UC-NRLP 131 403 mm mm LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF fc. ....... .PK. OF CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. PREPARED BY DAME L S. DURRIE, Librarian, and ISABEL DURRIE, Assistant MADISON. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE STATE. M.DCCC.LXXIII. CATALOGUE. M. McALPiNE, Wm. J. and others. Reports and Estimates for a Ship Canal and Basin from Albany to New Baltimore. Albany, 1853. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. MACAO, China. See Brief Account of an Opthalmic Institution at. McADOO,W. G. Address to the Alumni of East Tenn. University, June 20, 1871, on Amer. Geograph. Nomenclature. Mill- edgeville, 1871. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 39. McARTHUR, Gen. Duncan. See McDoNALD, John. MACAULEY, Catherine. Address to the People of England, Scot land and Ireland, on the Important Crisis of Affairs. Lond., 1775. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 2. Observations on a Pamphlet entitled, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents. Lond., 1770. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. MACAULAY, Magoffin. Tribute to the Memory of Edw. C. Ross. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 22. MACAULAY, Thos. B. See FORSTER, Wm. B. Vindica. of Wm. Penn. Hist, of England, from the Accession of James II. Vols. 1, 2. Phila., 1849. 8vo. Same. 4 Vols. in 1. Phila., 1856. 8vo. Letter to Henry S. Randall, on Amer. Institutions and Pros pects, 1857. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. Life of Frederick the Great. N. Y., 1860. 18mo. Life of Wm. Pitt, preceded by the Life of the Earl of Chatham, N. Y., 1860. 18mo. See MASSON, Prof. Life of Milton. M AuLEY, Alex. Inquiry into the Legality of Pensions on the Irish Establishment. Lond. n. d. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 2. McBRiDE, Dr. A. Cause, Treatment and Cure of Cholera. Cin- cin., 1866. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 11. McBRiDE, Jas. Pioneer Biography: Sketches of Early Settlers of Butler Co., O. Vols. 1, 2. Cincin., 1869, 1871. 8vo. Ohio Valley Hist. Series. No. 4. Sketch of Topog., Statistics and Hist, of Oxford, and the Mi ami University. Ohio Hist. Soc. Journ. Part 1. Vol. 1. Survey and Description of Ancient Fortifications in Butler Co., Ohio. Ohio Hist. Soc. Journ. Part 1. Vol. 1. 4 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. McCABE, Jas. B. Life and Campaigns of Gen. Robt. E. Lee. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. McCABE, Jas. D. Hist, of the War between Germany and France, with Biograph. Sketches. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. McCAiNE, Alex. Slavery defended from Scripture, etc. Sermon at Baltimore, 1842. Sermons. Vol. 55. McCALL, Gen. G. A. Official Reports of Battles of Mechanicsville, Games Mills, etc. n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 12. Sequel to his Report of the Penn. Reserves in the Peninsula, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. Seven Days Contests Penn. Reserves. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 12. McCALL, Hugh. Hist, of Georgia. Savannah, 1811. 2 Vols. 8vo. McCALL, Dr. John. Addresses before the N. Y. State Med. Soc., Feb. 2, 1847. Albany, 1847. 8vo. M CALMONT, Letter to the Hist. Soc. of Penn., on the Early Settle ment of Franklin, Venango Co., Penn. Memoirs of Soc. Vol. 4. Part 2. McCARDLE, Wm. H. See CARPENTER, Matt. H. TRUMBULL, Lyman. U. S. Supreme Court. McCARRELL, Jos. Speech in Support of a Claim of the Associate Reformed Synod of N. Y. in 1822. Newburgh, 1831. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 14. MCCARTNEY J W. Origin and Progress of the U. States. Phila., 1847. 8vo. MCCARTY, Wm. Songs, Odes, and other Poems on National Sub jects, Patriotic, Naval and Military. Phila. 3 Vols. 18mo. McCAW, J. B. Memoirs of Jas. McClurg, M. D., with Extracts from his Works. Richmond, 1854. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 3. McCLELLAN and Fremont; a Reply to "Fremont and McClellan." N. Y. n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 13. McCLELLAN, G. B. and the Yorktown Peninsula Campaign. See EDGE, Fred. M. attacked after his own Mode, through Parallels. A Poem. Lond., 1864. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. from Aug. 1, 1861, to Aug. 1, 1862. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 1. See HILLIARD, G. S. Life and Campaigns. - KETCHUM, H. His Peninsular Campaigns. - Letter of Acceptance to Dem. Nat. Convention, 1864. Re bell n Pamph. Vols. 14, 52. - Letter to Chas. J. Biddle, Oct. 12, 1863, broadside. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. - Life, Campaigns, and Public Services of. Phila., 1864. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 13. - Same. n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 95. - Life and Services of. n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 10. Manual of Bayonet Exercise for the Army. Phila., 1862. 12mo. Oration at West Point. N. Y., 1864. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. . 5 G. B. Report ot Organization and Operations of the Army of the Potomac while under his Command. Wash ington, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 13. Another Copy. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 81. Report on the Seat of War in Europe in 1855-6. Washing ton, 1857. 4to. The Soldier, Patriot and Statesman; in German. 1864 Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 52. See VICTOR, O. J. Life of. Views of the War and the Country, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. See West Point Battle Monument. WILKES, Geo. Who is he? and what has he done? MCCLELLAN S Campaign. Reprinted from N. Y. World, Aug. 7, 1862. Rebell n Parnph. Vol. 20. Military Career Reviewed and Exposed. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 13, 33. MCCLERNAND, Gen. J. A. See Men of the Time. - Speech in Cong., Jan. 8, 1846, on the Oregon Question. Wash ington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. McCLlNTOCK, Sir Francis L. Meteorolog. Observations in the Arc tic Seas, 1857-9. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 13. Narr. of Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions. Boston, 1860. 8vo. McCniNG, John A. Sketches of Western Adventure, and Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, 1755-94. Day ton, 1852. 12mo. Phila., 1832. l^mo. McCujNG, J. W. Minnesota as it is in 1870; its General Resour ces, etc., for Immigrants. St. Paul, 1870. 12mo. M CLURE, Rev. David, and PARISH, Rev. E. Memoirs of Eleazar Wheelock, D. D., Founder and President of Dartmouth Col lege, and Moor s Charity School, with a Hist, of the College. Newburyport, 1811. 8vo. McCLURG, Jas. See McCAW, J. B. Memoir of. McCLURE, A. K. Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Moun- taius. Phila., 1869. 12mo. McCLURG, J. W. Speech in Cong., Dec. 22, 1863, on Appropriat ing Money to Home Guards of Mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. McCoNNELL, J. L. Western Characters; or Types of Border Life in the Western States. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. McCoRMicK, R. C. Oration at Jamaica, L. L, July 4, 1863. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 30. McCoRMiciv s Reapers. See SEWARD, W. H. Argument in U. S. Circuit Court, 1854. M CosH, Jas. and DICKIE, Geo. Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. McCov, Amasa. Funeral Oration on Daniel Webster, at Ballston Spa., N. Y., Nov. 8, 1852. Boston, 1856. 8vo. 3d Ed. Ad dresses. Vol. 25. McCoy, Isaac. Hist, of Baptist Indian Missions, with Remarks on the present Condition of Aboriginal Tribes. N.Y., 1840. 8vo. 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. McCoY, Isaac. Remarks on Practicability of Indian Reform. Bos ton, 1827. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol.1. M CREADY, B. W., M. D. Memoir of John A. Swett, M. D. N.Y., 1855. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 21. McCuLLAGH, W. T. Letter to the Representative Peers of Ireland on the Poor Laws. Dublin, 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 16. McCuLLOH, J. H. Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, con cerning the Aboriginal History of America. Baltimore, 1829. 8vo. McCuLLOH, R. S. Letter to the Sec. of Treasury in Reply to the Director of the Mint, 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 49. M DERMOTT, M. Letter to Rev. W. L. Bowles, in Vindication of the Poetical Character of Pope. Lond., 1622. 8vo. Pam phleteer. Vol. 20. MCDONALD, John. Biograph. Sketches of Gen. Nathan l Massie, Gen. Duncan McArthur, Capt. Wm. Wells, and Gen. Simon Kenton, Early Settlers in the Western Country. Cincin., 1838. 12mo. MACDONALD, Moses. Speech in Cong., April 10, 1854, on the Kan sas and Nebr. Bill. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 3. M DoNNELL, Alex. Address to Members of Parl t on the West In dia Question. Lond., 1830. 8vo. 2d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. Letter to T. F. Buxton, on the Decrease of Slaves in the West Indies. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 21. MAcDos NELL, Eneas. A Short Reply to a Long Speech upon the Maynooth Question. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strangford Famph. Vol. 39. Letter to W. E. Gladstone, on the Maynooth Grant. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 39. Statement Public and Personal. (R. Catholic Disabilities.) Lond., 1850. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. McDouGALL, J. A. Speech in Cong., Feb. 3, 1863, on French In terference with Mexico. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. McDowELL, Jas. Address before Alumni Assoc. of the Coll. of N. Jersey, Sept. 26, 1838. Princeton. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 14. McDowELL, J. N. Letter to Henry Ward Beecher, and an Address to the Legislature of Missouri, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 41. MACFARLAN, J. F. Remarks on the Scotch Banking System. Ed inburgh, 1845. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 40. McFARLAXD, Asa. Address on the Erection of a Monument at Concord, N. H., Aug. 22, 1837, in Commemora. of the In dian Massacre in 1746. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. MACFARLAND, W. H. Address on the Life and Character of B. W. Leigh, before the Va. Hist. Soc., Jan. 1851. Richmond, 1851. 12mo. Bound with Va. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. MACFARLAXE, Chas. Sicily: her Constitutions, and Viscount Pal- merston s Sicilian Blue Book. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 55. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 7 MACFABLANE, Chas. The Neapolitan Gov t and Mr. Gladstone. Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Strano-- ford Pamph. Vol. 62. MCGARRAHAN Memorial. Corres. between Pres t Grant and Sec. Cox; Testimony vs. Memorial. Report of Senate Comm. etc. San Francisco, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 132. MCGARRAHAN, Wm. See Congress l Speeches McGarrahan Claim. PASCHAL, G. W. Argument before Congress l Committee. 1870. Reports from Comm. on the Judiciary of U. S. House of Repr. on his Case. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 132. Review of Congress l Report on his Claim. 1868. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. See SHAW, C. P. Argument before Judiciary Comm. of House of Repr. 1870. McGEE, Thos. D Arcy, on a lately discovered MS. of Sam l Cham- plain. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., Dec. 17, 1862. Transactions. N. S. Vol. 1. Part 1. M GHEE, Rev. Robt. J Letter to Dr. Doyle on R. Catholic Claims. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 13. The Real System of Instruction at Maynooth. Dublin, 1845. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 28. McGiLL, Rev. A. T. Discourse before Penn. Colonization Soc. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 71. MACGOWAN, Dr. D. J. Congress. Report on Memorials relative to his proposed Expedition to Eastern Asia. 1865. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. MACGOWAN, Rev. J. Dialogues of Devils. Phila., 1851. 8vo. McGREGOR, . British America, Lond., 1833. 2 Vols. 8mo. McGREGOR, J. P. Considerations upon the Financial Policy of the Gov t, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. MCHENRY, Geo. The Cotton Question. Lond., 1864. 8vo. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 45. The Position and Duty of Pennsylvania. Lond., 1863. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 89. McHENRY, John H. Speech in Cong., June 30, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. MACHIAS. Me. See COOPER, J. Topograph. Descript. of. Memorial of Centen. Anniversary of Settlement. Machias, 1863. 8vo. M ILVAINE, Bishop C. P. Address to Young Men on Temperance. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 4. Christian s Duty in the Present Crisis. Cincin., 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 80. MclLVAiNE, I. H. American Nationality. Phila., 1861. 8vo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 23. , Rev. W. " The Dressmaker." A Prize Essay. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 14. 8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MclNTOSH, John. Origin of the N. American Indians, with Descrip tion of their Manners and Customs. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. MACKAY, Alex. Inquiry into the Working of the Reform Bill. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 68. MACKAY, Chas. Life and Liberty in America; or Sketches of a Tour in the U. S. and Canada, 1857-8. Lond., 1859. 2 Vols. 8vo. McKAYE, Jas. The Birth and Death of Nations. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Bebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. The Emancipated Slave and his former Master. (German.) N. Y., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. The Mastership and its Fruits. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 45. McKEAN Co., Penn. See SHEAFER, P. W. The Coal-Fields of, 1856. McKEAN, Jos., D. D. See HEDGE, Prof. L. Eulogy on, 1818. McKEE, Sainl. Speech in Cong., Jan. 26, 1866, on Basis of Repre sentation. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. McKEEN, John. Remarks on the Voyage of Geo.Waymouth to the Coast of Maine, 1605. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. Ace. of the Early Settlements at Sagadahock, and on the An- droscoggin River. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. MACKELDY, Ferdinand. Lehrbuch des Heutigen Romischen Rechts, Giessen, 1842. 2 Vols. 8vo. McKENNEY, T. L. and HALL, Jas. Hist, of the Indian Tribes of N. America. Phila., 1836. 3 Vols. Folio. Memoirs, Official arid Personal, with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1846, Svo. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes; Character of the Chippewa Indians, and of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. Baltimore, 1827. 8vo. MACKENZIE, Alex. Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of N. America to the Frozen and Pacific Ocean in 1789-90. Lond., 1801. 4to. MACKENZIE, Alex. S. Life of Comm. Oliver Hazard Perry. 5th Ed. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols, 18mo. Life of John Paul Jones. N. Y., 1841. 2 Vols. 12mo. See Somers Mutiny. MACKENZIE, Mrs. Colin. Life in the Mission, the Camp, and the Zenana; or Six Years in India. N. Y., 1853. 2 Vols. 12mo. MACKENZIE, Rev. Henry. On the Parochial System as a Means of alleviating Temporal Distress in the Metropolis. Lond., 1850. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 31. McKENziE, Lewis. Speech in Cong., Jan. 21, 1871, on the Position of the Repub. Party in the South. Svo. Congrr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. MACKENZIE, Robt. Strictures on Lt, Col. Tarlton s Hist, of Cam paigns of 1780-1, in Southern Provinces of N . America. Lond. 1787. Svo. - The United States of America. Lond., 1870. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 9. MACKENZIE, Roderick. Sketch of the War with Tippoo Sultaun; or Military Operations from the Commencement of Hostili ties, in 1789, until the Peace of 1792. Calcutta, 1793. 2 Vols. 4to. MACKENZIE, Wm. L. Lives and Opinions of Benj. F. Butler and Jesse Hoyt. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. See also Congr. and Polit. Pamph Vol. 110. McKEON, John. Speech before Democratic Union Assoc., Mar. 3, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. Speech in Cong., May 30 and 31, 1842, on Army Appropriation Bill. Washington," 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. MACKIE, John M . Life of Godfrey Wm. Von Leibnitz. Boston, 1845. 12mo. Life of Sarnl. Gorton, one of the First Settlers of Warwick, R, I. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 5. Life of Tai-ping-Wang: Chief of the Chinese Rebellion. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. M KIERNAN, Geo. S. Siege of Fort Henry, 1777. Amer. Pioneer. Vol. 1. M KiM, J. M. Address at Phila., July 9, 1862, on the Freedmen of S. Carolina. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. MACKINAW City, Mich. See MANSFIELD, E. D. Comrner/ Advan tages, etc. STRICKLAND, W. P. Old Mackinaw. MACKINTOSH, Sir James. Gen. Views of the Progress of Ethnical Philosophy. Phila., 1832. 8vo. McKiNNEY, Mordecai. Our Government: an Explanatory State ment of the System of Government of the Country. 3d Ed. Phila., 1859. United States Constitutional Manual. Harrisburg, 1845. 8vo. M KiNNON, Dan l. The Philosophy of Evidence. Lond.,1812. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 14. MACKINNON, L. B. Some Account of the Falkland Islands. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.20. McKiNSTRY Family Genealogy. See WILLIS, Wm. McKiNSTRY, Brig.-Gen. J. Vindication, (n. d.) Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 6. MACLAY, Lt. I. W. Relations of Different Professions and Voca tions to Longevity. N. Y. (n.d.) 8vo. Insurance Pamph, Vol. 1. McLANE, R. M. Speech in Cong., Feb. 27, 1850, on Admission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. MACLAURIN, John. Dissertation to prove that Troy was not taken by the Greeks. 1784. 4to. Lond. (?) Hist. Pamph. VoL 21. MACLEAN, Dr. Chas. An Excursion in France and other parts of the Continent, in 1801-1803. Lond., 1804. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 16. Remarks on the British Quarantine Laws, the " Sanitary > . Laws of Spain, etc. Lond., 1823. Svo. Pamphleteer Vol. 21. 10 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MACLEAN, Dr. Chas. Remarks on the Evidence delivered before both Houses of Parliament on the East India Co. s Affairs. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. Suggestions for the Prevention and Mitigation of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphle teer. Vol. 10. Facts respecting the Causes of Plague, with Proofs of the Non-Existence of Contagion. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 16. The Affairs of Asia considered in relation to the Liberties of Britain. Letters to the Marquis Wellesley, etc. Lond., 1806. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 16. Consequences of laying open the Trade to India, to Private Ships. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 1. MACLEAN, John, D. D. Baccalaureate Sermon and Address, deliv ered in the Chapel of the College of N. Jersey, May 15, 1859. Trenton, 1859. 8vo. Addresses. Vol.35. MCLELLAN S Female Collegiate Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Catalogue for 1857-8. Poughkeepsie. 8vo. McLEOD, Rev. Alex. Negro Slavery Unjustifiable a Discourse. 1802. N. Y. Reprint, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pauiph. Vol. 29. Scriptural View of the Character, Causes and Ends of the present War. N. Y., 1815. 8vo. McLEOD, ALEX. See URQUHAKT, D. Case of. 1841. McLEOD, Donald. History of Wiskonsan, from its first Discovery to the present period. Buffalo, 1846. 12mo. MCLEOD, Sergt. Donald. Memoirs of the Life and Exploits of. Lond., 1791. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 15. MACLISE, Rev. D. M. Hist. Discourse at Montgomery, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1865, on the 125th Annivers. of the Pastorate of the Goodwill Presb. Ch. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 4. M MAHON, Bernard. American Gardener s Calendar, llth Ed. Phila., 1857. 8vo. MCMASTERS, S. Y. Biograph. Index to Hume s Hist, of England. Alton, 1854. 12mo. MACMICHAEL, Dr. Wm. Progress of Opinion on the Subject of Contagion. Lond., 1825. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 18. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. MCMILLAN, Morrison. Early Settlement of LaCrosse and Monroe Counties. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. McMuLLEN, F. Speech in Cong., Apr. 29, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. McMuLLEN, John. History of Canada from the First Discovery to the Present Time. Brockville, 1855. Svo. History of Canada. 2d Ed. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Lecture on the Past, Present and Future of the N. Y. Soc. Library. N. Y., 1856. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 8. McMuKTRiE, Henry. Lexicon Scientiarum; a Dictionary of Terms used in Various Departments of Science. 3d Ed. Phila., 1857. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. n McMuRTRiE, Henry. Sketches of Louisville audits Environs, with a Catalogue of Plants from the Vicinity. Louisville, 1819. 8vo. McMYLEK, J. J. History of the llth Wis. Veteran Vol. Infantry. N. Orleans, 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 12. MACNAB, Dr. Henry G. Letter to John Whitemore, M. P., on sup plying the Metropolis with Coal. Lond., 1801. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 53A. MACNAMARRA, John, and others. Information relating to the Popish Plot in Ireland. Lond., 1679. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. VoL 63. McNEELY, Thompson W. Speech in Cong., Feb. 8, 1871, on Nat l Education. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. M NEILE, Rev. Hugh. Lecture on the Life of Dr. Franklin, at Liverpool, Nov. 17, 1841. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 12. . Reasons for not joining the Proposed Evangelical Alliance. Lond., 1846. 8vo. 3d Ed. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 43. Address to the People of England on the Irish Repeal. N. Y., 1834. Addresses, etc. Vol. 11. McNEiLE, Gen. John. Biography of. (n. d.) 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7. McNEVEN, Dr. Win. J. Chemical Examina. of the Mineral Water or School ey s Mountain, N. J. Trans. Literary and Philo sophical Soc. of N, Y. 1815. Vol. 1. MACNEVEN, Wm. J. Introduct. Discourse on the Application of Chemistry to Agriculture. N. Y., 1825. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 1. MACON, Nathan l. See GOTTEN, E. R. Life of. MACONGCHIE, Capt. A. Reformatory Discipline in County and Borough Prisons. Birmingham, 1851. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 49. MACPHERSOX, Chas. Memoir of Life and Travels in Asia, Africa and America. 1775-90. Edinburgh, 1800. 8vo. McPnERSON, Edw d. Hand-Book of Politics, July 15, 1870, to July 15, 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. The Polit. History of the U. States during the Great Rebel lion. Washington, 1865. 8vo. Same during the Period of Reconstruction. April, 1865, to July, 1870. Washington, 1871. 8vo. McPnERSON, Gen. J. B. See SHERMAN, Gen. W. T. Memoir of. MACQUER, M. Dictionnaire de Chymie; Contenantla theorie et la pratique de Cette Science. Neuchatel, 1789. 4 Vols. 8vo. Elemens de Chymie Pratique. Paris, 1751. 2 Vols. 18mo. de Chimie Theorique. Paris, 1756. 18mo. McRAE, J. J. Speech in Cong., Jan. 29 and Feb. 2, 1852, on the Compromise. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. MACREADY, W. H. Replies from England, etc., to Statements res pecting him. N. Y., 1849. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 35. McREE, Griffith J. Life and Correspondence of Jas. Iredell, one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court of the U. S. N. Y., 1857. 2 Vols. 8vo. 12 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. McRoBERTs, Sam l. Speech in Cong., Mar. 9, 1842, on the Pre- Emption Bill. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. M SHERRY, Jas. Discourse, May 11, 1846, in Commem. of the Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland. Emmetsburg, 1846. 8vo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. History of Maryland, from its First Settlement, in 1634, to 1848. Baltimore, 1849. 8vo. Same for the use of Schools. Baltimore, 1852. 12mo. McViCKAR, John, D. D. Address at the Alumni Annivers. of Col umbia Coll., Oct. 4, 1837. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. Columbia Coll. Pamphs. Address on the Death of Win. Moore de Rham, at Columbia Coll., June 14, 1834. N. Y., 1834. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 32. Outlines of Political Economy. N. Y., 1825. 8vo. Tribute to the Memory of Sir Walter Scott. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 15. McWiLLiE, W. Speech in Cong., Mar 4, 1850, on the Admission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. McWRiGHT, Rev. A. Sermons on the Sin of Slaveholding, preached in the M. E. Church, Madison, Wis., 1860. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. MACY, Obed. Hist, of Nantucket, being an Account of the First Settlement of that Island, with the Rise, etc., of Whale Fish ing. Boston, 1835. 12mp. MACY, Sylvanus. Genealogy of Macy Family, 1635-1868. Albany, 1868. 4to. MADAGASCAR. Hist, of, embracing the Progress of Christian Mis sions. Phila., 185(3. 18mo. MADDEN, F. W. Hand Book of Roman Numismatics. Lond., 1861. 12mo. MADDEN, R. R. Life of Thos. Addis Emmet. From the New World,. July, 1843. Pamphlet, folio. Infirmities of Genius Illustrated. Waldie s Circulating Libr, Vol. 2, MADEIRA. See COLTON, Rev. W. Ship and Shore; or Visit to. MADIAI Case (The), as developed in certain Letters arid Official Documents. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol.51. MADISON, Jas. See ADAMS, J. Q. Eulogy upon, 1836. - Life of. - BARNARD, D. D. Lecture on. Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787, with a Diary of the Debates of the Congress of the Confede ration. Washington, 1845. 8vo. His Diplomatic Policy unveiled, n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. "75, 97. See JENNINGS, Paul. A Colored Man s Reminiscences of. Papers, purchased by Order of Cong., pub. under the Superin tendence of Henry D. Gilpin. Washington, 1840,- 3 Vols, 8vo. See RIVES, W. C. Life and Times of. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 13 MADISON, Jas. Selections from his Private Corres., 1813 to 1836. Printed for private distribution. Washington, 1853. 4to. MADISON, Indianapolis, and Peru R. R. Co. 1st Ann. Report of the President. N. Y. 1855. 8vo. Ind. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. University, Hamilton, N. Y. Catalogues for 1849-50, 1851-2. Utica. 8vo. MADISON, Wis. An Act to consolidate and amend an Act, entitled, "An Act to Incorporate the City of Madison," approved Mar. 4, 1856. etc. Approved Mar. 23, 1865. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. Argus, Newspaper. Daily. Aug., 1844, to Dec., 1847. Feb., 1847, to Sept., 1851. Folio. Tri- Weekly. Oct., 1847, to Mar., 1848. Fol. and Democrat, Newspaper. Daily. Jan., 1852, to June, 1859. Folio. Weekly. Jan., 1855, to Dec., 1858. Jan. Dec ., 1861. Folio. Carrier s Address, 1859. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Board of Education. Ann. Reports from 1855 to 1872 inclus ive. Madison, 1856-73. 8vo~ Daily Capitol, Newspaper. April, 1865 April, 1866. Charter and Ordinances of the Village of. Madison, 1851, 56. . 8vo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. See Dane Co. Statistics, 1851-2. Demokrat, German Newspaper. Feb., 1858, to Dec., 1860. Folio. Directories, 1855, 58, 66, 68, 70-1. Madison, 1855-71. 8vo and 12mo. See DRAPER, L. C. Growth, Progress, etc., of, 1857. Excelsior Division, No. 13, Sons of Temperance. Constitution and By-Laws. Madison, 1849. 1st Cong. Ch. Manual. Madison, 1869. Svo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. See GRAHAM, J. D. On the Latitude of. - Higher Law, Newspaper. From Jan. to April, 1861. Folio. Hiram Lodge, No. 50. Constitution and By-Laws. Madison, 1854. 12mo. Institute. Catalogue of the Library of. Madison, 1867. Svo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. - Charter, Constitution and By-Laws. Madison, 1854. Svo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. Mutual Insurance Co. Proceedings on the Death of Hon. B.F. Hopkins, Jan. 18,1870. Madison, 1870. Svo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. Park Hotel Travelers Guide for 1872. Containing a brief History of Madison. Madison, 1872. 32mo. Patriot. Daily. Nov., 1854, to Dec,, 1864. 16 Vols. Folio. Weekly. Sept., 1854, to June, 1855. June, 1855, to July, 1856. Aug., 1856, to May, 1857. June, 1857, to May, 1858. June, 1858, to June, 1859. June, 1859, to June, 1860. June, 1860, to June, 1861. June, 1861, to Dec., 1862. Jan. to D.ec., 1863. 9 Vols. Folio. I4 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MADISON Patriot. Shakspearean Message of the Carriers. Madison, 1863. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Proceedings of Citizens on the Death of Henry Clay, with an Eulogy by J. H. Lathrop. Madison, 1852. 8vo. Madison City*Pamph. Vol. 1. Robert Macoy Commandery of Knights Templar. Rules of. Madison, 1859. 8vo. Sack Company, No. 1. By-Laws. Madison, 1858. 32mo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. Sacred Music Soc y. Constitution and By- Laws. Madison, 1851. 12mo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. St. George s Soc y. Constitution and By-Laws. Madison, 1856. 12mo. See SMITH, J. Y. History of. Soldiers Record, 1870-2. 1 Vol. the Capital of Wisconsin, its Progress, Capabilities and Des tiny. Madison, 1855. 8vo. Madison City Pamph. Vol. 1. Union, Newspaper. Daily. Apr. Dec., 1866. Jan. June, 1867. Folio. - Western Fireside, Newspaper; from Jan., 1857, to Jan., 1858. (Bound with Stoughton Indedendent, 1857.) Folio. Wisconsin Democrat, Newspaper. Oct., 1842, to Mar., 1844. Folio. Same. Mar., 1843, to Feb., 1844. Folio. Jan., 1846, to Jan., 1847. (Bound with Madison Express, 1845.) Jan. Dec., 1847. Folio. Jan., 1849, to Aug., 1850. Folio. Jan., 1851, to Mar., 1851. Oct., 1865, to Apr., 1866. July Dec., 1869. July, 1870, to July, 1873. Carrier s Address, 1871. Madison, 1871. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Wisconsin Enquirer, Newspaper. Nov., 1838, to June, 1843. Folio. Wisconsin Express, Newspaper. Dec., 1839, to Sept., 1844. July, 1845, to Dec., 1845. Dec., 1845, to Oct., 1847. Nov., 1848, to Feb., 1853. Folio. - Same, Tri-Weekly. Dec., 1847 Nov., 1848. Wisconsin Daily State Journal, Newspaper. Sept., 1852, to July, 1873. Folio. 42 Vols. - Same, Weekly. Jan., 1855, to 1860; Jan., 1864, to July, 1873. Wisconsin Palladium, Newspaper, from June to Aug., 1852. (Bound with Madison Express and State Journal, 1852.) Folio. Wisconsin Statesman, Newspaper. Aug. 1850, to Aug. 1852. Folio. MADOG, Prince. See WILLIAMS, J., on the Discovery of America. 1170. MADOX, Thos. The Ancient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer. Lond., 1758. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 66. MADRAS Native Assoc. Presentation of an Address to John B. Norton. Madras, 1860. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 33. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 15 MADRID in 1835; Sketches of the Metropolis of Spain and its In habitants, and of Society and Manners in the Peninsula. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 8. MAFFIT, Rev. J. N. Address before Literary Societies of the Wes- leyan University, Aug. 3, 1841. Middletown, 1841. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 37. MAGALHENES, Pere de. Histoire de la Province de Sancta Cruz que nous nommons Ordinairement le Bresil. 1576. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 2. MAGAZINES. See Periodicals and Reviews. MAGEE, Archb p Wm. See MELTOP, Thos. L. Life of. MAGENDIE, F. Physiological and Chemical Researches on the Use of Prussic Acid, translated from the French by Jas. G. Per- cival, M. D. N. Haven, 1820. 12mo. MAGIC. See BREWSTER, D. Lectures on Natural Magic. MAGIE, Rev. David. Spring-Time of Life; or Advice to Youth. N. Y. 12mo. MAGILL, Rev. D. Claims of the Jews on a Christian State. Lond., 1851. 12mo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 61. MAGISTRACY (The) of England; its Abuses and their Remedy, etc. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. MAGNA Brittania; a Topograph. Hist, of Wiltshire, Eng. Lond., 1720. 4to. Charta, with Notes by L. Chief-Justice Loke. Translated from the Latin by E. Cooke. Lond., 1680. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. MAGNALIA Christi Americana. See MATIIER, C. MAGNETIC Observations made under the Orders of Maj. W. H. Emory, in 1849, 50, 51, 52. Cambridge, (?) 1855. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. Telegraph Controversy. Lord Campbell and Prof. Morse. 1848. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 17. MAGNETISM. See HENRY, J. Contribu. to Electricity and M . - KANE, Dr. E. K. Magnet. Observa. in Arctic Seas. 1853-5. LOCKE, J., on Terrestrial Magnetism. 1845-7. MAGNOLIA Cemetery, Charleston, S. C. See Charleston. MAGOON, E. L. Eloquence of the Colonial and Revolutionary Times. Cincin., 1847. 12mo. Orators of the Amer. Revolution. 5th Ed. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. MAGOON, Jas. Life of Maj. -Gen. John C. Fremont. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 101. MAGRATH, Jas. Vindication of, in a Letter to a Friend. 1682. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. MAGRUDER, Allan B. Political, Commercial and Moral Reflections on the late Cession of Louisiana to the U. S. Lexington, 1803. Pamphlets. Vol. 9. MAHAN, Rev. Asa. Science of Logic; or Analysis of the Laws of Thought. N. Y.,-1857. 8vo. System of Intellectual Philosophy. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. MAHEW, Thos. Complete History of an Action at Law, being a Useful Assistant to Young Practitioners, etc. Lond., 1828. 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 12. 16 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MAHOMET. See GIBBON, E. Life of. IRVING, W. Mahomet and his Successors. MAHON, Lord. See FORCE, Peter. Notes on his Hist, of Declara. of Independence. Letter to the Lords on the Reform Bill. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. See SPARKS, Jared. Letter to on Washington s Writings. Remarks on Washington s Letters to Jos. Reed. MAHONY, . Letters to E. J. Littleton, on the Irish Tithe Bill of 1834. Lond., 1834. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 10. MAIDSTONE, Eng. See GILBERT, W. B. Antiquities of. MAILLARD, N. D. Hist, of the Republic of Texas to the present time. Lond., 1842. 8vo. MAILLY, Ed. The Royal Institution of G. Britain. Smithsonian Report. 1867. MAINE. Acts and Resolves passed at the 20th and 26th Legisla tures. Augusta. 1840 and 1846. 2 Vols. 8vo. See ADAMS, G. Maine Register. 1855. Address of Gov. Perham to the Legislature, Jan., 1873. Au gusta, 1873. 8vo. Hamlin to Legislature, Jan., 1857. - Morrill to Legislature, Jan., 1858. Washburn, to Legislature, Jan., 1862. Augusta, 1857-62. 8vo. Adjutant-General. Ann. Reports, 1861-1866. 6 Vols. 8vo. Supplement to Ann. Reports, 1861-1866, comprising a Register of Names. Augusta, 1867. 8vo. See ALLEN, F. Lawyers of Lincoln and Kennebeck Go s. Bank Commissioners. Ann. Report for 1856. Augusta, 1857. 8vo. Bibliography of. See WILLIS, Wm. - Board of Agriculture Report. Angusta, 1860. 8vo. BOARDMAN, S. L. Agric. and Industry of Kennebeck Co. COOLIDGE & Mansfield. History of. DsCosTA, B. F. Northmen in Maine. Documentary History of Maine. Edited by Wm. Willis, and containing a History of the Discovery of Me., by Dr. J. G. Kohl. 1869. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 1. Documents printed by order of the Legislature during its Session, 1855. Augusta, 1855. 8vo. - relating to Northeast Boundary. Boston, 1828. 8vo. See French Neutrals in. - GARDINER, R. H. Hist, of Kennebeck Purchase. Geological Survey. 2d Report on the Geology of Maine, by Dr. C. T. Jackson. Augusta, 1838. 8vo. Do. on Geology of Pub. Lands of Maine and Mass., by same. Boston, 1838. 8vo. See GREENLEAF, Rev. J. Eccles. History of. - Hist. Soc y. Collections. Vols. 1-6. Portland, 1831-59. 6 Vols. 8vo. - Same. 2d Ser. Vol. 1. Portland, 1869. 8vo. See THORNTON, J. W. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 17 MAINE Hist. Soc y. WINTHROP, R. C. See HOLMES, E. Exploration of Aristook Terr y, 1838. HOUGH, F. B. Papers relating to Pemaquid. Insane Hospital. 3d Ann. Report of Directors and Supt., for 1842. Augusta, 1843. 8vo. Journ. of Gov. Pownall s Voyage to the Penobscot River. KIDDER, F. Military Opera, in Revolution. - Laws of the State, 1837, 38, 40, 42, 50, 52, 53, 55-59. Au gusta. 12 Vols. 8vo. See LINCOLN, B. On Climate, etc., of Eastern Counties. Liquor Law. Documents relating to its Principles, Operation, etc. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. Local Hist. See Anson, Augusta, Bakerstown, Bangor, Bel fast, Bradford, Camden,Casco Bay,Castine, Freeport,George- town, Gorham, Limerick, Machias, Minot, Poland, Popham, Portland, Rockland, Scarborough, Sheepscot, Thomaston, Warren, Waterford, Wells, Winthrop, Wiscassset, York. Lutheran Ch. in. See POHLMAN, Rev. Dr. Hist. Address, 1869. See McKEEN, J. Early Settlements on Sagadahock. - Weymouth s Voyage, 1605. Military Records. From Northern Monthly, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 111. See PRINCE, G. Examina. of Weymouth s Voyage, 1605. Public Schools. Ann. Reports of the Supt. of Common Schools for 1854, 57, 59. Augusta, 1855, 58, 59. 8vo. - Laws relating to the Pub. Schools of Maine. Augusta, 1858. 8vo. Register of the House of Representatives of, for 1865. Augus ta, 1865. 8vo. - Revised Statutes. Bangor, 1857. 8vo. State Reform School. 3d Ann. Report, for 1856. Augusta, 1856. 8vo. State Treasurer. Report for 1864. Augusta, 1865. 8vo. See STRACHEY, W. Ace. of Popham s Colony on the Kenne- bec. Hist, of Colony on the Sagadahoc, 1585. - SULLIVAN, J. Hist, of the District of. THORNTON, J. W. Ancient Pemaquid. U. S. Message of President, 1839. UBQUHAKT, D. On the N. E. Boundary Question. WILLIAMSON, W. D. Hist. of. 1602-1820. See WILLIS, W. Scotch-Irish Immigra. to. MAINWARING, Geo. B. Observations on the present State of the Metropolis. Lond., 1822. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. MAITLAND, John. Address to the Electors of the Borough of Chippenham, July 20, 1818. Lond. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 34. MAITLAND, Wm. and Entick, John. Hist, of London from its Foundation to the Present Time. Lond., 1772. 2 Vols, Folio. 2 j8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MAIZE. See SALISBUKY, J. H. History and Chem. Investigation of. . VON WELSHBACK, A. Utility of. MAJOR, Chas. Jas. Remarks on a Mummy from Thebes; unrolled before the Islington Literary and Scientific Soc y, 1840. Lond. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. MAJOR, Rich d H. Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator. Lond., 1868. 8vo. MAJORCA, Island of. See Ancient and Modern History of, &c. MAKEMIE, Rev. Francis. Narr. of Imprisonment of two Presbyte rian Ministers, and Prosecution of Rev. F. Makemie, 1707. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 4. MAKEPEACE, William. Genealogy of the Makepeace Families in the U. S., 1637-1857. Boston, 1858. 12mo. MALAN, Caesar, D. D. Traits of Romanism in Switzerland, trans lated by Rev. Thos. Pyne. Lond., 1846. 12mo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 69. MALDEN, Henry. The Study of the Greek and Latin Languages; a Lecture. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Educa. Pomph. Vol. 29. MALDEN, Mass. Bi-CentennLJ Book of Maiden, Mass., May 23, 1849. Boston, 1850. 12mo. Exercises at Dedication of the Town Hall, Oct. 29, 1857. Maiden, 1857. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 9. The Woodlawn Cemetery of No. Chelsea and Maiden, Mass. Boston, 1856. 8vo. MALKIN, B. H. Scenery, Antiquities and Biography of South Wales, with views. Lond., 1804. 4to. MALLALIEU, Alfred. Buenos Ayres Monte Video and Affairs in the River Plate. Edinburgh, 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. Rosas and his Calumniators. Affairs of the River Plate con sidered, etc. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 38. MALMESBURY, Eng. MOFFATT, J. M. Hist. of. MATLE-BRUN, M. Universal Geography, translated by J. G. Percival, M. D. Boston, 1847. 3 Vols. 4to. MATTHAL, Rev. T. R. Statements respecting the East India Col lege. Lond., 1817. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9, MAMMOTH Cave, Ky. See Amer. Monthly Mag. 1837. See BINKERD, A. D. Mammoth Cave and its Denizens. See DAVIDSON, R. Excursion to. - See LETCHER, JM. E. Exploration (?) of. 1839. MANAGERS and Marionettes. Address to Directors, etc., by a Victim. Lond., 1869. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. MANASSAS, Battle of. See Telfer W. D. Reminiscences. 1864. MANASSAS Plain. Battle of. 1861. See Warder, T. B. and Cat- lett, J. M. Acct. of. MANCHEE, Thos. J. Origin of the Riots of Bristol. Bristol. 2d Ed. 8vo. 1831? Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. MANCHESTER, Duke of. Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne. Edited from the papers at Kimbolton. Lond. 1864. 2 Vols. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 19 MANCHESTER Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857. Catalogue. 8 vo. Art Catalogues. Vol. 3. MANCHESTER & Salford Sanitary Assoc. Tracts in regard to Health. Manchester. 8vo. n. d. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. MANCHESTER, Eng. Literary & Philosoph. Soc y- Memoirs. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. Part 1, 5 part 1. 2d Series. Vols. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 parts 1, 2 unbound. 3d Series. Vols. 2, 3. Lond., etc. 1785-1868. 8vo. 17 Vols. Proceedings of Same. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Parts unbound. Manchester. 1864-68. 8vo. MANCHESTER, Mass. See Parsons, Rev. T. Ace. of Difficulties with Rev. J. Thurston. MANCHESTER, N. H. Course of Study of the Public Schools. Man chester. 1870. 8vo. Index Catalogue of the City Library of Manchester. Man chester. 1863. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 69. Inaug. Address of Mayor Smyth. 1852. Manchester. 1852. 8vo. Do. of Mayor Bartlett. 1873. Manchester. 1873. 8vo. See Londonderry Celebration. POTTER, C. E. Hist. of. 1856. Report of the Superintending School Committee,* for 1852. Manchester. 1852. 8vo. Report of Board of Water Commiss rs and Water Supply for 1873. Manchester. 1873. 8vo. Arm. Reports of the City of Manchester, for 1871. Man chester. 1872. 8vo. MANDAN Indians, n. d. 8vo. (Magazine Article.) Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. MANDEVILLE, G. H. Flushing, Past and Present ; a Hist. Sketch. Flushing. 1860. 12mo. MANGOLD Wurzel. See Tynan, John. Hist., etc., of. MANGUM, Rev. A. W. Myrtle Leaves, a Book for the Times. Ra leigh, N. C., 1864. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 109. MANILA. See DRAPER, Col. Wm. Answer to Spanish Argu ments, etc. MANIPULUS Vocabulorum of the English Language. See LEVINS, Peter. MANITOU Rock. Legend of the. Buffalo, 1843. 18mo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 5. MANITOWOC and Mississippi R. R. Co. Report of President to Di rectors, Oct., 1854. Milwaukee, 1854. 8vo. Demokrat. (German) Newspaper. Dec., 1854, to Dec., 1855, Folio. (Bound with Ozaukee and Washington Co. News papers.) Herald. Newspaper. April, 1854, to 1862. Newspapers. 1864-5. Miscellaneous. Pilot. Newspaper. June to Dec., 1859. Folio. (Bound with Tribune, 1857-9. Pilot. Newspaper. 1867-1870. Folio. Tribune. Newspaper. 1854-1863. Folio. 1867-1870. Folio. 20 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MANLEY, Dr. ,T. R. Exposition of the Conduct and Character of Dr. John A. Smith, Pres t of the College of Physicians, etc. N. Y., 1842. Svo. N. Y. College Pamph. MANX, Col. Hermann. Infantry and Cavalry Accoutrements; with Description and Illustrations. Reports of Army and Navy Boards, etc. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol.8. Historical Annals of Dedham, from its first Settlement in 1635 to 1847. Dedham, 1847. 8vo. MANN, Horace. Letters on Extension of Slavery into Col. and New 1. . 1 Mexico. 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.86. Reply to the Remarks of Thirty-one Boston Schoolmasters. Boston, 1844. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Speeches in Cong., June 30, 1848, on Slavery. Congr. and f Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Aug. 17, 1852, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. MANN, Jas. Medical Sketches of the Campaigns of 1812-14, with Appendix, on Dysentery. Dedham, 1816. Svo. MANN, W. W. What are we Coming to? or the Veil Removed. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37. MANNERS and Costoms of the Japanese in the 19th Century. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y. 1855. 18mo. MANNERS, John. Marquis of Granby. See Conduct (The) of a Noble Lord, etc. A Plea for National Holy Days. Lond., 1843. 18mo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 33. MANNING & Darby. Gazetteer of the U. States. Akron, O., 1843. Svo. MANSFIELD, Rev. Dan l. Sermons on 2d Centen. Annivers. of the 1st. Ch., Wenham, Mass. Andover, 1845. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. MANSFIELD, Edw. D. American Education; its Principles and Elements. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. Ann. Address before the Cincin. Astronom. Soc., June., 1854. Cincin., 1845. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 35. Eulogy on President Harrison, Cincin., 1841. Cincin., 1841. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vols. 38, 39. Exposition of the Natural Position of Mackinaw City, arid the Climate, Soil, etc., of the Surrounding Country. Cincin., 1857. Svo. Mich. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Issues and Duties of the Day. Cincin., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 6. - Life and Services of Gen. Winfield Scott. N. Y., 185S. 12mo. Memoirs of the Life and Services of Daniel Drake, with Notices of Early Settlement of Cincin. 1855. 12mo. - Natural and Commercial Advantages of Mackinaw City. Cincin., 1857. Svo. -The Mexican War; Hist, of its Origin and account of the Victories Achieved, etc. 10th Ed. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. - The Tariff ; British Imposture and Practical Humbug. Cincin. 1865. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 21 MANSFIELD, Gen. Jos. K. F. See DUDLEY, Rev. J. L. Discourse on Death of. MANSELL, Col. Roderick. Narr. of the Late Popish Intrigue. Lond,, 1680. Folio. Eng. Polit. Paamph. Vol. 63. MAN S Place and Bread unique in Nature, and his Pedigree Human, not Simian. Edinburgh, 1865. Sm. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. MANTE, Thos. Hist, of the Late "War in N. America, and the Islands of W. Indies, including the Campaign of 1763 and 1764. Lond., 1772. 4to. MANUAL Labor in Literary Institutions. See Society for. of Geograpical Teaching. A Discussion of Guyot s Method. N. Y., 1870. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. of the Arts for Young People. 2d Ed. Boston, 1858. MANUFACTURES. See ADAMS, J. Q. Report on in House of Rep., 1833. Amer. Soc. for Encouragement of. Address to Friends of Domestic Industry. GREELEY, H. N. Y. Crystal Palace Exhibition. Lectures on the Progress of. LE PLAY, M. F. Memoire Sur la fabrication de 1 acier. MASON, G. C. Applications of Art to. MAXWELL, S. D. Exhibition of Fabrics at Cincinuati, 1869. N. Y. Soc. for Promotion of Agricult., Arts and Manufactures. N. Y. Soc. for Promotion of Useful Arts. PITKIN, T. Statistical View of Commerce, etc. Repertory of Arts. WHITE, G. S. Rise and Progress of Cotton Manufacture. MANVEL, C. Obituary Record of Wakeman Township, Ohio. 1817-1859. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2, MANX Society, Isle of Man. Publications. Donglas,* 1859-1867. 13 Vols. MANZINI, Nr. Nicolas B. L. Histore de L Inoculation Preservative de la Fievre Jaune, etc. Paris, 1858. MAPES, Walter. Latin Poems. See Camden Soc. Publications. MAPS. BLANCHARD, R. Map of Iowa, 1856. * Map of Illinois, 1857, 1869. Map of Wisconsin, 1857. Map of Chicago, 1862. Central America. CHAPMAN, S. Sect, and Town Maps of Wis., Iowa, Minn., etc. v. d. FARMER, J. Mich. & Wis. 1836. FARMER, S. Citv of Detroit, Mich. - R. R. Map of Mich. Copper Region, Lake Superior. HALL & Co. Chicago, 1857. HUTCHINS, T. Maps of Western Va., Penn., Mo., N. C. 1778. Charts and Surveys. N. Y. Secretary of State, Catalogue of. LAPHAM, I. A. Maps of Wis. v. d. 22 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MAPS. Military. Illustrating the Operations of the Armies of the Potomac and James, from May 4, 1864, to April 9, 1865. of Harbor Surveys on Western Lakes, etc., a variety of 23 Maps. Washington. See Atlases. PARKER, N. H. Sect. & Geolog. Map of Iowa. MARBLE, M. Letter to Prest. Lincoln on the Freedom of the Press. 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 16. MARBLEHEAD, Mass. See DANA, Sam l. Hist. Discourse, 1816. Topog. and Histor. Acct. of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st. Ser. Vol. 8. MARBOIS, Barbe. Complot d Arnold et de Henry Clinton centre les Etats-Unis d Amerique. Paris, 1831. Svo. Hist, of Louisiana; Particularly of its Cession to the U. S., ^with an Essay on the Constitution and Gov t of the U. S. Phila., 1830. 8vo. Same in French. Paris, 1829. MARCELLUS; published in the Virginia Gazette, Nov. and Dec. 1894. n. d. n. p. 8vo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. MARCELLUS, Rev. A. A. Extracts from a Paper on the Discovery and Settlement of Monmouth. Read before the N. J. Hist. Soc., Mar. 7, 1846. Proceedings, Vol. 1. MARCH, Alden. Sketch of Life of. N. Y., 11. d. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7. MARCH, Chas. W. Daniel Webster and his Contemporaries. 4th ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. MARCH, Francis A. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Amherst College, 1868. N. Y., 1869. Svo. Amherst Coll. Pamph. MARCHAND, Capt. E. Charts to illustrate his Voyage round the World, in 1790, 92. Lond.? 4to. Hist. Parnph. Vol. 21. MARCOU, Jules. American Geology; or the Geology of Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska. Zurich, 1858. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. Notes on the Cretaceous and Carboniferous Rocks of Texas. Boston, 1861. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. Observations on the Terms " Peneen," " Permian" and"Dyas" Boston, 1862. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. - Reply to the Criticisms of Jas. D. Dana. Zurich, 1859. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. The Taconic and Lower Silurian Rocks of Vermont and Can ada. Boston, 1862. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. MARCY, R. B. and McClellan, Geo. B. Report on the Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in 1852. Washington, 1854. Svo. - Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. N. Y., 1866. Svo. MARGARETTA, Ohio. See SMITH, H. and Fowler H. Early Hist. of. MARGATE, Ramsgate, and Broadstairs Guide. Margate, Eng. n. d. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 4. MARGINALIA; or Gleanings from an Army Note Book. Columbia, S. C., 1864. Svo. MARGOLIOUTH, Rev. Moses. Pilgrimage to the Land of My Fathers. Lond., 1850. 2 Vols. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 23 MARIE, Jane. The Case of. Exhibiting the Cruelty, etc., of Jas. Ross. Phila., 1808. Law Pamph. Vol. 24. MARIETTA and Cincinnati R. R. See Andrews, E. B. Geology of the Route in Southern Ohio. 8th Ann. Report, Dec., 1868. Cincin., 1869. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. College, Marietta, Ohio. Catalogue for 1858-9. Marietta. 8vo. Catalogue of the Library. Cincin., 1857. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 69. MARIETTA, Ohio. See HILDBETH, S. P. Early Physicians of. SARGEANT, W. Plan of Ancient Fortifications. 178V WALKER, C. M. Hist, of Athens Co., and Early Settlement of. MARINE Hospitaf Fund. Revised Regulations for the Collection, Return and Disbursement of. Washington, 1870. 8ro. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. MARION, Gen. Francis. See MOORE, H. N. Life and Times. Simms, W. G. Life of. MARITIME Law. Corres. relative to Neutral Rights between the U. S. and Powers represented in the Congress at Paris. 1856. Washington, 1856. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 125. Rights. See Congress. Speeches. MARKHAM, C. R. Franklin s Footsteps, a Sketch of Greenland, etc. Lond., 1853. 12mo. Pamphlets. Amer. Travel. Vol. 1. MARKHAM, Wm. Minutes of a Conference held with Delaware and Susquehanna Indians, July 1, 1694. Penn. Hist. Soc. Me moirs. Vol. 2. Part 2. MARKLAND, J. H. Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, on attaching a Museum to the Soc. of Antiquaries. Lond., 1828. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 28. MARKHAM, Archishop. Sermon at the Coronation of Geo. IV, in the Abbey Ch. of Westminster. July 19, 1821. Lond. 2821. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. MARKS, Elias. Aphorisms of Hippocrates. MARKS, Rev. J. J. The Peninsular Company in Virginia; with In cidents and Scenes on the Battle Fields. 5th Ed. Phila. 1864. 12mo. MARLBOROUGH, Sarah, Duchess of. Private Correspondence of. Illustrative of the Times of Queen Anne. Lond. 1838. 2 Vols. 8vo. MARLBOROUGH, Duke of. See Descript. of Battles and Sieges. 1739. De Vryer, A. Hist. of. MARLBOROUGH, Mass. See Hudson, Chas. Hist. of. PACKARD, Rev. A. Descript. of. MARLBOROUGH, Eng. See WAYLEN, Jas. History, Military and Municipal. 1854. MAROONS. Indian Tribe. See GIDDINGS, J. R. Exiles of Florida. MARQUETTE, Wis., Baptist Assoc. Minutes of Sessions of 1855, 58, 59. Berlin, etc. 8vo. 24 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MARQUETTE Co. Wis. Express. Newspaper. Montello. 1860-70. MAEQUETTE, Pere and JOLIET, Sieur. Ace. of the Discovery of some New Countries and Nations in N. America in 1673, translated from the French. French s Hist. Coll. of Louisi ana. Vol. 2. Recit des Voyages et des Decouvertes en 1673 et aux Suiv- antes: la continuation de es Voyages par Claude ALLOUEZ et le Journal .Autographe du P. MARQUETTE en 1674-5; avec la carte de son Voyage tracee de sa main. Albany, 1855. 12rno. Lenox s Ed. See SPARKS, J. Life of. et JOLIET. Voyage et Decouverte de quelques pays et nations de 1 Amerique Septentrionale 1673. Paris. 1861. Reprinted Paris. 1845. SHEA, J. G. Discov. of Mississippi Valley. Discovery of Upper Mississippi. See MILLER, A. S. MARR, Dr. Jas. Essay on the Action and Curative Properties of Strychnia. Edinburgh. 1832. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 14. MARRANT, John. Narr. of his Life, with ace. of his Conversion and Residence with the Cherokees. Lond. 1787. 8vo. MARRIAGE and Divorce. Lond. 1821. 8vo. > Pamphleteer. Vols. 17, 18. See CROLY, Rev. Geo. Sermon on. 1836. - N. Y. Licenses previous to 1784. Law Dialogues. Glance at the Working of the Law of 1835. Lond., 1852. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 61. With a Deceased Wife s Sister. See BLOUNT, C. CROWDER, G. A. DENISON, E. B. DENMAN, Lord. Dispassionate Appeal to the Clergy, etc., on the Law of Marriage. Lond., 1849. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 62. Facts and Opinions on the Scriptural Lawfulness of, etc. Lond., 1864. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 92. See HOPE, A. J. B. Observations on the Prohibition of Marriage in certain Cases of Relationship. Lond., 1840. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 24. Two Papers against Marriage with, etc., by the Marriage _ A O * (f ^ CJ Law Defence Assoc., Lond., n. d. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 31. - PUSEY, E. B. Letters on the Eng. Marriage Laws. 1842. MARRIOTT, Wm. T. Wants and Legitimate Claims of the Working Classes. Lond., 1860. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 33. MARRY ATT, Capt. Francis. Dairy in America, n. d. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 14. MARRYATT, Jos. See Exposure of Misstatements in his Pamphlet on the Slave Trade. Reply to his Observations on the West India Dock Charter, 1823. Speech in Parl t, June 5, 1820, on Duties on Timber. Lond., 1820. Svo. 2d. Ed. Pamphleteeer. Vol. 17. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 25 MARSEILLES, France. (Plague of) 1720. See IRELAND, Dr. John. MARSH, Chas. See BARRETT, Jas. Memorial Address. 1870. Speech in Parl t, July 1, 1813, on Emigration to India for Religious Purposes. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. MARSH, Geo. P. Address before the N. Eng. Soc. of the City of N. Y., Dec. 24, 1844. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 32. Apology for the Study of English; Lecture at Columbia Coll. Nov. 1, 1858. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Columbia Coll. Pamphlets. Discourse before the Mass. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. at Cambridge, Aug. 26, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8vo. Harvard Coll. Pamph. Discourse before Philomathesian Soc. of Middlebury Coll., Aug. 15, 1843. Addresses. Vol. 11. Report to Vt. Legislature, on Artificial Propagation of Fish. Burlington, 1857. 8vo. Speech in Cong., June 30, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. - April 22, 1846, on the Smithsonian Institution. Wash ington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Feb. 10, 1848, on the Mexican War. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol 88. The American Historical School: Discourse before the Liter ary Societies of Union College. Troy, 1847. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 36. The Camel: his Organization, Habits and Uses considered in reference to the U. S. Boston, 1856. I2mo. MARSH, John, D. D. See CHAPIN, Calvin. D. D. Obit. Disc. 1821. MARSH, Leonard. A Bake-Pan for the Dough-Faces. Burlington, Vt., 1854. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. The Higher Institutions of Learning and their Relations to the Community, n. d. n. p. 8vo. Educa. Pamp. Vol. 3. MARSH, Luther R. Life, Character, and Public Services of Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 21. MARSH, O. C. Description of Ancient Sepulchral Mound near Newark, O. Hist. Mag. Vol. 2. 2d ser. MARSHALL Co., 111. See FORD, H. A., Hist, of Putnam and Mar shall Co s. MARSHALL E. C. Are the West Point Graduates Loyal. N. Y. y 1862. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. }00. MARSHALL Genealogy. See VINTON, J. A. MARSHALL, Geo. W. Index to Pedigrees contained in the printed Herald s Visitations. Lond., 1866. 8vo. MARSHALL, Humphrey. See DARLINGTON, W. Memorials of. Hist of Kentucky, Exhibiting an Accocnt of the Modern Dis covery, Settlement and present State of the country. Frank fort, 1824. 2 Vols. 8vo. MARSHALL, H. Speech in Cong. April 3, 1850, on Admission of Cal. and New Mexico. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86, March 11, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. Polit, Pamph. Vol. 83. 2 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MARSHALL, Jas. Fast Day Discourse at Chesapeake Gen. Hospi tal, Va., Apr., 1863. Rebell n Pamphlets. Vol. 80. MARSHALL. John, Ch. Justice. See BINNEY, Horace. Eulogy on. FLANDERS, H. Lives of Chief Justices. Life of George Washington. Phila., 1804. 8 Vols. 8vo. Same, Abridged. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. See Story of Life and Character of. Writings on the Federal Constitution. Boston, 1839. 8vo. MARSHALL, John, of Eng. The Question of Vaccination Popularly Considered. Lond., 1829. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 6. i Vaccination considered in relation to the Public Health. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Sanitary Reform Pamph. Vol. 1. . Royal Naval Biography; or Memoirs of the Services of Flag Officers, etc., of G. Britain, from 17GO to the present time. Lond., 1823-35. 12 Vols. 8vo. MARSHALL, John A. American Bastile; a History of Illegal Ar rests and Imprisonment of Amer. Citizens during the Late Civil War. Phila., 1869. 8vo. MARSHALL, Josiah T. The Dignity of the Agricultural Occupation. An Address. Watertown, N. Y., 1838. 12mo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 1. MARSHALL, Orsamus H. Hist. Sketches and Local Names of the Niagara Frontier. Read before the Buffalo Hist. Club, Feb. 27, 1865. Buffalo, 1865. 8vo. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Addresses. - Same, Buffalo, 1866. 8vo. Narrative of the Expedition of Marquis de Nonville, against the Senecas, in 1687. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. Pamph. MARSHALL, Thos. F. Speeches and Writings. Cincin., 1858. 8vo. Speeches in Congr. Jan. 25, 26 and 28, 1842, on the Resolu tions to Censure J. Q. Adams. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. MARSHE, Wm. Journal of the Treaty held with the Six Nations by the Commissioners of Maryland and other Provinces, June, 1744. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7. 1st. Ser. MARSHMAN, John C. Letters to John Bright, on the Debates in Parliament on the India Question. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. MARSHMAN, Joshua, D. D. Advantages of Christianity in Pro moting the Prosperity of the British Gov t in India. Lond. 1813. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 36. MARSHPEE Indians. See APES, Wm. Indian Nullification. MARTEAU, M. Amedee. Considerations sur L Etablissement de la Republique en France. Paris, 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. MARTHA S Vineyard, Mass. See Sketches of. MARTHA Washington Society. See Letters to Ladies concerning. 1860. MARTIAL Law tnd Habeas Corpus. See Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 27. MARTIN, Benj. Miscell. Correspondence relative to Nat. and Civil History, Geography, Mathematics, etc. 1855-1763. Lond. 4 Vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 27 MARTIN, Benj. New Experiments in Electricity, Artificial Magnets and Optical Instruments. Lond., 1759. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 40. Remarks on the Adventures of a Modern Knight Errant in Philosophy. Bath, Eng. 1746. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. MARTIN, Dan l S. Minerals and the Methods Studying them. N. Y, 1864. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 6. MARTIN, E. W. The New Administration; Complete Biography of Grant and his Cabinet. N. Y., 1869. 12mo. MARTIN, Francis X. See BULLARD, H. A. Disc, on Life of. History of Louisiana from the Earliest Period. N. Orleans, 1827. 2 Vols. 8vo. History of N. Carolina, from the Earliest Period. N. Orleans, 1820. 2 Vols. MARTIN, Henry A., M. D. Hahnemann and Paracelsus. Address before the Norfolk Dist. Med. Soc., Nov. 11, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 2. MARTIN, John. Queries and Remarks on Human Liberty. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 20. MARTIN, Jos. and BROCKENBROUGH, W. H. Comprehen. Descrip. of Virginia and the District of Columbia, with a History of the State to 1754. Richmond, 1835. 8vo. MARTIN, J. G. 21 Years in Boston Stock Market. 2d Vol. Bos ton, 1856. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol.3. MARTIN, Morgan L. Address before the State Hist. Soc. of Wis consin, Jan. 21, 1851. Green Bay, 1851. 12mo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. MARTIN, Robt. M. Histories of the Colonies of the British Empire in West Indies, North and South America, Asia, Austral asia, Africa and Europe. Lond., 1843. 8vo. History, Statistics and Geography of Upper and Lower Canada. 1838. 12mo. Hudson s Bay Territories and Vancouver s Island. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 51. t Opium in China, n. d. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 44. * The Past and Present State of the Tea Trade of England and of the Continents of Europe and America, etc. Lond., 1832. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 39. MARTIN, Thos. Bodily Health as an Element in Popular Educa tion. Lond. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 29. MARTIN, Wm. T. Hist, of Franklin Co., O., with Biograph. Sketches. Columbus, 1858. Svo. MARTINEAU, Harriet. Eastern Life, Present and Past. Phila., 1848. 12mo. Guide to Windermere and Neighbouring Lakes, etc. Win- dermere, Eng. n. d. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 22. Society in America. N. Y., 1837. 2 Vols. Svo. MARTYN, Benj. Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. Lond., 1741. Sm. Svo. Ga. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. MARTYN, Rev. Henry. See SARGENT, Rev. S. Memoir of. a8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MARTYR, Age (The) of the U. S.; with an Appeal in behalf of Ober- lin Institute, O. Newcastle upon Tyne. Eng., 1840. 8vo. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 104. MARVIN, T. R. Genealog. Sketch of Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin, 1635. Boston, 1848. 12mo. MARY, Queen of England. See TYTLER, P. F. England under Edward VI. and Mary. Queen of Scots. See BELL, H. G. Life of. HEADLY, P. C. Life of. LAMARTHSTE, A. Life of. MARYLAND. An Act to provide for the Organization and Dis cipline of the Militia of. Baltimore, 1864. 12mo. See ALLEN, Rev. Ethan. Early Settlers of. Md. Toleration, etc. ALSOP, Geo. Character of Province of. Boundary. See Virginia Boundary Commiss rs Report, 1873. See BOZMAN, J. L. History of. 1633-1660. Sketch of History of. CHANDLER, J. R. Discourse on Landing of Md. Pilgrims, 1855. COOK, E. The Sot-Weed Factor. Debates and Proceedings of the Md. Reform Convention to revise the State Constitution. Annapolis, 1851. 2 Vols. 8vo. Geolog. Survey. Report of J. T. Ducatel on the Projected Survey, 1835. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 27. - Report of J. T. Ducatel on the Geology of the State, 1836. With Report of Engineer and Maps, 1837. Baltimore, 1837. 8vo. See HAMMOND, J. Leah and Rachel; or Va. and Md. 1656. HAWKS, F. L. P. E. Ch. Eccles. History. N. Y., 1836-39. Hist. Soc y. See ALLEN, Rev. Ethan; BROWN, G. W.; BUR- NAP, G. W. Catalogue of Paintings, Engravings, etc., at the Picture Gallery, 1st Exhibition, 1848. Baltimore, 1848. 8vo. Catalogue of Manuscripts, Maps, Medals, Coins, Statuary, Portraits and Pictures in the Library. Baltimore, 1854. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Papers. Vol. 1. Catalogues of Paintings, Engravings, etc., of the Soc y, 1848, 49, 53, 58, 68. Baltimore. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Papers. Vol. 2. Constitution, By-Laws and Members. Baltimore, 1844. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Vol 1. - Same. 1867. Md. Hist. Papers. Vol. 2. - See DODGE, Robt., DONALDSON, Thos., GILES, W. F., HARRIS, J. M., KENNEDY, J. P., LATROBE, J. H. B., MAYER, C. F., MORRIS, J. G., NORRIS, J. S., PINCKNEY, W. - Ann. Reports. 1850, 1854, 1858. Baltimore, 1850-58. 8vo. Med. Hist. Soc. Papers. Vol. 1. - Report from Special Comm. of Soc y, in regard to Trus tees of Peabody Institute. Baltimore, 1866. Md. Hist. Soc. Papers. Vol. 2. See SMITH, J. Spear, STEINER, L., STREETER, S. F., TIF FANY, O., TYSON, Martha, WYNNE, J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 29 MARYLAND Histor. Soc y. In Memory of Geo. Peabody, Jan., 1870. Baltimore, 1870, 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Papers. Vol. 2. Horticult. Soc. See KENNEDY, J. P. Address. 1833. See HUTCHINS, T. Descript. Topographique. Topogr. Descript. of. Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws. Baltimore, 1854. 8vo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Ann. Exhibition, 1855. Baltimore, 8vo. Med. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Journal and Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 1852. Annapolis, 1852. 8vo. of the Senate of 1852. Annapolis, 1852. 8vo. See LEGRAND, J. C. Discourse on Landing of the Md. Pil- gnims. 1843. Line in Confed. Army. See GOLDSBOROUGH, W. W. Local Hist. See Baltimore. See M SHERRY, Jas. Discourse on Landing of Md. Pilgrims. 1846. History of. 1634-1848. MARSHE, W. Treaty with the Six Nations. Message of Gov. to Gen. Assembly, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 73. of Gov. SWANN, Gen. Assembly, Jan., 1858. Annapolis, 1868. 8vo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of Gov., transmitting the Reports of Joint Commis sioners, and of Lt. Col. J. D. GRAHAM, on the Interse tion of the Boundary Lines of the States of Maryland, Penn. and Delaware. Washington, 1850. 8vo. See MILES, G. H. Discourse on Landing of Md. Pilgrims. 1847. McSnERRY J. History of. NEILL, E. D. Terra Mariae Md. Colonial History. Papers relating to Maryland Line. Provincial Convention. Proceedings at Annapolis. 1774-6. Baltimore, 1836. 8vo. - Public Schools. 1st Ann. Report of the State Supt. of Public Instruction. Annapolis. 1867. 8vo. Reform Convention. Debates and Proceedings on Revising the State Constitution. Annapolis, 1851. 2 Vols. Svo. Relations of. 1734. - Report of Comm. on Federal Relations on Calling of a Sov ereign Convention. 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 39, 73. on Arbitrary Proceedings of U. S. Government. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. Report of Joint Comm. on Federal Relations, on the 14th Amendment. Annapolis. 1867. Svo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Reports of Legislative Comm. on Reports and Memorials of Police Commissioners. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. See SHERMAN, J. Letter on the Washington Conspiracy against R. R. Interests of. 3 o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MARYLAND. See SHIUGLEY, N. True Relation of Va. and Md. Southern Rights Convention, Address and Resolutions at Meeting. Feb. 18, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. . State Colonization Soc. Report of the Board of Managers to the Members and the Public. Baltimore, 1850. 8vo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Comptroller. Ann. Reports for 1856, 68, 69, 70 Amnapolis. 1856-70. 8vo. Documents at Extra Session of Legislature, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 73. Papers. See ALEXANDER, J. H. Index to the Calendar of. - STREETER, S. F. A Chapter from the Indian Hist. of. Theolog. Seminary. Address of Trustees to Members of the Ch. in the Diocese. Georgetown, 1822. 8vo. Md. Coll. Pamphlets. Union Commission. Services in Charles St. M. E. Church, Baltimore, June 1, 1865. Baltimore. 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 108. Union State Central Committee. Proceedings Dec. 16, 1863, in reference to Emancipation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 74. See Virginia and Md., or Illegality of Lord Baltimore s Patent, 1655. WHITE, A. Voyage to, in 1633. MAS Poco. Scenes and Adventures in Spain, from 1835 to 1840. Phila. 18mo. 1846. MASANIELLO. See GIRAFFI, A. The Rise and Fall of. MASERES, Baron. Occasional Essays, Chiefly Political and Histori cal. Lond., 1809. 8vo. MASHPEE, Mass. Description of. 1802. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d. Ser. MASON and Dixon s Line. See DUNLOP, Jas. Maryland and Penn. Boundaries. - GRAHAM, J. D. Report, etc. 1850. LATROHE, J. H. B. Hist. of. - VEECH, Jas. Outline of the Boundary Controversy. MASON, Rev. Chas. Disc, at Salem, Mass., Feb. 19, 1843, o"n the Death of Bishop A. V. Griswold. Salem, 1843. 8vo. Ser mons, Vol. 7. - Eulogy on Mr. John Leckie at N. Y., Oct. 20, 1841. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 10. See LEEDS, Geo. Obituary Sermon. - PEABODY, Rev. A. P. Memoir of. MASON, Cyrus. Oration on the 13th Aiinivers. of the Amer. Insti tute, Oct. 15, 1840. N. Y., 1840. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 37. MASON, Geo. C. Application of Art to Manufactures. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Reunion of Sons and Daughters of Newport, R. I., August, 1859. Newport, 1859. 12mo. MASON, J. Inquiry into the Economy, Exchange and Distribution of Wealth. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol.. 30. MASON, Jas. L. See SANDERS, John. Military Resources of the Val ley of the Ohio, 1845. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 31 MASON, Maj. John. Brief History of the Pequot War, with an In troduction by Thos. Prince. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. See ELLIS, G. E. Life of. MASON, J. Davenport. The Celts of the Nineteenth Century. Loud., 1865. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 4. MASON, J. L. Papers on Practical Engineering. Resistance of Piles. 1836. MASON, John T. Speech in Cong. July 7, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 2. MASON, Monck. Account of the Late Aeronautical Expedition from London to Weilburg. Lond., 1836. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 29. - Another Copy, N. Y., 1837. 8vo. Scientif. Pamph. Vol. 12, MASON, N. H. See HILL, J. B. History of. MASON, Wm. Powell. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1827. Boston, 1827. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 29. MASONIC Review. Vols. 1 and 26. Jan., 1846. to Jan., 1862. Cin- cin., 1846. 12mo. 8vo. (Incomplete.) MASONRY. See ADAMS, J. Q. Letters on. ANDERSON, . Ancient Constitutions of F. and A. Mas ons. BROWN, Rev. W. S. Address on. 1854. Catalogue of Masonic Books. COLDEN, C. D. Letter on. 1829. EASTMAN, L. Masonic Melodies. FELLOWS, John. Inquiry into. FRENCH, B. B. Address on Antiquity and Advantages of. HAYDEN, S. Washington and his Masonic Compeers. Idaho Grand Lodge. Iowa Grand Lodge. See Knights Templar. Masonic Review. 1846-62, Mass. Anti-Masonic Convention. 1834. MOORE, C. Templar s Text Book. MOORE, J. and CLARK, C. L. Masonic Constitutions. MORGAN, Wm. Abduction of. N. York Grand Lodge. Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Dist. of Columbia. 1864-65, Washington, 1865-66. 8vo. O CoNWAY, M. J. Knights Templars. Ohio Grand Lodge. the same all over the World. Another Masonic Murder, (Case of Wm. Miller.) Boston, 1830. 8vo. Masonic Pamph, etc. Vol. 1. See U. S. Grand Encampment. 1871. See Wisconsin Grand Lodge, etc., Proceedings. See Secret Societies. MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and Resolves of the Province of Mass. Bay, 1692-1714. Vol. 1. Boston, 1869. 8vo. See Laws, etc. passed by the Gen. Court in 1851, ^54, 55, 56. 3 2 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS. Acts and Resolves. 1858-72 inclusive. Boston, 1851-72. 8vo. See Address to People of Hampshire Co. Adjutant-General. Reports for 1847, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68. Boston, (v. d.) 8vo. Aggregate of Polls, etc., for 1866. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Agricult. College. Ann. Reports for 1867, 71, 72. Boston, 1867, 71, 72. 8vo. Agriculture of. Reports on the Agriculture of Mass, for 1837, 38, 41, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 66, 67, 68, 69. Boston, (v. d.) 8vo. Alien Passengers and Foreign Paupers. Reports of the Com missioners for 1854, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62. See ANDROS, Sir E. Anti-Masonic Repub. Convention. Proceedings at Boston, 1834. 8vo. Masonic Pamph, etc. Vol. 1. Assessment of Taxes. Abstracts of Returns of Assessors on Shares of Corporations, etc. 1860-61. Attorney-General. Reports for 1854, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62. Boston. 8vo. Auditor of Accounts. Reports for 1850, 51, 52, 54, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66. Boston. 8vo. Bank Commissioners. Reports for 1849-50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Boston. 8vo. Bank Returns. Abstracts exhibiting the condition of the Banks in Mass, in 1849, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. Boston. 8vo. BARBER, J. W. Hist. Collections of. - BARRY, J. S. History of. BARTLETT, J. History of Medical Science to 1813. Bay Colony Charter. Exemplification of the Judgment for vacating the Charter. 1685. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol.2. Acts and Laws passed by Her Majesties Gen. Court of the Province of Mass. Bay. 1706-1711. (n. d.) Reprinted. Folio. See DAWSON, H. B. Declaration of Independence of. GRAY, F C. Early Laws of. JOHNSTOXE, Gov. Speech on the Rebellion of. 1775. - Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachu setts Bay in New England, printed by order of the Legisla ture. Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff, M. D. Vols. 1 and 5; Vol 4 in 2 parts. 1628-86. Boston, 1853-54. 6 Vols. 4to. Bay Company. Records of the Co. to the Embarkation of Winthrop and his Associates for N. Eng. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. - Bible Society. Ann. Reports of the Executive Committee, 1855, and of Trustees, 1865. Boston, 1855-1865. 8vo. Bibliography of. See COLBURN, Jeremiah. - Bill of Rights. See WASHBURN, E. See Blue Laws of N. England. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 33 MASSACHUSETTS Board of Agriculture. Proceedings and Reports for 1851-2, and Reports of the Sec y for 1853, 56, 59, 61, 62, 71. Boston. 8vo. Education. Reports for 1837, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46. Same, 1849-72 inclusive, except 1869. Boston, v. d. 8vo. State Charities. Ann. Reports, 1865-1871. Boston, n *ic\ /-> 1866-72. 8vo. See BRADFORD, A. History of. 1764 to 1775. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Report for 1870-1. Boston, 1871. 8vo. See CARPENTER, W. H. History of. Census of 1860 and 65. Boston, 1863. 8vo. 1867. 8vo. Charitable Fire Soc y. See ADAMS, J. Q. Address, 1802. TOWNSEND, Alex. Address, 1809. Charitable Mechanic Assoc. 1st, 6th, 9th and llth Exhibi tions, at Boston, in 1837, 50, 60, 69. Boston. 8vo. Charters of. See WASHBURN, E. Colony Charter of 1628. Church Missionary Society. 2d, 3d and 6th Anniversaries, 1864, 1865, 1868. Boston, 1865, 66, 69. 8vo. Civil List, 16301774. See WHITTEMORE, W. H. College of Physicians. See Letter to a Repub. Member of Mass. Legislature, in regard to, 1812. Colonization Soe y. 5th, 17th, 18th and 21st Ann. Reports, 1846, 58, 59, 62. Boston. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Commandery. Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Ann. Register. Boston, 1870. 12mo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Congregational Charitable Soc y. Account of. Boston, 1815. 8vo. Congregational Church in. See WILLARD, S. History of the Rupture, etc. - Mass. Gen. Assoc. and Gen. Conference. Constitution. See PALFREY, J. G. On the proposed Consti tution of, 1853. Constitutional Convention. Discussion on the Constitution proposed to the People of Mass., by the Convention of 1853. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Official Report of Debates and Proceedings in the State Convention, assembled May 4, 1853, to revise and amend the Constitution. Boston, 1853. 3 Vols. 8vo. Convention of the Democracy and Conservative Citizens, etc., July 30, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 11. Convention of Congregational Ministers. Report of Comm. on Slavery. Boston, 1849. Congr. and Polit. Pamphlets. Vol. 102. See CUSHING, L. S. Controver. Elections, 17801852. Declaration of Independence. See, DAWSON, H. B. Eccles. History of. Episcopal Society for the Religious Instruction of Freedmen. 1st Ann. Meeting, 1865. Boston, 1865. 12mo. Eye and Ear Infirmary. See REYNOLDS, E. Dedica. Address, 1850. See FELT, J. B. First Governor of. 34 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS. See FELT, J. B. Hist. Ace. of Mass. Currency. First Infantry. See CUDAVORTH, W. H. Hist. of. 49th Volunteers. See JOHNS, H. T. Life with. Gen. Assoc. of Congregational Churches. Minutes of Ann. Meetings held in June, 1848, 49, 55, 69, 70. Boston, 1848 1870. 8vo. Geri. Conference of Congregational Churches. Minutes of Ses sions held in 1861, 62, 65, 66. Boston. 8vo. Gen. Hospital. Report for 1833, and Reports from 1840 to 1873, except for 1857, 69, 71. Also Bowditch s Vindication of the Report for 1848, in regard to the Ether Controversy; with By-Laws, Rules, etc., 1856, 1861. Geological Survey. 2d Ann. Report of the Geol. of the Public Lands of Maine and Mass., by Dr. C. T. Jackson. Boston, 1838. 8vo. - Report on the Economical Geol. of Mass., made in 1830- 31, by Edw. Hitchcock. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 22. - Report by Dr. Edw. Hitchcock, on a Re-examination of the Economical Geol. of Mass. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Geology. See DEWEY, Chester. Geoi. of Western Mass., 1824. - Hist. Soc y. See ADAMS, J. Q., AMORY, T. C. Catalogue of the Library. Boston, J.S59. Svo. Collections. 1st Series, 1806-9. 10 Vols. - 2d Series, 1814-23. 10 Vols. - 3d Series, 1825-49. 10 Vols. 4th Series, 1852-71. 10 Vols. - 5th Series. Vol. 1, 1871. Boston. 41 Vols. Svo. - See DAVIS, G. T. Deane, Chas. Ellis, G. E. Everett, E. Frothingham, N. L. Hedge, F. H. Hillard, G. S. Hunter, Jos. Livermore, Geo. Loring, C. G. Lothrop, S. K. Palfrey, J. G. Parker, Joel. Peabody, A. P. Prescott, W. H. - Proceedings, 1855-70. Boston. 8 Vols. Svo. - Proceedings on Death of Hon. J. P. Kennedy. Proceed ings, 1869-70. - Proceedings on Death of Hon. Josiah Quincy. Proceed ings, 1863-64. - Proceedings on Death of Hon. Wm. H. Prescott. Pro ceedings, 1858-60 Ann. Report. Boston, 1857. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol.19. - See SALTONSTALL, Leverett. THOMAS, B. F. - Tribute to Memory of Edw. Everett. Proceedings, 1864-5. See WASHBURN, E. WILLARD, Jos. WILLIAMSON, W. D. See HITCHCOCK, E. Catalogue of Animals and Plants of. HOLLAND, J. G. Hist, of Western Mass. Home Missionary Society. 55th and 56th Ann. Reports. Bos ton, 1854, 55. Svo. Horticult. Soc y. Constitution and By-Laws. Boston, 1829, 36. 8vo. - Reports of Committees for 1857, with a Schedule of Prizes for 1858. Schedule of Prizes for 1871. Boston, 1858, 1871. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 35 MASSACHUSETTS Horticult. Soc y. Transactions for 1839, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 70, 71, 72.Boston, 1842-73. 8vo. Hospital Life Insurance Co. Proposals. Boston, 1823. 12mo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Humane Soc y of. See BKOOKS, J. Discourse, 1795. CLARKE, J. Discourse, 1793. FLEET, J. Discourse, 1797. - GARDINER, J. Discourse, 1803. HURD, I. Discourse, 1799. MORSE, J. Discourse, 1801. See HUTCHINSON, Gov. T. Hist, of, 1628-91, 1749-74. Proceedings respecting his Removal. Indians. See EARLE, J. M. Report on, 1861. Industry of. Boston, 1845, 55, 65. 8vo. Same. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Infant Asylum. 2d and 3d Ann. Reports of the Directors. Boston, 1869-70. 8vo. Institute of Technology. Ace. of Proceedings preliminary to Organization. Boston, 1861. 8vo. By-Laws, 1870. 1st to 7th Ann. Catalogues, inclusive. 1865-72. Boston, 1865-72 8vo. Report of Comm. on Free Scholarships. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Insurance Commissioners. Abstracts of Reports for 1841, 45, 51, 52 and 54. Also Reports for 1856, 57, 58, 59, 60, 71, and the 2d Arm. Report upon Loan and Fund Associa tions. 1858. Reports for 1866-67. Jail-Keepers Returns. Abstracts of Returns for 1848, 49, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. Journal and Documents of the Valuation Committee for 1860- 61. Boston, 1861. 8vo. of the Constitutional Convention of the Commonwealth of Mass, begun and held, May 4th, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Journals of the Provincial Congress, 1771-74. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Laws. See GRAY, F. C. Remarks on the Early Lays of. 1840 43, 45 to 54. 1858-65. Boston, 21 Vols. Svo. Gen. Laws, 1870. Boston. Svo. See Acts, etc. Private and Special Statutes, revised and published by authority of the Legislature from 1822 to 1859. 1866-1871. Boston. Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth from the estab lishment of its Constitution to the 1st Sess. of the Gen. Court, 1788- Worcester, 1788. Svo. Same. 1788 to 1800. Worcester, 1801. 2 Vols. See QUINCY, J. Laws affecting Poverty, etc. Legislative Report on the Memorials of the Seneca Indians and others, Nov. 21, 1840. Boston, 1840. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 3. 3 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS Legislature: Patriotic Proceedings of the Legis lature during their Session, from Jan. 26, to Mar. 4, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8vo. Bound in a Volume of " Harris Tour." Letter of Gov. J. A. Andrew to S. F. Wetmore, 1863, on En listments. Boston, 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 6. Mass. Local History. See Abington, Acton, Andover, Athol, Attleborough, Barnstable, Barre, Bedford, Berkley, Berk shire, Beverly, Billerica, Bloomfield, Boston, Boxford, Brad ford, Brewster, Bridgewater, Brimfield, Brookfield, Brook- line, Cambridge, Cape Ann, Cape Cod, Carlisle, Carver, Charlestown, Chatham, Chelmsford, Chelsea, Chicopee, Co- hasset, Concord, Conway, Danvers, Dedham, Deerfield, Dennis, Dorchester, Dover, Dudley, Drakes Co., Dun- stable, Duxboro , East Boston, Eastham, East Hamp ton, Essex, Fall River, Fitchburg, Framingham, Free town, Georgetown, Gloucester, Grafton, Great Baring- ton, Groton, Hadley, Halifax, Hamilton, Hampshire Co., Harwick, Haverhill, Hingham, Holden, Hopkinton, Ipswich, Jamaica Plain, Kingston, Lancaster, Leicester, Leominster, Lexington, Lincoln, Lowell, Lunenburg, Maiden, Marble- head, Marlboro, Martha s Vineyard, Mashpee, Medford, Mel- rose, Men don, Middleborough, Milton, Nantucket, Nashua, Natick, Needham, New Bedford, Newburyport, New Ips wich, New Plymouth, Newton, Newton Lower Falls, North Hampton, Northborough, North Leverett, Norton, Orleans, Paxtori, Pepperell, Petersham, Pittslield, Plymouth, Plymp- ton, Princeton, Provincetown, Quincy, Raynham, Rehoboth, Rochester, Rockport, Rowley, Roxbury, Salem, Sandwich, Scituate, Seekonk, Sherburne, Shirley, Shrewsbury, South- bridge, Sturbridge, Sterling, Stockbridge, Stowe, Sud- bury, Sutton, Taunton, Templeton, Tiverton, Topsfield, Topsham, Truro, Tyngsboro , Upton, Wales, Waltham, Wareham, Watertown, Wellfleet, Wenham, West Boylston, West Brookfield, West Hampton, Westminster, Weston, West Springfield, AVhately, Woburn, Worcester, Worthing- ton, Wreiitham, Yarmouth. Local Law. See FOAVLEE, W. C. Magazine; or Monthly Museum. Jan. to Dec., 1789-1790; July to Dec., 1793, complete. Boston, 1789-93. 8vo. Manual for the Use of the General Court. Boston, 1861. 12mo. - Medical College. See BIGELOW, H. J. See Harvard University. Medical Society. Medical Communications. Vol. 9, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5. Vol. 10, No. 6. 1855-66. Digest of the Laws of the Commonwealth relating to the Soc y. 1861. - By-Laws, 1849, 56, 61. See MINOT, Geo. R. Contin. of History of Mass. History of Insurrections in. See MOOKE, J. B. Memoirs of Governors. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 37 MASSACHUSETTS Northeastern Boundary. Report and Resolves in relation to. March, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. See PAINE, Robert T. Astronom. Observations. Paper relating to Public Events before the Revolution. Patriotic Proceedings of Legislature, 1809. Physicians of. See ALDEN, Eben. Biogrraph. Notices of. 1847. See Pictorial Views of. POOLE, A. Annual Register. Poor Laws. 1834. Extract from Report of his Majesty s Commiss rs, etc. Poor Returns, 1853-1863 inclusive. Boston. 8vo. Proceedings of Conven. at Northampton, respecting War of 1812. Public Documents. 1859-72, inclusive. (Complete.) Boston, 1860-72. 8vo. 52 Vols. Quarterly Review. Boston, 1848-50. 3 Vols. 8vo. Railroad Commissioners. 4th Ann. Report, Jan., 1873. Bos ton, 1873. 8vo. R. R. Corporations. Ann. Reports for 1848, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. Abstracts of Reports for 1857, 58. Register. Boston, 1794-9. 8 Vols. 8vo. Registers and Records for 1794, 97, 99, 1800, 1, 5, 7, 9, 12. Same. 1813 to 1859, inclusive. (Complete.) Boston, 1794 1859. 8vo and 12mo. 58 Vols. Registration Reports. 1850-70. (Complete. Boston, 1851- 72. 8vo. 22 Vols. Report of Comm rs on Cheap Railway Transportation, 1870. Boston. 8vo. of Joint Comm. on the proposed Canal to unite Barn- stable and Buzzard s Bay. Boston, 1864. 8vo. on Insanity and Idiocy in Mass., by the Commission on Lunacy, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Rifle Club. 4th Ann. Report, Jan., 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. School for Idiots, etc. 1st to 22d Ann. Reports, 1851-69. 3d and Final Report of the Experimental School, 1851. See HOWE, S. G. Letter to the Gov. of Mass., 1851. School Returns. Abstract for 1843-4, 45-6. Boston. 8vo. See SCOTTOW, J. Narr. of Planting of -the Colony of. SHOULER, Win. Hist, of, in the War of the Rebellion. 6th Vol. Regiment. See HANSON, J. W. Hist, of, 1861-4. Slavery in. See WASHBURN, E. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Ann. Report, 1830. Boston, 1830. Svo. for Promotion of Agriculture. Transactions for 1856. Boston, 1857. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 13. for Suppression of Intemperance. 14th Ann. Report, 1827. Boston, 1827. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 4. Soc. of Cincinnati. See Society of Cincinnati. 38 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MASSACHUSETTS Sons of Temperance. Salem Division, No. 61. Constitution and By-Laws. Salem, 1847. 12mo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Speech in the House of Lords, respecting the Charters of the Colony, 1774. State Almshouse, Bridgewater. Reports, 1855-63. Boston. 8vo. Morison. Reports for 1854-64, except for 56. Boston. 8vo. - Tewksbury. Reports, 1855-63. Boston. 8vo. State Board of Health. 2d, 3d, and 4th Ann. Reports for 1870, 71, 72. Boston, 1871, 72, 73. 8vo. State Industrial School for Girls, Lancaster. By-Laws and 5th Ann. Report. Boston, 1860. 12mo and 8vo. State Library. Catalogue. Boston, 1858. 8vo. State Lunatic Asylum, Worcester. Reports for 1838, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69. Hospital, Northampton. Reports for 1858-65. Same, for 1869. Taunton. Reports for 1854-63 and 66. State Normal School, Framingham. Catalogue and Circular, 1863. Boston. 8vo. Salem. Register and Circular, 1867. Salem. 8vo. State Prison. Documents relating to, 1849. Ann. Reports of Inspectors, 1853-63. State Record, New Eng. Register, and Year-Book of Gen. In formation. Edited by N. Capen for 1847, 48, 49, 50, 51. 5 Vols. 12mo. Boston. - Same. Edited by G. Adams, for 1852, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59. 7 Vols. 8vo. Boston, - State Reform School, Westborough. Reports, 1848-63. Re port for 1869. Services at the Induction of Wm. E. Starr as Supt., in 1857. See WASHBURN, E. Dedication Address, 1848. for Girls. See HOWE, S. G. Statistical Information relating to certain Branches of Indus try, 1854-5. Boston, 1856. 8vo. Statistical Tables; exhibiting the Condition and Products of certain Branches of Industry in Mass., for 1836-7. S. S. Society. Extracts from the Ann. Report for 1849. Bos ton, 1849. 8vo. Supreme Court. Case of Ezra A. Bourne vs. the City of Bos ton, 1853. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 13. Case of Harriet M. Shannon vs. O. N. Shannon, in mat ter of Divorce. Suffolk, 1861. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. Grand Junction R. R. Co. & Eastern R. R. Co. vs. the County Commissioners of Middlesex and the Fitchburg R. R. Co. Boston, 1858. 8vo. Mass. Railroad Reports, etc. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 39 MASSACHUSETTS Supreme Court. Opinion in Case of W. Eager vs. the Atlas Ins. Co. Boston, 1833. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 1. Report of the Trial of Prof. John W. Webster, indicted for the Murder of Dr. Geo. Parkman; holden at Boston, Mar. 19, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Surgeon-General s Report for 1865. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 18.- See TAGGAKT, S. Address to Electors of Hampshire District. Temperance Alliance. 15th and 17th Ann. Reports. Boston, 1866-1868. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. See THORNTON, J. W. The Landing at Cape Ann. TUDOR, W. Address before Mass. Soc. of Cincinnati, 1790. WASHBURNE, E., on the Extinction of Slavery in. WHEELER, T. Narr. of Expedition in the Interior of. 1675. - Whig Convention. Proceedings at Springfield, Sept. 10, 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 97. See WINTHROP, J. Journal. 1630-44. See YOUNG, A. Chronicles of First Planters. MASSIE, J. Observations on British and Spanish Proceedings. Lond., 1762. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. MASSIE, J. W. America: The Origin of the Present Conflict. Lond., 1864. 8vo. MASSIE, Gen. Nathan l. See McDoNALD, J. Biograph. Sketches, etc. MASSON, Prof. Life of John Milton, with an Estimate of his Gen ius and Character, by Lord Macauley. N. Y., 1860. ISmo. MASTODON Giganteus, of N. America. See WARREN, Dr. John C. MATCHES. On the Fabrication of. See DUSSANCE, H. MATHEMATICS. See DAVIES, J. E., on Potential Functions. Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning. LALANNE, L. Collection de Tables, etc. WHEWELL, Rev. Wm. Thoughts on the Study of. MATHER, Cotton, D. D. See DRAKE, S. G. Memoir of. MATHER, S. Life of. Magnalia Christi Americana; or the Ecclesiastical History of New England from 1620 to 1698, in Seven Books. Lond., 1702. Folio. Same, with Notes, etc., by Rev. Dr. Thos. Robbins, and Me moir by S. G. Drake. Hartford, 1855. 2 Vols. 8vo. See PEABODY, W. B. O. Life of. See Witchcraft Delusion. See MATHER, Increase. Wonders of the Invisible World, with an Account of the Trials of several Witches, with a further Ace. by Increase Mather. Lond., 1862. 12mo. MATHER (The) Papers. Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Boston, 1868. 12mo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 17. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 8. MATHER, Elihu. See COFFINBERRY, S. C. Eulogy on. 1866. MATHER, Increase and Cotton. History of King Philips War, with an Introduction and Notes, by S. G. Drake. Albany, 1862. 4to. 4 o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MATHER, Increase and Cotton. Memoirs of. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 2. Remarkable Providences, illustrative of the Early Days of Ainer. Colonization. Lond., 1856. 12mo. MATHER, Ricn d. Journal of, 1635. His Life and Death, 1670. Dorchester Antiq. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. The Will of, 1664. From the N. Eng. Reg. N. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 1. MATHER, Rev. Sam l. Life of the Very Reverend Cotton Mather, D. D., and F. R. S., late Pastor of the North Ch. in Boston. Boston, 1729. 8vo. MATHESOX, M. Facts from the Australian Gold Diggings. Lond., 1852. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 31. MATHEWS, Rev. J. M. Semi-Centen. Discourse in South Dutch Ch., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1857. X. Y., 1858. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 1. MATTHEWS, Rev. J. T. Sermon in Plymouth Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 11, 1864, on the Rebellion. Milwaukee, 1864. 8vo. Milwaukee Pamphlets. MATHIAS, Thos. Jas. Evidence relating to the Poems attributed to Thos Rowley. Lond., 1783. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 19. MATHIEU, Chas. Leopold. Nouveau Systeme de 1 Univers; ou ab- rege Philosophique de la Phisique et de la Chymie. Paris, n. d. 8vo. MATILE, Geo. A. Paper on the Study of Amer. Antiquities, 1868. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 17. . American Ethnology; a Paper on a Gen. Soc y for the Study of Amer. Antiquities, 1865. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 27- MATSON, Rev. Wm. A. Address before the House of Convocation of Hobart Free College, Geneva, 1854. Utica, 1854. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 36. MATTESOS, O. B. Speech in Cong., Jan. 11, 1851, on Reduction of Postage. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. MATTHEWS, Henry. The Diary of an Invalid; Journal of a Tour in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, 1817-19, Wai- die s Circulating Libr. Vol.11. MATTOCKS, Brewer. Minnesota as a Home for Invalids. Phila., 1871. 12mo. MAUDE, John. Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. Lond., 1826. 8vo. MAUGHAM, Robt. Treatise on the Principles of the Usury Laws. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. MAULE, Thos. See GOODELL, A. C. Biograph. Sketch of. MAULEY, John. Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., embracing its Agriculture, Society, Newspapers and Biography of Pioneers. Little Valley, N. Y., 1857. 8vo. MAUMEE Baptist Assoc. Minutes, June, 1856. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. - Valley. See HOSMER, H. L. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. , 41 MAURICE, F. D. Corruption at Elections, with Speeches of John S. Mill and Edwin Chadwick on the same, at Lond., 1864. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. MAURICE, Rev. H. Impartial Acc t of John Mason and his Senti ments. Lond., 1695. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9, MAURICE, Rev. Peter. Popery in Oxford. Oxford, 1833. 8vo. Eng. Relig. Pamph. Vol. 46 A. MAURICE, Thos. Memoirs of the Author of Indian Antiquities. Part 1. 2d Ed. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 18. MAURITIUS. A Short Appeal to the House of Commons. Lond. (n. d.) 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 36. . Islands. See ARCHER, E., on Emigration from India to. 1840. Emigration from India to the Mauritius, Export of Cool ies, etc. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 30. MAUROY, M. Du Commerce des Peuples PAfrique Septentrionale, Paris, 1845. 8vo. MAURY, Abbe. Principles of Eloquence, with an introduction by A. Potter, D. I). Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1857. 18mo, MAURY, Ann. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, from the Original Autobiog. of Rev. Jas. Fontaine. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. MAURY, M. F. Address before the Memphis Agricult. Soc., Oct. 17, 1871. Memphis, 1871. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 1. Ann. Address before the Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc., Feb. 16, 1854. Bulletin of Soc. Vol. 1. Astronom. Observations made during 1846, at the Nat. Obser vatory, Washington. Vol. 2. Washington, 1851. 4to. Explanations and Sailing Directions to accompany the Wind and Current Charts. 6th Ed. Phila., 1854. 4to. Letter to Admiral Fitz Roy on Amer. Affairs. 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 31 and 73. Physical Survey of Virginia. Preliminary Report. No. 1. Richmond, 1868. 8vo. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. The National Observatory. Paper before the Hist. Soc. of Virginia, Dec. 14, 1848. Va. Hist. Register. Vol. 2. MAURY, Sarah M. Englishwomen in America. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Statesmen in America in 1846. Phila., 1847. 12mo. MAUSTON, Wis. Star, Newspaper. June, 1857 to Dec., 1859. Folio. 1860-63, 1867-73. MAXCY, Dr. Jona. See ELTON, Romeo. Literary Remains of. " MAXIMS of the Laws of England." See NOYE, Wm. MAXWELL, John S. The Czar; his Court and People, including a Tour in Norway and Sweden. 5th Ed. N. Y., 1854. 12mo, MAXWELL, S. D. Cincinnati Suburbs in 1870: Sketches, Historical and Descriptive. Cincin., 1870. 4to. History of the Exposition of Textile Fabrics in Cincin., Aug. 3, 1869. Cincin., 1870. 8vo. MAXWELL, Major Thompson. Biograph. Narrative of. Essex In stitute Coll. Vol. 7. MAY, Sam l J. Address to the Normal Assoc. at Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 8, 1855. Syracuse, 1855. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 14. 42 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MAY, Sam l J. Discourse on Slavery in the U. S., Brooklyn July 3, 1831. Boston, 1832. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 55. . Oration at Jamestown, N. Y., July 4, 1856. Syracuse, 185G. 12mo. Addresses. Vol. 5. The Rights and Condition of Women; considered in the Ch. of the Messiah, Nov. 8, 1846. Syracuse, N. Y. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. MAYBERRY, David F. Trial of, for the Murder of Andrew Alger. Janesville, 1855. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. MAYER, Brantz. Address before the Central High School of Balti more, Aug. 1, 1853. Baltimore, 1853. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 36. Calvert and Penn, or the Growth of Civil and Religious Lib erty in America. Baltimore, 1852. 8vo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. See CARROLL, Chas. Journ. of Canada Exped., 1776. - Catalogue of his Private Library. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Biblio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 57. Discourse at the Dedication of the Baltimore Atheneum, Oct. 23, 1848. Baltimore, Md., 1848. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. History, Possessions and Prospects of the Md. Hist. Soc y In augural Discourse, Mar. 7, 1867. Baltimore, 1867. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 2. Memoir of Jared Sparks, LL. D., read before the Md. Hist. Soc., Feb. 7, 1867. Baltimore, 1867. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. See also Addresses and Orations. Vol. 20. - Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican: a Hist., Geograph., Polit., Statist, and Social Account of that Country; and No tices of New Mexico and California. Hartford, 1853. 2 Vols. 8vo. Observations on Mexican History and Archaeology, with spe cial Notice of Zapotec Remains. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 9. Tah-gah-jute, or Logan and Capt. Michael Cresap: read before Md. Hist. Soc., May 9, 1851. Baltimore, 1851. Svo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. Same. Albany, 1867. Svo. MAYER, Chas. F. Dedication Address at Loudon Park Cemetery. Baltimore, Md., 1853. Discourse before Md. Hist. Soc., June 20, 1844. Baltimore, 1844. Svo. Md. Hist. Soc. Reports, etc. Vol. 1. MAYFLOWER (The). Correspondence relating to the Wreck of the Mayflower, Dec. 13, 1851. Buffalo, 1852. Svo. Pilgrims. See SIMMONS, C. B. List of. MAYHEW, Ira. Popular Education: for the Use of Parents and Teachers. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. Reports of the Supt. of Public Instruction of Michigan, for 1855, 56, and 57 Lansing, 1858. Svo. MAYXARD, Dr. Edw. See ROBBIXS, Z. C. Argument in Case of. MAYNARD, Horace. Extract from a Charge to Grand Jury of North ampton Co., Penn., 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 66. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 43 MAYNARD, Horace. Oration before the Order of United Americans, at N. Y., Feb. 22, 1861. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 34. Speech in Cong., Dec. 12, 1867, on Reconstruction in Tenn. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. MAYNARD (The) System of Priming for Fire-arms. Washington, 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. MAYNOOTH College. See HATHERELL, J. W. Letter on its Adop tion by the State, 1845. MACDONNELL, E. Letter on the Grant to, 1845. Short Reply to a Long Speech, etc. M GHEE, R. J. "System of Instruction at. SMITH, G. H. On" Instruction at, 1841. Question. Reprinted from the British Mag. for May, 1845. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 39. the Crown, and the Country. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 39. MAYO, Rev. A. D. Religion in Common Schools. Cincin., Ohio, 1869. Sermons. Vol. 25. The Nation s Sacrifice: Two Discourses at Cincin., on the Death of Prest. Lincoln. Cincin., 1865. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 10. MAYO, Jos. Guide to Magistrates. Richmond, 1860. 8vo. MAYO, Robert, and MOULTON, Ferdinand. Army and Navy Pen sion Laws, and Bounty Land Laws of the U. S. Washing ton, 1852. 8vo. MAYO, Dr. Thos. Medical Examinations and Physicians Require ments considered. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 17. MAYO, W. S. Kakoolah; or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri, an Autobiography. 3d Ed. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. MAYS, J. A. Improved Dwellings for the Industrial Classes. Lond., 1863. Sin. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. MAZZINI, Jos. Italy, Austria, and the Pope. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 1. To Louis Napoleon. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Ens:. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. MEAD, Larkin G. Description of Chesterfield, N. H. Farmer & Moore s N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. MEAD, Marcus E. Memoirs of Greenwich, Ohio. Fire Lands Pio neer. Vol. 5. MEAD, Rich d, M. D. Discourse on Pestilential Contagion, and the methods to prevent it. Lond., 1720. 8vo. Medical Pamph. Vols. 29 and 30. Medica Sacra: sive, de Morbis Insignioribus, qui in Biblus Memorantur, Commentarius. Amsterdam, (?) 1749. 8vo. Latin Pamph. Vol. 2. Oratio Anniversaria Harveiana in Theatre Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensium habita, Oct. 18, 1724. Lond., 1724. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 5. MEADE, Gen. Geo. G. Report on the Survey of the North and Northwest Lakes. Detroit, 1859-1861. Svo. 44 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEADE, Gen. Geo. G. Life and Public Services of. n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 95. Report of Military, etc., in 3d Military Dist. and Dep t of South Atlanta, Ga., 1868. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. MEADE, Bishop Wm. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. Phila., 1861. 2 Vols. 8vo. MEADLEY, Geo. W. Octavius Cassar and Wm. Pitt, compared; also, Rienzi and Buonaparte. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Pamphle teer. Vol. 2. Sketch of Proposals introduced in Parl t, from 1770 to 1812, on Reform in the Representation of the People. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. MEADS, Orlando. Ann. Address before the Albany Institute, May 25, 1871. Albany, 1871. 8vo. MEADVILLE, Pa., Theolog. School. Catalogue for 1871-2. Mead- ville, 1872. 8vo. See HUIDEKOPEK, Fred. Letter on. 1847. MEAGHER, Gen. Thos. F. Last Days of the 69th N. Y. Reg t in Va. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. " Vol. 81. Letters on our National Struggle. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 46 and 90. MEARES, John. Voyages de la Chine a la Cote Nord-ouest d Amer- ique faits dans les Annees, 1788 et 1789. Paris, 1794. 3 Vols. 8vo. MEASE, Jas. Description of some of the Medals struck in relation to Important Events in N. America. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. 3 Ser. Picture of Philadelphia, giving an Account of its Origin, etc. Phila., 1811. 12mo. MEASON, C. F. H. Narr. of the Massacre of Counterfeiters, Gam blers, etc., in Coahoma Co., Mississippi, n. p. 1841. 12mo. Miss. Pamph. Vol. 1. MEASOR, C. P. Letter to Sir Geo. C. Lewis, on the Administra tion, etc., of the Present Convict System. Lond., 1861. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. MECCA. See BURTON, R. F. Pilgrimage to. MECHANICAL Powers. See IMISON, John. Treatise on. MECHANICS. See Art de 1 Ornemaniste. EWBANK, T. Hydraulics and Mechanics. BYRNE, O. Diet, of Mechanics. GOODRICH, C. R. Progress of Science, etc. Institutions. Improvement of. From the Westminster Re view. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 30. See MOSELEY, H. Illustrations of. People s Journal. 1854. Repertory of Arts. 1794-99. - U. S. Patent Office Reports. - G. B. Patent Office Reports. MEDALS. See Numismatics. MEDFORD, Mass. See BROOKS, C. History of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 45 MEDICAL (A) Apocalypse, being Revelations and Expositions of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 1. and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. 1831-65. Part 1, Vol. 1, Medical History. Part 1, Vol. 2, Surgical History. Washington, 1870. 2 Vols. 4to. Biography. See THACHER, Dr. Jas. - WILLIAMS, S. W. Jurisprudence. See DEAN, A. Principles of. Reform. See LEE, Edwin. Remarks on. 1846. National Institute of Gen. Practitioners, etc. Report. 1848. Repository, conducted by Sam l Mitchell, Edw. Miller and Elihu H. Smith. Vols. 1 and 2. 2d Ed. N. Y. 1800. 8vo. MEDICINE. See ADAMS, D. Med. and Agric. Register. 1806-7. Amer. Med. Assoc. Medical Journal and Gazette. Medical Monthly. BANNING, E. P., on Chronic Diseases. - BARTLETT, Dr. J Sketch of Med. Science in Mass. - BASTICK, W., on Adulterations of Med. Preparations. Berkshire Med. Journal. 1861. BIGELOW,. J., on Rational Medicine. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. CARNOCHAN, J. M., on Elephantiasis Arabum. - CARPENTER, W. B., on Alcoholic Liquors in Disease. CHURCHILL, J. F., on Pulmonary Phthisis. - Cincin. Electic Med. Journal. 1849, 52, 55. Lancet. 1869-72. CULVERWELL, R. J. Guide to Long Life. DEAN, A. Med. Jurisprudence. DE FONTAINE, A. Book of Prudential Revelations. - Dental Register. 1847-72. - DRAKE, Dr. D. Diseases of Mississippi Valley. Enquiry into Systems of Med. Educa. FORBES, J., on Etherization. France. Rapport de 1 Acad. Roy. de Medicine. FRANCIS, J. W., on Cholera Asphyxia. GARRATT, A. C., on Electro-Physiology, etc. - GAY, Dr. M. Claims of Dr. Jackson on use of Sulphuric Ether. GREGORY, Dr. S. Letters to Ladies on Female Physicians. GREEN, J. H., on Med. Reform. - HAKE, G., on Vital Force. HENDERSON, T. Examination of Army Recruits. HERRICK, W. B., on Remedies. Hydropathic Quarterly Review. 111. and Ind. Med. and Surg. Journ. Indiana Jour, of Med. and Surg. Jour, of Materia Medica. KNAPP, M. L., on Epidemic Cholera. 46 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEDICINE. KNAPP, M. L., on Nursing Sore Mouth. on Cholera Infantum. LAIRD, J. Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Stomache, etc. MAGENDIE, F. Physiolog. Researches. - MANN, J. Med. Sketches of Campaign, 1812-14. - MARKS, E. Aphorisms of Hippocrates. Medical Examiner. - and Surg. Hist, of Rebellion. 1861-5. Repository. 1800. MUSGRAVE, H. B. Homoeopathic Pharmacy displayed. NELKEN, M. Treatise on Sea Sickness. N. H. Journal of Medicine. 1857. N. Y. Medical Gazette. Med. Press. 1858. N. Amer. Medico Chirurgical Review. N. W. Med. and Surg. Jour. Ohio State Med. Society. PAINE, M. Institutes of. Med. and Physiolog. Commentaries. PAINE, Thos. Cause of Yellow Fever. PARSONS, U. Amer. Med. Assoc. Report. On Animal Decomposition. PEASLEE, E. R. On Foetal Circulation. Phila. College of Physicians Trans. Physio-Medical Recorder, 1858. PITCHER, G. On the Tympanum. PORCHER, F. P. Illustra. of Disease by the Microscope, ROBERTSON, F. On Chorea Sancti Viti. SAVONAROLAE, [. M. Practica de de Gritudinibus. SCUDAMORE, Sir. C. On the Gout. SHIPMAN, G. E. On Homoeopathy and Allopathy. SIMPSON, J. Y. On Use of Chloroform. SMITH, T. Anaesthesia. Southern Medical and Surgical Journal. TULLY, W. Materia Medica. U. S. Sec. of War. Sickness and Mortality. WARREN, E. Ace. of the Letheon. Western Journ. of Med. and Phys. Sciences, 1828-35. of Medicine and Surgery, 1845-7. Western Lancet, 1857, Western Med. News, 1857. Westminster Med. Soc. WILLIAMS, S. W. Corres. with Dr. Pereira. Med. Improvements. MEDILL, Joseph. An Easy Method of Spelling the English Lan- gnage. (Phonetic.) Chicago, 1867. 12mo. MEDILL, Wm. Speech in Cong., Apr. 5, 1842, on the Appropriation Bill. (In relation to salary of Gov. Doty, of Wis.) Washing ton, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. MEDING, Henri. Bibliotheque du Paris Medical Enseignement et Bibliographic de la Medecine. Paris, 1855. ]2mo. MEDINA Co., O. See NORTHROP, N. B. Pioneer Hist. of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 47 MEEK, A. B. Romantic Passages in South-Western History. N.Y., 1867. 12mo. MEEK, F. B. arid HAYDEX, F. V. Descript. of New Organic Re mains from N. Eastern Kansas, 1858. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. Palaeontology of the Upper Missouri. Part 1, Inverte brates. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 14. MEEKER, N. C. Life in the West, or Stories of the Mississippi Valley. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. MEEKINS, T. C. Mossom. Decimal Coinage should it be Interna tional? Lond., 1856. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 16. MEEN, Rev. H. Succisivae Operae, or Selections from Ancient Writers. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 35. MEGINNESS, J. F. Otzinachson: or a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna. Phila., 1857. 8vo. MEIGS, Chas. D. Address before Union League of Phila., Oct. 31, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. Lecture on the Augustan Age, before the Athenian Institute and Mer. Library. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 13. MEIGS, Gov. See WILLIAMS, Sam l. Two Western Campaigns. MEIGS, H. Address before the Amer. Institute, Oct. 9, 1845, on Agriculture and Horticulture. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 3. MEIGS, J. Aitken. Address before Alumni Assoc. of Penn. Cent. High School, 1854. Phila., 1854. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 13. Catalogue of Human Crania in the Collection of the Phila. Academy of Nat. Science, 1857. Phila., 1857. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 10. MEIGS, Col. Return J. See BUSHNELL, C. I. Journ. of Quebec Ex- ped., 1775. HILDRETH, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. Journal of Occurrences in the Canada Expedition, under CoL Benedict Arnold. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. 2d Ser. MELISH, John. Travels in U. S. of North America in 1806, 7, 9, 10,. 11. Phila., 1812. 2 Vols. 8vo. MELLEX, G. Book of the U. States. Hartford, 1836. 8vo. MELLEIST, Rev. Mr. Topograph. Description of the Town of Barn- stable, Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 3. MELROSE Abbey. See BOWERS, J. Descrip. of. MELROSE, Mass. See Goss, E. H. Melrose in the Rebellion. Public Library. Catalogue of. Boston, 1871. 8vo. Biblio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 69. - Report of the Selectmen for 1868-9. Boston, 1869. 8vo. MELTHAM, Eng. HUGHES, Rev. Jos, Hist, of, 1866. MELTOP, Thos. L. Life of Wm. Magee, Archbishop of Dublin. Dub lin, 1822. 12mo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 1. MELVIN, Jas. Journal of the Expedition to Quebec in 1775, under Col. Benedict Arnold. N. Y. 5 1857. Svo. MEMBRE, Rev. Zenobius. See SHEA, J. G. Discov. of Mississippi Valley. MEMES, John S. Life of Wm. Cowper. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 5. 48 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEMES, John S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Harper s Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. MEMOIR of Principal Transactions of the Last War between the English and French in N. America, from 1744 to Treaty at Aix. Lond., 1757. 8vo. Memoir of the Transunion and Tehuantepee Route between Europe and Asia. 1851. Congress. Pamph. Vol. 51. MEMOIRE concernant le feus Sr de Rochemore, Commissaire General de la Marine, ordonnateur a la Louisiane centre le Sieur de Kerlerec, Gov. de la Meme Colonie. Paris, 1765. 4to. de la Campagne des Armees Combinees, dans d Anne, 1792. Lond., 1793. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. Historique sur la Negociation de la France and de 1 Angle- terre, 1761. Lond., 1761. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. - pour le Marquis de Vaudreuil, Ci-devant Gouverneur et Lieu tenant-General de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1763. 4to. Geographiques, Physiques et Historiques sur 1 Asie, 1 Africa et T Amerique. Paris, 1767. 4 Vols. 18mo. MEMOIRES des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux, de sa Majeste Brit- tanique, sur les Possessions et les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amerique. Paris, 1755. o Vols. 4to. MEMOIRS of an American Lady. See GRANT, Mrs. Anne. of the Dead, and Tombs Remembrancer. Baltimore, 1806. 12mo. of the Life of a Country Surgeon. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 16. of the Present State of Europe; or Monthly Ace. of Occur rences, Ecclesiastical, Civil and Military. Lond., 1692 and 1693. 2 Vols. 4to. See Present State of Europe. MEMORANDA; Historical, Chronological, etc., to aid in preparing Pilgrim Memorials, etc. Boston, 1870. 8vo. N. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 1. of Four Claims against Mexico, submitted to the late Board and Rejected. Phila., 1853. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 49. relating to the Churches and Clergy of N. Hampshire. Farmer & Moore s N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. - respecting the French Slave Trade in 1820. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 3. MEMORIA Technica; or Method of Artifical Memory. Exeter, n. d. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. MEMORIAL Addresses in Cong, on Hon. Wm. P. Fessenden, Dec. 11, 1869. Washington, 1870. 8vo. - in Answer to Observations sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. 1749. "Olden Time." Vol. 2. of Merchants of Salem, Mass., to Cong., on Restrictions on Commerce. 1820. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. of Officers of the U. S. Navy, for an Increase of Pay. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 3. of 12th Gen. Assembly of Iowa to Cong., relative to Water Communication between the Atlantic and Mississippi. Des Moines, 1868. Svo. Iowa Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 49 MEMORIAL of the 13th Gen. Assembly of Iowa to Cong., relative to Water Communication between the Atlantic and Mississippi. Des Moines, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. of Gen. Assembly of Virginia, to Cong., relative to Water Communication between the Atlantic and Mississippi. Rich mond, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. of the Inauguration of the Statue of Franklin. Boston, 1857. 8vo. of Paper Manufacturers, to Cong., 1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 53. of the Stockbridge Nation of Indians in Wisconsin to Cong., on the payment of their interest in certain lands and the title to the same. Senate Doc. No. 189. 2d Sess. 27th Cong., 1842. on behalf of the Native Irish, with a view to their Improve ment, through the Medium of their own Language. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Eng. Polit Pamph. Vol. 32. showing the Reason why Mexico should not consent to grant ing Privilege to build the Tehaantepec R. R. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 97. to Congress from Texas Commissioners, on Reconstruction, 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 115. from the Convention at Chicago, July 5, 1847, on the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors. Albany, 1848. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of Owners of Swamp and Overflowed Lands in Califor nia. Sacramento, 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. of Sugar Refiners, asking for new Classification of Sugars for Tariff Purposes, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. on the Sixteenth Census. Washington, 1845. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. by Citizens of Boston and Vicinity, on the Extension of Slavery. Boston, 1819. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 136. to Gen. Convention of P. Episcopal Ch. on Negroes and Re ligion, 1856. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 74. to Protestants on the Fifth of Nov., containing particulars relative to the Gunpowder Treason. Lond., 1713. Svo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 82. MEMORIALS of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia, and St. Lucia. French and English. Lond., 1775. 2 Vols. 4to. to Cong, by Societies for promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 1792. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. Relative to Ohio River Navigation. 1870, 71. Svo. Congr. Polit. Pamph. 138. of King Alfred; Essay on the History and Antiquities of England during the 9th Century, Edited by Rev. Dr. GILES. Lond., 1863. Svo. of the Dead in Boston. See BRIDGMAN, T. 4 50 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEMORIES of Fifty Years. See SPARKS, Wm. H. Notices of Dis tinguished Men. MEMORY, Artificial. See GOURAUD, F. F. Phreno-Mnemotechnic Dictionary. See Memoria Technica. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Agricult. Soc y. See MAUEY, M. F. Address. 1871. and Northwestern R. R. Co. Reports of President, ete. 1872. Memphis, 1872. 8vo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. El Paso, and Pacific R. R. Co. See FREMONT, J. C. See Southern Trans. Continental Railway. Helena and St. Louis Levee R. R. Statement to Cong. 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Pol it. Pamph. Vol. 115. Proceedings of Commercial Convention at Memphis, May, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. See QUINTARD, C. T. Health and Mortality of. 1852. Riots. Report of Select Comm. of U. S. House of R. Wash ington, 1866. 8vo. MEN of Progress See PARTON, Jas. of the Time. See Cooper T. Dictionary on Contemporaries. being Biographies of Generals Butler, Banks, Burnside, Baker, Stevens, Wilcox and Weber. N. Y., 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 101. being Biographies of Generals Hooker, Rosekrans, Grant, McClernand and Mitchell. N. Y., 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 101. being Biographies of Generals Halleck, Pope, Seigel, Cor coran, Prentiss, Kearney, Hatch and Augur. N. Y., 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 103. MENASHA, Wis., Advocate. Newspaper. June, 1854 to Sept., 56. Folio. Island City Times, 1866. Bound with Winnebago Press. 1870-1. MENDELSSOHN, Felix. See BENEDICT, Jules. Sketch of his Life and Works. MENDON, Mass. See BLAKE, M. Mendon Church Assoc. Proceedings at Bi-Centen. Annivers. of the Town, May 15, 1867. Worcester, 1868. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 9. MENGARINI, Gregory. Selish, or Flat-Head Grammar. N. Y., 1861. 4to. Shea s Library of Linguistics. MENOMINEE Co., Michigan. See INGALLS, E. S. Iron Mines of. MENTAL Culture. FISHER, Rev. S. W. Lecture at Albany. - Philosophy. See Intellectual Philos. MEN who Advertise; Account of Successful Merchants. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. MERCER Co., Pa. See STOKELY, B. Observations on. MERCER, Maj. Coincidences between Usages of N. Amer. Indians and the Asiatic Tribes. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 1. MERCERON, Dan l S. Copernicus refuted, or the True Solar Sys tem. Baltimore, 1846. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 51 MERCHANTS and Bankers Almanac. See HOMANS, J. Smith. Register. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. Union Law Co. Report for Jan. 1867. N. Y. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 7. MERCURIUS Aulicus; Communicating the Affairs of the Court to the rest of the Kingdom. Lond., 1643-5. 4to. MEREDITH, E. A. An Important but Neglected Branch of Social Science. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., Nov. 6, 1861. Transactions, vol. 5, part 1. Note on some Emendations in the Text of Shakespeare. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc y, Apr. 1, 1863. Trans actions, Vol. 1, N. Ser., part 1. MEREWETHER, H. A. Address to the King, the Lords and Com mons, on the Representative Constitution of England. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. MEREWETHER, Sergeant. Report to the Select Comm. of Parl t on the late Warwick Election. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 9. Speech in House of Commons, Apr. 23, 1839, on the Gov t. of Jamaica. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 17. MERIDEN, Ct. See DAVIS C. H. S. Hist, of Wallingford and Meriden. MERIWETHER, J. A. Speech in Cong., Dec. 29 and 30, 1842. Dis criminating Duties. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. MERRELL, W. H. Five Months in Rebeldom, or Notes from a Diary of a Bull Run Prisoner. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 98. MERRICK, Pliny. Eulogy on. Gen. Andrew Jackson, at Boston, July 9, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 24. Oration at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1817. Worcester, 1817. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 29. MERRICK, Rich d. T. Fourth of July Oration at Baltimore, 1852. Baltimore, 1852. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 35. MERRILL Rifle. Manufactured by Merrill Patent Fire Arm Manu facturing Company. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 20. MERRILL, Thos. A., D. D. Essay on the Study, of the Latin Lan guage. N. Y., 1800. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 33. See GOODHUE, J. F. Obit. Sermon. 1855. Semi Centen. Sermon, Dec. 3, 1840, containing a Hist of, Mid- dlebury, Vt. Middlebury, 1841. Svo. Vt. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 2. MERRIMACK Co., N. H., Agricult. Soc y- Receipts and Expendi tures 1859-67. Concord, 1867. Svo. N. H. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Badger, S. C. Juridical Statistics of. 1847. MERRIMACK, N. H. See ALLEN, S. T. Centen Addresses. 1846. Humane Soc y. See GARY, Sam. Addresses, 1806. - Valley, See POOR, Alfred. MERRITT, Gen. E. A. See Government Aid to American Shipping. MEURITT, Wm. H. Ace. of the Welland Canal, Upper Canada, 1828. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 15. 52 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MERRYMAN, John. See TANEY, Judge R. B. Decision in Case of. MERIVALE, Chas. Hist, of the Romans under the Empire. From 4thLond. Ed. N. Y. 1866. 7 Vols. 12mo. MERWIN, Rev. Saml. 50th Annivers. Sermon, North Ch. New Haven, Feb. 25, 1855. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. MESMERISM. See Millington Rev. T. S. Lecture on the Phe nomenon of Dreams, etc. York, A. System of. 1844. MESOPOTAMIA. See Fraser, J. B. History of. MESSER, Dr. Asa. See Brown University. MESSINGER, Daniel. See Dean, J. W. Memoir of. MESSINGER, Geo. W. Genealogy of the Messinger Family.. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. Hinckley Genealogy. From the N. E. Hist, and Genealog- Register. Boston. 1859. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. MESSLER, Rev. Abraham. The Hollanders in N. Jersey, with Notices of some of their Descendants. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 5. MESZLENYI, Susanne Kossuth. Memorial of. Boston. 1856. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 5. METALS & METALLURGY. See Douglass, Rev. J. Gold Fields of Canada. Jacob, W. On Precious Metals. Schoolcraft, H. R. On Copper Mines of Lake Superior. On Lead Mines of Missouri. Thacher, Dr. J. Observ. on Iron Ores. - Wetherill. C. M. Chem. Exam, of Minerals and Gold found in Penn. METAPHYSICS. See Stewart, Dugald. Progress of Metaphys. Philosophy. See Intellectual Philosophy. METAXA, Count. Geo. Reply to A. B. Cochrane, on the State of Greece. Lond. 1847. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 44. METCALF Family Genealogy. See HARRIS, L. M. METCALFE, Gov. C. T. Speech on Proroguing the Jamaica Legis lature, Apr. 11, 1840. Lond., 1840. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 25. METEOROLOGY. See Amer. Philos. Soc. BROCKLESBY, J. Elements of. - BUTLER, T. B. Philosophy of the Weather. DALTON, John. Meteorolog. Observa. and Essays. 1793. ESPY, J. P. Reports on. FORRY, Dr. Samuel. Atmosphere and i,ts Phenomena. See Girard College. - HILDRETII, S. P. Observa. at Marietta, O. HOUGH, G. W. Descript. of Registering and Printing Barom eter. - KANE, Dr. E. K. Observa. made 1853-5 in the Arctic Seas. LAWSON, Dr. Thos. Register for U. S., for 1836-30. LOVELL, Dr. Jos. Register for U. S., for 1822-25. Smithsonian Institution. Directions, etc. McCLiNTOCH, Sir F. L. Observa. in Arctic Seas, 1857-59. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 53 METEOROLOGY. See N. Y. Results of Meteorolog. Observa. 1826-50. PROUT, Wm. Meteorology and Nat. Theology. REDFIELD, W. C. On Whirlwind Storms. TREMBLEY, J. B. Observa. at Toledo, O., 1865. U. S. Patent Office. Meteorolog. Observations, 1854-59. U. S. Secretary of War. Meteorolog. Observations, 1826-54. Practical use of Meteor. Reports, 1871. WALLENSTEIN, J de. Memoire des Observationes Meteoroli- giques, 1823, 1824. METHOD (A) of Increasing the Quantity of Circulating Money. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. Methode Generales d analyses ou recherches physiques. Paris, 1767. 18mo. METHODIST Episcopal Church. See Amer. Prim. Meth. Magazine. BANGS, N. Hist, of, 1796-1840. BEGGS, Rev. S. R. Early Hist, of West and N. West. - BRUNSON, A. Western Pioneer. CARTWRIGHT, Peter, Autobiog. Connectional Centenary Documents. Nos. 1-5. N. York. 1865, 66. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 4. DIXON, Rev. J. Origin and Economy of Methodism. FINLEY, Rev. Jas. B. Sketches of Western Methodism. GORRIE, P. D. Eminent Methodists. Goss, C. C. First Century of Methodism. HINES, Rev. G. Hist, of Oregon Mission. JACKSON, T., Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism. Journals of General Confererence, 1796-1856. N. Y., 1855. 3 Vols. 8vo. Loan Fund of the Church Extension Soc y. N. Y, 1869. 8vo. Minutes of Ann. Conferences, 1773-1860. N. Y., 1840-60. 8 Vols. 8vo. See PECK, Rev. G. Early Methodism. PITEZEL, J. H. Missionary Life at L. Superior. Report of Comm. on Organization, presented to the Con vention of Delegates from Conferences in the Southern States, May 14, 1845. Louisville, Ky., 1845. 8vo. Reli gious Pamph. Vol. 20. Report of the Freedmen s Aid Soc. of Cincin., 1868. 8vo. Reports of the Missionary Soc. S. S. Union and Tract Soc. for 1864. N. Y. 8vo. See SCARRITT, Nathan. Position of the M. E. Church, South, on Slavery. Statement of the Claim of the Publishing House of the Ch. South, n. d. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 25. .STEVENS, A. History of. Memorials of. SUMMERS, T. O. Biograph. Sketches of Ministers. TACKITT, I. H. Sermon on the Centenary of Method ism. 1839. See Troy Conference Missionary Soc. 54 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. METHODIST Episcopal Church. WAKELEY, J. B. Lost Chapters of Meth. Hist. Wisconsin. Minutes of 1st, 4th, 5th Sessions of the West Wis. Conference. Galesville, etc. 1860, 63, 64. 8vo. Minutes of the 20th Session of the Primitive Meth. Western Ann. Conference. Dodgeville, 1864. 8vo. Minutes of the 1st, 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 5 10th, llth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th Sessions of the West. Wis. Ann. Conference. 1856-71. 8vo. Minutes of the 3d, 4th, 7th, loth, 16th, 19th, 21st, 24th, 25th Sessions of the Wis. Ann. Conference, 1850-71. Madison, 1850-71. 8vo. Magazine. N. Y., 1828. 8vo. & Quarterly Review. N. Y., 1819, 21, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 45, 77. 14 vols. 8vo. Protestant Church (Associated Methodists). Constitution adopted by Gen. Convention held in in Baltimore, Nov., 1830. Baltimore, 1830. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. METOMEN, Fond du Lac, Co. Wis. See WEST, G. M. METRIC System of Weights and Measures. See Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 16. METROPOLITAN Draper s Assoc. Report of Speeches on the Late Hour System at London, Jan. 23, & Oct. 9, 1844. London. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Report of Ann. Meetings at London, Feb. 27, 1846, & March 8, 1848. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. 5 & 6. Magazine. N. Y. Vols. 5 to 10. 1838-40. 3 Vols. 8vo. Parochial Water Supply Assoc. Statement of Exec. Comm. on the Case of the Rate Payers and Consumers of Water. Lond., 1848. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. Reformatories and Refugees. Ace. of 31 Institutions, presented to the Industrial Exhibition, June 19 and 20, 1856. Lond., Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. MEURSIUS, John. Historica; Danica pariter and Belgica. Amster dam, 1638; folio. MEXICAN Antiquities. From the Foreign Quar. Rev. Waldie s Cir culating Lib.. Vol. 9 See FINCK, H. Boundary. See BARTLETT, J. R. Report, 1853. EMORY, Wm. H. Paper on. GRAHAM, J. D. Report on, 1852. - Exploration. See SIMPSON, J. H. Coronado s March, 1530. Indemnity Bill. See Congr. Speeches. Treaty. See Congress l Speeches. - War. See Alta, California. See Congressional Speeches. - DAWSON, H. B. Battles of U. S. - DONNA VAN, C. Captivity of. EDWARDS, F. S. Doniphan s Campaign. FURBER, Geo. C. 12 Months Volunteer. - GIBSON, Capt. J. W. Letter on the Battle of Buena Vista. HALE, J. P. Speech in Cong, on Increase of Army, 1848. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 55 MEXICAN War. HENRY, W. S. Campaign Sketches, 1847. - HUGHES, J. T. Doniphan s Expedition, etc. JAY, W. Causes and Consequences of. JENKINS, J. S. History of. LIVERMORE, A. A. Review of. MANSFIELD, E. D. History of. PORTER, C. T. Review of. POWELL, C. F. Life of Gen. Z. Taylor, etc. REID, S. C., Jr. Scouting Expedition of McCulloch s Texas Rangers in Mexico, 1846. - Republic of U. S. and Review of. RICHARDSON, W. H. Journal. RIPLEY, R. S. History of. SEMMES, Raphael. Campaigns of Gen. Scott. Service Afloat and Ashore. SHACKFORD, C. C. Lecture on. SMITH, Isaac. Reminiscences of a Campaign in Mexico. TAYLOR, Gen. Z. and his Generals. THOMPSON, J. L. Hist, of Amer. Wars. THORPE, T. B. Our Army on the Rio Grande. WOOL, Maj. Gen. John E. Life of, etc. MEXICO. See CASTILLO, C. Discov. and Conquest of. OLUSERET, G. Mexico and the Solidarity of Nations, 1866. COMONFORT, Gen. Defence of his Administration. CORTES, F. Correspondance avec Charles-Quint. D ALVA, F. Des Conquerantes du. GALLATIN, A. Notes on Uncivilized Nations of. On Peace with. in 1842. N. Y., 1842. 18mo. See KERR, B. Travels in U. S. and Mexico. 1808-16. MAYER, B. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Observa. on Mex. Hist, and Archaeology. Memoranda of Claims Against. 1853. POINSETT, J f R. Notes on, in 1825. PRESCOTT, W. H. Hist, of the Conquest of. QUINETT, E. L Expedition du Mexique, 1862. Recueil pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique. See TER- NAUX. Voyages. Vol. 10. See ROMERO, Senor. Speech at N. Y., 1863, on Situation of Mexico. ROSECRANS, W. S. Relations of U. S. with. 1870. RUXTON, G. F. Adventures in. 1848. SMITH, S. C. Chile Con Carne. TEMPLETON, W. C. Mail Communica. with U. S. TEMPSKEY, G. F. von. Journey in 1853-5. - TERNAUX, H. Voyages. TUDOR, Henry. Narr. of a Tour in 1831-2. What shall our Policy be? n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. See WILSON, R. A. Conquest of. Peasants and Priests. 1851-54. 56 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MEXICO. See WISE, H. A., Jr. Los Gringos; an Inside View, etc. 1849. WISLIZENUS, A. Tour to No. Mexico, 1846-7. MEYER, Albertus. An Address to the People. 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. MEYRICK, Sir Sam l R. Heraldic Visitations of Wales and part of the Marches between 1586 and 1613. Llandovery, 1846. 2 Vols. Large 4to. Hist, and Antiquities of the Co. of Cardigan, Wales. Lond., 1810. 4to. MIAMI Assoc. of Regular Baptists. Minutes of Anniversaries held in 1850 and 1854. Cincin. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Baptist Assoc. See DUNLEVY, A. H. Hist. of. 1797-1836. Confederacy. See TRENT, Capt. Wm. Notice of. Medical College of Cincin. Ann. Announcement and Cata logue, 1866-7. Cincin., 1866. 8vo. Same, 1871-2. 8vo. Medical College, Cincin. See NORTON, Sidney H. Lecture, 1869. University. See Oxford, Ohio. MICHAELIS, John I). See Eichhorn, J. G. Life and Writings of. MICHAUX, F. A. See DURAND, E. Memoir of. Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Ky., and Tenn., in 1802. Lond., 1805. 8vo. MICHEL, Dan. Ayenbite of Inwvt; or Remorse of Conscience. In the Kentish Dialect, A. D., 1340. Published by Philolog. Soc. Lond., 1866. 8vo. MICHEL, Francisque. Gesta Regum Brittaniae; Metrical Hist, of the 13th Century. Printed for Cambrian Archaeolog. Assoc. Lond., 1862. 8vo. MICHELET, M. Modern History; with an Introduction by A. Potter D. D. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. MICHIGAN. Acte pour 1 organization de la Milice de Michigan, ap proved April, 21, 1825. Detroit 1825. 8vo. Actes relatifs aux Townships, aux Grands Chemins, aux Elec tions, public conformement a certaines Resolutions passees dant la Seconde Session du Second Conseil Legislatif du Michigan. Detroit, 1827. 8vo. Acts passed at the Second Session of the First Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, 1825. Detroit, 1825. 8vo. Acts of the Legislature passed at the Annual Session of 1839. Detroit, 1839. 8vo. Adjutant General s Report for 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 79. Reports, 1862, 63, 64. Lansing, 1863-5. 3 Vols. 8vo. and Ohio Boundary. See U. States. Message of the Pres t with Documents. 1835-6. and Wisconsin Boundary. See Cram, T. J. Survey, 1841-2. Asylum for Insane. Bien. Report of Trustees, for 1859, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 72. Lansing, 1861-73. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 57 MICHIGAN Auditor General. Ann. Report for 1866, 67, 68. Lansing, 1866-68. 8vo. Compilation of Ann. Reports of R. R. Corporations of Mich, for 1867. Lansing, 1868. 8vo. See BLOIS, J. T. Gazetteer of. Board of Agriculture. Ann. Reports. 1864, 65, 68. Lans ing. 8vo. Transactions. Vol. 4. Lansing, 1853. 8vo. Catalogue of State Teachers Institutes. Spring Series. 1859. Lansing, 1859. 8vo. Mich. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Clinton River. Constitution of Michigan, adopted in 1850. In Dutch and English. Holland. 1851. 8vo. Constitution of Mich. 1867. 8vo. Mich. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Farmer. Vol. 14. Detroit, 1856. 8vo. See FARMER, J. Map of Mich, and Wis. 183 6. See FARMER, S. Map of Copper Region of L. Superior. R. R. and Township Map. See FERRIS J. States and Territories of th Great West. Geological Survey. Report by C. T. JACKSON on the Geolog. and Mineralog. Lands in Mich. Washington, 1849. 8vo. 1st Bien. Report made by A. WINCHELL. 1860. Lans ing, 1861. 8vo. See GRAHAM, Col.- J. D. Report on Lake Michigan and St. Clair Harbors. See Historical and Scientific Sketches of. Hist. Soc y- See BIDDLE, John, CASS, Lewis, SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R., TROAVBRIDGE, C. C., WHITING, Henry. Joint Documents of the State for 1871. Lansing, 1872. 2 Vols. 12mo. See LANMAN, J. H. Hist. of. Laws concerning the Record, etc. of Marriage. Lansing, 1867. 8vo. Mich. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. of Michigan. Vol. 1. Washington, 1806. 8vo. of the Territory of Michigan, with Marginal Notes and Index. Detroit, 1820. 8vo. of the Territory of Michigan, revised by commissioners appointed by the First Legislative Council. Detroit, 1827. 8vo. of the Territory of Michigan, condensed, arranged and passed by the Fifth Legislative Council. Detroit, 1833. 8vo. of the Territory, 1834-8. of the State, 1837, 39, 41, 42, 59, 62, 69, 71. Detroit. 8vo. See Michigan, Acts, etc. (Compiled) Laws. Lansing, 1857. 2 Vols. 8vo. Legislative Excursion, Feb., 1869. Lansing, 1869. 8vo. Mich. Pamph. Vol. 1. Local History. See Detroit, Mackinaw, Menominee County, Michilimackinac, Ypsilanti. 58 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MICHIGAN Memorial to Cong., (by the Legislative Council), in favor of Erection of the Territory of Wisconsin. Ex. Doc. No. 34-. 2d Sess. of 23d Cong., 1834-5. Another Memorial by the same, for the Establishment of a sep arate Terri. Gov t for Wis. Senate Doc. No. 24 of same Cong. (Veto) Messages of Gov. Crapo, 1867. Lansing, 1867. 8vo. Message of the Acting Gov. Stevens T. Mason to the Legis lative Council of the Territory of Mich., Aug., 1835. De troit, 1835. 8vo. Natural History of. See SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Newspapers. Miscellaneous, 1855-67. 1 Vol. Peninsula of. See PIERCE, Jas. Notice of Topog., Resources, etc., 1826. Pub. Schools. Primary School Law with Notes and Forms. Detroit, 1847. 8vo. Reports of Supt. of Pub. Instruction for 1853. 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62. Lansing, 1853-63. 8vo. School Funds and School Laws of Michigan; with Notes and Forms. Lansing, 1858-59. 8vo. System of Public Instruction and Primary School Law. Lansing, 1852. 8vo. Red Book of. See LANMAN, C. Report of Special Commissioners on Penal and Charitable Institutions. Lansing, 1871. 8vo. Resolutions of Legislative Council for the construction of a Harbor at the Mouth of the Milwaukee River. Senate Doc. No. 35, 2d Sess. of 23d Cong., 1834. See SHELDON, E. M. Early History of. Some of the Acts of the Territory in force March 20, 1816. Detroit, 1816. 8vo. Some of the Acts of Congress relative to, and some of the Statistics of the Territory of Michigan, 1805-19. Taken from a Newspaper and pasted in a Scrap-Book. Some of the Acts of the Territory of Michigan, and now in force, March, 20, 1816. Detroit, 1816. 4to. State Board of Agriculture. Ann. Report of Secretary for 1862. Lansing, 1862. Svo. - State Library. Report of State Librarian for 1871-2. Lan sing, 1872. 8vo. Catalogue, Lansing, 1873, 8vo. State Reform School; 7th Ann. Report for 1863. Lansing, 1863. Svo. The Pine Lands and Lumber Trade of Michigan. Detroit, 1856. Svo. Mich. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See U. S. Message of President, 1841. University of. See ALLEN, J. A. Introduct. Med. Address, 1852. Catalogues for 1855, 1858, 1864, 1866-7, 1867-8, 1868-9. Ann Arbor, n. d. Svo. College of Medicine. Catalogue for 1852-3. See TAPPAN, H. P. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 59 MICHIGAN. University of. University Palladium for 1868-9. Ann Arbor, 1869. 8vo. See Walker, C. I. See WHITTLESEY, C. On Azoic Bocks of Mich, and Wis. WOODBRIDGE, W. Letter to Hon. A. Edwards. Speech in Cong, on the Internal Improvement of. MICHILIMACKINAC, Ancient and Modern, including an Account of the Controversy between Mackinac and the Mormons. 1854. 8vo. Mich. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. MICKLE, Isaac. Reminiscences of Old Gloucester; or Incidents of the History of Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Cam- den, N. J. Phila., 1845. 8vo. MICKLEY, Jos. J. Tables of the Dates of U. S. Coin and their De grees of Rarity. Phila., 1858. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass. Celebration of the 200th Annivers. of the Town, Oct. 13, 1869. Middleborough, 1870. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 14. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3, 1st. Series. See PUTNAM, Rev. J. W. Half Century Discourses. 1865. Sketches of Early Hist. of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 3. MIDDLEBURY College, Vt. Addresses and Proceedings at Semi- centen Celebra., Aug., 1850. Middlebury, 1850. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Catalogue of Officers and Students for 1856-7. Cata- logus Senatus Academici, etc. 1838, 1853. Rutland, etc., 1838-53, 56. 8vo. See MARSH, G. P. MIDDLEBURY, Vt. See HALL, F. Statist. Ace. of. MERRILL, T. A. Hist. Sermon. SWIFT, S. History of. MIDDLESEX Company. Report of Investigating Comm. to the Stockholders. Boston, 1857. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph, Vol. 4. MIDDLESEX, Eng. See MIDDLETON, J. View of Agric. of. 1813, Hospital. List of Governors and Benefactors. Lond., 1810. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 15. - Report on Cholera Patients admitted during 1854. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 25. Journal. Lond., 1770-2. Folio. Question Stated, in reference to Case of John Wilkes. MIDDLESEX Co., Eng. Report of the Co. Treasurer from Dec. 31, 1856, to Mar. 31, 1857. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 9. MIDDLESEX Co., Conn. See FIELD, D. D. Statist. Ace. of. 1819. MIDDLETON, Bp. Concise View of the Doctrine of the Greek Ar ticle. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 31. MIDDLETON, John. Gen. View of the Agriculture of Middlesex, Eng. 2d Ed. Lond., 1813. 8vo. MIDDLETOWN, Conn. Middlesex Gazette. Newspaper. July, 1808, Dec., 1808. Folio. 60 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MIDDLETOWN, N. H. Notes on the Town of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. MIDDLETOWX, Vt. See FRISBIE, Barnes. Hist. of. 1877. MIDNIGHT Cry. Newspaper. N. Y., 1842-44. 4to. MIFFLIX, Mos. See RAWLE, W. Sketch of Life of. MILBURN, Wm. H. Pioneer Preacher; or Rifle, Axe and Saddle Bags and Other Lectures. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. MILES, Geo. H. Discourse in commem. of the Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland, May 10, 1847. Emittsburgh, 1847. 8vo. Md. Misc. Paraph. Vol. 2. MILES, Henry A. Sermon at Lowell, Mass., Apr. 17, 1839, on Hon. Luther Lawrence. Lowell, 1839. 8vo. Sermons. Vols. 5 to 39. MILES, Rev. Jas. B. Discourse in Commem. of Jas. Hunnewell, at Charlestown, May 9, 1809. Chariest-own, Mass., 1869. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 25. MILES, Pliny. Postal Reform; its necessity and practicability. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. The Post Office in the U. S. and England. Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc. Bulletin. Vol. 2. MILES, Thos. J. The Conspiracy of Leading Men of the Repub. Party to Destroy the Amer. Union. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 33. MILES, Wm. A. Letter to Earl Stanhope, with Notes. Lond., 1794. Eug. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. Letter to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Lond., 1808. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 29. MILET, Pierce. Relation de la Captivite parmi les Onneiouts en, 1690-1. N. Y., 1864. Sm. 4to. MILFORD Haven, Eng. See PAGE, Thos. MILITARY and Naval Magazine of the U. S. Vol. 1. Mar. to Aug. 1833. Washington, 1833. 8vo. Same. Vol. 3. Mar. to Aug.. 1834. Washington, 1834. 8vo. Situation, and the Glorious Achievements of Soldiers and Sailors. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n. Vol. 11. Commission to Europe. See U. S. Sec. of War. Despotism! Arbitrary Arrest of a Judge!! Broadside, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. Suspension of the Habeas Corpus, etc. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. Education. See WHITTLESEY, J. H. Report on. 1867. Gazette, The. Vol. 3. 1860. N. Y. 8vo. Inspection Book. Concord, N. H., 1843. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. Journals of two Private Soldiers, 1758-1765, with Notes, by R. J. Lossing. Poughkeepsie, 1855. 8vo. Maps of War of Rebellion. Variety of 25 Maps. Various Places and Dates. Memoirs of Four Brothers engaged in the Service of their Country in the New World and Africa, 2d Ed. Lond., 1830. Obedience, Argument on. Lond., 1820. Svo. Pamphleteer Vol. 17. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 61 MILITAEY Operations on the Delaware during late War, with copy of Muster Rolls, etc. Phila., 1820. 12mo. Plans, to accompany Straith s Treatise on Fortifications. Lond. Folio, n. d. Resources of the West. See MASON, J. L. Memoirs on. 1845. Science. See Army Officers Pocket Companion. - BAXTEK, D. W. C. Volunteers Manual. BUSHNELL, D. On Construction of Sub-Marine Vessels. Camels for Military Transportation. Carbine Exercise, etc. - CASEY, S. Infantry Tactics. Cavalry Tactics. DE PEYSTER, J. W. Eulogy of Lennart Torstenson. L Eclaireur. Report on Europe and Systems. Strategy of Marshal Traun. DE VAUBAN, M. Treatise on Fortifications. ELLSWORTH, E. E. Manual for Zouave Cadets. - HARDEE, W. J. Rifle and Infantry Tactics. - Instructions for Field Artillery. for Heavy Artillery. in Brigade Drill, etc. JEBB, J. Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Outposts, etc. Maynard System of Priming. MCCLELLAN, G. B. Manual of Bayonet Exercise. Military Gazette. Military Plan for Fortifications. - N. Y. Gen. Regulations for Militia. 1858. NORTON, Capt. John. Projectiles. O NEILL, Thos. Treatise in the Eighteen Manoeuvres. PATTEN, Geo. Cavalry Drill. Penn. Military Laws. PERCY, H. Cautions for Company and Battalion Drill. See Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 101, et seq. to Memoir of U, S. Artillery. - Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. - Royal Military Chronicle. - SCHALK, E. Principles of Stratagy in Campaigns of 1862, 1863. - School of the Guides. - Simons, Jas. Tactics practised by the French. 1797. - STRAITH, Major H. Treatise on Fortification and Ar tillery. - SWETT, S. Abstract of DeRogniat s Work on Art of War. -- M. S. Army Regulations. 1861. - U. S. Senate Report on Heavy Ordnance. 1869. - WARNER, S. A. Mode of National Defence. - Western Military Institute. - WIARD, N. On Great Guns. 62 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MILITARY Science. See WORTHINGTON S Volunteer Manual. See Amer. Wars. MILITIA, Importance of. See SUMNER, W. H. Letter to John Adams. of U. S. See KNOX, Gen. Henry. Plan for Gen. Arrange ment of. MILL, John Stuart. The Contest in America. 2d Ed. Boston, 1862. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. G3. Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. Lond. 1859. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 57. MILLARD, David. Journal of Travels in Egvpt, Arabia Petra3, and the Holy Land. N. Y. 1857. 12mo. MILLARD, John. Letter to T. S. Rice, on the Better Management of the British Museum. Lond. 1836. Svo. 2d Ed. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 12. MILLEDOLER, Rev. Philip. Discourse at N. Y. March 23, 1806. N. Y. 1805. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 17. MILLEDULCIA, a Thousand Pleasant Things from Notes and Queries. N. Y. 1837. 4to. MILLER, Dr. A. Lecture on Homoeopathy. Cincin. 1849. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 11. MILLER, Judge A. G. Ann. Address before the Old Settlers Club of Milwaukee County. Jan. 6, 1873. Milwaukee. 1873. Svo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 2. Paper on the Judicial and Legal Condition of the Territory of Wisconsin, at and after its Organization. Milwaukee. 1870. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vols. 4 & 7. MILLER, Anson S. Historical Celebration of a Memorable Event. (Discovery of the Upper Mississippi by Marquette.) From the Chicago Illustrated Journal, 1873. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 8. MILLER, Edw. Internal Improvements of the State of Penn. 1834. Silliman s Journ. Vols. 25, 26. MILLER, Frank W. Hist, of the N. Hampshire Gazette. N. Eng. Reg. Vol. 26. MILLER, Hugh. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. Cincin., 1852. 12mo. MILLER, H. V. M. Argument on the Georgia Senatorial Question. Washington, 1871 (?). 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. MILLER, Jacob W. Address before the N. J. Hist. Soc., Jan. 19, 1854. Proceedings. Vol. 7. Speech in U. S. Senate, March 15, 1842, on the Clay Resolu tions. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. MILLER, Dr. Jas. Nephalism the True Temperance of Scripture, Science and Experience. Glasgow, 1861. lmo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 12. MILLER, John. Description of the Province and City of N. Y., with Maps, etc. 1695. New Ed. with Notes by John G. Shea. N. Y., 1862. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 63 MILLER. Rev. John C. Which? or Neither? An Examination of the Education Bills of Lord Russell and Sir John Paking- ton. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 34. MILLER, J. G. Speech in Cong., Feb. 19, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. MILLER, Leo. The Great Conflict; or Cause and Cure of Seces sion. Boston, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 67. MILLER, Rev. Dr. Sam l. Address before N. J. Hist. Soc., Sept. 4, 1845. Svo. Proceedings. Vol. 1. Brief Retrospect of the 18th Century; containing a Sketch of Improvements in Science, Art and Literature. N. Y., 1803. 2 Vols. Svo. Discourse on the Discovery of N. Y. by Henry Hudson, before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Sept. 4, 1809. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Life of Jonathan Edwards, Pres t of the College of N. J. Spark s Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 8. See SPRAGUE, Rev. Wm. B. Commem. Discourse. 1850. MILLER, Sam l. Three Lectures on Taxation, etc., from the Stand- ard. Lond., 1862. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. MILLER, S. B. Hist. Sketches of Hudson, N. Y. Hudson, 1862. 8vo. MILLER, Stephen F. The Bench and Rar of Georgia; Memoirs & Sketches with a Court Roll from 1790 to 1857. Phil a, 1858. 2 Vols. 8vo. Memoir of Gen. David Blackshear ; with Letters from Gov rs Jackson, Irwin, Mitchell, Early and Rabun, and officers U. S. A. in War 1812-14. Phil a, 1858. Svo. MILLER, W. G., D. D. Hist. Sketch of Milwaukee Methodism, 1835-1873. Milwaukee, 1873. Svo. MILLIGAN, Lambdin P. See Review of Decision of Supreme Court, &c. MILLIGEN, Jas. See League for the Union. MILLINGTOX, Rev. Thos. S. Lecture on the Phenomena of Dreams, Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, &c. Lond., 12mo. n. d. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 24. MILLS, Abraham. Ancient Hebrews; with an introductory Essay concerning the World before the Flood. N. Y., 1S56. 12mo. MILLS, Chas. History of Chivalry; or Knighthood and its Times. Phil a, 1826. 2 Vols. in 1. Svo. MILLS Comprehensive Guide to the most Noted Watering Places in England. Lond., n. d. Svo. Guide-Book. Vol. 9. MILLS Elijah H. Oration at Northampton on 37th Annivers. of Amer. Independence. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 1. MILLS Genealogy. See VINTON, J. A. Memorials. MILLS, Jas. See SMITH, LEVESON. Remarks on his Essay on Gov t. MILLS, Lewis E. Gen. Pope s Virginia Campaign of 1862. Cincin. 1870. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 48. MILLS, Rob t. Statistics of South Carolina; including its Natural, Civil and Military History. Charleston, 1826. Svo. Treatise on Inland Navigation. Baltimore, 1S20. Svo. 64 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MILLS, Rev. Robt. C. Hist. Disc, on 50th Annivers. of 1st Baptist Ch. Salem, Mass., 1855. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. Another Copy. Sermons. Vol. 7. MILLS, Sam l J. & SMITH, D. Missionary Tour West of the Alle- ghanies, under Direction of Mass. Missionary Soc y. Ando- ver, 1815. 8vo. Pamphlets, Amer. Travel. Vol. 1. See also, Mass. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 5. MILLSON, J. S. Speech in Cong., Apr. 28, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Speech in Cong., Mar. 24, 1856, on Naval Affairs. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. MILLSTONE, N. J. See CORWIN, E. T. Hist. Discourse. MILMA.N, Henry H. Comparative Estimate of Sculpture and Paint ing: a Prize Essay, n. d. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 2. . History of the Jews, from the earliest period to the present time. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1859. 3 Vols. 18mo. Life of Thomas a Becket. N. Y., 1860. MILNER, Bishop J. Reflections on the Letters of " Conciliator," on Catholic Emancipation. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. MILNES, Rich d M. The Events of 1848, in their Relation to Great Britain. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. MILNOR, Rev. Jas. See STONE, Rev. J. S. Memoir of. MILTON College, Wis. Catalogues for 1865-6, 66-7. Janesville & Chicago. 8vo. MILTON, John. Familiar Letters, translated from the Latin, with Notes by Rev. John Hall. Phila., 1829. 8vo. His Plan of Education, in his Letter to Hartlie: with the Plan of the Edinburgh Academ. Institution. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 17. See MASSON, Prof. Life of. - Poetical Works, with Addison s Notes. Lond., 1731. 12mo. Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, shewing the Unlawfulness of Compulsion in Matters of Religion. Lond., 1790. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. MILTON Mass. See ROBBINS, J. M. Bi-Centen. Address, 1862. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Academy. 1st Ann. Catalogue, 1852-3. Mil waukee. Svo. - Ann. Report, 1852-3. American, Newspaper, 1856. Folio. and Horicon R. R. Co. 1st Ann. Report. Milwaukee, 1855. Svo. Wankesha, and Miss. R. R. Co. Acts incorporating the Co., with Preliminary Report, May 19, 1849. Milwaukee, 1849. Svo. - Exhibits of present Condition of the Co., 1851, 52, 58. Milwaukee, 1851-8. Svo. - Ann. Reports of Directors for 1S49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. Milwaukee, 1850-60. Svo. Report by Byron Kilbourn on the Flanders Fraud. Mil waukee, 1853. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 65 MILWAUKEE and Prairie du Chien R. R. Co. 1st to 6th Ann. Re ports, inclusive, 1861-6. , Milwaukee, 1862-7. 8vo/f j and Rock River Canal Co. Acts relating to the Co. from 1841 to 1861, inclusive. Milwaukee, 1861. 8vo. Statement of the Claim of the Co. Madison, 1861. 8vo. Same. Milwaukee, 1853. 8vo. . See LAPHAM, I. A. Documentary Hist, of, 1840. ro Memorial to Cong., March, 1838, for a Grant of Land in aid of that work, with a Map of said Canal. Senate Doc. No. 271. 2d Sess. 25th Cong., 1838. _ Report of Comm. on Public Lands on a- Petition for a Grant of Land to Aid in the Construction of said Canal. House Report, No. 851. 2d Sess. 25th Cong., 1838. Memorials to Cong., 1861-2. Milwaukee, 1862. 8vo. and St. Paul R. R. Co. 2d 6th Ann. Reports inclusive, 1865 -69. Milwaukee, 1866-70. 8vo. Corres. with Mil. and Minn. R. R. Co., on Rolling Stock. Milwaukee, 1866. 8vo. and Superior R. R. Co. Report of Select Comm. of Wis. Le- fislature to Investigate the Affairs of the Co. Madison, 1858. vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Baptist Assoc. Minutes of Sessions of 1847, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. Milwaukee, etc. Svo. Board of Trade. See Milwaukee. Trade and Commerce. Catalogue of Library of Y. M. Assoc. Milwaukee, 1861. Svo. Celebration of the Ceriten. Annivers. of the Birthday of Robt. Burns, Jan. 25, 1859. Milwaukee, 1859. Svo. Chamber of Commerce. See Milwaukee. Trade and Com merce. See WHITNEY, Thos. Address. 1863. See CHANDLER & Co. Business Directory of. Chicago, etc. 1867. Charter and Ordinances of the City. 1849-52. 53, 57. See CHASE, Dr. Enoch. Old Settlers Address. 1872. City Documents. Mayor s Messages to the Common Council, and Ann. Report of the City Comptroller, for 1864-5. Mil waukee, 1865. Svo. Commercial History of, with Addresses on the Opening of the Chamber of Commerce. Wis. State Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. Commissioners of the Public Debt. Circular to Holders .of Municipal Bonds, etc. Milwaukee, 1861. Svo. Co. Bible Society. 26th and 30th Ann. Reports inclusive. Milwaukee, 1867-71. Svo. 32d Ann. Report. Milwaukee, 1873. Svo. Report of Ex. Comm., Mar. 1, 1872. - House of Correction. Ann. Report of the Inspector for 1871-2. Milwaukee, 1872. Svo. Milwaukee Pamph. Daily Courier, Newspaper. Mar., 1846, to July, 1846. Fo lio. Same. Feb., 1847, to May, 1847. Folio. Daily Free Democrat, Newspaper. Oct., 1854, to Dec., 1855. 2 Vols. Folio. 66 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MILWAUKEE Directories for 1847-8, 1848-9, 1851-2, 1854-5, 1856-7, 1857-58, 1858-9, 1860-1, 1863. Milwaukee, 1848-1863. 14 Vols. 8vo. See CHANDLER & Co. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Manual for 1854. (In German. Milwaukee. 12mo. Female College. Charter and By-Laws. 1856-67. Annual Reports. 1852-9. Milwaukee. 8vo. 1st Ann. Report, 1852-3. Catalogues for 1855-6, 1858-9, 1867-8. Milwaukee. Svo. 1st Presb. Ch. Manual of, with a concise History of its For mation, etc. Milwaukee, 1846. 12mo. Flug Blaetter, German Newspaper. 1852, 53 and 54. 3 Vols., Folio. Fond du Lac & Green Bay R. R. Co. Acts incorporating the. Milwaukee, 1853. 8vo. Forest Home Cemetery. Map. Milwaukee, 1871. See GRAHAM, J. D., on the Latitude of, etc. Koss, F. A. Milwaukee. Ladies Assoc., for the Aid of Military Hospitals. 1st Ann. Re port. Milwaukee, 1862. Svo. Ladies Bible and Benevolent Assoc. 1st, 2d and 3d Ann. Reports. Milwaukee, 1868-70. Svo. See LAPHAM, A. A. Plants found in the vicinity of. 1838. Lodge No. 3, F. A. M. By-Laws, etc. Milwaukee, 1863. 18mo. Memorial from the City concerning a Naval Depot. Milwau- 1861. 8vo. Methodism. See MILLER, Rev. W. G. Sketch of. 1873. Musical Society. 3d Annual Report. 1853. News, Newspaper, Daily. May, 1856, to Feb., 1858; Jan. to Dec., 1865; July to Dec., 1866; July to Dec., 1869; July, 1870, to Dec., 1873. Newspapers, Various. 1836-40; 1841-42. Folio. 3 Vols. Folio and 4to. Northwestern Advance, Newspaper. 1870. Folio. Old Settlers Club. See CHASE, Dr. Enoch. Address. 1872. MILLER, Judge A. G. Address. 1873. - Olivet Church. Four Pamphlets relating to Difficulties in the Ch. Milwaukee, 1870-71. 8vo. - Orphan Assoc. 8th, llth, 12th, 13th, loth, 21st and 22d Ann. Reports. Milwaukee, 1860-71. Svo. Public Schools. Ann. Reports of the School Commissioners, 1848, 49, 59, 60, 61, 62, 68, 70. Milwaukee, 1848-70. Svo. By-Laws of the Board of Commissioners. 1852, 1857, 1859. Milwaukee, 1852-9. 12mo. and Svo. Report of Joint Comm. of Citizens and Common Council on the Corporate Debt of the City. Milwaukee, 1861. Svo. River Survey. See ABERT, J. J. 1838. See Bote, Newspaper, German. Folio. 1865, 67-73. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 67 MILWAUKEE Sentinel, Newspaper, Daily. April to Dec.. 1854; Jan., 1855, to Dec., 1873. 38 Vols. Folio. Trade and Commerce. Ann. Reports of the Commerce, Man ufacturers, etc., of Milwaukee, for 1855-72 inclusive, being Reports of the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade etc Milwaukee, 1855-73. 8vo. See U. S. Sec. of War. Report on the Survey of Harbor. 1837. WHEELER, A. C. Chronicles of. Wisconsin, Newspaper, Daily. March, 1849, to Aug., 1849. Folio. Same. Jan. to Dec., 1855. Folio. Same. July to Dec., 1857. Folio. Same. Jan. to Dec., 1858. Folio. Same. Sept. to Dec., 1859. Folio. Same. Jan. to Dec., 1860. Folio. Same. Jan. to June, 1861. Folio. Same. 1862-64. Semi- Weekly. 1863 to 1866, and 1869 to 1873. Weekly. Aug., 1849, to Dec., 1851. Folio. Same. Jan., 1852, to July, 1854. Folio. Same. Jan., 1854, to May, 1857. Folio. Wisconsin Soldiers Home. 1st Ann. Report. Milwaukee 1865. 8vo. Young Men s Assoc. Constitution and Ann. Report. Mil waukee, 1849. 12mo. Library Catalogue, 1859, 1861, 1867. MINAS, Battle of, 1747. French and Eng. Accounts of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 9. MINER, A. A. Argument on the Right and Duty of Prohibition. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1855. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 3. MINER, Chas. Hist, of Wyoming, Penn., in a series of letters to his son, Wm. P. Miner. Phila., 1845. Svo. The Olive Branch; or the Evil and the Remedy. Phila., 1856. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 38. MINERALOGY. See BUFFON, Count de. Histoire Naturelle des Min- eraux. Catalogue of Amer. Minerals. Catechism of Mineralogy; or an Introduction to the Knowl edge of the Mineral Kingdom. Lond., 12mo. 4th Ed. n. d. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 24. See DANA, J. D. System of. DELESSE, M. Memoire. Grauwake. GRIFFIN, J. J. System of Crystallography. LIEBIG and Kopp. Reports on the Progress of. MARTIN, D. S. Minerals and Methods of Studying them. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Mineralogy of Missouri and Arkansas. Mineralogy of the Sources of Mississippi. Mineralogy of the Western Country. MINERAL Point, Wis., Democrat. Newspaper. April, 1845 to Dec. 1845. 1866-1872. Folio. 68 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MINERAL POINT. Directory for 1859. Mineral Point, 1859. 12mo, Guards. Constitution of. Madison, 1846. 12mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Home Intelligencer. Newspaper. May, 1859 to Dec., 1859. Folio. Intelligencer. Newspaper. 1859-1863. Lodge No. 1. F. A. M. By-Laws. 1862. Mineral Point, 1863. 12mo. Miners Free Press. Newspaper. Oct., 1840 to April, 1843. Folio. Mining Co. Charter and Scheme of. Milwaukee, 1865. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Newspapers. Miscellaneous. 1838-51. 1 Vol. Tribune. Newspaper. Sept., 1847 to Oct., 1851. Apr., 1854 to Dec., 1856. 1861-1866. 1867-1870. Folio MINERAL Resources of U. S. See BROWNE, J. R. and TAYLOR, J. W* Report on. 1867, 69. MINES and Mining. See Amer. Mining Gazette. 1864-6. BLACKWELL, J. K., Explosions in Coal Mines. BROWNE, J. R. Resources of Pacific Slope. COMBES, M. Des Mines de Cornwall et de Devon. GUENYVEAU, M. Fabrication du Fer, etc. HOLLISTER, O. J. Mines of Colorado. - LE PLAY, F. L Affinage par Crystallisation. See Metals and Metallurgy. Mining Magazine. - MOWRY, S. Arizona & Sonora. Nebraska Mining Co. RAYMOND, R. W. Mineral Resources of Western States and Terr. Mining Statistics West of Rocky Mountains. 1871. - U. S. Explora. of 40th Parallel. - WHITTLESEY, Chas. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior. MINIFIE, Wm. Popular Lectures on Drawing and Design, deliv ered in 1852-4. Baltimore, 1854. 12mo. Art Pamph. Vol. 5. MINING Magazine. Vol. 1--10. Sept., 1853, to May, 1858. Some vacancies. N. Y., 1853-58. 10 vols. 8vo. - Schools in the U. S. See CHURCH, J. A. MINISINK, Orange Co., N. Y. SeeSriCKNEY, C. E. Hist. of. MINISTERIAL Policy in 1844 and 1848. From the Dublin Review (?) 1848. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 46. MINNEAPOLIS and St. Anthony, Minn. The Tribune s Ann. Ex hibit of the Manufacturing and Commercial Industry of Minneapolis and St. Anthony. Minneapolis, 1871. Svo. MINNESOTA Academy of Nat. Sciences. Constitution and By-Laws. Minneapolis, 1873. 8vo. Act to provide Township Organization in the State of. St. Paul, 1858. Svo. Adjutant General. Reports for 1862, 1863, 1866. St. Paul. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 69 MINNESOTA as a Home for Emigrants. Two Prize Essays. St. Paul, 1865, 66. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. Auditor, Ann. Reports made in 1864, 65, 68, 69, 71. St. Paul, 1864-71. 8vo. Baptist Assoc. Minutes of, Sept., 1853. St. Anthony, 1853. 12mo. See BILL, L. Character and Climate of. BOND, F. W. Minne. and its Resources. 1853. BOUTWELL, Rev. W. T. Journal of an Exploring Tour in 1832. BRYANT, C. S. Indian Massacres in. - CAMPBELL, L. J. Hist. Sketch of. 1868. COLESON, A. Captivity among Sioux Indians. Constitution of Minn., in Dakota Language. Translated by S. R. Riggs. Boston, 1858. 12mo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. Debates in Constit. Conven., 1857. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. Editorial Convention. Proceedings of 2d Ann. Meeting, at St. Paul, Jan. 21, 1868. St. Paul, 1868. 8vo. Executive Documents for 1867, 1869, 1870. St. Paul. 4 Vols. 8vo. See FEATHERSTONHAUGH, G. W. Canoe Voyage up the Min- nay Sotor. - Geology of Country between Missouri and Red Rivers. 1835. Geolog. Reconnoisance, etc., 1835. FERRIS, J. States and Territories of the Groat West. Geolog. Survey. See OWEN, D. D., 1852. Geology. See HALL, Jas. Notes on. Gen. Congregational Conference. Minutes of the 14th Ann. Session, 1870. Minneapolis, 1870. 8vo. Gen. Laws passed during the First Session of the Legislature, 1858. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. See Grand Army of Republic. HAMILTON, H. W. Rural Sketches. Hand Book of 1867. Historical Society. Annals for 1849-50, 1850-51, 1852, 1853, 1856. St. Paul, 1850-56. 8vo. - Celebration of the Carver Centenary, May 1, 1867. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. Collections for 1860. Phila., 1860. 8vo. Collections for 1864, 67. St. Paul, 1865, 67. 8vo. Collections Vol. 1, being a Re-publication of Parts issued 1850-56. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. See LONG, S. H.; NEILL, E. D.; RAMSEY, A.; RIGGS, S. R.; SIBLEY, H. H.; SIMPSON, J. H.; WILLIAMS, J. F. Ann. Report for 1872. St. Paul, 1873. 8vo. Hospital for Insane. 1st Ann. Report for 1867. St. Paul, 1868. 8vo. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 4th Ann. Report for 1866. St. Paul, 1866. 8vo. its Advantages to Settlers. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. 5th Ed. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. 70 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MINNESOTA, its Progress and Capabilities; being the 2d Ann. Re port of the Commiss r of Statistics for 1860 and 61. St. Paul, 1862. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. its Resources and Progress; its Attractions and Advantages as a Home for Immigrants, with Map. St. Paul, 1870, 71. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. Journals of Senate and Assembly. St. Paul, 1864. 8vo. See KEATING, W. H. Expedition to St. Peters River, etc. LE Due, W. G. Minn. Year Book, 1851, 52. Legislative Manual. St. Paul, 1872. 12mo. Local History. See Dakota Co., Fillmore Co., Hennepin Co., Minneapolis, Olmstead Co., Rice Co., St. Paul. See McCLUNG, J. W. Minn, in 1870. MATTOCKS, B. Minn, as a Home for Invalids Message of Gov. Marshall, 1867. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. Messages of Gov. Ramsey, 1852, 53, 60, 62, 63. St. Paul, 1852-63. 8vo. Meteorology of. See BOND, J. "W. Meteorolg. Register for Winter of 1850-51. NEILL, E. D. Dakotah Land and Life. Early French Forts and Footprints, etc. Early French Voyagers to. Early Trade and Traders of. History of. 1858. See NICOLLET, I. N. Survey of Basin of Upper Mississippi. OLIPHANT, L. Minn, and the Far West. 1855. PARKER, N. H. Hand-Book. 1856-7. POPE, Capt. Exploration of. 1850. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Hist, and Physical Geography of. SEYMOUR, E. S. Sketches of. 1849. SIBLEY, H. H. Condition and Prospects of. 1852. Description of. 1850. State Agricult. Soc y. Premium List, Rules, etc., for 14th Ann. Fair. St. Paul, 1872. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. State Bonds. Address to Holders of. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. Memorial to Legislature. Statement of Facts. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. State Normal School Board, 7th Ann. Report, for 1870. St. Paul, 1871. 8vo. State R. R. Bond Commission. Report and Accompanying Documents. St. Paul, 1867. 8vo. Statistics of Minn, for 1869. Being the 1st Ann. Report of the Asst. Sec. of State. St. Paul, 1870. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. Supt. of Public Instruction. Ann. Reports, 1865, 66, 67. St. Paul, 1865, 66, 67. 8vo. See TAYLOR, J. W. Relation of N. West British America to Minn. 1860. University of. Announcement for 1871-72. Minneapolis, 1871. 8vo. Almanacs for 1872-73. Minneapolis. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 71 MINNESOTA. See WHITTLESEY, C. Explora. in Mineral Regions. 1844, 59, 64. WILLIAMS, J. F. Bibliography of. 1870. MINORCA, Siege of. See Considerations on Addresses lately pre sented to Parliament, etc. 1756. Full Account of the Siege of Minorica, by the French, in 1756. Lond. n. d. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 20. MINORITY Representation in Europe. See HARE, Thos. MINOT, Geo. R. Continuation of the Hist, of the Province of Mass. Bay, from 1748. Boston, 1798. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hist, of the Insurrections in the State of Mass, in 1786. Bos ton, 1786. 8vo. MINOT, M. E. See LADD, W. Annals of. MINTURN, Robt. B. Jr. N. York to Delhi by way of Rio de Janeiro, &*$$& Australia and China. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. MINUTES of Proceedings at Court Martial, Mar. 2, 1780, on board the Victory, to inquire into the loss of the Ship Ardent. Lond., 1780, 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. of the 2d Convention of Delegates from Abolition Soci eties of the.U. S., assembled at Phila., Jan., 1795. Phila., 1795. 8vo. MIRANDA, Francisco de. Hist, of the Attempt to Effect a Revolu tion in S. America, with a Life of Miranda. 2d. Ed. Bos ton, 1810. 8vo. MIRANDA, Josie Arias Y. Examen Critico-Historico del influjo que tuvo en el conercio industria y poblacion de Espana su dominacion en America. Madrid, 1854. 4to. MIRICK, B. L. Hist, of Haverhill, Mass. Haverhill, 1832. 8vo. MIRROR of Border Life. See PRITTS, J. of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. London, 1823 to 1737. 29 Vols. (The), a Periodical Paper published at Edinburgh for 1779, 1780. Lond., 1822. 2 Vols. 12mo. MISCEGENATION. See Cox, S. S. Speech on. Indorsed by the Republican Party. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. The Theory of the Blending of the Races applied to the Amer. White Man and Negro. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 24. MISCELLANEA CURIOSA; containing a collection of some of the prin cipal Phenomena of Nature. 3d Ed. Lond., 1726. 3 Vols. 8vo. Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by Jos. Jackson Howard. Vol. 1. 1866-68. Lond. 8vo. 13 Parts to and including March, 1870 Lond., 1869, 70. 8vo. MISCELLANEOUS Thoughts on the Posture of our Foreign and Do mestic Affairs. Lond., 1742. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 12. Works. Prose and Poetical. By a Young Gentleman of N. York. N. Y., 1795. 12mo. 72 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MISCELLANIES: containing a copy of the Magna Charta; brief ab stracts of several Acts of Parliament which tend to Suppress the Papal Suprenacy, etc. 2d Ed. Bristol, 1812. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 3. MISSION (The) of S. Carolina to Virginia; from De Bow s Review, Dec., 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 73. MISSIONARY Chronicle of Presb. Church, April, 1833 to June, 1849. Vols. 1-17; complete except the Nos. for Oct., Nov., Dec.. 1847, Oct., 1848, Apr.. 1849. N. Y. 8vo. Herald; containing Proceedings of Amer. Board of Commis sioners for Foreign Missions, for 1828, 1832, 1838, and from Aug., 1846, to June, 1849, also June, 1863. Boston. 8vo. Magazine. Jan. to July, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo. MISSIONS. See Amer. Board Commiss rs for For. Miss. Baptist, Congregational and other Churches. CLEMENT, J. Life and Miss. Labors of Judson. - DIBBLE, S. Hist, of Miss, at Sandwich I. ELIOT, John. Indians, American. Jesuit Missions and Relations. Letters on the Chickasaw and Osage Mission. LOSKIEL, G, H. Mission of U. Brethren among Indians. MADAGASCAR. Missionary Chronicle. Herald. MOP-FAT, R. Miss. Labors in S. Africa. Panoplist and Miss. Magazine. PEARSON, H. Life and Researches of Dr. C. Buchanan. SMITH, Rev. Thos. Hist of. See ZEISBERGER, D. MISSISSIPPI and Pacific R. R. An Act to provide for the Construction of, passed by Legisla. of Texas. Approved Dec. 21, 1853. Speeches &c. Vol. 3. Admission of. See Congress l Speeches. and Missouri River Air-Line R. R. Co. Report of Prelim. Survey. Canton, 1868. 12mo. Mo. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See BALDWIN, J. G. Flush Times in Miss, and Ala. - BROWN, A. G. State of Parties in. 1859. Constitution and Ordinances adopted in Convention, 1868. Jackson, 1868. 8vo. Miss. Pamph. Vol. 1. - HARPER, L. Report on Geology and Agriculture. 1857. Journals of Senate and Assembly. Jackson, 1870. Svo. 2 Vols. Journal of State Convention, and Ordinances etc., adopted in Mar., 1861. Jackson, 1861. Svo. Miss. Pamph. Vol. 1. - Laws of the State, 1838-40, 1865, 66, 67, 70. Jackson and Natchez. Svo. - See LESQUEREUX, L. Fossil Plants of the Tertiary of the State of Miss. Report of Bank Commissioners, for 1839. Jackson, 1840. 8vo. Report of Select Comm. of Constitutional Convention, on the Proclamation of Gov. Humphreys. Jackson, 1S68. Svo. Miss. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 73 MISSISSIPPI River. See ADAMS, J. Q. The Fisheries and the. BELTRAMI, J. C. Discov. of Sources of. CAVALIER, M. Relation du Voyage. 1685-7. COXE, D. Descript. of. DARBY, W. Geograph. Descript. of. Early Voyages on. - EDWARDS, A. Gazetteer & Directory. 1866. - ELLET, C. Protection of the Delta from Inundation. FALCONER, T. Discovery of. : FORSHEY, C. G. Physics of. - GRAVIER, - Jour, de son Voyage. 1700. HART, A. M. Hist, of Discovery of. - HENEPIN, L. Account of. JOUTEL, M. Journal of La Salle s Voyage. LANMAN, C. Canoe Voyage. LA SALLE, Chev. Discovery of. Levees. HUMPHREYS, Gen. A. A. Report. 1866. LONG, S. H. Voyage from Prairie du Chien to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1817. New River Guide. 1848. - NICOLLET, I. N. Hydrograph. Basin of. Report on Upper Miss. R. PIKE, Z. M. Exped. to Sources of. PITTMAN, P. State of Settlements on. Region of. See BRINGIER, L. Notices of. 1818. - SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Discov. of the Sources of. - Geology and Mineral, of, at its Sources. SHEA, J. G. Discov. and Explora. of. , WARREN, Gen. G. K. Report on Survey, 1867. WILMER, L. A. Life and Adventures of De Soto. University of. See BARNARD, F. A. P. Letter to Trustees, 1858. Catalogue for 1857-8. Oxford, 1858. 8vo. Valley. See BRADFORD, "W. J. A. On the Valley of the Up per Miss. - See ELLET, C. On the Physical Geog. of. FLINT, T. Geog. and Hist. of. FOSTER, J. W. Physical Geog. HART, A. M. Hist! of. MONETTE, J. W. Discov. and Settlement of Valley of Miss. - R.R. Convention. Official Proceedings at St. Louis, Nov., 1852. Also the Proceedings of the North Missouri R. R. Convention at St. Charles, Nov., 1852. St. Louis. 8vo. Mo. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. - See SQUIER, E.G. and DA vis, E. H. Ancient Monuments of. View of the Valley of, etc. MISSOURI. Acts of the 24th and 25th Gen. Assembly. Jeff. City, 1867, 69. 2 Vols. 8vo. Adjutant General. Report of the State Militia for 1861. St. Louis, 1862. 12mo. -Annual Reports, 1862-5. Jeff. City, 1863-6. 4 Vols. 8vo. 74 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MISSOURI Ann. Conference of M. E. Ch. Minutes of 8th Session, 1862. St. Louis, 1862. 8vo. Mo. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Antiquities. See Recent Aboriginal Discoveries in Mo. ,1870. Baptist Gen. Assoc. Minutes of 23d Ann. Meeting, 1858. St. Louis, 1858. 8vo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 2. See BECK, L. C. Gazetteer of 111. and Mo. Board of Agriculture. Ann. Report for 1868. 8vo. Board of Public Works. Report for 1858. Jefferson City, 1859. 8vo. Botany of. See BECK, L. C. Contributions to, 1825. See BRADFORD, W. J. A. Notes on the North West. COMPROMISE. See BENTON, T. H. On Unconstitutionality of. See Congress l Speeches. Compromise, etc. Emancipation in. -See WELLS, Judge R. W. Letter on. See FERRIS, J. States and Territories of the Great West. Gen. Assoc of LTnited Baptists. Minutes of 21st Ann. Meet ing, 1856. Lexington, 1856. 8vo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 2. Gen. Statutes of the State. Jeff. City, 1866. 8vo. Governors Messages for 1864, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71. Jeff. City, 1865-71. 8vo. HAYDEN, F. V. Ethnog. of Indian Tribes of Mo. River. - Hist. Soc y. See ALLEN, Thos. Address, 1852. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. 5th Bien. Report, for 1863-4. Jeff. City, 1865. 8vo. Insurance Dep t. 1st Ann. Report, 1870. Jeff. City, 1870. 2 Vols. 8vo. Journal of Convention assembled Nov. 17, 1845, to Revise the Constitution. Jeff. City, 1845. 8vo. of State Convention, July, 1861. St. Louis, 1861. 8vo. of the Senate Extra Session of the Rebel Legislature, Oct. 21, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 16. See KELSO, Isaac. Reign of Terror in Mo., 1863. Laws of the State. 1838, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 S 63-65, 68, 71. Jeff. City. 8vo. Laws of 1860, (perforated by a bullet). Leviathan. (Missourium.) See KOCH, Albert. Description of. Liberal Republican State Convention, Jan. 24, 1872. Extracts from Proceedings. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. Local History. See Andrew Co., Cape Girardeau, Jefferson Co., St. Louis. Mormons in. See GREENE, J. P. PRATT, P. P. North Missouri R. R. Convention, 1852. See Mississippi Val ley R. R. Convention. See MONTAGUE, W. L. 111. and Mo. Directory. NICELY, W. S. Description of 26 Counties, 1867. PARKER, N. H. Mo. in 1867. A Gazetteer. Plea for the Freedom of the Church in Mo. RICHARDSON, A. P. Immigrants Guide, n. d. River. See BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. Voyage up, 1811. Mo. HAYDEN, F. V. Geology of the Upper CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 75 MISSOURI River. LEWIS and CLARKE. Exped. to. MEEK, F. B. and KAYDEN, F. V. Palaeontology of. St. Louis Pict. Advertiser and Directory. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Lead Mines of, etc. Scenes in Ozark Mountains. South Dist. Bapt. Assoc. Minutes of 33d Ann. Meeting, 1853. St. Louis, 1853. 8vo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 2. State Auditor. Bien. Report, for 1867-8. Jefferson City. 1869. 8vo. State Board of Immigration. 1st Report for 1865-6. Jeff. City, 1867. 8vo. State Lunatic Asylum. Reports for 1855-6, 57-8, 59-60, 62 -3, 64-5. Jeff. City, 1859-65. 8vo. State Treasurer. Report for 1868. Jeff. City, 1869. 8vo. Supt. of Common Schools. Report for 1859. Jeff. City, 1859. 8vo. The Internal Improvement System of the State, shewing the Enormous Frauds practised. St. Louis, 1859. 8vo. Mo. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See U. S. Sec. of War Report on Mineral Lands, 1836. University of. Report of Comm. on Re-organization and En largement of, 1870. St. Louis, 1871. 8vo. Mo. College Pamphs. Report of Curators, containing Catalogue, etc. Jeff. City, 1872. 8vo. Mo. College Pamphs. Usury Law. See BROCKMEYER, H. C. Speech on, 1872. See WARREN, G. K. Palaeontology of Upper Mo- WATERHOUSE, S. Resources of. 1867. WETMORE, A. Gazetteer. 1837. MISSOURIUM (Missouri Leviathan.) See KOCH, Albert. Description of, etc. MITCHELL, Alex. Speech in Cong., Apr. 6, 1872, on Amer. Ship ping and Ship Building. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. * Catalogue of his Library. Milwaukee, 1867. 8vo. MITCHELL, D. W. Ten Years in the U. States; an Englishman s Views on Men and things, North and South. Lond., 1862. 8vo. MITCHELL, Elisha. Character and Origin of the Low Country of N. Carolina. 1827. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 13. on the Geology of the Gold Region of N. Carolina. 1828. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 16. MITCHELL, Iowa. Sne WHITING, Rev. Lyman. Dedica. Sermon. 1869. MITCHELL, Jas. Letter on the Relation of the White and African Races in the U. S. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 74 and 82. See WARDROP, Jas. History of. MITCHELL, Dr. John. The Contest in America between G. Britain and France. Lond., 1757. 8vo. MITCHELL, Dr. John K. See Penn. R. W. Grand Lodge. MITCHELL, J. L. Tenn. State Gazetteer and Business Directory, for 1860-61. Nashville, 1860. 8vo. 76 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MITCHELL, Martin. Geograph. and Statist. History of the Co. of Winnebago. Oshkosh, 1856. 12mo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 1. , History of the Co. of Fond du Lac. 1854. 12mo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 1. MITCHELL, Nahum. See ALLEN, Wm. Memoir of. . History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Mass., including Family Register. Boston, 1840. 8vo. , Memoir of Nathan l M. Davis. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 4. MITCHELL, Ormsby M. Address at Dedica. of the Astronom. Ob servatory of Hamilton College, July 16, 1856. Utica, 1856. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 19. . See Cincinnati Astronom. Soc y. See Men of the Time. . Sidereal Messenger, 1846-7, in numbers, imperfect. Cincin. 4to. .- Planetary and Stellar Worlds; a popular Exposition of the Great Discoveries and Theories of Modern Astronomy. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. MITCHELL, O. P. The Olive Branch. Marysville, Cal., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 23. MITCHELL, S. A. His Geography Reviewed, (n. d.) Educa. Pamph. Vol. 2. MITCHELL, Dr. Sam l L. Discourse before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Dec. 6, 1813, on the Botanical History of N. and S. America. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. . Discourse on the Character of Thos. Jefferson, at N., Y., 1826. Addresses. Vol. 9. See FRANCIS, J. W. Reminiscences of. See Medical Repository. The Fishes of N. Y. Described and Arranged. Trans. Liter ary and Philosoph. Soc. of N. Y. Vol. 1. 1815. MITCHELL, W^. H. History of the Co. of Olmsted, with a General View of Minnesota. Rochester, Minn., 1866. 8vo. Sketch of Dacotah Co., Minn. Minneapolis, 1869. 12mo. Mix, Jas. B. The Biter Bit; or the Rob t Macaire of Journalism. Narr. of Blackmailing Operations of C. A. Dana s " Sun." Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. MIZNER, L. B. 20th Annivers. Oration before the Soc y of Cali fornia Pioneers. San Francisco, 1870. 8vo. Cal. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 1. MOABITISH Stone. See DECOSTA. B. F. MOBILE (Ala.) Directory and Register for 1844. Mobile, 1844. 12mo. and Ohio Railroad, as published in Hunt s Merchants Maga zine, Dec. 1848. (n. p.) (n. d.) 8vo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. Company. Proceedings of 1st and 2d Ann. Meetings of the Stockholders. Mobile, 1849-50. 8vo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. Campaign of. See ANDREWS, C. C. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 77 MOBILE. Digest of Acts cf the Legislature, incorporating the City of Mobile. Mobile, 1849. 8vo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. See STEIN, Albert. Report on Improvement of. 1855. . School Commissioners. Organization of the Board, and Reg ulations of the Public Schools. Mobils, 1860. 8vo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. MODERATION recommended to the Friends of Ireland. Dublin, 1754. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 14. MODERN History; or a Monthly Account of all Considerable Occur rences, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military. Lond., 1687. Sm 4to, Imperfect. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 20. MODEST Apology for the Conduct of a certain Admiral in the Med iterranean. Lond., 1756. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. MOESO-GOTHIC Glossary and Grammar. See SKEAT, W. W. MOFFAT, Jas. C. Introduction to the Study of Aesthetics. Cincin., 1856. 12mo. Life of Thos. Chalmers, D. D., LL.D. 2d Ed. Cincin., 1853. 12mo. MOFFATT, J. M. History of the Town of Malmesbury, Eng., and its Ancient Abbey. Tetbury, 1805. 8vo. MOFFAT, Rob t. Missionary Labors and Scenes in S. Africa. Cin cin., 1856. 12mo. MOGG, Edw. Paterson s Roads; Description of all the direct a*id principal Cross Roads in England, Scotland and Wales,- 18th Ed. Lond., 1826. 8vo. MOHAMMED and his Religion. See BUSH, Rev. G. Life of. FLORIAN, M. Moors in Spain, etc. MOHAWK Indians. See STUART, John, D. D. Last Missionary to. Language. See BRUYAS, Jas. Radical Words of. MOISIE River Exploration. See CAYLEY, Edw. MOLINE, 111. Directory for 1858 and 59. Moline, 1858. 12mo. MOLL, H. Atlas of the World, 1719, etc. Folio. The World Described. Atlas. Lond., 1714. Folio. MOLL, M. L. Handbook voor den Landbouwer. Brussels, 1846. 12mo. MOLLET, Jean Etienne. Memoire sur 1 Utilite du Systeme d Em- prissonnement Individual et Cellulaire. Amsterdam, 1848, 8vo. MOLLHAUSEN, B. Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific. Lond., 1858. 2 Vols. 8vo. MOMBERT, J. I. Authentic Hist, of the Co. of Lancaster, Pa. Lan caster, 1869. 8vo. MOMMSEN, Theodore. Hist, of Rome: translated by W. P. Dick- son, D. D. N. Y., 1869. 4 Vols. 8vo. MONAGAS and PAEZ. See WILLIAMS, Thos. MONARCHO-REPUBLICANISM. Why does the History of the World oscillate between Monarchical and Republican Forms of Gov t? Lond., 1848. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. MONASTERIES. See CURZON, R. Monasteries of the East. MONASTIC (The) and Manufacturing Systems: by Anglo-Cas.thoucil Lond., 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 32. 78 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MONCK, Rev. Francis W. Sermon at Driffield, Yorks, on the Death of Prince Albert, n. d. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 32A. MONETTE, J. W. Hist, of the Discov. and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi. N. Y., 1846. 2 Vols. 8vo. MONEY. See LANG, Geo. S. LEVERSON, M. R. Uses and Functions of. STANSFIELD, Hamer. Money and the Money Market. WALKEK, Amasa. Nature and Uses of. See Banking 1 and Currency. Question in 1813 and 1863. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 102. MONFORT, J. G., D. D. Presbyterianism North of the Ohio: Hist. Disc, at Cincin., Apr. 9, 1872. Cincin., 1872. 8vo. MONGOLIA. See PUMPELLY, R. Geolog. Researches. MONK, Maria. See STONE, Win. L. MONMOUTH, N. J. See MARCELLUS, A. A. Discovery and Settle ment of. MONMOUTHSHIRE, Eng. See WILLIAMS, D. Hist, of, 1796. MONONGAHELA (Battle of). See Relations Diverses, etc. MONOPOLIES. See National Anti-Monopoly Cheap Freight League. MONRO, Henry. On the Classification and Forms of Insanity. In troduction, n. d. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 19. MONRO, Dr. John. Remarks on Dr. Battle s Treatise on Madness. N Lond., 1758. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 21. MONRO, J. B. Letter to Sir Edw. Sugden, on the Personal Liabil- of Executors. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 20. MONRO, Dr. Thos. Observation upon Evidence taken before Comm. of the House of Commons, on Madhouses. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 33. MONROE Co., Pa. See RUPP, I. D. Hist. of. MONROE Co.,Wis. Bible Soc y. Anrf. Meeting at Sparta, Nov. 20, 1870. Broadside. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. McMiLLAN, M. Early Settlement of. MONROE Doctrine. See Congress l Speeches. . See LEAVITT, Joshua. WENDOVER, R. H. MONROE, Jas. See ADAMS, J. Q. Eulogy upon, 1831. Life of. Memoir of. From Nat. Intelligencer, 1826. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 101. The People the Sovereigns; a Comparison of the Gov t of the U. S. with other Republics. Phila., 1867. 12mo. View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the U. S. with the French Republic, 1794-6. Phila., 1797. 8vo. See WALDO, S. P. Tour in. 1817-18. MONROE, Thos. M. Remarks before the Nat. Board of Trade, at Cincin., Dec. 1868. Richmond, 1869. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 14. MONROE (Wis.) Sentinel, Newspaper. May., 1854, to Dec., 1859. 2 Vols. Folio. Same. 1863- 66, 67, 71. 2 Vols. Folio. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 79 MONSON (Mass.) Academy. Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1855. Springfield. 8vo. . -- Discourses and Speeches at Semi-Centen. Annivers., July 18, 1854. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 4. -- See also Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 9. MONTAGNIE, Jacob de la. See ANTHON, John. Court Martial of. MONTAGU, Basil. Choice English Extracts; or Selections from the Works of Bishops Taylor, Latimer, and others. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. - Inquiries respecting the Insolvent Debtors Bill, with Opin ions of Paley, Burke and Johnson, on Imprisonment for Debt. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. . - some Inuiries into the Punishment of Death for Crimes qu without Violence. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. - Thoughts on Liberty, and the Rights of Englishmen. Lond., 1823. 8vo. 3d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 21. - Three Letters on the Bankrupt Laws, to Edw. B. Sugden. Lond., 1829. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 15. MONTAGUE, Edw. P. Narr. of the Late Expedition to the Dead Sea, from a Diary, by one of the Party. Phila., 1849. 12mo. MONTAGUE, W. L. Illinois and Missouri State Directory for 1854- 55. St. Louis, 1854. 8vo. MONTAIGNE. See JUBINAL, A. MONTANA. See ARMSTRONG, M. K. History and Resources of. 1866. - DIMSDALE, T. J. The Vigilantes of Montana. - Governor s Message, Dec. 11, 1869. Helena, 1869. 8vo. - HAYDEN, F. V. U. S. Geolog. Survey. 1872. MONTANUS, Arnoldus. Description of New Netherland. 1671. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 4. MONTAUBAN, Sieur de. Adventures. See LASALLE. MONT BLANC. See COINDET, M. John. MONT CABANNE. See St. Louis West End Improvement Co. MONTEITH, A. H. Guide to Boulogne and its Environs. Lond., 1843. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 12. MONTESINOS, Fernando. Memoires Historiques sur 1 Ancien Perou. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 17. MONTGOMERY Co. (N. Y.) Bible Soc y. 1st Ann. Report, Sept., 1856. Amsterdam, 1857. 8vo. - Proceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1867. Fonda, 1868. 8vo. MONTGOMERY Co., Penn. See BUCK, W. J. History of. MONTGOMERY Genealogy. See MONTGOMERY, T. H. MONTGOMERY, H. Life of Maj.-Gen. William H. Harrison, 9th President of the U. S. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. MONTGOMERY, Indiana. See WILSON, Levin. History of Mont gomery Ch. 1856. MONTGOMERY, Jas. Lectures on General Literature, Poetry, etc., at the Royal Institution in 1830-31. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1860. 18mo. 8o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MONTGOMERY, J. T. The Writ of Habeas Corpus and Mr. Binriey. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 27. MONTGOMERY, N. Y. See MACLISE, Rev. D. M. Hist. Discourse. 1865. MONTGOMERY, Gen. Rich d. See LE MOINE, J. M. Memoir of his Sword. MONTGOMERY, Sir Rob t. Discourse concerning the designed es tablishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina. Lond., 1717. See Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 1. MONTGOMERY, Thos. Address at Charlottesville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1852, before Wesleyan Literary Assoc. Albany, 1853. 8vo. Addresses. Vols. 8 and 16. MONTGOMERY, Thos. H. Genealog. History of the Family of Montgomery. Phila., 1863. 8vo. MONTH (A) among the Indian Missions in Minnesota and Wiscon sin. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. MONTHLY Chronicle of Events, Discoveries, Improvements and Opinions for 1840-41, 42. Journal of Agriculture, Edited by John F. Skinner. N. Y.,. 1846-48. 3 Vols. 8vo. Magazine and Amer. Review. April to Dec., 1799. N. Y., 1810. 8vo. - of Religion and Letters. Apr., 1839, to Dec., 1843, ex cept the Jan. numbers for 1842-3. Boston, 1839-43. 8vo. Review. Lond., 1749, to 1789. 81 Vols. 8vo. Same. Enlarged. 1790 to 1825. 108 Vols. 8vo. Same. New Ser. 1826 to 1828. 9 Vols. 8vo. - Same. Gen. Index. 1749 to 1784. 2 Vols. 8vo. - Same, Same. 1784 to 1789. 1 Vol. 8vo. Same. Same. 1790 to 1816. 2 Vols. 8vo. MONTPELIER (Vt.) Green Mountain Freeman, Newspaper. Jan., 1848, to Dec., 1855. 3 Vols. Folio. See GRIDLEY, Rev. J. Hist. Address. - THOMPSON, D. P. History of. MONTPENSIER, Duke of. Considerations respecting his Marriage, with reference to the Treaty of Utrecht. Lond., 1847. 8vo~ Strangford Pamph. Vol. 44. MONTREAL, Canada. See BOSWORTH, N. Hist. of. - Hist. Soc y. Memoires et Documents relatifs a L Histoire du Canada. Montreal, 1859. 8vo. - Also, Seconde Livraisson. Montreal, 1859. 8vo. - in 1856. Sketch prepared for the Opening of the Grand Trunk Railway. Montreal, 1856. Svo. Pamph. - Natural Hist. Soc y. Ann. Report for 1862-3. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. - N. England Soc y. See CORDNER, Rev. John. Numismatic Soc y. See BAGG, S. C. - Six Papers relating to the Gen. Hist, of Montreal, 1823. Can adian Mag. Vol. 1. See ROUXEL, H. Anriales du Cabinet de Lecture Paroissial de Montreal, 185?. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. MONUMENTA de Insula Manniae: Collection of National Documents relating to the Isle of Man. Douglas, 1860-2. 3 Vols. 8vo. MONUMENTS of Washington s Patriotism: containing a Fac-Simile of his Public Accounts, kept during the Rev, War, and Doc uments connected with his Military Command and Civil Ad ministration. 3d Ed. Washington, 1841. Folio. MOODY, C. C. P. Biograph. Sketches of the Moody Family. Bos ton, 1847. 12mo. MOODY Genealogy. See MOODY, C. C. P. MOODY, Rev. Geo. Importance of Language as a Leading Branch of Elementary Instruction. Lond., 1842. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 39. MOODY, Lieut. Jas. See BUSHNELL, C. I. Sufferings, etc., in Rev. War. Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of the British Gov t, 1776-83. n. d. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 5. MOODY, Loring. The Destruction of Republicanism the Object of the Rebellion, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 72. MOOR, Dudley. See Argument against him, in the Queen s Bench, 1713. Defence (A) of the Constitution, etc. MooR,?Henry. Sailing Directions to accompany a new Chart of the Molluccas and Eastern Islands. Lond., 1801. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 21. MOORE, Clement. Templars Text Book. Cincin., 1853. 12mo. MOORE, C. B. Town of Southold, L. I., N.Y.: Personal Index prior to 1698. N. Y., 1868. 4to. MOORE, Eli. Address before the Gen. Trades Union of the City of N. Y., 1833. Addresses. Vol. 11. Remarks in Cong., Feb. 4, 1839, on Slavery in Dist. of Colum- pia. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. MOORE, Francis. Voyage to Georgia, begun in 1735. Lond., 1744. Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. MOORE, Frank. American Eloquence: a Collection of Speeches and Addresses, by the most eminent Orators of America; with Biograph. Sketches and Illustrative Notes. 2 Vols. 8vo. N. Y., 1871. - Diary of the Amer. Revolution, from Newspapers and Orig inal Documents. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 8vo. Materials for History, printed from Original MSS. 1st Ser. Corres. of Henry Laurens, of S. Carolina. N. Y., 1861. 4to. Songs and Ballads of the Amer. Revolution, with Notes, etc. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. Patriot Preachers of the Amer. Revolution. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. The Rebellion Record; a Diary of Amer. Events. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and Companion Volume. N. Y., 1864-67. Svo. Also part of the 7th Vol. MOORE, Geo. H., LL.D. Hist. Notes on the Employment of Ne- froes in the Amer. Army of the Revolution. N. Y., 1862. vo, Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 3 and 63. 6 82 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MOORE, Geo. H., LL.D. Letter to M. De Montalembert, on his late Review of the Gov t of England. Dublin, 1859. 8vo, Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. . Treason of Maj.-Gen. Chas. Lee, with fac-similes. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. MOORE, H. The Stranger s Guide to Matlock, Buxton and Castle- ton. Derby, n. d. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 5. MOORE, Hugh. Memoir of Col. Ethan ALLEN; Interesting Inci dents in his Private and Public Career. Plattsburg, 1834. 12mo. MOORE, H. N. Life and Services of Gen. Anthony WAYNE; founded on Documentary and other Evidence furnished by his son, Col. Isaac WAYNE. Phil a, 1845. 12mo. Life and Times of Gen. Francis MARION. PhiPa, 1845. 12mo. MOORE, Jacob B. Hist. Sketch of Concord, in the Co. of Merrimac, N. H. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Memoirs of American Governors. Vol. 1. (New Plymouth and Mass. Bay.) N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Memoir of John Farmer, late Corres. Sec. of N. H. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vol. 6. Topograph. and Hist. Sketch of Andover, N. H. Farmer and Moore s N. H. Coll. Vol. 1. MOORE, Jas. Narr. of the Destruction and Captivity of his Family by the Indians. Va. Hist. Reg. Vol. 4. MOORE, Jas. and CLARK, Gary L. Masonic Constitutions; or illus trations of Masonry. Lexington, K y., 1818. 8vo. MOORE, John B. Memoir of Theophilus Eaton, first Governor of the Colony of N. Haven. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 2. MOORE, J. Hamilton. New Practical Navigator. 17th ed. Lond., 1807. 8vo. MOORE, Mark. Memoirs and Adventures, when in the Tuscan, Por tugese, Swedish, American and British Service. Lond. r 1795. 8vo. MOORE, M. A., M. D. Life of Gen. Edw. Lacey, with a List of Battles and Skirmishes in S. Carolina, during the Rev. War. Spartanburg, 1859. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. MOORE, Mrs. M. B. The First Dixie Reader. Raleigh, 1864. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 109. MOORE, Thos. Lalla Rookh; an Oriental Romance. Buffalo, 1850. 12mo. - Life and Death of Lord Edw. Fitzgerald. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brmsley Sheridan. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 12mo. The Epicurean. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. MOORE, Rev. Thos. History of Devonshire from the Earliest Pe riod. Lond., 1829. 4to. MOORE, Rev. T. V. Address before the Philo and Franklin So cieties of Jefferson College, Penn., Aug. 3, 1853. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. MOORE, W. V, Indian Wars in the U. S. Phil a, 1843. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 83 MOOREHEAD, J. K. Speech in Cong. Mar. 26, 1864, on the Perpe tuity of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. MOORELAND, Perm. See BUCK, W. J. Hist. of. MOORSOM, W. Letters from Nova Scotia. Lond., 1830 8vo. MORAL (The) of the India Debate. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 55. MORALITY (The) of Public Men. A Letter to the Earl of Derby Lond., 1852. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 49. MORAL Philosophy. See ABERCROMBIE, J. Phil, of Moral Feelings. BENTHAM, E. Introduction to. COMBE, G. Moral and Intell. Science. HAVEN, J. Moral Philosophy. HICKOK, L. P. System of Moral Science. LAURENS, L. Moral Science. MUDIE, R. Observations on Nature. PALEY, Wm. Principles of. State and Political Union of Sweden and Norway, in Answer to Mr. S. Laing. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 25. MORALS. See ALCOTT, W. A. Gift-Book for Y. Ladies. BEECHER, H. W. Lecture to Young Men. BOWLES, John. Moral State of Society etc. BURNAP, G. W. Lectures to Young Men. CARLL, M. M. Moral Culture. CHANDLER, M. G. Elements of Character. COWDERY, M. F. Moral Lessons. DICK, T. Improvement of Society. DYMOND, J. Principals of Morality. ELIOT, W. G. Lectures to Young Men and Ladies. FISHER, S. W. Three Great Temptations. FOSTER, J. Essays. HOSMER, W. Young Ladies Book. Yonng Man s Book. LIEBER, F. On Education and Crime. MAGIE, Rev. D. Advice to Youth. MILBURN, W. H. Pioneer Preacher. MOORE, J. H. Young Gent, and Ladies Monitor. I MORE, Dr. H. Account of Virtue, etc. MUZZEY, Rev. A. B. The Fireside. RUSKIN, J. True and Beautiful in Morals, Religion, etc. TITCOMB, T. Letters to Young People. TURNBULL, R. Life Pictures. TUTHILL, L. C. Success in Life. VAN DOREN, W. H. Mercantile. Morals. WILLARD, E. Morals for the Young. MORAVIANS. See HECKEWELDER, J. Mission among Indians. HENRY, Jas. Sketches of Moravian Life. HILDRETH, S. P. Missions in Ohio. History of Missions among Indians. HOLMES, J. Hist. Sketches of U. Brethren. 1818. in N. Y. and Conn.; Dedica. of Monuments erected by Mo ravian Hist. Soc. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. 84 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MORAVIANS. See LANE, E. Moravian Missions. LOSKIEL, G. H. Geschichte der Mission der Evangel, in N. America. Narra. of the Origin and Progress of the Ch. of the United Brethren, or Moravians. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Eng. Relig. Paraph. Vol. 49. See RIMIUS, Henry. Narra. of Rise and Progress of. 1753. RITTER, A. History of Moravian Ch. in Phila. SCHWEINITZ, E. de. Life and Times of D. Zeisberger. Text-Book for 1856. Lond., 1855. 12mo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 56A. MORDACQUE, L. H. History of the Names of Men, Nations and Places in their connection with the Progress of Civilization. Lond., 1864. 2 Vols. 8vo. MORDECAI, A. Report of Military Commission to Europe in 1855 -6. Washington, 1860. 4to. MORDEN, Rob t. Geography Rectified; or a Description of the World, with 76 Maps. 2d Ed. Lond., 1688. 4to. MORE, Dr. Henry. Account of Virtue, or Abridgment of Morals. Lond., 1690. 12mo. MOREAU, Gen. J. G. Official Defence of, before the Tribunal at Paris. Lond., 1804. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 6. Funeral Oration at St. Petersburg in honor of Moreau. Trans lated from the French. Reprinted, N. Y., 1814. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 25. MORELL, J. R. The Case of. Two Papers. Lond., 1864 (?). 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 38. MOREHEAD, Jas. T. Address in Commemora. of the First Settle ment of Kentucky, at Boonesborough, May 25, 1840. Frank fort, 1841. 8vo. MOREY Family Genealogy. See HARRIS, L. M. MORGAN, Gen. Dan l. See GRAHAM, J. Life of. MORGAN, E. D. Remarks at Cooper Inst., N. Y., Oct. 16, 1867, on Repub. State Nominations. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. MORGAN, Genealogy. See MORGAN, N. H. MORGAN, Geo. O. History of the Administration of Justice; Essay Read at Oxford, June 12, 1850. Oxford, 1850. 8vo. Hist, Pamph. Vol. 15. % MORGAN, Geo. W. Speech in Cong., June 7, 1870, on Banking and Currency. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. MORGAN, H. J. Biographies of Celebrated Canadians. Montreal, 1865. 8vo. MORGAN, Col. John H. See SENOUR, F. Morgan and his Captors. MORGAN S Cavalry. See DUKE, B. W. History of. MORGAN, Lewis H. League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois. Rochester, 1851. 8vo. Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 17. MORGAN, N. H. Morgan Family Genealogy. Hartford, 1851. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. Morgan Genealogy; Hist, of Jas. Morgan of New London and Descendants, 1608-1869. Hartford, 1869. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 85 MORGAN, Octavius. Excavations prosecuted by the Caerleon Anti quarian Assoc., within the Walls of Caerwent, in 1855. Lond., 1856. 4to. MORGAN, Wm. Facts addressed to the People of G. B. respecting the War and the Nat. Debt. Lond., 1796. 8vo. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 4. MORGAN, Wm. (Mason.) Abduction of. See BRUCE, Eli. GREENE, S. D. WALKER, Wm. Confession of the Murder of, as taken down by Dr. J. L. Emery, from H. L. Valance. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. Masonic Pamph. Vol. 1. MORING, H. E. Suggestions on the Finances of the U. S. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. MORISON, John H. Address at the Centen. Celebra. in Peter borough, N. H., Oct. 24, 1839 Boston, 1839. 8vo. N. H. Hist. Discourses.. Vol. 1. Sermon at Salem, at the Installa. of Rev. Geo. W. Briggs, in 1853; with Hist. Notices of the 1st Ch. and its Ministers, 1629-1853. Salem, 1853. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 17. MORLEY, John. Essay on the Nature and Cure of Scrofulous Dis orders, commonly called the r King s Evil. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. MORLOT, A. General Views on Archaeology. Smithson. Report, 1860. MORMONISM. See ADAMS, G. J. Letter addressed to Pres t John Tyler. BENNETT, J. C. Hist, of the Saints. Book of Mormon. BURTON, R. F. City of Saints. CASWALL, Henry. Prophet of the 19th Century. Collection of Hymns adapted to the Faith of Church of Lat ter Day Saints. Voree, Wis., 1850. 18mo. See DIXON, W. H. New America. FORD, T. Hist, of, and of Illinois. From the Amer. Review, June, 1851. Mormon Pamph. Vol. 1. See GREENE, J. P. Expulsion of Mormonism from Mo., 1839. GREENE, N. W. Fifteen Years among the Mormons. GUNNISON, J. W. The Mormons or Latter Day Saints. HALL, Wm. Abominations of, Exposed. HUMASON, W. L. Two Days and Nights among the Mor mons, 1869. KANE, T. L. Discourse on. Michilimackinac (Ancient and Modern), including Ace. of the Controversy, etc. Olive Branch; or Herald of Truth, 1848-60. PRATT, P. P. Late Persecution in Mo., 1841. A Voice of Warning, etc. REMY, J. Journey to Salt City, 1871. Sketch of the Faith of the Ch. of Latter Day Saints. N. Y., 1838. 8vo. Mormon Pamph. Vol. 1. 86 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. See STANSBURY, H. Expedition to Great Salt Lake. TUCKER, P. Rise and Progress of. Voree, Wis., Herald. WARD, A. N. The Husband in Utah. MORMON Question (The.) Being a Speech of Vice President Col- fax at Salt Lake City, a Reply thereto by Elder John Taylor, etc. Salt Lake City, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. MORMONS (The) or Latter Day Saints; with Memoirs of the Life and Death of Jos. Smith. Lond. n. d. 12mo. Same, Lond., 1851. 8vo. MORNING Star Mission Ship (Story of.) Boston, 1866. I2mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 18. MORPETH, Viscount. Speech in Parl t, March 30, 1847, on Health of Towns in Eng. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Sanitary Reform Pamph. Vol. 1. MORRKLL, Dan l J. Letter to the Sec y of the Amer. Iron and Steel Assoc., on Taxes on Amer. Iron. Phila., 1865. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. MORRILL, Justin, S. Letter on the Knit Goods Manufacture, Bos ton, 1866. 8vo. Wool Manufacture Reports, etc. MORRELL, L. A. American Shepherd. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. MORRELL, T. H. Catalogue of his Collection of Books on America. N. Y. 1866. 169. 8vo. 2 Pamphs. Biblio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 15. MORRILL, Justin S. Speech in Cong. Dec. 11, 1867. on the Cur rency. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. MORRILL, L. M, Speech in Cong, on Confiscation of Rebel Property March. 5, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9 and 68. MORRIS, B. F. Life of Thomas Morris: Pioneer, aud long a Leg islator of Ohio, and U. S. Senator from 1833 to 1839. Cincin. 1856. 12mo. MORRIS, Caspar, M. D. Contributions to the Medical Hist, of Penn. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part. 2. MORRIS, Corbyn. Further Considerations on our Insurance of the French Commerce in the present juncture. Lond. 1758. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. Letter on the Causes of the present Scarcity of our Silver Coin. Lond. 1757. 8vo. Eng. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 25. Policy of Britain to Insure the Ships of her Enemies. Lond. 1758. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol.25. MORRIS, Easton. Tennessee Gazetteer: or Topograph. Dictionary. Nashville, 1834. 12mo. MORRIS, Edw. Easy Rules for the Measurements of Earth-Works by means of the Prismoidal Formula. Phila. 1872. 8vo. MORRIS, Edw. J. Speech in Cong., Jan. 30, 1861. On the Union. Peace Popular Rights. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. MORRIS, Gouverneur. Discourse before the IS . Y. Hist. Soc. Dec. 6, 1812. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collec. Vol. 2. Inaug. Discourse before the N. Y. Hist. Soc y? Sept. 4, 1816. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vcl. 1. See also Col lections, Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 87 MOKBIS, Gouverneur. Oration at N. Y, June 29, 1814, on the Restoration of the Bourbons. Salem, 1814. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 35. See Sparks, J. Life and Correspondence. MORRIS, 111. See Turner, Rev, E B Reminiscences of MORRIS, Isaac N. Argument before the House Comm. on Indian Affairs, Feb. 2, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. Reasons why the Tw Per Cent. Claims of 111., Ind. and Ohio should be allowed. Quincy, 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 66. MORRIS, John. Investigation of the Affairs of Harrow School, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Eng. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 33. - See REYNOLD S Popular Atlas of Geology. MORRIS, John G. Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer and Cosmographer. Discourse before the Md. Hist. Soc., Jan. 25, 1855. Baltimore, 1855. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of the U. S. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 14. MORRIS, Gov. Lewis. See DAVIDSON, Rev. R. Memoirs of. -Papers of. 1738-1746. N. J. His. Soc. Coll. Vol.4. MORRIS, Margaret. Private Journal kept during a portion of the Revolu. War. Phila., 1836. 4to. MORRIS, Myron N. 150th Annivers. Discourses at West Hartford, Conn., Mar. 8 and 15, 1863. West Hartford, 1863. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 3. MORRIS, P. Pemberton. Lecture on Mining Rights in Penn. Phila., 1860. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 20. MORRIS, Robt. The Masonic Martyr: Biography of Eli Bruce, Sheriff of Niagara Co., N. Y., who was imprisoned twenty- eight months. Louisville, .Ky., 1861. 8vo. Organization of the Public Credit, and Plan for the Relief of the Treasury. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 93. MORRIS, Hon. Thos. See MORRIS, B. F. Memoir of. Personal Recollections concerning the Hist, and Settlement of Western N. Y. Hist. Mag. Vol. 5, 2d Series. MORRIS, Walker. Address to the People of the U. S., and particu larly of the Slave States. Louisville, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. MORRISON, J. H. -Address at Centen. Celebra. in Peterborough, N. H., Oct. 24, 1839. Boston, 1839. 8vo. MORRISON, Rev. Rob t. Horae Sinicae; Translations from the Pop ular Literature of Chinese. Lond., 1812. Misc. Tracts. Vol.4. Memoir of an Embassy from the British Gov t., to the Court of China in 1816. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. MORRISON, Walter, The Recovery of Jerusalem. Narr. of Explora. and Discovery in the Holy Land. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. MORRISTOWN, N. J. Extracts from Papers relative to the Establish ment of the first Academy, Library and Printing Press in Morristown. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 8. 88 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MORSE, Abner. Genealog. Record of Family of the name of Cutler. Boston, 1867. 12mo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 3. Genealog. Register of the Ancient Puritans. Vol. 2. Con taining Brigham, Hapgood, Pettee, Hewins and Willis fami lies. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Same. Vol. 3. Richards Fam ily. Boston, 1861. Svo. Genealog. Register of Descendants of several Ancient Puria- tans, by the names of Grout, Goulding and Brigham. Bos ton, 1859. 8vo. Further Traces of the Ancient Northmen in America. Bos ton, 1861. 12mo. Pamph. on Pre. Columbian Discov. MORSE, Arthur. Agriculture and the Corn Law. Prize Essay. Manchester, 1842. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31. MORSE Jedediah. Amer. Gazetteer. Charlestown, 1797. 8vo. No title. Amer. Geography. 12mo. JSTo title. Or a View of the Present Situation of the U. States of America. Lond., 1792. 8vo. Amer. Universal Geography of all the Kingdoms, States and Colonies. Charlestown, 1819. 2 Vols. Annals of Amer. Revolution. Hartford, 1824. Svo. & PARISH, Rev. E. Compendious Hist, of New Eng.; exhib iting an interesting view of the first settlers of that country. Lond., 1808. 12mq. Report to the Sec. of War of the U. S., comprising a Narr. of a Tour, performed in 1820, to ascertain the actual state of the Indian Tribes. N. Haven, 1822. Svo. MORSE, Rich d E. The Chippewas of Lake Superior. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. MORSE, Rob t M., Jr. Memoir of Life and Character of the late Stephen Minot Weld. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 22. MORSE, Sam l F. B. Discourse before the Nat. Acad. of Design, May 3, 1827. N. Y., 1827. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 6. Examination of Col. TRUMBULL S Address in Opposition to the Union of Amer. Acad. of Fine Arts and Nat. Acad. of De- singn. 1833. Addresses. Vol. 12. Reply to Article X, No. LVIII, in the N. Amer. Review, en titled " Academies of Art." N. Y., 1828. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. See Society for Diffusion of Polit. Knowledge. - The Present Attempt to Dissolve the Union, a British Aristo cratic Plot. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 72. MORSE, Sidney E. Geograph. and Statist. View of the American Slaveholders Rebellion. N. Y., 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 2 and 75. MORSE (The) Amer. Telegraph. Prof. HENRY S Attack, and Prof. MORSE S Defence, etc. From SHAFFNER S Tel. Companion, Jan., 1855. Pamphlet. MORSS, Rev. Jas. Sermon at Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 6, 1811, on the Origin and Progress of the Epis. Ch. in the Town and vicinity. Newburyport. 8vo., n. d. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 89 MORTON, J. Speech in Cong,, Feb. 6, 1850, on the Slave Question, Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. MORTON, John. Nat. Hist, of Northamptonshire, with Account of Antiquities, and a transcript of the Doomsday Book of k that County. Lond., 1712. Folio. MORTON, John, and TRIMMER, Josh. Effects of Protecting Duties on the Profits of Agriculture. Lond., 1846. 8vo. 6th Ed, Strangford Pamph. Vol. 40. Same, 3d Ed. 1845. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 44. MORTON, Nathan l. New England s Memorial; or a Brief Relation of the Planters in New Eng., also Gov. BRADFORD S Hist, of the Plymouth Colony; Portions of Prince s Chronology, etc. Boston, 1855. 8vo. MORTON, Oliver P. Presidential Elections. Speech in U. S. Sen ate, Jan. 17, 1873. Washington, 1873. 8vo. Congr. & Polit, Pamph. Vol. 68. Speech before the Soldiers and Sailors Union, of Washing ton, D. C., Jan. 6, 1868. Washington. 8vo. Congr. & Po lit Pamph. Vol. 122. Speech in U. S. Senate, Jan. 24, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Speech at Indianapolis, Feb. 22, 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. Speech at Terre Haute, Ind., July 18, 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. MORTON, Sam l G. Catalogue of Skulls of Man and the Inferior Animals. 3d ed. Phil a, 1849. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 10. Crania Americana; a view of Skulls of various Aboriginal Na tions of N. and S. America. PhiPa, 1839. 4to. Description of some New Species of Organic Remains of the Cretaceous Group of the U. S. Phil a, 1852. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 10. Inquiry into the Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America. Phil a, 1844. Archasolog. Pamphlets. Vol. 1. Observations on the Ethnog. and Archosol. of Amer. Aborigi nes. N. Haven, 1846. Arclueolog. Pamph. Vol. 1. Observations on Egyptian Ethnog. derived from Anatomy, History and the Monuments. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans, n. s. Vol. 9. MORTON, Thos. New Canaan; containing an Abstract of New Eng, 1632. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. MORTON, Rev. W. Translation of two Papers written in Bengalt & Sanskrit, on Idol Worship, Caste, etc. Calcutta, 1843. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 18. MORTON Testimonial Assoc. Representation to Cong, on subject of Anaesthetics in the Army and Navy. 1864. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. MORTON, W. T. G. See Remonstrance of Boston Physicians against an award, etc. See U. S. House of Rep. Report of Select Comm. on his Me morial. 90 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MOSBY, Col. John S. See CrawFORD, J. M. Mosby and his Men. Moscow, Burning of. See ROSTOPCHIN, Count. MOSELEY, Rev. H. Illustrations of Mechanics. Revised by Jas. RENWICK. Harpers Fam. Libr. M. Y., 1857. 18mo. MOSELY, J. Inqury into the Results of a Repeal of the Corn Law. Woodbridge, 1839, 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 17. MOSER, Jos. Anecdotes of Richard Brothers, in the years 1791 and 1792, with Thoughts on Credulity. Lond., 1795. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 28. MOSES, Franklin J. Address to the Midshipmen of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., June 1, 1872. Annapolis, 187.2. With Reports of Naval School. MOSHEIM, John L. Institutionum Historiae Christianas Compen dium. Helmstadt, 1752. 12mo. MOSQUERA, T. C. de. Memoir of the Physical and Political Geog raphy of New Granada. N. Y., 1853. Amer. Geograph. & Statist. Soc. Papers. MOSSMAN, Sam l. Emigrants Letters from Australia. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 8. MOTLEY, John Lothrop. Rise of the Dutch Republic. N. Y., 1859. 3 Vols. 8vo. Causes of the Amer. Civil War. A Letter to the London Times. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 99. Re bellion Pamph. Vols. 99 & 106. MOTT, Capt. Edw. Papers relating to the Expedition to Ticonde- roga, 1775. Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. MOTT, Valentine, M. D. Address before the Graduates of 1860, of the University Med. Coll. of N. Y. N. Y., I860- 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 31. MOULDER, Andrew J. Advantages of Assoc. of Ideas in Teaching. Sacramento, Cal., 1862. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 3. MOULTON, Jos. W. New York 170 Years Ago. N. Y., 1843. N. Y. Local Hist. Vol. 5. 8vo. See YATES & MOULTON S Hist, of N. Y. MOULTRIE, Wm. Memoir of the Amer. Revolution as relates to the States of N. & S. Carolina and Georgia. N. Y., 1802. 2 Vols. 8vo. MOUND-BUILDERS of the Mississippi Valley. See BRINTON, D. G. MOUNDS & Mound-Builders of Ohio. See WHITTLESEY, Col. Chas. See Antiquities & Archaeology. MOUNT AUBURN Cemetery, Boston. See BIGELOW, Jacob. Hist of. Concise Hist, of, and Guide through. Boston, 1843. 18mo. Stranger s Guide to. Boston, 1849. 12mo. See DEARBORN, N. S. Guide, 1854. Holyoke Female Seminary. Catalogue of the Memorandum Society. Springfield, 1852. 4to. Circular, 1835. 12mo. Catalogues for 1853-4, 58-9. Northampton, 8vo. Hope Cemetery in Dorchester and West Roxbury. Exercises at the Consecration, June 24, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 91 MOUNT Olivet Cemetery, N. Y. Rules and Regulations, &c. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. St. Mary s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Catalogue for 1867-8. Baltimore, 1868. 8vo. Union, Ohio, College and Normal Seminary. Catalogue and Circular, for 1862-3. Cleveland, 1863. 8vo. Vernon, Dane Co., Wis. Map of Village; 1836. Washington Collegiate Institute, N. Y. Catalogues for 1852-3, 54-. N. Y. 8vo. MOURT, G. Relation of the Eng. Plantation at Plymouth, 1622. