#1 rV'i i V I 7i (kri^ 1hdi^ ^mHHi^^ "^$»S*.''> ' '" GIFT OF r* ^ : : ^1 TIJLU-ENGLISH DICTIONARY BY REV. A. MANNER B. M. S. MANGALORE PRINTED AT THE BASEL MISSION PRESS 1886 /■ ■V. ^vjrROCO,— ; U-^i-CC— 4^ ^ C4 h^ tiipini, to see. As the formation of the Causative form is sometimes rather intricate and the meaning is often different from that attached to the root, it has been thought best to introduce the causative form as a seperate word. 6. As to the Adjectives, only the simple ones have been especially mentioned; all others which are either Adjective- Participles, or Nouns converted into Adjectives either by different terminations, as the Dative, Locative and Genitive, or by adding Adjective-Participles. (^^ itti, ca)s^ uppu, ^^>^ ayi, elc), have been omitted, as the student can easily convert any Noun into an Adjective whenever required. 7. In a similiar manner it ought to be stated that all pro- per Adverbs have been specially pointed out; those, however, which are either Datives or Locatives or Nouns with Verbal Participles (CfSS ad^) have been omitted for the above reason. PREFACP]. V 8. The Tulu language does not possess many words with abstract meanings. The Gerund of every verb may, however, be used in this sense, for instance, Sjji^o?^^ wodunavu reading, ^j^h ^4 tupinavu observation. Besides this there are some other deriv- ations, as ^?a^ vodige of ^^^C)^ voduni, ^^'^ heccige of ^d^^ heccuni, ^^A^^ jappel^ of s^^^^^ jappuni, ac^6 dinjel^ of aosr^o^ dinjuni, ^^^ tarte of ^t^o^ taruni, ^ooir murte of ^ojs-do^ muruni, elc. Such abstract words, if not found in this Dictionary, can easily be formed by means of the Infinitive. 9. The meanings of many words might have been consider- ably increased, but for the sake of brevity we have, (especially in the case of words derived from Sanskrit), given only the most usual ones. 10. It should be taken into consideration that not only the different castes of the Tulu speaking people have their own peculiarities of expression and pronunciation, e.g. for "wed- ding" Brahmans say ^e^or® kalyana, Pariahs say eoci^jd badatana, and other caste people say ^5^o madi^me, but that there are also three local distinctions of dialect, viz., a southern, a northern and an eastern one, in which similar peculiarities exist; for instance : S. ^^l^ podepini, ^ 7^^ sadi, • ^^^ tude, ^j^t^ tupini, ^ N. ^^^h^ podepini, o o^a tadi, o 7io^ sude, 7ij?>h^. supini, w E. 4^4^ pudepuni, _o ^^^ hadi, c3 ^^ hude, c« ^j^tc^ hupini,^ 11. As to the adoption of Sanskrit, words besides those in common use with the people in connection with their worship, a number of words have been received which are current among Tulu Brahmans only,, though not all ; and there are also some words which owe their introduction to Christianity. The Tulu people also use a number of words which were originally Cana- rese, Malayalam and Hindustani; of these only the most com- mon ones have been introduced here. 12. The names of about 600 Plants will be found in this collection. About half are taken from "Five Hundred Indian VI PREFACE. Plants" by C. Stolz, and the others have been obtained in other ways, careful investigation being required in some cases. 13. A Supplement of about 200 new words is appended. 14. For List of Abbreviations see the following page. 15. In the preparation of this Dictionary the following works have been consulted: Canarese Dictionary by W. Reeve, Malayalam Dictionary by Dr. H. Gundert, and Sanskrit Dictionary by Dr. Th. Benfey. 16. In conclusion the author desires to record the great obligations he is under, to the Munshis Messrs. Madhvaraya of Caup, Sitarama of Mulki, Sarvottama Pei of Mangalore, and Catechist Israel Aarons for the assistance given him, and among some others, he is also indebted to the corrector of the Mission Press, Mr. Sivarau, who has been of very great service to him in carrying the work through the press. He nevertheless regrets certain errors which have crept into the work, and for which he craves the forbearance of the critic. These have been noted in the Errata. Mangalore, October 1886. A» 3/« Abbreviations. ace. = accusative. lit. = literally. adj. = adjective. loc. = locative. adv. =: adverb. masc. = masculine. bet. = better. neg. = negative. hram. =z word peculiar to Tulu n. or 72^^/. = neuter. Brahmans. num. = numeral. Chr. ^ Christian. opp. = opposite. cond. = conditional. per/. = perfect tense. c. d. = cum dative. part. = participle. cf. — confer, compare. p. or p ers. = person. conj. = conjunction. pi. = plural. C. V. = causative verb. postp. = postposition. dat. = dative. pot. = potential. dim. = diminutive. prep. = preposition. def.v. or d. V. = defective verb. pron. = pronoun. e.g. = for example. pro. = proverb. emph. = emphatic. p.t. = past tense. fern. =r feminine. Rom. = Roman Catholic M- = figurative. s. = substantive. f. t. = future tense. Sans. = Sanskrit. gen. = genitive. sing. = singular. gram. = grammatical. slg. = slang word. hon. = honorific. V. a. = verb active. imper = imperative. V. n. = verb neuter. ifitj. = interjection. V. refl - verb reflexive. intrg. = interrogative. vlg. = vulgar word. Transliteration. a. Vowels. e3 a as h, in about. tj a „ a „ far. ^ i „ i „ him. ■d? i „ i „ police. eAj u „ u „ full. 5AJ3 u ^ u „ rule. g)dj r\ji, vocalised r. (S)dJ3 ru «^^ ^.y^^j ^ e <2J e m met. „ h (final) as z, „ mat. ^j e (3:j e „ gi-ey. ^ ei, ai, oi „ ei „ height. Eo (wo) „ „ not. 2o (wo) „ „ note. O ou, au „ ou „ house. o = n before n „ n « =3^ ka <2^ SJ kha „ '^ ^a „ ^ gha „ 23 na „ 2^ ca „ ^ cha ^ ja „ d^ jha '20 na „ ej ta the ii tha xi da the z^ dha rs na the ^ ta the c3 tha ^, so, A, ^, 83. 2i, efJ, &f, OulO, csp. y, -d, T^, t;^, r©. ^? ^, ^. V, ?^- ^ (Jialfu) as e ^'/^ the French ^q, Medials. o=in before A r, ^, ^' m „ odo, -d, <*^, ^, ^, ?:i, :d, 3o. g=h, vocalised. c. Consonants. ka in kalendar. ka aspirated, ga in gander, ga aspirated, ng in singing, ch „ chapter. ca aspirated. Ja in jam. ja aspirated, nya in bunyan. cerebral ta. ta aspirated, cerebral da. da aspirated, cerebral na. dental ta. ta aspirated. cj da the dental da. qj dha da aspirated. ■^ na the dental na. sj pa as pa in parrot. ^ pha „ pa aspirated. ba i7t bat. ba aspirated. ma in mad. ya V yam. ra la va sha 20 ba ?^ bha SjO ma ojo ya d ra ^ la zi va ^ sa ^ sa ^ sa a^ ha « i-ag. „ lap. „ van. „ sham. „ marshal. „ sat ha ham. "^ la the cerebral 1. ^ ksha ^^ ksha in Lakshmi. TULU-ENGLISH DICTIONARY ;*'/ao=CTr9 ankana, i'.^'The space bet- ween two cross beams or pil- lars (supporting a roof) ; 2. a quadrate, square; 3. a small room, compartment, —^itrioo^ to upset. eo^^ol}^^ ankayana, s. A temple feast; see o-cxjoj^. 55 0^^ ankita, s. A mark; adj. marked, —zj^rio^ to affix one's signature to any writing; 2. to dedicate a work; 3. to put a mark. ^ox^odjSo^o ankudonku,^. Crook- edness; ^^^ bent, crooked. ^0=^02^ ankusa, s. A goad, hook used to drive an elephant with. ^0^^^ ankipuni (©o^), v. a. To cipher, count, reckon (in writing). Q3o=^anke, s. A numerical figure. S5o=ijs^s3d sjod ankoleda mara, s. Alangium decapetalum {hexapetalum). si^oTf ang^, 5-. Greediness, eager- ness. — 20oc^?), —^^^ to be greedy, covetous; cf.^o^t^^. 53071^ rj2)5^^ angyisavuni (?5o7^?k)), v. a. To reproach, despise; 2. to disregard; 3. to arraign; also 590?s?d^4oi, SoOA^?dD^o). ^oTi f-ng-a eort anga ^oTi ang-a, ^. A liixib, iRember:, 2. the body. ^oXo-Rj^^o the members of the body. esoJix^dra angalcarana, s. The in- struments of action, as ^c^ mind, ^^^ speech, s^odo body. e5or(^d^jS angajameri, s. The hair of the body. eorit3^a ang-ajari, s. A name of ^^, the foe of Cupid. e^orieE angaje, s. The god of love, m)-^: 2. a son; 3. desire. v/55o?ia angadi, ^. A shop, stall. — OToSo, — A^^ a shopkeeper. e5or(rs angana, ^. The space around a temple or demon- shrine; 2. a courtyard, the space in front of a house. eorl3^sJ angatapa, s. Heat of the body; 2. fatigue. e5or(d?2angadane, i-. Thirst, -^js t^F^ to give to drink. — tjE^f^ to drink. ^orld angade, ^. The name of a celebrated monkey, the son of :3;)e5. e5o?is:!o=s^ angapanki^, s. The hair about the privities, 7'lo\ e5orioJ&^=a angaparikshe, s. Anato- my. e^ori^^ angapuje, ^. Worship- ping the different members of an idol. ^crt^,Cj=^Dl angapradakshane, s. Rolling the body after the car of an idol or round a temple, as a penance or in fulfilment oi' ii vow; see ^ci^?5. •^c/r'ii^^^D^angabssar^,^. Fatigue. ^orid^ angarakshe, s. Personal protection, preservation, safe- ty. e5or(d^=a angareke, s. A coat, jacket, vesture. ^oiidJ^^^Zo angaroma, s. The hair of the body. /e5or(s>.^^, ^o7ioi>t> angalappu, angalapa, s. Covetousness, in- ordinate desire, eagerness of gain. -^S^r'i to be of inordi- nate desire; 2. to endeavour, try. — crooSo a covetous person. ^oiizj^ angavastra, s. An upper garment, a towel. ^or{i>^ angasikshe, s. Penance; 2. mortification of the body in penance. ^oTiSj2^ angasuci s. Ceremonial purity; 2. a thrashing, beat- ing. ^oiiT^oTi angasanga, s. Sexual in- tercourse. e5ori?TOq^r^ angasadhane, s. Gym- nastics, bodily exercise. ^oTik^ angasiddhi, s. Prosperity. . ^or(?;)JS^angasutra,^. The pulse; 2. a kind of girdle; see ^^^ ^oii^ angase, s. A particular kind of building, the front part of which is used as a shop and the back part as a private dwelling; 2. a towel, scarf. WoTii^gjfticS^^ angasonne, s. A sign ^ori anga ^o2S anna made with the finger, head, eye, etc. eori3oo?o angaliiffi.se, s. Corpo- ral punishment. ^•^^\^^ to wound, punish. ^oriSo^^ angahina, adj. Maimed. 53on=CT^do angakshema, s. Bodily health. ^on^ori anganga, adj. All, of every kind; see ©cS3o83. >/^on^D^ angariji, s. The sole of the foot. S3orv'3d angara, s. Tuesday. e3on^d^ angaraka, s. A black stroke put on the forehead. s3on"5d=^ angaraka, s. The planet Mars. e9oAsT^^s;)T^ Tuesday. 53oni96angare,.y.TheplanetMars; 2. Tuesday. V^oA^^J^ angavuni, 6-. 7'. {of ^o Ao^), To yawn, gape, open (as the mouth). 55oh angi, s. A long gown, or coat. 7^oA^^ angidpini (ssoTn^), z'. z^. To be greedy, covetous; see under ^oK. J^or\z^^ angipuni (ssoTs), -?'. ^. To wish, be greedy of. ^oTs'^DZ^^ angisavuni (©cTv^Jd), 7J. a. To reproach ; see ©oK?3s S5or\^=aDdangIkara, J. Reception, admission; 2. acceptation.— "^ •^0^^, esoTNe^&i^^ to accept, re- ceive. ^s3oT\^t)% angirasa, s. The name of a Hindoo saint. 53orioy, ^orlo^ anguta, angushta, s. The thumb; 2. the great toe; also ^r^o7^:^\i. /e5orio^ anguni (5f)cK), v. n. To open; 2. to be seized with a fit of yawning; as sososo s5o AooT^o the mouth opens; 3. to cringe. ^orio^ angula, s. An inch; 2. a finger, the thumb, great toe; 3. the name of a saint. piorlorj;^^^ angustani, s. A thim- ble. s5o7^5-), ^of\^ angela, angela, s. A native inch equal to about \\ of the English inch; see y^of\6 angele, s. A greedy per- son, glutton. >43ori^ angel, s. The palm of the hand, —aoc a the cavity of the hand. — 15?=^ the lines on the palm of the hand; see ^^tS?^. —■^ooc-Ri^ :^^o^^ to lick the palm and back of the hand;y^. to be greedy. ^o/iJS^5j-5or\ angopanga (e^oX- £ro3rf-s9cA), s. The members of the body. ^of\S:^^ angostra (&9oa-^^), s. An upper garment, a towel. ^o2Go2c;, e5c25o2S^J?)^j annanna, annannolu, ^. All the limbs; see ^oT^oA. ^o72£2 annana, see sjcXr®. ^ozsraoo ^ annanyuni (e5c83P5«), v.a. To be greedy of, to covet ; c/. ^ol\\^. ^ob^ ant\ji ^o2C-^,annele, see ^o-Re. Js5os^ anca, cidv. So, thus, like, after that way or manner; 2. int. yea, even so. esosioel there, that side, a little fur- ther on. ©ctj^o-rf if it be so, however. S5otJDO30f25 , s9otJD d-£?o5a^;Di5^T5Ti) for that rea- son, on that account, there- fore. ^o2^^ such. i$5o2^d ancade, adv. So, just so. -I eo£^^, eozl^ ancane, ancene, adv. Just so, even so. — -do^o^^ to do so, to do in like manner. J^o'^Zt^ ancal, s. The post, tapal. — ^'oiiio-^ a post-horse. — crooSo a postman. ^^oz^ anci, (2^^'. Thither, that side; 2. beyond. e9o&7ci sd^ the other part. efcelK ?jorfo^ to die, expire, decease, ^o ^o-d here and there, hither and thither, to and fro. eo2^7^, eoz§=^ ancige ancike, see Je5c2^ne)o3o ancidaye, ^. A post- man. Jeo2;^0c^ ancuni (©otF), v. a. To lurk, as td'& tjh.^ ssodooT^o the cat lies in wait for the bird ; V. 71. to be importunate. WotiN anjana, see ^o<^^. t5ot;ic35)c3^^ anjanadevi, s. The wife of sroodoo (the god of wind) and mother of sojio^oo;^, the famous monkey general; 2. the black goddess. e^oe^jG^^j?)^^ anjalijiminiji, ^. A kind of fish. v/^otofi, ?3oSoi^ anjige, anjike, ^. Fear, alarm, fright; 2. shy- ness, —"sii^o^^i to fear, be afraid of, be alarmed, be frightened; 2. to be shy. -odoSo a coward^ timid person. >/eot3aJjo^, ^o2;jo?^ anjiyuni, an- juni (©o^, S9oaio), v. n. To fear. ©os^octooSo a coward, timid person. ^oZaJSd anjura, ^. A fig. — ^o5r a ripe fig. — -^o-d the glome- rous fig tree. ?3o^d anjele, s. A timid fel- low. ^0^"^ annana s. A coUyrium or ointment applied to the eyes (^see ^^^R) ; 2. particular ap- plications, as lampblack, anti- mony etc. ; 3. a kind of medi- cine for the eyes; also e9o di^. — c^?r^ antimony. —7^^, —trooSo necromancer, conjurer, soothsayer, also ^oaif^crooSo^ ~z>T>Ti>o^ to put a sharp medi- cine or collyrium into the eyes; 2. to conjure. s/^ob^ant^, J. Gum, paste, resin; 2. adhesion. -3i;^^ to come in contact with, to touch; 2. to follow, pursue ; 3. to stick, adhere to. — srorfo^ to gum, paste. cpc&roJbs) to be- come adhesive. ^ot^ ant^ eo^ anta y-eo^sd^^ ant^pattu, adj. Adhe- sive, attractive. ^-eo^o^ antuni, z'.n. To adhere, stick; z'. a. to paste; 2. to attract. -J^oi^ andi^, ^. The buttocks ; e5o Sh SjooB ^o?6 a stool to sit upon. ©oSd^r a small under garment. t5od anda, s. An egg, that which is oval shaped, —d^s^ the oviparous class, as bird, fish '^odT^f andas^, s. A kind of fish; del. sooi^cJ- J^^o^andi, ^. A germ of mangoes eic. — eoj^-do^ fruits to put forth; also s^oso ^yo^?). >yt5oaf^^D% ?5o>^^r^D^ andinariji, andipunar^, ^. The name of a tree, Carallia ifitege^'rima. J:e3ocl ande, s. The vessel of a toddy-drawer for putting tod- dy in; 2. a vessel made of hollow bamboo or nut-shell. N^eocJg^sJ^ annavuni (e5o?5^), -z'. <35. To raise or lift up the head or face; 2. to peep. ■^or3o=5^oSo annukayi, s. Cocoa- nut and plantains offered to an idol; see 5oor^3j?jDO50. — =^J3 br^, — ■rfo'^o^^ to offer cocoa- nuts and plantains. >/t3ocl anne, ^. An elder brother; 2. a maternal uncle; 3. an elderly man. 95o'i> anta, s. End, finale. 53o;^8=5^dcs antahkarana, ^. The internal sense; 2. the heart, the mind; 3. y^". mercy; also ^o;^8^d antahpura, -s". A seraglio, the queen's apartment. e>o^€antake,^.Yama,the Indian Pluto. eoaC3^c^ antadi^r^, s. A clue, hint, inkling (as of a secret). ^o^sjo^ antapanta, s. Competi- tion, vying; 2. prowess. ^oad antara, s. Intermediate space, interval; 2. difference, disparity; 3. rank. -^oB^f, _^o£^f, —^o^jso^o the inter- mediate posts of a roof. eo^dori antaranga, ^, The mind, heart; 2. a secret; 3. secrecy; hi loc. secretly. ^o:^dr(ori antaragange, s. Pis Ha sir alio sa\ cf. ^iei:DW, ^o;^D'3osd ant ar antara, s. Dis- tinction of rank. rata, antrata, antarashtra, s. Mid-space, mid-air, included space, interval; ©oi^ud&SjstSos?, lit. 'he is in the atmosphere', used for one who has died and has no rest; l.fg. he is in a dilemma^ he is not settled. ^osO^^, ?5o^S;^o^, 55o;^0ojjo^, antaripuni, antarisuni, antari- yuni (©o;^&), V. n. To end; 2. to die; 3. to differ. ?3o^cSr?2 antardese, s. The un- known fate. ^os anta ^0^ anna ^o^ziJ^FU^ antarmadi^, s. An under roof. ^o^cdjF antarya ^. The inner part; 2. the heart, mind. e5o;^;^orcr3 antarsunna, s. The beam on the walls. J^o:^or1 antuga, s. Total. >i e^o^?;^ antastiji, ^. -^An upper store or roopi; 2. a secret. e5oso antya, s. End, completion; <2^//". last, final, ultimate. — tfse; the time of death. ^ouf andu, d. v. Yes, yea. ^^Ti^ 4^o) to be true. ~~^h^ to be brought up; 2. to be verified, proved. — efoso true. — eyoso sj^ei:^ a true word: s9oc3Da3o sjDaT?j^Aj xion^orfo <^3§ ///. there is no gainsaying the truth. ^■rfj^o^^ to prove, improve. ^cn^isitso? isittrue? also calling attention. eoC3^od andijinda (condl.form of 65^^), adv. Namely, that is to say. e5ourc3' andi^d^ {past part, of es^?) used as) conj. {lit. Hav- ing said,) that, so^r ©oSS 3io^ he said that he would come. -/^od anda, i". Form, shape; 2. beauty, elegance, handsome- ness, symmetry; 3. purport. adj. beautiful, pretty; — ;^t?, a handsome man. —i^^h^ to decay, wane. Je3oci2^od andacanda, adj. Very handsome, very pleasant. ^odri, ^od^ andage, andake, s. A blind man, a man of defec- tive vision; 2. a cripple. ^odrs andana, s. A kind of pa- lankin. eodo3j andaye, ^^^ ©ocrooSo. 53od?^o, andasya, ^^^ e9o:3e^. ^od?j andassa, ^. Darkness, blackness. — &;)K a very dark pl^e. —-^-^"^ hell of dark- ness. ^oC3"e) anda, ^<^'^ under e9o!S s5ot3Dtiio, 53oC3«)2o andaju, andaji, s. Estimate. — -rfo^o^oi to make an estimate. S3oCJ30Sj andayi, .s"A3oeo^, e3o20[| ambate, ambade, s. The wild mango, hogplum. ^T^o-d, a hogplum-tree, Spon- dias mangi/era. ^owd ambara, s. The sky; 2. cloth, apparel; Tj?fD^o20-d a purple cloth. e9o 201:1) oeoTj a name of ^^. /^oeod^ ambarappu, ^. Hurry, confusion, perplexity. — asoSo a perplexed man. esoeob^ ^e 1:^, ?f)odDS_ to become per- plexed. ^o^JS, ^o^3^D ambari, ambari, s. An elephant's saddle, how- dah. ^cZOG^ ambal^, s. Tipsiness, drunkenness; 2. drowsiness: ^^rf ©oa:)<§Ssio(:f (I c^r he) told (it) in drowsiness of sleep. e5o2o^ ambala, see ^o^^. ^oz^^zf ambakil^, s. A kind of verandah; 2. an outer gate 07' door. >/^o2^ ambi, i". Cow-dung. V^o2^r\tt)d ambigare, j. A boat- man; Cf. e902007^T5. J^QT^A ambige, s. A hunter; ^^^ >^o2^o ambila, .s-. The place a- round or in front of a tem- ple; 2. a verandah around a temple. ^o2oo ambu, i". Water. v43oeoo ambu, i". An arrow. —7^^ a hunter. ^ozoori ambuge, s. The flower of Arum colocQsia\ cf. ^^4, ^o2oo^ ambuni (®o) B., 7/.^. To do, make; c/. ^04^, ^05^^, /^o20j© ambuli, J. A kind of pap or gruel of ragi or rice. 53023 ambe,^. A goddess, s^^^r^; ^jjs^od a dumb goddess; c/. 55020. ^eoaS^^D^ ambekar^, ^. Walking (^r crawling on hands andfeet. —^zzio^, ~^7i4^ to crawl. 55oe3s^ ambepu, «y. Mango blos- soms. '^o25e-> ambela, see ^o2^<^. (■^o2o^ ambe, ^-^^ 55020. ^o2^J^^ ambodi, s. A kind of dance or mock-fight among the Pariahs. S3o23jscI ambode, s. A kind of fried cake. 55o23j?)^^ambottu, >y. Arrogance, pride; also ^o-^^^^. —ijs^gds 4o) to be arrogant. •i 550^0 amma, ^. A lady; ^jsSodoo ^0 Kali. ^os:^osjdo5o ammapaddeyi, s. eu- phem.for Small-pox. v/^o^jo^Jo ammayya, int. of sor- row or pain. 55os3o amme 8 ^ri aga y ^osSo amme, ^. A father; ^?e;^c ^, ^Qodoo^o an elder uncle; Srf no^ a younger uncle (father's, not mother's bro- ther); SDc^oddj^ lit. nou- rishing father, foster father, adoptive father ; pi. e9o-rfj5)TSo^; hon. pi. e5o^o5. ^o^S$ii>^ amottu, see esodjsi^o^. ^02^ amsa, ^. Part, share, por- tion. — tSo^o^?) to divide, ap- portion. ^o?oamsa,^. A goose, swan; also eo?oS3c)rf, amsapada, s. A caret, asterisk; 2. a prop; 9^. ^o?j v/?58, 55^ ah, aha, ^W. Ah! eh! ^=^d, 555='i)d, akara, akara, adv. There, yonder, far ; also ^^^. ^=g^o^ akaliji, see ^^^^. e^s'^V?^ akasmika, adj. Accident- al, sudden, unexpected. •J23xf5)d akara, s. The letter «>; c/. t5^c)^ akala, ^<^'. Untimely, un- seasonable, —^"dr® premature death. ^^^^F akirti, s. Infamy, dis- grace. e^x^^ akr^tya, s. Iniquity; adj. wicked, bad. ^T?^D, akeri, s. End; tn dat. or loc. at or about the end, final- ly; also es-^^^e. J ^=3^,, ^J=^, akka, akk^, J. An elder sister; 2. an elderly woman. J^=a,=a-, ^=^J3,s^o akkakka, akkolu, s. Part; adv, asunder. — Qe Ib^ to put asunder, divide. e5 =5,0:^00 akkayya, ^. An affection- ate mode of addressing an elderly woman. e=^D^ akkar\^, s. An atom ; also "O" c Gi o (2. ^oM o3o I shall not touch a eo bit of you. ^=^^"r akkarva, s. The last words of a dying person. ^=^G^ akkal^, s. Sense, intellect, understanding; reflection. — "^ Wo a to be out of wits. ^^•§\ akki, s. Rice, corn, ^/^^^ d??2/jy in compos.^ e.g. c^c^e^^^, a coarse kind of rice; oSoeCJ^ cardamom ; see ^5. ^^^=3^ akkika, s. A kind of pre- cious stone, sardius. 55^0, c^o^) akkuduni (^^^e^)> ^'- ^- To hang, suspend. 4^5:^0 akrama, s. Irregularity, abnormity, confusion, ^tj^^ S irregularly, disorderly, es =^T^:!e)a2o wrong. ^rirJ^ aganita, ^^//'. Countless, innumerable. V^ri^o agatya, 5. Need, necessity, want ; adj. urgent, important. 7^r(53=)4c^ agapauni, c.v. {of ^7^ ^?)), To send away, cause to depart. V^nsSc^ agapuni («?7^), 7-. ;?. To remove, depart. 7-. a. to sepa- rate; 2. extend. ^ri aga ^ij agra i7ii>^^ agapeli^, s. Separation; 2. despatch. )Azi:) ag^ama, adj. Fixed, immov- able. )7i^, ^Tiv^ agar^, agal^, sJa fort ditch, trench, moat; 2. wall; £A)4^rf ef)A5 a saltpan. —^ Tio^oi to dig a trench. irldorioq^ agarugandha, s. Red sandal wood, Aqidlaria ag al- io chum. >/e3r1?5^£)0^ agasenari^i, ^. The lin- plant; 2. flax. 7^ri?ododagasemara,i'. The name of a tree, Agati grandijlord. ^r1^ o agastya, s. The name of a Hindu saint; 2. necessity, het. ©A^n. ^T\D-i agata, <«^'. Not danger- ous. ^T\i)T^ agadha, s. An abyss, adj. bottomless, deep; 2. very dif- ficult. ^n^ agini, see s97n^. J^f^o^ agili^, s. A kind of tree; ■^5S9?N^ Agallochum. ^riosl agude, ^. A furnace, fire for warming. ^f\:i'6:i aguru, see ©a 5. V?5r(odj^ aguruni (®ao5), ^. ^. To totter, stagger. ^f\^^ agelij^, s. A kind of demon worship with food etc. —^o^^ worship of demons and ser- pents with food-offering. — ^o eSe; ^j^hF^ to give such offer- ings to demons, elc. 557^0^-, ^7^^-, ^7io^-7io4 ageli^-, agela-, agali^-gandha, s. Aloes; see esX'doAoz;^. ^*^f{v agela, s. Breadth; adj. broad. ^f\^dd) ageludda, ^.Length and breadth. >K37^J5C), ^Aj^^ agoli, agoli, ^. A large vessel. ^AJ^^zi^ agocara,^^". Invisible; 2. incomprehensible. y^rv agga s. Cheapness. €57^5 cheaply. ^-^ oso mean. y^Ti^DT^f, $3A^ ?j^ aggalasi^, aggijL- syi, adj. Cheap. F^^^- ^T\ aggi^^y. Hunger; 2. fire; ^^/. vy^nojjo^, e5rij^^ aggiyuni, ag- yuni (®^), v.a. To chew, bite. ^^f> agge, ^. The shoot of a branch. s3n-3^, ^r^^c^, ^f\^^^ agnana, agyana, agyena, s. Ignorance; del. «53d;) ^. ^r\ agni, ^. Fire. . /^ri agra, ^. Front, top ;v2. a sore- mouth, aphthae, the thrush; ^odjsS? ©AJ, ^S ©AJ, =^j3fe3 e£)Aj, ^D ^Xj, ?i^r e9Aj, varieties of soremouth. — £3e& a kind of root for soremouth. ^ri^rirlo agraganye,^. The chief; 2. one who is regardless of anything. y ri ?J5)6 agrasale, s. A dining hall; 2. a cooking place in temples. ^rl^agraste,^. A headman, pre- sident, manager. 5571^ a^ra 10 ^td aja en^d, ^rij55^dagrara,agrahara, s. A Brahmin village. ^^ agha, s. Sin; 2. passion. ?5^JS^d aghora, ^4/. Terrible, fierce, dreadful. ^dc2;^s; acancala/^^'. Firm, fixed, decided. —^^ firmness, deci- dedness. ^'d6 acara, adj. Immovable; 2. inanimate. ^d^ acala, s. A mountain; ^^'. immovable. 552:§J?)^(^n acodya, ^(^'. Curious, wonderful. ^z^ acca, <2^". Pure, unmixed, genuine; cf. ^^^ei^. ^e:^ d accade, s. A peculiar kind of cloth to put on; 2. a wrap- per; c/. 7i^^. ^z^ Co, accada, i\ A red mark put on the forehead; 2. a mixture of raw rice and red powder; also ^tx^- >/^^j acci, s.y/A form, model; J2. a weaver's reed. — sjd^o?) to print, to coin. — 3i ^o-d a n/ model made of wood; Van axle-tree. ^2^=CTk5^. accikatt^, s. Conveni- ence, fitness. /3;^*. neat, com- pact commodious. ezS 23^;accibella,^. Country sugar, jaggory made of sugarcane. etio ajam, s. The process of di- gestion or consumption; also ^di.0. —^t^ to be digested; to be exhausted. S5iio^ ajanta, <^^//'. Many, all: © aio^ ai?j ojsT^ooc^o plenty people come together. ^2;ioi ajante, ^. An attendant. ^^>i^^o^aJak^l^,^. Yawning, gap- ing. — <^SL^ to yawn, gape. ^e^^'soSo ajakayi, s, Cocoanut. —rf^r^ to break cocoanuts (in a kind of play). J^ti'i ajake, j". Idleness. — rf sj^o ^ idle talk. — tooSo a babbler. ^eji=^G^ ajakel^, s. Relapse. ?5ti=^J5^e;o, ajakolu, ^. The rope or cane for putting clothes on. ^n^ ajane, s. The noise of a thief, goblin, e/c. ^2si^, ^^d^o^ ajapu, ajabi^, a^'. Strange, wonderful. V^ici^^ ajapuni (553^), 7'. a. To select, choose. ^'i^^^ ajappu, s. Selection. S5ai ^zi selected. ^Zi^^T^ ajamas^, s. Estimate; 2. deliberation; 3. trace, search. ^Zi^ov ajamila, see ^z^s^^. ^ti^o^op ajameisuni, v. a. To deliberate, trace; 2. to esti mate. e5tiD^, e52^o^r ajar^, ajarya, adj. Imperishable, not decaying. J^tid ajara s. A kind of moss; cf. zi^i^'S,. ?32^0* ajaly, s, A portion, part. — crocSj a customer. ^t^Oob ajalipi, s. Fate. ^23-3 aja 11 eej, atti ee^^rli ajagrate, s. Carelessness. ^23^00^ ajamila, s. The name of a fabulous Brahmin. ^23^do ajame, s. A barber ; del. eto^ ajike, ^^'^ «5&??. ^^2=^c>^ ajikeli^, ^^^ ©s^t?^. S3to5^o;3^ ajikurve, ^. A sower's basket; also sj^s'o-do^. e2or!023 ajiguji, s. A crushing. n/^^EoSj, e3t3^ ajipa, ajippa, nupz. Sixty; ^/i-^ eyeSz). etosSo, ^d ajime, ajme, s, A crook. — ^ ^^ a grinding- stone (for medicine eic). ^2^u^ ajir^, s. A blue oyster. — t^^ an unfortunate hand. «52S &n^ ^2or very hard iron. ^2o2;^c3»)D^, §523^D^ ajildaryi, aji- leri^, s. A title, honorific ap- pellation of a master or mana- ger (particularly applied to a headman of the Bants). ^zs^rsF, ^"^^if ajirna, ajirte, s. Indigestion. vb^ aj e, i'.^The foot-print ; 2yfoot- step, track, trace; 3. a row; 4. the cloth tied over a cradle; also ^^, ^^. — ^wo,^ to make a row. — ^j5ee;o, see essy^js? £;o. -sof, a rope for putting clothes on. -^^Co a]ji, ^. A grandmother. ^"^4 a tale, idle story. ^Zo e3^ aj7itti^, s. A kind of dough made of rice. ^^'^ ajje, s. A grandfather. ^23e)r^ ajnana, i". Ignorance. S5E^'3^ ajnani, ^. An ignorant man. ^y ata, s. Obstinacy; del. soy. —sDoSo, —■^y?>b an obstinate person. ^ej€jsLis3 atakotale, s. Constant sickness. ^55^=^, ^y^s^J ataka, atakavu, i". Obstacle, hindrance. —tS^vo^^. esw^sa3o?jj?i to hinder, stop. 53^^11 atamata, s. Deception, pretence. J^kJDu atara, adj. Wide spread, as the branches of a tree. S5LJJSd atura, s. Poly car paea corymbosa, also sj^:2^oo<^o^. ^^y. atta, s. An upper loft, gar- ret, upper room; 2. ceiling. ^y,cl attane, ^. A household; 2. household things ; 3. admi- nistration. >-e)-dA?6 articles to be cooked, -^jse^?? household care. i^y.^o attalu, s. An upstair- room. ^y,^^?j, e5^e),?o attahasa, attasa, eo eo * * s. Shouting, laughter; 2. pomp, ostentation; 3. delay. ^■sSo^o^^ to shout, laugh aloud; to parade, ostentate. 55^e),^^attali;i, s. A good labourer; 2. a messenger sent after an- other. y^li. atti, s. A pile, heap of rice. V^eia^ attil^, s. Cooking; 2. meal, —^^^a a cook. 53^0, attu 12 e5^ adi Jeziz^P adapuni (S5t^), z'. a plough; c/. c^^a. '^e5^^^3, adabe, s. An adulteress; fl;^". bastard, illegitimately born; del. soiisS. -~K s^&o.etooSo a bastard, an illegitimate person, vlg-. pickle. A^d=&S ^d^&ddik}}, adaka, ^. Hin- ji^c^c^o^ adaruni (P^^), v. n. To derance; also^^^. y/^d'a, ^cl, ^j^^ =5^23-5) n^ adaka, adka, ad^kajag^, s. An unclean place; 2. a burying place. — 5sS a wild unclean place. J^d'^zj^d adakabare, s. A kind of fruit, Cucumis pubescens. ?5d5^o2L);^o^ adakayisuni, i', a. To hinder. Je5J^=3^o^, adakuni (ft5rf^), v. a. To ^es^ adi, ^. Bottom, base; 2. foot; throw, cast out; 2. to dis- charge, fire, as tsa esrf^o^ to fire a gun; also esclg'o^. i^ziff adag^, s. A ship; 9^. scz^K, ^c^e3c)3 adajati, i-. An out-caste; 2. a mongrel; adj. mixed. J^d^, ^d£2 adana, addana, s. A shield. ^d^HDO'td adanagayi, see ^^o ^d^D^ adanadi, see ©ojs^a. ^^dsj adapa, j»\ A barber^s dres- sing case; 2. a bundle; ^/^^ >^etJo^^ attuni {^^^), i'. a. To put; ^ ^?^€5)Uj^^ to discharge urine, v^^ atte, ^.-'The sole of a shoe; y N^. support, stand; 3. knot; ^0 ^ iiHi'' ^^i^ ^^^ upper loft for storing rice; ^J,^^ a knot or ring of a rattan. —siiB bent legs, bandy legs. — ^osoS ^0 «o^^, --slicig g'o'^o,^ to sit down on cross legs. ^^j^o, attemi s. The eighth lu- narday; ^^jse^oe^a^o the birth- day of ^M^; ^^/. eps^^o. ^^,5jOo^, attemutte, i". Arms and legs; —^'i-6^oS hands and legs are broken. V ?3^j^ri attolige, s. A loft sup- ported on posts, temporary gallery. . «r^C5^^^ad^pini(e5S),7,'.;2.4ocook.'^^^^^^' adamin^, s. A kind of ^oTi^o e5t^^ to marry a man. '^' J^don^(^ a^angayi, ^. A kind of ^/ ^^^. adary, s. A thin branch. To twig; 2>'copse. crack. ^zi^ adavi, ^. A forest, jungle. y^ds^, 53:394 adavu, adavu, s. A mortgage, pledge; 2. the thing mortgaged. — =#jabr?), -sjDTio^ to pawn, pledge, mort- gage. ^C3D03o?oO^ adayisuni, see ^ri^ jTTOT^a the foot-sole, foot-step, esa^'ci^ eojsTJo^to fall one upon the other. e^ adi 13 ^d ade sf J^^ adi, adj. Cooked, dressed, prepared. — ^^*^ prepared food; a meal ready to be served. ^^o=5^d adinkara, ^?. A large ves- sel; also ®^^^- N/^^=^E0J5do adikebaru, s. A kind of creeper, Pothas sca^idens; also ©^reOjaT^o. /'23^=3^^, adikei, ^"."'The palm of the hand. ^adj. Defeated, van- quished. —^3h^, — sojs-dor'i to lie underneath; to be overturn- ed, defeated. t3^r(o^^ adiganti^, s. The bind- ing in the middle of a sack converting it into a "bissac"; the lower part of a "bissac" or sack tied in the middle. 2. the lower joints of a reed or cane. ■^^i\^^^ adi^ulu, s^^k cook. 2. a priest. 4'^^f\ adige, ^. ^Cooking, distil- ling. 2. emulsion or confec- tion prepared from medicinal herbs. -^^^ a cook. ^^2;^d=G^ adicarak^, s. Ballast. ^^^^c^ adiniri;, s. Water at the bottom of something, stand- ing water. 2.stored-up-water for irrigation of low^er lying fields, —"^k^^^ to store up water in a field after the 2nd or 3rd crop until rainfall. ^^sj^ic^ adipattuni, v, a. To singe, burn. ^^titi^\ adipareli^, s. A spurious jewel. e5^^^z:^o^ adipaduni, i\ a. To stack corn in a straw- [or bamboo-mat-) granary in a yard. 2. proceed, vfe^o^ adipu, i". Sweeping. ~tod3j, — ?:^o3o a male sweeper. —-^^ a female sweeper. Vs5<^^^) adipuni (^^), i\ a. To sweep. e^^JJ5dJ^ adiburuni, v. n. To submit. ^^^rfjocS^^ adimudelijL, s. Capital for trading. 2. resources. ^5^do^23* adi.m3lu, s. Overturn- ing. — e??,^, — eojsTJo^ to be overturned. — s:^:So^ to upset, turn over. ?3^?oo^?^DdJ5Fj adisudisamana, s. Dressed food. -^53:^Jo^oo adumbu, s. The creeper Ipomoea maritima. vls3cl,e^n^ ade, adegu, ^^/t-. There. ©tS^? {ei/iph.) just there, to that very place. rXo^. ^rlorio^ adenguni, see ©if 4^, ^3o ^cl=a adeka, <3;^//". Narrow, close. 2. small, short, brief. ed=aj^ adekuni, see esrs^o^. ie5:l^ adepu, s. The act of shut- ting, closing, finishing. — ^^ c^o^ to shut, close. -•^cloj)^, ed^J^ adepuni, adevuni (e9c§), 7'. ??. m'To shut, close. v/2.to roost, perch: t^jse^ ©i§ ocsjooc^o the fowl perches. ^36 «9 iS^^ to cost : C3D^ ?£)cf 4 ? what's the price? also ©i^S -^^h^ to be shut up, closed. 2 ^d ade 14 ^d adda ^dnf adesi^, adj. Faded, waned, drooping (?r hanging down (as one's head). J^j|^=^ adeke, s. Obstacle, hin- derance. 2. shelter. ^d^A adege, adv. For nothing, to no purpose. 2. without any- thing more, barely, merely; also ^:^7(. v/^ d ^ 4 c^ 5 ^ ^ ° ^^^ c^ ade vuni, ade- yuni (?5^e), z'. n. To hide, be concealed. ^d. adka, see^^Ti^. >^^zip adkala, s. A cooking shed. 2. an oven. \^d adda, 3". A rafter. ■^^d adda, ^. Obstacle, hinderance. adj. Horizontal, intervening. adv. Across, athwart, —^h^, ^TS^ E^o^to come across, hinder. :L=^UJ^?i to dam up, shut in; to hinder, interrupt, prevent; to block up a path or entrance; to screen. — 7\e2io^ to cross with lines, underline — ^e3^^ to oppose, stop, hinder, -ti? h^ to place across, —eo^r^ to oppose, confront, interrupt. — eoji-do^ to prostrate, bow down (a kind of salutation). — lij^j^?) to hinder, oppose, ec^o^addantra, ^. The torments supposed to be caused by a demon. o3ri=5^, ^d, addaka, adka, see ^ri^- ui -a * * ^d =er^, addakatte, s. A dam. er^^^^ol^rlod addakattimut- tiganda, s. A female's head- ornament. 2. the head-gear of a devil-dancer. ^d'^i^^ addakatteri, s. A betel- uut-cutter or cracker; also e5c^=CT?jZjj addakasabu, ^. An im- proper or unnatural profes- sion, adj. Unusual, contrary. l^d'^DD^ addakar^, s. The bent knee, as — sjdS^s'os^^o^^ to squat. 2. a crooked leg. —zizzio^ to interfere with. ^3d v^^o^ addakil^, s. A bolt, lock, tenon, linch-pin. ^d "ix addakei, s. The arm in a posture of defence. ^d "^Sv^^^ addakol^, s. A cross- bar. ^dr\odi addagandha, s. A hori- zontal mark on the forehead made with sandal paste by certain caste people. ^dr\^kf, ^df\6 addaglt^, adda- gere, s. An intersected line, a line across another. J^i^rie; addagela, s. Breadth, width, diameter. e^rie;' addagellu, s. A lateral branch. e3driJS^ci addagode, s. A parti- tion wall. ^d^DOi:) addaghaya, s. An un- timely or accidental death. ^:i ;;i:^o3jarfj B^o^^ to be caught suddenly, to be in danger of life ; to be very afraid. ^d adda 15 ?3l3S adda ^dzs^=^ addacauka, s. A box in which the linga is kept. ^^dz^ addacci (^ri>-^^\ s. An axle. ^c^ts^sl addajati, see ^ridi^B. >/e5^r3 addana, s. A shield. esr^rJ, ^^zi£iA addani, addanige, s. A bench. y^zi fl addane, ^^^ e5rf r®. c^ • • • ^ e5C^ ^6 addatare, s. An ill-formed head. ec^ iJ5s3, ec^ iJS^v^ addatole, ad- datol^, ^. A transverse beam, cross-bar. ^d do^A addadandige, s, A kind of an open palankin carried sideways. ^3zidod addadande, s. A hand- cuff. 2. a partition wall, parajjet, dam. ed d^X addadabbe, s. The bam- boo pole with which anything is carried across the shoulder. ^d c3c)^o5j addanalayi, s. A stam- mering tongue. 2. lying, gainsaying. ^d ?^P£Jaddanita, adv. Broadwise. ^^sjoi, ^dt>o-^^ addapante, ad- dapankti, s. A line crossing another. —^oo^o^^ to sit at meals apart from others (in a siderow). ^d^Di6 addapatera, s. Inter- rupting one in speaking. 2. contradicting, gainsaying. ^z:t>4tjo^ to interrupt, gain- say. er^^dc^ addapudari^, ^. A nick- name. ^^^d addapude, s. A load carried on a pole by two or more persons. 2. a load car- ried on the shoulder. ^dz^6 addabare, see ^zi^-Rs^^-d. ^d e3^© addabeli, s. A hedge or fence across a path. ^d doc^ addamara,^. A cross-bar. ^d s^jsrir addamarga, s. A cross- way, by-path. 2. a false way. ^d ^^^^ addamudi, s. A female's tuft of hair fixed on the side of the head. ?5dd, ^d6 addara, addare, s. Tetanus; also —^j^^7\. ^d€), ^d^ addali, addali, s. A pole placed across. ^d z^'u.z^^ addavakkelu, s. A new or temporary tenant or' lodger. ^d^^ioT^ addaserangu, s. The upper end of a woman's cloth drawn over the right shoulder. ^d7^^ addasadi, i-. A by-path, cross-way. ^di^DD^ addasll^, s. A trans- verse row orlme. 2. repeated interruptions, interference. ^^d^fi addalige, see e5rff^7^. ^ZB-^d^T^ addaduni (^^^S)^ "^'-n. To walk to and fro, to parade. v'?5cs^a^ addadiddi, adj. Awk- a> a, ward, clumsy. 2. topsy-turvy. ^u-^h^ addapini, see ©^ c 2* esa addi 16 -I^^Q> addi, s. Obstacle, stoppage. 2. opposition, -■s^o'k^o^^ to hin- der, prevent, oppose, stop. ^^d ©33)^ addelipuni (^^«5), v. a. To put out, drive out. ^Ti o d addyara, s. An earthen jar or vessel. ^v^t^ otj a water pot. %'Ca (> addye, s. A cake, pudding. ^rs^ anya C3 ^J^a adnadi (ef':l-?:D2^), <2^;. TO • • • ^ e. ^ ^ Indifferent, middling. 2. vul- gar, low. 3. wild; cf. ^o^^. 55^^, ec^..^^adpini,adpuni(e5S), e^^^^ adpillu, 5". A kitchen. ^^Ij^^^rao^, ^slj^or^j^^^^ a- dyonuni, adyondupopini, v. n. To leave a place at once. J er^B* anaka, .?. Narrowness, closeness. ^^/. Narrow, small. J ers^^ora^anakasanaka,^^'. Quar- relling. 55C9o3) anapu, s. Need, want. 2. urgency, necessity. 3. hin- derance, obstacle. 4. harm. VersD^ anar^, s. Moss, lichen, mouldiness, the green stuff on stagnant water ; cf. ojd^^. —tj ^^ to become mossy, slimy. •^ ^t^7^ anasi^, s. A handle, hilt. ^t^D^:i anavuta, see ^^■^^. >/ e?^^^, efossj^) anavuni, anna- vuni(e5rro), V. n. To look up, lift up the face, gaze. J^ti ani, .?. "A kind of mask or appendage worn by a devil- dancer. ^2. a peacock's tail when spread. 3. a small fly. — ^Uj^^, —sj^rSo^, ^a?L^^ to put on a mask efc. erJi anita, adj. Elastic; alsa "3^6 anile, see e?^e3. Jerid^-soSo anilekayi, s. The gall-nut, ink-nut. Jer^idsjjd anilemara, s. The ink^ nut-tree, Teri?iinalia cliebula^ ^rsj anu,^. An atom, any thing extremely small, dust, ^raoo^anupu, see ©r®^^. ^rsozS anube, adj. Soft. ys3rl ane, ^V^^*. Oh! hey. 53 cl ane, i-.-The forehead, see '^^. 2. steepness. 3. a very steep foot-path. —so3^^^ to ascend a steep path. ^fl ane, see e5r5. ?3fl=5'^^ anekall^, s. A certain stone in a temple-Jard dedi- cated to the tutelar demons of a temple. ^^ anepuni (e5B), v. a. To press, push, strike against,, come in contact. espfzjdsS anebaravu, s. Fate, destiny. 2. appointed lot;. see Soj?20"d4. i^r^s^, ef!5^sS an]avu, anjavu, s. A man, male; also e?Fcc3jsp4(. ?5r?,e:* ankili;, ^. A very narrow door, a wicket. 2. a lodge. — p£i«jZS a strait passage. Jer?o anya, s. The prow of a vessel. ^5:^ ata 17 £5 ^ atri e^o^ atantra, adj. Unstable, infirm, weak, helpless. S5aoi, atantre, s. A dependent, helpless person. 533 ati, pref. Over, beyond, ex- ceeding, much etc. S5vl^s^o atikrama, s. Transgres- sion, infringement. — a^o3o a transgressor. — -do^o^^, esS^ ^-^^^i to transgress, encroach, violate. a 3 5) atithi, ^. A guest. €53q^^atithya,^^^ e?^^^. e5vB^>o:^o atipriya, adj. Much beloved. a 30=^ atirikta, adj. Excessive, exceeding. sSvBsioJo atisaya, ^. Pre-eminence. n1 2. abundance. S.-Vwonder, marvel. ?5vB?^^c^ atisari^, ^. Diarrhoea, dysentery. ^hT^-^zf atisvadi^, s. A good flavour. e;^j^, eao^ atula, atula, s. Sesatnicm orientale. adj. un- equalled, incomparable. 553^, attijL, def. V. Not, not so; negation of quality; cf. <^33. — ^^^> to deny, contradict. —=5^613^ to abnegate, ^"^ji if not, else, or. '^tsP% attantra, s. Absence of mind, carelessness; cf.^^o^j. ■^^oa attandi, part, {of ©go) Not right, unseemly. — =??e;^ an improper act, a wicked .deed. ea^^oiiS attande, conj. [part, of ©5^) But, besides, except, without, unless. ^£^D^, 55^ d attar\i, attara, s. A kind of mat made of split bamboos. e^^dj attaru, s. Otto or essence of roses etc. 2. perfume. ^i^j ^^^ attala, attala, s. A kind of cake for the Sama- radhane feast. N/s3^?ds^od attasamara, s. The fig tree, Ficus religiosa. €5^ ?js; ^^a platform built round the foot of a sacred fig tree; also ^t\^. 533^3 atta, inter rog. of e?^. es^j^D^' attar^, ^^^ ®i^- ^S33jj?^ attige, s. An elder bro- ther's wife. - eslg atte, s. A mother-in-law. 2. an aunt. ^£oo^ atyanta, <2^'. Excessive, extreme, exceeding. ^t^'^ atyartha, adj. Excessive. ^^n ^ atyalpa, adj. Very small, trilling. e3£o^^o atyavasya, «^'. Very necessary. ^3'e)c5i atyase, ^. Greediness, covetousness. 2. lust. ^^On^^o atyuttama, adj. Most excellent, best. &5l^ atye, ^^^ es^- ^3^, e^j^jo^ atri, atrimuni, s. One of the seven sages, father of Candra. ^^ atru 18 ^2±)^ adpu ^^S3c)C9, e5:^S3^?^ atruvana, atruvana, ^. Insincerity. 2. machinations. ?3l 7^ atresa, s. A kind of sweeten- ed rice-cake. e t^?^ atresa, .9. The 9th lunar mansion, {/r. ^^e^). 2. a kind of rain in August. eqJs^F, ^^z^FVd atharva, athar- vana, s. The fourth Veda. ^D'D* aduru, s. A split, crack, cleft. es3'D*3iu5^D^ adT^ri^padyiri^, ^.The line of cleavage of a rock or other formation, which can be separated into slabs or scales ^ or flakes, n/2. shaking and quaking. -^'^^ to go to pieces, be shattered, bruised, split, clc. -20oc^a to crack. J^z:fD'^kJ> adijrata, s. Shaking, trembling. -J^tf^D^^ ad^ravuni, ^. -^^ {o/^B ■do^), To shake, agitate. iecs^dj^) ad^runi (^S5), v.7t. To tremble, quake, eciri adaga, adz'. Then, at that time; c/. es^iX, ^t>X. - eddj^ adaruni, see ©S-do?). Jed^F^ adarpuni (©ci^), v. a. To cause to tremble. 2. to admon- ish, rebuke, reprove. e5rfs3<^2JCjO^ adal^badal^, s. Ex- change. -■rf:>^o^^ to exchange. Jesao^, e3Cj*D* adir^, ad^r^, s. A limit. 2. a boundary wall, parapet. >/^djdoc^ aduruni, see «5Sdo?i. ^dxC^ adr^da s. Uncertainty, adj. Unstable, uncertain; bet.^^^- k5t:^^o adrijisya, adj. Invisible. Je5C^^ adr^shta, s. Fortune, fate. /^c3 ade, s. An inner room. 2. a small room. ^d-S- adeki, 5. Kight of manage- ment of family-property ; also C:?!3e£i. — crooSo an heir, the head of a family elc. '-^^^^ the management or adminis- tration of the family-property to extend. ec30, e3djs€) adeli, adoli, s. A kind of chisel. ej5^0, s3dJ3eS adeli, adoli, s. Half an anna; £3jss?^z^ half a rupee, an eight anna piece. ^cSe^S e3c3c=CT adekiji, adeka, see ^j3^2^ adeca, see e?£ed, 55:2^. ei3j?)^r(^, ^[^^ri3adogati,adho- gati, s. Perdition. ^dJS^dooiD adomukhi, s. Down- ward tendency. 2. the name of a female Bhiita. Mz!i-^ addana, ^. Weakness. 2. sickness. 3. affliction; 9^. epcg, j;^, ef)5T)^?i. — cTOoSo a weak \ adbhu 19 e3c5"5) ana 55do,^ adbhuta, s. A phenomenon, miracle, wonder, adj. Wonder- ful, surprising. ^a , adri s. A hill. 2. a tree. ad^^ adruni, ^^^ esSi^o^i. ed^?dadvana,^^^ «5:^?^. JeSii^ advana, :f^^ ©^^^J^. ad^^^ adveita, ^. The Vedanta sa- stra or the doctrinal system of Sankaracarya which regards the Supreme Spirit and the human spirit as one. aqSdo adhama, adj. Low, mean, vile. ©4^^ a low c/' vile person. ^qi'-d adhika, adj. Much, great, more. e^p^^d adhikara, s. Authority, power. — ^ a head official; a governor; a man of power. e^r!^ adhipati, s. A ruler, lord, commander. a^^^ adhlna, s. Possession, con- trol, adj. Dependent on. — ^ dependence, subjection. a^^^ adhlne, s. An adherent, a dependent. e^ojjp adheirya, ^. Discour- agement, timidity, cowardice. eq^oO^Or^ adhyayana, s. Study. 2. the reading of sacred books. edo^^ adhyakshe, s. A superin- tendent, overseer. 2. a bishop, Ckr. aqje)o oJo adhyaya, ^. Chapter, sec- tion; C/. ?iop. 4^9^?^ adhvana,^. Labour. 2.im- methodical effort, adj. Tired. 2. weak. 3. wrong, spoilt. -c3d oSo a hard-working man. S3^o^ ananta, ^^'. Endless, infi- nite. ~^^ infinity. — ^odj^ Vishnu, as reclining on the coils of the king of serpents (asin Trivandrum). ©^cithe Infinite, God. a^o^d anantara, ^^^y.Afterwards. a^^ anapu, see ©c^4 ^^u^ anar^, see ©r®5. ^^ri^F 'dmYgysi,adj. Very costly, priceless; /r. ^^^of. a^q^^ anartha, s. Bad fortune, calamity, disaster. e^^^, ^^^^ anavata, anavuta, s. Iniquity, transgression. — csd oSo a transgressor. e3c5'3ti5^d anacara, s. Violation of religious rules or practices. 2. misconduct, transgression. S.irreligion. ^■^^ anatha, adj. Forlorn, help- less, destitute. ^^^4 one who is unprotected, helpless, an orphan. ^^^^ a widow, poor woman. a^^a SinMi,adj. Without begin- ning, everlasting, eternal. e5?3"S45^d anadhara, s. Without basis or support, want of protection, adj. Helpless, un- protected. a^'sdOvB anamati, s. Deposit, any- thing entrusted. 2. all, the whole. 3. keeping in sus- pense; c/. e9^j5)?i^o. ^^ ani 20 e^rTOo anya ?3^53 anile, i". Bud, sprout, germ. 2. soft timber. — rfbodoj^ to bud, germinate. ^^^^6 a sprout from a seed. e^S3"^danivara,^. Trouble, hard- ship. 2. starvation. ^^^ anishta, s. Something un- l^leasant. 2. adversity. 3. displeasure. e^)C3 aniti, s. Injustice, wrong. afl> anu, pre/. After, like, under, along cU. ^^o'aDv, anukala, see ©^oaj^. ^^^i'uS)'^ anukula, s. Agreement. 2. convenience. 3. help, aid. adj. Convenient, helpful. ~zy ^^ to be convenient. — -^o^o^?) to make convenient, arrange. ^?oO^;jor5=^ anukramanike, s. Arrangement, order. 2. an index, table of contents. iSri^ii 3o anuo^raha, s. Favour, regard, mercy, grace. ^^:)^^ anutana, s. Opportunity, fitness, -^js^^ to watch for an opportunity. ^c^oDn anudiua, cidz>. Daily. ^?li3J=5^rf anupakara, s. Unkind- ness, disfavour. e^)J^4^ 3.nupatya, s. Indigence, necessity, need, want of maans. 2. inconvenience. t5cdj2^d anubhava, s. Enjoyment, suffering 2. experience. €5r^oi:;iOQ3;c^, anubhavipuni, 7k a. To enjoy. 2. to experience. e?)jc^JS^r; anubhoofa, s. Enjoy- ment. ^nO^JvB anumati, s. Consent, agreement. ^fdj^j^^ anumana, s. Doubt, sus- picion, conjecture, surmise. 2. fear, ^^j^o^^ to doubt, sus- pect. 53cdjDc)ri anuraga, s. Love, regard, passion. 55?^jdJlsJ anurupa, s. Likeness, resemblance. ^^jd^sj anulepa, s. Anointing, besmearing. ^o^jdoS)i^anuvandige, 5-. Consent. ^^jS3-3d anuvara, see ©^^s^-d. ^?iO?u^d anusara, s. Imitation, following. —eyS according to. J^?oxi^, S5f2^^ anepini, anepuni (©^), V. a. To touch. 2. to hug, embrace. ^N^c^ anevuni, see ^^^^. S5n^^ anska, adj. Much, many, plenty. J^^^^anpini (e^^j, v. a. To say, speak; of. ^o^^. rsj^^ etc. ^^. anya, see esr®^. ^^c; anya, adj. Foreign, diffe- rent, strange. ^-^^^h anyajati, s. A different class or caste. — crooSo a per- son of a different caste or creed, a stranger. e5Noc3^2i anyadesa, s. A foreign country. 55?^ 2p^5§ anyabhashe, s. A foreign language. e5?^.^;jjN^anyamanya, sec ^t^^^^t^- e^oOJj anyaya, s. Injustice, e5c5J?^^ anyo 21 e^^ api wrong, iniquity, adj. Unjust, unreasonable. — crooSo an un- just person. es^JJo^F^-^ any6nya,-y. Communion, fellowship, friendship. ^^j apa, pre/, denoting inferio- rity, privation, separation, contrariety eU\; also e?^- ^sj^e)d apakara, s. An unkind- ness, ill-turn, injury. 2. ma- lice, hatred. esj^^3r apakirti, s. Reproach, disgrace, infamy. e^ri apaga, adv. Then; also ^3iea^d apacara,^. Impoliteness, insult. 2. fault. ^t>tiOi) apajaya, s. Defeat, over- throw, loss. S5sicj apaddha,^-. Alie; ^^^^20^^. ^^^o-^fi apanambige, s. Unbe- lief, distrust. 2. disbelief. ^jj^j^c^ apamana, s. Disrespect. 2. disgrace, --s^o^o^^ to dis- grace. ^3jd apara, ^^^y. Other, opposite, latter. — -^oSo funeral rites. esJD^o^, esJD^3o^ aparanna, apardhana, s. Afternoon. ^t^UDZ^ aparadha, s. Offence, guilt. 2. a punishment, fine. — T^jsLr^ to pay a fine. —^00 S3;)4r'i, _^t)t:^o^ to accuse of a crime, to condemn. —-^^^^^ to commit an offence, to transgress; to fine. ^t.Q:::)3 aparimita, adj. Un- measured, boundless, infinite. e53JdJ3sJ, ^^sj aparupa, apru- pa, adj. Rare, uncommon. 2. scarce. ad7'. Seldom, rarely. e33iS3'sc5 apavada, s. Censure, blame. 2. a false accusation. 3. exception (to a rule). ^jtj^i apavitra, adj. Unclean^ impure. e^sisi^o^ apasakuna, s. A bad omen. ^sJ2)2o apasabda, s. Ungram- matical language, a vulgar expression . 2 . bad pronuncia- tion. ^trJD-^ apasaksi, s. False wit- ness, perjury. 2. a false wit- ness. ^t>7i d apasvara, s. A discordant sound, hoarse voice. ^sj;=j-?,d apasmara, s. Convul- sions, epilepsy. esJsdO^^) apaharipuni (ss^^S), T. a. To take by violence, to usurp, plunder, rob, extort. ^s^oo^d apahara, s. Usurpation, robbery. ^ta^-^-^r. apahasya, s. Derision, irony. ^50^^ apatra, «^'. Unworthy, undeserving, unfit. ®^i) an unworthy person. e5^^o:^j apaya, s. Danger, peril. 2. misfortune, calamity. ^5jDd apara, adj. Boundless, infinite. ^^^doo aplmu, see 55^?^o. ^^^o* apili^, ^. An appeal. e^ apu 22 ^20 ^^^0 aputu,^^". Quite, entire, whole. ^Z^^F apurva, adj. Unprece- dented, uncommon. ^^e^^ apekshe, s. Wish, desire. 2. expectation, hope. — 1:50^0^^, ef)^?-S;^^^ to desire, wish, re- quest. ^4'^^C) apoli, s. Euin, waste. J^s:^ appa, t'nl. of surprise: c:^^ essi^whatmayitbe! 2. a mode of calling a mother. -/€5sj appa, an affix of respect added to proper names of men, as ^'^^^'^■> ^'^^-, 20:^^, ^l>oc"rf^, e/c. V ^t> appa, ^. A kind of cake fried or baked. e5^o3^o3j, es^oi appantaye, appante, s. An honest, respect- able man, a good man. ^^o-Sri appantige, s. Honesty, fidelity, chastity, ^^z:>.-d appada, see ®^^- vj^sicl appane, s. Command, or- der. 2. permission, leave. —^^^ hr^ to command, give order, permit. — r3^js^r©o^ to take leave. J^z"j 5315, appappi, t'nL of sur- prise, sorrow. [cake. s/^^^ appala, s. A very thin round J e53^^^c^ appalipuni (s^^*^), ^'. a. To strike anything with the open hand, to squash. J e^o^jo^ appiyuni (s??^), 7'. a. To embrace, clasp; ^/^d? ^'^^ J53^^=CT^, ^35^^ appukei, appei, s. Folding the arms on the breast. ~3j^ ^, _^j»wo^?) to _^ to cross or fold the arms on the breast. n/^s5 appe, ^.-'Mother. 2/an affix of respect added to proper names of men (as ^7(f^ ek.)- c/.^^. e^^, ^^^^^ appo, appode, s. A cake made for the per^ formance of funeral rites. ^^"o^^ aprakasa, Absence of light, darkness. 2. obscurity, 3. secrecy. eslsSo^oSj aprameye, s. God, the Incomprehensible. ^goSjs^tiF^ apraydjana, s. Use^ lessness, unserviceableness. ^^^2oriaprojige, J". A bad man, ^^^djo, e5a,j^^ aphimu, aphini, s. Opium. ^20 aba, tnL of astonishment. ^eocs^abadijL, s. Iloof; also ^-dsoS. _?yD5croo3j a person with a cleft foot (a kind of deformity). y^z^d abade, s. A kind of bean, e32od abaddha, adj. False, incor- rect, wrong. —zj^!§-d a false word, —■^^'•^ji,^ false news or rumours. ^5200 abara,i'. The stern of a ship. >/e5to6 abar^, j. A common coun- try bean, Lablab vulgaris. ?52j^ abala, adj. Weak, impotent, ^20^3 abale, ^. A weak or impo- tent man. ^e^) abi 23 55 tp abhi ^z^o^r^ abindige, s. Perplexity. 2. obstinacy. e^^^j-^T^ abiUse, see ^2?^x)A. a^oodo aburu, s. Character, res- pectability, keen feeling of honour; ef. e9^^o-dj, e?aDOTJo. — c3do5j a respectable man. ^^4^^ to dishonour, rebuke. ^:^ ©eioTJj crooSoK why are you so overbearing? 25?e£)20o-do dis- respect, dishonour. i3Zdo6jij^d aburoni, s. A kind of fish. 2. see efdj^j?^?. s^e5^^, ^23oJoj^ abepuni, abeyu- ni (^22), z'. a. To beat or pound rice; also^^^zi^?^. ^ d05o e55, e)£5£^ 595 rice well cleared of its husk. ee3^?j^ab3si^, ml. Lift up ! pull! an intimation that anything is ready to be lifted up, e.g", a basket or a bucket from a well elc. ^20,, ^w^zo,, e323js,^abba,abbabba, abbo, t'nt expressing wonder or grief. • ^2o^j^C3i?)d7^abbagedarage, 5*. The proper names of female demon twins. ^O2o^d, ^eo^dclabbara, abbarane, s. Boast, ostentation. 2. sound, noise, cry. ~-^d^\^, — "^^^ii ^, ©s^s^?i to cry aloud, make noise; to frighten; to boast. ^zxOA (^) abbalige (pu), s. A kind of flower. N/bzi abbe, s. An elderly woman, matron. ^Ei^?^ abbesa, s. Study, prac- tice, exercise. 2. familiarity ; fr- e^eSj^^r^ di abroni dei, s. A kind of shrub, Grewia microcos ; also e520o-!5j3er5. es^oioabhaya,^. Security. 2. pro- mise of protection or pardon. 3. confidence. S52p^s^ abhava, s. Non-existence. 2. annihilation. 3. a negative {^gra^n^. J^z^DTs) abhasa, adj. Worthless, vulgar. 2. corrupt; /r. ^z^tj. ^tpt^rf abbijana, s. A family, race. ^p^ abhina, s. Mimicry. 2. ges- ture; also ef)£p^odo. e"^)^ abhine, s. A mimic. ^tpsq^ojo abhipraya, s. Design, intention. 2. wish. 3. opinion. ^^sjjs^ abhimana, s. A keen feeling of honour, pride. 2. regard, affection. etpO£)^abhilashe,^. Desire, wish, inclination. ^tpd\a abhivri^ddhi, s. Increase, prosperity. 2. progress, thriv- ing, improvement. e^^^^ abhisheka, s. Sprinkling with water. 2. consecration by pouring oil, ghee elc. 3. unction. Ti&ra^Ep^?^', UD3iD£p4o^ the coronation of a king ; Xo •doe9cps^et5^ the ordination of a priest. -T^o^o^^ to anoint, ordain, install. ^zid abhu 24 edox amr^x e52jJjdo abhuru, see eseDo-do. e32;^oo^d abhyantara, s. An inter- val. 2. delay, vexation. 3. obstacle. 4. offence, scandal. — t?Ej?)tobe an impediment, to be delayed, —^^j^hr^, —^^^^ to binder, object, offend, vex. e52p^^?o abhyasa, see ^d^^Ti. ^^0=^ amake, s. A tendril; 2. a fork. >/ e^or?, ^sjj^, amani, amani, s. A nipple ; -^Iso w^^i. v'e^s^j^^ amapuni,^. ^. To quiet, press down; see ©^035^). e3^0D* amar^, Twin. 2. double. — 23s«3'5^o twin cbildren. e^jjd amara, V7/^do ame, s. Ceremonial impurity or defilement in case of birth. ^^t5do^^, esJ03^3J^^ amepuni, amatijipattuni (es^), v. a. To press, hold in the arms, hug. ^sSo^c^o amedhya, ^^. Faeces, ordure. ^sSJS^ri amoga, adj. Precious, excellent. 2. fruitful. ^^^o=a^oSo amcikayi, see esdo^^ -v^sio, amma,J. Alady. 2. mother. ^. gen. of °^^^^' tssjoj,?^ ammuni (^^^^), 'V-a- To swallow, devour. ^^0, amme, see ^o-Bo. ^do?^ amsani, ^^^ s9^oj?jf^. ^0^0 aya, see S9o3oo. 2. good luck. 3. a tax. ^oJOc^ ayana, ^. Going. 2. a path. 3. a half year, that is the course of the sun northward and southward — from solstice to solstice — each of six months. ^o5ooC3«) ayinda, adv. Hereafter, in future. ^o5jrio^o ayigulu, see sdXo^j. eo5os ayita, s. Readiness. 2. decoration; also sd;^. —-^^\^ to dress. — e?L^^ to be dressed, adorned. 550^0^^ ayinij, see so^. ^O5jeoo ayibu, see SDeio. ^o5j^2o ayivaji, see sd^^. ^o:^jo^ ayukta, ^i^//'. Improper, unfit. ^oJoo^ ayuta, ^22/;;^. Ten thou- sand, a myriad. ^oS-Q^rir. ayog-ya, adj. Unfit, un- worthy disreputable. —^ un- fitness, unworthiness, disre- pute. e5o3j9^q5o ayodhya, s. The capital of Rama, the modern Oude. ^oJOo ayya, see ©^So^. 550Jjo^ ayyappa, ^*/2/. of pain. ^oJOo^ ayyala, ^. Five seers. >/eo3oQ ayye, ^. A priest, minister, teacher, master. Voc.^^xion sir. Plur. esoSoo^ gods, Brahmins; an afiix of respect added to proper names; see 55^. ^ofooD^ ayyer^, sez sd^5. 53o3onO* ayyelu, s. Five pairs of oxen or buffaloes. 'y55o3jSo^ ayyo, ^>2^. of grief. Oh,* ah, alas, woe. When feeling annoyed, dear me^/^sodonoS^o? hit. of grief, pain. ^S5d ara, s. A file. — ^ ^^0 the teeth of a file. -ijdtI:^ to file, rasp. Xocc^TJ a round file. ^d ara 26 ^D ara ^do=5c)Sj^ arankavuni, see esejo V erfoeJj^ arantuni (5£)tjoI3), z^. a. To grope for, grasp. 2. to seek, look for. vyedo^s3 arantele, ^. A greedy person, a miser. J^6oid arantade, ^. A royal re- sidence; c/. 651^^0^. s/s3do^o^arantuni(s5TJo^),?:'. :?^. To feel, grope. 2. to grasp at. ^dozoo^ arambuni (€9tjo^), v. a. To touch. 2. to climb, creep up (plants); also ^T^oozdo^. e5d^^ arak^, s. Arrack, country spirit ; c/. Xo X ?iTJ, ud^. J^d^^ arakiji, ^. Gum-lac, sealing- wax ; ^^— , ^jaoeoo— stick-lac ; ^5— black sealing-wax; ^o^— red sealing-wax; ^■sS— seed- lac; 83^- shell-lac. -a?b^, —zj^Tio^ to seal, fasten with sealing-wax. ^^i'S^ arak^, ^. A fine, white cloth ; also ?3^^ ^xi^. ^d=5^l^^'' arak^teliji, ^. A large black scorpion, scolopendra. ^^i'ao^ arakali^, see ©^r^. >/^d'aarake, adj. Half filled (^//>. (^Z' ^>^^ full). .^ds5^, e3dsjj arakh\jL, arakhu, s. Essence or spirit distilled from any thing; c/. ©"d^. e5dr(r? aragani, j. Kitchen fur- niture. ied^^£^ aragini, s.A talking par- J rot.^. a neat or tidy woman. ^dh^?^^ aragls^, adv. However, at any rate; tn connection with neg. verbs by no means, never; Q'oSo ©-dTx^oJ ^o^oSo he will never do it. yidrlo aragu, see esTj^. 6d?ioou^d aragundara, s. Ruin; also A0oz3^co(d. ib5€^:,'^ aratuni (spt^O), 7'. t^.^To 7 scramble, fumble.^, to make a grating noise. 3.^0 inter- rupt, blab; also^^^r^. J^deS arate, s. Prate, blabbing, tattle; also ^^^63. ^6dd^ araduni (^^r^S), ^. a. To / gather up, to grasp. A. to rub. 53dd=S"i)05jaradekayi, sec ^^^^oso. >/^:i^ arane, s. The green lizard, Lacerta interpunctuala^ said to be poisonous; 59-ds5 ;^E£^o-rf ^"dr© if a lizard bites death (is certain), —soja^do a kind of creeper used in medicine. — ^je)^ a kind of fish. ^dr?o aranya, s. A wilderness, forest. ^^'. Wild. e5d3 arati, ^. Anger, passion; displeasure. ybdi, 55dc3 arate, arade, ^. Heat, burning. 2. impetuosity. — t^ e3 burning heat; epT^^oii fe^d ^^^F^ to burn very much or exceedingly. §3dd^, 55dc3«)55 aradala, aradale, s. Yellow arsenic or yellow or- piment. -"^^ yellow ochre. ^dcSc^ araderu, J. />/. A class of ^:i ara 27 S3D^ ara Mohammedan merchants. 2. policemen, peons; also "^tj^B. ^d^-^D aranari, see esiSfroa, Jed^, ^6t>z^^ arapu, arapeli^, ^. Cooling. ^d^^§ arapucce, 3". The shoe- s' flower; see cro?j^. -/ed^Q^arapuni (S5^), ^'.?2. To cool, become calm ; £3ei e5TJs^^ to become cool. ^d35 arape, j. A crack, split; c/. ^a^. ^d2od 3^^) arabara tinpini, v. a. To eat greedily, devour. v/^d23^o5o, s3d^2)^ arabayi, arabei, s. Violent clamour, crying aloud, lamentation. — t^jsS^r?), ^^fj-e^^Jtocry out vehemently, to bawl out, lament. —^ ^£j a braying brawler, z'l^. ^dt^) arabi, ^. An Arab. ^dzoo arabu, s. Covetousness, desire, eagerness for gain. ^d2o)^ arabei, see ©T5d^. ^d^jouao^aramadal^, see s9t5^c^6. >/^d^^ aramane, s. A palace, royal residence. ^^^^ aralu, ^. Drizzling rain. -8!)?3io^ to drizzle. ~^^^^o£^ aralunl, s. The black bee. J^6^jP aralunl (^i^^), z'. n. To open, expand. 2. to bloom, blossom. ^d53j?;^$5 aralole, s. A tender palm-leaf. 2. a kind of ear- ornament. -'^dd arava, ^. Tamil, -ejro^. the Tamil language, — rS?^ the Tamil country. eddoeif^, e5dd!3?^ aravantige, aravatige, s. A shed where water is served gratuitously to travellers. ^ds^s:^or? aravamani, ^. A kind of gem. edS3Dro aravlsi, see ^S^^. 53dsJ aravu, ^. Width, breadth. adj. Wide, open. e5ds^^aravuni(®^),'6'.^. To heap up. ^^k^'^d^, ^dro^sjoood arasina- kutta, arasinamunda, ^. The jaundice. v^sdi^o arasu, ^. Aking, monarch. -tJ'oo a royal family. —^^ royalty, kingship. —t^o-R a king's son, royal prince. ^^^o'^j^ arasukutta, s. A kind of dropsy. ^d?oo^jO arasukuri, s. A car- buncle; also eOcSoAe;, z^7\o-ci^^ to embrace or receive with open arms. J^Uz)V^ aral^ (eprS-e??"), s. A person doing half a clay's work. 2. half a day's wages. ^0 ari, s. An enemy. y^O ari, 6\vtlice freed from husk. Some of the principal kinds of rice are : ©oaoci ©a, esaS^i S^e^^OS^b, !J>)SFrf5, =^j3^=^cd&, AOC^ &»&, £5j3^0^ ©5, d^^D, ^?Ji^n5, A any small grain, /. /. t^^^^. 3. the testicles. e5S=^ej> arikala, s. A place for husking rice; also eo-ds^o. J 550=^ arike, ^.^ Consent. 2. con- fession. 3. request, ^li^^o^^ to reveal, confess; to inform, represent; to request. eDA^-/ ariglsijL, see £9tj?\5c3. ^D^J5^°^ arijola, s. Indian corn, Sorghum saccharatum. ^OvB ariti, see ^h'^. ^bci^ aridala, see «5drf«<. v/e50c^c^aripuni (55&), v,a. To sift. 2. to strain, filter. >/e5D35 aripe, J. A sieve, colander, strainer ; "^^"^ a leak (in an earthen vessel). e50odj ariya, sec «5oc!or. S3DoJJo^ ariyantra,. .y^^ es^odoo ^. o ^Oodsio^ ariyuni, ^^^ e£)odoor^. Ve5&S3^c^ arivana, ^. A metal dish ; also Sc&^ror®. eD^ arive, ^^6' «^^r. ^05S^. arishta, s. Misfortune, misery. adj. Unfortunate ; impious. ^0^, arishte, ^. An unfortunate man, a poor man, a person in distress. sfodj aru, s. Brim, edge, margin, border. ^i^^^J^ to reach the shore, to land; to get oat of a difficulty, to be successful; of. ©-doAO. ^dooeoj^ arumbuni, see £9do80o?>w •]^t:ii\:> arugu, s. Verge, brink, border, margin; of. esdo. edo2^ aruci, .y. Want of appetite* e5djr3 aruna, adj. Purple-colour- ed, s. The name of the rising sun. N^rfo^ arupu, see esdo^. 53dj20jd arubuda, see s£)20ord. ^djSjjoeS, arumutte, s. The gills of a fish. ^do;l)oSo3jsdj^ arumuriyoduni (e5do^ix)&oSjs5), V. n. To weep with loud lamentation and shrieks. Je5djd aruve, s. The mouth of a river, a seaport; also ©v^o^. — d COTES' a bar, the entrance to a harbour. ^dosS aruve, see s?^r. y^do3oJ aruhu, ^. Knowledge. 2. understanding, perception. ^do aru 29 ^6 are Jedo'^jdorfo^j arulumarulu, adj. Foolish, simple, childish. edJ33d, ^6j^^ arupa, arupu, adj. Formless, invisible. 2. de- formed, ugly. >/t56 are, s. Half, a moiety; <^. e9t^r. -eyfhalfa man's height. Jt56o2;^j^ arencuni (©t5o2^), ^.^. To rub off, peel, skin. ^6o22D^^ arenjavuni, cv. {of ©^osio^), To cause to deny. 2. to hide away. ^doz^o^ arenjuni (e5x5o^), v. a. To deny, gainsay. 2. to conceal; cf. ^6oddo^. e6oe£s3 arenjele, i". A denier, disowner. 'e36o^d arentele, see ^tjo^6. e6^r5§^ arekannu, s. A half sight, an imperfect glance. 2. squint eyes. 3. eyes partly closed. ^d^'srJ arekani, s. The hundred and twenty-eighth part of any thing. S56=a'30Sj arekayi, adj. Half ripe; also ^?j7\^03o. [part. ^6vDO^ arekal^, s. The eighth y^^'i areke, see ^tj^. ^d^^JsdoO^ arekodyel^, s. Half salted or insufficiently season- ed dish. ■esdriob^ areganti^, s. A loose knot ; 2. half a load, a small bundle. ■^6ri'^^ aregala, J. The hot season, summer. adei^ arecatte, adj. Half dead. 2. reduced, thin, lean. ^dzi^ arecappe, adj. Tasteless, unsavoury. ^6t3s)vS arejati, adj\ Half-caste, mongrel, mixed. eds^j^sj arejiva, s. lit. Half the life; the state of being half dead. -/s36do^ areduni (S5^S), v. a. To spoil, corrupt, mar, taint. 2. to destroy, ruin. ^6(^^ aredala, see &T5a^. J^6dj^areduiii(^^S),7'.f^.Tolow. ^d^aiS arenari, s. A person dressed partly as a male and partly as a female. ^6^d2;^o5j arenalayi, s. A stam- mering tongue. ^6^6^° arenirel^, s. A slight shadow. 2. an imperfect shade. ^6^^^^ arepalu, s. Half a share, half part ; — 7nst5 a partner or shareholder entitled to half a share. ^6^D^ arepavu, s. One half of a quarter, one-eighth of a seer. /^6^D^^ arepavuni, e. v. {of 55^^^), To cause to grind. 2. to cause to submit; to sub- due. -/^d^^), ^6^^ arepini, arepuni (sf)^), V. a. To pulverize by pounding or grinding. Ifg- to oppress. ^^^ ^^ , ^^^ ^^ a grinding stone. ^^6^, ^dsSo^ arepu, arepeli^, ^. The act of grinding. 2. that ^6 are 30 ^liF arga which is ground for condi- ment. e620ot3 arebanji, h'L Half the stomach, adj. Half fed, not satisfied, deficiently fed. ^6z^odi arebanda, adj. Half cook- ed. e5623c)o5o arebayi, see ©x^ecroaso. ^61^6^ arebirel^^i, h'L Half a finger (measure), s. About half an inch. e6e3i^ arebei, s. Twice thrashed straw. ^dsjoc^o^ aremadaly, s. A leaf of a palmyra. 2. one half of a cocoa-palm-leaf. ^6\ 'jC^r^r^ aremanas^, Itf. Half mindedness. s. Indecision. 2. reluctance. ^6zS:>^^F aremarl^,^. Craziness, weakness of intellect, adj. Half mad. ^6sJv?S3J^ aremapalai s. A small wild fruit, Randia longi- spina. e^ddooo^ aremunde, s. A widow, whose head has not been shaved. e6;Sv)05o arejneyi, adj. Reduced in body, lean, thin. 2. half inclined, half minded. .e^ds'c)^ arevasi, s. A half part, a moiety. e6oi3'5^ areyal, s. An honorary name given to a section of the Bant caste. 4 e^DJjo^i, ^dsjc^ areyuni, arevuni, see ^h^. 7^=^rarka, s. The sun. 2/si crys- tal. 3. a shrub, called also the yakkamale (o:5o^^^:5ie3). ^^Foco arkanji, ^. Swill, dish- water, the washings of rice elc. — ^^ different kinds of leaves chopped and mixed with straw and boiled in a swill for feeding cattle with. ^"^F^ arkatl, see ^^fB. ^"^Fd arkade, s. Sunset. /^=5^FsSo arkame, s. ^''A strong de- y sire, eagerness. v2. indigestion, flatulency. ^^r=^F arkarkaj^^^v. By degrees. ~S^^ to eat repeatedly. 2. to gulp down. Je3^F23^, ^=3'fs?^ arkal\i, arkalix, s. A knot, tie. — sjd^^ to tie, make a knot, —^^r^ to loosen a knot, to untie. ^^F^^, ^=§FO^ arkil^ji, arkel^, ^. A handful. 200^ ^^f6 d^ =#jsar give (me) a handful of straw. J^=s^jF^ arkuni (ss^f), v. n. To become less. 2. to be humbl- ed, depressed. ^T?F arke, see es'd^. -les^FZOJSdj arkeburu, see ©^^ ^rlFob* arg^antiji, s. Determina- tion, resolution. 2. obstinacy; 3. malice. — odoSj an obsti- nate man. —^^0^?) to per- severe in obstinacy. e^riFo^argapte, s. A resolute or obstinate person. e3hr ar^i 31 ^i^F arbi y^hrC)odoo^, «5hre;j^?^ argiliyuni, ^, argilyuni (e9T\re3, ©7\r6), v. n. To loathe, be disgusted, ©"^r ^5 ^^^ to eat with aversion. ^W^TT^^ ar^isTj, see s9d?\eoJ. v/^rijrs3 argule, s. Loathsome- ness. 2. disgust, aversion. ^f\7- arge, ^^^ ^5/^. ^d'd'F^ arcake, s. A worshipper. 2. a priest. ^dr^ arcane, s. Worship, ado- ration. Q52^r^^) arcipuni, zk a. To wor- ship. V. n. To officiate as a priest. ^EuParJi,^. Petition, representa- tion ; complaint. — totS a peti- tioner. — ^jsS^F^ to present a petition ; 59^r ^jsScrf ^oeSr ^^Oj when the petition is presented it will be favour- ably considered. ^E3r^ arjita, see efsBr;^. ^^djr^ arjune, s. The third son of Panclu (so^ocli). J^\^^7'^ artuni, see efj^jwo^. s5C^or^ arduni, ^^^ ©tiJt^o^. ^^r arta, see ^4^. s/evBr arti, s. An amusement, sport, fun. 2. novelty, curios- ity. 3. fondness. — c3do3o a merry man, a person given to pleasure. —ij&zm)^^ to please, amuse; to fondle. V^vBf arti, i". The wild fig tree, Ficus racemosa. — 3>)O30 an unripe wild fig. >^^q^r artha, s. Gain, wealth, riches, ^^/. money. 2. mean- ing. — ^f^^ to explain, inter- pret. ^dr^ ardala, see ©^rf^. ^rs'SFodo ardaya, i". Half the gain. ^^^^tT^ arduni (^Sr), v. a. To wash dFdi arbuta, arbuda, see s£)c^o^. ewj^^d arbuda, ?^2^//^. Ten crores, 100 millions. ^2oord6js^r\ arbudaroga, s. Dif- ferent swellings, especially cancer. ^s^jo rd armbude, s. A skull-cap made of the spathe or cap- sular bark of the areca palm and worn by a class of Pariahs (called ■^d:RTjy^. ^OJor arya, ^. A small earthen vessel ; c&)oi!rfodor an oil-pot. e50JjF^ aryana, see ^o^r®. ^odooF^ aryuni (^^), v. n. To -1 ooze, drip. 2rto flow, run, as water; also ^Dojjj^. ^o^F^oo^F arl^marliji, see ^t^o^o e5^F aria, s. Half a seer. J e3^JF^ arluni (©^r), 7,-. n. To burn, blaze. 2. to smart; ef ojo ^jse^? efxs^oFo-rf:) h't his face is burning, t. e. he is very angry. ?553j?)^Fe> arlole, s. A kind of fish. ^^Fi^, ^zjFd arvatte, arvade, s. A man's sister's son. 2. a son-in-law. /93^F arve, s. A cloth; an old rag. ^ocyj!i^^r a piece of garment. °3dr arve, see ^-doS, ©^o^. ^?oFo:l arsande, s. Eejection; disrespect; making light of. S3?oFO±), 53?^i•■t)Fojo arsaya, arsaya, s. A certain festivity ^?' cere- mony. :^cT^;^roc5o the ceremony of leaping over burning coals, performed by devil-dancers or dasaiyas (cDxiodon). 55?o'3F5j^ arsavuni, see ^t^f^^. S5?o^Fs3 arseve, see es^jrxso. v^a^o^JOd, ^o^o^OJcl al^mbuda, ali^mbude, s. The castor-oil plant. -o-jj^^oeoozS a smaller kind, called Ricuius commu- nis, /as;^o23 alijimbe, J. Suffering. 2. experience. 550^0 23^4 c^ al^mbevuni, ^/^oo=s'o^, ^^;orio^ alankuni, alan- guni (e5/>/53s;o2oo^ alambuni (£5e;o^), z'. a. -^-'To wash. '^2.to shake, be agi- tated as water; see <^ooz:xi^. e5^o2^d alambhava, see ^602^-^. ^^^ alaka, s. The town of Ku- bera, the god of wealth. — £? ^^oi to become wealthy. v/'^sjA^, 55^r\o alag^, alagu, s. Tremulousness or quivering of the voice in singing. — ^^^ a tremulous voice. >/■ ^3^j7i^^ alaguni (^^K), v. n. To shake; of. ^<^o^o^. ^vA alage, see ^^-R. ^v^d^ alacuni {^^'^), v. n. To move, shake; c/. ^^760^. v%s;23^^^) alajavuni, c. v. {of e5£J3io^), To shake; see e9s33dD ^^. /^^z^o^ alajuni, see ^<2J7id^. ?3^3JoSo alapayi, ^. Hiring cattle for milking. —-R^o^ to take milch cattle on hire. — =^jabr^ to hire out milch cattle. ?35i;^^ alapuni see «9«^^, :>^ alasuni (^(^c3), v. /yTo agitate, shake, -j. n/To be fatigued, vexed. ^2. to suffer griping pain; oSoo^ eoo^ sfxs; T^oQ-rfj I have a stomach-ache. ^e;=^r9 alakshana, ^^^ ©de;^r®. 53 e;^ 0, y^=^ alakshya, alakshe, ^ s. Disregard, negligence, in- difference. ^5JS 34 ^'S ale ^^D all, M. Behold, lo, there it is; see oDC^. S5SJ^^^ alakiji, s. Destruction, ruin; see soe;^^. ^-^^^^i to ruin, spoil, destroy. — c^S ^-^e^^^ to go to ruin. ee^e)^, ^■O'scj^ alata, alad^ji, s. A thick coir-rope, cable; also ^0^2:), ^o^oSj alabi, alayi, ^. The annual Moharam festival of the Mohammedans. —^^ t^ to close the festival with bathing. ^s^^o^jo^ alayuni (©«^) z'. a. To take away. e3^^^^) alavuni, ^6'^ ^^^^- 530^ aliki, tz^'. Inferior, low, mean ; het. ^^^- --si^^o^^ to depreciate, disparage, de- grade. — 3j^^^ a word of con- tempt. — 3i?^ low people. eOT^ alige, see ^^A ^ef\ alige, see ©§,. J^©^^ alipuni, see ess?^?^. J^Os^jdS ^©sJJSD^ alimar^, ali- mar^, s. The tree called Me- viecylon. JeOccbo^ aliyuni {p^). v.n'/lo ^ dissolve, decay .-/2. to perish, die, become extinct ; also e5e5 J e©5j alivu, ^. Extinction, ruin. Je^oo?io?jalunguni (e5/ e5?;oo^JOcialuInbuni,5^^««3o^:o^. ^^^:il\::>'^ aluguni(^sJoK), 7'.;^. To move; see ^^c^o^. ^/§3wo2Jor( alubanga, ^. Vexation, trouble. J^6 ale, ^. Butter-milk; see^^^. —^^€4^ to churn butter-milk. ^6,^6^Bi[e,a\e,tnt. Behold, lo! e353o23alenji, s. Grease /ro cause to shake, to ^ shake. ^. to cause to mingle. -/?3e3^iJr^, ^dtiio ^ alejuni, alejjuni (S5e3^), v.n.^0 be agitated, disturbed. 2. to be turbid. y^Ao mix, mingle. ■ 4. to be united. 53d53«)05j alepayi, see s^OTioso. J^^^DZ})^ alepavuni, c. v. { 0/ ^ ^^^)^ To cause to tire, to fa- tigue. VessS^^ alepuni (^«5), t-. a. To oppress. i'.7til:Q be fatigued; S3s3siJ5cialeinani,^. A European. 2. a German. ;/^do:Jjo^, ^dJsJ)^ aleyuni, alevuni (sf)e3), T'. ^^0 wander, roam. ^2. to be weary. 3. to bethink oneself. e£)«35 ^a>h^ to stare; S3s3^ ale 35 ■'^ ava ^53^^, ?355^SJ aleki, alekha, s. An unwritten or blank leaf. 2. a blank book of palm leaves. ^53^4c^ alevuni (©^3?), v.n. To bethink oneself; ^-^^^ ^6^^. -j^^^y alk^, ^. Timidity, adj. "C" Timid, frightened; ^^/^^^ c^^^. _80j3-do^ to shudder. ^0, alki, see eseS^, ^e5j. ^^^q,^ alkuni (®^^), '^. /2. To be afraid. 2. to start, shudder, tremble. ^6^E soja-do^, _^e h^ to be startled. ^^^ ^^ algavuni ^. '^. (o/^<^jo:>), To cause to shake; c/.^^ows^^. ^v:>^ alguni, see ese^oAO^. y^s3=5^o5j aldekayi, s. The gall- nut, ink-nut, Terminalia che- hula, €9^^o^ a good black ink. ^eA alpa, adj. Little, small, trifling. 2. mean, low. — sooa of limited understanding ; of. 53®x^?j^ alplsiji, see «9^5^. ?32;oe§ alpucce, see ^^^sS . ^^ alpe, s. An unimportant man. ^de^ alpesi, ^. A covetous man, miser. ._-' alarm. ^o^ alia, s. The Mohammedan appellation of the Supreme Being. 2. int. of surprise. v^e5a-^5^c^ allavuni (s5£^o^), z'. ^. To mix; cf. ^^^^. /^©, ^Qf\ alii, al%e, ^. The w-ater-lily; <2/^^ ®^^ ^• 2. the flower of Nelumbium speciosum; also sd^t5. ee;J5 do alludu, <^^'. Perishable, transient. 4^^ alle, i". The side, groin, hip. CO —7^^ a lateral branch. ^d ava, pref. implying dimi- nution, privation. ^^ ava, int. Behold, lo ; see^"^- e5sJ^D^avakasa, ^. Opportunity, leisure; cf. t^s^^^^. 7^;^ricaavagada, s. Calamity, evil, mischief. 2. disorder, con- fusion. 3. difficulty, danger. ^s^Fiora avaguna, s. An evil dis- position, a vice. 2. the state of growing worse. ^sJ2§ avaje, ^. Sound, noise. ^^^^ avade,^. A kind of country beans; also e?^cf. ^ds^i:^ avatara, s. Descent, in- carnation. 3^3^ ^aDTJ the ten incarnations of Vishnu (^ avutana, s. A feast, enter- tainment, dinner; also gj^r®. — -^^o^ck^^ to give an entertain- ment. — oddSo a guest. ^z^^i:^ avushadha, see ^A^. n/555S^^ avulu, adv. There. 2. beyond; also So^o. ^^^4^0 here and there, e)^^? (emp/i.) just there, even there, in that very place. ^jSjoOJj avyaya, s. An indecli- nable word, gram. ^4^ avval, ^^^ ®^^- ^^^ asakta, rt;^'. Weak, feeble. 2. sick. ^"i)^ asakti, s. Weakness, in- capacity. t52^^ asakte, s. A weak or sick person. ^^^0 asakya, rt;^'. Impracti- cable, impossible. ^5^^ asana, s. Eating. 2. food. ©sr^^D^r maintenance, subsi- stence; — ^jsLr^to give main- tenance, to feed. ashta e32^D^ci, 532^0? Sasarlra, asarlri,^^. Incorporeal. — ^^o a voice from heaven, an oracle. ^2;ot^, esiod asuci, asuddha, ^^*. Impure, 'unclean, polluted. —^t^ to become unclean. — ^^ uncleanness, pollution. es^jS^ asubha, adj. Inauspici- ous, evil. .s-. Unluckiness, misfortune. ^^dorl asemane, ^. k seat for the bride. e^JS^=a asoka, s. Freedom from grief. 2. the name of a king. a^JS^# (siod) asoke (mara), s. The tree Uvaria longifolia. —'^t' a grove of such trees. ^^j^o^, e53"Ss53^asrabu, asrap^, see esidD;^. .^, ^^e^, e^e^, aslesha, aslesi, CO ' ro^ ' ' ' see e?€??x. ^^ asva, s. A horse. ^4^-,^^^ ^^^ asvattha-, asva- ta mara, see 25^ ?i ^t^. ^^Atjh asvapati, s. The king of horses. 2. a dynasty at Delhi. ^2^ s5j^q^ asvamedha, ^. The cere- mony of sacrificing a horse. Eight. e5^,, ^5^,^ ashta, ashtaka, adj. ^3i=g^^ ashtakashta, s. Eight sources of troubles to which ashtakashta, s. ;s of troi man is liable. s^^^ori ashtakanga, s. A board or cloth having eight rows of squares eight in each row : a chess-board. S5ss[, ashta d 38 ^^,r(ij, ^3S[,a?iti ashta^aTa, ashtadig^g-aja, ^. The eight ele- phants which, according to the Hindu Sastras, are sup- posed to support the earth. iiS^A ashtage, ^. An offering for the dead. e5^,3c)'^ashtatala, s. A mode or eo * ' ^ measure in music. ^s^;£)^^ ashtadikkiji, s. The eight points of the compass; also Sf)i:i^jse3. e5s^Q^(2;^5 the guar- dians of the eight points of the compass. ^s^.dj^P ashtadravya, i". An offer- ing of eight ingredients. ^3^,5ilo, ashtapatti, s. An octa- gon. ^^sja ashtapadi, s. A verse with eight feet. ^•Si.tooqS ashtabandha, s. A kind of mortar composed of eight ingredients. ^^.^a)rio ashtabhagya, s. The eight requisites to the regal state, z'iz. "c^a;^^ territory, ^o z3D"d treasure, ^oE forces, c?e3 elephant, ^ocIdtS horse, ^^j ketasol, t^^^ fly-brush, ^^c^ palankeen. S53^,2jjspri ashtabhoga, ^. The eo • eight sources of enjoyment, m'z. "^^ habitation, 55D<^7^bed, "^ciokid raiment, n^oso jewels, djszSti wife, i^ flower, Xoqi per- fumes, eo^^^^o betel-leaf and arccanut. S5^do ashtama, n?^m. adj. The eighth. ^s^.^jSr^a ashtamasiddhi, see ^ eJ ^ 9 • ^^ ^j ashtami, see ©a^. eJ • ' " ^^.^S) ashtasiddhi, ^. The eight eo 9 miraculous attainments. ^5sr3,Oc3^N ashtavidhana, s. The eight kinds of devotion. ^oSD,=CT 05::oo:^,ashtaksharimaiitra, ^. The eight mystical letters • used in incantations : §j "^ ^jse ^s| )^oJ^r ashteisvarya, ^^^ e?:^ ei^oSJo asankhya, adj. Innume- rable. ?5?;lor\vB asangati, s. An adverse circumstance, an accident. ^?^od2^r asandarbha, ^. Unsea- sonableness, inconvenience. adj. Unconnected, irrelevant ; impracticable. e5roo2-oq^ asambandha, ^. Discon-' nection, incoherence, adj. Dis- connected, incoherent. 2. ab- surd. ^;^o3oo asanhya, adj. Disgusting, loathsome, s. Molestation, intolerable vexations. 2. dis- gust, aversion. ~^ht^ to be disgusted with. e5?o^ asakta, see spe^^. J^rid asadde, s. Disdain, con- tempt, scorn. 2. negligence, carelessness. — ^^^ the state ^t:^ 39 ^^3^ asti of being scornful or careless. —Tk>^^^ to despise, neglect. ^i^^n asatya, ^^//. Untrue, false. s. Falsehood. 53?%;^ SLSSiMhsL, adj. False. 2. un- inspired. ^^odo asadya, see ^t^dz^^. ^?oSjo, ^?^-:dJ^N asama, asamana, s. Inequality, adj. Unequal, dissimilar, unlike. 2. odd, diverse. 3. incomparable. e?^sdj^9^N asamadhana, s. Un- settled state, restlessness, un- easiness, disquietude. 2. dis- satisfaction, peacelessness. 3. dissension, quarrel. ^?jo3o asaye, see ^^^Sd. e?ooioo asayya, see 59?io^^. ^j<>xf asaryi, see e??i5. ^?d55or asarjne, s. Management of a household. ^7i^^ asali^, ^. Root, origin. 