UC-NRLF B M 17T El? (BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVER.-ITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHER TAYLOR Till. \ CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA PRINTED BOOKS CONTAINING MS. NOTES. etambrttjge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M. . AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA AND PRINTED BOOKS CONTAINING MS. NOTES, PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. IttiitcD for tl)e ^gnlitc^ of t^c CBliubmitg ^veg^. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M.DCCC.LXIV. PREFACE. The present volume contains a Catalogue of the ' Adversaria' preserved in the Cambridge University Library, or of all printed books containing MS. notes or additions, as well as of the Collectanea and Note- books of Scholars, which have been omitted in the general catalogue of MSS., in order that they might be brought together, and their contents described in the way most convenient for scholars to make use of them. With this view, the descriptions of a few of these volumes have been repeated here, which have already appeared in the general catalogue : such for instance as Stanley's Collections for a new edition of ^schylus, his notes on Callimachus, and the two or three printed books that have already been described. But of such books as the Adversaria of Alexander Ros, the note books of Castell, Edward Leigh, De Mayerne, &c., which are more of the nature of distinct MSS., it has not been thought necessary to repeat the description. All the printed books in the Library, however, as far as they have been ascertained, which contain MS. 3G0 VI PREFACE. notes, whether bv known Scholars, or anonymous, are described in the following pages. It is needless to point out how valuable such cata- logues as the present must be : the bringing within every one's reach the knowledge of what the Library contains in a critical point of view — so as, as it were, to bring before all Scholars the critical apparatus it pos- sesses for new editions of the works annotated, must be regarded of very great use and imjDortance ; and I cannot but express a hope that other libraries may be induced to follow the example now given. The greatest portion of the Adversaria here de- scribed, consist of the books annotated by John Taylor, Peter Paul Dobree, and Godfrey Hermann. The first were obtained at the sale of Dr Askew, to whom they had been left by Taylor^ ; the second were left to the University by the author himself at his death in 1825 ; and the last w^ere bought at Hermann's sale. The sources whence others were obtained has been men- tioned in all cases when known, in the Catalogue. The description of nearly the whole of the Ad- versaria on Classical Books is due to Mr Churchill Babington, of St John's College : for the rest the Editor is responsible. H. B. LUABD. ^ See Long and Taylor's Musicl- Sjjccches, (London, 1817) p. xxxiv. ADDEND A. Oo. vii. 72. MS. notes, consisting chiefly of the collation of a MS. by BoissoNAnE, to lleeren's edition of Mknandri Rlietoris Commentarius de Encomiis. Bb. 12. 15. The copy of Lycidas in the collection of Cambridge verses to the me- mory of Edward King (Camb. 1638), contains corrections in MS. by Milton. 5. 1. 1-14. The copy of the Gallia Christiana, which came from the library of J. F. Martin, fils, de Marseille, contains much additional matter in MS inserted in the earlier volumes. ERRATUM. p. 65. Oo. vii. 66. For Clkveland read Cleland. Catalofiue oi ^libevsaria. Dd. VII. 25. MS. notes of Dr John Taylor on Juvenal and Persius; written in the edition printed at Paris, 'e typographia regia,' lC4k From Askew's Sale, n. 190. Dd. vm. 51. A transcript of Stanley's notes on Callimachus, in the handwriting of Abednego Seller, to whom they were communi- cated by Sir E. Sherbm-n, April 1, 1698. Dd. XIII. 29. A copy of the Pharmacopceia Collegii ReCxALis Lon- DiNi, Lond. 1677, with 20 additional leaves of MS., contain- ing directions by different physicians for compounding various preparations, and records of cases, copies of letters in reply to consultations, &c. The volume has also marginal notes. The principal signatures are Thomas Wharton and F. Clayton. Dd. XIII. 30. MS. collations to the edition of the Book of Job, according to the LXX, printed from the Codex Alex andrinus, London, 1637, from the Complutensian, Aldine, and Roman editions, the Catena Patrum, a MS. domini Lindselli, and another in the Bod- leian Library. Ff. VI. 56, 57. Two duodecimos, written in the xviith century. Stanley's notes on Callimachus. The second volume is a rough sketch of the first. The notes were printed (from another copy) by Archdeacon Wrangliam, in the Classical Journal, Vols. xvi. 164, xvn. 190, 361, xix. 50, xxl 1G2. 2 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Gg. n. 3. MS, additions of George Digby, Earl of Bristol, 1612 — 1676, to an interleaved copy of De Judiciis Nativitatum lihri ires, scr'qjti a Johanne Schonero Carlostadio, Norirab. 1645. Gg. m. 7—14. A Commentary on ^schylus by Thomas Stanley, in eight volumes folio. These notes are written by Stanley in the margins and in blank leaves at the end of his edition of JEschylus, printed by Flesher (Lond. 1663). They are incorporated into Butler's edition. See his preface, p. v. Gg. III. 15. A thick small folio, on paper, of 421 leaves, many of which are blank, or nearly so. Thom^ Stanleii 'Adversaria.' The authors illustrated and emendated are enumerated on the reverse of the first leaf: viz. Sophocles, Euripides, Stephanus (De Urbihus^, Juvenalis, Persius, Achilles Tatius, Longus, Parthenius, Zenobius, Theocritus, An- tigonus, Carystius, Aristides, Theophrastus {Charact.), Hesychius, and the Etymologicon Magnum. In this volume are also contained fragments of Euripides and Sox^hocles omitted by Meursius. The volume is in Stanley's own hand. Gg. III. 16. A small folio, on paper, of 357 leaves (many of which are blank or nearly so), partly paged, each full page containing from SO to 40 lines. Thom^ Stanleii opuscula philologica. 1. ^ aKpoQivia, sive Exercitatio philologica de primitiis ac decimis prsedse ad versum iv capitis vn Epistolae ad Hebrreos : qua nonnulla S. Scriptura? loca explicantur, veteres aliquot ritus eruuntur, authores plurinii prsesertim Grseci partim illustrantur, partim emendantur."* fol. 1. 2. ' Nota3 in Demosthenis Orationem irepi avixnopucv,^ fol. 108. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 3 3. Archontes Attici. fol. 324. Contains references to authors who have noticed each. 4. 'Sophoclls Philoctetes' Latine (imperfectus). fol. 354. 5. Notre in Philoctetem (imperfecta}), fol. 383. The volume is in Stanley's own hand. For a notice of all these MSS. see Rose, Biogr. Diet. Vol. xii. p. 102. Nn. I. 1-3. MS. notes on Suidas, by John Taylor, LL.D., Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, (entered in the margin of Kuster's edition, Cambr. 1705). Four slieets only of Taylor's labours on Suidas were printed : his work was advertised at the end of his Lysias, in 1741. See Nichols' Lit. Anec, Vol. IV. p. 508. This and the other MSS. of Dr Taylor, which the Publick Library now contains, came from Askcw's sale in 1785 ; and were purchased for the University by Dr Farmer. AFith this partial exception, none of his Adversaria appear to have been published ; his notes on Suidas were certainly unknown to Gaisford. See his preface, p. xlviii. Reiske indeed printed some rough notes of Taylor on the Greek orators sent to him by Askew. See Nichols, Lit. Anec. Vol. iv. p. 664. The present work is marked n. 282 in Askew's sale catalogue (Bibliotheca Askeviana manuscripta. Lond. 1785). ITn. I. 4. MS. notes of Joshua Baknes inserted in a copy of the Poetce Grwci Principes lieroici carminis et alii twnmdli. (1566, H. Steph.) At the beginning occur these notes: ' Sum e libris Gervasii Needham Etonensis Coll. quondam alumni ex dono Philippi Fell ejusdem Coll. socii.' (Note cancelled.) ' Josuse Barnes liber sum a prsedicto Gervasio Needham datus et viginti duobus solidis emptus. 1091.' The notes on Homer are (in part at least) incorporated into Barnes' edi- tion. Of the notes of Barnes on Theocritus, probably substantially the same as those contained in this volume, which were lent to AA'arton by Farmer, Warton says 'nulli tamen mihi in hoc opere adjumento fucre'. (prcf. to Theocritus, p. xvii.) The volume contains the book-plate of Peter Foulkes, D.D. 1724. From Askew's sale, n. 245. b2 4 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Nn. I. 5, 6. Notes on an interleaved copy of Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera (Parisiis 16J?2, e typ. reg. 2 torn fol.) by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 175. Nn. I. 7. MS. notes on a copy of Herodotus (Francof. 1608, fol.) by Thomas Gale. (See MS. note at the beginning.) It may be doubted however whether all the notes are by one hand. Gale's notes on Herodotus were printed at the end of the London edition (1G79), but the present copy contains many remarks not contained therein. From Askew's sale, n. 144. Nn. I. 8. MS. notes on an interleaved copy of Xenophon's Works (1561, H. Steph. fol.) by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 810. Nn. I. 9. MS. notes on an interleaved copy of the Moralia of Plu- tarch (Basil. 1574, fol.) by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 240. Nn. I. 10. MS. notes (partly by Gale) on Dion Cassius. (H. Steph. fol. 1591.) On the title page is written, Obadia Oddey, 1697, who is also the author of some of the notes. (See MS. remark in Askew's priced catalogue.) From Askew's sale, n. 115. Nn. I. 11, 12. MS. notes on Homer's Iliad (Glasg. 1756, Foulis, inter- leaved) by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 170. Nn. I. 13, 14. MS. notes on Homer's Odi/ssey (Glasg. 1758, FouHs, in- terleaved) by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 170. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 5 Nn. I. 15. MS. notes on Lysias, (H. Steph. 1575, interleaved, being a portion of the Oratorum veterum orationes) by Dr Taylor. The MS. notes are mostly different from those contained in Dr Taylor's edition of Lysias. From Askew's sale, n. 206. Nn. I. 16. jNIS. notes on iEscHYLUs (Stanley's edition, Lond. 16G3), by Peter Neediiam, who thus enumerates their contents: ' Conjecturse qutedam desumpta? ex margine libri, quo continetur Aga- memnon; cum vcrsione et notis marginalibus sane multis ad Grauimaticam pracipue spectantibus, Isaaco Casaubono adscriptis, sed tanto viro nequaquam dignis ; quem Lutetia ad me transmisit Johannes de Burigny, 'Conjectui-ae quiedam desumpta; ex margine libri per Ilenricum Ste- phanum impressi ; qute ut plurimum (ut videtur) ab Henrico Jacob Col- legii iMertonensis apud Oxonienses olim socio, et clarissimo Johanne Pearsono episcopo Cestriensi profluxerunt ; quem mihi mutuo dedit Thomas Rawlin- son, R.S.S. Olim fuit Thomae Stanleii, ut mamis ejus abunde testatur ; vide ejus Not. in Agamemnonem, p. 789 6, et Ant. AV^ood Athen. Oxon. Vol. ii. col. 160. 'NotffiCod. MSS, quorum variantes Lectiones adscriptae sunt: — Codex 1\IS. membranaceus, vetustate insi^nis, quo Petrus Victorius usus est ; nunc repositus in Pluteo xxxii. (No. 9) Laurentianje Mediceoe Bibliothecs ; cujus collationem confecit et transmisit Dom. Antonius Maria Salvinus Graca- rum Literarum publicus in Academia Florentina Professor, a.d. 1715. (Med.) ' Codex MS. bombycinus, decimi quarti seculi, Lutetiie Parisiorum repo- situs in Bibliotheca Colbertina, N. 4016. (Colb. 1 .) 'Alius Codex MS. bombycinus, scriptus a.d. 1299, ut constat ex notula calci adjecta, ejusdem Bibliothecie pars. N. 6413. (Colb. 2.) ' IIujus autem et alterius codicis Colbertini variationes collegerunt Jo- hannes Jacol)us Rouerdy et Johannes Malinguehen Monachi Benedictini, et transmisit Bernardus de Montfaucon. ' Codex MS. bombycinus, seculo decimo quarto exaratus, in Bibliotheca Regis GalliiB N. 3320, cujus collationem ab erudito viro Abbato Lama Neapolitano accurate confectam debemus amico optimo Uom. Bernardo de ■Montfaucon. (MS. A.) ' Codex MS. chartaceus, sat bonae notiP, ejusdem voluminis et bibliolheca; Regis Gallite pars. (MS. B.) 'Codex MS. chartaceus, satis vetustus, in Bibliotheca; Regis Galliae ad- servatus, N. 3330. (MS. C.) 6 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. ' Codex MS. in chavta eleganter exaratus, qui olim fuit Jani Lascaris ; forte et ejus manu scriptus, judice Boivinio, in Bibliotheca Regis Gallise repo- situs, N. 3521. Hujus autem codicis et (B).(C.) accuratam coUationem, doctissimorum virorum Caroli de la Rue et Johannis Malinguehen opera perfectam, acccptam refero summae humanitati et benevolentise Dom. Ber- nardi de Montfaucon.' (MS. D.) From Askew's sale, n. 28. For these collations used by Burton, Schutz, and Butler, see Butler's pref. to his JEschylus, Vol. viii. pp. iii — v, and pp. xxx, xxxi. Nn. I. 17. A copy of the same edition of iEscliylus, having the same notes transcribed by Dr A. Askew (1744), and also the various readings of the following MSS., which he thus describes: ' Codex MS. chartaceus in 4to, penes eels, medicum Ricardum Mead, quern ipse ab aliquot annis ex INIonte Athos emerat. Continet Prome- theum Vinctum, Persas, et Septem contra Thebas ; videtur habere circiter 400 annos. (M. 1.) 