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. See DEXTER, H. M. MOWBRAY, G. M. Nitro-Glycerine as used in the Construction of the Hoosac Tunnel. Albany, 1871. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol.-4. Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 7. MOWRY, Sylvester. Arizona and Sonora; Geography, History and Resources of the Silver Region. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Geography, and Resources of Arizona and Sonora; Address before the Amer. Geog. and Statist. Soc., Feb. 3, 1859. Washington, 1859. 8vo. MUDGE, Alfred. Genealog. Hist, of the Mudge Family, 1638-1838. Boston, 1868. 8vo. MUDGE, E. R. See Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. MUDGE, Rev. Z. Footprints of Roger Williams. A Biography, with Sketches of N. Eng. History. N. Y., 1871. 12mo. MUDIE, Robt. Popular Guide to the Observa. of Nature. Harpers Family Libr. N. Y., 1860. 18mo. MUHLENBERG, Henry A. Life of Maj. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg, of the Revolu. Army. Phila., 1849. 12mo. MUHLENBERG, Rev. Henry M. Extracts from his Journal, 1776-77, translated by H. S. Muhlenberg. Hist. Soc. of Phila., Coll., Vol. 1. MUIR, Thos. Ace. of the Trial of, at Edinburgh, 1793, for Sedition. Edinburgh, 1793. 13mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 24. MULFORD, Dr. Isaac S. Civil and Polit. Hist, of New Jersey, em bracing a Compendious Hist, of the State, from its Early Discovery. Phila. 1851. 8vo. MULLAN, Capt. John. Report on the Construction of a Military Road from Fort Walla- Walla to Fort Benton. Washington, 1863. 8vo. MULLER, Fred. Catalogue of Books, Maps, etc., on America, and of a Collection of Early Vovages. Amsterdam, 1872. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 65. MULLER, Geo. Brief Narra. of Facts relative to the New Orphan Houses at Bristol. Lond., 1860-63. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 16. MULLER, Max. Chips from a German Workshop: Vol. 1. Essays on the Science of Religion. 2. Mythology, Traditsons and Customs. 3. Literature, Biography and Antiquities. N. Y., 1871 3 Vols. 12mo. 92 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MULLER, Dr. W. The Cosmosphere; its Use, etc., for Calculating* Latitude and Longitude at Sea. Lond., 1829. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 29. MUNCHEN, Germany. Verzeichniss der Bilder-Gallerie des Brin- zen Eugen. Munchen, 1846. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol.15. MUNDELL, Alex. Examination of Evidence taken before the Com mittee of Secrecy, on the Band oi England Charter. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 38. MUNFORD, Geo. Analysis of the Doomsday Book of the County of Norfolk, Lond., 1858. 8vo. MUNICIPAL Electric Telegraph. See CHANNING, W. F. MUNICIPALIST. Addenda. Letter 24. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 47. MUNOZ, Juan Baptista. Hist, of the New World, translated from the Spanish, with Notes. Vol. 1. Lond., 1797. MUNRO, Robt. Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of N. Y. 180*. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 2. MUNSELL Family Genealogy. See STILES, H. R. MUNSELL, Joel. Annals of Albanp. 1850-59. Albany. 10 Vols. 12mo. Catalogue of part of his Private Library. Americana. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. Chronology of Paper and Paper-making. Albany, 1857. 8vo, Scientif. Pamph. Vol. 42. Collections of the City of Albany. 4 Vols. 8vo. Albany, 1865-71. Every Day Book of History and Chronology; embracing the Anniversaries of Memorable Persons and Events. Albany, 1843. 2 Vols. 8vo. The Typographical Miscellauy. Albany, 1850. Svo. MUNTOU, Thos. Statement of 111 Treatment received by him., etc. Lond. 4 1829. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pnmph. Vol. 13. MURAT, Achille. America and the Americans. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. MURCHISON, S. R. I. Siluria. History of the Oldest Known Rocks, containing Organic Remains, with a Sketch of the Distribu tion of Gold. Lond., 1854. Svo. MUREL, John A. Detection, Conviction, etc. of J. A. Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate, n. p. 1836. 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 24. See WALTON, Aug. Q, MURPHY, Henry C. Contributions to the Hist, of the Pilgrim Fathers, from the Records at Leyden. Hist. Mag. Vols. 3, 4. See Dankers and Sluyter. Voyage to N. Y. 1679. MURPHY, P. P. Speech in N. Y. Senate, Mar. 6, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. MURRAY, Amelia M. Letters from the U. S. and Canada. N. Y. Y. 5 1857. 12mo. MURRAY, David. Plan for a Park for the City of Albany. Albany, 1863. Svo. Albany Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See also Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 4. MURRAY, G. W. Incidents in his Life, during Service in the War and Confinement in Libby Prison. Cleveland, O., 1865. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 48. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 93 MURRAY, Hugh. Hist. Ace. of Discoveries and Travels in N. America. Lond., 1829. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hist, and Descript. Ace. of British India. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 3 Vols. 18mo. Hist, and Descript. Ace. of British N. America. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 18mo. On the Ancient Geographv of Central and Eastern Asia. Edinburgh, 1816. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 22. The United States; their History from the Earliest Period. Edinburgh, 1844. 3 Vols. 12mo. MURRAY, Rev. Jas. Impartial Hist, of the Present War in Amer ica. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1780. 2 Vols. 8vo. MURRAY, John. Hand Book of Northern Germany. Lond., 1845. 12mo. MURRAY, Rev. John. See VERMILYE, Rev. A. G. Memoir of. MURRAY, Lady, of Stanhope. Memoirs of the Lives and Charac ters of the Rt. Hon. Geo. Baillie and of Lady Grisell Bail- lie. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 7. MURRAY, Lindley. English Grammar. N. Y., 1814. 8vo. MURRAY, Nicholas, D. D. Memoir of Rev. Jas. Caldwell, read be fore the N. J. Hist. Soc., May 25, 1848. Proceedings. Vol. 3. See SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Obit. Sermon. "MURRAY, Patrick J. Notes on Reformatories for Ireland, and for Dublin in particular. Dublin, 1858. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 32. MURRAY, Rev. T. B. A Day in the Crystal Palace. Lond., 1852. 12mo. 2d Ed. Guide Books. Vol. 3. MURRAY S Royal Asylum for Lunatics, near Perth, Eng. 32d, 33d, 34th Ann. Reports. Perth, 1859-1861. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 33. MURSELL, Rev. A. " Beware of the Dog." Lecture at Manches ter, n. d. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 52. " The Volunteer Fete." A Lecture at Manchester, Mar. 18, 1860. Manchester. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. MUSEUM of Foreign Literature. See LITTELL. of Remarkable and Interesting Events, containing Hist. Ad ventures and Incidents of Travels and Voyages. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. MUSGRAVE, H. B. Homoaopathic Pharmacy Demonstrated, n. d. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. MUSGRAVE, Thos. M. Considerations on the Re- Establishment of an Effective Balance of Power. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamph leteer Vol. 3. Music. See COMMUCK, Thos. Indian Melodies. EASTMAN, L. Masonic Melodies. FARNSWORTH, H. Oration on. HOGARTH, Geo. Musical Hist., etc. - HOOD, G. History of, in N. England. MUSKINGUM Co., Ohio, Roll of Honor. See KING, J. W. MEETING of the Bengal Army. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 54. 94 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MYERS, Amos. Speech in Cong. Feb. 3, 1864, on the Conscription Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 9 and 34. MEYERS, Leon. Speech in Congr. Feb. 28, 1865, on Compensation to Amer. Ship Builders. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. MEYERS, Thos. Remarks on a Course of Educa. for Youth. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer Vol. 12. MYGATT, Wallace. Account of the First Settlement of Kenosha, Wis. State Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. MYROTHECUM Spagyricum Chymische Apothecke. n. d. Sm. 4to. Med. Pamph. Vol 28. MYSTERIOUS (The) Congress. A Letter from Aix la Chappelle. Lond, 1743. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 68. MYSTERY (The) Revealed; or Truth brought to Light. Polit. Tracts Vol. 3. MYTHOLOGY. See DWIGHT, M. A. Grecian and Roman Mythology. N. NAGLEE, H. M. Chapter from the Secret Hist, of the War. Phil a, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. Report of the Conduct of the Advance of the Column for the Relief of Little Washington, N. C., Apr. 18, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 69. Report of the Part taken by his Brigade at the Battle of Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 69. Two Letters about Gen. McClellan, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. NAHANT, Mass. See LEWIS, A., NEWHALL, J. A. Hist. of. NAIL, (The) Hit on the Head. A Discussion of the Slave Question N. Haven, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. NAIRNE, Chas. M. Lecture before Y. M. Assoc., Albany, Mar. 10, 1848. Albany, 1848. 8vo. Addresses, Vols. 7 and 15. NAISMITH, John. Inquiry concerning the Propriety of Increasing the Import Duty on Foreign Corn. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. NAMES. See ARTHUR, W. Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. BENSON, Egbert. Memoir on. COGSWELL, Wm. Individual and Family Names. FINLAYSON, Jas. Hist, of Christian Names. History of Christian Names. LOWER, M. A. Patronymica Brittanica. MORDACQUE, L. H. Hist, of Names of Men, Places, &c. See Surnames. NANTUCKET Co., Mass. Notes on. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. NANTUCKET, Mass. See Folger & Macy. Topograph. Descript. of. HOUGH, F. B. Papers in Relation to. MACY, O. Hist. of. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 95 NAPIER, Sir Chas. Jas. Letter on the Defence of England, by Corps of Volunteers and Militia. Lond., 1852. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. NAPIER, Jas. Chemistry applied to Dyeing. Phila., 1853. 12mo. NAPIEE, Macvey. Remarks on the Philosoph. Writings of Lord Bacon, n. p. 1818. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 39. NAPIER, Gen. Sir W. F. P. Hist, of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from 1807 to 1814. N. Y., 1856, 5 Vols. 12mo. Reply to Various Opnonents; particularly to " Strictures on his Hist, of the War, etc." Lond., 1832. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. NAPIER S PENINSULAR WAR. See Notes on the Campaign of 1808-9. Strangford, Lord. Observations on. 1828. NAPLES. See GLADSTONE, W. E. Two Letters on the Gov t of. 1851. MACFARLANE, C. The Neapolitan Gov t and Mr. Gladstone. PEPE, Gen. Gullaume. Relation des evenemens Politique et Militaires, en 1820-21. NAPOLEON I. Fac-similes of all the different Signatures of the Emperor Napoleon. Pamphlet, n. d. 4to. See SANTINE M. Appeal to British Nation, etc. 1817. See BONAPARTE, Napoleon. and the Marshals of the Empire, two Vols. in one. Phila. r 1858. 12mo. Dynasty: or, Hist, of the Bonaparte Family by the Berkley Men. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. See SCOTT, Sir Walter. Life of. NAPOLEON, Louis. See WEHS, D. B. Polit. Life of. NAPOLEON III. See BONAPARTE, Chas. Louis Napoleon. and the State of Europe. Reprinted from the " Eclectic " for July, 1860. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol.58. n Italy. By an English Liberal. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. NARES, Robt. Glossary Illustrating English Authors; more par ticularly Shakspere and his Contemporaries. New Ed. Ed ited by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wight. Lond., 1867. 2 Vols. 8vo. NARRAGANSETT Country. Brief Narr. of that part of N. England called the Narragansett country. Mass. Hist. Soc. ColL Vol. 1. 3d Ser. NARRAGANSETT Patent of 1643. See ASPINWALL, Thos. NARRAGANSETT, R. I. See POTTER, E. R. Early Hist. of. Townships. See COFFIN, C. NARRATIVE of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, (to Florida) trans lated by Buckingham Smith. Pr. printed. Washington,. 1851. 4to. of Difficulties in the Cong. Church in Rehoboth, and Measures taken for the Dismissal of Rev. Otis Thompson. Proridence 1826. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. 96 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NARRATIVE of Discovery and Adventure in, Africa from the earliest age to the present time. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y. 1859. 18mo. of Early Days and Remembrances of Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti, a young Seminole Indian. Lond. 1841. 8vo. of Events that have lately taken place in Ireland, among the Society called Quakers, with Documents. Loud., 1841. 8vo. of Privation and Sufferings of U. S. Officer s and Soldiers while Prisoners of War in the hands of the Rebel Authorities. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 12. of the Excursion and Ravages of the King s Troops under Gen. Gage, Apr. 19, 1775. 12mo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, Mar. 5, 1770. by Soldiers of the 29th Regt. Boston, 1770. N. Y., reprint. 1849. 8vo. of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, in 1675, 1676. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 1. . of the late Earthquake in the West India Islands of Antigua, etc., Feb. 8, 1843. Lond. 1843, 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 18. . of the Late Massacres in Lancaster Co., Penn., by a number of Indians. Phila., 1764. 8vo. . of the Planting of the Massachusetts Colony anno. 1628, with the Lord s Signal Presence the first thirty years. 1694. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. 4th Ser. . of the Proceedings of the People of S. Carolina in 1719; and of the causes that induced them to renounce their Obedience to the Lord s Proprietors, etc. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. , of the Suppression by Col. A. Burr of " Wood s Hist, of the Administra. of John Adams." N. Y., 1802. 8vo. 1 . of the Tragedy lately acted at Thorn, in Polish Prussia, at the Instigation of the Jesuits. Lond., 1725. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 82. of the burning of the " Sarah Sands." Lond., 1869. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, 1833. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 3. of the Shipwreck of the Antelope, in August, 1783. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 3. NASH, Alanson. Notices of the Lead Mines and Views of Hamp shire Co., Mass., and the Geol. of that Region, 1829. Sill- man s Journ. Vol. 12. NASH, D. W. Taliesin; or the Bards and Druids of Britain; a Translation of the Remains of the Earliest Welch Bards. Lond., 1858. Svo. NASH, Sol. See BUSHNELL, C. I., Rev. War Journal, 1776-7. NASH, Rev. Sylvester. The Nash Family; or Records of the De scendants of Thos. Nash, of N. gHaven, 1640. Hartford, 1853. Svo. NASHOTAH Mission, Wis. Ann. Letter for 1854-5. Catalogues of 1856-7, 1858-9, 1863-4, 1866-7, 1870-1. Milwaukee and Racine, 185471. Svo. See Kip, Bishop, W. I. A Few Days at Nashotah, 1849. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 97 NASHUA, N. H. See Fox, C. J. Hist, of Dunstable, &c. NASHVILLE, Tenn. Report of the City Council on Affairs of the Nashville and Northwestern R. R. Co., 1859. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. 4th Ann. Report of Pub. Schools. Nashville, 1858. 8vo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. University of. See BOWLING, W. K. Hist. Address, 1868. First Ann. Announcement of the Med. Department, 1851. Catalogue of Med. Depart, for 18578, and an An nouncement for 1858 8. Nashville, Tenn. 8vo. NASON, Rev. Elias. Brief Record of Events in Exeter, N. H., dur ing 1862, with the Names of the Soldiers of the town, 1862- 63. Exeter, 1863. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 21. Discourse before the New Eng. Hist. Genealog. Soc., April 2, 1868., on Life and Character of John Albion Andrew. Bos ton, 1868. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 18. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln at Boston, May 3, 1865. Rebell. Pamph. Vol. 8. See HOWE, Rev. N. Century Sermon, etc. Indebtedness of the English to the Indian Languages of America. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 20. Memoir of Mrs. Susanna Rowson, with Extracts from her Writings. Albany, 1870. 8vo. Memoir of Wm. B. Fowle. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 23. Monogram on our National Flag. Albany, 1869. 8vo. Sir Charles Frankland Bart, and Boston in Colonial Times. Albany, 1865. 8vo. Sketch of Life of Dan l Webster. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 21. NASSAU, Germany. See HEAD, F. B. Bubbles from the Brun- nens of. NATAL, Africa, See WILDER, H. A. Description of. NATICK, Mass. See BACON, O. N. History of. 1651-1856. -BIGLOW, Wm. History of. 1650-1830. NATION (The). Newspaper. N. Y., 1865-72. 12 Vols. 4to. NATIONAL Academy of Design. See DUNLAP, Wm. Address. 1831. MORSE, S. F. B. Discourse. 1827. Academy of Sciences. Annual Report for 1865. Cambridge, Mass., 1866. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 21. Almanac and Ann. Record for 1863. Phila., 1863, 12mo. Same. 1864. Anti-Monopoly Cheap Freight Railway League. 5 Monthly Circulars issued in 1867. N. Y. Svo. Assoc. for Promotion of Social Science. Transactions, 1857- 70. Lond., 1858-71. 8vo. 14 Vols. Assoc. for the Protection of Authors. See JERDAN, Wm. Plan for. 1839. Assoc. of Wool Manufacturers. Bulletins, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-7, except No. 6. Boston, 1869-71. Svo. Do., Vol. 3, Nos. 1, 2, 3. Do., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1873. Boslori, 1872. Svo. 7 98 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NATIONAL Assoc. of "Wool Manufacturers. Joint Report of Exec. Comm. of the Assoc., and of the Wool Growers Assoc., 1866. Boston, 1866. 8vo. - Report oi Convention of Delegates from the Assoc., held at Syracuse, Dec. 13, 1865. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Board of Trade. Debate on Direct Importations to the Inte rior. Boston, 1870, 8vo. Pamphlets, Vol. 13. - See MONROE, T. M. Address, 1868. - Proceedings at 2d and 3d Ann. Meetings, 1869, 1870. Boston. 8vo. Report of Comm. of, on a Continuous Water-Line of Transportation through Virginia. Richmond, 1869. 8vo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Convention for the Protection of Amer. Interests. Proceed ings at N. Y., 1841. N. Y., 1842. Svo. Pamphlets, Vol. 14. of Farmers, Gardeners and Silk Culturists. Proceedings at N. Y., Oct., 1846. N. Y., 1846. Svo. Agr. Pamph., Vol. 11. of Friends of Pub. Educa. Proceedings at Phila., 1849. Phila., 1849. Svo. Educa. Pamph., Vol. 1. (A) Currency . what is needed. Phila., 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph., Vol. 65. Debt. See Congress l Speeches. Defense. See Congress l Speeches. Democratic Convention. Proceedings at Cincin. June 2, 1856. Cincin., 1856. Svo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 11. Executive Committeo. Address to the Democracy and the People of the U. S. 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37. Education. See Board of Nat. Popular Educa. BROOKS, Chas. On Establishment of Nat. System. See Congress l Speeches. See Education. From N. Y. Review, July, 1838. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 7. Educational Union, Eugland. Abstract of 1st. Ann. Report, 1870. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 28. Finances; a letter addressed to the Sec. of the Treasury, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 93. Freedmen s Relief Association. 4th Ann. Report. 1865. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 18. Free Soil Convention. Official Proceedings at Buffalo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 80. Institute of Gen. Practitioners in Medicine, etc. Report of the Council on Medical Reform, Aug. 9, 1848. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 9. Institution for the Promotion of Science. Constitution and Bv-Laws. Washington, 1840. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. - Second Bulletin of Proceedings, Mar., 1841, to Feb., 1843. Washington, 1842. Svo. Third do., Feb., 1842, to Feb., 1845. Washington, 1845. Svo. Insurance Convention. Official Report of Meeting at N. Oct. 18-30, 1871. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 99 NATIONAL Johnson Club No. 1. Pocuments containing: 1. Address of Nat. Johnson Club. 2. Testimony of Alex. H. Stephens. Phila., 1865. 8vo. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 9. No. 2 Documents, containing: 1. Prest. Johnson s Speech, Feb. 22. 1866. 2. Freedmen s Bureau Bill. 3. do do do Veto Message. 4. Civil Rights Bill. 5. Veto of the same. 6. Speech to Soldiers and Sailors. Washington, 1866. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 9. Labor Union. Proceedings of 2d Session in Convention, 1868. N. Y. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. Loan Fund, Life Assurance and Reversionary Interest Soc y Circular, 1839. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 43. Medical College, Washington, D. C. Circular, 1853-54. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 7. Convention Minutos of Proceedings, 1846. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. Monument to Washington. See WINTHEOP, R. C. Address, July 4, 1848. Observatory, Washington. See MAURY, M. F. Popular Education. See Board of. Portrait Gallery. See DUYCKINCK, E. A. of Distinguished Americans, conducted by J. B. Long- acre and Jaa. Herring. Phil a, 1834. 4 Vols. 8vo. Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. Minutes of Proceed ings of 1st Meeting, at Phil a, 1857. Minutes of Proceed ings of 3d Meeting, at N. York, 1859. Minutes of Proceed ings of 4th Meeting, at Boston, 1860. Phil a, etc., 1857-60. 8vo. Republican Convention. See Presidential Election, 1868. Review. July, 1855, to Oct. 1861. Lond. 13 Vols. 8vo. Road Bill. See Congress l Speeches. Ship-Canal Convention. Proceedings at Chicago, June 2 and 3, 1863. Chicago, 1863. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Report of Cornm. on Statistics, for the City of Chicago, 1863. Chicago, 1863. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Soldier s Historical Assoc n. Plan of Organization of. Cin- cin., 1865. 18mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 109. Standard Rate of Interest as a Regulator. Correspondence between Pliny Freeman and Hugh McCulloch. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. Tax Law. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 103. and the Amended Act of March, 1863. N. Y., 1863 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 73. Summary of Rates and Imposts, as amended March 3 1865. N. Y., 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 104. Teachers Assoc n; Journal of Proceedings at the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 5th Anniversaries. 1858-63. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 1. ioo WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NATIONAL Teachers Assoc n. See HOYT, Dr. J. "W. Telegraph Co. Prospectus, 1865. N. Y., folio. Temperance Convention. Proceedings, Speeches,~etc., at Sar atoga Springs, Aug. 20, 1851. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 21. Typograph Union. Report of Proceedings at Albany, N. Y., June 1869. Cincin., O., 1869. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. Union Repub. Convention, 1868. Proceedings at Chicago on the Presidential Election. Chicago, 1868. Svo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vois. 108, 122, 126. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 55. War Comm. of N. Y. Reports, No. 1 and 5. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. NATION S (The) Success and Gratitude. Discourse at Danville, Ky. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. NATURAL HISTORY. See AGASSIZ, L. Contributions to Nat. Hist. of U. S. Introduction to Study of. ARNOLD and SAMUELS. The Living World. Assoc. of Amer. Geologists and Naturalists. Reports. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. BUFFON, Count de. Histoire Naturelle. CHAMBERLIN, T. C. Gradation of the Vertebrata. DARLINGTON, W. Plea for. DELEUZE, M. Hist, et Descrip. du Museum D Histoire Naturelle, Paris. EMMONS, E. on Zengleudon Cetoides. Essex Co. Mass. Nat. Hist. Soc. Journ. - FRANCIS, J. W. Discourse on. GIRARD, C. Bibliography of Amer. Nat. Hist, for 1851. GODMAN, J. D. Amer. Nat. History. 1831. GOLDSMITH, O. Hist, of Earth and Animated Nature. HALDEMAN, S. S. Descript. of New Animals. HARLAN, R. Fauna Amricana. HILL, Rev. T. Address on. 1853. Journal of a Naturalist. LINE^US, M. Works. 1761-83. MARCY, R. B. Explora. of Red River, La. MORTON, S. <r. New Species of Cretaceous Group. N. Y. State Cabinet of Nat. Hist. RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. Elements of. BUCKLEY, Geo., and COOPER, J. G. Nat. Hist, of Wash ington Terr. TURNER, S. Sacred Hist, of the World. - VASEY, Geo. Nat. Hist, of Bulls, Bisons and Buffaloes. WARREN, J. C. Mastodon Giganteus. WHITE, Rev. G. Nat. Hist, of Selborne. of Birds; their Architecture, Habits and Faculties. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. of Insects. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1855. 2 Vols. 18mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 101 NATURAL History of Quadrupeds. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1847. ISmo. of the Elephant. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. See BARTLETT, W. H. C. Elements of Philosophy. BECQUEREL, M. Traite de Physique. DAVIES, J. E., on Potential Functions. DsLuc, J. A. Intro, a la Physique Terrestie. EULER, L. Letters on. FAMIN, Abbie. Physique Experimentale. FONTANA, F. Opuscules Physique. GRISCOM, J. H. Uses and Abuses of Air. Institutions de Physique. La Physique Experimentale. LIEBIG & KOPP, Reports on the Progress of. MATTHIEU, C. L. Philosophique de la Physique. Methode Generales d Analyses. Miscellania Curiosa. Nouvean Traite de Physique. O GALLAGHER, F. On First Principles of Nature. PACKER, R. G. Compendium of. PARA, Abbe. Cours de Physique. PHELPS, A. H. L. System of. POTT, J. H. Des Elemens. WHEWELL, W. Astronomy and General Physics. See Science. Theology. See Bridgewater Treatises. NATURALIZATION. See Congressional Speeches. in Amer. Colonies. See WILLARD, Jos. NAVAGERO, Andrea. Funeral Oration at Venice, on the Death of the Doge Leonardo Loredano. Translated by C. Kelsall, with Remarks on the Venetian Republic. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer Vol. 12. NAVAJO Indians. See LETHERMAN, Jona. Sketch of. NAVAL Adventures. See BOWERS, Lieut. W. Armour. See CHALMERS, Jas. Biography. See MARSHALL, John. Chronicle: containing a Gen. and Biograph. Hist, of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, with plates. Lond., 1799, to 1818. 40 Vols. 8vo. Construction and Promotion. See SLADE, A. Few words on. 1846. History. See COOPER, J. F. Hist, of, and Biog. of Amer. Navy Officers. FROST, J. Universal Naval History. of G. Britain. See BRENTON, E. P. JAMES, Wm. Life. See LYNCH, W. F. List of G. Britain, Jan., 1854. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Rank. See Discipline, Harmony and Efficiency of the Navy. Principles of, etc. 1869. 102 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NAVAL Rank. Right Position of the Naval Staff. 1870. STEVENS, A. F. Speech on. 1871. Registers. See U. S. Sec. of Navy. Schools. See U. S. Naval Academy. NAVAKRO, J. Etudes Legislatives. Paris, 1836. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 15. NAVIGATION Interests of the U. S. See CODMAN, John. FORBES, P. S. N. York Assoc. for the Restoration of, etc. See BUSBY, C. A. Propulsion of Navigable Bodies. DUNCAN, A. British Trident. ELLET, 0. Naviga. of Ohio River. HOBBS, W., on Finding the Longitude. KEITH, Rev. G., on Geog. and Navig. Laws, England. See CAMPBELL, W. F. Letter to a Protec tionist Peer. 1849. DIBS, J. Three Letters. 1848. LINDSAY, W. S. Letters on. 1849. Observations on the Importance of. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 49. OGILVY, Thos. Statistical Evidence, etc. 1849. Report of Deputation from Glasgow to Lord Russell. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 49. See RICARDO S Anatomy dissected. See MAURY, M. F. Sailing Directions. MILLS, R. Treatise on Island Naviga. MOORE, J. Hamilton. New Practical Navigator. NORIE, J. W. Piloting Directions for the Cattegat and Bal tic, etc. ROGERS, H. J. Amer. Code of Signals. Marine List of Merchant Vessels. U. S. Sec. of Treasury Reports. WACKELY, A. Mariner s Compass rectified. NAVY (A Standing) more Economical and Efficient than our pres ent Irregular Force. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 58. of England. See Letter to the Duke of Wellington on State of. 1840. of U. S. See COOPER, J. F. - See U. S. Registers, U. S. See U. S. Sec. of Navy. NAXERA, Emmanuel. De Lingua Othomitorum Dissertatio. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. Vol. 5. NAZARETH Hall, N. J. See REICHEL, L. V. History of. NAZARETH, Penn. See JONES, M. C. A Red Rose from the Olden Time. NEAL, Dan l. History of New England, containing an Ace. of Civil and Eccles. Affairs to 1700. 2d Ed. Lond., 1747. 2 Vols. 8vo. History of the Puritans, or Protestant Non-Conformists, ed ited by Rev. John O. Choules. 1843. See GKEY, Rev. Z. Examina. of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 103 NEAL, Theo. A. The Neal Record; List of Descendants of John Neale, of Salem, Mass. Boston, 1856. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 10. NEBRASKA Bill. Comments on the Nebr. Bill, with Views on Sla very, etc. Albany, 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. See Congressional Speeches. . PAEKEK, Theo. Discourse. 1854. - Report of U. S. Senate on the Nebr. Bill. 33d Cong. Senate Rep t., No. 15. Speeches, etc. Vol. 3. Question (The.) Speeches in U. S. Senate, by Douglas, Chase, and others, with History of Missouri Compromise. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 77. See BOYNTON, C. B. and MASON, T. B. Sketches of, etc. 1855. BUTLEE, Jas. D. Characteristics and Prospects. 1872. Geolog. Survey. See OWEN, D. D. 1852. HALE, E. E. History of Kansas and Nebr. HAYDEN, Dr. F. V. Geolog. Sketch of Bad Lands at Judith. Legends and Poems. See DAKE, OESAMUS C. Local Hist. See Omaha. Mining Co., of Michigan. Report of Directors, 1859. Detroit, 1859. 8vo. Mich. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. State Board of Agriculture. 3d Ann. Report. Des Moines, Iowa, 1871. 8vo. NEDEELANDSCH. Israelietisch Jaarboekje voor het Schrikeljaar, 1856. Gravenhaje, 1856. 12mo. NEEDHAM, Mass. See PALMER, Rev. S. Century Sermon, 1811. NEENAH,Wis. Conservator, Newspaper. May, 1856, to Dec., 1859. Folio. Bulletin, Newspaper. May to Sept., 1856. Folio. River Survey. See CEAM, T. J., 1840. . PETITVAL, J. B., 1839. Fox River. NEGLEY, Jas. S. Speech in Cong., May 11, 1870, on Commercial & Shipping Interests. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. NEGEO (The) and Jamaica. See PIM, Bedford. Conspiracy in N. Y. See HOESMANDEN, D. Equalled by few Europeans; translated from the French: to which are added Poems on various Subjects by Phillis Wheat- ley. Phila,, 1801. 2 Vols. 12mo. Race. Inferiority of. See VAN EVEIE, J. H. See Slavery. NEGEOES and Religion. Memorial to the Episcopal Ch. South, n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 100. See GEEGOIEE, H. Inquiry concerning Intellectual Faculties with Literature of Negroes. NEILL, Rev. Edw. D. Address before Minn. Hist. Soc., Jan. 1, 1850, on French Voyageurs to Minn, during the 17th Century. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. 104 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEILL, Rev. Edw. D. Biograph. Sketch of Dr. Jonathan Potts. Albany, 1863. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. Dakotah Land and Dakotah Life, with Hist, of the Fur Trad ers of the Extreme N. West during the French and British Dominions. Phila., 1859. 12mo. Early French Forts and Footprints of the Valley of the Upper Mississippi. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. Hist, of Minn, from Earliest French Explorations to the pres ent time. Phila., 1858. 4to and Svo. Hist, of the Virginia Co. of London. Albany, 1869. 4to. Virginia Co. of London. Extracts from their Manuscript Transactions, with Notes. Washington, 1868. Svo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Indian Trade. Sketch of the Early Trade and Traders of Minn. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, on the Effort to Civilize the Aborigines. Washington, 1868. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. Occurrences in and around Fort Snelling, from 1819 to 1840. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. Pocahontas and her Companions. Albany, 1869. 4to. Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, and Projector of the Province of Maryland. Baltimore, 1869. 12mo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Terra Mariae; or Threads of Maryland Colonial History. Phila. 1867. Svo. The Fairfaxes of England and America. Albany, 1868. Svo. The Relation of the Gov t to the Indian Tribes. Letter to Hon. Jas. Doolittle, 1863. n. p. 1863. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. NEILL, J. and SMITH, F. G. Hand Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Phila., 1848. Med. Pamph. Vol. 9. Svo. NEILSON, Chas. An Original and Corrected Account of Burgoyne s Campaign, and the Battle of Bemis Heights. Albany, 1844. 12mo. NEISON, F. G. P. Observations on Questions pending in the Man chester Unity of the Order of Odd Fellows. Lond., 1846. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. NELL, Wm. C. The Colored" Patriots of the Amer. Revolution,with Sketches of distinguished Colored Persons. Boston, 1S55. 12mo. NELSON, Horatio Lord. Biograph. Sketch of. From Chambers Papers for the People. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 10. Life of; containing a correct Account of all his Naval Engage ments. Lond. n. d. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 9. - See SOUTHEY, R. Life of. Statement concerning the Nelson Coat, presented to Green wich Hospital. Lond. ,1846. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 41. NELSON, H. Letter to Hon. Jas. Wilson, on his Proposal for a Gov t Paper Currency for India. Madras, 1860. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 105 NELSON, John. Hist. Topog. and Antiquities of the Parish of St, Mary Islington, Co. Middlesex. Lond., 1811. 4to. NELSON, Jos. On the Importance of Completing the Line of Rail* way from Halifax to Quebec, with Map. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Canada. Pamph. Vol. 2. NELSON, Rev. Levi. Half Century Sermon at Lisbon, Conn., Dec, 5, 1854. Norwich, 1854. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. NELSON, T. A. R. Speech in Cong., Dec. 6, 1859, on Position of Parties. Congr. and Polit. Vol. 93. NESBIT, J. C. History and Properties of the Different Varieties of Natural Guanos. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 9. NESMITH, John. Reasons why the Measure of Value Established by Law should be used as Currency. Lowell. 18G8. 8vo. Scien. Pamph. Vol. 18. NESMITH, J. W. Speech in Cong., May 13 and 14, 1862, on Indian Appropriations. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. NETHERLANDER^. See DE PEYSTEB, J. W. NETHERLANDS. A Collection of Works in the Holland Language in Various Departments of Literature Collected by Rev. R. J. VANDERMEULEN, Comprising about 5,000 Volumes. A Manuscript Catalogue of which is in the Library of the Society, and a Synopsis of the more important works, in the Appendix to this Volume. See BOBS, P. Wars of. 1500-1600. Burgerlijk Wetboek. Officiele Nitgave. Hague, 1837. 8vo. Encyclopedia. Amsterdam, 1782. 28 Vols. 8vo. See LE CLERC, J. Hist, of United N. 1730. Staatkundig en Staathuishoud-Kundig voor, 1855. Amster dam, 1855. 12mo. Verhaudelingen van de Natuur en geneeskun dige Corres- pondentie in de Vereenigde. Nederlanden. 1778, 79, 80. Hague, 1783-5. 3 Vols. 8vo. Verslag aan den Koning aangeboden door den Minister Van Finantien. 1852, 3. Gravenhage, 1855. Folio. See WAGENAR, J. History of. Wetboek van Burgerlijke Regtsvordering. Hague, 1838. 8vo. Wetboek van Koophandel. Hague, 1838. 8vo. Wetboek van Strafvordering. Hague, 1837. 8vo. Wet op de Regterlike Organisatie en het Beleid der Justitie. Hague, 1837. 8vo. Wet op den Overgang Van de Vroegere tot de Niewe Wet- geving. Hague, 1838. 8vo. Year Book. Amsterdam, 1747-95. 126 Vols. 80. Same. Indexes. 1747-1759. 3 Vols. 8vo. NETHERWAY, Rob t. Suggestions for Improving the Sanatory State of London and its Environs. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. NEUCHATEL, Lake of. See DESOR, E. Lacustrian Constructions of NEUESTER Wegweiser durch Bremen und seine Umgebungen. Bremen, 1848. 18mo. io6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEUMANN, E. G. T. Neues Lansikisches Magazin. Gorlitz, 1854- 5. 5 Nos. 8vo. NEUMANN, Jos. Memorial relative to the American Flag presented to the State of Cal. Sacramento, 1870. 8vo. Cal. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. NEUTRAL Relations and the Treaty of Washington. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 140. NEUTRALITY. See ADAMS, C. F. The Struggle for, in America. . HOWE, Tim. O. Laws of. NEVADA and California Boundary. Report of Butler Ives, Com missioner, etc. 1863. Carson City, 1864. 8vo. See HUMPHREYS A. A. Report on Explorations and Surveys. 1871. Joint Memorial and Resolutions of Legislature, in regard to the Sutro Tunnel. San Francisco. 1867. 4to. . Journal of Assembly, and Appendix. Carson City, 1866. 8vo. Same. 1869. 8vo. Same of Senate and Assembly. 1871. Report of Comm. on Federal Relations of Cong., in regard to the Sutro Tunnel. Carson City, 1867. 8vo. of Controllers for 1865, 67, 68, 69, 70. Carson City, 1866-71. 8vo. of State Mineralogist for 1867, 68, 69, 70. Carson City, 1869-71. 8vo. of State Treasurer, for 1867, 68, 69, 70. Carson City, 1869-71. 8vo. of Surveyor General and State Land Register, for 1869 and 70. Carson City, 1871. of Territorial Secretary, Auditor, etc., for 1863. Carson City, 1864. 8vo. Statutes 1866-1869. Carson City, 4 Vols. 8vo. Passed at 5th Sess. of Legislature. Carson City, 1871. 8vo. NEVE, John Le. Monumenta Anglicana; or Inscriptions Mononu- ments of several Eminent Persons, deceased in 1700-1715. Lond., 1717. 8vo. NEVIN, Rev. Alfred. Churches of the Valley. Hist. Sketch of the old Presb. Congregations of Cumberland and Franklin Co. s, Penn. Phila., 1852. 12mo. NEW ALBION. Description of the Province of New Albion in North Virginia, with Directions for Adventurers. 1648. Force s Hist. Tracts, Vol. 2. - PENINGTON, John. Examina. of Plantagenet s Hist. of. America. See DIXON, W. H. Amsterdam. See VALENTINE, D. T. Records of the City of. and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; or an Univer sal System of Useful Knowledge. Lond., 1778. folio. Annnal Register. Lond., 1780-1804. 25 Vols. Svo. NEWARK, N. J., Mechanics Assoc. See GRISCOM, John. First Jubilee of Arner. Independence, and Tribute to Adams and Jefferson. Including an Address by Wm. S. Penning- ton. Newark, 1826. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 29. Presb. Church. See STEARNS, Rev. J. A. Hist of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 107 NEWARK, N. J. Proceedings Commem. of the Settlement of, on its 200th Annivers., May 17, 1866. N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. Supplement. Records from 1666 to 1836. N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. See SMITH, J. F. 50th Annivers. Disc., 1861. STEARNS, Rev. J. Hist. Discourses on 1st Presb. Ch. NEW Baronetage ef England; or a Genealog. and Hist. Ace. of the present Eng. Baronets, with their Arms accurately engraved. Lond., 1769. 3 Vols. 18mo. NEW Bedford, Mass. Centen. Celebration, including the Town of Dartmuth, Sept. 14, 1864. New Bedford, 1865. 8vo. 1st Cong. Ch. See POTTER, Rev. W. J. Ten Years Ministry. Friends Academy. Catalogue, 1859. N. Bedford, Mass. 12mo. 18th and 19th Ann. Reports of the Free Public Library. N. Bedford, 1870-71. 8vo. See RICKETSON, D. Hist. of. Topograph. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. NEWBERRY, J. S. See Ohio Geolog. Survey, 1869, 1870, 1871. NEW Boston, N. H. See COGGSWELL, E. C. Hist. of. NEW Brittain, Conn. See ANDREWS, A. Genealog. and Eccles. Hist of. NEW Brunswick, N. J. Christ Ch. See STUBBS, Rev. A. Record of, 1850. Reformed Dutch Ch. See STEELE, R. H. Annivers. Disc., 1867. Theolog. Seminary. Catalogue, 1848-9. N. Brunswick, 1849. 8vo. NEW Brunswick. See Urquhart, D., on N. E. Boundary Question. See U. S. Message of President, 1839. WEST, J. Mission to Indians of, 1827. NEWBURG, N. Y. See RUTTENBER, E. M. History of. Papers relative to the First Settlement of. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. Ann. Report of the Water Commiss rs, for 1868-9. New- burgh, 1869. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. NEWBURY, Mass. See COFFIN, J. Sketch of the History of. Expenses of, with the School Report for 1849-50. Newbury- port, 1850. 8vo. 1st Church. Covenant, Articles of Faith, etc. Newburyport, Mass., 1859. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 16. See POPKIN, Rev. J. S. Sermons on Leaving the Old and En tering the New Meeting-House. 1806. WITHIXGTON, Rev. L. Bi-Centen. Sermon. 1846. NEWBURYPORT, Mass. See COFFIN, Josh. Sketch of History of. GUSHING, C. Present State of. DANA, Rev. D. 50th Annivers. Disc. 1844. Episcopal Ch. See MORSS, Rev. Jas. Origin and Progress of. SMITH, E. V. History of. STEARNS, Rev. J. F. Centen. Ch. Celebration. NEW CASTLE Co., Del., Agr. Soc y. See SKINNER, J. S. Address, with Transactions. 1844. io8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. Letter to Lord Kenyon. Lond., 1828. 12mo. 6th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. Letter to Mons. Michell, the King of Prussia s Secretary of the Embassy, etc. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 4. NEWCASTLE Foreign Affairs Assoc. Report and Petition in refer ence to the Affghan Papers. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Eng. Poiit. Pamph. Vol. 58. Upon Tyne. Soc y of Antiquaries. See Archaeologia Aeliana. - Report for 1848. Newccistle-upon-Tyne, 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 49. NEW Church Herald. See Anglo Amer. New Ch. Repository. and Monthly Repository. Vol. 1. N. S. Very imper fect. 1856. Vol. 2. N. S. Jan. , Oct., 1857. PhiPa., 8vo. See New Church Repository. NEW CHUKCHMAN, devoted to disseminating the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Ch. Jan., Apr., July, Oct*, 1841. Jan. Apr. and Oct., 1842. Oct., 1843. Phil a, 1841 43. 8vo. NEW Church Repository, and Monthly Review. Jan. Dec., 1848, (except June and Oct.) Jan. Dec., 1849, (except Dec.) N. Y. 8vo. See Anglo American New Ch. Repository. New Church Herald. NEWCOMB, John B. Contribution to .the Genealogy of the Bearse or Bearss Family in America, 16181871. Elgin, 111., 1871. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 12. NEWCOMB, Simon. Investigation of the Orbit of Neptune, with Gen. Tables of its Motion. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 15. NEWDEGATE, C. N. Speech in Parl t, May 6, 1863, on Church-Rate Commutation. Lond. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. NEW DIGGINGS and Shullsburg Mining Co., Wis. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations. Milwaukee, 1855. 12mo. NEW Discovery of the Private Methods of France, to frustrate the Designs of the Confederate Princes. Lond., 1691. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. NEWELL, Rev. C. Hist, of the Revolution in Texas; particularly of the War of 1835 and 1836. N. Y., 1838. 2 Vols. 12mo. NEWELL, Rev Jonathan, Semi-Centen. Sermon at Stow, Mass., Oct. 11, 1824. Concord, Mass., 1825. 8vo. Mass Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 1. NEWELL, Tim. Journal kept during the time that Boston was shut up in 17756. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 1. NEWELL, Rev. Wm. Discourse Feb. 22, 1846, on the Cambridge Church Gathering in 1636. Boston, 1846. Syo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 11. Discourse at Cambridge, May 27, 1855, on the 25th Annivers. of his Pastorate. Cambridge, 1855. Svo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 16. Memoir of Rev. Convers FRANCIS. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed., 186364. Two Discourses before the 1st Parish in Cambridge, on leaving the old Meeting-House, etc., Dec. 1 and 12, 1833. Cam bridge, 1834. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 16. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 109 NEW ENGLAND. Abstract of the Lawes as now Established. 1641. Forces Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. See ADAMS, H. Abridg. of Hist. of. and her Institutions, by one of her Sons. Boston, 1835. 12mo. - See ANDKOS, E. Annals of. See Prince, Thos. Anti-Slavery Soc. 1st Ann. Report, Jan. 9, 1833. Pam. phlets. Vol. 8. Architecture. See CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. BACKUS, I. Church Hist. of. BARBER, J. W. Hist, and Antiquities of. Biograph. Dictionary. See ELIOT, Rev. J. BISHOP, G. N. E. Judged "by the Spirit of the Lord. BRADFORD, A. Biograph. Notices of Disting. Men. BRADFORD, W. Hist, of Plymouth Col. Letter Book. Brief Relation of the Discovery and Plantation of. 1622. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. of the State of N. E. to 1689. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 4. See BURGESS, Geo. G. Pages from Eccles. Hist., 1740, to 1840. BUSHNELL, H. The Father s of. BYFIELD, N. Revolution in N. E. in 1689. CHEEVER, G. B. Jour, of Pilgrims. CHILD, John. N. England s Jonas Cast Up, etc. CLARKE, Dr. J. Ill News from. 1652. Clear Sunshine in N. E. 1648. Congregationalism. See White, D. A. See COOLIDGE and MANSFIELD. Hist. of. DANFORTH, T. State Papers. Day Breaking in N. E. 1647. DRAKE, S. G. Researches relative to Founders of. DEXTER, H. M. Mourt s Relation. DUDLEY, Gov. T. Letter to Countess of Lincoln, 1631. DUMMER, J. Defence of N. E. Charters. DWIGHT, T. Travels in. Educa. Comm n for Freedmen. Extracts from Letters of Teachers and Superintendents, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. ELIOT, Rev. J. Biog. Diet, of 1st Settlers. ELLIOT, C. W. Hist. of. Emigrant Aid Company. Hist, of, with a Report of its Future Operations. [Kansas Relief.] Boston, 1862. 8vo. Kansas Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Examinations of Pretensions of, for Commercial Pre eminence. FARMER, J. Genealog. Register of First Settlers. Memoir of Narraganset Townships. FELT, J. B. Customs of. Ecclesiastical Hist. of. no WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEW ENGLAND. Further Queries on Affairs in; 1689. Female Med. College. 8th and 10th Ann. Reports. Bos ton, 1857, 59. 8vo. See Female Med. Educa. Soc. Geology. See SHEPARD, C. U. Mineralog. Journey in Northern N. E. 1829. Good News from, 1648. GORGES, Sir F. Brief Relation on the Plantations in. 1658. GORTON, Rev. S. Letter to Nathan Morton. 1669. HALLEY, Rev. R. Lecture on Pilgrim Fathers. HAYWARD, J. Gazeteer of. Histor. and Genealog. Register, and Antiquarian Jour nal. Vols. 1-25. Boston, 1847-1872. 27 Vols. Svo. Historic. Genealog. Society. See BELL, C. H. CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. DRAKE, S. G. JENKS, Wm. LEWIS, Winslow. Proceedings at Ann. Meetings, Jan. 1872 and 1873. Boston, 1872, 73. Svo. See SABINE, L. SHEPPARD, J. H. SLAFTER, E. F. Tribute to Memory of Hon. E. Everett, Jan. 17, and Feb. 1, 1865. Boston, 1865. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 22. Tri-Centennary Celebra. of Birth of Shakspeare, Apr. 23, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo. See WHITING, "W See HOOD, G. Hist, of Music in. HUBBARD, Rev. W. Gen. Hist, of, to 1680. Narrative of Indian Wars in. HUNTER, J. Early Founders of New Plymouth. - First Colonists of. Genealog. Notes of Early Settlers. - Institution for Education of the Blind. Ann. Reports,, 1834, 36, 37. JOHNSON, Edw. Wonder Working Providence. - JOSSELYN, John. N. England s Rarities Discovered, 1672. Two Voyages to. 1638. Judged. See Bishop, G. See LECHFORD, T. Plain Dealing or News from. LEVETT, C. Voyage to. 1623. LUNT, Geo. Three Eras of. Magazine, Boston, 1831-1835. 8 Vols. Svo. Vols. 1-8. See MATHER, C. Magnalia Christi Americana. - MATHER, I. Remarkable Providences. See Memoranda. Historical, etc. MORSE & Parish. Compendious Hist. of. MORTON, N. N. England s Memorial. MORTON, T. New English Canaan. 1632. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. ill NEW ENGLAND. NEAL, D. Hist. of. to 1700. - Patriot, a comparison between the Administration of Washington and Jefferson. Boston, 1810. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 1. See News from. 1676. NILES, Rev. S. French & Indian Wars in. PALFREY, J. Compendious Hist. of. History of. PENHALLOW, S. Wars with Indians, 1703-26. Planters, The Plea. PORTER, Noah. Discourse on Settlement and Progress of. 1821. N. England. Pratt, Phineas. Declara. of Affairs in. 1662. Prince Society Publica. Prince, T. Chronolog. Hist. of. Progress of Gospel among Indians, 1659. Revolution in N. E. Justified. 1691. - SAMUELS, E. A. Ornithology of. SAVAGE, J. Genealog. Dictionary of Early Settlers. SAVAGE, J. Gleanings for History of. SHEA, J. G. Early Hist, of Catholic Ch. in. SMITH, Capi. J. Advertisements for Plantation in N. E. Description of. 1616. N. England s Trials. SMITH, J. T. Northmen in. Society of N. Y. See HILLARD, G. S. MARSH, Geo. P. UPHAM, C. W. Soldiers Relief Assoc. Minutes of Organization and Proceedings 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 83. See STEELE, A. Life and Times of Wm. Brewster. - S. S. Union. 18th Ann. Report. Boston, 1852. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 17. Tract Soc y. 7th Ann. Report, May, 1821. 8vo. See UNDERBILL, J. News from America. 1638. UKING, N. Voyage to. 1709. VINCENT, P. True Relation of Pequot War. 1638. WILLIS, W. On Presbyterianism in. WINSLOW, E. N. E. Salamander Discovered. WINTHROP, J. History, of, with Savage s Notes. - Journal. 1630-44. YOUNG, A. Chronicles of First Settlers. See Separate N. E. States. Amer. Wars, Indians. NEW ENGLANDER, The. New Haven, Jan. 1843, to Oct. 1869. (Except July 1868 and Jan. 1869.) 28 Vols. 8vo. NE.W ENGLAND S First Fruits. Lond., 1643. N. Y., reprint. 1865. Small 4to. Plantation; or Short and True Description of the Com modities and Discommodities of that Country. 1630. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 1. n2 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWES OF SIR WALTER RAWLEIGH; with a True Description of Guiana, 1617. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. NEW FINANCIAL PROJECT; or Remarks on the Currency and Credit System of the U. S. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. NEWFOUNDLAND. See KIRKE, H. Canada and Settlements at Newfoundland, etc. NEW FRANCE, See CANADA. Charlevoix. Hist. of. GENDRON, LeSieur. DuPays des Hurons. See JESUIT RELATIONS. Memoire pour 1 Marquis Vandreuil. 1763. Notes, etc., for a Bibliography. NEWGATE, London. See BENNETT, H. G. Letter on Abuses in Newgate. 1818. NEW GLOUCESTER, Me. See PARSONS, I. Account of. NEW GOSPEL OF PEACE, according to St. Benjamin. Books 1, 2 and 3. N. Y., 1863-4. 3 Parts. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 11. NEW GRANADA, S. A. HOLTON, I. F. Twenty Months in the Andes. . MOSQUERA, T. C., de. Physical and Polit. Geog. of. ~ Canal Co. Remarks on the Canal or " Dique " of Carth- agena, New Granada, etc. N. Y., 1855. Svo. S. Amer. Pamph. Vol. 1. NFWHALL, Jas. R. Essex Memorial for 1836, with a Register of the Co. of Essex, Mass. Salem, 1836. 12mo. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Act to Facilitate the Raising of Troops. 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 46. , Adj t Gen. Reports, 1860, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, Concord, 1860-68. Svo. . Ann. Register and U. S. Calendar for 1850, 55, 59, 63, 64-8. Concord. 12mo. Asylum for the Insane. Reports of Board of Visitors, Trustees, etc., 1851, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, . Auditor of Accounts. Report for 1867. Concord, 1867. Svo. . Bank Commissioners. Reports 1855,1860, 1867, 1868. Concord and Manchester, 1855-68. Svo. . See BARSTOW, G. Hist. of. . BELKNAP, J. Hist. of. Bibliography of. See EASTMAN, S. C. . Book. Nashville, 1842. 12mo. Another Copy. Nashville, 1844. 12mo. ~ See BOUTON, Rev. N. Discourse before Gen. Assoc. of. . CHARLETON, E. A. New Hampshire as it is. - CHASE, F. Sketches of Early Hist. College of Agriculture, etc. Report of Trustees, 1869. Manchester, 1869. Svo. Commissioners on Fisheries. Report, 1866. Concord, 1866. Svo. Common Schools. 2d, 10th, llth, 12th, 13th, 17th, 21st. Reports. 1869-67. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 113 NEW HAMPSHIEE. Constitution of. See PLUMER, Wm. Paper on. COOLIDGE and MANSFIELD. Hist. of. Eastern Boundary. Report of H. O. Kent, 1859. Con- cord, 1859. 8vo. N. H. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. . Education in. See BOUTON, N. Address. 1833. See Excursion to Highlands of. ; FARMER, J. Churches and Ministers in. and Moore. Hist. Collections. Festival of Sons of N. H. at Boston. 1853. Gazette. See MILLER, F. W. Hist. of. Gen. Assoc. See BOUTON, N. Hist. Discourse. 1848. Geolog. Survey. 1st Ann. Report by Dr. C. T. Jackson. Concord, 1841. 8vo. 1st Ann. Report by Prof. C. H. Hitchcock. Man chester, 1869. 8vo. Report of Progress of the Survey during 1871, by Prof. C. H. Hitchcock. Nashua, 1872. 8vo. See GILCHRIST, J. J., Supreme Court Reports. Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. Constitution and By-Laws. Concord, 1845. 12mo. N. H. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1. Grants. Papers in regard to the Controversy between N. Y. and N. H. respecting the Territory now the State of Vt. Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 4. Historical Soc y- See BELL, S. D. BOUTON, N. Collections, Vols. 1-8. Concord, 1824-66. 8vo. See PLUMER, Wm. House of Reformation. Report, 1860. Concord, 1860. 8vo. Insurance Commissioners. Reports made in 1860. Con cord, 1860. 8vo. in the Rebellion. See WAITE, Otis F. R. Hist. of. - Journal of Medicine. Vol. VII. 1857. (Sept. and Oct. No. s wanting.) Manchester. 8vo. Journal of the Congress of the Colony of N. H., 1775- 6. Hist. Mag., 2d Ser., Vol. 4. Journals of House of Repr. for Sessions of June, 1793, Nov., 1808, June, 1814. Journals of Senate for Sessions of June, 1803, Nov., 1804, June, 1807, June 1810, June, 1811, Oct., 1813, June, 1815, June, 1816. Journals of Senate and House of Repr. for Sessions of June, 1817, 1818, 1819. June and November, 1820. June 1821, 1822. Senate Journal, June, 1823. Journals of Senate and House of Repr., for Sessions of June and Nov., 1824. June, 1825, 1826, 1827. June and Nov., 1828. June, 1829, 1830. Journals of Senate and House of Repr., June Ses sion, 1831. June and Nov., 1832. June, 1833, 1834. June and Nov., 1836. June, 1837, 1838, 1839. June and Nov., 1840, 1842. 8 ii4 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEW HAMPSHIRE Journals of Senate and House of Repr., June Session, 1843. June and Nov., 1844. June, 1845. June and Nov., 1848. June, 1849,1850. Journals of Senate and House of Repr., June Session, 1851. June and Nov., 1852, and June, 1853. . Journals of Senate and House of Repr., June Sessions, 1857-1863. Journals of Senate and House of Repr., June Sessions, 1865, 1867, 1868. KIDDER, F. Hist, of 1st Reg t in Revolu. War. . LAWRENCE, R. F. Hist, of Congrega. and Presb. Churches. Laws passed June Sessions, 1828, 1843, 1851, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863. June and Aug. 1864. June, 1865, 1867, 1869. Local History. See Alstead, Amherst, Andover, An trim, Atkinson, Bath, Bedford, Boscawen, Candia, Canter bury, Charlestown, Chester, Chesterfield, Concord, Croydon, Derry, Dover, Dublin, Dunbarton, Durham, Enfield, Epsom, Exeter, Freeport, Georgetown, Gilmanton, Hampstead, Hillsborough Co., Hudson, Isle of Shoals, Keene, Lebanon, Londonderry, Mason, Merrimack, Middlebury, New Boston, New Ipswich, Northampton, Northwood, Oxford, Petersbor- ough, Portsmouth, Rindge, Rockingham Co., Salem, Temple, Thomason, Warner, Warren, Wilton, Windham, Wolfbor- ough, York. Medical Society. Transactions for 1858 and 1863. Man chester and Concord, 1858, 1863. 8vo. See Memoranda relative to Churches and Clergy of. Messages of Governors, 1860, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68. Con cord and Manchester, 1860-68. 8vo. Province Records and Court Papers, 1680-1692. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 8. Provincial Papers. Documents and Records relating to N. H., 1623-1686. Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Part 1. Vol. 3, Part 2. Edited by Nathan l Bouton, D. D. Concord and Manches ter, 1867-69. 8vo. Quartermaster Gen. Reports of 1865, 1866. Concord, 1865-6. 8vo. Railroad Commissioners. Reports, 1860, 67, 72. Con cord and Nashua, 1860, 67, 72. 8vo. Rangers. See BARNES, Dr. M. Biography of Col. Eben. Allen. Report of Commissioners on Contagious Diseases among Cattle. Concord, 1865. 8vo. on the Public Lands in N. H. Concord, 1859. 8vo. on War Expenditures. Concord, 1866. 8vo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 111. on the Water Power. Manchester, 1870. 8vo. Report of Select Comm. on Military Expenses, etc., from the Commencement of the War. Concord, 1863. 8vo. Re- belPn Pamph. Vol. 111. Repository. See COGSWELL, Rev. Wm. 1846. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 11$ NEW HAMPSHIRE Revised Militia Law, 1867. Manchester, 1868. 12mo. State Agricultural Society Transactions, 1856-59. Con cord. 8vo. State Librarian. Report, 1872. Manchester, 1872. 8vo. State Prison. Reports, 1857, 60, 67, 68. Concord and Manchester, 1857-68. State Society of the General Society of the Cincinnati. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. State Treasurer. Reports for 1860 and 1868. Concord and Manchester, 1860, 68. 8vo. Two Hundredth Annivers. of the Settlement of. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. See WHITON, John M. Sketches of the History of. NEW HAMPTON Literary and Theological Institution, Fairfax, Vt. Catalogues for 1860, 61, 62. Rutland and Burlington, 1860 -62. 8vo. NEW HAVEN, Conn. See BACON, Rev. L. Hist. Discourses. BARBER, J. W. Hist, and Antiq. of. Blue Laws of the Colony of. Catalogue of Members of the Church in the United \ Society in N. Haven, from 1742 to 1855. N. Haven, 1855. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 5. Collegiate and Commercial Institute. Catalogues for 1864 and 1865. N. Haven, 1864, 66. 8vo. Colonial Records. See HOADLY, C. J. Med. Society. Report on Repealing the Laws in regard to Irregular Practitioners. N. Haven, 1837. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. Directories, 1845-6, 1848-9, 1854-5, 1867. 4 Vols. 12mo. 1st Church. Catalogue of Members, 1758-1847. N. Haven, 1847. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 5. Supplement to the Catalogue of Members, 1847- 1853. N. Haven, 1854. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 5. Conn. See Hopkins Grammar School. Howe Street Society. See BALDWIN, A. C. North Ch. See MERWIN, Rev. Saml. 50th Annivers. Discourse. NEW HAVEN, Ohio. See STEWART, A. G. Memoir of. 1859. NEW HOLDERNESS, N. H. Notes on the Town of. Mass. Hist* Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. NEWINGTON, Conn. See BRACE, Rev. J. Half Century Sermon. NEW IPSWICH, N. H. See KIDDER, Fred. Hist, and Genealogies of. WALKER, Rev. C. Sketch of Hist. of. New JERSEY. Adjutant Gen. Ann. Report for 1861. Trenton, 1862. 8vo. and New York Boundary Line. See WHITEHEAD, W. A. See BARBER, J. W. Hist, and Antiq. of. and HOWE, H. Hist. Collections. u6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEW JEKSEY. Brief Account of the Province of East-New- Jarsey in America. 1683. Hist. Mag. 2d. Ser. Vol. 1. See BUDD, Thos. Ace. of Penn. and N. Jersey. CARPENTER and ARTHUR. Hist. of. - College of, Princeton. Catalogue for 1839 and 40. Princeton, 1840. 8vo. Catalogues of the Amer. Whig Society. Prince ton, 1845, 57. 8vo. See MACLEAN, John, D. D. See COLLIN, Rev. N. Swedish Missions at Racoon. Comptroller of Treasury. Ann. Reports for 1866, 67, 68. Trenton, 1867-69. 8vo. Eastern Boundary. See WHITEHEAD, Wm. A. See FIELD, R. S. The Provincial Courts of. See FRIENDS . Soc y of. Improvement of N. J. Indi ans. 1795, 1844. Geology of, with Atlas. Newark. 1868. 2 Vols. 4to. - Ann. Report of the State Geologist for 1871. N. Brunswick, 1872. 8vo. - PIERCE, Jas. Geol. of the Highlands, 1822, and Alluvial Dist., 1823. See GIFFORD, A. on the Aborigines of. See GORDON, T. F. Hist. of. See Grand Army of Republic. Hist. Soc y. See ALOFSEN, Sol. Collections. Vols. 1-7. With Supplement to the 6th vol. N. York and Newark, 1846-72. 8vo. Constitution, By-Laws and Circular. Newark, 1854. 8vo. See DUER, Wm. A. Field, R. S., Hornblower, J. C., King, Chas., Marcellus, A. A., Miller, J. W., Miller, S., Murray, N., Parker, Jas. Proceedings, 1845-1866. Vols. 1-10. Newark, 1848-67. 8vo. See SMITH, S. J. Tuttle, J. F., Ward, J. D., Whitehead, W. A. Inauguration of Gov. M. L. Ward, Jan. 16, 1866. Tren ton, 1886. 8vo. N. J. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. In the Rebellion. See FOSTER, John Y. Hist. of. Law incorporating Medical Societies. New Brunswick, 1830. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. Laws of the State, 1837, 38, 1842-45, 49-51. Trenton. 4 Vols. 8vo. of 87th Legislature. Trenton, 1863. 8vo. Local Hist. See Atlantic County, Camden, Elizabeth, Gloucester Co; Hudson, Millstone, Morristown, Newark, New Brunswick, Perth Amboy, Trenton, Monmouth. Message of the Governor. 1848. 8vo. Congr. and Po- titical Pamph. Vol. 58. Same 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 23. See MESSLER, Rev. A. Hollanders in. MORRIS. Gov. Papers, 1738-48. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 117 NEW JERSEY. MULFOKD, Dr. J. S. Civil and Polit. Hist. of. Northern Boundary. See PAKKEK, Jas. Hist, of Boun dary Disputes. WHITEHEAD, W. A. Paper on. 1859. Official Register of Officers and Men of N. J. in Revolu. War. Printed by Authority of State. Trenton, 1872. 8vo. Public Schools. Instructions for the use of Public Schools. Trenton, 1856. 8vo. Report of Legislative Comm. to meet Commissioners to Va., and other States, Feb. 4, 1861. RebelPn Paraph. Vol. 76. Reports of Joint Comm. on Treasurer s Accounts for for 1865 and 1868. Trenton, 1866, 69. 8vo. See SCOT, Geo. Model of the Gov t, etc. 1685. Selections from the Correspondence of the Executive of N. J., from 1777 to 1786, published by order of the Legislature. Newark, 1848. Svo. See Slavery in N. J. SMITH, S. Hist, of Colony of Nova Caesaria. 1765. Soc y of the Cincinnati. See Society of Cincinnati. State Board of Education. Ann. Report for 1866. Tren ton. 18.67. 8vo. Organization and By-Laws. Trenton. 1866. Svo. State Lunatic Asylum. Reports. 1848-1866. State Normal School. 5th and llth Ann. Reports, for 1860 and 1865. Trenton, 1860, 66. 8vo. See STEVENS, H. Index to Colonial Documents. Supt. of Public Schools. Ann. Reports for 1858 and 1865. Trenton, 1859. 1866. Svo. See THOMAS, G. Account of, 1698. VIELE, E. L. Topograph. Survey of. WHITEHEAD, W. A. Hist, of East Jersey. NEW Jerusalem Ch. See Anglo Amer. New Ch. Repository. Herald of, etc. New Church Herald. New Churchman. Nouvelle Jerusalem, Revue. See Swedenborgianism. NEWLAND, Henry, D. D. Observations on the Education of the Poor in Ireland. Dublin, 1845. Svo. Strangford. Pamph. Vol. 39. NEWLANDS, Rev. Wm. Three Letters on Education. Lond. n. d. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 34. NEW (The) Life of Virginia, declaring the former Success and pres ent Estate of that Plantation (1612) being the Second Part of Nova Brittanica. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 1. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. NEW LISBON, Wis. Juneau Co. Argus, Newspaper. Nov., 1858, to Dec., 1859. Folio. Same. 1862. NEW LONDON, Conn., as a Naval Station. Brief Review of the Navy Yard Question, showing that N. London has the Ad vantage of Defensibility, etc. N. Y., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 59. n8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEW LONDON, Conn., as a Naval Station. Concise Statement of the Action of Cong, in relation to a Navy Yard, etc. N. London, 1866. 8vo. RebelPnPamph. Vol. 59. See League Island. Reply to the Minority Report of the Naval Comm. of Cong., on Sites for Navy Yards. N. London, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 59. Review of the Minority Report, on the Navy Yard Question. N. London, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 59. Burning of, by Gen. Arnold. See HARKIS, W. W. See CATJLKINS, Miss F. M. History of. NEW LONDON Co., Conn. Historical Society. Act of Incorpora tion, By-Laws and Officers. N. London, 1871. 12mo. NEW LONDON, Ohio. See SKELLINGER, A. D. Memoir of. NEW LONDON (Wis.) Times, Newspaper. Oct., 1856, to Oct., 1857. Folio. (Bound with Sauk and Juneau Co. Papers.) NEWMAN, Francis W. Regal Rome; an Introduction to Roman History. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. NEWMAN, John B., M. D. Ancient History, and Discovery of America before the Time of Columbus. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. Pamph. Pre. Col. Discov. NEWMAN, Louis C. Bible View of Slavery reconsidered; a Letter to Bishop Hopkins. Phila., 1863. 2dEd. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 133. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 39 and 40. NEWMAN, Sam l P. Address before the Benev. Soc. of Bowdoin College, Sept. 5, 1826. Portland, 1826. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 37. NEWMAN, S. C. Address at the Formation of the Blackstone Mon ument Assoc., with Proceedings at Study Hill, July 4, 1855. Pawtucket, 1855. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Hist. Oration at Seekonk (Rehoboth), Mass., July 4, 1860, with Ace. of the Celebra. Pawtucket, R. I., 1860. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 14. NEW MEXICO. See ABERT, J. W. Report and Map of 1848. See Alta California. ARNY, W. F. M. Interesting Items respecting. 1873. BARTLETT, J. R. Personal Narrative, etc. Conquest of Santa Fe. - DAVIS, W. W. H. Spanish Conquest of. - EDWARDS, F. S. Campaign under Col. Doniphan. 1848. EMORY, W. H. Military Reconnoisance. FENDLER, Aug. Plants from Santa Fe. HAYDEN, F. V. Geolog. Survey of. HUGHES, J. T. Doniphan s Expedition. MAYER, B. History of Mexico, and Notices of. Message of Gov. Arny to Legislature. 1866. Santa Fe, 1867. 8vo. Reconnoissances in Texas. RICHARDSON, W. H. Journal in Doniphan s Campaign. SIMPSON, J. H. Tour in Navajo Country. 1849. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 119 NEW MEXICO. SITGREAVES, L. Exped. to Zuni and Colorado Rivers. SQUIEE, E. G. Antiquities of. NEW Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, (republished.) Bos ton, Jan. 1823. to Dec. 1825. NEW Netherlands. See Correspondence with New Plymouth. 1627. DELAET, John. Description of. 1625. DUNLAP, W. History of. FOLSOM, Geo. Governors of. in 1627. See DE RASIERES. J. See JOGUES, Isaac. Description of. 1644. Journal of. 1647. Doc. History of N. Y. Vol. 4. See LAMBRECHTSEN, N. C. History of. 1818. MONTANUS, A. Description of. 1671. O CALLAGHAN, E. B. History of. Representation from. VAN DER DONCK, Adriaen. Description of. 1656. VAN TIENHOVEN, C., on Taking up Land in N. Nether- land. 1650. See New York. NEW (The) Non Conformist: or Dr. Sherlock s Case of Allegiance. Lond., 1690. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. NEW ORLEANS Academy of Sciences. Constitution and By-Laws. 1859. Scientific Pamph. Vol 18. Ann. Report of the Board of Health for 1849. N. Or leans, 1850. 8vo. La. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Battle of. See ADAIR, Gen. John, and JACKSON, Gen. A. Letters on the Conduct of the Ky. Troops. Campaigns of Brit. Army, 1815. WALKER, Alex. Correspondence of Mayor and Federal Authorities on the Occupation of. N. Orleans, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 13. See History of the Yellow Fever of 1853. Riots. Minority Report of Select Comm. of House of R. 1866? Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. See WATSON, J. F. Incidents in 1804-5. NEW PALTZ, Ulster Co., N. Y. See STITT, C. H. Hist, of Hugue not Ch. and Settlement at. NEW (A) Plea for the Parliament, etc. 1688? Sm. 4to. Eng. Po lit. Pamph. Vol. 65. NEW Plymouth. See BAYLIES, F. Hist. Memoir of. Correspondence with New Netherlands, 1627. HUNTER, Rev. Jos. Church at Scrooby, Eng. NEWPORT and Cincinnati Bridge. Address to Cong, of a Comm. appointed at Pittsburg, protesting against the Erection of the Bridge. Pittsburgh, 1871. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. V ol. 1/47. See Congress l Speeches. Diagram of the Ohio River at Cincin. Memorials relative to Ohio River Navigation. 120 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWPORT, R. I. See CHANNING, G. G. Early Recollections. Documents of the City of Newport, for 1856-7. Newport, 1857. 8vo. See JACKSON, Rev. H. Hist. Discourse at Central Bapt. Ch. MASON, Geo. C. Reunion, Aug., 1859. Sketches of. NEWPORT, Wis. Wisconsin Mirror, Newspaper. Jan., 1856, to June, 1859. Folio. NEW Revision of the Statutes of Mass. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. NEW RICHMOND and Ohio Philanthropist, Newspaper. Jan., 1836, to Dec., 1837. NEW River Guide, or a Gazeteer of all the Towns on the Western Waters. Cincin., 1848. 8vo. NEW Sartor Resartus: a critical Analysis of "A Review of Mr. Sew- ard s Diplomacy." n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 20, 73. NEWS from New England; Account of the Present Bloody Wars carried on by -Eng. Christians and Indians of N. E. Lond., 1676. Boston, reprint, 1850. 4to. NEW South Wales, Australia. See OSBORNE, A. State of Society in, etc., 1833. NEWSPAPERS. See Adams Co., Wis., Press, 1869-72. Albany, N. Y., Argus, 1844-5. Balance, 1809-11. Gazette, 1817-8. Amsterdam Mercury, 1807-15. Anglo-American, 1843-4. Annapolis, Maryland, Gazette, 1760-7, 1783-4. Appleton, Wis., Crescent, 1854-70. Motor, 1859-66. Post, 1866-70. Ashland, Wis., Press, 1870--2. Ashtabula, O., Sentinel, 1868. Athens, Ohio, Post, 1854-8. Augusta, Ga., Chronicle, 1861-2. Baltimore, Md., American, 1811. Evening Post, 1808-10. Fed. Gazette, 1799 and 1808. Gazette, 1794. Republican and Anti-Democrat, 1802. Sun, 1845-48. Baraboo. Wis., Independent and Republican, 1867-9. Republic, 1855-66, 1870-2. Beaver Dam, Wis., Argus, 1860-3, 1867-70. Democrat, 1859. Dodge Co. Citizen, 1856-9, 1864-70. Republican and Sentinel, 1854-7, 1860-3. Beloit, Wis., Journal, 1854-63. Berlin, Wis., Courant, 1859-70. Black Earth, Wis., Advertiser, 1870-72. Boscobel, Wis., Broadaxe, 1863-66. Boston, Mass., Daily Advertiser, 1858-67. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 121 NEWSPAPEES. Boston, Mass. Weekly Advertiser, 1872. Amer. Traveller, 1850-54. Centinel, 1796. Christian Register, 1854. Christian Watchman, 1824. Chronicle, 1767-1768; 1794-1796; 1803, 1809, 1810. Columbian Centinel, 1798-1821. Continental Journal, 1778-80. Evening Gazette, 1856-59. Evening Telegraph, 1854. Gazette, 1824. Gazette, 1764-1769; 1786; 1801-1803; 1805-1807; 1809- 1812; 1860-1865. Independent Chronicle, 1782-84. Liberator, 1833. Weekly Magazine, 1 803-05. Messenger, 1811-14. 1818. Non-Resistant, 1839, 40. Palladium, 1802, 180406. Repertory, 1808. Weekly Spectator, 1871. Transcript, 1831-34. U. S. Literary Gazette, 1824-25. Yankee Farmer, 1841. Bradford, Penn., Reporter, 1855-59. Brandon, Wis., Telegraph, 1835-37. Times, 1866-70. Broadhead, Wis., Weekly Reporter, 1859-60. Brother Jonathan, N. Y. Weekly, Jan. 1842 Jan. 1844. Buffalo Co., Wis., Republican, 1870-72. Papers. Miscell. 1856, 64, 69, 70. 1 Vol. Burlington, Wis., Gazette, 1859-60. Standard, 1869-72. Calumet, Wis., Republican, 1860-61. Camden, N. J., Journal, 1860-62. Cape Girardeau, Mo., Eagle, 1849-52. Cape Town Advertiser, 1857-8. Catskill, N. Y., American Eagle, 1810. Constellation, 1802-03. Recorder, 1839-40. Chicago Advance. 1868-9. Christian Standard, 1869-70. Christian Times, etc., 1855-68. Press and Tribune, (Weekly) 1854-60. Daily Tribune, 1857, 60, 61, 62. Same,1872, R. R. Gazette, 1868-72. Record. 1857-1859. Times, 1870, 71, 72. Chilton Wis. Times. 1857-70. Chippewa Falls Wis. Democrat. 1869-72. Chipewa Union and Times. 1867, 68, 70. CINCINNATI Advertiser. 1844-53. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWSPAPERS. Cincinnati Church Herald. 1855-1859. Daily Gazette. 1863-6. Semi-Weekly Gazette. 1867-8, 1869-70, 1871-2. Literary Gazette. 1824. Petroleum Gazette. 1865. Philanthropist. 1838-40. Times. 1840-41. Claypoole s Amer. Advertiser. 1797. Columbia, S. C. Courant. 1849. Columbian (N. Y.), 1809-1810. Congressional Globe. 1833-70. Columbus Wis. Repub. Jour. 1855-1863. Cooperstown N. Y. Freeman s Journal. 1833-51. Courier du Bas Rhine. 1786-1794. Cultivator. 1838-1841. Delavan Wis. Messenger. 1856-1857. Republican. 1868-72. Des Moines Iowa Bulletin. 1870. Detroit Mich. Gazette. 1818-1828. Dodgeville Wis. Chronicle. 1867-70. Door Co. Wis. Advocate. 1862-70. Easton, Md. Peoples Monitor. 1813. Eau Claire, Wis., Free Press. 1867-70. Eclaireur, The. 1853, 54, 55, 60. Edinburgh Advertiser. 1765. 1772-73, 1779, 1783-86. . Edinburgh Chronicle. 1759-60. , Courant. 1727. Elkhorn, Wis., Independent. 1857-70. English Papers, Miscellaneous. 1800-1870. 1 Vol. Evansville, Wis., Citizen and Review. 1866-70. Fond du Lac, Wis., Commonwealth. 1856-65. 1869-72. Herald. 1852-56. , Journal. 1850-53. Reporter. 1861-70. Union. 1853--58. Fort Winnebago, Wis., River Times- 1850-53. Fox Lake, Wis., Gazette. 1858-66. Frankfort, Ky., Commonwealth. 1854-1859. - Galena, 111., Gazette and Advertiser. 1834-37. Miners Journal. 1830. - Galesville, Wis., Transcript. 1860-70. Genessee Farmer. 1831. . Geneva., Wis., Express, 1853-1856. Georgetown, D. C., Washington Federalist, 1808. Golden Age, 1871-2. Rule, 1848. Grand Rapids, Wood Co., Wis., Reporter, 1858, 1859. Grant County, Wis., Herald, 1869-72. Witness, 1863-66, 1870-72. Gravesville, Wis., Republican, 1859. Green Bay, Wis., Papers, Miscell., 1833-44. Advocate, 1854-1859, 1861-1870. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 123 NEWSPAPERS. Green Bay, Wis., Gazette, 1866- 69. Intelligencer, 1833-1835. Green Co., Wis., Papers, Miscell., 2861-7, 68. Hallowel, Me., Cultivator, 1839-1840. Hampshire, Mass., Gazette, 1808. Harrisburg, Penn., Union, 1860- 61. Hartford, Conn., Courant, 1803-09. Hazard, S., Register of Pa., 1828-36. Holland Mercury, and European Mercury, 1651-1756. Monthly Mercury, 1756-90. Same, 1801-6. Horicon, Wis., Argus, 1854-1861. Hudson, N. Y., Balance, 1802, 1804-5. Rural Repository, 1825. North Star, Wis., 1854-1859. Star and Times, 1866-72. Jackson Co., Wis., Banner, 1868-70. Janesville, Wis., Dem. Standard, 1851-1858. Free Press, 1854-1857. Gazette, 1852-67, 1869-72. Times, 1859-61. Jefferson Banner, 1866-70. Juneau Co., Wis., Papers, 1862-66. See New Lisbon, Juneau Co., Argus. Juneau, Wis., Burr Oak, 1853-54. Dodge Co. Citizen, 1852-53. Kansas Papers, 1862. Kenosha, Wis., Democrat, 1854-56. Telegraph, 1848-52; 1860-70. Times, 1857-59; 1861-62. - Tribune and Telegraph, 1854-59. Kewaunee, Wis., Enterprise, 1859-63. Kilbourn City, Wis., Mirror, 1860-61; 1868-70. Kingston, Jamaica, Royal Gazette, 1782. La Crosse, Wis., Democrat and Republican, 1860-63. Democrat, 1863-66. Independent Republican, 1855-59. - National Democrat, 1853-54; 1856-59. Papers, 1867-70. Miscell. Lake Superior Miner, 1857-58. Lancaster, Wis., Herald, 1845-1858. Leyden Gazette, 1765-1782. Liberia Newspapers, 1830-1853. London British Mercury, 1712-15. - Chronicle, 1758-62, 1772; 1791-94. Companion to Newspaper, 1833-34. Gazette, 1680-81; 1767-1811. General Post, 1757-59. Illustrated News, 1842-71. Leader, 1857. Literary Gazette, 1817-39. Loyal Protestant, 1681-82. Monitor, 1755-63. i24 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWSPAPERS. London North Briton, 1769. Observator and Rehearsal, 1704-11. Porcupine, 1800. Publishers Circular, 1858-59. Royal Gazette, 1761. St. James Chronicle, 1774. Times, 1831-34; 1857-58. True Briton, 1723-24. 1751. Louisville, Ky., Farmer, 1843. Madison, Wis., Demokrat, 1858-60. Wisconsin Argus, 1848-51. Argus and Democrat, 185261. Capitol, 1855-6. Express, 1839-52. Higher Law, 1861. Soldier s Record, 1870-72. Daily Union, 1866-7. Welch s Home Diary, 1864-5. Western Fireside, 1857-58. Wisconsin Democrat, 1842-44, 46- 47, 49- 51, 65- 67, 69- 72. Wisconsin Enquirer, 1838-43. Wisconsin Farmer and Western Farmer, 1849-72. Wisconsin Patriot, 1854-64. Wisconsin State Journal, 1852-1872. Wisconsin State Palladum, 1852. Wisconsin Statesman, 1850-52. Manitowoc, Wis., Democrat, 1854-55. Herald, 1854-62. Papers, 1845. Pilot, 1859; 1867-70. Tribune, 1854-70. Marathon Co. Central Wisconsin, 1870-72. Marquette, Wis., Express, 1860-66. County, Wis., Express, 1867-70. Mauston, Wis., Star, 1857-63; 1867-70. Menasha, Wis., Advocate, 1854-6. Island City Times, 1866. Michigan Papers, MiscelL, 1855-67. 1 Vol. Middlesex, Eng., Journal, 1870-72. Middletown, Conn., Gazette. 1808. Midnight Cry, 1842-44. Milwaukee, Wis., American, 1856. Daily Courier, 1846-47. Free Democrat, 1854-55. Flug Blaetter. 1852-54. News. 1856-58, 1865-66, 1869-72. Northwestern Advance. 1870. Papers various, 1843-59. See Bote. 1865, 1867-72. Daily Sentinel. 1854-66, 1870-72. Daily Wisconsin. 1849, 1855, 1857-61, 1862-64, 1869-70. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 125 NEWSPAPERS. Milwaukee Weekly Wisconsin. 1849-57. Semi-Weekly Wisconsin. 1863-66, 1871-72. Mineral Point, Wis., Democrat. 1845, 1866-70. Home Intelligencer. 1859. Intelligencer. 1859-63. Miners Free Press. 1840-43. Miscell. Papers. 1838-51. Tribune. 1847-59, 1861-70. Monroe Co. Wis., Herald. 1869-72. See Sparta, Wis., Herald. Sentinel. 1854-59, 1863-66, 1869-71. Montpelier, Vt., Green Mountain Freeman. 1848-55. Nation, The. 1865-72. Neenah, Wis. Bulletin. 1856. Conservator. 1856-59. New Lisbon, Wis. Juneau Co. Argus. 1858, 59, 62. New London, Wis., Times. 1856-1857. Newport, Wis. Wisconsin Mirror. 1856-59. New Richmond, Ohio, Philanthropist. 1836-7. N. Y. Albion. 1843, 1846-55. American. 1825, 6, 7, 9, 31. 1835-37. Anglo American. 1843-47. Army and Navy Official Gazette. 1863-4. Atlas. 1831-32. Baptist Home Mission Record. 1849-1853. Christian Advocate. 1832-34. Christian Enquirer. 1866. Congregationalist. 1856-59. Criterion. 1855-6. Diary and Register. 1794. Evening Post. 1855-1859. Evening Star. 1836-8. Family Adviser. 1835-36. Farmer and Mechanic. 1847. Gazette of U. S. 1789-91. Herald, Daily. 1850-59, 1862-1866. Herald, Weekly. 1808-9, 1841, 1844-45. Home arid Abroad (P. E. Church). 1870, 71. Home Journal. 1849-60. Home Mission Record. 1853-56. Illustrated News. 1861-63. Independent. 1851-56. Journal. 1787-88, 1798-99. Literary World. 1847-52. Mercury. 1832. Methodist. 1868-69. Mirror. 1821, 1829-41. Mirror, Weekly. 1854-56. Morning Herald. 1830. Weekly Museum. 1801-3. National Advocate, 1820, 1822-23. New World. 1841. i26 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWSPAPERS. N. Y. Observer. 1845-72. People s Journal. 1&53-54. Plaindealer. 1836-37. Round Table. 1864. Sunday Atlas. 1853. Telescope. 1824-28. Time Piece. 1797-98. Times. 1853-67. Tribune, Daily. 1841-54; 1857-67; 1869-72, Tribune, Weekly. 1851-5. Tribune Semi-Weekly. 1853-4. Universalist Union. 1835-6. World. 1863-72. New Yorker. 1836-40. Niles Gazette and Advertiser. 1836-7. Intelligencer. 1839-41. Register. 18111849. Norton s Amer. Pub. Circular. 1854-60. Oconomowoc, Wis., Press. 1861-2. Oconto, Wis., Pioneer. 1859-63. Old English Papers. 16811799. Oshkosh, Wis., Courier. 1854-63. Deutsche Zeitung. 1857-59. Journal. 1868-72. Northwestern. 1860-5. Times. 1869-72. Oswego, N. Y., Palladium. 1847-9. Oxford, Wis., Repub. Express. 1859. Paris Gazette. 1696-7. People s Journal. 1854. Pepin, Wis., Independent. 1858-9. Phila. Aurora. 1798-1800, 1810-14. Bulletin. 1861-5. Chronicle. 1769. Desert. 1798-9. Dunlap s Amer. Daily Advertiser. 1792. Evening Post. 1776-7. Franklin Gazette. 1818-24. Nat. Enquirer. 1837-8. Packet and Daily Advertiser. 1786. Penn. Gazette. 1728-9, 1739-40, 1741-2, 1746-7, 1753-83. Penn. General Advertiser. 1794-5. Penn. Independent Whig. 1721. Penn. Inquirer. 1860-5. 6 Vols. Penn. Journal. 1785-8. Penn. Mercury. 1788. Penn. Minerva. 1795-8. Penn. National Gazette. 1821-37. Penn. New World. 1796-7. Penn. Polit. and Commercial Register. 1804. Penn. Saturday Courier. 1832. Pennsylvanian. 1856. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 127 NEWSPAPERS. Phila. U. S. Gazette. 1795-6, 1808. Pittsburg, Penn., American. 1854. Platteville, Wis., American. 1854-7. Examiner. 1858. Plover, Wis., Times. 1869-72. Polk Co., Wis., Press. 1869-72. Port Washington, Wis. Ozaukee Co. Advertiser. 1857. Portage City, Wis., Badger State. 1854-9. Kara Avis, 1857. State Register, 1861-9, 72. Potosi, Wis., Republican, 1847-55. Prague Constitutionelles Blatt, 1850. Prairie du Chien, Wis., Courier, 1856-66. Leader, 1857-9. Patriot, 1846-51. Prairieville, Wis., Freeman, 1846-8. Prescott, Wis., Journal, 1867-70. N. W. Democrat, 1859. Democrat, 1860-1. Transcript, 1855-9. Present State of Europe, 1692-1704. published in Southern States of U. S. Various. 1849-1861, Racine, Wis., Advocate, 1851-5, 59-66, 70-72. Democrat, 1859-61. Journal, 1856-7, 64, 69, 70, 71, 72. Reedsburg, Wis., Herald, 1857. Revolution (The), 1870. Rheims, France, Gazetteer, 1691-2. Richland, Wis., Observer, 1855-9, 1861-3. Zouave, 1861-2. Republican, 1869-72. Richmond, Va., Advocate, 1828-31. Ripon, Wis., Commonwealth, 1864-6. Papers, 1855-9. Various. Times, 1860-3. St. Joseph, Mich., Commer. Bulletin, 1844-5. St. Louis, Mo., Democrat, 1861-4. Der Lutheraner, 1849-50. St. Paul Minnesotian, 1855-8. Salisbury, Eng., Journal, 1774-8. Salt Lake Deseret News, 1856-7. Sandwich Island Papers, 1838-58. Sauk Co., Wis., Pioneer, 1869-72. Scientific American, 1845-51, 55, 56, 60, 70. Shawano, Wis., Venture, 1858-9. Herald, 1859. Shawano Co., Wis., Journal, 1869-72. Sheboygan Co. Papers. Miscell. 1861, 71, 72, Evergreen City Times, 1854-9. Lake Journal, 1853-9. Journal, 1860-6. Nieuwsbode, 1854-60. 1 28 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NEWSPAPERS. Sheboygan Times, 1860-3, 67-70. Shullsburg, Wis., La Fayette Co. Herald, 1856-7. Local, 1859-63. Southport, Wis., American, 1848-9. Sparta, Wis., Democrat, 1859. Herald and Democrat, 1861-6. See Monroe Co. Herald. Spirit of Public Journals, 1797-1805. Springfield, 111. Illinois State Journal, 1857-63. Stevens Point, Wis., Lumberman, etc, 1861-70. Pinery, 1853-9. Stoughton, Wis., Independent, 1857-8. Reporter, 1863-9. Sun Prairie, Wis., Ledger, 1869. Superior, Wis., Chronicle, 1857-9. Tomah, Wis., Chief, 1859-60. Trempeleau, Wis., Representative, 1859-60. Vernon Co., Wis., Censor, 1867-70. Viroqua, Wis., Expositor, 1859. Times, 1860-6. Western Times, 1856-9. Voree, Wis., Herald, 1846-9. War, (The) 1812-3. Washington, Columbian Star, 1824. Washington, D. C., National Era, 1847-56. National Intelligencer, 1806-7, 09-10, 16-19, 32, 46-64. Union, 1846-9. U. S. Telegraph, 1827-30, 32-5. Congress. Globe, 1833-70. Watertown, Wis., Chronicle, 1847-54. Democrat, 1854-9, 64-6, 67-70. Democratic State Register, 1850-4. Republican, 1867-70. Rock River Pilot. 1847-8. Waukesha, Wis., Chronotype and Plain Dealer, 1854-7. Democrat, 1848-51, 54-63. and Plain Dealer, 1864-72. Journal, 1861. Republican and Freeman, 1857-9, 1870-2. Waupaca, Wis., Register, 1858. Waupun, Wis., Item and Times, 1858-61. Prison City Leader, 1867-70. - Ware Burgher, 1859. . Wausau and Plover, Wis., Papers, various, 1859-63. Central Wisconsin, 1857-9. Waushara, Wis., Argus, 1861-6, 1869-72. Wautoma, Wis., Journal, 1856-60. West Bend, Wis., Democrat, 1859-63. Post, 1864-6. Record, 1860-2. Westchester, N. Y., Gazette, 1850-2. Western Farmer, 1867-72. Weyauwega, Wis., Wolf River Herald, 1858. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 129 NEWSPAPERS. Weyauwega, Wis., Weyauwegian, 1855-8. Whig of 76, 1862-3. Whitewater, Wis., Democrat, 1860-3. Gazette and Register, 1855-66. Wilmington, Vt., Eagle, 1850-1. Winnebago Co., Wis., Press, 1870-1. Winsted, Conn., Herald, 1859-66. Wisconsin Farmer and Western Farmer, 1849-72. Wood Co., Wis., Republican, 1860-3. Worcester, Mass., Christian Reflector, 1840. Spy, 1792, 96, 97, 1801-3, 09, 10, 13-14, 16, 21-23. NEWSTEAD ABBEY. See IRVING, W. NEW SWEDEN. See ACRELIUS, Rev. I. HOLM, T. C. NEW System of Paper Money: by a Citizen of Boston. Boston, 1837. 8vo. NEWTON, Rev. A. Extracts from his 25th Annivers. Disc., at the Presb. Ch., Norwalk, O., June 24, 1860. Fire Lands Pion eer. Vol. 2. Sketch of Life of Elisha Whittlesey. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 5. Sketch of Life and Character of Judge Ebenezer Lane. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 8. See also N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol.20. NEWTON, Eben. Speech in Cong., Apr. 20, 1852, on Establishment of an Agricult. Bureau. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. NEWTON, Edw. A. See Randall, Geo. M. Commem. Disc. on. 1862. NEWTON, Sir Isaac, See Brewster, D. Life of. NEWTON, John F. The Return to Nature; or a Defence of the Vegetable ^Regimen. Lond. 1821. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. NEWTON Lower Falls, Mass. See Baury, Rev. A. L. 25th Annivers. Disc. 1847. NEWTON, Mass. Brief Notice of the Settlement of. Boston, 1852. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 6. See HOMER, Rev. J. Descrip. and Hist. of. JACKSON, F. Hist, of the Early Settlement of. NEWTOWN, N. Y. See Brown, Rev. C. Topog. Descript. of. RIKER, Jas. jr. Annals of. NEW Traveler in Europe. In Dutch. Dort. 1783. 28 Vols. Svo. NEW (A) View of Society; or, Essays on the Principle of the formation of Human Character. Lond. 1813. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 26. NEW Year s Gift for the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Bute. Lond. 1743-4. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamp. Vol. 69. N. YORK Academy of Medicine. See Post, Dr. A. C. Annivers. Oration. 1849. Report of Comm. on Public Health. N. Y. 1852. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Adjutant General. Reports for 1842, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. 54, 55, 57, 62-66. 130 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Agriculture. See Hough, F. B. Agricult. Statistics,. 1865. Albion. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec. 1843. 4to. Same. Jan. 1846 to Dec. 1855. 11 Vols. 4to. Same. Jan. to May, 1856. 4to. Alms House Commissioners. Report in answer to Resolutions of the Board of Aldermen. 1843. Ann. Reports for 1846 and 1848. Report of the Governors for 1849, 50, 53, 51, 55, 56. Report of special Committee of Assistant Aldermen, upon the Memorial of sundry Physicians, etc. 1837. American. Newspaper. June to Dec. 1824. folio. Same. Jan. 1825 to Dec. 1826. 3 Vols. folio. Same. Nov. 1826 to Dec. 1827. 2 Vols. folio. Same. Jan. to June, 1829. folio. Same. Feb. to Dec. 1831. folio. Same. 1835-1837. folio. American Institute. Ann. Reports for 1847, 8, 9, 50. 1, 2, 3, 5,6. Anglo American. Newspaper. From April 29, 1843 to Nov. 13, 1847. N. Y, 9 Vols. 4to. and Boston R. R. Engineer s Report. 1847. Middlebury, 1847. 8vo. and Erie R. R. Report of the Survey of the Route. 1835. . 1st and 2d Reports, 1835, 1841. Memorial to the Legislature, 1837. . Truths in Relation to, etc. 1842. N. Y. v. d. 8vo. See Lyman, S. P. Speech on. 1839. and Harlem R. R. Co, Statement of Facts on the Origin, Progress and Prospects of. N. Y. 1833. 8vo. and N. Jersey Boundary. See Parker, Jas. and Vermont Boundary Controversy, 1763-1775. See Chip- man, D. Report by the Council of N. Y. to Gov.Monckton, 1763, with a Letter of Lieut. GOT. Golden on the same subject. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. , Annual Register. See Williams, E. Anthropological Institute Journal. Vol. 1 No. 1. N. Y. 1871-2. 8vo. Anti-Secret Society Convention. Proceeding at Syracuse, Nov. 1870. nd Svo. Masonic Pamph. etc. Vol.1. Antiquities of. See Wetmore, P. M. Paper on. Argall, S. Exped. to Manhattan Island. 1613. Army and Navy Official Gazette. Newspaper. July 1863, to June 64. Army List, 1700. See Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. Assassination Plot in 1776. See Eustis, Dr. Win. Letter on. With Notes. Assoc. for Colored Volunteers. Statements of Secretary on the Origin, Difficulties, etc. of the Movement. N. Y. 1864. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 108. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 131 N.YoRK Assoc. for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Reports for 1855, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61. N. Y. 1855-1861. 8vo. Assoc. for Restoration of American Shipping Interests. Com munication to John Lynch, with a Reply to John Codman. Also, A Second Communication in Answer to the same. N. Y. 1870. 8vo. 2 Papers. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. Asylum for Idiots. Account of Ceremonies at laying the Cor. Stone. 1854. Ann. Reports for 1852, 53 54, 57, 63, 65, 69. Albany, 1853,-70. Svo. Athenaeum. See Wheaton, H Opening Address. 1824. Atlas. Newspaper. Sept. 1831 to Sept. 1832. 4to. Bank Commissioners. Ann. Reports for 1833, 39, 42. Bank Comptroller. Ann. Reports, 1856-67. 9 Vols. Banking Department. Ann. Reports of the Supt. for 1851, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65. Reports relative to Savings Banks, for 1857, 62, 63, 64 65, 66. Special Report on Savings Banks. 1867. Svo. Baptist Education Soc y. 36th and 39th Anniversaries. 1853, 56. Svo. Baptist Home Mission Record. Newspaper. Sept. 1849 to Aug. 1853. folio. See Barber, J. W. and Howe, H. Hist. Collections of. Hist, and Antiq. of. Pict. Hist. of. See Barton, J. L. Early Reminiscences of. Western N. Y. Bench and Bar. See Proctor, L. B. Biograph. Sketches. Bible & iJommon Prayer Book Soc y. 2d and 5th Ann. Re ports for 1838 and 1841. N. Y. 1838, 1841. Svo. - Bills of Credit. 1709-1789. See Hickox, J. H. See Brodhead J. B. Colonial Hist. of. Hist, of, 1609-1664. Bureau of Military Record. 3d Ann Report 1866. Albany, 1866. Svo. Statistics. Report for 1863, 64, 65. Rebell n Pamph. Vol 78. See BUTLER, B. F. Constit. Hist. of. Canals. Ann. Reports of Auditor of Canal Departments for 1850, 52, 53 54 55, 56, 58 and 66. Report of Auditor on Survey of Hudson River to Fort Edward, etc., 1867. Albany, 1867. Svo. Ann. Report of Auditor of Tolls, Trade and Tonnage of Canals, for 1665. Albany, 1866. Svo. Ann. Report of Canal Appraisers for 1860. Albany, 1861. Svo. : Ann. Reports of Canal Commissioners for 1824, 32, 34, 37, 41, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66. Ann. Reports of Commissioners of Canal Fund, for 1829, 32, 35, 42, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. Laws, Regulations and Rates of Toll established by the Canal Board, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8vo. 132 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Canals. Official Reports of Canal Commissioners, on Com munications between the Lakes and Atlantic. Newburgh, 1817. Report of Select Comm. of Assembly upon Investigation of Frauds, etc. Albany, 1847. 8vo. See RUGGLES, S. B. Memorial, 1862. WATSON, E. Hist. of. See CARPEXTER, W. H., and ARTHUR, T. S. Hist. of. Census of the State for 1835. Albany, 1853. Same for 1855. Same for 1865. See HOUGH, F. B. Hist. of. Chamber of Commerce. Proceedings at Opening of the New Rooms, June 10, 1858. N. Y., 1858. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 8. Christian Advocate and Zions Herald. Newspaper. Aug. 1832 to July, 1834. Folio. Christian Enquirer. Newpaper. 1866. 1 Vol. N. YORK CITY. Amer. Female Guardian Soc y and Home for the Friendless. 22d, 23d and 24th Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1856, 58. Svo. Amer. Widows Relief Asso. 1st Ann. Report. 1855. 8vo. and Brooklyn Auxiliary Missionary Soc y. 5th Ann. Re port. N. Y., 1832. Svo. N. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. and County. Medical Soc y Report of Comm. of, on a Secret Medical Assoc, N. Y., 1831. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 33. Anti-Slavery Society, Address to People of the City of N. Y. 1833. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 103. Arcade Railway. Voice of the Press, 1S68. Svo. Assoc. for Colored Orphans. 4th and llth Ann. Reports. 1840, 47. Assoc. lor Respectable Aged Indigent Females. 16th and 20th Ann. Reports. N. York, 1829, 1833. 12mo. Athenaeum. Constitution and By-Laws. N. Y., 1825. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Athenaeum Club. In Memoriam: Abraham Lincoln. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 31. Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer Book Soc y. 18th Ann. Report, 1833. N. York, 1833. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. - Bank for Savings. 12th, 13th, 17th Reports. N. York, 1831, 32, 36. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. 1st Baptist Ch. Statement of a Majority of the Corpora- - tion ; addressed to their Constituents. N. Y., 1850. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See BARRET, W. Old Merchants of N. Y. Bible Soc y. 19th, 21st, 37th, 38th, Ann. Reports, 1842-1862. N. Y. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Board for Preservation, ete. of the Indians. Documents relating to the Formation of a Board, 1829. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. V CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 133 N. YORK CITY. Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1831-54, 1855-61, 1865. Board of Health. Memorial on Compulsory Vaccina tion. N. Y., 1862. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Report on the Cholera. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Board of Education. Report on the System of Popular Education in N. Y. 1851. Ann. Reports of the City Supt. of Schools for 1854 -56, 1857, 1862. N. Y. Svo. County Supt. of Common Schools. Report, 1847. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. Report on Evening Schools. 1854. - Remarks of E. C. Benedict on the Act revising the School Laws relating to the City. 1851. 8vo. Reports on the Free Academy. N. Y., 1853, 54. 8vo. See BOOTH, M. L. History of. 1860. Commissioners of Pub. Charities. 2d, 3d and 4th Ann. Reports. Albany, 1869-71. 8vo. Female Auxiliary Bible Society. 25th and 40th Ann. Reports, 1841, 1856. N. Y. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Boston & Phila. Clearing House Assoc. Report upon Acts of Cong, relating to State Banks. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Bowery Savings Bank. 16th Report. N. Y., 1850. 8vo N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Business Directory, compiled by A. Wilson. N. Y., 1858. Svo. See BUTLEE, G. F., on the Sewerage of. - Celebration of Rob t Burns 110th Natal Day. Jersey City, 1869. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Central Park. Ann. Reports of the Board of Commis sioners, with Maps and Drawings. N. Y., 1857-70* Chamber of Commerce. Charter and By-Laws. N. Y., 1828. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. See KING, C. History of. Proceedings on the Burning of the Ship Brilliant by the Alabama, Oct. 21, 1862. N. Y., 1862. Svo. Rebell. Pamph. Vols. 45, 62. Proceedings relative to Piracies on Amer. Com merce by vessels fitted out in G. Britain. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. 1863. Report of Select Committee on Quarantine. N. Y. 1859. Svo. N. York City Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 1. Report on the Paris Exposition, 1867. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. Charities of. See CAMMAISF, H. J. and CAMP, H. N. Chief Engineer and Surveyor; Ann. Reports, 1857-1863. Same, 1866. 6 Vols. Svo. 134 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YOKK CITY. Church Journal. Criticism on a Sermon by Rev. Dr. Howe of PhiPa. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 54. Children s Aid Soc y; Ann. Reports Feb., 1854, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67. Nov. 1869. N. Y., 18541869. 8vo. Church of the Puritans. Proceedings of a Council of Congregational Churches, relative to the privileges of the Ch. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Narrative of some recent Ocurrences in the Church of the Puritans. N. York, 1857. Svo. N. York Hist. Dis courses, etc. Vol. 4. Reply of the Ch. to the Protest of their late Dea cons, etc. N. York, 1857. Svo. N. Y., Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Citizens Association. Report upon Institutions under the charge of the Commissioners of Pub. Charities and Cor rection. N. York, 1868. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. College of Physicians and Surgeons. Hist. Sketch of the Origin, Progress and Present State of. N. York, 1813, Svo. Report of the President on Accounts of the Col lege, 1811. N. York, 1811. Svo. Report of Regents of the University of N, Y., in regard to the College. Albany, 1826. Svo. ~ Colonization Soc y; 1st and 7th Ann. Reports, 1823, 1839. N. Y. 8vo. N. Y. City Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 4. Colored Home. Account of, 1852. Report of the Res ident Physician for 1847 ; Report of the Managers for 1853-4. Commissioners of Pub. Charities and Correction. 7th Ann. Report, for 1866. Albany, 1867. Svo, Common Council. Report of Comm. on the Obsequies of Dan l Webster. N. Y., 1853. Svo. Same in Memory of Henry Clay. N. Y., 1852. Svo. Same in Memory of Prest. Wm. H. Harrison: with Oration by T. Frelinghuysen. N. Y., 1841. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See VALENTINE, D. T. Compilations of the Laws of the State of N. Y. relating particularly to the city of N. Y.. N. Y., 1862. Svo. Comptroller. Reports on Receipts and Expenditures, 1852-64. Corporation of. See HOFFMAN, M. On the Rights of the Corporation. - Statement of Funds of the Corporation, Jan.-May, 1844. See VALENTINE, D. T. Manuals. 1850-66. Corruption of the City Gov t. Editorials reprinted from the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Council of Polit. Reform. Five Reports. N. Y., 1873. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 135 N. YOEK CITY. Crystal Palace; Illustrated Description of the Bulding, with Plans, etc. N. Y., 1854. 4to. See GKEELEY, H. Custom House Frauds. Report of Comm. of U. S. House of R. Washington, 1867. 8vo. Demilt Dispensary. 8th, 10th, 20th and 21st, Ann. Re ports. N. Y., 1859-71. 8vo. Department Laws. 1812-1860. Department of Public Instruction. See Address deliv ered at the Organization of. 1871. Department of Public Works. 1st Ann. Report of Com missioners. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Directories for 1786, 1791, 1826- 7, 1834- 5, 1835- 6, 1836- 7, 1838- 9, 1839- 40, 1840- !, 1841- 2, 1842- 3, 1843- 4, 1847- 8, 1848- 9, 1855- 6, 1856-7, 1857- 8, 1870- !. 18 Vols. 8vo. and 12mo. Dispensary. Ann. Reports for 1831, 1838. N. Y., 1832, 1839. 8vo. Dutch Reformed Ch. Catalogue of Members, with the Names of the Streets in the city. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 2d Ser., Vol. 1. Female Assistance Soc y. 16th Ann. Report. N. Y., 1829. 12mo. Female Benev. Soc y. 5th and 6th Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1837, 1838. 8vo. Five Points House of Industry. 2d Ann. Report. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. See FOSTER, G. G. New York in Slices, 1849. New York by Gas Light, 1850. FRANCIS, J. W. Sixty Years Reminiscences. Free Academy. Catalogues for 1853, 54. Examination Papers, 1854, 55. N. Y., 1854, 55. 8vo. Merit Roll, Feb., 1855, 6. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. See N. Y. City. Board of Education. Free School Soc y. Addresses before the Soc y at their 5th Annivers., May, 1810. Folio. N. Y., 1810 (?). N. Y. City Pamph. Vol. 1. Account of. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. N. Y. City Pamph. Vol. 5. Freedman s Savings & Trust Co. Circular. Brooklyn, 1866. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Harbor. Legislative Report on Obstructions and En croachments in the Harbor. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Report of Commission on the Defense of. Albany, 1862. 8vo. - See WHEELER, D. E. Paper on. 1856. Harlem Gas Light Co. Organization and Grant from the Corporation of the City of N. Y. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Harvey Steel and Iron Co. President s Report to the Stockholders. N. Y., 1853. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. 136 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YOBK CITY. Health Department. Report of Select Coram. of Legislature to investigate the Health Department, 1859. Al bany, 1859. 8vo. Horticult. Society. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 1. See HOSACK, D. Inaug. Address. 1824. . Proceedings on 10th Anniversary, 1828. N. Y., 1828. 8vo. HOUGH, F. B. Statistics of City and County. 1865. House and School of Industry. 5th Ann. Report. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. House of Mercy. Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1860, 1866. 12mo. Humane Soc y. Sketch of the Origin and Progress of, etc. N. Y., 1814. 8vo. Infirmary. 18th Ann. Report, for 1871. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. See Woman s Med. Coll. of. Inspector. Ann. Reports for 1854, 59, 62. Its Past, Present, etc. See BELDEN, E. P. See KING, Chas. Progress for, for the last 50 years. Library. Address to the Stockholders. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Lnnatic Asylum. Ann. Reports of the Resident Physi cian, for 1859, 64, 65, 66. N. Y., 1860-1867. 8vo. Lyceum. 2d Ann. Report. N.York, 1841. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Lyceum of Nat. History. Charter, By-Laws, etc. N. York, 1837. 8vo. Constitution of same. 1817. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Madison Square Presb. Church. See GOULD, Chas. Magdalen Asylum. Address of Board of Directors in behalf of. N. Y., 1831. 8vo. Magdalen Female Benev. Soc y. 10th Ann. Report. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. Magdalen Soc y. 1st Ann. Report. N. Y. 1831. 8vo. Map of. 1827. Mechanics Bank. See EDMONDS, F. W. Mercantile Library Assoc. Report of the Board of Di rectors for 1853, 54, 55, 59^60, 61-2, 62-3. Constitution, By- Laws, etc. 1860. - Metropolitan Fire Department. 4th Ann. Report, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. Metropolitan R. R. Report of C. Engineer upon the contemplated R. R., Jan., 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. See MOULTON, J. W. N. Y. 170 Years ago. Municipal Reform. Proceedings of a Meeting in favor of Reform, held at Tammany Hall, Mar. 22, 1844. N. Y., 1844. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Musical Institute. Constitution of. N. Y., 1828. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol.1. Negro Conspiracy, 1741. See HOKSHANDEN, Dan l. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. . 137 N. YORK CITY. North Presb. Church. Manual, No. 1. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. North R. P. Dutch Church. Proceedings at Centen, An- nivers. of Dedication of the Ch., May 25, 1869; etc. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. O Connell Club. Preamble, Constitution and By-Laws. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Opthalmic Hospital. 4th -end 14th Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1857, 66. 8vo. Park. See DAWSON, H. B. See Picture of. Police. Reports of Board of Commissioners of the Met ropolitan Police, 1858, 59, 64. Albany, 1858, 59, 64. 8vo. Prison Assoc. 7th Ann. Report of the Female Depart ment. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. Proceedings at N. Y., Jan. 2, 1838, of Democratic Re publicans, opposed to the Sub-Treasury Bill. N. Y., 1838. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. Proceedings of Mass Meeting at Cooper Institute, March 6, 1863. Rebell n Pamph., Vols. 53, 66, 83. Proceedings of Public Demonstration of Sympathy with Pope Pius IX., and with Italy, in N. Y., 1847. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5. P. Episcopal Mission y Soc y. 12th and 13th Ann. Re ports for 1828, 1829. N. Y., 1828, 9. 8vo. Prot. Epis. Ch. Mission y Soc y for Seamen. 8th Ann. Report. N. York., 1852. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6. Prot. Epis. City Mission Soc y. Origin and Formation of. 1831. 3d and 6th Ann. Reports, 1834, 37. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2. Prot. Epis. Soc y for Promotion of Evangel. Knowledge. Constitution, etc. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol., 6. Prot. Epis. S. S. Soc y, 14th Ann. Report. N. York, 1831. 8vo. N. York City Pamph. Vol. 6. Prot. Epis. Tract Soc y. 21st and 23d Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1830, 32. 8vo. Same. See P. Episcopal Tract Soc y. Reminiscences of the City of New York and its vicinity. Pr. printed. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Riots, 1863. Report on the Relief of Colored Persons suffering from the late Riots. N. Y.. 1863. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3. St. Stephen s Ch. See PEICE, Rev. J. H. Hist. Sketch of, 1866. SMITH, Hugh, D. D. Statement of Facts, etc. Sanitary Assoc. Reports in relation to the Public Health. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Sanitary Reform Pamph., Vol. 1. Soc y for Relief of Half Orphans, etc. 19th Ann. Report. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. 138 . WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK CITY. Soc y for Relief of Worthy Aged Indigent Colored Persons. 1st Ann. Report. N. Y., 1840. 12mo. . South Dutch Ch. See MATTHEWS, Rev. J. M. Semi- Centen. Disc., 1857. Street Comm r. Ann. Report. 1861. . Loyal Meeting to Support the Gov t, Prosecute the War, etc. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 83. . Ordinance for Regulation of Firemen. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Sabbath Committee. Document No. 12. Progress of the Sabbath Reform. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 11. St. Nicholas Society. See HOFFMAN, C. F. Sup t of Schools. See N. York Board of Education. . Temperance Society. 1st Ann. Report. 1830. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Ann. Reports. 1833, 1835. Temperance Pamph. Vol. 1. Tokens. See BUSHNELL, C. I. Tract Soc y- 35th Ann. Report for 1861. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Trinity Church. Arguments of the Counsel of the Ch. before the Senate Committee. Albany, 1857. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Charter of the Corporation of Trinity Ch., Defended, etc. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See JANSE, Anneke. MUNSELL S Collections of Albany. PORTER, J. K. ^ Reply to the Report of the Select Comm., on the Report of Trinity Ch. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Union Defense Committee Reports and Documents, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 76. University of. See ANTHON, Gr. C. Catalogues for 1842-3, 1857-8. Circular of the Committee of the Council, 1848. Circulars of Law School, 1858-9, 1866. Letter to the Councillors of the University, from the Professors of "the Faculty of Science and Letters, 1838. Considerations on the Expediency and the Means of Establishing the University. N. York, 1830. Svo. See VETHAKE, Henry. See VALENTINE, D. T. History of. Manuals, 1850-66. See Views in, Washing and Bathing Assoc. 1st Ann. Report. N. Y., 1853. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. - Water Supply. See DISBROW & SULLIVAN, HALE, M., SULLIVAN, J. L. See WATSON, J. F. Annals and Occurrences of. Wealth and Biography of the Wealthy Citizens of. N. Y., 1846. Svo. N. Y. Local Hist., etc. Vol. 5. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 139 N. YOKK CITY. IK CITY. Young Men s Missionary Soc y. 2d Ann. Report. N. Y., 1825. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Young Men s Soc y. Constitution, etc. N. Y., 1831. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Central College. Origin, Design and Operation of, 1856. 8vo. . Civil List, 1693. See Doc. Hist, of N. York. Vol. 1. 1867, 69, 70. Albany, 1867-70. 3 Vols. 8vo. Code of Procedure. See EDMONDS, J. "W. 1st Report of Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. Interleaved Copy. Albany, 1848. 8vo. Same, Book 1. Albany, 1849. 4to. Code as amended by Legislature, 1849, 51. See GOLDEN, C. Hist, of Five Nations of. State of Lands in, 1732. College of Dentistry. 6th Ann. Announcement, 1871-2. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Physicians and Surgeons of Western Dist. of N. Y. Circulars and Catalogues for 1838, 39, 40. Albany, 1839. 8vo. Colonial Manuscripts, etc. Calender of, in the office of the .Sec. of State, 1643-1803. Albany, 1864. 8vo. Commissary General. Ann. Reports for 1850, 51, 54. 8vo. Commissioners of Emigration. Ann. Reports for 1849, 50, 52 , 53, 64 67, 68, 69. Report of Select Comm. of Assembly, on the Accounts, etc. of the Commissioners. 1852. Sec KAPP, Frederick. Immigration, etc. Commissions of Public Charities. Report on Insane and Insane Asylums. 1871. Albany. 1871. Svo. Conference Seminary. See BECKEK, Abraham. Congregationalist. Newspaper. Jan., 1856 to Dec. 1857. 2 Vols. Folio. Convention of Friends of Domestic Industry. Address to the People [of the U. S. Baltimore, 1831. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. Soldiers of War of 1812. Proceedings at Schuylerville, Oct. 17, 1856. Albany, 1857. Svo. N. Y. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 2. Court for the Correction of Errors. Amos Lawrence et al., Plaintiffs in Error, vs. The Mayor, Aldermen and Common alty of the City of N. Y. 1843. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. Court of Appeal. Case of E. C. De Lancey vs. N. D. Ga- nong, in regard to the Title to certain Land. 1851 (?) Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 13. Opinions of Judges, in Case of Metropolitan Bank et al. vs. H. H. Van Dyck. 1863. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. See POETER, J. K. Argument in Case of Metropolitan Bank et al. vs. H. H. Van Dyck. 1863. Report of the Lemmon Slave Case. N. Y., 1861. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 6. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 51. See SELDEN, H. R. Notes of Cases decided July 13, 1853. No. 3. 140 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Court of Over and Terminer. Reports of Cases argued and decided at Dec. Term, 1822, and Feb., 1823. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. Criminal Code. Final Report of the Commissioners on Prac tice and Pleadings. 1850. Albany. 8vo. Statistics. See N. Y. Sec. of State. Reports. Criterion. Art, Science and Literature. Newspaper. Nov. 1855, to July, 1856. 4to. Debates and Proceedings in the N. Y. State Convention for the Revision of the Constitution. Albany, 1846. 8vo. Democratic State Convention. Address and Proceedings at Syracuse, 1853. Albany. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 69. See DENTON, D. Brief Description of. 1670. Diary; or Evening Register. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec. 1794. Folio. See DONGAS, Gov. Tho. Report on the Province of. 1687. DUNLAP, W. History of. DWIGHT, T. Travels in, and N. England. Early Paper Currency. See HICKCOX, J. H. Hist. of. Eastern Christian Conference. Minutes of the 47th and 54th Ann. Sessions. 1865, 72. Albany, 1865, 72. 12mo. Eclectic Medical College. Ann. Announcement, 1867-8. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Society Transactions, 1866. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Educational System of. See KEYES, E. W. Elections; Report from Select Comm. of U. S. House of R., 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 115 and 105. Reasons in Support of Triennial Elections in the Prov ince of N. Y., 1738. Doc. History of N. Y. Vol. 4. Report and Testimony from the N. Y. Court of Oyer and Terminer on Election Irregularities, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 101. ELLIS, A. G. N. Y. Indians in Wisconsin. Evening Post; Newspaper. Oct. 1855 to Dec. 1859. 3 Vols Folio. Evening Star; Newspaper. Jan. 1836 to Dec. 1838. 3 Vols. Folio. Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. Official Catalogue. 1853. N. Y.. 1853. 12mo. Guide Book. Vol. 16. Family Adviser and Hygeian Record. Vols. 2 and 3. News- per. N. Y., 1835 1836. 2 Vols. 4to. Farmer and Mechanic. Newspapers. N. Y., 1847. 4to. Finances. Reports of the Comptroller for the Co. of N. Y., for 1860-64. 7 Vols. 8vo. County Bugdet. 1861-3-6. 3 Vols. 8vo. See FITCH, A. Noxious Insects of. Fifth Cavalry. See BOUDRYE, L. N. Hist. Records. Founders of. See BEEKMAN, J. W. Address. 1869. FRENCH, J. H. Hist, and Statist. Gazetteer. French Protestant Ch. See Rou, Rev. Lewis. Difficuties in, 1724-5. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 141 N. YORK Gallery of Fine Arts. Catalogue of the Exhibition for 1844. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 1. Gazette of the U. S. Newspaper. April 1789 to Nov., 1791. GAZETTEER, of. 1842. 8vo. Genealog. and Biograph. Record. N. Y., 1870-2. 3 Vols. in 1. 8vo. Soc. By-Laws, Certificate of Incorporation, etc. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. General Orders from the Office of the Adjt. General. 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 58. Gen. Regula. for the Military Forces. Albany, 1858. 12mo. General Trades Union, See MOORE, Ely. Geological Survey. Reports. 1837, 38, 39, 40, 41. Geology. See HAYES, G. E. Geol. of Western N. Y. 1836, 1839. See PIERCE, Jas. Geol., etc., of the Highlands. Golden Rule, The, and Odd-Fellows Family Companion. Vol. 8. Jan. to June, 1848. N. Y., 1848. Folio. Governors. See JENKINS, J. S. Lives of. Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons. Extracts from Proceed ings at Meetings held Dec. 1836, and March, 1837. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. Transactions of Grand Lodge at Ann. Communication, 1858. 8vo. N. Y., Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. HAMMOND, J. D. Polit. Hist. of. Herald. Daily. Mar., Aug. 1845, Oct. 1854, to Mar.. 1855, 1862-1866. N. Y., 1845-1866. Folio. Weekly. Sept. 1808 to Dec. 1809, June to Dec. 1841, Aug. 1844 to Aug. 1845, Sept. 1850 to Dec. 1854, Jan. 1856 to Dec. 1859. Historical Society. Ace. of Proceedings had on the 40ttfAn- nivers., Nov. 20, 1844. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Account of Semi Centen. Celebra., Nov. 20, 1854. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. See ADAMS, Chas. F. ADAMS, J. Q.. ANDERSON, A. C. Ann. Report of Comm. on the Fine Arts. 1862. N. Y. Historical Society Addresses, etc. Vol. 4. See BENSON, E. BRODHEAD, J. R. BRYANT, W. C BUTLER, B. F. CAMPBELL, W. W. Catalogue of Books, etc., in Library 1813. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Maps, etc., added to the Library since Jan., 1839. N. Y., 1840. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. Catalogue of Books in Library. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Catalogue of the Museum and Gallery of Art. N. Y.,. 1862. 8vo. Same, N. Y., 1866. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 4. See CLINTON, DeWitt. Collections, 1st series 1809-29. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., 1811- 30. 5 Vols. 8vo. Collections, 2 Ser. N. Y., 1841, 49. Vols. 1, 2. 2 Vols. 8vo. 142 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Historical Society. Constitution and By-Laws. 1829. 12mo. 1839. . See DAWSON, H. B., DE PEYSTER, J. W., EVERETT, E., FOLSOM, GEO., FRANCIS, J. W., GALLATIN, A., HALL, B. H., HALL, Hiland, HOSACK, D., JARVIS, S. F., KENT, J., KING, C., LAWRENCE, E., LAWRENCE, W. B. List of Resident Members. March, 1866. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 4. See LOSSING, B. J., MARSHALL, O. H. Memorial to the Legislature of N. Y., 1814. N. Y. 1814. 8vo. Same 1827. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1. See MILLER, Sam j l, MITCHELL, S. F., MOORE, J. B., MOR RIS, Governeur, OSGOOD, S., PAULDING, J. Proceedings for 1844, 45,*46, 47, 48, 49. N. Y. 8vo. Proceedings on Death of Wm. H. Prescott, 1859. N. Y.. 8vo. n. d. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 3. Proces Verbal of the Ceremony of Installation of the Pres t, to be performed Feb. 8, 1820. N. Y., 1820. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1 Semi Centen. Celebration. Fifteenth Annivers. of the Founding of the Soc y, held Nov. 20, 1854. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc y Addresses, etc. Vol. 3. See SPRAGUE, J. T., SAMPSON, W., STREET, A. B., VAN SCHAACK, H. C., VERPLANK, G. C., WALLACE, J. W., WARD, Sam., WEBSTER, D., WETMORE, P. M., WHEATON, H., WHIT- TLESEY, E. 13., WILLIAMSON, H. See HOFFMAN, C. F. Pioneers of. Home and Abroad; Newspaper. N. Y., 1870-71. Home Journal; Newspaper. 1849-1860. 6 Vols, Folio. Home Mission Record; Newspaper. Oct., 1853, to Oct., 1856. Folio. - Homeopathic Society. Transactions 1867. Albany, 1867. 8vo. Horticultural Society. See HOOSACK, David. Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum. Ann. Reports for 1844, 47, 51, 54, 62, 65, 67. Charter, By-Laws, etc., 1856. See HOTCHKIN, Rev. J. H. Hist of Western N. Y. HOUGH, F. B. Agricult. Statistics of. Census of State 1865. Indian Treaties. N. Y. Civil List. State and other Constitutions. Arranged. Idiocy in. See N. Y. Asylum for Idiots. Report of Sec y of State on Statistics of, 1855. With Reports of the Asylum. Illustrated Newspaper. N. Y., 1861, 63. 4to. Independent. Newspapers. Jan., 1851 to Dec., 1856. 3 Vols. Folio. Industrial Exhibition; its Plans, Purposes and Prospects. N. Y., Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Inspector General Report. Albany, 1865. 8vo. Inspectors of State Prisons. Ann. Report, 1866. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 143 N. YORK Institution for the Blind. Reports for 1845, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57 59, |60, 64, 65, 66. Account of the Institution and of similar ones in this and other countries. 1833. Ceremonies on Laying the Corner Stone, 1866. Batavia, 1866. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Ann. Reports for 1833, 34, 35, 46, 50, 52, 54, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63. Circular to Friends of the Deaf and Dumb. Report by Rev. G. E. Day, on similar Institutions in Eu rope, in 1844. Insurance Companies. See N. Y., State Comptroller. Ann. Reports for 1867, 68, 69. Albany. 3 Vols. 8vo. in the 19th Century; See OSGOOD, S. in 1692. See LODWICK, Chas. Invasion of 1690. Papers relating to the Invasion of N. Y., and Burning of Schenectady by the French, 1690. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. See JENKINS, J. S. Hist, of Polit. Parties. JOGUES. Rev. I. Novum Belgium. Journal and Patriotic Register. Newspaper. Jan. 1798 to Dec. 1799. Folio. and Weekly Register. Newspaper. Oct. 4 1787 to Dec. 1788. Folio. of Sons of Temperance, 1842-5. of the Convention of 1846, with Documents of Convention of same, Vol. 1. Albany, 1846. 8vo. 8vo. of Legislative Council of the Colony of N. Y., Apr. 9, 1691 Sept. 27, 1743. Vol 1. Albany, 1861. Folio. Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the 60th, 68th, 69th, 72d, 73d, 76th, 79th and 80th Sessions of Legislature. Al bany, 1837, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 25 Vols. 8vo. See JUET, R. Journal of Hudson s Voyage. Juvenile Asylum. Ann. Reports for 1855, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. N. Y., 1856-62. 8vo. Kappa Lambda Conspiracy. Hist. of. N. Y., 1839. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Land Grants in Vermont, 1765-76. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Laws of the State, from the 1st to the 20th Session, inclusive; in 3 Vols. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1798. Svo. of the State, 1858-65. Albany. 17 Vols. Svo. of the State, passed at the 27th, 28th, 36th, 60th, 68th, 69th, 71st, 72d Sessions of Legislature. Albany, 1804-1849. Svo. Legislative Documents. Senate, 1837. 2 Vols.; 1845. 3 Vols.; 1853. 2 Vols. Senate and Assembly, 1830, 1848-57 (except 1853-4). 80 Vols. Assembly, 1837, 1845, 1846, 1853, 1865. Vol. 2. 24 Vols. Legislative Manuals, 1851, 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70. 18mo. 8 Vols. 144 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Literary and Philosoph. Soc. of. Transactions. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1815. 4to. World, Newspaper. Feb., 1847, to Dec., 1852. 11 Vols. 4to. Local History. See Albany, Auburn, Bergen, Brooklyn, Broome Co., Buffalo, Bushwick, Catskill, Champlain Valley, Chautauque Co.,Claverack, Columbia Co., Cortland Co.,Dukes Co., Duchess Co., Easthampton, Essex Co., Fishkill, Flatbush, Franklin Co., Genessee Country, Geneva, Glencove, Green wich, Herkimer Co., Holland Purchase, Hudson, Jamaica, Jamestown, Jeft erson Co., Kings Co., Montgomery, Schoha- rie Cave, Lewis Co., Lowville, Niagara Frontier, Minisink- Newburgh, Newtown, N. Y. City, Ogdensburgh, Onondaga, Orange Co., Oswego, Oneida Co., Phelps and Gorham s Pur chase, Queen s Co., Rensselaer Co., Rensselaerville, Roches ter, Rye, St. Lawrence Co., Seneca Co., Southold, Suffolk Co., Troy, Tryon Co., Ulster Co., Washington Co.,Wawasinl^, Westchester Co., West Point, Williamsburgh. Lyceum of Nat. History. Index to the Library of. N.Y., 1830. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 69. Magazine; or Literary Repository, 1790, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97. N. Y. 6 Vols. 8vo. See MARSHALL, O. H. Hist. Sketches, etc. Medical College. Catalogues for 1851-2, 52-3, 54-5. N. Y., 1851-4. 8vo. for Women. 5th Ann. Announcement, 1867-8. N. Y., 1867. Svo. Mercantile Library Assoc. Ann. Reports, 1851-60. Svo. Catalogue of Books to Aug., 1856. 8vo. Catalogue of Novels, Tales, and Works in Foreign Lan guages, 1861. See BRODHEAD, J. R. - DEWEY, O. Lecture, .1852. SEYMOUR, H. Mercurv, Newspaper, 1832. 4to. Messages of Governors, 1864, 70, 72. Albany, 1864, 70, 72. Methodist, Newspaper, 1868-9. 1 Vol. Mirror, Newspaper; edited by Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Wil lis. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1821. 4to. Vols. 7 to 13. N. Y., 1829-35. 7 Vols. 4to. Same, 1836-41. 4to. Same, Weekly, 1854-6. Folio. See Moravians in New York and Conn. Morning Herald, Newspaper, Jan., 1830, to Sept., 1830. Folio. See MORRIS, Thos. Hist, and Settlement of Western New York. Museum (Weekly). Newspaper. June, 1801, to Feb., 1803. 4to. ~ Names of persons for whom Marriage Licenses were issued by the Secretary of the province of N. Y., previous to 1784. Albany, 1860. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 145 N. YORK National Advocate. Newspaper. Jan., 1820, to Dec., 1820. Folio. Jan., 1822, to Dec., 1822. Jan., 1823, to Dec., 1823. National War Committee. Miscell. Reports. 1862. Rebell. Pamph. Vol. 19. Reports on Affairs of Western Texas. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. See New Netherlands. New World. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec., 1841. 4to. Northern Boundary. See BURKE, E. Observer Almanac. N. Y., 1871. 12mo. Newspaper. 1845-72. 22 Vols. Folio. See O CALLAGHAN, E. B. Doc. Hist. of. History of New Netherland. List of Early Highland Immigrants to. Old Merchants of. See BARRETT, Walter. See Olden Time in New York. See O REILLY, H. Sketches of Rochester and Western N. Y. Place Convention. Proceedings. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 14. Peoples Jonrnal. Newspaper. Nov., 1853 to April 1854. 4to. Plaindealer. Newspaper. Edited by Wm. Leggett. Vol. 1. Folio. N. Y., 1836-7. Political Hist. of. See HAMMOND, J. D. JENKINS, J. S. Presentation of Trophy Flags to the Legislature. Albany, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 111. See PRIME, N. S. Hist, of Long Island. Prison Assoc. Ann. Reports for 1847, 1849, 51, 53, 63, 65, (Part I.), and for 1868. Albany, 1848-1869. 8vo. Private Laws of State. 1810 and 1820. Albany. 2 Vols. 8vo. Private Libraries. See WYNNE, Jas. Providence and Boston R. R. Co. Ann. Report for 1840. N. Y., 1840. 8vo. Province and City. See MILLER, John. Description of. 1695. Provincial Congress. Journals of Provinc. Convention, Com mittees of Safety. 1775-1777. Albany, 1842. 2 Vols. Folio. Pub. Schools. Code of Public Instruction of the State of N. York. Albany, 1856. 8vo. Supt. of Public Instruction. Ann. Reports of, for 1828, 31, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61. Albany, 1829-62. 8vo. See RANDALL, S. S. The Common School System of. Quarantine Station. Report of Commissioners on the Re moval of. 1858. Albany, 1858. 8vo. Quarterly. Devoted to Science, Philosophy and Literature. Apr., July., 1854, Jan., Apr., 1855. Q. Master General. Ann. Report for 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 78. Report on Relief furnished Sick and Wounded Soldiers. 1866. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. 10 146 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK. R. R. Commissioners. Ann. Report for 1855. Albany, 1856.. 8vo. Statistics. See N. Y. State Engineer and Surveyor. Report of Comm rs on Protecting the Harbors and Frontiers. Rebell n Famph. Vol. 79. Reports of Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821. Amending the Constitution. Albany, 1821. 8vo. Report 011 Condition of Barracks on Riker s Island. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 78. Report of Gen. Agent for Relief Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the State of N. Y. Albany. 1865. 8vo. Reports of State Assessors. 1864. Albany, 1864. Svo. Report on Banks. 1864. Albany, 1864. Svo. Report of Commissioners on the Assessment of Taxes. Albany, 1871. Svo. Report of Commissioner on Protection of Harbors and Fron tiers. 1864. Albany, 1864. Svo. Report on the Public Health of the Counties of N. York, Kings and Richmond. 1860. Albany, 1860. Svo. Repub. Gen. Committee, of Young Men. Address on the Election of Gen. A. Jackson to the Presidency. N. Y., 1828. Svo. Congr. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 111. Results of a Series of Meterolog. Observations, made to the Regents af the University. 1826-50. Albany, 1855. 4to. Round Table. Newspaper. 1864. 4to. Sabbath Committee. Organization of; with a Sketch of the History of Sabbath Observance, etc. 1st Ann. Report. N. Y., 1858-9. 8vo. N. Y. City,. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Safety Fund Law. Origin, Provisions and Effect of. Albany, 18134. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Sanitary Assoc. Constitution and By-Laws. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Secretary of State. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the Office of. Albany, 1851. Svo. Reports on Criminal Statistics of N. Y., for 1842, 50,. 51, 54, 57, 61, 64. Albany, Svo. . Reports relative to Statistics of the Poor in the State, 1850, 51, 53, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65. Senate. Report, 1854, in relation to a Bridge across the Hudson River at Albany. Publications of Albany. 71st Reg t N. G. See TELFER, W. D. Story of. 1864. - SEYMOUR, Horatio. Topog. and Hist. of. SIMMS, J. R. Trappers of. SNITII, W. Hist, of Province of. Soc. for the Prevention of Pauperism. 4th and 5th Reports,, for 1820 and 1821. N. Y., 1821. Svo. Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures. Trans actions. Vol. 1. 2d Ed. Albany, 1801. Svo. Promotion of Useful Arts. Charter and By-Laws. Al bany, 1815. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Transactions. Vol. 3. 1814. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 147 N. YORK Soc. for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Ann. Re ports, 1825, 31, 38, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 64. 8vo. Report of Comm. appointed by the Soc y for the Prevention of Pauperism, on erecting the Institution. 1824. 8vo. Relief of Widows, etc., of Medical Men. Laws of the Soc y. N. Y., 1842. 18ino. Library. Ann. Reports, 1856, 57, 60, 63. N. Y., 1863 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Catalogue. N. Y., 1813. 8vo. See McMuLLEN, John. Soc y of the Cincinnati. See SOC Y OF CINCINNATI. Soldiers Home. Ann. Report. 1863--4. 8vo. Southern Boundary. See WHITEHEAD, W. A. Paper on. 1859. Speeches of N. Y. Governors. See Squier, E. G. Antiquities of. Aboriginal Monuments of. State Agricult. College. See Considerations on Establish ment of. 1819. Report of Finance Comm. of the Senate, on aid to establish the College. Albany, 1856. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 12. Reports of Trustees for 1857 and 1859. Charter, Ordinances, etc., 1859. Albany, 1858-60. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 12. State Agricult. Soc y. Dedication of Rooms at Albany, Feb. 12, 1857. Albany, 1857. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 12. See DOUGLAS, S. A. Addresses, 1851. EVERETT, E. Address, 1857. JESSUX, Wm. Address, 1856. Transactions, 1843-1858. Transactions, 1864, 1867. Albany, 1844-1868. 18 Vols. 8vo. See WATSON, W. C. Treatise on Practical Husbandry. State Annual Register. See HOLLEY, O. L. WILLIAMS, E. State Auxiliary Clay Monument Assoc. Address to the People of the State of N. t. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. N. Y., Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. State Baptist Missionary Convention. 45th Ann. Report, 1852. Albany, 1852. 8vo. State Board of Agriculture. Memoirs of. Vols. 1 and 2. Albany, 1821 and 23. 2 Vols. 8vo. State Cabinet of Nat. History. Catalogue of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection. Albany, 1853. 8vo. State Cattle Commissioners. Report, Mar. 12, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. State Cheese Manufacturers Assoc. Report, etc. 1864. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 66. State Colonization Soc y. 28th and 23d Ann. Reports, 1860, 65. N. Y. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2, *%&** State Comptroller. Ann. Reports, for 1841, 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66. 148 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK State Comptroller. Report giving the Name of all Stock Corporations doing Business in the State. 1868. Ann. Reports on the Fire Insurance Companies in the State for 1854, 55, 56. Albany, 1855, 1857. 8vo. State Conventions for " Rescuing the Canals from the Ruin with which they are Threatened;" Proceedings. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Paraph., Vol. 5. . State Court of Appeals. Argument of J. K. Porter, and Opinions of the Judges, in regard to Treasury Notes being a Legal Tender. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Banking and Cur rency Pamph., Vol. 2. Arguments of Counsel on the Power of Congress to Make U. S. Treasury Notes a Legal Tender. N. York, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 28. State Democratic Convention. Proceedings at Syracuse, Jan. 10 and 11, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph., Vol.2. State Emigrants Hospital. Report of the Medical Board for 1854. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7. State Engineer and Surveyor. Ann. Reports on R. Road Sta tistics, for 1850, 51, 52, 54, 58. 8vo. Ann. Reports on the Canals of N. Y., for 1852, 53, 54, 56. Special Report on Coal, 1865. Albany, 1866. 8vo. State Homoeopathic Society. Transactions for 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. State Inebriate Asylum. Appeal of the Trustees to the Churches of the U. S., in behalf of. n. d. 8vo. Temp. Pamph., Vol. 1. 2d Ann. Report, 1864. Albany, 1864. Svo. See BELLOWS, Rev. H. W. HITCHCOCK, R. D. Letters of Corr. Sec y to the Governor and Gov. elect of N. Y. on Appropriations for the Asylum, 1857 and 1858. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7. State Library. Catalogue of Miscell. Books. Albany, 1846 and 1850. Svo. Catalogue of General Library. Albany, 1856. Svo. Catalogue of General Library, 1st Supplement. Albany, 1861. Svo. Catalogue of General Library, Subject Index. Albany, 1872. Svo. Catalogue of Books on Bibliography, Typography, etc. Albany, 1858. Svo. Same, Law Library. Albany, 1856. Svo. Same, Maps, Manuscripts, Engravings and Coins. Alba ny, 1857. Svo. . Reports of the Trustees for 1843, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 56, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71. Albany, 1844-1872. Svo. Catalogue of Histor. Papers and Parchments. 1849. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 149 ; N. YORK State Lunatic Asylum. Ann. Reports for 1844, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69. 8vo. State Medical So cy, By-Laws 1839, 1854. Proposed By- Laws 1868. See HUN, Thos., Address. McCALL, J., STEVENS, J. H., Address. System of Medical Ethics adopted by the So y, 1828, 1846. Transactions for 1850, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 67. Albany, 1851-68. 10 Vols. 8vo. State Military Assoc. Proceedings at Meetings held in 1856, 57, 58, 59. N. Y., 18561859. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. State Normal School, Albany. Catalogues for 1869, 70, 72. Albany, 8vo. Register and Circular for the five years ending Sept. 27. 1849. Albany, 1849. 8vo. Report of Exec. Comm. 1846, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58. See TUTHILL, F. Address, 1859. State Normal and Training School, Potsdam. Ann. Report for 1870. Albany, 1871. 8vo. State Prison, View of. N. Y., 1815. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Commissioners. Report on the Pecuniary Affairs of the State Prisons. Jan. 1855. Svo. Inspectors. Ann. Reports for 1849, 50, 55, 57, 63, 66. 8vo. State Soldiers Depot; Report of Board of Managers. Albany, 1864. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 3. State S. S. Teachers Assoc. Proceedings of the 17th Ann. Convention, held at Norwich, 1872. Syracuse, 1872. Svo. State Temperance Convention. Bill for Suppression of the Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors. Albany, 1854. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 3. Society. 1st and 6th Ann. Reports. Albany, 1830, 1853. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 3. State Treasurer. Ann. Reports for 1847,49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 64, 65. Svo. State Woman s Hospital. 1st, 3d and 5th Reports, 1856, 1858, 1860. 1st Anniversary of the Hospital, Feb. 9, 1856. Memorial to the Legislature in behalf of. 1857. An Act to found a State Woman s Hospital. 1857. Petition of Mrs. C. M. Thompson in aid of. 1857. Statistics of the Poor. See N. Y. Sec. of State. Reports. Statutes regulating the practice of Physic and Surgery. N. Y., 1828. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. See STREET, A. B. Council of Revision. Sunday Atlas. Newspaper. 1853. Folio. S. S. Union Soc y. Report, 1820. N. Y., 1820. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. 150 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. N. YORK Supreme Court. Beck, T. R., Executor of Win. Caldwell and E. Q. Sewell, vs. J. McGillis et al. Albany, 1848. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 7. Case of Dan l Le Roy and W. H. Le Roy vs. G. B. Rap- elye. N. Y., 1840. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. Case of The People vs. Jas. M. Cook. Albany, 1852. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. Decision Sustaining the Constitutionality of Legal Ten der Notes. Rochester, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Painph. Vols. 28 and 87. Terms and Circuits of the Supreme Court and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, from Jan. 1, 1854, to Jan. 1, 1856. Al bany and N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. Surgeon Gen. Ann. Report, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. See TAYLOR. Rev. John. Jour, of Missionary Tour. 1802. Telescope. Newspaper. June, 1824, to May, 1828. 4to. 2 Vols. Same. June, 1825, to May, 1826. 4to. Theological Seminary. Catalogue, 1839. N. Y., 1839. Svo. Plan of. N. Y., 1837. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See THOMPSON, B. F. Hist, of Long Island. Time Piece and Literary Companion. Mar. 1797 to Aug. 1798. Folio. Times. Daily. Newspaper. Jan. 1853 to Apr. 1867. 37 Vols. Folio. Tribune. Daily. Newspaper. Nov. 1841 Oct. 1845. Folio. Same April 1857 Dec. 1857. Folio. Same Jan.-May and Aug. Dec. 1858. 2 Vols. Same Jan. 1859 Dec. 1872. 42 Vols. Semi-Weekly. 1851, 52, 53, 54, 55. 4to. . Weekly. Nov. 1844 to Dec. 1850. Same 1851-2. Same May, 1853 to June 1855. Campaign Documents, 1872. 6 Pamphlets viz: 1. Speech of Carl Schurz, July 22, 1872. 2. Speech of Chas. Sumner, May 31, 1872. 3. Speech of Sen. Trumbull, n. d. at Spring field. 4. Speech of John F. Farnswoith at St. Charles, 111. 5. Speeches of Caton and Springer at Chicago, Aug. 27, 1872. 6. Condensed Arguments for Greeley. N. Y., 1872. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. Carriers Addresses, 1852-58. N. Y. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Same, 1862 Rebel n Pamph. Vol. 53. See TRYON, Gov. Wm. State of the Province, 1754. 12 Reg t N. Y. See DOWLEY, M. F. Hist. of. 1869. Union Committee. Report on the Removal of the Deposits, etc. N. Y., 1834. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. Union Electoral Committee. Address to Union Men of N. Y. N. Y., 1869. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. Union League Club. Proceedings on the Death of Gov. A. Andrew. Nov. 11. 18fi7. Hnno-r fl .nd Pnlit. Pa.mnh. Vol.74. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 151 N. YORK U. S. Dist. Court. U. States v. Wm. P. Van Ness: June 3, 1822. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Universalist s Union. Newspaper. Nov. 1835 to Nov. 1836. 4to. University Convocation. Proceedings of the 1st Annivers., July 26th and 27th, 1864. Albany, 1865. 8vo. University of. Med. Department. Ann. Announcements with Catalogues, 1843, 55, 58. N. Y. 8vo. N. Y. College Cat alogues. University Regents. Ann. Reports made in 1827, 28, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69. Albany, 182769. 8vo. 25 Vols. . Instructions to the several Colleges, etc., subject to their Visitation. Albany, 1841, 49, 53. Revised Editions, 8vo. See N. Y. State University Convocation. Report on the Longitudes of the Dudley Observatory, Hamilton College Observatory, City of Buffalo, City of Syra cuse. Albany, 1862. 8vo. Reports on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Nat. History. 18481869; except for 1849 and 1851. Albany, 18491869. 8vo. 60th Vol. Reg t. See EDDY, Rich d. Hist. of. Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of N. Y. at the First Meeting of the Fourth Session, held Sept. 7, 1780. Albany re-print, 1859. Folio. See Voyage dans 1 etat de N. York. WADDELL,Wm. C. H. Paper on Northern N. Y. 1854. WATSON, J. F. Annals of. Western House of Refuge. 15th Ann. Report. 1864. Albany, 1864. 8vo. World. Daily, Newspaper. 1863-1872. 30 Vols. World s Exhibition. 1854. Report on Machinery and Civil Engineering Contrivances. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. Statement of the Assoc. for the Exhibiton of the Industry of all Nations. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. See YATES, J. V. N. and MOULTON. Hist. of. NEW YOBKBE. A Weekly Family Newspaper. 1836-1840. N. Y. 9 Vols. 4to. Vol. 4 wanting. NET, Marshal. See Argument on the Case of. 1816. Memoirs; published by his Family. Phila, 1834. 8vo. NIAGARA, N. Y. See Account of a Journey to. 1765. Falls. See TABLE ROCK ALBUM. Frontier. MARSHALL, O. H. Address. 1865. Ship Canal. Engineers Report made to Commissioners, etc. Feb. 15, 1854. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See HAYES, J. D. NICARAGUA. OVIEDO, G. F. Histoire du. Ship Canal. ABERT, S. T. Is a Ship Canal practicable? 1870. 52 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NICAKAGUA Ship Canal. Letter on 1849. See NILES, N. U. S. MESSAGE from President in relation to. 1853. SQUIER, E. G. People, Scenery, proposed Canal, etc. 1852. Volcanoes, etc., of Central America. 1850. STOUT, Peter F. Nicaragua: Past, Present and Future. 1859. WELLS, W. V. Walker s Expedition to. The War in. See WALKER, Wm. NICE, France. Situation, History, etc., of. Lond., n. d. Svo. Guide Books. Vol. 12. NICELY, W. S. Facts for Emigrants. Description of 26 Counties of South-West Missouri. St. Louis, 1867. 12mo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 2. NICHOLAS, S. S. Martial Law. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 27. NICHOLAS, Rev. Thos. Middle and High Schools, and a University for Wales. Lond., 1863. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 37, NICHOLS, E. H. Nature and Obligations of Pacific R. R. Compan ies to the Gov t, in reference to U. P. R. R. Bonds. Wash ington, 1871. 8vo. NICHOLS, Geo. W. Story of the Great March; from the Diary of a Staff Officer. 26th Ed. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. NICHOLS, Ichabod. Oration at Salem, Mass., July 4, 1805. Salem, 1805. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 29. See PEABODY, A. P. Funeral Sermon, 1859. NICHOLS, John Gough. The Topographer and Genealogist. Lond.> 1846-1858. 3 Vols. Svo. NICHOLS, J. T. G. 20th Annivers. Discourse in the Church of the 2d Parish, Saco, Apr. 12, 1863. Saco, 1863. 8vo. Maine Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. NICHOLS, T- L. Religions of the World: Impartial Hist, of Re ligious Creeds. Cincin., 1855. Svo. NICHOLS, Capt. Wm. See Wildes, Rev. G. D. Memoir of. NICOLAS, Sir Harris. Animadversions on the Library and Cata logues of the British Museum. Lond., 1846. Svo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 41. Letter to Lord Brougham on the Record Commission. Lond., 1832. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. Letter to the Duke of Wellington on Creating Peers for Life. Lond., 1830. Svo. Stranford Pamph. Vol. 6. Observations on Grants of Precedency in Patents of Peerage. Lond. n. d. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 36. Memoir of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, Vice Chamberlain and Lord Chancellor to Queen Eliza beth. Lond., 1847. Svo. NICOLAS, Nicholas Harris. Notitia Historica; Tables, Calendars and and Miscell. Information for Historians, Antiquaries and the Legal Profession. Lond., 1842. Svo. NICOLLET, J. N. Report on the Hydrograph. Basin of the Upper Mississippi, 1841, with a Sketch of the Early History of St. Louis. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. See also Senate Doc. No. 237, 2d Sess. 26th Cong. See Sibley H. H. Sketch of the Life of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 153 NIEBUHR, Carsten. Life of. Lond., 1829. 8vo. NIEBUHR S History of Rome. See HARE, J. C. Vindication of. NIGHTINGALE, Florence. Notes on Nursing, for the Laboring- Classes. Lond., 1861. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 32. NIGHTINGALE, Rev. J. Letter on the Systems of Short-Hand of Mr. Byrom and Dr. Mavor. Lond., 1811. 8vo. Educa. Pamph let, etc. Vol. 31. NILES Genealogy. See VINTON, J. A. Memorial. NILES, H. Index to National Register, 1811-1817. 8vo. Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. Balti more, 1822. 8vo. Weekly Register; Gen. Index, 1811-1817. Baltimore, 1818. 8vo. NILES, H. and W. O. National Register; Newspaper. Sep., 1811, to March, 1849. Baltimore and Philadelphia. 74 Vols. Roy. 8vo. NILES, Rev. Henry E. Discourse at the Funeral of Rev. Sam l N, Steele at Spencertown, N. Y., March 12, 1854. 8vo. Ser mon. Vol. ]0. NILES, John H. Geology of the Fire Lands. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 7. Memoirs of Richmond, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 5. NILES, John M. Memoirs of Norwich, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. Speech in Cong., July 20, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol.1. NILES, Mich. Gazette and Advertiser; Newspaper. Sep., 1835, to Feb., 1827. Folio. Intelligencer; Newspaper. Feb., 1839, to Jan., 1841. Folio. NILES, N. Letter to U. S. Sec. of State on the construction of a Ship Canal Central America. N. York, 1849. 8vo. Con gress. Pamph. Vol. 108. NILES, Rev. Sam l ; Summary Hist. Narrative of the Wars in New Eng. with the French and Indians. Boston, n. d. Same Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6, 3d Ser. and Vol. 5, 4th Ser. NINE (The) Hours Movement. Report of Proceedings of a Con ference of Delegates from the Building Trades, held at Der by in 1861. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. NINEVEH. See DAVIS, Rev. A. Remarkable Discoveries in the East. 1852. HOEFFER, F. Premier Memoire sur les Ruines de Ninive. LAYARD, A. H. Discoveries etc. PERKINS, Justin. Visit to the Ruins of, 1849. NITRO-GLTCERINE. See MOWBRAY, G. M. Use of in Construction of Hoosac Tunnel. NIXON, John T. Speech in Cong. Apr., 11, 1862, on the State of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. NOAKES, John, pseud. The Right of the Aristocracy to the Soil, considered. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.67. NOBLE, Frances. Narative of her Captivity by Indians, included in Schoolcraft s Amer. Ind. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. .NoEL, Rev. B. W. Corn Laws. Selections from his " Plea for the Poor." Manchester, n. d. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 52. Freedom and Slavery in the U. S. Lond., 1863. 12mo. No Failure for the North. From the Atlantic Monthly. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 90. N. Y., 1863. Svo. NOLLET, Abbe. Lettres sur PElectricite. Paris, 1753. ISmo. Recherches sur les Causes Particulieres des Phenomenes Electriques. Paris, 1749. ISmo. NON-CONFORMITY. See DAVIDS, T. W. Annals of, in Essex Co. Eng. See Dissenters. RICHARDS, Rev. W. Welsh memorial. NON-ESTABLISHMENT (The) of Liberty in Spain, Naples, Portugal and Piedmont, explained etc. Lond., 1824. Svo. Pam phleteer. Vol. 24. NON-INTERVENTION. See Congress. Speeches. NOOTKA Sound. See JEWITT, J. R. Adventures etc. No Party now, but all for our Country. Phila., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 11. NORDEN, . Description of Essex. See Camden Soc. Publica. NORDHOFF, Chas. California for Health, Pleasure and Recreation. N. Y., 1873. Svo. The Freedmen of S. Carolina, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 74. The Slave-Labor System the Free Working Man s Worst Enemy. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 90A. NORFIELD, Conn. See NOYES John. Half Century Disc. 1836. NORFOLK, Conn. See ROBBINS, Rev. A. R. Half Century Sermon. 1811. And Great Western R. R. See SEGAR, Jos. See ROYS, A. History of. NORFOLK Co., Eng. History and Antiquities of. Norwich, 1784. 10 Vols. Svo. See MUNFORD, Geo. Analysis of the Domesday Book. 1858. NORFOLK, H. E. Gleanings in Grave Yards; a Collection of Curi ous Epitaphs. Lond., 1861. 12mo. Another Copy. Lond., 1866. 12mo. 3d Ed. NORFOLK, Mass., Agricult. Soc y. Transactions for 1853, 54, 57. Dedham, Mass. Svo. NORFOLK, Va. See FORREST, W. S. Hist, and Descript. Acc t of. NORIE, J. W. Piloting Directions for the Cattegat and Baltic, and for the Sound and Belts. Lond., 1834. Svo. 4th Ed. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 28. NORMAL Schools. See BARNARD, H. Normal Schools in U. States and British Provinces. See BROOKS, Chas. Training. See RUSSELL, W. Lectures on. NORMAN Conquest. See WACE, Master. Chronicle of, NORMANDY, A. On the Production of Fresh Water from Sea Water. Lond., 8vo. n. d. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 29. NORMANDY. See TURNER, D. Tour in, 1820. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 155 NORRIS, J. Saurin. Sketch of the Life of Benj. Banneker; read before the Maryland Hist. Soc., Oct. 5, 1854. Baltimore, 1854. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. The Early Friends (or Quakers) in Maryland, read before the Maryland Hist. Soc., Mar. 6, 1862. Baltimore, 1862. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. NORRIS, Moses. Speech in Cong. Mar. 3, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 3. NORTH Allerton. Eng. See INGLEDEW, C. J. D. Hist, and Antiq. of. NORTH America. See CARVER, J. Travels in 1766-68. CHASTELLUX, Marquis de. Travels in. 1780-82. COOPER, Rev. M. Hist. of. 1789. CRESPEL, E. Travels in. 1726. Voyage en Nouveau Monde. 1726. DOUGLASS, W. British Settlements in. 1755. FORCE P. Tracts on the Colonies of. GORDON, J. B. Hist, and Geograph. Memoirs of. 1820. GREENHOW, R. Memo, of N. West Coast. 1840. . HALL, Basil. Travels in. 1827-8 HARMON, D. W. Voyages and Travels in. 1820. Hist. Geograph. Polit. and Natural Hist. of. 1805. Hist, of N. America; Account of its first Settlement, Commerce, Government, etc. Lond., 1776. 12mo. See KALM, P. Travels in. 1748, 49. LA HONTAN, New Voyage to N. A. 1683. LA SALLE. Exped. and Discoveries in 1679. LYELL, Chas. Travels in. 1841, 42. MACKENZIE, A. Voyage through the Continent of. 1788-90. OLIPHANT, E. Hist. of. 1801. RAFINESQUE, C. S. Travels in. 1836. ROGERS, Robt. Account of. 1765. SUTLIFF, R. Travels in. 1804-6. - TUDOR, H. Narrative of a Tour in. 1834. WAKEFIELD, P. Excursions in. 1806. See America, United States, Canada, etc. American and West Indian Gazetteer. Lond., 1776. 12mo. Lakes, See WHITTLESEY, C. On the Fluctuations of Level. Land Company. See HARPER, R. G. Observations on. Review. Vols. 1-115. Boston, 1815-1872. 115 Vols. 8vo. NORTHAMPTON Co., Eng. See MORTON, John. Nat. History and Antiquities. 1712. Words and Phrases. See BAKER, A. E. Glossary of. NORTHAMPTON Co., Pa. See RUPP, I. D. History of. NORTHAMPTON, Mass. See ALLEN, Rev. Wm. Bi-Centen. Address, 1854. BRIDGMAN, T. Inscriptions on Gravestones in. Register of Deaths from 1653 to 1824. Northampton, 1824. 12mo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 6. 156 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NORTHAMPON, Mass. See TUCKER, Rev. Mark. Statement of Facts, etc. 1824. . WILLIAMS, Rev. Solomon. Hist. Sketch of. 1815. NORTH (The) and South. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. Reprinted from N. Y. Tribune. 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.77. Misrepresented and Misjudged. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 85. NORTH BEND, Ohio. See HARRISON, J. S. Pioneer Life at. NORTHBOROTJGH, Mass. Ace. of Centen. Celebra., Aug. 22, 1866. n. p., 1866. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 14. See ALLEN, Rev. Jos. Historical ^Account of. Ann. Reports of Selectmen, etc., for 1871-2. Clinton, 1872. 8vo. See HOUGHTON, W. A. Centen. Sermon. 1846. NORTH Bridgewater, Mass. See KINGMAN, B. History of. NORTH British Review. May, 1844, to Dec., 1869. Lond. 51 Vols. 8vo. NORTH Brookfield, Mass. See SNELL, Thos. Hist. Sketch of. 1850. 40th Annivers. Disc. 1838. Half Century Sermon. 1848. NORTH Carolina. Answer of Gov. Holden to the Articles of Im peachment of the Senate. 1870. Raleigh, 1870 (?). 8vo. See BARTRAM, Win. Travels in Carolina. 1792. BRICKNELL, Dr. J. Natural History of. BYRD, W. Hist, of Dividing Line, Va. and N. C. 1728. Westover, Manuscripts. CARUTHERS, E. W. Revolu. Incidents in. Constitution of, reported by the Constitutional Conven tion, 1868. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. See FANNING, David. Adventures in. 1775, 1783. Gold Mines. See MITCHELL, E. OLMSTEAD, D. ROTHE, C. E. See GRAHAM, W. A. British Invasion of. 1780-1. HARRIS, Wm. S. Hist, of Poplar Tent Ch., Cabarrus Co HAWKS F. D. History of. Mecklenburg Declaration. HUTCHINS, T. Topcgraph. Descrip. of. JONES, J. S. Revolu. War Hist. Vindicated. Journal of Constitutional Convention. Raleigh, 1868. 8vo. - See KIDDER, Fred. Sketch of Indians of East. Part of. Laws passed during Regular Sessions, 1864-5. Ad journed Sess., 1865. Secret Sess., 1862-5. Raleigh, 1865. 8vo. Public Laws. 1869-70. Raleigh, 1870. 8vo. MARTIN, F. X. History of. See MITCHELL, E. On the Low Country of N. C. 1827. MOULTRIE, W. War of Revolu. in the South. Pension Roll, n. d. 8vo. Proclamations by the Governor, 1868-70. Raleigh, 1870. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 157 NORTH Carolina. See Revolutionary Hist. of. Sup t of Pub. Instruction. Ann. Report for 1869. Ra leigh, 1869. 8vo. See SWAIN, D. L. British Invasion of, 1776. University of. Catalogue for 1854--5. Hillsborough, 1855. 8vo. 1869--70. Raleigh, 1870. 8vo. See WHEELER, J. H. Hist. Sketches of. WILLIAMSON H. Hist. of. NORTH Chelsea. Mass. The Woodlawn Cemetery. Boston. 1856. 8vo. School Comm. Report for 1850-1. n. p. 12.mo. NORTH Coventry, Conn. See CALHOUN, Rev. G. A. Histor. Ad dress. 1845. NORTH EASTERN Boundary. See GALLATIN, A. See History of Negotiations. The Right of the U. S. Claimed by them. Lond. 1840. 8vo. See URQUHART, D. Exposition of Causes of Differences. See Maine and Mass. Reports and Docs. NORTHEND, Wm. D. Speech before Constitutionl Democratic Club of Boston, Nov. 4, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Suggestions on Cultivation of the Pear. n. d. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 5. NORTHERN Academy of Arts and Sciences. Constitution and 1st Ann. Report. Hanover, N. H. 1842. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 13. > Central British India Soc y. Resolutions, etc., in favor of Establishing the Soc y, offered at a Meeting of the Friends of British India, at Lond., 1840. Lond. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 43. Pacific R. R.; its Route, Resources, Progress and Business. Phila. n. d. 8vo. See Congressional Speeches. JOHNSON. E. F. Reports on. 1854, 1867. KELLEY, Wm. D. Address. 1871. Memorial of the Board of Directors of the Co., etc., Nov. 1867. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Statement of its Resources and Merits, Mar., 1868. Washington, 1868. Svo. The Charter, Amendments, Gen. Mortgage, etc. Phila. n. d. 8vo. See WINDOM, Wm. Speech in Cong. 1869. The Land Grant of, and the Future Business of the Road. Phila. (?) n. d. Svo. See Pacific R. R. R. Road. Ann: Reports of Directors, 1848, 49, 50. Concord and Boston. Svo. Mass. Miscell. R. R. Reports. Vol. 3. Regions; or Ace. of Capt. Parry s Voyages for the Discovery of a N. W. Passage. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. Traveller, and Northern Tour. N. Y., 1830. 12mo. 158 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NORTH, Jas. W. Hist, of Augusta, Me., with Biograph. Sketches and Genealog. Register. Augusta, 1870. 8vo. NOKTH Leigh, Oxfordshire, Eng. See HAKEWILL, H., on Roman Remains. 1836. NORTH Leverett, Mass. See ANDREWS, Erastus. 80th Annivers. Disc. 1847. NORTHMEN in America. See DAVIS, A. Lecture on. 1839. . Antiquities of America, etc. 1849. DE COSTA, B. F. Pre-Columbian Discov. of America. MORSE, Abner. Traces of. 1861. RAFN, C. C. Discov. of America by Northmen. ZESTERMANN, C. A. Coloniza. of America in Ante-His toric Times. See America, JDiscovery in. See Antiquities and Ar chaeology. in Iceland. From the Memoirs of the Soc. of No. Antiqua ries. Copenhagen, 1859. 8vo. in Maine. See DsCosTA, B. F. Religion of. See KEYSER, R. NORTH Missouri R. R. Co. Special Report of Directors to the Governor and Legislature. St. Louis, 1865. 8vo. Mo* Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. NORTHMORE, Thomas. Washington; or Liberty Restored a Poem. Baltimore, 1809. 12mo. NORTH Providence, R. I. Report of the Celebration at Pawtucket r North Providence, of the 100th Annivers. of the Town. Pawtucket, 1865. 8vo. R. I. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. NORTHROP, Geo. and KELLEY, Win. D. Joint Debates. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. NORTHROP, Gen. Jos. A. See STEVENS, W. H. Sketch of. NORTHROP, N. B. Pioneer Hist, of Medina Co., Ohio. Medina, 1860. 12mo. NORTH, Simeon. Anglo-Saxon Literature; Oration before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, at New Haven, Aug. 18, 1847. Utica, N. Y., 1847. 8vo. Yale College Pamph. NoRTH-HuMBER, Eng. See SURTEES, S. F. Waifs of N. Humber History. 1864. NORTHUMBERLAND Co., Eng. See GIBSON, W. S. Notices of Northumbrian Castles, etc. 1854. LATIMER, J. Local Records. 1857. SURRIDGE, Rev. T. Discov. of Roman Inscriptions. 1853. Durham and Newcastle Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye. Report. 1836. Newcastle, 1836. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 13. - Nat. Hist. Soc. Reports for 1842, 43, 44. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1845. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. NORTHUP, Solomon. Twelve Years a Slave; Narr. of his being Kidnapped in 1841, and of his Rescue in 1853. Auburn, 1853. 12mo. NORTHWEST. Boundary U. S. See FALCONER, T. British America. Relations between the U. S. and N. W. British America, with Map. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol.,23. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 159- NORTHWEST (The) in the Revolution. See WALKER, C. I. Passage. See BARRINGTON, D. Probability of Reaching the North Pole. NORTHWESTERN Dairymen s Assoc. Reports of 5th and 6th Ann. Meetings, held in 1871-2. Elgin and Madison, 1871-2. 8vo. Flax Assoc. Report by the Comm. on Statistics, for 1869. Columbus, 1870. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 11. Freedmen s Aid Commission. Minutes of 1st Ann. Meeting. Chicago, 1864. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 10. . 2d Ann. Report of Directors, Apr. 13,1865. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Fruit Growers Assoc. Transactions at 3d Ann. Meeting, Oct. 1853. Chicago, 1853. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 14. Journal of Education, Science and General Literature. Vol. 1. Nos. 1, 2, 3, all published. Madison, Wis., 1850. 8vo. Medical and Surg. Journal. Vols. 1 and 4. Some numbers wanting. Chicago, 1848-52. 8vo. N. Series. Vols. 1 and 4, incomplete. 1853-55. Review and Commercial Reporter. Keokuk. Vol. 1. June r 1857, to Apr., 1858. 8vo. Sanitary Fair. 1865. See Chicago. Territory. See BLUNT, Jos. BURNET, J. Notes on. 1847. DURRIE, D. S. Early Outposts of Wisconsin. Laws of the Territory of the U. S. Northwest of the Ohio. 1795. No Title. 4to. Same. Vol. 2. Chillicothe, 1801. 4to. University, Evanston, 111. Report of the Department of Nat. History. 1871. n. p. 8vo. Catalogue for 1869-70, 1870-1. Evanston and Chicago. 8vo. Watertown, Wis. Catalogue for 1869-70. Watertown. % 8vo. NORTHWOOD, N. H. Sketches of the Town of. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. NORTH Yarmouth, Me. See RUSSELL, E. Hist. of. NORTON, Albert B. Descendants of Chas. Norton, of Guilford, Conn. Part 1. Washington, 1856. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 10. NORTON, Andrews. Inaug. Discourse before the Univers. in Cam bridge, Aug. 10, 1819. Cambridge, 1819. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 9. NORTON, A. Banning. Hist, of Knox Co., Ohio, from 1779, to 1862. Svo. Columbus, 1862. NORTON, C. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century. Lond., 1854. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 66. NORTON, Chas. B. Catalogue of Books on America. N. Y., 1862. Svo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 22. Hand Book of Life Insurance. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. Literary Almanac, 1852. Registers, 1853-4. N. Y., 1S51-4. 12mo. 160 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NORTON, Chas. B. Literary Gazette and Publisher s Circular, Newspaper, April, 1854, to Aug., 1855. 4to. . - American Publishers Circular and Literary Gazette,Sept., 1855, to Dec., 1860. 6 Vols. 4to. Letter. N. Y., 1860. 4to. NORTON, Chas. D. The Old Ferry at the Black Rock: Paper be fore the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Dec. 14, 1863. n. p. n. d. 8vo. NORTON, E. H. Speech in Cong., Jan. 9, 1863, on the State of the Country. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 67. NORTON Genealogy. See NORTON, A. B. Descendants of Charles Norton, of Conn. NORTON, Capt. John. Ace. of his Projectiles, the Submarine Petard, or Catamaran Percussion Shell. Glasgow, n. d. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 66. NORTON, Rev. John. Redeemed Captive. Narr. of the Capture and Burning of Ft. Massachusetts by the French and Indians, 1744-9: with Notes by S. G. Drake, pr. printed. Albany, 1870. 4to. NORTON, Rev. John F. The Home of the Ancient Dead restored. Address at Athol, Mass., July 4, 1859, at the Re-consecration of the Cemetery. Athol Depot, 1859. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 18. NORTON, Mass. See CLARK, Rev. G. F. Hist, of the Town of. NORTON, Sidney H., M. D. Lecture on Measures and Weights, de livered in the Miami Med. College, 1869. Cincinnati, 1869. 4to. Ohio College Pamphs. NORWALK, Conn. See BOUTON, Rev. N. 200th Centen. Celebra. HALL, Rev. E. Ancient Hist. Records of. NORWALK, Ohio. See BENEDICT, P. Memoir of. LEWIS, S. B. Early Settlement. LOCKWOOD, H. Memoirs of. NEWTON, A. Extracts from 25th Annivers. Disc., 1860. NORWAY and Sweden. See Moral State and Polit. Union of, 1840. See CRICHTON, A. Hist. of. FELDBORG, A. A. Appeal to the Eng. Nation in behalf of. KEYSER, R. Religion of Northmen. MAXWELL, J. S. Czar and his Court, and Tour to Norway. SINDING, P. C. Hist, of Scandinavia. NORWAY, Me. See NOTES, D. Hist. of. NORWICH, Conn. See BOND, Rev. A. Hist. Disc., 1860. CAULKINS, F. M. Hist. of. DENNISON, Rev. F. Notes on the Baptists of. Jubilee. Report of the Celebra. of the 200th Anniversary of the Town, Sept. 7th and 8th, 1859. Norwich, 1859. See STRONG, Jos. Half Century Sermons, 1828. NORWICH, Eng., Union Soc y. Report of Comm. on Funds, etc., of the Soc y. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. NORWICH, Ohio. See NILES, J. M. Memoirs of. NORWICH, Vt. See SLAFLER, Rev. E. F. Charter of, etc. NORWOOD, Col. Voyage to Virginia in 1649. (Extracts from.) Va. Hist. Register. Vol. 2. See also Force s. Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 161 NORWOOD, J. G. Abstract of Report on Illinois Coals. [Geolog. Survey.] Chicago, 1858. 8vo. NORWOOD, T. M. Argument on the Georgia Senatorial Question. Washington, 1871? Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. NOTES and Queries: a Medium of Inter-communication for Liter ary Men, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc., from Nov., 1849, to Dec., 1855. 1st Ser. 12 Vols. 4to. Same, Jan., 1856, to Dec., 1861. 2d Ser. 12 Vols. 4to. Same, Jan., 1862, to Dec., 1867. 3d Ser. 12 Vols. 4to. Same, Jan., 1868, to June, 1871. 4th Ser. 7 Vols. 4to. Same, Gen. Index. 1st, 2d and 3d Series. Lond., 1856, 62, 68. 3 Vols. 4to. See Choice Notes, etc. See Historical Magazine. explanatory of Mr. Chase s Plan of National Finance, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 93. on " Southern Wealth arid Northern Profits." Phila., 1861. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. on the Campaign of 1808-9, in the North of Spain; Remarks on Napier s History. Lond. n. d. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 1. pour servir a 1 Histoire a la Bibliographie de la Nouvelle France, 1540-1700. Paris, 1872. 12mb. NOTICE sur 1 etat de la Mission de la Louisiane. Lyons, 1822. 8vo. NOTICES of Sullivan s Campaign; or Notices of Revolu. Warfare in Western N. Y. Rochester, 1842. 12mo. NOTITIA Historica. See NICOLAS, Nicholas H. NOTT, E. Case of, vs. Jas. S. Thayer, etc., N. Y. Superior Court. N. Y., 1856. Svo. NOTT, Eliphalet, D. D. Discourse at Albany, Mar. 18, 1804, before the Ladies Soc y for Relief of Distressed Women and Chil dren. Albany, 1804. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 20. Discourse on the Death of Gen. Alex. Hamilton, at Albany, July 29, 1804. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 10. Lectures on Temperance, with an Introduction by Tayler Lew is, LL. D. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. NOTT, J. C. and GLIDDON, G. R. Indigenous Races of the Earth. Phila., 1857. Svo. Types of Mankind; or Ethnolog. Researches. Phila., 1854. 4to. NOTT, Rev. Sam l. Half Century Sermon at Franklin, Conn., Mar. 13, 1832. Norwich, 1832. Svo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Slavery and the Remedy; or Suggestions for a Remedial Code. Boston, 1856. Svo. 2d Ed. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 103, 133. The Present Crisis: with a Reply arid Appeal to European Advisers. Boston, 1860. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 10. Same. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 102, 107. NOTJRSE, B. F. See Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. NOURSE, Jas. The Holy Bible: the Text arranged in Paragraphs. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. 11 1 62 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NOURSE, Jos, See Van Rensselaer, C. Funeral Sermon, 1841. NOURSE, J. D. Remarks on the Past and its Legacies to Amer. So ciety. Louisville, Ky., 1847. 8vo. NOUVEAU Cours de Chymie, Suivant les Principes de Newton et De Sthall. Paris, 1723. 2 Vols. 12mo. Guide au Musee de Versailles. Versailles, 1861. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 12. Traite de Physique sur toute la Nature. Paris, 1742. 18mo. NOUVELLE Jerusalem Revue. Tome Septieme, 1844-47. (Imperfect.) Paris. 8vo. NOVA Brittania: offering most excellent Fruites by planting in Vir ginia, 1609. Force s Hist, Tracts. Vol. 1. NOVA SCOTIA. See ALGEK, Francis. Notes on Mineralogy of, 1827. . Archives: Selections from the Public Documents of the Province. Halifax, 1869. 8vo. Its Present State, with Ace. of Canada. Lond., 1787. Svo, See HALIBURTON, T. C. Hist, and Statist. Ace. of. JACKSON, C. T. and ALGER, F. Notices of Geology of, 1828. KIRKE, H. Canada, and Settlements in U. S. . MOORSOM, W. Letters from, 1830. WEST, J. Mission to Indians of, 1826. NOVUM, Belgium. See JOGUES, Isaac. NOYE, Wm. Maxims of the Laws of England, with Biograph- Sketch. Albany, 1870. 12mo. NOYES, David. Hist, of Norway, Me., with Hist. Sketches. Nor way, 1852. 8vo. NOYES, George F. The Bivouac and the Battle Field. N. Y. T 1863. 12mo. NOYES, Jacob. Genealog. Hist, of the Noyes Family, together with Dike, Fuller and Edson Families. Abington, 1861. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. NOYES, Rev. John. Discourse at Norfield, Conn., May 29, 1836, at the close of the 50th Year of his Ministry. N. Haven, 1839, Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. NOYES, John H. History of Amer. Socialism. Unsuccessful and Successful Socialistic Communities in this Country. 8vo. Phila., 1870. NOYES, Wm. Curtis. Address before the Graduating Class of the Law Department of Hamilton College, July 16, 1856. Utica, N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 18. NUBIA. See RUSSELL, M. Hist. of. Nucius, Nicander. Travels. See Camden Soc. Publica. NULLIFICATION a Genuine Book of, being a True History of Ex amples of the Recognition and Enforcement of that Sover eign State Remedy, from 1798 to the present day. Charles ton, 1831. 12mo. Nullifica. Tracts. See Charleston, S. C. Proceedings. 1831. Conversation (Imaginary) between Presidents Jefferson and Jackson. HAMILTON, Gov. J. Correspondence with Calhoun. HARPER, W. Speech at Charleston. 1832. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 163 NULLIFICATION. HARPER, W. The Remedy by State Interposition. HAYNE, R. Y. Letter to State Rights and Free Trade Party. 1832. Prospect before us, etc. View of Remedies proposed, etc. NUMISMATICS. See AKERMAN, J. Y. Coins of Ephesus. Intro, to the Study of Anc t and Mod. Coins. ALEXANDER, J. H., on International Coinage. BAGG, S. C. Notes on Coins. 1863. BUSHNELL, C. I. Arrangement of Tokens, etc. Early N. Y. Tokens. CARDWELL, Edw. Coinage of Greeks and Romans. COLBURN, J. First Coinage of America. Description of Fac Similes of certain Ancient Amer. Medals and Coins. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. DICKESON, M. W. Amer. Numismatic Manual. ECKFELDT, J. R. and Du Bois, W. E. New Varieties of Gold and Silver Coins, etc. EVANS, John. Coins of Ancient Britons. FISHER, J. S. Descrip. of Amer. Medals. HICKOX, J. H. Histor. Ace. of Amer. Coinage. HOMES, H. A. Design and Import of Medals. Literature of Amer. Numismatics. London Soc y of Antiquaries. Catalogue. 1847. MADDEN, F. W. Hand-Book of Roman Numismatics. MEASE, J. Descrip. of Amer. Medals. MICKLEY, J. J. Dates of U. S. Coin, and their Rarity. POSTE, B. Celtic Insoript. on British Coin. Vindica. of Celtic Inscrint. on Coins. PRIME, Wm. C. Coins, Medals and Seals. SNOWDEN, J. R., on Washington and Nat. Medals. STICKNEY, M. A. Notes on Amer. Currency. VELASQUEZ, L. J. Medals of Spain. WILLIAMSON, J. Coins found at Castine, Me. WILLIS, W. Coin found in Maine. Yale College. Catalogue of Cabinet of Coins. 1863. NUNE, Jos. A. "Let us Have Peace " a Poem. (n. d.) Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 41. NUNEZ, Alvar. Cabeca de Vaca. Commentaries. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 6. Relation et Naufrages. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 7. NUNEZ, Jos. Q. A Diplomat on Diplomacy. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 82. NUREMBERG, Bavaria. See WHITLING, H. J. Some Ace. of. 1847. NUTS for Future Historians to Crack. See SMITH, Horace W. NUTT, Rush. Origin, Extension and Continuance of Prairies. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 23. NUTTALL, Thos. Collections towards a Flora of the Territory of Arkansas. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. Ser. Vol. 5. Genea. of K. Amer. Plants. Phila., 1818. 12mo. Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory during 1819, with Observations on Aborigines, with Map. Phila., 1821. 8vo. 164 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NYE, Arius. Fragment of the Early Hist, of the State of Ohio. Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Trans. Part 2. Vol. 1. NYE, Gideon, Jr. Tea, and the Tea Trade. N. Y., 1850. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 14. NYE, Jas. W. Speech in Cong., May 9 and 10, 1866, on Executive Appointments and Removals. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. Speech in Cong., Jan. 24, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Same. Feb. 28, 1866. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 34. o. OAKLAND and Ottawa R. R. Description, Character, etc., of. De troit, 1854. 8vo. Mich. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. OASTLER, Rich d, pseud. Eight Letters to the Duke of Wellington. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 10. Speech at Hundersfield, Dec. 27, 1837, on the New Poor Law. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 16. OATES, Titus, and BEDLOW, Wm. Articles of High Misdemeanor presented against Sir Wm. Scroggs, with his Answer to said Articles. Lond., 1679. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Discovery of the Popish Plot, etc. KNOX, Thos. Trial, etc., 1680. Narrative the Horrid Plot and Conspiracy of the Popish Party against the Life of H. M., the Gov t, and the Protestant Re ligion. Lond., 1679. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 63. OATHS. See Mass. Report on Incompetency of Witnesses, etc. of Irish Papists no Evidence against Protestants; or, a Warn ing Piece to Jurors. Lond., 1681. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. OATMAN Girls. Captivity of. See STRATTON, R. B. OBERLIN, Ohio, College. Catalogue for 1861-2. Svo. Laws and Regulations of the Female Department, 1867. 12mo. See HUDSON, T. B. Address, 1858. Martyr Age of the U. S., etc. OBERLIN, John Frederic. Memoir of. Boston, 1860. Svo. Bio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 1. OBITUARIES. See CROSBY, N. Ann. Obit. Notices. OBITUARY Addresses on Re-interment of Remains of Gen. Chas. Scott, Maj. W. T. Barry, and Capt. Bland Ballard and Wife at Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 8, 1854. Frankfort, 1855. 8vo. Record of Graduates of Yale College, July 22d, 1868. Svo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 20. OBJECTIONS to the Claims of Swedenborg examined and refuted, n. d. n. p. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 21. to the Project of creating a Vice Chancellor of England. Lond., 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 1. to Yielding to Northerners the Control of the Baltimore and Ohio R. R., 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 165 OBLIGATIONS of Banking Institutions as Bailees. Baltimore, 1867. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. O BRIEN, Wm. S. Speech on the Causes of Discontents in Ireland. Dublin, 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31. OBSERVATIONS, etc., on the Act for Taxing Income. Lond., 1799. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. on Mr. Brougham s Bill for better providing Education, etc. Lond., 1821. 8vo. 3d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 4. on the System of Injustice and Favoritism pursued by Sir Jas. Graham towards the Navy. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. Critique sur le Livre intitule, u Des Causes, Conditioners et Productrices des idees." Paris, 1846. 8vo. in answer to an " Address to the Clergy of the Established Church," etc., (on Slavery). Lond., 1826. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 4oA. occasioned by a Pamphlet entitled, " Objections to the Project of creating a Vice Chancellor of England." Lond., 1813. 8vo, Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 31. on a Late State of the Nation. 2d Ed. Lond., 1769. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 2. on Banks for Savings. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. on Lord Bathurst s Speech in Parliament, Mar. 18, 1817, on the Imprisonment of Bonaparte. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 12. * on Credit, with relation to the Bankrupt Law and Insolvent Debtors Acts. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. on Rev. Dr. Gannett s Sermon, entitled " Relation of the North to Slavery." Boston, 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 102 and 133. Sermons. Vol. 5. on Medical Reform. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. on Parish Registers, and the Marriage of Non-Conformists, etc. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. on several Authors and Books necessary for the Formation of a Select and Small Library. Lond.. 1813. 8vo. Pamphle teer. Vol. 2. on S. A. Douglas Views on Popular Sovereignty. Washing ton, 1859. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. on the Buildings, Improvements and Extension of the Me tropolis of late years, etc. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Pamphle teer. Vol. 25. on the Duties and Emoluments of certain Public Officers. N. Y., 1822. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 99. on the Evil Effects produced by the use of Stimulating Food and Spirituous Liquors. Lond., 1818. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 12. on the Judge of the Court of Chancery, and the Practice and Delays complained of in that Court. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 18. on the Law and present practice of Bankruptcy and Insolvency. Liverpool, 1847. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. 1 66 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OBSERVATIONS on the Losses of Amer. Loyalists. 1783. See Amer. Tracts, 1776-1783. on the Popery Laws. Lond., 1772. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 17. on the Power of Climate, over the Policy, Strength and Man ners of Nations. Lond., 1774. See Polit. Tracts. Vol. 1. on the Practice of the Court of Chancery, in Cases relating to Libellous and Immoral Publications. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 20. on the Present National Distress. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 17. on the Present Relative Situation of G. Britain and France. Liverpool, 1802. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. on the probable Decline or Extinction of British Historical Painting, etc. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 2. on the proposed Council of India. Lond. 1858. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 54. on the proposed Measures for the- Regulation of the Corn Trade. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Eng Misc. Pamph. Vol. 30. on the proposed State Road, from Hudson s River to Lake Erie. N. Y., 1800. Sm. 8vo. Bound with Williamson s Genesee Country, etc. on the Reconciliation of G. Britain and the Colonies. Phila. 1776. Amer. Tracts Vol. 4. on the Regiam Majestatem. Lond. 1825. 8vo. 2d EcL Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. on the Regulation of Elections for Parliament. Lond., 1689. Small 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9. on Rents and the Price of Grain, etc. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 32. on the Rejected Local Court Jurisdiction Bill. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 39. on the Report of the Comm. of Weights and Measures, etc. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. on the Reports of Committees of both Houses of Parliament, on Resuming Cash Payments at the Bank of Eng. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 28. on the Vinous Fermentation, etc. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Voi. 22. on the War in Crimea; from the Duke of Wellington s In structions to Lieut. Col. Fletcher. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 17. regarding the office of Master in the High Court of Chancery. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 19. relating to Social Science and Political Economy. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. Sur La Virginie, par M. J. * * traduites de 1 Anglois. Paris, 1786. 8vo. upon passages in Jefferson s Notes on Virginia, tending to subvert Religion, etc. N. Y., 1804. 8vo. Congr and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 110. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 167 O CALLAGHAN, E. B. Account of Voyage of George Clark to America. Albany, 1867. 4to. See BRODHEAD, J. R. Colonial Hist, of N. Y. See Burgoyne s Orderly Book. Documentary and History of the State of N. York, analyzed under the direction of the Sec. of State. Albany, 1850. 4 Vols. 4to. Early Highland Immigration to N. York. Hist. Mag. Vol. 5. History of New Netherlands; or N. York under the Dutch. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1855. 2 Vols. 8vo. List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts thereof. Printed in America previous to 1860. Albany, 1861. Roy. 8vo. Relations des Jesuites sur les Decouvertes et les autres evene- ments arrives en Canada, 1611-1671. Montreal, 1850. 12mo. Occom, Rev. Samson. Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New Haven, Conn. Lond, Reprint, 1789. 8vo. OCCULTATIONS visible in the U. S. during 1850. From Smithsonian Contributions. Washington, 1849. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 7. OCEAN Currents. See Davis, C. H. on Tidal and other Currents. O CONNELL, Dan l. Address from the People of Ireland to their Countrymen in America. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. Legacy to the Irish Americans. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 91. Letter to the Duke of Wellington. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 11. O CONNELL, John. An Argument for Ireland. Dublin, 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. The " Commercial Injustices." Dublin, 1843. 8vo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 33. The " Taxation Injustice." Dublin, 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 33. O CONNOR, Rev. Chas. Appeal and Remonstrance to Pope Pius VII. Lond., 1824. 8vo. 2d. Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. Speech at Union Meeting at N. Y., Dec. 19, 1859, on Negro Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 36 and 77. OCONOMOWOC, Wis., Press. Newspaper. Oconomowoc, 1861-62. Folio. OCONTO, Wis., Pioneer. Newspaper. Sept., 1859, to Dec., 59. Folio. Sept., 1860, to 1863. Folio. OCONTO Co., Wis. See Resources of Brown, Door, etc. 1870. O CoNWAY, Matthias, J. Knights Templars; a Historical Tragedy with a History of that Order. Phila., 1809. 8vo. OCTAVII Ferrarii de Pantomimis et Mimis Dissertatio, etc. Wolfen- buttel, Germany, 1714. 12mo. Latin Pamph. Vol. 3. ODD FELLOWS. Journal of Proceedings of R. W. Grand Lodge of the U. S., 1821-1855. Baltimore. 4 Vols. 8vo. Do. for 1868. Baltimore, 1868. 8vo, See Ohio Grand Lodge. Vermont Grand Lodge. Wisconsin Grand Lodge. Encampment. 1 68 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ODD FELLOWS. GHOSH, A. B. Odd Fellows Manual. WALLACE, W. W. Odd Fellows Keepsake. ODD FELLOWSHIP. What is it? 1867. 8vo. Masonic Pamph., etc. Vol. 1. ODIN Family Pedigree. From N. Eng. Register, July, 1858. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 3. ODIORNE, Jas. 0. Complete List of the Ministers of Boston of all Denominations, from 1630 to 1842. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 1. OEXMELIN, Alexandre O. Histoirie des Avanturiers Flibustiers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes. Paris, 1699. 2 Vols. ISmo. OFFICE (The) of the Supervising Architect. What it was, is, and ought to be. N. Y., 1867. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. O GALLAGHER, Felix. Essay on the Investigation of the first prin ciples of Nature. Dublin, 1784. 2 Vols- Svo. OGDEN, David. Letter concerning Indian Purchases in East N. Jersey. 1767. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 3. OGDEN, Gouverneur M. Defence of Columbia College from the Attack of Sam l B. Ruggles. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Columbia Coll. Pamphlets. OGDEN, John. The Science of Education and the Art of Teaching. Cincin., 1868. 8vo. OGDEN, J. DePeyster. Address at Celebra. of 50th Anniv. of Union Hall, Jamaica, L. I. 1842. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. OGDEN, S. G. Case of, vs. Wm. B. Astor et al., Supreme Court in Equity. N. Y., 1850. Svo. OGDENSBUEGH, N. Y. Papers relating to the Early Settlement of. 1849. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. OGILBY, Rev. F. Sermon at Burlington, N. J., on the Death of Bishop Doane. N. Y., 1859. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 32. OGILVY, Thos. Statistical Evidence on the Navigation Laws. Edinburgh, 1849. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.49. OGLE COUNTY, 111. Sketches of the History of. OGLETHORPE, Jas. See Harris, T. M. Biog. of. New Ace. of the Provinces of South Carolina and Georgia. Lond., 1732. Svo. PEABODY, W. B. O. Life of. SPALDING. T. Sketch of the Life of. WRIGHT, Robt. Memoirs of. O GoRMAN, Rich d. Address before Democratic Central Club, Phila., on the War, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 54. OHIO. Act to organize the Militia of, etc. 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 48. Address of Union Members of the Legislature to Soldiers of Ohio. n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 48. Adj t General Ann. Reports for 1864 and 68. Columbus. Svo. Agricultural Society. Ann. Report, 1869. Columbus, 1870. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 169 OHIO and Indiana R. R. Co. 3d Ann. Report of President to the Stockholders, 1854. Columbus, 1854. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. and Michigan Boundary. See U. S. Message of Pres t with Documents. and Mississippi R. R. See GEST, E. Report on the Prelimi nary Surveys. Annual Register. Columbus. 1835. 12mo. Antiquities. See ATWATEK, C. Description of. McBEiDB, Jas. Ancient Fortifications in Butler Co. WALLBRIDGE, T. C. Mound Structures of Southern Ohio. . WHITTLESEY, Chas. Ancient Rock Inscriptions in Ohio. Earth Forts of the Cayahoga Valley. Description of Ancient Works in Ohio. See ATWATER; C. Hist. of. Auditor of State. Ann. Reports for 1852, 58, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70. Columbus, 1853-71. 8vo. 1st Ann. Report of Insurance. Columbus, 1868. 8vo. Detailed Statement of Receipts, etc., for 1868 and 1871. Columbus, 1869, 72. 8vo. Baptist Book and Tract Society. Claims of, presented in an Address, etc., Sept., 1845. Zanesville, 1845. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Board of Public Works. 13th Ann. Report, for 1868. Co lumbus, 1869. 8vo. State Charities. 2d and 4th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1869, 71. 8vo. Boys in Dixie; or the Adventures of 22 Scouts. N. Y., 1863 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. I and 85. See BURNETT, J. Notes on N. W. Territory. See CARPENTER, W. H., and ARTHUR, T. S. Hist. of. Celebration of Forty-Seventh Annivers. of the First Settle ment of the State of Ohio. Cincin., 1835. Svo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. See CHASE, Bishop P. Plea for the West. City, O. See CLEVELAND. College of Dental Surgery, Cincin. Ann. Announcements for 1858-9; 1859-60, 1869-79, 1872-73. Cincin. Svo. Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs. Ann. Report for 1867-8. Columbus, 1868. Svo. Commissioners of Sinking Fund. Semi-Ann. Reports for 1872. Columbus, 1873. Svo. Commiss r of Statistics. Ann. Reports for 1857, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62. Columbus, 1858-1863. Svo. Company. Articles of Association. N. Y., 1777. 12mo. Comptroller of the Treasury. Ann. Report for 1868. Colum bus, 1868. Svo. Convention of Colored Freemen. Proceedings at Cincinnati, Jan., 1852. Cincin., 1852. Svo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Directory of 58th Gen. Assembly, 1868. Columbus, 1868. Svo. 170 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OHIO Editorial Assoc. History, Organization and Transactions, 1853, 54, 55. Transactions 1856, 1857. Columbus. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. . See ESPY, Josiah. Tour in Ohio, etc., 1805. , Executive Documents, 1843-44, 1861-66. 14 Vols. 8vo. EYRE, John, Journey to, 1832. FERRIS, J. States and Teritofies of the Great West. See Fire Lands Hist. Soc y. Free Territory Convention. Addresses, etc., Proceedings at Columbus, in June, 1848. 8vo. Congr. ahd Polit. Pamph. Vol. 105. Geological Survey. 1st and 2d Ann. Reports, by W. W. Ma ther. Columbus, 1838. 2 Vols. 8vo. Report of J. S.Newberry, E. B. Andrews and E- Orton, on the Survey in 1869. Columbus, 1870. 8vo. Same, Columbus, 1870. Svo. Report on Progress of the Survey for 1870, by J. S. New- bury. Columbus, 1871, Svo. Maps of Grouped Sections. 2d Geolog. District Ohio, 1870. in cover. Maps for the Geolog. Survey, 1873. in cover. Report of the Survey. Vol. 1. Geology and Paleontol- opy. Columbus, 1873. Svo. Geology. See Atwater, C. Facts and Remarks on, 1826. WHITTLESEY, C. Drift and Alluvium of Ohio. Outlines of Geol. of Ohio. See GOODMAN, A. T. First White Children born on Ohio Soil. Grand Lodge (Masons). Proceedings at Grand Communica tions from 1808 to 1847, inclusive. Cincin., 1857. Svo. Seei HALL, Jas. Notes on the West, &c. HARRIS, T. M. Geograph. and Hist. Account, 1803. HARRISON, W. H. Address on Aborgines of. - HA WES, G. W. State Gazetteer and Directory, 1860. HILDRETH, S. P. Early Pioneer Settlers. Letters to C. Atwater, 1819. Pioneer Hist. Hist, and Philosoph. Society. See Gallagher, Wm. D.; Har rison, W. H.; Nye, A.; James, J. H.; Perkins, J. H.; Tappan, B.; Walker, Tim.; Worthington, J. T. Journal. Parti. Vol.1. Cincin., reprinted, 1872. Svo. - Transactions. Part 2. Vol. 1. Cincin., 1839. Svo. See HOWE, H. Hist. Collections. Indians. See Bouquet, Col. Exped., 1864. JOHNSON, John. Present State of. 1819. WHITTLESEY, C. Names of. Institution for the Blind. 19th, 24th, 32d Ann. Reports for 1855, 60, 68. Columbus. Svo. for Deaf and Dumb. 34th, 42d, Ann. Reports for 1860, 68. Columbus, 1861, 60. Svo. in the War of 1812. See GIDDINGS, J. R. Skirmish with the Indians, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 171 OHIO in the War of the Rebellion. See REID, Whitelow. Iron Region. See LAWSON, A. Iron ton, etc. 1871. . See JENKINS, W. Ohio Gazetteer, 1841. Journal of Education. Vol. 5. Columbus, 1856. 8vo. of the Convention of the Territory of the U. S., North west of the Ohio, begun and held Nov. 1, 1802. Hist. Mag. Vol. 5. 2d Ser. Laws of the State. 1836, 37, 1838-42, 64. Columbus. 7 Vols. 8vo. for Protection of the Canals of. Columbus, 1849. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Local Hist. See Ashland Co., Athens Co., Berlin, Birming ham, Bowling Green, Butler Co., Clarksfield, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Fairfield, Fitchville, Florence, Franklin, Graiiville, Greenfield, Greenwich, Hartland, Hopewell, Hud son, Huron, Ironton, Knox Co., Licking, Lyme, Margaretta, Maumee Valley, Medina Co., Muskingum Co., N. Haven, New London, North Bend, Norwalk, Norwich, Oxford, Perkins, Peru, Portland, Richmond, Ridgefield, Ripley, Ruggles, St. Albans, Seneca Co., Sherman, Summit Co., Tallmadge, Toledo, Townsend, Union, Wakeman, Wash ington Go. See LOSSING, B. J. Pictorial Descript. of. 1848. ; Washington s Journal to, 1753. (Central,) Lunatic Asylum. 22d and 30th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1861, 69. 8vo. , (Northern,) Lunatic Asylum. 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 13th, 14th, 16th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1856-71. 8vo. (Southern,) Lunatic Asylum. 3d and 14th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1858, 1869. 8vo. Messages of Governors. 1857, 60, 68. Columbus, 1857, 60, 68. 8vo. MICHAUX, F. A. Travels in. 1802. Moravian Missions. See HILDEETH, S. P. Northern Boundary. Message and Docs, relating to, June 8 and Dec. 8, 1835. Report of Select Comm. on same. 1835. Columbus, 1835. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See WALKER, S. C. Longitude of Stations, etc. See NYE, A. Address on Early* Hist. of. Official Reports of Debates and Proceedings of the Conven tion, called to alter, revise or amend the Constitution of the State, held at Columbus and Cincin., 1850. Columbus, 1851. 2 Vols. 8vo. Olden Time, The. Penitentiary. Ann. Reports for 1852, 1867,68, 70. Colum bus. 8vo. Pioneer Biography. See McBRiDE, Jas. Butler Co. Settlers Politics. See CHASE, S. P. - HENDRY, A. W. Early Polit. Divisions of the Fire Lands, etc. .THE/ \ 172 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OHIO Prest. Church in. See MONFORT, Rev. J. G. Hist. Discourse. 1872. Reform School Commissioners. 5th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1861, 1871. 8vo. . Report of Legislative Comm. on State Rights. Columbus, 1859. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. Joint Comm. of Gen. Assembly upon Public Institutions and Buildings. Columbus, 1857. 8vo. River. Description of. "Western Review. Vol. 1. See ELLET, C. Improvem t of Navigation of. HILDRETH, S. P. Hist, of the Floods in the Ohio. THOMAS, Fred W. Reflections while Descending the Ohio R. School Commissioners. Ann. Reports for 1854, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 68. Columbus, 1855-1869. 8vo. Circular of Commissioner. Columbus, 1859. 8vo. School Laws, accompanied by Forms,* etc. Columbus, 1858. 8vo. System. See TAYLOR, Jas. W. Manual of. 1857. Secretary of State. Ann. Report for 1860, 67, 68, 70. Columbus. Svo. Report on Condition of Common Schools, for 1853. Columbus, 1854. Svo. Sixth Reg t. See HANNAFORD, E. Story of a Reg t. Seventh Reg t. See WOOD, Geo. L. Record of. Sons of Temperance. Journal of Proceedings of the Grand Division, at Semi- Ann. Session at Marietta, May, 1851, Svo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Southern Boundary Line. Dist. Court of Hamilton Co. John Sebastian vs. Covington and Cincin. Bridge Company, Cincin. n. d. Svo. Cincin. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Southwestern State Normal School, Lebanon 3d Ann. Cat alogue for 1857. Lebanon. 8vo. Special Message of the Governor. Mar. 12, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 48. See STAGG, A. Biograph. Sketches of Ohio Senate, 1864. State Asylum for the Education of Idiots, etc. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th, Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1858-1871. Svo. State Board of Agriculture. Reports for 1857, 1867, 1868. State Business Directory. Cincin., 1853. 8vo. State Christian Anti- Slavery Convention. Proceedings at Columbus, Aug., 1859. Svo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. State Colonization Soc y. Brief Exposition of Views of the Soc y for Coloniza. in Africa. Columbus, 1827. Svo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. State Council. Constitution, Rules, etc. 1854. Report of President, 1855. Cincin. 12mo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. State Gas Commissioner. Ann. Report for 1868. Columbus, 1869. Svo. State House Commissioners. Ann. Report for 1856. Columbus, 1856. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 173 OHIO State Supt. Ann. Report for 1868. Columbus, 1869. 8vo. State Library. Catalogue of. Dec., 1848. Columbus, 1848. 8vo. llth-26th Ann. Reports. Columbus, 1857-1872. 8vo. State Medical Society. Transactions of Ann. Meetings. Cincin., 1854. 1857. State S. S. Convention. (M. E. Ch.) Minutes of the Meeting at Delaware, May, 1865. Cincin., 1865. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Supervisor of Public Printing. Ann. Report for 1868. Columbus, 1869. 8vo. Supreme Court. Board of Education of Cincin. et al. vs. J. D. Minor et al. (Bible in Pub. Schools.) Cincin., 1870. 8vo. Cincin. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See GOODMAN, A. T. Judges of the Supreme Court, 1803-1852. The Tax Law of Ohio, so far as relates to Personal Property. Columbus, 1858. 8vo. See TAYLOR, J. W. History of, 1650-1787. Ten Days in Ohio; from the Diary of a Naturalist, 1832. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 25. Theological Seminary. Facts, etc., relating to the Endow ments of. Gambier, 1849. 8vo. Ohio College Pamph. See Topograph. Descrip. of Ohio, etc., 1812. Tour in Ohio in 1835, to the Falls of the Cuyahoga. From the Diary of a Naturalist. Silliman s Jour. Vol. 31. Treasurer of State. Ann. Reports for 1856, 68, 71. Colum bus. 8vo. University. See COGESHALL, W. T. SAFFORD, W. H. Valley. See HILDRETH, S. P. Geol. of, 1836. Hist. Series. See McBRiDE, Jas. Pioneer Biography. Miscellanies. 1. Tour in Ohio, Ky., and Indiana Ter. in 1805, by J. Espy. 2. "Western Campaigns in the War of 1812, by Sam l. Williams. 3. The Leatherwood God, by R. H. Taneyhill. Cincin., 1871. 8vo. Wesleyan Female College, Delaware, Ohio. 8th. Annual Catalogue, for 1861. Cincin. 8vo. University, Delaware, Ohio. Catalogue of Officers and Students for 1850-51. Catalogue of the Zetagathean Literary Soc. 1860. Ravenna and Cincin. 8vo. See WHITTLESEY, C. Agricult. Interest etc. of. 1845. First White Settlers of, Fugitive Essays. Topograph and Hist. Sketch of. 1872. Women s Rights Convention. Proceedings at Akron, Ohio, May 28 and 29, 1851. Cincin. 1851. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. OJIBBEWA Indians. Short Hist, and Descrip. of the Ojibewa Indians now on a Visit to England. Lond., 1844. 12mo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 5. 174 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OJIBEWA New Testament. See Bibles and Parts thereof. O ka buke hua mua e ao ai i ka heluhelu palapala i ike ai hoi na haumana hawaii nei i ka pono maoli. Oahu (Sandwich Islands) 1832. 12mo. O-KE-PAH. See CATLIN, Geo. Religious Ceremony of the Mandans. OKEE, Dr. Thos. Verney. Observations upon the Fever lately prevalent in Cambridge. (Eng.) Cambridge, 1815. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 30. OLCOTT Family Genealogy. See GOODWIN, Nathanl. OLCOTT, T. W. Address before the Albany Phrenolog. Society,. Apr. 2, 1840- Scientific Pamph. Vol. 21. 8vo. OLD Abe s Jokes, fresh from Abraham s bosom. N. Y., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. . Vol. 97. Colony and Newport R. R. Co. 1st Ann. Report of Directors, Boston, 18G4. 8vo. Mass. R. R. Reports. Vol. 3. . R. R. Co. See DERBY, E. H. Argument before Mass. Legislative Comm., 1848. OLDEN (The) Time. A Monthly, devoted to the Preservation of of Documents relating to the early Explora. and Settlement of the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Edited by N. B. Craig. Vols 1, 2. Cincin., 1846-8. 8vo. OLDEN Time in N. York. By those who Knew. N. Y., 1833. 12mo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. OLD England s Worthies: a Gallery of Portraits of Statesmen. Lond., 1853. 4to. Guard (The). Magazine. Vols. 5 and 6. 1867, 68. Hicks the Guide. See WEBBER, C. W. Indian Chronicle. See DRAKE, S. G. Merchants of New York. See BARRETT, W. OLDMIXON, J. Hist, of Carolina; Account of that Colony, originally published in the Hist, of the British Empire in America, 1708. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C. Vol. 2. OLD Northern Runic Monuments. See STEPHENS, Geo. NUTPIELD, N. H. See Londonderry Celebra., 1870. REDSTONE, See SMITH, Rev. Joseph. OLDS, E. B. Speech for which he was arrested, and his Reception Speeches on his Return from the Bastile, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Speech in Cong., Feb. 15, 1855, on the Collins Line of Steam ers. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Jan. 23, 1863, on the Conduct of the War, Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. OLIPHANT, Edw. Hist, of N. America and the U. States. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1801. 8vo. OLIPHANT, Laurence. Minnesota and the Far West. Lond, 1855. 12mo. Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the Autumn of 1852. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. OLIVE BRANCH: or, the Herald of Peace and Truth to All Saints. Kirtland, Ohio. 1848-60. Leaf Circles, their Objects, etc. n. d. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 175 OLIVER, Dan l. Address before the N. H. Hist. Soc. June 9, 1836. Collections. Vol. 5. . Official Guide to the Kew Museums. Lond., 1866. 8vo.- Guide Books. Vol. 10. OLIVER GENEALOGY. See WHITMORE, W. H. Hutchirison and Oliver Genealogy. OLIVER, Henry K. Address at the Dedication of the School House on Broad St., Salem, Mar. 18, 1856. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Lecture on Teacher s Morals and Manners, at Keene, N. H. Aug. 1851. Boston. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 4. OLIVER, Mary. Genealogy of. See APPLETON, W. S. OLIVER, John. 3 Tracts on Protection. Lond., 1849? 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 55. OLMSTEAD, Lemuel G. Reminiscences of the Early Hist, of Alex andria, Va. Hist. Mag. Vol. 7. OLMSTEAD Co., Minn. See MITCHELL, W. H. Hist. of. 1866. OLMSTEAD, Denison. Introduction to Nat. Philosophy. 2d Ed. N. Haven, 1835. 8vo. Memoir of the Life of Eli Whitney. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 81. On the Gold Mines of N. Carolina. 1825. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 9. See WOOLSEY, Theo. D. Commem. Disc., 1859. OLMSTED, Fred. L. Journey in the Seaboard Slave States. N. Y.,. 1859. 12mo. Journey Through Texas: or, A Saddle Trip on the S. West ern Frontier. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. Walks and Talks of an Amer. Farmer in England. New Re vised Ed. Columbus, O. 1859. 12mo. OLMSTED GENEALOGY. See THOMAS, E. L. Olmsted Fam. of N. Eng. 1869. OLMSTED, VAUX & Co. Report on the Proposed City Park. Al bany, 1868. 8vo. Albany Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. OLMUTZ, Germany. Pile-Work Antiquities of. Smithson. Report. 1866. OLNEY, Capt. Stephen. See WILLIAMS, Mrs. C. R. Biography of.. OMAHA, Neb. See COLLINS, C. Directory, 1866. OMNIBUS (The.) See FROST, John. ONDERDONK, Bishop B. T. Proceedings at N. Y. on the Trial of. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. See TRAPIER, Paul. Narrative of Facts etc. Sermon at N. York, at Funeral of B p John H. Hobart, Sept. 16, 1830. N. Y., 1830. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 28. ONDERDONK, Henry, Jr. Documents and Letters intended to Il lustrate the Revolutionary Incidents of Queens Co., N. Y. N. Y., 1846. 12mo. Queens Co., L. I. in Olden times. Jamaica, N. Y., 1865. 4to. ONDERDONK, Henry U. D. D. See Reply to a Letter against his Consecration. ONE Hundred and Fifteenth N. Y. Volunteers. See CLARK, J. H.- 176 wiscoxsiir HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ONEIDA, Baptist Assoc. Minutes of the Jubilee Annivers., held at at Whitesboro, N. Y., Sept. 6 and 7, 1870. Utica, 1870. 8vo. Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. See LARRABEE, W. C. Inaug. Address, 1831. Co., N. Y. See JONES, P. Annals of. Medical Society. By-Laws of, with a System of Med. Ethics, etc. Utica. 1833. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 33. Indians. HOUGH, F. B. O NEiL, Chas. Military Adventures in the Continental Campaign, 1811-1815. Worcester, 1851. 12mo. O NEILL, Mayor. Valedict. and Inaug. Addresses before Common Council of Milwaukee, April 21st, 1868. Milwaukee, 1868. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 18. O NEILL, Thos. Treatise on the Eighteen Manoeuvres, with Ob servations on the Interior Regulation of Military Companies, etc. Lond., 1805. 8vo. Scientific Pamph., etc. Vol. 27. ONEONTA. See SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. ONONDAGA Co., N. Y. See CLARK, J. V. H. Hist. of. ONONDAGA, N. Y. Papers relating to the First Settlement at Onondaga, 1654-8. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. Salt Springs. Report of Commissioners relative to, etc., 1825. Ann. Reports of the Supt., 1852, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 64. Albany, 1825-1864. 8vo. ONSLOW, Serjeant. Substance of his Speech in Parlt., Apr. 27, 1814, on the Bill concerning Apprentices, etc. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. Nov. 22, 1814, on the " Liberty of the Subject." Lond. 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 5. May 23, 1816, on the Rate of Interest. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 8. ONTARIO and Erie Ship Canal Co. Information relating to the proposed Charter. Niagara, 1869. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol 5. Presbytery, N. Y. See PAGE, Rev. J. R. Semi-Centen. Ser mon. 1867. ONTWA; the Son of the Forest. A Poem; with Hist. Illustrations on the Indians, and Western History, 1822. 12mo. OOLOGY. See BREWER, T. M. N. Amer. Oology. See Ornithology. SAMUELS, E. A. Ornithol. and Oology of N. England. Smithsonian Institution. Instructions, etc. OPAL. Magazine of Patients of N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum. Vcls. 2, 3. Utica, 1862-3. 2 Vols. Svo. OPENING of the Mississippi; or Two Years Campaigns in in the S. West. A Record of the Campaigns, Sieges, etc of the 8th Wis. Vol s. Madison, 1860. Svo. OPINIONS as to the Real State of the Nation, with Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled, " The Administration of the Affairs of G Britain," etc. Lond., 1823. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 21. of a Man who wishes to be Governor of Penn. Rebell n Pamph. 1860 Vol. 33. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 177 OPINIONS of the Early Presidents and Fathers of the Republic on Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. OPIUM. See MARTIN, R. M. Opium in China. Statement of Claims of British Subjects interested in Opium. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 25. Trade. See ALLEN, Nathan. Hist of, 1853. FRY, W. S. English Trade with China, 1840. WARREN, Sam l. Opium Question, 1840. OPPOSITION (The). Lond., 1755. 8vo. Eng Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. OPTICS. See CLARK, J. H., on the Preservation of Sight. ORACLES. Influence of Ancient Oracles in Public and Private Life. An Essay. Oxford, 1835. Svo. Hist. Pamph., &c. Vol. 10. ORANGE Co., N. Y. Census, of. 1702. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol 1. See EAGER, S. W. Hist. of. SHEPARD, C. U. Geol. of. 1832. STICKNEY, C. E. Hist, of Minisink, N. Y. ORANGE, N. J. See HOYT, Rev. J. Hist, of 1st Presb. Ch. New Eng. Soc y of. Constitution and By-Laws, 1870, 71, 72. N. Y., 1871, 72. ISmo. ORATION written for the 4th of July, 1863. Phila., 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 30. ORATIONS. See Speeches. Volumes of. ORATIONS. July 4. See ADAMS, Chas. F. Quincy, Mass., 1856. ADAMS, J. Q. Boston, 1831. ALGER, W. R. Boston, 1857. ALLEN, S. C. Greenfield, 1812. ARMSTRONG, J. W. Lowville, N. Y., 1861. ATHERTON, Chas. H. Amherst. N. H., 1798. AUSTIN, Sam l. Worcester, Mass., 1798. BANCROFT, G. N. Y., 1862. BARNARD, D. D. Albany, 1835. BARNARD, F. A. P. Tuscaloosa, 1851. BATES, Isaac C. Northampton, 1805. BECKER, A. 1852. BIGELOW, Tim. Boston, 1853. BLAKE, Francis, Worcester, Mass., 1812. Boston. Report of Celebration, 1858. CARY, Thos. G. Boston, 1847. - CHANDLER, P. W. Boston, 1844. - Chicago Celebra., 1862. CHILD, Asa. Norwich, 1838. CLARKE, Rev. W. Buffalo, 1862. CURTIS, G. T. Boston, 1862. GUSHING. C. Boston, 1833. DANFORTH, T. Boston, 1804. DODGE, W. S. Sitka, 1868. DUNLAP, Andrew. Salem, Mass., 1819. DWIGHT, W. T. Portland, Me, 1861. EVERETT, E. Boston, 1853, 60. Dorchester, 1855. N. Y., 1861. FONDEY, W. H. Albany, 1838. FORREST, E. N. Y., 1838. i^s WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ORATIONS. July 4. GREENOUGH, Wm. W. Boston, 1849. . GRENNEL, G-. Northampton, 1811. GRIMKE, Thos. S. Charleston, S. C., 1833. HALL, A. O. Albany, 1859. _ . HAMMOND, Chas. Union, Conn., 1853. . . HARRISON, R. A. London, Ohio, 1863. . . HOLLISTER, Gideon, H. Litchfield, Conn., 1842. . . HOLMES, O. W. Boston, 1863. . HOWE, Rev. Jas. H. North East, N. Y., 1845. JAMES, Henry. Newport, R. I., 1861. JAY, J., Mt. Kisco, N. Y., 1861. . . JENNINGS, Rev. Eben. Plainfield, Mass., 1836. KETCHUM, Hiram. New Haven, 1851. KILGORE, D. Y. 1869. LORING, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators. LYMAN, Theo., Jr. Boston, 1829. McCoRMicK, R. C. Jamaica, L. I., 1863. . MASON, Wm. P. Boston, 1827. MAY, S. J. Jamestown, N. Y., 1856. MERRICK, Pliny. Worcester, Mass., 1817. MERRICK, R. T. 1852. MILLS, E. H. Northampton, 1813. . . MINER, Rev. A. A. Boston, 1855. NICHOLS, Ichabod. Salem, Mass., 1805. PARKER, E. G. Boston, 1856. PARSONS. Theoph. Boston, 1861. PUGH, J. H. Burlington, N. J., 1862. RANTOUL, R. Gloucester, 1833. RUSSELL, C. T. Boston, 1851. SILLIMAN, Benj. Hartford, Conn., 1862. SKINNER, A. N. New Haven, 1834. - SMITH, J. Hyatt. Guilderland, N. Y., 1844. SPRAGUE, C. Boston, 1825. STONE, Rev. A. L. Boston, 1854. SULLIVAN, "W. Boston, 1803. SUMNER, Chas. Boston, 1845. : SUMNER, G. Boston, 1859. ULLMAN, Dan l. Wilmington, Del., 1855. UPHAM, Rev. C. W. Salem, 1842. WALL, J. W. Newark, N. J., 1863. - WHIPPLE, E. P. Boston, 1850. , WINTHROP, R. C. Washington, 1848. WOODWORTH, W. Albany, 1834. ORATORS of France; by Timon, Viscount de Cornelin, with Intro ductory Essay by J. T. Headley. 4th Ed. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. ORATORY. See ADAMS, J. Q. Lectures on, and Rhetoric. HARSHA, D. A. Orators and Statesmen. MAGOOK, E. L. Eloquence of Colonial Times. MOORE, F. Amer. Eloquence. ORCHARD Houses. See RIVERS, T. < SAUNDERS, Wm. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 179 ORDERLY BOOK of that portion of the Amer. Army stationed near Williamsburg, Va., under Command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, with Notes by Chas. Campbell. Richmond. 1860. 8vo. of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Indepen dence, from Oct. 17, 1776, to Jan. 8, 1777, with Biograph. and Explanatory Notes. Albany, 1859. 4to. ORDER of AMER. KNIGHTS; or Sons of Liberty. A Report from Judge Advocate General. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 23. ORDERS AND CONSTITUTIONS, partly Collected out of His Majesty s Letters Patents and Ordained by the Companie of Virginia, 1619-20. FORCE S Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. in Council, 1660-1 to 1692. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 2. ORDINANCE OF 1787. See COLES, Edw. Hist. of. Hist. of. " Olden Time." Vol. 2. OREGON. See ALLEN, A. J. Ten Years in Oregon. and Eldorado. See BULLFINCH, Thos. 1866. See Congress. Speeches. Oregon Question. 1846. Cram Topograph. Memoir and Report. 1859. DANA, J. C. Notes on. DE SMET, P. J. Oregon Missions. DUNN, John. Hist, of Oregon Terr y. 1844. FALCONER, T. Discov. of the Mississippi and Oregon. FARNHAM, T. J. Hist. of. 1844. Travels in. FRANCHERE, G. Settlement at Astoria. - FREMONT, J. C. Exploring Exped. to. GALLATIN, A. Oregon Question. GRAY, W. F. Hist, of, 1792-1849. GREENHOW, R. Hist, of Oregon and Cal. Memo, of N. West Coast of N. America. 1840. HINES, Rev. G. History, Condition and Prospects. 1851. HITTELL, J. S. Resources of Cal., Oregon, etc. HOWISON, N. M. Soil, Climate, etc., of. 1847. Indians. See Sketches of Mission Life. JOHNSON, T. F. Cal. and Oregon, 1865. IRVING, W. Astoria. its Advantages as an Agricultural and Commercial State. Portland, 1870. Svo. Oregon Pamph. Vol. 1. its Resources, Soil, Climate and Prodnctions- Jacksonville, 1871. Svo. Oregon Pamph. Vol. 1. Map of the Western Portion of. 1871. Mission. See HINES, Rev. G. History of, 1850. Sketches of Mission Life . See PARKMAN, F. Cal. and Oregon Trail. ROBERTSON, Wm. Jr. Our Right and Title, etc. 1846. SAGE, R. B. Scenes in. Statistics of the State of. Published by the State Agr. Soc. Salem, 1869. Svo. Oregon Pamph. Vol. 1. Twiss, T. History and Discovery of. i So WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henry. Origin and Objects of the Slaveholders Con spiracy. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. . -- Sketches of Rochester; with incidental Notices of Western N. Y. Rochester, 1838. 12mo. __ The Great Questions of the Times involved in the Slavehold ers Rebell n. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 57. ORFORD, N. H. Account of Centen. Celebra., Sept. 7, 1865, with Hist. Additions. Manchester, 8vo. N . H., Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. ORIGIN, Object and Operation of the Apprentice Laws of England; with their Application, etc. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphlet eer. Vol. 3. - of the Narrative of the Onondaga Tradition of Hia-a-wat-ha; and Corres. relative thereto. Syracuse and N. Y., 1856. 4to. ORIGINAL Letters of Eminent Literary Men, etc. See Camden So ciety Publica. ORIGINS et progres de la Mission du Kentucky. Paris, 1821. Svo. ORKNEY. Antiquities. See PETRIE, Geo. ORLEANS Co., Vt. See WHITE, Rev. Pliny H. Hist, of Cong. Churches, etc. 1868. ORLEANS, Mass. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 8. - - See PRATT, E. Comprehen. Hist. of. ORMSBY, R. Me K. Hist, of the Whig Party; or some of its Main Features. 2d Ed. Boston, 1860. 12mo. ORNITHOLOGY. See AGASSIZ, L. Lake Superior. -- AUDUBON, J. J. Ornith. Biog. U. S. -- LsMoiNE, J. M. Paper on the Birds of Canada. - Natural Hist, of Birds. - TURNBULL, W. P. Birds of E. Penn. -- SAMUELS, E. A. Ornithol. of N. England. - WILSON, Alex. American Ornithol. ORONO, Jos. Indian Chief. See WILLIAMSON, W. D. ORR, Jas. L. Reasons for Joining the Repub. Party in S. Carolina. 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. - Speech in Cong., Feb. 24, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. ---- June 9, 1852, on the Presidency. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. --- April 7, 1854, on Indian Affairs. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. ORTH, Godlove S. Speech in Cong., Jan. 13, 1864, on Treason and its Punishment. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 9. ---- Jan. 5 an d 6, 1871, on Troubles in Paraguay. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. ORTHOGRAPHY. See HARE, J. C., on English Orthog. - See Philology. ORTON, Hon. Harlow S. Address before Wis. State Agricult. Soc., Oct. 1855. Transactions, 1855. -- The History and Development of Races. Address before the State Hist. Soc. of Wis., Feb. 23, 1869. Madison, 1869. Svo. Wis. State Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 181 ORTON, J. R. Camp Fires of the Red Men; or a Hundred Years Ago. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. ORTON, Wm. Argument before the Select Comm. of the U. S. House of Repr., on Postal Telegraph. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 117. OSAGE Indians. Four Pamphlets on the Osage Treaty of 1868. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. Indian Reservation. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Co. Petition, etc. 1869. Mission. See Letters on, etc. 1831. OSBORN, Ebenezer. Obit. Record of Fitchville, O., Pioneers. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 9. OSBORN, O. Field Notes of Geology. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Another Copy. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 12. OSBORN, Sherard. The Polar Regions; or a Search after Sir John Franklin s Expedition. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. OSBORNE, Alick. Present State and Prospects of Society in New South Wales. Lond., 1833. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 27. OSCEOLA. See Narrative of Early Life, etc. OSGOOD, Geo. Hist. Sketch of North Danvers; or Danvers Plains, Mass. Salem, 1855. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 10. OSGOOD, J. B. F. Joseph Barlow Felt, LL.D. A Biograph. Sketch. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 24. OSGOOD, Rev. Sam l. Annivers. Disc, before N. Y. Hist. Soc., Nov. 20, 1866, on N. Y. in the 19th Century. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. N. Y., Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 4. OSHKOSH, Wis. Biograph. and Statist. Hist, of Oshkosh, 1867. 8vo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 1. Courier, Newspaper. May, 1854, to Dec., 1863. Folio. Deutsche Zeitimg, Newspaper. Sept., 1857, to Dec., 1859. Folio. Directory for 1857. Oshkosh, 1857. 12mo. Journal. 1868-72. 1 Vol. Lithographed View of the City. Oshkosh, 1871. Northwestern, Newspaper. 1860-66. Folio. Times. 1869-.72. 1 Vol. OSSOLI, Margaret Fuller. At Home and Abroad, in America and Europe. Boston, 1856. 12mo. OSWALD, H. R, Vestigia Insulae Manniae Antiquiora; Disserta tion on the Armorial Bearings of the Isle of Man. Douglas, 1860. 8vo. OSWEGO & Utica R. R. Co. Report of Chief Engineer to Direc tors. 1837. N. Y., 1837. 8vo. OSWEGO Co., N. Y. See CLARK, J. V. H. Notes on the Towns of. OSWEGO, N. Y., Educa. Convention. Proceedings, Feb., 1862. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. Normal and Training School. Ann. Report, with Catalogue. 1866. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Palladium, Newspaper. June, 1847, to June, 1849. Folio. Papers relating to the. First Settlement and Capture of Fort Oswego. 1727-56. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. 1 82 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. O! TEMPORA. Phil a, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 76. OTIS, Arnos. Ace. of the Discovery of an Ancient Ship on the Eastern Shore of Cape Cod. Albany, 1864. 8vo. N. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 1. OTIS, Harrison G. Address to the City Council, on the Removal of the Municipal Gov t. Boston, 1830, 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 32. Eulogy on Gen. Alex. Hamilton. Boston, July 26, 1804. Boston, 1804. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 25. See LOTHROP, Rev. S. K. Obit. Sermon. 1848. OTIS, Jas. See BOWEN, F. Life of. The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved. 3d Ed. corrected. Lond., re-printed 1766. Amer. Tracts. Vol. 1. See TUDOR, Wm. Life of. 1823. Vindica. of the British Colonies in America. Lond., re-printed 1769. Svo. OTIS, John. Speech in Cong., Mar. 27, 1850, on Wood-worth s Patent. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. OTLEY, Joria. Description of Eng. Lakes, and adjacent Mountains. Keswick, 1825. 12mo. 2d Ed. Guide Books. Vol. 25. OTRANTO, Duke of. Correspondence with the Duke of Wellington. 1st Letter. Lond., 1816. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 77. OTSEGO Co., N. Y. See BEARDSLEY, L. Reminiscences of. OTTLEY, Wm. Y. Letter on a Mss. of the 2d or 3d century, with a Translation of Aratus. Astronom. Poem by CICERO, with Drawings. See Rosetta STONE. OTTO, . Memoir on the Discovery of America. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. Vol. 2. OTHOMI Language. See NAXERA, E. OUDE, Hindostan. See LEWIS, Malcolm. Gov t of. OUGHT France to Worship the Bonapartes? Lond., 1863. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 15. OUR Military Experience, and what it Suggests. Baltimore, 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 1. National Defences. Lond., 1852. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 32. New West. See BOWLES, Sam l. Travels West of the Mis sissippi. 1870. Pastor s Offering; a Compilation of Writings of the Pastors of the 2d Ch. Boston, 1845. 12mo. Soldiers and Sailors: what they said and did 011 the 10th Annivers. of the Battle of Antietam, at Pittsburg, 1872. N. Y., 1872. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 110. OUTLINES of a Plan of Finance: proposed to be submitted to Parliament. 1813. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Of Moral Exercises for Public Schools. Cincin., 1871. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. OUTRAM, Lieut. Col. See CHAPMAN, John. Baroda and Bombay, etc. OUVAROFF.( ). Essai sur les Mysteres D Eleusis. St. Peters burg, 1815. Svo. 2d. Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 183 OVEKBURY, Eng. See RAUTHMELL, R. Roman Antiquities of Overborough. 1746. OVIEDO, Fernandez de. Historia general y natural de las Indias, Islas y tierra-firme del mar oceano. Madrid, 1851-55. 4 Vols. Folio. OVIEDO, Gouzalo F. Histoire du Nicaragua; See Ternaux, Voy ages. Vol. 14. OWEN, David D. See Arkansas Geolog. Survey. 1857-60. Indiana Geolog. Survey. 1837. Kentucky Geolog. Survey. 1854-59. Report of a Geolog. Explora. of part of Iowa, Wiskonsin and 111. made in 1839. Washington, 1840. 8vo. Same, with Charts and Illustrations. Senate Doc. 28th, Congr. 1844. No. 407, 1st Sess. - Report of a Geolog. Reconnoissance of the Chippewa Land District of Wis., and the N. part of Iowa. Washington, 1848. Svo. Report of a Geolog. Survey of Wis., Iowa, Minn., and a part of Nebraska Terr. Phila., 1852. 4to. OWEN, Rev. J. B. Young England, its Ins and Outs: a Lecture. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 12. OWEN, Rob t. Address to the Human Race, on his 84th Birthday, May 14, 1854. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol.52. Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 11. Address at the Meeting in St. Martin s Hall, Lond., Jan. 1, 1855. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 53. Syllabus of Lectures at Lond., on Socialism. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. OWEN, Robert Dale. Emancipation is Peace. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. On the Policy of Emancipation. Phil a, 1863. 12mo. Re bell n Pamph. 4 and 100. Speech in Cong., June 19, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. The Conditions of Reconstruction. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. The Future of the Northwest in connection with Reconstruc tion. Phil a, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 1, 90, 91. Wrongs of Slavery, the Right of Emancipation and Future of of the African Race. Phil a, 1864. 8vo. OXFORD, County, Eng. See BREWER, J. R. Topograph. and Hist. Description of. and Cambridge Mission to Central Africa. Report of a Meet ing in Cambridge, in 1859. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 59. Diocesan Ch. Building Soc y. Report for 1861. Oxford, 1862. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 92, Diocesan Comm. for Propaga. ot Gospel in Foreign Parts. 14thRep t. Oxford, 1837. 12mo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 75. Guide. Description of the Colleges, Halls, Public Buildings, etc., in Oxford. Oxford, n. d. 8vo. Guide Books. Vol. 1. 1 84 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OXFORD University. See ACLAND, H. W. Formation of an Initia tive Board, etc., 1854. AMIIERST, N. Hist, of, 1754. BARROW, J. Case of Queen s Coll., 1854. The Foundation of the Faith assailed in Oxford; a Letter to the Archb p of Canterbury. Loud., 1835. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 89. See MAURICE, Rev. Peter. Popery in Oxford, 1833. & City Guide, with Descript. of Blenheim and Nuneham. Oxford, 1821. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 3. Specimen Quaestionum, Juris Civilis cum Designatione Authorum a quibus in utramque partem discutuintur. Oxon. 1653. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol.1. Letter to Lord Russel on the Constitutional Defects of the University, etc. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 56. OXFORD, Mass. See HOLMES, A. French Protestants at. OXFORD, Ohio and the Miami University. See M BRIDE, Jas. See DRAKE, F. D. Settlement of. OXFORD, Wis. Republican Express. Newspaper. Sept. to Dec. 1859. Folio. Bound with Sauk and Juneau Co. Papers. OXNARD, Martha P. and her Descendants. From the Preble Gene alogy. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 2. OZARK Mountains. See SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. P. PACIFIC Slope. See BROWN, J. R. Mineral Resources of. Rail-Road. A Collection of Surveys and Explorations pub lished by the War Department. Washington, 1855-60. Vols. 1 to 10, and Parts 1 and 2 of Vol. 12. See Congress. Speeches. HEAP, G. H. Central Route to the Pacific. 1854. Kansas and Pacific R. R. National Plan for an Atlantic and Pacific R. R. 1849. Cong, and Polit Pamph. Vol. 50, See PEYTON, J. L. Suggestions on. 1853. PIKE, A. Remarks on. 1849. POOR, H. V. Paper on its Importance, etc. 1854 - Report of Sec. of Interior on Pacific R. R. Washington, 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 79. Report of Majority of U. S. Senate Com. on Pacific R. R. 1869. Congr, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 115. See WILKES, Geo. Proposal for. 1847. Northern Pacific R. R. Union Pacific R. R. PACKARD, Alpheus S., D. D. Address on the Life and Character of William Smyth, D. D., before the Alumni of Bowdom College, July 7, 1868. Brunswick, 1868. 8vo. Bowdom Coll. Pamph. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 185 PACKARD, Alpheus S., D. D. Hist, of The Bunker Hill Monument. Portland, 1853. 