2. capital, stock (in trade). 3. prime cost. 4. an original, a fair copy. ^7^^ asale, adj. First-class, su- perior. 2. fine, thin, neat. $5?j^ asale, s. A split. -200^^ to split, crack. [light. ^7i6^o^6 asalemasale, s. Twi- ?3?o3o^?^, ^?o5:.o^j?^ asahipuni, asahyisuni (s5?jco, -2co), -z/. n. To loathe, feel disgust at; e/, ^ ^rTsq^o asadhy a, <7^'. Impracti- cable, unattainable, s. Im- practibility. ^T^D^d-^ asamya, see ^Ti-^o. ^rj'5>d asara, adj. Sapless, taste- less. 2. worthless; also ^Td^^Ti, e^d asiddha, ad/. Not achieved 9 or effected. 2. unprepared, not ready. 3. undecided. 4. improbable. ei^iod asura, adj. Giant-like, gigantic. 2. cruel. — ^'^.Q a cruel deed , diabolical action or work. ^?ojD asuri, s. A giantess, the wife of a giant. ^ ?s)j do ?ood J asurusuru, s. A deep sigh. ^7<)^6 asure, ^. A giant. ^;^JSo:^j asuj^a, ^. Envy, jealousy, malignity. ^?;jjsd asura, adj. Yellow. 2. un- alloyed, as gold. ^?oJSD asuri, ^^/;". Extra, mis- cellaneous. — =5£^r extra ex- penses. ^^j;)6 asure, ^. Daily expendi- ture; sundry expenses; also ro e5?35Jo?l asemane, see ®^^??. ^?^s> asaukhya, s. Uneasiness, unhappiness, ill-health. e^, e5^sjJi)Fd asta, astamana, ^. Sunset. 55 ^D^, ^5^^ astari^, astri, ^. The lining of a garment. ^^ asti, ^. A bone. -&"rf hectic fever. ^k^zji)^ astivara, s. A founda- tion. 4* "^•7^^ astu — c 40 )^ ali ^4^)) ^^^c^sjo astu, astunama, s. Consent, agreement. 53^ aste, adv. Slowly, ^eoo^?) to breathe heavily ; 3ef. ^f^^ . ^ro d asthira, adj. Unsteady, transient, fleeting. ^^ea^, 05 ^NJ^^^ asrab^, asrapu, adj. Noble. ^^"^d asrabide (^?io-d 8!)?3d), (///. a monstrous seed.) .y. Any grain eU-., the cultivation of which exhausts the soil. 2. a wicked person. ^^e3 asrabe, s. A nobleman, good man. 53^ asre, s. A destroyer; ^. 53?^, ?o asvastha, j. Sickness, ill- ness. «^'. Unwell, sick. ^So, ^sd3o aba, ahaha, t'nL of surprise. Ah! aha! v/^3co^&s3)^ abankaripuni (es^o^ 5), ^'.72. To be proud, arrogant, conceited. J ?3a6o=5c)d abankara, s. Self-con- sciousness. 2. egotism, pride, self-conceit, haughtiness. — cro o5o a proud, self-conceited or insolent man. ^^o^^=CT ahannlka, see ^g^^. ^3oo2p3^ ahambbava, s. Self- consciousness,self-confidence, insolence. ^3oo:^j3 abammati, s. Self-con- ceited ness, a vain mind. 'j2o ahi, s. A snake. ^2o^ abita, «^//'. Disagreeable, unsalutary. s. Harm, wrong. 532cJ3^Da)ij aboratre, s. A day and a night lasting from sun- rise to sunrise. ^53^ ala, s. Measure, capacity. >A3^o'a^ alankiji, s. An ant-eater. ^^0=52)5^^ alankavuni, see 59eJo?ro ^^o=5^0c^ alankuni, see S5(2;o^o^. n{s3^o^o^ alantuni (S5s;^o0), v. n. To shake. 2. to move. v^^=a alaka, s. A large basket for measuring rice etc. yf^^'^, ^3^1 alake, alate, s. Mea- surement. — -rfj^Ok^ to mea- sure, mete; e/. e?^^, ^s^;^. vfev^^^ alapuni (^'^), z'. ^. Ta measure. 53^0^0 alya, ^^^ esodor. >/^°^^^ alavuni (^^), r. //. To mix. ^Vii ala, ^^^ e5£;D. esv^^S alavu, ^6-^ ^c^^. jb^^^f. alikatt^, s. Ruin. v^^^^, alipuni (55«9), 7'. ;2. To perish, die. 2. to be destroyed, be ruined; also es^cS ^^h^. -V^«^oi) aliya, ^. A son-in-law, nephew; — as a rule a man's sister's son marries the daugh- ter of his mother's brother. deL w^^£p. -Tio^^ the law of inheritance in the female line. According to this law the family property descends not from a man to his son, but from a woman to her daughter. ^^ ali 41 ^■^ aksi V55^odoo^d aliyantara, s. Ruin, extinction. y^^oJoo^ aliyuni, ^^^ ?5^^^. ^^^t'u^ aluku, 5. Modesty, bash- fulness. ^^osds? aluvali, ^. A daughter's dowry. ^^js3 aluve, i". An instalment. 2. a term of payment ; c/. =5^0^, >/^^os5 aluve, ^^ The mouth of a river, a harbour. — ;dsO30-d ^^ a custom-house; ^^^ esx^o^. >j 93^ ale, ^^^ ^«5. e^ot3 alenji, s. A kind of weed growing on the surface of stagnant Avater. ^^2dj ?i alejjuni, see ^^di^^. e^5j^o5j alepayi, see ^^t>o3j, ^^4)P alevuni (s?^), v. n. To I muse, to be absent-minded or abstracted. e5s?5 ^jsb^ to look bewildered, perplexed; -i^^o.^ alkuni, see ©e^j^^. ^'^s?^ altii, adv. Thence; also J S3^ alta (£'en. of the adv. s9^^j), adj. Of that place. n/ 'e^ alpa, adv. There, in that place. ^"^^ here and there. ^^. alya, see ©odor. ^|,, ^^f\ alii, allige, ^^-^ «5^. 53^, alle, i"^^ ®^. ^^" aksha, ^. The eye. 2. a mark on dice. 3. a die. 4. a wheel. — e^ed, — ^jei^, —-§^0:50, — ^ that man. e? e?, e?odji) each, every, respective. — ^orfor each work. 2. when added to two or more consecutive words, the mean- ing is disjunctive: either-or, whether— or; as ^^02253^ e?ojo ?^ whether this or that man ? 3. it is an affix of interroga- tion, which changes accord- ing to phonetic rules into oJ^, oi:ra; as s9o5 yes: ©ccro is it? 20^ you came: 20^ 7^ did you come? =^ thou, you: ^ocJjs is it you? JeJo^OOjjj^ankariyuni, see ss^o^ J tJo^^d ankara, ^^^ ef)^o?js-d. ^0^^ ankita, see ^o-&^. .\^o'§ anke, s. Force, pressure, compulsion. 2. authority, power, control. 3. support. — ^j^-/e5e3odoo^, tJ2;io^>ajiyuni,ajuni(^^, ej^j, 7.'.7z. To dry up, drain off; as, Aj^03i ^;o5 a^oS the well is dry; e?^5 ^e-^ to be dried up. ^^^ dried, freed from moisture or sap. o*aioa un- dried, wet; eya^oa ^ooyj a wet cloth. tJ^ aje, ^^^ ^3^- tJ^JS^o ajolu, ?22/?;2. ^^z'. Six times. tJ^ alne, ^. Command, order. 2, permission. 3. a judicial sentence, doom. J^Zd ajpa, ?2?^;;2. Sixty; ^^^ «£)3Szi. >/t5^ ata, J. Amusement, sport, game. 2. a play; — tooSo an actor; a gambler. — sroy, ^sros^o dancing and playing with music. 3. wheTi formlTtg the latter part of co7npo2uids it signifies continuity ; as, €5 s^^ru crying or weeping long. 5^evDU lamentation. Jtjlio©^, e^ejc^ atanky, atanka, ^. Hinderance, obstacle. ' tjlj ati, ^. The fourth solar month. —^ ^fo^ profound darkness. -3ioS a kind of grass. ycs^ ady., see 5oi>S. e:?3so2jd adambara, i". Pride. 2. pomp, show. W3^s3j3^^ ademode, see e?z§. ^tJ^^dJS^cs^ adalod^ji, s. The Mala- bar-nut-tree, Justicia adha- dota, i tJ^^J, t?d^ adallte, adalte, i". Administration, management. 2. governing. — ;^jab^ to man- age. — ^j8?:?:so3j an admini- strator, manager. >^e:JC5D4^ adavuni, ^. ^. {of^-^^), To agitate. 2. to shake. tJ^?^ adige,^. Abelch; bet. ei»s^. tJ(^ri adio^e, adv. In vain, for nothing; see e5tf?^. VtJdo^ aduni (^S), '6'. z^. To move, wave, swing, vibrate. 2. to shake, totter, v. a. To move, rock. 2. to shake. Different playful and regular move- ments are expressed by add- ing it to verbs; as., ^esscl:^ to be swinging. ^'^^^ to be moving to and fro, etc. J^d ade, s. A coward. ^d?^ adeg^, see «)c§, «)tSK. ^dA adege, see ^^-R. J ^d^ adele, s. An unsteady man. 2. a vagabond. >J^d^^^ adevuni (^^e), z'.7i. To be moving, undulating, vibrat- ing. c?:S?4?^^ constant mo- tion, oscillation or vibration. -i«P5* any, adj. Male. — eroe? a male child, a boy. -^jtj a maL tJ^D^ anu 45 ^^ adi tree. s. A boy, youngster. efr® <^6^ the bridegroom's house. ^m^ii^ ani^^adi, s. The lower half of a cocoanut-shell. JtJp5^2§J5^sJ an^jovu, s. A male, man; also s9p9 4'. t?co^^ii an^peja, s. A male varie- ty of the wild jack-tree. yra ana, s. The entrance to a harbour. — 7\* croo^o^, eyrl/sAO ^qh^ to stand ^?' wade in shoal-water for fishing. /yr^ ani, s. A peg, nail. 2. a wedge. 3. a screw. tJrS=3^2:^ anikallijL, ^. The key- stone of an arch. ^cl ana, s. An anna. JtJrl ana, ^. An oath. ^^=^v^ anekall^, ^. A hail-stone. CO J^^ at^, tndef. jziim. adj. So much. — 3i^ so many people. ^^^OF so much time, so long. 2. as much as: f^S^^§ ^jaar give all you have. ^Memph. so much only : — odj?)^ ^^^ I say only so much. e:?i?3s, ^^ijse is it only so much? '^^ ef^js? is it only so much that you give? ^^^ for so much. tJ^^^ori, ?:J3ft)^ori ati^nange, ata- nenge, see e?ii^o^. 'J 3 ati, see e?L^. s^vlq^o atithya, s. Hospitality. — s5o^o^^ to entertain a guest. j£?^od atura, ^. Eagerness, haste. ^is^ atak^, ^^^ ^^. tJi^^o?^ atanange, ^^?:'. Till, as long as. ^:^, , tji atma, atma, s. Breath, life. 2. the soul, spirit/ -S^a c^^, the Holv GHost, Chr. 33^53^^ a sinner, -^^^of^ a virtuous or fortirMte'^^an. e?^8p^ spirit ual-iiVin4«daess, Chr. 3. self, chi ^^^' iv c^mp: e?;|_^ ^5^ suicide. .3 self- praise. ^Ui^ ad^, see e?b^. tJdd adara, see ^^rfx^. ,,,. ;, . tJddfl adarane, ^. Respect,- re- gard for. 2. protecti*ri:;:sup- port. 3. comfort, c(i»ii!sola.- tion. "• SidDsg^ adaripuni (^- ?. To honor. 2. to si|,ppDrt, assist. 3. to console, coQifort. cyrfbi^jrooSo a supporter;, ..one who comforts. tfui^o^j adaya,^. Gain, proEf, in- come, behoof. — ^^ .profit and loss. — "^e^ receipts and disbursements; management. —•^^ ^jsLfTOoSo a book-keeper. 5:^23-5) d adara, see epqs^-d. sua adi, ^. Beginning, origin. adj. First, primary ; pre-emi- nent; e.g. ^asDT^P® the origi- nal cause. 2.zvhsn the latter part of a compound it means: and others, et cetera, as ^^ 7\;>'^^:i beasts etc. tJ^ adi 46 apa ti^^ adika, see e?c^ajj. t^a^o Mitya, s. The sun. -^tj Sunday. ^doo^^ aduppuni (ef5-tro5|^^), ^'. 72. To have become, to be tllfellllll^^^j^^A as or when tJC^^^^^V. The sixth lunar bet. ^^jF, haripuni, see ^^^^^. eS^CJ^&dHara, s. Support, prop. S8..%;J'a%is, foundation. — ^^ a title-deed. 2. a security-bond. 2^ a rich man. ?^) adhina, s. Authority, con- 3.j.tr©j,«vc2- dependence; of. ©oe^ -^J^J^.i^randa, i". Joy, happiness, tfF^K anag-a, ^^^ ^^^>. ^r^^F')lnarta, ^^^ e5?^qiJ^. lis, adv. Then, at that time. -^^o^ from that time, e then, ^"rfooy^ till then. 2, affixed to verbs it signifies'. :he time, as t^^h-^^ at the le of going, ^Jj5doij* anikorant^, s. A large kernel. y t?^^^ anipuni (^^i), 7'. rt;. ^/To make lean. 2. to lull. i t?c2 ane, j. An elephant. —^5 a thick forest inhabited by ele- phants. — ^js^ an elephant- shed. —^3^4^ an elephant keeper. — ^6^c5 a chain for fastening an elephant. — :too r^^ the trunk of an elephant. ^:^of\ aneng^e, see e?a;^. ^^p^^^ anekall^, see e?s?3^^. ^c^^"3G* anekar^, s. The Cochin- leg, elephantiasis. t??S=^do, s:?^=^6 anekedu, anekere, s. A large tank. y^SrieS, e^rlor^o anegajji, ane- guddu, s. A troublesome kind of scab, mange. ei^^JS^^?od aneiiolisara, s, A kind of aloes. tJF^^tdo^^ anetajankiji, s. Cassia occidentalis. ^"^i^^iS^ aneduji, s. A large needle. ?:??3n^AS3* anenegiliji, s. Pedaliiim inter ex, a larger variety of caltrops. tJfSso'sdo^ anepaduni (^fSsj^S), ^. ^. To lull (a baby). eiJfSer^^o* anebakil^, s. The en- trance gate of a palace. 2. a city-gate. 3. any large gate. e^c^dooe^e:* anemarijal^, s. Cur- cuma zedoaria. yjS^j^^^ anemlni^, s. A whah also S^oo7\^. ei(5sjojor{j anemungu, s. Calo- snnthes inJica. ^^"i^ anhika, s. Daily ceremo- nies. ?^3J apa, s. A kind of rice-cako. tJ3Jr( apaga, '7^/7'. Then, at that time. — ?2? that very moment, instantly. ^7:7^^7\ now and then , occasionally ; gradually- ^; apa 47 ^h api «3J3^ Ipatti^, s. Mishap. 2. trouble, calamity, distress. 3. danger, evil. — ^s^ a time of trouble. ^h^^ apinavu, see e?Lfj. J^h^ apini (^), ^'. n. The copu- la : to be that, to become that. £5j3s?^?3 ^4c7io it becomes white. 2. to have origin, grow,. rz^^'^iO =3^o^o^ ^^^czio mangoes grow on the tree. 3. to happen, occur : ^ 7ic7(i> §j<^o e?c5 where did this happen? 4. to fit, suit: ^ e5o?\ oSoc^ e?4o"rfo this coat fits me. 5. to be possible : c3^ft5 ^^ozio it can be lifted. 6. to be related to: e?o3o o3oc^ ^07^0 e?^c^j he is my younger brother. // zs used as an auxiliary verb^ e. g. ^^ S ci'cS it is done, ajtd serves also loform compound verbs : cnjozro^^ to come into exis- tence, ©oES ^h^ to be true, to be proved, elc. •i^oS, p. t. ^rd p. sing. neut. It is done, finished. ^^■>f. t. yd p. sing, neut. It may be or may happen : 20o<^ cSoi|^ t?4 the crop is likely to turn out good. 2. when used absolutely as a reply, it is equivalent to "yes"; ^-^e^ST? GJ'^s? will you go? ^^ yes. The negative forms of these tenses are: pres. t. ^s^'S.. p. t. e?O3023, per/, t. e?a^, fut. t, 5^0 e?Q3o married. sjDis;303o 2j5js,3o a divided land. e?a3o, e??j a;A^;^ affixed to nouns and certain verbal forms^ they convert them into adfec- tives, as ?i^3^ ^o^ £2?e3 an easy work; sSjseoSDOSj ^^d^jsjiJ the requisite things. The per- sonal nou7is formed of the above, are: e?bf3Dc3j, e?^jTOo3o which are similarly foined to .y., adf. etc. e?^oD, neg. adf. part. That which should not be, un- becoming. 2. impracticable. 3. improper, wicked. ^h api 48 to 0^0 aya e? 5, ^er. (or adi\ part. Hav- ing become, being. 2. when affixed to s. or adj. it con- verts them into adv.^ as ^zj^ wrongly, ^);^ ocijsS certainly. 3. affixed to datives and infi- 7titives it means iov^m behalf of, on account of, as so^^S on that account, ^^ok^^^S in order to make. 4. affixed to pron. it means of one's own accord, as efr^D^ ^^jsSdSoS he gave of his own accord (with- out being requested). zSTio^ neg. having not become, be- ing not. ^^>X When it happens, hap- pened or will happen. — ^? just when it happens eto. ^^o7( Till it happens. z^oTi. eo7zd.^ 'Z^cTiojT)^ cmph. If it becomes, if it be, although it be, ©osjDcT^ if it be so. 2. asaeonj. but, yet, though; at least, even. e?4/se3, pot. It can or may be. ^^ti^ It must be or become. 2. to be related to. ef^^^^oD^ ey^sciohow is he related to you? oSoc^ =^^^ ey^J'T^o he is my uncle. "i^^^ciS^ what ought to happen, what is necessary. Ci-Lji^, ^oso;^^, ^a^J4, ver1}al nouns. That which happens, etc. 2. that which is fit, possible, practicable. ?^o3)oricS^ apungene, see ^3iX. ty 0^)53^ apule, see ey^i«3e. -l^ti ape, ^^z'. Yonder, opposite. ©•^^f^^ vonder house, si'^^rro o3o one from the other side. "^^ sj^jJ yonder or the other side. ,-p ^=u apekshe, see €5^?^. f J to ^$3^ apole, adv. Just then ; of. j £?3:iA, ^os;ij^?TO^'sde just when j doing. ^ to^ apta, adj. Dear, attached. 2. trustworthy, confidential. to^ apte, s. An intimate friend. ef^a4^5 friends and acquaint- ances. to^^doo aphimu, >y^^ es^e^d^o. to23e)do abadu, ^^'. Populous, inhabited. 2. cultivated. 3. thriving. —•^'^^^^ to popu- late; to cultivate; to improve. toWe)^ abala, ^^^Z. Young. toZooOo aburu, ^o;S3^4c^ ayavuni (^ocij^), '^'. a. To winnow. 'c5o:i3^?;) ayasa, s. Fatigue, weari- ness. 2. indisposition. 3. trouble, vexation. tJOSo ayi, see ^l^^- tJOSo^ ayita, see efocJo^. tyo5jcJ ayida, ^^'^ ^aioo^^. tJ053^5j ayinavu, ^^^ a*L^^. tJOSoJj ayisa, ^^^ eyorfjo^^^. tfOJ.o ayu, see ^ca^T^^. tJOoooqi ayudha, s. A weapon, in- strument. /eiOooo^ ayuni (^ocio*i. r-. «. To select, choose. 2. to gather, pick up; c/. ^d^r^^. tJOJoo^ ayuni (e?ocio«j, 7'. «.■ To ford, cross, go over. 7'. 7Z. To blow ; v"s"9 ejodojcoj the wind blows; 6/. SoDCrfOOr). ^D:io:)C3^roJj ayurdaya, ^. Term or period of life. t?oJoj2or^ ayurbala, s. Strength according to age. 2. a good constitution. tJOJoo^o ayushya, ^. Age, dura- tion of life, term of life. >/t?o3j aye, profi. He. e?ocije)oSo every one, each (man). 2. zV /.y joined to participles etc. to form personal nouns^ as ^o'^o^^rooSo one who does, ^^?:dcSo one who did, ^o^o Df3soSo one who did not do ; cf. e?5. 5^o3j6 ayere, adv. On that side, beyond (opp. =^o3jt5 on this side). ^^^^ i^'o^jT? on that side of the river. ^ one who goes, ^eosj^s one who went, ^ie^o&^5 one who did not go. ^d ara, A termination occur- ring in some nouns and meaning \\om.Q, place or loca- lity, as z^^zs^T^ lodging; e5?5 eiOJo^ ayya, names of villages. ^6o d.rain 50 ^6s,^ aro ^6o2^ arambha, ^. Commence- ment, beginning. — ^o^o^^ to make a beginning, to begin. ^^op^l^ arambhipuni (e?^oc^), 7\a. To begin. ed?^ arage, see ^■^'d-R; cf. ^^-doao, tJdeJ, ^^d arata, arada, s. The concluding part of a temple feast, including bathing the idol. tJdrao aranya, ^^^ ©^ro^. ^0^ arati, s. Wave-offering, con- sisting in waving lamps elc. 2. the lamp for wave-offering. —^jsh^^. — oSo^j ^ to offer, wave frankincense eU. z^JssjDBr a censer. oSoo^sBr a lamp with one wick. 'Z?Tji>^& a metal ei plate for wave-offering. ^6h arati, ^^(^ <^^?^- ^oz^'^6 arabhara, s. Responsibi- lity, care. ^de^jp arabhya, .v. Beginning, com- mencement. e5j?)e?f3-rf^o from the beginning of the world. ^^0^0 ^o^?3^ ^Tj?pn since you began doing; cf. ^tjo2^. tJ0;3e)u aravara,^. An usufructu- ary mortgage. —t>^ a deed of such mortgage. eu^kJ arata, s. Tottering, shak- ing; c/. eydy. eJDeJCS'^^'^ew^ arad^popini, 7'. «. To walk arm in arm or hand in hand. SJO^qScS aradhane, s. Worship, adoration, prayer. — tio^o^r^ sec acsp^^. ^UD^z^^ aradhipuni (^od^), z>. a. To worship, adore. ^DD^^ aravuni, see o^^^. tJDri arige, s. A belch. —z:>:»^^^ to belch; c/. e?^:^. euDcS aride, see e?^r. 5:JDo:^o ariya, /^^. Stop! hold! siOo3j ariye, ^^^ e?o3or. JsidocI arune, ^. Contentment, satisfaction. ^uo^:) aruni (^^). 7-. /2. ''To grow ; cool, cold or dry, 2. lo be cool, ^dry. iTto distend, grow stout: 80O25 ^do^ the belly to distend efc. tJdJS^ ariidha, cidj. Ascended, mounted, s. Ascending, climb- ing. ^6 are, see aoSo-d. tj6d^ arede, ^^^ eyo. J si6c-^, ^?^x^ arekti, areike, s. Pro- tection, care of, nursing, nou- rishing. — ^^j^^ to protect, nurse, nourish. J^6^y^ areisuni (^%^), "<'. a. To expect, wait for, look for. 2. to desire, wish ; hct. sodtJj^;^^. Js?dJ?)S?^OJ5)c5* arolijimini^, s. A kind of fish. e^dJS^jsJjd arolumara, ^. A kind of tree. J^tiSi^f^ arogane, s. A meal, re- past. — ^J^3^?i to take a meal. tydJJ^/'o arogya, s. Health, strength. 2, comfort, happi- ness. ^CJz:^ aro 51 Si© ali t^cjj^^sj, eidJS^sJcl aropa, aropane, s. Imputation, accusation. 2. a false charge. ^6J^^h7id'^ aropisuni (e^^jse^oj), z>. a. To impute, accuse unjustly, charge with. t?6j5^3or9 arohana, s. Ascending, climbing, mounting, as^s-d^se^ r© -^z^F Ascension day, Chr. y6J3^^ aroli, s. The last leaf of a cocoa-palm-branch. tJ^r arka, s. A bow. 2. an arch. /tJ^jr^ arkuni ('^^^), r.;^. To cry out, shout. ^7^7^ arjita, adj. Acquired, ac- cumulated, inherited, as hs^ 25f^ patrimonial. 73T)^'S,f^ self- acquired. — si5^ inherited wealth or property. eiJvBr arti, s. Pain, distress, adj. Afflicted, distressed, sorrow- ful. tjir arte, s. One who is afflicted. ^zfF'^ih'^ ard^popini, see e? tJ&rardre, s. The sixth lunar mansion, a arionis^ when it rains heavily. ^/tsioreJ, ^ejjreJ, 2:?e^r^ arbata, arbhata, arbhate, s. Fearful noise, uproar. 2. a joyful cry, triumph. — ^o^^o^^ to roar, shout, triumph. eiJOJOF arya, adj. Noble, respecta- ble, belonging to the Aryans. ^^i^F^^F the country bet- ween the Himalaya and Vindhya mountains. tJOJoroSodj aryayeru, s. A cas- trated buffalo. tJo3or arye, s. An Aryan. 2. a man of the Arya caste. tJ^rd arvade, see e^^rd tj53'3rO arvara, see ^^^-d. ^/e:J?o■^^^^ arsavuni (t??:i)F), ^/. ^. To despise, defy, set at naught. 2. to disparage. ey;d^r5 s^s^tjo^ to talk disparagingly or defi- antly. J^v ala, s. The silk-cotton tree, Salmalia Malabarica ; ^/^t? -rf^i^. _rf sjBr silk cotton. tJ^ori?^ alangane, s. The act of embracing. tJ^ozo alamba,^?. Seizing. 2. kill- ing. 3. a violent death. y^^ alade, s. A kind of de- mon's shrine. ^^ti 20 o* alada ballu, see esefeS. tJ^o;io alaya, s. An abode, house. 2. any superior edifice, ^o&rocj ocio the body. :2esse;aio a temple; a church, C^r. t?^>ru^ alas^, see ©e^S. t^^;^^ alasya, s. Weariness. 2. idleness, laziness, sloth. tJS;"5)3^ alati^, J^^ e5e;D5. tJO^si^ alEpane, s. Humming a tune. tJO^^^oo^ alapisuni {p^-^h^^ V. n. To hum a tune, to sing. ^u^-^^ alas^, ^^^ ©£;^5. VtJO ali, ^. Breath, life, strength. — 20£i^^ to pant, be fatigued, tired, —z^^ S^eo-rfo the breath ^e ali 52 is gone, or exhausted. t^oS si- visual strength. JtJ^^o^, eOsJon^r alikallu, ali- parnd^^i, s. Hailstone. • e«3 ale, s. A press, mill, as /^o z^oF^— a sugarcane mill, —zi^i Tk)^ a mill to work. Je5d?^J^) aleisuni (^^j^c^), 'u. n. To listen to, to hear attentively. t?s5js^=5^al5ka, s. Seeing, a view. 2. light. 3. panegyric. efe3j3e ^0 an object of sight. ^tiShi'd'^ alocane, s. Reflection, investigation, thought. — "d^^o^ ^ to consider, reflect on. — r; r^?i to advise, to give one's opinion. tJdoS, ydo:5, ^^-a^ avandi, avande, avadij, see ^h^. n/^JSJcI avade, s. A kind of bean, lentil. > asj^ avade, see ^h^, ^^:i avara, postp. On account of. SDoT-^^-d on that account. croo^ij? ^T^ on this account. o tyds^FfS avartane, ^. Revolution. 2. repetition, -^o^o^a to re- peat. t^sjo^ aval^, ^^^ 59^ €. J^^^ avaly, ^. Yawning. ^^^rs^zS Sir'i to yawn, gape. ^Zj^n avasya, see ^^^o. tJSjj avu, see ^h^. tJSj^ avusa, see ^oSx>7i^. Je^s3 ave, ^. A potter's kiln, an oven. — :2j^?i, — ai:^?) to open a kiln. — ^r^ clay. ^5 asca lor ty^a avedi, s. A burnt offering; c/. e?3coB. -=#jse:r^ to offer a sacrifice. t?s3^s* avesa, s. Possession by spirits, demoniacal posses- sion. —<^h^ to be possessed with a devil, be in a frenzy. ^^"^do avodu, see ^h^. ^3zi, asada, see ^^^r^. ^^'i)=d\3 asakr^ta, adj. Avari- cious, covetous, greedy. tysDs:^Js)D asamari, s. A covetous person. ^hf\ asige, see e?^^, s^j^t^. ^bzj)^ asipuni (^^), 7j. a. To wish, desire. tJ^^s^re^^, tj^^^^rrf aslrvacana, asirvada, s. Benediction, bles- sing, —^jsl)?-^, see to hold out ei hope. — -^s^j^ri to wish, covet, hope. t52io:5or ascarya, s. Wonder, sur- prise, —^h^ to wonder, be surprised. — TitSo::;)^^ to asto- nish, surprise, —-dj^^^^ to make wonders, perform a mi- ^S, asra 53 ^^1j racle. — rfs:^^^, —pdoXB a won- derful or remarkable thing or affair. tJ^,^o asrama, s. A hermitage. 2. one of the four stages of Brahminical life, e.^- s^'^^^ 5 a bachelor, student; ^^^ a householder; ^^7i\-^^ an anchorite; ?i?roo^ an ascetic. tJsJ.oJo asraya, ^. Support, re- fuge. 2. protection, reliance. 3. dependence. — =^j3^r?> to give protection, patronise. —^Tk)^ to seek shelter. — "s^^j •^Os^oi to depend upon. tJJoSo^^ asrayipuni (ey^oso), z'. «:. To seek shelter. tj^ i asrite, ^. A dependant, client. £5^^^ aslesha, s. The ninth CO lunar mansion ; also ^^ e^. tsh^u asvlja,^. The seventh lunar 'month (September-October). ^^zi, tJoSD^ ashada, ashadha, s. The fourth lunar month (June-July). JtSr^ asi^, s. A weaver's warp before starching. 2. a web, texture; c/. sodojs^oj- — ^oeo, _^ij the rake of a weaver's warp. tJ?v*o5D^* asijpas^, ^. Proximity, vicinity, environs, neighbour- hood. ad7j. Round about. ^7<>Ys> asakta, adj. Attached, de- voted. 2. zealous, active. e??o^ asakti, s. Diligence, de- votion, attachment. ^7<>^ asana, s. A stool, seat. 4 ■^j^FTi^ the judgment seat, ^o ^^7i^ a throne. 2. the anus. —^05. _Aoc^^j«)e3 an anal fis- tula. >v^'tJ?jD^ asari^, ^. Tbirst. 2. that which slakes thirst. — ^js^f^j to give to drink. ^7i6 asara, ^. Refuge, support. 2. protection, patronage; c/. ^?os5or asarme, s. Management of a family, care of a house- hold. t5ro"3C^ asida, ^^^ ef^cJi^. e5?3c)^o asami, ^. A person, an individual. 2. a customer. 3. a debtor. eijro?^ asige, s. A mattress, bed; y?slj asu, ^^^ ^oJ. ^^ ase, ^^^ ^^. tJrj^d askara, s. Protection, shelter, countenance. -J^r^ asti, s. Property, wealth, estate. — tooSo, —-do^ a man of property. ty?o aste, ad^'. Gently, slowly. tJ?je)?^ asthEna, s. xA.n assembly. 2.' a hall of audience. e^^o vl aspatri, ^. An hospital. e:j;^j d aspada, s. Place to stand on, basis, support. 2. pro- tection, refuge, shelter. 3. means; o3jg^ nDe;s ^^^ ^^ I have no means of livelihood. e??j^ ?j^ aspas^, ^i^^ e:?c05::;)co. tj^ asra, 54 '^oh ingi y?o,fl dsranne, s. A kind of priest. t??ocJ asvada, s. Ability, power; faculty. 2. estate, property; wealth, riches; see ^^'^^ t?3oo=5c)d ahankara, ^^^ ©soo^-d. ejSo"^ aha, ^/2//'. of joy or sorrow. tJ3oc)d ahara, s. Food, provision, sustenance. WSo5)SD ahaha, Mj. Alas, ha! tJ3oJ^ ahuta, adj. Offered as an oblation in fire. ^SojsB ahuti, s. A sacrifice. v/ t?^ al^, s. A person. 2. a la- bourer, hired person. 3. a messenger. 2oe;p^? a strong man; a chieftain. Jt>^^ al^, pers. pron. fern. smg. She. J^^ ala, ^. Depth. ^^■. Deep, pro- found. tJ^e) ala, adj. Ruined, waste; bet. SoDW. tJS? all, .y^t e?e3. v/ei°^^ alike, i. Reign, government. t?^^ alita, see ^a"^^. VtJ^^o^ aluni {P"^^), ^'.^. To rule, govern, reign. e?^o?:so3o a gov- ernor. ef^jfTO? a governess. /t?^oO^, to^=^ aluvike, alvike, .y. Reign. ^^jd! aluve, s. A family-name of some Bants. Ve:J°4^ almage, s. A servant. si^^^sj akshepa, ^. Objection. 2. blame, censure. '3 i, The third letter of the alphabet. In MSS. it is very often written os):>. Words not found under this letter should be sought for under o^o. 'Sio^ inka, adj. Base, inferior, mean. 'Sio-S- inki, see ^^oTn. 'SioA*^ iflSrV> ^^^ '^oK. 'S^ort:* ing^ada, J. Separation, dis- tinction, adj. Distinct, se- parate; also <^o7\i^o7\Ti^ aoXrf. I _^^j^^, c^oiK^^^ to divide, separate. -es'L^^ to be divided, separated, as brothers etc. '-.SortSexS^ ingalika, see ^otxC^i^. ^qT\d^'^ ingavuni, c.v. {of ^o Xo^) To cause to dry. ro^oh ingi, adj. Crooked. 2. false, spurious, as a coin. '^oT\€>^'6 ingilika, s. Vermilion. 'aoA^ ingita, s. A hint, shrug, gesture. 2. a secret, secret thought. 3. intent, purpose. 'aofio ingVL 55 's.ozS imbe 'Sorioi^o^ inguduni {^o7(oS)^z'.n. To stoop. /'Bof\^^ inguni (^2^), 't'. ^2. -^0 absorb, as water, to dry. 2. to sink in, as eyes from disease ; also f^"K5 ^elb^. '^ogj^zS ingreji, .?. English. 2. a church. —20:^^ the English writing or language. Jr^o'^ inca, adv. Thus, so, in this manner; ~^^ «5oEi not this but that way. -a^o^ such and such a man.^^'^oe;^^, anph. just so. f^o8aS^ such, of this kind or sort. J ^02^ inci, ad^.'. Here, in this place. — aaoSj a man of this place, or of this age. >/ ^0^1 J?)r!o incogu, I ^Qdoindu,^6'y;/./»r^;2. This, f^o^e emph. this alone; see eroorfj. "Siodj^s^^ indrajala, j. Decep- tion, conjuring. 2. enchant- ment. 3- artifice, stratagem; Cf. SD0^3dD£^. 'SiodSosO indrajitu, ^. A son of Ravana. "^oJ^tjJ^ indraprasta, s. Delhi. 'aog20a)s3 indrabale, s, A kind of fish. 'Sioa.oJo indriya, i". An organ of sense. 2. male power, semen virile. 3. sensual desires or appetites. ^ogSooajocio the five senses. 'Siod, indre, ^. The chief of the secondary divinities, supposed to preside over the elements, to be the giver of rain, and the guardian of the east (in Sanskrit Indra). '^ogj, '^od^^ indre, indrye, s. A Jain priest. s/aofS inne, see ^e3. J'oio^ impu, s. Agreeableness, delightfulness, pleasantness. 'S^oeos^, 'aoZTs^ imbali^, imbali^, see f^od. 'S^o^o^ imbale, s. A stout silver or gold bracelet. 7'3lo^0J imbu, .y. Place, room, space. 2. refuge, shelter. 3. opportu- nity, adj. Broad, wide. J^o25 imbe, dem. pron. m. This man. 4<^32of, ^oeosf, nsjodjs^o this woman ; plur.^'^o^o this person, used honor i/ically^ as a polite form of the sing-, m. or f.\ cf. ^?5, ^j3?^o. 'Sio23j5) imbo 56 'sit?^ ija J'^oeSJS^'^j imbolu, see ^otZ. *3ioSjjC^ immada, The heel. 'Stc^j^, 'ao^^oari immadi, ijnma- dige, adj. Double, two-fold; also ^z^rTh. 'Siosj.osj, 'So^JS^fl immukha, immone, adj. Double faced. <^=^d ikara, adv. Hither, fhis side. -^^ ikk^, see f^^r. '^'o^^ ikk^di, 5. Fiction, inven- tion. J^'^jkz^ ikkatt^, /^'/. two bands, s. Narrowness, difficulty, strait- ness, poverty, -t??:^ to be confined, pent up. 2. to be in troubles. "^^^^S ^^.'?ir©o^, _a:)jsTio^ to encounter diffi- culties, to be in straits, adj. Narrow, strait. ^T^^ ikkadi, see 2o3^^a. 'B'^j^ ikkade, s. Both sides. ^=CT,?^ ikkalpa, see ^^<^. *Bt^^ ikkale, see f^^0j<9. N/^=g^^^ ikkavuni, 7.'. /^r(jdj iguru, s. A bud, germ ^r tender shoot. ^/'Si/iodo^ iguruni (^a^^), v. n. To bud, germinate or shoot up. J'Sirlo ^igguni('^^), '^'.:?2. To draw^ pull. 'azia ^ iccadi, adj. Double, two- 2<3" fold. 'S2>&Nr iccirna, s. Wonder. ^'Si , '■as! icce, icche, s. Wish, desire. ' 2. appetite. 3. relish, delight. f^5^jj?io?3a-d according to one's desire or wish, as one pleases, ^^s^^, f^sS j^^io^ to wish, long for. J ^Stti ija, ^. Trouble. 2. importu- nity. —'Sji>hr?^ to trouble, im- portune; cf. Sos^. 'at3c5D*^ ijar^, ^. Trousers. daye, ijarudare, s. An abkari (liquor) contractor. 2. a man wearing trousers. 'Sit3c)0ri ijarige, s. An abkari contract. -at^i iji 57 "D^.t ita ^.t^d ijide,^. Aw impotent man. ^^^^ ijinu, s. Cinnamon. -^ ■rfoTJ the cinnamon tree. — ^ oSor? cinnamon oil; (^/^-^ aseD ^. y^az^ ijji, d. V, the neg. ^ woiso, Negation of existence; not to exist, not to be- It is re- gularly conjugated only in the present and perfect tenses, through all persons. eooeSe/D- not even one. otx^s- there is nothing. o3jo^ t^^^ ^^^ I have no money. ^^^ siroeS'^j CA)cr5^? f^35 have you any chil- dren? no. Interr. '^'^ is there not? Emph. ^|? ^|, ■ not in the least, not at all. Used as a disjunctive con- junction: f^^l^ if not, or; either — or. f^^oo not exist- ing, absent. <^^o^ without; 'f' ^\' -J'^b^, itti^, s. Flour. ^H itta, see f^^,- V'StU.d, ^Uv5 ittare, ittire, s. A eo so , mortice, cavity cut into a piece of timber to receive the end of a beam or plank. 2. a stone placed under a beam. 'Sli^itti, s. The jaw; cf. ^i|. 7-31 el ri ittige, s. A brick. n/'S^IoJ^ ittide, s. Narrowness. '2^13, a ittiri, ^. A nightingale. '■a^o^j, '^^^dj itteyi, ittevu, s. A kind of medicinal plant. 'Scs^-S-Jl idi^lvidka, «^//'. Half ground, coarse, rough. I 'SiCS^^^o idi^pulu, see ^Tlio2Coe)o. ij'sc^ ida, J^^ ^^• j-^3^=s^|5D idakatteri, ^t^^~'^^^£o^- >/'St^ idi, adj. Entire, whole. —"^^ the whole day. 'B^doj^ idimudi, s. A stout person, rt;^'. Pinioned. — ^ WJ^oi to bind fast, pinion. ^ac^ooiJJSJ'oidumbulu, s. {in wrest- ling) The act of seizing each other tightly with both hands. >/sicl ide, .y.vPlace, room, space. ^ 2. an abode. v8. interval, space between. ^'4. interval of time, n/ occasion, v^. a split, chasm. —zooiiod incessantly. 4^-&, '■adn" ide,idegi;L, adv. Here, hither, so far. --^oou^ hither- to, so long; so far, thus far; also"^^' '^d^^t^ idekaji, s. A bracelet with an indented brass rim. ^■^\ idekei, s. Aid, help. 2. half grown corn (^z§#03o). y^dsd idetara, «^//. Middling, 2. inferior. -^ ^^ a middle sized tree. ^■^■^-h^ idenali, ^. The inner part of a temple. 2. the three cir- cuits of a temple. 'Sid^^^ idtapidta, s. Experience. T^a^ ^ idpini(^S), v. a. To place, put down. ^'^acl ine, see ^^. ^^iG^D^ itabar^, s. Confidence, trust, lieve, trust -Q?L^f), _^j<0j^o) to be- ^^ ita 58 r9^z\ ibbi 'Si^e3e)0 itabari, ^. A confident, trustworthy person. -J '^sD^ itar^, see '^;fo^' 'SvBoo^?^ itihasa, s. History, tra- ditional accounts of former events. '^£^od ittanda, s. Both parties or sides. 'S^^^. ittatti^, s. Both sides or places. 2. both banks of a river, eU. ..'a^u^, '^lo^, '^^dj ittar^, itta- ra, ittaru, oJv. Enough; c/. ^^ itti, ^^6' ero^^. 'uvl ^ ittille, i". A written report. —•sij^j^^i to report in writing. 'alg^c^r ittirna, s. Sickness, -i 'a|sj itte, ad'j. Now, at present. •i —t^ emph. just now, this mo- ment, immediately. — s^^ of the present time. — Sj^ now for once, for the present. — 3uo^, e3;s^ SooaS (///.) now one and afterwards another, a proverbial expression for fickleness or duplicity, "to blow hot and cold". X'^t^ itte, sec caj^s^^- ^t^7 ityartha, s. Decision, de- termination, settlement. — ^^ "G^o^^ to decide, determine, establish. ':D.3D^a ityadi, These and others, et cetera. '^cS^joU idamutta, adv. Till now. 'Si a iddi, see <^^." 'S f^ ina, ^^^ ^^• •^^i inate, ^^^ ^?^^. ''5F^^ inapu, s. Evil disposition. 2. defeat, discomfiture. 'oifSDrfj* inlmi^, ^. A gift, present. — ^jabr^ to give a present ^r reward. V'Si^inij^^z'. To-day. — ^uptot'?- for this day. -S from this day. -/'^fS ine, s. A couple, pair. 2. a companion, mate. — t5'L?i to be a match. 2. to pair [obsc.) '^^3^0^ inkar^, s. Abnegation. —^■^0^^ to abnegate. 2. to re- fuse. v/*^^^ inpini (^co), z/. ^. To say, tell. 2. to speak; also^r^^^. •cJSJD^a iparita? see ^s^o?^. 'Si^^ ipuni, see a\)^s>. 'S.s^^s ippadita, s. lit. Double stripes; a wale, the mark of a rod or whip on animal flesh. 'DSJ =3= ippaksha, s. Both parties or sides. '^h O ippili, s. Long pepper, Piper lo7igum\ also ^^«5. J'Si^ ^ ippuni (^), 7'. ^/. To be, exist; rt/j"^ cms^N^^. 'Sio^ © ippuli, J'^/ ^D^ iri^, a prefix SLgni/ytngT^o, double, both, ^.^;cr. rs^aor a two- fold, f^2croro2j double edged, f^^orosj both sides ; in some cases the 5 assimilates to the consonant foil ozinng^ e.g.'^ti. t3^, os^^o^a etc. '^D^rja)^;* irijLSil^,^'. A remittance to the treasury. 'Sdozj^irambala, J. Twenty seers. 'Sida^:^^ irakasy, s. Sulphate of iron. V<3 iri, s. Abatement of intoxi- cation. y^OodjOc^ iriyuni (^5), t'. //.^To fall, drop, as fruits, leaves etc. f^&S f^^l^^ to miscarry. ^v.a. To rub ^r squeeze bet- ween the hands, to knead ; see 'SS?jc)^* irisal^, see ^5?5^^. 'adozoo irubu, see c'X)2cor. 'Si.do^jo.Bri iruvantige, An Arabian jessamine. ^dJsSo^ iruveri^, see ^^^fB. >/'s6 ire, s. A leaf (of a plant). a:^^::^ a plantain-leaf, ^o^t? a betel leaf. ^-^S tobacco. A '^d^S?,ire'Aalli, s. A kind of milk- hedge-plant, Euphorbia ni- vulia, ^tt\^ iregili, s. A kind of parrot. 'S^6^c;^)4^S irebavoli, ^. A bat. -^'^6^^ irel^, see ^tj6.. 4. shadow. also ^^"S. 'sdJS^^o irolu, see ^^Sjaf. >/s=5*r irk^, s. The night. —1^7(6 day and night. '^^Fro^ irkannu, s. Inability to see by night, night-blindness. '^'5'z)F^^ irkavuni, c. v. (6/ ^a'or ^' o5),To make less. 2yto extin- guish. 3. to stop, disturb, ^js— to extinguish or put out fire. '^=5'jr^ irkuni (^^^), ^. n. To abate, lessen, be reduced. 2. ^.- to be disturbed. ^^, to be quenched; also ^^^^5 ^'Setr'i. '^"^^ irkei, J. Both hands, -^js "B.OiF irda 60 "a^or irme yj:2o ??jaLF^ to give a blow with both hands spread out. '^CJF irda, see ^-dji^^z^. '^^"SFooSj irnalayi, s. Double tongue. ^i^dfO irnali, s. A double pulse. 2. a carpenter's boring tool. — -^jsoX a swelling of the throat. J '^^Jh^ c^:i irmdn, mi??i. Two hun- ^I'ed. [thread. 'oi^oQrs^u irnulu, .y. A double ^srlr^ irpakki, i". A bat. ^9,t,Fzi=§ irpadake, adj. Ripe and unripe. ^t>p^ irpadi, s. Double ration. 'BSJr^, '^as^F^ irpale, irpale, s. A kind of net. 2. a double leaf. — rf ;:;^ a mat. ''B^Fd irpude, s. Both sides, ^^f6 irpude, s. A double load. ^^F irpe, ^. A kind of fish. j'Si'^F-ioF irportu, ^. A whole day (forenoon and afternoon), twice a day. — rf £5ee3 a whole day's labour; cf. Zj^if^of. J'BZjf^ irbadi, adj. Double, two- fold. 'D.ZjFzj'^ irbalappu, s. A double growtli. 2. a twist. 3. tight- ness, 'a^OF0^;^ irbalipuni (f^^reD). 7', r/. To tie a cloth round the waist, to gird (the loins). 2. to fasten a thatclic2:)0F. J'^zoJFOoJoo^ irbuliyuni (<^2oor^j, 7.'.n. To curdle, be decom- posed, as milk eie. '^^oForl irmande, s. Two vessels placed on the same hearth. 2. a large forehead 3. a very large vessel. '^sJoFi^^^ irmadike, adj. Double, two fold ; see ^^^^^'^^ <^2ora. 'Si^o^fSirmane, s. Horripilation. 2. rising up, as of corn shoots, j ^adJFo^F irmarli^, s. Fickle- I mindedness, unsteadiness, 2. idiocy. ! 'B^.f6f irmarle, s. A fickle- minded man. 2. an idiot. 'adJSF^F irmirpu, fathoms. - - ^ irmiui^, Two A kind of I fish. I 'a^ooFfl,'3SjOOF^irmuiie,irmune, ' ,s\ A double edge cr point. -i ^cij^4 a double pointed style used for writing on palmyra l(\M\-es. 'j-:t-.~^ irmena, ser ns^r^f. Ojj, ':.^^r inneyi, irmei, a. Doth sides. ', (lilVercnt <"'l()u on <';icli ^i i ishtanpitve, s. Simple imprisonment. ^3Tc),c^r ishtartha, s. The object of desire. 2. the highest good. •a^, ishte, s. A friend, compa- nion. ~^M, friend and foe. 5§p5a7^5 relatives and friends. ^''a-/, 'SA) is^, isi, m/y. express- ing disgust. -l^Tfo^ isvl\;i, ^. Whistling, -s:;) Tk)^ to whistle. .^7^ isa, ^^^ ^M- 'a?otOT^oo* isabakuli^, s. The seed of Plantago Ispaghula. 'aT^dojoAO, -a^j^jooh isamungi- 11, isamungli, s. Crinum de- Jiexum. 'a?;>dZo^D^' isaraber^, s. The root of the plant Aristolochia Indica. 'a,;c6 isare, sec ^i>^. 'a.X^, 'a-i isavi, isvi, ^. The Christian era. ^=j^d, 'a.ojejds^isara, isarat^, s. A sign, hint. 'a?^, ^;5^^ ise, isenv, «^^'- Now; at once; cf. '^^^^ 'a,?^ , 'a^vi^x^o iskru, iskuru, ^. A screw, 'a 5e02»)o ^* istambuli^, ^. A Turkish gold coin worth about Rs. 2 As. 8. 'a^l^^d istara, ^^^ ^i^s^^j. ^?o^^D*, '^2^3030^ istyari^, isti- har^, ^. A notice. — ?ro^ a notification ; an advertise- ment. "tKk istri, s. A smoothing iron. —■^^\^^ — sDc^j^ to iron wash- ed clothes. '^'r^^\:f, '^^^^' isp%,ispet^,^. Playing cards. ^Tf A^ isl^gidi, s. A kind of CO bird. 'a^o iss6, ^^^ ^i" 'a^d iha, i". The present state. —■ts6 this world and that to come. V'a^es-SD^ ilijar^j -i^^- A slope, slop- ing ground. 2. slipperiness. J'a^oioo^, iliyuni (^^), -r/.w. To slip out or down, to slide; also f^^SigpeSb^. ^ 1 63 ^o;jj iya ^ The fourth letter of the alphabet. In MSS. it is often written osus. ifpron. 2nd per s, sing. Thou ; emph. =^o3j? even thou. i, de?n. pron. This or these; as ^ e?F9 this boy, =^ ^"^ these people. •^on*cs-25^c^ ino^udavuni, c.v. (of ^oAc^o^) To cause to stoop. ■dson^do^, -d^orlodj^) ingijiduiii, inguduni, see '^oisCiTi^^. 4^oihZi^ incili^, see =^el^. 4^qz^ ind^, J. The sago-palm, Caryota urens. •^oEo^ imbala, ^. A kind of leech. J-^oz3 imbe, adv. This side, here; of. ^f D^^. ■d^^cl ikkane, s. An arrow. J'-^^^o^ icili^, ^. The wild date. — ^Tj the wild date-tree, Phoenix syheslris. J -^2:^0^, -^2^0^ icuni, ljuni (^sS", ^2^), ^. ^. To swim. •^^3^ ity, 5. Manure, fertilizer (of land). 2. fat, sap. — stotId^ to manure. Nr(^l3 iti, 5". A lance, spear. J^T^ idi^L, ^. A pledge, pawn. 2 . an equivalent. — croo^^ to stand security, —^ja^f^^i to deposit a pledge, to pawn. — e?b^ to be equal, to match, pair; s:j^ ^Xo ^zssL^o) to be liable to sin. ^T^f\, ^i%f\ id^ge, idege, «^7\ In vain; cf. ^^^. ■^^ idi, see f^a. ^d, -d^cln* Ida, ideg^, see ^^, ■^cl ine, J". A lute, a fretted musical instrument of the guitar kind; also ^^^, 2)es?. "1^^ iti^, ^W(^. ^2/;;2. So much, so many; emph. ^i? just so much, only so much. ^^B pi. so many (people), ^^ i^o-R, ^3D^o^ SO far, as far as this, up to this. =^§ ^^r, ^is^jjUj so far, so long. =^ ^?3s is this all ? ^sdS being so; nevertheless. <^3^§ (^ ^-eyg) so and so much or so and so many; with neg. it denotes unlimitedness: not a little, inexpressible. ■^c5?2or^, -^c^sjojyidanenge, ida- mutta, see ^§^0^, '^sijjSot: under =^^. V-d?^^ ipini (^^), ^'. «. To shoot (an arrow). ^^ti ipe, ^^^^. This side, -rf s^?^ people on this side or part. — Q^^ this side. ■^20J33 ibuti, see ^^si>^. -^ojosj iyavu, ^(^^ f^oJo^. 6* •d50i3e) iya 64 ewoc^o undu iyyandii, see fgodocS under ^, ■^o:33e)Sj^ iyavuni, see osjodoT^o^. ^o3j6 lyere, sec ^oSot?. J-^D* iru, /^t)oo7\(sj a plain ring. enjor(o£j, ?A)or(j5^ ung:uta, ungu- shta, s. The great toe. -eSx?^ the thumb. VOorloOj VLUgVLTVL, see <^oz:)o-o:> and erooZ^ unci, see eAOoel vuoGt)^2o^, undddibatte, s. A lazy fellow given to gluttony. U "j^oz^h^, m)oJ3Ddo3^^^ undapi- ni, undaduppuni, see ^ork>. eroo^, eA}o^2^^b^ undi, undicit^, J. A bill of exchange; deL ?roow^ri undige, s. A sheaf of straw. ^o^o3o undiye, see cadoiS, cA)ci5g. J^j\)oZ^j undu, ^.7'. There is, or exists. 2. ^« answer to crooks;), croozSja? is there? and other questions: there is, yes. 3 . with the dative case it expresses possession, '^o^ CA^or^ I have. CfOozjcSb^ to come into exis- tence, to spring up, arise; CA)ozjDO50?i4 that which has- eADodo undu 65 occurred, what is really a fact, what exists, croozs^rfos^ o) to exist. —•^'^^?^ to create, produce; to invent. — -d^^cro o3o the Creator. ioi:^o°^ori unduluga, s. A kind of fried cake. jAiod unde, s. A ball, globe. 2. a ball-shaped confection. od, vood^ unde, undye s. A sheaf of straw ; cf. CA)f|^^. )ozid ri undluga, see av>ozl)/tADoCJo undu, pers. pro7i. neut. This, it. croorf^od besides this, moreover. ^//croorS^^j^j these. ^0?^^ unnata, adj. High, lofty, tall, supreme. -/m)o2oo7^, ?njo20J2;§ , pA^ozSumbu^e, umbucce, umbe, s. The white flowered thorn-apple. Datura alba; also eSjs^o — ; ^^\— or ^5— D.fastuosa; see ooo-^^. '^J"0o2oo"^ umbuca, ^. A kind of bush. ^o2ood umbuda, :?. A kind of colibry. -SA)oEOJzl umbude, adj. Globular and small, s. Chewed betel. ^ozood;:;^ umbudepakki, s. A kind of bird; cf. ca)o80ot^. ervjozoodo umburu, s. A kind of small leech; also =^oai^. ^'^J0^3 umbe, ^^^ £A)o^Do;^. v^eA)oe3jS^ umboli, ^. A freehold, land granted without rent. 2. any present, donation; gra- tuitous service. STOods), ^Ajo^js^i^ umma, ummap- pa, int. (when startled)^ mean- ing Who knows? 2. 1 do not know. VVuoOo ummi, see oo^. vuo^oofi ummu^e, see ^oz:)o-R. -^Voosjoo^ ummuta, s. The purple thorn-apple, Daturafastuosa which is said to cause mania. see a\)o2^c>7(. eADosdojdo ummuru, see ctoosootjo. ^OodoF'D urndula, see croo-rfos^^oX. J^odF urnde, s. A lump. 2. a morsel. eniodrzoJSdo urndeburu, ^. The smooth-leaved heart-pea, the creeper Cardiospennum ha licabahum. y^o^ro*^ urndel^, adj. Round, circular. — 3jDodo?j small rice pastry balls baked or boiled with sugar and milk or cocoanut juice. eA)oc^o 7J\ urndluga, see ^oxk^^^-K. CO • . v^ y^AD^so^, ?AD^^o* ukal^, ukkal^, s. Vomiting. 2. an emetic. — SijejDZOo cholera. eAj=a>^, 5AJ^o,d ukkada, ukkuda, 4 s. A small boat. ^2. a look- out place between the bounds of two towns. ^=5^, ukka ■O" 66 ^s\)Z^ uja >/sro=5e),5Sc^ ukkavuni, see cross r^^. ^ 5A)^ ukki, s. Steam ; c/ ^^^, ^sS. ^vu^o,^ ukkuni (^^^j), i^>n. To boil, bubble up. 2. to run over in boiling. 3. to swell up, spring up; c/.^ ^"^c^r^. JeAjrio* ugar^, adj. Brackish; also Zj7(B. ^f^HD^ ug^adi, see odooT^a. /en^A^Q^ ugipuni (w^), t'.;2. To spit out. ^riodi^ 7^ ug-uraddige, s. A neck- lace with chasings or engra- vings like finger nails. /*Airiodj uguru, s. A nail, claw. ~?jj^^ a whitlow. — ^^ tepid, lukewarm. erorljjjo^jjsdo uguruburu, s. The creeper Daemia cxtensa. enirt ugga, ^. Over-boiled rice; cf. 3^Xf. -%\)h uggi,^. A handle. 2.ahook. — ?rUj^^ to fasten a hook ; also A A . Jyerorio^ ugguni (^^), ^.n^To stammer. "^2. to spurt. ?5£^ 5— blood to flow by spurts. n/ ^smA o* uggel^, ^. A well. erori ugra, «^'. Angry, vehement, passionate. 2. cruel, s. Wrath, rage. cfOT^h^ to be angry. wrg^ra, ^rra^r?7^ ugrana, ugra- nige, ^. A storeroom. — crooSo; see c/U7\2)r3. cSXco— a granary. »A)rra,?? ugrani, s. A storekeeper, steward. 2. a village peon under a Potail. ^^ ugre, ^. A passionate man. ^e^^sJvB ucapati, s. Dealings on credit. ^L5D0jj;^j^ucayisuni(eA}e^a3j!o), v. n. To exceed the bounds of propriety either in word or deed. ^mht> ucita, adj. Proper, sui- table, fit. s. A gift. a\)8J3;)5 freely, gratis. eAJS^^s'zi uccakacca, s. Quarrel, fiorht. 2. ^^d? 00)81 ^y,. eA)e^ ^y, uccakitta, see ^4 ^"i- ^s:^ ojo uccaya, ^^^ av);^^^. ^z:^ Q^:^ uccaripuni (eA);-i 5), ^;.^. To utter, pronounce. ^roz^^^ uccalu, see crotys ^. erui5-5)ei?S uccdtane, «y. Exorcising evil spirits. eA)25i?) ojj, uccaya, ^^'^ caj^^so. ^oe^^d, ^'^u^5e)dfl, uccara, ucca- rane, ^. Pronunciation. SA)e5e) ^^ uccal^, J. A hammer. ?A)&5c) ^ uccava, ^^^ a\)^so. SA^e^ ucci, ^. A snake. 2. a worm. —TjQ&dn a kind of fish. eru2>^=5'H uccikatta, s. A loose knot. 2. spots on the skin of serpents. eru2;^j uccu, s. A snake, serpent; c/. cf\f)iio. >m)i;i uja,^\ A fountain, spring. —7j^ ^orf a marshy field ; see OX) 22. ^'XiZdd ujade, s. A deserted per- son. I ^2^ uja 67 ^rJ uni en)Z;icl ujade, s. Light, splendour. -_e?-!j^ to become light. ^JX)'i^^ ujadu, ^. Ruin, -z^h^ to be ruined. ^23^, ^e:323"e) ujila, ujila, adj. White. — eip© white colour. ^^ uje, ^^^ ^^' y~^^2si^ to ooze, percolate, trickle. 2. to become swampy. ?AJ2^ ^0 ujjatu, ^. Force, violence. — ^o^Ov^^ to force. y/^2^D^^ uJJ%j -y- A swing. 2. A hammock. -^^tij^ Uj7uiii (^^), ^. ^. To rub; c/. w:ioF^. v/^A}2§ D^, ^2£ ^D^ Ujjeru, ujjeriji, .y. A pestle. eroe3^o5j?;jj^, °o^)to4;i utayisu- ni, utavuni (w&sosj^, CA)&ra), T. a. To raise, lift up; cf. ^vi^^dcl utarane, s. Forgery, fabrication. ^^^ uttu, see ^oyo^. [^.i^thing. ^eJj?Aejc2 uttutane, s. Food and ^eSjss? uttoli, see ^ossja^. ^Uac^od udadhara, ^. A gold or silver girdle; ^to ?3do^^-^. ^iiaOfi, ^C3^a/i udarig-e, udari^e, . .y. A kind of cake. J^s^Ti^^ , ^'\}cs'9^^ udal^, udaly, s. The belly, stomach. -3id hectic fever. t"\-;3c)05j?^o^, ^(3^?;;j^udayisuiii, udasuni (trozs^oso^, emasoJ), 7/. «. To deny, contradict. 2. to reject. SA)^ udi, ^^^ ^^. pAj^T^d udiffere, s. A gift, sog^e * &j 030 SjosS— e?E3<2;s 2jo^— (J)rov.) a betelnut may be a present as much as an elephant. y^T^zi:^ udu, s. An iguana. erudo udu, s. A star. 2. water. ^eA}dj=5^o uduku, ^. A kind of small drum. eA^s^ori uduge, see ^oTio-R. ^d^A6 udugere, see wa/^T?. ?A)do9e)d ududhara, see erozitpsTj. ^do3J.I udupati, ^. The moon. ven^digO^ udetteli^,^. Bruise. <^^*. Bruised. v%v>cl^^, ?A)cl4^ udepuni, ude- vuni (^^), V. a. and /2. To break, split, as pottery etc, N^A)^ uddi, s. Any pile of three, with one on the top, as marbles, seeds etc. —t^^h^ to set thus in piles of four each. ?A)r^o zi ?S udduddane, adv. In rapid succession, one after another, over and over again. — ^fj^^ to speak hastily. — 20 hr^ to come or follow in close succession. tf\.zi^T5 udsure, s. A honorary gift; C/. CADSy^d ^^£^ti unape,^^*. Little recover- ing. y\jr30^ unar^, see ©r®^. v'^rs)?^* unasyi, .y. A meal, dinner, boiled rice and curry; also v/^r^oJ, ^P9c3. [young. ^AirJd unile, adj. Small, short. ^!\i^:i unu 68 enirf uda Aroraj^^, ^'*vjr?^^ unupini, unpini (cmf^), V. a. To take one's meal, to dine, eat rice, (in oppo- sition to a slight repast of fruits, cakes e^c). 4 trorl,^^ unkel^, s. The time of evening. 2. the night-meal, s/^eroc^o unpu, s. Boiled rice, solid food; alsc ^o^. W3^D^ utarij, s. An antidote. eA}^^ uttana, see £A)g^fj. ^j^ sjo uttama, adj. Best, chief, superior. 2. excellent, virtu- ous. CA)^ -^o an excellent man. eA)^^jse^^o the very best; God. —^•doTi, the first person, gram. tA)^ d uttara, ^. The north. 2. an answer. 3. (in law) a de- fence, adj. (Left), northern; subsequent, later. — -S^oSo funeral ceremonies. — ss^a a surety, bondsman. 7-ero^Ofl uttarane, ^. The shrub Achyranthes aspera. tro^D^p^^D uttaradhikari, s. A successor, heir. y\)^Dsodjra uttarayana, s. The sun's course to the north of the equator. ^AD^DDoS'Sc:^ uttarEshada, s. The twenty-first lunar mansion. tA)^Ori uttarige, s. An upper ^^' outer garment. 2. a towel. tro^ 6 uttare,^. The twelfth lunar mansion, the tail of Leo. -eru^^c^, *jo 3^^ cI'S', uttana, utta- vali, s. Haste, rashness, precipitancy. ero3^d uttara, see eroqro?^. eAi3^?d uttasa, s. Zeal, perse- verance. 2. a rash, ^^ stre- nuous exertion. >/en)^o„4 uttutti, ^. The dried date fruit; also ^to^tj^coo. ero^_jjj^o uttuma, ^^^ en^^irfj. eros^F^ utthana, s. Rising. 2. re- surrection. ?A)|^3g utpatti, s. Birth, origin- 2. produce, profit. ero|^^ utpanna, s. Birth. ^^'. Produced, born. eA)^ ^ utsava, ^. A festival, pub- lie rejoicing. "d^j^e^d the procession of an idol on a car. — ^jjs^F a moveable idol generally taken abroad du- ring a procession. ^^ 3o, ^3«),36 utsaha, utsaha, ^. Festivity, joy, rejoicing 2. j energy, strenuous exertion; s it is often interchanged with mj^^jjri) utrani, see cA^_^^f?. ^q3»)D* uthary, s. A free gift, a freehold. J sajCj^s' udaka, ^. Water. V^do^j udaya, j. The rising of the sun, moon, or other heavenly bodies, crorfodo^e;. the dawn. eA)dc^ udara, ^. The belly. 2. the core of any thing. —^^^^^ feeding the belly. -^jae3 colic. J SAidoj^ udaruni, see crodox^j^. sAiCidjr udarme, see ca)^tj. I voCj uda 69 vusSx;^^ udyo -^ m)do^ udali^, s. The white ant. ^do*^o2^ udali^punca, s. A white-ant-hill. 2. (med.) a cancer ; pins 6'r pinlike holes on the sole of the foot -•/pAiC^d udale, s. Saliva, spittle. ?Aj23"J)^ udatta, adj. Liberal. 2. lofty. 3. high, as a note in music, s. The acute accent, gravi, min^o^ udari^, j. The credit sy- stem, lending. ero^-sd udara, adj. Liberal, generous. -^^, — ^^ liberality. ^C3^dcl, ^C3"3clr udarane, uda- rne, ^^/?A)a33^5Sc^ udipavuni, ^. v. {of ca)qL^^) To beget. v/ema^^, udipini, ^^^ eroaodoo^. ^roa^j udime, s. Merchandise, trade. eAjaoJoeS^^^ udiyabenpini, v.n. To become rich. ^/en^aoJoo^ udiyuni (we^), 7;. «. To rise, as the sun. 2. to be generated. v/^cjo^ udupu, s. The act of coming into existence. eA)doD20v.'^do uduriburu, s. The creepers Asparagus sarmen- tosus^ and Asparagus race- mosus. Ven^dodj^ uduruni, v. n. To fall, drop off. 2. to hang down. >/?A)d ude, ^. A sheath. r ^^^^ enicSD'5)r1 uderaga, J. A morning •s/^d^sjc^ udsvuni (^^S?), v. a. To throw out. ^'. n. The hands to shake, as in sickness. ^cSjs udo, intj. A formula used in presenting offerings to a goddess. Vsrucj udda, J. Length. 2. distance. adj. Long. — jsixs^dosoctooSo a prattler, braggart, bully. ^d^s^oc^ o uddakuddya, adj. {lit. long and short) Middle sized. 2. separate. 3. distinct, adv. Distinctly. srudO uddari, see ca)to5. ?A)C3i5d uddara, see wiro-d, en^dj s5o uddume, .r^^^ ca)q^o. eAJCS?^ d uddhara, ^. Deliverance. 9 2. protection. 3. prosperity. ^^t^ to obtain deliverance; to become rich. — ^o<^o^^ to protect, support, —^j^hv^ to deliver the spirit of a de- ceased person from the power of a demon by propitiating it. SAD^o^oZ^r^ udyarcane, s. The biennial ceremony of washing an idol. ^t^^s^^^t\ udyoga, s. Exertion, J industry. J2. business, occu- voSj udri 70 enisj upa pation, employment. — ^ a public servant. y\)^ udri, s. A braid of false hairs. ^b\Qt.. udri, s. A match, pair. -ttdtS an equal. srog^r^j^ozl udrigonde, s. A hair- ornament. [SOjSTiO. ?roe>,2JJ?)C^o udriburu, ^^^ cn^dib •■s\.c!i:),T^ udruni, see crorfo-do^. ^"^A^r^ udreka, s. Excess, super- abundance, adj. Excessive. =??j«)e^e^?^ outburst of wrath. ^^j»e^o^ excessive lust. eAjq3"3dDl udharane, ^^^ croa^^x^??. en^r^sS unape, ^^^ cror®^. eru^^ unile see cn^rfd eA)?d,^ unnata, see ^o^^. ^A)3i upa, A Saiiskrit prefix im- plying direction. 2. vicinity. 3. inferiority. ^s^tj^"^ upakathe, s. An episode. ^A)3i=g'dr3 upakarana, s. An ap- pendage. 2. means, materials. 3. an instrument, tool. 4. vessels used in worshipping an idol. SA)3J5-9C^, vo?j=SrN3 upakara, upa- kri^ti, s. A service, favour, kindness, benefit. cadzJ^s a benefactor. y^i^j'e^,do upakrama, s. Taking in hand, setting about. «A)sin2,dj upagrama, s. Suburb. ero3J2;^Cjfl, ws^tScXJ upacarane, upacara,^. Politeness, courtesy. ^j\jt/i:.tj upajadra, sec crurJrfj. ^sJd^sJ upadesa, j. Instruction, teaching. 2. initiation into the mysteries of religion. "Jusjd^^ upadesi, s. A teacher. 2. a catechist, C^>^;'. en:;c;dj, ?nj53e)^, en^ss^a upadra, upatra, upadi, ^. Calamity, ad- versity, trouble, affliction; of. m)3JF^ol)^ upanayana, s. The ceremony of investing a Brah- man boy with the sacred thread. ^3isJd upapada, s. The modern grammatical term for article, also any subordinate word , in a sentence. "s^-C^Sh^x^'^ upabodhake, s. An assistant teacher. 2. a deacon. Chr. [division. en^sjsp^ri upabhaga, s. A sub- ^5Js5o upame, s. Resemblance. 2. comparison. 3. simile, parable. ^j\)3Jo3j?^r\ upayoga, s. Appli- cation, use. 2. advantage, utility. pA}3JDe)r( uparaga, s. An eclipse. eA)3JD'e)^ uparali, see ctod^o. SAisJD upari, adv. Above, over, after; also ca)20&. cADSisSjr uparme, see ca)^57^. yv)3JS3-);^ upavasa, see cajsa)?^- eA)3J2J^o^ upasamana, J. Put- ting to rest. 2. alleviation. 3. calmness, rest. —^^^ to be alleviated, assuaged. — ^o ^o^^) to appease, pacify. t'^^r. upa 71 eruz3 ube ^A^rl^ri?- upasarg-a, -y. A gram- matical term for preposition, e.^. ©si, ifoij etc. «A)3J;o upastha, s. Tiie parts of generation of either sex. y\)3J3oa upahati, s. Mischief, trouble. 2. calamity; cf.^:> 'ii^^ijof\ uplnga, s. An appendix to 55)OA. 2. a subordinate scientific treatise, of which there are twelve according to the Hindu sastras. 5A}>je)^SjOF upakarma, s. The annual festival of purifica- tion among the Brahmans between July and August when their sacred threads are renewed. ?A)Sjc)a upadi, see cA)2jrfj. SAjSj^oJoupaya, s. An expedient, device, scheme. 2. means. 3. stratagem. [s:;);^. ^wS3"S^ upasa, s. Fasting; also en)s5^=^ upekshe, s. Disregard. 2. want of appetite. 3. reluc- tance. ^^C3^ uppad^, see oosj^S. ^T^tij^ uppadi^ imper. of ero^?). Jero^Ori upparige, s. The upper story of a house. ^^3J.^ uppala, s. Macaranga Indica. >^'?Aj^Ci7^ uppalige, .y. A kind of tree, see ^s^t\^. ^^T^Zy^X^ uppadi^, s. Pickles. -/ ^TJST^ 0^ uppariji, ^^^Brackishness. adj:{B.\g\i. 2. turbid. <2;^/r'.yAbove. — ^e^salt water. —^^ brackish, or barren soil. — ^j^to^^^ fish to ascend a river with the tide. — ■sio-'sO the stench of (stagnant) sea-water. ^i^^A ubalige, s. A kind of tree- J^roi^ ube, s. Steam. — ^ sroi^o^ to bleach clothes. 2. to drive out any vermin by smoke. 3. to ripen fruits by artificial heat ; also ^^^ QTOiS, ero;^- ube, ubbe, see ^s|^. J5A)E3dj^ uberuni (^^B)^ v.n. To become thick. en;) 2J, ubba 72 eroQ uri ^2A^d, SAi23-^o* ubbara, ubbaryi, see cro2oS. /tAiUd ubbara, adj. High. 2. swollen. 3. turbid, adv. Aloft, J ^f)^ziK ubbasa, see ^s^^?^. y "JV)2^ ubbi, 5-. Saliva, spittle. — ^ie^ viscid spittle. ~oc5oo^4 a spittoon ; [^e^si^. s/ enjt^r^ ubbina,^". A spittoon; ^/.y^ y€A)to^aJoj^ ubbiyuni (^23^), v.n. To spit. Venjzjo^^, ^ei^doc^ ubbuni, ubbe- runi (^ai^, '^^^^)j ^'- ^^- To swell. 2. to be elated with joy or puffed up with pride. yerud;^ ubbesa, s. Difficulty of breathing, gasping. 2. asthma. — 20^r^ togasp, be breathless; to suffer from asthma; also eniZosTsId ublapatera, s. Stam- mering, lisping. ^23 uble, s. A stammerer. en eroE^cx^j ubhaya, adj. Both, two. —^5. ~^5 both parties. -^ on both sides or places, ^erodo^ umani, see ess^orS. >/ tfoOj umi, i". The husk or chaff of paddy. ^eru^o* umili^, .y. A mosquito, gnat, -a ^'oowo a musquito- curtain. er\)^ ume, j. The wife of Siva; also sj^^rS. vusSjen*, vo^Soea umed^, umedi, .y. Liking, inclination. 2. ex- pectation, prospect. 2A);3j^cra6 umedvare,^. A volun- teer, candidate. 2. a copyist. eA)sJo, umma, see croc-sl:. ^oSj=a* uyik^, s. Crying like a monkey. ^^^^^ ^o^o^o^ uyiluni, see ^pj)dio^, iSoi ^O^j^oSj uyivuyi, interj. sig- nifying alarm. >/erooi:"3p o^ uyyal|;i see ^'^€. /sAid ura, s. Ploughing, tillage. -201^0 a ploughman's stick. ^■^^0^^ to plough and level a field a second time; to make a field to hold or re- tain water. vSAjdo^ ural^, s. A ploughman's ^z* herdman's song. — sj^ti^o^ to sing whilst ploughing; also zs^€. emO uri, s. A kind of very small crab. Y^O uri, .y. Blaze, flame. 2. heat. 3. acute pain. 4. wrath. — 7\c|^ burning itch. ~3:^e3 burn- ing heat. — ■s^j?)& a furious person, —^js^ urine morbidly heated. — 20.^uo^to speak an- grily ; to take revenge. ^Ori^ urig^ejje, s. Small bells strung on a rope and tied round the neck of a he-buffalo, y ea)0^^ uripuni (^&), v. a. To sound, play upon. 3^3^^©- to sound a trumpet. VtAiOoJo.^ uriyuni (caj^), ^'.w. To burn, blaze. 2. to feel a burning sensation, as from ^fKi^io uru 73 SAiCcF lima fever or itch; to feel acute pain. 3. to feel anguish. 4. to be wrath. 20c32_ (/?/. the belly to burn), to be hungry; to feel anguish, to be envi- ous. ^^^~ {lit, the body to burn) ; to be feverish ; to be provoked, be angry. £A)aS well-heated, pure, as silver. ^do uru, s. Tediousness. adj. Idle, --^h^ to be idle, to feel reluctant. ~-^:i^\^^ to pro- crastinate, put off. urundulu, adj. Round. en)doolio2^o2l uruntucande, s. A kind of drum. \/^djorlE0J5djurundeburu, s. The smooth-leaved heart-pea, Car- diospermum Halicabahum. enidooEoo^ urumbuni (CA)doo^), v.a. To bore; also -^c^-^^^t^. ^dodj^ uruduni, see a^:^F^. V^djzoo urubu, see CA)8!)r. ^/v^Ddo4'^^^ uruvolu, see croSj^, cro y^6 ure, ^. A deer. v/^6oJ?i urepuni (^^), z'.a. To try metals by a touch-stone. ^6^"^ urevuni(e^0T5), z'. n. To be penetrated 07' incrusted, as with salt; also zsQ^t^, y/''S^67i^'^ uresunl (cajtS^), 7'. a. To rub. 2. to polish. S. see ^-84^. Tj6si uro, mfj. Alas. — 33^3^^? alas, what a pity! — rfrfj.a^o have pity on me. -i^s^6J^, v\::>6S)^^ uro, urolu, s. A bar across a passage. >/5rj^"3r do ^ urkaruni ( wsdf^) , z'. if2. To bubble up, as boiling water. \/^r\:)=5^F^^ urkavuni, c. 7\ {of en) ^«^F^))^/^o cause to run over. 2. to put out. •ru-S-r urki, s. The shrub Sida hidica. /^^ro^ urkil^, .y.^The prickly- y heat. ^2. a kind of shrub. 3. a rough basket. ./^^or urku, ^. An amulet. --^rS a necklace composed of small glass beads with a big gold bead in the middle. vVU^s'oFcl urkune, s. The act of bubbling up. v4Ai=s^or?i urkuni (^^f), v. n. To rise; ^.^cro^o^^. >/^rior^ urguni, v. n. To curdle. 2. to ferment. T^?AiC^jr^urduni, v.n. To wrestle, combat, struggle. yx>raF urna, A round shaped cake. 7 eroc^F urni erocSr urni, ^. A bulb, protuber- ance. — 3^yj^^ to clot, curdle. vu3r urti, see £A)5^ in ooDodJo^. ^^s^^F urdi, s. Increase, prosper- ity. s/^C^^urdu, ^. The kidney-bean, Phaseoliis mungo. J^ti^F^ urduni (CA)5r), v. a. To rub, file. 2. to polish. ^eroo^)^^^ urpuni (2A)!3r), 7'. a. To blow a wind-instrument; cf. n/ ^sSro^ urpeli^, s. Slight boil- ing. — 29& rice obtained from boiled paddy and differing from the unboiled (= ^ji>^o4y J^r^i^F, 5A)2JOF urbi, urbu, s. In- crease, as of any disease or trouble. -ii&ocJoo^ (///. to per- ceive trouble), to discern, d? e3si— pressure of work. \/w2jjr©o^jo^ urbuliyuni, see <^ ^cdojF^ uryuni, see £A)5odoo^. ^oSjFurye,^. A red kind of fowl. ^0F urli, s. A brass vessel for preparing curries in. Jw\3SJ0F urlu, s. A noose, snare. _Xo S?rOj^ to be entrapped in a snare. — oe^?) to lay a snare. — sroili^ito put a noose round the neck; to hang. — ss :5j*r©j^ to hang oneself. ^^r urle, s. A kind of cake. J eru^Ff^ urvane, s. An instrument for destroying nits. •»/o^F urve, fidj. Unripe. 74 eros-^ usva 5A)^ ula, J^^ c't)wa3j. STO© uli, ^. Nought, nothing. — s;)cl)^ to annul; j-^:^ also eniSi^o^^ ulikuttu, s. A small wound. 5A}©o;Jjo^ uliyuni (^'^),7.\a.-^To sf instigate, induce, v. nyTo tremble. sruci;j=5^o uluku, see ^^0^. 5Aj^0£Jj ulutu, see ooi^ooO. 2. fraud, cheating. >/^053 ule, s/A furnace. J2. a deer; . c/. CAil5. eA)s3sJ^ ulevuni (^s^), ^'. ?^. To shine. (^osSjs^ ulo, ^^^ ero^jB?. ^'V)0^ Ulk^, ^^^ CA)S;^Oj. ^o^S5D^ ulkapata, s. The fall- ing of meteors, which is con- sidered a bad sign. 2. an omen. v'y^:^J, ulku, i-^^: cfo^^^. erue;., en^©, ulta, ulti, adj. Con- tradictory, opposite, counter. 2. upset ; -•sios;^ero© uUi, see cro^ . ^Sc)?o usv4sa,J^. Breathing out, a sigh; t/. ^^7i. eA}ssrs usha 75 ^K>^S).^ Ullo ^SSt)D^ ushari^, adj. Alert, sharp; «nj3^ ushna, «^*. Hot, warm. s. Heat, warmth. "SOT^, eru^^ us\^, ussane, s. A deep sigh. tro?^D^ usar^, see ^s^^S. v*ru?uOdo, ?Ai?ooe;j usuru, usulu, ^. Breath. 2. life, -^wo^?) to hokl the breath. ~-^^t^ to die; gases to escape, as from a corked bottle. — 20ocl:lb^ to breathe, respire. ?A)?do^ usulti, ^. Collusion, con- nivance. efu?:;'^;^ usvasa, ^^^ eroa^j^^j. V eno^ ula, Inside, inner part ; c/. Cfoo. _^^ the palm of the hand. -=^^ ^^Ov^^ to take in, to have a secret. — Xoyo^ a latent secret, hidden mystery. — ero^ a bend ; the curve of an arch. --•^7\f6 inside. ~-^^o ti6 the inner square of a house. —;^a a by-path. —^-doK the lower part of a female's garment. >iw^05j, pA)^«)OSoulayi, ulayi,^^^'. In, into. Some declensions are formed of this adverb j as, -cs e£):3 a back or inner room. efO<^a3o5 from within. cro/enj^ uiki, ^. Remnant, rest, y^^o, ulku, s. A sprain, or cramp. VsAi^o, ^ ulkuni (cro^o^), v.n. To be sprained, /sAJ3t^o^ujuni(eA;5^), 7'. n. To ooze; also ^s\^'&^ if^^h^. /erusej uta, s. Food, meal. ,y?AJ5ij uti, s. A spring, fountain. ?AJ3eJ03iz5i)d utupacara, >s". Hospi- tality and civility. ?nj?)^3 ute, see ^j&^, v/ «ru3C3^^^ udavuni, c. v. (^/CAorij ^) To fix. 2. to put in order. t> ^^~ to fix the boards of a chest. enp.^^s:* udili^, s. A kind of broom grass. Vw\j3;:^o^ uduni (capS), v.aJHo J plough; c/J^:i>Ti^?i, J 2. to fix. erusrs una, see en/)?^. enj3^ uta, 5^. A weight, burden. u 2. a staff. — tfjseSJo a weighing rod. y\jsd, 5nj?)C3^ uda, uda, «^'. Sky- blue. v/SAJSrfj udu, J". A prop. — t^js^ra to prop. — =#>;?)?e;o a pole used as a prop. 5AJ3Coo5^^jO udukameli, ^. A malignant kind of jaundice from which particularly child- ren suffer. ^/^-acJo^ uduni (eA;)S), v. a. To blow, as a pipe. 2. to swell. CADdd a piper. erusc^jzo^ tidubatti, ^. An aro- matic pastille. ea©?^ iina, ^. Defect, maim. — cro o3o, CAP^ a cripple. ?A;5d ura, «^*. Local. — e^^a a public ofiice. — ^^ci^ local cus- tom. — ?^^ gossip. y\J3dri urane, ^^^ C'\)T:^f?. eAJ5Di)53c^ uravuni, e.v. {of enprb ^)) To plant, fix firmly. eru3 Dodo's o3o uriyaye, s. A stran- ger; also ^S\S)^o:£.^. Vsrosdj uru, i\ A town. 2. a vil- lage. 3. one's native place. — oDoSo a countryman. — "dooD townsfolk. — o3^f5 country sesamum. eA;)TJjs-v^oXo from vil- lage to village; of, eAr)d. 5ru3doo2j^ urumbali, i". A village grant. erusdo uru 77 2)do r^ eru9do^JS^s;o urukolu, s. A walk- ing stick. v^njsdo^ uruni (eAjo5), z'. a. To set firmly. 2. to plant in the ground as a seed ^r shrub, e^c. 3. to gain power. ^5— to plant one's foot, d?^— to be established firmly, to take root; to grow. v/ «aj?)6j5s;^o urolu, s. A cross bar at the entrance of a garden etc.; cf. £roT5js?. ?pj3CJo urya, ^^^ CA/^cxjor. ^AJ^^oF^ urjita, ^^'. Confirmed, established. ?AJ5^ r urdhva, «^". Aloft, on high. — A^ ethereal course, heavenly bliss. SAJ^oJoF urya, adj. Strange; cf. eaQ?;)o^ usante, s. A large bug. Si^J^;:l) usu, s. A fart. V^'3?^c^ usuni (CAHoj), z\n. To ooze; cf. ^s\S)^^^ to break wind downwards. Tig. v^ru5;^o^ uselu, «^'. Oozing. 2. filthy. 3 . breaking wind down- wards, vlg. eAD;6e3 a man who frequently breaks wind downwards. eAJ33o, SAja^j^ uhe, uhane, s. Supposition, conjecture. f7 SAJ?)°^?i uliga, .y. Service.' 2. work. I — csoSo a servant, labourer. -^'s^o^?) to serve, work. >/ eAJ3^cdoo^ uliyuni (ean^), 7-. n. To ooze; 6/. ov)3do^. 2. the bowels to evacuate frequent- ly; also aTJ)^5^?L>^. 3JJ 3x1) ru, The seventh letter of the alphabet, but seldom used in Tulu. It is commonly pro- RU nounced like "^o or a, which see for words beginning with oC) ye 78 ^^^ yekki^ »:) ye, The eighth letter of the alphabet. In MSS. it is often written o3o. o:)o=5^ yenk^ji, see odjs^. oOo's'ov'^o yenkulu, pers, pro. We. This word which is the plural of cx^ra^ signifies only the per- sons addressing, and should be distinguished from ^^ which always includes both the persons addressing and addressed. J«Oo2^ yenca, adv. How? -e^s, odo e^so-rfe^D however, anyhow, by all means. cOoS^ yenci, see ^ yekkadu, adv. Then . od^tjzI already. ajo» 0^=5^0, ^ yekkuni (o^^^), v. a. To touch. '^. to gin. v. n. To ebb, decline. ^^- to be within reach of the hand. 2§?^1- to be on the point of death. 3jSr— to gin cotton, z^o'^^— to be hungry. 0^)=^ yekke, s. The shrub Aristolochia Indica. J^A yegge, s. A branch, bough. ojA o* yeggel^, s. A small branch. — ^z:^^ a small piece of wood. o02^o^ yecipu, ^(?^ od^s^. o:)2^ yecca, .yi;jdJS^ yejamane, ^(?^ odj&^j?)??. ojZo^ yejipu, ^. Endeavour, at- tempt. — ^js-^F^ to caution, betray. — ^j^o^^ to try through others. yejja 80 ^d ysdde ^u, ^s3 yeJja, ye]]i, s. A liole. 2. a loophole. 3. the eye of a needle. o:)e3 , ^e! yejj i, ye.jje, see 55^ ,3d ^|, yejnya, J o:)^=^o^ yettakutta, ^. Quarrel- ling and fighting. o:)^|,^^ yettavuni, cv. (o/ <^^^ ^) To bend, cause to stoop. "W) J oli, yetti, s. A prawn. o:ie3,2oe%o^ yettiballyar^, ^. A small kind of shark. ^U.-^d^^, ^l3,?;jod yettisutta, yettisudda, s. The sword-fish. ^^^cJ yefctuni (»^^), ^'. «. To stitch, as leaves. 2. to cause ^\ mischief, s/to box the ear. / ' z'.n/To stumble, bow down; •^be hit. o5. i^ to speak to one's face; to contra- dict, oppose. — 20js-do?) to come in sight, be seen; to be over- taken. odS^SSK face to face. — S before, in presence of. ,>ja yedi, see Sj^. ^oj^o^ yedinke, s. A wing. toDoJOcS yediyane, see i2. half-witted, silly. ^z^^^ yebbavu, see ^S3|^4- o:)s3o yeme, see odo^o. cOdoD=^, oi^^jrir yemarike, yemar- ge, s. Storing. — a?L^^ to keep or store. yo:)02)J3Jo^ yeyipanji, s. A porcu- pine; 6^. ^oo^j r;o^. -/(^oJoog^ yeyyuni (.ooso), ^'. ^. To shoot an arrow. ^M'^^ yeraka, adj. Molten, cast, as metal. — rf ^e;?i, ^-^^^o^ '^:^6^, ^Z"^ yerala, yerala, ^^^ ^e Jo:id5S yeravu, .y.^he act of lend- ing or borrowing anything, for temporary use. 2. dif- ference, distinction. — rf ^7( SL borrowed ornament. ~f\ '^jso'rfo zcihF^i to borrow. i »:)d^yerale, s. An antelope, deer. o:)D yeri 83 oid yele /ajO yeri, s. The glare or heat of fire. —^^3"^ a very hot wind, sultry wind. — rfsS?-^), —53^ ?ro^ to glare, be affected with the heat of fire; cf. So5. o^jDOJjo^ yeriyante, s. A kind of fish. ojOo:5too3j yriyaye, see So&odjeioSo. <^005J34c^ yeriyavuni, <;. 7/. (0/ od Qodoj^) To burn, blaze. v/cOOoJoj^ yeriyuni (o^^), t'.^z. To glare. 2. to be hot. /^dj yeru, ^yA buffalo. A.b. moth, worm. — e?L^to be de- cayed with worms. — 20?3r^ to come into manhood. o:)do3«)D, ^dj3^^ yerutari, yeru- tali, ^. A kind of palm tree. oi) 6 23^020 yerebayi, see oo-deoDOso. a^odrd yerndale, s. A green pigeon. v/oi^^r yerkij, j. Rising ^r ac- cumulation, as of water, etc- 2. severity, adj. Exceeding. —^^0^^ to be in dans^er. '>^=ar yerka, ^.'Fulness. 2. proxi- mity. (^^'.-^^Full; near. >/o:)^e)r5S^ yerkavuni, <;. •z.'. (^ o^ 'SoF^) To tuck up, as clothes, when wading a river cU. 2. to hold back, as milk by a cow efc. ^o:)=s^jf^ yerkuni {'^^^), z'.n. To puff up, swell. 2, to rise or collect, as w^ater in a place. J 3.^'to be full of milk, as the breast or udder. eocs5— the belly to be distended. •^o:)^r, ^"^FO^ yerke, yerkel^, s. Rising; c/. F^ yerpene, s. A hairpin- adj. Old. >/ttJ^^^) yerpuni ('^^), I'-d- To lift up. '4:) dor yerme, s. A she-buffalo. — ;^T?ja«9 a kind of bush. — ssd i3j3^o a calf. — 2oe;soS a kind of fish. o:)^^ yelakki, see ^^h^. f^^t^. cOe;^ yelatra, yelastra, s. A handkerchief. ^^Ui) yela, ^/2/y. of surprise. y^O yell, ^. A rat. — sj^sgj^p© rat's bane, arsenic. o^O'i^ yelikebi, s. The herb Evolvulus emerginatus. >id yele, ^. A leaf. ojd yele 84 ^■^ yeka 1 ^doS'ST^yelenage, s. A small but dangerous insect found on betel leaves. ^^Z yc^^, see o^^J^. ^ziJ?^ yelkode, see .cc^j^jsif. J^i^o ^ yelpuni, v. a. To melt, as lead, butter, ek. ^^'DczB yellanji, adv. The day after tomorrow. ojoos^o yellamma, s. A name of Kali. Vo^®, cO-^^ yelli, yellya, adj. Little, small, short. 2. in- ferior, mean. — S, —^^jitxio from infancy. — "^^ ^^o^^ to extol and disparage any- thing alternately. J o:)S$ yelle, adv. Tomorrow. oje) ooel yellyanne, s. A junior elder brother. J o:)^^ ^c3j yellyaye, ^. 'A youth ; i2. a junior, minor. ( 3. a short man. oSoe;^ o4 a small thing. r^^o2a yevanca, see ^-^ozi. ^ziT^ yevane, see d^-^^. JcO^o^^ yesal^, s. The petal of a flower, leaf. —^^ Garcina cam - bogia. ^-R-^d— a tobacco leaf. o:)?oo ^ yessuni, see . n. To reflect, muse. ^^ yetii, s. A kind of gambling in which a piece of coin is tossed up and a wager laid as to which side it will fall. — :^js20j^^to gamble in this way. ^t^-a' yed^, 6-. A goat. ^^^^^ ^:3i)s3J5)^cl yedamode,^. A stupid -/^^ yedi, s. A coward ; of. ^?a. ts^ yede, s. A blockhead. J^rJyenl,^. A ladder; cf. oSo?^. -1^3^ yet^, intg. pro. How much ? how many? aiK^^x) for any amount, on any account. ^M^ how much each ? io^jse how- ever much, how much ! — ?jSr how often? ^;^o yetu, s. Annoyance (from goblins); cf. ^e^. t^i'^^^:^'^ yetonuni, see ^^^. V^iJS^o yetolu, intg. How often ? ^^^ yeniji, see odj?)^. •J^^yeni,<^a^^'. When? — Ke;;), _ ;i?^ K(*;3, a^e^KejD always, for ever. ■i ^3J, ^^ yepa, yepo, fl;^2:^.When ? — /^SjO yeme, s. A turtle. ^^D^ yer^, intg. pro. Who ? — e/s, iDT3Do-rfe;o whoever, whoso- ever, any one. i^TJ^ who is that? »t3 ef)^v^o, io^^i^'s'o at whose house? '^■Qt^^ for whom? for whose sake? iooo £35 (a5 ^odb) who knows? ^D* yeri^, see ^e^- i:)D^33^D^ yeri^per^, s. Difference, distinction. 2. perversion, distortion. 3. reproach. >;^dcl yerane, intg. Who? -^^u«)^^ yeravuni, ^.7.-. (^iOTJo^) To raise, lift up. 2. to in- crease, enhance; promote. 3. to load; embark. 4. to pet and spoil. ^^^— , ^oaK— to flat- ter; to pet and spoil a child, 8 ^^ yeri 86 ^A^ eige servant, eJc. 83e5_ to raise the price; to out-bid. -dyd— to set up a tree. ?>=?? ^- to enhance punishment. ;^c20^_ to promote, increase one's pay. rfs^j^^- to load a cart or vessel with goods. j^^ ^0 yeri, ^.-^A kind of fish. 2^abed for planting vegetables eU. J ijrfo^ yeruni (io5), v. a. To ascend, climb, mount. 7j.n. To rise. 2. to be increased, be aug- mented. 3. to be accumu- lated. ^ir yerte, see 2.to beat, strike. 3. to eat up. ^^^ yel^, see af. J ^^iS-, yelakki, ^. Cardamoms. J i:)^?! yelanna, 5. Weariness. -^ ^^ to become weary. ^^^z^ yelami^, s. An auction, public sale. — sjdzI)^, — -rfo^j. oJ to sell by auction. .I^o^^^ yelavuni, c. v. {of aejo^j To cause to melt. . ^^0^ yeluni {^^), v.n. To melt, as lead, butter elc. J^sjoz^ yevanca, adv. However, at any rate. ^S3€)C^ yevara, see. ^o^5o;)tj. ^sSd^dyevudeppude,^. Doubt, perplexity, adj. Doubtful. ^s^d yevura, see ■^^. ^7i yesa, see 'S>^A' ^kf\ yesige, see 33e^^, ^^^7(. J^V^ yel^, num. Seven. -^»^c3 seventh. ^^ri yelige, s. Increase, growth. 2. prosperity. 3improvement; cf. 5oe^^. ^ ^^ yelpa, see ^^^. ^\ yelya, see -^e^^. -^^^D^ yelveri^, s. Seven persons. SD ^ ei, The tenth letter of the alphabet. Also written esoso. SDod einda, ^^2^. Hereafter. SDogje^Ds;, 53ogpi3^© eindrajala, eindrajali, ^(f^ f^orfj., ^^odj-. 25^* eiky, /r^. (dat. of es4) For ^r to it. emph. — :5 to ^r for it only. SDtTO is it for it? sdo;> 5 owing to it, therefore. EI 'so=3^o^o eikulu, pro. 7teut. They. sos'o eikya, J. Unity, harmony. 2. diligent application to any pursuit or occupation. 3. spiritual communion. SDrisi^o, z:i\^^:i eigalu, eigulu, s. A schoolmaster. SOT^D* eiger^, sec ^^7(5. soT^^ra eigena, s. Five spans. so^^ e% 87 SD^) 6isra ^b^ eit\},firo. Qoc. of^^) In it. ;oc3e)s5d eiddavara, «^z'. Owing to it, therefore. so^ eita, see ^os>ot. sd;^ eita, /z-^. {gen. of e?;^), Its, of it. 53Sc)d, ^3-s,d eitara, eitvara, s. Sunday. S33^^ eitala, ^. A kind of medi- cinal plant used for castrated buffaloes. ^3D^ eitali, see sd^sd^. soCj ayida, see efodoozjj. ^ so^^ ein^, num. Five. sd^?3 fifth. >/ Z^'^S^T^:^ einudu, num. Five hun- dred. ^SD^^ eipuni (S3), ^'. ^. To tread. S02J0 eibu, j. A flaw, defect. S35l)J353 eimule, s. Obliquity, ir- regularity, as in the founda- tion of a house. sooSj, sooSoo eiye, eiyye, see esoSo^^. oDoSj?), soo3j5o eiyo, eiyyo intj. Alas! 2. no, not. t^^"^ 3ir®4 croozfjse have you got money ? sdoSjs no. S3o5j5 eiyo, ^^^ s^^. V. ;3o3joD* eiyerv^j ^^^- Five per- sons. ;oo3joO^ eiyyel^, see ^^^^. SDo3j5n^ eiyyo, ^Wy. 0! woe! ^0*3-5^ eir^tali, ^. A kind of necklace worn by a virgin or matron. sodrl, S0D"3rJ eirane, eirani, s. A new ornamented earthen vessel used by Lingaits during nuptial ceremonies. soD^c^a)0 eiranali, see sd^sd^. soDc)?^, SOD"?)^^ eirana, eiran^, s. Weariness, affliction; bet. ^l ^OD^^s eiravata, s. The elephant of Indra, regent of the eastern quarter. z:)^:)^ eiruni (soS), v.a. To wait, stay, stop. |-er. sd6js^o eirolu, s. A kind of creep- so Ga)^, ^^DK^ eilata, eilasy, j. Sport. 2. childishness; also SD©?o^ eilisi^, s. Incivility, impo- liteness; c/. ^CqJ. sos3ai eilesi, see ^^fjb. vSDd eiva, num. Fifty. -^ the fiftieth. sosjto, sosSto eivaji, eiveji s. Money, wealth, property. v'SosSo^ eiver^, see sdo3o^5. ^^zji)7^ eisabasi^, t'nlj. Bravo! well done! r^g so^^^^ eisvarya, s. Wealth, rich- SD?j^ eisi^, Mj. Ha! alas! S3?:o eisa, see ^c^oo^c. 5D^ eisra, ^. Wealth. 2. cheer- fulness; c/. SD'^^orfor. tj wo 88 ^ooa wondi Zo WO, The eleventh letter of the alphabet. In MSS. it is often written ^. 2,jo^^ wouk^, ad/. Thin. ^gc^ wonka, s. Crookedness. 2. -i -^a hole (of rats, snakes efc.) adj. Crooked, curved. i^QT^f^ wonkade, s. Vomitting. -5^W3^^, -z:>h7^ to feel an in- clination to vomit. 2«o-S- wonki, see ^o-S-. £oo?^^do^ wongeruni, see ^o-Rtjo^. z^o'^'i woncake, s. A deceiver, cheat; c/. Tioti^. ^oo^^^, £ooe:^d^ woncane, wonca- Ime, s. Deceit, fraud, delusion; also ^o2ij5. -T^^o^^ to cheat, deceive. tooe^ wonci, ad?'. Whence? where? — c/s anywhere. — eo^ whence do you come? 2oo2^^^ woncipuni (SjoeI), v. a. To deceive; del. zic^is^^. ytion^, Zoo'S,^ wonjane, wonjene, num. First; c/. Sjo^. / 2«ot3 wonji, num. One (mas. So&, /em.^^^Br). ^^L^ to be united or reconciled, -^e'^ perhaps. 8jo^j3C35 each, one by one. Zjo^iT>^j^o^ some, certain. Zjo 2zT)^jio:S, t^^jitiio on a certain day. Jegoei wonta, s. The hip, waist, loins; c/.-^t^c}^. WO -^2«oli wonti, adj. Alone, single, separated. ^~7( a single man. JtioU wonti, s. An ear-ring. eoo^ wonte, s. A camel, drome- dary. Zjozi wonda, s. A public tank. 2. a hole, pit. twod wonde, i"^^ ^jsoif. Zjo^r\D6 wontagare, s. A strong man. 2. a clever man. J 2*30 3 wonti, s. Turn, time. /zjo^fi wontige, s. Contribution, _»D^j^^ to collect contribu- tions. — ^jsE:roi, — Sj3?^0oi to contribute. 7&oo^o wontu, s. A turn, time. ^^r'. Once. t«oi wonte, ^. A little, a bit, smallness. ^^'. Little, few, small, trifling; also 2oozi. —d^^ a few persons. —^^ a few days. ~^^F a little time. Zjoiji)0^ very little. 2*30 C^=^ wondake, ^. Urine. -^ ^o^oi to piss, make water. Zjor^^ wondane, see ^od^. 2ood0?^, EoadJSs^ wondalige, wondolme, s. Congruity. EuocrasJ^ wondavuni, c.7', [ofZiO c^^) To gather, collect, join ; to heap up. s/t«o&=^, Eooari wondike, wondige, s. Joining, uniting, coales- cence; Cf. «3ojsOD^. ZiO^ wondi 89 Zjii wogga £ooa^^ wondipuni, see ^oa^^. \/2uodj^ wonduni (Sjo5), z/. ^. ^ n. To gather, accumulate. E^iod wonde, see 2oo^. SoodJS^o^ wondoluve, s. Rela- tion. ^oo^o wonnu, s. Gold. ^oo?5 wonne, ^^^ ^jso^. Zoosoj wombu, ^^'. Becoming, elegant, graceful. EootJO^ wombuni (Sjo^), 7/. ;?. To be suitable, to agree with. ZiO'd^ womma, inlj. of surprise. Eoorfooiu, 2oos^ojr( wommukha, wommug-a, s. One direction. adv. In one direction. — <^^^, —^j^Tio^ to assemble for a certain purpose. toosjoo^ wommuta, ^^z'. All a- round; ^. £A)oeoo:^. V^oo^j womme, ^^'z/. Once. 2. together; c/. 2o-6j?>^^. -^^ oneness, unity. — -rfo^o^^ to gather, collect, heap up. 2*so^jyo,^ womettuni (ajo^oO^)^ V. n. To be gathered. v/^oos3o^sS^ wommevuni (ajo-^oe), v,n. To be united, to be as- sociated. Jeoo^s^of wornku, s. A lane, foot- path; also Zjho^. 