'Alius codex MS. chartaceus in 4to. repositus in Bibliotheca splendidis- sima Ricardi Mead. Continet tres priores Tragoedias, et habet circiter 80, annos. Hujus autem codicis et M 1. coUationem confecimus, a.d. 1741, Mense Februarii.' (M. 2.) These MSS. are now comprised in Nn. iii. 17. For Askew's labours on them see Butler u. s. p. vii. From Askew's sale, n. 27. Nn. I. 18. MS. notes on a copy of Horace (Cantabr. 1699, Tonson) by Edmund Chishull. From Askew's sale, n. 174. These notes were printed by Monk in the Museum CriticiCm, Vol. i. pp. 150 sqq., and p. 291 sqq. Nn. I. 25. MS. notes on the Ajax of Sophocles, by Dr Taylor, writ- ten on 18 leaves of a folio volume, the rest being blank. There arc also a few other notes relating to Sophocles and his plays. From Askew's sale, n. 3G4. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 7 Nn. I. 26. MSS. notes on Apollonius Riiodius, Sophocles, and McERis, by Du Taylor, in a folio volume, a great part of which is blank. Consists principally of notes on the Fragments of Sophocles. At the be- ginning is written ' E. Lib. J. Taylor 1). Job. Coll. Cant. Soc. 1720.' Doubtless from Askew's sale ; probably n. 3G7. K^n. I. 27, 28. A common-place book by Dh Taylor, labelle 'Jus civile.'' From Askew's sale, n. 3o9. Nn. I. 29. Copious MS. notes by Boissonade on PniL0STRA.TU9 (Ed. Lips. 1709). On first leaf is written ' Ex meis Boissonade,' also ' Litera A ante vario- tatem Icctionis in margine notatam indicat codicem Parisinum 169G (leg. IGOG.) quern integrum contuli...27. Aug. 1804. Boissonade.' The collation of this MS. was used by Boissonade in his edition of the Heroica of Philostratus (Paris, 1806). See p. i. of the preface. Purchased by the University from Boissonade's sale. Nn. I. 30. Copious MS. notes on Hesychius (Aid. 1514) in more than one hand. The names of 'Frith' and 'Antony Rou...' {i.e. Rous) occur on the blank leaves; also 'T. S.' The principal notes are in one hand ofthexviith century : but there are a few others which are both earlier and later : see eig. r. 4. b ; r, 5. b. &c. Many are from Joseph Scaliger. Part of the Holdsworth Collection, which was bequeathed to the Uni- versity in 1649. Nn. I. 31. MS. additions in the handwriting of Bp Tanner, written in the margin of a copy of Girson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastici, Lend. 1713. Tanner's name is on the title-page. 'g CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Nn. II. 1—6. 'MSS. papers relative to Homan Law,' by Dr Taylor, In six folios, very partially filled up. From Askew's sale, n. 363. Nn. II. 7. MS. notes by Dr Taylor on Terextianus Maurus, &c. From Askew's sale, n. 346. Nn. II. 8. MS. notes on Xenophon by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 333. Nn. II. 9. MS. notes on Homer by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 332. Nn. II. 10—12. MS. notes on Apollonius Rhodius by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 336. Nn. II. 13. MS. notes by Dr Taylor, 'labelled, Varia Analecta Critica. From Askew's sale, n. 346, Nn. II. 14. MS. notes on ' Auctores de Re Critica' by Dr Taylor. Consists of notices, &c. of the ancient Greek and Roman Grammarians. " From Askew's sale, n. 345. Nn. II. 15-17. MS. notes on Juvenal by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 338. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. y Nn. II. 18. MS, notes on Cicero by Dr Taylor. From Askew's sale, n. 341. Nn. II. 19. ' Antiquitates Vari^e,' consisting of MS, notes by Du Taylor. A table of contents occupies the first leaf. From Askew's sale, n. 349. Nn. II. 20. A transcript of a treatise by Plutarch, and various MS. Col- lectanea by Dr Taylor. 1. ' YlXouTafj-^ov (piXoaoCpou troTefinv ^v^y^'i r} a(t){i.uTos. A. IJurtleu F.' From Bishop IMoore's Libiury. Nn. VI. 31. M8. notes by Joseph Scaligek on the Works of St Cle- ment OF Alexandria (Flor. 1550). On the top of p. 5, ' Htx?c sua manu scripsit Josephus Scaligcr.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Nn. VI. 32. MS. notes by Bishop Pearson on the Works of Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, and Tiieophilus of Antioch (ed, Paris, 1615). The notes on Justin Martyr are published in Thirlby's edition. This volume contains also the treatise of Hermias, but the bishop has not annotated upon it. At the beginning is this note : ' Bought out of M'. Allen's Library, who was Chaplain to B?. Pearson, and had his choice of the bishop's books, when he died : one of which this was, and all the notes in the margin of it are &. Pearson's.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Nn. VI. 33. A copy of Robert Glover''s Catalogue of Honor, Lond. 1610, with a few additions in MS. Oo. I. 51. MS. notes by more than one hand on Apollonius Rhodius (1574, H. Steph.) The principal notes are not much later than the date of the book. On the title-page: ^ iicTav tov AivtIov,' also 'Antonii R...' (obliterated). On a fly-leaf, ' G. H. 77.' This and all the following books, as far as Oo. iv. 2.5, were purchased at Hermann's sale in 1851: the numbers included in parentheses refer to his sale catalogue. See Oo. iv. 26. (250 Herm.) 40 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. I. 52. MS. notes by L. 0. Valckenaer on Kuster's edition of the plays of Aristophanes. (Amstel. 1710.) On the title-page, 'Ad Ave» in fine adest coUatio MS. Leidensis turn contextus et Schol.— L. C. Valckenaer.' Inside the cover, 'G. 11. 92.' (278 Herm.) Oo. I. 53. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on the Medea of Euripides. (Lond. 1734). On a fly-leaf, ' G. H. 159.' (572 Herm.) Oo. I. 54—56. MS. notes by T. Hemsterhuis and L, 0. Valckenaer on the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, and on the Scholia of Eusta- THius thereon, (Basil. ]560, Froben.) Inside the covers, 'G. H. 218.' {a, b, c.) (761—768 Herm.) Oo. I. 57. MS. notes by more than one hand on the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. (Basil. 1535.) On the title-page, ' G. Hermann, Lips. 1787.' The names of other pos- sessors of the XVII th century (obscurely written) occur inside the covers: also ' G. H. 220.' (765 Herm.) Oo. I. 58. MS. notes in part by Hermann on Casaubon's edition of Athen^us (1597, ap. Commel.). On the title-page, 'J. G. J. Hermann), 1790;' and above it, 'Georgi Vechneri.' Inside the cover a book-plate, 'Ex bibliotheca Chr. Got. Jocheri;' also, 'G. H. 488.' (1732 Herm.) Oo. I. 59. MS. notes in part by Hermann on Herodotus. (Paris. 1570, H. Steph.) On the title-page ' Rudolphi Diepholdii ' (by whom some of the notes appear to be written) ; and below ' Jolian. Liiders D. in Acad. Tub. Anno 1630.' Inside the cover, 'G, H. 660.' (2111 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 41 Oo. I. 60. MS. notes, in more than one hand, on the Lexicon of Hesy- cHius. (Hagen. 1521.) On the title-page, ' M. Meibomii' (to whom the notes are doubtfully ascribed in Hermann's sale-catalogue) : inside the cover, ' F. G. Wcsthovii ' (in the same hand apparently as some of the notes). Inside the cover, 'G. H.735.' (217GHerm.) Oo. I. 61. MS. notes on Pausanias. (Lips. 1696.) On the title-page, 'Gelrig.;' also the following note by Hermann : ' Inest coUatio codicis Moscoviensis adnotata a Fr. Matthici in ex- emplari bibliothecje civitatis Lipsiensis, unde transtuli omissis pleris- que, quae plane inutilia sunt-.-Cseterae qutc paucte sunt annotationea ipsius repetii verbis, a. 1884. G. Hermannus.' Inside the cover, * G. H. 613.' (2445 Herm.) Oo. I. 62, 63, 64. MS. notes by several hands on the Lexicon of Suidas. (Ed. Cant. 1705.) Inside the cover is the following note : 'Ch. Ludov, Lenz, dir. gymn. Weimar, hunc Suidam Jac. Gronovii, Santenii, aliovumque annotationibus MStis auctum Caroli Gotthold Lenzii, prof. Gothani, fratris mei defuncti, 1809, legato simul cum tota ipsius bibliotheca, accepi.' This copy was lent by Ch. L. Lenz to J. F. Schleusner, who introduced some of the notes of Gronovius into his Auctar-ium Observationum in Suidam, &c. (Lenz has copied Schleusner's remarks below the foregoing note.) The Codex collated by Gronovius is at Leyden : see Hermann's MS. note after the preface. (2923—2925 Herm.) Oo. I. 65, 66. MS. notes by Hermann on Bauer's edition of Thucydi- DEs. (Lips. 1790.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 764.' (a, b.) (2999, 3000 Herm.) Oo. I. 67. MS. notes, principally by Hermann, on Gruter's Plautiis (ap. Z. Schurer, 1621). On the title-page, 'Kr^/xa Pauli Schopfelii Elsterberga Varisci...l632.' Inside the cover, ' G. H. 957.' (3473 Herm.) 42 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. I. 68. MS. notes on Bentley's edition of Terence (Amstel. 1727). This is stated in the sale-catalogue to have been Reiz's copy and to contam many of his notes. Inside the cover and on the fly-leaves are notes by other hands : also, ' G. H. 1010.' (3624 Herm.) Oo. I. 69. Scanty MS. notes, in more than one hand, on the Fragments of the Latin Tragedians and on the Plays of Seneca, printed in the Syntagma Tragoediw Latinw of Deh-ius. (Antverp. 1593.) On the title-page, 'J. G. J. Hermann, Lips. 1788.' Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1024.' (8684 Herm.) Oo. I. 70, 71. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on D. Scott's Appendix to the Thesaurus Linguoe Grmcce of H. Stephens. (Lond. 1745, 6.) On a fly-leaf, ' G. H. 1219.' («, h) (4329, 4330 Herm.) Oo. I. 72. Copious MS. notes by Hermann on Scapula's Greek Lexicon. (Basil. 1665.) On a fly-leaf, ' G. H. 1221.' (4357 Herm.) Oo. I. 73, 74. MS. notes written in an interleaved copy of the Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticw of B. Faber. (Lips. 1710.) The notes are little later than the date of the book. Inside the covers, ' G. H. 1234.' {a, h.) (4402, 4403 Herm.) Oo. II. 1. MS. notes by Hermann on Fischer's edition of Anacreon. (Lips. 1783.) On a fly-leaf, ' Schafer ;' on another leaf, ' Godofredo Hermanno G. H. S.' (Schiifer), and ' G. H. 60.' (179 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF AUVERSAllIA. 43 Oo. II. 2. Scanty MS. notes by Valckenaeu on the GreeJc Anthologij. (Ed. Lubin.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. G4.' (197 Ilerm.) Oo. II. 3. MS. notes byVALcicENAERon Keiske's edition of the Greek Anthology of Constantine Cephalas (Leips, 1754). On the title-page, ' V. celeb. Valckenaer editor,' in Reiske's hand- writing. On a slip pasted on reverse of title-page, ' G. H. G8.' (20G Herm.) Oo. II. 4—16. MS. notes by Hermann on the Greel Anthology. (Ed. Ja- cobs, Lips. 1794—1814.) Inside the covers, ' G. H. 69.' (a— n.) (207—219 Herm.) Oo. II. 17. MS. notes by Hermann on Apollonius Rhodius. (Lips. 1797, vol. I.) On the top of p. 8 Hermann has written : ' Contuli textum cum ed. Flor. 1496... Omnia quje vel in margine vel in ipso textu adscripta vel mu- tata sunt sumpsi ex hac editione, nisi ubi diserte conjecturam esse dixi.' On reverse of title-page, ' G. H. 81.' (252 Herm.) Oo. II. 18. MS. notes by various hands on the plays of Aristopha.nes. (Paris, 1528.) On a fly-leaf, ' Hoc libro donavit Christophorum Mindensem Micervas Flumsom...l561.' Below, ' Johan. Schroder.' On the title-page, 'A. Ursall Helmsd. 1795.' At the end, 'Ex donatione . . . M. Conrad Nahmmacheri rectoris scholae oppid. Helmstad hunc librum possidet Rud. Ant. Fabricius die XIX Julii, 1756.' The Plutus, Vespce, Aves, Pax and Ecclesiazuscs are the only plays upon which notes have been made. (279 Herm.) Oo. II. 19. MS. notes,' by more than one hand, on the plays of Aristo- phanes. (Paris. 1540.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 95.' (281 Herm.) 44 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. n. 20. MS. notes taken down by Hermann from the lectures of Eeiz on the Nuhes of Aristophanes. (Lips. 1753.) On the title-page, 'Cum emendationibus turn textus turn scholiorum V. cl. Fr. Volgangi Reizii calamo exceptis a Johanne Godofredo Jacobo Her- manno Lipsiae seraestr. hib. a. 1787 et 8.' Inside the cover, ' G. H. 197.' (361 Herm.) Oo. II. 21. MS. notes by Hermann on the Nuhes of Aristophanes. (Lips. 1753.) At the beginning is a note by Hermann, stating that he has collated this copy with the editions of Farreus (1542): of Scaliger (1670): of Aem. F. Portus (1607): of Frischlin (1686): of Aldus (1498): and of P. Junta (1525). On the title-page, ' Hahn maj. et min. possessores,' On a fly-leaf, * G. H. 111.' This play was twice edited by Hermann. (362 Herm.) Oo. II. 22. MS. notes by Valckenaer on the Plutus of Aristophanes. (Harl. 1744.