July 8, 1875. 7. Testudo stellata, Schw. Starred Tortoise. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by W. Vincent Legge, Esq., R.A., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1872. From Ceylon. c. Presented by Capt. Wilkinson, Dec. 11, 1872. d, e. Purchased, June 16, 1872. /, g. Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1873. 7*. Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., July 29, 1873. i-l. Presented by H. P. Le Mesurier, Esq., Sept. 23, 1873. m. Presented by Capt. Smelley, March 9, 1874. n-r. Deposited, Aug. 20, 1875. 8. Testudo elongata, Blyth. Burmese Tortoise. Hab. Burmah. a-d. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, F.Z.S., May 16, 1873. e-h. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 22, 1876. 9. Testudo indica, Gm. Indian Tortoise. Hab. Seychelles. a, b. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. c. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1868. d. Purchased, April 6, 1874. e-h. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. From Mauritius. 428 TESTUDINID.E. 10. Testudo elephantina, Giinther. Elephantine Tortoise. Hob. Aldabra Island. a. Male. Purchased, July 6, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 526. 11. Testudo hololissa, Giinther. Smooth Tortoise. Hab. Aldabra Island. a. Female. Purchased, July 6, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 526. b, c. (Young.) Deposited, July 8, 1875. 12. Testudo elephantopus, Harlan. Galapagan Tortoise. Hab. Galapagos. a. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667. b. Deposited, Feb. 28, 1874. b. Species americawe. 13. Testudo polyphemus, Holbrook. Florida Tortoise. Hab. North America and Mexico. a, b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, March 9, 1869. c. d. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. e-j. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 4, 1874. 14. Testudo'Jabulata, Walb. Brazilian Tortoise. Hab. South America. a. Presented by D. C. Munro, Esq., H.B.M.'s Consul, Surinam, May 19, 1863. 6, c. Purchased, May 30, 1865. d. Received in exchange, Oct. 6, 1868. e. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. From the Island of Marajo, Lower Amazons. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 743. /. Received in exchange, Feb. 13, 1871. a. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1871. h. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1873. i. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Colon. j-n. Purchased, July 16, 1873. o. Purchased, June 28, 1873. From Madeira. p. Presented by F. Chittenden, Esq., Oct. 26, 1873. q, r. Purchased, April 6, 1874. From Uruguay. s, t. Received in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. TESTUDINID7E. 429 15. Testudo carbonaria, Spix. Black Tortoise. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. See P.Z.S. 1871, p. 743. e-p. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Colon. q. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. 16. Testudo argentina, Sclater. Argentine Tortoise. Hab. Argentine Republic. a, b. Purchased, July 6, 1870. Types of Testudo chilensis, Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 190, and P. Z. S. 1870, p. 706, pi. XL. ; also of T. argentina, Sclater, Ann. N. H. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 471. Of. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667, and 1871, p. 480. Genus HOMOPUS. 17. Homopus areolatus (Thunb.). Areolated Tortoise. Hab. Cape Colony. a-d. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. From Cradock. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 184. Genus CHERSINA. 18. Chersina angulata (Schweigg.). Angulated Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, April 21, 1870. b-Tc. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. From Cradock, Cape Colony. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 184. l-o. Purchased, May 14, 1872. p. Presented by J. Watson, jnr., Esq., Sept. 17, 1873. q, r. Presented by L. A. Knight, Esq., July 7, 1875. Genus CINIXYS. 19. Cinixys erosa (Schweigg.). Eroded Cinixys. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1870. b. Purchased, July 29, 1871. c. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. d-e. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. /. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1874. 430 TESTUDINID^E. EMYDID^. 20. Cinixys homeana, Bell. Home's Cinixys. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Presented by Governor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Aug. 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 626. d-g. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. h. Presented by H. T. Ussher, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 25, 1872. 21. Cinixys belliana, Gray. BelFs Cinixys. Hab. Angola. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 17, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. b. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. Family EMYDDXE. Genus TERRAPENE. 22. Terrapene carinata (Linn.) . American Box-Tortoise. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., Oct. 5, 1870. From Massachusetts, U.S.A. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 744. d-g. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. From Mexico. See P.Z.S. 1871, p. 744. h. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 4, 1874. ir-Tc. Presented by Capt. Cooper, R.N., Feb. 17, 1875. T^p. Presented by Mr. Edmond Isaacson, Aug. 30, 1875. Genus CUORA. 23. Cuora amboinensis (Daud.) . Amboina Box-Tortoise. Hab. India. a. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, F.Z.S., May 16, 1873. Died, Feb. 17, 1874. Genus EMYS. 24. Emys europaa (Schneider) . European Pond-Tortoise. Hab. South Europe. a-d. Purchased, April 26, 1873. e-h. Received in exchange, May 2, 1873. EMYDID^E. 431 i-o. Deposited, July 27, 1873. p-s. Deposited, May 9, 1874. t. Deposited, Sept. 11, 1874. u. Presented by "W. Jesse, Esq., June 11, 1875. Genus CLEMMYS. a. Species americance. 25. Clemmys guttata (Schweigg.). Speckled Terrapin. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1862. From Halifax. d-i. Purchased, July 13, 1868. j-n. Presented by Mr. J. H. Thompson, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 5, 1870. o. Presented by A. B. Duncan, Esq., Nov. 1, 1874. 26. Clemmys picta (Schweigg.) . Painted Terrapin. Hab. North America. a-i. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., May 29, 1866. j. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1866. From Halifax, U.S.A. &. Presented by Mr. J. H. Thompson, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 5, 1870. 27. Clemmys floridana (Leconte). Floridan Terrapin. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., June 4, 1874. From St. John's River. 28. Clemmys rubriventris (Leconte) . Red-bellied Terrapin. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., May 22, 1866. b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 11, 1874. From the Potomac River. 29. Clemmys terrapin (Schopf.). Salt-water Terrapin. Hab. North America. a, b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., May 20, 1866. 432 c, d. Presented by Henry Arthur, Esq., March 19, 1870. e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. /. Deposited, March 19, 1872. g. Purchased, May 16, 1873. 30. Clemmys serrata (Daud.) . Serrated Terrapin. Hob. Nortli America. a-d. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., June 11, 1874. From North Carolina. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. 31. Clemmys rugosa (Shaw). Wrinkled Terrapin. Hab. West Indies. a, 6. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. c-i. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. j. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1874. Tc. Presented by Mr. Edmond Isaacson, Aug. 30, 1875. 32. Clemmys decussata (Bell). Hicotee Terrapin. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. 33. Clemmys punctularia (Daud.). Rough Terrapin. Hab. Trinidad. a-c. Presented by F. Chittenden, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1873. d. Purchased, June 1, 1875. 34. Clemmys ornata (Bell). Adorned Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, May 12, 1870. From Greytown, Nicaragua. 6. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. From the Laguna de Terminos, Yucatan. c. (Young.) Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. d. Purchased, March 17, 1873. 35. Clemmys annulata (Gray). Annulated Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by 0. Salvin, Esq., F.Z.S., May 1, 1863. From Huamunchal, Pacific coast of Guatemala. EMYDID.E. 433 b. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Western Peru. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667. c, d. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Colon. e,f. (Young.) Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Colon. b. Species or bis antiqui. 36. Clemmys c'aspica (Schweigg.) . Caspian Terrapin. Hab. Europe and Western Asia. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. c, d. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1870. From the Lake of Tiberias ? e-o. Presented by Capt. Phillips, Nov. 10, 1873. From Bussorah. p-r. Presented by the Hon. K Ellis, Nov. 29, 1873. From Persia. 37, Clemmys leprosa (Schweigg.) . Spanish Terrapin. Hab. Southern Spain. &-d. Presented by the Rev. Basil Wilberforce, Dec. 4, 1869. Types of Emys flavipes, Gray, P,Z. S. 1869, p. 643, pi. L. -g. Presented by A. T. Wise, Esq., March 20, 1872. From Gibraltar. h-j. Deposited, June 28, 1872. k-m. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., March 6, 1873. n-q. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., April 4, 1873. r-t. Purchased, April 26, 1873. . Presented by Major C. Stirling, July 5, 1874. 38. Clemmys fuliginosa (Gray). Fuliginous Terrapin. Hab. West Africa (?). a. Presented, 1852. Type of Emys fuliginosa, Gray, P. Z. &. 1860, p. 232, Eept. pi. xxx. ft, c. Presented by the Rev. Basil Wilberforce, Dec. 4, 1869. Types of Mauremys lamaria, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 499, pi. xxxvn. 39. Clemmys bennetti (Gray) . Bennett's Terrapin. Hab. China. a, I. Presented by R, Swinhoe, Esq., April 1864. 434 EMYDID^E. 40. Clemmys hamiltoni (Gray). Hamilton's Terrapin. Hob. India. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 1859. c-/. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. g, h. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Prom Allahahad. 41. Clemmys thurgi (Gray) . Thurgi Terrapin. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Prom Allahabad. 42. Clemmys trijuga (Schweigg.) . Ceylonese Terrapin. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by Capt. Wilkinson, Dec. 11, 1872. From Ceylon. c. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. 43. Clemmys crassicollis (Bell). Thick-necked Terrapin. Hab. Burmah. a. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 22, 1875. 44. Clemmys unicolor (Gray). Black-headed Terrapin. Hab. China. a-c. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517, pi. XLIV. 45. Clemmys reevesi (Gray). Reeves' s Terrapin. Hab. China. a-c. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., E.Z.S., May 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517. 46. Clemmys laticeps (Gray). Broad-headed Terrapin. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, 1861. Genus PANGS HTJRA. 47. Pangshura tentoria, Gray. Dura Terrapin. Hab. India. a, b. Purchased, May 4, 1871. From Allahabad. EMYDID^. 435 48. Pangshura tectum (Bell) . Roofed Terrapin. Hob. India. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 1859. d-g. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. Genus DERM ATE MYS. 49. Dermatemys mawii, Gray. Maw's Terrapin. Hob. Central America. a. Living in the Gardens, 1865-66. 50. Dermatemys abnormis, Cope. Abnormal Terrapin. Hab. Yucatan. a. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. From the Laguna de Termi- nos, Yucatan. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 716, pi. XLII., as Chloremys abnormis. Genus MACROCLEMMYS. 51. Macroclemmys temminckii (Schweigg.). Temminck's Snapper. Hab. Southern United States. a, b. Presented by Herr G. Hagenbeek, Dec. 4, 1868. c. Deposited, April 26, 1869. d. Deposited, June 23, 1869. e. Purchased, March 8, 1871. /. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 4, 1874. From New Orleans. Genus CHELYDRA. 52. Chelydra serpentina (Linn.) . Alligator Terrapin. Hab. North America. a, 6. Presented by Arthur Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., June 24, 1860. c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1866. d-g. Presented by J. H. Thompson, -Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 5, 1870. h. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Nov. 13, 1873. 2 F2 436 Genus AROMOCHELYS. 53. Aromochelys odor at a (Latr.) . Stink-pot Terrapin, Hob. North America. a. Living in the Gardens, Jan. 1, -1871. Genus CINOSTERON. 54. Cinosternonpennsylvanicum (Gm.). Pennsylvanian Mud- Terrapin. Hab. North America. a-c. Received in exchange, June 24, 1868. 55. Cinosternon scorpoides (Linn.). Scorpion Mud-Terra- pin. Hab. Trinidad. a, b. Presented by S. Devenish, Esq., Aug. 17, 1875. 56. Cinosternon longicaudatum (Spix) . Spix's Mud-Terra- pin. Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. From Marajo, Lower Amazons. d. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1873. 57. Cinosternon leucostomum, A. Dum. White-mouthed Mud -Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a, b. Purchased, May 12, 1870. From Greytown, Nicaragua. SeeP.Z.S. 1871, p. 745. c. Living in the Gardens, Jan. 1, 1870. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. From the Laguna de Terminos, Yucatan. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 745. CHELYDID^E. 437 Family CHELYDID^E. Genus PODOCNEMIS. 58. Podocnemis expansa (Schweigg.) . Large Grieved Tor- toise. Hab. Amazons. a. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 910, and 1871, p. 745. 59. Podocnemis dumeriliana (Schweigg.). Dumeril's Grieved Tortoise. Hab. South America. a-c. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Trinidad. 60. Podocnemis unifilis, Troschel. One -bearded Grieved Tortoise. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 36 & 745. Genus STERNOTH^ERUS. 61. Sternothcerus subniger, Gray. Blackish Sternothere. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by Swinburne Ward, Esq., March 23, 1867. From the Seychelles. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. b-d. Purchased, May 3, 1871. From Madagascar. SeeP.Z.S. 1871, p. 543. e. Purchased, June 8, 1871. From Madagascar. /. Presented by Commander H. C. St. John, April 2, 1873. From the Seychelles. g. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. h, i. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. j, Tc. Deposited, July 8, 1875. I. Deposited, Sept. 7, 1875. 62. Sternotharus derbianus, Gray. Derbian Sternothere. Hab. West Africa. . Purchased, Aug. 30, 1870. 438 CHELYD1D.E. 6. Received in exchange, Oct. 25, 1870. c. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. d. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. Genus PELOMEDUSA. 63. Pelomedusa gehafi (Rupp.) . Abyssinian Pentonyx. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Presented by the Hon. Mr. Melville, June 2, 1868. 6. Received in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. Genus PLATEMYS. 64. Platemys gordoni (Gray) . Gordon's Terrapin. Hab. Trinidad. a. Deposited by the Hon. A. Gordon, July 23, 1868. Speci- men described and figured as Hydraspis gordoni by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 563, pi. XLII. Captured by Mr. Gordon " near the mountain of Temana, Trinidad." 65. Platemys geoffroy ana (Schweigg.). Geoffroy's Terrapin. Hab. Argentine Republic. a, b. Presented by George Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 17, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623. Genus HYDROMEDUSA. 66. Hydromedusa maximiliani (Mikan). Maximilian's Ter- rapin. Hab. Brazil. 0,-d. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 19, 1871. Genus CHELODINA. 67. Chelodina oblonga, Gray. Oblong Chelodine. Hab. West Australia, a. Presented by W. Ayshford Sandford, Esq., March 18, 1856. CHELYDID^. TRIONYCHID.E. 439 68. Chelodina longicollis (Shaw) . Long-necked Chelodine. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by P. Joske, Esq., Jan. 9, 1861. From the Yarra River. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 59. b. Presented by H.E.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, July 4, 1868. c. Purchased, May 2, 1870. d. Presented by John Brazier, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1872. Family TRIONYCHUm Genus TRIONYX. 69. Tri onyx agyptiacus (Geoffr.). Egyptian Trionyx. Hab. River Nile. a. Presented by Alexander Baird, Esq., April 17, 1869. b. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1872. 70. Trionyx fer ox , Schneid. North- American Trionyx. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., June 4, 1874. From Lake Michigan. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. Genus EMYDA. 71. Emyda granosa (Schopf.). Bungoma Tortoise. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. Genus CYCLODERMA. 72. Cydoderma senegalense (Dum. & Bibr.) . Senegal River- Turtle. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1870. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 717, pi. XLIII. 440 CHELON1DJS. Family CHELONID^. Genus CHELONE. 73. Chelone imbricata (Schweigg.). HawkVbilled Turtle. Hob. East Indies. a. Presented by Messrs. T. C. W. Mackay & Co., July 27, 1864. b. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1867. c-f. Presented by Capt. Cooper, June 27, 1867. g. Presented by Messrs. Gilson and Quelch, Feb. 3, 1869. h. Presented by Capt. Miles, April 26, 1869. i. Presented by Mr. T. J. Quelch, July 27, 1870. j. Presented by E. Bellamy, Esq., Sept. 28, 1870. k, I. Purchased, July 27, 1871. From Honduras. m. Purchased, July 16, 1872. From Central America. n-t. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. From Panama. it-7/. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1873. z. 'Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Jamaica. aa. Presented by the Rev. A. W. Petre, Sept. 26, 1873, 56. Purchased, July 26, 1875. From Panama. 74. Chelone vlridis (Schneid.) . Green Turtle. Hob. West Indies. a. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., Sept. 2, 1864. b-g. Presented by H. Jones, Esq., July 13, 1867. h-Jc. Presented by Lieut. C. B. Clarke, E.N., Aug. 11, 1869. l-n. Presented by J. Duke, Esq., July 24, 1871. o,p. Presented by Lieut. H. W. Clarke, E.E., Sept. 16, 1871. From Ascension Island. q-y. Presented by W. Johnson, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. From Ascension Island. z-cc. Presented by L. A. Knight, Esq., July 7, 1875. From Ascension Island. Genus TH ALAS so CH ELYS. 75. Thalassochelys caouana (Schweigg.) . Loggerhead Turtle. Hob. Atlantic Ocean. a-c. Presented by W. K. Taunton, Esq., July 20, 1868. d. Presented by Mrs. Villebois, Aug. 1, 1871. er-Ti. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Jamaica. ?. Presented by Lieut. N. L. H. Clarke, E.N., June 5, 1873. From Madeira. CKOCODILID/E. Order CROCODILIA. Family CROCODILID^E. Genus ALLIGATOR. 76. Alligator mississippiensis (Baud.). Alligator. Hob. Mississippi. a, 6. Purchased, 1863. c-e. Purchased, Oct. 9, 1864. /. Presented by J. Hoppenheim, Esq., May 9, 1865. g-j. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1868. Tc. Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1871. I. Presented by Capt. J. Rose, June 13, 1871. From New Orleans. m. Presented by Miss Peters, June 26, 1871. From Florida. n. Presented by Mr. John Hanley, July 7, 1873. From New Orleans. o. Presented by W. Gillespie, Esq., Sept. 8, 1873. p. Presented by Dr. Palin, Sept. 16, 1873. q. Presented by Capt. Cowper, Oct. 16, 1873. r. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1874. s. Deposited, Nov. 11, 1874. *. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1875. u, v. Deposited, Dec. 2, 1875. Genus JACARE. 77. Jacare longiscutata, Gray. Long-shielded Cayman, Hab. Paraguay. a. Presented by G. Willis, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 4, 1868. See P.Z.S. 1868, p. 261. 78. Jacare latirostris (Daud.). Broad-snouted Cayman. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Baranquilla. 6. Presented by Capt, Turner, Sept. 15, 1874. 442 CROCODILID^:. 79. Jacare punctulata (Spix). Dotted-jawed Cayman. Hob. South America. a, 6. Presented by Capt. Spicer, Sept. 17, 1868. From Tobago. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 529. c. Purchased, July 16, 1873. Genus CROCODILUS. 80. Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv. Nilotic Crocodile. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1869. b, c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. d. Presented by the Hon. P. C. F. Berkeley, May 22, 1874. 81. Crocodilus frontatus, Murray. Broad-fronted Crocodile. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From the river Bonny. b. Purchased, July 17, 1873. 82. Crocodilus palustris, Less. Indian Crocodile. Hab. Southern Asia. a. Presented by Edmund Penning, Esq., July 22, 1867. b-h. Presented by Capt. Efford, Sept. 8, 1868. From Cochin. i,j. Presented by Capt. Banks, Sept. 17, 1868. 83. Crocodilus americanus, Schneid. Sharp-nosed Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, April 17, 1862. 6, c. Presented by Capt. Bivett, R.M.S.S. Seine/ May 20, 1862. d. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1874. e. Presented by Capt. Drummond, F.Z.S., April 14, 1875. /. Purchased, April 26, 1875. From the Rio Magdalena. g. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1875. 84. Crocodilus rhombifer, Cuv. Mexican Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by J. Hoppenhein, Esq., May 9, 1865. CROCODILID^E. CHAM^LEONID^. 443 85. Crocodilus cataphractus, Cuv. Long-nosed Crocodile. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 19, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. 6. Presented by H. T. M. Cooper, Esq., April 14, 1874. c. Received in exchange, Sept. 22, 1875. Genus GAVIALIS. 86. Gavialis gangeticus (Gm.). Gavial. Hab. Ganges. a. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, Dec. 11, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 1. b. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1873. c. Presented by Capt. Barnet, Dec. 21, 1875. Order SAUEIA. Family SPHENODONTID^. Genus SPHENODON. 87. Sphenodon punctatus, Gray. Tuatera Lizard. Hab. New Zealand. a. Deposited by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., Oct. 28, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 530. 6. Purchased, May 20, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. Family CHAM^LEONDm Genus CHAMELEON. 88. Chameleon vulgaris, Daud. Common Chameleon. Hab. North Africa. a-zzz. See last edition, aaaa, bbbb. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1871. From Bengal. 44 i CHAM^ELEONID^:. GECCOTID^. cccc. Presented by A. E. Rogers, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. dddd. Presented by J. W. Wood, Esq., Aug. 29, 1872. eeee. Presented by Miss Morgan, Sept. 20, 1872. ' ffff. Presented by G. Hollis, Esq., Sept. 27, 1872. gggg-jjjj- Purchased, July 2, 1873. lekkle. Purchased, July 28, 1873. llll-nnnn. Presented by W. C. Hotham, Esq., Sept. 10, 1873. oooo. Presented by Mr. E. Clark, July 11, 1874. pppp. Presented by Mr. J. P. G. Bird, July 25, 1874. qqqq. Purchased, June 28, 1875. rrrr. Presented by E. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 12, 1875. 89. Chameleon pumilus, Latr. Dwarf Chameleon. Hab. South Africa. a-h. Deposited, May 9, 1870. i-k. Presented by E. H. Smith, Esq., June 5, 1871. I Presented by Miss Siddons, May 27, 1873. 90. Cham&leon dilepis, Leach, Flap-necked Chameleon. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 209. Family GECCOTID^E. Genus GECCO. 91. Gecco verus, Merr. Indian Gecko. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Capt. Erain, July 24, 1866. f-h. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 2, 1868. Genus PTYODACTYLUS. 92. Ptyodactylus hasselguisti(Sclmdd.). Fan-footed Gecko. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870, AGAMIDJS. 445 Family AGAMIDJE. Genus AGAMA. 93. Agama ruderata, Oliv. Variable Lizard. Hab. Egypt. a, b. Presented by E. C. Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., May 2, 1870. 94. Agama colonorum (Daud.) . Spinose Lizard. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 7, 1873. 95. Agama occipitalis, Gray. Occipital Lizard. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lady Gust, June 29, 1873. Genus UROMASTIX. 96. Uromastix spinipes (Daud.) . Egyptian Mastigure. Hab. North Africa. a. Presented by John D. Carmichael, Esq., May 29, 1867. b-e. Received in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. /. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., April 11, 1870. From Laghouat, Algeria. g-h. Received in exchange, Sept. 6, 1870. 97. Uromastix microlepis, Blanford. Small-scaled Masti- gure. Hab. Busreh, Persian Gulf. a-c. Presented by Capt. Phillips, Aug. 4, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 495, 658, pi. LXXX. 98. Uromastix hardwickii, Gray. Hardwick's Mastigure. Hab. India. a, 6. Presented by Lieut.-Col. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1874. 446 AGAMID.E. Genus LYRIOCEPHALUS. 99. Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linn.). Knob-nosed Lizard. Hab. Ceylon. a-e. Presented by H. M. Moseley, Esq., March 11, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. Genus AMPHIBOLURUS. 100. Amphibolurus barbatus (Cuv.) . Bearded Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 14, 1864. b. Purchased, June 15, 1866. c. Purchased, March 2, 1870. d. Purchased, Feb. 11, 1873. e. Purchased, March 13, 1873. 101. Amphibolurus angulifer (Gray) . Lozenge-marked Lizard. Hab. New Holland. a. Purchased, June 2, 1873. b. Purchased, July 31, 1874. Genus MOLOCH. 102. Moloch horridus, Gray. Moloch Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by S. S. Travers, Esq., June 11, 1866. b. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1866. Family IGUANID^E. Genus IGUANA. 103. Iguana tuberculata, Laur. Tuberculated Lizard. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. b. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Nov. 15, 1864. c. Purchased, June 30, 1865. d. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1869. 447 e, f. Presented by F. Graham Briggs, Esq., May 12, 1870. From Nevis, West Indies. g. Purchased, June 7, 1870. h. Presented by F. Graham Briggs, Esq., Aug. 18, 1870. From Nevis, West Indies. i. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. j. Presented by J. M. Spence, Esq., F.Z.S., July 2, 1873. From Rodond's Island, West Indies. Tc. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1873. I, m. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1873. n. Purchased, April 3, 1874. o. Presented by Mr. W. Jamrach, June 8, 1874. p. Purchased, April 14, 1875. q. Purchased, July 17, 1875. 104. Iguana delicatissima, Lam*. Naked-necked Iguana. Hob. Tropical America. a, b. Presented by T. Ross, Esq., July 3, 1868. c. Purchased, March 15, 1871. From Nicaragua. Genus METOPOCEROS. 105. Metopoceros cornutus, Wagl. Black Iguana. Hab. San Domingo. a. Presented by J. B. Howe, Esq., Sept. 19, 1871. b. Presented by J. Button, Esq., June 12, 1873. Genus ANOLIS. 106. Anolis cristatellus , Dum. & Bibr. Crested Anolis. Hab. West Indies. a-j. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Sept. 14, 1864. fc, 7. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1864. Genus POLYCHRUS. 107. Polychrus anomalus, Wiegm. Anomalous Polychrus. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., April 6, 1863. 448 IGUANID^. MONITORIDJE. Genus TROPIDOLEPIS. 108. Tropidolepis microlepidotis (Wiegm.). Small-scaled Lizard. Hob. South America. a. Presented by Mr. Jamrach, May 14, 1860. Genus PHRYNOSOMA. 109. Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan) . Horned Lizard. Hab. Texas. a-c. Presented by the Eev. L. Glynn, June 15, 1870. From Indianola, Texas. d-g. Presented by A. Sachtleben,Esq., July 11, 1871. From Galveston, Texas. h. Deposited, June 25, 1872. From San Diego, California. i. Presented by H. D. Harrison, Esq., July 30, 1872. j, Tc. Purchased, June 12, 1873. Z, m. Presented by W. L. Brookes, Esq., June 21, 1873. n-r. Deposited, Sept. 1, 1873. s-u. Purchased, May 15, 1874. v. Presented by F. Painter, Esq., July 27, 1874. w. Presented by Baron George de Worms, F.Z.S., July 20, 1875. x. Presented by W. Dawson, Esq., Nov. 8, 1875. Family MONITOBJD.E. Genus -MONITOR. 110. Monitor niloticus (Hasselq.) . Egyptian Monitor. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1863. b. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. c. Purchased, March 25, 1869. d. Purchased, June 7, 1869. e. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1871. f. g. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. \ Purchased, April 3, 1874. i. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1875. MONITORID*. 449 111. Monitor bivittatus, Wagl. Two-banded Lizard. Hab. India. a. Presented by P. F. Debary, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 25, 1866. 112. Monitor gouldi, Schleg. Australian Monitor. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865. ft, c. Purchased, May 11, 1865. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 26, 1865. e. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. f. g. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, Feb. 16, 1869. h. Presented by the Eev. Dan Greatorex, June 17, 1872. t. Presented by Dr. Pardoe, March 24, 1875. j. Presented by A. E. Phillips, Esq., May 21, 1875. 113. Monitor ocellatus, Riipp. Ocellated Monitor. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Purchased, June 30, 1860. See Dr. Giinther on the anatomy of this specimen, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 60. b. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., June 26, 1873. From Sierra Leone. 114. Monitor albogularis (Daud.). White-throated Monitor. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, March 1861. b. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1865. 115. Monitor griseus (Daud.). Grey Sand-Lizard. Hab. North Africa. a-d. Received in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. e-g. Received in exchange, Aug. 14, 1870. Genus PSAMMOSAURUS. 116. Psammosaurus caspicus (Eichw.). Caspian Ouaran. Hab. Persia. a. ' Presented by Capt. Phillips, Oct. 58, 1 875. FronrBusreh, Persian Gulf. 2G 450 TEHDvE. - Family TEIID^E. Genus TEIUS. 117. Teius teguexin (Linn.). Common Teguexin. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 5, 1865. I. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1869. c. Presented hy G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. d. Purchased, June 21, 1870. e. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. /. Presented hy Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. g. Deposited, June 16, 1873. h. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. i. Purchased, April 14, 1875. 118. Teius rufescens, Giinther, Red Teguexin. Hab. Mendoza. a-e. Purchased, May 16, 1871. Typical specimens described by Giinther, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 541. Genus AMEIVA. 119. Ameiva dorsalis, Gray. Dorsal Lizard. flab. St. Thomas. a. Presented by Capt. Abbott, April 28, 1864. Family LACERTID^E. Genus LACERTA. 120. Lacerta viridis, Linn. Green Lizard. Hab. Island of Jersey. a-zz. See last Edition. aaa, bbb. Presented by G. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. ccc. Received in exchange, May 2, 1873. From Dalmatia. ddd. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1874. eee. Presented by the Rev. S. Wilkinson, April 10, 1874. fff-ooo. Presented by G. E. Drege, Esq., April 17, 1875. LACERTID;E. 451 121. Lacerta ocellata, Daud. Eyed Lizard. Hab. South Europe. a-j. Presented by J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., Oct. 22, 1866. Tc. Presented by W. Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870. I. Presented by Capt. G. E. Shelley, F.Z.S., April 16, 1873. m. Presented by T. Blackmore, Esq., June 5, 1873. n, o. Purchased, July 3, 1873. 122. Lacerta agilis, Linn. Sand-Lizard. Hab. Europe. . Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1865. b-k. Presented by the Rev. C. Wolley, April 9, 1866 l-q. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. r-u. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. v-bb. Purchased, April 30, 1874. ce. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., May 2, 1874. 123. Lacerta muralis, Merr. Wall-Lizard. Hab, Europe. a, b. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. 124. Lacerta lilfordi, Gunther. Lilford's Lizard. Hab. Minorca. a, b. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 29, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 494. 125. Lacerta vivipara, Jacq. Common Lizard. Hab. England. a-d. Purchased, 1866. 126. Lacerta nigro-punctata, Dum. & Bibr. Black-spotted Lizard. Hab. Calabria. a. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 3871. 2 G 2 452 LACERTID,E. SCINCID^E. Genus PSAMMODROMUS. 127. Psammodromus hispanicus, Fitz. Spanish Sand-Lizard. Hab. Spain. a, b. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., April 16, 1873. From Tangiers. Family ZONURID^. Genus PSEUDOPUS. 128. Pseudopus pallasi (Oppel). Glass Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a-d. Purchased, 1854. e-g. Purchased, July 26, 1869. h-l. Received in exchange, May 11, 1871. Family SCINCID^. Genus TRACHYDOSAURUS. 129. Trachydosaurus rugosus, Gray. Stump- tailed Lizard. Hab. New Holland. a. Purchased, 1858. b. Presented by the Rev. W. H. Hawker, F.Z.S., April 4, 1862. c. d. Purchased, April 21, 1867. e-h. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, Feb. 16, 1869. i. Presented by Capt. Clarke, March 6, 1869. j. Presented by Dr. E. L. Mosse, R.N., Jan. 5, 1870, fc, I. Deposited, July 11, 1871. wi, n. Deposited, June 2, 1873. o. Presented by N. Clements, Esq., June 8, 1874. Genus TROPIDOLEPISMA. 130. Tropidolepisma majus } Gray. Large Tropidolepisma. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., F.Z.8., May 19, 1862. SCINCID.E. 453 Genus MACROSC INCUS. 131. Macroscincus cocteauii (Dum. & Bibr.). Cocteau's Skink. Hab. Cape-Verd Islands. a, 6. Presented by Prof. Barboza du Bocage, F.M.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 703, et 1874, p. 495. Genus CYCLODUS. 132. Cyclodus gigas (Bodd.) . Great Cyclodus. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, 1856. 6. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. d-m. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. n-s. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. t-z. Bred in the Gardens, April 30, 1871. 133. Cyclodus nigro-luteus (Quoy & Gaim.). Black-and- Yellow Cyclodus. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by W. S. Crowther, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 15, 1870. 6. Presented by Mrs. Bills, Aug. 29, 1871. 134. Cyclodus occipitalis, Peters. Occipital Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. R. Schomburgk, June 13, 1870. Genus EGERNIA. 135. Egernia cunninghamii, Gray. Cunningham's Skink. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. 454 SCINCID/E. SEPID/K. Genus HINULIA. 136. Hinulia australis. Gray. Australian Skink. Hab. Australia. o-o. Beceived, July 19, 1866. 137. Hinulia whitei, Gray. White's Skink. Hab. Australia. a-c. Purchased, July 31, 1874. Genus PLESTIODON. 138. Plestiodon auratus, Schneid. Aldrovandi's Lizard. Hab. North-west Africa. a-c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. d-g. Purchased, June 7, 1873. Genus ANGUIS. 139. Anguis fragilis, Linn. Slow- worm. Hab. British Isles. a-c. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, F.Z.S., May 8, 1871. d-f. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. g-j. Presented by 0. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. k. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 19, 1873. I Presented by J. E. Ker, Esq., Sept. 9, 1874. Family SEPIM1. Genus SEPS. 140. Seps ocellatus (Forsk.). Ocellated Sand-Skink. Hab. South Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. b-h. Purchased, May 16, 1868. i. Presented by Henry Denny, Esq., June 16, 1869. j, Jc. Purchased, June 15, 1870. I, m. Purchased, June 7, 1873. SEPID^E. BOID^E. 455 n. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1873. o-s. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 29, 1874. t-x. Deposited, June 29, 1874. 141. Seps viridanus (Gravenh.) . Greenish Sand-Skink. Hab. Teneriffe. a-c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. See Giinther, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 243. 142. Seps tridactylus, Laur. Three-toed Seps. Hab. South Europe. a-c. Presented by W. C. Tait, Esq., July 30, 1872. From Portugal. Order OPHIDIA. Family BOID^E. Genus PYTHON. 143. Python sebce (Gm.). West- African Python. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, 1849. See notice of the incubation of this individual, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 365. 6. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1859. c. Presented by Dr. Marchisio, Dec. 18, 1863. d. Purchased, July 21, 1864. e. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. /, a. Purchased, July 4, 1865. h. Presented by Dr. W. A. Gardiner, Aug. 18, 1865. t. Presented by Charles H. Cox, Esq., F.Z.S., June 21, 1869. j. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1869. k. Presented by W. C. Small, Esq., Feb. 9, 1870. I. Deposited, July 19, 1870. m. Presented by I. Lloyd, Esq., Feb. 7, 1874. n. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1874. o. Presented by W. H. Berkeley, Esq., Dec. 8, 1875. 144. Python regius (Shaw) . Royal Python. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 8, 1859. b. Received in exchange, Feb. 6, 1868. 456 c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d, e. Presented by Mrs. T. Brassey, F.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1869. f. Presented by Henry Wyatt, Esq., Nov. 2, 1872. * 1874. i. Presented by Mr. A. J. S. Ferris, March 31, 1875. j. Presented by Dr. J. Shortt, May 19, 1875. Genus MORELIA. 146. Morelia spilotes (Lacep.) . Diamond- Snake. Hab. New South Wales. a, I. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 29, 1863. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. d. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 21, 1866. e. Purchased, May 2, 1870. /. Presented by T. H. Yasey, Esq., Oct. 18, 1870. g. Presented by H.'Frieland, Esq., Aug. 27, 1873. 147. Morelia variegata, Gray. Carpet-Snake. Hab. Queensland. a. Purchased, March 11, 1867. See P.Z. S. 1867, p. 315. Genus BOA. 148. Boa constrictor, Linn. Common Boa. Hab. South America. a-z. See last Edition. a, bb. Presented by His Excellency G. W. Des Voeux, Oct. 28, 1871. From St. Lucia. BOIDvE. 457 cc. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. dd. Presented by John Beaton, Esq., Dec. 23, 1871. ee. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Colon. ff. Purchased, April 14, 1872. From Panama. gg. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Columbia. hh. Presented by R. Collin, Esq., Aug. 26, 1872. ii,jj. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq.^" Nov. 24, 1874. From St. Lucia. klc. Presented by Capt. E. C. Kemp, Dec. 12, 1874. II Purchased, March 19, 1875. mm. Purchased, July 17, 1875. nn. Presented by Dr. I. Wood, Oct. 16, 1875. 149. Boa eques, Eyd. & Soul. Peruvian Boa. Hab. Ecuador. a. Presented by Prof. William Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1867. See P.Z.S. 1867, p. 315. Genus CORALLUS. 1 50. Corallus hortulanus (Linn.) . Tree-Boa. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 5, 1869. 6. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1869. c. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. d. Received in exchange, Oct. 18, 1871. From the West Indies Genus EUNECTES. 151. Eunectes murinus (Linn.) . Anaconda. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1865. d. Purchased, July 25, 1867. e. Purchased, June 7, 1869. /. Purchased, June 12, 1875. Genus EPICRATES. 152. Epicrates angulifer, Dum. & Bibr. Pale-headed Tree- Boa. Hab. Cuba. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1865. 458 KOIDM. 153. Epicrates cenchris (Linn.). Thick-necked Tree-Boa. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. Genus CHILOBOTHRUS. 154. Chilobothrus inornatus (Reinh.) . Yellow Snake. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, Oct. 17, 1855. c-e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, June 14, 1864. /. Presented by Capt. Hammack, April 13, 1865. g. Presented by Joseph Smith, Esq., June 2, 1870. h-q. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1873. Family ERYCID.E. Genus ERYX. 155. Eryxjaculus, Daud. Egyptian Eryx. Hab. Egypt. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 156. Eryx thebaicus, Reuss. Shielded Eryx. Hab. North Africa. a, 6. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogador. 157. Eryxjohnii (Russell). Indian Eryx. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1865. 6. Purchased, May 17, 1873. c, d. Purchased, March 5, 1875. e. Presented by Dr. I. Shortt, May 19, 1875. Genus TYPHLOPS. 158. Typhlops nigro-albus, Dum. & Bibr. Black-and-White Blind Snake. Hab. Malacca , a. Purchased, July 19, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1 870, p. 668. From Singapore. COLUBRIDjE. 459 Family COLUBRIDjE. Genus CORONELLA. 159. Coronella kevis, Lacep. Smooth Snake. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Gent. Cadet Fenton, Aug. 1862. b. Purchased, July 2, 1863. c. Presented by John Pares, Esq., Sept. 13, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. e. Presented by the Eev. C. Wolley, April 9, 1866. /. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., June 26, 1867. g. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., Aug. 25, 1868. h-m. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. n. Presented by the Rev. A. C. Hervey, April 24, 1874. o. Purchased, June 16, 1875. 160. Coronella cucullata (Dum. & Bibr.). Hooded Snake. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 161. Coro nella cana (Linn.). Hoary Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. b. Presented by H. Pybus, Esq., May 20, 1875. 162. Coronella phocarum, Giinth. Robben-Island Snake. Hab. Robben Island, South Africa. a. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, Sept. 24, 1872. See Giinther, P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 795 & 836. 6, c. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, Aug. 29, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. d-f. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, Nov. 4, 1873. 163. Coronella sayi, Dekay. Say's Snake. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. b. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. From Mexico. 460 COLUBRID^:. Genus ABLABES. 164. Ablabes punctatus (Linn.). Punctured Snake. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus ERYTHROLAMPRUS. 165. Erythrolamprus venustissimus (Max.). Red-and-Black Snake. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Chyne, May 2, 1871. From Mexico. b. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. From Panama. c. Purchased, July 10, 1875. Genus XENODON. 166. Xenodon rhabdocephalus (Max.). Long-headed Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 1868. Genus LIOPHIS. 167. Liophis merremi (Max.). Merrem's Snake. Hab. Monte Video, a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. Genus PTYAS. 168. Ptyas mucosa (Linn.) . Rat-Snake. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Rajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. 6. Presented by Dr. Shortt, F.Z.S., Oct. 23, 1863. c. Purchased, July 11, 1867. d-f. Presented by Dr. I. Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. COLUBRID.E. 461 Genus ZAMENIS. 169. Zamenis atrovirens (Shaw). Dark-green Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1862. b. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. Erom Mogadore. d. Presented by C. A. Wright, Esq., May 27, 1871. From Malta. e-h. Purchased, June 6, 1871. i-lc. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. 1. Presented by C. A. Wright, Esq., May 23, 1873. Erom Malta. 170. Zamenis hippocrepis (Linn.). Horseshoe-Snake. Hab. South Europe and North Africa. . Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. b, c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. d. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. Erom Mogadore. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1872. /. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., March 5, 1873. Erom Morocco. g, 7i. Presented by Capt. T. E. Bone, June 21, 1873. 171. Zamenis caudilineatus , Gunth. Lineated Snake. Hab. Asia Minor. a. Purchased, June 10, 1872. 172. Zamenis cliffordi (Schleg.). Clifford's Snake. Had. North Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. Erom Mogadore. d. Presented by Mrs. E. Liveing, June 19, 1873. Genus CORYPHODON. 173. Coryphodon testaceus (Say) . Testaceous Snake. Hab. California. cr, b. Presented by A. Eorrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. 462 COLUBRID^E. Genus TROPIDONOTUS. 174. Tropidonotus natrix (Linn.). Common Snake. Hab. British Islands. a-d. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, F.Z.S., May 8, 1871. e, f. Variety. Purchased, June 6, 1871. g, h. Var. siculus. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Calabria. t. Presented by E. E. Hooper, Esq., June 22, 1872. j. Presented by J. Roach, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. Tc. Presented by A. J. Woodhouse, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. I. Presented by G. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. m-t. Born in the Menagerie, June 29, 1873. u. Presented by Mr. T. Lusini, Aug. 18, 1874. v. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1875. 175. Tropidonotus viperinus (Merr.) . Viperine Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. b-e. Presented by G. H. Fenton, Esq., July 1, 1874. 176. Tropidonotus quincunciatus (Schleg.). Indian River- Snake. Hab. India. a. Purchased, July 4, 1861. 177. Tripidonotus ornatus, Linn. Garter-Snake. Hab. North America. a-d. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863. e,f. Purchased, July 22, 1868. g-m. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1869. n. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. o. Presented by A. Forrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. Yar. infer- nalis. From California. 