8 vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. Maine, Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. PACKARD, Rev. Asa. Description of Marlborough in the County of Middlesex, Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. PACKARD, Chester W. Sectional and Township Map of Waupaca County, Wis. Waupaca, 1871. Sheet. PACKARD, Fred. A. Mem. of a late Visit to Hospitals, Prisons, etc., in France, Scotland and England. Phil a, 1840. Svo. (Placed with Penn. Reports on Prison Disc.) PACKARD, Theoph. History of Churches and Ministers of Frank lin Assoc., Mass. Boston, 1854. Svo. PACKER Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Circulars and Cata logue, 1858. N. Y., 1858. Svo. PACKER, Gov. W. F. Message of the Gov. of Penn. to Legislature, 1861. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 68. PADDOCK, Rev. John A. Hist. Disc, at Stratford, Conn., March 28, 1855. N. Y., 1855. Svo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. PAGE, Aug. Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller; or Topo graph. and Genealog. Collections concerning that County. Ipswich, 1844. Svo. PAGE, Harlan M. Alumni Address at Beloit College, July 10, 1861, Madison, 1861. Svo. Beloit Coll. Pamph. PAGE, Gov. John. Memoirs of, written by himself. Va. Hist. Reg. Vol. 3. PAGE, Rev. Jos. R. Hist. Sermon before the Presbytery of Ontario, at its Semi-Centen. Celebra., 3367. Rochester, 1867. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. PAGE, Capt. Sam l. Journal kept during the Campaign of 1779. Essex Institute Coll. Vols. 4, 5. PAGE, Thos. Eligibility of Milford Haven, for Ocean Steam Ships, for a Naval Arsenal. Lond., 1859. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 21. PAGE, Dr. W. E. Introductory Address at St. George s Hospital, Oct. 3, 1864. Lond., Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 18. PAGES from the Ecclesiastical Hist, of N. England. See BURGESS, Geo. PAGET, John. Hungary and Transylvania. Phil a, 1850. 2 Vols. Svo. PAINE, Chas. See GANNETT, Rev. E. S. Funeral Sermon. PAINE Family Register; a Genealogy. Albany. 1857. 4to. PAINE, Halbert E, Speech in Cong., Mar. 27, 1866, on the Bank rupt Bill. Congr. and Pilit. Pamph. 121. Jan. 6, 1868, on payment of Soldiers Bounties. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Jan. 16, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. PAINE, Dr. Martyn. Institutes of Medicine. N. Y., 1854. Svo. Revised Ed. N. Y., 1867. Svo. Lecture on the Physiology of Digestion, before the Medical Class of the University of the City of N. Y. N. Y., 1844-5, Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 2. i86 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PAINE, Dr. Martyn. Medical and Physiolog. Commentaries. N. Y., 1840. 3 Vols. 8vo. Memoir of Robert Troup Paine, pr. printed. N. Y., 1852. 4to. Review of Theoretical Geology. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 4. . Valedict. Address at the Medical Commencement of the Uni versity of N. Y., Mar. 11, 1846. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 2. PAINE, Robt. Treat. Astronom. Observations taken in connexion with a Trigonometrical Survey of the State of Mass. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 9. PAINE, Robt. Troup. See PAINE, Dr. M. Memoir of. PAINE, Robt. T. Jr. Resumption of Specie Payments. Boston, 1868. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 41. PAINE, Thayer, Wales & White, Genealogies. Hingham, 1835. 8vo. PAINE, Thos. Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America. New Ed. with Address to the Quakers. Lond., 1776. 8vo. Paine s Tracts, Vol. 2. Also Polit. Tracts, Vol. 1. Phila. 1776. Also Amer. Tracts, Vol. 3. 1776. Dissertation on First Principles of Govt. Lond., 1795. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 1. See ERSKINE, T. Speech on the Publication of the Age of Reason, etc. Letter from a Magistrate on his Rights of Men. Letter to Abbe Raynal, on Affairs of N. America, and the Mistakes in his Account of the Revolution. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 2. Amer. Tracts. Vol. 5. See Amer. Tracts. 1776-1788. Letter to Geo. Washington, Pres t of the U. S. Lond., 1796. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. Letter to the Addressers of the late Proclamation. Lond., 1792. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 1. Letter to the People of France. Lond., 1792. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. Letter to Hon. Thomas Erskine on the Prosecution of Thos. Williams, for publishing the " Age of Reason." Paris, 1797. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. Letters of, to the Citizens of America after an absence of fifteen years in Europe; with Letters between him and Gen. Washington. Lond., 1804. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. Miscellaneous Articles. Lond., 1792. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. See PHOTEST (A) Against his " Rights of Man." Rights of Man: being an Answer to Mr. Burkes Attack on the French Revolution. Parts 1 and 2. 7th. Ed. Lond., 1791. See Vol. 1. Paine s Tracts. The Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology. Part 1. Paris, 1794. Part 2. Lond., 1795. 8vo. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 187 PAINE, Thos. The Amer. Crisis. Nos. 1 to 14; (Nos. 11 and 13 wanting.) Lond. n. d. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. The Cause of Yellow Fever, and the Means of Preventing it. Lond., 1807. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 4. The Decline and Fall of the Eng. System of Finance. Paris, 1796. Paine s Tracts. Vol. 3. See WATSON, R. Letters to. 1828. PAINE, Wm., M. D. Address before the Amer. Antiq. Soc y, Oct. 23, 1815. Worcester, 1815. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 33. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Proceed. 1813-55. PAINTERS AND SCULPTORS. See CUNNINGHAM, A. SPOONER, S. Gilders arid Varnisher s Companion. Phila., 1861. 12mo. PAINTING. See Hand-Book for Young Artists. See Art. PAKINGTON, Sir John, Speech in Parl t Mar. 16, 1855, on Gen. Ed ucation. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Educational Pamph. Vol. 32. PALAEONTOLOGY of the Upper Missouri. See MEEK, F. B., and HAYDEN, F. K. See Smithsonian Contributions. PALAIRET, J. Atlas Methodique. Amsterdam, 1755. folio. Another Edition, Paris, 1755. 4to. Concise Description of Eng. and French Possessions in North America. Lond., 1755. Pamph. Vol. 10. PALATINE Emigration. See HOMES, H. A. Settlements in N. York. Papers relating to the Palatines and to the First Settlement of Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. PALESTINE. See BONAR, H. Land of Promise. DORR, Rev. B. Travels in, 1856. EDWARDS, H. Colonization of. GRISWOLD, Mrs. S. M. Pilgrimage to Holy Land, 1872. GuYLFOiflb, Sir Rich d. Pilgrimage to Holy Land, 1506. LAMARTINE, Alphonso de. Pilgrimage made in 1832-3. LINDSAY, Lord. Travels in Egypt, etc., 1836-7. * LYNCH, W. F. Dead Sea Exploration, 1849. MARGOLIOUTH, Rev. M. Pilgrimage to the Land of my Fathers. MARTINEAU H. Eastern Life. MILLARD, D. Journ. of Travels in Egypt, etc., 1857. MONTAGUE, E. P. Narr. of Expedition to Dead Sea, 1849. ROBINSON, E. Travels, 1838-52. RUSSELL, M. Palestine or Holy Land, 1858. SPENCER, J. A. Egypt and Holy Land, 1857. TAYLOR, Bayard. Lands of the Saracen. 1859. THOMAS, J. Travels in 1853. PALEY, William, D. D. Moral and Political Philosophy as con densed by A. J. Valpy. Phil a, 1835. 12mo. Natural Theology, with Notes by Lord Brougham and Sir Chas. Bell. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y. 2 Vols. 18mo. Principles of Moral and Polit. Philosophy. Phil a, 1814. 12mo. Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent. 2d Ed. With additions by Niel Gow. Lond.,^1819. 8vo. 1 88 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PALFREY, John G. See APPLETON, Nathan. Corres. with. Compendious History of New England from Revolution of 17th Century to the Death of King George 1. Boston, 1872, 12mo. Same, from Accession of George 2d to First Congress of Anglo. Ainer. Colonies. Boston, 1873. 12mo. Discourse at Barnstable, Sept. 3, 1839, at the 2d Centen. An- nivers. of the Settlement of Cape Cod. Boston, 1840. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 4. Discourse on the Life and Character of Henry Ware, D. D., at Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1845. Sermons. Vols. 31 and 36. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Same on Rev. J. T. Kirkland. Boston, June 5, 1840. Cam bridge, 1840. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 25. Discourse before the Hist. Soc., Oct. 31, 1844, on its 50th An- nivers. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 9. History of New England. Boston, 1858, 60. 2 Vols. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Vol. 3. 8vo. Letter to a Friend. Cambridge, Mass., 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 124. Life of William Palfrey. Paymaster Gen. in the Army of the Revolution. Sparks. Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 7. Papers 011 the Slave Power, first published in the Boston Whig. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.133. Remarks on the proposed State Constitution. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Speech in Cong., Jan. 26, 1848, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 85. Sermon at Boston, Aug. 1, 1830, on the Death of the Hon. Isaac Parker. Boston, 1830. 8vo. Sermons^ Vol. 31. Sermon at Boston, Apr. 9, 1829, on the Deatn of John Gor- ham, M. D. Boston, 1829. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 35. PALFREY, Wm. See PALFREY, J. G. Life of. PALMER, A. Speech in Congr., on Representation and Taxation. n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. PALMER, Aaron H. Documents and Facts illustrating the Origin of the Mission to Japan. Washington, 1857. Svo. Congress. Pamph. Vol. 50. Letter to Hon. J. M. Clayton, respecting the Commerce, etc., of Independent Oriental Nations, 1849. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. Letter to Hon. Chas. J. Ingersoll on the Present State of the Comoro Islands, N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Congress. Pamph. Vol. 97. Memoir, Geograph., Polit. and Commercial on the Present State, Resources, etc. of Siberia, and the Asiatic Islands. Senate Mis. Doc. No. 80. 1st Sess, 30th Cong., 1848. PALMER, Andrew. Speech in Wis. Legislature, Jan. 23, 1851, on Representation and Taxation. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 189 PALMER, Rev. B. M. The South: her Peril and her Duty. Dis course at N. Orleans, Nov. 29, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 29. PALMEK, Harvey. Speech in N. Y. House of Assembly, Mar. 13, 1863, on the Governor s Message, etc. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. PALMER, John. Journal of Travels in the U. States of N. America, and in Lower Canada performed in 1817. Lond., 1818. 8vo. PALMER, Jos. Necrology of Alumni of Harvard College. 1851- 1862. Boston, 1864. 8vo. Sketch of the Life of Henry Bond, M. D. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 14. PALMER, J. Horsley. Causes and Consequences of Pressure on the Money Market. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 30. PALMER, Mary. See HOSMER, H. P. Indian Captive of the Genesee. PALMER, Peter S. Hist, of Lake Champlain from 1609 to 1814. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Another Edition, Plattsburg. 1853. 8vo. PALMER, Rev. Ray. Address on the Education of Women, at Pittsfield, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1852, with a Poem by Alfred B. STREET. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 8. Reminiscences of our Work for 15 Years; Discourse at Albany, .-. Dec. 24, 1865. Sermons. Vol. 26. PALMER, R. H. Oration at Harrisburg, Penn., Feb. 22, 1861, on Washington and the Union. Rebell n. Pamph. Vol. 68. PALMER, Sir Roundell. See JOHNSON, Reverdy. Reply to, on the Alabama Claims. PALMER, Rev. Stephen. Century Sermon Needham, Mass., Nov. 16, 1811. Dedham, 1811, 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 6. PALMER, T. H. See Histor. Register of U. S. 1812-14. PALMER, Rev. Wm. Enquiry into the Means of Church Extension. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. PALMER, Rev. Wm. A. Aids to Reflection, with reference to the Foundation of a " Protestant Bishopric" at Jerusalem. Ox ford. 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 29. PALMERSTON, Viscount. Speech in Parl t, June 25, 1850, on Mr. Roebuck s Motion on the Foreign Policy of the Gov t. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 47. PAMPHLETEER, The. Lond., 1813-1825. 25 Vols. 8vo. PANAMA Railroad Company. Circular, etc. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. PANDOSY, M. C. See Shea s Library of Linguistics. PANIZZI, A. Letter, to the Pres t of the Royal Soc., on the New Catalogue of the Library, with a Reply to the same. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 14. PANOPLiST,^The. Vol. 1. Boston, 1806. 8vo. and Missionary Magazine. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. (Vol. 4, in complete). Boston, 1809-13. 8vo. PANTIN, Rev. Thos. P. Observations on Passages in Dr. Arnold s "Christian Duty of granting the R. Catholic Claims." Lut- terworth, 1829. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 44. 190 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PAPER and Paper Making. See MUNSELL, J. Chronology of. Containing a Statement and Vindication of certain Political Opinions. Phila., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. PAPER Hanging. See ARROWSMITH, J. Paper Hanger s Com panion. PAPERS for the Teacher. Republished from Barnard s Amer. Jour, of Educa. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. Read at the 9th Annivers. of the Southern Counties Adult Educa. Soc., at Southampton, Eng., Oct, 1862. Salisbury, 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 37. Relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Revolution. Published by the 76 Society. Phila., 1857. 8vo. to America, presented to the House of Commons, 1809^ Lond., 1810. 8vo. to Public Events in Mass, preceding the Amer. Revolu tion, published by 76 Society. Phila., 1856. 8vo. to Quakers and Moravians in N. Y., 1679-1756. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. to the Action between H. M. Stoop, Little Belt, and U. S. Frigate President, with other papers relating to the War of 1812. Lond., 1811. Svo. to the Oneida Country and Mohawk Valley. 1756-7. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. PARA, Abbe du Phanjas. Theorie des etres sensibles; ou Cours- complet du Physique. Paris. 1771. 4 Vols. 12mo. PARAGUAY. See HOPKINS, E. A. Geography, Hist. etc. of. PARAGUAYAN Question, The. The Alliance between Brazil, the Argentine Confederation and Uruguay vs. the Dictator of Paraguay. N. Y., 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. PARALLEL between the Case of Admiral Byrg and Lord George Sackville. Lond., 1759. 8vo. Eng. Polit, Pamph. Vol. 71. of Governments. A Political Discourse. Lond., 1647. Sin- 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 6. PARDOE, Miss. The City of the Sultan; and Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1836. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 10. The River and the Desert: or, Recollections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse. 1835. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 12. PARDON, Jane. The Soldier s Boy. A Poem. n. d. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 57. PARE, Wm. Claims of Capital and Labor. Paper before the Dub lin Statistical Soc. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 52. PARIS AND VIENNE: From the Unique Copy of Win. Caxton, with Glossary and Notes. Printed for the Roxburghe Library. Lond., 1868. 4to. See BARTLETT, D. W. Paris with Pen and Pencil. Few Weeks in. Gazette. Newspaper. 1696, 97. 2 Vols. Svo. See HEAD, Sir. F. Faggot of French Sticks. JANIN, Jules. The American in. 1844. PLUMMER S Guide. 1842. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 191 PAKIS Revolution, July, 1830. See Truth (The) respecting the Rev olution, etc. See ROMAND, Gustave de. De Ja Dictatnre de Paris, etc. y 1848. ST. JOHN, B. Purple Tints of. Traite de Paris. Exposition, 1867. See BANKS, N. P. Speech in Cong., 1867. Complete Official Catalogue. Paris and Lond., 1867. 8vo. -. Catalogue of Works exhibited in the British Section. Lond., 1867. 8vo. Correspondence of the Sec. of State of the U. S. with the French Minister. 1865. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. See HOYT, J. W. Report on. 1 See N. Y. Chamber of Commerce. 1866. Official Correspondence published for the Information of Citizens of the U. S. Washington, 1865. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. Official Papers relating to the Conduct of the U. S. Lega tion. 1867. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. Reports of U. S. Commissioners. Washington, 1870. 6 Vols. 8vo. Report by L. F. Beckwith on Beton-Coignet; with Re port on Asphalt and Bitumen, by Arthur Beckwith, (U. S. Commissioners). Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report by Abram S. Hewitt, on the Production of Iron and Steel. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report of Sam l B. Ruggles on International Coinage. 1867. Supplementary Report, 1870. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report of Sam l B. Ruggles and Geo. S. Hazard, U. S. Commissioners, on Cereals. Washington, 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report of E. R. Mudge arid B. F. Nourse, upon Cotton. IT i _ -io/>n o /^ J T3^K4- "D^.^,^^1-, T7"^l Washington, 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report on Civil Engineering and Public Works, by Wm.- P. Blake. Washington, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 106. Report on Steam Engineering, by Wm. S. Auchincloss. Washington, 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. Report upon Wool and Manufactures of Wool, by E. R.. Mudge and J. L. Hayes. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. See U. S. Sec. of State. Report, 1865. PARISH, F. D. Account of the Settlement of Perkins, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 6. PAKISH Registers. See BUKN, J. S. History of. 192 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PARK, Edwards A. Discourse at the Funeral of Prof. Moses Stuart. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Sermons. Vols. 2 and 30. PARK, Sir Jas. Allen. Memoirs of Wm. Stevens, Treasurer of Queen Anne s Bounty. Lond., 1823. 8vo. 3d Ed. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 6. PARK, John C. Address at a Meeting of Descendants of Richard Haven, of Lynn at Framingham, Mass., 1844. Boston, 1844. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 8. PARK, J. J. Lectures at King s College London, Nov. 1, 1831, and Apr. 6, 1802. Lond., 1831-2. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 21. Lecture at King s College, London, Oct. 30, 1832. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol 18. PARK, Mungo. Life and Travels in search of the termination of the Niger. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. ISmo. . PARK, Roswell, Sketch of the Hist, and Topog. of West Point and the U. S. Military Academy. Philadelphia, 1840. 18mo. PARK, Sam l. American Antiquities; read before a Joint Meeting of the Pioneer Associations of the Counties of Franklin, Muskingum and Licking, Ohio, July 4, 1870. Terre Haute, 1870. 8vo. Notes of Early Hist, of Union Township, Licking Co., Ohio. Terre Haute, 1870. 8vo. PARKER, Gov. Speech at Freehold, N. J., Aug. 20, 1864, on our National Troubles. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 30. PARKER, Amasa J. Address before the Albany Medical College, Jan. 21, 1851. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 8. PARKER, Edw. G-. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1856. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. Rufus Choate. Reminscences of the Great Amer. Advocate. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. PARKER, Rev. L. Century Sermon at Londonderry, N. H., April 22,1819. Concord, 1819. 8vo. N.H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Hist, of Londonderry, N. H., Comprising the Towns of Derry and Londonderry. Boston, 1851. 12mo. PARKER, Rev. Francis. Centen. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, 1814, on the Annivers. of the New North Ch. Boston, 1814. 8vo. PARKER, H. F. Discoverers and Pioneers of America. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. PARKER, Isaac. See PALFREY, J. G. Obit. Sermon, 1830. PARKER, Jas. Brief History of the Boundary Disputes between N. Y. and N. J. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 8. PARKER, Joel. Address on Non Extension of Slavery and Consti tutional Representation, at Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 1, 1856. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. Constitutional Law; with reference to the present condition of the U. S. Cambridge, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 10 and 65. Habeus Corpus and Martial Law; a Review of Judge Taney s Decision. Cambridge, 1860. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph, Vol. 27. Another Copy. Phil a, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 65. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 193 PAEKEE, J oel. Origin, Organization and Influence of the Towns of New England. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed., 1866-67. The Law School of Harvard College. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. The Three Powers of Government, etc. Lectures at Harvard College, 1867-9. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 114. Two Lectures at Law School of Harvard College, on Revolution and Reconstruction. Jan. 1866. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 35. PAKKEE, John A. Argument upon the Alabama Claims, addressed to the Commissioners. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 116. Corres. with Reverdy Johnson and others, on the Alabama Claims. n. p., 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 116. PAEKEE, Nathan, D. D. See WAEE, H. Jr. Memoir of. PAEKEE, Nathan H. Iowa as it is; a Gazetteer for Citizens and Hand Book for Immigrants. Chicago, 1855. I2mo. Same, 1856. 12mo. Same, 1857. 12mo. Minnesota Hand Book for 1856-7. With Map. Boston, 1857. 12mo. Missouri as it is in 1867; an Illustrated Hist. Gazetteer. Phil a, 1867. Svo. Sectional and Geolog. Map of Iowa; Exhibiting her Iron, Lead, Copper, Coal and Geolog. Resources and R. Roads. N. Y., 1856. PAEKEE, Niles G. Defense of his Official Acts as State Treasurer. Columbia, 1872. Svo. S. C. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1- PAEKEE, Rev. J. Reports of the Medical Missionary Soc y in China and Opthalmic Hospt. Canton; from July 1845, to Dec. 1847. Canton. 1848. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 9. PAEKEE, R. G. Sketch of the Gram. School in Easterly Part of Roxbury, Mass. Roxbury, 1826. Svo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 14. PAEKEE, Bishop Sam l. See Gardiner, J. S. J. Obit. Disc., 1804. PAEKEE. Rev. Sam l. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. with Map of Oregon Territory. 5th Ed, Auburn, 1846. 12mo. PAEKEE, Theodore. See CLAEKE, Jas. E. Discourse at Boston, 1860. Discourse at Boston, Feb. 12, 1854, on the Nebraska Ques tion. Boston, 1854. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 110. Discourse on being Installed Pastor of Cong. Ch., Jan., 2846. Boston, 1846. Svo. Sermons, Vol. 2. - See GANNETT, E. S. Mr. Parker and his Views. HEPWOETH, Geo. H. Sermon on his Death. Historic Americans. 12mo. Boston, 1870. Lecture on the Present Crisis; Mrs. C. L. V. Hatch, Medium. N . Y., 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. Letter to Francis Jackson, on the "John Brown Expedition." Boston, 1860. 12mo. Sermons, Vol. 3. 13 194 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PARKER, Theodore. See Penn. Yearly Meeting. Review of Dan l Webster s Speech of Mar. 25, 1850, on Slavery. Boston. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. . Sermon on the Life of Dan l Webster, in Boston, Oct. 31, 1852. Milwaukee, 1852. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 24. Sermon on the Mexican War, Boston, June 25, 1848. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 26. The Great Battle between Slavery and Freedom. Boston,, 1856. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 136. The Nebraska Question. Thoughts on the New Assault upon Freedom in America, etc. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 136. The New Crime against Humanity. Sermon at Boston, June 4, 1854. 8vo. Sermons, Vols. 1 and 24. Thoughts on the Most Christian Use of Sunday. Boston y 1848. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 42. PARKER, Thos. Enquiry into the Justice and Policy of Long Con finement for Debt. Lond., 1780. 12mo. Eng". Polit. Pamph. Vol. 19. PARKINSON, Jas. Examination of Dr. Sherlock s "Case of Alle giance, etc. Lond., 1691. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64*. PARKINSON, Rich d. Tour in America in 1798, 99, 1800, with a particular Account of the Amer. System of Agriculture. Lond., 1805. 2 Vols. 8vo. PARKINSON, Dr. T. Synopsis Nosologia3, or Outline of a New New System of Nosology. Lond., 1815. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 16. PARKMAN, Rev. Francis. Discourse at Boston, May 3, 1840, on the Death of J. T. Kirkland, D. D. Boston, 1840. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. Sermon at Boston, 1816, at the Interment of Rev. John La- throp, D. D. Boston, 1816. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 27, 1814, on the Centen. Annivers. of the New North Ch. Boston, 1814. 8vo. Boston Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 1. . Discourses in New North Church, Dec. 9, 1839, on the 124th Annivers. of the Ch., and the 25th Year of his Pastorate. Bostan, 1839. 8vo. Boston Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 28, 1849, on Resigning his Pastoral Charge. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 42. PARKMAN, Francis, Jr. The Discovery of the Great West. 4th Ed. Boston, 1870. 12mo. California and Oregon Trail. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. France and England in America; a Series of Hist. Narratives. Part 1. Boston, 1865. 8vo. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the N. Amer. Tribes against the Eng. Colonies, after the Conquest of Canada. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Same, 6th Revised Edi tion. Boston, 1870. 2 Vols. 8vo. Jesuits in North America. Boston, 1867. 12mo. Pioneers of France in the New World. Boston, 1865. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 195 PARKMAN, Dr. Geo. See HOLMES, O. "W. Benefactors of the Medical School of Harvard. See Mass. Supreme Court. Trial of Prof. Webster. PARKMAN, Sam l, M. D. Address before the Suffolk Dist. Med. Soc., March 28, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 31. PARLIAMENT, Houses of. See HAMILTON, W. R. Letter on Con struction of, 1836. PARLIAMENTARY Elections. See Observations on the Regulation of. 1689. Reform. See Address of the People of Sheffield. 1794. CANNING, Geo. Speech in ParPt, 1822. CROKER, J. W. Resolutions on the Reform Bill, 1832. Speech in Parl t, 1831. DOBELL, Sydney. Letter on. HAWKINS, Henry. Reform of Parl t, etc. LAMBTON, J. G. Speech in Parl t, 1822. Letter to Editor of the Pamphleteer, 1815. MACKAY Alex. Working of the Reform Bill. 1848. MAHON Lord. Letters to the Lords. 1831. MEADLEY, Geo. W. Sketch of Proposals Introduced in Parliament, etc. MILL, John Stuart. Thoughts, etc. PEEL, Sir Rob t. Speech in Parliament, 1831. Plan for the Reform of Parliament. FREED, W. Speech on. 1832. Reform. In Two Parts, etc. Remarks on the Proposition to Remodel the House of Lords. 1835. Revolutions without Bloodshed, etc. ROSE, Sir G. H. Speech in. 1832. " What the Lords will do," etc. 1831. SOMERS, Lord John. Defence of the Constitution, etc. SYMMONS, J. Reform without Innovation. Register: or Debates in the House of Commons. Lond., 1774-80. 17 Vols. 8vo. PARMLY, Eleazar. Temperance Address at Runsom, N. J. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. PARNELL, Sir Henry. Hist, of the Penal Laws against the Roman Catholics. Lond., 1822. 8vo. New Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 20. Substance of his Speeches in Parl t, with additional Observa tions on the Corn Laws. Lond., 1814. 8vo. 3d Ed. Pamph leteer. Vol. 4. PARR, John. Abstract of Laws, Customs and Ordinances of the Isle of Man. Douglas, 1867. 8vo. PARRISH, Jos. The Negro Question. Phila., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 9. PARROTT, Wm. W. Introduction of Cotton into the U. S. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed., 1855-58. PARRY, Dr. C. C. Hist. Address on the Early Exploration and Settlement of the Miss. Valley. Davenport, Iowa, 1873. 8vo. Pamph. Amer. Travel, Vol. 1. 196 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PAEEY, Sir Wm. E. Second Voyage in 1821-23 to Polar Seas. Lorid., 1824. 4to. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage. Harper s Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. ISmo. PAESEE Letters. From the N. Y. World, n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 108. PABSONS, C. G. Inside View of Slavery; or, a Tour Among the Planters, with Introduction by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1855. 12mo. PABSONS, C. W. History of Population in the State of R. Island. 1850 (?) 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1. PABSONS, Edw. Address to the Students in the Independent Academy at Idle, June 18, 1823. Halifax, 1823. 8vo. Ad dresses, Vol. 30. PAESONS, Rev. E. B. Sermon at the Funeral of Adoniram Foot. With Genealog. Notes on the Foot Family, by Rev. J. B. Foot. Rome, N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Genealog Pamph., Vol. 1. PAESONS, Isaac. Account of New Gloucester, Me. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 2. 25th Annivers. Discourses, at East Haddam, Conn., Oct. 24, 1841. Hartford, 1841. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. PABSONS, Gen. Sam l H. See HILDBETH, S. P. Early Ohio Set tlers. PABSONS, Theophilus. Essays. Boston, 1845. 12mo. Memoirs of Chas. G. Loring. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1869-70. - Oration at Boston, July 4, 1861. RebelPn Pamph., Vol. 30. Slavery; its Origin, Influence and Destiny. Boston, 1863. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 4 and 100. PAESONS, Rev. Tyler. Truth Exposed. Difficulties in the Town of Manchester, Mass., of Rev. Jas. Thurs ton. Dedham, 1823. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 8. PAESONS, Usher. Address before the Amer. Medical Assoc., at St. Louis, May 2, 1854. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. Address on Temperance at Providence, 1831. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. See AENOLD, S. G. Address before R. I. Hist. Soc. Battle of Lake Erie. Discourse before the R. I. Hist. Soc., Feb. 16, 1852. 1st and 2d Ed. Providence, 1853-4. Svo. R. I. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. Brief Sketches of Officers in the Battle of Lake Erie. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 17. Indian Names of Places in R. Island, Collected for the R. I. Hist. Soc. Providence, 1861. Svo. R. I. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses, etc. Vol. 1. Another Copy. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. Introductory Lecture before the Upper Classes in Brown Uni versity, on Anatomy and .Physiology. Cambridge, 1826. Svo. Brown Coll. Pamph. Lecture before Amer. Institute of Instruction. 1840. Provi dence, 1841. Med. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 197 PARSONS, Usher. Life of Sir Wm. Pepperell Bart, the only Native of New Eng. created a Baronet by G-. Britain. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Memoir of Maj. Chas. Frost. (n. d.) 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7. See also N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 3. on Vegetable and Animal Decomposition as a Cause of Fever. Phila., 1830. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. Report of Comm. on Medical Sciences of the Amer. Med. Assoc. 1850. Phila., 1850. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 3. . Speech at Put-in-Bay Island, Sept. 10, 1858, the Celebra. of the 45th Annivers. of the Battle of Lake Erie. N. E. Hist. and Gen. Reg. Vol. 13. PARTON, Jas. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Boston, 1871. 12mo. Gen. Butler in New Orleans; Hist, of the Dep t of the Gulf in the Year 1862. 15th Ed. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Life and Times of Aaron Burr, Lt. Col. in the Army of the Revolution, U. S. Senator, Vice-President of the U. S., etc. llth Ed. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Life of Andrew Jackson. N. Y., 1860. 3 Vols. 8vo. Life and Times of Benj. Franklin. Lond., 1864. 2 Vols. 8vo. Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of N. Y. Tribune. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Topics of the Times. Boston, 1871. 12mo. and others. Sketches of Men of Progress. (Illustrated). Hartford, 1870-1. 8vo. The Danish Islands: are we Bound in Honor to Pay for them? Boston, 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. PARTRIDGE Genealogy. See DICKINSON, J. T. PARTY Leaders. See BALDWIN, J. G. Sketches of Jefferson and others. PASCAL, Adrien. Histoire de Napoleon III., Empereur des Fran- cais. Paris, 1853. 8vo. PASCAL, Blaise. Provincial Letters. N. Y., 1828. 12mo. PASCAL, Creuse. Conspiration contre la Republique. Phila., 1795. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 9. PASCALIS, Dr. F. Directions for Silk- Worm Nurseries, and the Cultivation of the Mulberry Tree. N. Y., 1829. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 2. PASCHAL, G. W. Argument in Texas Supreme Court, in Case of W. C. Carothers vs. E. Sampson, et al., on Will of Peter Kerr. N. Y., 1866. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. Argument before the Sec. of the Interior, Nov. 26, 1870, in behalf of Myra C. Gaines. Washington, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 117 and 131. Concluding Argument before Judiciary Comm. of the House of Repr., Apr., 1870, on the Claim of Wm. McGarrahan. Washington City, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 132. 198 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PASCHAL, G. W. Lecture before the Amer. Union Academy of Literature, Science and Art, Mar. 7, 1870. Washington, 1870. 12mo. Addresses. Vol. 33. Letter to the President in behalf of Lodovic P. Alford and others. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 127. PASLEY, Sir C. W. Plan for Simplifying and Improving the Meas ures, Weights and Money of Eng. Lond., 1856. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 16. PASSAIC Valley. See Littell s Genealogies of Early Settlers. PASSIVE Obedience. See Argument for Self-Defence, etc. HALL, Rev. Nathan l. Limits of Civil Obedience. History of, since the Reformation, (n. d.) Sm. 4to. Eng. Relig. Pamph. Vol. 79. See HOADLEY, Rev. Benj.. Measures of Submission con sidered. MAYHEW, J. Discourse on Non-Resistance. SACHEVERELL, Henry. Case of. SHERLOCK, Dr. Wm. Case of Allegiance. PASTORAL Letter of the Bishops of the P. Epis. Ch. in the U. S. to the Clergy and Laity, N. Y., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.29. Same, to the Clergy, etc., in Confed. States. Augusta, Ga., 1862, 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 73. PASTORIUS, Francis D. A Particular Geograph. Description of the lately discovered Province of Penn. Hist. Soc. of Penn. Memoirs. Vol. 4 . Part. 2. PATCH, Rich d. Trial of, for Murder of Isaac Blight, 1805. Lond., 1806. 8vo. Misc. Tracts. Vol. 2. PATENTS, and how to obtain them. Washington, 1870. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. granted by the U. S. for the Encouragement of Arts and Science, from 1790 to 1828. Washington, 1828. Congress. Pamph. Vol. 54. See G. Britain Commiss r of Patents Reports. U. S. Patent Office Reports. See SHELDON, W. Patent Laws and Aerial Navigation. PATERSON, M. C. Address at the 12th Exhibition of the Amer. Acad. of Fine Arts. N. Y., 1826. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 6. PATRICK, Rev. R. Chart of ten Numerals in two hundred Tongues. Lond., 1812. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 31. PATRICK, Rev. Wm. Sketches of the History of Canterbury, N. H. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. PATRIOTIC Speaker : Extracts from the Oratory of Judge Jos. Holt, Gen. Mitchell, E. Everett and others. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 101. PATRIOTISM, Government Nationality. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 72. PATRONYMICA Brittanica. See LOWER, M. A. Diet, of Family Names. PATTEN, Rev. David. Centen. Disc, before the Providence Ann. Conference, in Bristol, R. I., Mar. 22, 1866. Boston, 1866. Svo. R. I. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 199 PATTEN, Geo. Artillery Drill. N. Y. } 1861. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 101. Cavalry Drill and Sabre Exercise. Richmond, 1862, 1864. 12mo. PATTERSON, J. B. Life of Black Hawk, dictated by himself. Bos ton, 1834. 12mo. PATTERSON, Jas. W. Address on the Peninsula of Sabino, on the 258th Annivers. of the Planting of the Popham Colony, Aug. 29, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Maine Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 2. Speech in Cong., May 19, 1866, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. Feb. 25, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 89 and 122. PATTERSON, Gen. Robt. Campaigns in Virginia, from " Continen tal Monthly," Mar., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 67. Narr. of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. Phila., 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 12. PATTIE, Jas. O. Personal Narrative, edited by Timothy Flint. Cincin., 1831. 8vo. PATTIE S Guide to the Coronation of Queen Victoria, in the Abbey Ch. of Westminster, June 28, 1838. Lond., 1838. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 1. PATTISON, Granville S. Corres. with Dr. N. Chapman. Phila., 1821. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. PATTISON, R. E., D. D. Address to the Senior Class of the Western Baptist Theolog. Institute, Covington, Ky., June 16, 1847. Cincin., 1847. 12mo. Addresses. Vol. 34. PATTON, J. H. Hist, of the U. States of America to the Close of the 36th Cong. N. Y., 1871. Svo. PATTON, Gov. Robt. M. Address to the People of Alabama. Mont gomery, 1868. Svo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. PAUL, Hiland. Hist, of Wells, Vt. Rutland, 1869. 12mo. PAUL, Col. Jas. See SHERRARD, R. H. Narrative of Escape. PAUL, John. Every Landlord or Tenant his own Lawyer, etc. Lond., 1776. 8vo. 3d Ed. Law Pamph. Vol. 15. PAULDING, Jas. K. Life of Washington. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1854. 2 Vols. 18mo. See PAULDING, Wm. R. Literary Life of. PAULDING, John. The Capture of Andre. Paper before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Oct. 6, 1857. Hist. Mag. Vol. 1. PAULDING, Wm. J. Literary Life of Jas. K. Pauldirig. N. Y., 1867. 12mo. PAULL, Jas. Letters to Sam l Whitebread. Lond., 1808. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 28. PAUL S Letters to his Kinsfolk. See SCOTT, Sir. W. Prose Works. PAUSE and Think before you Vote!! To the Loyal Voters of Mich igan, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. PAWLET, Vt. See HOLLISTER, H. Pawlet for 100 years. PAWTUCKET, R. I. See BLISS, L. History of Rehoboth. See North Providence. PAXTON, Mass. Hist. Sketch of. Worcester Magazine. Vol. 2. 200 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PAYNE, Dan l Beaumont. Address on the Management of the Bank of England. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. PAYNE, Henry. The Persecutor Exposed; Reply to an Answer to the Duke of Buckingham s Paper. Lond., 1685. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. PAYNE, W. W. Speeches in Cong., Dec. 28, 1841, and July 7, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. PEABODY, A. P., D. D. Address before the Mass. Bible Soc., May 23, 1870. Boston, 1870. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 19. Memoir of Alvan Lamson, D. D. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1869-70. Memoir of Chas. Mason, D.D. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. 1863-4. Oration before Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Brown University, Aug. 31, 1858. Addresses. Vol. 12. Sermon at Boston, Apr. 21, 1867, on the Dedication of a Mon ument to the Memory of Young Men who Fell in the Late War. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 44. Sermon at Portland, Me., at the Funeral of Ichabod Nichols, D. D. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 45. Sermon at the Closing of the S. S. Room in Court St., Ports mouth, Feb. 15, 1857. Portsmouth, 1857. 8vo. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. Sermon on re-opening the Church of South Parish, of Ports mouth, N. H., 1859. Portsmouth, 1859, 12mo. The Uses of Classical Literature. Address before the Lit erary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 26, 1843. Bos ton, 1843. 8vo. Dartmouth College Pamph. PEABODY Education Fund. Proceedings of the Trustees at Ann. Meetings, February, 1870-71. Cambridge, 1870-71. 8vo. Placed with Peabody Institute Pamphs. Reports of the General Agent, for 18689. n. p. 8vo. Placed with Peabody Institute Pamphs. PEABODY (Ephraim). Discourse on Death of Hon. S. S. Wilde, at Bos ton, June 24, 55. Boston, 1855, 8vo. Sermons. Vols. 31 and 43. Slavery in the U. S. From N. Amer. Rev., 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 102. See PUTNAM, Geo. Obit, Sermon. 1856. PEABODY, Francis. See UPHAM, C. W. Memoir of. PEABODY, Geo. See Danvers, Mass., Centen. Celebra., 1852. Letter to the Trustees for the Establishment of an Institute in the City of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1857. 8vo. See Maryland Hist. Soc. See Peabody Education Fund. Institute, Baltimore. WALLIS, S. T. . Discourse on Life of. WINTHROP, R. C. Eulogy at Funeral of. PEABODY Institute, Baltimore. Address of the President, J. P. Kennedy, to the Board of Trustees, Feb. 12, 1870. 8vo. n. p. n. d. Peabody Institute Pamph. Another Copy. See Addresses. Vol. 21. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 201 PEABODY Institute, Baltimore. Letters and Papers relating to its Dedication and History. Baltimore, 1868. 8vo. Peabody Institute Pamphs. See Maryland Hist. Soc y. PEABODY, G. Letter to the Trustees for the Establish ment of. 1857. Proceedings on Announcement of the Death of Hon. John P. Kennedy. Baltimore, 1870. 8vo. Peabody Insti tute Pamphs. 3d, 4th, 5th, 5th, 6th, Ann. Reports of the Provost. Bal timore, 1870, 71, 73. 8vo. Peabody Institute Pamphs. Museum. See Harvard College. PEABODY, Oliver W. B. Life of John Sullivan, Maj. Gen. in the Army of the Revolution. Spark s Amer. Bios;. 3d Ser. Vol. 3. PEABODY, W. B. O. Address at Consecration of Springfield, Mass. Cemetery, Sept. 5, 1841. Springfield. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 22. [ Discourse in memory of John A. Emery, at Harvard Univer sity, Nov. 6, 1842. Cambridge, 1842. 8vo. Harvard Coll. Pamph. See GANNETT, Rev. E. S. Obit. Sermon, 1847. Life of Alex. Wilson. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 2. Life of Cotton Mather. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 6. Life of David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 8. Life of Jas. Oglethorpe, Founder of Georgia. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 2. PEABODY, Wm. S. Genealogy of Peabody Family. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. PEACE. See American Peace Society. BECK WITH, G. C. Peace Manual. 1847. Congress, 1848. Report of Proceedings at Brussels, Sept., 1848. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. Convention at Washington, and the Virginia Convention at Richmond. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 83. Democracy, alias Copperheads. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. See GREW, H. Address on. 1828. International Rights of, etc. LOVE, A. H. Vindication of Peace Principles. to be En during must be Conquered, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. See WAR. PEACOCK, Rob t B. Glossary of the Dialect of the Hundred of Lonsdale North and South of the Lands in the Co. of Lan caster; with an Essay on Dialects of Six Northern Counties of Eng., pub. in Trans, of Philolog. Soc. 1867. PEAR Cultivation. See NORTHEND, W. D. Suggestions on. PEARS, S. A. Mind and Body; and Moral Influence. Two Lec tures on Educa. Lond., 1855. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol.34. PEARSON, Dr. Geo. Principles of Physic. Lond., 1812. 8vo. 3d Ed. Med. Pamph. Vol. 16. 202 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PEARSON, Rev. Hugh. Memoir of Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D. D.; with Ace. of his Researches in Asia. N. Y., n. d. 18mo. PEASE, Rev. David. Genealog. and Hist. Record of Descendants of John Pease, of Enfield, Conn. Springfield, 1859. 8vo. PEASE, Fred. S. Genealogy of the Ancestry and Posterity of Isaac Lawrence, and Centen. Meeting of his Descendants, Nov. 27, 1851. Albany, 1853. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 9. PEASE Genealogy. See PEASE, Rev. D. PEASLEE, C. H. Speech at Dem. State Convention at Concord, N. H., June 11, 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. PEASLEE, E. R. A Monograph" on the Foetal Circulation N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 3. PEAT. See LEAVITT, T. H. Facts about Peat. PECH, Jas. The Influence of Liberty on Taste, in the Ages of Augustus and Louis XIV. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 34. PECK, Chas. H. Paper on Botany, read before the Albany Insti tute, Feb. 16, 1872. Albany, 1872. 8vo. Scientific Pamph- Vol.4. Synopsis of N. Y. Uncinulae. Albany, 1872. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 4. Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 7. PECK Family Genealogy. See PECK, Ira B. PECK, Geo., D. D. Early Methodism within the Bounds of the old Genesee Conference, 1788-1828. N. Y., 1860. 12mo. Wyoming; its History, Stirring Incinents, and Romantic Ad venture. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. PECK, Ira B. Genealog. Hist, of Descendants of Wm. Peck. Bos- ton, 1868. 8vo. PECK, John M. See Annals of the West. Gazetteer of Illinois. 2d revised Ed. Phila., 1837. 12mo. Life of Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Kentucky. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 13. PECK, L. B. Speech in Cong., Apr. 23, 1850, on Admission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamh. Vol. 86. PECK, N., and PRICE, T. S. Report as Delegates to British Guiana and Trinidad. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 25. PECKHAM, Jas. General Nathan l Lyon and Misssouri in 1861. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. PECKHAM, R. W. Speech in Cong., May 18, 1854, on the Kansas and Neb. Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. PEEBLESHIRE, Scotland. See CHAMBERS, W. Hist of. 1864. PEEL Party. Physiology of the; or an Inquiry into the Nature of the New Neutral Policy. Edinburgh, 1847. 8vo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 44. PEEL, Sir Rob t. Address to the Nation. Lond., 1834. 12mo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 64. - See FRANCIS, G. H. Biography of. Letter to on the Present Crisis. Lond., 1846. Svo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 40. Letter to the Electors for the Borough of Tamworth. Lond,, 1847. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 45. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 203 PEEL, Sir Rob t. Speech in Parl t, May 19, 1817, on the Catholic Question. Same, March 5, 1829. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vols. 33, 37. April 2, 1865, on the Irish Church Establishment. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. Sept. 21, 1831, on the Reform Bill. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. Speech of, and others, at a Banquet given to him, May 12, 1828. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 16. PEERAGE of England. See BURKE, Bernard, COLLINS, A., DE- BRETT, J. Nicolas, Sir. H. Letter on Creating Peers for Life. 1830. On Grants|of Precedency. ROSSMORE, Lord. Cause of the Ex-Parliamentary Peers. 1830. YOUNG, Sir Chas. Tables of Precedency. of Ireland; a Genealog. and Hist. Account of all the Peers of that Kingdom. Lond., 1768. 2 Vols. 8vo. See Heraldry. PEERE, E. Over het gebruik van het plaister in den Landbouw. Bruges, 1850. 8vo. PEET, Rev. Stephen. Hist, of the Presb. and Congrega. Churches and Ministers in Wisconsin, with Account of the Plan of Union. Milwaukee, 1851. 18mo. PEGGE, Sam l. Series of Dissertations on some elegant and valua ble Anglo-Saxon Remains. Lond., 1756. 4to. PEIRCE, Benj. Address on Retiring from the Presidency of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, n. p. 1853. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 34. History of Harvard University, from its Foundation, in 1636, to the Amer. Revolution. Cambridge, 1833. 8vo. PEIRCE, Jas. Second Letter to Mr. Eveleigh, in Answer to his "So ber Reply," etc. Exon, 1719. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 8. PELL, Alfred. Forward or Backward? RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 85. PELLETT, Dr. Stephen. Progress of Taxation, with a New Plan of Finance. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. PELLETAN, Eugene. Address to King Cotton. Same in French. Loyal Publica. Soc. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 90. PELOWZE, Madame. Art du Blanchissage domestique. Paris, 1828. 24mo. PELTIER, J. C. A. Memoir of. Smithson. Report, 1867. PEMAQUID, Me. See HOUGH, F. B. Papers relating to. THORNTON, J. W. Ancient Pemaquid. PEMBERTON, Rev. Adam. See HARDY, Rev. N. Obit. Sermon, 1655, PEMBERTON Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Report of the Treasurer of the Comm. of Relief for Sufferers by the late Accident. Law rence, 1860. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Report of Investigating Comm. to the Creditors of. Bos ton, 1858. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. 204 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PEMBROKE, N. H., Academy. 47th Ann. Catalogue, 1866. Man chester, 1866. 8vo. PENAL Codes in Europe. See SANFORD, H. S. Laws in England. Collection of Papers relating to Parlia ments, and the Penal Laws and Tests, 1689. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9. PENALTY (The) of Death retained for Cruel Atrocities. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 28. See Capital Punishment. PENDLETON, Geo. H. Letter to Hon. J. B. Haskin, and Speech at N. Y., Oct. 24, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. Speech in Cong, on the suspension of the Habeas Corpus, Dec. 10, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. Jan. 29, 1862, on the Issue of Treasury Notes by the Govt. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. March 3, 1863, on the power of the P. M. General to ex clude Newspapers from the Mail. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. . April 11, 1864, on the Resolution to expel Mr. Long. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. Jan. 11, 1865, on the Power of amending the Constitu tion. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. the Copperhead Candidate for Vice President. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol.48. PENET, Peter. See HOUGH, F. B. Notices of. PENHALLOW, Sam l. See ADAMS, Nathan. Memoir of. Hist, of the Wars of N. England with the Eastern Indians, from 1703 to 1722. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Hist, of the War of N. England with the Eastern Indians, 1703 to 1726. Boston, 1726. Cincin. Reprint, 1857. 4to. PENICAUT, M. Annals of Louisiana from the Establishment of the First Colony to 1722. French s Hist. Coll. La. and Florida. PENINGTON, John. Examination of Beauchamp Plantaganet s De scription of New Albion. Phila., 1840. 8vo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Pamph. See also Penn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. PENINSULAR (The) Campaign. A Secret chapter in the Hist, of the War. Phila., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 6. PENN Asylum, Phila. See Phila. PENN Genealogy. See COLEMAN, Jas., Pedigree. Notes of the Pedigree and Geneal. of Wm. Penn, and Penn Family in England and America. London, 1871. 8vo. PENN, Granville. Memorials of the Professional Life and Times of Sir Wm. Penn, Kt. Admiral, 1644-1670. London, 1833. 2 Vols. 8vo. PENN, Sir Wm. See PENN, Granville. Memorials of. PENN, Wm. A Collection of his Works; to which is prefixed a Journal of his Life, with many Original Letters and Papers. Lond., 1726. 2 Vols. folio. Controversy with Lord Baltimore. See DITNLOP, Jas. Correspondence with Jas. Logan and others, 1700-1750. Edited by Edw. Armstrong. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 8, 9, 10. See DIXON, W. P. Hist. Biography of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 205 PENN, "Win. Du PONCEAU, P. S. Memoir on Indian Treaty. ELLIS, G. E. Life of. FISHER, J. F. Inedited Letters of. . Private Life of. FOSTER, W. E. Wm. Penn and T. B. Macaulay. HUGHES, Mary. Life of. Instructions given by him in 1681, to his Commissioners for Settling the Colony. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2, Part 1. See JANNEY, S. M. Life of. Letters to King Chas. II. and to the Earl of Sunderland. Penn Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2, Part 1. Original Letters of. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 1, Part 2. Speech addressed to the Provincial Council of Penn., April 1, 1700. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 2, Part 2. Treaty with Indians. See Penn. Hist. Soc. Presentation of Wampum Belt. VAUX, Roberts. See TYSON, J. R. Examination of Charges against. WATSON, J. F. Memorials of Country Towns and Places. PENN, Wm. pseud. Essays on the Present Crisis in the Condi tion of the Amer. Indians; first published in the Nat. Intel ligencer. Boston, 1829. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. PENNIMAN Genealogy See VINTON, J. A. Memorial. PENNINGTON, W^m. S. See Newark, N. J. Jubilee of Amer. ican Independence. 1826. PENNOCK, Rev. A. C. The Fall and Rescue of Man. A Discourse. Waupun, Wis., 1867. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 54. PENNSYLVANIA Academy of Fine Arts. Catalogues, 1849, 1855, 1860. Phila. 8vo. Address of Union State Central Committee, n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 39. Adjutant General Ann. Report, 1861. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 92. Report for 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 18 and 78. Reports for 1863, 64, 65, 66. Harrisburg. 8vo. Agricultural College. Circular, 1854. Catalogue for 1864. Society. Proceedings at 3d Ann. Meeting, Oct., 1825. Phila. 182o. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. and Maryland Boundaries. See DUNLAP, Jas. Archives, selected and arranged from Original Docs, in the Office of the Secretary of State, by S. Hazard, 1664-1790, with Appendix. Phila., 1852-56. 12 Vols. 8vo. as a Borrower; some Considerations on her Ancient Credit and Future Policy. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 93. Asylum for the Relief of Persons deprived of their Reason. 48th and 50th Ann. Reports. Phila., 1865, 7. 8vo. Auditor General. Report for 1860, upon the R. Roads of Penn. 8vo. Report of Finances for 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 22. Report of Finances for 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 14. Reports on the Finances of the State, for 1847, 58, 63, 68. 206 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PENNSYLVANIA Auditor General. Communications relative to Banks and Savings Institutions for 1847 and 1851. See BACHE, A. D. Magnetic Survey of. Bank. Report of Directors to the Stockholders, Feb. 1, 1858, Phila., 1858. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Banks, etc. Returns of Banks and Savings Institutions of Penn., for 1854 and 1856. Harrisburg, 1855-57. 8vo. Baptist Convention. Minutes of 32d and 37th Anniversaries, 1859-64. Phila., 1860-64. 8vo. Perm. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See BARBER, J. W. Hist, and Antiquities of. Board of Public Charities. 1st, 2d and 3d Ann. Reports. Harrisburg, 1871-73. 8vo. See BOWEN, E. Pictorial Sketch Book of. Brief State of Province, 1755, and Reply to same, 1755. BUDD, Thos. Account of Penn. and N. Jersey, 1685. Canal Commissioners. Reports for 1826 and 1847. Harris burg, 1827, 48. 8vo. See CARPENTER, W. H., and ARTHUR, T. S., History of. Catalogue of Papers relating to in State Paper Office. CHAMBERS, G. On Early Settlers of. Chief of Transportation, etc. Report for 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 66 and 92. Report for 1864. Harrisburg. 1865. 8vo. Coal. See HAZARD. E. College, Gettysburg. Catalogue for 1865-6. Gettysburg, 1866. 8vo. Ann. Announcement for 1854-5. Phila., 1854. 8vo. See GILBERT, D. Valedictory Address, 1852. Colonial Records: Minutes of the Provincial Council, from its Organization, to the Termination of the Proprietary Gov t; with Minutes of the Supreme Kxec. Council of Penn. Phila., and Harrisburg, 1851-3. 16 Vols. 8vo, Colonial Records and Archives. General Index. Phila. r 1860. 8vo. See Conduct of Paxton Men," 1764. DARLINGTON, Dr. W. Flora Cestrica. DAY, S. Histor. Collections of. Debate in Senate, 1863, relative to the use of the Senate Chamber for Reception of A. Johnson. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 83. in Legislature, on inviting Gov. A. Johnson and Ex-Gov. Wright of Indiana, to visit the State Capital. 1863. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 31. Democratic State Central Committee. Address to Citizens of Penn. Phila., 1863. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. See DENNY, W. H. Military Journal. Diocesan Missionary Soc. P. E. Ch. Proceedings at 5th Ann. Meeting, 1858, at Phila. Phila. 1858. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See Directory of Monongahela and Youghiogheny Valleys. Du PONCEAU, Peter S. Discourse on Early Hist. of. 1821.. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 207 PENNSYLVANIA. Early Hist, of Western Pa. 1846. Early Settlers of. See Chambers, Geo. Eastern State Penitentiary. Reports 1832, 33, 36, 37; 1840-1860; 1864-1869. Eleventh Reg t. See Locke, Wm. H. Story of. See ELLICOTT, A. Miscell. Observa. relative to Western Pa. Etat Present de la Pennsylvanie. 1756. Female Medical College. See Cleveland, Mrs. E. H. Lec ture, 1858. See Penn. Woman s Med. College. See FISHER, J. F. Early Poets and Poetry of. Narr. of Keith s Gov t of. FOULKE, W. P. on Penal System of. Freedmen s Bulletin. Vol. 1. No. 4. Phil a, 1865. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 5. See FRIES, J. Trials for Insurrection. See Friend s Asylum for the Insane. See Penn. Asylum for Relief of Persons deprived of their Reason. See Friends Soc. of. Proceedings for Improvement of Pequod Indians, 1795-1844. Geological Society. Transactions. Vol. 1. Phil a, 1834-5. 8vo. 2d, 3d, 4th and 6th Ann. Reports by H. D. Rogers, 1838- 42. 8vo. See GOODMAN, Rev. J. R. Penn. Biography. GORDON, T. F. Hist. of. GRAHAM, Col. J. D. On Mason & Dixon s Line. Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Abstract of Proceedings of Quarterly and Ann. Grand Communications, during 1865, 66, 67. Phila., 1868. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Grand Lodge, Masonic. Proceedings at Phila., Mar. 6, 1865, on the Death of Geo. M. Dallas. Phila., 1865. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Proceedings at Phila., Dec. 15, 1866, on the Death of Josiah Randall. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamphlet. Vol. 1. Proceedings at Phila., June 5, 1865, on the Death of Wm. Whitney. Phila., 1865. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Panph. Vol. 1. See HAZARD, S. Annals of. Register of. 1828--36. Histoire Naturelle et Politique. Hist. Soc y. Ann. Report of Sam l L. Taylor, Librarian, for 1864. Phila., 1865. 8vo. See ARMSTRONG, Edward. BETTLE, E. BIDDLE, E. BRECK, S. Catalogue of the Library of. Part 1. History, Biog raphy, and Manuscripts. Phila., 1849. 8vo. Catalogue of Paintings, etc. Phila.. 1872. 8vo. See COATES, B. H. COLES, E. DUNLAP, Jas. FISHER, J. F. FOULKE, W. P. HAZARD, E. INGERSOLL, J. R. JAMES, T. C. JOHNSTON, Alex. JONES, H. G. KANE, T. L. LA- TROBE, J. H. B. 208 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PENNSYLVANIA Hist. Soc y. Collections. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-6. Phila., 1851-53. 8vo. See CONYNGHAM, R. Memoirs from 1826 to 1850. Phila., 1826-50. 5 Vols. in 8. 8vo. Same, Vols, 6, 7, 8, 9. Phila., 1858-70. 4 Vols. 8vo. Memoirs, Vol. 10, containing* Correspondence between Wm. Penn and Jas. Logan and others. 1700-1750. Phila., 1872. 8vo. Memoirs, Vol. 1. Being a re-publication Edited by ed- ward Amstrong. Phila., 1864. 8vo. See MORRIS, Casper. RAWLE, Wm.; REED, W. B.; SARGENT, W.; THOMPSON, C. W.; TYSON, J. R.; VAUX, R.; WARD, T.; WALLACE, J. W.; WHARTON, T. I. Proceedings and Speeches at the Dinner in Celebra. of the Landing of Wm. Penn at Phila., Dec. 8, 1852. Phila., 1853, 8vo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Addresses, Vol. 1. Report of the Visit of a Comm. of the Soc. to N. Y., in 1863, in Celebra. of the 200th Birthday of Wm. Bradford. Phila., 1846. Svo. Supplementary Papers relative to the Battle of Brandy- wine, Phila., 1846. Svo. See HOLM, T. C. New Sweden. HOMOEOPATHIC Med. College, Phila. Ann. Announcement for 1864-5. Phila., 1864. 8vo. Hospital. Centen. Celebration, 1851. Phila. 8vo. Some Account of its Origin, Objects and State, 1832. Charter, Laws and Rules, 1837. State of Accounts for 1846, 1847. Reports of Board of Managers, 1861, 1862. Phila., 1832- 1862. Svo. See WOOD, G. B. Centen. Address, 1851. for the Insane. Report in relation to an Asylum for the Insane Poor, 1839. Ann. Report for 1841, 1846-1865. Memorial soliciting a State Hospital, etc., 1845. Proceedings on Laying the Corner Stone of, 1856. Proceedings on Opening the New Hospital, etc., 1859. See Appeal to Citizens, 1854. (Western) House of Refuge. 6th Ann. Report for 1859. Pitts- burg, 1860. Svo. House of Representatives. Report of Comm. on Alleged Frauds in the Election of U. S. Senator. Harrisburg, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. Testimony before Select Comm. to Inquire into Alleged Frauds in Army Contracts, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 92. See HUTCHINS, T. Topograph. Description of. Description Topographique. Institute. Report of 1st Ann. Exhibition at Phila., 1857. Phila., 1857. Svo. Penn. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 3. Institution for Deaf and Dumb. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 209 PENNSYLVANIA Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Charter, By-Laws, etc., 1842. Constitution and By-Laws, 1820. I Report for 1822, 32, 39, 41-56, 58, 59, 61. Insurrection of 1794-5. See BRACKENRIDGE, H. H. CARNAHAN, J. WAED, T. Internal Improvements, 1834, etc. See MILLER, Edw. See JARDINE, L. J. Letter from. 1794. JOHNSON, W. R. Settlers of Susqueharinah River. Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. Vols. I. XVI. (Imperfect.) Also, Jan. No., 1867. Phila., 18451867. 8vo. Journal of the 55th House of Repr. of the Commonwealth of Penn., for 1845. Harrisburg, 1845. 2 Vols. 8vo. Journal of the 56th House of Repr. for 1846. 2 Vols. 8vo. of the Senate, for 1845. Harrisburg, 1845. 2 Vols. 8vo. Do., for 1846. Vol. 2. See LANMAN, C. Letter from Alleghany M ts. Laws of the State. 1826-7, 1838, 40- 43, 61, 64. Harris burg. 9 Vols. 8vo. Militia Laws, 1858. Supplement to Purdon s Digest, 1854. Common School Laws, 1857. Digest of Acts of Assembly relative to the 1st School District, 1852. Brightly s Digest, 1853-4. Letters and Papers relating to the Provincial Hist, of Penn., with Notices of the writers. Pr. printed. Phila., 1855. 12mo. Local History. See Berks Co., Buckingham and Solebury, Byberry, Chambersburg, Crawford Co., Delaware Co., Econ omy, Ephrata, Erie Co., Franklin, Huntington Co., Juniata County, Lancaster Co., Lebanon t Co., Lehigh Co., Mercer Co., Monroe Co., Montgomery Co., Mooreland, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Schuylkill Co., Washington Co., Wattsburg, Westchester, Wyoming, York Co. See WATSON, J. F. Memoirs of Country Towns and Places in Penn. 1830. See Locomotive Sketches. McHENRY, G. Position and Duty of. Lond., 1863. - Magazine. Vol. 1. Phila., 1775. 8vo. See MEGINNESS, J. F. Hist of Valley of the Susqnehanna. Message of Gov. Curtin to the Legislature, Jan 7, 1863. k Re- bellion Pamph. Vol. 85. - relative to the Reserve Corps Penn. Vols., 1863. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 84. Aug. 9, 1864. Harrisburg, 1864. 8vo.| to Legislature, Jan., 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.fl4. Jan. 7, 1864, to Jan., 1865. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 52. Message of Gov. Packer, 1859. Harrisburg, 1859. 8vo. Minutes of 1st Sess. of 12th Gen. Assembiy of the Common wealth. Phila., 1787. Folio. 14 2io WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PENNSYLVANIA. See Narr. of Indian Massacres, 1764. 8vo. NEVIN, Rev. A. Churches of the Valley. One Hundred Fourth Regt. See DAVIS, W. W. H. Hist. of. Original Letters and Documents relating to the Hist, of Penn. hitherto unpublished. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 1. See PASTORIUS, F. D. Geograph. Descrip. of. PERRY, Rev. W. S. Hist, of the P. Epis. Church. 1680, to 1778. . Poets. See FISHER, J. F. Early Poets of Penn. Prisons of. See FOTJLK, W. P. See Penn. Journal of Prison Discipline. See PRITTS, J. Early Hist. of. Proceedings relative to Calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790; the Minutes of the Convention that Formed the pres ent Constitution, etc. Harrisburg, 1825. 8vo. of Legislature and Resolutions relative to National Af fairs, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 39. of Legislature 1861, in Commemoration of Birthday of "Washington. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 83. P. E. Church. See PERRY, Rev. W. S. History of, 1680-1778. See PROUD, R. Hist. of. Provincial Literature of. See WHARTON, Thos. I. Public Schools. Ann. Reports Supt. Pub. Instruction for 1855, to 1869 inclusive. Harrisburg, 1856-70. STO. R. Road Co. By-Laws and Charter, 1847. Ann. Reports 1847-1860, except 1859. See Reasons, etc. in reference to Southern Boundary Line. Record of the Court of Upland, 1676. REED, W. B. French Neutrals in Penn. Relief Assoc. for E. Tenn. Report of. Phila., 1864. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 79. Report of Comm. on Federal Relations relative to the Call of a National Convention, 1863. RebelPn Paiuph. Vol. 84. Report of Commission to Investigate alleged Army Frauds, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 78. of Legislative Comm. on Frauds on Volunteers, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 20. of Senate Comm. on Immigration of Blacks and Mula- toes, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 75. Reserve Corps. See SYPHER, J. R. History of. Revenue Commissioners. Journal of Board of Rev. Commis sioners, Feb., 1857. Harrisburg, 1857. Svo. See RUPP, I. D. Geograph. Catechism. Names of Early Settlers. School Architecture. Manual of Directions and Plans for Constructing Common School Houses. Edited by T. H. BURROWES. Harrisburg, 1855. Svo. Laws and Decisions for 1855, 57, 70. Harrisburg, 1855- 57, 70. Svo. Seamen s Friend Soc y. 9th, 18th and 20th Reports. 1853, 62, 64. Phila., 1853, 62-64. Svo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 21 1 PENNSYLVANIA. Slavery in. See BETTLE, E. See SMITH, Wm. Brief State of. 1755. Soc y of the Cincinnati. Proceedings at Meeting, May, 1784. Phila., 1785. Svo, See Society of Cincinnati. State Librarian. Reports for 1863-4. Harrisburg, 1864-5. 8vo. . State Library. Catalogue. Harrisburg, 1859. Svo. Another Ed. Harrisburg, 1867. State Lunatic Hospital. Reports for 1851-1866, except for 1857 and 1863. Harrisburg, 1852-1867. Svo. . State Temperance Convention. Proceedings at Harrisburg, Feb. 18 and 19, 1868. Lancaster, 1868. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. State Treasurer. Ann. Report for 1851. Harrisburg, 1852. Svo. Annual Report for 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 22. Supt. of Soldiers Orphans. Report for 1867. Harrisburg, 1868. Svo. Supreme Court. Case of H. S. Kneedler vs. U. S. Drafting Officers. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 28. Opinion of Woodward, J. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. vs. Harlan & Henderson. 1856. Svo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Opinions of the Judges on the Constitutionality of the Act of Congress for Enrolling the National Forces. Phila., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 28. Surgeon General. Reports for 1861-63. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 78. Surveyor-Gen. Report on the Survey in Crawford Co. Har risburg, 1869. Svo. See THOMAS, G. Hist, and Geograph. Ace. of 1698. Training School for Idiots, etc. 3d to 18th Ann. Reports in clusive, except the llth Rep t. 1856-71. Svo. See TREGO, C. B. Geography of. - TURNBULL, W. P. Birds of E. Penn. University of. See BELL, J. Memorial to the Trustees. 1850. Gen. Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates in the De partment of Arts, 1749-1849. Phila., 1849. Svo. See GOODWIN, D. R. Inaug. Address, 1860. . POTTS, Geo. Address, 1852. Report on the Medical Department for 184S, by the Medical Faculty. Phila., 1848. Svo. See SHARSWOOD, G. Address, 1856. WOOD, G.B. History of. See Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie. War Claims. Legislative Corres. in reference to. Harrisburg, 1872. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 110. Western Hospital. Reports for 1858, 59, 60, 63, 64, 66 68. Pittsburg, 1859-1869. Svo. State Penitentiary. Reports for 1840, 44, 51. Pitts- burg, 1841-1852. Svo. 212 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PENNSYLVANIA "Woman s Medical College, Phila. Ann. Announce ments for 1857-8, 1865-6, 1868-9, 1871-2, 1873-4. See Judson, E. E. Address on Ann Preston, M. D. Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, including four Ser mons by Theo. Parker. N. Y., 1858. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 103. PENNY Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl edge. Lond., 1832-40. 9 Vols. Folio. Same. N. Series. Lorid., 1841-45. 5 Vols. Folio. PENOBSCOT INDIANS. See SULLIVAN, James. PENOKA IRON RANGE. See LAPHAM, I. A. PENSIONS, Commissioner of. See U. S. Sec. of War. PENSION LAWS OF U. S. See MAYO, R. TRIPLETT, F. F. C. PEOPLE S (The) Answer to the Court Pamphlet; entitled a Short Review of the Political State of G. Britian. 4th Ed. Lond. , 1787. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 4. CHARTER: with Address to the Radical Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1848. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 47. College, N. Y. Circular, 1863. N. Y. 8vo. Journal: An Illustrated Record of Agriculture, Mechanics, Science, Invention and Patents. 1854. N. Y. Sm. Folio. League of the Old and New World. Proceedings at Wheel ing, Sept. 18, 1852. Phila., 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 135. PEORIA, 111. and the State Capitol. 8vo. 111. Local Histories. Vol. 2. 1871. See BALLANCE, C. Hist. of. 1870. 111. Local Histories, etc. Vol. 1. Directory for 1844. Record and Historical View, 1851. Record: or, Drown s Statistics, 1856 and 1857. PEPE, Gen. Guillaume. Relation des Evenemens Politiques et Militaires, a Naples en 1820 et 1821. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. PEPIN, Lake. Antiquities of. See ESTES, L. C. PEPIN, Wis. Independent. Newspaper. April, 1858 to Oct., 1859. Folio. PEPPER, C., Jr. Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Albany, 1846. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. PEPPERELL, Mass. See ANDREWS, Rev. David. Centen. Discourse. 1847. BABBIDGE, Rev. C. Centen. Address. 1847. - BUTLER, C. Hist, of Groton and Pepperell. PEPPERELL, Sir William. See PARSONS, U. Life of. PEPYS, Sam l. Diary and Corres. of, with a Life and Notes by Rich d Lord BRAYBROOKE. 1st Amer. Ed. Phila., 1855. 4 Vols. 8vo. PEQUOT War. See GARDINER, L. Hist. of. 1638. MASON, Maj. J. Hist. of. UNDERBILL, Capt. News from America, etc. VINCENT, P. True Relation of the late Battle, etc. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 213 PERSE, Elbert. The Battle Roll; Encyclopaedia of Memorable Land Battles and Sieges in all Ages. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. PERCEVAL, Rev. A. P. Ecclesiastical Tour in Holland and N. Germany. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 51. Vindica. of Proceedings relative to the Mission of Bishop Alexander to Jerusalem. Lond., 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 32. PEKCEVAL, D. M. Remarks on the Character ascribed to the late Spencer PEKCEVAL, by Col. NAPIEK. Lond., 1835. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. PERCEVAL, Spencer. See GRAY, Rob t, D. D. Discourse on his Assassination. 1812. See PERCEVAL, D. M. Sketch of Life of. n. d. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. PERCIVAL, Jas. G. See Conn. Geog. Survey. 1842. Report on the Iron of Dodge and Washington Counties, Wis. Milwaukee, 1855. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See ROBBINS, Edw. W. Memoir of. WARD, J. L. Life and Letters of. See Wis. Geolog. Survey. PERFECT, Thos. The Practice of Gardening Explained, etc. Lond., 1759. Svo. 2d Ed. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 9. PERFUMERY. See DUSSANCE, H. Treatise on. PERIODICAL LITERATURE. Utility of. From Amer. Monthly Mag azine, Mar., 1833. PERIODICALS and Reviews. See Adventurer, The. 175254. African Repository. 1855--72. American Apollo. 1792. Amer. Historical Record. 1872. Amer. Journal of Educa. 1856--58. Amer. Journal of Insanity. 1844--58. Amer. Magazine, 1758. Amer. Mining Gazette, 1864-66. Amer. Missionary, 1867--69. Amer. Monthly Mag., 1817, 18, 33-38. Amer. Museum, 1787-92. Amer. Prim. Meth. Magazine, 1864. Amer. Quarterly Observer, 183334. Amer. Quarterly Register, 1829-39. Amer. Quarterly Review, 1827-37. Amer. Register. 1806-9. Amer. Unitarian Assoc. Quarterly Journ. 1852-58. Amer. Universal Magazine, 1797-98. Amer. (Whig) Review. 1845-52. Analectic Magazine. 1813-20. Anglo-Amer. Magazine. 1852-1855. Anglo- Amer. New Church Repository. 1850-54. Asiatic Journal. 1816-41. Atheneum Magazine. 1831-2. (N. Y.) Atheneum. 1838-58. (Lond.) Atlantic Magazine. 1824-25. Atlantic Monthly. 1857-68. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PERIODICALS and Reviews. Baltimore Magazine. 1816-18. : Baltimore Monument. 1837-39. Beloit College Monthly, 1853-73. Bench and Bar. 1869-73. Berkshire Medical Journal. 1861. Bibliotheca Sacra. 1854-55. Billed Magazine (Norwegian). 1869. Bizarre. 1852-55. Blackwood s Edinburgh Magazine. 1817-1868. Boston Weekly Magazine. 1803-05, 38-41. British Magazine. 1761. Buchanan s Journ. of Man. 1849-51. Canadian Magazine. 1823. Casket. 1827-36, 40. Chicago Magazine. 1857. Christian Examiner. 1824-1866. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer. 1869-72. Classical Journal, 1810-1829. Colburn s United Service Journal, 1829. 1858. Colonial Journal, 1816. Colonial Intelligence, 1847-58. Columbian Ladies and Gentlemans Magazine, 1845-6. Columbian Magazine, 1786-88, 1790-91. Continental Monthly, 1862. Cornhill Magazine, 1850-1870. - Crayon, The. A Journal devoted to the Graphic Arts. 1855-60. DE Bow s Review, 1846-70. Dental Register, 1847-72. Dublin Magazine, 1763-4. DWIGHT, T. Amer. Magazine., 1845-47. Eclectic Magazine, 1847. Edinburgh Review, 1802-68. EMERSON S Mag., 1857-58. European Magazine, 1782-1823. Firelands Pioneer. 1855-68. Fortnightly Review, 1865-70. ERASER S Magazine, 1830-1865. Galaxy, 1867-71. Gentlemans Magazine, 1731-1833. GODEY S Lady s Book, 1839-43. Grand Magazine, 1758. HALLIWELL, J. O. The Archaeologist, 1841-42. Harper s Magazine. 1850-1870. Herald of Truth, 1847. Hesperian Magazine, Columbus, 1838. Hesperian, San Francisco, 1859. Hibernian Magazine, 1775-87. Historical Magazine, 1857-71. Historical Register, 1714-38. Holman s Dollar Magazine, 1848-9. Illinois and Ind. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1846-48. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 215 PERIODICALS and Reviews. Illustrated Exhibitors, 1852. Interim. Monthly Magazine, 1850-51. Journal of Botany, 1863. Ladies Magazine, 1819. Ladies Wreath, 1849-50. Lady s Magazine, 1772-74. Literary Garland, 1838-40. Literary Magazine, 1788-94. Littell s Living Age, 1844-73. Museum, 1822-42. London Magazine, 1732-83. London Quarterly Review, 1809-67. London Weekly Amusement, 1734-5, 1763-67. London, Westminster Magazine, 1777. MARTIN, B. Miscell. Correspondence, 1755-63. Masonic Review. 1846-62. Mass. Magazine. 1789, 90. Mass. Quarterly Review. 1848-50. Methodist Magazine and Quart. Review. 1819-47 - Metropolitan Mag. 1838-40. . Military and Naval Magazine. 1833-34. Mining Magazine. 1853-58. Mirror of Literature, etc. 1823-37. Missionary Herald. 1828-49. (Scattering years.) Monthly Chronicle. 1840, 1, 2. Monthly Magazine and Amer. Review. 1799. Monthly Miscellany, 1839-40. _ Monthly Review. Lond., 1749-1828. National Review. 1855-1861. Navy Chronicle. 1799-1S18. New Church Herald. 1856--7. New Churchman. 1841--3. New Church Repository. 1848-9. N. England Magazine. 1831-45. New Englander. 1843-69. New Monthly Magazine. 1823-25. N. Y. Genealog. and Biograph. Record. 1870-72. N. Y. Magazine. 1790, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97. Quarterly. 1854, 55. North Amer. Review. 1815-71. North British Review. 1844-1869. N. Western Journal of Educa., etc. 1850. N. Western Med. and Surg. Journal. 1848-55. Nouvelle Jerusalem Revue. 1844-7. Old Guard. 1867-8. . Opal. 1862, 63. Panoplist and Missionary Mag. 1806-13. Parliamentary Register. 1774-80. Penn. Magazine. 1775. Penny Magazine. 1832-45. Phila. Album and Port Polio. 1831-4. Phila. Monthly Magazine. 1798. 216 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PERIODICALS and Reviews. Political Magazine. 1780-91. Poole, W. F. Index to Period. L ture. Popular Science Review, 1862-71. Port-Folio. 1809, etc. Register of the Times, 1794, 5. Retrospective Review, 1820-1827, 1853, 54. Royal Amer. Magazine, 1774. Royal Military Chronicle, 1811-13. Rural Magazine and Vt. Repository, 1795. Scot s Magazine, 1739-1825. Senator or Parliamentary Chronicle, 1790-1802. Southern Literary Journal, 1836. Southern Literary Messenger, 1835-64. Southern Quarterly Review, 1842-55. Southern Review, 1828-32. Sporting Magazine, 1826--29. STRYKER, J. Amer. Register, 1848--51. Students Miscellany, 1857, 58. Tafton Seminary Offering, 1859. Tiffany s Monthly, 1856. Town and Country Magazine, 1773-1789. U. States Magazine and Dem. Review, 1838--59. U. S. Review and Literary Gazette, 1826. U. S. Service Magazine, 1864, 5. Universal Magazine, 1748-1792. Voice of Iowa, 1857. Western Journal of Med. and Phys. Sciences. 1828-35. Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 1845-47. Western Literary Journal. 1845. Western Literary Messenger. 1853-7. Western Monthly. 1869-70. Western Monthly Magazine. 1834-5. Western Monthly Review. 1827-8. Western Review. 1819-22. Western and Wisconsin Farmer. 1849-71. Westminster Magazine. 1783-85. Wisconsin Journal of Educa. 1856-71. Worcester Magazine. 1825-6. PERFECT (A) Description of Virginia, being a Full and True Rela tion of the Present State of that Plantation. 1649. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 9. 2d Ser. PERKINS, Chas. C. American Art Museums. Reprinted from the N. A. Review. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Art Catalogues, etc. Vol. 2. PERKINS Institution and Mass. Asylum for the Blind. Reports for 1839, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70. PERKINS, James H. Annals -of the West; Ace. of Events in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of Mis sissippi Valley to 1845. Cincm. 3 1847. Svo.. See ALBACH, J. R. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 217 PERKINS, James H. Discourse before Ohio Hist. Soc. Ohio Hist. and Philos. Soc. Trans. Part 2. Vol. 1. See Heywood and Barrett. Obit. Discourses. Writings. See CHAINING, W. H. PERKINS, John Jr. Speech in Cong., Jan., 1855, on the Diplomatic System of the U. S. Speeches. Vol. 5. PERKINS, Justin, D. D. Journal of a Tour from Oroomiah to Mosul, through the Koordish Mts., and a Visit to Ruins of Nineveh. 1849. Amer. Oriental Soc. Journ. Vol. 2. PERKINS, Ohio. See PARISH, F. D. Settlement of. FELT, Amos. Notes on Organization of. PERKINS, Sam l. Hist, of Polit. and Military Events of the Late War between the U. S. and G. Britain. N. Haven, 1825. 8vo. Hist. Sketches of the U. S., from 1815 to 1830. N. Y., 1830. 12mo. PERKINS, Rev. S. K. B. Discourse at Semi-Centen. Celebra. of 1st Cong. Ch., Glover, Vt., July 12, 1867. Barton, Vt., 1867. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. PERKINS, Thos. H. See LLOYD, J. Letter to, on Impressments. Memoir of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 10. Remarks at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Boston Exchange, Aug. 2, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 15. PERLEY, Ira. Eulogy of Daniel Webster before the Legislature of N. H. Concord, 1852. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 31. PERMANENT Temperance Documents. Ann. Reports of the Amer. Temperance Soc., 1831-35. Boston, 1835. 8vo. PERPETUAL Calendar. See MC!LVAINE, W. PERRINE, C. O. Topograph. War Map of the U. S., with Chronol ogy of G. Rebellion. Boston, 1864. 12mo. PERROT, Nicholas. See HILL, A. J. The Geography of, as relates to Minnesota. PERRY, A. F. Argument in the Vallandigham Habeas Corpus Case before U. S. Circuit Court, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 25. Speech before National Union Assoc. Cincin., Sept. 20th, 1864. Cincin., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 2. PERRY, Rev. G. B. Discourse at Bradford, Mass., Dec. 22, 1820, containing a Hist, of the Town. Haverhill, 1821. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 7. PERRY, Com. M. C. See HAWKS, Rev. F. L. Narr. of the Japan Expedition. PERRY, Oliver H. See MACKENZIE, A. S. Life of. PERRY, Dr. S. Disquisition of the Stone and Gravel. Lond., 1777. 12mo. 5th Ed. Med. Pamph. Vol. 23. PERRY Statue at Cleveland, O. See Inauguration of, etc. PERRY, Thos. Speech in Cong. July 1, 1846, on the Tariff. Wash- 1846. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 1. PERRY, Wm. S., D. D. See Churchman s Year Book. Historical Collections of the Amer. Colonial Church. Vol. 1. Virginia. Hartford, 1870. 4to. 218 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PERRY, Wm. S., D. D. Memorial of Thos. Mather Smith, D. D. Priv. Prin. ? 1866. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 8. Papers relating to the Hist, of the Church of Perm., 1680- 1778. Hartford, 1871. 4to. Sketch of the History of the Episcopal Church in Portland, Maine. Portland, 1863. 8vo. Maine Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. PERSEPOLIS. See USSHEE, J. London to Persepolis. PERSIA. See BROWN, J. P. Et-Tabary s Conquest of, etc. DAVIS, Rev. A. Lecture on Remarkable Discoveries in the East, 1852. ERASER, J. B. Hist, and Descript. Ace. USSHER, J. Journey from London to Persepolis. PERSIAN Alphabet. See SALISBURY, E. E. PERTH-AMBOY, N. J. St. Peter s Ch. See CHAPMAN, Jas. Hist. Notices of. 1825. PERTH, James, Earl of. Correspondence. See Camden Soc. Pub- lica. PERU. See BALBOA, M. C. Histoire de. MOUTESINOS, F. Memoires Historique sur PAncien Peru. See PIZARRO. PRESCOTT, W. H. Hist, of the Conquest of. RIVERO & TSCHUDI. Antiquities. TEMPLE, Edw. Travels in. 1830. TSCHUDI, J. J. Travels in. WISE, H. A., Jr. Los Gringos. Wanderings in Peru, etc. 1849. XERES, F. Relation de la Conquete. PERU, Ohio. See SUTTON, L. R. Memoir of. PERUVIAN Antiquities. See DE RIVERO. Pamphlet; being an Exposition of the Administrative La bours of the Peruvian Gov t., etc. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 1. PESTALOZZI, Henry. Memoir of. From the Mass. Teacher, Jan., 1859. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. PETER the Great. See BARROW, J. Memoir of. BRADFORD, S. H. History of. Life of. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. ISmo. PETER, Robt. M. D. Sketch of Hist, of Lexington, Ky., and of Transylvania University. Lexington, 1854. 8vo. Pamph. PETER, W. Thoughts on the Present Crisis, in a Letter, etc. Lond. 1816. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 8. PETERBOROUGH, N. H. See DUNBAR, Rev. E. Eccles. Hist. of. Topograph. and Hist. Ace. of. MORRISON, J. H. Centen. Address, 1839. PETERS, Hugh. See FELT, J. B. Memoir of. See PETERS, Rev. Sam l. History of. PETERS, John R. Descriptive Catalogues of the Chinese Museum. Boston, 1845. Phila., 1847. 8vo. 2 Pamphs. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 219 PETERS, Rev. Sam l. Hist, of the Rev. Hugh Peters, Principal Chaplain to the Lord Protector. N. Y. 1807. 8vo. PETERS, Sam l. A. LL. D. Gen. Hist, of Conn, from its First Set tlement under George Fenwick, Esq.. to the Latest Period of of Amity with G. B. Lond., 1781. 8vo. PETERS, T. C. Report on the Condition of the South in regard to a Cotton Crop. 1867. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 18. PETERSBURG, Va., Library Assoc. 1st Ann. Report of Directors, 1854. Petersburg, 1854. 8vo Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. PETERSEN, F. A. Military Review of the Campaign in Va. and Md., under Gen. J. C. Fremont and N. P. Banks, J. Pope, G. B. McClellan and others. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vols. 2, 13, 7, and 81. PETERSHAM, Mass. See WILLSON, E. B. Hist. Address. 1854. PETERSON, Chas. J. Military Heroes of the Revolution, with Narr, of War ol Independence. Phila., 1848. 8vo. PETERSON, Rev. Edw. History of Rhode Island. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. PETIGRU, Jas. L. See GRAYDON, W. J. Biograph. Sketch. Oration on the 3d Annivers. of the S. C. Hist. Soc., May 27, 1858. S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the Bar of Charleston, S. C., Mar. 25, 1863, on his Death. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 25. PETITION and Memorial of Citizens of the U. S. to Cong, in favor of Negro Suffrage. 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. of Citizens of New Orleans, Creditors of the late Republic of Texas, to Cong. N. Orleans. 1852. 8vo. Texas Pamph. Vol. 1. to Cong., for Claims of Amer. Citizens against Poland and Russia. N. Y.. 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 117. Petitions to Cong, from Business Men of N. Y., Boston, Phila, and Chicago. 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. PETITVAL, J. B. Report of the Survey of the Neenah or Fox River, Wis. Ex. Doc. No. 102. 3d Sess. 25th Cong. 1839. PETO, Sir S. Morton. Resources and Prospects of America. Lond., 1866. 8vo. Taxation; its Levy and Expenditure. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. PETRARCH. See DOBSON, Mrs. Life of. PETRIE. Geo. Notices of the Brochs and Picts Houses of Orkney. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Archaeolog. Pamph. Vol. 2. PETROLEUM. See Descript. of Cal. Petroleum Region, 1865. O REILLY, H., on Petroleum Gas. PETTES Genealogy. See MORSE, A. PETTIT, John. Speech in Cong., Feb. 20. 8854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. PETTIT, Thos. McK. Memoir of Roberts Vaux, one of the Vice Presidents of the Hist. Soc. of Penn. Memoirs of Soc. Vol. 4, Parti. PETTY, Sir Wm. Essay on the Multiplication of Mankind, with another on the Growth of the City of London, 1682. Loud., 1698. 12mo. 3d Ed. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. 220 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PETTY, Sir Wm. Observations on the Cities of Lond., and Rome, 1682. Lond., 1699. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. PEWS, History of. See Cambridge Camden Soc y. Paper before the Soc y. 1841. PEYTON, John Lewis. See BLUNDELL, J. L. Review of his Works. Statist. View of the State of 111., with an Article on Chicago. Chicago, 1855. 8vo. 111. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Suggestions on R. R. Communication with the Pacific. Chi cago, 1853. 8vo. Pacif. R. R. Pamph. The American Crisis. Lond., 1867. 2 Vols. 8vo. The Adventures of my Grandfather. Lond., 1867. 8vo. PFEIFFER, G. S. F. Memorial for the Establishment of a Homseo- pathic Military Hospital. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. PFEIFFER, Ida. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. PFEIL, Adolph R. Resume des Affairs de la Plata. Paris, 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 59. PHELAN, Rev. Wm. Evidence before Select Comm. of House of Lords, on the State of Ireland. Dublin, 1825. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. PHELPS & GORHAM S Purchase. N. Y. See TURNER, O. Hist. of. PHELPS, Chas. A. Life and Pub. Services of Gen. U. S. Grant, with a Biograph. Sketch of S. Colfax. Boston, 1868. 12mo. PHELPS, E. J. Sketch of the Life and Character of Chas Linsley, read before the Vt. Hist. Soc. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 2. PHELPS, E. W. Bee Keepers Chart. N, Y., 1855. 12mo. PHELPS Family. See PHELPS, O. S. PHELPS, Mrs. Hester Ann. See BAYNES, Rev. J. W. Obit. Ser mon, 1849. PHELPS, J. S. Speech in Cong., June 8, 1850, on the Admission of California. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. PHELPS, Capt. Matthew. See HASWELL, A. Memoirs and Adven tures of. PHELPS, Noah A. Hist, of Simsbury, Granby and Canton, from 1642 to 1845, with a register of Early Families. Hartford, 1845. 12mo. PHELPS, Oliver S. In Memoriam. Orson Phelps. With Genea- log. Notes. Portland, Oregon, 1870. 8vo. GeneaJog. Vol. 2. - Genealogy of Othniel Phelps, of Aylmer, Canada. St. Cath arines, 1862. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 8. PHELPS, Orson. See PHELPS, O. S. Genealogy of. PHELPS. Rich d H. Hist, of the Newgate ol Conn., at Simsbury, now East Granby; its Insurrections and Massacres, with account of States Prison at Wethersfield. Albany, 1860. 4to. PHELPS, Wm. F. Desultory Thoughts on Educational Science. Trenton, 1857. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 7. The Reform in Geograph. Studies in our Amer. Schools, with a Sketch of Prof. A. Guyot. Chicago, 1871. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 221 PHENICIANS in America. Record of their Visit to Brazil, B. C. 500. From Chicago Tribune, 1873. Pamphlets. Pre-Co lumbian Discov. PHI Beta Kappa. See Harvard University. See Yale. College. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Academy of Nat. Sciences. Address on Lay ing the Corner-Stone of the Edifice of the Academy, 1872. Phila., 1873. 8vo. List of Members and Correspondents from 1812 to 1841. Phila., 1841. 8vo. 6th Ann. Report of Trustees of the Building Fund, Phila. 1873. 8vo. ^ See MEIGS, J. Aitken. RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. Journal. Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2. Phila., 1817, 18. 2 Vols. 8vo. Proceedings. 1857. Phila., 1857. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 10. - Proceedings. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Phila., 1842-44. Svo. Daily Advertiser. (Dunlap s) Newspaper. Phila., 1792. 2 Vols. Folio. Album and Ladies Literary Portfolio. Phila., 1831-34. 4 Vols. Svo. Alexander s Weekly Messenger. Newspaper. Feb., 1844 to Apr., 1846. Folio. Same. June, 1846, to Jan., 1849. Folio. Aims-House Hospital. Rules for Gov t of the Board of Guar dians. Phila., 1835. Svo. and European Steamship Co. Prospectus. Phila., 1858. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Apprentices Library Co. Ann. Reports. 1831, 35, 38, 39, 44, 51, 55, 57, 68. Phila., 1831-68. Svo. See SERGEANT, J. Addresses. 1832. Athenaeum. Ann. Report of the Directors. 1856. Phila. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See WHARTON, T. I. Aurora; or General Advertiser. Newspaper. Nov., 1798 to June, 1799. Folio. Dec,, 1799, to Dec., 1800. Folio. Oct., 1810, to Dec., 1812. 4to. Weekly. Jan., 1813, to Dec., 1814. 4to. Weekly. Baptist Assoc. See JONES, Sam l. Century Sermon. 1807. Minutes of I42d, 143d, 144th, 149th, 150th, 152d, 154th, 155th Anniversaries. Phila., 1849-62. Svo. Board of Trade. 22d Ann. Report of Directors, Feb., 1855. Phila., 1855. Svo. Annual Report, 1S67-S. Communication to Comm. of Finance of Senate of U. S., on the Revenue Question. Phila., 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 65. Narr. of the Excursion to the West, made by the Dele gation of the Board. Phila., 1860. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. 222 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Bulletin. Newspaper. 1861-65. 9 Vols. folio. Business Directory. Phila., 1849. 18mo. See CAREY, M. Essays on Public Charities of. Celebra. of the 74th Annivers. of Signing the Constitution of the U. S., Sept. 17, 1861. Phila., 1861. 8vo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Central Democratic Club, Constitution and By-Laws, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. Charity Hospital. 1st Ann. Report of the Medical Board. Phila., 1858. 8vo. Children s Hospital. 5th Ann. Report. Phila., 1861. 8vo. Christ Church. See DOER, Rev. B. Hist. Account of. Hospital. Proceedings on Laying the Corner Stone. Nov. 18, 1856. With Addresses of Bishop Potter and Rev. Benj. Dorr. Phila., 1856. 8vo. Chronicle. Newspaper. 1769. 4to. Church of the Epiphany. See TYNG, D. A. City Directory, 1845, 1858, 1859, 1861. College of Medicine. See Cox, C. C. of Physicians. Summary of Transactions, 1841-49. PhiPa, 1846-49. 2 Vols. Svo. Colored Statistics. See BACON, B. C., 1856. . Statistical Inquiry into the Condition of the Colored Peo ple, 1849. Dental College. 9th Ann. Announcement, 1871-2. Phil a, 1871. Svo. Dessert to the True American, Newspaper. June, 1798, to June, 1779. 4to. District Court. Report of Trial of Sherman vs. Rusling, et al. Phil a, 1833. Svo. Law Pamph., Vol. 9. Emigrant Society. Report on the Emigration Laws in N. Y., etc. Phil a, 1854. Svo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Female Anti-Slavery Soc y. Report for 1868-69. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 107. Same for 1869. Phil a Misc. Pamph, Vol. 2. Franklin Gazette. Newspaper. Phil a, 1818-24. 6 Vols. Folio. FREEDLEY, E. T. Phil a and its Manufactures. Gas Works. Ordinances, Rules and Regulations for the Intro duction of Gas. Phil a, 1847. Svo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. General Advertiser. Newspaper. April, 1794, to Mar., 1795. See Girard College. Hibernia Fire Co. Statement[and Testimony in opposition to the claim of the Hand in Hand Fire Co. Phil a, 1857. Svo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. History of, with Notices of Villages in the Vicinity. With Hist. Ace. of the Military Operations of the Late War. Phil a, 1839. Home Guard. Report for 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 14. House of Correction. Legislative Report on. Phil a, 1854. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 223 PHILADELPHIA, Pa., House of Refuge. Ann. Reports, 1832-62, except 1833, 36, 44, 46, 61. Design and Advantages of, etc., 1854. By-Laws. Rules, etc., 1860. Memorial of Board of Managers to City Councils, 1855. See BIGLER, Wm. Address, etc. 1854. KELLEY, W. D. Address, etc. 1849. for Colored Juvenile Delinquents. Appeal to the Public on behalf of. Phila., 1846. 8vo. Independent Whig, Newspaper. Printed by Sam l Keimer. Phila., 1721. 4to. Inquirer, Newspaper. 1860-65. 6 Vols. Folio. Ladies Aid Society. 3d Semi- Ann. Report. Phila., 1862. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 24. Law Academy. See THAYER, M. R. Library Company. Catalogue. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Phila., 1835- 1856. Svo. List of some of the Benevolent Institutions of Phila. Phila., 1859. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Magdalen Soc y. Report for 1856. Phila., 1857. 12mo. Malignants Typographied. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 96. See MEASE, Dr. J. Picture of. 1811. Mercantile Library Co. Ann. Reports, 1847, 48, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67. Phila., 1847-1867. Svo. 1st, 3d, 4th Ann. Messages of Mayor Henry, with accompany ing Documents. Phila., 1S59, 61, 62. Svo. Minerva, Newspaper. Feb., 1795, to June, 1798. 4to. Minutes of the Committee of Defense of Phila. 1814-15. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 8. Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1. 1798. Phila., 1798. Svo. Natatorium and Physical Institute. Address to Philadelphians on behalf of. Phila., 1860. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. National Gazette, Newspaper. Phila., 1824-30. 1 Vol. Folio. Same. 1831-2, 1833-4, 1836-7. 3 Vols. Folio. Same. Jan. to Dec., 1835. National Enquirer and Pa. Freeman, Newspaper. Sept., 1837, to Oct., 1838. New World, Newspaper. Oct., 1796, to Aug., 1797. Folio. Northern Home for Friendless Children. 3d Ann. Report. Phila., 1856. Svo. No. 322 Spruce St. Hist. Account of, with Illustrations, be ing the former Residence of Rev. Wm. Marshall, of the Scots Presb. Ch. Phila., 1859. Svo. Penn. Hist. Dis courses, etc. Vol. 1. Numismatic and Antiquarian Soc y of. See HART, Chas. H. Ordinances of the Corporation of Phila., 1843-47. Phila., 1847. Svo. Orthopaedic Hospt. 5th Ann, Report, for 1872. Phila., 1873. Svo. Penn. Asylum for Indigent Widows, etc. 5th and 6th Ann. Reports. Phila., 1859-60. 8vo. 224 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PHILADELPHIA, Penn. Chronicle, Newspaper. Feb., 1768, to Jan. 23, 1769. 4to. Penn. Evening Post, Newspaper. Aug. 1776, to Aug. 1777. 4to. Penn. Gazette. Dec. 1728, to Sept. 1729; Oct. 1739, to Dec. 1740. Same. 1753-83. Phila. Folio. Penn. Journal and Weekly Advertiser, Newspaper. Jan. 1785, to Dec. 1785. Folio. Same. Jan. 1788, to Dec. 1788. Penn. Mercury, Newspaper. Jan. to Dec., 1788. Penn. Packet and Daily Advertiser, Newspaper. Jan. to Dec. 1786. Folio. . Pennsylvanian, Newspaper. July to Nov., 1856. Folio. Political and Commercial Register, Newspaper. July, lS04 y to Dec., 1804. Folio. Proceedings at Union Meeting at Phila., Dec. 7, 1859. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 35. Proceedings of Manufacturers, etc., on the Removal of the Gov t Deposits. Phila., 1834. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 4. P. Episcopal Ch. Hospital. Charter, By-Laws, etc. 1851. 12mo. Ann. Report, Jan. 3, 1860. 8vo. Public Charities of. See CAREY, M. Essay, etc, 1830. Public Ledger Building. Exercises at the Opening of, 1867. Phila., 1867. Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. School Reports of the Controllers of the Pub. Schools City and County of Phila,, 1840, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, of the 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 67. Phila., 1841-68. 8vo. Report on Drainage and Sewerage. Phila., 1853. Svo. of Special Comm. of City Councils on Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph. Phila., 1854. Svo. of Special Comm. of City Councils on Steam Fire En gines. Phila., 1854. Svo. of the Board of Health, for 1863. Phila., 1864. Svo. of the Fire Marshall. Phila., 1859. Svo. of Trustees of the. Phila. Gas. Works, Jan., 1857. Phila.,, 1857. Svo. of Proceedings, July, 1852, on the Erection of Monu ments in Independence Square. Phila., 1852. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. St Peter s Ch. See De LANCEY, W. H. Centen. Discourse, 1861. Saturday Courier. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec., 1832. Folio. Scots Presb. Ch. See MARSHALL, Rev. Wm. 2d Presbyterian Ch. Report of the Ladies Educa. Soc y., Oct. 15, 1858. 12mo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Soc y for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. Act of Incorporation and Constitution. Phila., 1835. Svo. - Sketch of the Principal Transactions of. Phila., 1S59. Svo. Soc y for Employment and Instruction of the Poor, llth Ann. Report. Phila., 1858. Svo. Soc y for Supplying the Poor with Soup. Constitution and Laws of. Phila., 1857. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 225 PHILADELPHIA Society for Support of Charity Schools. Reports for 1830, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40-58. Constitution of, 1840. 12mo. PhiPa, 1830-1858. 8vo. 3d Assoc. Reformed Presb. Ch., vs. John M. Stetler. Phil a, 1855. 8vo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol.1. Union Club. Addresses at Meeting, 18G3. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 91. Union League. Address and Resolutions Sept. 16, 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vols. 14, 91. Address to Citizens of Penn., in favor of A. Lincoln. Phil a, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. Officers and Members, 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 23. Ann. Report, 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 19. Same 1865. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. United States Gazette. Newspaper. Oct. 1795, to June, 1796. Folio. Same July, 1808, to Dec. 1808. Folio. See VAUGHAN, J. Mortality, 1809-1816. WATSON, John F. Annals of. Western Saving Fund Soc y vs. The City of Phil a et al., in Eqvity. 1854. 8vo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. Co. Letter of the Presi dent to Sec. of War on Improved Facilities for Transporta tion. Washington, 1862. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 62. 17th Ann. Report, 1854. Phil a , 1855. 800. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Woman s Hospital. 10th Ann. Report. Phil a, 1871. Svo. Yearly Meeting of Friends. Brief Sketch of Efforts of the Meeting for the Improvement of the Indians. Phil a, 1866. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 5. Young Man s Institute. Sixth Ann. Report of Trustees. Phil a, 1856. Svo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. PHILANTHKOPOS (pseud.), Dissertation on a Congress of Nations. Amer. Peace Soc y. N. Y., 1832. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 134. PHILBEICK, John D. Memoirs of Thos. Sherwin. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 24. PHILIP II. of Spain. See PRESCOTT, W. H. History of the Reign of. PHILIPAET, Sir John. Observations on the Bill rendering the Militia Disposable for Foreign Service. Lond., 1814. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. on the Libels published against le Vicomte de Chateau briand. Lond., 1818. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 12. PHILIPPS, Thos. Advantages of Emigration to Algoa Bay and Al bany, South Africa. Lond., 1834. 12mo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 17. PHILLIPS, - Speech in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, in the Case of Guthrie vs. Sterne, for Adultery. Lond., 1816. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. 15 226 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PHILLIPS, C. Address to the Electors of the County of Sligo, on Declining the Poll. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 33. PHILLIPS, Chrs. See Speeches of, and others. PHILLIPS, Edwin D. Texas and its late Military Occupation and Evacuation, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 85. PHILLIPS Exeter Academy. Catalogue of Officers and Students, Exeter, 1838. 12mo. PHILLIPS, Henry. Hist. Sketches of the Paper Currency of Amer. Colonies. Roxbury, 1866. 2 Vols. Sm. 4to. PHILLIPS, Jas. M. Jamaica; its Past and Present State. Phila., 1843. 8vo. Pamph. PHILLIPS, John. Memoir of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 20. Rivers, Mountains and Sea Coast of Yorkshire, Eng. Lond., 1838. 8vo. PHILLIPS, John R. Hist, of Cilgerran, with Account of the Cas tle, Church, Families, etc. Lond., 1867. 8vo. PHILLIPS, Sam l. Guide to the Crystal Palace and Park. Lond. y 1854. 12mo. 3d Ed. Guide Books. Vols. 4 and 18. PHILLIPS, Hon. Sam l. See TAYLOR, Rev. J. L. Memoir of. PHILLIPS, Stephen H. Sketch of the Rev. Nathan l Ward, of Ips wich. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 6. PHILLIPS, Sir T. Fragment of Aelfric s Grammar, Aelfric s Gloss ary, and a Poem on the Soul and Body, in the Orthography of the 12th Century. Lond., 1838. Folio. Pamph. PHILLIPS, Wendell. Propositions Concerning Protection and Free Trade. Boston, 1850. Svo. Speech before Mass. Anti-Slavery Soc. at Boston, 1862. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 37. The War for the Union. Speech at N. Y., 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 99. PHILLIPS, Wm. Essay on the Georgia Gold Mines, 1833. Silli- man s Journ. Vol. 24. The Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her Allies. Hist, of the Troubles in Kansas. Boston, 1856. 12mo. PHILLPOTT, Nicholas. Reasons and Proposals for a Registry of all Deeds, etc. Oxford, 1671. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 6. PHILOBIBLION, The. A Monthly Bibliograph. Journal. N. Y., 1862, 63. 2 Vols. 8vo. PHILOLOGICAL Society, London. Proceedings. Lond., 1S42-53. 6 Vols. Svo. Transactions. Lond., 1854-1869. 14 Vols. Svo. Transactions. Part 1, 1870. See LEVINS, P. MICHEL, D. S. KEAT, W. W. PHILOLOLGY. See Akerman, J. Y. Glossary of Wiltshire words, etc. See Amer. Philolog. Assoc. BAKER, A. E. Northamptonshire Words. BAMFORD, S. Dialect of, to Lancashire. BARNES, W. Anglo Saxon Delectus. Dorset Grammar and Glossary. English, a Teutonic Language. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 227 PHILOLOGY. BARNES, W. Philolog. Grammar. . Poems in Dorset Dialect. BARTLETT, W. H. Dictionary of Americanisms. BOWEN, T. J. On Yoruba Language. CARPENTER, Stephen H. England of the XlVth Century. CHASE, P. E. On Linguistic Resemblances. Yoruba Language. CLARKE, C. Poem in Essex Dialect. COOPER. W. D. Provincialisims of Co. of Suss*ex. CRAIG, J. D. Provincial Dialect of South France. DE VERB, M. S. Americanisms. Dialect of Leeds, Eng. DICKINSON, W. Glossary of Cumberland Words, etc. DWIGHT, B. W. Modern Philology. Glossary of Provincial Words of Teesdale, Eng. of Yorkshire Words and Phrases. GROSSE, F. Glossary of English Provincial Words. HALLIWELL, J. O. Diet, of Archaic and Provincial Words. HARE, J. C. On English Orthography. HOGG, N. Poems in Devonshire Dialect. See Language. MORDAQUE, L. H. Hist, of Names of Men, Nations, etc. See Surnames. NARES, R. Glossary of Eng. Authors. PHILLIPS, Sir T. Fragment of Aelfric s Grammar and Glos sary. Philological Society. PICKERING, J. Vocabulary of Amer. Words, etc. - POOLE, Jacob. Dialect of Forth and Bargy, Ireland. Specimens of Cornish Dialect. TRENCH, R. C. Glossary of Eng. Words. WHEELER, A. West Moreland and Cumberland Dialects. WILLIAMS, J. Essays. WRIGHT, J. W. On Language, ete. Yorkshire Dialect Exemplified. PHILOSOPHY. See Amer. Philosoph. Soc y - DICK, T. Christian Philosopher. - See Edinburgh Philosoph. Journal, 1819-24. GREUVE, F. C. de. Brieven in Atwoord. HENRY, C. S. Epitome of Hist. of. HOISINGTON, H. R. Treatises on Hindu. LEWIS, G. H. Biograph. Hist. of. of Universal History. See BUNSEN, C. C. SCHROEDER, E. A. Philosophieus Historia. WHEWELL, W. Hist, of Inductive Sciences. - WILLIAMS, J. Philosoph. Essays. See Moral and Intellectual Philos. PHIPPEN, Francis. Authentic Ace. of Mr. Whitbread s Latter Days and Death. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 23. PHIPEN, Geo. D. The " Old Planters " of Salem previous to 1628. Essex Institute Coll. Vols. 1 and 5. 238 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pmrrs, Sir Wm. See BOWEN, F. Life of. PHOCION in Reply to Cato, in Defense of the People of England and the Public Press. Lond., 1821. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamph leteer. Vol. 18. PHOCYLIDES. See FEULING, J. B. PHCENIX, S. W. Descendants of John Phoenix, of Kittery, Me. N. Y., 1867. 4to. PHONETICS. See Attempt at Vocal English, etc. 1844. ELLIS, A. J. Ethnical Alphabet. Two Pamphlets written in Phonetic Lang. MEDILL, Jos. Easy Method of Spelling the Eng. Lang. PHONOGRAPHY. See DONLEVY, John. Exercises on. PITMAN, Isaac. Manual of, etc. PHONOLOGY. See DuPoNCEAU, P. S. On Eng. Phonology. PHOTOGRAPHY. See HILL, L. L. Photograph. Researches and Manipulations. JOHNSON, W. M. Hints on. PHRASE Book, or Idiomatic Exercises in English and Tamil. 2d Ed. Jaffna., 1841. 12mo. PHRENOLOGY. See Buchanan s Journ. of Man. FORSTER, T. FOWLER, O. S. ALCOTT, T. W. Address on. 1840. SMITH, L. M. Amer. Crisis Phrenologically considered. PiiRENO-Mremotechnics. See GOURAND, F. F. PHYSIC and its Phases. Lond., 1858. 8vo. 2d Ed. Med. Pamph. Vol. 25. PHYSIOLOGY. See BARLOW, J. Connection of, with Intellectual Science. BRAY, C., on the Educa. of the Body. - BURNETT, W. J. Origin, etc., of the Spermatic Particles. COMBE, A. Principles of. GOADBY, H. Vegetable and Animal Physiology. GRISCOM, J. H. Physiology and Animal Mechanism. LOOMIS, J. R. Elements of. ROGET, P. M. Physiology with ref. to Nat. Theology. PICHINCHA. Volcano of. See WHITE, Philo. PICKELL, J. New Chapter in the Early Life of Washington, in con nection with the Hist, of the Potomac Company. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. PICKENS, Francis W. Speech In Cong., June 22, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. PICKERING, Chas. The Gliddon Mummy Case in the Museum of the Smithsonian Instiution. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 16. PICKERING, John, L.L.D. See PRESCOTT, Wm. H. Memoir of See RASLES, L. Diet, of Abnaki Language. The Massachusetts Language. 1821. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d. Ser. Vol. 8. Vocabulary of Words and Phrases peculiar to the U. S. Bos ton, 1816. 8vo. Another Ed. Boston, 1861. Svo. See WHITE, Dan l A. Eulogy on. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 22^ PICKERING, Octavius. Life of Timothy Pickering. Vol. 1. Bos ton, 1867. 8vo. PICKERING, Timothy. Letter of, exhibiting to his Constituents the Imminent Danger of an Unnecessary and Dangerous War. Boston, 1808. 8vo. Misc. Tracts. Vol. 1. See PICKERING, O. Life of. Review of Corres. between John Adams and Wm. Cunning ham, 1803-1812. Salem, 1824. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 109. Speech in Cong., on the Repeal of the Embargo, 1808. Misc. Tracts. Vol. 1. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 123. See SULLIVAN, Gov. Wm. Corres. with. SWETT, S. Defence of, against Bancroft s History. PICKETT, Albert J. History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi. 3d Ed. Charleston, 1851. 2 Vols. 8vo. PICKETT, J. C. Address on Gen. Washington, Febr. 22d 67. Washington, 1867. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 16. PICKMAN, Benj. See BRAZER, John. Obit. Disc., 1843. PICKMAN, Col. Benj. Account of Houses of, and other Buildings in Salem. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 6. PICTORIAL Views of Massachusetts, for the Young. Worcester, 1846. 16mo. PICTURE of N. York; or the Traveller s Guide through the Com mercial Metropolis of the U. S. N. Y., 1807. 12mo. of Slavery drawn from the Decisions of Southern Courts, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 39, 74. of the Baptism of Pocahontas. Washington, 1840. 8vo. In dian Pamph. Vol. 3. PIDGEON, Wm. Traditions of De-coo-dah and Antiquarian Re searches, comprising Explorations, Surveys and Excavations of Earthen Remains of the Mound Builders of America. N. Y., 1858- 12mo. PIEDMONTESE Revolution, 1821. See Santa Rosa, Count. PIERCE Co., Wis. See Gibbs and Young. Sketch of. Ann. Review of PIERCE, Edw. L. Letter on the Foreign Vote at the Presidential Election. Boston, 1857. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. PIERCE, Gen Franklin. See BARTLETT, D. W. Life of. 1852. CARROL, Anna E. Review of his Administration. HAWTHORNE, N. Life of. PIERCE, Jas. Geology, Mineralogy, Scenery, etc. of the Highlands of N. York and N. Jersey, 1822. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 5. Memoir on the Catskill Mountains, with Notices of their Top ography, Mineralogy, etc., 1823. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 6. Notice of an Excursion among the White Mountains in 1823. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 8. Notice of the Alluvial District of N. Jersey, 1823. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 6. Notice of the Floridas and of the other Indian Tribes, made during a Tour (in 1824?) Silliman s Journ. Vol. 9. Notice of the Peninsula of Michigan, its Topography, Resour ces, etc, 1826. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 10. 230 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL /SOCIETY. PIERCE, Rev. John. Half Century Discourse at Brookline, Mass., Mar. 15, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 11. . Hist. Sketch of Brookline, Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. 2d. Ser. See KNAPP, F. N. Funeral Discourses, 1849. See LOWELL, Chas. Memoir of. PIERCE, Josiah. Centen. Address at Gorham, Me., May 26, 1836. Portland, 1836. 8vo. Maine Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Hist, of the Town of Gorham, Me. Portland, 1862. 8vo. PIERCE, S. W. Battle Fields and [Camp Fires of 38th Wis. Vol unteers. Milwaukee. 1866. 12mo. PIERCE, W. B. Tobacco and Internal Revenue. Letter to the Sec. of the Treasury. Utica, N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. PIEROTTI, Dr. E. See WILLIAMS, Rev. Geo. Dr. Pieriotti and his Assailants. PIERPONT, Rev. John. Airs of Palestine, and other Poems. Bos ton, 1840. 12mo. See LOTHROP, Rev. S. K. PIERSON, Rev. H. W. Letter to Hon. C. Sumner, with Statements of Outrages upon Freedmen in Georgia, etc. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. Private Life of Thomas Jeiferson. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. PIGOT, Lord. See Account of the Subversion of the Governm t at Madras, 1776. Letter to the Court of Directors of the East India Co., Oct. 15, 1776. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 4. PIKE, Corporal. Scout and Ranger; being Personal Adventures. Cinn., 1865. 8vo. PIKE, Albert. Remarks at Memphis, 1849, on R. R. to Pacific. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. State or Province? Bond or Free? 1861. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 89. PIKE, F. A. Speech in Cong. May 19, 1864, on Reciprocity. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 34. PIKE, Rev. John. Journal of. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. PIKE, Marshall S. Creola; or the Slave and Minstrel. Boston, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. PIKE, Rev. Rich d. Building and Occupancy of Fort Pownall. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 14. PIKE, Zebulon M. Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, through the western parts of La., to the Sources of the Arkansas and other Rivers, performed in 1805-7. Phila., 1810. 8vo. See WHITING, H. Life of. PIKE S Peak. See VILLARD, H. Past and Present of. PILCHER, Geo. On some Points of the Tympanum; read before the section of Physiology of the Med/Soc y of London. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 29. PILGRIMS of Boston. See BRIDGMAN, Thos. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 231 PILSON, Lt. Col. John. Reply to E. Schalk s Criticisms on the Cam paign in the Mountain Department, under Gen. J. C. Fre mont, 1863. Rebelln Pamph. Vol. 88. PIM, Bedford. The Negro and Jamaica: read before the Anthro pological Society of London, Feb. 1, 1866. Lond., 1866. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 6. PINAULT, Matthiew. Histoire du Parlement de Tournay. Valen ciennes, 1701. 4to. PINCKARD, Dr. G. His Case of Hydrophobia. Lond., 1808. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 13. PINCKNEY, Chas. Three Letters originally published under the sig nature of a S. Carolina Planter. Phil a, 1799. 8vo. PINKERTON Academy, Derry, N. H. 52d Ann. Catalogue, for 1867. Concord, 1867. 8vo. PINKERTON, John. Collection of Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. Phil a, 1810-12. 12mo. 6 Vols. 4to. PINKNEY, Dr. Ninian. See Amer. Medical Assoc. PINKNEY, Rev. Wm. Memoir of John H. Alexander, L. L. D.; read before the Md. Hist. Soc., May 2, 1867. Baltimore, 1867. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 2. See WHEATON, H. Life and Writings of. PINNOCK S Catechism of Anatomy. Lond., 1826. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 21. , O f Hebrew Grammar. Lond., 1832. 12mo. 3d Ed. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 39. History and Topography of Westmoreland, Eng. Lond., 1822. 18mo. PIONEER History of the West. See HILDRETH, S. P. Life in Kentucky. See DRAKE, Dan l. Sketches. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. Women of the West. See ELLET, Mrs. E. F. PIONEERS of France in the New World. See PARKMAN, F. of New York. See HOFFMAN, C. F. of the West. See STRICKLAND, W. P. PIPER, John J. Facts and Figures concerning the Hoosac Tunnel. Fitchburg, Mass., 1866. 8vo. Mass. R. R. Reports, etc. Vol.2. PIPER, Solomon. See TILDEN, Wm. P. Memoir of. PITCAIRN S Island. See Description of, etc. PITCAIRN Islanders. Letters and Papers relating to. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 28. PITCHLYNN, P. P. Letter to the Senate s Comm. on the Judiciary, Feb., 1870, on the Choctaw Claims. Washington, 1870. 8vo- Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 118. PIETZEL, Rev. John H. Lights and Shades of Missionary Life, du ring Nine Years spent in the Region of Lake Superior. Cin- cin, 1859. 12mo. PITKIN, Timothy. Political and Civil Hist, of the U. States of America, 1763-1797. N. Haven, 1828. 2 Vols. 8vo. Statistical View of the Commerce of the U. States of America; its connection with Agriculture and Manufactures. N. Y., 1817. 8vo. 232 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PITKIN S Statistics. From Amer. Quarterly Review. June, 1835. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 71. PITMAN Genealogy. See THURSTON, 0. M. PITMAN, Isaac. Manual of Phonography or Writing by Sound. Lond., 1858, etc. 12mo. 4 Papers. Scientific Pamph. Vol.26. PITMAN, John. Address to the Alumni Assoc. of Brown Univers ity, on their 1st Annivers. Sept. 5, 1843. Providence, 1843. 8vo. Brown Coll. Pamphs. PITT, W. General View of the Agriculture of the Co. of Worces ter, Eng. Lond., 1813. 8vo. PITT, Win., Earl of Chatham. Anecdotes of, and Principal Events of the Time, with his Speeches in Parliament from 1636 to 1778. 6th Ed. Lond., 1797. 3 Vols. Svo. -. See Candid Review of his Twenty Resolutions. Errors of the British Minister, etc. Letters to his Nephew, Thos. Pitt. Lond., 1804. 12mo 2d Ed. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 26. See also Waldie s Circulating Lib. Vol. 1. Speech in Parl t, Feb. 21, 1783, on the State of The Nation. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 20. See TOMLINE, W. E. P. Speech on Character of, 1806. PITTENGER, Wm. Daring and Suffering; a History of the Great R. R. Adventure. Phil a, 1864. 12mo. PITTMAN, B. The Assassination of President Lincoln and Trial of Conspirators. Cincin., 1855. Svo. PITTMAN, Cap t Philip. Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, illustrated by Plans and Draughts. Lond. 1770. 4to. PITTSBUGH, Penn. American; Newspaper. March, 1854, to Dec. 1854. Folio. & Boston Mining Co. Report of President and Directors, Jan., 1850. Pittsburgh, 1850. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamp. Vol. 2. See CRAIG, N. B. Hist. of. Landing (Shiloh) and the Investment of Corinth. N. Y., 1862, 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 103. her Advantageous Position and Resources. Pittsburgh, 1845. 8vo. Pamph. Memorial from Citizens of Pittsburgh for location of a Na tional Armory and Foundry. 1861. Svo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol.91. Mercantile Library. 25th Ann. Report, for 1872. Pittsburg, 1873. 8vo. Quarterly Magazine. Vol. 1. 1867-8. Svo. Penn. Hist. Dis- co irses, etc. Vol. 1. Quarterly Trade Circular. Oct., 1858. Pittsburg, 1858. 12mo. See ROBINSON, T. H. Family and Contemporary Hist. 1867. THURSTON, G. H. Pittsburg as it is. Washington & Baltimore R. R. Formal Opening, June, 1871, with Account of the Banquet at Pittsburg. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Young Men s Merc. Library. Constitution and By-Laws. Pittsburg, 1847. 18mo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 233 PITTSFIELD, Mass. See ALLEN, Thos. Hist. Sketch of. 1808. - FIELD, Rev. D. D. History of. 1844. Report of Speeches, etc., at a Dinner given June 30, 1870, to Citizens of the Town who had reached the Age of Seventy Years. Albany, N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 18. See SMITH, J. E). A. History of. Young Ladies Institute. 21st Ann. Catalogue and Circular* 1862. N. Y. 8vo. PiUS VII. (Pope). Narr. of his Journey and Imprisonment after his Departure from Rome, etc. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 4. Pius IX. (Pope). See RHODES, M. J. Temporal Rights of Holy See. PIZAEEO. See HELPS, A. Life of. PLAGIARY (The), Warned; a Vindication of the Drama from the Plagiarisms of the Rev. J. A. James. Lond., 1824. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. PLAIN (A) Description of the Bermudas, now called Sommer Islands; with the Manner of their Discovery, 1609. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. PLAINFIELD, Mass. See POETEE, J. Topograph. Description and Hist. Sketch of. PLAIN Sense on National Industry, addressed to the People of the U. S. N. Y., 1820. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 96. Statement of the Rights, etc., claimed by our Colonists, etc. Lond., 1833 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. Truth: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense. Lond., reprinted 1786. Polit. Tracts, Vol. 1. Same. Phila., 1776. Amer. Tracts, Vol. 3. PLAN for a Free Community upon the Coast of Africa. Lond., 1789. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 24A. for the Reform of Parliament on Constitutional Principles. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 7. of a Reform in the Election of the House of Commons. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 9. of Association for the Parishes, etc., of Gr. Britain, for the Prevention of Mobs, etc. Lond., 1780. 8vo. Eng. Polit, Pamph., Vol. 19. suggested for Superseding the Necessity of the Poor Rates, by means of " Leaven Farms." Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamph leteer, Vol. 9. PLANTAGENET, Beauchamp. See PENINGTON, John. Examina. of his Description of N. Albion. PLANTEES (The) Plea; or the Grounds of Plantations Examined; with a manifestation of the cause moving such as have lately undertaken a Plantation in N. England, 1630. Force s Hist. Tracts, Vol. 2. PLATFOEM (A) for all Parties, by Austro-Borealis. Baltimore, 1860. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 73. of the Republican and Democratic Parties, at Baltimore and Chicago. Broadside. 1864. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 52. 234 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PLATO, as read in English, by an Englishman. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pomph., Vol. 21. . See BOCKH, Aug. Enquiry into the Cosmic System of. PLATTEVILLE, Wis., Academy. Catalogues for 1848-9, and 1857-8. Galena. 8vo. Independent American, Newspaper. Mar., 1854, to Oct., 1857. 2 Vols., folio. Examiner, Newspaper. Feb., 1858, to May, 1858. folio. PLAYFAIR S Map of Scotland, n. d. Guide Books, etc., Vol. 1. PLAYFAIR, Wm. Proofs relative to the Falsification of Intercepted Corres. in the Admiral Alpin, Indiaman. Lond., 1804. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph., Vol. 27. PLEA for Authors, and the Rights of Literary Property. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. Pamph. for Peace and a Platform for the Times. Washington, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 19. for the Freedom of the Church in Missouri. St. Louis, 1865. 8vo. Mo. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. for the Indians, n. d. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. for the Nine Hours Movement, addressed to the Master Build ers, n. d. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. PLEADING. (Substance of the) of the Brown Lawyers and of Mr. Woodfall s Counsel, on motions made in the Court of King s Bench, July 3, 1770. Scarce Tracts. Vol 4. PLEASANTON, A. J. Ann. Report of Home Guard of Phila. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. PLEASURES of the Understanding. See Dialogue on. 1734. PLINY S Panegyricke. Translated from the Latin and Dedicated to Prince Charles, by Sir R. Stapylton. Oxford, 1644. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 6. PLOT (A) discovered: or a Dialogue between Three/Members of the Jacobin Club, in France, n. d. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. PLOVER Wis. Times. Newspaper. 1869-72. 1 Vol. PLUMB, David. The Power and Duty of Cong, to Enfranchise the Nation. Boston, 1868. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. The Slaveholders Rebellion. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 108. PLUMBE, John. Sketches of Iowa and Wis. St. Louis, 1839. Svo. PLUMER, Wm., Sr. See HOYT, A. H. Memoir of. PLUMER, Wm. The Constitution of N. Hampshire. Discourse be fore the N. H. Hist. Soc., June 16, 1S53. Hist. Mag. Vol. 4. 2d Ser. PLUMER, Wm., Jr. Life of Wm. Plumer, with Sketch of Author, by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1857. Svo. PLUMMER Genealogy. See Plummer Hall Dedica. 1858. PLUMMER Hall, Salem, Mass. Proceedings on Dedica. of: with Rev. Mr. Hopkins Address, and Judge White s Memoir of the Plummer Family. Salem, 185S. Svo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 14. See also Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 12. PLUMMER S Guide to Paris. Lond., 1842. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 27. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 235 PLUMPTON Correspondence. See Camden Society Publica. PLURALITY of Worlds. See CRONHELM, F. W. Thoughts on the Controversy respecting, etc. STURMY. Rev. D. Theological Theory of. PLUTARCH S Lives with Notes. Phila., 1828. 4 Vols. 8vo. PLYMLEY, Peter. Two Letters on the subject of the Catholics. Lond., 1807. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 28. PLYMOUTH Colony. See BRADFORD, Gov. W. History of. DEXTER, H. M. Mourt s Relation. 1622. Eccles l History of. HUNTER, Jos. Early Hist, of Founders of. Records of the Colony. PLYMOUTH Co., Mass. Directory and Hist. Register of the Old Colony. Middleboro, Mass., 1867. 8vo. See THACHER, J. Observa. on Iron Manufac. of. PLYMOUTH, Mass. See BRADFORD, Gov. W. Letter Book. CHEEVER, G. B. Journal of Pilgrims. CLARK, Rev. J. Hist. Discourse. 1855. Hist, of Free Schools in the Colony and Town of Plymouth. 1815. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. Notes on the Town of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol 3. 2d Series. 3d Ch. See PORTER, Rev. C. S. Semi-Centen. Dis. 1851. Report of Water Commissioners. 1856. Plymouth, 1856. 8vo. See SUMNER, C. Speech at Plymouth Festival, 1853. WINSLOW, E. Relation of Affairs, 1624. WINTHROP, R. C. Oration on 250th Annivers. of Landing of Pilgrims, 1870. PLYMOUTH, N. H. Notes on the Town of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol.3. 2dSer. PLYMOUTH, Wis. See SMITH, Mrs. H. N. Hist. of. Union Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F. Constitution, By-Laws, etc,, of. Milwaukee, 1854. 18mo. W T is. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. PLYMPTON, Mass. Topograph. and Hist. of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. POCAHONTAS and her Companions. See NEILL, E. D. Picture of the Baptism of. ROBERTSON, Wyndham. Date of her Marriage, etc. WEBSTER, M. M. POETRY. See ANDRE, Maj. J. The Cow Chace. AYGE, G. H. Death of Tecumseh. BARLOW, J. Vision of Columbus. BEATTIE, C. The Minstrel. BELKNAP, J. Sacred Poetry. BOULAY, Paty. Odes. BROOKS, C. T. Songs of Field and Flood. BRYANT, W, C. Selections from American Poets. See Camden Society Publications. CAREY, M. The Porcupiniad. CASE, Rev. W. Revolutionary Memorials. CATS, Jacob. Complete Works in Dutch. CLEVELAND, J. Poems. 1657-1677. 236 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POETRY. COPWAY, G. The O jib way Conquest. . Cox, S. C. The Evangelist. . CUTLER^ G. "W. National and Patriotic Poems. DANA, R. H. Poems and Writings. DE WAILLY, A. Hymnes de Callimaque. DWIGHT, T. Conquest of Canaan. ERBENA, K. J. Kytice z Povesti Narodnich. FAIRFIELD, S. L. Poems of. FESSENDEN, T. G. Democracy Unveiled. FISHER, J. F. Early Poets of Penn. GASCOIGNE, G. Complete Poems. GENIN, S. Works of. Gleanings from Poets. GOLDSMITH, O. Poetical Works. GRISWOLD, R. W. Poets and Poetry of America. HALLECK, F. G. Selections from Brit. Poets. HANKY, V. Dalimilova Chronika. Rukopis Kralodvorsky. Helderbergia. HOSMER, W. H. C. Poetical Works. JERATJLD, C. A. Poetry and Prose. KEMBLE, F. A. Poems. KENNEDY, J. Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain. KEY, F. S. Poems. LONGFELLOW, H. W. Poets and Poetry of Europe. M CARTY, W. Patriotic Songs, etc. MANGUM, A. W. Myrtle Leaves. MILTON, J. Paradise Lost. MONTGOMERY, J. Lectures on. MOORE, F. Songs of Amer. Revolution. MOORE, T. Lalla Rookh. NORTHMORE, T. Washington, or Liberty Restored. ONTWA; or Son of the Forest. PIERPONT, John. Airs of Palestine. POLLOK, R. Course of Time. Poets of Connecticut. SEWARD, A. Monody on Major Andre. Slave Songs of the U. S. SCOTT, J. H. Perils of Poetry. 1766. SIDNEY, Sir Philip. Apology for Poetry. Songs of Love and Liberty. STEDMAN, E. C. Alice, of Monmouth. STREET, A. B. Drawings and Tintings. TALFOURD, T. N. Estimate of the Poetical Talent of the Age. 1815. TASSO, T. Jerusalem Delivered. 29 Pamphlet Volumes of English Poetry: Odes, Pastorals, etc.; some of very ancient date. Not specifically cata logued. THOMPSON, J. Seasons. TRUMBULL, J. Works of. WEBB, Dan l. Remarks on the Beauties of. 1762. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 237 x POETRY. WEBB, J. H. Influence of. WHEATLEY, Phillis. Poems. WATTS, I. Horae Lyricae. L ^*^-, WEBSTER, M. M. Pocahontas. WHYTE, L. Original Poems. POETS and Poetry of America. See Griswold, R. W. of Europe. See Longfellow, H. W. of the West. See Coggeshall, W. T. of Connecticut; with Biographical Sketches. Edited by Rev. Chas. W. Everest. Hartford, 1844. 8vo. POETT, Jos. Observations on Impediments in Speech, illustrated with Several Cases of Cure. Lond., n. d. 8vo. 3d fid. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 36. POHLMAN, Rev. Dr. H. N. The German Colony and Lutheran Ch. in Me. Hist. Address at Washington, D. C., May 14, 1869. Gettysburg, 1869. Svo. Maine Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. POINSETT, J. R. Discourse on the Importance of the National In stitution for the Promotion of Science. 1841. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. Notes on Mexico, in 1825. From DeBow s Review. 1848. POINT, The, of Hope in Ireland s Present Crisis. 1846. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. POINT Pleasant, Battle of. See STUART, Col. John. POISON, See CLENDINNING, John. Hist. of. POKROK: Kalendar Zabavny a pounny pro cechos lovany v. Amer- ice. Racine, 1867. 4to. (Bohemian.) POLACK, Joel S. Memorial to Cong., concerning the Yerba Buena Island. San Francisco, 1870., 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. POLAND. See ALLEN, J. Autocracy in Poland and Russia. Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom of Poland, in 1815. Lond., 1831. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 11. FLETCHER, J. Hist. of. HORDYNSKI, J. Hist, of Polish Revolution. TOCHMAN, Maj. G. Lecture on. 1844. POLAND, M. E. See LADD, W. Annals of. POLHEMUS, Rev. Abraham. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Rutger s College, July 27, 1852 . N. Y., 1852. Svo. Ad dresses. Vol. 36. POLICE (The), Guard; or a few Hints on Guard Duty. Phil a, 1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 103. POLICY (The) of Emancipation. In Three Letters, Phil a, 1863. 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 4. POLIDORI, Dr. John W. On the Punishment of Death. London, 1816. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 8. POLITICAL Controversy ; or a Weekly Magazine, London, for 1763, Svo. See Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Debates between Hon. A. Lincoln and Hon. S. A. Douglass in the Campaign of 1858. Columbus, 1860. Svo. 238 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POLITICAL Dialogues. Soldiers on their Right to Vote, etc. n. d. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 11. Economy. See ATKENSON, W. Principles of. BAKER, J. S. On Exports and Imports. CHAPIN, A. L. Relations of Labor and Capital. COLTON, C. Public Economy for U. S. DUNLOP, Anthony. Sketches on. GALE, S. Essays on Public Credit. GRAY, S. On the Production of Wealth. LAURENT, E. Societies de Prevoyance. LAWSON, J. A. Lectures before Dublin University, 1843. LIEBER, F. Essays on Property and Labor. McVicKAR, J. Outlines of. Observations on Social Science. PAINE, T. Agrarian Justice. POTTER, A. Its Objects, Uses, etc. Race in Legislation, etc. RICARDS, D., and SMITH, Adam. Opinions on. SAY, J. B. Catechism of. Letters to Mr. Malthus. Treatise on. SMITH, Adam. Wealth of Nations. SMITH, J. Y. Depreciation of the Currency, etc. VETHAKE, H. Lecture on. See Banking and Currency, Commerce, Free Trade, etc, Essays concerning the Present State of the British Empire. London, 1772. 4to. The Annexation of Texas, etc. Williamsburg, Va., 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 82. Hist, of N. York. See HAMMOND, J. D. Letters written in March and April, 1784. Lond., 1785. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamp. Vol. 22. Magazine and Parliamentary, Naval, Military and Literary Journal. Lond., 1780-91. 20 Vols. Svo. Parties. See Congress l Speeches. - Reformers (The): proposed Reformations in the Gov t; with Strictures upon John Adams Defence of the Constitution, etc. Phila., 1797. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 109. Register. See CALLENDER, J. T. 1794-5. Revolutions of 1860 and 1861, in Europe and America. Lond., 1861. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. Sermon, addressed to the Electors of Middlesex, Mass. n. d. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. Text Book, 1860. See CLUSKEY, M. W. POLITICIANS (The) Register, 1840-44. N. Y., 1844. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. and Statistical Manual. Phila., 1848. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. POLITICS and Government. See U. States Politics and Gov t. and the Pulpit. See CAPEN, Nahum. Letter to Rev. Nathan l Hall, 1855. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 239 POLK, Dr. J. J. Autobiography; with his occasional Writings and Biographies of worthy men of Boyle Co., Ky. Louisville, 1867. 12mo. POLK, Jas. K. See CHASE, L. B. Hist of Administration of. DALLAS, G. M. Eulogy on. JENKINS, J. S. Hist, of his Administration; etc. Life and Public Services of. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. Speech in Cong. Dec. 30, 1833, and Jan. 2, 1834, on the Re moval of the Deposits. Speeches, Vol. 5. See WOODBURY, Levi. Eulogy on., 1849. POLK, Wm. H. Speech in Cong., Apr. 8, 1852, on the Compromise Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. POLLARD, Edw. A. Life of Jefferson Davis; with a Secret Hist, of the Southern Confederacy. Phil a, 1869. 8vo. Observations in the North; Eight Months in Prison and on Parole. Richmond, 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 110. Hist, of the First Year of the War. 2d Ed. Richmond, 1862, 8vo. Same. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. The Last Year of the War. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. The Lost Cause; a New Southern Hist, of the War of the Con federates, from official sources, Engravings, etc. N. Y. 1868. 8vo. The Lost Cause Regained. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. POLO, Marco. Travels; with Notes by Hugh Murray. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. POLONCEAU, A. R. Notice sur quelques parties des Travaux. Hy- drauliques. Paris, 1829. 4to. POLWHELE, Rev. Richd. Hist, of Devonshire. Lond., 1797. 3 Vols. Folio. Traditions and Recollections; with Letters of Charles IT,. Cromwell and others. Lond., 1826. 2 Vols. 8vo. POLYGAMY, Bible View of. n. d. 8vo. Mormon Pamph. Vol. 1. See Mormonism. See Utah Bill. POLYNESIA. See RUSSELL, Rev. M. Hist. of. POLYTECHNICS. See Royal Polyt. Soc. Reports. POMEROY, S. C. Speech in Cong., May 5, 1862, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. POMFRET, Conn., 1st Church. The 150th Anniversary of the Or ganization of the Ch., Oct. 26, 1865. Sermon by Rev. W, S. Alexander, Addresses, &c. Danielsonville, 1866. Svo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, &c. Vols 3 and 7. See HUNT, Rev. D. Hist. of. POND, G. H. Dakota Superstitions. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll, Vol. 2. PONTEACH: or the Savages of America. A Tragedy. Lond., 1766. Svo. pamph. Dramas. Vol. 12. PONTIAC. Conspiracy of. See PARKMAN, F. Life of. See ELLIS, E. S. 240 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POOLE, Benj. Coventry; its Hist, and Antiquities, with 60 col d en gravings. Lond., 1870. 4to. POOLE. Henry Ward. Catalogue of his Private Library. Cam bridge, 1871. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 72. POOLE, Jacob. Glossary of the old Dialect of the Eng. Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy Co. of Wexford, Ireland. Lond., 1867. 12mo. POOLE, Wm. F. Anti-Slavery Opinions before 1800, read before Cincin. Literary Club, 1872, with a reprint of Dr. Geo. Bu chanan s Oration on Slavery, 1791. Cincin., 1873. 8vo. . Cotton Mather and Witchcraft, with notices of Mr. Upham. Boston, 1870. 12mo. . See HUTCHINSON, Gov. Thos. Witchcraft Delusion of 1692. Index to Periodical Literature. N. Y., 1853. Svo. , Websterian Orthography. A Reply to Dr. Noah Webster s Calumniators. Boston, 1857. 8vo. Education Pamph, etc. Vol. 2. POOR, Alfred. Genealogy of Descendants of Rich d Bailey, (bound), with- Poor s Genealog. Researches, and Records of passing Events of Merrimac Valley. Haverhill, 1858. 4to. POOR, Henry V. Railroad to the Pacific. (Paper on its Import ance, etc., 1854). Amer. Geograph. and Statistic. Soc. Bulletin. Vol. 1. POOE, John Alfred. See TUTTLE, C. W. Memoir of. POOR Laws England. See COURTENAY, T. P. On the Poor Laws. 1817. - CURWEN, J. C. Speech, 1816. GORE, M. On the Dwelling of the Poor, etc., 1871. - Legislative Reports on the Poor Laws, 1817-1834; with Remedial Measures proposed. Lond. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 40. See OASTLER, R, Speech, 1837. SAUNDERS, Robt. Observations, 1802. - SCROPE, G. P. Don t Tax the Dwellings of the Poor. 1850. SHEFFIELD, Earl of. Observations, 1818. VINCENT, G. G. Letter in behalf of the Poor, 1844. WALSINGHAM, Lord. On the Law of Settlement, 1851. POORE, Ben. Perley. The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President. Part I. Boston, 1865. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 106. . Early Life and First Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. Boston, 1851. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 14. POPE, Alex. See Bowles, Rev. W. L. Letters to Lord Byron. 1821. BYRON, Lord. On Rev. W. L. Bowies Strictures, etc. DAVIES, Robt. Maternal Ancestry of. HUNTER, Jos. DESCENT and Connections. POPE, Chas. Lecture on the Origin, Progress and Present State of Shipping, Navigation and Commerce. 1 Lond. 1825. Svo. Strangford Parnph. Vol. 21. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 241 POPE, C. C. Railroads are Private Property, and subject to Legis lative Control. La Crosse, Wis. 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 79. Family Genealogy. With a Biography of Col. Wm. Pope. Boston. 1862. 8vo. POPE, Gen. John. See Men of the Time. Official Report of Campaign in Va. July and Aug. 1862. Milwaukee, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 3. Report of an Exploration of Minnesota. 1850. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. See also War Department Miscell. Rep ts. POPE, Sam l. Speech at Manchester Eng. April 6, 1863, on the " Alabama Case." Manchester, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 28. POPERY always the Same; exemplified in the present Persecution in the South of France. Lond., 1746. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 16. POPHAH & Gorges. See Thornton, J. W. POPHAM, Maine. Memorial Volume of the Celebration, Aug. 29, 1862. Portland, 1863. 8vo. Colony. A Discussion of its Historical Claims. With a Bibli ography of the Subject. Boston, 1866. Svo. Maine Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. See Patterson, Jas. W. 258th Annivers. Address, 1865. POPKIN, Rev. John S. Sermons on Leaving the Old and Entering the New Meeting House. Newbury, Mass. 1806. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. POPLAR Tent Church, Carbarrus Co. N. C. See Harris, Wm. S. Mass. Hist Discourses. Vol. 3. POPULAR Prejudice concerning Partiality to the Interests of Han over, etc., examined. Lond., 1743. 8vo. Eng;. Polit. Pamp. Vol. 68. Science Review: A Quarterly Miscellany of Articles on Scien tific Subjects. Illustrated. Lond., 1862-71. 10 Vols. Svo. Soverignty in the Territories. See Curtis, G. T. Reply to S. A. Douglas. See DOUGLAS, S. A. Observations on S. A. Douglas Views. 1859. PORCHER, A. F. Address at the Inaugura. of the S. C. Hist. Soc., June 28, 1857. S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. PORCHER, Francis P. Illustrations of Disease with the Microscope, with 500 Original Drawings. Charleston, S. C., 1861. Svo. ,Med. Pamph. Vol. 3. Resources of Southern Fields and Forests; Medical, Econom ical and Agricultural. New Ed., revised. Charleston, S. C., 1869. 8vo. PORTAGE CITY, Wis. Badger State, Newspaper. Mar., 1854, to Dec., 1859. 2 Vols. Folio. Rara Avis, Newspaper. March to June, 1857. Folio. (Bound with Fond du Lac Union, 1853-5.) Wisconsin State Register. 1861-72. Folio. See YOUNG, R. M. Case of Portage vs. the State of Wis. 16 242 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PORTE Crayon. See STROTHER, D. H. PORTER, Chas. H. Paper on Building Stones. Albany, 1868. 8vo N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. PORTER, Rev. Chas. S. Semi-Centen. Discourse, Oct. 1, 1851, in the 3d Ch., Plymouth, Mass. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Mass, Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. PORTER, Chas. T. Review of the Mexican War; Cause of the War, and the Responsibility of its Commencement. Auburn, 1849. 12mo. PORTER, Capt. David. Minutes of Courts of Inquiry and Court- Martial in relation to. Washington, 1825. 8vo. PORTER, Rev. Eben. Sermon at Dedica, of Andover Theolog. Seminary. Andover, 1818. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 13. PORTER, Rev. Eliphalet. Discourse before the Soc y for Propagat ing the Gospel among the Indians, etc., Nov. 5, 1807. Bos ton, 1808. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. PORTER, Maj.-Gen. Fitz John. Appeal to the President on his Court-Martial, with Accompanying Documents. Morristown, N. J., 1869. 8vo. Cougr. and Pollt. Pamph. Vol. 115. - - Proceedings of a Gen. Court-Martial for the Trial of. Wash ington, 1862- 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 5. - A Series of Pamphlets and Newspaper Articles relating to his Court-Martial, with Autograph Letters and Notes by Gen. Porter, viz: 1. Reply of Hon. Reverdy Johnson to Judge Holt. Balti more, 1863. 8vo. 2. Reply of Gen. Wm. B. Franklin to Joint Comm. of Cong. N. York, 1867. 8vo. 3. Appeal to the Pres t for a Re-Examina. of Proceedings, etc., by Gen. Porter. Morristown, 1869. 8vo. 4. Gen. Porter s Reply to Maj.-Gen. Pope s Rejoinder to the Appeal, etc. Morristown, 1870. 8vo. 5. Gen. Porter s Reply to Hon. Z. Chandler s Speech of Feb. 21, 1870. Morristown, 1870. 8vo. 6. Fitz- John Porter s Appeal; was he Guilty, etc. From Old and New. - See CHANDLER, Zachariah. Speech in U. S. Senate, on his Case, etc. 1870. GEARY, J. W. Correspondence, etc. 1870. PORTER, H. W. Essay on Life Assurance. Lond., 1869. Insurance Pamph. Vol. 1. PORTER, Jacob. Account of the Town of Plainfield, Hampshire Co., Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 8. 2d Ser. - Topograph. Description and Hist. Sketch of Plainfield, Mass., May, 1834. Greenfield, 1834. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 10. PORTER, J. G. V. England s and France s New Demands against Russia not just. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 67. PORTER, Jas. Madison. Speech in the Convention of Penn., Nov. 20, 1837, on Charters of Incorporation. Phila., 1837. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 243 PORTER, John K. Argument before the N. Y. Canal Appraisers, on the Claim of Lewis Benedict. Albany, 1862. 8vo. Argument before Select Comm. of the Senate, Mar. 2, 1857, on the Trinity Ch. Title. Albany, 1857. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Argument in U. S. Supreme Court, in Case of Duncan, Sher man & Co., and Watts Sherman vs. J. M. Smith. Albany, 1862. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. Argument in Court of Appeals, N. Y., in Case of Metropoli tan Bank et al., vs. H. H. Van Dyck, June 27, 1863. Albany. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. PORTEK, Noah, D. D. Address at his Inaugura. as President of Yale College, Oct. 11, 1871. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Civil Liberty: Sermon at Farmington, Conn., July 13, 1856. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 47. Discourse on the Settlement and Progress of N. England. Farmington, Dec. 22, 1820. Hartford, 1821. 8vo. N. E. Pamph. Vol. 1. . Half Century Disc, at Farmington, Conn., Nov. 12, 1856. Farmington, 1857. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol 1. 200th Centen. Anniversary at Farmington, Conn. Hartford, 1841. 8vo. PORTER, Comm. W. D. Defence before Naval Retiring Board. N. Y., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 10. State Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Coercion, with a Let ter from Jas. K. Paulding. Charleston, (n. d.) Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 9 and 106. PORTER, Wm. S. Plist. Notices of Connecticut, No. 1, contain ing Hartford in 1640. No. 2, Hartford and West Hartford. Hartford, 1842. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. PORTEUS, Beilby, D. D. Review of the Life and Character of Arch bishop Seeker. N. Y., 1773. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol.9. PORT Folio (The), by Oliver Oldschool (Jos. Dennie), J. E. Hall and others. Weekly. Phila., 1801-5. 5 Vols. 4to. Same. 1st Ser. 8vo. 1806-8. 6 Vols. Same. 2d Ser. Svo. 1809-12. 8 Vols. Same. 3d Ser. Svo. 1813-15. 6 Vols. . Same. 4th Ser. Svo. 1816-25. 20 Vols. Same. Hall s 2d Ser. Svo. 1826-27. 2 Vols. 42 Vols Svo and 5 Vols. 4to. except Vol. 1, 1821; Vol. 2, July, 1824, and 1825, 26, 27. PORT Huron & Lake Mich. R. R. Co. See Chicago to the Seaboard. PORTLAND, Conn. See FIELD, D. D. PORTLAND, Duke of. Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland, re specting two Leases lately granted by the Lords of the Treas ury. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 2. PORTLAND, Me., & Ogdensburg R. R. Co. Address to the Citizens of Portland. 1872. Maine Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. P. Episcopal Ch. See PERRY, W. S. History of. Saco & Portsmouth R. R. Co. 26th Ann. Report of Directors, 1866. 8vo. Maine Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1 244 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PORTLAND, Me. St. Lawrence Street Ch. Articles of Faith and Cov enant, with List of Members. Portland, 1858. 12mo. Maine Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. See WILLIS, W. History of. PORTLAND, Ohio. Memoirs of. 1859. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. PORTLAND Town, St. John s Wood, Eng. Report of the Charitable Institutions of. Lond., 1857. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 17. PORTRAITS of American Statesmen. Taken from the Democratic Review. 8vo. PORT Royal Relief Committee. 1st Ann. Report. Phila., 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 92. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. See ADAMS, N. Annals of. ALDEN, T. Ace. of Religious Societies of. BREWSTER, C. W. Rambles about Portsmouth. HOLT, E. Hist. Discourse. 1838. LAMSON, Rev. Wm. Advantages and Needs of. 1855. PEABODY, A. P. Sermon at Closing of S. S. Room in Court St. 1847. Sermon at So. Parish Church. 1859. WHITING, Rev. L. Dedica. Sermon. 1855. PORTUGAL. A Few Words respecting the Present State of Portu gal. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 36. See ALEXANDER, J. E. Sketches of, during Civil War of 1834. Documentos Officiaes da Commissao Central Portugueza para a Exposicao Universal de. 1855. Lisbon, 1804. 8vo. Exposicao Agricola Lisboa, 1852. Relatorios dos Jurys que Jul-Jaram dos Productos Exhibidos. Lisbon, 1856. 8vo. See France. Exposition. 1855. Letter to Jos. Hume. 1847. Mappas Geraes do Commercio de Portugal com suas Posses- soes. 1848. Lisbon, 1851. Folio. 1851. Lisbon, 1855. Folio. Memoria Sobre as Colonias de Portugal Situadas Nacosta Occidental d Africa. Paris, 1839. 8vo. Memoria Sobre a Reforma does pezos e Medidas em Portugal Segundo o Systema Metroco Decimal. Lisbon, 1849. Small 4to. Orcamento da Anno Economico de London. 1856, 57. Folio. Reforma Postal. Decreto de 27 de Outubro de 1852, etc. Lisbon, 1853. 4to. Sociedade Promorota da Industria Nacional Exposicao da Industria em. 1849. Lisbon, 1849. Small 4to. Who is the Legitimate King, etc. 1828. PORT WASHINGTON, Wis. Ozaukee Co. Advertiser and Democrat. Newspaper. June to Dec., 1857. Folio. (Bound with Washington co. Papers.) POSITION (The) of our Species in the Path of its Destiny; or the Comparative Infancy of Man, etc. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 42. of the Friendly Mediation Movement of France in connection with the Mission of Wm. Cornell Jewett. Lond., 1863. 8vo. Reboll n Pamph. Vol. 45. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 245 POST, Dr. A. C. Annivers. Oration before the N. Y. Acad. of Medicine, Nov. 14, 1849. Med. Pamph. Vol. 7. POST, Rev. Beale. Caesar s Place of Landing in Britain. Lond.. 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 42. POST, Fred. Journals kept when on a Message from the Gov. of Penn., to the Indians on the Ohio, in 1758. Olden Time." Vol 1. POSTAGE, Reduction of. See Congress l Speeches. LEAVITT, Joshua. POSTAL (The) and Commercial Communications of a Country, dis tinguished from the ordinary subjects of a Free Trade Policy. Lond., 1867. 8vo. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 126. Convention between the U. S. and Bremen, 1853. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. Reform. See MILES, Pliny. Necessity of, etc. System, Abolition of. See Congressional Speeches. Telegraph. See Congressional Speeches. HUBBARD, G. G. Report on. 1869. ORTON, Wm. Argument before Select Comm. of House of Repr. 1870. Report from Select Comm. of House of Repr., 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 127. Report from Mr. Palmer, U. S. House of Repr., 1872. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 68. Report of U. S. Senate Cornm., on Postal Telegraph, 1872. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 68. See WELLS, D. A. Relation of Gov t to Telegraph. 1873. POSTE, Beale. Brittania Antiqua; or Ancient Britain brought within the limits of authentic History. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Brittanic Researches; or new Facts and Rectifications of Ancient British History. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins, intended to supply Materials for the Early History of G. Britain. Lond., 1861. 8vo. Vindica. of Celtic Inscriptions on Gaulish and British Coins. Lond., 1862. 8vo. POST Office (The) as it has been, is, and should be, as a Means of Modern Civilization. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. See BOWEN, E. U. S. P. O. Guide. 1851. Department. P. Master General. in U. S. and England. See MILES, Pliny. - LEECH, D. D. T. P. Office List. 1857. POSTSCRIPT to Observations on the present Agricultural and Na tional Distress. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 21. POTENTIAL Functions. See DAVIES, J. E. POTOMAC Company. See PIOKELL, J. Washington s Connexion therewith. and the Rapidan. See QUINT, Rev. A. H. Army Notes. 246 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POTOSI, Bolivia. See TEMPLE, Edw. A Year s Residence at. 1830. POTOSI Wis. Republican. Newspaper. Sep., 1847 to Aug., 1855. Folio. POST, J. H. Contiuation de la Lithogeognosie Pyrotechnique. Paris, 1753. 18vo. Des Elemens: ou essai surla nature, les proprieties de 1 air, de 1 eau, du feu et de la Terre. Lausanne, 1872. 2 Vols. 8vo. POTTAWATOMIE Indians. See CATON, J. D. Sketch of, etc. Report from Comm. of U. S. House of R., on the Removal of the Pottowatomies and other Indians. Washington, 1844. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol.1. POTTER, Rt. Rev. Alonzo. See Belmont Hospt. Discourse at Schenectady, July 22, 1845, on the 50th Annivers. of Union College. Schenectady, 1845. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Disc. Vol. 2. Discourses on the Objects and Uses of Science and Literature, by Lord Brougham, Prof. A. Sedgwick and G. C. Verplank, with Observations. Harpers Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Hand Book for Readers and Students. 4th Ed. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Political Economy; its Objects, Uses and Principles. Har pers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. See STEVENS, Rev. Win. B. Commem. Address. The Drinking Usages of Society. Lecture at Pittsburg, ] 852. Boston, 1854. 12mo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 3. Trial and Sentence of Rev. S. H. Tyng, Jr. N. Y., 1868. 8vo. POTTER, C. E. Address before the Amoskeag Veterans, Feb. 22, 1855. Manchester, 1855. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 16. An other copy. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. See BOUTON, N., D. D., Memoir of. Farmers Monthly Visitor. Vol. 12. Manchester, N. H., 1852. 8vo. Hist, of Manchester, formerly Derryneld, N. H. Manchester, 1856. 8vo. POTTER, Clarkson N. Argument in U. S. Supreme Court, Dec., 1870, on Treasury Notes a Legal Tender. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 4. POTTER, Eliphalet Nott, D. D. See Union College. POTTER, Elisha R. Address before the R. I. Hist. Soc., Feb. 19, 1851. Providence, 1851. 8vo. R. I. Hist. Soc. Addresses.Vol.l. Address at the Opening of the R. I. State Normal School, at Providence, May 29, 1854. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 26. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Speech at So. Kingston, R. I., Mar. 14, 1863, on National Dif ficulties. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 31. Early History of Narragansett, R. I., with Appendix. R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. POTTER, Rev. Horatio. Sermon on the Death of Hon. Ambrose Spencer, at Albany, Mar. 19, 1848. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 10. POTTER, Wm. J. Ten Years Ministry. Sertnon before the 1st Cong. Soc y, New Bedford, Jan. 2, 1870. New Bedford. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 19. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 247 POTTS, Geo., D. D. Address at the University of Perm, before the Soc y of the Alumni, Nov. 15, 1852. Phila., 1853. 8vo. Penn. University Pamphlets. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. S. S. Union, at Phila., 1853. Phila. n. d. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 19. POTTS, Jonathan. Biography of. See NEILL, E. D. POTTSVILLE Pa., Scientific Assoc. Constitution and By-Laws, etc. Pottsville, Pa., 1855. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 3. Bulletin of, Jan. 1855. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. POUCEL, Benj. Etudes des Interets Reciprogues de L Europe et de L Amerique. Paris, 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 59. POUCHOT, M. Memoir of the late War in N. America, 1755-60., translated by Frankin B. Hough, pr. printed. Roxbury, 1866. 8vo. POULSON, Geo. Hist, and Antiquity of the Seigniority of the Hol- derness in the East Riding of the County of York. Hull, 1840. 2 Vols. 4to. POTJRTALES, L. F. Notes on Specimens of the Bottom of the Ocean brought up by recent Explorations of the Gulf Stream. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. POUSSIELGUE, M. Homme ou Singe: on la question de 1 esclavage aux Etats Unis. POWELL Rev. BADEN. State Education considered with reference to prevailent Misconceptions on Religious Grounds. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Educational Pamph. Vol. 30. POWELL, C. Frank. Life of Maj. Gen. Zachary Taylor. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. POWELL, Geo. May. Facts and Figures for the Hour. Speech pre pared for the Congress l Campaign Committee. Washing ton, 1864. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 5. POWELL, John H. Reply to Col. Pickering s Attack on a Pennsyl vania Farmer. Phila., 1825. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol.1. POWELL, Gov. Lazarus W. Biograph. Sketch of. 1851-55. Frank fort, Ky. 1868. 8vo. Speech in Cong., Mar. 3, 1864. Military Interference with Elections. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. POWELL, P. M. Hastings and St. Leonards Guide. Hastings, 1825. 12mo. 4th Ed. Guide Books. Vol-. 21. POWELL, Dr. Rich d. His Case of Hydrophobia. Lond., 1810. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 13. POWELL, Sam l. Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, 1861. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 93. POWEE and Policy of Exclusion. The True Issue of a Kentuckian. n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. of the Commander in Chief to declare Martial Law and decree Emancipation. Boston, 1865. Svo. Rebell n. Pamph Vol. 27. POWERS, Edw. E. Last Will and Testament and Obit. Notice of. Greenfield, 1856. Svo. Ga. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. POWERS, Rev. Grant. Hist. Sketches of the Discovery, Settlement and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and vicinity, 1754-1785. Haverhill, 1841. 12mo. 248 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. POWERS Institute. Bernardston, Mass. Catalogue, 1858, 60, 61. Bellows Falls, Vt. 8vo. POWNALL, Gov. Thos. Administration of the Colonies, Lond. v 1768. 8vo. Considerations on the Scarcity and High Prices of Bread-Corn and Bread. Cambridge, 1795. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Journal of Voyage from Boston to Penobscot River, May, 1759. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. Notices and Descriptions of Antiquities of the Provincia Roma of Gaul, now Provence Languedoc and Dauphine. Lond., 1838. 4to. Three Memorials to the Sovereigns of Europe, G. Britain and N. America. Lond., 1784. 8vo. Topograph. Descript. of the Middle British Colonies in N. America, with Map. Lond., 1776. Folio. POYJSTTZ, Sir Rob t. A Vindica. of Monarchy and the Gov t of the Church and Kingdom of England. Lond., 1661. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. PRADT, M. De. Europe after the Congress of Aix la Chapelle. Phil a, 1820. 8vo. PEAED, Winthrop, Speech in Parl t, Feb. 1, 1832, on the Reform Bill. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. PRAGAY, Johann. Der Krieg in Ungarn. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. PRAGUE, Bohemia. Constitutionelles Blatt aus Bohmen. News paper. July to Sep. 1850. Folio, See ERBEN, K. J. Hist- of. 1524-1530. PRAIRIEDOM: Rambles and Scrambles in Texas. N. Y., 1845. 12mo. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. See ATWATER, C. Jour, to in 1829. BRUNSON, A. Position and Prospects of. Courier, Newspaper. 1856-1866. Folio. DURRIE, D. S. Annals of. GRAHAM, J. D. On the Latitude of, etc. Leader. Newspaper. July 1857 to Dec. 1859. Folio. Patriot. Newspaper. Sep. 1846 to Aug. 1851. Folio. PRAIRIES. See BOURNE, A. Account of the Western Prairies. NUTT, R. Origin &c. of Prairies. PRAIRIEVILLE, Wis., Freeman. Newspaper. 1846-48. Folio. See Waukesha, AVis. PRATT, Enoch. Comprehensive Hist, of Eastham, Well Fleet and Orleans, Barnstable Co., Mass. 1644-1844. Yarmouth, 1844. 8vo. PRATT, Genealogy. See CHAPMAN, F. W. PRATT, Col. Geo. W. Catalogue of his Private Library. N.Y., 1868. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 57. PRATT, Phinehas. Declaration of Affairs of the Eng. People that first inhabited New Eng., 1662. Edited by R. Frothingham,, Jr. Boston, 1858. 8vo. N. E. Pamph. Vol. 1. PRATT, P. P. A Voice of Warning and Instruction to all People, containing a Declaration of the Doctrine of the Mormons. N. Y., 1837. 18mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 249 PRATT, P. P. Hist, of the late Persecution inflicted by Missouri upon the Mormons. Mexico, N. Y., 1840. 8vo. Mormon Pamph. Vol.1. PRATT, Zadock. Address before the Green Co., N. Y., Agricult. Soc. Sept. 25, 1845. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 1. Sketch of Life of. N. Y. n. d. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7, PREBLE, Edw. See SABINE, L. Life of. PREBLE, Capt. Geo. H. Biograph. Sketch of Wm. Pitt Fessenden. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. 25. See also, Biograph. Pamph.. Vol. 7. The First Cruise of the U. S. Frigate Essex. Salem, 1870. 8vo. Pamphlets War of 1812, Vol. 4. See also Essex In stitute Coll., Vol. 10. First Three Generations of the Prebles in America. Boston^ 1870. 8vo. Notes on Early Ship Building in Massachusetts. N. E. Hist. and Gen. Reg. Vol. 23, 25, 26. Also, Nos. 3, 4, 5 of same, Pamphlets. Our Flag; Origin and Progress of the Flag of the U. S., with ace. of Symbols, Banners, etc. Albany, 1872. 8vo. Vessels of War built at Portsmouth, N. H., 1690-1868. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. 22. PRECDENCY, Tables of. See YOUNG, Sir Chas. PRECEDENTS in Trespass. Lond., 1749. 3 Vols. 4to. MSS. PRECIOUS Stones. See ROZET, H. Jewelry and Precious Stones, PRE-HISTORIC Period. See WILLIAMS, J. Essays. PREMIUM, Barton. Eight Years in British Guiana; Journal of a Residence from 1840 to 1848. Lond., 1850. 8vo. PRENDERGAST, John P. Some Account of Maurice De Prendergast y the first of his name in Ireland, and his immediate Posterity. Dublin, 1865. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph., Vol. 6. The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. Lond., 1865. 8vo. The Tory War of Ulster. Dublin, 1868. 8vo. Part 1. Hist. Pamph., Vol. 4. PRENTICE, Geo. D. Biography of Henry Clay. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1831. 12mo. See WATTERSON, H. Memorial Address. 1870. PRENTISS, Gen. B. M. See Men of the Time. PRENTISS Genealogy. See BINNEY, C. J. F. History and GeneaL of Prentiss. PRENTISS, Geo. L. Address before the Assoc. of Alumni of Bow- doin Coll., Aug. 8, 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. Lessons of Encouragement from the Times of Washington. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 64. The Political Situation. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 57. PRENTISS, Sergeant S. Memoir of, by his Brother. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 12mo. PRESBYTERIAN Church. See ALEXANDER, A. Sketches of the Log College. Board of Domestic Missions. 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, and 65th Ann. Reports, May,1857-1867. Phila., 1857-1867. 8vo. J250 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PEESBYTEKIAN Board of Education. 40th Ann. Report, May, 1859. .. Report on Parochial Schools, 1847. Board of Foreign Missions. Minutes of the Board, Oct. 31, 1837. Ist-llth Ann. Reports, May, 1838-May, 1848, inclusive, 22d and 24th Ann. Reports, May, 1859, 1861. N. Y., 1838- 1861. 8vo. Board of Missions. Ann. Reports for 1837, 38, 39, 40, 44, 53, 54, 55. Phila., 1838-1856. 8vo. Board of Publication. 14th, 18th, 20th, 21st Ann. Reports. May, 1852-59. Phila., 1852-59. 8vo. See CHAMBERS, Geo. Tribute to Early Scotch Settlers of Pa. FOOTE, Rev. W. H. Sketches of Virginia. GILLETT, E. H. Presb. Churches in America before the Rev- lution. HOTCHKIN, Rev. J. H. Hist, of, in Western N. Y. HOWE, Rev. Geo. Early Presb. Immigration to S. C. Hist, of, in S. C., 1855. KENNEDY, W. S. Hist, of, in Western Reserve. Minutes of Gen. Assembly for 1849, 1859. Vols. XII. and XV. Phila. 8vo. See Mission ary Chronicle. NEVIN, Rev. A. Churches of the Valley. Relief Fund for Disabled Ministers. Reports made to the Gen. Assembly, May 1861-May 1872, inclusive. Phila., 1861-1872. Svo. Report of Amer. Presb. Mission at Allahabad, to June 1, 1845. Allahabad, India. 1845. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 25. See SMITH, Rev. Dr. Jos. Old Redstone. Synod of Albany. Minutes of the 50th, 51st, 55th Anniver saries. Albany, 1853, 54, 58. 8vo. See Willis, W. Presbyterianism in N, England. PRESCOTT, Thos. H. Volume of the World; embracing Geogra phy, Hist, and Statistics of the Nations of the Earth. Co lumbus, 1855. Svo. PRESCOTT, Dr. Wm. Prescott Memorial; Genealog. Memoir of Prescott Families in America. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Sketch of the Hist., Genealogy, etc., of Gilmanton, N. H. Farmer & Moore s N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. See YOUNG, A. Funeral Discourse, on. PRESCOTT, Wm. H. See BANCROFT, Geo. Genius and Charac ter of. Biograph and Critical Miscellanies. New Ed. N. Y., 1855. Svo. See Hart, Chas. H. Memoir of. Hist, of the Conquest of Mexico, with preliminary view of Ancient Mexican Civilization. 22d Ed. N. Y., 1854. 2 Vols. Svo. Hist, of the Conquest of Peru; with preliminary view of Civ ilization of the Incas. N. Y., 1847. 2 Vols. Svo. Hist, of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. 10th Ed. N. Y., 1853. 3 Vols. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 251 PKESCOTT, Wm. H. Hist, of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Boston, 1857. 2 Vols. 8vo. Life of Charles Brockden Brown. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 1. See Mass. Hist. Soc y. Memoir of Hon. John Pickering. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 10. See N. Y. Hist. Soc y. TICKNOR, Geo. Life of. PRESCOTT Wis. Democrat and Transcript. Newspaper. 1860-61. Folio. Gibbs, O., & Young, C. E. Sketch of. Journal. Newspaper. 1866-1870. Folio. Paraclete and Transcript. Newspaper. Feb., 1855, to Dec., 1859. 5 Vols. Folio. North West Democrat. Newspaper. July to Dec., 1859. Folio. PRESENTATION to the U. S., of the Statue of Maj. Gen. Greene, by R. Island, Jan. 20, 1870. Addresses, etc. Vol. 23. PRESENT Condition and Future Prospects of the Country, in refer- erence to Free Trade and its recent Application. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vcl. 45. Situation and Future Prospects of Amer. Railroads. Phila., 1855. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. State of Europe: or the Historical and Political Mercury. Newspaper. Vol. 3, Jan., 1692, to Vol. 13, Jan., 1702, ex cept Vol. 10. London. 10 Vols. 4to. Do. for 1703, 1704. London. 2 Vols. 4to. Do. 5th Ed. Lond., 1757. 8vo. See Memoirs of State of Europe. State of North America. Part 1. Lond., 1755. 4to. PRESERVATION (The) of the Union a National Economic Necessity. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 17 and 90. PRESIDENTIAL Election, 1868. See National Union Repub. Con vention. Power over Personal Liberty: Review of H. Binney s Essay on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebel lion Pamph. Vol. 26. President (A) in Council the best Government for India. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 55. PRESIDENT S (The) Appeal to Members of Congress of the Border Slaveholding States at Washington. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 17. PRESS. Liberty of. Liberty of the Press. PREST, Rev. Edw. Speech, Feb. 23, 1869, on the Admission of the Laity into Convocation. Gateshead. 8vo. 3d Ed. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 92. PRESTON, Ann., M. D. See JACKSON, E. E. Memorial Address. PRESTON Genealogy. See BROWN, Orlando. See DRAPER. F. P. PRESTON, John S. See King s Mountain, Battle of. 252 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PRESTON, Richard. Address to the Fund Holder, the Manufacturer and others, on the Corn Laws. Lond., 1817. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 10. Further Observations on the State of the Nation, etc. Lond. 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. The Poor Rates gradually reduced, and Pauperism converted into Profitable Industry. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. Review of the present Ruined Condition of the Landed Ag- ricult. Interests. Lond., f816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7 Syllabus of an Essay in a Course of Lectures on Abstracts of Title. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 12. PRESTON, W. C. Speech in U. S. Senate, April 1842, on the Veto Power. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. April, 1842, on the Loan Bill. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. PRETENDERS. Hist. of. See JESSE, J. H. PRETYMAN, Rev. J. R. Lecture on the Studies of Liberal Educa tion, before the Tonbridge Literary Soc y. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 33. PREVOST, Sir Geo. Two Papers relative to. Canadian Mag. Vol. 1 PREVOST, F., and PECQUET, P. Le Blocus Americain (Droit des Neutres). Paris, 1861. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 20. PRICE, Eben. Chronolog. Register of Boscawen, N. H. Concord, 1823. 8vo. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. PRICE, Ezekiel. Diary of. 1775-6. Mass. Hist. Soc y Proceed. 1863-4. PRICE, Jos. Letter to Chas. Jas. Fox, on his Asiatic Bills now in Parl t. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 21. Letter to Sir Philip J. Clerke, on the Petition of Benj. La- cam. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 21. Observations, etc., on a publication intitled, Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. Lond., 1782. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 20. PRICE, Rev. Jos. H. Hist. Sketch delivered at the closing Services in St. Stephen s Ch., N. Y., July 1, 1866. N. Y., 1866. 8vo, N. Y. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. PRICE, Rich d, D.D. Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty, and the War with America. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 4. Lond., 1778. Same, Phil a, 1788. Amer. Tracts. Vol. 4. Appeal to the Public on the National Debt. 2d Ed. Lond., 1772. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 4. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Justice & Policy of the War with America, etc. Lond., 1776. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 18. Same, Polit. Tracts. Vols. 3 and 5. See WYVILL, Rev. C. Defence of. PRIDHAM, T. L. Devonshire Celebrities, illustrated with Photo graphs. Exeter, Eng., 1869. 4to. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 253 PRIEST, Josiah. Amer. Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. 5th Ed. Albany, 1838. 8vo. Origin and Character of the Negro Race. Albany, 1843. 12mo. PRIEST, Wm. Travels in the U. S. in 1793-97, with Journals of two Voyages across the Atlantic. Lond., 1802. 8vo. PRIESTCRAFT. History of. See HOWITT, W. PRIESTLEY, Dr. Jos. See CUVIER, M. Memoir of. HENRY, Wm. Philosoph. Character of. Description of a Chart of Biography. Lond., 1790. Svo. New Ed. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 6. See GIFEORD, Rev. Rich d. Answer to on Matter and Spirit. LEVI, D. Letter to, Respecting the Jews. Memoirs written by himself to the Year 1775. Birmingham, Eng., 1810. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 4. PRIM, Gen. J. General McClellan and the Army of the Potomac. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 4. PRIME, Nathan l S. Hist, of Long Island, from its first settlement by Europeans, to 1845. N. Y., 1845. 12mo. PRIME, Rev. Sam l I. The Bible in the Levant; Life and Letters of Rev. C. N. Righter, agent of the Amcr. Bible Soc. in the Levant. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. PRIME, Wm. C. Coins, Medals and Seals. N. Y., 1861. 4to. PRIMITVE Methodist Western Ann. Conference. Minutes of the 20th Session, held at Shullsburg, Wis., 1864. Dodgeville, 1864. Svo. PRINCE, Fred. The Story of Fort Hill (Auburn). Auburn, N. Y., 1859. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. PRINCE, Geo. Examination of Capt. Geo. Weymouth s Voyage to the Coast of Maine, 1605. Me. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. PRINCE, J. A Wreath for St. Crispin; Sketches of Eminent Shoe makers. Boston, 1848. 12mo. PRINCE, Rev. John. See UPHAM, Rev. C. W. Memoir of. PRINCE, J. H. Further Assistant to the Practice of Conveyancing. Lond., 1813. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 17. Remarks on the Best Method of Barring Dower. Lond., 1 805. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 6. PRINCE Library. See Boston Public Library. PRINCE Rupert and the Cavaliers. See WARBURTON, E. Memoirs of. PRINCE, Thos. Annals of New England. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 7. Chronolog. History of N. England in the form of Annals; ac count of Occurrences from 1602 to 1630. Vol. 1. Boston, 1736. 12mo. Vol. 2, Parts 1, 2. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 7. Memoirs of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 5. PRINCETON, Mass. Exercises at Centen. Celebra. of Incorporation of Princeton, Oct. 20, 1859. Worcester, 1860. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 10. See HANAFORD, J. L. History of. RUSSELL, C. T. History of, etc. 1838. 254 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PRINCETON, N. J. See N. J. College of. . Theolog. Seminary. Brief History of, with Constitution, By- Laws, etc. Princeton, 1838. 8vo. Princeton Sem. Cata logues, etc. Catalogue for 1851-2. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. See SPRAGUE, W. B. Half Century Discourse, 1862. PRINCE Society Publications: 1, 2. Collection of Original Papers relative to Hist, of Colony of Mass. Bay (Hutchinson Papers), 1769. Boston. 1865. 2 Vols. 4to. 3. WOOD, W. New England s Prospect, 1634. Boston, 1865. 4to. 4. DUNTON, John. Summer s Ramble through Ten Kingdoms, 1685. Bos ton, 1867. 4to. 5, 6. The Andros Tracts; a Collection of Pamph. and original Papers. Boston, 1868. 2 Vols. 4to. PRINCE George Co., Va. See SPOONER, Rev. J. Topograph. De scription of. PRINCIPLES, (The) of Naval Staff Rank; and its History in the U. S Navy for over Half a Century. 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. of the late Changes impartially examined. Lond., 1765. 12mo.- Erig. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 14. PRINGLE, Dr. John. Observations on the Nature and Cure of Hos pital and Jail Fevers. Lond., 1750. 8vo. Med. Pamph.. Vol. 27. PRINTER, The. See SHEAHAN, J. W. PRINTING. See MUNSELL, J. Catalogue of Books on. THOMAS, I. History of. Wisconsin, Minnesota Editorial Conventions. See Typography. PRIOR, Jas. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 9. PRISON Discipline. See ADSHEAD, J. Our present Gaol System. 1847. BEAUMONT, G. L. Penitentiary System of U. S. See Boston Prison Disc. Soc y. BURT, J. T. Pentonville Prison Results. CARNARVON, Lord. Report on, 1864. . FOULKE, W. P. On Cellular Separation. - GOOD, J. M. Letter on the Tread- Wheel. GURNEY, J. J. Visit to Prisons of Scotland, 1819.. HOLFORD, Geo. Criminal Prisons of England, 1821- HOWE, S. G. Essay on. ; International Congress on Prevention of Crime, etc. - Letter to Sir Rob t Ladbrook, 1771. . London. Society for Improvement of. MACHONOCHIE, A. On Reformatory Discipline, etc.. 1851. Mass. Prison Discipline Soc. MEASOR. C. P. Convict System of Eng., 1861. National Assoc. for Promotion of Social Science. Papers. f PACKARD, F. A. Memorandum of a late visit to France, etc., 1840. Penn. Journal of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 255 PRISON Discipline. SMITH, R. Evils of the Silent and Separate System Removed, 1838. SMITH, Wm., M. D. State of Gaols in London, etc., 1776. Soc y Ann. Reports, 1826-29. Boston. 8vo. See TALLACK, Wm. Humanity and Humanitarianism, 1871. U. S. Houses of Refuge, etc. Proceedings of Managers. 1857. PRISON Life in the South. See ABBOTT, A^. O. PRISONS. See DIXON, H. Prison World of Europe. HASTINGS, S. D. Condition of Jails of U. S., 1872. Memoir of a Visit to European Prisons. PHELPS, R. H. Hist, of Newgate of Conn. Wines and Dwight. Report on. 1867. Wisconsin State Prison Reports; other States. PRISONER S Friend; a monthly Magazine. Vol. 1. 1848-9. Bos ton, 1848-9. Vols. 2, 3, 5, 6, imperfect, Boston, 1850-54, 8vo. PRITTS, J. Mirror of Old Time Border Life; Discovery of America; Early Hist, of Va. and Penn. Sketches of Frontier Men. Abington, Va., 1849. 8vo. PRIVATE Recollections of the Amer. Revolution. A Private Journal Edited by S. Barclay. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. PRIVILEGE (The) of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Consti tution. 2d Ed. Phila., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 2. PROCEEDINGS of an Indian Council held at the Buffalo Creek Reser vation, State of N. Y., 4th month, 1842. Baltimore, 1842. 8vo. of Convention of Delegates from N. England States at Boston, Aug., 1780, with Notes by F. B. Hough. Albany, 1867. 4to, of a Convention of Delegates from Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden, Mass., holden at Northampton, July 14 and 15, 1812. Northampton, 1812. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 1. of the Convention of Soldiers of the War of 1812, of N. Y., at Schuylerville, Oct. 17, 1856, on the Aniiivers. of Bur- goyne s Surrender. Albany, 1857. Svo. Rev. War. Pamph. Vol. 2. PROCLAMATIONS for Thanksgiving, issued by Continental Congress, etc. Albany, 1858. 4to. PROCTOR, L. B. The Bench and the Bar of N. Y., with Biograph.- Sketches of Judges, Lawyers, etc. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. PROGRESS of the U. States. See FISHER, R. S. 1854. of Nations. See SISMONDI, J. C. L. de. of the Gospel among the Indians in N. England. Lond., 1659. N. Y. reprint, 1865. 4to. of the Ultra-Democratic Principle. From the Amer. Monthly Mag., 1838. Svo. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 139. PROHIBITORY Liquor Law. See Unconstitutionality of. PROJECT of Finance: proposed method of affording Relief to the- Country, etc., 1816. Lond., 1817. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. 256 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PROMENADE a la Sorbonne; suivi d un Essai de la. Biographie de M. Michelet. Paris, 1843. 8vo. PROOF Sheet (The). Newspaper. Phila., 1867-1871. 4 Vols. Sm. folio. PROPERTY and Income Tax. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Strangford Pampb. Vol. 64. Rights and Dangers of. See PEABODY, A. P. Election Ser mon. 1872. PROPHECIES for the Past. From the Dem. Review, Feb., 1849. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 1. PROPOSALS for Colonizing Canada. Amer. Tracts, 1776-1788. PROPOSED General Bankrupt Act, prepared by a Committee of Merchants and Bankers of N. Y. City. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. PRO-SLAVERY (The) Argument; as maintained by the most Distin guished Writers of the Southern States. Charleston, 1852. 12mo. PROSPECT (The.) A View of Politics. Buffalo, 1862. 8vo. Re- belPn Pamph. Vols. 2 and 85. * before us; Strictures on late Message of the President of the U. S., and Report of Sec. of Treasury, with Speech of Gov. Hamilton. Charleston, 1832. 12mo. Nullification Tracts. PROSSER, E. S. Enlargement of the Locks on the Erie Canal. Paper before the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Dec. 28. 1863. Buffalo, 1863. 8vo. PROSSER, Wm. F. Speech in Cong., Jan. 25, 1870, on Education. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. PROTECTION and Free Trade. From the Revue des deux Mondes of Oct. 15, 1869. Boston, 1872. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 140. PROTECTIVE Tariff. See Tariff, Free Trade. PROTEST against the Passage of Senate Bill No. 638, and House Bill 1640. (Kansas Pacific R. R. Lands.) "Washington, 1872, 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. against T. Paine s "Rights of Man;" addressed to the Mem bers of Book Society. Lond., 1792. 8vo. 3d Ed. of the Episcopal Clergy of Phila. against Bishop J. H. Hop kins Defence of Slavery, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 54. PROTESTANT (The) Admirer; or an Answer to the Vindication of a Popish Successor, n. d. Folio. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 37. PROTESTANT Episcopal Church. See BALLARD, Rev. E. Hist, of Ch. in Maine. BEARDSLEY, Rev. E. E. Hist, of Ch. in Conn. Board of Foreign Missions. Ann. Report of the Foreign Committee, for 1851. 8vo. Board of Missions. Proceedings at the 19th Ann. Meet ing, held in Hartford, 1854, with Reports, etc. N. York, 1854. 8vo. 1st Report of the Indian Commission. 1872. See BOLTON, Rev. R. Ch. in Westchester Co., N. Y. Changes in the Constitution and Canons of the Ch., adopted, Oct., 1871. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 257 PROTESTANT Episcopal Church. See CHASE, Bishop P. Reminis- censes. Church (The) Register, 1868-72. Churchman s New Book, 1870-71. Debates in House of Deputies in Gen. Convention, Bal timore, 1871. Hartford, 1871. 8vo. Digest of Canons for Gov t of P. E. Church, adopted 1859, 62, 65, 68, 71. Hartford, 1872. Diocese of Albany. Journal of Primary Convention at Albany, Dec. 2, 1868. Albany, N. Y., 1868. 8vo. Diocese of Conn. See BEARDSLEY, Rev. E. E. Hist. of. Documentary Hist, of, etc. Journal of Ann. Conventions held in 1850, 51, 57. 1870, 1871. Hartford, 1850-71. Svo. Diocese of Georgia. Journal of Convention held in 1845. Savannah, 1845. 8vo. Georgia Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Diocese of Illinois. Journal of llth Ann. Convention, held in 1847. Jubilee College, 1847. Svo. Diocese of Indiana. Journal of Conventions held in 1838, 39, 40, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57. Indianapolis, etc., 1838- 1857. Svo. Diocese of Kansas. Journals of the 7th, 8th and 9th Ann. Conventions, held in 1866, 7, 8. Phila., etc., 1866-8. Svo. Diocese of Kentucky. Journals of Conventions held in 1836, 37, 54. Lexingtoh, 1836- 54. Svo. Diocese of Maryland. Journal of SOth Ann. Conven tion, held in 1863. Baltimore, 1863. Svo. Diocese of Mass. Abstract of Records of the Trustees of Donations. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Journals of Ann. Convention, held in 1831 and 1871. Cambridge, 1831, 1871. Svo. Diocese of N. Y. Journals of Conventions, held in 1830, 34, 51, 52, 53, 61. N. Y., 1830-1861. Svo. Report of the Pastoral Aid Soc y. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Diocese of Central N. Y. Journal of 4th Ann. Conven tion, 1872. Utica, 1872. Svo. Diocese of Ohio. Journals of Conventions held in 1837, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 57. Gambier, etc., 1837-1857. Svo. Diocese of Pennsylvania. Journals of Conventions held in 1844, 46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60. Phila., 1844-60. Svo. See PERRY, W. S. Hist, of the Ch. in Penn. 1680- 1778. Diocese of Central Penn. Journals of 1st Ann. Conven tion, 1872. Phila., 1872. Svo. Diocese of R. Island. Journals of Convention held in 1835, 38, 62, 67. Providence, 1835-67. 8vo. Diocese of Vermont. Journals of the 70th and 78th Ann. Conventions, I860, 1868. Burlington, 1860, 68. Svo. 17 258 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PROTESTANT Episcopal Church. Diocese of Vermont. See Docu mentary Hist., etc. - Diocese of Wisconsin. Journals of 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, llth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 22d Ann. Conventions, held in 1851 to 1858, inclusive. Milwaukee, etc., 1853-68. 8vo. Domestic arid Foreign Missionary Society. Proceedings at Meetings in N. York, Oct., 1832. With report for 1831- 32, etc. Phila., 1832. 8vo. Gen. Theological Seminary, N. Y. Catalogue for 1834-5, 1857-8. N. Y., 1834, 1857. 12mo and 8vo. Proceedings of Trustees for 1837, 38, 39, 43, 51, 52, 53, 55. 62, 63, 64, 65. N. Y., 1837-65. 8vo. Publication of the Associate Alumni, for 1856. N. Y. 1856. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 21. See TURNER, Rev. S. H. Address, 1858. See GRAY, Rev. W. Excellencies of the English Church. See HAWKS, F. L. Eccles. Hist. Va. Journals of Gen. Conventions held in 1789, 1829, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 56, 59, 62, 68, 71. Proceedings and Debates in Convention, 1844. Phila. ? etc. n. d. 8vo. See LEWIS, W. H. Position of, 1853. - MEADE, Rev. W. Old Churches, etc., of Va. Missionary Assoc. for the West. Ann. Reports for 1854-5, and 1859-60. Phila., 1855, 1860. 8vo. See Nashota Theolog. Sem. N. Y, Bible and Common Prayer Book Soc. N. Y. P. E. Missionary Soc. Penn. Diocesan Missionary Soc. PERRY, W. S. History of Ch. in Penn. 1680-1778. Hist. Collections of Amer. Colonial Ch. - Report of the Foreign Committee. 1872. Report of Joint Comm. on the Psalms and Hymns used by the Church, n. p. n. d. 8vo. Religious Pamph., Vol. 20. Report to Gen. Convention, 1871, on the Russo-Greek Ch. Hartford, 1872. 8vo. Religious Pamph., Vol. 24. Report on the China Mission, June 30, 1872. P. E. Ch. Misc. Rep ts. Society for Advancement of Christianity in Penn., Ann. Reports, 1844-59. Phila., 1845-60. 8vo. Society for Increase of the Ministry, Report of the 15th Ann. Meeting, held at Baltimore, Oct., 1871. Hartford, 1871. 12mo. Religious Pamph., Vol. 21. Statement and Appeal of the Foreign Committee, Mar. -tOPf O T 1 * T> 1- t7_1 O 13, 1855. Svo. Religious Pamph., Vol. 3. S. S. Union. Ann. Report for 1853-4, and Proceedings of llth Trien. Meeting, 1859. N. Y., 1854, 1859. Svo. Tract Soc., 24th, 25th, 26th, 30th, and 32d Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1833-1841. Svo. - See N. Y. P. PJpis. Tract Soc. See TRAPIER, P. Facts relative to Bishop Onderdonk. 1845. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 259 PROTESTANT Episcopal Historical Society. Collections for 1851. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. PROTESTANTISM. See BROWNING, W. S. History of Huguenots. French Protestants of S. Carolina. : HOLMES, Rev. A. Memo, of French Protestants. LLOYD, D. Protestant Martyrs, 1668. PROTESTS against the Bill to Repeal the Amer . Stamp Act, of the last Session, with lists of Speakers and Voters. Paris, 1766. 8vo. PROUD, John G., Jr. Memoirs of Deceased Alumni of St. John s College, Annapolis, Md. Baltimore, 1868. Svo. Md. Cat alogues, etc. PROUD, Robt. Hist, of Pennsylvania from 1681 to 1742. Phila., 1797. 2 Vols. Svo. See THOMSON, C. W. Life and Character of. PROUT, Wm. Chemistry, Meteorology and the Functions of Diges tion considered in reference to Nat. Theology. Bridgewater Treatises. Lond., 1834. 8vo. PROUY, Baron de. Notice Historique sur Jean-Rodolphe Perronet. Paris, 1829. 4to. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Aid Soc y- 3d Ann. Report. Providence, 1858. 8vo. Almanac and Business Directory, for 1855. Providence, 1855 18mo. Ann. Conference. See PATTEN, Rev. David. Centen. Disc., 1866. Assoc., for Colored Children. 18th Ann. Report. 1857. Providence, 1857. 12mo. Atheneum. Catalogue of the Libr y, and Hist. Sketch. Prov idence, 1853. Svo. 14th, 16th and 22d Ann. Reports. Providence, 1849-57. 8vo. See WAYLAND, F. Beneficent Cong. Ch. See TUCKER, Rev. M. Centen. Sermon. 1843. 1st Baptist Church. List of Members, Rules, etc. See CALDWELL, Rev. S. L. Hist. Discourse, 1865. - S. S. See LINCOLN, J. L. 50th Anniversary Address. 1869. 1st Cong. Ch. See HALL, Rev. E. B. Hist. Discourses. 1836. High Street Cong. Ch. Items of Hist. Quarter Century Memorial Annivers.. Dec. 1859. n. d. Svo. Home for Aged Women. 1st Ann. Report, 1857. Providence 1857. 12mo. See HOPKINS, S. Hist, Account of. Ministry at Large. See STONE, E. M. Overseer of the Poor. Semi-Ann. Report, 1858. Providence, 1859. Svo. Proceedings of a Public Meeting, Mar. 7, 1854, to protest against Slavery in Nebraska. Providence, 1854. Svo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Nol. 260 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PROVIDENCE Public Schools. Ann. Reports of School Comm., 1855, 59, 63, 70. Providence, 1855-70. 8vo. By-Laws of School Comm., and Regulations of Public Schools, 1848, 1853. Providence. 8vo. 5th and 10th Ann. Reports of Births, Marriages and Deaths, for 1859 and 1864. Providence, 1860-65. 8vo. Reform School. 2d and 3d Ann. Reports, 1852, 53. Provi dence, 1853, 54. 8vo. Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Proceedings at the Dedica. of. Providence, 1871. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See STAPLES, W. R. Annals of, to 183.2. Water Commiss rs. 4th Quarterly Report, Oct. 1870. Prov- ikence, 1870. 8vo. PROVINCETOWN, Mass. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Ser. Vol. 8. See GRAHAM, J. D. Chart of Cape Cod, 1838. 1 ] NCIA Romana of Gaul. See POWNALL, Gov. Antiquities of. PROYECTO DE UN Ferrocarril Telegrafo desde la linea de Mexico y los Estados Unidos. Mexico, 1868. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. PRUSSIA and Saxony; An Appeal to Europe on the Claims of the King of Saxony, etc. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. See BOTT, A. Prussian School System. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. Letter to Secretary of Prussian Em bassy, 1752. PRUSSIAN Academy of Science. Bericht iiber die zur Bekannt- machung geeigneten. Verhandlungen, 1843. Berlin, 1843. 8vo. System of Education. See BOTT, A. WITTICH, W. PRYOR, J. P. See JORDON, Thos., and Pryor. Psi Upsilon. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. PUBLIC Characters; or Cotemporary Biography. Baltimore, 1803. 8vo. Debt and the Public Credit of the U. S. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 87. See Congress l Speeches. Defaulters brought to light: addressed to the People of the U. S., 1822. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 96. Good without Private Interest: the sad State and Condition of the Eng. Colony of Virginia. Lond., 1657. Sm. 4to. Health. See Sanitary Reform. Lands. See Congressional Speeches. Schools. See Reply to Popular Objections to them. PUBLICK Spirit (The) of the Whigs: shown in their Encouragement of the Author of the Crisis, 1712. Dublin, 1741. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 11. PUGET, Jas. Results obtained by the use of the Microscope in the study of Anatomy and Physiology. Lond. } 1842. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. " Vol. 13. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 261 PUGH, G. E. Speech in U. S. Senate, May 26, 1856, on Admission of Kansas. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. PUGH, J. Howard. Our Union and its Defenders. Oration at Bur lington, N. J., July 4, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 30. PULASKI, Count. See BENTALOU, P. Vindication of. SPAEKS, J. Life of. PULMAN, G. P. R. Book of the Axe; containing a Piscatorial De scription of that Stream, and a Hist, of all the Parishes upon the Banks, with Map and Engravings. Lond., 1854. 12mo. PULPIT Eloquence of the Seventeenth Century. A Lecture. Lond., 1857(?) 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 58. of Amer. Revolution. See THORNTON, J. W. PULTENEY, Wm. Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. 4th Ed. Lond., 1778. Amer. Tracts. Vol. 5. PUMPELLY, Raphael. Geolog. Researches in China, Mongolia and Japan, from 1862 to 1865. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 15. PURCELL, John B., Archbishop of Cincinnati, O. Addresses at the 25th Annivers. of his Episcopate, Oct. 13, 1858, with a Hist. Sketch of the Diocese, etc. Cincin., 1858. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. PURCHAS, Sam l. His Pilgrimage; or Relations of the World and the Religions Observed in all Ages. Lond., 1626? Folio. No title. PURITANS. See GOODELL, A. C. Difference between the Non- Conformists of Mass. Bay, and the Separatists of Plymouth Colony. GREY, Z. Examina. of Neal s History. HOPKINS, Sam l. Puritans of the Church, Court and Parlia ment of Eng. MURPHY, M. C. Pilgrims at Leyden. NEAL, D. History of. SCOTT, Benj. The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor Per secutors. SHURTLEFF, N. B. List of Passengers of the May Flower, in 1620. SUMNER, G. Memo, of Pilgrims at Leyden. PURRY, Peter. Description of the Province of S. Carolina drawn up at Charleston, Sept. 1731. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C. Vol. 2. PURSH, Fred. Flora Americae Septentrionalis; or Plants of N. America. Lond., 1816. 8vo. PURSUIT of Knowledge under Difficulties; its Pleasures and Re wards illustrated. Harpers Fam Libr. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 18mb. PURVIANCE, Rob t. Narr. of Events in Baltimore during the Rev olutionary War. Baltimore, 1849. 12mo. PUSEY, E. B., D. D. Letter on Laws prohibiting Marriage between Near of Kin. Oxford, 1842. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 28. PUTNAM S Monthly Magazine. Jan. 1853, to Sept. 1857. N. York, 10 Vols. 8vo. * 262 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. PUTNAM S Monthly Magazine. New Series. Jan. 1868, to June, 1870. N. York. 5 Vols. 8vo. Same. New Series. July to Novem., 1870. PUTNAM, A. W. Hist, of Middle Tennessee; or Life and Times of Gen. Jas. Robertson. Nashville, 1859. 8vo. PUTNAM Co., 111. See FORD, H. A. History of. PUTNAM Co., N. Y. See BLAKE, W. J. History of. PUTNAM, Col. Dan l. Letter relative to the Battle of Bunker Hill, and Gen. Israel Putnam. Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. PUTNAM, Rev. Geo. Address at Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 28, 1864, at the Funeral of Brig. Gen. Chas. R. Lowell. Boston, 1864. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 8. Address at Roxbury, Mass., Sept. 3, 1851, on the Death of Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Roxbury, 1851. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 6. Discourse on the Death of Wm. H. Harrison, at Roxbury. Apr. 16, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8vo. Addresses. Vol, 39. Oration before the Phi. Beta Kappa Soc. in Harvard, Aug. 29, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8vo. Harvard Coll. Pamph. PUTNAM, Geo. P. The World s Progress: a Dictionary of Dates. N. Y. 1854. 12mo. Same. N. Y. 1861. 8vo. PUTNAM, H. Speech in Cong., July 30, 1850, on Admission of Cal. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. PUTNAM, Israel. See Cutter, W. Life of. Dawsori, H. B. Corres. in reference to. Fellows, J. Reflections on. Grosvenor L. Address before Descendants of. 1855. - Hill, G. C. Biography of. -* Humphrey s D. Life and Works Life and Times. N. Y. n. d. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Putnam, Col. Dan l. Swett, S. PUTNAM, Rev. Israel W. Half Century Discourses at Middle- borough, Mass., Mar. 19, 1865. Middleborough, 1865. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. PUTNAM, Jas. O. Speech at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1860. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 77. PUTNAM, L. H. Review of Revolutionary Elements of the Rebel lion, and of the Aspect of Reconstruction. Brooklyn, 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. PUTNAM, Gen. Rufus. See HILDRETH, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. PUTNAM, Worthy. Science and Art of Elocution and Oratory. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. PUTNAM S Rebellion Record. N. Y., 1862-3. 5 Vols. 8vo. PUTZ, Wilhelm. Hand Book of Mediaeval Geography and His tory. N. Y. 1850. 12mo. Pycroft, Rev. Jas. A Course of English Reading; edited by J. A. Spencer. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. PYE, Geo., M. D. Discourse on the Plague, in Reply to Dr. Mead. Lond., 1721. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 23. PYE Smith Testimonial. Proceedings at Lond., Jan. 8, 1851, on the Presentation of a Testimonial to John Pye Smith, D. D. Lond., 1851. Svo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 54. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 263 PYNCHON, Jos. C. Reply to Chas. Stearns in regard to the Spring field Aqueduct Co. Springfield, 1849. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. PYNCHON, Wm. See STEARNS, 0. Memoir of. PYRAMID of Jizeh, the Plan and Object of its Construction. Cin- cin., 1871. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 2. PYRAMIDS of Egypt. Dissertation on their Antiquity, Origin and Design; particularly the Pyramid of Ghizeeh. Lond., 1833. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 22. PYROTECHNY. See POTT, J. H. Lithogeognosie Protechnique. Qi QUADRADO, Don Francisco de Paula. ElogioHistoricodel General Don Antonio de Escano. Teniente General de Marina Regente de Espana e Indias en 1810. Madrid, 1832. 4to. QUAIN Prof. Reply to a Pamphlet entitled " The Official Resigna tion of the Professorship of Surgery, in University of Lon don, by Sam l Cooper. Lond., 1848. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. QUAKERS. See Friends Society of. QUARANTINE. See CALDWELL, Chas. Prize Essay, 1834. CLARK, H. G. Address, 1852. MACLEAN, Dr. C. British Quarantine Laws. National Quaratine and Sanitary Conventions. QUARITCH, B. General Catalogue of Books. Lond., 1868. Svo. QUARRY, Col. Robt. Information against the Gov t. of Penn., with Wm. Penn s Answer thereto. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 2, part 2. Memorial on the State of the Amer. Colonies, 1703. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d. Ser. Vol. 7. QUARTERLY REVIEW. See London Quarterly Review. 1809-1867. QUEBEC, Canada. See ASHE, E. D. Water Power of. HAWKINS, A. Picture of. Hist. Soc. See Canada Collection de Memoires, etc. 1840. See Canada Voyages de Decouverte au Canada. Literary and Hist. Soc. Catalogue of the Mineralog. Collec tion. 1829. Transactions. Vol.1. - Report of the Council for 1862. Quebec. 1863. Svo. Transactions. Vol. 1. Quebec, 1829. Svo. Vol. IV. Parts 1, 2 and 3. Vol. V. Part 1. New Series,Vol. 1. Part 1. New Series, Parts, 4 and 5. Que bec, 1843-1867. Svo. Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council. Quebec,-Jl777. Folio. Same. Quebec, 1780. Folio. Plan of a Code of Laws for the Province of, reported by the Advocate General. Lorid., 1774. Svo. See SHEPPARD, Mrs. Shells of Quebec. 264 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. QUEBEC, Canada. See SILLIMAN, B. Tour to, in 1819. TATE, C. M. Harbor of. WAKE, Jos. Journal of Expedition against Quebec, in 1775. QUEENS Co., N. Y. Agr. Soc y. Ann. Report for 1866, 68, 70. - Premium List for Exhibition of 1870. Hempstead and Jamaica. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 12. See KING, Chas. Address, 1852. See ONDERDONK, Henry. QUEENS of American Society. See ELLETT, Mrs. of England. See LANCELOTT, F. STRICKLAND, Agnes. of Spain. See GEORGE, A. QUEENSTOWN, Battle of. See VAN RENSSELAER, Gen. S. QUENTIN, Col. See "Another Investigation." QUERARD, J. M. La France Litteraire ou Dictionnaire Bibliograph- ique. Paris, 1828-1843. 10 Vols. Svo. QUESTION (The) before us. Boston, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 106. QUESTION (The) Stated; whether the Freeholders of Middlesex r lost their Right by Voting for Mr. Wilkes. Lond., n. d. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 2. QUINCY, Josiah. Address at Quincy, Mass., June 5, 1856, on the Nature and Power of the Slave States. Boston, 1856. Svo. Addresses. Vols. 9, 23, 24. Address at Dedica. of Dane Law College, in Harvard Uni versity, Oct 23, 1832. Cambridge, 1832. Svo. Address before Boston Board of Trade on Mass. R. R. System. Boston, 1866. Svo. Address to the Board of Aldermen of Boston, Jan. 3, 1829. Boston, 1829. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 32. See Amer. Antiquarian Soc. Address at Boston, Sept. 17, 1830, on the 2d Century of the Settlement of the City. Boston, 1830. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vols. 4 and 15. See, also, Addresses. Vol. 10. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Zachary Taylor, Boston,, Aug. 15, 1850. Addresses. Vol. 9. See G-ANNET, E. S. Obit. Sermon. History of Harvard University. Boston, 1860. 2 Vols. Svo. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Memoir of Jas. Grahame, L.L.D. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 8. Memoir of the late Thos. L. Winthrop. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 2. Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jr., of Massachusetts. Boston, 1825. Svo. Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1858. Svo. The Memory of the late James Grahame, the Historian, vin dicated from the Charges of Geo. Bancroft. Boston, 1846. Svo. Municipal Hist, of the Town and City of Boston, from Sept. 17, 1630, to Sept. 17, 1830. Boston, 1852. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 265 QUINCY, Josiah. Remarks on Provisions of the Land of Mass., affecting Poverty, Vice and Crime. Cambridge, 1822. 8vo, Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See SHAW, Maj. Samuel. Journals. Speech at Boston, August 16, 1854, before the Whig State Convention. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. Speech before the Board of Overseers of Harvard University, Feb. 25, 1845, on the Minority Report of the Comm. of Vis itation. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Harvard Coll. Pamphs. Speech in Cong., Jan. 19, 1809, on Holding an Extra Session of Cong, in May next. (Embargo Act.) Speeches. Vol. 5 Jan. 5, 1813, on the present War. N. Y., 1813. 8vo. Pamphlets. War of 1812. Vol. 5. See WALKER, Rev. Jas. Whig Policy Analyzed arid Illustrated. Boston, 1856. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 125. QUINCY, Mass. Christ Ch. See CUTLER, Rev. B. C. Centen. Sermon. 1827. See CRANCH, C. P. Poem on Bi-Centen. Annivers. 1840. Deeds, etc., relating to the Land and Library presented to the Town, by Prest. Adams, with Catalogue. Cambridge, 1823. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 5. Evangelical Ch. Articles of Faith and Covenant, with List of Members, 1835, 63. 1st Cong. Ch. See WHITNEY, Rev. F. A. Sketch of the Hist. of. See LUNT, Rev. Wm. P. Bi-Centen. Sermons, 1839. Lyceum. See LUNT, Rev. W. P. Lecture, 1850. See WHITNEY, Rev. Geo. Bi-Centen. Disc., 1840. QUINCY, Sam l. Sermons. No title. QUINCY, S. M. The People s Banks of Germany; their Organiza tion under the Recent Law. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 2. QUINER, E. B. City of Watertown, Wis.: its Manufacturing and R. R. Advantages and Business Statistics. Watertown, 1856 , 12mo. Military Hist of Wisconsin in the War of the Rebellion. Chi cago, 1865. 8vo. QUINET, Edgar. L Expedition du Mexique. Lond., 1862. 12mo. QUINN, David. Memorial to Cong, advising the Re-Establishment of Negro Slavery. Chicago, 1866. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 136. QUINT, Rev. Alonzo H. The Potomac and the Rapidan Army Notes, 1861-63. Boston, 1864. 12mo. QUINTARD, Chas. T. Report on the Health and Mortality of Mem phis for 1852. Memphis, 1853. 8vo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. QUITMAN, Gen. John A. See CLAIRBORNE, J. F. H. QUITMAN, J. A. Speech in Cong. Dec. 18, 1856, on Territorial Affairs. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. QUITO. See VELASCO, J. de. Histoire de. 266 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. R. & RABELAIS, Francis. Works of, translated from the French. Lond., 1851. 2 Vols. 8vo. RACE in Legislation and Political Economy. From the Anthropo- log. Review, Apr., 1866. Lond. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 68. RACINE, Wis., Advocate, Newspaper, 1851-55; 1859.62; 1867-72. folio. and Rock River Plank Road. Report of Investigating Comm. on its Business and Accounts. Racine, 1851. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1. See WHITE, Philo. Report on, 1848. Baptist Assoc. Minutes of sessions held in 1849, 53, 54. Racine, etc. 8vo. Board of Education. Report 1857-8. Racine. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1. . College. Ann. Catalogues for 1853, 54, 55, 58, 64, 67, 69-70, 1870-71, 1871-72. Racine. 8vo. See WHITE, Philo. Address, 1862. Democrat, Newspaper. Aug. to Dec., 1859; 1860-61. folio. Directory, 1858. 12mo. GRAHAM, J. D., on the Latitude of. Harbor. See WHITE, Philo. Communication in behalf of. 1850. See HURLBUT, H. H. Early Days at. Janesville & Mississippi R. R. 1st Ann. Report. 1854. Ra cine, 1854. 8vo. Journal, Newspaper, Dec., 1856, to Dec., 1857. folio. Daily, Nov. 1856, to Nov., 1857. 2 Vols. Folio. . 1864, 69-72. 1 Vol. Public Schools. Report, 1857-8. Racine, 1858. 8vo. See Wisconsin and the City of Racine. 1856. County, Wis., Bible Soc. Ann. Reports for 1869 and 71. Wis. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 6. . Old Settlers Soc. See DYER, C. E. >Hi See WHITE, Philo. Agricult. Statistics. 1851. RADCLIFFE, Rev. Discourse occasioned by the Victory over the French, of Aug. 1, 1759. Lond., 1759. 8vo. Eng. Sermons, Vol. 57. RADCLIFFE Infirmary, Oxford. Rules and orders for its gov t. Ox ford, 1770. 4to. Med. Pamph., Vol. 28. RADICAL Reconstruction on the Basis of one Sovereign Republic. Sacramento, 1867. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 16. RAFFLES, Rev. Thos., D. D. Memoir of Rev. Thos. Spencer of Liv erpool. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. RAFFLES, Thos. S. Discourse before the Literary and Scientific Soc. at Java, Sept. 10th, 1815. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 8. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 267 BAFINESQUE, C. S. Ancient History, or Annals of Kentucky. Frankfort, 1824. 8vo. Ky. Pamph. Vol. 1. The American Nations; or Outlines of a Nat. History. Phil a, 1836-38. 12mo. On the Upper Alleghanian Monuments of North Elkhorn Creek, Fayette Co., Ky. Western Review. Vol. 2. Travels and Researches in N. America, etc., in 1802-35. Phil a, 1836. 8vo. Pamphlets. Amer. Travel. Vol 1. RAFN, Chas. C. Antiquites Americaines d apres les Monuments Historiqucs des Islandais et des Anciens Scandinaves. Co penhagen, 1845. 4to. See BORRING, L. E. Life and Writings of. . The. Discovery of America by the Northmen. Papers of the Roy. Soc. of No. Antiquaries. Another Copy. Pamphlets. Pre-Columbian Discov. Memoir sur la Decouverte de PAmerique au Dixieme siecle pub. by Soc. of Royal Antiquities. Copenhagen, 1843. 8vo. RAGNEAU, Rev. Paul. Relation de ce qui s est passe de plus re- marquable en la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de f Jesus ceux Hurons pais de la Nouvelle France. 1645-46. Paris, 1647. 12mo. RAIKES, Henry. Observations on the Ecclesiastical Courts Bill. Lond., 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 35. RAIKES, Thos. The City of the Czar; or a Visit to St. Petersburg, in 1829-30. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 13. RAILROAD Facilities between Albany and Boston. Memorial to Mass. Legislature, 1866. 8vo. Mass. R. R. Reports. Vol. 3. RAILROADS. See BAXTER, R. D. Results of R. R. Extension. Lond., 1866. See Chicago Railroad Gazette. DEARBORN, H. A. S. Letters on Internal Improvements. EARLE, T. Treatise on. Gillespie, W. M- Manual of Roads and R. Roads. Grants to. See Congressional Speeches. Public Lands. Pope, C. C. Railroads private property, etc. Sears, A. F. On Reducing the Cost of R. R. Construction. Shippers Guide. Stevens, Col. John. Advantages of, over Canals. 1812. - Tanner, H. S. Descrip. of in U. S. Wood, N. Treatise on. Legislation. Two Letters addressed to Sir Rob t Peel. Lond. 1837. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 12. RAINE, John. Hist, and Antiquities of Blyth. Westminster. 1860. 4to. RAINES, Wm. Observations on Establishing Courts of Local Juris diction. Lond. 1833. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol.18. RAINEY, G. On the Structure of the Sudoriparous Glands. Lond. 8vo. n. d. Med. Pamph. Vol. 19. RAINSEORD Island Hospital. Boston Harbor. 6th and 7th Ann. Reports. Boston. 1859-60. 8vo. RAISING (The) of the American Flag over Richmond by Lt. Col. J. L. De Peyster, 1865. A Poem. RebelPn. Pamph. Vol. 53. 268 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RALEIGH, Rev. Alex. Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Angell James, at Lond., Oct. 9, 1859. Lond,, 1859. Sermons, Vol. 16. RALEIGH, Sir Walter. See Drake, S. G. Memoir of. Greeley, R. F. Paper on. Harris, J. M. Discourse on. See Lives of W. Raleigh and Capt. John Smith. See News of. 1617. RAMBLES in Chili and Life among the Araucanian Indians in 1836. Thomaston. 1851. 8vo. S. Amer. Pamph. Vol. 1. RAMEAU, M. Notes Historiques sur la Colonie Canadienrie de De troit. Montreal, 1861. 12mo. Mich. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol.1. RAMSAY, David. Hist, of S. Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. Charles ton. 1809. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hist, of the Amer. Revolution. Lond., 1793. 2 Vols. 8vo. History of the II. States, from 1607 to 1808, and continued by S. S. Smith to Treaty of Ghent. 2d Ed. Phila., 1818. 3 Vols. 8vo. RAMSAY, Capt. Wm. Causes that Retard the Progress of our Steam Navy. Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 31. RAMSEY, Gov. Alex. Address before the Minn. Hist. Soc., Jan. 13, 1851. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. -1. RAMSEY, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee to the End of the I8th Century. Phila., 1853. 8vo. RAMSGATE Harbor. See SMEATON, John. Hist. Report on. 1791. Margate and Broadstairs Guide. Ramsgate. (n. d.) 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 22. RANCHO Panoche Grande, Cal. See MCGAKKAHAN, Wm. RANCK,GCO. W. History of Lexington; its Early Annals and Re cent Progress. Cincin., 1872. 8vo. RANDALL, Edw. Juridical Essays, being Remarks on the Laws of England. Lond., 1793. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol.74, RANDALL, G. P. Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, containing Plans in Perspective of Colleges, Schools, Houses, etc., 1866. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. RANDALL, Henry S. Life of Thos. Jefferson. N. Y., 1858. 3 Vols. 8vo. Obituary of the late Maj.-Gen. S. G. Hathaway. Cortland, N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7. RANDALL, Josiah. See Penn. Grand Lodge. (Masonic.) RANDALL, Rob t E. Speech at Phila., on Penn. Laws relative to Fugitive Slaves, Jan. 16, 1861. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 32. RANDALL," Sam l J. Speech in Cong., June 15, 1864, on Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. RANDALL, Sam l S. Common School System of N. Y., with Hist. Sketch of the same. Troy, 1851. 8vo. Mental and Moral Culture and Popular Education, with Re port on Common School Libraries, by H. S. Randall. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 269 RANDOLPH, Rev. Herbert. Fast-Day Sermon, Apr. 26, 1854, on the War in the East. Abingdon, 1854. 12mo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 66. RANDOLPH, John. De Graecas Linguae Studio Praelectio habita in Schola Linguarum, Oxon., 1782. Oxon. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 6. RANDOLPH, John. Letters to a Young Relative; embracing a Ser ies of Years. Phila., 1834. 8vo. See GARLAND, H. A. Life of. Randolphiana; or Reminiscences of. STEPHENS, Jas. Observations on his Speech. 1806. THOMAS, F. W. Sketches of, etc. RANDOLPH, Jos. F. Speech in Cong., June 20, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. RANDOLPH, Peyton. See GAGE. Gen. Thos. Letter to. RANDOLPH, Gov. T. F. Letter to Hon. C. Parker, on Executive Prerogatives and Judicial Authority. Trenton, 1871. 8vo. N. J. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. RANDOLPH, Col. T. J. Letter on the Political Condition of the Country, 1870, n. p. n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Nol.129. Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies from the Papers of Thos. Jefferson. 2d Ed. Boston, 1830. 4 Vols. 8vo. RANDOLPHIANA; or, Reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 4. RANDOM Recollections of Albany, N. Y., from 1802 to 1808. Al bany, 1849. 8vo. Pamphlets, Vol. 2. RANELAGH, Lord. Legal Order and Constitutional Rights. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 40. Observations on the present State of our National Defenses. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Erig. Polit Pamph. Vol. 44. RANKIN, Rev. J. E. Discourse on the Death of A. Lincoln, at Charlestown, Apr. 19, 1865. Boston. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 38. See Vermont Hist. Soc y- RANSFORD, Chas. M. D. Reasons for embracing Homoeopathy. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. RANSOM, Col. Truman B. See BUTLER, Rev. J. D. Sermon on the Death of. See HOPKINS, F. W. Eulogy on. RANTOUL, Robt. Memoranda of Beverly, and Memoir of Rev. John Hale. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 7. RANTOUL, Robt. Jr. Letter on the Value of the Public Lands of Illinois. Boston, 1851. 8vo. 111. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Memoirs, Speeches and Writings, edited by Luther Hamilton. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Oration at Concord, Mass., on the 75th Annivers. of the Events of Apr. 19, 1775. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 9. Oration at Gloucester, Mass., July 4, 1833. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 2. Speech in Cong., Feb., 18, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. Mar. 9, 1852, on State of the Union. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. 270 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RANTOUL, Rob t S. The Port of Salem. Paper read before the Essex Institute. Essex Institute Colls. Vol. 10. RAPHAEL. See DE QUINCY, Q. Histoire de la vieet Ouvrages. RAPHALL, Rev. M. J. Bible View of Slavery. Fast Day Sermon at N. Y., Jan 4, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 47. RAPIN, M. Abridgement of the Hist, of England, with Mr. Tyn- dal s Continuation to the Death of George I. Lond., 1747. 3 Vols. 8vo. Hist, of England, translated into English by M. Tindal. Lond., 1722. 2 Vols. Folio. RAPPEPORT, B. Critical Discussions in Philosophy. Cambridge, 1852. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 36. RAPPORT sur la Geologic de 1 Amerique, Meridionale. Paris, 1843. 4to. RARITAN and Atlantic R. R. See Congress l Speeches. - and Delaware R. R. Company. Reasons why it should not be Destroyed by the Camden and Amboy Monopoly. 1864. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. RASLE, Rev. Sebastian. Dictionary of the Abnaki Language, with Introductory Memoir by John Pickering. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences, N. S. Vol. 1. See FRANCIS, C. Life of. Memoir of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol 8. RATH (The); or Burmese Imperial State Carriage. Description of. London, 1826. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 15. RATLIFF, John. See SMUCKER, Isaac. RATTENBURY, J. Freeman. Remarks on the Cession of the Floridas to the U. S., and on the Necessity of Acquiring Cuba by G. Britain. Lond., 1819. 2d Ed. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. RAU, Chas. Indian Pottery. Smithson. Report, 1866. RAUMER, Fred. von. England in 1835. Series of Letters written to Friends in Germany, etc. Waldies Circulating Libr.. Vol. 7. RAUTHMELL, Rich d. Roman Antiquities of Overborough, wherein the same is proved to be the Bremetonacae of Antoninus. Lond., 1746. 4to. RAWLE, Wm. See BROWN, D. P. Eulogium on. Inaugural Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Penn., Nov. 5, 1825. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 1. Lecture on the Influence of Commerce, before the Athenian Institute and Merc. Libr y, Jan. 29, 1839. Waldie s Circu lating Libr. Vol. 13. Sketch of Life of Thos. Mifflin. Paper before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Oct. 28, 1829. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 2. Part 2. Vindica. of Rev. John HECKEWELDER S Hist, of the Indian Nations. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 2. See WHARTON, T. J. Memoir of RAWLINGS, Aug. Eulogy on Daniel Webster, at Albany, Oct. 28 r 1852. 8vo. RAWLINGS, Thos. The Confederation of the British N. American Provinces. London. 1865. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 271 RAWLINS, Anthony H. General Orders, Rules, etc., for the Remedy of Abuses in the High Court of Chancery. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 19. RAWLINS, Chas. E., Jr. Disunion; Constitutional or Unconstitu tional? A Reply to Jas. Spence. Lond., 1862. 12mo. RAWLINS or ROLLINS Family. See ROLLINS, J. R. Notes relat ing to. RAWSON, Abel. Address before the Seneca Co., O., Pioneer Assoc., Nov. 6,1869. Tiffin, 1869. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. RAWSON, Edw. Sec. of Colony of Mass. Bay. 1650-86. Notice of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 2. RAWSON, S. S. Memoir of Edw. Rawson, and Genealogy of his Descendants. Boston, 1849. 12mo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 3. RAY, Dr. J. Insanity of George 3d. On the Legal Relations of the Insane. 1850. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. Discourse on the Life and Character of Dr. Luther V. Bell, at Providence, R. I., June 10, 1862. Boston, 1863. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 25. RAYMOND, Henry J. Letters to Hon. W. L. Yancey, on Disunion and Slavery. N. Y., 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 14. RAYMOND, Ida. Southland Writers; Biograph. and Critical Sketches of Living Female Writers of the South, with Extracts from their Writings. Phila., 1870. 2 Vols. Svo. RAYMOND, Rossiter W. Report of the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of Rocky Mts. 1869, 70, 71. Washington, 1869-71. Svo. RAYMOND, Wm. Biograph. Sketches of Distinguished Men of Co lumbia Co.;N. Y. * Albany, 1851. Svo. ^ N. Y. Hist. Dis courses, etc. Vol. 3. RAYNAL, L Abbe, G. T. The Revolution in America. Dublin, 1781. 12mo. RAYNER, Kenneth. Speech in Cong., Mar. 28, 1842, on the Loan Bill. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. RAYNHAM, Mass. See FOBES, Rev. P. Topograph. Descrip. of. SANFORD, Rev. E. History of. RAYNOR, B. L. Sketches of the Life, Writings and Opinions of Thos. Jefferson. N. Y., 1832. Svo. READ, Dan l, L.L.D. Address on the Means of promoting Common School Education. Indianapolis, Dec. 30, 1851. Indianapolis, 1852. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 36. Address before the Philomathean Soc. of Indiana University, Aug. 5, 1856. Bloomington, 1856. Addresses. Vol. 34. Inaug. Address before the Regents of the State University, etc., at Madison, Jan. 16, 1856. Madison, Wis., 1856. Svo. Wis. University Pamphs. Oration on the Life and Character of Stephen A. Douglas, at Madison, Wis., July 25, 1861. Madison, 1861. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Another copy. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. 272 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. READ, Geo., of Delaware. See READ, Wm. T. Life and Corres pondence. READ, Jacob W. Genealog. History of the Read Family. Boston, 1861. 8vo. READ, John Meredith, Jr. Hist. Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Opinion in favor of the Constitutionality of the Act of Con gress of Mar. 3, 1863, for calling out and enrolling the Na tional Forces. Phila., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 28. Speech at Phila., Mar. 13, 1850, on the Admission of Cal. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. READ, T. Buchanan. The Onward Age; an Annivers. Poem be fore the Mercantile Library of Cincin., May 4, 1852. Cincin., 1852. 12mo. (With Reports of the Library.) READ, Dr. Wm. Letter to the Consulting Physicians of Boston. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol.2. READ, Wm. C. Biograph. Sketch of Caesar A, Rodney. Wilming ton. 1853. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 17. READ, Wm. T. Life and Corres. of Geo. Read, a Signer of the Declara. of Independence. Phila., 1870. 8vo. READING. J. R. Reports from Comm. of Elections of U. S. House of R., on his Case. 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.138. , REAL Defence of Admiral Byng s Conduct. Lond., 1756. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. REAM, Vinnie. Sketch of the Early History of. Winnebago Co. Press. Mar. 26, 1870. REASON (The) Why. In Answer to a Pamphlet entitled, " Why do we go to War?" Lond., 1803, 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 27. REASONS for Establishing a Registry of Slaves in the British Colon ies. Lond., 1816.(?) 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. for the inexpediency of chartering a National Bank. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. in support of the War in Germany, in Answer to Considera tions on the present German War. Lond., 1761. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. of the Gov t of the U. S. for laying an Embargo: with part of the Correspondence of Jas. Madison and G. H. Rose. N. Y., 1808. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. why the Approaching Treaty of Peace should be debated in Parliament. Lond., 1760. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 15. why the Lands at the termination of the Southern boundary line of Penn. should be separated from Va. Lond., 1770. Svo. REAVIS, L. U. Facts and Arguments in favor of the Remoral of the Nat. Capital to the Mississippi Valley. St. Louis, 1869-71. Four Pamphlets. Svo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. St. Louis: the Future Great City of the World. St. Louis, 1871. Svo. 3d Ed. REBEL Brag and British Bluster. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 109. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 273 REBEL Conditions of Peace and the Mechanics of the South, n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 46. Cotton Loan. Account of. n. cl. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. REBEL S Plea (The); or Mr. Baxter s Judgment concerning the late Wars. Lond., 1660. Sin. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 6. REBELLION (The) of the Cavaliers. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 96. Record. See MOORE, F. REBUKE (The) of Secession Doctrines by Southern Statesmen. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 91. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. RECENT Aboriginal Discoveries in Missouri. From the Boston Daily Advertiser. Nov. 1870. Archaeolog. Pamph. Vol. 2. Attempt to defeat the Constitutional Provisions in favor of Religious Freedom, in reference to Hanover Street Ch. Boston, 1828. 8vo. Boston, Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. RECEUILL (Second) de Pieces sur la Mexique. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 16. RECIPROCITY Treaty. See KELLOGG, F. W. PIKE, F. A. SMITH, G. Letter to H. Hamlin, 1854. with England: its Character and Our Duty in regard to it. 1866. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. RECOLLECTIONS OF A LIFE TIME. See GOODRICH, S. G. of the Table Talk of Sam l Rogers, to which is added Porson- iana. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. RECOMMENDATIONS, of Rev. Wm. Smith to the University of Ox ford. Priv. print. Phila,, 1865. 4to. RECONNOISSANCES, in New Mexico and Texas, plates, etc. Wash ington, 1850. 8vo. RECONSTRUCTION. See CARPENTER, Matt. H. Speech in Milwau- waukee, 1866. See Congress l Speeches Reconstruction. CROSBY, A. Present Position of the Seceded States, 1865. GHOLSON, W. Y. Speech, 1868. in America. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 27. See Louisiana. Protest of the State to the U. S. Senate. McPnEiison, Edw. Polit. History of U. S. 1865-70. PUTNAM, L. H. Review of Revolutionary Elements of Rebel lion, etc. Reports of Joint Congress l Committee on Reconstruction. Washington. 1866. 8vo. See SMITH, J. Y. Review of Sen. Doolittle. 1865. RECORD of the Court of Upland in Penn., 1676 to 1681. Edited by Edwin Armstrong. Memoirs of Penn. Hist. Soc. Vol. 7. RECORDS, of Massachuetts. See Massachuetts. of the Colony of New Plymouth in N. England, printed by order of the Legislature of Mass. Edited by N. B. Shurtleff, M. D. 1633-1679. 10 Vols. 4to. 1855-9. of the Colony of New Plymouth, in N. England. Laws 1623- 1682. Deeds, Vol. 1. 1620-1651. Forming Vols. 11 and 12. Boston, 1861. 2 Vols. 4to. 18 274 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RECORDS of the Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland. 1295- 1597. Edinburgh, 1844. 4to. RECUEILL de Pieces sur la Floride. See TERNAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 20. RED BOOK, of Michigan. See LANMAN, C. REDEEMED CAPTIVE. See NORTON, Rev. John. REDFERN, Francis. Hist, of the Town of Uttoxeter; with Notices of Places in the Neighborhood. Lond., 1865.% 12mo. REDFIELD, John H. Genealog. Hist, of the Redfield Family in the U. S. Albany, 1860. 8vo. REDFIELD, Wm. C. On Whirlwind Storms: with Replies to Ob jections and Strictures of Dr. Hare. N. Y., 1S42. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. REDFORD, Dr. Geo. Improvements suggested in the Medical Ser vice of the Army. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 24. RED JACKET. See STONE, Wm. L. Life and Times of. REDMAN, John B. Account of the Maplin Sand Lighthouse, at the Entrance of the Thames. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. Remarks on the Lighthouse System of G. Britain. Lond., 1843. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31, 32. RED Man of the Ohio Valley. See DODGE, J. R. History of. REDPATH, Jas. Guide to Hayti. Boston, 1861. 12mo. The Public Life of John Brown, with an Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. Boston, 1860. 12mo. RED River, Canada, Exploring Expedtion. See HIND, H. Y. Colony, Canada. See WEST, John. Journ., 1820-23. Settlement. See AMOS, A. Canada, Trials on the Destruc tion of. Ross, Alex. Rise and Progress. Improvement. See LONG, S. H. Report, 1841. of Louisiana. Exploration. See MARCY and McCLELLAN. Report, 1852. RED Rose from the Olden Time. See JONES, M. C. " REDSTONE Old Fort." Ky. See BOWMAN, J. L. RED Sulphur Springs, Va. See HUNT, Henry. RED-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals, as seen from the Ranks, dur ing a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac. N. Y., 1864, 12mo. REED, D. A. See Wisconsin Revised Statutes. REED, David M. M.D. Reasons for Embracing Homoeopathy, Lond., 1858. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. REED, Esther. Life of Esther DeBerdt, afterwards Esther Reed of Pa. Pr. printed. Phil a, 1853. 12mo. REED, Geo. Speech in Wis. Senate, Jan. 23, 1867, on Constitu tional Amendment. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 69. REED, Geo. E. Campaign of the 6th Army Corps, Summer of 1863, Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 81. REED, Henry. Life of Joseph Reed. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. Southern Slavery and its Relations to Northern Industry, Cincin. 1802. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 30. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 275 REED, Henry. The Public Debt; what to with it. Cincin., n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. Two Lectures on the Hist of the Amer. Union. Phil a, 1856. 12mo. REED, Jos. See BANCROFT, G-eo. Hist. Essay, 1867. Criticism of Wm. B. Reed s Aspersions on Dr. Rush, etc. See REED and CAD WALKA DEE, Pamphs. REED, H. Life of. REED, Wm. B. Life and Correspondence. President Reed, of Penn. Rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft s Hist. Essay. Reprint of Original Letters from Washington, etc. SPARKS, Jared. Remarks on a reprint of Washington s Letters. REED, Wm. See COZZENS, Rev. S. W., Funeral Sermon on. REED, Wm. B. Address before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Jan. 28, 1848. Phil a, 1848. 8vo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. See Criticisms of his Aspersions on Dr. Rush. Lecture on the Romance of Amer. History, delivered at the Athenian lustitute, Feb. 19, 1839. Waldie s Circulating Lib. Vol. 13. Life and Correspondence of Gen. Jos. Reed. Phil a, 1847. 2 Vols. 8vo. Statement and Vindica. of certain Political Opinions. Phil a, 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 53. President Reed of Pensylvania. Reply to Geo. Bancroft and others. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 1. Rejoinder to Mr. Bancroft s Histor. Essay on President Reed. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 1. See REED & CADWALLADER Pamphlets. Reprint of Original Letters from Washington to Jos. Reed, during the Amer. Revolution. 8vb. Phila., 1852. See RUSH, Benj. Speech on the Presidential Question Sept. 4, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. The Acadian Exiles, or French Neutrals in Penn. With a Relation of their Misfortunes, by J. B. Galerm. Penn. Hist. Memoirs. Vol. 6. REED & CADWALLADER Pamphlets, viz: Correspondence between Wm. B. Reed and John Pennington & Son, in relation to a Reprint of the " Reed and Cadawallader Pamphlets." A Reply to Gen. Jos. Reed s Remarks. Nuts for Future His- torians to crack. Collected by Horace W. Smith. Contain ing the Cadwallader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, etc. Phila. v. d. REED, Wm. H. Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. Bos ton, 1866. 12mo. Memoir of David Reed. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 25. REEDSBURG, Wis. Herald. Newspaper, Aug. to Nov., 1857, folio. (Bound with Juneau and Marquette Co. Papers.) REES, ABRAHAM. Cyclopedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Science and Literature. Lond., 1819. 39 Vols. 4to, and 6 Vols. Plates. 4to. 276 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REES, Evan. Sketches of the Horrors of War, chiefly in regard to the Campaign in Russia, in 1812. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 18. REESE, D. M. Letters to Hon. Wm. Jay, on Amer. Colonization. N. Y.,1835. 12mo. REEVE, Dr. Thos. Essay on the Erysipelatous Sore Throat. Bury St., Edmunds, Eng., 1789. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 15. REFLECTIONS on a Pamphlet entitled " A Just Vindication of the Proceedings of the Two Last Parliaments," etc. Lond., 1863. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. on President Monroe s View. See Scipio. on the Anniversary of a Coup d Etat. 2. Letter to M. le Comte de Chambord. Lond. n. d. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 15. on the Conduct of the Allies. Lond., 1821. Svo. Pamph leteer Vol. 18. on the System of Education pursued at our Universities and Public Schools. Lond., 1842. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 32. upon Dr. Sherlock s "Case of Allegiance to Higher Powers." Lond., 1691. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. REFORM, in Two Parts. By " Philo Junius." Lond. 1824. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 23. REFORM (The) Ministry, and the Reform Parliament. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 77. of the Army in connection with that of our Public Schools and Universities. Lond., 1855. Svo. Educational Pamph. Vol. 33. of the Testamentary Jurisdiction. Lond., 1853. Svo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 66. REFORM. Who is the Working Man s Friend? Lond., n. d. 12mo Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 10. REFORMATION. Hist, of, in the 16th Century. See D AuBiGNE. - in England. See SPENCER, J. A. in Germany. FRIEDLANDER, G. REFORMED Ch. in America. See CORWIN, E. T. Manual of, 1869. Dutch Church. 7th Ann. Report of the Missionary Soc y of. N. Y., 1829. Svo. 20th and 37th Ann. Reports of the Board of Domestic Missions. 1852; 1869. N. Y., 1852; 1869. Svo. 2Sth and 29th Ann. Reports of the Board of Foreign Missions. 1860-1. N. Y., 1860-61. Svo. Presbyterian Ch. WILSON, Wm. Case of Pittsburgh Presbytery. Virginian Silk Worm; a New Discovery of Feeding Silk Worms, on the Mulberry Trees in Va. 1655. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. REFORMS AND REFORMERS. See BARTLETT, D. W. Modern Agi tators. STANTON, H. B. Sketches of. REFUTATION of John C. Rives s Statements concerning the Public Printing, n. d. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. - of Sir Crisp Gascoigne s Address. (Case of E. Canning.) Lond., 1754. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 25. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 277 REGICIDES of King Charles I. - See GOFFE, Wm. Indictment, Arraignment, etc. ROBBINS, C. - STILES, Rev. E. REGISTER, The, and Magazine of Bibliography; a Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and other Genealogical Occurences. Westminster, 1869. 8vo. of Debates in the Congress of the U. S., from the 2d Session, 18th Congr., 1824-5, to 1st Sess. 25th Cong., 1837, Wash ington, 1825-37. 29 Vols. 8vo. of Officers and Agents in the Service of the U. S. Washing ton, 1838. 8vo. Same, for the years 1816, 1825, 1833, 1849. of the Times or Political Museum. 1794-95. Lond., 1794-95. 3 Yols. 8vo. REGISTERS. See ADAMS, D. Med, and Agric Register. 1806-7. ALMON, J. Remembrancer. 1780. Amer. Ann. Cycloped. & Register. 1861-70. Amer. Ann. Register. 1796, 1826-33. Amer. Quarterly Register. 1829-39. Amer. Register. 1806-9, 1817. Annual Register. 1758-1826, 1855-62. Asiatic Ann. Register. 1800. CALLENDER S Polit. Register. 1794-5. Connecticut Ann. Registers. 1833-68. Edinburgh Ann. Register. 1808-25. Historical Register. 1812-14. American Callendar and Register. 1794. FORCE, P. Nat. Callendar. 1823. Mass. Register. 1794-99, 1818. New Ann. Register. 1780-1804. N. E. Hist, and Genealog. Register. 1847-72. - N. Y. Register. 1834. Politician s Register. 1848. Register and Magazine of Biography. 1869. Royal Kalendar and Register. 1768, 1775-1806. STRYKER S Amer. Reg. and Mag. 1848-51. U. S. National Register. 1865. See Periodicals, Encyclopoedias. Registres des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sont faits au Fort Du Quesne pendants les les annees. 1753-56. N. Y. 1859. 4to. REGISTRUM Yulgariter Noncupatum. " The Record of Caernarvon" e codice. M. S. Harleian, Lond., 1838. Folio. REGULATIONS (The late) respecting the British Colonies on the Con tinent of America considered. Lond., 1765. Amer. Tract. Yol. 1. REHOBOTH, Mass. See BLISS, L. History of. Cong. Church. Facts and Documents relating to Ex Parte Councils, etc. Narrative of Difficulties in the Church, etc. 278 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REHOBOTH Cong. Church. See NEWMAN, S. C. Historical Oration. See SEEKONK. REICHEL, Rev. L. V. History of Nazareth Hall, 1755-1855. Phila., 1855. 12mo. REID, Andrew, D. D. The Case of the Dissenters, in a Letter ad dressed to the Lord Chancellor. Lond., 1834. 12mo. 4th Ed. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 76. REID D. B. and BAIN, Alex. Elements of Chemistry and Elec tricity. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. College of Architecture. Hartford, 1857. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 2. Outline of an Address before the Wis. State Agricult. Soc., Sept. 27, 1860. Madison, 1861. 8vo. Wis. Miscel. Pamph. Vol. 4. Ventilation in American Dwellings; with an Introduction by Elisha Harris, M. D. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. REID, Henry. Hand Book o the History of the U. States. Lorid., 1862. 12mo. Why we should Recognize the Confederates. Lond., 1862. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. REID, Sam l C., Jr. The Scouting Expeditions of McCulloch s Texas Rangers; or the Summer and Fall Campaigns of the U. S. Army in Mexico, 1846. Phila., 1847. 12mo. Mex. War Pamph. Vol. 1. REID, Whitelaw. Ohio in the War. Cincin., 1868. 2 Vols. 8vo. REID, Wm. H. The Rise and Dissolution of the Infidel Societies in this Metropolis; including the Origin of Modem Deism and Atheism. Lond., 1800. 8vo. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 2. REIFFENBERG, Baron de. See HETJSCHLING, X. Notice Biograph- ique. REJECTED Stone (The); or Insurrection vs. Resurrection in" Amer ica. Boston, 1862. 12mo. RELATIO Rerum Gestarum in Novo Francica Missione, 1613, 14. From the Litterae Annual. Lyons. 1614(V) 8vo. Albany. Reprinted, 1871. 8vo. RELATION de ce qui s est passe en la Nouvelle, France, 1626. From the Mercure Francais. Paris, 1629. 8vo. Albany reprint, 1870 or 71. 8vo. de la Mission du Missisipi, du Seminaire du Quebec en 1700. N. Y. 1861. 8vo. * de ce qui passi de plus Remarquable aux Missions, des Peres, de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, es annees, 1676-77. Albany. 1854. 12mo. Lenox s Ed. d um Voyage a Bruxells et a Coblentz, 1791, par sa Louis XVIII." Lond. 1823; 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 3. of a Voyage made by Sieur de Montauban, Capt. of French Privateers on the Coasts of Guinea. Lond., 1698. 12mo. (Bound with La Salle s Last Voyage.) des Jesuits : Contenant ce qui s est passe de plus remarquable dans les Missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. Ouvrage publiee sous les Auspices du Gouvernment Canadien. Quebec, 1858. 3 Vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 279 RELATION of Maryland : with a preparatory note and appendix by Frances L. Hawks, DD. LL.D. Reprinted from Lond. Ed. of 1635. N. Y. 1865. Small 4to. : of Successful Beginnings of Lord Baltimore s Plantation in Md. 1634. Albany, 1865. 4to. RELATIONS Diverses sur la Battaille duMalangueule gagne le 9 Juil let, 1755. N. Y. 1860. 4to. RELICS from the Wreck of a Former World. N. Y. 1847. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 5. RELIEF of Apprentices Wronged by their Masters. How!it may be Afforded, etc. Lond., 1687. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. ^ RELIGION. History applied to. See Bunsen, C. C. in Public Schools. See Bible in Schools. Hill, Thos. Address on. Wells, A. Connection of, etc. in the State. See Hurlbut, E. P. RELIGIONS Critical Hist, of Religions of the Eastern Nations. 1685. Fellows, John. Mysteries or Religious Dogmas and Customs of Egyptians, Druids, etc. Nichols, T. L. History of Religious Creeds. Purchas, S. His Pilgrimage. WASHBUBN, F. T. Comparative View of. RELIGIOUS Ceremonies and Customs. See GOODRICH, C. A. Freedom in Foreign Countries. See CASS, Lewis. Denominations in the U. S. See BELCHER, Rev. J. Liberty. See BUNSEN, C. C. Signs of the Times. UNDERBILL, E. B. Struggles and Triumphs of. RELIQUIAE Isuriane. See SMITH, Henry E. RELYEA, Rev. B. J. Hist. Discourse at Green s Farms, Conn., on 150th Annivers. of the Church, Oct., 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. REMARKABLE Adventures of Celebrated Persons. N. Y., 1852. l2mo. REMARKS (A Few) about Sick Children in N. Y., and the Necessity of a Hospital. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph., Vol.6. and Statements on the Old and New Rules for the Adjustment of Marine Losses. Boston, 1833. 8vo. Law Pamph., Vol. 1. of a Citizen upon the Condition of our Navy and Mercantile Marine. Phila., 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 120. of the U. S< Catholic Magazine on the Discussion between J. P. Kennedy and his Reviewers, n. d. 8vo. Md. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 2. on a Pamphlet entitled, "Considerations on the late Bill for Paying the National Debt of Ireland. Five. Papers. Dublin, 1754. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph., Vol. 13. on Azor Taber s Bill for the Incorporation of R. Catholic Bishops, n. d. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 5. on Banks and Banking. Boston, 1840. 8vo. on Bishop Burnet s History of his own Time. Lond., 1725. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph., Vol. 67. 28o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REMARKS on Bishop Hopkins Letter on Slavery, n. d. 8vo. Re- bell n Pamph., Vol. 41. on Greek Grammars. From Amer. Journ. of Education, n. d. 8vo. Educa. Pamph., Vol. 2. on Marine Life-Saving Inventions. N. Y., 1868. Svo. Sci entific Pamph., Vol. 19. on Mr. Binney s Treatise on Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. Svo. RebelPn Pamph., Vol. 60. on Popular Sovereignty as maintained and denied respectively by Judge Douglas and Atty. Gen. Black. Baltimore, 1859. Svo. RebelPn Pamph., Vol. 11. on the Importance of the contemplated Grand Canal, between Lake Erie and the Hudson River, 1814. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. on the Letter addressed to Two Great men. Lond., n. d. (1762?), 12mo- . on the Militia Bill now before Cong. N. Haven, Conn., 1867. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. on the proposed State Constitution. Boston, 1853. Svo. 2d. Ed. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. on the Proposition to Re-Model the House of Lords. Lond., 1835. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 10. on the Report of the Commissioner of the Revenue, for 1869,, on Wool and Woolens. Boston, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. upon Dr. Sherlock s Book, intitled, The Case of the Allegiance due to Sovereign Princes, etc. Lond., 1690. Sm. 4to. 2d. Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Pamph. Vol. 64. upon the Auction System as practiced in N. Y. N. Y., 1828. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. upon the Letters written by Lord Chesterfield to his son, P. Stanhope. Lond., 1774. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 24.A on Prof. Silliman s Elements of Chemistry. N. Y., 1830. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 2. Reports of the Captain and Engineers of the U. S. Steamer Wampanoag. N. Y., 1868. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. on " Slavery, By Wm. E. Channing." Boston, 1836. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 103 and 133. on State Rights. Boston, 1824. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. on the Asiatic Policy of England and Russia. Lond., 1825. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 25. on the Banks and Currency of the N. E. States; with special reference to the Allied Banks of Boston. Boston, 1826. Svo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 2. - on the Calumnies published in the Quarterly Review, on the Eng. Ship-Builders. Lond., 1814. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 31. on the Character and Narrative of the Rev. John Clark, by Wm. Jay. Boston, 1821. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 281 REMARKS on the Debates of the House of Commons in last Parlia ment at Oxford, 1683. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. on the Election of U. S. Senators from Ga. Washington, 1870, 8vo, Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. REMEDIES for the Relief of our Present Embarrassments. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 33. REMEMBRANCER, The. See ALMON, J. REMINISCENCES of John Bromfield. Salem, Mass., 1852. 8vo. of the French War: containing Rogers Expeditions, pub lished in Lond., 1765, and Ace. of the Life and Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark. Concord, 1831. 12mo. or an Extract from the Catalogue of Gen. Jackson s Juvenile Indiscretions, 1832. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 97. REMONSTRANCE against the Rebel Conscript Law, by Citizens of Richmond, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 54. and Protestation of the Protestants of this Realm, against de posing King Jas. II. With Reflections thereupon. Lond., 1689. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. of Boston Physicians against an Award to W. T. G. Morton as the Discoverer of the Anaesthetic Effects of Ether. 1852. 8vo. n. p. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. REMONVILLE, M. De. Memoir on the Importance of Establishing a Colony in Louisiana. 1697. French s Hist. Coll. La. and Florida. REMOVAL of Deposites. See Appeal to Young Men. See Congressional Speeches. N. Y. Union Committee. 1834. Minority Report of Comm. of Ways and Means of U. S, House of R., 1834. Washington, 1834. 8vo. Speeches, &o. Vol. 4. See Phila., Proceedings, 1834. of Indian Tribes. See Speeches in Congress, 1830. REMY, Jules. Journey to the Great Salt City; with Sketches of Religion, History and Customs of the Mormons, etc., Lond., 1871. 2 Vols. 8vo. RENAULT, Philip F. Case of the Heirs of, vs. Benj. Ruggles, in U. S. Supreme Court. Phila., 1851. 8vo. Law Pamph., Vol. 6. RENDLE, Dr. W. Fever in London: Its Social and Sanitary Les sons. Lond., 1866. 8vo. Med. Pamph., Vol. 17. RENDA, Alpheus. Etudes Topographique, medicales et agronomi- que sur le Bresil. Paris, 1848. RENFREWSHIRE, Scotland. See CRAWFORD, G., and ROBERTSON, G. Gen. Descript. of. 1818. RENICK, Felix. A Trip to the West. 1798. Amer. Pioneer, Vol. 1. RENNIE, Jas. Hand-Book of Allotment Agriculture. Lond., 1846. 12mo. Agr. Pamph., Vol. 15. RENNY, Dr. G. Treatise on the Venereal Disease. Lond., 1782. 8vo. Med. Pamph., Vol. 15. RENOUF, Sidney. L Union Americaine et L Europe. Paris, 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph., Vol. 20. 282 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RENSSELAER Co., N. Y., See EATON, A. Geolog..and Agric. Survey. . 1822. Geolog. and Agricult. Survey of. Albany, 1822. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. Mutual Insurance Co. vs. Jeremiah and James M. Waggoner. Law Pamph. Vol. 2, Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Memorial to Legislature. n. d. Ann. Registers for 1866, 68, 69. Troy, 1866-69. 8vo. RENSSELAERVILLE, N. Y., Baptist Assoc. Minutes of the 55th, 71st, 72d, 74th, 75th, Anniversaries, held in 1851-1871. Albany, 1851, 71. 8vo. See FULLER, Rev. Sam L, Jr. Sermons (Historical.) 1842. RENSSELAERWICK (Manor of.) See HARRIS, (Judge.) See PEPPER, C. RENTON, A. H. Observations npon Artificial Light. Lond., 1860. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vols. 3 and 33. RENVILLE, Jos. Sketch of. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. RENWICK S Mechanics. From the Amer. Quarterly Review, Mar. 1832. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 3. RENWICK, Jas. Applications of Chemistry to the Arts. N. Y., 1851. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. Life of Benj. Thompson, Court of Rumford. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 5. Life of De Wit Clinton. N. Y., 1854. 18mo. Life of De Witt Clinton. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1859. 18vo. Life of Robert Fulton. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st. Ser. Vol.10. Lives of John Jay and Alex. Hamilton. Harpers, Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 18mo. Reminiscences of the First Introduction of Steam Navigation. Hist. Mag. Vol. 2. REPERTORY of Arts and Manufactures. Lond., 1794-99. 10 Vols. 8vo. REPHAIM. See CORBAUX, F. Connection of the Rephaim with Egyptian Hist. REPLY of Majority of Representatives from Mass, in Cong., to Resolutions of the Legislature on Embargo Laws. Salem, Mass. 1808. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. to a Letter against the Consecration of Rev. H. U. Onder- donk, D. D., Ass t Bishop elect of Pennsylvania. Philiadel- phia, 1827. Svo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 2. to a.Libel entitled " The Trial of the Spirits." Lond. n. d. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 11. to an Answer to the City Minister s Letter from his Country Friend. Lond., 168S. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. to H. Binney s Pamph. on the Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 60. to Mr. Chandler s Statements relative to Machine Shops on Northern R. R. at Malone. Ogdensburgh. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 283 REPLY to Gen. Howe s " Observations on Letters to a Nobleman on Conduct of the War." Amer. Tracts. 1776-1783. to G. & C. Merriam s Attack upon the Character of Dr. Wor cester and his Dictionaries. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol.2. to President Lincoln s Letter of June 12, 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 19. to the Authors of the Advantages of Scotland by an Incorpo rate Union. Edinburgh, 1707. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. to the most popular Objections to Public Schools. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. to Objections of the Sec. of War, against the Claim of Pelagie Ferribault. 1856. Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. to the Observations of Jos. Marryat, on the West India Dock Charter. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 36. to the Pamphlet entitled, " The Policy of England towards Spain." Lond., 1837. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. to the Review of the Memoir of the U . S. Artillery. 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. REPORT as to the Termination of the Hungarian Struggle; the Capitulation of the Fortress of Comorn, etc. N. Y., 1850. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. of a great Union Meeting at the Academy of Music, Dec. 19, 1859. New York, 1859. Svo. Congress, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 103. of Commissioners appointed to consider the subject of Weights and Measures. Lond., 1820. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 16. of Committee of Delegates of the Metropolitan Parishes, on Window Duties. Lond., 1845. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 44. of Congress. Comm. on Conduct of the War. Operations of Army of Potomac. N. Y., 1863. Svo. Svo. RebelPn. Pamph. Vol. 6. of Evidence and Reasons of Award, between Greek Depu ties, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. N. Y., 1826. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. - of Loan Committee of the Associated Banks of the City of N. Y. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. of Lords Commissioners for Trades and Plantations, on the pe tition of B. Franklin and others for Lands on the Ohio River. Lond., 1772. Svo. of Merchants Committee for Relief of Colored People Suf fering from the Riots in the City of New York, July, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. of Proceedings at a Banquet to Cyrus W. Field by Chamber of Commerce of N. Y., November 15th, 1S66. Svo. Ad dresses. Vol. 18. - at Boston, at the Examination of Chas. G. Davis, for aiding a Fugitive Slave. Boston, 1851. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol, 13. 284 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REPORT of Proceedings at Lond., Dec. 3, 1835, for the Relief of the Irish Clergy. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. on the Investigation before the Benchers of the Inner Temple, in 1833, on the Application of D. W. Harvey. Chelmsford, Eng. 1834. 8vo. 2d Ed. Law Pamph. Vol. 11. of the Gen. Officers appointed to Inquire into the Failure of late Expedition to the Coasts of France. Lond., 1758. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 14. of the LORD S Work at the Bible Stand, from June 9, 1862, to June 9, 1864. Lond., 1864. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 60. on the Effects of Poisonous Smoked Beef, by Drs. POST, HOSACK and CHILTON. N. Y., 1842. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. on the Survey of the Eastern Coast of England. Lond. 1813. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 17. REPONSE aux Principales Questious qui Peuveut etre fait es seur les Etas Unis de L Amerique. Lausanne, 1795. 2 Vols. 8vo. REPRESENTATION and Taxation. See Congress l Speeches. from New-Netherland, concerning the Situation, Fruitfulness and Poor Condition of the same. Hague, 1850. Pr. re printed. N. Y., 1854. 4to. Same. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 2. - True Method of. See CLARK, C. C. P. REPTILES. See HERPETOLOGY. REPUBLIC (The) of the U. States of America; its Duties to Itself, and its relations to Other Countries, with a Review of the Mexican War. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. REPUBLICAN Court of Washington. See GRISWOLD, R. W. Form of Government; its Definition, Manhood Suffrage, n d. Rebcll n Pamph. Vol. 18. Imperialism is not American Liberty, n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. Opinions of Abraham Lincoln. 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 52. Party, See National Union Repub. Convention. 1868. Platform adopted at Chicago, May 17, 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 77. RESEARCHES Philosophiques sur les Americains; ou Memoires In- teressants pour Servir L Histoires de L Espece Humain, by M. de P . 1770. Berlin, 1770. 3 Vols. 12mo. See Examen des " Recherches." RESOLUTION of the Electors, and the Princes of the Empire, Feb. 11, 1689, containing Reasons of Declaring War against France. Lond., 1689. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. RESOLUTIONS of the Magistrates from England and Wales, May. 1790, for the Prevention of Vice, etc. Lond., 1790. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 23. RESOURCES of Brown, Door, Oconto and Shawano Counties, Wis. Prepared for Commissioners of Emigration. Green Bay, 1870. 8vo. Same in German. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 285 RESTORATION of Edward IV. See Camden Soc. Publications. RESULT of an Ecclesiastical Council at Salem, Mass., Dec. 4, 1849. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 7. RESULTS of the Serf Emancipation in Russia. N. Y., 1864. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 11 and 19. RESURREcrion (A) of the Blue -Laws; or, Maine Reform in Tem perate Doses. Boston, 1852. Svo. 5th Ed. Temperance Pamph. Vol.2. RETROSPECTIVE Review and Hist, and Antiq. Magazine. Lond., 1820-27. 16 Vols. Svo. Same. 3d Ser. Vols. 1, 2. Lond., 1853, 54. 2 Vols. Svo. RETZIUS, A. Present State of Ethnology in relation to the Form of the Human Skull. Smithson. Report, 1859. REVELATIONS; a Companion to the New Gospel of Peace according to Abraham. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 96. REVENUE Reform. See Congress l Speeches. Proceedings of Meeting in favor of, Chicago, April 2, 1870. Chicago, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. REVERE, J. W. Statement of the Case of Brig. Gen. J. W. Revere, U. S. V., tried by Court Martial, Aug., 1S63. Rebell. Ramph. Vol. 88. REVIEW by the Judge Advocate General of Proceedings, Findings, etc., for the Trial of Maj. Gen. Fitz John Porter. Washing ton, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 67. of a Letter of John H. Hopkins, D. D., Bishop of Vermont, on the Bible View of Slavery. Burlington, 1861. Svo. Re belPn Pamph. Vol. 29. of an Article in the N. Am. Review, Jan. 1830, on the Present Relations of the Indians, n. d. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. of Bishop Hopkins Bible View of Slavery. Phila., 1S63. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 3 and 40. of Campbell s Lectures on Greek Poetry. Boston, 1841, 12mo. . of Correspondence between 1st Ch. and Tabernacle Ch. of Sa lem. Salem, Mass., 1S47. Svo. Salem Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. of Decision of U. S. Supreme Court in Case of L. P. Milligan and others, Indiana Conspirators. Washington, 1867. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 25. of Du Ponceau on the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the U. S. Phila., 1825. 12mo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 5. of Hon. J. P. Kennedy s Discourse on Lord Baltimore. Bal timore, 1846. Svo. Md. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of Minority Report on the Navy Yard Question New Lon don vs. League Island, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 56. of Mr. Seward s Diplomacy, by a Northern Man. n. d. Re belPn Pamph. Vol. 38. of President Grant s recent Message relative to Canadian Fisheries and Navigation of the St. Lawrence. Ottawa, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. of Report of Comm. on Foreign Affairs of U. S. Senate, rela tive to Tehuantepec, 1852. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 49. 286 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REVIEW of Report of Commission on Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 52. . of Testimony given before the Gen. Court Martial upon the Trial of Brig. Gen. Geo. Talcott, in June and July, 1851. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. . of that portion of Prescott s " Hist, of Ferdinand and Isa bella," as relates to a parallel between Elizabeth of England and Isabella of Spain. Boston, 1841. 12mo. . of the Action of Labour, Production, Commerce and Con sumption. Phila., 1849. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 100. of the Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court, in the Cases of Lambdin P. Milligan and others, 1867. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. of the " Defence " of Hon. I. P. Walker, n. d. 8vo. Congr, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. of the Fancies Fallacies and Mistakes in the Report of the Sec. of the Treasury on National Finances, 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. of the late Message [of the President]. Boston, 1812. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 110. of the late Opinion and Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court on Legal Tender, 1870. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. of the late Report of the Sec. of the Treasury of the U. S. y etc. N. Y., 1867. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. - of the late Ann. Report of the Supervising Architect. N. Y., Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. of the late Westminster Election. Lond., 1741. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 11. of the Military Operations in N. America, from the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Va., 1753, to the Surrender of Detroit, Aug. 14, 1756. N. Y. Svo. 1770. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 7. of the Pamphlet of H. W. Davis, on the Origin, Purposes and Principles of the Amer. Party. Baltimore, 1855. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. . of the Systems of Superintendency, Civil and Military, with reference to Economy, etc., at the Springfield Armory. Springfield, 1853. 8vo. 3d Ed. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of the Tariff of 1846. Boston, 1855. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. of the Views of Minority of the U. S. Senate Comm., on French Spoliations prior to July 31, 1801. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87: of William White s Emanuel Swedenborg ; his Life and Writings. Lond., 1867. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol.21. of Winthrops Journal, edited by Hon. Jas. Savage. Boston,, 1854. Svo. N. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 1. of Worcester s Dictionary, from the New Englander, May, 1860. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 2. REVIEWS. See Periodicals and Reviews. REVOIL, B. H. Shooting and Fishing in the Prairies and Rivers of No. America. Lond., 1845. 2 Vols. Svo. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 287 REVOLUTION (La) Americaine Devoilee. Paris, 1861. 8vo. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 15. REVOLUTION, Amer. War of. See Amer. War of Revolution. in New England Justified and the People Vindicated. 1691. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 4. REVOLUTIONARY Pensions. Congress. Reports on various Claims, 1850. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 80. Debt of R. I. See RICHMOND, J. W. Hist, of N. Carolina in three Lectures, by Rev, Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Hon. David L. Swain, and Hon. Wm. A. Gra ham, with a Sketch of the Battle of the Alamance. Raleigh, 1853. 12mo. Relics, or Clinton Correspondence, comprising Papers found in Andre s Boots, etc. N. Y., 1842. 8vo. Revolu. War, Pamph. Vol. 5. REVOLUTIONS. See Hist, of in Europe. without Bloodshed ; or Reformation preferable to Revolt. Lond., 1794. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. REYNARDSON, Sam l. State of English Weights and Measures of Capacity. Lond., 1750. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 24A, REYNOLDS, Edw., M.D. Address at Dedica. of the New Building of the Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, July 3, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. REYNOLDS, E. W. The Trne Story of the Barons of the South; or the Rationale of the Amer. Conflict. Boston, 1862. 8vo. REYNOLDS, Gov. John. My Own Times; embracing the History of my Life. Belleville, 1855. 12mo. Pioneer Hist of Illinois, containing the Discovery in 1673, and the Hist, of the Country to 1818. Belleville, 1852. 12mo. Sketch of Life of Gen. G. R. Clark. Hist. Mag. Vol. 1. Sketches of the Country on the Northern Route from Belle ville, 111., to the City of N. Y., and back by the Ohio Valley, Belleville, 1854. 12mo. Speech in Congress, May 16, 1842, on Navy Appropriation. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25, Speech in Cong. June 7, 1848, on Army Appropriations. Washington, 1843. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. REYNOLDS, Gen. J. J. See Texas Election Frauds. 1870. REYNOLDS, J. H. and HILL N. Jr. Arguments in Case of F. W. Cole- man vs. Hudson R. Bridge Co., etc. Albany, 1856. 8vo, Law Pamph. Vol. 9. REYNOLDS, J. N. Address at Washington, 1836, on an Expedition to the Pacific and South Seas. N. Y. 1836. Addresses. Vol. 10. Correspondence with Mahlon Dickerson on the South Sea Ex pedition. 1837-8. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.134. REYNOLDS, J. N. Voyage of the U. S. Frigate Potomac during the circumnavigation of the World, 1831-34. 3d Ed. Illustrated. N. Y. 1835. 8vo. REYNOLDS, Dr. Lawrence. Poetical Address before the Irish Brigade, in camp near Falmouth, Va., March 17, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 47. 288 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. REYNOLDS, Rev. S. The Bible Cause in Wisconsin for 1869-72, and 1871-2. Milwaukee. 1870-72. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. REYNOLDS, W. D. The Rebel Fiend; or, The Scout in Secessia. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 82. RHEES, William J. Account of the Smithsonian Institution, its Founder, Building, Operations, etc. Washington, 1861. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 35. Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions and Societies in the U. S. America. Phila. 1859. 8vo. RHEIMS Gazette. Newspaper. Jan. 1691 to Dec. 1692. 4to. RHETORIC. See Adams, J. Q. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Blair, H. Lectures on. Home, H. Elements of Criticism. Ripley, H. J. Sacred Rhetoric. RHETT, R. B. Speech in Congr. Dp. 22, 1841, on the Tariff, Washington, 1842. 8vc. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. July 1, 1842, on the Veto Power. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. Feb. 27, 1846, on Internal Improvements. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. and Clemens, J. Speeches in U. S. Senate. Feb. 27 and 28, 1852, in Controversy. Congr. and Polit. Pamp. Vol. 90. RHINE River. Map of the Course of the Rhine from Strasburg to Rotterdam, n. d. Guide Books. Vol. 14. R. ISLAND. Acts and Resources of the General Assembly. 1847- 65. 8vo. Do. 1867, 69, 70, 71. Adjutant General. Reports for 1862 & 63. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. Report for 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. Reports for 1862, 5, 6. Providence. 3 Vols. 8vo. See ARNOLD, S. G. History of. Art Assoc. Circular and Constitution, with Officers for 1854. Providence, 1854. Svo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Att y Gen l. Report on the Cove Lands, 1868. Providence, 1868. 8vo. Banks. Standard of Banks in R. I Providence, 1868-71. Svo. Baptist Church in. See EDWARDS, Rev. M. Bibliography. See BARTLETT, J. R. Board of State Charities. 2d & 3d Reports. Providence, 1871-72. Svo. See Brief Narr. of Narraganset County. CALLENDER, J. Hist. Discourse on R. I. Census of Colony, 1774. Providence, 1858. Svo. Constitution adopted by the Convention at Newport, Sept., 1842. Providence, 1842. Svo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. - See COWELL, Benj. Spirit of 77 in R. I. ELTON, R. Life of Roger Williams. First Regiment. See WOODBURY, A. Campaingn of, 1861. Fisheries. Report of Commissioners of Internal Fisheries. 1872. Providence, 1872. Svo. Legislative Report on the Fisheries of Narragansett Bay. Pawtucket, 1870. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 289 R. ISLAND Geological Survey. Report of Dr. C. T. JACKSON, on the Geolog. & Agricult. Survey, 1839. Providence,1840. 8vo. See GODDARD, W. G. Civil Govt. of. GORTON, S. Simplicity s Defense. HAZARD, T. R. Report on Poor and Insane. 1851. Baptist S. S. Convention. Minutes of 18th Annivers., 1858. Providence, 1858. 12mo. Hist. Soc y. Addresses. See ALLE N, Zach., ARNOLD, S. G., DURFEE, J., GAMMELL, W., GREENE, G. W., HALL, E. B. HAZARD, R. G., PARSONS, E. R., POTTER, E. R. Collections. Vols. 1-5. Providence, 1827-43. 4 5 Vols. 8vo. Proceedings, 1872. Providence 1872. 8vo. Insurance Commissioners. Ann. Reports, 1869, 71. Provi dence, 1869, 71. 8vo. Insurance Laws, 1869. See JACKSON, Rev. H. Acct. of Baptist Churcher. Local History. See Bristol, Compton, Newport, N. Providence, Providence, Warren. LYNCH, A. C. Rhode Island Book. Message of Gov. Jas. Y. Smith to General Assembly, Jan. 11, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 53. Messages of Gov. Padelford, 1870, 72. Svo. Militia Law, passed by Gen. Assembly, Aug., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. Act of 1864. Rebell n.Pamph. Vol. 19. See PARSONS, C. W. Hist, of Population of. 1850. PARSONS, U. Indian Names in R. I. PE.ERSON, Rev. E. History of. Protestantism. See WILLIAMS, Rev. Thos. Centurial Ser mon, 1836. Provost Marshall. Report, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. Public Schools. Acts relating to, 1846, 51, 67. 8vo. - Reports on the Pub. Schools for 1845. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 69. Providence, 1846-70. Svo. Special Report on Truancy and Absenteeism, by R. Al- lyn. Providence, 1856. Svo. Records of the Colony of R. I. and Providence Plantations. Vol. 1, 1636-1663. Vol. 2, 1664-1677. Vol. 3, 1678-1706. Vol. 4, 1707-1740. Vol. 5, 1741-1756. Vol. 6, 1757-1769. Vol. 7, 1770-1776. Vol. 8, 1776-1779. Vol. 9, 1780-1783. Vol. 10, 1784-1792. Providence, 10 Vols. Svo. 1856-65. Quartermaster Gen. Report for 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. for 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. for 1870. R. I. Pub. Docs. R. R. Commiss rs. Ann. Report, i868. Providence, 1868. Svo. Registration Reports for 1853, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Providence, 1854-68. Svo. Report of C. E. Bailey, on the Quota of Troops required by Gen. Govt., 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. - of Comm. OTI Extension of the Draft, 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 19. 19 290 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. R. ISLAND Report of Commutation Commission, 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. of Finance Comm. on Bounty Frauds, &c., 1865. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 52. of Mrs. C. F. Daly on Disabled R. I. Soldiers, 1863. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 19. See RICHMOND, J. W. Revolu. Debt of. Soc y for Encouragement of Domestic Industry. Transactions in 1855, 1858. Providence, 1856, 59. 8vo. See STAPLES, W. R. Destruction of the Gaspee. On the Criminal Law of. Proceedings of 1st Gen. Assembly, 1647. State Papers. Selections from. 1638-1676. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 7. 2d Ser. State Prison. Reports of Inspectors. 1844, 53, 57, 67, 71, Providence, 1844, 54, 58. 8vo. See STONE, E. W. R. I. in War of Rebellion. Supplement to the Revised Statutes. 1867-69. See UPDIKE, W. Memoir of R. I. Bar. WAYLAND, F. Discourse on Affairs on R. I. 1842. RHODES, M. J. Pope Pius IX., and the Temporal Rights of the Holy See. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 57A. RIBAULT, John. See SPARKS, J. Life of. RICARDO S, Anatomy of the Navigation Laws, dissected. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 47. RICARDO, D. and SMITH, Adam. Opinions of, on Political Economy. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. RICE Co., Minn. See WILLIAMS, C. Circulars relating to. 1860. RICE Family Genealogy. See WARD, Andrew H. RICE, F. W. Life of Louis-Philippe, with Hist, of late Revolution in France. Boston, 1849(7) 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 2. RICE, H. M. Mineral Regions of Lake Superior, as known from their First Discovery to 1865, Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. RICE, John A. Catalogue of his Library. N. Y., . 1870. Svo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. RICE, Rev. J. H. and Rev. B. H. Memoirs of Jas. Brainerd Taylor. N. Y., n. d. ISmo. RICE, N. L., D. D. Lectures on Slavery: delivered in the North Presb. Ch., Chicago. Chicago, 1860. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 133. RICE, Thos. S. Speech in Parl t, Mar. 24, 1834, on Claims of Dis senters in the University of Cambridge. Lond., 1834. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 40. - Apr. 23, 1834, on the Repeal of the Union with Ireland. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 40. RICES TROWEL BAYONET. Seports of Experience with. Wash ington, 1872. 12mo. Pamph. Mil. Science. RICH, O. Bibliotheca Americana Vetus, or Books relating to America. 1493-1700. Bibliotheca Americana Nova: Catalogue of Books in various Languages relating to America, printed since 1700. Vol. 1. 1701-1800. Vol. 2. 1800-1844. With appendix. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 291 RICHARD, Coeur de Lion. See JAMES, G. P. R. Hist, of the Life of. RICHARDS, Geo. Discourse at Boston, Oct. 31, 1852, on the Death of Dan l Webster. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 32. Farewell Discourse in the Central Ch. Boston. May 1, 1859. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 44. RICHARDS, G. W. Brief Hist, of the Rebellion and Life of Gen. McClellan,.1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 82. Lives of Gens. Halleck and Pope. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 63. RICHARDS, T. Addison. Appleton s Illustrated Hand Book of Amer. Travel, with Maps and Engravings. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. RICHARDS, Rev. Wm. The Welsh Non-Conformist s Memorial: or Cambro-British Biography. Lond., 1820. 12mo. RICHARDSON, Maj. War of 1812; 1st Series, containing the Opera tions of the 8th Division of the Canadian Army. Montreal, 1842. 8vo. RICHARDSON, Albert D. Beyond the Mississippi: from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Hartford, 1867. 8vo. Making Watches by Machinery; with Acct. of the Elgin Watch Factory. From Harper s Magazine, n. d. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 20. Secret Service, the Field, Dungeon and Escape. Hartford, 1865. 8vo. RICHARDSON, A. P. Immigrants Guide. Sketch, View and Map of Missouri, n. d. 12mo. RICHARDSON, D. M. How Specie Payments may be resumed with in three years. Phila., 1866. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 7. RICHARDSON Genealogy. See VINTON, J. A. Memorial. RICHARDSON, H. D. The Hive and the Horiey-Bee. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 6. RICHARDSON, Henry F. The Debtor s Guide. Lond., 1858, 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 10. RICHARDSON, Joannes. Tentamen Inaugurale de Febre Flava. Ed inburgh, 1816. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol 30. RICHARDSON, Sir John. On Scarlatina in H. M. Ships Agamemnon and Odin, in 1853. Lond. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol.17 RICHARDSON, Rev. Joseph. Semi-Centen. Sermon at Hingham, Mass., June 28, 1856. Hingham, 1856. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. RICHARDSON, J. W. Speech in Cong., Feb. 8, 1858. on the Bell Resolutions. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. RICHARDSON, Sam l. New System of Short Hand. Liverpool, 1800. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. etc. Vol. 33. RiCHARDSON-McFarland Tragedy; containing all the Letters, Facts, etc. Phil a, 1870. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. RICHARDSON, Rev. W. Measures by which the Recurrence of Fam ines may be prevented, etc. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphlet eer. Vol. 8. 292 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RICHARDSON, W. A. Speech in Cong., Apr. 3, 1850 on Admission of Cal. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. May 19, 1862, on the State of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. RICHARDSON, Wm. H. Journal of the Campaign of New and Old Mexico under Col. Doniphan. Baltimore, 1848. 12mo. 2d Ed. Mex. War Pamph. Vol. 2. RICHELIEU, Cardinal. See HOPE, A. J. B. Richelieu compared with the Duke of Buckingham. RICHLAND Centre, Wis. Observer, Nov. 1855 to April 1859. Same. 1861-63. Folio. RICHLAND Co., Wis., Republiean. Newspaper. 1869-73. Zouave. Newspaper. 1861-62. RICHMOND, Duke of. Letter to Lieut Col. Sharman of the Irish Volunteers. 1783. Lond., 1792. 8vo. Same. Lond., 1797. 12mo. 4th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. - Same. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 24. RICHMOND, Ind. Directory, 1857. Richmond, 1857. 12mo. RICHMOND, John W. Rhode Island Repudiation; or the Hist, of the Revolu. Debt of that State. 2d Ed. Providence, 1855. 8vo. RICHMOND, Ohio. See NILES, J. H. Memoirs of. RICHMOND, Va. Account of the Great Calamity which occurred at the Capitol, April 27, 1870. Richmond, 1870. 8vo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Advocate. Newspaper. Richmond, 1828-31. Folio. See BOYD, W. H." Directory. 1869. BUTLER, Gen. B. F. Speech on the Campaign before Rich mond. 1864. during the War. Four Years Personal Observation, by a Richmond Lady. N. Y., 1867. 12mo. See ELY, A. Journal while Prisoner in. in By-Gone Days; being Reminiscences of an Old Citizen. Richmond, 1856. 12mo. Memorial of the Coal-Owners and Iron-Masters of Richmond, to the Senate of the U. S., on the Tariff. 1846. Speeches. Vol. 1. Report of Comm. on tht City Seal, adopted Sept. 9, 1872. 8vo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Siege of. See COOK, Joel. Operations under McClellan. 1862. RICHMOND, Rev. Wm. Discourse on the Mission of the Bishop of the Diocese of Conn., through the Miss. Valley. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 97. RICHSON, Rev. C. Pauper Education considered, in a Letter to Sir Geo. Grey. Lond., 1850. Svo. 2d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. RICHTER, M. A. The Separation of the United States. Brooklyn. n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 19. RICKETSON, Dan l. Hist, of the Town of New Bedford, Mass. N. Bedford, 1858. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 293 RICORD, F. W. Empire of Rome. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. The Republic of Rome. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. RIDDLE, A. G. The Right of Women to exercise the Elective Franchise. Speech at Washington, Jan. 11, 1871. Wash ington, 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. RIDDLE, Gj-. R. Speech in Cong., Apr. 20, 1852, on the Compro mise Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. RIDDLE, J. A. Address before the Bedford N. H. Farmers Club, on Prof. Ville s New System of Agriculture. Manchester, 1868. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 7. RIDGEFIELD, Ohio. See ROSE, E. Early Settlement of. SHERMAN, D. Memoirs of. 1859. RIDGELY, David. Annals of Annapolis from 1649 to the War of 1812. Baltimore, 1841. 12mo. RIDGWAY, John. Statistical Hist, of his Vertical Revolving Bat tery. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. RIEDEL, Dr. H. Algemeene Ges chiedenis Van de Valken en staten der oudheid. Groningen, 1841. 6 Vols. 8vo. RIEDESEL Madame. Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of Amer. Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. See STONE, W. L. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. RIGBY, Edw. Holkham, its Agriculture, etc. Lond., 1819. 8vo. 3d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. RIGGS, S. R. Address on the Dakota Language, prepared to be delivered before the Minn. Hist. Soc y- Minn. Hist. Soc y. Coll. Vol. 1. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language collected by the Members of the Dakota Mission. Smithson. Con- trib. Vol. 4. Tah-koo-wah-kau; or Gospel among the Dakotas. Boston, 1869. 8vo. RIGHT (The,) and Practice of Impressment as concerning G. Britain & Amer., considered. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 14. RIGHTER, C. N. See PRIME, S. I. Life and Letters of. RIGHT Position, (The,) of the Naval Staff. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congress. Pamph Vol. 114. RIGHTS of Juries Vindicated. The Speeches of the Dean of St. Asaph s Counsel, Nov. 15, 1784. Lond., 1785. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 22. RIGHTS of Labor. See COLTON, C. of Neutrals. See Congressional Speeches. - See PROVOST & PECQUET. RIKER, Jas. Jr. Annals of Newtown, Queens Co., L. I. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. RIMIUS, Henry. Rise and Progress of the Heernhuters, commonly called Moravians or Unitas Fratrum. Lond., 1753. Svo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 18. RINDGE, N. H. Cong. Ch. Confession of Faith, and Catalogue of Officers and Members, Jan., 1848. Keene, 1848. 12mo. N. H. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. 294 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RINGGOLD, Cadwallader. Charts with Sailing Directions, embrac ing Surveys of Rivers and Bays in California. 4th Ed. "Washington, 1852. 4to. RIPLEY, Rev. Ezra. Half Century Discourse at Concord, Mass., Nov. 16, 1828. Concord, 1829. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 8. RIPLEY, Geo., and TAYLOR, Bayard. Cyclopaedia of Literature and the Fine Arts. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. RIPLEY, Henry J. Sacred Rhetoric; or Composition and Delivery of Sermons. 2d Ed. Boston, 1850. 12mo. RIPLEY, Rev. Lincoln. Description and Hist of Waterford, in the Co. of York, Me. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 9. RIPLEY, Ohio. See BROWN, J. N. Memoir of. RIPLEY, R. S. The War with Mexico. N. Y., 1849. 2 Vols. Svo. RIPON, Wis., College. Catalogue for 1864-5. Ripon, 1865. Svo. Spur, Star, Home, and Times. Newspapers. Aug., 1855, to Dec., 1849. Folio. Times. Newspaper. 1860-63. Folio. RISE and Fall of the Lakes. See GIDDINS, E. RISHANGER. Chronicles of the Baron s War. See Camden Soc y Publica. RISINGHAM, Eng. See SURRIDGE, Rev. T. Discovery of Roman Inscriptions. RITCHIE, Jas. S. Wisconsin and its Resources; with Lake Super ior, its Commerce and Navigation. Phila., 1857. Svo. RITTENHOUSE, David. See BARTON, W. Memoirs of the Life of. RITTER, Abraham. Hist, of the Moravian Church in Phila., from 1742 to the present time. Phila., 1857. Svo. RIVER and Harbor Improvements. See Congress l Speeches. DOUGLAS, S. A. Letter to Gov. Mattesori. 1854. RIVERO, M. E., and Vox TSHUDI, J. J. Peruvian Antiquities; translated from the Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks, D.D., L.L.D. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. RIVERS, Thos. The Orchard House; or Culture of Fruit Trees in Pots under Glass, etc. N. Y., 1860. Svo. Agric. Pamph. Vol. 8. RIVERS, Wm. J. Sketch of the Hist, of S. Carolina to the close of the Proprietary Gov t in 1719, with Appendix. Charles- town, 1856. Svo. RIVES, M. De la Propriete du Cours et du lit des Rivieres non nav igable et non flottables. Paris, 1S44. Svo. RIVES, Wm. C. Discourse before the Y. M. C. A. of Richmond, Dec. 7, 1855. Richmond, 1855. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 32. History of the Life and Times of Jas. Madison. 2d Ed. Boston, 1866-68. 3 Vols. Svo. Same. Boston, 1859. Svo. Vol. 1. Speech in Cong., Jan. 17, 1834, on the Removal of the Depos its. Speeches. Vol. 5. ROADS. See GILLESPIE, W. M. Manual of Road Making. MOGG, Edw. Patterson s Roads in G. Britain. ROANOKE ISLAND. See HALE, E. E. Notes on. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 295 BOBBINS, Rev. Ammi R. Half-Century Sermon at Norfolk, Conn., Oct. 28, 1811. Hartford, 1812. 8vo. Conn. Hist, Dis courses. Vol. 1. Journal of. Chaplain in Amer. Army, in the Northern Cam paign of 1776. N. Haven, 1850. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 6. ROBBINS, Rev. Chandler. Address at Laying the Corner Stone of the 3d Ch. in Boston, May 30, 1844. Boston, 1844. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 41. Discourse at Boston, Oct. 1, 1843, in Commemora. of Rev. Henry Ware, Jr. Boston, 1843. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. Discourse in Commemora. of Rev. Wm. P. Lunt, at Quincy, June 7, 1857. Boston. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 4. Another Copy. Sermons. Vol. 29. History of the 2d Ch., or Old North, in Boston. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Memoir of Alex. Young, D. D. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 2. Memoir of Hon. Wm. Appleton. Boston, 1863. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1860-2. The Regicides sheltered in N. England; Lecture before the Lowell Institute, Feb. 5, 1869. Boston, 1869. Svo. N. E. Pamph. Vol. 1. . Sermon on the 25th Annivers. of his Ordination as Pastor of the 2d Ch., Boston, Dec. 5, 1858. Boston, 1858. Svo. Boston Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. ROBBINS, Edw. W. Memoir of Jos. G. Percival, M. D. From the N. Englander, May, 1859. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. ROBBINS, Jas. M. Bi-Centen. Address at Milton, Mass., June 11, 1862. Boston, 1862. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 9. ROBBINS Process (The) for Seasoning and Preserving Wood. Sci entific Pamph. Vol. 20. ROBBINS, Zenas C. Argument before Judge Morsell, on Dr. May- nard s Appeal from the Decision of the Commiss r of Patents. Washington, 1860. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. ROBERT, M. Atlas Universel. Paris, 1755. Folio. ROBERTS, David. Abstract of a Discourse on the Life and Character of Sir Mathew Cradock, before the Essex Institute, Apr. 4, 1856. Proceedings. Vol. 1. Letter to the Officers of the Army on the Officer s Benefit Fund. Lond., 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. Plan for Increasing the Incomes of Officers of the Army; with Supplement by John PHILIPPART, etc. London, 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. ROBERTS, Henry. Home Reform; on the Improvement of Dwellings of the Working Classes. Lond., 1852. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 24. ROBERTS, Jane. Two Years at Sea; Narr. of a Voyage to the Swan River and Van Diemans Land. 1829-31. Waldie s Circu lating Libr. Vol. 4. ROBERTS, R. E. Sketches of the City of Detroit, Mich. Detroit. 1855. Svo. 296 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ROBERTSON, Andrew. The Parthenon, adapted to the Purpose of a, National Monument, in Memory of the late War. Lond.,, 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 16. ROBERTSON, Dr. C. A. Glaucoma and its Cure by Iridectony. Translated from the French. Albany, N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 12. ROBERTSON, David. Tour through the Isle of Man; with a Review of MANX History. Lond., 1794. 4to. ROBERTSON, Felix. Essay on Chorea Sancti Viti. Phila. 1805. Phila., 1805. 8vo. " Med. Mamph. Vol. 3. ROBERTSON, Geo. Scrap Book on Law and Politics, Men and Times. Lexington, Ky., 1855. 8vo. ROBERTSON, Ignatius L. Sketches of Public Characters. N. Y.,, 1830. 12mo. ROBERTSON, J. Treatise on Portable Mathematical Instruments. Lond., 1747. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 23. ROBERTSON, Gen. .las. Life and Times of. See PUTNAM, A. W. Hist of E. Tennessee. ROBERTSON, Jas. J. On the Treatment of Epidemic Cholera. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 27. ROBERTSON, Sam l. Notes of the Coast of Labrador. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 4. Part 1. ROBERTSON, Wm. Hist, of America. 1st Amer. from 10th Lond. Ed. in which is included the posthumous Vol. Phil a, 1812. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hist, of the Discovery and Conquest of America, abridged. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1854. 18mo. Hist, of Scotland during the Reign of Queen Mary and King James VI. Phila, 1811. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hist, of the Reign of Charles V. with a View of Progress of Society in Europe. 2d Amer. Ed. PhiPa, 1812. 3 Vols. 8vo. Same, abridged. N. Y., 1854. 18mo, Harpers Fam. Libr. ROBERTSON, Wm., Jr. Oregon; our Right and Title, with Account of the Condition of Oregon Territory, Washington, 1846, 8vo. ROBERTSON, Wyndham. The Marriage of Pocahontas. Notes on the Date of her Marriage and other Incidents in her Life. Hist. Mag. Vol. 4. ROBESPIERRE, M. See LEWES, G. H. Life of. ROBIN, L Abbe. Nouveau Voyage dans 1 Amerique Septentrionale en 1 Annee 1781, et campagne de 1 armee de M. le compte de Rochambeau. Paris, 1782. 8vo. ROBINS, Rev. Sanderson. Letter to Lord Russel on State Assist ance in the Education of the People. Lond., 1851, 8vo. Ed- uca. Pamph. Vol. 34. ROBINSON, Chas. D. The Birth-Places of Americanism. Ann. Ad dress before the Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, Jan. 30, 1873. Madison, 1873. 8vo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 2. - The Northern Wisconsin Fires of 1871, with Map. Wis. Leg- isla. Manual, 1872. ROBINSON, Conway. Account of Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along Atlantic Coast from 1520 to 1573 prepared forVal Hist. & Philos. Soc. Richmond, 1848. 8vo CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 297 ROBINSON, Edw. Biblical Researches in Palestine Journ. of Trav els in 1838. Boston, 1856. 2 Vols. 8vo. Same. Later Researches. Travels in 1852. Boston, 1856. 2 Vols. 8vo. Concise View of Education in German Universities. Edin burgh, 1835. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 8. ROBINSON Family Genealogy. See VINTON, .1. A. ROBINSON, Fayette. Account of Organization of Army of U. S., with Biographies. Phila., 1848. 2 Vols. 12mo. California and its Gold Regions. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. CaL Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. ROBINSON, Rev. John. A Manumission to a Manuduction. 1615, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 1. See ASHTON, Rev. R. Memoir of. LAMSON, Rev. A. Discourse in Memory of. On the Present Position of the Agricultural Labourer. Lond, 1864. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 9. ROBINSON, J. B. Address to the People on Frauds on the Elective Franchise. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. Reply to Resolutions of Phila. Ann. Conference of March, 1864, on the State of the Nation. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 29 ROBINSON, J. L. Speech in Cong., March 20, 1850, on Pacific R. R. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. ROBINSON, Lyman. Letter to Hist. Soc. of Penn., on the Early Settlement of Wattsburg, Erie Co., Penn. Memoirs of Soc. Vol. 4. Part 2. ROBINSON, Sam l. Address to Subscribers to the Dukinfield, Eng., Village Library, Nov. 11, 1835. Aston-under-Lyne, 1835. 12mo. Addresses. Vol. 33. ROBINSON, Sarah T. L. Kansas: its Interior and Exterior Life; its Settlement, Polit. History, Social Life, etc. 5th Ed. Bos ton, 1856. 12mo. ROBINSON, Thos. Lecture at Cambridge, May 22, 1838, on the Study of Oriental Literature. Cambridge, Eng., 1838. 8vo, Educa. Pamph. Vol. 38. ROBINSON, Rev. T. H. Fragments of Family and Contemporane ous History. Pittsburg, 1867. 12mo. Hist. Discourse on the Ruling Elders of the 1st Presb. Ch. of Harrisburg, Pa., March 7, 1868. Harrisburg, 1868. 8vo. Penn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1, - The Unveiling of Divine Justice in the Great Rebellion, a Sermon. Harrisburg, 1865. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 41 ROBSON, Jos. Account of Six Years Residence in Hudson s Bay, 1733-36, and 1744-47. Lond., 1752. ROCHE, A. R. Resources and Capabilities of the Island of Anti- costi. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., Oct. 4, 1853. Transactions, Vol. 4, Part 3. ROCHE, Rich d W. Catalogue of his Library. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 49. ROCHEFOUCAULT Liancourt Due de la. Travels through the U. States of N. America and Upper Canada, in 1795-97; from the French. Lond., 1799. 2 Vols. 4to. 298 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ROCHESTER, Eng. Authentic Copy of the Charter, and By-Laws of the City. Rochester, 1816. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol.18. Eng. Castle. Short History of. Rochester, 1847. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 3. History and Antiquities of. Rochester, 1772. 12mo. See SURRIDGE, Rev. T. Discovery of Roman Inscriptions. ROCHESTER, Mass. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 10. 2d Ser. Topography and History of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Early History, 1810 to 1827. Rochester, 1860. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. Engineers Report for Supplying the City with Water. N. Y., 1853. Svo. N. Y., Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. 1st Ann. Meeting of the Musical Convention, Oct. 8, 1851. 12mo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Junior Pioneer Assoc. See WARD, Rev. F. D. W. See KELSEY, J. Pioneers of. O REILLY, H. Sketches of. Proceedings of Ann. Festivals of the Pioneers of Rochester, held in 1847-8. Rochester, 1848. Svo. N. Y. Local Hist. Vol. 5. Theological Seminary. Catalogues for 1861-2. Rochester. Svo. University of. Catalogues for 1850-2. Rochester, N. Y Svo. See WILDER, J. N. Poem before Lit. Societies. 1857. ROCK Co., Wis., Gazetteer, Directory and Business Advertiser. Janesville, 1857. 12mo. See GUERNSEY & WILLARD. History of. 1856. History of Agricult. Society. ROCKFORD, 111. Female Seminary. Ann. Catalogue for 1867-8, 1868-69. Anniversary Exercises, 1869. Dana Nat. History Soc y. Circular, n. d. ROCKINGHAM Co. N. H. See French, Rev. Jonathan. Congrega tional Ministers of. ROCKINGHAM, Marquess of. See Albermarle, Geo. Earl of. ROCK ISLAND, 111. Appeal to Cong, for the establishment of a Na tional Armory. 1861. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. - Directory for 1852 and 1859. Rock Island, 1858. 12mo. - Medical School. See Knapp, M. L. Address. 1848. ROCKLAND Co., N. Y. Agr. Assoc. See Conger, A. B. Address, 1847. ROCKLAND, M. E. See Eaton, C. Hist, of Thomaston, Rock- land, etc. ROCKPORT, Mass. See Felt, J. B. Notices of. ROCK River Baptist Assoc. Minutes of the 21st Ann. Meeting, held at Stillman Valley, 111., 1861. Rockford, 111. 1861. Svo. Improvement. Report on the Improvement of Rock River, adopted by the Legislature of Wis. in 1867. Janesville, 1867. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vols. 3 and 7. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 299 ROCK River Surrey. See Cram, T. J. 1840. Wilson, J. K, 1867. Valley Union R. R. Co. See Smith, A- H. Letters on. 1851, 54. ROCKWELL, John A. Speech in Cong. Jan. 16, 1846, on the Oregon Question. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1.. - March 17, 1846, on River and Harbor Improvements. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. - June 26, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. ROCKWOOD, E. L. Hist, and Genealog. Record of Timothy Rock- wood and Descendants. Boston, 1^56. 12mo. RocK-Writing. See Ewbank, T. North American Rock-Writing. ROCKY Mountains. See De Sinet, P. J. Travels in 1845-6. DODGE, Henry. Journ. of Exped. to. 1835. Dragoon Campaigns to. FISK, J. L. Report of Expedition. 1864. - FREMONT, J. C. Exploring Expedition. IRVING, W. Bonneville s Adventures. JAMES, E. Long s Expedition to. RUXTON, G. F. Adventures. SAGE, R. B. Scenes in. WALLIHAN, S. S. Directory. 1871. RODD, Thos. Proceedings instituted against him in the Court of Common Pleas. Lond., 1845. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 44. RODET, D. L. Du Commerce Exterieur et de la Question d un Entrepot a Paris. Paris, 1825. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 48. RODGERS, Henry D. Address at Meeting of the Assoc. of Amer. Geologists and Naturalists, May, 1844. N. Y., 1844. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 10. RODGERS, Col. Robt. See STARK, C. Biograph. of. RODNEY, Caesar A. See REED, W. C. Biograph. Sketch of. RODWELL, G. F. See Hayden s Diet, of Science. ROE, E. A. Aunt Leanna: or Early Scenes in Kentucky. Chicago, 1855. 12mo. ROEBECK, Dr. Jacob. See BARNES, Dr. M, Short Biography of. 1852. ROEHRIG, F. L. O. The Language of the Dakota or Sioux Indi ans. Washington, 1872. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 5. ROELKER, B. Argument in favor of the Constitutionality of the Legal Tender Clause. 3863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.93. ROEMER, Ferdinand. Contributions to the Geology of Texas. 1847. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 6. 2d. Ser. ROESER, Chas. The State; its Forms; Political Powers; Rights of Man; and Universal Suffrage. Boston, 1867. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 8. ROGERS, A. J. Speech in Cong. Jan. 21, 1854, on Confiscation. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 34. ROGERS, E. P. Address to the Graduating Class of the State Nor mal School, Jan. 28, 1857. Albany, 1857. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 14. 300 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ROGERS FAMILY. Genealogy of Rodgers of Dowdeswell in the Co* of Gloucester, Eng. Lond., 1869. 4to. Priv. printed. ROGERS, Henry B. Remarks before the Assoc. for Aged Indigent Females, Boston, at the Opening of their Home, May 1, 1850. Also; Address at the Opening of the New Home, June 25, 1863. (With Reports of Assoc.) ROGERS, Henry D. Address at the Meeting^of the Assoc. of Amer. Geologists and Naturalists. Washington, May 14, 1844. With Proceedings at their meeting. 8vo. 1 & W. B. Contributions to the Geology of the Tertiary For mation of Va. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vols. 5 and 6. See Penn. Geolog. Survey. 1838-1842. ROGERS, Henry J. American Code of Marine Signals. 2d Edition. Baltimore, 1855. 8vo. Marine Telegraphic List of Merchant Vessels of 150 tons and upward, employed in the Commerce of the U. S. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. ROGERS, Rev. J. Persuasive to Conformity, Addressed to the Quakers. Lond., 1747. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 16. ROGERS, Jasper W. Employment of the Irish Peasantry. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.45. ROGERS, Josias. See GILPIN, W. Memoirs of. ROGERS, Maj. Robert. Concise Account of North America. Lond., 1765. 8vo. See Diary of the Siege of Detroit. Journals of, containing an Account of the several Excursions he made during the late War. 1755. Dublin, 1770. 12mo. ROGERS, Sam l. See Recollections of, etc. ROGERS, Thos. J. New Amer. Biograph. Dictionary, or Remembr ances of Departed Heroes and Statesmen of America. 3d Edition. Easton, 1824. 8vo. ROGET, Peter M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology with reference to Natural Theology. Lond., 1834. 8vo,. ROLF, John. Relation of the State of Virginia, Seventeenth Cen tury. Va. Hist. Reg. Vol. 1. ROLL OF HONOR. Names of Deceased Soldiers War of RebelPn. See U. S. Sec. of War. ROLLIN, Chas. Ancient History. N. Y., 1817. 8 Vols. 18mo. - Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, &c. Boston 1827. 2 Vols. 4to. ROLLINS Family. See ROLLINS, J. R. ROLLINS, James S. Speech in Cong, on the Rebell n, Apr. 24, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 9. ROLLINS, John R. Notes relating to Rawlins, or Rollins. Law rence, Mass. 1870. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. ROLLINS, Capt. Nat. Prison Life in Dixie; See Wis., Daily State Journal May 12, 1865. ROLLO, Rev. E. M. Arnold a Model Teacher: Address before .the N. Y. State Teachers Assoc., Poughkeepsie, Aug. 3, 1859. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. ROMAINE, Rev. W. See CADOGAN, Rev. W. B. Obit. Sermon, 1795. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 30! ROMAINE, Rev. W. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Jas. Hervey, Lond., Jan. 4, 1759. 1759. 8vo. 9th Ed. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 20. ROMAN Catholic Ch. See Apologie des Dominicains. BANDOBY, Pere. Oeuvres Diverses. BAYLEY, J. B. Hist, of Church in N. York. BIRT, John. Principles and History of Popery. Catholic Directory, 1843. CHANDLER, J. R. On the Temporal Power of the Pope. COLQUHOUN, J. C. Progress towards Ascendency in Eng. DE COURCY, H. Church in the U. S, DE SMET, P. J. Oregon Missions. Residence Among Indians. DOWLING, Rev. J. Hist, of Romanism. FINLAYSON. W. F. The Catholic Hierarchy vindicated. FULTON, J. D. R. C. Element in Amer. Hist. GAVAZZI, Father. Lectures in N. Y. GISENSCHMID, L. M. Mezzbuch. JACOBUS, M. W. Popery against Common School Bduca. - LEIFCHJLD, J. Reply to Rev. W. Thorp, on Catholic Emancipation. Lettres Edifiante et Curieux. MARQUETTE, F. Discoveries, etc. - Miscellanies: Acts of Parliament, respecting. NORTON, H. Progress and Prospects of Romanism, 1844. Origine de la Mission du Kentuckie. Registres des Baptesmes, etc., et Fort du Quesne, 1753-6. - RHODES, M. J. Pius IX and the Temporal Rights of the Holy See. SHEA, J. G. Hist, of Missions in U. S. Early Hist, of the Ch. in N. England. R. C. Church of U. S. - SHOBERL, F. Persecutions of Popery. - Short Hist. View of Orders of the Ch. - SPALDING, Rev. M. Early Catholic Missions to Kentucky. Statuta novarcensis Dioeceseos, etc. - STOCK, J. E. Letter on Catholic Claims. STURGIS, John. Principles, etc., of Popery. Tranchepain Voyages des Ursulines. WHITNEY, T. R. Defence of Amer. Party. WHITTAKER, W. Adversus T. Stapletoni, etc. See Jesuit Missions and Relations. Disabilities. See COLE, Rev. H. Appeal to People of Eng., 1829. CROKER, J. W. Speech in Parl t, 1819. . DILLON, John G. Two Memoirs upon the Catholic Question. 1809. HUNTINGFORD, G. I. The Petition of Eng. R. Catholics considered. 1812. LEIFCHILD, J. Reply to Rev. W. Thorp. 1829. MACDONNELL, E. Statement. 1850. M GHEE, Rev. R. J. Letter to Dr. Doyle, n. d. 302 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ROMAN Catholic Ch. See PANTIN, T. P. Reply to Dr. Arnold on. THORP, Wm. An Enquiry, etc. 1813. Two Letters on Catholic Emancipation. 1814. Pamphle teer. Vol. 3. ROMAN Empire (The). See GEDDES, M. Essays on the Causes T etc., by which it was pulled down. Sepulchral Inscriptions. See KENRICK, J. ROMANCE of Western History. See HALL, James. ROMAND, Gustave de. De la Dictature de Paris sur la France. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 46. ROME. See BREWER, Rev. Dr. Guide to Roman History^ CREVIER, M. Histoire des Empereurs. Romains. CRUSIUS, B. History of. Diplomatic Relations with. See CLARKE, G. R. 1848. See GIBBON, E. Decline and Fall, etc. HERBERT, H. W. Captains of Roman Republic. Historiae Romane Epitomae. 1630. in the Nineteenth Century. See WATTS, Mrs. Jane. See MERIVALE, Chas. History of Romans. MOMMSEN, T. History of. NEWMAN, F. W. Regal Rome. - RICORD, F. W. Empire of. Republic of. ROMERO, Senor M. Dinner to Senor Matias Romero, Mexican Min ister. 29th March, 1864. N. Y., 1866. 4to. Speech at N. Y., Dec. 16, 1863, on the Situation of Mexico. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 33. ROMILLY, Sir Sam l. Memoirs written by himself with Selections from his Correspondence. Lond., 1840. 3 Vols. 8vo. Observations on the Criminal Law of England, in relation to Capital Punishment. Lond., 1810. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph, Vol. 30. - Reasons against the Bill for the Appointment of a Vice Chan cellor. Lond., 1813. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 31. Speech in Parl t, June 28, 1814, on the Slave Trade. London, 1814. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol.4. RONDTHALER, Rev. Edw. Life of Rev. John Hecke welder. Phila. 1847. 12mo. RONEY, Sir Cusack P. How to Spend a month in Ireland. Lond. and Dublin, 1861. Svo. Guide Books. Vol. 26. ROOKE, Hay man. Description and Sketches of some Remarkable Oaks, at Welbeck, Nottingham. Lond., 1790. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 24 A. ROORBACII, Orville A. Bibliotheca Americana; Catalogue of Amer. Publications including Reports and Original Works from 1820 to 1861. N. Y., 1852-1861. 4 Vols, 8vo. ROOSEVELT Hospt., N. Y. See VERMILYE, T. E. Opening Address 1871. 1st Ann. Report. N. Y., 1873. Svo. ROOT, Rev. David. Bi-Centen. Sermon at Dover, N. H., on the Formation of the 1st Cong. Ch. in that place, Nov. 29, 1838, Dover, 1839. Svo. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 303 BOOT, Jas. P. Root Genealogical Records. 1600-1870. N. Y, 1870. 8vo. ROOT, Jos. N. Address to the Fire Lands Hist. Soc., Sept., 1862. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 4. Speech in Cong., July 1, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. ROOT River Survey. See ABERT, J. J. 1838. ROSAS, Gen., and Affairs on the River Platte. 1845. See MALLA- LIEU, A. ROSCOE, Wm. Discourse at the Opening of the Liverpool Royal Institution, Nov. 25, 1817. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphlet eer. Vol. 11. ROSE, Enos. Sketch of Early Settlement of Ridgefield, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 5. ROSE, Geo. See BENTHAM, J. Defence of Economy, etc. The Great Country; or Impressions of America. Lond., 1868. 8vo. Observations respecting the Public Expenditures, and the Influence of the Crown. Lond., 1810. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 30. ROSE, G. H. Speech in House of Commons, Mar. 22, 1832, on the Reform Bill. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. ROSEKRANS, Gen. W. S. See BICKHAM, W. D. Rosekran s Cam. paign with 14th Army Corps. Letter to Ohio Legislature, Feb. 3, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 91. Letter to the People of the U. States, on Our Relations with Mexico, 1870. 8vo. Cong. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. Memorial to Cong., n. d. 8vo. Cong. Pamph. Vol. 114. See Men of the Time. Resolutions of thanks tendered him by the Ohio Legislature. Columbus, 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 48. ROSELL, Clayetano. Historia del Combate Naval de Lepanto, yjaicio de la importancia y consecuencias de aquel suceso. Madrid, 1853. 4to. ROSE^GARTEN, J. G. Civil Service Reform, from the Penn Month ly. Phila., 1870. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128, ROSET, H. Jewelry and the Precious Stones; with a Hist, and Descrip. of the largest individual Diamonds known. Phila., 1856. 8vo. ROSETTA Stone. Account of the Discovery of, in 1802, with Fac Simile Inscriptions, containing also Mr. Ottey s Acct. of a Mss. in the British Museum of the 2d or 3d Century, etc. Lond., 1834. 4to. ROSIER, Jas. True Relation of Capt. Geo. Waymouth s Voyage to Va., 1605. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 8. Ross, Alex. The Red River settlement, and its Rise, Progress and Present state. Lond., 1856. 8vo. Ross, Fitzgerald. Visit to the Cities and Camps of the Confed, States Lond., 1865. 8vo. Ross, Jas. See MARIE, Jane. Case of, etc. 1808. 304 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ross, Jas. (of Wis.) Wisconsin and her Resources for Remun erating Capital and Supporting Labor. Madison, 1871. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. and GARY, Geo. From Wisconsin to California and Return. Madison, 1869. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Ross, Sir John. Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a Northwest Passage, and of a Residence in the Arctic Re gions 1829-33. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 5. Ross, Thos. Speech in Cong., Aug. 12, 1842, on the Tariff. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. Ross s, Hastings & St. Leonard s Guide. Hastings, (n. d.) 12mo. 5th Ed. Same. Hastings, 1851. 12mo. 7th Ed. Guide-Books. Vol. 21. ROSSER, Archibald. Credit Pernicious. Lond., 1834. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 29. ROSSMORE, Lord. Appeal in the Cause of the Ex-Parliamentary Peers of Ireland and Scotland. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 6. ROTHE, Chas. E. Remarks on the Gold Mines of N. Carolina. 1828. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 13. ROSTOPSCHIN, Count. The Burning of Moscow. Canadian Mag. Vol. 1. ROTHSCHILD, Baron Lionel de. On the Exclusion of, from Parlia ment. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 59. See VAN OVEN, B. Ought Baron de Rothschild to sit in Parl t? 1847. Rou, Rev. Louis. Difficulties in the French Protestant Ch., N. Y. 1724-5. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. ROUELLE, M. Tableau de PAnalyse Chimique. Paris, 1774. 12mo. ROUNDHEADS and Cavaliers. See Army Lists of. ROUND HILL School, Northampton. See COGSWELL, J. G. Ban croft, Geo. Outline of the System of Education, with List of Pupils, etc. 1831. Boston. 8vo. ROUND TABLE (The). Order and Solemnities of Crowning the King, and the Dignities of the Peerage. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 18. ROUSE, Wm. Remarks on the Comparative Value of Freehold and Copyhold Land, etc. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. Oeuvres. Paris, 1817. 8 Vols. Svo. ROUTE (The) of the Overland Mail to India, from Southampton to Calcutta. Lond. (n. d.) Oblong 12mb. Guide-Books. Vol. 14. ROUXEL, H. Annales du Cabinet de Lecture Paroissial de Mon treal. Montreal, 1857. Svo. Canada Pamph. Vol. 2. , ROVIGO, Due de. Extrait des Memories Concernment la Catastrophe de Due D Enghien. Paris, 1823. Svo. Strangford. Pamph. Vol. 3. Row, Rev. C. A. Letter to Sir Robt. Inglis, on University Reform. Lond., 1850. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 305 ROWBOTHAM, Thos. The Art of Landscape Painting in Water Col ors. Lond., 1865. 12mo. ArtPamph. Vol. 1. ROWLEY, Mass. See GAGE, Thos. History of. ROWLEY, Thos. See MATHIAS, T. J. Authorship of Poems attrib uted to him. ROWSON, Susanna. See NASOA T , E. Memoirs of. ROXBURY, Mass. Addresses of the Mayor to the City Council, Apr. 1848, 50. Sixth Report of the Ministry at Large. 1855. Ann. Reports of School Committees, for 1844, 45, 48, 55, 57. See DEARBORN, H. A. S. Bi-Centen. Address. 1830. DILLAWAY, C. K. History of Grammar School. Eliot Ch. Articles of Faith and Covenant of. 1857. Boston, 1858. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol.1. See ELLIS, C. M. History of the Town of. Forest Hills Cemetery; its Establishment, Progress, Scenery, Monuments, etc. Boston, 1858. 12mo. Free Grammar School. See DILLAWAY, C. K. See GRAY Dr. Thos. Jr. Poem at 2d Centen. Annivers. of the Town. 1830. - PARKER, R. G. Hist, of Grammar School. 1826. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, London. 97th and 98th Exhibitions. 1865, 1866. Lond. 4to, Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. American Magazine. Boston, 1774. Svo. Asiatic Society of G.Britain and Ireland. Prospectus. Lon don, 1829. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 32. Assoc., Eng., for Improving Condition of Labourers, etc. Account of. Windsor, 1855. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 32. Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons. List of Gov ernors, etc. Jan. 1, 1863. Lond., Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 10. Burghs of Scotland. Records of the Conventions. 1295-1597 Lond., 1856. 4to. - Caledonian Asylum, Lond., Act and By-Laws, n. d. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 15. College of Physicians, Lond. List of Fellows, Members, etc. Lond., 1864. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 22. Pharmacopoeia of. 1851. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 6. College of Surgeons, London. See ABERNETHY, John. Hun- terian Oration for 1819. By-Laws. 1826. Lond., n. d. Svo. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 35. and John Skelton. Leeds, 1862. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 14. Cornwall Polytechnic Society. 24th Ann. Report, 1856. Fal- mouth, Eng., 1856. 8vo. Geographical Society. Journal. Lond., 1831-1860. 39 Vols. Svo. - Index. Lond., 1860. Svo. 20 306 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ROYAL Geograph. Soc. Proceedings, Jan. 28, and Feb. 11, 1861,. including Papers on the North Atlantic Telegraph, Surveyors T Reports, etc. Lond., 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 33. Institution of G. Britain. See MAILLY, Ed. Sketch of. Kalendar or Ann. Register for *-Eng., Scotland, Ireland, and America, for 1768, 1775, 1779/1780, 1790, 1799, 1806. Lond. 12mo. Medical and Chirurgical Soc y, London. Proceedings, 1864, Lond. 8vo. Med, Pamph. Vol. 22. Military Chronicle; or British Officers Monthly Register Lond., 1811-13. 6 Vols. 8vo. Naval Biography. See MARSHALL, John. Register; with Annotations by another hand. 3d Ed. Lond. 1780-2. 4 Vols. 12mo. Society of London. See ALEXANDER, C. A. Origin and History of. . Philosoph. Transactions, from 1665 to 1800. Abridged. Vols. 1-18 inclusive. Lond., 1809. 4to. 18 Vols. . Philosoph. Transactions, from 1665 to 1810 inclusive. Lond., 1665-1810. 100 Vols. in 94. Including Index to Vols. 1-70. Quarto. . Philosoph. Transactions, for 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815 y Part 1. 1816, 1817, 1818, Part 2. 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, Part 1. 1834, 1835, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, Parts 1 and 3. 1854, 1856, Parts 1, 2. 1861, Parts 1, 2, 3. Lond.,. 1811-1862. 4to. See THOMSON, T. History of, of Northern Antiquaries, Copenhagen. Cabinet d Antiqui- ties Americaines a Copenhague. Copenhague, 1858. 8vo. . See FREDERIC VII of Denmark. , Guide to Northern Archaeology. Edited by the Earl of Ellesmere. Lond., 1848. 8vo. . Memoirs 1845-49, in French. Copenhagen, 1852. 8vo. Same, 1850-60. Copenhagen, 1861. 8vo. Same, N. Series, 1866, 67, 68. Copenhagen, 1866-8. 8vo, . See RAFN, C. C. Discovery in 10th Century. . Rapport des Seances Annuelles de 1848-51. Berlin. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 62. See THOMAS, Saga. Erkibyskups. ROYAL, Mrs. Anne. Letters from Alabama on Various Subjects; with Appendix. Washington, 1830. 8vo. Pennsylvania: or Travels continued in the U. S. Washing ton, 1825. 12mo. The Black Book: or continuation of Travels in the U. S^ Washington, 1828-9. 3 Vols. 12mo. Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the U. States. N, Haven, 1826. 12mo. Southern Tour: or 2d Series of the Black Book. Vol. 3, Washington, 1831. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 307 ROYAL The Tennessean: a Novel Founded on Facts. N. Haven, 1827. 12mo. ROYALTON, Vt. Acc. of the Burning of. See Indian Captivities. ROYCE, H. A. See U. S. Quartermaster s Department. ROYER, John. Monument of Patriotism: Collection of Biograph. Sketches of Eminent Amer. Heroes and Statesmen. Pottts- town, 1825. 12mo. ROYS, Auren. Brief Hist, of the Town of Norfolk, Conn., 1738- 1844. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Disc., etc. Vol. 2. ROZUM, Jan. Vacslav. Ezop mudrc v. otroctvi. Prague, 1850. RUBLEE, Horace. Early Times in Sheboygan Co., Wis. Hist. Soc Coll. Vol.4. RUDCHESTER, Eng. See SURRIDGE, T. Notices of Roman Inscrip tions. RUDD, Rev. J. C. Hist. Notices of St. John s Ch., Elizabeth-Town, N. J. Elizabeth-Town, 1825. 8vo. * N. J. Hist. Discourses Vol. 1. RUFFIN, Edmund. Sketches of Lower North Carolina. Raleigh 1861. 8vo. RUFINUS; or an Hist. Essay on the Favourite Ministry under The- odosius the Great. Lond., 1712. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph Vol. 1. RUGBY, Eng., School List. Midsummer, 1851. Rugby, 1851. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. RUGGIERI, C. Narr. of the Crucifixion of Matt. Lovat, executed by his own hands, at Venice, 1805. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 3. RUGGLES, A. G. A National System of Finance. F. Du Lac, Wis., 1862- RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 19 and 48. RUGGLES, Rev. Benj. Proceedings at Suffield, Conn., Sept. 16, 1858, on the 150th Annivers. of his Decease. Springfield, Mass., 1859. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. RUGGLES, Lieut. D. Geolog. and Miscell. Notice of the Region around Fort Winnebago, Mich. Terr y, 1835. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 30. RUGGLES, Ohio. See STURTEVANT, S. C. Hist. of. RUGGLES, Sam l B. and HAZARD, Geo. S. See Paris Universal Ex position. Report on Cereals. and others. Speeches in behalf of the University of Albany, March 1852. Albany 1852. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 20. See International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1867. Memorial in behalf of Adapting the Canals in the State of N. Y. to the Defense of the Lakes. Washington, 18^2. 4to. See OGDEN, G. M. Defence of Columbia College. Report to International Cong, at Berlin, on the Resources of the U. S., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. Report to International Congress at the Hague, 1869. on Cereals. Hague, n. d. 4to. Pamph. The Duty of Columbia College to the Community and its Right to exclude Unitarians from certain Offices. With an Answer to the same. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Columbia College Pamph. 308 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RUGGLES, Rev. Thos. Sketch of the History of Guilford, Conn. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st. Ser. Vol. 4. RUINS OF ANCIENT CITIES. See BUCKE, Chas. RULE AND MISRULE, of the English in America. See HALIBURTON (Judge T. C.) RULES AND REGULATIONS, in Bankruptcy, adopted by the Circuit Courts of the U. S., for the Southern District of N. Y., 1842. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. RUMSEY, Jas. See FITCH, John. Reply to. Treatise on the Application of Steam. 1788. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 2. RUNYON, Gen. Theo. Address before N. J. Military Assoc., Mar. 5, 1861. Newark, 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 66. RUPP, I. Daniel. Collection of 3,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, Portuguese and other Immigrants in Penn., 1728- 1766. Harrisburg, 1856. 12mo. Geograph. Catechism of Penn. and Western States. A Guide for Travellers and Emigrants. Phila., 1837. 12mo. Hist, of Lancaster Co. Pa., with a Sketch of the Early Hist, of Pa. Lancaster, 1844. 8vo. Hist, of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuyl- kill Counties, Pa., with appendix containing the Journals of James Young, 1756; J. Van Etten, 1756-7 and Col. James Bird, 1758. Harrisburg, 1845. 12mo. Hist, of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon, Pa., Lancaster, 1844. 12mo. RURAL MAGAZINE, and Vermont Repository. Montepelier, 1795. 8vo. RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. Elements of Natural History; Em bracing Zoology, Botany and Geology. Phila., 1857. 2 Vols. Origin, Progress and Present Condition of the Academy of Nat. Sciences of Phila. Phila., 1852. 8vo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. RUSH, Benj. Letter on the Rebellion, to a Citizen of Washington. 1862. Rebell n Pgmph. Vol. 82. See Criticism of Win. B. REED S Aspersions. RUSH Medical College, Chicago. Catalogues for 1845-6, 1857-8. Chicago, 1846, 47, 57. 8vo. See DAVIS, N. S. Addresses. 1849, 1853. FLINT, Austin. Address. 1844. RUSH, Rich d. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of Lond. 2d revised Ed. Phila. 1833. 8vo. Washington in Domestic Life, from Original Letters and Manuscripts. Phila., 1857. 8vo. RUSK, T. J. Speech in Cong., Feb. 27 and 28, 1850, on the Texas Boundary. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. May 3, 1852, on the Deficiency Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. RUSKIN, John. Beauties of; the True and the Beautiful in Nature, Art, Morals and Religion, with a Memoir by Mrs. TUTHILL. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 309 RUSKIN, John. Elements of Drawing. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Opening of the Crystal Palace considered in Relation to Art. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 67. Stones of Venice; the Foundations. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. RUSSEL, Dr. Rich d. Letters to Thos. BIGG, occasioned by his Defamatory Letter to Dr. Addingtoii, etc. Lond., 1751. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 21. RUSSELL, Chas. T. Hist, of Princeton, Mass., with Sketch of the Present Religious Controversy. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 10. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1851. Boston. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 2. Speech in Mass. Senate, April 2, 1851, on amending the State Constitution. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 6. RUSSELL, Chas. W. Argument in the Case of Penn. vs. The Wheel ing and Belmont Bridge Co. in the Supreme Court. Phila., 1851. 8vo. Perm. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. RUSSELL, Edw. History of North Yarmouth. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. RUSSELL, Geo. R. Oration before the R. Island Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc., at Providence, Sept. 4, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 26. RUSSELL, Jas. Probationary Essay on Emphysma. Edinburgh., 1823. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 13. RUSSELL, Rev. John. Vindication of the National Prohibition Party. Detroit, 1872. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 5. RUSSELL, Lord John. See ADDERLEY, C. B. Reflections on his Speech on Colonial Policy. 1850. & Buckingham, J. S. Recent Correspondence. Lond., 1847. 8vo. 1st and 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 46. & Mr. Macaulay on the French Revolution. From the Quar terly Review. Lond., 1853. 8vo. See Bedford, Duke of. Correspondence. Speech in Parliament, Dec, 16, 1847, on Jewish Disabilities. Lond., 1848. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 47. The Obstacles which have Retarded Moral and Intellectual Progress. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 52. RUSSELL, Michael. Hist, of the Present Condition of the Barbary States. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 18mo. Nubia and Abyssinia: Civil History, Arts, Religion, etc. Har pers Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Palestine or the Holy Land, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Polynesia; Hist. Account of the Principal Islands in the South Sea. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y. c 1858. 18mo. View of Ancient and Modern Egypt. Harper s Fam. Libr N. Y. 1856. 18mo. . RUSSELL, P. and Price, O. England Displayed ; Survey and De scriptions of the Kingdom of Eng. and Principality of Wales. Lond. 1769. Folio. 310 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RUSSELL, Lady Rachel. Letters. Phila. 1854. 12mo. RUSSELL, Thos. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 35. RUSSELL, Wm. Hist, of America, from its Discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late War, with Appendix. Lond. 1778. 2 Vols. 4to. Hist, of Modern Europe: with a continuation by Wm. Jones. N. Y. 1836. 3 Vols. 8vo. Normal Training. The Principles and Methods of Human Culture. A Series of Lectures to Young Teachers. N. Y. 1860. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 4. Speech in Cong. July 1842, on the Tariff. Washington. 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. RUSSELL, Wm. A. New and Authentic History of England. Lond. n. d. Folio. RUSSELL, Wm. H. The Battle of Bull Run. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 81 and 85. Canada; its Defences, Condition and Resources. Lond. 1865. 12mo. Pictures of Southern Life. Social, Political and Military. N.Y. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol.98. RUSSIA. See Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of. Allen, Jj Autocrasy in Poland and Russia. and England. See Pradt, M. Abbe. Comparison, etc. as it is, and not as it has been Represented. Lond. 1833. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. Dee DeCustine, Marquis. Russia. DeSegur, Count. Hist, of Napoleon s Exped. 1802. Englishwoman in Russia. Kazinski, L. Lectures on. Kokoreff, B. A. Trade of. 1859. MAXWELL, J. S. The Czar, his Court and People. OLIPHANT, L. Russian Shores and Black Sea. Report from Comm. of U. S. House of R., on Treaty with Russia. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 62 See Results of the Serf Emancipation. URQUHART, D. Progress of. Recent Events in the East. RUSSIAN, (The,) Ball; or the Adventures of Miss Clementina Shoddy 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 96. Empire; its Resources, Gov t, and Policy. Cinn., 1856. 12mo RUSSO-GREEK Church. See Hale, C. R, List of Sees and Bishops 1870, 1872. See P. Episcopal Church, Report on, 1871. RUTGERS College, New Brunswick, N. Y. See Addresses at In auguration of T. Frelinghuysen. BRADLEY, J. P. Centen. Annivers. Discourse, 1870. Catalogues for 1833 and 1850. New Brunswick, 1833, 1850. 8vo. History of; or Account of the Union of Rutgers Coll. and the Theolog. Sem. of Ref. Dutch Ch. N. Y., 1833. 8vo See POLHEMUS, Rev. A. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 311 RUTGERS Female Institute, N. Y. Proceedings of 13th Ann. Com mencement, and Circular. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. - See WEST, C. E. RUTLAND Co., Vt. See HOLLAND, F. W. The Insurrection of 1786. WILLIAMS, C. L. Statistics of the Bar, 1781-1847. RUTLAND, Vt., & Burlington R. R. See Vermont Supreme Court. Centen. Celebration of the Settlement of the Town, Oct. 2, 1870. Rutland, 1870. 8vo. - Newspapers. See WILLIAMS, C. K. Hist. of. RUTLAND PAPERS. Times of Henry VII. Camden Society Pub. RUTTENBER, E. M. Hist, of the Indian Tribes of Hudson s River; their Origin, Manners, and Customs. Albany, 1872. 8vo. Hist, of the Town of Newburg, N. Y. Newburg, 1859. 8vo. RUTTER, John. Description of Fonthill Abbey and Demesne, Wilts; the seat of Wm. Beckford, Esq. Shaftsbury, 1822. 8vo. Misc. Tracts, Vol. 4. RUXTON, Geo. F. Adventures in Mexico and Rocky Mountains. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. Life in the Far West. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. RYAN, Edw. G. Argument on the Trial of Levi Hubbell, before the Senate of Wis., on an Impeachment prepared by the As sembly. Madison, 1853. 8vo. RYAN, James. New York Mathematical Diary. N. Y., 1831-2. Scientific Parnph. Vol. 12. RYDQUIST, Johan E. Svenska Sprakets Lagar. Kritisk afhandling. Stockholm. 1850. 8vo. RYE, Westchester Co., N. Y. See BAIRD, C. W. History of. RYLAND, J. E. Memoirs of John Kitto, D. D. F. S. A., compiled from his Letters and Journals. N. Y., 1857. 2 Vols. 12mo. RYLE, Thos. American Liberty and Government Questioned. Lond., 1855. 8vo. RYSWICK (Treaty of.) Account of the Treaty of Ryswick, (Dutch.) Hague. 1697. 8vo. S. SABBATH Desecration. A National Tract. Buffalo, 1850. 8vo. Religious Pamph., Vol. 11. Mails. See BAIRD, T. H. Essay upon. JOHNSON, R. M. Review of his Report on. Memorials to Cong, respecting Sabbath Mails. 1829. 12mo. Cong, and Polit Pamph., Vol. 58. Observance. See ARMITAGE, Bishop W. E. The German Sunday. BACON, L. W. Sermon on State Interference with Re ligion, etc. 1872. CUMMINGS, J. J. Sabbath: Patriarchal, Mosaic anp Christian. GILFILLAN, Rev. Jas. Bible Viewed, etc. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SABBATH Observance GREVILLE, R. W. Letter to the Marquess of carde. 1850. HALLORAN, L. H. Sermon. 1800. . HlESTAND, J. Letter to Dr. Candlish on the Jewish Sabbath and Sun day. 1847. Minority Report of Legislative Comm. of N. Y. Legis lature on the Sunday Liquor Law. 1861. Albany, 1861. Religious Pamph., Vol. 11. See N. Y. Sabbath Committee. - PARKER, Theo. Thoughts on the most Christian Use of Sunday. PLUMPTRE, E. H. Progress of Sabbath Reform. Report to the House of Repr. of Penn. on the Seventh Day Baptists. Harrisburg, 1850. 8vo. Rel. Pamph., Vol. 11. See Society for Promoting the Observance of, etc. STONE, S. S. Lectures on the Institution of the Sabbath. WILSON, Rev. W. C, On Markets and Fairs, 1836. WORCESTER, Thos. Two Sermons on the Christian Sab bath, 1863. Utica, N. Y., Proceedings, 1828. SABIN, Jos., and Sons. Amer. Bibliopolist. N. Y., 1869-72. 4 Vols. 8vo. Bibliotheca Americana. Dictionary of Books relating to America, from its Discovery to the Present Time. Vols. 1-5. being parts 1 to 30. N. Y., 1868-73. 5 Vols. 8vo. SABINE, Edw. Experiments at Columbia College, N. Y., to ascer tain the Length of the Second s Pendulum, 1823. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vols. 22, 38. SABINE, Lorenzo. Address before N. E. Hist. Genealog. Soc. Sept. 13, 1859, on 100th Annivers. of Death of Gen, Wolfe. Bos ton. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 22. American Loyalists, or Biograph. Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown, in the War of the Revolution. Boston, 1847. 8vo. Another Ed. Boston, 1864. 2 Vols. Life of Edward Preble, Commodore in the Navy of the U. S Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 11. Report on the Principal Fisheries of the Amer. Seas. Wash ington, 1853. 8vo. SABRE, G. E. Nineteen Months a Prisoner of War. Experience in the Prisons and Stockades of Libby, Belle Island, Ander- sonville, etc. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. SACHEVERELL, Dr. Henry. See BESSETT, Rev. W. The Modern Fanatick. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Speech on his Impeachment. Defence of; or, Passive Obedience Proved to be the Doctrine of the Church of Eng. Lond., 1710. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. -81. Speeches of Bishops of Lincoln and Norwich, Mar. 17, 1710, on his Impeachment. Lond., 1710. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 81. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 3 SACHEVERELL, Wm. Account of the Isle of Man; its Inhabitants, Language, etc. Douglas, 1859. 8vo. SACKEN, R. Osten. Catalogue of the Diptera of N. America, Washington, 1858. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 36. SACKVILLE Genealogy. See BRIDGMAN, J. History of Knole, Eng., and Sackville Family. SACKVILLE, Lord Geo. See Address to the People of England, etc. Parallel between the Case of Admiral Byng, etc. Seasonable Antidote against Popular Censure, etc. Sentiments (The) of an Englishman, etc. Vindication of himself, in a Letter to Col. Fitzroy. Vindication of Lord Sackville, inscribed to the Duke of Dor set. Yet one Vindication more, etc. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. Lond., 1759. 8vo. SACO, Me. See COGSWELL, Rev. J. Topog. and Hist. Sketch of. DWIGHT, Rev. E. S. Centen. Address. 1862. FOLSOM, G. History of. NICHOLS, J. T. G. 20th Annivers. Discourse. 1863. SACRED Philosophy of the Seasons. See DUNCAN, Rev. H. SAEZ, Siciniano. Demostracion Historica del Verdadero Valor de todas las Monedas durante el reynado del Senor don Enrique IV. Madrid, 1805. 4to. SAFFELL, W. T. R. Records of the Revolutionary War; Military and Financial Corres. of Officers; Names of Officers and Privates of Regiments, etc. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. SAFFORD, Jas. M. See Tennessee Geolog. Survey. 1855. SAFFORD, W. H. Address before the Philomathean Soc. of the Ohio University, Aug. 1, 1855. Columbus, 1855. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 30. The Blennerhassett Papers; Private Journal of H. Blenner- hassett. Cincin., 1864. 8vo. Life of Harman Blennerhassett, with Authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition. Cincin., 1853. 12mo. SAGARD, Theodat. Histoire du Canada. 1636. Paris reprint, 1865. 4 Vols. 12mo. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons. Paris reprint, 1865. 2 Vols. 12mo. SAGE, Nathan vs. Fred. Cartwright, before N. Y. Court of Appeals. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. SAGE, Rufus B. Scenes in the Rocky Mountains and in Oregon, California, etc. 2d Ed. Phila., 1854. 12mo. SAGE, Russell. Speech in Cong., Aug. 6, 1856, on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Albany, 1856. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. .SAGEAU, Matt. Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyage de M. Sageau. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. SAGUENAT Co., Canada. See STUART, A. Notes on. BADDELEY, Lieut. Observ. on the Geognosy of. ST. ALBANS, Ohio. See SCOTT, J. M. Hist. Sketch of. 1873. Vt. See DUTCHER, L. L. Hist. Discourses. 1860. 314 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ST. ANDRE, M. de la Roche. Letter to the Editor of the Pamphle - teer on the Conduct of Geri. Savary. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. ST. ANTHONY, Minn. See Minneapolis. ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida. See SEWALL, R. K. Sketches of. ST. BARTHOLOMEWS Hospital, Lond. Circular for 1862-63. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 10. - Rules and Orders for its Government. Lond., 1833. STO. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. ST. CLAIR, Arthur, Maj. Gen. Narr. of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was Conducted; with Observations on Statements of the Sec. of War. Phila., 1812. 8vo. ST. CLAIR River and Lake. See GRAHAM, J. D. Reports. ST. CLARA Academy, Sinsinawa Mound, Wis. Ann. Catalogue. Galena, 1871. 8vo. ST. COSME. See Early Voyages on Mississippi. ST. CRISPIN andt he Gentle Craft; Shoemakers and Cobblers. Lond. 1868. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. ST. CROIX and Lake Superior R. Road. Report of the Locating Survey of. Madison. 1856. 8vo. Falls, Wis. Polk Co. Press. 1869-72. 1 Vol. Valley, Wis. See GIBBS, Oliver. ST. CROSS, near Winchester, Eng. Short Description of the His tory and Antiquities of. Winchester, 1824. Svo. Guide Books. Vol. 9. ST. DAVIDS, T. The Arabick Alphabet. Easy Introduction to the Reading of Arabick. Newcastle, Eng., 1809. 12mo. Ed- uca. Pamph. Vol. 39. ST. DENIS, Ch irch of. Brief History & Description of, with Ac count of the Tombs of Kings and Queens of France, etc. Lond., 1795. 18mo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 20. ST. DENYS, France. Le Tresor de L Abbaye Royal e de S. Denys. Paris, 1787. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 27. ST. DOMINGO. See San Domingo. ST. FRANCIS Xavier s College, N. Y. Catalogue for 1862-3. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. ST. GEORGE S Hospt., London. Proceedings of the Governors for 1847, etc. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. ST. HELENA. See BLOFIELD & FORBES. Geological Notes on. ST. JAMES College, Md. Register for 17th Session, 1858-9. Foun tain Rock, 1859. Svo. St. JOHN, Bayle. Purple Tints of Paris: Character and Manner in the New Empire. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. ST. JOHN, Jas. A. History of the Four Conquests of England. Lond., 1862. 2 Vols. Svo. Lives of Celebrated Travelers. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y. 1858. 3 Vols. iSmo. ST. JOHN, J. H. Letters from an Amer. Farmer, on Manners and Customs of the British Colonies in America. Lond., 1772. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 31$ ST. JOHN S College, Annapolis, Md. Catalogue, 1871-72. Balti more, 1872. 8vo. See PROUD, J. G. Memoirs of Alumni, 1868. ST. JOSEPH, Mich. Commercial Bulletin. Mar., 1844 to 1845. Folio. ST. LAWRENCE (Co.), N. Y. Consociation. Manual of, 1858. See HOUGH, F. B. Hist. of. Proceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1863. Ogdens- burgh, 1864. 8vo. River. See AUSTIN, F. W. G. Fishes of. BLACK WELL, T. E. Hydrology of the Basin of. Congress. Report on the Free Navigation of, 1850. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 50 and 89. Jee GOULD, Nathan l. Navigation of, 1832-33. ST. LEONARDS, Lord. A Handy Book on Property Law. N. Y., 1858.. 12mo. ST. Louis, Mo. Academy of Science. Transactions. Vol. 1. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Transactions. Vol. 2. Nos. 1, 2, 3. St. Louis, 1857-68. 8vo. Agricult. and Mechanical Assoc. Reports of the 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and llth Fairs held by the Associa. St. Louis. 1857-71. 8vo. Alton and Chicago R. R. 1st Half-yearly Report of the Re ceivers to the Trustees. Chicago, 1860. 8vo. Capital Committee. Address to the Governors and Legisla tures. St. Louis, 1870. 12mo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Christ Church. See SCHUYLER, Rev. M. Hist. Discourse. Democrat. Newspaper. 1861-64. Der Lutheraner. Newspaper. 1849-50. 4to. City Directory for 1857. Same for 1859. St. Louis. 8vo. - Equitable Mining Co. Prospectus, Charter and By-Laws. St. Louis, 1866. 8vo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. 1st Independent Ch. Manual of. St. Louis, 1865. 12mo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See JENNINGS, W. J. St. Louis and its Lumber Trade. 1871. . Magnetic Spring. History of, etc. St. Louis, 1870. 8vo. St. Louis Mis. Pamph. Vol. 1. Masonic Hall Assoc. Proceedings at Laying of the Corner Stone of Free Mason Hall, May 30, 1866. St. Louis, 1866. 8vo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Mercantile Library Assoc. Catalogue of Library, Dec. 1858. St. Louis, 1$58. 8vo. - Reports of Directors for 1853, 58, 61, 65, 70. - Constitution and By-Laws. 1859. St. Louis, 1854, 71, 8vo. See NICOLLET, I. N. Early History of. Pictorial Advertiser and Illustrated Busiriess Directory for 1858 and 1859. Vol. 1. St. Louis, 1859. 4to. Police Commiss rs. Ann. Report for 1868-9. St. Louis, 1869. 8vo. Public Schools. Ann. Reports of the Board, for 1858-9, 1862-3, 1863-4, 1865-6, 1866-7, 1867-8, 1868-9. St Louis, 1859-70. 8vo. 316 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ST. Louis. See REAVIS, L. U. St. Louis; the Future Great City of the World. 1871. Review of the Trade of Commerce of, for 1849, 1852, and 1853. St. Louis, 1850-1854. 8vo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. University. Ann. Catalogue and Announcement of Med. De- partm t. 1853-54. St. Louis, 1853. 8vo. Catalogue for 1855-6, St. Louis, 1856. Svo. West End Improvement Co. Statement in relation to Mont Cabanne. St. Louis, 1867. 8vo. St. Louis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. ST. MARY Islington, Co., Middlesex. See NELSON, John. ST. MARY S Falls, Ship Canal. Report from Comm. of U. S. Senate in relation to, Apr. 3. 1844. Washington, 1844. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. Hospital and Medical School. Lond. Laws of. 1850. Lond., 1850. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol.33. ST NICHOLAS Soc y., N. Y. Account of the Banquet at N. Y., May, 1852. N. Y., 1852. Svo. Charter, Constitution and By-Laws, 1854. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. See HOFFMAN, C. F. Annivers. Discourse, 1847. ST. PAUL & Pacific R. R. Co. Guide to the Lands of the First Division of. St. Paul, 1872. Svo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. Baldwin School. Addresses at the Dedication of the Edifice, with Catalogues for 1853 and 1854. St. Paul, 1854. Svo. Brief Sketch of the School System, wtth Rules, etc. of the Board of Education. St. Paul, 1859. 12mo. By-Laws, Charter, etc. of Board of Education. St. Paul, 1857. 12mo. City Directory, 1856-7, 1858-9, 1863, 1864, 1866, 1867. 6 Vols. 8vo. Weekly Minnesotian and Democrat. Newspaper. 1855-58. Folio. : See WILLIAMS, J. F. Early Hist. of. Hist, of Press of. ST. PAUL S Cathedral, Lond. Popular Account of. Lond. Svo. n. d. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 19. College. FLUSHING, L. I. Circular, 1835. Svo. ST. PETERSBURG, Russia. See JERRMANN, E. Pictures from. - St. Petersburg; its People, etc. RAIKES, Thos. The City of the Czar. SAINT-SIMON, Duke of. Anecdotes of the Court of Louis XIV., from the Foreign Quarterly Review, Jan., 1832. Waldie s Circulating Lib. Vol. 3. ST. STEPHEN S Oh., N. Y. See SMITH, Dr. H. and ANTHON, Dr. H. Facts relating to the Recent Ordination. 1843. College, Annandale, N. Y. 9th and 10th Ann. Catalogues. 1870-1,1871-2. Albany, 1871, 2. Svo. See FAIRBAIRN, R. B. Plea for the Endowment of. 1870. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 317 ST. THOMAS, W. I. See KNOX, J. P. Hist. Ace. of. 1852. Treaty. Series of Letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser N. Y., 1869. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Paraph. Vols. 78 & 113- SALAD for the Solitary. See SAUNDERS, Fred. SALEM, Mass. Ann. Reports of School Committees for 1846, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, with Rules and Regulations. 1847- 58. Salem. 8vo. Atheneum. Catalogue of the Library. Boston, 1858. 8vo. Baptist Church. See MILLS, Rev. R. C. Hist. Discourse. 1855. BENTLEY, W. Description and History of. BROWNE, B. F. Account of Salem Common. Charitable Mechanic Assoc. Reports of Exhibition, Sept., 1849. Salem, 1849. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See CHEVEER, G. F. Commerce of. 1626-1740. City Mission. See SALEM Provident Assoc. Correspondence between the 1st Church and Tabernacle Church. Salem, 1832. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Directory for 1837, 1846, 1851. 3 Vols. 12mo. East Church. See FLINT, Jas., D. D. Discourses on Leaving the Old Church, etc. 1845, 46. EMERSON, Rev. B. Semi-Centen. Discourse. 1855. 38th Annivers. Discourse, 1843. ENDICOTT, C. M. History of the Salem Aqueduct. FELT, J. B. Annals of. - Hist Sketch of the Forts on Salem Neck. FLINT, Rev. J. Sermons. 1st Church. See FELT, J. B. On the Confession of Faith of. - MORISON, Rev. J. H. Installation of Rev. G. W. Briggs. See Review of Corres. with Tabernacle Ch. 1847. UPHAM, C. W. 2d Centen. Discourse, 1829. Dedication Sermons. 1826 67. Report of Committee relative to, 1865. Svo. Salem Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Gazette Carrier s Addresses, 1839, 52, 55. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Howard St. Church. See BEAMAN, Rev. C. C. Sketch of. See Mather Papers. Mayor s Addresses on the Organization of the City Gov t, in 1836, 37, 38, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, with Reports, Rules, etc., of the Common Council for 1848-9. See Memorial of Merchants to Congress. North Church. See BRAZER, Rev. John. Annivers. Sermon, 1837. See OLIVER, H. K. Address at School House Dedication. - PHIPPEN, G. D. " Old Planters " of. PICKMAN, Benj. Account of Buildings in. Plummer Hall Dedica., 1858. Provident Assoe. Reports of John Ball. City Missionary for 1848, 49, 50, 52, 55, 57. Salem, 1849-57. Svo. See RANTOUL, R. S. The Port of Salem. 318 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SALEM, Mass. Report of Committee on Establishing Manufactures in Salem. Salem, 1826. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Seamen s Orphan and Children s Friend Soc. Constitution. Ann. Report and List of Members. Salem, 1845. 12mo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See STORY, Jos. Discourse on Settlement of, 1828. STREETER, G. L- Hist. Notices of Salem Scenery. - Newspapers published 1768-1856. Tabernacle Church. See Review of Correspondence between 1st Ch. and Tabernacle Ch. 1847. The Claims of the Tabernacle Ch. to be considered the 3d Ch. in Salem: or the Ch. of 1734. Salem, 1847. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. See WORSTER, Rev. S. M. Centen. Discourse, 1835. 3d Church of 1735. Correspondence relative to. Salem, 1847. 8vo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 8. Town Records of. 1634-1659. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 9. Universalist Ch. See WILLIS, Rev. L. Semi-Centen. Ad dress, 1859. See WHITE, D. A. Congregational Church at. Witchcraft. See DRAKE, S. G. Annals of Witchcraft in New- England. HUTCHINSON, Gov. Thos. The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692. MATHER, Cotton and Increase. Wonders of tfce Invisible World. POOLE, Wm. F. Cotton Mather and Witchcraft. THACHER, J. Essay on Demonology, etc. UPHAM, C. W. Lectures on Witchcraft. See Witchcraft. SALEM, N. H. See Londonderry, N. H., Celebration. SALEM, Vt. See WHITE, Pliny H. Annals of Salem. SALISBURY and Winchester Journal, October, 1774, to Dec., 1778. Folio. SALISBURY, Conn. See CHURCH, Sam l. Hist. Address, 1841. SALISBURY, Edw. E. Memoir on the History of Buddhism, and another on Buddhism in India. Amer. Oriental Soc. Journ. Vol. 1. On the Identification of the Signs of the Persian Cuneiform Alphabet. Amer. Oriental Soc. Journ. Vol. 1. SALISBURY, Eng. See E ASTON, Jas. Hist, of Cathedral Ch., 1825. Guide, giving an Account of the Antiquities of Old Sarum, etc. Salisbury, 1800-1. 12mo. Guide Books. Vols. 18, 19, See HEARN, John. Guide to Salisbury, 1839. SALISBURY, Guy H. Buffalo in 1836 and 1862; Paper before Buf falo Hist. Soc., Feb. 6, 1863. 8vo. n. p. N. Y. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 2. SALISBURY, J. H. History and Chemical Investigation of Maize, or Indian Corn. Albany, 1849. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 14 On Inoculating the Human System with Straw Fungi, for Protection against the Contagion of Measles. 1862. Scien tific Pamph. Vol. 14. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 319 SALISBURY, J. H. Remarks on Fungi. From Amer. Jour, of Med. Science. 1862. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. Some Experiments on Poisoning with Vegetable Alkaloids 1862. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. SALISBURY, S. Descriptive and Chemical Analysis of Avon Sulphur Springs, Livingston Co., N. Y. Rochester, 1845. 12mo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 12. Mineral Waters of Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y. Rochester, 1838. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 1. SALISBURY, Vt. See WEEKS, J. M. History of. SALISBURY, Wm. Cottagers Agricultural Companion. Lond., 1822. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 10. . Cottagers Companion, or a Complete System of Cottage Hor ticulture. Lond., 1822. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 10. SALMASIUS, Claude. Defensio Regia pro Carolo, 1 ad Serenissimum Magnac Brittaniae. Carolum, II. Leyden. 1649. 18mo. SALMON. Modern Gazetteer, or a Short View of the Several Nations of the World. Lond. 1757. 12mo. SALMON, N. Survey of Roman Antiquities in Midland Counties of England. Lond. 1726. 8vo. SALT Duty. 1872. See Hawley, R, SALT Lake City. See Burton, R. F. City of the Saints. Deseret News. Newspaper. Salt Lake City, 1856, 57. 4to. See Mormonism. SALTONSTALL, Leverett. Address before the Essex Agricult. Soc y, Sept. 27, 1843. Salem, Mass., 1843. 8vo. Address to the City Council, Salem, May 9, 1836. Salem, 1836. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See Brazer, Rev. John. Discourse on Life of. Notice of the Life of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 9. Speech in Cong., June 17, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 24 and 92. SALUS Populi Suprema Lex: or, The Free Thoughts of a Weil- Wisher for a Good Settlement in Scotland. Edinburgh. 1689. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. SALZBURGERS and Descendants. See Strobel, P. A. 4 SAM;" or the History of Mystery. (Amer. Party.) See Webber C. W. SAMMONS, S. Address at the Opening of the Amer. State Council, Syracuse, Aug. 26, 1856. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 139. SAMPLE, J. T. Rnth s Vision ; or Chronicle of the War. Pitts burgh, 1862 (?) 12mo. Rebellion Pamph. 109. SAMPSON Against the Philistines; or the Reformation of Law Suits. Phila. 1805. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph Vol 95 SAMPSON Genealogy. See Vinton, J. A. SAMPSON, G. R. Address before the Boston Mercantile Assoc, Jan 1, 1856. Boston. 8vo. Addresses, Vol 23. SAMPSON, Wm. Annivers. Discourse before N. Y. Hist. Soc., Dec. 6, 1823, on the Common Law. N. Y., 1824. 8vo. N. Y., Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. SAMUELS, Edw. A. Ornithology and Oology of New England. Boston, 1868. 4to. 320 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SANBORN, Edwin D. Oration before the Alumni of Gilmanton Academy, Aug. 4, 1859. Concord, 1860. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 24. SANBORN, E. B. Emancipation in the West Indies. Concord, 1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 75. SANBORN Genealogy. See SANBORN, N. B. SANBORN, Dr. N. B. Genealogy of Sanborn Family. Boston, 1856. 8vo. From N. Eng. Register, 1856. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 12. SANDEL, Sam l. Account of Emanuel Swedenborg. Eulogium at Stockholm, Oct. 7, 1772. Lond., 1826. 8vo. Eng. Relig. Pamph. Vol. 43. SANDERS, Geo. N. Address to the Democracy of the North West. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 73. SANDERS, John. Memoirs on the Military Resources of the Valley of the Ohio, with a Review of the same by James L. Mason. Washington, 1845. 8vo. SANDERSON, George. Brief History of Fairfield Co., Ohio. Lan caster, 1851. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Disc., etc. Vol. 1. SANDERSON, J. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence revised and edited byRob t T. Conrad. Rich mond, 1846. 8vo. SANDERSON, Jas. M. Camp Fires and Camp Cooking. Washing ton, 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 7. SANDERSON, Dr. Rob t. See WALTON, I. Choice Eng. Biography. SANDFORD, D. K. Letter to Rev. I. Elmsley, on the Oxford and Edinburgh Controversy. Lond., 1822. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 21. SAND Lake, N. Y., Collegiate Institute. Catalogues for 1861, 1863- 4, 1867. Albany and Troy. 8vo. SAN DOMINGO, Annexation of. See Congress l Speeches. See ATWOOD, T. History of Dominica. CHARLEVOIX, P. F. X. DEPRAT, M. Pieces relatives a. FABENS, J. W Facts about. History of the Island from its first Discovery by Columbus. London, 1818. 8vo. See HOWARD, J. M. Report on the Memorial of D. Hatch. Statement of Admiral Porter and others. 1846, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 108. See U. S. Secretary of State. SANDS, Nathan C. Address at Rochester, N. Y., before the Com mercial Union, July 15, 1870. 8vo. Pamphlets, Vol. 14. Letter to the Sec. of the Treasury, on Taxation, Finance and the Tariff. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 138. SANDS, Robt. C. Address before the Columbian Soc y of Columbia College on the death of J. S. Watkins. N. Y., 1817. 12rno. Columbia Coll. Pamph. SANDUSKY, Ohio. See GARRISON, J. Autobiography. SANDUSKY, Lower, Ohio. See WHITTLESEY, E. Defense of Ft. Stephenson. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 321 SANDWICH Islands. See BINGHAM, H. Twenty-one Years Resi dence in. CHEEVER, H. T. Life in. DIBBLE, Rev. S. History of Mission at. Newspapers various. Honolulu, 1838-58. SANDWICH, Mass. See DAVIS, W. Description of. SANFORD, Enoch. Genealogy of the Families of Kings of Rayn- ham, Mass. Taunton, 1866. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. History of Raynham, Mass. Providence, 1870. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vols. 14 and 15. History of the Town of Berkley, Mass., and its two Early Ministers. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc., Vol. 20. SANFORD, H. S. Systems of Penal Codes in Europe; also, a Report on the Administrative Changes in France since 1848. Washington, 1854. 8vo. SANFORD, Laura G. History of Erie Co., Penn. Phila., 1862. 8vo. SANFORD, Miles. Sermon at Sandisfield, Mass., Oct. 8, 1862, on Treason and the Punishment it deserves. Boston, 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 112. SAN FRANCISCO. 4th and 19th Ann. Reports of the Merc. Libr. Assoc., 1857, 1871. San Francisco, 1857, 72. 8vo. 19th Ann. Report of Supt. of Common Schools, 1872. San Francisco, 1872. 8vo. Proceedings of a Mass Meeting in favor of the Union, Feb. 22, 1861. San Francisco, 1861. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. See SOULE, F. Annals of. WILLEY, Rev. S. H. Decade Sermons. 1859. SANGER, Rev. Ralph. 30th Annivers. Discourse, at Dover, Mass., Sept. 18, 1843. 8vo. Mass: Hist. Discourses. Vol. 8. SANITARY Commission of U. S. See U. States San. Comm. Reform. See EDERMAN, C. F. Sanitary Reform and Agricult. Improvement, 1848. Memorandum on Metropolitan Interment Schemes. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 62. See National Quarantine and Sanitary Conventions. of the British Army. Lond., 1859. 8vo. 2d Ed. Med. Pamph. Vol. 25. See SMITH, S. Results of Sanitary Improvement, 1854. SAN JOSE, Cal., Library Assoc. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. San Jose, 1872. 8vo. Cal. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SAN JUAN Island. N. Western Boundary: Discussion of the Water Question and Hist, of the Military Occupation of the Island. Washington, 1868. See U. S. Sec. of State. Report on, 1868. SANSOM, Jas. Sketches of Lower Canada. N. Y., 1817. 12mo. SANSOM, S. Atlas of the World. 1674. Folio. General Atlas of the World. Lond., 1674. 4to. SANTA FE. See Conquest of. Expedition. See KENDALL, G. W. Narrative of. 1856. 21 322 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SANTAREM, Viscount. Researches respecting Americas VespuciuSr Boston, 1850. 12mo. SANTA Rosa, Count, on the Piedmontese Revolution. Lond., 1821. 8vo Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. SANTEE Sioux Indians. See HINMAN, S. D. Missionary Journal. 1869. SANTINE, M. Appeal to the British Nation on the Treatment of Napoleon Buonaparte at St. Helena. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol 9. SAPP, Wm. R. Speech in Cong., Apr. 28, 1854, on the Kansas & Nebraska Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. " SARAH SANDS," Steamship. See Narrative of the Burning of. 1869. SARATOGA, Battle of. See STREET, A. B. Paper on. SARCASTIC Notes of the Long Parliament. Lond., 1863. 8vo. SARDINIA. See BOTTA, V. Education in. Constitution of the Kingdom of. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 60. SARGANT, Wm. Lucas, on certain Results and Defects of the Reg istrar-General s Reports. Lond., 1864. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. SARGENT, A. A. Speech in Cong., Feb. 20, 1871, on the McGarra- han Claim. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 132. SARGENT, Epes. Life and Public Services of Henry Clav to 1848. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. Same. Edited and completed at Mr. Clay s Death, by H. Greeley. New Enlarged Ed., with Mr. Clay s Select Speeches. Auburn, 1854. 8vo. The Critic Criticised. Reply to a Review of Webster s Sys tem in the Dem. Review. Springfield, Mass., 1856. Svo. Ednca. Pamph. Vol. 2. SARGENT, Rev. John. Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn. N. Y. (n. d.) ISmo. Another Copy. Boston, 1820. 8vo. SARGENT, L. M. Addresses at Boston, 1833, on Temperance. Bos ton, 1833. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. Examination of the License Law of Mass. Boston, 1833. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Letter on the State of the Temperance Reform. Boston, 1836. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. See SHEPPARD, J. H. Reminiscences of. SARGENT, Major W. Journal of the General Meeting of the Cincin nati in 1784. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 6. SARGENT, Winthrop. Hist, of the Expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Maj. Gen. Edw. Braddock. Edited from original Mss. Phil a, 1855. Svo. SARGENT, Winthrop. Life and Career of Maj. John Andre. Bos ton, 1861. 12mo. - Plan of an Ancient Fortification at Marietta. Ohio. Memoir of Amer. Acadof Arts and Sciences. Vol.5. Also, Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 323 SAEEANS, B., Jr. LaFayette and Louis Philippe; or Hist, of the Events and the Men of July, 1830. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 1. SAEUM, Eng. See Salisbury. SAUGUS, Mass. See LEWIS, A. and NEWHALL, J. R. History of. SAUK Co., Wis. See CANFIELD, W. H. Birds of. - Outline Sketches of. IEVING, Roland. Age of Quartzites, etc. of. Old Settler s Assoc. Transactions, June 20, 1872. Baraboo, 1872. 8vo. Wisconsin Pioneer. Newspaper. German. 1869-72. SAULL, W. D. Essay on the Connexion between Astronom. and Geolog. Phenomena. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 42. SAULSBURY, W. Speech in Cong., Apr. 2, 1860, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. June 24, 1862, on Confiscation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 66. Jan. 29, 1862, on the Resolution to expel Hon. J. D. Bright. Rebell n Pamph, Vol 31, Mar. 25, 1864, on Military Interference with Elections. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. SAUNDEES, Fred. Salad for the Solitary. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. SAUNDEES, Geo. N. Address to the Democracy of the North West. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. SAUNDEES, Rob t. Abstract of Observations on the Poor Laws. Lond., 1802. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 35. Observations on the Present State and Influence of the Poor Laws. Lond., 1799. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 26. SAUNDEES, R. M. Speeches in Cong., July 4 and 5, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. SAUVAGE, M. Memoire sur la Substitution dans les hauts fourne aux du Bois eri partie Carbonise au Charbon, etc. Paris, 1837. 8vo. SAVAGE, (The,) by Piomingo, a Head Man and Warrior of the Mus- cogulgee Nation. Phila. n. d. 12mo. SAVAGE, Jas. LL.D. Genealog. Dictionary of First Settlers of N". England, showing three Generations of those who came be fore May, 1692. Boston 1860-2. 4 Vols. Gleanings for N. England History. From Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vols. 8 and 10. See Winthrop, J. Hist, of N. England. SAVAGE, John A. Address to the Graduating Class of Carroll Col lege, Waukesha, Wis., 1859. Milwaukee, 1859. 8vo. Wis. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 4. SAVAGE, J. H. Speech in Cong., July 31, 1856, on Kansas Con tested Election. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. SAVANNAH, Ga. See DUNCAN, W. Mortuary Record, 1854-69. SAVANNAH, Tenn. See STELLE, J. P. Aboriginal Ruins at. SAVAEY, Gen. See ST. ANDEE, M. de la Roche. Vindica. of his Political Conduct; in a Letter to the Editor of the Pamphleteer. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 9. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SAVILLE, Sir Geo. See Letter to, respecting Earl of Shelbourtie. SAVONAEOLAE, J. M. Practica de Aegritudinibus. Florence, 1478. Folio. SAVOUEY Dish, (A) for Loyal Men, 1863. Same in German. Re- belPn Pamph. Vol. 91. SAWIN, Thos. E. Summary Notes concerning John Sawin and his Posterity. Athol, 1867, 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. SAWYEE, Wm. Speech in Cong. June 10, 1846, on Clerks in the Public Departments. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. SAY, J, B. Catechism of Political Economy. Phil a, 1817. 8vo. Letters to Mr. Malthus on Political Economy. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 17. Treatise on Political Economy; or the Production, Distribu tion and Consumption of Wealth. 6th Amer. Ed. Phil a, 1834. 8vo. SAY, Thos. See COATES, B. H. Biograph. Sketch of. Description of New N. American Insects. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vols. 4 and 6. SAYBEOOK, Conn. See HOTCHKISS, F. W. Half Century Sermon, 1833. Valedict. Address before 1st Ch., 1838. SAYEE, R. General Atlas of the World. Lond., 1787. Folio. SAYLEE, Milton. Eulogy of Andrew Jackson, Columbus, O., Jan. 8, 1863. n. d. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 31, Speech in Ohio Legislature, Jan. 13, 1863, on Death of J. C. Jeffries. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 48. SCAMMON, J. Young. See Chicago Hist. Soc. SCANDINAVIA. See CEICHTON, A. Scandinavia. SINDING, P. C. History of. STEPHENS, Geo. Old Northern Runic Monuments. SCANDINAVIAN Literature. Historical Annals of the 13th Century. Stories for the People. SCAEBOEOUGH, Eng. See HINDEEWELL, Thos. History and An tiquities. Repository. Scarborough, 1824. 8vo. SCAEBOAEOUGH, Me. See SOUTIIGATE, W. J. History of. SCAEEITT, Rev. Nathan. Position of the M. Episcopal Ch., South, on Slavery. St. Louis, 1860. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 4. SCAETH, John. British Policy in China. A Letter to Lord Russell. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. SCHAFFNEE, T. F. Kentucky State Register. Louisville, 1847. 12mo. SCHALK, Emil. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, illustrating the Prin ciples of Strategy. 2d Ed. Phil a, 1863. 12mo. SCHAUFFLEE, Rev. Wm. G. Shabbathai Zevi and his Followers. Amer. Oriental Soc. Journ. Vol. 2. SCHEDULE (The) Reviewed; or the Right of the Archbishop to pro rogue the Convocation considered. Lond., 1702. Sm. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SCHEELE, Charles G. Traite Chimique de Fair et du feu. Paris, 1781. 18mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 325 SCHENCK, B. S., D. D. The Burning of Chambersburg, Penn. PhiPa, 1864. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 4. SCHENCK, Gen. R. C. Life of. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 48* SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Board of Educa. 1st. Ann. Report. Schen- ectady, 1856. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Burning of, 1690. See N. Y. Doc. Hist, Vol. 1 R. P. Dutch Ch. Extracts, from the Doop-Boek or Baptismal Register of the Ch. Albany, 1864. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Dis courses, etc. Vol. 2. SCHEEMEEHOEJS", John F. Report to the Soc. for Propagating the Gospel, 1812, respecting Indians in the Western part of the U. S. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2, 2d Ser. SCHEEMEEHOEN, John F. Report on the Western Indians, 1814. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 2. SCHEEMEEHOEN, J. W. Essay before Literary Societies of N. Y. State Normal School, Jan. 31, 1852. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 8. SCHIEFFELIN, Sam l B. The President and Congress. N. Y., 1867. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. SCHLEIDEN, M. J. Poetry of the Vegetable World; Popular Ex position of the Science of Botany and its Relations to Man. Cincin., 1853. 12mo. SCHLESWIG. See Germany Unmasked, etc. LEVEEKUS, Win. Guarantee of England and France, etc. 1848. and Holstein. See BUNSEN, Chevalier. Constitutional Rights of. 1848. SCHLOSSEE, F. C. History of 18th Century, and of the 19th to the Overthrow of the French Republic. Lond., 1843-52. 8 Vols. 8vo. SCHMIDEL, Ulric. Histoire veritable d un Voyage Curieux dans 1 Amerique 1534. See TEENAUX, H. Voyages. Vol. 5. SCHMIDT, L. W. Bibliograph. Guide to the Literature of the Sci ences. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. SCHMIT, J. H. A Few Words to the Laboring Classes. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 47. SCHMUCKEE, S. S. and BEOCKETT, L. P. History of the Civil War in the U. S.; its Causes, Origin, etc. Phila., 1865. Svo. SCHOHAEIE Cave, N. Y. See Knoepfel s Schoharie Cave, N. Y. SCHOHAEIE Co., N. Y., Bible Soc. 52d Ann. Report, 1865. Al bany, 1866. Svo. Teachers Institute, .held at Schoharie C. H., Oct. 1850. Al bany, 1850. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. SCHOMBUEGH, Rob t H. Description of British Guiana, Geograph ical and Statistical. Lond., 1840. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 23. SCHOOLCEAFT, Henry A. Algic Researches, comprising Inquiries respecting the Mental Characteristics of the N. American Indians. N. Y., 1839. 2 Vols. 12mo. See ALLEN, Lieut. J. Visit to N. W. Indians. 1832. American Indians; their History, Condition and Prospects, from Original Notes and Manuscripts. Rochester, 1851. Svo. 326 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry A. Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Mich., June 4, 1830. Sketches of Michigan. Extracts from a Letter on the Natural Hist, of Michigan, n. d. Sketches of Michigan. Hist, and Statist. Information respecting the History, Condi tion and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the U. S. Phil a, 1851-57. 6 Vols. 4to. Memoir on the History and Physical Geography of Minnesota. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Narrative Journal of Travels from Detroit N. West through the Amer. Lakes to the sources of the Mississippi, in 1820. Albany, 1821. 8vo. Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to the Statistics, Abor iginal History, Antiquities and Ethnology of Western N. Y. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. Observations on the Geology and Mineralogy of the Region embracing the Sources of the Mississippi River, and the Great Lake Basins during the Expedition of 1820. Appendix to Schoolcraft s Sources of the Mississippi. on the Grammatical Structure of the Ojibwa Language. Ap pendix to Schoolcraft s Sources of the Mississippi. on the Mineralogy, Geology, Antiquities and Geography of the Western Country. Appendix to " Adventures in Ozark Mountains." respecting the Grave Creek Mound in Va. Amer. Ethnolog. Soc. Vol. 1. Oneota; or Characteristics of the Red Race of America. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty years with the In dian Tribes on the Amer. Frontiers. Phil a, 1851. Svo. Report on the Copper Mines of Lake Superior, (included in Schoolcraft s Discov. of Sources of Mississippi. Phil a, 1855.) Scenes and Adventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas. Phil a, 1853. Svo. Summary Narrative of an Expedition to the Sources of the Mis sissippi in 1820; resumed and completed in 1832. Phil a, 1855. Svo. The Myth of Hiawatha and other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric of the N. Amer. Indians. Phil a, 1856. 12mo. View of the Lead Mines of Missouri; including Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, etc., of Missouri and Arkansas. N. Y., 1819. Svo. Western Scenes and Reminiscences, with Legends and Tradi tions of the Red Men of the Forest. Auburn, 1853. Svo. SCHOOLEY S Mountain, N. J. See McNEVEN, W. J. Chem. Exam- ina. of Mineral Waters etc. SCHOOL of the Guides, for the Army of the Confederate States. Griffin, Ga. 1861. 12mo. SCHOOLS. See ANS^RGE, C. Music in Schools. BARNARD, H. School Architecture. RANDALL, S. S. N. Y. School System. "CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 327 SCHOOLS. See WIGHTMAN, J. M. Annals of Boston School Comm. Wisconsin School Code. See Education. See Various State School Supt s Reports. of Arts. See JOHNSON, W. R. Lecture on. SCHOONMAKEE, M. Speech in Cong., June 12, 1852, on the Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. Aug. 17, 1852, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. SCHOULER, Wm. History of Massachusetts in the Civil War. Boston, 1868. 8vo. SCHRODER, Eric A. Handbok i Philosophiens Historia. Upsala, 1846. 3 Vols. Svo, SCHRODER, Rev. J. F. Discourse on the Character of Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, Sept., 1830. N. Y., 1830. 8vo. Ser mons. Vol. 15. Life and Times of Washington. N. Y., 1757? 2 Vols. 4to. SCHULTINGIUS, A. Oratio Funebris, in Obitum Jacobi Perizonii. Lyons, 1715. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 4. SCHULTZ, Christian. Travels on an Inland Voyage through N. Y., Pa., Va., Ohio, Ky., etc., 1807-8. 8vo. N. Y., 1810. ^ SCHURZ, Carl. Address before the Archaean Society of Beloit Col lege, July 13, 1858. Beloit, 1858. 8vo. Beloit Coll. Pamphs. Speech at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32, Speech at Concert Hall, Phila., Sept. 16, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 105. Speech at Milwaukee, May 30, 1860. RebelPii Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at N. Y. Sept. 13, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at St. Louis Aug. 1, 1860, on Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at the Greeley Ratification Meeting at St. Louis, July 22, 1872. Chicago, 1872. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. Speech in Cong., Jan. 11, 1871, on the Annexation of San Domingo. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph, Vol. 119. Jan. 27, 1871, on Civil Service Reform. Svo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. Speeches in Congr., Feb. 15 and 20, 1872, on Sale of Arms to French Agents. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. and GRANT, U. S. Reports on the States of S. Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, etc. 1865. Washington, 1865. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph Vol. 137. SCHUYLER, Geo. L. Correspondence and Remarks upon Bancroft s Hist, of the Northern Campaign of 1777, and the Character of Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler. 8vo. N. Y., 1867. SCHUYLER, Rev. Montgomery. Historical Discourse at Semi-Centen Celebra. of Christ Ch., St. Louis. St. Louis, 1870. Svo. SCHUYLER, Gen. Philip. See LOSSING, B. J. Life of, 1873. See SCHUYLER, G. L. On Bancroft s History, etc. SCHUYLKILL Co., Pa. See RUPP, I. D. History of. 328 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SCHWEINITZ, Ede. Life and Times of David Zeisberger, the West ern Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians. Phila., 1880. 8vo. SCIENCE. See American Journ. of Science and Arts. Repository of Arts and Sciences. ANDREW, W. Theories to unfold Nature. BARNES, Albert. Oration on the Progress and Tendency of. 1840. BREWSTER, D. Martyrs of Science. BROUGHAM, Lord. Objects, Pleasures and Advantages of. Bulletin des Sciences Historique. DICK, T. Works. Dudley Observatory Annals. FERUSSAC, Baron de. Bulletin des annonces et des Nouvelles Scientifique. GOODRICH, C. R. Progress of. 1854. HALLIWELL, J. O. Progress of, from Elizabeth II. to Charles II. Haydns Dictionary of Science. HAZEN, E. Popular Technology. McMuRTRiE, H. Scientific Lexicon. MILLER, Rev. S. Brief Retrospect. NEWMAN, E. G. T. Lansikisches Magazin. New Diet, of Arts and Sciences, 1778. O GALLAGHER, F. Essay on First Principles of Nature. People s Journal, 1854. Popular Science Review. REES, A. Encyclopaedia. RENWICK, J. Applications of Chemistry to the Arts. SCHMIDT, L. W. Bibliograph. Guide to Literature of. Scientific American. STEARNS, >S American Oracle. TIMES, J. Year Book of Facts, 1851. . U. S. Naval Observatory. Vestiges of Creation. WELLS, D. A. Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1850-65. . Science of Common Things. Things not generally known. WRIGHT, T. Science in the Middle Ages. YOUMANS, E. L. Hand Book of Household Science. See Scientific and Learned Societies. SCIENTIFIC American. Newspaper. 1845-51, 1855-56, 1858-69, Jan.-June, 1870. N. Y. 4to. and Learned Societies. See Academie des Sciences, 1839, Albany Institute. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Antiquarian Soc. Ethnolog. Soc. Geograph. Soc. Philolog. Assoc. Philosoph. Soc. Statistical Assoc. Assoc. of Amer. Geologists. Boston Soe. Nat. History. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 329 SCIENTIFIC & Learned Societies. See British and Foreign Institute. Assoc. for Adv. of Science* Assoc. for Prom, of Social Science. . Buffalo Soc. of Nat. Sciences. Caerleon Antiq. Soc. California Acad. of Sciences. Cambrian Archseolog. Assoc. Charleroi Paleontolog. and Archaeolog. Soc. Chicago Acad. of Sciences. Conn. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. Edinburgh Royal Soc. Royal Physical Soc. Essex Archaeolog. Soc. . Franklin Institute of Pa. Kilkenny and S. E. of Ireland Archaeolog. Soc. London Soc. of Arts, Manufac. and Commerce. Manchester Literary and Philosoph. Soc. Montreal Nat. History Soc. National Institute, Washington. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Soc. of Antiquaries. N. Y. Biograph. and Genealog. Soc. N. Y. Liter, and Philosoph. Soc. Phila. Acad. of Sciences. , Phila. Numismatic and Antiq. Soc. Pottsville, Pa., Scientific Assoc. Prussian Academy of Science. Royal Geograph. Soc. of London. Society of London. Society of Northern Antiquaries. St. Louis Acad. of Science. Smithsonian Institution. Society for Encouragement of Arts, Science, etc. Spain Academia (Real) des Sciences. Ulm Soc. of Science and History. University of Lund. Wis. Acad. of Sciences, etc. See Historical Societies. Tracts. Boston, 1834. 2 Vols. 12mo. SCILLY, (Isle of). See HALLIWELL, J. O. Celtic Remains. SCIPIO pseud. Re-flections on Monroe s View of the Conduct of the Executive, as published in the Gazette of the U. b. (n. d.) Pamphlets. Vol. 5. SCITUATE, Mass. See TOKREY, J. History and Description of. SCLATER, Philip L. Guide to the Gardens of the Zoolog. boo. of London. Lond., 1863. 8vo. 12th Ed. Guide-Books. Vol. 10. SCOFIELD, G. W. Speech in Cong., Feb. 24, 1864, on the State of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. April 29, 1864, on Reconstruction. Rebell n Pamph, Vol. 34. Jan. 20, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Poht. Pamph. Vol. 122. 330 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SCOT, Geo. The Model of the Gov t of the Province of East N- Jersey in America., 1685. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. SCOTLAND. See ANDERSON, Wm. Scottish Nation, 1862. Banking System. See MACFARLAN, J. F. Remarks on, 1845. Church of. See BUCHAN, Geo. Sketch of the Establishment in Scotland, 1840. CA.NLDLISH, R. S. On Settlement of Scottish Ch. Ques tion, 1841. CHALMERS, Thos. Present Position of, 1840. DUNLOP, Alex. Answer to the Dean of Faculty, etc., 1839. HAMILTON, John. Remonstrance, etc., 1841. Memorial and Statement respecting the Non-Intrusion Principle of the Church, 1841. Edinburgh, 1841? 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 27. Proved to differ essentially from the Church of England. in Doctrine and Government. Edinburgh, 1844. 8vo, Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. Dissertation on certain Memorable Occurrences in the History of. Glasgow, 1785. 4to. Hist, Pamph. Vol. 20. See England and Scotland. Union of. Free Church of. See CHALMERS, Thos. Economics of. See G. Britain. State Papers and Chronicles. HOOKE, Col. Secret Negotiations for the Pretender, 1707. JESSE, J. H. Memoirs of Pretenders. Local History. See Aberdeen, Balmerino, Banff, Dunbar tonshire, Edinburgh, Lanarkshire, Lothian, Melrose, Peeble- shire, Renfrewshire. Rebellion of 1685. See GEORGE, J. W. H. of 1745--6. See CHAMBERS, Robt. HOME, John, History of. See ROBERTSON, W. History of. Royal Burghs. See Records of Convent n of. See SINCLAIR, Sir J. General Report of, 1817. TYTLER, P. F. History of. SCOTS (The) Magazine and Continuation of the Edinburgh Maga zine, 1739 to 1825. Edinburgh, 1739-1825. 97 Vols. 8vo. SCOTT, Benj. The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor Persecu tors. Lecture at London, Jan. 18, 1866. Hist. Mag. 2d Ser. Vol. 1. See also Addresses, etc. Vol. 20. SCOTT, Gen. Chas. See Obituary Address at Frankfort, Ky., 1854. SCOTT, Job. War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Example of Jesus Christ. PhiPa, 1804. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 21. Journal of Life, Travels and Gospel Labors. Lond.,1697. 12mo. Another Ed. Warrington, 1798. 12mo. SCOTT, John. Speech in Cong., Jan, 25, 1871, on the Income Tax. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. . March 22 & 23, 1871, on the Ku Klux Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. SCOTT, Jos. M. Our Early Times. Sketch of St. Albans, Ohio. Newark, 1873. Svo. Licking Co. Pioneer Pamph. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 331 SCOTT, M. B. On the Antiquity of the Name of Scott. Boston, 2869. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 2. The crisis and its Demands, n. d. Rebellion Pamphlet. Vol. 10. SCOTT, Nancy N. Memoir of Hugh Lawson White, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn., with selections from his Speeches, etc. Phil a, 1856. 8vo. SCOTT, T. P. Lecture before the Catholic Institute of Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 73. SCOTT, Sir Walter. See ALLAN, Geo. Life of. . Biograph. Memoir of John Leyden, M.D. Waldie s Circulat ing Lib. Vol. 1. See BONAPARTE, Louis. Reply to his Hist, of Napoleon. CHAMBERS, R. Life of. Character of Lord Byron. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 24. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 18mo. Life of Napoleon, Emperor of the French. Phil a, 1827. 3 Vols. Svo. See LOCKHART, G. G. Memoirs of. Me VICKAR, Rev. J. Tribute to the Memory of. 1833. Prose Works: with his last Additions and Notes. Phila. n. d. 8vo. Containing, Life of John Dryden; Life of Jona. Swift; Biograph. Notices of Novelists; Dramatic Works; Paul s Letter to his Kinsfolk; Essay on Chivalry and Ro mance. Religious Discourses; Demonology and Witchcraft. SCOTT, Winfield. See HEADLEY, J. T. Lives of Scott & Jackson. Life of. N. Y. n. d. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 12. See MANSFIELD, E. D. Life and Services of. Memoir. An Autobiography. N. Y., 1865. 2 Vols. 12mo. Proceedings at Boston, 1852, to protest against his Nomina tion, etc. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. See SEMMES, R. Campaigns in Mexico. VICTOR, O. J. Life of. SCOTTISH Clergy List, and Ecclesiastical Table for 1853. 12mo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 54. Surnames. See SIMMS, C. S. Origin and Signification of. . Nation. See ANDERSON, Wm. Temperance Society. Annual Report, 1832. Glasgow. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 3. SCOTLOW, J. Narrative of the Planting of the Mass. Colony. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 4. SCOVEL, Jas. M. Speech on the Peace Resolutions in N. J. House of Assembly, 1863. Camden, 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 66. Speech in N. J. Senate on the Rebellion, Feb. 27, 1866. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 57. Three Speeches in the Senate and Honse of Repr. of N. J. Camden, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 114. SCOVEL, Sylvester, D. D. See WOOD, J. Memoir of. 33 2 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SCEAFTON, Luke. Reflections on the Gov t of Hindostan; with a Sketch of Bengal, from 1739 to 1750, etc. Lond., 1770. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 16. SCEANTON, Rev. Erastus. Genealog. Register of Descendants of John Scranton of Guilford, Conn. Hartford, 1861. 8vo. SCEAXTON Genealogy. See Scranton, Rev. E. SCEASE Genealogy. See Lower, M. A. Genealog. Memoir. SCEIPPS, J. L. Lecture before Bell s Commercial College, Feb., 1856, on the Undeveloped Northern Portion of the Amer. Continent. Chicago, 1856. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 23. SCEIPTUEAL Reasonings in support of the Jewish Claims, eto. Lond., 1850. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 48. SCEOGGS, Sir Wm. See GATES, Titus and BEDLOW, Wm. SCEOOBY, Eng. See HUNTEE, Rev. Jas. Church of Prot. Separat ists, 1854. SCEOPE, G. P. Don t Tax, but Untax, the Dwellings of the Poor Lond., 1850. 8vo- Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. Examination of the Bank Charter Question. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. How is Ireland to be Governed? Lond., 1846. 8vo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 41. Letters on Enlarging the Irish Poor-Law. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 41. Remarks on the Irish Poor-Relief Bill. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 43. Rights of Industry, or the Social Problem of the Day. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 46. The Irish Difficulty; and how it must be met. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 49. SCUDAMOEE, Sir Chas. Letter to Dr. Chambers on the Nature and Treatment of Gout. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vols. 25 and 29. Principles of the Treatment of Gout. Lond., 1835. SYO. Med. Pamph. Vol. 18. SCUDAMOEE, Edw. Treatise on Artificial Swarms of Bees. Lond., 1848. 12mo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 15. SCUDDEE, Henry J. Address at Glen Cove, L. L, N. Y., on the xJd Centen. Annivers. of that Village, 1868. Glen Cove, 1868. 12mo. SCUDDEE, Henry A. See Boston, Cape Cod Assoc. SCUDDEE, Zeno. Speech in Cong., Aug. 12, 1852, on State of the Union. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.89. SCULLY. Denys. An Irish Catholics Advice to his Brethren how to estimate their Situation, and repel French Invasion, etc. Lond., reprinted. 1804. 8vo. 4th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. SEAFOED, Eng. See LOWEE, M. A. Memorials of Town and Par ish. 1855. SEALE, Rev. J. B. Analysis of the Greek Metres for use of Students. Cambridge Eng., 1820. Educa. Pamph. Vol.36. SEAEING, Edw. Address at Milton, Wis., June 1, 1865, on Prest. Lincoln. Janesville, 1865. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 10. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 333 SEARLE, Mrs. L. C. Washington, our Example. Tho Father of a Nation will restore it to Peace. Phila., 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. SEARS, Maj. A. F. Methods of Reducing the Cost of Railroad Con struction, n. p. 1872. Sm. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 6. SEARS, Barnas, D. D. See Brown University. Catalogue of his Library. Boston, 1869. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 34. SEARS, David. Contrabands and Vagrants, and Plan for Gradual Emancipation. Newport, R. I., 1861. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 2. SEARS, E. H. Pictures of Olden Time, with Genealogy of the Sears Family. Boston, 1856. 12m.o. Same, Boston, 1857. 12mo. SEA Serpent. See HUMPHREY, D. Letters to Jos. Banks. SEA Sickness. See NELKEN, M. Treatise on. Seasonable Antidote against the Poison of Popular Censure. (Case of Gen l Sackville). Lond., 1759. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. SEASONS, Sacred Philosophy of. See DUNCAN, Rev. H. SEATON, Wm. H. Biograph. Sketch of, with passing notes of his Associates and Friends. Boston, 1871. 12mo. Sketch of his Life and Character. Smithsonian Report, 1866. SECESSION, Concession, or Self-Possession; which? 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 85. Constitutionality of. See BLEDSOE, A. T. RAWLINS, C. E. In the Future. Phila.. 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. Nat. History of. See GOODWIN, T. S. Of the South. From DE Bow s Review, Apr. 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 89. See Amer. War of Rebell n. SECKER, Archbishop. See PORTEUS, Beilby. D. D. Life of. SECOND Letter (A) to Sir Chas. Forbes, on the Suppression of Pub lic Discussion in India. Lond., 1824. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. To Fred J. Robinson on the Present State of the Cur rency. Lond., 1821. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. War of Revolution. Case of U. S. Bank. Washington, 1839. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. SECRET Correspondence illustrating the Condition of Affairs in Maryland. Baltimore, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37. Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress from the First Meeting to the Adoption of the Constitution. 1775- 1788. Boston, 1821. 4 Vols. 8vo. - Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assembled at Phila., in 1787. Washington, 1836. Svo. SECRET Societies. See BACKUS and KENYON. Discussion on. " Etherial Intonations." Extrait du Livre d Or. GREEN, J. H. Secret Band of Brothers. N. York Anti-Secret Society Convention, 1870. 334 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SECRET Societies. Opinions of Distinguished Men on the Influence of. n. d. 8vo. Masonic Parnph, &c. Vol. 1. See Psi UPSILON. See Knights Templar, Masons, Odd Fellows. SECRETS of American Bastile. See WINDER, W. H. SECTARIANISM. See SMITH, Gerrit. Argument on. The Spirit of Sectarianism. Duty of Destroying Prejudice, etc. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 88. See TRTJAIR, J. Evils of. SECTIONAL Controversy. See FOWLER, Wm. C. Causes of the War. SEDDON, Felix. Introductory Addresses, King s College, Lond., on the Language and Literature of Asia. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 30. SEDDON, James A. Speech in Cong. April 15, 1846, on the Ore gon Question. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. SEDGWICK, Prof. Adam. See POTTER, A. SEDGWICK, Chas. B. Speech in Cong., Feb. 7, 1861, on the State of the Union. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. - April 28, 1862, on Gov t Con. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. SEDGWICK, Chas. F. History of the Town of Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. Hartford, 1842. 12mo. SEDGWICK, Theodore. Memoir of the Life of William Livingston. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. Thoughts on the Proposed Annexation of Texas, with Ad dress by A. Gallatin. 1844. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. SEEKONK, Mass. See BLISS, L. History of Rehoboth, etc. NEWMAN, S. C. Hist. Address, 1860. SEGAR, Jos. Great Thoroughfares and their National Aspects. From the Richmond Whig, Dec. 2, 1868. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. Letter to a Friend in Virginia, on Secession. Washington, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. Speech in Virginia House of Delegates, March 30, 1861, against Secession. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 107. SELDEN, Henry R. Notes of Cases decided in N. Y. Court of Ap peals, Oct. 7, 1853. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. Same, Dec. 30 and 31, 1852. Law Pamph. Vol. 3. - Same, July 13, 1853. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. SELECT Speeches of Rt. Hon. Wm. Windham, and Rt. Hon. Wm. Huskisson. Edited by Robt. Walsh. Phila. 1845. 8vo. SELECTIONS of Literary, Philosophical and Religious Knowledge. Detroit, 1863. 12mo. SELF-CULTURE. See CHANNING, W. E, Address, 1838. SELKIRK S Settlement. Statement respecting, etc., with Account of its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, and the Massacre of Gov. Semple and his party. Lond., 1817. 8vo. See Red River Settlement. See AMOS, A. Report of Trials, etc. SELLECK, W. Y. Report of Wis. Military State Agent, Jan. 31, 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 335 SELLON, Miss, and the Sisters of Mercy. A Contradiction of al leged Acts of Cruelty, etc. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 54. See SPURRELL, Rev. J. SELLON, John. Inquiry into the extent of the present real Depre ciation of Landed Property. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 33. SELLSTEDT, Laurentius G. Roswell Wilson Haskins. Paper read before Buffalo Hist. Soc. Club, n. d. 8vo. Buffalo Hist. Soc, Papers. SELWYN, Rev. G. A. Are Cathedral Institutions Useless? Ad dressed to W. E. Gladstone. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 22. SEMINOLE Indians. See U. ,S. Message of President, May 20, 1850. War. See CALHOUN, J. C. and JACKSON, A. Correspondence. JACKSON, Gen. A. Concise Narrative. - STORKS, H. R. Speech in Cong., 1819. SEMMES, Maj. B. J. Memorial Addresses, on the Decoration of the Graves of the Confederate Dead at Canton, Apr. 26, 1873 RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 112. SEMMES, Raphael. The Campaigns of Gen. Scott in the Valley of Mexico. Cincin., 1852. 12mo. Service Afloat and Ashore during the Mexican War. Cincin., 1851. 12mo. SENATOR (The) or Parliamentary Chronicle. Lond., 1790-1802. 32 Vols. Svo. SENECA Collegiate Institute, Ovid, N. Y. Catalogue for 1856. Seneca Falls, 1856 . Svo. SENECA Co., N. Y. See DELAFIELD, John. Gen. View of. 1850. SENECA Co., Ohio. See BUTTERFIELD, C. W. Hist. of. Pioneer Assoc. See RAWSON, A. SENECA Indian Reservations. See Mass. Legislative Report, 1840. SENECA Indians. Address to the Seneca Nation of Indians on the Alleghany and Cattaraugus Reservations in the State of N. Y, n. d. Further Illustration of the Case of the Seneca Indians \ in the State of N. Y. Review of a Pamphlet entitled " An Appeal to the Christian Community." Phil a, 1841. Svo. Another Copy. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See KETCHUM, W. History of, and the City of Buffalo. MARSHALL, O. H. De Nonville Expedition, 1687. Case of the Seneca Indians in the State of N. Y. Phil a, 1840. Svo. SENOUR, F. The Hand of God seen in the Present Rebellion. Rockford, 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 64. SENOUR, T. Morgan and his Captors. Cincin., 1864. 12mo. SENTER, Dr. Isaac. Journal when on a Secret Expedition against Quebec, under Benedict Arnold, Sept., 1755. Phil a, 1846. Svo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1. SENTIMENTS, (The) of an Englishman, on Lord Geo. Sackville s Ad dress to the Public, etc. Lond., 1759. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. 336 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SENTIMENTS of a Dutch Patriot; being the Speech of Mr. Van Haaren on the State of Affairs. Dublin, 1746. 8vo. EngPolit. Pamph. Vol. 12. SEPOY, (The) Mutiny. From the New Englander, May, 1859. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 2. SEKGEANT, John, L. L. D. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J., Sept. 25, 1833. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 7. Address before the Apprentices Library Co. of Phila., Nov. 23, 1832. Phila., 1832. 8vo. (With Reports of the Co.) Select Speeches. Phila., 1832. 8vo. . Oration at Phila., July 24. 1826, on Thos. Jefferson and John Adams. Phila., 1826. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 24. SEEK, Isle of. See BERRY, W. Hist, of Guernsey, etc. SERRA, J. Correa de. On the Formation arid Nature of the Soil in Kentucky. Amer. Philos. Soc- Trans. N. S. Vol. 1. SERRES, O. M. Life of Rev. Jas. Wilmot, D. D. Lond., 1813. Svo. SESELLIUS, C. P. Republica sive status Regni Galliae. Leyden, 1626. 32mo. SEVASTOPOL, Siege of. 1854 55. See DOUGLAS, Sir Howard. SEVENTY-SIX Society Publications, viz: The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by the Committee of the House of Commons; edited by Thomas Balch. Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane, with portrait of Ed. D. Ingraham. Papers re lating to Public Events in Massachusetts preceeding the Amer. Revolution. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Revolution; edited by Thomas Balch. 4 Vols. Svo. Phila., 1855-57. SEVERANCE, Luther. Speech in Cong., May 28, 1846, on the War against Mexico. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. June 27, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 1. SEVIER, A. H. Speech in Cong., Jan. 12, 1842, in relation to a Board of Exchequer. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. SEVIER, Gov. John. See HENDERSON, Wm. A. Lecture on, 1873. SEW ALL, D. Topograph Description of York, Maine. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collec. 1st Series. Vol. 3. SEW ALL, Gen. Jos. History of Bath, Maine. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. SEWALL, R. K. Sketches of St. Augustine, with a View of its His tory and Advantages as a Resort for Invalids. N. Y., 1848. 12mo. SEWALL, Sam l. History of Woburn, Mass., 1640-1860. Boston, 1860. Svo. Memoir of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 1. SEWARD, Anna. Monody on Major Andre; with Letters addressed to her by Major Andre, in 1769. 2d Ed. Litchfield, Kng., 1781. 4to. SEWARD, Wm. H. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. at Yale College, July 26, 1854. N. Haven, 1854. Svo. Yale College Pamphs. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 337 SEWAED, Wm. H. and Cass, Lewis. Speeches in Cong., Mar. 1850, on Slavery. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.97. Argument in the Albany Bridge Case, before the U. S. Circuit Court, N. Y., 1858. Albany, 1859. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. Argument in the Circuit Court of U. S., Oct. 24, 1654, on the the M Cormick Reaper Patent Case. Speeches. Vol. 5. Another Copy. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. See BROUGHTON S Nativity of. Lecture before the Amer. Institute, Oct. 20, 1853. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 12. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams. Auburn, 1851. 12mo. See Lincoln, A. Assassination. Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 21, 1855. Albany, 1856. 8vo. Ad dresses, etc. Vols. 6, 21. Oration on the Death of J ohn Quincy Adams, Albany, April 6th, 1848. Albany, 1848. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 14. Speech at Auburn, Sept. 3, 1864, on the Fall of Atlanta. Re- bell n Pamph. Vols. 36, 53. Speech at Auburn, Oct. 20, 1865. Congr. and Polit. Pamph Vol. 137. Speech at Chicago, Oct. 3, 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at Columbus, O., Sept. 14, 1853, on the Destiny of America. Albany, 1853. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 20. Speech at Detroit, Mich., Sept. 4, 1860. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 21, 1860. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at Rochester Oct. 25, 1858, on the Irrepressible Con flict. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 77. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Speech at Seneca Falls, N Y., Oct. 31, 1860. Rebel n Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 18, 1860. Rebel n Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech at the Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1853. Albany, 1853. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 5. Speech in U. S. Senate, Jan. 30, 1850, on Public Lands. Cong. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. March 11, 1850, on Admission of California. Congr. & Pamph. Vol. 86. July 2, 1850, on the Compromise Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. July 26, 1850, on Admission of New Mexico. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. Sept. 11, 1850, on Slavery in Dist. of Columbia. Congr. & Polit Pamph. Vol. 85. Jan. 21, 1851, on French Spoliations. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. Feb. 27, 1851, on the Public Lands. Conr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. 338 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SEWARD, Wm. H. Speech Aug. 14, 1852, on the N. Amer. Fisheries. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. Jan. 26, 1853, on Continental Relations of the U. S. Congr. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. Feb. 8, 1853, on Relations with Mexico. Congr and Po lit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Feb. 17, and May 26, 1854, on Kansas and Nebr. Bills. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. Speeches. Vol. 3. Feb. 23, 1855, on the Fugitive Slave Law. Speeches. Vol. 5. Mar. 3, 1858, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. Feb. 29, 1860, on the State of the Country. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 9 and 77. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Speeches at Albany and at Buffalo, Oct., 1855. Washington, 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Speeches in U. S. Senate, Dec. 9 and 12, 1851, in honor of Louis Kossuth. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. Speeches on his Western Tour, at Detroit, Chicago, etc., in 1860. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 77. The Elements of Empire in America. An Address. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 37. True Basis of Amer. Independence. Address before Amer. Institute. 1853. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 99. Works; edited by Geo. E. Baker. N. Y., 1853. 3 Vols. 8vo. SEWELL, Henry. Letter to the Earl of Yarborough, on the Bur thens affecting Real Property. Lond., 1850. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 31. SEWELL, J. Address before Quebec Literary and Hist. Soc., May, 1824. Transactions. Vol. 1. SEXAGENARY; or Reminiscences of the American Revolution. Al bany, 186G. 8vo. SEYBERT, Adam. Statistical Annals; Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries, Revenue, etc., of the U. S., 1789-1818. Phila., 1818. 4to. SEYMOUR, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, with Map. N. Y., 1850 12mo. SEYMOUR, Horatio. See ALLEN, G. W. Speech on his Political Position. 1868. and VAN BUREN, John. Speeches at a Ratification Meeting at Cooper Institute, Oct. 13, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. See Clinton Hall and Merc. Library Assoc. Objections to the Bill for the Suppression of Intemperance. 1854. Addresses, etc. Vol. 19. - Speech at Phila., 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. Speech before Dem. Union State Convention at Albany, Sept. 10, 1862. N. Y. ? 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 66. Speeches at Convention at Albany, Jan. 31, 1861, and Sept. 10, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. Topography and History of N. Y. Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc. Bulletin. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 339 SEYMOUR, John. Substance of Remarks before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc., Dec. 13, 1865. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 7. SHACKFORD, Chas. 0. Lecture at Lynn, Mass., Jan. 16, 1848, on War with Mexico. Boston, 1848. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 4. SHAFFER, J. W. Speech at Freeport, 111., June 12, 1865. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 37. SHAFFNER, T. P. Telegraph Companion, devoted to the Science and Art of Morse s Amer. Telegraph, Jan., 1854, to July, 1855. N. Y. 8vo. SHAKERS. Brief Exposition of the Principles and Regulations of Shakers. Canterbury, N. H. s 1843. 12mo. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 21. See DUNLAVY, John. Nature of the True Church, etc. WARD, Durbin. Brief on Shaker Income Tax. 1869. SHAKESPEARE, Wm. Complete Works; the Text formed from a new collation of the Early Editions, to which are added all the Original Novels and Tales on which the Plays are Founded, etc., by Jas. O. Halliwell, F. R. S. Edition 150 copies published for subscribers. Lond., 1853-65. 16 Vols. Folio. First collected Edition of his Dramatic Works; a reproduc tion in Exact fac-simile of the first folio edition of 1623, by Photo-Lithography. Lond., 1866. Folio. All About Shakspeare. Lond. (n. d.) Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 20. See COLLIER, J. P. Reasons for a New Edition, etc. HUDSON, H. N. Lectures on. JONES, G, Oration on. London. Shakespeare Soc y. MEREDITH, E. A. Emendations in the Text of. NARES, R. Glossary of English Authors. Stratford as connected with. Traditional Anecdotes of Shakespeare, collected in Warwick shire, in 1693. Lond., 1838. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. Tri-Centennary Celebration. See N. England Hist. Gen. Soc. SHALER, Wm. Language, Manners and Customs of the Berbers or Brebers of Africa. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 2. SHALL a Great Nation go abroad to Pay its Interest? 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. SHALL the Constitution and the Union Stand or Fall? (n. d.) Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 52. SHALL the People or the Politicians decide the Issue? 1864. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 52. SHANAFELT, Rev. J. R. The End to the Slavery Controversy. Phila., 1864. Svo. Rebell ri Pamph. Vols. 29 and 46. SHANE, J. D. The Bush in the Flame; a Sketch of the Immigrant Church. A Sermon. Cincin., 1858. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 50. SHANK, David. Rise and Progress of Methodism in Cobleskill Centre, Schoharie Co., N. Y. Albany, 1864. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. 340 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SHANKS, J. P. C. Speech in Cong., Mar. 4, 1862, Vindicating Gen. J. C. Fremont. Washington, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 9 and 82. SHANKS, Wm. F. G. Personal Recollections of Distinguished Gen erals. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. SHAPLEIGH, Maine. See LORING, Rev. Amasa. History of. 1854. SHARON, Conn. See SEDGWICK, C. F. History of. SHARP, Rev. Dan l. Sermon at the Funeral of Gov. Wm. Eustis, at Boston, Feb. 11, 1825. Boston, 1825. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 30. Tribute to the Memory of John Qufncy Adams, Boston, Feb. 27, 1848. Boston, 1848. -8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. SHARP, Joseph B. The Anti-Corn-Law League and the Cotton Trade. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.33. SHARP, P. B. The Reconstruction of the Amer Union. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 20. SHARP, Rich d. Letters and Essays in Prose and Verse. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 5. SHARSWOOD, Geo. Address at the University of Penn., before the Soc. of the Alumni, Dec. 10, 1856. Phila., 1857. 8vo. Obituary Notice of Joel Jones, read before the Amer. Philo- soph. Soc., Oct. 5, 1860. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 20. SHATTUCK, Geo. O. Reply to B. R. Curtis, on Executive Power. From the Boston Daily Advertiser, Oct. 22, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 114. SHATTUCK, Lemuel. History of Concord, Middlesex Co., Mass., to 1832, and of the adjoining Towns, Bedford, Acton, Lincoln and Carlisle. Boston, 1835. 8vo. Letter in Answer to J. Preston, on the Introduction of Water into the City of Boston. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Memorials of the Descendants of Wm. Shattuck, the Progen itor of the Family in America. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Memorials of the Whites. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 2. Sketch of Life of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 14. SHAW, Dr. Alex. Address before the Medical School of Middlesex Hospt., Oct. 1, 1845. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 29. SHAW, Chas. P. Argument before Judiciary Comm. of the House of Repr. on the Claim of Wm. McGarrahan. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol, 132. SHAW, Elijah. Short Sketch of the Life of, being engaged in Four different Wars of the U. S. Rochester, 1845. 18mo. Bio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 17. SHAW, Jas. The Military Occupation of Chicago. Speech in 111. Legislature, Jan. 24, 1872. Springfield, 1872. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. SHAW, Lemuel. See THOMAS, B. F. Life and Judicial Labors of. SHAW, Maj. Sam l. Journals of Maj. Shaw, First Amer. Consul at Canton, with a Life of the Author, by Josiah Quincy. Bos ton, 1847. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 341 SHAW, Thos. B. Outlines of English Literature, with a Sketch of American Literature, by H.T.Tuckerman. Phila., 1857. 12mo. SHAW, Win. Affectionate Pleading for England s Oppressed Fe male Workers. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. SHAWANO Co., Wis. See Resources of Brown, Door, etc. 1870. SHAWANO, Wis., Journal, Newspaper. 1869-72. 1 Vol. . Venture, Newspaper. Oct., 1858, to Jan., 1859. Folio. Herald. July, 1859, to Sept., 1859. Folio. SHAWNEE Indian Lands in Kansas. Papers transmitted to the U. S. Senate on the sale of. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Indians. See BEIXTO^, D. G. The Shawnees and their Mi grations. DEAPEE, L. C. Shawnee Expedition in 1756. HAEVEY, Henry. History off" SHEA, John Gilmary, LL.D. See ALSOP, Geo. Province of Mary land. Cramoisy Series of the Jesuit Relations in New France, pri vately printed in fac-simile; with a Continuation of the same in uniform style, by E. B. O. Callaghan, LL.D., viz: Bigot s Relation de ce qvi s est passe de plvs remarqvable dans la Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery et de Sainct Francois de Sales, 1 annee 1668. A Manate: 1858. Bigot s Relation de ce qvi s est passe de plvs remarqvable dans la Mission des Abnaquis a L Acadie, 1 annee 1701. A Manate: 1858. CAVELIEE S Relation du Voyage entrepris par feu M. ROBEET CAVELIEE, Sieur de la Salle, pour decoitvrir dans le golfe du Mexique 1 embouchure du Fleuve de Mississipy. A. Manate: 1858. La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Com- pagnie de Jesus, Missionnaire dans la Nouvelle France, ecrite par lui-meme par ordre de soi Superieur, 1 ari 1688. Nou velle York: 1858. Suite de la Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvellle York: 1858. TEANCHEPAIN S Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orleans et de leur establissement en cette ville. Nouvelle York: 1859. Registres des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sout faits au Fort du Quesne pendant les annees 1753, 1754, 1755, and 1756. Nouvelle York: 1859. ournal de la Guerre du Micissippi contre les Chicachas, en 1739 et finie en 1740. Par un Officier de 1 Armee de M. de Nouaille. Nouvelle York: 1859. Relation ou Journal du Voyage du R. P. JACQUES GEAVIEE, de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1700, depuis le pay des Illi nois jusqu a 1 embouchure du Missisipi. Nouvelle York: 1859. DABLON S Relation de ce qui s est passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nou velle France, les annes 1673 and 1679. A. la Nouvelle York: 1860. Les annees 1672-73. Same, 1861. 342 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SHEA, John Gilmary, LL.D. Jesuit Relations. Relations Di verses sur Bataille du Malangueule. Gagne le 9 Juillet, 1755, par les Francois sous M. de Beaujeu, Com mandant du Fort du Quesne sur les Anglois sous M. Brad- dock, General en Chef des troupes Anglois. Nouvelle York: 1860. Relation de la Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de Quebec en 1700. Par M. de Montigny, de St. Cosme, et Thaumur de la Source. Nouvelle York: 1861. Novum Belgium, description de Nieuw Netherland et Notice sur Rene Goupil. Par le R. P. Isaac Jogues, de la Com- pagnie de Jesus. A New York: 1862. Extrat de la Rela tion des Avantures et Voyage de Mathieu Sagean. Nou velle York: 1863. MILET S Relation de sa Captivite parmi les Onneiouts en 1690-1. Nouvelle York: 1864. GRAVIER Relation de ce qvi passe dans la Mission de 1 Im- maculee Conception au pays des Illinois depuis le mois de mars 1693. Jusq uen Ferrier: 1694. No. 1. MISSIO CANADENSIS. Epistola ex Portu-regali in Aca- dia, transmissa ad Prsepositum Generalem Societatis Jesu, a R. Petro BIARDO, ejusdem Societatis, 1612. pp. 45. 2. CANADLJS MISSIONIS RELATIO, 1611-1613 in Acadia, cum Vita Petri Biardi. pp. 38. From Jouvency Historia Societatis Jesu. Lib. 15, Pars 5. 3. DE REGIONE ac Moribus Canadensium, sen Barbarorum Novaa Franciae. pp. 54. From the same. 4. RELATIO RERUM GESTARUM in Nova Francica Missione, 1613 and 1614. pp. 66. From the Litterae Annuae. Relates to the breaking up of the Mission in Acadia and Biard s transportation to Virginia and return to France. 5. COPIE de Trois Lettres escrittes en 1625, 1626, par le P. CHARLES LALLEMAND, Superieur des Missions en Can ada, pp. 14. 6. RELA.TION de ce qui s est passe en la Nouvelle France M.DC. XXVI. pp. 59. From the Mercure Francais. 7. LETTRE du R. Pere LALLEMAND, Superieur de la Mission des Peres Jesuites en la Nouvelle France, au R. Pere Superieur du College des Jesuites a Paris, 22 No- vembre,1629. pp. 15. FAC-SIMILES. No. 1. RELATION | de la | Novvelle | France, de ses Terres, Natvre dv | Pais, & de ses Habitons, | Item, | Du voyage des Peres lesuites ausdictes | contrees, & de de qu ils y ont faict | iusques tl leur prinse par les Anglois. Faicte | Par le P. Pierre Biard, Grenob- lois | de la Compagnie de lesvs. A Lyon, | Chez Lovys Mvgvet en | rue Merciere. M.DC.XVI. | Auec Priuilege du Roy. | 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 343 SHEA,John Gilmary, LL.D. continued. There is only one copy of this rare Relation in this country, of which this reprint is an exact fac-simile. 2. LETTRE | dv Pere | CHARLES | L ALLEMANT | Svperevr de la Mis- | sion de Canadas; de la Com- | pagnie de IESVS. | Enuoyee au Pere Hierosme VAllemant \ son frere, de la mesme Compagnie \ Oil sont contenus les mceurs & facons de vi- | ure des Sauuages habitans de ce pai s la; | & comme ils se comportent auec | les Chrestiens Francois qui y | demeurent. | Ensemble la description des miles de ceste contree. \ A Paris, | Par lean Bovcher, rue des Amandiers | a la Verite Royale. 1627. | sm. Svo. pp. 16. Fac-simile of the only, copy of the original edition in possession of JAMES LENOX, Esq., New York. Chicago from 1673 to 1725; or, what is known of the Fifst Half Century of its History. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 5. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley, with the Original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membrere, Hen- nepin and Anastase Douay. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the U. S. 1529-1854. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Library of American Linguistics: 1. SHEA, J. G. French- Onondaga Dictionary. N. Y., 1860. 4to. 2. MENGARINI, Gregory. Selish, or Flat-Head Grammar. N. Y., 1861. 4to. 3. SMITH, Buckingham. Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language. N. Y., 1861. 4to. 4. DE LA CUESTA, F. F. A. Grammar of the Mutsun Lan guage of the Mission of San Juan Bantisto, Alta Cal ifornia. N. Y., 1861. 4to. 5. Grammar of the Pima or Nevome; a Language of Son- ora. N. Y., 1862. 4to. 6. PANDOSY, M. C. Grammar and Dictionary of the Yak- ama Language. N. Y., 1862. 4to. 7. SIT JAR, Bonaventure. Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, California. N. Y., 1861. 4to. 8. DE LA CUESTA, F. F. A. Vocabulary of the Mutsun Language of Alta California. Lond., 1862. Albany, 1862. 4to. 9. BELLENGER, J. M. Grammar of the Mikmaque Lan guage of Nova Scotia. N. Y., 1864. 4to. 10. BRUYAS, Jas. Radical Words of the Mokawk Language, N. Y., 1862. 4to. 11. GIBBS, Geo. Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallam and Lurnmi. N. Y., 1863. 4to. 12. GIBBS, Geo. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language of Oregon. N. Y., 1863. 4to. 13. GIBBS, Geo. Alphabetical Vocabulary of the Chinook Language. N. Y., 1863. 4to. The Lincoln Memorial; a Record of the Life, Assassination and Obsequies of the Martyred President. N. Y., 1865. 8vo 344 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SHEA, John Gilmary, LL. D. Notes on the Early History of the Catholic Church in New England. Hist. Magazine. 2d Ser. Vol. 5. The Fallen Brave; a Biograph. Memorial of Amer. Officers who have given their Lives for the Union. 8 Portraits. N. Y., 1861. 4to. The Indian Tribes of Wisconsin. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. SHEAFER, P. W. The Coal Fields of McKean Co., Penn. Phila., 1856. 8vo. SHEAHAJST, Jas. J. History and Topography of Buckinghamshire. Lond., 1862. 8vo. SHEAHAN, Jas. W. The Printer: read before the Franklin Soc. of Chicago, 1869. Chicago, 1869. 4to. SHEARDOWN, T. S. Half-Century s Labors in the Gospel. Phila., 1866. 12mo. SHEBBEARE, Dr. J. Origin, Progress and Establishment of Na tional Soc y: in a Review of Rev. Rich d Price s Observa tions, etc. Lond., 1776. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 18. SHEBOYGAN Co., Wis., Board of Supervisors. Proceedings for 1870, 71-72. Sheboygan, 1870-72. 8vo. See RUBLEE, H. Early Times in. Papers. Miscell. 1861, 71-72. SHEBOYGAN, Wis. Evergreen City Times, Newspaper. March, 1854-Dec., 1859. 2 Vols. Folio. Journal, Newspaper. Sheboygan, 1860-66. Folio. Lake Journal, Newspaper. Jan., 1853, to Jan., 1855. Folio. Same. May, 1854 Dec., 1856. Folio. Same. Jan., 1857 Dec., 1859. Folio. Nieuws Bode, Newspaper. Mar., 1854 Dec., 1857. Same. Jan., 1858 Dec., 1860. Folio. Times, Newspaper. 1860-63. Folio. Same. 1867-70. Folio. SHEDD, J. Herbert. Thorough Drainage. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 14. SHEDD, Rev. W. G. T. Sermon on the " Union and the War." N. Y., 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 70. SHEE, Sir Martin A. Letter to Lord John Russell, on Free Admit tance to the Exhibition of the Royal Gallery. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. SHEE, Wm. The Church of Rome in Ireland in its relation to the State. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 54. SHEEPSCOT, Me. See CUSHMAN, Rev. D., on the Ancient Settle ment of. SHEEPSHANKS, Rev. R. See SOUTH, Sir Jas. Review of his Let ter, etc. SHEFFIELD, Eng. See Address of the People of, on Parliamentary Reform. 1794. SHEFFIELD, Lord John. Observations on the Commerce of the Amer. States, with Tables of Imports. 1700-83. 6th Ed. . Lond., 1784. 8vo. SHEFFIELD, Earl of. Observations on the Impolicy, Abuses, etc. r of the Poor Laws. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol.31. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 345 SHEFFIELD, Earl of. On the Trade in Wool and Woolens, including an Exposition of the Commercial Situation of the British Empire. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. Report at the Meeting at Lewes Wool Fair, July 26, 1813. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. SHEFFIELD, W. E. Digest of Decisions of Supreme Court of Wis. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. SHEIL, Rich d L. Sketches of the Irish Bar, with Memoir and Notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 12mo. SHEILDS, Rev. Alex. History of Scotch Presbytery. Lond., 1692. 4to. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 79. SHELBURNE, Earl of. See Letter to Sir Geo. Saville on his Qualifi cations as Prime Minister. SHELBY College, Shelbyville, Ky. Catalogue, 1853. Louisville. 8vo. SHELBY, Isaac. Account of the Battle of King s Mountain, being a Reply to Col. John B. Campbell, (n. d.) Pamphlets. Vol. 4. SHELDON, E. M. The Early History of Michigan, from its First Settlement to 1815. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. SHELDON Genealogy. See SHELDON, Rev. H. O. SHELDON, Rev. H. O. Lecture before the Soc y for Promotion of Useful Knowledge upon the Lyceum System. Cincin., 1842. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 3. Sheldon Magazine; or Genealogy of Sheldon Family. Lou- donville, O., 1855. 8vo. SHELDON, Lionel A. Speech in Cong., Dec. 21, 1871, concerning the Levees of the Mississippi. Conor, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. SHELDON, Wm. Aerial Navigation and the Patent Laws. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 2. Brief Account of the Caraibs who inhabited the Antilles. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. SHELLABARGER, S. Speech in Cong., Feb. 24, 1862, on the State of the Nation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 68. - May 12, 1862, on Habeas Corpus. Washington, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 60 and 61. Jan. 8, 1866, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. Apr. 21, 1866, on Disfranchisement of Rebels. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. SHELTON, Rev. F. W. Lectures before Huntington Library Assoc. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 7. SHENANDOAH (The). See HUNT, C E. The Last Confederate Cruiser. SHEPARD, A. K. Papers on Spanish America. Albany, 1868. 8vo. Pamph. SHEPARD, Chas. U. See Connecticut Geolog. Survey. Geology of Upper Illinois. 1838. Silliman s Journ. Vol.34. Mineralog. Journey in Northern N. England. 1829. Silli man s Journ. Vols. 17 and 18. 346 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SHEPARD, Charles U. Sketch of the Mineralogy and Geology of Orange Co., N. Y., and Sussex Co., N. J., 1832. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 21. SHEPAED, Gen. I. F. Oration at the National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, May 30, 1870. St. Louis, 1870. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 108. SHEPHERD, Thos. Clear Sunshine of the Gospel among Indians of N. Eno-land. Lond., 1648. Reprint. N. Y., 1865. Sm.4to. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. 3d Ser. SHEPHERD, Henry John. Observations on the Institution of Un paid Justices of the Peace. Lond., 1829. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 16. SHEPHERD, Rev. Dr. History of the Amer. Revolution. Lond. (n. d.) 8vo. SHEPPARD, Furman. Constitutional Text Book; Exposition of the Constitution of the U. S. Phila., 1858. 12mo. SHEPPARD, John H. Brief History of the N. England Historic- Genealog. Society. Albany, 1862. Svo. Life of* Sarn. Tucker, Commodore in Amer. Revolu. War. Boston, 1868. 8vo. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 26. Memoir of Hon. Marshall P. Wilder. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 21. Memoir of Sam l G. Drake. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 17. Reminiscences of Lucius M. Sargent. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 25. Reminiscences of Vaughn Family, with Genealogy. Boston, 1865. 12mo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. Sketch of Hon. Nathan Appleton. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 16. Sketch of the Hon. Wm. Appleton. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 17. Sketch of the British Museum. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 23. SHEPPARD, J. H. Treatise on Use of Gypsum and Guano. N. Y., 1845. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 3. SHEPPARD, Marshall P. See SHEPPARD, John H. Memoir of. SHEPPARD, Wm. Observations on Amer. Plants described by Char- levoix. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 1 SHEPPARD, W. P. Hand-Book, or Ann. Record of Horticult. and Agricult. Statistics. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 4. SHERBURNE, John H. Life and Character of the Chevalier, John Paul Jones, a Captain in the Navy of the U. S. Washing ton, 1825. Svo. SHERBURNE, Mass. See BIGLOW, Wm. History of. 1830. SHERIDAN, Chas. B. Thoughts on the Greek Revolution. Lond., 1822. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 3. - Same. 2d Ed. 1824. Pamphleteer. Vol. 24. SHERIDAN, Rich d B. See MOORE, T. Memoirs of. Speech after his Examination before the Late House of Com mons, Dec. 15, 1780. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 347 SHERIDAN, Thos. Oration at Dublin, Dec. 6, 1757, on Education, etc. Dublin, 1758. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. SHERIDAN, W. T. See KEIM, B. R. Sheridan s Troopers on the Borders. SHERLOCK, Bishop Thos. Answer to the Bishop of Bangors " Common Rights of Subjects Defended," etc. Lond., 1719. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 8. Arguments against a Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts. Oxford, 1790. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 23. See HOADLEY, Bishop. Refutation of his Arguments, etc. SHERLOCK, Win., D. D. The Case of the Allegiance due to Sover eign Powers, stated and Resolved. Lond., 1691. Sm. 4to. 3d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. against Sherlock. The Master of the Temple s Reasons for Taking the Oath, answered, etc. Lond., 1690. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. Sermon at the Funeral of Benj. Calamy, D. D., Jan. 7, 1685-6. Lond., 1686. Sm. 4to. Eng. Sermons. Vols. 5 and 52. Vindication of the Case of Allegiance due to Sovereign Pow ers. Lond., 1691. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. SHERMAN, Dan l. Memoir of Ridgefield, Ohio. 1859. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. SHERMAN, Henry. Governmental History of the U. S. to the adop tion of the Federal Constitution. Hartford, 1860. 8vo. Slavery in the U. S. of America. Hartford, 1860. 12mo. SHERMAN, Jas. Advantages of Abstinence from Intoxicating. Liq uor. Lond., 1837. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. SHERMAN, John. Address before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc y, at Milan, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1858. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. Letter on the Washington Conspiracy against the R. R. In terests of Md., n. d. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. Speech in U. S. Senate Feb. 2, 1864, on Emancipation. Re- bell n Pamph. Vols. 2 arid 9. Feb. 26, 1866, on Representation of Southern States. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. SHERMAN, Ohio. See LABARRE, J. E. Memoirs of. SHERMAN, Roger Minott. See ATWATER, L. H. Obituary Sermon 1845. SHERMAN and his Campaigns. See Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. SHERMAN S Great March. See Nichols, Geo. W. Story of. March through the South. See Conyghan, D. P. SHERMAN, Gen. W. T. Reply to the Mayor of Atlanta, and Speeches of Union Generals. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. The late Maj. Gen. J. B. McPherson. From Hours at Home, 1866. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. SHERRARD, Rob t H. Narrative of the Escape and Sufferings of Col. Jas. Paul, after Col. Crawford s Defeat. 1782. Cinn., 1869. Svo. 348 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SHERWIN, Thos. See Philbrick, J. D. Memoir of. WATERSTON, R. C. Commem. Address. 1870 SHERWOOD, A. Gazeteer of the State of Georgia. Phila., 1829. , 18mo. SHERWOOD, Grace. Record of her Trial for Witchcraft, in 1705, in Princess Anne County, Va. Va. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. SHERWOOD, Henry H. The Magnetic Organization of the Human System. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol.5. SHERWOOD, Lorenzo. Memorial to Cong, on Utilizing R. R. Capi tal and for other Purposes. 1867. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 54. Speech on the Coarse of the Slaveholder s Conspiracy, etc. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 108. SHERWOOD, Wm. Self Culture in Reading, Speaking and Conver sation. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. SHEW, Dr. Joel. The Cholera, its Causes, Prevention and Cure. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 6. SHILLITOE, Thos. Address to the Rulers of this Nation, and all those in Power. Lond., 1808. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 29. SHIPLEY, Rev. W. D. See Rights of Juries vindicated, etc. SHIPMAN, Geo. E. Letter to N. S. Davis, M. D., on Homoeopathy and Allopathy. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 3. The North- Western Journals of Homceopathia. Vols. 1, 2. Chicago, 1849, 50. 2 Vols. 8vo. SHIPMAN, S. V. Specifications for Rotunda and Dome of State Capitol, Madison, Wis. n. d. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SHIPPER S Guide: containing a complete list of all R. R. Stations, Canal and River Towns in the U. S. and Canadas. Buffalo, 1859. 12mo. SHIPPING, American. See Assoc. for Restoration of Amer. Ship ping Interests. Gov t Aid to Amer. Shipping Interests. N. Y. Assoc. for Restoration of, etc. Suggestions to Comra. of U. S. House of Repr., 1870. SHIPTON, Canada E. See CLEVELAND, E. Hist. of. 1858. SHIRLEY, Eng. Ann. Report of Charitable Institutions of, for 1864. Southampton. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. SHIRLEY, Mass. See BUTLER, C. Hist, of Groton, Pepperell and Shirley. SHOBERL, Fred. Narrative of Remarkable Events in and near Leipsic, from Oct. 14th to the 19th, 1813. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 16. Persecutions of Popery: Hist. Narratives of the most Remark able Persecutions occasioned by the Ch. of Rome. N. Y ., 1844. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 6. SHOREHAM, Vt. See GOODHUE, Josiah F. Hist. of. 1861. SHORT Appeal from the Decrees of King Caucus and the Albany Regency, 1824? 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 8. SHORT, Dr. Chas. W. Description of an Indian Fort near Lexing ton, Ky. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 1. SHORT Description of the Tennessee Gov t., or the Territory south of the Ohio River. Phila., 1793. Sm. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 349 SHORT Discussion on the Spanish Question. Loud., 1823. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 21. Historical View of the principal Religious and Military Or ders of the R. Catholic Church. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 5. History of the Opposition during the last Session of Parlia ment. Lond., 1779. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 73. Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Distilleries and Breweries. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. Pleasure Tour to Scotland, n. d. Oblong 4to. Guide-Books. Vol. 4. SHREWSBURY, Earl of. Hints towards the Pacification of Ireland. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 37. Second Letter to Ambrose L. Phillips on Our Present Affairs. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. A Sharp Rebuke, etc., being a Supplement to his 3d Letter to A. L. Phillips. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31. Thoughts on the Poor-Relief Bill for Ireland. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 43. SHREWSBURY, Mass. See WARD, A. H. History of. SHRIGLEY, Nathaniel. True Relation of Virginia and Maryland, 1669. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. SHUFELDT, R, W. Reports of Explorations and Surveys between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean by way of the Isthmus of Tehauntepec. Washington, 1873. 4to. SHULLSBURG, Wis. LaFayette Co. Herald. Newspaper. April 1856 to Oc. 1857. Folio. Local. Newspaper. 1859-63. Folio. SCHULTZ, Christian. Narrative of an Inland Voyage through N. Y., Penn., Va., Ohio, Ky. and Tenn., in 1807-8. N. Y. 1810. 8vo. SHURTLEFF College, Upper Alton, 111. Catalogue for 1851, 1863-4, 1867-8. Announcements of the Theolog. Department for 1865-6, 1866-7. Catalogue of the Theolog. Depart., 1867. See Bulkley, Rev. J. Hist. Sketch of. 1865. SHURTLEFF, N. B., M.D. John Carver, First Governor of New Plymouth. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 4. SIBBALD, C. F. Congress. Report on the Claim of. 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. SIBERIA. See Palmer, A. H., Memoir of. - Wrangell, F. Siberian Exped. to Polar Sea. SIBLEY, Henry H. Ann. Address before the Minn. Hist. Soc., Feb. 1, 1856. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Description of Minnesota. 1850. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Minnesota Territory; its Present Condition and Prospects. Washington, 1852. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 1. Sketch of the Life of Nicollet. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. 350 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SIBLEY, Henry H. Speech in Cong., Apr. 24, 1852, on the Home stead Bill. Vol. 83. SIBLEY, John Langdon. History of the Town of Union, in the 1 Co. of Lincoln, Maine, to the Middle of the Nineteenth Cen tury; with Register of Settlers before 1800, and their Des cendants. Boston, 1851. 12mo. SICILY. See Daubeny, C. Geology of. Macfarlane, C. Sicilian Constitutions. 1849. - Tuckerman, H. S. Sicily, a Pilgrimage. SICKLES, Gen. D. E. Report to the General-in-Chief of the Army, on the Issue made by the Civil Authorities with the General of 20th Military District on the Execution of Acts of Cong for the Gov t of the Rebel States. 1867. RebelPn Pamhp* Vol. 58. - Trial of, for Shooting Philip Barton Key. N. Y. 1859.8 vo. lyaw Parnph. Vol. 22. SIDNEY, Algernon. See SIDNEY, R. C., Memoirs of. - VAN SANTVOORD, G. Life and Contemporaries. - WINTHROP, R. C. Lecture on. SIDNEY, Rev. Edwin. A Second Visit to Earlswood (Surrey) Asy lum for Idiots. Lond., 1870. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. - Vol. 34. Sketch ef the Life of Rev. Rowland Hill. Western Monthly Magazine. Vol. 3. SIDNEY, Henry. Diary of the Times of Charles the Second. Lond., 1843. 2 Vols. 8vo. SIDNEY, Sir Philip. An Apologie for Poetrie, 1595. Lond., 1868. 12mo. SIDNEY, Rich d C. Brief Memoir of the Life of Algernon Sidney, with Account of his Trial, 1683. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Bio- graph Pamph. Vol. 18. SIEGE of Detroit. See Diary of. SIEGEL, Gen. F. See Men of the Time. SIGHTS and Notes by a Looker on in Vienna; dedicated to the Union Army. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 55. SIGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th Centu ries. 1st Series. N. Y., 1857. 18mo. - Examples of Life and Death. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. Traits of the Aborigines of America, a Poem. Cambridge, 1822. 12mo. SILGRAVE, Henrici de. See Caxton Society Publications. SILK. See CHARREL, J. Traite des Magnaneries. PASCALIS, F. Instructions for Culture of. - Production in China, India and Europe, f,om the Earliest Time to the Present Day. Lond. 1865. 12mo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 10. Reformed Virginia Silk Worm, 1655. U. States Sec. of Treasury Report on, 1828. SILL, Edw. R. Poem read before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Yale College, July 21, 1869. N. Haven, 1870. 8vo. Yale ColL Pamph., CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 351 SILL Genealogy. See SILL, Rev. Geo. G. SILL, Rev. George G. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Sill, who settled in Cambridge, Mass., 1637. Albany, 1859. 12mo. SILL, Thomas H. Speech 011 Corporations, Banks and Currency: delivered in the Convention of Penn., Dec. 13, 1837. Phila., 1838. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. SILLIMAN, Prof. B. See American Journ. of Science and Arts. Electro-Magnetism. Hist, of Davenport s Invention, etc. N.Y., 1837. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 21. See FISHER, Geo. W. Life of. - Oration at Hartford, July 6, 1802, before the Soc. of the Cin cinnati for Conn. Hartford, 1802. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 29. Remarks made on a short Tour between Hartford and Quebec in the Autumn of 1819. N. Haven, 1820. 12mo. See Remarks on his Elements of Chemistry. 1830. Report of the Cause of the Explosion at the Fire in Broad St., N. Y., July 19, 1845. N. Y., 1845. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. - Visit to Europe in 1851. N. Y., 1854. 2 Vols. 12 mo. SILLIMAN, B., Jr. Address before the Chem. Soc. of Lehigh Uni versity, June 17, 1872. N. Y., 1872. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 39. SILLOWAY, Thomas W. Text Book of Modern Carpentry; with a Treatise on Building-Timber. Boston, 1858. 12mo. SILSBEE, Nathanel. See FLINT, Rev. Jas. Sermon on Death of. SILURIAN Age. See MURCHISON, Sir R. I. SILVER and Co. s Emigration Guide to Australia, New Zealand, etc. Lond., 1858. Svo. Guide-Books. Vol. 14. SILVER, F. Observations on N. Vansittart s Plan of Finance. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 2. SILVESTER, P. H. Speech in Cong., June 3, 1850, on the Admis sion of Cal. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 86. SIMMERS, Wm. Volunteer s Manual; or Ten Months with the 153d Penn. Volunteers. Easton, Pa., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 12. SIMMONS, Chas. B. List of those who came over in the Mayflower, Dec. 21, 1620. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. Memoir of the Township of Greenfield, O., 1858. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. SIMMONS, Jas. Digest of Wisconsin Reports to 1868. Albany, 1868. Svo. SIMMONS Jas. F. Speech in Cong., Mar. 11, 1842, on the Clay Resolutions. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. SIMMS, J. R. The American Spy; a Revolutionary Tale of N. Eng land. Albany, 1857. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 2. Trappers of N. Y.; or a Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Na thaniel Forster. 2d Ed. Albany, 1851. 12mo. SIMMS, Wm. G. History of S. Carolina from its first European Discovery to its erection into a Republic. 2d Ed. Charles ton, 1842. 12mo. Another Ed. ft. Y., 1860. 12mo. S. Carolina in Revolutionary War. Charleston, 1853. 12mo. 352 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL /SOCIETY. SIMMS, Wm. G. Katharine Walton; or the Rebel of Dorchester. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Life of Francis Marion.. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Life of Nathaniel Greene, Maj. Gen. in the Army of the Rev olution. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Michael Bonham; a Tale of Texas. Richmond, 1852. 8vo. Texas Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. . The Huguenots in Florida; or the Lily and the Totem, 1562- 1570. 3d Ed. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. . The Sense of the Beautiful. Address at Chrrleston, S. C., May 3, 1870. Charleston, 1870. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 33. . Views and Reviews in Amer. History, Literature and Fiction. N. Y., 1845. I2mo. SIMON, Mrs. The Ten Tribes of Israel Historically identified with the Aborgines of the Western Hemisphere. Lond., 1836. 8vo. SIMONS, Jas. A New Principle of Tactics practiced by the Repub lic of France, recommended to the IT. S. Army, Charleston, S. C., 1797. Congr. and Pol t. Pamph. Vol. 123. SIMPKINS, Rev. John. Topograph Descrip. of Brewster, in the Co. of Barnstable Mass., 1806. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 10. 1st Series. SIMPKINSON, John N. Oration in Trinity College Chapel, Dec. 15, 1838, on Classical and Romantic History and Fiction. Cam bridge. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 22. SIMPLE Cobbler of Aggawam. See WARD, N. SIMPSON, G. B. The National Capitol, Archives and Govt. saved. 1861. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. SIMPSON, Jos. Reflections on Endowments, requisite for the study of the Law. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 15. SIMPEON, Gen. J. H. Coronado s March in 1850, in search of the " Seven Cities of Cibola." Smithson. Report, 1869. Narrative of a Tour in the Navajo Country, made in 1849. Ann. Address before the Minn. Hist. Soc y, Jan. 19, 1852. Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. SIMPSON, Dr. J. Y. Answers to Objections against Acupressure, n. d. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 16. Remarks on the Super-induction of Anaesthesia, etc. Boston, 1848. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol.11. SiMSy Alex D. Speech in Cong. May 18, 1846, on Army Appro priation. Washington, 1846. Speeches. Vol. 1. SIMS, Clifford S. Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames. Albany, 1862. 8vo. Stemmata Rosellana; compiled from Inquisition es Post mor tem, Parliamentary Records, etc. Phila., 1859. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. SIMS, Rich d. Hand Book to the Library of the British Museum. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Index to Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Herald s Visi tations in the British Museum. Lond., 1849. 8vo. Manual for the Genealogist, Typographer Antiquary and Le gal Professor. 2d Ed. Lond., 1861. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 353 SIMS, Thos. Trial of, on an Issue of Personal Liberty, at etc., Boston, Apr., 1851. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Law. Pamph. Vol. 13. SIMSBURY, Conn. See PHELPS, N. A. History of. . PHELPS, R. H. Hist, of States Prison at. SIMSON, Walter. History of the Gipsies with Specimens of their Language. N. Y. 1866. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 6. SINAI Bible. See TOWNSEND, H. SINCLAIR, Rev. John. Letter to a Member of Parl t on National Education. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 32. SINCLAIR, Sir John. Collection of Papers on Political Subjects. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. General Report of Scotland. Statistical Tables, etc. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 10. Sketch of Life of. n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 64. Observations submitted to Committees of Parl t, on Cash Pay ments. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 35. On the Approaching Crisis: Impracticability of resuming Cash Payments, in July, 1818. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 12. On the means of Arresting the Progress of National Calamity. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 10. - On the State of the Country in Dec., 1816. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. SINDING, Paul C. History of Scandinavia from the Early Times of the Northmen and Vikings to the Present Day. Pittsburg, 1862. 12mo. SINSINAWA Mound College, Wis. Descriptive Circulars, 1861, 2. Dubuque. 8vo. Sioux Indians. See COLESON, A. Captivity in Minn. Correspondence of W. A. Burleigh with the Sec. of Inte rior, on Sioux Indians in Dakota. Washington, 1866. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. See LAREMER, S. L. Narrative and Escape. ROEHRIG, F. L. O. Language of. 1872. SISMONDI, J. C. L. S. Histoire des Francaise. Brussels, 1847. 18 Vols. in 9. 8vo. Review of the Efforts and Progress of Nations during the last twenty-five years. Phil a, 1825. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. SITGREAVES, Capt. L. Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Washington, 1853. 8vo. Sec. of War Rep ts. Another Copy. See Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. SITJAR, B. See SHEA S Library of Linguistics. Six Letters on Mr. Preston s Treatise on Conveyancing. Exeter, 1816. 8vo. Law Pamph., Vol. 20. Six Nations. See Cusic, D. Sketches of Ancient Hist. of. - Journals of Treaties, 1754, 1775. MARSHE, W. Journals of Treaty, 1744. See Indians, American. Species of Men. Anti-Abolition Tracts, No. 5. N. Y., 1866* 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph., Vol. 136. 354 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SKEAT, Rev. W. W. A Moeso-Gothic Glossary, with an Outline of Moeso-Gothic . Grammar, and list of Anglo-Saxon and old English words Etymologically connected with Moeso-Gothic; published by Philolog. Society. Lond., 1868. 4to. SKEEL, Theron. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Paper be fore Albany Institute, 1871. Albany Institute Trans., Vol. 7. SKEFFINGTON, Rev. T. C. The Flute and its Transition State. Lond., 1862. 8vo. Scientific Pamph., etc., Vol. 34. SKELLINGER, Memoir of New London, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer, Vol. 4. SKELTON, C. Speech in Cong., Jan. 10, 1853, on the State of the Union. Oongr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. SKELTON, John. See Royal College of Surgeons of England. SKETCH Book of Distinguished Authors represented in the Engrav ing of Washington Irving and his Friends at Sunnyside. Lond., n. d. 12mo. Biograph Pamph., Vol. 3. of Pestalozzi s Intuitive System of Calculation. Dublin, 1815. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 37. of the Olden Time; or, Gen. Lee s Farewell Dinner at N. Y. A Revolutionary Tale. N. Y., 1829. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 2. of the Plans, present Condition and proposed Results of the U. S. Dry Docks at Phila., Kittery and Pensacola, with a Congressional Report. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. SKETCHES from Venetian History. Harpers Fam. Libr., N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 18mo. of Connecticut Forty Years Since. Hartford, 1824. 12mo. of Incidents and Adventures in the West. Cincin., n. d. 8vo. of Martha s Vineyard, and other Reminlsences. Boston, 1838. 12mo. of Mission Life among the Indians of Oregon. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. of Newport, R. I., and Vicinity. N. Y., 1842. I2mo. of the History of Ogle Co., 111., and the Early Settlement of the Northwest. Polo, 1859. 12mo. Ohio Local Histories. Vol. 1. of the War between the U. S. and the British Isles. 1812- 15. Rutland, 1815. 8vo. of the West, or the Home of the Badgers. Milwaukee, 1847. 8vo. Wist. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of the White Mountains. Farmer & Moore s N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. SKINNER, A. N. Oration at the Whig Celebration, New Haven, July 4, 1834. N. Haven, 1834. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 29. SKINNER, Lieut. ol., Jas. B. See FRASER, J. B. Military Me moir. SKINNER, J. S. Address before the New Castle Co. (Del.) Agr. Soc. and Institute, at Wilmington, Sept., 1844; with Trans actions of Soc. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 355 SLACK, Henry, J. Defence of the Free Press of England. Lecture at London, Apr. 28, 1858. Lond. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 55. SLADE, Adolphus. Few Words on Naval Construction and Naval Promotion. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.41. SLADE, Dr. Dan l D. Sketch of Life of Maj. Gen. Dan l Denison. From the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. 1869. 8vo. Bio^raph. Pamph. Vol. 7. SLADE, Wm. Speech in Cong., Jan. 18 and 20, 1840, on Slavery in Dist. of Columbia. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Dec. 20, 1841, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Gongr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 24 and 92. SLAFTER, Rev. E. F. Charter of Norwich, Vt., and Names of Original Proprietors; with Hist. Notes. Boston, 1869. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. See ETJSTIS, Dr. Wm. Assassination Plot in N. Y. in 1776. Slafter Memorial. Boston, 1869. 8vo. The Vermont Coinage. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. 25th Annivers. Discourse before the N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Mar. 18, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. SLATER, Sam l. See WHITE, G. S. Memoir of. SLAVEHOLDERS (The) Conspiracy depicted by Southern Loyalists. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 16. SLAVERY. See Account of Africa and Slave Trade. 1768. Address to Anti-Slavery Christians. 1852. African Institution Reports. 1824-5. Repository. 1855-72. Slave Trade. Amer. Coloniza. Soc. Amistad Case. ANDREWS. Slavery and Domestic Slave Trade. Appeal to the Reason, etc., of Amer. Christians. 1838. ARNOLD, J. N. Overthrow of, etc. ATJGHEY, J. H. Iron Furnace. Slavery and Secession. BARNES, A. Inquiry into Scriptural Views of. - BEECHER, E. Alton 111. Riots. BELL, M. A. South-side View, etc. Bible View of Slavery reconsidered. BIRT, John. Slavery in the British Colonies. 1837. BLEDSOE, A. T. Liberty and Slavery. BOWDITCH, W. I. Rendition of Anthony Burns. Slavery and the Constitution. British Colonial Slavery, compared with that of Pagan An tiquity. Lond., 1830. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 6. BROOM, W. W. An Englishman s Thoughts, etc., 1865. BROWN, W. H. Slavery in Illinois. BUXTON, T. F. Ancient Slave Trade. CALHOUN, J. C. Address on, 1850. CAREY, H. C. The Slave Trade. CASS, L. Address, 1850. CHAMBERS, W. Amer. Slavery. CHASE, H., and SANDORN, C. W. The North and South. 356 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SLAVERY. See CHASE, L. B. Eng. Serfdom and Amer. Slavery. CLAKK, Rev. Rufus W. Review of Moses Stuart. CLAKK, J. F. Discourse on Anthony Burns. CLARKSON, T. Abolition of Slave Trade. Comments on " Nebraska Bill," etc. DENMAN, Lord. Letter on the Slave Trade, 1848. DOUGLAS, F. My Bondage and Freedom. EWBANK, T. Inorganic Forces to Supercede Amer. Slavery, EWING, Wm. Remarks in Tenn. Legislature, 1859. Exposition of the African Slave Trade, from 1840 to 1850. Phila., 1851. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 100. Few Suggestions on the Slave Trade. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. See Friends Soc y of. FUGITT, Rev. J. P. Is Slaveholding Constitutional and Scrip tural? GARRISON, W. L. Address before Free People of Color, 1833. GOODLOE, D. R. Southern Platform. GREELEY, H. Hist, of Slavery Extension. GREEN, Rev. Wm. L. Two Sermons, 1860. HALL, Rev. B. M. Sermon on Fug. Slave Law. HARGRAVE. Case of Jas. Sommersett, a Negro, 1788. HELPER, H. R. Impending Crisis. HELPS, A. Spanish Conquest in America. HILDRETH, R. Archy Moore: or the White Slave. HODGMAN, S. A. Nation s Sin and Punishment. HOPKINS, B p, J. H. Bible View of. in Ancient Greece. See EDWARDS, B.B. in District of Columbia. See Congressional Speeches. in Illinois. See BROWN, W. H. in N. Jersey. See STEWART, Alvan. in Penn. See BETTLE, E. its Institution and Origin, etc. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 73. See JAGGER, Wm. Information respecting the Institution of. JAY, J. Caste and Slavery in the Amer. Church. Mosaic Laws of Servitude. Miscel. Writings. KOSTER, Henry, on the Amelioration of Slavery. LELAND, P. W. Is the North Right. Lemmon Slave Case. Letter to Louis Kossuth. 1852. to Hon. S. A. Eliot on Fug. Slave Rill. 1851. Letters from Distinguished Citizens of Tenn. 1828. LIVERMORE, Geo. Opinions of the Founders of the Repub lic on. LOVEJOY, J. C. Letter to Hon. Owen Lovejoy. 1859. McCAiNE, Alex. Slavery Defended, etc. MCDONNELL, A. Slavery in West Indies. 1833. McWRiGHT, Rev. A. Sermons on the Sin of Slaveholding. 1860. MAY, S. J. Sermon. 1831. Memoranda respecting the French Slave Trade in 1820. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 357 SLAVERY. See Memorial to Cong, by Citizens of Boston. 1819. Minutes of Abolition Societies. 1795. N. E. Anti-Slavery Report. N. Y. Anti-Slavery Soc. NOEL, Rev. B. W. Freedom and Slavery in U. S. NORTHUP, Sol. Twelve Years a Slave. NOTT, S. Slavery and the Remedy. The Present Crisis. 1860. Observations in Answer to an Address to the Clergy of the Established Ch. 1826. Observations on Dr. Gannett s Sermon. Ohio Convention of Colored Freemen. OWEN, R. D. Wrongs of Slavery. PALFREY, J. G. Papers on the Slave Power. PARKER, Joel. Address on Non-Extension of. 1856. - PARKER, Theo. Letter on the " John Brown Expedition." The Great Battle between Slavery and Freedom. The Nebraska Question. The New Crime against Humanity. PARSONS, C. G. Inside View of. - PARSONS, Theoph. Origin, Influence and Destiny of. PEABODY, Rev. E. Slavery in the U. S. PIM, Bedford. The Negro and Jamaica. POOLE, W. F. Anti-Slavery Opinions before 1800. PRIEST, J. Origin, etc., of Negro Race. Pro-Slavery Argument. QUINCY, J. Address at Quincy, 1856. QUINN, David. On the Re-establishment of in U. S., 1866. Remarks on Dr. Channing s work. RICE, N. L. Lectures on. SCARRITT, N. M. E. Church South and Slavery. SEAVARD, W. H. Address on, 1850. SHERMAN, H. Slavery in U. S. Six Species of Men. SMITH, G. Speech at Albany, 1850. SPEAR, S. T. Remarks on the Fug. Slave Question. SPOONER, L. On the Unconstitutionality of. STEARNS, C. Unconstitutionality of Fug. Slave Law. STERN, S. Speech at Natick, Mass., 1859. STEWART, A. Argument, N. J. Supreme Court, 1845. STIRLING, Jas. Letters from Slave States, 1857. STOCKTON, R. F. Letter on, 1850. STREETER, S. W. Amer. Slavery Essentially Sinful. STUART, M. Conscience and the Constitution. SUMNER, C. Speech at Worcester, Mass., 1854. TEXUGO, F. T. Letter on African Slave Trade, 1839. - the Pretext for the Rebellion, not its Cause. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 75. See THORP, Rob t. On Treaties Respecting the Slave Trade. TOOMBS, R. Lecture at Boston, 1856. TUCKER, St. Geo. Dissertation on. VAN EVRIE, J. H. Negroes and Negro Slavery. 358 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SLAVERY. See Voyages of the St. John, and Arms of Amsterdam. 1659 and 1663. War, The, in Texas. 1837. WELLS, R. W. Gradual Emancipation in Missouri, 1862. WASHBURN, E. Slavery in Mass. WEBB, Sam l. Speech in National Anti-Slavery Convention, 1839. WELLS, R. W. Letter on Emancipation. WILBERFORCE, Wm. Letter on. WILLARD, S. The Grand Issue. WILSON, H. Anti-Slavery in Congress, 1861-4. WILSON, William. Letter, 1848. WRIGHT, E. The Sin of Slavery. ZULUETA Pedro de. Trial of, for Slave Trading. 1844. See Congressional Speeches Slavery. SLAVE SONGS of the United States. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. SLEEPING SENTINEL. See JANVIER, F. De Haes. SLEIDANUS, John. De Quatuor Symmis Imperiis. Leyden, 1631. 32mo. SLIGO (Lord.) Letter on the Present State of Jamaica, Lond., 1839. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 17. Remarks and Suggestions on the Present State of Ireland. Lond., 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 46. SLOANE-EVANS, W. S. Grammar of British Heraldry. 2d. Edition. Lond,, 1854. SLOANE, Jas. Speech at Cincin. on Qualifications of Gen. Grant for the Presidency. 1868. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 80. SLOANE, Rev. J. R. W. Review of Rev. H. J. Van Dyke s Dis course on Abolitionism, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 75. SLOCUM, W. American Calculator. Phila., 1831. 12mo. SLOVER, John. See KNIGHT, Dr. and SLOVER, J. SMALL, Dr. A. E. Address before the Amer. Institute of Homce- pathy, Albany, 1850. Boston, Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 9. SMART, E. K. Speeches in Cong., Feb. 4 and 12, 1852, on Publica tion of Laws of U. S. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. ^ Speech in Cong., Apr. 23, 1852, on State of the Union. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Dec. 27, 1852, on Spanish Spoliations. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. The Last Sermon before the 1st Congr. Ch. of Albany in the old Brick Edifice, Feb. 9, 1868. Albany, 1868. Svo. Ser mons. Vol. 24. SMEATON, John. Historical Report of Ramsgate Harbour. Lond., 1791. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. SMEETON, Thos. Prize Essay, addressed to Young Men, on Tem perance. Lond., 1845. 12mo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 4. SMELTING. See DANIELS, E. Treatise on Nohl Smelting Furnace. SMITH, - Speech in Cong., Apr. 27, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Same July 8, 1850, on the California Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 359 SMITH, A. Speech in Texas Legislature, Dec. 11, 1855, on Public Debt. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. SMITH, A. C. Installation Address, to St. Paul Lodge, No. 3, Dec. 22, 1857. St. Paul, 1858. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. SMITH, Abram D. Speech at Madison, Mar. 22, 1860, on State Rights. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SMITH, Adam. Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. A reprint of Ed. of 1812. Lond., 1872. 12mo. SMITH, A. Hyatt, Letter on the Bonds of the Rock River Valley Union R. R. Co. London, 1854. 8vo. Letter to the Hon John Letcher concerning a Grant for the Rock River Valley Union R. R. Co. Milwaukee, 1854. 8vo. SMITH Albert. Kand-Book of the Diorama of Constantinople, now open in London, Lond, 1854. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 14. SMITH, Alfred. On the Water Courses and the Alluvial and Rock Formations of the Conn. River Valley, 1832. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 22. SMITH, Asa D., D. D. Address at the Reunion of the Sons of Weston, Vt., July 4, 1853. With Account of other Exer cises. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. . Baccalaureate Discourse at Dartmouth College, July 15, 1866. Hanover, 1866. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 34. Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. Chas. Hall, D. D. N. Y., Jan. 1, 1854. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Sermons. Vols. 21, 26, and 52. SMITH, Ashbel. Oration before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa at Yale College, Aug. 15, 1849. N. Haven, 1849. Svo. Yale Coll. Pamphlets. The Cholera Spasmodica, as observed in Paris in 1832. N. Y, 1832. 8vo. Med Pamph. Vol. 3. & DONIPHAN. A. W. Addresses delivered in the Chapel at West Point, June 16, 1848. N. Y. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 32. SMITH, Azariah. Contribution to the Geography of Central Koor- distan. Amer Oriental Soc. Journ. Vol. 2. SMITH Buckingham. Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vacca, translated from the Spanish, pr. printed. N. Y., 1871. Svo. See Shea s Library of Linguistics. The Timuquana Language. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 2. SMITH, C. Table accompanying Smith s combined View of Moun tains and Rivers of the World. Lond., 1824. Svo. Misc. Tracts. Vol. 4. SMITH, Chas. Memoirs of Township of Lyme, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. . SMITH, Chas. A. Discourse before the Nat. Guards of Easton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1852. Albany, 1852. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 17. Men of the Olden Time. Phila., 1858. 12mo. Sermon on the Death of Zachary Taylor, at Rhinebeck, N. Y., July 21, 1850. Sermons. Vol. 10. SMITH, Columbus. Index for Persons in America claiming Proper ties Abroad, as Heirs-at-Law, etc. Rutland, Vt., 1863. 12mo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. 360 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SMITH, Columbus. Report of the Booth Association of the U. S. Burlington, Vt., 1868. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. Report to Brown Assoc. of the U. S. Burlington, Vt., 1868. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. Report to Follansbee Assoc. of the U. S. Middlebury, Vt., 1865. 8vo. Supplementary Report. 1869. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. . Report to the Gibson Assoc. of Vermont, of the U. S. Mid dlebury, 1867. 8vo. Supplementary Report. 1869. Gen ealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. & FISHER, C. M. Report of the Jennings Assoc. of the U. S. Rutland, Vt., 1863. 8vo. Supplementary Report, 1866. Gene alog. Pamph. Ool. 13. SMITH, D. The Dyer s Instructor; or Practical Illustration in Dyeing. Phila., 1860. 12mo. SMITH, D. W. Short Topograph. Description of Lower Canada. Lond. 1799. 8vo. SMITH, Dr. E Practical Observations on the Tabes Dorsalis. Lond 1823. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 20. SMITH, Elbert H. History of Black Hawk; with a Description of. the Black Hawk War. Milwaukee, 1846. 18mo. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak or Black Hawk and Scenes in the West. A National Poem. N. Y. 1848. 12mo. / SMITH, Rev. Ethan. Farewell Sermon at Haverhill, N. H., June 30, 1799. Peacham, Vt., 1800. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 27. View of the Hebrews; or the Tribes of Israel in America. 2d Ed. Poultney, Vt., 1825. 12mo. SMITH, Mrs. E. V. History of Newburyport. Mass., from the Earl iest Settlement. Newburyport, 1834. 8vo. SMITH Family. See Grazebrook, H. S. Heraldry of Smith. SMITH, F. H. Memorial Ceremonies at the National Cemetery, Ar lington, Virginia. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 24. SMITH, F. O. J. Speech in Cong. Feb. 18, 1863, on Emancipation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. SMITH, Geo. History of Delaware County, Penn. Phila. 1862. 8vo. SMITH, Geo. B, Oration at Marshall, Wis., July 4, 1863. Madison, 1863. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Speech in Wis. Legislature, Feb. 1859, on the Bill Authoriz ing Currency for State Taxes. Madison, 1859. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Speech at a Democratic Mass Meeting at Madison, Wis., Oct. 30, 1867. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. SMITH, Gerritt. Abstract of an Argument on Sectarianism. Al bany, 1847. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 13. Letter to his Constituents. 1854. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Letter to H. Hamlin, July 17, 1854, on Reciprocity. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. On McClellan s Nomination and Acceptance. N. Y. 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 361 SMITH, Gerritt. Speech at Troy, N. Y., on the True Office of Civil Gov t. N. Y. 1851. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. Speech in Cong., Dec. 20, 1853, on the Case of Martin Koszta. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Speeches. Vol. 5. Jan. 18, 1854, on the Military Academy. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 3. Feb. 21, 1854, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. . Apr. 6, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 93. May 30, 1854, on the Pacific R. Road. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. June 15, 1854, on the Postal System. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. July 22, 1854, on Temperance. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. . June 27, 1854, on the Monroe Doctrine. Congr. and Pamph. Vol. 83. Speeches in Congress. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Same, N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Substance of his Speech at Albany, Mar. 11 and 12, 1850, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 102. SMITH, Goldwin. Does the Bible Sanction Amer. Slavery. Corn- bridge, 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 4. Inaug. Lecture before the University of Oxford, Nov., 1859. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 36. Lecture before the Boston Fraternity. Boston, 1865. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 14. Letter to a Whig Member of the " Southern Independence Assoc." Boston, 1864. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 4 and 96. Welcome to, by Citizens of N. Y., Nov. 12, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 18. SMITH, Hon. G. Clay. Speech in Cong., Feb. 5, 1864, on Confisca tion. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 9. SMITH, Sir G. H. Justification of his Language concerning the In struction at Maynooth College. Colchester, 1841. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 27. SMITH, Rev. H., and FOWLER, Harvey. Incidents of the Early Hist, of Margaretta, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer, Vol. 2. SMITH, Henry E. Reliquiae Isuriane; the Remains of the Roman Isurium, now Aldborough, Yorkshire. Illustrated. Lond., 1852. 4to. SMITH, Dr. Henry H. See ATLEE, W. L. Correction of State ments of. SMITH, Herbert. Letter to the Bishops and Clergy in behalf of the Poor. Lond., 1838. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 18. SMITH, H. I. History of Education, Ancient and Modern. Har pers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1845. 18mo. SMITH, H. N. History of Plymouth, Wis. From the Plymouth Reporter, 1872-3. Wis. Local Hist., Vol. 3. 362 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SMITH, H. O. Report to the Wilson Assoc. of the U. S. Middle- bury, Vt., 1866. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 13. SMITH, Horace W. Nuts for Future Historians to Crack; contain ing the Cadwallader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, etc. Phila., 1856. 8vo. SMITH, Horatio. Festivals, Games and Amusements, Ancient and Modern. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858 . 8vo. SMITH, Hugh, D. D. See ANTHON, Rev. H. Obit. Sermon, 1849. and ANTIION, Dr. Henry. Statement of Facts in relation to the Recent Ordination in St. Stephen s Ch., N. Y. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 2. SMITH, H. L. Lecture before the Western College of Homoeopa thic Medicine. Cleveland, 1851. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 11. SMITH, Isaac. Reminiscences of a Campaign in Mexico. Indian apolis, 1848. 18mo. SMITH, Col. Jas. Account of Remarkable Occurrences, etc., during his Captivity with Indians, 1755-1759. Cincin., 1870. 8vo. See PRITTS, J. Border Life. SMITH, Sir Jas. E. Considerations respecting Cambridge and its Botanical Professorship. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 27. SMITH, J. Hyatt. Oration, July 4, 1844, at Guilderland, N. Y. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 3. SMITH, James McCune. Lecture on the Haytien Revolutions, Feb. 26, 1841. Addresses, Vol. 11. SMITH, J. F., D. D. Fiftieth Annivors. of the 2d Presb. Ch., New ark, N. J., Sept. 29, 1861. Newark, 1861. 12mo. N. J. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. SMITH, J. Spear. Memoir of the Baron De Kalb, read before the Md. Hist. Soc., Jan. 7, 1858. Baltimore, 1858. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. SMITH, Jeremiah. Address at Exeter, N. H., July 4, 1838, at its 2d Centen. Celebration. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. SMITH, Jerome, V. C. Natural History of Fishes of Mass. Bos ton, 1833. 12mo. SMITH, Capt. John. A Description of N. England, with the Suc cess of Six Ships that went there in 1615. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. 3d Ser. Advertisements for the^Unexperienced, or the Pathway to erect a Plantation in N. Eng., etc. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 3. Ser. See ARMSTRONG, W. C. Life and Adventures of. HILL, G. C. Biography of. HILLIARD, G. S. Life of. New England s Trials; declaring the Successe of 80 Ships em ployed thither within these eight yeares, 1622. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. True Relation of Virginia, with an Introduction and Notes by Chas. Deane. Boston, 1866. 4to. The Travels, Adventures and t Observations in Europe, Af rica and America, 1593-1629 . Richmond, 1819. 2 Vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 363 SMITH, John. Narrative concerning a further Discovery of the late Polish Plot. Lond., 1679. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Pamph. Vol. 63. SMITH, Dr. John A. See MANLEY, Dr. J. R. Character of, etc. SMITH, John 0. Two Discourses on the State of the Country. N. Y. 1861. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 62. SMITH, J. E. A. Hist, of the Town of Pittsfield, Mass. 1734-1800. Boston, 1869. 8vo. SMITH, John Jay. Brief Memoir of Sam l J. Smith, with Remin iscences of Burlington. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 9. and WATSON, J. F. Amer. Hist, and Literary Curiosities; containing Fac Similes of Original Documents, etc., 1847. Phil a, 4to. Vols. 1 and 2. Hist, and Literary Curiosities, Fac Similes, etc. N. Y., 1860. 4to. Summer Jaunt Across the Water; including visits to Eng., Ireland, Scotland, France, etc. Phila., 1846. 2 Vols. 18mo. SMITH, John Pye, D. D. See Pye Smith Testimonial. SMITH, Rev. J. Few. Discourse on the 50th Annivers. of 2d Presb. Ch. Newark, N. J., Sept. 29, 1861. Newark, 1861. 12mo. SMITH, J. Russell. Bibliograph. List of Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. Lond., 1839. 12mo. Bibliotheca Americana. Lond., 1865. Svo. Bibliotheca Cantiana; Account of Works published on the Hist, and Topography of the Co. of Kent. Lond., 1837. Svo. Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books on America. Lond., 1871. Svo. Catalogue of 25,000 Volumes of choice, useful and curious books, in most classes of Literature. Lond., 1860. Svo. SMITH, John Y. Address on the State of the Country, at the As sembly Chamber, Madison, Wis., Mar. 14, 1861. Madison, 1861. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Depreciation of the Currency. Short Essay on the Financial Condition and Prospects of the Country, n. d. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. History of the City of Madison. Madison, 1866. 12mo. Origin of the American Indians; Address before the Wis. State Hist. Soc. Jan., 1859. Collections. Vol. 4. Review of Senator Doolittle s Speech at Madison, Sept. 30, 1865, on Reconstruction. Madison, 1865. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 10. Another Copy, Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 79. Seventeen Letters to Hon. Henry Dodge; or Personal Remin iscences connected with the Polit. History of Wisconsin. Ms., bound. SMITH, Jos. See Mormons. SMITH, Jos., D. D. Old Redstone; Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism. Phila., 1854. 8vo. SMITH, Joshua H. Record of his Trial for Participating in the Treason of Benedict Arnold, 1780. Edited by H. B. Daw- son. Morrisania, 1866. See also Hist. Magazine. Vol. 10. 364 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SMITH, Joshua T. Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, with Maps and Plates. 2d. Ed. Lond., 1842. 12mo. The Northmen in N. England, or America in the 10th Cen tury. Boston, 1839. 12mo. SMITH, J. Lawrence. The Inverted Microscope. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 2. SMITH, Leveson. Remarks upon an Essay on Gov t, by Jas. Mill. Lond., 1827. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 39. SMITH, L. M. The Great Amer. Crisis; or Cause and Cure of the Rebellion. Cinn., 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 3. SMITH, M. Geographical View of the Province of Upper Canada. Phila., 1813. 12mo. SMITH, Rev. M. B. Sermon at Passaic, N. J., April 21, 1861, on " The Nation s Danger and the Nation s Duty." Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 80. SMITH, Mrs. Mary E. V. See Green, N. W. Among the Mormons. SMITH, Nathan, M. D. See Knight, Dr. J. Eulogium on. Proceedings at New Haven, in relation to the Demise of. N. Haven, 1835. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 51. SMITH, Nath l, Jr. Family Register of the Descendants of. Utica, 1849. 12mo. Geneal. Pamph. Vol. 14. SMITH, O. H. Early Indiana; Trials and Reminiscences. Cinn., 1858. 8vo. Speech in U. S. Senate, Mar. 3, 1842, on the Clay Resolutions. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Cong, and Poht. Pamph. Vol. 24 SMITH, R. The Evils of the Silent and Separate Systems removed, etc. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 18. SMITH, Rev. Reeder. Appeal in behalf of Lawrence University of Wisconsin. With Map of Wisconsin. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. SMITH, Gen l Rich d. Vindication of, as to his Competency to direct an Investigation of certain East India Affairs. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 21. SMITH, Prof. Rich d S. See Girard College. SMITH, Rob t H. Review of Evidence against Rich d Busteed, U. S. Dist. Judo;e for Alabama. Mobile, 1869. 8vo. 2d Ed. Ala. Pamph^ Vol. 1. SMITH, Roswell C. Memoir of. From the Western Review, 1852. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. SMITH, Sam l. History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New Jersey. Burlington, 1765. 8vo. Extracts from Manuscripts of. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. Vols. 8, 9. SMITH, Rev. Sam l. D. Address before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc., Mar. 13, 1861. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. SMITH, Sam l. J. See SMITH, J. J. Memoir of. SMITH, Sidney. Whether to go and whither. A practical View of Australia and the Gold Regions. Lond., 1852. 12mo. Guide Book. Vol. 15. SMITH, South wood. Results of Sanitary Improvement. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 66. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 365 SMITH, Southwood. Uses of the Dead to the Living. Albany, 1827. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 13. SMITH, S. Compton. Chile Con Carne; or the Camp and the Field. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. SMITH, S. R. Memoir of the late Rev. John Freeman. Utica, 1835. 12mo. SMITH, Rev. Sydney. Ballot. Lond., 1839. 12mo. 8th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 42. Letter to Archdeacon Singleton on the Ecclesiastical Com mission. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vols. 42 and 48. 1st, 2d and 3d Letters to Archdeacon Singleton, on the Eccle siastical Commission. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 17. Wit and Wisdom, with a Biograph. Memoir and Notes by Evert A Duyckinck. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. SMITH, Rev. T., and DEANE, Rev. S. Journals. See WILLIS, W. SMITH, Thos. S. Source and Relief of Public Distress in G. Bri tain. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 37. SMITH, Toulmin. Memorial of old Birmingham; Men and Names. Founders and Free Holders. Birmingham, 1864. 4to. National Defense in Practice, with the Opinions of Win. Pitt, Chas. J. Fox, and others, on the Arming of the People. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 57. Report oh the Law as to th$ Right Holding of the Coroner s Court. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. SMITH, T. Marshall. Legends of the War of Independence of the Earlier Settlements of the West. Louisville, 1855. 8vo. SMITH, Thos. Reply to Mr. Ricardo s Proposals for an Econom ical and Secure Currency. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 27. Address to the Hon. Robt. Peel, on Banking and Currency. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 35. Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the New Coinage. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 10. Origin and History of Missions. Boston, 1837. 2. Vols. 4to. SMITH, Thos. Mather, D. D. See PERRY, W. S. Memorial of. SMITH, Truman. Examination of the Question of Anaesthesia, arising on the Memorial of Chas. Thos. WELLS. N. Y., 1859. Svo. Speech in Cong., July, 31, 1846, on the Warehouse Bill. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Mar. 2, 1848, on the State of the Union. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Mar. 21 and 23, 1850, on Removals and Appointments to Office. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. SMITH, Wm., D. D. Brief State, of Province of Pennsylvania. Lond. 1755, Svo. N. Y. reprint, 1865. 4to. See RECOMMENDATIONS, etc. SMITH, Wm., Jr. See GOLDEN, C. Corres. on Hist, of N. Y. 366 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SMITH, Hon. Wm. History of N. York, from the First Discovery to 1732, with a Continuation to 1814. Albany, 1814. 8vo. History o.f the Late Province of N. York, from its Discovery,. to the Appointment of Gov. Golden in 1762. 2 Vols. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vols 4 and 5. SMITH, Wm. Remarks on Law Reform. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 24. SMITH, Wm. School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, with corrections, etc., by Chas. ANTHON. N. Y., 1846, 12mo. SMITH, Wm., M. D. State of the Gaols in London, Westminster, etc. Lond., 1776. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 26. SMITH, Wm. Trial of, for Piracy, as one of the Crew of the Con federate Privater, the Jeff. Davis. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 85. SMITH, Sir Wm. C. Charge to the Grand Jury of the Co. of West- meath, Ireland, Mar. 9, 1820. Dublin, 1820. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 16. Speech on Union, in the Irish House of Commons, Jan. 24, 1799. Lond., 1815. 8vo. 7th Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 6, Two Political Allegories, written in 1793. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 16. SMITH, Wm. F. Speech in Cong., Feb. 18, 1864, on Confiscation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. SMITH, W. H. Canada; Past, Present and Future. Maps and Plates. Toronto, n. d. 2 Vols. 8vo. SMITH, W. L. G. Life and Times of Lewis Cass. N. Y., 1856. 8vo, SMITH, Gen. Wm. R. Address before Wis. State Agricult. Soc. Oct., 1853. Transactions, 1853. Discourse before the State Hist. Soc. of Wis., at its First Ann. Meeting, Jan., 1850. Madison, 1850. 8vo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses.- Vol. 1. History of Wisconsin in Three Parts, Historical, Documentary, and Descriptive, compiled by direction of the Legislature of the State. Vol. 1, Historical. Vol. 3, Documentary. (Vol. 2, not ublished.) Madison, 1854. 2 Vols. 8vo. Observations on the Wisconsin Territory; Chiefly that Part called the Wisconsin Land District, with Map. Phil a, 1838. 12mo. SMITH, W. R. Speech in Cong. Mar. 18, 1852, on the Presi dency. Congr.and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. SMITHERS, Nathan l B. Speech in Cong, on Confiscation, Jan. 28, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 9 and 34. SMITHSONIAN Institution. See ADAMS, J. Q. Report in House of Repr., 1840. Ann. Reports of the Regents for the Years 1854-70, in clusive; complete. Washington, 1854-71. 8vo. - Report of Secretary, 1865. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. See BAIRD, S. F., and GIRARD, C. BOOTH, J. C., and MORFIT, C. . GOULD, B. A., Henry J., Rhees, W. J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 367 SMITHSONIAN Institution. See SACKEN, R. O. Catalogue of Publications of Societies and of other Pe riodical Works in the Library, July 1, 1858. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 35. See Congressional Speeches. Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. 1-18. Washington, 1851-1873. 4to. Directions for Meteorological Observations. Washington, 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 36. Miscellaneous Collections. Vols. 1-9. Washington. 1862-70. 8vo. SMTJCKER, Isaac. History of Welch Settlements in Licking Co., Ohio; read at the Licking Co. Pioneer Meeting, Apr. 7, 1869. Newark, O. 8vo. Licking Co. Pioneer Papers. Our Pioneers: being Biograph. Sketches of Capt. E. Hughes, John Ratliff, Benj. Green and others. With a Paper on the Pioneer Women of the West, by Mrs. C. Springer. New ark, Ohio, 1872. 8vo. Licking Co, Pioneer Papers. See Licking Co. (Ohio) Pioneer Celebra. 1869. SMUCKER, Sam l M. History of the Civil War in the U. States, Part 1. Phila., 1863. 8vo. Life and Times of Alex. Hamilton. Phila., 1858. 12mo. Life and Times of Thos. Jefferson. Phila., 1858. 12mo. Memorable Scenes in French History from Cardinal Richelieu to the Present Time. 1857. 12mo, SMYTH, E. C. Sermon to Students of Bowdoin College. Bruns wick, Me., June, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 70. SMYTH, Dr. Jas. C. Account of an Experiment on the Effect of Nitrous Acid on Contagion. Lond., 1796. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 26. SMYTH. J. F. D. Tour in the U. States of America, 1783. Lond., 1784. 2 Vols. 8vo. Travels in Virginia, in 1773. From his Tour in the U. S. Va. Hist. Register. Vol. 6. SMYTH, Rev. Thos. Manual for the use of the Members of the 2d Presb. Ch., Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1838. SMYTH, Warrington, W. A Year with the Turks, or Sketches of Travel in the Dominions of the Sultan. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. SMYTH, Wm., D. D. See PACKARD, S. Address on Life and Char acter of. SNELL, Rev. Thos. Discourse containing an Hist. Sketch of North Brookfield, Mass., May 28, 1850. West Brookfield, 1854. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 6. Half Century Sermon at North Brookfield, Mass., June 27, 1848. West Brookfield, 1848. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. Sermon at North Brookfield, Mass., June, 1838, on the 40th Annivers. of his Ministry. Brookfield, 1838. 8vo. Mass.. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. See WHITING, Lyman, D. D. Memorial Tribute to. 368 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SNELLING, Wm. J. Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of Andrew Jackson, Boston, 1831. 12mo. Truth; a Gift for Scriblers. Poem. Boston, 1832. 8vo. SNETHEN, W. G. The Black Code of the Dist. of Columbia, in force Sept. 1, 1848. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 107. SNOW, Dr. John. On Narcotism by the Inhalation of Vapors. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 29. SNOW, Sam l. Narrative of his Banishment to Van Diemen s Land, for Participating in the Patriot War in Upper Can ada, in 1838. Cleveland, 1846. 8vo. Canada Pamph. Vol. 3. SNOW, Wm. P. Southern Generals: their Lives and Campaigns. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. SNOWDEN, Col. J. Ross. Address at the Inaugural Meeting of the Hist. Soc. of Delaware, n. d. 1864. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 8. Corn Planter Memorial; Hist. Sketch of Ey-aut-wa-chia. Harrisburg, 1867. Svo. Descriptions of the Medals of Washington, of National and Miscellaneous Medals. Phila., 1861. Svo. Speech at Phila., Sept 17, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. SNOWDEN, Rich d. History of North and South America from the Death of Washington. Phila., 1805. 18mo. SNYDER, John. Speech in Cong., June 22, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. SOBOLEWSKI, Serge. Catalogue de le Bibliotheque. Leipsic. 1873. Svo. SOCIALISM. See CUBITT, Geo. Lecture against. GABWOOD, J. Lecture against. GILES, J. E. Lecture against. HUGHES, H. Lecture against. . NOYES, J. H. Hist, of Amer. Socialism. OWEN, Rob t. Syllabus of Lectures in favor of. SOCIAL SCIENCE. See Articles on. . See British General Association. Observations on. SOCIETY for Constitutional Information. Addresses to the Public. n. d. 2 Papers. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 26. for Converting and Civilizing the Indians, etc. 1st Ann. Re port, 1831. York, 1832. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 3. for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge; Papers 20 Nos. N. York, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. for the Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge. Charter and By- Laws, etc. N. Y., 1854. Svo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 10. for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. List of Members, Rules and Orders, 1765, 1766. Bound in Vol. Political Controversy, 1763. - List of Lecturers and their Subjects, etc. Lond., 1854. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 35. for Improving the Condition of the Insane. London. Rules, List of Members, and Essay by Dan l H. Tuke, M. D., on Management. Lond., 1854. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 32. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 369 SOCIETY for Political Inquiries. See Penn. Hist. Soc. for Promoting Manual Labor in Literary Institutions. Ann. Report, with Report of T. D. Weld, Jan., 1833. 8vo. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 4. for Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West. Ann. Reports, 1847-1867, inclusive. N. Y., 1847- 1867. Svo. See Amer. Education Soc. for Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace. Ann. Re port for 1835. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians. Report of Select Comm. at 67th Ann. Meeting, 1855. Boston, 1856. 8vo. in Foreign Parts. See APTHORP, E. Institution and Conduct of. 1763. Report for 1833, 36. Extracts from the Report and Correspondence of the Soc y, 1834-5. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 89. for Relief of Distressed Settlers in South Africa. Report of Committee, etc. 1823. Lond., 1824. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. - for the Support of Gaelic Schools. 4th Report. Edinburgh, 1815. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 28. in America. See MARTINEATJ, H. of British Artists. Catalogue of the Soc y, 3d Exhibition. Lond., 1826. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 37. of Clerks to His Majesty s Signet. Memorial. 1785? 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. of the Cincinnati. Institution of the Soc., with Proceedings of Gen. Soc. and that of the State of N. Y. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. Institution of, in New Jersey, 1783-1866. Albany, 1866, Svo. Institution of, in 1783, with Account of the Establish ment of the Soc. in Mass. Boston, 1859. 8vo. See JOHNSTON, Alex. See New Hampshire Soc. Perm. Soc. Proceedings, 1784. Proceedings of Gen. Soc. and Institution of Penn. Soc., Phila., 1801. Svo. Proceedings of Gen. Soc. with Original Institution. Phila., 1S47. 4to. See SARGENT, Major W. TUDOR, Wm. Address before Mass. Soc. 1790. SOCIETY. See Vindication of Natural Society, etc. SOCIVIZCA, Capt. His Life and Extraordinary Adventures. Lond. n. d. 2d Ed. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 17. SOCRATES. See GROTE G. Life arid Death of. SODOR and Man, Bishop of. Knowledge and Practice of Christian ity. An Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians. Lond., 1799. 12mo. SOIL (The) of the South. Vol. 6. Columbus, Geo.. 1856. Svo. 24 370 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SOLAR Spots. See ASHE, E. D. Paper on. SOLDIERS Aid Society of No. Ohio. Our Acre and its Harvest: Hist. Sketch of the Cleveland Branch of the Soc. Cleveland, 1869. 8vo. . and Sailors Patriotic Songs. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 33 and 90A. National Cemetery Assoc. Charter and Proceedings of Board of Commissioners. Providence, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 5. SOLEMNE League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion, the Honour and Happinesse of the King and the Peace and Safety of G. Britain. Lond., 1643. Boston, re print, 1852. 8vo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 5. SOLLERS, A. R. Speech in Cong., Dec: 21, 1841, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. SOLON; or the Rebellion of 1861. Chicago, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Famph. Vol. 76. SOMERS, Rev. Chas. G. Memoir of. From Holden s Mag., Dec., Dec. 48. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. SOMERS, Lord John. Defence of the Constitution of G. Britain and Ireland, against Innovations of the Friends to Ann. Parliaments, etc. Lond., 1817. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 10. Political Lucubrations. Lond. 1833. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 39. The Security of Englishmen s Lives; or the Trust, Power and Duty of Grand Juries of England explained. Dublin, 1766. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. SOMERS, Robt. The Southern States Since the War. Lond., 1871. Svo. SOMERS Mutiny. Defence of Alex r Slidell Mackenzie. N. Y., 1843. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31. SOMERSETSHIRE Archselog. and Nat. Hist. Society. Proceedings, 1851. Taunton, 1852. Svo. SOMERTON, W. H. Narrative of the Bristol Riots, Oct., 1831. Bristol, 2d Ed. 1831? Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. SOMERVILLE, Mary. Physical Geography; with Notes and a Gloss ary, by W. S. W. Ruschenberger, M. D. Phila., 1857. 12mo SOMERVILLE, Robt. General View of the Agriculture of East Lothian, Scotland. Lond., 1813. Svo. SOMES, D. E. Inventions for the Preservation of Food, and for the Cooling of Public Buildings, 1865. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. Speech in Cong., Feb. 16, 1861, on Emancipation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. SONGS and Ballads of Freedom. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 97. of Love and Liberty. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. 12mo. - of the Nation, for 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 96. SONORA. See BROWNE, J. Ross. Tour through Arizona and So- nora. MOWRY, S. Arizona and Sonora, 1864. STONE, C. P. Notes on the State of. SONS of Temperance. See Temperance. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 371 SOPHOCLES. See CKOSBY, H. Oedipus Tyrranus. SORGHO Sucre. Methods of Cultivation and Manufacture and its Value as a Forage Plant. Boston, 1857. Svo. Aorr. Pamph. Vol. 11. SORGHUM Growers Manual. Cincin., 1861. 12mo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 8. " SOSCHOL RANCHO." Opinion of the Attorney General on the case of the. "Washington, 1868. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. SOUTHERAN, H. General Catalogue of Books. Lond., 1870. 12mo. SOULE, Frank. Annals of San Francisco, with Biograph. Memoirs of Prominent Citizens. N. Y., 1855. Svo. SOULE, P. Speech at Opelousas, La., Sept. 6, 1851, on State Rights etc. N. Orleans, 1851. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. Speech in Cong., May 21, 1850, on the Compromise. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. - Mar. 22, 1^52, on Non-intervention. Congr, and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 83. SOULES, Francois. Histoire des Troubles de 1 Amerique Anglaise. Paris, 1787, 4 Vols. 8vo. SOURCE (The) of the Evil. Addresses to the United Parliament and People on the Catholic Question. Lond., 1817. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. SOUTH America, See ASIIE, E. D. Journey Across the Andes, 1861. British Diplomacy in the River Plate, 1847. Concise Hist, of Spanish America. 1741. HUMBOLDT, A. Travels and Researches. and Bonpland Travels. MALLALIEU, A. Affairs in Buenos Ayres, etc., 1844. MIRANDA, F de. History of Revolution. - SHEPARD, A. K. Papers on. Spanish America, 1868. SOUTHAMPTON, Co., Eng. See WOODARD, B. W. General History of, n. d. SOUTHAMPTON, L. I. See HOWELL, G. R. History of. SOUTHAMPTON, Va. Insurrection, 1831. See TURNER, Nat. Con fessions. WARNER, Sam l, Narrative. SOUTHARD, Sam l L. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Nassau Hall, Sept. 26, 1832. Princeton, N. J., 1832. 8vo. Ad dresses, Vol. 15. Annivers. Address before the Columbian Institute, at Wash ington, Dec. 31, 1827. Washington, 1828. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 30. SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. See DAVIS, Geo. Hist. Sketch of. SOUTH CAROLINA. A Home for the Industrious Immigrant. Co lumbia, 1871. 8vo. S. C. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of S. Carolina and Georgia, 1733. Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Account of Missionaries sent to S. Carolina; the Places to which they were appointed, their Labors aed Successes, etc. CARROLL, B- R. Hist. Coll. S. C. Vol. 2. 372 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SOUTH CAROLINA. Account of the Province of Carolina, in Ameri ca. Lond., 1682. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C. Acts of the General Assembly. Columbia, 1847-1851, and 1853. 6 Vols. 8vo. Agricult. and Mechanical Soc. Proceedings of Ann. Conventions held in 1870, 71, 72. Charleston, 1871-73. 8vo. S. C. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Antiquities. See JONES, C. C. Ancient Tumuli on the Savannah River. 1868. See ARCIIDALE, J. New Description of, 1707. Auditor s Report, 1871. Columbia, 1872. 8vo. See BALDWIN, S. Diary of Events in Charleston, 1870. BARTRAM, Wm. Travels in, 1791. - Brief Description of the Province of Carolina, on the Coasts of Georgia, etc., 1665. CARROLL S Hist. Coll. of S. C. BURKE, A. Address to Freemen of. 1783. See CAROLINA. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Collections of. - CHALMERS, Geo. Polit. Annals of the Province. College. Catalogue. 1848. Columbia. 1848. Svo. Compilation of Acts and Resolutions in relation to the Free Schools, p Columbia, 1855. Svo. See DECLARATION of Causes inducing Secession. - Description of the Province of South Carolina, drawn up at Charles Town in Sept. 1731, translated from the French. FORCE S Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. Description of S. Carolina, with many Curious and Inter esting Particulars, etc. Lond., 1761. CARROLL, B. R., Hist. Coll. ofS. C. Vol.2. See DAYTON, J. Memoirs of Amer. Revolution. View of S. C. 1802. French Protestants of Abbeville. -Geology. HOLMES F. S. Phosphate Bocks of S.C. HOLMES, F. S. Post-Pleiocene Fossiles. TUOMEY, M., and HOLMES, F. S. Fossils of. See GIBBS, R. W. Doc. Hist, of Revolution. Historical Account of, etc. 1779. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Charleston, 1857- 9. Svo. See COHEN, J. B., LIEBER, O. M., PETIGRU, J. L., PORCHER, F. A., TRESCOTT, W. H. See HOWE, Gco., D. D. Early Presb. Immigration into. Hist, of Presbyterianism in. 1855. Settlements on Tyger River. HUTCIIINS, T. Descript. Topographique. - Immigration Convention. Proceedings at Charleston, 1870. Charleston, 1870. Svo. S. C. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Journal of the Council of Safety, for the Province of, 1775. S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. Journal of the Senate, 1852. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1852. Columbia, 1853. Svo. Laws of the State, 1845-46, 54. Columbia. 2 Vols. Svo. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 373 SOUTH CAROLINA. See LAWSON, J. History of, 1714. LEDERER, J. Discoveries, 1669, 70. List and Abstract of Papers in the State Paper Office, L ondon, relating to S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1 and 2. Local History. See Charleston, Kingstree. See LOGAN, John H. Hist, of Upper Country. Message of Gov. Moses, 1872. Columbia, 1873. 8vo See MILLS, R. Statistics of. MONTGOMERY, Sir K. Discourse respecting a New Colo ny in. MOORE, Dr. W. A. Life of Gen. Lacy, with List of Bat tles, etc., in S. C., during Rev. War. MOULTRIE, W. Amer. Revolution in S. C., etc. Narrative of Proceedings had in 1719. New and Accurate Ace. of the Provinces of S. Carolina and Georgia. Lond., 1733. Ga. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. See OGLETHORP, Gov. Account of, 1732. OLDMIXON, J. Hist, of the Colony, 1708. Petition of the Legislature to Cong., in favor of the Sis ters of Our Lady of Mercy, Charleston. Charleston, 1870: 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol, 118. Provisional Congress. Journal of the 2d Council of Safety, 1775. S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. See PURRY, P. Description of the Province of. 1731. RAMSAY, David. History of. 1670-1808. Registration Reports for 1856, 57, 59. Columbia, 1857- 60. 8vo. Report on the Destruction of Churches in the Diocese of S. C., during -the late War. Charleston, 1868. 8vo. Re- bell ii Pamph. Vol. 107. See RIVERS, W. J. Historical Sketches of. Short Description of the Province of S. Carolina, with Account of the Air, Weather, and Diseases, 1763. CARROLL, B. R, Hist. Coll. of S. C. Vol. 2. See SIMMS, W. G. History of, 1842, 1860. S. Carolina in Revolutionary War. Statements respecting Gen. Oglethorpe s Expedition to St. Augustine, 1740. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Coll. of S. C. Vol. 2, The First Set of the Fundamental Constitution of S. C.; as compiled by Mr. John Locke. Lond., 1669. CARROLL, R. B. Hist. Coll. of S. C. Vol. 2. - The Second Charter, granted by King Charles II, to the Proprietors of Carolina. CARROLL, B. R. Hist. Collection of S. C. See WALTER Thos. Flora Caroliniana. SOUTHCOTT, Joanna . See HANN, R. Prophecies of. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY, Eng. Statement of Position and Pro jects of the Company. 1845-6, with Maps. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. SOUTHERN AID SOCIETY. 4th, 6th, 7th. Ann. Reports. N. Y., 1857-61. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 16. 374 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SOUTHERN Aids to the North. From Continental Monthly, Mar., 1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 67. and Western Commercial Convention. Proceedings at Mem phis, 1854. Svo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Chivalry an Epic (doggerel.) Rebell n. Pamph. Vol. 98. Commercial Convention. Proceedings at Cincinnati, Oct., 1870. Cincin., 1871. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 14. Confederacy and the Slave Trade; the Correspondence be tween Prof. Cairnes and Geo. McHenry. Dublin, 1863. Svo. Rebelln Pamph. Vol. 45. See Amer. War of Rebellion. Fields and Forests. See PORCHER, F. P. Resources of. Generals. See SNOW, Win. P. Lives and Campaigns of. History of the War. Official Reports of Battles. N. Y., 1863. Svo. Literary Journal and Monthly Magizine. Vol. 5. Charleston, 1836. Messenger. Vols. 1-30., Jan. 1835 to May 1860. 23 Vols. (some vacancies.) Vols. 32, 33, 36. 37, 38. Richmond, 1861-64. 5 Vols. Loyalists Convention. Proceedings at Phila., Sept. ,.1866. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. Pacific R. Road. See Bell, W. A. New Tracks in N. Amer ica. 1867. Quarterly Review. Vols. 1-13. Jan. 1842-Apr. 1848. N. Series. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, Apr. 1850-July 1855. N. Orleans and Charleston, 1842-1855. Svo. In complete. Republican Association. Resolution and Memorial adopted at a Session, Dec. 8, 1866. Review. Vols. 1-8. Feb., 1828-Feb., 1832. Charleston, 1828-32. 8 Vols. Svo. N. Series. Vol. 1. Jan.-Apr., 1867. Baltimore, 1867. Svo. Rights and Union Parties in Maryland contrasted. Balti more, 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 38 and 73. Soldier s Prize Songster. Mobile, 1S64. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 48. Song Book. Mobile, 1862. 18mo. States since the War. 1870. See SOMERS, R. Trans-Continental R. R. Supplemental Argument on the Memphis, El Paso and Pacific R. R. in Texas. Washington, 1870. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 118. Zion Songster. Macon. 18mo. SOUTHEY, Robt. Letter to Wm. Smith, M. P. Lond., 1S17. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 77. Life of Lord Nelson. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1859. ISmo. SOUTHGATE, Rev. Horatio. See Letter from the Missionaries at Constantinople, etc. Letter to Members of the P. Episcopal Ch. in the U. S. in Vindication of himself, etc. N. Y., 1844. Svo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 375 SOUTHGATE, Wm. S. History of Scarborough, from 1633 to 1783. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. SOUTH, Sir Jas. Review of his Letter in Reply to the Obit. Notice of Rev. R. Sheepshanks. Lond., 1856. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. SOUTH, Dr. John F. Facts relating to Hospital Nurses. Lond., 1857. Svo. Medical Pamph. Vol. 22. SOUTH KENSINGTON, London, Eng. Catalogue of the Educational Division of the Museum. Lond., 1859. 8vo. SOUTHLAND Writers. See RAYMOND, Ida, Biograph. Sketches of Living Female Writers. SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. See GRIFFIN, A. First Settlers of. MOORE, C. B. Personal Index. SOUTHPORT, Wis., now Kenosha. American, Newspaper. South- port, 1848-49. folio. Bound with Kenosha papers. - Same and Kenosha Telegraph. Jan., 1867, Dec., 187Q. SOUTH (THE); a Letter from a Friend in the North on Disunion and Slavery. Phila., 1856. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 15. SOUTH SEA Expedition. See REYNOLDS, J. N., and DICKERSON, Mahlon. Correspondence. 1837-8. SOUTHWARK Infants School. Report of Committee, 1829. Lond. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 15. SOUTH WESTERN Boundary. See ELLICOTT, A. Journal. History. See MEEK, A. B. Romantic Passages. SOUTH Williamstown, Mass. Select Family School for Boys. Cir cular and Catalogue. 1852. Albany. Svo. SOUTHWORTH, Wm. S. Letter to the Directors of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company. Boston, 1866. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. SPAIN. Academia (Real) de la Historia. Memorias de la. Madrid, 1796-1852. 4to. Viz: Colecion de Cortes, de los reynos de Leon y de Castilla. Madrid, 1836-45. 38 Nos. 4to. - Memorial Historico Espanol; Collecion de Documentos, Opusculos y Antique eades. Madrid, 1851-57, 9 Vols. Svo. Examen de los sucesos y Circumstancias que Mativaron el Compromise de Caspe. Madrid, 1855. 4to. Estatutos y Reglamento. Madrid, 1856. 4to. - Examen Critico. Historico del influjo que tuvp en el Comercio, industria y poblacion de Espana su Dominacion en America. Madrid, 1854. 4to. Juicio Critico. del Fendalis mo en Espana. Madrid, 1856. 4to. P]usayo. Sobre los Alphabetos de los letras desconocidas que se Encuentran en los mas Antiguas Medallas, Monumen- tos de Espana. Madrid, 1752. 4to. Collecion de Cortes de los Antiques reinos de Espana. Catalogo. Madrid, 1853. 4to. Colecion de Fueros y Cartas-pueblas de Espana. Cata logo. Madrid, 1852. 4to. Diccionario Geografico. Historico de Espana. Madrid. 1846. 4to. 376 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPAIN Academia. Disertacion Sobre la Historia de la Nautica que ban contribuido a sus progresos entre los Espanoles. Mad rid, 1846. 4to. Historia General, y Natural de las Indias por Fernandez De Oviedo. Madrid, 1851-55. 4 Vols. Folio. SPAIN and Portugal. See BECKFORD, Wm. Sketches of. See ANDREWS, J. History of the War. BORROW, G. Bible in. Cartas de Gouzalo. Ayora. Cronista de los reyes Catolicos. Madrid, 1794. 8vo. See CEAN, J. A. Roman Antiquities in. DE GERAMB, Baron. Letter to Earl Moira, 1810. GEORGE, A. Annals of Queens of. IRVING, W. Spanish Papers. KENNEDY, S. Modern Poets and Poetry of. - LAB.ORDE, A. Views in Spain. MAS, Poco. Scenes and Adventures in. NAPIER, W. F. P. War in, 1807-14. Notes on the Campaign of 1808-9. PRESCOTT, W. H. Hist, of Ferdinand and Isabella. Hist, of Reign of Philip 3d. Reply to Pamphlet on the Policy of England, etc, 1837. TAYLOR, B. Lands of the Saracen. Torreno (Court). Events. 1808-14. Unchristian Perfidies of France toward Spain. WALTON, Wm. Policy of England, etc., 1837. SPALDING, Lyman, M. D. Address at Fairfield, Dec. 7, 1813, at Inaugura. of Officers of the Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons of the Western Dist. of N. Y. N. Y., 1814. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 31. SPALDING, Bishop M. J. Common Schools in the U. S., compared with those in Europe; Review of the work of Jos. Kay. Louisville, Ky., 1858. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 3. Sketches of the Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky from 1787 to 1827. Louisville, n. d. SPALDING, S. J. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of Es sex Co., Mass. Boston, 1865. 8vo. SPALDING, Thos. Sketch of the Life of Gen. James Oglethorpe. Georgia Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. SPALDING, Wm. Italy and the Italian Islands, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1857. 3 Vols. 18mo. SPANISH Affairs, 1739. See State of the Rise and Progress of Dis putes with Eng. 1819. See Estrada (Alvaro). Defense of the Cortes. 1823. See Short Discussion on the Spanish Question. 1838. See Londonderry (Marques of.) Speech in ParPt, American Loans. See WYLLIE, R. C. Letter on, 1840. Conquest in America. See HELPS, A. Its Relation to the History of Slavery. See PRESCOTT, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand & Isabella CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 377 SPANISH Constitution of 1812. Discourse on the same, read in the Cortes, etc. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol.22. Cruelty and Injustice, a Justifiable Plea for War with Spain. Lond., 1741. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 11. Inquisition, (History of the). Western Monthly Review. Vol. 2. Literature. See TICKNOR, G. History of. Loans. Particulars of the Public Meeting held at the Lon don Tavern, Jan. 29, 1840. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 20. Spoliations. See Congress l Speeches. SPARKS, Jared. Catalogue of his Library offered for Sale. Cam bridge, 1870. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 34. Correspondence of the Amer. Revolution: being Letters of Eminent Men to Washington from his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. Boston, 1853. 4 Vols. 8vo. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Amer. Revolution. Vols. 8-12. Boston, 1830. 8vo. See ELLIS, Geo. E. Memoir of. Letter to Lord Mahon, being an Answer to his Letter to the Editor of Washington s Writings. Boston, 1852. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 1. Library of American Biography, in two Series. Boston and N. Y., 1844, 54. 25 Vols. 12mo. Contents: Vol. 1. Life of JOHN STAKK, by E. Everett. CHAS. B. BROWN, by W. H. Prescott. RICHARD MONTGOMERY, by J. Armstrong. ETHAN ALLEN, by J. Sparks. 2. ALEXANDER WILSON, by W. B. O. Peabody. Capt. JOHN SMITH, by G. S. Hilliard. 3. BENEDICT ARNOLD, by J. Sparks. 4. ANTHONY WAYNE, by J. Armstrong. 5. JOHN ELIOT, by C. Francis. 6. WM. PINKNEY, by H. Wheaton. WM. ELLERY, by E. T. Channing. COTTON MATHER, by O. W. B. Peabody. 7. WILLIAM PHIPPS, by F. Bowen. ISRAEL PUTNAM, by O. W. B. Peabody. LUCRETIA M. DAVIDSON, by C. M. Sedgwick. DAYID RITTENHOUSE, by J. Renwick. 8. JONATHAN EDWARDS, by S. Miller. DAVID BRAINARD, by W. B. O. Peabody. 9. BARON STEUBEN, by F. Bowen. SEBASTIAN CABOT, by C. Hay ward, Jr. WILLIAM EATON, by C. C. Felton. 10. ROBERT FULTON, by J. Renwick. Jos. WARREN, by A. H. Everett. HENRY HUDSON, by H. R. Cleveland, Father MARQUETTE, by J. Sparks. 11. ROBERT DE LA SALLE, "by J. Sparks. PATRICK HENRY, by A. H. Everett. 378 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPARKS, Jared continued. Vol. 12. JAS. OTIS, by F. Bowen. JAS. SULLIVAN, by O. W. B. Peabody. JAS. OGLETHORPE, by W. B. O. Peabody. 13. JOHN SULLIVAN, by O. W. B. Peabody. JACOB LEISLER, by C. F. Hoffman. NATHAN L BACON, by W. Ware. JOHN MASON, by G. E. Ellis. 14. ROGER WILLIAMS, by W. Gammell. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, by W. B. Sprague. Count PULASKI, by J. Sparks. 15. Count RUMFORD, by J, Ren wick. ZEBULON M. PIKE, by H. Whiting. SAMUEL GORTON, by J. M. Mackie. 16. EZRA STILES, by J. L. Kingsley. JOHN FITCH, by C. Whittlesey. ANNE HUTCHINSON, by G. E. Ellis. 17. JOHN RIBAULT, by J. Sparks. SEBASTIAN RASLE, by C. Francis. WM. PALFREY, by J. G. Palfrey. 18. CHAS. LEE, by J. Sparks. JOSEPH REED, by H. Reed. 19. LEONARD CALVERT, by G. W. Burnap. SAMUEL WARD, by W. Gammell. THOMAS POSEY, by J. Hall. 20. NATH L GREENE, by G. W. Greene. 21. STEPHEN DECATUR, by A. S. Mackenzie. 22. EDWARD PREBLE, by L. Sabine. WILLIAM PENN, bv G. E. Ellis. 23. DAN L BOONE, by"j. M. Peck. BENJAMIN LINCOLN, by F. Bowen. JOHN LEDYARD, by J. Sparks. WM. R. DAVIE, by F. M. Hubbard. SAM L KIRKLAND, by S. K. Lothrop. Lives of Ethan Allen, B. Arnold, Father Marquette, Count Pulaski, John Ribault, Robert LaSalle, Gen. Chas. Lee, and John Ledyard. " Sparks s Amer. Biography." Life of Col. Ethan Allen, with a Memoir of Col. Seth War ner, by D. Chipman. Middlebury, Vt., 1848. 12mo. Life of Ethan Allen. Burlington, 1858. 12mo. Life of George Washington, abridged. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Corres pondence. Boston, 1832. 3 Vols. 8vo. See MAYER, Brantz. Memoir of. Remarks on a Reprint of the Letters from Washington to Jos. Reed, during the Revolution, referred to by Lord Mahon and Mr. Sparks. Boston, 1853. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 1. Reply to the Strictures of Lord Mahon and others, on editing the Writings of Washington. Cambridge, 1852. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 379 SPARKS, Jared. Works of Benjamin Franklin; containing several Polit. and Hist. Tracts not included in any former Ed., with a Life of the Author. Boston, 1856. 10 Vols. 8vo. Writings of George Washington; being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, with a Life of the Author. Boston, 1855. 12 Vols. 8vo. SPAKKS, Wm. H. Memories of Fifty Years; with Biograph. No tices of Distinguished Americans, and Scenes in the S. West Phila., 1870. Svo. SPARTA, Wis. Democrat. Newspaper. June to Nov., 1859. Folio. Description of the Medicinal Artesian Spring at Sparta, n. d. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Herald and Democrat. Newspaper. 1861-6. 1869-72. Folio. SPEAR, Rev. S. T. Discourse at Brooklyn, Oct. 2, 1864; Our Coun try and its Cause, 1864. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 41. Radicalism and the National Crisis: a Sermon at Brooklyn. Brooklyn, 1862. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 64. Remarks on the Fugitive Slave Question, etc.: a Sermon at Brooklyn, Dec. 12, 1850. N. Y., 1850. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 133. Thanksgiving Discourse at Brooklyn, Nov. 27, 1862. " The Nation s Blessing." Brooklyn, Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vols. 2 and 67. The Duty of the Hour; a Sermon. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Ro- bellion Pamph. Vol. 64. SPECIE Payments. N. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. SPECIMENS of Cornish Provincial Dialect. Lond. 1846. 12mo. Printing Type furnished by the Chicago Type Foundry. Chi cago, 1870. 4to. SPECTATEUR, Le American. Ou Remarques Generales sur L Amer- ique Septentrionale et sur LaRepublique des Treize Etats- unis. Amsterdam, 1784. Svo. SPECTATOR (The) with Sketches of Lives of the Authors. Phil a, 12 Vols. in 6. 18mo. - Selections from. Harpers, Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1859. 2 Vols. 18mo. See ADDISOIST, J. SPEDDING, Thos. S. Letter on the Poor Laws, Lond., 1S47. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 46. SPEECH (A) against the Suspending and Dispensing Prerogative, 1766. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 2. delivered by an Indian Chief, in America, in Reply to a Ser mon of a Swedish Missionary. Lond., 1689. ISmo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 5. intended to have been delivered in the Imperial Parl t on a Bill for the Benefit of the R, Catholics of Ireland. Dublin, 1804. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Mass. Bay. (Imputed to Bishop of St. Asaph.) Lond., 1774. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 2. of a Fellow Communer of England to his Fellow Communers of the Convention. 1689. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 65. 380 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPEECHES in behalf of the University of Albany by Hon. S. B. RUGGLES, Rev. D. KENNEDY, Hon. A. TABER, and Rev. Ray PALMER, Mar. 1852. Addresses. Vol. 11. of CHATHAM, BURKE, and ERSKTNE, to which is added the Argument of Mr. MACKINTOSH, in the Case of Peltier. Phila. 1855. 8vo. of N. Y. Governors, from Gov. Geo. CLINTON to Gov. DeWitt CLINTON. Albany, 1852. 8vo. on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, delivered in Cong., April and May, 1830. Boston, 1830. 12mo. Volumes of. See AMERICAN Oratory. BURKE, E. Works of. CALHOUN, J. C. Works. - CARPENTER, S. C. Select Speeches. CARPENTER, Thos. American Senator. CLAY, C. M. Speeches and Addresses. CLAY, Henry. Speeches. Dix, J. A. Works of. Eloquence of U. S. EVERETT, E, Orations and Speeches. GARRISON, Wm. L. Selections from Speeches. GIDDINGS, J. R. Speeches in Congress. LORING, J. S. Hundred Boston Orators. MOORE, F. Amer. Eloquence. RANTOUL, R. Jr. Memoirs and Speeches. Select Speeches of WINDHAM and HUSKINSOK. SEWARD, W. H. Works of. SERGEANT, John. Speeches. - Speeches of PHILIPS, CURRAN and GRATTAN. - WEBSTER, D. Works of. WOODBUEY, L. Writings. SPEED, Jas. Opinion on the Constitutional Power of the Military, to Try and Excute the Assassins of the President. Wash ington, 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9. SPENCE, Geo. Address to the Public, and the House of Commons, on the State of the Court of Chancery. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 43. Evils and Abuse of the Court of Chancery and proposed Amendments. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 17. Speech in the House of Commons, Dec. 20, 1830, on the Court of Chancery. Lond. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 14. SPENCE, Jas. American Union: its Effect on the National Charac ter, with an Enquiry into Secession. Lond., 18G2. 8vo. See RAWLINS, C. E., Jr. On Amer. Disunion. SPENCE, Wm. Address before the Entomolog. Soc. of London, Jan. 24, 1848. Lond. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. SPENCER, Chas. S. An Appeal for Freedom, made in Assembly of State of N. Y., Mar. 7, 1859. Albany, 1859. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 14. SPENCER, Edmund. Poem of. Colin " Clout Come Home Again " Explained. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 381 SPENCER, Herbert. Classification of the Sciences: with Reasons for Dissenting from M. Comte. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 39. Illustrations of Universal Progress. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. SPENCER, Rev. I. S. Sermon at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1850, on the Fugitive Slave Law. N. Y., 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 107. SPENCER, Rev. J. A. Egypt and the Holy Land. 4th Ed. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. History of Reformation in England. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1847. 12mo. History of the U. States; to the Administration of Jas. Bu chanan. N. Y., 1858. 3 Vols. 4to. SPENCER, Col. John. Letter with Documents, etc., in regard to his Accounts with the U. S. N. Y., 1852. 8vo. Indiana Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SPENCER, Mass. See DRAPER, Jas. History of. SPENCER, O. M. Indian Captivity. N. Y., 1834. 12mo. SPENCER Repeating Rifle and Carbine. Description of. Boston, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 53. SPENCER, Rob t C. Letter to Hon. E. Salomon in relation to a Commercial Department of the University of Wisconsin. Wis. Mis. Pamph. Vol. 1. SPENCER, Rev. Thos. Observations on the School Return of the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Lond., 1843. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 31. See RAFFLES, Rev. T. Memoir of. SPICER, Jacob. Extracts from his Diary, 1757. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 3. SPICER, Dr. Trevethan. ^Esthetics. Notes of a Lecture delivered in Dec. 1853. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. Life Assurance. An Essay. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. SPIELMANN, Jacques R. Instituts de Chymie. Paris, 1770. 2 Vols. Svo. SPIKENARD. See HATCHETT, Chas. Spikenard of the Ancients. SPIRIT of the Public Journals from 1797 to 1805 inclusive. Lond., 1799-1806. 9 Vols. 12mo. SPIRITUALISM. See Buchanan s Journal of Man. DOUGLAS, J. S. Modern Mysteries. GRUYER, L. A. Du Spiritualisme 19th Centurie. Society for Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge. Tiffany s Monthly. SPOFFORD, A. R. The Public Libraries of the U. S. Read before the Amer. Social Science Assoc., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1869. N. Y., 1870. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 23. SPOFFORD, Horatio, G. Pocket Guide for the Tourist. N. Y., 1824. 12mo. SPOLIATION, (The) of American Commerce by the French, and then by our own Gov t. N. Y., 1852. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 99. 382 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPOONER, Rev. John J. Topograph. Description of the Co. of Prince George in Virginia, 1793. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 3. SPOONER, Lysander. New System of Paper Currency. Boston. 1861. 8vo. No Treason. No. 2. The Constitution. Boston, 1867. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. Poverty: its Illegal Causes and Legal Cure. Part 1. Boston,. 1846. 8vo. Corigr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 81. The Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 102. SPOONER, S. Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects. N. Y., 1854. 3 Vols. 12mo. Appeal to the People of the U. S. in behalf of Art, etc. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 1. SPORTING Magazine. Lond., 1826, 1828, 1829. 3 Vols. 8vo. SPOTSWOOD Family. See CAMPBELL, C. SPRAGTJE, Chas. Address before the Mass. Soc. for the Suppression of Intemperance, May 31, 1827. Boston, 1827. 12mo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1 and 3. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1825. 8vo. Addresses, Vcl. 3. SPRAGUE, Hosea. Genealogy of the Spragues of Hingham, Mass., Descendants of William, of Naumkeag, 1628. Hartford,, 1842. 12mo. SPRAGUE, John T. The Origin, Progress and Conclusion of the Florida War. N. Y., 1848. 8vo- SPRAGUE, Major J. T. Paper before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., June 25, 1861, on the Texas Treason. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 4. SPRAGUE, P. Speech in Cong., Apr. 3, 1832, on the Colonial Trade wiih G. Britain. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. SPRAGUE, Peleg. Remarks at Boston on the Character and Services of Gen. Harrison. Boston, 1839. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. - What is Treason? A Charge to Grand Jury of U. S. Dist, Court of Mass. Salem., 1853. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 18 and 28. SPRAGUE, W. B., D. D. Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Jane Wyck- off, at Albany, Jan. 31, 1847. 8v. Sermons. Vol. 10. Address before Literary Societies of the Wesleyan University, July 31, 1848. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 8. Address before the Soc. of Phi Beta Kappa, in Yale College, Aug. 16, 1843. N. Haven., 1843. Svo. Yale Coll. Pamphs. - Address before the Y. M. Assoc. for Mutual Improvement in Albany, Dec. 4, 1S38. Albany, 1838. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 26. Address before the Young Ladies Institute, Albany, June 13, 1861. Albany, 1861. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 30. Address Mar. 31, 1864, on the Death of Rev. John N. Camp bell, D. D. Albany, 1864. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 52. Address, June 15, 1869, before the Young Ladies Institute, Albany, N. Y. Albany, 1869. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 21. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 383 SPRAGUE, W. B., D. D. Annals of the American Pulpit; or No tices of Distinguished American Clergymen of all Denomi- t nations. Vols. 1, 2, Trinitarian Congregational. 3, 4, Pres byterian. 5, Episcopal. 6, Baptist. 7, Methodist. 8, Unita rian. N. Y., 1866. 8 Vols. 8vo. Catalogue of his Private Library. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Biblio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 34. See Correspondence respecting, etc. 1850. Discourse at Albany, on Rev. Sam l Miller, Jan. 27, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 28. Discourse on Rev. Robt. Baird, D.D., N. Y., May 10, 1863. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 52. Discourse before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Bowdoin College, Sept. 5, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8vo. Bowdoin Coll. Pamphs. Discourse to the Alumni of Princeton Theolg. Seminary, Apr. 30, 1862, on its 50th Annivers. Albany, 1862. 8vo. N. J. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Discourse on the Death of Thos. Chalmers, D. D., at Albany, June 27, 1847. Sermons. Vols. 10 and 11. Historical Sermon at the 2d Presb. Ch., Albany, Jan. 4, 1846. Albany, 1846. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Fiftieth Annivers. Discourse at West Springfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 1869. Albany, 1869. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 20. . - Introductory Address before Y. M. Assoc., Albany, Dec., 1838. Albany, 1838. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 3. . . Life of Timothy Dwight, Pres t of Yale College. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. Our Triennial Catalogue. Discourse^ before the Alumni of Yale Coll., July 25, 1860. Albany, N. Y., 1860. Yale Coll. Pamphs. . Quarter Century Sermon addressed to the 2d Presb. Ch. in Albany, Aug. 27, 1854. Albany, 1854. Svo. N. Y, Hist. Discourses. Vol 1. Sermon at Albany, Sept. 5, 1858, on the Atlantic Telegraph. Albany, 1858. Svo. Sermons. Vol.48. Sermon at Elizabeth, N. J., Feb. 10, 1861, on the Death of Nicholas Murray, D. D. Albany, 1861. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 51. . Sermon at West Springfield, Mass., Jan. 3, 1821, at the In terment of Rev. Jos. Lathrop, D. D. Hartford, 1821. Svo. Sermons Vol. 39. Sermon, Jan. 14, 1829, at the Dedication of the Evang. Cong. Ch. in Barre. Hartford, 1829. Svo. Sermons, Vol. 22. Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Ludlow, at Albany, Sept. 21, 1857. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 21. SPRAT, Thos., Bishop. True Copy of his Last Will and Testament. Lond., 1715. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 23. SPRINGER, Mrs. C. See SMUCKER, Isaac. SPRINGFIELD, 111. History of; its Attractions as a Home, and Ad vantages for Business, etc. Published by the Board of Trade. Springfield, 1871. Svo. 111. Local Histories. Vol.2. 384 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SPRINGFIELD Illinois State Journal. Newspaper. 1857-63. Folio. 1st Ann. Report of the Supt. of Public Schools, for 1858-9. Springfield, 1859. 8vo. 111. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. SPRINGFIELD (Mass.) Aqueduct Co. See PYNCHON, J. C. . Armory. See Review of the Systems of Superintendency, etc. See BLISS, G. Hist. Address. 1828. Cemetery. See PEABODY, Wm. See CHAPIN, O. Chapin Genealogy, etc. See West Springfield. SPUING GROVE CEMETERY; its History and Improvements. Cincin., 1869. 8vo. SPRING, Lindley. Peace! Peace!! "But there is no Peace." N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 40. SPRING, Rev. Sam l. Discourse on the Death of Gen. Geo. Wash ington at Newburyport, Dec. 29, 1799. Newburyport, 1799. Sermons. Vol. 3. SPRING VALE, Fond du Lac Co., Wis. See WEST, G. M. Spring Vale in the War. SPROAT, Col. Ebenezer. See Hildreth, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. SPURGEON, Rev. C. H. Sketch of his Life and Ministry. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. SPURRELL, Rev. Jas. Miss Sellon and the Sisters of Mercy. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 62, SPURRIER, John W. Lecture at King s College, London, Nov. 5, 1833, on the Study of the English Law. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 21. SPURZHEIM, Gasper, M. D. See FOLLEN, Prof. Chas. Oration on Death of. SQUIER, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of N. Y., com prising the Results of Original Surveys and Explanations. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 2. and DAVIS, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 1. Same of New Mexico and California. From Amer. Review, 1848. Archaeolog. Pamph. Vol. 1. Antiquities of the State of N. Y., with supplement on the Antiquities of the West. Buffalo, 1851. 8vo. Collection of Rare and Original Documents concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America. Albany, 1860. 4to. Hist, and Mytholog. Traditions of the Algonquins. n. d. n. p. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. Honduras; Descriptive, Historical and Statistical. Lond., 1870. 12mo. Is Cotton King? Sources of Cotton Supply. N. Y., 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 72. See LAY, G. T. Chineese as they are. Letter on the Ruins of Tenampua, C. A. From N. Y. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1853. Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, Monuments and and the pro posed Inter-Oceanic Canal. Lond., 1852. 2 Vols. 8vo. Observations on the Uses of the Mounds of the West. Silli- man s Journ. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 385 SQUIER, E. G. Observations on Aboriginal Monuments of Missis sippi Valley. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. Archaeolog. Pamphlets. Vol. 1. The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. The Unexplored Regions of Central America. Read before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Jan., 1860. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 4. Volcanoes of Central America, and the Geograph. and Topo- graph Features of Nicaragua. 1859. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. See ZESTERMANN, C. A. Memoir of Coloniza, of America. SQUIER, Rev. Miles P. Address, July 9, 1851, at First Anniversary of Commencement at Beloit College. N. Y., 1851. Svo. Beloit Coll. Pamph. STACKE, Henry. The Story of the American War. 1861-65. Lond., 1866. 12mo. STADEN, Hans de Hamberg. Veritable Histoire et Description d un pays habite par des Hornme Sauvages. 1857. Ternaux H. Voyages. Vol. 3. STAFFORDSHIRE, Eng. Curiosities in. n. d. 18mo. STAGG, Abraham. Biograph. Sketches of the 56th Ohio Senate. Columbus, 1864. 12mo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. STALLARD, J. H. Workhouse Hospitals. Lond., 1865. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph Vol. 61. STAMFORD, Conn. See ALVORD, Rev. J. W. Hist. Address, 1841. Huntington, E. B. History of. STAMMERING. See POETT, Jos. Observations on. STAMP ACT. Account of Proceedings held in N. Y., bv Congress. 1775. Conduct of the late Administration Examined. DICKENSON, J. Letter from a Penn. Farmer. FRANKLIN, B. Examination before House of Commons. OTIS, Jas. Vindication of Brit. Colonies. Protest against Bill for Repeal of. Regulations of British Colonies considered. Two Papers on Taxing the Brit. Colonies in America. Collecting. See " KURIOSITI KABINET." 1870-1. STANDISH, Miles. See ALLEN, S. M. STANDPUNKT der Demokratischen Partei. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 91. STANFORD, Chas. Memorials of the Rev. Wm. Rhodes. Lond., 1860. 12mo. 2d Ed. STANFORD, Rev. John. Discourses on the Death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, at Bellevue, N. Y., 1826. N. Y. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 24. , STANHOPE, Earl. Letter .on the Corn Laws. Lond., 1827. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 5, Letter to the Owners and Occupiers of Sheep Farms. Lond., 1828. 8vo. Strangford Pamph Vol. 6. Proposed Address to His Majesty on the Present Distress of the Country. Lond., 1821. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 1. 25 386 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STANHOPE, Earl Chas. Speech in the House of Lords, Feb. 20, 1800, on Peace with the French Republic. Lond., 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 27. \ Biograph. Sketch of. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 14. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer. Lord Chesterfield. See Remarks on the Letters to his Son, 1774. STANLEY, Lord. Speech in Parl t, May 19, 1842, on the Canada Corn Bill. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 31. May 25, 1846, on the Corn Laws. Lond., 8vo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 40. The Church-Rate Question considered. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 66. STANLEY, Rev. A. P. The Study of Modern History. A Lecture. Lond., 1854. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 36. STANLEY, E. Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 55. Two Letters to Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, on the Claims and Resources of the West India Colonies. Lond., 1850-51. 8vo. STANLEY, Geo. W. Oration at Wallingford, Apr. 4, 1814, in Cele bration of the late Glorious Events in Europe. N. Haven, 1814. 8vo. Addresses Vol. 32. STANLEY, Wm. Remarks on the Gov t Measure for establishing a Poor Law in Ireland. Lond., 1837. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 12. STANSBURY, A. O. Consideration on the Lawfulness of Lotteries. N. Y., 1813. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 13. STANSBURY, Howard. Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah; with a Description of its Geography, Natural History, Minerals and an Analysis of its Waters, also an Au thentic Acct. of the Mormon Settlement; Phil a, 1855. 8vo. STANSFIELD, Hamer. Money of the Money Market explained. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 4. STANTON. Benj. Letter in Reply to Hon. T. Ewing. Columbus, 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 48 and 106. STANTON, Edwin M. See JOHNSON, Win. Address on Life and Character of. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady. Address before Woman s Rights Con vention, Feb. 14, 1854. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 7. and others. Memorial to Cong, with Arguments before the Judiciary Comm. of the Senate, Jan. 12, 1872. Washington, 1872, 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. STANTON, Fred P. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Colum bian College, July 21, 1852. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 33. Speech in Cong. Feb. 13, 1850, on Admission of Cal. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. Aug. 17, 1852, on Naval Appropriations. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. STANTON, Henry B. Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of G. Britain and Ireland. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. STANTON S Life Boat. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Congr and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 387 STAPLES, Rev. C. A. Sketch of the Life of Rev. N. A. Staples, Church of the Redeemer, Milwaukee, Feb. 7, 1864. Mil waukee, 1864. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. STAPLES, W. R. Annals of the Town of Providence from its first Settlement to th$ Organization of the Civil Gov t in June, 1832. R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. See ARNOLD, S. G. Address before R. I. Hist. Soc. Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee. Prov- idenee, 1845. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. History of the Criminal Law of R. Island, 1853. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Proceedings of the First Gen. Assembly of the Incorporation of Providence Plantations and the Code adopted in 1647, with Notes. Providence, 1847. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. STARK, Caleb. History of Dunbarton, N. H., from 1751 to 1860. Concord, 1860. 8vo. Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark; also a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens and Col. Robt. Rog ers. Concord, 1860. 8vo. STARK, Gen. John. See Reminiscences of the French War. - EVERETT, E. Life of. STARK, C. Memoir of. STARKWEATHER, Brig. Gen. J. C. Statement of his Military Servi ces since Mar. 4, 1861. Milwaukee, 1864? 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. STARR, Wm. E. See Mass. State Reform School. " STARS and Bars." See KELSO, Isaac. STATE Amusements, Serious and Hypocritical, fully exemplified in the Abdication of K. James II. Lond., 1711. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. STATE, (The) preferable to the Church; or, Reasons for making sale of the Church Property, etc. Lond , 1748. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 69. STATEMENT and Appeal of the Borneo Mission. 1844. 12mo. n. p. Religious Pamph. Vol. 19. in Answer to the Protest of the Minority of the Town Council against the Appointment of Thos. Henderson. Edinburgh, 1810. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 30. of Claims of Creditors of Texas on the U. S. Gov t. Wash ington, 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. of Claims of the West India Colonies to a Protecting Duty against East India Sugar. Lond., 1823. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 36. of Facts in Relation to the Duty on Foreign Coal. 1869? n. p, Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. of the Action of Cong, in relation to a Navy Yard for Iron Clad Vessels. N. London, 1866. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 56. of the Indian Relations; with Reply to an Article in N. A. Review on the Removal of the Indians. N. Y., 1830. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. 388 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STATEMENT of Proceedings of the Conference in Liverpool for Pro moting Christian Union, and the Evangelical Alliance. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 62. of Proceedings relating to the Establishment of a Bishopric of the United Church of England and Ireland in Jerusalem. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 29. of the Measures adopted during the present war, for Augu- menting the Military Force, etc. Lond., 1808. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol."2S. to Cong., of Reasons why the Pending Treaty should be Rati fied, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. STATEN Island. Facts and Documents relating to the Recent Destuction of the Quarantine Buildings. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. N. Y. Miser Pamph. Vol. 5. STATE (The) of Parties, and of the Public. Lond., 1692. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9. of the British and French Colonies in N. America, with respect to Number of People, Forces, Forts, Indians, etc. Lond., 1755. 8vo. of the Rise and Progress of our Disputes with Spain, and the Conduct of the Ministers relating thereto. Lond., 1739. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Painph. Vol. 8. of the Times, and the Necessity of Reform. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 37. STATE Rights and the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the U. S. Beloit, 186Q. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 25. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. Wis. Pamph. Vol. 3. See CALHOUN, J. C. Opinions on. Charleston, S. C. Proceedings. 1831. Congress l Speeches. HAMILTON, Gov. Jas. Corres. with J. C. Calhoun. HARPER, W. The Remedy by State Interposition. Speech at Charleston. 1832. See Nullification a Genuine Book of. Prospect before us, etc. SOULE, P. Speech at Opelousas, La. 1851. SMITH, Abram D. Speech at Madison, Wis. 1860. View of Remedies proposed. t~* / , 1 T"* T T^ 1 STATE Secrets for the People; Private Letters of Lieut. Gen. SCOTT, and Ex-President BUCHANAN. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 76. " STATESMAN Party " of Boston. See DERBY, J. B. STATESMEN in America. See MAURY, S. M. STATE Sovereignty and Doctrine of Coercion. 1860. Association Tract, No. 2. Charleston. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 108 STATISTICAL Illustrations of the Territorial Extent and Population, Commerce, etc., of the British Empire. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. Inquiry into the Condition of the People of Color, of the City and Districts of Phila. Phila"., 1849, Svo. Phila. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Society of London. See LONDON. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 389 STATISTICS. See Amer. Statistical Association. DEBow, J. B. B. Review. G. Britain Registrar General Reports. HALL, ,Tas. Western Statistics. HEUSCHING, X. Bibliog. Hist* de la Statistique en France. London Statistical Society. Ohio Statistics, 1857, 8-60. PEESCOTT, T. H. Volume of the World. Shipper s Guide. U. S. Census. WELLS, D. A. Things Not Generally Known. World in a Pocket Book. STATUTA Novarcensis Dioceseos a reverendissimo domino Jacobo Roosevelt Bayley, Novar Censi Episcopo, in Synodo Dicece- sana prima habita Mense August 1856. N. Y., 1857. 12mo STEADY Habits Vindicated, or a Serious Remonstrance to the Peo ple of Connecticut, against changing their Gov t. Hartford, 1805. 8vo. Conn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. STEAMBOAT Companion from London to Gravesend, Margate, etc. Margate, n. d. 12mo. Guide Books, Vol. 7. Directory. See LLOYD, J. T. Disasters on Western Waters Disasters and Railroad Accidents in the U. S. Worcester 1846. 12mo. STEAM Engine, (The) explained. A Popular Description. Glas gow, 1839. 12mo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 28. See Facts relative to Fuel for Generating Steam. GUENEY, G. Invention of Steam Jet, etc. LAEDNEE, D. Steam Engine Explained. STEAM NAVIGATION. From the N. Y. Review, July, 1838. Sci entific Pamph. Vol. 3. See RENWICK, Jas. First Introduction of. STEANE, Rev. Edw. Sermon on the Death of Rev. W. H. Pearce, Baptist Missionary, Calcutta. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 41. STEAENS, Chas. Case of, vs. J. W. Ripley, for Malicious Provoca tion. Springfield, 1851. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 1. Memoir of Wm. Pynchon. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 13. The Fugitive Slave Law of the U. S. Unconstitutional, etc. Boston, 1851. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 102. STEAENS, Edw. J. Practical Guide to English Pronunciation and Alphabetical Recitation List. Boston, 1858. 12mo. 2 Vols. Sermon at Centreville, Md., Feb. 2, 1862, on "The Powers that be." Baltimore, 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 64. The Sword of the Lord; a Sermon at Newark, N. J., Sept. 26, 1861. Baltimore, 1861. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 64. STEAENS, Dr. John. Address before N. Y. State Medical Soc., Feb. 2, 1820. Albany, 1820. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol 5. STEAENS, Rev. Jonathan F. Address at Consecration of Oak Hill Cemetery at Newburyport, July 21, 1842. Newburyport, Svo. Sermons. Vol. 14. 39 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STEAENS, Rev. J. F. Hist. Discourse on Centen. Annivers of Presb. Church, 1846. Newburyport, 1846. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. STEARNS, Jonathan, D.D. Hist. Discourses, relating to the 1st Presb. Ch., in Newark, N. J., with Notes and Illustrations. Newark, 1853. 8vo. STEAENS, Oliver. Address at Dedication of Loring Hall, Hing- ham, Mass., Oct. /14, 1852. Hingham, 1852. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 13. STEAENS, Sam l. American Oracle; comprehending Recent Dis coveries in the Arts and Sciences. Lond., 1791. 8vo. STEAENS, Wm. A., D.D. Discourses, etc., at his Installation as President of Amherst College. Amherst, 1855. 8vo. Am- herst Coll. Pamph. STEBBINS, H. G. Speech in Cong., Mar. 3, 1864, on the Finances and Resources of the U. S. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Mar. 3, 1863 on selling Surplus Gold in the Treasury. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. Mar. 4, 1864, on Selling Surplus Gold in the U. S. Treasury. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. Apr. 19, 1864, on the Tax Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 87. STEBBINS, Rufus B. Hist. Address at Centen. Celebra. of Wilbra- ham, Mass., with Genealogies. Boston, 1864. 8vo. STEDMAN, C. History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War. Dublin, 1794. 2 Vojs. 8vo. STEDMAN, E. C. Alice of Monmouth. A Poeln. N. Y., 1864. 12mo. STEELE, A. Chief of the Pilgrims; or Life and Times of Wm. Brewster. Phila., 1857. Svo. STEELE, Benj. H. See Vermont Supreme Court. STEELE Genealogy. See DUEEIE, D. S. STEELE, Oliver G. Address before the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Jan. 23, 1863, on the Hist, of the Pub. Schools of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1863. Svo. Buffalo CitySewerage and Sanitary Science. Paper read be fore the Hist. Soc. Club, Jan. 3, 1866. Svo. Memorial of the late Walter Joy. Paper before the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Feb. 15, 1864. Buffalo, 1864. Svo. STEELE, Sir Richard. Biograph. Sketch of. n. d. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. The Importance of Dunkirk considered. Lond., 1713. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 38. STEELE, Rev. Rich d H. Hist. Discourse at 150th Annivers. of 1st. Reformed Dutch Ch., New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 1, 1867. New Brunswick, 1867. Svo. STEELE, Zadoc. Captivity of. See Indian Narratives. STEEPLE ASTON, Oxfordshire. See DKYDEN, H. E. L. Antiquities and History. 1845. STEIN, Albert. Remarks in the Improvement of the Lower Ap- pomattox River. Mobile, 1854. Svo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 391 STEIN, Albert. Report on the Improvement of the Mobile River and Bay. Mobile, 1855. 8vo. Ala. Pamph. Vol. 1. STEIN, Sam l. Speech at Natick, Mass., on Political Issues. Dec. 16, 1859. Addresses. Vol. 6. STEINBERG, Madam, Lecture on Female Education. Paris. 1855. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 33. STEINER, L. H. Report with a Diary of the Rebel Occupation of Frederick, Md., 1862 RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 81. Sketch of the History of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. Phil a, 1868. Svo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 2. STELLE, J. P. Account of Aboriginal Ruins at and near Savannah, Tennessee. Smithson. Report, 1870. STENNETT, Sam l. Sermon on the Death of King George II. Preached in Little Wild St., Nov. 2, 1760. Lond., Svo. 2d. Ed. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 20. STENOGRAPHY. See DANGERFIELD, J. Stenographic Lecture, 1825. HARDING, Win. Universal Stenography. RICHARDSON, Sam l. New System of Short Hand. . Short Hand Simplified. STEPHEN, Sir Jas. Lecture before the Y. M. C. A. in Exeter Hall, Nov. 15, 1853. on Desultory and Systematic Reading. Lond. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 22. STEPHENS, Dr. A. H. Address before N. Y. State Med. Soc y, at the Capitol, Feb. 6, 1849. Albany, 1849. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 19. STEPHENS, Alex H. African Slavery the Corner-Stone of the Southern Confederacy. Speech at Savannah, Mar., 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 99. See CLEVELAND, H. Letters and Speeches. Constitutional View of the Late War between the States. Phil a, 1868, 2 Vols, 8vo. Speech in Cong., June 16, 1846, on the Mexican War. Wash- inton, 1846. Svo. Speeches, Vol, 1. Apr. 27, 1852, on the Homestead Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Jan. 15, 1855, on the Pacific R. R. Bill. Speeches, Vol. 5. Dec. 14, 1854, on the Missouri Compromise. Speeches. Vol. 5. Speech in Opposition to Secession, delivered Nov. 14, 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. STEPHENS, Bertha. The Rebel Cousins; or Life and Love in Se- cessia. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 82. STEPHENS, Geo. Political Prophecy Fulfilled; or " Ireland," with a New Preface. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 24. The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, now first collected and deciphered. Illustrated Cheapingham, Denmark, 1866, 68. 2 Vols. Folio. STEPHENS, Jas. Observations on a Speech of John Randolph, on the Non-Importation Act. N. Y., reprinted, 1806. 12mo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. 392 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STEPHENS, JOHN L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 12th Ed. N. Y., 1852. 2 Vols. 8vo Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 8vo STEPHENS, W. Hudson. Historical Notes of the Settlement on No. 4, Brown s Tract, in Watson, Lewis Co., N. Y. Utica, 1864. 12mo. N. Y. Hist, Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. Sketch of the late Gen. Jos. A. Northrop, of Lewis Co., N. Y. Newspaper article. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 17. STEPHENSON, Dr. M. F. Geology and Mineralogy of Georgia; with a particular Description of the Diamond District. At lanta, 1871. 12mo. The Adamic Race. Reply to Drs. Young and Blackie, on the Negro. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. Scientific Pamph. Vol.4. Negro Equality; Proofs of , its Falsity from Scripture Science, etc. Augusta, 1870. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. STEPHENSON Co., 111. See JOHNSTON, W J. Sketches of His tory of. STEPHENTOWN, N. Y., Baptist Assoc., 22d Annivers. held at Lebanon Springs, in 1853. Albany, 1853. 8vo. STERLING, Mass. Historv of the Town of. Worcester Magazine, Vol. 2. STETLER, John M. See Phila. 3d Assoc. Ref. Presb. Church. STETSON Genealogy. See Barry, J. S. STEUBEN, Baron. See Bowen, F. Life of. KAPP, F. Life of. STEVENS, Aaron F. Speech in Cong., Jan. 23, 1871, on Rank in the Navy. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 129. STEVENS, Abel, LL.D. History of the Religious Movement of the 18th Century, called Methodism. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols 12mo. Memorials of the Introduction of Methodism in the Eastern States. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. Same. 2d Series. N. Y., 1854. 12mq. STEVENS, Ebenezer. A Voice from a Bake House. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. STEVENS, Edw. T. Flint Chips; a Guide to Pre-Historic Arch eology. Lond., 1870. 8vo. STEVENS, Geo. E. The City of Cincinnati, O.; a Summary of its Attractions and Advantages. Cincin., 1869. 12mo. STEVENS, G. T. Life as a Physical Phenomenon. Read before the Albany Institute, May 5, 1869. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 20. The Flora of the Adirondacks. Albany, 1868. 8vo. Scien tific Pamph. Vols. 17 and 18. Report on the Progress of Zoology for 1870. Albany, 1871. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. STEVENS, Henry. American Bibliographer. Vol. 1. Nos. 1 and 2. Cheswick, 1854. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 22. Analytical Index to Colonial Documents of N. Jersey in the State Paper Offices of England. N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. Bibliotheca Geographica and Historica. Part 1. Lond., 1872. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 393 STEVENS, Henry. Catalogue of my English Library. Lond. 1853. 12mo. Historical and Geog. Notes of Earliest Discoveries in America. 1453-1530. N. Haven, 1869. Svo. Historical Nuggets; or a Descriptive Account of my Collec tion of Rare Books relating to America. Lond., 1862. 2 Vols. 12mo. STEVENS, Maj. Gen. Isaac I. Biograph. Sketch of. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 88. See Men of the Time. Speech in Cong., May 31, 1858, on Territorial Affairs. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. STEVENS, Col. John. Documents proving the Advantages of Rail ways over Canal Navigation. 1812. N. Y., 1852. Svo. reprinted. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. STEVENS, Col. John Hi Address, giving the Early History of Hen- nepin Co., Minn. Minneapolis, 1856. Svo. STEVENS, J. L. Remarks in the Senate of Maine on Abolition of the Death Penalty, 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. STEVENS, Capt. Phinehas. See STARK, C. Biography of. STEVENS POINT, Wis. Hand Book of. Lumberman and Wausau Wisconsin River Pilot. Newspa pers. 1867-70. State Rights and Lumberman. Newspaper. 1861-6. Folio. Wisconsin Pinery. Newspaper. Jan. 1853, to April, 1859, 6 Vols. Folio. STEVENS, Simon. The New Route of Commerce by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Lond. 1871. Svo. STEVENS, Thad. See BINGHAM, J. A. Speeches on Reconstruction. His Railroad Bill and how it will operate; n. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Thad. Stevens. Washington, 1869. Svo. Remarks in Cong. Jan. 3, 1867, on Reconstruction. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. Aug. 14, 1850, on the Texas Boundary. Congr. and Po lit. Pamph. Vols. 83, 86. . Feb. 6, 1862, on the Treasury Note Bill. Rebel n Pamph. Vol. 66. on the Tax Bill, April 8, 1862. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 68. April 28, 1862, on Gov t Contracts. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 61. Feb. 2, 1863, on Bill to raise additional Soldiers. Rebell ion Pamph. Vol. 9. Jan. 31, 1866, on the Basis of Representation. Speeches. Vol. 5. Jan. 3, 1867, on Reconstruction. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 34. March 19, 1867, on Confiscation. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 34. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. 394 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STEVENS, Wm. See PARK, Sir Jas. Allan. Memoirs of. STEVENS, Dr. Wm. Treatise on the Cholera. N. Y., 1832. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. STEVENS, Rev. Wm. Bacon. Discourse before the Georgia Hist. Soc., Feb. 12, 1841, on the Heroic Age of Amer. History. Savannah, 1841. 8vo. Ga. Hist. Soc. Pamphlets. History of Georgia to 1798. N. Y., 1847. 2 Vols. Svo. Discourse Commemorative of Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., Bishop of Penn. Phila., 1866. 8vo. STEVENSON, Geo. A. Thirteen Months in Rebel Armv. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. STEVENSON, Job E. Remarks in Cong., before the House Com mittee on Commerce, on the Newport and Cincin. Bridge. 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. STEWART, Alvan. Argument in N. J. Supreme Court on Slavery in N. J. N. Y., 1845. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.107. Law Pamph. Vol.2. STEWART, A. Speech in Cong., June 5, 1832, on the Tariff. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. - March 14 and 27, and May 27, 1846, on the Protective Policy. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. STEWART, A. G. Memoir of the Township of N. Haven, Ohio. 1859. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. STEWART, Rev. Chas. Edw. Sermon on Resistance to Bonaparte, etc., preached at Bury St. Edmund s, July 29, 1803. Lond., 1803. 4tQ. Eng. Sermons, Vol. 65. STEWART, Comm. C. See HOLT, J., on the Present Crisis. STEWART, Dugald. View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical and Political Philosophy. Boston, 1817. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol.13. STEWART, G. T. Lessons of the War. Address before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc., at the 9th Annivers. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 8. STEWART House of. See CRAWFURD & ROBERTSON. Descript. of Shire of Renfrew 7 , and Genealog. Hist, of the Stewarts. STEWART, J. Bogota in 1836-7; Narrative of an Expedition to the Capitol of New Granada. N. Y., 1838. 12mo. STEWART, tJas. Answer to a Letter written by Myn Heer Fagel, on the Repeal of the Penal Laws and Tests. Lond., 1688. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Extracts from his Letter to Myn Heer Fagel, etc. 1687. Fol. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. STEWART, J. W. Early Hist, of Green Co., Wis. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol.3. STEWART, Margaret C. Case of. Lond., 1788. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 24A. STEWART, Wm. M. Speech in Cong., Apr. 3, 1871, on the Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. STICKNEY, Chas. E. Hist, of the Minisink Region in Orange Co., N. Y. Middletown, N. Y., 1867. 12mo. STICKNEY Genealogy. See STICKNEY, M. A. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 395 STICKNEY, M. A. The Stickney Family; Descendants of Wm. and Eliza Stickney. Salem, 1869. 8vo. Account of the Massacre at Fort William Henry, 1757. Es sex Institute Coll. Vol- 3. Almanacs and their Authors. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 8. Notes on Am. Currency. Essex Institute Coll. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5. STIFF, Col. Edw. The Texan Emigrant; Narrative of Adventures of the Author in Texas, and a Description of its Soil, Climate, Productions, Minerals, Manners and Customs of the Inhab itants, etc. Map. 12mo. Cincin., 1846. STILES, Ezra, D. D. History of three of the Judges of King Charles 1. Maj. Gen. Whalley. Maj. Gen. Goffe and Col onel Dixwell, who fled to America. Hartford, 1794. 12mo. KINGSLEY, J. L. Life of. STILES Genealogy. See STILES, H. R. STILES, Henry R. History of the City of Brooklyn, including the Town of Bushwick and City of Williamsburgh. N. Y., 1868.- 1870. 3 Vols. 8vo. Bundling: its Origin, Progress and Decline. Albany, 1869. 12mo. Genealogies of the Stranahan, Josselyn, Fitch and Dow Fam ilies. Brooklyn, 1868. Sm. 4to. Genealogy of the Bissell Fain. From Stiles Hist, of Ancient Windsor, N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. Genealogy of the Connecticut Family of Stiles. From Stiles Hist, of Ancient Windsor, Conn. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. Contributions toward a Genealogy of the Massachusetts Fam ily of Stiles. 1659-1860. Albany, 1863. 4to. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 12. Genealogy of the Windsor Family of Munsell. From Stiles History of Ancient Windsor. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Gene alog. Pamph. Vol. 11. History of Ancient Windsor, Conn., including East Windsor, South Windsor, and Ellington, prior to 1768; and Windsor, Bloomfield and Windsor Locks to the Present Time, with Genealogies and Genealog. Notes. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. STILES, J. Unification of the Anglo-Amer. Race; the True Policy of the U. S. in regard to Union with the British Amer. Col onies. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pomph. Vol. 120. STILES, Rev. J. C. Speech on Slavery Resolutions in Mich. Gen. Assembly, May 1, 1850. Washington, 1850. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. STILES, Jos. C. The National Controversy; or the Voice of the Fathers on the State of the Country. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 21. STILES, J. D. Speech in Cong., Feb. 2, 1864, on the Enrolment Act. RebelPri Pamph. Vol. 32. STILLE, Alfred. War as an Instrument of Civilization; Address before Soc. of Alumni of University of Penn., Nov. 27, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 30. 396 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STILLE, Chas. J. How a Free People conduct a Long War. A. Chapter from English History. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 10, 76 and 106. Northern Interests and Southern Independence. Phila., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 3, 67 and 106. The Historical Development of Amer. Civilization. Address before the Alumni Assoc. of Yale Coll., July 29, 1863. N. Haven, 1863. 8vo. Yale Coll. Pamph. STIMPSON, Stephen. Biography of Stephen Girard, with his Will. Phila., 1832. 12mo. STIMSON, Jeremy. Topograph. Description of Hopkinton, in the Co. of Middlesex, Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. STALING, Earl of. See DUER, W. A. Life of. Narrative of Oppressive Law Proceedings by the British Gov t to subvert the Lawful Rights of the Earl of Stirling, with a Genealogy. Edinburgh, 1836. 4to. STIRLING, Jas. Letters from the Slave States. Lond., 1857. 8vo. STIRLING, Dr. John. System of Rhetoric. Lond., 1827. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 34. STITH, Wm. History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia; an Essay towards a General History of this Colo ny. Williamsburg, 1747. 8vo. STITT, Rev. Chas. H. History of the Huguenot Church and Set tlement at New Paltz, Ulster Co., N. Y. Read before the Ulster Hist. Soc. Kingston, 1863. 8vo. Ulster Hist. Soc. Papers. STOBO, Maj. Rob t. See CRAIG, N. B. Memoirs of. See DRAPER, L. C. Adventures of. STOCKBRIDGE Indians. See Memorial of, to Congress, 1842. STOCK, J. E. Letter addressed to the Inhabitants of Bristol, on the Petition against the Catholic Claims, etc. Bristol, 1813. 8vo. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 4. Congress. Report on Memorial of Stockbridge Indians residing on Winnebago Lake, Wis. Report No. 447. 1st Sess. 29th Cong., 1846. Report of Select Comm. of U. S. House of R. on Peti tion of, 1820. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. STOCKBRIDGE, Mass., Cong. Church. See FIELD, Rev. David D. Hist. Sketch of, etc., 1853. - See JONES, E. F. History of. STOCKTON, J. P. Report of Comm. on Judiciary of U. S. Senate t on his Claims. Washington, 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Was he dulv elected Senator from N. Jersey? 1866. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. STOCKTON, R. F. Address at Elizabethtown, N. J., July, 4, 1851. Trenton, 1851. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Defence of the System of Internal Improvements of N. Jer sey. Phila., 1864. Svo. N. J. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Letter (to Daniel Webster) on the Slavery Question. N. Y., 1850. 12mo. Congr. and Polft. Pamph. Vol. 73. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 397 STOCKTON, R. F. Speech in Cong., May 11, 1852, on River and Harbor Improvements. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Aug. 30, 1852, on Pirssons Condenser. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. STOCKWELL, Quintin. Narrative of his Captivity by the Indians, included in Schoolcraft s Amer. Indians. STODDARD, Amos. Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louis iana. Phila., 1812. 8vo. STODDARD, Anthony, of Boston, Mass., and his Descendants Genealogy. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 4. STODDARD, Rev. D. T. Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language. Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc. Vol. 5. STODDART, John. Brief Journal of the Life, Travels, and Labors of Love, of Thos. Wilson. Lond., 1784. 12mo. New Ed. STODDARD, Capt. John. Journal of a Negotiation between the Mar quis de Vaudreuil, Gov. Gen. of Canada, and John Stoddard and John Williams, Messengers, etc., 1713-14. From N. Eng. Reg., 1851. STODDARD, Rich d H. Abraham Lincoln; an Horatian Ode. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 6. STOKELEY, B. Remarks and General Observations on Mercer County, Penn. Hist. Soe. of Penn. Memoirs. Vol. 4. Part 2. STOKES, Anthony. Views of the Constitution of the British Colo nies of N. America. Lond., 1783. 8vo. STOKES, Chas. Illustrated Continental Almanac for 1862, 3, 4. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 14. STOKES, Jordan. Speech in Tenn. Legislature, Feb. 20, 1860, on tlie Expulsion from the State of Three Persons of Color. Nashville, 1860. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. STOKES, Dr. Wm. Discourse at the Opening of the School of Physic in Ireland, Session 1864, 65. Dublin, 1864. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 14. STOKES, Wm. A. Speech at Union Convention, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept., 1861. Pittsburg, 1861. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 3. and Cowan, E. Speeches at Union Convention, West more- land Co., Penn., 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 82. STONE, Rev. A. L. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1854. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. Sermon at Boston, Oct. 31, 1852, on the Death of Dan l Web ster. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 32- STONE, Rev. B. W. Letters to Jas. L. Blythe, DD. Reply to Ar guments of Thomas Cleland. Lexington, 1824. 12mo. Pamph lets. Vol. 4. STONE, Chas. P. Notes on the State of Sonora. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 5. STONE, Edwin M. Ann. Reports of the Ministry at Large, in Providence, R. L, 1852-1870. Same for 1873. Providence, 1852-73. 8vo. Brief Memoir of Thos. A. Tefft. Providence, R. I., 1869. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 22. 398 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STONE, E. M. History of Beverly, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from 1630 to 1842. Boston, 1843. 12rno. Lecture comprising the History of the 2d Parish in Beverly, Mass., delivered July 6, 1834. Mendon, 1835. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 10. Life and Recollections of John Howland, late President of the R. I. Hist. Soc. Providence, 1857. 12mo. Rhode Island in the Rebellion. 3d. Ed. Providence, 1865, 12mo. . Sermon at the Dedication of 2d Ch. in Beverly, Mass., Feb. 1, 1838. Salem, 1838. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 3. The Invasion of Canada; with the Journal of Capt. Simeon Thayer in the Army under Arnold. Providence, 1867 Folio. See osrn, R, I. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. STONE, Rev. John S. Memoir of the Life of Jas. Milnor, D. D., late Rector of St. George s Ch. N. Y. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. STONE, Lincoln R. Account of the Trial of Geo. Jacobs of Salern, for Witchcraft in 1692. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 2. STONE, Rev. Micah. Discourse at Brockfield, Sept. 22, 1850, on the 80th Annivers. of his Birth. West Brookfield, Mass., 1850. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 11. Mar. 11, 1851, on the Fiftieth Annivers. of his Ordina tion at West Brookfield, 1851. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 11. STONE, Rich. C. Genealogy of Stone Family. Providence, 1866. 8vo. STONE, Rev. Rollin S. See Danbury, Conn., Cong. Ch. STONE, Wm. L. Border Wars of the Amer. Revolution, Harpers Family Library. N. Y., 1857. 2 Vols. 18vo. Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) including the Border War of the Amer. Revolution. Albany, 1865. 2 Vols. 8vo. Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea,) inculding the Indian Wars of the Revolution. N. Y., 1838. 2 Vols. 8vo. Life and Times of Sa-go-ye-watha, or Red Jacket, with a Memoir of the Author, by his Son. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Maria Monk and the Nunnery of the Hotel Dieu, Montreal. N. Y., 1836. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 6. Poetry and History of Wyoming; containing Campbell s Gertrude, and History of Wyoming. 2d Ed. Enlarged. N. Y., 1844. 12mo. Uncas and Miantonomoh; a Hist. Discourse. N. Y., 1842. 18mo. STONE, Wm. L., Jr. Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart, Albany, 1865. 2 Vols. 8vo. STONEHENGE, Eng. See Grover, Rev. H. M. A Voice from Stonehenge. HERBERT, A. Cyclops Christianus. STONER, Nicholas. See Simms, J. R. Biography of. STONY Point. Assault on. See Dawson, H. B. History of. STORER, B. Speech in Cong., April 6, 1836, on Naval Affairs, Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 399 STORER, David H. History of the Fishes of Mass. Memoirs of Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 5. STORER, D. Humphreys. Introductory Lecture before the Medical Class of 1855-6 of Harvard University. Boston, 1855. 8vo Harvard Coll. Pamph. STORIES for the People; in Danish. Christiana, 1867. 12mo. of the Indians during the Revolution, with Sketches of the Customs of the Saukes and Foxes. N. Y., 1836. 8vo. In dian Pamph. Vol. 5. STORM, W. B. Against the Sup t of the Bank Department of New York, 1854. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. STORROW, Sam l A. The Northwest in 1817, n. p., Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. STORRS, Henry R. Speech in Cong., 1819, on the Seminole War. Svo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. STORRS, Rev. Rich d S. Discourses at Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 27, 1847, at the Funeral of Rev. John Codman. Boston, 1848. Svo. 2d Ed. Sermons. Vol. 30. STORRS. Rich d S., Jr. Memoir of. From Holden s Mag., July, 1849. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. STORY, Jos., LL.D. Commentaries on the Law of Bailments. Cambridge, 1832. Svo. Discourse on his Inauguration as Dane Professor of Law, at Harvard, Aug. 25, 1829. Boston, 1829, Svo. Addresses. Vol37 Discourse on Life and Character of Chief Justice Marshall, at Boston, Oct. 15, 1835. Boston, 1835. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 9 and 25. Discourse before Essex Hist. Soc., Sept. 18, 1S28, in consid eration of 1st Settlement of Salem Mass. Boston, 1828. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 14. See HILLARD, G. S. Memoir of. Miscell, Writings; Literary, Critical, Judicial and Political. Boston, 1835. Svo. Opinion on the Power of Congress to Establish Post-Offices and Post Roads. N. Y,, 1864. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 28, See STORY, W. W. Life and Letters of. U. S. Supreme Court. STORY S Conflict of Laws. From Amer. Quarterly Review, June, 1835. Law Pamph. Vol. 23. STORY of the Guard. See FREMONT, Jesse B. of the Kearsage and Alabama. San Francisco, 1868. Svo. STORY Wm. W. Life and Letters of Jos. Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Boston, 1851. 2 Vols, Svo. The American Question. Lond., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 15. STOTHERT, Henry. Plan for removing and deodorizing the Sewerage of London. Lond., 1850. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. STOUGHTON, Wis. Independent and Signal. Newspaper. From Sep., 1857 to June 1858. Folio, (bound with " Madison Weekly Fireside.") 400 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STOUGHTON, Wis., Reporter. Newspaper. 1863-69. Folio. STOUT, Peter F. Nicaragua; Past, Present and Future; its Inhab itants, Customs, Mines, Early History, etc. Phil a, 1859. 12mo. STOW, John. Survey of London written in 1598. Lond., 1842. 8vo. STOW, Mass. See NEWELL, Rev. S. Semi-Centen. Sermon, 1824. STOWE, Eng. Description of the House and Gardens of the Mar quess of Buckingham. Buckingham, 1817. 8vo. Guide- Books. Vol. 9. STOWE, Mrs. H. B. Extracts from Men of Our Times, relating to U. S. Grant and Wm. Buckingham. Norwich, Conn., 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. STOWELL, Rev; Hugh. Speech at London, June 19, 1839, against the Gov t Scheme of National Educa. Manchester, 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. State of the Continental Churches: Sermon at London, April 28, 1837. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 40A. STOWTING, Kent Co., Eng. See \ WRENCH, F. Stowting and its Antiquities, 1845. STRACHEY, W. Account of Popham s Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River. Maine Hist. Soc. Collec. Vol. 3. Colony in Virginea Brittania: Lavves Diuine, Moral and Mar- tiall, etc., 1612. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. History of Travaile into Virginia Brittania, entreating of the First Discoveries of the Country, 1602, also of the Northern Colonie on the River Sachadehoc, 1585. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 1. STRAITII, Maj. Hector. Treatise on Fortification and Artillery. 5th Ed. Lond., 1850. 8vo. STRANAIIAN Genealogy. See STILES, H. R. STRANGE, Rob t. Address before Literary Societies of University N. Carolina, June 1837. Addreeses. Vol. 12. STRANGFORD, Lord. Observations on Lt. Col. Napier s Peninsular War. Lond., 1828. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 53. STRATFORD, Conn. See PADDOCK, J. A. Hist. Discourse, 1855. SWAN, B. F. Notes on. STRATFORD, Eng., as connected with Shakspeare and the Bard s Rural Haunts. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1851. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 4. See F.AIRHOLT, F. W. The Home of Shakspeare. STRATHNAVER, Wm. Lord. Petition to the Lords of Council and Session, Feb. 22, 1726, folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 3. STRATTON, R. B. The Captivity of the Oatman Girls among the Apaches and Mohave Indians. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. STRAY LEAVES from the Unpublished History of the New World. From the Amer. Review, July, 1851. STREET, Alfred B. Drawings and Tintings. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Poem at Springfield, Mass., Sept. 30. 1852. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 8. Poem before the Conn. Alpha, of the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. at Yale Coll., July 30, 1851. N. Haven, 1851. Svo. Yale Coll. Pamph. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 401 STEEET, A. B. Poem dedicated to the Amer. Assoc. for Advance ment of Science. Albany, 1856. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 19. Poem delivered by Miss Annie Waite, Apr. 6, 1864. Albany, 1864. 8 vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 14. The Battle of Saratoga. Paper read before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Dec. 1, 1857. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 2. The Council of Revision of the State of N. Y.: its History, a History of Courts with which its Members were connected; Biograph. Sketches of Members; and its Vetoes. Albany, 1859. 8vo. STEEETEE, Gilbert L. Account of Newspapers ond other Periodi cals published in Salem, Mass., from 1768 to 1856. Salem, 1856. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Another Copy. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 19. See also Essex Institute Proceedings. Vol. 1. Hist. Notices of Salem Scenery. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 2. STEEETEE, Sebastian F. Geo. Evelin, the First Commander of Kent Island. Baltimore, 1868. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. Maryland 200 Years Ago: Discourses before Md. Hist. Soc., May 20, 1852. Baltimore, 1852. Svo. Md. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 3. The Falls of the Susquehannocks. A Chapter from the In dian History ef Maryland. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 1. STEEETEK, Rev. S. W. American Slavery, essentially Sinful: a Sermon. Oberlin, 1845. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 55. STEICKLAND, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Vol. 6 containing Queen Elizabeth and Anne of Denmark. Phila., 1856. Svo. Lives of Queens of England. Lond., 1840. 12 Vols. 12mo. STEICKLAND. Maj. Twenty- Seven Years in Canada West; or Ex perience of an Early Settler. Lond., 1853. 2 Vols. 12mo. STEICKLAND, W. P. The Pioneers of the West; or Life in the Woods. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. Old Mackinaw; or the Fortress of the Lake and its Surround ings. Phila., 1860. Svo. STEIKES and Combinations of Workmen. Lond., 1848. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 30. STEINGFELLOW, Rev. Thornton. Slavery: its Origin, Nature and History considered, etc. Alexandria, 1860. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 29. Two Letters on Cases of Cure at the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs. Washington, 1851. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 5. STEOBEL, Rev. P. A. The Salzburgers and their Descendants, be ing the History of a Colony of German (Lutheran) Protest ants who emigrated to Georgia in 1734. Baltimore, 1855. 12mo. STEODTMANN, J. S. Grammatik der Danischen Sprache sur Deutsche. Altona, 1S30. 12mo. STEOHM, John. Speech in Cong., June 25, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. STEONG, Caleb. See BEADFOED, Alden. Biography of. 26 402 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STRONG, Caleb. See LYMAN, Rev. Jos. Obit Sermon. 1819. STRONG Genealogy. See DWIGHT, B. W. Genealog. History. STRONG, Jos. D. D. Half Century Sermons at Norwich, Conn., Mar. 23, 1828. Norwich, 1828. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discour ses. Vol. 6. STRONG, Moses M. See LaCrosse & Milwaukee R. R. . Remarks on Banks and R. R. Bonds, made in the Capitol, at Madison, Apr. 12, 1852. Milwaukee, 1852. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Territorial Legislation in Wisconsin. Address before the State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, Feb. 4, 1870. Madison, 1870. 8vo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. STRONG, Nathan l T. See Seneca Indians. STRONG, Solomon. Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Worcester, Mass., Mar. 1832. Worcester, 1832. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 23. STRONG, T. Candid Examination of the Episcopal Church. Lex ington, 1821. 12mo. Pamphlets. Vol. 4. STRONG, Rev. Thos. M. History of the Town of Flatbush in Kings Co., L. I., N. Y. N. Y., 1842. 12mo. STROTHER, D. H. The Capital of West Virginia, and the Great Kanawha Valley. 1872. 8vo. Virginia illustrated, containing a Visit to the Virginia Canaan. N. Y , 1871. 8vo. STROUD, G. M. Southern Slavery and the Christian Religion. Phila. n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 29, 74. STRUGGLE, (The) in America. Taken from Lond. Quarterly Re view, Jan., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. STRUVE, H. Methode Analytique de Fossiles, fondee sur leurs Characteres Exterieurs. Paris, L an VII. 8vo. STRYKER, Jas. Amer. Register and Magazine. 1848-51. Vols. 1-6. N. Y., 1848-53. 8vo. STEWART, Andrew, Notes on the Saguenay Conntry, Canada. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 1. Of the Ancient Etruscans, Tyrrhenians or Tuscans. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 1 STUART, Arch d. Criminal Letters against him, etc. 1747. Fol. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 3. Information for A. Stewart against His Majesty s Advocate, etc., July 28, 1747. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 3. Information for His Majesty s Advocate, etc., against A. Stn- art, July 20, 1847. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph, Vol. 3. STUART, A. H. H. Speech in Cong., June 30, 1842, on the Tariff Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. STUART, Charles. The Pretender. See CHAMBERS, Robt. Life and Adventures of. STUART, Gen. C. B. Biograph. Sketch of John Childe, Civil Engi neer. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. Circular to the Civil and Military Engineers of America. Buf falo, 1859. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vols. 22, 28. Report on Passing Gun Boats to the Northern & N. Western Lakes. Washington, 1865. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 5. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 403 STUART, Isaac, W. Life of Capt. Nathan Hale; the Martyr Spy of the Revolution. Hartford, 1856. 12mo. Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Gov. of Conn. Boston, 1859. 8vO. STUART, Jas. Three Years in North America. N. Y., 1833. 12mo. STUART, John, D. D. Memoir of. Last Missionary to the Mohawks. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 4. STUART, Col. John. Memoir of Indian Wars and other Occurences. Va. Hist, Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. The Battle of Point Pleasant. From his Memoirs of Indian Wars. Va Hist. Register. Vol. 5. STUART, J. T. Speech in Cong., July 9, 1842, on the Tariff. Wash ington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. June, 1842, on State Banks, etc. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. STUART, Moses. See CLARK, Rev. R. W. Review of his Pam phlet on Slavery. Conscience and the Constitution; with Remarks on Webster s recent Speech on Slavery. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 85, 102. Essay on the Use of Liquors. N. Y., 1830. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 15. See PARK, Edw. A. Discourse at Funeral of. Sermon on the Completion of the New College Edifice for the Theolog. Seminary at Andover, Sept. 13, 1821. Andover, 1821. 8vo. Andover Coll. Pamph. STUART, Robert. Cyclopsedia of Architecture. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. STUBBS, Rev. Alfred. Record of Christ Church, New Brunswick, N. J. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. N. J. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. STUDENTS Miscellany a Periodical by Students of University of Wisconsin. Madison, 1857-8. 8vo. STUDER, Jacob H. Columbus, Ohio: its History, Resources and Progress, (n. p.) 1873. 8vo. STURBRIDGE, Mass. See DAVIS, Geo. Hist. Sketch of. STURGE, Jos., and HARVEY, T. West Indies in 1837; Journal of a Visit to Antiqua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, etc. Lond., 1838. 8vo. STURGEON Bay and L. Michigan Ship Canal. Circular in relation to. Sturgeon Bay, 1867. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. STURGES, John. Reflections on the Principles and Institutions of Popery. Lond., 1799. 4to. Eng. Relig. Pamph. Vol. 96. STURGIS, Wm. See LORING, C. G. Memoir of. STURMY, Rev. D. Theological Theory of a Plurality of Worlds. Lond., 1711. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 10A. STURT, Chas. Real State of France in 1809, with Ace. of the Pris oners of War and others, detained in France. Lond., 1810. 2d Ed. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 30. STURTEVANT, Julian M. The Lessons of our National Conflict. Address to the Alumni of Yale College, July 24, 1861. N. Haven, 1861. 8vo. Yale Coll. Pamph. STURTEVANT, Sam l C. History of Ruggles, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 5. 404 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. STURTON, S. A Few Thoughts on the Botanical Geography of Canada. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., Jan. 2, 18G3. Transactions. N. Ser. Vol. 1. Part 1. STURZ, J. J. Suggestions for the Encouragement of Emigration by Theoretical, Financial and Practical Means. Washing ton, 1866. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 126. STUYVESANT Institute, N. Y. Charter and By-Laws, 1837. N. Y., 1837. 12mo. N. Y. City Misc. Painph- Vol. 4. See WARD, Sam ? L, Jr. Opening Address. 1837. Square Home Guard. Articles of Association, 1864. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 96. SuB-Treasury Bill. See Congress l Speeches. N. York City. Proceedings of Dem. Republicans. 1838. SUCCINCT Account of Treaties and Negociations between G. Brit ain and the U. States of America, relating to the Boundary between the British Possessions of L. Canada and N Bruns wick on the U. S., with Maps. (n. d.) SUCKLEY, Geo., and COOPER, J. G. Natural History of Washing ton Territory. N. Y., 1860. 4to. SUDBURY, Mass. Report on the Sudbury Fight, April 1676. N. N. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 20. Topograph. Description and Hist. Account of Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. 2d Ser. SUETONIUS, C. Tranquillis: The Lives of the Twelve Ceasars. Lond., 1855. 12mo. SUFFIELD, Conn., 1st Cong. Church Manual. Springfield, Mass., 1858. 12mo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. See RUGGLES, Rev. Benj. Proceedings on 150th Annivers., etc. 1858. SUFFOLK Co., Eng. See PAGE, A. Topograph. and Genealog. Collections, 1844. SUFFOLK Co., Mass., Bar. Rules, June, 1819. Boston, 1819. 8vo Law Pamph. Vol. 13. SUFFOLK Co., N. Y. Papers relating to. 1671, 1764. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. SUFFOLK Dist., Mass., Medical Society. See CLARK, H. G. Ad dress, 1852. JEFFRIES, John. Address, 1850. PARKMAN, Sam l. " 1851. WILLIAMS, H. W. " 1853. SUFFOLK Surnames. See Bowditch, N. I. SUFFRAGE. See American Equal Rights Assoc. Ballot, (The) Weighed in the Balance, etc., 1853. BROWN, B. G. Address at St. Louis, 1865. See Congress l Speeches. for the Million: a Suggestion on the full Enfranchisement of the People. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. UNIVERSAL Suffrage: Female Suffrage. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. Female. See BURNHAM, Carrie S. Address, 1873. Argument in Pa. Supreme Court, 1873. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 405 SUFFRAGE, Female. CAVERNO, Rev. Chas. Social Science and Woman Suffrage. CURTIS, G. W. Address at N. Y. 1858. DAHLGREN, Mrs. M. V. Vindica. of Woman s True Rights. HIGGINSON, T. W. Ought Women to learn the Alphabet? Woman and Her Wishes. . KILGORE, D. Y. Address in favor of. - The Questions of To-Day. ^ LOCKWOOD, Belva. Memorial to Cong., 1871. MAY, S. S. Rights and Condition of Women. Ohio Women s Rights Convention, 1851. RIDDLE, A. G. Speech at Washington, 1871. STANTON, Elizabeth Cady. Memorial to Cong., 1872. WAITEHEAD, W. A. Female Suff. in N. J. WOODHULL, Victoria C. Two Speeches in favor of. 1871. Woodhull Memorial, 1871. SUGAR MAKING. See WEATHERLY, H. On Boiling Sugar. SUGAR River Valley R, R. Co. Ann. Report, 1857. Monroe, 1857. 8vo. Documents relating to the R. R. 1864? 8vo. By-Laws. Madison, 1862. 8vo. SUGDEN, Edward B. Considerations on the Rate of Interest and on Redeemable Annuities. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. Same. Lond., 1817. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Paraph. Vol. 33. Letter on the Doctrine of Presuming a Surrender of Terms assigned to attend the Inheritance. Lond., 1821. 8vo. 5th Ed. Law Pamph, Vol. 20. Letter to Jas. Humphreys on the Laws of Real Property, etc. Lond., 1826. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 19. Letter to John Williams on Abuses of the Court of Chancery. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 14. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. Letter to Viscount Melbourne, on the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery and House of Lords. Lond., .1835. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 19. Series of Letters to a Man of Property on the Sale and Settle ment of Estates. Phila., 1811. 8vo. SUGDEN, Sir Edw. Shall we Register our Deeds? Lond., 1852. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 61. SUGGESTIONS for Combining an Improved System of Taxation, with a wide Diffusion of the Elective Franchise. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 9. respecting the U. S, Steam Mail Service. n.;d. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. to the Committee of the House of Rep. on Navigation Inter ests, and a Review of a Reports on Foreign Commerce and Amer. Shipping. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Po lit. Pamph. Vol. 120. upon the Bill introduced by Mr. Dawes, of Mass., to amend acts of Congress, approved March 2, 1863 and 1864. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 7. 406 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SUICERI, John H. Henrici Alting Theologi Palatini Historiae Sa- crae Profanae Compendium. Tiguri, 1691. l^mo. SUICIDE. See CHEVALIER, Thos. Remarks on. SUIKERS, G. Church and Universal History, in Duch. Amster dam, 1721. 10 Vols. Folio. SULLIVAN, Governor. Speech to the Legislature of N. Y. on the Embargo. 1808. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 97. SULLIVAN, Sir Edw d. Protection to Native Industry. Lond., 1870. 8vo. SULLIVAN, Geo. Popular Explanation of the System of Circula ting Nedium recently published, etc. N. Y., 1839. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 2. SULLIVAN, Jas. See AMORY, T. C. Life of. History of the Penobscott Indians. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st. Ser. Vol. 9. History of the District of Maine, with Map. Boston, 1795. 8vo. SULLIVAN, Jean. Eligie sur laMort de Lord Palmerston; suiviede une Notice Biographique. Lond., 1866. 8vo. 4th Ed. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 18. SULLIVAN, Gen. John. See AMORY, T. C. Vindication of. See- PEABODY, O. B. W. Life of. SULLIVAN, J. L. Address to the Mayor and Citizens of N. Y., sup plemental to Col. Clinton s Report on Water, etc. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Considerations for a National Bank. N. Haven, 1838. 8vo. Congr. and Political Pamph. Vol. 98. Description of a Sub-Marine Aqueduct, to supply N. Y. with Water from N. J. N. Y., 1830. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Proposition for an Anthracite Coal Steam Power Boat and Barge Co., for Passengers on the North River. N. Y., 1830. Svo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. To the Mechanics of N. Y., on supplying the City with Pure Water. N. Y., 1832. Svo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol 1. SULLIVAN, R. Address at Mass. General Hospital, June 3, 1819. Boston, 1819. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol.2. SULLIVAN, Gov. Wm. Correspondence with Col. Tim. Pickering. 2d Ed. Boston, 1808. Svo. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 1. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1803. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 2. SULLIVAN S Campaigns. See Notices of in Western, N. Y. SUMMARY of the Duties of Citizenship, written for the Members of the London Corresponding Soc y. Lond., 1795. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. of the Law of Libel, in four Letters, 1770. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 4. of the Laws relating to Subscriptions, etc., with Remarks for the Consideration of the British Parl t. Lond., 1771. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 1. View of America: Remarks on the Social, Moral and Polit. Character of the People. Lond. Svo. 1824. SUMMER in the Wilderness. See LANMAN, Chas. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 407 SUMMER on the Lakes. See FULLER, S. M. SUMMERFIELD, Rev. John. See HOLLAND, J. Memoirs of. Sketch of the Grammar of the Chippeway Language, with a Vocabulary. Cazenovia, N. Y., 1834. 12mo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. SUMMERS, Benj. Early Times and Incidents in Vermillion, Ohio. Fire Lands Pionner. Vols. 1, 4. SUMMERS, Thos. (X Biograph. Sketches of Eminent Ministers Pioneers of the M. E. Church, South. Nashville, 1859. 8vo. SUMMIT Co., Ohio. See BIERCE, L. V. Hist. Reminiscences of. SUMNER, Chas. Address before Amer. Peace Society. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Same, Boston, 1854. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 1. Address before the Literary Societies of Amherst College, Aug. 11, 1847. Boston. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 1. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc. of Harvard Univer sity, Aug. 27, 1846. Boston, 1846. Svo. Harvard Coll. Pamph. Argument against the Constitutionality of Separate Colored Schools. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 1. Discovery of the Home of Washington s Ancestors. Letter to Mr. Sparks. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 5. . See HARSHA, D. A. Life of. Naboth s Vineyard. Dec. 21, 1870, on the Annexation of San Domingo. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. No Property in Man; a Speech in Cong. April 8, 1864. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 30. . Oration at Boston, July 4, 1845. Phil a, Svo. Addresses. Vols. 2, 26 and 29. Oration at N: Y., Nov. 27, 1861. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 61. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 99. Oration at Schenectady, July 25, 1848, before Phi Beta Kap pa Soc. ? Boston, 1849. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 6. Propositions and Arguments on the Reorganization of the Rebel States. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamp. Vol. 121. Remarks at the Plymouth Festival, Aug. 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 28. Speeches, Vol. 5. Speech at Boston, Nov. 2, 1855, on Outrages in Kansas, etc. Washington. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. Speech at Cooper Institute, Sept. 10, 1863, 011 Our Foreign Relations. N. Y., 1863, Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 2. Ad dresses. Vol. 15. Nov. 5, 1864, on Slavery and the Rebellion. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 37. Speech at Republican Convention at Worcester, Mass, Sept. 7, 1854. Speeches, Vol. 2. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Same Oct. 1, 1861. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 62. Speech at Sacramento, Sept. 7, 1860. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech in Cong, on issuing Letters of Marque and Reprisal. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 66. 4oS WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SUMNER, Chas. Speech in Cong., May 26, 1852, on the Fugitive Slave Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. Feb. 21, 1854, against Repeal of Missouri Compromise. Washington, 1854, 8vo. Speeches. Vols. 3 and 5. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. May, 25, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Washing ton, 1854. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 3. Congr. and Poli Pamph. Vol. 93. June 26 and 28, 1854, on the Boston Memorial for the Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Bill. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 2. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. May 19, 1856, on Admission of Kansas. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. May 20, 1856, on Kansas Affairs. Congress l Pamph. Vol. 84. June 4, 1860, on Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 30, 62 and Jan. 9, 1862, on " Maritime Rights." Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. Jan. 20, 1862, on the Expulsion of Senator Bright. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 68. Feb. 13, 1862, on the Treasury Note Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. Mar. 31, 1862, on Slavery in Dist. of Columbia. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. Apr. 23 and 24, 1862, on Representatives to Hayti and Liberia. N. Y., 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. May 19, 1862, on Confiscation. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 34 and 61. - Feb. 12, on Emancipation in Missouri. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. Apr. 8, 1804, on Emancipation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. June 13, 1864, on Establishing a Bureau of Freedmen. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. Dec. 20, 1865, on Protection of Freemen of Rebel States. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34. - Feb. 6 and 7, 1866, on Equal Suffrage. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 89, 121. on the Cession of Russian America to the U. S. Wash ington, 1867. Svo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. July 18, 1868, on the Rights of Amer. Citizens. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. - Feb. 5, 1869, on Suffrage. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Feb. 28, 1872, on Sales of Arms to French Agents. Congr. and Pol it. Pamph. Vol. 129. May 31, 1872, on the Administration. Chicago, 1872. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. White Slavery in Barbary States; Lecture at Boston, Feb. 17, 1847. Addresses, VoL 5. SUMNER, Genealogy. See SUMNER, W. H. ,, OF THE \ , --.ro oTV CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 409 ^ SUMNER, Geo. Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden. Mass. Soc. Coll. 3d. Ser. Vol. 9. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1859. Boston, Svo. Addresses. Vol. 2. SUMNER, Gov. Increase. See Sumner, W. H. Memoir of. SUMNER, Gen. Wm. H. Hist, of East Boston, Mass; with Biogra phical Sketches of Early Proprietors and an Appendix. Boston, 1858. Svo. Letter to John Adams on the Importance of the Militia, with Mr. Adam s Reply. Boston, 1823. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 109. Memoir of Increase Sumner, Gov. of Mass., with a Genealogy of the Sumner Family. Boston, 1854. Svo. Geneal. Pamph. Vols. 2 and 10. See also N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 8. Reminiscences, n. d. 8vo. 4. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. Reminiscences of La Fayette s Visit to Boston, etc. From N. E. Register, 1859. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 2. Reminscences of Gen. Warren and Bunker Hill. From N. Eng. Register, 1858. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. Some Recollections of Washington s Visit to Boston in 1789. N. E. Hist. & Gen. Reg. Vol. 14. T Vindication of the Conduct of Gen. Wm. Hull at the Siege of Detroit. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 11. SUMPTER, Wis. See CANFIELD, W. H. Sketches of Sauk Co. SUNDAY LIQUOR TRAFFIC. Cinrin., 1869. Svo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 25. Same. N. Y., 1859. Svo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. Question. See Sabbath Observance. SUNDERLAND, Rev. B. Discourse on the Death of Col. Ulric Dahlgren. Boston, 1864. ISmo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 47. SUN Prairie Wis., Ledger. Newspaper, 1869. Bound with Stoughton Reporter. 1867-9. SUNSET Land. See TODD, Rev. John. SUPERIOR Wis., Chronicle. Newspaper. Aug., 1857, to Dec. 59. Folio. SUPERNATURALISM of New England. Boston, 1824. Svo. SUPERSTITIONS. See WRIGHT, Thos. Essays on Literature and Popular Superstitions. See Witchcraft. SUPERVISING Surgeon Marine Hospt. Service. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. SUPPLEMENT to Remarks on " An Act to establish the Superior Court of the City of Boston." Boston, 1849. Svo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SUPREMACY, Oath of. See CLANCARTY, Earl of. Objections to. 1851. of the Law in Missouri. Charge to the U. S. Grand Jury, etc., Jefferson City, 1865. 8vo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 1. of the Seas; or Facts relating to the Amer. and British Steamers between U. S. and Liverpool. Washington, 1851. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. SURINAM, S. A. See APTHORP, G. H. Topog. Description of. 410 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SURNAMES. See ANDERSON, W. Genealogy and Surnames. Answer to Mr. Falconer. 1863. ARTHUR, W. Derivation of Family Names. BOWDITCH, N. I. Suffolk Surnames. DIXON, B. H. Surnames. FINLAYSON, Jas. Surnames and Sirenames. LOWER, M. A. Essay on Family Nomenclature. 1849. SIMS, C. S. Scottish Surnames. See Names. SURREY Co., Eng. See ALLEN, Thos. History of. 1830. BERRY, W. Co. Genealogies. HENSHALL, S. Domesday. Kent, Sussex and Surrey. 1799. HUSSEY, A. Churches mentioned in Domesday Book. 1852. SURREY, Eng. Archaeological Collections relating to the History and Antiquities of that County. Lond., 1858-65. 3 Vols. 8vo. Asylum for Idiots. Report, 1859. Surrey. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 32. - Appeal in Behalf of. 1870. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. Anniversary Festival. 1870. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. See SIDNEY, Rev. E. Visit to. 1870. SURRIDGE, Rev. T. Notices of Roman Inscriptions discovered at Rochester, Risingham and Rudchester in the Co. of North umberland. Lond., 1853. 4to. SURRY Institution. List of the Proprietors in 1819. Lond. vo.S Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. SURTEES, Rev. S. F. Julius Csesar: Did he Cross the Channel? Lond., 1866. 12mo. Waifs and Strays of North-Humber History. Lond., 1864. 12mo. SURVEYING. See LEE, T. J. Tables and Formulae for. MORRIS, E. Measurement of Earthworks. SUSPENDING the Power and Writ of Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 2. SUSQUEHANNA and Tide Water Canal Companies. Ann. Reports of the President and Managers, 1848, 49, 50, 52, 53. Bal timore, 1848-1853. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. River. See JOHNSON, W. R. Early Settlers, etc. Papers relating to. 1683-1757. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1 Valley. See MEGINNESS, J. F. Hist, of West Branch Valley. SUSSEX Co., Eng. See COOPER, W. D. Provincialisms of. HENSHALL, S. Domesday. Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, 1799. HUSSEY, A. Notes on Churches. SUSSEX Martyrs. See LOWER, M. A. SUSSEX Co., N. J. See SHEPARD, C. U. Geology of, 1832. SUTCLIFF, Robt. Travels in some Parts of N. America in 1804, 5, 6. 2d Ed. York, 1815. 12mo. SUTHERLAND, Rev. David. Geograph. Sketch of the Town of Bath, Grafton Co., N. H., 1814. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 411 SUTHERLAND, Rev. David. Hist. Address to the Inhab. of Bath, - N. H., Jan. 23, 1854, with Hist. Appendix, by Rev. Thos. Boutelle. Boston, 1855. 12mo. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. .SUTLIFF, Speech in U. S. Senate, Jan. 14 and 15, 1851, on the Fugitive Slave Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. SUTTON, Levi R. Memoir of the Township of Peru, O., 1858. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vols. 1, 2. SUTTON, Mass. See HALL, David. Half Century Discourse, 1779. SUVOROVE S Greek Dragoon, on the War in the East. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 5. STJERIGES Historiska och Politiska visor. Samlade och Utgifna. Orebro, 1853. 8vo. SWADLING, John. Hist. Memoranda of the 52d Reg t of 111. In fantry Volunteers. Elgin, 1868. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 55. SWAIN, David L. See BREWEK, F. P. Memoir of. British Invasion of N. Carolina, in 1776. Lecture before Hist. Soc. of University of N. Carolina, April 1, 1853. Rev. History of N. Carolina. SWALLOW, G. C., and HAWN, F. The Rocks of Kansas. St. Louis, 1858. 8vo. Kansas Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. SWAMPSCOTT, Mass. See LEWIS, A., and NEWIIALL, J. R. His tory of. SWAN, Col. Causes qui se sont Opposees aux Progres du Com merce entre la France et les Etats Unis de PAmerique. Paris, 1790. SWAN, A. M. Andrew County, Mo.; its Soil, Climate, and Advan tages for Immigration. Savannah, 1869. 8vo. SWAN, Rev. B. L. The Family of Wm. Boothe, an Original Set tler of Stratford, Conn., traced through some Branches of his Posterity, with Notes on Stratford. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. SWAN, Jas. G. The Indians of Cape Flattery at the Entrance of the i^trait of Fuca, Washington Territory. Smithson. Con- trib. Vol. 16. The North West Coast; or Three Years Residence in Wash ington Territory. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. SWANN, Thos. Speech before Union League at PhiPa, Mar. 2, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 91. SWARTHMORE, Pa., College. 4th Ann. Catalogue, 1872-3. n. p. 8vo. SWARTWOUT, S., and others. Congressional Reports 011 the Defal cations of. Washington, 1839. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 40. SWEDEN and Norway. See Moral State and Polit. Union of. 1840. BRACE, C. L. Norse Folk. CRICHTON, A. History of. DE PEYSTER, J. W. Dutch Battle of Baltic. See Language and Literature, Swedish. MAXWELL, J. S. The Czar and his Court and Tour to Sweden. Railway Reports, 1862-65. Stockholm. 4 Vols. 4to. Judicial and Civil Reports, 1830-56, 1863. 3 Vols. Stock holm. 4to. 412 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SWEDEN. Reports on Mining, Internal Navigation, Manufac turers, and Post Office. 7 Vols. 4to. Stockholm, 1861-65. Samling of Instructioner for hogre och lag re tjensteman vid Landt Regeringen. Stockholm, 1852. 8vo. Samlin gar Utgifna af Svenska. Fornskrift Sallskapet. Stockholm, 1847-8. 17 Vols. 8vo. SINDING, P. C. Hist, of Scandinavia. VOLTAIRE, M. History of Sweden. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel, as a Man of Science; a Mathematician, Philosopher, etc. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 7. See Essay on the Credibility of. HOBART, N. Life of. Objections to the Claims of Swedenborg, examined, etc. Works of. See Appendix of Religious Works. Review of Wm. White s Swedenborg. SANDEL, Sam l. Eulogy on. SWEDENBORGIANISM. See Herald of the New Jerusalem. Intel lectual Repository. New Jerusalem Ch. SWEDERUS, G. On Fattigvasendet: Utdrag ur en Reseberattelse. Stockholm, 1847. 8vo. SWETT, John A., M. D. See M CuEADY, B. W., M. D. Memoir of. SWETT, S. Abstract of the Baron De Rogniat s Considerations on the Art of War, with Notes. Boston, 1817. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 134. Defence of Col. Tim. Pickering, against Bancroft s History. Boston, 1859. 12mo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 4. History of Bunker Hill Battle, with a Plan. 3d Ed., with Notes. Boston, 1827. 8vo. Original Planning and Construction of Bunker Hill Monu ment. Albany, 1864. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. Sketch of the Life of Capt. Moses Brown, of the U. S. Navy. Boston, 1846. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 11. Who was the Commander at Bunker Hill? Boston, 1850. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. SWIFT, Ebenezer. Sanitary Rules for the Army of the Cumber land. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 91. SWIFT, Jonathan. Memoirs of Capt. John Creichton. Lond., 1830. 12mo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 16. See SCOTT, W. Prose Works. SWIFT, Sam l. History of the Town of Middlebury, in the Co. of Addison, Vt., with a Statist, and Hist, account of the Co. Middlebury, 1859. 8vo. Statist, and Historical Account of the Co. of Addison, Vt. Middlebury, 1859. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. SWINBROKE, Galfridi Le Baker de. See Caxton Society Publica tions. SWINBURNE, Algernon C. Under the Microscope. Lond., 1872. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 36. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 413 SWINBURNE, John. Report on the Peninsular Campaign; Surgical Experiences, etc. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 112. SWINTON. Jas. The Twelve Decisive Battles in the War. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. SWINTON, Wm. The War for the Union. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Re- belPn Pamph. Vol. 39. Swiss (The) in 1847. See HENNEQUIN, A. SWITZERLAND. Antiquities. See DESOR, E. Lacustrian Construc tions of the Lake of Neuchatel. KELLER, Dr. Report on Lacustrian Settlements. TROYAN, M. F. Lacustrian Cities of Switzerland. See BACHE, Alex. D. Lecture on. CARNE, John. Letters from. 1833? Federal Constitution of Swiss Confederation. 2d Ed. Berne, 1867. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 1. . See HEADLEY, J. T. Letters from the Alps and Rhine. MALAN, Cassar. Traits of Romanism in. Offizelle Sammlung, der das Schweizerische Staatsrecht. Berne, 1850. 2 Vols. Svo. Rapport General du Commandant en chef des Troupes Feder- ales sur Parmement et la Campagne de 1847. Berne, 1848. 8vo. Schweizerisches Bundesblatt. 1848-1849. Berne, 1849. 3 Vols. Svo. Secession in. See DE PEYSTER, J. W. Staats-Kalender der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. 1851. Berne, 1851. 8vo. See ZSCHOKKE, H. History of. SYDNEY, Algernon. See VAN SANTVOORD, G-. Life of. SYLLACIUS, Nicolaus. De Insulis Meridiana atque Indici Maris Nuper Inventis, or Second Voyage of Columbus. With a Translation into English by Rev. John Mulligan, pr. printed. N. Y., 1859. 4to. SYLVESTER, Jas. Testimonials on becoming a Candidate for a Pro fessorship in the University of London, 1837, and in the University of Virginia, 1841. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol.35. SYME, Prof. Jas. Clynical Report for the Summer Session, 1835. From the Edinburg Med. and Surg. Journal. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 22. SYMMES, Rev. Thos. Account of LovewelPs Fight at Pequawkett, Me. Farmer & Moore s N. H. Collections. Vol. 1. SYMMES, Wm. See HAZEN, N. W. Memorial Discourse on. SYMMONS, J. Reform without Innovation: Cursory Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform. Lond., 1817. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. SYMOND S Abstracts of the two Bills, entitled " A Bill for the Se curity of H. M. Person & Govt," and " A Bill for the more effectually preventing Seditious Meetings." Lond. n. d. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. SYMONS, J. C. District Farm Schools for Parochial Unions: their Advantages, etc. Lond., 1850. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 38. 414 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SYNGE, Dr. Edw. Sermon at the Castle-Chapel in Dublin, Feb. 20, 1704. Lond., 1746. 12mo. New Ed. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 80. SYNOPSIS Pharmacopoeiae Londinensis. Lond., 1810, 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 22. SYPHER, J. R. History of Penn. Reserve Corps. Expeditions, etc. Lancaster, 1865. 8vo. SYRACUSE (N. Y.) Classical School for Boys. Catalogue, 1869. 8vo. University. Annual for 1872-73. Syracuse, 1872. 8vo. Announcement of the Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1872-73. Syracuse, 1872. 8vo. SYRIA, See CURTISS, G. W. Howadji in Syria. - LAURIE, Rev. Thos. Historical Sketch. See Palestine, etc. SYSTEM (A) of Target Practice. Washington, 1862. 12mo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 105. T. TAAFFE, Lord N. Observations on Affairs in Ireland, from the Settlement in 1691, to the present time. Dublin, 1766. 8vo Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. TABER, Azor. Report in the Cause of Overbaugh et al. vs. Patrie, decided in Supreme Court, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. TABLE of Finances of G. Britain, for 1813. Lond., 1814. Pamph leteer. Vol. 4. TABLE Rock Album and Sketches of the Falls and Scenery Adja cent. Buffalo, N. Y., 1856. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. TABLE-TALK of an Old Campaigner. Assault upon Badajoz, Spain 1812. Lond., 1834. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 14. TACKITT, J. H. Sermon on the Centenary of Methodism, Oct. 25, 1839. Ohio City. 1839. Svo. Sermons, Vol. 26. TADMAN, Lana. To the Editor of the British Review, on Com muting the Tithes. Lond., 1818. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 12. TAFT, Alphonso. Lecture on Cincinnati and her Railroads, before the Cincinnati Merc. Libr. Assoc., Jan. 22, 1850. Cincin., 1850. Svo. Lecture on the University of Cincinnati, before the Merc. Libr. Assoc., May 9, 1872. Cinn, 1872. Svo. Cincin. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TAFT, Charles Phelps. The German University and the American College. Essay before the Cincin. Lit. Club, Jan. 7, 1871. Cincin., 1871. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. TAFTON, Wis., Collegiate Seminary Offering. Mar, 1859. Prairie du Chien, 1859. Svo. TAGGART, Sam l. Address to the Independent Electors of the Hampshire North Dist., Mass., 1811. Misc. Tracts. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 415 TAILFER, P. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, in America. Charlestown, S. C., 1741. Washington, reprint, 1835. 8vo. See also Force s Hist. Tracts, Vol. 1. See also Ga. Hist. Coll., Vol. 2. TAINTOR, Charles M. Extracts from the Records of Colchester, Conn. Hartford, 1864. 12mo. Genealogy and History of the Taintor Family. Greenfield, Mass., 1847. 12mo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. TAI-PING-WANG. See MACKIE, J. M. Life of. TAITTIRIYA; Practicakhya, with its Commentary, " The Trib- hashyaratna, Text, Translation and Notes, by Prof. W. D. Whitney, of Yale College. Forming No. 1, Vol. 9, "Jour. of American Oriental Soc. TALBOT, Edward A. Five Years Residence in the Canadasj including a Tour through part of the U. S. in 1823. Lond. 7 1824. 2 Vols. 8vo TALBOT, H. F. Hermes; or Classical and Antiquarian Researches. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 38. TALCOTT, Gen. Geo. See Review of Testimony before Court Martial. 1851. TALFOUBD, T. N. Attempt to Estimate the Poetical Talent of the present Age: with a Sketch of the History of Poetry, etc. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. Works of Charles Lamb: with a Sketch of his Life and Final Memorials. N. Y., 1855. 2 Vols. 12mo. TALLACK, Wm. Humanity and Humanitarianism. With special reference to Prison Systems of G. Britain and U. States. Lond., 1871. 8vo. Pamph. TALLEYRAND, M. De. Memoir concerning the Commercial Rela tions of the U. States with G. Britain. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. TALLMADGE, F. A. Speech in Cong., June 17, 1836, on the Bill to regulate the Deposites. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. TALLMADGE, Jas. Adddress before the Amer. Institute, Oct. 25, 1849. N. Y., 1849. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 33. Addresses before Amer. Institute, Oct. 26, 1841. Oct. 1843, and Oct. 1845. Addresses. Vol. 11 and 12. TALLMADGE, N. P. Speech in Cong., Feb. 8, 1838, on the Sub Treasury Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. TALLMADGE, Ohio. Proceedings in commemoration of the 50th Annivers. of the Settlement of Tallmadge. Akron, O., 1857. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. r See WHITTLESEY, C. Settlement and Progress of. TALMAGE, Rev. Goyn. Admonitions for the Times; Discourse at Green Point, L. I., Mar. 10, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.40. TALMAGE, Rev. J. V. N. The Anti-Missionary Movement in South China. Hong Kong, 1871. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. TALVI S History of the Colonization of America. Edited by Wm. Hazlitt. Lond., 1851. 2 Vols. 8vo. TAMIL Language. See HOISINGTON. Rev. H. R. Notes on. 4i 6 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TANEY, R. B. Decision in the Dred Scott Case with an Introduc tion by Dr. J. H. Van Evrie and an Essav of the Prognathous Race by S. A. Cartwright. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 28. Decison in the Merryman Case upon a writ of Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 27. Proceedings of Baltimore Bar, on the Death of. Baltimore, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. See WALLIS, S. T. Unveiling the Statute of, at Annapolis. TANEYHILL, R. H. The Leatherwood God. Account of the Ap pearance and Pretensions of Jos. C. Dylks, in Eastern Ohio, in 1828. Ohio Valley Hist. Miscellanies. TANNER, H. S. Description of Canals and Rail Roads of the U. S. N. Y., 1840. 12mo. TANNER, John. Manners and Customs of several Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. Included in Tanner s Captivity. Narrative of his Captivity and Adventures during Thirty years Residence among the Indians. Lond., 1831. 8vo. TANSWELL, John. Hist, and Antiquities of Lambeth. Lond., 1858. 8vo. TAPPAN, Ben j . Ann. Address before the Ohio Hist. & Phil. Soc., Dec. 22, 1833. Journal, Part 1. Vol. 1. Suggestions respecting the Debt of the late Republic of Texas. Steubenville, O., 1852, 12mo. . Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. TAPPAN, Rev. David. Discourse at Providence, R. I., on the Death of Enos Hitchcock, D.D. Cambridge, 1803. Sermons. Vols. 12 and 30. Farewell Discourse at Newbury, Mass. Portsmouth, 1793. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 27. TAPPAN, Henry P. The Growth of Cities; Paper read before Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc., March 15, 1855. The University; its Constitution and its Relations: a Discourse delivered June 22, 1858, before the Michigan University. Ann Arbor, 1858. 8vo. Mich. University Pamphs. TAPPAN, M. W. Speech in Cong. July 29, 1856, on Slavery. Cong. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. TARIFF. See BIGELOAV, E. R. Tariff Question and Policy of England. BISCHOFF Jas. Injurious Effect of Foreign Tariff, etc. British Opinions on the Protecting System, 1830. BURKE, Edmund. Essays on the Protective System, etc. 1846. CAREY, H. C. Letters to M. Chevalier, 1861. Catechism on the Tariff, for Plain People of Common Sense. Charleston, 1831. 12mo. Nullification Tracts. See Congress. Speeches. Tariff. COOPER, Peter. Letter to R. J. Walker. See Corn Laws. England. Gen. Convention, friendly to Domestic Industry. GREELEY, H. Protection and Free Trade Considered. HAYNE, R. Y. Letter to State Rights and Free Trade Party. HAYSE. J. L. Protective Tariff Abroad. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 417 TARIFF. Junius Tracts. 1844. Letter to the Electors of Westminster. 1848. MANSFIELD, E. D. British Imposition, etc. MORTON, J., and TRIMMER J. Effect of, on Profits of Agri culture. 1846. Nat. Convention for Protection of Amer. Interests. 1841. OLLIVIER, John. Three Tracts in favor of. 1849. Parsee Letters. Proceedings of Citizens of Pittsburgh, Jan. 9, 1824, on Re vision of the Tariff. Pittsburg, 1824. 12mo. Pamphlets. Vol. 4. Question ; or Protection and Free Trade Considered. Utica, 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 99. See Review of the Tariff of 1846. Richmond, Va., Memorial of Coal Owners, etc. Speeches on. See Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 24, 25, 92. See Taxes or Tribute Money Levied on Commerce and Agri culture. YOUNG, A. W. Protection vs. Free Trade. TARLETON, Lieut. Col. Hist, of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Provinces of N. America, with Strictures on the same. Dublin, 1787. Svo. See MACKENZIE, R. Strictures on his " Military History." TARTARS (Revolt of the); or, Flight of the Kalmuck Khan and his People from the Russian Territories to China. Waldie s Circulating Library. Vol. 10. TASSO, T. Godfrey of Bulloigne; or the Recovery of Jerusalem. Translated by Edw. Fairfax. Phila., 1855. 12mo. See WIFFEN, J. H. Life of. TATE, Chas. M. Capabilities of the Harbor of Quebec. Read be fore the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., Apr. 1, 1863. Trans actions, N. S., Vol. 1, Part 1. TATHAM, Edw. Addresses to the Members of Convocation, on Public Examination, etc., at Lincoln College. Oxford, 1807, 1808. 4to. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 40. Observations on the Scarcity of Money, and its Effects upon the Public. Oxford, 1816. Svo. 3d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 32, TATHAM, Geo. N. Character and Management of N. Jersey Joint Monopolies. PhiPa, 1852. Svo. N. J. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TATHAM, Wm. Historical and Practical Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. Lond., 1800. Svo. TATHAM, W. P. On the Restoration of the Standard of Value, and the Use of Bank Credit as Money. Phil a, 1869. 8vo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. TATTLER, (The). See British Essayists. TATOR, Henry H. Eulogy on the Character of Hon. Henry Clay. Albany, 1852. Svo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 10. Oration at Francisville, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1851. Albany. 8vo, Addresses, Vol. 6. Oration on the Character of Patrick Henry. Albany, 1852. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 8. 27 418 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TATOR, Henry H. Oration on Thomas Jefferson. Albany, 1852. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 8. TAUNTON, Mass. Directory for 1859. Taunton, 1859. 18mo. See EMERY, S. H. Taunton Ministry. TAVERNIER, Dr. Treatise on the Treatment of Deformities of the Spine, by the Lever-Belt. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol.28. TAX, (The). Law Decisions with a Stamp Directory. N. Y., 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 101. TAX Payers Manual. N. Y., 1862. Svo. TAXATION, Elements of; with Evidence on the Property and* In come Tax. Lond., 1852. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 64. TAXATION. See PETO, Sir S. Morton. Its Levy and Expenditure. TAXES, Direct and Excise. See U. S. Laws relating to, 1862. . or Tables Showing the Tribute Money levied by the Federal Gov t, on Agriculture and Commerce to be transferred into the Pockets of Manufacturers, etc. Charleston, 1831. 12mo. Nullification Tracts. TAYLOR, Bayard. Colorado; a Summer Trip. N. Y., 1867. 12mo. Eldorado; or Adventures in the Path of Empire, comprising a Voyage to California, etc. 18th Ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. Journey to Central Africa; or Life and Landscapes from Egypt to the White Nile. 10th Ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. Northern Travel; Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. See RIPLEY, Geo. The Lands of the Saracen; or Pictures of Palestine, Asia- Minor, Sicily and Spain. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. Views Afoot; or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staif. 24th Ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. Visit to India, China and Japan in 1853. 16th Ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. TAYLOR, Benj. C. Annals of the Classis of Bergen, N. Y., with a Civil History of the Township. N. Y., 1857. 8vo . TAYLOR, Benj. F. Lecture before the Y. Men s Assc. of Chicago, Feb. 26, 1852. Chicago, 1852. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 38. TAYLOR, Dr. 0. F. Pathology of Lateral Curvature of the Spine. Phila., 1865. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 10. TAYLOR, Geo. Martyrs to the Revolution, in the British Prison Ships in Wallabout Bay. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. TAYLOR, G. L. On Gas Works, and the Introduction of Cannel Coal Gas into the Metropolis. Lond., 1848. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. Programme and Plan of the Metropolitan General Junction Railways and Roads. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. TAYLOR, Sir Herbert. Remarks on an Article in the Edinburgh Review, on the Times of Geoge III. and IV. Lond., 1838. 12mo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 55. TAYLOR, Jas. B. Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 2d Ed., Revised and Enlarged. Richmond, 1838. 12mo. See RICE, J. H. and B. H. Memoirs of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 419 TAYLOR, Jas. "W. Alleghania. The Strength of the Union, and the Weakness of Slavery in the Highlands of the South. St. Paul, 1862. 8vo Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 133. History of the State of Ohio, First Period. 1650-1787. Cincin., 1854. 12mo. Manual of the Ohio School System. Cincin., 1857. 8vo. Northwest British America, and its Relations to Minnesota. Report made to Minn. Legislature. St. Paul, 1860. 8vo. The Victim of Intrigue. A Tale of Burr s Conspiracy. Cin cin., 1847. 8vo. Pamph. TAYLOR, J. L. Speech in Cong., Aug. 3, 1848, on the Army Bill. Congr. and Polit. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. TAYLOR, Rev. John. Journal of his Missionary Tour through the Mohawk and Black River Countries in 1802. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. TAYLOR, John. Records of my Life. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. TAYLOR, John of Va. Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Gov t of the U. S. Fredericsburg, 1814. 8vo. Tyrrany Unmasked. Washington, 1822. 8vo. TAYLOR, John. Truth Defended and Methodism Weighed and Found Wanting. Liverpool, n. d. 8vo. Mormon Pamph. Vol. 1. TAYLOR, John, versus E.G. Delavan, for Libel. Albany, 1840. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 13. TAYLOR, Rev. John L. Address at his Inaugara. as Smith Pro fessor, in Andover Theolog. Seminary, Aug. 6, 1868. An- dover, 1868. 8vo. Andover Sem. Pamphs. Memoir of Samuel Phillips, LL. D. Boston, 1856. 8vo. TAYLOR, N. G. Speech before the Indian Peace Commission, at Chicago, on the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Departrn t. n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.89. TAYLOR, Rich d C. Memoir of the Character and Prospects of the Copper Region of Gibara, and Sketch of the Geology of the North-East Part of the Island of Cuba. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 9. &CLEMSON, T. G. Notice of a Vein of Bituminous Coal, Ex plored in Havana, in the Island of Cuba. Amer. Philos* Soc. Trans, N. S. Vol. 6. TAYLOR, Rich d C. Notes respecting Indian Mounds and Earth works, in Wis. Terr y, 1838. Sillirnan s Journ. Vol. 34. TAYLOR, Stephen. Description of Ancient Remains, Animal Mounds and Embankments, in parts of Wis. Territory. From Silliman s Journ., 1843. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. TAYLOR, Thos. Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mys teries. Lond., 1816. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 8. TAYLOR, Thos. On some New Species on Biliary and Intestinal Concretions. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. TAYLOR, Wm. Cause and probable Results of the Civil War in America. Lond., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 106. TAYLOR, W. C. History of Ireland; from the Anglo-Norman In vasion to the Union with G. Britain. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1860. 2 Vols. 18vo. 420 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TAYLOR, W. C. Notes of a Visit to the Model Schools in Dublin. Dublin, 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.45. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 30. TAYLOR, Zachary. See Addresses delivered in Cong., ou his Death. and his Generals; a Biography of Gen. Taylor, with Sketches of Generals Worth, Wool and others. Phila., 1847. 12mo. Life of. Embracing his Military and Civil Career. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. See POWELL, C. F. Life of. QUINCY, J v Eulogy on. REYNOLDS, Grindall. Discourse on his death. - UPHAM, C. W. Eulogy on. TAZEWELL, Co., Va. See BICKLEY, G. W. L. History of. TEA and the Tea Trade. See NYE, Gideon. Destruction of, in Boston Harbor, 1773. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol 4. Duties G. Britain. See TRAVERS, J. I. Few Words on. 1853. TEACH, Edw. u Blackbeard." Facts relating to. Waldie s Circu lating Libr. Vol. 1. TEBO and Neosho K. R. Co. Argument in favor of a Land Grant to. 1867. 8vo. Missouri Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TECUMSEH . See AYNGE, G. H. on the Death of. A Poem. DRAKE, B. Life of. ELLIS, E. S. Life of. TEESDALE, Eng. See Glossary of Provincial Words. TEFFT, I. K. Catalogue of his Autograph Collection. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. BibKograph. Pamph. Vol. 5. TEFFT, T. A. See STONE, E. M. Brief Memoir of. TEHORAGWANEGEN. See WILLIAMS, Eleazar. TEHUANTEP.EC, Isthmus of. See BARNARD, J. G. Memoir, etc. 1851. SHUFELDT, R. W. Explorations and Surveys, 1872. SKEEL, Theron. Paper before Albany Institute. - WILLIAMS, J. J. Results of R. R. Survey, 1853. TELEGRAPH. See CHANNING, Wm. F. Application of, to Fire Alarms. - HOUGH, G. W. Velocity of the Electric Current over the Wire. LEFFERTS, Marshall. Its Influence and Geograph. Distribu tion. Magnetic Telegraph Controversy. MORSE, S. F. B. Proyecto de un Ferrocarril Telegrafo, etc. Report from U. S. House of Repr. orj the Adoption of Electro- Magnetic Telegraphs. 1842. Pamph. See SHAFFNER, T. P., Telegraph Companion. VAIL, A. Descrip. of Telegraph between Washington and Baltimore. 1845. WELLS, D. A. Relation of Gov t to. 1873. Western Union Tel. Co. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 421 TELFER, Wm. D. Reminiscence of the First Battle of Manassas; a Story of the 71st Reg t of N. G. S. N. Y. Brooklyn, 1864. 12mo. TELTJGUS (Language and Literature of.) See BROWN, Chas. P. TEMPERANCE. See ADAMS, J. Q. Address at Quincy. 1842. Amer. Assoc. for Cure of Inebriates. Amer. Temp. Journal, 1837-48. Amer. Temp. Society. ANDREW, J. A. Errors of Prohibition. BELLOWS, H. W. Address, 1855. Boston Washingtonian Mass Meeting, 1845. BROWN, T, W. Tales and Sketches. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. Hist, and Progress of the Temp. Refor mation. BURKE, Rev. Thos. N. Lectures, 1872. CARPENTER, W. B. On the Use of Alcoholic Liquors. CHANNING, Walter. Address, 1836. CHEEVER, G. B. Deacon Giles Distillery. CHIPMAN, S. Report on Poor Houses, Jails, etc., in N. Y. DELAY AN, E. C. Adulteration of Liquors. Temperance in Wine Countries, 1860. EDWARDS, J. Temperance Manual. . FLANDRAU, T. H. Address, 1842. FLINT, Tim. Address on. FOWLER, O. S. Phrenology vs. Intemperance. GILES, Rev. C. Convention of Drunkards. - HITCHCOCK, R. D. Address at N. Y., 1855. Illinois Temp. Law of 1872. JEWITT, E. R. Address at Toledo, 1847. Journal of Proceedings of Grand Division Sons of Temp., N. Y., 1842-5. KITTREDGE, J. Address, 1827. LANGWORTHY, I. P. Sermon on Liquor Law of Mass. LEES, F. R. Argument for Prohibition, 1864. MclLVAiNE, Rev. C. Address on. Maine Liquor Law. Mass. Temp. Alliance. Method of Treating Epidemic Cholera. N. Y., 1849. Med. Pamph. Vol. 7. 12mo. See MINER, A. A. Right and Duty of Prohibition, 1867. National Temp. Convention, 1851. N. Y. City Temp. Soc, Reports. State Temp. Soc. Reports. NOTT, E. Lectures on. PARMLY, E. Temp. Address, 1844. PARSONS, U. Temp. Address, 1831. Penn. State Temp. Convention, 1868. Permanent Temp. Documents. PORTER, C. B. Silver Cup of Sparkling Drops. POTTER, A. Drinking Usages of Society. Resurrection of the Blue Laws, etc. 422 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TEMPERANCE. See RUSSELL, Rev. John. Vindication of Nat. Pro hibition Party. 1872. ^ ,.; . SARGENT, L. M. On Temperance Reform. , - Temp. Addresses, 1833. Scottish Temperance Soc. Report, 1832. . SEYMOUR, Gov. H. Objections to Temperance Bill, 1854. . SHERMAN^!. Sermon. SMITH, Gerrit. Speech, 1854. SPRAGUE, Chas. Address, 1827. STUART, Moses. Essay on use of Liquors. Sunday Liquor Traffic. TRALL, R. T. Physiolog. Errors of Teetotalism. Unconstitutionally of Prohib. Liq. Law. Virginia Temp. Reform. , WHITNEY, F. A. Address. 1845. World s Temp. Convention, 1853. TEMPLE, Edw. Travels in Various Parts of Peru. A Years Resi dence at Potosi. Lond., 1830. 2 Vols. 8vo. TEMPLE Genealogy. See WHITMORE, W. H. TEMPLE, J. H. Early Ecclesiastical Hist, of Whately, Mass. Northampton, 1849. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vols. 1 and 15. History of the Town of Whately, Mass., 1660-1871, with Genealogies. Boston, 1872. 8vo. TEMPLE, N. H. See BLOOD, H. A. History of. TEMPLE, O. P. Address before the Knoxville Industrial Assoc. Knoxville, Tenn., 1869. 8vo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TEMPLETON, Mass. Topograph. View of the Town of. Worcester Magazine. Vol. 1. See WELLINGTON, Rev. C. Half Century Sermon, 1857. TEMPLETON, W. C. Advantages of Mail Communication by Steam Packets between N. Orleans and Vera Cruz. Washington, 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. TEMPSKY, G. F. Von. Mitla: Narrative of Incidents, etc., in a Journey in Mexico, Guatamala and Salvador, 1853-5. Lond., 1858. 8vo. TENAMPUA, Honduras, C. A. See SQUIER, E. G. Ruins of. TENANT Right. See WILSON, W. Reply to Mr. Fane, 1851. TEN EYCK, J. C. Speech in U. S. Senate, Apr. 2, 1860, on State Rights, etc. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. - May 21, 1862, on Confiscation. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 68. TENNANT, Prof. Smithson. Some Account of. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 10. TENNESSEE Antiquities. Several short Articles on Indian Re mains in Tenn. Smithson. Report. 1870. STELLE, J. P. Aboriginal Ruins in. TROOST, G. Ace. of Ancient Remains in Tenn. See CARPENTER, W. H. History of. Catalogue of State Library. Nashville, 1871. Code of Tenn. Enacted by Gen. Assem. in 1857, 8. Nash ville, 1858. 8vo. Comptroller of Treasury. Report. 1867. Nashville, 1867. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 423 TENNESEE. Description of the State of Tennessee, and of the South western Territory. 1796. Imlay s America, p. 512. Farmer; or Farmer Jackson in N. Y. n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 111. Geolog. Survey 1st Biennial Report made to the Legislature by Jas. M. SAFFORD. 1855. Nashville, 1856. 8vo. Geology. See KAIN, J. H. Geol. of Eastern Tenn. 1819. See HAYWOOD, Chas. Civil and Political History. -- HEAD, J. W. Supreme Court Reports. 1858. HENDERSON, Wm. A. Lecture on Gov. Sevier. Journal of Constitutional Convention. Nashville, 1870. 8vo. Journals of Legislative Assembly, 1st Sessions. 1859 and 1865. Nashville. Svo. Letters from the Army. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 76. Special Message of Gov. BROWNLOW. 1866. Nashville, 1867. 8vo. See MICHAUX, F. A. Travels in. 1802. MITCHELL, J. L. Tenn. State Gazeteer and Directory. 1860, 1. MORRIS. E. Tenn. Gazetteer. 1834. New Constitution of, revised by the Convention assembled at Nashville, Jan., 1870. Nashville. 1870. Svo. Tenn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Pub. Documents. Sessions, 1855-6, 1857-8, 1859-60. 3 Vols. Svo. Public Laws of the State, passed at the 33d Gen. Assembly, 1859-60. Nashville, 1860. 8vo. See PUTNAM, A. W. History of Middle Tenn. . RAMSAY, J. G. M. Annals of. Report of Joint Select Comm. of Gen. Assem., to Investigate the Offices of Comptroller and Sec. of State, 1858. Nash ville, 1858. Svo. Rules of Order for the Gov t of the House of Repr.; and Joint Rules of the two Houses, 1859-60. Nashville, 1859. 8vo. See Short Description of Tenn. Gov t, etc., 1793. State Agricult. Bureau. 2d and 3d Biennial Reports, for 1856, 7, 8, 9, Nashville, 1858, 60. Svo. Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee, of a Public and General Nature. Knoxville, 1831. Svo. TENNETAR, Michel de. Elemens de Chymie, rediges d apres les de- couvertes modernes. Mentz, 1779. 12mo. TENNEY, Jonathan. Memoir of the Class who Graduated at Dart mouth Coll., July 27th, 1S43. Albany, 1869. Svo. TENNEY, Dr. Sam l. Topograph. Description of Exeter, N. H. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. TENNYSON, Chas. Speech in Parl t, July 23, 1833, on the Repeal of the Septennial Act. Lond., 1834. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 21. TEN Thousand Things on China and the Chinese, etc. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 3. TEN Tribes of Israel Identified. See SIMON, Mrs. TEPITI Indians. See EWBANK, T. Aboriginal Ingenuity. 424 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TERUAUX Oompans H. Relations et Memoires Originaux pour servir a 1 Histoire de la decouverte de 1 Amerique, publics pour la premiere foix en Francais. Paris, 1838-41. 20 Vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. N. Federmanri le jeune d Ulm; Voyage aux Indes. 2. Pers de Magalhanes de Gandavo; Histoire de Sancta Cruz (Bresil). 3. Hans Staden de Hamberg; Description d un pays habite par des Hommes Sauvages. 4. F. Xeres; La Conquete du Perou. 5. Ulrich Schmidel de Straubing; Voyage dans PAmer- ique. 6. Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca; Commentaires. 7. Same; Relation et Naufrages. 8. Fernando d Alva Ixtilxochitl: Des Conquerants du Mexique. 9. Cibola: Relation du Voyage, 1540. 10. Recueil de Pieces relatives a la Conquete du Mexique. 11. Alonzo de Zurita; classes de chefs de la Nouvelle Espagne. 12. 13. Fernando d Alva Ixtilxochitl: Histoire des Anciens rois de Tezcuco. 14. G. F. De Oviedo y Valdes: Histoire de Nicaragua. 15. M. Cavello Balboa; Histoire de Perou. 16. Second Recueil des Pieces sur la Mexique. 17. F. Montesinos: Memoirs ^ur 1 Ancien Perou. 18. 19. Juan de Velasco; Histoire de Quito. 20. Recueil de Pieces sur la Floride, inedit: 1 Voyage de Dominque de Gourges: 2 Voyage de Pedro Menen- dez, etc. TEERE HAUTE, Ind. Advantages of, as a point for the Manufacture of Iron. Terre Haute, 1870. 8ro. Ind. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TESCHEMACHER, I. E. Essay on Guano, its Properties, and Appli cation in Agriculture, etc. Boston, 1845. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 14. TEST and Contest. Lond., Nov. 1756 to July 1857. Sm. folio. TEXAN Emigrant. See STIFF, Col. Edw. TEXAS Almanac for 1867 with Statistics, Descript. and Biograph. Sketches. Galveston, 1867. 8vo. and Mexico, Hints to the Creditors of Mexico on Mexican Bonds. Lond., 1841. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 28. Annexation of. See CHANGING, W. E. Letter to Hon. Henry Clay. - Opinions of Clay, Polk and others, n. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. SEDGWICK, Theodore. On Annexation, etc. 1844. Thoughts on the proposed Annexation. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 107. BARTLETT, J. R. Personal Explorations. 1854. Board of Education. Circulars of the Board of Educa. and Supt. of Public Instruction. Austin, 1872. Svo. Rules for Gov t of Pub. Schools. Austin, 1872. 18mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 425 TEXAS. Boundary. See Congress l Speeches. Comptroller s Bien. Report for 1858-9. Austin, 1859. 8vo. See CORDOVA., J. De. Her Resources and Public Men. 1858. Debates in the House of Representatives. Austin, 1859-60. 4to. Debt. See Petition of Citizens of N. Orleans to Cong. 1852. TAPPAN, B. On the Debt. 1852. DEWEES, W. B. Letters from an Early Settler. 1854. EDWARD, D. B. History of. 1836. FOOTE, H. S. Texas and the Texans. Geology. See KENNEDY, Wm. Geology, etc., of. 1844. ROEMER, F. Contributions to. 1847. HOLLY, M. A. Observations on the Hist, and Geog. of. 1833. Journal of the Texas State Convention, at Austin, Apr. 2> 1866. Austin, 1866. 8vo. See KENNEDY, Wm. Geog., Nat. Hist, and Topog. of. 1844. Rise and Progress of. 1841. MAILLARD, N. D. Hist, of Republic of. 1842. MARCOU, J. Notes on the Rocks of Texas. Messages of Gov. Davis, 1871-73. Austin, 1871-73. 8vo. See Mississippi and Pacific R. R. OLMSTED, F. L. Journey through. Prairiedom, etc. Proceedings of U. S. Senate, and Documents relating to Texas. Washington, 1844. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 106. RANGERS. See REID, S. C. Campaign in Mexico. 1846. Reconnoisances in Texas and New Mexico. 1849 -50. Reconstruction in. See Memorial to Cong., from Texas Com missioners. 1869. Revolution in 1835-6. See Newell, Rev. C. SIMMS, W. G. Tale of Texas. Treason. 1861. See SPRAGUE, J. T. Treasurer s Ann. Report for 1859. Austin, 1859. 8vo. War in Texas to extend Slavery, etc. 1837. See WEBBER, C. W. Gold Mines of the Gila. Western Railroad Co. Charter, etc. Cincin., 1855. 8vo. Texas Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See YOAKTJM. History. TEXUGO, F. T. Letter on the Slave Trade of the Eastern Coast of Africa. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.20. THACHER Genealogy. See Thacher, Jas. Biograph. Sketches. THACHER, Dr. Jas. American Medical Biography; or a Memoir of Eminent Physicians of America. Boston, 1828. 2 Vols. 8vo, Biograph. Sketches of the Thacher Family, from their first Settlement in N. England. From N. Eng. Mag., 1834. Geiieal. Pamph. Vol. 14. Essay on Demonology, Ghosts, Apparitions, and Popular Su perstitions. Boston, 1831. 12mo. History of the Town of Plymouth, Mass., from 1620 to 1832. Boston, 1882. 12mo. - 426 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THACHEK, Dr. Jas. Military Journal during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. Hartford, 1854. 8vo. Observations on Iron Ores, with Account of the Iron Manu facture in the Co. of Plymouth, Mass. Mass. Hist.Soc. Coll. Vol. 9. 1st Ser. Observations relative to the Execution of IVlajor Andre in 1780. From the N. Eng. Mag., 1834. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. THACHER, Peter, D.D. Sermon at Boston, Nov. 14, 1790, on the Death of Gov. Jas. Bowdoin. Boston, 1791. Small 4to. Sermons. Vol. 31. Sermon at Boston, Oct. 20, 1793, on the Death of Gov. John Hancock. Boston, 1793. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 43. Sermon at Brattle Street Ch. Boston, on the 100th Annivers. of its Establishment, Dec. 29, 1799. Boston, 1800. Svo. Boston Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. THACHER, Judge Peter O. See Boston Municipal Court. Proceed ings on his Death. THACKERAY, W. M. Pen & Ink Sketches by a Cosmopolitan. Boston, 1845. 12mo. THACHER, B. B. Indian Biography; His Account of Orators, War riors and Statesmen. Harpers Fam. Lib. N. Y. 1860. 2 Vols. 18mo. THAXTER, A. Wallace. Poem before the ladma of Harvard College, June 27, 1850. Cambridge, 1850. 12mo. Harvard Coll. Pamphs. THAYENDANEGEA, or Brant. See STONE, W. L. Life of. \ THAYER, C. T. Bi-Centen. Address in the 1st Parish Ch., Beverly, Oat. 2, 1867. Bost., 1868. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Disc. Vol. 7. Valedictory Discourse in the 1st Ch. Beverly, Mass., July 4, 1858. Boston, 1858. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 11. and BUSWELL, H. F. Address and Ode at the Dedication of Memorial Hall, Lancaster, Mass. June 17, 1868. Boston, 1868. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vols. 6, 18. THAYER, Eli. Speech in Cong. Feb. 24, 1859. Addresses, etc. Vol. 19. THAYER, Elisha. Genealogy of Fourteen Families of the Early Settlers of New England, of the names of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, Copeland, French, Hobart, Jackson, and other Families. Hingham, 1835. Svo. THAYER, Gideon F. See GUSHING, Thos. Memoir of. THAYER, M. Russell. Address before the Law Academy of Phil a, Nov. 11, 1S70. Phil a, 1870. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 23. Reply to C. IngersolPs Letter to a Friend in a Slave State. Phil a, 1862. Rebellion Ramph. Vols. 20, 38 and 82. Speech in Cong., Apr. 20, 1864, on Reconstruction. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9. Speech in the Case of the Commonwealth vs. Thos. W. Smith. Phila., 1858. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. The Duties of Citizenship. Address before Alumni of Uni versity of Penn., Dec., 1862. Phila., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 66. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 427 THAYER, Nathan l, D. D. Dedication Sermon at Lancaster, Mass., Jan. 1, 1817. Worcester, 1817. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 3. See HILL, Alonzo. Obituary Discourse. 1840. Last Sermon in the Old Meeting-House, Lancaster, Mass., Dec. 29, 1816. Worcester, 1817. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 3. THAYER, Rev. T. B. Sermon before the Boston Artillery Co., on its 226th Annivers., June 6, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 25. THAYER, Wm. M. From Poor House to Pulpit; or the Triumphs of the Late Dr. John Kitto. Boston, 1859. ISmo. THEATRUM Orbis Terrarum. Atlas. Antwerp, 1570. Folio. THEBES, Egypt. See WILKINSON, I. G. Topography of. THELWALL, Rev. A. S. Facts respecting the Instruction given at St. Patrick s, Maynooth. Lond., 1845. 12mo. Eng. Relig ious Pamph. Vol. 51. THERMOMETER. See WALFERDIN, M. Echelles Thermometriques. THETIS, (Wreck of the). See DICKINSON, Capt. T. Narrative, etc. THIERS, M. A. History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Phila., 1852. 2 Vols. 8vo. Incomplete. Rapport sur la Loi D Instruction Secondaire, etc. Paris, 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 39. THINGS as they are. 3d Ed. Lond., 1758. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 3. THINGS as they are; or Notes of a Traveller through the Middle arid Northern States. N. Y., 1834. 12mo. THIRL WALL, Rev. T. Works, Moral and Religious, of Sir Matthew Hale. Lond., 1805. 2 Vols. 12mo. THISTLE (The); an Examine of the Prejudice of the Englishmen to the Scottish Nation. Lond. n. d. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 12. THOMAS, Alfred C. Sermon at Islington, Eng. Dec. 21, 1862, on Sympathy for America. Phila., 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 65. THOMAS, B. F. Remarks in Cong., Apr. 10, 1862, on the Confiscation Question. Boston, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. Sketch of the Life and Judicial Labors of Chief Justice Shaw. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1867-69. Suggestions on the Personal Liberty Law and " Secession (so called). Boston, 1861. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 106. THOMAS, E. L. Abridged Genealogy of the Olmstead Family New England. Square 18mo. Albany, 1869. THOMAS, E. S. Reminiscences of the last Sixty-five Years, com mencing with the Battle of Lexington. Hartford, 1840. 2 Vols. 12mo. THOMAS, Fred. W. The Emigrant, or Reflections while descending the Ohio. A Poem. Cincin., 1872. Svo. Ohio Local Hist. Vol. 2. THOMAS, F. AV. John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Character, together with Tales df Real Life. Phila., 1853. 12mo. 428 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THOMAS, Gen. G. H. See GAKFIELD, Gen. J. A. Oration on Life and Character of. 1870. THOMAS, Gabriel. A Histor. and Geograph. Account of Penn., and of West Jersey, in America. Lond., 1698 reprinted in fac simile. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. THOMAS, Isaiah. See BURNSIDE, S. M. Memoir of. History of Printing in America ; with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of Newspapers. Worcester, 1810. 2 Vols. 8vo. THOMAS, J. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. Phila., 1853. 12mo. THOMAS, Jas. Our Colonial Empire. Prize Essay on the Advantages of the British Colonies. Lond., 1859. 12mo, Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. THOMAS, Gen. John. See COFFIN, Chas. Life and Services of. THOMAS, John. Descendants of John Thomas, who removed from Wales to Boston, Mass. 2 Sheets Tabular Pedigree. Eden, Me. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. THOMAS, J. H. Speech in Cong., May 27, 1850, on Admission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. THOMAS, John J. American Fruit Culturist. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. THOMAS, Rev. Josiah. Address at Bath, Eng., Dec. 1, 1817, on forming a Church Missionary Soc y. Lond., 1817. 8vo Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. THOMAS, Joshua. Memoir of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 10. THOMAS, Wm. H. Letter to the Commiss r of Indian Affairs, on Claims of Indians in the States East. Washington, 1853. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 4. THOMAS, Saga Erkibyskups. Fort ^Elling om Thomas Becket Er- kebishop of Canterbury. Christiana, 1869. 8vo. THOMASON, Rev. D. R. Hints to Emigrants to U. S. and California. Lond., 1849. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 29. THOMASTON, Me. See EATON, C. Hist, of Thomaston, Rockland, etc. Topograph Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. THOMPSON, A. W. Memorial to Congress for a Line of Steamers between California, China and Japan. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 51. n. d. THOMPSON, Benj. F. History of Long Island from its Discovery to the Present Time, with Genealogies. 2d Ed. revised, etc. N. Y., 1843. 2 Vols. 8vo. THOMPSON, Benj. Count Rumford. See RENWICK, J. Life of. THOMPSON, Mrs. Caroline M. See N. Y. State Woman s Hospital. THOMPSON, Daniel P. Address before Vermont Hist. Society, Oct. 24, 1850. Burlington, 1850. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. History of Montpelier, Vt., 1781, to 1860, with Biographies. Montpelier, 1860. 8vo. THOMPSON, E. Sketches, Biographical and Incidental. (Western.) Cincin. n. d. 12mo. THOMPSON, Dr. Edw. Inaugural Address at Wesleyan University. Delaware, O., 1846. 8vo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 25. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 429 THOMPSON, G. A. Narrative of an of an Official Visit to Guatemala, from Mexico. Lond 1829. 12mo. New Theory of the Two Hemispheres, whereby it is attempt ed to explain the Peopling of America. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. THOMPSON, Geo. W. The Wheeling Bridge; an Argument for its Nationality and Preservation. Washington, 1852. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. THOMPSON, J. B. Speech in Cong. June 21, 1842, on the Appor tionment. Washington. 1842. ^8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. THOMPSON, Jacob. Speech in Cong., Jan. 11, 1842, on the Treasury Note Bill. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Political Pamph. Vol. 25. - July 12, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. July 9, 1846, on the Graduation of the Price of Public, Lands. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. THOMPSON, Rev. Jas. Fiftieth Annivers. Discourse at Barre, Mass. Jan. 11, 1854. With Appendix. Boston, 1854. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 19. Speech in Cong. July 1, 1846, on the Reduction of the Tariif. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. THOMPSON, John L. History of the Wars of the U. S., from the Earliest Colonial Times to the Close of Mexican War. Phila., 1857. Svo. THOMPSON, Rev. J. P. Christianity and Emancipation. N. York., 1863. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 74. Memoir of Rev. David Tappan Stoddard, Missionary to Nes- torians. N. Y., 185S. 12mo. Oration before the Phi. Beta Kappa Soc y at Yale College, July 22, 1868. N. Haven, 1868. Svo. Yale Coll. Pamph. Revolution against Free Government not a right, but a crime. N. Y., 1864. Svo. Rebell. Pamph. Vol. 1. Discourse Commemorative of the late Dirck C. Lansing, D. D. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 14. Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Wm. B. Clarke, as Pastor of the Church in Yale College, with Addresses. N. Haven, 1863. Svo. Yale College Pamphlets. The Last Sabbath in the Broadway Tabernacle; a Historical Discourse, with account of the Services of that day, April 26, 1857. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. N. York Hist. Discourses. Vol. 5. The Sergeant s Memorial. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 24. THOMPSON, J. R. Ode at the Inauguration of the Equestrian Statue of Washington, at Richmond, Va., 1858. Richmond, 1858. Svo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 32. Virginia: a Poem. Richmond, 1856, Svo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. THOMPSON, Mrs. M. Phrenological Character of Reuben Dunbar. Albany, 1851. 8vo. ft. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. 430 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THOMPSON, Rev. Otis. See Facts and Documents relating to Ex- Parte Councils held at Rehoboth. See Narratives of Difficulties in the Con. Ch. in Reho both. THOMPSON, R. W. Speech in Cong., June 20, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. THOMPSON, Col. T. P. Extracts from his works, relating to the Corn Laws. Manchester, Eng., 1841. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 43. True Theory of Rent, in opposition to Mr. Ricardo and others. Lond., 1832. 8vo. 9th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 38.. THOMPSON, Zadoc. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil and Statis tical, in three parts, with appendix. Burlington, 1853. 8vo. History of the State of Vermont, from its Earliest Settlement, to the close of 1832. Burlington, 1833. 12mo. The Green Mountain Repository for 1 832. Burlington, 1832. 12mo. THOMSON, P. P. The Emperor of China v. the Queen of England. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 51. THOMPSON, Dr. Anthony Todd. Authentic Medical Statement of the Case of the late Princess Charlotte of Wales. London. 1818 (?) 8vo. Medical Pamph. Vol. 30. THOMSON, Mrs. A. T. Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII. Lond., 1826. 2 Vols. 8vo. THOMSON, Chas. See WATSON, J. F. Memoir of. THOMSON, Chas. W. Notices of the Life arid Character of Robt. Proud. Paper before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Aug. 16, 1826. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 2. THOMSON, Bishop Edw. Address before the Educational Conven tion, held in Delaware, Ohio, June 27, 1865. Cincin., 1865. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol 7. THOMSON. Dr. Thos. History of the Royal Society from its Insti tution to the end of the 18th Century. Lond., 1812. 4to. THORBTJRN, Grant. Life and Writings of, prepared by himself. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. Sketches from the Note Book of Laurie Todd. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. THORESBY, Ralph. See HUNTER, Rev. J. Diary of. 1677-1724. THORN, Prussia. See Narrative of the late Tragedy, etc. 1724. THORNTON, J. Wingate. Ancient Pemaquid: an Historical Re view. Maine Hist. Soc. Collec. Vol. 5. First Records of Amer. Civilization. Boston, 1859. 8vo. The Landing at Cape Anne; or the Charter of the First Per manent Colony on the Territory of the Mass. Colony. 1624- 1628. Boston, 1854. 8vo. The Pulpit of the American Revolution. Boston, 1860. 12mo. Speech at the Fort Popham Celebration, Aug. 29, 1862, under the auspices of the Maine Hist. Society. Boston, 1863. 8vo. Tabular Pedigree of Bowles Family. Boston, 1854. Broad side. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. THORNTON Romances. See Camden Soc. Publications. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 431 THORNTON, Wm. Cadmus; or a Treatise on the Elements of Writ ten Language. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. Vol. 3. THORNWELL, J. H. The State of the Country; from the Southern Presb. Review. N. Y., 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. THORP, Henry W. Address before the Philomathean Soc y of Penn. College, Feb. 15, 1842. Gettysburg, 1842. 8vo. Addresses, etc., Vol. 24. THORP, Rev. Wm. Catholic* Emancipation. An Enquiry, etc. Bristol, 1813. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 86. THORPE, Serjeant. Charge to the Grand Jury at York Assizes, 1648, London, 1649. folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. THORPE, Dr. Robt. Commentary on the Treaties respecting the Slave Trade, signed in 1817 and 1818. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 14. THORPE, Thos. Descript. Catalogue of Original Charters, Royal Grants, Registers and other Documents constituting the Muniments of Battle Abbey. Lond., 1835. 8vo. THORPE, T. B. Our Army on the Rio Grande. Phila., 1846. 12mo. Hex. War Pamph. Vol. 1. THOUGHTS for the Times, addressed to the Considerate People of the Northern States. Lond., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 38, of a Traveler upon our American Disputes. Lond., 1774. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 1. on a Reform in the Representation of the People in the Com mons House of Parl t. Lond., 1783. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 21. on Education, Union of Classes and Co-operation. Lond., 1831, 8vo. Strarigford Pamph. Vol. 9. on the Cause of the Present Discontents. Lond., 1870. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 17. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 2. on the Causes and Consequences of the present High Price of Provisions. Dublin, 1768. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 26, on the Dismission of Officers, for their Conduct in Parl t. Lond., 1765. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 16. . on the Establishment of a National University. Western Monthly Review. Vol. 2. on the Present Aspect of Foreign Affairs. Lond., 1831. 8vo, Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. on the Present Condition of Legal Practitioners, etc. Lond., 1834. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 19. on the Present Discontents. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 46. on the Present State and Prospects of Legal Discontent in Relation to Evidence in Courts of Equity. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 20. THREE Days Battle of Chattanooga, Nov. 1863; a Dispatch from Gen. Meigs to the Sec. of War. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 69. Early English Metrical Romances. See Camden Soc. Publi cations. Letters on the Game Laws. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer- Vol. 11. 432 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. THREE Letters, to the Public on Political Subjects. Phila., 1783. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. . Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law. Manchester, Eng., 1842. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 44. (The) Voices; Soldier, Farmer and Poet, to the Copperheads. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. Weeks at Gettysburg. N. Y.. 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 81. Years Among the Working Classes in the U. S. during the War. Lond., 1865. 8vo. THUEMAN, Allen G. Speech in Cong. May 14, 1846, in relation to the Mexican War. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Why Democrats should Vote for Greeley. Speech at Tiffin, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1872. Chicago, 1872. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. THUESTON, Chas. M. Descendants of Edward Thurston of R. Island. N. Y., 1868. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 4. Descendants of John Pitman of R. Island. N. Y., 1868. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 4. Genealog. of Chas. M. Thurston and Rachael H. Pitman. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 4. THUESTON, D. Brief History of Winthrop, Me., 1764-1855. Port land, 1855. 12mo. THUESTOX, Geo. H. Pittsburg as it is: or Facts and Figures ex hibiting the Past and Present of that City, with its Advan tages, Resources, etc. Pittsburg, 1857. 12mo. THUESTOX, J. P. The Preservation of the Union. Portland, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. THUESTON, Mrs. J. P. An Appeal to my Countrymen, East, West, North and South. Portland, 1861. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. The Union of States; how they may be preserved, with ap pendix. Portland, 1861. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. THUESTON S Route Book from Phil a. to Chicago, Apr., 1862. Also, from Chicago to N. Y., Aug., 1864. Pittsburgh. ]2mo. Guide Books. Vol. 16. TIBBATTS, J. W. Speech in Cong., May 12 and 19, 1846, on the War in Mexico. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Mar. 17, 1846, on Appropriations for Harbors and Rivers. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. July 1, 1S56, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. July 15, 1846, on the Treasury Note Bill. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. TIBBITS, Geo. Essay on Improving or Creating Home Markets for Agricult. Productions, etc. Phila., 1827. Svo. Pamphlets. Vol. 14. TICKELL, Rich d. Anticipation of His Majesty s Speech at the Opening of the approaching Session of Parliament. 1778. Lond., reprinted. 1822. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. TICKNOE, Caleb. Philosophy of Living; or the Way to Enjoy Life and its Comforts. Harpers Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1858. ISmo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 433 TICKNOE, George. History of Spanish Literature. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1854. 3 Vols. 8vo. Life of William Hicklbg Prescott. Boston, 1864. 4to. TICONDEEOGA. Expedition against. See TEUMBULL, J. H. Evacuation of. See HALL, Henry. TIEENEY, Rev. M. A. Hist and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, Eng.; including the Biography of its Earls. Lond., 1834. 8vo. TIFFANY, Osmond. Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. Otho H. Williams; read before Maryland Hist. Soc., Mar. 6, 1851. Baltimore, 1851. 8vo. Md. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. TIFFANY S Monthly: Devoted to the Investigation of Spiritual Sci ence. N. Y., 1856. 4 Vols. 8vo. TIFT, Nelson. Defence of the People of Georgia, being a Reply to Gov. Bullock. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Po- lit. Pamph. Vol. 120. See BULLOCK, R. B. Letter in regard to his Claim to a Seat in Congress, 1870. 8vo. n. p. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. TIGHE, R. T., and Davis, J. E. Annals of Windsor; Hist, of the Castle and Town, with Account of Eton and Places Adja cent. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Vol. 1. TILDEN, Rev. Wm. P. Memoir of Solomon Piper. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 21. TILLINGHAST, J. L. Eulogy pronounced in Providence, July 17, 1826, on John Adams and Thos. Jefferson. Providence, R. L, 1826. Addresses. Vol. 24. Speech in Cong., June 30, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. TILLMAN, Wm. The Rebel Pirate s Fatal Prize: or the Tragedy of the Prize Schooner Waring, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 82. TILDON, Theodore. Self-Condemned; or, Grant s Platform bearing witness against Grant s Administration. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. Sketch of Parson Browiilow. N. Y. s n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 102. The Philadelphia Failure, a Review of Grant s Re-Nomination. N. Y., 1872. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. TIMBERLAKE, Henry. Memoirs; with an Account of his Travels with Three Cherokee Indians. Lond., 1765. 8vo. TIMES, John. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art: Exhibiting the most Important Discoveries in 1851. Lond., 1852. 12mo. TIMOTHY, Evan. Banks; their Construction, Purposes, and Effects. Lond., 1851. 12mo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol.2. TIPPECANOE Baptist Assoc. Minutes of 20th and 21st Ann. Ses sions, held in 1852 and 1853. La Fayette, Ind., 1852, 3. 8vo. Text-Book. Phil a 1839? 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 124. TIPPOO Sultain. See MACKENZIE, R. TISBUEY, Mass. See Mass. Report of Commissioners on the Title of. 1856. 28 434 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TITUS, Jas. H. Address before the Agr. Soc y of Franklin Co., N. Y., 1853. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 12. TIVERTON, Eng. See HARDING, Col. History of, 1845. TIVERTON, Mass. See FOWLER, O. History of. 1862. TOBACCO. See BUDGETT, D. J. B. Tobacco Question Considered. - JACKSON, J. C. Effect of, on Health and Character. - MILTON, J. L. Death in the Pipe, etc. PIERCE, W. B. Tobacco and Internal Revenue. TATHAM, W. Culture of. TOCHMAN, Major G. Poland, Russia, and the Policy of the latter towards the U. States. A Lecture. Baltimore, 1844. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 1. TOCKER, Mary Ann. The Trial, for an Alleged Libel on R. Gurney, Esq., in 1818, with an Address to Jurymen by W. Cobbett. Law Pamphlets. Vol. 3. TODD, Chas. S. & DRAKE, B. Civil and Military Life of Wm. H. Harrison. Cincin. 1847. 12mo. See GRIFFIN, G. W. Memoirs of. TODD Family Genealogy. See GREEN, R. H. TODD, Jas. H., D. D. Remarks on Statements attributed to Thos. Wyse, on Academ. Education in Ireland. Dublin, 1844. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 30. University of Dublin. Remarks on Statements of Thos. Wyse. Dublin, 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 37. TODD, Rev. John. The Sun-Set Land; or the Great Pacific Slope. Boston, 1871. 12mo. TODD, Rev. John. Sermon at Centen. Annivers. of Cong. Ch. in Great Barrington, Mass., Dec. 23, 1843. Pittsfield, 1844. 12mo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. Sermon at Pittsfield, Mass., Apr. 8, 1861, at the Funeral of Herman Humphrey, D. D. Pittsfield, 1861. 8vo. Sermons, 36. TODD, L. Speech in Cong., Mar. 13, 1856, on Kansas Contested Election. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. TODD, Dr. R. B. Letures on the the Anatomy and Physiology of Intestinal Canal. Lond., 1842. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 18. On the Resources of King s College, London, for Medical Ed ucation. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 22. TOLEDO, Ohio. Business Directory for 1855 -6. Toledo, 1855. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Memorial, to Cong, from Citizens on the Location of a Na tional Armory and Foundry. 1861. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph Vol. 59. 12th Ann. Report of Trade and Commerce, for 1869. Toledo,. 1870. 8vo. Statistics for the year 1858. Toledo, 1858. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. Toledo Blade s Ann. Statement of Trade and Commerce, for 1860. Toledo, 1861. 8vo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 435 TOLL Reform Association. Statement of Committee, with Map and Case, transmitted to Viscount Palmerston. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 9. TOLLAND, Conn. See WALDO, L. P. Early History of. TOMAH, Wis., Chief. Newspaper. May, 1859, to Jan., 1860. TOMES, R. Americans in Japan; abridgment of Commodore Per ry s Narrative of U. S. Expedition. N. Y.. 1857. 12mo. TOMKINS, Isaac. Thoughts upon the Aristocracy of England. Part 2. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. TOMLINE, W. E. P. Speech at Cambridge, Dec. 17, 1806, on the Character of Hon. Wm. Pitt. Cambridge, 1806. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 38. TOMLINS, F. G. General History of North and South America. Lond., 1836. 8vo. TOMLINS, T. E. Familiar Explanation of the Law of Wills, etc. Lond., 1810. Svo. New Ed. Law Pamph. Vol. 17. Plain Directions for Proceedings under the Act for the Abo lition of Imprisonment for Debt. Lond., 1838. 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 10. TOMLINSON, A. B. American Antiquities at Grave Creek, Va. Amer. Pioneer, Vol. 2. Olden Time, Vol. 1. First Settlement of Grave Creek, Va. Amer. Pioneer, Vol. 2. TONER, J. M., M. D. Facts of Vital Statistics in the U. S. Wash ington, 1872. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 33. TOOKE, John Home. See GRAHAM, John A. Memoirs of, and his Identity with Junius. Posthumous Works of Junius. TOOMBS, Rob t. Lecture in the Tremont Temple, Boston, Jan. 26, 1856, on Slavery. Washington, 1856. Svo. Speech in Congress, July 1, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Feb. 27, 1850, on Admission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. Feb. 23, 1854, on Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Washington, 1854. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 3. TorHAM, Edw. Life of the late John Elwes. Lond., 1790. Svo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 25. TOPICS of the Times. See PARTON, Jas. TOPLADY, Rev. Augustus, M. Memoirs of. Boston, 1817. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 10. TOPOGRAPHER and Genealogist. See NICHOLS, John, G. TOPOGRAPICAL Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory and Louisiana, by a late Officer of the U. S. A. Boston, 1812. 12mo. TOPOGRAPHY. See COLLECTANEA Topographica, etc. TOPPAN Family Genealogy. See COFFIN, Joshua. TOPSFIELD, Mass. See CLEVELAND, N. Addresses at 200th Anni- vers. 1850. TOPSHAM, Me., Baptist Church. See WILSON, Adam. Half Cen tury Discourse. 1865. TOPSHAM, Mass. See ELLIS, Rev. J. Topograph. Description of. 36 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TORENO, Count. Information on Principal Events in the Gov t of Spain, 1808-1814. Translated by W. WALTON. Lond., 1820. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 17. TORIES A Few Words of Friendly Caution to the. Lond., 1844. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. TORONTO, Canada. Commercial Directory and Register for 1837. Toronto. 1837. 12mo. TORQUAY, Eng. See VIVIAN, E. The Climate of. TORRENS, Major R, Letter to the Independent Freemen of Rochester, on Lord Binning s Claim to a Seat in Parliament. Lond., 1819. Svo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 14. Paper on the Means of Reducing the Poors Rates, etc. Lond., 1817. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 10. TORRENS, Lt. Col. Rob t. Letter and Memorial, addressed to Lord Russell, on Australian Affairs. Lond., 1842. Svo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 28. TORREY, J. History and Description of Scituate, Plymouth Co., Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. 2d Series. on the Darlingtonia Californica, or Pitcher-Plant, from Cali fornia. 1850. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 6. Plantae Fremontianae, or Descriptions of Plants collected by Col. J. C. Fremont, in California. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 6. TORREY, Rev. Jos. See Vermont Hist. Soc. TORREY, Rufus C. History of the Town of Fitohburg, with a His tory of Lunenberg, Mass., to 1764. Fitchburg, 1836. Svo. TORRIANO, G. New and Easy Directions for the Attaining of the Thuscan Italian Tongue. Cambridge, 1626. Sin. 4to. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. TORSTENSON, Lennart. See DE PEYSTER, J. W. Eulogy on. TORYISM, (The State and Prospects of.) Reprinted from Fraser s Magazine, 1834. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 40. TOTTEN, Jos. G. Maj. Gen., etc. See BARNARD, J. G. Eulogy on. TOURISTS Companion, on the York and Scarborough Railway. York, Eng., 11. d. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 7. TOURNAY, Belgium. See PINAULT, M. Histoire du Parlement de. TOWER of London. See London, (Tower of.) TOWERS, Jos. Oration at London Tavern, Nov. 4, 178S, the Cen- ten. Aiinivers. of the Revolution. Lond., 1788. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 23. TOWN and Country Magazine. Lond., 1773-17S9. 19 Vols. Svo. TOWN, Ithiel. Atlantic Steam-Ships: the Origin, Progress, etc., of Steam Navigation across the Atlantic. N. Y., 1838. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 22. TOWNEND, Wm. The Descendants of the Stuarts; an Unchroni- cled Page in England s History. 2d Ed. Lond., 1858. Svo. TOWNSEND, Alex. Address to the Charitable Fire Society on the Principles of their Institution. Boston, 1809. Svo. Ad dresses. Vol. 32. TOWNSEND, David. See DARLINGTON, W. Memorial of. TOWNSEND, Edmund. A Gleam of Light on the Mysterious Bank rupt System, etc. Lond., 1826. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 20. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 437 TOWNSEND, Geo. A. Campaigns of a Non-Combatant and his Romaunt during the War. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. Life, Crime and Capture of John Wilkes Booth. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. TOWNSEND, Howard. Food and its Digestion; read before the Albany Institute, 1866. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 5. - Lecture at Albany Medical College, Sept. 6, 1853. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 7. The Sinai Bible, or Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus. Albany, 1866. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 13. Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 5v The Sunbeam and the Spectrascope. Albany, 1863. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 42. Albany Institute Trans. Vol. 4. TOWNSEND, John. Extracts from a Private Journal, during a Jour ney across the Rocky Mountains in 1834. Waldie s Circu lating Libr. Vol. 6. TOWNSEND, John F. Relations between the Professions of Law and Medicine. Albany, 1854. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 2. TOWNSEND, Ohio. See BENSON, B. Sketch of. TOWNSEND, Dr. S. P. Great Speech of the late Political Cam paign at Plainfield, N. J., Oct. 30, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Our National Finances, N Y., 1868. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. TOWNSEND, Washington. Speech in Cong., Feb. 17, 1871, on a National System of Education. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 119. TOWNSHEND, Chas. Defence of the Minority in the House of Com mons on General Warrants. Lond., 1764. Scarce Tracts, Vol. 1. State of the Nation in the Years 1766 and 1767. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 2. TOWNSHEND, N. S. Speech in Cong. Mar. 17,1852, on Slavery. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. TOYNBEE, Jos. On the Tubular Ear Speculum. Lond., 1850. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 23. TRACTS for the AVar. Secession: the Remedy and the Result. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 4.,^ relating to the Attempts to Convert to Christianity the Indi ans of New England. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. 3d Ser. TRACY, Chas. The True and the False: an Oration before Phi Beta Kappa Society at Yale College. 1862. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. TRACY, Jos. Hist. Examination of the State of Society in Western Africa, with reference to Colonization, etc. Boston, 1845. 8vo. 3d Ed. Pamph. on Colonization. Vol. 1. TRACY, Luther M. Address to the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1860. 8vo. TRADES Unions. Statement of the Master Builders of the Metrop olis, respecting Trades Unions. 1834. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 10. 438 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TRADITIONAL Policy of the " Times." Manchester, Eng., 1864. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. CO. TRADITIONS of the Amer. War of Independence. From the United Service Journal. Waldo s Circulating Libr. Vols. 4, 5. TRAICE, W. H. J. Hand-Book of Mechanics Institutions, with Priced Catalogue of Books for Libraries. Lond., 1856. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 29. TRAIN, Geo. F. Reply to T. Colley Grattan, Secessionist. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 82. Speeches in England on Slavery and Emancipation. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. The Downfall of England, a Speech at London. 1862. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 68. Union Speeches in England during the present Amer. War. Phila., 1862, 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 8 and 61. TRAITE, (Le) de Paris, par un Ancien Diplomate. Paris, 1856. 8vo TRAITS of American-Indian Life and Character, by a Fur Trader.* Lond., 1853. 12mo. TRALL, R. T., M. D. The Alcoholic Controversy Physiolog. Er rors of Teetotalism. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 4. TRANCHEPAIN, Rev. Mere. St. Augustin de. Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursalines a la Nouvelle Orleans et de leur. establissement en cette Ville, 1727. N. Y., 1859. 4to. TRANSLATION of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physi cians, London. 1824. Lond. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 27 TRANSYLVANIA. See PAGET, S. Hungary and Transylvania. University. See Kentucky University. PETER, Robt. Hist of, etc. 1854. - The Plan of Reform, in Two Letters. Lexington, 1824. Pamphlets. Vol. 4. TRAPIER, Rev. Paul. Narrative of Facts which led to the Present ment of Bishop Onderdonk. N. Y., 1845. 8vo. TRAPPERS of New York. See SIMMS, J. R. TRAPPISTS. See DEVERETIX, J. E. Letter on the. 1840. TRASK, John B. See California Geolog. Survey, 1854-6. TRASK, Wm. B. Biograph. Sketch of Hon. Calvin Fletcher. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 23. TRAVELERS Official Railway Guide of the U. States and Canada, Aug. 1868. N. Y. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 16. TRAVELS Miscellaneous. See CLARKE, E. D. Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1801. EYRE, John. Christian Spectator. 1832. HALL, Captain Basil. Fragments of Voyages and Trav els, 1831. Howe, H. Travels and Adventures. 1853. LOCKMAN, J. Travels of Jesuits. MACHPHERSON, C. Life and Travels in Asia and Africa. 1775-90. MAJOR, R. H. Life of Prince Henry the Navigator. Memoires, Geographical, etc. 1767. CATALOGUED OF THE LIBRARY. 439 TRAVELS Miscellaneous. See Voyages; Various Countries; Arctic Explorations U. States Travels in; Jesuit Relations. of several learned Missionaries of the Society of Jesus into divers parts of the Archipelago, India, China and America, from the French. Lond., 1714. 8vo. through the Interior Parts of America; in a Series of Letters. By an Officer (Thos. Anburey.) Lond., 1791. 2 Vols. 8vo. TRAVERS, J. Ingram. Few a Words on the Tea Duties. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 64. TREADWELL, F. C. Secession an Absurdity. N. Y., 1861. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 102. TREASURY (The) Note; the Lever by which to Raise the World. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. TREASURY Note Bill. See Congressional Speeches. TREATIES with Foreign Nations. See U. States Treaties. between the U. States and G. Britain, viz: the Definitive Treaty, 1783; the Treaty of Amity Commerce and Naviga tion, 1794; and Treaty of Peace, at Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814. Boston, 1815. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. See Indian Treaties with Mass. TREATISE of the Small-Pox and Measles. Lond., 1711. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 15. on Greyhounds, with Observations on their Treatment and Disorders. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. upon Greek Accents. Lond., 1729. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 28. TREATISES on Government. Reply to the Principles of Sir Robert Filmer. Lond., 1698. 12mo. TREATY held with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Lancaster, Penn., June, 1744. Williamsburg, 1745. 12mo. of Alliance for settling the Public Peace; signed at London, 1718. Lond., 1718. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9. TREDJE Boken. Ofversigt af verbal-bojningen forr och nu. n. d. etc. TREGO, Chas. B. Geography of Pennsylvania. Account of History, Geography, Soil, Climate, Geology, Botany, etc., of the State. Phil a, 1843. 12mo. TREMBLEY, J. B. Meteorolog. Observations, made at Toledo, O., in 1865. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. TREMENHEERE, H. S. Notes on Public Schools made during a Tour in the U. S. and Canada. Lond., 1852. 8vo. TREMPEALEAU Co., Wis., Board of Supervisors. Proceedings and Reports ior 1871. Galesville, 1871. 8vo. Representative, Newspaper. Aug., 1859, to Dec., 1860. folio. TRENCH, Richard C. Select Glossary of English Words used for merly m senses different from their present. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. TRENCH ARD, John. Abridgment of his History of Standing Armies in England, with a Preface on Gov t. 1780. 8vo. Eng. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 19. TRENT Affair. See COSTI, A. M. 440 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TRENT, Capt. Wm. Journal from Logstown to Pickawillany, A. D. 1752, with Letters of Gov. Dinwiddie, and Hist. Notice of Miami Confederacy. Cincin., 1871. 8vo. TRENTON, N. J., Academy. Catalogues for 1847-8, and 1854. Trenton, 1848-54. 8vo. Battle of. See How, H. K. 1st Presb. Ch. See HALL, J. TRESCOTT, W. H. Oration before the S. Carolina Hist. Soc., May 19, 1859. S. C. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. Diplomacy of the Revolution; an Historical Study. N. Y., 1852." 12mo. Diplomatic History of the Administrations of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. Boston, 1857. 8vo. TREVOR, Arthur. Life and Times of Wm. the Third, King of Eng land and Stadholder of Holland. Lond., 1835. 2 Vols. 8vo. TRIAL by Jury. See Juries. of our Democratic Form of Government. Democracy or Des potism. Phil a, 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 38. of the Important Question, or the Rights of Election Asserted; against the Doctrine of Incapacity by Expulsion, or by Rev olution, etc. Lond., 1768. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 3. TRIALS. See Boston Gas Light Co. vs. Wm. Gault, 1848. BURR, Aaron. Trial for Treason, 1808. CHANDLER, P. W. Amer. Crim. Trials. CHASE, S. Answer to Articles of Impeachment, 1805. Trial for High Crimes, etc., 1805. COMINGS, W. F. Trial for Murder, 1843. Dodd, Rev. Wm. Trial and Execution of, 1777. Dorr, Thos. W. Trial of, for Treason, 1844. Duribar, Reuben. Trial for Murder, 1850. Hertz, Henry. Case of, 1845. Hubbell, L. Impeachment, 1853. Hull, Isaac. Minutes of Court of Enquiry, etc., 1822. Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment, 1868. Jumperts, H. Trial for Murder, 1859. Lester, Jas. vs. Stephen R. Gay, et al, 1853. Patch, Rich d. Trial for Murder, 1805. - SICKLES, Daniel E. Murder of Key. 1859. SMITH, Wm. Trial for Piracy. 1861. TAYLOR (John) vs. E. C. Delavan, for Libel. 1840. See Law and Law Literature. " TRIBUNALS of Commerce." See LYNE F. Report of Executive Committee of a Meeting held at London, 1854. Lond., 1854. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 68. TRIBUNE Almanac and Political Register. N. Y., 1859, 61, 62. 12mo. See WHIG Almanac. TRIBUTE of Boston Merchants to the Memory of Joshua Bates. Boston, 1864. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 15. to the Memory of Hon. Edw. Everett, by N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Jan. 17 and Feb. 1, 1865. Boston, 1865, 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 441 TRICHINA Spiralis. See HUN, E. R. Paper before Albany Institute. VIRCHOW, R. Life of the Trichina. TRIMMER, Character of a. See COVENTRY, Sir W. TRINIDAD. See PECK & PRICE. Report as Delegates to, in 1840. TRINITY College. Hartford, Conn. Calendar, 1854. Hartford, 1854. 8vo. - See BEARDSLEY, Rev. E. E. Hist. Address, 1851. WILLIAMS, Rev. John. Inaug. Discourse, 1849. TRIP through the Lakes of N. America. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. TRIPLETT, Philip. Speech in Cong., July 6, 1842, on the Tariff Bill. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. TRIPLETT, F. F. C. Analytical Digest of the Pension and Bounty Land Laws. Washington, 1854. 8vo. TRIPOLI, War with. 1804. See Interesting Details of Operations in the Mediterranean. TROLLOPS, T. Adolphus. Life of Vittoria Colonna. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. TROOST, Gerard. Account of Ancient Remains in Tennessee. Amer. Ethnolog. Soc. Vol. 1. TROWBRIDGE, Chas. C. Detroit Past and Present. Paper read before the Mich. Hist. Soc., May, 1864. Detroit, 1864. 8vo. TROWBRIDGE Genealogy. See Chapman, F. W. TROY and Boston R, R. Co. 2d Ann. Report of the Directors. Troy, 1852. 8vo. and Greenfield R. R. See DEKBY, E. H. Argument in behalf of. 1856. See HOOSAC Tunnel. Conference Missionary Soc. 2d Ann. Report. Albany, 1852. 12mo. Female Seminary. Catalogues for 1854-5, 1855-6. Troy, 1855-6. 8vo. 1st Presb. Church. Brief Account of the Divisions in the Church, and of the New Docrines of Fmney and Beman. Troy, 1827. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. WOODWORTH, J. Reminiscences of. TROY (Siege of.) See MACLAURIN, John. Dissertation to prove that Troy was not taken by the Greeks. See WAKEFIELD, G. Letter to Jacob Bryant, etc. (Topography of.) DALZEL, A. Chevalier s Tableau de la Plaine of Troy, Illustrated and Confirmed. TROYON, M. Frederic. The Lacustrian Cities of Switzerland; Dis covery of a Lost Population, etc. Smithsonian Report. 1861. TRUAIR, Rev. John. Discourse at Oswego, Feb. 4, 1836, on the Evils of Sectarianism. Oswego, 1836. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 54. TRUBNER, Nicholas. Bibliographical Guide to Amer. Literature, being a Classified List of Books published in the U. S. dur ing the last Forty Years. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Same. Lond, 1859. 8vo. 442 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TRUE Designs of the Chicago Convention, n. d. Rebell n Pauiph. Vol. 46. TKUE, N. T., M. D. Collection of Geograph. Names in the Al gonkin Language. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 8. TKUE Relation of the Circumstances of the Intended Riot and Tumult on Queen Elizabeth s Birth-day. Lond., 1721. 12mo. 3d Ed. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol 1. TRUMBULL, Benj., D. D. Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from 1630 to 1764. N. Haven, 1818. 2 Vols. 8vo. General History of the U. States of America from 1492 to 1765. Boston, 1810. 8vo. TRUMBULL, Rev. H. C. Biography of Mai. Henry Ward Camp. Boston, 1871. 12mo. TKUMBULL, John. Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters from 1756 to 1841. N. Y., 1841. 8vo. Poetical Works; containing M Fingal. Hartford, 1820. 2 Vols in 1. 