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 107.' (376 Herm.) Oo. II. 23. MS. notes by Hermann on the Plutus of Aristophanes. (Lond. 1695.) The edition contains also the Nuhes, but no MS. notes occur upon it. On the title-page, ' Ex libris Joannis Walkinshaw.' Inside the cover, ' Dionysius Rocius, Guillelmus le Ronge,' also * G. H. 110.' (378 Herm.) Oo. II. 24. MS. notes by Hermann on the Id^ls of Bion and Mos- cHus. (Lips. 1752.) On the title-page, J. G. J. Hermanni 1787. Inside the cover, ' G. H. 1600.' (432 Herm.) Oo. II. 25. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on the Id^/h of Bion and MoscHus. (Lips. 1780.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 45 On the title-page, * J. G. J. Herraanni 1787-' Inside the cover, 'G. H. 127/ A note at the end is dated 1790. An edition of Bion and Moschiis by Hermann, was published after his death. See Nouv. Biogr. Gen. torn. xxiv. p. 363. (433 Ilerm.) Oo. II. 26. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on Meineke's edition of the fragments of EupiioRioN (Ged. ]823). Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1488/ (49G Hcrm.) Co. II. 27, 28. MS. notes in a hand of the xviith century on the plays of Euripides. (Heid. 1597.) Inside the cover of the second volume, ' F. S. Witleben/ Inside both covers, 'G. H. 149/ {a, h.) (512, 613 Herm.) Oo. II. 29. MS. notes partly by Hermann on the plays of Euripides. (Frank, sine anno.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1426.' (635 Herm.) Oo. II. 30. MS. notes principally by Hermann on the Hecuba., Orestes, and Phoenissce of Euripides. (]\Ionach. 1613.) On the title-page, 'J. G. I. Hermanni, 1784 ex bibl. patris.' Inside the cover (by Hermann): ' Initium Hecubs diligenter contuli cum MS. cod. Vitebergensi... usque ad v. 274...Scribere in hoc versu desiit librarius, A. 1799.' In the same place occur the names of two possessors : ' F. G. Seelig'? and 'Johannes Gothofredus Baumannus ;' also, 'G. H. 153.' (552 Herm.) Oo. II. 31. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on Porson'^s edition of the .ffigcwSa of Euripides. (Cant. 1802.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 162.' (554 Herm.) Oo. 11. 32. Three MS. notes by Porson (written on an inserted leaf) on his edition of the Phoenissce. (Lond. 1799.) 46 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. A presentation copy to Heyne from Person. Inside the cover, *G. H. 165.' (589 Herm.) Oo. u. 33« Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on the Alcestis of Euripides. (Lips. 1789.) On a fly-leaf, 'G. H. 174.' For Hermann's labours on various plays of Euripides, see Nouv. Biogr. Gen. u. s. (GOG Herm.) Oo. II. 34. MS. notes by Hermann on Hesiod's Theogony. (Halle, 1783.) Inside the cover, ' J. G. J. Hermann, 1786;' and 'G. H. 208/ (733 Herm.) Oo. n. 35. MS. notes by Hermann on Hesiod''s SJiield of Hercules. (Vrat. 1802.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 210.' (736 Herm.) Oo. II. 36. Scanty MS. notes on the Scholia of Moschopulus upon the first two books of Homer's Iliad. (Utrecht, 1719.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 236.' (835 Herm.) Oo. II. 37. MS. notes by Hermann on Seber's Index Vocahidorum in Eomenim. (Ed. Comm. 1604.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 267.' (861 Herm.) Oo. II. 38, 39. MS. notes by Ruiinken on his two Critical Epistles (to Valckenaer and Ernesti.) (Leyden, 1749, 1751.) Inside the covers, ' G. H. 2-iO, 241.' (877, 878 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 47 Oo. II. 40. MS. notes in a hand resembling that of Ruhnken on the ylpofelesmatica of Manetiio. (Leyden, 1G98.) Inside tlie cover, 'G. IT. 274.' (095 Herm.) Oo. II. 41. MS. notes, by more than one hand, on Mus.eus, Moschus and BioN. (Lond. 1659.) On the title-page, 'J. F. W.' Inside the cover, ' Ex bibl. Cellarii prof. Ilallensis ;' and ' G. II. 281.' (1007 Herm.) Oo. II. 42. MvS. notes by Valckenaer on Musjeus. (Leyden, 1737.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 28-3.' (1008 Herm.) Oo. II. 43. MS. notes by Hermann on MusyEus. (Ilanov. 1793.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 284.' (1009 Herm.) Oo. II. 44. MS. notes on the Argonautics of Orpheus. (Basil. 1523.) Inside the cover : ' Sum ex bibliotheca And. Wisii ' (who may be the author of the notes) ; also, ' G. H. .308.' (1 041 Herm.) Oo. II. 45. MS. notes by Hermann on all the works of Orpheus. (Lips. 1764.) On p. 2, Hermann has written: 'Contuli cum cod. Augustano recentis- simo, qui est in catalogo Reiseri p. 69. n. 4.5.' Inside the cover, 'G. H. 312.' (1044 Herm.) Go. II. 46. MS. notes by L. C. Valckenaer on all the works of Or- pheus. (Leips. 1764.) On a fly-leaf at the beginning : ' Adscripts; hie sunt emendationcs Adriani Heringa Frisii quas ille mecum communicavit. L. C. V.' Inside the cover, 'G. H. .31 ;V (104.5 Horm.i 48 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. II. 47. MS. notes on Pindar and the other lyric Greek poets. (1560 H. Steph.) On the title-page, ' Jacob. Passilien anno 1630;' also, 'Nicolaus Barin- gius': below, 'a fratre permutatione possidet Ebenhardus Baringius. Han- no verae. 1G44.' On reverse of title, 'D. Geseuius.' Inside the cover, 'G. II. 337.' (1078 Herm.) Oo. III. 1. Scanty MS. notes on H. Stephen's edition of Pindar and the other Lyric Poets. (Exc. P. Steph. 1600.) Inside the cover: 'J.G.J. Hermann 1786;' and 'G. H. 338.' (1079 Herm.) Oo. III. 2. Scanty MS. notes on Schneider's edition of the Fragments of Pindar. (Strasburg, 1776.) Inside the cover: 'G. H. 325.' He is probably the author of the notes. (1114 Herm.) Oo. III. 3, 4. MS. notes by Valckenaer on an interleaved copy of Canter's edition of Sophocles. (Heidelb. 1597.) On the title-page: 'Sum ex libris Hermanni Schonen a.d. 1607,' who gave it ' Bernhardo Stenio.' Above : ' L. C. Valckenaer.' Inside the cover : ' G. H. 891.' (a, b.) (1207, 1208 Herm.) Oo. III. 5. MS. notes by Valckenaer on an interleaved copy of Canter's edition of Sophocles. (Leyden, 1593.) On the title-page: 'L. C. Valckenaer': on a fly-leaf: 'Ad hanc edi- tionem accuratissime coUata Turnebiana anni 1553.' L. C. V. Inside the cover : ' G. H. 870.' (1217 Herm.) Oo. III. 6—10. MS. notes by Hermann on Brunck's edition of Sophocles. (Strasb. 1786—1789). The notes are principally confined to the fragments. In a fly-leaf of vol. 1. ' I. G. I. Hermanni. 1789.' Also ' G. H. 373.' (a—e.) (1221—1225 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 40 OO. III. 11. MS. notes by Valckenaer on Johnson's edition of the Antigone and Trachlnicv of Sophocles. (Oxf. 1708.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. ,'383." (1282 Herm.) Oo. III. 12. MS. notes by Valckenaer on Johnson's edition of the Ajax and Electra of Sophocles. (Oxf. 1705.) Inside the cover : ' L. C. Valckenaer ex libris Arnaldi, 1740.' Below ' G. H. 382.' (1302 Herm.) Oo. III. 13. Scanty ]\IS. notes by Valckenaer on West's edition of Theocritus. (Oxf. 1699.) Inside the cover : 'G. H. 412.' (1424 Herm.) Oo. III. 14. Copious MS. notes by Valckenaer on the same edition. On a fly-leaf: ' Emendationes littera H. notatae el. Hemsterhuisio sunt acceptae ferendiE. L. C. Valckenaer.' Inside the cover: 'G. H. 413.' The same volume contains Plutarch's treatise, Qiiomodo juveni audienda sint poemata, on which is a note (p. 5.5) not by Valckenaer. (1425 Herm.) Oo. III. 15. MS. notes by Hermann on Stroth's edition of Theocritus. (Goth. 1782). Inside the cover: 'J. G. J. Hermann 1789;' and 'G. H. 41 G.' (1431 Herm.) Oo. III. 16. MS. notes by Van Goens on Bergler's edition of Alcithron. (Lips 1715.) On the title-pa!?e : ' R. M. Van Goens.' Inside the cover : ' G. H. 449.' (1539 Herm.) Oo. III. 17-19. ]\.IS. notes by Valckenaer on three copies of the same edition. 60 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA Inside the first of them is 'L. C. Valckenaer 1736/ and *G. H. 450, 451, 452/ in the set. The first two volumes contain collations of two MSS., the third has miscellaneous notes, including the readings of a MS. of D'Orville. (1540—1542 Herm.) Oo. III. 20. MS. notes by Hermann on Gregorius Corinthius De Dia- lectis. (Leyd. 1766.) On p. xlvi.: ' Diligentissirae contuli cum codice Augustano p. 24. n. 19 in Reiseri catalogo Gregorium Corinthium. Item ex alio codice qui est p. 64. n. 78 coraparavi fragmentum,' On the title-page : ' J. G. J. Hermanni 1789/ on a fly-leaf, ' G. H. 726/ (2065 Herm.) Go. III. 21. Scanty MS. notes on the u^thiopica of Heliodorus. (Ed. Comra. 1596.) On a fly-leaf: 'Hie liber in praemium boni in litteris humanioribus profectus donatus est Ottoni Swalue a Scholarchis Amstelodamensis Scholae. Anno 1609.' Below: ' C. L. Valckenaer.' Inside the cover: ' G. H. 539.' (2078 Herm.) Go. III. 22. MS. notes and collations on Turnebus"' edition of Hephj^s- TioN. (Paris 1553.) At the beginning are eleven leaves inserted containing a collation of a Munich MS. (n. 104) with Pauw's edition : at the end are 15 leaves con- taining a collation of a Palatine MS. (n. 132) made by Frommel with the same edition. The body of the work contains the deviations of some other MS. from the text of Turnebus, possibly that referred to in the following note on a slip inserted at the beginning: ' Zu Hephaestion besitze ich die von Passow mitgetheilten Lesarten der Breslauer Handschrift, mit welchen ich Ihnen auf Verlangen dienen kann. W. D(indorf ?).' On the title-page: 'Johannes Livineius, Canonicus S.Petri Leodiensis, Collegii Soc. Jesu Ant. 1599.' Below 'S. F. A.' At the bottom 'G. H. 729.' (.2086 Herm.) Go. III. 23. MS. notes by Valckenaer on Pauw"'s edition of Heph.es- TioN. (Utr. 1726.) Inside the cover : 'G. H. 730.' 2087 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 51 Oo. III. 24. MS. notes by Pauw on his own edition of Heph^stion. On the title-page : ' Pauw.' Inside the cover, ' G. H. 731.' (2088 Herm.) Oo. III. 25. MS, notes by Valckenaer on Hesychius (Ed. Schrev. 1688.) On a flyleaf; *L. C. Valckenaer.' Inside the cover is the book-plate of 'J. A. H. Tittmann.' Below, ' G. H. 2120.' ^2179 Herm.) Oo. III. 26. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on Isocrates, (Halle, 1803.) Inside the cover : ' G. H. 569.' (2219 Herm.) Oo. III. 27—38. Scanty MS. notes by Reiz and Hermann on Plato's Works. (Bipont. 1781—1786. 12 vols.) Inside the covers: 'G. H. 630.' (a— m.) (2514— 2525 Herm.) Oo. III. 39. MS. notes by Hermann on the Li/sis^ Charmides, Hijypias Major^ and Phadrus of Plato. (Ed. Heindorf, 1702.) Beside the marginal notes are several loose slips hound up at the end. (2572 Herm.) Oo. III. 40. MS. additions to Reiske's Index Grcecitatis to his Moralia of Plutarch. (Lips. 1782.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 2086.' (2714 Herm.) Oo. III. 41. MS. notes by Hermann on Zeune's edition of Xenopiion''s Memorabilia Socratis. (Lips. 1781.) On the title-page: 'J. G. J. Ilermanni, 1785/ and inside the cover: ' G. 11. 785.' (3102 Herm.) K 2 52 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. III. 42. MS. notes by Hermann on Zeune''s edition of the Opuscula Politica, Equestria, et Venatica of Xenophon, and of Arrian''s treatise De Venatione. (Lips. 1778.) Inside the cover : ' G. H. 78G.' (3113 Hernv) Oo. IV. 1. MS. notes on the Fragments of Ennius. (Amst. 1707). On a fly-leaf: ' loann. Godofr. lacob. Hermann. Lips. 1787.' Inside the cover, ' G. H, 862.' He is the author of some of the notes. (3226 Herm.) Oo. IV. 2. MS. notes in pencil by Reiz on Ovid's Fasti, (Halle, 1766.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 918.' (8401 Herm.) Oo. IV. 3. MS. notes by Hermann on the Fragments of Lucilius (Bipont. 1785.) The Satires of Juvenal and Persius contained in the same volume have no ]\IS. notes. On the title-page, 'I. G. I. Hermanni 1788.' Inside the cover, 'G. H. 924.' A fly-leaf at the end contains notes by Reiz. (3424 Herm.) Oo. IV. 4. MS. notes by Reiz on Terence. (Amst. 1686.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 1638.' (3630 Herm.) Oo. rv. 5. MS. notes principally by Scriverius, partly also by Her- mann on the Fragments of the Tragic Poets, entered in the margins of Scriverius' own edition. (Leyd. 1620.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 1030.' (3690 Herm.) Oo. IV. 6. MS. notes on Censorinus de die natali and on the Frag- ments of Lucilius. (Ed. Havercamp, 1748.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1104.' (3787 Herm.) CATALOGUE OF ADA^ERSARIA. 53 OO. IV. 7. MS. notes by Valckenakr on Nonius Marcellus De proprietate serhmium, and on Fulgentius De prisco sermone. (Ed. Antw. ] QQb^ interleaved.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1171.' (4112 Herm.) Oo. IV. 8. MS. notes on the same treatises of Nonius and Fulgen- tius. (Paris, 1614.) Inside the cover, 'G. H, 1174.' (4115 Herm.) Scanty MS. notes by Reiz on Pliny's Natural History. (Berol. 1766.) Inside the cover, 'G. H. 1149.' (a, b.) (4130, 4181 Herm.) Oo. IV. 11. MS. notes by Hermann on M. Terentius Varro De lingua Lat'ma. (Lyons, 1563.) In the Sale Catalogue the notes are said to be a collation of a Leipsic MS. Inside the cover, ' G. H. 1193.' (4292 Herm.) Oo. IV. 12—14. MS. notes by Hermann on the Grwcum Lexicon Manuale of Hederic. (Lips. 1786, partly interleaved.) Inside the covers, 'G. H. 1226.' (a, b, c) (43G1— 4363 Herm.) Oo. IV. 15. MS. notes by Hermann on the Ausfilhiiche griecMsche Grammatik of Matthia3. (Leips. 