2^orlr wornde,^. A quarter seer; also ^5' oil; cf. ??jsozf. 4too2or wormba, 7??/^. Nine. — ^ the ninth. ^vjoeooFo^ wormbuni, see -^oz^^f^. >/ Eo=^ wokka, ^J^e3^)3^ wokalati^, i'^^ ^^e;®. ^•3-^d wokile, ^^^ ^^e^. ^. The hip, waist. ^•^j^^^ a string or thin girdle round the waist. ^t^^j wokkatt^, s. Concord, unanimity. £0=0,^0^ ?iwokkattuni(aj^^^), v.n. To be in concord. Jao=^C9, 2o=^rl wokkana, wokkane, s. A heading, title, address. 2. style, composition; bet. "^ ^^fS. ^3:Drfo^ to sign. Eo^^oSo wokkayi, s. A single hand. 720=^0,^ wokkuni (^^e)' ^'- ^- To scratch. v/2o=^a'^wokkeliii,^. A tenant. -^ ^^i to occupy, reside. — si^r^o^ to be tenanted as a house, place or garden. ^zA,^> wokkelme, s. One of a cultivating class called the Bants, a Bant; fern. Sot^^oa, a .J E«r(^ wogati^, ^. A riddle, an enigma. 2. mystic language, cant. — ^ sj^ii"^ an ambiguous expression. >/2«riD^ wogar^, s. Brackishness. adj. Salty, brackish. ^2or(c^o^ wogaruni {z^'f^^),v.n. To become salty or brackish. 2«ri b^ wogg:at^, see 'i^'^3. A 2ori ^A^ woggattuni, see zfh^^i^j^. JzoT^d woggada, s. Oneness, con- cord. -0"^)^, see Sjad a:^. 2«r( wogga 90 Zid woda i&grldfl woggsiime, s. Seasoning. —sjscI)?) to season. JeoAe)oo^ woggapini (^ts^), ^'. n. To become one, be united. ^l^oh woggi, ^. A handle, hook; c/. cro?\ . — zi2;s03j a piece of plank suspended on both ends, for keeping things. — e?lb^ to be of one mind, -^w^^ to lay wait. Zjiid 0^ wogg^undi, s. Depth. 2«2^c^ wocana, see ^si?^. 4^*^^3^^^ wocipuni (^e^), ^'. a. To wipe off, rub out, efface. 2. to clean. ^'^ Q> woccadi, adj. Single. li^ wocci, s. A small whetting board: /^to ajsi ^??. —rJe^soso So- a board for sharpening knives, chisels elc. Z^2^ oJoj^ wocciyuni (^^), ^. ^. To deliver, give in charge; also Sj^S tfjsL^F^); ^. Sj^cxjoo^. ^ t^z^o^ woccuni (^^), '^'. a.ssee a^ea^?). ~'2. to whet, sharpen y (a knife). ^3. to row (a boat). woja, wojaya, wojaye, woja, wojedi, s. Deduction, subtrac- tion, remission. —^ntTk>?i to deduct, remit. 2o2^i^, 2«td^ wojany, wo'ane, s. A load, weight, burden. ENjtod, 2^2^ wjira, wojra, s. A diamond; deL ^^. ^o^o^6 wojire, ^. A vizier. tobc)oao^o;:i wotayisuni (Sj&rooao 0^), z>. a. To gather. 2. to change money, cash a cheque or note. 2oe3e)C^ wotara, ^. The enclosure of a house. 2. vicinity. toU, e*ie3,^ wotta, wottavu s. Discount, agio. 2. premium. •djss:Da3orf— discount of a rupee. ^o^ wotta, ^. The chin. 20^,0 wottam, ^. Money, cash. E«b"3,d,'Eo^D,6 wottara, wottare, <2^(^'. On the whole; c/. SjWo^. 2*jl3,r^ wottige, see SjWo^ao. -^2«yo. wottu, s. Total. 2. amount, sum. 3. the whole. ~7(dBJ( the whole contract. — tto?) the whole. ~^% ^^ aggregate account, sum total, —■^'^■y^^ to add, collect, heap, sum up. SjUOjAO together, with, along with ; on the whole. is^yo,^ wottuni ('^o^^, v. a/ To press. ^2. to heap, pile up. Zj^, wotte, s. The lip, mouth. n/^w^, wotte, s. A fissure, hole. 2. a potsherd. ^^'. Broken, cracked. toC3^ls3»' wod^tely, .y^^ CA)zf£^^. ^ '^oC^ woda, /^.y//. With. .eoC^o2o^=^, SoC^oOJ^ri wodambadi- ke, wodambadige, s. Agree- ment, consent, contract, cove- nant. 2. a treaty. Jtidoz:)^^^ wodambadipuni (a^rfo 80^), 7'. ^z. To consent, agree, concur. 2. to be pleased. ZjU woda 91 uz^ wodda y/zjii'5^ wodaki^, s. Bruise, frac- ture. 2. a leak. -sj^osocreoSo a prater, tell-tale. tid'uO wodakari, see aj^^^rfs. J uzi^^ wodatana, see 2o-d^ci. ^tid^ wodati, 3-. A mistress. Vio^le:* wodatel^, s. Breaking. adj. Broken; c/. ^^^6. s/ £oS^o3o wodaye, s. A proprietor, master, lord. z^tiiu^ wodar^, s. An additional rafter or prop, used for sup- porting a roof; also 2oz6B. v^gd^^ wodali^i, see ctot^^. slaves 53 wodave, s. Property in general. 2. an ornament, jewel. agoo^ wodi, s. A border. 2. di- vision, plot or range of rice- fields. -^Wo^^ to put borders in a field. Jzj^ wodi, ^. a bubo. — Si5|^^ _ ?3X 4^, — (ys'Oj^ a bubo to break out. -/zo^^^ wodipuni, see a^zS^^. ^/^o^oiojN wodiyuni (SoS), z'. /^./To break. 2. to stoop, bend, as a branch laden with fruits. . Zi^o^ wodili^, see ^Ti:>. to^^ wodive, see Zjii^, 7t«do, 2odo wodu, woddu, s. Igua- na. — j^j&odoo^, ^^^Xo ^ an A iguana to get into a house; (y%*.) to have a bad omen. >/t«doo'^e3^, ^ouoo^5:3<^ wodunkely, wodungeli^ ^. ^The end. 2. boundary, limit. JtiZhoA^^^ wodungeluni (2orioo-R ^), 2/. n. To cease to bear fruit. loc^oozoo wodumbu, .?• Stupidity. 2. uselessness. adj. Stupid: useless. 2*jdoo20oe;o wodumbulu, see "^ozkio 800 ejo. E^r^Oog^ wodupuni (^^), ^. ^. To pluck. Jzod, Zjd^d wode, wodetaddye» s. A kind of cake. ijd wode, adv. Where? whither? -^ow^ how far? how long? 2o-dh whereto? ^Zjdi^ wodetana, s. Proprietor- ship, mastery. tocl^do^ wodetaruni (eozf^S), t'. n. To suffer from the pain of a boil ek. ^Zj'd'^P wodepuni (^^), ^. a. To break or break open. >/^^J(:lo^oo^ wodeyuni {^^), v. ?i. To break. V2«rlo3o wodeye, see z^ricS^. Zod^U^. wodewottu, s. A whole 60 family. JtjZi, wodka, s. End, termination. y 2. bruise. <2^'. Broken. — crooSo the last man. -Sji^^^s, Sji^c^S inferior rice imported from the Ghats, broken rice. ^,t^.do^ wodkel^,^. Finishing, end. , Zjzi wodda, adj. Flowing, -^e& a, flowing water. eorF5)d;^woddavuni, c.v. (o/2oTii ^) To turn, stretch, cast, set. wodda 92 2oSD„ wotta J o^^S— to turn flowing water J into a field eU.J^l— to hold or stretch out the hand. 80e3_ to cast a net. eA)-doe'o— to set up a snare. ( ^oCS■^s^ woddali^, s. A stalwart or well formed man. Zo^ woddi, see ca)^ . JiZiZi^ woddu, ^."^ Stubble, sfi.see J ^oC^j ^ wodduni (^^), 7^. aJ^Q hold 6"^ stretch out, as the J hand. 7.'. ;^riTo flow, run. J Zozl wodde, ^. Multiplication table. 2*jrlJS^^r\woddolaga, s. A royal assembly, darbar. 2«^ wodta, ^. A stroke, beating. 2. gain, emolument. ^oCl wodte, s. A kind of fish. 2^.>^e3* wodtel^, ^^^ a^i^i^. wG^s;Jj^ wodpavuni, <:. 7'. (^/ Sj ^0^^) To cause to pluck, bend, sink in. 2. to lessen, J diminish. >5.to drain. o)e5— to drain a rice-field after sowing or before reaping. 4. to change, as money. n/ toC^J^ wodpu, ^. Plucking. • yeoC^j^^ wodpuni (SoS), -jy. «.^>To pluck. ^2. to lessen, decrease. Je^clc^, 2«(3^nr3 wodyane,wodyana, J. A belt or girdle, made of gold etc. and generally worn by a devil-dancer. Sot^o^oh^ wodyungila, ^. A ring with engraving females. worn by Eodjn ^ wodyuni, see ^JT^o^^. ^^oD3*or\G^ won^ngeliji, adj. Dry, withered; lean, thin; also^^ ^c^r^=3^b^., 2*jr9=3^^ wonakatt\^, wo- nakatte, adj.^Dried. 2. stiff. ^. faded, emaciated; c/. s^ps VaoCS^^o^ wonakel^, ^.-^ Dryness. e^rasS wonape, adj. Bitter, astrin- gent. • e*jr3D^ wonar^, see ^^B. yaors)?^^ wonas^, see CA)r®oJ. 2ofl wone, s. Bail, security. -5i)o3o a bail, bondsman. Zo^ wotta, ^^^ CAD;^. wottatt^, 5". One side, •a? Ls) to keep aside. Jzj^oi^, &o3^ojo wottaya, wotta- ya, s. Force, compulsion. 2. persuasion, coaxing; also ^ss^odo. —-s^js^o^^ to force; to persuade. Zji^6 wottare, see ^^-8. z^^iS wottare, s. Extremity, corner. 2. order, arrange- ment. — aeSboi to keep in a corner, put in order- —if^h^ to move aside — tJo^j^^ to gather. 2o^ ^ d wottakshara, s. An under letter. 2o3;5pr3 wottana, s. One place, or side. Jao3^5S^ wottavuni, ^. z'. (o/2^^2d adv. Aside, in a corner ti^^ wotti 93 Zo^D^ woppa o)) To cause to press. 2. to be impressed or sealed. s/Zo^ wotti, s. A pawn, pledge. _ae^^^ to pawn. ^tj^^ wottu, ^. The mark of aspiration under a letter; a kerned letter. ^2. closeness, thickness. -Q^E:^ to place closely, fix firmly; to foment. -D?5 ')P^c^ or zj^S-dov^ to reproach or abuse indirectly. 2o ^^ ^^ , Zo iJ^ ^0^ wottu ttu, wot- tottu, ad7'. Very closely. jSoSb^^ wottuni, 7'. a. To press. 2. shampoo. 3. to seal, stamp. V. n. To be close, or thick set. y^ui wotte, adj. Single, solitary. to|^ wotte, see 2oB^. vAjigSS wottele, s. An oppressor. ojdn^ wodag^, s. Haste, speed. —Tio^'^^ to make haste, to hasten. ^^todrra;^^, wodagavuni, c. v. {of 2jrfA0^) To procure, supply. 2. to prepare. 3. to assist; also Zj-^T^E'^JdhF ^. ^^todrio?^ wodaguni (z^^K)^ v. n^To be opportune, or ready. V2. to prosper. Eodc^ wodari^, see zs^^. toD wodi,^. Phlegm, phlegmatic humour. -5i3o^?i phlegm to gather in the throat, tobreathe hard; to become hoarse. — ^ e34^ phlegm to rattle. ^^iC3ojoo^ wodeyuni, see ero^^^. 2odca^^^woddadpavuni, c.v.{of 8ucro 5^^) To oppress, molest. 2o(:3i)ei woddata, s. Hardship, difficulty, misfortune. 2. suf- fering from any disease. eoC3^3^j?o, eoC3^C3^^^ woddaduni, woddadi^puni (^^^), ^'. '^- To be in distress, strive with difficulties. 2. to be pro- strated from illness. tiUD^)'^ woddavuni, see Zjcut)^^. ^odo ?i wodduni, see 2^cd^^. Jzjd wodde,^. Wetness, moisture. adj. Wet; ^/. ^|. ^>^. oi, ^g^ wona, see -^^. Zj^t> wonape, see a^r©^. 7eocjD* wonaryi, ^. An art, skill, cunning. 2. means, device, attempt. — tooSo a contriver, schemer; also ^oo^5. &oc5c)o^d wonantara, see Ti^- z^t>A, Zj^, Eo^r^ wopage, woppa, woppage, adz'. Jointly, in company with. adj. (2^^) Joint; accessary; neighbour- ing. Sj^craoSo a companion, attendant. So^ ;^&3^?3^o3o born of the same parents, a brother. ^^JSJOD wopala, see 2o^^^ WOT}}, num. One, single, solitary, esp. m cpds^ as — 5ra« one eye etc. z^T^ woru, see Zx6^- 4 loO wora, cidv. Once, at once. — So"d each time, now and then. eoOoe3^, todoajj woranti^, woran- tu, .y. Hatred, ill-will. 2. re- taliation. SodckJo^worantuni (Sj^cO), v.n. To hate. 2. to retaliate. 2/od=a woraka, s. Gold leaf; gilt. 2.050^ j^ woyipane, s. A kind of V'i^^^ woraka, J. A watery place. wooden comb to pick lice with; also CAD'd^. VIv.o5jSj^^^ woyipavuni, ^. 7'. {of 2o03jj5)^) To cause to draw or pull. JtwO^.o^^woyipuni, v. a. To draw, pull, drag. toOSj^JS^woyimale, ^. Feigning, pretence; insinuation. x/lodn* woragi^, s. A cuchion to lean the back upon. — ^orf a wooden seat with a back. N^drij^) woraguni (So-d^), r. n. To lean the l);u'k against or upon anything, to recline. ^/todlij^ woratuni {}^'^), '. //• To wrangle. 2. to importunate. 3. to haggle; cf. c^rfouj^. 1^6 wora 95 Sod wore £cd:^ worada, s. A collection, subscription ; c/. ZjoB-R. z^C£^^ woraui^L, s. A pagoda, coin of four Rupees. — 20or© gold below the highest touch. ^ ^^e5— a coin of the value of 13 gold fanams. tsiC^, Z0DD3 worata, worata, s. Urgency, necessity; pressure. 2. an urgent demand; im- portunity. — 8ael3 a notice of demand for collection of rent. —•^^^^ to demand, impor- tune, urge. ^j^^Tio— a peremp- tory demand. 2odl worate, s. The name of a female demon. ^todcj-seJ woradata, s. Mutual wrangling, disputation, or contention. ^i^OcTOCao?^ woradaduni (^s^^^), z'.n. To wrangle, contend, quarrel. toda woradi, see ^sr. toddj^ woraduni, see Zjz^^f^. tNjd^^ worani^, see 2oTi^. todzSo^ worabel^, s. Rice once cleared of its husk only, yiido* worali^, ^.^'A large mortar. ^ 2 /see 2^-^f. /sod^B worale, s. A termite, white ant. tsjd?u6, Eod;d<^worasare, worasale, s. A kind of sham-fight in connection with a temple- festival, —"^l^oi, _s:n)cSo^ to play this sham-fight. tod^ woraha, see Zjt^tt. J Eod%"^ woral^, s. The plough- man's song. —trob4^, _ 2oO30 ^^i, — 3j^t1)^ to sing such a song. SoD^ci*, EoD'Sl^ worady, worada, see So'dc^. s^jD^eo* worani^, see aj:^5i. JEoD wori, adj. Single, solitary. £oO=^ worike, see SoS;^. >/to050-s^^, £o?3-sr5S^ woripavuni, worpavuni, c. v. (of SoD^^i)^To spare. 2. to protect. 3. to assist, help. xi'toO^^, 2*jD0Jjj^ woripuni, wori- yuni (2^^), v. n. To remain, be left. 2. to survive. ^''soOsS, ioC35o^ woripe, woripeli^, ^\ Remnant, adj. Remaining. YtoOoSo, 2oa3.r woriye,worye,//^. A single ^r solitary man. e^nph. — ^, — :2 alone, singly. Vtodo woru, 3". Features, form, mark, shape. — s^ax^j^, — ^§j 4'2et^?) to be changed, as one's features, —t^^^^ to recognise, identify. lodod woruva, see ajsir. todoSTsd woruvara, adv. Once. >/to6 wore, s. A scabbard, sheath. 1060=5^0^ worenkuni (2ot5c^), 7/. «. To roll on the ground, in the dust or mire; also "^o^Octi. i^t^^ worekalli^, s. A touch- stone; also 0^013^6, e*j6^j?)6 worekore, i". Oblitera- tion. Eod wore 96 ZjZi:)F wordu tjd'^o^ wore^uni, see Sjt^aos). 2*i33g)^ worepuni, see eroi?^^. 2*i6s52;^ worepel^, see Zi^-t>6. Ij6^^ worevuni (2ot5), v. a. To rub, wipe, cause to corrode. 2. to tease, trouble ; c/. £A)t5^^. 2odJoJ^) woresuni (^^oJ), v.n. To dimiuish, wear off. 2. to glide. 3. to fail. 7>.a. To rub, wipe. Lo^FoDs^ workannvL, s. A single eye. 2«=3^r^ workadi, ^^■. One sided. 2. partially developed. — eSe"^ a drooping (?;' languid person. _t?^o^^ to cut or pare on one side of any thing. — rleoor^ to develop gradually, as a creep- er or the kernel of a tender cocoanut. —ssudosj one half of a cocoanut. 2o^rcl workade, s. A stick in the manure. ^o=5c)rD^ workaryi, ^. A single leg. — S eroo^^ to stand on one leg. toxS^oroaS v\^orkumbe, adv. Alone. 2Aj=^r^ workenni, s. One of the cheeks or temples. —=5^0^ hemicrania. ^o?1^ worga, s. A class, commu- nity; a tribe. 2. a proprie- tary land. 3. {pi ere.) the ledger (book). 4. transfer, shift. — ^^, — cTOoSo, _nDT5 a proprietor, landlord, -'^h^ to be transferred; also ^Xr. ^ohrsjc^ worgipuni {^'^^), t'. dz. To arrange or classify ac- counts in the ledger; also 2or1or^ worguni (2oKr), v, n. To agree (any food) with one's stomach. 2. to have a relish for a particular dish. 3. to agree with a proposition. torirsS, ^mAj^f'^ worgele, worgole, s.A man who can relish or digest anything. e^jT^JS^fD worgori, s. The first of a breed of fowls. tot^F worja, see ^3^r. e^iZoF^^ worjipuni, see ^^r^^. EoraF worna, ^^^ ^^f. Eoi^F worta. see Sj-d^. J^^jvlF worti, pron. A single woman. ^oiF worte, see 2^-^^- 2. see So£^. t^diF worda, adj. Bent, crooked, tortuous, uneven. — ^jat)^ to cast a side-glance, to leer; to squint. —zji>Ti:)^ to place crookedly. — ^©^o^ to talk evasively — eojs-do?) to fall obliquely; also -^p^^. 2*jdFori^^ wordang^el^j^^y. Crook- ed, curved; inclined, bent. Zj1Z?)F^^ wordavuni, c. t. {of Sj nior^) To incline, slope, form with a slope. Jto^F wordi, s. Report, news, intimation. -=#ja2^F^, irfjo&:Oj ii^i to report, intimate; also toCijF^ worduni (^^^^ "''- ^^- "^^ bend, bow. 2. to lean on one side. todr worde 97 z^^ wola todr©^ wordely, aJj. Bent, ob- lique, .s". A bend, crook. t^cSr^ wordele, s. A capricious man. e^c^F worna, ^. Shape; see ^rer. Sj^rrf e3^^^ as before. tordrrl wornaga, adv. Formerly, once upon a time. toc5"sr© wornali,.y. A single pulse or artery. 2. tbe uvula. 3. a swelling in one of the ker- nels of the throat ; c/. ^^i>f€. SoSJFsS worpale, s. A lean, thin man. 2. a single leaf. 3. a mat made of single palmyra leaves. 4. a small mat for one person; c/. ajzors?. ^ocg)^^l worpude, s. Torment, trouble. 2. one side. ZjZ^-d worpude, s. A single load. Eo^r worpe, see 2ot>-^. vyto^r;^or, ^o^r<^^ worportu, worpoltu, s. Half a day. — rf £S?e3 half a day's labour; work that can be finished within half a day. ZjZ^f^ worbadi, adj. Single. —=^00^ a garment, a small piece of cloth, adv. Whole, all over, entire. coSord, EoZjr^ worbale, worbale, ^. A single slip of a bamboo. 2. a bangle. tjZoora worbuddhi, s. Union, harmony. LoZooF^ worbule, s. A single crop, tosp^rri worbhao^a, ^. A single part, portion or division. ZjZi':iF worma, s. A vital organ or member; also ^^r. 2. a secret. — - secret; pricking; vital. —^ 3=DA a vital part. — c; s:^®^ a secret that will affect a person. to^OFu wormara, s. The trunk of a tree lopped of its branches. tosSoF, Lodora^ worme, worme- la, adv. Throughout, every- where, all over. ZoOSdF worya, s. Remainder. _=^orfjr conclusion. — ?io=^y dangerous sickness. toe^^worla, s. A seer, a measure equal to eighty tolas. -ecraS a seer of paddy. — eroSasoSj (ItL a man worth a seer of paddy), a worthless man. 2*j^>0F^ worluni, see 2^:ioF^. y/'ojziF worva, ^.tjrookedness.] adj. Oblique, slope; c/. ^^. -^"^o ^vi to stand crookedly. — s:^^ ■rfooi to talk evasively. Eo^TSFd worvara, see Sj-dosro-d. Zor^F worsa, ^. A year; also'^^F. VLe:^or\j^ woli^nguni (Sj^oK), t'. ;z. To move in a circle or to and fro. lo^orlj^ wolanguiii(^2;oK),^'. 7^. To incline, lean. s/2*3^od^, ^0^0^53 wolandala, wo- landale, s. Swoon, fainting. ^Zj^o^, z^v^^ wolampu, wolap^, V si Cleanliness, purity. v2. af- fectation in Avalking. y/z,^z^'^ wolapuni (a^o), v. a. To love. 2. to fondle. 2o^ wola 98 ZjT^ wosa 2«o?:jje>o2)j wolamayi, s. Pasture. — s;):!)^ to tie cattle for graz- ing; also Cf0^-^j^03x J t^i^sSo, 2«i;o^j wolame, wolume, s. Affection, love, kindness. 2«^rj* wo\a,S]^f adj. Putrid, stink- ing, dirty, unclean; also^^o^- loSJS wola, Mj. Behold! lo! 'oo0 oli, An affix to 7.'erbs mean- ing can, e.g. ^o^j|^e3 can make, or can be made; ^e 4»«5 can go; ^e^SjsO can read, etc. (ppp. to 200^ cannot). J Zd€> woli, ^. A cadjan leaf used to write upon. — ^ ^oi^o^ a basket made of cadjan leaves. >/^o©^ wolipu, s. The skin. 2. the skin of a snake. 3. shape. —7^5^^ to cast off the skin, as a snake. 2o0^^ wolipuni (aje3), V. n. To be possessed with a demon. toOs2 wolipe, ^. Gratuitous sup- plies to persons of distinction. 4 2. a present, gift. —€ji>hF?i to give a present; <2/.y^ eroeS^. i^©sJod wolimade, ^. A place where devil-dancers are paint- ed. V ZgOol)0^ woliyuni (2^«5), 7'. n. To favour, be kind, as superiors to inferiors. e^^jorlj^ wolunguni, see ajeJoXos). '6o'i wole, ;^/. o/ 2je^3. tg'i^Sj) woleppu, J^^ «3^. ^o^ wolpa, ^^^ ^^«^- J 2«^:^ wolpe, J. Purity; c/. ajfi^o^. 2. ^^£' 8oe5;3. e^d wolbe, 5". A kind of paddy- field. ^od wolme, see Sjc^o^o. JioorsT^ wollanige, s. A cloth '^ . , ... covering the privities. uoD7;f wollas^, see ^^7i. J^o0 woUi, s. The sheet, t.e. a broad piece of cloth, used for covering the body in bed. 2. a laced cloth for wearing; also 2o6 . en , Jiod , Eo^ wolle, wolle, ^.-^A water- snake. 2. see 2o€^. ^os3=^J?)^ woUekodi, s. A medi- cinal plant Memecylon am- plexicaule. Eo53 wolve,.y. Resemblance, simi- larity. SajS^) wovu, intg. pron. Which V what? s^^e^ whatever, any- thing. 2«^^j wovulu, see h^^. 2o2J wosa, s. Charge, possession. 2. subjection; also ^^. -e?b^ to pass into possession, to submit; to be facinated, charmed. — -si^s^^j^^ to take charge of; to subject, subdue; to gain over, enchant, charm, decoy. lo^e^^, ^o^^©, ^0^^© wosil^, wo- sili, woseli, s. Bias, partiality; also ^^ee3. -^s;o^~ an oozing ^r trickling spring. 4^— a lateral spring. >/to?jdo^ wosaruni (^?^^), '^'. n. To ooze, leak. E*,ro^e3^ wosili^, see Sj^?^. £o?uJ3oo wosulu, s. Collection or recovery of any dues; also •^7ijse;o. —-rfo^o^S) to collect, recover. ^'Ui^ wola, ^^y Inner, internal. ^2. secret, private; also ^'^• — ^j^ intermeddling ; collu- sion, conspiracy, to^rr^^^ wolagapini(2o^A^), v.n. To submit, obey. 2. to adhere, as to a party. ^/^g^rtoyo. wolaguttu, s. A secret, mystery. 00^2^0^ wolacil^, s. A grove, under-wood; a fenced wood near a house; also <^^€. Eo^do^j, wolamattu, s. The in- ternal measurement of a given area, or of a hollow thing. ^o^^3^)rl^ wolamarga, ^. A by- path, footpath; also cto^^^toXf. ■v/e«^^^ e«^^4 wolavu, wolavu, .y.^Curve, bend; inclination. y 2. the mind,v^ecret thought. E^^sjoooao^ wolamundil^, s. The inner courtyard of a house. ^o^;^o^^, eo«;^?^o2;^o wolasanci, wo- lasancu, s. Collusion, conspi- racy, plot. ^o^?oJ^^, wolasutra, s. The inner frame of a door or window. Vlg^ well, s. Light, splendour. >/eo«?o^?j wolepuni (sj^), 7-. ^. To call. toS?^^ wolevuni, see CA)e3^^. e«<^, 2*.^, Eo^_j^, eo< wolty, wolta, woltu, wolpa, see ^s;^o. 2o^>=^JS^ wollekodi, see a^^^jsCi. to wo, The twelfth letter of the alphabet. In MSS. it is often written 43?- tj wo, intj. 0! oh! as^ So dd^js Rama! §o S9s^ mother! -J loo=5^d wonkade, .f. An effort to vomit, retching. 2. heav- WO ing of the belly, -^s'ouo^?) to vomit. .ljo?^^dj^wongeruni(S3o^e5),^.^/. To listen. 2. to overhear, eavesdrop. taoei wonti, see z^o^. ^/ioo^ wonte, s, A kind of large 9* £oo^ wonte 100 2. a pipe made of do wodya thin reed, reed. loo^ wonte, see §oy. JLo^^^ wontepuli, ^. The sour fruit of Gar cilia cambogia\ also »D?if ;^^, 0^rss^. iao^o wondu, {ahbr. of §j^oo-rfo) Where is it? ViiO»l wonti, J-. A blood-sucker, salamander. —3^0^ a swell- ing of the face. — ^Ji)^ a kind of fish. JL.=5^^, tj^j^ wokali, wokuli, j. Crimsoned turmeric water. — 2i*y squirting this red li- quid upon passers by etc, at the conclusion of an impor- tant temple festival or of a marriage; also ^Tjzi. J tj^aJ? C9o^ wokonuni (Sj^jsf^), ^. ^. To answer to a call. Jto^G^JSrso^ wononuni, ^^^ ^oi^e^o^. ij2d woci, s. A pair, couple. — sjdtSo^ to pair, couple. tit=j, tjti^ w5ja, wojVsa, s. Light, splendour. 2. strength. 3. bravery, valour. tatsiD wojja, Mj. Hailing, calling out to a person at a distance. hiZdj wojju, s. A tie, knot. — s^ ^oi to tie. >/ tiij wota, s. Running, race. 2. the current of a stream, sail- ing of a vessel. -i tosS^s? wotepuli, see £joB^^. Jtid woda, s. A boat, wherry. -cjsiib a boatman. -3i sod a net for throwing from a boat. -■s^j^oso a boat-shaped wooden trough. VtodO wodari, s.'A potter. 2. a term of reproach implying want of sense. — ^(yri, _e5??3 the potter's work; a clumsy ^r ill-executed work. tj^^g^^^, wodikattu, s. A religious or social association of mem- bers of the same caste at board, festival, marriage elc; Cf. ^JSt^JAO,. 4'^^^^ , Ij^o wodil^, wodu, s. A potsherd. 2. a tile. n/LiJ^j^ woduni (§jS), ?:^. ?^. To run. deS"^ roots to spread in every direction, ^d wode, see Zi&. titi, tidri^ wode, wodegy, adv. Where? cf. h^^. L^oSo wodreyi, ahbr. of Sjt^^ JL>r5 woni, s. A lane, alley. Lcl wone, see enn.^. tjfl£3i)o3jwonedaye, ^. Anareca- nut planter. 2. the name of a caste. 3. a lame man. >* LctssJ^ wodavuni, c. v. (of h:i:>^) To cause to read, to teach how to read. Jl^a?^, lado wodige, wodu, s. Reading, perusal. Jtido^ woduni (^S), v. a. To read, peruse. read over to another. t>dc wodya, sec ^^^. §jcStS ^fjv^i to ti^e) wona lai tos5 Woie L^rado wonama, s. The first letters with which a Hindu commences his studies, mean- ing 'I make obeisance to the Infinite'. 2. an alphabet. tjSJ?j"353 wopasale, see zji^^ie. Jlo^^D^ wopadi, adv. Like, ac- cording to. Jlo^ wopu, s. Polish. ~^ ^o3j>n a fine kind of sand used for polishing jewellery, —^jdhr^, —zj^iTid^ to polish. L^j^-soSo wopedaye, fro. What man? tnlj. An expression of contempt. iitSa^ wobel^, s. The song of women sung while transplant- ing rice-plants. >/^loSJo woma, s. The seed of bishop's weed, common caraway, 5/- son amomum^ Ptychotis ajo- wan. 2. any small seed. L^o woma, see ^js?^o. J'tiSJo^ womana, adj. Darling, dear. s. Fondness, tender- ness. -^ijOSj woyi, intj. A polite form of &3 used in hailing, or in ans- wering the call of a superior person. §jodj3 sir! v/'iiOaj=^^ woyikkane, s. A quill of a porcupine. iiOJOo woyya, see SooiJoo. iaU^y worata, see so.'seiu^y. taO wori, s. A kind of whisky. V^tiO?^ worige, ^. Grumblingfhowl. v/ 2.tallness, height. ijQo3o^^ , hjo'^^c^ woriyilly, wo- rill^, .y. A hut. 2. a house with quarrelling inhabitans. LDojoo^ woriyuni (^5), v. n. To grumble; see z^t>^^. iodo^ woruni (2j^), i\ n. To prate, babble; to wrangle. iij6 wore, adj. Crooked; bent. i ^6#J3^d worekore, adj. Oblique, uneven, irregular. 136^53^, L6js4^ worsvuni, wo- rovuni (Sj^, ^"^js), ^'.t/. To be grumbling; to quarrel conti- nually. LdOc^^) woryuni, see Sjoodoo^. JL^ri wolaga, s. A royal assem- bly, durbar. N/lo^ri wolaga, s. A band of mu- sicians. — nsoSo a musician. —-^^Zs^t^ to play upon musical instruments. >/L^o5o wolayi, s. Menial service of Pariahs. — cjdoSo a menial servant. 7L3^o5:)^^) wolayipuni (Sjsjoso), V. a. To serve. 2. to do ho- i^age. [ever. tiSJSOSo wolayi, adv. Always, L)C) woli, s. A festival in honor of cupid; het. ^.^?^. ti©r^ wolige, ^^^ ^J3ee3>^- LQoJj, woliya, .y. A furrow, trench in the earth made by a spade or pickaxe. —7^^^ to make a trench, tj^o wolu, adv. As, like. s. Likeness, resemblance, -/to^ wole, s. A metallic ear-ring. 2. a palmyra leaf rolled up '6o^ W018' 102 ?3^o a^lu and put info the hole of a female's ear. 3. a letter or epistle inscribed on a palmyra leaf. — TTOT? the carrier of such a message. — sSe^jaggorymade of palm juice. tidri woleg-a, see SooX. J ios3?ij^ woleguni (SjeSK), z'. nJTo sit in state.) 2. to lean, recline. 3. to tremble as a demon- priest. L)«3s:5or3on^ wolemanang^, s. A kind of fish. iiV^ wolya, see Sje3a^o. L^ wovu, mf£^. Which ? what ? tj^JS)^ woho, t'nlj. Oh! oh! ti^n^ woligi;i, adj. Flexible, pli- able. i^^A wolige, see ^jse^^?. ^ii'^^i wolu, adz'. Where? -e;^, 2j ^j?>?^oe;3, Sjeipso'rfe'D anywhere, everywhere. Sof^. 2j'^j^, Sj ^io^o ^herefrom? whence? 2^^ of what place? ^jSo^ where? whither? in what place? whereabout? ij^ wole, see §je3. ^ au, The thirteenth letter of the alphabet. ^^l!oT^o^ aunkuni (^c^), ^'. <3!. To press down. ?ooUj auntu, ^. Arrogance, in- solence, pride. ^o^Q^ aumpuni (^o), "c'.a. To chew, mumble, bite softly. O^j autu, J. End, termination. ~^h^ to be finished. ^d aude, ^. Dolichos cat Jang ; O^ auta, s. The letter S? in combination with a conso- nant, as in ?f3. —"^jdhr^ to combine it so. AU !3sra, O^^ autana, autana, j. A grand dinner. — rfos^o.^ to give such a dinner. !3ne)0jjF audarya- see erocroxj. Oa audi, s. sec es^q^. ?3'dj^^ audrelia, see a\)^e3'. ?3'd aura, z^^^". Light, not heavy; cf. soXo-d. 2o2^^o^ ausaknna, ^t^t^ ssn^s^o^. !52^d, 23^qj, !35S[a, ^sij^ausada, aushadha, aushadhi, ausudhi, s. Medicine. 2. a drug. ^■^ ausa, see eyod^sx^. 53s;^o a^Iu, ^T5- kancikamakshi, ^. The name of a goddess at Conjeveram. =ac2^ karici 104 =CTcCEi) kanda ^^o^5=a^o5j, ^oz^^^ kancikayi, kancipuli, 5". A kind of bitter orange used in medicine. "^01^^1)6 kancikare, s. A kind of wasp. J=ao2/5n^6 kancigare, s. A worker in bell-metal, brazier. ^o2/&e^, ^0^^^ kancini, kancini, s. A dancing-girl. 'ao'^D^ kancil\i, s. A vow made to a demon. J=CTO^ao kancu, see ^cel. ^^otikanja,^. Alotus. 2.see'^oddn. =3^02^0/^ kanjalige, s. A kind of tambourine. -^ ^oZo kanji, ^.-^A calf. 2. the pestle of a grinding stone. 3. a sheaf of hay. =^oe£jS^j kanjolu, s. A kind of bush. '^otdo kanjya, s. A bag or metallic vessel in which pilgrims put their offerings. 2. a wicker- work used for storing rice e/c. ^0^ kanta, see ^cii. =5^0^ ^s^oeJ^ kanta, kantaka, s. Danger, peril. T^o^j^ kantavu, s. An iron style used for writing upon palm leaves. ^oIj kanti, see ??o&. TS'oljt^DSjfikantiyavuni, c. v. {of ^oy >:ioor''j) To stir up a quarrel. =Soe3oJoo^, roL'Oo ^kantiyunijkan- tyuni (^-^'), ■.'. //. To (juarrcl, fi.^lit. -.okz-ii^ a (quarrel. -^^z'i^Zi^ kantel^, s. The neck, throat. -s3, —^ ^zi swearing by the neck. =^0^0^ kantyele, ^. A quarrel- some man. ^odkantha, s. The neck, throat. — ^^rer© up to the neck ; swear- ing by the neck. — -rfjsd an ornament worn round the neck. =aou^2^dra kanthabharana, ^. A kind of necklace. =^oQ«)^ C kanthakshara, s. A gut- tural letter. ^oS, =aoS?^d kanthi, kanthisara, s. A necklace of gold beads worn by males. =j^o©d'3o3j kanthiraye, ^. The name of a certain king. ~^-u^ f^ a gold coin issued by him. y^ocs^, =aoG^a kandi^, kandi^di, adj. Stolen, —^^tj stealing; adultery. ^'cS^ft^s^ a woman who has become pregnant by adultery, 7-/^. =3*0^3^^ kandi;iji, see ^Sc^. =5^od kanda, s. A field. "^ozi kanda, see sooi^. =5^odr?, ^o:^flokandanl,kandauye, J. A husband. ^oc^fl kandane, see s^ori^. '^odh^ kandapini, r?/V;r. o/ ^jso vou^z^^. kandabatte, adj. Con- fused, out of order. 2. un- rcas()Hal>!<\ inij)!'!)]) t. '7?'. Coiifii^f(il\ . at raiulmn : ini- ■oUD kanda 105 =5^0 f©*' kann^L properly. ~i>o7(c>^^ to roam about. — s:^i-do^ to prate, prattle; to abuse; to speak nonsense. ^oCiiDS^^ kandavuni, see "^jioTio J^oQ> kandi, s. A hole, opening. 2. a window; c/. soa^. ^c^^ kandita, see soo^^. ^o^s^jd kandimara, ^. The trunk of a tree cut down for sawing. J'^odj kandu, s. A thief. 2. a knave, rogue. ^odoii kanduga, see soo-rfoX. =CTodo^ kanduni (^^5), 7\ a. To ^ take. 2.4o steal. /=5'ozi kande, ^.^A bulbous root. 2. the stomach. 3. bottom. — ^-do^ (^///. the stomach to evacuate), to be hard pres- sed, bothered; to be done up. — 3jdtjo^, to suffer from colic. — "sSoA-do^ to grow or appear above the surface of earth, as the trunk of a cocoa- nut tree eU. ^s^od^oei, kandekutti, s. A dwarf. So "do-dnD^ kandegare, see ^ozio. v/=CTorlDoioo^ kanderiyuni (^c^&), v. a. To make a cut. >/=CTocla^ kandelyi, adjy Thievish, stealing. ^^^ thievishness, theft. ^^ozf«3 a male thief, ^o "^"d^:) a female thief. N/^oJij?)r50^karidonuiii, 7/. re/, {lit. to take for oneself) To steal, rob. V=3^aD3^ kaun^, s. The eye; the sight, vision. 2. the nipple of a breast, pap ^/^. 3. a rent, tear. 4. the eye of a needle. 5. the star in a peacock's feather. -rf ©cS out of sight. -^ ^'^^ the eye-lashes. — c^ ^jt:^j80o, —T^ t5^ the eyelids. — rf =^js)&, —rf ^iu^ the outer corner of the eye. — ^ ^4i^' — ^ "^^^ ^^^ eye-ball. —^"^^ a speck in the eye. —^ ^'S a film on the eye. — ^^or the rheum of the eyes. the pupil of the eye. -rf ^o^o V the eye-brows. -^—^^^ tears. _^eSc35^?i to shed tears. -sS?^ sore eyes. — "^^^ liberality, prodigality; eagerness. — "^^^ d 6 Si man given to winking. —^j;>o^ a beck, wink. — ^^^^ an estimate made by looking at a thing, a rough calcula- tion. Sjt5_ a squint, leering. t^j-doc^o— a blind eye. eSe^^— a sickness in which the eye- lashes fall off. -£A)i?S #?L^. — ^zsdS 4'?eE3^ to become blind. _8j^o^^ to wink. — 2o3^ S ^js ^r^ to instigate, encourage by winking. — ^w^^^^ to blind- fold, deceive. -^*^4^ to stare vacantly, be puzzled, -^s^ja -do^, _^j«!0^o^, — ^js^eScxJoo^ to doze, be sleepy. —3^4^^, — eoo c^o.^, _eDoe;34^ to open the eyes. — s^dtjj^ to swoon. — '^^ eSs^^ to stare. ^om^ kann^ 106 =acdo kandu =5*ot^o2od kann^mberu, s. Talk- ing in sleep. =5^0^"^=^^. kann^katt^, s. Blind- folding, deception. 2. jug- glery, conjuration. -crooSo a juggler. =^ovd kanna, see ^o?:^. =c^or3oeoCo^ kannambaruni (^cr^so 2^^, 7^. /2. To talk in sleep. \=^or3^ kannadi, see ^o^:^. ^CTorsi^ocJoo^, ^orss^Ooc^ kannadi- yuni, kannadyuni ('^o^E'^^ z',n. To be confused, perplexed. ^aorssjjso^ kannamaly, s. The morbid secretions of the eye. ^oc^c)6 kannare, adv. With one's own eyes. 2. clearly, dis- tinctly. — ^jsL^^ to see for oneself; to see clearly. i T^c£^ kanni, ^.^ibre. 2. gummy exudation from the outer fibrous covering of a cocoa- nut. — -^"d Caryota urens. ^orc)oe^3 kannuccu, s. A kind of insect, infesting the eyes. ^o'ocIjs^Zo kannoji, see s'o^jse^. ^03^ kant^, s. An instalment ^r stipulated period of pay- ment. — Jj^j a written con- tract to fulfill an obligation by instalments, -^^o^?) to agree to pay a debt by in- stalments; to fix, settle. 4 ^o3*, ^0^ kant^, kanta, s. Depth. 2. a precipice, steepness, adj. Deep. 2. precipitous, adv. Deeply. 2. precipitously. — ^ h^ io fathom the depth of water. ~^^h^ to plant deeply. —•^ri^^, —^0?^^. see "^o^^ ^'n^h^. J^o^fSkantane,^^'. Inclined, bent downward. — =^jsWo^ a spade the edge of which is inclined inward, —^^h^ to walk with downcast eyes. ^o^'s^S^ kantavuni, c.v. {of'^o ^0^) To cause to fall or sink. 2. to prick. 3. to offend. =5^0 ^0 kantu, see ^o§. J=^o:^j^ kantuni (^o§), v. n.^To sink, go down. 2."^ set, as the sun eU. 3. to be pricked, as with a thorn, razor e^c. 4. to take to heart. 5. to be offended. J=s^oi^^ kantel^, Si Sinking. i =5*0^3^ kandiji, adj. Dull, faded. 2. inferior. —^^^ inferior silver. ~^^h^ to fade; to be- come pale. >/=^o23^^, Tg'oC^o'kandvLkajkandaka, s. A ditch, trench. J'oodiO'C} kandambi, i\ The excre- ment of a new-born child, calf eU. J^oC3^oJo kandaya, s. A space ot four months. 2. assessment, tax. =5^oC3^5J^i kandavuni, c. v. (of ^c c^^) To render dim or dull. 2. to deteriorate the actual state or quality of a thing. =5^odo kandu, see ^o5. -i^odo^ kanduni (s^o5), v. n. To fade, wither; to be wan. 2. to =3^0(5 kande 107 =3^0^00 kammu become dim or dull. 3. to be vexed, annoyed. J^oiSo^ kandel^, s. A pitcher, large pot. — 3io^:rea a drun- kard. ^S^odo^zoj^cjj kandeluburu, s. A kind of creeper. ^odiSf^ kandodi, s. An adder, viper. —?ic^j;5 wicked people. 2^^,— a broad hooded snake. s'3c^j_ a grey coloured snake. oie^— a water-snake. ^e3_ a yellow spotted snake. — sojai^j a kind of creeper. =3^0?^ kanna, s, A hole. — ts'o^^^ to bore a hole. J=So^zi kannada, s. The Canarese language. ^^^ Of or belong- ing to Canarese or Canara. 'i'^o^ri^ kannadaka, s. A pair of spectacles, an eye-glass. J'^o?:*^ kannadi, s. Glass. 2. a mirror. 3. a pair of eye- glasses. —^^ a network for suspending earthen vessels. -20S? a glass bangle. =3*oF^^aJjo^kannadeyuni, r.n. To suffer from morbid secretion of the sore eyes. ^o?^dD^ kannader^, s. A class of Canarese speaking Sudras. ^o ^"d a man of this class. =^0^ kanni, see ^ori. '^Q^'8 kannike, see "^^o. =3^oc5js^w kann5ji, s. A class of professional thieves from the ghauts. 2. a rogue. =5*0 3i kampa, see 7\ot>. ^ozi kampa, s. Agitation, tre- mor. 2. hesitation. 3. terror. 2^si>— an earthquake. TrSep^)— diffidence in public speaking. ^o3jdS 80oa^^ to frighten ; a fish to draw away the fishing tackle, when it has caught the bait. =S^o^oJjo^ kampiyuni (^ol3), z',7i. To tremble, quake, as with fear. v.n. To make a notch. ^=3^oeo, =3*02^ kamba, kambha, see =ao20C3^, ^023-323% ^oe3e)o5' kam- bad^, kambady, kambap^, see ^j'aot:} kambi .y.~^The borders of a cloth. ^'^'2. a flat bar of iron. ^3. a wire. — :3^^, ^^ezl:^ to run away. /=3^o2oo^, =5^0200^ kambula, kam- bula, s. A bullock race in a rice-field. ^o23z5 kambecci, s. A steel plate with holes for drawing wires. =3^oi3oor kamberlu, j. Demons worshipped by pariahs, —^sd Wo a hut of such a demon. 7=5^ot3JS^ kaiuboli, s. A blanket. — 5S& a species of hairy cater- pillar. /=^o^j kamma, ^. A pillar, post. =^osJJ«)6 kammare, ^. A black- smith, [fective. J^o^j kammi, adj. Deficient, de- ^o^oj-S-os:jojkammukiinmu, tntj. Disturbance caused by talk- ing. =7odo kamme 108 ^2^ kaca . N/=acd:)co, =3^0^^?^ kammena, kam- yana, see =^S)Ooj^. y=^o^r karnka, s. The state of being to burnt cr singed. — ^js t^r^ to fry, roast. X^zi'u-^j karnkallu, s. Gravel, hard sand. V ^c^i:r;:io^ karnkldyni (^ctn^r^, r'. ^. To burn. V=3'ot5"3r^^ karncavuni, ^. :'. (^. ^os^jr^) To cause to burn to cinders. j^s^c^aor^ karncuni (^ctio^), r. «. To be burned to cinders. =coeJr karnta, s. Obstinacy; ha- tred, grudge, -tj^^^ to be obstinate; to have a grudge. ^ob?5^^^) karntavuni, c.v. (of ^cUjr^j To blacken, scorch. ^oejjr^ karntuni (s'oOr), v. n. To fade, become pale;Ao be scorched. ^cdr karnde, s. The shrub Sphaeranthus hirtus. —^9^ ^ the tree Carissa carajidas. ^c3Jr-S\ karmpakki, i^. A kind of small bird frequenting a sugarcane plantation, [cane. Vi^otojF karmbu, s. The sugar- =5^oUjr2^ karmbuda, see ^o^ooeoozi. >y=5ro20jr^ karmbuni (s^c^r), 7'. /7. To mutter. J'SrozSr^j karmbelu, J. A stingy woman. ^o?g kainse, 5-. Krushna's uncle. ^=2^, =3'?f3, kakka, kakka, s. Sedi- ment. a:;s:sa9ou5_ putrescence of sardines. >/=a5j).y kakkata, s. Constant vomiting. =3^5^-t:.^"5).6 kakkabikkare, s. Alarm, fright, adj. Crooked. =cts^ 6 kakkare, see ^jss'^t?. V^^^sJ^ kakkavuni, ^. (of ^) To cause to vomit. ^'d'^x;^ kakkuni (-^a), ^'. a. & ;/. ' To vomit. ^M~ to emit poison, as a serpent. j =3^=5^0,:^* kakkus^, ^. x\ privy. I — ^^o^r^ to go to stool. I-^'^ kakke, s. A crow, raven . I — ^J8°5 a black kind of fowl. j . -^^roso a kind of black ; shelled oyster. ^i=5^^ kakke, s. Cassia fistula. ^g^^ods:^ ^^ its tree. kakkendelyi, s. The shrub CanthiiimparTifloruvi ; I Citrullus colocynthis. ' =CT^j?,p=5^ 3t)?;j kakkokasastra, ' A treatise on women. ; =5^2Gre kanana, see ^cssf^s. J=a2S^2;ff kacakaca, intj. A sound produced, as when kneading any glutinous substance. — ^j» . ^r^ to tread or knead any- { thing to a jelly. P =^2^=^ kacakka, s. A sound pro- duced by a stone falling in mud. 1\ 'S'z^^z^, ^2^^02/1 kacapici, kaciku- I ci, 5.-€onfusion, disorder. ^ 2. j reducing anything to a jelly. I adj. Gummy, sticky. 3. zig- ; zag; difficult to decipher or read. ^2^ kaci 109 =5d liaja =3^2;^^ kacita, see so^7^. '^s^JSd kacura, see "^^^ "rf. ^2^J96 kacure, s. A clever man. ^eS^O kac9ri, ^. A public office. 3sejj3^— the Tahsildar's office. So3dja5— the Collector's office. ^2^=^^ kaccakadi, ^. A tortoise thell. ^z^'d kaccade, ^. An outcast. ^i5e) kacca, (^^'. Green, unripe; raw. 2. silly, indiscreet. 3. base, low. s/^ii^ y kaccata, s. Quarrelling, fighting; dispute. i^t5c)do^ kaccaduni, ^'. ^. To quarrel. ^^Z3^5j^ kaccavuni, ^. v. {o/^^^ Zr ^)) To join fast. =5^2^ kacci, ^^^ ^2^J5 . =3'z& kacci, s. A notch, incision. to- — s:^rfo?) to make a notch. T^2^ =ac^ kaccikada, ^^^ ^^ ^^. t^r &3- ^2;^ C3^o3o kaccidaye, ^. A native of Cutch. v/=5^2;^j^ kaccuni (^^), -t^. ^2/ To be joined fast. v. a1 To bite. Jus^jsd kaccura, ^. A fragrant root of the Zedoary Zeriim- het or Curcuma Zerumbet; Kcempferia galanga. • /=^2;§ kacce, s. The end (^r hem of a lower garment gathered up behind and tucked into the waist-band. — =5^yo^?i to fasten the under cloth behind; any fluid to run down the rim while tilting ; to turn the tail between legs, as a dog. =5^esiob*, ^i^oh kajanti^, kajanti, see ^?iolj. =^tio^ocj^^o kaj ammad^me, J. The tonsure of a child. ^2^5^ kajakiji, s. An oyster or cockle shell. 2. a cocoanut shell. =^J3e£Jo- the shell of a black oyster. ^S^ii^odod kajakuruve, s. A kind of basket. =^2^=^ kajake, adj. Variegated with white and black. — ^^jseQ a white fowl streaked with black. =^2d^ kajane, s. The green stuff floating on stagnant water. =^2;idOc^ kajaruni, see ^sStjj^. N/=5^2d53), =5^23^ s^ kajavu, kajavu, ^. Rubbish, sweepings. 2. see =3^2?e)c3 kajane, see a^SiD^. 7=5^23^ kajlpu, ^. Curry. 4 =5*20^^ kajili^, ^^^ ^■<2^. ^2£ kaje, ^. A kind of grass growing on brackish soil. >/ ^. an acid substance accu- mulated on the teeth by chewing betel leaves. =^^ kaJe, adj. Dark-red, reddish. — 59S an inferior kind of rice. N%2B^^ kajepuni (^^), v. a. To chew. 2. to husk with the teeth or beak. =3^2£do^ kajeruni (^^^), v. a. To waste, as time. 2. to lose, as 10 =5^2£ kaje 110 ^e:^ katty. sleep. 3. to delay, put off, as work or labour. 4^'iiZ>^ kajely, s. The after-birth, placenta. '^'S>^1^^ kajelpuni (^^^), see ^23^3^ kajjati^, s. North-west wind. =^23^cdj kajjaya, s. A cake made of rice, jaggory and ghee. Tjoii— a sweet preparation consisting of dhoU, gingely seed, jaggory, cocoanut, and cardamoms. ^Z^ kajji, see X^. '^tiS) ^ kajjura, see X^5. to =5^^ kajje, s. Business, work. ^2£do^ kajjeruni (^|^), '^^. n. To be interrupted, procrasti- nated. •J=CTb^=s^je3^ katijikuty, ^. The noise produced in biting or chewing any hard substance. 2. un- easiness in the bowels. =5e3*sjjr/j, katymasty, see aIj^o^. ^ei^ei katakata, s. Babbling, chattering. — ssi'do^ to chat- ter; to speak harshly. ~^€) 4^ to laugh noisily. ^eJi^^ katakkane, «^^. Readily,' suddenly, at once. — 3jfd^^ to speak harshly. TS'ei^S katale, s. The shopkeeper's open box for putting in cash. =ae3D^jii katakuti, s. Confusion, disorder, disturbance. —7i^ ^:5i>?i lumber, things lying in confusion. — ctdoS^doSo a quiet man. =3'ba)0 katari, see ^^^. =5^be)5S katavu, s. Reaping. =5*^^ kataksha, s. A glance, side-look. 2. mercy, favour. —^J9^di7)^j^ to show mercy. _De^^ to regard with favour. "^U^ katina, see ^sr®. =5ei^ej katipiti, s. Wrangling. 2. disagreement, misunder- standing. —2^hF^ misunder- standing to arise. — -rfo^Ov^ to wrangle ; to haggle in mak- ing a bargain; to disturb, as by babbling. ^^od, =3^yjsd, =CT^J5^d katura, katura, katora, adj. Harsh, severe, cruel; cf. ^sr®. =3^li6j3^5QrJ katkarohini, s. Black hellebore, Helleborus niger. -i^k^. katt\ji, s, A band, hoop. 2. a tie, bandage. 3. a bundle, packet. 4. an order, com- mand; a regulation. 5. a bond. -^^'^ a law, institute, usage, routine. — =^jse5 fixed hire. —'h^T?^ to loosen a tie. — T^^oito unfasten; to cancel a rule. —■^'^^^^ to make a resolution, or rule; to ex- communicate. ^g^^'s'o^o kattykamma, s. A fixed pillar. =2rl3^.=a::^ katti^kada, sec ^rris'^. '^^.=5'^ kattykadi, ^. Determin- ation, settlement. ^b^ kattu 111 =CT^, katte tk^r^d katti^kade, s. A final arrangement or resolution. — ^ finally, at last, on the ex- treme point. ' =^^^,=5^^ katt^kathe, s. A fable, novel, romance. ^b^,^oo^j, katti^inuttu, see ^t^o £0 vO ^b« s3^ katt^lme, see ^^^^- so '^ ^bf,S3-3rj^ katt^vas^, ^. A rough kind of cloth. 2. a piece of cloth to wrap up clothes eU. >/^£J, katta, s. A dam. 2. ^^^ ^^,. TS^y katta, see ^m^. v/=g^Ur3 kattana, ^. An embank- ment. 2. any earth- or stone- work. ^3. a building. ^eJ,r32^^d;3 kattanaciravu, s. A bag with divisions; ^/^£? Xy^o ^eJ.^rJ kattapuni, ^. An em- bankment between rice-fields or across a water-course. -J'^'ddi kattalme, s. A building. '/^g'ej,^ kattale, s. Custom, prac- 20 • • • tice. 2. an order. 3. a rule, regulation. =^e3^,=3^oe3. kattakutti, ^^^ ^6to^o&2. eo eo J=s^e3^,r^ kattani, ^. A necklace of 20 five or seven strings of gold beads, each having a gold coin in the middle. V=s^b|,^^kattavuni, c.-z'. {of. ^wo^ ^)) To cause to bind or tie. 2. to have a house etc. built. 3. to supply. 5^:5— to supply with vegetables. =g^b|,^^ kattavuni (^^), ^'. «. To winnow. ^i^ViX\ kattige, s. Fuel, firewood. 20 =^^0. kattu, see ^^ • 20 ■ ' " =?^bo.^„d kattuttara, ^. Adjust- 20 — ment, settlement. 2. order command. 3. the pacification of a devil. -^^eJo.^ kattuni (^^), ^. a. To bind, tie, fasten, secure. 2. to build, construct. 3. to set, as jewels. 4. to amass, as wealth. 5. to deposit, as money. V6. to pay government dues. ?7ll5 '^ji>hF^ {lit. to tie and give) to erect for another, as f^^ ^0.5 =^j3br^ to build a house for another; =^^^I3^S "^j^hF^ to submit voluntarily ; cTOoodo '^^^^ T^js^F^ to refer a dispute for arbitration ; 2?>jsso ^13,5 T?jsbr^ to lease out a ei land. ^I3^S a^L^^ to store, amass; to forbear, as from showing one's pride. ^^^ zjDZio^ to confine. ^13.S ojD to suffer loss, be ruined. 10* =5*^^ katte 6J 112 ^zi kada '^^^ kattevu, s. A flea. =^^Arao^ kattonuni, v. refl. (of ^wo^^) To bind for oneself. 2. to supply oneself. CDsi— to commit sin. =^^, T^^, katle, katle, see ^«."^. ■^©■©O kathari, ^. A dagger. TS'Sra kathina, ^?^'. Hard, harsh, severe, difficult. — ji-d^je)^ a cruel man. — sjui-d a severe expression. ~-Qs^^t\ a serious disease. — c^^odo a hard heart. ^^JS^d kathora, adj. Severe, hor- rible. ^cs*oZ§^^ kad^nciliji, see ^^^. ^cs^oZu, =sc3^oe§oSj kad^nji, ka- d^njeyi, see 7\^-R. '/'^^S^osoo kadT^mbu, s. A kind of cake. =5^G^o23d kad^mbele, ^. A miser, niggard. -J=^C5^^ kad^^ta, ^. A cut, incision. 2oc^e s'S^jsAO =5^^ he cut it at one stroke. 2. ^^r? ^rf^. '?^G^;^d kadi^tale, j^^' s'Stj??. =aC3<^C3^ kadyd^, ^^^^ sS. -1=3^C2<^^^ kad^puni, j^^^ xsTi^^^. ^zs^^j kad^ma, ^^^ s^r^do. >y ^c^z^^sSj kadyiine, ^. Prid'), vanity. 2. ostentation, vaunting. '^cs'^isS, ^J2^-Fjii6 Lad^£ale,kadyi- sale, s. A di^vil-dancer's sword. =3^Cs^^N kadi^stana, ^'^ XSco^^f. -J^ci kada, ^. A loan, debt. — ^js ^""«'to lend, —s^sjc'i to borrow. J T^cioCJkadanda,^. Grinding. -?r^ a grinding stone, ^^o^ a grinding pestle. "^doi^^^ kadambal^, s. The space behind the hearth. i^doi:)^ kadambale, s. A kind of poisonous snake; also ^s'T^^od =^2^=3^^. kadakatt^, s. Monetary transactions, lending and bor- rowing. i^zi^zi kadakda, see TdiXri. -i'^zir^ kadag^a, s. A bracelet. -I'S^c^^ kadata, s.^A cloth covered with a composition of char- coal and gum, and used in- stead of a slate for writing. J 2. the skin. =^(:^dj kadadu, see ^S. J'^ziti kadapa, s. Distance. 2, about half a mile. J'S^dsra^c^ kadapavuni, c,7'. (of "6 ^4^i) To cause to pass. 2. to help one to ford a river. I'^Ti'^ kadapu, s. A ferry. —'^%^ a stone placed across a stream for crossing over. — crooSo a ferryman. "^Ti"^ kadapu, s. A rheumatism of the joints. ^'^zi'^Ti:^'^ kadapuduni, c, v. (of ^ ci^s^) To despatch, forward, send away, dismiss. ?rTi^Tl3 ??jsSbr^ to accompany one for a short distance out of civil- ity ; to follow the remains of deceased relatives to their last resting place. vd kada 113 =5^do kadu J-^d^p kadapuni (^^), ^'. a. To cross, ford, pass. v. n. To elapse. 2. to surpass. i =j^^s2^ kadapelu, ^. That which can be crossed over. ■^zit>o-d kadapyade, see '^^^^' J'^dzio kadama, s. A stag, elk. i ^c^^o kadame, s. Deficiency, de- fect. 2. remnant, adj. Less, deficient; remaining. ^^— difference, about. ~^h^ to become less, be diminished. —•rfo<^Ov^?i to lessen, reduce; to deduct. 7=3^!^ 05 J kadayi, s. A boiler of bell-metal. ^d^ kadara, s. The companions of a bride, bridesmaids. —=3^ yo.^ to choose a bridesmaid. — crot a bridesmaid. — rf ^5 oci:rad a gift of four rupees to a bridesmaid. =^c^do^ kadaruni (^^^), ^. /2. To croak; to caw. >/^do^ kadal^, s. The sea, ocean. — ^^^, _9s^ the sea-gull. — ?^ (sjzo^d the bone of a cuttle- fish. —?^o-5 the foaming surges of the sea. — ^o^S a sea-hog, dolphin. — S3De3 a kind of fish. — "rfos a sea-snake. — -sj?)^ a sea-fish. J =^2^53 kadale, ^. Bengal gram, GV^;* arietinum. ^e^— the ground- nut, Arachis hypogacB. ^ ^ziz^ kadavu, s/X turning-lathe. 2. a wooden shoe. 3. a silver anklet. — s:^:lo^ to turn in a lathe; to wear anklets, or wooden shoes. ^d?^ kadasijL, see Xt^c3. ^C3^^^ kadakadi, ^^■. Resolute, decided, strict, exact. v/=^C5^o5o kadayi, ^^^ =3^1^030. =3^^i)d kadara, ^ee ^Ti-d. "uz^^ kadavu, see s'c^^. =3^^ kadi, s. An opening, pas- 7 sage. -^. a small fragment, bit. 3. a small passage. — ^ w^?) to block up an opening. ^^ kadi, s. Broken rice; adj. Broken. =5^(^a kadita, see ^S^. =CT<^z5^^ kadicil^, ^^^ ^§r^' =^^do kadime, ^^^ ??Ti^o. =5'<^o;Jj kadiya, see ^Qodo, >/=5^ao;Joj^kadiyuni (^^), T'. ?/:^o be cut in two. 2. to break down. 3. to give way, as a dam. 4. to dissolve, as friendship. =^^0^, =s^^0^^kadirij, kadiratana, see ^t^^B. V=3^^S3^r9 kadivana, s. The bridle of a horse. s/^^^D^ kadlrijL, adj. First-born. —^^ primogeniture. — trooSo the first-born son. =a^^D^ kadir^, s. The plant Si'da retusa. ■^"^do kadu, ^. Pungency; seve- rity. 2. excess; extremity. adj. Pungent. 2. extreme, ex- cessive. 3. severe. — ^s'e;^?), — c^T^j?) to poison the fish. —^^^ excessive trouble. -"^^^ ^^0 kadu 114 =5d kade very bitter. — ^^jsesj excessive passion or anger. — ^oTs a very liberal man. —zj^h a great sinner. — 2>^ excessive heat. ^d^ic^^D^ kadumbarijt, s. Drowsi- ness, dreaminess. — 3j^/2. see ^ifL^^. 'S'ddo^ kaderuni, ^^t? ^Ti-6^^. ^d?o kadesa, i". Delay. =3^d^'c)4c^ kadesavuni, <;. '^'. (^s' tS?io^) To delay, detain, stop. =c^d?oo?^ kadesuni (^i^^co), 2/. :?2. To be late, to delay, tarry, linger. =3^j|) kadei, see ^c^oso. =ac^ kadga, s. A sword. /'^g^^o^ kadcil^, s. A turning lathe. —sjDil)^ to turn in a lathe. — oDoSo a turner. J=5^^ kaddi, s. The fibre ^r vein of a leaf. 2. a very small stick. — ef)d^, ^^^ sp-d^. ^c^ o kaddya, s. A pitcher, water- pot. >/=3*c^ (d kaddyana, s. A bridle, reins, bit. =3*^3 d 23^ 0^0 kadtaleUayi, ^. A quarrelsome person. ^^a* kadtel^, ^. That which is broken. ^^?-)j kadtelu, s. A prattling woman. '=aC5^ kaddiji, s. Severity, rigour, harshness. 2. the strength of wine etc.; also —7^0^. adj. Severe, harsh. 2. strong. — sroiTJ a harsh word, ^^h^ to be severe, strong. —"^^ '^Ov^i to make strong. J=3^C3^y kddata, s. Cutting. 2. fighting. =CT(:^,3„ kadpatti, s. A bill-hook. V=CTdo kadpu, ^^'. Excessive, be- yond limit, etc, — ^"^^ an oversweet confection. — srood a very harsh word. —^07^5 gold containing a larger pro- portion of alloy than usual; J =s^dj^^ kadpuni (^S) , v. a. To cut ; to fell down. ^Ti.^6 a stone oJ 00 cut from a quarry. ^c^, kadma, >y^^ ^c^^o. ^d, =CTd kadle, kadle, see ^^^. ■ =^^3 kana, s. A square piece. ■d^^_ the piece of cloth from which a female's bodice is made. =3^C9 kana, see ^^^ =3*r3 kana, 7'. a. (imperat. of =^jso nh^) Bring. =5^^0200^^ kanambaruni, see po r®o20-do^. -i=3^r3S* kanak^^, s. Fuel, firewood. .* ^r^ti kanaja, ^. A granary, barn. '^^^tid kanapade, s. A kind of =u£^ kana 116 ■i. katte tree, having poisonous milky juice. ^s^rssilci kanapane, s. A stupid man. ^g^rssidjkanaparvL, s. A jaw-tooth, grinder. ^ras^e^oSj kanapalayi, s. A plank for the driver to stand upon in buffalo race. ^C9aj^ kanapini, see =Sji>orih^. -i^^^t) kanape, adj. Bitter, astrin- gent. =^£^'3 kanale, see ^J3r©«3. J=3^rJ kani, s. A ditch, trench. s{=^d^^ kanipuni (^^), ^'. n.^iTo be hardened by burning, as an earthen vessel. ! 2. to be afflicted. -sSoFi^co- to be depres- sed, dispirited; the heart to be hardened. I =3^rJdo kanime, s. A defile or pass between two mountains. 'S'cJoSj kaniye, s. An astrologer. ^ =CTr?)s3 kanile, s. A tender bamboo shoot. «/ ^fl kane, s. A slender bamboo branch. =5*fl kane, s. A blight incidental to rice crops. =^o3j^— a blight- ed ear of corn. >/'5f| kane, s. The quill of a por- cupine, —tjo'^ a porcupine. 'S'florv^, ^s'floA kaneng^, kanengi, see ^6cK. =3'fl^^ kanepuni (^f?), ?'. «. To have an acrid or astringent taste. 2. to rot. =^fl5odj kaneparu, see ^r©zJdj. =3^cl32 kanepe, ^^^ '^c©^. =s^clo^j^ kaneyuni, ^^^ ^^^4^^• =^dId^ kaner^, .y. Astringency. v/t^eIo^ kanely, s. The thick end of grass or straw. 2. a small branch of a tree. "^^^^ kanevuni, see ^f^^^. =3'clJ3oo^ kanopini, ^^^ ^jsoiib?). =3^fij5€ kanole, see ^J3pse5. J=aco^ kannii, see ^oFs. CO • =or3 =ab^, kannakattu, i"^^ tfofii^'O . =5^ra^^D' kannaniry, ^^^ 5^ofi^§5 under ^o^. ^f|j?. ^to kannoji, ^^^ ^o?2j3e22. =^i kate, see ^^. J=3'|j, katta, s. The coir ^r fibres of the cocoanut, used to make ropes with. J =3*^0 kattari, see ^s^^^o. J=CT|j,DC)do.^, =a^^>Oo^kattaliyuni, kattalyuni(5^f^^),r.:?^. To set, as the sun; to get dark. 2. to droop, as one's spirits. J=3^^53 kattale, s. Darkness. ^&-, ^A ^e3 pitch dark. ^^^^^ the twilight. =g!|^55 kattavu, ^^^ ^i,- =3^|j,V*' kattal^, s^ Cash, ready money, vlg, J=a|j,katti, s. A knife; also ^£^. -l=3=i katte, ^. An ass. 2. a silly >/ creature. ^^?s'Je3^ a hayeaa. -^^|j,& katteri, J. Scissors, shears. 2. an betel-nut cracker. 3, a rat-trap; also .oe^-. katte 117 =3^:3^. kadr^ tJ J^|^Do;^oj?j, =5^4>do^ katteriyuni, katteruni {^fB)^v.a. To shear, cut with scissors. tS's^c^, =3^3^Fjkatrana,katrana,^. A composition of chunam and other ingredients used for flooring. =acp, =5qi^ kathe, kathana, s. A story, narrative, narration, history. 2. a fable, tale. tntj. Ah! c33^_ wonderful! ^qro ^?ioA narration of a story. s'qro-dx! a delightful or pleasant story. ^qro:^oX)^ a collection of stories ; a compendium of history. =^23*055 kadi;impe, see ^rfc;3. =^23^=0^2;^ kad^k^l^, s. A vital part of the body, as the heart. 2. the side. ["taff. n/=c^C3^0^ kadyir^, ^. A spindle, dis- =^dos3 kadampe, ^. The decayed part of timber- 2. a chip, splinter. =c^do?od kadamsara, s. A per- fumed braid made of the "kedagi" flower. 'SdF^ kadana, s. War, battle. =ad^ kadane, j. A swivel-gun. — 80oc^^ to fire a swivel-gun. 4i^ViQ\ TS'ddo kadar^, kadaru, see aS5. =5^d^Ooi kadaluni, .y^^ ^de;j^. 4^CJs3 kadale, ^. A rag. adj\ Rag- ged, tattered. J=3^a=^ kadike, ^. The Huriallee grass, Cynodon Dactylon. 2. the name of a village. y=5a# kadike, s. A granary. 2. a depository for the receipt of offerings. =^a^ kadine, see ^c^jS. V=g^a^ kadipu, .r^^ =5^2^-^. ^aDog^i kadipuni, .y^^ =5:3^^. =aa^o kadime, see soe^o. N/=5^aoJo kadiya, «^^'. Strongly, well, -^owo^ to squeeze well. -^=3^£)D^ kadiri^, ^-.-^An ear of corn. ^ 2. .y^^-^^SS. =s^a^^o kadima, «^'. Of long standing, veteran, experi- enced. =s^e)^dj kadime, s. A veteran, an experienced man, a servant of long standing. =3^do kadu, s. Grit. J =^dj^ kadupu, see ^rfo^. J=aj3 kade, ^. Catamanial dis- charge. J=s^d^^, =5^dojjo^, =5^c54^ kade- puni, kadeyuni, kadevuni (^^3), V. a. & ^. To disjoin. 2. to pull out, strip off. =5^diG^ kadeli^, adj. Loose, ^d^o^ kadeluni (^^^), r. ^. To become loose, slack. 2. to shatter, tatter. =^Cj^^© kadoli, s. A species of plantain, Musa sapientum. y=aCjO. kadpu, ^. Stealing, theft. /g'do kadpu, .y. An ear of ripened corn. — c5oA0^ an ear of corn to bend from its weight. J^cj^ kadru, see ^55. =5*^^ kadro 118 "ut,^ kappa ^dJ^.^Ci kadrolu, ^. A kind of edible grass. -1^^ kana, ^. A dream, —^-dj^s^ a vision ; chimera, fancy. — ^ ^^ {lit. dream and mind); sleep or wakefulness, used negatively — =5'W0j^, c. dat. —■^h?i to dream. [so-do^i. '^cdoejdb^ kanambaruni, see ^or®o =5=?^^ kanaka, s. Gold. ^f^so^T^e^ showing honour or devotion by pouring gold coins on the head. -e:^j?>r®F gold dust. ^-^fj kanape, see ^r®^. ^=^^=5^^ kanikara, s. Pity, compas- sion. — ■rfo^o^^ to pity, have compassion. 7=^c^o^^^, ^c^ojoo^ kanipuni, kani- yuni, see '^^^^. y^c^sJOJSD kanimuri, s. The smell of smoke. ^^d kanile, see ^f^e3. =g^^^ kanishta, adj. Small, little. 2. young. 3. base, inferior, low. — ^ lowest. "^t^A, a ei youngster. ^fS kane, see ^s?. =5?553^4c^ kanepavuni, c. v. {of ^ ^^^) To afflict, cause trouble. 2. to harden, as the heart, v'^f^?^^ kanepuni (^?^, v.n. To be afflicted, troubled. 2- to be hardened; see ^rf^^. •g'j^D* kaner]^, see ^«3^. ^^ti^"^ kanevuni (^J5), 7r n. The skin to be discolored by a blow. "jSTt. kanna, see ^osJ. J^fd,d kannada, see '^o^ri. l^^fi kannadi, see "^o^^. =3^^ kanni, see ?rcr5. ^^^ kanya, s. A virgin, young girl; also ^^o, ^^>;^^, s^?^o^o ^80. 2. the sign Virgo in the zodiac; the sixth solar month. -3^ virginity. —^ 59^^ an offering to the dead. —rf =^030 the first crop. —^ t>^5 a kind of grass. — sOs© •do, —deS the country sarsa- parilla, Heynidesmus indicus, ^?roocs;i giving a girl in mar- riage. =3^3:; kapa, see ^^. =^3i£3 kapata, J. Fraud, deceit; hypocrisy. —7^^, — crooSo, _ ^, - =5^zj&3 a hypocrite, dissembler. — ^?M the guise of hypocrisy. =^sjcl kapade, ^. A gluttonous woman. 2. cloth. ^sj^, =aS3^^ kapala, kapala, s. The scull. 2. the temples. =^53c)b* kapat^, s. An almirah. ^55^X0 kapayi, s. A greedy woman. 2. middling, as liquor. =?^aj kapi, 3-. A monkey, ape. _s5?7^ a monkey's trick; teas- ing. — ^u^^i to mimic, ape. J'g'^ kapi, s. A pulley. =g^^^ kapila, s. A tawny colour. adj. Tawny. >-^i^?), 3^^c3 the founder of the Sankhya philo- sophy. ^sj)^ kapura, see "6^7^. .^ .. i^r^ kappa, j. Tribute, an offer- ©J =3^3:5 kappa 119 ts'eo kaba 7=3^^0^ kappanda, s. A sling. -^^ a sling stone- =3^.^^, ^^(S, =3*^(1 kappada, kap- padi, kappade, s, A dirty, tattered cloth. =3^sj (^ kappade, j. A snipe; cf. jV^^ kappade, ^^'. Dirty. -t?oowo, =5'^o^ kappariji, s. A portion of a large earthen pot, potsherd. —^^4) a fiat kind of cake, or _t5js&3^ a kind of bread, baked in such a potsherd. J^'^^if kappar^, adz'. On the face. — 20j5-do^ to fall on the face. =3'^D*2^ogOjjkappar^suttu, s. Gal- vanised iron, zinc. =3^^^do^^ kapparant^, s. A fabu- ^ lous beast. 2ya glutton. 3. a rake, debauchee. ^^do^ kapparante, ^. A tad- pole. n/=5^5j,o^ kappal^, ^. A ship. -^fjaeO a game cock. — ^e^j^b a kind of cumin seed, Nigella sativa. — SJero^4^, — iOTJo^ to go on board a ship. iJ 'S'^ kappu, s. Blackness, dark- ness. adj. Black, dark. — -^jae s§ a dark ^r dejected face. — sjDtl:^ to conjure or divine by putting a black application on the palm ; cf.^'t. =ao5) ijs^^j, ^z^iiS^^^h kapputo- laci, kapputolasi, s. A kind of mint shrub, 'Holy basil,' Ocimuni sanctum. V^S'd) ^ kappuni (^^), "0. a. To eat greedily. -^=5*^ kappe, A frog, -^o?^ large eyes. si-Sv— , r;^)_ a green frog. —^0^, — "^js^A a disease of cattle, dogs, etc, — "do&s a tadpole. =3^^?oo4^ kaprasuttu, see s'^S =3^^ kapha, ^. Phlegm. — ^wj^^ phlegm to accumulate in the throat. —"S^^o) to expectorate. =^w^2;^ kabi^ca, s. A short jacket. y=3'20 kaba, s. The space between the fingers; cf. ^s3. _^^ a bifurcated branch. =3^200^5 kabandha, s. A headless trunk. 2. water. =^EOc^ kabandhe, ^. The name of a giant. 2. a short-necked man. 3. the moon's ascend- ing node. =3^20=^^ kabakei, see under ^so. J^xM kabata, see ^^a. v'^soa a dissembling woman. =3'3v:c5^C3e)D^ kabadyidar^, tntj. Be careful! ?r8o5c3D&^ care, cau- tion; control. ^Eos^ kabat^, ^. Drill, military exercise. >/=3^E0D« kabari^, j^.^A forked or lateral branch. '-''2. a forked stick. 3. a report. 4. news. ^adj. Forked. _ aDoScrooSj a heedless t'r negligent man. -^=a2oO kabari, ^. Tufted hair of females. =^3^3 kaba 120 ^d kara =3^2J«)e3^ kabaty, see ^sroO. ^2:)do^ kabiduni (^sSS), ^. ^. To strain, as the gruel of boil- ed rice. y^2:)0JJ0^ kabiyuni (^83), ^. a. To besiege, surround, overwhelm. 2. to overspread, as clouds; also 'S'i^^:^^. '^t^^T^ui)'^, "^tj^t kabir^dase, kabire, s. A celebrated Hindu saint, once a Mussulman. =3^2000^, =5^20J5o*, =3^2005© kabul^, kabul^, kabuli, s. Agreement, consent. =3*200 d kabule, adj. Tawny, of a yellowish dark colour. ~^t^ to get ripe, as the gingely oil- seed, s. A tawny coloured bull. ^ ^e3 kabe, s. A forked stick, adj. Cloven, forked. -^^ the cleft between the thumb and the forefinger. — ^js?£;o a post forked at the top. — ^cg a kind of fork-shaped grass. =3*233^ kabett^, adj. Tawny, of a yellowish colour. =3'23s|^kabetti, J. A tawny colour- ed cow. =^20 kabca, see =3r^£i. V=^2i, =5iJo kabbe, kabya, adv. Topsyturvy, upside-down. — D^rli?) to overturn. — 20ja:ij^) to capsize, upset. ^s^jQ^ kamala, s. The lotus, Nymphea nelumba. 's^^?;* kamasT^, ^^^^ X;:l>oi. '3'^^?^kamasi;i,Theroisnone,7'/^. =5'dj?^;3j^6 kamastare, ^. A sea- custom superintendent. =a5jJSc^^, ^d3«)?^j kamany, kama- nu, s. An arch, vault. =^sij^OoO kamayi, ^. Gain, income. ^Ooli kamiti, s. A committee, conference. =3^^. kamma, see ^odo. -1=50j, kammi, see^oSi:>, ^xi^o. ^=5^0,?^, =3*^00 ?^ kammena, kamyana, s. Smell, odour, scent, fra- grance, savour. -i^oJo kaya, s. Depth, as of water elc. 2. swamp, adj. Deep : also ^odoAoca. =3*oJj kaya, see ^odo. =^oJo^ kayappa, adr. Entirely, wholly, all over. 2. well. —zi^^ to plough well. — ^-esio^ to anoint (^r besmear the whole body. — -^jstS^^ to mix. =aoJj^ kayame, 3-. A kind of rice; c/. e)&. ^oj.o^ kayali^, ^^t- ssodo^. =3^oajQg) kayipu, ^^^ ^5^254- 7=3^05: c3 kayipe, see ^^^. =3*05:0^ kayil^, see ^^^. =3*0^^53 kayile, ^^^ ^osjd -i=CT3 kara, J. An earthen vessel. 30o^cJ_ the stomach. —^^^ cooking utensils. J =3^ kara, s. Pollution from death. * =5=^ kara, s. The hand. 2. the trunk of an elephant. 3. a spark, ray of light, as a^- the sun. =^d kara 121 =CTd kara ^doeio^ karantuni, see ^'cyor^. I 's'dorl, ^s^dodo^ karande, karande- llji, see s'oclr. /=^do53 karampe, ^. A wound. 2. =^dos3o^ karampeli^, ^^'. Perfo- rated, bored ; having notches. ■( s. The scar of a wound. =5^ do 200 karambu, see ^czoor. =5 do 200^ karambuni (^^o^^), ^r. a. To prune, cut off, as super- fluous branches of a tree; to clear away, as bush, ek.\ cf. ^O200F^. g^do25^^ karambeli;, s. A kind pi of coppice. =^d=CT karaka, see ^^f. ^^t'^t karakara, s. The noise made in chewing, sawing, or writing. '5d=5'D, =ad^6 karakari, karakare, s. Annoyance, trouble. 2. grief, sorrow, distress. '^tj\K^ karagasij, see Xz^r^. s/=^dn^^2^ kara^avuni, c. v. {of ^T^Xo^) To melt, liquefy. 2. to affect the mind, make a person's heart melt. 3. to afflict, cause sorrow. ' ^tT\:>'^ karaguni, v. n. To melt, dissolve, liquefy. 2. to be- come thin or lean; to waste. 3. to become affected, soften- ed ; to relent, melt with pity ; also ^dKS^'seE:^. ^s^dto^DOSo karajikayi, s. A kind of fruit-shaped cake. j=CTd^ karadu, s. Wastage, loss, wear. adj. Rough, coarse ; worn out. — 3>) X^ waste paper. ^^3j,^ a rough copy. ~-^h^ to be worn out. — tSo^j^c^ to waste, spoil. >y=^d^ karadi, s. A bear, -^ooso sso3o a hairy man. =3^d^7^ karadige, ^. A small box, ^=^dc^j karadu, see ^d5. =^dra karana, s. An organ of sense. 2. cause, instrument or means' of action. — ©)Cx:5o the three means of action, name- ly, ^j?2.^o^^^cdo the mindj speech and body. =3^dr?^, ^drJ^^ karanike, kara- nike, see ^rfrt?. /=3^do3^, karatala, ^/Cadjan. 2. a mode of beating time with the hands ; also ^/^^, ^^^^. -§oe3 cadjan leaf. v/=ad^^ karapuni, ^'. ^. To repulse, drive. 2. to urge. 3. to clear, remove. -/4. to digest. 5. to waste. 6. to cause abortion; cf. =aTi7v)4'o^- =3^d^ karape, s. A notch or in- cision. ^d^e;j karapelu, ^. A trouble- some or mischievous woman. =ads3s3 karapele, s. A trouble- some or mischievous man. =3^d20?^ karabasi^, see ^s:^r^. =CTdoJo karaya, see =0^050^0. ^"^ti) karale, s. A swelling. ^.^d^ karavi, ^. A mould. kara 122 ^0 kari ^"^d^^ karavuni (=5"^), v. n. ^To be dissolved, melted. >2.to be digested. 3. to miscarry. "^^dd karave, s. Phlegm. -=^jse^ pulmonary phthisis. ^'^ds?^ karal^, see ^^r. ^d^ karale, see. =^^^^3. =5*05)^ karadi, s. A class of Mah- ratta Brahmins. =^Dc)r?'^ karanike, see ^rfrt?. =^D■^^3^ karabiji, «^'. Filthy, dirty, unclean, bad. =g^Dc)dos*, ^D"5)SJ0vl, karamatij, karamati, ^. A miracle, won- der. 2. the power of doing wonders, etc. •s/=S^Dc)OJj karaya, s. Phlegm. =g^DDD*, ^D"5)do karar^, kararu, ^. An agreement, contract. — ^o s;zid'^ kaladuni (^^^), v.n. To be mixed. 2. to be kneaded. J'uv^p kalapuni (^e^), ^. ^. To mingle. 2. to knead. ^otL- to plough a watered field. J "^^^ kalappu, adj. Mixed. 2. kneaded. -^=3^^250=^ kalaberake, .y. Admix- ture, compound. J 'd(DZj:f kalami^, s. Grafting -■si^ ^ii^ to graft. 'uv^:f, =g^Q->doo kalamv, kalamu, see '^^o. =as;dj kalame, s. A kind of rice. ^e;o5o kalayi, see t5^oi>03o. =a^^ kalavu, see ^^4- ^^5^, =3*Oa) kalasa, kalasa, s. A pitcher, 2. a vase, goblet. 3. aspire, —^v:)^^ purification by pouring water, -'^^h^ to set up a spire. =5*^;^ kalase, s. A grain measure equal to ten, twelve, four- teen, fifteen, or sixteen seers. =CT^3okalalia, ^. Quarrel, dispute. 'uO-s^ kalapa, s. A family trial, distress, or dispute. 2. an ornament, zone. — ^o^o^^ to quarrel; to make confusion. =5^575)050 kalayi, s. Tinning. -adt5 a person who tins vessels, tin- ker. — =#js^r^, —sj^iI:^ to tin. T?Oc)Sj kalavu, see ^^4- '^ODh kalasi, s. A sailor, lascar. =^a^rj^ kalas^, s. Conclusion, end. 2. consumption, exhaus- tion. —Zfh^ to be finished, or consumed. — -rfos^^j^S) to complete; to empty. "^^j^k kalasi, see s'g;sS. J^e'O kali, ^. Toddy; liquor. =^0, xS'Oodoori kali, kaliyuga, s. The fourth or iron age of the world; the age of vice. =^0=^ kalike, s. Dissimulation, dissembling. -Ig'd kale, .J. A scar. 2. a mark. blemish, stain. =3*^0?!^, =s*dor\kalengiji,kalengi,J. Rust, verdigris =^6 kale 127 ^djs,^ kalpo ^^601^ kalembi, s. A chest, cof- fer. ~^id^^ —cro^, see ^eJoc^c'^i. =^^02^) kalembi, i". The hindmost sail of a boat. =CT53=ac)dc9 kalekarana, ^. A bad affair. ^s3=s=^^r=^kalekarnika, see ^r^r??. '■^^6h^, =s^d^^ kalepini, kalepuni (g'eS), z'. ^./To strip off, remove. ^"^2. to subtract, deduct. ^d^c^ kalevuni peS), v. n.^To be stripped.'^, to be deducted. y ^tx kalka, ^.^Decoction, infusion of any drug. 2. sediment. =3*^6 kalkare, i". x\ place abound- mg m latrite stone. =CT0) kalki, i-. The tenth or last incarnation of Vishnu, ex- pected to put an end to the kali or iron age; also — ©^ "a^j,^, ^g'^Oycl kalkutti, kalkude, ^\ The name of a demon. ^"G^x^ kalkuni (^^^j), '^. n. To cry, as a demon or one pos- sessed with an evil spirit. =5^53, kalke, see ^e5^. /^dJS. d kalkore, s. A kind of fish. "O" ^£) ^:>zS^o^ kalgi rumalyi, ^. A yellow handkerchief with black spots. =aa;^sJod kaltamara, s. A wild kind of lotus growing on stony ground. =S^^ kalte, s. Morning, the day- break; c/.WQo-d. —dj^cxjon morn- ing and evening. =^s^ \^^ kalteia^u, adv. {lit. for the mouth of toddy). Something given as a relish when sip- ping toddy. ^a^jCJ^ kalnari^, s. A medicinal drug. =CT^kalpa, s. A period of time. 2. a sacrerd work, one of the six Vedangas. 3. resolve, purpose. 4. artifice, trickery, cunning. =aej|^o?i kalpande, see s'fy^sS. =3^^3^kalpada, ^. A fluid measure equal to twelve seers. =3^sjkcl kalpane, s. A stone quarry. =^^.^ kalpane, ^. Fiction, fable. 2. invention, fabrication. 3. producing, forming. —-6:^^:^^^ to invent, fabricate, contrive ; to produce, form; to esta- blish. =^^do=^, =s^ej\dx=a kalparuksha, kalpavriiksha, s. The tree of Indra's paradise said to yield whatever is desired. ^a|^o^, kalpanta, s. The end of the world. =2ra^o^d kalpantara, s. Another period of time, eternity. n/^s^s^i^sSc^ kalpavuni, c i). {of ^ <^o^oi) To teach, instruct. 2. to instigate; also ^e^^^S^jsEir^. ^©^?;jjc^ kalpisuni (^«^oJ), v. a. To invent, fabricate. J'x^^^p kalpuni (^^), v. a. To learn, study. =5^5303 ^^ kalpokta, adv. Accord- ing to religious directions. ^>^ kallante, kallate, s. The Indian nightshade, Sola- num Indicum. "^^i^t^ kallabiru, see under CO ^€ . =3*^050 kallayi, ^^^ ^2,°^i>- ^e^dr( kallaraga, .y. Asphalt. oo =3^^j3jrd kallarpada, ^. Small-pox attacking a person a second time. ^^^r kallarpe, s. A kind of CD sieve to remove small stones from earth. ^a-3^ kallale, s. A class of pariahs. 2. their headman. i^s'C) kalli, ^."^A bag of net-work, CO J . 1 made of ropes. 2. a wicker- work. 3. the pods of cannabis. 4. see '^\' ^^\ kallitti, see ^^3 . =^0 6j?)V^o kallirolu, s. A hard grown palmyra fruit. ^'oo kallu 129 ^7:j^ kasu =5^0 oj) kalluppu, s. Kock-salt, CO o-^ the Bombay salt. =i^^o do kalluru, ^. A kind of fish. ^^odo^'^ kalluruna, adj. Imma- ture, half-ripe or half deve- loped. =5'^o doei kalluruti, s. The name of a female Bhuta. =^^odj^ kalluruni (^^^^), '^. 'Z^- A stone to press or hurt the sole of the foot in walking. ^s3 kalle, s. The straw covering of a bundle of rice; also =5^53 vl kalletti, s. A bag with divisions within. "^dJ^^o kallottu, s. A foot-sore caused by a stone. =^dJ5 ^^ kallola, ^. A large wave or billow. 'az^'d, =^^2i kavaca, kavace, s. Armour, a coat of mail. 2. a jacket, short coat. ^sj^ kavate, see ^^^s. x/^da, =ad^ri, =3^^^ kavadi, kava- dige, kavade, ^. A small shell, cowrie. —s3sq calculation with cowries. —>^j3 200^0) to play with cowries. /^dfl kavane, ^. A sling. -=5^^ a sling-stone. ^z:)^^ kavati^, see ^sroi. ^zt^ kavana, s. Poetry, verse. 2. invention, fabrication. —t^S a poet. — ^wo^^, ^■rfo^o^^ to compose verses ; to caricature, —sj^^^o^ to exaggerate, invent. =3*d^?H kavalige, see tj'^^^. =5^-33^ kavat-^, s. Drill, military exercise. =aO, =^^^6 kavi, kavisvare, s. A poet. =3^^!, =^^^ kavite, kavitva, s. Poetry, 'a poem, verse. >i=^4o^'^» ^d,^?o kavundrasa, kavudrasa, ^. A cancer on the cheek. ^^•sojj, =^ss:c)o;^o kasaya, kashaya, s. A decoction, extract. — "s^o ■^^^ to extract, 6*^ prepare a draught. =5*^ kasi, s. Graft, grafting. — ^ Sr^o^oi to graft. "dhhh, =^2!j=5^J2;o, =3^;^Oao?;jj kasi- ■ pisi, kasukusu, kasukusu, adv. In bated breath, in a whisper. — sjDi-do^ to whisper. =^^^a, =3^5^::) kasidi,kasibi,^. Em- broidery, ornamental needle work. =a2^oSj kasyapa, s. The name of deified sage. =a^, kashta, s. Trouble, hard- ship. 2. labour, toil. — ^se; a time of difficulty. ~=^u?)L^^ to give trouble, -^ilocijor'i to be afflicted, to suffer. —200 a^^, _■^^o^^^ to work hard, take pains. =0^1^,0^, kashtishta, s. Enmity and friendship; love and hatred. =s^Ai^=a?^^=^ kasijikas^ka, .y. A sound produced when anything is smashed. kas^ 130 =3^^' kala ^?D^Sc)05o, =^?o^n-3oSo kasi^kayi, kasugayi, $ee ^sfe^oso. "^T^^TT kas^rijL, see ^?i5. J "aii kasa, ddj. Brackish. av)s^c^— anything over salted. V =s^?o kasa, s. Sweepings, rubbish. =3^?^o^* kasanti^, s. Rancidity. ^ J 2. sediment. I <2^'. Rancid. "uT^^-^ kasakase, s. Poppy seed of Papaz'er so^nniferum. >J =5^^=^ kasakka, adv. Forcibly, hardly; deeply. — ts'o^^ to prick forcibly, as a thorn. —ij£\^ to speak so as to affect another's interest, to betray. =^?^)^J, =^?;j23 kasaba, kasabe, s. The chief station of a district. "6^^}^ kasabisi, see a ^83^. "^7^1::,:^ kasabu, s. Profession, trade, business. =a?u^J553^ kasain%, see "^t^^^. ^ '^T^h^ kasar^, s. Remainder. 2. profit. ^3. sediment. >^ "^T^xf, =a?^0?^ kasari^, kasarige, s. JDross of smelted iron. 2, fissure, flaw, holes. 3. a particle, —dj3s;^^o?i to remove the fissures of any metallic article. i^rT^'^k kasakasi, s. Haggling. =CTj;ra"JD^ kasabisi, see "^^h^. =^?7S0Jj kasaya, see ^^odo. o3j kasSyi, kasayigare, kasayi- daye, s. A butcher. ^s^A} kasi, see ^^. r^Sea. =^A}^a, "S^i^jse) kasidi, kasudi, j^/^^ kalve, s. A thief, robber. /=^'^ kalla, ^^WDeceitful, dis- honest, unfair. 2. under, sub- ordinate; additional. ^."^Dis- honesty. 2. stealing ; cf. ^"^o. — ^J3e5 the swelling gums in teething. — ^<2;^ an addition- al piece of split bamboo. —■^y?>S an under roof. J^ =5*^oe3, T^goei?^ kallanti, kallanti- ge, s. Dishonesty. 2. false- hood. -^=u§ kalli, s. 'The milk-hedge. Euphorbia ; the prickly-pear, Opuntia dillenii. 2. the fruc- tification of the hemp plant or Cannabis sativa. ^^"5— , =^ja?S— , ^zf— , ^00^0— are its varieties; cf. ^^. =^^?^ kallige, ^. A very tender jack-fruit. ^^ kalle, see ^^^. ^^ kalle, ^. >^A kind of grass. 2. see ^^. =g^-S- kakshi, ^. Objection or reply in argument. 2. wrangling, arguing. 3. one party as op- posed to another ; also ~7\d-5. ^^— an opposite party. J=5e)o^0odoo^ kankariyuni, 'v. n. To hawk, force up phlegm with a noise; to hem. J=sdqt^ kangri;, s. A dark-blue cloth worn by lower classes of people, or used for bed- ding, eU. =a^or(j^ kang^uni (^c^), z/. n. To be dejected. 2. to become pale. "SDoZa"^ kancana, s. Gold. 2. money ; also ^sotj^r©, sdcs^dj:^. =c?'3ozd kanci, see ^oel. ^^0^, ^-30^0 kante, kantya, s. A large basket. 'S-z)oZ^ kanda, s. A section, divi- sion of a book. =5-5)odsJ, "oDoziz^^ kandava, kan- da vana, s. Indra's garden. ^■socs^o^j kandayi, s. A kind of fish. ioDo^ kandi 132 ^sej kata ^■soa^^ kandil^, s. A kind of tree; c/. JTOoa^. =uDo'd kande, adz>. Early in the morning, s. Morning. „ ^^o^oSo kandeyi, see ^sois^oao. Ji =5^o(io^ kandeliji, s. A kind of tree, growing near salt water. ^"30^^ kantane, s. A pot. ■g-sovBkanti, s. Effulgence, splen- dour, lustre. 2. beauty, love- liness. ^"Soi kante, s. A wife. 2. a beloved female. =5"c)o5JD^ kamparu, s. A carcass. 2. a nasty man (7'/^.) <^^'. Nasty ; filthy. 2. pot-bellied. ^i;oc:'JS(^£> kambodi, ^. The name of a tune. 'SDo'i kankshe, s. Wish, desire. 2. passion, appetite. J =0^=5^, ^"S^g^o kak^, kaku, adj. Bad, corrupt. — ^?^ disso- lute, vicious. — #e=?^5 wicked people. -I ^"5)^ kaka, ^^^ ^^^j- =ae)^ev^ kakaballi, ^. The creeper Negretia gigantea, J^D^22 kakaji, ^^^^ ©sX^. ^■g-S- kaki, ^^'. Black, dark. §'s=c7j^ kakula, ^. Rashness. =a5)=^?oJSo5^ kakesoppu, J. The me- dicinal plant Phylanlhus multiflorus\ also "^"^^f^-ht^^ J^e)rit3 kagaji, s. Paper. 2. a letter. -20t51^ to write or address a letter, '^t— stamp- paper. ^£)r\ kagi, s. A brown colour. J ^c)e5^ , ^"5)2^ kaci^, kaci, ^. Catechu , Acacia catechu. 2. the sedi- ment of boiled areca-nut. ^D2^^© iacikalli, s. A money bag of net-work. ^^e^=CT0c2cod kacikumbuda, ^. k small species of ash-gourd. =5='S23 kaji, i". A Mohammedan judge or priest. =5^e3 kaji, s, A glass bangle worn round the wrist; also -20^. — ^of^ cat-eyed, blue-eyed. ^5D2^o kaju, s. A brown-coloured dog with black stripes. i^-s^"' kati^, ^^■. Wild, rude. — ^^fo the wild peepul tree, Urostigma arnottianuin. — ^o sie; the fruit of the creeper Momordica dioica. — ^o a 00 rough stone. — ^doso a wild or jungle fruit. -=^?f3 a bulbous root of Dracontinin polyphyl- lum. —T<^%^ a bull-bison. — ^o-d a bottle gourd, Lagcna. ria 'vulgaris. — ^?4 ^viUl coc- co, Colocasia nyuipJucfolia. _N^re;o the tree Tunicra uhiiifolia. —t.^o7\ wild green- gram, PhascoliLS rosfratiis. --4-R-3 wild tobacco, Lobelia 'iiicotliiiiacfoU'i. — 203-5 a wild plantain tree. — ■^otj a wild tree. — cSotjj. ^^6' ?f3^i Ju"5)ykata,^. Trouble, annoyance, vexation. 2. danger; ah ^zli^. ^'3 K e^W .z:>z:^ ssy tlK tr- eat's play is the death of mice. ^■sy kata 133 =51)3 kiti ^s^ei kata, s. A pyre, pile, -a^-s ■^0^ to prepare a funeral pile. ^•5)e3ori katanne, s. A fowler's idol, consisting of some white- washed stones decorated with flowers. —f\ :sl>^o^oi to make an offering to it. ^c)8J^oao katakayi, s. Mutiny, rebellion. 2. pillage, plunder. J^^y€, ^^13^, =ae)e3ri katake, katike, katige, s. A trouble- some fellow. J'uMSf katartl, s. The wild fig- tree, Baiihinia tomentosa. J ^o^D^^^ katale, s, A rude man. 4 ^Dli kati, s. A bison. ^Dei^D^ katir^, s. A kind of tree. ^^^0^ katuni, see ^Tl)g^. y Sc)^ kate ^. A wild untamed beast. -^c)^dj kateru, see ^e3. >/5e)CS^ kadiji, ^. A jungle, forest. adj. Wild, rude; cf. ^sO. —3^^ forest and river-bank. — ^t5j3^o, ^^T?the plant Todda- lia aculeata. — -^el wild fire. So- —^s^ob a jungle sheep. — ^J30=5^r5a lower class of people speaking the Konkani language. — =^j3?& a jungle fowl. -&d^ a wild class or tribe. — ^dra^ a rustic or rude man. — o)e5 rain-water rushing through a jungle and washing down all the rubbish in its course. — ^js^o {lit. a jungle-uncle), a tiger. — "s^^a a wild beast. ^T^^oeoo-rf the angular-leaved physic-nut, Jatropha curcas. J'^ifd kada, (idj. Wild, untamed. ^a);^"i)=5^^ kadakadi, see ^zss^a. r?)C5a)c^ kadane, s, A wild ele- phant. =a"3^=as?^ kadikalu, J. A kind of song. =&^^#JSd/i kadikorage, ^. A man of the Koragar caste living in jungles. J=5c5^7^ kadige s. A collyrium of lamp-black and oil. — ec^^^rS a collyrium box. =ae)^c3c)o5o kadinaye, see 'G^^'^Ji>Ti^. ^e)C^j^ kadulli, ^. The Indian squill, Scilla Indica. >l=SD'd kade, s. A quail, Tetras cotarnix. V'osdop^ kadyuni (^S), ^', ^. To trouble, torment, importun- ate; ^^^6'^7^^-Ori. ^«)!^?725j^,,^^ra?j-3^^ kani^sa- vuni, kanisavuni (^r5;da), v. a. To show, represent, mention. =g^r3^0r kanapurli, .y. The bird mina. J=5"i)rJ kani, ^. The fraction one- sixty-fourth. s/'^asr^^^, =5"3rs7^kanike,kanige, ^. A money offering; a present to a superior. -=?f-«^r^, _ q^I:^, — sjdiId^ to make an offering. =5-c)rl klDe, s. A kind of fish. — ^51)5 long-legged. — ^5odcSo a long legged man. Tf^^ kati, see ^^^, 12 =ac)isj3 kato 134 ^^^j kami J?f«)iJ3r30^ katonuni, rcfl. v, (of ^4^) To wait; to expect. J=5e)Cj^y kadata, j. A fight, war, battle. J^5)C3Ddj^ kadaduni (^croS), z\ n. To fight. =^a kadi, see ^aS. =ae)a kadi, see ^i^a. J'a^doci kaduni (^S), -^r. n. To quarrel, fight, wrestle. ^5)^ kana, ^. A rookery. >/ 'SDc^, =5«)c^?