178. Tropidonotus fasciatus (Linn.). Mocassin Snake. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. COLUBRID.E. 463 179. Tropidonotus leberis (Linn.). Seven-banded Snake. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. c-i. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 27, 1872. Genus ISCHNOGNATHUS. 180. Ischnognathus occipito-maculatus (Storer). Spotted- headed Snake. Hab. Nova Scotia. a-f. Presented hy A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Genus TRETANORHINUS. 181. Tretanorhinus nigroluteus, Cope. Black-and-Yellow Snake. Hab. Central America. cr. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. From Monkey Hill, near Colon. See Giinther, Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 4, vol. ix. p. 27. Genus HETERODON. 182. Heterodon madagascariensis, Dum. & Bibr. Sharp- snouted Snake. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 27, 1863. Genus PITUOPHIS. 183. Pituophis catenifer (Blainv.). Chained Snake. Hab. California. a. Presented by A. Forrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. Genus COLUBER. 184. Coluber quadrilineatus, Pall. Four-lined Snake. Hab. Egypt. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Presented by A. C. Wright, Esq., May 23, 1873. From Malta. 464 COLUBRIDJ5. 185. Coluber asculapii, Sturm. ^Esculapian Snake. Hob. Central Europe. a-d. Received in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. Linn. Black Goby. Hab. British Seas. 484 GOBIlDjE. BLENNIID^E. 18. Gobius minutus, Gm. Freckled Goby. Hab. British Seas. 19. Gobius ruthensparri, Eupliras. Two-spotted Goby. Hab. British Seas. Genus CALLIONYMUS, 20. Callionymus lyra (Linn.) . Sordid Dragonet. Hab. British Seas. Family DISCOBOLI. Genus CYCLOPTERUS. 21. Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn. Lump Fish. Hab. British Seas. Genus LIPARIS. 22. Liparis vulgaris, Flem. Unctuous Sucker. Hab. British Seas. Family PEDICULATI. Genus LOPHIUS. 23. Lophius piscatorius, Linn. Angler. Hab. British Seas. Family BLENNIID^E. Genus BLENNIUS. 24. Blennius pholis, Linn. Smooth Shanny. Hab. British Seas. BLENNIID^E. MUGILID^!. 485 Genus CENTRONOTUS. 25. Centronotus gunellus (Linn.). Spotted Gunnel. Hab. British Seas. Genus ZOARCES. 26. Zoarces viviparus, Cuv. Viviparous Blenny. Hab. British Seas. Family LABYRINTHICI. Genus AN ABAS. 27. Anabas scandens (Dald.). Climbing Anabas. Hab. India. a, 1. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., F.Z.S., July 10, 1875. From Cochin. Genus OSPHRONEMUS. 28. Osphronemus trichopterus (Pall.). Spined Osphronemus. Hab. Ceylon. a-d. Presented by Capt. Gideon, July 1862. e-h. Presented by Capt. Gideon, May 4, 1867. Genus ATHERINA. 29. Atherina presbyter, Cuv. et Val. Sand-Smelt. Hab. British Seas. Family MUGILID^E. Genus MUGIL. 30. Mugil capita, Cuv. Grey Mullet. Hab. British Seas. OPHIOCEPHALID^:. GADID^E. Family OPHIOCEPHALID^. Genus OPHIOCEPHALUS. 31. Ophiocephalus gachua, Buch. Ham. Indian Walking Fish. Hob. India. Family GOBIESOCHLE. Genus LEPADOGASTER. 32. Lepadogaster bimaculatus (Penn.). Bimaculated Sucker. Hab. European Seas. Family LABRID^E. Genus LABRUS. 33. Labrus maculatus, Bloch. Green-streaked Wrasse. Hab. British Seas. Genus CRENILABRUS. 34. Crenilabrus melops (Linn.). Goldfinny. Hab. British Seas. Genus CTENOLABRUS. 35. Ctenolabrus rupestris (Linn.). Jago's Goldfinny. Hab. British Seas. Family G Genus GADUS. 36. Gadus morrhua, Linn. Common Cod. Hab. British Seas. GADID^E. PLEURONECTIDJE. 487 37. Gadus luscus, Linn. Whiting Pout. Hab. British waters. 38. Gadus merlangus, Linn. Whiting. Hab. British Seas. 39. Gadus pollachius, Linn. Pollack. Hab. British Seas. Genus LOTA. 40. Lota vulgaris, Cuv. Burbot. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus MOTELLA. 41. Motella mustela (Linn.). Five-bearded Rockling. Hab. British Seas. Family PLEUEONECTID^E. Genus RHOMBUS. 42. Rhombus maximus, Linn. Common Turbot. Hab. British Seas. 43. Rhombus laevis (Linn.) . Brill. Hab. British Seas. Genus PLEURONECTES. 44. Pleuronectes platessa, Linn. Plaice. Hab. British Seas. 45. Pleuronectes flesus, Linn. Flounder. Hab. British Seas. Genus SOLE A. 46. Solea vulgaris, Quensel. Common Sole. Hab. European Seas. 488 SILURID^:. SALMONID^E. Family SILUBID^E. Genus SILURTJS. 47. Silurus glanis, Linn. Sly Silurus. Hab. Europe. Genus AMIURUS. 48. Amiurus catus, Linn. Catfish. Hab. North America. Genus MALAPTERURUS. 49. Malapterurus beninensis, Murray. Electric Silurus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 21, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. Family SALMONID^S. Genus SALMO. 50. Salmo salar, Linn. Salmon. Hab. British waters. 51. Salmo trutta, Linn. Salmon-Trout. Hab. British waters. 52. Salmo fario, Linn. Common Trout. Hab. British fresh waters. 53. Salmo lacustris, Linn, Lake-Trout. Hab. Lake of Constance. 54. Salmo umbla, Linn. Swiss Charr. Hab. Lakes of Switzerland. 55. Salmo fontinalis, Mitch. American Charr, Hab. Fresh waters of North America. GALAXIID^E. CYPRINIDJE. Family GALAXIID.E. Genus GALAXIAS. 56. Galaxias scriba, Cuv. & Val. Australian Galaxias. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mr. W. A. Lloyd, Feb. 28, 1861. Family ESOCID^E. Genus Esox. 57. Esox Indus , Linn. Pike. Hab. British fresh waters. Family CYPRINID^l. Genus CYPRINUS. 58. Cyprinus carpio, Linn. Common Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus CARASSIUS. 59. Carassius vulgaris, Nilss. Prussian Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. 60. Carassius auratus, Linn. Golden Carp. Hab. British waters (introduced). Genus BARBUS. 61. Barbus vulgaris, Fleming. Barbel. Hab. British fresh waters. 489 490 CYPRINID.E, Genus GOBIO. 62. Gobio fluviatilis, Fleming. Common Gudgeon. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus LEUCISCUS. 63. Leuciscus rutilus (Linn.) . Roach. Hab. British fresh waters. 64. Leuciscus cephalus (Linn.). Chub. Hab. British fresh waters. 65. Leuciscus vulgaris, Flem. Common Dace. Hab. British fresh waters. 66. Leuciscus phoxinus (Linn.). Minnow. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus TINCA. 67. Tinea vulgaris, Cuv. Common Tench. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus ABRAMIS. 68. Abramis brama, Linn. Bream. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus MISGURNUS. 69. Misgurnus fossilis (Linn.). Thunder-fish. Hab. Baltic Sea. a. Purchased, Nov. 1860. Genus NEMACHILUS. 70. Nemachilus barbatulus (Linn.). Common Loach, Hab. British fresh waters. GYMNOTID^:. - SYNGNATHID^E. 491 Family GYMNOTIM!. Genus GYMNOTUS. 71. Gymnotus electricus, Linn. Electric Eel. Hab. British Guiana. Family Genus ANGUILLA. 72. Anguilla vulgaris, Flem. Common Eel. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus CONGER. 73. Conger vulgaris, Cuv. Conger Eel. Hab. British fresh waters. Family SYNGNATHID.E. Genus SIPHONOSTOMA. 74. Siphonostoma typhle (Linn.). Deep-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British waters. Genus SYNGNATHUS. 75. Syngnathus acus, Linn. Great Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. Genus NEROPHIS. 76. Nerophis aquoreus (Linn.). .ZEquoreal Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 77. Nerophis ophidian (Linn.) . Straight-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 78. Nerophis lumbriciformis (Yarr.). Worm Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 492 SYNGNATHID^E. BRANCHIOSTOMATIDyE. Genus HIPPOCAMPUS. 79. Hippocampus antiquorum, Leach. Short-nosed Sea- horse. Hab. European coasts. a-d. Presented by F. P. Pinto, Esq., May 1859. e-z. Purchased, June 11, 1868. aa-ll. Purchased, April 28, 1870. mm-rr. Received in exchange, June 10, 1870. ss-yy. Purchased, March 30, 1872. 80. Hippocampus ramulosus, Leach. Branched Sea-horse. Hab. Coast of France. Family PETROMYZONTID^E. Genus PETROMYZON. 81. Petromyzon marinus, Linn. Sea-Lamprey. Hab. British Seas. a. Purchased, April 12, 1872. 82. Petromyzon fluviatilis, Linn. River-Lamprey. Hab. British Rivers. Family BRANCHIOSTOMATID^E. Genus BRANCHIOSTOMA. 83. Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas). Laucelet. Hab. Coast of Italy. a-r. Presented hy the Director of the Zoological Station, Naples, Nov. 14, 1874. INDEX. Page Aard-Wolf 52 Abditnia sphenorhyn" cha 311 Ablabes punctatus . . .460 Abramis brama 490 Acanthias vulgaris . . .481 Accipiter melanoleucus289 nisus 289 Acerina cernua 483 Acipenser sturio 482 Acouchy 97 Acridotheres cristatel- lus 206 fuscus 206 ginginianus 206 mahrattensls ...207 tristis 206 Acrocephalus streperus\ 63 Addax 126 Addax naso-maculatusVZb Adder, Blue 468 , Common- 469 , Puff 470 , Purplish Death467 , Superb Death . 467 Adj utant, Indian 312 Mgialitis hiaticula ...408 Mlurus fulgens 72 Agama colonorum . . .445 occipitalis 445 ruderata 445 Agapornis cana 265 pullaria 265 roseicollis 265 AgelcBus phaeniceus . . .201 Agonuscataphractus 483 Agouti, Azara's 96 , CentralAmerican 95 , Golden 96 >, Hairy-rumped . 96 , Mexican 96 , Punctated 96 Page Agouti, Variegated ... 96 , West-Indian ... 95 Awe galericulata 335 sponsa 334 Alauda arbor ea 1 99 arvensis 199 crassirostris 1 99 cristata 199 gulgula 199 Alcatorda 417 Alcedo ispida 222 Alcelaphus albifrons.,.124: bubalis 124 caama 124 pygarguA 125 tora 124 Alcesmachlis 130 Alligator 441 ensis 441 Alpaca 112 Alytes obstetricans ...474 Amadina bicolor 179 castanotis ...... 179 fasciata 178 lathami 179 modesta 179 Amazon, Active 262 , Blue-faced Green 263 f Blue-fronted ...263 , Diademed 262 , Dufresne'a 262 , Festive 261 , Finsch's 262 , Golden-naped..263 , Green-cheeked .263 , Guatemalan ...262 , Guilding's 262 , Imperial 262 , Levaillant's ...264 , Mealy 263 Page Amazon, Orange- winged 263 Eed-fronted ...261 Red-throated... 261 Salle's 261 White-browed 261 White-fronted 261 Yellow-cheeked 262 Yellow-faced... 264 Yellow-fronted 264 Yellow-lored...261 Yellow-shoul- dered 264 Amblyrhamphus holo- sericeus ,204 Amblystoma luridum 479 Ameivo, dor sails .450 Amiurus catus .488 Ampelis garrulus 168 Amphibolurm anguli* fir 446 barbatus 446 Amphiuma 480 Amphiuma means ...480 Anabas, Climbing ...485 Anabas scandens 485 Anaconda 457 Anas boschas 328 castanea 330 obscura 329 poecilorhyncha...3'29 ....330 xanthorhyncha . 330 Angler 484 Anguilla vulgaris 491 Anguis fragilis 454 Ani 230 Anoa 129 Anoa depressicornis. . . 129 Anolis, Crested 447 Anolis cristatellus . . .447 Anous stolidus 415 494 INDEX. Page Anser albifro ns 319 brachyrhynchus 318 cygnoides 319 erythropus 319 fcrus 318 Page Aquila audax .. 286 chrysaetos 285 impcri&lis ^86 ncevia, 286 ncevioides 286 indicus 319 vulturina 287 Ara ararauna 242 chloroptera 241 fflauca 240 Anseranas melano- leuca ... 316 Ant-bear Cape ...146 hahni 242 , ./Ethiopian 146 Ant-eater, Great 144 _ , Tamandua 145 hyacinthina 240 macao 241 maracana 242 militaris 241 Antelope Bay 121 , Beatrix 126 Boisa 126 Aracari, Banded 232 , Maximilian's ...232 Ar amides cayenensis 392 Aramus scotopaceus,..4()5 Arboricola torqueola . 361 Archibuteo la ff opus ...281 sancti-johannis 281 Arctictis binturong ... 55 Arctomys caudatus ... 85 marmotta 85 inonax 85 , Black-tailed ...120 , Brown Indian 122 , Bubaline 124 i Coquetoon 121 . Dama .119 , Four-horned ...122 TTarnpsjQprl 194 , Indian 119 , Isabelline ...... 122 Lechee ... 123 Arctonyx collar is 68 , Philantomba ...120 , Pronghora 113 Sable 125 Ardeaalba 307 atricollis . . . 306 ccindidissiind 308 Saiga 117 cinerea 306 - Sincr-sincr 1^2 cocoi 307 comatct, 308 , Stein-bok 120 Tora ...121 egretta 307 garzetta 307 , Wood-loving... 121 Anthornis melanura . 172 Anthropoides mrgo . . .404 qoliatk 307 - gularis 308 . pratcnsis 165 richardi 165 AntUocapra ameri- co.no, . ... 113 Argus giganteus ... 