1807.) Inside the cover ' G. H. 266.' (4521 Herm.) Oo. IV. 16—18. MS. notes by Hermann on the AuifalirlicJie griecMsche SpracMehre of Buttm ann. (Berl. 1819—1827.) Inside the cover, *G. H. 274.' {a, b, c.) (4531—4533 Herm.) 54 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. IV. 19. MS. notes by Hermann on Hoogeveen''s Docirina Particu- lanim Grcecarwm. (Ed. Schutz, 1782.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 297.' (4583 Herm.) Oo. IV. 20. MS. notes by Reiz on Viger De prcecipuis Grwcw dictio- nis idiotismis. (Leyd. 1752.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 302.' (4588 Herm.) Oo. IV. 21. MS. notes by Hermann on his own Handbuch der Metrik. (Leips. 1799.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 340.' (4838 Herm.) Oo. IV. 22. MS. notes by Hermann on his own De metr'is Poetarum Groeconmi et Bomanorum libri III. (Lips. 1796.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 342.' (4839 Herm.) Oo. IV. 23. MS. notes by Hermann on his own Epitome doctrinw me- trical. (Lips. 1818, interleaved.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 34G.' (4840 Herm.) Oo. IV. 24. Scanty MS. notes by Hermann on Scheller''s Observationes in priscos Scriptores quosdam. (Lips. 1785.) Inside the cover, 'I. G. I. Hermann, 1788;' below, 'G. H. 483.' (5124 Herm.) Oo. IV. 25. MS. notes on the Institutions of Justinian. (Lyons, 1548.) Inside the cover, ' G. H. 235.' (7070 Herm. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 65 Oo. IV. 26. Sale Catalogue of the B'Miotheca Godofuedi IIermanni. (Leips. 1854.) With the prices entered in MS., together with a few corrections. The lots marked with bhie ink and priced on the left margin were purchased hy Mr Heun for the University : the whole of tlie MS. remarks being in his hand. Oo. IV. 27. MS. notes by Broukhusius (Broekhuisen) on N. Heinsius"" edition of the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus. (Utr. 1702.) On p. 1 is noted : ' Quse ad marginem notavi sunt a conjectura Heinsii sed certa ac verace.' On the title-page, 'Jani Broukhusii :' on a fly-leaf, ' Mitford, 1804; D'Orville's sale.' From ]\Iitfurd's sale. Oo. IV. 28. MS. corrections of Seneca's FhllosopMcal WorJcs^ by Gruter in the margins of his own edition. (Bibl. Comm. 1604.) On the title-page, ' Jani Gruteri est :' also ' A. Fletcher.' On a fly-leaf, * Nicolai Heinsii.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 29. MS. strictures by Walter Haddon on ' Hieronymi Oso- Rii in Gualterum Haddonum libri tres." (Lisb. 1567.) That the notes are by Haddon himself is certain. See fol. 5, 6, &c. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 30. MS. notes principally by Daniel Roger on the Poems of Statius, (1519, Aid.) Inside the cover, ' Danielis Rogerii, Lutetite, 1563 :' (see Havercamp'a preface to his Lucretius, sig. e 8,h.) on a fly-leaf, 'Daniel Moore^ 1712.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 31. MS. notes in a hand of the xvith century on Florus Be gestis Romanorum. (Paris, 1542.) From Bishop Moore's Library. 00 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. IV. 32. MS. notes by Mosciiopulus and others entered in the Aldine edition of Sophocles, (1502.) On a fly-leaf : ' Annotationes quie in hoc libro inveniuntur scriptae sunt ab M. Moschopulo.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 33. MS. notes on Horace, Juvenal, and Persius, entered in the margins of the editions of Rob. Stephanus. (Paris, 1513, 1514, and 1516.) The name of the owner and annotator has been cancelled ; on a fly-leaf may still be read, 'Sum Henrici H 1663.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 34. MS. notes by Isaac Casaubon on The Apostolic Canons. (Paris, 1558.) On the title-page, * Is. Casaubonus.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 35. MS. notes by Jacobus Colius on Occo's Numismata Im- peratonim Bomanorum. (Antw. 1579, interleaved.) On the title-page, ' Jacobi Colli, Aug. 1588, Antverp.' He has marked the descriptions of such coins as he possessed with Colli in red ink, and has pasted in many portraits (well drawn with pen and ink) of various empe- rors. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. IV. 36. MS. notes by Abednego Seller on G.J. Vossius, De2>oetis Grwcis et Latinis. (Anist. 1662.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 1-3. MS. notes by Bentley on L. Ann^i Senecje Opera. (Am- stel. 1672.) On the title-page of Vol. i., ' R. Bentley.' These were published by Mr Kidd in the Clussical Journal, Vol. xxxvii. pp. 11—20. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 57 Oo. V. 4. MS. notes entered in Caius' edition of certain works of Galen. (Basil, 1544, Froben.) Many of the notes are evidently made by Caius himself for a new edition. This, however, seems never to have been published. Oo. V. 5. Copious MS. notes by Aeednego Seller on his Antiquities of Falniyra. (Lond. 1696.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 6. Collation of the Milan edition of the GosmograpJiia of Pom- poNius Mela, 1471, with an ancient MS. On a fly-leaf at the beginning, ' CoUatus cum antique codice.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 7. MS. notes, partly by Tanaquil Faber on Juvenal. (Leyd. 1648.) On the title-page, ' Teneguyus Faber Cadom,' On a fly-leaf, ' Tanaquillus Faber, Tanaq. filius.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 8. MS. notes apparently by Sir E. Sherburne on the Astrom- mica of Manilius. (Leyd. 1600.) On the title-page, 'Edw. Sherburne.' He translated Manilius. See Rose's Biogr. Diet. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 9. MS. notes on the Conciliator of Manasseh Ben Israel. (Amst. 1633.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 10. MS. notes (in French) on Horace. (Saumur, 1671, inter- leaved.) 58 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. On the title-page. ' Ex libris Johannis Terapelli.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 11. MS. notes apparently by John Walsall on Godwin, De proesuUhus Anglice. (Lend. 1616.) On the title-page, 'Joannis Walsall ex dono Rev. Patris Doctoris God- wini Episcopi Landavensis Mart. 27. 1016.' Below, ' Tho. Fuller.' From Bishop Moore's Library, Oo. V. 12. MS. notes in a hand of the xviith century on 0. Bauks- D ale's Monwnenta Litteraria ex historiis J. A. Thuani. (Lond. 1640.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 13. MS. notes on Horace. (Antw. 1576.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 14. MS. notes beautifully written out by Bartholomew Dod- iNGTON on the Ars Rhetor ica of Hermogenes entered in an interleaved copy, wanting the title-page and preface. (Printed at Paris in 1569 by Crispinus, edited by F. Portus.) On the title-page, 'B. Dodingtonus, 1573.' He was successively fellow of St John's and of Trinity, and Greek Professor in Cambridge. (Cooper's Ath. Cant. ii. 18-3.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 15. MS. notes and collations on Nonius Marcellus. (Paris, 1614.) The author was an intimate friend of Salmasius, as appears by a fly- leaf. One of the MSS. collated belonged to Magdalen College, Oxford, and is no doubt n. 2847 of the Catalogus Libb. Angliae. From Bishop Moore's Library. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 59 Oo. V. 16. MS. notes mostly in French on Terence. (Saumur, 1671.) The notes are by the same hand as Oo. v. 10. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 17-22. MS. notes by Isaac Casaubon on Plutarch. (Paris, 1572. H. Stepli. 6 vols.) On the title-page of Vol. i. and Vol. vi., ' Isaac Casaubon.* From Bishop iMoore's Library. Oo. V. 23. MS. notes by Isaac Casaubon on Tou avuToXiKou vo^'ifxov (iifiXia Tp'ia, edited by E. Bonefidius. (Paris, 1573. H. Steph.) On the title-page, ' Is. Casaubonus.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 24. MS. notes on Horace, entered in the margins of the edi- tion of H. Stephanus. (Paris, 1600, P, Steph.) At the end is this note : " Variantes lectiones quse adscriptae sunt cum hac nota 'MS.' vel 'Gr.' notavi ex libro cl. Grsevii, qui eum ad quendam manuscriptum Rottendoi-fii commiserat. Traj. ad Rhen. 1670." From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 25. MS. notes and collations by Bentley and others on Juve- nal, Persius, and Horace, entered in the editions of E. Ste- phens (Paris, 1544), which are bound in one volume. The notes on Juvenal are in a hand of the xvith century, and are very scanty : on the title-page Bentley has written, ' Persius collatus est cum codice MS.to annorum 300 in bibliotheca regia Londini." This collation has been published in the Classical Journal, Vol. xviii. pp. G2— 64, most probably by Mr Kidd. On the title-page of Horace is this note : ' Hie liber cum quatuor an- tiquis manuscriptis exemplaribus collatus est. Quae hoc signo (*) notantur ex Turnebi exemplari; quae hoc ( + ) et hoc (3) ex Clerici; quae hoc (3) ex meo sunt. In Biturigum civitate. 1551. Cal. Jun,' From Bishop Moore's Library. 60 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. V. 26. MS. notes on Andrew Riveti Crltici Sacrl Lihri iv. (Genev. 1642.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 27. MS. notes by Joseph Scaliger on the Francogallia of Francis Hotoman. (Frankf. 1586.) A fly-leaf states, ' Liber hie notatur manu Josephi Scaligeri.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 28. MS. notes and collations by more than one hand, entered in Dan. Heinsius' edition of Horace. (Leyd. 1612, Elz.) The collations are from a MS. in the Franequer library (see p. 1). On the title-page, ' Sum Conradi Kenkholt.' (?) and below, ' Henricus Hilde- brandi me suis annumerat. 1G29.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 29. MS. notes by Paulus Manutius on Suetonius. (Venice, 1521, Aid.) The Aldine edition contains also other authors on which there are no notes, except a few on Paulus Diaconus ; and these are apparently not in the hand of Paulus Manutius. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 30. Scanty MS. notes in two hands on Juvenal. (Ed. Paris, 1544, Rob. Steph.) A note at p. 45 is signed ' IL S.', which are probably the initials of the annotator. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 31. MS. notes on the Oneirocritica of Artemidorus. (Venice, 1518, Aid.) From Bishop Moore's Library. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 61 Oo. V. 32. MS. notes by Isaac Casaubon on the Epictetus of Arrian. (Venice, 1535.) On the title-page, ' Is. Casaubonus.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 33. MS. notes on ^schylus. (Venice, 1518, Aid.) Noticed in Butler's preface to liis Mschylus, p. xxxiii. ' Is qui fucrit non liquet, scd lectiones ejus fere tantummodo sunt emendationes e textu Turnebiano margini adscripttc' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 34. MS. emendations on the Orations of Dion Chrysostom. (Ven. 1551, Aldus.) On the title-page, 'R. Bentley' (the notes are not in his hand.) Below, ' W". ^rotton.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 35. MS. notes and additions by Father John Warner to his Anti-Goliah and Anti-Haman. (1678, 1679.) The latter is partly interleaved. Oo. V. 36. Copious MS. notes and emendations by Stanley on Robor- tello's edition of jEschylus. (Ven. 1552.) On a fly-leaf Bishop Butler has written, ' Hie liber St^nleii manum exhibet. S. B." On the title-page, ' Johannes Rande : ' below, ' Tho. Gale.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 37. Scanty MS. notes and emendations by Stanley on the same edition of yEscHYLus, and on Robortello's Scholia in Aeschyli tragoedias (Ven. 1552), which is bound up with it. 62 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. On the title-page, * Tho: Stanley.' On a fly-leaf at the beginning, * Notse manuscriptse quae passim apparent sunt celeherrimi illius Thomae Stanleii," &c. In reference to these copies Bishop Butler {Prcef. ad Msch. p. ix.) writes, ' Exemplaria duo e bibliotheca Academiae Cantabrigiensis adhibui.' Both are from Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 38. MS. notes by Martinus Ruarus on Plautus. (Frank. 1604.) On the title-page, ' Jani Broukhusii:' and in the same hand, ' Notulte manuscriptse auctorem habent Martinum Ruarum.' Below, ' Sum ex libris Mart. Ruari Hols.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 39. MS. notes on Pithou's edition of the Fables of Ph^drus (Troyes, 1596.) This was a presentation copy from Pithou to the author of the notes. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 40. MS. notes (Latin and French) on Terence. (Leyd. 1635, Elz.) On the title-page, ' Ex libris C. Beaulieu,' who may be the author of the notes. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 41. MS. notes by Isaac Casaubon on Terence. (Lyons, 1576.) On the title-page, ' Is. Casaubon.' From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 42. Scanty MS. notes on the Poems of Statius. (Arast. 1653, L. Elz.) On a fly-leaf are some verses of Andreas Naugerius (Navagero), ' de suis et Statii sylvis.' From Bishop Moore's Library. CATALOGUE OF ADVEIISARIA. G3 Oo. V. 43. ]\rS. notes on the Fahles of Phredrus. (Leyd. 1598.) On the title-page, ' P. Francii.' He may be the author of the notes. From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. V. 44. Scanty MS. notes on ^Eschylus. (Paris, 1557, H. Steph.) From Bishop Moore's Library. Oo. VI. 76, 77. A copy of Ames"'s Typographical Antiquities, (Lond. 1749) interleaved, with MS. notes and additions by M. C. TUTET. Bought July, 1854. Oo. VI. 78-83. A copy of GouGn's British Topography, (Lond 1780) interleaved, and with a variety of cuttings, advertisements, &c. inserted, and MS. additions by John Britton. Purchased at Britton's sale. Oo. VI. 84, 85. Two volumes lettered 'Authoks and their Works,"" con- taining collectanea for a biographical dictionary, partly in MS. and partly cuttings from books, newspapers, &c. arranged in alphabetical order, by John Britton. Purchased at his sale. Oo. VI. 86. A copy of the article Oxford from Rees's Cycloprcdia, written by John Britton, interleaved, with additions in MS. by the Rev. W. Conybeare of Oriel College. Purchased at Britton's sale. Oo. VI. 87. A copy of the articles London and Westminster, from Rees's Cyclopaedia, written by John Britton, interleaved with a few MS. notes. Purchased at Britton's sale. 64 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Oo. VI. 88. MS. additions by John Rritton to John Samuel Brown's Catalogue of Bishops (Lond. 1812). Purchased at his sale. Oo. VI. 90. MS. additions by John Brit ton to Dibdin''s ' Specimen of an English De Bure," privately printed (Lond. 1810). Purchased at his sale. Oo. VI. 107. The MS. collections of E. H. Barker and G. Dunbar for the Appendix of Medical and Botanical words affixed to their Greek Lexicon. Given by J. A. Giles to the Library, 1848. Oo. VI. 109. MS. additions to ' An Apologeticall narration humbly submitted to the honourable houses of Parliament by Thos. Good- win, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simpson, Jer. Burroughes, William Bridge,' (Lond, 1643), and to the 'Reformation op Church Government in Scotland, cleered from some mistakes and prejudices,"' which are bound in the same volume. Oo. VII. 61. A Collation of a MS. of Apollonius Rhodius entered on the leaves of the ed. prin. Flor. 1496. This collation has been published from a transcript of Person, (who has numbered the lines in this copy,) in the Clusskal Journal, xviii. pp. 870—372. Given by Bishop Tonstall to the Library. Oo. VII. 62. MS. notes by Cuthgert Tonstall, Bishop of London, on QuiNTiLiAN (ed. Venet. 1493). Given by Bishop Tonstall to the Library. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 65 Oo. VII. 63. MS. notes by Bextley on Silius Italicus (ed. Draken- borch, 1717). These were published by Mr Kidd in the Classical Journal, in. pp. 381—386. Oo. VII. 64. MS. additions by Porson to the ' Index Auctorum qui citantur in Scholiis,"' at the end of Shaw's Apollonius RiioDius. (Oxf. 1779.) Oo. vn. 65. MS. additions inserted in an interleaved copy of Grower's ' Exact collection or catalogue of our English writers on the Old and New Testament.' (Lond. 1663.) Oo. VII. 66. MS. additions by Archibald Cleveland to his vindication of his conduct in respect to the Hospital at Bath, inserted at the end of a collection of pamphlets on this subject. (Lond. 1743, 4.) Oo. VII. 67. MS. additions to ' A sketch of the life of the late Dr John Taylor of Norwich, from the Universal Theological 3Iagazine^ July, 1804.' Oo. VII. 68, 69. A copy of the 'Literary Memoirs of Living Authors of Great Britain,' 2 vols. London, 1798, interleaved with notes of Richard Gough, transcribed by J. B. Nichols, and with por- traits of some of the characters described. Bought at J. B. Nichols' sale, May, 1864. Oo. VII. 70. MS. notes of William Bowyer to a copy of Chapman's Essay on the Roman Senate. (Camb. 1750.) Bought ibid. VOL. V. F 66 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. OO. VII. 71. MS. additions to an interleaved copy of Hawes's Collection of Sermons printed and sold for l*^, 2'', or S'', to the end of July, 1709. Bought June, 1804. Pp. I.— VII. The whole of the printed books in this class having MS. notes, and also the note-books, were bequeathed to the University by the late Professor Dobree, whose wishes and directions respecting them may be seen in the clause of his will, which is inserted in the catalogue of his books and MSS. made by Dr Hollingworth in 1826. From these his successor, the late Pro- fessor Scholefield, drew up ' Petri Pauli Dobree, a.m. Graecarum literarum nuper Professoris Regii Adversaria,' printed at Cambridge, in two volumes, 1831 — 1833, which was followed by 'Miscellaneous Notes on Inscriptions by the late Professor Dobree,' (taken from his MS. notes on printed books and from other papers,) ' with some Addenda to his Adversaria' (1835). Pro- fessor Scholefield observes (Praef. p. viii.), ' Quae autem vel ipse semel scripta postea repudiaverat, vel ab aliis omni ex parte occupata reperii, vel minus utilla futura judicavi, ea plerumque omnia omisi ;' and again in the preface to the Miscellaneous Notes, 'Having examined all the books and papers of the late Professor, which have come into the possession of the Uni- versity, he (the Editor) believes that nothing has been omitted of sufficient importance to justify a complaint on the ground of deficiency.' A brief comparison, however, of Dobree's MSS. and notes will shew that Professor Scholefield has made no selection at all from some of Dobree's books, and but a very partial one from others. Thus Dobree's marginal notes on Mont- faucon's Bihliotheca CoisHniana are not noticed at all. The notes on Homer's Iliad {Bohr. Adv. Vol. ii. pp. 3—5) are taken from various scraps of paper which are inserted in Pp. vii. 41, the notes entered in Villoison's edition (Pp. I. 1), principally referring to the Scholia, being omitted altogether. The marginal notes entered in Duker's edition of Thucydides (Pp. i. 5) are only partially used. Under these circumstances this general reference to the work of Professor Scholefield will be sufficient. Whatever of Dobree's MS. notes has been printed will, it is believed, be found there. Pp. I. 1. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Homer's Iliad. (Ven. 1788.) Pp. I. 2. MS. notes by P. P. Dorree on the SicUicc et ohjacentium CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 67 insularum veienim inscriptionum nova collectio of Castelli. (Palermo, 1769.) Pp. I. 3. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Montfaucon's Bibliotheca Coislimana. (Paris, 1715.) Pp. I. 4. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Pococke''s Inscriptionum antiquaruni Gr. et Lat. liber. (1752.) Pp. I. 5. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Duker's edition of Thucy- DiDEs. (Amst. 1731.) Pp. I. 6. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Kuster's edition of Ari- stophanes. (Amst. 1710.) Pp. I. 7. ]\rS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Demosthenes, entered in an imperfect interleaved copy of MorelFs edition. (Paris, 1570.) Pp. I. 8, 9. The same edition, interleaved with MS. notes by the same. On the title-page, ' G. Mauduison doctor et socius Sorbonicus ;' also *Ph. Stanhope 1784.' Pp. I. 10, 11. The same edition (two copies), with MS. notes by the same. On the title-page of the second copy, ' Jacobi Joye ;' also ' Liber Tho. Millington 28 Junii, 1658.' Pp. I. 12. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Greek Orators comprised in the Oratorum veterum orationes of H. Stephens. (1575.) Includes notes on ^schines, Lysias, Andocides, Isijeus, Dinarchus, Anti- phon, Lycurgus, and Alcidamas. Pp. I. 13, 14. The same edition, interleaved with MS. notes by the same. p2 68 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Pp. I. 15, 16. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree, entered in an interleaved copy ofAxHEN^us. (Lyons, 1612.) Pp. I. 17. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Spon's Miscellanea eruditoe antiquitatls. (Lyons, 1685.) Pp. I. 18. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Commentariorum nova fragme7ifa of Cyriacvs Anconitanus. (Pesaro, 1763.) Pp. I. 19. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Plato. (Ed. Basil. 1556.) Pp. I. 20. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Suidas. (Ed. Milan, 1499.) Pp. II. 1—3. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Kuster's edition of Suidas. (Cambridge, 1705.) Pp. II. 4. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Etymologicum Magnum. (Ed. Sylb. 1594.) Pp. II. 5, 6. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Lexicon of Scapula. (Leyden, 1652.) Pp. II. 7. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Lexicon of Photius. (Lips. 1808.) Pp. II. 8. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Sehleusner's LiheUus animad- versionum ad Fhotii Lexicon, (Lips. 1810.) Pp. II. 9. ' List of the reserved part of the Lihrary of Mr Professor Richard Porson, 1809,' by P. P. Dobree, inserted at the end CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 69 of a copy of Gaisford's Catalogue of D'Orville's MSS. now pre- served in the Bodleian Library. (Oxf. 1806.) Pp. II. 10. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Bentley's edition of Horace. (Amst. 1728.) Pp. II. 11. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Adagia Grcecorum of Zenobius and others, edited by A. Schott. (Antw. 1612.) Pp. II. 12. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Gaisford's Catalogue of E. D. Clarke's MSS. now in the Bodleian. (Oxf. 1812.) The notes refer to the Scholia on Plato there published. Pp. II. 13, 14. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree, entered in an interleaved copy of the Neiv Testament in Greek. (Cambr. 1632.) On p. 1 is written, ' IIen> Iloore.' Pp. IIL 1. MS. notes, partly by P. P. Dobree, on the Xoyoi (jrjT^pwv, comprised in the collection of Aldus (Ven. 1513), i.e. on ^SCHINES, Is^US, DlNARCIIUS, &C. The great majority of the notes are in hands of the xvith and xviith centuries. On the title-page : ' Ex bibl. P. de Cardonnel 1050,' and ' R. Grove dedit suo J. Newcome, I7l6.' Pp. III. 2. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Eeiske's Index rerum ad Demosthenem, being a portion of Reiske's Oratores Grceci inter- leaved. Pp. III. 3, 4. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Eeiske's Index Grcecitatis Demosthenece. (Lips. 1775). interleaved. 70 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Pp. III. 5—15. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree, entered in an interleaved copy of Bekker's Oratores Attici. (Oxf. 1823.) Pp. III. 16. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Eeiske's Scholia vetusta in Demosthenem. (Lips. 1770.) Pp. III. 17, 18. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Isocrates, (Ed. Coray. Paris, 1807.) Pp. III. 19. Scanty MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the following ora- tions of Isocrates. (1) Panegyricus, (Ed. Morus. Lips. 1804.) (2) De Permutatione. (Ed. Mystoxides. Milan, 1812.) Also on an anonymous Latin version of the same. (Milan, 1813.) Pp. III. 20. MS. notes on the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, taken from Taylor and Porson, and entered in Shaw's edition. (Oxf. 1779.) The notes of Taylor were transcribed (from the books in Askew's library described above in Nn. iii. 28) by Richard Gough, March 19, 20, 1785. The index of authors to the Scholia is improved from Person's copy in the Library (Oo. vii. 64), and the additions written by P. P. Dobree, who also observes that the second fly-leaf is in Taylor's hand. Pp. III. 21. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Ameilhon'^s ^ Eclaircissemens' on the RosETTA Stone. (Paris, 1803.) The other tracts bound up with it have no MS. notes. Pp. III. 22, 23. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the first two volumes (the first interleaved) of Bekker's Anecdota Grwca. (Berl. 1814—16.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 71 Pp. III. 24. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Meteora of Cleomedes. (Ed. Balf. 1605.) Pp. IV. 1. MS. notes by P. P. Dob he e on that portion of the Bih- lioiheca Grceca of Fabricius (Lib. ii. c. 16 — 22), which con- tains the Greek Scenic Poets. Pp. IV. 2. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on H. Stephens' edition of iEscHYLUs. (Paris, 1557.) Pp. IV. 3, 4. MS. notes of P. P. Dobree, entered in an interleaved copy of Porson's ^schylus. (Ed. Foul. Glasg. ]794<, 2 vols.) Pp. IV. 5, 6. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on ^schylus, entered in an interleaved copy of Schutz's edition. (Halle, 1799 — 1801.) Pp. IV. 7—9. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Sophocles, entered in an interleaved copy of Musgrave's edition. (Oxf. 1800, S vols.) Pp. IV. 10—12. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Euripides, entered in an interleaved copy of Matthise's edition. (Lips. 1813 — 1815.) Pp. IV. 13. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the PJioenisscG of Euripides. (Ed. Valck. Fran. 1755.) Pp. IV. 14. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Hippolytus of Euripides. (Ed. Valck. Leyden, 1768.) On the title-page : * C. Boonrajer. 1774.' 72 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Pp. IV. 15. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Fragments of Euripides, entered in an interleaved copy of the Glasgow edition. (1797.) Pp. IV. 16. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Gaisford's edition of Mark- land's Supplices, IpMgenia in Aulide, and Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides. fOxf. 1811.) Pp. IV. 17. » MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Porson's edition of the Hecuba of Euripides (Lond. 1797), Wakefield"'s Diatribe thereon (Lond. 1797), and Burnett's Monthly Revieics relating to them. (Jan. 1799— Feb. 1800.) ?r. IV. 18. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Hecuba, Orestes, Phccnissw and Medea of Euripides. (Person's editions. Lond. 1808, 1811,1812.) Pp. IV. 19. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Hecuba, Phoenissw, Hippolytus and Bacclim of Euripides. (Ed. Brunck. Strasb. 1780.) Pp. IV. 20. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Acharnians of Aris- tophanes (Ed. Elmsl. Oxf. 1809) ; the (Edipus Tyrannus of Sophocles (Ed. Elmsley, Oxf. 1811); the Beraclidce of Eu- ripides (Ed. Elmsl. 0>.f. 1813); also on Elmsley's reviews of Markland's Euripidis Supplices from the Quarterly Review, and of Hermann's edition of the same play, and of Hermann's edition of the Hercules Furens, taken from the Classical Journal. Pp. IV. 21—24. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Aristophanes. Ed. Brunck. (Strasb. 1783, bound in 4 vols.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 73 Pp. IV. 25. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Aristophanica of Porson. (Cambr. 1820.) Pp. IV. 26; V. 1. MS. notes by the same, entered in an interleaved copy of the same, bound in two volumes. Pp. V. 2—6. MS. notes by P. P. Douree on Autstophanes. (Ed. Tn- vern. Lips. 1794, interleaved and bound in five volumes.) Pp. V. 7. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Aristophanes. (Basil. 1532.) (Interleaved copy, imperfect : ending at p. 144.) Pp. V. 8. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Nuhes of Aristophanes. (Ed. Herm. Lips. 1799.) Pp. V. 9. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Pliitus of Aristophanes. (Ed. Herast. Lips. 1811.) Pp. V. 10. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Fragments of Aris- tophanes. (Interleaved fragment of Brunck's edition.) Pp. V. 11. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Nif^hes of Aristophanes. (Ed. Schutz, Halle, 1770.) Pp. V. 12. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Menandri et Phile- MONis RELIQUIJ3, edited by Le Clerc. (Amst. 1709, inter- leaved) 74 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Pp. V. 13, 14. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Burney's Appendix ad Scapulae Lexicon. (Lond. 1789, interleaved and bound in two volumes.) Pp. V. 15. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Ruhnken's edition of the Lexicon of Tim^us. (Leyd. 1789.) Pp. V. 16, 17. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Maussac's edition of the Lexicon of Harpocration. (Paris, 1614, interleaved, two copies.) Pp. V. 18. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Gronovius' edition of the same. (Leyd. 1696, interleaved, imperfect.) At the end is bound a fragment of Fabricius' Bibliotheea Grceca (lib. iv. c. 30) relating to Harpocration, on which Dobree has made a few notes. Pp. V. 19. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the notes of Maussac, Gro- Novius, &c. on Harpocration. Made up of fragments of the two editions named. Pp. V. 20. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Gronovius' edition of Harpo- cration. (Leyd. 1696.) Pp. V. 21, 22. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Lexicon of Photius, prepared for press by Person, but published by himself. (Camb. 1822. Two copies.) On a fly-leaf is a list of persons to whom Dobree presented copies. Pp. V. 23. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree, entered in an interleaved copy of Sanxay's Lexicon Aristophanicum. (Lond. 1754.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 75 Pp. VI. 1. MS. notes by P. P. Dohree on the Enchiridion of Heph^s- TioN. (Ed. Gaisf. Oxf. 1810.) Pp. VI. 2. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Enchiridion of Heph^s- TioN. (Ed. Pauw. Utr. 1726.) On the title-page, ' P. Bondam.' Pp. VI. 3. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Alberti's Glossarium Grwcum in sacros Novi Foederis lihros. (Leyd. 1735.) Pp. VI. 4. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Clarke's account of the Greek Marlles deposited in the Cambridge University Library. (Cambr. 1809.) The volume contains several other tracts, but Dobree has not made notes on them. Pp. VI. 5. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Marsh's Horw Pelasgicw. (Cambr. 1815.) Pp. VI. 6. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Dawes' Miscellanea Critica. (Cambr. 1 745, interleaved.) Pp. VI. 7. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Kidd's edition of the same book. (Cambr. 1817.) Pp. VI. 8. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Porson''s Letters to Travis. (Lond. 1790.) Pp. VI. 9. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Kidd's Tracts and Criticisms of Porson. (Lond. 1815.) Pp. VI. 10. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Porson's Nota.' breves in Xenophontem (Camb. 1786), Walpole's Comicorum Grwcorum 76 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. fracfmenta, (Cambr. 1805), and Burney's review of the same {Monthly Review, March, 1806), and Richakdi Pobsoni Ad- versaria (Camb. 1812), which are bound together in the same volume. Pp. VI. 11, 12. IMS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Museum Criticmn, Nos. 1—7. Pp. VI. 13. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Bur6ess''s Musei Oxoniensis litterarii specimina, Lond. 1797, and on various classical reviews by PoRsoN and Dobree. Pp. VI. 14, 15. Scanty MS. notes by P. P. Dobree, inserted in two volumes, comprising various classical tracts and reviews by Eeisig, Blom- FiELD, Elmsley, Barker, Osann, Meineke, Dobree, Kidd, and Hermann. Pp. VI. 16. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Kidd's Ojmscula RuhiJceniana. (Lond. 1807.) Pp. VI. 17, 18. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, &c., and On the Fables of JEsop. (London 1777, interleaved and bound in two volumes.) Pp. VI. 19, 20. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Bentley's Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis reliqiiias, and on his Epistola ad CI. V. J. Millium. (Cambr. 1713, interleaved and bound in two volumes.) On the title-page, ' Joan. Sliipton, Chir. Londin.' Pp. VI. 21. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Bentley's Answer to Collins. (Cambr. 1743.) Pp. VI. 22. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Meineke's Curw critical in Comicormu fragnienta ah Athenwo servaia. (Berl. 1814.) CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 77 Pp. VI. 23. ]\IS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Roberts'' 3Iarmorum Oxonien- sium inscriptiones Grwcm. (Oxf. 1791.) Pp. VI. 24. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Wolfs and Buttmann''s Museum antiqiutatis siudlosorum (Berl. 1811), and on IJurney's Philemonis Lexicon (Lond. 1812) ; bound (together with other works on which are no notes) in one volume. Pp. VI. 25. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on AmmoniusZ)(? adfinium voca- hulorum differentia. (Ed. Valck. Leyd. 1789.) Pp. VI. 26. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Herodotus. (Oxf. 1808, two volumes bound in one.) Pp. VI. 27. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Aristoteles De Poetica. (Ed. Tyrwh. Oxf. 1794.) Pp. VI. 28. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Historia Chronica of Johannes Malala and on Bentley's Epistola ad Millium. (Oxf. 1691.) Pp. VI. 29. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Plutarch's treatise De sera 7iuminis vindicta. (Ed. Wyttenb. Leyd. 1772.) In the same volume is Isfei De Menecl hcered. (Ed. Tyrwh. Lond. 1785) in which Porson has noted the various reading of Burney's MS., and on which Dobree has also made one or two notes, and also Tyrwhitt's Frug- menta duo Plutarchi, and Conjecturce in Strahonem. Pp. VI. 30. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on Ruhnken's Scholia in Plato- nem. (Leyd. 1800.) Pp. VI. 31. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on M. Apostolius' XXI Cen- turies of Greek Proverhs. (Leyd. 1653, Elz.) 78 CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. Pp. VI. 32. MS. notes by P. P. Dobree on the Characters of Theo- PHRASTus. (Ed. Casaub. Lyons. 1612.) Pp. VI. 33. ' Catalogus Ubrorum manuscriptorum et impressorum quos Can- cellario, Magisfris, et Scholaribus Academiw Cantahrigiensis testa- mento legavit Petrus Paulus Dobree Grcecarum litterarum Professor Regius, 1825,"' % J. D. Hollingworth, written in 1826. The catalogue contains 20 quarto pages only of matter, the other leaves being blank. In it is inserted a copy of a portion of Prof. Dobree's will, relating to these books, certified by Prof. Pryme. Pp. VII. 1. ' Prwlectio in Pseudo-Lysioe orationem funehrem, hahita Can- talrigio} in scJiolis puhlicis Junii die 25, 1823,"' by P. P. Dobree. This, which is the prelection read when Dobree was a candidate for the Greek Professorship, is printed in his Adversaria, Vol. i. pp. 3 — 19. Pp. VII. 2—42. Note-books on Classical Authors, by P. P. Dobree, of various sizes, some of wliich are more or less blank: in most of them rough notes on slips of paper are inserted, and some volumes (as Pp. VII. 4, 5) are made up of such notes entirely. The important parts of these (as well as of the marginal notes on printed books) are included in Dobree's Adversaria. (See above. Pp. i. 1.) The contents* of the volumes are approximately as follows: 2 and 3. AristopJianica. 4. Ad Scenicos. * Includes notes on fragments of the Greek dramatists, as well as on extant Plays. 5. Ad Euripidem. 6. Ad Athenwum, Stohwum, Epicharmum, Platonem. 7. In Bentleium ad Millium et Menandrum^ Herodotea. 8. Herodotea. • The titles on the volumes are here mostly retained, being in some cases ampli- fied. Some volumes have no title. CATALOGUE OF ADVERSARIA. 79 9 — 11. Thucydidea. 12. Ad XenopTiontem, Antiplontem^ Andocidem, Lysiam. 13. Ad Lysiam^ Isocratem, et Isceum. 14 — 23. Demosthenica. The twenty-second volume includes notes on Dinarchus and Lycurgus. 24. In Miscellaneos Auctores. 25. Hellenica. 26. Attica. 27. 8. Fasti. 29—31. Demosthenica. Contain various collations of MSS. made for Dobree. 32. Inscriptiones, 33. CalligrapUa (i. e. additions to the plates of Hodgkin's CalligrapMa Graca.) 34. Hemsterhusiana. The notes are principally on Demosthenes and Aristophanes. 35. Porsoniana. The contents of the volume are thus enumerated at p. 33 : ' Ad Herodotum, Platonem, Hesychium, EtymoL, Eustath., Maerin, Gre- gor.. Cor., Timaeum, Suidara.' There are, however, a few notes on other authors (Scholiasts, Cicero, &c.), on the last live leaves. This and the preceding are transcripts of Hemsterhuis' and Porson's marginal notes on printed books, most of which are in the Library of Trinity College. 36. Transcript of a MS. Gr. Lexicon ' e MS. Seguer,' entitled aWo's a\fEs's Typographical Antiquities Additions to, by M. C. Tutet, 63 AMMONirs De adfniiim vocahulo- rnm differentia Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Anacreox Notes on, by Hermann, 42 Anastasius S. Sinaita Collation of, 36 Tov 'AvaroKiKov vofilfiov ^ij^Xla rpia Notes on, by Casaubon, 59 Andocides Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 79 Anstis's Register of the Order of the Garter, Notes on, by T. Baker, 29 Anthologia Gr^ca Notes on, by Hermann, 43 Valckenser, 43 of Constantinus Cephalas Notes on, by Valckenser, 43 Antiphon Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 79 Valckenper, 79 Apolloxius Rhodius Notes on, 36, 39 Notes on, by Casaubon, 34 Hermami, 43 T.iylor, 7, 8, 14, 15, 70 Upton, 15, 24 "VVasse, 15, 24 Scholia, additions to authors quoted by, by Porson, 65, 70 Collation of a MS. of, 64 ' ApoLOGETic.iLL NARRATION Submit- ted to the Houses of Parliament.' Lond. 1643 Additions to, 64 82 INDEX. AP03T0LICK Canons Notes on, by Casaubon, 56 Apostolius, M. 21 Centuries of Greek Pro- verbs Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Aratus Notes on, 37 Archontes Attici References to, by Stanley, 3 Arist^netus Notes on, by Boissonade, 29 Aristophanes Anon, notes on, 43 bis Notes on by Biseto, 32 Dobree, 67, 72, 73 bis, 78 Hemsterhuis, 79 Valckenser, 40, 80 Acharnenses Notes on, by Boissonade, 28 Dobree, 72 Anon. Commentary on, 19 Eqiiites Notes on, by Hemsterhnis, 80 Valckenser, 80 Niihes Notes on, by Dobree, 73 bis Hermann, 44 Reiz, 44 Plutus Notes on, by Anon. 17 Dobree, 73 Hermann, 44 Valckenter, 44 Fragmenta Notes on, by Dobree, 73 Sanxay's Lexicon to, Notes on, by Dobree, 74 Aristotle De Poetica Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Aristotle De Poetica Notes on, by Taylor, 24 Arrian's Epictetus Notes on, by Casaubon, 61 De Yenatione Notes on, by Hermann, 52 Artemidorxjs : Oneirocritica Notes on, 60 Askew, Anthony: Notes and Collections on iEschylus, 6, 11, 20, 26 Boethius, 23, 24 Isocrates, IS Sophocles, 22 Theocritus, 16 Transcript of Bentley and Le Clerc's letters, 23 Sale Catalogue of, mth prices and notes, 18 Athen.