8vo. TRUMBULL, Gov. Jona. See STUART, I. W. Life of. TRUMBULL, J. Hammond. Best Method of Studying the American Languages. From Trans. Amer. Philog. Assoc. 1869-70. Mistaken Notions of Algonkin Grammar, Mis-translations from Eliot s Bible, etc. From Trans. Amer. Philolog. Assoc. 1869-70. Origin of the Expedition against Ticonderoga, in 1775. Read before Conn. Hist. Soc., Jan. 5, 1869. Hartford, 1869. 8vo. Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut prior to the Union with N. Haven Colony, May, 1665. Vol. 1. 1636 to to 1665. Vol. 2. 1665 to 1677. Hartford, 1850, 1852. 2 Vols. Svo. The Composition of Indian Geograph. Names, illustrated from the Algonkin Languages. Conn. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vol. 2. Words derived from Languages of N. American Indians From Trans. Amer. Philolog. Assoc. 1872. TRUMBULL, Lyman. Argument in U. S. Supreme Court, Mar. 4, 1868, in Case of Wm. H. McCardle. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Speech at Springfield, 111., on the Presidential Campaign, n. d. Chicago, 1872. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. Speech in U. S. Senate, Mar. 14, 1856, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. Dec. 6-8, 1859, on Seizure of Arsenals at Harper s Ferry and Liberty, Mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. Jan. 19, 1866, on the Freedmen s Bureau. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. Jan. 23, 1868, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph: Vol. 122. TRURO, Mass. See GRAHAM, J. D. Chart of Cape Cod. 1838. Topograph. Description of. 1794. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Series. Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 443 TRUTH, (The,) from an Honest Man: The Letter of the President to the Committee of the Democratic Meeting at Albany. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. respecting the Devolution in Paris, July, 1830. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 9. TRUTH S Advocate and Monthly Anti-Jackson Expositor. Jan.- July, 1828. Cincin. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 111. Co., N. Y. See CAMPBELL, W. W. Annals of. Gov. Wm. Report on the State of the Province of N. Y. 1754. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. TSCHUDI, J. J. Von. See RIVERO, M. E. Travels in Peru, translated from the German. New Ed. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. TUBES, C. M. The New Hampshire Kitchen Gardener. Peter- boro , 1852. 1852. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 5. TUCKEE, Geo. Argument in Contested Election of Tucker vs. Booker, n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 131. History of the U. S. to the end of the 26th Congress. Phila. 1865. 4 Vols. 8vo. Life of Thomas Jefferson, third President of the U. S. Lond. 1837. 2 Vols. 8vo. Progress of the U. S. in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. TUCKER, Henry C. Thoughts on Poverty and Pauperism. Lond. 1869. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. TUCKER, John. Reply to Select Comm. of the Senate of the U. S.. on Transports for the War Department, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 84. TUCKER, Rev. J. T. Discourse in Memory of A. Lincoln, at Hoi- lister, Mass., June 1, 1865. Hollister, 1865. 8vo. Ser mons. Vol. 38. TUCKER, Josiah, Dr. FAr Tracts on Political and Commercial Subjects. 2d Ed. Gloucester, 1774: 1. Whether a Poor County can Compete with a Rich one under Certain Circumstances. 2. The Case of going to War for the sake of Trade, consid ered in a New Light. 3. Letter from a Merchant in New London to his Nephew in America, concerning the Disturbances in the Colonies. 4. The True Interests of G. Britain set forth in regard to the Colonies. London, 1776. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 1. Amer. Tracts. Vol. 3. TUCKER, Rev. Mark. Centen. Sermon before the Beneficent Cong. Ch., Providence, R. I., Mar. 19, 1843. Providence, 1845. 8vo. R. I. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Statement of Facts relating to his Call and Installation at Northampton. Northampton, 1824. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses, etc. Vol. 20. TUCKER, Pomeroy Origin, Rise and Progress of Mormonism. N. Y., 1867. 8vo. 444 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TUCKER, St. George. Dissertation on Slavery; with a Proposal for the Gradual Abolition of it in the State of Virginia. Phila. 1796. Reprint, N.Y., 1861. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.99. TUCKER, Comm. Sam l. See SHEPPARD, J. H. Life of. TUCKERMAN, H. T. Am. and her Commentators. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. A Month in England. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. Book of the Artists; American Artist Life, with Biographies. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Catalogue of his Private Library. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Bibli- ograph. Pamph. Vol. 61. Sicily: a Pilgrimage. 4th Ed. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. The Rebellion: its latent Causes and True Significance. N. Y., 1861. Rebell n Pamph. 99. TUCKERMAN, Rev. Jos. 9th and 10th Semi- Ann. Reports as Min ister at Large in Boston. Boston, 1832. 12 mo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. TUCKETT, H. G. Practical Remarks on the Present State of Life Insurance in the U. S. Phila., 1851. 8vo. Insurance Pamph. Vol. 1. TUCKETT, John. Devonshire Pedigrees, recorded in the Herald s Visitation of 1620, with additions from the Harleian Manu scripts, etc. Parts 1-6. Lond. n. d. 4to. TUDOR, Henry. Narrative of a Tour in North America: compris ing Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the U. S. and the British Colonies. Lond., 1834. 2 Vols. 12mo. Narrative of a Tour in Mexico, and of an Excursion to Cuba. In a Series of Letters written in 1831-2. Waldie s Circu lating Library, Vol. 3. TUDOR, Wm. A Gratulatory Address before the Society of the Cincinnati of Mass., July 5, 1790. Boston, 1790. 4to. Life of James Otis, of Mass. Containing also Notices of some Contemporary Characters and Events, from the year 1760;to 1775. 8vo. Boston, 182^ Memoir of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. ^d Ser. Vol. 8. TUFNELL, Prof. Jolliife. Introductory Address at the Royal Col lege of Surgeons in Ireland, Nov. 12, 1855. Dublin, 1855. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 25. TUKE, Dan l H., M. D. See Society for Improving the Condition of the Insane. London. TUKE, Sam l. Letter on Pauper Lunatic Asylums. N. Y., 1815. Medical Pamph. Vol. 7. 12mo. TULLOCH, Col. Alex. M. The Crimean Commission and the Chelsea Board. London, 1857. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. TULLY, Dr. Wm. Materia Medica, or Pharmacology and Thera peutics. Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2. Springfield, 1857, 1858. 2 Vols. 8vo. TUNBRIDGE (Eng.) School. Concise Account of. Lond. 1827. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 36. TUNBRIDGE Wells, Eng. Colbran s Hand-Book and Guide. Tun- bridge Wells, 1855. 12rno. 5th Ed. Guide Books, Vol. 22. Illustrated Guide to the Town and its Neighborhood. Tun- bridge Wells, n. d. 12mo. Guide Books, Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 445 TUOMEY, M., and HOLMES, F. S. Fossils of S. Carolina. Charles ton, 1855-6. folio. TUPPER, Gen. Benj. See HILDRETH, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. TLTPPER, Ferdinand B. Life and Correspondence of Maj. Gen. Sir Isaac Brock, K. B. Lond., 1845. 12mo. TURKEY and Christendom, from the Edinburgh Review, with addi tions. Lond., 1853. 12mo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 5. See CURZON, R. Monasteries of the Levant. KAZINSKI, L. Lectures on. LAURENT, M. Histoire de 1 Empire Ottoman. PARDOE, Miss. The City of the Sultan, etc. SMYTH, W. W. Year with the Turks. TURKISH Bath. See BARTER, R. Lecture on. Independence. See British Diplomacy, etc. 1838. Missions Aid Soc y- 1st Ann. Report. Lond., 1855. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 91. TURNBULL, Wm. P. The Birds of E. Pennsylvania and New Jer sey. Glasgow, 1869. 8vo. % TURNER, Dawson. Account of a Tour in Normarrdy to investigate the Architectural Antiquities of the Dutch. Lond., 1820. 2 Vols. 8vo. TURNER, Rev. E. B. Reminiscences of Morris, 111., and History of the Cong. Church; a Discourse delivered Dec. 4, 1864. Chi cago, 1865. 8vo. 111. Local Histories, Vol. 1. TURNER, George. Remarks on certain Articles found in an Indian Tumulus, at Cincinnati, O. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans., Vol. 5. Traits of Indian Character, as generally applicable to the Ab origines of North America. 2 Vols. in 1. Phil a, 1836. 12mo. TURNER, J. B. Industrial Universities for the People. Chicago, 1854. 8vo. 2d Ed. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. 111. Pamph. Vol.1. TURNER, Nat. Confessions of Nat. Turner, the Leader of the late Insurrection in Southampton, Va. Baltimore, 1831. 12mo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. TURNER, O. History of the Pioneer Settlement of the Phelps and Gorham s Purchase. Rochester, 1852. 8vo. Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western N. Y., Buffalo, 1849. 8vo. The same ed. of 1850. TURNER, Sam l. Letter to C. R. Ellis, on Reduction of the Present Duty on Sugar. Lond., 1825. Svo- 2d Ed. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 28. TURNER, Sharon. History of England during the Middle Ages. 2d Ed. Lond., 1825. 4 Vols. Svo. Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons. 4th Ed. Lond., 1823. 3 Vols. Svo. - History of the Reign of Henry VIII. 3d Ed. Lond., 1825. Svo. History of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth. Lond., 1829. 2 Vols. Svo. Sacred History of the World, Philosophically considered. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1858. 3 Vols. 18mo. TURNER, Wm. W. On the Recent Discoveries of Himyaritic In scriptions, and attempts to decipher them. Amer. Ethno- log. Soc. Vol. 1. 446 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TURNOR, Edmund. Proceedings of several Metings held in Lincoln Co., Eng., concerning the Exportation of Wool in 1781 and 2. Lond., Reprinted, 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 23. TURNOR, Lewis. History of the Ancient Town and Borough of Hertford. Hertford, 1830. 8vo. TURPIE, D. Speech in U. S. Senate, Feb. 7, 1863, on Slavery in Missouri. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. TURRETIN, John A. De Scientiarum Vanitate et Praestaritia, Ora- tio Academica, 1705. Geneva, 1706. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 6. De Studiis emendandis et Promovendis Oratio Academica, 1704. Geneva, 1706. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 6. TUSSAUD, Madame. Exhibition, London. Guide to. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Guide Books. Vol. 31. Memoirs and Reminiscences of France, forming an abridged History of the French Revolution. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 13. TUSTIN, Rev. J. P. Discourse at Dedica. of Baptist Ch. at Warren, R. I., M^r, 1845, with a History of the Town of Warren. Providence, 1845. 12mo. TUTHILL, Franklin. Address before the N. Y., State Normal School, Feb. 3, 1859. Albany, 1859. 8vo. N. Y., Coll. Catalogues, etc. TUTHILL Family Meeting at Southold, L. I. 1867. Sag Harbor, 1867. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. TUTHILL, Franklin. The History of California. San Francisco, 1866. 8vo. TUTTLE, Chas. W. Memoir of John Alfred Poor, of Portland, Me. N. Eng. Reg. Vol. 26. TUTTLE Genealogy, from N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. 1867. TUTTLE, Rev. Jos. F. Biograph. Sketch of Gen. Wm. Winds. N. Jersey Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 7. TWEDDEL, John. See ELGIN, Lord. Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review. TWELLS, Rev. John. Speech at East Retford, Eng., Nov. 28, 1857, on the Bank Charter Act. Lorid. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 15. TWINING, Alex. C. Manufacture of Ice by Steam or Water Power. N. Haven, 1857. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 125. Petition to Cong., in relation to his Patent for Improvements in making Ice. Washington, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Po lit. Pamph. Vol. 118. TURNER, Prof. J. B. Annual Address before Wis. State Agricult. Soc., Oct., 1857. Transactions. 1857. Twiss, Horace. Conservative Reform. Letter to Lord Lyndhurst. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 38. Means of Consolidating and Digesting the Laws of England. Lond., 1826. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 12. Twiss, Travers. Oregon Territory: its History and Discovery, with account of the Treaties and Negociations between the U. States and G. Britain. N. Y., 1846. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 447 Two Dictionaries (The): or the Reviewer Reviewed. A Reply to a Correspondent of the N. Y. World. Springfield, Mass., 1860. 8vo. Educa. Pamph, etc. Vol. 2. Lectures on the Present Crisis by the late Theodore Parker and the late Hon. Henry Clay, at N. Y., Dec. 16, 1860. Mrs. C. L. V. Hatch, Medium. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 31. Letters to Mr. Almon, concerning Libels, "Warrants, the Sei zure of Papers, etc. Lond., 1765-70. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 16. to Chas. Purton Cooper, on the Appointment of a Per manent Judge in the Court of Chancery. Lond., 1835. 8vo. Eng.. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. Lights, by the Author of " Struggles for Life." Phila., 1856. 12mo. Months in Fort Lafayette, by a Prisoner. N. Y., 1862. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 21. Papers on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America. Lond., 1767. Amer. Tracts. Vol.2.. Per Cent. Claims of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Report of Judiciary Comm. of House of Repr., etc., 1872. Washing ton. 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 66. See MORRIS, I. N. (The) Ways of Treason. N.Y., 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. TWYSDEN, Sir Roger. On the Government of England. See Cam- den Soc. Publications. TYLER S Fork Location. Copper Lands. Ashland Co., Wis. Wis consin Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. TYLER, Rev. J. E. Hist. Discourse before the 1st Ch. of Wiridham, Conn., Dec. 10, 1850. Hartford, 1851. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 7. TYLER, J. Eudell. Henry of Monmouth: or, Memoirs of the Life and Character of, as Prince of Wales, and King of England, Lond., 1838. 8vo. TYLER, John. His History, Character and Position. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. Biograh. Pamph. Vol. 12. TYMMES, Sam l. Family Topographer; Account of the Ancient and Present State of the Counties of England. Lond., 1832. 7 Vols. 12mo. Camden s Brittania Epitomized and Continued. Lond., 1832- 43. 7 Vols- 12mo. TYNAN, John. History, Cultivation, etc., of Mangold Wurzel. Boston, 1858. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 11. TYNDALL, John. On Radiation Lecture before the University of Cambridge, Eng., May 16 , 1865. Scientific Pamph., Vol. 18. TYNG, Rev. D. A. Sermon at Philadelphia, June 29, 1856, on " Our Country s Troubles. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 29. Statement to the Congregation of the Ch. of the Epiphany, Phila., on his Resignation as Rector. Phila., 1856. 8vo. Sid- Ed. Penn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1. TYNG, Rev. S. H., Jr. See POTTER, Rt. Rev. Alonzo. Trial of. 448 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TYNGSBOROUGH, Mass. See Fox, C. J. Hist, of Dunstable, etc. LAWRENCE, Rev. N. Hist. Sketch of. TYPICAL FORMS and Special Aims of Creation, See McCosn, J. and DICKIE, G. TYPOGRAPHY. See MUNSELL, J. Typograph. Miscellany. Specimens of Chicago Type Foundry. See Printing. TYRANT (The) of New Orleans (Gen. B. F. Butler.) A Drama. Atlanta, Ga., 1873. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 113. TYRON, Bryan. A Ray of Light; or, a Treatise on the Sectional Troubles. 1852. RebePn Pamph. Vol. 4. TYSON, Job R. Address before Montgomery Co. Agricult. Soc., Penn., Nov, 10, 1856. Phila., 1856. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 13. Address delivered at Phila., Apr. 13, 1838, on the Moral and Social Influences of the Amer. Revolution. Waldies Circu lating Library. Vol. 11. Ann. Discourse before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Oct. 24, 1831. Phila,, 1831. 8vo. Penn. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. Examination of Charges brought by Historians agains, Wm. Penn. Paper before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Feb. 3 1830. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 2. Part 2. Discourse at Phila., Oct. 24, 1836, on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race. Phila., 1836. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 13. Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Penn., Feb. 21, 1842, on the Colonial History of the Eastern, and some of the South ern States. Hist. Society of Penn. Memoirs. Vol. 4. Part 2. Discourse delivered on the 1st Annivers. of the Girard Col lege for Orphans. Phila., 1849. 8vo. Girard Coll. Pamph. Memoir of Thomas C. James, M. D. Hist. Soc. of Penn. Me moirs. Vol. 3. Part 2. TYSON, Martha. The Settlement of Ellicott s Mills, Md., read be fore Md. Hist. Soc., Nov. 3, 1870. Baltimore, 1870. 8vo. TYSON, Philip T. See California Geolog. Survey. 1851. TYTLER, Alex. F. Universal History from the Creation of the World to the Decease of George III. Harpers Family Lib. N. Y., 1857. 6 Vols. 18mo. TYTLER, Patrick F. England under the Reigns of Edward VI and Mary. Lond., 1843. 2 Vols. Svo. History of Scotland from the Accession of Alexander III to the Union. Edinburgh, 1866. 10 Vols. Svo. View of Progress of Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America. Edinburgh, 1833. 12mo. Same. Harpers Family Libr. N. Y., 1855. 18mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 449 I u. UHSE, M. Erdmann. De Solitudine Eruditorum. Leipsic, 1708. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 2. ULLMAN, Dan l. Discourse at Wilmington, Del., July 4, 1855. N. York, 1855. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 27. ULM Society of Science and Ancient History. Proceedings. New Series. Vol. 1. Ulm, 1809. 4to. ULEICH, M. L. Complete Treatise on the Art of Dyeing Cotton and Wool. Phila., 1863. 12mo. ULSTER Co., N. York. Names of Male Inhabitants of. 1689. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 1. Papers relative to. 1660-1766. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 3. Hist. Soc y- Collections. Vol. 1. Part 1. Kingston, N. Y., 1860. Svo. See STILL, Rev. C. H. Address. Journal of Archaeology. Belfast, 1853-1861-2. 9 Vols. 4to. Tory War of. See PRENDERGAST, J. P. UNCAS and Miantonomoh. See STONE, W. L. UNCHRISTIAN Perfidies of the Cabinet of France towards Spain. Lond., 1823. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 22. UNCONSTITUTIONALLY of the Prohibitory Law confirmed by the opinions of Gov. Seymour, G. C. Bronson and others. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 1. UNDERIIILL, Edw. B. Struggles and Triumphs of Religious Liberty, with an introduction by Sewall S. Cutting. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. UNDERBILL, Capt. John. Newes from America; or a new Experi mental Discoverie of New England, 1638, with a History of the Pequot War. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. 3d Ser. UNDERWOOD, J. R. Speech in Cong., Jan. 27, 1842, on the Resolu tion to Censure J. Q. Adams. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. Apr. 3, 1850, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. Feb. 18, 19 and 25, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. UNDERWOOD, T. H. Our Flag; a Poem. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 96. UNGAVA Bay. See DA VIES, W. H. A. Notes on, etc. UNGEWITTER, Francis H. Europe; its Past and Present Condition. A Comprehensive Manual of European Geography and History. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. UNIACKE, Crofton. Letter to Horace Twiss, on Consolidating the Laws of England. Lond., 1826. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 12. UNION (The) as it Was and the Constitution as it Is. n. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 52. 29 450 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Q UNION College. Ann. Reports of the Treasurer, 1864, 1869. Exercises connected with the Inauguration of Rev. Chas. A. Aiken, as President, June, 1870. Proceedings at Inaugura. of Dr. E. N. Potter, June, 1872. - Bulletins of the Class of 1862. Albany, 1865, 1872. Svo, Same of Class of 1864. Albany, 1865, 1866. Svo. Catalogus Senatus Acaderaici, etc. 1828. Ann. Catalogues for 1837-8, 1852, 1868, 1868-9, 1869- 70, 1870-1, 1871-2. General Catalogue from 1795 to 1854. First Semi-Centen. Anniv. 1845. Albany, 1845. 8vo. Civil Engineering Department Course of Instruction,, etc. 1852. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. See MARSH, G. P. Discourse, 1847. See POTTER, A. " 1845. UNION Co., Ky. See LYON, S. S. Antiquities of. UNION, Me. See SIBLEY, J. L. History of the Town of. UNION, Ohio. See PARK, S. Early History of. UNION Pacific R. R. See AKERMAN, A. T. On Reimbursement of Interest on Bonds. 1871. ATKINSON, E. Case of the Gov t and the R. R. 1871. CURTIS, B. R. Argument in behalf of. 1870. Excursion to the Hundredth Meridian: N. York to Platte City. Chicago, 1867. Svo. . See NICHOLS, E. H. On the Bonds of the Co. 1871. Report of Chief Engineer and others, for 1868-9. Wash ington, 1870. Svo. Report of Surveys from Ft. Riley to Denver City. Cin - cin., 1866. Svo. Senatorial Excursion Party. 1857. St. Louis, 1867. Svo,. Central Branch. See JOHNSON, Reverdy. Opinion on etc. 1868-9. Eastern Division. Statement showing its Economy to the Gov t, etc. Washington, 1878. Svo. Congress. Pamph. Vol. 113. UNION Republican Congress l Committee, Washington. Five Pamphlets on Political Subjects. 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. UNION (The) Past and Future: how it works and how to save it. Charleston, 1850. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. UNITARIAN Church. See American Unitarian Assoc. Christian Examiner and Theolog. Review. - EDDY, D. C. The Unitarian Apostacy. Report of the Convention held in Portland, Me., Sept. 20 and 21, 1852. Bangor, 1852. Svo. Year Books for 1856 and 1867. Boston. Svo. Sunday School Society. 23d Ann. Report. 1851. Boston, 1851. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol.25. UNITED Brethren. Sketch of the History of the Missions and of the Church of the United Brethren. Lond., 1844. Svo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 451 UNITED Brethren. See Moravians. Domestic Missionary Society. 2d Report, May, 1824. N. Y., 1824. 8vo. Kingdom (The) Tributary to France, the Real Cause of the Distress of the Country. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 17. Service Journal. See Colburn s U. S. Journal. U. STATES. Act amendatory of the Internal Revenue Laws, etc. Washington, 1863. 8vo. Corigr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government, etc. 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 93, Act to establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy in the U. S. 1867. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 64. Act to guarantee a Republican form of Government to the States of Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North and So. Carolina, Virginia and Texas. Re bellion Pamph. Vol. 53. Act to remodel the Diplomatic and Consular System. Wash ington, 1855. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 56. Address and Recommendations to the States, by the U. S. in Congress assembled. Phil a, 1783. Amer. Tracts, Vol. 4. Adjutant General. See U. S. Sec y of War. Agricult. Society. 1st Ann. Meeting, Feb. 2, 1853, including an Address by the President, M. P. Wilder. Phil a, 1853. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 11. - The National Exhibition, to be held at Chicago, Sept., 1859. Chicago, 1859. Svo. Agr. Pamph,, Vol. 11. - Journal for 1857. Washington, D. C., 1S58. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 3. National Exhibition to be held at Boston, Mass., Oct., 1S55. Schedule of Premiums, etc. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 11. Almanac, Phil a, 1844, 1845. Svo. See America and American People. Amer. Statist. Annual. 1854. ARMY. Army Pension Laws. See MAYO, R., vs. F. F. C. Triplett. See GARDNER, C. K. Diet, of Officers, 1789-53. General Regulations of the Army of the U. S., 1847. Washington. 8vo. See KNOX, Gen. Henry. Plan for Gen. Arrangement of Militia. - LEVIN, S. C. Speech respecting, 1846. Military Laws of the U. S., to the 2d Session of the 29th Congress. 3d Ed. Washington, 1S46. Svo. See U. S. Secretary of War. Registers. Regulations. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. Same. Albany, 1861. 12mo. See ROBINSON, F. Organization of. See Military Science. Attorney General. Opinions, from 1789 to 1850. Ex. Doc. No. 55, 2d Sess. 31st Congress, 1851. 452 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL /SOCIETY. U. STATES. Attorney General. Official Opinions of. Washington, 1852-56. 5 Vols. 8vo. Bank. See Bank of U. S. Battles of. See DAWSON, H. B. BEAUJOUR, F. de. Sketch of. 1800-1810. Blue Book. See U. S. Official Register. See DISTURNELL, J. Bonds and Securities. Lond., 1867. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. Brewers Associations. Report to the U. S. Revenue Com mission, 011 Taxation and Manufacture of Malt Liquors in G. Britain and on the Continent. 1865. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. Bureau of Refugees. See U. S. Sec. of War. See BURLEIGH, J. B. Legislative Guide. CENSUS. Statistical View of the Population, from 1790 to 1830, inclusive. Washington, 1835. Folio. Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Ser vices, with their names, ages and places of residence. Washington, 1841. 4to. Compendium of 6th Census. Washington, 1841. folio. " th Census of 1850, by J. D. B. De Bow. Washington, 1853. 4to. - Compendium of 7th Census, 1850. By R. S. Fisher. N. Y., 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 2. Same, by J. D. B. De Bow. Washington, 1854. Svo. Report of the Superintendent for 1852, to which is ap pended the Report for 1851. Washington, 1853. Svo. of 1860. (8th Census.) Washington", 1864-66. 4 Vols. 4to. Preliminary Report on the 8th Census, by J. C. G. Ken nedy, Supt. Washington, 1862. Svo. Statistics of Population. Tables 1 to S, inclusive of 9th Census, 1870. Washington, 1872. - Ninh Census. Vol. 2. Vol. 2. Vital Statistics. Wash ington, T.872. 4to. Vol. 3. Statistics of Wealth and Industry. Washing ton, 1872. 4to. Statistics of Wealth, Taxation and Public Indebtedness. (Tables to accompany the Census Report for 1870.) Wash ington, 1872. 4to. Ninth Census of the U. States. Agriculture. Washing ton, 1872. 4to. - Statistics of Population and Social Statistics, by F. A. Walker, Supt. Vol. 1. 4to. 1870. Washington. See HOUGH, F. B. Communication relative to, 1869. Centennial Commission. Journal of Proceedings, 1872. Phi Pa, 1873. 8vo. See CHEVALIER, M. Society, Manners, and Politics of. Chief of Revenue Marine, etc. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Chief Signal Officer. See U. S. Sec. of War. Christian Commission. First Ann. Report. Phil a, 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 92. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 453 U. STATES Christian Commission. 2d Ann. Report. Phila, 1864. Svo. Vols. 5, 79. - 4th Ann. Report. PhiPa, 1866. 8vo. Vol. 51. - 2d Report of the Committee of Maryland, 1863. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 51. Information for Army Meeting, Oct., Nov., and Dec., 1864. 3 Nos. Phil a, 1864. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 11. Coast Survey. See Coast Survey, (The): its Cost, Abuses and Power. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Reports of Supt. of Coast Survey. Commerce and Navigation. See Commerce, etc. See Congress. Speeches. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury, Reports on. Commercial Relations. See U. S. Sec of State. Commissioner of Agriculture. List of Agricultural Horticul tural Societies, etc., July 1, 1870, on the Books of the De partment of Agr. Washington, 1870. Svo. (Placed with Monthly Reports of Commiss r.) - 1st to 9th Ann. Reports, for 1862 to 1870 inclusive. Washington, 1863-71. Svo. 9 Vols. Same for 1870, pamph. - Monthly Reports for Sept. and Nov. 1863, Jan., Feb., Mar. and Apr., 1864, Feb. 1866, Mar. and Apr., 1869, May, June and Oct., 1870. Washington, 1863-70. Svo. Report on Diseases of Cattle in the United States. Washington, 1871. 4to. Report of the Flax and Hemp Commission, 1865. Con gress. Pamph. Vol. 125. Commissioner of Customs. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Commissioner of Education. Official Circular for Nov., 1867. n. d. n. p. 8vo. Report submitted to Cong., June 2, 1868. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Special Report on Education in Dist. of Columbia. Washington, 1871. Svo. See U. S. Secretary of Interior. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Report on Patent for Lands in the Military Bounty Land District in State of Illinois, issued to Soldiers of War of 1812. Washington, 1840. Svo. - See U. S. Sec. of Interior. Commissioner of Pensions. See U. S. Sec. of Interior. Commissioner of Public Buildings. See U. S. Sec. of Inte rior. Commissioner of Revenue. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Comptroller of the Currency. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Conduct of the War. See U. S. Sec. of War. Reports. Congress. Votes and Proceedings of the Continental Cong. at Phila., Sept. 5, 1774. Lond., 1774. Polit. Tracts. Vol. 1. See CONGRESS. Conscription Law of 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 33. See Constitution of. 454 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES Court of Claims of 1st and 2d sessions of the 35th and 1st session of 36th Cong. Washington, 1858-60. 9 Vols. Reports. 1st session of 36th Congress. 1859-60. 5 Vols. 8vo. 2d session of 36th Congress. 1860-1. 3 Vols. 8vo. 2d session of 37th Congress. 1861-2. 2 Vols. 8vo. 3d session of 37th Congress. 1862-3. 1 Vol. 8vo. Dead Letter Office, "Washington. Catalogue of Articles to be sold, Feb. 6, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. Debates in Cong, on Public Printing, Feb. 12, 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. See Diplomatic Correspondence of. Director of the Mint. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. District Court of Penn. Case of the Ship " General Park- hill." Decision of Judge Cadwalader. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 28. 1861. E. Dist. of Penn. Plea and Proceedings in Admiralty. U. S. vs. The Brig Herald, her tackle, etc. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 28. No. Dist. of N. York. Case of J. Wilson & John Gib son vs. Geo. W. Beardslee. Albany, 1851. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. Dry Docks. See Sketch of the Plans, Condition, etc., of, 1849. COKOBBSS N DOCUMENTS. 1st Session 36th to 2d Session of 40th Congress. Washington, 1859-1868. 326 Vols. EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS. Documents of 2d Session of 22d Congress. Washington, 1832. 3 Vols. 8vo. First and Second Sessions of 23d Congress. Washing ton, 1833-4. 11 Vols. Svo. First and Second Sessions of 24th Congress. Washing ton, 1835, 6. 11 Vols. Svo. Second and Third Sessions of 25th Congress. Washing ton, 1838, 9. 19 Vols. Svo. First and Second of 26th Congress. Washington, 1840, 1. 13 Vols. Svo. First and Second of 27th Congress. Washington, 1S42, 3. 7 Vols. First and Second of 32d Congress. Washington, 1852, 3. 31 Vols. Svo. 1 Vol. 4to. First of 33d Congress. Washington, 1854. 23 Vols. Svo., and 5 Vols. 4to. Vol. 4, and Part 3, Vol. 18 wanting. Second of 33d Congress. Washington, 1855. 15 Vols. Svo. and 14 Vols. 4to. First of 34th Congress. Washington, 1856. Vol. 16 8vo. and Parts 3 and 4 of Vol. 10, 4to. Third of 34th Congress. Washington. Vol. 4. 4to. First and Second of 35th Congress. Washington, 1858, 9. 36 Vols. Svo. and 4 Vols. 4to. First of 36th Congress. Washington, 1860. 10 Vols. Svo. and 4 Vols. 4to. Second of 36th Congress. 9 Vols. Svo. 1 Vol. 4to. 1861. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 455 U. STATES Executive Documents. Vol. 14, First of 36th Cong. 4to. Third of 40th Congress. Washington, 1871. 27 Vols. Svo. 1 Vol. 4to. and Reports, 1841. 1 Vol. Svo. 1842, 3. 8 Vols. Svo. 1844, 5. 4 Vols. Svo. 1850, 1. 10 Vols. Svo. 1845, 6. (Vol. 4 wanting.) 8 Vols. Svo. - 1846, 7. 4 Vols. Svo. 1847, 8. 9 Vols. Svo. . 1S48, 9. 7 Vols. Svo. 1850, 1. 10 Vols. Svo. 1855, 6. Vol. 1, Part 4. 1 Vol. Svo. 1S56, 7., except Vols. 4 and 7. 15 Vols. Svo. Frst Session of 36th Congress, 1859, 60. 16 Vols. Second of 36th Congress, 1860, 1. 10 Vols. Second of 37th Congress, 1861, 2. 14 Vols. - Third of 37th Congress, 1862,, 3. 14 Vols. First of 38th Congress, 1863, 4. 16 Vols. Second of 38th Congress, 1864, 5. 2 Vols. First of 39th Congress, 1865, 6. 5 Vols. Second of 39th Congress, 1866, 7. 20 Vols. First of 40th Congress, 1867. 1 Vol. Second of 40th Congress, 1867, 8. 24 Vols. Third of 37th Congress. Vols. 1-8, 11, 12. Svo. Vol. 9. 4to. 11 Vols. Exploration of the 40th Parallel. Botany by SERENO WATSON aided by D. C. EATON and others. Map and 40 plates. Washington, 1871. Quarto. See REYNOLDS and DICKEKSONS Correspondence. Mining Industry, by JAS. D. HAGUE, with Geological Contributions, by CLARENCE KING. Washington, 1879. 4to. Atlas to accompany the same. 4to. Flag. See PREBLE, G. H. Our Flag; Origin and Progress. Gazetters. See CHAPIN, W. Complete Reference Gazetter. 1844. DARBY, W. New Gazetter, 1833. MORSE, J. Amer. Gazeteer. See Gazetteers. General Land Office. See U. States Sec. of Interior. Geology of. See MACLURE, W. Government. See U. S. Politics and Government. Governmental History. See SHERMAN, Henry. Grand Army of the Republic. Rules and Regulations of the Gov t of, as adopted in National Convention at Cincinnati, 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. Grand Encampment (Masonic) Proceedings at Triennial Ses sion at Baltimore, Md., Davenport, Iowa, 1871. Svo. BARBAROUX, C. O. L Historie des Etats-Unis, 1832. BANCROFT, G. History of. HISTORY OF. See American Archives. 4th Series. BLUNT, J. Hist. Sketch of the Confederacy. 1825. 456 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. History of. See BRADFORD, A. Hist, of the Fed. Gov t. 1789- 39. BURNETT, J. On the Settlement of N. W. Territory. BUTLER, F. History of, to 1820. CAREY, H. C. and LEA, I. Geography, History, and Statistics of America. CARPENTER. S. D. Logic of History. COCKE, W. A. Constitutional History of the U. States. 1858. DANA, C. A. U. S. Illustrated. See DARBY, W. Hist, and Geograph. View. 1828. DAVIS, E. Half Century. DAWSON, H. B. Battles of U. S. FISHER, R. S. Progress of America. FLINT, T. History of Western States. FRANKLIN, J. Philosoph. History of. FROTHINGHAM, R. Rise of the Republic of. - FULTON, J. D. R. Catholic Element in Amer. Hist. GALE, Geo. The Upper Mississippi. GRAHAM, J. History of, to 1688. History of, to 1776. HALE, S. History of. HAMILTON, J- C. History of the Republic. HILDRETH, R. History of. HINTON, J. H. History of. History of the U. S. for 1796. LOSSING, B. J. History of. M CARTNEY, W. Origin and Progress of U. S. 1847. MACKENZIE, Robt. The United States of America, 1870. MELLEN, G. Book of the U. States. MURRAY, Hugh. History of the U. S. 1844. PERKINS, C. Hist. Sketches of U. S. 1815-20. PITKIN, T. Polit. and Civil History. QUACKENBOSS, G. P. School History of. RAMSAY, David. History of. REED, H. Lectures on History of Amer. Union. REID, Henry. Hand Book of History of U. S. 1862. Le Spectateur American. PATTON, J. H. History of. 1871. SPENCER, J. A. History of. TRUMBULL, B. History of. TUCKER, Geo. History of. WARDEN, D. B. Account of U. S. 1819. WILLARD, E. Abridged History of. History of. Last Leaves of Amer. History. WILLSON, M. Amer. History. WINTERBOTHAM, W. Hist. View of the U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Address of Members of, to their Constituents, on the War with G. Britain. Windsor, 1812 > 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 123. See Annals of Congress. Register of Debates. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 457 U. STATES House of Representatives. See Congressional Globe. Bill to provide for Organizing, Arming and Disciplining the Militia. 1867. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. - Bill to Provide Internal Revenue. 1864. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Digest of Election Cases. 1865-1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Digested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private Claims, Presented from 1st to 33d Congress. Washington, 1853. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 Vols. 4to. Evidence taken in the Penn. Contested Election. 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 36. - Final Report of Commission on War Claims at St. Louis. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39 Index to Documents. 1831-9. Journals. 1835-6, 1836-7, 1838-9, 1839-40, 1841, 1841-2, 1842-3, 1843-4, 1844-5, 1845-6, 1846-7, 1847-8, 1848-9, 1849 1850, 1850-1, 1855-6, 1857-8, 1860-1, 1861-2, 1862-3, 1856-7. Journals of the 1st and 2d Sessions of 32d and 33d Cong- gress. Washington, 1852-55. 4 Vols. 8vo. Journals of 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washington, 1860. 2 Vols. 8vo. Journals of the 1st and 2d Sessions of the 35th, and 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washington, 1858-60. 3 Vols. Journal 1st Sess. of 36th Congress to 2d Sess. of 40th Congress, inclusive. 11 Vols. Svo. Journals 3d Sess. of 37th Congress. Journals 1st Sess. of 38th Congress. Journals 2d Sess. of 28th Congress. Journals 1st and 2d Sess. of 41st Congress. Journal and Proceedings of Convention of Delegates at Santa Fe. 1849, 1850. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. Journal and Testimony taken by Select Comm. to investigate matters connected with the Public Printing. Washington, I860. Svo. List of Members during the 41st Cong., 2d Session, com mencing Dec. 6, 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph, Vol. 113. List of Reports to be made by Public Officers, during the 2d Session of 39th Cong. 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 63. Papers in the case of Baldwin vs. Trowbridge, for a Seat in the House, 1865. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. - Papers relative to Kansas Claims, 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 138. Protest of the President against certain proceedings, 1860. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. Miscell. Reports, 1st Session 41st Congress, 1869. Wash ington, 1869. Svo. 1 Vol. 458 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U STATES. House of Representatives. Miscellaneous Reports and Documents of 1st Session of 25th Congress. Washington, 1837. 8vo. 1st and 2d Session of 32d and 33d Congress. Washing ton, 1852-55. 4 Vols. 8vo. Miscellaneous Documents of the 1st and 2d Sessions of the 35th and, and 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washing ton, 1858-60. 6 Vols. 8vo. Miscell. Documents, 1st Session of 36th Congress to 2d Session of 40th Congress. 1859-68. 25 Vols. Executive Documents, 1st and 2d Session 41st Congress. 1869, 70. 19 Vols. Miscell. Documents, 2d Session 36th Congress, 1861. Reports of Committees, 2d Session, 36th Congress. 4 Vols. 8vo. 1861. Journal 2d Session, 36th Congress. 1 Vol. 8vo. 1861. Reports of Committee on Claims, 2d Session, 36th Con gress, 3 Vols. 8vo. 1861. Miscellaneous Reports, 1850-1. 1 Vol. 8vo. 1847-8. 1 Vol. 8vo. 1848-9. 2 Vols. Svo. 1850-51. 1 Vol. 8vo. - Reports of Committees of 2d Session of 22d Congress. Washington, 1833. 8vo. 1st and 2d Session 23d Congress. Washington, 1834-5. 7 Vols. 8vo. - 1st and 2d, of 24th Congress. Washington, 1836-37. 6 Vols. 8vo. 2d and 3d, of 25th Congress. Washington, 1838-9. G Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d, of 26th Congress. Washington, 1841. 5 Vols. Svo. 2d of 27th Congress. Washington, 1842. 5 Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d of 32d Congress. Washington, 1852-3. 2 Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d of 33d Congress. Washington, 1854-55. 4 Vols. Svo. Svo. 8vo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. 5 Vols. Svo. 4 1 4 1 " 2 " 1 3 Reports of Committees, 1842-3. 4 Vols. u u 1844-5. 1 Vol. (1 u 1845-6. 4 Vols. u u 1846-7. 1 Vol. tc a 1847-8. 4 Vols. u u 1850-1. 1 Vol. (( u 1856-7. 3 Vols. Rep. Com. 1st Sess. 36th Cong. 1859-60. tc 2d " tit 1860-61. if 1st " 37th Cong. 1861. 2d " tc 1861-62. u 3d " n 1862-63. (C 1st " 38th" Cong. 1863-64. u 2d " tc 1864-65 it 1st " 39tih Cong. 1865-66. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 459 IT. STATES. House of Representatives continued. Rep. Com. 2d Sess. 39th Cong. 1866-67. 4 Vols. 8vo. 1st " 40th Cong. 1867. 1 " " 2d " " 1867-68. 2 " " 1st & 3d " 41st Cong. 1869-70. 4 " Reports (Miscellaneous). 1850, 1, 2. Congr. Polit. Pamph. Vols. 45, 46, 47. Report of Com. on Foreign Affairs, on Defence of North eastern Frontier. 1867. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. Report from Comm. on Judiciary, on Modification or the Oath of Office. 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 58. Report from Comm. on Military Affairs, on the establish ment of Military Posts, from Council Bluffs to the Pacific, 1843. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. Report of Select Comm., on Reduction of Amer. Ton nage, Feb. 17, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 105 and 116. Reports of Select Comm. on alleged Corrupt Combina tions of Members of Congress, 1857. Svo. Report from Select Comm., on the Charges for Murder of Union Soldiers, 1867. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. Report of Select Comm. on Emancipation and Coloniza tion, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. Report of Select Comm. on Gov t Contracts, 1861. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 54. Rebell n Pamph. Vol 84. Report from Select Comm. on Gov t Contracts, 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 86. - Report of Select Comm. on the Seizure of Forts, Naval Force of the U. States. Washington, 1861. Svo. Report of Comm. on the Conduct of the War, on the At tack on Petersburg on the 30th of July, 1864. Washington, 1865. Svo. Reports on the Treatment of Prisoners of War by Rebel Authorities. Washington, 1869. Svo. Reports on Contested Elections, 1834-1865. 2d Ser. 38th Congress, 1864, 5. Report from Comm. on Public Expenditures, on Public Printing, 1860. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 41. Report of Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. Washington, 1863. 3 Vols. 8vo. Supplement Rep t, Wash- ingcon, 1866. 2 Vols. Svo. Houses of Refuge and Schools of Reform. Proceedings of 1st Convention of Managers, etc., 1857. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. Indian Affairs. See Indians, American. See U. S. Sec. of Interior. Inebriate Asylum. See BELLOWS, H. W. See HITCHCOCK, R. D. Internal Revenue. Laws relating to, in force Aug. 1, 1866. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 71. 460 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Internal Revenue. Opinion of Solicitor of the Treas ury on the Liability of Manufacturers to Taxation, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37. Tax Bill. N. York, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 63. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Reports of Commissioners. Japan Expedition. See Hawks, F. L. LAWS. Public & Gen. Stat., from 1789-1827, and 1828-1836. Ed. by Jos. Story. Bost. & Phila., 1828-1837. 4 Vols. 8vo. Statutes at Large. Edited by Richard Peters. Vol. 8. European Treaties. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Laws of the United States passed at the first, second and third sessions of the First Congress. Phila., 1796. 8vo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Second Congress. Phila., 1793. 8vo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Third Congress, and the first and second sessions of the Fourth Congress. Phila., 1796. 8vo. Acts passed at the first, second and third sessions of the Fifth Congress. Phila., 1798. Svo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Sixth Congress. Phila., 1803. Svo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Sev enth Congress. Phila, 1803. Svo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Eighth Congress. Washington, 1806. Svo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Ninth Congress. Washington, 1807. Svo. Acts passed at the first and second sessions of the Tenth Congress. Washington, 1809. Svo. Acts passed at the first and third sessions of the Elev enth Congress. Washington, 1811. .Svo. Statutes at large of the U. S., for the 2d session 14th Cong. 1817. - 2d session 17th Cong., 1823. 1st and 2d sessions 23d Cong., 1834. 2d session 24th Cong., 1837. 1st and third sessions 25th Cong. 1837, 9. 1st and 2d sessions 26th Cong. 1840. 1st and 2d sessions 27th Cong. 1842. 2d session 28th Cong. 1845. 1st and 2d sessions 29th Cong. 1846-47. 1st and 2d sessions 30th Cong., 1848-49. 1st and 2d sessions 31st Cong. 1850-51. 1st and 2d sessions 32d Cong. 1852-53. 1st session 33d Cong. 1854. 2d session 34th Cong. 1856. 2d session 35th Cong. 1859. 1st and 2d session 37th Cong. 1861-2. 1st session 38th Cong. 1864. 1st and 2d sessions 39th Cong. 1866-67. 1st and 2d sessions 40th Cong. 1867-68. 2d and 3d sessions 41st do. 1870-71. 1st session 42d Cong. 1871. 2d sess. 42d Cong. 1872. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 461 U. STATES Laws. Revision of. See ABBOTT, B. V., and BARKHSTG- ER, V. C. Laws and Resolutions relating to the Direct and Excise Taxes. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. Same, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 60. Laws relating to Internal Revenue, in force Aug. 1, 1866. Washington, 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. Loan Fund Assoc., Boston. First Ann. Report, 1856. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Magazine and Democratic Review. Washington and New York. 1838-1859, except Vols. 33, 34, 35, and 38. 39 Vols. Svo. Mails. See U. S. Postmaster General. Marine Corps. Letters from Naval Officers. 1864. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Marine Hospital Fund. Revised Regulations for the collec tion, return and disbursement of. 1870. Svo, Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 131. MHSSAGES OF THE PRESIDENT relative to France and Great Britain, Dec. 5, 1793, with the Papers therein referred to. PhiPa, 1795. 8vo. 1 Vol. relative to the French Republic, delivered Jan. 19, 1797, with the Papers therein referred to. Apr. 3 and June 5, 1798, relative to the French Republic. Washington, 1798. Svo. Pamphlets, Vol. 5. June 18, 179S. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. June 21, 1798. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. Jan. 21 and 22, 1799. Pamphlets. Vol. 5. Nov., 1811, with the Documents, including the Docu ments for 1808. Lond., reprint, 1812. Svo. on British Impressment from American vessels. Wash ington, 1812. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. transmitting Reports of Board of Engineers on Internal Improvements. Washington, 1825. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. with Documents in relation to the Boundary Line be tween Ohio and Michigan Territory. Senate Documents, Nos. 6, 51, 211. 1st Sess., 24th Congress. 1835-6. transmiting Documents relating to Frauds, etc., in the sale of Indian Reservations of Land. 1836. Ex. Doc. 1st Sess. 24th Congress. Washington, 1836. on the Mineral Lands of the U. S., 1840. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 12. on the State of Affairs between Maine and New Bruns wick, 1839. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 12. with the Correspondence of the Sec. of War and other officers of the Gov t on the Mexican War. Washington, 1848. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 5. and Documents from which the injunction of secresy has been removed, relating to the Treaty between the U. States and Mexico. Washington, 1S48. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 77. 462 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Messages of the President. Communicating the Cor respondence of Mr. Wise, U. S. Minister to Brazil, in rela tion to the Slave Trade. 1848. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 4. on the Seminole Indians in Florida, May 20, 1850. Washington, 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 7. on the Claims of Citizens on the Gov t of Portugal, Jan. 28, 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. on the Seizure and Confiscation of the Barque Georgi- anna and Brig Susan Loud. Jan. 28, 1852. Congr. and Po litical Pamph. Vol. 10. Apr. 6, 1852, on the improvement of the Navigation of the Ohio River. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. in regard to the Fisheries on British North American Coasts. Aug. 10, 1852. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. in relation to the Inter-Oceanic Canal Nicaragua Route. 1853. Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. with Correspondence between State Department and the late Commissioner to China. July 19, 1854. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 11. Communicating Documents in Case of the Black Warrior, and Spanish Violations of the Rights of American Citizens. Washington, 1854. 8vo. to Congress, and accompanying Documents at Com mencement of 2d Session of 24th Congress, Washington,. 1836. 1 Vol. Svo. 3d Sess. 25th Cong. Washington, 1838. 1 Vol. Svo. 1st " 26th " " 1839. 1 " 1st " 29th " " 1845. 1 " 1st " 30th " " 1848. 2 " 2d " 30th " " 1848. 1 " 1st " 31st " (p t. 3) " 1849. 1 " 2d " 31st " " 1850. 1 " 1st " 32d " " 1851-2.2 " 2d " 33d " " 1852. 2 " 1st and 1 Vol. Maps. 4to. 1st sess. 35th Cong;., W. 1858. 3 Vols. Svo. 2d Sess. 35th Cong. W. 1858. 1 Vol. Svo. Abriged, 3 Vols. Svo. Also the same abridged. Washington, 1860. 1 Vol. Svo. 2d Sess. 36th Cong. W. 1860. 1 Vol. Svo. Abridged. 2d Sess. 36th Cong. W. I860. 3 Vols. Svo. 2d Sess. 37th Cong. W. 1861. 1 Vol. Svo. Abridged. 3d Sess. 37th Cong. W. 1862, 5 Vols. Svo. 1st Sess. 38th Cong. W. 1S63-4. 6 Vols. Svo. 2d Sess. 38th Cong. W. 1864-5. 4 Vols. Svo. De partment of State. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 463, U. STATES. Messages of the President. 1st Sess. 39th Congress. Wash. 1866. 4 Vols. 8vo. Dept. of State. - 1st Sess. Cong. W. 1866. 2 Vols. 8vo. War Depart ment. . 3d Sess. 39th Cong. W. 1866. 1 Vol. 8vo. Same. 2d Sess. 40th Cong. W. 1867. 1 Vol. 8vo. Abridged. 2d Sess. 40th Cong. W. 1867. 1 Vol. 8vo. P. O. De partment. 2d Sess. 40th Cong. W. 1867. 1 Vol. 8vo. Navy De partment. 3d Sess. 40th Cong. W. 1869-9. 4 Vols. Svo. Same Abridged. Washington, 1869. 1 Vol. Svo. . 2d Sess. 41st Cong. W. 1869. 4 Vols. Svo. 3d Sess. 41st Cong. W. 1870. 6 Vols. Svo. Same Abridged. Washington. 1871. 1 Vol. Svo. 2d Sess. 42d Cong. W. 1871. 6 Vols. Svo. Same Abridged. Washington, 1872. 1 Vol. Svo. Total 88 Vols. on the French Spoliation Bill. 1855. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. relative to the Compulsory Enlistment of American Citizens in the Army of Prussia. Washington, 1860. Svo, transmitting to Cong, a Report of the Indian Peace Com missioners. 1868. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. transmitting to Cong, a Report with Documents, on Contingent Expenses of Foreign Intercourse. 1.868. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. transmitting to the Senate a Treaty between the U. S. and G. Britain, concluded Jan. 14, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 108. in reference to the Treaty with China. 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. from Washington to Harrison. N. Y., 1841. Svo. transmitting to the Senate, Correspondence between the U. S. Minister at Madrid, and the Sec y of the Legation. 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. relative to Cuban Affairs, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.113. - Same, 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 117. in relation to the Trans-continental Memphis, El Paso and Pacific R. R. Co. 1870. Congr. and Political Pamph, Vol. 116. MILITARY ACADEMY at West Point. Admission by Competitive Examination. Extract from Report of Visitors, for 1863. N. Y. n. d. Svo. West Point Pamphs. See BARTLETT, W. H. C. On the Observatory of. See Congressional Speeches. Official Registers, 1852, 53, 62, 66, 69. N. York and Washington. 1852-69. 12mo. West Point Pamphs,. PARK, R, Hist, of, at West Point. Ann. Report of the Inspector. 1869. Washington, 1869. Svo. West Point Pamphs. 464 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Military Academy at West Point. Report of the Board of Visitors, June, 1866. Trenton, N. J., 1866. 8vo. West Point Pamphs. . Report of a Plan for a re-organization of. Washington, 1868. 12mo. West Point Parnph. Another copy, See Rebellion Pamphs. Vol. 58. Congressional Report on the Expulsion of Cadets. 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. West Point Pamphs. - See SMITH, Ashbel, and DONIPHAN, A. W. Speeches before the Academy. 1848. Statement by Sec. of War, of Moneys expended by the Gov t on the Academy, with an estimate for the next three years. Washington, 1820. 8vo. West Point Pamphs. Militia. See KNOX, Gen. Henry. Plan for General Arrange ment of. Mineral Resources. See BROWN, J. Ross, and TAYLOR, J. W. See RAYMOND, R. W. Monthly Law Magazine, January, 1852. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 1. National Asylum. Report of the President of. 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 138. Congressional Report on the Management of. 1871. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 138. National Capital. See U. S. Seat of Government. National Currency Act. 1863. 8vo. Congress l Pamph. Vol. 79. - Same. 1864. Congress l Pamph. Vol. 61. and Banking Association Bill passed the Senate, Feb. 12, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 87. Bureau. Report of Chief of First Division. Washington, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. National Register. 1865. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. Naval Academy, Annapolis. 17th, 19th and 20th Ann. Regis ters. Washington, 1866-69. 8vo. See MOSES, F. J. Address. 1872. Naval Chronicle. See GOLDSBOROUGH, C. W. Naval Observatory. Astronomical and Meteorological Obser vations made in 1861, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70. Wash ington. 8 Vols. 4to. - Reports on the Total Eclipse of Aug. 7, 1869. Wash ington, 1870. 4to. Zones of Stars observed with Mural Circle for the years 18461849. Washington, 1872. 4to. Same with Meridian Transit Instrument. 1846 1849. 1872. 4to. . on the Right Ascension of Equatorial Fundamental Stars. 1872. 4to. on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and 6t. Louis. 1872. 4to. with a Transit Instrument and Mural Circle. 1853 1860. 1872. 4to. Naval Registers. See U. S. Sec. of Navy. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 465 U. STATES. Navy. See COOPEE, J. F. History of. DAHLGEEEN, A. Boat Armament of Navy. Discipline (The), Harmony and Efficiency of the Navy, 1870. - See HAMEESLY, L. R. Records of Living Officers, etc. - History of Controversy on Rank. MAYO, R. Pension Laws. TEIPLETT, F. F. C. Pension Laws. N. Western Boundary. See San Juan Island. Official Registers or " Blue Books." Registers of Officers and Agents in the Service of the U. States, Sept. 30, 1816, 17, 23, 25, 33, 37, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67. Wash-, ington, 1816-1868. 8vo. Party Leaders. See BALDWIN, J. G. Sketches of. PATENT OFFICE Ann. Reports of the Commissioner of Patens, for 1837, 1843 and 1845. Same from 1847 to 1871, inclusive, except Part 1 of the Agricult. Report for 1851, and Parts 1 and 3 of the Mechan ical Report for 1858. Washington, 1838-1872. 62 Vols. 8vo. Instructions for Obtaining Letters Patent for new Inven tions. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. Official Gazette. Vol. 2. Washington, 1872. Folio. Patent Laws. Washington, n. d. Speeches. Vol. 2. Results of Meteorological Observations made under di rection of U. S. Patent Office and Smithsonian Institution from 1854 to 1859. Vol. 1. Washington, 1861. 4to. Rules and Regulations for Proceedings in the Patent Of fice, Nov. 1, 1869. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 115. Specifications and Drawings of Patents under new law, June 13, 1871 to June 25, 1872, weekly vols. 54 Vols. Fo lio. Certified copy. Same, Monthly vols, July to Nov., 1872. 6 Vols. See U- S. Secretary of State. Report on Patents, 1831. POLITICS & GOYEENMENT. See ADAMS, John. Correspondence. Discourses on Davila. - ADAMS, J. Q. Correspondence on Dissolving the Union. Speeches on Various Occasions. AMES, Fisher. Works. BACON, D. F. Discourse on Amer. Politics, 1844. Guide to Amer. Politics, 1864. BAENES, W. H. The Body Politic. History of 39th Congress. BENTON, T. H. Thirty Years View. - BEENAED, Gov. Letter on Gov t of America. BIGELOW, E. R. Tariff in Eng. and U. S. BLUNT, Jos. Hist. Sketch of Formation of Confederacy. Brief Enquiry, etc., on Fed. Gov t. CALHOUN, J. C. Works, Correspondence, etc. CALLENDEE, J. T. Polit. Register, 1794-5. CANNING, Geo. Correspondence with D. Erskine, 1811. CAEPENTEE, S. D. Logic of History. 30 466 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Politics and Government. See CARROLL, A. E. Re view of Pierce s Administration. Union of States. CHASE, L. R. Hist, of Polk s Administration. CLARKE, C. C. P. Commonwealth Reconstructed. True Method of Representation. CLUSKEY, M. W. Polit. Text Book. 1860. COBBETT, W. Hist, of Amer. Jacobins. COCKE, W. A. Constitutional Hist, of U. S. COLTON, C. Public Economy for U. S. Constitution a Pro-slavery Compact. Constitution of U. S., State Papers, etc. COWELL, John. N. England Patriot. CUTTS, J. M. Constitutional and Party Questions. 1866, DANVERS, J. T. Jefferson s Administration. DEANE. Silas. Correspondence and Papers. DETOCQUEVILLE, A. Democracy in America. Dix, J. A. Speeches and Addresses. DUER, W. A, Constitutional Law of U. S. DWIGHT, T. Hist, of Hartford Convention. End of Irrepressible Conflict. Foederalist, by Hamilton. FREEMAN, E. A. History of Fed. Gov t. Further and Important Suppressed Documents. GALLATIN, A. On Peace with Mexico. GARRISON, Wm. L. Selections from Speeches, etc. Geneva Arbitration. 1872. GIBBS, Geo. Adams and Washington s Administra tions. GIDDINGS, J. R. Speeches in Congress. GILLETT, R. H. Democracy in U. S. - HARPER, R. G. Dispute with France. 1797. Letter to his Constituents. HOPKINSON, F. Essays, etc. Inquiry into Commercial Policy of U. S. JORDAN, F. Constitutional Reform, 1872. KETTELL, T. P. Constitutional Reform. Life of Calhoun and Hist, of Politics. 1811-43. McKiNNEY, M. Our Government. U. S. Constitutional Manual. McPiiERSON, E. Hand-Book of Politics. 1870-73. Polit. Hist, of U. S. MADISOX, J. Papers. MARBOIS, B. Essay on Constitutional Reform. MARSHALL, J. On the Fed. Constitution. MARTIN, E. W. The New Administration. 1869. MONROE, Jas. Conduct of the Executive, etc. 1794-96, ORMSBY, R. M. R. History of Whig Party. PAINE, Thos. Letters, etc. Papers on American Affairs. 1809. PARTON, Jas. Topics of the Times. 1871. PINCKNEY, C. Three Letters. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 467 U. STATES. Politics and Government. See Political Debates of Lincoln and Douglas. Essays. 1852. Reformer. 1797. Politician s Register. 1840-44. POWNELL, T. Three Memorials. 1784. Public Defaulters Exposed. ROBINSON, C. Scrap Book on Law and Politics. RUSH, R. Residence at Court of London. RYLE, Thos. Amer. Liberty and Gov t. Questioned. Secret Debates in Convention to form Constitution of U.S. SERGEANT, John. Select Speeches. SEAVARD, W. H. Works. SHEPPARD, F. Constitutional Text Rook. - SHERMAN, H. Governmental Hist, of U. S. TAYLOR, J. Principles and Policy of U. S. Gov t. Tyranny Unmasked. Treaties between the U. S. and G. Britain. TRESCOTT, W. H. Diplomacy of the Revolution. Diplomatic Hist, of Washington and Adams Ad- ministration. WHITING, W. War Powers under the Constitution. - WILLIS, Anson. Onr Rulers and our Rights. WOOD, J. Hist, of Adams Administration, etc. See, also, Annals of Congress. Amer. State Papers, etc. Postal Guide and Official Advertiser. Aug. and Dec., 1850, Mar. and Apr., 1852. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. POSTMASTER GENERAL. Advertisement of Sept. 30, 1870, for Carrying the Mails of the U. S., in Mich., Wis., Minn., and Dakota, from July 1, 1871, to June 30, 1874. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 131. Ann. Reports for 1853, 54, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, vl, 72. Washington, 1853-72. 8vo. Postal Laws Regulations. Washington, 1866. 8vo. Miscell. Reports on Mail Contracts, etc. Vol. 8. Pam phlets. Report of the Committee appointed by the P. M. Gen eral, to Examine and Revise the Postal Code. 1870. Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 131. - Post Office Directories. BOWEN S Post Office Guide. N. York, 1851. 8vo. LEECH S Post Office Directory. 2 Copies. Wash ington and N. York, 1857. 8vo. List of Post Offices in the U. States, to Sept. 1, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Proceedings of the Executive of the U. S., respecting the In surgents. 1794. Phila., 1795. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 5. Progress of. See FISHER R. S. 1854. Propagating Garden, Washington. Catalogue of Plants, Bulbs, etc.; with Report of the Sup t. 1862. Agricult. Pamph. Vol. 2. 468 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Public Debt. See GIBBONS, J. S. Debt of the U. S. 1867. Public Lands. See AMERICAN State Papers. General Acts of Congress respecting the Sale and Dis position of; to the 2d Session of 25th Congress, with the Opinions and Instructions of the Attorney General. Wash- ton, 1838. 2 Vols. 8vo. Quartermaster s Department. Sketch of its Organization, from 1774 to 18G8, by H. A ROYCE. 1869. 8vo. Congr. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. Registers. See HISTORICAL Register. 1812-14. - See U. S. Official Registers. See REPONSE aux questions sur 1 Amerique. Reports of Congressional Comm. on the Operations the Army of the Potomac. N. Y., 1863. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 80. of the Joint Committee of Reconstruction, at 1st Session of 39th Congress. Washington. 1866. 8vo. on the Shawnee Indian Lands in Kansas, 1870. Svo. See Republic of its Duties and Responsibilities. Revenue Commission. Report on Relations of Foreign Trade to Domestic Industry and Internal Revenue. Washington, 1866. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 7. the Property in the Funds. The Financial System, etc. Washington, 1866. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 7. -See U, S. Secretary of Treasury. Review arid Literary Gazette. Boston and N. Y., 1826. 4 Vols. Svo. - SANITARY COMMISSION. Advice as to Camping by the British Gov t Sanitary Commission. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 84. Bulletin, 1863, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 48. Bulletin, 1863-65. N. Y., 1866. 3 Vols. in 1. Documents, Nos. 1 to 95 inclusive. N. Y., 1866. Svo. 2 Vols. Narrative of its Works and purposes. N. Y., 1864. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 50. N. Eng. Women s Auxiliary Assoc. 2d and 3d Ann. Reports. Boston, 1864, 65. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 107. Proceedings of the Ex. Comm. of Associates in Phila., 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 84. - Report on Mortality and Sickness of the Volunteer Force, by E. B. Elliott, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 84. of Operations of Cincinnati Branch to Mar. 1, 1862. Re belPn Pamph. Vol. 84. of the Soldiers and Soc y of Cleveland, O., and its Aux iliaries. Cleveland, 1861. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol.62. on the Woman s Central Assoc. of Relief at N. Y., 1861. N. Y., 1861. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. on the Condition of Camps and Hospitals at Cairo, Pa- ducah and St. Louis. Chicago, 1861. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 469 U. STATES. Sanitary Commission. Report on the Sanitary Con dition of Volunteer Army, Dec., 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. on Military Hygiene and Therapeutics. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. on the Use of Quinine as a Prophlyactic against Malari ous Diseases. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. Report on the Value of Vaccination in Armies, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 84. Report on Ages of U. S. Volunteer Soldiery. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Congr, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 125. Two Reports on Aid given to Sick Soldiers passing through Washington, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 84. Reports and Documents, 1861-64. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 49 & 50. Reports D, E, G, H, J, K, O. 1862-3. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 92. Reports Nos., 14, 17 2 , 21, 25, 26, 39, 41, 55, 56, 57, 61, 68, 70, 72, and letter N. 1862 Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 94. Report of the Sanitary Condition of U. S. Troops in the Mississippi Valley, in Aug. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. Final Report of of Dr. J. S. Newberry in Valley of the Mississippi. 1861-66. Cleveland, 1871. Svo. Rules for the preservation of the health of the Soldier. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 94. Sketch of its Purpose and Work. Boston, 1863. 12mo. See STEINER, Dr. Lewis H. Sketch of the History of. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. Congress. Report on establishing the Seat of Gov t. 1798. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. - Minority report from Comm. on Expenditures of U. S. House of R., on the Removal etc. 1871. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. 138. See REAVIS, L. U. Arguments in favor of its Removal to Miss. Valley. 1869-71. - St. Louis Capital Committee. VARNUM, J. B. Review of Discussions on Sites & Plans of the Federal City. 1854. Secret Service. See BAKER L. C. History of. SECRETARY OF INTERIOR. Instructions to Assist. Marshals. 9th. Census, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 118 ; Memorandum referring to Letters, Reviews and Biblio- graph. Notices of the Publications of the Office of the Sur geon General. 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 131. Ami. Reports for 1857, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 71. Wash ington, 1857-71. Svo. Special Reports on various subjects. 1850, 52. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 32. Circular of Information of the Bureau of Education for Aug. 1870. Washington, 1870. Svo. Report of Commissioner of Education for 1870 and 71. Washington, 1870, 72. Svo. 470 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Secretary of Interior. See U. S. Commissioner of Ed ucation. Ann* Reports of the Commissioners of the General Land Office for 1843, 51, 53, 54, 60, 62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70. Washington, 1844-71. 8vo. Circular from the Gen. Land Office, in relation to Milita ry Land Warrants. 1855. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 76. Circular from the Gen. Land Office in regard to Grants for Railroads. 1866. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 63. Information from the Gen. Land Office on Pre-Emption and Location of Gov t. Land. 1841. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. Ann. Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1846, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 6 , 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71. Wash. 1846-72. 8vo. Report for 1853. See Speeches, etc. Vol. 2. Statement of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to all the Indian Tribes within the bounds of the U. States. 1870. Svo. Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 15, 1856, on the Cherokee Question. Washington, 1866. Svo. 3d Ann. Report of Board of Indian Commissioners. 1871. Washington, 1872. Svo. Reports of the Commissioner of Pensions for 1850, 54, 69, 70, 71. Ann. Reports of Commissioner ot Public Buildings for 1865, 6. Washington, 1865, 6. Svo. Report on Colonization and Emigration, 1862. Brief on Colonization and Emigration, 1865. Reports of Surveyor General. 1845. Supplemental Report of the Chief Engineer of the Washington Aqueduct. 1864. Report on the same for 1871. -Report on the Hot Springs of Arkansas. 1850. SECRETARY or NAVY. Astronomical Expedition to the South ern Hemisphere in 1849-52. Wash. 1856. 6 Vols. Svo. Letter to the Committee of Naval Affairs, in relation to Iron-clad Ships, Ordnance, etc. Washington. 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 61. Letter transmitting Reports of the Wreck of the Steamer " Governor," and search for the " Vermont." 1862. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. Navy Registers for 1851, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71. Washington. 18511871. Svo. Special Reports on various subjects. 1851-2. - Ann. Reports for 1862, 1866, 1869. Reports of Chief of Bureau of Ordnance. 1862-3. Official Reports of Engagements on the Mississippi River and capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip and the City of New .Orleans. Washington, 1862. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 10 and 61. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 471 U. STATES. Secretary of Navy. Report to House of Represen tatives relative to Prize Matters. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 79. SECRETARY OF STATE. Correspondence between the State De partment and Lord Lyons. Washington, 1863. 8vo. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 65. Correspondence with the charge d affaires of Austria, relative to the case of Martin Koszta. Washington, 1853. 8vo. Speeches, etc. Vol. 2. Correspondence with the charge d affaires of Denmark, on the imposition of " sound dues." 1855. Sec. of State Miscell. Reports. Correspondence with the Mexican Minister in 1835, on the Encroachments of the Indians in Mexico. Sec. of State Miscell. Reports. Diplomatic Correspondence. 1863-4. Washington, 1864-5. 6 Vols. 8vo. - Documents on the subjects of Mediation, Arbitration, etc. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 67. Letter to House of Repr., Dec. 22, 1834, on the contract between the Sec. of State and Matthew St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force, for the publication of Documentary History of Amer. Revolution. Doc. No. 36. Ex. Doc. 1834-5. Letter to U. S. Senate in relation to the Treaty between the U. States and San Domingo. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 116. List of Diplomatic and Consular Officers of the U. S. 1862. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. - Annual Report for 1870. Washington, 1871. Svo. Annual Reports on the Commercial Relations between the U. S. and Foreign Nations. Wash. 1857. 4 Vols. 4to. Same for 1862, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71. Washington, 1863-72. 6 Vols. Svo. - Report with List of all Patents granted by the U. States, Jan., 1831. Washington, 1831. Svo. - Report and accompanying Papers in regard to the Island of San Juan, etc. Washington, 1868^ Svo. Con^r. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 79. Report concerning the Universal Exposition to be held at Paris in 1867. Washington, 1865. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 105. SECRETARY OF TREASURY. Copies of Accounts of the Treas urer of the U. S. for 1849-50, 1850-51. - Correspondence of the Treasury Department relative to the Revision of the Mint and Coinage Laws of the United States. Washington, 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 127. Form of Bill for establishing rates of duty on imported goods, n. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. Letter transmitting to Cong., Tables and Notes on- the Cultivation, Manufacture, and Foreign Trade of Cotton, 1836. Washington, 1836. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 12. 472 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Secretary of the Treasury. Letter on Merchandise imported and duty thereon, 1846. Doc. No. 108. Speeches, etc. Vol. 1. . Letter to House of Repr., transmitting copies of pro ceedings of accounting officers of the Treasury, upon cer tain claims, Dec. 29, 1796. Congr. and Polit. Parnph. Vol. 58. Letter to House of Repr., transmitting information on the U. S. Trade with British North America. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. Account of Receipts and Expenditures for 1797. Phila. 1797. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. Reports on the Finances from 1815 to 1851 complete. Same from 1860 to 1872 complete, except for 1862, 64, 65, 67. Washington, v. d. 8vo. Account of the Receipts and Expenditures for 1809 and 1818. Folio. Reports of 2d Auditor of Treasury on disbursements for the benefit of the Indians, 1849, 1850. Ann. Reports of 2d Auditor for 1868, 69, 70, 72. Ann. Reports of 3d Auditor for 1869 and 1871. : Ann. Reports of 5th Auditor for 1866, 69, 70, 72, with Supplement to the Report for 1870. Report of the 5th Auditor on Assessment of Internal Revenue, 1870. Ann. Report of the Chief of Bureau of Engraving and Printing, for 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Ann. Reports (Bureau of Statistics, etc.), on Commerce and Navigation, for 1833, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 71, 72. Nos. 17, 18, 19, (Part 1) of Report for 1870. Washing ton, 1834-72. 8vo. Special Report by the Chief of Bureau of Statistics, on Immigration. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Ann. Report of Chief of Rev. Marine, for 1870. Wash ington, 1871. 8vo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. [Special] Report of the Chief of Steamboat Inspection Division, Mar. 1, 1870. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Ann. Reports of the Commissioner of Customs for 1865 and 1868. Washington, 1865-68. 8vo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Ann. Report of the Comptroller of the Currency for 1868. Washington, 1869. 8vo. Same, without Appendix, for 1869 and 1870. Washing ton, 1870. Svo. - Report from Comptroller of the Currency on National Banking Associations. 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 116. Reports of Commissioners of Internal Revenue for 1864, 66, 67, 69, 70. Same for 1868, without Appendix. Wash ington, 1864-1870. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 473 U. STATES. Secretary of the Treasury. Reports of Special Com missioner of the Revenue for 1866, 67, 68, 69. Washing ton, 1867-69. Svo. Reports of a Commission appointed for a Revision of the Revenue System of the U. S. 1865-6. Washington, 1866. Svo. Report of the Currency Division on Checks and Balances for 1871. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Report of First Division National Currency Bureau. Washington, 1864. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 6. - Ann. Reports of Director of the Mint, for 1861, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71. Phila., 1861-71. Svo. Ann. Reports of the Register of the Treasury for 1870 and 71. Washington, 1870-71. Svo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Ann. Reports of Superintendent of the Coast Survey for the years 1849 to 1861, inclusive, with 1 Vol. Maps accom panying Report for 1851, and Ann. Reports for 1861, 1865, 1866, 67, 68, 69. Washington, 1850-71. Svo. and 4to. 17 Vols. - Estimates of the Coast Survey for 1853, presented by the Superintendent, Nov. 22, 1852. Coast Survey Miscell. Reports. Extract from the Report of the Supt. of the Coast Sur vey on Light Houses, etc. Washington, 1851. Svo. Coast Survey Miscell. Reports. Ann. Reports of Supervising Architect for 1861, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71. Washington. Svo. - 1st Ann. Report of Supervising Surgeon of the Marine Hosp. Service, for 1S72. Washington, 1872. 8vo. Treasurer s Ann. Reports for 1867, 6.8, 69, 70. Wash ington, 1867-70. Svo. Reports of Scientific Investigations in relation to Sugar and Hydrometers. 1845. Washington, 1848. Svo. Report on Relations between the U. S. and Northwest British America. Washington, 1862. Svo. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. Report of Officers constituting the Light House Board, appointed to Investigate into the Light House Establishment of the U. S. Washington, 1852. Svo. Report containing a Plan for the further support of the Public Credit. 1795. Washington, 1795. Svo. Pamph lets. Vol. 5. Report on Condition of the Banks of the U. S. Wash ington, 1863. Svo. Report on Growth and Manufacture of Silk. Washing ton, 1828. Svo. Report on the Statistics and History of the Steam Marine of the U. States. 1852. Sec. of Treas. Miscell. Reports. SECRETARY OF WAR. Abstract of Infantry Tactics. Washing ton, 1830. Svo. 474 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Secretary of War. General Orders, 1861-63, with In dex prepared by T. M. O BRIEN and O. DIEFFENDORF. N. Y., 1864. 2 Vols. 8vo. - for the Volunteer Force. Washington, 1863. 8vo. affecting the Volunteer Force. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 58. Adjutant General s Office. 1862, 65. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 91. Information concerning* Contracts for Removal of the Choctaws. 1845. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. Instructions for Making Muster Rolls. 1862. Pamph. Vol. 58. for Making Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores. 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 55. for Officers on Outpost and Patrol Duty. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 58. - to be Observed in Applying of Army Pensions. 1863. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. Laws and Abstracts of Laws relating to Army & Navy Pensions. 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.115. Letter of, with copies of Accounts and Disbursements to the Indians, 1826. House Doc., 2d Session, 19th Congr. List of Distances for officers in Quarter Masters Dep t, in making Payments for Mileage. 1868. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. Meteorological Observations made by Medical Dep t of U. S. Army, from 1826 to 1854 inclusive. Phila. and Wash., 1840-55. 8vo. and 4to. Official Army Registers for 1853, 60, Sept., 1861, 62, Aug., 1862, 63, 65, 66, 67, Aug., 1868, Sept., 1869, Jan., 1870, Jan., 1871, Jan., 1873. Washington, 1853-1873. Svo. Regulations for the Recruiting Service of the Army of the U. S. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vos. 58. Ann Reports for 1865 and 1871. Washington. 3 Vols. Svo. (pamphlets without appendices) for 1866, 68, 69. 70. Washington, 1866-70. Svo. - 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, Semi-Annual Reports on Schools for Freedmen. From the Bureau of Refugees. Washington, 1867-70. Svo. Sec- of War, Miscell. Reports. Special Report of Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees, etc., Oct. 20, 1869. Ann. Report of Same for 1870. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. - Report of the Chief Engineer in regard to Harbors on the Sea and Lake Coasts. 1866. Washington, 1866. 8vo. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. Reports of Chief of Engineers, for 1868, 70, 71. Washington. Svo. Correspondence and Reports in reference to the Obser vation and Report of Storms ; for the benefit of Commerce. (Office of Chief Signal Officer.) Washington, 1871. 8vo. Sec. of Was Miscell. Reports. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 475 U. STATES. Secretary of War. Maps and Bulletins of the Chief Signal Officer, May 27, 1872. Washington, 1872. Reports of Chief ignal Officer for 1866, 67, 68. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 112. The Practical Use of Meteorological Reports and Weather Maps. By the Chief Signal Officer. Washington, 1871. 8vo. - Letter to House of Repr. with information relating to Indian Affairs. 1829. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. Letter to House of Repr., in relation to purchase of Arms by Genl. Fremont. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 20. Ann. Report of Paymaster General for 1868. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. - Ann. Report of Surgeon General for 1864-5. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. - Ann. Reports of the Surgeon General, for 1868, 69, 70, 71. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. Surgeon General s Reports of Sickness and Mortality of the Army, from 1819 to 1839. Washington, 1840. 8vo. Same, 1855-60. Washington, 1860. 4to. Surgeon General s Report on Sickness and Mortality dur ing the first year of the War. Washington, 1863. 8vo. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 5. Reports with Reconnoisances of Routes from San Anto nio to El Paso. Washington, 1850. 8vo. Statement of Expenditures in the Military Department, for 1796. Washington, 1797? 8vo. Congress. Pamph. Report on Disbursements to the Indians, 1825, 26. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 49. Report of the Secretary communicating information re specting the purchase of Camels for the purpose of Military Transportation. Washington, 1857. Svo. Reports on the Inundations of the Mississippi River, 1852. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. Report in relation to the Geology and Topography of California, 1850. Sec. of War Miscell. Reports. Report on the Condition of the Winnebago Indians oc cupying the Country ceded to the U. States between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. Senate Doc. No. 215. 1st Sess. 24th Congress, 1835-6. Report relative to the Extinguishment of the Indian Title to lands in the vicinity of Green Bay and North of the Wis consin River. Senate Doc. No. 229. 1st Sess. 24th Con gress, 1835-6. Report of the Colonel of Ordnance in relation to the Mineral Lands of Missouri. Ex. Doc. No. 102, 1st Sess. 24th Congress, 1836. - Report of J. Flanagan Supt. of -the Upper Mississippi Lead Mines, January, 1842, with accompanying Documents. Senate Doc s No. 205 and 331, 2d Sess. of 27th Congress 1842. 476 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Secretary of War. Report on Mexican Affairs. 1st Sess. 39th Congress, 1865-6. 2 Vols. 8vo. Report on National Military Education, 1867. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 91. Revised U. S. Army Regulations. Wash. 1863. Svo. Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers who died in defence of the American Union, interred in National Cemeteries and other parts of the country. Washington, v. d. Svo. Re- bell n Pamph. Vols. 42-44e. System of Target Practice. 1862. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 91. SENATE. See Annals of Congress, Congressional Globe. Reg. ister of Debates. Documents of 2d Session of 22d Congress. Washington, 1833. 2 Vols. Svo. 1st Session of 23d Congress. Washington, 1834. 13 Vols. Svo. Voll 11 wanting. 2d of 23d Congress. Washington, 1S35. 5 Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d of 24th Congress. Washington, 1836-7. 9 Vols. Svo. 1st, 2d and 3d of 25th Congress. Washington, 1838-9 12 Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d of 26th Congress. Washington, 1840-1. 14 Vols. Svo. 1st, 2d and 3d of 27th Congress. Washington, 1841-2. 10 Vols. Svo. 1st, 2d and special Sess. of 32d Congress. Washington, 1852-3. 28 Vols. Svo and one 4to. 1st and 2d of 33d Congress. Washington, 1854-5. 25 Vols. Svo. and 16 Vols. 4to. 3d of 34th Congress. Washington, 1856. Vol. 16. 4to. 3d Sess. of 34th Congress. 1856-7. 12 Vols. Svo. Special of 34th Congress. Washington, 1857. Vol. 1. 4to. 1st and 2d 35th Congress. Washington, 1858-9. 31 Vols. Svo., and 5 Vols. 4to. 1st of 36th Congress. Washington, I860. 12 Vols. Svo. and 2 Vols. 4to. Documents (Miscell.) 1st and 2d Sessions of 35th Con gress. Washington, 1858 and 1859. 5 Vols. 8vo. 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washington, 1860. 7 Vols. Svo. 2d Session of 36th Congress. 10 Vols. Svo. 1 Vol. 4to. 1861. Miscellaneous. Same. 1861. Journal. Reports. " " 1st Session of 36th Congress. Vol. 14. 4to. 1861. - Documents (Miscell.) of 1st and 2d Sess of 32d Congress. Washington, 1852-3. 2 Vols. Svo. 1st and 2d Sess. 33d Congress. Washington, 1854-5. 4 Vols. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 477 U. STATES. Senate continued. - 1st Sess. 27th Congress. 2d Sess. 28th " 1st Sess. 29th " 1st Sess. 30th 2d Sess. 30th " 1st Sess. 31st " 2d Sess. 31st 1st Sess. 36th 2d Sess. 36th " 1st Sess. 37th " 2d Sess. 37th " 3d Sess. 37th 1st Sess. 38th 2d Sess. 38th " 1st Sess. 39th " 2d Sess. 39th " 1st Sess. 40th " 2d Sess. 40th 1st Sess. 36th " 2d Sess. 36th 2d Sess. 37th 3d Sess. 37th " Special Sess. 37th " 1st Sess. 38th " 2d Sess. 38th " - 1st Sess. 39th - 2d Sess. 39th 1st Sess. 40th " - 2d Sess. 40th " I Vol. 8vo. II Vols. Svo. 9 Vols. Svo. 10 Vols. 7 Vols. 1841. 1844-5. 1845-6. 1847-8. 1848-9. 1849-50. 2 Vols. 1850-1. 5. Vols. i 1 Vol. 1 Vol. Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. Vol. I Vol. 15 Vols. II Vols. 6 Vols. 1 Vol. Vol. 1 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vols. 8vo. Svo. 8vo. Svo. 1859-60. 1860-1. 1861. 1 1861-2. 1862-3. 1863-4. 1864-5. 1865-6. 1866-7. 1867. 1 1867-8. 1859-60. 1860-1. 1861-2. 1862-3. 1863. 1 1863-4. 1864-5. 1865-6. 1866-7. Vols. and special Sess. 1867. 2 Vols. 1867.8. 2 Vols. - 1st and 2d Sess. of 41st Congress. 1869-70. 4 Vols. Svo. - Reports. Miscell. 1847-8, 1848-9, 1849-50, 1850-1. Journal 1st Sess. of 36th Cong, to 2d Sess. of 40th Con gress inclusive. 12 Vols. Svo. Journal 1st and 2d Sess. 41st Cong. 2 Vols. Journals, 1S35, 1836, 1836-7, 1838-9, 1839-40, 1840-1, 1841, 1842-3, 1844-5, 1845-6, 1846-7, 1847-8, 1848-9, 1850-1, 1851-2, 1856-7. - Same. 1st and 2d Sessions of 35th Congress. Wash ington, 1858-9. 2 Vols. Svo. Same. 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washington, 1860. Svo. - Reports. Miscell., 1850, 1851, 1852. Congress, and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 42, 43, 44. Reports of 1st and 2d Sessions of 32d Congress. Wash ington, 1852-3. 3 Vols. Svo. - 1st and 2d of 33d Congress. Washington, 1854-5. 4 Vols. Svo. - Reports of 1st and 2d Sessions of 35th and 1st Session of 36th Congress. 1858-60. 478 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Senate continued. Reports. 1st Sess. 36th Congress. 1859-60. 2 Vols. 8vo. " 2d 36th " 1860-1. IVol. 8vo. " 2d " 37th " 1861-2. 1 Vol. 8vo. " 3d " 37th " 1862-3. 1 Vol. 8vo. " 1st " 38th " 1863-4. 1 Vol. 8vo. " 1st " 39th " 1865-6. 1 Vol. 8vo. 2d 39th " 1866-7. 1 Vol. 8vo. . " 1st " 40th " 1867. 1 Vol. 8vo. 2d 40th " 1867-8. 1 Vol. Svo. " 1st and 2nd Sess. 41st Congress. 1869-70. 2 Vols. 8vo. Reports of Committees of 1st and 2d Sessions of 35th r and 1st Session of 36th Congress. Washington, 1858-60. 14 Vols. Svo. Report on Experiments with Heavy Ordnance. 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. Statement of the Rules and Practice of the Senate, in the Appointment of its Committees, from 1789 to 1863. Wash ington 1863. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. Minority Report of Comm. on the Condition of Affairs in the Southern States. 1871. Washington, 1871. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 127. Report of Comm. on Mines and Mining, extending the Right of Pre-emption to Mineral Lands. 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 59. Report of Comm. on Foreign Relations, on French Claims. 1864. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 70. Report from Committee on Military Affairs, on Interfer ence in Elections by Military and Naval Officers. 1S64. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 20. Report from Committee on Military Affairs, on organiz ing the Signal Corps of the Army. 1S63. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 86. Report from Comm. on Pacific R. R., on extending Gov t Aid to additional R. R. s to the Pacific. 1869. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 70 and 104. Report of Comm. on Public Lands on the establishment of a Surveyor General s Office in the Territory of Michigan, west of Lake Michigan, with a Map. Report No. 476, 1st Sess. 24th Congress, 1836. Report of Comm. on Slavery, on Bill to secure Equality before the Law in the Courts of the U. States, Mar. 17, 1864. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 9. Report of Joint Committee on Conduct of the War, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 84. Report of Joint Comm. on Conduct of the War in refer ence to the Battle at Fredericksburg, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 23. Report from Joint Com. on Conduct of War, on Rebel Barbarities at Manassas. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 39. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 479 U. STATES. Senate. Report of Joint Comm. on Conduct of the War, on the Expedition into Florida, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9. Report of Joint Special Committee of Congress, on the Condition of the Indian Tribes, 1867. Washington, 1867. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 63. Report of Select Committee on Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners on the Claims against Mexico. Washing ton, 1854. 8vo. Report of Select Comm. on Sickness and Mortality on Board Emigrant Ships. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Report of Select Comm. on alleged Outrages in Southern States, 1871. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 138. Report of Joint Select Comm. on the Improvement of the Halls of Congress, 1865. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Report from Select Comm. on Chartering of Transport Vessels for the Banks Expedition, 1863. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 86. Service Magazine. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., 1864, 5, 6. Svo. 5 Vols. Stamp Law. N. Y., 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 101. State Papers and Public Documents of the U. S. since the accession of Geo. Washington to the Presidency, 1789-1815. Boston, 1815. 7 Vols. 8vo. STATISTICS. See CAREY, H. C. and LEA, I. Geog., Hist, and Statistics of America. Cox, T. View of, 1787-94. - EDWARDS, B. Trade of W. Indies with U. S. FISHER, R. S. Progress of America. FISHER & COLBY. Amer. Statistical Annual. 1854. of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of U. S. 1863. Washington^l864. Svo. See PITKIN, T. Statistical View. SEYBERT, A. Statistical Annals. 17891818. . See U. S. Census. WARDEN, D. B. Statistical Account of. Steam Mail Service. See Suggestions respecting, etc. Succinct Account of Treaties with G. Britain. Supervising Architect. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. SUPREME COURT. Case of Dred Scott. Opinions of Chief Justice TANEY and others. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 78. Case of Wm. M. Farririgton vs. R. S. Saunders. 1868. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 8. Case of Henry Chouteau, Plaintiff in Error, vs. Patrick Molony. Brief of. T. R. Cornich for Plaintiff. St. Louis, 1853. " Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 5. Case of Wm. H. McCardle, for alleged Illegal Imprison ment, etc. 1867. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.80. See FLANDERS, H. Lives of Chief Justices. Opinion of Chief Justice TANEY in the Wheeling Bridge Case. Richmond, 1852. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 5. 480 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Supreme Court. Opinion of Justice STORY upon the Will of Stephen Girard. Phila., 1844. 8vo. Girard Col lege Pamph. Another copy. Law Pamph. Vol. 5. Surgeon General. See U. S. Sec. of War. See SWAN, Col. Commerce between France and U. S. 1790. Tariff of Rates of Duties payable on Goods, Wares and Mer chandise Imported in the U. S., from July 1, 1857. N. Y., 1858. 8vo. Tax Law. See Tax Law Decisions. See The National Tax Law, and the Amended Act of 1863. - See WALLACE, H. E. 1862. TRAVELS IN. See Account of a Journey to Niagara in 1765. ANDERSON, Mr. Hist, of Life and Adventures. ASHE, Thos. Travels in 1S06. ATWATER, C. Tour to Prairie du Chien, etc. 1829. BAILEY, F. Tour in Unsettled Parts. 1796, 97. - BARNABY, Rev. A. Travels in 1759 and 60. BARTLETT, J. R. Personal Narrative of Explora. 1854. BARTRAM, J. Observa. of Travel. 1751. BELL, W. A. Journey for So. Pacif. R. R. 1867. - BELTRAMI, J. C. Discovery of Sources of Mississippi. BESTE, J. R. Adventures of an English Family. BIRHECK, M. Journey from Va. to Illinois. 1818. BOWLES, S. Across the Continent. Our New West. BOYNTON, C. B., and MASON, T. B. Journey through Kansas, etc. 1855. BRACKENRIDGE, H. M. Voyage up the Missouri in 1811. BRADBURY, J. Travels in U. S. in 1809-11. BREMER, F. Homes in the New World. - BROWNE, J. Ross. Tour through Arizona and Sonora. - BRYANT, E. Tour across the Continent. BUCKINGHAM, J. S. America, etc. - BURNABY, Rev. A. Travels in Middle Settlements. 1759-60. - BYAM, Geo. Wanderings in Western Republics. 1850. CARVER, J. Travels in 1766-68. CHARLEVOIX, P. F. Nouvelle France, etc. CHESTER, G. J. Sketches in U. S. 1869. COKE, E. T. Travels in, 1832. COLLOT, V. Journey in N. America. 1826. - COLTON, C. Tour of the Amer. Lakes. COXE, D. Description of Louisiana and Miss. River. CUMING, F. Tour to the Western Country. 1810. CURTIS, D. S. Western Portraiture. DARBY, W. Tour from N. Y. to Detroit. 1819. DAVIS, J. Travels in 1798-1802, 1806. DEPRAT, M. Les Six dernier Mois de 1 Amerique. DEWARVILLE, J. P. B. Travels. 1788. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 481 U. STATES. Travels in. DICKENS, 0. Amer. Notes. DIXON, W. H. New America. Dragoon Campaigns in Rocky Mountains. DUDEN, G. Reise nach den Westlichen Staaten. DuLAC, Perrin. Travels through Louisiana, etc. DUNCAN, J. M. Travels in 1818-19. DWIGHT, T. Travels in. ELLIS, . Journey to Plain of Missouri. Excursion through U. S. and Canada in 1822-23. EYRE, John. Christian Spectator. 1832. FANNING, D. Narrative of Adventures, etc. FARNHAM, T. J. Travels on Western Prairies, etc. 1843. FEARON, H. B. Journey through America. FEATHERSTONHAUGH, G. W. Canoe Voyage up the Min- nay Sotor. FERGUSSON, A. Tour in, and Canada. FERRALL, S. A. Ramble of Six Thousand Miles in U. S. 1832. FINLAY, HUGH. Journal of Travels. 1773, 74. FLINT, J. Letters form America. 1822. FLINT, T. Geography and Hist, of Western States. 1828. Hist, and Geography of Miss. Valley. 1833. Journal of. 1835. FRANCHERE, G. Voyage to N. West Coast of America. 1811-14. FREMONT, J. C. Expedition to Rocky Mountains, etc. - GASS, P. Travels with LEWIS and CLARK. HALL, F. Travels in Canada and U. S. 1818. HALL, J. Letters from the West. Sketches of the West. HAMILTON T. Men and Manners in the U. S. HARRIS, T. M. Tour West of the Alleghanies. 1803. - HENNEPIN, L. Discovery of a Vast Country, etc. - HILDRETH, S. P. Pioneer History. HOFFMAN, C. F. Winter in the West. HODGSON, A. Journey in N. America. 1819-21. - HOWITT, E. Letters from theU. S. 1819. HUMASON, W. L. From the Atlantic Surf to the Golden Gate. 1869. - TRYING, W. Astoria. BONNEVILLE S Adventures. JACOBS, P. Journal of Travels. 1852. JAMES, E. LONG S Exped. to Rocky Mountains. 1819-20. - Journal d un Voyage. 1720. Same. 1790. - KEATING, W. H. Expedition to Source of St. Peters River. KEITH, G. Travels from N. H. to Caratuck. 1706. KENDALL, E. A. Travels through Northern Parts of U. S. 1807-8. - KERR, H. Travels through Western Interior, 1808-16. - KIMBALL, Jas. Journey to the West in 1817. 482 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. U. STATES. Travels in KINZIE, Mrs. J. H. Early Day in the N. West. KIRKLAND, Mrs. C. M. A New Home. LAMBERT, J. Travels in U. S. and Canada. 1806-8. . LANMAN, C. Adventures in N. America. . Summer in the Wilderness. . LA SALLE, M. Last Expedition. . LATROBE, C. J. Rambles in N. A. LEWIS, M. and CLARKE Wm. Expedition to Sources of the Missouri R. 1804-6. LONG, J. Voyages dans PAmerique Septentrionale. . Voyage of an Indian Interpreter. LYELL, Chas. Travels in 1841-2. MACKAY, C. Tour in U. S. and Canada in 1857. McCLUNG, J. A. Western Adventure. McCLURE, A. K. 3,000 Miles through the Rocky Moun tains. MCKENNEY, T. L. Tour to the Lakes. MARQUETTE and JOLIET. Voyages and Discoveries. MELISH, J. Travels in the U. S. 1806-11. MICHAUX, F. A. Travels West of the Alleghanies. MILLS S. and SMITH D. Tour beyond the Alleghanies, 1815. Mitchell, D. W. Ten Years in the U. S.^ MOLLHAUSEN, B. From the Mississippi to the Pacific. 1858. MURRAY, A. M. Letters from the U. S. MURRAY, Hugh. Discovery and Travels. 1829. OLMSTED, F. L. Seaboard Slave States. PALMER, J. Travels in U. S. and Canada. 1817. PARKINSON, R, Tour in 1798-1800. PARSONS, C. G. Tour Among the Planters. PIKE, Z. M. Exped. to Sources of Mississippi. PRIEST, W. Travels in 1793. REYNOLDS, J. Illinois to N. York and Return. 1854. RICHARDSON, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi. 1867. ROBIN, ABBE. Voyage. 1781. ROYALL, Mrs. A. Travels, etc. 1826-1830. RUXTON, G. F. Adventures in Rocky Mountains. Life in the Far West. SAGARD, T. Voyage du Pays des Hurons. SAGEAN, M. Adventures, etc. SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Discovery of Sources of the Mis sissippi. Narrative of Journey N. West of Detroit. 1820. Scenes and Adventures in Ozark Mountains. SCHULTS, C. Inland Voyage through N. Y., etc. 1807-8. SILLIMAN, B. Hartford to Quebec. 1819. SMITH, Capt. John. True Travels, 1593-1629. SMYTH, J. F. D. Tour in 1783. STANSBURY, H. Expedition to Gr. Salt Lake. STUART, Jas. Three Years in the U. S. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 483 U. STATES. Travels in. TALBOT, E. A. Tour in 1823. Things as they are in Middle States. TODD, J. Sunset Land; or the Pacific Slope. Travels through the Interior of America (Anburey). View of N. America, 1774-78. VIGNE, G. T. Six Months in America. Voyage a la Louisiane. Voyageur Americain. WAKEFIELD, P. Excursions in No. America. - WANSEY, H. Excursion to, in 1794. WATSON, H. C. Nights in a Block House. - WELBY, A. Visit to N. America, 1821. -WELD, Isaac. Travels, 1795-7. WOOLEY, Chas. Two Years Journal. ZINCKE, F. B. Tour through the Late Southern Con federation, 1868. Treasurer. See U. S. Sec. of Treasury. Treaties and Conventions concluded between the U. S. and other Powers since July 4, 1776. Washington, 1871. 8vo. TUCKER, Geo. Progress of, in Population, etc., 1843. vs. EVanklin W. Smith. Argument of Judges Advocate. Bos ton, 1865. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 5. See WALSH, R. Appeal from Judgment of G. Britain re specting. UNITY of the Human Race, See BACHMAN, J. Characteristics of Genera, and Species, etc. DUNN, Robt. Evidence in Support of. See Antiquity of Man, Ethnology, etc. UNIVERSAL Biographical Dictionary. Richmond, Va., 1826. 8vo. Exposition at Paris, 1867. History, from the Earliest account of Time, compiled from original authors, and illustrated with Maps, Cuts. ; Notes, etc., with a General Index. Lond., 1847-8. Lond., 1848. 20 Vols. 8vo. Modern Part of Same. Lond., 1759-60. 18 Vols. 8vo. In Dutch. Amsterdam, 1775. 19 Vols. 8vo. Same. Sequel. Amsterdam, 1770-87. 28 Vols. 8vo. Language. Essay tending to improve intelligible Signals, and to discover an Universal Language. Amer. Philosoph. Soc. Trans. Vol. 4. Magazine, 17481792. Lond., 8vo. 39. Vols. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. Minutes of the General Convention of Universalists in the United States, at N. Y., 1861. Boston, n. d. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. UNIVERSITIES. See BARNARD, F. A. P. Letters on College Gov ernment; 1855. MARSH, L. Higher Institutions of Learning and their Rela tions to the Community. National Teachers Assoc. Report by Dr. Hoyt. 1869. TURNER, J. B. Industrial Universities. See Wisconsin, and other States, etc. 484 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. UNIVERSITY College Hospital, St. Pancras. Report, 1846-7. Lond., 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol.30. Miscellany (The); or more Burning Work for the Oxford Con vocation. Lond., 1713. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol.22. (National.) See Thoughts on the Establishment of. of Lund., Sweden. Acts for the year 1864. Lund., 1865. 4to. Progress. See HOYT, J. W. Address at Trenton, N. J. 1869. Letters to the English Public, etc. 1836. Reform. See BISSET, Rev. T. Suggestions on. 1850. Reflections on the System of Education our (Eng.) Uni versities, etc. 1842. UNWIN, Wm. J. Prussian Primary Education, its Organization and Results. Lond., 1857. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 36. UPDYKE, W. Memoirs of R. Island Bar. Boston, 1842. 12mo. UPHAM, Baxter. Inaugural Address ab Musical Festival of the Handel and Hayden Soc y, May 25, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 17. UPHAM, Chas. W. Address at re-dedication of the 4th Meeting- House of the 1st Church, Salem, Mass., Dec. 8, 1867. Sa lem, 1867. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Eulogy at Salem, Mass., July 18, 1850, on the Life and Char acter of Zachary Taylor. Salem, 1850. Addresses, etc. Vol. 4. Lecture on Witchcraft Delusion in Salem, Mass., 1692. 2d Ed. Boston, 1832. 12mo. Life, Explorations and Public Services of John Charles Fre mont. Boston, 1856. 12mo. Life of Gen. George Washington, written by himself; com prising his Memoir and Correspondence. Lond., 1851. 2 Vols. 12mo. Life of Sir Henry Vane, 4th Governor of Mass. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser. Vol. 4. Memoir of Dan l P. King. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 10. Memoir of Francis Peabody, read before the Institute, July 18, 1868. Essex Institute Col. Vol. 9. Memoir of Geo. Atkinson Ward. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 7. Memoir of Rev. John Prince, of Salem. Silliman s Jour. Vol. 31. Oration at Salem, Mass., July 4, 1842. Salem. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 3. Oration before the N. England Soc y, in N. Y. City, Dec. 22, 1846. N. Y. 1847. 8vo. Addresses. Vols. 8 and 24. See POOLE, Wm. F. Cotton Mather and Witchcraft. Salem Witchcraft arid Cotton Mather. Hist. Magazine. 2d Ser. Vol. 6. Salem Witchcraft: with an Account of Salem Village and Opinions on Witchcraft and kindred subjects. Boston, 1867. 8vo. 2 Vols. Sermon at Dedication of Meeting-House of 1st Cong. Church, Salem, Mass., Nov. 16, 1826. Salem, 1826. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Another copy. Sermons. Vol. 13. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 485 UPHAM, Chas. W. Second Century Lecture of the First Church. Salem, 1829.8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. Speech in Cong., May 10, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Washington, 1854. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 3. UPHAM, Genealogy. From N. E. Hist, and Genealog. Register. 1869. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 2. UPHAM, Dr. J. B. Music in our Public Schools. From the Boston Evening Traveller, 1871. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 5. UPHAM, N. G. Letter on the Present Crisis, addressed to Hon. G. Marston. Concord, 1801. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. Rebellion Slavery and Peace. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. UPHAM, Thos. C. Outlines of imperfect and disordered Mental Ac tion. Harpers Fam. Lib. N. Y., 1855. 18mo. Reflections on the Destruction of the Willey Family in the Notch of the White Mountain, 1826. See also MOORE, J. B. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. UPHAM, Wm. P. Memoir of Gen. John Glover, of Marblehead. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 5. UPLAND Court in Penn. See ARMSTRONG, E. Record of, 1676-81. UPPER Mississippi. See GALE, Geo. Missouri. See Meek and Hayden, Palaeontology. UPRISING, (The) of a Great People. See De Gasparin, A. UPSHUR, A. P. Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Character of our Federal Gov t; a Review of Judge Story s Commentaries. Phil a, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 26. UPTON, C. H. Claims of. See Congress. Speeches. UPTON, Mass. See WOOD, Rev. B. Half Century Sermon, 1846. UPTON, R. A. Home Studies. Boston, 1856. 12mo. URANIA S Mirror or a View of the Heavens. N. Y., 1832. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 12. URING. Capt. Nathan l. Voyage to Boston, in New England, and the West Indies, in 1709. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. URQUHART, D. Appeal against Faction. Lond., 1843. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vols. 33, 36. Case of McLeod, tried as an Accomplice with the Crown of G. Britain for Felony. Lond., 1841. Svo. 4th Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 32. Duty of the Church of England in respect to Unlawful Wars. Lond., 1842. Svo. 2d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 35. The Edinburgh Review and the Affghan War. Lond., 1843. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 50. Exposition of the Causes and the Consequences of the Brit ish Differences between G: Britain and the U. States subse quent to their Adjustment by Arbitration. (Maine, Canada, and N. Brunswick.) Liverpool, 1839. 4to. The Home Face of the " Four Points." (Relating to Cri mean War.) Lond. n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 67. Progress of Russia in the West, North and South. Lond., 1853. Svo. 5th Ed. Hist. Pamph. Vol.19. Recent Events in the East. Lond., 1854. 12mo. 486 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. URQUHART, D. Wealth and Want: being the Substance ofLec- tures on Pauperism. Lond., 1845. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 42 URQUHART, Thos. Letter to W. Wilberforce, on the subject of Im pressment. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 24. Substance of a Letter to Lord Viscount Melville, written in 1815, with a plan to raise British Seamen. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 24. URUGUAY. See LAMAS, A. Notice sur la Republique, etc., 1851. USHER, Dr. Jas. Life of. Dublin, 1815. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 4. New System of Philosophy, founded on the Universal Opera tions of Nature. Lond., 1764. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 34. USSHER, John. Journey from London to Persepolis, including Wanderings in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia and Persia. Lond., 1865. 8vo. USURY Explained; or Conscience quieted in the Case of putting out Money at Interest. Lond., 1696. Reprinted 1817. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. HUMPHREYS, W. H. Letter on proposed Modification of the Law, etc. n. d. UTAH. Acts, Resolutions, etc., passed at the Ann. Session of the Legislative Assembly. Gt. Salt Lake City, 1855. Svo. Admission of. See Congress l Speeches. See Deseret. See BURTON, R. F. City of the Saints. DURAND, E. On the Botany of Gr. Salt Lake. Journals of the Legislative Assembly for the 4th, 9th, 10th r llth, 13th and 17th Ann. Sessions, for the years 1854-5, 1859-60, 1860-1, 1861-2, 1863-4, 1868. Salt Lake City, 1855-1868. 12mo. See REMY, J. Journey to Salt Lake City. 1871. Resolutions, Acts, etc., passed at the 5th, 6th and llth Ann. Sessions of the Legislative Assembly, 1855-6, 1856-7, 1861-2. Gt. Salt Lake City. 12mo. See STANSBURY, H. Expedition to Gt. Salt Lake. The Husband in. See WARD, A. N. See MORMONISM. UTICA, N. Y. Proceedings of Citizens in regard to Sabbath Ob servance. Utica, 1828. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 11. UTLEY, H. T. Speech before the Democratic Assoc. in Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 12, 1863. Phila., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 31 and 35. UTRECHT. Great Edict Book; or; Book of the Laws, in Dutch. Utrecht, 1729. 3 Vols. folio. Treaty of. Treaty of Utrecht, Mar. 21, 1713, between Queen Anne and Lewis XIV. Lond., 1713. Sm. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 9. UTTOXETER, Eng. See REDFERN, F. History of. 1865. UWINS, Dr. D. Annivers. Oration Mar. 9, 1818, before the Medi cal Soc y of London. London, 1818. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 13. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 487 UXBKIDGE, Mass. Reports of School Comm. for 1857-8, 1868-9 and 1870-1. Worcester and Boston, 1858-71. 8vo. V. VACCINATION ACT, G. Britain, 1853. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Medical Pamph. Vol. 24. See MANZINI, N. Historic de 1 Inoculation. MARSHALL, John. Vaccination and the Public Health. See New York City Board of Health. . Report of the Royal College of Physicians of London on Vac cination. Lond., 1807. Folio. Med. Pamph. Vol. 34. VAIL, Alfred. Description of the Amer. Electro Magnetic Tele graph between Washington and Baltimore. Washington, 1845. 8vo. Pamphlet. VALENTINE, David T. History of the City of N. York. N. York, 1853. 8vo. Manual of the Corporation of City of N. York for 1842-3. N. Y. 12mo. - N. York City Council Manual, 1850 to 1866. N. Y. 17 Vols. 12mo. Records of the City of New Amsterdam. Hist. Magazine* Vol. 1. 2d Ser. VALLANDIGHAM, C. L. Biographical Memoirs of, by his brother. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 38. See LEAVITT, Judge. Decision in Habeas Corpus Case. LINCOLN, A. Vallandigham and Arbitrary Arrests. PERRY, A. F. Arguments in Habeas Corpus Case. Reply to Mr. Hickman on " Democratic Loyalty to the Union," in Congress Feb. 19, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. Speech at Columbus Ohio Duty of Democrats 1863. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 54. Speech at Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Speech in Cong., Dec. 15, 1859, on Election of Speaker. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. July 10, 1861. On Executive Usurpation. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 34 and 61. Feb. 3, 1862 on the U. S. Note Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. Jan. 14, 1863, on the Great Civil War in America. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 67. Trial of. Cincin. 1863. 8vo. VALLEE, F. Manual of Arms for the Soldier. Phila., 1861. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 102. VALLEY, (The) of Wyoming: The Romance of its History and its Poetry. N. Y., 1865. 8vo. VALPY, Edward. Elegantiae Latinae. N. Haven, 1819. 12mo. VALPY, Rev. R. Sketch of a Short Trip to Paris in 1788. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. 488 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VALUE (The) of the Union, republished from the Continental Monthly of May and June, 1863. RebelPn Pamphlet. Vol. 76. VAN BRUNT Genealogy. See BERGEN, T. G. VAN BUREN, John. Speech in Cong., June 20, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. ane Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. and SEYMOUR, H. Speeches at a Ratification Meeting at N. Y., Oct. 13, 1862. VAN BUREN, J. D. How to Resume Specie Payments without Con traction: Letter to the Sec. of Treasury. 1865. 8vo. Cong. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. VAN BUREN, Martin. Biography of. Albany, n. d. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. See DAWSON, M. Sketches of Life of. Fete Extraordinary ! Martin Van Buren s Last Supper, Mar. 3,1841. 12mo. From the Broome Republican. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 135. See HOLLAND, W. M. Life and Polit. Opinions of. VAN CLEVE, John W. Brief History of the Settlement of the Town of Dayton. Ohio Hist. Soc. Journ. Part 1. Vol. 1. VAN CORTLANDT, Mrs. C. E. Lives of Lewis C. Beck and Theo- dric R. Beck. N. Y., 1869? 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 4. VANCOUVER S Island. See FITZGERALD, J. E. Charter of Hudson s Bay Co., etc. - MARTIN, R. M. Hudson s Bay Territories, etc. 1849. VANDER, A. A. C. Character of William V. of Nassau, In Dutch, with appendix. Amsterdam, 1807. 11 Vols. Svo. History of the War to the Peace of Amiens. In Dutch. Am sterdam, 1807. 20 Vols. Svo. VANDER, P. Voyages. In Dutch. Leyden, 1706-7. 9 Vols. Folio. VANDERBURG, H. V. S. Oration at Stillwater, July 4, 1824. Al bany, 1824. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 38. VANDERDONCK, Adrien. Description of New Netherlands, 1656. Translated from the Dutch. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 1. VANDERMEULEN, Rev. R. J. His Private Library of Religious, Historical and Miscellaneous Works. Comprising 5,000 Volumes in the Holland and other Languages. See Appen dix, " Tank Library." VAN DEUSEN, E. M. Address to the Parishioners of St. Peter s Church, Pittsburg, Penn., 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 46. VAN DIEMANS LAND. See EVANS, G. W. Description of. - ROBERTS, Jane. Voyage to, in 1829-31. WRIGHT, S. S. Narrative and Recollections. VAN DORN, Rev. Wm. H. Mercantile Morals: or Thoughts for Young Men entering Mercantile Life. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. VAN DYCK, C. V. A. Paper on the Sarcophagus of Esmunazar, King of Sidon, and its Inscription. 1855. Albany Insti tute Trans. Vol. 4. VAN DYKE, Rev. H. J. Sermon on the Character and Influence of Abolitionism, at Brooklyn, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 71. DYKE, Jas. A. Memorial of. Detroit, 1856. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 489 VANDYKE, Rev. Jos. S. Elements and Evidences of National De cay. A Lecture delivered at Bloomsbury, N. J., Aug. 7, 1862. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 32. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 2. VANE, Sir Henry. Memoir of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 2. See UPHAM, C. W. Life of. VAN EVRIE, J. H. Negroes and Negro Slavery; the First an Infe rior Race, and the Latter its Normal Condition. N. Y., 1861. 8vo. VAN HEUVEL, J. A. El Dorado; Narrative of Circumstances oc casioning Reports of its Existence. With a Defence of Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. S. Amer. Pamph. Vol. 1. VAN NAME, Addison. Contributions to Creole Grammar. From Trans. Amer. Philolog. Assoc. 1869-70. VAN NESS, Wm. P. See N. York. U. S. Dist. Court. VAN O LiNDA, Abraham. See SHARTS, John. Eulogy on. VAN OVEN, Barnard. Ought Baron de Rothschild to sit in Parlia ment? Lond., 1847. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 46. VAN RENSSELAER, Rev. Cortlandt. Funeral Sermon at Washing- ington, on the Death of Wm. H. Harrison. Washington, 1841. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 39. VAN RENSSELAER, Gen. Solomon. Narrative, of the Affair at Queenstown in the War of 1812. N. Y., 1836. 8vo. VAN RENSSELAER, Stephen. See VERMILYE, Thos. E. Obituary Dis course. 1839. VAN SANAT, S. T. Letter to Bishop A. Potter in Vindication of Bishop J. H. Hopkins. 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 54. VAN SANTVOORD, G. Life of Algernon Sidney -and some of his Contemporaries. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. . Life of Algernon Sidney; with Extracts from his Correspond ence. 3d Ed. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. VAN SCHAACK, Henry C. Henry Cruger: the Colleague of Burke in the British Parliament. N. York, 1859. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. Life of Peter Van Schaack. N. Y., 1843. 8vo. VAN SCHAACK, Peter. See VAN SCHAACK, H. C. Life of. VANSITTART, N. See DUNN, Wm. The Vansittart Plan of Finance. Letter to John Coker, in Answer to his Letter published in the Oxford Paper. Lond., 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 1. Outlines of a Plan of Finance; proposed to be submitted to Parliament. Lond., 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 1. Speech in ParPt, in the Committee of Ways and Means, Feb. 20, 1815. Lond. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 6. Substance of his Speech in ParPt, Mar. 16, 1818, on providing additional Places of Public Worship. Lond., 1818. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 12. Substance of his Speeches in ParPt on Finance and the Budget. 1819. Lond., 1819. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. The Budget for 1815. Lond. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 6. 490 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VAN TIENHOVEN, Cornelius. Information relative to taking up land in New Netherland. 1650. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 4. VAN VOORST, Joannis. Oratio, etc., publice habita, Feb. 8, 1817. Lyons, France, 1817. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 10. VAN VORST, Hooper C. Oration on the death of Henry White, of Union College, July, 1845. Albany. 8vo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 16. VAN WINKLE, P. G. Speech in U. S. Senate, Apr. 21, 1864, on Reorganization of Va. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 7. VANWYCK, Anthony. History of the People as Illustrated by their Monuments. Address before State Hist. Soc. of Wis., Jan. 23, 1867. Madison, 1867. 8vo. Wis, Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 1. VAN WYCK, C. H. Speech in Cong. Feb. 7, 1862, on Government Contracts. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. July 17, 1868, on the Rights of American Citizens. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol, 122. VARNHAGEN, F. A. de. Americo Vespucci; son Charactere, Les ecrits, etc. Lima, 1865. Folio. VARNUM Family. Genealog. Account of, from their first coming into America. FARMER & MOORE S N. H. Hist. Coll. Vol. 2. VARNUM, James M. See HILDRETH, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. VARNUM, Jos. B. The Seat of Government of the U. S. A Re view of Discussions on the Sites and Plans of the Federal City. Washington. 1854. 8vo. 2d Ed. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 124. VASEY, Geo. Natural History of Bulls, Bisons and Butfaloes. 72 Engravings. Lond., 1857. 8vo. VASSA, Gustavus, or Life of Olaudah Equiano, the African Autobiography. Boston, 1837. 12mo. VASSAL Genealogy. See HARRIS, Edw. D. VASSAR College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Catalogue for 1867-8. N. York, 1868. 8vo. VATTEMARE, M. Alex. See ALBANY, N. Y. Proceedings on Inter national Exchange. FLORIDA. Joint Resolutions on International Exchange, etc. International Exchanges. Address before the Legislature of N. IL, June 28, 1849. Concord, 1849. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 30. Reports on International Exchange, with List of Works pre sented to the State of Conn. Hartford and N. Haven, 1852, 55, 56. 8vo. Conn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. VAUGHAN, Dr. Benj See GARDINER, R. H. Memoir of. VAUGHAN, Rev. Chas. J. A Few Words on the Crystal Palace Question. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Letter to the Viscount Palmerson, on the Monitorial System of Harrow School. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Educa. Pamph, Vol. 29. VAUGHAN, Henry H. Prize Essay read at Oxford, June 15, 1836, on the Effects of a National Taste for General and Diffusive Reading. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 40. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 491 VAUGHAN, John. Abstracts, etc., of the Board of Health of the City of Phila. 1809-1816. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 1. VAUGHAN, Robt., D. D. Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe during the Early part of the Reigri of Louis XIV. Lond., 1838. 2 Vols. 8vo. VAUGHN Genealogy. See SHEPPABD, J. H. VAUX Peerage. Speeches before the Lords Committees on the Claims to the Barony of Vaux. Lond., 1836. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 13. VAUX, Roberts. Annivers. Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Penn., Jan. 1, 1827. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 2, Part 1. Memoir on the Locality of the Treaty of Wm. Penn, read be fore the Penn. Hist. Soc., Sept. 19, 1825. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs, Vol. 1, Part 1. See PETTIT, T. McK. Memoir of. VEECH, James. Mason & Dixon s Line, including an outline of the Boundary Controversy between Penn. and Va. Pittsburg. 1857. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 100. VEGA, Garcillaso de la. Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride par Ferdinand de Soto. Leyden, 1731. 12mo. VEGETABLE Diet. See NEWTON, J. F. The Return to Nature. Opinions of Eminent Medical Men with regard to Veg. Diet in reference to Cholera. Lond., 1832. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 19. VEGETABLE Substances used for the Food of Man. Harpers Fam. sLibr. N. Y., 1855. 18mo. VELASCO, Juan de. Histoire du Royaume de Quito. See TERNAUX, H. Travels. Vols. 18, 19. VELASQUEZ, Louis Joseph. Ensayo sobre las Alphabetos de las lettres desconocidas, que se Encueritran en las mas Antiquas. Medallas de Espana. Madrid, 1752. 4to. VELASQUEZ, P. Memoir of an Expedition to Central America. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Pamphlets Mexico, etc. VENABLE, A. W. Speech in Cong., Apr. 19, 1852, on Public Print ing. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. VENANGO Co., Penn. Pocket Map of. n. d. VENEGAS, M. Natural and Civil History of California. Lond., 1759. 2 Vols. 8vo. VENEZUELA. See WILLIAMS, Thos. Late Events in. 1850. VENICE. See FLAGG, E. Venice: the City of the Sea. NAVAGERO, A. Oration on the Death of the Doge, etc. RUSKIN, J. Stones of. Sketches of Venetian Hist. VENOM (The) and the Antidote. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 17. VENTILATION. See GOUGE, H. A. New System of, 1867. GRISCOM, J. H. Uses and Abuses of Air. N. Y. Academy of Medicine. Report on. REID, D. B. Venetian in Amer. Dwellings. VENUS. Transit of, in 1874. Papers relating to, published by the Sec. of the Navy. Part 1. Washington, 1872. 4to. 492 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VERAZZANO, John de. Voyage along the Coast of North America from Carolina to New Foundland, A. D. 1524, translated from the Italian. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 1. VERGIL, Polydore. English History. See Camden Soc. Publica tions. VERMILLION, Ohio. See CRANE, Wm. H. Memoirs of. SUMMERS, B. Early Times and Incidents in. VERMILYE, Rev. A. G. Memoir of Rev. John Murray, First Min ister of the Ch. in Boothbay, Me. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. VERMILYE, Thos. E. Address at Opening of the Roosevelt Hospt., Nov. 2, 1871. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Address before the Young Men s Assoc., Albany, Dec. 19, 1837. Addresses. Vols. 7 and 8. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Hon. Stephen Van Rens- selaer, at Albany, Feb. 3, 1839. Sermons. Vols. 10 & 25. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Mrs. Cornelia Van Rens- selaer, at Albany, Sept. 1, 1844. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 10. VERMONT Academy of Medicine. Catalogue of Trustees, Faculty and Students, for 1840. Rutland, 1840. 12mo. Adj t General. Reports of, for the years 1862 to 1866 inclu sive. Montpelier. 3 Vols. 8vo. - . See ALLEN, Ira. History of. 1798. . & Mass. R. R. Co. Ann. Reports of the Stockholders, 1849, 1853. Boston. 8vo. Mass. R. R. Reports. Vol. 3. See DERBY, E. H. Argument in favor of, 1855. Annual Directory for the use of General Assembly. Mont pelier, 1868. 18mo. Ann. Reports of State Officers for 1868 and 1869. 8vo. as a Sovereign and Independent State, 1783-91. Vermont Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Asylum for the Insane. 27th and 28th Ann. Reports, 1863, 64. Brattleboro. 8vo. - Auditor s Reports, 1852-1867, except for 1853 and 54. Svo. BECKLEY, H. History of. Bibliography of. See HALL, Benj. H. Board of Education. 2d Ann. Report, 1858. Burlington, 1858. Svo. Boundary Controversy, 1763-75. See CHIPMAN, D. (Western) Boundary. Report by the Council of N. Y., to Gov. Monckton, 1763, with a Letter of Lieut. Gov. Colden, on the same subject. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. See CARPENTER, W. H., and ARTHUR, T. S. History of. CHASE, F. Sketches of Early History. Colonization Soc 4 y. 33d Ann. Report, 1852. Montpelier, 1752. Svo. See COOLIDGE, A. J. and MANSFIELD, J. B. Hist. of. DEMING, L. Catalogue of Officers, 1778-1851. Fish Commissioners. Report. Montpelier, 1863. Svo. See Documentary History of Protestant Episcopal Church. Geolog. Survey. Report by Albert D. Hager. Claremont, N. H., 1861. 2 Vols. 4to. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 493 VERMONT Geological Survey. Report by Dr. Edw. Hitchcock. Burlington, 1858. 8vo. See GRAHAM, J. A. Present State of Vt. 1797. Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. Proceedings of Ann. Session held at Rutland, 1853. 8vo. See Green Mountain Repository. Haldimand Papers, 1779-83. HALL, B. K. History of Eastern Vermont. HALL, H. Early History of. Early Jurisdiction of N. York, etc. Historical Gazetteer. See HEMENWAY, A. M. Historical Society. Addresses before the Soc. Oct. 16, 1866, viz: Life, Character and Services of Solomon Foote, by G. F. Edmunds; Jonas Galusha, the 5th Governor of Vt., by P. H. White; Sources of N. England Civilization, by J. E. Rankin. Montpelier, 1866. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. See BARRETT, Jas., BUTLER, J. D., CLARK, H., HOUGH- TON, G. F. Collections, Vols. 1 and 2. Montpelier, 1870, 71. 8vo. Constitution and By- Laws. Woodstock, 1860. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1. See DE PEYSTER, J. W., HAGER, A. D., HALL, Henry, HOOKER, E. W., HOPKINS, F. W., PIIELPS, E. J. Proceedings of Ann. Meeting held in 1860, with Ann. Address by Jos. Torrey, D. D. Burlington, 1860. 8yo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses, Vol. 1. Proceedings at Annual Meeting held in 1861. St. Albans, 1861. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc., Vol. 1. Proceedings at Special Meetings held in 1862. St. Albans, 1862, 63. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1. - Proceedings, Oct. and Nov., 1870. Montpelier, 1871, 8vo. See SLAFTER, E. F., THOMPSON, D. P. TORREY, Jos. WHITE, P. H. See HOSKINS, N. History of. in the Rebellion. See WAITE, O. F. R. History of. Invasion of, by Gen. Burgoyne. 1777. Documents in rela tion to. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Journal of the House of Rep., October Session, 1855. Mont pelier, 1855. 8vo. Journals of the Senate and House of Rep., 1865. Montpelier, 1865. 2 Vols. 8vo. Laws 1852. Montpelier, 1852. 8vo. Local Hist. See Addison Co., Bennington, Coventry, Dan ville, Essex, Glover, Middletown, Montpelier, Norwich, Or leans Co., Pawlet, Rutland, St. Albans, Salem, Salisbury, Shoreham, Wells, Westminster. Marbles. See HAGER, A. D. See MARCOU, J., on the Taconic and Silurian Rocks of Vt. Message (Annual), of the Governor. 1856. Montpelier,. 1856. 8vo. Message and Documents. 1864, 1866. Montpelier. 8vo. 494 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VERMONT. N. York Land Grants in Vt. 1765-1776. Vt. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. P. E. Church Convention. Journal of Special Convention at Burlington, Mar. 16, 1818. Burlington, 1868. 8vo. Quarterly Gazetteer. See HEMENWAY, A. M. R. Road Commissioner. 5th Ann. Report, 1860. Rutland, 1860. 8vo. Reform School. 1st Ann. Report for 1865-6. Montpelier. 1866. 8vo. Registration Reports, 1857-64, 67. Montpelier, 1858-65-68. 9 Vols. 8vo. Register of Commissioned Officers in the Volunteer Service of the U. S. Woodstock, 1863. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 10. Roster of Commissioned Officers in U. S. Service during Re bellion. Montpelier,, 1864. 8vo. School Reports. 1858-1866. Montpelier, 1859-1867. 9 Vols. 8vo. State Papers. A Collection of Records and Documents con nected with the Establishment of Government by people of Vermont, with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the first Constitution, Laws 1779-1786, etc. Middlebury, 1823. 8vo. Supreme Court. Opinion of Justice Steele in case of Jas. Cheever and Wm. T. Hart et al. vs. The Rutland & Burling ton R. R. Co. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 23. Surgeon General. Ann. Report, 1865. Burlington, 1865. 8vo. See THOMPSON, Z. History of. Natural, Civil and Statist. History of. University of. Catalogues for 1844, 1857-8, 1858-9, 1859-60, 1861-2, 1867-8, 1869-70, 1870-1. Triennial Catalogues, 1851, 1858. Burlington, 8vo. Semi-Centen. Anniversary, 1854, including a Hist. Dis course by John Wheeler, D. D., etc. Burlington, 1854. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. See WILLIAMS, C. L. Rutland Co. Bar. WILLIAMS, S. Nat. and Civil Hist. of. VERNATTI (The) Family and its Connections. From the Herald and Genealogist, Vol. 5. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 6. VERKEY Papers. Notes on the Long Parliament. See Camden Soc. Publications. VERNON, Conn., Cong. Ch. Catalogue of Members, etc., 1762-1850. N. Haven, 1850. 12mo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 3. VERNON County, Wis., Censor. Newspaper. Viroqua, 1867-70. folio. VERNON, Edward J. Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a Grammar. New Ed. Lond., 1865. 12mo. VERPLANCK Gulian Crommelin, See BRYANT, Wm. C. Discourse on Life, Character, etc., of. Annivers. Discourse delivered before the N. York Hist. Soc., Dec. 7, 1818. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses, Vol. 1, See also Collections, Vol. 3. See POTTER, A. Discourses on Science, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 495 VERTAZZANO, John de. Account of his Voyage from Carolina to Newfoundland in 1524. Translated by J. G. Cogswell. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. N. S., Vol. 1. Relation of his Discovery. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1. VERSAILLES, France. See Nouveau Guide au Musee de Versailles. VERTOOGH Van Nieu Nederland, and Breden Raedt Aende Ve- reenichde Nederlansche Provintien. Two rare Tracts, printed in 1649-50, translated from the Dutch by H. C. Murphy. Privately printed. N. Y., 1854. 4to. VERTOT, L Abbe. History of the Knights of Malta, with 71 heads of the Grand Masters. Lond., 17-28. 2 Vols. Folio. VESPUCITJS, A. See LESTER, C. E. Life and Voyages of. See VARNHAGEN (F. A. de). Character of. VESTIGES of the Natural History of the Creation. N. Y., 1845. 12rno. VETCH, Dr. John. Observations on Sir Wm. Adams Treatment of the Opthalmic Cases of the Army. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 23. VETHAKE, Henry, and others. Reasons for the Resignation of some of the Professors of the University of the City of N. Y. N. Y., 1833. 8vo. N. Y. Coll. Catalogues, etc. Introductory Lecture on Political Economy at N. Y., 1833. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 95. VETO Power of the President. See Congress. Speeches. VETROMILE, Rev. E. On the Abnaki Indians their Treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a Vocabulary, with an Introduction by Frederick Kidder. Maine Hist. Soc. Trans. Vol. 6. VIAUD, Peter. Narrative of his Shipwreck. 1766. Waldie s Cir culating Libr. Vol. 8. VICARS, Capt. Hedley. Memorials of. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. VICARS, John. England s Worthies. 1642-47. Lond., 1845. 12mo. VICK, Jas. Illustrated Catalogue of Seeds, and Guide to the Flower Garden. Rochester, N. Y. n. d. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 8. VICKERS, or Vickery Fam. Genealog. n. d. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 2. VICTOR, Orville J. History, Civil, Political arid Military, of the Southern Rebellion. N. Y. n. d. 4 Vols. 8vo. Life of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. N. Y., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 104. Life and Military and Civic Services of Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott. N. Y., 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 104. VICTORIA, Queen. See BLOMFIELD, Bishop. Sermon at her Coro nation. Se PATTIE S Guide to Coronation Ceremony. VIELE, Egbert L. Report on Civic Cleanliness, and the Economic Disposition of the Refuse of Cities. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. Sanitary Reform Pamph. Vol. 1. Topograph. Survey of N. Jersey. Amer. Geograph and Sta tistic Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 2. VIENNA. See Journal of a Nobleman, etc. VIEW of the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Courts of Probate in Mass. With particular reference to Essex County. Salem, 1822. 8vo. 496 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VIEW of North America; with Travels and Adventures of the Au thor, 1774-78. Glasgow, 1781. 8vo. of Slavery in the U. States, in its Aggressions and Results. Providence, 1863. Rebell ii Pamph. Vol. 100. of the Remedies proposed for Existing Evils. Charleston, S. C., 1832. Nullification Tracts. of the Sovereign Power and of the Statute Law, on the Omis sion of the Queen s Name in the Liturgy of the Ch. of Eng land. Lond., 1821. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 35. of the Valley of the Mississippi; or Emigrants and Travelers Guide to the West. Phila. 1834. 12mo. VIEWS of our National Finances, as presented by the Leading Newspapers of the Country. Washington, 1868. 4to. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. VIGNE, G. T. Six Months in America. Lond., 1832. 2 Vols. 12mo, VIGO County, Indiana, Historical Soc y. See CROES, Rev. R. B. VILAS, Levi B. Speech before Union Mass Meetings held at La Crosse, Oct. 1, 1862, and at Madison, Oct. 13, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 107. VILLARD, Henry. The Past and Present of the Pike s Peak Gold Regions, with Maps and Illustrations. St. Louis, 1860. 12mo. VILLE, Abbe de la. Two Memorials, with the French King s Dec larations to the States General, and their Answer in the Res olution of Nov. 7, 1747. Lond., 1747. 8vo. Eng. Poiit. Pamph. Vol. 12. VILLENAGE and Slavery in England. See WASHBURN, E. VILLOT, FREDERIC. Notice des Tableaux exposes dans les Ga- eries du Imperial du Louvre. 1st and 2d Parts. Paris, 1852, 1855. Guide Books, Vol. 13. VIMONT, R. P. Barthelemy. Relation de ce qui s est passe en la Nouvelle France, sest Annees, 1643 and 1644. Paris, 1645. 12mo. VINCENNES, la. See LAW, J. Colonial History o f . Capture of, 1779. VINCENT, Francis. History of the State of Delaware. Nos. 1, 2, 3,4. Phila., 3870. 8vo. VINCENT, Geo. C. Letter to the Editor of " The Times," in the Cause of the Poor. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. VINCENT, P. True Relation of the late Battle fought in New Eng land between the English and Pequot Savages, 1638. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol 6. 3d Ser. VINDICATION of Bishop Hopkins Views on Slavery. 1863. Rebel lion Pamph. Vol. 54. of Natural Society, or, a View of the Miseries and Evils aris ing from Artificial Society. Lond., 1756, 57. 8vo. 1st and 2d Editions. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 25. of the Conduct of the Present War. Lond., 1760. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 72. of the Divines of the Church of England, who have sworn Al legiance to William and Mary. Lond., 1689. 4to. Eng. Religious Pamph. Vol. 7. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 497 VINDICATION of the House of Lords, and the Titled Aristocracy of the United Kingdom. Lond., 1836. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 12. of the Present Ministry; in Reply to the "History of the late Minority," etc. Lond., 1766. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 16. of Thos, Jefferson against certain Charges: by" Grotius." N. Y., 1800. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 110. VINTON, Rev. Alex. H. Discourse before the Boston Artillery Co., on their 207th Anniversary. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 2. VINTON, John A. Genealog. History of the Families of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, Curwen, Marshall, Rob inson, Sampson and Webb. Boston, 1864. Svo. Genealog. Memoir of Sampson Family in America. Boston, 1864. Svo. The Vinton Memorial, comprising a Genealogy of the De scendants of John Vinton, of Lynn, 1648: also Sk etches o several Allied Families. Thos. Gyles and his Neighbors. 1669-1689. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 21. VINTON, S. F. Speech in Cong., Feb. 8, 1848, on the Loan Bill Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. VIECHOW, Rudolph. The Life of the Trychina. n. d. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. VIRGINIA. Acts passed by the Gen. Assembly of the Republic of Virginia. 1794. (In German.) Phila., 1795. Svo. Acts of General Assembly; 1836-7, 1838, 1843-4, 1853-4, 1855-6, 1857-8, 1859-60, 1861, 1861-2,1862-3. 2 Vols., 1863-4, 1865-6,1869-70,1870-1. Richmond. 15 Vols. Svo. Address of Gov. Pierpont to the People of Va., May 19, 1865. Washington, 1865. Svo. and Maryland; or Lord Baltimore s printed case, uncased and and answered, shewing the Illegality of his Patent, etc., 1865. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 2. See BACON S Rebellion, 1675-6. Anti- Jackson Convention. Report and Address from the Committee, on the Election of Gen. Jackson, 1827. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 111. Baptist Gen. Assoc. Minutes of Meeting at Richmond, May, 1859. Richmond, 1859. Svo. (Southern) Baptist Convention. Proceedings of 1st Triennial Meeting, at Richmond, June, 1846. Richmond, 1846. Svo. Baptist Ministers. See TAYLOR, J. B. Lives of. 1838. Battle-Fields. See HOTCHKISS, Jed. BEVERLY, R. History of. Boundary Commissioners. Report and Documents on the Boundary Line between Va. and Maryland. Richmond, 1873. Svo. BRERETON, J. Relation of the Discovery of. 1602. BURK, J. History of. BURNABY, A. Travels in Va., in 1759. 32 498 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VIRGINIA. See BYRD, W. Hist, of Dividing Line Va. and N. C. y 1728. Westover MSS. CAMPBELL, C. History of the Colony of. - CLAYTON, J. Letter to Royal Society respecting, 1688. - Code. Richmond, 1860. 8vo. Collegiate Institute. See WEBSTER, N. B. Address, 1857. See Colony in Virginea Brittania, 1612. | Company of London. See NEILL, E. D. Constitution of. Richmond, 1864 and 1867. 8vo. See COTTON, A. Account of Troubles in. 1676. DAVIES, S. State of Religion, etc., 1757. Debates and Documents of Constitutional Convention. Rich mond, 1867. 3 Vols. 8vo. See Declaration of State of Coolny, 1620. DE HASS, W. History of Early Settlement. Description of the Province of New Albion in No. Virginia. 1648. Discovery of Newe Brittaine, 1650. Educational Assoc. Reports and other Papers delivered before the Assoc., at Lynchburg, July, 1867. n. p. 1867. 8vo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Exiles in. See Exiles in Virginia. 1777-8. See Extract from Annals of. First Settlers of. Fiction. FOOTE, Rev. W. H. Hist, and Biograph. Sketches. Gen. Assembly in 1736. Account of the Opening of the Assembly. Speech of Speaker Randolph, etc. Va. Hist. Register. Vol. 4. Geology. See KAIN, J. H. Geol. of N. Western Va. 1819. See GILMER, F. W. On the Geolog. Forma, of the Natural Bridge. GOSNOLD, Capt. B. Voyage to. 1602. HAMMOND, J. Leah and Rachel; or Virginia and Maryland. 1656. HAMOR, R. True Discourse on Present State. 1614. HARIOT, Thos. Brief and True Report of. 1590. HARTWELL, H. Present State of. 1727. HAWKS, F. L. P. E. Church. Eccles. History. HENING, W. W. Statutes at Large. 1619-1793. Historical Philosoph. Society. Collections. Vol. 1. Rich mond, 1833. 12mo. Historical Register, and Literary Advertiser. Edited by Wm. Maxwell. Vols. 1-6. Richmond, 1848-53. 6 Vols. 12mo. Historical Reporter; conducted by the Ex. Comm. of Va. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1. (Part?) Richmond, 1854. 8vo. Same. Vol. 1. Part 3. Richmond, 1856. 12mo. Bound with Va. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Historical Society. See GUSHING, J. P. GRIGSBY, H. B. HOLCOMB, J. P. HUNTER, R. M. T. MACFARLAND, W. H. MAURY, M. F. STUART, J. WASHINGTON, H. A. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 499 VIRGINIA. House of Delegates. Minority Report from the Comm. on Banks. Richmond, 1854. Svo. See HOWE, H. Hist. Collections of. HOWELL, B. C. Early Baptists of. HOWISON, R. R. History of. HUNTER, R. M. T. Address on History of. HUTCHINS, T. Descript. Topographique. Topograph. Description of. Illustrated. See STROTHER, D. H. Inaugural Address of Gov. Walker, 1870. Richmond, 1870. Svo. Indian Relics. See Va. Hist. Register, Vol. 3. Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Report of Board of Visitors. 1857. Richmond, 1857. Svo. See JEFFERSON, T. Append, to Notes on Virginia. Notes on. Report of Cases argued in Gen. Court. JONES, H. Present State, 1724. Journal of the House of Delegates for 1834-5. Richmond, 1834. 4to. Journal and Documents of the House of Deleg ates. ich- mond, 1853-4. Svo. Of the Senate, 1850. Richmond, 1850. Svo. Journals of House of Delegates for the years 1845-6, 1846-7. 2 Vols. 4to. Same 184-7-8, 2 Vols.; 184S-9, 1849-50, 1850, 2 Vols.; 1852, 1853-4, 1861, 1863-4, 1863-4, 1864-5, 1869-70. Richmond. 12 Vols. Svo. Journal of the Senate, for 1869. Richmond, 1869. Svo. Journals of the Senate and Documents. 1850-51, 1861-62, 1863-4, 1869-70, 1870, 1870-1. Richmond. 6 Vols. Svo. See KEITH, Sir W. History of. KERCHEVAL, S. History of the Valley of. Laws and their Relation to the Public Revenue. Richmond Va., 1860. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 7. LEDERER, John. Discoveries, 1669, 70. List of Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Vir ginia State Line, and Non-commissioned Officers and Sea men and Marines of the State Navy. Richmond, 1835. 4to, Local Hist. See ALEXANDRIA, Augusta Co., Grave Creek,, Norfolk, Prince George s Co., Richmond, Tazewell Co., Westminster. See MARTIN, J., and BROCKENBROUGH, W. H. Description of. MAURY, M. F. Report on Physical Survey. 1868. MEADE, Bishop. Old Churches, etc. Memorial of Gen. Assem. of Virginia to Cong., on Water Com munication between the Atlantic and Mississippi. Rich mond, 1870. Svo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Message of Gov. and Pub. Documents. Richmond, 1863. 1863-4. 2 Vols. 8vo. Military Institute Report. 1866. Richmond, 1867. Svo. See NARRATIVE of Wars in 1675-6. NEILL, E. D. Pocahantas and her Companions. 500 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VIRGINIA. New (The) Life of Virginia. 1612. (Northwestern) Railroad Co. Charter, etc. Parkersburg. 1851. 8vo. NORWOOD, Col. Voyage to. 1649. Nova Brittania. 1609. Observations sur La Virginie. Orders and Constitution of. 1619-20. Perfect Description of. 1649. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 8. See PERRY, W. S. Hist. Collections of P. Episcopal Ch. PEYTON, J. L. History of my Grandfather. Physical Survey. See MAURY, C. F. PRITTS, J. Early History of. Proceedings and Debates of the State Convention of 1829 30, including the New Constitution. Richmond, 1830. Svo. Public Good without Private Interest. 1657. Reformed Virginia Silk Worm. 1655. Report of Auditor of Accounts, 1865-6. Richmond, 1866. Svo. Reports of Board of Public Works. Richmond, 1859-70. 4 Vols. Svo. Report of Cases decided by the General Court. Richmond, 1847. Svo. Report on River Navigation. Richmond, 1817. Svo. Revised Code of. Richmond 1819. 2 Vols. Svo. Supple ment to same. Richmond, 18-33. Svo. Revised Military Laws. Richmond, 1850. Svo. Richly Valued by the Description of the main land of Florida, translated from the Portuguese, 1609. See Force s Histor- cal Tracts. Vol. 4. See ROLF, John. State of Virginia in Seventeenth Century. ROSIER, J. Relation of Waymouths Voyage. 1605. SHRIGLEY, N. True Relation of, 1669. SMITH, Capt. John. True Relation, with Notes. By C. DEANE. SMYTH, J. F. D. Travels in, 1773. State Convention 1829-30. See GRIGSBY, H. B. Discourse. 1853. State Convention Proceedings. Richmond, 1851. Svo. See STITH, W. History of first Discovery. STRACHEY, W. Colony in Virginea Brittania, 1612. History of Travaile into. 1602. The Surrender of Virginia to the Parliament of Eng. in 1651. Va. Hist Register. Vol. 4. Temperance Reform. Memoir of Va. Hist. Register. Vol. 3. See THOMPSON, J. R. Poem on. 1S56. _ Tour through Part of Virginia, in 1808. A Series of Letters. N. Y., 1809. Svo. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia, published by advice and direction of the council. 1610. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. See TUCKER, St. Geo. Slavery in Va. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 501 VIRGINIA. University of. Catalogues for 1837-8, 1870-1. Charlottes- ville. 1838. 8vo. See WAYMOUTH, Capt. Geo. WILLIAMS, E. Virginia described. 1650. WITHERS, A. S. Chronicles of Border Warfare. s Cure; or an advisive Narrative concerning Virginia. 1661. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol 3. VIROQTJA, Wis. Expositor and Reporter. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec., 1859. Folio. Western Times, June, 1856, to Dec., 1859. Folk). - Times. Newspaper. 1860-66. Folio. VISION of Columbus. See BARLOW, J. VISITOR S Hand-Book to Richmond, Kew Gardens and Hampton Court. Lond., 1848. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol.6. VISPRE, F. X. Dissertation on the Growth of Wine in England. Bath, 1786. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 4. VITA Quorandum Anglo-Saxonum. SeeCaxton Society Publications. VITERBI Luc Antonio. Diary kept when Starving Himself in the Prisons of Corsica, in 1821. Waldie s Circulating Lib Vol. 4. VIVIAN, Edward. The Climate of Torquay. Lond. 1846. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. VOELCKER, Dr. Aug. On the Chemistry of Food. Lond. Reprinted, 1856. 8vo. Scientific Paraph. Vol. 35. VOICE (A) from North Carolina. The Secessionists, their Promises and Performances. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 47. from the Wilderness; being a Plea for a Lunatic Asylum for the Middle Classes, etc.- Lond., 1861. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 84. of the People and the facts in relation to the Rejection of M. Van Buren by the U. S. Senate. N. Y., 1832. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 97 VOICES from the Army no Compromise with Traitors. 1863. Rebell Pamph. Vols. 53 and 66. of Nature to her Foster Child the Soul of Man. Edited by Rev. Henry T. Cheever. N. Y. 12mo. VOLNEY, C. F. A View of the Soil and Climate of the U. States of America; translated from the French. Phila., 1804. 8vo. VOLTAIRE, F. M. History of Charles XII, of Sweden. Lansing- burg, 1822. 12mo. Another Ed. Hartford, n. d. 12mo. Another Ed. N. Y. 1858. 12mo. Historic de Charles XII. Roi de Suede. Leipsic, 1848. 18mo. Oeuvres Completes. Paris, 1784-89. 70 Vols- And Table Analytique et raisonee des matieres contenues dans les soixante-dix Volumes. 2 Vols. Paris, 1801. 72 Vols. 8vo. VOLUNTARY and Religious Education. Minutes of a Conference at Homerton, London, Dec. 10, 1856. Lond., 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 32. VOLUNTEER S Manual No. 1. Cincin., 1861. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 58. Text Book and Soldiers Guide. Phila,, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 105. 502 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOLUNTEER (The) Zouave in Baltimore, by an Officer of the Guards. 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 73. VOLUTOR. See JOHNSON, Henry. Description of. VON GENTZ, F. Reflections on the Liberty of the Press in G. Britain. Lond., 1820. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. VON MUHLENFELS, Dr. Ludwig. Introductory Lecture delivered in the University of London, Oct. 30, 1828. Lond., 1829. 8vo. 2d. Ed. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. VON MIJLLER, Baron. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism in Mexico with notes and illustrations by August Sonntag. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 11. VON RAUMER, Fred. America and the American People. N. Y., 1846. 8vo. VON RECH, Commissary. Extracts from his Journals of a Voyage to Georgia, with the first Transport of Saltzburgers. 1734. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 4. VON SAVIGNY, Fred. C. The Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence. Translated by A. Hayward. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 47. VON VOGHT, Baron. Account of the Management of the Poor in Hamburg, between 1788 and 1794. Lond., 1818. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. VON WELSHBACK, Dr. Alois. Utility of the Maize plant. n. d. 8vo. Agricult. Pamph. Vol. 2. VOORHEES, D. W. Speech in Cong., Feb. 20, 1862, on the State of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 61. May 21, 1862, on Finance. March 9, 1864, on State of the Union. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 32 and 61. Feb. 18, 1863, on Habeas Corpus. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. VOREE, Wis., Herald. Newspaper. (Mormon Paper.) 1846-49. Scattering Numbers. Folio. VOTES and Proceedings of Amer. Continental Congress, held at Phila., Sept. 5, 1774, etc. VOYAGE a la Louisiane, et sur le Continent de 1 Amerique Septen- trionale fait dans les Annees. 1794 a 1798, by B D . Paris, 1802. 12mo. dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et dans 1 etat de N. Y. par un membre adoptif de la Nation Oneida. Paris, 1801. 3 Vols. 8vo. VOYAGES of the St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659, 1663, and Slave Trade under the Dutch. Albany, 1867. 4to. around the World from the death of Captain Cook to the present time. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1855. 18mo. See COLCOVERESSES, G. M. Four Years in U. S. Explor ing Expedition. DAMPIEB, W. 1715. FANNING, E. 1823. REYNOLDS, J. N. Voyage of the Potomac, 1831-4. Collections of. See CHURCHILL, A. and J. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 503 VOYAGES Collections of Voyages and Travels. Anonymous. Loud., 1767. 7 Vols. Svo. . See HAKLUYT, R. HARRIS, J. PlNKERTON, J. PURCHAS, S. His Pilgrims, 1626. Voyageur Francois. See Voyageur American. Miscellaneous. See Account of Early Voyages. - See ANSON, Geo. Voyage to South Seas. 1766. BALDAEUS, P. Malabar and Ceylon. 1672. COLTON, Rev. W. Cruise of U. S. Frigate " Congress." DANA, R. H. Two Years before the Mast. DUPONT, Chevalier. Voyages and Adventures. FALCONER, R. Voyages and Adventures. 1801. JEWITT, J. R. Narrative of Capture, etc. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier. LYNCH, W. F. Naval Life. MEARES, J. Voyages to N. W. Coast of America. 1788-9. MULLER, Fred. Catalogue of a Collection of Early Voy ages. VANDER, P. Voyages. 1706-7 WILLIS, W. Bibliography of Early Voyages to America. VOYAGES. See America, Discovery in; Arctic Exploration, Travels. VOYAGEUR, Le Americain. Observations sur 1 etat actuel, la cul ture, le commerce des Colonies Brittaniques en Amerique. Amsterdam, 1783. Svo. Francois. Ou la connoisance de PAncieri et du Nouveau monde. Paris, 1772. 42 Vols. ISmo. VUE de la Colonie espagnole du Mississippi; ou des Province sde Louisiane et Floride Occidentale en 1 annee 1802. Paris, 1803. Svo. W "W ABASH Captives. See JEFFRIES, C. River. Congr. Report on the Improvement of, 1844. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 80. Valley. See Cox, S. C. Recollections of early Settlement of. - ELLSWORTH. H. W. Agric. Advantages of. WACE, Master. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, with Notes by Edgar Taylor. Lond., 1837. Svo. WADDELL, Wm. C. H. Paper 011 Northern New York, 1854. Amer. Geograph. and Statistic Soc. Bulletin. Vol. 2. WADDILOVE, Rev. W. J. D. The Stewart Missions Destitution of Upper Canadian Emigrants and Indian Tribes. Lond., 1S38. 12mo. WADE, Benj. F. Speech in Cong. Mar. 3, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebraska Bill. Washington, 1854. Svo. Speeches, Vol. 3. 504 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WADE, B. E. Speech in Cong. March 7, 1860, on Property in the Territories. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. Addresses, etc. Vol. 6. April 21, 1862. Traitors and their Sympathizers. Rebel lion Pamph. Vol. 9. Jan. 18, 1866, on Reconstruction. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. WADE, E. Speech in Congress, Aug. 2, 1856, on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. WADSWORTH, Rev. Benj. Journal of Travel from Boston, Mass., to Albany, N. Y., 1694, with Commissioners of Mass., to treat with the Five Nations. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 4th Ser. Vol. 1. WADSWORTH, Rev. Chas. Thanksgiving Sermon, preached at Phila., Nov. 28, 1861. Phila., 186L" 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 111. WADSWORTH, Wm. H. Speech in Congress, March 12, 1862, on the Tax Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. WAGENAR, J. History of the Netherlands, in Dutch. Amster dam. 1790. 19 Vols. 8vo. With a Sequel and Appendix. 16 Vols. 8vo. WAGNER, Dr. A. Andentun gen zur Charakteristik des organ- ischen Lebens. Munich, 1845. 4to. WAGSTAFF, Simon. Treatise on Polite Conversation. Dublin, 1741. 8vo. Eng. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 22. WAISTELL, Chas. The Improved Field-Gate. Lond., 1828. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 18. WAIT, John Turner. Memoir of Henry Matson Waite. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 24. WAITE, Henry M. See WAIT John T. Memoir of. WAITE, O. F. R. Claremont, A. H., War History. April, 1861, to April, 1865. Concord, 1868. Svo. New Hampshire in the Great Rebellion ; History of N. H. Regiments. Claremont, 1870. Svo. Vermont in the Great Rebellion ; containing Historical and Biographical Sketches. Claremont, 1869. 12mo. WAKEFIELD, Gilbert. Letter to Jacob Bryant on his Dissertation on the War of Troy. Lond., 1797. 4to, Histor. Pamph. Vol. 21. WAKEFIELD, J. A. History of the War between the U. S. and Sac and Fox Indians in 1827, 31 and 32. Jacksonville, 111. 1834. Svo. WAKEFIELD, Priscilla. Excursions in North America described in a Series of Letters. Lond., 1806. 12rho. WAKELEY, Rev. J. B. Lost Chapters recovered from the Early History of American Methodism. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. WAKELY, Andrew. The Mariner s Compass Rectified. Lond., 1747. 12mo. WAKEMAN, Sir Geo., and others. Trials of, for conspiring the Death of the King etc. Lond., 1679. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph- Vol. i. ,* : ; CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 505 WAKEMAN, Ohio. See BETTS, Rev. [Xenophon. Recollections of Early Settlement. MANVEL, C. Obit. Record of. 1817-59. Memoirs of. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. WALCOTT, Thos., ROWSE, J. and HONE, Wm. Speeches and Con fessions at their Execution, July 20; 1683, for High Treason, n. d. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 2. WALDIE, Adam. Select Circulating Library. Phila., 1833-39. 14 Vols. 4to. WALDO, Albigence. Diary kept at Valley Forge. 1777-8. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 5. WALDO Family Genealogy. See JONES, M. C. WALDO, L. P. Early History of Tolland, Conn. Hartford. 1861. 8vo, WALDO, O. H. Letter to Gov. Edw d Salomon of Wis., on the Con duct of the War. Milw., 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 57. Four Letters to Hon. J. R. Doolittle, on Suffrage and Recon struction of Southern States. 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 57. Speech at Burlington, Wis., on the Legal Consequences of Rebellion. Milwaukee, 1866. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 48, 107. * Speech at Racine, 1866, on the Legal Consequences of Rebellion. Rebell ii Pamph. Vol. 36. WALDO, S. Putnam. Life and Character of Stephen Decatur. Middletown, Ct., 1821. 12mo. Tour of Jas. Monroe, President of the U. S.. through the Northern and Eastern States, in 1817, 18. Hartford, 1820. 12mo. WALDRON, E. J. Memoir of Hartland, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 4. WALDRON, Geo. Description of the Isle of Man; its Antiquity History and Laws. Douglas, 1865. 8vo. WALES. Ancient Laws and Institutes. See G. BRITAIN. Pub lications of Rolls Office. See Archreologia Cambrensis. Cambro-Briton and Celtic Repository. BURDER, Geo. Welch Indians. HALLIWELL, J. O. Excursions in No. Wales. 1860. Connexion of, with early English Science. JONES, Evan. Dissent and Morality of, 1849. LEWIS, Sam l. Topograph. Dictionary, 1833. Local Hist. See CARDIGAN, Cilgerran. MALKIN, B. H. Antiquities and Biography of South Wales, 1804. MYRICK, S. R/ Heraldic Visitation of, 1586-1613. NASH, D. W. Bards and Druids. NICHOLAS, Rev. Thos. Education in. 1863. RICHARDS, Rev. Wm. Welsh Non-Conformists Mem. 1820. WOODWARD, B. B. History of. 1854. Tourist in Wales, n. d. WALES, Mass. See GARDNER, A. Centen. Address, 1862. WALFERDIN, A. Sur les Echelles Thermometriques au jour d hui en usage. Paris, 1855. 4to. 506 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WALFORD, Edward. The County Families of the United King dom; or a Royal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristoc racy of G. Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1872. Svo. WALKER, Adam. Journal of Two Campaigns of the 4th Reg t of the U. S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana Territories, in 1811-12. Keene, N. H., 1816. 12mo. WALKER, Alex. Jackson and New Orleans: an authentic Narra tive of the American Army under Gen. Jackson before New Orleans in 1814-15. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. WALKER, Amasa. Address before the Amer. Peace Society, at Boston, May 25, 1863. Boston, 1863. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 32. Claims of the Bondholders. From Lippincott s Magazine, Aug., 1868. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. Corn, Cotton and Currency. From Lippincott s Magazine, Nov., 1871. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 3. Expansion or Contraction? From Lippincott s Magazine, Dec., 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 138. Nature and Uses of Money and Mixed Currency. Boston, 1857. Svo. Banking and Currency Pamph. Vol. 4. Speech in Cong. Jan. 15, 1863, on the National Finances. Washington, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 110. - Feb. 18, 1863, on Indemnity Bill. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 9. WALKER, Rev. Chas. A Sketch of New Ipswich, N. H., Civil, Literary and Ecclesiastical. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. WALKER, Chas. I. Address to the Senior Class of the Law De partment of the University of Michigan. Mar. 25, 1869. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 22. Brief Sketch of the Early History of Detroit. Hist. Maga zine. Vol. 5. 2d Ser. See Detroit, Mich. Woodmere Cemetery. The Northwest during the Revolution. Address before the State Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin, Jan. 31, 1871. Madison, 1871. Svo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. WALKER, Chas. M. Hist, of Athens County, Ohio, and the First Settlement of Marietta. Cincin. 1S69. Svo. WALKER Family Genealogy. See WALKER, J. B. R. WALKER, Sir Hovenden. Journal of an Expedition to Canada. Lond., 1720. Svo. WALKER, I. P. Argument in case of Hanford Lyon vs. O. G. Ew- ings et al. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Letter to the People of Wisconsin, 011 the charge of Violating his Pledges, etc. n. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 93. See Review of his Defence. WALKER, Rev. Jas. Farewell Discourse delivered at Charlestown, Mass., July 14, 1839. Cambridge, 1839. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 37. See Harvard College. Introductory Lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, Aug. 19, 1856. Boston, 1856. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 507 WALKER, Rev. Jas. Memoir of Daniel A. White. Mass. Hist. Soo Proceedings. 1862-3. Memoir of Josiah Quincy. Cambridge, 1867. Svo. See also Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1866-7. WALKER, Rev. Jas. B. Address before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc., March 9, 1859. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. WALKER, Dr. John. Essay on the Physiology of the Irish. Man chester, 1833. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol.29. WALKER, J. B. R. Memorial of the Walkers of the Old Plymouth Colony, embracing Genealog. and Biograph. Sketches. Northampton, 1861. Svo. WALKER, Robert J. An Appeal for the Union a Letter to Dem ocratic Comm. at Pittsburg, Pa., 1856. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 8. Letter on American Finances and Resources. Lond., 1863. 8vo. RebelJ n Pamph. Vols. 17 and 53. Letter on Mississippi State Repudiation. Lond., 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 14. . Letter on our National Finances., Nov. 30, 1867. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37. Speech in U. S. Senate, June 21, 1842, on Remedial Justice in U. S. Courts. Washington, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. WALKER, Sears C. Determination of the Longitude of several Sta tions near the Northern Boundary of Ohio. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 6. WALKER, Timothy. Annual Discourse before Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc., Dec. 23, 1837. Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Trans. Part 2. Vol. 1. Oration on the Life and Character of J. Q. Adams, delivered before the Citizens of Cincinnati, Mar. 22, 1848. Cincin., 1848. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 31. Oration on the Life and Public Services of Dan l Webster, delivered before the Cincinnati Bar, Nov. 22, 1852. Cincin. 1852. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 31. WALKER, Gen. W. Expedition to Nicaragua. See WELLS, W. V. The War in Nicaragua. Mobile, 1860. 12mo. WALKER, Gov. W. Masonic Address at the Festival of St. John the Baptist, at Wyandott, Kansas, Jan. 2, 1869. Wyandott, 1869. Svo. Masonic Pamph. Vol. 1. WALKER, W. T. Our National Finances. From the Continental Monthly, Feb., 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 1. WALL, Chas. B. Thoughts on Parliamentary Independence. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 17. WALL, Jas. W. Address at Burlington, N. J., Feb. 20, 1862. Re bell n Pamph. Vol. 36. Address, July 4, 1863, at Newark, N. J. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 30. Letters to New York World on Arbitrary Arrests. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 54. Speech in U. S. Senate, Feb. 7, 1863, on the Missouri Eman cipation Bill. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 32. 508 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WALL, Jas. W. Speeches for the Times: with a Biography. N. Y., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 35. WALLACE, David. Speech in Cong., July 9, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. WALLACE, Henry E. Exposition of U. S. Tax Law, passed July 1, 1862. Phila., 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 100. WALLACE, Rev Jas. A. History of Williamsburg Church. 120th Annivers. Discourse delivered at Kingstree, S. C., 1856, with MS. Corrections. Salisbury, 1856. 12mo. WALLACE, J. E. Memorial to Cong, on Retroceding Swamp Lands in Louisiana. New Orleans, 1866. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. WALLACE, J. W. An Address delivered at the Celebration by the N. Y. Hist. Society, May 20, 1863, of Two-Hundredth Birth day of Mr. William Bradford, who introduced the Art of Printing into the Middle Colonies of British America. Svo. Albany, 1863. Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Penn., Oct. 27, 1870, com memorative of Ben j. Dorr, D. D. Phila., 1870. Svo. Discourse at the Inauguration of the New Hall of the Hist. Soc. of Penn., March 11, 1872. Phila., 1872. Svo. WALLACE, W. W. Odd Fellows Keepsake. N. Y., 1S50 % 12mo. WALLBRIDGE, T. C. Notes upon the Mound Structures of Southern Illinois and Ohio. n. p. 1861? 18mo. Archaeolog. Pamph. Vol. 2. WALLDIN Ridge, E. Tenn. See Cherokee Land on. WALLESTEHST, Jules de. Memoire pour accompagner le Tableau des Observationes Meteoroligiques, faites a Washington, 1823, 1824. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 2. WALLEY, Samuel H. Address before Amer. Statistical Assoc., Feb. 10, 1858. Boston, 1858. Svo. Addresses. Vol. Address before the Boston Social Science Assoc., Apr., 1S67. Addresses. Vol. 26. Speeches in Cong., May 9, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 92 and 139. WALLIHAN, S. S. The Rocky Mountain Directory arid Colorado Gazetteer for 1871, with a brief History of Colorado and Directory of other Towns. Denver. 1872. Svo. WALLING, M. C. Speech on Reconstruction and Universal Suffrage, at Washington, May 10, 1866. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9. WALLINGFORD, Ct. See DAVIS, C. H. S. History of. WALLIS, Geo. Schools of Art: a Statement of the Progress, etc., of the Birmingham Schools. London, 1857. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. WALLIS, S. T. Address before the Law Class of University of Md., June 15, 1872. Baltimore, 1872. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 23. Address at Annapolis, Dec. 10, 1872, at Unveiling the Statute of Chief Justice Taney. Baltimore, 1872. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 39. Discourse on the Life and Character of Geo. Peabody, de livered in the Hall of the Peabody Institute, Feb. 18, 1870. Baltimore, 1870. 8vo. Peabody Institute Pamph. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 509 WALLIS, S. T. Speech at Baltimore, Md, Feb. 1. 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. Valedictory Address to the Graduating Class of the School of Medicine of the University of Md., 1869. Baltimore, 1869. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 83. WALN, Robt. Life of the Marquis de Lafayette. 4th Ed. Phila., 1827. Svo. WALPOLE Horace. A Counter Address on the late Dismission of a General Officer (Gen. Coiiway). Lond., 1764. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 1. Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scot land and Ireland, continued to 1806, by Thos. Park. Lond., 1806. 5 Vols. Svo. WALPOLE, Sir Robt. See FOEMAN, Chas. Character of an Evil Minister, etc. The Right Hon. Sir Robt. Walpole vindicated in the case of the late Lord Bolingbroke. Lond., n. d. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 67. Memoir of. n. d. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 18. WALSH, John. Address to the Members of the College Historical Society. Dublin, 183S. Svo. WALSH, Robt. See American Review. WALSH, Robt., Jr. Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. Phila., 1819. Svo. WALSINGHAM, Lord. Considerations on the Law of Settlement of the Poor. Lond., 1851. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 57. WALTER, Thos. Flora Caroliniana. Lond., 17S8. Svo. WALTERS, J. E. Delays in Chancery, traced to the confused state of the Laws of Equity; with an Answer. Lond., 1826. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 14. WALTERS, Robt. Letter to the Commissioners for Inquiring into the State of the Laws of Real Property. Lond., 1829. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 16. WALTHAM, Mass. See BOND, Dr. H. Genealogies of. Report of the Industrial Exhibition held at Waltham, 1S57. Boston, 1857. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Report of Receipts and Expenditures for 1854-5. Waltham, , 1855. Svo. Report of Selectmen, etc., for 1847-8. Waltham, 1848. 12mo. Topograph. and Hist. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. 2d Ser. WALTON, Aug. Q. History of Conviction, etc., of John A. Murel, Hp^* the Great Western Land Pirate, with Plan of Negro Rebel lion, etc., 1836. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 13. WALTON, Izaak. Choice English Biography: Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, Geo. Herbert and Dr. Robt. Sanderson. N. Y. 1S54. 12mo. Another Ed. Lond., n. d. Svo. WALTON, Wm. Reply to a Pamphlet entitled " The Policy of Eng land towards Spain." Lond., 1837. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 13. 510 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WALWORTH Baptist Assoc., Wis. Minutes of Sessions of 1846, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59. Janesville, etc. 8vo. WALWORTH Co., Wis., Independent. See Elk Horn Independent. . Institute, Genoa. First Annual Catalogue of Officers and Students. Geneva, 1858. 12mo. WALWORTH, Reuben H. Hyde Genealogy, or Descendants in the Female as well as in the Male Lines, from William Hyde, of Norwich, Conn. Albany, 1864. 2 Vols. 8vo. WAMPANOAG, U. S. Steamer. See Remarks on Reports of the Captain, etc. WANSEY. Henry. -Excursion to the States of North America in the summer of 1794. 2d Ed. Salisbury, Eng., 1798. 12mo. WAR. See CHANNING, W. E. Lecture on. DAWSON, H. B. Battles of U. States. DELAFIELD, Maj. R. Art of War in Europe. DYMOND, J. Inquiry into, etc. in Europe, 1854-56. See U. S. Sec. of War. in Florida. See Florida War. in the East. See Crimean War. - in Texas; [to extend Slavery, etc.] Phila., 1837. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 112. See JAY, Wm. War and Peace, etc., 1842. - PIERCE, E. The Battle Roll. **&&. Philanthropes. Dissertation on a Congress of Nations, 1 Pictures from the South. See ESTVAN, B. Power of the President. Important Decision of Supreme Court of Indiana, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 52. See WHITING, Wm. See SCOTT, Job. War inconsistent with Doctrine of Christ. . Solemn Review of the Custom of War. Hartford, 1815. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 134. Sona;s for Freemen. Boston, 1862. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 109. of the American Union. 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 96. See Swett, S. Art of War. (The) and why it is? Boston, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 106. with Pontiac. See Diary of Siege of Detroit. See Amer. Wars. WARBURTON, E. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. Lond., 1849. 3 Vols. Svo. WARBURTON, Maj. Geo. Conquest of Canada. N. Y., 1850. 2 Vols. 8vo. WARD, Aaron. Speech in Congress, May 31, 1842, on Army Ap propriations, etc. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. WARD, Andrew H. Genealogical History of the Rice Family; de scendants of Dea. Edmund Rice, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., 1638 or 1639. Boston, 1858. 8vo. History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Mass., from its Settle ment in 1717 to 1829, including an Extensive Family Regis ter. Boston, 1847. Svo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 511 WARD, Andrew H. Hist, of Shrewsbury, Mass. See Worcester Magazine. Vol. 2. Ward Family; Descendants of William Ward, who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639. Boston, 1851. 8vo. WARD, Artemas. See GANNETT, Ezra S. Sermon after his Death. 1847. WARD, Austin N. The Husband in Utah; or Sights and Scenes among the Mormons. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. WARD, Durbin. Brief on Shaker Income Tax. Albany, 1869. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vols. 8 and 13. WARD, E. B. Address to the Wisconsin State Agricult. Soc., at Madison. October 1, 1868. Detroit, 1868. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. WARD, Elijah. Reply to the Letter of Samuel J. Randall and others, in relation to U. S. Commerce with adjacent Coun tries. N. Y., 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. Speech at N. Y., March 9, 1870, on Our Inland Commerce and Free Canal Policy. N. Y., 1870. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 24. Speech in Congress, June 3, 1862, on the Bankrupt Law. RebelPn Pamphs. Vols. 66 and 87. Jan. 15, 1863, on the Financial Condition of the Nation RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 67. WARD, Rev. F. D. W. Address before the Junior Pioneer Associ ation of the City of Rochester and Monroe County, N. York, Oct. 26, 1859. Rochester, 1860. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 4. India and the Hindoos; being a Popular View of Geography, etc., of that People. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. WARD, Geo. A. Journal and Letters of the late Samuel CURWEN, Judge of Admirality, etc., a Loyalist Refugee in England, during the American Revolution, with Biograph. Notices of prominent Loyalists. 3d Ed. N. Y., 1845. Svo. - See UPHAM, C. W. Memoir, of WARD, Henry. Address before McClellan Club of Easton, Penn., Oct. 25, 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 37, WARD, Henry A. Catalogue of Casts of Fossils from the principal Museums of Europe and America. Plates. Rochester, 1866. 12mo. WARD, John D. Account of the Steamboat Controversy between Citizens of N. York and N. Jersey, from 1811 to 1824. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 9. WARD, John E. Address before the Georgia Hist. Soc., Feb. 12, 1858. Savannah, 1858. Svo. WARD, Rev. Julius H. Life and Letters of Dr. James G. PERCIVAL. Boston, 1866. 12mo. WARD, Nathan l. See BROWNE, B. F. Memorials of. See DEAN, J. Ward. Memoir of. PHILLIPS, S. H. Sketch of. The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam in America; willing to help Mend his Native Country lamentably Tattered, etc. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. 512 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WARD, Return J. M. Life and Confessions of. Toledo, 1857. Svo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WARD, Sam l. The Doctrine of Probabilities. From Amer. Quarterly Review, June, 1832. Insurance Pamph. Vol. 1. WARD, Sam l, Jr. Address at the Opening of the Stuyvesant In stitute, Nov. 4, 1837. N; Y., 1837. 8vo. N. Y. City Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. WARD, Gov. Sam l. See GAMMELL, W. Life of. Lecture before N. Y. Hist. Socy, Feb. 7, 1839, on the Battle of Long Island. N. Y. 1839. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Ad dresses. Vol. 2. WARD, Townsend. The Insurrection of 1794, in the Western Counties of Perm., with short Memoirs of the same by Gen. Wilkins and James Gallatin. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 6. WARD, W. T. Speech in Cong., Apr. 7, 1852, on the Presidency. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. WARDEN, D. B. Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the U. S. of N. America. Edinburgh, 1819. 3 Vols. Svo. WARDER, F. B. and CATLETT, M. Battle of Young s Branch, or Manassas Plain. Richmond, 1862. 12mo. WARDLAW, Rev. Dr. Ralph. National Church Establishments ex amined; a Course of Lectures delivered in. London, in 1839. Loud., Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 43. WARDROP, Jas. History of Jas. Mitchell, born ^Blind and Deaf; with an Acct. of the Operation performed, etc. Lond., 1813. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 6. WARE, Rev. Henry. Address on the Death of Sam l Webber, D. I)., at Cambridge, Mass., 1810. Cambridge, 1810. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 7. Discourses at Boston, May 20, 1821, containing the History of the Old North and New Brick Churches, united as the Sec ond Ch. Boston, 1S21. Svo. Bost. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Eulogy on the Rev. Sam l Webber, D. D., Pres t of Harvard University, pronounced at his Interment, July 20, 1S10. Cambridge, 1810. Svo. Harvard Coll. Pamphs. See PALFREY, J. G. Obituary Discourse. 184G. WARE, Rev. Henry, Jr. Dedication Sermon preached at North ampton, Mass., 1825. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 38. Memoir of the Rev. Nathan Parker, D. D. n. d. Svo. Bio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 8. See ROBBINS, C. Discourse commemorative of. 1843. WARE, Jos. Journal of a March from Cambridge, on an Expedi tion against Quebec, Sept. 13. 1775. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 6. WARE, J.F. W. Our Hospitals; and the Men in them. 1S63. Re- bell n Pamph. Vol. 94. WARE, Mass. First Church. See COBURN, Rev. D. F. Hist. Dis course. 1851. See HYDE, W. Hist. Address. .1847 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 513 WAEE, Wm. Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 3. WAREHAM, Mass. Topog. and Hist. of. Mass. Soc. Coll. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. WAKING, Geo. E., Jr. The Agricult. Features of the Census of the U. S. for 1850. Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc. Bul letin. Vol. 2. WAKING, Major Scott. Observations on the present State of the East India Co.; with Remarks on the Disaffection among the Natives, etc. Lond., 1808. 8vo. 4th Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 28. WAKKWORTH. Chronicles of the Reign of Edward IV. See Cam- den Soc. Publica. WARMOUTH, H. C. Letter to the Chairman of Comm. of H. of Repr., on his Claim to a seat in Cong. Washington, 1866. 8vo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. WARNE, Chas. The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset; an Account of Per sonal and other Researches in the Sepulchral Mounds of the Darotridges. Lond., 1866. Folio. WABNEK, Harriot W. Autobiography of Charles Caldwell, M. D., with a Preface, Notes and Appendix. Phila., 1855. Svo. WARNER, N. H. See LONG, Dr. M. Hist. Sketches of. WARNER, Rev. Rich d. New Guide through Bath and its environs. Bath, Eng., 1811. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 22. WARNER, Sam l. Authentic and Impartial Narrative of the South - hampton, Va., Massacre. 12mo. 1831. Va. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WARNER, Col. Seth. See BUTLER, J. D., and HOUGHTON, G. F. Addresses on, 1849. CHIPMAN, D. Memoir of. WARNER, Capt. S. A. Facts and Documents relating to our Na tional Defences. Lond., 1853. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 51. Narrative of Circumstances connected with his Mode of Na tional Defence. Lond. Svo. 1851. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 61. WARREN, E. Some Account of the Letheon: or, Who is the Dis coverer? Boston, 1847. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 7. WARREN, E. F. Sketches of Chautauque County, N. Y. James town, 1846. 12mo. WARREN, G. K. Palaeontology of the Upper Missouri. Smith- son. Contrib. Vol. 14. Report on the Surveys of the Upper Missississippi. Wash ington, 1867. Svo. Sec. of War Miscell. Rept s. WARREN, G. Washington. Address before the Bunker Hill Monu ment Assoc., June 17, 1865. With Resolutions on Death of Everett, etc. Boston, 1865. Svo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 3. WARREN, John C., M. D. Address before the Amer. Med. Assoc., at the Meeting in Cincinnati, May 8, 1850. Boston, 1850. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. Address to the Boston Soc y of Nat. History. Boston, 1835. Svo. 33 514 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WARREN, John C., M. D. Memoir of. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg-. Vol. 19. The Mastodon Giganteus of North America. Boston, 1852. 4to. WARREN, Dr. Jos. See Everett, A. H. Life of. WARREN, J. N. The Report of the Board of Health on the Sup ply of Water to the Metropolis, weighed in its own balance and found wanting. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. WARREN, Lott. Speech in Cong. July, 1842, on the Tariff. Wash ington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. WARREN, Me. See EATON, C. Annals of the Town of. WARREN, Mercy. History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. Boston, 1805. 2 Vols. 8vo. WARREN, N. H. See LITTLE, Wm. History of. LONG, M. Historical Sketches. WARREN, R. I., Assoc. See CALDWELL, S. L. Centen. Discourse, 1867. Minutes of the 89th Ann. Meeting, held in 1855. Provi dence, 1855. 8vo. See TUSTIN, J. P. Church Discourse and Town History. WARREN, Sam l. The Opium Question. Lond., 1840. 8vo. 4th Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 20. WARS of America; or a General History of Important Tragic Events in the U. S. Baltimore, 1839. 12mo. WARTON, Thos. Life and Literary Remains of Ralph Bathurst, D. D., Dean of Wells, and President of Trinity College, Oxford. Lond., 1761. 8vo. WARWICK, Compte de. See Caxton Society Publications. WARWICK Castle, Eng. Historical and Descriptive Guide to War wick Castle. Warwick. Eng. n. d. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 18. WARWICK Co., Eng. See BREWER, I. N. Topogr. and Histor. Description, 1820. Description of, with Map. Sm. 4to. folio, n. d. WARWICK, Eng., Soc y for Promotion of Self-Supporting Dispen saries. Rules, &c., 1858. Leamington. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 24. See BLAKE, Jonathan. Paper on the Early History of. WASHBURN, Alvan H. Address delivered at the Dedication of the Leicester Academy Hall, Oct. 26, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 9. WASHBURN, C. C. Speech at his Reception at Memphis, Mar. 8, 1865. Memphis, 1865. 32mo. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. Addresses, etc., Vol. 23. Speech in Cong., Mar. 20, 1868, on the Pacific Railroad. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. Speech in Cong., Dec. 22, 1869, on the Postal Telegraph. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 122. and WOODMAN, Cyrus. Catalogue of Real Estate in the Wis. Land District. Galena, 1845. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 515 WASHBURN Emory. Address delivered at the Dedication of the Mass. State Reform School, Westborough, Dec. 7, 1848. Boston, 1849. 8vo. (Placed with Reports of the School.) Brief Sketch of the History of Leicester Academy. Part 1. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 9. Extinction of Slavery in Massachusetts. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. 1855-58. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 4th Series. Vol. 4. Extinction of Villenage and Slavery in England. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. 1863-64. Historical Sketches of Town of Leicester, Mass. Boston, 1860. 8vo. Memoir of Hon. Levi Lincoln. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1869-70. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Soc y of Yale College, July 21, 1869. N. Haven, 1870. 8vo. Yale College Pamph. Origin arid Sources of the Mass. Bill of Rights. Mass. Hist. Proceedings, 1863-4. Paper read before the Amer. Social Science Assoc., Oct. 14, 1868. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 30. Topograph. and Hist. Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Mass. Worcester Magazine, Vol. 2. Transfer of the Colony Charter of 1628 from England to Mass. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed. 1858-60. WASHBURN, E. B. Account of the Sufferings and Death of Geo. Darboy, Archbishop of Paris. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 10. Speech in Cong., Jan. 10, 1859, on Political Parties. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. Speech in Cong. Apr. 29, 1862. On Government Contracts. Rebell. Pamph. Vol. 34. WASHBURN, Francis T. A Comparative View of Religions. Bos ton, 1870. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 8. WASHBURN, I. Speech in Cong. May 24, 1852, on the Compromise Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 94. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, Va., Catalogue for 1870-71. Baltimore, 1871. 8vo. WASHINGTON Co.,N. Y., Bible Society. 8th, 41st and 56th Anni versary Proceedings, 1820, 53, 68. Albany, 12mo. See FITCH, Asa. Hist. Topograph. and Agricult. Survey of 1848-9. WASHINGTON Co., Ohio. Brief Description of. Ohio Hist. Soc Journ. Part. 1. Vol. 1. See DELAFIELD, J. Topograph. Description of. 1834. HILDRETH, S. P. Climate and Productions of. 1827. WASHINGTON Co., Penn. See CREIGH, Alfred. Hist. of. 1871 WASHINGTON (The) Dissected; in Articles from the Metropolitan Record. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 89. WASHINGTON, D. C. Asso. for Improvement of Condition of the Poor. Constitution arid By-Laws. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Campaign of British Army, 1814. Columbian Star. Newspaper. Jan. 1824 to Dec. 1824. folio 516 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WASHINGTON, D. C. First Cong. Church. Proceedings of an Ex- parte Council held in Nov. 1868. Phila. 1868. 8vo. Georgetown and Alexandria Directory for 1834. Washington, 1834. See INGRAHAM, E. D. Events proceeding the Capture by the British, 1814. LAMBERT, J. On the Longitude of. - National Era Newspaper. Jan. 1847 to Dec. 1856. 4 Vols. Folio. National Intelligencer Newspaper. 1817, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 61, 62. 38 Vols. Folio. Philosoph. Soc y. Constitution and Standing Rules. Wash ington, 1871. 8vo. Public Schools. 22d, 23d and 24th Ann. Reports of Trustees. Washington, 1867, 70, 71. By-Laws, Rules, etc. of Trus tees. Washington, 1869. Svo. Union. Newspaper. Jan. 1846 to Feb. 1849. 3 Vols. .Folio. U. States Telegraph, Newspaper, 1827-30. 1832-35. Wash ington. 6 Vols. Folio. See WILLIAMS, J. S. History of Invasion of. and Georgetown. 1st. Ann. Report of Supt. of Colored Schools, for 1867-8. Washington, 1870. Svo. and National Medals. See SNOWDEN, J. R. WASHINGTON, Geo. and JACKSON Gen. On Negro Soldiers. Phila., 1863. Rebell n Pamphs. Vols. 11, 17, 65 and 75. and the Generals of the American Revolution. New Ed. Phila., 1858. 12mo. See BANCROFT, A . Life of. BATES, I. C. Oration on his Nativity. 1812. BISHOP, S. G. Eulogium. 1800. CECIL, E. Life of. CHESTER, J. L. On the Ancestry of. Conduct of, compared with present Administration. 1813. Boston, Svo. Miscell. Tracts. Vol. 1. - See Congressional Banquet, Feb. 22, 1852. CUSTIS, G. W. P. Recollec. of Private Memoirs. DEANE, Chas. Head-Quarters of, in Cambridge. DELAPLAINE, J. Repository. Diary of, from Octx 1, 1789, to Mar. 10, 1790, from the Original M. S. Now first printed. N. Y., 1858. Svo. See ELLIS, Geo. E. Discourse on. Feb. 22, 1857. Eulogies and Orations 011 the Life and Death of Gen. George Washington, First President of the U. S. Boston, 1800. Svo. f EVERETT, E. Life of. *Fac-Simile of his Public Accounts kept during the Revolu tionary War. 3d Ed. Washington, 1841. Folio. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 517 WASHINGTON, Geo. Farewell Address to the People of the United States of America; from the Original Manuscript; with the Remarks of Chief Justice Jay and Mr. Sparks, on the Au- < thorship of the Address. Also two portraits of G. W., from paintings in the possession of Mr. James Lenox; one by J. Peale, 1778, and the other by G. Stuart. N. Y., 1850. Folio. Farewell Address on retiring to private life. 1796. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 58 and 91. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 31, 68, 91, 99. Farewell Address; the Proclamation of Gen. Andrew Jackson against Nullification and the Declaration of Independence. 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 82. See GENIN, T. H. Oration, Feb. 22, 1823. GIBBS, G. Memoirs of Administration of. GUIZOT, M. Washington. HARBAUGH, H. Religious Character of. HAYDEN, S. Washington and Masonic Compeers. HEADLEY, J. T. Washington and his Generals. His Person as represented by the Artists. The Houdon. Statue, its History and Value. Washington, 1873. 8vo Art Pamph. Vol. 6. See HITCHCOCK, Rev. E. Discourse on. 1800. HOUGH, F. B. Washingtoniana. IRVING, Washington. Life of. Journal of Expedition to Ohio, with Map. Williamsburg, Va., 1754. Small 4to. Same. N. Y. reprint, 1865. 4to. Journal of his Tour to the Ohio in 1770. " Olden Time " Vol. 1. See KIRKLAND, C. M. Memoirs of. LEE, H. Funeral Oration on. 1799. Letters to Arthur Young, Esq., and Sir John Sinclair Bart, M. P., on Agriculture. Fac-simile edition. Washington, 1847. 4to. Letters from General George Washington, 1776. 8vo. To Lund Washington and others. (Forged Letters.) Ad dresses, etc. Vol. 19. LOSSING, B. J., Diary, 1789-91, and Journ. to Ohio. 1753. The Life Guard of. See LOWELL, John, New England Patriot. MARSHALL, J. Life of. 1804. Military and Civil Life. N. Y. n. d. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 1. See Monuments of Patriotism. Official Letters to Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2d Ed. Boston, 1796. Vol. 1. 12mo. See PAINE, T. Letter to. Papers relative to his Valedictory Address. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part. 2. . See PAULDING, J. K. Life of. 5i 8 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WASHINGTON, Geo. PICKELL, J. New Chapter of his Early Life. RUSH, R. Washington in Domestic Life. SCHRODER, J. F. Life and Times. SPARKS, J. Life of. Life and Writings of. SPRING, Rev. S. Funeral Discourse. 1799. SUMNER, C. Discovery of the Home of Washington s An cestors. SUMNER, Gen. Wm. H. Recollections of his Visit to Boston in 1789. Tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon. Phila., 1840. 8vo. See TRESCOTT, W. H. Administrations of Adams and Wash ington. !... UPHAM, C. W. Life and Correspondence. . SPARKS, Jared. Remarks on a Reprint of his Letters to Jos. Reed, etc. WASHINGTON Globe, Daily. Newspaper. Dec., 1862, to Mar., 1863. folio. WASHINGTON, H. A. Discourse before the Va. Hist. Soc., Jan. 17, 1852, on the Va. Constitution of 1776. Richmond, 1852. 12mo. (Bound with Collections, Vol. 1.) WASHINGTON Light Infantry Charitable Assoc. Proceedings on Unveiling the Monument to those who died in the Service of the State, June 16, 1870. Charleston, S. C. 1870. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 107. WASHINGTON, Mary and Martha. See CONKLING, M. C. Memoirs of. WASHINGTON, Peter G. Oration before the Assoc. of the Oldest Inhabitants of District of Columbia on Fourth of July, 1867. Washington, 1867. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 15. WASHINGTON Territory. Acts of Legislative Assembly, 1854, 1856, 1857, 1859. Olympia. 8vo. See CRAM, T. J. Topograph. Memoir and Report. 1859. HITTELL, J. S. Resources of California. Journals of the Council and of the House for the oth Session, 1857. Olympia, 1857. 8vo. See SUCKLEY, Geo., and COOPER, J. G. Natural History of, 1860. SWAN, J. G. Indians of Cape Flattery. Three Years Residence. WASHINGTON Treaty, 1871. See JOHNSON, Reverdy. Reply to Sir Roundell Palmer. See Neutral Relations and the Treaty, etc. See Alabama Claims. Geneva Arbitration. WASHINGTON Union Baptist Assoc. Minutes of the 29th Anni versary held at Union Village, June, 1863. North White Creek, N. Y., 1863. 8vo. WASHINGTON University, Si Louis. Catalogue for 1863-64, 1869-70. St. Louis, 1863, 1870. 12mo. See HOYT, J. G. Inaug. Address, 1859. WASHINGTONIAN Mass. Convention, Boston. Proceedings and Address at Tremont Temple, May 29, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 519 WASHOE. See BROWNE, J. Ross. Rambles in, etc. WATERBURY, Conn. See BRONSON, H. History of. WATERFORD, Me. See RIPLEY, Rev. L. Description and Hist. of. WATERHOUSE, Benj. Essay on Junius and his Letters; with Sketch of Life of Wm. Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Boston, 1831. 8vo. WATERHOUSE, Sylvester. Resources of Missouri. St. Louis, 1867. 8vo. Mo. Pamph. Vol. 2. WATERLOO, Battle of. See GROUCHY, Marshal De. WATERLOO (Wis.) Institute. Catalogue for 1863-4. Milwaukee. 8vo. Mineral Well. See WRIGHT, A. O. WATERMAN, Thomas. By-Laws of St. Andrews Royal arch Chap ter, Mass., instituted A. D. 1769; with Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Members. Boston, 1859. 12mo. WATERSTON, R. C. Address on the Life and Character of Thos. Sherwin, delivered at Boston, Feb. 16, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 32. Condition of the Insane in Mass. Boston, 1843. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WATER- STRATFORD, Eng. See BRANSBY, Rev. Jas. H. Account of the Fanaticism in 1694. WATERTOWN, Mass. See BOND, Dr. H. Genealogies of Early Settlers of. FRANCIS, C. Historical Sketch, 1830. Discourses on Leaving the old Meeting-House, 1836. HARRIS, W. T. & E. D. Epitaphs from Burial Grounds. WATERTOWN, N. Y. Directory for 1840. By J. P. Fitch. Water- town, 1840. 12mo. WATERTOWN, Wis. and Madison R. R. See BARNES, S. W. Speech in Wis. Senate, 1857. Chronicle. Newspaper. June, 1847, to Oct., 1854. 4 Vols. Folio. Democrat. Newspaper. Oct., 1854, to Dec., 1859. Same, 1864-1873. Folio. Democratic State Register. Newspaper. Mar., 1850, to Nov., 1854. 2 Vols. Folio. 1st Cong. Ch. Manual. Watertown, 1855. 18mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. See Northwestern University, Watertown. See QUINER, E. B. Statistics, etc., of. Republican. Newspaper. Watertown, 1867-73. Folio. Rock River Pilot. Newspaper. Oct., 1847, to Oct., 1848. Folio. The City of Watertown: its Manufacturing and Railroad Advantages, and Business Statistics. Watertown, 1856. 8vo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 1. WATERWORTH, Rev. W. S. J. The Jesuits; or, an Examination of the Origin, Progress, etc., of the Society of Jesus. Lond., 1852. 12mo. Eng, Rel. Pamph. Vol. 65. WATKINS, . Speechln Cong., Feb. 18, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. WATKINS, Dr. Jas. S. See SANDS, R. C. Address on Death of. 520 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WATROUS, Judge J. C. Reply to Speech of Gen. S. Houston, in U. S. Senate, 1859. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. WATSON, Alexander. Lecture at Albany, N. Y., April- 2, 1845, on Astronomy. Albany, 1845. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 8. WATSON, Elkanah. See DEANE, W. R. Memoir of. History of Berkshire Mass., Agr. Soc. Albany, N. Y., 1819. 8vo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 2. History of the Rise, Progress and Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of N. Y., from Sept., 1788, to the Completion of the Middle Section of the Grand Canal in 1819, with the Rise and Progress of Modern Agricultural Societies. Albany, 1820. Svo. See WATSON, W. C. Memoirs of, arid Men and Times of the Revolution. WATSON, Guilliaume. Essai sur PElectricite. Paris, n. d. 12mo. WATSON, H. C. Camp Fires of the Revolution. N. Y., 1869. Svo. . Nights in a Block House; or Sketches of Border Life. Phila., 1858. Svo. WATSON, Dr. John. Account of the first Settlement of Bucking ham and Solebury, Penn. Paper before the Penn. Hist. Soc., Apr. 19, 1820. Penn. Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 1. Part 2. WATSON, John F. Annals and Occurrences of N..York City and State in the Olden Time, with Illustrations. Phila., 1846. Svo. Annals of Philadelphia; with Old Time Researches and Re miniscences of N. York. Phila., 1830. Svo. - Biographical Memoir of Charles Thomson. See DORK. Rev. Benj. Memoir of. Memorials of Country Towns and Places in Penn. Hist. Soc. of Penn. Memoirs. Vol. 2. Part 2< WATSON, Lewis Co., N. York. See STEPHENS, W. H. Hist. Notes, etc. WATSON, R., D. D. Apology for the Bible. Letters to Thos. Paine. Cambridge, Eng., 1828. 12mo. Bishop of Llandaff. Thoughts on the French Jnvasion. Lond. r 1798. Broadside. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 66. WATSON, Thos. John Watson of Hartford, Conn., and his De scendants. N. Y., 1865. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vols. 4 and 7. WATSON, Winslow, C. Men and Times of the Revolution; or Mem oirs of Elkanah Watson, including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842. N. Y., 1856. Svo. Military and Civil History of Essex Co., N. Y ? Albany, 1869. Svo. Pioneer History of the Champlain Valley, with Historical Notes, etc. Albany, 1863. Svo. Treatise on Practical Husbandry. Albany, 1855. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vols. 5 and 14. WATTS. Geo. B. Inter-Oceanic Communications across Isthmus of Panama, or Darien. Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc. Bulletin. Vol.1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 521 WATT, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. Edinburgh, 1824. 4 Vols. 4to. WATERSON, Henry. Memorial Address on Geo. D. Prentice. Cincin., 1870. 8vo. Sermons, etc. Vol. 25. WATTEESTON, H. M. Speech in Cong., July 2, 1842, on the Veto Message. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. WATTEESTON, Geo. Course of Study preparatory to the Bar or the Senate; with a Memoir of the Private or Domestic Lives of the Romans. Washington, 1823. 12mo. WATTS, Isaac. Horae LYEICAE; Poems chiefly of the Lyric kind. Veyennes, 1813. 12mo. Sermon at London, June 18, 1727, on the Death of Geo. 1, and the Succession of Geo. II. Lond. Svo. 4th Ed. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 14. WATTS, Mrs. Jane. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. In a Series of Letters written from Rome. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 3. WATTS, John S. Memorial to Cong, in regard to the Armendaris Grant, Fort Craig, New Mexico. Santa Fe, 1870. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. WATTS, Thos. Letter to Antonio Panizzi, of the British Museum, concerning "The English Mercuric, 1588." Lond., 1839. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 10. WATTSBUEG, Pa. See ROBINSON, L., on the Early Settlement of. WAUCOMA Lodge, I. O. O. F., Cooksville, Wis. Constitution and By-Laws. Milwaukee, 1854. 12mo. WAUKESHA, Wis. See Carroll College. Chronotype and Plain Dealer. Newspaper. April, 1854, to Jan. 1857. folio. Democrat. Newspaper. July, 1848, to Aug., 1851. 3 Vols. folio. March, 1854, to Dec., 1863. folio. and Plain Dealer. Newspaper. 1864-66. folio. Freeman. Newspaper. 1870-73. Journal. Newspaper. 1851, folio. - Plain Dealer. Newspaper. 1867-73, folio. Republican and Freeman. Newspaper. Jan., 1857, to Dec. 1859. folio. Woodside Nurseries and Garden Descriptive Catalogue. Rochester, 1860. Svo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. WAUPACA Co., Wis. See PACKAED, C. W. Map of. Register. Newspaper. May to Sept., 1858. folio. (Bound with Waushara Co. Papers.) WATTPUN, Wis. Item and Times. Newspaper. 1858-61. Ware Burger. Same, 1859. folio. Prison City Leader. 1867-68. folio. WAUSAU and Plover, Wis. Newspapers. Wausau and Plover, 1859-63. Central Wisconsin. Newspaper. April, 1857, to Aug., 1859, folio. 1870-2. folio. 522 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WAUSATJ Wisconsin River Pilot. Newspaper. See Stevens Point, Wisconsin Lumberman. WAUSHARA, Wis., Argus. Newspaper. July-Dec., 1859, 1861-66, 1869-72. folio. WAITTOMA, Wis., Journal. Newspaper. Sept., 1856 to May I860, folio. (Bound with Waupaca Co. papers.) WAWASINK, N. York. See INDIANS (The), or Narratives of Massa cres, etc., on the Frontier. WATLAND, Francis, D. D. Discourse on the Life and Character of Hon. Nicholas Brown, delivered in Brown University, Nov. 3, 1841. Boston, 1841. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 31. See Brown University. Discourse at the opening of Providence Athenaeum, July 11, 1838. Addresses, Vol. 11. Discourse on the Affairs of Rhode Island. Providence, 1842. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 5. Discourse on the Philosophy of Analogy, at Providence, R. I., 1831. Addresses. Vol. 11. Introduct. Address before Amer. Institute of Instruction, Aug. 19, 1830. Boston, 1830. Addresses, Vol. 11. Introduct. Discourse before the Amer. Institute of Instruction, Aug. 8, 1854. Boston, 1854. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. .Memoir of the Life and Labors of Rev. Adoniram Judson, D. D. Boston, 1853. 2 Vols. 12mo. Thoughts on the Missionary Organizations of the Baptist De nomination. N. York, 1859. 12mo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 25. WAYLAND, T. National Advancement and Happiness considered in reference to the Equalization of Property, and the For mation of Communities. London, 1832. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 38. WAYLAND University, Beaver Dam., Wis. Catalogues, 1857-8, 1858-9, 1867-8. WAYLEN, Jas. History, Military and Municipal, of the Town, otherwise the City of Marlborough. London, 1854. Svo. WAYMOUTH, Capt. John. See ROZIER, Jas. True Relation of his Voyage. WAYNE, Anthony. See ARMSTRONG, J. Life of. WAYNE Baptist Assoc. Minutes of 22d Anniversary, held in 1856. Rochester, N. Y., 1856. Svo. WAYNE Co., Indiana. See YOUNG, A. W. History of, 1872. WAYNFLETE, Bishop. Memorial of. See Caxton Society Publica tions. WEATHERLEY, H. Treatise on the Art of Boiling Sugar. Phil a, 1865. 12mo. WEAVER, Wm. L. History of Ancient Windham, Ct., with Gene alogies. Part 1. Willirnantic, 1864. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 3. The Battle of the Frogs, at Windham, 1758. Wil- limantic, Conn., 1857. Svo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 523 "W. D. B. Rosekran s Campaign with 14th Army Corps: or the Battle of the Cumberland. Cincin., 1863. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 21. WEBB, Daniel. Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry. Lond., 1762. 12mo. WEBB Family Genealogy. See VINTON, J. A. WEBB J. Hemming. Prize Essay on the Influence of Poetry on the Mind. Lond., 1839. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol, 20. WEBB, R. E. D. Life and Letters of Capt. John Brown. Lond, 1861. 12mo. WEBB, Sam l. Speech in Nat. Anti-Slavery Convention, Albany, Aug. 1, 1839. Phila., 1840. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. WEBB, T. New Select Collection of Epitaphs. Lond., 1775. 12mo. WEBB, Thos. H. Information for Kansas Immigrants. Boston, 1856. 12mo. Kansas Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WEBBER, Chas. W. The Gold Mines of the Gila. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. 2 Vols. in 1. Historical and Revolutionary Incidents of Early Settlers of the U. S. Phila., 1861. 12mo. . Old Hicks the Guide; or Adventures in the Camanche Coun try in Search of a Gold Mine. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. " Sam;" or, the History of Mystery. [Hist, of the Amer. Party, or " Know Nothingism."] Cincinnati, 1855. Svo. WEBBER, Sam l, D. D. See WARE, Henry. Eulogy on. 1810. WEBER, Gen. M. See Men of the Time. WEBSTER, Dan l Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Capitol, July 4, 1851. Washington, 1851. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 17. Address before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Feb. 23, 1852, N. Y., 1852. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 3. See ASHMUN, G. Speech, 1846. CURTISS, Geo. T. Life of. Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thos. Jefferson, at Boston, Aug. 2, 1826. Boston, 1826. 8vo. Addresses. Vols. 14 and 24. Discourses etc. on his Death. See ADAMS, Nehemiah. AL LEN, W. H, KING, T. S. LATHROP, S. K. LUNT, Wm. P. McCoy, A. PARKER, Theo. PERLEY, I. RICHARDS, Geo. STONE, A. L. WALKER, Tim. WEBSTER, G. W. WEISS, John. WHIPPLE, John. GALLATIN, A. Memoir on North-Eastern Boundary, with Webster s Speech on the same subject. Inauguration of his Statute, at Boston, 1859. LANMAN, C. Private Life of. Life and Memorials. N. Y., 1853. 2 Vols. 12mo. See LYMAN, S. P. Life and Time of. MARCH, C. W. Webster and his Cotemporaries. Memorial of, by the City of Boston. Boston, 1845. 8vo. Another Copy. Boston, 1853. Svo. See NASON, Elias. Sketch of Life of. 524 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. See New York. Funeral Obsequies. . Obituary Addresses, delivered before Congress, Dec. 14, 1852, on his Death. Washington, 1853. 8vo. Personal Memorials of; including a Sketch of his Public Life and the particulars of his Death. Phila., 1852. 8vo. Bio- graph. Pamph. Vol. 6. Remarks on the Life and Writings of. Phila., 1831. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Famph. Vol. 100. Seventy-Second Birthday Celebra., at N. Y., 1854. Addresses, etc. Vol. 5. Seventy-Fourth Birthday Celebra., at Boston, Jan. 18, 1856. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Speech at Capron Springs, Va., June 28, 1851. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 88 and 99. Speech at New York March 15, 1837. Addresses, Vol. 5. Speech at Washington March 12, 1838, on the Sub-Treasury Bill, with his reply to Mr. Calhoun. Boston. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 6. Speech in Cong., Jan. 11, 1814, on U. S. Army Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. Jan. 24, 1824, on the Greek Question. Addresses, etc. Vol. 6. Apr., 1824, on the Tariff. Cono-r. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. Jan. 26, 1830, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 88. May 7, 1834, on the President s Protest, (Removal of Deposits.) Washington, 1834. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 4. - March 12, 1838, on the Sub-Treasury Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 90. March 22, 1838, in Answer to J. C. Calhoun. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. Dec. 16 and 17, 1840, on the part of the President s Message relating to Revenue and Finance. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. March 23, 1848, on the Mexican War. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. March 7, 1850, on the Clay Resolutions on Slavery. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 96. Addresses, Vol. 6. Speech to the Young Men of Albany, May 28, 1851. Albany. Addresses, Vol. 30. Works of, Boston, 1854. 6 Vols. 8vo. Speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse and Albany, May, 1851. Ad dresses. Vol. 6. and Calhoun, J. C. Speeches in U. S. Senate, March, 1850, on Slavery. N. Y., 1850. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol.85. * WEBSTER, Geo. W. Sermon at Wheeling, on the Death of Dan l Webster. Wheeling, Va., 1853. 8vo. 2d Ed. Sermons Vol. 32, WEBSTER, John. The Act for the Recovery of Tenements, with Notes, etc. Lond., 1838. 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 10. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 525 WEBSTER, Rev. J. C. Quarter Century Sermon at Cong. Ch. in Hopkinton, Mass., Dec. 20, 1863. Boston, 1864. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. WEBSTER, Prof. John W. See MASS. Supreme Court Report of his Trial, etc. WEBSTER, Mrs. M. M. Pocahontas; a Legend with Historical Notes. Phila., 1840. 12mo. WEBSTER, Noah, LL. D. American Dictionary of the English Language, Revised, etc. Pictorial Ed. 1865. Springfield, 1865. 4to. American Dictionary of the English Language, Revised and Erilarged|by Chauncey A. GOODRICH. Springfield, 1854. 4to. Same. Academic Ed. New York, 1854. Small 4to. Same. High School Ed. New York, 1854. 12mo. American Dictionary Unabridged, Illustrated. Springfield, 1873. 4to. Observations on Language and Commerce. N. Haven, 1839. 8vo. Educa. Pamph., etc. Vol. 2. and WORCESTER, J. E. Dictionary Controversy. See CRITIC (The) Criticised, etc. POOLE, W. F. REPLY to MERRIAM S Attack on Worcester. REVIEW of Worcester s Dictionary. SARGENT, E. See Two Dictionaries (The) WEBSTER, N. B. Address to the Patrons and Students of the Vir ginia Collegiate Institute, June 30, 1857. Portsmouth. 1857. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 36. WEBSTER, Warren. Address at Inauguration of Dale General Hos pital at Worcester, Mass., Feb., 1865. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. WEEKLY Magazine. See POLITICAL Controversy. WEEKS, John M. History of the Town of Salisbury, Vt., with a Memoir of the Author. Middlebury, 1860. 12mo. WEHS, D. B. Some Account of the Political Life of Louis Napoleon. Part 1. Lond., 1859. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 9. WEIGHTS and Measures. See ALEXANDER, J. H., on International Coinage. 1855. KELLY, P. Universal Cambist. NORTON, S. H. Lecture on. 1869. YATES J. On the Decimal System. WEINMANN, Fred, L. The Right of Succession in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, and the Treaty of London, May 8, 1852, etc. Lond., 1864. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 60. WEISER, Conrad. Copy of a Journal of his Proceedings in his Journey to Ohio. 1748. Hist. Soc. of Penn. Coll. Vol. 1. Narrative of a Journey made in 1737 from Talpekocken to Onondago, to establish a Peace with the Six Nations. Pa. Histor. Soc. Collec. Vol. 1. WEISS, John. Discourse at New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 14, 1852, on the Death of Dan l Webster. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Ser mons. Vol. 32. 526 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WELBY, Adlard. Visit to N. America and the English Settlements in Illinois. Lond., 1821. 8vo. WELCH INDIANS. See BURDER, G. WELCH, John. Speech in Cong., July 12, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit, Pamph. Vol. 83. WELCH, Wm. Home Diary. Newspaper. Vols. 1 and 2. Madi son, Wis., 1865-6. 4to. WELD, Rev. H. H. Benjamin Franklin; his Autobiography, with a Narrative of his Public Life and Services. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. WELD. Isaac, Jr. Travels through the States of N. America and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada in 1795-97. Lond., 1799. 4to. WELD, Stephen M. See MORSE, Robt. M. Memoir of. WELLAND CANAL. See MERRITT, W. H. Account of, 1828. Report of Comm. of N. Y. Legislature, on the Petition of the Canal Co., 1834. 8vo. N. Y., Misc. Pamph. Vol. 8. WELLER, John B. Speech in Cong., Dec. 27, 1841, on the Tariff. Alexandria, 1842. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 112. July 8, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. June 30, 1842, on the Veto Message. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. Feb. 13, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebr. Bill. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 92. WELLESLEY, W. De la France Contemporaine. Response a POuvr- age cle M. Guizot. Lond., 1849. Svo. Svo. Stranford Pamph. Vol. 52. WELLESLEY, W. L. Two Letters to Lord Eldon. Lond., 1827. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 5. WELLFLEET, Mass. See PRATT, Enoch. Comprehensive Hist. - WHITMAN, L. Topograph. Description of. WELLFORD, Beverly R., and THOMPSON, J. R. Oration and Poem delivered before the Convention of the Delta Kappa Epsilon, at Washington, Jan. 3, 1S56. Richmond, 1856. Svo. Ad dresses, etc. Vol. 34. WELLINGTON, Rev. Chas. Half Century Sermon at Templeton, Mass., Feb. 25, 1857. Boston, 1857. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. WELLINGTON, Duke of. See BROUGHAM, Lord. Eulogy on. 1839. BUSH, R. W. England s Two Great Captains. Debate at the East India House, 1841. EVANS, S. Sonnets on Death of. GORE, Maj. M. Lecture on, 1852. GUILFORD, Earl of. Eulogy on, 1839. Life and Character of. By the Earl of Ellesmere. Lond., 1852. 12mo. 2d Ed. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 9. Memoir of. Lond., 1852. Svo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 9. Original Journals of his Campaigns in the Peninsula, etc. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 7. See OTRANTO, Duke of. Corres. with. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 527 WELLINGTON, Duke of. Services and Anthems to be used at his Funeral, Nov. 18, 1852, at St. Paul s, London. Lond., 1852. 4to. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 54. WELLINGTON (Ohio) Lodge, No. 127, Masonic. By-Laws, Rules, etc. Wellington, 1855. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WELLS, Algernon. Connection of Religion with Popular Educa tion. Lond. n. d. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 36. WELLS, D. A. Annual of Scientific Discovery. Boston, 1850-65. 16 Vols. 12mo. Letter to " London Times " on the U. S. National Debt. 1867. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 57. Our Burden and our Strength: the Debt and Resources of our Country. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 2. The Recent Financial, Industrial and Commercial Experiences of the U. S. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 130. Relation of Government to the Telegraph, with Appendix on Postal Telegraph, etc. N. Y., 1873. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 68. Review, Opinions, etc., of Dr. C. A. Lee and others, of the testimony of Drs. Salisbury and Swinburne, on the Trial of John Hendrickson, Jr., for the murder of his wife by poison ing. N. Y., 1855- 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. Review of his last Report, by the Comm. on Manufactures of U. S. House of R. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 118. Things not Generally Known; a Popular Hand-Book of Facts not readily accessible in Literature, Historv and Science. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Year Book of Agriculture; or the Annual of Agricultural Progress and Discovery, for 1855 and 1856. Phila., 1856. 8vo. WELLS, E. Chronological Summary of the History of the U. S., from 1492 to 1827. Brooklyn, 1827. 12mo. WELLS, E. M. P. Discourse on the Death of the Hon. Wm. Ap- pleton, delivered at St. Stephen s Chapel, Feb. 23d, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 31. WELLS, Dr. Horace. Discovery on the Use of Nitrous Oxyd Gas in Surgical Operations. Hartford, 1850. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 1. WELLS, John. Speech in Cong., July 2, 1852, on Non-intervention. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. WELLS, Me. See HUBBAED, J. Account of. WELLS, N. Topograph. Description of. WELLS, Nathan l. Topographical Description of Wells, in the County of York. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser., Vol. 3. WELLS, R. W. Letter on Gradual Emancipation in Missouri. St. Louis, 1862. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 110. See also Missouri Pamph. Vol. 1. WELLS, Vt. Sec PAUL, H. History of. WELLS, Capt. Wm. See MCDONALD, John. Biograph. Sketches. 5 28 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LS , Wm. V. Life and Public Services of Samuel Adams. Boston, 1866. 3 Vols. Svo. Walker s Expedition to Nicaragua; a History of the Central American War. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. WELSH, Isaac. Speech in Ohio Senate, Mar. 3, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 36. WELSHMEN of the Am. Revo. See JONES, A. The Cymry of 76 . WELSH Non-Conformist s Memorial See RICHARDS, Rev. Wm. Poetry. See LLWYFO, Llew. . Tradition. Influence of, upon European Literature. An Es say. Lond., 1838. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol.20. WELSH, Wm. Report and Supplementary Report of a Visit to Spotted Tail s Tribe of Brule Sioux Indians, Chippewas of Minnesota, and other Tribes. Phila., 1870. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. Summing up of Evidence relating to the Investigation of Mis conduct in the Indian Office. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Panrph. Vol. 138. WENDOVER, R. H. Views on the Monroe Doctrine, with Strictures on the New Constitution of Missouri, etc. St. Louis, 1867. 8vo. Mo. Miss. Pamph. Vol. 1. WENHAM, Mass. See ALLEX, M. O. History of. . 1st Ch. See MANSFIELD, Rev. Dan l. Bi-Centen Sermons. 1845. WENINGER, Rev. F. X. On Papal Infallibility. Baltimore, 1870. 8vo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 20. WENTWORTH Family. Genealogical Notice of the Wentworths of New Hampshire. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. WENTWORTH, John. Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Descendants of Elder Wm. Wentworth of Dover, N. H. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. Speech in Cong., Mar. 15, 1866, on the Loan Bill. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. WESLEY, Rev. John. See WHITEHEAD, Dr. John. Obit. Dis course, 1791. WESLEYAN Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. 23d Ann. Catalogue, 1847-8. Springfield, 1848. 8vo. University, Middletown, Conn. Catalogue for 1872-73. Mid- dletown, 1872. 8vo. WESTALL, W. History of Carisbrook Castle, Isle of Wight, with Acct. of Imprisonment of King Chas. I. With Plates. Lond., 1839. 8vo. WEST BEND, Wis., Democrat. Newspaper. June to Nov., 1859. folio. (Bound with Ozaukee Co. Papers.) Democrat and Post. Newspaper. 1860-63. folio. Post. Newspaper. 1864-6. folio. WEST, Benj. Memorandum on the subject of Lord Elgin s Pur suits in Greece. Edinburgh, 1810. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 21. WEST Boylston, Mass. See Crosby, Rev. C. C. P. History of. WEST Brookfield, Mass. See WHITING, L. Bi-Centen. Oration, 1860. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 529 WEST, Chas. E. Address on retiring from the Office of Principal of Rutger s Female Institute. N. Y., 1851. 8vo. Addreses. Vol. 30. WEST Chester Co., N. Y. See BOLTON, R. See History of. History P. Episcopal Church. Papers relating to, 1656-1782. Doc. Hist, of N. York. Vol. 3. WESTCHESTER, N. Y., Gazette. Newspaper. Aug. 9, 1850 to July 31, 1852. 2 Vols. folio. WESTCHESTER, Penn. Directory of the Westchester, Penn., for 1857. with a complete History of the Borough. Westches ter, 1857. 8vo. Record. Newspaper. 1860-62. folio. WESTCOTT, Thompson. Anti-Revolutionary Bibliography. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 4. Life of John Fitch, the Inventor of the Steamboat. Phila. 1857. 12mo. WEST, E. W. Memoir of Huron, Ohio. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 4. WESTERN, Lord. Supplementary Letter on the Corn Lands. Lond., 1841. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 26. WESTERN Art Union. See WHITLEY, T. W. Reflections on the Gov t of 1848. Baptist Theolog. Institute. Brief Histor. Sketch of, Cincin nati, 1850. 8vo. Ohio, Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. WESTERN, Chas. C. Speech in Parl t, Mar. 7, 1816, on the State of Agriculture in the U. Kingdom. Lond., 1816. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. WESTERN College of Homoeopathic Medicine. See SMITH, H. L. Lecture, 1851. WESTERN Cornwall. Rambles in. See HALLIWELL, J. O. Foreign Missionary Soc y- 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th Ann. Reports, May, 1834 to 1837. Pittsburgh and Phila., 1834-37. 8vo. Freedmen s Aid Commission, Cincinnati, O. Report for 1864. 1865. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 104. Inland Lock Navigation Co., N. Y. Report of a Committee appointed to Explore the Western Waters. 1792. Doc. Hist. of N. Y. Vol. 3. Insurrection. 1794. See HAMILTON, Alex. Account of. Journal of Med. and Phys. Sciences. 1828-35, incomplete. Cincin. 8vo. of Medicine and Surgery. N. Series. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Some Nos. missing. Louisville, 1845-47. 8vo. Literary Journal and Monthly Review. Vol. 1. Cincin. 1845. 8vo. Literary Magazine. Columbus, O. 1853. 8vo. Messenger. Vols. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Buifalo, 1853-56 8vo. Same, parts of Vols. 12, 13, 19, 22, 28. Military Institute, Blue Lick Springs, Ky. Register of Cadets and Regulations, 1849-50. Blue Lick Springs, 1850. 8vo. Monthly "Magazine. Conducted by Jas. Hall. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5. Cincin., 1833-36. 8vo. Same. Vol. 4, except Dec. No. 1835. 34 530 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WESTERN Monthly. (Magazine.) Chicago, Jan. 1869, to June, 1870, 3Vols. 8vo. Vols. 1,2, 3. -Monthly Review, by Timothy Flint. May, 1827, to June, 1830. Cincin,, 1828-30. 3 Vo\s. 8vo. Portraiture. See CURTISS, D. S. Railroad. Proceedings of the Corporation, Dec. 12, 1838, and Jan. 21, 1842, with Ann. Reports for 1842, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56. Also a Hist. Memoir of the R. R., by G. Bliss, 1863. Boston and Springfield. 8vo. Farmer. Newspaper. 1867-71. Madison, Wis. 4to. . See Wisconsin Farmer. . Reserve. See HARRIS, S. R. South Boundary of. See KENNEDY, W. S. Hist, of Presb. and Congrega. Churches. Hist. Society. Ann. Meeting, May 13, 1872. With Me morial Notice of Alfred T. Goodman. Cleveland, 1872. Svo. See DUDLEY, T. P., GOODMAN, A. T., WHITTLESEY, Chas. Historical and Archasological Tracts. Nos. 1-11 in clusive. Cleveland, 1870-72. Svo. Review and Miscellaneous Magazine. By Wm. G. Hunt. Lex ington, Ky., 1819-22. 4 Vols. 8vo. Vols. 14. Review. Feb. and March, 1852. Cincin., 1852. Svo. Sanitary Commission; a Sketch of its Origin, History, Labors for the Sick, etc. St. Louis, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 5. Report, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 94. Union College, Fulton, 111. Catalogue of the Officers and Cadets, for 1863-4. Lyons, Iowa, 1864. Svo. Telegraph Co. Ann. Report of President to the Stock holders, 1869. N. Y., 1869. 8vo. Statement in regard to the Proposed Union of the Telegraph and Postal Systems. Cambridge, 1869. Svo. Mass. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 1. WEST Family. See GILPIN and WEST Genealogies. WEST, G. M. Metomen, Springvale, Alto and Waupun, Wis., dur ing the War. Brandon, Wis., 1867. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. See also Wis. Local Hist., Vol. 1. WEST Hartford, Conn. See MORRIS, M. N. Century Ch. Discourses. 1863. WEST India Affairs, 1830. See M DONNELL, Alex. Address to Members of Parl t, 1830. Emancipation. See ADAMS, John Q. in 1838. 8vo. n. d. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 105. INDIES. Case of the British West Indies stated. Glasgow, 1852. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 63. See EDWARDS, B. Thoughts on Trade with the U. S. in 1837. See STURGE, J. and HARVEY, T. See LEWIS, M. G. Journal of a West India Proprietor, 1815-17. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 531 WEST INDIES. See MCDONNELL, Alex., on the Decrease of Slaves in the West Indies, 1833. Narrative of the late Awful and Calamitous Earthquake in the West Indies, Feb. 8, 1843. Lond., 1843. Svo. West India Pamph. SeeCExMELiN, A. O. Histoire des Avanturiers. STANLEY, E. Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies, 1850. WILLIS, N. P. Health Trip to Tropics. WEST, John. Journal of a Mission to the Indians of the British Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse, or Grand River, Upper Canada. Lond., 1827. Svo. Substance of a Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony, Brit. N. Amer. 1820-23. Lond.,1824. 8vo. WEST, Martin J. Chancery Reform. Facts addressed to Parlia ment, etc. Leeds, 1852. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 61. WEST Newton, Mass. English and Classical School. Catalogue. Cambridge, 1867. 12mo. WEST Point and the War. St. Louis, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 16. Battle Monument; History of the Project to the Dedi cation of the Site, June 15, 1864, with the Oration of Gen. G. B. McClellan. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 21-31. N. York, 1864. 