^ iJ.ana, kanana, ^. A forest, jungle, wood. ^s^^^Or kanapurli, see 3=dp® ^"^^' [lation. ^^^J3cS^ kanunu, s. Arule, regu- ^e)^ kane, see ^j3, ^od^. >/^^S3e)e3 kapata, s. The act of watching; guard. J=5e)55"e)C^o^ kapaduni (?5X)3:^S), z;. <3;. To protect, preserve. ^^^ kapi, ^. Coffee. J =54)^ kapu, ^. Protecting 2. watch- ing, tending. 3. brooding; hatching. 4. a scarecrow. _?^ ^o^j^^ to brood; to hatch. —ti%h^ to set up some thing in a field or garden, to avert the effects of evil eyes; to set up a scarecrow. J ^e)^^ kapuni (?R>), v, a. To watch, guard. 2. to keep, preserve, protect. 3. to wait. J ^e)33s3 kapele, s. A watchman. J'S^Q^ kappu, sec 's^^, ^^•sdj kama, s. Desire, wish. 2. lust, passion. J'5c)djorraoSj kamangayi, s. A wild species of green gram, Phaseolus rostratus. ^«)s^=5^, ^«)Sj.=5d kamaka, kama- ka, adv. Positively certainly. ^ =5=«)^^^j^0kamakasturi,5. Sweet- Basil, Ociuium Basilicu7n. ^rssJjnaJO, kamagari, s. Work ; also 3=3^j5dD, 5s^?^. =5^s:^os^# ^^ 6, kamacakresvare, see ^«)SJjd kamade, i". A liberal man. ^S'^sjo^^^o kamadhenu, s. The cow of Indra's paradise, said to give whatever is wished. =5^dos5^^ kamapale, s. A name of Balarama, the elder broth- er of Krishna. ^^sJoO kamali, see ^^oe5. =5"sdoD^Dd kamavikara, s. Lust, inordinate affection. =SD^j5)^kamate, ^. A man of the mercantile class. 2. a nig- gardly or cunning man. ^D^jsiod kamatura, s. Lust, inordinate affection, adj. Libi- dinous. 'S^slraD kamari, s. Siva the enemy of Cupid. =ffc)dJ5)q5r kamartha, ^^^ TjD^ragqir. ^c)ds:«)^ kamakshi, j. A goddess. =5c)^j kami, .y. A debauchee. ^^OoSaiqir kamitartha, ^. The object of desire. ^e)0o^ kamini, s. A pretty woman. Tffe)^oC> kamili, ^^^ to^oO. "oD- kami 135 §do3j kaye t5"5)^o?;jo^ kamisuni (^-^oj), v. a. To covet ; to wish. 'os^jo^a kamuka, adj. Lustful, libidinous. w^tSoo'S a libidi- nous man. =ac)^j kame, s. Cupid. ' ^"SsSo© kameli, s. A kind of jaundice, ov^rfo— a dropsical kind of jaundice. ^^— a sali- vary kind of jaundice. &^"do ^— jaundice with scab. =5tt)^0'. kamya, adj. Desirable, agreeable. =a'c)^J5oq^5^ kamyartha, s. The object of desire. =^oJo kaya, ^. The body. -^4^ bodily exertion. — Xoca the heart. —^^ stoutness. -^4^ ^i to commit suiside. -eooa^ ^ to lay down the body, to die. ^2)odjo, ^DOuo^>3^ kayam, kayamu, s. Permanency, settled state. adj'. Fixed, confirmed, per- manent. — ^ej?j permanent employment, --si^^o^^ to con- firm, settle, establish. ^iDOJj^'o kayame, see ^ocio^. =a"90JOD^ ta-yar^, see ^o3o5. /=g^oJo^% =aD0J09^, kayalij, kaya- lu, s. A folded tender leaf of plants or trees. ^. season- ing. — <^"5 a tender leaf; c/. ^^o^od kayale, ^^^ ^oaod. ^=a^o;JG^^^ kaj^avuni, c.z'. (o/ ^^ ajoo^) To have anything warm- ed, burned, boiled. v^DOSo kayi, s. An unripe fruit of any kind. 2. a cocoanut. 3. the seed. -S5^?j, ^=?^zl>80o a kind of cake. — ^s^czf vegeta- bles and roots; pulse. — ^sBs^i vegetables in general. — 4'^e'^^ a kind of cake, —^"dh^^ —^ z§ocioor'i to chew the cud. — ^? t^ to over-boil; to get loose. =5-5)0^0 d, ^-so^jd kayida, kayide, ^. Rule, regulation. 2. custom. V^'SoSo^^ kayipuni, c. v. {of ^ o^oo^) To make hot, warm, as water. 2. to fry, broil. =5e)050o5^ kayipuni, i"^^ ^^sd)^- v/=gtt)05os3 kayile, j. Sickness. =5^0^^a kayilita, adj. Infertile. v^ojoo^ kayuni (^fsoso), 7;. t^.^To ^ burn, to be hot. 2/ to get ripe. 3. "to be feverish. 4. to^ become angry. 5. to be tight, or fast; see s^^ososq^. AoO— a knot to be tight or fast. ^j3C20o_ the sun to be very hot. oi?5^— water to boil. 's;^o'&— to be very hungry. "^ oso— to be feverish or hot. t5j3 ^,— bread to bake. «i^"5)o3oD^ kayer^, ^. Strychnia, JSiUX iio7mca. also ^^oaj. — ^-d the nux vomica tree. — rf 80ou^?i7^ Loranthiis lonice- roides. ^"SoSoD^^^ kayer^puli, ^. A kind of sour-leafed tree. J^a)o3jo^ kayel^, s. The state of being green or unripe. y2. seasoning, -eyb^ to become 12* 'o'SoSjs^ kayo 136 =aDt kara green or fresh . —^jsI^f?) to season. =5e)o3JS)^cl kayode, s. A kind of cake. J^d:^ karij, s. The leg. 2. the foot. -^ ^c^D knuckle. — rf 83^^ the toe. ~j^^^ going or walking on foot. — #^ the ancle. ©?^c^— the stalk of cocco, Artcm colocasia. ~-s^o?S a footstool. — av)T^o^ to tread or fix the foot. — ^js^r^ to run away, —di^fd:)^ to slip the foot, lose balance; to be reduced in one's circum- stances. —^oz§ the thigh, -e^s t:^ to place the foot, -^e^o^ to stretch the leg. —t>^^ to prostrate, do obeisance. J'gBD^ kari^, adj. Black, dark. ~^:>o'd lightning issuing from black clouds. — -^oX^ black clouds. ~-^e^ see 'uzw^f^. =5e)D^=^J5c5 kar^kune, s. A clerk, writer. fsuxfsyz)^ an 6, s. An establishment. 2. a work- shop. 3. management. ^■30^ ^od karutude, s. The thigh. '5^0^20-5)0^, =5"^c^^3^o^ kari^bary, karijiber^, see "s^zz^f^. J=ffc)dkara,^. Tasting or smelling hot; also a^^. adj. Hot, sharp, pungent, sia^— alum. ^ffDd kara, ^. A prison, jail. ^fc)d kara, ^ termination affixed to a letter^ as esc^o the letter 55, etc. ^e)dori karan^a, ^. A cutaneous disease which renders the skin black. —i^^Tj to suffer from such a disease. =S=c)doe:o karanji, s. An artificial fountain, a kind of siphon; an underground channel. =g^doli karanta, see ^i^^ooy. ^"Sdod karanda, adv. Excessive- ly, exceedingly, very. -??^^ very bitter. =5^c^o2:l karande, see "^ot^f. =ff^d=3^ karaka, s. An agent. 2. act- ing, doing, gram. 3. a tax. —'^jdhF^ to pay a tax. -/^^d^of^^ karakann^, s. The ankle. — ^owo^^ to thump the ankle, as a punishment. — ■s:5oo w, ^o^d ^ to dress down to the ankles, /. ^. completely; to be foppish. ^•sd=ad, ^D-sdrlc^ri karakada, ka- ragadaga, ^. A kind of anklet. •i=5^d=5^o5j karakayi, see ^t5^oso. =5e)d=^oo£j, =CTc)d=s^o^, =5Ddriooy karakunta, karakutta, kara- gunta, s. A disease of cattle, called Epyzootic aphthae. xJ^sdrio^ karaganti^, s. The ankle. 2. a corn on the toe. —^"^4 ^ to fracture the ankle. >/=5c)d^ karadi, s. A footstep. 2. the sole of the foot. =5c)dr3 karana, s. Reason, purpose, motive. 2. cause, as opposed to effect, ^Ddra^ karanika, s. A miracle. 2. supernatural power, adj. =3=-3d kara 137 =o"3^ kala Miraculous, supernatural. — ^ "doA a prophet. ^•5d2Jc)D^ karabar^^, see ts^erorS. ^^d^ karave, s. One belonging to the class of the Konkani speaking fishermen. ^■S0c)to karaji, s. A low class of pariahs. ^e)DD^?^ karadige, see ^us5. N/^tt)Q^sJ)^ karavuni, c.z>. (^/ ^t^o ^)) To cause to vomit. ^dD kari,^ termination affixed to nouns to signify one^s profession'^ as, ^"szb a beg- gar. =Sc)D kari, s. A nest. 2. a black -/ bull, ox. ^(^'. Black, dark. — ^£g a black cow. ^^— a raven-nest. — tj^wo^^ to build a nest. >/^c)do^ karuni (^^), ^. <^. To vomit. '^=a'9rfo^ karuppu, ^. A strong '^j^- black sort of salt. ^■sdo23e)D^ karubari^, see ^arorS. =5e)dJ5do^ karuruni, ^£?^ ^^. -1 =51)6 kare, i"^^ a^"^. -i'5c)6 kare, ^. A kind of neck-lace or collar. h^SzjL- a brass col- lar worn by pariah women. n/^'36=5"305o karekayi, ^. A dried date fruit. —^ ^oa rotten or shrivelled date fruits. —^ '^^'d a date tree. =ae)dJ3^o karolu, s. A kind of wild Cacinia Indica. ^•srfc; karya, see ^odo^. ^■s=^ro karkala, s. The town of Karkal. ^=5"3=3=c)r^ karkala, s. Cloudy or rainy weather. ^e)/ir^d karg^attale, ^. Thick darkness. ^■3C?F=^ karnike, ^^^ ^rfr^. =a^,Br karti, ^. The third solar month. 2. the sign of Gemini in the zodiac. — ^ eoo^ the first crop. -^-3:5 the worship of an idol, consisting of waving of lamps in fulfilment of a vow. ^'5c)vBr=a kartika, s. The eighth lunar month. =ac)iFO*', =a^lr^^ kartelu, kar- tell, see 53 Br. =s=^3Jrc^o karpanya, s. Trouble, vexation; importunity, dun- ning, —scio^^ to trouble, dun. =S="3e3e)rD^ karbar\i, s. Rule, man- agement, superintendence ; control, ^fsarors a manager, superintendent. . w^OAj^Zd^ kaligobbu, s. A kind of game. 2. playing for no- thing. i =ac)£'s3 kalive, s. A channel for irrigation. 2. a canal. =s=e)^o kalu, see 's^'^o. =&-5)53 kale, see ^od •5=4)53 kale s. A black man. 2. a black dog, eU. =5D^J^^2^^ kalocita, adj. Oppor- tune, well timed ; according to the times. =s=e)s^o^, ^^Sj^ kavante, kavate, s. The tree Zanthoxylo7i rhetsa. ^c)s^oc3 kavande, s. A master, lord, proprietor, owner. s/=g^^^ kavadi, s. A split bamboo with ropes suspending from each end, for carrying bur- dens across the shoulders. J=ffc)SJo^kavalyi,^. Guard, custody, watch; protection. — crooSo a guard, watchman. — a^b^ to place a guard, --rfos^^o^^ to mount guard. J=5"e)SJ^ kavali, see ^^t. ''xfe)Cj kavi, s. Red ochre; also ! =5c>5j kavu i^=Si)5S ^^vu, ^yHeat, warmth. 2. the rind or scraping of vegetables, etc. —^STi^^ to scrape away the skin of vege- tables, eU. ^"SD^ liave, adj. Red. — ^ ^ocuo the red garb of an ascetic. ^a'sdddod kaveramara, see ^eoSoS =5'5d^D kaveri, s. The river Kaveri. 2. a female's name. _;^c^3)oa a festival in honor of that river held on the 1st day of the 7th solar month. i=S=^s^O kavoli, s. A frying pan. ^^sJo kavya, s. Poetry. 2. a poetical work; cf. ^^?^. ■^■^y?>6 a garland of poetry, poetical anthology. =5Db kasi, s. Benares. adj. White. -^A^ a white paper. — ^^a, see 5D^a. — AOdje)S?, —A oSjas? a Benares priest; an oppressor. -^Sjse^ the Indian corn. — rfriF a strong, white cloth. ~2^J\^-d^ the Ganges water; also —B^^f. =5"3^dJ5^rl kasirog-a, s. Lunacy. ^^4^D^ kasmiriji, ^. The province of Cashmere. 2. a superior kind of woollen cloth. "SD^oti kasyapa, s. A sage of that name. =5B^^o5o kashayi, s. The red garb of an ascetic. 1=5^ rU^ kasi^, ^. A cash, an old copper coin worth half a pie. ^S- the fraction of a 139 =5-^^ kali cash. ?ra7ds5j a destitute ^r worthless man. [sion. =SD7 kalamma, -S'. A name of Kali. 2. a female's name. =a^^ kali, s.. Blackness. 2. the goddess Kali. 3. a black cow. =a^^o?i kalinga, s. A bird. 2. a snake. 3. an elephant. — cto y^, — 7:j^- a black serpent. ^D^ri kaliga, i"^^^ ^s^a. tSc)^ kali 140 ■^2^ kici ^^^3^^ kalitakshi, s. The fifty- second year of the Hiildu cycle. =s="3^c32)?5 kalidase, s. A celebrat- ed ancient poet. =5=^^^cdo kaliya, see ^^jse^^J^- ^c)^o kalu, s. A black dog. 2. a man's name. <2^". Black. ^=DS? kale, .y. Death. [serpent. s^^JSf dri kalorage, i". A black ■S-o=CT?^ kinkana, .y^^ *r®jp®. ■S-o^d kinkare, .y. A man-servant, slave. ^o'^-d^^ servitude, slavery. :S-o^?ikinkiiii, adj. Trickish. -^ja 800^, >-3rfo a trick; trickery. — 851^ a kind of medicine, see ■^0^0^ kinkuni, see -^^o^v^. •^oriod kingude, see ^oaoz§. ■^o2^^zf kincanil^, s. A red squirrel. ■S-od kinde, .r^^ ^o^. •S-or?)iS-^ kinnikitti, s. Sounding, as a broken bell. •&o^(d kintana, s. Canvas. 2. linen. — ^s'ocWj packing cloth. ■§-o:^s:^, -S-o^s-) kintali^, kintala, s. The beam of a pair of scales ; also 2io^6. nZ-S-o^O kinnari, s. A lute, fiddle. —■a;>7(, —^20 the tune of a lute. — eoD&Tio^ to play upon a lute. V-S-o^ kinni, adj. Small, little, young, s. The young of an animal. 2.smallness. ^jseS^i— a chicken. -t:^09:> uvula, 200Q narrow-minded- ; senselessness. ~Tk)6 old and voune:. — ^j^e?? epiglottis; a disease under the tongue, called frog. — ^ "5^ a small corn ; the Ricinus seed. ~83fo a kind of rice. _8!it5^ the little finger ; cf. ^r®^ ness, young. — -Sjse?? a dejected face. ~aeL>^, —si^Tli^ to bring forth, yean, as sheep. ■S-oo^do^ kimpurushe, s. A fabu- lous bird with a human face. iS-osJJ3^ kimmat^, s. Value, price. — ^s'wo^^ to fix the value. ■S-o^ra^^ kirmpil^, see rrhF<6. 7 ■§• oeo r do^ kirmbaruni, ^^^ ■S-os^'^?^^ J-§-o23«)r^ kirmbata, s. An itching sensation. 2. scratching. i-S-o2^r23^ kirmbil^, s. The ear- wax. — ;^uo^A an ear-pick. ■'■^oT^Fo^ kirmbill^, see -^hF^. -^■S-o2oor^ kirmbuni (-CTo^r), v. n. To itch. V. a. To rub, scratch. J-S-oeSrsj^ kirmbel^, s. Itching. 2. scratching. — ^e4 a kind of nettlish Cocco, Colocasia nymphccfolia. -i-S-ri kigga, adj. Little, small. J^'ihrs'^ kicikici, .y.-'Chirping. 2. prattling. ( adj. Bruised, jel- lied. — iijs^r^ to tread to a jelly, -^o^j^^ to chirp; to prattle. ^2^^, ^"3:^ kicidi, kicedi, s. Boiled rice mixed with split pulse and jaggory. -80or©::i ^e^ a female's brown coloured garment. I r2^ kici Ul kini^ •&^^^ kicita, see -S-^. ^2^ ^ kiccadi, see ^'^th. f^S, -^z^o, ^25 kiccijkiccujkicce, 1. Fire. 2. envy. 3. indiges- tion, disorder of the stomach. ^ri— a jungle fire, ^.-s^— envy, hatred. •^e^^, -o-elJSui kiccidi, kiccodi, ■S-2i © kicceli, ^. A musk-rat. ^t^^S -^es^F-^ kij anij, kijanu, s. A kind of fish. -^^0 its spawn. ^ti^j^ kijaluni", see X^e^o^. ^23^s3^ kijikitti, s. A boy's toy; a rattle. ■&23^23 kijibiji, ^^^ Xs^sSaS. •^^^0^ kijeluni, ^^^ X^ejo^. ■S-ea'^ kituka, see ^c^^. ■S-b^-S^^ kitukitij, J. Annoyance, disturbance, teasing. —7^^ a tormentor, —t?^^ to be vexed. —Tio'^Os^^ to vex, disturb. •6-e3 kiti, ^^^ ^^• ^■§■13^ kitiki, j". A window. •^13^13 kitikiti, ^. Ticking, as a watch; a small sound pro- duced by tapping on a flat substance. 2. giggling, titter- ing. ~^*Sediment of boiled areca-nut. 2. scoria; dross of smelted iron] '^3. proximity. adj. Near. — s:!)"^^ to repair or cement an earthen or stone vessel with the powdered dross. "^■^^ kidi, ^.--'A spark. 2. a small A precious stone. ~^h^ to become enraged. — s^D-do^, — -d wo^^, ^t:d^^ sparks to fly. v/-S-r$ kini, s. Wit, keenness, cun- ning. — :;^j320o^oi to play tricks. _:fj5&-s4c'i to show^ one's cun- ning. ^r$^c^ kinikini,^. The tinkling of small bells ; a clinking sound. vi-S-cJo^ kinili^, s. The noise made by the fall of a small bell, elc, ^^r3,rD kinkana, adj\ Little. -83 ■8€ the little finger. ■S-r^o,^ kinkuni, see ■^^^^^. 7-&r9^^ kinnal^, ^. A brass cup. ■^3s)20^ kitabiji, s. A book. 2. the Koran. ■S-3^ kitt^, see ^^. >/-§-3^ kitty, ^. Lightning, -f^a^^ lightning to flash. ■S-^O, ^^^, ^i kittali, kittili, kitle, s. An orange. V-S-^^^ kittuni (^5^), 7,'. t^. To flutter; to be in agitation. •&C3^o^ra kidynkana, see -S-o©-?^. 7-S-a^ogj kidumbre, ^. A brass ear-ring; also tfciocsSj. kidukiliji, kidi^kely, kidki^li^, kidkeli^, s. The armpit. 2. tickling. — eyL^ to be ticklish. ~zjT)Zi^^ to tickle. 7^cjo^ood kidambure, ^^^ -S-SosSj. ^a kidi, see ^sj. >y-§-d kide, s. A cow-pen, stall. — N^ a manger; e/. zSlij^. xr^^^^Xj kinijkuni, see -^^o^^ •§■^5^ kin^ 142 ■&=5<^r kirki;L v/^c^^D^, -^T^zf, -^ng^ kin^^r^j ki- nar^, kinali^, s. A bit, trifle. ■^^d6 kinare, s. Margin, bank, shore. 2. border, edge. ^c^^c^ kinikini, see ^rS^f^. J-^^^ kinkana, see ^e^^r®. J-^c^o,?^ kinkuni (^^a), v. pinch. ^^^ kinnari, see ^o^^. ■c-^^kinni, see -S-oa. To ^ ^^^4 kinyappe, ^. A mother's younger sister. J ^?^os5o, kinyamme, s. A father's younger brother. 7 ^?^o sj kinyavu, ^. The young of an animal. 2. a little thing; kipaya, kipayat^, kiphayiti, s. Profit, gain, advantage. ^iAO^ kippil^, see ^hF6. •S-^^ kippu, see ^4^^oo^. kippe, s. A pile, heap. -s:^t1)^ to heap up. i3-sJo,3* kimmati^, see ^o^§; ■S-ccIjocI kiyude, see -^^zf. iS^D^oEoo^ kir^mbuni, ^^/-S-Go3o kiriye,^. A junior, younger member. •S-D^y kirita, s. A crown, diadem. ■5-&e£js!pziB a king. •8- do kirn, j^<^ ^&. J^6 kire, ^^^ ^^. ■S-doH* kirengijL, see ^t5o?\. ■^6ozSkireiici,i'/-S-^ kila, ^.-^The belly. 2. a bag. _C5o3dD4^ to fill or feed the belly. i-S-e;-^-^ kilakila, s. Chirping. 2. screeching, adv. Heartily. —ji€>4^ to laugh heartily. /^©oeoo, -^^0200 kilimbu, kilubu, see -S-eSos!). J-S-0^0 kilikili, ^^^ -^ej^^^. •S-s3o23 kilenji, ^. A fly. /■S-s3ot^, -ors^osoo kilembi, kilembu, s. Rust, verdigris, corrosion. •S-qSo^Q kilembiri, s. Cream. 2. scum. — ^yo,^), —^^ a ei — o froth to form. ^/^ 63=3*0^ kilekuni (-^s^^), ^. ^. -/ To draw out, pull. ^2. to irritate, jDrovoke; to stir, move. ■§•53^^ kilepuni, see ^«3^^. '^^3^^, -^6^.^^ kilevuni, kile- vuni (^«3, -S-eSe), z-. ;/. To whistle. 2. to resound. ■^dro kilesi, see ^^^. V-ff^o. kilbu, ^^^ -^eSoe!). ■a-s3 kille, ^. A fort. -^-^ the commander of a fort. ■S-SjzI, ^s^d kivade, kivude, s. A deaf man. ^^rio deaf. J-S-^-S-^ kisikisi, J. A titter, laugh. ^ -S-rj^, -S-rO kis\i, kisi, ^."^Grinning. 2. a fragment. 3. trouble. 4. hinderance. — ■^^» — 2:ro-3r a very small balance. — eotoso a grinning face. — 23?5 a trifle. _3j-5yoc^ to give trouble; to haggle. — ^wo^^ to hinder. ^■^7^"^ kisyika, s. Tittering or grinning. — ^ ^^^^ to grin, laugh. ■^1^ kise, s. The pocket of a jacket. •a 7^^, -0-^ kistijL, kiste, s. A fixed period for payment of reve- nue. 2. an instalment. xr^h^ kilipili, s. The sound of chirping. ■^^z^'i kicake, ^. The name of an ancient king. ■S-^2^e3^4'50 kicabavoli, s. A fly- ing fox. >/■§■ ^2:^0 ^^2^0, -^^z^o^^b^ kicukicu, kicukiti^, s. The squeaking of rats, eU. ^'•^^e^jQ^ kicuni (^e^), v. n. To squeak. •S-^sl kice, see -B-esi^. . ^^zB kiji 144 =^00^0 kunku ■S-^z3 kiJi, s. White lead. i-^^ej kita, s. An insect in general. 2. a worm. 3. see ^w^. >/-S-eei=^, -S-^^?^ kitake, kitage, s. A base o?' rude fellow. y -S-^cs^ kidi^, adj. Inferior. J ^^^% -S-^^ kidu, kidi, s. A worm, insect. — efb^, — eojs-do^ to de- cay; to become useless. J-&^3^ kit^, s. A part, bit; a splinter. -a-eaj^ kituni (^e'^), 7a n. To spirt, sprit; to sprinkle. ■§-^cJo^ kiduni (^?S), ^'. ^. To importunate; to dun, tease. J -^e^ kipu, s. A bunch. ^^T^o^ kibillu, see -^h-^. ^ J J ^J-^^^ kir^, ^. "A split, rift; a scratch. \/-S-^D^ kir^, adj. Ancient, old; ■Se^K ■Bo^6K 80oa a lesson for the past and future. •S-^D kiri, s. Continuance, inces- sancy. — ^s'wj^^ to continue, go on without ceasing. -^iS^20?jr incessant rain. >/^-S-edOc^ klruni (^e^), v. a. To scratch ;'' to split ; also 'h^'^o^. ^^6 kire, see ■§•?&. v/^^6JS)%^kirottuiii (■^^S.^^). v. a. To roar, as an elephant. J-Sr^;^FfS kirtane, s. Praise; a psalm, hymn. — -si) ^-^o^^ to sing praises of God. ■S-^vSr kirti, s. Faiiio, riMiown, reputation. J ^^^ kil^, s. A joint, hinge, peg. 2. a wooden fastening. — s::^ Tid^ to fasten as a door; also x7^^c^oZ^ kilumbu, see ^6o€). ■S-^o^c^sJd kilijLdavade, s. The lower jaw. ■S-^0 kill, J. A lock. -^^ the key of a lock. -/■^^d^o^ kilmelij, adj. Evil and good. 2. inferior and supe- rior, adv. Upside-down. J^^Z^ kivu, s. Pus, matter of a sore. ■S-^?oo^ kisuni, see •&?^^. A-S-^?oO§ kisuli, s. A carpenter's plane. J-h^^ kil^, ^^'. Base, low, mean. -eff", -o-e^f an inferior. —SdD^ a low class or caste. — ^c^ baseness, meanness. — s:^ ^^ a vulgar expression. — 20os a mean disposition. — ^e^. see ^ee3^?^. -i^^^, -^^^0 kill;, kilu, ^^^ -S-e^- =3^j ku, ^^^■. /^^/. Bad, low, small ; as — s^e^ vulgar people. — orfAi-a^ low tricks, etc. =5^00 ^0^0 kunkuma, s. A crim- soned powder of turmeric, used by married women for making a mark on their fore- heads. -=#?:^5 see ^^T^-i. vi=5^oo=CTjdo kunkuru, s. Going on Ihiiuls and legs, as an infant; also TLtecS'vjuo. — "^^ a toad. _s:;)Tio^ to stagger, reel. =5^00=^ kunke 145 ^00 do kundu »/^oo=^ kunke, sec ^.^o#. •i ^ooe^ kunca, s. A tassel, flybrush. ^oo2^ kunci, s. A kind of chil- dren's hood reaching down to the calves of the legs. =^oo£:§ kunce, s. A weaver's stay, ^oot^ kunja, s. A heap, accu- mulation, hoard; assemblage. "CTOots^c^ kunjariji, s. A small jungle. 2. the name of a village. =^OoZo kunji, see Xjso^. ^ooeofir kunjirga, see s^oosd^S. «i ^Oo'^ kunna, ^. Genitals, idg. ^jo^ kunta, i\ A peg, post. 2. ^ the stocks, '^dj. Lame, crip- pled; blunt. ~^^f)€ a crip- ple's tricks. — 'sdS a lame leg. -t'^h^ to place or fix a post. — sj7)T^o^ to set up a post. tS^oosJc^ kuntani, s. Vexation. 2. dissoluteness; cf. ^oy^r^. -adt5 a debauchee. tS^ooI]^^, =5^00^'^^, =CTOoto^ kun- tali^, kuntal\i, kuntala, s. The tree Goniphia angustifolia. — zjoSf its fruit. v^'^oo^sj^ kuntavuni, ^^^ ^js?o N/=^ooe3 kunti, ^. A female dwarf. (2^'.^Short ;■ worn out, wasted; blunt, dull. — -sSoj^^ a worn out broom. — 20js-do^ to become blunt, etc. V^ooeJo kuntu, ^. Cloth. 2. gar- ment, dress. ~^^^^^ to dress. clothe. —^'5:34^ to cover with clothes, put on clothes. -/^ooyo^i kuntuni, see ?^-^?oyo^. ^=5^00^ kunte, s. A dwarf, short man. J=5^oo^ kunte, s. The web beam of a loom. — rf ^J3 fire set up to warm the bleached thread. — AjsT^o^ to set a post or peg. ©c^_ the cross-beam of a loom. J'l^^od kunda, s. A pit, especially of sacrificial fire. =3^ood^ kundala, s. A kind of ear-ring; also aoct^c;. =5^003^0 kundali, s. A kind of serpent. =5^00^, =aOo^?^ kundi, kundige, s. A strong trough. =^oocle/ kundeliji, see xs'jsocf^. U'S^oodI kunne, ^. The penis. =3^00^ e; kuntala, s. A curl, ringlet. 2. the hair. 3. a drinking cup. =ctOo>B kunti, s. The mother of the Pandu princes. =5^0023*" kundi^, see "^oouk). 4=s^ooCJ kunda, s. A pillar, post. ^^rf— a stone pillar. — ^y^^i to build a pillar. >/=^0odr9 kundana, s. Pure gold. ^ooC3"s^^ kundavuni, ^. v. (o/^oo ^^) To reduce. 2. to boil down. 3. to repress, humble. N^oodo kundu, s. Deficiency, defect, fault. 2. want. 3. loss. —crooSo a helper; a compan- ion, comrade. — Xo to make 13 =3^00^0 kundu 146 ^o=aj, kukku up a deficiency, —^l want of money or means. J'S'oo;:^^ kundu, s. A child of Pa- rialis. -^^T^or^ to bear, bring forth, as Pariahs. J^oodJ^) kunduni ("^ooE), v.n. To decrease, abate, be reduced. 2. to fade, wither. 3. to be boiled down. J=3^oodo^ kundeli^, s. Deficiency, as in the measurement of grain, etc. =5^00 gj kundri, s. A small craft or vessel from the Maldive J islands. J adj. Little, small, short. ~^^\^ -a3De3 a puny babv, bantlinff. — ^js^,, — ^^t:^ coo a small kind of cocoanut, imported from the Maldive islands. =^oodjj=^J5^^ kundrukote, s. An old fort at Mercara. =5^oosia, =aOo53Dg^ kumpari, kum- padri, ^. A god-father. ^-oog)^ kumpuni, ^^^ ^^o^^. =3*0032 kumpe, ^^^ =^o^. =5*0020 kumba, see g'oosj^. J ^oozo^^d, =ctoo2o6 kumbakare, kumbare, ^^-^ ^ocktot?. ^oozoi:^. kumbatt^, ^^^ ^oosoo. =5*0020^0^ kumbaruni (^^ooeoS), 7'. «. To quake, tremble. ^ ?5*oo2osj kumba va, s. A pumpkin S-do^ to whisper. =^wS§ kuce, see ^o^. =5*oe§J?)^cio kucodya, ^. Ridicule, derision, mockery. J=^o?^^' kuccati^, s. Shortness, smallness. adj. Short, little. =^je^rJr^, ^oz^^, =5^0:515 ej kucca- nige, kuccane, kuccata, ^. Re- probation, taunt, upbraiding. ^o^S• kucci, s. The cropped hair -/ of the head. 2.>'the stump >/ of a shrub. -'3. a tassel. ^^/;". Small, short. — tjdS a copse, brushwood. — ^oS grass- stump, stubble. — ^l)o'^^ kuccena, see ^og^rfy^. =aoti kuja, rt-^'. Earth-born. .y. A tree. 2. the planet Mars. —sroi^ Tuesday. ^s'jZJioei kujanti, see =g'jsaicif. ^otiQ^ kujar^, s. The stench of urine; any bad smell. J'^^ti^^ kujal^, s. The hair of the head. =s^j2ii^o^ kujaluni, see ??-^;5co^. J =5otoo20o, =5^otdjoWJ kujimbu, ku- jfumbu, s. A chip, fragment. =5^wb2)05j kutayi, ^^^ ^-^uoso. =aoli kuti, s. A hut. =5*013^ kutini, s. A deceitful woman. "aM^ kutila, s. Trick, imposture, deception. 2. hypocrisy. 3. crookedness. — toc5o, s'o&^eS a cheat, imposter. J^s^oeJooeo kutumba, s. A family; a household. ^'^j£JOGt:)r^ kutumbige, ^. A house- holder, family-man. TS'oLio^ao kutuku, ^. The game of hide and seek. 2. a female's ear-ornament. =5'oy^^o^j kutukutu, s. The rumbling of the bowels. 2. grinding the teeth. =?^oi]. kutta, ^^^ t^jsu,. =3^o£j,c^^ kuttani^, ^. A kind of -^o-rf a field over- tares, grown with barren field. a such tares: ^j^ra kuttana, see ^0^ rS??. so ■ ' ' "^ 13* =5^0 eJ, kutta 148 =5^jrs kuna =aw^7^.^ kuttasi^, see ^o^. JTS'olJ.kuttiji". A stake, peg, stump. — ?fj3?£;o a short stick. — ^fj^^s^o ^j330o^^ to play at throwing a stick. =3*0 e3©^ kuttilu, see ^oi!(2;. . >/=g^oyj, kuttu, s. A blow given with the fist. J ^o^j,^ kuttuni (^^^), '^. ^. To thump, give a blow, strike with the fist. 2. to crash, pound, bruise. -^^j^ kutte, ^. Decay, rottenness. —5^0 a borer, that destroys trees, —tj^^^ to decay. — ^e to) to be ruined, done up, exhausted. ,1=2^0^0^ kutru, s. Cooing, -^rf a spotted dove. — siJDi^o^tocoo. ^od kuda, <^^7.'. Again. ~^^ once more. — s^ot^ again and again, repeatedly. • =3*0:3 023 kudanji, see ^jszfo^. =^0^^^ kudapuni, see ^jsi^^^. >/=^jC3D kudari, s. An axe. ^^j^— a hatchet. T^o^^JS^s;^ kudikolii, ^^^ ^o&3^ ^jse^j, tinder ^oe,! . eJ >; =So^2lo^ kudicel^^L, ^-^^ ^0^^. >/ ^j^^ld kudicele, see ^o^ e5. ccr J ^CiZi^i kudyi, ^. VHoL-se-gram, Dolichos uniflorus. 2. the testicles of dogs, cats, etc, 3. the fresh scars of small-pox. -zi;;^^ to feed (cattle) with gram; to cuff, ^ave blows. -ti'^^iT^^ lit, gram to scatter; small-pox to brciik out. ^odooEj kudumbe, s. A jungle man. 2. a Konkani speaking Roman Catholic. =3^0:^0 ^s3 kudutale, see ^o^d =3^02:^0^, kudupu, s, A strainer, made of wicker-work. ^oz^o^^ kudupuni, ^^^ ^ot^^. =^odosi) kuduma, ^. A ferry. -i J 2. ^^^ ^oyjo20. =5^0^ J do kudume, see ^oiliod. J'S'ocI kude, s, A rat's hole. =5^0^ oto kudenji, see ^jsz§o^. ^=^oz:loZo^jd kudenjimara, s. The tree of oval-leaved rosebay, Wrightia antidysenterica, J =3*0^, =3*ori kudki, kudke, s. A small earthen vessel. — rfo^^r a kind of firework. ^=3*0^0 ^ kudcuni (^^l^)^ '^'. ^. To drink excessively. 2. to swal- low liquor. -^=3*0:1 23^ kudceliji, ^. Drunkenness. ^=a0^d kudcele, ^. A drunkard. =3^oc^„d kudtale, s. The re- gistered right of paying land revenue. =3^0^, =aod kudpa, kudpe, see =3^oc^ 'ff^ kudpal^, J. A woman with uncombed hair. 2. the name of a female demon. J'S^occO ^ kudpuni (^^S), i\ n. To ' shiver, as from ague. v. a. To dust, shake off as the dust of a cloth, etc. =3^or9e3, =3'jc?s3 kunal^, kunile, see =3^03^ kutti^ 149 ^oa kudi =3^ J 3^0 kutt^ri, see ^o^5. - 3^0^ kutta, s. Sickness. «5-d^ c:^— jaundice, ^e^— dropsy. /=s'o^.ej, kuttata, ^. Pain, as in suppuration of a boil. =5^0 4 y,, =5^0 ^„q^ kuttatta, kut- tyatta, s, A granary, store. 'S'oIq^ kuttani, ^. A superior kind of silk cloth. ^ja^jf^ kuttane, adv. Headlong. T^o|^0 kuttari, see "^^^^^ v/^s'ol^do^ kuttaruni (^^i,^' ^'•^• To feel a biting or itching sensation. 2. to ache. ^j^^o kuttalu, see ^^^. "S^o^^o^ kuttaluni, see =#-9o^e;j^^. =5*0^^ kuttale, .s-. A sickly man. >/5^03^y kuttata, see ^o^y. =3*0;^ D kuttari, see ^0;^ &. v/^S^j^jj kutti, .y. A liquid measure, ^ as of oil etc. 'v/f^OvB^ kutti, .y. The trunk or stump of a tree. —wi^Af. fees levied for permission to fell trees on government land. — ^jseCJo a perpendicular post supporting a roof. ~^'& pro- pitiation of demons, sup- posed to haunt a newly con- structed roof. — ^^odoo?) a race or family to be extinct. — A^F^ to dig up the stump of a tree. ^'^c>Fh a post planted in the water for supporting anything. ^Ov|^^^ kuttipuli, J-. Tamarind. J'uo^^ kuttiri, s. A civet cat. "^/^ao^i, kuttu, s.'/k prick, punc- ture; very small hole. 2. a fomentation or poultice. 3. a basket-maker's knife; also ^0;^ ^.^oe;o. —=??jsLr^ to foment. —oj^T^j^) to prick, make a hole. — 80js-do^ to become a hole. /=5^o^_jj,^ kuttuni pjf^), T'. ^. To bore, pierce. / =0^030^0 kutturi, s. A weel for catching fish with. 2.abasket- shaped cage for fowls. "^o^^^o^, =3^0^^ kutturuni, ku- truni, see ^oj^s^?^. '^^i^^ kutteli;, s. A kind of brush used by toddy-drawers. '^oiJ?^ ^ kuttodi, s. A cobra ema- ciated by devouring another species of snake called 'kandodi'. ^oIjSjjO^j kuttyolu, see ^oS^ ^.«?e^-, under ^0^ . =3^odo^ kudante, see =^j?>^o&. =3^0 dcS^ kudadiji, see =^jsrfS. -^^ocjfl, =3^0 d^ kudane, kudane, s. The fruit of Solanum puhes- cens. v=3'o£> kudi, s. Term, turn. adj. Fixed, settled. — Qs?j^ to fix a time. =3^0 £) kudi, ^^^ ^jsa. -^^ja^^Q^ kudikar^, ^. Tiptoe. V^o£>^, kudike, A jackal, fox. -f'TS^oa^^, =5^jac^oo^ kudipuni, ku- diyuni (^^-j, z/. n. To repent, regret. =(^oa kudi 150 =3*023^ kube -/=CTja^^sJ^ kudipevuni (^oa^c), V. a. To be desiring, wishing. 2. to be anxious. A^s^oc^jozoo kudumbu, see ^jsrfooaoo. >/=aodoo2Jo^j kudumbulu, ^. A quail. '^^Z^^'i kuduke, see ^oa^. =^odjr; kudupa, ^^^ sojc^sj. J=^0(^j3g)^ kudupuni (^^S), ^.^. To cut; to reap. ^ocJosS kudupe, s. A small kind of earthen vessel for boiling rice. 2. {fig-) the belly. =3^odjs3j kudume, s. The side d?r cross roof of a house. J=5'oc^do kuduru, s. A sand bank. 2. a small island. J^ocjjdoc^ kuduruni (^orfoS), ^'. ;z. To recover from sickness. J '^ocjjd kudure, s. ^A horse. 2. kJ xfthe lock of a gun. -t^t?, ^c5so3o a horsekeeper ; a rider. -^e^ a saddle. — rf 3ddi& the mane of a horse. — ^~^) ^os^j?)D, =g^odJSsBr kumari, .ku- marti, s. A girl. 2. a virgin. 3. a daughter. ^^^orfori kuranga, s. A musk-deer. V&. a monkey. ^s'odo^ kurant^,* i'^^ ^.?)-doE y ^odo^jQ^ kurantuni, ^^^ =5^01^0000^. ^s'od 0^0^ kurantuni, see ^;sdo;^o^. =5^odog=^e;^ kurandrakall^, s. A kind of very hard stone. =3^0 do 2^)1^^ kurambilu, ^. A kind of grass growing in fields. =aodozoo kurambu, see ^^.^tiJoeoo. 'd^^'s^ v.u^=CT^ kuraky, kurakiji, s. Food, sustenance. =^jd^,=3'jD^^ kuradi, kuradi, see =^jd:l kurade, see ^o-do^. ^OD^N^ kuran\i, ^. The Koran. ^os^j^a kumare, ^. A boy. 2. a j/^^q kurl, s. A sheep. -ai?^ foolish people. -^ -S-^,;^ a lamb. — T5jae^ wool. son. ^o^oo?j".:)23^ kumusal^, s. Consul- tation. 2. conspiracy, plot. /=^^^^i^^ kumetel^, s. Putrid meat or fish. /^s'odos^^ kumevuni (^0^), v.n. To decay, putrify, as meat, etc. i =3^0^00^, ^^osjj^D^kumer^ijkumer^, ^. A waste land cleared for cultivation. '^o^^^:^^ kumeru, s. The south pole. ^oo5os;^5^^ kuyilavuni, see ^ja =?^oojoo^ kuyukti, ^. Craft, cun- ningness. /^ool>J5DO^ kuyuluni (^oodoo^), s'. 71. To inflame, as the eyes, or a boil. =CTjd kura, see ^js'do^oo. V^jD kuri, s. A boil. cro.3o_ a small boil. I ^jD23c)S^ kurijat\i, see "^o-dodiT)^. \ =^oO?i^D^ kurinir^, s. A mixture of lime and turmeric water. ^/=3'0DS5c^,^^^^--'c^^uripuni, kuri- yuni (^«^^), z'. n. To decay, rot, putrify. -^i^^it^ kuru, adj. Little, small. s/'S^jdJoeJo kuruntu, s. A small bundle, as of rice etc. 2. a lump, as of tamarind etc. J%. contraction. v/=^odoolb^ kuruntuni (s'o^ooO), V. n. To contract, shrivel, shrink in. -J=3^odoo2t;o^ kurumbil^, ^.-C!urled hair. 2. see ^o"do8!)^. =aodo kuru 152 =s^j^^r kurna xs^odo^oe^ ?2, =CTjdo^je& kurukuc- cane, kurukucci, s. Grumbling, murmuring.* ^odo^ff kuruci, see "^ct^ir. ^odot3D3^ kurujatu, s. A moiclore. J^od02;o kuruji, see 7(0^^. ^ =^jdod kuruda, adj. Blind. -^?i blindness. 'g'jdoGDOSj kurudayi,^^^^^^^^->. y ^s'odor^j kurudu, rt;^//'. Blind. ^s'odjdosjoofo^ kurudumannii, ^^^ "^^^odd^CiQ kurudumari, see ^0 V ^s'jdjcl, ^odol kurude, kurute, s. A blind man. ^odozo^-S-o^ kurubakil^, s. A postern, backdoor. =3^0 do 200 kurubu, s. The eyebrow. J'S'jCozS kurube, s. A shepherd. A's'odod kurule, ^^^ ^odr. 'S'odjsS kuruve, see "^oSf. =5^odj?j^o^ kurusal^, s. Servitude, slavery, bondage. '^d^j^j:>, =^o:5JS^ kurupa,kurupu, s. Deformit}^, ugliness, adj. Deformed,, ugly, ^s^o'djs^ an ugly man. J'd^^ kure, s. Filth, dirt. 2. swamp, pool. -^^ stinginess in trifles. — ^^ decayed skin. — ^e^ a poor life, half-alive. — -rfoofi filthy soil. J'^odob^, ^od^^ kurepini, kure- puni (^^^), V. a. To bore, scrape, excavate, drill. 2. 5^^ ^js-^Sb^. k=ao6odoj^, =cto6;3^> kureyuni, ku- revuni (^^■^), ^'. :?2. To be worn out, washed away. ^. to decay, rot. -^=3^062;^ kurel^, ^. The nape of the neck. -/=s*o^a)r^^ kurkavuni, c.v. {of ^o^o-c^). To shake, agitate. 2. to wash well, as clothes. ^^s'o^re;^ kurkil^, s. A kind of basket. =3^o=^^r^ kurkuni (^^^^), v. n. To shake, as a tree ^/^. =^0=3^0 5^ do kurkuru, adv. Slowly. _^02io^^ to shut slowly. '^^t'^'p kurke, sec aj^^f. =3^020^ kurni, ^i?^ ^o^r. =aoz§F kurci, 6\ A chair, seat. ^=3^oz&r kurci, ^. A kind of fish. =3^o23"3F3^ kurjatiji, see ^^-^odiT)^. =5^oc3«)ro5o kurdayi, s. A large black beetle that destroys the core of palm-trees. =3'o^FEOJ?)do, =3^odor kurdibiiru, kurdu, s. A kind of creeper. V =3^0:^0 r kurdu, sec "^o-dctzio. =^o:^or5Joof^ kurdumannijL, s. Soil or earth impregnated with the poison of kurduraari. ^oC^jFsl)0 kurdumari, s. A kind of poisonous vermin. J'S^dF kurde, see '^oTio'd. J=3^oJr, =3^oiro^ kurte, kurtel^, s. Dirt, filthiness. adj. Dirty. J=^oi'^s3 kurtele, s. A filthy man. ^0(3e)r?o* kurnasiji, s. Snoring. ^^^F kurni 153 =^05/ kusa =^o^r kurni, ^. A sore in the eye- lid. — ^of^ sore eyes. =^J3^r kurpu, s. Manure, fer- tiliser. -Ti^o^^ to be fer- tilised. /=^o^r kurpu, ^."Sharpness, as of a cutting instrument. 2. dissection, -aeb^ to dissect. =^J2:)FO* kurbili^, see ^o-doos!)^. ' =^j20or kurbu, see ^s^jt^osoo. =^jo:;ojr^ kuryuni, see ^oaodoo^. /=g^co^F kurlu, ^.^Contraction, shrinking in. 2. parching, drying. 'g^O'i^rD, =^0^0 F kurlari, kurlu, s. Parched rice. J^Ci^^F^ kurluni (?ro^F), 7;. ^. To be contracted, to shrivel, shrink in, as from cold; also -i^^o^F kurle, s. A tender plantain tree. 2. a young pig. 3. the fresh shoots of grains elc. =^j53F5:!oc3^r kurlemardi^, s. A kind of bitter medicinal root. ^oS3^Fo5o kurvayi, see "^ozszfosj. /^s'osjf kurve, s. ^A basket. 2. distension. sooaS "^o^f ^yo,^ the belly to distend. "^^t^fqC^ kursandi, s. A kind of sesamum imported from the ghauts. — oDOj? sesamum oil. =g^o?oFrJ kursani, see t5^oTjo?is^. =^j;Cjf kursu, ^. A cross. 2. ^^^ =3^0^ kula, ^. Family, race, tribe. — c2e^5 a family god. — z^^^or, ^oe/se^DTJ duties and customs pertaining to a family or caste, -^oi one who belongs to a good family. — ^W-^?) a caste ^r family to be degen- erated or ruined. ^o^j kula, see ^0^. =aOe; kula, ^. A sweet preparation consisting of cocoanut juice, jaggory, ripe plantains, and cardamoms; also ^0^. V=^o^, =^0^^ kula, kulavu, s. A kind of creeper. =^o^oeo kulanji, see ^060^. =3^0 ^0^0 kulayi, s. A kind of cap. =5'os:i)o^02^ kulankusa, adj. De- tailed. 2. whole, adz'. In detail. 2. wholly. =aOOe)?i^ kulasi^, ^. Discharge, acquittance, letting go. =aO©s5, =^0^0^ kulipe, kulupe, see ^os?^. =5^o0?c^ kulina, <^^^'. Noble, honor- able. ^oOejS a nobleman. V^aod kule, ^. A ghost, apparition. —33-d continual fever. =5^053o2o kulenji, s. A plot of field. =5^0 q3 kulpe, see =5^0 eD^. =3^jSJe) kuUa, ^^^ a^oe;^. CO '^ =3*02:^ sj^ kullavuni, see ^ow^^^i. v/=5'u€7^ kullige, ^. The buttocks. =3*0 sj^ kuvaka, see ^0^^. 4=3^0^3 kuve, ^), z'.a. To sting, as an ant. ^j^ kuli 155 ^J^^ kudi =5^os?s5 kulipe, s. The large black- ant. ■=CTjs;^jo^o^ kulunkuni (s^o^oo^), 7'. a. To wet, moisten. =3^o^o=5^o^j kulukulu, see Xo^oao^o. =3^0 ^OoS kulupu, s. A piece of black stone elc, with a device ^^^ inscription on it to be used as a seal. ^o^vj^ kulupu, see ^o^^. ^j^^j^^D^ kuluvar^, i^^f ^o^^&. =s^0TO4c^5 =a^<53"5^^ kullavuni, kullapavuni, c. i'. {j?/ ^o^o^^) To make sit, to employ. ^o%^A^ kulluni (^^^J, '6'.^. To sit, sit down. 2. to lodge, dwell. =g^j3 ku, .y. Response, responding to a call. 2. alarm. — s^t^o^ to respond to a call; to give alarm. =ctJ?o=^ kunke, .?. Shortness of breath. =S^J3o=^ kunke, s. The mock tri- bute given in a kind of game. =CTJ5oid kunja, see =5^0 oa^. =5^JSoz3 kunji, .y^'^ XjaoaS. =3^JSo2£a^ kunjeliji, ^. A kind of weel for catching fish. ^S^JSo^o^ kuntuni, sec ^jsWj^. =aJ?)o:l23^, =3^JSozlj5^j kundel^, kundolu, .y. A wasp, h^— a large yellow wasp. ,=^JSo^o^, =s^j3o5j)c^ kuntuni, kiim- puni (^u-sog, ^j3o), ^;. a. To peck, strike with the beak. 2. to prick a hole. 3. to put out. =^JS^ kuke, ^5^ ^J3o^. J^^j^r^-:^ kug^u, s. A cry, excla- mation, outcry. Vt^JSrlo^ kuguni (^j^^), t/. 72. To cry out. • =5^X2;^ kuci, s. A small goglet, filled with water and placed in a demon-shrine. =?^JS^ kuje, s. An earthen goglet. >/=CTJSy kuta, s. An assembly, meeting. 2. mixture, amal- gamation. — ^jst^o^ to as- semble; to conspire. =ao5)eio5o kutayi, s. Storing rice, granary etc. — sjsc^o^ to store rice. =5^j?;£Jo kutu, s. The inner roof >/ of a house. 2>the hip. -si? L^^, -sjDc^j^ to place the roof on the wall, —itt-dj^ to con- struct a roof. J'^J^'t^d^ kutuni (^jaO), z'. ^/.' To sharpen.'^2. to mix, mingle, ^js Oa, ^jauoa sharpened; mixed, ^J365€, =5^js&5ja^ sharpening ; mixing. y^s^JSL^ kuda, (^^7'. With, along with, together with. =^j?):o3J?5 kudapane, s. A small country water-lift. y^J5C5e)Si?i, ^.'?)^?j^33c^ kudavuni, kudisavuni, ^."6'. (^'/"'s^jsc^o^) To join, connect, unite. 2. to collect, gather. 3. to amass, store. 4. to mix; also ^jitz^S ->^JS^rikudige,.y. Joining; union. 2. collection. 3. assemblage. ^j-^^ kudi 156 '^J^O kuli gathering. 4. storing. 5. mixing. nI^J5^?;-o?j kudisuni (^jsl^oj), v. a. To add, sum up. =3^j?c^o kudu, see Ajsiio. ^jsdj=^^, =5^J3dorieaf kudukatt^, kudugatti^, s. The association 6?r union of the members of the same caste or family. J =S^JS^j^ kuduni (^jsS), 7.'. a. To join, unite. 2, to cohabit, copulate. 3. to embrace, adopt. V. 71. To meet, as- semble, gather; also ^js^S eo SiF^. 2. to be mixed, mingled. ^.c.dat. Can, to be able, be possible. "^^U^-^^ that which is practicable /=^j?>doF^a^ kurangel^, ^. Drow- siness, sleepiness, —^-^^i^^, ^ji-do-R6 a drowsy man; a sluggard. ^J^Doz:;^;^ kurambilu, s. A kind of medicinal plant. 'S'JSD kuri, s. A kind of weel for catching fish. ~ti^h^ to set it; 7%-. to ensnare a person. he will not get into one or the other kind of weel ; what- ever you do, you will not catch him. «/=ctjsCo kuru, s. Boiled rice; 7'/^. — ?fso3j5 rice and curry. =g^j?)do kuru, s. The dusty sub- stance contained in the fibrous covering of a cocoa-nut. -soo <3|^4^> to remove it. >/^J30o^ kuruni (^js^), 7'. ^^.^To be drowsy, sleepy. 2. to hesitate. J^J$>66 kurele, s. A sleepy fellow. 2. a sluggard. ^jsjp kurte, see =#is-d^. J=aJ3c3'sroSj kurnayi, .y. A fierce j dog. =^J3sJor kurma, s. A turtle, tortoise. — 2f)^3;)-d Vishnu's second incarnation, as a turtle. p^^^ ^Je)2;o^o2{ kulankusa, ^^^ ^s^oe^o J^JSC) kuli, J. Plire. — nsoSb a hireling, labourer. =3^J30 kuli 157 '^ozi kenda ^j^O kuli, s. A tooth, -^e^ tootli-ache. -t^i^cdoo^ to gnasli the teeth. '^%- swelling of the gums in teething. ^jsCio;j3D^^, =^J3o^^^c^ kuliya- vuni, kulyavuni p.?e3od5«), ^ja e;so), 7'. <^. To make faces, mock, mimic. ^=aJ^^^ kulu, see ^jstjo. =u'JS?;Oo^ kulyuni, see ^oodooe;o^. J'S'JSsS kuve, ^. Arrowroot, Cur- cuma angustifolia; also ^^ -i =5^J3s3 kuve, ^. A mast; also ^o^- =^J3s3^^ kuveka, see ^o^s*. ^JS?oogp kusambri, ^. A kind of condiment made of minced and fried i^ulse or other vege- tables. 'S'JSoo^ kuhaka, see t^^^^. >/=^JS^ kula, see sojss;^. =^J3^ kuli, ^^^ ^JseS- =3^05^07^ kulinge, ^. An irregular tooth. ■^=^J3^o kulu, ^^^ ^^^>^- <:i kriita, <3:^'. Done, made. s. Improvement; repairs; addi- tion. —-^^Ov^^i to improve, as land etc. ^s^gti i krutajnate, s. Gratitude. ^x^o^orl, =5r^3i)OJoor\ krijitayuga, krijtayuga, s. The primeval golden age of the Hindus. =^\3^q^r krutartha, adj. Success- ful, fortunate, happy. =5'^^B kruti, s. Verification; literary composition. %'^ ^.^^ kr^tike, s. The Pleiades. ^^^^0, =a^^s^o kruttima, krix- trima, s. A trick, artifice, deception. 2. sorcery, witch- craft, adj. Fraudulent. =g^v^« kr^tya, s. An action, act. 2. duty, conduct. 3. any thing proper to be done. kriipe, s. Grace, mercy, compassion, favour, ^s^so^^, =^33d?>)a::^ ///. the ocean of mercy; the all-merciful God. =^x^ kr^mi, see -^j^- ^x ^, =?^^ krushi, krushe, s. Agri- culture, husbandry. =^N^, ^N^ krushna, krushne, s. Krishna, the eighth incarna- tion of Vishnu, adj. Black. — ^^ the dark lunar fort- night. — ■^'>)^ a buck antelope. ^TiTiF a kind of black-serpent. 7=^0 kem, ken, abdrev. 0/^04 red. =^orioD3^ kengann^, see =^ec^o^. 'ioTidd kengude, s. An obstinate or refractory person, block- head. 2. one who has no feelings, a cruel man. =^02^, =^02^ kenca, kenci, adj. Red. 2. fair. -^^^^ red whiskers. -^wo^^ to get red, become red. =^otido^ kenjaruni, see ^^e;o?). ^oti kenja, see ^od. J^o^^^ kenjelu, s. The udder. =^o^J5)^^ kenjola, s. A red kind of great millet. "ioni kenda, see ^ori. 14 =^oC3«) kenda 158 =id kedda ^ocjssjd kendavare, see ^o^^. A"^o^), =^o?2 kenni, kenne, j. The cheek. =^oSJ^. kempatt^, j. Reddish- ness. ^^*. Reddish. ^oscIOkempalli,^. The red kind of water-lily, Nymphaea rubra. \ =#0^ kempu, s. Redness. 2. a ruby. 3. chalcedony. — ^of^ red eyes; glaring eyes. — ^oo 20oc^ squash-gourd, Cucurbita maxima. — eS^ a reddish scurf generally affecting new-born infants. — ^^ the red wool or hair of animals. — ^^ a red kind of the vegetable Amaran- tus oleraceus. — 20;de3 the red spinage, Basella rubra, —so r©^ red colour. —-^oU red soil. — ^«j?)?s3 a fair complex- ion. —•Ss^9iT\ scurf. — -rfos^^Ov^ to make r^d. — t^yo^^j to turn red. =^c20jcl kembude, s. A kind of pumpkin. J ^05^0 kemma, ^^^ =^5^^^- ^os^rl kemmade, s. Dust. 2. dirt. 3. a kind of red insect; a glow-worm. 4. canker. — "^e Si?) to corrode; to infest. ^^os^o^sxri kemmamrviga, s. A kind of deer. 'S'odoD'SO^ kemmaral^, J. A ruby. 2. a kind of red flower. ■uo^Je)?? kemmis^, J. Red whis- kers, •^^odro^ kerndel^^, s. The udder. V=^^, ^-^o^ kekki, kekkil^ji, s. The neck, throat, —-d aj& the pit of the throat ; also #t?^ ^^-^ ^^4- -^^ ^^'^- the neck and ear; a complete set of jewelry. -^oow^ up to the neck or brim. —^ ^oo^j the nape of the neck. — ^oc^jsq^ to cut the throat; to de- ceive. =^t;3C!o^, '^td^o^ kejaruni, keja- luni, see XiSejo^, •K'&^:>^. =^^^0 ^ kejelpuni, see Xdao^^. ^tt kejja, ^^£^ 5^%. to ^ J^eJ. ketta, <3'^". Bad, base, vile. — Xor© a bad disposition, de- praved nature. —2^% a base kind. -^N wickedness. -^^ ^^ bad conduct, -si^i^ bad language. -u^oxa a bad thing. •^^xi., =^d=5^ keda, kedak^, sec i^Tk^ kedake, ^. An oppressor. ;J=^2^r(j^ kedaguni (^^^), v.irlllo fall (^r slip down. v. a.J To ruin, spoil; to deflour. 2. to remain, be left; also ^t^eojs =^do kedu, s. A mole, wart. J'^c^j^o keduku, .y. Nuisance, damage, loss. ^d7<, keddasa, ^. A kind of throe days* festival among the Tulu people about February or March, when they go on hunt- ing excursions, and eat fried #r9 kena 159 kebi grains. — ^ ^J^^ a strong wind blowing during that time. /^r3=^o^,=5r?o,^ kenakuni, kenkuni (^r©^, ^^^), V. a. To provoke, irritate. 2. to kindle- \/^rJkeni, ^. Stratagem. #|^do^, ^l^dog^, =^3^do^ ket- taruni, kettaryuni, kettaruni (^^5, ^^^5), ^'. ^. To feel pain in tlie belly. 'i'^hJK kettige, s. ^Carving, en- , graving, chasing. \ 2/setting, as jewels. ~^^^ a carved stone. — =^2J?j carved work. >/€4),^ kettuni (^J,), v. ^.>/To carve, chisel, engrave, chase. / 2. to dig slightly. [-^3. to set, as jewels. =^1^ kette, s. The bark of a tree. ^ 2. a piece, slice, chip. ^'§z:fo^, =^do=^ kedunke, kedanke, s. The tip of a bird's wing. 2. a thin layer. '€u^=5^o^ kedukuli^, see ^^^6, v/^ddo^ kedaruni (^^^), v.n/To break out, burst forth, j 2. to be excited, irritated. ^=^a kadi, s. A feather. v=aj:$o kedu, s. An artificial tank, pool, pond. ^/€^SJ^^^OQi kedonuni (^As^), z/.^. To lie down, rest. J^^'^dp kenakuni, see ^f©^05). ^=1^ kenni, see ^c^. --=#^cl keppade, 5'. Swelling of the cheeks. ^c^_ swelling of the temples and cheeks. ^'iti.^^ keppatana, s. Deafness. =^^?or kepparse, see ^^. "ih keppi, s. A deaf woman. 2. a silly woman. =^Q§ keppu, s. Deafness. — "^o^ deafness and old age ; dotage. — =^Uo^ to behave like a deaf man. i^ti keppe, s. A deaf man. #sS keppe, s. The cheek. 2. the temples. —f\ s^^o^ to slap on the cheek. —di^Tio^^ to dislocate the cheek-bone. .'^t:) kebi, s. The ear. -«)c§^ deafening. — ^oi^o^ pain in the ear. -^o5 a boil in the ear. —=^4^ a deafening noise. — ^^ A an ear-pick. — sIjsi^ half deaf. — ^ 2jo^!, _?^4 a male's large ear-ring. — ^ ^o^ the drum or tympanum of the ear. — ^ ^j^zic-R sl male's ear-ring. — 20js-do the rim of the ear. -^ ^k^yd:i a male's common ear-ring. —2ozs^ 4^ to give ear, listen. — -^Sceoor^ the ear to itch; to hear with displeasure. —=5^0^^ to bore the ear. — ^er®o^ to hear, .listen. — T^jsbr^ to attend, give ear. — ^jssIjf =^$r©o^ to listen attentively; to over- hear. — ^5o7v)^^, — E:5o6ro4oi to twist the ear. —t^-ut^r^ to turn the ear; to refuse; to be fickle. ^^. t?83 ^dd7>'1 o en {lit. have you no ears ?) don't you hear? 14* =^200 kebu 160 "§6 kele 4=^200^5 kebure, s. A deaf man. 2. an inattentive fellow. =^2o,ejf. kebbattu, see 7(%^^' ■^L^.eJj^ kebbattuni, see ^so^w^^- ..=^200, kebbu, see ^ty J^SjO, kemma, see ^o^. n/=^oSo keyi, ^. The standing <9r growing crop in a field, -t^js osoL^ to reap the crop, -ci^r oi to thrash, -l^do^o^ kerantuni, see ^^oeio^. '^to kerana, ^^^ Xj^r®. vy^dr?, =^u^rJ kerani, kerani, ^. Warts. 2. a kind of scab; ^ds^o kerama, see ^^o. ^•^6 kere, s. An artificial tank. — ^j?>o20o the sluice of a tank. — ae^ the illumination of a tank. -^^ the adoration of a tank with pomp. J'^doA^ kerengu, ^. A sweet po- tato, the root Dioscorea a- culeata. "^tofih kererici, see ■o-'do8a. V «^6oe;^0Qi kerencuni {^-^o^^), v,a. /To scratch the ground, as a fowl. 2. to wipe off, as water from the ground. 3. to crush down a clod of earth. ■^6^0 kerekiri, sec -^t,-^-^. ■^StiO^ kerejuni, sec -a^sio^. J'§6^^ kerepuni (-^). ^. a. To scrape, remove, clear away. 2. to polish. '^6fj kerep^, s. Simplicity. 2. a -^ simpleton. 3.^a prattler. J=^e^r kerci, s. A knot. -s:^Tli^ to tie two cocoanuts toge- ther. ■€sJr kerpa, s. A slope, adj. Sloping. =^S5e)r^^ kerpavuni, ^. v. (of ^ ^r^) To cause to kill. ' "ihF^DQ^d kerpinaye, s. A mur- derer, killer. ^"ihF^ kerpini(^^), "V-a. To kill, murder, slay. ■^'i^F kerpu, s. A kind of ladder. — Deb^ to place a ladder. -=^^rdj^ kerpuduni (^^rS), ^. ^. To cause to lean against; to place against. J^^r^ kerpuni C^^), '^. ^. To prop, support. =^s5r kerpe, s. A clod of earth. ^\^~ clods turned up when ploughing after the second crop, -z^j^-do^ to be cloddy. -i=^2Jor kerbu, see ^^r. '^s^oro^ kermal^, s. A Pariah virgin. 7=^^, "i^^ kela, kelavu, ;//^/;/. Some, few, several. -3^?^ a few people. =§^7^ kelasa, s. Business, work. 2. employment. 3. affair, mat- ter. 4. advantage. ^<^;6jsao 80TJc5 it is of no use or ad- vantage. ^U,— a had act 6*^ affair. ^^— handiwork. '^^^ kelasi, ^^'6^ ^e^^;. 3^^oc3 kelenji, ^6^' ^e3o2S. =^53owo kelembu, ^^6' -^eSoe!). "§6 kele 161 =^^^^ keni ^/=^d^o^ kelekuni, see ^e3^j^. ^^s333)^ kelepuni (^^), v.n.^'To crow, as a cock. v. a. To iron. ^deoo kelebu, i-^^ ^eSoeS. €d5S^ kelevuni {^^). v. n. The ears to tingle. -i#'dro, =#s3?5 kelesi, kelese, s, A barber. i:-^^ kellu, ^.'''Brink, edge. 2. J vicinity.' 73. a splinter. =^e;o r\odj kelluffuru, ^. A toe nail, —sio^ a wmtlow. — ?jo^ Sisgi^?) a whitlow to rise. ^^d, =1^^ kevade, kevude, see v^?^D^ kesar^, ^. Mud, mire. 2. dirt. =^;^D^^e:^ kesar^kalli^, s. A foun- dation stone. -sjDc^o^ to lay a foundation. ^?ido^ kesaruni (^;^S), 7,'. n. To be inflamed, as the eyes. ^?udjr kesarme, ^. The remain- ing symptoms of a sickness, before complete recovery. =^^o=aof53^ kenkannu, s. Sore eyes, ophthalmia. =^^o=^or33J-^ kenkannapakki, s. The black Indian cuckoo. =^^0=^00^00^ kenkariyuni, see ^o '^^o^/^o^, =^^0^^.07 kenkrakal- O oo C) 1^, kenkraliji s. A kind of red stone. =^^=a keka, ^. Taking and giving goods on credit. — crooSo a customer. -doX^ a shop supplying goods on credit. -^'=^^€ keke, ^. A shout of joy. 2. a loud laughter, -sjst^o^ to shout joyfully; to laugh aloud. i^^^x^ kedi^, s. Mischief, evil. 2. danger, disaster. 3. loss. 4. perdition; alsa"^^'^. — ^dsj evil times. — e?b^ evil or • danger to happen, -^o^o^^ to do mischief. — eo^ocioo^ to wish evil. J'i^ziA, =^e^or^ kedage, kedinge, J. A mischiefmaker. 2. an instigator. o)t5_ a bad ^z* mischievous neighbour. J'§^£^^^ kenuni (^?i^), t^'. ;2. To hear, be attentive to. 2. to obey. 3. to ask, inquire, re- quest. =^ee^o^o3o a hearer; an inquirer. ■^^s^, =^e^o kstu, ketu, s. The dragon's tail or descending node, reckoned by Hindus as the ninth planet. 2. a standard, flag. =^^i kete, s. A glutton. ^'i^z^ kedijL, i'. Mud, soft clay. ■/=^^cio5o, =^^C3^o5o kedayi, kedayi, .y. The flower of the tree Pandanus odoratissimus ; also^'^^'&y ^o-R^h^~ a gold head ornament. =^^rfD^^JS^^ kedarumin^, s. A kind of fish. =^^^^0^ keniru, ^. The serous matter of a boil. ^^cS kene 162 '^^ kei J=^^^ kene, s. A kind of yam, Arum campanulatu7n. "5i)o '^\— Dracontium polyphtl- lu?n. J=§^^^ kepale, see ^^^^. ^- Spanish saffron. 35:^_ the filaments of the lotus. ^^?os3or kesarme, see ^T^^r. M^ kei, ^. The hand. 2. a sleeve. 3. thehandle of an instrument. 4. a branch t?^ leaf of a plan- tain tree. 5. the arm of a river, elc. 6. a key. 7. a lot of fiv^e, as nuts, sheaves of hay, ek.; cf. =3^030. .-©^^r a handful; willingly, liberally. — to5 the hands and legs. — ^^the hand proper, consist- ing of the palm and fingers, united by the wrist to tli arm. —^^i^a. the knuckles of ei the hand. — osj^, see ^^Xor©. —3^5 as long as the hand. -S §f^ subject to, dependent on. -c^ja-d beyond the reach of ^y kei 163 % ^ei the hand, f^^— , Sj^- under- hand; collusion. ^od~ the arm of a river, rfoao— , rfo ■^_, n<;^ _, ^si _ the left hand. ^S— the handle of a plough. ^^— side by side, closely. 59 ^. 5Stf=f(S f^B ej^e3 a child at- tachedto its mother. 2oej_, 20 oi^ the right hand. 83eAsi- a key. ^s^f^— the ornamental top of a pillar supporting a roof; a roof projecting from the trunk of a tree. ^^"^^ the palm of the hand, ^ooot^^ the elbow. ^e^^^rf^r^ ///. to strike the hands against the ground ; to curse. — ^c20 handful; libe- rally. -^ S^jj?) to come to hand, be within reach of the hand; to be caught. — ^ 2^ osoK ^h^ lit. to be service- able for the mouth and hand ; to succour, help, as a grown up son to his parents. — ^ sroosoK ^h^ lit. to glance at the hand and mouth; to covet. — ^wo^^ to cross or tie the hands. —^^^t^ to expect or seek help ; to watch. _=5^jz^j^^, —^s'ozioi^O)^ to shake or dust off the hand. — ^jszs^ 4^^ to join hands, as in marriage, ^^jsi^j^ to attain, gain; to succeed, prosper. -^jsbr^ to shake hands; to help, assist. — a^Dus^^ to draw the hand back. — a^^-do^ the hand to slip; to slip from the hand. — ^.^eri^4?>, see — ^js 131)4^. — ^js^rSoS) to close the hands, ^^wo^^ to clap the hands; to pat on the back. — ^c§4^ to stop the hand. — ^ g^5 DeL^^ to misplace, miss; to place out of reach, —h ^^J^ to settle one's hand in writing. — ^b^ to feel the pulse; to observe the palm of the hand, as a palmister. ^Oo), — ^^Oj^, —dja^o^o^ to wash the hand. -ss^jS) to dip ^;' place the hand on the head; to ordain. ~^^t^ to lift the hand; to threaten ; to assault. — ?ic^sj^4^ lit. to direct the hand; to intermeddle; to . manage a business. — ^t^s^^ lit. the hand to move; to be energetic or able to work; to succeed in any undertaking. — ^ocro^^ to move the hands, as when busy. ^t^oT^^ the hand to shake, —^j^^^ to re-marry a widow or divorced woman. -^^^ to stretch out the hand in order to receive; to show the hand ; to hold by the hand ; to marry; to be blessed with prosperity. — sj^i^o^ to put or thrust the hand into any thing; to undertake; to in- terfere; to assault; to take liberties, as with a woman. — 20£io ^ the hand to get tired. — zosj^F^S) to grope; to give a ^^ ksi 164 =^5^ keikra second coating of plaster ; to give permission to eat. -s^e Sio?), — 8!)?4^, — 8!)?7jo^ to move orwsiYe the hand; to menace, threaten, —z^ori^h^ lit. to let go the hand; to give over, forsake, desert. — sojs-do^ lit. the hand to fall down ; to be unable to work; to meddle, interfere, take part. —'(^^-^^^ to lift the hand for strik- ing. -T5o;6e;o^ to prepare to fight, --^os^^o^^ to bran- dish; to assault; to bargain, handsel, —"s^ra-do^ to exchange, alter. — ^je)-do^ to trans- gress, violate; to menace. y v/_^o'haJoo^ to close the hands out of respect, to salute. -•^iDoyj^^ to touch with the hand; the hand to reach. — ^sdo ?i to rub the hand. ^4sTl)o:^(yo^ to ease the hands after work. — ^^o^^ to press or squeeze the hand, -^sj^ 4^ to ask permission to eat. —^eTJo^ to go into one's possession, —ts^^^^ the hand to get weary or exhausted. — sot>^os) to strike a bargain, to make a cheap bargain ; to promise, assure. — sojsocl)^ to attain, gain. ^)^l3,o*^ kei-attil^^, s. Cooking for oneself. ^x^^d kei-akshara, s. Hand- writing. '=^^p'^ kei-al|ji, sec ??^od:^f. =#)^^o2o keikanji, ^. Cattle. =a^^e3^. keikatti^, s. A kind of bracelet. "i^d keikada, s. A temporary loan, without interest. =1)^3'^ keikashta, s. Industry, la- bour, handicraft, husbandry. =^i=3=^rl)=^ keikanike, s. A present given to a superior on the occasion of a visit. '^)p'z)X^^ keikarii, s. The hands and legs. -Ti^^ to embrace the hands and feet; to cringe. =^)^^od, "i^JoU^, =^)^^0od keikin- de, keikuntu, keikunda, s. A piece of cloth to handle heated vessels with. ^=aoodo, €)^jodo^keikundu,kei- kundeli;, s. Poverty, strait. '§)^0(iQ keikudari, s. A hatchet. =a^=aocJo keikudya, s. Shortness of means. 2. poverty, strait. =^v^ keike, sec ^^^. "^i^^^ keikelasa, s. Manual labour, handicraft. — tooS: a manual labourer. =^)^^JSr?o^ keikonuni, ^'. re/l. To hold. 2. to accept, receive, take. =^^^J3^D keikori, s. A kind of round or long scoop for serv- ing boiled rice with. =^>^J3^2;^ keikoli^, s. A walking stick. ^)^^JS^^ keikola, s. Handcuifs. ^)^^oJj keikraya, s. Cash. 2. purchasing for cash. =^>r( keiga 165 =i^t> keipe "i^r^okif keiganti^, s. Money in hand. 2. a hand-bag; =^^^i^(^?^' keigargasu, s. A hand- ed saw. €. A^c^ keigadi, s. A wheel-barrow. 2. a go-cart. =^>rraD=CT keigarike, 3-. Manual skill, dexterity; handi-work. ^^Tiora keiguna, s. The virtue ^r efficiency of the hand. 2. practice. 3. experience. €/(o;^r keigurta, s. A person's signature. ^)2:ad03^d keicamatkara, s. Dexterity, sleight of hand. 2. manual skill. ^>e^^«S =^)pD^^^ keicalaki^, kei- calakiji, s. Quickness of hand. €)^^3CrfD^ keitapaguri^, s. A ges- ture made with the hand. =a^^s^ keitappu, s. A mistake, slip of the hand. 'i^'d keitale, s. A hand-rope to climb a palm tree with. r\)j^ '§)idn^ keitadegyi adv. Towards, ^)^v^ keital\i, adz'. Near, by, closely. 'i)3'^or\^ keitang^, s. A hand rail for supporting when crossing a small bridge. €>3D°^ keitala, s. A small cym- ""bal. =^)^^ooc^ keitunda, see ^j^-6-od. =^^:^o<^D^ keitudaru, s. A hand- lamp. ^ =§^^ keidij, s.^A sword, sabre. 2. a prison. 3. arresting. 4. conclusion, end. ~^t^ to conclude, end. — S a?^^ to confine, imprison. —•^"■^^^ to arrest; to stop, finish, ter- minate. '§)d>ozi keidanda, s. An unneces- sary loss. ^ido^ keidande, s. A bracelet. "i^pd o keidaddye, s. A kind of cake boiled in steam. '€xpD6 keidare, s. A marriage ceremony. ^)P keidi, s. A prisoner. "i^p^^ keidlpa, s. A hand-lamp. J^)^dj keidu, see =^^5. 'i^c^fi keinambige, s. Giving or striking the hand in token of a promise or assurance- -J^^^^Fo keine, A nasty woman, adus, =^yS^c^^ keineni^, s. The knot of a fishing tackle. "i^Si^'d keinota,^. Aim or direc- tion of a weapon swung by the hand. =§)t>^^-i)V^ keipattin%,^. Awife. '^)pDU^ keipadi^, s. Gain, ad- vantage. =^v^ keipu, see ^^^. ^^d keipude, s. The name of a certain class of Pariahs. =CT^Qg^o keipulu, s. A rake. =^)^^^o keipulu, pi. of ^^^. ^^■^ keipe, s. Bitterness, adj. Bitter. 2. envious. — ^?^ bit- terness; envy. — ^t5o a kind of fish. — s3302jc5Do3o a miser. ~-^tS^^^ -a^Toj?) to be very bit- ter; to be envious, y?^. '§^ keipe 166 s. Bitterness. keiyye ^'a^^^ keipeliji, adj. Bitter. ^^35e3^^ keiperipuli, s. Bitter orange of Atalantia mo7io- phylla. >i€)^(?r? s^ keipoDjavu, s. A single woman. "i^ti^B^ keiphetij, s. A plaint, law. =^)^Eods;^ keibadali^i, s. Exchange. 2. changing hands. — -^^o^^ to exchange; to change hands. =^^v2*iD* keibari;, s. A circle. =#)iodd) keibaravu, s. Hand-writ- er. ^ mg. 'a^^F:^ keibarkati^, 5". The vir- tue or efficacy of the hand. ^)Eo6=^ keibalike, s. Avarice, borrowing readily and re- turning tardily. =g^^zos? kaibale, s. A bracelet. '3^^^T^^2 keibaji, ^.*A small kind of chisel. %^?D keibitt^i, s. A handful of seed sown on the fifteenth of Paggu (about the end of April) as a beginning of cultivation operations. "^iCd^D^ keibirely, s. The finger. 'i)Zi7^F keibirsiji, s. Sleight of hand. 2. quickness of hand. =^^)Cv3 keibile, s. Cash price. =3^^2^v^^c)o3j keibudtinaye, s. A destitute, or unhappy man. 2. a wicked man. ij'iiiui keibedi, s. A pistol; a musket. =^)^e3^^ keib3di, s. Handcuffs. =^)^cff^' keibevu, s. The neem- tree, margosa. "u^Do^S keibyara, .s-. Purchasing for cash. =^SjO keima, s. A small piece. — -do^o^^ to chop into small pieces. "i^^io^^ keimanni;i, s. Fine earth used as a rough plaster. — ^jsbr^ to plaster with it. "i-po^i keimani, s. A hand-bell. =^^^02:§ro^ keimarceli^, s. Dome- stication, taming, adj. Dome- sticated. — s^ ^jseo a tame fowl. —■^^^^ to domesticate, tame. €^dj^d keimada, s. A funeral ceremony. — s^^reii such a cermony performed with mag- nificence. 'i^ps^T^/, ^^s^;Oojc ^^^ keiyyakeiya, ad: Hand in liand. ^ioSjocI keiyyedde, s. The virtue ^^^oSj^^ keiyyo 167 ^J^o"^ konka or efficacy of the hand. 2. practice. 3. experience. J^^o3j?Q^^^ri, keiyyoppige, s. A signature. ^^o3J?)o© keiyyoli, s. The mouth of a weel. #0*, =^)D"33^ keir^, keiratij, s. Welfare, health. 2. happiness, prosperity. ^^Godjss:' keirumalu, s. A hand- kerchief. -t^^o^^ to attain beatitude. ^ ■d^^. [tS6. ■^JSot^^^JS^^ kombikolijL, see ^jso =^wQo?^do^ kombireli^, see ^j3oeD. =^siSo"t^s^od kombimara, ^. A mast. i=^JSo20J kombu, i'. A horn. 2. a musical horn. 3. a tusk. 4. a branch. 5. spadix, the tender flowerbud of a palm- tree, prepared for the ex- traction of toddy. eA)-5^_ the horn of a deer, efrd^—, dj22§— , z^6oDe?— , ^jsecf— are va- rieties of horned buffaloes. 3i6 o-^rf- the staff of a palan- kin. — crooSo one who blows the horn; a proud man. — sros^o music with the wind instruments. — ?3j3o^ the dis- tance of a horn-sound (about two miles). — ooss^^ to blow a horn. — 20?jr^ the horns to appear; to become arrogant. "^JSoEw kombe, s. A buck deer. =^J3otfo^ kombel^, .r. A horn used by a toddy-drawer to soften the flowerbud of a co- coanut tree in order to squeeze out toddy from it. #J3oS^0D^ kommari^, see =^jao2o5. v/t^jSo^o komme, s. Corpulence, fatness, adj. Corpulent, fat. — ^j^ajTOoSo a corpulent man; an arrogant fellow. - -f^aa:5:>o^ to diminish, become thin. — 3i ^v^ to get fat, become stout. ~^djs,5 ^t^h^ to become very fat, as cattle. ^^JSohF korngi, s. The branch or spatha of a sago-palm. >/=^J3oAf-, ^J3or(or-sjOd korngi-, korngu-mara, ^. The Indian beech tree, Pongamia glabra, — rf z^:^-^^ a kind of creeper. >/€j9o/ioF korngu, J. A crane, stork. =^JSorir kornge, i-^^ ^J3o?\r. 2. a white cock. =^J3oclr kornde, see ^jstjzI. =^J5ocljr korndu, s. The stalk of a cocoanut or other palm leaf. =^J3=^ kokka, ^. The game of hide and seek. — seb^ to play at such a game. =^J3^D^ kokkari^, ^. Koughness. #J5=^d, =^J?)=^d, =^JS=CT)d kokkara, kokkare, kokkale, adj. Rough. adv. On half bended knees. _83^^t3 rough and crooked. -^0^0^ ?i to sit on half bended knees. srooso ?d^^T? "§1 ^jss^^-d the words are sweet, but the actions rough. 15 '^JS^^^ kokka 170 ^jsbi), kotta -i =^-Q=5^,CjJ kokkayi, see ^^jse^soso. J'ij^^, kokke, s. A hook, clasp; c/. =^j?)e5^, — ;^^ii speaking crossly. — ^Wo^^ to crouch. —E eojsTJo^ to be entangled, get into difficulty. -\ €ji)=^=aBOS:) kokkekayi, 5-. The fruit of the tree Tabernae- mo7itana corofiaria. —i its tree. ■^Ti =^J5^Dodoj^, =^j^=^do^i kokkeri- yuni, kokkeruni (=^jst?^5), ^z. ^. The hair to bristle or stand erect, to horripilate. ^J3€j5, kokko, s. Boiled rice. 2. cocoa. ^j^z^^Jl"^ kocakoca, ^. Lisping. —sj^oTJo^ to lisp. =aJSz^D^ koccariji, ^. A kind of black crab. koccippadi^, koccil^, koccel^, s. A kind of pickle. J €j5^j ^ koccuni (^-^^), 7'. ^. To prate, brag. ^JSS^iolo kojanti, s. The refuse or offal of vegetables £(5"), 7.'. a. To burst, break in pieces. ^JSeScli kojenti, see t^w^sdo^. =^J5^^ kojje, ^. An eunuch. .'^JSeJ^a'jsy kotakota, «^'. Defici- ent, short, little. ~^o^. small quantity of rice or food, -so^ ?io^ to serve out but little food. =^J32J6 kotare, see ^.^^. =^j^y^r kotarme, see ^.®w,-^o^. ^Ji)k^6, =^JS£J^ kotale, kotale, see n/=^j?)U. kotta, ^-^ A hut or dwell- ing of Koragars. 2. leprosv : ./. a leper, a5zcs. =ctJsUoe2 kottaiiji, ^.^'^A fruit with- out flesh, adj. Emaciated. ' =^J3y.oS>) kottayi, s:A dried areca- uut. 2. contraction, stiffness, death, -^wo^^ to contract, become stiff', die. ^JS^d kottar^, see =#j3«j. =^J5^Sjor kottarme, s. Steward- ship. J=^J3^«),d kottara, s. A palace, o mansion. a store-room. #j^bi> kotta 171 =^JS^ kodi =^J5b«)0 kottari, s, A store- keeper, steward. 2. a sub- division of the Siidra class. =^JSl3.7^ kottige, s. A kind of cake boiled in steam. ^^ >r=^J5k]o, kottu, 3". /A. spade. 2. a cock's comb. '^-3. a peacock's tuft. 4. a veil. — sjdt^o^ to cover with a veil. 7=#JS^, kotte, s. The kernel of a nut. 2. the testicles. — ^t3o, ei ri to harden, castrate. _ao35j ^ to ^^JS^i^ri, kotteagra, see under so ^ ©Aj. =^JS^5 oj^^cS* kottepijinij, ^. A kind of ant. >/€j5^,Sjjo^o, kottemullu, s. The plant Zizyphus xylopyrus. J'ij^Uo kotya, ^. A shed, stall. diT)6— a verandah. £5o55_ a bathroom. '^sJSeio'oO kotrinna, ^. A lark. J^j^g kotre, i*, A spade. =^j^do^vB^ kodankatti, ^. A kind of sickle. >/=#J3c^oA^ kodangi^, ^^^ ^jsi^o^. v/^JSdoT^ kodange, .y. An ear-ring. >l=#JSCao?^o kodangye, ^.-'A buffoon, jester. 2. .?^^ ^jst^t^ under "^^ zi7(o. J =^JSdo23, =^J5)do2^jkodanji,kodan- ju, s, A large kind of ape, a baboon. e?ei- a devil dancer going a-begging in the Tulu month of e?&3. ^JS:^od kodande, s. A kind of fish. J=^JSdoc5o^ kodandelijL, s. A snare set up for birds. ^xc^=5^o ^ kodakyana, ^^'. Hot or strong to the taste. w =^jsdrio kodagu, .?. Coorg. -j^??? the province of Coorg. -ep^^ the Coorg language. ^"^J^ri-R a Coorgman; a turbulent fellow. ^JSc^scJra, =^JSc:^SJ^, =^JSC^Sj^?^ kodapana, kodapana, kodapana, .y. A metallic waterpot. yj'Sj^zi^DZ^^ kodapavuni, c v. (of ^jiTi>4^') To ^veld, forge to- gether. si^J^d-^^ kodapuni (^^ati), i'. a. ^' To forge, hammer.''''2. to bite, as a serpent, ws. to peck, strike with the beak. =#.^3a^kodape, s. A kind of bird, the hoop. =^J5CidooC3s)o3o kodamandaye, s. The name of a demon. ^=^JSdO kodari, see "^orib. /=#jsa kodi, .y. Point, end, ex- tremity. 2. a sprout. 3. a flag, ensign. 4. interdict, prohibition. —^'^ a flag -staff. ~^Tio^ to set up a flag in front of a temple as the first cere- mony of its car-festival. — ^ yo^ci to tie, in the name of a demon, a handful of leaves to a tree in a forest or planta- tion, prohibiting its use until their removal. — ai4^^ a flag to be lowered as a conclud- ing ceremony of a car-festi- val. — :2^^ to remove an 15* 'i.^M kodi 172 interdict laid on the use of a forest, eU. —zj;>rk>?i to deco- rate a shed with cloth, efc. — ^^ top and bottom ; shelter ; progeny, issue. — troo^ issue- less- — CTCoSFjDoSo, — ^zfcTOO>§?3D oSo a vagabond; an issueless man. J ^JS^og^ kodipuni (^jaS), v. n. To bud, germinate. 7€j3^6 kodire, ^. The top-leaf. '^JSdo^j koduku, ^. The hymen. adj. Obscene. v/€jszI kode, ^. An umbrella. -• '^JScloto kodenji, s. The inside of the cheeks. '^JSdoSo koddeyi, ^. A kind of fist. ^JSCsoco^, =^J3:^^c3* kodyan^, ko- dyan^, s. A small kind of fish. =^JS^ p koddye, J. A bull or ox with a tuft of white hair on the tail. — e5 a cow with such Co a tail. -/^JSrs^ konaje, s. A fly infest- ing the eyes. =§S)sd^ kottu J "ij^T^'i 5=a^ konajekallu, ^. A large rock near Mudabidri. 'aJSrSojJi konapini, see ^jso"sl380 Ibr?) under '^.'^cTio. "§^,£26, €j5cIj553 konale, konole, s. The weed Papsalum pilo- sum. -c^ 83:3 a bad person. — rf 3i^^ a kind of bird with a very long bill. =^JSr?^ koni, .y.^A sting. -eanT^j^ to sting, adj. Cunning, de- ceitful. =^J5r^53 konil^, see t^jsc^d v/=^JSK)o^) konuni (=^jsfi), t^. w. To take, hold, keep, in com- pounds with other verbs; as^ oDclD- to meet; ^^- to hold, keep; ^— to take to heart; hTi^- to recognise, discern. 2. T^jsr^^ (2or©o^) /^ used as an auxiliary verb to form reflexives ; as^ ^j^^^^^ to be careful; ol)j^ kodipuni, kodiyuni (^js^), v.h. To boil, seethe. > =^JS)as2o*, ^JSCJjsSe;* kodipel^, kodupeli^, ^."^ The act of boil- ing. 2. lisping. — 2toS boiled paddy. J =^JSdaocOokoduinbu,J. Thecymbi- form sheath of a bunch of cocoanuts. J^jsd kodde, s. Stammering. 2. lisping. — EOTOSocrooSo a stammerer; one who lisps. =^jsc3 ^^, =^J3doO^ koddeli^, kodye- ll^, ^. A highly seasoned soup of pulse. =^J5^s3, =^JS^53 konale, konile, see 1=^X^ kone, ^. k point, end, ex- tremity. u J5^ koppa, J. The hut of the lowest grade of Pariahs called "Marimanseru" ; cf, J^^JSsrl^d, =^J33J^S koppara, koppari, s. The dried cocoanut kernel. J#JS3i Qf\ kopparige, ^.'•A caldron, boiler with a wide mouth. 2. hidden treasure, —^^o^^ to discover hidden treasure. ^JS^^ koppala, s. A cocoanut garden. 2. a village of cocoa- nut gardens. 7=^J3^^^^ koppalipuni (^-^^^), 7'. <2. To gargle, rinse the mouth. /=^j?)Q§) koppu,^. A female's upper earring. — ^ ^oXrsS its screw. =^J3^, koppe, ^^^ AoA- IvJ^Zj^, =^jS2aO kobari, kobbari, see ^js^'cJ. =^j?)s5j> komme, ^^^ ^jso^. =^JSoio koya, ^^^'. Over, out. =^j?)Odo^J30Jo koyakoya, «^^. Ex- cessively, exceedingly. -sSX^S) to have copious perspiration. =^J50Soo^^ koyimpuni, i"^^^ ^"^c^^i. =^J3o5oo200?l)t;j koyimbusulu, J. A sigh, long breath. — jSs^^, _20o5L^ to sigh. 4=^jso5o^^ koyipini, ^^^ ^^^^^^. J=aJS05jG^ koyilijL, ^. Reaping. 2. harvest. 3. a small paddy field; c/. ^j^€o^. ~7i^^ to begin the harvest work. =^J5o5o^£j^ koyilatta, s. The jpad- dy paid to a reaper as wages. =^jXoaj koyi 174 €j5d kore ^JSoS^s^iBj^ koyilatti, s. A scythe or sickle. J=aJ3o5od koyile, 5. Pudendtmi 7nidiehre. —zji^ctio:^^ to become pubescent, to menstruate. -i'^JSOJoOo^ koyyuni, see ^j^^^^. €j30iJJo:^o^j koyyusulu, ^^£? ^js x/^J3o3joO^ koyyelijL, ^. Harvest. =^J3a3j3o^j koyyolu, .s. Bivalve shell, Mytilus. J =aJ3d kora, adj. Brief, short. J =^J3Cioej^ korant^, s. The kernel ^r stone of a fruit. 2. the cashew nut. -^yo .'i the ker- 63 nel to be formed in the stone. =^jarfo^ korandi, see T?j3-dz§. =^J3do^o^ korantuni (t^ja^o^), '6/.<^. To pretend to eat, handle food reluctantly. 2. to pick, as lice from the hair. =^J3dos2 korampe, s. A bruise, contusion. 2. a welt; c/. "^Tict. =aJ3do2od korambara, adv. Abun- dantly, plentifully. — eror^^ to eat heartily. •^JSdo^ korambi, ^. A kind of tree. ^JSdot::;^^ korambil^, s. A pro- tection for a creeper, especi- ally for one of a small kind of cucumber. J *^jac5o:.o korambu, ^.~^A groove shaped umbrella, made of the leaves of the dammer tree. 2. a rib. '6j^:jo"Ji korambe, s. A swamp. =i^M:i^ kora^uni, see ^^Xo^. j'^j^^A korage, s. A man of the Koragar caste, a tribe that feeds on carrion and whose women wear leaves. i=^JSd2:3, =^j?)C;tc5j koraji, koraju, s. A serpent charmer. •l=^J3dc3^ korad^, ^.^A log, stump. AOij^c^— a X3iece of sandal wood. 2. see =&jdhFoi. =^J3C^ koradi, see ^jscir. ^J3d:l korade, s. A pollard. J=^j?)dvB, "ij^^^i korati, korate, s. Defect. 2. want, need; c/. =^JSdoi^ korani^, s. A kind of fish. J^jsdsj^j korapalu, .y. A Koragar woman. 2. a female's name. ^=^J5d^^ korapuni, .y^^ €ji>-6t^. 7=#J5cJ32, -uJSdsS^korapejkorapele, ^. One who snores. J'ij^^itiZ)^ korapeli^, s. Snoring. v/€j3do^ koraliji, s. An ear of corn. ^oj«^ a small or wither- ed ear of corn. -^Tiod^^ an after-ear of corn. =^j3dQ3 korale, see =cf.^ii^. =^J9d?doa korasandi, ^^^ ^o^irc^i. ^=^JS)dv^ koraliji, J^^ =^js-rf6. =^J3ds? korale, s. Cold, catarrh; J^JSdo koru, J. A bar of metal. 2;io7^5ji~ a bar of gold. =^j3doo?io, ^JSdjori korungu, ko- runge, see =^^oXor. ''■ €js5 kore, <7;/;'. Weak. 2. small. I rj^d kore 175 =§Sj^. koshta '§ji6qT\-, =^oQdo25-, "dj^i ^orf koren^i-, korenji-, koreji-mara, see ^j^c^FTiyd. v/^jsd^iO^ korejuni (^js^^), 7j. a. To make a noise. -/^J96^^, =aJ36o2)^ korepini, kore- puni (^js^, 7^. ^.^To bark, ^ roar. ^ 2. to bore; ;^j?sj-sry korpata, ^. Giving, distribution. >/«aJ5S3-srrf;^ korpavuni, ^. v. {of ^j?>hF^) To cause to give, to give through another. >i^J5.lr^ korpini (^-'s^), t^ a. To give, grant, bestow. 2. to beat, flog. =^j5SJoors^ kormuka, s. Startle, sudden alarm. '§J^7/ of a cane. sVa hollow tube. 4^wQ©=^, koiike, s. A clasp, hook and eye. —^o:i6 the upper end of a female's garment tuck up into her necklace. J=§J56 kole, s. Murder. 2. see =5^od —'i.^-d continual hard- 00 ship. [paddy field. ?j?)^oe3 kolenji, s. A plot of #jad kolke, see ^.se?^. =aJ3Q3jS,^D kolkori, ^. A long- legged fowl. =^J30 kolci, ^. Setting on edge. '^jsJo^ kolcuni (^-^£.), '^. ^2- The teeth to be set on edge. =^jsd kolde, see ^jaftr. =^J52^^, €J305^d, =^JS^;_jjjd kolta- le, koltile, koltule, s. A cross beam. 2.'*4 clasp. =^J30jfl kolnine, s. A candle made of a piece of cloth twisted round a stick. '^JSe:"?) ^c^kolpavTini, 6'. -6'. {of^:^ <^^n) To fasten; to touch. =aJ9e;o kolpu, ^. A sprain. 2. the cramp. /=^J3e;j,^ kolpuni (^s'ja^), ^. ^. To stick, cleave, ''come into col- lision. V. n. To touch, reach. =^jsd kolme, ^. Nicety, delicacy. —3 £2?e5 delicate workmanship. =^J3e;sdo kollataru, s. A kind of small fish. ^€S)€) kolli, ^. A bay. ''2. a fire- brand. — a^^ a firebrand used for a light. =^j?j^, koshta, s. Leprosy. —^ oSo a leper. 'vJhTi kosa 176 =|js^l3 koti J ^J^Ti:^ kosari^L, see-^^oT^^. 2. see =^JS?jiD,=^JS^,, "ij^T^D,^ kosrakolli, kosrali, s. A perverse dis- position. 2. tale-bearing. 3. an ill-tempered man. 4. a tale-bearer. J =^JS^o2o kolambe, s. Audrain. ^ J f2. a bath. adjU Decayed, putrid, stinking. ^J9^=5* kolaki^, s. Nuisance. ^ ^adj\ Filthy, dirty. J=^JS^^kolake, ^^^ ^-32^^. r„^^^^ v/^J3°^/i kolaga, s. A measure of ^JS)^Z§ kolaci, s. Buffoonery; mi- micry, jeering. — ^s'yo^ to mimic, jest; to play tricks. J =^J3vO^ kolaliji, s. A fife. #j?)^^ kolala, s. War, battle. J'^js^s^ kolave, see ^j^a^. ^J3^o^ kolpu, see ^fjsejo^. J'^JS^J ^ kolpuni, ^^^ =^^e;o^S». y^JS^, kolli, J^^ ^J3s3. ^JS^o=^ konke, i'^^ ^-«o?f. 'uJt^o'o'^ozi k5nkekanda, .y. An uneven field. J ^'JS)^or{Qm^ konganu^, s. A squint eye; ^. t^jaeoJ- =^J?^oA kongi, .y. Ridicule, jest, mockery. — ^s'yo^?), —-^o^^x^ to make fun, to ridicule. '€j^^o'^ konca, s. Extravagance ; c/. tf.^?£i. —T^Uj^^ to be ex- travagant. "^JS^ob* kont^, see ??jj)?oUj. ^ 'ij^^Gkiof{& kontangely, s. Hob- bling, adj. Lame. -^=^X'^obDS3)^ kontavuni, c. v. (of ^jseoyo^) To iialt, hobble. >/^«J5^oe3o kontu, ^. An angle, corner, crook. V=^jj)^oyo^ kontuni {^^^oV:^^ v. 11. To halt, limp. =^J3^od konde, i^. A stick to which fruits etc, are studded. ^JS^ogj, =aJS^odi kondra, kon- dru, s. Boasting. ^JS^ogj kondri, see ^oooj. ^.Q^ozood, =^JS^o^Jj^ kombule, kombule, <3;^'. Soft, delicate. 2. young. =^J5;^=CT koka, s. The game of liide and seek. —^%h^ to play at such a game. "^^J3e uDOio kokayi, s. A bill, beak. — ctodSo a quarrelsome man. — trof a quarrelsome woman. _sro:ior^ to rub the beak; to quarrel. "iSj^^^ts^ kokileglli, s. A sing- ing parrot. J=^J5^ris3, '^JS^z^d kogile, kojile, s. A cuckou. -/=^x^e^, =3'J3^2;§ koca, koce, ^. Boasting, siw^^c?-, Ji^^^:!- vain- glory. =aJ3^Za koci, ^. A kind of mask. — ^e^i maskery. put on a mask. =CTJSfiJoeo kotanji, s. Sexual in- dulgence. ^=^JS^y53 kotale, s. Pain, sick- ness. 2. the chicken-pox. 3. hardship, distress. •^js^eJ koti, s. k. crore, ten mil- t^wo^^ to ^j^^ei koti 177 "ij^^to koma lions. 2. remembrance, re- collection. 3. the name of a male, -^w^^ by crores. -^ t^ to recollect. "^JS^eJ koti, s. A store, godown. en^s^nj— a salt store. €j3ee3o^J katiya, see ^o?)?Wg. ^JS^yo kotu, .s-. Losing a game, z^J3^o koti, ^. A monkey, —do^^ the pranks of a monkey ; mis- chief, -^yo^r^ to be silly, foolish. J'iJz)^d>ozi kodapda, s. A rope sus- pended in schools for punish- ing boys. 2. a bow. €ji)^d kodle, see ^^?ye5. CO =aJS°^ kona, s. A kind of sweet- meat. ^J5^f5^Dd^o3j koneriraye, see ^-se =ctJS^sj kopa, ^. Anger, wrath. ^^^^^ to be angry. — e^^^s^?) to provoke. =^JS^S5c)d kopara, ^. Buffoonery, low jesting. =ctJ5^^, =^js^^^ kopi, kopishthe, s. An angry man. =aJS^aj^^ kopin^, ^. A piece of cloth to cover the privities. =^JS^^ kopu, s. A cup. ^=^J3^s2 kope, j'. A string of fruits, fish, etc. =^JS^^o koma, s. A crowd. J=^JS^sijl3, ^j?;^^o!3/^ komati, ko- matlge, ^.-^A class of mer- chants. 2. cunning, craft. 3. a rogue. — crooSo a rogue, crafty fellow. J ^Je>^s±)r3 komana, s. A piece of "Bj^^^ koma 178 ^Jl^o kola cloth to cover the privities. 2. the privities. "^JS^sl^odo komaya, s. Home-sick- ness. 2. attachment. '^JaiCdod komare, s. An oracle. =^JS^5Jo^ komala, adj\ Tender, delicate, young. 2. pleasing. =^J5^dod komale, s. A handsome woman. "ij^^zScto komu, s. A crowd. M'^JS^c^ kora, ^. Measles. =^J5^d kora, adj. Rough, not fine. 2. curved. 3. harsh, jarring. —"S^okio unbleached lawn cloth. ^^^ a curved tusk or fang. — ^X a discordant song or tune. =^J5^;:^oZo koranji, s. A kind of shrub. '^JSi^dsJo*! korapanti, s. The fra- grant grass, Mollugo cervi- ana, =^J3^do5o, '^J5^De)02>o korayi, ko- rayi, s. A basin. 2. lameness, hobbling. "^JS^DDS^koravu, ^^'.Lame. -^ ^ a lame leg. =^J5^D^4r^ koravuni (^Jse^D), z'. tz. To halt, limp. J'uJ^'^0 kori, .y. -A fowl, cock. 2.'^poultry. 3. a kind of ladle for serving rice. — 5980-5 a small bean, dolichos. — 's'w,, -rf oos' cock-fight. — wdS the right foot raised against anything. ^^jaW^ a kind of medicinal plant, -^c^p© an entertainment with fowls. _rf -S-^^ a chicken. . -si t^.?;yo^, -rf ^ a cock's comb, -rf Xjsi^o a poultry-yard. — ^:2^^ a kind of preparation of fowl. ^zoe;D^5 a kind of fish. -53 ^S £A)o^^ to stand on the right foot, -^yo^^ to get up a cock-fight. — ^e3^^ to crow. — Tdc-aodooa to crow fast and lustily. ?jd5_ a jungle fowl, ai^ocb- a teal. 22e- a short legged fowl. =^J?)^D^, =^JS;eS?^ korike, korige, s. Hope, desire, wish. =^J5^dj^ koruni (^js?^), v.a>^o desire, hope expect. - 2. ^^^ =^J5^6 kore, ^^'. Curved, bent; cf. ^^-e. ■^JS^Zor korji, s. A measure of grain, consisting of forty-two muras of rice. —"^^^"^ by korjis. €j3^Lbr kortu, s. A court of justice. =^J3^clr korde, ^t'^ ^otc'^r. =^Jei^ir korte, ^. Preparing a field for sowing; also ^cTiz: '=^j?)^o^ kolyi, .y^^ t^jsee;^. A '^s/s^s; kola, .9. A devil-dance. -^ wo^^ to assume a mask, to act a devil-dance. '^JS^^'3')T?. ^aj^es^ kolde, ^^^ ^js^r. J^Ji^dra kovana, ^^^ =^jse^r©. ^jj^D kovi, ^. A gun, firelock; ro'S^C)^"^^ kovilijkatte, s. A mule ; c/. ^^?jtj^^ . J^JS^d kove, s. A mould. 