UC-NRLF SB 7D EXCHANGE A Study of the Factors Influencing THE Improvement of the Potato PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. AS A Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy JUNE, 1907 BY EDWARD MURRAY EAST, M. S. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AS BULLETIN No. 127 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 127 A STUDY OF THE FACTOES INFLUENCING THE IMPEOVEMENT OF THE POTATO BY EDWARD M. EAST URBANA, ILLINOIS, AUGUST, 1908 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES. Introduction 375 1. The Use of Other Species 378 2. The Original Plant 380 Original Habitat 380 Introduction to Cultivation 380 Two Varieties Introduced 382 3. The Modern Plant 385 Structure and Characteristics 385 Varieties of To-day 387 Modern Potato Breeders 390 4. Methods of Breeding 391 General Basis 391 Precautions in Comparative Tests 394 Correlations 395 5. The Inheritance of Characters in Tuber Selections 398 Theory 398 Experimental Evidence 403 6. Hypothesis of Degeneration 410 Analysis of the Question 410 Biological Evidence 413 Experimental Evidence . . . . 414 7. Discontinuous Variations 417 8. Graft Hybrids 418 9. Quality 419 Historical .. , ; 419 Sxperimeblajlx*: ;,.- 422 A I .** Qomposition . ..Different Parts 422 ' ' * *' : "Sahlplmg**.. /.;,..! 423 Relations Between Total Nitrogen Content and Quality 423 Relations Between Dry Matter and Quality 425 Physical Structure and Quality 426 Other Factors Influencing Quality 429 10. Variations in Chemical Composition as a Basis for Im- provement 437 Selections for Planting in 1902 439 Selections for Planting in 1903 443 11. General Statements 447 Bibliography 450 A STUDY OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO* BY EDWARD M. EAST. INTRODUCTION Either because it possesses no strong flavor to dull the appetite, or possibly on account of its antiscorbutic properties, the common potato Solatium tuber osum L,., has overcome seemingly insurmount- able obstacles in its claim upon the public taste and has become a close rival to our cereal staff of life. The high cost of production and general uncertainty of the return, combined with the cost of transportation of a perishable, bulky product, would seem to be ad- verse factors which might preclude any general increase in grow- ing the crop. Such has not been the case, however, and the potato, like other crops, has increased greatly in a6reage in lo- calities best suited to it, notably the sandy soils of the northern states. These soils seem to be so pre-eminently fitted for its growth that the crops are highly profitable even after deducting the cost of shipping long distances. During the last ten years,* * the six states of Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa have furnished an average of one-half of the total crop of the United States. In other sections of the country where the growing of large crops is more unlikely from natural reasons, as inhospitable soil or climate, the cost of production has been high, and over- production at times (as in 1895-6) has had a very disastrous effect upon the price, occasioning great loss to the producer. This state of affairs is in a great measure due to the fact that in these sec- tions the acreage per grower is small, and the business is not suf- ficiently organized to make possible long distance shipping, which would partially overcome the great local fluctuation in price. The annual consumption of potatoes per -capita in the United States for a period of thirty years is given by the Twelfth Census as three and one-half bushels, and when the amount available for human consumption is smaller than this, as has bee v n the case in the last few years, the price precludes their use for other purposes. *Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Illinois in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, March, 1907. **U. S. Dept. of Agri. Yearbook, 1905. 375 239369 376 BULLETIN No. 127. \August, This has left capital invested in starch mills completely unpro- ductive, as the limiting price within which the manufacturer can compete is forty cents per barrel of two and one-half bushels. There is no doubt but that the repeal of the tax upon alcohol for indus- trial purposes will furnish a channel for the utilization of all future excess of production over that used for human consumption, should the manufacturers of starch, glucose, dextrin and desiccated prod- uct, who can pay a slightly higher price, be unable to utilize it. At the present rate of increase of our population, however, the an- nual increase of production for human food alone must be from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 bushels ; and an increase, which would be a factor in the production of alcohol at all comparable with that of Germany, would have to be many times that amount. The broad problems which confront the grower who has to face these demands, are, increased yields per acre and the development of varieties adapted to specific purposes. In the first instance suit- able soil, available plant food, and proper methods of tillage and of combating disease will do much ; but here as well as in the second case, probably the possibility for as great an advance lies in the province of the plant breeder. The matter of variety efficiency to produce tubers in large quan- tities may be regarded as a desired accompaniment to all strains, no matter what other particular characters they may possess. The spe- cial characters, with the possession of which new varieties should be originated, are (i) an increase in nutritive value, (2) an improve- ment in table quality, and (3) a higher starch content. Coupled with the possession of each of these qualities should be the very important character of resistance to disease. Since the potato is one of the world's cheapest food sources, if there is a possibility of finally obtaining varieties, which, without being perfect foods, yet would furnish a more nearly proper ratio of protein and carbohydrates; it would be an inestimable boon to the world's poor, for protein is a much more expensive food con- stituent than starch. This problem is inseparably linked with im- provement in general table quality, for quality must in some man- ner be correlated with composition. On the other hand, varieties should be originated which yield a large amount of starch per acre, for the use of those growing for the starch, glucose or alcohol manufacturer. It is recognized that at the present price of produc- tion, maize is a much cheaper source of alcohol than potatoes ; but with the American taste for high starch potatoes, such potatoes would be used as food except in times of over production, until IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 377 cheaper methods of production and better varieties make the potato a competitor with the cereals for manufacturing purposes. This study deals with such questions as have naturally arisen in trying to form a basis for practical work in potato improvement; and includes an examination of the literature bearing upon the pos- sibilities of attaining this end. The principles underlying practical work in potato improvement are very broad, much too broad to be adequately discussed in a single paper, and yet it seems impos- sible to separate them into narrow lines without ignoring principles which are essential to the work. For this reason it has been thought best to consider briefly such of these as are indispensable, without regard as to whether in every case they have been touched in the experimental work. No attempt has been made to discuss historical, agricultural or economic data, however, except in so far as such subjects relate to the improvement of the potato in desirable hered- itary qualities. A considerable amount of literature has made its appearance since the beginning of the experimental work in 1901 ; but we have endeavored to give a resume of the present status of knowledge of the subjects. The writer desires to express his obligation to the Directors of the Illinois and Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Stations, E. Davenport and E. H. Jenkins, through whom was made possible the use of laboratory and other facilities of these stations ; and who have given much helpful advice. Especial acknowledgment is made to Dr. C. G. Hopkins under whose direction the study was under- taken, and who has been a constant source of advice and encour- agement. 378 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, i. THE USE OF OTHER SPECIES The plant which bears the tuber which we call the potato, and which name has been extended to the whole plant, has a recorded history of only three hundred years, it having been introduced into Europe about the end of the sixteenth century. Its botanical char- acter caused it to be called Solatium tuberosum by Gaspard Bauhin (86) in his Phytopinax, printed at Bale in 1596. This name was followed by Linnaeus when binomial nomenclature was introduced. There are several other members of the genus which bear tubers, but none has yet become of commercial importance. About twenty tuber-bearing kinds of Solanum have been at different times classed as separate species. J. G. Baker (6) has given us probably our best classification, after having made a thorough examination of all species at Kew, the British Museum, and the Lindley Herbarium, as well as many growing specimens. He concludes that there are only six distinct species : S. tuberosum Linn., S. Maglia Schlecht, S. Commersonii Dun., S. cardiopJiyllum Lind., S. Jamesii Torr. and S. oxycarpum Schiede. Later, (7) he places S. Maglia as a va- riety of S. tuberosum which reduces the number of species to five. Solanum Commersonii Dun. has been shown, by Labergerie (65) to be in all probability the most promising of the other species, in its commercial possibilities. In his extended investigations, it showed a great tendency to produce bud variations in color which were permanent, and which when propagated showed great differ- ences in the production of tubers, immunity to disease, etc. A vio- let variation showed absolute immunity to late blight Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De By., for three years, while plants of S. tu- berosum growing near were stricken.. The yield was as high as 100,000 K. per hectare with a composition much the same as the common potato. Rev. J. R. Lawrence of North Middleboro, Mas- sachusetts, has recently stated, however, that his plants have not been immune to late blight. S. Maglia Schlecht. of Chili, S. immite Dun. of Peru, and S. ver- rucosum Schlect. of Mexico, have all been mentioned as species and varieties especially worthy of being tried in the hopes of finding strains which by selection might become of commercial value and be immune to certain diseases, or with which the same end might be reached by hybridization with 5*. tuberosum. No valuable com- mercial strains from these sources, however, have yet been pro- duced. Stuart (92) found in 1904 that S. Commersonii and 5. poly- iQoS.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 379 adenium were quite resistant to late blight, while S. stoloniferum was not. In his later (93) report of 1905, they all showed a high percentage of infection. None of these species or varieties gave marketable tubers in his tests, but they had hardly been cultivated by him long enough to have become adapted to Vermont conditions. De Candolle (22 p. 49) mentions that S. verrucosum is not dis- ease resistant. It seems unlikely from past results, that there will be any great progress made through straight selections of other species, if we except S. Commersonii. This species has been thus far very unsat- isfactory in the United States, but there is in it still cause for ex- periment. It is very variable in its habits of growth, length of stolons, shape of tubers and other important characters ; hence there may in time be some promising strains isolated. Until we have such strains established, there wkl probably be little good from hybridizing mediocre elementary species with the common potato, for the hybridization is effected with difficulty. For two seasons the writer has had under observation some plants grown from tubers of Labergerie's stock imported by J. J. H. Gregory and son, Marblehead, Massachusetts. Phytophthora in- festans has not been troublesome during either of these seasons; hence, no data have been obtained regarding the comparative re- sistance of the plants to the fungus. I am compelled to state, how- ever, that in no character off leaf, stem, flower or tuber, is the plant different from common purple tubered varieties of S. tu- berosum. Either there has been some mistake in Labergerie's seemingly careful work, and there has been a mixture with tubers of S. tuberosum; or we must conclude that there have been bud mutations in at least five or six characters of S. Cornmersonii, giving a plant indistinguishable from S. tuberosum. The truth of the latter conclusion would give us a unique phenomenon that is of extreme importance to science, and the case must be confirmed before it is accepted as a fact. Our plants have flowered freely, but viable pollen has been pro- duced in extremely small quantities. Numerous attempts at hybrid- izing with S. tuberosum have all failed. 