^us Notes on, by Dobree, 68, 78 Hermann, 40 Athenagoras Notes on, by Pearson, 39 De resiirrectione mortuorum Notes on, by Morell, 17 ATTICiE FAMILIiE Notes on, by Taylor, 9 Aviejtos, Rufus Festus Notes on, 36 Baines, Bp. Notes on Romsee's Praxis Celeb randi Missam, 19 Baker, Thomas Notes on Anstis's Order of the Gar- ter, 29 Burnet's Reformation, 29 Chevillier's Origine de I'im- primerie de Paris, 30 Gunton's History of Peter- borough, 30 INDEX. 83 Baker, Thomas Notes on Wood's Athen«; Oxonicnscs, 29 Baekek, Edmund Henry Collections for his Greek Lexi- con, 64 Notes on his Tracts, by Do- bree, 76 Barksdale, C. Man umenta litteraria ex his- toriis J. A. Thuani Notes on, 58 Barnes, Joshua Notes on the Poette Grseci Principes, 3 Beaulieu, C. (?) Notes on Terence, 62 Bekker's Anccdota Grwca Notes on, by Dobree, 70, 79 Bentley, Richard Notes on ^schylus, 27 Cicero's Tusculanse Quses- tiones, 17 Hephsestion, 80 Pei'sius, 59 Seneca Phil. 56 Servius de pedibus ver- smim, 25 Siliiis Italicus, 65 Tcventianus Maurus, 25 Victorinus de orthographia, 25 Letter to Le Clerc, 23 Catalogue of his books, with MS. notes, 80 Catalogue of his books bought for the British Museum, 80 Answer to Collins Notes on by Dobree, 76 Emend, in Menandriim et Phileinonem Notes on, by Dobree, 76, 78 Epistola ad Milliiim Notes on, by Dobree, 76, 77, 78 Bentley, Richard On Phalaris, &c. Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Beverland, H. Notes on Juvenal, 15 BlON Notes on, by Hermann, 44 bis Anon. Notes on, 47 Bird's Maaazine of Honour Notes on, 28 Biset Odouard Collations, Notes, &«. on Aris- tophanes, 32 Blomfield, C. J. Revieics Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Boethius de Consolatione Philoso- phifp. Notes on, by Askew, 23, 24 Opusada Sacra Notes on, by Askew, 23 BOISSONADE, J. F. Notes on Aristsenetus, 29 Aristophanis Acharnenses, 28 Demetrius Cydonius de con- temnenda morte, 28 Eunapius, 28 Euripidis Hecuba, Phoenis- sa3, 19 Orestes, Medea, 19 Ion, 19 Menandri Rhetoris Com- ment, de Encomiis, vii Philostratus, 7 Thcmistius, 13 BOURDELOT Notes on ^schylus, 22 BowYER, "William MS. notes to Chapman's Essay on the Roman Senate, 65 Britton, John Authors and their Works, 63 Additions to J. S Brown's Catalogue of Bishops, 64 G 2 84 IND! K. Britton, John Additions to Dibdin's Speci- men of an English De Bure, 64 Gough's British Topo- graphy, 63 London and Westminster, in Rees's Cyclojjopdia Notes on, 63 Oxford, in Rees's Cyclopcedia Notes on, by W. Conybeare, 63 Beoekhfisen, J, Notes on Valerius Flaccus, 55 Brouncker, Visct. Notes on Charleton's Physio- logia Epicuro-Gassendo- Charltoniana, 32 Beown, J. S. Catalogue of Bishops Additions to, by J. Britton, 64 Burgess's Musei Oxoniensis Speci- men Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Buritet's Reformation Notes on, by T. Baker, 29 Burney's Ajjpendix to Scapula Notes on, by Dobree, 74 Monthli/ Reviews Notes on, by Dobree, 72, 76 Buttman.n's Ausfilhrliche Griechis- che Sirrachlehre Notes on, by Hermann, 53 C^SAE Notes on, 38 Caius De. Notes on Galen, 57 Callimachus Notes on, by Casaubon, 34 Stanley, 1 bis - Casaubjn, Isaac Notes on ^schylus, 26, 34 ^Ethicus' Cosmographia, 35 Casaubox, Isaac Notes on Tov avaToktKOV vofii^ov ^i- j3\ia rpia, 59 ApoUonius Rhodius, 34 Apostolick Canons, 56 Arrian's Epictetus, 61 Cidlimachns, 34 Ctesias, 38 Cyril S. 35 Dionysius Periegetcs, 35 Herodotus, 38 Homer, 31, 34 Lycophron, 34 Pliny, Nat. Hist. 30 Plutarch, 59 Poetse Grseci Principes, 31 Pollux Julius, 36 Polybius, 30 Pomponius Mela, 35 Scaliger's Thesaurus Tem- porum, 31 Solinus, 35 Terence, 62 Theocritus, 12 Tzetzes, Is. ; on Lycophron, 34 Tzetzes, John; ChiUades, 34 Castelli Sicilice et ohjacentiuni in- sularum vet. inscriptionum nov. collect io Notes on, by Dobree, 66 Castelvetko, L. Collections on Ji]schylus, 1 1 Censorinus de die iiatali Notes on, 52 Chandlee, Samuel (?) Notes on Hesychius, 15 Chapman's Essay on the Roman Senate Notes on, by Bowj-er, 65 Chaeleton, Walter Additions to Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, 32 Onomasticon Zoicon Notes on, 35 INDEX. CuAULETON, Walter Phi/niofogia Epicaro - Gas- mendn-Clwrltonidna Notes on, by Brounckcr, 32 CuEViLLiER Andre : OriEX. DoBREE, Peter Paul, Notes ou Walpole's ComicoEuin Frag- meiita, 75 Xenophon, 79 Notes on Zenobius, Adagia Greecoruiu, 69 Catalogue of his books, by HoUingworth, 78 DoDiNGTON, Bartholomew Notes on Hcrmogenes, 58 Dunbar, George Collections for his Greek Lexicon, 64 Elmsley, Peter Reviews Notes on, by Dobree, 72, 76 Ennius Notes on, by Hermann, 52 Epicharmus Notes on, by Dobree, 78 Epigrammata GrJlCA Notes on, by Taylor, 25 Erasmus' Ajwlogies Notes on, by himself and others, 37 Etymologicum Magnum Notes on, by Dobree, 68 Porson, 79 Eunapius Notes ou, by Boissonade, 28 Gronovius, 29 Reiuesius, 28 AVaguer, 28 Wyttenbach, 29 Euphoriox Notes on, by Hermann, 45 Euripides Notes on, by Anon., 45 Dobree, 71, 78 Hermann, 45 Alcestis Euripides Notes on, by Hermann, 46 Hecuba Notes on, by Dobree, 72 Hermauu, 45 Hecuba, Orestes, Phoenissce, Medea Notes on, by Boissonade, 19 Dobree, 72 Hecuba, Orestes, Phcenisscs Notes on, by Hennann, 45 Hecuba, Phcenissw, Hippo- lytus and Bacchce, Notes on, by Dobree, 72 HeracUdcc Notes on, by Dobree, 72 Hippolyt us Notes on, by Dobree, 71 Taylor, 10 lull Notes on, by Boissonade, 19 3Tedea Notes ou, by Hermann, 40 Phoeuissw Notes on, by Dobree, 71 Porson, 45 SuppUces, Iph. in A uL, Iph. in Taur. Notes ou, by Dobree, 72 Fragmenta Notes on, by Dobree, 72 Eusebius Demonstratio Evangelica Notes on, by Pearson, 32 Contra Hleroclem Notes on, by Pearson, 32 Historia Ecclesiastica Notes on, 38 Contra MarceUuin Notes on, by Pearson, 32 Contra Marcellum de Eccle- siastica Theologia INDEX. 80 EUSEBIUS Notes oil, by rearsoii, 32 Prceparatio Emngdica Notes on, by Pearson, 31 EUSTATHIUS Notes on, by Heiustei-liuis, 40 Person, 79 Viilckcuajr, 40 EVAGRIUS Historla Ecclesiast ica Notes on, 38 Faber, Basil Thesaurus eruditionis scho- lasticce Notes on, 42 Peter Notes on Cicero, 30 Tanaquil Notes on Juvenal, 57 Fabricius' Bibllotheca Gra'ca Notes on, by Dobree, 71, 74 Fairfax, George Notes on the Opus Palatinum de triangulis, 33 Florus Notes on, 55 Francius, p. (?) Notes on Plicedrus, 63 Fulge:ntius de prisco sermone Anon. Notes on, 53 Notes by Valckenser, 53 Gaisford, Thomas : Catalogue of Clarke's MSS. Notes on, by Dobree, 69 Gale, Thomas Notes on Dion Cassius, 4 Herodotus, 4 Galen Notes on, by Caius, 57 De Prcecognitione Notes on, by Nicolaus ^Moran- gellus Yitellianseus, 37 Gallia Ohhistiana, Additions to, vii Gerdes, Daniel Addenda to 'Instructions et lettres. . .concernant lo Con- cile de Trent,' 18 Gibson's Codex Juris Eeclesiastlci Additions to, by Taylor, 7 Glover, Robert Catahigue of Honor Additions to, 39 Godwin de PrasuUbus Anglite Additions to, by John Walsall, 58 GouGH, Richard Additions to LiteraryMemoirs of living authors of Great Britain (1798), 65 Ti-aiiscript of Taylor's Notes on Apollouius Rhodiiis, 70 BrltisJi Topography Additions to, by John Britton, 63 Grammatici Auctores Notes on, by Taylor, 8 Greaves, J. Notes on Plautus, 35 Gregorius Corinthus de Dialect is Notes on, by Hermann, 50 Person, 79 Gronovius, James Notes on Eunapius, 29 Suidas, 41 Gruter, Jan Notes on Philostratus, 32 Notes on Seneca Mor. 55 Gunton's History (f Peterborough Notes on, by Kennett, 30 Baker 30 Haddon, Walter Notes on 'Hieronymi Osorii in Gualterum Haddonum libri tres,' 55 90 INDEX. Harpocration Notes on, by Dobree, 74 (quater), 79 Hawes'9 Collection of Sermons, printed and sold for Id, 2d, and 3d. Additions to, 66 Hederici Lexicon Mannale Notes on, by Hermann, 53 Heinsius, Nioholaus Conjecturse in Valerium Flac- cum, 55 Heliodori'S JSthiopica Notes on, 50 Notes on, by Meiboraius, Taius, and Temminck, 18 Hemsterhuis, Tiberius Notes on Aristophanes, 79 Equites, 80 Demosthenes, 79 Eustathius, 40 Homer, 40 Menander, 80. inedita, 80 list of his books at Leyden, 80 Heph^stion Anon, Notes and Collations, 50 Notes on, by Bentley, 80 Dobree, 75 bis Pauw, 51 Yalckenser, 50 Heringa Adrian Notes on Orpheus, 47 Hermann, J. G. J. Notes on Anacreou, 42 Anthologia Groeca, 43 Apollonius Rhodius, 43 Aristojihanes. Nubes, 44 Plutus, 44 Arrian de Venatione, 52 Athenseus, 40 Bion, 44 Hermann, J. G. J. Notes on Buttmann's Ausfiilirliche Gricchische Sprachlehre, 53 Eunius, 52 Euphorion, 45 Euripides, 45 Alcestis, 46 Hecuba 45 Hecuba, Orestes, Phce- nii^Sse, 45 Medea, 40 Gregorius Coriuthus, 50 Hederici Lexicon Manuale, 53 Hermann's Epitome doc- trinse metricge, 54 Handbuch der Metrik, 54 De Metris, 54 Herodotus, 40 Hesiod. Theogonia and Scutum Herculis, 46 Homer, Seber's Index to, 46 Hoogeveen's Doctrina par- ticularum Greecarum, 54 Isocrates, 51 Lucilius, 52 Matthioe's Greek Grammar, 53 Moschus, 44 Musseus, 47 Ori^heus, 47 Pindari Fragmeuta, 48 Plato, 51 Lysis,Charmides,Hip- pias Major, Phredrus, 51 Plautus, 41 Scapula's Greek Lexicon, 42 Scheller's Observationes in priscos scriptorcs quos- dam, 54 Scott, D. Appendix to Stephens's Thesaurus, 42 Sophocles, 48 INDEX. 91 Hermann, J. G. J. Notes on Tereutius Varro, 53 Theocritus, 49 Tlmcydides, 41 Tragicoruni Fragincnta, 52 Xenophoii. Memorabilia Socratis, 51 Opuscula Politica, Equestria, Venaticn, 52 Sale Catalogue with prices, 55 Tracts Notes on, by Dobree, 7G Hermogenes' Ars Rhetorka Notes on, by Dodington, 58 Herodotus Emendations and various read- ings on, 22 Notes on, by Casaubon, 38 Diephold, 40 Dobree, 77, 78 Gale, 4 Hermann, 40 Markland, 10 Person, 79 Scaliger, 33 Taylor, 10 Hesiod Notes on, by Casaubon, 31 Hermann, 46 Various readings, 20 Hesychius Notes on, by Chandler, (1) 15 Meibomius, (1) 41 Person, 79 Scaliger and others, 7 Valckenser, 51 Westerhof, (1) 41 Hierocles Notes on, by Taylor, 23 Hippocrates de Somniis Notes on, by Nicolaus Moran- gellus Vitellianaeus, 37 Hodokin's CallUjraph'm Grct'ca Additions to, by Dobree, 79 IlOLLING WORTH, J. D. Catalogue of Dobree's books in the Library, 78 Homer Notes on, by Anon. 40 Barnes, 3 Casaubon, 31, 34 Dobree, 6G Taylor, 4, 8 Valckenajr, 40 Scholia Moscliopuli, notes on, 46 Sebei-'s Index to, notes on, by Hermann, 46 Hoogeveen's Dodrina j)0'i'ticula- rwa Gro'carum Notes on, by Hermann, 54 Horace Notes on, 56, 57, 58, 59 bis, 60, by Chishull, 6 Dobree, 69 Taylor, 4, 14 Hotoman, Francis : Francogallia Notes on, by Scaliger, 60 Inscriptions Notes on, by Dobree, 79 IS.EUS Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 69, 77,79 Collation of a MS. of, by Person, 77 Isocrates Notes on, by Askew, 18 Dobree, 70, bis. 79 Hermann, 51 Morgan (?) 28 Jacob, Henry Notes on ^schylus, 5, 34 92 NDEX. JOSEPHUS Notes on, 38 JcLiANi De Ccesarihas Sermo Notes on, by Rede, 25 Junius, Patricius Collation of a MS. of S. Cyril, 35 Jus Civile by Taylor, 7 Justin Martyr Notes on, by Pearson, 39 JusTiNiANi Institutiones Notes on, 54 by Taylor, 14 Juvenal Notes on 13, 56, 59, 60, by Beverland, 15 T. Faber, 57 Taylor, 1, 8 Kellison, Matthew : Gagge of the Reformed Gos- pel Notes on, 27 Kennett, White Notes on Gunton's History of Peterboron-h, 30 Register Notes on, 29 KiDD, Thomas Edition of Dawes's Miscel- lanea Critica Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Tracts and Criticisms of Porson Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Reviews Notes on by Dobree, 76 Opuscida Ruhnkeniana Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Law, Civil Taylor''s Elements of Notes on, by Taylor, 14 Law, Roman Notes on, by Taylor, 8 Le Clerc, John Letter to Bentley, 23 Lexicon Rhetoricum Cantabrigi- ENSE Transcript of, by Dobree, 80 Littleton's Tenures Notes on, 27 LONGINUS Notes on, by Taylor, 22 Lucilius Notes on, 52, by Hermann, 52 Reiz, 52 Lycophron Notes on, by Casaubon and others, 34 Lycurgus Notes on, by Dobree, 67 Taylor, 15 Lysias Pra^lectio in, by Dobree, 78 Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 79 Markland, 10 Taylor, 5, 10 Malala Joannhs : Historia Chronica' Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Manasseh Ben Israel : Conciliator Notes on, 57 Manetho : Apotelesmatica Notes on, by Rulniken, 47 Manilius Notes on,bySirE.Slierburne,57 Manutius Paulus Notes on Suetonius, 60 Markland, Jeremiah Notes on Herodotus, 10 Lysias, 10 Marsh, Herbert : Horw Pelasgicas Notes on, by Dobree, 75 INDEX. 