2. a crucible. =^JS^dloSjo kovetemma, ^. Hoop- ing cough. -1Jv-3?A a disease of the bowels of children. =i|js ^ddoo^o^ kovemullu, s. Bar- leria lorigiflora. =^JS^2^, '^JS^d^ kosa, kosha, i". xl glossary, vocabulary, diction- ary. 2. the scrotum. e5c^_ the stomach. J =aJ5^?^k6s^, <^^/;'. Oblique, squint. — ^c^ a squint eye; ^. ^-?)?o ^^JSf^oCoS, ^.^;^?oOo£oQ kosamba- ri, kosumbari, s. A kind of condiment made of pulse. =^JS^^ kola, s. The stocks. 2. .9^^ ^^ee;. 3. a veil. — rfoz!, j^^ ^s^js^rfcrf. ^j^:^— hand-cuffs. "^^ '§Si>^'4 oD^O^^, _^?y3jj —z:^ t^^ to put in stocks. =^JS(=^ot:) kolambi, ^. A broad spittoon. =^JS^^ koli, ^^^ ^Js^Q. 'i^^^Ci kolu, ^^^ ^j3ee;o. =^JS^^ kole, ^. A kind of cake. =^J?)^^oQ koikuri, .?. A kind of sheep with fatty posteriors. >/=^J5^oo^ koipini, z', a. To cut, reap, mow. =cJ?vd3j?^^o koyyolu, s. Chopping. — 3i^ a species of the vege- table Amaranthus tristis. J =^v%o^ koil^, see ^jsoso^, =^^^. '^j?))^;^do/T koiserang-^, s. The mode of wearing a shawl by a bridegroom. J'^o'^ kounca, adv. Topsy-turvy, upside down. — sjDcIj^ to up- set, overturn. ^■^oe:^ ^ount^ ISO ^■5, r? krani -fe^oSj^, ^o'Jj kounti^, kountu, s. Rancidity, adj. Rancid; see J^osJj^, ^'^os^j^kountuni, koun- duni (^"^oO, ^-^cS), z',7i. To become rancid. €^0^0 C;^ koundurasa, ^^^ ??^S. ^"^0^^ koumpuni (^"^o), ^. ^. To bury. ^os^ &sK a burial ground. "s^o^^cOd a grave- digger; a term of reproach. ^o?;j^^, =5^o?j^rikaumsan^,kau- ifisanige, s. The scarf-skin, cuticle. ^Ei^c^T^ koucanige, j. A kind of comb. =s^yo koutu, see tf^olj. ^C3^, ^:^a?o koudi^, koudi^rasa, s. A cancer on the cheek. ^^ koudi, J. A cowry. ^^r^, ^d koudige, koude, s. A cowry; Cyprcea moneta. 'S^^fi, "^d koudige, koude, s. A milkman. 2. a man bringing contribution for temple feasts. ^dod;d koudurasa, see 5^S. ^;^3S0 koumari, see ^o^roO. ^dsS kourave, s. A descendant of Kuru. ^6 koure, ^. A hailstone. ~^^ ^0^ to hail. =5^0*, ^^0 koul^, koulu, s. A special agreement. 2. a docu- ment granted by government to a cultivator etc. 3. the voucher of a vessel. €^€) kouli, see ^ti^sS, TOi3ff«5- ^d koule, see ?rs^. =g^^'i; kousala,.?. Happiness, well- fare. 2. skilfulness. 'S^hf\ kousige, s. A name of the sage Visvamitra. =^;os3q kousalye, s. The mother of Rama. =a^^, ^"^^ri kouli, koulige, s. A drinking vessel. 2. a bundle of twenty (9;^ twenty-five, soel ■^c^ a bundle of about twenty- five betel leaves. v/^^.^ koulu, J. ^ Odour, scent, smell. 2. a kind of perfume, v^ 3. stench. J 4/the cheek. =o^s?, =5^^o koule, koulye, see^'^. ^■3o3 kyati, ^^^ sjs^^. ^^^dri kyadage, see t?eao3o. =5^0 o^ kyaiu, ^. Diligence. 2. de- votion, attention. ^ ^0 kratu, ^. A sacrifice, ob- lation. =u^^j krama, s. Order, method, regularity. — co??i irregular, disorderly. — ^sD'd, ^^j5)S re- gularly, in order. =5^ odo kraya, s. Price, value. — t^tS a buyer, purchaser. — 2aeO a deed of sale; alsc? —t^^-^^ — ^r^rocJj settlement of price. — ^^cxi) buying and selling; traffic, trade. -^wo^?i, -^v^o^^ to fix the price. ^oSjsXo "§& ^rri to sell. ^oSjsXo l2^^ to buy. ^■s^r3 krana, ^^^ Xj^^r®. .^«),r5 krani, s. The erruptiv 'c^ kind of rickets. 41. kritti 181 SJod khande -3- v|,s^o krittima, s. A trick, arti- fice, deceit. 2. sorcery, witchcraft. ^ ^0 krimi, s. An insect, worm. ■^ •^oJo, -S^oSj kriya, kriye, s. An act, action. 2. daily religious ceremonies. 3. obsequies, fu- neral rites. -S-.oJJ^sJC^ kriyapada, s. A verb, gram. ^ 0^ ^ ^ kr iyaphala, ^. A reward, as the fruit of one's deeds. •S|j0iTsO^^5^r9 kriyaviseshana, s. An adverb, gram. ^X^. ^X& krida, kride, J. Sport, play, amusement. ^\t kruta, see ^^^. ^o.j^jo krussu, s. A chair; t/. =^7;Jo , =^vg^^ krussu, kruje, s. A cross. =^J5jd krura, J. Wickedness, cruelty, adj. Ferocious, ter- rible. ~^Tis -^^ cruelty. —zp-di cruel disposition. =^^^„ kreiste, ^. A Christian. =^j3,^dkrodha,i". Wrath, passion. =^J^^q^^ krodhana, J. The fifty- ninth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. €^^^ krodhi, s. The thirty- eighth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. =^,02:^ krounca, i". A curlew. 2. a mountain in the Himalaya range. =5^0^ klupta, adj. Brief, short. 2. fixed, determined. SO ju kha, The fifteenth letter of the alphabet. iDoti khaiija, s. A kind of grass. iood khanda, s. A piece, part, portion. 2. a continent. 3. a chapter. — efb^ to fall into pieces. — -^^o^c:) to break into pieces. iOo3scl khandane, s. Division. 2. dissertation. 3. criticism. -•rfo^o^^ to divide; to decide, settle; to criticise. JUozTseo^, khandabatte, see "^oi^ w . . . . I e5 KH Sjo^ khandi, s. A weight equal to twenty maunds. 2. ^^^ 7lOoa^ khandita, ^c//'. Strict, se- vere. 2. positive, true, certain. ^^V. Strictly; positively. ^' SJo^^^o^khandisuni (sooS^, v. a. To cut into pieces, to sever. 2. to refute. 3. to criticise. 4:^to fix, settle. SJoc^ort khanduga, -s*. A measure of capacity, containing twen- ty kolagas. SJocidj^ khanderuni (sooif 5), v. a, 16 sjr( kha^a 182 a khuddu To chip, cut away a small piece. 2. to square, make right. sjr; khaga, s. A bird. ~^'£ Garuda, the king of birds. SJ?^J5^^ khagola, s. The cele- stial globe. SJ'^i khacita, adj. Resolute, po- sitive, decided. adv. Reso- lutely, determinately, posi- tively. SJ'i^D-^t^ khajani^ji, s. A trea- surer, cash-keeper. SJt^e)^ khajane, s. A treasury. 2. money. -^^^ a cash chest, cash box. SJto khajji, see X^. SJCS-ssji^ khadakhadi, see ^zsd^C^. «L)c^ khadga, s. A sword. 2. the horn of a rhinoceros. ^— ^X a rhinoceros. luao^ khadir^, see ^Si5. aj^ khani, ^. A mine. SJ2o:3^, su^JD* khabad^, khabar^, s. A report, rumour, news, message. 2. caution; c/.^^^B. — TO^mind! take care! cf.'^'^ 5cx»5i. —crob, — craB^ respon- sibility, control, management. sjodo khaya, s. Depth. sod khara s. The twenty-fifth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. 2. an ass. 5Ud khara, adj. Sharp, hot, harsh. SJdo£5c)^^ kharancavuni, see ^o sodo^iori kharancuni, see ^o«ior^. SJD5)2o^ kharab^, adj. Bad, filthy, disgusting. SJ 015^0 3 kharamati, see ^::d^5. suO^a kharidi, s. Value, price. 2. cost. -^0^0^^ to settle the price. &j6 khare, <3:^'. True, correct, certain. ~ts^^^^^ to prove. sut^ijsrd kharjura, see a^S. Sje;'3Aa kialasi, see ^e;s^. aJOe)?^ khalas^, see ^gjdcj. luA) khasi, ^^^ ^^• aj?c^ khast^, ^^^ ^^. S3D^ khadi, ^. A coarse cloth. SJi)^ khane, 5. A house, dwelling. 2. an office. — -^os^j^s census, population, ^ssi- a printing office. SJ9d khara, ^. A pungent or hot taste. 2. soda. ^<^'. Hot, pungent, -^h^ to burn, feel hot. S3e)0 khali, ^^'. Empty, vacant; unemployed. 2. vain, use- less. -sjD^d vain talk, useless words. — f^^^an empty house. sjss^od khavande, s. A master, owner, proprietor. ^^- mon}^ khusti, see ^05^. Sjjs;> khuni, s. Murder, man- slaughter. Js^S^^ khula, adj. Bad, mean, cruel. £^2^6 khscare, s. A demi-god. s5eei-d8[56l, s5e2i^D<^ a wandering priest, vagabond, vagrant, beggar. £j5?a khodi, s. Failing, defect, fault. 2. a simpleton. <3;<^'. Incorrigible, irreclaimable. SJSovl khyati, ^. Fame, repu- tation. w r\ ga, The sixteenth letter of the alphabet. rl, nD {mas.), rid, r^^ (/em.) are affixed to verbs in ad- dressing Pariahs.^ as 2^%^, so ^7^ come (man) ; soe^A*^ come (woman). riori, riorra, riofi ganga, ganga, gange, s. The river Ganges. 2. a female's name, aot^^^-^ Siva, who received the Ganges on his head. Xot^o^js)^ pilgrim- age to the Ganges. A07^?ds^?i bathing in the Ganges water. rlorid, rior(?od gangara,gangasara, s. Arrack, liquor. rio2:^=a^o^ gancakkari^, s. A hoax, humbug, ^-si^^o^o), — S sj^t^o^ to hoax. -S sojaTJo^ to be hoaxed. Jrios^rSfl ganjanige, ^. A frag- rant grass. rloti^ ganjani, see X^eSaS. G riotd© ganjali, s. A kind of para- site. -/rioZo ganji, ^. Gruel, rice water. 2. starch. 3. porridge. riozSoS^, rlo^a^sj^ ganjippu, ganji- p^, J. A kind of playing cards. riotdo^ ganjuppu, s. Purified salt, table salt. /rio^ gantiji, s- The ankle. 2. a knot. 3. a bundle. 4. money; riches. — Ao|^asmall kind of ja.ck fruit. -^<^o^, _^<^^ a pickpocket. -^t5o?\ a variety of syphilis in which the joints are affected. -•^:>^ a sealed bundle. -'^'^J^ to pack; to amass w^ealth. --t\ ^F^, _20or5jsjD^^ to untie. _i§?07io?), —i^ox^^^ to settle a debt. ~.zj;>^^ to tie, bind, knit. — a:)Jsi^«:)oi to form a knot ; to come in contact with; to attack, -■^'^o^a to make a 16* rioU ganta 184 riocj ganda marriage alliance, sis!?- a fabrication, false story. liok^ ganta, see "So^^. /rio^^el g'antapucce, s. A male cat; also XofeS. r(o^c)^jrJ g:antamani, s. A large bell. rio^"?)^ gantase, s. Avarice, cove- tousness. rioeJ ganti, s. A kind of earring. 7iol3?oo4i gantisuttu, s. A child's necklace of beads. Jliokjo gantu, s. The knot or joint of a reed or cane. 2. i"^^ aoO. rioUJSrj^ gantus^, j. Stinking produced by breaking wind downwards. rio^ gante, s. A bell, gong. 3. a clock. 4. an hour. 5. see AC&3. ^531)^0^ to ring the bell, strike the hour. rioC3^=ff"i)05j gand^kayi, s. Papaw, the fruit of Carica papaya. J 2. manliness. >^ 7\ozi^ z^^\f\ gand^mr^ga, s. A rhinoceros. ^/riocs^^N gand^stana, s. Man- liness, bravery. rlodrirs) gandagana, s. A host of demons. 2. a band of heroes. rioc^eS^dooc^sJ-^ gandaberunda- pakki, s. A fabulous bird with two heads. r(or^doe)e3 gandamal^, s. Scrofu- la. 2. ulcers on the neck. J T\ozi^(i gandastana, see XoS^^?^. liozi'^6 gandakshara, s. An as- pirated letter. Jriocs^o^c^ gandantara, ^. Danger,^ peril. ricCasn^O gandagali, j-. Inter- course, intimacy. 2. inter- ference. 3. slander, defama- tion. 4. a report, ^ctio acz3^ 7^e5 djsa^ I will have nothing to do with him. rioj:Sa)rioo^ gandagundi, s. Au^ dacity, barefacedness. Jrlo^ gandi, s. A hole, opening, gap; c/. ^oa. .-^s;/7iz^f\ g3i]ige, s. The Molucca bean, Guilandina bonduc. Vr1e3^^ gajipuni (a35), ij,a. To fasten, strengthen. r\'!Si'^'^ gajibiji, s. Complication, entanglement, confusion, -so ■^4 bad hand-writing, scrib- bling. — ^je)Ar a miry road. rleoO^ gajir^, see asStj. r(e£ gaje, see xa^. rJeE^osJ gajekampa, s. A stick for flogging. ?i^^ g^ajeni, ^^'^ a&;^. ri^^^ gajepuni, see a^cjo^^. Tizie;:^ ^ajeluni (a^6), 7\ ?2. A sore to form or suppurate. rls!-;^^ gaIelpuni(X25^), 'v,a. To cause a sore to form or sup- purate. Itch, scab. — sro XS3 r^^ ?3D0rf0K ^y?i^ gajje, i"^^ ^^. riej gata, see spou riliriy gatagata, ^. A gurgling noise, as produced when drinking. rieJr? gatani, see ^o«^r^. riU gatta, ^^^ ^ow^. rlii^e^, nUr^T^, r(Urlgattani,gat- tanige, gattane, s. The founda- tion of a building. ^i^^ gattale, ^^^ ^y^^. "/riej, gatti, «^". 'Firm, secure. Y 2: solid, hard, ^.clever, able, strong. -CA)^ a narrow, thick chisel. -^o;rf substantial work. —2^030 a loud speaker, a talkative person. — ^yo^^ to coagulate, curdle, freeze. -s;^^ to hold fast. --sSo «^^^ to make strong, fix firm- ly; to bake a kind of cake; riei.riej^ gattigatti, s. Clot after clot, clod after clod. adj. Very cloddy, very hard. ^ riU r^ gattige, s. A clever man. cleverness, ability. >r(:3 gaj7i, s. ^^, see Xasg^. a w — " ^5. '^^ be wlio suffers from itcli li.is 110 sliamc. t\iIz g'ajjira, .v. The marsh date troL'. ^ 7i:lj> its fruits. A&o.A^?^ ei skill. riliojjo^, rl^A^^^ gattiyuni, gat- tyuni (A&^cdo'>), 7'. ^. To wipe off. ;e, s. A kind of cake. 4 42. a clod, lump. m, gatle, see ^i'^^. •^t\T^Tf gadusu, adj. Powerful, stroll--. ;i1)1l'. 2. clever. 3. brave, linn, gallant. 1. se- vere, strict. —^"^ severity, r\do gadan 187 ric^o gadu I strictness, strength; ability. -oDoSo, aS?6 an able or wealthy man. 'ridon^ gadang^, s. A godown, store-room. 2. a toddy-shop. rl:^otod gadambale, s. A poison- ous snake. rides', rid/i gadaka, gadaga, see ric^^ gadakka, adv. Suddenly. "o" ' ridrizi gadagada, s. A chattering noise. — ^c^oaj^ to shiver, tremble with cold. Jr(c^20^ gadabadi, see Xas^a. ridouo, ric3e)o5ogadayi,gadayi,^. A long pole with spherical bells, shaken in temples; of. aatj. 2. a hillock, hill. -^^ the name of a rocky hill. rizirj^ gadas^, s. A heifer, young cow. iicsc)3;3^2u gadabaji, s. A rocket. 2. an independent person. 3. heedlessness, recklessness, disregard. >7\^ gadi, i".^An incision, cut. 2. the half of a cocoanut. 3. a limit, boundary, frontier. 4. authority, power. 5. ap- ^^o^^, ^asoB^ia^ to banish. ~=ij^hF^ to appoint a head- man, -crooyo^ to transgress, violate the bounds. —zj^Tk)^ to make an incision, mark out a tree to be cut down. di7)5- a slip. ei^Xra the boundary of a land. ri^ri gadige, s. A small earthen ware, a pot. r(^5^^ gadipuni (aS), t', ^. To agree, harmonize, be in uni- son. 2. to suit, be con- venient. 4"^ ^^ ^^ Acix;o5 a house black with smoke wdll not suit, (said of a rest- less ^r fickle-minded man). ^jse^o^A 7x^4^ they do not agree together. s/n^"^^ gadibidi, s. Bustle con- fusion, disorder, tumult, dis- turbance, —^^o^^i to bustle; to disturb; C/. Ae58!)eD. rl^sjj gadima, s. A large piece ef any thing. r\^Qi^DV^ gadiyal^, s. A watch, clock. — croo^ a watch- maker. ri^cx^^ gadiyuni, see 7(^4^. pointment of a headman or Ur\d:> ^adu, s. A term, fixed chieftain. ^Tio-Rlzi- a piece of mango-pickles. — ^^ a boundary stone, land-mark. — ^a, — j^oa nomination and appointment of a headman with certain privileges in a demon shrine. —zjdB banish- ment, transportation. — sroS time or place. — aiI^ periodi- cally, now and then. — ae^^i, — sjdt^j^ to fix a time. r(djS3^C5^ gaduvad\i, s. Halt, stay. — 3iDK a halting place. ridj^jjc^ gadustana, s. Bravery, manliness. 2. power, strength, greatness; cf. Xo'rfjirf 7i. Tid gadda 188 r\^ gati J T\d gadda, s. The chin. 2. the beard. — ^^S ^^j^j^d^^ to entreat a person by taking hold of his beard in token of respect. ri^o5j gaddayi, s. Compulsion, ca " * . force, adj. Compulsory; also AZ53 Odd. _rf =^e^?j compulsory work. _^y^^ to compel, force. 7i^ gaddi, ^^^ =5^^- J rid gadde, s.yfk bulbous root. 2. a lump, clod. — =*yo^^ to coagulate, curdle. Tiz^^r^ gads^tana, see 7(n^, r{t9 gana, ^. A flock, host, multi- tude. 2. a retinue, train of attendants. 3. a class of spirits. 4. a foot of three syllables. 5.a number, <2r^*/A. 6. series of asterisms class- ed under three heads, ^^— human, "^^^i— infernal, and z3e^_ divine. — ^^ Ganesa the leader of Siva's retinue, ao c^— evil spirits, rfjs^— angels. Vr(rao2C"^ ganijini^, s. A tinkling sound. r{t^=d6h^ ganakalepini (Ar®?re3), ?;. n. To be pensive, thought- ful and sad. r\£7)r\U ganagati, i". Leg orna- ments. r1r3?5 ganane, s. Regard, esteem. 2. calculation. vr(rs)?j* ganas^, .y.^The link of a chain. 2. a hook. zi^D^^ ganaly, see 7(ri6. rir?^ ganita, s. Arithmetic, cal- culation, adj. Counted, num- bered. — s^^ arithmetic. rir?^2^ ganipuni, see t^f^^^, XorS yr{£^& ganili;, s. Tinkling. -^ ^^ to tinkle. I^rifl gane, ^. A pole, staff. 2. an arrow. jSjsosSt?— a tum- bler's pole; c/"^^. ri^^^, Tic^^i ganesa, ganese, s. The chief of demi-gods and remover of obstacles. He is invoked at the commence- ment of auspicious cere- monies; also Af^^S. rirso ganya, see 7(0^^. ris^ gat^, s. Fatigue, weari- ness, trouble. £5c5 dc5 a§ e?o3o he is done up by work- ing continuously. ri;^ gata, adj. Past, gone, ante- cedent, —^h^ to expire. ^^tL- suicide, extinction of life. Tk>^ji)^— intention, wish, purpose. r(3 gati, s. Destiny, fate, fortune, condition. 2. protection, sup- port. 3. means, resources, income. 4. motion, course. ~^e^ means and family. — >^jse^crooS?roc&> a poor, help- less man. ^^j^^— a down- ward course; perdition, e^n T^^r— an upward or heaven- ward course; salvation, ^roe;-- the progress of time. Xj^— the motion of planets, their fii^ gatu 189 ri^o gama influence on the human desti- ny, zio^— a bad condition; future misery. c?^^— fate, destiny. -^^o>^^ to help, show means ; to make funeral ceremonies. «oc^ io5_. who will protect or save me ? odc^ cdn— what support have I? what is to become of me? oDo^ 7\B> f^3§ I have no means or support. ri^o gatu, see Xi. ric5 gada, see Xd ridrid gadagada, ^. A crackl- ing noise. — 5£)2;jr?) to burn or blaze with a cracklinoj ^A V noise, '/^r^dc^ gadary, i"."^ lump. 2Tan object of love. rla^^ gadipuni, see t^d^?). riu)0=CTO^, rido, ^gadukuni, gadkuni (X5), z^. /2. To lap, jolt, rid gade ^. A weapon; a club, mace, f^ rid ^ gddala, s. Confusion, dis- ^^^urbance, noise. — ■^^o^?) to ^^■aake noise, to reprove, re- ^^Ruke; to exhibit magnificence, ^^randeur. rid^, n^o^sj gaddavu gaddavu, s. An earthen plate. r1c3i5 4^ gaddavuni, c.z>. (o/^^^^ n) To shake, move, rock. Jrl£)fi gaddige, s. A throne, seat of honour. ridj?) gadduni (aS), v.n. To shake, quiver, be agitated. rldsjigaddela, see Xrfe;. Ti:^^ gaddya, ^. Prose. -^^^ prose and verse. ric^ gadhe, see Xd ri^ gana, see r^^. Tii^Diil^ ganagatti, s. A tinkling article. 2. anklets and toe- ornaments, adj. Powerful. r\?l^|jjO gannakatteri, see Tio-^ li^^ gapi^, ^. Concealing; sup- pression. 2. misappropria- tion. — el^ — Sa?s^ silence, quietness, --rfo^o^^ to hide; to misappropriate. nsje;^^ gapalati^, ^. A lie, false- hood. 2. shuffling, as cards. 3. misplacing. Tit, ri^, r1^ gape, gappi, gappe, ^. A lie, falsehood. 2. a hoax, humbug, —z^o^s^^^ — sod^o^ to tell a lie; to hoax. ^Ti^^^^ to hide, conceal, suppress. risj gappa, «^". Silent, quiet; Jrizortso gabagaba, s. Gulping,, swallowing. -B^^ to gulp^ swallow up. riu gabba, see a^f. Vris^oris^jgamagama,^. Fragrance, odour; c/. acSo. r\^o3^ gamatij, ^^^ Xo^g. rlsJjF^ gamana, ^. Going, moving,, motion, course. '^Ti^^K^ gamasT^, s. Fragrance, odour. 2. stink, stench. risi) gama 190 rid-'S garo -/ ri^o?oo^ ^amasuni (a^oj), 7;. n. To smell, scent; stink. >/ ?id3^o5o?^^ gamayisuni (X^reoso oJ), V. n,^o be fragrant, odoriferous. 2. to strike, flag. ri^oojjo^, rldo^o^, 7\^^^'^ ga- meyuni, ^ameluni, gamevuni (a ^, A^j^, A^o), 7/. :?2. To be hot, feel hot, as in a fit of fever. rial) gaya, see ^a^o. riojj gaya, ^. A place of pilgrim- age. -^^B the people of Cf^ya — "Sx^i) tli6 sacred place at Gaya. rio^-s^^ ^ayali^, adj. Prodigal, extravagant. — ^?^ prodiga- lity. Aodje)«^ an extravagant woman. Xcdra^ an extrava- gant man. rio^s^ g:ayil^, ^^^ ^^j^f. '>TiD^, rid, rid rid gar^, gara, gara- gara, s. A whirling noise, turning with rapidity. —BBo Xo^ to turn round with rapid- ity, as a top. N/rid=^?o garakena, adj. Clean, clear. ridriD garagari, see 7\B. ridn"s-/ garagasy, see Xadfoj. -ridc^ garadi, see ^T^^,-iXT3jsa. ridc^ garade, see Xx^ozS. ridra garana, see Xj^r®. rid^G* garamv, adj. Hot, warm. s. Heat, warmth; ^. X^r. ~7i:>7^'3 spices for curry. rid^ garaste, see x^^^. riDc)20J garabu, see '^•C7>'5. ^riO gari, s. A wing, feather. riDCio garimi, see X^f. -IriO^ogarime, ^y. Severity, strict- ness. riDoJoj^ gariyuni (X5), z'. n. To break off, give way ; c/. X^r^. ^iD^^3^ garib^, adj. Poor. X&?s5 a poor man. ^lio garu, ^. '^A rafter. -2. a ; mould; cf. ^x^o. ^ adj. 'Rough. ridori garuga, see XXr. ridod, ridod garuda, garude, s. The son of Kasyapa, having a human form, with a bird's bill and wings, and described to be Vishnu's vehicle. 2. the Brahmany kite, eagle; also — tj-^^. Xtjot^s^^j^ a wooden form of Garuda, used to carry an idol in procession, /(-dori ^08?) a post or pillar in front of a temple, with the figure of Garuda on its top. X-do i^Ti^ a seat of an idol with the figure of Garuda — sjsss^ a kind of bush, Ophiorrhiza mungos. sros^^— a drag to catch things under water; an outer part of a palm-leaf. rido^y. garuputta,^. A crucible. J rid gare, s. The shaft of a country water-lift; cf. ^"5. -^ i&)e^ a broken tile. ridoijsy gareyata, s. A kind of game. ri6j3^ garodi, s. The shrine of /idj garra 191 rlO gsM the demons called tSl^^or. 2. a veranda. S.^sl fencing school, gymnasium. — ?^^?S gymnastic exercise. ;^ garrane, see A-dTx-d. Mt:^ garka, adv. Suddenly. MM^ garga, s. A kind of medi- cinal plant, Eclipta erecta. f\f\Tod garganda, adj. Profound, 2. thick. -^i«3 thick dark- ness. r(rtro5o gargayi, adj. Half-ripe, half-grown, as an arecanut etc. x\T\-^7i^^ gargasi^, s. A saw. —^ "^jiiO the teeth of a saw. r\tiF^ garjane, s. Roaring, --si) '^o^^5 to roar, bellow. Tiz^F garji, s. Need, necessity, occasion. — rf 4's^or a time of difficulty. rlvlF garti, s. A married woman. 2. a chaste ^r continent woman. r1c3c)f^o^ garnal^, s. A mortar. 2. a bomb, cannon. (t\^f^ garpuni (a5), -z;. a. To dig. ^rl^ro^ garpeliji, s. Scooping, burrowing. 7iz:.F garba, see 7(2^f. nc^Fu garbija, s. A melon, the fruit of Cucumis ?nelo. f\'i^F garbha, s. The womb, ute- rus. 2. pregnancy. 3. embryo. _^e3, _?j.^e; disorder in the w^omb; colic. ~^h^, ^ca)o ^^> to be conceived. — a^^^ to cause abortion. —t^^^h^ to miscarry, as^-sfao s^ao^, _3i^^ to be afraid ; to touch the vitals. l\^F7i):i^ garbhasuti, s. A web of cloth woven with red and black thread. — "do^js^ a turban of this kind. — ^^^5 a female's garment of this kind. rl^rr? garbhini, s. A pregnant woman. r(sJor?3D^ garmasale, see under j^t^^iF, risjojr garmi, garmu, s. Heat, burning, warmth; zeal. riojjor^ garyuni, see A&orfoo^. t\^f garva, s. Pride, arrogance. -oDoSo a proud or arrogant man. —-^^^^^^ to be proud, haughty. — ^w^^i to subdue one's pride with effort. j\^F^ t\^f-^ garvi, garvishte, s. A proud man. irio^rioo^ gal^gul^, s. A rumb- ling in the stomach. >/ri^ri ^ galagala, s. A noise caused by bracelets. Jrl^soo galabu, s. Tumult, con- fusion, noise. r(^dj?^ galamena, see a 6^?^. r(^?;ioQi galasuni (a^^), i'. a. To use, employ. f\ODrf galasu, s. A tumbler. 2. a swinging glass lamp. r(€)2^, r(©^23^ galija, galij^, s. Dirt, filth, nuisaijce. — -di^o^ c^ to soil, make filthy. r(© gali 192 rreossi) g^an.ja iriO:^© galibili, ^. Disorder, con- fusion, tumult; anarchy; cf. xaeSa. -^h^ to be confused. —■sSo^o^r^ to disturb. riOsSj galime, s. Acquirement. ri^o=ao, r^^li, r(e;j) galuku, galk^, galku, s. A noise produced as when sinking or diving. Jr(e;Oci galjuni (a|^), v. a. To confuse, disturb. ri^ galti, s. Error, mistake. 2. misplacing. rlo|^?5*^ galpasi^, see a^oj. rie^r^ galmena, s. Freshness, briskness, vigour. rio^ gall^, see Xe;^. -irie; galla, s. The lower part of the cheek. — ^Je);6 whiskers on the lower part of the cheek; also '^^^'^' t\^\, r1e;j galla, gallu, s. The gallows. Ae3^A0 3:]D7l)^ to hang, execute a person. r(0 galli, s. A street. CO rid gava, ^. Sense, sensation, consciousness. —^^^^ to be out of senses, be disturbed. r(d^ gavala, s. A handful, mouth- ful. 2. a buffalo's horn; also ^^e?, ^80^. -4ri5J?^rJri gavasanige, s. The case ^r cover of a fiddle, ^/^. JriO gavi, s. A cave, hole, cell. risj^ gavudi, j^^ Tt'^a. risJcS gavude, ^^^ Tfsd risj^silo gavutama, see T^^rfo. risj^ gaule, see A^d. risJo gavya, ^. The product of a cow. adj. Of ^r belonging to a cow; 9^. ^osiAdn. rl^ gavve, adj. Very tender. r1?doe3^ gasant^, see ^?doO. fl r(?o/i?o gasagasa, s. Coarseness, roughness. ^^'. Coarse, rough. adv. Coarsely, roughly. —^ TSb^ to grind coarsely. j\rij:f gasary, see ^7i5. riri gasi, s. The sediment of oil, pickles, elc. rii^ojoo^ gaseyuni (a^), v. n. To rub. ri?5^^ gaseni, s. Difficulty, adj. Narrow, strait. Tin) gasti, s. A patrole. — trooSo a patrole, watchman. — *B5o AOo) to patrole. J ri^n^ galagala, s. A noise, as in drinking fast or by shaking a cocoanut. rt^sSoF^ galamena, see 7^^^- j\^ii^'^ galasuni, see Xcy^^. T\^f\ galige, ^. A fold, crease, wrinkle. 2. ^^^ -^^^-R, _^^^ to arrange folds. -lii^o^?) to fold, double. rl^j, J\'^ gain, gale, ^^^ 7(x^^- Mj^ galpasy, s. A halter round the neck, a noose. 2. death by hanging. 3. a lie, falsehood. t\^\ galpu, see x^. ?Te)ot3-3ganJa, 5. The hemp plant, Canitahis saliva^ whose leaves and fructification are smoked, UDoU ganti 193 7Ye)20 g5.ba or ground in water and drunk for inebriating pur- poses. ne)oe3 ?anti, s. A kind of sweet- meat. 7T3cC5^, /TSo(^o gandu, gandu, ^. A coward. 2. a man without self-respect. 'hdoUdi^:^ gandagouji, s. Much fuss, much ado. A^o^odoo^ gandiyuni, see ^il^gS). rrao^S rrao^d, ne)oJgant^,gaii- tara, gantra, J. Depth, adj. Deep. n^oCjiJoSo gandaye, see 7^r®croo5^. 7Te)oC38)0, nc)oa^gandari, gandini, ^. A roving woman. ".Local, country. s. A child's petti- coat. HDZ^, n-stij gaji, gaju, j. Glass ware. 2. China ware. 3. see yr5«)^% Ac)l3 gat\ji, gati, adj. Hot, pungent. >Iadj3^, rrsr^ gadu, gada, j. Tor- ment, vexation. T\D^ gadi, s. A bandy, cart, coach. — 7\D^, — croo3j a coach- man, -^wo^^) to harness horses ^ ganuni (t^-^), v. n. To smoke, burn to cinders, glow ; of, A^oe^ooi. n^s^, 71-3;^=^, ri-33 gata, gataka, gati, see s^y^^- rra^=^, UDt^A gatake, gatuge, s. A treacherous man. rra^ gatra, ^. The body. 2. a member or limb. ^<^'. Stout, thick. Ae)^^, n^a^ gadini, gadivi, ^^^ nc)d, rra^ gade, gadhe, s. A pro- verb, adage. TTSc^ gana, ^. Psalmody, music. —.33^0 the science of psalmody. n-3^ gapu, see aseoo. r5"S20^ gabadi, ^. A leak, hole in a vessel, —zj^zid?^ to repair a leak. -ej^Oj?) a vessel to leak. n?-e^O, /T3t:)a gabari, gabiri, s. Perplexity, confusion, alarm, perturbation. —^h?^ to be perplexed, alarmed, confused. —tSo^^^ to alarm, perplex. 17 nD-^ gabi 194 A^^ gali rraz^ gabi, ^. Darkness, rra?:)^, nuz^a gabidi, gabudi, Ac) 200, rTc)e3 gabu, gabe, ^. Agita- tion, commotion, disturbance, ferment. 2. rumour. 7^«Se 7^800 rumour upon rumour. He) A gabri, ^^^ T^eob. TTs^c^ gamini, ^. Confluence, junction. n-sodo gaya, ^^^ ^^^cdo. |-^.^^^ 7ia)0ao=^ gajake, ^. A singer, musi- nc)OJo»B gayatri, ^. The most sacred incantation of the Brahmans, namely Sjc ^jss^^or ^a^^§- [sic; ^. 7^?^. n5)OJ0F^ gayana, ^. Singing, mu- rrao^ gar^, ^^*. Dry. 2. hot. -?ro-rf a dry field, -^h^ to be dried, heated. T\i)t^, rT2)dc5 garane, garane, ^. Whitewashing or painting walls, etc. -=^j3^r^, -zjtrk)^, -•^o^^^ to whitewash or paint them. [^^^ fritter. -lne)07^ garige, s. A kind of cake n«)Oo^^ garipuni, see t^o^^. j rra6 gare, ^. Lime plaster, a composition of lime, earth, elc. TTsd gare, ^^^ a^x of nouns denoting profession, employ- ment, etc\ as^ s'ocbTS- a horse- keeper. t3T)cV- a backbiter. eo^- a seller of bracelets, sii^o^- a liar. rrsrirod^s^^d, /i«)r(r^d gar- gandakattale, gargattale, ^^^ nc);^r^, rra^r garsan^, garsi, s. A store, provision. n^s^^sSo^o^ gali^mel^, ^^^. Head- long, topsyturvy. rrae) gala, ^^^ ad^s^. ^nc)0 gali,.y.Awheel. >4. .y^^ as^. -i§5oA0^ the wheel to turn round. T^ad— a cart wheel. n^0^^ galipuni (7^e3), -z^. ^. To strain, filter. He) 001)0^, rra^OQ^ galiyuni, ga- lyuni (7vD«^), ^. ^. To be strained, filtered. ?T3©?oo^ galisuni (A^eSfo), z'. «. To separate grain from re- fuse by washing. 2. to strain, filter. n-5)S^^ gavale, s. Jugglery. -osoSo a juggler. — ^^^ conjuration. ns)5S gavu, ^. Heat. 2. fomenta- tion. 3. glare; cf. ^s-^^. Vrras^d gavuda, s. A stage or distance of twelve miles. 1 7Tc)rO gasi, s. Fatigue, exhaustion, toil, pain, trouble. 2. the state of being emptied. 3. end, termination, death. — <^L?) to be distressed, wearied ; to be confused, dissatisfied, /n-s^ gala, s. An angle, fish- hook. Jr^^ gali, s. Wind, air. 2. breath. -XoG a falsehood. — xiu a paper kite. — -rfsir^js?:^. — ?ioD an unfounded rumour, 7vs^ gali 195 r\d ffidde a false report. -sji^tI:^ to fan. -sSeaio^ wind to blow. rra^oioo^, n^^og^ galiyuni, ga- . lyuni, see T^eSodoo^. /ho^, r\od^, r\o-d^ gindi, gindya, gindye, s. A goblet, small metal vessel. /r\o£^o^ ginnali^, s. A goglet, cup I of bell-metal. ho^ gimpu, see ^^. ho^o, ho^oj gimma, gimmu, ^^^ nt^D^, nzd D^ gijaru, gijjarij, ^^^ nsS^lJ^ gijikitti, see -S-eS^&l^. Jhz^AzS gijigiji, ^^y.^^Soft, pul- / pons. j./A chirping noise. 2. a rattle, toy. ~^^ the shrub Crotoloria verrucosa. r\'&'^'& gijibiji, ^^^ X^832a. v/ritoO^ gijilix, s. Confusion; also ?N3Se;Dy. adj. Confused. -^S ^?t^^ to become confused. T\iz gijja, «^^^'. Thick, full. s. A heap, mass, crowd. ne^^, h^, n^ gitty, gitta, gitti, s. Scoria, dross of smelted iron. — 3jdt1:^ to repair an earthen vessel with its paste ; J hei gitta, adj. Proximate, near. r\^ gitte, see -h^^ nc5"'on^, ncs^^^ gid^ngiji, gidijiki^, see t\\ hrs^ri, Ac^ri gidijige, gidage, see ^lC3^^^) gid^puni, ^^^ t<^A^' -^Xsd gida, ^. A shrub. -^ixse3^ a medicinal drug. 4T\Ti'^ gidaka, see t^\ Jr\^ gidi,^. The falcon 2. a mouthful, draught. — o)e5 a mouthful of water. - A 4) gidke, ^."A blind ^;' screen, made of palm leaves. 2. a rib. -ric^ gidda, adj. Small, short. — ^^^ smallness. ./T»^ , nzio giddi, giddu, s. A short woman. r\^, nz|d, hcig, nrl^^ gidde, giddele, gidye, gidyele, s. A dwarf, short man, 17* T\zi gidda T\zi gidda, s. A kind of tonsure. T\d do gidderu, s. A race-buffalo. f\dd^ gidpu, J. Thickness, adj. Thick, stout. Acio gidje, s. A kind of cock. J -iadj. Short; c/. ^c§. hj:l^do3odo gidyedayeru, see 'h Q ^r\£^ g-ini, ^^^ ^N^. 4 Ar^nrS, hr?G^ ginigini, giniliji, 5-. The tinkling sound of a small bell. J r\n^^p, nc3^c^o^, nrfodo^, nd^^ gidupuni, gidi^runi, giduruni, gidruni, see t\4F^. r^a^^ gidipuni, see ^as^^. 2. ^^^ A Ado^ gidpu, ^. Loosening. AC^, Ad^^J giravu, giravu, s. Epilepsy ; also 7\T^4"5j3eA. -3j ^_2g^ to suffer from it. 3Jo^_ a kind of epilepsy. Ad^^, a^-& giraki, graki, s. A customer, purchaser. Ac^rl^ giragati, s. Family af- fairs. 2. influence of evil stars upon one's fortune, fate. AD girl, s. A mountain. T\t^Jl^^^ girikolu, see 'h'^^^F^Creaking. adv. Quickly, speedily. — §5oaos> to turn round with great speed. AD£3^^e^^ giridi^popini, see 7. 4^^. 2. see ?^Oodoo^. AOOJoog giriyantra, ^. Ruin. ADoiJseJgiriyata, s. Wandering; vagabondage. AOo^oo^ giriyuni Cab), 7\7z. To J wander, roam. 2.-^to suffer from giddiness. ^-5- to be giddy. ADojjd giriyele, s. A wanderer, vagabond. A=5^r girk^, see 7\6j. A^^r^^ girkal^, s. The smallest fraction of a coin. [pes. A^X^ro^ girkolij, s. A wooden JA^r^ girpuni (^&), 7'.^-. To loosen, untie, break, pull down. ^6~ to pull down a house, v. n. To be loose, be pulled down, to break. A200FC3^D girbudari, s. Fate, misfortune. A 0*02:1 gil^jimbi, see ^q^. A©^e3, gilikitti, see -a^^&S,. /Ao^, A©^ gilkii, gilki, s. Fear: trembling. iA'S' gili, s. A parrot; 9^. •^^S. — ^js'Oi a kind of mango. — ^ sroe5, — 8cro4ffie5 kinds of ear- ornament. A'^A^ giligih'j ^' A jingling sound. A^ri^^ gihgejje, s. A necklace. M gili 197 rioos^o gumma ri^djJS^ao gilimuku, s. A hooked nose. 2. an ornamental carv- ing on door posts. A^s^o^ g'icuni (^e^), ^'. «. To draw lines, to rule. 2. to scratch over with a pen, scrawl, erase; c/. -S^^sio^. '/t\^k:^ g"!!!^, J*. A line, stroke, mark. ~^Tid^ to draw a line. A^:^ gita, ^. A song, hymn. >/r\^D% A^do gir^, giru, s. A scratch, superficial wound or mark, slight incision. /a^COq^ giruni (^e^), ^. ^. To scratch, wound slightly hy the nails, cU. n^o^ gili;i, see rr^€. rA^?C)0^ gisuni (^ec3), v. a. To pare, strip off, shave, scrape. ^■5— to shave the head, ?^e?i5 c3Do3o a barber. iT\^7i^^ gisuli, ^^^ ^e?^^. rioofi gunge, ^. Mould, downy substance — si^^ to mould, get mouldy. rljoSo gunji, .y^^ ajsosB. I riooei, riooli, rioo^ gunta, gunti, gunte, see a-'soW. riooiJ^ guntake, s. A bastard. rloo^ gunda, s. The idol's apart- ment in a pagoda. 2. a closet, small room. 3. a kind of cake (^z- pudding boiled over steam. riood^ gundala, s. iVn ear-orna- ment. rioo^"S)o^'dgunpntara,,y. Sapping the foundation, undermining, ruining. ^riooa gundi, s. An abyss, gulf, great depth. —^o^todSo one with deep or large eyes. rioo^T^ gundige, s. The breast, heart. 2. bravery, courage. Vrioodo gund^i ^' A ball, bullet, anything round, adj. Round, globular. — "^^ a grinding stone, roller. — irSj^sS a pin. —■do^o round. -^"^ a necklace of large gold beads. —33^'^^ guess, surmise. — sj^^?^, —53s ^0^ to fire with a bullet, rijodo^^ gunduli, .s-. A round chisel. Tk)^ to assemble. — Xoo s:d5 in crowds, flocks. rloo^^ gummu, ^^^ Xoo^jj. -^rioo^o gumma, ^^Stench, stink- ing. 2. a quick, sharp noise. —eyb^ to make a sudden, sharp noise; to stink. nO os^o gumma, adj. Unequal, irregular. -^?8 an irregular stool, rtoodo^, rioos^o^ gummate gum- made, s, A statue of Buddha. 2. a kind of drum. Fioosjoo gummu 198 Tidd guda rioodoj gummu, s. A noise pro- duced, as in firing a gun. 2. cooing, as a wild dove. 3. a cuff, blow. 4 Tioodoj^ gummuni (aooSj), -v.n. To blow, cuff. J^rloodo gumme, ^-.^An owl. 2isi bugbear. -Sj?)^ a kind of fish. —AJiido^ to hoot. 7^& 2^ the nave of a wheel. TioodooJoo^ gummeyuni (aoo^o), ^. ;2. To rise. riooi^o gumsu, ^"^^ Ao^oo^b. v' rioosSr, rioozSr gurmpe, gurmbe, s. A pond, pool, puddle. rlooeooF gurmbu, see ?fj3Tjo20o. Ti^-^. gukki, see rfo^^. rioh o^ guggilu, s. Damp soil. Jrlorio gugguri, ^. Soaked grain, v/rlorij do gugguru, 5-. A small in- sect infesting grain or corn. Jrlorlo^ guggula, s. Bdellium, a fragrant gum of the tree Boswellia glabra, '[\yih guci, s. Buttress, stay. j\:^'i}i gucci, see ^o|^ . rlot^D^rJ, rijtio^^^, rlots^o^, rio t3e)d gujarani, gujaran^, gu- jar^, gujara, s. The mode of passing time. 2. livelihood, living, life. -^<^o^^ to live according to one's means. r(o23, rloziij guji, guju, adj. Short J and stout. J 2. whispering, speaking in an under tone. .-^ooa, --Xoo« a stout dwarf. —-^tr^ talking in whispers. r(otxJO?io2j;3j gujuguju, s. A boiling or bubbling noise. — ^jaasgi^i to bubble up. x\::i'i, guje, see ao^. rio2d^7^ gujjanige, s. A metallic oil-pot with a tapering mouth. l^::i^^ -^ gujjane, s. Quarreling. l\:,i;iX:i gujjari adj. Fruitful. jK^it^t gujjare, s. A native of Guzerat. t\:;^ guj.ji, see 'K^'S^f. M::S^^, t\^i^^^ gujji, guj7u, ^.JA pole or post fixed in water. J 2. conversing in whisper. — s:^ ^^ to fix a pole in water. " rioto D^ ffWr^j ^^j' Curled. -?ro 8is^, ~;^i5 curled hair. Vrlo^ gujje, ^.^ tender or half- ripe jack-fruit. 2. a kind of buffalo. —"^^^ a very tender jack fruit. a?^)- the fruit of Artocarpus incisa^ bread- fruit. riolJri gutige, s. A kind of drum. Yrij^j^CT, r(jyo=s^o gutuka, gutuku, s. A single gulp, a draught; ^rloLlo guttu, s. A secret, mystery. 2. one's private affairs, adj. Secret. — nsoSo a reserved man. -3j^^ to find out a secret, to trace. -?l>a^^ to consult secretly. r(o^ gutt^, see ^J'oB^. r(ow5 guda, ^. Coarse sugar. T\:iTit:^ gudadi, see Xoa^. I riO(^ guda 199 rior3 guna rioci^^^ g-udaki^, s. A narcotic composition of tobacco and other ingredients, used for smoking or snuff. rloC3e)c^ g^udana, s, A large vessel with small mouth; c/. Xo=#r. Jjiow^^ gudara, s. A tent, yrio^ gudi, ^. A small pagoda or shrine. 7^:i^T\-i)6 gudigare, s. A turner and cabinet maker. ^A:i^r\:i^ gudig-udi, see aot^oaoS. dicil^, gudisal^, gudisili^, s. A hut, shed. rio^a gudidi, see Xoa. rio^ro gudisi, see Xoa^. ^r(odoo200 gudumbu, ^. Gulping. 2. the noise of anything fal- ling into a well eU. s/ Xoc^orlo^ gudugudi, s. A hubble- bubble, hooka. *^rioc^or1odo gudugudu, s.^A rum- bling noise, as of thunder. 2. a noise made in smoking tobacco in a hubble-bubble. 3. a noise made in shaking a cocoanut whose kernel has dried within. — 3iDo20o, see SdSo riodo?:oo gudusu, see aot^o^. rlo^ gude, see ^ozf. ^^^ rioz3^, rijcl gudk^, gudka, see riodo^rtodO) gudkugudku, adv. Hastily, hurriedly. si rioci gudke, s. A crooked man. / vj 2. a small earthen vessel. Jlio^o^ g udcilu, see Xoael^. ■6cy rioc^j^oOrl guddumallige, s. A short, thick kind of jassamine. Vriocl gudde, s. A hill. -<2;do20o a kind of mushroom. — .sosd^^^ to ascend a hill; to forget what is learnt. r(ocle3j guddetti, ^. A kind of small prawn. Tiad^ guddele, s. A cultivator, peasant. Tiodzi^ guddam^, s. A blow, cuff, box. Tidzi OD^^ guddalam^, s. An arti- fice, expedient, shift. 2. fraud, deception. 3. a kind of mint. r\:i^ guddi, s. The stopper of a small phial. ii:iZ^6 gudyale, see Aoi|d Ti:^^ gudsi, s. The embodied form of letter ^ or ^, as in •3-, ^e- rioao^ gudsiliji, see Xoael^. -N^rloc^o gudsu, ^."^A kind of broom. 2. a fetid smell, stench. -aS osob^ to stink. ^. Hitting — SiJDc^O^ to hit ^/ strike from a distance, rioirs guna, s. A quality, pro- perty, attribute. 2. temper, disposition. 3. excellence, merit. 4. moral ^r physical improvement, recovery from sickness, restoration to health. 5. use, advantage. — J^jse^good and evil. — ^oi an excellent man. —^h^ to recover from rio2lj?)oo gudsolu, from a distance. Ti^^ guna 200 liodiCi guddu sickness; to win, gain. — § ^0,^ to derive benefit. -tS:>^o^ ^ to cure a disease; to decide in one's favour, r{^2^^ gunaka, s. The multiplier, arith. T\:}'o'\\ a kind of fish. — ^iDT^o^ to burrow, dig ; to dig a pit as the first ceremony of the Moharam festival; to ramp, lea'p and frisk about in play. riodJS ©^c^ guddolipuni (Ao;3j?^e5), "0. a. To dig with a pick-axe. >fr{Oc^or(oc^o gunugunu, see Aor^o ei 201 rioO guri riodJs)^ gumaste, s, A clerk, writer. 2. an assistant. Vriosjjorlosjoo gumugumu, s. Noise of a multitude, -aojs-do^ to box, cuff, beat. Jriodookb gumutu, s. Fighting, cuffing. riodjos;o gumulu, s. Fire burn- ing in embers, riodoo^o^ gumuluni, see A^oodoo^. V rlo^ojroo gumusu, s, A stroke, cuff, box. —^^hF^^ —oTOZ^O^ to strike, box. ^^^ SjoaS ao ^oo?io=^^ ^j2^r 4.^^ mind, I will slap you, if you do not look out. rto?o^, rij^ gupita, gupta, adj. !/;^os:^jo7^o^ gumusuni (Xo^oo^), Hidden, concealed, secret rio5^ ^ guppuni (ao), t'.^;. To ir(v)^ guppe, s. A heap. rlot:)^ gubita, see X^b^. /rio^,, rioES. gubbi, gubbe^ s:^ A stud, ornamental knob. 2. a s/ button, ' '^,see 7(^^f. r\:t^z^7 gumlstige, s. Clerk- ship, writer ship. V. a. To box, strike. k/ziosSo, gumme, see aoo-^o. pour, shed, spill; also Xjsdo^, "^ ^ ' ' ■'• ' ^riOD^o^gurijLmpe,^. A temporary reservoir in a dry field for the use of crop. 2; a puddle. /riod?ioljo^^ guraguttuni, see Xo ei J/iod^ gurane, ^. The snarling of a dog. YrioD guri, s. A hole, pit. —^^^ to dig a hole, a pit or a grave. >/ riot) guri, ^. An aim, mark, butt. 2. liability, responsibility, -e? L^oi to be liable. ~4j^h^, _^ ^0 ^ to aim, mark. r(jD=aDd gurikare, see AO^r-§. rloDrioo^ gurigumpu, s. Uneven- ness, roughness. rljOaJ^^^ guriyala, s. A game of the Pandu princes. riodj gVLTM 202 rlotoF gurji riodo guru, j. A spiritual pre- ceptor, teacher, guide, priest. 2. the planet Jupiter, Bru- haspati. adj. Heavy, weigh- ty; venerable. -a\^t>6q^ the instruction given by a Guru. — ^f^^ a present or gift to a Guru. ~dd^ venerable per- sons. -^^, ~^^ the position of a Guru; respectability, dignity; heaviness, gravity. -s:3rf the foot of a Guru. — 2p^ devotion to him. —■dy:^ his house ^r residence, espe- cially of a Lingaita priest. -o^ heavy and light; great and small, -totj Thursday. — ;6e^ service due to a Guru. -.^^^^^ to get a blessing from a Guru. rlodoocg, riodoosS gurumpu, gu- rumpe, see 7\oo:£,f. ^ riodooe3 gurumbe, i-. Anything hollow. Ti^^"^^ guruku, see ao^of. rlodo^aooto, rlodoriooeo gurukunji, gurugunji, see XoAoro^. -. r1odo=s^oeJo,^ gurukuttuni (Xot^o^o 0^), z;.?2. To snore. 2. to purr. 3. to coo. 4. phlegm to rattle in the throat. 5. to roar. rtodo^ guruke, see Xjt^f. -^Viodortoeio. guruguttu, s. Snoring. 2. see AoreoXoUj,. ei /Tiodorlodo guruguru, J. Snoring. 2. the rattling of phlegm in the throat. r\^t;i^ guruta, see Tio^r. riodo^ gurutva, see under AO"do. riodocj guruda, see Xorfor. -^riodv)?:) gurubi, s. A sparrow; 9^ A02!)r, Aos!),. r(odos3c)d guruvara, s. Thursday. rlod^^ gurepuni, see ^ot5j^?). riod^yo^ guretuni (ao^?!3), ^.«. To hit a mark. ~^?ijdOj=^Js6Q3)^ gurrukorepuni (Xo rJoj^jsT?), z'. ;2. To bark, growl. 2. to snore. rio=^rs3^ gurkall^, s. Standing steadily or motionless. rio^-c)Fo5o?;So^,rio^«)roJjOj^gurka- yisuni, gurkaysuni (ao^foso^, V. a. To frown, knit the brows. ~j'2. to grunt, growl. 3. to menace, frighten. ■^. to snore ?ioSe)Fd gurkare, s. Ahead-man, foreman, manager, master. —a a mistress, matron. v/rio=3^or, rio=ajF?1o=CTjr gurku, gur- kugurku, s. Koar of a tiger. 2. grunting of a pig. ^^s^owo^^ to roar, as a tiger ; to grunt, as a pig. -^^s^^ phlegm to rattle in the throat. • rio^orllo-c^ gurkuttuni (Xo^ofO), ?:;.«. Togrunt. 2.^^^: Xo-do^oyo^?). Vrto^r gurke, s. A very large water-vessel. IrbrioFotS, rioriJS)Foe3 gurgunji, gurgonji, s. The seed of the country liquorice, Abrus precatortus. JrioSoF gurji, 5. 'A temporary halting place for idols, deco- r(j;^r gurta 203 rici^ guhe rated with leaves, flags efc. 2/a temporary shed covered with awning for offering ob- lations to the manes of the deceased Sudras. \ adj. Fine, small, short, little, --^e^r offering rice etc, to the manes. — ^uo^S) to erect a temporary shed decorated with leaves, flags etc. /riosr gurta, s. A mark, sign, token, symbol. 2. acquaint- ance, recognition. ~^h^ to become acquainted. — >§^Oj^i to identify, recognise. — ^jse SiD^oi to point out. -Ge^SJ to mark. — ^rff^^ to describe. — jj!^^ to recognise, —zi^'^^ to sign, make a mark. —"^ '^x^ to note, mark. 7iC)di:)F gurdu, s. Sounding lead. 2. a buoy. 3. a post planted in water to mark the spot where a net is spread, —zj^rid^ to fathom water ; to plant a post as a mark. Jrioe^r gurbi, s. A sparrow, ©o A^-, 20|^03o- the ordinary sparrow. ^&— a species of sparrow which builds a hang- ing nest. rioo; gula, 5. Condensation. 2. condensed sugar ready for putting in forms. 7i:iOi>t), r\05;-e)2oo gulabi, gulabu, s. A rose. — ^?i, — cro^ a goglet for sprinkling rose- water. —^^5 rose-water. rioo-c)do© gulamali, s. A buffoon, jester. rioej^sSj gulame, s. A slave, ao ^JD-^^^ slavery, servitude. r1oo^23^ gulali^, s. A crimson powder used at the Holi festival; also -^a. — eoor® crimson colour. ri^e gull, .y^^ Ao^. ^io^oo^oo gulumbu, ^^^ aos^^jo. r(j^oi:3* gulkandij, s. Confection of roses. rloe^, rlj^^s3DOJoo, rio(53^ gulma, gulmavayu, gulme, s. A disease of mesenteric glands ; a kind of colic. 2. .y^^ Ao5o^. rioex^ gulmu, ^^^ AO's^oo. yrioe; gulla, ^.^A kind of small mollusk. 2. ^^6' Ao^^. riog guUi, ^^^ ^>^%. Jrios^j gullu, s. A great noise, shout, uproar. Jriod guile, see Xo^. CO iriosSo^ guvelii, s. A well; 9^. eA) A Vrlor^o gusu, i-.'.A whisper, -ao yo^^, _AO?jos:^iT^Ooi to whis- per, lisp, talk in a low tone. Jrloi^oOj^ gussuni, see Xo^^. riv)3o guha, s. A name of Gana- pati. rioSoeJc^oS^) guhanipuni (ao^S)), TJ. n. To meditate. rlo3o guhe, s. A cave, cavern, grotto. 2. a den, lair. Fioso© guheli, ^^^ Ao^^. rid^ grula 204 rij5?oj §:usu rio^ gula, see ?ro^. 4 rio^ guli, ^/A pit. 2. loss, ruin. 3. end, death. -e?E:^ to sink in, disappear; to fall into ruin ; to die. — ^o^xj^ a demon haunting the air. rio2;^oo, /io^o=aj, rlo^osj^^ gulum, guluku, gulum^, s. A noise made by the falling of a stone elc. into a well. 2. loss. 3. cheating, fraud. —i^^^-R a cheat, defrauder. — e?L^^ to fall into water; to be lost. -T^^^^ to defraud. Jrlo^orlo^j gulugulu, .s-. A noise made, as in filling a pitcher with water. Jrlj^ gnllsi, s. A kind of round brinjal, Solanum Jacquini. — zocJeS Solanum fer ox. ^T\^^^ gull6, s, \ bubble, h. blister, pustule, vesicle. 3. see Xj£S?. JrSjSoTio gungu, s. The cry of an owl. «ir(JSo2o gunji, s. The stalk in the midst of a jackfruit. 2. the germ-matter of a boil. -3X6 c^ the core of the heart. Jr(j5oy, ?ij5oS3?^ gunta, guntige, j.A peg, pin, stake. -=??^^to make a peg. — s^as^^, _3^aajjo ^, — dj^yj^^ to drive in a peg. i rijsri guge, see aog^. -^risjss^OQ^ gucuni, j^<^ aos^^. r1JSt3c)5j^ gujavuni, ^. -y. {of a«) &(o^) To cause to ooze. VriJS^eo^ gujuni (a-^^), v. n. To ooze; ^. eru^3^o?). riJS^ guje, ^. A goglet made of cocoanut shell. rijseJ, rijs^ guta, gute, j-^^ ajsow. r(sJ5(2e)^* gudak^, ^^^ aozss^. Mjsc^o giidu, s. A nest. 2. a co- coon. 3. a bird-cage. 4. the hollow in a seal for receiving a stone, -^yo^^i to build a nest. §>7\6Ti- the hollow of the chest. -/rijsri gude, J. A kind of basket. riJScS gude, ^.-^rolapsus of the anus. 2. see Xoci^. , JrijSoJj gunu, ^. ^A hump. ^2. a mushroom. ^Aja^ a hunchback. Jr(J5bo guru, s. Asthma. 2. cough. -CA)e3^erf asthmatic breathing. riJ3do^ guruni (ajsS), ^. ^. To pile up, as rice, firewood, stones, etc.\ also Xjsx^oaeL^^. J 2. to stick in, fix. 3>to hoot. 4. to make a plough froo3j5_ to stick the pole of a yoke into the ploughshare; to make a ploughshare. f\'Si)'§F gurke, see Xo?ror. rljasSoF gurme, s. A kind of bird. ■^r(j5?l)^ gusuni, see Xos^sj. rlJS^ gule 205 geppu TiJ^^ gule, s. People leaving a place en masse on account of invasion or famine. TisSd gri^ha, s. A house, mansion. adj. Domestic- -^^^ house- hold affairs, -sp^ domestic trouble <9/* quarrel. 7l^3o^0F^, rv^sd;^-^©/^ gruhastali- ge, griihastolige, s. Respectabi- lity, honesty. — tooS:) a honest, upright man. — crof an honest, upright woman. A^A> gri^haste, s. A house- holder, married or family man. 2. an honest man. -a a respectable woman. 7^ ge, a particle signifying^ It is said, they say etc.; also t^^. z^^X 'i^^^-^ it is said that he came. 2o^^>^, 20^f^t5 he says that he is coming. f\At geggara, see 'f^'^^- ri^^o^ gejeluni, see Xdoo^i. /t^z^^, f1^^ gej7a, gejje, s. A small round bell, tinkling orna- ment. —"^^-^ -Jo a knife t?r sword with the handle orna- mented with spherical bells, etc. — ^^ small stones, iron- ^ a stick with -;C)ja a Q) runiour. sif\od genda, s. A live ^r burning coal. -e5?irodj a dance upon burning coals; also — ;6e^. 1 f\oti genda, adj. Reddish. —^-5, see 'KoTi'^. —-t-^ , ^^^ ^oa. T^od^, rioi^^ gendali, gendale, s. A reddish coloured cocoanut tree. -i5j3oa a kind of red eruptions on the skin. Jt^oS) gendi, s. A reddish cow. ^riodo^ genduni, ?7. a. ^"^o win, conquer. ^. n. To be hot, to burn. J riod gende, ^. A reddish colour- ed ox. e93^ro25_ a tawny coloured cocoanut. ore. bells attached to it. — ^"^i a neck ornament of gold with chasings. -^^^ the act of worshipping gingling bells when put on dancing girls for the first time. f\\}i,, 7le3. getti, gette, s. A lump, clod. ?^e3,s:joo2ld gettimandele, s. A wagtail. T\zk^ genike, s. Calculation, estimation. 2. regard, esteem. rirJ^ci genipuni, v. a. To count, reckon, number. rici gene, s. Coupling; cf. ^t. — 7^"5 an associate. f\t^^:i'^ gettonuni, see i^A^^. f\-^ oT\-^'^'^ gedungavuni, c. v. (of -R^oXo^) To get rammed, stuffed in. r^n^orio^, ria^^gedi^ngunijgedi- puiii (^SoK, 7^a),z^.^. To stuff, push in, ram. rid do ^ gadaruni, see ^a^o?i. -''riaodoj^ gediyuni (^^a), -v. n. To be rammed, stuffed. rio^c^ geppuni (^), v. a. To take, receive. 2. to buy, purchase. Azx gebba 206 rl^D^ ^eri^ 3. to draw, pull out. 4. to steal. 5. to draw back, open. 6. to dismiss, discharge. 7. to dig, excavate. 8. to re- move, take away. 9. to ex- communicate, interdict. 10. to press, express. 1 1. to dis- honour; to ruin. SjQoco og;^ _ ' CO to ruin a person. -S-pSS 2^^^ 4— to draw out the purse from the pocket. ^j?>^— to knock out a tooth. aoO_ to steal a bundle. aoQ— to dig a pit. S3^^— to discharge from service, s^d^— to excom- municate. 4^B~ to take one's name; to dishonour one. ero ■S-^- to open the door, -sioos^^o^^- to draw out a thorn, "d^j— to express juice. ?3siSj?)^^ to purchase articles. ;dsej_ to borrow. fiz^M^ gebbatti^, s. Confusion, perplexity. ^%^li^^ gebbattavuni, c. v. {of ^2o^y^^) To perplex, con- fuse. rizo^yo^^ gebbattuni (^^^o^^), "o^n. To be confused, perplexed. \f\i.\ gebbu, s. The temples. -Xo ^jsbr?), _Xo ^e^^^^i, —cii^F^ to beat on the temples. At^o^o^^ geyipini, see 7(^h?i. ?^do3 geranti, see t^oB. rlci^iDd geracara, see 7^e^"d. , At§^ geratte, see X^^^. ricJsjO gerama, see t^-^. A6^ geravu, see t<^^. T^d^ geraste, see a^^^d' \/fi6 gere, ^. A line, row. 2. a stroke. — sjbc^j ^jseejj a ruler. -s:^cli^,— ^^^^ to draw a line, to rule. — ^l)0U0jS> to insist. rid^^, ridsj^ gerepuni, gerevuni, see A)So5^^. ri^^c^ gerpuni, z'. a. To raise, lift up; del. ^4^^. • f\^z^ gelavu, s, Sprightliness, liveliness, vivacity, courage. •^AOz^'y), ^^i)C^ gelipuni, gelpuni, see "Roz^d^. -Jf\^jQ^:> gelkayi, s. Victory, win- ning, adj. Victorious. Jt^^o^ gelpu, s. Victory, gain. — ?6j?>(yj^ gain and loss. Ad^ gellyi, s. A branch, twig. ri^cs* ged^j see ^eS. ^A^m^, r^^ra gen^, gena, s. A span from the tip of the thumb to that of the little finger. ~'so::i a span long. Jri^rS geni, s. Rent, contract. s^ojoo— , ■^x^^5j6" a tenant. A^-^ gena, see s^^. J ?^^D^ 05)050, r^e5^c>o^ gerykayi, f\tt> gera 207 f\^i^ gotte gerekayi, s. The marking nut. —^ Tisd the tree Semicarpus anacardium. x\^-6 gera, ctdv. Around. — sijTii ^ to surround. f\lt^^ gerja, s. A kind of bird ; also — ^-CTj. nI?^^© geli,^. Ridicule, jest, mock- ery, insult. T^^ou^ geindale, ^^^ T^crf^. ■>/^^^ geipini (^^), -.'. ^. To do, fulfil. fi.eoj gaibu, ^. Missing, disap- pearing. 2.3'^^A5e^- 3. .y^^ soTDi)^. _e?^^ to disappear. 7^^D»geiru,«^. Unoccupied, adv. Not, without. —5oD&!5 absence. _^^3d5 e?^^ to be absent. 7^^6oJo geireya, .y. Red chalk. ri^^* geil^, ^. A bell-sound. v/T^JSorl gonga, ^. A large cowrie, shell. 7^J5orio=3^ gonguka, s. An oil tree. 2. a bunch. -/i^J3c2c, r^JSc^&o^ gonci, goncil\ji, ^. A bunch, cluster. -i ?^J3ot^o gonju, s. A tassel. jis^oxi gonda, ^^^ ^jsci^. J^j^o^ gondi, ^. A button. 'Jf\S)o-^ gonde, ^. A cluster, tassel, topknot. — cj ai&5^ a fringe with tassels. -^ a kind of flower resembling the mari- gold, eroaail- an ornament put in the hair of females. ^T^JSoeo gontu, s. Knowledge, un- derstanding, acquaintance. -eflb^ to become acquainted. ^CA)^^ to know. — ■do'^OK^^ to find out, ascertain. oSoc^ 7oB?§, I do not know. rijSod^s^jszS, rlJJodo^^ gonda- lapuje, gondlupuje, see -Rj^i^czi^ Aj^c25 gombe, s. An image, puppet, doll ; also eSjsod. fiJiti doF^ gojjaranna, see Tiodi-czF^. -iAj?)7:B gojji, ^. Boiled juice or pulp of any fruit, mixed with cocoanut, salt, chillies elc.^ seasoned, and eaten with boiled rice to make it savoury. T^JS^ gojje, see ^jsf^. Aj^'ti gotta, see t^jsW^. • 7^JSe3-5),;^ gottana, see 7\oyo^. T^jsli. gotti, ^. A kind of play. VT^JS^a gottu, s. The kernel of a nut, as cocoanut, almond, castor oil seed elc. JAj^d^ godave, s. Interference, connection, intercourse, con- cern with. Jf{J^zi:> go^d\i,adj. Barren, sterile. —^?^ barrenness, sterility. f\Jz)dd ?3«)0^ goddusaru, s. A kind of pepper-water made of tama- rind, chillies elc. fij^d godde, s. A Pariah. //. >^c§ 5, ■Rjss'd OOF the name of a sub-division of Pariahs. J'rijsra^j^ gonasii, see ap©c3. JAj^^o^ gottu, see -^c^. JAj^t^ gotte, s. Sweepings, rub- bish. 18* 7^J3d ffoda 208 F^JS^ocJj gondvL Aj^)ZSA^z^ godagoda, see ^jsei -• r^jJd^^ g:odduni (^S), '^'. (3^. To pick or devour, as a fowl. JAj^d godde, s- Lisping, stam- mering. — easosoCTsoSo a lisper, stammerer. ^ AJz)^ gone, s. A bunch of fruits, as plaintains, cocoanuts. r^J3^ goppu, see ^^jss^. Aj^^ goppe, see a 33. •JriJSZ^d gobbara, s. Manure, sweepings. -s:i)t13^ to manure. J ?^J323|i y g-obbata, s. Diversion, amusement. gorijana, ^^^ i^jsoTS.-a^sij^. f\Jz)^F gorke, ^. Snoring. riJSir gorte, s. The final pre- paration of a field for sowing. sijoo^ golambude, gollumbude, gollumunde, s. The angular leaved physic-nut, Jatropha ciirciis. ^\j\s>^ golle, s. A man of the cowherd or milkman caste. -a a female of this caste. — ^ cowherds. f\^^^ golaka, see ^js^a. r^js^ go, s. A cow. -^^ a block of stone set up by the roadside for cattle to rub themselves against, —-c^-^ a gift of cattle. — -doodo cowdung. -tSjosd a spout or fountain, made like a cow's head. —-^^^4 the sacrifice of a cow. 7^JS^o=s^o gonku, s. A cashew fruit, -s; ^:i-^ the cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale. f\^^o^^-6^^ riJS^o=^ gonkuru, gonkru, s. Rocking, as a child does on its legs and hands. 2. a lullaby used when so rocking, adj. Large, great; Cf. 7iR)0O-^b. v/f^JS^o^o gontu, adj. Dried. —^ ^050 a cocoanut the kernel of which has dried within. -4b<^o an unripe dried betel- nut, -^wo^o) to get dried. T^JS^ccJ^^^, Aj^^otSd^'d gon- dalapujcjgondlupuje, J. A speci- al worship of Durga in ful- filment of a vow, performed by decorating her image in- doors and by dancing in the outer court, with music and lights. T^X^oCJj gondu, ^. Gum; the gum arable of Acacia arahica. — SDT^^ri to gum. f\J^K' gompa 209 fiJ^^^ gopu riJ5^o?iD^ gompari^, adj. Large, great. — ^A. see ^js?c33. —^\ a large cocoanut shell. — ^^ w^e3 a large kind of cap made of the areca leaf-stem. jiJS^oiS gompe, s. A toad, pad- dock. -^2. see ^jse^. Aj^^^£^f gokarna, s. lit. A cow's ear. 2. a celebrated place of pilgrimage in North Canara. riJS^^j goku, see ■Rji>^o=^o. riJSp^oQ-) gokula, s. Cattle. 2. a station of cowherds. 3. the place of Krushna's early life ; also ?iorf^?^oe;. _59i5,,3o the ^ birthday of Krushna. :^jse^o ^^ Krushna's frolics when at Gokula. T^JS^s^d, Aj$^2^ii^ gocara, gocara, s. Perception, conception, pe- netration. 2. an object or organ of sense. ~^h^ to be visible; to comprehend, un- derstand. ?^JS^2o goji, s. Interference. 2. intercourse. 3. confusion. —E 4's^L^ to forget. <25>odj j^jse ^K 5§/Je^c^ have nothing to do with him. riJS^^o gotu, s. Embroidery; lace. — Sio^^ to put on a lace border elc. adj. see /^js^cyo. f\^%Ti goda, s. A horse ; bet. ^j^ei^. mukhe, godamri^ga, s. A dunce, fool, simpleton. T\:i^^^ godl, ^i^'. Erect, straight, direct, -^'s??:^ to go straight. T^JSe^oSJS^^ godiyavuni, <:. i\ {of 7^?aodJo^) To join, knit together. 2. to prepare, get ready. j^J^e^o^jj^ godiyuni (^^e^), v. n. To join, connect. Jf\^^^ gode, .s\ A wall, -t^e^^ to raise a wall. T^JS^ra gona, ^. A he-buffalo; see ^e?5. Jf^JS^rJ goni, ^. >/A sackcloth, gunny bag. 2. a malignant kind of small-pox. — ^^ sacking. -^js-rfo^ to fall a victim to malignant small- pox, ahus. N/rij?;(=cl gone, s. '*'A h^-buffalo. I.fig. a stupid fellow. fi^^-i^ gotra, ^. A family, tribe, lineage, a^ ^?^ c3t)cB?:;)o3o a destitute man. ?^J3^:3-sdO godavari, s. A river so called. 2. the name of a woman. v/t^jS^D, riJ3^5 godi, godhi, s. Wheat. ~'^::i^:i^ a kind of mango. T^JS^a^ godikke, s. An unmar- ried Pariah. 2. a nickname. ?^J3^CJj^ godudi, s. A quilted bed sheet. 7^J3^o5-3s3 gopale, ^. A herdsman. 2. Krushna. 3. a beggar. 4. the name of a man. r^JS^^ gopi, s. A herdswoman. 2. yellow ochre ; also i^^t'do At^js^^ gopu, s. A thin girdle. rijs^^ gopu 210 riJS^s^ g-osva J r^J3^^^ gopuni (-^^y z'. n. To hold fast a tree with hands or with a rope. 2. to join. 7^JS^og)d gopura, s. A tower. T^JS?^ gope, J. A chief of herds- men. rijses^o gopya, adj. Secret, hid- den, preserved. ~-^o7\^ a secret. t^^^otId secretly. riJS^z^ gobi, .y. A cabhage. riJS^sJogoma,^. A peevish woman. T^JSe^ooa, riJ5^s3j^5)^ gomanta, gomedhika, s. A gem of a yellowish ^d^^ gorat^, see ^jsi^oO. F^J3^dc3^ gorajina, see ^^Sj^^dd^. Mj^^6i^6 gorabale, ^. A large hand-net. ^^^^^ ■^Aj^^66 gorale, s. A small hand- F^JS^D"3t;i?^ gorajana, see ^J3?<5j3?3:i^. riJS^D gori, j*. A grave. 2. a burial ground. Jj^JS^do^ goruni (^^^e^), z>. a. To dig from, out, oruj), as coals eU, 2. to gather, collect, pile up. 3. to catch fish by a hand-net. 4. to level a ploughed field with a plank. fiJt)^6 gore, J-^^ ??j3eT5. T^JS^do^ gorely, ^6"^ ^(?-dd riJS^d^oioj^ goreyuni (7?Js?T5e), ^'. ^. To drive toi?ether. rij^^e^JS^Si^ gorojana, s. Gall of cattle, Calculus cysticus. f\S}^tT gorte, see ^js^^f. r5js^s3r gorle, see -Rj^^-^e. Aj^^7:j1)F^^ gorsavuni, 7>.a. To threaten. r^JS^G^ gol^, (idj. Round. —"^^ oi to make round. ?^JS^e;oc3£)?3^golandasi;,5'. A gun- ner. riJ3^e;o2oosl golambude, see -^.j^^o i^J3^0 goli, see t^js?^. r^j^e^^JS^ golikotte, ^. The great great grand-father. f\j5^0zi:)ii golimara, see :^e^^Tj. J ?^J3^e;o golu, s. Grief, lamenta- tion. — S3AJ^, —td^r^ to be affected with the evils of another's grief. F^JSf^joh^ golungila, ^. A plain ring, a guard ring. r^JS^d gole, see /^^se^. f^JS^sj J govate, see :^js?sosjo. riJS^dq^r^ govardhana, s. Tlw name of a mountain. 7^JSesjQ3, T^JS^s^Sr^, rlj?^;je)d go- vale, govalige, govale, s. A herdsman; cf. 7^.s?s:De3, ^js?^. T^JS^Ood govinde, ^. A name of Vishnu. 2. the name of a man. T^j^^s^ govu, si'e 7^J3?. risis^d gove, s. Goa. riJS^s-aD, riJ3^5^6 gosvari, go- svar6, s. An abstract, sum- mary; also Tia^A^. ri^?^ goshti 211 7^V^ gOU]^ fiJ^^h. ^oshti, s. Conversation, discourse. fiJS^?^S ?^J5^^0 gosi^, gosu, adv. Leeward. 2. seaward. — ^ yj,^ to shift the sail in order to direct the vessel seaward. ~ii^^, —^qh?i to steer sea- ward. rijs^^oosJoaj, Aj^^7) ghasi, ^. Fatigue, trouble, toil. 2. conclusion, exhaus- tion, termination, death. —'^ t^ to be troubled, fatigued; to die; to conclude, finish. ^^^ ghali, s. Air, wind, breeze. pj^^d ghoda, s. A horse. ^J5^d ghora, adj. Frightful, horrible, dreadful. 2S na 214 2^og^ candra N 2C na, The eighteenth letter of the alphabet. No words begin with this letter. 23^ C ^c ca, The nineteenth letter of the alphabet. z^oA^ cmg^, s. Guimbard, Jew's- harp. -/ 2ao/i, 2;^ori^, E^oridoofl, s^ori 5Jjo?^> cans^a, cangane, canga- manga, cangeimangei, s. A frolic, gambol. 2. hoax, hum- bug, deceit. —Tio^\^ to de- ceive, impose upon. 2:^o?Tc)05o cangayi, s. A friend. 2. friendship. s^orioC) canguli, ^- A preparation consisting of jackfruit, jag- gory, the juice of cocoanut and rice. t^gZc camca, s. A spoon. z^ozi^ cancala, adj. Fickle, wa- vering, unsteady. ~^^, — sg fickleness. -^?ioJ fickle mindedness. iiczi6 a fickle man. T^ouf cand^, see sScS. ei^odcanda, J. Vehemence, fierce- ness, obstinacy. 2. offspring. 3. host, multitude, adj. Vehe- ment, fierce, obstinate. 2. quarrelsome. 2^oC3c)C^o^ candaduni, see sSo^ro e;^oC3e)s3 candale, s. An outcast. Pariah. 2. a wicked man. Jt^o^ candi, ^. Wetness, adj. Wet, moist, humid. — s^cS very wet. — -^^o^^ to wet. Zdo^, 2^0^=^ candi, candike, s. A name of Parvati. E^oc^o candu, see ^oS. zio'd cande, s. A kind of drum. 2^o:l5jOd candemara, ^^^ ^cil. ie^od canda, ^. Beauty, elegance. z^odrl, 2^ocjo=?^, s^cc^orl candaga, canduka, canduga, s. A small box. 2^od?^ candana, s. Sandal, San^a- lum album. 2^ogj candra, s. The moon. -^e3 a digit of the moon. — ^^ the colour of the rising moon, red. — =??Tir©, _7<)Sdr® an eclipse of the moon. _ eSoeo the moon's disk. s^od^^s* candraka, j. The eye in a peacock's tail. 2^ocS,=5s)o^ candrakanta, ^. A kind of gem. 2. alabaster. 2^0 d; candra 215 2^^*' caki^ 2;^ogj^e)ovl candrakanti, s. The moon-flower, Ipomoeagrandi- flora. s^od^^EjS^vl candrajoti, s. A blue light, a kind of firework. E^od^^T^ candranage, s. A ser- pent with a crescent-like stripe on its head. 'doz^x^ti candrabare, ^. A red kind of plantain tree. s^odz^^s^O candrabavali, s. A kind of ornament for females. 2^od,^oo^e; candramandala, s. The moon's orb. 2. an idol's whirling car. s^od^sjod^^ candramadake, s. A kind of fish. 2^od,s^jodo candrajnuru, s. A fe- male's ear-ornament in the form of a half-moon. 'doJ^-^0'6 candravamsa, s. The lunar race. s^on^jOljjqScandrayudha, see 'd'^y 2^0 q^Q candrari, s. Ketu, the ascending node. 2;^oC3^^3 candravati, ^. The name of a city. 2. the name of a woman. 2^ca^=^ candrike, s. Moonlight. 2. the covering of a letter written on a palm leaf. 3. palm leaves rolled and tied up. s^od candre, s. The moon. / -^2^o?d canna, ^^VBed. 2: hand- some, well. n/s^oc^cScJOSo cannanayi, ^. A wolf. s^oF^^?^ cannalige, s. The red jasmine. 2^oo5c)2oJSdo, 2:^o^wj^dj canna- buru, canneburu, s, A kind of creeper. 'do'^ canne, ^. A kind of game with cowries. — ^?6 a board with two rows of seven holes for arranging the cowries. _:;^j380o^^ to play at such a game. dotj^ campaka, s. The flower of Michel ia champaka ; bet. tjo 2^0^ campe, see eisS^. 2^0 20, 2;^o2co camba, cambu, s. A small water-pot; cf. 2^0200. 2. a barge, fishing boat. 2^o23?)d cambare, see do-^i^-^. 2^o2^r^, 2io2oori cambige cambuge, s. A shoe. 2. a bad smell. 2^023^0 cambeli, s. A cunning female. 2^o2uJ3^, 2^o5±)^ cambodi, cam- madi, s. A sledge hammer. 2. skin, leather. 3. a scourge, whip. 2^oS^Js6 cammare, s. A shoe- maker, chuckler; cf. ?i^07^-5. .z^o^o cammi, ^.-Dampness, mois- ture. 2. a kind of water- plant. 2:^o2oor carmbu, s. A blossom without setting fruit, adj. Thin. 2^o200FQ carmburi, see 2i^±)oro. 2tf^^ cak^, Ji?^ 2^^^. 2;^^^20oa caki^bandi, ^^^ &^^0;Sioa. 2^^ cakiji 216 T^k^ catix e^=5<^doo^ 2^=^si)0-S-, cakijimuki, cakamuki, ^. The steel with which fire is struck. — ^^ a flint stone. — sod^o^ to strike fire with a flint and steel. ^"^odi cakanda, see si^^orf. 2:^=^2^=5^ cakacakiji,^^'. Slow. ad-v. Shortly, suddenly. e^€J5)^^ cakotra, see ^"^^i^- 2:^=5=*, cakk\^, adj. Hollow, without >/ kernel. 2.'4tunted, short, lean. ^ ^3. flat. — ^^03j a hollow cocoanut. — -^ozS a flat head. — "dog? a low seat. — "sSjjs^o a flat nose; also ?:»o5^jjs^o. Vd^cakka, adv. Quickly, at once. —^0^0^^ to sit at once, with- out observing where. /2;^=^orf cakkanda, j.Plausibleness, speciousness. adj. Plausible, specious. — tooSj a plausible man. — s:d^ a plausible speech, flattery. — sj^^o^ to say what is plausible, to flat- ter. t^^^^ cakkatt^, hdj. Low. 2:^=3^,3^, cakkappa, adv. Down, be- low. z^=^,^:^ cakkamy, see aisoSo. e^=^sJoo^ cakkamukki, ^^^ s^^ z^^d cakkare, ^. Sugar. Z^^. cakki, ^. An ornament worn by female children. 2^=5^05 cakku, see ti^^. T^'a^uot^ cakkubandi, s. Boun- dary-stones. 2. jurisdiction. J 2;^ ^0)0 cakkuli, s. A cake made of rice flour, salt eU., and fried in oil; also ^o'^c^zi-d o. -te^j.0s^od cakkulimara, ^. The Manilla tamarind tree, Jn£-a- dulcis. 'd'^^jp cakkulli, s. The pum- plemose or shaddock, Citrus decumana. J2;^=^cakke, see ^\. 'd^^ cakkeliji, s. The bosom. XT z^'o- cakra, s. A quarter rupee. 2. a wheel, circle. 3. a pot- ter's wheel, coach wheel. 4. a discus. — aS two equal parts, as of a cocoanut. — ^ocl^ a kind of small white cloth. — e^^r© a wheel shaped fire- work. —^3^0 a mendicant's drum. -^^ a necklace of gold ringlets. 2^=3^ ^3r cakravarti, ^. An em- peror. — ^> an empress. 2^^ cakri, s. Vishnu. 2. a potter. 3. a snake. 'i^T\^ cagane, see tioii. ^'dr\':i^ cagule, s. A bug. J 2:^2;^ d caccara, ^. Haste, speed, hurry. 2:^25^ =a caccouka, s. A square, quadrangle. 2^^<^ cat^, tntj. Fie, fie! adj. Useless, excessive. 4*^2^^ very sour. -^S, .y^^ 3il3x;Q. J 2^^^ cat^ka, J. A snapping sound, adv. Quickly, briskly. -^eL^) to walk briskly. \ 217 2^^ cadi ''J ^3^ i,^ cati^kkane, adi'. Harshly, rudely. — ^f^o) to say rudely. s^ej cata, s. Energy, vigour. . 2. the germ of a disease, the remaining symptoms of a disease. — c^s^^^^ to eradicate a disease, —^^qh^ to lose energy, be tired, weary. 2;^y=a cataka, s. A summary me- thod of offering to the manes of departed ancestors. ^2^y^ catakka, s. A slapping or cracking sound; c/. eilH^. J2;^l]2;^eJ, ei^sj^ catacata, cata- pata, s. Noise produced, as in slapping or cracking a whip. 2^e3r?) catini, s. Grain or fruit pounded, made into a thick paste with chillies, salt, eU. and eaten as a condiment with curry ; chatney. 2;^l3ooe3 catipiti, adv. For noth- ing, uselessly. ^t^li^^ catila, s. A cracking sound. Jt^^, catt^, End, dissolution, termination, death. 2. ex- haustion,^ consumption, ruin, demolition, extinction. — =5^^^^^ ^, _c24^^, —-rfo^o^^ to exhaust, spend away, tire. J^ei, catta, s. A litter, sort of a palanquin. 2. a bier. 3. a window frame. — =3^wo^^ to pre- pare a bier. i ^s^y.c^ cattane, adv. Suddenly; c/. 3i%?3. s/s^li, catti, s. A broad-mouthed spittoon. 2. a chamber pot. 2^13, Q^ cattini, ^^^ ^^'f^- £a^o, cattu, ^. A country pony. iS * * _ 2. see 2^13.. 42:^^ catte, a;^'. Flat, level, with- j out inclination. ^-^^ a flat stone. J'^^,nD6 cattegare, s. A native who assumes European dress. 2^e3, 2^13, catni, catni, ^^^ s^^^- p3 < • • 2;^C3*2;^t3^ cadi^cadi^, ^^^. Quickly, speedily. — iorfA ^ss^tjo^ to mount a ladder quickly. 2^:3^^, z^zi^ cadi^ta, cadata, see z^:i^ cadati, s. Dissimulation. 2, see Ti^r. 2^C5^2;^^ cadacadi, see eiwsiy. 2. 6"^^ EiSs^S. 2^j^-i)o5j?oo^ cadayisuni (eizs^osooJ), ^. ^. To increase, raise or bid >C higher, as price. ^2. to beat, strike, flog. ^js?^— to put in stocks. ACA?d-d— to swal- low liquor. ^^^- to smoke excessively. 'dz^^ cadavu, s. An ascent, uphill. 2. increase, enhance- ment. 3. a kind of country shoes. — -^^-^^ to raise, en- hance, as the price; c/. ?iz^ 2^C3^5^^ cadavuni, v. a. To as- cend, climb. 2;^cs"5?;jO^ cadasuni, see 2izssoso?i3^. 2;^^ cadi, s. A notch, indentation. M 2.^a whip, stripe. —^4^^, 19 s^c^o cadu 218 zi^ cani — •sii^o^oi to make a notcli. —^^=5^0^ to whip. — ^ ^o?6 a joining bench, groove-plane, jointer. S^do cadu, J. The belly. 2. a pleasing discourse. e^dorij cadugu, adj. Bad, de- praved. z^zi:^^ caduta, s. Persistency, obstinacy. 2. a bet d?^ wager. — S3s^-dj^ to speak persistently, to provoke. z^d cade, j. A kind of bag. tadg cadta, s. Daily '^-6j^^ a man of quick perception or ap- prehension. — ^^co fickle- mindedness. ^^^ a woman with quick and moving eyes. 2. Laxmi, the goddess of wealth. [O5o?i3^. d53"So5j?do^ capayisuni, see ^zii> 2^55e)4> capavu, see ^zit>^. 'dh capdi, see ei^^a. 2^sj. cappa, adv. Fast, firmly. 2. suddenly. —^^^^ to stick fast. — so^^ooi to fix firmly. e^^ cappa, ^^^ £^33^. >/2^^or( cappanga, s. The sappan tree, Caesalpinia sappan. ^'i^tj^ cappatyi, adj. Tasteless, insipid. 2. bad, worthless. s^sj.^ cappate, s. A worthless person, adj. see df^. 'idti'^. cappatte, s. Cooling. 2i^cs2)Z§ cappadaci, s. Coaxing, flattering. 2. fabrication, in- vention. 'dti^ cappadi, see si^.a. eisj ^ cappanna, adj. Fifty-six. —^^^ the fifty-six countries enumerated by the Hindu writers. z^s^D^ cappari;i, s. A kind of dried fish. E^^D^ cappar^, adj. Low, cast down. —^.^0200 an ornament of a devil-dancer. — sojs-do^ to be low. -/^^^d cappara, ^. A shed, pandal. — -doosi a cot with posts and curtains. — sj^i^o^i to put up a temporary shed. V?;*^^^^^ capparipuni (s^^^), "o. a. To smack the lips. 7^ ^53^, ^^^ cappal^, cappali^, s. A shoe, sandal. /e^^^ cappali, s. Clapping the hands. /s^^^^^^ cappalipuni (^^^), ^'. ^. ' To clap the hands. 2;^33^,o5o?oO?i cappayisuni, see ^^ 2^35^5^ CappavU, ^^^ ef^SjD^. s^^, e^^ cappi, cappe, i". A stamp, seal, mark. 2^^ ^ cappudi, s. Concealing. 2. legerdemain, jugglery; also -Ae5. 3. the play of 'hide and seek'. Vs^^ cappe, adj. Tasteless, insi- pid, unsavoury. 3. cool, vapid. 4. trifling, worthless. — &5d5 quite worthless. 2^33^?^^ caprasi^, s. A kind of drill cloth. e^zj^Dd, 2:^2oo=ac)d cabakara, cabu- kara, s. Soap; fuller's earth; also ?i20o^5, ?fe20j3jdo. 19* s^eoo cabu 220 •^0 cari s^eoos^sdotf cabuki^imara, see ^4^ 2^2jj=ctO cabuku, s. A whip, -rf ^■rf a Casuarina tree. t^si3^=5=«)c5^cami^kan^, ^^^ aiE:^^. 2:^sjj^rra6 cam^gare, ^. A shoe- maker, chuckler. — "rf ero^ a chuckler's awl; (^/^^ ?jSo7\:s-d. 2^ ^2;^ cam^ca, see "d-^. 72^s^ol3r^ camatige, s. A sledge hammer. 2:dS^oc^ camada, ^. The skin, leather, E^Sjos^d camatkara, ^. Clever- ness, dexterity, artifice. 2. astonishment, surprise. 3. wit, eloquence. 4. anything curious, ingenious or ex- traordinary; also 'd-^-^^-K. t:^do3^7^,cainattige,^. The flower of Pyrethrum indicum. e^doDsJOxii camarimr^ga, s. The yak, or bos-grunniens, ^^dsJ^^i^ caman^, see s^So^^. e^^jo^^ camipuni, see ^^^^. s^s^o camca, s. A spoon, ladle. z^ojo caya, ^^^ t>,°^^- z^oSj cayi, ^^t? ^^-s- 2^o5os-) cayila, see t^^. 2^0^0200 car^mbu, see do'i^^c^T. 'dt cara, adj. Moveable, lo- comotive. —3§oo^, eiTO^ move- able or personal property, chattels. Vz^cJs*, z^d'S'o carak^, caraku, s. Merchandise, cargo. 2. goods, articles; bet. ?:Jd^. s^d^g^ caraky,^. Machinery. ->So 7^f4^ to set a machine in motion. 'dst'dt caracara, s. A noise made in spurting ^r throwing water from a pump, ^.see gl&elD. — ^e^ an even accumulation of water in a field. — sjuirjo^ to prattle. >/2^dcj carate, s. What is coarse ; leavings or stalks. 2^dra carana, s. The foot. 2. a foot in poetry. — ;6e^, see '^^ 2^ del carane, s. Pasturage, graz- ing. 'dx^h'^t caracara, adj. Moveable and immoveable. — •^7i>^'?QAz7. 2^0^, 2:^0^, 2d dJj carita, caritra, caritre, s. A history, story, narrative. 2. conduct, be- haviour. 2^Dq3) caripu, s. An offering presented to an idol and then distributed among the people present. 2;^D^^ caripuni (ei&), v. a. To quake, tremble, shudder, shi- ver; cf. rft>4^. 2^0o3)^ caripuni (e^b), ?•. «. To move; wander. 2^,do caru 221 2^ej calla 2^ do, e^dod caru, caruva, s. An oblation of rice and other ingredients to the gods or n/ demons. V2. a small fish. 2^ do 200 carubu, ^^^ Eicaoor. 2^6 care, ^. Small shots. 2. the head; 3^/. ^"5- 2^=s^r carka, ^^^. Straightly, directly. — "dwo^?) to splash off, as mud. ^■^F carki, see ii^i^. 2^2^r, 2;^2lr carci, carce, s. Dis- pute, wrangling, —■do'^^^ to dispute, reason, argue. t^ar cardi, s. Vomiting. 2:^3Jr^, 2;^sJr^^, '^^■?)Fb^ carpa- tiji, carpatt^, carp at ^, ^4/'. Watery. 2:^33)^ carpu, ^^^ ^^^. •di^F carbi, ^. Fat, grease. 2. arrogance, pride, y%-. 2^sJor carina, s. The skin, hide, leather. — s^dt^s^^ to flay, peel, skin, bark. 2;^ door D carmuri, s. Parched rice. .2;^odor, 2io3or carya, carye, s. Observance of rites or cus- toms. 2. conduct, demeanour. a?^— a diary, chronicle. z^zSf carva, see £i"rfo. 2^sdrr3 carvana, ^. Chewing betel. 2:^o^3Jb^ calijipat^, see iiAp- 2^^ cala, see ^<^- ^ ^=a^ calaki^, s. Dexterity, parti- cularly of the hand or tongue. J^^^'^t) calacala, s. A noise in wading through water, as children make while playing. 2:^^^ calane, s. Motion, move- ment, adj. Wandering, roam- ing. 2^^3Jb^ calapati^, see £i^0. zivzi'o calavala^ s. Alarm, con- sternation, agitation. 2. ex- haustion, weariness; c/. ^sy80(*;. 2;^o^sJ^ calapala, s. Agitating water. 2^5^-3sdr^ calavani, s. Currency, genuineness, as of a coin. soooa— drawing a bill of ex- change. — ^ ^^^o a current coin. --^0^^^ to make pass or current. /^O call, s. Cold, chilliness, shivering, as in ague. adj. Cold, chilly; also TiO. -^e^ the cold season. —7(^, see ^ ^ =??. _sjjs«9 cold wind. — si'd ague. —=5^0904^ to warm. — ^ a3o eS. calpatte, see si^. >/2cO^ callu, adj. Stupid, dull. 2. timid, timorous. 3. imbe- cile, weak, useless. [bell. 2^0^ "§■ callyike, s. A kind of small en '^o calla, s. A noise of a fall with force. ^o calla 222 7^^ cala eae;oAa)o5o callang^ayi, s. The Sepistaii plum, Cordia myxa. 'd^oii callante, s. A kind of crab. >/s^e)r3, ^^r^, s^^^c^ callana, cal- lana, callana, ^'."^liort breeches, reaching only to the middle of the thighs. 2. a mat of straw rope. 3. a covering for a horse. •^2^0-3^^ callapini i^^-, 'v. n. To get weak. 2. to become use- less. 3. to fail, lose; cf, ei^. ' ' y no 2;^a5)ajO callapilli, ^. Confusion, disorder. 2. dispersion, scat- tering. v^g calli, ^."A chip. 2. a reed. S.'d, potsherd. 4.v^a kind of grass. J2^e;o^ calluni (£^§,), 'v,n. To spill, shed; to disperse. >yds3 calle, j. >'A weak 6>r timid CO ' man. 2. the name of a man. 2:^53 oj?3 callepille, 5. Youngsters. PO PO ^ ^e^^ where shall I take these little ones? 2;^sJ^ri cavadio^e, see s^^ci^. e^s^cl cavane, 5". An instrument for drawing wire, pincers, tweezers. — S sjsS -Bii^^ to draw wire through it. s^dd cavara, ^. A fly-brush. 2. z^wQD cavala, s. Half a rupee. 2. the ceremony of tonsure of a child, at 12] per cent eoa interest s^D cavi, .y. A disease of newly born infants. e^s^ceio cavuntu, see si^ow^. E^^oeJOo^ cavuntuni, see si^oUo^. 2^d)=5' cavuka, ^^^^ ^^'^s'- 2^ ^=3^^ cavuka li, ^^^ ti^?f<^. 2^53)^=^^, ^^^^^ cavukasa, cavu- kasi, ^. Cleverness in dealings, marketing with judgment. 2. leisure, respite; bet. ?33^ 2^5^-S-, e^^=a cavuki, cavuke, see 2;^^d cavura, ^^^ ^■^^• 2^5jD"3r%i^ cavurasij, ^. A square bottle. e^sgs cavuri, ^^^ ^^'^^ J2^^0, 2^s^^ cavuli, cavuli, adj. Cold, —o)?^ cold water. —2^0 as very cold water. J^^^, 2^sS°^j cavul^, cavulu, adj. Brackish, saline. -£il?:3o 2iJ?i to glitter, glimmer, shine. 2^^ cala 223 25"33J capa 2^°t;^^oosjj*, e^^j^ozoo cala turning, caltumbu, s. A double cone- shaped ear-ornament worn by females. -/d^ call, see 2ie5. c^^i,-^ calli^, ^^^ £i^. 2;^°^ calla, J^^ E^^ij- z^^sjjd oallamara, s. The mon- key-fruit tree. 2^c) ca, s. The tea plant, 77?^^ . viridis. 2^ lemon grass, Andropogon schoenanthus. 3. infusion ^;' decoction of the leaves of tea or any medi- cinal plant. — ^^ the tea leaves. -"^^Ov^oi to prepare tea. t3c)o^ canti^, see ^^^. £5150^ cante, adj. Lame, crippled. —535 a lame leg. 2/3«)or3"5)s3 candale, see aio^s^d Jz5£)odo^ canduni (e^soS), v. a. To fling ^r dart a spear. t52)Oo5c):^0ci campaduni (£^os:d5), V. a. To withdraw, get out. t5«;o^ campu, s. A knot, as of an angling tackle. 25e)o2jj^ cambuni (^^^so^), z\n. To flee, escape, run away. ^ 2. to close, shut, shrivel, as a ^ flower. V, «> To lift with a lever. t5^^ cakijL, .y. Chalk. 2-5^=5^^^ cakatt^, ^. A kind of bracelet made of coral and gold beads. 2. a packet of tea. —^ ^Jr5, ^^Fs^^a^Doso a eo bead of such a bracelet. ^5D=^D, E5b|;j cakari, cakri, 3-. Ser- vice, employment. — i3do3j a servant. -•;ios;^o^^ to do ser- vice. ■^ e5i)2^j^ cacuni (^-td^), '^'. a. ^0 stretch out, hold out. 2. to bow. 2.3e)^* cat^, s. Exchange, barter ; also 1^^. — -^^j^^ to barter, exchange. tic)^^ cati^, s. Force, current. ^e^rf— current of water. t5-sy^, t5^y=s^doo J cataka, cata- kamantra, s. An incantation for destroying or subjugating a person. 2^^ 13, e5^^ cati, cate, ^"^^ ^^^. J^D^ cadi, ^. Defamation, slan- der. 2. talebearing, -tvjt? a slanderer, talebearer. — ^ Tj^ _s:s;^-d, — ?joa slanderous CO report. -/ 2^2)^0^00^ cadiyuni (^^a), z/. ^. To slander. £5^^o^ catappu, see &^^. L5c) capa 224 2^d ava ^e5e)3if§ capaue, ^\ A lever. 2. see eps^. 3. ^^^ ;d3 3j^. t5c)^?oo^ capisuni ^^^ epb?jo^. t5s)^ capu, ^. The cock, as of a gun. 2. a piece of a cloth or web, containing several garments elc. 3. a shop; det "3^4. — ^ zJe;Da3j a thin metal plate. ^o-Rj^^-^zS-, ^(sj ^c^ a piece of cloth contain- ing several towels or hand- kerchiefs. Z5«)^ cape, ^. A mat; deL si^. 2. see epsS. — Tiejosj a kind of window-shutter. t3e)SJo cama, ^^^ ^^. 2. 5^^ a^^^o. Z3e)SJod camara, s. A fly-brush of the hair of yak or bos grunniens. 25^^js=s^d camikara, s. Gold. 25"5)SJooo^ camundi, ^. A goddess so called, a form of Durgi. 