380 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 2. THE ORIGINAL PLANT ORIGINAL HABITAT A. De Candolle (22 p. 46) states that Solanutn tuber osum was unknown to the aborigines of eastern South America, although $. Commersonii was common as a wild plant. Along the western coast, however, the potato was well known and its cultivation dif- fused from Chili to New Grenada. Pedro Ciec.a de Leon (86 p. 5) in his "Spanish Chronicles of Peru," makes the first written mention of the potato in 1550. "In the neighborhood of Quito," he says, "the inhabitants have besides maize, two other plants which serve as a great portion of their food, papas and quiniia. The papas has roots enlarged into tubercles, which are covered with a more or less hard skin; these when cooked have a pulp nearly as tender as a puree of chestnuts. When dried in the sun to preserve them, they are called chumo, and are thus preserved for future use. The fruit produces a stalk similar to the poppy. The quiniia is a plant about the height of a man and has leaves like the blite of Mauritania, and a small seed either red or white in color, from which is prepared a drink, and a food comparable to our rice." Lopez de Gomara (86 p. 5) in his "Histoire generale des Indes" (1154) and Augustin de Zarate in his "Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou" (1555) also speak of this "papas" which is still the Indian name of the potato. Jerome Cardan in his curious work entitled "De Rerum Varietate" (Bale 1557) expresses himself in these terms on the same subject : "On the height of the mountains in the country of Peru, the papas are like a species of truffle which is served in place of bread, and are also dried in the sun. It is thus nature has wisely 'provided for all needs. When they are dried they are called ciuno. Certain people have found means to enrich themselves by transporting this commodity into Potosi. It is said that the root has a stem similar to that of Argemone. The papas have the form of chestnuts but have a more agreeable taste. They are eaten cooked or better as I said made into flour. They are found as commonly among other tribes of this peninsular as they are among the inhabitants of the province of Quito." Other writers through the latter half of the sixteenth century, and travelers and writers later, (22) show conclusively that the po- tato was and still is wild in Chili, but that the probability is that the plants found seemingly wild in Peru, were either escaped from cul- tivation or were allied species for which it had been mistaken. INTRODUCTION TO CULTIVATION i The Spanish conquerers of Peru introduced the potato into Spain and Portugal sometime between 1535, the date of the con- 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 381 FIG. i. THE FIRST POTATO INTRODUCED INTO EUROPE. FROM CLUSIUS' WATER- COLOR OF 1588. (AFTER E. ROZE.) 382 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, quest, and 1585, whence the cultivation spread into Italy sometime early in the seventeenth century. From here, the potato in all prob- ability went to Austria, from Austria to Germany, Germany to Switzerland, and from Switzerland to France. Spanish voyagers also probably introduced the tubers to the English settlers in Virginia; at any rate they were being culti- vated there before 1585, and were sent to England at the time of Sir Walter Raleigh's voyages to Virginia though not by Raleigh himself. From England, potato cultivation spread very rapidly to Ireland which needed a cheap food crop, and by the beginning of the eighteenth century, it had become one of its staples. Their uni- versal use on the island from this time forward brought them their common name of the Irish potato. This nickname is not to be won- dered at for Ireland still leads in the use of potatoes with an annual per capita consumption of twenty-five bushels, or seven times that of the United States.* Two VARIETIES INTRODUCED We have seen that Bauhin wrote the first description of the potato in 1596, but as he in all probability received his specimen from Clusius, to the latter should be given the credit of the descrip- tion of the first cultivated potatoes. The specimens described by Clusius were sent to him in 1588 by Philippe Sivry, Seigneur of Waldheim and Governor of Mons, who had received them from Italy at the hands of the Papal Legate. The accompanying plate of Clusius is from Roze's colored plate made from the original and has not been available before in an English publication. Speaking of his reproduction Roze says : "This colored ^late is a faithful reproduction from the most ancient docu- ment we possess on the introduction of the potato into Europe. For the orig- inal water-color which dates 1589 is kept with other writings and books of this epoch (of which the authenticity is certain) in the archives of the ancient six- teenth century printings and preserved in its original state at Anvers, Belgium, at the Musee Plantin-Moretus. The writing on the Latin manuscript which has also been reproduced from the original water-color is thus 'taratoufli a Philippe de Sivry acceptum Viennae 26 Januarii 1588. Papas Peruanum Petri CieQae,' and is a fac-simile of the writing of the celebrated botanist Charles de L'Ecluse of Arras, more commonly known to the world under his Latin name Clusius. "This proves to be, not the date of the reception of the water-color, repre- senting a flower stalk with two potatoes which had only been sent to Charles L'Ecluse in 1589 by Philip de Sivry, Seigneur de Walhain et Gouverneur de la Ville Mons en Hainaut, but that of two tubers and one fruit berry of the *Mayo-Smith: Statistics and economics, p. 38. i heavy seed setting to small tuber formation. The latter statement has been a general belief but Fraser (37) states that in his experience many of the heaviest yielding varieties at least bloom freely. Liebscher believed seed and tuber production to be physiologically opposed. Fruwirth (43 v. 3 p. 10) states that Dalkowsky is of the opinion that strong power of seed production is also correlated with ability to resist disease. Osterspey (76) found in early varieties less foliage than in late varieties; and within a variety, in both early and late varieties, there was a relation between number of tubers and number of stalks. Fischer (32) found that flat-round tubers were richer in starch and produced less massive plants; while long-cylindrical tubers were poorer in starch and produced large straggling foliage. Fru- ipoS.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 397 wirth (41), in three years' observations with both early and late varieties found a relation between yield and the following charac- ers: Flat shape, number of stalks per plant, length of growing period, height of plants and number of tubers per plant. He also states that the greater the number of stalks from a plant, the thinner are the stalks. Some of these correlations may help materially in eliminating some of the undesirable plants from the progeny of crosses from which we are trying to build up new varieties. There may also be many pairs of characters with high percentage correlation which have not yet been noticed but which will be brought out with further statistical studies. It is doubtful, however, if many of these characters which appear to be related in certain varieties, are to be regarded as real correlations characteristic of the species. Reasoning from statistical studies of the writer on maize and sugar beets, which may or may not be analogous, it would seem that cor- relations which are likely to be of most practical value in making selections will probably be found in very narrow blood lines (ele- mentary species?). For example, in ear-to-the-row tests of dent maize there was planted an ear with a peculiarly shaped tip. This ear yielded very highly, and of its progeny when grown and their yield compared, in nearly every case, those were found to average highest whose mothers had this peculiar -tip. In hybridization, pairs of characters may be found which are inherited as a single character. When both characters are desir- able, this would be a decided help, but when one character is unde- sirable, there is only the consolation of knowing the difficulty of finding exceptions to the rule. Johannsen (58) states however that, "Crossing is the means of breaking the correlation/' In selection, those correlations are of greatest value which al- low us to eliminate plants through correlations of characters in the young vines, with characters in the tubers. It is doubtful, however, whether weak correlations should be used in originating varieties. They are probably of practical value only when the life history of the variety is known. BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 5. INHERITANCE OF CHARACTERS IN TUBER SELECTION THEORY We do not mean by this term the inheritance of the characters in future sexual crosses, but the transmission of selected variations from year to year by tubers. A consideration of this question is of practical importance to the potato grower. The potato breeder may still continue to make crosses and originate varieties, but in such work he is and must be a specialist. His work can never be undertaken with profit by the average grower, to improve his stock. On the other hand, if there is a possibility of selecting and propa- gating favorable fluctuating variations and their accumulation for the betterment of the variety, such work can be undertaken with success and profit by the farmer. It is common knowledge that during the first few years the progeny of a sexual cross in potatoes is quite variable. These variations may be arbitrarily divided into two classes : First, those variations that seem to be due directly to slight differences in en- vironment, such as shape, size and yield of tubers, and vigor of growth and amount of foliage in plants; second, variations that are much rarer and that seem to be of a more nearly botanical char- acter as those of color tubers, length of life of plant, and amount of blossoms and production of seed. Variations, in the after life of the variety are said to become less common, that is, the type of the variety is said to become fixed. This appears to be true from general observations of potato seedlings, and it might partially be explained by the fact that each year the plants are subject to rigid selection to a certain type. // these fluctuations are transmitted, the plants dealt with in subsequent years are a selected and not a general race. But when unselected it is probable that there is a lessening variability with advancing age, even when the physio- logical vigor of compared plants is kept the same. Vernon (99 p. 184) showed conclusively that for low forms of animals as the sea urchin that the "Permanent effect of environment on the growth of a developing organism diminishes rapidly and regularly from the time of impregnation onwards." A little later De Vries (26) enun- ciated practically the same law for plants. He concludes: i. The younger the plant, the greater is the influence of external condi- tions on its variability. 2. The nutrition of the seed when develop- ing on the mother plant has (at least very often) a greater influ- ence on the variability than during germination and growth. IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 399 Hence if we consider a potato variety as a perennial individual, though divided, we may conclude that following these laws the variability lessens as the variety becomes older. Admitting this law to be sufficient reason for lessened variation in the variety as it ages; there is still variation, and as Bailey (4) has shown considerable variation, both continuous and discontinu- ous, or with De Vriesian names, both fluctuations and mutations. In the progress of evolution, such variations must have been suf- ficient either as mutations or as accumulated fluctuations to have created varieties and even species. In no other way could the numerous species and varieties of the asexually propagated fungi have originated, as well as numerous varieties of higher plants of various families, as sugar cane, banana, weeping willow, sweet po- tato, olive, fig and date which seldom or never are propagated by seeds. But as most biologists now accept the doctrine of discontin- uous evolution we cannot a priori conclude that partial fluctuations (using the terms described below) are inherited even in the tem- porary Galtonian way in which individual fluctuations are inher- ited. De Vries (27) divides fluctuations into two heads which he says "obey quite the same laws," but which with respect to ques- tions of heredity should be carefully separated. "They are desig- nated by the terms 'individual' and 'partial' fluctuation. Individual variability indicates the differences between individuals, while par- tial variability is limited to the deviations shown by the parts of one organism from the average stature." Fluctuations, he says, take place in only two directions, the increase or decrease of what characters are already available, and in this way are fundamentally different from mutations which take place in all directions, and if progressive produce new characters. He concludes that partial fluc- tuations are usually far smaller than individual and partial fluctua- tion together, and that partial variations do not appear to offer im- portant material for selection.