12mo. See PARK, R. Sketch of History of. See U. S. Military Academy. WEST, Rob t. Answer to a paper entitled " A True Copy of a Paper written by Capt. Thos. Wolcott," etc. Lond., 1683. Folio. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 1. WEST, Rev. Stephen. Sermon on the Mosaic Account of Creation* Stockbridge, 1809. 8vo. WESTFIELD, Mass. See DAVIS, Emerson. Hist. Sketch of. WESTHAMPTON, Mass. Memorial of the Re-Union of the Natives, of Westhampton, Sept. 5, 1866. Waltham, 1866. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 1 and 17. " WESTMINSTER Massacre." See HALL, B. H. Paper on the. Abbey. See Compendious Encomium on Certain Personages. entombed in. 1755. Historical Description of its Monuments, Curiosities, etc.. Lond., 1827. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 19. Bridge. See LABELYE, Chas. Short Account, etc. Present State of, etc. Lond., 1743. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 24. Court of King s Bench. Copies of Records of Warrants for Seizing Printers of Libels and others. Lond., 1763. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 4. Magazine. 1783. (Imperfect and unbound.) Lond. Svo. Same. 1785. Svo. Medical Society. Proceedings, 1848, 1849. Lond., 1848, 49. Med. Pamph. Vol. 6. 532 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WESTMINSTER Poll Book for 1813. Nos. 2-8. 7 Papers. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. WESTMINSTER, Mass. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniver sary of the Incorporation of. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 12. See HUDSON, Chas. History of. WESTMINSTER, Vt., Cong. Ch. See WHITE, Pliny H. Centen. Sermon. 1867. WESTMORELAND, Eng. See Pinnock s History and Topography of. 1822. Dialect. See WHEELER, Ann. Dialogues, Poems, etc. Soc y, Lond., for Indigent Children. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. Lond., 1863. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 12. WESTON, Edw. P. Pedestrian s Adventures from Boston to Wash ington, D. C., performed in ten consecutive day s in 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 69. WESTON, Geo. M. The Poor Whites of the South. Washington, 1856. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. WESTON, Mass. See BOND, Dr. H. Genealogies of. See KENDAL, Rev. S. Century Sermon, 1813. WESTON, Vt. See SMITH, A. D. Address at Weston Re-union, 1853. WESTOVER, MSS. See BYRD, W. WEST Simsbury, Conn. See BROWN, Abiel. Genealog. Hist, of Early Settlers. WEST Springfield, Mass. See SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Fiftieth Anni- vers. Discourse, 1869. WEST S Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lan cashire. Kendal, 1809. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 25. WEST Virginia. Adj t General s Report for 1864. Wheeling, 1865. Svo. - Auditor of State. Ann. Reports for 1867, 68, 69, 70. Wheeling. 8vo. See DODGE, J. R. Its Farms and Forests, &c., 1865. Local Hist. See Wheeling. WESTWOOD, J. O. Anniv. Address before the Entomological Soc y of London, Jan. 21, 1835. Lond., 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 34. WESTWOOD, Thos. Bibliotheca Piscatoria; Catalogue of his Libra ry of Books on Angling. N. Y., 1873. Svo. WETHERELL, Sir Chas. Speech before the Lords of the Privy Council, on Incorporating the London University. Lond., 1834. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 22. WETHERILL, Dr. Chas. M. Chemical Examination of the Bakers Bread of Phila. From the Journal of the Franklin Institute. n. d. Svo. Phil a Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Chemical Examination of two Minerals from Reading, Penn., on the occurrence of Gold in Penn. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. Examination of Fusel Oil from Indian Corn and Rye. From the Journal of the Franklin Institute, n. d. Svo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 42. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 533 WETHERILL, Dr. Chas. M. Experiments with the Ammonium Amal gam, 1865. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. On Adipocire and its Formation. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 11. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. On the Crystalline Nature of Glass. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 14. 1866. On the Crystallization of Sulphur. 1865. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. Report on the Chemical Analysis of the White Sulphur Water of the Artesian Well of La Fayette, Indiana. La Fayette, 1858. 8vo. Ind. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Report to Commissioner of Agriculture, on Chemical Analysis of Grapes. 1862. 8vo. Agric. Pamph. Vol. 3. Sketch of Modern Theory of Chemical Types, n. d. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. WETHERSFIELD, Conn. See PHELPS, R. H. Ace. of State Prison at. WETMORE, Alphonso. Gazetteer of State of Missouri. St. Louis, 1837. 8vo. WETMORE, Rev. James. Vindication of the Professors of the Church of England in Connecticut, against a sermon preach ed at Stamford, by Mr. Noah Hobart, Dec. 31, 1746. Boston, 1747. 12mo. WETMORE, James C. The Wetmore Family of America, and its collateral branches, with Genealog., Biograph. and Hist. Notices. Albany, 1861. 8vo. WETMORE, Gen. Prosper M. The Antiquities of N. York. Paper read before the N. Y. Hist. Soc., Nay 2, 1865. Hist. Maga zine. Vol. 1. 2d Ser. WEXFORD, Ireland. See JACKSON, Chas. Narrative of Atrocities committed by the Rebels, etc. 1798. WEYAUWEGA, Wis. Weyauwegian. Newspaper. July, 1855 to May, 1858. folio. Wolf River Herald. Newspaper. Oct. to Dec., 1858. folio. WEYMOUTH, Eng. Illustrated Guide* Lond. n. d. 12mo. Guide Books, Vol. 22. WHALE Fishing. See MACY, O. Rise and Progress of. WHALLEY & GOFFE. See ROBBINS, C. Regicides Sheltered in New England. WHALLEY, Dr. Lawson. Vindication of the University of Edin burgh, as a School of Medicine. Lond., 1819. 8vo. Pamph leteer. Vol. 13. WHARTON, G. M. Remarks on Mr. Binney s Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Phila., 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 27, with Answer to Mr. Binney s Reply to above. 1862. 8vo. WHARTON, John. Speech in House of Commons, on his motion on the Constitution. From the Morning Chronicle, 1793. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. WHARTON, Jos. International Industrial Competition: Paper read before the Amer. Social Science Assoc., Oct. 27, 1870. Phila. 1870. 8vo. Pamphlets, Vol. 3. 534 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHARTON, Rich d. Observations on the Authenticity of Bruce s Travels in Abyssinia, with a Comparative View of Life and Happiness in Europe and Caffraria. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng., 1800. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 22. WHARTON, Thomas I. Address at the Opening of the New Hall of the Phila. Atheneum. Phila., 1845. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 13. Memoir of William Rawle, LL. D., President of Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania. Memoirs. Vol. 4. Part 1. Notes on the Provincial Literature of Pennsylvania, read be fore the Hist. Soc., Sept...21, 1825. Penn. Hist. Soc. Mem oirs. Vol. 1. Part 1. WHAT are we Fighting for; or the case between the North and South argued. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 14. Banks are Constitutional? Addresses. Vol. 98. Became of the Slaves on a Georgia Plantation. 1863. Re- belPn Pamph. Vol. 74. is a Revolution ? Loud., 1819. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol.14. we did at Gettysburg. N. Y., 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 24. will the Lords do? 1831. 2d Ed. Also, What have the Lords done? And what will they do next. 2 Papers. Lond., 1831. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 38. the Lords will do. Stated in a Letter to a Peer of Parliament. Lond., 1831. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 7. WHATELY, Mass. See TEMPLK, J. H. History of. 1660-1871. Early Ecclesiastical History of. WHATELY, Archb p Rich d. Address to the Clergy on Irish Na tional Education. Lond., 1853. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 33. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. Cambridge, Eng., 1832. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 14. Speech in ParPt, Aug. 1, 1833, on Jewish Disabilities. Lond., 1848. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 45. WHATELY, Thos. Considerations on the Trade and Finances of this Kingdom, since the Conclusion of the Peace. London, 1765. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 2. Remarks on " The Budget," or a candid Examination of the Facts, etc., offered to the public in that Pamphlet. Scarce Tracts. Vol. 1. WHATELY, Rev. Thos. Evidence before the Comm. of the House of Lords, on the State of the Poor, in 1830, 31; with Re marks on the Poor Laws in Ireland. Lond., 1833. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 39. WHEATLEY, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects. Phila., 1801. 2 Vols. 12mo. WHEATON, Henry. Annivers. Discourse before the N. York Hist. Soc y, Dec. 28, 1820. N. Y., 1821. Svo. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. Collections. Vol. 3. Address at the Opening of the N. York Athenaeum. N. Y., 1824. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 37. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 535 WHEATON, Henry. Elements of International Law, 6th Edition, with the last corrections of the author, etc., by Wm. B. LAW RENCE. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Life of William Pinkney. Sparks Amer. Biog. 1st Ser Vol. 6. Some Acc t of Life, Writings and Speeches of Wm. PINKNEY. N. Y., 1826. 8vo. WHEELER, Ann. Four Dialogues in the Westmorland Dialect, together with Poems, Songs and Ballads by various writers in the Westmorland and Cumberland Dialects, with a Glossary. Lond., 1839. 8vo. WHEELER, A. C. Chronicles of Milwaukee. ^ Milwaukee, 1861. 8vo. WHEELER, David E. The New York Harbor. Paper before the Amer. Geograph. and Statist. Soc y? May 15, 1856. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. WHEELER. D. H. Brigandage in South Italy. Lond., 1864. 2 Vols. 12mo. WHEELER, Gervase. Homes for the People, in Suburb and Country, with 100 Original Designs. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Rural Homes; or Sketches of Houses suited to American Country Life. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. WHEELER, Lieut. Geo. M. See HUMPHREYS, Gen. A. A. WHEELER, Henry G. History of Congress; Biographical and Political, with Portraits. N. Y., 1848. 8vo. WHEELER, John, D. D. See VERMONT, University of. WHEELER, John H. Hist. Sketches of North Carolina, 1584-1851, compiled from Original Records, Official Documents, etc. 2 Vols. in 1. Phila., 1851. 8vo. WHEELER, Capt. Thos. Narrative of an Expedition with Capt. Edw. Hutchinson, into the Nipmuck Country, and to Qua- baog, now Brookfield, Mass. 1675. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. WHEELERIGHT, John. Sermon at Boston, N. E., upon a Fast Day, Jan. 16, 1636. Reprint. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 26. WHEELING, W. Va. See STROTHER, D. H. The Capital of W. Va. 1872. WHEELING Bridge Case. See DANIEL, Justice. Opinion in the. ELLET, Chas. Two Pamphlets on. Reports from the Comm. on Post Offices &c., of the U. S. House of R., on the Wheeling Bridge. Washington, 1852. 8vo. Perm. Miscel. Pamph. Vol. 2. See RUSSELL, C. W. Argument for the Defendants, &c. THOMPSON, G. W. Argument for its Preservation. Memorial to Congress. Phila, 1852. 8vo. Penn. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See U. S. Supreme Court, WHEELOCK, Rev. Eleazer. See McClure and Parish. Memoir of. Plain and Faithful Narrative of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon, Conn. Boston, 1763, with Continuations after the Incorporation with Dartmouth College, to the year 1775. 8 Pamphlets. 536 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHEELOCK, Rev. Eleazer. The same, Lond., 1766-69. 3 Pamph. WHEELOCK, T. B. Journal of the Campaign of the Regiment of Dragoons, (Col. Dodge,) for the Summer of 1834, among Western Indians. / See Report of Adj t General, 3d Sess., 23d Congress. Doc. No. 1, page 73, etc. WHETSTONE & Co s Court Guide and Directory of Richmond, Kings ton, Hampton, &c. London, n. d. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 20. WHEWELL, Rev. Wm. Address at Cambridge, Eng., June 25, 1833, before the British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. Cambridge, 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vols. 28 and 33. Additional Remarks on Thirwall s Letters on the Ad mission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. Cam bridge, 1834. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 21. Astronomy and General Physics with reference to Natural Theology. Lond., 1834. 8vo. Same. Phila, 1836. 12mo. History of the Inductive Sciences. 3d Ed. N. Y., 1858. 2 Vols. 8vo. Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a part of a Liberal Education. Cambridge, Eng., 1835. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 31. WHIG Almanac and U. States Register. N. Y. s 1843, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53. 12mo. See Tribune Almanac. of Seventy-Six. Newspaper. Bearer Dam and Juneau. 1862-63. folio. Party Analyzed. See QUINCY, Josiah. See ORMSBY, R. McK. History of. WHIGS. See ERSKINE, Lord. Defences of the Whigs, etc. - Public Spirit of, etc. 1712. WHIPPING Rods for Trifling, Scurrhill Scriblers, etc. Lond., 1752. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 24. WHIPPLE, Bishop. See HINMAN, S. D. Journal as Missionary to the Santee Sioux, etc. WHIPPLE, Abraham. See HILDRETH, S. P. Early Ohio Settlers. WHIPPLE, Chas. K. The Family Relation as affected by Slavery. Cincin., n. d. 12mo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 136. WHIPPLE, Edwin P. Oration at Boston, July 4, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 9. WHIPPLE, John. Discourse on the Life and Services of Dan l Webster, Providence, R. I., Nov. 23, 1852. Providence, 1852. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 21. " WHISKEY Rebellion," 1794. See FORD, Capt. David. WHISTON, Wm. The Astronomical Year; Account of the remark able Phenomena of 1736. Lond., 1737. 8vo. Scientific Pamph., Vol. 40. Eng. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 14. WHITBREAD, Sam l. Letter to Lord Holland on the Present Situa tion of Spam. Lond., 1808. 8vo. 2d Ed. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 28. See PAULL, Jas., Letters, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 537 WHITCOMB, Rev. W. C. Obituary Discourse on Ge.o. W. Jaquith, May 29, 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 10. WHITE, Albert S. Oration at LaFayette, Ind., on the Death of Wm. H. Harrison, April 17, 1841. LaFayette, 1841. 12mo. Addresses. Vol.38. WHITE, Alex. Speech in Cong., Mar. 9, 1852, on Public Lands. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 84. WHITE, Andrew. Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland, 1633. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 4 r WHITE, Andrew D. Letter to W. Howard Russell, LL. D., on Passages in his Diary North and South. Syracuse, 1863* 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. WHITE, Chas. A. See Iowa Geolog. Survey, 1870. WHITE, Chilton A. Speech in Cong., Feb. 19, 1864, on Naval Appropriation Bill. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 34. WHITE, D. A. Address at Consecration of Harmony Grove Cem etery, Salem, June 14, 1840. Salem, Mass. 8vo. Addresses,, etc. Vol.22. Address before Alumni of Harvard University, Aug. 27, 1844, 8vo. Harvard Pamph. See BRIGGS, Geo. W. Memoir of. Eulogy on John Pickering, LL. D., President of the Amer, Academy of Arts and Sciences. See Memoirs of Society, N. S. Vol. 3. Addresses. Vol. 31. New England Congregationalism in its Origin and Purity; Illustrated by the Foundation and Early Records of the First Church in Salem. Salem, 1861. 8vo. See Plummer Hall Dedication, etc. See WALKER, Jas. Memoir of. WHITE, Edwin A. Oration delivered at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1814. Worcester, 1814. 8vo. Addresses. Vol. 37. WHITE, Dr. Elijah. See ALLEN, A. J. Ten Years in Oregon. WHITE Family Genealogy. See KELLOGG, A. S. SHATTUCK, L. VINTON, J. A. WHITE, Rev. Geo. Historical Collections of Georgia; containing Facts, Traditions, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities to the present time. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. . Statistics of Georgia: including an Account of its Natural, Civil and Ecclesiastical History, with a Description of each County. Savannah, 1849. 8vo. WHITE, Geo. S. Memoir of Samuel Slater; with a History of the Rise and Progress of Cotton Manufacture in England and America. 2d Ed. Phila., 1836. 8vo. WHITE, Rev. Gilbert. Natural History of Selborne. Harpers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1860. 18mo. WHITE Haven, Conn. See New Haven. WHITE, Rev. Henry G. Sermon at London, Sept. 3, 1815, in aid of the Waterloo Subscription. Lond. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 58. WHITE, Hugh L. See SCOTT. N. N. Memoir of. WHITE House. Six Months at. See CARPENTER, F. B. WHITE, Jas. W. Dental Materia Medica. Phila., 1868. 12mo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 6. 538 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHITE, John. Philosophy of the War of Secession. Chicago, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 8. WHITE, J. R. The End of the Irrespressible Conflict, 1860. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 76. WHITE, Jos. L. Speeches in Cong., June 15 and July 1, 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. WHITE Mountains, N. H. See BELKNAP, J. Description of. Guide to, etc. 1850. - MOORE, J. B. Avalanche. 1826. PIERCE, J. Excursion to. 1823. Sketches of the. UPHAM, T. C. Destruction of the Willey Family. WHITE, Philo. Agricultural Statistics of Racine County, Wis. Racine, 1852. 8vo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 2. Communication in behaif of the Citizens of Racine, W^is., on the Improvement of the Harbor. 1850. Senate Doc. No. k^_ 60. Wisconsin Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. " Pichincha." Extracts from a Discourse delivered at Racine College, July, 1862. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 13. Another Copy. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 8. Plank Roads: Report on their Utility and Economy, made to a Meeting at Racine, 1848. Racine, 1848. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WHITE, Pliny H. Address before Vermont Hist. Soc., Oct. 29, 1858, on the Life and Services of Matthew Lyon. Burling ton, 1858. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. Annals of Salem, Vt. n. d. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Addresses, etc. Vol. 2. History of Cong. Churches in Orleans Co., Vt., with Biograph. Notices of Pastors, etc. Rutland, 1868. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Addresses, etc. Vol. 1. < History of Coventry, Orleans County, Vermont. Irasburgh, 1859. 8vo. The Congregational Church in Westminster, Vt. Centen. Sermon preached at Westminster, June 11, 1867. Bellows Falls, 1867. 8vo. Vt. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. WHITE, Rich d Grant. Catalogue of his Private Library. N. Y. 1870. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 56. WHITE, Rollin. Statement in regard to Senate Bill No. 273, being in reference to a Patent issued by him. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 118. WHITE, William. History, Gazetteer and Directory of the East and North Ridings of Yorkshire. Sheffield, Eng., 1840. 12mo. History of Belfast and Account of Acadia. Belfast, 1827. 12mo. - See Review of his Life of Swedenborg. WHITEHEAD, Chas. What may be done for the Poor by the Rich, etc. Maidstone, Eng., 1858. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 55. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 539 WHITEHEAD, Dr. John. Discourse at the New Chapel in the City Road, Mar. 9, 1791, at the Funeral of the late Rev. John Wesley. Lond. Svo. English Sermons, Vol. 24. WHITEHEAD, Wm. A. Apppointment of Nathan l Jones as Chief Justice of N. Jersey, in 1759. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 8. Biographical Sketch of William Franklin, Governor of New Jersey, 1763-1766. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. 3. Circumstances leading to the Establishment, in 1769, of the Northern Boundary Line between N. Jersey and N. York. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 8. East Jersey under the Proprietary Governments: Narrative of Events connected with the Settlement of the Province until the Surrender of the Government to the Crown in 1702. N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. Origin, Practice and Prohibition of Female Suffrage in New Jersey. 1858. N. J. Hist. Soc. Proceed. Vol. 8. Northern Boundary Line between N. Jersey and N. York. Paper before N. Jersey Hist. Soc., May 19, 1859. 8vo. N. J. Hist. Soc. Addresses. WHITEHEAD, Rev. W. B. Letter to Lord Viscount Sidmouth, on General Education. Lond., 1820. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 16. WHITELAW, Rev. Jas. Sketch of the Life of. Dublin, 1813. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 21. WHITES-TOWN, N. Y., Seminary Catalogue for 1868-69. Utica, 1869. Svo. WHITEWATER arid Miami Valley Assoc, See HARRISON, J. S. Pioneer Life at North Bend. WHITEWATER, Wis., Democrat. Newspaper. 1860-63. folio. Gazette and Register. Newspapers. Aug. 1855, to Dec. 59. Folio. See LEONARD, J. A. Sketches of. Register. Newspaper. Whitewater, 1860-1866. 1871-1873. Folio. Reminiscences of. From the Whitewater Register, 1873. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 3. See Wis. State Normal School, Whitewater. WHITFIELD, Rev. H. Further Progress of the Gospel among the In dians of New England. Lond., 1652. N. Y., reprint, 1865. Sm. 4to. Present State of the Indians of N. England. Lond., 1651. 4to. N. Y., reprint, 1865. 4to. The Light Appearing more and more towards the Perfect Day, or a Farther Discovery, towards the present state of the Indians in New England, 1651. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 5. 3d Ser. WHITING, Henry. Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Michigan, n, d. Sketches of Michigan. Cursory Remarks upon East Florida, in 1838. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 35. Life of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 5. 540 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHITING, Henry. Remarks on the Supposed Tides of the N. Am. Lakes, 1831. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 20. See also Sketches of Michigan. WHITING, Lyman, D. D. Janesville Gazette New Year s Address, for 1872. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Oration before the Trustees and Students of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., June 27, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. Ad dresses. Vol. 33. Bi-Centennial Oration at West Brookfield, Mass., July 4, 1860. West Brookfield, 1869. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 15. Dedication Sermon at Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 11, 1848. Law rence, 1849. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 19. Dedication Sermon at Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 1, 1855. Ports mouth, 1856. 8vo. N. H. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. Memorial Tribute to the Rev. Thos. Snell, DD., offered at his Burial, May 7, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 53. The Sanctuary for Meat and Medicine. Dedication Sermon preached at Mitchell, Iowa, March 14, 1869. Dubuque, 1869. 8vo. WHITING, William. Abstract of an Argument before Mass. Legis lative Cornm. against the Erection of a Bridge across Chel sea Creek. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 7. Address before the N. E. Historic Genealogical Society, Jan. 12, 1853. Boston. 8vo. Argument in the case of Ross Winans vs. Orsamus Eaton et al., for an alleged infringement of his patent for the Eight- wheeled Railroad Car. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 7. Memoir of Rev. Joseph Harrington. Boston, 1854. 12mo. Memoir of Samuel Whiting, D. D., and of his wife , Elizabeth St. John, with reference to some of their English Ancestors and Amer. Descendants. Pr. printed. Boston, 1872. 8vo. Report of his Argument in the case of Artemas L. Brooks et al. vs. John Fisk and N. G. Norcross on Woodworth s Plan ing Machine. Boston, 1854. 8vo. Pamphlets. Vol. 7. The Return of the Rebellious States to the Union. Phila., 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 17 and 45. The War Powers of the President and the Legislative Powers of Congress. 2d Ed. Boston, 1862. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 65. WHITLEY, T. W. Reflections on the Gov t of the Western Art Union, and its Works of Art. Cincin., 1848. 8vo. Art Pamph. Vol. 6. WHITLING, H. J. Some Ace. of Nuremberg, and what is to be met with there. Nuremberg, Bavaria, 1847. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 15. WHITMAN, Ezekiel. Memoirs of John Whitman and his Descend ants. Portland, 1832. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. II. WHITMAN, Levi. Topograph. Descrip. of Wellfleet, in the Co. of Barnstable. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. IstSer. Vol. 3. WHITMORE Genealogy. See WHITMORE, Wm. H. Whitman Record. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 541 WHITMORE, Wm. H. Account of the Temple Family, with Notes and Pedigree of the Family of Bowdoin. Boston, 1856. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. American Genealogist. Albany, 1868. 8vo. Bibliography of the various Hist. Societies throughout the U. S. Hist. Magazine. 2d Ser. Vol. 4. ief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hutchinson and Thos. Oliver. Boston, 1865. 4to. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 5. Elements of Heraldry; with an Essay on Coat Armor in the U. S. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Hand Book of American Genealogy. Albany, 1862. 4to. Mass. Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 1630- 1774. Albany, 1870. 8vo. Record of the Descendants of Francis Whitmore, of Cam bridge, Mass. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 7. The Cavalier Dismounted; an Essay on the Origin of the Founders of the Thirteen Colonies. Salem, 1864. 8vo. N. Eng. Pamph. Vol. 1. WHITNEY, Eli. See OLMSTED, D. Memoir of. WHITNEY, F. A. Address at Funeral of Mrs. Susanna (Park) Champney; with Genealog. Notices of Champney and Park Families. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph., Vol. 2. Address at the Consecration of Evergreen Cemetery, Brighton, Aug. 7, 1850, with Appendix. Boston, 1850. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 16. Address on Temperance, Brighton, Mass., Dec. 21, 1845. Bos ton, 1846. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. Oration at the Dedication of the Soldiers Monument, in Ev ergreen Cemetery, Brighton, Mass., July 26, 1866. With Hist. Appendix. Boston, 1866. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 16. Hist. Sketch of the Old Church, Quincy, Mass. From the N Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register. Albany, N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 17. The Early New England Home; a Thanksgiving Sermon. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 33. WHITNEY, Rev. Geo. Commemorative Discourse at Quincy, Mass., May 25, 1840., on the 2d Centen. Annivers. of the Incorpo ration of the Town, with an Appendix. Boston, 1840 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 17. Sermon on the Death and Character of Wm. Henry Harrison, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Apr. 18, 1841. 8vo. Addresses, etc., Vol. 24. WHITNEY, J. D. Address before the Legislature of California, Mar. 12, 1861, on the Geolog. Survey of the State. San Francisco, 1861. 8vo. Cal. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. See FOSTER, J. W., and WHITNEY, J. D. WHITNEY, J. H. E. The Hawkins Zouaves, 9th N. York Vol.; their Battles and Marches. N. Y., 1866. 12mo. 542 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHITNEY, Rev. Peter. History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Mass., with a Particular Account of each Town. Worcester, 1793. 8vo. WHITNEY, Reuben M. Memorial, etc., on Charges preferred against him in U. S. Bank Case. 1832. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 98. WHITNEY, Thos. Address at the Opening of the New Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Milwaukee, Feb. 3, 1863. Milwaukee, 1863. 8vo. Milwaukee Pamphs. WHITNEY, Thomas R. Defence of the American Party, as Opposed to the Encroachments of Foreign Influence of the Papacy in the U. S. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. WHITNEY, Wm. See PENN. Grand Lodge (Masonic.) WHITON, Rev. John M. Brief Notices of the Town of Antrim, N H. N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. Sketches of the History of New Hampshire from its Settle ment in 1623 to 1833. Concord. 1834. 12mo. WHITTAKER, Wm. Adversus T. Stapletoni Anglo Papistae, etc. Cambridge, 1594. Folio. WHITTIER, John G. See WOOLMAN, John. Life and Travels. WHITTLESEY, Chas. Abstract of a Discourse before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc. at Monroeville, O., Mar. 15, 1865, on the Mounds and Mound Buildings of Ohio. Ancient Earth Forts of the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio. Cleve land, 1871. 8vo. Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts. Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 13. Ancient Rock Inscriptions in Ohio, etc. Cleveland. 1872, 8vo. Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts. Archaeological Frauds Inscriptions attributed to the Mound Builders Three Remarkable Forgeries. Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts. Col. David Williamson, and the Massacre of the Moravian Indians. 1782. Amer. Pioneer. Vol. 2. Description of Ancient Works in Ohio. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 3. Same. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 38. . Early History of Cleveland, O. Cleveland, 1867. 8vo. Evidences of the Antiquity of Man in the U. States, n. d. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. Fluctuations of Level in the North American Lakes. Smith- son. Contrib. Vol. 12. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 11. Fugitive Essays, relating to the Early Hist, of Ohio, its Geol ogy, Agriculture, &c. Hudson, 1852. 12mo. viz: Coal and Iron Trade of the Ohio Valley. Col. Bouquet s Expedition into the Muskingum Countrv in 1764. Origin of Mineral Coal. Early Discoveries in Mississippi Valley. Indian History: their Relations to us at the time of the Rev olution. Indian Titles in Ohio. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 543 WHITTLESEY, Chas. Fugitive Essays continued. Justice to Memory of John Fitch. Dunmore s Expedition to the Sciota Towns, 1774. Rise and Fall of Surface of Northern Lakes. Natural Terraces and Ridges on Lake Erie. Agricultural Interest and Condition of Ohio. Remarks on "Delafields Antiquities." Review of Transactions of Hist. Soc. of Ohio, Vol. 1, Part 2. Rights of Authors outside of Copyrights. Sketch of Location, Settlement and Progress of Cleveland, Statement of Elevations in Ohio, with reference to Geolog. Formations, &c. Age of the Material Universe. Two Months in the Copper Regions. Indian Affairs around Detroit in 1706. Cleveland, 1871. 8vo. Western Reserve Hist. Tracts. Life of John Fitch. Sparks Amer. Biog. 2d Ser. Vol. 6. Major Gladwyn and the Indian Girl. Romance in History. Notes upon the Drift and Alluvium of Ohio and the West. Sillimans Journ. Vol. 5. 2d Ser. On the Drift Cavities or "Potash Kettles of Wisconsin," also on the Azoic Rocks of Mich, and Wis. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 16. n. d. On the Fresh Water Glacial Drift of the Northwestern States. Smithson. Contrib. Vol. 15. On the Water Level at Green Bay, Wis. From the Amer. Journ. of Science, May, 1859. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. Outlines of the Geology of Ohio. Cleveland, 1856. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Papers relating to the Expeditions of Col. Bradstreet and Col. Bouquet, in Ohio, 1764. 2 Pamphs. Cleveland, 1873. 8vo. Western Reserve Hist. Tracts. Papers relating to the First White Settlers in Ohio. Cleve land, 1871. 8vo. Western Reserve Hist. Tracts. Railway Connections with Lake Superior. Letter to Hon. Truman Smith. Cleveland, 1853. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Report of Explorations in the Mineral Regions of Minnesota, in 1848, 59, 64. Cleveland, 1866. 8vo. Minn. Pamph. Vol. 2. Sketch of. From Representative Men of Cleveland, 1869. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 17. Sketch of the Location, Settlement, and Progress of Cleveland, O., 1842. Amer. Pioneer. Vol. 2. Sketch of the Settlement and Progress of the Township of Tallmadge, Summit Co., Ohio. Cleveland, 1842. 12mo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. The Equivalency of Rocks of N. Eastern Ohio, and the Port age, Chernung and Hamilton Rocks of N. York. (n. d.) 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Topograph. and Histor. Sketch of the State of Ohio. With Map. Phila., 1872. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3, I 544 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WHITTLESEY, Elisha. Address before the Fire Lands Hist. Soc y? at Norwalk, O., Nov. 12, 1857. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 1. Address prepared for the Forty fifth Annivers. of the Defence of Ft. Stephenson, at Lower Sandusky, Fremont, Ohio. Toledo, 1858. Svo. Ohio Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 2. WHITTLESEY, Elisha D. Remarks upon the British Expedition to Danbury, Conn., 1777, as related in Marshall s Life of Wash ington. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. N. Ser. Vol. 2. WHITTLESEY, Family. Memorials of, in the U. S. Hartford, 1855. Svo. WHITTLESEY, J. H. Report on National Military Education. Washington, 1867. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 18. Report on National Military Education, with the Plan of a System for the U. States. Washington, 1867. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 6. WHO is Responsible? Who Defeated the Crittenden Compromise? Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 54. WHO is the Legitimate King of Portugal? Lond., 1828. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 14. WHO shall be Governor, Strong or Sullivan? or the Sham Patriot Unmasked. 1806. Congr. and Polit. Pampdh. Vol. 96. WHOM do English Tories wish Elected to the Presidency? 1864. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 53. WHY are we still at War? Or the American Question considered, in a Series of Essays, etc. Lond., 1814. Svo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 4. WHY COAL should be taxed. 1862. Svo. Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. WHY Colored People in Phil a are Excluded from the Street Cars. 1866. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 18. WHY Pennsylvania should become one of the Confederate States of America. Lond., 1862. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 62. WHYMPER, Fred. Travels in the Territory of Alaska and in other parts of the North Pacific. N. Y., 1869. 12mo. WHYTE, Alex. Account of his Trial for a Libel, at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1793. Svo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. WHYTE, Laurence. Original Poems on Various Subjects. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1742. 12mo. WIARD, Norman. About Great Guns, etc. Washington, 1867. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. Communication to Joint Comm. on the Conduct of the War on on the subject of Great Guns. Washington, 1865. Svo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 5. Facts about Ordnance and the Frauds and Mismanagment of the Ordnance Department, n. d. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 137. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 16. Inefficiency of Heavy Ordnance, in this country and every where. 2d Ed. Washington, 1S65. 8vo. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 5. Report from Comm. on Ordnance of U. S. House of R., on his Memorials. 1869. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 113. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 545 WICK, W. W. Speeches in Cong. Jan. 30, 1846, and April 16, 1848, on the Oregon Question. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. WICKERSHAM, J. P. Lecture before Nat. Teachers Assoc., at Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 18, 1865, on Education as an Element in Reconstruction. Boston, 1865. 8vo. Congr. arid Polit. Pamph. Vol. 81. WICKHAM, C. P. History of the Fire Lands Press. 1860. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. 2. WICKHAM, Gen. W. C. Address before the Grant and Colfax Ra tification Meeting, at Richmond, Va., Aug. 25, 1868. Alex andria, 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 62. WI!ESBADEN, Germany. Guide through Wiesbaden and its Envir ons. Wiesbaden, 1832. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 27. WIFFEN, J. H. Life of Torquato Tasso, with Appendix on Jerusalem Delivered, by Sismondi. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. WIGGLESWORTH, Rev. Michael. See DEAN, J. W. Sketch of Life of. His Memoir, Autobiography, Letters and Library. N.E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 17. WIGHT, Andrew. Catalogue of his Library. N. Y., 1864. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 4. WIGHT, L. M. Why Nations have Fallen. Portland, 1863. 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 24. WIGHT, Rev. Wm. The Model Parish; or the present state of Parishes in G. Britain, etc. Lond., 1849. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 47. WIGHTMAN, Jos. M. Annals of the Boston Primary School Com mittee, from its first Establishment in 1818, to its Dissolu tion in 1855. Boston,. 1860. 8vo. WIKOFF, H. Secession and its Causes: in a letter to Viscount Palmerston, 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. WILBERFORCE, R. 1. and S. Life and Correspondence of William Wilberforce. Lond., 1838. 7 Vols. 12mo. Life of William Wilberforce. Phila., 1839. 12mo. WILBERFORCE, Sam l. Letter to Lord Brougham, on the Govern ment Plan of Education. Lond., 1.840. Svo. 3d Ed. Edu cational Pamph. Vol. 30. WIDBERFORCE, Wm. Letter to the Prince of Talleyrand Perigord, on the Slave Trade. Lond., 1814. 8vo. Pamphleteer Vol. 5. Substance of his Speeches in Parliament, in 1813, on the Religious and Moral Improvement of the Natives of India. Lond., 1814. Svo. Pamphleteer, Vol. 3. WILBRAHAM, Mass. See STEBBINS, R. B. Centennial Celebration. WILCOX, Gen. C. M. The Campaigns of Gen. R. E. Lee. Reply to A. H. Guernsey. From the N. Orleans Times,.Oct., 1871. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 112. WILCOX, Gen. O. B. See Men of the Time. WILD, Dr. Robt. Letter to a Friend on His Majesty s Declaration for Liberty of Conscience. Lond., 1672. Sm. 4to. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. 35 546 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILDE, R. H. See BARCLAY, Anthony. Speech in Cong. Mar. 18, 1834, on Removal of the Deposites. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. WILDE, Sam l. F. T. Introductory Letter on Conveyancing, deliv ered at London, 1833. Lond. n. d. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 26. WILDE, Sam l S. See PEABODY, E. Obit. Sermon, 1855. WILDER, D. History of Leominster, Mass. Fitchburg, 1853. 8vo WILDER, Edw. P. Philanthropy Dissected. The "Act for the further Protection of Seamen " reviewed. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 140. WILDER Genealogy, taken from N. E. Hist, and Genealog. Register. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 1. WILDER, Rev. H. A. Description of Natal. Amer. Geograph. and Statis. Soc. Bulletin, Vol. 1. WILDER, John N. Rochester; a Poem delivered before the Liter ary Societies of the University of Rochester, July 7, 1857. N. Y., 1857. Svo. and OLCOTT, Thos. W. Speeches before the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory, June, 1858. Albany, 1858. Svo. Ad dresses, Vol. 19. WILDER, Marshall P. Address at Ann. Meeting of N. England Historic Genealogical Society, 1870. Boston, 1870. Svo. Addresses. Vol. 5. WILDERNESS (The) and the War Path. See HALL, Jas. WILDES, Rev. Geo. D. Memoirs of Capt. Wm. Nichols, of New- buryport. Essex Institute Coll. Vol. 6. WILEY, Rev. I. W. Two Lectures on the Rebellion. Trenton, "- 3&1864. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol.29. WILKES, Geo. McClellan: from Ball s Bluff to Antietam. N. Y. 1863. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 23 and 57. McClellan; Who is he and what has he done? 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 20. Proposal for a National R. R. to the Pacific Ocean. N. Y., 1847. Svo. 4th Ed. WILKES, John. See GRENVILLE, Geo. Speech respecting. Letter on the Public Conduct of. Letter to Hon. G. Grenville, respecting. WILKESON, John. The Manufacture of Iron in Buffalo. Paper read before the Buffalo Hist. Soc., Jan. 25, 1864. Buffalo, 1864. Svo. WILKESON, Saml. Early Incidents of Buffalo. American Pioneer, Vol. 1. Early Recollections of the West. American Pioneer, Vol. 2. How our National Debt may be a National Blessing. Phil a 1865. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 10. WILKIE, Rev. D. Comparative View of the French and English Languages. Read before the Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., December 15, 1843. Transactions, Vol. 4, Part 2. WILKIE, Dan l. Observations in regard to a General System of Education in Canada. 1841. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Transactions. Vol. 4, Part 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 547 WILKIE, F. B. Davenport: Past and Present. Davenport, Iowa, 1858. 8vo. Walks about Chicago; and Army and Miscellaneous Sketches. 2d Ed. Chicago, 1869. 12mo. WILKINS, E. T. Insanity and Insane Asylums; Report of the Comm r in Lunacy for the State of California, Dec. 2, 1871. Sacramento, 1872. 8vo. WILKINSON, Sir Gardiner. Three Letters on the Policy of England towards the Porte and Mohammed Ali. Lond., 1840. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 23. WILKINSON, Rev. Israel. Memoirs of the Wilkinson Family in America. Genealog. and Biograph. Sketches. 1645-1868. Jacksonville, 111., 1869. 8vo. WILKINSON, I Gr. Topography of Thebes and General View of Egypt. Lond., 1835. 8vo. WILKINSON, Gen. Jas. Memoirs of my own Times. Phila., 1816. 8vo. WILKINSON, M. S. Speech in U. S. Senate on Abolition of Slavery in the Dist. of Columbia, Mar. 21, 1862. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 68. WILKINSON, Rob t. Observations on his Report to the Assignees of Marsh, Stracey & Co. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 13. Reply to Observations on his Report to the Assignees of the late Banking House of Marsh, Stracey & Co. Lond., 1825. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 28. WILKINSON, W. On the Orbits described by Bodies revolving in given Planes round Immoveable Centres of Forces. Cam bridge, Eng., 1816. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 37. WILKS, Jonathan. Practical Scheme for the Reduction of the Pub lic Debt and Taxation. Lond., 1822. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 20. WILL, Geo. Daily Journal of Wayne s Campaign, from July 28 to Nov. 2, 1794. Amer. Pioneer. Vol. 1. WILL, The, of the People, n. d. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. WILLARD, D. History of Greenfield, Mass. Greenfield, 1838. 12mo. WILLARD, Emma. Answer to Marcius Willson s Reply; or Second Appeal to the Public. N. Y., 1847. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. etc. Vol. 2. Compendio de la Estados Unidos o Republica de America. N. Y., 1854. 8vo. Guide to the Temple of Time; and Universal History. N. Y. 1850. Small. 4to. History of the United States, or Republic of America. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Last Leaves of American History; comprising a separate History of California. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. Treatise on the Motive Powers which produce the Circulation of the Blood. N-. Y., 1846. 12mo. Universal History in Perspective; illustrated by Maps and Engravings. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. 548 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILLARD, Jos. Address on the 200 Annivers. of the Incorpora tion of Lancaster, Mass. Boston, 1853. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 6. Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester Co., Mass., Oct. 2, 1829. Lancaster, 1830. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Dis courses. Vol. 12. History of Lancaster, Mass. Worcester Magazine. Vol. 2. Letter to an English Friend on the Rebellion. Boston, 1862, 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 33 and 85. Memoir of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed., 1866-67. Memoir of Wm. Lincoln. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 10. Naturalization in the American Colonies, with special refer ence to Massachusetts. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. See also Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed, 1858-60. Willard Memoir; or Life and Times of Major Simon Willard, -with notices of three Generations of his Descendants. Bos ton, 1848. 8vo. WILLARD, Sam l. History of the Rupture now dividing the Con gregational Clergy and Churches of Mass., in a Half Cen tury Discourse at Deerfield, Sept. 22, 1857. Greenfield, 1858. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vols. 8, 16. The Grand Issue; an Ethico-Political Tract. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 102. Valedictory Address preached to the 1st Ch. in Deerfield, Mass., Sept. 20, 1829. Boston, 1831. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 38. WILLARD, Maj. Sidney. See BARTOL, C. A. Tribute to his Mem ory, etc., 1862. WILLARD, Sylvester D. Annals of the Medical Society of the Co. of Albany, N. Y.. 1806-51. Albany, 1864. 8vo. Hist. Address before the Medical Society of Albany County. Albany, 1857. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 14. See HOUGH, F. B. Biograph. Notice of. Regimental Surgeons of the State of New York in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-3. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 16. See SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Sermon on his Death. 1865. WILLETT, M. Stranger s Guide to the Banks of the Wye. Bristol, Eng., 1831. 12mo. Guide-Books. Vol. 8. WILLEY, Rev. Sam l H. Decade Sermons. Two Hist. Discourses Preached in the Howard St. Presb. Ch., San Francisco, Mar. 1859. San Francisco, 1859. 8vo. Cal. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. WILLEY, Waitman T. Speech in U. S. Senate, Mar. 4, 1870, on the Claims of Southern Loyalists. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol.119. WILLIAM III, of England. See TREVOR, A. Life and Times of. WILLIAM IV, of England. See Coronation of. WILLIAM V, of Nassau. See VANDEK, A. A. (C.) WILLIAM and Mary, College of. History of the College of Wm. & Mary, from 1693, to 1870. With Catalogue of Alumni. Bal timore, 1870. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 549 WILLIAMS, Bishop. Sermon preached in Christ Ch., Hartford, Jan. 29, 1865, in commemoration of Bishop Brownell. Hartford, 1865. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 51. WILLIAMS, Butler. Instructions in Drawing; for the Use of Schools Lond., 1843. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol.37. WILLIAMS, C. Brief Circular relating to Rice Co., Minn. Fair- bault, Minn., 1860. 8vo. Report on the Preliminary Surveys of the Cleveland, Colum bus, and Cincinnati R. R. Cleveland, 1846. 8vo. Ohio Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. WILLIAMS, Catherine R. Biography of Revolutionary Heroes; containing the Life of Gen. William Barton, and Capt. Stephen Olney. Providence, 1839. 12mo. WILLIAMS, Chas. L. Statistics of the Rutland County, Vt. Bar, with Biograph. Notices of Distinguished Members fromp.781 to 1847. Brandon, 1847. Svo. Vt. Hist. Discourses, &c. Vol. 2. WILLIAMS, Chauncy K. History of Rutland Newspapers, n. d. Svo. Vt. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. WILLIAMS College. Catalogue of Officers and Students for 1851-2, 1869-70. Triennial Catalogues, 1835, 1853 1856, 1858. Catalogue of the Lyceum of Nat. History. 1852 . See DURFEE, C. Biograph. Sketches of the Class of 1825. History of. HOPKINS, Mark, D. D. Inaugura. of Pres t P. A. CHADBOURNE, July 27, 1872. Williamstown, 1872. 8vo. See WILLIAMS, Ephraim, (Founder of.) WILLIAMS, David. History of Monmouthshire. Lond., 1796. 4to. WILLIAMS, E. Virginia; more especially South Part therof, Richly and Truly Valued. 1650. Force s Hist. Tracts. Vol. 3. WILLIAMS, Edwin. New York Annual Register for 1831, 1834 and 1845. N. Y. 12mo. WILLIAMS, Eleazar, and the ? Lost Prince by J. Y. SMITH. Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. See HANSON, J. H. Identity with Louis XVII. Life of Tehoragwanegen, alias Thos. Williams, Chief of the Caughnawaga Tribe in Canada. Albany, 1859. Svo. WILLIAMS, Col. Eph. Hist. Sketch of Life and Character of. Mass. Hist. Soc y Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 8. WILLIAMS Genealogy. See WILLIAMS, S. W. WILLIAMS, Geo. Letter to the Provost of Eton College, on the Election of Scholars, etc. Lond., 1850. Svo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. Dr. Pierotti and his Assailants: or a Defence of " Jerusalem Explored." Lond., 1864. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 15. WILLIAMS, Henry W., M. D. Annivers. Address before the Suffolk District Med. Soc y, Apr. 30, 1853. Boston, 1853. Svo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 31. WILLIAMS, Isaac. Biograph. Sketch of. Amer. Pioneer. Vol 1. 550 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILLIAMS, Rev. J. Life and Actions of Alexander the Great. Har pers Fam. Libr. N. Y., 1859. 18mo. WILLIAMS, J. B. Memoir of Life, Character and writings of Sir Matthew Hale. Lond., 1836. 2 Vols. 8vo. WILLIAMS, J. Fletcher. Bibliography of Minnesota. From the Minn. Hist. Collections, Vol. 3. Part 1. St. Paul, 1870. Svo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 50. History of the Newspaper Pess of St. Paul, Minn., 1871. Svo. Minn. Local Hist., etc. Sketch of the Life of, from Heart and Hand," June 7, 1873. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 17. The Early History of St. Paul. St. Paul, 1867. Svo. Two Copies. Minn. Local Hist. Williams, John. Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition concern ing the Discovery of America by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, 1170. Lond., 1790. Svo. Essays on Various Subjects, Philological, Philosophical, Ethno logical and Archaeological connected with pre-historical records. Lond., 1858. Svo. WILLIAMS, John. Treatise on the Study and Practice of the Law. Lond., 1833. Svo. Law Pamph. Vol. 16. WILLIAMS, John, D. D. Inaugural Discourse before the Senate of Trinity College, Hartford, Commencement, 1849. Hartford, 1849. Svo. Addresses, Vol. 30. WILLIAMS, Rev. John. See WILLIAMS, S. W. Memoir of. WILLIAMS, J. J. Report on the Tehauntepec Railway and Ship Canal, 1870. N. Y., 1870. Svo. The Isthmus of Tehauntepec, being the results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the two Oceans, with Atlas. N.Y. 1853. 2 Vols. Svo. WILLIAMS, J. L. Historical Sketch of the 1st Pres. Ch., Fort Wayne, Indiana. A Lecture delivered Mar. 7, 1860. Fort Wayne, 1860. Svo. Indiana Hist. Discourses, Vol. 1. View of West Florida, embracing its Geography, Topography, etc., with a Map. Phila., 1827. Svo. WILLIAMS, John Mason. Nullification and Compromise: a retro spective View. N. Y., 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 22. - Same 1863. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 90. WILLIAMS, John S. History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, and of the Events which preceded and followed. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. WILLIAMS, Lester. Discourse at Holden, Mass., Dec. 30, 1860, on the Freedom of Speech and the Union. Worcester, 1861, 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 62. WILLIAMS, Gen. Otho H. See TIFFANY, Osmond. Life and Ser vices of. WILLIAMS, Roger. See ALLEN, Zach. Memorial of. ELTON, R. Life of. GAMMELL, W. Life of. Key into the Language of America; or, a Help to the Lan guage of the Natives in that part of America called New England. Lond., 1643. R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 1. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1st Ser., Vol. 3. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 551 WILLIAMS, Roger. Statue of. Proceedings in Congress on receiv ing the Statue of Roger Williams from the State of Rhode Island. Providence, 1872. 8vo. R. I. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. WILLIAMS, Sam l. Account of a very Uncommon Darkness in the States of New England, May 19, 1780. Memoirs of Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1, 1785. Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 3d Edition, enlarged. Burlington, 1809. 2 Vols. 8vo. Two Western Campaigns in the War of 1812 1. Expedition of Capt. Henry Brush, with Supulies for Gen. Hull. 1812. 2. Expedition of Gov. Meigs for the relief of Fort Meigs, 1813. Ohio Valley Hist. Miscellanies. WILLIAMS, Rev. Solomon. Hist. Sketch of Northampton, in a Ser mon, Apr. 13, 1815. Northampton, Mass., 1815. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, Vol. 10. WILLIAMS, Stephen W. American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of Eminent Physicians. Greenfield, 1845. 8vo. Biograph. Memoir of Rev. John Williams, first minister at Deerfield, Mass., with Account of the Indian Wars in that place. Greenfield, 1837. 12mo. See also American Pioneer, Vol. 1. Correspondence with the late Jonathan Pereira, M. D. PhiPa, 1855. 8vo. Med. Pamph., Vol. 5. Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in Ameri- ce, and more particularly the descendants of Robert Will iams of Roxbury, Greenfield, 1847. 12mo. Medical Improvements and Discoveries of the last half cen tury. N. Y., 1852. Svo. Med. Pamph., Vol. 1. WILLIAMS, S. Wells. Present Position of the Chinese Empire. Amer. Ethnolog. Soc. Vol. 2. WILLIAMS, Rev. Thos. Centurial Sermon, Providence, R. I., June, 1836. Providence, 1837. Svo. R. I. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Discourse at Ordination of Rev. Emerson Paine, at Middle- borough, Mass., Feb. 14, 1816. Providence, 1816. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 14. Official Character of Rev. Nathan l Emmons, taught and shown, in a Sermon on his Life and Death. Boston, 1840. Svo. Sermons. Vols. 31, 44. WILLIAMS, Thos. Monagas & Paez: being a View of late Events in Venezuela. N. Y., 1850. Svo. S. Amer. Pamph. Vol. 1. Prosecution of. See PAIXE, Thos. Speech in Cong., Feb. 3, 1864, on the Enrollment Act. Re- belPn Pamph. Vol. 9. Apr. 28, 1864, on the Restoration of the Union. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 121. WILLIAMS, Thos. [Indian Chief.] See WILLIAMS, Rev. Eleazer. Life of. WILLIAMS, Capt. W. G. Report on the Survey of the North- Western Lakes, 1842. Washington, 1842. Svo. Wis. M sc. Pamph. Vol. 5. 552 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILLIAMS, Dr. Wm. Henry. Observations on Dr. Wilson s Tinct ure, the Eau Medicinale, etc. Lond., 1818. 4to. Med. Pamph. Vol. 28. WILLIAMS, Rev. Wm. R. Miscellanies. 2d Ed. National Renovation; its Sources; its Channels and its Re sults. N. Y., 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 4 and 102. " WILLIAMSBUKG Church," S. C. See WALLACE, J. A. History of, 1856. WILLIAMSBUKG, N. Y. See STILES, H. R. History of Brooklyn. WILLIAMSON, Capt. Chas. Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, in the State of N. Y. N. Y., 1799. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. See also Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol. 2. WILLIAMSON, Col. David. See WHITTESEY, Chas. WILLIAMSON, Hugh. Discourse on the Benefits of Civil History; delivered before the N. Y. Hist. Society, Dec. 6, 1810. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 2. History of North Carolina. Phila., 1812. 2 Vols. 8vo. See HOSACK, Dr. D. Biograph. Memoir. WILLIAMSON, Jos. Castine; and the old Coins found there. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. WILLIAMSON, Peter. French and Indian Cruelty exemplified in his Life and Fortunes. Edinburgh, 1792. 12mo. Another Copy. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 5. Narrative of his Captivity by the Indians. (Included in Schoolcraft s Amer. Indians.) WILLIAMSON, W. D. History of the State of Maine from 1602 to 1820. Hallowell, 1834. 8vo. Indian Tribes in N. England. 1839. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 9. Notice of Orono, a Chief of Penobscot. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Ser. Vol. 9. WILLICH, A. F. M. Domestic Encyclopaedia; or Dictionary of Facts and useful Knowledge. Phila., 1803. 5 Vols. 8vo. Vol. 2 wanting. WILLIS, Anson. Onr Rulers and our Rights; or outlines of the U. S. Government. 2d Ed. N. Y., 1868. 12mo. WILLIS, Rev. Cecil. Nature of Agistment Tithe of Unprofitable Stock, illustrated. Lond., 1778. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 10. WILLIS, G. Current Notes; a series of articles on Antiquities, Bi ography, Heraldry, History, etc. Lond., 1852-57. 2 Vols. 4to. WILLIS Genealogy. See MORSE, A. WILLIS, Rev. Lemuel. Semi-Centen. Address at the Universalist Ch., Salem, Mass., Aug. 4, 1859. Salem, 1859. 8vo. Sa lem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. WILLIS, N. P. Famous Persons and Places. N. Y., 1854. 12mo. Fun-Jottings; or Laughs I have taken a Pen to. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. Health Trip to the Tropics. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 553 WILLIS, N. P. Life, Here and There; or Sketches of Society and Adventure. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. See New York Mirror. Home Journal. Out-Doors at Idle-Wild. N. Y., 1855. 12mo. Pencillings by the Way; written during years ot Residence and Travel in Europe. N. Y., 1852. 12mo. Rural Letters, and other Records of Thought at leisure. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, on board an American Frigate. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. The Legendary. Vol. 2. Boston, 1828. 12mo. WILLIS, Rev. Rich d. Sermon before the House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1705, on the 100th Annivers. of the Gunpowder Treason. Lond. 4to. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 8. WILLIS, Rev. Thos. Thanksgiving Sermon on his Majesty s De liverance from the late Conspiracy, etc. Apr. 16, 1696. Lond. Sm. 4to. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 7. WILLIS, Wm. Address before Maine Hist. Society, Feb. 2, 1855. Collections. Vol. 4. Address before Maine Hist. Society, March, 1857. Collec tions. Vol. 5. Bibliographical Essay on the Early Collections of Voyages to America. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 15. Bibliography of Maine: a Descriptive Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the History and Statistics of the State of Maine. Norton s Literary Letter, No. 4, 1859. Genealogy of the McKinstry Family, with a Preliminary Essay on the Scotch-Irish Immigrations to America. Bos ton, 1858. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 8. See HART, C. H. Tribute to Memory of. 1870. History of Portland, Me., from its first Settlement; with No tices of Neighboring Towns, in 2 parts. Part 1. Maine Hist. Coll. Vol. 1. Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith, and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the 1st Church in Portland, Me., with a Summary History of Portland. Portland, 1849. 8vo. See Maine Documentary History. Remarks on Coins found at Portland in 1849, arftl Richmond s Island in 1855; with Notices of Coin and Coinage. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. Summary of Voyages to the Northern Atlantic Coast of Amer ica in the 16th Century. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 23. Scotch-Irish Immigration to Maine, and Presbyterianism in N. England. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. The Indians of Hudson s Bay, and their Language. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 6. The Language of the Abnaquies; or Eastern Indians, with Appendix. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. WILLISTON, E. B. Eloquence of the U. States. Middletown, Conn. 1827. 5 Vols. 8vo. WILLISTON, Rev. Payson. Half Century Sermon at Easthampton, Mass., Aug. 18, 1839. Northampton, 1839. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. 554 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILLITOFT; or the Days of James I. A Tale. Baltimore, 1851. 12mo. WILLMORE, Graham. Is Trial by Jury worth keeping? Lond., 1850. 8vo. 3d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 56. WILLOUGHBY, Lady : or Passages from the Diary of a wife and mother of the seventeenth century. N. Y., 1851. 12mo. WILLOUGHBY, Ohio, Collegiate Institute. Catalogue for 1866-7. 8vo. Medical College. Catalogue, 1846. Cleveland, 1846. 8vo. WILLS, Jas. Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen. Vols. 3, 4, 5 (bound in 6 parts). Glasgow, 1837. 8vo. WILLSON, Arabella M. Lives of Mrs. Ann H., Sarah B. and Emily C. Judson, Missionaries to Burmah. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. WILLSON, Edmund B. Address at Petersham, Mass., July 4, 1854, on the 100th Annivers. of the Incorporation of the Town. Boston, 1855. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 10. Sermon at Grafton, Mass,, Dec. 27, 1846, containing Hist. No tices of the Cong. Ch. in the town. Worcester, 1847. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. Sermon at West Roxbury, June 4, 1854, on the Return of An thony Burns to Slavery. Boston, 1854. Svo. Sermons. Vol. 6. WILLSON, Hugh B. A Plea for "Uncle Sam s Money; or Greenbacks vs. Bank Notes. N. Y., 1870. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 120. WILLSON, Marcius. American History, comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, American Antiquities, Histo ry of U. S. etc. N. Y., 1855. Svo. American History. N. Y., 1857. Svo. Outlines of History; Illustrated by Hist, and Geograph.Notes. University Ed. N. Y. n. d. Svo. See WILLARD, Emma. Answer to, &c. WILMER, Lambert A. Life, Travels and Adventures of Ferdinand De Soto, Discoverer of the Mississippi, with Illustrations. PmTa, 1858. Svo. WILMINGTON, Del. See FERRIS, B. History of. Institute. Reports of President, Treasurer and Exec. Comm., Apr. 1866. Wilmington, 1866. 8vo. WILMINGTON, Vt. Green Mountain Eagle. Newspaper. Feb. 1850 to Feb. 1851. Folio. WILMOT, D. Speeches in Cong., May 3 and July 24, 1850, on Ad mission of California. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 86. - on Confiscating Rebel Property, Apr. 30, 1862. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 9. WILMOT, Re^. Jas. See SERRES, O. M. Life of. WILMOT, John E. Hist. View of the Commission for Enquiring into the Losses, Services and Claims of the American Loyalists. Lond., 1815. Svo. WILMOT Proviso. See CONGRESS L Speeches. WILSON, Adam. Half Century Discourse before the Baptist Ch. in Topsham, Sept. 2, 1865. Waterville, 1866. Svo. Maine Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 555 WILSON, Alex. American Ornithology Colored Plates. Phila., 1808. 9 Vols. 4to. See PEABODY, W. B. O. Life of. WILSON, Dr. Andrew. Essay on the Autumnal Dysentery. Lond., 1761. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 23. WILSON, Commissary. Orderly Book; Expedition of the British Provincial Army under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. 1759. Albany, 1857. 4to. WILSON, Dan l. Lectures on Ethnology. Smithson. Report. 1862. WILSON Family. See SMITH, H. O. Report to the Wilson Assoc. WILSON, Henry. History of Anti-Slavery Measures of 37th & 38th Congress. 1861-64. Boston, 1864. 12mo. Speech in U. S. Senate, Feb. 12, 1856. on the Central Amer. Treaty. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 83. Feb. 18, 1856, on Kansas Affairs. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vols. 84 and 139. Jan. 25, 1860, on Slavery. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 77. May 1, 1862, on Confiscating Rebel Property. RebellPn Pamph. Vols 9 and 62. May 28, 1864, on the Constitutional Amendment Pro hibiting Slavery. Washington, 1864. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 7. and 34. May 9, 1866, on Executive Patronage. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 89. Wonderful Characters of every Age and Nation. N. Y., 1834. 8vo. WILSON, Jas. F. Speech in Cong, on "Confiscation of Rebel Prop erty." Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 9. WILSON, Jas. Grant. Biographical Sketches of Illinois Officers in the Rebellion of 1861. Chicago, 1862. 8vo. Another copy. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 106. Life and Letters of Fitz Greene Halleck. N. Y., 1869. 12mo. WILSON, Maj. Gen. J. H. Report on Survey of the Rock River, 1867. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. Report on the Survey of the Illinois River. Washington, 1868. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 67. Campaign in Alabama. See ANDREWS, C. C. History of. WILSON, J. Elements of Punctuation. 8th Ed. Bos., 1857. 12mo. WILSON, Rev. John Leighton. Comparative Vocabularies of some of the principal Negro Dialects of Africa. Amer. Oriental Soc. Journal. Vol. 1. WILSON, Rev. Levin. History of Montgomery Church, Indiana. Evansville, 1856. 8vo. Indiana Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. WILSON, Rev. R. Introductory Lectures to the Midsummer Course, at the College of Preceptors, London. Lond., 1850. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 37. Letter to Lord John Russell, on the Transfer of Landed Prop erty. Lond., 1853. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 52. WILSON, Robert A. Mexico: its Peasants and Priests; or Adven tures among the Silver Mines, 1851-54. N. Y., 1856. 12mo^ New History of the Conquest of Mexico, in which Las Casas ; denunciations of popular historians are fully vindicated. Phila., 1859. 8vo. 556 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WILSON, Robert T. History of the British Expedition to Egypt; with a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence, with Maps, etc. 3d Ed. Lond., 1803. 4to. WILSON, Sam l. Account of the Province of Carolina, in America, 1682. Carroll s Hist. Coll. of S. Carolina. WILSON, Thos. Biography of American Military and Naval He roes. N. Y., 1817." 2 Vols. 12mo. See STODDART, John. Journal of Life, Travels, etc., of. WILSON, W. Reply to Mr. Fane on Tenant Right. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 63. Letter on Slavery. Cincin., 1848. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 85. WILSON, Rev. Wm. Protest against the action of the Gen. Synod of the Reformed Preb. Ch.; in the case of the Pittsburgh Presbytery. Cincin., 1850. Svo. Religious Pamph. Vol. 1. WILSON, Rev. Wm. C. Letter to S. W. Patten on the Saturday and Monday Markets and Fairs, Lond., 1836. Svo. Strang ford Pamph. Vol. 13. WILSON, W. D. Letter to S. A. Foote on the Constitutional Re strictions on Attainder and Forfeiture for Treason. Albany, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 28. WILTON House. See KENNEY, Jas. Description of Curiosities in. 1774. WILTON, N. H. See BEEDE, Rev. T. Topograph. and Hist. De scription of. WILTSHIRE, Eng. See AKERMAN, J. Y. Glossary of Provincial Words. - BOWLES, W. L. Hermes Brittanicus, 1828. - BRITTON, J. Fonthill Abbey. Cox, Thos. Topograph. Hist, of, 1720. DAVIS, Thos. Agriculture of. 1813. HOARE, R. C. History of Modern Wiltshire, 1822. Survey of, with Map. n. d. WINANS, Ross. How to Prevent Floods in Baltimore. Baltimore, 1871. Svo. Pamph. Vol. 1. WINCHELL, Alex. A Plea for Science; Address delivered in Mor rison Chapel, Kentucky University, June 28, 1866. Cincin., 1866. 8vo. Genealogy of Family of Winchell in America. Ann Harbor, Mich., 1869. Svo. . See Michigan Geological Survey, 1860. . and MARCY, Oliver. Enumeration of Fossils collected in the Niagara Limestone at Chicago, 111. (From Memoirs of Bos ton Soc. of Nat. History, Dec. 1865.) Cambridge, 1865. 4to. WINCHELL, Rev. J. M. Hist. Sketch of 1st Baptist Ch. in Boston: Two Discourses delivered in April, 1818. Boston, 1819. Svo. Boston Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Another Copy. Sermons. Vol. 17. WINCHESTER, (Eng.) Cathedral. Hist, and Critical Account of. From Dr. Milner s History and Antiquities of Winchester. Winchester, 1813. Svo. 4th & 5th Editions. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 4. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 557 "WINCHESTER College, Eng. See BOWLES, W. L. Vindication of. 1818. CLARKE, Rev. Liscombe. Letter to H. Brougham. 1818. WINCKLER, F. H. Essai sur la Nature, les Effets, et les Causes de 1 Electricite. Paris, 1748. 18mo. WINDER, W. H. Secrets of the American Bastile. 5d Ed. PhiPa, 1863. 8vo. Rebell n Pamph. Vols. 13 and 89. WINDERMERE, Eng. See MARTINEAU, H. Guide Book. n. d. WINDEYER, Richard. The Central Criminal Court Act, with Ex planatory Notes. Lond., 1834. 8vo/ Law Pamph. Vol. 18. WINDHAM, Conn. Battle of the Frogs. See WEAVER, Wm. L. TYLER, Rev. ,1. E. Hist. Discourse, 1850. - WEAVER, W. L. History of. Part 1. WINDHAM, N. H. See Londonderry, N. H., Celebration. WINDHAM, William. See Select Speeches of, etc. Speech in Parl t, Nov. 4, 1801, on Peace with France. Lond., 1801. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 27. WINDOM, Wm. The Northern Pacific Railway. Speech in Cong., Jan. 5, 1869. Washington, 1869. 8vo. No. Pacific R. R. Parnphs. WINDS, Gen. Wm. See TUTTLE, J. F. Biograph. Sketch of. WINDSOR, Conn. See GRANT, Matt. Old Church Record. STILES, H. R. History of Ancient Windsor. WINDSOR Castle, Eng. Visitant s Guide to the Castle and its Royal Cathedral, etc. Windsor, 1838. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 1. WINDSOR, Eng. Royal Windsor Guide, with a brief Account of Eton. Windsor, 1836. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 18. Same. 1842. Guide Books. Vol. 3. See TIGHE, R. T., and DAVIS, J. E. Annals of. 1858. WINES, E. C., and DWIGHT, T. W. Report on Prisons and Refor matories of the U. States and Canada. Albany, 1867. 8vo. WING, Jack. The Great Union Stock Yards of Chicago. Chicago, 1865. 8vo. Chicago Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. WINKLER, Carl G. T. Proceedings of the Lodge of Sorrow, at N. Y., May 27, 1857, on his Death. N. Y., 1857. 8vo. Masonic Pamph. Vol. 1. WINNEBAGO Co., Wis. See MITCHELL, M. Geograph. and Statist. Hist. of. Press. 1870-71. Bound with Island City Times. 1866. Lake Harbor. See CRAM, T. J. 1840. WINNEBAGO Indians. Extract from Doc. No. 229, 2d. Sess. 25th Cong., on the Claims of Half-breed Relatives of Winnebago Indians, etc. Harrisburg, 1839. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. Report from Comm. of U. S. House of R., on the Re moval of the Winnebagoes from Iowa and Wisconsin to Minnesota. Washington, 1850. 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol. 2. WINNISIMMET Co., Boston. Ann. Report of Directors, 1838. Boston. 8vo. Boston Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. WINSLOW, Dan l. Report of Comm. of Claims of U. S. Senate on his Petition. Washington, 1851. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 58. 558 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WINSLOW, Edw. New England s Salamander, discovered by an Irreligious and Scornful Pamphlet called " New England s Jonas cast up at London." 1647. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 1. 3d Series. WINSLOW, E. Relation of Affairs at Plymouth. 1624. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 2d. Ser. Vol. 8. WINSLOW, Hubbard. Eulogy on the late Prof. E. A. Andrews, delivered at New Britain, Conn., May 19. 1858. Boston, 1858. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 51. . History of the Presb. Church of Geneva, N. Y. Boston, 1859. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. WINSLOW, M. Sketch of Missions among the Heathen. Andover, 1819. 8vo. WINSTED, Conn., Herald. Newspaper. Winsted, 1859-66. 3 Vols. folio. WINSTON, C. On the Glazing the North Rose Window of Lincoln Cathedral, n. d. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 25. WINTER, Jacob. Hist. Sketches of the Disciple Churches in Lick ing Co., Ohio. Paper of the Licking Co. Pioneer Assoc. Newark, O., 1869. 8vo. WINTER, Thos., D.D. Memorial of Joseph H. Kennard, D.D. 1866 (?) 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 45. WINTERBOTHAM, W. Hist. View of the Amer. United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West In dies. 2d Ed. Lorid., 1799. 4 Vols. 8vo. The same, 1st Amer. Ed., N. Y. , 1796. 4 Vols. 8vo. WINTHROP, John, Gov. See DRECJILLETTES, Rev. G. Epistola ad Dominum Joannen Winthrop. History of New England from 1630 to 1649, with Notes, by James Savage, LL.D. Boston, 1853. 8vo. 2 Vols. Journal of Transactions and Occurrences in the Settlement of Mass, and other New England Colonies from 1630 to 1644. Edited by Noah Webster. Hartford, 1790. 8vo. Papers. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 3d Series. Vols. 9, 10. 4th Ser. Vols. 6, 7. 5th Ser. Vol. 1. See Review of Winthorp s Journal. WINTHORP, R. C. Life and Letters. WINTIIORP, Me. See THURSTON, D. History of. WINTHROP, R. C. Address at Boston, May 13, 1859, in aid of the fund for Ball s Equestrian Statue of Washington. Boston, 1859. 8vo. Addresses, Vols. 22, 3*. Address at Boston, Aug. 27, 1862, to aid in Enlistments for the U. S. Service. Boston, 1862. Addresses, Vol. 9. Address before the Alumni of Harvard College, July 22, 1852. Cambridge, 1852. 8vo. Harvard Coll. Pamphs. Address before Bristol Co. Agricultural Society, Oct. 15, 1852. Boston, 1853. Addresses. Vol. 1. Agricult. Pamph. Vol. 13. Address before the Maine Hist. Soc y, at Bowdoin College, Sept. 5, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8vo. Eulogy at Funeral of Gov. Peabody, at Peabody, Mass., Feb. 8, 1870. Boston. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 22. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 559 WINTHROP, R. C. Lecture delivered at Boston, Dec. 21, 1853, on " Algernon Sidney." Boston, 1854. 8vo. Life and Letters of Gov. John Winthrop, 1588-1649. Bos ton, 1864. 2 Vols. 8vo. Memoir of Hon. Nathan Appleton. Boston, 1861. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceed., 1860-62. Biograph Pamph. Vol. 8. Oration, July 4, 1848, on laying the Corner Stone of the Na tional Monument to the Memory of Washington. Washing ton, 1848. 8vo. Oration at Washington, July 4, 1848. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 2. Oration on the 250th Annivers. of the Landing of the Pil- frim Fathers at Plymouth. Dec. 21, 1870. Boston, 1871. vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 18. Speech at Uhion Square, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1864. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 37. Speech in Cong., Dec. 30, 1841, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. Jan. 3, 1846, on the Oregon Question. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Mar. 12, 1846, on the River and Harbor Bill. Washing ton, 1846. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. June 25, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1$46. 8vo. Speeches. Vol. 1. Jan. 8, 1847, on the Mexican War. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 139. WINTHROP, Thos. L., LL.D. Memoirs of. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. Coll. Vol. 3. See QUINCY, Josiah. Memoir of. WIRGMAN, Thos. Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy. Lond., 1824. 8vo. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. WIRT, Wm. Letters of the British Spy; with a Biographical Sketch of the Author. N. Y., 1832. 12mo. See KENNEDY, J. P. Memoirs of the Life of. Life and Character of Patrick Henry. 9th Ed. Phila., 1838. 8vo. Same, 15th Ed. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Two Principal Arguments on the trial of Aaron Burr for High Treason. Richmond, 1808. 12mo. WISCASSET, Me. See BRADFORD, Rev. A. Description of. WISCONSIN. See ABEL, H. I. Geograph. and Statist. Chart, 1838. Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Bulletins Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Apr., 1870 to July, 1871. Madison, 1870-71. 8vo. -Transactions, 1870-2. Edited by Dr. J. W. HOYT. Madison, 1872. 8vo. Adjutant General. Ann. Reports, 1852-72. Madison, 1852-72. 8vo. Agricult. and Mechanical Assoc. Bulletin, Aug., 1860. Mil waukee. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Almanac and Ann. Register, for 1856-7. Compiled by J. W. Hunt. Milwaukee, 1856. 12mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. An Act to provide for the Government of the several Towns in the Territory and for Revision of County Government passed at Session 1840, 41. Madison, 1841. 8vo. 560 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WISCONSIN and Fox River Improvement. Convention in refer ence to a Water Communication from the Mississippi to Lake Michigan. Madison, 1869. 8vo. See HAZELTON, G. W. Speech in Cong., 1872. Iowa. Special Message of the Governor, 1870. Memorial to Cong, submitted by various Canal Conven tions. Madison, 1870. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Report of Select Comm. of the Assembly. Madison, 1856. 8vo. Report of Comm. on Pub. Lands of U. S. House of R., on Improvement, etc., with Maps. Report No. 551. 1st Sess., 29th Cong., 1846. and Iowa Farmer, and Northwestern Cultivator. 1849 to 1852. Racine. 2 Vols. 8vo. and Michigan Boundary. See CRAM, T. J. Reports. 1841-42. and the City of Racine : its Advantages, Business and Pros pects. Racine, 1856. 8vo. Wis. Local Hist. Vol. 1. Antiquities. See LAPHAM, I. A., on the Antiquities of Wis. PIDGEON, W. Antiquarian Researches in Wis. and else where. TAYLOR, Rich d C. Notes on Indian Mounds, etc., 1838. TAYLOR, S. Description of Mounds, etc. Assessment Laws of. With Forms and Instructions. Madison. 1864. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. ATWATER, C. Tour to Prairie du Chien. BAIRD, H. S. Early History of Northern Wis. Bank Comptroller. Annual Reports, 1853-69. Madison. 8vo. Baptist Education Soc y- Minutes of the 4th and 10th Anni versaries, held in 1857 and 1863. Milwaukee and Janesville. 8vo. Ministerial Union. Minutes of the 2d Anniversary, 1866. Janesville, 1866. 8vo. State Convention. Minutes of the 6th, 12th, 13th, 18th, 21st, 24th Ann. Sessions. Milwaukee, etc., 1851-69. 8vo. See Baptist Ch. Bibliography of. See DURRIE, D. S. See Black Hawk War. Board of Public Works. Annual Reports. 1852-3. Madison. 8vo. Board of Regents of Normal Schools. Proceedings at first meeting, 1857, with Reports for 1859, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69. Madison, 1857-70. 8vo. BRUNSON, A. Early History of. - Travels in N. Western Wis., 1843, 4. Western Pioneer. CARVER, Jonathan. Travels in N. America in 1764-68. Census of 1870. Compiled by the Sec y of State from the U. S. Census Report. Madison, 1870. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. CHAPMAN, -S. Hand Book of. CHILDS, E. Recollections of, since 1820. CATALOGUE OF THE LlBRAJRT. 561 WISCONSIN Classical and Commercial Academy, Madison. Circular, 1872. 8vo. Code of Procedure of the State of Wisconsin, passed by the Legislature; approved Oct. 11, 1856. Madison, 1856. 8vo. Commissioner of Immigration. Fi.st Ann. Report, for 1871. Madison, 1872. 8vo. Commissioner of Insurance. 1st and 2d Ann. Reports, Dec. 1869, May 1871. Madison, 1870, 71. 8vo. Congress. Report on the Removal of the Winnebagoes from Wis. to Minn., 1850. Indian Pamph. Vol. 1. Constitutional Conventions. Journals of Conventions held at Madison, Oct. 5, 1846 ar.d Dec. 15, 1847; with Sketches of Debates. Madison, 1847, 48. 8vo. 2 Vols. Constitutional Convention. Meeting of the Members, at Mad ison, Jan. 14, 1851. Madison, 1851. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vols. 2 and 6. Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, adopted in Conven tion, at Madison, Dec. 16, 1846. Madison, 1846. 12mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Published by Order of the Legislative Assembly. Mad ison, 1848. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol 4. Correspondence of Officers and Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, Collated from Wisconsin Newspapers and mounted. 10 Vols. 4to. See CRAM, T. J. Report on Internal Improvements, 1840. CRESPEL, M. Travels in N. America, 1797. (Green Bay, etc.) CURTIS, D. S. Western Portraiture. Dane Baptist Association. Deaf and Dumb Institution. Reports of Trustees and Supt. 1852-71. Madison. 8vo. Democratic State Central Committee. Address to the People. Madison, 1865. 8vo. Wis. Miscel. Pamph. Vol. 6. DODGE, H. Report on Indian Affairs. 1840. DWINNELL, Rev. S. A. Wisconsin as it was and is. 1867. Early Outposts of. See DURRIE, D. S. Editorial Association. lst-16th Ann. Sessions. 1857-72. Madison. 8vo. EDWARDS Business Directory. 1868. ELLIS, A. G. On Advent of N. Y. Indians. Upper Wisconsin Country. Farmer. 1849-66. Racine, etc. 8vo. See Western Farmer. See FARMER, J. Map of. 1836 and 1866, 73. Female College, Fox Lake. Catalogues for 1865, 67, 68, 69, 72. Circulars for 1866 and 1872-3. Fox Lake, 1865-1873. 8vo. See FERRIS, J. Western States and Territories. 1856. First Regiment of Cavalry. Discipline. Kenosha, 1861. 12mo. See FREEMAN, S. Emigrants Hand-Book. Fruit-Growers Assoc. Report for 1859. Madison, 1860. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See also Agr l Pamph. Vol. 8 36 562 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WISCONSIN. Geological Survey. See FEATHERSTONHAUGH, G. W. 1835. OWEN, D. D. Wisconsin and other Western Districts. 1839, 48, 52. Reports by E. Daniels, 1854 and 1857. J. G. Percival, 1855 and 1856. " Commissioners, 1858. " Jas. Hall, 1860. John Murrish, 1871. Geology. See EATON, J. H. Geology of Region around Devil s Lake. - FEATHERSTONHAUGH, G. W. Ace. of the Lead and Copper Deposits. IRVING, Prof. Roland. Age of Quartzites, etc., of Sauk County. LAPHAM, I. A. Geolog. Formation of Geolog. Map of Wis., 1855. On the Penoka Iron Range. See RUGGLES, D. Notice of the Region around Fort Winnebago. 1835. - WHITTLESEY, C. Drift Cavities or Potash Kettles of and Azoic Rocks. Governor s Messages and accompanying Documents, 1848-73. Madison. 8vo. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Proceedings at Ann. Convocations held in 1850, and 1852 to 1872, inclusive. Madison and Milwaukee, 1854-72. 8vo. By-Laws of Chapter No. 7. Milwaukee, 1861. 12mo. Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. Proceedings at the Formation of, 1859. Madison, 1859. 8vo. Proceedings at Ann. Conclave held in 1860-72, inclusive. Milwaukee, 1860-72. 8vo. Statutes of Knights Templar, 1859. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters. Organization and Proceedings, 1857. Madison, 1857. 8vo. Proceedings for 1859, 61 to 1872. Milwaukee, 1864-72, 8vo, Grand Encampment I, O. of O. F, Proceedings, 1854. Mil waukee. 8vo. Grand Lodge of F. & A. Masons. Constitution adopted, June, 1860. Milwaukee, 1860. 8vo. Proceedings at the Formation of the Grand Lodge, held at Madison, Dec. 18, 1843. Platteville, 1843. 8vo. Proceedings at Ann. Communications held in 1844 to 1872 inclusive. Milwaukee and Madison, 1844-72. 8vo. Grand Lodge of I. O. of G. T. Proceedings, 1861, 62, 64, 65. Madison and Milwaukee, 1861-65. 8vo. Grand Lodge of I. O. of O. F. Proceedings; 1854 and 1856. Milwaukee. 8vo. GREGORY, J. Industrial Resources, etc. GRIGNON, A. 72 Years Recollections of. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 563 WISCONSIN. See HAMILTON, H. W. Rural Sketches, etc. Hospital for the Insane. Ann. Reports, 1854-72. Madison, 1855-72. 8vo. House of Refuge and Reform School. Reports, 1858-71. Mad- son. 8vo. See HUBBELL, L. Trial of Impeachment. HUNT, J. W. Gazetteer of. 1853. Wisconsin Almanac, 1856, 7. Indians of. feee LAPHAM, I. A. Industrial School. [State Reform School.] Ann. Reports, 1858-72. Madison, 1858-72. 8vo. Institute for the Blind. Ann. Reports, 1850-73. Madison, 1851-72. 8vo. Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. Ann. Reports, 1852-72. Madison, 1853-72. 8vo. in the War. See LOVE, W. D. L. Its Natural Resources and Industrial Progress. Agricultural Soc. Transactions, 1860. Madison, 1862. 8vo. Wis. Miscell. Pamph. Vol. 3. Journal of Education. 1856-64. 1870, 71. Madison. 8vo. Journals of Territorial and State Legislatures. 1836-73. Madison. 8vo. See KNAPP, J. G. Ancient Lakes of. KINZIE, Mrs. J. H. Wau-bun, or Early Day in N . West. La Crosse Valley Baptist Assoc. LAPHAM, I. A. Destruction of Forest Trees in. Geograph. and Topograph. Description of. 1844, 1846. LATHROP, J. H. Topograph. Description of. Laws concerning the Organization and Government of Towns. Chicago, 1858. 8vo. Laws of the State and ot the U. States in relation to Militia in Actual Service. 1861. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 57. Laws relating to Common Schools, prepared by the State Superintendent. Madison, 1859, etc. 8vo. Laws passed by Territorial and State Legislatures, 1837-73. (General, Private and Local Laws.) Madison, 8vo. LEA, Albert M. Notes on Wis. Terr y, 1836. Lead Mines. See HODGE, J. T. Legislative Manuals for 1865-73, inclusive. Madison, 1865- 73. 9 Vols. 12mo. See Wisconsin Manuals of Assembly, 1859, 60, 61. Legislative Resolutions and Report relative to Difficulties between the Legislature and Gov. Doty. Senate Doc. No. 87. 3d Sess. 27th Cong. 1842-3. . Communication from Gov. Doty, on same subject. Ex. Doc. Nos. 30 and 60. 3d Sess. 27th Cong. 1842-3. List of Lands offered at Public Sale during the year 1857. Madison. 8vo. List of Persons, residents of the State of Wis., reported as Deserters from the Military and Naval Service of the U. S. Madison, 1867. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. 564 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WISCONSIN. Local History. See Appleton, Baraboo, Beloit, Brown Co., Dane Co., Door Co., Elkhorn, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Green Lake Co., Green Co., Hudson, Janesviile, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Mineral Point, Monroe Co., Mt. Vernon, Nashotah, Oconto Co., Pierce Co., Plymouth, Prairie du Chien, Prescott, Racine. Rock Co., Sauk Co., Sheboygan, Stevens Point, Sumpter,Watertown, Whitewater. See LOCKWOOD, J. H. Early Times and Events in. McKENNEY, T. L. Indian Treaty at Fond du Lac. McLEOD, D. History of. Manual of Customs, Precedents and Forms, in use in the As sembly, 1859, 60, 61. Madison, 3 Vols. 12mo. Map of Surveyed Part of Territory. Cincin., 1835. Broad side. Maps of Counties of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Jefferson, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, Sauk, Sheboygan and Winnebago. v. d. See CHAPMAN, S. Farmer, J. Farmer, S. Harrison & Warner. Lapham, I. A. See Marquette and Joliet. Voyages and Discoveries. Meeting of the National Bankers of Wisconsin, held at Mil waukee, Dec. 5, 1866. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. See Memorial of Stockbridge Indians. Message of Gov. Doty, delivered to the Legislature, Dec. 10, 1841. Milwaukee, 1842. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol.1. See Methodist Episcopal Church, Wisconsin. Michigan Legislature; Memorial for erecting Wis. Terr. 1832. See MILLER, Judge A. G. Judicial and Legal Condition of the Terr y of Wis. See Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Co. Mineral Resources of Wisconsin. 1839-46. From DeBow s Review, Nov., 1846. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 7. See Month (A) among the Indian Missions. 1872. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Circular. Milwaukee, 1860. 18mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. Newspapers, scattering, in the years 1849 and 1850-54. 2 Vols. Folio. See Madison, Milwaukee, Racine and other localities. See NEWSPAPERS. Northern. See HAMILTON, H. W. Rural Sketches, etc. 1850. Northern Wis. Hospital for the Insane. 1st Ann. Report of the Building Commissioners, 1872. Madison, 1872. 8vo. (Northern) Press Association. Proceedings of the 3d Session, held at Stevens Point, 1872. Oshkosh, 1873. 8vo. See PEET, Rev. S. Hist, of Presb. and Congrega. Churches PITEZEL, J. H. Missionary Life near Lake Superior. PLUMB, J. Sketches of. 1839. Presb. and Congrega. Conventions. Minutes of Conventions held in 1851-57, inclusive. Same, 1860-64, inclusive. Mil waukee and Racine, 1853-64. 8vo. Order of Exercises for 30th and 31st Ann. Meetings, 1870, 71. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 565 WISCONSIN. Presidential Electoral College. Proceedings, Dec., 1852. Madison, 1852. 8vo. P. EPISCOPAL Ch. Diocese of Wis. QUINER, E. B. Military History of. Reform School. See Wisconsin House of Refuge. Regents of Normal Schools. Ann. Report. 1857-71. Madi son. 8vo. of University. See Wisconsin State University. Report of the Joint Committee of the Legislature to Investi gate allleged Frauds and Corruptions in the Disposition of the Land Grant. Madison, 1858. 8vo. Revised Statutes of the State, as altered and amended by subsequent Legislation to the close of the Legislative Session of 1871, prepared by David TAYLOR. St. Louis, 1871. 2 Vols. 8vo. RITCHIE, J. S. Wis. and its Resources. 1857. River Baptist Assoc. Minutes of the 1st Ann. Meeting, held at Stevens Point, June, 1859. Stevens Point, 1859. 8vo. River Survey. See CRAM, T. J. 1840. See Ross, Jas. Resources cf. 1871 . Rules of Practice for the Supreme and Circuit Courts of Wis consin. Madison, 1857. 8vo. Wis Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. See St. Croix and Lake Superior R. R. School and University Lands Commissioners Reports. 1850- 71. Madison. 8vo. Secretary of State. Reports, 1848-72. Madison. 8vo. Report as Insurance Comm r May 1, 1872. Madison, 1872. 8vo. See SHEA, J. G. Indian Tribes of. SMITH, W. R. History of. Observa. of Wis. Territory. Soldiers Aid Society. Reports presented Dec. 1, 1863, and Jan. 1, 1865. Milwaukee, 1864-5. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. Orphans Home. Ann. Reports, 1866-72. Madison, 1866-72. 8vo. Southern Boundary. Proceedings of a Meeting at Galena, 111., in relation to the Southern Boundary of Wisconsin Ter ritory, May 7, 1840. Ex. Doc. No. 226, 1st Sess. 26th Con gress, 1840. Southwestern Wis. Industrial Assoc. List of Premiums for 1870. Mineral Point. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. State Agricultural Soc y. Transactions, 1851-72. Madison. 8vo. List of Premiums and Regulations for the 3d and 4th Ann. Fairs, 1853, 1854, 1868. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Regulations and List of Premiums for the Sixteenth Exhibition, to be held at Madison, 1869. Madison, 1869. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. State Board of Charities and Reform. 1st Ann. Report, Dec. 1871. Madison, 1872. 8vo. 566 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WISCONSIN. State Board of Charities and Reform. 2d Ann. Re port, Dec., 1872. Madison, 1873. 8vo. State Historical Society. Annual Reports and Collections. Vols. 1-6; Edited by L. C. Draper, LL. D. Madison, 1855, 1872. 6 Vols. 8vo. Vols. 2 and 3, in German and Norwegian. Addresses. See Baird, Chadbourne, Laphatn, Martin, Orton, Robinson, Strong, Smith, J. Y., Smith, W. R., Van Wyck, Wood. State Horticultural Society. Transactions for 1864, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 70, 1, 2. Madison, 1868-72. 8vo. State Hospital for the Insane, Madison. See HASTINGS, S. D. Investigation of Affairs of. State Insurance Co. Tariff of Rates for Insurance against Fire. Chicago, 1857. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 4. State Journal. See Madison, Wis. State Library. Catalogues, 1852, 58, 72. Madison, 1852-72. 8vo. State Medical Society. Proceedings at Annual Session, 1855, with a History of the Society since its Organization. Min eral Point, 1855. 8vo. Minutes of Proceedings of the Session held in Madison, Jan. 30, 1856. Janesville, 1857. 8vo. Transactions, Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Beloit and various places, 1869-72. 8vo. State Normal School, Platteville. 5th and 6th Ann. Catalogue. , K Platteville, Ib71, 2. 8vo. Whitewater, Wis. Catalogues, 1870, 71, 72. White water. 8vo. State Prison Commissioner s Reports, 1851-72. Madison, 1852-72. 8vo. See LAPHAM, I. A. Communication relative to, 1848. State Treasurer. Ann. Reports 1848-72. Madison, 1548-72. 8vo. Statistics exhibiting the History, Climate and Productions of. Madison, 1867, 69, 70. 8vo. Same in French, 1868. Same in Welsh, 1870. - Same in Norwegian, 1870. Same in Holland, 1870. Same in German, 1868. Statutes of the Territory of Wisconsin, passed at the Legis lative Assembly in Nov. 1838, and an Adjourned Session. Jan. 1839. Albany, 1839. 8vo. Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin, passed at the Second Session of the Legislature commencing Jan. 10, 1849. Southport, 1849. 8vo. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the State of Wiscon sin, containing all the General Laws and Amendments en acted to the present date. Kenosha, June, 1852. 8vo. Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin passed at the An nual Session of the Legislature in 1858. Chicago, 1858. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 567 WISCONSIN. Statutes. App. to the Rev. Statutes and Gen. Laws > from 1859 to 1867, inclusive. By D. A. Reed. Madison, 1868. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 2. See STRONG, M. M. Territorial Legislation in. Sugar Cane Growers Convention. Proceedings at Madison, Feb., 1864. Madison, 1864. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Sunday School Union. Annual Report and Proceedings at Convention, Dec., 1853. Milwaukee, 1854. 12mo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Reports, 1849-72. Madison, 1850-73. 8vo. Supreme Court. Caleb Cushing vs. William S. Hungerford. Madison, 1852- 4to. Case of Coles Bashford vs. W. A. Barstow, contesting the right to the office of Governor. Madison, 1856. 12mo. Reports for 1842 and 43. Madison, 1844. 8vo. Reports of Cases argued and determined. Vols. 1, 3, 10- 27. Milwaukee, etc., 1854-72. Same. Vol. 6 republished. Chicago, 1872. 8vo. Reports of the Territorial Court to July, 1846. Edited by S. U. Pinney. Vol. 1. Chicago, 1872. 8vo. See SHEFFIELD, W. E. Digest of Decisions. 1865. Surgeon General. Ann. Report, 1865. Madison, 1866. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 7. Teachers Assoc. 1st and 16th Ann. Reports and Proceedings. Madison, 1854, 68. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 6. For other Reports of same See Wis. Supt. of Pub. In struction Rep ts. See HOWE, T. O. Address. 1865. Territory. Report from Comm. on the Territories, on the Expediency of Creating a Separate Terr. Gov t North of Illinois and Missouri and West of Lake Michigan, 1832. Washington, 1832. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. U. S. Sec. of War Report on Winnebago Indians, 1835-6. Same. On Indian Land Titles, 1835-6. University of. Ann. Reports of the Board of Regents, 1848- 72. Madison, 1849-72. 8vo. Catalogues of Officers and Students, 1853-72. Madison. 8vo. Proceedings at Inauguration of Chancellor Lathrop, Jan. 16, 1850. See CARB, Prof. E. S. Inaugural Address. 1856. Circular of University. 1873. See READ, Prof. Dan l. Inaug. Address. 1856. 5th Volunteer Infantry. Register of Co. D. Chart. 37th Vol. Inf y. See EDEN, R. C. Sword and Gun. 30th Vol. Inf y. Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men. Madi son, 1864. 18mo. 31st Vol. Inf y. Roster of Officers, etc., mounted on rollers. Madison, 1863. 38th Vol. Inf y. See PIERCE, S. W. Hist, of, 568 Wisconsin HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WISCONSIN. Y. M. C. A. Proceedings of the First Ann. Conv., held at Janesville, Nov., 1870. Madison, 1870. 8vo. Wis. Miscell. Paraph. Vol. 4. See ZIEGLEB, A. Sketches of Travel, etc., 1848. WISE, Lieut. H. A. Jr. Los Gringos; an Inside View of Mexico and California, with Wanderings in Peru, Chili and Polyne sia. Lond., 1849. 12mo. WISE, John. System of Aeronautics; Earliest Investigations and and Modern Practice and Art. Phil a, 1850. 8vo. WISEMAN, Cardinal. The Future Historian s View of the Present War. Lond., 1855. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vcl. 12. WISLIZENUS, A. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan s Expedition in 1846 and *1847, with a Scientific Appendix and three Maps. Senate Misc. Doc. No. 26, 1st Sess. 30th Cong., 1848. WISNER, Rev. Benj. B. History of the Old South Church in Bos ton, in four Sermons. May 9 and 16, 1830. 8vo. Boston Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. Sermon at Boston, June 3, 1827, on the death of Hon. Wm. Phillips. Boston, 1827. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. WITCHCRAFT. See BRATTLE, T. Account of, at Salem, Mass. Cases of Witchcraft in N. York. 1665-79. Doc. Hist, of N. Y. Vol.4. See CHEVER, G. F. Case of Ann Pudeator. Case of Philip English. Delusion in New England; as exhibited by Cotton Mather, with Preface, Notes, etc., by Samuel G. Drake. Roxbury, Mass., 1866. 3 Vols. 4to. See DRAKE, S. G. History of in N. England. HUTCHINSON, Rev. F. Histor. Essay on. HUTCHINSON, T. Witchcraft Delusion, 1692. JONES, Henry. Strange Phenomena in N. England, etc. in Maine. N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register. Vol. 13. POOLE, W. F. Cotton Mather and Witchcraft. SCOTT, Sir Walter. Demonology and Witchcraft. STONE, L. R. Trial of Geo. Jacobs. 1692. SUPERNATURALISM of N. Eng. THACHER, J. Essay of Demonology, etc. r- UPHAM, C. W. Salem Witchcraft. SALEM, Mass. WITH General Sheridan in Lee s Last Campaign. Phila. 1866. 12mo. WITHERS, Alex. S. Chronicles of Border Warfare ; or a History of the Settlement of N. W. Virginia. Clarksburg, Va. 1831. 12mo. WITHERS, John. Vindication of the Dissenters from the Charge of Rebellion, etc. Lond. 1719. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 12. WITHINGTON, Rev. Leonard. Bi-Centen. Sermon in 1st Church, Newbury, Mass., Oct. 20, 1846. Newburyport, 1846. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 3. WITNEY, Eng. See GILES, J. A. History of, 1852. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. WITTER Family Genealogy. See ALLEN, A. W. Allen and Witter Families, 1872. WITTICH, W. Studies and Method of Teaching in Prussian Schools. N. Y., 1838. 12mo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 8. Wix, Rev. Sam l. Letter to the Bishop of St. David s, on a Pamphlet entitled, Reflections on the Expediency of holding a Council of the Ch. of Eng. and of Rome, &c. Lond.,, 1819. 8vo. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol. 39. Reflections on the Expediency of a Council of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, being holden, with a view to promote unity, etc. Lond., 1819. 8vo. 2d Ed. Erig, Rel. Pamph. Vol. 39. WOBURN, Mass. Ann. Reports of School Committees, for 1851-2, 1852-3, 1854-5. 8vo. Record of Town Meetings, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, for 1850. Boston, 1851. 8vo. See SEWALL, S. History of, 1640-1860. Valuation List, and Record of Taxes, for 1850. Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, etc., for 1850, 51, 52,, 55. 12mo. Report of Overseers of the Poor, for 1852. 12mo. WOLCOTT, A. Our National Currency. Phila., 1866. 8vo. Cong. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. WOLCOTT, Oliver. Address to the People of the U. S. on Govern ment Appropriations. Boston, 1802. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 123. Memoir of. N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 26. WOLCOTT, Roger. Journal, at the Sioge of Louisbourg, 1745. Conn. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vol. 1. WOLCOTT, Vt. See HUBBELL, Seth. Narrative of Settlement at. WOLFE, Gen. James. See SABINE, Lorenzo. Address in Com- mem. of. 1859. See WRIGHT, Robert. Life of. WOLFEBOROUGH, N. H. Notes on the Town of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. 2d Ser. Vol. 3. WOLFF, Christian. See FAHNESTOCK, G. W. Centen. Memor l oL WOLLASTON, Rev. F. The Origin and Insidious Arts of Jacobin ism, kond., 1799. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 26. WOLLSTONECRAFT, Marv. Vindication of the Rights of Men, in a Letter to Edmund Burke. Lond., 1790. 8vo. 2d Ed, Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. Vindication of the Rights of Woman; with Strictures on Moral and Political Subjects. Phila., 1772. 12mo. WOLSEY, Cardinal. History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey. Lond., 1742-44. 4 Vols, 8vo. WOMAN. See BALDWIN, G. C. Representative Women. BEECHER, C. E. Evils suffered by American Women. CHILD, L. M. Biography of Good Wives. History of Condition of, in all Ages. CLEMENT, J. Noble Deeds of. ELLET, Mrs. E. F. Domestic History of the Revolution, Pioneer Women of the West. 570 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WOMAN. ELLET, Mrs. E. F. Queens of American Society. Women of the Revolution. Women Artists in all Ages. FROST, J. Heroic Women of the West. GRAVES, A. T. Woman in America. WOMAN S Central Association of Relief. Second Annual Report, 1863. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 92. Med. College of the N. Y. Infirmary. Ann. Catalogue. N. Y., 1872. 8vo. Rights. See GILBERT, A. Life of Frances Wright. WOOLSTONECRAFT, M. Vindica. of the Rights of Women. See Suffrage (Female). WOMEN as Physicians. Phila., 1867. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 14. WONDER Working Providence. See JOHNSON, Edward. WONDERFUL Characters. See WILSON, H. WONDERS of the Invisible World. See MATHER, Cotton. WOOD, Rev. Benj. Half Century Sermon at Upton, Mass., June 1, 1846. Worcester, 1846. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 1. WOOD, Benjamin. Speech in Cong. May 16, 1862, on the State of the Union. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 63. Feb. 27, 1863, on Peace. RebelPn Pamph. Vols. 35. 65. WOOD Co., Wis. Republican. Newspaper. Grand Rapids. 1860-63. WOOD, Fernando. Speech in Norwalk, Conn., March 20, 1860. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 77. Speech in Congr., Feb. 8 and 9, 1842, on the Tariff. Wash ington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. May 20, 1842, on the Navy Appropriation Bill. Wash ington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. Jan. 26, 1864, on Confiscation. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. April 11, 1864, on the Expulsion of Mr. Long. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. on the Naval Appropriation Bill, Feb. 4, 1865. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 34. WOOD, Geo. B. Address at Centen. Celebra. of Founding of Pa. Hospital, June 10, 1851. Phila., 1851. 8vo. Address before the Amer. Medical Assoc., at Detroit, May 6, 1856. Phila., 1856. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 8. History of the University of Pennsylvania, from its origin to the year 1827. Hist. Soc. of Penn. Memoirs. Vol. 3, Part 1. WOOD, Geo. L. The Seventh Ohio Regiment; a Record. N. Y., 1865. 12mo. WOOD, Horatio C. Contribution to the Flora of the Coal Period in the U. S. Trans. Amer. Philosoph. Soc. N. S. Vol. 13. WOOD, Jas., D. D. Exercises at Inauguration of, as President of Hanover College, Ind. Phila., 1859. 8vo. Addresses, etc. Vol. 36. Memoir of Sylvester Scovel, D. D., late President of Hanover College, Ind. New Albany, 1851. 12mo. WOOD, J. A. On the Angular Curvature of the Spine. N. Y., 1859. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 4. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 571 WOOD, Jethro. Statement of Facts in relation to the Application of his heirs to Congress, etc. n. d. 8vo. Congr. Pamph. Vol. 120. WOOD, John. Correct Statement of the Sources from which the History of the Administration of John Adams was compiled. N. Y., 1802. 8vo History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the U. S. N. Y., 1802. 8vo. See Narra. of Suppression, by Col. Burr, of Wood s History. The Suppressed History of the Administration of John Ad ams, (1797-1801), as printed and suppressed in 1802, repub- lished with Notes and an Appendix. Phil a, 1846. 12mo. WOOD, Rev. J. G. The Uncivilized Races of Men of all Countries of the World. Hartford, 1872. 8vo. WOOD. Jos., vs. The Auburn arid Rochester Railroad Company. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. WOOD, Lewis N. Annual Address before the State Hist. Society of Wisconsin, Mar. 16, 1852. Madison, 1852. 8vo. Wis. Hist. Soc. Addresses. Vol. 1. WOOD, Nicholas. Practical Treatise on Railroads, with Engravings. Phila., 1832. Svo. WOOD, Silas. Sketch of the First Settlement of Towns on Long Island. Brooklyn, 1828. Svo. WOOD, Wm. New England s Prospect. Lond., 1634. Boston reprint, 1865. 4to. See PRINCE Society Publications. WOOD, Sir W. Page. Speech before the Marriage Law Defence Assoc., London, Feb. 1, 1860. Lond. 12mo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 12. WOODBRIDGE, Rev. John. Half Century Sermon preached in 1st. Ch., at Hadley, Mass., June 24, 1860. Northampton, Mass., 1861. Svo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. WOODBRIDGE, Wm. Lettre a PHonorable Abraham Edwards, President du Conseil Legislatif du Territoire du Michigan. Detroit, 1826. Speech in U. S. Senate, April 29, 1846, on Internal Improve ments in the State of Michigan. Washington, 1846. Svo. Speeches. Vol. 1. WOODBRIDGE, Wylly. Appeal to Cong, by an American Citizen for Truth and Justice. 1868. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 55. WOODBURY, A. Narrative of Campaign of First R. Island Regi ment in 1861. Providence, 1862. 8vo. The Preservation of the Republic, address July 4, 1862. Providence, 1862. Svo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 66. WOODBURY, Conn. See COTHREN, W. History of Ancient Wood- bury. See COTHREN, Wm. Second Centen. Celebration, 1859. WOODBURY, Hon. Levi. Address before N. Hampshire Hist. Soc. June, 1845. Collections, Vol. 6. Discourse at Washington, Jan. 20, 1837, before the Amer. Hist. Soc. Washington, 1837. 8vo. Addresses, Vol. 33. Eulogy on the Life, Character and Services of Jas. K. Polk, delivered at Boston, July 25, 1849. Boston, 1849. Svo. Addresses, etc., Vol. 24. 572 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WOODBURY, Hon. Levi. Speech in U. S. Sen., Feb. 23, 1842, on the Veto Power. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. April 14, 1842, on our Tonnage, Freights and Commerce. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. July 20,. 1842, on the Tariff. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. The Writings of. Political, Judicial and Literary. Boston, 3 Vols. 8vo. 1852. WOODFALL, Mr. See Pleadings, etc. in his Suit for Libel. WOODFORD, Rev. J. R. Four Lectures on Church History, deliv ered in Advent, 1851. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 44A. WOODFORD, Stewart L. Crete: an Address delivered at Stein way Hall, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1868. Albany, 1868. 8vo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 1. WOODHULL, Gen. Nathan l. See MARSH, Luther ft. Oration on Life and Character of. WOODHULL, Victoria C. Two Speeches on Female Suffrage. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. WOODHULL Memorial, 1871. Reports of Judiciary Comm. of U. S. House of R., on the Memorial. N. Y., 1871. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 128. WOODMAN, Cyrus. Memoir of Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D., of Buxton, Me, with his Journals and Missionary Tours. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Vol. 4. WOODMAN Family Genealogy. See COFFIN, J. WOODMAN J. H. List of the Descendants of Mr. Joshua Woodman, who settled in Kingston, N. H., about 1736. Brunswick, Me, 1836. 8vo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 11. WOODRUFF, Geo. C. History of Litchfield, Conn. Litchfield, 1845. 8vo. Conn. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 4. WOODS, Geo. Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man. Lond., 1811. 8vo. WOODS, Henry. Description of the Fossil Skull of an Ox, dis covered at Melksham, Wilts; with a Geolog. Sketch of the River Avon. Lond., 1839. 4to. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 37. WOODS, John. Two Years Residence in the Illinois Country. Lond., 1822. 8vo. WOODS, Leonard, D. D. Eulogy on Parker Cleaveland, LL.D., delivered before the Maine Hist. Society, 1859. Collections. Vol. 6. See LAWRENCE, E. A. Obituary Discourse. 1854. Sermon on Death of Jeremiah Evarts, delivered at Andover, July 31, 1831. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 36. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Sam l Worcester, delivered at Salem, Mass., July 12, 1821. Salem, 1821. 8vo. Sermons, Vols. 23 and 32. WOODS, N. A. Prince of Wales in Canada and in the U. States. Lond., 1861. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 573 WOODWARD, I)., Chief Just. Opinion on the motion to Dissolve the Injunction granted against Provost Marshals Lane and Leh man, 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 54. WOODWARD, A. Historical Address at 150th Anniver. of Organiz- tion of Congrega. Ch , Franklin, Ct., 1868. N. Haven, 1869. 8vo. Life of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. Hartford, 1862. 12mo. See also N. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register Vol. 20. Memoir of Col. Thos. Knowlton. Reprinted from the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register. Boston, 1861. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 7. WOODWARD, A. H. Supplement to Representation of Case of Oliver Pollock. Washington, 1803. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 9. WOODWARD, B. B. The History of Wales to its Incorporation with the Kingdom of England, illustrated. Lond., 1854. 2 Vols. 4to. Tourist in Wales; comprising Views of Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, etc. Lond., n. d. 4to. WOODWARD, B. W., and others. General History of Hampshire, or the County of Southampton, including the Isle of Wight. Numerous engravings. Lond., n. d. 3 Vols. 4to. WOODWARD College. See AYDELOTT, B. P. Address. 1844. WOODWARD, Geo. A. Address of Penn. Dem. State Central Comm. 1863. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 68. See COOK, W. A. Review of Speech at Phila., 1860. Speech at Union Meeting at Philadelphia, Dec. 13, 1860. Re- belPn Pamph. Vols. 31 and 68. WOODWARD, Rev. Henry. Thoughts on the Points at Issue be tween the Established Ch. and the National Board of Educa tion in Ireland. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 30. WOODWARD, Jos. A. Speech in Cong., Feb. 7, 1846, on the Oregon Question. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 1. Mar. 17, 1846, on Internal Improvements. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 1. WOODWARD Manual, published by Alumni of Woodward High School, Cincinnati , 1869-70. Cincin. 8vo. Ohio College Catalogues, etc. WOODWARD, Rev. Thos. Review of the Principal Objections to the National System of Education, etc. Dublin. 1847. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 32. WOODWARD, W. E. Catalogue of his Library. Boston, 1869. 8vo. Bibliograph. Pamph. Vol. 3. WOODWORTH, John. Reminiscences of Troy, from its Settlement in 1790 to 1807. Albany, 1853. 8vo. N. Y. Hist. Discourses, etc., Vol. 3. Also, 2d Ed., Albany, 1860. 4to. WOODWORTH, Westerlo. Oration before Young Men s Assoc., Al bany, N. Y., July 4, 1834. Albany, 1834. Pamphlets, Vol. 3. WOODWORTH, Wm. Letters Patent issued to him by the United States. Law Pamph. Vol. 2. WOOL and Wool Manufacturers. See HAYES, J. L. Address. 1865. 574 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WOOL and Wool Manufacturers. See HAYES, J. L. Facts relating to Canada Wools. MORRILL, J. S. Condition, etc., of the Knit Goods Man ufacture. 1866. National Assoc. of Wool Manufacturers. Paris Exposition. 1867. Report of Commissioner Mudge. WOOL Trade of Great Britain. Abstracts of Evidence on the State of. Lond., 1828. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 5. WOOL, Gen. J. E. Correspondence in relation to the Exchange of Prisoners. Washington, 1862. Rebellion Pamph. 8vo. Vol. 61. Sketch of Life and Public Services of, From Dem. Review, Nov., 1851. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 17. See TAYLOR and his Generals. WOOLER, T. J. The Case between Lincoln s Inn, the Court of King s Bench and Mr. Wooler. Lond., 1826. 8vo. Law Pamph. Vol. 11. WOOLEY, Chas. Two Years Journal in New York, and parts of Territories in America, New Ed., with notes by Dr. E. B. O Callaghan. N. Y., 1860. 8vo. WOOLMAN, John. Journal of the Life and Travels of. With an Introduction by John G. Whittier. 16mo. Boston, 1871. WOOLSEY, Theo. D. Discourse Commemorative of the Life and Services of Denison Olmsted, LL. D., delivered in the Chapel of Yale College, May 20, 1859. N. Haven, 1859, 8vo. Yale College Pamph s. Discourses and Addresses at his Ordination ar.d Inauguration as Pres. of Yale College, Oct. 21, 1846. N. Haven, 1846. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 12. Hist. Discourse pronounced before the Graduates of Yale College, Aug. 14, 1850, 150 Years after the Founding of that Institution. N. Haven, 1850. 8vo. WOOLWICH, (Eng.), and its Environs. Woolwich, 1837. 12mo. Guide Books. Vol. 22. WOOSTER, Gen. David. See Wooster Monument. WOOSTER Monument, Danbury. Proceedings on laying the Chief Stone, Apr. 27, 1854, with an Oration by H. C. Deming on the Life of Gen. Wooster. Two Pamphs. N. Haven and Hertford, 1854. 8vo. Rev. War Pamph. Vol. 2. WORCESTER Co. Mass. History of. Worcester Magazine. Vol. 1. See WHITNEY, Rev. P. History of. WILLARD, J. Hist. Address to Members of Bar. WORCESTER, J. E. See WEBSTER, N., and WORCESTER, Diction ary Controversy. WORCESTER, J. F. The Worcester Family: Descendants of Rev. Wm. Worcester with Aco. of the Family of Wooster. Lynn, 1856. 8vo. WORCESTER, Mass. See BANCROFT, Aaron. Half Century Dis course. 1836. Christian Reflector. Newspaper. Jan. 1840 to Dec. 1840. Folio. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 575 WOECESTER, Mass. Epitaphs. See Barton, W. S. First Church. Origin and Progress of the late Difficulties in the Church, in respect to Charges against Rev. Chas. A. Goodrich. Worcester, 1820. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 19. 1st Bapt. Ch. See DAVIS, Rev. Isaac. Hist. Discourse, 1862. Free Institute of Industrial Science. 2d and 3d Ann. Cata logues, 1871-2, 1872-3. Worcester, 1871,72. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. 2d Cong. Ch. See BANCROFT, A. See HILL, Rev. A. Fortieth Annivers. Discourse, 1867. LINCOLN, W. Hist. of. Magazine and Historical Journal. Vol. 1, 1825, 26. Vol. 2, 1826. Worcester, 1826. 2 Vols. 8vo. Maple Grove Cemetery Assoc. Rules and Regulations. Al bany, 1865. 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. Massachusetts Spy and Gazette. Newspaper. Jan. to Dec. 1792. Jan. to Dec. 1797. Jan. to Dec. 1796. Mar. 1801, to Feb. 1803. Jan. to Dec. 1810. March 1813 to Feb. 1814. April 1816 to Jan. 1817. June 1821 to Sept. 1823. Folio, Young Mens Christian Association. Ann. Reports, 1868, 69, 70, 71, 72. Worcester, 8vo. Mass. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 3. WORCESTER, Rev. Noah. See CHANNING, Rev. E. Tribute to his Memory. WOSCESTER, Saml. D. D. Discourse at Boston, May 30, 1817, before the Mass. Soc y for the Suppression of Intemperance. Boston, 1817. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 44. WORCESTER, Rev. Sam l. See WOODS, Rev. Leonard. Obit. Ser mon, 1821. WORCESTER, Rev. Saml. M. Discourse at Salem, Mass., on the 1st Centen. Anniv. of the Tabernacle Church, April 26, 1835. Salem, 1835. 8vo. Salem Hist. Discourses. Vol. 2. WORCESTER, Eng. History of. Worcester. 5th Ed. 1806. 12mo. See CHAMBERS, John. Biograph. Illustra. of. 1820. Pauper Lunatic Asylum. 15th Ann. Report. Worcester, 1868. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 34. Report on the Sanitary Condition of the City of Worcester. Worcester, 1847. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 30. WORCESTER, Rev. Thos. The Christian Sabbath. Two Sermons. Boston, 1863. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 44. WORCESTERSHIRE, Eng. See ALLIES Jabez. British Antiquities in. 1856. PITT, W. View of Agriculture of. 1813. WORD (A) to a Wavering Levite: an Answer to Dr. SHERLOCK S Reasons for taking the Oath of Allegiance, with Reflections thereupon. Lond., 1690. 4to. Eng. Rel. Pamph. Vol.64. W^ORDS of Warning to Democrats from a Life-long Voter with the Party. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 52. WORDSWORTH, Christopher, D. D. The Ecclesiastical Commission and the Universities. Lond., 1837. 8vo. 2d Ed. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 22. 576 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WORDSWORTH, Christopher, D. D. Two Letters on the Admission of Dissenters to the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1834. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 21. Sketch of his Life and Works. From Chambers Papers for the People, n. d. 8vo. Biograph. Pamph. Vol. 4. WORKING Man s Reasons for the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln. 11. d. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 39. WORLD a Workshop. See EWBANK, T. WORLD (The). Newspaper. Jan., 1753, to Dec., 1756, with Index. 4 Vols. folio. Lond., 1753-56. WORLD (The). See British Essayists. WORLD (The) in a Pocket Book or Universal Popular Statistics. Phila., 1845. 18mo. WORLD S Fairs. See London Exhibition of Industry, etc., 1851. N. York World s Exhibition, 1854. Paris Exposition, 1867. WORLD S (The) Fair of 1876. Reasons in favor of its being held at N. York, etc. Washington, 1871. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 4. WORLD S Progress. See PUTNAM, G. P. Temperance Convention, 1853. Proceedings of 1st Meeting of Gen. Comm., at N. Y., Jan. 23 and 24, 1853. Albany, 1854. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 2. Proceedings at N. Y., Sept. 6, 1853. N. Y., 1853. 8vo. Temp. Pamph. Vol. 5. WORSELDINE, Wm. Epitome of a Lecture on the Life and Genius of Aristotle. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 38. WORSLEY, Israel. View of the American Indians, showing them to be Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel. Lond., 1828. 12mo. WORTH, W. J. See Taylor and his Generals. WORTHEN, A. EL, M. D. See Illinois Geolog. Survey. 1866-70. WORTHING, Eng. See Bolwell s Guide, n. d. Breade s Guide, n. d. WORTHINGTON, E. History of Dedham, Mass., from first settle ment, 1635 to 1827. Boston, 1827. 8vo. WORTHINGTON, Jas. T. Essay on the Origin and Progress of Po litical Communities. Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Trans. Part 2. Vol. 1. WORTHINGTON, Mass. Secular and Ecclesiastical Hist. of. Albany, N. Y., 1853. 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses, etc. Vol. 12. WORTHINGTON, T. Volunteer s Manual. Cincin., 1861. 8vo. WOTTON, Sir Henry. See WALTON, I. Choice Eng. Biography. WRANGEL, Alaska. Letter from Sec. of Board of Indian Commis sioners on the Bombardment of. Washington, 1870. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. WRANGELL, Ferdinand. Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, in the years 1820-23. Harper s Fam. Libr., N. Y., 1855. 18mo. WRATISLAW, A. H. Observations on the Cambridge System. Cambridge, Eng., 1850. 8vo. 2d Ed. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 35. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 577 WRAXALL, Sir N. W. Historical Memoirs of my own Time. Wai- die s Circulating Libr. Vol. 9. Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 8. WRAY, John. Dangers of an Entire Repeal of the Bank Restric tion Act. Lond., 1819. 8vo. 2d Ed. Pamphleteer. Vol. 13. WREATH for St. Crispin. See PRINCE, J. WRENCH, Rev. Fred. Brief Account of the Parish of Stowting, Kent Co., and of its Antiquities. Lond., 1845. 8vo. Strang- ford Pamph. Vol. 49. WRENTHAM, Mass. See FISK, E. Annivers. Sermons, 1846, 1849. WRIGHT, Miss. Views of Society and Manners in America, 1818- 20. Lond., 1821. 8vo. WRIGHT, Benj. H. Origin of the Erie Canal. Services of Bern. Wright. Rome, N. Y., 1870. 8vo. N. Y. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 5. WRIGHT, Caleb. India and its Inhabitants. Boston, 1853. 8vo. WRIGHT, Elizur. A Curiosity of Law; or, a Respondent in the Supreme Judicial Court as a Judge in the General Court, etc. Boston, 1866. 12mo. Law Pamph. Vol. 13. An Eye-Opener for the Wide Awakes. Boston, 1866. 8vo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 62. The Sin of Slavery and its Remedy, N. Y.. 1833. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 103. WRIGHT, Frances. See GILBERT, Amos. Memoir of. WRIGHT, G. N. Sketches in Ireland, with Historical Illustrations, Legends and Biography. 36 Engravings. Lond., 1834. 18mo. WRIGHT, H. B. Speech in Cong. Jan. 14, 1863, on the Peace Res olutions of Mr. Vallandigham. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 67. WRIGHT, Rev. H. P. Recollections of a Crimean Chaplain. Lond., 1857. Svo. Hist. Pamph. Vol. 5. WRIGHT, J. A., Gov. Address at N. Y. Agr. State Fair, at Elmira, Oct. 5, 1855. Indianapolis, 1855. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 2. Agricultural Address at Livonia, Indiana, Oct. 6, 1853. In dianapolis, 1854. Svo. Agr. Pamph. Vol. 14. In Memoriam, May 11, 1867. Berlin, Prussia. Svo. Ad dresses, etc. Vol. 22. Report in relation to the International Agricultural Exhibi tion at Hamburg, 1862. Washington, 1864. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 61. Speech before Indiana Senate, Mar. 9, 1857, on the Bank Fraud Case. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 87. Speech in Cong., Dec. 6, 1862, on the Discharge of State Prisoners. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 32. WRIGHT, J. S. Citizenship Sovereignty. Chicago, 1863. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 25. Civil War from an Absurdity. 1S62. Svo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 101. Conflicting Teachings of S. Carolina and Mass. Boston, 1866. Svo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 9. 37 578 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WRIGHT, John S. Chicago: Past, Present and Future. Chicago,. 1868. 12mo. WEIGHT, J. W. Chivington Massacre of the Chyenne Indians, n. p., 1864? 8vo. Indian Pamph. Vol, 5. WRIGHT, Jos. W. Language and Belles Lettres: or Philological Lectures on the English Language. N. Y., 1844. 8vo. WRIGHT, John W. Reply to certain Libelous Statements in the N. Y. Tribune, and in a Pamphlet by Jas. G. Blunt. 1869. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 115. WRIGHT, Luther. Hist. Sketch of Easthampton, Mass., read before the Young Men s Assoc., Oct. 7, 1851. Northampton, 1852, 8vo. Mass. Hist. Discourses. Vol. 13. WRIGHT, Nathaniel. Memo. Address to 2d Presbyt. Church Cincin., April 28, 1872. WRIGHT, Rev. O. A. On the Mineral Well at Waterloo, Wis. Trans. Wis. A cad. of Sciences, 1870-2. WRIGHT, Robert. Life of Maj. Gen. James Wolfe. Lond. y 1864. 8vo. Memoir of Gen. James Oglethorpe, Lond., 1867. 8vo. WRIGHT, S. Sermon at Black Fryars, on the Death of the late King George. Lond., 1727. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 14, WRIGHT, Silas. See HAMMOND, J. D. Life of. Speeches in U. S. Senate, Mar. 20 and 26, 4 1834, on the Removal of the Deposites. Speeches Vol. 5. Speech in U. S. Senate, Mar. 2, 1842, on the Clay resolutions. Washington, 1842. 8vo. Congr. & Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. -April 5,1842, on the Loan Bill. Washington, 1842, 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. May 14, 1842, on the Bill to indemnify Gen. Jackson, for the fine imposed on him in 1815. Washington, 1842, 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 25. WRIGHT, Stephen. History of the Shaftsbury Baptist Assoc., from 1781 to 1853. Troy, 1853. 12mo. WRIGHT, Stephen S. Narrative and Recollections of Van Die- man s Land, during a three years captivity, etc. (Canada Patriot War.) N. Y., 1844. Svo. Canada Pamph. Vol. 3, WRIGHT, Rev. S. Case of the Prot. Dissenters, considered in Two Sermons. Lond., 1712. Sm. 8vo. Eng. Sermons. Vol. 55. WRIGHT, Thos. Essays on Archaeological Subjects connected with the History of Art, Science and Literature in the Middle Ages. Lond., 1861. 2 Vols. 8vo. Essays on Subjects connected with the Literature, Popular Superstitions and History of England in the Middle Ages. Lond., 1846. 2 Vols. Svo. History and Topography of the County of Essex, Eng. Il lustrated. Lond., 1836. 2 Vols. 4to. Popular Treatises on Science, written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo Saxon, Anglo Norman and English. Lond., 1841. Svo. Queen Elizabeth and her Times. Lond., 1838. 2 Vols. Svo. The Roll of Arms of the Princes, Barons and Knights who attended King Edward I. to the Siege of Caerlaverock, 1300, with Coat Armor emblazoned, etc. Lond., 1864. 4to. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 579 WRIGHT, Wm. A Word of Warning to Democrats, from a life long Voter with the Party, 1863. RebelPn Pamph., Vol. 91. WRIGHTSON, Thos. On the Punishment of Death. Lond., 1833. 8vo. 2d Ed. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 8. WRITERS of the Western Country. Western Monthly Review. Vol. 2. WYANDOTS. Hist. Sketch of the Tionontates or Dinondadies, now called Wyandots. Hist. Magazine. Vol. 5. WYATT, Digby. On the present aspect of the Fine and Decorative Arts in Italy, n. d. Art Pamph. Vol. 2. WYATT, Thos. Memoirs of Generals, Commodores and other com manders who distinguished themselves in the American Army and Navy, and who were presented with Medals; with Engravings of the Medals. Phila., 1848. 8vo. WYCKLIFF, J. Apology for the Lollards. See Camden Society Publications. WYCKOFF, Rev. I. N. Discourse in Memory of Rev. John Ludlow, delivered at Albany, Oct. 4, 1857. Albany, 1857. 8vo. Sermons, Vol. 21. WYKE, Eng., Church of. See BAIGENT, F. J. History and An tiquities of the Parish. 1865. WYLDE, Rev. S. T. Letter to the Clergy of Somersetshire, rela tive to Undue Marriages Lond., 1813. Svo. Pamphleteer Vol. 1. WYLLIE, R. C. Letter to G. R. Robinson on Spanish American Loans. Lond., 1840. Svo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 25. WYNKOOP, Rich d. Wynkoop Family; a Preliminary Genealogy. N. Y., 1866. Svo. Genealog. Pamph. Vol. 4. E, Mr. General History of the British Empire in America. Lond., 1770. 2 Vols. 8vo. WYNNE, James. Memoir of Maj. Sam l Ringgold, U. S. A., read before Maryland Hist. Soc., Apr. 1, 1847. Baltimore, 1847. Svo. Md. Hist. Soc. Reports, etc. Vol. 1. Private Libraries of New York. 1860. 8vo. WYOMING, Penn. See Chapman, I. A . Sketch of the History of. MINER, C. History of. PECK, Rev. G. History of, etc. Stone, W. L. Poetry and History of. See Valley of Wyoming. WYOMING Seminary, Kingston, Pa. 14th Ann. Catalogue, 1858-$. Wilkesbarre, 1859. 8vo. WYOMING Territory. See CARRINGTON, M. J. Home of the Crows. HAYDEN, F. V. U. S. Geolog. Survey. 1872. WYMAN, Morrill. Progress in School Discipline. Corporal Pun ishment in Public Schools. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. V. WYSE, Thos. Speech on the Occasion of the Annivers. Dinner o the College of Preceptors. 1848. Lond. 8vo. Educa 1 . Pamph. Vol. 37. See TODD, Rev. J. H. Remarks on Statements attributed to him, etc. 580 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WYTTENBACH, Prof. Observations on the importance of Greek Literature, and the best method of Studying the Classics. Boston, 1820. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 2. WYVILL, Rev. C. Correspondence with the Rt. Hon. Wm. Pitt. Part 1, 2d Ed. Newcastle, 1796. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 75. Defense of Dr. Price and the Reformers of England. Lond., 1792. Svo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 24. X XERES Francoise. Relation de la Conquete du Perou et de la Province du Cuzco. TERNAUX, H. Voyages Vol. 4. YALE College Alumni Assoc. See BACON, Leonard. Discourse, 1848. DANA, Jas. D. Address, 1856. DWIGHT, Wm. T. Address, 1844. Report of Committee on the Constitution of the Corpor ation of the College. 1869. Svo. Yale College Pamphs. See SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Address, 1860. STILLE, C. J. Address, 1863. STURTEYANT, J. M. Address, 1861. Annals of; with a Popular Guide to College Buildings. N. Haven, 1860. 12mo. See BALDWIN, E. Annals of. Catalogue of Books in the Library. N. Haven, 1823. Svo. Yale College Pamphs. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins deposited in the College Library. N. Haven, 1863. SYO. Yale College Pamphs. Catalogues for 1808, 1827, 1836-7, 1837-8, 1840-1, 1841-2, 1842-3, 1843-4, 1844-5, 1846-7, 1847-8, 1848-9, 1849- 50, 1850-1, 1851-2. N. Haven, 18081851. Svo. Annual Catalogues. 18531872. N. Haven, 18531872. Svo. Triennial Catalogues, 1821 1868. N. Haven, 18211868. Svo. Church of Christ in. See FISHER, Geo. P. Discourse com memorative of the History of. 1857. - THOMPSON, J. P. Installation of Rev. W. B. Clarke. 1863. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 581 YALE College. Commemorative Celebration, held July 26, 1865, in honor of the Alumni who served in the U. S. Army or Navy during the late War. With an Oration by Rev. Dr. Bush- nell, etc. N. Haven, 1866. 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. in 1868, 69, 70. N. Haven, 1868- 70. 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. See KNIGHT, Dr. J. Eulogium on Nathan Smith. Linonian Society. Catalogue of. 1841. N. Haven, 1841. 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. Obituary Record of Graduates. 1860-1870. 8vo. Phi Beta Kappa Soc y. See Andrews, J. W. Oration. 1850. BARNES, Albert. Oration. 1840. BISSELL, Champion. Poem. 1861. Catalogue of the Conn. Alpha, 1852. N. Haven, 1852. 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. DICKSON, Dr. S. H. Oration. 1842. DOLE, Geo. T. Poem. 1868. HALL, Willis. Address. 1844. HOLMES, O. W. Poem. 1850. NORTH, Simeon. Oration. 1847. SEWARD, Wm. H. Address, 1854. SILL, E. R. Poem, 1869. SMITH, Ashbel. Oration, 1849. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Address, 1843. STREET, Alfred B. Poem, 1851. THOMPSON, Jos. P. Oration, 1868. WASHBURNE, E. Oration, 1869. Remarks on the Present Situation of Yale College, for the consideration of its friends and patrons. 1818? 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. Reports on the Course of Instruction in Yale College, by a Committee of the Corporation and the Academical Faculty. N. Haven, 1830. 8vo. Yale Coll. Pamphs. Sheffield Scientific School, 1st, 2d, 3d Ann. Reports. N. Haven, 1866-1868. 8vo. Yale Coll. Pamphs. Society of the Brothers in Unity. Catalogue, 1854. N. Haven, 1854. Yale Coll. Pamphs. Statistics, Memoirs, etc., of the Classes of 1797, 1819, 1840, 1848, 1850, 1854, 1857 1858, 1860. N. Haven, 1848363. 8vo. Yale College Pamphs. See WOOLSEY, Rev. T. D. YALE, Rev. Cyrus. Life of Rev. Jeremiah Hallock, with a Sketch of the life of Rev. Moses Hallock. N. Y. n. d. YALE, Elihu. The Yale Family, or the Descendants of David Yale, with Genealog. Notices of each Family. N. Haven, 1850, 8vo. Genealg. Pamph. Vol. 8. YANCEY, Wm. L. Oration on Life and Character of A. Jackson, before the Jackson Monumental Convention, Baltimore, May 23, 1846. Baltimore, 1846. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 111. YAPP, G. W. Art Education at Home and Abroad. The British Museum, the National Gallery, and the proposed Industrial University. Lond., 1852. 8vo. Art Pamph. Nol. 2. 582 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. YARMOUTH, Mass. Description of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st Ser. Vol. 8. YATES, James. International Association for a uniform Decimal System of Measures, Weights and Coins. Lond., 1856. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 15. What is the Best Unit of Length? An Inquiry, with An swers in favor of the Metre. Lond., 1858. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 16. and BARRETT, Rev. A. Improvements in Arithmetic, with a Vindication of the Decimal Principle. Lond., 1860. 8vo. Eng. Misc. Pamph. Yol. 16. YATES, J. V. N. & MOULTON, J. V. History of New York. Vol. 1. Part 1. N. Y., 1824. 8vo. Same, with a continuation by J. W. Moulton. Part 2. No- vum Belgium. N. Y., 1826. 8vo. YATES, Gov. Rich d. Address before Congress l Temperance Assoo. Feb. 17, 1867. Congr.and Polit. Pamph. Vol.87. Home Reception to him, at Jacksonville, Jan. 17, 1865. Spring field, 1865. 8vo. 111. Misc. Pamph. Vol. 1. Message to the 22d General Assembly of 111., at an Extraordi nary Session, Apr. 23, 1861. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 68. Speech in Cong. Apr. 23, 1851, on the Homestead Law. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 83. Mar. 28, 1854, on the Kansas and Neb. Bill. Congr. and Polit Pamph. Vol. 92. YEADON, Rich d. Address at Charleston, S. C., July 31, 1844, be fore the Henry Clay Club. Addresses, Vol. 12. Speech at Charleston, S. C., and Plymouth, Mass., at Pilgrim Celebration, Aug. 1, 1853. Addressses, Vol. 5. YEOMAN, Geo. H. Speech on the President s Proclamation at Washington, Dec. 18, 1862. Baltimore, 1863. 8vo. Rebel lion Pamphs. Vols. 2 and 65. YEOVIL, Eng., Corporation. Proceedings on Municipal Reform, 1835. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 10. YERBA-Buena Island. Sec JOHNSON, S. M. Letter on the title to, 1870. POLACK, J. S. Memorial, etc., 1870. YE SNEAK Yclepid Copperhead, a Satirical Poem. Phila., 1863. 12mo. Rebell n Pamph. Vol. 24. YOAKUM, H. History of Texas from its First Settlement in 1685, to its Annexation to the U. S. in 1846. N. Y., 1856. 2 Vols. 8vo. YONGE, Walter. Diary of. See Camden Soc. Publications. YORK, B. English Grammar. Raleigh, N. C., 1864. 12mo. YORK Co., Eng. See ALLEN, Thos. History of. 1828. Bibliography. See BOYNE, Wm. Yorkshire Library. 1869. Committee of Association. Address to the Electors of G. Britain. 1781. 4to. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 66. YORK Co., Pa. See CARTER, W. C., and GLOSSBRENNER, A. J. History of. YORK, Edward, Duke of. Account of his Continental Tour. Lond., 1764. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 15A. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 583 YORK, Eng. See DAVIES, R. Municipal Records. Edward IV to Richard III. Retreat for the Insane. Statistics of the Retreat, from 1796 to 1840. York, 1841. 8vo. Med. Pamph. Vol. 16. Strangers Guide through York and its Cathedral. York, Eng., 1826. 12mo. 2d Ed. Guide Books. Vol. 6. YORK, Me. See SEW ALL, D. Topograph. Description of. YORKE, Dr. A. Absorption; a Rational and Consistent System of Mesmerism. PhiPa, 1844. 8vo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 42. YORKE, Henry. Letter to John Frost, a Prisoner in Newgate. Lond., 1793. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 74. YORKSHIRE, Eng. Dialect Exemplified in various Dialogues, Tales, and Songs, with a Glossary. Lond., 1839. 12mo. See Glossary of Yorkshire Words, etc. PHILLIPS, J. Rivers, Mountains and Seacoast. Philosophical Society. See KENRICK, Rev. J. Papers o* Archaeology, etc. Society s School, London. Reports, etc., 1864. Lond., 1865. 8vo. Educa. Pamph. Vol. 36. See WHITE, W. History of East and North Ridings. 1840. YORKTOWN, Surrender of. See CORNWALLIS, Lord. His Account of his Campaign. YORUBA, Africa. See BOWEN, T. J., on the Country and People of. Language. See BOWEN, T. J. Grammar and Dictionary. CHASE, P. E. Etymology of. YOUATT, Wm. On the Structure and Diseases of the Horse, with their Remedies, with Notes, etc., by W. C. Spooner. N. Y. 1858. 12mo. YOUMANS, Edw. L. Alcohol and the Constitution of Man; being a popular Scientific Acct. of the Properties, etc., of Alcohol. N. Y., 1853. 12mo. Scientific Pamph. Vol. 30. Chemical Atlas, or the Chemistry of Familiar Objects. N. Y. 1857. 4to. Hand Book of Household Science, a popular Account of Heat, Light, Air, etc. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. YOUNG, Rev. Alex. Chronicles of the First Planter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623 to 1636. Boston, 1846. 8vo. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. Collected from Original Records. Bos ton, 1841. 8vo. Discourse at Boston, Mar. 25, 1838, on the Life and Charac ter of Hon. Nathan l Bowditch. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Ser mons. Vol. 35. Discourse at Boston, May 3, 1840, on the Life and Character of John Thornton Kirkland, D. D., etc. Boston, 1840. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 35. Discourse occasioned by the Death of Mrs. C. G. Prescott, de livered at Boston, May 23, 1852. 8vo. Sermons. Vol. 43. Discourse on the Death of Hon. William Prescott, Dec. 15, 1844. Sermons. Vols. 1 and 35. Discourse on the Life and Character of Nathan l Bowditch; delivered at Boston, Mar. 25, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8vo. Ser mons. Vol. 32. 584 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. YOUNG, Rev. Alex. Memoir of the Life and Character of Nathaniel Bowditch. From the Amer. Journal. Waldie s Circulating Libr. Vol. 11. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 35. See ROBBINS, Rev. Chandler. Memoir of. YOUNG, Andrew W. History of Wayne Co., Indiana, from its first Settlement. Cinciri., 1872. 8vo. Protection vs. Free Trade. Letters to American Voters, n. d. 8vo. Congr. and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 69. YOUNG, Arthur. Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Europe during the last twenty-five years, etc. Loud., 1815. 8vo. Pamph leteer, Vol. 6. YOUNG, Bryan R. Speech in Cong. June 19, 1846, on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8vo. Speeches, Vol. 1. YOUNG, Sir Chas. Tables of Precedency. Lond., n. d. 8vo. Strangford Pamah. , Vol. 49. YOUNG, Geo. F. Letters on the Navigation Laws. Lond., 1848 8vo. Strangford Pamph., Vol. 46. YOUNG, Rev. Jacob. Autobiography of a Pioneer; or, his Nativity, Experience, Travels and Ministerial Labors. Cincin., 1860. 12mo. YOUNG, Rich d M. Argument in the Case of the Occupants of Portage City against the State of Wis. 1857. 8vo. Wis. Misc. Pamph., Vol. 7. Letter to Members of Congress on distribution of Public Documents, 1851. Cong, and Polit. Pamph. Vol. 50. YOUNG, Dr. Sam l. Minutes of Cases of Cancer successfully treated by him. Lond., 1815. 8vo. Med. Pamph., Vol. 17. YOUNG, Thos. See ARAGO, M. Eulogy on. Memoir of the Life of. Silliman s Journ. Vol. 22. Observations on a Fragment of a very Ancient Greek Manu script on Papyrus, with Sepulchral Inscriptions from Nubia. Lond., 1819. 4to. Hist. Pamph. Vol.22. YOUNG, Wm. T. Life and Public Services of Gen. Lewis Cass, together with the pamphlet on the Right of Search. 2d Ed. Detroit, 1852. 8vo. YOUNG S Branch. Battle of. 1861. See WARDER, T. B., and CATLETT, J. M. Account of. YPSILANTI, Michigan. See FOSTER, G. L. The Past of Ypsilanti. YUCATAN. See GALLATIN, A. Notes on Inhabitants of. STEPHENS, J. L. Incidents of Travel. z. ZABRISKIE, Rev. F. N. History of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Claverack, N. Y. A Centen. Address. Hudson, 1867. 8vo. ZABRISKIE, Jas. C. Speech on the Subject of Slavery at Sacramen to, July 10, 1856. Rebellion Pamph. Vol. 36. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 585 ZECHIUS, Phil. E. Schediasma de Origine, Indole, Fatis atque Juribus Primatum Germaniae, etc. Leipsic, 1727. 4to. Latin Pamph. Vol. 5. ZEISBERGER, Rev. David. Essay of a Delaware Indian an English Spelling Book for the use the Schools of the Christian In dians on Muskingum River. Phila., 1776. 12mo. Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians. Amer. Philos. Soc. Trans. N. S. Vol. 3. See SCHWEINITZ, E. de. Life and Times. ZESTERMANN, Dr. C. Adolph. Memoir on the European Coloniza tion of America, in Ante-Historic Times. With Remarks on the Same, by E. G. Squier. Lond., 1851. 8vo. Pamph- lets-Pre Columbian Discovery. ZEUGLODON. See EMMONS, E. Description of the Bones of, etc. ZEVI, SHABBATHAI, and his Followers. See SCHAUFFLER, Rev.W. G. ZIEGLEE, Alex. Sketches of a Traveler through N. America and the West Indies, with a particular Account of the German Element, Emigration, and the Agricult. Institutions /}f the State of Wisconsin, in German. Leipsic, 1848. 12rrio. ZIMMERMAN, E. A. W. Political Survey of the Present State of Europe. Dublin, 1788. 8vo. ZINCKE, F. B. Last Winter in the U. States, in a Tour through the Late Southern Confederation. Lond., 1868. 12mo. ZOOLOGY. See HITCHCOCK, E. Catalogue of Animals of Mass. London Zoolog. Society. Stevens, Geo. T. Report on Progress of, for 1870. See Natural History, Science. ZOUAVE Drill Book, or French Bayonet Exercise. Phila., 1861, 12mo. RebelPn Pamph. Vol. 103. ZOUCH, Henry. Observations on a Bill to Punish by Imprison ment and Hard Labor, certain Offenders, etc. Lond., 1779. 12mo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 19. Remarks on the late Resolutions of the House of Commons, on the Proposed Change of the Poor Laws. Leeds, 1776. 8vo. Eng. Polit. Pamph. Vol. 18. ZSCHOKKE, Heinrich. History of Switzerland; with a continuation to 1848, by Emil Zschokke. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Tales. Translated from the German, by Parke Godwin. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. ZULU Language. See BRYANT, J. C. GROUT, Lewis. ZULUETA, Pedro de, Jun. Trial of, at London, 1843, on a Charge of Slave-Trading. Lond., 1844. 8vo. Strangford Pamph. Vol. 34. ZUNI and Colorado River Exploration. See SITGREAVES, Capt. L, Report. 1853. ZURITA, Alonzo de. Rapport sur les differentes classes de chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. TERNAUX. Voyages. Vol. 11. APPENDIX. RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. PAMPHLETS. SERMONS -ENGLISH. VOL. 1. BALCANQUAL, W. Sermon at St. Mary s Hospital, 1623. CALAMY, Edmund. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Lords, 1644. COTES, Rich d. Discourse concerning the True Notion of the Lord s Supper. 1642. Digitus Dei. Anonymous Sermon, n. d. EACHARD, John. The Axe against Sin and Error, etc. Two Sermons, n. d. HIBRON, Sam l. Truth s Purchase. Two Sermons, 1606. 1632. HUGHES, G. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1647, on the Woe- Joy Trumpet, or the "Woe to the Anti- Christian World, etc. KING, Henry. Sermon of Deliverance, preached at the Spit tle, 1626. PRIDEAUX, John. David s Rejoycing for Christ s Resurrec tion. Sermon at Oxford, 1636(?). REYNOLDS, Edward. The Shields of the Earth. Sermon at North-hampton, 1634. RUDD, B p Anthonie. Sermon before the King s Majesty, at Whitehall, 1605, 1606. VINES, Rich d. Sermon before the House of Commons, West minster, 1646, on the Nature of Heresie. Vol. 2. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Sermon before the King at White hall, 1661. CARDELL, John. God s Wisdom Justified, etc. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1648. 1649. COCK, Rev. John. Description of True Religion in a Sermon preached at the Cathedral Ch., in Durham, 1669. CLARKE, S. Sermon at the Burial of Thos. Bewley, Jr., 1658. 588 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 2. CROFTON, Zach. Sermon at Funeral of John Frost, 165$, with Narrative of his Life and Death. Discourse of the Religion of England; with a Review of a Book entitled " A Discourse of Toleration," 1668. HARDY, Nath. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Adam Pemberton, 1655. KNELL, Rev. Paul. Sermon before the Soc y of Gray s Inn, 1648. 4th Ed. LLOYD, Rev. Wm. Sermon before the King, at Whitehall, 1667. NORWICH, Lord B p of. Visitation Sermon at Ipswich, 1662, on the Pastoral Office. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1666, on the Day of Hu miliation for the continuing Pestilence. Sermon before the King, 1669. PIERCE, Rev. Thos. Sermon before His Majesty, 1662, against the Novelties of Rome. RUTTON, Rev. Thos. Sermon at St. Paul s, 1658, on the Final Judgment. SMITH, Rev. Thos. Sermon before the Co. of Merchants trading into the Levant, at London, 1668. SUDBURY, John. Sermon at the Consecration of the Lord Bishops of London, Sarum and others. 1660. The Christian s Wary Walking and Improving of Time. 1663. VOL. 3. AD CLERUM. Visitation Sermon at Grantham, Lincoln Co., Eng., 1641. 1670. CANTERBURY, Archbishop of. Fast-Day Sermon preached to to the House of Peers, 1678. CARLILE, B p of. Sermon at Funeral of Anne, Countess of Pembroke, etc., 1675. DE LA MOTTE, Franc. Abominations of the Church of Rome; in a Recantation Sermon, at Savoy, 1675. FELL, John, Sermon before the King, on the Character of the Last Days, 1675. LAKE, John. Sermon at Whitehall, 1670, on the day of His Majesties Birth and Restoration. MEATH, Lord B p of. Sermon of Anti-Christ, preached at Dublin, 1676. NORTH, I. Sermon before the King; Newmarket, 1671. PINDAR, Wm. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Alder man of London, 1677. REYNOLDS, B p. Sermon preached in St. Paul s, before the Lord Mayor. 1678. SHARPE, Rev. John. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and others, at Guildhall Chapel, 1674. SPRAT, Rev. Thos. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1678. STAINFORTH, Rev. Wm. Sermon at York, 1675, before the Judges of Assize for the Northern Circuit. STILLINGFLEET, Rev. Edward. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Commons, 1678. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 589 VOL. 4. Anglias Speculum: a Glass that Flatters not. In a Ser mon at the late Fast. 1678. BATTIE, Rev. Wm. Sermon at Sudbury, Eng., on the Points of Controversy with the Ch. of Rome, 1680. BARNE, Rev. Miles. Thanksgiving Sermon before the Uni versity of Cambridge, Sept. 9, 1683. BEVERIDGE, Rev. Wm. Sermon at the opening of the Parish Church of St. Peter s, Cornhill, London, 1681. 19th and 21st Editions. BISBIE, Rev. Nath. Sermon at Suffolk, Eng., 1681, on Suffer ing for Righteousness Sake, etc., 1682. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1680, on the Anniv. Fast for the Burning of London. CALAMY, Rev. Benj. Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London, and others, 1682. CAVE, John. King David s Deliverance and Thanksgiving, applied to the Case of our King and Nation: in Two Ser mons, 1683. GREGORY, Francis. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1679, on the Anniv. of Deliverance from the Powder Treason. MILBOURNE, Luke. Sermon at the Parish Ch. of Great Yar mouth, Eng., 1682, 1683. NEVILLE, Rob t. Sermon on the Nature and Causes of Hard ness of Heart, etc. 1683. Sermon before Cambridge University, against the Ab solute Decree of Election. 1682. Sermon before Cambridge University, on Heavenly Things the Proper Objects of the Mind, etc. 1683. ORME, Wm. Sermon at Guildhal^Chapel, London, 1681, on the Gospel the Best Guide, etc. PELLING, Edvv. Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, before the King s Judges, 1683. SMITH, Rev. Wm. Thanksgiving Sermon at Norwich, Eng., 1683, on His Majesty s Late Deliverance, etc. SPRAT, Rev. Thos. Sermon before the Artillery Co., of Lon- kon, 1682. TILLOTSOX, Archb p. Sermon preached Dec. 3, 1678. TURNER, Rev. F. Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the King, 1683, on His Majesty s Deliverance from the late Con spiracy, etc. WRAY, Wm. Annivers. Sermon in Memory of the Great Fire of London, 1682. VOL. 5. BLAGRAVE, Jonathan. Sermon before the Queen, 1693, on the Nature, etc., of Envy. BROWN, Sir Thos. Discourse on the Fishes eaten by our Sa viour after his Resurrection, 1684. BURNET, Gilbert. Sermon in St. James Chapel, before the Prince of Orange, 1688. - Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the King and Queen. 1690. Fast-Day Serin, before the Ct. of Aldermen, Lond., 1690. 590 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 5. CLAGETT, Wm. Sermon at the Suffolk Feast, Lond., 1686. -. ELY, Bishop of. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, on the Cor onation of James II, and Mary, 1685. . FLEETWOOD, W. Sermon before the Queen at Whitehall, 1692. . HICKMAN, Chas. Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the House of Commons, on His Majesties Preservation, etc. 1690. HORNECK, Anthony. Sermon at the Consecration of Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum, 1689. KNAGGS, Tho. Sermon at St. James Church, Westminster, 1689, on Repentance. LONDON, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his Visitation, 1693-4. LYNFORD, Tho. Sermon before the Queen, 1691, on Private Worship. NORRIS, John. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1685. PITTIS, Thos. Spittle Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1684. SHARK, John. Sermon at St. Giles s in the Fields, 1691, on leaving his Parish. SHERLOCK, Wm. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Alder men of London, 1688. Sermon at Funeral of Rev. Benj. Calamy, 1685. TILLOTSON, Archb p. Sermon before Queen, at Whitehall, 1689. TUAM, Archb p of. Sermon at Windsor before the King, 1684. WAKE, Wm. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1689. WORCESTER, B p of. Sermon in the Cathedral Ch. of Wor cester, 1688. Sermon before the King and Queen, 1691. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese at his Primary Visitation, 1690. YORK, Archb p of. Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the King, 1693, on His Majestie s Preservation and Safe Return. Sermon before Queen Mary, at White Hall, Easter Day, 1692. VOL. 6. ATTERBURY, Francis. Sermon before the Queen at White hall. 1694. BIRCH, Peter. Sermon before the House of Commons, at St. Margarets, Westminster. 1694. BRADY, Nicholas. Sermon at St. Catherine Cree-Church, 1695, on the late Plot. CANTERBURY, Archb p of. Sermon before the King at Ken sington, 1694, on Holy Resolution. Sermon at the Funeral of Queen Mary, at Westminster Abbey, 1694. SPRATT, Thos. Discourse to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his Visitation, in 1695. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 591 VOL. 6. WILLIAMS, John. Sermon before the Ld. Mayor of London and others, 1695, on the Election of the Lord Mayor. Sermons at Mr. Boyle s Lecture, at St. Martins, 1695. 8 Papers. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Commons, 1695. VOL. 7. COMBER, Thos. Sermon at Durham, Eng., on the Day of Thanksgiving for the Peace, 1697. DAWES, Sir Wm. Sermon at St. James s, London, in Lent, 1698. DOWNS, H. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1697, on Public Charity. ECHARD, Laurence. Sermon in the Cathedral Church of Lin coln, Eng., before Baron Turton, 1698. EXETER, Bishop of. Sermon before the House of Commons, at St. Margaret s, Westminster, 1698. FAIRWEATHER, Thos. Sermons at Kingston, upon Hull, Eng., JLb Jo 7 . JOKES, David. Sermon upon Ember- Week, preached before the University of Oxford, 1698. NORWICH, Bishop of. Sermon before the House of Lords, at Westminster Abbey, 1697. PRAT, Samuel. Sermon at London, before the Society of the Co. of Kent, 1697. SATWELL, Samuel. Sermon to the Clergy, at the Arch- Deacon s Visitation, 1696. TRIMNELL, Chas. Sermon at London, at the Huntingdon shire Feast, 1697. WILLIS, Thos. Thanksgiving Sermon, on His Majesty s De liverance from the Late Conspiracy, etc., 1696. WILLIAMS, John. Sermons at Mr. Boyle s Lecture, at St Martin s, 1696. 4 Papers. VOL. 8. BLACKALL, Offspring. Sermon before the University of Cambridge on Commencement Sunday, 1700. BRADBURY, T. Five Annivers. Sermons, Nov. 5, 1700-1704, in commemoration of the late Revolution. BUCK, Max. Annivers. Sermon on the Martyrdom of Charles I; delivered 1703. BUTLER, Lilly. Sermon to the Sons of Clergymen, at St. Paul s, London, 1704. COCKBURX, John. Sermons preached in the Eng. Church at Amsterdam, Dec., 1703. DAWES, Sir Wm. Sermon before the Queen, 1703. Two Sermons before the Queen, at St. James, 1704. JONES, Chas. Assize Sermon at Wells, Eng., 1705, on Indif ference in Religion. Assize Sermon at Taunton, Eng., 1705, against Hypoc risy. LAKE, Edward. Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London, and others, on Future Punishment. 1703. Moss, Rob t. Sermon before the Queen, at St. James Chapel, 1705. 592 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 8. NESBITT, John. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. Thos. Gouge. 1700. . PRAT, Sam l. Sermon at Bow Church, London, 1700, on Pub lic Spiritedness. SMALRIDGE, Geo. Annivers. Sermon before the House of Commons, on the Martyrdom of Chas. I. 1702. ST. ASAPH, B p of. Four Sermons: on the Death of Queen Mary, 1694; The Duke of Gloucester, 1700; King William, 1701 ; on the Queen s Accession to the Throne, 1703. STANHOPE, Geo. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1705, on the Anniv. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. SPRAT, Thos. Sermon to the Sons of Clergymen, at St. Paul s, London, 1705. . TILLOTSON, Archb p. Seasonable Discourse against Popery. Reprinted, 1705. WILLIS, Rich d. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1705, on the 100th Anniversary of the Gunpowder Treason, etc. VOL. 9. ADAMS, J. Sermon before the Queen at Windsor, 1707. . BEARE, N. Thanksgiving Sermon in the Parish Church of St. BotolphAldersgate, 1707 (?) BROUGHTON, John. Sermon before the Queen, at St. James Chapel, 1706. . CARLILE, B p of. Sermon before the Queen, at St. James s Chapel, 1707. . CHISHULL, Edm. Sermon at London, 1707, on Prophecy. PEAD, D. Sermon on the Union of England and Scotland, at St. James, Clerkenwell, 1707. GASTRELL, F. Sermon in the Parish Church of St. Sepulchres, 1707, on the Religious Education of Poor Children. KENNETT, White. Sermon before the Queen at Windsor, 1706. Sermon at the Annivers. Meeting, London, 1706, for the Aid of the Charity Schools. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Commons, 1706, on the Anivers. of the Murder of Charles I. Sermon at the Funeral of William, Duke of Devonshire. 1707. LIGHTFOOT, Robt. Sermon at the Visitation at Bedford, 1707, on the Duties of a Good Minister. LINCOLN, Bishop of. Sermon before the House of Lords at the Abbey Church in Westminster. 1705. LUCAS, Rich d. Sermon at St. Clement Dane, on the Influ ence of Conversation, etc. n. d. LUPTON, Will. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1706, on Future Punishment. HIGGINS, Francis. Sermon at the Royal Chapel at Whitehall, 1707. SAVAGE, Wm. Sermon at St. Lawrence Jewry, 1707, on the Election of the Lord Mayor. STANHOPE, Geo. Sermon before the Queen, 1706, on the An nivers. of the Gunpowder-Treason, etc. Thanksgiving Sermon before the Queen, 1706, for the Victories in Flanders, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 593 VOL. 9. ST. ASAPH, B p of. Sermon before the Peers of Eng., 1706, at Westminster, on the Martyrdom of Charles I. TALBOT, B p Wm. Thanksgiving Sermon before the Queen, 1707, for the Union of England and Scotland. TRIMNELL, Chas. Sermon at St. Paul s, London, before the Sons of the Clergy, 1707. WISE, Thos. Farewell Sermon preached at Surry, 1707. VOL. 10. BAYLY, Benj. Sermon at St. James, Bristol, 1710, on Moderation. BRAY, Thos. Sermon at Westminster, at the Funeral of John Dent, 1709. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Two Sermons preached in the Cathe dral Church of Salisbury, Nov., 1710. CALAMY, Edmund. Sermon at Salters Hall, London, on occa sion of the many late Bankrupts, 1709. CHISHULL, Edmund. Sermon at Rumford, 1711, on the Or thodoxy of an English Clergyman. COLBY, S. Call to the Sacrament; a Sermon on the Duty of Christians, etc., 1709. Fast-Day Sermon on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I., 1709. CONEY, Thos. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1710, on Honesty a usual Bar to Honor and Preferment. DAWES, Sir Wm. Sermon at Westminster Abby, 1710, on the on the Annivers. of the Death of Chas. I. Sermon before the Soc y for Propagating the Gospel, etc., at St. Mary Le Bow, 1709. D OYLY, Robt. Sermon at Bath, 1710, vindicating Providence in the Permission of Evil. GODDARD, T. Sermon at Windsor, 1710, on the Guilt, etc., of Censure. Thanksgiving Sermon at Windsor, 1710, for the late Vic tory in Spain, etc. GOOCH, Thos. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1711, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. HILLIARD, Sam l. Sermon at St. Paul s before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, 1709. HOUGH, B p John. Thanksgiving Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1709. JACKSON, John. Sermon at Dursley, 1710, in behalf of Charity Schools. KELSALL, Edward. Sermon at Boston, Lincoln Co., 1710, on Moderation. KENNETT, White. Sermon at London, 1710, before the Con vocation held by the Archbishop of Canterbury and others, with Remarks on the Same, 1711. Thanksgiving Sermon before the Queen, 1709, for the late Victory at Blaregnies, etc. KING, Wm. Sermon at Dublin, 1709, on Divine Predestina tion, etc. KNAGGS, Thos. Sermon against Self-Murder, at St. Giles Ch. in the Fields, 1708. 38 594 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 10. KNAGGS, Thos. Thanksgiving Sermon at St. Marga ret s, Westminster, 1708, for the late Victory near Auden- arde, etc. LINFORD, Thos. Sermon in the Parish Church of St. Edmund the King, 1709. LLOYD, Robt. L. Sermon at St. Paul s Convent Garden, 1709 on the Annivers. of the Murder of Chas. I. MILBOURN, Luke. Fast-Day Sermon on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. 1709. SACHEVERELL, Henry. Sermon at Derby, 1709, on the Com munication of Sin. . ST. ASAPH, Bishop of. Annivers. Sermon at St. Mary Le Bow, before the Soc y for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc., 1711. . STENNETT, Joseph. Thanksgiving Sermon, 1709, for the late Successes of the Confederate Arms. THEED, Richard. Story of Dives and Lazarus, practically improved, in Two Sermons, 1710. TRIMNEL, Bishop, Chas. Sermon at St. Peter s Mancroft, Norwich, 1708, concerning Charity Schools. YORK, Arch-Bishop of. Sermon before the Queen, at St. James Chapel, 1711. VOL. 11. ASH, Bishop Geo. Thanksgiving Sermon preached 1712 to the Protestants of Ireland in London, for their Deliver ance from the Massacre of 1641. BRETT, Thos. Sermon on Remission of Sins, according to the Doctrine of the Church of England, 1712. Sermon on the Honour of tht Christian Priesthood, etc, 1712. BURRELL, Wm. Sermon at Ilorsham in Sussex, at the As sizes, 1712. CROFT, Thos. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. John Hughes, 1711. DE BROKE, W. Anniv. Sermon at St. Sepulchre, 1712, before the Charity Schools, etc. DENT, Giles. Thanksgiving Sermon, preached Nov. 5, 1711. HUMPHREYS, T. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1711. IBBETSON, Rich d. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1712, in which Mr. Whiston s Arian Views are consid ered, etc. LLOYD, Rob t L. Sermon at St. Paul s, Covent Garden, 1712, on the Annivers. of the Gunpower Treason. Moss, Rob t. Sermon at the Assizes at Kingston upon Thames, 1712. RICHARDSON, Rev. Wm. Sermon in the Parish Church of St Mary, White Chapel, 1711, on the Office of the Ministry. Sermon on the Fast Day. Jan. 16, 1712, against such as de light in War. SMITH, Jer. Sermon at the Ordination of Sam l Clark, in St. Albans, 1712. SMALRIDGE, Geo. Sermon at St. James s, 1712, on the Day appointed for Prayer for a Blessing on the Treaty of P eace, etc. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 595 VOL. 11. ST. JOHN, P. Sermon before the Queen, 1712, on the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. . SYNGE, Archb p Ed. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1711, at St. Andrew s, Dublin. 1744. 3d. Ed. TRIMNELL, Bishop Chas. Sermon at Westminster Abbey y 1712, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. WELSTEAD, Henry. Sermon before the Archdeac. of Sudbury, at his Gen. Court, 1711. With a Vindication of the same, 1714. WRIGHT, S. Sermon at Black Fryars, to a Soc y of Young- Men, 1712. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Dr. Francis Upton, 1711. VOL. 12. BERDMORE, Sam l. Sermon before the Artillery Co. of Nottingham, 1716. BRADBURY, Thos. Sermon on the True Happiness of a Good Gov t. 1714. 2d Ed. CANTERBURY, Arch bp of. Sermon before the King, 1715, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. CRADOCK, W. Sermon at Wotton, near Gloucester, contain ing Advice to Deists, etc., 1713. in DINGLEY, W. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1713, on Cathedral Service. ELY, B y of. Sermon before the King at St. James Chapel, 1717. Sermon at London on Paying Debts, 1718. Funeral Sermon upon Mr. Noble; Executed for Murder and Adultery, at the Old Bailey. 1713. GALE, John. Thanksgiving Sermon, 1713, in Commemoration of the Revolution, etc. Sermon at Pinners Hall, 1718, on Universal Charity. GARDINER, Jas. Sermon at the Cathedral Ch., Lincoln, 1713, on the Duty of Peace, etc. JONES, Wm. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Johanna Brooks, 1712. LAMBE, Henry. Sermon at Winchester, at the Assizes, 1717, on the Duty of Living Peaceably, etc. LAW, Wm. Thanksgiving Sermon at Hazelingfield, Cam bridge Co., for the General Peace, 1713. MAURICE, Peter. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1718, on the Cause of the Contempt of Christian Ministers. NEWTON, R. Sermon at Consecration of Hart-Hall Chapel in Oxford. 1716. ROBINSON, B p John. Sermon at St. Sepulchre, 1714, at the Annivers. Meeting of the Charity Schools. SACHEVERELL, Henry. Sermon at St. Saviour s South wark, 1713, on the duty of Praying for Enemies. SMALRIDGE, B p Geo. Charge at his Primary Visitation of his Diocese, 1716. TRIMNELL, B p Chas. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1712, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. WICKES, Thos. Funeral Sermon at St. Edmund s-Bury, on the Death of Rev. John Beart, 1717. 596 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 13. BRADFORD, B p Sam l. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1719, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Discourse on the Divinity of Christ. 1719. HARE, Fr. Sermon at Putney, 1719, at a Visitation of the Peculiars, etc. HARRIS, W. Sermon at Hackney, 1719, on the Death of Mrs. Bathshua Barker. JERVIS, Wm. Sermon at St. Mary s in Stafford, 1722, on Praying for Princes. KENNET, B p White. Spital Sermon at the Ch. of St. Bridg et, London, 1719. Sermon before the House of Lords, at Westminster Ab bey, 1719. KNAGGS, Thos. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Alder men of London, at St. Paul s, Nov. 5, 1719. MANGEY, Thos. Sermon at the B p of Winchester s Visitation at Chertsey, Surrey Co., 1719. Plain Notions of our Lord s Divinity: in a Sermon at Whitehall, Christmas Day, 1719. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1719, on the An nivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. MARSEIALL, Nath. Sermon at Islington, 1719, at the Visita tion of the B p of London. WAUGH, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1719, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. WILCOCKS, Jos. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1720. VOL. 14. CHANDLER, B p Edward. Sermon before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at St. Mary-le-Bow, 1724. -i GROVE, Henry. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Stephen James, 1725. HILL, Jos. Sermon at the Ordination of Thos. Hadfield, 1726, with Ac ct of other Exercises, 1727. KILBORN, Robt. Sermon at the Consecration of the B p of St. Asaph, 1727. MORRIS, Joseph. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Thos. Kerby, 1727. SoDOi/and MAN, B p of. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1724, on the Education of Poor Children, etc. WATSON, Jos. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1727, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. WATTS, Isaac. Sermon at London, 1727, on the Death of Geo. I, and Succession of Geo. II. WATERLAND, Danl. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1723, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. WAUGH, B p John. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1724, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. WRIGHT, S. Sermon at Black-Frye rs, on the Death of the late King George, 1727. YALDEN, Thos. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1728, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 597 VOL. 15. CHESTER, B p of. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1730, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. DODDRIDGE, P. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Wm. Johnston; with Acct. of other Exercises. 1737. ELPHIN, Bishop of. Sermon at Dublin, before the Soc y for promoting Eng. Protestant Schools in Ireland. 1738. FOSTER, Jas. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary Wilks. 1732. RENNET, B p White. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1733, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. ROGERS, John. Sermon at St. Sepulchre s, 1729, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. SHERLOCK, Bishop. Sermon at London, before the Soc y for Promoting Eng. Protestant Schools in Ireland. 1737. SIMPSON, Wm. Sermon before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at St. Mary-le-Bow, 1737. WROUGHTON, Chas. Thirteen Sermons, chiefly on Practical Subjects. 1728. YOUNG, E. Vindication of Providence, or a True Estimate of Human Life, etc. 1737. VOL. 16. BARKER, John. Funeral Sermon for the late Rev. John Newman, 1741. BURTON, John. Fast-Day Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1741, on occasion of the Present War. BUTLER, B p Jos. Sermon before the Soc y for the Propaga tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Annivers. Meet ing, 1739. CHANDLER, Saml. Sermon in Peckham in Surrey, 1741, on the Death of Rev. Thos. Hadfleld. FOSTER, James. Sermon at Barbican, 1741, on the Death of Rev. Thos. Emlyn. GROSVENOR, B. Sermon at Crutched-Fryars, 1740, on the Death of Rev. Wm. Harris. HOLLOWAY, Benj. The Nullity of Repentance, without Faith in the Redemption of Christ, 1739. MEADOWCOURT, Richd. Popery Disarmed, etc., in a Sermon at the Cathedral Church of Worcester, 1739. STEBBING, Henry. Sermon on the New Birth; occasioned by the Pretensions of the Methodists, 1739. TRAPP, Dr. Jos. The Nature, Folly, etc., of being Righteous Over-much, 1739. TUAM, Archbishop of. An Essay on Foolish Questions, with another on Contending for the Faith. Being Two Visita tion Sermons, 1738. WHITEFIELD, Geo. Sermon at the Parish Church of St. Law rence, Old Jewry, London, 1739. $*ja&"tf VOL. 17. BANGOR, B p of. Sermons before the Soc y correspond ing with the Soc v in Dublin, for Promoting English Prot estant Schools, etc., 1741. 1745. BROWN, Rich d. Three Sermons before the University of Ox ford, 1746, 1747, on Job s Expectation of a Resurrection. 598 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 17. BUSLER, Bishop. Sermon at London, 1745, before the . Charity Schools. CHAPMAN, John. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, at a Visitation, 1746. CENNICK, John. Simon and Mary; being the substance of a Discourse delivered at Exeter, Eng., in 1744. The Divinity of Christ; being the substance of a Dis course, etc., 1746. CORKE, B p of. Sermon at Dublin, 1740, before the Society for Promoting Eng. Protestant Schools in Ireland. FORSTER, Nath. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1746. HORT, Archb p. Instructions to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tuam, at his Primary Visitation in 1742. KILLALLA, B p of. Sermon at Dublin, 1743, before the Soc y for Promoting Eng. Protestant Schools, etc. LAVINGTON, Geo. Sermon at London, 1746, before the Charity Schools. LAVINGSTONE, B p Geo. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1747, on the Annivers. of the Restoration of Chas. II. LOBB, Sam l. Sermon at the Assizes at Taunton, 1746. MADDOX, B p Isaac. Sermon at London before the Soc y cor responding with the Soc y in Dublin, for Promoting Eng. Protestant Schools, 1740. PARKER, Wm. Sermon before the B p of Oxford at the Ordi nation, 1745, and before the University of Oxford, 1746. SECKER, B p Thos. Sermon at London, 1743, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. SMALBROKE, B p Rich d. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Litchfield and Coventry, at the Triennial Visitation in, 1744, 45. THOMAS, John. Sermon before the Soc y corresponding with the Soc y in Dublin, for Promoting Eng. Protestant Schools, etc., 1743. TRAPP, Jos. Sermon at London, May 13, 1742, before the Chanty Schools of London and Westminister. TREVOR, B p Rich d. Sermon at London, 1747, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. VOL. 18. BAYLY, Edw. Sermon at Bath, 1749, in support of the Gen. Hospital in that City. BRINE, John. Discourse at a Monthly Exercise of Prayer, 1749. BROWN, John. Sermon at Bath, for promoting the Charity, etc., to the Gen. Hospital in that City. 1750. CENNICK, John. Substance of several Discourses delivered in Dublin, etc., in 1753 and 1754. 8 Papers. First principles of Christianity; being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in the North of Ireland, 1752. COOKE, Win. Sermon at the Visitation at Beaconsfield, 1750. GEORGE, Wm. Annivers. Sermon before the Soc y for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc. 1748. GILL, Rev. John. Sermons preached to the Soc y which Sup port the Wednesday Evening Lecture, in Great East-Cheap, London, 1752 and 53. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 599 VOL. 18. GUYSE, John. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Mordecai Andrews, 1750. HORBEREY, Matt. Sermon at the Parish Church of St. Chad, Salop, before the Trustees of the Salop Infirmary, 1747. Sermon in the Parish Church of Eccleshall, on the Atha- nasian Creed. 1749. PITTS, Joseph. Sermon at New Court, 1749, on the Death of his Son. STENNETT, Jos. Sermon at London, 1753, before the Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge among the Poor. TREVOR, Bishop Richard. Annivers. Sermon preached before the Society for the Propaga. of the Gospel, etc., 1749. WEBBER, Francis. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of Bristol, 1750. VOL. 19. FORD, Wm. Sermon at the Ordination of Wm. Ford, Jr., 1857. FOTHERGILL, Geo. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1757. GILL, John. Sermons before the Society which Support the Wednesday Evening Lecture in Great East-Cheap, London, 1755. HITCIIIN, Edward. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Martha Tate, and her two Children, 1757. JONES, T. Sermon at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Surry, 1755, at St. Saviour s, Southwark. PEARSALL, Richard. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Tristram, 1757, preached at Fullwood, Eng. ROMAINE, Wm. Discourse delivered at St. George s, Han over Square, London, on Depravity. 1754? Sermon at St. Dustan s in the West, Dec. 25, 1757; with Observations on the same. 1758. VOL. 20. BRAY, Thos. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1763, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. BRINE, John. Sermon at London before the Soc y who Sup port the Wednesday Eve Lecture, etc. 1760. CONDOR, John. Sermon at the Ordination of John Stafford. 1758. FORDYCE, Jas. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Samuel Law rence. 1760. FOTHERGILL, Geo. Fast-Day Sermon preached before the University of Oxford, 1858, on occasion of the War with France. GILL. John. Sermon at Broad-Mead, in Bristol, 1761, on " The Law in the Hand of Christ." GOODALL, Henry. Visitation Sermon, preached at the Ap pointment of Thos., B p of Norwich, 1760. HITCHIN, Edward. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at the New Meeting, in White-Row Spital Fields, 1759. HOGG, J. Thanksgiving Sermon preached to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, at Sidmouth, in Devonshire, 1759. ROMAINE, Wm. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Thos. Jones, 1762. 6oo WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 20. ROMAINE, Wm. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Jas. Hervey, 1759. SMITH, John. Sermons on the occasion of Peace between England, France, etc., 1763. STENNETT, Sam l. Sermon on the Death of King George II. Preached at London, 1760. TOTTIE, John. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1763, on Slander. WHITE, John. Sermon at the Vistation of the B p of Glou cester, holden at Stroud-Water, Oxford(?) 1764. WRIGHT, Thos. Thanksgiving Sermon before a Soc y of Pro testant Dissenters, at Lewin s-Mead, Bristol, 1763. VOL. 21. BOOTH, Abraham. Sermon on the Death of Miss Ann Williams, 1772. CONDER, John. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Jos. Saun- ders, at Cambridge, Eng., 1768. DALRYMPLE, Wm. Sermon on Christian Unity, 1766. GIBBONS, Thos. Sermons at London, 1764, on the Death of his Son. KENNICOTT, Benj. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1765, with Notes on the same, etc. LANGFORD, Wm. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Edwin God win, preached at Little St. Helen s, 1764. LINCOLN, W. Sermon at London, on the Death of Rev. John Gawsell, 1768. M GiLL, Wm. The Prayer of our Saviour for the Union of his Followers, considered, 1768. MACGOWAN, John. Sermon at London, 1772, on the Death of Rev. Benj. Messer. SHARPE, Gregory. The Rise and Fall of the Holy City and Temple of Jerusalem: an Argument in Defence of Chris tianity, 1765. Want of Universality no Objection to the Christian Re ligion, 1765. STENNETT, Sam l. Sermon on Death of Rev. Sam l Burford, 1768. WATSON, J. Sermon the Death of Rev. Dr. Wm. King,. preached at London, 1769. VOL. 22. ASHBURNER, Edward. Sermon at the Ordination of Sir Harry Trelawny, preached at Southampton. 1777. CHORLTON, Thos. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Hughes, at London, 1773. EVANS, Caleb. Sermon at Bristol, England, 1776, on the Death of Rev. Jas. Rouquet. GIBBONS, Thos. Sermon on the Death of Thos. Wilton,, 1776. HILL, Rowland. Token of Respect to the Memory of the late Rev. Jas. Rouquet, preached at Bristol, Eng., 1776. ... HUNTER, Rev. Henry. Annivers. Sermon before the Soc y which supports the Lord s Day Morning Lecture, at Little St. Helen s, London, 1777. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 601 VOL. 22. HUTCHINS, R. Sermon before the Soc y of Protestant Dis senters, meeting at tn*e New York Coffee House, London, 1773, on the occasion of the Rejection of the Dissenters Bill. MALTUS, Farmery. Two Sermons preached at Surrey, Eng., 1776 (?) proving the Divine Original of the Scriptures, etc. PARSONS, Rob t. Sermon at the Funeral of the Earl of Roches ter. 1680. RAWLINS, John. Sermon at Worcester, Eng., at the tAnnivers Meeting of the Choirs of Worcester, Hereford and Gloucester, 1773. ROBINSON, R. Lecture on a becoming Behaviour in Religious Assemblies. Delivered at Cambridge, 1773. WALLIN, Benj. Sermon at London (?) on the Death of Job Heath, 1773, VOL. 23. ASSHETON, Wm. Discourse concerning a Death-Bed Repentance, 1873. Bishop Rev. Saml. Sermon preached in Parish Church of St. George, Middlesex, 1783, on the Annivers. of Henry Rain s Charity. BROUGHTON, Thos. The Christian Soldier : or the Duties of a Religious Life recommended to the Army, 1787. 6th Ed. DICKENSON, Saml. Sermon on the late General Thanksgiv ing; preached in the Parish Church of Blymhill, Statford- shire, 1784. Fletcher, John W. Extract from the Heavenly Footman; a Sermon by John Bunyan. Gill, Rev. John. The Doctrine of Imputed Righteousness without "Works asserted and proved. 1784. HEY, John. Sermon at Stony Stratford, Eng., 1790, on the Athanasian Creed. KIDDER, Bishop Richard. Discourse on Sins of Infirmity, etc. 1788. 6th. Ed. LINDSEY, Theophil.us. Sermon preached at the Opening of the New Chapel at Essex St., Strand, London, 1778. NEWTON, John. Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary, Woolnoth 1787, before the Soc y for Promoting Re ligious Knowledge among the Poor. NOWELL, Wm.- Exhortation to Young Persons lately Confirmed. 1784. PALEY, Wm. Advice to the Young Clergy of the Diocese of Carlisle, in an Ordination Sermon, preached in 1781. PALMER, John. Sermon at London, 1779, on the Death of Rev. Caleb Fleming. RAY, John Mead. Sermon at Witham, in Essex, Eng., 1782, on the Death of Rev. Chas. Case. REES, Abraham. Two Sermons on Occasion of the Death of Rev. Robert Robinson, 1790. SANDILANDS, Rich d. Sermon preached for the Benefit of the Charity School instituted at Upton, upon Severn, in 1787. WESLEY, John. The Important Question; a Sermon on Matt. 36,26. 1783. 602 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 23. WORTHINGTON, Hugh, Jr. Sermon, 1783, before the Cor respondent Board in London,*of the Soc y in Scotland, for Propagating Christian Knowledge in the Highlands, etc. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Francis Spillsbury, preached at Salter s Hall, London, 1782. VOL. 24. ARMSTRONG, Wm. Sermons, chiefly for the Poor and Unlearned. 1794. BARROWCLOUGH, S. Peter s Ethics, and Joseph s Advice. Two Sermons before the Amicable Societies at Stainland, Eng., in 1794 and 5. HINCHLIFFE, B p John. Sermons. 1796. HUNTER, Henry, and WILLIAMS, Edw. Sermon and Charge delivered to the First Missionaries to the South Sea Islands, on their Designation, etc. 1796. LOVE, Wm. Sermon in the Chapel of Newgate, 1790, at the request of Friends of Francis Fontou. SNODGRASS, John. Sermon before the Paisley London Mis sionary Society, n. d. STEVEN, Jas. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Wm. Nicol. 1796. The Scripture Idea of Heresy. Sermon by a Minister of the Church of England. 1790. WHITE, Rev. Chas. Sermon in the Parish Ch. of Chertsey, Surrey, 1795. WHITEHEAD, John. Discourse at the New Chapel in the City Road, 1791, at the Funeral of the late Rev. John Wesley. VOL. 25. BARRETT, John. Sermon at Kidderminster, Eng., 1796, on the Incomprehensibity of God. COOPER, Wm. Sermons preached to the Jews, at Sion-Chapel Whitechapel, London, 1796. 3 Papers. HOG, Alex. Blessings of Monarchy; a Sermon for the Na tional Fast, etc., 1796. JONES, Wm. Friendly Admonition to the Churchman on the Sufficiency of his Religion; in Two Sermons, 1796. MAcGiLL, S. The Connexion of Situation with Character, considered with a view to Ministers of Religion, 1796. ORR, I. Sermon on Religious Faith. Abridged. 1796. RENNELL, Thos. Sermon before the Hon. Wm. Pitt and oth ers of the Corporation of Trinity House, 1796. SIBBS, Rich d. The Saint s Ark, or City of Refuge in the day of his Distress; in two Sermons. Abridged, n. d. VOL. 26. ADAMS, Wm. Sermon before the Trustees of the Salop Infirmary, London? 1749. ALLEN, F. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, 1749. ASIIBURNHAM, Wm. Sermon preached in the Cathedral Ch. of Chichester, at a special Assize held in 1749. BARTON, Philip. Sermon at the Consecration of the B p of Norwich, 1749. CATCOTT, A. S. Sermon before the Corporation of Bristol, 1735, on the Supreme and Inferior Elahim. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 603 VOL. 26. CONYBEARE, B p John. Sermon at Bristol, 1751, at the Annivers. Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy. CRESSETT, B p Edw. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1749, on the Annivers. of the Restoration of Chas. II. DALTON, John. Two Sermons before the University of Ox ford, 1745. DRUMMOXD, B p Rob t. Thanksgiving Sermon before the House of Lords, 1749, on Occasion of Peace. ELLYS, Anthony. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1749, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. HAYTER, B p Thos. Sermon before the Soc y at London, cor responding with the Soc y in Dublin, for promoting Eng. Protestant Schools in Ireland; May, 1753. KEDINGTON, R. Sermon at the Primary Visitation of the B p of Norwich, 1753. OGDEIST, Sam l. Two Sermons before the University of Cam bridge in 1758; on the Annivers. of the Restoration of Chas. II, and Accession of Geo. II. PEARCE, B p Zachary. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1749, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. RIDLEY, G. Sermon at London, 1757, before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. STUKELEY, Wm. Annivers. Sermon before the Royal College of Physicians, London, 1750. THOMAS, John. Thanksgiving Sermon at the Parish Church of Blechingley, in Surrey, Eng., 1749, on occasion of Peace. TRIMNELL, B p Chas. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Norwich, at the Visitation in 1709. VOL. 27. BAGOT, Lewis. Sermon at Oxford, 1779, at the Annivers. Meeting of the Governors of the Radcliffe Infirmary. BUTLER, John. Fast-day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1776. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Lords, 1778, on account of the War with America. CORNWALLIS, Jas. Sermon at the Annivers. Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, at St. Paul s, London, 1777. GORDON, John. Causes and Consequences of Evil Speaking against Gov t, considered in a Sermon at Cambridge, 1771. GLASSE, Sam l. Sermon at the opening of the Parish Church at Clapham, Surry, 1776. HORNE, Geo. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1780. LOWTH, B p Rob t. Sermon preached at the Chapel Royal of St. James Palace, 1779. LYTTLETON, B p Chas. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1765, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. MARKHAM, Archb p Wm. Sermon at London, 1777, before the Soc y for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1744, on the Anni vers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. Sermon at Oxford, 1773, at the Annivers. Meeting of the Governors of Radcliff Infirmary. 604 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 27. NOWELL, Wm. Sermon before the Presid t and other Offi cers of the London Lying-in Hospital, 1763. PORTEUS, Beilby. Character of David, King of Israel impar tially stated, 1761. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Lords, 1779, on acct. of the War with America. Sermon at the Armivers. Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, at St. Paul s, London, 1776. RANDOLPH, John. Sermon at the Ordination held at Christ Ch., Oxford, by the Bishop of Oxford, 1779. Ross, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1759, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1779, on the Anni vers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. 2d Ed. SHARPE, G. Sermon before the President and Governors of the City of London, Lying in Hospital, etc., 1759. SWINNEY, Sidney. Sermon before the University of Cam bridge, at the Commencement in 1763. THURLOW, B p. Thos. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1780, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. VYSE, Wm. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Commons 1798, on account of the War with America. VOL. 28. BALL, Thos. Sermon at Mildenhall, London, at the Vis itation of the Archdeacon of Sudbury, 1783. BERKLEY, Joshfua. Sermon at St. Mary s, Oxford, at the Vis itation of the Archdeacon of Oxford, 1780. CHELSUM, Jas. Sermon at the Primary Visitation of the B p of Winchester, at Bishop s Waltham, Hants, 1788. COOPER, Sam l. Erroneous Opinions concerning Providence, refuted, etc.; a Fast Day Sermon, 1782. DAMPIER, Thos. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1782. DE COETLOGON, C. E. Commemorative Sermon on the Char acter, Sufferings, and Crucifixion of Christ : delivered at St. Paul s London, 1790. Sermon at London, on the Sacramental Test, etc., 1790. HALLIFAX, B p Sam l. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Lords, 1782. HAY, Thos. Sermon before the House of Commons, 1793, 94 and 95, on the Annivers. of the Martyrdom of Chas. I. HORNE, Geo. Fast Day Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1781. JEANS, Thos. Sermon preached at Norwich Cathedral, 1791, at th Primary Visitation of the Bishop. LAYARD, Chas. P. Sermon at the Consecration of the B p of St. David s, 1794. RANDOLPH, John. Sermon at Oxford, at the Consecration of the Lord B p of Bristol, 1782. ROCHESTER, B p of. Sermon preached in Chapel of the Mag dalen Hospital, 1795, on the Annivers. of the Institution. SATTIANADEN, Rev. Translation of a Sermon preached by him, in the Malabar Language, in 1790. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 605 VOL. 28. SEALE, J. B. Discourse before the University of Cam bridge. 1791. TWINING, Thos. Sermon at the Primary Visitation of the B p of London, held at Colchester, in 1790. WATSON, B p Rich d. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Landaff, 1791. Fast Day Sermon before the University of Cambridge, 1780. VOL. 29. BENNELL, Thos. Sermon before the Governors of Ad- denbroke s Hospital, Cambridge, Eng., 1795. BOUCHER, J. Sermon at the Assizes held at Guildford, Eng.. 1798. CHESTER, B p of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, 1799. CHURCH; C. C. Due Ordination as necessary as a Due Call to the Gospel Priesthood. 1797. COLE, W. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, on Election Sun day, 1798. Sermon preached on the General Fast, 1798. DURHAM, B p of. Sermon preached in the County of Dur ham, 1798, on the Day for Gen. Thanksgiving. Sermon before the House of Lords, 1799. GLASSE, Geo. H. Sermon at Hanwell, Eng., 1798, before the Members of the Voluntary Armed Assoc. HAY, Thos. Fast-Day Sermon before the House of Commons, 1799. JACKSON, Wm. Fast-Day Sermon before the Soc y of Lin coln s Inn, 1795. LAMBARD, Thos. Sermon at the Consecration of the B p of Oxford, 1799. LETTICE, J. Sermon at the Primary Vistitation of the B p of Chichester, at Hastings, 1798. MACAULAY, A. Liturgy of the Church of England, recom mended. A Sermon preached at London in 1796. MACLAINE, A. Solemn Voice of Public Events. Fast-Day Sermon, 1797. MAINWARING, John. Sermon before the University of Cam bridge, 1795. Moss, Chas. Fast-Day Sermon preached before the House of Commons, 1798. PROSSER, Rich d. Sermon before the B p of Durham and the Clergy, at a Visitation held at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1797. SAWKINS, Chas. Sermon before the University of St. Mary s, 1798, on the Annivers. of the Restoration of Charles II. VOL. 30. BANGOR, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Dio cese at the Visitation in 1808. BRAND, J. Sermon before the Archdeacons and Clergy of the Deaconries of Hartsmere and Hoxne, in Suffolk, in 1797 and 1799. CROWTHER, Sam l. Sermon preached at Barking, Essex Co., Eng., 1800. FOSTER, Wm. Sermon at the Ann. Visitation at Kingston- upon-Thames, 1800. 606 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 30. GRAY, Robt. Sermon at Durham, 1801. at the Visitation of the Bishop of Durham. HAY, Thos., D. D. Fast-Day Sermon at North Walsham, Norfolk Co., 1803. JACKSON, Wm., D. D. Fast-Day Sermon before the Society of Lincoln s Inn, 1801. LONDON, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at his Visitation, in 1810. OXFORD, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, at the Visitation, in 1802. PARR, Sam l, LL.D. Spital Sermon, preached at London, 1800; with Notes. ROCHESTER, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, in 1800. TOURNAY, Wm., DD. Sermon in Lambeth Chapel at the Consecration of the Bishop of Peterborough, 1813. VINCENT, Wm. DD. Sermon before the House of Com mons, at St. Margarets, Westminster, 1802. VOL. 31. BLOMFIELD, B p C. J. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester, 1825. BROOKSBANK, Henry C. Prize Dissertation on Original Sin, etc., 1837. GODDARD, Chas. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeacon ry of Lincoln, 1827. Sermon delivered to the Clergy at the several places of Visitation, etc. 1835. Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Peculiars of Deanery of Shoreharn, 1830. SIBTHORP, R. W. Substance of a Sermon preached at Lon don, on the Death of Jos. Butterworth, 1826. SMITH, Sam l. Fast-Day Sermon at St. Paul s, London 1832. Sermons at St. Paul s, London, Apr. 17, and May 29, 1831, and Apr. 29, and May 27, 1832. VOL. 32. BELL, Andrew, D. D. Extract of a Sermon on the Ed ucation of the Poor. 1807. BOOKING, Rev. Dan l. Sermon at Braughing, in Hertford shire, 1808, on the Death of Mrs. Mary Booking. CLONFERT, Bishop of. Sermon at St. Peter s, Dublin, Apr. 9, 1807. DUNCAN, Andrew. Sermon before the Soc y in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge. 1805. FRIZELL, R. Fast-Day Sermon preached near Shrewsbury. 1809. PEARSON, Bishop John, Twelve Sermons on points of Faith and Morals. 1803. SCOTT, Thos. The Jews a Blessing to the Nations, etc.; Sermon preached at London, in 1810. SMITH, John Pye. Sermon before the Monthly Assoc. of Ministers and Churches, Patrons of the Academy at Homer- ton, Apr., 1810. SMITH, Sydney. Sermon at the Temple, on the proper Con duct of the Established Church toward Dissenters. 1807. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 607 VOL. 32. WILSON, H. B. Two Sermons on the Death of Children. 1810. YOUNG, Robt., D. D. Gratitude to God for National Mercies. A Sermon. 1810. VOL. 32A. CLAYTON, John. Sermon at London, 1807, before the Monthly Assoc. of Cong. Ministers. EVANS, John. Fast-Day Sermon preached in London, Oct. 19, 1803. Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Rev. Hugh Worth- ington, 1813. GRAY, Robt. Discourse at Bishopwearmouth Ch., on the Death of the Hon. Spencer Perceval, 1812. INNES, John. Sermon at Kensington, 1815, before a Monthly Assoc. of Ministers. MONCK, F. W. Sermon at Driffield, Yorks, on the Death of H. R. H. Prince Albert, n. d. ROBY, W. Discourse delivered at the Orphan Working School, London, 1813. The Glory of the Latter Days; Discourse delivered at Manchester, 1814. SHARPE, L. " Forsaking the Assembling of Ourselves." A Sermon, n. d. TOMLINE, B p. Geo. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, in 1812. WEAVER, Richard. The Brazen Serpent. An Address, n. d. YOUNG, Rob t. Sermon preached at London, 1808, for the benefit of the African and Asiatic Society. VOL. 33. AINGE, Wm. Farewell Discourse delivered at Beccles, England, 1813. ASPLAND, Robert. The Beneficial Influence of Christianity on the Female Sex, 1812. BENNETT, James. Sermon at London in behalf of the Society for the Relief of the Families of Dissenting Ministers, 1813. COCKER, W. B. Sermon at Wimeswold, Leicestershire, 1812, on the Death of Rev. Thos. Wightman. COLES, Thos. Sermon at Bristol, 1813, before the Bristol Ed- cation Society. HALL, Robt. Discourse at Stretton, Warwickshire, at the Ordination of the Rev. Jas. Robertson, 1813. HUNTINGFORD, Geo. J. The Petition of the Eng. R. Catholics considered; in a charge to the Clergy, etc., in 1810. LINDSAY, Jas. Sermon at London, on the Death of Rev. Hugh Worthington. ROBY, W. Discourse delivered in the Chapel of the Orphan Working School, London, 1813. SMITH, J. P. Sermon on Death of Rev. Jos. Barber, preached at London. 1810. TOMLINE, Geo. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lin coln, at the Visitation in 1812. TOTTON, Wm. J. Fast-Day Sermon at Debden, Essex Co., 1813. 608 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 33. TURNER, Wm. Sermon preached to a Congregation of Dis senters, at York, 1809. . WATSON, R. Sermon at Leeds, 1813, at the formation of the Methodist Missionary Society. VOL. 34. BAXTER, Rich d. Right Rejoicing, etc. A Sermon abridged. 1814. BLOMFIELD, C. J. Sermon at Aylesbury, 1815, on the Claims of the Soc y for Promoting Christian Knowledge. DORE, Jas. Substance of a Discourse in part delivered at Southwark, 1812. INNES, John. Sermon at Kensington, 1815, at a Monthly As sociation of Ministers, etc. KINGHORN, Jos. Two Sermons addressed to the Students of the Baptist Academies at Stepney and Bristol, 1814. London Missionary Society. Four Sermons preached before the Soc y, in May, 1814. With Report, etc. London Missionary Society. Four Sermons preached before the Soc y, in May, 1815. With Report, etc. VOL. 35. ALLIN, T. Sermon at the Re-Opening of Salem Chapel, Halifax, 1815. ASPLAND, Rob t. Sermon before the Unitarian Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. 1815. BURNYEAT, John. Farewell Sermon, preached at Warwick, 1817. FORDYCE, Jas. Sermon on Pulpit Eloquence. An Essay on the Action proper for the Pulpit. JAMES, J. A. Pastoral Charge delivered to the Rev. Thos. James, at his Ordination at London, 1816. JAY, Wm. Sermon at the Settlement of Rev. Arthur Tidman, as Pastor at Salisbury, 1815. PARNELL, Wm. Sermons for the use of Country Schools in Ireland. 1816. WESLEY, John. Sermon on the Duty and Advantage of Early Rising. 1816. Vol. 36. BURDER, H. F. Sermon at London, Jan., 1819, at a Monthly Assoc. of Ministers, etc. HALES, Wm. Sermon on the Lord s Prayer. 1818. HAMILTON, Hans. Two Sermons preached before the Univer sity of Dublin, in 1818. POTT, J. H. Sermon at St. Martin in the Fields, on the Death of Princess Charlotte, 1818. SCHOLEFIELD, Jas. The Law established by Faith. Sermon at Cambridge, 1817. SELECTIONS from one hundred and^ twelve Sermons preached on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, 1818. STRONG, Wm. Sermon on Radical Reform, 1819. VINCENT, Wm. Sermons on Faith, Doctrines, etc., with a Life of the Author, 1817. WILKINSON, J. Sermon at Saffron Walden, on the Resurrec tion, 1819. WILKS, Mark. Noncomformity: a Sermon preached at Lon don, at the Monthly Assoc. of Cong, Ministers, 1817. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 609 VOL. 37. ADAM, Thos. The Missionary s Farewell Sermon at Port of Spain, 1823. FRIPP, S. C. Discourse at Bristol, on the Unitarian s Apology for Separation, etc., 1822. FRIZELL, Rich d. Sermon at Ilfracombe, Eng., on the Repub- lication of Paine s Age of Reason, 1819. JAMES, J. Sermon preached at Oundle, Eng., 1819. JAMES, J. A. Sermon in reference to the present Situation of the Country, 1819. LE BAS, C. W. Sermon at Holloway, Eng., in aid of the Islington Dispensary, 1824. MANT, Bishop Rich d. Charge to the Clergy of Down and Connor, at the Visitation at Lisburn, 1824. PARSONS, H. Sermon at Hereford, 1823, before the Wesleyan Local Preachers, 1832. RYDER, Bishop Henry. Sermon before the Incorporated Soc y for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1819. TAVEL, G. F. Sermon at Woodbridge, 1824, at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Suffolk. WATSON, Rich d. Sermon before the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Soc y London, 1824. Vol. 37. A. ABDY, J. C. Sermon at Southwark, 1823, on the Death of his Father. ACTON, Henry. Sermon at Exeter, 1824, on Faith. FLETCHER, Jos. On the Prophecies concerning Anti-Christ, 1825. FRIZELL, Rich d. Sermon before the Archdeaconry of Barn- staple, 1819. MARSH, W. Sermon at Colchester, on the Coronation of King George IV. 1821. MAYNE, Robt. Sermons at the Assizes at Kingston, March, 1823. MORTIMER, Thos. Sermon in behalf of the Church Missionary Soc y, 1824. PARSONS, H. Sermon before the Wesleyan Local Preachers, at Hereford, 1823. PRITCHARD, Geo. Sermon at Southwark, at the Bapt. Monthly Meeting, Oct., 1823. SCOTT, Thos. Sermon at London, 1786, on Election and Final Perseverance. Services at the Ordination of Rev. R. Brook Aspland, at Ches ter, 1826. SMITH, Sydney. Sermon on Religious Charity, 1825. VERNON. L. V. Sermon on Death; occasioned by the Re pentance of a Dying Infidel, 1823. WEBSTER, Thos. Sermon before the University of Cambridge, June 26, 1825. WELLBELOVED, C. Sermon at Halifax, 1825, before the West- Riding Tract Soc y. VOL. 38. A Forensic Sermon. "Woe unto you, ye Lawyers!" etc. 1829. 39 6iO WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 38. BIRD, B p John. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester, 1829. BRENTON, Lancelot C. L. Sermon on the impiety of the pro miscuous use of the Church Burial Service: Stadhampton, Oxon, 1831. . CLISSOLD, Aug. Sermon at Stoke Newington, 1829, on the Death of Rev. Geo. Gaskin. COLLINSON, John. Sermon at Great Musgrave, Westmorland T 1829. GREIG, Geo. Charge delivered at the Ordination of John Greig, at Birmingham, 1827. GRINFIELD, Edw. Win. Discourse at St. Barnabas Chapel, Kensington, 1831. HALLEY, Robt. Discourse at Pentonville, Oct., 1831, at the Monthly Meeting of Cong. Ministers. HEADLAM, John. Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch deaconry of Richmond, 1827. HUGHES, Jos. Discourse at Bristol, 1831, on the Death of Rev. Rob t Hall JERRAM, Chas. Sermon at Guildford, at the Primary Visita tion of the B p of Winchester, 1829. REED, Andrew. Discourse preached at the Anniversary of the London Missionary Soc y, 1831. WILSON, H. B. The Sympathizing High Priest. Three Ser mons. 1828. VOL. 39. ACTON, Henry. Vindication of the Unitarian Doctrine: being Six Lectures delivered at Exeter, in 1835. BATHER, Edw. Sermon at St. Andrew, Holborn, 1833, before the Church Missionary Soc y. BURNS, Rob t. Sermon before the London Missionary Soc y, 1834. CLARKE, W. B. History and Practice of Psalmody. 1835. GIRDLESTONE, Chas. Sermon before the University of Ox ford, 1833. HEAP, Henry. Substance of a Sermon on the Death of Rev, John Rees. 1833. HOWELS, Wm. Two Sermons: I. The Fall and Recovery of Man. II. The Wrath to Come. 1835. LEE, Sam l. Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Wells, 1832. MELVILL, H. Spital Sermon preached before the Mayor and Corporation of London, 1831. and NOEL, Baptist. Sermons on the Death of Rev. Wm. Howels. 1833. SMALLEY, G. Sermon before the Archdeacon of Suffolk, at the Annual Visitation at Ipswich, 1832. WILSON, Bishop Dan l. Sermon at the Cathedral Church of Calcutta, 1833. VOL. 39 A. BICKERSTETH, Edw. Sermon at Hatfield, 1831, at the Visitation of the Bishop of Lincoln. CLOSE, F. The Protestant Faith, or, " The Way called Her esy." 1836. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 611 VOL. 39A. COOPER, W. H. The Nature, Progress and Destiny of the Papal Heresy. 1827- DALE, Thos. Farewell Sermon preached at St. Matthew s Chapel, Denmark Hill, 1835. HALL, Rob t. Two Sermons in behalf of the Baptist Academy at Bristol. 1827. HILL, Rowland. Substance of a Sermon, preached at Surrey Chapel, London, 1833. HOBY, J. Annual Sermon for the Baptist Academical Insti tution at Stepney, 1827. MORTIMER, Thos. Sermon at St. Mark s, Clerkenwell, 1833. NATURE of the First Resurrection, 1828. PARSONS, James. Sermon at London, on the Intercession of Christ, 1833. Sermon at Tabernacle, London, 1827. PERCEVAL, Arthur P. Sermon preached at the Chapel Royal, St. James s, 1831. RICKARDS, Saml. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mary F. Wil son, 1834. SNOWDEN, Wm. Sermon preached at Wakefield, 1834, at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of York. SYMONS, J. Farewell Sermon preached in the British Protest ant Chapel, at Boulogne sur Mer. 1833. THORP, Thos. Sermon at the University Church, Cambridge, April 13, 1834. WATSON, Richard. Sermon preached at Hackney, 1827, on the Love of Christ. VOL. 40. ALLOTT, Rich d. The Voluntary System; Sermon at the Visitation of the Diocese of Armagh, Ireland, 1855. BANKS, Bishop John. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David s, Scotland, 1836. BURNET, Thos. Sermon on reading himself in as Rector at St. James, London, 1837. DALE, Thos. Sermon at London, 1837, on the Death of Edw. Turner, M. D. Sermon at St. Andrew s, Holborn, 1836. Sermon at St. Bride s Church, London, 1837. - FELL, T. Two Sermons preached at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1837. HARRIS, John. The Witnessing Church. Sermon delivered in London and Manchester, in 1837. HEARNE, J. Sermon at the Consecration of the Catholic Chapel, Brentwood, Essex, 1837. HOGAN, Jas. The Music of the Sanctuary. Sermon preached at Dublin, 1838. HOLLOWAY, J. T. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Wilcox, 1836. McALL, Edw. Sermon at Winchester, 1835, at the Visitation of the Chancellor of the Diocese. MANDELL, Wm. Sermon before the University of Cambridge 1835. Four Sermo ns on the Christian Ministry, preached at Cambridge, 1838. 612 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 40. MELVILLE, H. Commemoration of National Mercies: Sermon at Camberwell, 1837. SHUTTLEWORTH, P. N., D.D. The Voluntary Principle not recognized by the Primitive Church. A Sermon at Oxford, 1836. STANLEY, Bishop Edw. Sermon at his Installation; Norwich, 1837. SPOONER, Wm. Sermon before the (London) Church Mis sionary Soc y, 1836. VOL. 40A. BADGER, Albert. Universal Redemption the Doctrine of the Bible, ete. Two Sermons, 1837. BAKER, R. G. Sermon preacned at Fulham, Mar. 19, 1837. BANKS, Bishop John. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David s, in 1836. BOWERBANK, T. F, Sermon at Turnham Green, Chiswick, May 1, 1836. Cox, F. A. The Visit of Barnabas, etc. Sermon preached at Hackney, 1835. CROLY, Geo. Sermon at Walbrook, Oct. 4, 1835. CROSTHWAITE, J. C. Sermon at the Ordination held by the Bishop of Kildare, in 1837. CURLING, Wm. Sermon at Southwark, Nov. 5, 1837, on the Real Character of Popery, etc. HARRIS, John. Sermon at London, Apr. 28, 1837. MEREWETHER, Francis. Popery a New Religion, etc. Ser mon at Whitwick, 1835. MORTIMER, T. The Word of God the Subject and the Test of Public Instruction. 1837. PARSONS, J. Sermon on behalf of the Home Missionary Soc y, London, 1837. PELLEW, Geo. Sermon in behalf of the Metropolis Churches Fund, 1837. ROCHESTER, Bishop of. Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, 1837 (?) SERMON sur Esaie LXIII, 7, 8. 1836. SEYMOUR, M. H. Struggles of the Papacy for Supremacy in Britain, 1837. SHERMAN, Jas. Sermon at London, 1835, in behalf of the Home Missionary Soc y. STOWELL, Hugh. State of the Continental Churches. Ser mon at London, 1837. TOTTENHAM, E. The Brazen Serpent. Sermon at Bath, 1835. WODEHOUSE, C. N. Sermon before the Mayor and Council at Norwich, 1837. VOL. 41. ARCHER, T. Discourse at Well St. Chapel, London, 1838, on Gaming. Popery, Puseyism and Protestantism. Six Lectures de livered at London, 1839. AVELING, Thos. Sermon at London on the Death of Rev. John Campbell, 1840. Bennett, Dr. Discourse at Wells St. Chapel, London, 1838, on the Difficulties and Dangers of Infidelity. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 613 VOL. 41. BLOMFIELD, Bishop. Sermon at the Coronation of Queen Victoria. 1838. CLOSE, Francis. Sermon at Cheltenham, on the Anniversary of Deliverance from the Gunpowder Plot. 1840. . ELRINGTON, Chas. R. Sermon at Trinity College, Dublin, on Apostolic Succession, 1839. ERVINE, A. Two Sermons preached at Leicester, at the As sizes, 1838. HARRIS, John, London: a Sermon in behalf of the Christian Instruction Soc y, 1838. HASTED, H. Course of Lectures for Lent. Lecture III. 1838. HOOK, Walter F. The Gcspel the Basis of Education. Ser mon at Liverpool, 1839. HOWARD, Henry. Sermon at Lichfield, 1838, on the Day of Coronation of Queen Victoria. KENNEDY, Benj. H. Sermon at St. Mary s, Shrewsbury, 1839. MEAD, R. J. Sermon preached in the British P. E. Chapel, at Boulogne, 1839. MELVILL, H. Sermon at Camberwell, 1840. NOEL, Baptist W. Sermon at St. John s Chapel, London, on Re-opening the Chapel, 1840. PROBY, J. C. Sermon on the Signs of the Times, preached at Bath, 1839. STEANE, Edw. Sermon the death of Rev. W. H. Pearce, 1840. Vol. 41 A. BENSON, Chris. Discourses upon Tradition and Episcopacy, 1839. BLOMFIELD, Bishop C. J. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, 1838. CAMPBELL, Wm. Sermon before the London Missionary Soc y. 1838. CHAMPNEYS, "W. W. Evidence of the Resurrection. 1839. DALE, Thos. Sermon at London, Mar. 29, 1839. FORSTER, John. The Christian Minister: Sermon at London, 1838. GIBSON, John. Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, in May, 1837. HERSCHELL, R. H. The Jewish Passover: Sermon at Loth- bury, 1839. PARKINSON, R. Sermon at Carlisle, 1839, before the High Sheriff and Judges of Assize. POTT, J. H. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of London, 1839. Sermon at Exeter, on the Day of the Coronation of Queen Victoria. 1838. STANLEY, B p Edw. Sermon at Norwich, 1839, before a body of Mechanics. VOL. 42. BEAMISH, H. H. Sermon on the Necessity, etc., of Watchfulness and Prayer. 1842. CHANDLER, J. The Final Victory of the Saints. Sermon (at London?) 1845. DALE, Thos. Two Sermons preached at London, Feb. 19, 1843. 614 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 42. DENISON, Bishop Edw. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese^f Salisbury, 1842. Sermon at London, 1842, before the Soc y for the Propa gation of the Gospel. DODSWORTH, Wm. Sermon at Essex, before the " Barking- District Church Union Soc y." 1843. HALL, Peter. Christ, the Living Stone. Sermon fat London?! 1845. HAMILTON, H. P. Sermon at Ripon, at the Visitation of the Bishop, in 1844. HOOK, T. " The Still, Small Voice." n. d. JAMES, John A. Affectionate Connsels to Students of Theol ogy on Leaving College, etc. 1844. JELP, R. W. Via Media, Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1842. KERSHAW, J. God the Helper of his People. Sermon at London, 1842. LONGLEY, B p. Sermon before the Charity Schools of London and Westminster, 1842. LUCKIN, Rich d. Sermon at Clerkinwell, 1845. MOORE, Danl. Sermon at London, 1843. PEPPYS, B p Henry. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of "Worcester, 1845. SAVILE, Philip Y. Inaugural Discourse. Leeds, 1842. STEANE, Edw. Sermons preached at Camberwell, 1841, on the Death of Rev. John Dyer. SUTCLIFFE, Jos. The Voice of Jehovah crying to the City, 1845. TYLER, J. E. Sermon at St. Paul s, London, Aug. 10, 1845. VILLIERS, H. M. Conversion of Lydia, Sermon at St. George s Bloomsbury, 1845. WOOD, John R. Sermon at Worcester, Aug. 3, 1845. VOL. 43. ALLBUTT, Thos. Sermon at Ripon, at an Ordination held by the Bishop, 1848. BAINES, Edw. Sermon before the Bishop of Ely, on his Vis itation at Huntingdon, 1846. CLARK, J. Sermon at Thaxted, Eng., 1846, on the Death of Mrs. Thos. Franklin. CROLY, Geo. Sermon at Walbrook, on the approach of the Cholera. 1848. D ALTON, C. B. Sermon before the Soc y of Lincoln s Inn., 1846. DEALTRY, Wm. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1847. DENISON, Bishop Edw. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Salisbury, at his Visitation in 1845. FREDERICTON, Bishop of. Charge delivered at his Primary Visitation at Fredericton, 1847. HAMBLETON, John. Sermon before the Church Pastoral Aid Soc y., London, 1846. JOWETT, Wm. Sermon at Clapham, 1847, on the Death of Rev. Wm. Dealtry. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 615 VOL. 43. McNEiLE, Hugh. The Manifested Oneness of the Church, etc. 1846. MILLER, John. Sermon at Ludlow, 1846, at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Salop. MITCHELL, Moses. Five Sermons, 1848. PERRY, Bishop Chas. Sermon before the University of Cam bridge, 1847. TUCKER, John. Sermon at London, 1848, before the Church Missionary Soc y. WILSON, Bishop Dan l. Sermon at London, 1846, before the Church Missionary Soc y. Vol. 43 A. ALLIOT, R. " Mutual Recognition in Heaven. A Dis course, 1848. ANDERSON, Jas. S. M. Sermon at Bermondsey, June 23, 1842. BICKERSTETH, Rob t. Papal Aggression. A Sermon, 1850. .HALE, R. Sermon preached in Harewood Church, Dec. 5, 1847. HARRISON, Wm. [Christ s Kingdom not of this World. A Sermon, 1845. HEMING, John. Sermon on Death of Rev. Wm. Hancock, 1846. MACKENZIE, Chas. Sermon at St. Helen s, Bishopgate, Feb. 13, 1850. MELVILL, Henry. Christ the Source of Peace. A Sermon, 1842. O BRIEN, Bishop Jas. T. Charge to the Clergy of Ossory, Ferns and Leighlin, in Sept., 1842. WILSON, Dan l. Sermon at St. Mary s, Islington, Aug. 24, 1845. VOL. 44. ARMSTRONG, John. Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Earl of Somers, 1852. BENNETT, W. J. E. The Church, the Crown and the State; two Sermons. 1850. BLOMFIELD, Bishop C. J. Charge to the Clergy of the Dio cese of London, 1850. BOOTH, Jas. Fast-Day Sermon at St. Anne s, Wandsworth, 1854. COURTENAY, C. L. Two Sermons preached at the Visitation of the Bishop of Exeter and the Archdeacon of Totness, 1854. GUMMING, J. Sermon at London, 1850, on the Manifestation of the Love of God. DANIELL, Mortlock. Sermon on the Death of Sir Rob t Peel, 1850. DENHAM, J. F. Sermon at London on the Exhibition of Art and Industry of all Nations, 1851. DENISON, Geo. A. The Warning of the Church of England. Sermon at Somerset, 1850. FLOWER, John, Jun. Brief Notices of the Life and Labors of Rev. John Dennant, with Sermon on his Death, 1851. GAMBLE, Henry. Sermon at Upper Clayton, 1853, on the Death of Rev: Francis A. Cox, D.D. 616 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VoL.44. GUTHRIE, Thos. A Sufficient Maintenance, and an Effect ive Ministry, 1852. IRONS, Jos. Discourse delivered in Grove Chapel, Camber- well, Nov. 5, 1850. MELVILLE, Henry. Sermon at St. Margaret s, Lothbury, July 3, 1855. PORTAL, G. R. Sermon preached in St. Barnabas Church, Pimlico, on Ritual Observances, 1854. Sermon at Albury, Eng., 1854, on the " Immaculate Concep tion." I STUART, Edw. Sermon on the " External Unity of the Church," 1851. VOL. 44 A. BLUNT, J. J. The Ramsden Sermon; preached be fore the University of Cambridge, 1852. CAIRD, John. Religion in Common Life. A Sermon before the Queen, 1855. CARLISE, Bishop of. " What Saith the Scripture? Sermon at at London, 1857. CONWAY, W. Sermon at Westminster Abbey, 1865, on the Death of Viscount Palmerston. FISK, Geo. Popery an Enslaver of Nations. A Lecture. 1850. FORD, Fred. " No Peace with Rome." Substance of two Sermons. 1850. GARRETT, John. Columbia Mission. Sermon at Westminster, in 1860. JONES, Wm. H. Sermon at Bradford, Wilts, Oct. 2, 1851. KELLY, Denis. Aspect of the Times. Sermon at London, 1853. LOWE, Thos. Hill. Auricular Confession. A Sermon at Exe ter, 1852. MARTIN, Geo. Sermon on laying the Foundation of the Exe ter Diocesan Training School. 1853. MOBERLY, G. Sermon at St. Mary s, Oxford, before the Uni versity, 1859. MOLLESWORTH, I. E. N. Sermon at Rochdale, on the Papal Aggression, 1850. SALMON, Geo. Sermon at Dublin, 1859, with an Appendix on the Revival in Belfast. SELWYN, Bishop G. A. Sermon at the opening of Cuddesdon Theolog. Institution, 1854. THODEY, Sam l. Sermon at Rodborough, 1853, on Death of the Earl of Ducie. TREVOR, Geo. Primitive Church Polity. Sermon at York Minster, 1857. WOODFORD, J. R. Four Lectures on Church History, deliv ered in 1851. VOL 45. AIRMAN, . The Saints best Refuge, etc. Sermon at Kenilworth. n. d. BAILLIE, Evan. Sermon preached at Lawshall, Suifolk, Aug. 1857. BAYLEY, Emilius. Sermon at St. George s, Bloomsbury, 1859. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 617 VOL. 45. BICKERSTETH, Edw. Charge to the Clergy of the Arch deaconry of Buckingham, 1856. CAIRD, John. Sermon before H. M. the Queen and Prince Albert, 1855. CAMPBELL, Bishop Arch d. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, in 1858. DALE, Thos. Sermon at St. Paul s London, on " The Lessons of God s Judgments." n. d. EVANS, R. W. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Westmorland, 1857. IKIN, W. D. Sermon at Hammersmith, 1856, in aid of the Schools of the Parish. LAING, David. Fourth and Fifth Lectures of a Course of Lectures upon the Liturgy, 1859. PHILLIPS, H. F. Sermon at St. Margaret, next Rochester, 1859, STOWELL, Hugh. Sermon on behalf of the Church Pastoral- Aid Society. London, n. d. VENABLES, Geo. Sermon at Friezeland, Yorkshire, 1859. VILLIERS, H. M. Sermon at Bloomsbury, 1855, on the Death of Sir Rob t H. Inglis, Bart. WARBURTON, John. Sermon at Bedworth, on the Time of Praise, n. d. WILSON, Bishop Dan l. Sermon at Calcutta, 1857, on the recent Mutinies. VOL. 46. BANERJEA, K. M. Sermon at Calcutta, 1866, on the Death of the Bishop of Calcutta. BROWN, L. B. The Model Church. 1862. CLAYTON, Geo. Sermon at Wai worth, 1830, on the Ressur- rection. DILLON, R. C. Sermon at St. Swithin s, London Stone, July 6, 1834. GARBETT, John. Sermon at Birmingham, 1848, on the Jubi lee of the Church Missionary Soc y. GOOD, J. Sermon at Camberwell, 1834, on Prayer. GOOD, J. E. The Dew of Israel. Sermon at the Tabernacle, London, 1825. GURNEY, Wm. Sermon at St. Clement s Church, Strand, 1825. KEMP, Rob t. Christ an Hiding-Place. Sermon at London, 1825. MARSH, W. T. Suffering and Reigning. Sermon at Ryde, Thurlow. n. d. MARTIN, Geo. Address before the Y. M. C. A., in connex- tion with the Cong. Ch., Lewisham High Road, London^ 1861. MELVILL, H. " Faith and Works." Sermon at Camberwell^ 1830. MORTIMER, Thos. Sermon at Midhurst, Sussex, 1834, on Idolatry. PRACTICAL Sermons adapted to the Course of the Christian Year, in the Book of Common Prayer. Parts 2 and 3. n. d. Or THE \ UNIVERSITY \ J 618 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. . . * VOL. 46. SINCLAIR, John. Charge to the Clergy of the Arch deaconry of Middlesex, 1861. STRAITEN, J. Sermon at Paddington Chapel, London, 1834. WEAVER, Rich d. "Arise and be Doing." Address delivered in the London Theatre, n. d. VOL. 47. BANKS, Bishop John. Charge to the Clergy of the Dio cese of St. Davids, 1836. BLUNT, Henry. Two Discourses upon the Lord s Supper. 1833. BRAKE, Chas. Privilege of the Wilderness. Being the Sub stance of six Sermons, 1834. COWPER, W. Sermon (at London?) 1844, on the Death of Mrs. Palmer. EVANS, J. H. Predestination unto Adoption. Sermon (at London?) 1841. Wise Walking. Sermon (at London?) 1844. HULBERT, C. A. Sermon at Halifax, at the Visitation of the Bishop of Ripon, in 1853. JARVIS, Sam l F. Sermon at St. Mary-le-Bone, 1844. LOYALTY, part of Christianity. A Village Sermon preached at Winkfield, 1836. OTTLEY, Lawrence. Morality of Betting Examined. 1852. REYNOLDS, Edw. Sermon at London in 1655. Sermon at Preston, Eng., Dec. 6, 1835, by the Vicar of the Parish. SWINNY, H. H. Sermon at Cambridge, 1843, on the Storm of Aug. 8. WIGRAM, Jos. C. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Winchester, 1853. VOL. 48. BICKERSTETH, John. Sermon at Assington, on the Death of Rev. John Hallward. 1826. CAMPBELL, A. J. Sermon on the Fulness of Christ. 1846. CENNICK S Sermons, Nos. 3, 6. Four Papers, n. d. COOPER, Alfred. Thanksgiving Sermons preached at New- church, Isle of Wight, Sept. 30, 1855. CRUMP, H. J. Sermon on the True Church. (London?) 1845. FLETCHER, Alex. Sermon at Paddingtoii Chapel, London, 1843 to the S. S. Children. FLETCHER, A. Sermon at Walworth, 1851, on the Death of Rev. H. S. Seaborn. KENRICK, John. Value of the Holy Scriptures, etc. Four Discourses. 1851. MILLER, John C. Sermon at Birmingham, 1847, at the Visita tion of the Archdeacon of Coventry. RULE, W. H. Priests and People: a Lecture delivered at Chippeiiham, 1855. RYLE, J. C. Sermon to Young Men. 1847. SCUDAMORE, W. E. Sermon at Debach, Suffolk, on Re-opening the Church. 1854. SERMONS for Sundays and some other Holydays of the Chris tian Year. Part VI. 1859. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 619 VOL. 48. TAIT, Wm. Sermon at the General Ordination of the Bishop of Ripon, 1850. THOMPSON, H. Concionalia: or Outlines of Sermons for Par ochial use. Part I. 1852. TUTTIETT, L. Sermon at Ryde, Nov. 5, 1850. VOL. 49 ALFORD, Henry. Sermon at St. Paul s London, Mar. 20, 1859. ASHLEY, F. B. The Christian Ministry. Sermon (at Lon don, ?), 1848. CABMAN, W. Sermon at Exeter Hall, London, May 31, 1857. CARLISLE, Bishop of. What Saith the Scripture? Sermon at London, 1857. GUMMING, J. Cardinal Wiseman. A Lecture at London, 1850. HUMBLING Recollections of my Ministry, 1844. 2d Ed. LENTEN Warning to the Church, n. d. LUCAS, Rich d. Influence of Conversation. A Sermon preached at St. Clement Dane, 1800. MOLESWORTH, J. H. N. Friendly Societies recommended in a Discourse at Millbrook. 1825. MOLYNEUX, C. Sermon at Exeter Hall, London, June 7, 1857. MORISON, John. Fashionable Amusements the Bane of Youth. Sermon at London, 1824. MORRIS, A. J. Discourse in reference to the recent Measure of the Church of Rome. 1850. OXFORD, Bishop of. Missionary Speech at Chester, Oct. 12, 1857. RIPON, Bishop of. Two Sermons at St. Paul s. London, 1858. RYLE, J. C. Sermon at Exeter Hall, London, June 21, 1857. SYNGE, Edw. Catholic Christianity, or an Essay toward less ening the number of Controversies among Christians. 1807. WESLEY, Chas. Sermon before the University of Oxford, April 4, 1742. n. d. VOL. 50. A Discourse of Sacrilege. 1641. BURGES, Anthony. Difficulty of a Reformation, etc. 1643. REYNOLDS, E. Joy in the Lord. Sermon at St. Pauls, 1655. Sermon preached at the Parliament House, Jan. 9, 1656. True Gain. Sermon at St. Pauls , 1656. Sermon on Death of John Langley, 1657. Sermon before the East India Co., 1657. Substance of two Sermons preached before Parliament in 1657 and 1658. Sermons at London before the Lord Mayor, etc., 1658. Self Denial. Sermon before the Assembly of Divines, 1659. SANCROFT, Wm. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bish op of Durham and others. 1660. SHELDON, G. Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the King at White Hall, 1660. rinons, STUART, Rich d. Trias Sacra, a Second Ternary of Se 1659. 620 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 51. ALLESTRY, Rich d. Sermon at the Consecration of several Bishops, 1660. BAGSHAW, H. Sermon before the King, 1675-6. HACKAT, J. Sermon before the King, Mar. 22, 1660. HARDY, N. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of Durham and others, 1660. LLOYD, Wm. Sermon before the King, 1673-4. MANNYNGHAM, T. Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London, 1679. SOUTH, Rob t. Sermon before the Court at Christchurch r Chappel in Oxford, 1663. SUDBURY, J. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of London and others. 1660. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Sermon on Death of the Archbishop of Armagh. 1663. TEMPLER John. The Reason of Episcopall Inspection as serted, etc. 1676. VOL. 52. BEAULIEU, Luke. Sermon before the Mayor and Alder men of London, 1685. BEVERAGE, Wm. Excellency of the Common Prayer. Ser mon at London, 1681. BURNET, G. Sermon on the Annivers. of the Powder Trea son. 1684. CALAMY B. Sermon before the Artillery Co. of London, 1684. DOVE, H. Sermon before the Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1682. PELLING, E. Sermon on Annivers. of Death of K. Charles I. 1682. Thanksgiving Sermon at Westminster Abbey, July 20, 1685. SCOTT, John. Sermon preached at the Assizes at Chelmsford, 1685. Thanksgiving Sermon preached before the Mayor and Aldermen of London, July 26, 1685. SHARP, John. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Com mons, 1679. SHERLOCK, Wm. Sermon at the Funeral of Benj. Calamy. 1685-6. STILLINGFLEET, E. Sermon before the King. 1683-4. Ordination Sermon, at St. Peters , Cornhill. 1684-5. TREATISE of Repentance, n. d. BURNET, Gilbert. Sermon at the Coronation of K. William and Q. Mary, 1689. CARTWRIGHT, T. Annivers. Sermon on Inauguration of K. James II, 1GS5. DISCOURSE concerning Adoration of the Host, 1685. KETTLEWELL, J. Visitation Sermon preached at Coles Hill, Warwickshire, 1685. KNIGHT, John. Sermon at the Funeral of Lady Guilford, 1699. PATRicK, S. Sermon before the Prince of Orange, 1688. SERMON preached on St. Peter s Day, 1687. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 621 VOL. 53. SHERLOCK,Wm. Discourse concerning the Nature, Unity, and Communion of the Catholic Church, 1688. STAYNOE, T. Sermon before the Lord Mayor of London, 1686. TENISON, T. Fast Day Sermon before the House of Commons, 1689. TILLOTSON, Archb p. Discourse against Transubstantiation, 1685. Persuasive Frequent Communion, etc., 1665. WAGSTAFFE, T. Sermon at . Mary le Bow, 1687. WAKE, Wm. Sermon before the King and Queen, May 21, 1689. VOL. 54. STANHOPE, Geo. Eighteen Sermons preached at Lon don, in 1701-170 U, (Boyle s Series of Lectures.) VOL. 55. CALAMY, E. A Caveat against New Prophets, in Two Sermons. 1707. GOOCH, T. Sermon on the Death of the Bishop of London. 1713. GRAVENOR, B. Thanksgiving Sermon. 1710. HILLIARD, S. Sermon before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, 1709. Sermon at the Consecration of the Chappel of St. Cath arine, in Canvy Isle. 1712. Thanksgiving Sermon at. St. Margaret Lothbury on the Peace. 1713. Sermon at London, Aug 17, 1714, to the Co. of Parish Clerks. Sermon at Dartford. 1717. Sermon at St. Margaret Lothbury, in reply to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717. KENNETT, White. Sermon before the House of Commons, on the Annivers. of the Murder of Charles I, 1705. NEWTON, R. Sermon before the House of Commons, Mar. 8, 1711. Sermon before the Queen, Nov. 5, 1713. OCKLEY, S. Dignity and Authority of the Christian Priest hood, asserted, 1710. WRIGHT, S. Farewell Sermon preached to the Eve. Lecture in St. Thomas , Southwark, 1708. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Black Fryars, 1709. Duty of Christian Love: Two Sermons preached Nov. 5 and 8, 1710. Case of the Protestant Dissenters considered in Two Sermons, 1711. Sermon at Black Fryers, Nov. 5, 1812. Sermon preached at Black Fryars to a Society of Young Men, 1712, 1714. Sermon at Black Fryars, on Public Strife and Envy, 1713. Sermon before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, 1715. VOL. 56. BILSTONE, J. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1755. 622 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 56. BULKLEY, C. Sermon on the Death of Rev. J. Foster, 1753. CONINGESBY, Geo. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1722. GAMBOLD, John. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1741. GARDNER, Wm. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1745. LEE, Henry. Sermon preached at Southwark, 1756. RANDALL, M. Sermon on the Death of Richard Drinkwater, 1743. STENNETT, J. Sermon at London, Nov. 5, 1740. SUTTON, G. Twelve Sermons. 1718. VOL. 57. ABDY, Wm. J. Probationary Sermon, for the Lecture ship of St. George, Middlesex, 1796. - Sermon at Ledbury, 1797, on Death of J. Vaughan. BRAiTHWAif E, W. Discourse on God s Drawing His .Children to the Knowledge of the Truth. 1801. CADOGAN, Wm. B. Liberty and Equality, Two Sermons. 1792. Sermon on Death of Rev. W. Romaine. 1795. . GIBSON, E. Trust in God; a Sermon. 