2. the name of a female demon. tjs^o came, see ■^^. ^3^ojJ,^5c)o3Jcaya, caye,^^^ epo3o. Z5«)0Sa cayi, j. Ink. 2.^^^ epoSo. -i xs^T^ caryi, ^. A kind of pepper- water; also*70zB. 2,je)d cara, ^^^ £^^- t5e>d7^ carage, s. A cocoanut. i5e)drJ, i5e)dDS carani, caran6, ^. Smearing a wall or floor with mud, chunam or cow- dung. ZJ'SD cari, s. A traveller, sj;)::^- a traveller on foot. ^5■^D^, caritra, see sis^. t5c):^o=5=5?S^^6carukanesIre, see ^-^^ a3DrN2>?T5. e5c)6 care, s. Features. 2. food. >/' ^3. a cocoanut tree; cf. ss^. Z5^S3D?=-^^^5 carkhanesire, s. A female's cloth with inter- woven flowers. i3e)S3e)r^ caivaka, adj. Sceptical. 2. sophistical. 3. opposed to the Hindu scriptures. — -^^ scepticism, tjsss^r^ a sceptic; a sophist. £52)0^ cal^, see s^e5. 2. ^^^ ^ee;. — siOD^ behaviour. e55)e;ri^r?) calageni, ^. Rent for one year. — el^O a written agreement for one year's rent. z^'D'^'5^ calakiji, ^. Dexterity, cleverness. — tooSj a dex- terous man. t5^£) call, ^. Nature. 2. habit. 3. conduct. 4. scorn, mockery, scofiing. — "rfj^o^^ to mock. ^5■^0^^) calipuni {^'^^^), ^'. a. To mock, ridicule, jest. ^35)©^d calimara, ^\ The tree Ocimum grattssimum. ^3^)Oo3J caliye, see sseSoSo. S5e)0??j* calls V, ^2/;^/. Forty, adj. Weak /^5c^ cinna, s. Gold. z&o'^D^ cinnali, s. An immodest or incontinent woman. ". Little, young, ^z&o^ cimpu, see>^23^oh. 2. see 7 el^. Js. a bunch, cluster, sot €cS_ a bunch of plantains. z&osjj cimma, see ^^. 2^^^ ciki^, t'nlj. Fie! ^§S^D^ cikijriji, see 2iK5, ^K5. 2;^=ad cikara, see 23^^-d, ^2^^^ cikini, ^^'.^ender, young, small, s. A chicken, —^'^^o a piece of tender, boiled arecanut. — =^j3?5 a young fowl. z^^i cikitse, ^. The practice of medicine. 2^=5^ cikki^, ^^^ J'^'^y cikka, «4/ small, short. ^^^■5)d) cikkani, see siotrerS. e^S"s,r3^ cikkasi^, ^. A cash, trifle. — rf trifling, worthless. —^ 20oa a mean disposition. V2;&^cikke, s. A dwarf; the name of a man. e^^j^^^ ciknoli, s. A syringe. 2^n^i cig-i^te, s. A slit of a leaf, ^^^.; ^^/. ^^. >f2^n^& cigi^ri^, s. A sprout, bud, germ. 72^n^do^,2;&r!odj^ clgijiruni, cigu- runi (Saf\5, elTsoS), -^^ /2. To sprout, bud, germinate. e^riOrJ^ cigalis^, s. A method of treating diseases by oils and ointments. 2. see 2^^^- -"^^ ^^o^o) to treat a patient by that method. e^^^ citi^, s. The influence of T^kif citi^ 226 2^^ ^ini evil eyes, —^jtrio^ to be af- fected by evil eyes. ^ 2^b^^^, zali^, 2^^ cit^kijjCitiki, citka, J.^A snap of the fingers. J 2is> pinch, as of snuff. — sroil) ^ to snap fingers. 25 li citi, see el^. J^2§!32§13 citiciti, ^.'h'he throbbing pain of a boil, when suppurat- >/ ing or forming. 2.'^a crash- ing or crackling noise. ^2^13. citti, s. A small spot or speck, adj. Spotted, speckled. 2^^ citte, s. The foundation or platform of a house. 2. the register of a land. 3. a rough, daily account. — ?^o20 6 the registered number of a land. ^2^^ citte, adj. Small, little. ^^■^Tij?)^ a small man. — =#jse& a small cock. 2-5^, 2^:^, 2^3, '^i cita, cita, citi, cite, s. A funeral pile. —w^A^ the wood for burning it. —^Ti^ the ashes of a funeral pile. —B^7i^r?u6 Siva, smeared with the ashes of burnt bodies. 2^3 citi, see ^B. 'r 2>&3"5,d citkara, s. The whirling noise of a war-car. 2. the notes of superior birds. 2-^3^ cittiji, J. A blot or erasure. —^"^6 a rough copy, draft. —"sSo^o^^ to blot, erase. 25^ citta, J. Will, desire, wish, inclination, disposition, plea- sure. -^oD correctness of 9 disposition, purity of heart. —^^•d as one pleases. 2^^^ cittira, see el^. -I2^;^^€)r citturli, s. An orange. 2a ^0 citya, see el^. 2>5^, citra, ^. A picture, painting, carving. —7^-5 a painter. ~rf :^od a painted picture; ap- pearances. -^8i^ a curiosity, rarity, wonder, —^zi^-^o^o^^ to work wonders; to make much of a thing ; to mystify. 2/&^,^J5)U citrakuta, s. A moun- tain so called, to which Rama retired in exile. 2>S^2p«)oiO citrabhanu, ^. Fire. 2. the sun. 3. the sixteenth year of the Hindu cycle of sixty. 25a,sJjJ3o citramula, s. The lead- wort. =j?o5^_ rose-coloured lead-wort, Plumbago rosea. dja^o^— the Ceylon lead-wort, Plumbago zeyla?iica. 2a252j^=3^^, z&i^ citranakshatra, citre, s. The fourteenth lunar mansion. 2532^s3j3r9rOo citrapurnami, s. The full moon of the first lunar month ^j,^, which is observed as a holiday. JzS^BogS? citlipuli, s. A kind of orange. 25gj cidra, ^^^ ep^. 2^c^C)0^ cinimitti, adj. Trifling. -=??o?d trifling work. 25^^-96, 2^NS3-5)c3r cinivare, cina- varde, s. A money-changer, 2^^. cinna 227 2&0 cilia jeweller. sloisroar/^ money changing, dealing in jewelry. 2^^ cinna, see zio^. ^p h^ cinpiti^, see 8lo)^&2^. cipuly, cipul^kotte, cipulotte, s. The poisonous seed of the drug Cocculus suberosus, 'iht^ d cippale, see ^sid 2. a clamp used for torture. 'i'ihlx^ cippi, s. A cocoanut shell. 2. an oyster shell. 3. a pearl; z^^/i cippig'e, s. A tailor. z§^ cippu, s, A crust, scurf, scale. Je^m cibbu, ^. White spots on the body ; alsa'T^^^. z^djej, z^^oli cimati, cimiti, ^. Tongs, tweezers, pincers. s^^jzd^j cimicimi, adj. Faint. — ojDiTj prattle. — £5js^o^ a faint light. 2;dSjOo=3^j^ cimukuni (e^^o^), ^. ^. / To press, throng, throb. 2yto pinch. e^s^joz^sr^oo cimucimu, ^^'. Ner- vous, weak. 2. throbbing, painful. — £3?^ pain caused by a slight wound ; a nervous pain; throbbing. 2a d cira, s. A long time. <3;<^. Lasting, durable, firm. ~^i^ cilkuni (2^^^), "c^.a. To lift up. 2: to flay. 2^^ cill^, ^.^A small round CO , piece, a piece for playing at draughts. 2.see^^' 72^^)6 cillare, s. Small money, change, trifle. adj. Little, trifling. ~^o7(ci, a petty ware- shop. —^23f trifling or contin- gent expenses. — ^ej?j little 2^2Jc) cilia 228 2&^6 clra work. — hdoSj a man of inferior mind, a simpleton. — ^^9^ mean understanding. '^OD, "^6 cilia, cille, see ^e^a. t§©,2^^ cilli, cille, s. A leaf stitched ^r folded in the form of a spoon or funnel. 2. a kind of cucumber. — L>e3 scattered, dispersed; ^. 2ie5 Le3 . _o3ow^^ to stitch a leaf into the form of a spoon. 2^0^o^ cillil^, s. The screech of an eagle. t&d^0 cilleli, s. A sharp stick to dart a fish with. >A§s:^^ cilvana, see 8ae;os3?i. J2^C, 2^^e^^ CI, cici, Mj. Fie! 25^0=3^0, 2^^o^S cinkari, cinkiri, .y. The stalk of a cocoanut leaf. 2. thin splitters of bam- boo used for stitching leaves elc. together; also S?c-6-a, ^eo-S-a. — iej 4 a kind of cake. 00 2;^^ot&^o cincin, s. The chirping of birds. -i^^4, — ^^^ a spongy cake; ^. Eijsoaijso. eaeo8aec3i-8-^K ^i)oo?^jscl) ^of^ the cincin cake has many (ItL 300) eyes or holes. Z&^oz^o^ cincuni (eleosS"), 2;. «. V To chirp. 72. to be scorched, burnt. N/e^^oLJo^ cintuni, see A;eoUj^. s/t&^o^o^ cintuni (e^eog), £;. ;?. To burn. 2. to roast as a fruit. ^^^^^oo!J, 2^^o3^ cimpi, cimpu, s.^ bolt, bar, latch. 2. a kind of sail. 2^Z=ud cikade, ^. A kind of fish. z^^s'd cikara, adj. Not pungent; sweetish. 2>&^=5^0 cikari, see ele^j^s. e§^^, 25^13 citi^, citi, s. A note, short letter. 2. a bill, bond. 3. a ticket, label, stamp. 4. chintz, coloured cloth. escX ^^- a shop-bill. Wsj^^- a postage stamp. -^^6— a transfer deed, a mortgage of title-deed, ^ooc^ a bill of exchange. ^7i^4^ to paste a stamp. — so-^b^ to write a, note. 2^^?^ cina, s. The empire of China ; also -de^. -^A^ Chinese paper. ^nsoSo a Chinese. ^^^ a kind of medicine. —lix^Gzi a kind of pepper. 2^^^ cini, adj. Chinese. — s'o^^s a telescope. — ^i^alum. — eSa a blue light. — sro^Sn a kind of music, used especially among Muhammedans. —Ti'^^-d white sugar. 2d^cS=i?JS^2;o cinekolu, s. A music baud of Maplas. e^^^i, 2^^o3 cipi, cipu, see ^^oh. 2^^^ cipu, s. A wedge, wooden , peg. x-^. a comb or cluster of plantains. 3. ^6'^ 8^504 i.see 2^^^Je)D cimari, s. A loathsome woman ed^d cira, s. Lead. 2. bark, rind. 3. a cloth made of bark. 2^^d cira 229 ZiS) CU V t^^c^sg ciravu, s. A bag, purse, jyz^orlo^ cuguli, s. The rind of a fruit or vegetable. 2^02^0 =3^,i cuccuku, ^^^ £io^£io^. -/2^02^o?i cuccuni (£^^''^), iJ.a/To pierce, bore. 2. to bite; c/. pocket. 2^^^r=^ cirnike, ^. Carved or chiselled workmanship, -to o3o an artist. -20035^4^ to carve, chisel. 2&^^JiiF cirlo, ^. Responding to a call in a game. [^^f. V t§^o^ cili^,^. A split, splinter; deL t^^sSo^ ciler\i, i". Forced converts to Mohammedanism. yj^d CU, see sija. 2^00=3* cunka, see ?i3o=2r. z^oone)r? cungani, ^. A tobacco- pipe. 2. ^^^ siog>)jr5. V^^oorij^ cungudi, ^. A trifling sum, odds, small coins, change. 2. anything of little value. — ejDo'd a petty trade. —Ti^Q a trifling debt. 2:^007^ cunge, s. A kind of rice. 2. awn. t^oos^oo cumcum, see zio^2idEo. 2:^0 ors) cunna, ^^^ ?joor®. ^i^oocl)^ cunnei, ^. A kind of cloth. ^ 2. ^ab, scurf. 3. shabbiness. 2^oo2JF^ cumbana, s. Kissing. £;^oo5do cumma, see eioSodoSo. Je^ooo^oe^ooo^j cunyicunyi, s. The hissing noise of a heated metal dipped into water. -s^o^s^do^^^ cuki^Lcuky, ^. Chirping of birds. 2:^j=a«)r^, 2:^o=5='3) r? cukani, cukkani, — o ' So- is^oii cuti, «^'.^ Smart, clever. 2. sharp, pungent. i'ei^oy. cutta, .s". A cheroot, cigar. -is^oeJ. cutti, ^.^A span. 2. see £ioi!. 3. see ^crjo^o. eiog cudra, see ^^. s^osj^z^o^^ cum^cum^, s. Pain caused by the sting of an insect. 2. sleeping of the hand or leg; c/. zI^IoeI^oo. s^os^oo^, s^odo cumula, cumla, ' CO ' ro s^ooSoz^oo^o cuyicuyi, i^^^^ eioooso 2i0OO30. e^odo^o curuku, j. Quickness, haste, speed. 2. sharpness. 3. zeal, activity, adj. Quick, vigorous, zealous. 2. vivid. _3Doa quick understanding, wit. Js^odje^o^jj curucuru, s. A hissing noise caused by frying, burn- ing, eU. «/2^o^^ culaka, adj. Light; c/. zid^ cuvu, see ^js. s^o^ culi, ^^^ ?i^^. Vz^of^ culli, s. The plant of Bar- leria ohovata. also :^^063. s. The rudder, helm .of a ship. 2;^or(j(:l cugude, j. A smart man; w^^js cu, ^. Setting on a dog. 2. driving a dog away. 3.^^^ ^j3- 20 z^viSo cun 230 sl^. c.?tte g^JSo cum, ^^3. 2:^J3a3, 2;^J3eJo cuti, cutu, s. Es- caping from the grasp in ^ wrestling. 2.'4im; device, t^. perception. 4. cessation from work, leisure. J 2;^J5^ cute, see ^^^. z^J^d cuda, s. The lock of hair left on the head at the time of tonsure. Eijsz3i)3^^F the ceremony of tonsure. 4^Jz)d, eijsz^ri cuda, cudaga, s. A kind of gold bracelet. ^^j^csDdor?) cudamani, s. A jewel worn in a crest or diadem. J e^JS)^ cudi, s. The coil of a rope. - 2. a bundle, as of fagots, betel leaves efc, also tjjs^. J e^jsd) cudu, s. Heat, warmth. 2. zeal. adj. Hot, warm. ^Ji}d cude," see ^ij^ri. s^jsrJ cuni, s. The front, van. 2. strength. adj. Former. adv. Before. 2;^J5r3o cunya, see ;^r®o. Jz^JSO curi, ^. A knife, small sword. S^JSdo curu, s. A piece, bit, small fragment. — -rfos^Ov^ to pulverise, cut into small pieces or bits. -eij^Trob^ to break to pieces. S^sjsrar curna, J. Powder, dust, any pulverised substance, medicinal powder. 2. see Tia t^JSO culi, see da^e. s§o?ir2 cengani, s. A friend. 2. J'^ioz^ cend^, ^. A ball. -7^j32oj ^ to play with ball. 'doZ^^j€f\ candijimallige, s. A species of clustered jasmine. J'^ou^zid^ cendaduni (eSo^s^S), v. a. To play with ball. ^2. to destroy, ruin. felod cende, s. A large drum; a kettle-drum. — s2.?)yj ^ to beat a drum. zSo^sJod cendemara ^. The tree Cerbera odollam ; ^/^^ ioiS^-d. —rf 8!)'I^ its poisonous seeds. s§ozldJO°T? cendemuli, ^^^ ^ozf ?ioo^. zSodo^ cendeli^L, ^^^^ iozf^. ^§oc^^j■i)oSo cennanayi, ^^^ £io^ s§oc2 cenne, ^^^ siojS. 2lo^2jJ3dj cennebuni, ^^^ sio?:^ eiozj^ cembate, s. A coppersmith. Jz^oEOJ cembu, ^. Brass, latten. 2. a small copper ^r brass pot. -^^^ a coppersmith. s§^^ cekky, J^^ £^^^. 21=^^ cekkat^i, adj. Thin, lean. z§=s',^or cekkarme, see S'^.S^f. ^^. cekki, J^6' ei^^. >^2;§^, sSt?, cekki, cekke, i\ A chip, split, splinter. Zil^j, 200 a cekkubandi, ^^i: £^^0^8000. z§=^o^ cekkel^, see eirfj^. z§^ cetti, see iik^. z§^ cette, ^^^ eia^. z§^ cedi 231 2i)^53 ceile ^^ cedi, see 2ia. J'Ssfj. ceppe, s.^k splinter, chip, slice, paring. 2. disappoint- ment, failure. adj. see ei^. -^h?^, -80jsT^o?i to fail; to rest, lie down. -^^Idcs^ ceradi^, s. The ear. — ^5o 5 beo6JD4^i to twist the ear. 2§D7^ cerige, .v^^ s^^t^. el 6 cere, ^^^ £^^. z§z§r cerce, ^^^ sielr. '^t^T cerbi, ^^^ s^s^?^. zldr cerva, see e^tjo. el^^ celave, adj. Damp, moist. «/2§oo^=^ celuvike, s. Beauty, comeliness. >/2§e;od celuve, s. A beautiful ^ cei, see ei^. ^§^^c^, A^r^o ceitana, ceitanya, ^. Strength, liveliness, vigour, animation. 2. life. — nsoSo, —•^So^ a vigorous man. —"^oo rfooi to lose strength. 2§^ ^ ceitra, i". The first lunar month, corresponding to March- April. '^^ ceila, see ^^/s§J5=^ cokka, cidj. Pure, genuine. 2. neat. -£5js«^^ pure silver. ■/2iJ3=^y cokkata, adj. Neat, choice, agreeable. eSja^jfeo?^ beauty, handsoiheness. zIj^^o.^ cokkale, ^^^ ^^a. 2. ^^/z§J3l]o. cottu, ^^'. Handless, maimed or deformed in the hand. VsSjs^ cotte, s. A man with a maimed hand. [of Pariahs. zIjs^, J cottete, s. The headman 2;§J5r3oA^'so5o conanginayi, s. A greyhound. v/zSjsrJo^, 2SjSflj conink^, conk6, J. The scab of itch etc. Z§J5^, coppi, s. A cap, hat. -'eiJSog coppu, see ^^, ?3ua5^. 2§J33JF^ corpat^, adj. Loose (?r thin, as cowdung etc. 2§J?)^r corpu, i'^^ siSsS. 2§JS^F^ corpuni, ^^^ ^js^r^. colake, colike, colke, columpe, see eSjaeeS. 2iJ3s3 colle, adj. Halt, crippled. —•^A a hyaena. djSQo^^^. conkatt^, ^^/. Lank, lean, thin. ~^^h^ to become thin. s§J3?o=^d conkara, ^^^ eSjaXS. 2§J3^ 0=5^0 conku, ^^^ ?3j3eo^o. adj.. see sSjse^o. eiJS^o^o^ conkuni, see M^^. Ai^S^^o"^ conci, ^. The beak of a bird. /eSjS^oLio contu, see eSjsoUo. 2§J3^o^ conte, see ;6jaeoB. ^§J?)^=aO coku, adj. Sapless, un- fruitful; exhausted, old. .y. An unfruitful or old tree. 2lJ3^=^J30 cokoli, s. A merry man. sSjs^rio^ cogaru, sec sSjaXS. ^§J3?ri coge, s. A leaf or branch of a palm tree ; bet. tsi>^7(. zljs^to cota, adj. Short, small, petty. Veisis^lb, s§JS^LJj. cotu, cottu, s. A span from the tip of the thumb to that of the fore- finger. 2§JS^a codi 233 ^5^^ coudi 2§JS^a=a, ^§JS^do codika, codya, s. A curiosity. 2. surprise. ad/. Curious, wonderful. — ^ h^ to wonder, to be surprised ; 2lJ3?sJ^. copatt^, J-. A kind of pitching or calking a boat. —=^jdhF^. —ziiDTh^ to calk a boat with a mixture of tallow (eSjs ej^) and chalk. s§J5^53'5)4c^ copavuni, see i^w^esra ^iJS^c^ copu, see <^^^. sIjs^sS cope, ^. A scrap, scratch. 2iJ5^o5o coyi, s. Milk. -S^^ to suck the breast. 2tJ3^de3^ corat^, 5^^ sSjs^fIj. 2§J3^Cr3 corana, ^. A festoon of leaves and flowers, hung over the door-way or across the highway on a joyful or triumphant occasion, a tri- umphal arch; 5eL ijsj'dr©. —"& ^o) to put up a festoon. 2iJ5)^d^^, z§J3^Qcoratana, cori, s. Theft, robbery. — -^^o.^ to steal, rob. 2§J5^6 core, s. A thief, robber, rogue. -^sIjs^O coli, s. Skin, bark, rind. —7(^?i to peel, skin, pare off. ^JS^d cole, see zSjsd^. t|js^^d^2^, 2;§J5^s;^Ds)2dn coladesa, colarajya, s. The Coromandel coast; the ancient kingdom on the Kaveri delta. 25^oeio countu, see sf^owo. V'tJ^oeJo^ countuni (ei^oO), z'. a. To pinch, nip. t5^o^ coundi, ^^^ £3^^ooca. t5^=a couka, ^. A square. 2. the linga box. adj. Square, -"^o ?S a square stool, -rf^r a square piece of cloth, si- quadrate. 25^^ ^f. coukatt]^, s. A door- frame. 2^^^, tf^=5^r5 coukadi, coukani, adj. Quadrangular, s. A quad- rangle. z^=^7^ coukasa, see ?te^5s^. L5^=a^ coukali, <^^'. Square. ^. An earring set with four pearls. -^?^ a female's gar- ment with small square pat- terns. ^=SDrf, z^vDT^ coukasu, couka- sa, see 2i4^soJ. tl^-S- couki, s. A railed veranda, pial. 2. a watch-house. -ctotS a guardsman. ^fs^o^ coukuli, see ti^3^<9. £^=^ couke, ^. A stool, chair. t5^^o^ coukkil^, ^. A kind of earring; c/. t^s*^. 2^yo, coutu, .y^^ ;d'?)oyo. sJ^G^o^ coudal^, s. A square shield. 2^Q>f{ coudige, s. A one-stringed guitar formed by a small barrel, open at one end and covered with a skin at the other. 2. a peculiar kind of neck-ornament. 3. a kind tf^^ couta 234 ^v chala of ear-ring. — nsoi) a man playing upon such a guitar. s^a^o^ coutatuni (^"^^0), z'.a. To sing a lullaby. tl^vB couti, see zi^^r. tj^sjd coupada, ^. A quadruped. 2. a kind of verse. i^6 coura, ^. Shaving; deL s^^Ot?, t5^Cj£3^o3j courake,coura- daye, s. A barber. ef^D couri, s. The tail of the yak. 2. a fly-brush. 2^v coula, J^^ £irfe^. 2^0 couli, see £i4e5. ^f3^ coula, adv. At once. -^ ^eo3j he went at once, —s^^^ again and again, one after another. zf5^^«)OSo coulikayi, see ei^^^ 030. eJ^^o coulu, J^^ 2i4f. V ^ cha, ^. The twentieth letter of the alphabet, ^orf chanda, see siorf. ^y^y chatachata, see dwdw. q^^2)e; chatala, ^. The noise of a slap or lash. — ss^^o^ to beat or strike heavily. ^cs'ssj chadavu, see eiiss^. ^C5e)§ chadali, s. A stupid fel- low. (^^ chadi, ^^^ £i^. ^i^ chatra, s. An umbrella; fl:/^6? ^^. 2. an inn, choultry, r^j^^^ ^3^0 ^C chatrantara, s. Wander- ^sgj^sj vB chatradhipati, s. A king, sovereign. o3oe??__ an emperor. ^3j chatri, s. A barber. 2. .r^t- qii53e)02>o?oO^ chapayisuni (e^is^oso oi), ^. tf. To conceal, secrete. 2. to deceive, defraud. CH qis3e)53) chapavu, s. Concealment, secretion. 2. absconding. 3. deceit, fraud, ^^h^ to ab- scond. — ■^'^o^^ to conceal. ^^ chappa, see ei^. ^^0^ chappanna, ^2^^/^. Fifty- six. —^^^ fifty-six countries enumerated by Hindu writers. ^^=^ chappaka, adv. Backwards, on the back, -eojs-do^ to fall backwards. qj^Ori chapparige, see if^D^. qJ^OS^c^ chapparipuni, see £i^& i^d^d charachara, see tiTisi'd. ^2j chala, s. Fixed purpose, firmness, determined resolu- tion. 2. obstinacy. — ^ ^^^ exceedingly obstinate. — s:»a a resolute or obstinate person. —i^i^JcS perseverance in a pur- d^ chala 235 e^^a chedi pose. -^^?i, --^^^oi to be obstinate; to persevere. ^^=5' chalaku, see ?i$j^. ^^^^ chalachala, s. Glitter; brandish. ^^ chali, see d.^- e3^^ chadi, see z^^- (33D.B chati, s. The breast, bosom. 2. courage, bravery. — "^o^ a brave man; a bold trader or practitioner. ^Ddd chadara, s. A silk garment, a shawl. e3«)^?^, ^^'r^ chanasi^, chanasi, s. Being peculiar or singular in what one does; nicety, fastidiousness. 2. accuracy, precision. (^D^;;!.^ chapisuni {'^^'^^, I'.a. To stamp, seal. 2. to print. ^^^ chapu, see ^^^ ^^, <^e)53 chapu, chape, s. A printing press. 2. a shop. ^oSo, (^^o3j chayi, chaye, s. Shadow, shade. 2. colour, tint, dye. ^4^- black colour. e^oa chindi, ^^^ ^Q^- e^o^ chinna, ^^^ Cut, divided. ^o-^^o^ broken, fractured, as a limb. ^^ chidra, ^. A hole, vacuity, perforation. 2. flaw, defect. 3. disaster, trouble. 4. sor- cery, witchcraft. -C3^o3o a sorcerer, wizard; a defective man. -^o^o^s^ to assume an air; to bewitch, enchant. A^- domestic quarrel or dispute. Vej)^, ep^^^ chi, chichi, Mj. Fie! * ^-^iWfie, fie, it is bad. -^^oss^ fie, you rogue! dorf^ chudra, adj. Small, little. 2. low, mean. s. Smallness; baseness. 2. sorcery, witch- craft; bet. =5^0^^. dod chudre, ^. A base man. 2. a sorcerer. ^^cj cheda, ^. Loss, ruin. ^^b, ^^(^cS cheda, chedane, s. Cutting, dividing, -^o^^?) to cut, divide; to circumcise. ^a- a part, fragment; circum- cision. ^^a^^ chedipuni (e^?^), ^'- ^- To cut, divide. 2. to circum- cise. > t^ ja 236 tio^ Janti Si n ja, The twenty-first letter of the alphabet. tio Jam, s. Rust. — t^ja^^^ to become rusty. tio'xf Jank^, 5^^ ^^^2dc¥. ^o^c)c^, e^osjSfS jankane, jankha- ne, see ^-^^^^. tioTi janga, s. Being across, transverseness. 2. a ceiling of boards ^/^. over a fireplace. tiorido jangama,^^'. Locomotive, moveable. 2. of or belonging to a Lingait priest. — -sl)^ the residence of a Lingait priest. — ?ise; a debt, which is urgent- ly demanded. —-s^Tio^ a move- able thing. tiorldo Jangame, s. A Lingait. tdorisSosi^d jangamemara, see ^^ 2i3orio^, ticn"3D^, t;jcn«)o^ janga- 1^, jangarvi, Jangal^, s. A wooden platform placed on boats. -3i&3^ the rafts of a ferry boat to carry large or heavy things. — ^#^ a green colour, the subacetate of lead. taorrao^j Jangayi, see eioADOso. tioA Jangi, s. Force, compulsion, oppression, --rf^ili^ to force; to plunder, pillage; to rebel. taoA, ucp Jange, Janghe s. The calf of the leg. 2. an old man. -Oit-do^ the calf of the leg to be disjointed. ^ioP* Jangli, s. A forest, jungle, waste land. adj. Wild. —^^ s3 the forest department. tdoZC^'SOSj Jannayi, see sicT^oso. Uoti6, tiotiti janjara, janjari, s. Fetters. -3^^^^^ a bail for a prisoner. tioti6 janjara, adj. Serial, ordi- nal. ~-^o2^B serial numbers. 2iJo23^y Janjata, s. Trouble, an- noyance, grief. 2;;iot5e)d janjara, see Ticz^xs. Sio23'30 janjali, s. A wall-piece or long swivel gun. 2. flatter- ing, fawning. tdot3c)s3 Janjale, ^. A talkative man; a boaster. tdo^dOo jamjum, s. A sound, utter- ance. -?iroo^^ he does not say a word. Zioz^ jandi^, see rfoS. tiod jande, s. Delay. 2. a tassel on the tail of a tiger in a masquerade. 3. an ensign, standard, flag. — "si) ^o^^i to hinder, stop. rn^of^. tiom^tioz^ jann^Jann^, see ^o?^ tio^ janta, s. Ivory, the tusk of an elephant. 2. see ^o^. Zio:ir{ jantaga, s. A halter-band- age. Uo^D^ Jantary, s. A kind of ointment. tjoo Janti, s. A rafter, a piece of timber crossing a rafter. 2^0^ J Jantu 237 teri Jaga tdovB Jantri, s. A calender, a table of interest. tio:^ojantu,i'. A creature, animal. 2. a worm. t;ioljaiite, see aioa. tdo^, Jantra, ^^^ odjo^. 2. t;io^^6jS^^ janniroli^, see a^oaoo^o tio^ janne, ^. A burnt offering. tio?isjod tiosSdod Jampamara, jampemara, see ^aoj^o. t^os53i)^ jampetala, s. A mode of beating time in music. tioiJ Jamba, see d^o?^. 4&io2od, 2ao23e)d jambara, jambara, s. An affair, business. — crooSo a busy man. — Se&?jD4^ to finish a business. r^^. tdozooDJScS^ Jambukhan]^, ^^^ 8^^^ tiosooa^sj jambudvlpa, ^. India. bunlrolu, Jambuniroli, s. The rose-apple, Syzigium jamho- lanu7n. 2. Jambosa malac- censis. z^joZoo^jJSD Jambumuri, J. An offensive smell. tiosoo© Jambuli, .y. A kind of basket made of date leaves. tdo2^ Jambha, s. Pomp, ostenta- tion, display. 2. foppery; also aicgpDy. [Indra. t^osp^O jambhari, s. k name of tdoE^ Jambhe, .s-. A giant. tio^o jamma, ^^^ 3^;^^. tiosjj^?^ Jammanige, .y. Headman- ship among Pariahs. 2. idle talk. "^^j^ Jakkini, s woman who dies 2j3os^o^ jammane, s. A demon priest. 2. a headman of Pariahs. ^i^o Jakam, see &iso5o. td=^r? Jakani, see s^^^rS. 2^=aS t^=^, t=j^^ jakk^, jakka, jakkadi, «^'. Worthy. 2. youthful. 3.^^^ 2i^^. -3i^2>^ a youthful man. — ^-S"^ the ruddy goose. — sojs-do^, — •s:^j?)-do^ to undersell. A married in her husband's lifetime, and causes demoniac possession. s^^o^jakku, see 3^^^. tt^^ij^) jakkuli, see Ei^OjsD. ti=^Jakke, s. Vanity, foppishness. —oDoSo a fop. — crof^ a coquette. —■^€i'§ strut, affectation of diginity in walking. — sjd^o ^) to boast. '^%P'^ jakkelyi, ^. The lap ; of. ■^^6. — ^odoon^ to tarry, linger. Zi^ jakri, s. Plenty. 2^sj^3^ jakhamu, s. A wound. —^h^ to be wounded, bruised. 2^r( jaga, >y^^ ^i/i. t^ri, ^r(3^, 2:^/1^^ jaga, jagatti^, jagatya, s. The world, uni- verse. t^rio^^q^ Jagannatha, s. A cele- brated place of pilgrimage. t^rioc5"3^ jagannathe, s. The lord of the universe. 2. a name of Vishnu. uTi jaga 238 tid Jade I tirit^ri jaga, jaga, see o^oXcf^oX. Jtiri© jagali, s. An open veranda. ^tiifi"^, esjris^ej jagala, jagalata, s. Quarrel, fight, dispute. — ao ^ a vixen, shrew. tiT^^d jagude, s. An old man. Jzi7^-:iV^ Jagul^, see a^A^- tifi Jage, s, A sigh, groan, ejaculation; c/. ^■^. — ^yo^?) to be unable to breathe, to breathe hard. ~80o!^^ to groan, sigh. s. A kind of small 2. delay, postponement. —K s:^il)^ to delay. —^tSj?>^ a sluggard, lazy fellow ; also 3^^ . t^A^sJ^ jaggavuni, see ^t^^o^. -ltif\ jagge, 3"^ Stooping, bending. 2. see 2i^- 3. see under 3iK. Jtiiid^ JaJJuni (^^), ^. a. To bruise, squash, crush, pound. tib^sjb^ Jat^pat^, adz'. Smartly, ^^ jagg^, fish. promptly, speedily. tikj jata, see d^ri. tibi)ii^, tibDtiU Jatajata, jata- pati, s. Strife. 2. hurry, con- fusion. ^;itos:5oe)orO jatamaffisi, s. The Indian spikenard, Nardo- stachys jatamansi. tsilid Jatile, s. A hermit, ascetic, devotee. 2=J^ J ate, see a;zS. z^y, jatka, adj. Soon; cf. Krfj. till Jatti, ^. Awaist-band, belt. 2. a wrestler, boxer. -ws^X a boxers' combat. -^ a brave man; the tutelar god of wrestlers. — "sSoot^o a pair of earrings. 2a^d jathara, ^. The belly, stom- ach. 2. womb. adj. Firm, hard. si-^ui)?\^ digestive power, digestion. t^j^ jad^, ^. Origin, root. -a:io ^i)a the ultimate source. 'i^Ti jada, ^. Fatigue, weariness. 2. dullness. ^^". Sick. 2. dull, stupid. 3. inanimate. 4. cold. -?ro<*; cold weather. -Aor® sluggish disposition. -2;i&^ full of dullness, s^zsd ^^ a very stupid man. — ^ e3^^ to stretch oneself. td cSc) oSo ;^o ^ J aday isuni, see s^ a L ^. 2^^ jadi, see s^a, 2. .y^^ s^^t^. ^i^^i^ i^xi^ jadita, jadta, s. Ram- ming, stufiing, — s:sil:^, ^^^ ti^3 jaditi, ^^^ oL\oas. Jti^h^, t^a^^, ti^o^jo^ Jadipi- ni, jadipuni, Jadiyuni {^^, ^^ od:s«), V, a.^o ram, stuff, -^2. ^ to load, as firearms. \/2. to J drive cattle. ^S. to rain in- cessantly. aicicS^0TO^4^ to drive in, fix. tizid jadu, ^. Apathy. 2. fright, shyness. Jtid Jade, 5. -Matted or clotted hair. 2. plaited hair, -^.the hood of a serpent. —'^% a kind of cactus, — ^ small, circular, ornamented, gold plates attached in succession nd Jade 239 u 4J anma on or along with a woman's plaited hair. —-Rj^o-d orna- mented tassels suspended at the end of a woman's plaited hair, -^yo^o) to fasten braided or matted hair. —^ z§ in clots, braids. ^?i jadepuni, see s^ab^. tici jadka, adv. At once. 'J'^z^ Jadd^, s. Callosity, hard- ness, as of the skin of the hand. etc. from much use; also c^S . ad/, see 35S . u^ jaddi, s. Land subject to be overflowed by salt water ; bet. ti^ Jadti, see tl^oaS. tiro^'sdre* janyijana, see Tt\of^:i\o^. ti^ jata, ^^^ 2i!i. Zii^^ jatana, ^. Carefulness, adj. Secure, careful, fast. z^3 Jati, see oiioS. til Jate, 5-. A pair, couple. 2. a set. 3. equality of shape, size, etc. adj. Equal. — ast?, —^^oSo a companion, colleague. — ^ w^c^ to make a pair. ti4 jatna, see a^o^^. idCJdo^, t;ic5jdo^ Jadaruni, Jadu- runi, see sis^xio^. tigj Jadra, J. Poverty, want, penury, distress. 2. ailment, indisposition. adj. Poor, indigent, distressed. 2. mean, worthless. — crooSo an unfortu- nate 6';' worthless man. -sjd ^d vulgar speech. — ^i^^) to be indisposed. 2^^ jana, ^. Man, individually or collectively; people, po- pulation, community, —-^y^^ persons, both old and young, mankind. ^^ ^oc^df sd^ij -ddf^F is it the people or festival that attracts most? tirf^i3e)d janakabare, s. A kind of plantain tree. ti?^^ janake, s. A progenitor, father. tic^e^^ janajana, s. Every one. —oj^^-do^ be talked of by every one. tif^td^a Janajanita, ^^*. Humour- ed abroad, generally known. Zi-^-^ Janana, s. Birth; cf. ^i^^- _^x3r® birth and death. t^i^:^^ janani, s. A mother, t^c^doti^ janaranjana, s. Popular, pleasing to people in general. td^"9ori Jananga, ^. A nation, body of people ; generation. tic5D3JS3"3d Janapavada, s. Public censure. 2. disgrace, infamy. t^c^^^ janipuni (3^^), v. n. To arise; to be born. ti^O^ janilyi, see Xrf^. ti^ssDd janivara, s. The brahmi- nical thread, -s^di^j?) to put on the brahminical thread. ti^, Janma, s. Birth, nativity, state of existence. — ^^r, — sDDx; inherent sin. —ti^ a horoscope. tic3"3t janma 240 n^) Jami ti^Dx>^^ Janmantara, s. Another birth. 2. regeneration. 3. transmigration. [beget. ^c^ ^3)^ janmipuni (^^^), v. a. To tiSJ Japa, s. Repeating prayers, incantations or the names of the gods, as an act of adora- tion. —^3:j religious devotions. —■dji)e3, — ?jTj a rosary. — ^a^^, -■^^\^^ to pray, to repeat prayers, etc. 2xj33c)?^^ japasana, see ^?3js?j?^. txil^og^, &i^?dOri Japipuni, japisuni, (3^^), v.a. To repeat prayers etc.^ as an act of adoration. E^^CS^sJc^ I^P^ds-vni, cu. {of 2A ^^?)) To cause to let down, to lower, v/ 2icg)do^ japuduni, "o. a. (s^^S) To let down, lower. 2^^ Japti, s. Confiscation, se- questration. 2. attachment, law. -^^o^?> to attach, con- fiscate. tds^or^s;^ jappang^ely, s. Goods etc. remaining after selection. 2^^ jappu, s. Selection, choos- ing; Cf. e93d^^. ^ ti55^^ jappuni (ai), v. a: To open. V V2. to descend, come down, alight. 3. to select, choose; of. cf^a;^^. a33-3-6- to open the door. S§r— to descend, dismount. ^tijS^o^ Jappel^, .y. A descent, slope. 2, ebb. 2;iWO*^t3i)^, Z^EOD^drU^, 2^WD^dn^ Jabar^^Jasti, jabanidast\i, j abar v- dasti, s. Violence, force, ur- gency; also 2:?20^-rfos^;^. _-^ ^^^ to force; to dun, set on. t520D^s3joSo jabar^meyi, s. A stout body. adj. Stout. ti2T32oo Jababu, see dd^^^. ^tisoo^o Jabulu, adj. Slack. tii^ jabti, ^^^ s^^- it^it^, tJizoj^ Jabbi, Jabbu, s. An old woman, a hag. , ^ t^m jabbu, ^. Delay. 4^'. Hol- low, empty wdthin, not solid. 2. old, infirm. •»tdd jabbe, s. An old man. jamyikan^, jamakan^, jamakany, s. A carpet. 2. a blanket. ti^^^Sj^^o jam^nirolu, see ^o 2^doi3^ Jaman^, j. A kettle. t;3S^j2ooa, tcidJe)2ooa jamabandl, jamabandi, s. Settlement of the assessments. —■d^<^\^ to settle assessments. tddjs;^=^j3^ jamalyLkotte, ^. Cro- ton seed. 2si^Ji)=5^e^F, Ead3e)SJ2^rjamakarci, jamakharci, s. The receipts and disbursements, t:i^Je)oas)?oOc^ jamayisuni (3^1:^^090 oJ), z'. a. To collect. tdC)Oo3)c^ Jamipuni (^s:^),v.a. To utter incantations, in order to gain the favour of an evil spirit or demon, or to charm it away. hZj^ J ami 241 ti6 Jara td^)o3^^ jamln^, ^. The soil, ground, land. — c3dt5 a land- holder, zemindar. t!isdoo=3^o Jamuku, s. Eashness, in- considerateness. 2. pride, haughtiness; c/. a^j?^, cIdtId^o. ti^oo=CTO^ Jamukuni (ai^5ao^), z'. ^. To brandish. 2. to smack. 3. to frighten, threaten. 2^ do Jame, ^. A collection, gather- ing, assemblage. 2. assess- ment. 3. receipts. 4. cogni- zance. 5. lurking. 6. over- 3^ hearing. — ^e^F i"^^ elr. ~^jsb^ to lurk, spy; to overhear; to estimate. —•^^0^^ to collect, gather, assemble. tds3oc3'3d Jamedare, s. A native military officer. tidosg^ Jamepuni (si^o), -j. a. To assemble, collect. 2. to rec- kon, estimate; to meditate; also ai^Szj^o ?). vlt^^doD jameri, s. The hair about the body. — aoi5 a hairy man. 2d^J5^do^ Jamniruli, see s^osoo^ie ^^^^5 jammanj^e, see ^to-^t. tdSJoo, Jammu, ^^^ &(o^. ^oJo jaya, .y. Conquest, victory, success, triumph. — s^ocSo hail ! vivat! — ^^?i the sound ^r shout of victory. — s^eS a war- drum. ~^h^ to conquer, succeed, gain. tdol)o.B jayanti, ^. The public rejoicing on the birthday of a god. -DD^— the festivity of Rama's advent. 2iOjoOJci jayamini, see t^^^. 2d odo^o 1, 2^0:^03^0 Jayavante, Ja- yasali, s. A conqueror, victor. tiO:^j^^do3oo^ Jayavijayeri^, .9. The door-keepers of Vishnu's heaven. 2^oi5«)tiOdj jayajaya, s. Victory and defeat. EdoSo^a?^ jayinadis^e, see t^^K. tiO^j^ jayine, see '&^. tdoSoc^^, 2xio5o?oo^ Jayipuni, Jayi- suni, see '&^^. tiQ^:>o^ Jayili^, see ^1^6. tdd ^sltbl, s. Fever. a\>Ti6— a hectic fever. ax)7i,^ a fever from morbid heat in the body. Ib^— bilious fever, -^j^^::^ small-pox. ^T)^~ rheumatic fever, t^c^zjd^— typhus fever. ?d^— , ,^5^— fever with ague. ^2^hF^ to be attacked with fever. — eooa^^ fever to abate or leave. 2dd jara, s. Old age, decrepitude. 2. hardness. ti^'^od Jarakande, s. Enlarge- ment of the spleen, ague- cake. tid=^jarakka, see ^^. Zi^Zi^ jarajara, see ei^^si^. Zi^z^ jaradi^, adj. Vain, unsub- stantial. 2dd3c)D^, ti d 3^0 Jar at ari^, jar ata- ri, see a^e;^. ti^^ Jarane, see ^^. 21 uzi jara 2.42 ti^ Jala tdd2oo, UDDZf jarabu, Jarab^, see 2iD^2oQ Jarabari, s. Tall and stout, well-proportioned. tsJD^sJodra jaramarana, s. Old age and death; death in old age. tciCe)?oo^ jarasandhe, s. A king of Magadha. ^z^Djari, ^.^A precipice, slope. 2. gold or silver thread or J lace. 3. cuttings. ^. grit, granule, v^. sand. — eojsTJo^, see ^^4o^. JtiD^^ jaripuni (a^S), z^. d2;.^o insult, jeer, despise. ) 2. to shake, make tremble; cf. rio V tiOcdjo^ jariyuni (3^5), z/. ?/.>>To fall or slip down. 2. to wear away. 3. to shiver, tremble. -5 20jsi^o^ to fall off, drop off; to be cut away. tidJSCJj jaruru, s. Necessity, oc- casion, urgency. 2. want. 3. pressure, adj. Necessary, urgent. g^-djsSrf pressing, urgent. aiiJjs"do(l) urgently. tid jar6, see ard. 4 tidsS^) Jarepuni, see ^ti^?i. J U^]2JX2,,adv. Suddenly, quickly. — 3:s-dj^to slide down suddenly. 2^=3^ jarka, see tis'r. tciljSFTSj^ Jartonuni, see '&^j^. tacgr Jarpu, see cii^r. Jticgr^ Jarpuni, see^^^?^. 2. see uz:^F Jfarbu, ^. Oppression, undue authority, overbearing conduct. -7:d-c5 a tyrant, oppressor. — t1) sd^^t^j^ to speak in an overbearing tone. — T^o ^eb?) to walk with a haughty mien. ~-Tid^\^ to show undue authority. tio^ 023^5^ jali^mbevuni (2^<5o25), 7A ^. To be born. 2. to be pregnant. TtsJO^tiO* jalijijaliji, ^^/^. Brightly. 2. see siofgiof. ts3s^ Jala, s. Water, --ojezl sport- ing in water, ^sro?^ water beverage. —odjo^ a water- pump. N/2xie-)=5^ jalak\ji, s. Glitter, gleam. — ^D^o^ to glitter, gleam. n^^ Jalaka, s. Bathing, ablu- tion. -^^^^^ to bathe. Jti^'SD^'^ jalakavuni, c, v. (of &©^o^) To cause to shine. Vsi^^j^ jalakuni (s^s)^), v.n. To shine. 2si^nc)6 Jalag^are, s. A man searching for gold in sweep- ings, etc. 2^^2^d, td^txio^j Jalacara, Jala- jantu, s. An aquatic animal. Zi^^d, ti^3e)d Jala tar a, Jalatara, J. Gold or silver thread, ^r lace, -rf sis^a a turban with gold lace. u^zf Jalad|;i, see •^^^. t;je;ne)d Jaladare, sec "sa^-r-s^. 2^^^53e)ad Jalapravaha, s. An inundation or stream of water. uzj jala 243 esDo-Sr janki t3s;gj^ojo jalapralaya, s. The deluge; a flood. ^ee;5^o^ jalamatta, .y. A level; a mason's level. t^is^^oe;^' jalamalaki^, s. A com- plete set of ornairients. libilali, jalalibulalj, s. A mas- querade at the Moharam. z^Oo^^, ^©oJoj?^3alipuni,ialiyu- ni, see di^°^4^. ti© jaldi, adv. Quickly, speedily, soon. Ziv>]2ilm3i.f see a^^^. 2 honour. —^^0^ imprisonment for life- time. — j2i|^?) to dishonour. ^^M, jalmatta, see 3ie;^w^. z^S^oJJo^, tis|sj)^ Jalmiyuni, jal- mevuni (3is5^, aie3j, -j. n. To be born, come into existence. Jz^i^ Jalla, s. A boatman's pole. ^ 'i^t) jalli, s/k chaplet of flowers. 2.''anything dangling or hang- ^ ing loosely. -^3. boast, brag- >/ ging. 4. broken stones. tJ^ocWo c^— clothes loosely worn. ^^— a chaplet of flowers ; flowers dangling down the head, etc. _=2^ja2io ^, ~-T^-i.t)^t^ to boast, brag. -ais^T^j^ to wear flow- ers loosely; to suspend a garland of flowers. ~^?e;o^ flowers to hang loosely. /zd^ojoo^ jalliyuni (s^^), v. n. To boast, brag. u6 , 2^s3djS53 jalle, Talledolle, ro CO CO see jSjsd . tJi^ rl , ti ^ ^ , ti d ?i J a vane, J avane, javanye, s. A youth, young man. javantana, javantana, javandige, Javandige, s. Manhood, manli- ness, courage, hardiness. ^^r?), t^-^'^ javandi, javandi, s. A young woman. ' tds^c^ javana, see ^■^^•^. -JtiM javali, see &"^^. Zizi^ javale, ^^^ fc"^^. tes3e)a javadi, ^. Civet, -ci ^^ a civet cat. tsiS32)^^, ti^D^ javanu, j avane, ^. A peon. 2. a servant, porter. tdS32)za^, t;iS3"32Jo javabiji, javabu, 5. An answer, reply. — ^^js^f^ to answer, reply. 2^zzDzz^Uii)^A, z^s^EOJCjsari java- b^darige, Javabudarige, s. Kes- ponsibility, accountability, liability. 8ist)20ocro-5 a res- ponsible man. t^s^s? javuli, ^^^ a3'?<9. s^dr^JS^^ javegodhi, j-. Barley. 'd^^ javvana, s. Youth, virility, maturity: 5eL cOs^-^^, —^d xio^ to fade, get old. z^Zj^ javvane, see di^^. t^^^ jalaka, see s^e;^. Z;i%^Zd^ jalabala, s. A noise made by agitating water; bubbling, as of boiling water. td< jalla, see a^e^. Z3i)o-§- janki, s. Prattling, chat- tering. 21* t3e)ori janga 244 '^^d jSda ts^oriei jangati, see 3:dac&3. 23Dori€) jangali, see 8io7^. t3:)o^?d jantana, see di^^^^ under 23j>c3JD^ jampariji, see tf^ozJS. t3c)oE0 jamba (^-^^r. ^a^i)^ ^t))i What will you do? what are you doing? ts^ozosJoi jambavante, s. The king of bears. 2. a fat old man ; /em. dd^o^^o a fat old woman. 23e)oZosS jamhave, s. A bear. 2. a strong, bold man. 3. a hairy man. 23^o"c:)n, 23^os^o^7^ jambige, ja- min^ge, s. A flower twig of the wild jack. 2. a piece of coir rope used for igniting a gun, ek. t32)oe3 jambe {abbr. of s^D^oeS), What is he doing? 23^o:3o^ jambel^, ^^. Large. — ^t3 a large breast. t33-S-f^ jakina, ^. Regard of per- son. 2. partiality. 3. respect, consideration. 4. kindness, compassion; bet. cre-Sj^r®o. Co 23^^ jakti, see a^^sS^y^x^o. 23e)n* jagi^, .y. A place, dwelling, station. 2. space, room. 3. land, ground. 22c)r(oe3 jagante, s. A circular gong. J^rid, t3c)r{dfl jagara, jagaran^, s. Waking, watchfulness. -sro?i the eleventh day of the first half of the lunar month Kartika, which is observed by the Hindus as a day of fasting and wakefulness, -e? ci)^^ to be awake. — ^s'o^j ^ to keep awake. es^hF^s:^ jaginapatte, s. A kind of garment worn by females. ts^A^D^ Jfi^fflr^j ^' A rent-free land, a freehold; cf. CA^otSjs^. 'S^Dfs J age, see ^K. 2S'z)7ti jagrate, s. Caution, care- fulness, vigilence. 2. dili- gence, assiduity. -e?rfo5^^, — "rfo^^ to be careful, cau- tious. ts-szs*", 23^23 jaj^, jaji, s. A ship. Jlt3i)z3 jaji, s. The great flowered jasmine, Jasininum grandi- florum. — ^^ red chalk. -^ jasmine flower. J23^23^e)03o jajikayi, s. The nut- meg. —-^'^ the nutmeg-tree Myristica moschata. 23c)t2sjs jajipatre, s. Mace. 2j3G^ jad^, ^. A broom, bisom. t3c)J3<^ jad^, see o^jsS. t3c)G<^^oC) jadumalli, J. A sweep- er. 2. a scavenger. 3. a servant in charge of a travel- lers' bungalow. 23c5c^fl jadane, j. Purging, loose- ness of bowels. 2. sweeping. 3. see '^n>^. 23«)3^u)"5cSo jadadaye, see a^^. 23e)j^e3)D jadapuri, ^. A spider. 22-3^ jadi 245 >/t3e)^ Jadi, s. A large earthen vessel. JzSeJ^Q^^jadipuni (S:;Da), v. a. To shake off. 2. to sweep, clear. 23^^do53 jadimale, see 3isS^^. *it3^d, s^-sdo Jade, Jadye, ^. A weaver. 2. a spider. •23c)do oo Jadya, ^. Carelessness, negligence. 2. sickness, disease. 3. heaviness. 4. folly, stupidity. ts^r^ jana, s. Skill, wisdom; ^'^ &^f^. -t^^skilfulness, ability. t3^r3-S- Janaki, see "^-^t^^. 23"3fo"3a7^ -anadige, s. Cleverness, skilfulness. 22c)rJ, 23^p| Jani, Jane, j. A wise man. ■23D3^ Jat^, see cjsg. 2. i"^^ cro^^. 23c);^ Jata, ^^'. Born, produced. _=5^^F the ceremonies per- formed on the birth of a child. .23e)^=s^ Jataka, ^. A horoscope. ^^~ a horoscope cast up without sufficient data, ■si^-d r®— a horoscope prognosticat- ing one's death. tS'SvB Jati, ^. Kind, sort, class, tribe, caste. 2. birth. 3. social position, status, adj. Pure, unadulterated; superior,high- bred. -^^- -^^j the rules regulating a caste. — =5"^!^ t3«5^ Japi tual jealousy of castes, -^i^ _&^2S the usage and custom of a caste. — ^m^^ _€&|^?roo3o an outcaste. — "sSo-d teakwood. — ^?c3 a man of low caste. — €yo^^ to lose caste. -S jS 4^?) to excommunicate. — ^ ^e ■oD^^i to admit into a caste. — ^-rf order of castes ; accord- ing to castes. ^^3, t3D>l^^o^Jati,Jatikainara, see 2ii)2§. t3«)3sJ3, Jatipatri, see &;>osj^gj. zs^o^s; jatiphala, J^^ siDOSJS7)O30. 23^ i Jatre, ^. The annual festival of a temple; cf. cdje)^. —3^ 3i-d4 the people attending a festival, pilgrims. t3^c3% e3i)do Jadu, Jadu, :?. Sor- cery, conjuration. — •do^o^^J to conjure. 23 c) a Jadi, see 3iD^. -^-^^ jana, ^^^ 2:^^^. 2. see t?^^- t3D?^^ Janaki, ^. Sita, daughter of Janaka. 23^^ Jani, see 3^^^. 23^^^^), e3DF^o^ janipuni, januni, see c?Doo)^oi. 23^^ Jane, ^^^ ^^• /ts^oG^sJ^ Japavuni, ^.^'. (^a^D^?)) To put down, as a load; to unload] lighten. 23«)SJ^ japaka, see 3^^^^. ceremonies peculiar to a caste. J^s^h^^ ^^^c^ Japini, Japuni (&3) —^s'ocii-^ a horse of a superior z'. n.^To be unloaded,! li. t3a)d, 23^d^ jara, jaratva, s. Adultery, incontinence. t3c)do7^ jarange, see 2=d5/^ Jt3e)dorio* jarangelvi, s. Slip- periness, glibness, smooth- ness. t3c)dcC3c)o3j Jarandaye, j. The name of a demon. 235)^235)^ jarajata, adj. Illegiti- mate. ^23"5Dc)5S^ Jaravuni, c. v. (of e^^T^o oi) To let slip. 2. to strip off, as clothes, etc.\ to bark, peel, flay. 3. to lop off, as the branches of a tree. 4. to steal. -dreS— to remove the thatching of a roof. ^^— to turn the cheek-bone by a slap, eos^^— to leave the door ajar. ^ofit_ to throw earth, as into a pit, etc. or fill it with earth. 23e)D jari, s. Enforcement, exe- cution. — N^s^cli^, ~-^d^\:^ to put into operation ; to enforce, execute. A23-9Dri Jarige, s. The Mysore gam- boge tree, Garcinia pictoria. —53)^ its fruit. — ^esS an ugly face. J23e)djF3'5)o3o jarunaye, s. An un- steady man, a backslider. 23e)do^ jaruni (s^^^), v. n. To slide, slip down; to move further. 2. to be slippery or smooth. 3. to tumble, fall down. 4. to be dislocated,' as a limb. 5. to shrink, hesi- tate ; to backslide. 6. to flee, run away. 7. to stretch, as the lobe of the ear etc. 423e)do3ia Jarupadi, see "n^t^TTs. 23e)d Jare, s. An adulterer, whoremonger. \'i^i>t'6 Jarele, s. A runaway. 2. j t3«)riF jarge 247 'o2^o jmju an unsteady man. 3. a back- slider. 4. a coward. ^^DfiF jarge, see 3dD5^. tSDir, t3c)c3r Jarte, jarde, ^. The sign Scorpio, tlie eighth Tulu month. Jz^^tiF^ jarpadi, s. Running away, decampment, retreat. — -siD^o^^ to run away, decamp ; to slink, escape. 23^23^ Jaliji, s. A thrashing floor. 2. a courtyard. z^ ^ Jala, s. A net. 2 . the lattice of a window. 3. magic, con- juration, illusion. 4. pride. r^o-dy- producing, by magic art, supernatural appear- ances, "^^ecrfj— bringing into existence, by sorcery, any thing required. tSD^D^ jalar^^, s. A fringe, net- work. 2. the borders of a garment, eU. 23c)e3"3 Jala, see .croefe. t3c)Oe)odj Jalandra, s. Any wood work with bored holes. 2. an ornament worked into small perforations or holes. ejs© Jali, see a^d 23€)0=s'e3. Jalikatta, s. Black stripes on the throat of a cobra. t3e)Ci^^Jalipuni, see 7^^^^^. t3e)0s^jd Jalimara, s. The tree Ocymum gratissimum. e3"3s3 Jale, i". Heat. 2. burning sensation. 3. pity, compas- sion, sorrow; cf. 3iD^e3. 23"3d Java, see &s^o. ts'sd^o^o^ Javakallu, s. A block of stone by the road-side to rest a load upon, a porter's rest. t3^si=CTodo6Javakudure, ^. A grass- hopper. 23^sj^ Javadi, ^. A kind of verse. 2. ^^(^ e^^Si. Ve3e)d^^o5o Javalanayi, s, A wolf- dog. t3-3^«)55c^ Javavuni, see '^■^t^^. 235)^ri, 23s^r^ Javige, Javuge, ^^^ t3e)SS^ Javuni (3il)), ^^^ ^t-^h^. t3e)sSs;^ Javel^, ^^^ a^^^^. e3"SrOg Jasti, ^. Increase, addition. 2. injustice, violence. — S i^ifjs^ r©o^ to take by force, —z^^ ■^0^ to speak in a violent tone, to abuse. — -rfj^Ov^ to force, compel; to increase, promote ; to raise, as rent etc. 23^3oD^Jahiri^, ^. Representation, showing, informing, adj. Ob- vious, plain, clear. —^h^ to become known ; to be clear ^■rfo^o^^ to explain, inform. 'i^^ Jal^, see ddi>6. t3i)=3'ra Jakshana, see cro^^r©. '23o=^ jinke, s. An antelope. e^ohO Jingiri, ^^^ ^o-h). 23o2d Jinja, ^^^ ac3i. Zoot3e)S3?^ Jinjavuni, see aoSi^^^. tooZo?^ Jinjige, see ^o^-R. eoo2^o^ Jinjuni, see aoa^o^. 23oCJ jinda 248 to 6 J ire zSocinc)^, e3oani?)c^ jindagani, Jindigani, s. Treasure, trea- sury, wealth. tSoari jindige, s. Property, estate, zi-d- moveable pro- perty. ^— immoveable pro- perty. e3o?S, eSoc^e^d Jinne, Jinnesvare, s. The name of a personage peculiar to the Jaina sect, who is ranked by them as superior to the gods of other sects. 2. a teacher. 3. a saint. tooEoo^ jimbuni, see sdoos^o^. ZooeooO, e3o2^ jimbuli, Jimbli, see t3o^o jimma, ad-v. Suddenly. 23o3o jinhe, see 2§% t3^D^ Jikir^, ^' Care, anxiety. 2. interference. "ojT^ jiga, ^^^ ^A. t3r(22ii, tSrizSn jigajiga, Jigijigi, .y. The jingling noise of danc- ing. t3ne)0* jigari^, see aioT^S. 2;j23e) ;o jijnasa, ^. Asking, inquir- mg. 2. search, investigation. z^U^ Jitti, ,y^^ rf)^^^. z3Lio^ jittu, see a^oyj^. c^a jitte, s. A lump, unshapen mass. ^d jidfe, ^^^ 3dz?. VzoCS*', t3t^ iidd\ii, Jidda, J. Ranci- dity, mustiness. adj. Rancid, musty. 2. see oS. _ oSoort rancid oil. Z^Q, jiddi, ^^'. Back, postern. s. A small, raised platform. -8cro^^ a back door; a small gate. z^d Jidde, s. A kind of mortar. 2. ^^£^ ^S. ef)a^3:^-^ a wooden mortar for pounding rice. tj^ Jita, «^". Conquered, sub- dued, overcome, —zj^'d learn- ing a lesson by heart. -^^^ a disposition under discipline; a firm mind. Zol^ogjOSo Jitendriye, ^. One who has subdued his passions. 2. an ascetic. 3. a sage. z3|j,=3^^ jittekalli, see '^-&'^^^u7ider 23c3^ jiddi^, i". Enmity, hatred. to^ystuc^^ jiddajiddi^, s. Mutual hatred. e3do Jiddu, see ^5 . Zo^*?^^ to^?D^ jin^s^, jinas^ji, s. A thing, article, goods, pro- visions. t3^*^?j^c^ jin^sara, s. Variety, diversity. adj. Various, di- verse. Ae32J^o, euzooe^j, t3:jj^o jfibalu, Ji- bulu, jibulu, s. Boiled, tender areca nuts. z320J^ jibuli, s. A kind of boys' game, similar to hopscotch. 23u jibba, see 2^020^. t3Dc)?^3s3 Jirasale, see 33eTi?5se3. E3d jire, adj. Little, small. — c3o?3 light red. Jil^ 249 23 ^5j jiva ^D^o^ JilijLmbi, see d^o^jd^o. ^€)^e jilijili, s. Splashing. tSsSez:), t3©^ jilebi, Jilbi, s. A kind of sweetmeat; also 2§e58!)e3, z3^o^, tS^ozoo, e3^o^ jilupu, Jilu- bu, Jilpu, s. Locks of hair left above the ear as an ornament. eSeJ^jilme, see a^oe^jSo. 2^
^ to win, gain. ^2ec^^ z3^^ jini^, Jini, ^. A saddle. -^yj^^, -^DT^o^ to saddle. tS^^^ro^ Jin^si^, see sS^oj. t3^^ jina, adj. Niggardly, parsi- monious, stingy. —^^ parsi- mony, stinginess. 2^^^ jine, s. A miser, niggard. eS^oJ^ Jipuni, ^^^ a??:^. 2:3^0* jirijL, see 2§er©i^. JzS^ddD jiradari, s. The seed Cummum Cyeninum. t3^d?j-8)s3 jirasale, ^. A superior kind of rice, a fine table rice. '^^^fs jiri^e, ^^^ a§eTJz:^&. ^^'. Small, short, --slooel, ^■^>:>:^^ a small species of capsicum (perhaps bird-pepper) of a stronger taste than other sorts. '^^t!):^'^ jiruni, see ?n?tjo^. 23^6 jire, ^. A hero, brave man. 2o^6^^?3, 23^^e)rd jirevale, jir- vale, s. A wasted palm-leaf. 2. a worn out ear-ornament, to^rsF jirna, ^. Digestion, adj. Digested. 2. tattered, old, worn out ; of. \^^' —'^^ the power of digestion. —^h^ to be digested; to be worn out, reduced. — t^j^ok^^ to digest. 23^e^r9^d, 23erlJS^FC3^ d jirna- dhara, Jirnoddhara, s. ' Repara- tion, renovation. 'S^l'^T Jirne, see 2S?r©r. 23^drO jirdari, see ^?-dc^&. 23^ ^F Jirna, see 2§?o3f. 23^?o^Fd jirsale, see 22e"^?fe«3. 23^sJ Jiva, s. Life, existence. 2. vitality, strength. 3. a living creature. — ©sda^, — ©SaB languor, prostration. — j^ AoO dear, fond. — ^?^ full of life; fresh. — oso^ 25^sj jiva 250 teoozoo jiiiii^^ lifeless. —^ ^^f^ fainting. —^^jsfXo at the risk of life. -Cfb?) to be quickened, ani- mated. — ^^b^, — :^5^?), — jS s|v^ to take away life, to kill. — "S^^^sreo^, _ tSiijsreo^ to commit suicide; to bother oneself. ~t>^^ to be animat- ed; to spring, sprout. — ^ro-do^ to swoon, faint; to be alarm- ed, —^"^h^ to die, expire. —z:io^^ to die; to endeavour, aspire after. — ■?l)'^o^?) to revive, renovate, —tf'^o^^ to be envious. ^^^^ vital pow- ers. 8§e4/sAO 22e^ =^jsEjFoi to help at the risk of one's life. Zo^s^oi jivante, s. A living man. e3^sj^53, zS^sJ^^ jivakale, jiva- kale, s. Animation, vitality. to animate, ^. e. consecrate an idol. 23^d=ae5oi jivakante, s. A hus- band. eSesJ^-^e; jivakala, s. The life- time, existence. eSesi^^^, t3es^^e)^?i jiva^hata, jivaghataga, s. Danger to life. 2. murder. 3. treachery, ^e^ n^jd^-R a murderer ; a betrayer, treacherous man. tS^^tio^o jivajantu, s. A living creature, animal. to^s^cTc)^ jivadana, s. Gift of life. Zo^^Cjc)^ jivadase, s. Care for life. zS^s^Fj jivana, ^. Subsistence, livelihood. 2. life, existence. 3. means of sustenance. -^^ ^i to deprive one's means of livelihood. —Tid^^^ to live; to earn one's livelihood; to follow a trade. 2u^sj^cp jivanathe, s. A hus- band. 2. Yama. Su^sd^jj^?^ jivamana, s. Duration of life, lifetime. to^s^Da)^ jivarasi, s. The animal kingdom, living creatures. ^^^T^io'^zi jivasankada, s. Fa- tigue, weariness. 2. languor, exhaustion, —^h^ to be fa- tigued, exhausted. 2o^drTO^> jivasthana, s. A vital part'. 2;j^S3^4,J^^^*^^* ^' -^^^ sentient soul, spirit. 2. life; c/. s:^r©. 22?sro^^ man, as a sentient being. 23^S3c)a jivadi, s. Living crea- tures, animal kingdom. 23^539^ d jivakshara, s. A vowel. 2o^D jivi, s. A living creature. 2. a worm, an insect. T^^^i jivita, adj. Living, alive, existent. 23e^?l)c^ jivisuni (^e^oJ), v. n. To live, exist, subsist. tS^sJ Jivu, see ce^. tijoz^oo jumjum, see a^oSoa^oSo. Vtioozjo^^ jumbuni (a^oo-zS), v, n. To suck, sip, lick. tdjozoo©, Z;joo2oo'^juinbuli,jumbu- 11, J^^ e!)o80oe5. ^jodo jumma 251 2dJ5)^ judi vl tdjodo Jumma, ^. A sudden stun- ning or smarting sensation. 2^oos3o Jumme, s. Custody, charge. ^dOo05:) Junyi, s. A boiling or bubbling noise. tio^-3?uOc^ Jukasuni (&(o^oJ), 7;. n. To nod, be drowsy, sleepy. Zcij=3^o^ jukuti, see oci.30;^. 2ij=3^j, jukku, ^. A measure of seven sticks in a game. z;jort juga, s. A pair. 2. twins. 3. see odjjA. t;3ona)D% 2;ion«)0 Jugar^Jugari, ^. Gaming, gambling. _ :^ja20o^ c3do3j a gamester, gambler. _>^j320o^?i to gamble. -it^^ViX juttu, ^. A tuft of hair of the head, cue; -?ryo^^, _aoO sjDc^o^ to tie the hair into a knot. 2;ijrl Judde, see ^^ . tij2o Jubba, s, A short jacket. v.^i'i^x jubbu, 5. A spheroid, to globule. ~AtiosJsS^2^o^3^ Jumjum, ^. Numb- ness, sleeping of the limb. 2. a throbbing pain. 3. horri- pilation, -©"b^ a limb to be benumbed; to be horrified; to feel pain, as when a boil suppurates. tij^j?)a jumadi, s. A demon so called. txjodoo^ jumula, see 2^0^^. -^ tijs^j, jumma, see 3^00^. tiJsSo, Jumme, see ^a^q-^. tijsjj Jumla, s. Total, whole. CO JtdOdJorlo^ Jurunguni (a^o-docK), v, n. To hesitate, be reluctant. t;iodosJs:e)c5 Jurumane, see 3^0*2^0 2^oo^eoo Julabu, ^. Purging, looseness of bowels. 2. a purgative. ^e?^^ to purge. —t^jsliFoi to administer a pur- gative. — j2i3i^^ to take a purgative. —^^h?:^ to suffer from looseness of bowels. cro^^^— vomiting and diar- rhoea, cholera. tio0^, tij^o^, t^jo^o^Julipe, Ju- lupU, JUlpU, ^^^ 2500^. tioe^o^o^, tdjejj^Julumiji, julmu, ^. Oppression, tyranny, injus- tice: also diCiOjCiS^. aiod. _ais^ tyrannical procedure, violent measures. Julumane, Julman^, Julmane, .y. A fine, penalty. -■rfo<^o^?) to fine. tiOSTsa juvadi, see 2§?s3sa. t;iOST3^ juvali, s. A kind of reed. tio^^z^o^^ juli^jul^, s. The noise of falling water. JtdJ3z3, ^^JSt^j Juji, Juju, ^. Gaming, a wager, as with cocoanuts. — ^yo^?i to gamble. — 7v)"5 a gambler. —^ ^^se^ a fighting cock. tiJ5)^, tdJsL^o jutiji, Jutu, s. A lie, falsehood. tiJ3^o3)F^6 judlpugere, s. A kind tiJ33 Juti 252 ^>^^ jeil^ of tobacco imported from the Ghauts. tsJJSvB Juti, s. Shoes. 2^J3^^ jul^, s. The cover of a saddle, horse-cloth. tiJSO juli, s. A funnel, pipe, spout. — ^ ^^ a distilling pot with a pipe. — sSoeoo a pot with a spout. ^o'^^\ ^otooS jeinbilyi, jembuli, ^023 jembe, adj. Insipid, taste- eE=s^ri) jek^ni, see 3i-&jf^. d^s;^ jekkeli^, see dd^^6. eErt jege, see 2^i<. ^tH jeg-ge, ^^^ 3^5^. ^li jetti, ^^^ 3i&o^. ^^ jedi, s. A speck in the eye; bet. ciS. ^^og^ jedipuni, see d^^h^. 2. J sEcl jede, ^^^ s^^. 2£sS^^, 2£^r^ jeppuni, Jerpuni (^), 7/. ;«. To lie down. 2. to sleep, rest; also ^i^?^^. zE^ jeppe, ^. The last cowrie put in an empty hole of a playing board (eio^^s?) at the end of one's turn. ^s3j jem^, see ^■^• ^D' jer^, see ^^B. ^^^^^ J^3|, jesht^, s. Misfortune, cala- ^^o^c)55)c^ jenkavuni, c.v, (o/^^o tfo^) To detain, stop. 2. to delay, put off. ^^0=3*0^ jenkuni (fi^o^), v.n. To delay, be deferred. 2. to hesitate, waver; of. ieo^o^. ^^0=^ jenke, see ^^o€. ^^n^ jeg^, see crooSoK. ^'' zE^^ jedi, s. Glutinous clay, chalk, a kind of white earth ; also ^eS. ^^a jedi, tr. past part, of "^^^^ or jSs^^. zB^sS, ^^200 jepu, jebu, s. A pocket. ^^D^ jeri^, s, A Pariah's child. ^^0^, 2£e^ jer^j jera, i^. Descent, declivity, precipice. -^^^g**^"305j jerijkayi, see :R^Bm)O30. sE^^jjf jerlu, s. Pariah children. V^^sJ jevu, s. A child. 2. a lad, youth, ^fi- a male, man. ^^e— a female, woman. ^^23^ jel^, see ^^6. ^^sl jeshta, ^^^ ^''^^q- ^^sldjqij jeshtamadhu, ^^^ ^^?s^ ^^^ jeshte, .y^^ ^^^^q- d^^'sari jeinadig-e, ^. Abstinence from meat and liquor. 'S,)^ jeine, s. A Jain. &3^c^ jeipana, adj. Invulne- rable. ^^^^, 2S^?jj^jeipuni, jeisuni (^^), z'. ^. To conquer, win, be successful. ^)^0o^ jeimini, s. A sage so called. ^o^ jeili^, ^. A jail, prison. ^J?)o€ jonke 253 ^^JS^do jodu >/^J5o=^, e§J5o€e' jonke, jonkel^, s. A bunch, cluster. ^JSosJ^, sSj^o"^^ jompadi, jom- pudi, s. A shed, hut. 2§J3rij joggu, ^^^ 8^^- djsrio joggura, (^^'. Overripe. 2Ejsi jote, ^^^ s^^. ^js^ Jot^®> /'^'^^ ^- ^ ^^^^^ or J'SS)^ jolle, J. Spittle; ^^.'fe*^. ^J3^o^^ jompudi, see ^osja. ^J3^=3^o joku, s. Ostentation, dis- play; vanity, foppery. 2£jS^=s^od.3^ jokum^, s. Danger, risk. adj. Dangerous. >/dJS^'^j^o jokulu, s. Children; c/. d;s?4- cS.'se^oTO&^T^ childish- ness. >/^J3^=^ joke, i". Care, heed, cau- tion; safety, —t^^^^ to take care. ^Ji^ii joga, s. Abstraction of mind; see oSjs^a. —^h^ to be in ecstasy. _ sDlbr^ to be seized with demoniac frenzy. 2§J3^/1cdj jogamma, s. A female devotee. eEjS^ri^ jogatte, s. Sitting cross- legged, -^'sodoob^ to sit on cross-legs. ^JS^h ]ogi,s. A religious mendi- cant. 2. the name of a caste. 3. the name of a man; also cd®e?\. ^^j^^r\t>oz^F jogiparndu, s. A kind of fruit. ^s0^r\^?5r Jogipurse, s. The name of a demon. rflower. ^J^^f\Z^ jogipu, s. A kind of 'Sj^^r\z'M jogimara, s. The por- tia tree, Thespasia populnea\ also ^^f\ ^^ 7id ^-d. ■J'Sj^^i^-:> pgu, s. A water-fall, catiaracu. fvessel ^JS^rloc^ Joguni, s. A drinking J ^JS^rio^, 'S>J^^r{:i^ Jogula, Joguli, s. A lullaby. J ds^^Zi^Dzid^ jojapaduni (-s^^S), V. a. To sing a lullaby; to lull. J^JS^eoO^oo^, ^js^tio^jojiyuni, jo- juni (■J$i^d:i jodu, ^. A pair, yoke, match, couple. 2. a pair of sandals. (2;^'. Equal, like. _t5;3?-rfo two and two. -t?l^?), 22 •^j^^d Todne 254 23^ ^ inani ^^zs^h^ to join, couple, pair. —■^s^^o^^ to join, pair, unite. 2. to assist, countenance, pa- tronise, t^^— a pair of gloves. s:^^oJ- a pair of slippers. ■Booso— a pair of stockings. ^JS^d jodne, see ^j?>^TiA -J^Ejs^s^^j^ Jotaduni (^jae^S), V. n. To wave, move, oscillate. ^JS^^ joti, see ^^?S. 2§J3^vB=S^JS^^o jotikolu, ^. A long walking stick. 2£js^35S[, 2§J5^3;^ jotisha, Jotisa, see ^jso^'S?:^. dJS^vl^o jotishye, see d©^?^^^. 2£j5^ J jotra, see d^?^. 2£js^^r^ Jonage, .y. A wicked per- son; a lewd fellow. ^Jt>^3ia jopadi, see ^o^a. J ^J^^3i^, sBj^i^SJ;^^, ^J3^53tt)^ JO- pane, jopasana, Jopana, s. Care, circumspection. ^^'. Cau- tious, careful. — •rfo'i^^o^^ to take care of; to keep care- fully. ^J3^sJJa)6?^d jomalesara, s. A kind of gold necklace. ^J3^o5j joyi, see ^jse?\. ^j^:^o5o?gjoyise, .$". An astrologer. e^js^d Jora, ^^^ ^e^- tBjs^do, 2£j5^D"9dQjoru, joravari, ^. Force, pressure, violence. 2. importunity. 3. power, strength. 4. severity, harsh- ness ; also c5j8eS, sSjaeO. _eylb^ to become importunate; to become powerful, to be af- fected with liquor, tobacco, etc\ to be harsh. — troj^^ to be hard. --rfo^o^^ to force, compel. 'i^^^ jola, see ^js?^. ^JS^^oh jolangi, .y^^ n^i^o?\. J2§JS^o«)e3 Jolata, s. Oscillation, hanging. ^J3^©, ^JS^©?^ joli, Jolige, ^. A small bag for receiving alms. 2. a piece of cloth suspended by a woman down her shoul- ders to carry about her baby in it. ^J?)^^o jolu, adj. Soft, moist. >y2. pendent, flapping. ~^^ a soft or moist kind of jag- gory. >/2Bj3^^ jovu, s. a child, baby, youth, youngster. 2. a fe- male child. —"^^^^^ j£;3e^o«K^^4^' 23^ 3J^ Jnapaka, s. Memory, re- collection. ^0^4 Jyeshtha, s. The third lunar month, adj. Best, ex- cellent. 2. elder-born; 9C do ^5^ sjjqSo jyeshthamadhu, s. Li- quorice root. &^4 jyeshthe, s. The eighteenth lunar mansion. 2. an elder sister. 3. the goddess of poverty (^co)-^^^ misfortune. '&^^ jyeshthe, s. The elder son or brother. d^^^^B jyoti, s. Light, lustre. 2. a star, -^^j astrology. dj?o^3^jyotisha, s. The science of astronomy ; astrology. 2£j?o^>B^o jyotishye, ^ An astro- nomer, astrologer. ujii J vara, see ^Ti. tsiD^o^doojD Jvalamukhi, ^. A vol- cano. 23^ ^3 jvale, s. Flame. 2. heat, warmth. 3. inflammation. O'JJ d^ jha. The twenty-second letter of the alphabet. dpo=aDd jhankara, sec ^.^ec^-d. dooodpo jhamjham, see "cb^^^ d:^os53a)°^ jhampetala, ^^^ ^o^ dp5-305o?;jo^ jhakayisuni (tC\o^ cxsjoi), v.n. To bluster, tyran- nise. dcpiidc^jri jhagajhaga, s. Brilli- ancy. — -^ooEio^ to shine bril- liantly. d:^r(°^ jhagala, see s^X^. jhag'gane, ^^Z^.'. Quickly, hastily, —-^oc^o^ to flash. d¥>r^N ^ as lightning. dcpej^sjei Jhatapati, see sd&jD&w. dco^sB, d:^^ Jhaditi, jhadti, s. Examination, as of accounts. 2. search, rummage. JH dp^^S^ jhadipuni, see d^^h^. Jhanu, jham^jhamu, s. The tinkling of ornaments when . walking. dpsSoO Jhameri, see ^-^oQ. d^O jhari, s. A spring. 2. a cascade, waterfall. T^o^ jhallu, s. Sudden terror. 2. palpitation. 6d^DU>^, dc^-9C3B jhadiji, Jhada, s. Settlement 6'?' payment in full. 2. completion, termination. —^h^ to be settled or paid fully, to be over, finished. ^^0^0^^ to pay entirely, to finish. dc^c^^ jhadane, see dd^riA- c^Jc)^j, ^-^zj Jhama, Jhava, see 8d^^. 22* ^Dv jhala 256 y^a) taka c^: «) V 0^ , dc^^ o D J lialar^, jhalari, 6:p^o=5Dd jhenkara, ^. The buz-- zing or humming of bees. d:pJ?)^osJ^ jhompadi, see daozja. '^ ria, The twenty-third letter of the alphabet. J <^o7^^, '^=sS nann^^i, nakki^, s. Crushing, bruising into a jelly or mass. ~^h^ to be crushed into a mass. — "s^ ^^^ to crush into a mass. "^ix^ii nakkanakka, adv. Quick- ly, swiftly; coarsely. J 'oO=^^% "oCT^^b^ nakkati^, naga- T^dit^jadj. Lean, thin, stunted, faded. 'Sr^ nappe, see <^^c833«. 2. see ^c^r^o^ riar^nar^, see zibzib. 2. see N^c^oTJj. N '^d'^d, ^=5^F'^^rnaranara,iiar- kanarka, ^^■. Slight, little. — s3e^ slight pain. 'SO'^r narke, see ?^^r. '^5^^'^^^, '^j?^^'^3^^ navu- linapuli, nolinappuli, ad:'. In- discriminately. — ^^^ to eat indiscriminately. 'SO^^ nani, ^6?^ s^o). '^JSoZGo nonnu, adj. Shrivelled, contracted. i'^JS^© noli, s. Anything sticky, gummy glutinous, viscous. 2. saliva. —Ti-d Aloe lit or alts, —'STfdj^ to vomit phlegm. 13 y ta. The twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet. lJo5*^ejo^^ tankijitank^, s. Pit-a- pot, twang, as of a wire, elc. Uov£^ tankana, s. Borax. UoT5^?TOd tankasale, see Ts^o^steeS. Uc^DD^ tankar\j, see ^d^^. eJc^g'o tanku, s. The twang of a bow-string. T eJorV^ tangly, s. A saddle girth. -ieJoSjDs* tantan^, s. A noise made in sounding a brass vessel, elc, with the knuckles. 2. the striking of a clock. y«'e)OSo?uj^> takayisuni, see ^v^ U^c)D^, y^^S takary, takari, see £j=5^ takk^ 257 ej^xf^ tikijL 13=5^, Uvd, takki^, takku, see y=^ takke, see ^^^. i ^rio^ tagariji, ^. A ram. y^ tappa, (^^^. Flatly. —^ ziov^ to drop down flatly. — sojs 1^0^ to fall flatly. yssi^o^ tappali^, s. The post. 2. a relay of bearers, bullocks, ^^^.; <2;/j-^ w^. — ^^ the post- ofiice. -?f;)A^ a letter-paper; a post-letter. - ^orfo^ a post- horse. eisjo^, e3^ tamate, tamki, ^. A tambour. 2. proclamation by beat of tomtom. — ^d^o^ to proclaim in such a manner. i]D'305o?oo^ tarayisuni, see t^^dsoso yD-S)53fl taravane, see ^^■^^. eJsdfl tavane, see ^^^^' y?o, y?o tase, tasse, see ^;6. to 0=5^ tanki^, s. The nib of a pen. 2. basting down a stuffed bed, to make it secure. — ^ij^cio^, ~^o;^ s:^c^o^i to nib a pen; to baste down a stuffed bed. ^30^ c^^, ^"so^^ tankan^, tanka- ni, see 6ro^f^. teo^ tanki, i-. A trough, or cistern. ^"So^^ tankini, see &ro^f^. to=g^ takyi, ^^^ 6:3 o^. b"5)=s^D5^, ^-stS^c^^ takan^, takanyi, .y. A Pegu pony. be)^c)b'3^^, ^c)=^J?)^^c)=5^ takata- ki^, takotaki^, adj\ Quick, hur- ried, hasty. ^^cl, e3^c^o tane, tanya, see t^tdc^s. to^, eje)^^^osS, ^1)35 tapu, ta- pupituve, tape, s. Banishment, transportation. ~^t^ to be punished with transportation. too^ tariji, see .^^. ejc)d tara, see -^B. ba)S^, ^e)53l3^"i)P§^ tavU, tlVU- tikanu, see tto4- b'S"^ tali, ^. A lie, deceit. ^■3^^^ talipuni (&ss?), 7,/. a. To deceive, cheat; ^. tsDC^^. Uo=5^ tinkij, ^. The sound of a stringed, musical instrument, as a guitar, efc; also &3o-S-rS. e32C^^e32S=^ tin^tinij/^. Tinkling. 13^* tiki^, s. The sound, as of a pendulum. ~^t^ to tick. li^^roS li^Dr?) tikani;, tikani, see 3^^. ej^ tikki, ^. Hitting one marble with another in a game of marbles. -zi^rio^ to hit a marble. m tikke, see ^%. eieJs^ tittibha, s. A lapwing. Ut^M tippane, s. A commentary; an explanatory note. Ui:}, tibbi, ^^^ ^?4- to Ue tilli, ^. The spleen, milt; liver. 13^=0% e3^=^^ til^iij tit^j •^- Mean- ing, interpretation, glossary. &3e-a-?do^ to translate, inter- pret, explain. 13^^^ tik^ 258 DDrD thana ii^^* tikyi, see s?^, ei^^ tiki, s. A small precious object ; a small bell ; cf. •^^. — -dorS a gold necklace. ii^^ tipu, s. A stitch; ^/^-^ i'esSi 4'3eD7^. -^ds'o^ to stitch. e3^;j tivi, see a? -a. ejj^j,yj=s^j,, lio^j,=5* tukkutukku, ■& ■& a \ tuktukyi, adv. Rapidly, quick- ly. -e;sAOg^ to dart, flit, fly. ^o=ar35s3, eSo^"?) »5 tenkasale, tenk- _ , a) • ' • sale, i"^^ ■^os'^iDe?. ^^Sjd§'5)v2, eSe^ra tevanati, teva- ni, see "^e^^roB. J^JSo=3^ tonka, .y. The loins, hip. ~6^?i, —zj^rid^ to hop, leap on one leg. 63j3^ toppi, s. A cap, hat, or helmet. 2. fraud, cheating. 3. failure, defeat. -i?b^ to fail. ~-^^h^ a hat to put on. -sroil)^ to cheat. -^^JS^Jj tollu, see if.«^o^. ^JS^=a% ^JS^^s'o tok^, toku, ^. Cash, ready money. 2. total, aggregate; also feSjseon'o, ^Sjae-S-. — 3jr©4 money in cash. — "d.^ srooso total rupees. ^ tha, The twenty-fifth letter of the alphabet. ^0T^rve)s3 thankasale, s. A mint. c^^c)05o?^o^ thakayisuni (^wdoso cj), ^. ^. To deceive, cheat. 2. to gain time by false re- presentations. C^Se)& thakari, adj. Spurious, false, counterfeit, —-d:^^:) sl mock-pearl. ^5^0, thakk^, thakku, s. d5'^. Dissimulation, deceit, pre tence, hypocrisy, fraud. -^?J chicanery; hoaxing. -3if^^ to lie; to pretend, -^^o^^ to cheat, deceive, defraud. C^^ thakke, s. A cheat, dissem- bler. c^rio* thagary, see uX5. TH dG^o5o:jo^ tharayisuni (^t^^oso^), 7y. a. To compose, execute any literary work. 2. to fix, determine, settle. ?:^d"ssjcI tharavane, s. Composi- tion, combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse; diction, style. 2. settlement, determination. dsjfl thavane, s. Simple and compound addition. ~^jizs^ 4^i to add up figures. — sjs ^oi to write down figures for adding. c^ro, c^4 thase, thasse, s. A seal, stamp. 2. stamp duty. — w) 7(^ a stamp paper. Uc)r3, u^r^o thana, thSnya, .y. A place, station; lodging; a garrison, police-station. crao^ thar^ 259 d€. dakka BDD^ thari^j adv. x4t one stroke; completely, fully. D^^ thavu, s. A place, abode, lodging. 2. cause, occasion; also Ti;^4S>^Fi. S)=$Df^^, S5"3r?! thikaniji, thikani, s. Eesort, residence, station. 2. means, room, opportunity. ©^5^, S^=CTO thiki;, thlku, ^4/*. Proper, fit. 2. exact, complete. 3. true, —s^ ^r®c3 a sumptuous meal. S)^^ thipu, see ^^4- S)^^ thivi, ^. Ostentation, dis- play. 2. condition, state. 3. gait, figure, mien. ^o^^d, ^^o^siit thenkara, then- kara, s. The twang of a bow. 2. haughtiness, pride. ^^^ess-)*!, ^^drJ thsvanati, the- vani, s. Deposit of cash. 2. ready-cash. 3 . keeping money in a bank. — :i?b^ to deposit, keep money in a bank. d d da, The twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet. d da, a conditional particle af- fixed to verbs ^ signifying: If. e?o3j 80£^c^ if he should come. ws^rtSr^ if he does not come. do dam, see t^So. Cao^', c«o^, Cao^CTrii danki^, danka, dankani, s. A large, double drum, ■rfo^aro^ a drummer. do^^d daukara, s. The sound of a double drum. do^ danke, .y^^ ^o^. (^o/T^, dorij dangy, dangu, s. Surprise, wonder, —^t^ to be surprised, stunned, over- powered. dorl, do/io danga, dangara, ^^^ doridori dangadanga, «^^'. Hasti- p doHo^ danguni, see rfoAo^ Ti6f\ dange, ^^^^ c^ot^. dori dangra, i". Proclamation by beating of a gong etc. —^^ ^0?) to proclaim in such a manner. ' dodfo^ dandany, s. The sound of a large^drum or gong, do 20 damba, see t^c^. doZJd dambara, i". Pomp, gran- deur. do2o6 dambare, see ^oso-^. doE^ dambha, 3". Ostentation, display, -^jssio^^ to boast, brag. dozp'sz^^d, ::^o2j3D^j dambhacara, dambhata, s. Ostentation, empty show. d5), d^, dakka, dakke, ^. xA. large kind of double drum, shaped dc7) dana 260 c^ozoj dubdu C5 • like an hour-glass. —^ soeD carrying an idol in proces- sion round its temple with beating of such a drum. — cro o3o a drummer, adv. see rf^^. Jdt^dz^ danadana, s. The sound of a large bell. d^ dappu, s. A small drum beaten on one side ; a tabret. -Is^ej dabba, s. A noise of any- thing falling into water. —^^ Tio?i to fall into water with a noise. zit^. dabba, s. A tin box, as of kerosine oil. dt). dabbi, s. A small box, chest. 2. a box kept in temples, for receiving offerings. ^5-^ a snuff box. c^m dabbu, ^. A lie, falsehood, ^j * 2. a boast, brag. 3. a half anna piece. — t^tS a liar; a braggart. — s>)^o?j to tell a lie; to brag. zi^:^ dam, s. The noise of firing J a gun. ^i— 'rfEo the noise of a drum. c^sJoD^, :^s^jdo=^, j^s^oOort dama- rii, damaruka, damaruga, s. A small drum, shaped like an hour-glass. Jc5s3J3r^, ^^5^6 damana, damara, s. A kettle-drum. z^sjj?)^j damami, ^. A hollow sound, empty noise. 2. false dignity ; ostentation, empty show. c^S3c)05ol dalayite, s. A belted peon. d^ij^o^, zi^i)0 davali^, davali, s,\ A peon's belt. — 3:]Dtlj3r©o^ ta put on a belt. ds^^ijo davulu, ^^^ rf^ejo. C3e)ot:D=^, Ci"3o"4)r^dambike,dainblii- ge, ^. A pedant, one given to affectation. 2. a hypocrite. Cia)=5^ dak\i, s. Vaccination. — sro Tk>^ to vaccinate. UDz:^do^T damdum, see 9dSo C3e)a^ dali^, ^. A shield. W^O^ dalcini, see ^p ?). to- _• ^ iSe)^ dali, s. An army. ^o-S- dinki, s. A gymnastic feat. ^0^0^ dindindi, s. The knoUing of a bell. ^o^si), ^^rio dindima, didima, s. A small drum. ^z^, ^23^^23^ dib, dibdib, s. The noise of a violent blow. ^EOA dibbu, J. A push with the leg. ^^o^ dil^, adj. Loose, not tight. 2. free, unrestrained; also ^^ e;, :>^^^o: do's^ duk, see yo^o^yog'Oj. r^orb duggii, .y. Uneasiness. djZ^DQ^^iTio^ dubayisuni (^scrooaj CO), v.a. To drown 2. to cause loss. 3. to deceive, cheat. t^jajj^:* dubdub, s. The sound of a small drum. d^iZd^ dubba 261 ZpJ5?=3*o dhoku rs.zj dubba, see ^20^. c^osjoo d^ dumdum, s. The sound of a large drum. 2. see ^So. do=5oFdo=aor durkudurku, ^. The noise of breaking wind down- ward. do^fj dennana, see zj^zi^'^. d^6 dere, s. A tent, -sijd^o^. — ^^^j^ to pitch a tent. d^J5)^^ deimanij, ^. Diamond in cards. J2|j^o=5S ^JS 0=3^0 donki;, donku, s. Crookedness. adj\ Crooked, curved. 2. perverse, cross. — s>)T^o^ to limp, hobble. dj^oi^ danka, ^^^ a^o^. JrlJSo^o^ donkeliji, ^. Crooked- ness. J rlJSofI donne, ^. A cudgel, club. ^JSo20Da)lJ, dJ^o^3•e)ej dambarata, dombata, see <5jso2ot3su. dj3o20c)6 dombare, see ^SjscsS. -i i|j?)o2^, jIjSoeS dombi, dombe, see ^lJ5o^3D^ domberi^, ^^^ djsod^. ^J3os3o* dombeli^, see dj?>ot26. ■D-' -d- 'I '^ _ rrao^, djs rio ^dokka, dokkalu, do^galv, doggal^, doggu, see A ' A djizj^ doppa (-^-2^^), Z'^^/;^. With, together with, efodo- with him. ?:^T^js)?^a— with man; ef. a^^. ^JS^ doppe, see As^. dJS^A dollu, <2^'. Fat, stout, J large. 2r void, hollow, s. A pot-belly. djs^ dolle, s. A pot-bellied man. c|jS^=aO doku, see 4j^^^o. dS}^!^ dobi, s. A washerman. ^JS^O^ dol^, see zf^fyo. clj^e^oA dolangi, ^^^ cf^^cTs. ^dJS^O doli, .y. A dooly or litter. c|j?)^e-)a, z^js^^o dolu, dolu, see clJe^^^-^ dola, s. The eye. «:^" Stout. z^^B^ doulat^, see t3^e;§. cf^^o doulu, i'. An estimate, valuation. 2. appearance; mien; air; demeanor. ^ Zf> dha, The twenty-seventh letter of the alphabet. do =5* dhanka, see Tic^. DH 2^ ^6 dhere, see 'dfd. 2pj^^=^j dhoku, s. Injury, defect. 2. fear, alarm. ra na 262 ;^o^ tandi rj) na, s. The twenty-eighth letter of the alphabet. r^sj d nappada, s. Weariness, ex- haustion; harassing. — ^efb^ to be done up, harassed. ra^ nala, adj. Smooth. :i ta, s. The twenty-ninth letter of the alphabet. -i ^c^ tanka, s. The lungs. 2. the liver. 3. see tjo^, --=5^acdoo^, —47^^^ to be very much fatigued. ^0^ tanki, see ^o-&. ^on^ tang-iji, see ^oK. ^oJid tangada, see lioA-d. i :^or!^ tangadi, s. A male's younger sister; also ■ko7\. ^oTir^ tangada, adv. Together, ^orra^ tangali, s. A cool breeze. ^oT\^rf tangis^, adj. Cold, chill. ^. A fishing tackle, fishing line. i^orio^ tanguli, see iioiKoc. tozz^too'^t^ tannanemannape, s. Deception, imposition, pre- tence. — "siD^o^^ to impose upon; to pretend. ^Qi& tanci, s. A bag, purse. ^oti tanja, s. Evening, sunset, night, -rf e^*^ the evening star. ^i^csoc^ tannana, s. Rice boiled T in the preceding evening, stale food. io^DSj^ tantavuni, see ^^o^^^. ;^ol]o^ tantuni, see ^ou^^. J;^o^ tante, s. Annoyance, trouble, difficulty. 2. mischief. 3. interference, meddling, con- nection. —7^'5,—£/^& a trouble- some, mischievous or obsti- nate man. —^w^jB vexation, molestation. — ^^, ~7jd^ bad goods; rotten things. — ^^Ov ^> to annoy, trouble. oi^^ eyodo ^o^ ^jslS have nothing to do with him. ^oC5^ tand^, s. Whole. 2. see rfoS. adj'. Entire, whole. •\:iou\ ^ozi tandi^, tauda, .yrMulti- tude, crowd, host, army. 2, a side, party. ^ozZD:^oozi:> tandatundu, see ^oTi> ^oWdrf tandasy, s. A privy on the bank of a river. ^c^ tandi, see tioSi. ^oQr^ tandige, see ^c^iR. :^oc^o tandu 263 ;^ofS tanne ;^o2^o^oodotandutundu, see-^^oTki !^ooTli. [raw state. :^odj^) tandula, s. Rice in a J;^ocl tande, ^. A silver anklet. ^ocl23^, :^ocls3 tandely, tandele, s. The captain of a native vessel ; a boatman, tinclal. icrs tanna, ^^^ ?^cp©. V^orsF^, ^ofo^sSors tannana, tanni^i- mena, see ^e|_?^- ^:sors?o^ tannas^, see ^r©cJ. >/;^or?) tanni, <3;<5^". Cold; cf. 7io^. sj -N/^crfeS cold water. ^03^, ^0:^0 tant^ji, tantu, s. Thread. 2. pulse, vein, nerve. ®o^ ^J3^ zjocIdot^o only the pulse beats. ^0^ tanti, ^. Wire. 2. the string of a musical instrument. — w 33|^^ the telegraph. ^oj tantra, s. Craft, cunning, device, trick, intrigue, plot. 2. worship performed by hand without formulas. 3. a reli- gious treatise on formulas, rites, etc. for the worship of the deities. 4. the part of the Vedas treating of magical and mystical formulas. 5. subser- vience, service, dependance. — t^tS, — croo3o, ^-sixjs^F a crafty man. — croS, see ^oSj. —-^^^^ to play tricks, to deceive. :^o^^ tantrajrie, s. A man of art. ^ov^, ^Q^'i tantri, tantrike, s. One versed in mystical formu- las, rites, elc. for the worship of the deities. ^023^ tandiji, see tjoS. ^oc3^^o^, ;^oC3^doo^ tandi^pudi, tandi^mudi, see ^o6j?>^. J^odi^ tandana, .y.vAn unmean- ing sound, used in humming a tune. 2. red sandal ; c/. sio ^^. adj. Small. 2. deterio- rated, reduced, worn out ^ t>7\ ^od^ e?oS this ornament is worn out. 7;^odo^ tandel^, s. A cudgel, club; also — Aoa?^. ;^odJ5^ tandodi, s. The handle of a plough. :^odJ?)^?^ tandolige, s. The white dammer tree Valeria Indica. ^0(d^ tannana, see siocd?^. -^Ofds^tannavu,^^^/?. One's own; his own. V^ocSc)^, :^o^"5ln^ tannate, tanna- teg:^, /'?'^/2. For oneself, him- self, itself, ad^}. Of one's own accord, by itself. — E^c^ijsrso^ to walk for oneself, i. e. to act as one likes. ';^o^o3j tannaye, s. One's own man; a dependant; a friend, favourite. :^o^5J3^rJri tannimaniga, s. The name of a female demon. ^0(5 tanne, adv. Near, by, close, s. A bystander. — erooj^o^ to stand by one. —^fjs-ds^^ to vex. _8olbF^ to come to- gether. -i^o^^ tannena, adj. Cold, cool. ;^oc3ajo^ tannepinne, s. The old and young. 2. box and dice. io?Se tanne 264 ^o;?o tamme :^0r2^cl tannede, see M'^- totj^ tampade, s. Two slips of a bamboo placed close to each other, and tied together. J^oo^ tampu, s. Coolness, cold. adj. Cool, cold, -^j^s? cool breeze. -e?L^ to become cool ; to be appeased, pacified. -^^0^^ to cool ; to appease, pacify. ^020=5^ tambaky, s. The prince's metal, an alloy of certain metals, pinchbeck. 2. tobacco v/^ozoy, ^o2o^ tambata, tambate, A tambourine, war-drum. 2. boast, bragging. S.^'^^e^osSjaa. _=?^jsE^^ to brag. n/;^oEou^ tambada, s. A large drum. ^otod tambara, s. Coriander. 2. see ?jo2J3t^. :^o2odc^ tambarande, j. Garlic. ;^o23^=a^ tambak^, see ^o20^. J ^ot^fi tambige, s. A small, round, metal vessel. ^ot^^ tambila, ^. An ordinary offering to demons, etc. ^t< €— see under ^-R^. ?iDX~an offering to serpents. ^^- a grand offering to demons. _=^jsLr?) to give such offerings. ;^o200 tambu, ^. A tent. — s:dt1d ^), —^7)^0^ to pitch a tent ; to remain, stay; to delay. -^ o3dh?i to halt, stop in a march. ^02000, ;^o20J?)0 tamburi, tambu- ri, s, A five-stringed guitar. 2. a soldier's drum. ^oZOO"^ tambuli, ^. A kind of chatni or sauce, prepared of cocoanut milk, condiments efc. with or without greens, and eaten with rice. J ^oeoos;^o tambulu, s. Tamil. ;^o2o^D* tamber^, ^. A kind of reckoning in the game of yekkadi (»2%^). ^oE3^do^ tamberuni, eee ^odeT^o^. :^oe3jS^, tambodi, see ^oeoy. 2. see siotSjaS, ^ozSjs^ tamboli, see ^oz^o^. J ^ozio^ tammate, see ^oeoy. ^odora tammana, s. Hospitality, entertainment ; dinner. — rf 2o^^ a grand wedding dinner. — oTOili^ to give a dinner to a pregnant women. —-^^x^ to give a dinner to a wedding party. sg)^ tammanipuni, tammanyuni, tammanipuni (^o-^iorS, ^o-^j^), z'. a. To entertain a guest, to give a dinner. J^o5l)53 tammal^, ^.-'A maternal uncle. 2. a father-in-law./ 3. a kind of tare growing among corns etc. ^orl:^^ a kind of tare found in gram. ^osjoori tammuge, see ^o^. ^osSjcs tammena, see ^e|^^. c^osSoog)?^ tammepuni, see ^:Soag^. :^odjQ^, ^o^oD tammer\ji, tamme- ri, see ^^5. ^osSo tamme 265 ^n^ tagga ;^odj^o^ tammeluni, see ^^o<*;o^. /^od^ojj tammeiya, s. An affec- tionate form of addressing a younger brother. [rice. ^oSjO tammge, ^. A kind of -^;^oL^oF^ tarntuni {^^^r^, v. n. To shrivel. ^=3^sfjj takatti^, .y. A throne. J ;^=s^^^, a=5^3j=a takataka, takapaka, s. Agility in dancing, etc. 2. bubbling in boiling, adv. Nimbly, briskly. /^=^ takka, adj. Fit, suitable, proper, deserving, worthy. —^^ fitness. —zji)t6 a proper word. — ?:j^ajj a good opportu- nity, favourable season. ^ 's^fi suitably, properly, de- servedly. ^=a,od takkanda, see zi^^s^oTi. i^,^, ;3=3\b^. takkatu, takkattu, adj. As much as is suitable; adequate, sufficient. ^^^ takkadi, s. Large scales. —oDoSo one who cheats in weighing; a rogue. ^=^r9, ^=^^ takkana, takkana, s. A small spoon. 