381 Armadillo, Broad- banded 144 Ant Hope cervicapra ...119 Ape Barbary 19 , Hairy 143 Kappler's 143 Black 20 Little .... 114 , Black-backed... 18 - Japanese 19 Mulita . 143 Pcba ... 142 Aprosmictits coccino- nterus . 255 , Six-banded 143 , Three-banded . .144 Aromochelys odorata ..436 Artamus super ciliosus.VJl Arvicola amphibius ... 89 Asio brachyotus 271 erythropterus ...255 x scapulatus 255 Aptenodytes pennanti 418 Apteryx, Haast's 425 IVTanfolVa 4-9' = i , Owen's 425 grammicus 271 otus 71 Apteryx australis 425 JiaasH .. 425 Ass, African Wild ...105 Asiatic Wild 105 mantclli 45 oweni .. ... .425 . Tibetan Wild. .106 Astur approximans ...290 novGB-hollandice 290 palumbarius . . . 289 tibialis 290 Atelesater 22 belzebuth 24 cucullatus 23 grisescens 23 hybridus 23 marginatus 23 melanochir 23 paniscus 22 rufiventris 22 variegatus 24 ' ter ...485 Atherura africana ... 93 fasciculata ...... 93 Aulacodus swinder- nianus 90 Avocet, European ...411 Axolotl 479 Aye-aye 39 Babbler, Golden-eyed.169 Babirussa 110 Babirussa alfurus ...110 Baboon, Anubis 21 , Arabian 20 , Chacma 20 , Guinea 21 , Yellow 21 Badger, American ... 67 , Common 68 , Indian 68 , Sand- 68 , Sharp-nosed ... 68 Balaniceps rex 312 Balearica pavonina . . .403 regulorum 404 Bambusicola thoracica 362 Barbel 489 Barbet, Blue-cheeked.232 Barbus vulgaris 489 Barita destructor 217 Bass 482 Bat, Australian Fruit 39 , Blackish Fruit . 39 , Collared Fruit . 40 , Formosan Fruit 39 , Indian Fruit ... 39 , Naked -bellied Tomb 41 , Natterer's 41 , White - eared Fruit 41 Baza lophotes 295 Bear, Black 75 , Brown 73 , Hairy-eared ... 74 , Himalayan 75 INDEX. 495 Page Bear, Japanese 74 Malayan 76 Page Boodon, Lineated ...467 Boodon lineatus 467 Bos frontalis 127 ' Polar 73 Sloth 76 , Spectacled 76 sondaicus 127 Beaver, Canadian ... 86 Bclideus (iriel 151 Bosch-bok 124 Boselaphus pictus ...126 Botaurus stellar is ...309 Bower-bird, Silky ...208 Brachyurus ouakari . . 31 Brady pus tridactylus.\%2i Branckiostonia lanceo- latum 492 brcviceps 151 flaviventer 151 Bell - bird, Naked- throated 218 Bernicla antarctica...323 brent a 320 ' canadcnsis 320 Bream 490 , hutchinsi 320 Brill 487 jubata 3*^0 Brocket Red 139 leucopiis 319 , Wood 139 Brotogerys pyrrko- pterus 246 melmwptera 321 ... _ tiriacula 246 tovi ... 247 ruficollis 320 tui 247 san dvicensi^ . . . 323 Binturong 55 Bird of Paradise, Lesser 208 virescens 246 Bubalus bu/elus 1 28 caffer 128 Bison American 128 Bubo ascalaphus 274 __ European 1^8 benctalensis 274 Bison americanus ...128 bonasus 128 capcnsis 274 cinerascens 274 coromandus 274. Bittern, Common ...309 Green 308 ignavus 273 lacteus 274 Little 308 mac ulosus 274 . poensis 275 Sun 404 Tiger 309 virginianus 273 Bucephalus, Cape ...465 Bucephalus capensis. . .465 Buceros albirostris ...22'5 atratus 226 bicornis 223 White - crested Tio-er 310 Blackbird 161 , Grey- winged ...161 Blau-bok 121 Blennius pholis 484 Blenny, Viviparous... 485 Bless-bok .. 124 convexus 225 coronatus 225 corrugatus 225 Bluebird, Common... 162 Boa Common 456 elatus 226 lunatus 225 ,Pale-headedTree457 ... . f Peruvian 457 malayanus 225 plicatus 225 , Thick - necked Tree 458 r hi n oceros 224 subcylindricus 226 , Tree 457 Bucorvut abyssinicus..227 Buffalo Cape 128 | Boa constrictor 456 GOUGS 457 , Indian 128 Boatbill 309 Bufo agua 474 Bolborhynchus mona- chus r 247 calamita 473 pantherinus 473 lentiginosus 474 viridis 473 Bombinator igneus ...475 pachypus 475 Bonte-bok... ...125 vulqaris 473 Page Bulbul, Black 169 , Malabar Green. 170 , Red-eared 170 , Red-vented ...170 , Syrian 170 , White-eared ...170 , Yellow-vented. .170 Bullfinch, Black 188 , Common 195 Bullhead, Armed 483 Bung ar us cceruleus . . .468 Bunting, American ... 1 98 , Black-headed... 197 , Cape 197 , Cirl 196 , Common 196 , Crested Black ..198 , Dyed 196 , Lapland 196 , Ortolan 196 , Bed-backed ...197 , Red-headed ...197 , Reed 197 , Snow 195 , Yellow-breasted 197 , Yellow-browed. 197 Burbot 487 Bustard, Arabian ...399 , Australian 399 , Burchell's 399 , Denham's 399 , Great 398 , Houbara 400 , Little 400 , Macqueen's . . . 400 , Red-necked ...399 , Senegal 399 Buteo auguralis 281 erythronotus ... 28 1 jacal 280 lineatus 281 pennsylvanicus. .281 tachardus 280 vulgaris 280 Butorides virescens ...308 Buzzard, African 280 , Ash-coloured ... 282 , Augural 281 , Common 280 , Crested Honey .282 , Honey 281 , Jackal 280 , Lineated 281 , Pennsylvanian .281 , Red-backed ...281 , Rough-legged.. .281 , St. John's 281 Cacatua citrino-cris- tata ,236 496 INDEX. Page Cacatua cristata .... 235 Page Cants fulvipes ... 64 Page Cdrpophdod csned 338 fulvus 62 bicolor 339 galerita 235 " olobiccrd 339 ffoffini 238 gentdtd 63 Idtrdns 339 leadbeateri 236 Idgopus 60 luctuosd 339 moluccensis . 234 Idterdlis . ... 61 paulina 338 ophthalmica 235 lupus 59 Cassiculus melanicte- philippinarum ...237 magelldnicus ... 64 rus 203 roseicapilla 238 sanguinea 237 mesomelds 61 niger 59 Oa&icus hcemorrhous. .203 persicus . . 202 sulphured 236 niloticus 62 Cassowarj' Australian 422 triton 236 accident dlis 62 , Beccari's 423 Caccabis borihaml 366 pdllipes 60 Bennett's 424 chulcar 366 prim^vus 60 , Common 422 heyi 367 rutilans 60 , One-wattled 423 - incldnoccphdld 366 velox . . 63 Painted-necked 423 petrosd 366 vulpes 59 , Two-wattled 43 rufd ... . 366 Capercailzie 358 , Westermann's 423 saxatilis 365 Copra cegagrus... 116 Cdstor canddensis 86 Cdicd meldnocephdld 259 hircus 115 Cdsudrius dustrdlis 422 CdldniopJiilus bidrmi- hispanica 116 . beccarii 423 cus 199 ibex 116 bennetti 424 Calandrella bracky- dactyla 200 megdceros 116 Cdpreolus caprea 140 bicarunculatus ..423 gdleutus 422 Callionymus lyra 484 Cdprimulgus euro- picticollis 423 Cdllipepld calif or - pceus 219 unidppendicu- nica ... 365 Capromys, Founder's 90 Idtus . 423 gambelli .... 365 , Prehensile 90 westermdnni 423 pictd 365 , Short-tailed ... 91 Cat, African Civet ... 52 BrriP"ilp<;p 4ft fdstuosa 174 pilorides 90 , Egyptian 50 festiva 173 prehensilis ... 90 , Eyra 51 . meldnonofd , 174 Capuchin, Brown ... 25 , Fettered 50 tricolor 174 , Smooth-headed 28 , Gentle 47 Weeper 26 Gcoffroy's 47 turn 240 , White-cheeked. 26 , Golden 48 Caloends nicobdricd 355 , White-fronted . 27 , Javan . , 48 Whifp tTirnatprl' 9*7 landi(B 233 Capybara 97 Tiger .. 47 Cdlyptorhynchus Caracal 49 , Pampas ...,. 51 bdnJcsii . 240 Caracara Brazilian 297 , Red Tiger 49 Camel, Bactrian 113 Common ... 112 Carassius auratus ...489 vulgaris 489 , Rusty Tiger .,. 49 , Servaline 48 CdTnelopdrddlis Cardinal, Black - Viverrine . ,. 48 girafd 129 crested 187 , Wild 50 dromeddrius 112 Red-headed 186 Cat-bird 165 Cancroma cochlea- , Yellow-billed 186 Cat-fish 488 rid 309 Cardinalis wrgini- Cdthdrtes atratus 300 Cdnis dntdrcticus 64 anus . . 188 aura 300 dntJius 61 Cdrduelis elegdns 192 calif ornianus ...300 Cariama, Brazilian ...401 Cdtoblepds gnu 125 d"drcc 63 , Burmeister's ...401 tdurind 125 bengdlensis 60 cdncrivorus 63 Cariama cristata 401 Cdrine brama .... 276 Cdusus rhombedtus ...469 Cdvid caprera 97 cerdo 62 . noctua 276 spixi 97 chama 62 Carp, Common 489 Cavy, Patagonian ... 97 ., . dingo 64 , Golden 489 j Restless .! 97 - fdmclicus 62 , Prussian 489 , Rock 97 fulvicaudus 63 Carvodacus eruthrinus\^ . Soix's 97 INDEX. 497 Page Cavy Spotted 94 Page Cervicapra isabcllina 122 Cervulus muntiac- 140 Cayman, Broad - snouted 441 reevesi 140 , Dotted-jawed...442 , Long-shielded .441 sclatcri 140 aristotelis 134 axis 136 fatucllus 5 barbarus ... 132 hypoleucus 27 campestris 139 canadcnsis 131 monachus . . . 28 cashmeerianus...\?>\ davidianus 133 Cenchris piscivorus ... 47 1 Centronotus guncllus.A85 Centrophanes lap- elaphus 131 eldi ] 34 Centropus phasianus ..230 - CQuinus 134 cuopis 133 senegalensis 230 Centurus tricolor. 220 Cephalophus dorsalis .121 humilis . . .139 kuhlii 136 mantchuricus ...132 moral 132 pi/ q menus 121 mexicanus 138 rujilatus 121 sylvicultrix 121 Ceratophrys, Horned.475 Ceratophrys cormtta..A f j5 Cercocebus athiops ... 11 nemorivagits ...139 peronii 135 porcinus . 136 Ccrcoleptes caudivol- vulus.., 71 rusa . 135 si/ca 132 Cercopithecus albigu- laris 7 virginianus 1 38 ca 1 litrichus 6 Chaffinch, Algerian ... 191 , Common 191 Chalcopelia afra 351 cephus 10 chalcospilos 351 puclla 351 Chalcophaps chryso- chlora . 353 erythrogaster ... 8 indica 352 lalandii 5 India 11 Chalcopsitta scintil- lata 267 Chamoeleon dilepis ...444 pumilus ... 444 nictitans 10 pluto 9 Cham&pelia passerinaSbQ talpacoti 350 pywhonotus 7 Chameleon, Common.443 , Dwarf 444 rufo-viridis 7 talopoin 4 , Flap-necked ...444 Chamois, Alpine 117 Charadrius pluvialis 407 Charr, American 488 , Swiss 488 Chasmorhynchus nu- dicollis 218 Cereopsis nov aureus . . . , 244 aztec 245 byroni 243 cactorum 245 carolinensis 244 chrysogenys 245 cruentatus 246 cyanopterus 246 erythrogenys . . . 243 fi(&morrhoi(S 243 holochlorus 243 jendaya 244 leucotis 246 lutcus 244 nanday 244 patagonus 242 pauva 243 petzii 244 smaragdinus . . . 245 solstitialis 244 vittatus 245 wagleri 243 xantholfsmus ...245 Coot, Australian 398 , Common 398 INDEX. 499 Page Coot, Crested 398 C&pst/chus sdiildris 162 Page Crane, Demoiselle ...404 , Mantchurian 403 Page Crow, Long-billed Butcher 217 Sarus 40 White backed Coracias garrula 221 , Stanley 403 Piping 216 Wattled 403 White-necked 210 White 403 Crow-Shrike, Grey 216 vdsd 256 , White American402 , Hill 216 Cordllus hortnlci'ii/us 457 , White-necked 402 , Pied 216 Crdspcdoccphdlus bi- Sooty 216 Cormorant, Common 304 lineat'us 472 Crypturus noctivagus .419 Wct African 301 Crdx alberti 386 obsolctus 419 Coronclld canct, 459 dlector 385 pilcdtus 419 vdTicctdtus 419 Ifcvis 459 ddubcntoni 385 Ctcnoldbrus rupestTis 486 qlobicera 381 Cuckoo Black 229 sdyi 459 incoininodd 386 Common 229 Corvus dnicricdnus 209 scldteri 385 , Guira 230 cordx 209 Crcnildbrus inelops 486 CuoTd dwiboincnsis 430 - comix 210 Crex pratensis 393 CUTCBUS aterrimus .. 204 culminatus 210 Cricetomys gambianus 88 Curassow, Crested ...385 - monedula 210 Crithdgra albogularis 193 , Galeated 387 Globose 384 splcndcus 210 chrysopvcfd 193 Green-billed 386 Coryphodon testaceus .461 Coryphospingus pilea- t'us 188 Crocodile, Broad- fronted 442 Indian 442 , Inconvenient... 386 , Lesser Razor- billed .. 387 Corythalx albocristata'228 buffonii 228 , Long-nosed ...443 Mexican 442 , Prince Albert's.386 , Eazor-billed 386 Nilotic 442 Sclater's 385 pcrsd 228 Sharp-nosed 442 , Yarrell's 385 Cory thus enucleator . . .195 Cotincra Banded 218 Crocodilus americanus4A2 cdtdphTdctus 443 Curlew, Common ...409 , Pacific 410 Cotincid cinctd 218 fvontoutus . . 442 Cydnocittd cristata . 212 Long-spincd 483 rhombifer . 442 gon 212 Coitus bubdlis 483 vulodns 442 incds 213 pilcatus 213 Coturnix chinensis ...363 communis 362 Crossbill, American White-winged 195 Cyanopolius cyaneus 211 Cydnorhamphus dlpi- nus 256 Parrot 195 diiriccps 256 - novcB-zcdldndicB 256 Goucal Indian .. 230 churian 368 Cyanospizd ciris 186 Pheasant ^30 ci/dncd 185 Senegal 230 ricttm 368 Cyclodermd senega- Courlan Scolopaceous405 Crotdlus durissus 471 lense 439 Cow-bird, Bay 201 horridus 472 Cyclodus, Black-and- Yellow 453 -, Purple 201 miliarius 47 1 , Great 453 Silky 201 Cfotophcictd dni 230 Cyclodus gigas . . 453 Coypu 91 Crow American 209 - nic/TO-lutcus 453 Crake, Spotted 393 Crane, Australian ...402 - Balearic , Australian 209 , Tasmanian Piping 217 occipitdlis 453 Cyclophis vernalis ...464 Cyclopterus lumpus,. 484 Crowned .... 403 , Hooded 210 Cygnus atratus 324 , Brown 402 Hanp Ornwnpf] 404- , Hunting 213 Indian 210 buccinator 324 . Common 401 . Laree-billed ...210 ferus . 500 IITOEX. Page Cyonus niqricollis . . 324 Page Deer, Hog 136 Page Dolichonyx oryzivora 202 olor 323 , Japanese 132 Dolicliotis patachonica 97 Cynictis Levaillant's 58 , Kuhl's 136 Donacola castanco- Cynictis penicillata. . . 