03 MiTTHiiE's Greek Grammar Notes on, liy Hermann, 53 Medman, Peter Notes on the Old and New Testament, 3:i Meibomius, Marcus Notes on Heliodorus, 18 (?) on Hesychius, 41 Meineke, Augustus : Caro} Secundce in Comico- rum Fragmenta Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Tracts Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Melchior Guilaa'dinus : Papyrus Notes on, by Scaliger, 37 Menander and Philemon Notes on, by Dobree, 73 Hemsterhuis, 80 ^Ienander Rhetor Be Encomiis Notes on by Boissonade, vii Meursius, Johannes ^schylus, Sophocles, et Eu- ripides Notes on, by Taylor, 24 Criticus Arnobianus Notes on, 26 Milton, John Corrections of his Lycidas, vii M(ER1S Notes on, by Porson, 79 Taylor, 7 Moktfaucon's Bibliotheca Coisli- niana Notes on, by Dobree, 67 Moore, Bishop Notes in his Almanacks, 27 MORANGELLUS V1TELLIAN.EUS N. Notes on Galen de Prjecognitione, 37 Hippocrates de somniis, 37 MORELL, FkANCTS Notes on Athenagoras de ro- surrectione mortnorum, 17 Morgan, T. (?) Notes on Isocrates, 28 MOSCHOPULUS Notes on Sophocles, 56 MOSCHUS Notes on, 47 by Hermann, 45 bis Mus.EUS Notes on, 47 by Hermann, 47 Valckensei-, 47 Museum Criticum Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Antiquitatis" Studiorum of Wolf and Buttmann Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Needham, Peter Notes and Collections on iEschylus, 5, 11 Nichols, J. B. Transcript of Gough's Notes on the Literarj' Memoirs of living Authors (1798), 65 Nicolson's Corrcsp(m dence Original Letters in, 13 Nonius Marcellus Notes and Collections on, 58 De Proprietate Sermnnum Notes on, 53 by Valckenser, 53 Novum Testamentum Notes on, by Dobree, 69 Medman, 33 Taylor, 13 Epistola ad Hebroeos vii. 4 Stanley, on, 2 Occo's Numismala imperatorum Romanorum Notes on, by Colius, 56 94 INDEX. Oddey, Obadiah Notes on Dion Cassius, 4 Oratores Gr^ci Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 70 Orpheus Notes on, by Casaubon, 31 Heringa, 47 Hermann, 47 Valckcnser, 47 Wise (?) 47 Osann's Tracts Notes on, by Dobree, 76 OSORIUS HiERONYMUS In Haddonum Notes on, by Haddon, 55 Otho, L. V. Opus Palatimmi de Trian- gulis Notes on, by Fairfax, 33 Ovid's Fasti Notes on, by Reiz, 52 Oxford Conybeare's Additions to Britton's account of, 63 Graduati Additions to, by Wall, 13 Paulus Diaconus Notes on, 60 Pausanias Notes on, 41 Pauw, J. C. de Notes on Hephoestion, 51 Pearson, John Notes on iEscbylus, 5, 34 Athenagoras, 39 Eusebius. Demonstratio E- vangelica, &-:^. ?,2 ■ PrEeparatio Evan- gelica, 31 Justin Martyr, 39 Photii Bibliotheca, 31 Theophilus of Antioch, 39 Vindiciw Ignatiance Pearson, John Notes on, 36 Persius Notes on, 56 by Bentley, 59 Taylor, 1 PHiEDRUS Notes on 62 by Francius (1) 63 Pharmacopceia Collegii Regalis londinensis Additions to, by W. Charleton, 32 F. Clayton, 1 T. Wharton, 1 Philemonis Comici Fragmenta Notes on, by Dobree, 73 Philemonis Lexicon Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Philostratus Notes on, by Boissonade, 7 Gruter, 32 Salmasius, 32 Photiits Bihliothcca Notes on, by Pearson, 31 Lexicon Notes on, by Dobree, 68, 74 — Schlcusner's libellus aniniadv. in, Notes on, by Dobree, 68 Pindar ^ Varions readings, 20 Notes on, 48 bis Fragmenta Notes on, by Hermann (?), 48 Plato Notes on, by Dobree, 68, 78 Hermann, 51 Porson, 79 Reiz, 51 Lysis, Charmides, Hippias Major, and Phcedrus INDEX. 95 Plato JNotes on, by Ilerniann, 51 Mu/itikeii's Scholia Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Timcei Lexicon, v. Timseus Plautus Notes on, by Greaves, 35 Hermann, 41 Ruarus, 62 Pliny's Nat. Hist. Notes on, 31 by Casaubon, 30 Rciz, 53 Plutarch Oiyera Moralia Notes on, by Casaubon, 59 Taylor, 4 Apophthcgma ta Notes on, by Taylor, 10 De sera nmninis rindicta Notes on, by Dobree, 77 De fort una Notes on, 17 De virtute et vitio Notes on, 17 Quemadmodum oporteat ado- lescentem poemata audire Notes on, 17, 49 Reiske's index Grwcitatis Additions to, 51 TTorepov ylrvx^s ^ craifjiaTOS k.t.X. Transcript of, by Taylor, 9 PococKE, Richard : Inscriptioniim liher Notes on, by Dobree, 67 POETiE Gr^ECI PrIXCIPES Notes on, by Barnes, 3 Casaubon, 31 Pollux, Julius Notes on, by Casaubon, 36 POLYBIUS Notes on, by Casaubon, 30 PoMPONius Mela Collation of a MS. of, 57 Notes on, by Casaubon, 35 PoRSON, Richard Addenda to the Index Auc- torum, quoted by the Scho- liast on Apollonius Rhodius, 65, 70 Notes on Cicero, 79 Etymologicum Magnum, 79 Euripidis Phccnissse, 45 Eustathius, 79 Gregorius Corihthus, 79 Herodotus, 79 Hesychius, 79 Isi>ius, 77 Mseris, 79 Plato, 79 Timajus, 79 Adversaria Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Aristojihanica Notes on, by Dobree, 73 bis Kidd's Tracts and Criticisms Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Letters to Travis Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Notts in Xenoj^Jwntein Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Revieics Notes on by Dobree, 76 Catalogue of the reserved por- tion of his library, by Dobree, 68 his ^ISS. drawn up at Mc Inlay's, SO his works in chronolo- gical order, 80 of books of Dobree, with his Notes, 80 Prayer, Common Tlic Book of, with the Sig- natures and Seals of the Commissioners (1662), 30 96 INDEX. Prater, Common The Book of, 1G61, with tlio additions of 1662, 38 QUINTILIAN Notes on, by Tonstall, 64 QUINTIANUS StOA, J. F. Epographia Notes on,*17 Rede, John Notes on Julian's De Ceesari- bus Sermo, 25 'Reformation of Church Govern- ment in Scotland' Additions to, 64 Reinesius Thomas Notes on Eunapius, 28 Reisig's Tracts Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Reiz, Fred. Wolfgang Notes on ' Aristophanis Nubes, 44 Lucilius, 52 Ovid's Fasti, 52 Plato, 51 Pliny's Natural History, 53 Terence, 42, 52 Yiger de Idiotismis, 54 Rheticus, G. J. OpxisPalat'mum de triangulis Notes on, by Fairfax, 33 Rhetores Gr.eci Notes on, by Scaliger, 37 Rhetorum Sermones Notes on, by Dobree, 69 Rivet, Andrew : Critici Sacri Lihri iv. Notes on, 60 Roberts, William : Marmormn OxoniensJiim Inscriptinnes Grcecce Notes on, by Dobree, 77 Robortello, Fra.: Eniendationes inJischyluni,! 1 Roger, D. Notes on Statins, 55 Romsee, R D. T. : Praxis Celehrandi Missam Notes on, by Baines, 19 Rosetta Stone : Ameilhoii's Edaircissemens Notes on, by Dobree, 70 Royal Society : BlUiotheca Norfolchiana Additions to, 12 RuARUS, Martin Notes on Plautus, 62 Rtjhnken, David (?) Notes on Manetho's Apo- telesmatica, 47 Notes on his two Critical Epistles to Yalckenajr and Ernesti, 46 Kidd's Opuscula Notes on, by Dobree, 76 Inedita, 80 Salmasius Notes on Philostratus, 32 Santenius Notes on Suidas, 41 Sanxay's Lexicon Aristophanicum Notes on, by Dobree, 74 Scaliger, Joseph Notes on iEschylus, 12, 21 Clemens Alexandrinus, 39 Ctesias, 33 Herodotus, 33 Hesychius, 7 Hotomann's Francogallia, 60 Melchior Guilandinus' Pa- pyrus, 37 Rhetores Grteci, 37 Septuagint, the, 38 Thesaurus Temporum Notes on, by Casaubon, 31 Scapula's Lexicon Notes on, by Dobree, 68 INDEX. 97 Scapula's Lexicon Notes on, by Hermann, 42 Burncy's Appendiu; to Notes on, by Dobrce, 74 Scheller's Obser vat tones in pris- cos script ores quosdam Notes on, by Hermann, 54 ScnoNER, John, De Judiciis Nati- vitatam Additions to, by Digby, 2 ScEiVERius, Teter Notes on the Tragicorum Fragmenta, 52 Seller, Abedxbgo Transcript of Stanley's Notes on Callimachus, 1 Notes on his Antiquities of Pahnyra, 57 Notes on Voss. de poetis Gra3cis et Latiuis, 56 Seneca Moral. Notes on, by Bentley, 56 Gruter, 55 Trag. Notes on, 42 Septuagint Notes on, by Medman, 33 Scahger, 38 Collations for the book of Jol), 1 Servitjs, Honoratus De ped'ibus versimm Notes on, by Bentley, 25 Taylor, 25 Sherburne, Sir E. Notes on Manilius, 57 SiLius Italicus Notes on, by Bentley, 65 SiMPLICIUS IN EpICTETUM Emendations of, 37 Socrates : Hist or ia Ecclesiastica Notes on, 38 SoLiNUS Julius Notes on, by Casaubon, 35 Sophocles Notes on, 26 by Askew, 22 Dobrec, 71, 78 Hermann, 48 Moschopulus, 56 Taylor, 7, 14, 24 Valckenser, 48 bis Ajax Notes on, by Taylor, 6 Valckenser, 49 Antigone Notes on, by Valckenser, 49 Electra Notes on, by Valckenser, 49 CEdipus Rex Notes on, by Dobree, 72 Philoctetes Notes on, by Stanley, 3 Trachinice Notes on, by Valckenser, 49 SOZOMEN : Historia Ecclesiastica Notes on, 38 Spon's Miscellanea erudita; anti- quitatis Notes on, by Dobree, 68 Stanley, Thomas Adversaria, 2 Notes and collations on ^schylus, 2, 61 bis Archontes Attici, 3 Notes on Callimachus, 1 bis Demosthenes Trept avyL- fJLOpiOOl', 2 Diogenes Laertius, 34 Excrcitatio in Epist. ad He- braios, cap. vii. v. 4, 2 Notes on Sophoclis Philoc- tetes, 3 Statius Notes on, 62 by D. Roger, 55 H 98 INDEX. Stephens' Thesaukus Scott's Appendix to Notes on, by Hermann, 42 Stob^us Notes on, by Dobree, 78 Suetonius Notes on, by Paul Manutius, 60 SUIDAS Notes on, by Dobree, 68 bis Gronovius, 41 Porson, 79 Santonins, 41 Taylor, 3 Si'MMACnUS Epistolse: various readings of,35 Synesius Notes on, 34 Taius, Gul. Notes on Heliodorus, 18 Tanner, Thomas Additions to Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastici, 7 Taylok, John Notes on ^schines against Ctesi- jihon, 16 Antiquitates varite, 9 Apollouius Rliodius, 7, 8, 14, 15, 70 Aristotle de Poetica, 24 Atticse famiUse, 9 Cicero, 9 De Officiis, 23 Cornelius Nepos, 16 Demosthenes on the Crown, 16 Epigrammata Grreca, 25 Euripidis Hij^polytus, 10 Grammarians, Greek and Roman, 8 Herodotus, 10 Hierocles, 23 Homer, 4, 8 Horace, 4, 14 Taylor, John Notes on Jus Civile, 7 Justiniaui Institutiones, 14 Juvenal, 1, 8 Longiuus, 22 LycurgTis, 15 Lysias, 5, 10 Meursius. iEschylus, Sopho- cles and Euripides, 24 Miscellaneous authors, 20 Majris, 7 Novum Testamentum, 13 Persius, 1 Plutarch. Apophthegmata, 10 Moralia, 4 Roman Law, 8 Servius Marius Honoratus de pedibus versuum, 25 Sophocles, 7, 14, 24 Ajax, 6 Suidas, 3 Taylor's Elements of Civil Law, 14 Terentianus Maurus, 8,16,25 Theocritus, 22 Yictorinus de Orthogra- phia, 25 Xenophon, 4, 8 Varia Analecta Critica, 8 Transcript of Plutarch's ttotc- povyf/^vx^s fi (jaifjiaTos, k.t.X. 9 Taylor, John, of Norwich Additions to the life of, 65 Temminck Collections on Heliodorus, 18 Tekence Notes on, 59 by Beaulieu (?) 62 Casaubon, 62 Reiz, 42, 52 TerentlAlNUS Maurus Notes on, by Bentley, 25 Taylor, 8, 16, 25 INDEX. 90 Themistius Notes on, by Boissonadc, 13 Theocritus Notes on, by Askew, 16 Barnes, 3 Casaubon, 12, 31 Hermann, 49 Taylor, 22 Yalckenner, 49 bis Various Readings of, 20 Theodoret : Historia Ecdesiastica Notes on, 38 Theophilus of Autioch Notes on, by Pearson, 39 Theophrastus Notes on, by Dobree, 78 Thuctdides Notes on, by Dobree, 67, 7 Ilennann, 41 TiM^l Lexicon Notes on, by Dobree, 74 Person, 79 TONSTALL, CUTHBERT Notes on Quintilian, G4 Tragicorum GRiEcoRUM I'ragmenta Notes on by Scriverius and Hermann, 52, Latinorum Fragmenta Notes on, 42 TtJTET, M. C. Additions to Ames's Typo- graphical Antiquities, 63 Tyrwhitt's Fragmenta duo Plu- tarchi, 77 Conjecturai in Sti-abonem, 77 Tzetzes, Isaac On Lycophron Notes on, by Casaubon, 34 John Chi Hades Notes on, by Casaubon, 34 Upton, J. Notes on ApoUonius llhodius, 15,24 VALCKENiER, L. C. Notes on Alciphron, 49 Anthologia Grtcca, 43 of Constantine Ce- phalas, 43 Antiphon, 79 Aristophanes, 40, 80 Equites, 80 Plutus, 44 Demosthenes, 79, 80 Eustathius, 40 Fulgentius de prisco ser- mone, 53 Hephaestion, 50 Hesychius, 51 Homer, 40 MusEeus, 47 Nonius Marcellus de pro- prietate sermonum, 53 Orpheus, 47 Sophocles, 48 bis Ajax, 49 Antigone, 49 — Electra, 49 . Trachinioe, 49 Theocritus, 49 bis Valerius Flaccus Notes on, by Broekhuisen, 55 Ileinsius, 55 Van Goens, R. M. C. Notes on Alciphron, 49 Varro, M. Terentius De lingua Latina Notes on, by Hermann, 53 ViCTORINUS De Oi'thograjyhia Notes on, by Bentley, 25 Taylor, 25 100 INDEX. ViGER, Francis De Idiotismis Notes on by, Reiz, 54 Voss, G. J. Conjecturse in JUschylum, 1 De ]poetis Grwcis et Latinis Notes on, by Abednego Seller, 56 Wagner, Philip Notes on Eunapius, 28 Wake, William Notes on his own State of the Church and Clergy of Eng- land, 30 Wakefield, Gilbert Diatribe inHecubamPorsoni Notes on, by Dobree, 72 Walkeley, T. Catalogue of Dukes, Mar- quesses, Earls, &c. of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland Notes on, 28 Walker, John Collections on ^schylus, 12 Letter to Needham, 12, 22 Wall, Dr Additions to the Oxford Graduati, 13 Walpole, Robert Comicorura Grcecorum Frag- menta Notes on, by Dobree, 75 Walsall, John Notes on Godwin de Frae- sulibus Anglise, 58 Warner, John Notes on his Revision of the Conference between Morley and Darcy, 35 Warner, John Notes on his Anti-Goliah and Anti-Haman, 61 Wasse, Joseph Notes on Apollonius Rhodius, 15, 24 Waterhous, Edward Notes on his ' Discourse and Defence of Arms. and Ar- moury,' 27 Westerhof, F. G. (?) 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