* Multiplication by buds, however, of high extremes of individual fluctuation, he says, is what the breeder desires to obtain. From De Vries' work, we might conclude that although partial fluctuations obey the same laws as individual fluctuations, there is not a great chance for improvement through their selection, because of their narrowness. Theoretically the fluctuations of the whole of any variety of potatoes belong to this class. Still the variability *De Vries, however, admits the possibility of the commercial value of the selection of par- tial variations, when he says (P. 766): "Potatoes for the factory have even been selected for their amount of starch, and in this case at least, fluctuating- variability has played a very im- portant part in the improvement of the race." This is an admission of something- that cannot be regarded as an undisputed fact. E. M E. 400 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, should be greater in the potato than in parts of perennial plants from a single rootstock, from the latter class of which De Vries obtained a great deal of his data, on account of greater diversity of environmental forces. The variation here ought to be analogous to the individual fluctuations of the fungi, or asexual animals which have the power of obtaining food in different places and of being surrounded by diverse conditions. A study of the actual amount of difference of fluctuating vari- ability in asexual and sexual reproduction has been made by Pear- son (80), who also makes use of Warren's (102) work on parthen- ogenetic reproduction in Daphnia. Their work makes use of data from both animals and plants which might be criticized as not be- ing strictly comparable, although most great biological laws have thus far seemed to apply to both animals and plants. His first proposition is that selecting one parent reduces the variability of the race by only about 5 percent while selecting both parents reduces it about 10 percent, and this is almost the limit of reduction even if the whole back ancestry be selected. The varia- tion then taking place is, of course, from the new type and not from the unselected type. This proposition if true for such reproduction* as there is in potatoes, would show the probable amount of reduction of varia- bility which there is in the established variety after it has been selected to type for several years and then placed on the market, leaving out of consideration the lessened variation due to greater age in the variety. The next point is that the individualf variability in a fluctuating character after a bi-sexual union is not greatly less than the varia- bility of the race. As an example, is taken the number of stigmatic bands on the capsules of Shirley poppies. The racial variability is 1.885 bands, the individual variability based on 300 plants is .8518x1.885, or a reduction of 15 percent. Again, the racial varia- bility of the number of leaflets on the compound leaf of the ash was found by examining two hundred trees to be 1.976; the partial variability is .9181x1.976 or a reduction of only 8 percent.* * The last point is made on the variability of mothers and daugh- ters in the purely asexual reproduction of Daphnia. The variability of the mothers for a certain character was 2.221, for their daugh- *This fact should be true at least for selectioti from crosses. tPearson does not distinguish here as does De Vries between indidividual and partial fluct- uations. **The writer does not subscribe to all of Pearson's conclusions on homotyphosis. There are, however, certain fluctuating characters where the individual variation is probably but little less than that of the race. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 401 ters 2.950; for the array of daughters due to a mother of given character,, an average of 2.610. Even after considering that moth- ers are a selection and not a race, the following conclusions are drawn : ,(i) "In asexual reproduction an individual does not produce a facsimile of itself, and the variability of its offspring is not immensely reduced below the variability of the race. (2) The asexual individual has offspring exhibiting regression, just like the sexually reproductive individual. Its offspring tends to regress from the individual to the race type. (3) With high probability but not definitely, the asexual individual repre- sents the mid-parent (i), i. e. .466 and .619 are well within the probable errros of the values .424 and .600, which we have found (Grammar of science p. 471) for the correlation and regression of the mid-parent in the case of the bi- parental inheritance." Summing up the whole case, he says : (1) "Whatever be the physiological function of the sex in evolution, it is not the production of greater variability." (Note) This does not mean that sex is not a great factor in producing a great variety of forms by combinations of existing diverse characters, but these differences must exist in the parents or previous ancestry of the individuals producing this combination. (2) "The variability of the individual makes itself felt not only in the bi- parental reproduction but in autogamic and parthenogenetic reproduction, and further in the undifferentiated like parts of the same individual. (3) Whatever amount of selection has taken place, there seems no possi- bility of -reducing variability beyond some 10 percent or II percent." From the evidence given above, it seems reasonable for us to make the following conclusions as a working basis for our own problems. First, that there is fluctuating variation in asexually propagated vegetation which when reduced to a basis comparable to sexually propagated plants, is not to a great degree inferior. Sec- ond, that decreasing variability in a potato variety need not be due to a fixation of type which presupposes an inheritance of fluctua- tio*ns. It may be explained by the decreased reaction to environ- ment of an aging individual. Third, that, if partial fluctuations obey the same laws as other fluctuations, types may be changed by their selection ; and this selection reduces the variation of the char- acter in the neighborhood of 10 percent. Our whole problem is reduced to the question whether types may or may not be changed by the selection of fluctuations. If types may be changed by the selection of individual fluctuations, they may likewise be changed by the selection of partial fluctuations. Until recently an affirmative answer to this theorem would not have 402 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, been questioned. All of our conclusions, however, have been based upon the supposition that the data obtained in experiments with fluctuations, were obtained from homogeneous material. Johann- sen's (58 a, b) work has thrown into considerable doubt the homo- geneity of natural populations. He has, moreover, concluded that the selection of fluctuations has nothing to do with the improvement of a race. Probably no other conclusion of recent times is so im- portant to plant breeders. The work should certainly be duplicated along as many lines as possible; for its corroboration would not only sound the death knell of methods of improvements by the se- lection of partial fluctuations, but would entirely change our con- ception of procedure in other breeding operations. Johannsen's experiments were made upon typical fluctuating characters, such as weight and length of seeds. The plants used were species, like beans, that could be self-fertilized during suc- cessive generations. All of the descendants of a single plant, aris- ing by self-fertilization, he speaks of as a "pure line." The mem- bers of a pure line were distributed normally around a modal or type value in the case of each character considered. Likewise, all seeds from plants of the same variety, made up of a large number of pure lines, showed a normal variability. Some of the modal values of the pure lines were very close to the modal value of the variety, while in other pure lines the modes were quite different from it. When any individual, differing widely from the mean value of its pure line, was selected for propagation, its offspring showed almost a complete regression to the type of its particular line ; but showed no regression whatever to the type of the variety. He concludes, then, that a natural variety consists of a larger or smaller number of distinct types, each type having a distinct modal value for 'particular fluctuating character. These distinct types he calls "biotypes." Only by mutation or some rearrange- ment of characters can a pure line come to contain more than one biotype. If such a phenomenon takes place, the new biotype dm be isolated, and remains true until another mutation or rearrange- ment takes place. It is quite clear that the only role of selection is to more or less completely isolate the different biotypes of a variety. Johannsen leaves out of consideration forms of vegetative prop- agation; though for what reason I cannot understand. Tuber re- productions in potatoes is a form of reproduction in a pure line. If these conclusions are wholly warranted, and Johannsen's work is extremely careful, no improvement can be made by selecting plus fluctuations in potatoes, except upon the intervention of mutative 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 403 changes. That mutative changes do take place, we are certain ; but nothing is known of their character or frequency. I believe that po- tatoes are very good material with which to throw some light upon the subject. It is only just to note, however, that the experimental work reported in this paper was planned and executed before Jo- hannsen reported his experiments. The experiment has now been revised to better fit the problem. EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE Believing that the practical experiments in tuber selection are of some value, we have made a study of the reported results. As early as 1860 Hellriegel (55), from a three years' experi- ment, came to the conclusion that it is not possible to improve a variety of potatoes in starch content by the selection of tubers hav- ing a high specific gravity. His experiments gave the following starch contents from selections of tubers of high and low specific gravity : 1858 1859 1860 From mothers of hig-h specific " low gravity . 1.0789 1.0776 1.0907 1.0888 1.0720 1.0701 It can be seen that the slight difference shown here might easily be due to experimental error and that there is no cumulative effect due to the selection. Franz (36) in 1878 concluded that from his experience and from general farm practice that varieties at least could be kept up in vigor by the selection of the seed. Emery (30) took a step in advance in method and used one hundred tubers from poorest hills as compared with one hundred tubers of the same weight from the best hills. His results were ir- regular and he came to no conclusion. Wollny (no) took a further step toward lessening experimen- tal error, and used only tubers of the same weight, but he concluded that selection of tubers with a high specific gravity shows no defi- nite influence upon the progeny either in quality or amount of yield. Later Marek (69) opposed these conclusions. His work is weak, however, from the fact that he divided his tubers into dif- ferent sizes, and after finding that the heaviest tubers were highest in specific gravity, he used them as seed. The results were probably due in great measure to the heavier seed piece used. 404 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, Marek's work stimulated Wollny (113) to continue his inves- tigations. In this later work his former conclusions were modified. He found that in the majority of cases the progeny of tubers hav- ing a high specific gravity were of a slightly higher specific gravity than those descended from tubers of a low specific gravity. He be- lieves, however, that it is very doubtful whether any effectual im- provement of the value or yield of a variety could take place through selection of tubers of high specific gravity. Further in Marek's* final report, he admits practically the same thing. Girard (45, 46) reached the same conclusion with regard to specific gravity with the use of five varieties, but highly recommends the selection of high-yielding plants in the field as means of keeping up the yield of the variety. Hebert found no transmission of high specific gravity with a large number of experiments with Richter's Emperator. Wohltmann's (107) and Thiele's (96) results showed that the hereditary transmission of starch content had not been clearly proved. Goff (49), in experiments begun in New York in 1884 and continued four seasons, found that the yield of tubers from pro- ductive hills was greater than that from unproductive hills, but that the difference in yield between different rows of selected tubers was often as great as the difference between the two selections, and even this might be entirely due to the fact that the plantings were all made from single eye pieces, which were larger in those from productive hills. Realizing the error in planting different weight seed pieces, he (50) began again in 1899. This time the same number of tubers and of cuttings were taken and the combined weights of each selection were made the same. The collected re- sults were as follows : Variety. Old long Mercer. Snowflake. Productive hills. Unproductive hills. Productive hills. Unproductive hills. Total No. of tubers produced, in 2 yrs 104 68 232 195 Total wt. in 02. produced in 2 yrs 64 41 332 100 *Marek, E., Deut. landw. Presse 1895:274. jpoo 1 .] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 405 He concludes that the vigor of the plant may be maintained and even increased by selection ; but that the experiment has not tended to increase the yield of the varieties used, for the reason, he says, of the continued cutting of the best tubers. Bolley (12) has for a number of years carried on an investiga- tion concerning the use of large and small tubers from the same hill. Bud end pieces of equal weight, cut to one eye piece were used, and all details of the experiment very accurately controlled. From three years' observations, he concludes that: "In planting equal weight pieces from small and large tubers of the same vine, there will not be a sufficient difference in favor of the one or the other size of potatoes to be noticeable under farm methods, pro- vided all are normally mature." This shows that selection of large potatoes from the bin will not necesssarily do anything toward im- proving the crop. He concludes also from his general observations on his stock, that variations in forms, size, roughness of skin, mal- formations, number of tubers, etc., are produced to some extent though influenced greatly by seasonal conditions. From this he concludes that selecting from high yielding plants should improve the yield. Later ( 13), he reports his first conclusions to be justified by more data. Fruwirth (43) criticises Bolley 's work stating that he had found that large tubers were more likely to produce large tubers than were small tubers even from the same vine. He gives but few data warranting this conclusion, and I think that he overlooks Bolley's qualifying statement that "all must be normally mature." In 1899, Remy (85) saw a part of the error* in the work of former German and French chemists who used physical methods for determination of specific gravity, and estimated their starch from this by Maercker's tables. He found that a great number of the tubers had hollows in their centers which seriously vitiated his results. With the idea of correcting this fault, he selected good smooth potatoes weighing about 2oog. each and used about 7<3g. from the bud end for planting, while he determined the starch gravimetrically in the remainder by the use of Fehling's solution. The results for 1899 an d JQOO show no definite relations between the nature of the seed tubers and the progeny either in dry matter or in starch content. This is the most exact experiment up to this time, although even the chemical method for starch determination leaves much to be desired. The starch fluctuations were rather narrow, however, running in 1898 seed from 76.0 percent to 81.6 percent calculated to the dry substance; and two crops are hardly sufficient to settle this question. From 1899 to 1901 appeared the notable contributions of Fischer (33, 34, 35) to this subject. He showed that there was *See writer's table of fluctuations in nitrogen content for further error. 