58 , Large-eyed 133 thorax 181 Cynocephalus anubis.. 21 babouin 21 , Mantchurian...l32 , Mexican 138 Dorcopsis luctuosa ...157 Dormouse, Common 87 hawiadryas 20 , Molucca 135 , Fat 86 - leucoph&us 22 Musk 111 Garden 87 moTTnon 21 porcarius 20 , Pampas 139 , Panolia 134 , South- African 87 Dotterel, Common ...408 Persian 132 Philippine 136 Red footed 8 Cynopithecus niqer 20 Pudu 139 Dove Auriculated 349 Red 131 Barred 345 Rusa 1 35 Cystiqnathus ocellatus4:'75 , Sambur . 134 dered 345 Cystophora cristata ... 78 , Swinhoe's 135 , Timor 135 , Black-winged . . .349 Bronze-spotted 351 Virginian 138 Cape 344 Dacelo cervina 223 , Wapiti 131 Carolina 314 - qiqantea 222 Dendrocitta sinensis 214 , Emerald 351 Dacnis cayana 172 Dafila ac-uta 332 vagabunda 214 Dendrocygna arborea 326 , Geoffroy's 349 ,GracefulGround345 bahamensis 332 erythrorhyncha 333 arcuata 326 autumnalis 325 , Green-winged 352 , Little Green- eytoni 3^6 win o-ed 353 Dama vulgaris 130 fulva 326 , Martinican ...349 major 326 Maugc's 316 Darter American 306 Dasyprocta acouchy 97 Dendrolagus inustus 151 Ground . 351 aguti 96 Moustache azarcB 96 Derinateinys abnormis^Qo Ground 350 cristata 95 tnawii 435 isthmica 95 Deroptyus accipitrimi,s26Q Ground 350 Ttiexicana 96 Dial-bird, Indian 162 , Peaceful 345 Plsu'irl GrnimH ^4-^ punctata 96 Dicotyles labiatus 110 Red Ground 350 varieqata 96 tajacu 110 Ring 341 8^1 lv Grnnnrl S r >0 Schlcgcl's 3 r )l velleTosus 144 crassicaudata 147 Stock 341 Dasyure, Mauge's ...148 quica 147 Ground 350 \\n-iitr' -frrvnf-prl ^^0 , Ursine 149 Dasyurus maculatus 148 Diduneulus strigiros- tris 356 , White-winged Zenaida 349 maug&i 148 Dinea grisea 187 Zenaida 349 UTsinus 149 Dingo 64 Dra^onet Sordid 484 Daulias luscinia 163 Dipus csgyptius 89 Drill 22 Deer, Axis 136 Diver, Great Northern417 dies .' 424 , Barasingha ...134 , Barbary 132 Dog, Cape Hunting 65 , Indian Wild ... 60 Dromicia nana 150 Dromicus antillensis 464 , Cashmirian ...131 , Chinese Water 141 Equine 134 , Sumatran Wild 60 Dogfish, Large Spot- ted 481 Duck, AustralianWild329 , Bahama 332 Black-billed Fallow 130 Picked 481 Tree 3 9 6 - * . Formosan 133 . Small Spotted 481 . Brown . ...337 ItfDEX. 501 Page Page Eclectus Red-sided 257 Page Eryx, Indian 458 Westermann's 258 , Shielded 458 reasue " ~ Eclectus qrandis 258 Eryx jaculus 458 Pr*rnmrvn AfiTilrl i'^8 johnii 458 westertnanni 258 thebaicus 458 TTirW 837 Ectopistes 'migratorius 344 Esox lucius 489 , Eyton's Tree ...326 Eel, Common 491 Estrelda amandava . . . 176 bclla 176 Trip''trin 4Q1 , Indian Iree .oZD Larger Tree 326 Egernia cunninohamii^^S ccendescens 178 Egret Great Ameri- cinerea 177 can' 307 dufresnii 177 , Pink-headed ...330 "R^rl Killprl *V^ , Great White... 307 Little 307 melpoda 177 phaeton 176 Red billed Tree 325 S)aty 308 phoenicotis 177 Snowy 308 rubriventris 177 Whistling 336 Eland . 123 rujlcauda 176 subflava 178 , Scaup 336 Elaphure, Chinese ...133 Elaps Chequered 468 temporalis 176 Eudrotnias inorinellus 408 , Summer 334 Tufted 336 Elaps lemniscatus ...468 Elephant, African ... 99 Eudynamys orientalis 229 Eudyptes chrysocome 418 \JVhii-A AVPrl ^*-V7 Indian 99 Elephcts ofricanus . , . 99 Euphema. bourkii 251 Tree 325 indicus 99 chrysogastra ...251 , Yellow-billed... 330 Dunlin 411 Emberiza chrysophrys 197 cirlus 196 elegans 251 pulchella 250 Duyker-bok 121 fucata 196 splendida 251 hortulana 196 Eiiphonia crassirostris 173 Eagle Bacha 288 miliaria 196 nigricollis .. 173 Black crested 87 Emu 424 violacea 173 Bonclli's 87 Ewyda qranosa 439 Euplectes afer 183 Ttnnfnrl 987 Chccla 88 Eos indica 267 flamniiccps 183 Chilian Sea 283 reticulata 267 oryx 182 Crowned Hawk288 rubra 267 tatus 376 tricolor 267 Harrv 83 Epicrates angulifer 457 erythrophthal- Imperial ^86 cenchris 458 mus 373 Eouus burchelli 105 Jion-'jleldi 375 TVTfllivqn TTawk98S Hawk 288 onager 105 nobilis 374 Short toprl 288 nycthemerus 374 ; Spotted 286 Tawny 286 tcsniopiis 105 zebra 105 prcelatus 372 swinhoii 373 , Vociferous Sea 285 Vulturine 87 Eremophila alpestris 200 Erinaceus collaris 42 I vieilloti 374 Eupodotis arabs 399 Wedge-tiiled 286 austrcdis 399 mifp-hpllipr] Sea 285 ErythrdBnas pulcher- Jcori 399 White-headed riina 340 rnficollis 399 Sea 284 Eruthrolamprus venus- senegalensis ...399 Echidna 159 tissimus 460 Eitpsychortyx crista- Echidna hystrix 159 Eri/thropus vesperti- Echinomys spinosus 90 nus 293 Eiirypyga helias 404 Echis carinata 47 1 TMp.ctus. Grand 258 Erythrura pra&ina ... 1 8 1 Ervx. EsrvDtian 458 Euspiza americana ...198 aureola . ...197 502 I]S T DEX. Page Euspiza luteola 197 melanocephala 197 rutila 197 Pago Finch, Banded Grass 180 , Bicheno's 176 . Black-headed... 180 Bluish 189 Page Fox, Crab-eating 63 , Egyptian 02 Fennec 62 Fcdco bdrbdTus 291 Kit 63 , Canary 193 , Long-eared ... 65 biarmicus 29 1 Cape-Palmas 179 , Chestnut- breasted 181 Red 6 islandus 292 , Red-footed 64 Red tailed 63 lanarius 291 , Crimson 176 , Cut-throat 178 , Diuca 187 , Silver 63 Silvpr Vnrkpr1 fi*? sacer 292 Falcon, Barbary 291 , Boarded 291 , Syrian Fennec 62 Francolin, Black 360 , Cape 361 Thiskv 186 , Fire-tailed 176, 181 "Flpnrmra 9Q-> , Greenland 292 , Iceland 292 Jugger 291 Serin 194 , Double-spurred360 Long billed 36 Half -white 1 89 , Hooded ...178 Grey 361 , Lanner 291 , Jacarini 187 , Hill .... 361 TVfnd'i0'n<;pir * J fiO , Peregrine 290 , Bed-footed ...293 Rufous Lined 189 , Painted 360 Red-throated 360 Maja 180 , Melodious 186 Modest Grass 179 , South-African 360 Wood 361 throated 293 Saker 92 Felis aurata 49 , Nonpareil 186 Olive 186 bicalcaratus 360 canadensis 49 , Pied Grass 178 Plicated 188 clappcrtoni 361 CCLTdCcd 49 qiilciris 361 catus 50 , Plumbeous ...189 , Red-tailed 176 Eeddish 189 madagascarien- sis 360 chdus 50 concolor 43 pictus 360 eyra 51 -' Ruddy .... 194 ponticeriantts ... 36 1 riibricollis 360 ocoffroii 47 Saffron 19 javanensis 48 jubata 47 Serin 193 vulgaris 360 Fraternda arctica ...417 Fregata aquila 303 Fregilus gracidus ... 2 14 Frigate Bird, Great 303 Fringilla ccelebs 191 montifrinflilla...l9I spodiogenia 191 Fringillaria capensis 197 Frog, American Green474 , Australian 476 , Brown Mud ...476 Bull 475 , Sharp-tailed ...180 , Spectacled 189 , Spotted -sided 179 Striated 180 leo 43 lynx 49 macrura 47 , Tropical Seed 188 , White-eye- browed 198 mitis 47 OTiooTfncnsis 48 , White-throated 189 , Yellowish 193 Fireback, Bornean ...374 Vicillot's 371 oncci 44 pardalis 46 passcTutn 51 Flamingo, European 315 , Ruddy 315 Floriken, Bengal 400 Flounder 487 plcvniceps 49 , Changeable Tree 476 rufa 49 - served 47 , Edible 474 , European Tree 476 E wing' 3 Tree 176 scTvalinci 48 Flower-bird, Black- tailed 172 . vivcrrinct, 48 Flycatcher, Pied 1 68 Foudio, TutJiTops 183 Krcfft'a 477 Leaf-GreenTree477 Fennec 62 mdddodscdricn- Noi^y 474 Syrian 62 sis 183 , Peron's Tree ...477 , West-Indian ...475 ? White's Tree ..,477 , Yellow-footed Tree ... ....477 Ferret. Common 66 Fiber zibethicus ' 89 Fieldfare 160 Fox, Arctic 60 , Azara's 63 , Bengal . 60 Finch, Amaduvade ...176 , Common . ..59 1XDEX. 503 Page Fulica atrata 398 Page Gasterosteus pungi- tiiis 482 Page Gibbon, Ungko .. 3 australis 398 cristata 398 , White-handed 2 Giraffe 129 spinachia 482 Fuligula brunnea ...337 cristata 336 Gavial 443 Glaucidiiim passeri- num 278 Gavialis gangeticus...443> Gayal 127 ferina 336 Glutton 66 Gazella arabica 118 bennetti 118 Gnu, Brindled 125 .White-tailed ...125 Goat, Domestic 115 Gobio fluviatilis 490 Gobius mii-mtus 484 niger 483 marila 336 mariloides 336 rufina 336 dama 119 Furnarius rufus 219 Gadus luscus 487 merlangus 487 morrhua 486 euchorc 119 qranti 119 muscat ensis 118 Goby Black 483 rufifrons 118 ? Freckled 484 Two r>ntfprl 4.&4- Gadwall, Common ...330 Galago Allen's 38 - subgutturosa ... 1 1 8 Gazelle 117 Godwit, Bar-tailed ...410 , Black-tailed ...410 Golden-eye 337 Deinidoff's 38 Garnctt's 38 Arabian 118 Cuvicr's 118 Goldfinch 192 Grand 37 Grant's 119 Goldfinny 486 logo's 186 Maholi 38 Monteiro's 38 Galaoo allcni 38 Indian 118 Muscat 118 Goosander 338 Goose, Andean 321 , Ashy-headed ...322 , Bar-headed ...319 Bean 319 Persian 118 Soemmerring's 119 Gecco verus 444 demidoffi 39 qarnetti 38 Gecinus viridis 220 maholi ... 38 Gecko, Fan-footed ...444 Indian 411 , Bernicle 319 Black and Galaxias, Australian 489 Galaxias scriba 489 Galeoscoptes caroli- ncnsis 165 Genet, Blotched 54 White 316 TJlnr>V Knfljprl ^9fi , Pale 53 , Brant 320 Genetta senegalen- sis 53 Coreopsis 318 Galictis barbarct, 66 Canada 320 vittata 66 tiqrina 54 Chinese 319 Galidia Elegant 56 vulgaris 53 Geopelia cuneata 345 EffvntiTn ^17 Galidia elegans .. ..56 , Grey-lag 318 Gallinula chloropus...2&(\ ncsiotis 397 Jiumeralis 345 tnauqci 346 Kcln HS phonnicura 398 placida- 345 - Little 319 tenebrosa 398 striata 345 Maned 320 Gallinule, Island Hen 397 tranquilla 345 Geopsittacus occiden- talis 250 - Orinoco 318 , Pink-footed ...318 , Bed-breasted... 320 , Buddy-headed 322 , Biippell's Spur- win"ed 317 Sombre . 398 , White-breasted 398 Galloperdix lunulata 359 spadicea 359 Geotriton fuscus ... 479 Geotrygon montana...35Q mystacea 350 , Sandwich - Island 323 Gallus bankiva 376 Geranoaetus melano- leucus 283 sonnerati 376 , Spur-winged ...317 Upland 321 stanleyi . 377 Geronticus (ethiopicus 314 albicollis 315 varius 376 , White-fronted 319 Wild 318 Gannet 304 bernieri 314 Brown 301 calvus 314 Goshawk 289 Garrulax chinensis ...168 perspicillatus ...169 picticollis 169 melanocephalus 314 , Allied... 290 , Garnbian 290 White 290 spinicollis 315 Garrulus glandarius 212 Gasterosteus aculea- tus.... ....482 Goura, coronata 355 victories . 356 Gibbon, Hoolock 2 , Silvery . . 3 Grackle. Black-necked 207 504 INDEX. Page Gracula intermedia... ,207 javanensis 207 religiosa 208 Gracupica nigricollis 207 Grallina, Pied 166 Grallina aiistralis ...166 Graphiimis capensis , 87 Grebe, Little 416 , Eed-necked ...416 Greenfinch, Algerian 191 j Common 191 Grison 66 Grosbeak, Blue 187 , Brazilian Blue 187 , Cardinal 188 , Pine 195 , Eose-breasted...l88 Ground-Finch, Eed- eyed 198 Grouse, Black 358 , Black - bellied Sand 357 , Double-banded Sand . 357 , Lesser Pin- tailed 357 , Lichtenstein's Sand 357 , Pallas's Sand... 357 , Pin-tailed Sand356 , Prairie 358 , Red 358 , Sharp-tailed ...358 Grus americana 402 antigone 402 aiistralasiaiia . . .402 canadensis 402 carunculata 403 cinerea 401 leucauchen 402 leucogeranos ...403 montignesia 403 Grys-bok 120 Guan, Amazonian ...389 , Chattering 389 . , Greey's 387 , Little 389 , Marail 387 , Mexican... 387, 389 , Piping 388 , Eed-breasted ...388 .Bed-tailed 389 s Eufous-vented .387 , White-bellied... 389 , White-crested...388 , White-eye- browed 388 f White-fronted 388 Gubernatrix crista- tella .. ...187 Page Gudgeon, Common... 490 Guillemot, Common .417 Page Halmaturus thetidis...l5& ualabatus Io5 Guinea-fowl, Abys- Hamadryad 468 sinian 382 Hamster Common 88 Common 382 Hangnest Baltimore ^03 Crested 382 Black-sided 203 Horned 38 TJrn7ili-m k ~>0 Mitred 382 Kendall's 382 , Crested 20 Vulturine 384 Guira piririgua 230 .Orchard.... 203 Guiraca c&rulea 187 Eed-rumped ^03 cyanea 187 , Silky 204 Gull, Black-headed... 414 , Yellow 202 , Dominican 414 Hapale chrysoleiicos 32 , Glaucous 412 . Greater Black- jacchus 31 melamira 32 backed 413 pcnicillata 31 , Herring 413 Hapalemur simus 35 Iceland 41 , Jameson's 415 , Kittiwake 415 Hapalotis mitchdli ... 88 Hare, Common 98 , Lesser Black- backed 413 , Varying 98 Harpy Crowned 283 , Yellow-legged Herring 413 Harpyhaliaetus coro- natus 283 Gulo luscus 66 Harrier Hen 279 Gunnel, Spotted 485 Marsh 279 Gymnorhina leuco- , Montagu's .. . 279 nota 216 Hartebeest 1 9 4 organica 217 Gymnotus electricus ..491 Hawfinch, Black- tailed 191 .,. ' . *".>nn "Many-zoned 89 Gy pokier ax angolen- sis 299 , New-Zealand... 