2. a small kind of mat; also ^s^^dzJ^. -. <2^> Little. s55odoo?iclK ^^^^r© 3i;^?3Do3o /iV. one who holds a spoon where (anything) drops, t. e. one who takes advantage of another's weak- ness, a stingy man. ;^=^o5js^ooo7^i^ takkeyimungei, s. The upper arm and forearm. t'^jpT^ , ^=^^J3/iotakkela^u,tak- kelogu, see ^s^^d^Xo utider ^ ;^=^J5,N takkona, ^^^ ^^^?^3. :^^^D^ takrar^, ^. Interference, hinderance. 2. dispute, quar- rel. :^-S\^D^takrir^, s. Objection, pro- test. — S5^r a counter peti- tion. — •^j^o^c'i to object, pro- test, quarrel. ;^^.^D* taksiru, ^. An offence, crime, fault. ^i)j\T^^ tagadi^, s. A thin metal plate. —'^oT^-i pure gold. ^ot^s^tL- a gold leaf. J ;^ridj tagaru, ^^^ waS. >^:^r(do^ tagaruni (^aS), ^'. n. To draw near. ;^?i5^, ^TTsa, ^?is)d, ;^nc)5S tagavu, tagadi, tagade, tagavu, s. Dunning for payment. 2. peremptory demand. ;^riosSo tagume, see o?^^. ;^rij53 tagule j. A bug. ^^f\ tage, s. A female's elder brother. ■if\-,xf , ar|^6 tageiru, tageire, ^. Discharge, dismissal. —-^^^^ ^ to turn out, dismiss. J:^riJ30 tagori, s. The potter's wheel, ^n^ taggu, s. Low ground, a dale, valley, descent, decli- vity, adj. Low, depressed. — ^^ lowliness, humility. ^n^^^ taggavuni, <;. ^'. {of ^aj^ 23 ^Ti:^ tSiggvL 266 aU tatti ?i) To lower, humble. 2. to diminish, lessen. 3- to level down. -^ ^ris:i p tagguni (^^), ^'. n. To be humble, modest. 2. to in- cline, lean. -i:iA6 taggele, s. A lowly or humble man ; also ^'h ajrooSo. :i^rU^ tagmal^, s. A female slave, maid-servant, -^ri, tagme, s. A male slave, man-servant. J ^tio^ tajanki^, s. The plant Cassia tora. tt^"^ tajapu, s. Notching, inden- tation. <3;^*. Indented, notch- ed. — sjscl:^ to cut into a row of teeth. ;^2a^c^ tajapuni (^3^), v. a. To chop, cut in pieces. ii'Sit::^ tajibiji, ^. Endeavour, effort, exertion. 2. cogita- tion, reflection. — ^s;*^^^ to endeavour, try ; to reflect ; to get out of a scape by unlaw- ful means. ikffs tat^ga, s. A ladle. ^LJ tata, s. A shore, bank. i^eJe^ tatak^, ^. A drop. \t\!y^s tatakka, see ^«j?3. i^eisiU tatapata, s. A slapping sound. 2. loquacity. J f^ti^ tatappa, adv, JHeavily, with a jerk. 2.'4uddenly. -aDjsTJo^ to fall heavily or suddenly. J ^^c)c3 tatane, see ^u.c5. ^e3^23^ :^be)2j, thu^i tatal^, ta- tala, tatali, see ^^^^. idea's ^ tatavu, s. A lake, pond. ;^e3^e->tatila, s. A snapping noise. %\:f. tattiji, s. A country pony, a pack-horse. also — ^osl^(5. >/2. the forearm ; (3;to ^j^^^^^. adj. Serious, critical. — ^t^4 much delay. — :^o^c^ a serious illness. -siwozSosarf— the stalk of screw pine. ^^d?j^ tatt^vas^, see ^^'^• ^ej, tatta, see ^w.?3. ;^U tatta, ^^^ ^^w,- so " " /^eJ.o^^ tattanky, s. Hinderance, obstacle. 7^y,^ tattane, adv. Speedily, quickly. 2. suddenly, unex- pectedly, without premedita- tion, —-^-di^^^ —-^^h^ to go quickly or suddenly. — sir^^ to say instantly or without premeditation. J;^y^^ tattappa, see ^w^. -/i^^l^sj^ tattavuni, c. v. (of ^wo^^) To cause to hit, strike. ^^^J, ^be),?^^ tattasi, tattasu, see ^i .CO. i ;^I3 tatti, s.-' A screen or blind made of split bamboos, cadjan S palm leaves, etc. •fe. a honey- comb. ef)^^-dsi_ a mat made of split canes. ^^— a small, low kind of wooden trough. -s^jrii;^ a wicker strainer, sieve. —ti^7^ the wooden So- lid and the strainer of a ^a tatti 267 ^d tade culinary vessel. — ^wo^?i to • put up a screen or blind as protection from rain. ^li.sjooeio, tattimuttu, s. A vessel for distilling liquor. -^' 2. culinary utensils. 3. house- hold stuff. a^j, tattu, see ^0^. v/;^eio^ri tattuga, ^. A flat kind of trough for serving boiled rice. ■ik^d^p tattuni, see ^a^^rso^. ;^eio,sJooyo, tattumuttu, ^.Strait, dilemma; c/. i^&o^^owo^. ^^ tatte, ^^'. Empty, void within. — ^j'd^ good and bad things. i^JS.rso^ tattonuni v. refl. To {of ^w^^^), carry on the haunch, as natives do a child. ikj^_;^^ tatvasi^, s. Un evenness, inequality, variation, as in weighing. ■ix^^t, tad^pe, see ^^^ ;^C5^iJSr30^ tadi^tonuni, v. refl. (of ^ci4?^) To quarrel or dispute mutually. ■id tada, see ^ri^j. :id tada, s. Wool, fur. 2. skin with soft hair. ^^^=0^ tadaki;, s. Intoxication. :izio^ -tadapu, see sil^. J^d^j^k^ tadamata, s. Fumbling. ;^c^do tadame, s. A kind of stile or narrow entrance to a garden. adoSo tadayi, s. A small earthen cup or plate. ^Uzi tadava, see d-T^^. ^dz^ tadavu, s. Delay, hinde- rance, impediment. 2. a slow- coach or dilatory person. ~^t?i to get late, to be de- layed. —tSo^^^ to delay, linger. ^^ tadi, s. An inferior kind of • saddle. -:^i^^ to join imper- ceptibly. ^^^^ tadipuni (^5), v. a. To quarrel, dispute, contend, struggle. ?:s^orfj_ to dispute, argue. "^^d tade, s. Hinderance, obsta- cle. 2. charm for serpents. -^Wo^^, -aet^oi to stop the motion of a serpent by incan- tations; to obstruct, hinder. — ^oj^^^ to remove the charm, to break a spell, ^sjst^o^ to hinder, impede; to charm. ^^d^D^^ tadepavuni, c.7k (of ^ z§^?)) To hinder, impede, ob- struct. ^'^dh^, azl^^tadepini, tadepuni, (^^, z'.a. To hold off; to hinder, keep back, prevent, stop; to oppose. -Z^do^ tadeppu, s. Stoppage, resistance. 2. anything put up to stop a passage. ecloao tadeyi, see arioso. J'^zlojjo^, ^d^^ tadeyuni, tade- vuni (^^), z'. n. To halt, stop, tarry. 2. to bear, endure, 23* :id tade 268 a a tadi suffer. cSd^S ^^ ^zS^iS eoo I can bear it no- more. J^d^ tadevu, ^. A halt, stopping, tarrying. 2. impediment, hinderance. J;^cl4'5raoci tadevonuni, 'u.re/l. {of ^zfodoo^) To bear, suffer; to be patient. i;sdo^ tadpu, s. A foreign cloth. — t1)a a kind of loom. A ^(^o^r^ tadpuni, see ^'^^^. ;^d tadpe, s. A sieve for cleans- ing grain, etc. —-^000131)^3 a large turban. —■^:^l^ lit. a sieve and a brom: a bad omen; a cruel woman. ^c^p, ;^L^ n tadya, taddya, ^. A step, stair, ^^f^r^^ the middle step, ^^rtz^ the lower step, threshold, ^f^^^ ^^ lintel of a door. ■J:i£7)rf tanasu, s. Wetness, damp- ness, ad/. Wet. — ^c wet ground. JiscS^^ tanipuni (^^f^), v. a. To cool, pacify, soothe, comfort. ^^rJoJoo^i taniyuni (^r^), v.n. To become cool, calm. -/^c^o^ tanil^, J£?6' t^?)^. J^rao tanu, s. Coolness, cold. 2. quenching, appeasement. —"^ ^o^a to cool; appease, as hunger, etc. ^s^^C9tatkshana,<:^^z'. Instantly. ^;^on tatanga, J. Obstacle, hinder- ance, complication, entangle- ment. ^i^i^ tateilasa, s. A joyous dance. ^ScKp tatkala, adj. The time then or now. 33s^e3jsXo for the present, for the time being. ^^ tatta, s. A shuffle, artifice; 2. jesting, joking, a^z/. Shuffl- ingly. 2. jestingly. ^zj^S ■^^^ to speak shufflingly or jestingly. ^31^^ tattara, see ^s^^-rf. ^v|j tatti (past part, of ^55\^), adj. Missed, beyond reach, failed, -^s^odo, -sjoA^what is past; a lost opportunity; a mistake. ^^ tatra, s. An umbrella. ^;^ tatva, s. Essential nature, real nature of the soul. 2. the Supreme Being. 3. truth, reality, substance. 4. mind, intellect. 5. identity. -djseqijS instruction in the real nature of the Supreme and human spirit; cf :^^^. i>w$>p tatvadi, s. Mystical theo- logy, [want. i>3\^ tatvara, s. Destitution. ;^ 3 e^qJF" tat vartha, s. The essen- tial purpose. i^dF^o^dtadanantara, ^^z'. After- wards, subsequently. ;^ahra tadigina, s. Beating time in dancing to music. 2. in- trigue, plot. 3. upsetting, fall. —zjiiTki^ to dance ; to be over- turned. —^^0^^ to intrigue. ;^a tadi 269 ^3J tappa ^^A tadige, s. The third day of the lunar fortnight. ^n^ tadd^, s. Retch, qualm. ^^did taddu, s. An eruption or swelling, erysipelas. ^dj^ tadduni (^S), v. n. To retch, puke, to be qualmish. ^^ tana, An affix to form ab- stract nouns \ e.g. o3jz| good, o3ozf t-^ goodness. 2. genit. of Jfd-S-, t'^ti tanaki, tanikhi, ^. Examination, investigation, inquiry. ^^;^F^r^ tanasiji, see ^r©oJ. ^Q^ag)^ tanipuni, see ^t^A^. W^^oJjo^ taniyuni, see ^r5odoj?i. n/^^^j tanu, ^^^^r©o. 2. the body. ^;^fdo^o^o tanukulu, /r^;?. ^^/2. //^^r. of ss^. ^;^cS tane, ^. Conceiving, breeding, as cattle, sheep, etc. — e?b^ to be conceived, -ioi^o^, — ao siooi to be big with young. ^^— the incipient stage of being with young. >/^?SoJoo^ taneyuni (^^), -^'.w. Cat- tle or animals to be big with young. tti tapa, see ^^!3. .■^tii>-^ tapatapa, s. Palpitation. ^3Jo^=5S ^3JD-5)^, ^sJcDS* tapa- rak^, taparake, taparat^, s. Slapping the cheek or temple. tti^ tapala, s. A spear, lance. J:^3id tapale, s. A large metallic cooking vessel, saucepan. i>^l^^^ tapasilia, see ^^^?^. i^-^Tf tapas\i, ^. Prayer, devo- tion, religious austerities. ^^^ a devotee, ascetic, ^^'^e 2oej power of devotion. ^sj-so^ tapal^, ^^^ ^^^• tTS^^^ tapavatij, s. Difference, discrepancy. 2. cheating, de- ceit. 3. prevarication, equi- vocation, evasion. ;^^oJoo^ tapiyuni (^^), v. n. To burn, be inflamed, hot. ;^^e^(^ tapodhane, s. An ascetic. ■it^^"^-^ taponishtha, s . The prac- tice of religious austerities. ^;^^^o^ tapobala, see under ^^o^. ^sj tapta, cLctf. Heated, inflam- ed, boiling, burnt. 2. affected with pain or grief, -^e^ heated body. --^^^ mind affected with grief. ^S3^^ tapp^, i>ee ^^. ^^ tappa, s. Sap; 9^. ^A ?^^- ^^071-302)0 tappangayi, ^. Scram- bling for cocoanuts thrown in- to a crowd of people. ~CA)c^jr?i to gamble with cocoanuts. •itiji-itiTi, ^t^jit.^ tappadatap- pada, tappadappa, clcLv. Ucca- sionally, now and then, alter- nately. ;^3J,^d) tappadeppu, s. Conceal- ing one's fault. ^^^;^j^ tappadesuni (^^^c3), V. a. To hide, conceal, as one's fault. V. n. To escape, evade. ^3J Ori tapparige, see ^Ap-^- ^^^ tappa 270 ^2^ tabbi ^^^^^ tappalipuni, see ^^^€> J ^53^^^ tappavuni, cz'. (o/^4s^ ») To cause to err, evade. 2. to extricate, disentangle, deliver. -^^^ tappu, s. A fault, mistake, error. 2. an offence, crime. — ;^o2ji)4^ to accuse, charge with a fault or crime. ~Tk>^\ ^ to err ; to commit a crime. J ^^ tappu, s. A leaf, foliage. 2. vegetables, greens, ^sg^do^ tappuduni (^4^^), z'. ^, To beat the bush in hunting. \^:^^^o3S^ tapputippu, see ^^3 eoji. J^s^c^ tappuni (^), z'. :?2. To mis- take, err, sin. 2. to miss, escape, slip. 3. to fail in an engagement or promise; also ^^^qh^. o3o?^^ i^^oSImade a mistake; I missed, odc^ ^ ^oS it slipped from me, or I have lost. ^^Ori tapperige, see i;j^57^. v/^^C)oJoo^ tappoliyuni (^^^), ^. «. To be covered with foli- age as a tree, to grow to leaf. ^h^t^ tapsil^, s. An analysis, detail, the particulars of an account. ^^ ^^^^ ^20^ tabaky, s. A salver (?/- plate, Ji^zo^'o^ tabakuni (^20^), v,a. To desire, wish, covet, v.n. To be allured, enticed, tempted. Utz^kz^ tabaty, s. Unsavouriness, acerbity, -ji^?, to be unsa- voury. J^eoljo^ tabatuni (^soO), z'. n^To be unpalatable to the taste; V -^to remain as after-taste. ;^20^ tabate,..y. A kind of fish. ^EJ^ tabate, s. The name of a creeper. -T'jdSr the fruit of it, (eaten by children). ;^2o0 tabali, see ^a^e3. -Z;^^ tabi, s. Flavour, taste; also ^83. adj. Savoury, delicious. ^:i'!^^ tabite, see ^^63. Mi:)^^ tabipuni (^83), 'v. a. To appease, as the appetite. 2. to smack. 3. see ^di^^. ;^zSs3j tabime, s. A follower. ;^E0j=3'j tabuku, ^^^ ^a:"^. ;^Eoo=ajd^od tabukuda-mara, ^"^^ ;^iooa^ tabudippu, see ^s^.soj ;^2ooO taburi, .$•. A pot. r . ^eoodj taburu, .y. A kind of red :^2oo0 tabuli, see ^200^ e5. ;^20053 tabule, see ^Xod J^sSog)^ tabepuni (^£5), v.n. To long, eagerly desire. ^sSdo^ taberuni (^£3^), z/. ^. To threaten. ^23^ tabela, s. A stable. ^2jp tabta, ^c^^ ^5^. ^2^)0* tabdilyi, j. Change, alter- ation, variation. i ^A20o. tabbibbu, s. Distraction, confusion. 2. variation, dif- ference, adj. Irregular. . ;^2^o^ tabbil\ji, see ^^^^' 2^ see ^^ tabbi 271 ;^d tara ^i^i,^ tabbila, see ^t2^. ;s2^0 tabbili, see ^aoj^eS. J^^^^ tabbuni (^^), ^'. ^ To feel, grope. idi^x^z^x tabbudibbu, see ^sS^^oo^- ^;^EOA0 tabbuli, s. An orphan. adj. Low, vulgar. 2. weak, infirm. 3. cowardly, timid. ;^^o tama, s. Darkness. 2. mental darkness, ignorance. 3. world- ly delusion. ^sjj=^ tamake, s. Leisure, respite, opportunity. J 2. delay, pro- crastination. — ^jsbr^, —De^^oi, ^o:;dt^^ to delay, put off, postpone. •X^SjO^ tamate, s. A tambour. 2. a little drum. i^^j^ojjj?^ tamaniyuni, ^^^ '^o^o ^^sjoo^, :^5JoO tamar^, tamara, s. Tin. ;^s^jD^, ^sjjO, ^sJo6 tamarijL, ta- mari, tamare, see ^^B. ^sjj?:/ tamas^, ^^^ ^^. ^s^j?)sl:^, ^sJj5)5Joo tamam^, ta- mamu, s. The whole. ^^'. All. :^5j3?)^, :^sJJ5)?o tamase, tamase, s. A show, fun, sport, amuse- ment. — 7^t5 a pantomime, one fond of show or amuse- ments; a w^g. — sjt)iTij^ to crack j okes, — ■rfj^A^ to make fun. |-^^o5. •^ ^^JD^ tamir^, ^r-A gimlet. 2. ^^^ -iidjo"^*, ;^sl)0^j tamul^, tamulu, .y. Tamil. ^sJoJ5?o^ tamusaki^, ^. A bond. ^do^^ tamepuni (!^^), v. a. To pour, spill. 2. to cast into a mould. ^^35o^ tamepeli^, s. Effusion, issue. i^^oo^j^ tameyuni, see ^^e;j^. ;^55oD^ tamerijL, ^. One who gives a bride away in marriage; a guardian. ;^^oQOJjo^ tamer iyuni (^^5), e/. :;2. To extricate, disen- tangle, save. ^s^oOo^ tameruni, see ^d^o^ ^s3j^o^, ^^0^^ tameluni, tame- vuni, 7'. :?2. To overflow, run over or out. 2. to menstru- ate. ^sSjs^ricrs tamoguna, ^. The quality of darkness; igno- rance; passionate or angry disposition; cf. ^^o. ;^o:^Oo3)c^ tayapuni, see ^3^^^. ^o3j3D^ tayary, s. Preparation, readiness, ad/. Ready. — ^ h^ to become ready. — a?b^ to keep ready, -^^o^^ to prepare, make ready. ^o5o tayi, see ^l^. ^oSj^ tayila, see ^j^^. ^oSoO tayili, see ^^e. od tara, ^. Kind, sort, class, grade. 2. manner, mode. 3. a line, row, range. — ^^ variety ; variegation ; gra- dation, order, method, ^^.^^o ^^ a good match. 16 tara 272 :i6 tare ^do=5*, aC^on^ taranku, tarang^, see T^oK. ^jjolij^ tarantuni, see ^okior^. :^d^ tarakii, see ^^^. ^c3=cc)D tarakari, s. Vegetables in general. ;^d^jsr9j^ tarakonuni (^i^^jsf^), 7;. ;-^. To receive, accept. 2. to hear, listen, mind, v/ ^d:3^ taradu, see ^Sr. ^drs tarana, s. Fording, cross- ing, passing over. ^d^sjJo taratamya, see ^-d^-^o. ;^d^, taratra, see ^t5^. ^dog) tarapu, ^. A side, party. 2. care, custody. adv. To- wards. J. ^6"^^ tarapuni (^'^), v, a. To rivet, fasten firmly, v. n. To be riveted, fixed. :^c^^^ tarapoli, see ;^i^^^. ;^C523^3% ;^d25^v^ tarabety, tara- beti, s. Training, education. — ^^^^ to train, instruct. ^dSTS^ taravali, see ;^os^9. ;^d?o* taras^, see 3^!3. >i^d^ tarale, ^. Slander, calum- ny. 2. backbiting, tale- bearing, -d a^a^ a mischiev- ous backbiter, -t^t? a sland- erer, talebearer, -zir^^ to slander, backbite. ^De)o^d tarantara, see ^^o^. ^D'S^C; taratara, s. Variety in goods. 2. distinction of rank, efc; cf. 3^. ^Oe)^j'o taraturi, s. Haste, speed. ^DDZo^, :^Da)d^ tarabali, taravali, s. Kind, species; variety, diversity, adj. Various, di- verse. J^D^^ taripuni (^Q), v. a. To lop off, as the superfluous branches of a tree; to clear, as a jungle. -i^DoJjj^) tariyuni (^5), v. n. To stay, stop, tarry, delay. 4i>6^ taru, s. A small kind of fish; any little fish. — eoo^r, _20j ■rfod a swamp with such fishes. _20js;^oso a small kind of sardine. ^djozoo tarumbu, ^. A bunch of betelnuts. ^djrJ taruni, s. A girl, young woman. 2. a wife. fman ^docl tarune, s. A youth, young ^do^ taruva, ^^^ £^^^. ^ ^d tare, ^. ^he head, top. 2. the hair of the head. 3. gener- ation. —5 ^S frpm generation to generation. _ Bir?yD5 .sjS^ upside down, topsyturvy, head- long. — ^r®^ poll-tax. — 5^5 a head-load. —2007^^ head-orna- ments. —sSefS headache. —^^^'^ to behead, decapitate; toinjure, ruin. — ^e32j^ to leave the head bare. — ^ja^r^ lit. to offer the head ; to undertake, engage in; to submit; to take the risk. --7\5ajjo^, — BcXor^ to be giddy, confused; to be tipsy ; to become proud. -^ s:»tl)c?) to impute, attribute. ^6 tare 273 s'iJ^F tarko _3:3cdo?) ///. the head to shake ; to be improved in one's cir- cumstances; to gain power. _20Ai) 4^> to bow the head ; A to humiliate; to be modest, polite. -20A0 ?) the head to be bowed down ; to be ashamed ; to be humiliated. ~2:>zioF^ to comb the hair. — "siioa^^i to introvert the tuft-knot. -^ \ ^3^4^ to thrive, prosper. —"^ c^^^ the head to ache. o3oo^ ^■8 o£j^ /^V, I have no head; I have a severe headache. :i6^ taretra, s. A turban, head- dress. ^6^^o^ tareniri^i, s. Spring or fountain on the top of a hill, irrigating the land below. 2. amniotic fluid or fruitwater. — rfDcdoo^ the amnios to burst or break. i^6o3)cJ tarepuni (^^), v. a. To grind, rub. 2. to try, assay metal. i>tt^^ tarebile, s. Exorbitant ^ price, overcharge. 2. the price fetched by the first sale of goods. ^ddocd taremande, s. The skull. _c^e„?)Fr©Jr'i to quarrel; to break one's head over a business. ^dsJooD taremuri, s. Determina- tion, resolution. — rirl ^ to say definitely, decisively ; to make known one's resolution. i;^6oj,o^ tareyuni (^^), v. n. To be rubbed off; to abrade; wear away, to become thin, wasted. :^6o^ tarely, adj. Worn out. — =5^^„ a blunt or worn out billhook. -J;^6sJ^ tarevuni, see ^^orfjo^. tts^^ taroli, s. A kind of creeper ; also ^^^— . 2. the tree Rhymchoglossiun obliq.^ the leaves of which are used for cleansing the head in bathing. oSo^r— a larger species of the same. 3. a milky plant, Ericyne. i>ts^^^ tarolu, s. A kind of tree the leaves of which are used by toddy-drawers to rub the horn of palm trees, djs^o — a white species of the same. ■^tS)^i>t tarotara, see ^■^^. ^d tarra, see ?i^. V;3tS^f tarka, ^. Dispute, discussion, reasoning. 2. logic. — crooSo a disputant, sophist. — ^^^, -3^^. the science of logic. -■do^o^^ to dispute, discuss, argue. ^^r3,, :^=3^ri„ tarka tti, tarka tte, s. The curved knife of a toddy- drawer. J^'s'jsrrso^ tarkonuni (^^^j^^rf^), v. a. To hold up in one's arms, as a sick person; c/. ^li^jsreo^. -/;3=^ji^c3*, 3=^Js^r^o tarkolu, tar- kolu, ^.-''A key. 2. a mid- wife. 3. assisting a woman in labour. — ^o«.^o^^ to assist a woman in labour. ^7^F targa 274 ^^3 tale ^r(ro^ targayi, see aafoso, '&f{Ji)Fd targode, s. Leanness, thinness. 2. a lean man. ^ZoFdo, ^z^:iF^o tarjime, tarju- me, s. Translation, —-^^o.^ to translate, interpret. -/ 3Z^r tardi^, s. The testicles. ^sjrrs tarpana, s. Satisfaction. 2. a religious rite, present- ing water to the manes of the deceased or to the gods. -^jsEir^ to present such water ; to satisfy, please. <:i^j^rz^p^ ;^^FdOc^ tarpavuni, tarpuduni, c. v. (of ^4^^^) To cause to bring, send for. 2. to get, obtain. -^ ;^^r^ tarpuni (^S), v. a. ^To ^^ rivet, fix firmly. ^ to depress, humble, v. n.^^To be riveted. 2i4o be depressed. ^sSorrs tarmena, see J^^^^?^. ^^F tarva, see ^tS,. ^^^^^^ .. ;^s3fo^ tarvel^, s. Holding up in ^^F tarle, see ^^s?. j;^^ tala, see-^^'^ & ^rf^. ^^oioo talambu, s. The sun- hemp, Crotalaria juncea. ^^=^ talake, ^. A slip or lath of a bamboo. "^^^ the bone bet- ween the wrist and elbow. ^^rio^ talag:ullfe, see Xja^. ^^^c^ talapuni {^^), v. n. To arrive, reach; cf. ^^^^. ^e;20j, :s^s3) talabu, talavu, ^. Pay, wages. 2. a tribute in a game of cards. ;^^c^ talara, s. A kind of whit- low between the toes. :^^?oj^) talasuni, see ^^^t^^^^ under ^£J;)oj. :^o^o^d, :^e;-so^ talantara, ta- lantra, s. A generation; an age ; cf. ?^ «oto;^. 'i^ii^ talavu, s. A large tank. ^^'^Ti^ talasi^, s. Inquiry, search. 2. procuring, providing —-^ ^o^^^) to search ; to procure. ■i;^©^ talipu, ^. Sprinkling. 2. see ^€>4. i^O^^ talipuni (^eS), v. a. To sprinkle. -/^s;o talu, adj. Thrashed, beaten. -22j^ thrashed straw. ^^o=^o3J^^ talukupadika, ^. A topaz. 7^03 tale, ^. A rop, for climbing palm trees. ^^- the hand- rope, ^3^- the foot rope, —■isddo^ the whole apparatus of a toddy drawer. ^^o2oo talembu, i". A pillow. ;^s3^^D*' taleniry, ^^^ ^^^e5, ^^tJ^, talepatta, ^9. A head-orna- ment of a devil-dancer. t^^"^ talepu, s. Interruption, stoppage. 4ti>'^'^ talepuni (^«3), v. a. To interrupt, hinder, stop, detain, delay. ^dsJorJ talemani, s. A head ornament worn by a devil- dancer. —^^^'6::>'^ a tasselled headband of a demon-priest. ^6 tale 275 ^^ tala ^d^od talemara, s. The frame of a thrashing stool. :io,^ talkatti, see ^^fB. ^^^ talku, s. An ambush. ;^^j,?i talkuni, ^^^ ^^^^ tahasil^, s. Collection of revenue. — ctotS the revenue officer of a taluk, a tahsildar. ^so&?e5^ the post of a tahsil- dar. J;^^ tala, .y. ^ow ground, base, bottom. 2. see ^^. — eAndo^ to find out a place for a building. -^yo^^ to lay a foundation. — ^^oi to lie flat on the ground; to be in a great calamity; to be drowned. ;^^;^o^, talatantra, s. Ruin, desolation, destruction. ^^ tala 276 3"3o^ tante -1;^^^^ talatala, s. Glitter, lustre. -^o^Jo^ to glitter, flash, sparkle. ^^sjej, ;^^3:!l/^ talapata, talapat- t^, s. Ruin; c/. ^^^o^. adj. Vacant, empty, deserted, waste. —sSa^d^^ to devastate, desert. J^^si^ talapala, see ei^ei^. ^^z^^, ;^^s^j^ talabala, talamala, s. Alarm, agitation. 2. ex- haustion, weariness. J ^•^53^)6 talavare, s. A village watchman. ^S'eJo^d talantara, see 76^0^. ^^e)d talara, s. A sore in the toes. ^^^^ talipuni, see ^eS^^. i^^D' talir^, .y. A sprout, bud, shoot. ~tf6 a tender leaf. ;^^o talu, ^^£? ^'^. ^^^^ talepuni, ^^^ ^e5^^, ^cj^^. ;s^o^c^ talpuni, ^^^ ^ejj^^. ^^j^ talmena, see ^e3^^. -1 ^^ talli, i'.- Slander, calumny, defamation. 2.-intercourse, interference, association. 3. see ^^. adj. Slanderous. 2. anonymous. — «925r an ano- nymous petition. -i;^^j,?i talluni, see ^oj ^. ;^|^ talle, ^. A heap. 2. plunder. -^^^, 5d^^ tadel^i, s. The act of goring or butting. 3i)r3 tana, s. A place ; cf. ?33 j^. -r^-k, ~T^ ^^zi5 a lampstand. 3e);^oao, 38)3^030 tatayi, tatayi, ^. Caraway seed, Curum carui\ cf. ^?-ddS. 24 3e)3 tati 278 3e)d tara 3e)sB tati, s. A kind of ornament; also ssB^rS. 2. see ©s&o. 3c)^oD taturi, ^. Eloquence, ability, cleverness; cf. e^s;^ ocioF. 2. love, affection; 9^. S3 ;^ odor. Js^i tate, ^.^A grand-father. 2. Brahma. 3e)|^o±)r, s^l^d^ tatparya, ^. Sentiment, opinion, notion. 2. love, affection. 3. purport, meaning. 4. object, intent, design, purpose. — xi^^^ to tell one's opinion. — ae^o> to care, favour. 3D^?)^ tatsara, s. Slight, dis- respect, contempt. 3i>^ tadi, ^^^ ?fea. [goods. 3-s^^ tanijL, ^. A web of piece- Js?)^^ tln^,pron. Self, one's self. 3^?^ tana, ^^^ ^^• 3-5^=§ tanike, ^^^ ^^=^. 3^3j tapa, s. Heat, burning. 2. fever, inflammation. 3. an- guish, distress. 3D^t, 3D3Jo,oJotapatra,tapatra- ya, s. Grief, distress, trial, trouble. ^-^h tapi, s. A trowel. 3^^^^ tapipuni (s^^), ^. «. To burn. 2. ^^^ ;ds b^?). 3^3$ tapu, J. A watchman's stand in a field. 2. an ambush. arc)WJ^o tabulu, ^. A tinsel, brass leaf. 2. the cuts, as of a precious stone. 2r320J?)^o tabutu, s. The cage made of paper and tinsel by Mussalmans at the Moharam. 3c)Sotabe, s. Control. 2. charge, care. S)?j s^eSS cro'^^ he is in your charge. 3c)sdo=5"£)OSo tamakayi, see ^^^. Se)dor5 tamani, see ^e3^f^. 3Ddoo5o tamayi, see ^^oso. J3e)^od tamare, jt. The lotus flower, NymphcBa pubescens ; also sd^jt549. ~^t^ the seed of a lotus. — sioS the stalk of a lotus. 3e)^o66J3^r{ tamareroga, ^. A wasting disease of children. 2. green sickness. S'sdo?^ tamasa, s. Laziness, in- dolence. 2. delay, procrasti- nation. 3. anger, passion. -oDoSo, sD^oAj a sluggard; a passionate man. S"?)^^ tamisra, ^. Great dark- ness. — ^f>^ the dark half of the lunar month. 3"3^j tam^, see 7^-^- 3^doD^ tameryi, see ^^B. 3i)^x tamra, see gsoeO). J 3c) 030 tayi, s. Mother. 3^o5or(o2l tayigande, s. A rogue, cheat, scoundrel, odsc. 35)03oz3^D* tayiber^, ^. The prin- cipal root of a tree, taproot. 3^0^ tar^, s. A rivulet. 2. tar. J3c)d tara, s. A star. 2: two pie. 3. crossing, passing over. 3c)0r3 tarana, s. The eighteenth year of the Hindu cycle. 2. 3^d tara 279 3'z>^'i) tala the act of crossing. 3. perse- cution. 4. a raft, float. 3Dd^^o^ taratamya, s. Rank, state, condition. 2. distinc- tion, discrimination. 1 3c)D«)03o tarayi, s. A cocoanut. —d> Shy, _rf eoo-dozl the shell of a cocoanut. -do^d^ a large cocoanut. ^jae^)- a small hard cocoanut. ^^4^- a cocoanut of the (Laccadive) isles, -^o zS_, ^^^ :^orf^. _=3'Wo^^ to play with cocoanuts by knocking one against the other, the person who breaks the co- coanut of the other gains it. 3DTJz)^^ taravuni, c.v. (o/^^^^) To drive in. 2. to immerse. J 3e)D tari, s. The palmyra, Bo- rassus flabelliformis, — ^oz§ the bulb of a fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus. —"^ ^^ palmyra toddy. -^ ^02§s5 a vessel for palm-wine. — aosSf a kind of sparrow, building its pendent nest on a palm tree, -^^o^ a kind of grass, Cyperus hexastachyus. —t^o^F the fruit of the palmyra tree. —rf de; jaggory made from palm juice, —-^"d^ a poison- ous snake. — ^ ^:Sjsa the midrib of a palm-leaf. 3c)0r$ tarini, s. A goddess pe- culiar to the Jains. 3^0^^, 3^a^=3^o tariki^, tariku, ^. A date, day of the month. 35)D^o3) taripu, s. Praise, com- mendation. 2. novelty, rarity. _-^3<^o.?i to commend, praise. 3«)dorao tarunyav^. Youth, man- hood. J3e)c5o^ taruni (^^), i'. n. To sink in, plunge. ^B— feet to sink, as in mire. /3c)do^J3D^ tarumar^, s. Con- fusion, disorder. ~^h^ to become confused. JV^d tare, ^. The cocoanut palm, Cocos nucifera. ao2§ _ a short cocoanut palm. aS?— , a?;^cd- a species from the (Laccadive) isles, bearing small cocoa- nuts, "rfo^— a species, bear- ing large cocoanuts. —^ ^ja ^„^>^ the stalk or midrib of a cocoanut leaf. 3^6js^ taroli, see ^js^. 3e)=^rcl tarkane, s. Substantia- tion, proof, demonstration. 2. apparition. — ^jsLr^, —-^ •^Ov^ to substantiate. -^^xsT^ tarkike, s. A sophist, disputant. Vs'S'^JSr^ tarkoli^, see si^jsr^. ^•ssJsrarD^ tarmar^, ^^^ ^ijotSjsiS. 3^^ tala, ^. The metallic lid of a cooking utensil. "^^Jsee ^'^. 3c)e;oriatalangadi, 5-. The \^ooden peg by which a water-lift is fastened to the stem. 3^^s^o talavya, s. A palatal letter, gram. 3^o^c=^ talanke, s. A name of Balarama. 24* 3^€ tali 280 ^oAS) tingo J 3ft)© ta'i, s^The marriage badge, worn by a female. 2. a metal tumbler or small pot. 3. a kind of grass, -^yj^^ to tie the marriage badge to the neck. -^^ a kind of climb- ing shrub. 3i)0o3j taliye, see ^^^. 3^0^sjjj talimu, s. Gymnastics, athletic exercise. — t^jszoo^^ to practise gymnastics. 31)^0 talu, s. The throat. 2. the palate. Sc)e;o=5^o taluku, s. The division of a district. s/ 3e)^o^ taluni (^^), t'. /2. To fall off, drop down; c/. ^^o^. Sc)d tale, ^^^ ^^e3o. 3e)^o^^ talpuni, see ^e;o^^. S'se^^joc^o talyatundu, s. A special cloth worn only by weavers. SD^^si^ talyapatt^, s. A cob- web. 3i)^^^0 talyapuri, ^. A spider. s/^^6^ talye, s. A weaver. 2. a spider. 3^sje3 tavaji, ^. A metallic tube for keeping an amulet, money, eU. 3z)^6 tavare, see 3»^^. 2. see 00 3e)S2) tavu, 5. A sheet' of paper. J 2. death; c/. t^^. 3. place, room. 3c)3i tasha, s. A kind of drum. 3£)r5* tasiji, s. An hour. 3c)?aO^ tasayi, ^^^ sssaoso. 3e)?oo3o tasaye, ^^6' rro^joSo. 3^a)eo"3d tasildare, i"^^ ^so^?^ isD'^ under ^so^e^. 3D?o tase, i"^^ ®s^. 3e);^0o tasemi, ^^^ to?3/3o22^ timbele, ^. A glutton. 3oA^rz3^ tirng^di^, ^^^/ /^^/. [of ^oAOF^j Having turned. ^^z^. Again, once more. — ^e S^^ to return, go back, go again. —"i^hF^ to come again ; to return from a walk, -eo^-do^ to be upset, overturned; to rebel, revolt. ^3or(Ffl tirngane, s. A pivot, hinge, swivel. 2. a screw. J^orlr^ooorir tirngamurnga, adv. topsy-turvy, pell-mell. -l3on«)rl^ tirngata, s. Excursion, walk, roaming. 2. turning, change. ^vIo/Tsr;^^ tirngavuni, c. v. (of ^OAOF^) To turn, whirl, make return. 2. to change, convert, gain over, -^^j^o^^— to break a promise; to deny. ■s:5o^oJ— to change the mind, ^tx^ to gain over a witness. 3or1orc5'5)o3j, 3orir^ tirngunaye, tirngele, s. A rover, vagabond. 2. a backslider, unsteady man. ^vIorloF^ tirnguni (^of.F'^^ v. n. To turn, revert, revolve, whirl, turn back. 2. to shift, as the wind. 3. to move, wander, travel about. ^^- to be giddy; to become proud. ^o-Rf-Q ^^h^ to go for a walk, take a walk; cf. BoKfB. vBokJor^ tirntuni, see ^^o'^^. ^Q'C^'F tirmbi, s. A kind of fern; also ^o8!)r7Joa vB^c)rJ tikani, see s^Fs. s/Bu^ tikk^, s. ^'tentanglement, intricacy, perplexity. 2/dif- ficulty, distress, trouble, ^.see feJ-S-^. _=5yo^^ to get entangled. ^20j3^o^ to be entangled. /l=^^^> tikkatt^, s. A labyrinth, maze, intricacy. ^^=^^0^ tikkatuni (^^e^), 'v. n. To be matted, as hair. 2. to be entangled; to be intricate. 3=^d tikkale, adj. Short and thm. /l^sjc^ tikkavuni, c. v. {of ^^^.. oi) To ensnare, entangle. 2. to fix. 3. to button. vl=S^«j, tikku 282 via tidi ^ ^^^P tikkuni (^^a), v.a.^To J rub, brush, polish, v. n.^To be ensnared, caught. 2/to be seized, apprehended. c.daL To find, get, obtain. vB^aJS)^ tikkote, see i3do^ tidduni (^S), -c;. a. To correct, mend, reform, rectify, alter. ^^- /zV. to correct the hand ; to acquire a good pen- manship. ^zio sj^, vBdo oS-sei tiddupadi, tid- dupata, ^. Correction, amend- ment, modification. 2. refor- mation. — -^s^^Ov^^ to correct, amend, modify. vTad tiddya, adj. Junior, young- er. — ^ an aunt, t. e. mother's younger sister, or younger uncle's wife. — o^ an uncle, I. e. father's younger brother, or aunt's husband. v/3c3^oo3o tiddyaye, s. A young man. vBdo, tidpu, see S^r. s. A kind of fish. ^^7^ tinasi^, see ^j^cj. ad tidma 4 h'§i tine, see Sj6. >/ac3"g^4^ tinpavuni, c. v. (of ^^^)) To feed, nurse. 4^'^ ^) tinpini (^cS), v. a. To eat, consume. 2. to destroy, waste. 3. to receive, as bribes, blows, etc. ^^— to get blows. e;od_ to take bribes. J^fIsS tinpele, s. A glutton. oSJdtipale, s. The creeper Cly- pea Burmanni. 2. an appli- cation for the head, generally prepared of the leaves of this plant. vB^^, v3Qg)s3 tipila, tipule, see 33j tippa, adj. Small. /b^ tippi, s. A cocoanut shell. — =^J3?^ lit. a cocoanut shell and a stick; beggary. — ^w?;?^ 3i§ 5 ?^yo,^ to come down to beggary. —^-5 a small breast, resembling a cocoanut shell. e??®— the lower half of a shell. 4'so^-— the upper half of a shell. ^^^- the skull. v/3^ S tippili, s. A kind of borer. 3aj dQ=^G^, 3^0=^0^ tippivok- kelu, tipyokkeli^, ^- A poor tenant. vB^ tippu, ^^^ 8^4^. ,B^ tippe, ^. A heap, pile. 2. a hill. 3?^^ tibila, ^. A hand-lamp, night-lamp. vBzoodj tiburu, s. A crack, split. 32^, 323^tibbi,tibbe, J. Hemming. 323^^0^ tibial^, s. Treble dis- tilled arrack. 3sijd timare, s. The Pennywort, Hydrocotyle astatic a. 3^Jon^o^ timin^i^l^, s. A whale. 3s^JO^j^o^ timukuduni (S^oo «^oS), z'. <^. To jostle, push; to try to escape from a crowd. vidoo timu 284 ^^r tirkei ^^^ v'3s:^oj=3rj^, vB^oodOci timukuni, ti- muruni (^^ix>^, ^^jo5), v. n. To throng, crowd. r^jj. 3s3o=ctjs^^o timekolu, see <^?^ ^js? vBoJob tiyara, see F^ tirkote, s. A lean or weak man. vB=^J5^r^o tirkolu, see ^^JhF^ tirpale, see St>6. 3o3"Sf;S^ tirpavuni, c. v. (o/^4f ^) To get made, settled. 2. see 'S?3:df4^. s^ot^B— to make gold ornaments. •i^"^ tirpu, s. A swivel, -rf ^ a head-ornament. /3^F^ tirpuni (^^), v. a. To twirl round. vIzoFoto tirbanji, s. The abdomen, bowels. h'tF tirbe, ^. A piece, chip; of. ^^zi^i^iFt^i tirmuru, s. Exchange. -iBG«)r9 tillana, s. Humming a tune. vl^e)?^^, «B;3e)?o tivas^, tivasi, s. A kind of carpet, a rug. 2. a cushion. 73^ till, <2^'. Transparent, clear. 2. distilled ; 9^. ^^, f^'^. -^eS clear, 6?r filtered water. J3^o^^=^, o^osd^ri tiluvalike, ti- luvalige, s. Understanding, intellect ; knowledge, infor- mation. vl^^< tillapilla, see £^«^^^. o^, tille, ^^^ 8^«3. 3^o^D, 3^o=aD, 3^0^, tinkiri, tlnkeri, tinkri, s. Preparing for the festival of the female demons ^"^J^ odtjt^. 2. see 3^0=3^0 tinku, see 3?^. 3eo=^o^ tinkelijL, see So-S-b. -/3^ck!o^ tintuni, .y^^ ^eowo^. 3^o3e)eJ tintata, j^^ ^?o6rou. 3^o3c)d, 3^oqr3d tintara, tintha- ra, s. Dispersion, dissipation. 2. ruin, waste, ^^h^ to be- come dispersed; to be ruined. —^^0^^ to waste. 3^03^6 tintare, s. A destitute or miserable man. 3^03^5^^ tintavuni, c, v. (o/B^o ^^) To cause to splash. 3^o^o^ tintuni (^eo§), v. n. To splash; also ^10^^. 3^0^ timpu, see eleo?^. -'3^0^^ timpuni (^ec), v. n. To snort, breathe heavily. 2. to snivel; cf. ^josoos^^. ^^os3^ timpele, s. A sniveller; cf. ^oo3oo^e3. 3^oyor^ tir^tuni, ^^^ iif"oBj^. J 3 ^=5^ tik^, «^'. Tasteful, savoury. J3^=3*d, 3^=^o^ tikara, tikeri^, adj\ Sweetish; not pungent, not properly seasoned. 73^=^JScl tikode, ^. A kind of fish. 3er^ tige, see .^e^. i3^c^o^ tiduni (^eS), v, a. To rub, press. 2. to irritate. ^3^^S 3^c^ tin^, tini, ^. Food, meal, diet. 2. a glutton. 3^ 3d §3 tipale, ^^^ ^^«3. -i 3^52 tipe, s. Sweetness, adj. Sweet, fresh. — ^c^ the liquo- rice. —^^oK sweet potato, Goa potato, Dioscorea aculeata. 3^sJoo^o, timullu, s. A kind of touch-me-not, Cxsalpina nd- mosoidcs. >/3^D^ tir^, s. ^A nit. ^2. the egg of a bug. 3. see Se^r. _ ^e^ a small louse. — ^eL^^, ^^^^ 3e "do^. ^Bj_ a crushed nit. ^3^0 tira, <2<^. Entire, whole, adv. Wholly, entirely. 2. decided- ly, positively. 3^doa tirandi, see under S^-do^. vB^d tira 287 ;^oo?i tun^s ^^d^ tirate, see i^-rfofeS. vB^CDSjc^ tiravuni, see B^t>-^^^. 3^0 tiri, see -S-eQ. Va^O# tirike, ^. Conclusion, end. oe0^^3^ tirinati^, ^^^ ^?-rfo^i. y^^O^j*)^^, 3?a?oo^ tirisavuni, tirisuni, c v, (^^?^o?)) To fi- nish, conclude, complete. 2, to settle, decide, determine. 3. to pay off, as a debt. »B^dJc5'S3^ tirunat^, adv. As far as practicable, to the extent of one's ability. ^/vB^do^ tiruni (^e^), v.n. To be finished, settled, c. dat. To be able, ^^-^o^ (neg. part.) incapable, infeasible, unset- tled ; endless, inexhaustible. Se'^oa 20^^ work beyond one's ability to perform. efodoK a?-do23 he is not well. ci-azSoS 8e^o5 heit not able to do it. ^?5o5 is is done. «§?5^eb?), ge55 ^^h^ to end, expire, die. >J^^::!t:>t.:i^-^ tirumana, s. Conclu- sion, settlement, completion. adj. Complete, final, adv. Fin- ally. -^ 83«3, _=^odo the lowest price. ~^^^^^ to settle, re- solve, determine. v/3^dj^=^ tiruvike, see ^e^F^. vB^6 tire, see ^e'd. -/^^ds:^ tirel^, s. Termination, conclusion. ^vS^rlrd tirgade, s. Completion. 2. see ^°afzI. 3^^r, ^^^F tirta, tirtha, s. Pure water, sacred water in which an idol is bathed; a bathing place of pilgrimage. 2. a bathing place. ^odra^ pil- grimage to a sacred river. — ?fe^?^ bathing in sacred water. —^j^hF^ to administer sacred water, to give water to drink. '-2oE:r^ to spring forth,- as water from a fountain. ^B^^r*^, tirnike, see eJe^r^. V«B^53^F^^ tlrpavuni, ^^^ ^e^ r tirpu, ^. Settlement, adjustment, decision, decree. ~^h?i to be settled. -t5j^o^^ to decide, adjudge. v/3^o^r^ tirpuni, see Se5?ro^^. '/l^^F=^ tirvike, ^. Conclusion, settlement, adjustment. 3^s3r tirve, .y. Land assessment, tax. ^B^rj'SFSS^ tirsavuni, see ^e^^ ^^. ,B^?o tisa, see ^^7i. ^ 4^ to patch, join pieces, —^j^ ^^ to fell a tree in blocks. —■^^0^^ to cut into pieces. ^^od tunde, s. The cover of leaves round the loins, as worn by Koragar women. ~^% a black kind of the five-leaved chaste-tree. ^jor3 tunna, see ?l)or©. >/ ^jorsoA^, ^oocl> tunnang^, tun- nel, s. The scurf or mealy crust of the body. ^oozj tumba, «^*. Full, complete. J^ozZii^^ tumbavuni, c. v. (of ^ ^oo80j^)'^o cause to fill,''ioad, lade. 2. to accuse, impute, attribute. J;^oo^ tumbi, s. The blackbee. >/ 2. see^^o^. ef?3rf_, ^-^^ Trfjoa^. J ^jot^e;*^ tumbil^, .9. Sneezing. _20br^, -e^^s) to sneeze. 7:^0020^^ tumbuni (^o^S), ^. ^5, "^0 bear, carry, as a load. ^. to fill. 3. to endure, suffer. Jv. 71. To be filled, full. essJ srosi— , 3::D^"d— to suffer from a false accusation, sj^^;^^— to be guilty. 4^- to carry a load. ?3ae;- to be in debt, ^o 'i^^Ti:^ 20e3 2oE:r^ to carry an idol in procession, round its tem- ple. ;^oo20odj tumburu, see ^ozyd. ^0 0200 do, ^oo2oo6 tumburu, tum- bure, s. A celestial chori- ster. ^<=> [7^0023 tumbe, s. The plant Pklo- mis indica. ^ooe3fS-^o^ tumbenekkili^, s. Wild vegetation. -^^jaS^^^ wild vege- tation to grow; to fall in ruins. -r^oozSjarao^, ;^0o;3j?)r30^ tumbo- nuni, tummonuni, refl. v. {of <^jo80o^) To bear or suffer for one's self, to be patient. ^ooEOjr turmbu, see ^TiioaDo. ^0=3^^ tukadi, s. A piece, rag, fragment, bit. 2. the division of a district. 3. rank and file, -■rfo^^o^^ to divide, to put into files. :^o=3^o^ ^0=3^03 tukkutukku, ^. Skip- ping; strutting. 2. arrogance, haughtiness. — <£^Xoo^i to skip; to strut. ^0 J tukre, sec ^o^. t:>T\^, ^?ioa tugadi, tugudi, see :io7i tuga 289 ^odo tudu x/;^orio^ tu^alu, s. The skin, bark, fc; rind. — ^s?ob^», — 9d^"0D^^, — d 4^^ to skin, pare, peel. 'dd2^ tucca, (^dj. Small, little, mean. 2. void, empty, desert- ed. — ^^ contempt, scorn, vileness. —^^^ low-minded- ness. -^^Ov^oi' to despise, scorn. ;^o^3?)ei tuccata, s. Biting. 2. dispute, quarrel. —tSo^^^ to dispute or abuse mutually. ;^oi5'3 5J)^ tuccavuni, c. v. (of ^ 2^3 ^) To cause to bite, chase. 2. to join, unite. ;^02>^ tucci, see ^o^ . i^osidJ?^ tuccuni (^^'4^), 7'.^. To bite. 2. to be joined, united. i02§ o^ tuccelu, s. A vicious ani- mal; a biting animal. <3:<^". Vicious; biting. ;^023 tujji, ^^^ ^J^C- ;^je3, ;^oei tuti, tutti, s. Dearth, scarcity. . adj. Dear, scarce, rare. v/:^od tuda, adj. Bored, scooped out ; cf. ^js?c$. —•dj'doso a trough made of a palm stump. siioc^D^, ^ocs'SD^ tudar^, tudariji, s. A light ; a lamp. ^5^=^^— an iron hand-lamp. — c5o?? lamp oil. — 2^e5 the lamp-light pro- cession of an idol, eU, — ^ s^4'oi to light a lamp. aoc^sS tudale, see ijsc^e?. i^oi^ tudi, see ^^. vf:^oc^j^^ tudupini, ^^^ 7ijrk)h^. ^oo^ tude, ^. The thigh, shank, side piece; c/. ^ot^. — ^tjo ^ the hip. — ^e;a3o a side plank. — 204c^ to get one's self weighed against gold and dis- tribute it in charity. ^0^0 tulya, adj. Comparable, analogous, equal. ^o^;^je; tullatuUa, see ^o^^o^^. en CO ;^o0 tuUi, see &^o^. J^oe;o?^tulluni, see ^^^o^^. ro '' 25* tulle 292 ;^X 0=5^0 tunku ^js3^, eos3^n^ tullela, tullyala, see ^^ 6 ^^d tuva, ^. Overflowing, run- ning over. ^jD tuvvi, see ^ooso. ^o?oo, tusku, adj. Useless, vain, unmeaning; also ^Ti:^^. -itci^k tulasi, see ^josI. .\^^VDh^, ^o^^^s^?) tulapinl, tula- vuni (^^), 7/. a. To row, paddle, steer; cf. tj^^jd^^. ^0^ tuli, ^^^ Tiov. J ^^^^ tulipuni, ^^6' ?io^4^- ^o^o:jjo^ tuliyuni, 5"/^^o,^ tulluni (^^%), V. n. To> roll, turn. 2. to leap, jump. ^eo|,o^ tullel^, s. A marriage among Pariahs; also £A)<^^^. >/^J3 tu, s. Fire. h^y Let us see! ■:^»Q^d tukara, s. Turbulence. ~^^h^ to be turbulent. ^^JS=ae; tukala, see ^j^^oe;. J^J55'©q;jjo^,4j5:^^j^^ tukaliyu- ni, tukalyuni (^^^), z'. ;2. To doze, be drowsy. ^f^J5=s=e)^i^) tukavuni, c. v. {of sja ^^v^) To cause to weigh. 2. to hang up. ;^JS-o-a tukiri, see ^^ja^oeS. V^JS=5^j tuku, ^. Hanging. — ^ot^S a hanging lamp. ^'^J5=aO^ tukuni (^-^^), z'. a. To weigh. 2. to hang suspend. 3. to swing, rock, as a cradle; cf. ^j3=5^eDodoo?). J^JS^o^ tukula, i". A hanging lamp. ^J5=5^o©, ;^J3-S\ tukuli, tukri, s. Annoyance, distraction. — ^? ^^ to annoy, distract. Ji^JSri^ tugadi, s. Drowsiness, sleepiness. 2. see ^t5^a. v/;^jsr(^^^ tugadipuni (^jaXa), v.n. To be drowsy, sleepy. >('';^J3r{o^ tuguni, j"^^ ^j^'^o^. ^j^yro* tutan^, ^. A mixture of rubbish and earth, burnt and used as manure. J^J^^ tute, s.^A torch, made of palm leaves, etc. 2. a fierce, quarrelsome woman; also Tiji,^. —ws^X, —:i-6 a mock-fight with torches. — -sSj^^D^^a a quarrelsome woman, ;^JSe3o=^j?)^s;o tutukolu, s. A sol- dering rod. ;^J3^ tudi, ^^^ ?ijsa. V^jsr3 tuna, ^^^ ^^^• ;^J5vl tuti, s. xVppetite; desire. ;^J3^JS tutu, int. Fie! shame! ^J5;c^ tuna 294 iod tende J^JS?^ tuna, s. A stake, post. — ^T?oK a kind of yam, Dios- corea alata. ;^JS3Jrs tupana, s. A sign. y^oTOSj^) tupavuni, c. v, (of ^j!> L^ & ^^^)^To show, point out. 2. to cause to winnow. >J^S)h^ tupini (^js), 7\a. To see, look, observe. 2. to try, test, examine. 3. to visit. 4. to seek ; to consider, regard. 5. to take care. fo-rain. ^J5^ tupu, s. Winnowing, as -^^JS^^ tupuni (^^), 1'. a. ^/'To winnow, fan. 2. to blame, abuse; see ^s'o^. U;^J523 tube, s. A bole. ;^J3d tura, s. A contract, parti- cularly for toddy. -rf ^e3 toddy supplied according to contract. -rf t2i6 sl toddy- drawer who has contracted to supply toddy. -3i ^€> -^l ^N to consign toddy accord- ing to contract. ^JSS turi, s. An earthen water- pot; c/. £ij35. -^-sB^ a man with a dropsical belly. sii^JS&djo^o, turimullu, ^. Ztzt- phiis ce no pita. — sdt^j^ to instigate. ;^J?)dj turu, ^. A crack, chap, fissure. -eooc'^^ to crack, chap. ts.^j"^ turuni (^&), v. n. To crack, as a vessel. J^JSdJ^v'j turolu, y. A kind of rattan. Calamus rotang\ cf. =d^T?j3<^o. _rf ^ctf the root of the same, -rf e^^ a thicket of the same. —^ sS^ a walking stick made of the same. :^J50Jjr turya, s. A musical in- strument. ^JS^ tula, {imperat. 2nd pers. sing, of^^h^) See ! 2. ^tv -.^2^. ^JS^oA tulangi, J(?^ ?i.^e?o7^.. i^JSejssJ^ tulavuni, see 7^^^^. ^siSS) tuli, see sljs?e. J^e^j^ tuluni (^js^), z'. n. To totter, reel; to nod, be drowsy. i^JSsSoh tulengi, see 7ij?>eo7\. -J;^JS^ tula, ^. Inspiration; en- thusiasm, ecstacy. :^j3^o tulam, s. A kind of cotton. ^JS^j tulu, see 4^^o. ;^N^^ tr^t^, s. An instant. ^^t^ tr^na, s. Grass, hay, straw. 2. a bit. adj. Light ^r trifling, as a straw. — s:^cdo contempti- ble ; short life. ^N^ trijipti, s. Satisfaction, gra- tification, contentment. —^ h^ to be satisfied, —ti^zjii^r^ to satisfy. [desire. ^>,3§ tr^she, s. Thirst. 2. wish, J Joi5e)0^ tenkayi, .r^^ ^^trooso. io'SD,^ tenkral^, s. A red kind of stone, -lion^ tengy, .y. ^The cocoanut tree. 2. a swelling. Jot3* tendi^, 5f?^ eSoS. ioti tende, ^^i- eSozl^-d. iod tende 295 iejj tettu ' iodcooO, iocl^jo^ tendemuli, tendemuli, s. A species of tliatch grass. iodz)^ tendeli^, s. A very young cocoanut just out of bud. — -^js??? a shrivelled or wan face. — ^yo^^ tlie face to shrivel. io^^ tenn^, adTJ. Now. io^T^ tennasT^, see ^?^oj. ;loejd, iosjo tembara, tembare, s. A small drum, -djaw^^^ to drum. iot^ tembi, ^. The lower part of a cocoanut shell. 2. the back of the head. iot^iO, ioeSo tembiri, temberi, s, A burning sensation in the throat. 2. a raw taste, as of imperfect seasoning of food. iocSooJjj^ temberiyuni (^iodS), TJ. n. To feel a burning sensa- tion in the throat. 2. to taste raw, as imperfectly seasoned food. iozoo^i tembuda, adv. Yet, still, up to this time. JoiS tern be, ste sSoiS^ot^. ioEid tembere, see ^o^^-d. io:5ij^ tembeliji, see ^o^6. Jiodo temma, s. A cough, cold. "^A^— the whooping cough. =^jse^_ cough with dyspnoea, bronchitis, -d^^^— a catarrhal cough. — e;^^ to cough, hawk. i^ tekk^, see ^%. i^6 tekkare, s. A cucumber, Cucumis sativa. J=^sSor tekkarme, ^. A kind of ornament; also 'dxy^. 2. see i^^ tekkale, ^^^ ^^i^. J^'s^s^jc^ tekkavuni, c. v. {of ^ ^Oj^)) To quench, put out, smother. |-S\ tekki, s. Teakwood, Tectona grandis. —^ ■s^^otj the teak tree. i^j^^ tekkuni (i^^), v. n. To be extinguished. 2. to be calm, be pacified. ^ja ^^^oS the fire is quenched, ^jse^i— anger to be pacified. 1=^ tekke, ^^^ ^\ 2. see ^\ ■o" J=^d tekkere, see 4^^-8. ■jtrK^'O^ tegijli^, s. A sprout, bud. s/trf^:>^ te^^luni {^h^), v.n. To sprout, shoot, bud. Hj\^^ teg-uni ("^), ^-.^."^o take. V 2.-'to abuse, revile, ^i^^e making a threatening noise. tA^^'^ tegeluni, see SK^a^. ^tA6 tegele, s. Abusing, reviling. — iiAo^ to abuse. Ji>kf. tetti^, adj. Bad, wicked. 2. rotten, decayed; also ^^^^ -/ib^^c^ tettavuni, ctj. (of iyj^ ^) To cause to be damaged, corrupted or failed; also JiU-^^ tettuni (i^), c'.72. To rot, decay, be damaged. 2. to become corrupt. 3. to fail; also €wo,^. tedi 296 id tere /j^ tedi, see €a. 4%^^^ tedilu, s. Thunder, thun- derbolt, thunderclap. ^L.-i^^o'^ a flash of lightening. — =?^j2t? j^^, — ^t5£;o^, _■doo■5;^^) to thunder. — ^4?^?^, — fSjse^d)^^, — i^ ^0^ to be struck by lightening ; to be thunderstruck. irSrD^ tenasi^, see ^t>^. J J^ tetti, s. An Qg^^. Jaj^?i tettuni (i^^), ^'. ^. To throb or distend, as the kid- neys from accumulation of urine. i^^ teni^, see ^o^. -iJcS^^'^oSo, i^-3.oSoteni;ikayi, ten- kayi, s. South, adj. Southern. 2. the Malabar province. J ifCro* tenas^, s. Food, feeding. J^ teni, see ^^o. Jc§,6 tenkere, irregular gerund of ^^^i. Jj^ teppa, sAk float, raft. 2. a shoal of fish. adj. Dense; cf. £i^. — ^uj^^ to make a float. i^Dri tepparige, s. A cloth- like substance which wraps round the base of the cocoanut branches, io^ teppu, s. The fibrous cover- ing of certain nuts. 2. see ^4v. tti teppe, j^^ ??^. izjeJo^ tebatuni, see ^2owo^. izo^ tebaU, s. A kind of fish. J Jm tebbu, .y. A bow string. izoam tebbubbu, ^i:^oii:i I know, or I can. eyocso?^ (iD^ he did not know, he could not. JdooLb^) teruntuni, see ^f oWj^. iuos5 teruve, Jt-^ Se^r. ;I6 tere, ^tv ^^• Id^-^o^j terekayi, ^^- it tere 297 Vjddo^ tereduni (i^S), ^'. n. To v/ be confounded, confused. 'v/2. to roll down. I^r^ terpuni (^^), '^'. ^. To separate. i¥r5 ^^tI^^ to make one sit in a cross line as an outcaste at dinner. i§r a?^^ to keep separate; to interdict, excommunicate. itr terpe, s. Sod thrown up by ploughing; c/. o?^r. idr terve, see >§?^r. -^io^oeJo^ telT^ntuni, ^^^^ ^f cwo^. 1^5^, io^^i telavu, telavu, ^. A young or half grown cock. Ji^sJ)^, 1 0^4?^ telavuni, telavu- ni (^s;, ^<2/3), T'. ^. To go aside, make way. 2. to avoid, shun. ioDob^ telanti^, s. Coming beforehand. ^^i^ teli, s. Gruel, rice water. y/2,see ?3e3. Jj0=^ telike, s. A laugh, smile, laughter. 2. ridicule, de- rision. -dooAOTJo— a gentle smile. ■:^i€)^D^^ telipavuni, e. tj. {of is3 5g'^) To make laugh. J i©^^ telipuni (^^3), v. n. To laugh, smile, v. a. To deride. i0o;^DS^?^ teliyavuni, see f^^x^^ ^^. JiOodoo^ teliyuni, see ^eo^o^^. 1^0 telu, see ^e;o^. -iJs^Jorlo, i^orio telungu, telugu, s. Telugu. >/i^oon telunge,^. A Telugu man. i^ti teja s/i^ooLJo^^teluntuni, see ifcwo^. JJ^;0 telpu, 3". Thinness, ad/. Thin, lean. 2. few, little. Vi^o ^ telpuni, see ^§€4^. v.'^e;dj, io"5)d) tellavu, tellavu, s. A thin, flat kind of cake, made of rice flour, eU. yl^o^ telluni (^5,), r. a. To winnow, sift. i6 telle, see ?S^. /as3N tellena, adi. Thinnish; ef. Jj^23* teval^, s. Desire, wish. 2. attachment. J i^^okh^ teli^ntuni (^foO), v.n. To contract, shrivel. 2. to wither, grow thiu. i^ tell, see ie3. i^odoj^ teliyuni, ^^^ ;6e5odoo^. 1^0=^0^ tenkuni, see ?3? 0=5^0^. 1^0^ tenke, see ^^c^. I^=5^^oo^*r, i^^s^oo^F tski;- murki^, tekamurka, s. Cloying, palling, satiation. i^=a teka, see ^?-5. >/i^=^ teke, (^^'. Brimful, up to the brim only. -^5 about three quarter seer of rice. —2)5^0) to mete up only to the brim of a measure. Ji^T^^ teg^, s. Belching. ^J^r\j^ teguni (^?K), z: n. To belch. i^t^r^, t8ja, tejassi^, s. Lustre, light, splendour. 2. glory, fame. ir-, J^z3 teji 298 l^d tere iee3 teji, s. A gift; c/. ?3eai. Ife3 teji, ^. A horse of superior breed, adj. Swift, fast. 2. sharp, as a knife. J^b^ teti^, J. The beard of grass; J c/. ^jsoAo. t?^".^ure, clear;) glaring, downright. — crooSo a tall man. — oSoo?? pure oil. -Tjo^o^ a glaring lie. J^lie;, i^sJ tetila, tetla, s. A kind of vegetable, Caladium nymphacifolium. 1^^ tete, see eS?^^. . ^^^ i^c^Ojj tedayi, s. A base woman, i^cSi)05J tedayi, j-^^ ^ei:^. J^^i tedi, see ?6?a. i^cej, J^d tedu, tede, s. A slice, piece, as of a jack fruit ; cf. leci tede, s. A kind of fish. 6_, ^ocXoe5_ are its differ- ent species. i^rlsjoo^Oj tedemullu, ^. A kind of tree. --t^diiF the fruit of the same, jj^a tedi, s. A day of the solar month. ies^orrsoSij tepang^ayi, see ^^o i^siorio^ tepangely, s. Any article with an inclined sur- face. "^tltM^^ tepakallv, s. A polishing stone, whetstone. J i^^tj"^ tepane, s. Rubbing, polish- ing, as a precious stone. -ii^sjd tepale, s. A kind of trough or bucket used for watering trees, etc. -i 1^^ tepu, s. Rubbing, whetting, polishing, as a precious stone. — ^^ a polishing stone; a corundum. — a^t5 a polisher. _3ieJO30 a whetting board, -^i ^4^) to polish, cut, as a precious stone. Ji^^^tepuni (^e), 7'. «. To throw water with a bucket or \ trough. 2. to irrigate.Us.to rub, polish. I ^20^ tebate, see ^2oa l^sJo3ri tematige, see €e^a^. Ji^s^Or^, i^^j^^ temana, temana, s. Loss in assaying metals, waste caused by rubbing or polishing metals. l^^jOoj, 1^53 J temayi, teme, see t^oid teya, ^^^ ^c^^- Jl^D^ teri^, ^. An idol-car. 2. the car-festival. — ^j^a^o) to draw a car in procession. J^D* teriji, i". Bark, rind, peel. ^oi to peel, bark, flay, ^^d- the peelings of cucumber. Jj^do^ terante, s. A centipede, millepede. i^D«)eJ terata, s. A car festi- val. i^^^^i teru, see ieS. i^d ter6, see ^e5. 4 J^dddod tereda-mara, s. The i^Tir terga 299 ^jsri to^a marking-nut tree, Semecarpus Anacardiwn. ^/J^/ir^ tergade, s. Settlement; conclusion ; acquittal. 2. passing, as an examination. t^fj'T terpe, s. Mire sticking to a plough. Mt^^'p^ terbidi, s. The street through which an idol-car is drawn; the car-street, -i J^:^;^ telij, see M^. i'^2;"s^?j telavuni, see ^^4^. -ii?-^j^ teluni (^?^), r. n. To float. J l?sg tevu, s. A kind of yam, Arum colocasia\ Calladium esculentum. J J^^^ tel^, ^. A scorpion. — Xooa the hook of a chain, to which a coin etc. is suspended. — so^ ^0?) a scorpion to sting. i^ tei, see ^y Jv^S teinati, ^. Being in one's charge or care. 2. a peon attending on a superior offi- cer; an orderly. -/iioj^ teipini, ^^^^ -^Ih^. J^Ofl teirane, ^^^ ?5j^-dE?. i)^Oo^ teiruni, ^£?^ ^Sodoo^. i^e^* teili^, s, A money bag, purse. t^, i^ teila, telle, s. Oil, ointment. i^^?o teilasa, see ^^^^7i. 1^© teili, ^^^ ^^^• ij?)o=^ tonke, ^. Void, vacuum. -iij?)or^, iJ5 oi^s3^ tonge, tong-el^, s, k cluster of blossoms; a bunch of fruits, etc. ijsoti tonde, see ^ood 2. see doctf. iJSod^a^o tondekalpu, ^. The northern frontier of the Tulu land. ijscil^eJOvc^j g>);d7^jsef^^ ^i^^ ^ix>y. ;^j^j 6^^ the Tulu country extends from Tonde- kalpu down to the ford of Kasargod. tJt-QCi^'^ tondtini, see ^jac^^. JjSod^ tondappe, s. A tadpole. -VijSodd tondare, s. Entangle- ment, confusion. 2. perplex- ity, annoyance, trouble, vexa- tion. 3. misfortune, distress. -jiJScdOc^ tonduni (ijsoS), v. a. To work hard, labour; cf. Jj3odoOo, Jj3odJ3Co tonduru, tondoru, s. A baking pan; a copper vessel for baking cakes by steam. "^iJSocS tonde, ^.'^'. Big, distended. — sooeS a big belly, -^o a tadpole. -<3ts^ a kind of fish. 7 ijsozod tombara, ^^". Abundant, much. ad7!. Heartily, freely. —^s^t^^^i to eat heartily. iJ3ow«)=s^ tombak^, see ^oeas^. JIjsosSo tomme, s. The lobe of the ear. -iiJSriD, ijsrid togari, togare, s. The pigeon-pea, Cajanus ijsri tog: a 300 ^J^d^ toddu >/ indicus. -s5e^, _ ?d£JsO50 doll, split pigeon-pea. Jjsris:^ togal^, see ^7(6. iJSriJSD togori, ^d?^ ^jsXb. iJ3t;io^* tojank^, ^^^ ^a^c^. iJ32si=^, ijstsi^^ tojake, tojakade, ^. Malice. — s^Diiio^ to talk maliciously; to give vent to malice. >/^iJSe3 tojji, s. 'itching, scratcli- ing. 2. the scum of water, collected into bubbles. VtJ^U toti, s. An old woman. V JJS^ tote, ^. An old man. JiJ^U. totti, s. A bucket, trough, tub. -/isisli o^ tottil^, ^. A cradle, cot. — ^-S-^j a bat. —^Doi a large kind of butterfly, ^^o'^o^ to rock a cradle. -^ iJS^o, tottu, ^.-'The stem or J stalk of a leaf <9r fruit. >/2. the nipple of a breast. Vlj^yj-c^, iJS^J^c^o^ tottuni, tot- tonuni (^j»^i ^jsBjs^Fs), ^. ^. To embrace, hug, hold fast; cf. ^^js,r®o^. ■^ Jjs^totte, ^.-^A basket made of cocoanut leaves, h. a honey- comb ; cf. — ^JSOAOF kind of crane. [trough. ijsL3^o5j totrayi, s. A wooden iJ3^ d totlale, ^. A child in the cradle ; also Sji>^^2j^6. _^e ^» a wife to return to her husband's house, with the new-born child. -^iJS:3*c:3 tod^mbe, s. A cluster of flowers. iJ3^o^^ todank^, s. A clasp, hook. iJ3d^ todaki^, s. Entanglement; obstacle, hinderance. -'^jsdno^ todaguni (^js^K), 7'. n. To begin, commence. 2. to undertake. •''iJSdrio^ todagelii, ^. Beginning, commencement. Jjssidoci todamane, ^. Entertain- ing a son-in-law 6^^ a mother- in-law for the first time. VjjSo^D^, ijsdcJo todar^, todaru, s. Entanglement, obstacle. |j5dd todale, s. The funeral dinner. 2. hardship, trouble. ^rf ^0^ food earned with hardship. Jj3(^ todi, see SjnTi^. •^tJz)Q>f\ todig:e, ^.'^ Clothes, dress. 2:^ ornaments. 3. avidity, eagerness. tj^zi:^, ijss^o^Se^^ todu, toduvely, s. Greediness. ij^Tio-^^ a greedy man. ijssi tode, see ^iS. -^iJS^og^ todepuni (^js^), 7-. a. To anoint. 2. to paint. 3. > to smear, rub. iJ^d^DV^ todeval^, s. A bubo, -i ^JSc^j ;:j todduve, j. -'A large bee. 2.^a beehive, honeycomb. 3. a lump of musty flour, -^w^ ^ to build a beehive; to be- come musty. ~-^^oi to ex- tract honey from a beehive. Jjszl todde 301 JjS53, tolke -ii^d todde, s. A large kind of bee. 2. its hive; c/. ^j^ri^^. ij^d& toddel^, s. Greediness. ><^ 2^a large bee. iJS^ © toddeli, see ^jh^^. iJS3ls3, iJt^^S toddele, todtele, s. A greedy man. Ijs^?^ todtini, s. A greedy woman. J iJ3^j^ tottu, ^. A maid servant. >jij?)ds3 todale, ^. A stammerer. ViJSd^ todale, ^. Stammering. 2. indistinct pronunciation. 3. untruth. — sjsi-do^ to stam- mer; to lisp; c/. rfcdejJS). ij?)ds)o=^d todunkara, see B^o'^-d. tJ^zi^of\)p^ todungeiliji, s. Long- ing, eagerness. iJSdo^ todupu, s. A vain hope or desire. [odw^. Jjssj^^o3)c^ toppalipuni, see ^^o iJSoj, toppi, ^. A cap, hat. ij3o^ toppu, see ^^. Jjjso^j^ toyali, s. A washer- woman. iJSO^Jog^ toyipuni, see ifjs^^^. iJSO^j^ toyila, see ijs^^. Aij3o2)o© toy Hi, ^^^ ^jsorfo^. ij3d tor a, ^^^ ?^^^. ijsdoTV^ torang^, ^^^ ^t^ooX. ij3G=^ torake, s. A large flat seafish, a skate, thornback. 33^^-, h^- different species of thornback. Jjsbri tor age, see ;6jst5^. ijsdra torana, see ^ji^-d^. ViJSdo^)^ torapuni, v. a^To wash superficially.' 2. to flatter. 3. to heal a disease by incan- tations, fumigation, eUr, also |jsd© torali, see e^-^'?. -/ijsdd torale, ^. The mucus of the nose. IjsOoS^) toripuni, see ija^r^i. -^iJ^6D^ torely, s. Abandonment. ^'tj^6^^ torevuni (^jst5), v. a. To abandon, give up. Jj3=3*rC)OJoo^ torkaliyuni, see ?3js |j?)=g^jr^ torkuni (^js^r), ^. a. To play. 2. .y^^ ?6ja=5^or^. Jj3=^r^^ torkely, .y^^c>^. J ^J^^^> toipuni (=^^j,), 2^. ^.^To J strike, beat. ^2. to wash, as clothes. ij?Ho20j toimbu, adj. Large, tall. 2. fat, stout. tSi^p^ toil^, s. Plenty, abun- dance. Jjs^otS'o tonku, see ^jse^o. ;|js^o^o^ tonkuni, see i^eos'o^. JjS^o^ tonkfe, see eBjso^, ij3o^. ;iJS^o=^s;'^ tonkel^, see ^e^?. Jjs^ori tonge, j^^ ^jho-R. iJS^ozS tomb^, ^^^ Tiaoax). ^JS^oZOJF tormbu, .y^^ ^TijoaDo. iJS^T^o toku, s. Danger, risk. J J2. collision. ^JS^^oe^j tokulu, see ijs^^^jseJo. Jij^^'g', iJ3^=^o^ toke, tokely, ^. A slope, declivity. ^^'. Se- cluded, retired. ij5^=^.?e;j tokolu, s. A kind of bait. |JS^^15.^ tokkale, ^^^ ?3j3^re3. JiJS^23'353)2:) tojavuni, c. v. (of ijs?aio^) To show, point out. v/jjs^ido^ tojuni (^j?>?^), ?:'. ;2. To appear, be seen. c. dat. To seem, think. ^s^^'btoS^f^^ht^ to disappear, vanish; to miss. -/iJ3^&i tota, s. A garden, orchard, plantation. — crooSo a garden- er, planter. ?R)^ a coffee plantation. ®D-5rf— a cocoa- nut garden. ■^ivJSfli toti, s. A scavenger; a sweeper. -^iJS^Uri totige, ^. A class of Brahmins, working in planta- tions. iJS^eJo totu, see eSjseWo. JjS^c^ toda, J. Faintness exhaus- tion. 2. see ^jaeTl). _ eoj^-do^ to be exhausted. >/JjS)^r^cris;^ todangel^, adj. Scoop- ed, burrowed. ij^^c^^odoSj todamarayi, s. A trough scooped out of a single log of wood. ^J3^C3c)53c^ todavuni, c.v. {pf^^^ ^n) To cause to dig, to have dug. iJS^c^o todu 303 ^okl^ tountu i iJ^^zLi todu, s. A drain, sewer, gutter. 2. a brook, water- course, canal. Vijs^djc^ toduni (^^eS), ■:'.«. To dig, burrow, mine. Xo^^— to dig or sink a well. ij5^5^^ todtini, see ^j?>^^. ijti^£^ tona, see :^er®. ijt.^^ totra, ^^^ t.^^^. iJS^sjrs topana, j. A drain or opening on the border of a garden to let out rain water ; c/. A^^7:>^. iJ^^h topi, see ^js^^. J iJl^^ topu, s.^A grove, clump of trees. 2. a cannon, vs. a ^ red coloured cloth. ^^y.4led. — ^?'5 a female's garment of red colour. iJ^^tiO^ topeli^, see i.^?t3. JjS^g, iJS^jOj topra, tobra, ^. A gram-bag for horses. ija^Eo toba, j. A fault, crime. -ijseEO e?ib^ to be harassed, or defeated. ~t,r^^ to plead guilty. iJse^S, isftezSo^ tobe, tobeli^, ^^*. Big, large. -soc^ a pot- belly. ^si^^zS^ toma, .y^^ jSis?^. 2 . ;6js^e^. ijs^sjod tomara, s. An iron crow. 2. an arrow. 3. a javelin. ijs^o^j toya, ^. Water. -^ ^J?)^o5o^^ toyipuni, see ^j^I^^^. -^ Jjs^d tora, s. Stoutness, thick- ness, adj. Thick, stout, large. Jjj?)^;:5r3 torana, s. A festoon of leaves, flowers, efc. hung over a doorway or across the highway, a triumphal arch. — 5Bj^^ to put up a triumphal arch. JiSi^O'i, ijS^OT^ torike, torig^, s. Appearance, show, exhibition. y^js^do toru, s. Leaking. yjjs^do^ toruni (^js?^), z'.n. To leak, ooze, run. 2. see i-seS^o?). ij^^^o tolu, see i-se^o. 7iJ3^^o^^ tolpuni, ^^^ ?S.do^^. iJS^STs^ tovale, ^. A cultivator, gardener. -/ivO^sS tove, J. Boiled pigeon- peas. ij^^^ tosha, ^. Joy, delight, pleasure. ^js^^ia^c^, iJ5^?5"3 fS toshekhane, toskhane, ^. A treasury. IjS^^ toli^, ^^^ ii.^e^o. -^iJS^^ tolyi, .y.^he arm. 2.'^a ^ wolf; also ^js^^^a. _80(*; strength of arm. ~^b-R an ornament worn on the arm. _83?aio^ to wave the arm. ijsr^on^ tolang-^, s. Shaking of the arm. ijse^o tolu, s. A beam. Ij?^^ tole, J^^ ^Jse^. IjSv- toi-, ^^^ ^/^^ ^J3^^. 3^- tou-, ^^^ '^^- 3^oL;j?i tountuni (s"^cO), ^. ^, To shake, wave. 26* J^^o touku 304 vB.S^JS trisu S^^j touku, see ^e^^. 3^23 touji, ^^^ ^^^. s^d touda, see s"^t^o. 3^:^or^ toudange, The creeper Asparagus sarmentosus .^'^^dotoudu,^. Bran, husk. — eoor® brown, ruddy colour. — ^o zSjsa a kind of viper. 3^3^0/iJ3e^ toudugoli, ^. A kind of wild fig tree. 3^3 touti, see t^^. s/s^l toute, s. A cucumber. ^ 3^do^ touruni (^"^^), ^^ ^. To strip off, as the leaves of a tree etc.^ to remove. s^oior, ^do tourya, ^. Music. 3^0, s^^ touli, touli, ^^^ 2^4e3. 3^r3 trana, ^. Power, strength, ability. — tooSo a strong man. SD.r5€ tranike, ^. A strong man. s^o^ trasij, s. A balance, pair of scales. 3^)^ trahi, imperat. Nourish, protect (poetic). A=5*dj trikadu, ^. A medicine composed of three ingredients 3j=aC!r9 trikarana, s. Thought, w^ord and deed. ^^yse; trikala, s. Morning, noon and night. 2. past, present, and future tenses. 3j'^j^^r9 trikona, s. A triangle. adj. Triangular. priors triguna, s. The three qualities, i.e.^ truth, passion, and ignorance, adj. Three- fold, treble. ^t3-305o trijayi, s. A third part. ^jvS^oJo tritiya, adj. Third, -s 2?^ the instrumental case. vl^asj tridiva, ^. Heaven. ^c^^^o trinama, ^. The secta- rian mark worn on the fore- head by Vaishnavaits. vB^^^ triphala, s. Three kinds of fruits, i. e. e5e3 , ^eS , sdo>§^oso, used in medicine. ;^2;jjdF^ tribhuvana, s. The three worlds, heaven, earth and hell. ^^od trimara, s. A holy tree; also ^'do^'d. ^"^ShhT trimurti, s. The Hindu triad, Brahma Vishnu, and Siva. sB^oJ?;^ trimula, s. Three kinds of medicinal roots. Ao3j^^ triyeka, adj. Triune. sl.Oorl trilinga, ^. The three genders, namely : masculine feminine, and neuter. sB,53j5^=j^ triloka, sec ^j^ot^?^. ^ 'd'AT trivarga, s. The three human objects, namely: love, duty, and wealth. ^ t^i"^ sSo trivikrame, s. A name of Vishnu. 3 ^qJ trividha, s. Three kinds, ^c//'. Threefold. 3 Sjd trivude, ^. A kind of metre. 3 2iJ3^ trisula, s. The trident of Siva. ie^ tret a 305 do=^«^ dankyu J^^odoori tretayuga, s. The second or silver age of the world. =3ro treilokya, see B^^^ i^^^^-^ ;^=5S tvakk^, s. The skin; the rind, bark, as of fruits, trees, elc. ;^D^ tvarita, s. Haste, speed, quickness. q^ tha, The thirtieth letter of the alphabet. ^7^d thagi^de, see ^K^. qS^^e; thatala, s. The sound of an unexpected slap. qS^ thattij, see ^0^. q^y fS thattane, see ^«^^. dei, thatti, ^^^ ^^.• q^kJo^ri thattuga, see ^uJjX. qS^^d^ thattetarak^, s. House- hold furniture. q^d thara, see ^tj. qj^ thala, see ^^. TH q^s^qS^ thalathala, see ^"s^^^. qTSoLb^ thantuni, ^^^ -^c^i:)^. qi^^j thatu, ^. Gaiety, mirth, festivity, qreyj?^ thatuni, see ^oyo^. qrs^ thate, ^^^ ^^. q38)do^ thaduni, see ^Tk)^. qss)^ thade, s. An ox that gores. q3e)cl thane, ^^^ ^r®. qje)?:^ thasa, ^. Heat, burning. 2. inflammation, fever. 3. anguish, distress, jp^^ thedi, J^^ ?3ea. ^3" cj da, The thirty-first letter of the alphabet. c5o dam, see croSo. c^o=aDSj^ dankavuni, c, v. (of rfo ^0^) To cause to kick, etc, do^o^oo^ dankiyuni, see s^o^on^. JCJo'S'j^i dankuni (^o^), ^. a^.VTo kick, or throw with the foot, as a ball. 2. to despise, treat D with contempt. 3. to flaunt, strut. c^o^S sjD^T^Ooi to speak defiantly. sSd^r— to mock at fear. §o5aJj?)^os?^ rfo=^-5 e?do5 elders should not be despised. do=aOo^ dankyuni (^o^), ^.?2. To crow lustily, as a cock. 2. mucus to discharge from the nose ; to suffer from catarrh. rfon* da,ng^ 306 dio^ dandi dors^ dan^^, s. The arm. cjori danga, ^^^ z^o^. don«)aj^ dangapini, see under -idone)5j^ dangavuni, cv. (o/ ^o Ao^) To cause to bend, bow. doA dangi, see zio-R. -IrfoA, cJoAa dangi, dangidi, adj. Bent, inclined, -"s^'rf a bent tree, sj^odo— bent with age ; old, infirm; cf. ^07(0^. dortj dangu, see rfoK. adorio^ danguni (j^^K), v.n. To bend, incline, doridange,^. Rebellion, mutiny. -■^j4c^ dandiyavuni, c. v. (of uiocioiw^) To cause to stretch do^ dandi 307 rfodoo dammu out the hand, as by offering to give something, to offer; also ziozs^n^^. do^oj.o^ dandiyuni (aoa), v. a. To put forth, stretch the hand to receive anything; also ^o dorl daude, s. Ornament worn on the arm. 2. a dam, mound, bank, bar. 3. the back of a pial. — -^"d a log of wood placed across the brink of a well to stand upon. do^o dandye, see ^oT^-R. cjo^ danta, s. A tooth, tusk. 2. ivory. do3^s^s?, cJovl dantavale, danti, s. An elephant. cio^o dantya, adj. Dental. diot,^ dampati, s. A married couple. 2. a household. -^^, see xs^otj^o. —^A adoration or honour paid to a married couple. do2o damba, see 'do2^. 2. see rfo^. CJoioli dambati, see ^o2oy. v/do2o^f^ dambadige, s. Delight, pleasure. 2. love, good will. 3. acquiescence. 4. persua- sion. — "sId^o^^, see rfosoa^^. ;::oOq^ dambadipuni, dambadiyuni, dambadisunl (sioeoa), z'. ^. To please, delight. 2. to recon- cile, appease, bring to acquie- scence. 3. to persuade, con- vince. diozctd dambade, see ^oeow. doEoc^Oo^ dambadyuni, see rfoso rfo20v|, dambatti, see rfozsa. u^oi^o dambila, see ^o^<^. do 200 dambu, see zio-^o. dozoj^ dambudi, s. A pie. cjosoo^, cJoeuJS^dambuli, dambo- li, s. A thunder bolt. ycJo25 dambe, s. The hollow slip of a palm ^r bamboo used as a drain. do^3o^ dambeli^, see ^o^6. rfoEjJ dambha, see ^o^. dodo damma, ^^^ qi^r. /do do damma, ^^'. Left. 2. ^^^ ^o3o a left-handed man. dodooJ, dodoOJooJ dammante, dammayante, see crf^odooS. dodoo:jo dammaya, s. An humble mode of entreaty; craving mercy or indulgence ; also c:)O^al:rf^,ai0. -3df^^ to crave mercy. —^j^Ti.^oi to entreat, importunate, dun. dodsrao"' dammar^, ^^^ c3d^5. dodJc)6 dammar e, ^^^ 2io^j?)T3. dodoo dammu, ^. Breath, hard breathing. —^p^tjI gymnastics. -^wo^^ to hold one's breath; to be silent, -^^o^^ to hold one's breath, —zi^-do^ to die. — goo^v^^ to breathe; to sigh. —Tixi'So^^ to breathe in. —"^l ^^) breathe hard; to smoke. dodoj^ dammudi, see rfosooa. damshtra 308 dri dagga do^ damshtra, ^. A tusk, fang, large canine tooth. — ^u;)^ a person having projecting teeth; a demon so called. do 2^ J do?^ dainsa, damsa, s. A gadfly. 2. a bee. 3. see ^^o7i. D^^a^ dakkudikka, adv. Soon, "^ • 11 quickly. d^ dakka, ^. Trouble. - to lift upon a scaffold. — ^«o^r^ to prolong. dc3^ dadd^, s. Short stubble left in the ground. 2. worthless / paddy. ^ . callosity, hardness, as of the skin of the palm from manual work, etc.^adj. Dull, stupid, idle; void. -"^ S a blunt knife. -^^ stu- pidity, idleness. -^t5o7\ in- dolent syphilitic ulcers. -© a bad kind of rice, --siwozl d>d dadda 310 d4, dapta oso a kind of wild screw-pine. _^^re5ociJo^ an indolent sore to suppurate. Jt^d dadda, cidv. Suddenly; c/. T^Th^^. --^Ajj^^to fall suddenly. I Czi o^ daddali^, s. The tree Ca- reya arborea. t^Ti e^-S", daddalakki, s. An inferior kind of rice. -/c5^ daddi, s.^k stupid woman. d^ oioo^ daddiyuni, see T^acdro^^. *^ * ' / >/cJj| dadde, ^. A stupid fellow. J 2^ a sow. cjclj? © daddoli, s. The American aloe. ddf^ dadmena, ^. Sluggishness, torpor. 2. indigestion. Jcjrso^ danal^^i, ^. The sound of a bell. dr? dani, ^^^ z;^^^. 2. see q^^^- Jdc?=^ danike, ^. Fatigue, weari- ness, exhaustion. — e?^^ to become weary, fatigued, tired. JrfrJoS's^^ danipavuni, c. v. (of rfrSodoo^) To fatigue, weary, satiate. drJoio daniya, adj. Heavy. Jdr^oJoo^ daniyuni {^A), v.n. To be fatigued, tired, exhausted. s: 2. satiated, satisfied; alsc^ti Jdrao danu, s. Fatigue, weari- ness, exhaustion. d3^ dattv, ^' The left side. J C5|g datta, adj. Left. -^^ the left hand. d^ datta, ^. Adoption. 2. a gift. «^'. Given, presented, made over. 2. adopted. —^ ij, — TiiT^ an adopted son. — ^^?^Ti adoption. si^^ee3 a deed of adoption. — t^^o), -■^o^s^o^^ to adopt. d 3;5^3J oQ-^d dattapahara, ^. Taking back a gift. dig datte, ^. An adopted son. dij^ee3 dattoji, see ^^^^^^ tits^^^ dattole, see under rf£^. dduJ^ dadaluni (c^j^^), v. a. To give, distribute. v. n. To tremble. 2. to boast. 3. to stammer. d:S^c^ dadevuni (j^^), v. n. To • become hard, get stiff. \ Jddo daddu, s. The ringworm, herpes. — -si^S^ the shrub cassia alata. d(^ dana, ^^^ w^^^- d^ dani, see ^^. 2. ^^^ 4^ti. d?^o danu, . a. To menace. 2. to force. 3. to chide, frighten. 4. to stop, detain. 5. to keep under, press down. d^^ dabi, s. Sense. — ^^oi to lose one's senses, become in- sensible. rf^0 dabili, see ^sj^o. cjzoov^ dabuti, see rf^^. d200d?j* daburasij, see ^^as^rS. d^ooa daburi, s. Division of pro- fit. 2. a writer. 3.^^^^20o&. dzOjjD^ dabtari^, see d^6. de^ dabti, see d^B. dZA du?S dabbadabbane, see c^a^. ^id^J,^^ dabbana, s. A bodkin, a large packing needle. deo.d^ud dabbaradibbara, ad/. Disorderly, confusedly. — sro ^0^ to put into confusion. — sj^ ir^o^ to spoak incoherently. dz^ dabbi, ^^.^ ^23^ dtO,© dabbili, i-£^^ ^83,e5. 4d£co, dabbu, ^.^A crack, break. 2. i-^^? '^'^\^' tii^:)J^ dabbudi, s. The wicker- work of a cart. dm^ dabbuli, ^^^ ^eoo^a ^/dd^dabbe, s. A splinter, slip of etc. bamboo, split. adj. Cracked, ^/cJ23,S3^ dabbel^, s. A split, cleft, chink. <^<^'. Cracked, split. ds^jojoo3 damayanti, ^. The name of Nala's wife. dsdjs^^ dainaii\i, s. The large sail of a boat. ddJs^o damami, s. The noise of a drum. dsjje)rj* damasi^, ^. A stamper, beater, large wooden block dsjjs) dama 312 rfa dari with a handle, used to level the ground. ddj??o damasa, J". Damask cloth. dsJoo=s='5)53)?^ damukavuni, c, v. (of rf^oo^o^), To cause bluster, tumult, noise. d^.ois^o^ damukuni, v. n. To bluster, storm, swagger. cj^o.o^j dammaya, see c^o-doodo. cjodo daya, s. Kindness, favour; compassion, pity, goodness. — aeb^ to favour, condescend, oblige, --s^o-^o^^ to honour with a visit; to give; to come ; to sit down ; to go. do^o?;lo?^ dayasuni (rfodo^), v. n. To suit, be fit. CJOdOc)=s'o dayakara, adj. Kind, compassionate. doi3e)^^ dayanidhi, s. The trea- sure of kindness, God. cioijsdoi dayavante, s. A kind or generous man. dai3e)?Dc)rid dayasagara, s. The ocean of kindness, God. do^JS^o dayalu, adj. Kind heart- ed, merciful, compassionate. -:5e^5 the merciful God. dd dara, s. Price, rate. do dara, s. Fear, terror. 2. a hole in the ground. dd=5=«)d darakara, s. Power, authority; right. dd^"c)?j^, dc^3'c)?u^darakas^,dara- kast^, see ri?rorc3 . Mt^ daragv, see da-dK. ddc3 daraji, see ci^r. dcrs darana, ^. Bursting, split- ting. 2. see q^r®. Jddd::;daradara,^. A noise, sound. — -^^^^ to drag with a noise. ddzoC darabara, ^^-6/. Greedily, voraciously. — B^^ to eat voraciously ; cf. ^F6] of. '^^F^. dlJSrrsoc^ dartonuni, refl. v. (of c^s^r^) To beat one's self in sorrow, etc. §>7(6K— to beat the breast; to mourn. di^F darpa, s. Pride, arrogance. —cDoSoaproud, arrogant man. d3Jrc9 darpana, s. A mirror, looking glass. cjo^r darpu, s. Swelling, inflam- mation. Jdi^F^ darpuni {^B), z'.ayTo thrash, beat, strike, break. ^ z\ n. To swell, inflame, ^e; ^^— to curse, anathematise. dzJDF:^ darbari;, s. An audience. 2. an audience hall, a court. 3. grandeur, pomp, ostenta- tion, show. Jz^2^F, CJE^F darbe, darbhe, s. Sacrificial grass, Poa cyno- suroides, ds^jF darma, see ^^or. rfoi3a)rl^ daryapti, see rfaodji)^. titF'^, tiTiF-^ darsana, darsana, .y. A vision, sight. 2. a visit, advent, do dala, adj. Stout, strong, robust, thick, dos'scs*', dosTsa dalavad^, dala- vadi, see rf^s;)oaj. cjo^a daladi, s. Depth, adj. Deep. — ?ieS deep water. d^"c)p^, de^e)© dalal\^, dalali, see d© dali, J^^ ^^^ de;^ dallij, ^^^ c^S. do^©, d23"c)^ dallali, dallali, s. ro ' 00 A broker, agent. 2. agency, commission, brokerage. d© ojj dalliya, ^. A foot-cloth. V dgodoo^ dalliyuni (^^), v. a. To slap, beat. \ 2. to smear. J^jae zlK ^ofi— to smear a wall with mud; c/. i^'dS. N/'ddd davade, ^. The jaw, cheek. d^rJ, ddfl davani, davane, s. A fixed term of payment. — 7^i5 27 c^d dava 314 rf?o, dasta one who pays by installments. _8aeO a written agreement fixing installments. cJs^rliw'O^ davanebally, s. A long rope to which cattle are tied in rows. rfdsB davati, s. An inkstand; also n'SS. j:jsjc^ davana,^. A kind of fragrant shrub. cisJD^ davar^, s. The flapping selvedge of a garment. — ^ ejj^ hemming the selvedge of a garment. ds^do davaru, ^^'. Loose. -^% ^ loose breeches. >id^?o davasa, s. Produce of the field; corn, grain in general. C5S3?© davali, s. A peon's belt. CJsJj^j davudu, i\ Expedition ; march, speed. 2. a gallop. C^^d davude, sre s^^d d5j3 davuti, see zi^B. dsgCoh davurangfi, s. A loose jacket, long coat. dsjco davuru, .y^^ zi^-do. z^S dasa, ^^^w. Ten. —"^ tenth. —^^ ten kinds or sorts. dSOo dasami, ^. The tenth day of the lunar fortnight. dsJ^ojiS dasamukhe, s. Ravana the ten-faced giant. C^^Zj^Stjz) dasamula, s. A medi- cine composed of ten ingredi- ents. rf^d^ dasarathe, s. The father of Kama. ds'Sori dasang^a, s. A composition of ten fragrant substances, used as perfumery. d3;5oS dasamsa, s. The tenth part, tithe. dse);j3'«)d dasavatara, s. The ten incarnations of Vishnu. — ^u a dramatic performance exhibiting puranic episodes. C^i> dase, s. Condition, fortune, luck, influence of the planets; c/. ^^. d^rfj^, d^^o^jo^) dasevuni, da- siyuni (^^, rf<^), 7j.a. To tread down, press in. d<^ojJO^) dashtiyuni (^^), ^. <^. To clean, as a slate. d;^ dasa, see zi^- d>72n dasyu, s. A demon. 2. an enemy. 3. a barbarian. d^, d^ dasra, dasre, s. A popu- lar festival observed in honour of Durga for the first nine days of the lunar month Asvija. d^, dasri, see ^7i^. d3oN dahana, s. Fire. 2. burn- ing, especially of a corpse. 3. digestion. -soeD a burnt offering. d3o^^ dahipuni (^^2o), 7-. «. To burn, consume. 4 d^ dala, ^."^An army.l 2. bottom. 3. the shore of a river, eU. 4. the petal of a flower. 5. a 4 fragment. ^^V Thick, stout, robust; •<:/■. 35^. — ^^jsGs^^ to foam, bubble up. n^^ ^^rio rf^ e?4/37^c^. ^ di'^o'i dalanke, adj. Large. ^2. loose. — ?fD3§ a loose bracelet or bangle. d°^2o^ dalabala, «^/. Thin, clear, / lucid. 2vloose. M^Dd dalavada, .y. Artizan's tools. 2. an assembly of 7 people. 3.^ an army. Jd°^S3^o5j dalavayi, s. The general of an army. dv^i^D dalasari, s. Strength, thick- ness, robustness. d^ dali, s. A line of reepers or splits of bamboos. 2. wooden r\^ dagi^, s. A scar. 2. dis- grace, infamy. C3e)ridJ5;t3 dagaduji, s. Repairs. —Tio^^^ to repair. C3->?ioaj dagayi, s. The left hand. ■izTd^ dadi, J. The beard. n'z)^ dadi, ^. Harm, risk. C3e)C^j^ daduni, see ^^rij^. ■^ C3e)j| dade, s. A tusk, fang. C3^3^ dati^, see ^^^o. nD3D^ datari, s. Protection, support. 2. see cro^. C3'33=^, C3"e)3ri datike, datige, j. A strong, courageous man. 2. a thriving, prosperous man. 23 c):^ J datu, see qro^o. ne)^x^ datri^tva, s. Liberality, generosity. C3e)i date, s. A generous ^r liberal man. ne)3e) D datvari, see cross 5. JcssdsJ dadavu, z^^/^. /r^;^. Which, what? c3c)c^ dana, ^. A gift, donation. —j^s^jr liberality, charity. — 3i ^ a deed of gift. —-^j^tS gifts and honours. — ^ee^ generous, liberal. ~^j^hF^, _^^o^^ to bestow alms. Z5D^^ danave, s. A demon, giant. UD^ dani, see trojS. n5)ci dani, J. A giver, donor. 2, an elephant. C3r>f^o^ danuni, de/. v. What is to be done? cro?^o^ what are you doing? ZJe>^ dane 317 23c) 6 dare ^-C3^?S dane, t'nfg; pron. What? —so^ what did you come for? .C3e)?2oC3*"o3^ daneiidi;inda, conj. {lit. If you say what), namely, thus, as follows, because, for. Z3"3^ dapu, see ss^. C3tt)2or?2JO^ dabaniballi^, see ^-^ 00 C3c)2o^ dabali, ^. A kind of white blanket. C3«)WJ dabu, s. A child's girdle, a silver belt- £3^200^ dabudi, s. A joint-piece. C3^e3 dabe, s, A pigeon-loft. 2- bodily care. 23e)SJo^dod^ damyidumi^, .y^^ 9^^^ ..23e)SJoD^ damari^, ^^^ =^^5. 2. x3c)sdOro<^ damasi^, see rf^j^oJ. cjsdjsa damadi, ^^^ nsodocSg. .<:3'e)Sjvra3e)05o damasEyi, ^. Pro- portion, apportionment. c3^^o?^ damisi^, ^^'. Useless, worthless. 2. worn out. ^C3c)s3JS^d6 damodare, ^. A name of Krishna. Z3e)OJo daya, ^. Heritage, inheri- tance. 2. a gift, present from relations. 231)0:^0=^ dayake, s. A giver, donor. Z3e)OJor3 dayana, j. Illusion. C3«)0^ocSo , c3-so^-5)a dayadye, daya- di, 3". A kinsman, relation, coparcener. •ztsoSj daye, (-^ -e?o3o) ^-^^ ^t^^^^i^/- C3"3o3>), C33o3j7^ diye, ddyegyi, intg. pron. Why, for what purpose? C3c) o3 J ri o :3^oc^ dayegand^nda, conj. {lit. Why, if you say) Where- fore, because. C3'c)D^ dar^, see C3^"5. C3«)D^ CJJ3 do dar^duru, see ■oTi-d^Ti^:^-^:^^ >/c3c)d dara, ^.A thread, string. 2. a wife. ~-zi;id^^ to stitch. C3a)dod daranda, ^. A door frame. -t.^, a lintel. C3c)07^ darage, s. The second of the female twin demons; cf. cjsdrl darane, ^. Price, value, charge; cf. ci^. 2. ^-^^ 9D-d?6. c3"i)doJj daraya, i. A star. 2. ^^^ -^tQ dari, s. Road, way, path. ersdododo daruduru, ^. A false accusation; slander. C3^6 dare, ^^^ ^'^' c3c)6 dare, ^ personal affix denoting an office bearer, holder, ^/^.; as^ ^so^^odt?, 3dd^ C3"3daj^6 darepire, s. The fruit of Cucumis acutangula^ a variety of ^^e"5. Jc3^do3)^ darepuli, ^. The caram- bola fruit, Averrhoa car am- bola. cs'sd^jocl daremane, s. A seat occupied by bride and bride- groom during the marriage ceremony. Z5d6^ dare 318 aot3"5) dinja CTsd^'j^ darekalli, s. A kind of striped milk-hedge, Euphor- bia antiquoruni, C3«)rir darne, see c33tj?6. C3^23^rc5^ darbad^, see rfsrorS. Cjc)^2^^ dalacini, see n^g^^. C3c)^'s dala, s. Anything; of. cro. — f^^, nD25^ there is nothing. C32)2;"3£) dalali, j-^^ c^c^^ es. CT^Ooso, C3c)0o2:)daliinba,daliinbi, C35)C)eo dalijji, 5^^ under ctood. to 23^0 ^ dalcini, ^. Cinnamon. --'csB^ dava, J^^"^^, ^^, S3^. 