406 BULLETIN No. 127. [August. a definite relation between the shape of tubers, and starch content and power to yield, and that such individual characters were in a great measure transmitted. The author believed that he was war- ranted in concluding that within a variety and under like conditions, flat-round tubers produce those richest in starch, but weakest in yielding power, while cylindrical-oblong tubers give a progeny poor in starch content but of greater yield. The explanation of the cor- relation between starch content and flat-round shape is from the following facts. The zone of highest content (see discussion con- cerning quality) in the potato lies next to the outside of the tuber. Other things being equal then, the tuber having the largest propor- tion of outer starch zone is the richest in starch. This is satisfied by the flat-round tuber. In these investigations two varieties were used and selections made of rather small-flat-round tubers on one hand, and large- cylindrical-long tubers on the other. The former showed a specific gravity of more than i.n and the latter less than i.io. These specific gravities correspond in Maercker's tables to more than 20 percent of starch in the former and less than 18 percent in the latter. The results were as follows : Variety. Group. Aver, weight seed tubers in grams. Yield in kilos per hectare. Yield kilos per ha. minus wt. of seed. Sachsische 2wiebel Flat- round, rich in starch. 60.6 21900 19900 C3'lindrical- long, poor in starch. 68.0 22600 20360 Reichs- kanzler. Flat- round, rich in starch. .47.4 19900 18340 Cylindrical- long, poor in starch. 62.5 25305 23290 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 407 In the year 1898 the experiment was continued in order to see if a transmission of the relationships under discussion was contin- ued. For this reason both forms of tubers were selected from each group of the crop of 1897, giving in 1898 the following results: Variety. Form of tubers planted in 1897. Form of tubers planted in 1898. Aver. wt. of seed tuber in Yield of tubers in kilos Yield of tubers in kilos per ha. grams. per ha. of seed. Sachsische Flat-round. Flat- round Cyl.-long- 40.0 89.5 18500 21730 17180 18780 Zwiebel Cylindrical- Flat-round 40.0 19840 18520 long* Cyl.-long* .... 70 22080 19700 Reichs- Flat-round. Flat-round Cyl.-long 43.0 85.0 22620 25 HO 21200 22640 kanzler. Cylindrical- Flat-round 43.0 24060 22640 long. Cyl.-long- 74.0 27970 25530 An inspection of the table certainly appears to show an inherit- ance of yield in tubers which had been selected the year before, the most notable being the increase of yield in the Reichskanzler va- riety where the long tubers from the long tubers of 1897 show such a remarkable gain over the long tubers from the round tubers of 1897, even though the seed weight of the latter is the greater. There are no final results on the starch content given. In his collected works (32) he states that a rise in starch content does follow se- lection of starch when determined by exact chemical methods. The author there concludes that the yield may be reduced by the con- tinued selection of flat-round tubers which are rich in starch, and increased by selection of cylindrical-long tubers, which would be poor in starch. Paulsen (79) makes a caustic criticism of Fischer's conclusions which may be summed up as follows : The form whether round or long is characteristic of the variety. According to Fischer's theory, a seedling plant showing round tubers should be rejected immedi- ately because they are less capable of improvement. Nevertheless, we have many round varieties which continue to give exceedingly high yields. In 1899 (40) and 1900 (41), Fruwirth reports that selection of timbers from high-yielding plants, as well as the choice of large tubers, affects the yield, and recommends the selection as a practical thing especially to keep up the vigor of the variety. In 1903 (42) the same author reports that a change in the general characteristics of the plants of a variety follows only gradually when the variety is brought from an acclimated place to one with a different soil and 408 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, climate. He argues that this in itself is a proof of hereditary trans- mission of a character acquired in the first place. Like results had been obtained already by Martinet (70). Hess (56) concludes that selection of vigorous mother plants which produce many tubers will bring about an improvement in the yield. His data do not warrant a definite statement. Brumer (14) in 1891 came to the same conclusions, but he ob- serves that the choosing of high-yielding plants only increases the yield when planted on a fertile soil. When planted on a poor soil, such a strain will set many tubers but they will be small. He ob- serves further that the use of vigorous, healthy plants as mother plants gives a noticeable protection from disease. A summary of his results is shown in the following table : Variety. Kind of mother plant. Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Wt. of seed tubers g. Yield kilos. Diseased tubers percent. Wt. of seed tubers g. Yield kilos. Diseased tubers percent. Mag-rmm bonum . . large small 45-50 45-50 96 77 none none 40-45 40-45 92 65 2 3 Schnee- flocke . . . large small 35-40 35-41 55 44 6 11 35 40 35-40 61 52 8 11 In 1895 Sempolowski (91 a) reported an investigation in which he selected his seed potatoes from mother plants producing at least fifteen tubers, and planted them in comparison with such ordinary stock as would usually be planted. His yield from the selected tubers was 25285 Kg. per hectare compared with 24555 Kg. per hectare from the ordinary seed. The experiments of Liebscher in which he came to negative results regarding hereditary transmission of tuber variations were continued at his death by von Seelhorst. The latter concluded in 1897 that their experiments up to that time contained some grave errors, such as unequal depths of planting, non-uniformity of seed as to type and size, etc. These errors were his warrant for start- ing new experiments which he has reported in three notable papers (89, 90, 91). The experiments were with four varieties and I give below the collected results for the last year, 1903. The tubers used for seed are divided into two classes, large and small, which, as can be seen does away to a large extent with any influence due to differences in weight of the seed used. Determinations of starch in seed tubers and crop were also made and there was a notable transmission of starch to their progeny from high starch tubers. I 9 o8.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 409 Variety and kind of mother plant. L/arge seed tubers. Small seed tubers. No. tubers used. Aver, wt. g. Aver. wt. of. crop g. No. tubers, used. Aver, wt. g. Aver, wt. of crop g. 1. Phobus large yielding. . . 33 60.7 478 27 34.4 375 small yielding. . . 15 51.7 301 18 30.1 206 2. Frigga large yielding . . . 32 69.2 319 24 32.5 220 small yielding.. . 12 51.8 113 3 14 27.7 80.9 3. Viola large yielding. . . 25 65.3 372 22 36.6 314 small yielding.. . 23 65.2 282 17 30.8 177 494 4. Magnum bonum large yielding. . . 38 72.2 631 40 38.2 small yielding. . . 2 87.0 500 10 35.2 603 The exception in the case of Magnum bonum is explained by the fact that the seed of the crop from this variety was mixed in 1899 and the small potatoes used here may have been from large yielding vines before that. He concludes : "It is now without question to me, that we are able to raise the yield of potatoes by a not inconsiderable degree through the slight care in selection of seed, and also to prevent to a very great degree the degeneration of the newly improved variety." Later Martinet (71), Krzymowski (62), Eustace (31) and Parisot (78) have experimented along this line, but they have not generally carried on their investigations long enough to warrant definite conclusions. Summing up all evidence, it appears that there are variations which may be transmitted in tuber propagation, but that in prac- tice a gain is rarely made by their selection. In general, results have been obscured by seasonal, climatic and local soil conditions which have a tremendous effect and which are not constant enough to permit tracing marked hereditary transmission. The changes that have been made in certain cases may be entirely due to muta- tions and not fluctuations; or they may be due to the comparison of tubers that were physiologically different, such as diseased and healthy, or immature and mature tubers. Proper conclusions can be drawn only after controlled experiments upon an accurately meas- ured character by the use of biometrical methods. 410 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 6. HYPOTHESIS OF DEGENERATION ANALYSIS OF THK QUESTION Very closely linked with the possible improvement of varieties by the selection of favorable fluctuations, and its equal in economic importance, is the alleged phenomenon of degeneration. The com- mon idea is, that there is a weakening, "a running out" of a variety, so that varieties within a greater or less number of years are cer- tain to become worthless for cultivation. That certain varieties in certain localities do lessen in vigor from year to year is not to be disputed. The question is are there contributing causes, or is it an inner physiological weakening, a protoplasmic degeneration, which must take place owing to long continued bud propagation. The proper analysis of the question is of great importance; for, if such a degeneration must take place through obedience to physiological laws, our good varieties are necessarily doomed to a limited life. A proof that this is true, would make a great difference in the practicability of methods of tuber selection, where the improvement if granted possible would at least be. slow. Methods of selec- tion to change the composition, involving expensive analyses of mother tubers, as in the case of sugar beets, would be absolutely prohibited unless the sexual transmission of these acquired char- acteristics could be shown. The common method of reasoning has been: Varieties have diminished in yield in certain places, and other varieties have been obtained. Nothing more is heard concerning the first varieties; hence, it is concluded that they have declined, and, figuratively speaking, died. Hays ( 52) x indicates the general belief in the following state- ment : "The age to which a variety propagated by annually planting the root cut- tings of a single seminally produced plant will live before the necessity of renewal by sexual reproduction is not known. But since standard varieties of potatoes remain prominent for only about a third of a century there is some reason for the belief that the varieties reach their period of old age or senility in that time." The period of prominence of varieties is hardly a measure of the question, for hundreds of men are annually growing seedlings with which they hope to supplant current varieties and it would be re- markable if many old varieties were of sufficient merit successfully to hold their own. But nevertheless, even if the latter statement were not true, only a portion of the question is settled, Ehrenberg 190$.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 411 (29) has lately discussed the question in all of its bearings from the practical standpoint, and divides it into three parts : ( i ) the aging (Altern) or senility of a variety, that is, a degeneration re- sulting from inner causes because of a prolonged and possibly un- natural propagation by means of tubers; (2) the deterioration (Ausarten) caused by a change to an unfavorable environment; (3) the loss of vigor due to lack of selection of the tubers (Herab- ziichtung). It seems that the last two might be united, for, set- ting aside the first question, it must be variation in outside influ- ences .that causes sufficient variation in individual plants to make a basis for selection. We would then have the questions of variety senility, and of incomplete adaptation. The latter question is one of such common knowledge that it is hardly necessary to discuss its voluminous literature. It should be noted, however, that this has nothing to do with the question of the inheritance of partial fluctuations. In a letter written by Joseph Cooper (5), of New Jersey, in 1799, and published in volume one of the Memoirs of the Philadel- phia Society for promoting Agriculture, the matter seems to be gen- erally recognized. For fifty years, Cooper had maintained and improved without change, strains of pumpkins, early peas and as- paragus. "He made similarly successful experiments in keeping and improving strains of the potato for even at that time the com- plaint was 'very general,' as he writes, 'that potatoes of every kind degenerate.' ' The idea has changed little among farmers today, although some light has been thrown on the question. In 1876, Beal (8) reported an experiment in which a variety giving good yields de- generated in eight years so as to produce nothing, although other varieties were producing good crops on the same soil. Fruwirth (42) and Martinet (70) have explained this and the other numer- ous experiments of the same nature by showing that there is a gradual change of characters that takes place upon changing the locality, either for better or worse conditions. In other words, a variety coming from a locality favorable as to soil and climate to one unfavorable, is not able to adapt itself rapidly to con- ditions, as are seed propagated plants by means of their possibil- ities for greater numbers of combinations of characters. There- fore there is a final disclosing of the inadaptibility of the variety, although it takes place more or less slowly owing to the same law. It seems to the writer that the main economic question still un- solved is whether there is a gradual reduction of disease resisting 412 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, power in varieties.