293 , One-streaked 289 Gyps fulvus . . 298 Pigeon 9 93 rueppelli 298 TTpflfrphocr Cnllarprl 4-9 Hcematopits niger 408 ostralegus 408 , Common 42 Hedymeles ludovicia- nus 188 Halcyon vagans 223 Haliaetus albicilla ...284 Helictis, Orange- bellied 68 leucocepkalzts ...284 leucogaster 285 Helictis siibauran- tiaca 68 leucoryphus 284 vocifer 285 Helotarsus ecau&atus 283 Hemipode Andalu- Haliastur indm 282 sian . 391 Black-breasted 391 sphenurus 282 Halichoerus grypus ... 79 Halmaturus agilis ...156 , Lepurana 391 , Eed-chested ...391 , Varied 391 - bennettii 155 Hemippe 106 billardieri 1 56 derbianus 156 Henicognathus lepto- rhyncJius 242 doTsalis 156 Heron Black -necked 3C6 rufcollis 155 , Cocoi .. ..3C7 INDEX. 505 Page Heron, Common 306 Pag Hornbill, White-billed22o Page Ibex, Spanish 116 , Common Night 308 , Goliath 307 , Wrinkled-bill 225 Houbara macquecni..AO( Ibis, Australian Sa- cred 314 , Hooded Night 309 undulata 400 , Bald-headed 314 Nankeen Night308 Howler, Brown ... 25 , Bernier's 314 Purple 307 ., Red 25 , Black-faced 315 Squacco 308 Huanaco 112 Black-headed 314 , Typhon 307 Huia Bird 215 , Glossy 313 , Violaceous Night 309 ' Hyasna, Brown 51 , Spotted 51 , Nippon 314 , Sacred 314 Hcrpcstcs auropunc- , Striped 52 Scarlet 313 tatus 57 Hycena brunnea 51 , Straw-necked 315 fasciatus 57 cTocuta 51 White 313 striata 52 White-necked 315 ichneumon 56 Hudrochelidon niqra 415 Ib is alba 313 malaccensis 57 paludosus 58 Hydroch&rus capy- bara 97 falcinellus 313 nippon 314 pulveridentus ... 56 Hydromedusa maxi- rubra 313 smithi 57 miliana 438 Ichneumon Banded 57 widdrinqtoni . . . 56 Hydromys chrysoqas- , Bengalese .; 57 ter 89 Dusty 56 nans . 296 Hydropotes inermis . . . 141 , Egyptian 56 Heteralocha qouldi 215 Hyla arborea . 476 , Grey 56 TVT a rsVi ^8 cariensis 463 ewinqii 476 , Ruddy 57 Ipfpftfi 4-77 peronii 477 Spotted 57 collis 411 versicolor 476 baltimore 203 Hinulia australis ...454 Hylobates hoolock ... 2 lar 2 croconotus 204 jamaicai 203 Hippocampus anti- leuciscus 3 varicqatus 3 spurius 203 vulqaris 204 ramulosus 492 Hippopotamus 106 Hyomoschus aquati- cus Ill Ictonyx zorilla 67 Iguana, Black 447 Hippopotamus amphi- bius 1 06 Hyphantornis capen- sis ... . 185 , Naked-necked 447 Iguana delicatissima 447 Hobby 292 per sonata 185 Indigo-bird 185 tcxtor 184 Honey-eater, Poe ...172 Hypotriorchis tesalon 293 to-maculatus 463 Hoploccphalus super- eleonorce 292 aginis geoflron bus . 467 rufigularis 293 Jabiru, American ...311 Hornbill, Black 226 , Black- and- white 227 subbuteo 292 Hypsiprymnus apica- lis 158 Jacare latirostris 441 longiscutata ...441 punctulata 412 Concave- cuniculus 157 Jackal, Black-backed 61 casqued 223 qaimardi . .. 157 , Common 61 nnilfa)/i 1 ^8 Elate 226 rufescens 157 , Side-striped 61 Hyrax Cape 100 Jackdaw 210 Lunated f) 25 Hyrax capensis ] 00 Jaguar 44 Malayan 2 5 Hystrix cristata 92 Jay . 212 Malayan Pied 225 Blue 212 Plicated 5 lonqicauda 93 Blue-bearded 212 Red billed 7 Canada 212 lanthcBnas leucoleama 344 Peruvian Blue 213 Ibex Alpine 116 Pilcatcd 213 cal 226 , Grecian 116 Jerboa, Egyptian 89 2L 506 INDEX. Page Jungle-fowl, Bankiva376 , Ceylonese 377 , Fork-tailed ...376 Sonne rat's 376 Page Lacerta lilfordi 451 muralis 451 Page Lemur, Yellow - fronted . 35 nigro-putictata ..451 ocellata 451 viridis 450 , White-fronted . 34 Lemur alb if rons 34 brunneus 34 "Kflo-ii 405 - vivipara 451 catta 35 Kaleege, Black- backed 375 faffoptts scot ic us 358 Lagost&mus trichodac- tylus 92 - fla vi f rons 35 macaco 34 , Curler's 375 , Lineated 374 Purple 375 ffioiwoz 34 Lagothrix, Hum- boldt's 24 nigrifrons 35 rufifrons 35 .White-crested 376 Kang-iroo, Black- faced 154 Lagothrix humboldti . 24 Lavna huanacos 112 varius 33 Leopard 45 pacos 112 Lepadogaster bimacu- iatus 486 Brown Tree 151 peruana 112 , Brush-tailed ...154 Lepidosiren, African .481 Leptodira annulata . . .466 T- rufescens 466 Leptoptila jamai- censis 350 Lamprophis aurora . . .467 Lamprey, River 492 -- Sea 192 , Great 153 , Ogilby'sRat ...158 , Eed 152 Lamprocolius auratus 205 chalybeus 205 rufiventris 205 Leptoptilus argala ...312 crumeniferus ...312 Lepus cuniculus 99 europcsus 98 mediterraneus ... 98 timidus 98 Leuciscus cephalus ...490 phoxinus 490 Roan 153 , Rufous Rat ...157 , Tasmanian Rat 157 , White-tipped Rat 158 Lamprotornis Spermopkila albogu- laris . 189 , Common 327 Ruddy 327 . Variegated 328 :, White-fronted 327 Shoebill 312 Glass 152 hypoleucd . 189 Grass 464 lineold 189 , Hissing Sand... 465 Hoary 159 nigro-aurantia 189 ophthalmica ...189 Shoveller . . 334 Sl.rike, Great Grey ...168 .Red-backed ...168 Sialia wilsonii 162 , Hooded 459 , Horseshoe 461 , Indian River.., 462 , Lacertine 465 , Lineated 461 , Long-headed ...460 , Long-snouted 466 , Merrem's 460 Spermophilus citillus 84 Sieboldia maxima ...480 Silurus, Electric 488 , Sly 488 Spermospiza hama- tina . . . .184 Spheniscus demersus 418 - humboldti 418 Sihirus glanis 488 Silver-bill, African ...180 Sphenodon pmictatus 443 INDEX. 515 Page Sphingurus insidiosus 94 Page Squirrel, Tennenfs... 80 , Three-striped 81 Tropical 82 Page Strix novce-hollandia 270 Struthidea, Grey Ki9 Struth idea cinerea ...1(59 Struthio camelus 421 Sturgeon, Common... 482 Sturnella defilippi ... 202 ludoviciana 202 Sturnia malabarica . . . 207 Sturnopastor contra ...206 Sturnus vulgaris 206 Sucker, Bimaculated 486 , Unctuous 484 Sugar-bird, Blue 172 prehensilis 94 villosiis 94 Vulpine 8 Spider Monkey, Black- i'aoed 22 "W"hifp hnnrlarl ft9 , White-cheeked Flying 84 Black-banded 23 Brown 23 , Yellow-footed 82 Squirrel-Monkey (see Monkey). Starling, Chilian 204 Chuva 23 Grizzled 23 Hooded . . 23 Marimonda 24 Chopi 205 Eed-bellied ... 22 "Rprl fnrprl 99 , Green Glossy... 205 Variegated 24 Spilornis bacha 288 cheela 288 Sula bassana 304 fiber 304 Glossy ~ . . 205 Spilotes variabilis ...464 Spizaetus caligatus ...288 coronatus 288 Glossy .... 205 Suricate 58- T?pr1 <5VmnlrWprl901 Surnia funerea 278 Sus andamanensis ... 1 08 cristatus 108 leucomystax 109 scrofa . 108 , Eufous-vented Glossy 205 occipitalis 287 ornatus 288 Spizella socialis 198 Spoonbill, Common 313 , Eoseate 313 Starncenas cyano- cephala 355 Steatornis caripensis 221 Stercorarius antarcti- cus . 412 timorensis 108 Spring-bok 119 vittatus 109 Spur-fowl, Ceylonese 359 catarractes 412 Swan, Black. 324 pomatorhinus . 4 .412 Sterna, cantiaca 415 "Rlfi/lr no^Va/l ^94. , Rufous 359 , Common 323 , Coscoroba 325 , Hooper 323 Trnmnpfpr ^94 Squatarola helvetica 407 Squirrel, American Flying 84 , Black Hill . . 80 mctcruro, 415 Sternotharus derbi- anus 437 Swine, Andaman 108 , Formosan 109 , Indian ... 108 , Blanford's 81 , Bristly Ground 83 , Chestnut- backed .. 83 Sternothere, Blackish 437 Derbian 437 , Jayan 109 Stickleback, Fifteen- spined 482 , Timorese 108 , White-whisker- ed 109 , Chestnut- bellied . . 79 , Scaly-sided ...482 Ten spined 48 Wild 108 Common 79 Stilt, Black-necked; ...411 Stoat, Common 66 Stork Black . 310 Sycalis flaveola .. 192 Dorsal 82 luteola 193 , Getuliau Ground 83 Sylvia atricapilla ... 1 63 cinerea 163 , Black-necked.., 311 , Boyce's 310 Maguari 310 , Grey 82 curruca 163- Grey-breasted 80 Syngnathus acus 491 SynoBcus australis . . . 363 diemenensis 363 Sypheotides bengalenr sis 400 , Grey Flying ... 84 Arirylprl TTill 80 Marabou 312 ^nrlrllp Vnllprl ^1 1 , Hoary-headed 81 Jelerang 80 WViitf ^10 , White-bellied 311 White necked 311 Malabar 80 Syrniuin aluco 272 Malayan 81 Strepera anaphonensis 216 arquta . 216 nebulosum 272 , Palm 81 sinense 272 Plantain 81 fuliginosa 216 oraculina . . 216 WQodfordi 272 , Eed-bellied ... 83 "Rprl Viplliprl Syrrhaptes paradoxus 357 Tachyphonus tnela- leucu$ 175 Strepsiceros kudu 123 Strepsilas interpres . . .408 String ops habroptilus 232 Strix delicatula 270 flammea 269 Flying 84 , Eed-footed Ground . 83 Tadorna cana 327 .Staneer'sGround 83 rutila 327- 516 INDEX. Page Tadorna tadornoides . .328 variegatus 328 vuJpanser 327 Page Teal, Falcated 331 , Garganey 331 Japanese 331 Talegalla latkami . . . 389 TaJpa europcsa 42 Teguexin, Common... 450 , Red 450 Tamandua tetradac- Teius rufescens 450 tyla 145 teguexin 450 Tamarin, Negro 32 Tench, Common 490 Red-handed ... 32 Tern, Arctic . 415 Tatnias striatus . . 84 Black 415 Tanager, All- Green... 173 - Archbishop 175 , Common 415 Noddy 415 ' Black f. 175 Sandwich 415 , Black-backed... 173 , Black-necked... 173 , Black-shoul- Terrapene carinata ...430 Terrapin, Abnormal 435 , Adorned 432 dered 174 Alligator 435 , Blue-and-Black 174 , Annulated . .432 , Blue-shoul- dered 174 , Bennett's 433 Black-headed 434 Brazilian 175 Broad-headed 434 Fasciated 175 Caspian 433 , Festive 173 , Ceylonese 434 Dura 4^4 , Magpie 175 , Orange-billed ..175 Palm 174 , Floridan 431 , Fuliginous 433 Geoffrey's 438 ' Pectoral 173 Gordon's 438 Silver Blue 174 , Superb 174 Hicotee 432 , Thick-billed Maw's 435 Violet 173 - , Violet 173 Painted 131 Tanaora cana 174 cyanoptera 174 ornata . 175 , Red-bellied ...431 Rcevcs's 131 palmarutn 171 Roofed 135 Tantalus, African ...312 , Indian 312 , Rough 432 Salt-water 431 Tantalus ibis 312 , Serrated 432 - " Icucoccvhalus 31^ Tanygnathus albiros- , Spanish 433 tris 258 Speckled 131 luzonensis 258 megalorhynchus 258 , Spix's Mud ...436 Stink Pot 436 muelleri 258 Thick-necked 434 Taphozous nudiven- Thurgi 131 ter 41 Tapir, Baird's .. 104 Mud 436 , Brazilian 104 Wrinkled 432 Tapir us bairdi 104 Testudo arqentina 429 terrestris 104 co/fbonaria 429 Tatusia hybrida 143 elephantina 128 kappleri 143 elephantopus 428 peba 142 - . elonqata 127 Taxidea americana ... 67 qrceca 426 Tayra 66 hololissa 128 Teal, Brazilian 331 indica 427 , Chilian 331 vnauritanica 426 , Common 330 partial is .. .... 427 Page Testudo polyphemus. . .428 radiata 427 semiserrata 427 stellata 427 sulcata 426 tabulata 428 Tetraceros quadricor- nis.... ...122 tus 122 Tetrao cupido 358 phasianellus . . . 358 tetrix 358 urogallus 358 Tetraogallus himalay- ensis 367 Tetrapteryx paradisea403 Tetrax campestr is ... 400 Textor alector 185 Thalassochelys caou- ana 440 Thaumalea amherstics 371 picta 371 Thicknee 405 , Australian 406 , Double-striped 406 , Peruvian 406 Thrasaetus harpy ia ...283 Thrush, Collared Jay 169 , Chinese Jay ...168 , Masked Jay ...169 , Melodious Jay . 169 , Missel 160 , Red-bellied ...161 , Rock 161 , Solitary 161 , Song 160 Thunder-fish 490 Thylacinus cynoce- phalus 149 Tiaris jacarina 1 87 Tiger 44 , Clouded 46 Tigrisoma brasiliense 309 leucolophum, ...310 Tinamou, Banded ...419 Chilian 420 Little 419 Obsolete 419 Rufous 420 Solitary 419 Spotted 420 Variegated 419 Tinamus solitarius ...419 Tinea vulgaris 490 Tinnunculus alauda- rius 294 cenchris 294 cenchroides 294 INDEX. 517 Page Tinnunculus sparve- nus 294 Page Touracou, Great - billed 229 Tit Azure 167 Senegal 228 Blue 167 , Variegated. .228 , Cole 167 , White-crested 228 Groat 167 Trachinus draco . . ..483 Marsh 167 vipera 483 Toad, Common 473 Dusky 474 Trachydosaurus rugo- sus ' 452 ', Fire-beiiied"!!.'475 Giant 474 Tragelaphus scrip- tus 124 Green 473 sylvaticus 124 , Italian Fire- bellied 475 Tragopan, Blyth's ...378 , Horned 377 Midwifp 474 Tcmminck's 377 , Natterjack 473 Tragulus javanicus ... 1 1 1 Toccus erythrorhyn- chus 227 Stanley anus Ill Tree-Pie, Chinese ...214 melanoleucus . . . 227 Todiramphus sanctus 223 Tolypeutes conurus . . . 144 , Wandering ...214 Tree-Shrew, Peguan 42 Treron bicin eta 340 calva 340 , Amboina Box ..430 macrorhyncha . . .341 Adulated 49 sphenura 341 , Areolated 429 Tretanorhinus nigro- luteus 463 ' Black .....[..".429 Tribonyx mortieri ...396 Brazilian 428 ventralis 396 Bungoma 439 Trichechus rosmarus 77 Trie hoq lossus chlorole- pidotus 268 Grieved 437 concinnus 268 , Elephantine ...428 European cyanogrammus 268 heematodes 268 Pond 430 mitchelli 268 , Florida 428 novce-hollandi