1783. HORNE, Geo. Sermon at Visitation of Archbishop of Canter bury, 1786. POTTS, J. Sermon at London, 1760, on the Death of his Son. RADCLIFFE, E. f Sermon on Prince Ferdinand s Victory, 1759. RIPPON, John. Sermon on Dea.th of Rev. John Ryland, 1792. STENNETT, S. Fast Day Sermon at London, 1781. Sermon in Commemoration of the Great Storm of 1703. THOMPSON, Jonah. Sermon, n. d. VAN MILDERT. Wm. Sermon at London, Feb. 25, 1798. VOL. 58. BARKER, J, T. Discourse at Peckham, 1812, before the Cong. Assoc. FLETCHER, J. Spiritual Blessings. Sermon at Darwen Chapel, London, 1813. HODGSON, R. Sermon at London, 1816, for Relief of the Poor. HORNE, M. Sermon at London, 1811, before Soc y for Mis sions to Africa, etc. HYATT, John. Sermon at London, Aug. 5, 1810. KENRICK, John. Discourse before the Warwickshire Uni tarian Tract Soc y, 1818. LYONS, Jas. Dissemination of Unitarian Principles recom-. mended and enforced, 1808. PARKER, Wm. Sermon at London, 1815, in aid of the Waterloo Subscription. PAYNE, Geo. Sermon at Kingston-upon-Hull, Feb. 5, 1812. SIMEON, Chas. The Royal Edict. Sermon at Amsterdam, 1818. WHITE, H. G. Sermon at London, 1815, in aid the Waterloo Subscription. WILSON, D. Sermon before the University of Oxford. 1817. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 623 VOL. 58. WORTHINGTON, H. Thanksgiving Sermon on Ld. Nelson s Victory. 1805. VOL. 59. ALLEN, J. T. Sermon at Manchester, 1819, before the Governors of the Blue Coat Hospt. FENNER, D. Sermon on the Death of John Owen, 1820. Sermon at London, Mar. 12, 1823. GIBSON, Jas. Character and Duties of the Present Crisis. 1830. HEWLETT, J. Sermon at Swaffham, at the Visitation of the Bishop of Norwich. 1827. HODGSON, J. Sermon on the Death of K. George III. 1820. HOPKINS, Wm. S. Sermon on the Kind and Merciful Treat- memt of Dumb Animals. 1825. JEFFERSON J. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Colchester. 1821. Law, G. H. Sermon at Manchester, Oct. 31, 1819. MANT, Rich d. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Killa- loe. 1822. Charge to the Clergy of Down and Connor. 1825. MANUEL, Win. Sermon, with Acct. of the Scottish Mission ary Soc y. 1820. . MOUNTAIN, J. Sermon before the Royal Humane Soc y, 1819. SCOTT, John. Sermon before the Corporation of Beverley, 1837. STUART, D. The Death of Judas. Sermon at Dublin, 1823. . SUMNER, C. R. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Win chester, 1829. VOL. 60. BADGER, A. Universal Redemption the Doctrineo f the Bible, etc. 1837. BANKS, J. Charge to the Clergy of St. Davids, 1836. DIXON, Jas. Discourse at Opening of the Wesleyan College Chapel, Sheffield, 1840. HAMPDEN, R. D. Sermon before University of Oxford, Nov. 24, 1839. KING, John. Sermon at Hull, 1834, on the Death of Rev. John Scott. Make Ventures for Christ s Sake. A Sermon. 1836. MARSH, Wm. Antichrist Detected. A Sermon. 1841. MERIVALE, C. Four Sermons before the University of Cam bridge. 1838. PEARSON, Hugh. Sermon before the Salisburv Ch. Union Soc y, 1835. SANDFORD, John. Farewell Sermons preached at Chillingham, Northumberland, 1833. SMYTH, Joshua. Sermon preached in the Parish Ch. of Hedon, 1838. VOL. 61. ANGLEY. J. G. Faith, Hope and Charity. 1845. BAUGH, F. Sermon at the Visitation of the Bishop of Lon don, 1842. BIRD, C. S. Farewell Sermon atBurghfield, Berks, 1842. Sermon at Burghfield, Berks, Sept. 3, 1843. 624 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 61. COWPEE, W. Sermon at London, 1844, on Death of Mrs. Palmer. FISHER, R. B. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1843. GARBETT, J. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of Manchester, 1848. HIGGINS, W. The Cry of Souls, etc., Sermon, 1843. HOSKYNS, J. L. Sermon at Ordination held by the Bishop of Oxford, 1851. JACOB, G. A. Sermon before the University of Oxford, 1841. MARSDEN*. J 1 H. Sermon before University of Cambridge, 1847. REDPATH, R. Necessities and Advantage of Religious As semblies, 1845. .. THOMAS, J. W. The Anatomy of Slander; a Se rmon, 1842. THIRWALL, 0. Charge to the Clergy of St. David s, 1845. . THOMAS, D. Discourse at London on the Death of Wm. C. Smith, 1848. VOL. 62. BURNEY, Chas. Sermon before the Stewards of the Sons of the Clergy, 1812. - - CLARKE, J. S. Sermon before the Stewards of the Sons of the Clergy, 1810. , . COLE, John. Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy, 1816. DOUGLAS, Wm. Sermon before the Stewards of the Sons of the Clergy, 1811. London Soc y for Propaga. of Gospel in For n Parts. 20 An- nivers. Discourses before the Soc y, 1799-1822. PHILLPOTTS, H. Sermon before the Stewards of the Sons of the Clergy, 1814. . RYDER, H. Sermon before Stewards of the Sons of the Clergy 1813. VOL. 63. COLLYER, Wm. B. Sermon before the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. 1812. COOPER, Wm. Sermon at London to the Jews. 1796. FULLER, A. Sermon delivered in the Jews Chapel, Church St., London, 1809. GILBEE, Earle. Sermon before the Bedford Auxiliary Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. 1812. GRAVES, Rich d. Sermon in aid of the London Soc y, etc. 1811. HORNE, M. Sermon in aid of the London Soc y, etc., 1812. JONES, E. G. Sermon preached at the Jews Chapel, London, 1813. KINGHORN, Jos. Sermon preached at the Jews Chapel, Lon don, 1811. MARSH, Wm. Sermon before the London Soc y, etc., 1812. RAFFLES, Thos. Sermon delivered in the Jews Chapel, Church St., London, 1809. RANDOLPH, F. Sermon before the London Society, etc., 1813. SCOTT, Thos. Sermon for benefit of London Society for Pro moting Christianity among the Jews. 1811. SIMEON, Chas. The Jews Provoked to Jealousy. Sermon at London, 1811. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 625 VOL. 63. WILLIAMS, Edw. Sermon at the Jews Chapel, Church St., London, 1811. WOLLASTON, Geo. Sermon in aid of the London Society, etc. 1813. YOUNG, Robert. Sermon preached in the .lews Chapel, Lon don, 1812. VOL. 64. BUSHE, W. Sermon before the Irish Society for promot ing Christianity among the Jews. 1824. CLOSE, F. Two Sermons on the Conversion of the Jews. 1824. COOPER, Win. Sermon before the London Society for pro moting Christianity among the Jews. 1826. CUNNINGHAM, J. W. Sermon before the London Society. 1815. DEALTRY, Wm. Sermon before the London Soc y, 1815. FABER, G. S. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1822. HAMILTON, G. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1825. HODSON, Geo. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1830. JERRAM, C. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1828. MCNEILE, H. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1826. MARSH, W. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1825. NOEL, G. T. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1820. SIMEON, Chas. Objections of Jews founded on JDeut. xiii. 1-3, answered. 1817. STEWART, J. H. Sermon before the London Soc y., 1831. SYMINGTON, Wm. Sermon in behalf of the the Annandale Jewish Society, 1825. THOMASON, T. Sermon before the London Society, 1828. WARDLAW, R. Sermon before the Glasgow Society for pro moting Christianity among the Jews, 1820. VOL. 65. ANDREWS, G. Sermon at St. Nicholas , Deptford, 1803. BUTT, Geo. Sermon at Bath, on the Death of the Bishop of Worcester, 1775. CROWE, Wm. Sermon before the University of Oxford, Aug. 6, 1786. HALLORAN, L. H. Sermon on Sabbath Observance, 1810. HEADLAM, John. Religion and Government beneficial to the poor. Sermon at York, 1813. JACKSON, W. Sermon at the Consecration of the Bishop of St. David s, 1813. LAW, Geo. H. Charges to the Clergy of the Diocese of Ches ter, 1814, 1817. LAW, John. Sermon at Essex, 1778, before the B p of London. LOWTH, Rob t. Sermon at the Chapel Royal, Ash-Wednes day, 1779. MARKHAM, Wm. Concio ad Clerum in Synodo Provincial! Cantuariensis Provincise. 1769. Sermon before the House of Lords, on Martyrdom of K. Charles I. 1774. RHUDDE, D. Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy, 1790. STEWART, C. E. Sermon on Resistance to Bonaparte, etc. 1803. 40 626 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 65. TRELAWNEY, Harry. Sermon at Exeter, before the As sembly of the Dissenting Clergy, 1778. WATSON, Geo. Sermon before University of Oxford, 1751. WHITAKER, E. W. Fast-Day Sermon preached at Clerken- well, 1782. VOL. 66. BLOMFIELD, C. J. Sermon before the Mayor of Chester, 1824. Fox, W. J. Sermon at Chichester, on Death of Dr. T. P. Powell, 1816. GODDARD, C. Charges to Clergy of Lincoln, 1818, 19, 36. Tribute to John Bayly, M. D., 1816. MISCELLANEOUS RELIGIOUS ENGLISH. Vol. 1. ALLEN, Rev. Jos. A Call to Archippus; or an Appeal to some Ejected Ministers, 1664. A Pacquet of Advices and Animadversions, sent from London to the men of Shaftsbury; occasioned by a Seditious Pamph let, etc., 1676. BACH, W. C. Tithing-Table, according to the Laws of the Church of England, 1676. BROME, H. Seasonable Discourse on the Necessity of Main taining the Established Religion, with a Defence of the same. 1673, 74. CATHOLICON: the Expediency of Explicit Stipulation betwixt Parochial Ministers and their Congregations. LETTER to Henry Stubs, on his Censure upon passages in the History of the Royal Soc y, 1670. THE Discipline and Order of particular Churches no Novelty, 1675. THE Jesuites Policy to suppress Monarchy; proving that the Protestant Religion is a Sure Foundation, 1678. THE Unreasonableness of Atheism made manifest, 1669. THE Widows Joy; or Christ his comfortable Salvation to a comfortless Widow, 1622. TORSHEL, Sam l. A Design about disposing the Bible into an Harmony, etc. 1647 VOL, 2. Difference between the Case of Separatists from the Church of Rome, and Dissenters from the Ch. of England. 1683. Discourse concerning Invocation of Saints. 1684. Du MOULIN, Dr. Lewis. Appeal of the Non-Conformists in England, in order to manifest their Obedience, etc. 1681. Reply to a Pamphlet called the Mischief of Impositions. 1681. Reply to the Dean of St. Paul s Reflections on the Rector of Sutton, etc., in reference to Non-Conformity. 1681. Roman Catholic Principles Explained; showing their Connex ion with the Late Popish Plot. 1680. 3d. Ed. Sermon at the Funeral of the Earl of Rochester. 1680. Short Animadversions upon a late Sermon by Rev. Dr. Tillot- son. 1680. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 62? VOL. 2. SMYTHIE, Rev. Wm. Three Replies to the Observator, with a Sermon preached by him, 1684. The Mischief of Impositions; or, an Antidote against a late Discourse called the Mischief of Separation. 1680. VOL. 3. A Papist Mis-represented and Represented; or a Two- Fold Character of Popery, 1685. Also, a Papist not Mis represented, etc., 1686. Also, the Doctrines and Practices of Rome Truly Represented, 1686. 4 Papers. Discourse about the Charge of Novelty made by Papists, upon the Church of England. 1685. Discourse against Purgatory, 1685. Discourse concerning the Celebration of Divine Service in an Unknown Tongue. 1685. Discourse concerning the Object of Religious Worship. A Scriptural Proof against Idolatry. Part I. 1685. JAMES II. of England. Letter to the Archbishops transmit- ing Directions concerning Preachers, 1685. The Danger and Unreasonableness of a Toleration, 1685. VOL. 4. Brief Discourse of the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, 1686. Defence of the Papers Written by the Late King (Chas. II.) and Duchess of York, 1686. Discourse on the asserted Necessity of a Judge in Controvert ed Matters of Religion. 1686. Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England, in the Articles proposed by M. de Meaux, etc. 1686. Paraphrase upon the 6th Chapter of John, against Transub- stantiation, etc. 1686. Plausible Arguments of a Romish Priest answered by an Eng. Protestant. 1686. VOL. 5. Discourse concerning Duels: showing their Sinful Nature, etc. 1687. Discourse of the Holy Eucharist, on the points of the Real Presence and the Adoration of the Host. 1687. GRESLEY, Rev. W. The Real Danger of the Ch. of Eng. 2 Pamphlets. With a Reply to the first by Rev. F. Close. 1846. Indulgence to Tender Consciences shewn to be most Reason able and Christian. 1687. Relation of a Conference about Religion, held at London, by E. Stillingfleet, D. D., and certain R. Catholics. 1687. The Judgement and Doctrine of the Clergy of the Church of Eng., concerning the King s prerogative in dispensing with the Penal Laws. Also Prudential Reasons for repealing the same. 1687. VINDICATION of the "Answer to late Papers on the Unity and Authority of the Catholic Ch. and the Reformation, etc. 1687. VOL. 6. BUKNET, Bishop. Discourse shewing the Opposition of the Doctrine of the Roman Ch. to the Nature of the Christ ian Faith. 1688. RIDLEY, Bishop. The Way to Peace amongst all Protestants, with Observations on the same. 1688. 628 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 6. STILLINGFLEET, Edw. Discourse concerning the Nature and Grounds of the Certainty of Faith, etc., 1688. The Council of Trent examined and disproved by Catho lic Tradition. Part 1. 1688. . The Virgin Mary misrepresented by the Roman Church in their Traditions, etc. Part 1, 1688. VOL. 7. ASHTON, Jno. Answer to the Paper delivered by him at his Execution, to Sir F. Child, with the Paper itself. 1690. BURNET, B p Gilbert. Six Papers, with an Apology for the Church of England, etc., 1689. BURY, Arthur. The Naked Gospel, with a Reply to the same by Rev. Thos. Long. 1691. Examination of the Scruples of those who refuse to take the Oath of Allegiance. 1689. Four Grand Questions proposed, and briefly answered. On Religious Toleration, etc., 1689. London, B p of. Letters to his Clergy on a Conference con cerning the Toleration. 2 Papers, 1690. SHERLOCK, Rev. Wm. Preservative against Popery; being plain Directions to Unlearned Protestants. Parts I and II. 1688. Vindication of the Divines of the Church of England, who have sworn Allegiance to William and Mary, 1689. . Vindication of the two Letters concerning Alterations in the Liturgy; in Answer to Vox Cleri, 1690. VOL. 8. BROUGHAM, H. Reflections on a late Book, entitled "The Genuine Remains of Dr. Thos. Barlow," 1694. . Canterbury, Archb p of. Letter to the Lords Bishops of his Province, 1699. CROSS, W. The Instrumentality of Faith, asserted, 1695. Declaration of the Sense of the Archb ps and Bishops of Lon don, on the Proceedings of certain Clergymen at the Execu tion of Sir John Freind and Sir Wm. Parkins; with a Reply to the same, 1696. Deus Unus and Trinus, etc. An Exposition of the Doctrine the Trinit^. n. d. EARNEST CALL to Family Catechising and Reformation, 1693. ESSAY on Knowing our Friends in Heaven, 1698. FREE but Modest Censure of the late Controversial Writings of the Bishop of Worcester, Mr. Locke and others, 1698. FULL Enquiry into the Power of Faith, the Nature of Prophecy, etc. 1693. HISTORICAL Acct of the Antiquity and Unity of the Britanick Churches, from the time of St. Augustine, to the present. 1692. LETTER to a Bishop from a Minister of his Diocess, 1691. MACKWORTH, Sir H. Peace at Home: a Vindication of the Proceedings of the House of Commons on Conformity, 1703. 3d Ed. OCCASIONAL Conformity an Unjustiable Practice. An Answer to a Pamplet entitled, Moderation a Virtue, 1704. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 629 VOL. 9. PHILOSOPHICAL Discourse of the Nature of Rational and Irrational Souls, 1695. SERIOUS Inquiry into the Unreasonableness of a Law against Occasional Conformity, etc., 1704. The Occasional Paper. No. 1. Containing Reflections on a Book, entitled, " A Letter to the Deists." 1697. GEDDES, Dr. M. Tract proving that Adoration of Images, Purgatory, etc., were unknown in the Spanish Church in the 8th Century, etc. 1706. Essay on the Countries, Religions, Numbers, etc., by which the Roman Empire was pulled down. 1706. WELLS, Rev. Edw. Some Testimonies of Eminent Eng. Dis senters, and others, on the Lawfulness ot the Rites, etc., of the Church of England. 1706. Letter to Rev. Peter Dowlev, with a Series of Pamphlets relating to the Letter. 1706-1707. His Theses against Presbyterian Ordination, proved to hold good, etc. 1707. . VOL. 9A. COCK, Rev. John. Serious Exhortation to avoid such as cause Divisions in the Church. 1672. CROFTON, Z. The Fastening of St. Peter s Fetters. The Binding Power of the Solemn League and Covenant, assert ed, n. d. DEFENCE of the Rights of the Christian Church against a late Visitation Sermon by W. Wotton. 1707. Also, a Second Defence of the Same. 1708. HOADLY, Rev. Ben j. Measures of .Submission to the Civil Magistrate considered, etc., 1706. Vol. 10. ACCOUNT of the Conduct of the R. Catholic Clergy and Zealots of France, from the first Toleration there of the Protestants to their Expulsion, 1710. BRADBURY, Thos. Confession of Faith, at his Public Ordi- dation, 1707. DIALOGUE between a Japonese and a Formosan, about some Points of the Religion of the Time, 1707. ELLIOTT, Rob t. Specimen of B p Burnet s Posthumous Hist. of the Church and State of G. Britain, etc. n. d. HOADLY, Rev. Benj. Considerations offered to the Bishop of Exeter on his late Sermon; with four Papers on the same, 1708-10. LETTER to the Rev. Francis Atterbury, on a late Funeral Ser mon delivered by him, 1707. LONDON Soc y for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Letter from a Member of the Soc y, giving an Acct. of the same, etc., 1709. SCHISM Triumphant; or a Rejoinder to a Reply of Mr. Tal- lents, to the Answer to the Hist, of Schism, etc, 1707. THE Hind and Panther, transversed to the Story . of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse, 1709. Vindication of the Divine Attributes, in some Remarks on the Archb p of Dublin s Sermon on Predestination, etc. 1710. 630 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 10A. Argument for Self Defence, etc. 1710. Challenge to the Dissenters, etc. 1711. GREEN, Rob t. Demonstration of the Truth and Divinity of the Christian Religion. 1711. Instructions to Church-Wardens, for the better discharge of their Office. 1711. Priestcraft in Perfection; a Pamphlet in reference to the 20th Article of the Church of Eng. 1710. STURMY, Rev. D. TheologicalVTheory of a Plurality of Worlds. 1711. TURRETIN, Rev. J. A. University Oration on the Fates of the Christian Religion; delivered before the University of Gen eva, 1708. VOL. 11. Convocation-Craft; or a Brief History of the Intrigues and Insolence of Eng. Convocations under the Papacy, etc. 1717. Crispin the Cobbler s Confutation of Benj. Hoadley, in an Epistle to him. 1712. 2d Ed. Dialogue between a Romanist and an Englishman, on the Subject of the Rule of a Popish Prince. 1714. KENNETT, Dr. White. His Conduct from 1681 to the present time. 1717. MAROLLES, Louis de. Abstract of the History of his Suffer ings and Martyrdom, etc. Popery and Schism, Equally Dangerous to the Ch. of Eng land, with a Letter to Dissenting Teachers, etc., 1715. Reasons for enabling Protestant Dissenters to bear Public Of fices, 1717. Rome, or Geneva; or the True Church of England, without either, 1717. STEELE, Rich d. Letter to a Member of Parliament, on the Bill for Preventing the Growth of Schism, 1714. The Religion of Papists and Presbyterian truly stated; and the Union of Eng. Protestants recommended, etc., 1717. True Time of Keeping St. Matthias Day in Leap-Years. 3 Papers, 1711. WHISTON, Wm. Scripture Politics: or an Impartial Acct. of the Origin and Measures of Gov t etc., 1717. WILLIAMS, Dan l. Letter to the Author of a Discourse on Free-Thinking, 1713. VOL. HA. Bishop, (The) of Salisbury s Preface to his Pastoral Care, considered, etc., 1713. Collection of Queries. A Pamphlet in Defense of Dr. Clarke s Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, 1716. DAWSON, Thos. Vindication of the Church of England, against the Nonjurors Charge of Schism, 1716. Dissenters Claim of Right to a Capacity for Civil Offices, 1717. DORRINGTON, Theoph. True Foundation of Obedience to His present Majesty, stated, etc., 1714. LORIMER, Wm. Plain Explication of the first 18 verses of the 1st Chapt. of John, 1713. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 631 VOL. HA. The Invalidity of the Dissenting Ministry; with a Reply to the same, by Jas. Pierce, 1717. VOL. 12. An Expedient to make the Church of England the Most Flourishing Church in the World, 1719. . BANGOR, B p of. Common Rights of Subjects defended, and the Nature of the Test considered, 1719. MANGEY, Thos. Remarks upon Nazarenus; showing the Fals ity of Mr. Toland s Mahometan Gospel, etc. 1719. 2d Ed. PEIRCE, Jas. Case of the Ministers Ejected at Exon, 1719. Seasonable Advice relating to the Present Disputes about the Holy Trinity. 1719. WITHERS, John. Vindication of the Dissenters from the ters from the Charge of Rebellion, etc., 1719. VOL. 12 A. Church Anatomy: or a Representation of the Present Constitution of the Church of England, 1718. DALRYMPLE, Dr. Gilbert. Letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sher lock, 1718. GROVE, Henry. Essay; on the Soul s Immateriality, 1718. Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in regard to the Au thorship of a certain letter, 1719. LEWIS, Rev. J. Two Letters in defense of the English Lit urgy and Reformation, 1717. Reply to the Arguments of Rev. Mr. Frosse, in relation to the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1719. STEBBING, Rev. Henry. Miscellaneous Observations: or Re marks on the Bishop of Bangor s Answer to the Representa tion 1718. The Layman s Pleas for Separation from the Church of Eng land, answered. 1717. VOL. 13. BASSETT, Edw. Reasonableness and Necessity of Chris tian Revelation, 1727. CHUBB, Tho. Vindication of God s Moral Character as to the Orign of Evil, etc., 1726. Collection of some of the Principles in the Ch. of Rome, tend ing to the Persecution of the Protestants, etc. 1726. DOWNES, Sam. Abridgment of the Controversy between the Ch. of England and the New Pseudo-Primitives, etc. 1722. England, Church of. Directions to the Archb ps and B ps for preserving the Unity and Faith of the Church. 1721. Intrigues of the Conclave at the Choosing of a Pope, etc. 1724. Nature and Consequences of Enthusiasm defended, etc., in a Second Letter to Mr. Long and others. 1720. r- Plain Reasons for Dissenting from the Church of England, etc. 1727. 20th Ed. Preservative against a late Discourse of the Grounds and Rea sons of the Christian Religion. 1725. : STEADMAN, Jos. Presbyterian Priest-craft, being a true Acct. of the Proceedings of the Brethren, in Salters-Hall, London, 1717. Three Ecclesiastical Novels, viz: Heathen Priestcraft, Presby terian Piety, and the Cloven-Foot. 1720. 632 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 13. Two Letters from a Lady, on the R. Catholic Faith. 1727. 14. Doctrine of Predestination Reviewed. 1729. GROSVENOR, B. Essay on the Christian Name; its Origin, Import, etc. 1728. Lay-Conformity Justified, in a Dialogue between a Churchman and a Dissenter. 1728. LONDON, B p of. 1st and 2d Letters to the People of his Diocese, particularly those of London and Westminster, with a series of Pamphlets on the same. 1729-1731. 7 Papers. Defence of the Church of England, against the Calumnies of the Dissenters. 1731. Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion. 1728. GROVE, Henry. Letter to Rev. John Ball, on his late Pamph let, entitled, Some Remarks on a New Way of Preaching, etc. 1737. High-flown Episcopal and Priestly Claims freely examined; in a Dialogue, etc. 1737. LONDON, B p of. 4th Pastoral Letter to the People of his Diocese, particularly those of London and Westminster. 1739. With Part 2., 1772. Reply to the Author of the Remarks on the B p of Lichfield and Coventry s two last Charges to his Clergy. 1738. Some Considerations upon Pluralities, Non-Residence, and Salaries of Curates. 1737. SYNGE, Archb p. Plain Instructions for the Young and Ignorant. In an Exposition of the Catechism. 1737. 7th Ed. The Dissenter s Apology; or their Principles and Conduct jus tified from late Censures, 1739. TRAIL, Robt. Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine of Jus tification, from the Charge of Antinomianism, 1734. Two Conferences between a Papist and a Jew, and a Protest ant and a Jew, 1737. 1 Useful Miscellanies: or Serious Reflections on Men s Duty to God and one to another, etc., 1739. VOL. 16. A Friendly Caution: or First Gift of Theophilus Philan thropes, 1740. BATE, Julius. The Faith of the Ancient Jews, and the Evi dence of the Types, vindicated, 1747. GILL, John. Vindication of a Book, entitled, "The Cause of God and Truth," etc., 1740. LAWSON, John. Letter to Rev. Wm. Wilson, against Separa tion from the Scottish Church, 1741. Popery always the Same; exemplified in an Authentic Acct. of the Present Persecution of Protestants in the South of France, etc., 1746. Preface to B p Burnet s Introduction to the 3d Vol. of the Hist, of the Reformation, etc., 1712. Recovery from Sickness: a Present to one lately raised from a Dangerous Disorder, etc., 1746. ROGERS, Rev. J. Persuasive to Conformity, addressed to the Quakers. 1747. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 633 VOL. 16. SYNGE, Archb p. A Sincere Christian and Convert from the Romish Ch., exemplified in Dan l Herly. 1746. Some Rules for the Conduct of Human Life. Chiefly from the Latin. 1746. Answer to the Excuses ordinarily made for not coming to the Holy Communion. 1746. 18th Ed. The Controversy concerning Free-Will and Predestination, set in a true Light. 1741. The Presbyterian s Plea of Merit impartially examined. 1741. Vindication of the Catholic Church against the injurious At tempts of a Dissenter. 1747. VOL. 16A. CHANDLER, Sam l. Vindication of the History of the Old Testament. 1741. HAMMOND, Wm. Doctrines of Original Sip, Justification by Faith, arid the Holy Spirit, stated, etc. 1745. LYTTLETON, Lord Geo. Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. 1747. THE Christian Convert, 1740. Vol. 17. APPEAL to Common Reason and Candor, in behalf of a Review, etc., 1750. CAUTION to Protestant Servants, in the "Service of Papists, 1749. DISQUISITION on Creeds; and an Examination of the Apostles, the Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds, 1750. EXAMINATION whether any Just Definition can be given of the Law of Nature, 1750. GREAT Importance of a Religious Life, etc., with Morning and Evening Prayers, 1753. 14th Ed. HYMN to the Creator of the World; suggested by the CIVth Psalm, 1750. LEWIS, Rev. John. Brief Discovery of certain Arts of Popish Protestant Missionaries in England, 1750. LONDON, B p of. Letter to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster, on Occasion of the late Earthquakes, with a Supplement to the same, 1750. THE Duty of Paying Custom, and the Sin of Smuggling, and of buying Smuggled goods, 1750. WHITE, Chas. The Wiltshire New Phenomenon; or the Free- Thinking Christian Philosopher, etc., 1752. WIIISTON, Rev. Wm. Letter to him, on the Publication of his Memoirs of his Life, 1750. VOL. 17A. Conference between a Papist and a Protestant. 1749. DODWELL^ Wm. Three Answers to Dr. Middleton s Free In quiry, etc., 1749. GIBBONS, Thos. Religious Observance of the Sabbath stated and enforced. 1749. GIBSON, Edmund. Directions given to the Clergy of the Dio cese of London, in 1724. GREY, Rich d. The Last Words of David, with Notes, criti cal and explanatory. 1749. WIIISTON, Wm. Account of the exact time when Miraculous Gifts ceased in the Church. 1749. 634 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 18. Answer to Dr. Free s Remarks on Rev. Mr. Jones Let ter, etc. 1759. Appendix to Annals of the Rise, Progress and Persecutions of the Reformed Churches in France. 1755. BENSON, Geo. Summary View of the Evidence of Christ s Resurrection. 1754. BOWER, Arch d. One very Remarkable Fact more, relating to the Conduct of the Jesuits, etc. 1758. BRINE, John. Animadversions upon the Letters on Theron and Aspasio. 1758. CORPE, John. Facts relating to the Conduct of the Jesuits, with regard to Mr. Bower. 1758. HURLEY, A. The Monitor Admonished: in a letter to Dr. Free, 1759. Remarks on Rev. Dr. Powell s Sermons in Defense of Sub scriptions, preached before Cambridge University. 1757- 1758. RIMIUS, Henry. Rise and Progress of the Herrnhuters or Moravians. 1753. The Divinity of Christ Asserted and Defended. 1755. VOL. ISA. BRINE, John. Antidote against a Spreading Antinomain Principle, 1750. GILL, Rev. John. Two Discourses; on Prayer and Praise 1751. On the Employment of Time. Three Essays. 1750. WATSON, Rev. John. Apology for his Conduct, yearly, on the 30th of January, 1755 (?). (Imperfect.) PARRY, Rich d. Dissertation on Daniel s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, 1762. VOL. 19. Dissertation on the Absurdity of Rel. Bigotry, etc., and on the Qualifications needed to rightly Interpret the New Testament, n. d. Four Charges to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Essex. 1763. GREEN, Rev. John. Principles and Practices of the Metho dists farther considered. 1761. GREENWOOD, Rev. Wm. Paraph rastical Exposition of 1st Corinthians, 15th Chapter. 1761. HEAVENLY Paths. Anonymously printed in 1664. Reprint, 1761. 3d Ed. REMARKS on the Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies, etc. 1763. TUNSTALL, Jas. Academica: Part 1st, containing several Discourses on Natural and Revealed Religion. 1759. VOL. 20. PARRY, Richard. The Case between Gerizim and Ebal, fairly stated. 1764. SEARCH, Edward. Freewill, Foreknowledge and Fate. 1763. TAYLOR, Lauchlan. Essay on the Revelation of St. John. 1763. VOL. 21. ADDRESS to the Clergy, concerning their Departure from the Doctrines of the Reformation. 1767. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 635 VOL. 21. ALLEINE, Jos. Christian Letters. 1767. Voice of God in His Promises; or Consolation for Chris tians. Reprinted, 1766, 67. 2 Papers. GILBERT, Mary. Extract from her Journal, 1768. 2d Ed. KETTLEWELL, John. Companion for the Penitent, etc., 1768. 2 Papers. Letter to the B p of Gloucester; in which Warburton s Divine Legation of Moses is Vindicated, etc., 1767. 2d Ed. Simple Truth Vindicated in Sundry Important Theological Queries. 1766. TILLOTSON, Archb p. Dissuasive from Popery. In a Letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury, 1768. VOL. 22. Answer to the Inquiry, Why are you a Dissenter from the Church of England? 1772. BIGGS, Rich d. Truth and Errors of Alex. Pope, and Bishop Warburton, in the Essay on Man, considered, etc., 1770. Form of Prayer to be used in Churches and Chapels in G, Britain, Dec. 13, 1776, on Acct. of the War with America. Importance of Truth and the Danger of Moderation, particu larly with respect to the Doctrine of the Trinity, 1779. LA TROBE, Benj. Succinct View of the Moravian Missions established among the Heathen, 1771. Letter to a Lover of the Gospel, occasioned by his Appeal to Professors of Christianity, etc., 1772. MASON, Wm. The Ax laid to the Root of Antinomian Li centiousness, etc. 1770. MORGAN, Thos. Appeal to Christians in behalf of the Old Christianity of the Gospel. 1771. NELSON, Rob t. Whole Duty of a Christian: for the use of London Charity Schools. 1774. RIGGE, Ambrose. Brief and Serious Warning to Friends en gaged in Commerce, etc. Reprinted, 1771. SCOUGAL, Henry. Duty and Pleasure of Praise and Thanks giving. 1770. Serious Reflections upon some late important Determinations in a certain Assembly. 1770. The Englishman directed in the Choice of his Religion. 1773. TILLOTSON, Archb p. Letter to Nicholas Hunt, 1687(?). 1774. 5th Ed. View of the Articles of the Protestant and Popish Faith, etc- 1770. VOLS. 23. 24, 25. Eng. Religious Tracts. 12mos, etc. VOL. 26. CLOYNE, B p of. Present State of the Church of Ire land. 1787. 7th Ed. Half an Hour s Conversation between a Churchman and a Dis senter on the Repeal of the Test Laws. n. d. HOADLY, Bishop. Refutation of B p Sherlock s Arguments. against a Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts. 1787* KNIGHT, Titus. The Balm of Gilead for Wounded Consciences. 1790? SYNGE, Archb p. Charitable Address to all members of the Church of Rome. 1788. 636 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 26. THOMPSON, J. S. Vindication of the Deity of Jesus Christ, n. d. WAKEFIELD, Gilbert. Enquiry into the Expediency and Pro priety of Public Worship. 1792. YOUNG, S. Some Particulars relating to the Life and Death of Rebecca Scudamore. 1790. VOL. 27. BROTHERS, Rich d. Revealed Knowledge of the Prophe cies and Times. 1794. HALHED, N. B. Speeches in the House of Commons, Mar. and Apr., 1795, on the Confinement of Rich d Brothers. Letters to Lord Loughborough, on the Confinement of Rich d Brothers. 1795. Answer to Dr. Home s Second Pamphlet, entitled " Oc casional Remarks," etc. 1795. Calculation on the Commencement of the Millenium, etc. 1795. Testimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Rich d Brothers, etc. 1795. 2d Ed. HORNE, Geo. Occasional Remarks; addressed to N. P. Halhed, in answer to his late Pamphlet, etc. 1795? Answer to N. B. Halhed s testimony to the pretended Mission of Rich d Brothers, to Recall the Jews. n. d. WAKEFIELD, Gilbert. The Spirit of Christianity, and the Spirit of the Times, etc. 1794. WRIGHT, John. Revealed Knowledge of Events that will speedily be fulfilled, etc. 1794. VOL. 28. BERRIDGE, Rev. John. Christian World Unmasked. 1795. BRODBELT, Geo. C. Original Essays on Miscellaneous Sub jects in Religion. 1796. BRYAN, Wm. Testimony of the Spirit of Truth, concerning Rich d Brothers, etc. 1795. ERSKINE, T. Speech at Westminster, 1797, in the cause of the King vs. Williams, for publishing Paine s Age of Reason, etc. 1797. EVANS, John. Attempt to Account for the Infidelity of the late Edward Gibbon; with Reflections on Skepticism, etc. 1797. MOSER, Joseph. Anecdotes of Rich d Brothers, in the years 1791 and 92. With thoughts on Credulity, 1795. PAINE, Thos. Age of Reason. Part 1. 1796. Reflections upon the Dispute between the Author of the De- vine Legation of Moses, and a late Oxford Professor, n. d. Vindication of Truth: or, Relieving the Necessities of the Poor, the Surest Way to Prosperity, etc. n. d. WORCESTER, Lord Bishop of. Letter to him, on his Strictures on Archbishop Seeker, and Bishop Lowth, in his Life of Bishop Warburton, 1796. VOLS. 29-30. English Religious Tracts. 12mos. VOL. 31. CHUBB, Thos. Discourse concerning Reason and Divine Revelation, 1731. DE PINTO, M. On Card Playing: in a Letter to M. Diderot. 1768. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 637 VOL. 31. ELLESBY, J. The Sick Christian s Companion, 1729. FORDYCE, James, D.D. Folly, etc., of Unlawful Pleasure. 1760. JEBB, John. Short Statement of the Reasons for a late Res- ignation. 1775. OWEN, Henry. Directions for Young Students in Divinity. 1782. RYLAND, John. Further Contemplation of the Inspiration of the Scriptures, 1776. Part II. SCOTT, Thos. Select Passages from a Discourse on Repent ance. 1795. VOL. 32. Articles of Visitation and Enquiry, exhibited to the Church Wardens and Side-Men within the Diocese of Canterbury, in 1740. BLAYNEY, Benj. Dissertation upon Daniel s Prophecy of Seventy Weeks. 1775. Considerations on the projected Reformation of the Church of England, 1772. Constant Residence of the Clergy upon their Livings, shown to be necessary etc., 1760. Dialogue between a Minister and his Parishioner, before Con firmation, 1771. Form of Prayer to be used throughout England and Ireland, May 24, 1847. GREENWOOD, Wm. Paraphrastical Exposition of 1 Cor. 15th Chapter, 1759. JEBB, John. Short Account of Theological Lectures now reading at Cambridge, etc., 1770. KEATE, Wm. The one hundred and ninth, or Imprecating Psalm, considered and explained. 1794. LONDON All Souls Church. Form of Consecration of the Church and Chapel. 1824. PARRY, Richard, D. D. Harmony of the Gospels, so far as relateth to the Resurrection of Christ. 1765. . SHORT Way to Truth; or the Trinitarian Analogy. London, 1793. Five Papers. VOL. 33. BLANCIIARD, M. Precise Historique de la vie et du Pon- tificat de Pie VI. 1800. ,. BOWLES, John. View of the Moral State of Society, at the close of the Eighteenth Century. 1804. CURSORY Remarks on a work entitled Apeleutherus; or an ef fort to attain Intellectual Freedom. 1800. HAWKER, Robert, D. D. Letter to a Barrister, in answer to " Hints to the Public," etc. 1808. HIBERNIAN Soc y, London. Report of the Committee of the Soc y, 1808. LETTER to a Young Clergyman, on Fashionable Amusements, with his Reply. 1808. ZION S Warrior; or the Christian Soldier s Manual. 1803, VOL. 33A. Directions for a proper Behaviour in Public Worship. 1807. 638 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 33^. Earnest and Affectionate Address to the People called Methodists. 1807. KENNET, White, D. D. The excellent Daughter: a Discourse, etc. 1807. Several Religious Tracts. 1807. 12mo. TAYLOK, Thos. G. Answer to the question, " Why are you a Churchman?" 1807. The Christian Monitor; containing an earnest exhortation to an Holy Life. 1807. TILLOTSON, John, D. D. Letter to Nicholas Hunt, of Canter bury (in 1687?). 1807. WALDO, Peter. Essay on the Lord s Supper. 1807. WILSON, Bishop. Introduction for the better understanding of the Lord s Supper. 1807. VOL. 34. ARCHER, Rev. Jas. Letter to Bishop John Milner. 1810. FULLER, Andrew. Apology for the late Christian Mission to India. Part 2d. 1808. GORHAM, Geo. C. Essay on Public Worship. 1808. HILL, Thos. Animadversions on Rev. Win. Parry s Strictures on the Origin oi Moral Evil, 1808. Remarks on the R. Catholic Catechism for Ireland, 1810. STONE, Francis. Jewish Prophecy the sole criterion to dis tinguish between Genuine and Spurious Christian Scripture. 1808. VOL. 35. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. On the White Horse men tioned in the Revelation, Chap. 19. 1810. HUNTINGFORD, Geo. I., D. D. Petition of the English R. Catholics considered. 1812. London Missionary Society. Transactions to the end of 1812. Vol. 3. 1813. MARSH, Herbert, D. D. Course of Lectures on Theology. Part I. 1810. Letter on Religious Toleration. 1810. VALPY, R., D. D. Address from a Clergyman to his Parish ioners. 1810. WITHERBY, Thos. Wisdom of the Calvinistic Methodists displayed. 1810. WORDSWORTH, Christ, D. D. Reasons for declining to be come a Subscriber to the ^British and Foreign Bible Society. 1810. VOL. 36. Compendio de les Principales Evidencias a favor de la Origen Divino de la Revelacion Christiana. 1812. D Auly, Geo. Essay on the Doctrine of Assurance. 1814. . Evidence and Design of Christianity considered. 1813. . FELTON, Jos. The Pleasures of Religion, in Letters to his Son. 1814. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for July 7, 1814, on the conclusion of the War with France. 1814. HALL, Rob t. Speech before the Leicester Bible Society, on the Character of Rev. Thos. Robinson. 1813. Letter to the Author of a Pamphlet, entitled " The Substance of a Report presented to the King s Head Soc y, Dec. 15, 1812," etc., etc. 1813. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 639 VOL. 36. MARSHMAN, Joshua, D. D. Advantages of Christianity in promoting the Prosperity of the British Gov t in India. 1813. Obligations of Christians to attempt the Conversion of the Jews. 1813. Refutation of Deism: in a Dialogue. 1814. The Predestined Thief ; or, a Dialogue between a Calvin- istic Preacher and a Condemned Thief. 1651. Reprinted, 1814. VOL. 37. BELSHAM, Rev. Thos. Letter to the Bishop of London in Vindication of the Unitarians. 1815. CHALKLEY, Thos. Observations on the Sermon on the Mount. 1815. EMANUEL, Christian. Janus on Zion, or Past and to Come. 1816. EVANS, John. Address on the Resurrection of Christ, deliv ered in Bunhill Fields, 1814. MYLNE, Prof. James. Statement of Facts connected with a Precognition taken in the College of Glasglow. 1815.. Resolutions and Statements relative to the Persecution of French Protestants, etc. 1816. SMITH, J. P., D. D. Reasons of the Protestant Religion. 1815. VOL. 37A. BELLAMY, John. Reply to the Quarterly Review, on the new Translation of the Bible. 1818. Brief Account of the Jesuits, with Historical Proofs, showing their dangerous Character. 1815. FABER, G. S. Remarks on the effusion of the Fifth Apocalyp tic Vial, etc. 1815. KENNEY, A . H., D. D. Enquiry concerning some of the Doctrines maintained by the Church of Rome. 1818. MARSH, Rev. W. A Few Thoughts on Prophecy, n. d. "Popery in A. D. 1900." Remarks on the Doctrine of the Influence of the Holy Spirit. 1815. VOL. 38. CLARK, Sam l. Narrative of the Judgment upon the Pa pists, by the Downfall in Black Friars, London, 1623. Re printed, 1817. COOPER, Rev. Edw. Conduct (The) of the Clergy in support ing the Bible Soc y, vindicated, etc. 1818. DAUBENY, Chas. On the Nature of the Christian Church, etc. 1817. Dissertation on St. Paul s Voyage from Caesarea to Puteoli, etc. 1817. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for Jan. 18, 1816, for the conclusion of the war with France. 1816. GORTON, John. Reply to Mr. Burgess s Jonrney to Eden. etc. 1818. PHELAN, Wm. The Bible, not the Bible Soc y: on Dissemi nating the Scriptures. 1817. PINKERTON, Rob t. Extracts of Letters when on a Tour to promote the object of the Bible Soc y. 1819. SINCLAIR, Hannah. Letter on the Principle of the Christian Faith. 1818, 1819. 640 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 39. BURROW, E. J. Second Letter to Rev. Wm. Marsh, in re gard to Evangelical Principles, etc. 1819. Religio Clerici. Churchman s Epistle. 1818. With a Sec ond Epistle, by the same Author. 1819. Wix, Sam l. Letter to the Bishop of St. Davids, in regard to a certain Pamphlet. 1819. Reflections on the Expediency of holding a Council of the Ch. of England and the Ch. of Rome, etc. 1819. VOL. 40. FENNER, David. Letters to an Afflicted Friend. Part I. 1822. FULLAGAR, John. Six Addresses adapted to the Ordinance of the Lord s Supper. 1821. JEPHSON, Wm. Vindication of the Questions proposed by the Bishop of Peterborough to Candidates for Orders, etc. 1821. LEE, Sam l. Vindication of certain Strictures on a Pamph let entitled Remarks, etc. Oxford, 1820. OWEN, John. Extracts from Letters written during his Late Tour in connection with the Bible Society. 1819. Refutation of Mr. Grimshawe s Pamphlet on the Wrongs of the Clergy of Peterborough, etc. 1822. SCOTT, Rev. Thos. The Force of Truth. An Authentic Nar rative, 1821. Vol. 41. BADELEY, Dr. John. Authentic Narrative of the Cure of Barbara O Connor, at the Convent near Chelmsford, 1823. BIRT, John. Summary of the Principles and History of the Papacy, 1823. COMPARATIYE View of the Scriptural Evidence for Unitarian- ism and Trinitarianism, 1823. Fox, W. J. The Apostle John an Unitarian. Letter to C. J. Blomfield, D. D., 1823. HOUGHTON, Rev. Pendlebury. Prayers and Practical Lessons for the use of Families. 1824. PHILLPOTTS, H., D. D. Letter to Francis Jeffrey, in relation to an Article in the Edinburgh Review, 1823. STEVENS, Rev. John. The Saviour s Purchase and the Sin ner s Right, 1823. Vol. 41, A. BUSHE, Rev. Wm. Lecture at Dublin, 1823, on the Doctrines of the Church of Rome, 1824. CASE of Eusebius: Part Second, 1823. CORRESPONDENCE between Rich d Carlile and Rev. Isaac Carter. Letter I. 1823. Friday Evening. The Sixth Day of the Millenary Week. 1822. London Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Report. 1823. Propositions concerning the Seventh Head of the Roman Wild Beast of the Apocalypse. 1821. Reply to the Charge of Wm. Magee, Achb p of Dublin. 1822. Strictures on the Letter of J. K. L., entitled "A Vindication of the Principles of the Irish Catholics." 1823. TROLLOPE, Wm. Expedients to which Gentile Philosophers resorted in opposing the Gospel, described, etc. 1822. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 641 VOL. 42. La Saint Charles et la Saint Louis. 1825. MILNER, Isaac, D. D. Essay on Human Liberty. 1824. Progress of Dissent; containing Observations on Passages of that Article in the Quarterly Review. 1825. . The Question whether the Ch. of England be justified in her Opposition to the Ch. of Rome, brought to a Conclusion. 1824. The Reason why the people called Quakers do not pay Tithes etc. 1824. WAY, Lewis. Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations of the Christian Church. 1826. VOL. 43. ANALYSIS of Paley s View of the Evidences of Christi anity. 1826. BUTTER, Jacob. Essay upon the Work of Christ in refutation of the False Doctrines taught by Mr. Arnold. 1827. CARNE, Robert H. The True Humanity of Christ. Three Letters to the Editor of the " Morning Watch." 1829. COBBIN, I. Transactions in the Home Missionary Society, etc. London, 1827. LEE, S. Additional Remarks on Dr. Henderson s Appeal to the Bible Soc y. 1826. OUTLINE of the Denominations and Distinctions of Christians. 1829. SANDEL, M. Samuel. Account of Emanuel Swedenborg, de livered in an Eulogium at Stockholm, in 1772. 1826. VOL. 44. BELCHER, Jas. Brief Memoir of the late Rev. Isaac Mann. 1832. CARNE, Robert. Review of the Discussion on the Origina tion of the Manhood of Christ. 1832. CUNINGHAME, Wm. Strictures on Rev. S. R. Maitland s Pamphlets on Prophecy. 1832. GOLDSMID, F. H. Arguments against the Enfranchisement of the Jews, considered. 1831. HENLEY, Lord. Plan of Church Reform, with a Letter to the King. 1832. LAMBERT, Wm. Geo. Call to the Converted. 1831. PANTIN, T. P. Observations on Passages in Christian Duty of granting the R. Catholic Claims. 1829. Pastoral Letter from a Rector of a Country Parish to his Par ishioners. 1829. VOL. 45. ALLWOOD, Philip. Dissertation on the Prophecies of Daniel, and those in the Revelation. 1833. CARDWELL, Edw. Oxford Bibles. Letter to the Editor of the British Magazine. 1833. Christ the only King of his Church. 1832. CRISP, Sam l. Christ made Sin, evinced from Scripture, etc. 1832. FORM of Prayer for Mar. 21, 1832, on occasion of the General Fast. GURNEY, Jos. J. Letter to a Friend on the Authority, etc., of Christianity. 1832. HEAP, Rev, Henry. Sanctification. 1832. 41 642 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 45. PRIESTLY, Jos. Outline of the Evidence of Revealed Re ligion. 1833. VOL. 45A. BACON, John. On Passages of Scriptures appealed to by late Separatists from the British and Foreign Society. 1832. BICKERSTETH, Rev. Edw. National Fast (The) of 1832. A Help for duly observing it. 1832. CRAWFORD, Rev. Sam l Christian Forbearance, in relation to Religious Differences. 1832. Declaration of the R. Catholic Bishops in G. Britain. 1826. ERRONEOUS Views of Death Reproved. 1831. Form of Prayer for England and Ireland, March 21, 1832, in regard to Deliverence from Pestilence. LONDON Anti-Slavery Society. Report of the Agency Com mittee. 1832. SCOTT, John. Letter on the proceedings at the formation of the Trinitarian Bible Soc y- 1832. SINLESS Perfection of Christ s Human Nature vindicated. 1833. SLAVERY. Observations in answer to an " Address to the Clergy of the Established Church," etc. 1826. OBSERVATIONS on Doctrines contained in pamphlets of Syl- vanus and Discipulus. 1830. TRIAL of Capt. Thos. Atchison, by a General Court Martial, at Malta. 1825. TURTON, Thos. Text of the English Bible considered. 1833. VANSITTART, Wm. Observations on the Rev. J. B. Sumner s Book, entitled " The Evidence of Christianity," etc. n. d. VOL. 46. BALFOUR, Andrew. Speech in the Presbytery of Edin burgh on the Subject of Church Patronage. 1834. BARCLAY, Robert. Short Account of his Life and "Writings. 1835. CASE of the Dissenters, in a Letter to the Lord Chancellor. 1834. CHALMERS, Thos. Church Establishments defended. 1833. JUSTIFIABLE Conformity. A few Hints to Protestant Dis senters, 1834. LONDON Peace Soc y. Series of Tracts. Eleven Papers, 1833-1835. SHADWELL, Sir Launcelot. Substance of the Judgment delivered in 1833, in regard to the Trust-Deeds of Sarah Hewley, 1834. STODDART Rev. Geo. H. Evidence of the necessity of the Church Reform, 1833. THE Dissenter exposed, etc.; with a View to Conformity, 1834. WARR, Rev. D. Letters on Church Reform, 1835. WATKINS, Rev. H. G. The Established Religion a National Blessing, 1834. Vol. 46, A. ACTON, Rev. Henry. Religious Opinions and Example of Milton, Lock and Newton, 1833. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 643 VOL. 46A. APPEAL to Patrons on their Solemn Responsibility, etc, 1835. BRANSBY, Rev Jas. H. Account of the Fanaticism at Water- Stratford in 1694, 1835. HINTS on Church Reform, addressed to Churchmen and Dis senters, 1834. HULL, Win. Ecclesiastical Establishments not inconsistent with Christianity. Part 2. 1834. LEE, Sam l, D. D. Dissent Unscriptural and Unjustifiable 1834. MANNING, Jas. Extracts from the Writings of Eminent Di vines of the Established Ch., relative to its Reformation. 1833. MAURICE, Peter. Popery in Oxford. 1833. MEDLEY, John. Episcopacy; its Antiquity; Expediency and Conformity to the Word of God. 1835. SPENCE, Jas. The Voluntary and Compulsory System of sup porting Religion examined, etc. 1834. VOL. 47. Dissent Antimonarchical and Democratical, and necessa rily Aggressive on the Established Church. 1836. KING, John. Maitland not authorized to censure Milner. With S. R. Maitland s Reply to the same. 1835. SMITH, John Pye, D. D. Two Letters to Sam l Lee, D. D., in Vindication of Protestant Dissent. 1835. Tracts for the Times. Two Papers. 1835. Tracts on Catholic Unity. Two Papers, n. d. WHITEHEAD, Thos. The Resemblance of Moses to Christ, considered, etc. 1836. WIRGMAN, Thos. Argument for the Divarication of the New Testament, etc. 1835. ^| VOL. 48. BICKERSTETH, Edw. Extracts from his Practical Guide to the Prophecies. 1838. British and Foreign Mission. Records of the Proceedings of of the Society, Correspondence, etc. 1837. DORMAN, W. H. Principles of Truth on the present state of the Church, etc. 1838. HARTLEY, J. Progress of the Reformation on the Continent. 1837. JERRAM, Chas. Secession from the Church of England, con sidered. 1836. KAYE, B p John. Letter to the Archb p of Canterbury, on the Ecclesiastical Commission. 1838. Report of the Grand Protestant Meeting held at London, 1837, in regard to Church Rates. St. John s Church Missionary Assoc. Appeal in^ behalf of. 1835. - SMART, Newton. The Ecclesiastical Commission considered, etc. 1839. SMITH, Sydney. Letter to Archdeacon Singleton, on the Ec clesiastical Commission, 1837. VENTNOR, Isle of Wight. St. Catharine s Church. Form of Consecration of the Ch. and Burying Ground. 1837. 644 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 48A. Correspondence between R. D. Hampton, D. D., and the Archbishop of Canterbury. 1838. Genesis Liber Herbraica. 1836. HAMrDEN, R. D. Introduction to the second edition "of the Bampton Lectures of 1832. London Domestic Mission Society. Report with Proceedings May 17, 1837. Memorial of the Bishop of Sodor and Man, to H. M. Com missioners, 1837. Remarks on a Pamphlet recently circulated on behalf of the Trinitarian Bible Society, etc. 1839. POWELL, Baden. Tradition Unveiled, on Authoritative Teach ing in the Church. 1839. Trial of the Mass by Tenez le Vraie, etc. 1838. VOL. 49. Cambridge Camden Society. Paper read before the Society on the History of Pews. 1841. Words for the Parish Clerks and Sextons of Country Par ishes. 1843. Words to Church Wardens on Churches and Church Or naments. Nos. 1 and 2. 1841. CRAIG, Rev. John. Use of the Church Service on a late occasion, defended, etc., 1840. . EDEN, Rev. Rob t. A Clergyman s Address to the Wesleyan Methodists in his Parish, 1841. FORM of Prayer and Thanksgiving for June, 21, 1840, for the Preservation of Queen Victoria from a late Treasonable Attempt, 1840. McCAUL, Alex., D. D. Reasons for believing that the Charge lately revived against the Jews, is False, 1840. MUIR, J. Sketch of the Argument for Christianity, in Sanskrit Verse, 1839. NARRATIVE of the Origin and Progress of the Church of the United Brethren, or Moravians, 1842. R. Catholic Church. The Laity s Directory to the Church Service, for 1839. SPEECH delivered before the " Christian Assoc. for the Reward of Virtuous Actions," 1843. WELLS, Rev. Algernon. Speech at Bristol, at a meeting for promoting the Interests of the Home Missionary Soc y, etc., 1840. Vol. 50. BAKEWELL, Rev. W. J. Letter to the Unitarians of Chester, Edinburgh, etc., 1843. Cambridge Camden Society. Reports for 1842. 1844. COCKBURN, Wm., D. D. The Bible defended against the British Association. 1844. Hard Bible Words made Easy, etc. 1844. KIDD, Geo. B. Appeal in favour of Ecclesiastical Unity among Evangelical Protestants. 1844. MAURICE, Fred. D. Thoughts on the Rule of Conscientious Subscription, etc. 1845. VOL. 51. ALLEN, Guillaume. Observations succinctes, sur 1 etat Charnel et Spiritual de PHomme. 1846. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 645 VOL. 51. Collects for Sundays and Holydays throughout the year 1846. Form of Prayer throughout England and Ireland, Mar. 24, 1847. GOLDSMID, Francis H. Reply to the Arguments against the Removal of Jewish Disabilities. 1848. GOODE, Rev. W. Remarks on the Religious Opinions Relief Bill, and the Oath of Supremacy. 1846. Letter to non-resident Member of the Cambridge Camden So ciety. 1845. MTJSHETT, Wm. Tares, Tracts and Tractarians: in answer to the question, " What is Tractarianism? " 1846. PERCEVAL, Rev. A. P. Results of an Ecclesiastical Tour in Holland and Northern Germany. 1849. SHEFFIELD Eng. Plan for relieving the Spiritual Necessities of Sheffield. I847.(?) THELWALL, Rev. A. S. Statement of the Facts respecting the Instruction given to Students at St. Patrick s Maynooth. 1846. VOL. 5lA. BENNETT, Rev. Wm. J. E. Pastoral Letter to his Parishioners. 1846. BROWN, John. Doles and Dissent; a Lecture. 1845. CIRCULARS for the Countess of Huntingdon s Connexion, Jan.- Dec. 1845. DR. HOOK S " Call to Union " answered. 1839. EDWARDS, Henry, LL. D. Colonization of Palestine. 1846, Form of Prayer for Mar. 24, 1847, being the day appointed for a General Fast. MARSH, Rev. Edw. Defense of an Essay of the First Resur rection. 1845. MITHRIDATES; or, Mr. Newman s Essay on Development its own Confutation. 1846. NANGLE, Edw. The Achill Mission, and the state of Protest antism in Ireland. 1839. RUNDELL, Sam l. On the Commencement and Progress of Religion in the Soul. 1845. SMITH, Sydnev. Fragment on the Irish R. Catholic Church* 1845. THE QUESTION of Infallibility; a Search and its Results, etc, 1848. THOUGHTS on the Inward and Spiritual Grace of the Lord s Supper. 1846. VOL. 52. GIBSON, Wm. S. Essay on the Filial Dutie% as estab lished by Scripture, and illustrated by History. 1848. HARE, Archdeacon. Letter to the Dean of Chichester, on the appointment of Dr. Hampden to the See of Hereford. 1848, MAITLAND, S. R. Remarks on the first Vol. of Strype s Life of Archb p Cranmer. No. 2. 1848. SHREWSBURY, Earl of. Reply to the Letter of Archb p Mac Hale. 1848. TRUE Statement of the Church Leasehold question. 1849 . 646 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 52. What shall be done with Cardinal Wiseman? 1850. WISEMAN, Nicholas, D. D. Words of Peace and Justice, ad dressed to the Catholic Clergy and Laity of the London Dis trict, etc. 1848. VOL. 52A BIDDER, Wm. The Marrow of Dr. Thos. Goodwin s Works on Divinity. 1852. CANDLISH, Rob t S., D. D. Lecture at London, Feb. 21, 1854, on Maurice s Theological Essays. Christianity in China. The History of Christian Missions and of the present Insurrection. 1853. COLWELL, C. Life in Peace and no Popery! On the Conver sion of Britain to Christianity, etc. 1850. DENISON, Geo. A. Letter to the Rev. Canon Wordsworth, and to the Masters of the Parish Schools of the Ch. of Eng land. 1853. Explanation of some parts of the Apocalypse of St. John. 1851. FLASHMAN, Wm. Plain Thoughts and Rules for the Inter pretation of Popery. 1853. GRANT, Brewin. Liberality consistent with Truth and Hon esty. 1849. Letter of the Earl of Carlisle to Rev. Dr. Cahill, on the alleged Imprisonment of the Madiai; with a Reply to the same. 1853. M CAUL, Alex., D. D. Transubstantiation. A Letter, 1850. MACKENZIE, Rev. Chas. Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, 1850. MARTIN, Sam l. The Straits of Pure Socialism, A Lecture, 1852. PEACOCK, Elizabeth, F. A Warning to the World; being a Letter sent to the Bishops, in 1853. THE Papal Bull " In Coena Domini," translated, 1848. THE War of the Churches. On the Quarrel between the Ch. of Rome and the Ch. of England, 1851. WISEMAN, Cardinal. Appeal to the English People, on the Subject of the Catholic Hierarchy, 1850. Vol. 53. BENNETT, Rev. Wm. J. E. Letter to Lord Russell, on the present Persecution of a portion of the English Church, BURGESS, Rev. Rich d. Enquiry into the State of the Ch. of England Congregations in France, Belgium and Switzerland, 1850. DODGSON, Rev. Chas. Advice to Candidates for Holy Orders onthe case of Gorham v. the Bishop of Exeter, 1850. EDGE, Rev. Wm. J. Letter to Lord Ashley, on the alleged Romish Tendency of the younger Clergy, 1850. Exposition of the Principles, Pretensions and Practices of the Court of Rome. 1850. GOORHAM vs. Bishop of Exeter. Judgment of the Privy Coun cil. 1850. Remarks on the Judgment of the Judicial Committee. 1850. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 647 VOL. 53. HALE, Archdeacon. Duties of the Deacons and Priests in the Ch. of England, compared. 1850. . NEWMAN, J. K. Lectures on certain Difficulties felt by Ang licans in submitting to the Catholic Church. Lecture III. 1850. Peterborough Diocesan Church Building Association. Report. 1850. The Appeal to Rome. Letter from an English Clergyman to a R. Catholic Friend. 1850. VOL. 54. A few Words about Diocesan Synods. 1851. . BARNES, W. Remarks on the Rev. Lord Chas. Thynne s re cent Letter to his late Parishioners. 1853. . BARRY, Henry B. Thoughts on the Renovation of Cathedral Institutions. 1852. . CONNELLY, Pierce. Reasons for abjuring Allegiance to the See of Rome. 1852. DYCE, Prof. Wm. Notes on Shepherds and Sheep. Letter to John Ruskin. 1851. ENGLISH Soc y for the Propagation of the Gospel. Paper be fore the Soc y, May 16, 1851, on Appointments to the Epis copate. . GREGG, T. D. Exegesis of the Prophecy of Isaiah, found in Isa. IX, 6, 7. 1852. HUNTINGTON, Wm. Time of the Fall of the Papacy, etc., calculated. 1851. MIALL, Edw. Endowment of Religious Opinions bad in prin ciple, etc. 1851. PLAIN Words to Plain Churchfolk on the late Papal Aggres sion. 1851. PROTESTANT Peculiarities elicited by Papal Pretensions. 1851. PYE Smith Testimonial. Proceedings at London, Jan. 8, 1851. SCOTTISH Clergy List, and Ecclesiastical Table for 1853. . SELLON, Commander. Miss Sellon and the Sisters of Mercy. 1852. . The Coming Man; or Miracles not necessarily proofs of Di vine Commission. 1852. " WELLINGTON, Duke of. Service and Anthems to be used at his Funeral, at London, 1852. VOL. 55. AITON, John, D. D. The Drying up of the Euphrates, or, the Downfall of Turkey prophetically considered. 1853. Cautions for the Times. In 29 No s. 1851-1853. Guide to the Apocalypse. 1853. VOL. 56. ARMAGEDDON: or, the Battle-field on which Antichrist and his Armies are to be overthrown. 1853. BLOMFIELD, Bishop Chas. Jas. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London, in 1854. Church of England S. S. Institute. Tenth Ann. Report. 1854. Copy of Alterations in the Book of Common Prayer, made by the Royal Commissioners in 1689. 1854. DRUMMOND, Henry. The Fate of Christendom. 1854. The Coming Rest for the Nations of the Earth: or, the Mil lenium described, etc. 1853. 648 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 56. The Coming Struggle among the Nations, etc. Three Pam phlets on Scripture Prophecy. 1853. VOL. 56A. BURGESS, Rich d. Constantinople and Greek Christi anity. A Lecture. 1854 (?) CANDLISH, R. S., D. D. Conscience and the Bible. A Lec ture. 1856 (?) MAITLAND, S. R., D. D. Remarks on the late Charge of the Bishop of Oxford, 1855. Moravians. Text-Book for 1856. Prayers to be used during our present Troubles, 1854. TALBOT, Rev. E. R. Expository Sketches in the Gospel Nar ratives, 1855. The Old Paths, 1856. VAUGHAN, Rob t, D. D. The Credulities of Skepticism. A Lecture, 1856. VOL. 57. ALFORD, Rev. Henry. Saul of Tarsus. A Lecture de livered at London, 1856. BARTER, Rev. Wm. B. Progress of Infidelity in London, during the spring of 1857. BIDEN, .las. The Church and her Destinies, 1855. Book of Common Prayer, a National Bond of Peace, 1855. Controversy on Theological Questions between the " Eclectic Review " et al. and the " Morning Advertiser," 1856. Evangelical Alliance. British Organization. Report present ed at the Conference in London. 1855. EXETER, B p of. Letter to Dr. Lushington, on his Judgment in the cause of Westerton v. Liddell. 1856. Form of Prayer for Oct. 7, 1857, for the Restoration of Tran- quility in India, etc. 1857. Forms of Prayer to be used throughout England and Ireland,, Apr. 26, 1854, and Mar. 21, 1855, for the Restoration of Peace, etc. Cur Church Extension Societies, General and Diocesan. 1855. PEILE, T. W., D. D. New Translation of the received Text of the Apostolical Epistles. Part I. 1854. SHARR, F. J. The First Planting of Christianity. A Lec ture at Leamington, Eng., 1856. VOL. 57A. DAVIDSON, Sam l, D. D. Facts connected with the Publication of Home s Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures. 1857. LEE, Wm., D. D. Three Introductory Lectures on Ecclesi astical History. 1858. MACLEOD, Alex. Truth of the Gospel; or Doctrinal Consid erations, etc. 1859. Plan for the Re-organization and Increase of the Episcopate, etc. 1858. RHODES, M. J. Pope Pius IX and the Temporal Rights of the Holy See. 1859. SUGGESTIONS for the revision of the Prayer-Book. 1857. VOL. 58. ARGUMENT against Closed Churches; or an Appeal to those in Authority, etc. 1858. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 649 VOL. 58. CHAMBERLAIN, Rev. Cator. The True Sense of the second clause of the Oath of Supremacy. 1857. CONVOCATION and Lay Cooperation. Proceedings in the Diocese of Bangor. Aug., 1858. COZENS, Sam l. The Teacher s Thought-Book and the Lay man s Library. 1857. GLADSTONE, W. D. Missionary Speech at Chester England. 1857. LONDON, South-West. Protestant Institute Report. 1858. MONRO, Rev. Edw. The Church and the Million. No. IL The " Navvies " and how to meet them. 1868. NORFOLK and Suffolk Clergy List and Clerical Directory of the Diocese of Norwich for 1857. PULPIT Eloquence in the Seventeenth Century. A Lecture 1857. (?) Remarks on the Primary Charge of the Bishop of Brechin, (Scotland). 1858. Spiritual Destitution in Great Britain. 1858. 59. All Hallows College (near Dublin.) Annals for 1860. BIDEN, Jas. The Pestilence, why Inflicted, etc. 1860 (?) Correspondence relative to the Formation of a Church Insti tution. Seven Papers. 1859-1860. Oxford and Cambridge Mission to Central Africa. Report of a meeting held in Cambridge, in 1859. Society for promoting the Increase of Church Accommoda tion, etc,, in the Diocese of Ripon, Eng. Report for 1858. 1859. STOPFORD, Rev. Edw. A. The Work and the Counterwork ; or, the Revival in Belfast. 1859. The Church Cause and the Church Party. 1860. The Fourth and Fifth Vials of the Apocalypse exemplified in the late Contest in Italy. 1860. BUSHNAN, J. S., M. D. Religious Revivals in relation to Ner vous and Mental Diseases. 1860. CARUS, Rev. Wm. Address delivered to the Clergy of the Plymouth Clerical Meeting, 1865. COOGAN, Mary B. Mary Magdalene. A Poem, 1859. GUMMING, John, D. D. Israel in Egypt; or, Monumental Tes timonies to the Pentateuch, 1864. Declaration of the Clergy against Alteration of the Book of Common Prayer, 1860. GRESLEY, Wm. Idealism considered, etc., 1860. JAMES, T. S. The Teaching of the late Rev. John Angell James in reference to Faith and Justification, 1861. JERVIS, W. G. Facts respecting the Poverty of Clergymen of the Ch. of England, 1860. London Missionary Society. Report, May 12, 1864. WODEHOUSE, C. N. The Claims of Truth, 1862. VOL. 60. BAGOT, Dan l. Treatise on the Lord s Supper, 1862. Church Expansion and Liturgal Revision, 1862. CORDEROY, Edw. The English Reformation, and Archbishop Cranmer, 1861. 650 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 60. Correspondence between Rev. W. J. Edge and Kobt. Tooth, in regard to the revision of the Liturgy. 1861. G. Britain. Society for the Liberation of Religion from State etc. Letter to the Dissenters of the United Kingdom. 1863. Letter to the Bishop cf Victoria, Hongkong, regarding the Re ligion of the Taiping Rebels in China. 1862. MELIA, Pius, D. D. Doctrines of St. Thos. Aquinas, on the Rulers and Members of Christian States. 1860. . NORTH, Brownlow. Address at St. James Hall, London, May, 1862. OAKELEY, F. The Catholic Religion considered in reference to Morality. 1864. Remarks on the Church Rate Question. I860. Report of the Lord s Work at the Bible Stand. 1862-64. Scotland, Episcopal Church of. Two Canons adopted at a Gen. Synod held at Edinburgh in 1862. TAIT, Wm. Duty of Protestants to their R. Catholic Fellow Subjects. Speech at London. 1863. VOL. 61. Bishop of London s Fund. Report for 1866. Church of England. Diocese of London. Statistics of Church Education in the Diocese. 1866. DUNCOMBE, Geo. T. Letter to the Bishop of London. 1864. FERNANDEZ, Jos. Popery tottering to its fall in 1866. . Gloucester and Bristol Diocesan Calendar, for 1864. HOARE, Henry. Three Letters to the Clergy of the Dio cese of London, on behalf of the Assoc. of Churchwardens. 1864. Ideas, Opinions and Facts, touching Clerical Celibacy. 1865. . Liturgical Reform in the Church of England. 1865. M CosH, Jas. The Present Tendency of Religious Thought throughout the three Kingdoms. 1864. . Observata qusedam in Nonnulla Novi Testament! Loca. 1865. THOBOLD, A. W. Rector s Ann. Address. 1865. TITCOMB, J. H. Address read at the monthly meeting of the London Clerical Conference, in June, 1864. YORK, Archbishop of. Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the province of York. 1864. VOL. 62. Appeal to the Christian Church, by a Christian Jew. n. d. . BIDEN, Jas. Haggai. n. d. GIRDLESTONE, Chas. Appeal to Evangelical Churchmen in behalf of Liturgical Revision, n. d. . HEINEKEN, Rev. N. T. Observations on the Unity, Suprem acy and Free Unpurchased Mercy of God. n. d. HOUGHTON, Theop. Tales about Popery, Ancient and Modern. n.d. KING, Dr. Historical Sketch of the Evangelical Alliance, n. d" Life and Immortality: or, Thoughts on Being, n. d. MAITLAND, Capt. History of the Beast of the Apocalypse. n. d. PALEY, Wm., D. D. Horse Paulina; or, the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced, n. d. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 651 VOL. 62. Statement of Proceedings at Liverpool for Promoting Christian Union, etc. n. d. VOL. 63. A New Revelation; on the Existence of the Satanic In carnation in the World, n. d. ALFORD, Henry. On the Intelligent Study of the Scripture. A Lecture, n. d. DE SACI S French Bible a Falsified Version, n. d. Doctrine de L Eglise Anglicane relative aux Sacraments, etc. n. d. DOWLING, Henry. Address on the Duty of Singing in Pub lic Worship, n. d. Free Seceders from the Church of Scotland; their Opinions on Church and Dissent, n. d. GAVAZZI, Alessandro. Orations on the Abuses and Corrup tions of the Church of Rome. n. d. GURNEY, J. God s Heroes and the World s Heroes. A Lec ture, n. d. Hints on the Establishment and Regulation of Sunday Schools, n. d. KEITH, Alex. On the Fulfilment of the Prophecies concern ing Ammon, Moab and Philistia. n. d. OWEN, Prof. Rich d. The Power of God in His Animal Crea tion, 1863. PALEARIO AONIO. Treatise on "The Benefit of Christ s Death." Abridged, n. d. WOOD, Sir Wm. Page. Truth and its Counterfeits. A Lec ture, n. d. VOL. 64. BAILLIE, John. The Revival: or, What I saw in Ireland. 1859. Church Parties; an Essay. 1855. JEBB, J., D. D. Caractere de L Eglise D Angleterre. 1859. LANGSTON, Stephen. The Sacrifice of Praise. Account of Mrs. Cartwright. 1854. MARKS, Rich d. A Few Words on Popery, Puseyism, and the Present State of the Times. 1843. MELBOURNE, Bishop of. Letter on the State of the Church in the Diocese of Melbourne, Australia, 1855. Report of Speeches delivered at London, Nov. 26, 1857, to promote the Cause of Missions in India. WHITE, Jos. Blanco. Poor Man s Preservative against Popery. 1826. VOL. 65. CLUBBE, John. Letter to a Young Clergyman; also, also a Sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy at Ipswich in 1751. n. d. CREWE, C. H. The System behind the Age, etc. 1846. DIBDIN, R. W. Reasons for wishing to join with the Evan gelical Alliance. 1846. GLADSTONE, J. E. Tractarianism of Protestant Sisterhoods. 1852. GRESLEY, Rev. Wm. Short Treatise on the English Church. 1848. 652 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 65. MARTIN, Sam l. The Anti-Socialist warned of God. A Lecture. 1852. Report of the Proceedings at Exeter Hall, London, June 1, 1843, for the Promotion of Christian Union. WATERWORTH, Wm. The Jesuits; an Examination of the Origin, Doctrine, etc., of. 1852. VOL. 66. GODFREY, N. S. Table-Moving tested, and proved to be the result of Satanic Agency, n. d. GRAY, Rob t, D. D. Dialogue between a Churchman and a Methodist. 1831. Madeley Eng. Branch Bible Soc y. Report, 1817. On the Litany of the Church of England. - PALMER, Sam l. Protestant Dissenter s Catechism. 1823. SECKER, Archb p. Brief Confutation of the Errors of the Church of Rome. SWEPENBORG, Emanuel. Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, respecting the Sacred Scripture. 1848. The Chief End of Life: a New Year s Address to Young Men for 1850. WRIGHT, R. Essay on the Nature and Discipline of a Chris tian Church, 1808. YATES, Thos. The Hospital Founded and Supplied by Free Grace, etc. n. d, VOL. 67. CLAYTON, Chas. Address to the Young and others, on the Subject of Worldly Amusement, 1850. Examination Questions on Paley s Evidences of Christianity, 1825. KEBLE, John. Church Matters in 1850. No. 2. NEWLAND, Henry. Whom has the Pope Aggrieved? 1850. New Zealand, Bishop of. Journal of his Visitation Tour through his Diocese, in 1848. SEYMOUR, Rev. M. H.. The Nature of Romanism, as exhib ited in the Missions of the Jesuits, etc., 1849. SMITH, Eliza. Progress of Beguilement to Romanism, n. d. Two Protestant Lectures, 1850 VOL. 68. Christian s Duty from the Sacred Scriptures, 1841. MICHELET, J. Priests, Women and Families, 1846. Vol. 69. BICKERSTETH, Rev. E. Preparedness for the Day of Christ, 1833. BUTLER, Bishop. Upon the Government of the Tongue, 1857. CATHOLIC Directory and Annual Register for 1843. COOK, W. Familiar Conversation between a Minister of the Church of England and a Jew, 1835. MALAN, Caesar, D. D. Traits of Romanism in Switzerland, 1846. MEYRICK, Rev. Jas. L Eglise Anglicane n est point Schis- matique, 1855. Vol. 70. BEVERIDGE, Bishop. Sinfulness and Mischief of Worldly Anxiety, 1858. BICKERSTETH, Rev. E. Appeal to the Gentile Churches in behalf of the Jews, 1839. BRADY, N. New Version of the Psalms of David, 1822. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 653 VOL. 70. CHARLESWORTH, Rev. Beedam. Address before the York shire Clerical Meeting, Oct. 4, 1859. CHUKCH of England Tract Soc y. Report, 1829. KINGSLAND Congregational Church. Religious and Benevolent Institutions in connexion with, 1853. MAGDALEN Hospital, London. Instruction given to the In mates, on their Admittance, n. d. PALMER, Joseph. Ways of God with Man. Essays and Crit icisms on Polemical and Vital Truths. 1860. PARKER, Wm. Interpretation of the Prophecy relating to the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse. 1852. VOL. 71 . BINNEY, T. Hints Illustrative of the Duty of Dissent. 1831. BUCHANAN, Jas. On the " Tracts for the Times." 1843. Remarks on the Celibacy of the R. Catholic Clergy. Part I. 1839. Reply to the Bishops in Convocation, and in the House of Lords, on the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer. 1858. TUCKFIELD, Mrs. H. Letter to a Clergyman on the Religious Education of the Lower Orders. 1840. VOL. 72. BAILEY, H. I. The Three Creeds. 1842. CAWOOD, John. The Church of England and Dissent. 1831. Devotions of Bishop Andrews. 1832. PYM, Wm. W. Inquiry concerning Spiritual Gifts. 1832. Signs of the Times Social, Political and Religious. 1848. VOL. 73. CARNE, Rob t H. Examination of Paedobaptism, for the satisfaction of Paedobaptists. 1830. COLQUHOTJN, J. C. History of French Protestantism. A Lec ture. 1850. HORNE, Thos. H. Protestant Memorial for the Commemora tion of the 3d Centenary of the Reformation. 1835. Romanism contradictory to the Bible. 1827. Letter to Rev. Sydney Smith, by a Country Clergyman. 1838. McKAEG, Rev. John. Apology for the Baptist Church at Bingley. 1828. The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, explained and interpreted. 1829. THISTLETHWAITE, W. Four Addresses on Confirmation, given in 1835. VOL. 74. Church of England Tract Society. Report, 1831. COTTERILL, Bishop H. Journal of a Visitation of the Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, in 1857. DARBY, John Nelson. On Ministry; its Nature, Source, Power and Responsibility. 1843. DODDRIDGE, P., D. D. Lectures on Preaching and the several branches of the Ministerial Office. 1807. HEBERT, Chas. The Atonement by Propitiation. 1860. Index to the Holy Bible. 1853. VOL. 75. ALLEN, John. The Gospel Standard. 1813, BASNETT, J. A Mite Cast into the Treasury, etc. n. d. BIBER, G. E. Veracity and Authority of the Pentateuch. 1863. 654 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 75. GUMMING, J. Moses right and Bishop Colenso wrong. n. d. ELLIOTT, Dr. Speech on the late Appointment of R. Catholic Bishops. 1850. FELLOWS, John. St. Paul s Defense of the Gospel, n. d. FLAVEL, John. Navigation Spiritualized, etc. 1808. HOABE,E. The Time of the End. 1846. LESLIE, Chas. The Truth of Christianity Demonstrated. 1820. LUTHER S Hymn. n. d. McKAEG, John. Apology for the Baptist Ch. at Bingley. 1828. OXFORD Diocesan Comm. for the Propagation of Gospel, etc. 14th Report. 1837. SHAW, C. J. Spurgeonism Examined. 1859. THE School of the Prophets; a Review of Elliot, etc- n. d. TREGELLES, S. P. Christ the End of the Law for Righteous ness, etc. 1863. VOL. 76. AVELING, Thos. Christ and Christianity; a Lecture to the Working Classes. 1851. BROWN, C. J. The Church of Rome brought to the Test of the Epistle to the Romans. 1863. GUMMING, J. The Pope the Man of Sin. 1851. LETTER to the Rev. John Burnet, in reply to his Lectures on the " Errors of the Religious World." n. d. MICHAELIS, J. D. Discourses on the Hebrew Months and the Sabbatical Year, 1773. NEALE, J. M. The Liturgy of St. Basil and St. Mark, 1858. PRIESTLY, Dr. Jos. Free Address to Protestant Dissenters, 1771. REID, Andrew. The Case of the Dissenters, 1834. VOL. 77. BARRINGTON, L. Sermon at Watton, 1859, on Death of Abel Smith. CARTER, Wm. Results of Theatre Preaching, 1863. GUION, J. M. Treatise on Sanctification, 1810. PALMER, Jos. Two Tracts on Mixed Communion, n. d. TOMLINS, R. Four Advent Sermons, n. d. VOL. 78. BANCROFT, Rich d. Dangerous Positions and Proceed ings published and practiced in Britaine, etc., 1640. BELON, Peter. The King-Killing Doctrine of the Jesuits, 1679. Defense of the Humble Remonstrance against Smectymnus. 1841. FEAKE, C. A Beam of Light Shining in Darkness, etc. 1659. HARRIS, Walter. Farewell to Popery. 1679. Prerogatives of St. Ann, by the Maids of St. Joseph. 1643. PRIDEAUX, John. Synopsis of Councils. 1681. Regulated Zeal. An Earnest Request to Christians, etc. 1641. VOL. 79. Acts of Athanasius. With Notes on his Creed, etc. 1690. BURNET, B p G. Pastoral Letter concerning the Oath of Su premacy, etc. 1689. CHILLINGWORTH, Wm. His Judgment of the Religion of Protestants. 1689. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 655 VOL 79. ERASTUS, T. Treatise of Excommunication. 1689. . Form of Prayer to be used June 5, 1689, for the success of the War against France. History of Passive Obedience since the Reformation, n. d. History of Self Defence in Requital to the History of Passive Obedience. 1689. HORNECK, A. Recantation of Edw. Sclater. 1689. Letter from a Gent, in the City to a Gent, in the Country, on Persecution. 1687. Reasons of the New Convert s taking the Oaths to the Present Gov t. 1691. SHIELDS, Alex. History of Scotch Presbytery. 1692. VOL. 80. ABUDACNUS, J. History of the Cophts, or Jacobites. 1693. Account of the Growth of Deism in England. 1696. Case of the Admission of Occasional Conformists to the Com munion of the Ch. of Eng. 1705. Letter to a Friend, with Remarks upon two Pamphlets in De fence of Tritheism. 1700. Letter to Dr. South on a late Book on Dr. Sherlock s Vindica* tion of the Trinity. The Master of the Temple as bad a Lawyer as the Dean of Pauls is a Divine. 1696. Reflections on the late Examination of the Oxford Decree* n. d. Reflections upon Dr. Sherlock s Animadverter. 1695. SYNGE, E. Sermon at the Castle Chapel, Dublin, 1704. Tenison, Archbishop. Letter to the Archdeacons and Clergy of the Diocese of St. David. 1703. WRIGHT, John. Short View of Mr. Whiston s Chronology. 1704. VOL. 81. BISSETT, Wm. The Modern Fanatick. With an Account of Dr. Sacheverell. 1710. Defence of Dr. Sacheverell and Passive Obedience. 1710. LE CLERC, M. Rights of the Christian Church asserted, etc. 1708. Letter concerning Enthusiasm. 1708. Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free-Thinking. 1713- 16. Speeches of the Bishops of Lincoln and Norwich; on the Im peachment of Dr. Sacheverell, 1710. VOL. 82. Christianity not Founded on Argument, etc., 1741. Dissuasive from Entering into Holy Orders, 1732. FLEURY, A. H. de. Memoirs of his Life and Administration, 1743. HALLET, Jos. On the Subordination of the Son of God to the Father, 1719. Letter to a Bishop concerning some Important Discoveries in Philosophy and Theology, 1732. Memorial to Protestants on the Gunpowder Treason, 1713. Narrative of the Tragedy lately acted at Thorn, in Polish Prussia, at the Instigation of the Jesuits, 1724. On the Codex Juris Ecclesiastica Anglicani, etc., 1735. 656 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 82. PEIRCE, Jas. Case of the Ministers Ejected at Exon, 1719. Protestant Memorial for the 17th of Nov., being the Inaugu ration Day of Q. Elizabeth, 1713. SEAGRAVE, Rob t. Remarks on the Bishop of London s Pastoral Letter, 1739. TRAPP, Dr. Vindicated from the Imputation of being Christian, 1739. Vol. 83. BATE, Julius. The Use and Intent of Prophecy, 1750. CONSIDERATIONS. on Union of Protestants, 1748. DEFENCE of Dr. Foster s Sermon on Catholic Communion, 1752. KILLINGWORTH, G. Examination of Rev. Jas. Foster s Ser mon on Catholic Communion, 1750. PLAIN Account on Sacred Ordinance of Baptism, 1749. WEBB, John. Appeal to Methodists and Quakers, 1753. WHITEFIELD, Geo. On the Enthusiasm of Methodists and Baptists, 1749. Vol. 84. DEMONSTRATION of the Horrid Nature of Sin, 1755. GIBBONS, John. The Mourning Saint among the Willows, etc., w 1772. MARTIN, J. The Watch Spiritualized. 1763. PATKUL, J. R. Relation of what passed betwixt him and his Confessor, before his Execution. 1761. Reflections on the Immorality of the Present Age. 1756. Remarks upon the Life of Rev. John Tillotson, by Thomas Birch, D. D. 1754. The Church of England Vindicated from the Charge of Ar- minianism. 1769. TUCKER, Josiah. Letter to Dr. Kippis, on his Vindication of the Dissenting Ministers. 1773. VOL. 85. BENTLEY, Thos. Advice to the Friends of Truth and Freedom. 1794. COLE, Joseph. Memoirs of Hannah Ball. 1796. Defence of the Prisoners in York Castle, for not paying Tithes 1797. Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Knowles. 1799. Doctrine of the Trinity stated, etc. 1776. How, Sam l. Sufficiency of the Spirit s Teaching, etc., 1792. Kent and Sussex Baptist Assoc. Circular Letters, 1780, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95. Life (The) of Faith recommended, etc., 1789. MAY, Edw. Extract from a work by Peter Jurien, on Proph ecy, 1719. Plain Facts, on the present State of the Inferior Clergy, 1796. WAKEFIELD, G. Reply to a Letter from David Andrews, on the Spirit of Christianity, 1794. Short Address to the Protesant Clergy, 1792. VOL. 86. BUTLER, C. Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland, 1813. GORHAM, Geo. K. Essay on Public Worship, 1808. HANN, R. The Prophecies of Joanna Southcott, 1809. Infant Salvation; an Essay to prove the Same. 1803. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 657 VOL. 86. JAMES, Isaac. Essay on the Sign of the Prophet Jonah. 1802. Letter to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1805. PEARCE, S. Correspondence with Missionaries in India, 1794, 1798. PEARSON, E. Remarks on Justification by Faith. 1802. SIBBS, R. The Saint s Assurance, etc. 1809. THORP, Wm. Catholic Emancipation. An Enquiry, etc. 1813. WATSON, Thos. Evangelical Principles exemplified. 1812. VOL. 87. ADAMS, Thos. The Missionary s Appeal. 1824. Address to Members of the Soc y for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1816. . ASHDOWNE, J. Churchwarden s Guide. 1824. BENNETT, Solomon. Discourse on Sacrifices. , 1815. CUNNINGHAM, J. W. Suggestions on the subject of Regene ration. 1816. FORM of Prayer and Thanksgiving on the death of Queen Caroline. 1820. Pius VII. Bull against Bible Societies. 1816. REMARKS on the Circulation of the Apocrapha, etc. 1825. ROSE, G. H. Letter on Converting the Slaves in the West Indies, etc. 1823. SIMEON, Chas. The Accuracy of his " True Test of Religion in the Soul " questioned. 1817. VOL. 88. BULTEEL, H. B. Reply to Dr. Burton s Remarks upon a Sermon, etc. 1831. CAUSES of the Want of Success in the Ministry of the Ch. of England. 1828. CONTINENTAL Soc y for Diffusion of Religious Knowledge. Proceedings and 10th Report. 1827-8. COOPER, E. Letter to the Editor of the British Review. 1825. FENWICK, John. Speech at a Meeting of Dissenters of New castle upon Tyne. 1825. JAMES, J. A. Dissent, and the Church of Eng. 1830. Observations on certain Points of Doctrine, etc. 1830. PAUL, R. B. Letter to Wm. Vivian. 1835. Spirit, The, of Sectarianism. 1833. VOL. 89. Answers to the Questions lately considered at a meeting held at Plymouth, 1834. BARRETT, J. C. Pastoral Letter to the Congregation of St. Mary s, Birmingham. 1839. BIRD, C. S. Transubstantiation tried by Scripture and Rea son. 1839. KEITH, Alex. Evidence of the Christian Religion derived from the Fulfilment of Prophecy. 1838. Pastoral Epistle from the Pope to Members of the University of Oxford. 1836. Prest. Ch. Scotland. Proceedings of the Gen. Assembly s Non-Intrusion Committees, etc. n. d. 658 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 89. Society for Propaga. of Gospel in Foreign Parts. 1833. The 1 Foundation of the Faith assailed in Oxford. 1835. VEVERS, Wm. Defence of the Discipline of Methodism. 1835. VOL. 90. CALVIN, John. Advantages from an Inventory of Rel ics. 1844. CUBITT, Geo. Lecture against Socialism. 1840. EDWARDS, Henry. Colonization of Palestine. 1846. GARWOOD, J. & GILES, J. E. Lectures against Socialism. 1840. HABERSHON, Matt. Signs of the Lord s Speedy Return. 1846. HAMPDEN, R. D. Lecture before the University of Oxford, June 1, 1842. HOARE, E. H. Reply to the B p of Salisbury, concerning the Bible Soc y, 1842. HOUGHTON, Wm. Some of Bishop Colenso s Objections ex amined, n. d. HUGHES, H. Lecture against Socialism, 1840. Model Trust Deed for all Chapels in the Wesleyan Connexion, 1847. Protestanism or Romanism; to which shall we belong? 1848.- TAYLOR, Isaac. Man Responsible, etc. Lecture at London, 1840. VEVERS, Wm. Wesleyan Methodism vindicated, etc., 1847. WILLATS, Thos. Divine Truth defended, etc., 1848. VOL. 91. BOAZ, T. The Youth of India speaking for themselves, 1848. BROCK, Wm. Tractarianism Schismatical and Dishonest. 1850, CARTER, T. T. Rome Catholic and Rome Papal. 1850. Church Extension in the Diocese of London. 1853. Form of Prayer for the Restoration of Peace. 1854. WAVERLY, T. A. Letter to Rev. H. Wellesly, on his late Ser mon. 1850. MILLER, J. C. The Silence of Scripture. A Lecture. 1857-8. OWEN, John. Sermon before the House of Commons, Apr. 19, 1649. Reprinted, 1854. PEILE, T. W. The Epistle to the Romans, translated anew. 1858. POTTS, Robt. Thirty Plain but Sound Reasons, why Protest ants differs from Popery. 1851. SHERLOCK, Wm. Discourse concerning a Judge of Contro- troversies in Matters of Religion. 1851. Turkish Missions Aid Soc y. 1st Ann. Report, 1855. WILLATS, Thos. Monitory Address to the Bishops, etc., 1848. VOL. 92. BANKS, J. W. Letter to the Editors of the Gospel Herald, etc., 1860. BEEMAN, T. O. Ritualism: Doctrine not Dress, etc., 1868. BEKE, C. T. A Few Words with Bishop Colenso, 1863. COLQUHOUN, J. C. The Progress of the Church of Rome to wards Ascendency in Englaud, 1868. EDWARDES, H. B. Mission to the Derajat, 1861. GUILDFORD Church Missionary Assoc. 47th Ann. Report. 1869. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 659 VOL. 92. HERBERT, S. A. Convocation: its present Constitution and Requirements, 1869. HAMPDEN, J. The Churchman s Dilemma, etc., 1864. LONDON Open Air Mission. 13th Ann. Report, 1866. LONDON Sunday Rest Assoc. Report on the Extent and Evils of Sunday Trading, 1869. MARRIAGE with a Deceased Wife s Sister. 2 Pamphlets, 1864, 1871. OXFORD Diocesan Ch. Building Soc y. Report for 1861. PREST, Edw. Speech on the Admission of the Laity into Convocation, 1869. SOCIETY for Promoting the Observance of the Lord s Day, 1868. Vol. 93. ANSWER to Dr. Ibbot s Sermon of Sept. 29, 1720. BOOK of Common Prayer. Examination of Exuberances in. n. d. DECLARATION against Debauchery, tendered to the Prince of Orange, n. d. DOCTRINE of the Synod of Dort and Aries, reduced to prac tise, n. d. DUBLIN, Soc y for Promoting Protestant Schools. Proceedings. 1733-1737. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving for Apr. 25, 1723. Letter to the Clergy on the Commitment of the Bishop of Rochester to the Tower. 1722. Principles concerning the Thousand Years Kingdom of Christ. n. d. Protestants (The) Doom in Popish Times, n. d. R. Catholic Principles in reference to God and the King. n. d. Smith s Grounds of Religion, n. d. VOL. 94. Address of the Dissenting Ministers of London, to the King and Queen. 1689. Authority (The) of Councils, and the Rule of Faith. 1687. Caveat against Flattery, etc. 1689. COMPTON, B p Henry. Account of Ecclesiastical Proceedings against. 1688. Defence of the Confuter of Bellarmin s Second Note of the Church, etc. 1687. GROTIUS, H. Two Tracts on the Eucharist. 1683. Reflections on the Relation of the English Reformation, lately printed at Oxford. 1698. SHERLOCK, W. Discourse concerning a Judge of Contro versies in Matters of Religion. 1686. Short Defense of the Orders of the Church of England. 1688. Vindication of the Brief Discourse concerning the Notes of the Church. 1687. VOL. 95. FLEMING, R. Rise and Fall of Papacy. 1793. LOE, Thos. The Power of Faith, n. d. LOOKUP, John. Berashith; or Genesis, n. d. Services to be used .at the Funeral of the Duke of Welling ton. 1852. VOL. 96. Critical Examina. of Dr. Sykes Notes on Hebrews, 1756. 660 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 96. Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving, on the Close of the War, 1814. HAMPTON, Mr. On the Residence of the Clergy, 1759. STURGES, John. Principles and Institutions of Popery, 1799. VOL. 97. KNOWLES, J. Manchester Protestant Prize Essay, 1850. MACMAHON, T. O. Essay on the Depravity of Human Na ture, 1774. TOWGOOD, M. Grounds of Faith in Christ stated, 1784. SERMONS, AMERICAN, ETC. VOL. 1. BARTOL, C. A. Sermon at Boston, Nov., 1852. BECKWITH, G. C. Eulogy on William Ladd. 1841. BRAZER, J. Address at Salem, Mass. 1835. CHAINING, "W. E. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. J. Sparks. 1824. Sermon on Duties of Children, 1807. CLAKKE, J. F. Sermon on Polemics. 1854. COZZENS, S. W. Sermon on Death of Hon. Wm. Reed. 1837. ECKLEY, J. Thanksgiving Discourse. Nov., 1798. FLINT, J. Sermons at Salem, Mass. 1844-6. FOSDICK, D. Sermon on Scriptural Temperance, 1846. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Funeral Sermon on Rev. J. Kean. Boston, 1818. FULLER, A. B. Two Sermons at Boston, 1869. GANNETT, E. S. Address on the Death of Rev. W. E. Chan- ning. - Funeral Sermon on Hon. Chas. Paine, 1853. HARRIS, T. M. Discourse before Boston Female Asylum, Sept., 1813. HUDSON, C. Sermon Death in Adam, etc., n. d. KING, T. S. The Railroad Jubilee; Discourses delivered at Boston, 1851. LATHROP, J. Discourse at Boston, Mar., 1797. LOVELAND, S. C. Sermon on Hope and Fear. n. d. MAYIIEW, J. Discourse on Non-resistance, Boston, 1849-50. PARKER, Theo. Sermon on the " Anthony Burns " Case. 1854. PORTER, E. Ordination Sermon of Rev. C. Lowell. Boston, 1806. RUSSELL, P. R. Spirits in Prison; a Sermon, n. d. WEST, S. Thanksgiving Sermon, Feb., 1795. YOUNG, A. Funeral Discourse on Hon. William Prescott, 1844. VOL. 2. BULKLEY, E. A. Sermon at Groton, Mass., Apr., 1861. CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. Discourse preached at Canton, Feb., 1860. Doctrines of Original Sin and the Trinity, discussed between an Episcopal Clergyman and a Layman, 1859. ELLIS, R. Sermon preached at Boston, April 22, 1855. GANNETT, E. S. Sermon on Death of Hon. Nathan Appletori, 1861. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 661 VOL. 2. GRAY, F. T. Sermon on Death of Amos Lawrence, 1853. HALL, Nathaniel. Two Sermons (on the Execution of John Brown), at Dorchester, 1859. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Address before Mass. Sunday School Teachers-, 1860. Address before Young Men s Christian Union, 1852. KING, T. S. Sermon on Death of Daniel Weld. 1852. Two Discourses on Trinitarianism. 1860. LAMSON, A. Ordination Sermon of Rev. Chas. C. Sewall. 1827. LOTHROP, S. K. Address before Amer. Unitarian Assoc. 1854. Discourse on Civil Liberty. 1838. Sermon on Death of Wm. Lawrence. 1848. Sermon on the Death of Amos Lawrence. 1853. PARK, E. A. Discourse at Funeral of Prof. Moses Stuart. 1852. PARKER, Theo. Installation Discourse at Boston, Jan., 1846. . PIERPONT, J. Discourse before Artillery Co of Mass. 1828. SANDERS, D. C. Sermon before Artillery Co. of Mass. 1817. THATCHER, Peter. Sermon before Artillery Co. of Mass. 1793. VINTON, A. H. Discourse before Artillery Co. of Mass. 1845. WHITMAN, B. Discourse before Artillery Co. of Mass. 1829. VOL. 3. BARTOL, Geo. M. Discourse on the Death of Mrs. Sarah Thayer. 1857. CHANNING, W. E. Address on Emancipation in the British West Indies. 1841. CHAPMAN, G. F. Obituary Sermon on John Chandler Williams. 1831. COOKE, P. Discourse at Andover, Mass., July 4, 1839. Sermon on Installation of Rev. Willard Child. 1845. GUMMING, H. Thanksgiving Sermon at Billerica. 1798. DEWEY, O. Fast Day Sermon at Boston. 1859. ELLIS, Geo. E. Discourse on Washington, Feb. 22, 1857, at Charlestown, Mass. FLINT, James. Obituary Sermon on the Death of Rev. John Bartlett. 1849. FULLER, S. Memorial to Peter S. Byers, at Andover, March, 1856. HAGUE, W. Discourse on the Life and Character of Adoni- ram Judson. 1851. HEPWORTH, G. H. Discourse on the Death of Theo. Parker. 1860. KIRK, E. N. Ordination Sermon, 1839, of Rev. Samuel Wol- cott. MORSE, J. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 29, 1798. PARKER, Theo. Letter to Francis Jackson, on the "John Brown Exped." 1860. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 2, 1859. 662 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 3. PEABODY, A. P. Sunday School Address at Portsmouth, N. H. 1851. PERKINS, J. Obituary Sermon on Rev. William Redfield Stocking. 1854. SPRING, Samuel. Discourse on the Death of Gen. "Washing ton. STONE, Edwin M. Sermon at Beverly on the Dedication of the Second Church, 1838. THURSTON, R. B. Sermon at Waltham, June, 1859. WARE, H. Ordination Sermon of John Pierpont, 1819. WILLSON, E. B. Consecration of Riverside Cemetery, Graf- ton, Mass., 1851. Sermon preached at Grafton, Mass., with Historical Noti ces of Congregational Church. 1847. WISNER, B. B. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Miriam Philips, May, 1823. VOL. 4. ALLEN, T. Election Sermon, 1808. ALLYN, John. Election Sermon, 1805. BALDWIN, Thos. Election Sermon 1802. BRAHAM, M. P. Election Sermon, 1845. FLINT, J. Election Sermon, 1815. GANNETT, E. S. Election Sermon. 1842. HITCHCOCK, E. Election Sermon. 1850. KENDALL, S. Election Sermon. 1804. LOTHROP, S. K. Election Sermon. 1855. MOORE, Z. F. Election Sermon. 1818. NEALE, R. H. Election Sermon. 1852. PARK, E. A. Election Sermon. 1851. PEABODY, W. B. O. Election Sermon. 1833. PHELPS, A. Election Sermon. 1861. PIERCE, John. Election Sermon. 1849. PUFFER, R. Election Sermon. 1803. RAYMOND, M. Election Sermon. 1854. SEELEY, R. Election Sermon. 1856. SHEPARD, S. Election Sermon. 1806. SNELL, Thos. Election Sermon. 1817. THATCHER, T. Election Sermon. 1811. WARE, H. Election Sermon. 1821. WOLCOTT, S. Election Sermon. 1853. VOL. 4A. DEAN, Paul. Election Sermon. 1832. GRINNELL, C. E. Election Sermon. 1871. HOPKINS, Mark. Election Sermon. 1839. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Election Sermon. 1858. JACKSON, S. C. Election Sermon. 1843. JENKS, Wm. Election Sermon. 1820. KIRKLAND, J. T. Election Sermon. 1816. PEABODY, A. P. Election Sermon. 1872. STORRS, R. S. Election Sermon. 1838. WALKER, Jas. Election Sermon. 1863. WARREN, H. W. Election Sermon. 1867. WITHINGTON, Leonard. Election Sermon. 1831. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 663 VOL. 5. BARNARD, T. Sermon at Salem, Mass., 1803. BARTOL, C. A. Discourse at Cambridge, Mass., 1857. BOLLES, L. Discourse at Salem, Mass., 1810. BRAZER, J. Discourses on the Hon. Leverett Saltonstall. 1845. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Edward A. Holy- oke. 1829. EMERSON, B. Discourse at Salem, Mass. 1811. FLINT, J. Discourse on the Death of Rev. John Brazer, D. D. 1846. Discourses at Salem. 1845-6. Sermon on the Deaths of President Taylor and Hon. N. Silsbee. 1850. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Discourse at Salem, Mass., 1854. LAMSON, A. Discourse on Congregationalism. 1846. LANG WORTHY, Isaac P. Sermon on Mass. Liquor Law. 1852. LOTHROP, S. K. Sermon on the Death of Hon. D. Webster. 1852. MILES, Henry A. Sermon on the Death of Hon. Luther Law rence. 1839. Observations on Dr. Gannett s Sermon on Slavery. 1854. POPE, A. R. Address at Cambridgeport, Mass. 1851. PRINCE, J. Sermon at Salem, Mass. 1806. PUTNAM, Geo. Sermon. 1847. SANFORD, M. Sermon at North Adams, Mass. 1855. Solemne League and Covenant for Reformation and Defense of Religion. 1643-1852. SPALDING, I. Sermon at Salem, Mass. 1808. STEARNS, W. A. Sermon on Military Institutions. 1852. THOMPSON, J. W. Sermon at Salem, Mass. June, 1832. WITHINGTON, L. Sermon on Installation of Rev. W. Wil liams, 1832, at Salem. WORCESTER, S. Sermon at Salem. 1818. VOL. 6. APPLETON, F. P. Sermon on the Character of Dr. An drew Nichols, 1853. CHAMBERLAIN, N. H. Sermon at Canton, Mass., 1857. COOLIDGE, J. T. Discourse at Boston, May 3, 1848. Discourse by the Pastor of the Westminster Congregational Church. 1854. EVANS, F. W. Treatise on the 2d Appearance of Christ. 1853. FULLER, A. B. Discourse on Unitarianism. 1848. HALL, N. Address on the Death of Rev. Thaddeus M. Har ris, D. D. 1842. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Sermon at Installation of Rev. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1856. KING, T. S. Installation Sermon on Rev. C. D. Bradlee, 1854. LAMSON, A. Discourse at Dedham, Mass., 1847, on Death of E. Fisher. Discourse on the Memory of John Robinson, 1851. Sermon at Dedham, Mass., 1853. Sermon on the Death of Rev. John White, 1852. 664 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 6. LOCKE, C. S. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. O. M. Guild, 1858. NEWELL, W. Fast-day Sermon at Cambridge, 1842. OSGOOD, D. Discourse at Cambridge, Mass., 1810. Thanksgiving Sermon, at Medford, Mass., 1794. POPE, A. R. Sermon preached at Somerville, Mass., 1857. PUTNAM, Geo. Address on the Death of Hon. H. A. S. Dear* born, 1851. Sermon at Roxbury, Mass., 1836. STONE, R. C. Sermon at Sherburne, Mass., on Hereditary Depravity, 1847. SWETT, W. G. Five Sermons at Lynn, Mass., 1843. WILLSON, E. B. Sermon on the Return of Anthony Burns 1854. WORCESTER, S. M. Sermon at Plymouth, Mass., 1848. VOL. 7. BENTLEY, W. Sermon at Salem, Mass., Sept. 2, 1807. BRAZER, J. Sermon on Anniversary of Ordination. 1837. CHANNING, W. E. Sermon on Sunday Schools. 1838. Correspondence in relation to 3d Ch. of Salem, Mass. 1847. D UNBAR, E. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Wm. Richey. 1807. ELLIS, G. E. On Repentance. 1838. HALL, N. Religious Forms and Observances. 1842. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Unitarian Tract. 1847. MASON, C. Discourse on the Death of Bishop A. V. Gris- wold. 1843. MOTTE, M. I. On Support in Death. OSGOOD, S. David and the Psalms. 1849. PEABODY, A. P. Sermon at Installation of Rev. Chas. Lowe* 1855. PORTER, E. S. Sermon on the Death of Adeline Rider of Chatham, N. Y. ^ 1846. PRINCE, John. Discourse before Salem Bible Society, 1816. PUTNAM, Geo. True Grounds of Christian Unity. 1833. SESSIONS, A. J. Sermon at Salem. 1840. STONE, T. T. Sermon at Salem. 1846. STUART, M. Sermon at Salem, Aug., 1815. WARE, H. Letter addressed to Trinitarians. 1820. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Samuel Webber. 1810. VOL. 8. BEECHER, C. The Bible, a sufficient Creed. Two Dis courses. 1854. BRAZER, John. Sermon at Cambridge. 1835. BURGESS, G. Pages from Ecclesiastical History. 1740 1840. 1847. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Discourse at Installation of Rev. J. K. Karcher, Phila., 1859. KIPPIS, A. Sermon on the Lord s Supper. PARSONS, T. Truth Espoused, relative to difficulties existing between the Town of Manchester, Mass., and Rev. James Thurston. 1823. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 665 VOL. 8. Seventh Vial; or Comments on Various Scriptures. 1849. WALKER, J. Discourse at the Installation of Rev. Chas. Rob inson. 1826. WEBSTER, N. Peculiar Doctrines of the Gospel. Portland. 1811. WILLIS, M. W. Sermon at Installation of Rev. S. Clark, Wil ton, N. H., 1857. Vol. 9. AMER. Unitarian Assoc. Annual Report, 1853. CLOUGH, S. Account of the Christian Demonstration in the U. S., 1827. ELLIS, R. Memoir of Hon. S. Howe. ~ FARLEY, F. A. The Father the only proper object of Christian Worship. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Discourse at Boston, 1854. NORTON, A. Discourse at Cambridge before University, 1819. NOTES, G. R. Remarks on the Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Canticles. OBJECTIONS to Unitarian Christianity considered. PEABODY, E. On Religious Culture of the Young, n. d. STUART, Moses. Letters to Rev. W. E. Channing on Uni- tarianism, 1819. WOODS, L. Letters to Unitarians. 1820. VOL. 10. BARNARD, D. D. Discourse on Life of Gen. StepBfen Van Rensselaer. 1839. BECKER, A. Address on the Death of Capt. Leslie Chase. 1852. BUCKMINSTER, J. S. Sermon on the Death of James Bowdoin. 1811. HALL, J. Obituary Sermon on Mrs. S. L. Armstrong. 1851. HUNTINGTON, E. A. Funeral Discourse on David P. Page. 1848. KELLY, R. Address on the Death of Edward C. Ross. 1851. KENNEDY, D. Sermon at Albany, 1849, on Death of Rev. W. J. Pohlman. MASON, C. Eulogy on John Leckie. 1841. NILES, H. E. Discourse on the Death of Rev. S. N. STEELE. 1854. NOTT, E. Discourse on the Death of Gen. Alex. Hamilton. 1804. PALMER, R. Address at the Funeral of Dan l Campbell. 1851. PEASE, A. G. Sermon on Death of Harry S. Richards. 8vo. POTTER, H. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Hon. A. Spen cer. 1848. RAWLINGS, A. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. 1852. ROSSEEL, J. A. Funeral Discourse on Allison R. Bowen, at Evans Mills, N. Y., 1852. SHARTS, J. Eulogy on Capt. A. Van Olinda. 1847. SMITH, C. A. Sermon on the Death of Zachary Taylor. 1850. SPRAGUE, W. B. Address at Funeral of Mrs. Jane Wyckoff. 1847. STREET, O. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Cornelia S. Lan- singh. 1850. 666 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 10. TATOK, H. H. Eulogy on Hon. Henry Clay. 1852. VAN VORST, H. C. Obituary* Discourse on Death of Henry White. 1846. . VERMILYE, T. E. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Mrs. C. Van Rensselaer. 1844. . Funeral Discourse on Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer. 1839. WHITCOMB, W. C. Obituary Discourse on G. W. Jaquith. 1850. WYCKOFF, I. N. Sermon on Death of Rev. J. Ludlow, D. D, 1857. VOL. 11. BACKUS, J. S. Discourse on Secret Societies, with a Reply by Rev. H. B. Kenyon. 1850. BOGART, D. S. Discourse at Hempstead, L. I., Apr., 1814. BURGESS, Geo. Sermon at Consecration of Rev. W. I. Kip, Bishop of California. 1853. CHANNING, W. E. Discourse at New York. 1826. 8vo. Dox, H. L. Discourse at Gardnersville, N. Y., 1849. DROWNE, T. S. Sermon at Brooklyn, 1853. - FURNESS, W. H ; Sermon at New York, Feb. 11, 1849. HALL, B. M. Sermon on the Fugitive Slave Law, 1850. HITCHCOCK, E. Discourse at Albany, Aug. 24, 1856. HUNTINGTON, E. A. Sermon at Albany, Oct. 12, 1852. LAWYER, J. D. Sermon at German Flats, 1845. Lecture on the Resurrection of the Body, 1852. PALMER, R. Sermon at Albany, Dec., 1850. Sermon at New York, May 7, 1848. Two Discourses at Albany, 1856. POTTER, H. Sermon at Albany, Nov. 23, 1844. SPRAGUE, W. B. Discourse on Rev. Thos. Chalmers. 1847. STEELE, J. B. Ordination Sermon of Rev. R. H. Steele. 1848. YALE, E. Sermon at Kingsboro N. Y. 1852. WYCKOFF. I. N. Sermon at Albany, July 4, 1852. VOL. 12. BACON, L. Discourse before Amer. Home Missionary Society. 1852. BEECHER, L. Sermon preeched at Litchneld, Conn. 1819. BURNETT, M. Sermon preeched at Hartford, Conn. 1803. CHILD, W. Sermon at Montpelier. 1856. CHURCH, J. H. Sermon at Concord, N. H. 1813. COLMAN, H. Sermon at South Orange, Mass., 1834. DAY, Geo. E. Discourse at Marlbourgh, 1842. DEXTER, H. M. Discourse at Manchester, N. H., Dec. 22, 1847. DWIGHT, S. E. Sermon at Boston, 1820. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. W. Burton, 1828. HITCHCOCK, E. Discourse on Gen. Geo. Washington, 1800. MORSE, J. Sermon at Boston, 1810. POTTER, E. Sermon preached at Boston, May 31, 1810. RIDDLE, D. H. Sermon at Pittsburg, Penn., 1850. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 667 VOL. 12. TAPPAN, D. Discourse on the Death of Rev. Enos Hitch- coch, D. D., 1803. TYLER, E. R. Sermon at Middletown, Conn. 1831. WATERBURY, J. B. Sermon at Portsmouth, N. H. 1830. WOOLSEY, T. D. Discourse at his Inauguration as Pres. of Yale College. 1846. VOL. 13. AYDELOTT, B. P. Address before Woodward College. 1844. BACKUS, C. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Jos. Russell. 1796. BUSHNELL, H. Discourse on Home Missions. 1847. CHEEVEE, G. B. Sermon before Foreign Evangelical Society. 1846. CLARK, R. W. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. John E. Emer son, at Newburyport. 1850. DWIGHT, T. Discourse at Ordination of Rev. Nathaniel W Taylor. ELY, A. Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Lucretia Colton. 1821. FOSTER, J. Sermon at Boston. 1817. HOOKER, E. W. Discourse at Andover. 1830. LYMAN, J. Sermon preached at Hatfield, Mass., 1813. MERRILL, D. Discourse at Concord, N. H., 1817. PORTER, E. Sermon at Andover, Mass., 1816. Sermon at Dedication of Andover Theolog. Seminary. 1818. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. A. Mitchell, 1815. PORTER, N. Sermon at Farmington, Conn., 1856. TAYLOR, L. Sermon at Springfield, Vt., 1851. TYLER, B. Sermon at Litchfield, Conn., 1813. VOL. 14. BACON, L. Discourse before Amer. Home Missionary Soc., 1852. BRADLEE, C. D. Sermon on the Death of Rev. R. Pike, 1863. CHAPIN, H. B. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. C. M. Brown, 1828. DANA, J. Sermon at Boston, 1801. FISK, E. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Martin- Moore, 1814. GREEN, John B. Obituary Address, etc., on Hon. Henry W. Cushman, 1864. HAMILTON, L. Sermon at Taunton, Mass. 1830. HEDGE, F. H. Sermon at Boston, 1863. Sermon at Providence, 1851. HOTCHKISS, F. W. Obituary Sermon on the Death of Uriah Hayden, 1801. LEARNED, E. Ordination Sermon of Rev. Samuel Backus, 1815. MITCHELL, J. Fast.Day Sermon at Northampton, 1837. PEABODY, E. Sermon at Installation of Rev. S. Osgood, 1841 Some Arguments on Wordly Mindedness. STEARNS, J. F. Address at Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport, 1842. STORRS, R. S. Sermon at Oswego, 1850. STUART, M. Discourses on the Atonement, 1828. 668 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 14. THOMPSON, J. P. Discourse on the late Dr. Dirck (X Lansing, 1857. WHITE, H. Obituary Discourse on John Nitchie, 1838. WILLIAMS, T. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Emerson Paine. 1816. VOL. 15. ATKINSON, T. Sermon at Consecration of Rev. H. C. Lay. BOWEN, N. Sermon at Philadelphia. 1826. BROWNELL, Bishop. A ddress at New London, 1850. - DE LANCEY, W. H. Sermon at Philadelphia. 1835. DOOR, Benj. Fast Day Sermon at Philadelphia. 1861. DROWNE, T. S. Sermon at Brooklyn. 1853. DUFFLE, C. R. Sermon at New York. 1826. HOWE, M. A. D. W. Discourse at Philadelphia. 1859. JARVIS, S. F. Sermon at Saybrook. 1846. LANGFORD, W. Sermon preached at London, 1774. LEWIS, W. H. Sermon on the Observance of the Sabbath. 1854. MARCUS, M. Address on Emigration, 1846. MILNOR, Jas. Sermon at New York, 1817. NEVILLE, E. Sermons preached at Newark, 1860. ONDERDONK, H. U. Sermon at Philadelphia, 1856. Pastoral Address to Young Women. SCHROEDER, J. F. Discourse on the Character of Rt. Rev. J. H. Hobart, 1830. SMITH, William. Discourse at Philadelphia, 1860, on the Conversion of the Heathen Americans. Sermon at Philadelphia. 1775. TURNER, S. H. Address before Alumni of Theolog. Seminary of the P. E. Church, New York. 1858. TYLER, John. Sermon at Pomfret, Conn. 1771. VOL. 16. BARNES, H. F. Sermon at Scarborough. 1852. BENNIE, A. Sermon before Scottish Missionary Society. 1833. EVANS, R. W. Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Westmoreland. 1856. FALLOON, W. H. Sermon on the Death of Rev. James H. Stewart. 1854. HUTTON, H. Sermon preached at London, 1854. JELF, R. W. Sermon preached, at London, May 8, 1845. MALTBY, E. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham. 1853. PARKS, W. Sermon on Dancing, 1847. RALEIGH, A. Sermon on the Death of John Angell James. 1859. REED, A. Sermon at Leeds, 1839. ROWDEN, G. C. Two Sermons at Mortlake, Eng. 1852. SMITH, George S, Sermon at Funeral of Jane, Countess of Enniskillen. 1855. STOUGHTON, J. Sermon on Death of William Astle. 1838. THIRL WALL, Connop. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of St. David s. 1851. TRELEINE, P. Discourse on Tithes. 1708. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 669 VOL. 16. TRENCH, R. C. Sermon at Oxford, 1857. VAUGHAN, C. J. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Henry Keary, 1852. WALL, C. W. Sermon at Dublin, 1845. VOL. 17. BACON, L. Sermon at Troy, N. Y., 1847. BOGART, D. S. Discourse at Hempstead, L. I., 1814. GUMMING, J. Sermon at Balmoral, Scotland, 1850. DAVIDSON, R. Discourse at New Brunswick, N. J., 1850. EDGAK, C. H. Three Sermons at Easton, Penn., 1862. EVANS, F. W. On the Second Coming of Christ, 1853. FULLER, R. Sermon at Richmond, 1846. GREW, H. On the Intermediate State, 1852. GUNN, Alex. Sermon at New York, Jan. 26, 1812, on Death of Rev. J. N. Abeel. HICKOK, M. J. Sermon at New York, May 6, 1860. IVES, I. M. Two Lectures on the Inquisition. 1853. KENNEDY, D. Discourse at New Brunswick, N. J., 1851. LEIFCHILD, J. Sermon at London, 1831. LIVINGSTON, J. A. Sermon before New York Missionary So ciety, 1808. MALCOM, H. Sermon at Philadelphia. 1859. MILLEDOLEE, P. Discourse at New York, Mar. 22, 1806. Dissertation of Incestuous Marriages. 1843. Sermon at Albany, June 4, 1823. MITCHELL, E. C. Sermon at Rockford, 111., 1860. ROWLAND, Jas. Sermon on the Prodigal Son, 1862. SHELDON, Wm. On Ghostology, 1862. WINFIELD, A. B. Sermon at Paramus, N. J., 1838. WYCKOFF, I. N. Sermon at Albany, July 4, 1863. VOL. 18. AIRMAN, R. Sermon at Elizabeth City, 1855. CHALMERS, Thos. Sermon at Glasgow, 1818. HILLYER, A. Sermon at New York, 1820. LINDSLY, P. Sermon at College of New Jersey, 1824. Sermon at Princeton, N. J., 1821. PERRINE. M. L. Sermon at New York, 1816. POTTS, Geo. Sermon at Philadelphia, 1853. RICHARDS, Jas. Address at Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Cummings. ROMEYN, J. B. Sermon at New York, 1821. SHAEFFER, F. C. Sermon at New York, 1821. SPRING, G. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. C. Wilson. 1824. SWAZEY, A. Sermon at Galena, 1856. VOL. 19. BELLOWS, H. W. Sermon at Washington, 1852. Sermon on the Death of Rev. W. E. Channing. 1842. CHANNING, W. E. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Jared Sparks. 1819. ELLIS, Geo. E. Sermon at Marietta, O. 1857. FENDALL, P. R. Argument on Trial of George A. Gardiner, for False Swearing. 1853. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. On Installation of Rev. J. K. Karcher. 1859. LONGFELLOW, S. Tract on Unitarianism. 1859. 670 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIET7. VOL. 19. LOTHROP, S. K. Sermon at Boston, Jan. 9, 1853, on Death of Amos Lawrence. MAYO, A. D. On Infidelity. . NEWELL, W. Discourse on Death of Andrew S. Norton. 1853. REES, Abraham. Sermon at London. 1779. Same. 1813. VOL. 20. AMES, Chas. Discourse on Morals in America. 1864. BLAIN, W. J. * Sermon at the Funeral of Dr. A. W. HulL 1867. DUNLAVY, John. Nature and Character of the True Ch. of Christ, 1847. GREEN, W. L. Plea for the Supremacy of Christ: two Ser mons, 1860. H ALLEY, Eben. Sermon preached in Presb. Ch., Troy, N. Y., 1850. HATHAWAY, Warren. The Church and the Times: an Ad dress, 1865. HITCHCOCK, E. Discourse at Presb. Ch., Albany, Aug. 24, 1856. KENNEDY, Duncan. Sermon on Death of Win. J. Pohlman, 1849. . PALMER, Ray. Discourse on the State of the Civilized World, 1852, PARK, E. A. Election Sermon, 1851. SMITH, F. H. Memorial Ceremonies at the National Ceme tery, Arlington, Va., 1868. VERMILYE, T. E. Discourse on Inaugura. of S. A. Van Vran- ken as Prof, in Theolog. Sem. at N. Brunswick. 1842. WADSWORTH, C. Christian Influence and Grace and Works united. Two Sermons 1858. Sermon preached at Phila., Feb. 3, 1856. VOL. 21. CAHILL, . Lecture in New St. Joseph s Ch., Albany, 1860. CHANNING, Wm. E. Discourse to the Memory of Rev. Noah Worcester. 1837. CHURCH, John Hubbard. Sermon on the Annual Fast in Mas sachusetts. 1810. CLOWES, T. A Sermon in St. Peter s Church, Albany. 1816. COIT, T. W. A Lecture for Christmas Eve, at Troy, N. Y. 1856. CORDLEY, C. M. Discourse at Randolph, Mass., on the Anuual Fast Day. 1856. Dedication Services of Lowville Rural Cemetery. 1867. D WIGHT, Tim. Fast Day Discourse, 1813. HOPKINS, John H. Discourse on Relations of Science and Religion, 1856. MORSE, Jedidiah. Sermon before Convention of Congre gational Ministers in Boston, 1812. POTTER, Horatio. Sermon on the Duties of Justice, 1850. REED, Sylvanus. Sermon on the Duty of the Citizen of these Times, 1861. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 671 VOL. 21. SMITH, Asa D. Discourse on Life and Character of Rev. Charles Hall, 1854. SMITH, A. D. Thanksgiving Discourse, 1851. SPRAGUE, William B. Discourse on Death of Timothy S. Williams, 1849. Sermon on Death of Rev. John Ludlow, 1857. Sermon to the 2d Presb. Congregation in Albany, Apr. 23, 1837. VERMILYE, Thomas E. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Stephen Van Rensselaer, 1839. WYCKOFP, I. N. Discourse in Memory of John Ludlow, 1857. VOL. 22. ALEXANDER, W. S. Sermon at Pomfret, Conn., 1863, on the Death of Serg t E. R. Keyes. Sermon at Pomfret, Conn., 1863, on the Death of Job Williams. Sermon on Death of Rev. Dan l Hunt, at Pomfret Conn., 1869. BAYNES, J. W. Sermon at St. Catharines, C. W., on Death of Mrs. Hester A. Phelps, 1849. BEACH, Jas. Sermon at West Hartford, May 22, 1814. BOLLES, J. A. Annivers. Sermons preached in the Ch. of the Advent, Boston, in 1865, 6. FULLER, Sam l. Discourse at Litchfield, Conn., 1849, on the Death of Gen. Francis Bacon. HALL, Edward P: Discourse on the Death of William Ellery Channing, 1842. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Permanent Realities of Religion, 1858. HUNTINGTON, D. Sermon preached in Wethersfield, Mar. 25, 1810. HYDE, H. F. Sermon at Pomfret, Conn., 1869, on the Death of Rev. Dan l Hunt. MACAULEY, M. Tribute to the Memory of E. C. Ross, 1851. PALMER, Ray. Address on the Ministry of the Future. Bos ton, 1857. PARKER, H. E. Thanksgiving Discourse at Concord, N. H., 1855. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Dedication Sermon preached at Barre, 1829. Sermon in Presb. Ch., Albany, July 20, 1854. WEST, Stephen. On our First Parents and their Exclusion from the Garden of Eden. 1809. VOL. 23. ANDERSON Rufus. The Missionary Age: a Half Cen tury Discourse. 1851. Appeal for the Rights of Conscience. (Society of Friends.) 1863. BARNARD, D. D. Character and Services of James Madison. 1857. EMMONS, Nathan l. Discourse to the Congregation of Frank lin. 1809. HALL, Robt. Sermon preached to the Baptist Meeting, Cam bridge, Eng. 1811. MILNER, Jos. Affectionate Admonition to Seamen. 1848. 672 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 23. POTTER, Horatio. Sermon on the Religious Tendencies of Age, etc. 1844. Puritan Tolerance and Quaker Fanaticism. 1848. QUITMAN, F. H. Three Sermons on Reformation, etc. Hud son, N. Y. 1817. SCOTT, Benjamin. The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor Persecutors. A Lecture. London, 1866. SPRAGUE, William B. Discourse on true Magnanimity, ad dressed to Young Men. 1844. A Sermon on Death of Rev. Edward D. Allen. Alba ny, 1843. STTJART, Moses. Sermon at Boston, 1845, at the Ordination of Wm. G. Shauffler, Missionary to the Jews. TYNG, Stephen. Address at the Funeral of Mrs. John Stew ard, N. York, 1867. WOODS, Leonard. A Sermon on the Death of Rev. Samuel Worcester, 1821. VOL. 24. BEDELL, G. T. Sermon at Phila., 1824, in behalf of the Greeks. BULKLEY, E. A. Sermon at Groton, Mass., Apr. 21, 1861. CHANNING, W. E. Election Sermon, Boston, 1850. CLARKSON, R. H. Tenth Annivers. Sermon preached at St. James Ch., Chicago, 1859. DAMON, David. Election Sermon, Boston, 1841. DEWEY, Orville. Installation Sermon preached at Providence, R. I., 1852. FARLEY, F. A. Sermon preached in Westminster Ch., (Provi dence ?), Nov. 10, 1839. HITCHCOCK, E. Election Sermon, Boston, 1850. JACKSON, F. S. Election Boston, 1843. JEWELL, F. S. Nature and cause of Regeneration. A Ser mon, 1864. LOTHROP S. K. Election Sermon, 1855. PARK, E. A. Election Sermon, Boston, 1851. PARKER, Theo. Sermon at Boston, June 4, 1854. Sermon on Life and Character of Daniel Webster, 1852. Sermons on the Death of a Dear Little Girl, 1857. SMAET, W. S. The Last Sermon before the First Congrega tional Church of Albany, in the old Brick Edifice, 1868. WAINWRIGHT, J. M. Election Sermon, Boston, 1835. VOL. 25. ALDEN, T. Speech at Execution of David Lamphear. 1822. AMES, C. G. Dead Flies in precious Ointment: Discourse de livered at Albany, 1864. BEDELL, G. T. Ordination Sermon at Portsmouth, Ohio, 1869. DORR, Benj. Fast-Day Sermon. Phila., 1861. EATON, S. W. Discourse at Funeral of Rev. John Lewis. 1860. FULFORD, F. Sermon at P. E. Church Convention. Phila., 1865. GREEN, W. L. Plea for Supremacy of Christ. 1860. In Memory of Mrs. Dan l Van Matre. 1869. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 673 VOL. 25. JACKSON, H. Hist. Discourse at 215th Annivers. of 1st Bapt. Ch. in America. 1854. MAYO, A. D. Religion in Common Schools, 1869. PALMER, B. M. The South, her Peril and Duty: Discourse at N. Orleans, 1860. POTTER, Horatio. Address to 72d Ann. Convention of P. E. Church, 1855. ROBINSON, Thos. H. Discourse on Life and Character of Rev. Wm. R. Dewitt, 1868. SCHENCK, N. H. Thanksgiving Discourse, 1868. SCHENCK, W. E. Discourse on Church Extension in Cities. Phila., 1853. STEVENS, W. B. Sermon on Consecration of Rev. C. T. Quintard, Bishop of Tenn., 1865. THAYER, T. B. Sermon before the Artillery Co. of Boston, 1864. THOMPSON, E. Inaugural Address delivered at Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., 1846. TYLER, Thos. P. Discourse before the Boston Artillery Co., 1848. VERMILYE, J. E. Discourse on Death of Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer. 1839. WATTERSON, H. Memorial Address on Geo. D. Prentice. 1870. WEISS, John. Sermon at Watertown, Mass., 1845. WILLARD, S. G. Address at Funeral of Mrs. M. B. Cushman, at Willimantic, Conn., 1863. VOL. 26. BACKUS, C. Discourse on Godly Fear, Jan. 31, 1802. BELLOWS, H. W. Sermon at N. Y., 1861, on the Duty of Loving our Enemies in Time of War. BOYNTON, C. B- Sermon at Cincinnati, O., 1862, on God s Hand in the War. DE LANCEY, W. H. Charge to Clergy of Diocese of Western N. Y., on Religious Training. 1849. DWIGHT, T. Discourse in Chapel of Yale College, 1812, on the Public Fast. HASKINS, S. M. Sermon at Williamsburgh, N. Y., on the 30th Anniver. of the Rectorship. 1869. KIMBALL. M. G. Discourse at Free Masons Hall, St. Louis, Mo., 1869. LOCKWOOD, W. p.. Sermon at Lowville, N. Y. 1862. PALMER, Ray. Reminiscences of our Work for fifteen years. 1865. PARKER, Theo. Sermon on the Mexican War. Boston. 1848. PIERPONT, John. Sermon at Boston, 1833, on the Burning of the Ephesian Letters. SMITH, A. D. Discourse on Life and Character of Rev. C. Hall. 1854. STURTEVANT, J. M. Sermon at Hannibal, Mo., 1862, on our Duty to Civil Gov t. TACKITT, I. H. Sermon on the Centenary of Methodism, at Ohio City, 1839. 43 674 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 26. TWOMBLY, A. S. Parting Words to his Friends and Parishioners. 1867. . WHEELWRIGHT, John. Sermon at Boston, upon a Fast Day, 1636. Reprint, 1867. WORTHINGTON, J. T. Thanksgiving- Discourse at Jefferson City, Mo., 1863. VOL. 27. ALLERTON, Isaac. Sermon on the Communion of all Saints, Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., 1822. BARSTOW, Z. S. Sermon at Dunbarton, N. H., at Installation of Rev. J. M. Putnam. With other Exercises. 1830. CHAPIN, Calvin. Sermon in Hartford, 1814, before the Conn. Soc y for Promotion of Morals. EMMONS, Nath l. Discourse addressed to the Congregation in Franklin. 1809. HOPKINS, A. T. Sermon at Utica and Rome, N. Y., 1834. HOTCHKISS, Fred. Wm. Valedictory Address before the 1st Ch. in Saybrook, Conn., 1838. HUMPHREY, Heman. Sermon at Dedication of the College Chapel, Amherst, Mass., 1827. INGERSOLL, Geo. G. Farewell Address to 1st Cong. Soc y* Burlington, Vt., 1844. JOHNSON, John B. Farewell Sermon in North Dutch Church, Albany, 1802. KIRK, E. N. Sermon in Mt. Vernon Ch., Boston, 1856. MANN, Saml. Sermon at Wrentham, Mass., 1701. OSGOOD, David. Thanksgiving Sermon, Medford, Mass., 1794. RICHMOND, Wm. Discourse in N. Y., on the Mission of B p of the Diocese of Conn., and through the Miss. Valley. 1830. ROMEYN, J. B. Missionary Sermon at Phila., 1808. SMITH, Ethan. Farewell Sermon at Haverhill, N. H., 1799. SNELL, Thos. Discourse in the West Parish of Brookfield, before Female Bible Cent Soc y, 1815. STONE, John. Sermon before the Epis. Soc y, N. Y., for Pro motion of Evan. Knowledge. 1849. STRONG, N. Fast Sermon at Hartford, 1812. STRONG, Titus. Sermon at Claremont, N. H., at Installation of Rev. J. B. Howe, 1819. TAPPAN, David. Farewell Discourse at Newbury, Mass., 1793. VOL. 28. AUSTIN, Sam l. Sermon at the Dedication of the new Meeting House in Hadley, Mass., 1808. CHALMERS, Thos. Series of Discourses %n the Christian Rev elation in Connexion with Astronomy, 1817. CHANNING, Wm. E. Fast Day Sermon at Boston, 1812, in consequence of Declaration of War against G. Britain. ELLIS, Geo. E. Discourse in Harvard Ch., Charlestown, 1840. on the Commencement of his Ministry. FOSTER, Festus. Sermon at Petersham, Mass., 1802. HOMER, J. Sermon at Newton, Mass., 1816, on the Death of Sam l Hammond. ONDERDONK, B. T. Sermon at N. Y., at Funeral of Bishop J. H. Hobart, 1830. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 675 VOL. 28. RANKIN, J. E. Sermon at Charlestown, Mass., 1865. RIPLEY, T. B. Discourse before the Bapt. Ch. in Portland. 1828. SPRAGUE, Mrs. Mary L. Tribute to the Memory of, 1837. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Discourse at Albany, Commemorative of Rev. Sam l Miller, 1850. Introductory Sermons at Albany, N. Y. 1829. Sermon at Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop. 1821, Sermon in West Springfield, Mass. 1823. THWING, E. P. Discourse at Hancock St. Ch., Quincy, Mass., on Public Worship. 1865. VOL. 29. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Memoir of Wm. P. Lunt. n. d. Sermon at Installation of W. P. Lunt, at Quincy, Mass. 1835. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Wm, P. Lunt, N. Y., 1828. LUNT, Wm. P. Address before the Citizens and Schools of Quincy, Mass., 1838. Bi.Centen. Sermons preached at Quincy, Mass., 1839. Christmas Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1836. Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1848, on the Death of J. Q. Adams. Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1850. Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1852, Commemorative of Dan l Webster. Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1854, on the Death of Thos. Greenleaf. Fast Day Sermon at Quincy, Mass., 1851. Discourse at Quincy, Mass., 1854, on Spiritualism. Lecture before the Quincy Lyceum, Quincy, Mass., on the Union of the Human Race, 1850. Sermon at Quincy, 1843, on Christian Consecration. ROBBINS, C. Discourse in Commemoration of Wm. P. LUNT, 1857. Vol. 30. BACON, Leonard. Discourse at New Haven, Ct., at the Funeral of Jehudi Ashmun, 1828. BARTOL, C. A. Address at the Funeral of Rev. Geo. W. W at Groton, Mass., 1843. BIGELOW, Andrew. Sermon at Norton, Mass., 1835, at the Interment of Rev. Pitt. Clark, 1835. BOSTON West Church. Proceedings on the Decease of Rev. Chas. Lowell, 1861. BRAZER, John. Discourse at Salem, Mass., 1829, at the Inter ment of Edw. Aug. Holyoke. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Sermon at Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, Mass., at the Funeral of Rev. Thos. Gray, 1847. GANNETT, Ezra S. Address and Discourse after the Death of Rev. W. E. Channing, delivered at Boston, 1842. Discourse at the Funeral of Rev. Wm. B. O. Peabody, in Springfield, Mass., 1847. HAGUE, Wm. Discourse Commemorative of Rev. J. O. Choules, deliverd at Newport, R. I., 1856. 676 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 30. HALL, Nathan l. Address at Dorchester, Mass., 1842, at the Funeral of Rev. T. M. Harris. HILL, Alonzo. Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. Aaron Bancroft, preached at Worcester, Mass., 1839. PARK, Edwards A. Discourse at the Funeral of Prof. Moses Stuart, 1852. SHARP, Daniel. Sermon at the Funeral of Gov. Wm. Eustis, at Boston, 1825. STORES, Rich d S. Discourse at Dorchester, Mass., 1847, at the Funeral of Rev. John Codman. TAPPAN, David. Funeral Discourse at Providence, R. I., on Rev. Enos Hitchcock, 1803. VOL. 31. ALBRO, John A. Sermon on the Death of Washington Allston, at Cambridge, Mass., 1843. CHAINING, Wm. E. Discourse on the Death of Rev. Charles Follen, 1840. Tribute to the Memory of Rev. Noah Worcester, 1837. CLARKE, Jas. Freeman. Discourse concerning Theodore Par ker; delivered at Boston, 1860. FREEMAN, Jas. The Character of Rev, John Eliot, a Discourse, 1813. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Sermon on the Death of John Adams, preached at Boston, 1826. GANNETT, Ezra S. Discourse on the Death of Josiah Quincy, at Boston, 1864. Sermon at Boston, 1847, after the Death of Hon. Artemus Ward. Sermon on the Death of John Davis, preached in Boston 1847. LATHROP, S. K. Sermon at Boston, 1848, on the Death of Harrison G. Otis. PALFREY, J. G. Discourse on the Life and Character of Henry Ware, 1845. Sermon at Boston, 1830, on the Death of Isaac Parker. PEABODY, Ephraim. Sermon at Boston, 1855, on the Death of Rev. F. T. Gray. Discourse at Boston, 1855, on the Death of Samuel S. Wilde. PUTNAM, Geo. Sermon at Boston, 1856, on the Death of Rev. Ephraim Peabody. THACHER, Peter. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Gov. Bowdoin, 1790. WELLS, E. M. P. Discourse on the Death of the Hon. Wm. Appleton, delivered at Boston, 1862. WILLIAMS, Thos. Official Character of Rev. Nathan l Em- mons shown in a Sermon, etc., 1840. VOL. 32. ADAMS, Nehemiah. Sermon at Boston, 1852, on the Death of Dan l Webster. BARTOL, C. A. Discourse in Memory of Rev. Thos. Starr King, preached at Boston, 1864. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Sermon at Boston, 1843, on the Death of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 677 VOL. 32. FROTHING HAM, N. L. Sermon at Boston, 1849, on the Death of Peter C. Brooks. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Sermon on the Death of John Lowell; delivered at Boston, 1840. HALE, Benj. Sermon on the Death of Dr. D. B. Douglass, 1849. KING, Thos. Starr. Sermon at Boston, 1852, on the Death of Dan l Webster. LOTHROP, S. K. Sermon at Boston, 1848, on the Death of Wm. Lawrence. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Moses Grant, 1861. OGILBY, F. Sermon at Burlingtoc, N. J., on the Death of Bishop Doane, 1859. RICHARDS, Geo. Discourse at Boston, 1852, on the Death of i Daniel Webster. STONE, Andrew L. Sermon at Boston, on the Death of Dan iel Webster, 1852. WEBSTER, Geo. W. Sermon at Wheeling, Va., on the Death of Daniel Webster. 1853. WEISS, John. Discourse at New Bedford, Mass., 1852, on the Death of Daniel Webster. WOODS, Leonard. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Sam l Wor cester, delivered at Salem, Mass., 1821. YOUNG, Alex. Discourse on the Life and Character of Na- than l Bowditch, delivered at Boston, 1838. VOL. 33. COLMAN, Henry. Sermon at the Installation of Rev. Jas. Flint, at Salem, 1821. CROSBY, Dan l. Sermon at Worthington, Mass., 1833, at the Ordination of Rev. Henry Adams. DANA, Dan l. Sermon at Andover, Mass., in Commemoration of Wm. Bartlett, 1841. DAVIS, Hasbrouck. The Living Christ: a Sermon for Easter Day. 1853. EDWARDS, Jonathan. Sermon at Woburn, Mass., on Fast- Day, 1854. HARRIS, Sam l. Sermon at Dedication of the Cong. Ch. in Hatfield, Mass., 1850. HITCHCOCK, E. The Coronation of Winter: Discourse de livered at Amherst College in 1845. KIMBALL, David T. Sermon at Needham, Mass., 1821, at the Installation of Rev. Wm. Ritchie. LAWRENCE, Amos. E. Sermon at Lancaster, Mass., Sept. 6, 1863. PEABODY, Andrew. Sermon at Fitchburg, Mass., 1851, at the Ordination of Horatio Stebbins. PUTNAM, Geo. Fast- Day Sermon preached at Roxbury, Mass., 1847. RITCHIE, Wm. Two Sermons preached at Needham, Mass., Dec. 16, 1821. ROGERS, Win. M. Sermon on the Loss of the Harold and Lexington, delivered at Boston, 1840. WEBSTER, J. C. Sermon at Hopkinton, Mass., Fast-Day, 1846. 678 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 33. WHITNEY, Fred. A. The Death of Little Children. A Sermon preached at Brighton, Mass., 1847. The Early New England Home; a Thanksgiving Sermon. 1846. VOL. 34. FOKBES, Eli. Sermon at Boston, 1799, before the Con vention of the Clergy of Mass. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Farewell Sermon preached to the 1st Church in Boston, 1850. GRIFFIN, Edw. D. Sermon before the Pastoral Assoc. of Mass., preached at Boston, 1825. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Sermon preached on the Fiftieth Anni- vers. of the Boston Female Asylum. 1850. LOTHEOP, Sam l K. Address to the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches in Boston. 1856. PARK, Edwards A. Discourse at Boston, 1844, before the Pas toral Assoc. of Cong. Ministers in Mass. Discourse at Boston, 1850, before the Convention of Cong. Ministers of Mass. PORTER, Ebenezer. Sermon at Boston, 1827, before the Pas toral Assoc. of Mass. STEARNS, Chas. Sermon at Boston, 1815, before the Conven tion of Cong. Ministers in Mass. WARE, Henry, Jr. Discourse at Boston, 1839, at the Ordina tion of Robert C. Waterston. WEISS, John. Two Sermons preached at Boston, April 6, and June 4, 1854. WOODS, Leonard. Sermon at Boston, 1826, before the Con vention of Cong. Ministers in Mass. VOL. 35. ADAMS, Nehemiah. Sermon at Boston, 1846, on Death of Wm. J. Armstrong, D. D. FOLLEN, Chas. Funeral Oration at Boston, 1832, on Death of Gaspar Spurzheim, M. D. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Sermon at Boston, 1849, on Death of Peter C. Brooks. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Character of Manlius Stimson Clark. Boston, 1853. KIRKLAND, John T. Discourse at Boston, 1823, on Death of Geo. Cabot. PALFREY, John G. Sermon at Boston, 1829, on Death of John Gorham. M. D. YOUNG, Alex. Discourse at Boston, 1838, on the Life and Character of Hon. Nathan l Bowditch. Discourse at Boston, 1848, on the Life and Character of Rev. John Thornton Kirkland. Discourse at Boston, 1844, on the Death of Wm. Pres- cott, LL.D. VOL. 36. ALBRO, J. A. Sermon on Deathof Washington A listen, delivered at Cambridge, Mass., 1843. BRAZER, John. Discourse at Salem, 1843, on the Death of Ben]. Pickman. CHANNING, W. E. Sermon at Boston, 1824, on the Ordi nation of Rev. E. S. Gannett. CATALOGUE OF THE LlBRAHY. 679 VOL. 36. COOLIDGE, J. I. T. Farewell Sermon. Boston, 1858. . Discourse at Boston, May 2, 1858. DANA, Daniel. Sermon at Newburyport, 1814, on the Death of Wm. Coombs. FOSDICK, D., Jr. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Boston, 1846. . GREENE, David. Sermon on Death of Rev. Dan l Crosby, 1843. HUMPHREY, Heman. Sermon at Amherst, 1841, on the Death of Pres t Harrison. INGERSOLL, G. C. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Boston, 1845. PALFREY, John G. Discourse on the Life and Character of Henry Ware. 1846. PARKER, Theo. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Boston, 1850. SMALLEY, E. Sermon on Death of A. D. Foster. 1852. TODD, John. Sermon at Pittsfield, Mass., 1861, at the Fune ral of Heman Humphrey, D. D. WOODS, L. Sermon at Andover, 1831, on Death of Jer. Evarts. Sermon at Boston, 1821, at Ordination of Rev. B. B. Wisner. VOL. 37. AUSTIN, Sam l. Fast Day Sermon preached in Worces ter, Mass., 1812. BANCROFT, Aaron. Discourse on Conversion. 1810. ELLIS, G. E. The Nation s Ballot and its Decision. Dis course at Cambridgeport, Mass., 1864. HALL, N. Two Sermons preached at Dorchester, Dec. 11, 1859, on Slavery. HERVEY, Wm. Missionary Sermon preached in Williams- town, Mass., 1829. HIGGINSON, T. W. Things New and Old: an Installation Sermon. 1852. HILDRETH, H. Dudleian Lecture, delivered before the Uni versity in Cambridge, 1829. LOWE, C. The Conditions and Prospects of the South. A Discourse, 1865. MITCHELL, John. Fast-Day Sermon preached at Northharnp- ton, Mass., 1837. ROBBINS, C. Sermon preached at Bernardston, Mass., at the Installation of the Rev. A. M. Bridge, 1840. STEARNS, Oliver. Sermon at West Dedham, 1854, at the Or dination of Rev. C. S. Locke. STEARNS, C. Sermon at Concord, Mass., before the Bible Society, 1815. STETSON, C. Sermon at Lynn, Mass., 1843, at the Ordination of J. Pierpont, Jr. TRUAIR, John. Discourse delivered at Westhampton, Mass., April 19, 1829. WALKER, Jas. Farewell Discourse delivered at Charlestown, Mass., 1839. 68o WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 37. WAKE, H., Jr. Introductory Address delivered to the members of the Theolog. School in Cambridge, 1830. Sermon preached in the Chapel of Harvard University Sept. 23, 1838. WEISS, John, Fast Day Sermon preached Apr. 6, 1848. WHITMAN, J. Sermon at Needham, Mass., at the Installa tion of Rev. C. H. Ball, 1847. WILLIAMS, N. W. Sovereign and Subject; in six Sermons, 1859. VOL. 38. ABBOT, Abiel. Annivers. Discourse before the Bible Soc y of of Salem and vicinity, 1817. CODMAN, John. Sermon at Milton, Mass., 1837, at the Ordi nation of Rev. S. W. Cozzens. EMERSON, Wm. Discourse before the Roxbury Charitable Soc y, 1800. FRANCIS, Convers. Discourse delivered in Bedford, Mass., before the Middlesex Bible Soc. MILLER, R. A. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Wor cester, Mass., 1832. PEABODY, A. P. Sermon preached for the Ordination of Rich d Pike, at Dorchester, Mass. 1843. RANKIN, J. E. Discourse on the Death of A. Lincoln, preach ed at Charlestown, Mass. 1865. SMALLEY, E. Discourse delivered in Franklin, Mass., June 7, 1835. STEBBINS, R. P. Sermon at Cambridgeport, Mass., 1847, at the Ordination of Rev. F. R. Newell. STETSON, C. Fast-Day Sermon delivered at Medford, Mass. 1842. THOMPSON, A. C. New Year s Sermon. 1859. TUCKER, J. T. Discourse in Memory of A. Lincoln. 1865. WARE, Henry, Jr. Dedication Sermon preached at Northamp ton. 1825. Sermon at Dorchester, 1820, before the Evan. Mission. Society in Mass. Sermon at Springfield, Mass., 1820, at the Ordination of Rev. W. B. O. Peabody. WILLARD, S. Valedictory Address preached in Deerfield, Mass., 1829. WORCESTER, Sam l. Two Discourses on God s Covenant with Abraham, n. d. (Imp.) VOL. 39. DAVIS, H. The Subterfuge of Infidelity; a Sermon de livered at Waltham, 1853. FOSTER, John. Fast-Day Sermon preached at Cambridge and Brighton, 1811. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Discourse at Cambridge, Mass., 1830, at the Ordination of Rev. W. Newell. HALL, Nathan 1. The Limits of Civil Obedience: Sermon at Dorchester, 1851. Sermon at Dorchester, Dec. 14, 1845. Sermon at Dorchester, Sept. 30, 1855. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 6Si VOL. 39. HIGGINSON, T. W. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Newburyport, Mass., 1848. HILL, Alonzo. Discourse at Lancaster, Mass., 1840, on the Death of Rev. Nathari l Thayer. KIMBALL, D. T. Dedication Sermon preached at Ipswich,. Mass., 1817. MILES, H. A. Sermon at Lowell, Mass., 1839, on the Death of Luther Lawrence. NEWELL, Wm. Corrupt Gifts: Discourse at Cambridge,, Mass., 1854. PUTNAM, Geo. Fast-Day Sermon delivered at Roxbury, 1843, SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Sermon at West Springfield, Mass., 1821, on the Death of Rev. Jos. Lathrop. STORKS, R. S. Sermon at Wrentham, Mass., 1851, at the Fu neral of Rev. Elisha Fiske. THAYER, C. T. Sermon at Beverly, Mass., 1843, on the Uni tarian Faith. THOMPSON, A. C. Sermons at Roxbury, Mass., July 25, 1852, WARE, Henry, Jr. Discourse occasioned by the recent Duel in Washington. 1838. Sermon at Lancaster, Mass., 1840, at the Installation of Rev. H. H. Sears. WEISS, John. The Least of two Evils; Sermon preached July 9, 1840. Sermon at Fall River, Mass., 1848, at the Ordination of Sam l Longfellow. WORCESTER, S. M. New England s Glory and Crown: Dis course at Plymouth, 1848. VOL. 40. BROOKS, J. Discourse before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1795. CLARKE, John. Discourse before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1793. FLEET, J., jr. Discourse before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1797. GARDINER, J. S. J. Fast-Day Discourse delivered at Boston r 1812. Sermon before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1803. HURD, Isaac. Discourse before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1799. LATHROP, John. Discourse at Boston, 1804, before the Soc y for Propagating the Gospel. LYMAN, Jos. Sermon at Boston, 1806, before the Convention of the Clergy of Mass. MAYHEW, J. Discourse on Non-Resistance to the Higher Powers, etc. Reprinted, 1818. MORSE, Jedidiah. Sermon before the Humane Soc y of Mass., 1801. PARKER, S. Sermon at Boston, 1803, in behalf of the Boston Female Asylum. PORTER, E. Sermon at Boston, 1810, at the Convention of Cong. Ministers of Mass. 682 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 41. DANA, Dan l. Sermon at Boston, 1829, at the Installa tion of Rev. J. Brown. . EDWARDS, Justin, Sermon at Boston, 1825, before the Peni tent Females Refuge Soc y. . FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Fast Day Sermon at Boston, 1841. . GANNETT, E. S. Sermon at Boston, 1840, on the arrival of the Brittania. GREENWOOD, F. W. P. Sermon at Boston, 1837, at the Ordi nation of J. T. Sargent. - LOTHROP, S. K. Sermon at Boston, 1842, on the Christian name and Christian Liberty. Sermon at Boston, 1840, on the Destruction of the "Lex ington " by fire. PARKER, Theo. Discourse at Boston, 1841, at the Ordination of C. C. Shackford. . PARKMAN, Francis. Sermon at Boston, 1842, at the Ordina tion of Rev. Amos Smith. PAYSON, Edw. Sermon at Boston, 1824, before the Marine Bible Society. . PIERPONT, John. The Things that make for Peace." Ser mon at Boston. 1837. , Angelic Ministrations. Sermon at Boston. 1837. . PUTNAM, Geo. Discourse at Boston, 1846, on the Installation of D. Fosdick. . Sermon at Boston, 1842, at the Ordination of F. D. Hun- tington. . BOBBINS, C. Address at Laying the Corner Stone of the 2d Ch. in Boston. 1844. . WAINRIGHT, J. M. Sermon on the Annivers. of the Boston Female Asylum. 1835. . WARE, Henry, Jr. Sermon as Boston, 1837, at the Ordina tion of Rev. C. A. Bartol. Sermon at Boston, 1833, at the Ordination of Rev. C. Robbins. WATERSTON, R. C. Sermon on the True Church of Christ. 1844. WISNER, B. B. Sermon at Boston, 1829, before the Soc y for Propagating the Gospel. VOL. 42. Eastburn, Bishop M. Sermon at Boston, 1851, on the 150th Anniversary of the Soc y for the Propagation of the Gospel, etc. ELLIS, Rufus. Discourse at Boston, 1853, before the Howard Benev. Soc y. ., Discourse at Boston, 1855, before the Benev. Fraternity of Churches. ELLIS, G. E. Sermon at Boston, 1853, at the Installation of Rev. Rufus Ellis. GANNETT, E. S. Peace not War: Sermon at Boston, Dec. 14, 1845. Discourse beiore the Benev. Fraternity of Churches, Boston, 1848. HALE, E. E. Discourse at Boston, 1856, before the Howard Benev. Soc y. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 683 VOL. 42. HENSHAW, J. P. K. Discourse at Boston, before the Soc y for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Deceased Clergy men, 1850. HITCHCOCK, Edw. Discourse at Boston, 1852, before the Mass. Home Missionary Soc y- HUNTINGTON, F. D. Sermon at Boston, at the Installation of Rev. E. E. HALE, 1856. KING, T. S. The Railroad Jubilee : two Discourses preached at Boston, 1851. PARKER, Theo. Thoughts on the most Christian use of San- day, 1848. PEABODY, Ephrain. Sermon before the Boston Fraternity of Churches, 1846. PARKMAN, Francis. Sermon at Boston, 1849, on Resigning his Pastoral Charge. RICHARDS, G. Discourse at Boston, 1851, introductory to his sole Pastorate. ROBBINS, Chandler. Light in the Sepulchre: an Easter Ser mon. 1858. SHARP, Dan l. Plea for Peace: Fast Day Sermon deliverep at Boston, 1846. VINTON, A. H. Sermon at Boston,Jan. 2, 1853. WILDES, G. D. Sermon at Boston, 1854, in behalf of the P Episcopal Mission to Seamen. VOL. 43. EASTBURN, M. Sermon at Boston, 1843, on the Death of Bishop Griswold. FROTHINGHAM, N. L. Sermon at Boston, 1838, on the Death of J. P. Bradlee. Sermon at Boston, 1842, on the Death of Rev. Dr. Har ris and Hon. D. Sargent. Sermon at Boston, 1843, on the Death of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. GARDINER, J. S. J. Sermon at Boston^ 1804, on the Death of Bishop S. Parker. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Character of Manlius Stimson Clarke. 1853. KIRKLAND, J. T. Sermon at Boston, 1798, on the Death of Rev. Jeremy Belknap. LOTHROP, John. Sermon at Boston, 1811, at the Interment of Rev. Jos. Eckley. LOTHROP, S. K. Sermon at Boston, 1842, on the Death of Geo. Bond. PEABODY, Ephraim. Discourse at Boston, 1855, on the Death of Hon. Sam l Wilde. PARKMAN, F. Discourse at Boston, 1840, on the Death of J. T. Kirkland. Sermon at Boston, 1816, at the Interment of Rev. John Lathrop. PUTNAM, Geo. Sermon at Boston, 1856, on the Death of Rev. Ephraim Peabody. ROBBINS, Chandler. Discourse at Boston, 1843, in commemo ration of Rev. Henry Ware, Jr. 684 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 43. BOBBINS Chandler. Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Mother of the late Judge Story. 1847. SHARP, Dan l. Tribute to the Memory of John Quincy Ad ams. 1848. SKINNER, Otis A. Sermon at Boston, 1855, at the Funeral of J. C. Danforth. THACHER, Peter. Sermon at Boston, 1793, on the Death of John Hancock. WISNER, B. B. Sermon (at Boston?) on the Death of Mrs. Miriam Phillips. 1823. Sermon at Boston, 1827, on the Death of Hon. Win. Phillips. YOUNG, Alex. Discourse at Boston, 1852, on the Death of Mrs. C. G. Prescott. VOL. 44. FISHER, S. W. Sermon at Boston, 1860, before the Amer. Board of Commissioners lor Foreign Missions. GANNETT, E. S. Sermon before the Boston Young Men s Total Abstinence Soc y, 1846. HEPWORTH, G. H. Discourse delivered at Boston, on the Death of Theo. Parker. 1860. LEEDS, Geo. Sermon at Boston, 1862, on the Death of C. Mason, D. D. PARKER, Theodore. Sermon on False and True Theology, 1858 PEABODY, A. P. Jesus Walking on the Sea; a Sermon of Faith and Hope, 1864. Sermon at Boston, 1859, on the Death of Mrs. M. L. Lo- throp. Sermon at Boston, 1867, on the Dedication of a Monu ment in King s Chapel. RANDALL, G. M. Discourse on the Death of E. A. Newton, delivered at Boston, 1862. RICHARDS, Geo. Farewell Discourse preached at Boston 1859. SOUTHGATE, Bishop H. Sermon at Boston, 1858, on 1 Cor. 3, 11. STONE, A. L. Sermon before the Boston Prison Discipline Soc y, 1854. WILLIAMS, Thos. Sermon on the Life and Character of Rev. Nathan l Emmons, 1840. WORCESTER, Sam l. Discourse at Boston, 1817, before the Mass. Soc y for the Suppression of Intemperanc. WORCESTER, Thos. The Christian Sabbath. 1863. VOL. 45. ANDREWS, E. B. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Ephraim Cutler, delivered at Warren, O., 1853. BALLANTINE, Elisha. Sermon at Washington, D. C., Dec. 23, 1849. BUTLER, C. M. Discourse delivered in the Hall of the House of Repr., Washington, Feb. 22, 1852. ENNIS, Win. L. Discourse preached before the Penn. Bapt. Convention, held at Phila., 1848. OANE, G. W. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of N. Jersey, delivered at Newark, 1854. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 685 VOL. 45. DOANE, G. W. Sermon at Burlington, N. J., Quin- quagesima Sunday. 1843. The Bag with "Holes; an Advent Sermon. 1857. The Missionary Argument; Sermon at Phila., 1830. HALL, E. B. Lecture on the Pleasures and Vices of the City. 1856. HARRIS, T. M. Tribute of Respect to Hon. James Bowdoin. 1811. JUDD, Sylvester. The Birthright Church. 1854. MAGIE, David. Debts: the Substance of three Sermons. 1830. PEABODY, A. P. Sermon at Portland, Maine, at the Funeral of Rev. I. Nichols. 1859. Two Sermons preached at Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 1841. SMITH, C. E. Sermon before the Cincinnati Baptist Church Union. 1870. STEVENS, W. B. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Penn. 1864. STURTEVANT, J. M. Sermon commemorative of the Rev. Wm. Kirby, delivered at Jacksonville, 111., 1851. TAYLOR, A. A. E. The Social Problem: Seest thou this Woman? THOMPSON, M. L. P. Sermon at Providence, R. I., 1857, be fore the Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. VANRENSSELAER, C. Sermon at Washington, D. C., 1841, on the Death of Jos. Nourse. WILDER, Wm. Discourse commemorative of J. P. Crozier, preached at Lewisburg, Pa., 1866. WINTER, Thos. Memorial of Jos. H. Kennard, 1866 (?) VOL. 46. ADAMS, Wm. Prayer for Rulers; Fast-Day Sermon preached in N. York, 1861. BETHUNE, G. W. Sermon at Phila., 1847, in behalf of the Amer. S. S. Union. EASTBURN, Bishop M. Sermon at Phila., 1857, before the Amer. S. S. Union. FOSDICK, David, Jr. Sermon before the " South Groton Christian Union," Sept. 5, 1855. GOODRICH, E. Election Sermon preached at Hartford, 1787. GRAY, Thos. Sermon on the Religious Opinions of the pres ent day. 1821. HUNTINGTON, W. R. Sermon before the Church Union of the * Diocese of Mass., preached at Boston, 1865. KIPPIS, A. Sermon on the Lord s Supper, 1825. KNAPP, F. N. Discourse at Brookline, Mass., 1849, on the Death of Rev. John Pierce. LOWE. Chas. Sermon at Charleston, S. C., 1865, on the Death of Pres t Lincoln. PEABODY, A. P. Sermon at Fitchburg, Mass., 1867, at the Or dination of H. F. Jenks. POTTS, Geo. Sermon at Phil a, 1853, in behalf of the Amer. S. S. Union. ROBBINS, Chandler. Force of Right Purpose, etc.; Sermon at Boston, 1859. 686 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 46. SCHAUFFLER, W. G. Fastidious Hearers of the Gospel admonished: Sermon at Boston, 1831. STONE, J. S. Lectures on the Institution of the Sabbath, 1848. . WALKER, Jas. Sermon at Boston, 1861, on the Spirit proper to the Times. WISNER, B. B. Sermon on Sabbath Schools; delivered at Boston, 1830. VOL. 47. BEECHER, Lyman. Sermon at New Haven, 1812, on Re formation of Morals. BUSHNELL, Horace. Prosperity our Duty: Sermon at Hart ford. 1847. DAY, Jeremiah. Sermon before the Gen. Assoc. of Conn., at Saybrook, 1831. DWIGHT, Tim. Fast Day Sermon at Yale College. 1812. EMERSON, Ralph. Sermon at Norfolk, Conn., June 16, 1816. GOODRICH, W. H. Fast Day Sermon, preached at Bristol, Conn. 1852. GOULD, Vinson. Sermon at East Haven, 1808, at the Ordina tion of Rev. Saul Clark. HALL, Edwin. Sermon at North Fairfield, Conn., 1833, at the Ordination of Geo. H. Hulin. LATHROP, Jos. A Church of God described, etc.; in two Dis courses. 1792. LEE, W. B. Farewell Doctrinal Discourse, preached at Fair Haven, Conn., 1860. OGDEN, D. L. Farewell Sermon delivered at Southington, Conn., 1836. (Imperfect.) PORTER Noah. Civil Liberty: Sermon at Farmington, Conn., 1856. ROWAN, S. N. Sermon at Greenfield Hill, Conn., 1823, at the Ordination of R. V. Dey. SAWYER, L. A. Appeal in favor of Good Works: Farewell Sermon at New Haven, 1837. WALKER, Jas. Sermon at Brooklyn, Conn., at the Installa tion of S. J. May, 1823. WOODS, Leonard. Sermon at Hartford, 1818, at the Ordina tion of Joel Hawes. Vol. 48. BEECHER, Lyman. Remedy for Duelling: Sermon before the Presbytery of Long Island, 1806. BEECHER, Thos. K. Lecture at Elmira, N. York, 1870, on the P. Episcopal Church. BEMAN, N. S. S. Thanksgiving Sermon delivered at Troy, N. Y., 1858. FAIRBAIRN, R. B. Plea for the Endowment of St. Stephen s College, 1870. FARLEY, F. A. Sermon at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1853. on the Death of Seth Low. FIN\EY, C. G. How to Change your Heart, and Total De pravity; two Sermons, 1835. HITCHCOCK, E. The Religious Bearing of Man s Creation. Sermon at Albany, 1856. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 687 VOL. 48. POTTER, Horatio. Address to the 72d Ann. Convention of P. E. Church in New York, 1855. REED, Sylvanus. The Duty of the Citizen in these Times; preached at Albany, 1861. SKINNER, T. H. Thanksgiving Sermon at N. York, 1860. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Sermon at Albany, 1838, upon the late Duel at Washington, Albany. Sermon at Albany, 1858, on the Completion of the At lantic Telegraph. STORKS, R. S., Jr. Sermon before the Foreign Missionary Soc y of N. Y. and Brooklyn 1851. STRONG, P. N. Sermon at N. York, 1822, after the Cessation of the Yellow Fever. WARE, Henry. Sermon at N. York, 1821, at the Ordination of Rev. Wm. Ware. ZABRISKIE, F. N. Fast-Day Sermon preached at Coxsackie, N.York, 1863. VOL. 49. BACON, Leonard. Sermon before the Foreign Evangel. Soc y, N. Y., 1845. BARNES, Albert. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. Home Mis sionary Soc y. 1849. BETHUNE, G. W. Discourse before the Foreign Evangel. Soc y, N. York, 1844. BUSHNELL, Horace. Discourse for Home Missions. 1847. CHEEVER, G. B. Sermon at N. York, 1846, before the For eign Evangel. Soc y. D WIGHT, Wm. T. Discourse at N. York, 1859, in behalf of the Amer. Home Missionary Soc y. HICKOK, L. P. Discourse in behalf of the Amer. Home Mis sionary Society. 1853. KIRK, E. N. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. Home Mission ary Society. 1848. MASON, Erskine. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. Home Mis sionary Society. 1848. PALMER, Ray. Sermon before the Foreign Evangel. Society. N. Y., 1848. RIDDLE, D H. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. Home Mis sionary Society. 1851. SHAW, J. B. Sermon in behalf of the Amer. Home Mission ary Society. 1858. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Sermon at the Anniversary of the Foreign Evangel. Society, held in N. York, 1843. STORRS. R. S. Discourse in behalf of the Amer. Home Mis sionary Society. 1855. STURTEVANT, J. M. Discourse in behalf of the Amer. Home Missionary Society. 1857. VOL. 50. BERG, J. F. Answer to Archbishop Hughes on the De cline of Protestantism, 1850. BROWN, S. D. Sermon preached at the 53d Annivers. of the Albany Co., N. Y., Bible Soc y, 1864. FOSTER, John. Discourse before the Baptist Missionary Soc y in Bristol, Eng., 1818. 688 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 50. KERSHAW, J. Discourse delivered in London, June 23, 1831. KITCHEL, H. D. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Chicago, 1865. MEADE, Bishop Wm. Charge to the Clergy of the P. E. Ch. of Va., 1850. NORTON, E. The Impossibility of Sinners Coming to Christ, without the Drawing of God the Father, 1798. PAYSON, Edw. Address to Seamen, delivered at Portland, Me., 1821. PUSEY, E. B. Sermon on the Holy Eucharist, delivered in. the Cathedral Ch. in Oxford, 1843. ROBINSON, T. H. Sermon before the Brainerd Evangel. Soc. of La Fayette College, 1867. SAURIN, Jas. Sermon on the Repentance of the Unchaste Woman. 1823. SHANE, J. D. The Bush in the Flame: a Sketch of the Immi grant Church. 1858. TURNER, S. H. Address to the Students of the Gen. Theolog. Seminary, 1845. WHITEHOUSE, Bishop. Annivers. Sermon before the Benev. Assoc. of the Ch. of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, 1855. WITHINGTON, L. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at New- bury, Mass., 1850. VOL. 51. Adams, Nehemiah. Discourse on the Death of Hon. Rufus Choate. 1859. ATWATER, L. H. Tribute to the Memory of Hon. Roger M. Sherman. 1845. BACON, Leonard. Sermon in Guilford, Conn., 1849, at the Funeral of Rev. Aaron Dutton. BALDWIN, A. C. Sermon at Durham, Conn., 1862, on the Death of Rev. David Smith, D. D. BRADLEY, T. S. Funeral Discourse on the Death of Mrs. A. G. Willard. 1857. CHAPIN, C. Sermon at Wethersfield, Conn., 1821, on the Death of Rev. John Marsh, D.D. DUTTON, S. W. S. Address at the Funeral of Hon. S. Bald win. 1851. GANNETT, E. S. Sermon at the Funeral of Hon. Chas. Paine, 1853. GOODHUE, J. F. Sermon on the Character and Services of Rev. T. A. Merrill, delivered at Middlebury, 1855. GREEN, John B. Address at the Funeral of Hon. Henry W. Cushman, 1863. GULLIVER, J. P. Discourse at Norwich, Conn., on Death of Mrs. Mary Hooker. 1853. HILL, Alonzo. Sermon at Worcester, 1854, on the Death of Hon. John Davis. HODGES, R. M. Sermon commemorative of Rev. E. Q. Sewell, preached in Scituate and Cohasset, 1866. LAWRENCE, E. A. Discourse at Andover, 1854, on the Death of Leonard Woods, D. D. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 689 VOL. 51. MILES, H. A. Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. J. C. Smith, delivered at Newton, 1858. Proceedings at New York, Dec. 19, 1835, on the Death of Hon. Nathan Smith. PUTNAM, A. P. Sermon on the Death of Rev. Geo. Bradford, preached at Watertown, Mass., 1859. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Sermon at Elizabeth, N. J., 1861, on the Death of Rev. Nicholas Murray. WILLIAMS, Bishop. Sermon at Hartford, 1865, in commemo- rotion of Bishop Brownell. WINSLOW, H. Eulogy on Prof. E. A. Andrews, delivered at New Britain, Conn., 1858. VOL. 52. Cox, S. H. Sermon at Brooklyn, 1843, on the Death of Mrs. M. L. Stafford. GOODRICH, C. E. Sermon on Death of Dr. A. Brigham, preached in Utica, 1849. HALL, A. G. Discourse preached at Rochester, N. Y., at the Funeral of Moses Chapin, 1865. SMITH, A. D. Discourse on Life and Character of Chas. Hall, D. D. 1854. SPRAGUE, Wm. B. Address at Albany, 1864, on the Death of Rev. J. N. Campbell. Discourse at N. Y., 1863, in commemoration of Rev. Robt. Baird. Sermon at Albany, 1854, on the Death of Mrs. Christina Lee. Sermon at Albany, 1855, on the Death of John Board- man. Sermon on the Death of Sylvester D. Willard, M. D. 1865. VOL. 53. BRADLEE, C. D. Sermon at Boston, 1871, on the late Railroad Disaster. BULKLEY, E. A. Sermon at Groton, 1861, on the approaching Crisis. 1861. COOKE, Parsons. Address delivered at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Meeting House of the First Calvinistic Soc y in Hardwick, Mass. 1828. DUDLEY, J. L. Eight Sermons preached in 1870, at Plymouth Church, Milwaukee. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. The Last Times. Sermon at Jersey City, June 1, 1856. JOHNS, Bishop John. Sermon at the Opening of the P. Epis. Gen. Convention at Baltimore. 1871. MILES, H. A. Discourse before the Ancient and Hon. Artil lery Co., June 5, 1843. SABONADIERE, J. S. Sermon on the Death of the Princess Charlotte. French. 1817. SAGE, J. H. Sermon on Death of Rev. P. E. Bishop. 1859. SELWYN, Bishop G. A. Sermon before the Gen. Convention of the P. Epis. Ch., at Baltimore. 1871. STEVENS, Bishop Wm. B. Charge to the Clergy of the Dio cese of Penn. 1871. STONE, A. L. Fast Day Sermon, preached at Boston. 1864. 44 690 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 53. SUNDERLAND, B. Sermon delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Jan. 31, 1864. WAYLAND, F. Encouragements to Religious Effort. Sermon at Phila., 1830. WHITING, Lyman. Memorial Tribute to Rev. Thos. Snell, 1862. Sermon at the Funeral of Rev. Peter Sanborn, of Read ing, Mass., 1857. VOL. 54. Address of the Gen. Assoc. of Conn., on Gospel Disci pline, 1808. ANDREWS, Elisha. Sermon on Death of Sam l Phillips, 1810. ANTHON, H. Sermon on Death of Rev. Hugh Smith, D. D., 1849. CHURCH, J. H. Fast Day Sermon at Andover, 1810. FIELD, D. D. Sermon on Death of Mrs. Eliz. Brainerd, 1813. HIGGINS, D. Sermon at Bath, 1827, on Leprosy. HOTCHKISS, F. W. Sermon at Haddam, at the Festival of St. John. 1821. INGLIS, Jas. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Detroit. 1844. LABAREE, B. Sermon on Death of Gen. Harrison. 1841. LORD, John C. Discourse before the Law Students Assoc. of Buffalo. 1852. LYMAN, J. Sermon on the Death of Gov. Strong. 1819. Sermon before the Hampshire Assoc. 1821. PENNOCK, A. C. The Fall and Rescue of Man. 1867. SELWYN, Geo. A. Sermon before the Episcopal Gen. Con vention at Baltimore. 1871. SMITH, Ethan. Episcopacy Examined, etc. Sermon at Hop- kinton. 1816. SPEES, S. G. Thanksgiving Sermon preached at Indianapolis, 1847. TRUAIR, John. Sermon at Oswego, 1836, on Sectarianism. WILSON, J. G. Fast-Day Sermon [at Fayette], Aug. 3, 1849. VOL. 55. BOWMAN, S. Convention Sermon at Phila., 1837. BRADLEE, C. D. Christ All in All: Sermon at Boston, 1872. DE LANCEY, Bishop. Address to Students of the Theolog. Sem., N. Y., 1841. Convention Address. 1848. HUNTINGTON, F. D. Address before the Mass. S. S. Teachers* Convention. 1860. JARVIS, S. F. Convention Sermon on Regeneration, preached at Dedham. 1821. McCAiNE, Alex. Slavery Defended from Scripture. Sermon at Baltimore. 1842. MAY, S. J. Discourse on Slavery in the U. States. 1831. PETTIBONE, P. C. Sermon at the Dedication of the Trinitari an Ch., Fitchburg, 1844. RICHARDSON, R. H. Discourse on Death of Mrs. Geo. A. Gibbs. 1849. STREETER, S. W. American Slavery essentially Sinful. 1845. WHITE, Bishop Wm. Address to Students of Theolog. Sem., N. Y., 1841. WOOD, H. Evil Speaking. A Sermon, n. d. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 691 MISCELLANEOUS RELIGIOUS. AMERICAN, ETC. VOL. 1. Address to the Ministers, Elders and Members of the Presb. Ch. in the U. S., 1836. Bishop (The) and the Bible, or the Nail Driven Home, etc. 1858. CHALMERS, Thos. Earnest Appeal to the Free Ch. of Scot land, on its Economics. 1847. EELLS, J. Conversations on Baptism. 1828. HUNT, T. P. The Bible Baptist. 1843. Letter to the Synod of Albany, on the subject of Dancing . 1847. PELTON, Sam l. Reply to Rev. Laurence Kean s Vindication of Methodism. 1823. PHILIP, John. Letter to the Soc y of Inquiry on Missions, in the Theolog. Seminary, Princeton, 1833. Presbyterian Ch. Report of Committee of Gen. Assembly, in regard to Disciplining Baptized Children. 1812. Shall its Constitution be altered? Strictures on the Marriage Question. WILSON, Wm. Protest against the action of the Gen. Synod of the Reformed Presb. Ch., in the case of the Pittsburg Presbytery, 1850. YALE, Elisha. Eldership in the Church of God, 1852. Vol. 2. ANTHON, Henry. The True Churchman warned against Errors of the Time, 1843. GOODE, Wm. Sound P. Episcopal Views of the Holy Com munion, 1843. GUION, J. M. Apology for the Church, 1843. LETTER to Bishop Potter on Christian Union in the Propaga tion of the Gospel, 1850. NEALE J. M. " Tractarian Delusions " Catholic Truths. Let ter in Reply to Rev. E. Elliott, 1856. P. Episcopal Ch. House of Bishops. Letter to the Clergy and Candidates for Holy Orders, 1865. P. Episcopal Ch. House of Bishops. Pastoral Letters, 1862 1868. Reply to a Letter remonstrating against the Consecration o^ Rev. H. U. Onderdonk, Ass t Bishop of the Diocese of Penn. 1827. SMITH and Anthon, Rev.Drs. Statement of Facts in relation to the Recent Ordination in St. Stephen s Ch., N. York, 1843. SOUTHGATE, Horatio. Letter to the Members of the P. Epis copal Ch., in vindication of himself, 1844. The Calvary Pastoral, with Comments: a Tract for the Times, 1849. WHATELY, Arch p. The Kingdom of Christ delineated, 1843. 692 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 3. APTHORP, E. Considerations on the Institution and Conduct of the Soc y for Propagation of the Gospel, etc. 76 3. BRADFORD, Win. Some Account of the Prayer Book printed by him in 1710. Letter to Prof. E. A. Park, on his last Sermon before the Pas toral Assoc. of Mass. 1844. LEWIS, W. H. Considerations addressed to the Laity of the P. E. Church. 1853. Position of the P. Episcopal Ch. with reference to other Protestant Denominations. 1853. MUHLENBERG, W. A. Two Letters on Protestant Sisterhoods. 1856. PERCEVAL, A. P. Apology for the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession. 1839. P. Episcopal Ch. Commentary on the Questions in the Offices for the Ordainirag of Priests and Deacons, n. d. The New Birth; or, Regeneration in Baptism. -1853. P. Episcopal Ch. Statement and Appeal of the Foreign Com mittee, 1855. SMITH, J. A. Remarks in Convention of the Diocese of N. York, on the Resolutions of Dr. Sherwood, 1847. - VON HUTTEN, U. Epistle Congratulatory to the Bishops of the Episcopal Court at Camden, 1853. VOL. 4. BRUNSON, A. The Gospel Ministry: its Characteristics and Qualifications, 1856. McCAiNE, A. Defence of the Truth, as set forth in the " History and Mystery of Methodist Episcopacy," 1829. M. E. Church. Connectional Centenary Documents, Nos. 1-5, 1865, 66. - O BRIEN, John. Fourth Ann. Application to N. York Con ference, 1854. PERRY, J. H. Reply to Prof. Mattison s " Answer," etc. Case of Prof. Mattison and Mrs. Palmer, 1856. . SCARRITT, Nathan. Position of the M. E. Ch. South, on Sla very, 1860. VOL. 5. ALLINSON, W. J. Quakerism Vital: illustrated bv the course of Wm. Forster. 1860. BROOK, Mary. Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Waiting. 1782. DYMOND, J. Inquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity. 1854. Oaths; their Moral Character, etc., 1835. Friends, Soc y of. Address to Citizens of the U. S., in regard to Slavery, etc. 1837. Epistle from the Yearly Meeting held in Phila., 1861. HICKS, Elias. Account of his Life, Ministry and Death. n.d. Letter [from a Friend in America to Luke Howard, in vindi cation of Job Scott. 1826. Letter from a Friend in the Country to a Friend in the City, in regard to some Letters of Elias Hicks. 1825. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 693 VOL. 5. SHIPLEY, Ann. Letter on the Dispute of the Statements of Anna Braithwaite and Elias Hicks. With a Review of the same. 1824. Summary of the History, Doctrines and Discipline of Friends. 1790. Testimony of the Society of Friends in America. 1830. VOL. 5,v. BARCLAY, Robt. Apology for the Quakers. 1771. Friends, Society of. Gen. Epistle from the Yearly Meeting held in London, 1870. Memorials of Deceased Friends of New England Yearly Meeting. 1868. VOL. 6. LANDOR, S. W. Popery: British and Foreign. 1851. SHOBEEL, F. Persecutions of Popery. Historical Narratives, 1844. LOWELL, Robt. Five Letters against certain Pretensions of the Papal Ch. 1853. NORTON, Herman. Progress and Prospects of Romanism. 1844. STONE, W. L. Maria Monk and the Nunnery of the Hotel Dieu, Montreal. 1836. COXE, A. C. Letfer to Pius the Ninth, Bishop of Rome. 1870. CAPES, J. M. Four Years Experience of the Catholic Relig ion. 1849. Defense of the Protestant Bible. 1844. VOL. 7. BROWN, A. W. Concerning the True Gov t of the New Jerusalem, 1853. DIKE, S. F. Sermon at the Dedication of the New Jerusalem Temple in Bath, Maine, 1844. Remarks on the Assertions of the Author of the Memoirs of Jacobinism, respecting the Character of Swedenborg, 1800. SWEDENBORG, E. As a man of Science, a Philosopher, etc., 1854. Doctrine of the New Jerusalem respecting the Sacred Scripture, 1858. Summaria Expositio Doctrine Novas Ecclesise, etc. 1859. Summary Exposition of the Internal Sense of the Pro phetical Scriptures, etc., 1833. VOL. 8. CHANNING, W. H. Addresses before the Assoc. for Re ligious Improvement, Boston, in 1823, 4, 5. Religions of China: Address at Boston. 1870. CLARKE, J. F. A True Theology the Basis of Progress, n. d. Correspondence relative to the Prospects of Christianity in India. 1824. Doctrines of Original Sin and the Trinity, discussed by a Clergyman of the P. E. Church, and a Layman of Boston. 1859. FARLEY, F. A. Two Tracts on the Doctrine of the Trinity. 1832, Free Religious Assoc. Proceedings at Boston, 1872. GANNETT, E. S. Mr. Parker and his Views. 1845. Notions on Religion and Politics; by the Puritan Club. 1826. 694 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 8. Remarks upon Rev. Geo. Putnam s Installation Discourse at Boston, Mar. 3, 1846. Review of a Letter from a Gentleman in Boston to a Unita rian Clergyman, etc., 1828. Unitarianism at Geneva. 1824. WASHBURN, F. J. A Comparative View of Religions. 1870. Wreath for the Rev. Dan l Dow. 1806. VOL. 9. BARRINGER, H. True Christian Union required and made plain, 1851. Characteristics in the Prophecies in regard to the Power and Duration of the French Republic, etc., 1798. GUMMING. J. The Second Coming of Christ. Lecture at Leicester, 1853. FITCH, C., and others. Report of a Discussion on the 2d Advent near. 1843. FLEMING, L. D. Evidences of the Second Coming of Christ, about A. D. 1843. New, Sharp Threshing Instrument having Teeth, 1868. PACKARD, N. Political and Religious Detector; in which Millerism is exposed, etc., 1843. Second Advent Reports. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 2, 1840, 1841. The Coming Struggle among the Nations of the Earth, 1853. The First Fruits. A Scriptural Inquiry into the Time of the First Resurrection, 1856. VOL. 10. BEECHER, Chas. Review of the " Spiritual Manifesta tions." 1853. CAPRON, E. W., and BARRON, H. D. Explanation and History of the Mysterious Noises in Western N. Y. 1850. EDMONDS, Judge. Certainty and Uncertainty of Spiritual In tercourse. Two Tracts 1858. Spiritualism as demonstrated from Ancient and Modern History. 1859. False Prophesying. Tract on Spiritualism. 1858. GiDDiNGS 5 E. Two Lectures on Spiritual Manifestations, etc. 1853. SCOTT, E. P. The Last Call. Spiritualism unmasked, etc. 1860. Society for the Diffusion ot Spiritual Knowledge. Charter, etc. 1854. VOL. 11. BACON, L. W. On State Interference with Religion, and in favor of a Quiet Sunday. 1872. BAIRD, T. H. Essay on Sabbath Mails, n. d. CUMMINS, J. J. The Sabbath: Patriarchal, Mosaic and Christ ian. 1856. HIESTAND, J. The Christian s Legacy; Why don t you keep the Sabbath Day? 1858. Letter to Dr. Candish, of Edinburgh, on the Jewish Sabbath and Sunday. 1847. Minority Report in N. York Legislature, on the Sunday Liquor Law. 1861. N. York Sabbath Committee. Document No. 12. 1860. PLUMPTRE, E. H. Sunday. 1866. CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. 695 VOL. 11. Report of Perm. Legislature relative to the Seventh Day Baptists. 1850. Sabbath Desecration. A National Tract. 1850. Utica, N. Y. Proceedings of Citizens in regard to Sabbath Observance. 1828. WHITE, W. Three Letters to the Editor of the Amer. Quar terly Review. 1830. VOL. 12. Chinese Tracts, etc. VOL. 13. Letter to Rev. Dr. Porter, on the Statements of the Chris tian Spectator in reference to Dr. Bellamy s Doctrines, 1834. TOWNSEND, Howard. The Sinai Bible, or Bibliorum Codex "Sinaiticus. BENEDICT, D. Circular on a Model Church and a Model Pas tor, n. d. CARLETON, H. The Divine Authority of the Bible, 1860. Christian Alliance (The); its Constitution, List of Officers, and Address, 1843. DUTTON, S. W. S. Letter in Reply to Rev. Dr. Hall s Letter on the Atonement, 1856. Essay on the Influence of a Moral Life on our Judgment in Matters of Faith, n. d. Guizot s Meditations on the Immortality of the Soul. Trans lated by Gen. J. W. de Peyster. HURLBUT, E. P. Secular View of Religion in the State. Al bany, 1870. ISAAC, H. Address to Jews and Christians, n. d. Laus Patriae Celestis. Translation of an Ancient Latin Hymn. 1867. Letter from the Missionaries at Constantinople, in Reply to Charges by Rev. Horatio Southgate. 1844. McKiNNEY, W. G. The Commandments Kept, etc. 1859. MAIS, C. Case of Rachel Baker, who Prays and Preaches in her Sleep. 1814. Obligations of Christians to Attempt the Conversion of the Jews. 1821. Religious Considerations upon the Appeal from Greece, n. d. SMITH, Gerrit. Argument on Sectarianism. 1847. STANSBURY, A. O. Considerations on the Lawfulness of Lot teries. 1813. STUART, Moses. Letter to Dr. Channing on Religious Lib erty. 1830. TODD, L. C. & THOMPSON, J. S. Universalism Renounced. 1833. WHARTON. C. H. Short Enquiry into the Proofs of Christ s Divinity. 1796. VOL. 14. BLANCHARD, J. P. The Future Life; an Examination of its Conditions from the New Testament. 1858. Centurial Jubilee of the Reformation. 1817. FOSTER, J. Letter to a Young Minister on the Duration of Future Punishment. 1849. GRANT, Miles. What is Man? or a Bible View of his Crea tion, etc. 1862. 696 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 14. HINE, L. A. The Human Gospel. No. l. 1851. - Inquiry into the Spirit of Truth, etc. 1837. KNEELAND, A. Review of his Trial, Conviction and Impris onment. 1838. WAKEFIELD, G. Essay on Inspiration, 1781. VOL. 15. A Few Thoughts. By a Member of the Bar. n. d. BECKWITH, G. C. Dissuasive from Controversy respecting the Mode of Baptism. 1831. GRAY, Jas. Death s Defense of his Character. 1817. LIVERMORE, Harriet. Testimony for the Times, 1843. - REVIEW of Coleman s Antiquities, etc., 1841. SARGEANT, L. M. Review of Dr. Sprague s Sermon on the " Danger of being Overwise," 1842. SCHAUFFLER, Wm. G. Essay upon the Right Use of Property, 1832. TYXG S. H. The Amer. S. S. Union and the " Union Prin ciple," 1855. WHEWELL Wm. Indications of the Creator, 1845. WYATT, W. E. The Parting Spirit s Address to his Mother, 1851. Vol. 16. ADDRESS in behalf the American Education Soc y, 1825. AMERICAN Christian Commission. Document No. 8. 1869. AMERICAN Soc y. for Educating Pious Yonth. Constitution and Address. 1816. BELL, A. M. Sermon Reading and Memoriter Delivery. 1863. BROOKS, Chas. Facts respecting Ministers Salaries in N. England. 1854. CHANNING, W. E. Letter to Proprietors of the Federal St. Meeting House, Boston. 1840. Does War help Christianity? n. d. Dow, Lorenzo. Progress of Light and Liberty. 1827. Inquiry into the right to change the Ecclesiastical Constitution of the Cong. Churches in Mass. 1816. LANGDON, Sam l. Examination of Letters on Theron and Aspasio. 1765. MACDONALD, A. J. Monuments, Grave Stones, etc. 1848. PEARCE, S. Letter to the Lascars. 1801. SCHAEFFER, C. F. Exegetical Punctuation of the N. Testa ment. 1868. - Southern Aid Society. 4th, 6th, 7th, Ann. Reports, 1857-61. - WILCOX, Asa. Strictures on a Pamphlet on Infant Baptism, 1819. VOL. 17. American S. S. Union. Sketch of Missionary Opera tions in 1855-6. BALDWIN, Thos. Christian Baptism as delivered to the Churches, 1812. BURGESS, Geo. Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of N. England, 1847. CHANNING, W. E. Evidences of Christianity, 1833. Congregational Friends. Proceedings of the Yearly Meeting, held at Waterloo, 1851. CROSWELL, Wm. Letter to the Bishop of Mass, 1845. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 697 VOL. 17. DOANE, Bishop G. W. Systematic Charity upon the Apostolic Model, 1835. EASTBURN, Manton. Nature of the Holy Communion, 1843. MASON, C. DIVINITY of Christ not Contradictory to Human Reason, 1844. N. England S. S. Union. 18th Ann. Report, 1852. SAWYER, L. A. Children of Believers entitled to Baptism, 1838. TRUMBTJLL, H. C. Childhood Conversion; an Essay, 1868. WILSON, Dan l. Inspiration of the Scriptures, 1845. VOL. 18. BURDER, Geo. Twelve Sermons to the Aged. n. d. Critical History of the Religions and Customs of the Eastern Nations. MORTON, Rev. W. Translation of two Papers written in Bel- gait and Sanskrit, on Idol Worship and Caste, etc. 1843. Our Country: a Plea for Home Missions. 1842, 1858. Story of the Morning Star. 1866. VOL. 19. ANDREWS, C. W. Memorial of Mrs. Eleanor Shepherd. 1855. Appeal to the Churches in behalf of Africa. 1834. Ballads about Church Abuses. 1854. Essay on Demoniacs. 1833. FULLER, Sam l. Confirmation, or Laying on of Hands. 1857. Gal way, N. York, 2d Baptist Church. Confession of Faith. n. d. HILLIKER, H. W. Sermon on the Corrupt Nature of Man. 1811. The Newmania, or Puseyism. 1847. - PEABODY, A. P. Address before the Mass. Bible Soc y- 1870. POTTS, Geo. Sermon in behalf of the American S. S. Union, at Phila. 1853. Statement and Appeal of the Borneo Mission. 1844. TAYLOR, Jeremy. Life of Christ. 1796. TUPPER, M. F. Anti-Ritualistic Satire. 1868. TYNG, S. H., and others. Speeches at Boston in behalf of the Amer. S. S. Union. 1844. VOL. 20. Arguments in favor of Abolishing Religious Instruction in Public Schools. 1870. CHAMBERLIN, N. H. Discourse preached at Canton, Mass. 7 Apr. 15, 1828. Ecclesiastical Register: a Statistical View of Religious De nominations. 1831. GURNEY, J. J. Letter to Followers of Elias Hicks. 1833. HALE, C. R. List of Sees and Bishops in the Holy Eastern Church. 1870. Methodist Episcopal Church. Report of Committee on Or ganization , from Conferences in the South. 1845. Methodist Protestant Church. Constitution adopted by Gen. Convention at Baltimore. 1830. P. Episcopal Church. Changes in the Constitution and Can ons, adopted at a Gen. Convention, held in Baltimore. 1871r Pastoral Letter of the House of Bishops. 1871. 698 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. 20. P. Episcopal Churdh. Report of Committee on the Hymnal of the Ch. n. d. ROGERS, Wm. Circular Letter on Justification. 1785. . Sketch of the History of the Missions and of the Church of the United Brethren. 1844. TALMAGE, J. V. N. The Anti Missionary Movement in South China. 1871. The Church s Mission to Working Men; a Report to P. Epis copal Ch. 1863. THOMPSON, H. M. Is Romanism the Best Religion for the Republic? 1869. Universalist General Convention, 1861. Minutes of. WENINGER, F. X. On Papal Infallibility, 1870. VOL. 21. American Peace Society Tracts. Six Papers. Brief Exposition of the Principles and Regulations of the Shakers, 1843. CORDER, Susanna. Brief Outline of the Origin, Principles, etc. of the Society of Friends, 1852. * DUNLAVY, John. The Nature and Character of the True Church of Christ, 1847. Objections to the Claims of Swedenborg examined and re futed, n. d. P. Episcopal Gen. Theological Seminary. Publication of the Associate Alumni for 1856. P. Episcopal Ch. Society for Increase of the Ministry. 15th Ann. Report, 1871. Review of Win. White s Life of Swedenborg. 1867. SCOTT, J, War inconsistent with the Doctrine and Example of Jesus Christ. 1804. The Crisis of the Quaker Contest in Manchester. 1836. P tl. VOL. 22. BROWN, A. W. Five Tracts on the Sabbath. 1836. HAWKES, Henry. Observations on Celebrating the Anniver sary of the Lord s Supper, n. d. HUDSON, C. Primary Questions for S. Schools. 1834. - JACOBUS, M. W. Popery against Common School Education. n. d. - KIRW AN, pseud. Letters to Bishop Hughes. 1847. Scripture Catechism on Romanism, n. d. VOL. 23. BROCKWAY, J. His Apology to the Rev. N. S. S. Be- man. 1827. On the Revival of Religion in Troy, in 1826-27. Contrast of J. Brockway s Testimony and Statements. 1827. EDWARDS, Jona. Advice to Young Converts. 1807. Episcopacy weighed and found Wanting. 1840. McCLURE, A. W. Lectures on Ultra-Universalism. 1832. Pastoral Letter of the Oneida Assoc., on Revivals. 1827. SCOTT, Rob t. Antidote for Deism. 1816. WALKER, John. Expostulatory Address to the Methodists of Ireland. 1830. VOL. 24. Boston St. Stephen s Chapel. Reports, 1848, 49, 50, 51, 52, 69, 70. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 699 VOL. 24. Circular of the P. Episcopal Soc y for Increase of the Ministry, n. d. HALE, C. R. List of Sees and Bishops of the Russo-Greek Ch. 1872. Italian Church Reformation Commission Report, 1872. LIGHTFOOT, J. B. Episcopacy. 1872. Report to P. Episcopal Gen. Convention, 1871, on the Russo- Greek Church. VOL. 25. Brief Sketch of the Amer. Ceylon Mission. 1849. FITCH, J. G. The Art of Securing Attention in a S. School Class. 1859? GILDERSLEEVE, B. The Mediatorial Probation. 1848. HART, C. W. Disputations, Theological and Moral. 1818. LEHMANN, G. W. Hist, of Baptist Churches in Germany. 1869. MONITOR, E. Stranger s Apology for the Gen. Associations, 1812. REMARKS on Mr. Norton s " Statement of Reasons," 1834. REPORT of the Amer. Presb. Mission at Allahabad to June 1, 1845. STATEMENT of Claims of the Meth. Episcopal Ch. South, etc. n. d. UNITARIAN S. School Society. Report, 1851. WAYLAND, F. Thoughts on the Missionary Organizations of the Baptist Ch. 1859. RELIGIOUS LITERATURE VOLUMES.* ARNDT, John. Treatise on True Christianity. German. Lunen- burg, 1626. 8vo. BEECHER, Rev. Lyman, D.D. Views of Theology; as developed in three Sermons and his Trials before the Presbytery of Cin cinnati, 1835. Boston, 1853. 8vo. BELKNAP, J., D.D. Sacred Poetry; consisting of Psalms and Hymns adapted to Christian Devotion. Boston, 1820. 18mo. BERROW. Rev. Capel. A Lapse of Human Souls in a State of Pre- Existence, the only Original Sin. London, 1766. 8vo. ^ BLAKELY, Rev. John. Theology of Inventions; or Manifestations of Deity in the Works of Art, N. Y., 1856. 12mo. BOARDMAN, H. A., D.D. The Bible in the Counting House; A Course of Lectures to Merchants. 6th Ed. Phila., 1859. 12mo. The Bible in the Family; or Hints on Domestic Happiness. llth Ed. Phila., 1859. 12mo. *From this collection some volumes may be missed which will be found in the body of the Catalogue, because of their historical character, such as Church Histories, Religious Biographies, Centennial Discourses and Minutes of Ecclesiastical Conventions. This department is meant to include only publications upon Practical Religion and Theology. 700 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOOK of Public Worship, for the use of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation. Boston, 1848. 12mo. BROUGHIM, Lord. Natural Theology. Lond., 1855. 12mo. BULKLEY, Chas. The (Economy of the Gospels. Lond., 1764. 4to. BUNYAN, John. Pilgrim s Progress from this World to that which is to come. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. BURNAP, Geo. W. Discourses on the Rectitude of Human Nature. Boston, 1850. 12mo. Expository Lectures on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Boston, 1845. 12mo. Lectures on the Doctrine of Christianity, in controversy be tween Unitarians and other denominations of Christians. Boston, 1848. 12mo. Popular Objections to Unitarian Christianity considered. 4th Ed. Boston, 1854. l2mo. CALVIN, John. Treatise on Relics. From the French; with a Dis sertation on Images. Edinburgh, 1854. 12mo. CHALMERS, Thos., D. D. A Series of Discourses on Christian Rev elation viewed in connection with Modern Astronomy. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. Discourses on the Connection between Theology and General Science. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. Discourses on the Application of Christianity to the Commer- mercial and Ordinary Aifairs of Life. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. CHASTEL, Rev. Stephen. Charity of the Primitive Churches. Phila., 1757. 12mo. CONFESSION of Faith of the Presbyterian Church, with Larger and Shorter Catechisms, etc. No title Page. English Ed. DENISON, Fred. The Supper Institution. Phila. n. d. 12mo. DICK, Thos. D.D. Essav on the Sin and Evils of Covetousness. Phila., 1856. 12mo. Philosophy of a Future State. Phila., 1856. 12mo. Philosophy of Religion. Phila., 1856. 12mo. DIXON, Rev. Jas. Methodism, in its Origin, Economy, and Present Position. N. Y., 1848. iSmo. DIVINE (The) Efficiency and Moral Harmony of the LTniverse proved from Reason and Scripture. Boston, 1854. 12mo. DOBIE, David. A Key to the Bible: being an Exposition of the History and General Laws of Sacred Interpretation. N. Y., 1856. 12mo. DORR, Rev. Benj. Prophecies and Types, relative to Christ. Phila., 1861. 12mo. EDWARDS, Jonathan, D.D. History of the Work of Redemption: containing the Outlines of a Body of Divinit}^ Worcester, 18C8. 8vo. Another copy, Edinburgh, 1788. 8vo. Inquiry into the Modern prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will. Boston, 1754. 8vo. Practical Sermons. Edinburgh, 1788. 8vo. FINNEY, Rev. C. G. Lectures on Revivals. N. Y. 12mo. FISH, Rev. H. C. and POOR, D. W. Select Discourses by Adolph Monod, Krummacher, Tholock and Julius Muller, translated from the French and German. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 701 FISHEE, Rev. Nathaniel. Sermons preached in St. Peter s Church, Salem, Mass. Salem, 1818. 12mo. GIS-ENSCHMID, L. M. Das Romisch Catholische Meszbuch. Neu- stadt. 1829. 8vo. GOD in the Storm; a Narrative by Rev. L. P. W. Balch, an Address by Rev. Lyman Beecher, D. D., and a Sermon by Rev. Thos. Smyth, D. D. 1851. 17mo. GOULBOURNE, E. M. Introduction to Devotional Study of the Scriptures. N. Y., 1866. 8vo. Sermons on Various Occasions. N. Y., 1866. 18mo. HALE, Sarah I. Bible Reading Book designed for Schools and Families. Phila., 1855. 12mo. HALL, Rev. Edwin. An Exposition of the Law of Baptism; as it Regards the Mode and Subjects. 4th Ed. 1850. 12mo. Refutation of Sundry Baptist Errors, being a Reply to Rev. J. J. Woolsey. Norwalk, Ct., 1841. 12mo. HARRIS, S., D. D. "Commentary on the 53d Chapter of Isaiah. Lond., 1735. 4to. HASKINS, D. G. Selections from Scripture. Boston, 1861. 12mo. HEISS, M. The Four Gospels examined and vindicated on Catholic Principles. Milwaukee, 1863. Svo. HENRY, Rev. Matt. Discourse concerning Meekness. Cambridge, 1806. Svo. HEUBERER, C. F. The Sabbath Harp: a collection of Hymn Tunes, Chants, etc. Boston, n. d. Svo. HUDSON, Chas. Sacred Memoirs; or Family Instruction. Vol. 1. Boston, 1835. 12mo. JAMES, John Angell. An Earnest Ministry the Want of the Times. N. Y., 1849. 12mo. JENKYN, Thos. W. Union of the Holy Spirit and the Church in the Conversion of the World. Boston, 1846. 12mo. KNEELAND, A., and M Calla, W. L. Theological Discussion on Universalism. Phila., 1824. Svo. LUCAS, Rich d. Enquiry after Happiness. 5th Ed. Lond., 1717. 2 Vols. 8vo. M Cosn, James, D.D. The Method of the Divine Government, Physical and Moral. 4th Ed. N. Y., 1858. Svo. M GAVIN, Wm. The Protestant: Essays on the principal points of Controversy between the Church of Rome and the Reformed. Rochester, 1833- 2 Vols. 8vo. M ILVAINE, Bishop Chas. P. Evidences of Christianity in their External, or Historical Division; in a course of Lectures. 8th Ed. Phila., 1855. 12mo. Same. 9th Ed. N. Y. n. d. Series of Evangelical Discourses, selected for the use of fam ilies and destitute congregations. Columbus, O. 1838. 2 Vols. Svo. MEARS, Rev. John W. The Bible in the Workshop; or Christianity the Friend of Labor. N. Y., 1857. 12mo. MITCHELL, Thos. The Gospel Crown of Life: a System of Philo sophical Theology. Albany, 1851. 12mo. 702 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MURRAY, Lindley. Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliction and at the appproach of Death. N. Y., 1854. 12 mo. NELSON, Rev. John. Cause and Cure of Infidelity: with an Ac count of the Author s Conversion. N. Y., 1838. 12mo. NEW Discussion of the Trinity; containing notices of Prof. Hun ting-ton s recent Defense of that Doctrine. Boston, 1860. NEW Jerusalem Tracts. Vol. 1. Boston, 1830. 12mo. NEW York (The) Pulpit in the Revival of 1858; a memorial volume of Sermons. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. NOBLE, Rev. S. Appeal in behalf of the Views of the Eternal World and State, and the doctrines held by the New Church. 2d Ed. Boston, 1845. 12mo. ORTON, Rev. Job. Short and plain Exposition of the Old Testa ment. Charlestown, 1805. 6 Vols. 8vo. PEIRCE, Bradford K. The Eminent Dead, or the Triumphs of Faith in the dying hour. Boston, 1852. 12mo. PORTEUS, Bishop Bielby. Summary of Evidences for the Truth and Divire Origin of the Christian Revelations. Worcester, 1808. 18mo. PRESENT (A) from a Pastor to his Young Parishioners, in 10 Dis courses. Boston, 1844. 18mo. PRIME, Sam l I., D.D. The Power of Prayer; illustrated in the Wonderful Displays of Divine Grace at the Meetings in N. Y., 1857, 58. 5th Ed. N. Y., 1859. 12mo. PRINCIPLES of the New Church signified by the New Jerusalem. N. Y., I860. 12mo. RADICALISM in Religion, Philosophy and Social Life; four Papers from the Boston Courier for 1858. 12mo. RAMBACHS, Johann J. Betrachtungen uber das ganke Leiden Christi. Berlin, 1742. 8vo. RAWSON, Rev. T. R. Conversation between Dominie and Patrick: or the Bible vs. Papacy. Albany, 1860. 12mo. ROBINSON, Rev. Stuart. The Church of God as an Element of the Gospel. Phila., 1858. 12mo. SCOTCH, The, Ministers Assistant, or a Collection of Forms for Marriage, Baptism, etc. Inverness, 1802. 8vo. SCRIPTURE Text Book: Scripture Texts arranged for the Use of Ministers, S. S. Teachers and Families. 5th ed. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. SECKER, Archb p Wm. A Wedding Ring, fit for the finger; or the Salve of Divinity, 011 the Sore of Humanity. A Sermon. Lond., 1700. 18mo. SHERLOCK, Bishop Thos. Several Discourses, preached at the TempleChurch. Lond. 1756. 12mo. SMYTH, Thos., D.D. Ecclesiastical Catechism of the Presbyterian Church. Boston. 1841. 12mo. Ecclesiastical Republicanism; or the Republicanism, Liberal ity and Catholicity of Presbytery in contrast with Prelacy and Popery. Boston. 1843. 12mo. Presbytery and not Prelacy, the Scriptural and Primitive Pol ity. Boston. 1843. 8vo. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 703 SMYTH, Thos., D.D. The Prelatical Doctrine of the Apostolic Suc cession examined. Boston. 1841. 8vo. The Romish and Prelatical Rite of Confirmation examined. N. Y. 1845, 18mo. Two Discourses on Pastoral Fidelity and Pastoral Affection. N. Y. 1850. 18mo. SPIRITUAL Reflections for Every Day in the Year. Vol. 3. Lond., n. d. 18mo. SPRING, Gardiner, D. D. The Bible not of Man; or the Argument for the Divine Origin of the Scriptures. N. Y. n. d. 12mo. SPURGEON, Rev. C. H. Gems; being brilliant Passages from his Discourses. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. Sermons. 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Series. N. Y., 1858. 4 Vols. 8vo. The Saint and his Saviour. N. Y., 1858. 12mo. STORRS, Geo. An Inquiry, are the Wicked Immortal? N. Y., 1852. 18mo. STRAUSS, David Friedrich. Die Christliche Glaubenslehre in ihrer geschichtlichen entwicklung. Stutgard, 1840. 2 Vols. 8vo. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. Angelic Wisdom concerning i!he Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. N. Y., 1855. 8vo. Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence. Boston, 1851. 12mo. Arcanes Celestes. Paris. 1845. 8vo. Conjugial Love and its chaste delights, also adulterous love and its sinful pleasures. N. Y., 1856. 8vo. On the New Jerusalem, and its Heavenly Doctrine as re vealed from Heaven. Lond., 1811. 8vo. Fourth Ed. Summary Exposition of the Internal Sense of the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament. Boston, 1833. 12mo. The Apo3alypse Revealed. New Edition revised. N. Y., 1859. 2 Vols. 8vo. The Last Judgment and the Babylon destroyed. Boston, 1840. 12mo.^ The True Christian Religion containing the Universal Theo logy of the New Church. Boston, 1851. 8vo. Treatise on Heaven and Hell. Boston, 1825. 8vo. TAYLOR, George. Indications of the Creator: or the Natural Evi dences of Final Cause. N. Y. 1851. 12mo. THIRTY-ONE Sermons, by Various Clergymen. No title. 4to. Circa, 1685. TURNBULL, Robert. Life Pictures; from a Pastor s Note Book. N. Y. 1858. VINET, A., D.D. Homiletics; or the theory of Pf caching, trans lated and edited by Tho. H. SKINNER. D. D. 2d Ed. N. Y. 1854. 12mo. VOLNEY S Ruins: or, Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires. N. Y. 1845. 12mo. WAYLAND, Francis, D.D. Sermons to the Churches. N. Y. 1858. 12mo. 704 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WESLEY, Rev. John. Extract from Mr. LA.W S Serious Call to a Holy Life. N. Y. 1805. 12mo. WILLIAMS, Wm. R. Religious Progress: Discourses on the De- velopement of the Christian Character. Boston. 1851. THE TANK LIBRARY. The Tank Library (see Collections, Vol. V., p. 172) numbers 4,812 volumes and 374 pamphlets. Having been originally the property of a clergyman, it consists in great part, of course, of the ological works, chiefly in the Dutch language. Besides these, how ever, it contains a large number of historical works, books of travel and works in other departments of literature. Of this last class there may be mentioned the works of Calvin in Latin, in nine large folio volumes; of Linnaeus in Dutch, in thirty-seven octavo vol umes; of Bernoulli, in four volumes, with two more containing* works by Bernoulli and Leibnitz; a large collection of the ancient classics, and several valuable treatises on Jurisprudence. As the former proprietor of the Library, Mr. Van der Meulen, was born in 1768, and ordained in the ministry in 1792, it is not to be wondered at that the great majority of the books are earlier than the present century. Of the strictly historical works, the largest part is devoted to the history of the Netherlands; these embrace many works of the first order as authorities. There are also many treatises on Ecclesiastical History, some of them of the highest reputation in their day; and quite a number of biographies, and histories of other countries of Europe. Next to the history of the Netherlands, the most exten sive and valuable class is that of books of travel, especially of the seventeenth century, the time when Holland was at the height of political and commercial greatness. It is not thought desirable to print the entire catalogue of this Library; but some of the most important of the historical works will be briefly described, under three heads Dutch History, Books of Travel and General History, with a special section describing the maps. It should be remarked that a large proportion of the volumes described are vellum-bound folios, very copiously illustrated with maps and plates. The num bers are those of the special manuscript catalogue of the Tank Li brary. 45 706 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE NETHERLANDS, 11. FRANCOIS HALMA. Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden. (Theatre of the United Netherlands.) Le euwaarden, 1725. 2 Vol. Fol. vel. A geographical and historical dictionary of the United States of the Netherlands, with numerous maps and portraits. 31. SIMON VAN LEEUWEN. Batavia Illustrata, otteVerhandelinge van den Oorspronk, Voortgank, Zeden, Eere, Staat en Godts- dienst van Oud Batavien. (Batavia Illustrated, or Discourses upon the Origin, Progress, Manners, Reputation, State and Worship of Ancient Batavia.) Gravenhage (the Hague), 1685. Fol. vel., pp. 1520. A description of the several provinces of Holland, with their history and detailed accounts of all the noble families and eminent men. 429. JAN WAGENAAR. Vaderlandsche Historic, vervattende de Geschiedenissen der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden, inzonder- heid die van Holland. (National History, comprising the History of the now United Netherlands, especially Holland.) 1749-59. 21 Vol. 8vo. This is the standard history of the Netherlands, and is one of Mr. Motley s principal authorities. The copy above described appears to be the original edition, and does not give the author s name. Another copy, un bound, with author s name, was published 1790-96; it ap pears to be an exact reprint, but contains a large number of appendices and additional notes; and has also a continuation " to the present time." Of this edition, there are 35 vol umes, and three volumes are missing. Both editions have numerous portraits and other illustrations. 1223. JACOBUS KOK. Vaderlandsch Woordenbok (Dictionary of the Fatherland.) Amsterdam, 1782-92. This is the princi- Eal cyclopaedia of the history and geography of the Nether- tnds, and is occasionally cited by Mr. Motley. The copy in the Library is unbound and incomplete, comprising through Vol. 28 (letter T), two of the earlier volumes being missing. It has a few maps, portraits and other illustrations. 166. L. G. F. KERROUX. Abrege de 1 Histoire de Hollande et des Provinces Unies. Leyde, 1778. 8vo. 2 Vols. in one. It reaches to the year 1660. 24. PETER BOR (Christiaenszoon). Oorsprongk, Begin en Ver- volgh der Nederlandsche Oorlogen. (Origin, Beginning and Progress of the Wars of the Netherlands.) Amsterdam, 1684. 4 Vol. Fol. vel. This is Mr. Motley s principal au- authority for the period which it covers from 1555 to 1600; he says of it, that its " enormous but indispensable folios form a complete magazine of contemporary state papers, let ters and pamphlets, blended together in mass, and connected by a chain of artless but earnest narration." The author was himself a contemporary (born at Utrecht, 1559, died CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 707 1635), and his historical labors were adopted and subsidized, first by the government of Utrecht, then by that of Holland .and West Friesland. This book has therefore an official character. Each volume is illustrated with fine portraits and other plates. 32. EMANUEL YAN METEREN. Historic der Nederlandscher ende haerder Naburen Oorlogen ende Geschiedenissen. (History of the Wars and Events of the Netherlands and their Neigh bors.) Graven Hage, 1635. Fol. vel., pp. 701. This is, next to Bor, perhaps the most frequently cited of all Mr. Motley s authorities; it begins with the foundation of the ducal line of Burgundy, in 1364, and continues to the year 1612. Me- teren was born at Antwerp, 1535, and died at London, 1612; he is occasionally called the " Antwerp chronicler." It con tains a large number of portraits. JOANNES MEURSIUS. Historical Danica pariter et Belgica. 1. His- toria Danica ad Canutum VI (1448). 2. Historica Danica ad Christianum II (1523). 3. Guilielmus Auriacus (William of Orange). 4. Ferdinandus Albanus. 5. Induciarum Historia. Amstelodami, 1638. Fol. vel. Meursius was born in Hol land, 1579, but spent most of his life in Denmark, where he was historiographer to King Christian IV. He was a very voluminous writer, but this volume contains all his historical writings; it is occasionally referred to by Mr. Motley. It is adorned with a portrait of the author. 96. EVERHARD VAN REYD. Historic der Nederlandtscher Oorlogen, (History of the Wars of the Netherlands), from 1566 to 1601; added to this is, JOHAN VAN DEN SANDE. Nederlandtsche Historic (History of the Netherlands.) A continuation of the above, to the year 1641. Leeuwarden, 1650, fol. with portraits. Van Reyd was councillor of William Lewis of Nassau, Stadtholder of Friesland; his work is written " with great accuracy and fidelity." Van den Sande was a distinguished jurist, for thirty years a member of the provincial council of Friesland. 61. JEAN LE CLERC. Geschiedenissen der Vereenigde Neder- landen (History of the United Netherlands), translated from the French. Fol. veil. 4 vol. The first three volumes, published at Amsterdam, 1730, bring the history of the republic down to the Peace of Utrecht, 1713; the fourth volume, by Pieter Le Clerc, published 1753, reaches to the year 1751. It con tains numerous maps, portraits, etc. 3. ACTA SYNODI Nationalis in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christ! Dordrechti habitae, Anno 1618 & 1619. Dord- rechti, 1620. Fol. vol., pp. 323. 55. JOANNES UYTENBOGAERT. Kerckeliicke Historic (Ecclesiasti cal History.) Rotterdam. Fol. vel., pp. 1214. Principally devoted to the theological dissensions which led to the Synod of Dort and the death of Olden-Barneveldt in 1619. Uytenbogaert was himself a leader in the Arminian party, and went into exile at Paris, whence he returned after the death of Prince Maurice, 1626. 7oS WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 51. JACOBUS TRIGLANDIUS. Kerckelycke Geschiedenissen (Eccle siastical History.) Leyden 1650. Fol. vel., pp. 1861. This is in the main a reply to Uytenbogaert s History. The au thor was Professor at Leyden, and grandfather of the dis tinguished scholar, Jacob Trig-land. 52. WILHELM en Maurits van Nassau, haer Leven en Bedryf. (William and Maurice of Nassau, their Lives and Deeds). Amsterdam, 1651. Fol. vel. The life of William occupies only about one-fifth of the volume. There are portraits, plans and other plates. 64. ISAAK COMMELYN. Frederick Hendrik van Nassauw, Prince van Orangien^ zyn Leven en Bedryf. (Frederick Henry of Nassau, Prince of Orange, his Life and Deeds. Amsterdam. 1651. Fol. vel. 2 Vols. in one. 253. ARNOLDUS MONTANUS. Het Leven, Bedryf en Oorlogs-Daa- den van Wilhem den Derden, Koning van Engeland, etc. (The Life, Deed sand Military Exploits of William III., King of England, etc.) Amsterdam, 1703. 3 Vols. 16mo. vel. With portrait and illustrations. 376. HET LEVEN en Bedryf van Wilhem de Darde, Koning van Groot-Brittanie, etc. (The Life and Deeds of William III., King of Great Britain, etc.) Amsterdam, 1694. 4to. vel. 2 Vols. With plates. 397. L. ROTGANS. Wilhem de Derde, door Gods genade, Koning van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankryk en lerland, Beschermer des Geloofs, enz. In Heldendicht beschreven. (William III., by God s grace King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc. Written in heroic verse.) Utrecht, 1698. 2 Vols. in one. 4to. 366. FRA^OIS HALMA. Het Leven van zyne Hoogheit Johan Willem Friso, Prinse van Oranje en Nassau, etc. (The Life of His Highness, John William Friso, Prince of Orange and Nassau, etc.) Amsterdam, 1716. 16mo. 2 Vols. John William, Stadtholder of Friesland, was cousin of William III., and ancestor of the present royal family of Holland. 1498. LEVENSBESCHRYVING van den doorluchtigsten vorst en heere, Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, Prince cTOrange en Nassau. (Biography of the most illustrious Prince and Lord, William Charles Henry Friso, Prince of Orange and Nassau.) Ley den, 1752. 8vo. 2 parts in one. This was William IV., son of John William Friso, made Stadtholder in 1751. Maps and plates. 1160. CORNELIS VAN DER AA. Geschiedenis van het Leven, Character en Lotgevallen van wijlen Willem den Vijfden, Prinse van Oranje en Nassau. (History of the Life, Char acter and Fortunes of the late William V, Prince of Orange and Nassau.) Amsterdam, 1806. 5 Vols. 8vo. 60. GERARD BRANDT. Het Leven en Bedryf van den Heere Mi- chiel de Ruiter. (Life and Deeds of Lord Michael de Rui- ter.) Amsterdam, 1867. Fol. vel., pp. 1086. This is the standard authority for the life of this celebrated man. The CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 709 author, a clergyman of Amsterdam (d. 1685), was the most distinguished of a distinguished family. 1104. Nieuwe Nederlandsche Jaarboeken. (New Year-Book of the Netherlands.) 129 Volumes, covering the years from 1747 to 1795. 340. JAN LODEWYK SCHUER. Nederlands Merkwaardigste Gebeurt- enissen sedert byna twee Eeuwen. (The most remarkable occurrences of the Netherlands for nearly two centuries.) Amsterdam. 1752. 16mo. 3 Vols. With Plates. By one of the authors of the great historical Dictionary. (See p. .) 180. EMANUEL VAN DER HOEVEN. Hollands Aeloude Vryheid, buyten het Stadhouderschap. (Holland s Ancient Freedom, without the Stadtholdership.) Amsterdam. 1706. 4to. 4 parts in one. Written after the death of William III., when the hereditary Stadtholdership was abolished. 1198. A. KLUIT. Historic der Hollandsche Staatsregering tot aan het Jaar 1795. (History of the Government of Holland to the year 1795.) Amsterdam. 1811. 5 Vols. 8vo. A stand ard constitutional history of Holland from its practical inde pendence in 1572 to the revolution of government in conse quence of the French Revolution. 1896. GERARD VAN LOON. Aloudi Hollandsche Histori. (An cient History of Holland.) Graavenhage, 1734. 2 Vol. Fol. This is a standard history of the province of Holland, from the earliest times to the year 1083. 366. JAN WAGENAAR. Amsterdam, in zyne Opkomst, Aanwas, Geschiedenissen, Voorregten, Koophandel, Gebouwen, Kerk- enstaat, Schoolen, Schutterye, Gilden en Regeeringe. (Am sterdam, in its Origin, Growth, History, Privileges, Com merce, Buildings, Churches, Schools, Train-bands, Guilds and Government.) Amsterdam, 1760-8. 8vo. 13 Vol. With portrait, maps and plans. 38. ISAAK LE LONG. Historische Beschryvinge van de Reforma- tie der Stadt Amsterdam. (Historical Narration of the Re- formatjon in the City of Amsterdam.) Amsterdam, 1729. Fol. veil., pp. 587. Illustrated with more than 70 copper plates. It contains also a complete history of the city, es pecially its ecclesiastical relations. 1892. JACOB DE RIEMER. Beschryving van s Graven-Hage. (De scription of the Hague.) Delft. 1730. folio. 3 Vols. With many fine illustrations. 56. HISTORIA ULTRAJECTINA (History of Utrecht), containing: 1. Chronica Johannis de Beka. Beka was a canon of Utrecht in the latter part of the fourteenth century; his chronicle ends A. D. 1393. An appendix by Petrus Suffridus brings it down to 1529. 2. Wilhelmi Hedae Historia Episcoporum Ultrajectensium. Heda was likewise a canon of Utrecht, and died 1541. His history is much fuller than Beka s, and contains a large number of documents; it reaches the year 1523, and is continued by Petrus Suffridus to 1573. Both works are chief authorities for the early history of Hollaud, and are enriched with copious notes by Arnoldus Buchelius. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3. Lambert! Hortensii Secessionum Civilium Ultrajectina- rum. Libri vii. A history of the revolution by which Utrecht passed under the rule of Charles V. in 1528. Tra jecti ad Rhermm (Utrecht), 1643. Fol. vel. With map. 237. ANTONIUS MATTHAEUS. De Rebus Ultrajectinis Auctoris Incerti Narratio Historica, ab Ann. MCXXXVIII usque ad Ann. MCCXXXIII. Hagae-Comitum. (The Hague), 1740. 4to. pp. 240. 16. GROOT PLACAETBOEK. (The Ordinances of the United Neth erlands, and the States of Holland, Zealand and West Fries- land.) Gravenhage, 1658. fol. vel. 9 vols. and Register. 17. PLACAETBOEK s LANDS van Utrecht. (Book of Ordinances of the Province of Utrecht.) Utrecht, 1729. fol. vel. 3 Vol. 40. JOANNUS ISACUS Po NT ANUS. XIV Boeken van de Geldersse Geschiedenissen. (Fourteen Books of the history of Geld- erland): edited by Arend van Slichtenhorst. Arnhem, 1653. fol vel. pp. 740. With 25 Maps and Plans. Pontanus was a distinguished scholar, historiographer to the King of Den mark, in which country he was born; died in Gelderland, 1640. 1899. JOANNES BAPTISTA GRAMAYE. Antiquitates Illustrissimi Ducatus Brabantiae. Lovanii (Louvain), 1708. fol. BOOKS OF TRAVEL. 108. Zee en Land Reizen. Historische Beschryving der Reizen ... in Europa, Asia, Afrika en Amerika. (Journeys by Sea and Land. Historical Account of Journeys in Europe, etc.): trans lated from the English. Gravenhage, 1747-67. 21 Vols. 4to. With numerous maps and illustrations. PlETER VAN DER A A. 79. De Aanmerkens-waardige Voyagien door Francoisen, Itali- aanen, Hoogduytsen en andere Vremde Volkeren gedaan na Oost- en West-Indien. (The Remarkable Voyages made to the East and West Indies by French, Italians, High-Dutch and other Foreign people.) 2 Vols. 80. De Wijd-Beroemde Voyagien na Oost- en West-Indien ged aan door de Engelsen. (The far-famed Voyages made to the East and West Indies by the English.) 81. De Doorlugtige Scheeptogten der Portugysen naOost-Indien. (The Illustrious Naval Expeditions of the Portuguese to the East Indies.) 2 Vols. 82. De Gedenkwaardige en al-om Beroemde Voyagien der Span- jaarden na West-Indien. (The Memorable and far Re nowned Voyages of the Spaniards to the West Indies.) 95. Beschryving van Span j en en Portugal.) Leyden, 1706-7. Fol. With numerous maps and illustrations. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 711 OLIVIER DAPPER 72. Naukeurige Bjschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel. (Ac curate description of the Islands in the Archipelago.) 73. van gantsch Syrie en Palestyn. (Of all Syrie and Pal estine.) 74. van Asie; behelfende de Gewesten van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, etc. (Of Asia, comprising the Regions of Mesopotamia, etc.) SS. van het Ryk des Grooten Mogols. (Of the Empire of the Great Mogul.) 89. der Afrikaensche Gewesten. (Of the Regions of Africa.) 90. van Morea. (Of the Peloponnesus.) 91. Gedenkwaerdig Bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de Kuste en in het Keizerrijk van Taising of Sina. (Memorable Adventures of the Netherland East- India Company to the Coast and in the Empire of Taising or China.) Amsterdam. 1670-88. Fol. Numerous Maps and illustrations. 44. JAN HUYGENS LINSCHOTEN 1. Itinerarium, ofte Schip-vaert naar Oost ofte Portugaels Indien. (Itinerary, or Voyage to the East or Portuguese Indies.) 2. Reys-gheschrift van de Navigation der Portugaloysers in Ori- enten. (Account of the Voyages of the Portuguese to the East.) 3. Beschryvinge van de gantsche Kuste van Guinea, etc. (De scription of the whole coast of Guinea, etc.) 4. Beschryvinge van America, mitsgaders de deelen derselver. (Description of America, together with its divisions.) 5. Voyasie, ofte Schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten van by Noorden. (Voyage of John Huygen van Linschoten to the North.) Amsterdam, 1644. Fol. vel. With portrait, and many maps, charts and illustrations. The publication of Linschoten s travels in 1596 was, in Mr. Mot ley s words: "a source of wealth, both from the scientific treasures which it diffused among an active and intelligent people, and the impulse which it gave to the direct trade be tween the Netherlands and the East." 277. Franse Mercurius, vertoonende alle de Steden, Plaetsen, etc., van geheel het machtig Koningryk Vrankryk. (French Mercury, representing all the cities, places etc., in the whole Mighty Kingdom of France.) Amsterdam, 1679. Oblong 4to. 502 double pages, with 348 maps and plans. 375. GABRIEL D EMILIANE. Reyze door Vrankryk, Ttalien, Duytsland, Switserland, etc.) Journey through France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, etc.); translated from the Eng lish. Gravenhage, 1700. 4to. vel. pp. 456, w T ith plates. The author had been a priest, and the book is directed against the Romish Church. 14 FRANCOIS DESSEINE. Beschryving van Oud en Nieuw Rom. Description of Ancient and Modern Rome); translated from (he French. Amsterdam, 1704. 2 Vols. Fol. vel. The first volume (Ancient Rome) contains 58 maps, plans and 712 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. views; the second (Modern), 26. There is added a descrip tion, by Bellorius, of the Tomb ol the Nasonii, discovered 1675, on the Flaminian Way; illustrated with 35 fine engravings. 217. LAUGIER DE TASSY. Beschryving van het Koningryk en de Stadt Algiers. (Description of the Kingdom and City of Algiers.) Translated from the French. Amsterdam, 1725. 4to. pp. 299. Maps and views. 355. NIEUWE Beschryving van Bohemen, Moravien en Silesien. (New Description of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.) Am sterdam, 1758. Svo. pp. 494. With maps. 438. J. J. STRUTS. Drie aanmerkelyke Reizen, door Italien, Griekenland, Lyfland, Moscovien, Tartaryen, Meden, Per- sien,Oostindien, Japan, en verscheiden andere Gewesten. (Three remarkable journeys through Italy, etc., and several other regions.) Amsterdam, 1746. 4to. With maps and plates. The journeys were in 1647 and following years. 384. EDWARD MELTON. Zeldzame en Gederikwaarige Zee- en Larid-Reizen door Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost-Indien en d aangrenzende Gewesten. (Strange and re markable journeys through Egypt, etc., and adjoining re gions.) Amsterdam, 1681. 4to. pp. 495. With plates. The journeys were from 1660 to 1667. 109. DAGVERHAAL der Reis van den Ridder Chardyn na Per- sien en Oostindien, door de Swaarte Zee en Colchis. (Diary of the Journey of the Chevalier Chardyn to Persia and the East Indies, through the Black Sea and Colchis); trans lated from the French. Amsterdam. 1687. 4to. pp. 448. The author was one of the French Protestant refugees; his diary extends to 1677. The book contains his portrait and many interesting views. 70. CORNELIS DE BRUYN. Reizen door de verrnaardste Deelen van Klein-Asia, etc. (Travels through the most famous parts of Asia Minor, etc.) Delft. 1698. Fol. pp. 406. This journey was taken in 1674; the volume contains more than 200 plates. 86. REIZEN over Moskovie door Persie en Indie. (Journeys by way of Muscovy through Persia and India.) Amsterdam. 1711. Fol. pp. 484. This journey was taken in 1701; the volume contains more than 300 plates, including portrait. 450. VOYAGES ! L uc i ow i c k di Barthema. De Uytnemende en seer wonderlijcke Zee- en-Landt Reyse van de Heer Ludowick di Barthema, van Bononien, Ridder. (The excellent and wonderful jour ney by sea and land of Ludowick di Barthema of Bologna, Knight.) Translated from the Italian. Utrecht, 1654, in 3 parts. 2 S am uel Purchas. Samuel Purchas Pelgrimagie. Het eerste Deel. (Samuel Purchas Pilgrimage. First Part.) Trans lated from the English. Amsterdam, 1655. 3. Sir Thomas Roe. Journal van de Reysen, etc. (Diary of journeys, etc.). Translated from the English. Amsterdam, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 713. 1656. The journey of Barthema was through Egypt, India, etc. Sir Thomas Roe was English Ambassador to the Great Mogul. GEORGE ANSON 381. Derde Druk van het echt Verhaal der Reistogt rondsom den Aardkloot. (Third Edition of the Authentic Account of the Voyage Around the World). Translated from the English. Delft. 1754. 4to.. Vel. pp. 410. Portrait and plates. 105. Reise naer de Zaidzee, met het Schip De Wager. (Voyage to the South Sea with the Ship Wager.) Leyden. 1766. 4to. pp. 212. With plates. J. T. LAFITATT 97. De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika. (The Manners of the Savages of America), from the French. Gravenhage, 1731. Fol. 2 vols. in one, with plates. 216. TweejaarigeReyzerondom de Wereld, ter nader Ontdekkinge der onbekende Zuydlanden. (Two Years Voyage Around the World, to the nearer Discovery of unknown Southern Lands.) Dordrecht, 172 4to. pp. 199. This voyage was underta ken in 1721; there is also an account of the voyage of the ship Barneveld to the Cape of Good Hope in 1719. Map and plates. JOHAN NlEUHOF 75. Het Gezandtschap der Neerlandtsche Oost-Indische Com- pagnie aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegen- woordigen Keizer van China. (The Embassy of the Neth- erland East-India Company to the Great Cham of Tartary, the present Emperor of China.) Amsterdam, 1693. Fol., pp. 267: with portrait, maps, and plates. This embassy was in 1655-7: the author was connected with it as steward. 1904. Legatio Batavica. A Latin translation of the above. Amstelodami, 1668. Fol. With maps and plates. 92. Dedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lant-Reize. (Memo rable Brazilian Voyages, by Sea and Land.) To this is added: Zee- en Lant-Reize door verscheide Gewesten van Oostindien. (Journeys by Sea and Land through various regions of the East Indies.) Amsterdam, 1682. Fol. With numerous illustrations. ARNOLDUS MONT ANUS 69. De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld; of Beschryving van America en t Zuid-Land. (The new and unknown World; or Description of America and the South Land.) Amster dam, 1671. Fol. pp. 585. With portraits, maps and views. 76. Gedenkwaerdige Gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maats- chappy in t Vereenigde Nederland, aan de Kaisaren van Ja pan. (Memorable Embassies of the East India Company in the United Netherlands, to the Emperor of Japan.) Am sterdam, 1669. Fol. pp. 470. With numerous plates. 62. FRANCOIS VALENTYN Oud- en Nieuw Oost-Indien. (Ancient and Modern East 714 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indies.) Dordrecht and Amsterdam, 1724. Fol. vel. 5 Vols. in 7. With a portrait, and numerous maps and illustrations. This is one of the finest works of its class. * 57. PHILIP BALDAEUS 1. Naauwkeurige Besehryvinge van Malabar en Choromandel. (Accurate description of Malabar and Coromandel.) 2. Beschryving van het machtige Eyland Ceylon. (Description of the powerful island Ceylon.) 3. Naauwkeurige en waarachtige Ontdekking en Wederlegginge van de Afgoderye der Oost-indische Heydenen. (Accurate and authentic disclosure and refutation of the Idolatry of the East-Indian Heathen.) Amsterdam, 1672. Fol. vel. With portrait, maps and plates. The author was for ten years preacher to the East India Company (Dutch) in the island of Ceylon. The book contains an account of the languages of these regions. 274. JACOB JANSZ DE ROY. Hachelyke Reys-togt na Borneo en Atchin. (Hazardous journey to Borneo en Achin.) Leyden, 1706. 16mo. pp. 190. With maps and plates. The jour ney was undertaken in 1691, in flight from Batavia. GENERAL HISTORY. 1. JOHANN LODEWIG GOTTFRIED. Historische Kronyck. (Histor ical Chronicle); continued to the year 1576 by Simon De Vries. Leyden, 1702. 4 Vols. Fol. vel. 39. HUGO ROBINSONUS. Annalium Mundi Universalium Liber Unicus. Londini, 1677. Fol. vel. pp. 770. The author was Archdeacon of Gloucester, and these annals extend from the creation of the world to the capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, A. M. 3419. 1884. GEERLOF SUIKERS. Algemene Kerkelyke en Wereldlyke Geschiedenissen. (Universal Ecclesiastical and Profane History.) Continued by Izaak Verburg. Amsterdam, 1728. 10 Vol. Fol. With many maps and plates. 1898. DAVID VAN HOOGSTRATEN and Jan Lodewyk Schuer. Groot Algemeen Historisch, Geographisch, Genealogisch en Oor- deelkundig Woordenboek. (Great Universal, Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Critical Dictionary.) Am sterdam, 1793. 7 Vol. Fol. An immense repertory of historical information, especially for the Netherlands. 584. ALGEMEENE HISTORI. (Universal History.) Utrecht, 1750. 19 Vols. Small 4to. With maps. 583. HEDENDAGSCHE HISTORI. (Contemporary History.) 28 Vols. A continuation of the above. 680. HEDENDAGSCHE HISTORIE. Amsterdam, 1760. 37 Vol. 8vo. JACOB BASNAGE 411. Antiquitez Judaiques, ou Remarques Critiques sur la Re- publique des Hebreux. Amsterdam, 1713. 2 Vols. 16mo. With maps and plates. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 715 9. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus; of Algemene Historie der Joodsche Naatsie. (Continuation of Flavius Josephus; or General History of the Jewish Nation.) Amsterdam, 1726. 2 vol. fol. vel. With portraits and illustrations. Basnage was one of the most distinguished scholars among the French Protestants, who were driven into exile by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and took refuge in Holland. He was, says Watts, " The most celebrated of a family celebrated for learning and piety." JOHAN HUBNER 226. Beknopte Vragen uit de Statt-kundige Historie, tot op t Jaar 1723 vervolgt. (Compendious Questions from Polit ical History, brought down to the year 1723); translated from the German. Leyden, 1726. 10 Vol. 16mo. 227. Vervolgen tot de Stattkundige Historie. (Sequel to the Political History), brought down to the year 1740. Leyden, 1745. 7 Vols. in 8. 16mo. 101. Drie hondert drie en dertig Geslacht-Reken-kundige Tafe- len. (333 Geneological Tables.) Leyden, 1722. 4 Vol. oblong folio. 331. Algemeene Geographic, of Beschryving des geheelen Aardryks. (Universal Geography, or Description of the whole earth.) Amsterdam, 1769. 6 Vols. 8vo. With Maps. These books, which enjoyed the highest reputation in their day, are still serviceable. The author was professor of his tory at Leipzig. 515. SEBASTIAN LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT. Memoires pour servir a 1 Histoire Ecclesiastique des six premiers siecles. Brux- elles, 1699. 24 Vol. 12ino. This work is frequently cited by Gibbon. " It is composed," says Dollinger, " of extracts from ancient writers and records, collected together with great skill. . . . He has left in his work a rich treasure to future historians." 608. CLAUDE FLEURY. Histoire Ecclesiastique. Bruxelles, 1723. 37 Vol. 12mo. This standard book is described by Dol linger as " a simple and clear narrative, written with care, down to the year 1414." The original work is in 20 vol umes; the 17 volumes of continuation, by Fabre, are pro nounced by the same authority to be very inferior. 409. Justification des Discours et de 1 Histoire Ecclesiastique de M. L Abbe Fleuri, contre les reproches et les calomnies de quelques Religieux Flamans contre cet Historien. Nancy, 1736. 16mo. 23. CENTURIAE MAGDEBURGENSES. Historia Ecclesiastica, per Stu- diosos ac pios aliquot viros, in urbe Magdeburgica et alibi congesta. Basileae (Basel), 1624. Fol. vel. A famous work, the earliest Protestant History of the Church, com piled in the eminently Protestant city of Madgeburg. Vol. II (fifth to ninth century) missing. GODFRIED ARNOLD. 77. Historie der Kerken en Ketteren. (History of the Churches 716 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. and Heretics), translated from the German. Amsterdam,. 1701. 2 Vols. Fol. With plates. From the time of Christ to the year 1688. 36. Waare Afbeelding der erste Christen en. (True representa tion of the first Christians.) Amsterdam, 1700. 2 Vols. Fol. vel., with plates. The author was Professor at Giessen. His History gave, says Dollinger, "a new impulse to greater exertion in the field of history." 125. JEAN LE SUEUR. Histoire de 1 Eglise et de PEmpire, depuis la Naissance de Jesus-Christ, jusqu a la fin du X. Siecle. Amsterdam. 1730. 4to. 8 Vols. in 4. 1192. IJSBRAND HAMELSVELD. Algemeene Kerkelijke Geschied- enis. (General History of the Church.) Haarlem. 1799. 12 Vols. 8vo. 1887. WILLIAM CAVE. Apostolische Oudheden. (Antiquities of the Apostles.) Translated from the English. Utrecht* 1698. Fol. pp. 376. With Plates. Embracing the first four centuries. 27. GuifjELMus CAVE. Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria. Coloniae Allobrogum. (Geneva.) 1705. Fol. VeL pp. 668. A literary history of the church, arranged by cen turies, through the 13th century; to each century is added a list of the Councils of the Church in that time. An Ap pendix contains the 14th and loth centuries, by Henry WHARTON and Robert GERY. (pp. 241.) The writer was court preacher to Charles II., and Canon at Windsor: died 1713. 100. VITUS LODEWYK van SECKENDORF. Uitvoerige en onpartydie Historie der Reformatie door Dr. Martin Luther. (Complete and Impartial History of the Reformation by Dr. Martin Luther.) An old standard work, translated from the Ger man. Delft, 1728. 3 Vols. Folio. It has numerous fine portraits, coins, and medals. The history reaches to the year 1546. 38. ELIAS BENOIT. Historie der Gereformeerde Kerke von Vrankryk. (History of the Reformed Church of France.) Amsterdam, 1696. 2 Vol. Folio. Illustrated with very curious copper plates. The author was pastor of the French congreation in Delf, and the special value of his work con sists in the account of the persecutions of the Protestants- under Louis XIV, of which he was one of the victims. 29. JEAN LEGER. Historie Generale des Eglises Evangeliques des Valles de Piemont; ou Vaudoises. Leyden, 1669. Folio. Veil. pp. 603. The author was born in 1615, and was pastor and moderator of the churches of the Vaudois; after the violent persecutions (1658-62) he was called to the pas torate of the Walloon church at Leyden. The book is in two parts; the first containing a history of the churches, their customs and faith; the second, of the persecutions. 28. FRIDERICUS SPANHEMIUS Opera. Lugduni Batavorum (Ley den), 1701 and 3. 3 Vols. in 2. Fol. Vel. With portrait. Frederic Spanheim, son of a more distinguished scholar of CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. 717 the same name, was born at Geneva, 1632, and died at Ley- den, 1701. Vol. I. Geographia Sacra et Ecclesiastica, Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Testament!, Historia Christiana. Vol. II. Miscellanea Sacrae Antiquitatis. Vol. III. Theologica Opera. $7. SAMUEL BOCHART Opera Omnia. Lugduni Batavorum (Ley- den) 1707. 2 Vols. Folio. Vol. I. Geographia Sacra. Variae Dissertationes. Vol. 11. Hierozoici, sive De Animalibus Scripturae. Vol. III. " " 1897. ISAAK DE LARREY. Geschiedenis van Engelandt, Schot- landt en lerlandt. (History of England, Scotland and Ire land), translated from the French by J. L. Schuer. Amster dam, 1728. 2 Vols. Fol. With maps, portraits and other illustrations. 1888. CORNELIS DANCKAERTS. Historis oft Waerachtich Verhael van den gantschen toestant van Oorloge, etc. (History, or trustworthy Narration of the Wars, etc. of Gustavus Adol- phus.) Amsterdam, 1642. Fol. 3 vols in one, containing 60 portraits, and 48 maps and plans. 333. ADOLPHUS BRACHELIUS. Historia nostri temporis, rerum bello et pace, per Europam atque in Germania maxime gesta- rum, ab anno 1618, u/$que ad annum 1653. Coloniae(Cologne), 1652. 16mo. 2 vols. in one, with portraits. 244. PETRUS VALKENIER. t Verwerd Europa, ofte Politijke en Historische Beschryvinge der waare Fundamenten en Oorsa- ken van de Oorlogen en Revolution in Europa. (Europe embroiled, or the Political and Historical statement of the Foundations and Causes of the Wars and Revolutions in Eu rope.) Amsterdam, 1675. 2 vols. 4to. 1885. JEAN DUMONT. Beschryving van de Veldslagen, etc. (De scription of the battles, etc., of Prince Eugene, the Duke of Marlborough and the Prince of Orange.) 1729. 2 Vols. Fol. Dumont, Baron of Carlscrona, was historiographer of the Emperor Chas. VI; the second volume is by Rousset. This work is elaborately illustrated with 133 plates, portraits, maps, plans of battles, etc. 254. Het Leven en Daden van den Werreldberoemden Krygsheld, Prins Eugenius van Savoje. (The Life and Deeds of the World-renowned hero, Prince Eugene of Savoy.) Delft, 1737. 16mo. 4 Vols. With portrait and plates. ABRAHAM DE VRYER 192. Histori van Francois Eugenius, Prins van Savoije Soissons. (History of Francis Eugene, Prince of Savoy-Soissons.) Amsterdam, 1737. 3 Vols. 16mo. Portrait, maps and plates. 363. Histori van Joan Churchil, Hertog van Marlborough. (History of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough.) Am sterdam, 1738. 16mo. 4 Vols. With portrait arid plates. 364. J. LE LONG. Het Leven van den heldhaften Carel den XII, Koning der Sweden. (The Life of the heroic Charles XII, 718 WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. King of Sweden.) Amsterdam, 1721. 16mo. 6 Vols., with plates. 365.B. IWAN Nestesuranoi. Gedenkschriften van de Regeeringe van Petrus den Grooten, Keizer van Rusland, Vader des Vaderland, enz. (Memoirs of the Reign of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, Father of the Fatherland, etc.) Haage, 1725. 16mo. 4 Vols in 5. 362. Tegenwoordige Staat van Groot Rusland, vertoont in d ont- zachlyke Onderneemingen van zyne Czaarsche Majesteit, Peter Alexewitz. (Present condition of Great Russia, repre sented in the august enterprises of his Imperial Majesty, Peter Alexewitz.) Amsterdam, 1717. ICmo. pp. 393, with plates. 256. Historische Beschryving der doorluchtige Daden, aanmerke- lyke Krygsverrigtingen, en andere Bedryveri van Frederik den Grooten. (Historical Account of the Illustrious Deeds, Military Operations and other exploits of Frederick the Great.) Amsterdam, 1758-64. 16mo. 8 Vols. in 13 (14th missing), with plans. 1175. CORNELIS VAN DER AA. Geschiederiis van den jongst- geendigden Oorlog. (History of the lately ended War.) Amsterdam. 1802. 10 Vols. 8vo. A history, of the Wars of the French Revolution to the Peace of Amiens, with especial reference to the affairs of Holland. 184. KAREL LODEWYK, Baron ^an Pollnitz. Gedenkschriften, vervattende de Aanmerkinge velke hy gedaan heeft in zyne Reysen. (Memoirs, embracing the Observations which he made in his Journeys.) Amsterdam. 1735. 3 Vols. 16mo. 360. MISCELLANEA, of Mengel-Stoffe van de meeste en merkwaar- digste voorvallen deses tijds. (Miscellany, or Melanges of the greatest and most remarkable occurrences of this time.) Gravenhage. 1702. 16mo. pp. 469. ATLASES. 1913. NIEUWE ATLAS. (New Atlas.) Amsterdam. 2 Vols. Fol., about 1739. The first vol. contains 52 maps of the western countries of Europe; the second, 58 maps, embracing the rest of the world. They are of excellent execution, quite minute, giv ing the physical features and the principal roads; co-its of arms are given for each state and province. There are four maps devoted to the seat of war (the War of the Spanish Succession) in Spain. 1908. ATLAS. (No title page.) Folio. About 1639. Containing 114 double-page maps, including some interesting ones of the American colonies. The execution is inferior to that of the last. 1915. ATLAS MAJOR. Amsterdam. 4 Vols. Folio. About 1720. Vol. I. The World, etc.; Spain, Portugal, France, Italy. 90 maps. CATALOGUE OF TEE LIBRARY. 719 Vol. II. Germany and eastern Europe. Vol. III. England and the Netherlands. Vol. IV. Northern Europe, Asia, Africa, America, etc. The maps are generally rather coarsely executed, but vary in style, as well as in age some of them appear to date from the seventeenth century. ATLAS des Roiaumes de Galicie et de Lodomerie. Vienna, 1790. Unbound, and not numbered. Containing eleven large Maps, very minute and finely executed, of Austria s share in the plunder of Poland. 1906. ATLAS of Spam and Portugal, consisting of 54 maps, rather coarsely executed, but very minute, giving roads and physi cal features. TOPOGRAPHISCH-MlLITAIEISCHE ClIARTE VON DEUTSCHLAND. Wei- mar. Verlag des Geographischen Instituts. 1812. This splendid Atlas consists of 213 sections, but inmost cases two sections are contained on the same sheet, so that the whole number of maps is 103. These are not bound, but carefully tied up in groups, and laid in two huge portfolios. Their ex ecution is of the highest character, and all the physical fea tures of the country are given with the greatest precision. There is an index in two thin octavos. 1928. Atlas of ^ie Netherlands. Containing 30 very minute and well executed maps of all the provinces of Holland, and 41 plans of cities. 1914. Atlas Methodique. Compose pour 1 usage de son altesse serenisseme Monseigneur le Prince d Orange et de Nassau. Par Jean Palairet. Londres, 1755. Fol. This atlas, pre pared for the instruction of the young Prince of Orange, contains 52 maps. The plan may be illustrated by No s 16-18, England. No. 18 is a complete detailed map; No. 16 is a large outline map of the counties, while No. 17 contains the principal towns, rivers, etc. There are several other atlases of inferior value, and innumerable maps, plans and charts scattered through the books of history and geography. I m