* It has been commonly concluded from general observations by writers on potato culture that such is the case. There are varieties which in comparative tests with others, give small proportions of infected plants for a number of years and then show a notable increase in this proportion. This, however, may be easily explained. In plants propagated by seeds, when the vigor of any particular season's produce has been seriously impaired, the germinating power of the seed is likely to be affected and they are therefore either discarded for planting or fail to produce plants in the field, and the less vigorous strain perishes. With potatoes, an epidemic of any particular disease scarcely ever completely destroys the crop. The tubers weakened in vigor are planted the next sea- son and may possibly produce plants less able to withstand the ef- fects of futher infection. We have already seen the possibility of keeping up (not im- proving) varieties by selection, in the discussion concerning the transmission of tuber variations. Girard (45), who had probably a wider experience than any other investigator in the subject, working as he did for eleven years with sometimes over six hun- dred co-operators, sums up the whole matter as dependent on seed selection. However, the strict attention he paid to all matters concerning soil, fertilizers, planting and cultivation shows that he really laid great stress on favorable environment. He says : "It is an opinion quite broadly held that varieties of potatoes cultivated con- tinually in the same region, are certain to degenerate. It is a frequent thing to hear large potato buyers or starch manufacturers declare that after having im- ported and placed at the disposal of their growers varieties of potatoes noted for their large crops, they have seen them give excellent results the first year, fall away the second year, and give results even lower than the native potatoes in the third year. This is indeed true but it is by no means inexplicable ; the de- generation which one sees in this circumstance, does not result from a natural weakening of the variety; it simply results from the entire lack of care with which the plants to be perpetuated are chosen. All the good tubers are sold to the market, and it is from the inferior, discarded tubers that has been demanded a continuation of qualities which they cannot give. I have demonstrated prac- tically, and have established the fact that if suitable tubers are selected for planting and the cultivation accomplished with the needed care, the quality and quantity of the crop will be maintained under all satisfactory climatic conditions." Since such degeneration as is commonly noticed can be readily explained without resorting to any hypothesis of "variety senility," this division of the subject is still to be discussed. *It also may be that there is a natural selection of more virile strains of funei. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 413 BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE It has long been believed by a number of investigators that a conjunction of paternal and maternal nuclei is necessary for the "rejuvenescence of vigor" in the species. Life has been considered to be a cycle, running from conjugation to conjugation through a greater or less number of generations. This was considered by many to be definitely proved when Maupas (72, 73) showed that colonies of Infusorians, when artifically prevented from conjugat- ing, invariably died out although often several hundred generations intervened. Later experiments along the same line by Calkins, however, have shown that a change in diet and the stimulus of a supply of chemical salts appear to be all that is necessary for con- tinued propagation of Infusorians without conjugation. An addi- tion of an extract of sheeps brains, was all that was necessary to restore his colonies to full vigor after the 62Oth generation. The classical experiments of Tichomiroff and Loeb have shown that artificial parthenogenesis may be induced by both mechanical and chemical stimuli; while Boveri and Delage have developed even non-nucleated ovum fragments to the larval stage. As one re- sult of these facts, we must conclude that fertilization produces two results : a. A combination of hereditary qualities ; b. A physiolog- ical stimulus to growth. But since other stimuli are found to pro- duce cell division, it is hardly reasonable that highly specialized sexual processes should have been developed with the second result as their primary objects. Indeed Weismann (105 v. i p. 343) has concluded that the sole immediate effect of conjugation is "the com- bination of the hereditary tendencies of two individuals into one." It appears that we have no data among wild plants from which we are compelled to conclude that continuous bud propagation is opposed to any natural law. Vines* writing of the Basidiomycetes says "These fungi are not only entirely asexual but it would appear that they have been evolved in a purely asexual manner from asex- ual ascomycetous or aecidiomycetous ancestors. The basidiomycetes, in fact, afford an example of a vast family of plants of the most varied forms and habits, including hundreds of genera and species, in which, so far as minute and long continued investigations have shown, there is not and probably never has been, any trace of a sex- ual process." Late cytological investigations have shown sexual processes, or at least nuclear fusions similar to those of the higher plants and *Vifles, Nature 11: p. 625, quoted by Reid: Principles of Heredity. 414 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, animals, in some of these fungi; but there are other species, and among animals, some species of crustaceans, which reproduce ex- clusively by parthenogenesis. Some of the fungi are thought to have vestiges of degenerate sexual organs, and in the Crustaceans it can be demonstrated (105) that they once reproduced sexually, by their possession of the sac which once served for receiving the spermatozoa. It is extremely improbable that a process neces- sary or even advantageous to the continuance of any species could have been allowed to degenerate under the operation of natural se- lection. In higher plants we have numerous examples where either no seed is produced or where seed propagation is seldom resorted to and yet we hear no serious charges of degeneration. Among them may be given the banana, hops, strawberry, sugar cane and many of the grasses. There are also 1 certain parthenogenetic plants, such as the dandelion, that are certainly in no danger of dying out from their method of seed production. The fact of degeneration in potatoes seems to have been ex- plained as variety senility due to bud propagation, as a convenient prop to various hypotheses as to the function of sex; and this con- clusion on theoretical grounds is decidedly unproved. EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE So far as I am able to learn the senility theory was first pro- pounded about 1806 by Knight (61) although he did not lay special stress on potatoes. His hypothesis was that all varieties propagated by buds (particularly fruits) have a most productive period when they are of middle age and then become "subject at no very distant period to the debilities and diseases of old age." Aitken (i) first applied the hypothesis to potatoes in 1837. He believed that although most fruits were produced from seed each year, a potato variety was a single plant propagated yearly through its tubers, and must grow old in the process. The first sign of this weakening of the variety, he says, is a lack of blossoms. In Germany, Berchtold (9) in 1842 accepted Aitken's view with limitations. He considered that disease, climate, soil, cultivation and other conditions were the important factors to be considered. Later Heine (53) of Emersleben, who was for ten years the chief German writer on potatoes, was very pronounced in his ac- ceptance of Aitken's theory, and was followed by many of his countrymen. He speaks continually of "the unalterable law of na- ture that only through sexual seed propagation is it possible to IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 4l^ keep potato varieties lastingly high in yield." It is exceedingly in- teresting to note, however, that Westermaeier (106) who suc- ceeded Heine in his work has finally come to the conclusions that in Heine's results the contributing factors were not differentiated from the real question, and that it seems to him that it is question- able whether there is any such thing as variety senility. The later conformers to Heine's views are Paulsen (43), Cim- bal and Marek. The first weighty objection to this theory was made by Julius Kiihn (64) in 1871. He says: "The theory of a degeneration of the potato is disproved as untenable" and continued for several years thereafter to combat Aitken's theory. Busch (15) continued the opposition and seems to be really the first to recognize the true question. He says : "A degeneration in the sense of an increasing deterioration through the weakness of old age,, does not exist." His views were endorsed and enlarged upon by Wollny (108), Liebscher (66), Girard (45), Thiele (96) and Fischer (33) who have all considered the question apart from that of degeneration through lack of adaptation to environment. Ehrenberg (29) in 1904 makes a complete survey of data of Heine, of the deutschen Kartoffelkultursta'tion, and of Paulsen, the first and last of these running from 1877 to 1903. He discusses all the contributing sources of error and comes to the conclusion that "Kin Altern der Kartoffel gibt as aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht." And indeed, it appears that the people who have considered this single question are unanimous in opposition to the hypothesis of variety senility. The English and American writers do not seem to have considered the questions apart, although Bailey (5 p. 380) and probably others have recognized the division. He says : "The presumption is that varieties propagated by buds wear out sooner than those propagated by seeds, for the experiments of Darwin and others have shown that the special office of seed propagation is to increase the virility of the species through cross fertilization. It must follow therefore, that in the ab- sence of cross fertilization virility must be less. "But we do not need to consider this phase of the question, for we are concerned with variation (that is, running out) rather than with ultimate longevity (or wearing out). Further, it is also probable that any tendency toward weakness through lack of fertilization is fully counterbalanced by the protection which such varieties receive under cultivation." The work of the U. S. Agricultural Experiment Stations bear- ing the nearest relation to this question are those experiments deal- ing with cormparative value of home grown and northern seed tubers. There is a wide spread belief both in this country and in 416 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, England that northern grown seed is the superior, and should be obtained every two years or so because of degeneration. It is interesting to note that in experiments at six stations* in the early nineties, all show results slightly in favor of home grown varieties. It is probable that in these experiments more care was paid to seed, fertilizers and cultivation than is usual to growers, resulting well for home grown seed ; nevertheless, had the results been different, it would only have shown, either that 'the northern grown were better adapted to such climate or the soils there found, or that in coming from growers who made a commercial business of supplying seed tubers, they had been given better care in regard to selection and environmental conditions. Relying for our conclusions on the philosophical grounds and the practical work of the German and French investigators, it seems tenable that there is no variety senility and that we are warranted in excluding this from our calculations as to commercial methods of producing varieties adapted to certain conditions. The more serious practical question, is the manner in which outside pernicious influences are to be avoided. As methods of cultivation and seed selection are pretty well established and soil, plant food and climatic conditions can be determined and partially controlled in each local- ity, it seems to the writer that here again the matter of disease con- trol is the thing of primary importance. It is questionable, with- out disease resistance or comparatively certain disease control, if expensive work should be done to improve varieties in particular characters such as starch content, by selection of seedlings on the basis of a chemical analysis. For it is reasonably certain that we could not expect this improvement to be transmitted, if we were forced by loss of vigor due to disease attacks to return to sexual propagation. The latter, however, is a matter which we can say is yet unproved. ^Illinois, Vermont, Maryland, Georgia, Louisiana, and Missouri. ioo#.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 417 7. DISCONTINUOUS VARIATIONS MUTATIONS It has long been recognized that in potato varieties there some- times appear marked bud variations which when propagated are true to type. If we accept DeVries' idea of mutations, and if we believe that bud mutations are of practically the same nature as seed mutation ; then they may be either progressive, degressive or retro- gressive. Such variations which have been noticed have always been relatively wide ones, but it is not inconsistent with the theory to have mutations which are within the limit of fluctuating varia- tions. As the writer understands the question, these mutations may be either bud-mutations, which may not be propagated by seed ; or mutations affecting the gametic structure, which will always be in- herited unless new mutations intervene. Darwin (21) mentions three cases, one in which a single white eye in the purple variety Forty fold, became the "parent" of a white variety. In another case this same variety produced a whole white tuber which bred true. The third case was that of -the white Kemp potato which produced a red spot which was propagated and yielded a variety of much prominence, which was called Taylor's Forty-fold. In the United States there has been a number of vari- eties on the market for several years which have originated in this way. Among them are Thorburn's Late Rose, the White Victor and White Early Ohio. I should roughly estimate that less than 0.5 percent of our present varieties are from bud-mutation. The gen- eral belief is that these variations are confined to tuber color or pos- sibly to tuber color and shape. Wohltmann (43) has offered an ex- ception; a variation in flower color in the Leo variety although it was unknown whether the variety came from one or several seed- lings. It certainly seems that the variations are almost always con- fined to the tubers, but this should be expected as the tubers are the modified part. The probability is that color is the only character that is easily gauged, and that if accurate metnuus of estimating other characters were used, they too would be found to vary. The supposed rarity of these occurrences has made them of little com- mercial importance, but it is very possible that with strict search, they might be shown to occur much oftener than is expected. As stated before, data which I have collected appear to show that bud-mutations are usually and possibly always the loss of the dominant character of an allelomorphic pair, with the conse- quent appearance of the recessive character. This data will be pub- lished in a separate paper. 418 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 8. GRAFT-HYBRIDS We have in graft-hybrids another method in which there may be a possibility of an improvement of the potato. There is still a great deal of argument as to the authenticity of graft-hybrids which have been reported. The negative reasoning being chiefly theoretical, owing to their present inexplicability. Darwin (21) collected a large number of cases where asexual hybrids of the potato seem to have been made. He himself was fully convinced as to their authenticity although he recognized the fact that the scoffer might attribute them to bud variation induced by the graft. He argues that the variation was always between the parent forms. Daniel (19, 20) who has made by far the most extended study of grafts, says that, "While formerly it was considered that grafted scions lost none of their own characteristics and acquired no new ones from the stocks on which they were grafted, recent work indicates that this view must be modified." He states that hybrid- grafts can be fixed and propagated ; and mentions the Edouard Le- fort potato produced by vine graft of Majolin and Imperator and partaking of the character of each. He believes, however, that asexual hybridization is neither constant, regular nor very frequent. Biffen (n) grafted tubers with different characters, and while convinced of the authenticity of the phenomenon, he states that "Tubers in which two types are blended, never occur." In halving the tubers transverely, each portion was indistinguishable from one of its parents. Each half of the tuber showed all the characters of one parent and not certain dominant ones. The graft-hybrid was in this respect different from the seed hybrid. There is at present no cytological explanation of such a phe- nomenon, but from the apparent ease with which hybrid-grafts are made, or at least by which bud variations are caused through such stimulus, this seems to be a very interesting field for investigation. If in potato improvement we could in time learn to make a reason- able percentage of successful hybrids and the characters would blend, it might settle the quandary in which we are at present, in trying to get crosses with many of the excellent varieties which produce little or no viable pollen. On the other hand, if it finally proves that there is not a true hybrid formed, this method may still prove valu- able as a means of obtaining bud-mutations. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 419 9. QUALITY HISTORICAL In 1897 Coudon and Boussard (18) came to the conclusion on the ground of their tests with thirty-four varieties of potatoes that their culinary value is dependent upon the chemical composition, and that it varies directly as the nitrogen content and inversely as the starch content, that is culinary value = "^1"*!"- Potatoes with a high starch content were disintegrated by boiling, and pota- toes with a high nitrogen content resistant. Their analyses were made of four physical divisions of the po- tato as shown in figures. These parts they designated, from out- side to inside, as skin, cortical layer, outer medullary layer and in- ner medullary. FIG. 5. ZONES OF THE POTATO. (AFTER COUDON AND BOUSSARD.) a. Cortical layer. b. External medullary layer. c. Internal medullary layer. The outer skin is the colored portion and may be completely separated from the part underneath. The cortical or fibre-vascular layer lies next and is easily distinguished by the separating line of vascular bundles. In the interior the inner medullary layer appears 420 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, like an undeveloped stem branching out toward the eyes. The re- sults of their analyses of these parts, calculated to the fresh basis are: COMPOSITION OF THE DIFFERENT ZONES OF THE POTATO TUBER Variety. Zone. Water. Starch. Total nitrogenous matter.* Cortical 72 74 21.14 1 91 Bleue geante. Out. med In. med 74.33 81 72 19.78 12.30 1.88 2.14 72.92 22.45 1.84 Czarine. 78.87 15.64 2.17 In. med 84 48 10.50 2.17 Saucisse. Cortical-f Epidermis Out. med 78.72 79 12 14.38 13 47 2.22 2.39 In. med. . . . 80 73 12.31 2.62 The water and nitrogen contents increase as we go from the outer to the inner zones, while the starch content decreases. It is also interesting that the percent of proteid nitrogen to the total ni- trogen decreases in the inner zones; the former being 68.7 percent in the cortical layer, 56.0 percent in the outer medullary layer and 47.3 percent in the inner medullary layer. This work was believed to give a chemical basis for the selection for planting, of tubers which were of better table quality. It should be noted, however, that the standard for table quality in France is decidedly different from that in the United States. The accepted method of cooking there is frying in deep fat, for which a potato which holds its form is desired ; while in this country probably nine- tenths of the consumption is of boiled potatoes, which are desired dry and mealy. Potatoes imported from Vilmorin, which I have examiner! , r>^r1v all possessed a yellow flesh, a strong flavor, and were firm and soggy after boiling. Shortly after the appearance of this work, Frisby and Bryant (38) reported separations and analyses of these different zones in the American variety "White Star," without separating the outer and inner medullary layers, and found the following composition : Zone Water percent Proteid N. Total N. N. free extract Cortical layer 83.2 .24 .36 12.6 Outer and inner Med 81.1 .18 .32 15.7 *Probably total Nx6.25 although it is not stated. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 421 These results are in direct opposition to Condon's and Bous- sard's as to nitrogen and starch but the discrepancy may have been due to the different methods of determination. Nitrogen free ex- tract gives total carbohydrates minus crude fibre, at all times, while a direct starch determination is very different when made in the fall from one made in the spring when large quantities of starch have been changed to sugar. In 1901 Waterstradt and Willner (104) reported extended investigations on the same subject. Their results are more appli- cable to American conditions for the reason of similarity of stand- ard of quality in Germany and America. Nine varieties were used, each of which was grown on two separate fields. Of these varie- ties, three were recognized to be of good table quality, three were coarse starch producing varieties and three were on the border line between the two. I give here the average composition only of the first and second classes : Place grown. Class. Zone. Fresh basis. Dry basis. Dry Tot. N. Starch. Dry Tot. N. Starch. mat. mat. Eating Cor .... 24.3 0.336 18.17 100. 1.34 75.03 var. Med.. . 19.8 0.363 14.74 100. 1 85 74.50 Berlin Exp. Field. Coarse starch Cor .... Med. .. 26.9 23.1 0.359 0.355 20.61 17.76 100. 100. 1 34 1 55 75.68 76.87 var. Eating- Cor 27.3 0.365 100. 1.35 var. Med. . 24.1 0.391 100 1 56 Marien Field. Coarse starch Cor Med. .. 30.6 27.3 0.354 0.383 100. 100. 1.17 1.42 var. This table shows that potatoes of better table quality are markedly lower in starch than the others, as was to be expected from the German classification. The dry matter in the cortical layer is regularly higher than in the medullary layers, as is the starch content when calculated to the fresh basis. When calculated to the water free basis, however, the starch variations are slight. The total nitrogen variations corroborated the results of Coudon and Boussard. 422 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, In order to find the proportion of cortical layer and inner medul- lary layers, the authors cut the potatoes in half through the long diameter, marked the line of demarcation of the two layers on paper and weighed the corresponding slips.* The average of all of the good eating varieties in proportion of cortical layer to inner medullary layers was 100:121.5, while the proportion in the coarse varieties was 100:140.4. The actual cooking tests bore out their opinion of the relative cooking value of the varieties as expressed in their classification, and they concluded that chemical composition could not be used as a basis of selection for cooking value. In 1905 Gilmore (44) published an excellent paper in which he tentatively concluded that the culinary value of the potato depended not so much upon its chemical composition as upon its anatomical and perhaps its physiological structure. EXPERIMENTAL COMPOSITION OF DIFFERENT PARTS The first object in this work was to see if American varieties and especially if within a variety, the table quality is dependent upon the total nitrogen content. The two varieties Rural New Yorker No. 2 and Carman No. 3 were selected as being representative popular varieties. Careful mechanical separations of the different zones were made in five in- dividual potatoes of each variety, after the manner of Condon and Boussard. Dry matter was determined at 104 degrees C in a cur- rent of hydrogen, and total nitrogen was determined by the regular Kjeldahl method, as were all similar determinations here reported. The averages of the results of each variety are shown in the fol- lowing table : TABLE 3. COMPOSITION OF PARTS OF THE POTATO Variety. Zone. Dry matter, percent. Tot. N. fr. bas., percent. Tot. N. dry bas., percent. Rural Cortical 20 95 0.46 2.20 N. Y. No. 2. Outer med .... Inner med 18.46 14.04 0.47 0.45 2.56 3.23 Cortical 22 20 0.49 2.23 Carman No. 3. Outer med. . . . Inner med .... 19.41 14.92 0.51 0.52 2.63 3.49 *This method does not show the correct relation. If the potatoes were considered as sper- ical, the relation would be (whole dia meter) 3 -(medullary diameter) 3 : (medullary diameter 3 ). IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 423 The content of dry matter is quite variable and regularly de- creases from the outside to the inside of the three zones. The total nitrogen content is only slightly variable in the three zones, though showing a regular increase to the inner medullary layer, when calculated to the dry basis, owing to the variability of the water content. Ash determinations made on ten samples varied little from 0.90 percent on the fresh basis, showing that carbohydrates, estimated by difference, are higher in the cortical layer, and quite low in the inner medullary layer. From this we may conclude that there is a difference in time of cooking in the different zones of the potato, and that the glistening appearance of the cortical layer after boiling would be accounted for by its larger starch content breaking open the cell walls. SAMPLING Since there is such a difference in the composition of these dif- ferent zones, it is extremely difficult to obtain a correct sample of the tubers for analyses without spoiling them for cooking tests or for planting. A number of methods were tried, the one giving the most satisfactory results being that of a cylinder cut with a twelve mm. cork borer, parallel to the long diameter, but a little to the side. This takes in only a portion of the inner medullary layer and compares well with the composition of the whole potato. The greatest difference in five determinations of total nitrogen on indi- vidual tubers was 0.04 percent calculated to the fresh basis. TABLE 4. VARIATIONS IN SAMPUNG Potato No. Total N. per cent in cylinder. Total N. in whole tubers. 1 2 3 4 5 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.42 0.46 0.34 0.41 0.50 0.43 0.44 This method has been used in all subsequent determinations when tubers were to be used for cooking tests for planting. RELATIONS OF TOTAL NITROGEN CONTENT AND QUALITY To ascertain the relation of total nitrogen content to quality, a number of tubers of the Rural New Yorker No. 2 variety in which 424 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, total nitrogen and dry matter had been determined, were tested by boiling. Corks were tied in the holes, whence the sample for analy- sis had been taken. City water from artesian wells, containing a considerable amount of salts, was used, but no sodium chlorid was added. On account of the amount of work necessary to secure samples with a sufficient variation in nitrogen content, only ten of each kind were used. So small a number makes the probable error large, especially as no method of judging the quality has been de- vised except an arbitrary personal judgment. The flavor and the table quality aside from flavor were judged, dividing the array into five different classes.* Their selection for high nitrogen content did not seem to affect the average of the two classes in weight or dry matter to any consid- erable extent, as is shown below : TABLE 5. QUALITY OF HIGH NITROGEN POTATOES AVERAGES: WT. 2o6g. PERCENT DRY MATTER 21.09. PERCENT N. DRY BASIS 2.27 Potatoes used. Average total N. content. Quality and appearance. Flavor. good. fair. med. poor. very p. good. fair. med. poor. very p. 10 0.48 1 5 2 1 1 3 5 2 TABLE 6. QUALITY OF Low NITROGEN POTATOES AVERAGES : WT. 2i8g. PERCENT DRY MATTER 21.99. PERCENT N. DRY BASIS 1.62 Potatoes used. Average total N. content. Quality and appearance. Flavor good. fair. med. poor. very p. good. fair. med. poor. very p. 10 0.36 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 4 2 The tables indicate that variation in nitrogen content does not have a noticeable effect on quality, although there is a slight indi- cation that extremely high nitrogen might make the flavor more pronounced. High nitrogen potatoes can therefore be propagated without correlation adverse to quality, weight or dry matter. *It should be noticed that in these tests by arbitrary standard only the results of any one experiment should be compared with each other, for it is impossible to keep in mind an arbi- trary standard from week to week to compare separate tests. The tubers in every case were known by numbers only. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 425 RELATIONS OF DRY MATTER AND QUALITY In the same manner as above, selections of potatoes of different dry matter content were tested. As far as was possible tubers of relatively the same weight were used, in order to have the same time of cooking. Otherwise the selection was entirely by dry matter: TABLE 7. QUALITY AS RELATED TO DRY MATTER Potatoes used. Dry matter. Average total N. fresh b. Average wt. Quality other than flavor. Flavor. f. m. P- v. p. 8- f. m. P- v. p. 16-17% 8 Aver. 0.40 219 1 3 4 2 6 -- , ...". 16.50 17-18% 10 Aver. 0.42 232 2 3 3 2 1 6 3 17.56 19-20% 10 Aver. 0.45 228 2 4 4 1 3 4 2 ' ' ' ,' 19.62 21-22% 10 Aver. 0.44 204 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 21.65 23-24% 10 Aver. 0.44 220 2 4 4 1 4 5 23.44 25-28% 8 Aver. 0.38 208 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 26.09 This table shows that there is a lower limit in amount of dry matter or more probably of carbohydrates, below which tubers can- not be of good quality. In this variety it is about 18 percent dry matter or probably about 15 percent starch. When the dry matter is above this lower limit, the quality does not seem to be directly affected. It may be that this lower limit is different in different varieties, and that owing to the general low dry matter of these samples the standard of quality was put too low. However some excellent potatoes were found with a total dry mat- ter as low as 19 percent. Waterstradt and Willner showed that in certain German varie- ties those tubers with very high starch content were of coarse qual- 426 BULLETIN NO. [August. ity. We found no potatoes nearly up to this limit, but from general experience we should conclude that potatoes with a starch content above a certain limit would easily fall to pieces, or if the cell walls were strong enough to hold together under such pressure, they must necessarily be coarse and woody. PHYSICAL STRUCTURE AND QUALITY The writer was led first by Coudon's and Boussard's work to believe that the physical structure held some relation to the table quality. Microscopical examination of the structure of the potato bears out the chemical analyses of the different zones. FIG. 6. a. OUTER SECTION OF CORTICAL LAYER, b. INNER SECTION OF CORTICAL. LAYER. (Figures 6 and 7 from the same tuber.) The corticaL layer (figure 6), below the first few layers of cells which are removed with the skin, shows a remarkably larger amount of starch in the cells, than does the internal medullary layer (figure 7). The starch content of the external medullary layer is also greater than that of the internal. The grains of starch in the cortical and external medullary layers besides existing in greater numbers per cell, are generally of larger average size. The paucity of starch in the internal medullary layer causes the cells to be only partially filled with the cooked starch and the cell walls are scarcely ever ruptured. In the cortical layer, on the other hand, the amount of starch is such that in the swelling due to cooking, the cells are filled completely and many of them ruptured, causing the mealy appearance so much desired by tfae consumer. IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO FIG. 7. a. SECTION NEAR THE VASCULAR BUNDLES SHOWING PORTION OF EXTERNAL MEDULLARY LAYER, b. SECTION OF INTERAL MEDULLARY LAYER. It is quite evident then that potatoes having as far as possible a homogeneous flesh and containing as large an amount as possible of cortical and outer medullary layers in proportion to inner medul- lary layer, should be of the finest quality. f This has been shown to be a fact in experiments with fifteen American varieties even though cooked after having been split* in half, which is manifestly a disadvantage. FIG. 8. CROSS SECTIONS OF POTATO CF GOOD QUALITY. LARGE CORTICAL AND EXTER- NAL MEDULLARY LAYERS, AND SMALL OR FINELY DIVIDED INTERNAL MEDULLARY LAYER. *In a number of these tests the halvs of the potatoes were fastened together again before cooking, in order to make the test as near as possible like ordinary practice. The judgment of the quality was made by two different persons. The tubers were known only by number. 428 BULLETIN No. 127. [August. TABLE 8. PHYSICAL SELECTION OF POTATOES FOR TABLE QUALITY Variety. Selected physically for quality. No. tubers used. No. tubers yood qual. No. tubers med. qual. No. tubers poor qual. K. Six Weeks good 10 8 2 E. Ohio poor good 10 10 1 10 3 6 Houlton Rose poor good 10 10 2 9 3 1 5 Irish Cobbler poor good 10 10 10 2 8 Minister poor good 10 10 3 7 2 3 5 Carman No. 3 poor good 10 20 2 16 3 3 5 1 Rural N. Y. No. 2... Green Mountain poor good poor good 20 20 20 20 4 16 5 16 5 4 5 2 11 10 2 State of Maine poor good 20 10 3 12 7 8 10 Gem of Aroostock. . . poor good poor 10 10 10 2 8 10 10 10 8 2 10 From fifty to one hundred tubers were used in making each of these selections, all of which were grown on the same type of soil, (a light sandy loam), in a single acre plot. In making selections it was very noticeable that there was a great varietal difference in quality. As the table shows, in some varieties it was very easy to se- lect tubers of good cooking quality, while in other varieties no sharp distinctions could be made. In Rust Proof, Ionia seedling, Twen- tieth Century, Gold Coin and Early Manistee no potato of good quality could be found although there were a number classed as medium. This is perhaps due to the fact that this was the first year any of the stock had been grown in Connecticut and they may not have been adapted to the particular kind of soil on which they were rrrown. I have learned that all of these varieties except Rust Proof sometimes are of fair quality in other places. It seems evident from Table 8, that this anatomical difference is a varietal character, the difference between varieties being very great. The difference in quality within the variety, however, with as similar environmental conditions as it was possible to give, is almost as great as the difference between varieties. IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 429 Unfortunately this method cannot be used in selecting potatoes for the table, on account of the necessity of their cutting. Whether the extreme variations toward homogeneous structure are correl- ated with quality to a sufficient degree to be used as a means of im- proving varieties in quality; or whether fluctuations due to slight environmental differences impossible to control, obscure the herit- able variations, is now being investigated. There still remains the possible explanation that the other factors influencing quality are the causes of the great varietal differences, although our work in- dicates that this is not probable. We hope that it will be possible to use the method in determining the rejection of seedlings after a cross. The tubers from the different first year plants should be kept in different bags and at planting time selections made of those tubers having a large cortical layer and a small internal medullary layer branched in fine divisions, the idea being to have the in- ternal structure of the potato as homogeneous as possible. FIG. 9. CROSS SECTIONS OF POTATO OF POOR QUALITY. SMALL CORTICAL LAYER AND LARGE THICK INTERNAL MEDULLARY LAYER. OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING QUALITY i. Color of skin. Potatoes from seedlings of a single cross varying in color of skin to white, light brown, pink and red did not show any greater variation in quality than did those of a single color. Hence it may be concluded that color is not correlated with 430 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, quality. We found varieties of all colors .. except the purple types which were ol good quality. No purple skinned potatoes were available which were of a size that indicated maturity and this might account for the fact that they were of a poorer quality. 2. Nature of skin. Those varieties which have a netted skin were found to be generally smooth-skinned when immature. A corky appearance indicated both maturity and a better keeping quality. In some cases one end of the tuber had a corky netted skin while the other end was smooth; these were generally different in internal structure, indicating some obstruction to perfect develop- ment. Very rough-skinned varieties as Russet and Scabproof were in general less susceptible to infection with potato scab, but were neither of better quality nor of higher starch content than other varieties grown under the same conditions ; which is in opposition to the conclusions of Krzymowski (63). Lenticels were found to be present in all sizes of potatoes and were well developed in individuals of most varieties. A develop- ment of strong healthy lenticels indicates maturity in the tuber al- though a number of writers have pointed out that possibly scab in- oculation takes place in them. 3. Color of -flesh. White fleshed tubers are the only ones at present accepted in the American markets and it may be that yel- low flesh is correlated with a strong flavor and a poor quality by our standard. A number of varieties with a yellow flesh im- ported from France and considered by the French to be of prime quality were tested and were gummy and hard after boiling. These varieties are considered of good quality for frying and for use in salads. 4. Shape. Round potatoes as Noroton Beauty, and oblong round potatoes as Early Ohio have both been found to be of excel- lent table quality, but the general popularity and prime quality of the round flat (as Irish Cobbler) and short-oval-flat types (as in Carman's productions), seem to support Fischer's view that po- tatoes of these types are better. The greater possible percentage of cortical layer in these types seems to be sufficient reason for the conclusion, but there is a further argument in the fact that salad potatoes are usually small round types, or long slender types as the Lady Finger. 5. Depth and frequency of eyes. Great depth of eyes will be avoided because of the waste in peeling. A number of writers have also stated that extremely deep eyes tend toward coarseness of the variety, and indeed this seems to be the case. The vital- 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 431 ity of the sprout produced varies directly as the size and depth of the eyes, which is worthy of note in selection, otherwise types might be bred with eyes too shallow. The number of eyes has a marked effect on the quality, due to the fact that the internal medullary extends a branch to each eye. This makes the quality, other things being equal, vary inversely with the number of eyes. This variation within the variety is very great, varying in a count of 219 tubers of Rural N'ew Yorker No. 2 from 7 to 28. In 1902, in the course of this work, 189 tubers of the variety Rural New Yorker No. 2 had been analyzed and a large number having been cooked were found to be of very good quality al- though the average dry matter content was only 20.74 percent. The modes for eyes in this lot was 12. TABLE 9. VARIATIONS IN NUMBER OF EYES IN RURAL NEW YORKER No. 2, 1902 No. of eyes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Frequencies 3 4 9 15 21 32 15 20 13 19 12 13 6 4 2 1 In 1903, 219 tubers of the Early Ohio variety were used, and were found to be of much poorer quality than those used in 1902, though of similar size and of pleasing appearance. The average dry matter content was only 16.15 percent or 4.59 percent lower than the others. The mode for the number of eyes zvas here 15 as compared to 12 in the better variety. TABLE 10. VARIATIONS IN THE NUMBER OF EYES IN EARLY OHIO, 1903 No. of eyes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Frequencies 142 6 21 21 25 36 37 17 12 15 7 11 2 2 6. Type of soil. It is well known that the physical type of soil best suited for the growth of potatoes is a light sandy loam. These investigations from 1902-1904 were carried on in the black heavy loam characteristic of the corn belt of the central west and in 1905-1906 on a light sandy loam in Connecticut. No stock from the same strain was available for test, and as the influence due to climate and soil is unknown, we have scarcely a warrant to make comparisons. Published analyses, however, show a higher percent of dry matter in potatoes grown on the light sandy loam ? and the quality of tested tubers from the same variety 432 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, though not from the same stock, was perceptibly better on this type of soil. In a test of Early Ohio potatoes on the heavy loam soil, planting* to a depth of five inches gave potatoes of a much better quality than potatoes which were planted to a depth of three inches. The same was true of Carman No. 3 planted on a light sandy soil, but potatoes planted three inches deep and ridged at the last cultivation were of poorer quality than those unridged. This coincides with Gilmore's extensive work where he found that about five inches depth showed a more uniform temperature dur- ing the season than did other depths. 7. Season and climate. Season and climate are undoubtedly factors in determining quality, though whether they have an in- fluence beyond that of giving the plant greater or less chance for producing healthy, mature tubers, it is impossible to say. As po- tatoes are known to have a very great range of altitude and lati- tude when conditions of soil are right, we are inclined to think that the latter is the only influence. 8. Influence of fertilizers. The influence of fertilizers seems to be primarily if not solely due to their aid in producing a normal development of tubers. That is, the fertilizer applied must correct abnormality by furnishing an element of fertility which is lacking in the soil. An application of ordinary quantities of an essential element which is already present in the soil in amounts necessary to a normally fertile soil, probably has no marked effect either upon the crop or its quality. Some writers have maintained that the use of potassium sul- fate gives potatoes of better quality than are produced with the use of potassium chlorid, but this conclusion is opposed by other experiments. There is probably no ill effect from the use of or- dinary amounts (100 to 500 lb.*) of potassium chlorid, even if excessive use of chlorids is detrimental. The following table shows the general effect of fertilizers upon quality. In an experiment planned primarily an soil fertility, sodium nitrate was sown at the rate of 250 lb. to the acre over the whole plot and potassium and phosphorus supplied as shown in the table. The numbers here shown are the estimates of qual- ity of all of the tubers produced by all of the plants of one row running across all the plots. The variety used was Green Moun- tain. The land was very poor in fertility although in excellent *Potatoes of excellent quality have been tested, which were grown with this rate of potas sium chlorid but no comparisons were made with like amounts ot potassium sulfate. 1908.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 433 physical condition for growing potatoes. It was known, however, that it was not nearly so deficient in phosphorus as in potassium. As is seen, the quality grew markedly better where the potassium chlorid was supplied at the rate of 300 Ib. per acre, but apparently very little difference was made by doubling the applications of phosphorus. TABLE n. INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZERS ON QUALITY Plot No. Fertilizers applied per acre. No. tubers pro- duced. No. of tubers of each of these qualities. Good. Fair. Me- dium. Poor. Very poor. 1 Nothing-. 81 5 17 25 34 Potassium chlorid 2 150 IDS., 125 1 10 33 56 25 Bone meal 200 Ibs. Potassium chlorid 3 300 Ibs., 121 1 12 42 40 26 Bone meal 100 Ibs. Potassium chlorid 4 300 Ibs., 148 3 14 56 45 30 Bone meal 200 Ibs. Potassium chlorid 5 300 Ibs., 135 3 19 56 37 20 Bone meal 400 Ibs. The explanation of this fact is apparent, I think, in the next table, which shows the number of tubers produced of different classes of 30 grams each. There was simply a more nearly normal development of the tubers in the last three plots, due to the avail- ability of more potassium. 434 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, CO CO 00 190$.' IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 435 9. Degree of maturity. In 1902, a number of potatoes of Rural New Yorker No. 2 variety, of different degrees of maturity, were analyzed. The determinations showed that the greater part of the total nitrogen is developed early in the growth of the tuber, while the starch is stored up later. A microscopical examination showed that the starch grains in the cells of the immature tubers are small in size and few in number. Starch grains in the cortical and outer medullary layers of mature tubers averaged about 75 /*. and were found as large as 105 /*. ; while in immature tubers of less than an ounce in weight, the starch grains averaged only 2 5 f" ' i i , TABLE 13. COMPOSITION OF TUBERS OF DIFFERENT DEGREES OF MATURITY AVERAGES OF A NUMBER OF TUBERS *Degree of maturity. Dry matter, percent. Protein fresh basis, percent. Protein dry basis, percent. Very immature. 8 01 1 22 15 23 Immature . . 11 15 1 66 14 93 Kairly mature. . . . 16 70 2 15 12 85 Mature 21 20 1 3 6 9~ 372. 1900. 35. FISCHER, M., Anbau und Vererbungsversuche mit Kartof- feln. Fiihling's Landw. Ztg. 50:331,361-367. 1901. 36. FRANZ, H., Die Kartoffel als Saatgut. 1-169. Ber - l8 7 8 - 37. FRASER, SAMUEL, The potato. 1-185. N. Y. 1906. 38. FRISBY, A. J., and BRYANT, A. P., The composition of dif- ferent parts of the potato and the loss of nutrients during the process of boiling. U. S. Dept. Agr. Office Expt. Sta. 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GIRARD, A., Sur la migration de la fecule de pomme de terre dans les tubercles a repousses. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris.) 116:1148-1157. 1893. 48. GIRARD, A., Nouvelles recherches au sujet de 1'influence at- tribuee a la richesse en fecule des plants de pomme de terre sur 1'abondance et la richesse des recoltes. Ann. Sci. Agron. Ser. 2. 2:pt.l, 440-45 2 - 1896. 49. GoFF, E. S., The influence of heredity upon vigor in the potato. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 1887:85. 50. GoFF, E. S:, The influence of heredity upon vigor in the potato Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 1899:304-308. 51. HALSTEAD, B. D., Potato flowers and fruit. Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. Ninth meeting. 1888:33-34. 52. HAYS, W. M., Plant Breeding. U. S. Dept. Agr. Veg. Phy. Bull. 29:1-72. 1901. 53. HEINE, F., Annual reorts. Zts. f. Spirit. Ind. 1884-1891. 54. HEUvRiEGEL, H., Contributions. 1883:101. 55. HEUvRiEGEiv, H., Grundlagen des Ackerbaus. i :796. Braun- schweig. 1883. 56. HESS, W., Hannover. Landw. Forshw. Ztg. 42 :Nr.33. 57. HOFFMAN, M., Vegetations- und Vererbungsversuche mit Kartoffeln. Illus. Landw. Ztg. i9O2:no. 61. /pod?.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 453 58. JOHANNSEN, W., Sur la variabilite de l'age considered au point de vue special de la relation du poids des grains a leur teneur en matieres azotiques. Compt. Rend. Lab. Carlsberg. 4:122-192. 1899. 58a. JOHANNSEN, W., Veber Erblichkeit in Populationen und in reinen Linien. Jena. Fischer, 1903. 58b. JOHANNSEN, W., Does hybridization increase fluctuating variability? Report. Third. Inter. Con. on Genetics. 98- 113. Lon. Spottiswoode. 1907. 59. JONES, L. R., Disease resistance in potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 87:1-39. 1905. 60. KNIGHT, T. A., On the inverted action of the alburnous ves- sels of trees. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 1806:293-304. 61. KNIGHT, T. A., Physiological and horticultural papers, i- 379. Lond. 1841. 62. KRZYMOWSKI, R., Uber eine unbewusste Selection der er- tragreichsten Kartoffelhorste und der ertragreichsten Exem- plare anderer Kulturwachse. Fiihling's Landw. Ztg. 1905 : 825. 63. KRZYMOWSKI, R., Rauhschauligkeit und Starkegehalt der Kartoffeln. Jour. Landw. 54:57-64. 1906. 64. KUHN, JULIUS, Berichte uber Kartoffelbauversuche. New ed. Ber. Phy. Lab. Halle. Pt. i, 1880. 65. LABERGERIE, J., Le solanum commersoni et ses variations. Ann. Sci. Agron. Ser. 2. 10:57-139. 1905. 66. LIEBSCHER, G., Kritische Besprechung der jetzt Methoden der Kartoffelzuchtung. Jahrb. Deut. Landw. Gesell. 9:303- 318. 1894. 67. LIEBSCHER, G., Principles and methods of plant breeding. Exp. Sta. Rec. 7:347-360. 1895. 68. MAKENZIE, SIR G., Remarks on the Potato. Gard. Chron. 1845 79- 69. MAREK, E., Die Verbesserung der Kartoffelsorten durch Auswahlstarkereicher Mutterknollen. Fiihling's Landw. Ztg. 41 :i64-i7i, 209-214. 1892. 70. MARTINET, G., Reports. Annuaire Agr. Suisse. 1900. 71. MARTINET, G., Reports. Annuaire Agr. Suisse. 1905. Seperatabdr. p. 12. 72. MAUPAS, M., Recherches experimentales sur la multiplica- tion des infusoires cilies. Arch. Zool. Exp. Ser. 2. 6: 1888. 73. MAUPAS, M., Le rejeunissement karyogamique chez les cilies. Arch. Zool. Exp. Ser. 2. 7:1889. 454 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 74. MAW, S., Results of experiments on the potato crop. Proc. Roy. Agr. Soc. 1867:552-570. 75. MULLER, HERMANN, trans. THOMPSON, D'ARCY, W., The fertilization of flowers. 1-669. Lond. 1883. 76. OSTERSPEY (See No. 43, V. 3) Vierteljahrschr. D. bayr. Landwirtschaftsrates. 1903:1. 77. PAGNOUL, A., Le developpement et la composition de la pomme de terre. Ann. Sci. Agron. i :237-249 1892. 78. PARISOT, P., Selection of seed potatoes. Jour. Agr. Prat. N. ser. 9:174-176. 1905. 79. PAULSEN, O., (See No. 29,) Deut. Landw. Presse. 1899: Nr. 29. 80. PEARSON, K., Grammar of Science. Ed. 2. 1-548. Lond. 1900. 81. PETERMANN, A., fitudes sur la pomme de terre. Essais de nouvelles varietes : composition et valeur culinaire. Ann. Sci. Agron. Ser. 2. 7:Pt. 2, 197-210. 1901. 82. PLUMB, C. S., Experiments in growing potatoes. Tenn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 3 :No. i, 2-23. 1890. 83. PRUNET, A., Recherches physiologiques sur les tubercules de la pomme de terre. Rev. Gen. Bot. 5 149-64.. 1893. 84. REMY, TH., Der Einfluss von Form, Grosse und Starkege- halt der Saatkartoffeln auf den Ertrag. Bl. Gersten, Hopfen u. Kartoffelbau. 2 71-75. 1900. 85. REMY, TH., Sind die innerhalb der Sorten auftretenden Schwankungen im Starkegehalt der Kartoffelbau erblich? Bl. Gersten, Hopfen u. Kartoffelbau. 3-121-136. 1901. 86. ROZE, ERNEST, Histoire de la pomme de terre traitee aux points de vue historique, cultural et utilitaire. 1-464. Par. 1898. 87. SANDERS, T. W., Book of the potato. 1-368. Lond. 1905. 88. SCARLETT, T. A., Potatoes. Paper read at Oct., 1904, meet- ing Scot. Hort. Soc. 1-16. 1905. 89. VON SEELHORST, C., Einfluss der Grosse der Mutterhorste der Kartoffeln auf der grosse der Ernte. Jour. Landw. 48: 97-103. 1900. 90. VON SEELHORST, C., mit Frolich, G. Einfluss des Ertrages der Mutterhorste auf die Hohe der Kartoffelernte. Jour. Landw. 48:317-324. 1900. 91. VON SEELHORST, C., mit Freckmann, C. Die Vererbung der Kartoffeln. Jour. Landw. 52:151-162. 1904. JQ08.] IMPROVEMENT OF THE POTATO. 455 91 a. SEMPOivOWSKi, A., Increasing the harvest by selecting seed potatoes. Deut. Landw. Presse. 22:21. 1895. 92. STUART, WM., Disease-resistant potatoes. Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 115:135-140. 1905. 93. STUART, WM., Disease resistance of potatoes. Vt. Agr, Exp. Sta. Bull. 122:107-136. 1906. 94. SUTTON, A. W., Potatoes ancient and modern. Jour. Hort. 1895:405-416. 95. SUTTON, A. W., The potato. Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. Eng- land. Ser. 3. 9:581-653. 1898. 96. TmELE, P., Uber der Kartoffel als saatgut. Illus. Landw. Ztg. 1897:616. 97. THORNE, C. E., Essentials of successful field experimenta- tion. U. S. Dept. Agri. Office Exp. Sta. Farmers' Institute lecture. No. 6. 1-24. 1905. 98. TUCKERMANN, R., The degeneration of potato varieties. Mitt. Landw. Inst. Breslau. 3 :No. i, 1-92. 1904. 99. VERNON, H. M., Variations in animals and plants. 1-415. Lond. 1903. 100. VOCHTING, H., tiber Transplantationen an Pflanzenkorper. Tubingen. 1892. 101. VOCHTING, H., Zur Physiologic der Knollengewachse. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. (Pringsheim) 34:1-148. 1899. 1 02. WARREN, E., An observation on inheritance in parthenogen- esis. Proc. Roy. Soc. 65:154-158. 1899. 103. WARREN, E., Variation and inheritance in the parthenogen- etic generations of the Aphis "Hyalopterus triphodus." (Walker) Biom. i :i29-254. 1902. 104. WATERSTRADT, P., und WIU.NER, M., Die chemische Zus- ammensetzung und der anatomische Aufbau in ihrer Bezie- hung zum Kartoffelknolle. Bl. Gersten, Hopfen u. Kartoffel- bau. 3: 2 93-35- 1 9 OI > 105. WEISMANN, AUGUST, trans. THOMSON, J. A., The evolu- tion theory. 2v. Lond. 1904. 106. WESTERMEIER, N., Versuche uber die angemessene Pflanz- weite bei Kartpffeln. Puhling's Landw. Ztg. 49:1897. Also Zts. f. Spirit. Ind. Ann. Rpt. 1898. 107. WOHI/TMANN, P., Uber Kartoffel Ziichtung. Illus. landw. Ztg. 1 897 :Nr. 34-36. 108. WOU.NY, E., (See No. 43. v. 3) Zts. f. Spirit. Ind. 1883 : 203. 456 BULLETIN No. 127. [August, 1908.] 109. WoiyL,NY, E., Einfluss des Anwelkens der Saatknollen auf den Ertrag der Kartoffeln. Forsch. Agr. 6:97-134. 1883. no. WoUvNY, E., Saat u. Pflege der landwirtschaftlichen Kul- turpflanzen. 1-159. Ber. J 885. in. WoUvNY, E., Einfluss der Anwelkens der Saatknollen auf den Ertrag der Kartoffeln. Forsch. Agr. 16:42-57. 1893. 112. WoivivNY, E., Einfluss des Ausbohrens der Seitenknospen an der Saatknollen auf das Wachstum und das Productionsver- mogen der Kartoffelpflanze. Forsch. Agr. 17:461-473. 1894. 113. WoLivNY, E., Einfluss des Anwelkens der Saatknollen auf den Ertrag der Kartoffeln. Forsch. Agr. 18:42-57. 1893. 114. WOL,L,NY, E., Untersuchungen iiber die Beeinflussung des Productionsvermogens der Kartoffelpflanze durch Beniitzung gekeimter Saatknollen. Forsch. Agr. 19:443-462. 1896. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s)