2. ^^^ . « - L 00 C3i)S3rS205D^ davanibally, see rf^?? C3c)^^ davati, s. Grief, sorrow, distress, suffering. 2. weari- ness, fatigue. C3e)s^'§> davali, see cto20<^. C3c)5S davu, s. Glare, lustre, heat, warmth. C3e)d dave, s. A suit, claim ; com- plaint. 2. enmity, spite. — ctot? a complainant. —-^^^^^ to claim; to complain. C3"5)^^ dasatva, ^. Slavery, bond- age, servitude. C3e)?dF^ dasana, ^. The shoe-flower plant, Hibiscus rosa sinensis ; also cto;^?^^. nB?o3iosl dasapanti, s. A kind of grass, used as a blister. C3c)?doio dasaya, see e9?:irodo. ct3?oo3j, n-?)?oo3j^ dasaye, dasayye, s. A Vishnuite mendicant. Jc3"3ro dasi, ^. A female slave, maid servant. C3i)rOc^ dasina, s. The colouring of the teeth. 2. a kind of grass. 3. see ca)c3;)?j. ui)fi dase, ^. A slave, servant. 2. a mendicant; cf. c33?jd5o. cs'S^^Oj dasemi, s. Mustard. C3c)^?3, ntt)ro^c^<^dastana, dastan^, s. A store, storing. ^a?E)^ to store. --do^o^^ to collect, make ready. c3"s?on^ dasyatva, see odtjs^. CTSsd daha, ^. Burning. 2. thirst, ardent desire. — ^Bes^r^ to quench thirst. 23e)^ dali, s. Marauding, plunder, sacking. [i^ate. Uzi^QU dalimba, s. The poraegra- C3D^ ra, UD^ Too dakshina, dakshi- nya, ^. Regard, respect, con- siderateness. 2. partiality. ^jso— regard of person, a di, A feminine affix ofnouns\ as, ^-^^ a youth; ai^?5a, ai ^oQ a maiden. odosi^ja?? a master; orfo3d^ji)^a a mistress, vlsorlor^jc^, aorij^ dinguduni, dinguni, see ^0X0^. aoti dinja, ^. Plenty, abundance. adj. Full, complete, replete. 2. much. 3. violent, severe. adv. Very, often. — ai?^ plenty of people. — deE5 severe pain. — TiSr often, many times. -laots^sj^ dirijavuni, ^•. 7'. (oftiodio oj) To cause to till, load, heap. aotxiO dinju 319 a=f, dikke -iao^dj^ dinjuni (ao^), v, n. To be filled, full, replete, v, a. To fill. 20c^- lit, to fill the belly ; to earn one's livelihood ; to be pleased. ^ aozEs:^ dinjel^, s. Fullness. 2. flood-tide. aoC3^ dind^i, s. The festival of illumination, when the idol of a temple is carried in pro- cession. — 'S^wo^oi to decorate; to prepare for an illumina- tion. 4x^oT^ dind^, ^^'." Strong, stout. P 2. rash. — ^J^, see aors^l^y^. —BD^ crooSo a tyrant, bully. 4aoG^ dindi^, s. The tender stalk inside a plantain tree. J £)od din da, adj. Proud, mischiev- ous, impudent; cf. aoif. aoC3«)e3?^ dindatige, s. Mischief, impudence. 2. stupidity. i-aoc^j dindu, see aoS. -^ Sod dinde, s. A strong, stout man; a mischievous fellow. — ^t5 a large cocoanut tree. N/aors dinna, see door©. aoari dlndige, see ^o^-R. J a ?S dinne, ^. A hillock, eminence. — ^K hill and dale, ups and downs. /aosjj dimma, s. The sound of a small finger-drum. Dos^oj^ dimmane, adv. Quickly, suddenly. £)osJj^^* dimmak^, see g^j«)^. Jaodj dimme, s. A wedge; a stopple, plug. a 0^0* ^-soSo dimmskayi, -s^^ ao at^S. dikk^, s. Direction, side, region or quarter of the world. 2. refuge, shelter, protection. ^6— four points of the compass. — crooS des- titute, helpless. — crDoSErooS^ a destitute man, an orphan. — croo^ without protection. _8^-5o giddiness, confusion ; roaming, wandering. —^^^ to miss the direction. J £)=^dikka, adv. Quickly, speedily. a^Dd)^ dikkaripuni (s^^^^), ^.^. To despise, condemn, censure, reproach. 2. to disdain, re- ject. ^^jV^ dikkal^, see Qt?j3,<^o. £)=5^5S'so^ dikkapalyi, s. Disper- sion, dissipation, rum. —^c> ^^h^ to be dispersed, dissi- pated, ruined. a^^,53j€ dikkamalli, s. A kind of resin tree, Gardenia lucida. a^'^.d dikkara, ^. Disrespect, in- sult, contempt; disdainment, rejection. a^ dikki, see c3^^. a^td^od dikkijjyande, see a^^ c33oii under c^^^. a=^, dikke, ^. A Pariah. ■0- a^, D=^a^ dikke, dikkeli;i, s. A -rf ^^, the front of a hearth. d^^c5da6 hearth, fireplace, front of a heart! the hearth-place. a=^j^ dikko 320 arf dina i a=^JS)^ dikkol^ (/e^n. of a^^), s. A Pariali woman. a^^ 5;=^dikpalake, s. The guar- dian of one of the eight points of the compass. Dn*o^ di^^r^, s. Disregard, in- difference. 2. resentment. adj. Adverse, contrary. — sro <|TJ, _?j^^ an adverse state- ment or reply. — -rfo^Os^^ to resent; to disregard. ario^ dig^anta, s. The horizon. ariosd digantara, ^. A foreign country. arJoiod digambara, ^^'. Naked, uncovered. 0X0201? a nude man; a recluse, anchorite. J DAo^ digil^, s. Fear, alarm. 2. cowardice. arltd diggaja, ^. One of the fabulous elephants support- ing the globe. a ^oCj^F^ digbandhana, s. A general charm to keep off all evils. tif\ ^0 digbhrama, s. Unsteadi- ness. ^TMitT digvarte, s. News from different directions. &A2cjoJo digvijaya, ^. Universal conquest. a^ dita, see c^^^. a^ ditta, adj. Confident, bold. ~^t> boldness. ay, ditti, see ^^U^ j^^„ a^. ditte, ^. A bold, or clever 4 az3*o2oo didymbu, adj. Corpulent. acs^ozSo* did]^inber\;i, s. A deified bull, an ox belonging to a Siva temple. 2. Siva's steed. J£)C3*"=CT did^ka, see aii^. ^ac3^Dd didi^dida, ^^^. Quickly. ac3^s3j?^ did^mena, see rfz|^^. a 2^ dida, ^^<2 ^g)^. -^^^=3^ didika, see 01^^. s/^c^oosoj didumbu, ^.^ big drum. adj. see aSo20j. adjosSdo didumberu, see aSodS. Aadj didka, adv. Immediately, quickly; suddenly. Uacs^ diddi;i, ^.^An elevated ground, a mound. 2. rancidity. ad didde, ^^^ eS^- £)4?d didmena, see rfzf^?^. adosSo, acS^ didamme, didappe, see O n o^j, ^d S^' under ^"^rj^ din^sy, s. Likeness. 2. kind, sort. ^^^7^^ din^sara, s. Different kinds or sorts, as of goods, elc. ^^ dina, s. A day. -^w^s? daily routine. — ^jse5 daily wages. —zizi daily. —sib, — sro5 a diary, day-book, chronicle. — g^cdoF daily conduct. — a?3ja ^0 daily. -^j«j^ the length of a day, a day in general ; the times, —^"rfre passing time. rsii^rf— the present time. —5?^?) to spend time, to live. ^^0^^ dinamprati, ad7'. Daily, every day. ^^7^ dinas^, see aS^oJ- ^^D dina 321 a^53's dipa a?5^F^^fddinanadina, s. A certain day. ^^DZ)D dinala, aa^v. Daily. ;^ Dzo rs dibbana, s. A bridal party, a marriage procession, —era ^0^0, Qso^rS/^S persons belong- ing to a marriage party. a2Ci^S5^ dibrali^, ^^-^ aoeo^j^. asJ^^rj^oSiJ dim^skayi, 5^?^ ao adj5)=5^ dimak^, ^. Haughtiness, arrogance, pride, disdain. a^jei dimiti, ^. A kind of stout, white cotton cloth, ribbed or figured ; dimity. ^aOoa^o dimidimi, s. Agility, dancing nimbly. aojjo, ag diyya, dirra, adv. Sud- denly, at once; c/. a^^. as5^ dil^, ^. The mind, heart. a^, ^^^ diva, divasa, see ^^. as3c)=5*6 divakare, s. The sun. asT^c^S as3-Sc^ divany, divane, ^. The minister or secretary of a native state. 2. an idiot, fool. t^zzDDDi^ divaratre, s. Day and night, adv. By day and night. £iS3^6JS^2dra divarohana, ^. As- cension. a^'S^ divali, ^. Bankruptcy. 2. see ae3j3<^. —sSjs?^ a bank- rupt; a spendthrift. -e?E3^, — rSs^^ to become insolvent. ao divi, s. Heaven, the sky. DOeJ diviti, see 2§e&37^. aoaD^oddividiviinara,^.Thedi- vidivi tree, CcEsalpma coriara. a^o divya, adj. Divine, celestial. 2. beautiful, agreeable, excel- lent, supernatural. _ao?^9 excellent disposition. — &^ j^ divine knowledge, --dojagr the Divine Being, God. --d^. a rare gem. --rf^d quicksilver; (3;/^^ s>)rfT:??j. — eSjse^ heaven. -■^^ an excellent substance; a holy being. a3^o;^d disantara, see 6^-5i>otd. as^)^^ disataue, ^^^ j3e^y^. a^ disc, 5-. Direction, side, space, region; cf. d^^, 6^. £)^ dishta, s. Fate, destiny, fortune. a^ dishti, ^^^ rf^^^. --^iD^^ glass beads put on the neck of an infant to ward off the effect of evil eyes. a;^ dise, s. Fortune, luck, —^^o^^ to be lucky. o3oz? _ good luck. 3rfat?_ bad luck. ^^UA ditige, see sSe&^T?. a^^^?^ din^si;, see ^^qS. Q^^ dina, adj. Poor, indigent, needy, 2. modest, humble, cringing. a^F^ dine, ^. A poor or weak man. 2. an humble man. a^sj dipa, s. A lamp; a light. — ^^ lighting lamps in a temple as an act of devo- tion. a^sj^ dipana, s. Hunger. aes3?)^, a^o^-^s^^dipali, dipavali, s. {lit. A row of lights), a a^53"5 dipa- 322 CJooSJO dumbu festival with nocturnal illu- minations in honour of a god. ./ ae^j)^c^ dipavuni, c.v. {of t^^h^) To cause to place, keep, put, etc. -^a^S5c)5Ss£^^c^ dipavonuni, rejl. v. [of D?s^^^) To keep, etc. for one's self. 2. to keep a con- cubine, vlg. ti^h^ dipike, see t^esi. a^5^ dipti, s. Light, lustre. 2. fire. 3. a lamp kept burning near an idol. a^^^ dipini {^i)^v.a. To place, keep, put, reserve, lay by. a^aj^ diya, see aodog. a^6 dire, see ^e^. £)^^r dirgha, adf. Long. j. The long form of a vowel, the letter ?. -e?odoo^o a long life. — c^^r a prophet, seer. — ^odo^ death. — b^oS long suffering, patience. t^^TR>'F^ dirsale, s. A superior kind of rice. a^sJli divati, see ^eW^?. a^s^^ divali, see Qe3ro<9. a^O, a^sj divijdivu,^. An island. -rf 7^7\st3 a prodi- gal, squanderer. cjoodo^ dundubhi, s. The fifty- sixth year of the Hindu cycle of sixty. 2. a kettle-drum. CJJo?^ dunna, see ciior®. c5jo?SjSoZ& dunnonci, s. A kind of earring. CJJoojOl)j^ dumpiyuni (rfooL), 7'.^. To stumble. cioozon^ dumbagv, ^^^'' I^ future, next year ; cf. Ti>:io'i;^^. |-£j.st. doozo^ dumbatta, adv. First, at dJo^c3c)^ dumbinani, adv. The day before, previous day. doosoo dumbu, s. Front. 2. past time. 3. futurity, adv. In doo;^j«) dumma 323 cio^ duppa front. 2. early, beforehand. 3. at first, in the beginning. 4. formerly. 5. in future, hereafter; also^o's:>K. — trooSo the first man, firstborn. — ^e t^) to go in advance, —t^^ before and behind, front and rear. [sorrow. cjo o^j^c^ dummana, ^. Grief, CJoooSj dumyi, s. The sound of a mosquito. cjoos^, doo?o duoisa, duSsa, see do 8 duh, see ^B. do8iu duhkha, s. Sorrow, grief, aflliction. — ??ja^r^ to afflict, grieve, tease. ^-^"^^^ to mourn, lament. C3o8£)o:^oo^ duhkhiyuni (c^=a)), z'.n. To mourn, lament, ^oi) ci^sa)5 5f)^r^ to sob, weep bitterly. ^082^=^0^ duhsakuna, s. A bad omen. c^^'5'^'^^ dukani^, s. A shop. d>Ci=^. dukka, adv. Suddenly, at once, quickly; c/. t^^^. — e^^o, ?) to get up at once. CJJSJ dukkha, see c^jsso. dorlcl, djn^c? dugane, dug^ga- ni, s. Two pie. doLi, dutta, see c^^ . ido^ dudi, ^. The lip. i dj^s, di^i^i dudita, dudite, s. Gain, acquisition. 2. proper- ty. — "^^Ok^^ ^^^ cl)aodoj^. -i dooloJoo^, cjj^lj^dudiyunijdudi- pini (ci>^Si), ^. a. To acquire, gain, earn, obtain. Cjodooioo^ dudumbuni (rfoi^oo^), ^. a. To drive. >/cJjJ^o=5^o, cJouso=^j;^?^ duduku, du- dukutana, s. Hurry, rashness. 2. violence, injustice. 3. pride, haughtiness. ^zSdd^i'^j^ dudukuni (:^Tid^), v.n. To be rash or hasty. 2. to be violent, haughty, v, a. To defy. cSjj^o^ duduta, see ^c^^. cijGi^ei duddata, s. The game of chuckfarthing. dj?3s)^duddase, s. Covetousness. •^::!i:)ii:> duddu, s. k copper coin worth four pie. 2. copper coin in general. 3. money, cash. ^f3_, X^_ a thick copper coin that was current in former days. s/djc^oSt^ dunipuni {^^), v. n. To struggle, strive. 2. to flutter, flap the wings in agi- tation, as a bird. 3. to bustle, be in a hurry. ^ciJcJsSo^ dunipel^, adj. Strug- gling, striving, fluttering. 2. bustling. ^cJorJs5d dunipele, s. A bustler, busybody. Vdors dunna, see socr®. CJo^j^ duttu, see c^jpI^. do^ duppa, adv. Suddenly; quickly. dj^ei, do^^ duppati, duppate, J. A laced or other cloth ciosS duppe 324 djrior durg^u loosely thrown over the body. 2. a sheet, tablecloth. do^ duppe, see ^^. dosjD^e;^ dubarali^, see Ti>:>'iz^j^. doejOe)=5*'" dubalak^, adj. Twice distilled; double. doea^D dubari, adj. Double. 2. needless, useless. — ^slr double or needless expense. 3. see c502OT)6. x^:^Vii)'k diibasi, s. An interpreter. 2. a broker, agent, etc. do^3^s;^ dubraly, s. Twice dis- tilled arrack. Jdodoo^o^ dumukuni (cl^^o^), V. a. To jump down; to alight quickly. X^:^'^:>:>'f^:^ dumusu see ao^o?jo. dooSj^o^ duyam^, adj. Second- ary, subordinate. 2. middling, second-hand. CJOD^, do?v^ dur, dus, Prejixes denotmg Bad, ill, wicked. 2. difficult. 3. inferior, vile. dodoh durangi, adj. Differently coloured on both sides, as some cloths. dodsp^cTo durabhyasa, s. A bad habit or practice. dodojj duraya, see ^^o. rfoD"si5e)d duracara, s. A bad custom or usage. 2. wicked conduct. djD^ J, duratme, s. An evil spirit. 2. a wicked man. cJ0Da)53jS)^2;aN duralocane, s. Wick- ed thoughts. doDD^ durase, s. Covetousness. 2. a vain or forlorn hope, unattainable desire. doD;^ durita, s. Sin, transgres- sion. dodo23 duruji, .y^^ Ti^i^^f. dodoc^ duruda, ^^^ c^^v^. ti^^T^:^'^ durubi, adj. Inebriating. 2. surfeiting. —^-^ inebria- tion; surfeit. dorfoe:)^ durubini, see c^83r^. do dot^^z^i durubija, see cljeSer&f. ti^it^ir^:^ durusu, see cl3?i)r. T^t:)^^^ durustu, s. Kepairs, im- provement, adj. Proper, well, right, -^'^o^?^ to repair, mend, put in order. djdo^durula, adj. Wicked. —^^ wickedness. djC)0«? durule, s. A wicked man. T^:ii\T durga, s. A castle, hill-fort. 2. see rfo7\r. doriroi^ durg^andha, s. A stench, fetid smell. dorl rej, do^rei durgata, dur- ghata, adj. Difficult of attain- ment, insurmountable. —53 cxi>r an object difficult to ac- complish. do/lr Jj durgati, s. A bad destiny, misery. 2. hell. T^ t:^ ^ oj J durgalaya, .y. A tern pie of Durgi. doriF durgi, s. A name of Parvati. 2. the name of a female. dortorc9 durguna, s. A bad dis- position or temper, corrupt nature, adj. Ill-natured. CJOT^F durge 325 c^0(^^ dushki z:^^f\F durge, see zid'hF. dJ2^r durci, s. A sheet of paper. 2. see j3j3s3r. cJJt^r^durJana, ^.Wicked people. doss^FsS durjati, s. A disreput- able caste. CJ023r durji, see AoaSr. 2. ^^^ ^SjaaSr. doe;jro^ durjil^, see ^SjsaSr. docJr^ durdase, s. Misfortune, ill-luck. did^Fdi durnadate, s. Bad con- duct. dOc^F^ durnudi, s. A bad word. z:^:iZ^F^ durbala, s. Weakness, impotency. adj. Weak, im- potent; helpless. dJ2:)F?i durbini, s. A telescope. d02:)^F2d durbija, s. lit. A bad seed. adj. Of bad family, of disreputable descent. cl)20jr£) durbuddhi, s, A wicked 9 mind, bad disposition. 2. folly, want of sense. dozSjS^Fq^fS durbodhane, s. Bad advice. CJo^F^ durbhikshe, s. Scarcity, famine. ti^i-^^^Th durmati, s. The fifty-fifth year of the Hindu cycle of sixty. 2. an evil mind. dodoF^?^* durmanasiji, s. A bad mind. ti^it^^Tt^ durmarana, ^. An un- timely death, death by acci- dent. dos^j^FriF durmlrga, s. Wicked- ness, vice. do DoF J durmitre, .'^. A bad friend. dosJJOFSJ durmukha, s. An angry face. doSjOOF^) durmukhi, s. The thir- tieth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. doo3j3^Fd^ duryodane, s. The elder of the Kuru princes. do^FS^j durlabha, adj. Dilficult of attainment, scarce, rare. doss'SFiF durvarte, s. Bad news. djSTSF?;)?^ durvasane, s. A stink, stench. dos^oFo:^o durvyaya, see c^o^rodo. dos^oFi^c^ durvyasana, s. A bad habit, evil practice. dj^Fo;jj durvraya, ^. A useless expense, squandering, waste. dOniOF dursu, .s-. Kockets; also cl3?ior8OTr-3. 2. see c5o"rfo?jo . _80o c^o) to fire rockets. T^^^ShOi dullodi, s. A kind of necklace. dosra^F^ dusmane, s. An enemy, opponent. rfo^^^j^ enmity, hostility. do^^^ dussila, s. A bad dispo- sition or practice. dj^doF dushkarma, s. An evil deed, crime, sin. rfo^i^^^ a wicked man. do^s? dushkale, s. A great thief. dj3s;"^^ dushkala, s. time do^S^^^F dushkirti, s. Infamy. bad name. 28 An evil 2. famine, scarcity. cjjs^, dusta 326 cJJ3dj duru rfj^ dushta, adj. Bad, wicked, depraved. 2. low, vile. -Xor©, —2(33^ a bad disposition. ~^^ wickedness, depravity. -20j a an evil mind; a minister so called. — ^j«)Ar wicked conduct. --^^A a wild beast, mischievous animal. . dt:)'^, dushte, s. A wicked or bad man. cjo^d dustara, adj. Difficult, trying, hard. ' do^d dustale, s. An unhappy man; a bad man. do4i> dustu, ^. A suit of clothes. di^^To.zp'B^ dusvabhava, s. An evil disposition, ill-nature. rfj?oor1 dussanga, s. Bad compa- ny or intercourse; evil com- panions. ciJSceJ dunta, see Xjsow. cJJSod dunde, ^^^ zSjsozf. ciJ3oe3, rfJS)oE3e3^ dumbe, dumbely, see Ti/soeoo. JrfJS23 duji, ^. A needle, pin. -=5^^ a magnet, --^o-d the tinian pine. Jds/sr^o^ duduni, see N>j3?ro^. CJJSvB duti, ^. A pimp, procuress. 2. a female messenger. dtJ^i dute, ^. A messenger, spy. j2e^^ an angel, oi:^!)— the messenger of death. dJ3CJjdudu,^^6'2ijs2S. 2.see'^Jiido. dJSsJ, dJ5)3Jf^ dupa, dupana, see -^rfJS)s3 dupe, s. Food laid out for the dead; a mound marking the burial place of a Stidra. 2. a temporary shed, covered with awnings, for offering oblations to the manes of deceased Stidra. — rf ^o"rf a field in which such a mound or shed has been raised, -rf J^^s^ oblations of boiled rice offered to the manes of a deceased Stidra. —K -sij^Ov^to prepare such food. —K ^^ ^ to serve such food; to serve a person with a large quanti- ty of food. dJSz^f^ dubina, s. A comb. C^JSd diira, s. Distance, adj'. Distant, remote. cljs^jsXo— very far. -cjdoSo a low-caste man; a man come from a distance, -nuf a female in her menses; a low-caste wo- man. -^^ foresight ; long- sighted. — "djeJAr, — ?J5a a long way. -o\)o;^^ to stand at a distance. — ^°L^^ to go far, move further. — 20ja-do^ to be deferred, delayed. ~-Ti:>'^\ ^ to separate ; to shun. JdJ5D"3y diirata, s. Aspersing, calumniating ; complaining. JdJSdo diiru, s. Aspersion, blame, reproach. 2- a complaint. _??j3Sjr^, _;jif^^ to complain. — srozli^ to accuse, blame, censure. JciJSdOc3c)o3j durunaye, i". An ac- cuser, censurer, complainant. cSj^ do duru 327 d^ dekka JdJSuO^ duruni (^&), i'. a. To accuse, complain ; to blame, reproach, censure. lliS)6s5 diirele, see rfjsx^of^^oSo. Z^S)^F:i^ durtatana, s. Crafti- ness. CJJSir durte, s. A deceiver. dJS^=^ dushake, s. A blasphem- er. CJJS^cl dushane, s. Cursing. 2. censure, reproach. :2?^— blas- phemy. dJS(^^^) dushipuni (c^js^), z'. (3;. To blaspheme. 2. to blame, censure, reproach. CJJ5?;jo dusu, s. Fine powder; Jrfjs;^o^ dusuni (^j^oj), ^. ^. To spill, sprinkle. dJS?525^ dusel^, s. Powder, dust. adj. Powdered, dusty. v^CJJS^ dull, see-'-^^'^o. 2 /a dis- picable person. 3. a high num- ber. —t>il, -.tjT^ unreliable. >/dJS^o dulu, see s^js^o. cl?^ dri^ki^, .?. The eye. 2. sight, seeing. c^xS^ dri^dha, 6\ Firmness, sta- bility. 2. certainty. <3;^'. Firm, stable. -^^ firmness; truth- fulness. -Tio^o^^ to affirm, declare; to fix, make certain. cl^^=5^dra dri^dhikarana, s. Con- firmation. dx^ drushta, adj. Visible, appa- rent. Co^S"3,o^ dr^shtanta, s. An ex- ' ample, illustration, evidence. -=^js^r^ to exemplify, illus- trate. cl<^ drushti, s. Sight, seeing. 2. an eye. doA^ deng:^, J. A hiding place. donD^^ dengavuni, c. v. {of-&o Ao^) To cause to be hidden, concealed; hide, conceal. ^dorlo^ denguni (c3oK), v. n. To be hidden, concealed, lie in ambush. dorid dengele, s. One who hides, a refugee. >/dcE3 denji, s. A crab, -kjd^ an abscess between the thumb and the forefinger, ^c^e;— , i::^oo^Oj'do_, ^:^^ _, ^ts^sFr?— , are some of the species of crab. do^S denjeli, s. A kind of um- brella made of palm leaves. dob^ dent\jL, ^^^ cicO. doF^ra dennana, ^^^ stot^?^. do 200 dembu, see disosoo. dods^^ dembel^, ^^^ Ascd^. d^eJo^^ dekkattuni (^^e^)' ^•^• To shuffle, or move in a slo- venly manner, as a person in a tight dress or when the foot is entangled in anything. d^j\ dekkatti, s. A kind of nut- cracker used for cutting the areca-nut into pieces. d^oSo dekkayi, ^. The betrothal badge, —^wo^^ to put the same on the person of a bride. 28* d^ dekka 328 desj devg c3^6, d^D*^, d^do dekkare, J dekkar^, dekkaru, s. The space between the legs, when they are apart. adv. Between the legs. d^^e3 dekkaji, s. A kind of bracelet. d'5"S5fl dekkane, adv. Tightly. d^'s^s^ir^ dekkavuni, c. v. (of ^ ^0J^>) To cause to wash, d-^dekki, ^. Space, room, place. dxS'sX^ dekkuni (^^^), v. a. To wash (anything except clothes), lave, cleanse. d^vi^o dekkulu, see ^-^^fj^^js^^o. d =3^0)0 dekkuli, s. Irregular teeth, projecting teeth. d=^ dekke, see jSjso^. dsj|^5j^ deppavuni, c, v. (pf^A^^^ To cause to take, dc^ deppu, see M^. 2. see d^^ deppuni (^), v. a. To take, receive; of. -Rs^^. 6^E s:s ^^ to abolish, take away, put aside; to pull out; to remove, dismiss. /dd debbe, see rfsS.. doSod deyiva, j^^ ^5^^. ddorioSo derangayi, .y^^ /^eStysoso. dogr^ derpuni (c2^), j;. /j. To lift, raise. Jd4 devva, j. A demon, evil spirit. d^, d?3 dese, dese, s. Condition, state. 2. fortune, luck. d^G^ desedd^, />^^//. From, by, on account of, for. d^-^ deki, s. Nicety. 2. manage- ment or foresight, adj. Nice, good. d^n^ deg^, see odoSo. d^ti deja, ^^^ i?3^. d^d debe, 5. A quarrelsome woman. ' d^D-^eJ derata, s. Driving. Jd^dj^ deruni (j3e&), 7/. a. To drive, drive away. d^^ dela, .y. A small temple, 2. God. — Aoo-rf the idol's apartment in a temple. sroe3 ;6^Sfroo3o jjoe; rfjs'do'^ a man bereft of his child blasphemes against God. d^^oljsejo, delantottu, s. A Brahmin's house. d^^odo^d, d^e^ogrfdelandapuda, delapuda, s. A temple pigeon. d^zi deva see ^3?^. 2. the male organ, d^^od devanda, adj. Pertaining to temples. — 4«?t^o a small kind of tiles. d^s^§- devaki, s. Krishna's mother. d^drlra devagana, s. The race of gods. des^^=^, d^si^a?^ devadike, de- vadige, ^. One of the caste of musicians. d^d3c)2^r?2 devatarcane, s. Wor- ship of a god. d^d deva 329 d^s^ desa d^dJ devate, s. A demi-god. d^;J4 devatva, s. Divinity; godhead. d^s^Co^ devadatta, adj. Given by God. d^dcs^D^, d^dc3D6devadar^, de- vadare, s, A cedar. d^ddJSi devadute, s. An angel. d^s^dA^36 devadroha, s. Aposta- cy, heresy. d^^^^sjj devanama, s. The name of God, [phemy. d^^^od devaninde, s. Blas- d^d^eS devapuje, s. Adoration of God, divine worship. d^^3i3^ devapratishthe, s. The consecration of an idol. d^sieo^d devabare, s. A superior kind of plantains. [votion. d^ds^^ devabhakti, s. Piety, de- d^s^sjj^ devabhakte, s. A pious man, a devotee. d^s^^ooC3E)d devamandara, s. A kind of flower. d^^^jsrir devamarga, s. God's ways. 2. pious behaviour, d^^jdoridevaranga, s. The centre of a temple. d^s^ase£ devaraje, s. Indra. d^s^dJS^^ devaloka, s. Heaven. d^s^Oc^ devalya, see ^^^-^xsjcoo. d^drCl devasa, s. Temple-lands or property. d^^rjdodorl devasamaranga, s. Presence; God's presence. d^si^iudosJrfl devasamarpane, s. Offering to God. d^d^j-S) cSdevasthana, s. A temple. d^S3^o'ri devanga, s. A Lingayat class of weavers. 2. an ape. _c3Do3o one of the weaver class. d^S3Dp^^ devadhina, s. Death. adv. In God's disposal. -^ h^ to die. d^S3^Di)q5c^devaradhane,i". Divine worship. d^SjD^oJjdevalaya, s. A church; a temple. d^^ devi, s. A goddess. 2. Par- vati. 3. a queen. -^^^ the Sakti worship. d^^O, d^^c)a deviri, devari, s. A Brahmin's dress. d^^D^ dever^, ^. God. 2. an honorific title, applied to persons of rank. ^^^^ ^aocijr a sacred work or undertaking. d^d^od^ devendre, s. Indra. d^S desa, s. A country, land, territory, district, region. — /^e a one who has left his country, an exile. —BoXof^ to travel. d^SzpD^ desabhashe, s. The language of a country. dp^E^,3^, desabbrashta, s. Trans- it ej ' . portation, expatriation. d^^^ desasthe, s. A native, inhabitant. 2. a class of Brahmins. [country. de^soA desantra, s. A foreign d^3^o^desantri, s. A foreigner: a traveller. d^Sc) desa 330 dJSo^o donku c3^25e)25"sd desacara, s. The custom of a country, local usage. ^^3^y^ desatana, s. Travels; travelling. cS^sf-s^^^a, c3^3t)5)3J3 desadhi- kari, desadhipati, s. A sovereign ruler. c3^3D02)0 desayi, s. A chief man among the Lingayats. d^srsdd, des^;3^d desavara, de- savara, adj. Foreign, exotic. s, A present, gift, alms. c3^^ dese, see ^^. 6^So desya, adj. Local, of or belonging to a country. -epD^^,, d^3d deha, s. The body. — rfo^^?? corporal punishment, pe- nance, mortification. deSo dehi, adj. Having a body, corporeal. Jc3\dei, s. A plant, young tree. cS-io^ deindi, s. The name of a tree. 2. a staff, stick. d^d deinde, see Qoof. Apd deinde, see zio^r:. c|^^Q, dio deitya, deitye, ^. A titan, demon, giant. — ^^r a giant's deed ; a wicked act. c3>;^, t3)No deina, deinya, s. Mean- ness, humility, servility. 2. poverty, adj. Mean, humble, lowly. 2. cringing, servile. — 2p^^ humble disposition. A^^ deipuni, j^?^ ^^^^. d)OJj deiya, ^^t cSj^^. ^v^^i^ a gift ^r offering to demons. Tioi^^ divine ^•djo^s^ treasure devoted to a deity. dj^oJo 0=5^^1 deiyankade, <^^z'. To- wards god or a demon, s. An inclosure of an idol. 2. the name of a village. Co\Cdo^6 deiyare, s. The name of a demon. do^.F, c3)do deirya, ^^^ s^^oiior. N/d;j deiva, ^. A deity; God. 2. an evil spirit, a demon. 3. destiny, fate. adj. Divine, ce- lestial, —r^^^^—^o^ a divine act. -^a^j5, origin, God's will, ordained by God. -X3, -odo^^, — oSjseA fate, God's decree. — Aor® divine nature. — ^U/dJSo=3'jc^ donkuni (cSj^c^), 7'. tz. To tread, trample. •si^os;^ — a Pariah woman to become pubescent, vlg. c3j3o^ donke 331 c3J3=f, dokke XT dJ3o€, c3jSo=ac^ donke, donkeli^, see ^o^. c5j3o^o^ donkeliji, s. What has ^ been trodden, adj. Trodden, P trampled. c3J5o/io^ donguni, see rfoAj^. dJSo^ donte, see ^Sjseoa cSjSo^ dondi, ^^^ <::ic>ozk>. -^cSj3orl donde, j. The throat. _?j^4^ (/^V. to wet the throat) to drink, allay thirst. c3Je)or3 donna, s. Self-confidence. — T^T? a man carrying a club ; a self-confident man. dj?)oras3^ donnappe, s. A self- confident or conceited man. si'cSJScrl donne, s. A cudgel, club,, mace. dJSodsS^ dondappe, s. A com- panion. 4di3oa dondi, s. A small torch made of a rag. CoJScrfj dondu, ^. A couple, pair. 2. ^^^ d®os^^. dJ?)oc5^D dondepuri, see ^jscd^D under ^jsod. IcSjSo^ donne, i". A cup made of plantain leaves, etc. — ^yj^^i to make such a cup. cSjSodi dompa, s. Apandal, shed, temporary covering of matted palm leaves, etc. ; cf. ei^TJ. 2. a frame-work of bamboos, etc. erected for training a creeper. —T^ 55eot5 Cynamopsts psora- lotdes, a kind of bean, -ziz^o the annual festival of a demon celebrated under a pandal. -zd sojaT^o the succulent creeper purslane, Basella rubra; cf. dJSoojodoj^ dompiyuni {^si>clS)^ v.n. To stumble. -/dJSo?^ dombi, ^. A mob, rabble. / 2. a riot, uproar, ^tto^ a rioter, turbulent man. c5J5o^JO dombu, s. Sunshine, heat of the sun. — ^oi;^jt5 mirage. —^£p:i4^ the heat to decrease. — Ao zjt>r^^ to expose to the sun. — 20js-do?) the sun to shine. — ss^o^ the sun to strike. =^ciD— very hot. ^?j5— the morning sun. ^ocsoo— ,the evening sun. ^i^^ twilight. cSJSoSooa dombudi, see ^o'd6. JdJ3o23 dombe, ^. A tumbler, rope-dancer. — ^w tumbling, rope-dancing. -"^ eSo^ a female tumbler. do's 22 o^, dJSozSjs© dombel^, domboli, ^. A chap, cleft in the surface of the earth. JdJ3osJo6 dommare, see cSjsod. dj?)o?o domsa, see qi^o?j. dJS^c^^^o-^o, dJ3^j,^J dokkina- kulu, dokkulu, s. A mode of addressing high caste people by Pariahs. dJ5=^ dokke, s. Breath; breath- ing. ~^h^^ — ^S'jsT^J^, --2^hF^ —^ zyb^ to revive. — 'Sraodoo^, _s:;)TJo^ to cease to breathe; to expire. — oSo^o,^, _^o^^ to palpitate. djsri dogga 332 c3jsd dori dJSr^s:^ doggal^, ^. Kneeling. — stotI)^, -20.^Tio^ to kneel. dJSri^ dog'gu, adj. Kneeling. ^tj^do lit. saluting on one's knees; submission, yielding. —li^y^o zji>iki^ to submit, yield. JdJSTij ^ dogg^uni (^^^^), "'• ^. To kneel. djsr^p© sjd^ doggoli padpe, s. A short kind of the vegetable Amarantiis oleraceus. 2. the purslane. dJStiO^ dojjal^, s. Uncleanli- ness; rubbish. - JdJtt;iJ^ dojjuni (^-^^), v.?i.To stammer]/ to hesitate. c3j5^ dojje, s. A stammerer. dj?)^, dotte, ^^^ j:^o4 . CjvJ3c^=ct'*' dodak^, ^^Z/". Perplexed, confused. 2. broken, damaged. dsissi dode, s. A greedy man; ^. ^jhTid. 2. ^^^ j3j3etf. 3. see ^jS. —j^^ greediness. J dJS(i dodda, «^*. Great, large. z3jsc6ocI doddanne, s. An elder brother. djacaOvB doddanti, s. Birthday. dJSra rsc3Do3j doddanadaye, ^. A powerful man. dJSi^^oSo, J^jsz^ o3o doddappaye, doddaye, s. A father's elder brother. CoJSCad doddare, s. A kind of rice, JdS)ii6, dJid doddale, dodle, s. A wild orange, Atalantta Monophylla, JdJ3drv^?^, doddastige, s. Great- ness, loftiness. 2. riches, power. 3. ostentation, pride. dj^c^o doddu, see zioT^ . 2. see dJ3rl dodde, see ^^. ~^dj^£^^^ donelyi, s. A club. djsrs doniia, see ^jsoc©. ^dJ3d dodde, ^^^ ^js^. dJS^o^ donel^, ^^/dJSdo=ajQ^ dorankuni, ^^^ cSjs-dg^o^. coJSdo/Y dorang^, ^^^ :3ja-dK. djsdorf^T^, dJsdocSjsOr^ do- randalige, dorandolige, s. Self- praise, egotism, elation. v/dJSd^^sJ^ dorakavuni, c. 7\ (of dmd'^o^'j To cause to obtain ; to procure. JdJ^^'^op dorakuni (d^T^F), v.n, & e. dat. To be got, obtained, procured, found. dJSC^=^ dorake, see ^J3"d^. €iS)tT\^ dorag]^, adj. Coarse, rough. dJSd?^ dorasty, see c^T^o?io^. cSjsD dori, adj. Poured, as corn, etc.\ cf. dft5odoo?). cSjso?3'ss3^ doripavuni, c. v. {of cSjsb^^) To cause to flow down, dJ3D dori 333 cSJS^do dodu run out, or run over as corn, etc. v^JSOog^ doripuni (^js^), v. a. To shoot out as corn, etc., from a sack or bundle. '^dJSDOJoo^ doriyuni (^^S), 'V. n. "To flow down, run out, or run over as corn, etc., from a sack ^r bundle. 2.'^to fall, as rain, to shower, s/to feel a limb heavy. N^jsd dore, ^^^ sp^'^- t^T^T, dJStSro^ dorjji, dorjili^, ^. A kind of rafter. c^jslr^^ dorteli^, adj. Partially empty or loose, as a bundle of rice. dJS^r^, coJ^^ooF^ dorpuni, dor- buni, see i^js&s^o). ^cSj?)^c=3^o^ d^lankuni (d^<^c^), ^. ^. To relax, loosen. dJ5^3 dollu, t?^'. Useless, un- profitable, vain. 2. empty, void. 3. see zSjs^^.^. J^jsd dolle, s. Saliva, spittle. —tj^-do^ to cough hard. /dJS^o^, cSjs^oo^o^j dolank^, do- lunku, «^'. Loose, lax. .9. Looseness; also d©s^oo=^^. —^133 a to tie loose ; to slacken. >/cSjS^oo=ao^ dolunkuni (As'^oo^), z'. ;2. *To be loose, lax;' be bruised. dJ?)'^ dole, see ^sie>. dJS^o^c^ dolpuni, see -^.^^^j^. 2. dJS^a dollu, ^^6^ ^^"^i- /dJS^ dolle, see rS^f^. dJS^o^?^^ dontasu, s. A tall man; ^. iSjs^oa idJ?)eol3 donti, J. A long pole with a hook to pluck fruit. dJ?)^o'o3donte,^.Tallness, length. 2. a tall man. adj. Tall, long. -?fDS long legs. -^5 a long worm. cSJS^od^ dondala, see :^?cd^^^. dJ5^=^j doku, ^^^ ■^^^^^. 7dJSer1 doga, ^. Crawling. YdJS^rio^ doguni (^^eK), -.'.^?. To crawl on hands and knees or in a sitting posture. I 2. to grub up grass. dx^y data, see ^j5?w. dJS^^ dote, see ^^o^. i^^^^xi^ dodane, :?. Furniture, etc. dJS^^oJoo^ dodiyuni (^?a), v.n'. To arrange. 2. to collect, gather, provide, store; cf. ^ dJ?.^<^ dode, ^. A talkative woman. ^dJS^r^ doni, ^. ^A boat. 2. a spirited or quarrelsome wo- man. dJ^^cl done, see c2jso?6. dJSe J dotra, ^. A Hindu's lower garment, the cloth wrapped round the loins. -^ ^o23 the colored borders of such a garment. dJSecSj dodu, adj. Thin, watery. dJS^c3 dode 334 Zj^.i^ draksha dJt^cSo^ dodel^i, s. Thinness. djs^e^ dobi, s. A washerman. dJS^d dora, see to^t^. cSJS^d^CT doraka, see uD^'dg'. dJS^dcl dorane, see ^j^e^^ c3j5eO dori, J-. A rope. dS!^T5 dore, ^. A kind of gold bracelet. 2. the thread used for fastening a knife to the legs of a cock in cock- fighting. dJ5^6^^o5o dorekayi, s. A ripe fruit. dJS^rtroc:^ dorg^anda, see rfoXry. dJ3^e;o^, djs^^rio^ dolante, do- lagante, s. A drum and bell, bell-drum. JdJ^^O doll, see ^.«es5. dJS^^o dolu, s. A drum. — eoo^ a pot-belly, -rf ^tj the hollow cylinder or hemisphere of a drum. dJS^?3 dole, s. A man with a pot- belly. dJS^^, cSjs^Psj dosha, dosa, ^. Fault, defect, blemish. 2. sin, offence, crime. 3. error, mis- take. — "dSoii a man of unble- mished character. -/cjsQ^?3 dose, s. A cake of rice flour. rSxeQi, dosti, s. Friendship, inti- macy. 2. a friend. cSj?^^"^ dola, s. Desire. 2. the lin plant. cSjs^^ doli, see zSja?«5., dJS^v^o dolu, see daecw. cSjS^^ dolki, s. A small drum. d^oaj dou'fjsa, see z^^cTi. d^do doudu, s. A gallop. 2. a quick motion. 3. arrogance. 4. speed, haste. cj^cs^cfsa great haste. ■s/z^d doude, s. The jaw, cheek. ~K €j?>hF^ to slap the cheek. z^^ douta, .?. Loss, destruction. -■^0^0^?) to destroy. (:f^«B douti, ^. An ink-stand. d^c5oh, d^^oh dourangi, dou- langi, s. A long coat 23^5^3^, z^6j^^o doulatu, doulo- tu, s. Eule, government. 2. pomp, ostentation. C3^^o doulu, ^^^ ^ex). C3^sS douve, ac/y. Toothless. ^^zi dravida, see zs^^ri. gs^n dravya, s. Wealth, proper- ty, substance. 2. elementary substance, namely: earth, water, fire, air, ether, time, space, soul, intellect. ^^S"?^^ dravyase, j*. Love of gold, avarice. C3^^c^ dravida, adj. Dravidian or Tamil. ~^^^ properly the country from Madras to Cape Comorin. — so^j^^r® a Brahmin, native of the South of the ' Vindya mountains. — epMone of the Dravidian languages. z^M . zz'?.'§ draksha, drakshe, s. Grapes. — ^jaeU a vineyard. —zxa-ri^ the grape vine, -"did wine. dA^so droha 33; i^d dhara ds^.eza droha, i". Treason, treach- ery, rebellion, revolt. ^^^^ apostasy. ?Js^so_ treason. j3^e^ an apostate, traitor, betrayer. d od dvandva, ^. A couple, pair. 2. strife, dispute. — orfoorf single combat. -?d^:ra?j a form of grammatical combination of words. C3-? d dvara, s. A door. — =^, — s:^ e^^ a doorkeeper. £3^,^^ dvaraka, s. The city where Krushna, reigned. a dvi, ^^'. Two atsj dvija, «^'. Twice born. s. The oviparous class of animals, as birds, snakes, fish, eU'., which are first born in the shell or egg and then produced from it. ats-SsI dvijati, s. One of the twice born castes. DeE dvije, s. A Brahmin, whose investiture with the sacred thread is supposed to con- stitute a second birth. a^^ojo dvitlya, adj. Second. ^^^^ the accusative case. ^^^d dvipade, s. A metrical composition in couplets. asj-^a dvipadi, s. A biped. a^ds^c^ dvivacana, s. The dual number, ^ram. a^^ dvividha, adj. Twofold. a^d dvipa, .v. An island. d e^ dvesha, s. Hatred, enmity. ~Tk>^^^ to hate, detest. d)i dveita, s. Dualism. —-^^ a sect that regards God and matter as distinct. ^3^^^ one of this sect. z^ dha, The thirty-second letter of the alphabet. d^ dhakka, see ^^^. —-^^-^ a peremptory demand. qS=^ dhakke, see ^'^^. :^d dhade, see ^^. 2. see ^zf. q^es dhani, ^^^ ^oi. q^cl dhane, ^^^ ^?2. qj^ dhana, ^. Riches, wealth, property. — siS, q^^sD^siS Ku- bera; a wealthy person. — ^o ;^ a rich man. DH qS^ dhani, s. A proprietor master, lord. 2. a wealthy man. 3. see 4^0^- j^^=§ dhanike, s. A wealthy man. 2^^:). q$c^j?o-^ dhanu, dhanussu, s. A bow. 2. the ninth solar month. — ^^ the sign Sagit- tarius. z^^oq!i>Fb an archer. q^^^3^(;ijsJ3^ dham^dhumi^i, see h^ qjd dhara, see c^^.' q^d dhara 336 (^1)6 dhare z^^co^ dharan^, s. An old coin equivalent to one Rupee. q^des dharana, see t?3T^?6. q5dr3, t^O^, q^ddharani, dharitri, dhare, s. The earth. rj^rS^B a king. qi&:^o^, q^Oij?)r?o^ dharisuni, dharitonuni (v^), ^. ^. To wear, dress, put on, assume a form. 2. to retain in mind, hold. ©^3DTi— to become in- carnate. A^F— to become pregnant. ^■^^- to be silent. qJdcF dharma, s. Justice. 2. charity, liberality. 3. duty, obligation. 4. usage, practice, 5. fitness, propriety. 6. vir- tue, merit. -^^^ a wedding in which the bridegroom in- curs no expense. — ^^^ a wedded wife. — -odoSo the oldest of the Pandu princes ; Yama. — a^^, a code of laws. -^jsbF^, -Tio^^^ to give alms. ^-do^^^ to do justice. q$sJJ5)r?l)^ dharmanuje, s. A charitable man. q^^^jSFer, q^s^jsrq^F dharmarta, dharmartha, adj. Gratuitous, charitable, free. z^^j^fs^f 5, :;i;^j?)rijsrXo gratuitously, freely, gratis. qS^vj?rqi;:jr dharmadharma, ^. Right and wrong. [judge. qjSjJi)r^§c>Ddharmadhikari, s. A qJiDor, qJ0jr3| dharmi, dharmi- slithe, s. A charitable or liber- al man. q^Sj^ dhavala, adj. White, fair. —•^^F white colour, q^d^ dhavali, j. A white cow. cp'^^^, 9^^o dhaty, dhatu, s. The pulse. 2. any constituent part of the body, as flesh, blood, elc. 3. a primary or elementary substance, as earth, air, efc. 4. the proper- ty of a primary element, as odour, colour, eU. 5. a gram- matical root. 6. a fossil or mineral. 7. the tenth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. ~^^ spermatorrhoea, emis- sio seminis. —4^, full pulse ; strength. zp)^(^ dhanya, s. Grain, corn in general. qsDd^q^osjy dhami^dhum^, s. Prodigality, dissipation. 2. the noise of a drum or a gun. q5i)d dhara, see tro-d. qradcl dharane, s. Price, charge. 2. holding, having, maintain- ing, wearing. 3. keeping the mind collected, breath sus- pended, and all natural wants restrained. zp)Uz)di^ dharadatta, adj. Given bypouring water on the hand. -•di^j^^ to give by pouring water on the hand. J q]c)6 dhare, .y.-^Sharpness, as of a knife, elc. 2. the stream of a jet of water poured. 3. a wedding ceremony. ~^i;^^) UD^ dhava 337 sJ^cdjF dheirya to pour water efc. in a stream. —-Bol^^ to solemnise a wedding by pouring water on the hands of the bride and bridegroom- ^dvB dhavati, s. Thirst, desire, ardour, heat, hotness. zpe)53 dhavu, s. Heat, warmth. 2. purse-pride, pride of wealth. 3. being care-worn from ex- cessive love of money. zp-5^ dhave, sec ^^^. p^sio3, ^^s^oi dhimati, dhlmate, s. A wise or intelligent man. ^e^ dhira, cidj. Brave. 2. firm, steady, —^^bravery, boldness, firmness. ^^6 dhire, s. A hero. -Zj^jsS dhukku, see ^"^^^ 2. see Z^)^d dhuttu, ^c;lj. Reproached, reviled. 2. abandoned, de- serted. q^o^ dhuni, s. A river. 2^^0200 do 200 dhubudubu, i"^^ "rfo 200^^. j^jd dhura, s. War. ^ocJoqiO dhurandhara, adj. Pow- erful, able. z^dT^oz^-6 a strong or powerful man. q^oD, q^oS=^ dhuri, dhurike, s. A burden. ^oO^ra dhurina, s. A bad disposi- tion or mind. q^odo dhuru, s. A yoke. do =5^0 dhukshu, ad/. Elevated. ^jS3i dhupa, s. Incense. — rf "^^Ti, --3oy.6 a censer. -:^ -^-^ the dammer tree Valeria indica ; cf. ^oc2js<^}^. —^ ^jsodoFj its resin. — ?:^o."^^ to burn in- cense. q^JS3joEOo«|g dhupambutti, see ^S) ^JSo3c)d3, CjSjSaJe)vlr, SJ^i^og^^ dhuparati, dhuparti, dhupundi, .y. A censer. qjJS^^^ dhupipuni (q^^^-), v. a. To offer incense, burn in- cense. q^JSsJo dhuma, ^. Smoke. — =?f?^o a comet. q^JSsJo^ dhumala, see ij^js^oj. q^J5s:^Js^vB dhumivati, see a^o q^JSs^o dhumra, s. A sort of purple colour compounded of black and red. — ^^ tobacco. q^JSsSo^ dhumre, s. The name of a demon. qSJS^r dhtirta, ^4/. Fraudulent, crafty. — ^e^, — <^^^3 crafti- ness; dissimulation. x^.-^-i.'F a deceitful man. q$J5)?oo dhusu, ^^^ ^^-o. q^js;5s3^ dhuselij, see cij5?6^. '^q^JSi^o dhulu, -y. Dust. -^r? mildew; ^/. ^^^'^• j^^^o dhenu, i". A milch cow. ^^F^o=5^D, 2pc?^o=^ dhenukari, dhe- nuke, s. A name of Krushna. ^>pJor dheirya, s. Courage, bravery. 2. firmness, steadi- ness. — j^oSo a courageous man, adventurer. — 3o?^ a 29 djsd dhode 338 ^oa^ nandy timid man, coward. — -rfos^Ov ^ to take courage. c^jJt'd dhode, see di^'S. c^JSdodDri, (^JSdodST^dhoranda- rige, dhorandalig-e, see d'a-dosi J^JSd dhore, s. A master, lord, king, ruler. 2. a European. —^^ sovereignty, lordship, mastership. — ?iso) a lady, mistress. ^JS^^s'j dhoku, see rfjse^o. :^JS^d dhode, 5-£^^ d-se^. c^JS^OcI dhorane, ^. Manner, way, mode. 2. display. 3. prowess. 4. ability. zp3 dhouta, adj. Washed, cleansed, white. — sjoe^o washed cloth. zpih^ dhyana, s. Meditation, reflection. ~t^:>^^^ to medi- tate. 2ji3^^^^ dhyanipuni (v^^^), 7-. ;/. To meditate, reflect. q^^c^ dhvamsa, s. Loss, de- " struction, extinction. ~tS:>^\ a to destroy, desolate, anni- hilate. rf ti dhvaja, s. A flag, standard, banner. ri ^ dhvani, s. Sound, voice, noise, report. ^ ?^ na, The thirty-third letter of the alphabet. ^0^^ nanku, (pron. dat. plur. of N^o) To us. Jc^oA^ nang^, s. A kind of fish. — s3d5 useless paddy. ic^orioS c^orlo^ nangar^, nangaly, .y. An anchor. J?iot3,r^o2^nanji,nanju,^. Poison. 2. puerperal convulsions. 3. impurity in the blood, scro- fulous tendency. 4. the af- ter-birth. 5. envy, jealousy. 6. see t^oti. adj. Poisonous, impure, unwholesome. -w) O90 Menispermum cocculus; any unwholesome fruit, -cro N o?o a man with a scrofulous constitution ; a malicious man. -.-^^6 a poisonous tree. — ■rfoo<^o^ a poisonous thorn. — T5j2eA a scrofulous disease. — xiTO^^r, — -s^^i^o anything tend- ing to deteriorate the quality of blood. — i^-do^, — ^jt)-djr'i to have puerperal convulsions. rjo^iood nanjunde, s. A name of Siva. Jc^o^jfioyAi.^i f^3^^ nant^, nan- tastigfe, nantu, s. Kin, rela- tionship. fiocs^ nandy* ^^j- Chronic, viru- -i lent, festering. -^^2. shrunken, shrivelled; also ?^crf. _ ^;3 ^o;:^ nanda 339 dampness. —4^ a festering sore. —^ji'So a shrivelled nose. — -sS^jS a slender spring or fountain. ~^iioj^ to be- come shrunken or shrivelled. — K 20.^-do^ to become indu- rated. ^od> nanda, s. The foster-father of Krishna; also ^jos^tRjs?^, ?io dTj3c5o. _7;.^e3^oe; Krishna's birth-place. ^ocif^ nandana, ^. Delight, joy. 2. the twenty-sixth year in the Hindu cycle of sixty. 3. Indra's garden; a pleasure garden; also ^o-u^^-^^. F^oCJn nandane, s. A son. fdodS=^ nandarike, s. A class of Brahmins. (dod^ nandala, ^. A lamp-post in front of a temple. cdocs^a^sj nandadlpa, s. A lamp always kept burning before an idol. ^cD nandi, s, Ji bull. 2. one of Siva's principal attendants; also ^oti^^t^-3. 3. joy, plea- sure. 4. the name of a man. —■Rjt^^ the name of a demon; the statue of a bull. — 2oy^€ a kind of white flower. cooS:^ nandini, ^. A daughter. 2. a celestial cow. ?^o2«:C)3j nambaye, .y^^ J^oe!). cdosoo^ nambar^, s. A number. 2. a suit, case. 3. any criminal proceedings. 4. an imputa- tion, charge. cdoSOD's^ nambarapu, see sscec c^oeo^s^^ nambavuni, c.v. {of t^o 20o^j To make believe, in- spire with confidence. 2. to hoax, deceive. /(dot^ nambi, s. A Vaishnava priest; also ?io8!)odje)o3o, ?^o8!) l-^otjfs nambige, s. Fidelity, faithfulness, honesty, loyalty. 2. trust, confidence, belief, faith. -trooSo a confidential or trustworthy man. ?doeoo^ nambudi, s^e ?^c20js5. ^/(^o^oo^ nambuni (?:o^^), t. a. To believe, trust, rely upon, place confidence or faith in. Jc^o2JJ?)0 namburi, s. A Brahmin of Malabar. c^oZoJSOr^ nambolige, sec •^o'^-R. ^osjosj nammavu, see t^-^. ^)o^J^^ nammike, i-^^ t^o^T(. -^c^a^jjo^ nammuni, ^^^o^^ to make a rough copy. J^^C* nakali, s. Ridicule, satire, caricature; imitation, adj. Spurious, counterfeit. — asofj a buffoon, satirist. — -sIj^j.^ 29* ^^D naka- 340 ^^ nacca 2or to ridicule, caricature; to imitate. c^s="5)& nakari, (2dj. Useless, worth- less, adj. Inferior. f^^o^ nakula, s. A mungoose. 2. the fourth of the five Pandu princes. ^^^ nakera, s. A nail, claw. adj. Claw-like (d^C)j?i nakeruni (?^^^), ^. n. J To neigh. -^. to titter, giggle. c^=d"3)SjooI3, nakkamutti, s. A sort of gambling. ^^sj^ nakkavuni, c. v. (of ^^Oj n) To cause to lick. Jc^^o.^ nakkuni (^^^), 2:'. «. To lick, lap. i?^=3*o^dj nakkuru, s. An earth- worm. 33^^— a red worm. ^=^do^ nakkeruni, see ^€-do^. F^^.^o nakkelu, see 6 Q' c^^d nakkele, s. A man who licks, especially the plate in which food had been served. 2. a greedy man. r^^,€) nakkeldi, s. An abandoned woman. I.thefem.oftr^^^. ^■^. nakra, s. A crocodile. =3\e34^ nakrajittu, s. Vishnu's o weapon. [kettle-drum. N^CT.rfodpCi nakramaddoli, J. A ?j=^jj nakru, ^tv '^Oj-do. oJ^ nakli, .y^?^ ?^?re5. fgSj nakha, ^. A nail, talon, claw. 2. a fragrant suhstance resembling a nail. cdsjrlo^ nakhaguti, s. A market tax. n^'SSj^ nakhavali, ^. A row, as of nails. ?^^ nakhi, s. A perfume. ^^*. Having claws. (dr»^^^ nagiipuni, see oif\^^. Jc^rl nag^a, i". ^Jewels, ornaments- 2.N/goods, property. 3. a ' mountain. 4. a sailing vessel or craft, -v^ Vishnu. ^rics^ nagad^, adj. Fibrous; nap- py. 2. overgrown. f^r1c3^, ^rla nagadiji, nagadi, s. Ready money, cash. — ^as^r^ to pay in cash. ^fdriD% oJrid nagari^, nagara, ^. A j city, town. 2. the name of a town. ~^T)^ a citizen, towns- man. c^rio, c^ns)D, Fsn^sdnagari, nagari, nagare, .y. A large kettle- drum. ^fi nage, s. Mouldiness, rotten- ness. -^^2s>^ to moulder, become mouldy; to be rot- ten. f^ri^^ nagepuni (n:^), v. n. To mould, get rusty, s/f^n^ naggi^, adj. Stunted, not fully developed. — a:^5 stunt- ed paddy, f^n* f^jfijnaggijinuggu, adj. Stunt- ed, diminutive. i^'ds nacca, ^. Pricking, int?. 3. .yfc'^ c^^. prick, peck. 2. peck- -s3^^ to ^2^ nacca 2^ 3il ^d nada 7i'0 ^ naccatra, see ?:! J>^^- ^2i nacce, ^'^^^ ^^. r^tiD^ najarii, ^. Sight, seeing. 2. estimate, value- 3. a pre- sent to a superior. — 3DcaS tie^^i to keep in surveillance. ^U nata, ^^^ ^^^• t^^F^y natanata, adc\ Briskly, J nimbly. -/2.with a crackling noise. —^€^^ to frisk, gambol. ^z^^ jnatane, s. A dance, danc- ing. 2. sham respect or attentions. ^^e);3 natavu, see ^^^4- Jt^yo^s'o, natuku, s. Cracking the fingers. >^^^,, -^kX natt^, natta, ad/. Beg- ging; beggarly. ~4^ sores about the underlip, believed to be curable only by partak- ing of food earned by beg- ging. td^ natta, see ^^,. ' / J-t^y, natta, <2^;? Middle, central. 2. trifling. — F^ci?5 midnight. -^^ a trifling, bit. --^qroo^i midday. -i-c^^^, F^^'s.sS natta, nattavu, s. A loan, lending. ^^6^4X0 ^j^hF^ to lend. Jt^to.s^Q:inattavuni,^.'6'. (0/^^^^^) To cause to beg; to send for begging. >L^13, natti, s. Planting, trans- planting. ~r^-R-6 a kind of tobacco grown in Soutli- Canara. c^eJj.o5^o3j, n£3 s5 nattunaye, nat- tele, s. A beggar; a beggarly man. n/^^j^ nattiini (^^), "^'-a. Tobeg, request, apply, pray. c^^J5.r1o=^J2^r^ nattogukorpini, see under e^&d,. ei. cdcs^^^ nadupini, .y£^^ ?:^^^. /f^c^=^ nadake, .s-. Walking. 2. pace, gait. ^^^- travelling on foot. ^dtt nadatara, see ^rio^^. y-^di nadate, .y. behaviour, con- duct. 2. intercourse, fami- liarity. ^^o^K ^xii Qsjs! they have no intercourse with each other. >/o}diJ5r?o^ nadatonuni, refl. v. {of t>'d^tS) To behave, con- duct one's self. v>^d^^y nadapata, jt. Walking, exercise. 2. behaviour, con- duct. 7?^c^53"s^^, f:;d^do2^ nadapavuni, nadapudnni, c. v. {of -^rir^^) To cause to Avalk. 2. to manage, direct, guide, lead. ■^dt^ nadapu, see ^riz^D'd. J^d-^)^ nadapuni (^<^), I'.'^i. To walk, proceed, go on. 2. to behave. ^dzicid nadamada, s. Noise, cry- ing. ^dO nadari, s. The periodical feast of a temple. ^ui nada 342 )fl nane ^zit nadare, ^. A native heartli. c^^sJO nadavari, see ^zit. ^dz^^=§ nadavalike, s. Inter- course, familiarity. 2. ma- nagement, control. (^:3e)s:j^ nadavali, s. A grand festi- val occurring once in 1 2 years at Dharmasthala. oS^ nadi, s. Behaviour, conduct, walk. ?jj^— , see under cviS. (^<^=^, Ncl?^ nadike, nadige, see Af^^Cojo^ nadiyuni {^^^), I'.n. To be planted, or transplanted. "^^Tf nadir^, see -^T^^h. ^^23^ nadilli;i, s. The middle room of a house. r^^^D^, -^^^-d"F nadiri^, nadirl^, s. Midnight. n/^:^o nadu, s. Centre, middle. 2, the waist, loins, adj. Cen- tral, middle. — 7^j3?i§ a middle t^^. >/nC^o^^o nadupulu, s. The waist, loins. N(:^o^os^^ naduvantadi, s. The residence of a priest. V^dod^ naduvadi, s. Conduct. 2. a customary observance. F^djs^cl naduvane, adj. Central, middle. ^toc2j the inter- mediate brother. ?^3^o^r? naduvandi, s. The inter- mediate daughter or sister. ^::3od naduve, ^^^ ?:^"0. >/ncI nade, ^'.-AValk, step, gait.-^2. conduct, behaviour. 3. a closet, side-room. 4. the lower space between the two veran- das of a house or temple. -:is?oSo a cloth spread on the road for a procession to pass over. -jJo^i conduct and speech, or word and deed. ?:>do3^a naddantadi, see ?:^:1j^o A^.|^^ nadpini ("5), v. a. To plant. '^^•dt nanavare, see e^jt-s^s^. f^rJ^*, ?jr5s3 nanil^, nanile, see if^pf nan^, adj. Wet, moist. nattu 343 jd^jo namu /?^5^, f^s^, ?^i-r natti^, nattu, nartu, .^. A female's ornament for the nose. 1^3^07^ nattin^e, s.JAu owlet. 2. a man who is partially dumb. F^uJ^D^, fodc' naduru, nadaru, see ^S) nadi, ^\ A river. i Fjc^, r^r^^'s nana, nanala, adz'. Yet, still, once more, farther on. CA)c:2cS ^^ ^j<^o5o I shall no more do this. ^^^^^ ^^^ he has not yet come. ^F2^^ nanapini, see ^^^^. fi^idD^ nanavarike, see ^^^5^. ^^=^ nanike, s. A brother-in- law. N?5i3'5)4?j nanepavuni, c. 7-. (^o/^^ °-^) To make wet, to moisten, soak. nanapini, nanepuni, naneyuni, nanevuni (^^), t-. n. To be moist, wet, damp. -"^ ^^cri i.^ou^T) ^fj^ lit. if the hand be wet, the throat also will be wet; if you work, you will eat. Jf^^S naneri (?^^«5&), s. Wet rice. ^^■5)?v^ napasi^, see ?3d^cj. ^^oX^o' napumsaka, «^". Neuter. — ^^ impotency. —Oca the neuter gender. n^c?j?? a eunuch. i^fj nape, ^^^ f^v- ^^d nappada, ^^^ f^^^- ~;^^ nappu, ^. Injury, degrada- tion. ■^t,^ nappe, see ^^css^^ 2. see ^#. ?^^ naphe, ^. Profit, gain, ad- vantage; also ^^• ^::i23s;e^ nababu, see ^^"5. ^23 nabe, see ^^. c^e^j, ^i^rf nabha, nabhassi^, ^. The sky, atmosphere. 2. a cloud. ^t^.??^o-rfej the firma- ment. Jc^^do nama, pro7z. {pi. of co.-^^) We, including the person or persons addressed \ cf. oSoo^o ^0. ;jo^4 ours. ^o^ijsoSo one of us, one of our party. ^do^ namana, s. The act of prostrating. cj^o^le:', ^v:^"^-^ namanatyi, na- manama, s. Union. — (^^oi to unite. J c^^oD^ namaru, see n^. r^dj?o,D4>^ namaskaripuni {J^-^ \ 7i;5), 7'. n. To bow, make ' obeisance. fJsjja:?;.0, ^^0^0 namaskara, na- i masya, s. Salutation, prostra- ! tion, obeisance; also ^s^^^^. ' _33D:^o?ito prostrate, fall down. —■^'^jk^ to salute, bow, do obeisance. ^O.^^, N^J?io^ namipuni, na- misuni (^^^c3), v. a. To bow, reverence, do obeisance. ^^ojfS, f^^ojs^ namune, namune, s. A pattern, sample, model, form. ?:;joj? camu 344 f^d nara Fj ^ojj £) ?o j ^ namudisuni (^i^j^si^) , 7', a. To mark; to mention, state, show. ^^':>s^ti:i namudu, ^. Appearance, mark. 2. mentioning, stating, showing, ^-^h^ to appear, be mentioned. — -^So^o^^ to mention, show. ^s5o^^ namepuni, see ?^sos^^. Jc^sSjojoOq^ nameyuni (^^o), v.n. To wear away. 2. to become poor. ^sSj^j^ nameluni, see a^c^oo^. f^s:^j, namma, see eo^o. k;^ namra, ^^'. Humble, sub- missive, gentle, -s^, ~^^ hu- mility, submissiveness, gentle- ness. J-^oio naya, i". ^Gentleness, meek- ness. 2:^ kindness. sV fine- ness, polish, softness, delicacy. 4fu bait to catch alligators, ^.''cheapness. 6. see f3Dnodo. Y2^'. Fine, soft, smooth, glossy. 2.gentle, meek. S.'^dnd. ^4. or gentle disposition. — ?^ja, ~^zi^:iTi an elegant expression ^r kind word. fv"D5j=aJoiOJ nayikumbu, adj. Half cotton and half woollen. 2. see sSjsotSo. 3. see ?5js <^oo20o. ^oSj^jsC) nayikuli, .y. The tree Wrightia tinctoria. tdo^j^ nay ike, see c^odo^. 2. j^^ r^D*"NOd:)nar^iiuru, ^. see ^::^JAO-da. ' -i (^iZ/'.-^Bruised. if^d nara, ^. A vein, nerve, ten- don, c^d nara, s. A man. «^y. Human. _ai?^, -3i(5^ human existence. I — SiuS mankind. — 20s5 human sacrifice. — e3j3o^ the earth, nether world. — ^^^o murder. -/F^doTio^ naranguni (^^oK), 7'. //. To waver, hesitate, be reluc- tant. c^docs^ narandu, see ^^^. Jf^doEoo narambu, s. A sinew, nerve, pulse, —'^y:^^ sinews - to contract, to feel cramped. ?^d=5^ naraka, s. Hell, hades. 2. dirt, filth. -^ #jsoc^ the abyss of hell. -3i ^.5 the hell-fire. — ■^es^cS hell-torments. ?^d^"3o^=^ narakantake, s. A name of Yishnu. \m2i.. c^d^"393i3narakadhipati, .v. Ya- c^d^ naraki, adj. Hell-worthy. 2. dirty, filthy. cheap. -Xof^.-'^oc; an amiable >1 r^d^o^ narakuni (?^^^), r. rz. To c-e aso^. ^o^JojO nay ip ill, .y^^- ^o^:>h sigh, groan, moan, grumble. J (dd'^d narakele, ^. A grumbler. Vc^Crij^j^ naraofuduni (n^aoS), 7'. a. To bruise, crush ; to tor- ment, c^orlj^i naraguni, see fSri^o^. y?ddr(jD naraguri, s. A sheepish man, coward. Fjdrij?^^ naraofoli, see 3^1i7^;se^. Jr^oUj^ naratuni (J^O), r-. 77,. To grumble; 9^. ^^0^. ^d nara 345 fS^r narta J f^dca* naradu, ^.^Roiigliness.^2. a wart, protuberence. n/3. stuntedness. 4. false preg- nancy. ^^WRough, craggy, Ip "Stunted. r^dd^d, ^6t>^ naradeva, narapa- ti, s. A human ruler. ^C^^ naranara, «^'. Slow, gentle. — £2?^ slow labour. nCo5)D narapuri, s. A mortal. f^ddj?)^, F^d^.j^F^, ^ddj3?3^ na- ramani, naramane, naramanye, s. Man; a mortal, i r^doSj naraye, ^.^A kind of crane, y/ ^. a grey-haired man. -^. a white-spotted ox. adj. Grey. 2/white-spotted. Jfdd^o^ naraluni, see ^^^^o). (dds^ naravu, see ^-d. (ddn)o3o narasiMa, ^. The fourth incarnation of Vishnu. J r^d^o^ naraluni, ^^^ ?i-d^o^. ND^Cj^^onaradhame, s. The mean- est of mankind. ?^Da)p^vl naradhipati, s. The ruler of men. J fdD nari, s. A jackal, fox. f^D=^ narike, ^£^6' ?3^r. f^D5g naripu, see ^^f. i cidor»odj,f^dofd:)do naruguru, na- runuru, s. A crack, crash. 2. a sound produced while eating anything crisp. J^doS^s^o naruvolu, s. A kind of aromatic tree of which the leaves are used for curry or medicine, Saccharnni Mimja. ■^t nare, see ^. v^^6 nare, s. Greyness, hoariness- adj. Grey, hoary. —'&odd6^ —^■6 grey hair. — ^c5o a grey- haired man. —zoLf^ to be- come grey. ^6ot\ narengi, see ^eT5o7\. c^dorio^ narenguni (nt5cK), z'.a. To hesitate; c/. ^tS^o^. s/^6oA6 narengele, s. A dull, tardy, slow, hesitating man. J^63> nareti, s. A white-spotted cow. c^d^^^ nareluni, see ?;M^'o^. v/^jd^S^ narevuni (?2^), t'. n. Hair to become grey, grow white. c^d^og^ narendrsj s. A king. cd=ar narka, ^^^ ^^^ >ic^=aor^ narkuni, .y^^ jii^^o^. f^^F narke, i". The skin, hide, bark. 7cdn-sreJ nargata, ^. Bruising. v/c^n-srsj^ nargavuni, 6-. z'. (0/ ^ AOF^) To bruise, crush. T^rioF^ narguni (^^0' "'• ^•''To be bruised, crushed. 2yto be close, as a cluster of fruits. c^rioFdo narguru, see e^tjoaotjo. . -^A'f6 nargele, .?. A grumbler. co3^F?^j^oFnartunurtu, adv. For- cibly ; by dint of perseverance. ^^F narta, adj. Soft, pure. F^3Ff\ nartage, s. A dancer, actor. ^iF^ nartana, s. Dancing, act- ing. -rfo^Ox^^ to dance. ^|r narte 346 N^ nava ]^ir narte, s. A bivalved shell- fish, mollusk. c^^rd narnara, see ^TjoA^-do. ri^^Fir^c^ narnurtely, ac/j. Half boiled. ^^r narpu, s. Deserting, for- saking. 2. disgust, dislike. fd^r^ narpuni (?^^), 7\ a. To desert, forsake. 2. see ^hr^. 7J. n. To be disgusted. ^!do^ narma, ^. Sport, amuse- ment, pleasure. rd^oFCJ narmada, s. The river Nerbuda. c^^jF^ narluni (^^^^), ^'. /2. To rattle, as phlegm in the J throat. -i2. see fjtj^o^. F^^Fc^ narvante, ^. A small uni- valved shell-fish, mullusk. f^^'^F^o narvolu, see f^t^o^qc^j. */c^o% fJ^ naliji, nala, adj. Good. 2. cheap. ■^^j nala, ^"^6' ?^^. c^orio^^ nalaguni (?^<^^), "'. ^. To J grumble, murmur. 2.>/to fade, wither. 3>/to be pro- strated, reduced from sick- ness; Cf. ^Tii^O^i. J^O nali, s. Dent, dimple, as of a metallic vessel. — ^■^^i to remove the dimple of such a vessel. — eojs-^^ofi to be indented. J r^0=c? nalike, s. Dancing, jump- ing. —crooS: a dancer ; one of the class of demon-dancers. FjOt^ nab>e, see ^«9. cj^N nalina, s. The lotus. JtiO^^ nalipuni (^s^), ^'. t^.-^o dance, leap; to turn round. ■u. a. To let falL as a vessel. -t -^2.to indent, bruise. ^N©oJoo^ naliyuni (^s^), v.?i. To be indented, dimpled, as a metallic vessel. F^SioSo naliye, see ^^^H. c^6 nale, see j^^. F^doz^ nalenci, .y^?^ ^e3o&l. ^d, F^m nalke, nalpu, see ^c^. ^^^^ nalpuni, see ^^sij^. ^c^d nalme, s. Goodness, friend- ship. ■i^o^ nalliji, ^.^A kind of flea which infests poultry, cats. elc. * 2. a sprain. ■J ^g nalli, .y.-^The bone of the leg below the knee, shinbone. 2. see ^^ . f^© ?^, F^s3 , ^d^ nalli^e, nalle, naliye, s. A weed, tare, Pas- ■J palum pilosum. -i 2. a hollow. -sojat^j^ to be dimpled, de- pressed. co^ nava, adj. New, fresh, ^^^^y^. Nine. c^^r^3o navag^raha, s. The nine planets, 7'is., the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Ve- nus, Saturn, Raliu {Caput draconis).^ and Ketu {Cauda draconis). fisJC3c)d, r^sic3^d navadara, nava- dvara, s, lit. The nine doors. 2. the human body which lias ^zj nava 347 ^7^ nasa nine inlets or outlets, as the nostrils, ears, mouth, eU. fj^.gD^o navadhanya, s. Nine kinds of corn, as s3d^ paddy, T^jset? wheat, ^^e3 Bengal gram, ^jsXa dholl, ^oc^^ gram, oj??^ gingely seed, ^^^^ country beans, ^'^^of black gram, and 7idG7\ green gram. Fo^iF^JSsN navanutana, «^//. Very beautiful, handsome; singu- lar. f^^-t^E^ navapattu, .9. Fungosity. 2. music accompanied with beating of drums, (zdj. Fun- gous, excrescent. f^sjsjj navama, num. Ninth. ^ziz^j?)'^ navamasa, s. Nine months, the period of preg- nancy. ^dCo navami, s. The ninth lunar day of either fortnight, f ^^"6 navara, s. A kind of grain ; c/, ^^■^. ^;3d^, navaratna, s. Nine kinds of precious stones or gems, z'iz.^ tjoo^^o pearl, ^05^ ruby, ^^ diamond, ^It^j^q^of cat's eye or beryl, :j^.'3?:Soeqi^ onyx, r^^oG7)X topaz, oie^ sapphire, and 3i^ emerald. N^D^^ navaratri, s. A festival observed for the first nine days of the seventh lunar month in honour of the god- dess Durga. 1 f^sJD navare, s. A kind of rice. c^^nr3r(d,?^sj?j«)dnavas%ara, na- vasara, s. The salt Sal am- moniac. oiS3^23 navabe, A Nabob, governor. ?^S3e^o5ol navayite, s. A Konkani speaking class of Mohamme- dan cloth-merchants. F5^^o^, ^;3-sD^d5JU navaru, na- var^ida-patti, s. Tape, band, fillet. ^O^^sj^navili^pakki, s. A pea- cock; also '^^^■ ^r^^^dra navikarana, s. Renewal, renovation. -"^j^-^Os^^ to renew. c^^^N navlna, adj. New, fresh, excellent. yc^sjoej navunta,^. Itching, irrita- tion in the throat. -si^^o^' t^Q.'^^^^ see -^os^^. ^4o^c^ navumpuni, see ^"^c^^. ^d nave, see ^7(. ^h^^ nasipuni (?^^), 7'.^. To destroy, ruin. z'. n. To perish, decay. 2. to work hard, exert one's self beyond one's strength. ^i>^^\ F^s^zoo nasib^, nasibu, s. Fate, destiny. ^^nase, s. Snuff, medicinal snuff. — c^23^ a snuff box. ^^, nashta, s. Loss, damage, injury, adj. Lost, destroyed, damaged, -^h^ to be lost; c.dat. to lose. '^Tf'Q^ nasijik^, see ^^^. c^i^sjc)??), F^J^D-sra, F^;sJ2jel; nasapa- ni, nasarani, nasrani, ^. A Naza- c^ro nasi 348 c33oa nandi . rene or Syrian Christian. 2. a nasty, base, mean, or worthless fellow. ti'k nasi, see ^?3. J^^odjo^ nasiyuni if^^)^ v.n. To submit, subdue. N^^cdis^ nasiyat^, s. Punish- ment. ?j3oo=3^o nasuku, see ^^^. J ?^;:;)j^ nasudi, s. The forehead, -i ^?5 nase, rt;^". Soft, gentle. /2. 'Z moist, damp, humid. .y^Moist- ness. 2r softness. — a^-jS a man in good circumstances. J?^?^ naski;i, s. Twilight, dawn, early morning. ^^j^'^ naskyatra, see J^^xi- ^^c? nasya, see ^^. •^^ nala, ^. The fiftieth year of the Hindu cycle of sixty. 2. see ^^. ~zji)^ superior cooking. Ti^'^o^ nalakambha, s. A pole planted in the middle of a stack of straw. ^^ nali, see f^c. ^^, ^^f\ nali, nalio^e, s. A tube, pipe. 2. the barrel of a gun. ?^<^^ nalina, see J^e5j^. c^S?^^ nalipuni, ^^^ c:ie5^^. f^^Oooo^ naliyuni, see ciOcxjoo?). F;;'^ nale, ^. A celebrated king, the husband of Damayanti. jd^^ nalme, see ^(S^. 7i^^ nalye, see ^^^Ti- ' J^^, nallu, see ^6 . ^^ nalli, s. A spool to spool. ^T^ , ^^ naksha, nakshe, s. A map, plan, chart. 2. a paint- ing, picture, photograph, tjo E^^u'^ a genealogical table, pedigree. ^^ ^ nakshatra, 5". A star, planet. 2. a constellation or lunar mansion. — ■djc"rf<2;, _e3.^e^ the planetary system. j^^§£j?jo ^-^.(^ favourable conjunction of natal stars. ^i) na, Aninterrogative particle affixed to nouns, pronouns adjectives^ verbs and adverbs ; as^ TTO^jTO is it Rama? e?o3j^ is it he? oSoz|^?:s is it good? ^esjcTO are you going? ^jse^j^o was it yesterday? c5"So2^j^ nancuni (f^c^S"), i\ n. To dance. c3"Soyv)c^ nantuni, see ?3dWo^. c^'Sod nande, s. A measure of grain, equal to one-sixteenth or one-twentieth of a seer. Ne)or?o nannya, see ?rop®^. ^o;^ nanta, see ^^^. c3"3oa nandi, s. Benedictory verses recited at the com- mencement of an auspicious ceremony. 2. a ceremony per- formed to preserve a marri- age party from the pollution of birth or death in the family. cSBcZOj nctmbu 349 o3-sri na^e -I:t3e)o200 nambu, sse e;;)oe:o. ^"S'S* naka, s. Heaven, paradise, sky^ atmosphere. 2. see ns^j. — s^e5 a sacrifice to all the gods on the fifth day of a marriage. ^c)5^0 nakari, see ?i^&. •i<3£)=3^o naku, ^. A female calf. tS'sri naga, s. A snake, serpent. 2. a class of demi-gods. 3. the image of a serpent. -^^^ a class of demi-goddesses. —=3^^ the stone image of a serpent. — =o^o-do^, --^^^ the young of a serpent. — aooc^c; an ear-orna- ment in the form of a serpent's hood. -sBcl the hood of a serpent. -eSjseg^ the infernal regions. oSairi naga, see ^7(. tS'srl^o^ nagakushta, s. A kind of leprosy. x5"3ricods3/3 nagajidepu, s. A head ornament like the extended hood of a serpent. ?3^rt3D^ nagatali, s. The cactus Trichosanthes anguina. ^"srldou^ nagadandijL, s. Stag- nant water of yellowish color. ^"sri^rlo naganagari, s. A kind of drum. t3e)risjU nagapatta, s. A kind of serpent-worship. t5e)/i2jt's, ^^riz^^^nagabana, niga- bana, s. A grove haunted by, or sacred to, serpents. t3e)r(2::^a Mgabldi, s. A locality, affecting the health of those dwelling there, or the purity of any thing, as water, etc. c3"3r1e3^ nagabetta, s. A species of cane with black spots about the joints. oS'srisioS?^ nagamallige, s. The flower Jtisticia nasuta. crar(D^?io% nagarijLsuttu, s. A gold or silver thread. ^Drid nagara, s. Dry ginger. 2. the cobra. 3. see ^7(-d. -3io 2i^o a feast on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, —so ^4 the Nagari or Sanskrit character. jS?^— the Bengal Nagari character, ^ot^ the Peninsula Nagari character. o5e)riO=g^ nagarika, ad/'. Civilized, refined, cultured. 2. elegant. 3. prudent. -^^ civilization ; elegance; prudence. ^7\b=^ a civilized, neat, or prudent man. c3e)ris^oari nagavandige, s. A shelf. (3^r(d|^ nagavalli, s. A very pun- gent species of betel leaf, piper betel. cSDrli^ooooT^, ^■5)ri?^cs3> nagasam- pige, nagasampei, s. The flower Mesua speciosa. c3i9ri?^d, ^■5)r!;^d nagasara, naga- svara, s. A pipe answering to the drone of the bagpipe; a snake pipe with two holes. ■^•^t\ nage, s. A serpent. 2. the image of a serpent, ^e?— a spotted serpent. •s^ooj2_, o3je3— , see <^(3^T)-R. 30 ^rl nage 350 ^Dr^^ nan^ oS«)i^D^ nager^, s. Native Ko- man Catholics, so called by Pariahs. ^^rieog^ nagendre, s. The chief of the serpents. 2. the name of a man. ^«!riwQ^e3 nagole, s. The conclud- ing ceremony of a marriage among Brahmins. ?^-5)t3* nacijL, s. Dancing, a naiitch. •J^D'^'i^ c5c)2^ri nacike, nacige, s. Shame, modesty, blushing. — 7^?S shameless, impudent. _e?^^ to be ashamed, modest ; to blush. ^e)2^#c?i, ^iDear^d nacikedei, na- cigedei, s. The sensitive plant Mimosa pudica. J^e)2;^o^ nacuni {p-^'^), v. n. To blush, be ashamed, ^DtciD^, i^'^'i^t najar^^i, najare, s. A sheriff. ^"5)23 naji, s. A kind of dance. c5c)t;jJ?)=3^j najuku, ^^'. Delicate, fine, soft. -T^e;;^ delicate workmanship. ^e)^ najre, ^^^ ?:^ai5. i^-s^ nata, s, A pole used for a hedge. 2. a pole used for supporting a plantain tree, or for training up a creeper. ^«)ej=5^, Nc)yr1 nataka, nataga, s. A play, drama. 2. a theatri- cal performance. — cj^cSo, jro ts?^ an actor. --^se3 a theatre. ^i^)eJ nati, s. Fixing, pitching, planting. ^^loosri natiraga, s. A prelude. ^Jc)£J.^ natuni (?roO), v. a. To affect, impress, move. 2. to operate, act upon, as a medi- cine. ^^^ csD<2;s ^;)Wj3;;d v^riH nothing move you? or will all the telling be lost upon you ? ?I5)^ nate, see ?rau. KjD^o natya, s. Dancing, acting. -'?3«)C5^ nad^, s. A district, village. J^'?)cs^sJ^ nadavuni, c.v. {of-^Tk> ^) To cause to search. Ic3c)^ nadi, s. The pulse. 2. a blood-vessel, artery, or vein. 3. vital air or breath. 4. an astrological term connect- ed with natal stars. -^--sU the planetary conjunction consulted by astrologers when matrimonial alliances are to be formed. — z;&?^ exami- nation of the pulse. — croo^^ the pulse to cease. — gjslb^ to feel the pulse. — ^jr^sg^, — zjo::io^ the pulse to beat, i F)"5)^ri nadige, s. One of the cultivating classes in the northern part of Canara, 1 c2e)::^J nadu, see ?ro5. J^-e)do^ naduni (nt^S), v. a. To search, seek. ^s)bi)4t^ natavuni, c v. {of jcs ^^-d^ nade, s. A cord, rope. u^S)) To cause to affect or J?3^ra^ ;-:-^:? nlnu, nana, .?. Naked- operate. ncss, nudity. 2. the buttocks. t3-)r3 nana 351 ^■3^0^ name parvesi, nanapravesi, see ^^ c3"5)r$s:^ naniliji, s. A species of olive. — ^ o3oo?6 oil prepared from its fruit. >J?3!)C?o nanya, s. Money, coin. <^o7\~ a counterfeit coin. f, c3c)cf, nanme, s. Manipulation. -\ ^^;^ nita, s. Smell, odour. 2. stink, stench; also ^^^ c3d^, — ^oe^ a base family. c3c)^^ natapu, s. The plant Lantaiia aculeata. ^^j natu, see j^d^; of. ^sdji^j^. ^D^ nathe, s. A husband, master, lord, protector. ^■5)CJ nada, s. A sound, report, noise or note, "^e^o— thunder. I ^o2o— the roar of a lion ; a war cry. ^e)C3"3^ nadani, adj. Stupid, thoughtless. ^^^"30, c^^^^D nadari, nadhari, s. Poverty, pauperism. 2. bankruptcy, insolvency, adj. Indigent, poor. 2. bankrupt. Jc3"5)dj^ naduni (f^S), v.n. To smell, stink. ^3^d nadre, see ?^^?5. c3"5)Fa5Jc3sj«^r nanaparavarshl, j. A pension, gratuity ; superan- nuation. ^"3 ^"5) nana, adj. Various, diverse, different. —^'^ different sorts. — -rfpsr diverse colours. —^-^ various ways. ^^o^) nanuni (?^^), v. n. To shrink; cf. ^:ioTio^. ^c)^^ nanya, i". Likeness. 2. kind. ^"^cJjf^ , '^ (l) GO'S ?j , ^"^'dj, ^"Soor^** napasu, napasi^, nape, napesu, adj. Worthless, useless. 2. powerless, helpless. 3. stingy, miserly. ^Dh'^ napike, s. A barber. , ■^Di^ nabhi, s. The navel. 2. the holes in the leaves of a palm book, to string them together. ^e>Sjj nama, s. A name, appel- lation. 2. a sectarian mark on the forehead. — ^tjr® the ceremony of naming a child after birth. —35 ^aS a kind of bangles. — ^^£^^ a noun. — ?^"^f§ invoking ^r repeating the name of God. ~^h^, — eoja ^or'i to fail, be defeated. ~zj;> T^o^ to put on the sectarian mark; to cheat, deceive. c5'5)dJdc3^D* namadab9r^,.y. Coun- try sarsaparilla, Hemidcsrmis Indicus. ^4)^0 Ccj* namarad^, adj. Peevish. 2. impotent. c3e:dodr namarde, s. A eunuch, impotent man. 2. a sneak, coward. c59dJ5o-S-a namankita,^. Aname. adj. Dedicated, as a work to a person. cS^^oj?^^ namusii, s. Disgrace, [bit. 2. shame. ^■^d.^^j namesa, s. Nothing, a 30* ^HQiid nay a 352 ^DO^ nal^ J ^;DO^J naya, see ?33^odo. c3c)0^o=^ nayake, s. A guide, lead- er. 2. a chief, head, general. 3. an honorary title given to a Koman Catholic or a Kon- kani. J^c)OJ-d nayare, see froosoT^jsT?. >y^c)05j nayi, s. A dog. -zjt5o7\ an acute form of syphilis. ^^5~ an otter. r3-5)05j-o-^ nayikini, s. A mistress. FS'so^o'^ nayike, i"^^ jroodo^. c3-305o|j5)^2^ nayitolaci, ^. The white basil or country tea, Oeiinuni albwm. c3«)05o3J53 nayipalle, s. A kind of tree. c3"5)oajoj2 nayipili, s. A hyena. f:-^OuJ23^>:^dj^ nayibadam^, ^. The wild almonds. '^■5)0Sj5Jj«)d nayimare, s. ANayar of Malabar. ^■^o^ooooo^ nayiyulli, see djaXo <^. c3c)03o?oJ5r3on^ nayisonang^^, ^. The plant Mucuna pruriens. ^ c3'So3jo* nayer^, s, ^k plough. 2. see ndosj-sjj?):?. —s'S , ^^^ jtotj 5^5 . — cj Xj!:^ 6, _rf XocSjs ^0 a -0 CD ' O worn out plough. J c3^D^ nar^, ^. The hemp of plants, fibrous bark of trees, etc.\ linen. — rf ts'oowj, —-rfoa a linen cloth. — cJ 2of a hempen rope, -^wo^^i to be- come stringy or tough. — Sb 35^^ to twist hemp or fibre into ropes. c3i)C5onc)0&>) narang^ayi, ^^^ •^■^o'k cS'sdoF^ narange, .y^^ jtot5o?\. c5"e)d=a|j^, ^c)d|g narakatti, n&~ ratti, s. A kind of sword used by the Nayars. ^"Sdd narade, s. A celebrated sage and legislator, the son of Brahma, and inventor of the lute. 2. a tell-tale, slanderer. "^-^tft naras^, s. A very thin wire. 2. the hook of a native woman's nose-ring. adj. Thin, lean, emaciated.. 2. stingy, miserly. "S^f^— a rod with which the measure of a (^e;?6) kalase is struck. c3e)drOo3o narasi'iiha, see ^^kio^. c3e)DSCdjrs, c5'SD'i)0^ocl narayana, narayane, s. A name of Vishnu. 2. the name of a man. —^^e^ a kind of amulet. c3c)Dc)3:'or^ narayani, s. The wife of Vishnu and goddess of prosperity. 2. the wife of Siva and goddess of de- struction. 3. the river Ganges. ^■sO nari, s. A woman. Jc5c)do naru, see c^S. ^■scioA narengi, s. A kind of orange. ^5■^C)?^;^ nares^, s. An instrument to make either gold or silver wire. 2. see ?3sdc3. c3c)zlr narde, ^^^ ^ezSr. J c3c)^* n^l^, wwz?/. Four, -capt^j, c:d£;jst^o ///. four towns; some countries or parts of the ^^2:« naliji 353 c3"c)d^. nashta world. ^^ eAn"dj ^ot^j^fi^o one should travel abroad. —"ir^cSo the name of a demon. ~^% the four points y of the compass. ^—■^ji>:6o^J^7> e;j3^rfo four hundred. — -rfojseS four corners, a square.* — "^e^ the four Vedas. ^e)0* nal^, ^. A horse-shoe; c/. e/s^. ^80oS a farrier, shoe- smith; farriery. — ^wo^^, — s^ ^0^ to shoe a horse, elc. ^D^or{ nalan^a, s. The hands, legs, eyes, and ears. J"^^^ nalane, adj. Fourth. Jt5^e;oao, ^^o-5)0Sj nalayi, nalayi, s. The tongue. —^ s3d^ faith- fulness to a promise. €5^— speaking faintly, as a sick person. ^^— lit. double tongued; hoarseness; dupli- city, equivocation. ^o^— , ■§■&__ the uvula. —tiOTi^^ to be able to speak. -b^TJo^ ///. to retract one's tongue, to break a promise. — sojs-dj?) to falter, cease to speak, as a dying person; to pledge one's word. — -^OA-do^ to speak fluently; to break a promise. crao'3So«BF nalavarti, s. The four seasons, adv. Four times. ^"S© nail, s. The throat, wind- pipe. 2. a pipe, tube. 3. the stalk of a lotus. 4. see c^sci. c5e)0rj^nalisi;, ^. Disparagement, detraction, censure. 2. dis- honour, disgrace. — ^o'-^^o.^^ to disparage, censure; to dis- grace. ^^d nale, s. A sewer, drain. 2. a pipe. 7c5'3q3j'?,^o nalkolu, adv. Four times; also^ci^j^^'^o. c5"3s3%^oyo nalkontu, .y. Four corners. v/c5-s^ nalpa, num. Forty. c5c)0^;rfod nalpamara, s. The bark, ^/^. of four kinds of milky trees used in medicine, namely: ^Ji>r^, ^^'^^^ «5^r, and <^^/^j3?e3- ^OD naila, s. A fourfold ploughing. 2. ^^^ nd^s^. Ki^s3 nalle, see ^^. J-^d6 d^ nalver^, ^. Four persons. c5-3sjcl navade, ^. A man belong- ing to a tribe so called. 2. the claw of cattle, beasts or birds. ■^Dzi^ navala, see ^^'^. c52)D=^, c3e)^ri navike, navige, ^. A sailor. c5^d nave, ^. A ship, vessel. J (S-ssS^^ navola, s. Four seers. ^2)2^, "^dS^ nasa, nasana, ^^ De- struction, ruin, loss. 2. annihilation, death. —^ a destroyer. ^"dSo^ God, the immortal. ~^h^, ^^5 ^^^h^ to be destroyed; to fail in ruins ; to die. ~^^^^^ to de- stroy, ruin. f3«)5^., ^"S)^, nashta, nashte, s. Breakfast. 2. luncheon. ^nj^ nasu 354 ^Ti niga ^i)n? nas^, s. Snuff. ^^;^ft)r^ nasagra, s. The top of the nose. 2. i"^^. J^)or(o» ningal^, ^. Broken rice, grit, ^js^o— very fine grit, i^orijc^j^, ^orlo^ ninguduni, nin- gUni (^oTsoS, ^cK), ?;. ^. To swallow. J ^of\Ji)^o ningolu, see o^oX6. ^oti ninni, see ^o^. ^oa^^, ^oa;^j^, ^oda^ nindi- puni, nindisuni, ninduni (^o5, ^oa^), 7/. ^. To abuse, re- proach. 2. to blame, censure. 3. to mock, ridicule. 4. to blaspheme. ^od ninde, s. Abuse, blame, cen- sure, reproach. 2. mockery, ridicule. 3. blasphemy. -ast5, -vs^cSd an abuser, censurer, scoffer, blasphemer. r^o?i, ^z^^ ninna, ninnavu, ^^^ ?io^ ninni, ^. An echo, rever- ^20 beration. 2. mimicry the sound of an echo, —s:^^ ^^^ to mimic. c^o^^^^i ninnevuni (o^o^?), ■;:•. n. To echo. J^)o^3 nimbe, ^-^^ eScd. ^=3^ nika, i". A marriage among Mohammedans. — -sSo^Ov^ to marry a Mohammedan wo- man. Jq^^o^o nikulu, pro-n. (pi. o/^) You. ^i)^, ^i)^ nikhila, nikhila, adj. All, the whole, entire, com- plete. ^n^a nig^di, s. Instalment. 2. a fixed period or sum for payment, as the assessment on land. 3. fixing, settlement. 7j'S7}f5~ government assess- ment. -^^-0^^ to resolve, determine. ^n*cg)^ nigi^puni, see ^Tns^^. J^ri2:^o^ nigacuni (^asS"), 7'.n. To stretch. ^rid nigada, see ^Xzi. ^ria, ^rtd nigadi, nigade, see ^r(a nigadi, ^^^ ^Kn. ^ri«3)^ nigapuni, ^^^ ^X^^^. ^r(dJ nigama, i\ The Vedas. 2. a fair. ^r(o2)JN^r^*' nigayineni^L, s. A cord or rope for fastening a buoy. ^ri& nigariji, sec ?3X5. ^r>D7^ nigarig^, j^^ ^76i nidipa, see o)^^. -l^^odoo^, ^^h^ nidiyuni, nidi- pini (^^), ^- a. To wash. ^js???— to wash the face. J ^do nidu, adj. Long, tall, high. ^;:^oo2od nidumbare, ^. Barracks ; also c^Tioo^^oTi. i^dosj^ niduppa, s. Tallness, length. 2. see ^^. ^zs^ui^dj, ^)^(^0J, c^clo^ nidda- ditaru, nidyaru, nidyedi, s. A kind of small fish. J^^ nidpa, see o^^. J^cl nine, see ^^. ^^o2o nitamba, s. The buttocks. 2. a mountain side. ^hoii nitin^a, adj. Strong, hard. 2. serious, dangerous. — ?jo^rf a serious illness. ^.Bot^j nitirija, see ^?Bo3i. ^|^^<^ nittelv, see o^^^€. ^£« nitya, ^^*. Eternal, con- stant, perpetual, everlasting. 2. daily, regular, —^'alr daily expenses. — 5^r daily cere- monies. -^^^^ daily obser- vance. -2S?7S eternal life. -^^ ^§g^ daily and occasional. ^;so4 nityatva, ^. Eternity. 5)3?oi^ nityatme, ^. The eter- nal Spirit, God. ci3'3o?god nityananda, s. Ever- lasting happiness. ^^■3o?j^o nityanitya, s. Eternal and temporal. ^32jr3 nitrana, s. Weakness, debility, adj. Weak, faint. ^^ti a weak man. ^zf^ nidipa, see o)^. ^cs^^dJ^i nidupuduni, see ^;:^^ ^dsir^ nidarsana, s. An ex- ample, illustration, evidence, instance. ^HDTi nidana, s. Ascertaining the cause; the study of symp- toms with a view to trace the remote or proximate causes, as of a disease. 2. a work on pathology. 3. see o^r?;>^. ^a nidi, see ^t?. ^^ niddhi,^. Abundance, plenty. L-z^hF^ to prosper. J^d^ nidpa, adj. Straight, up- right, erect, adv. Straightly, erectly. -eA)c^^ to stand erectly. ^rfo^c^o^ nidpuduni (^^^S), ?'. a. To erect, set up, stay. 2. see ^d nidre, s. Sleep, drowsiness. sleepy man. 3i;^j^^, —zohF^ to become drowsy. — "s^j^'O^^ to sleep. ^d nidre 'O 357 ^oJo niya ' c^gj^c^ nidredpini (^^S), "o. n. To sleep, be asleep; to go to bed. ^i^D-^ nidhana, s. Caution, deli- ' beration, calmness, quietness. 2. slowness, dilatoriness. adj. Cautious, deliberate. 2. calm, quiet. 3. slow, dilatory. — ^ e3jse£^^ a careful considera- tion, deliberate judgment. -AOfs quiet disposition. ^^Ti^ slow motion, o^^d^jst^o care- fully, quietly, slowly. ^^^^^^ nidlianipuni(^!?^^),'^.«. To consider, examine care- fully. ^95)d nidhara, see o^^^f-6. ^pnidhi, s. Concealed or buried treasure. 2. a receptacle, place of accumulation. —^ "d^A an opulent man. Jjif^ nina, s. The serum of the flesh. 2. the marrow of the bones. J ^^ nina, pro. {gen. of ^) Thy. ^f^^A by or of thyself. o)?^4. oio^^ thine. J ^^ nine, ^.^A wick. 2. a very young fruit. ^^^ ninepu, see ^^3?^. ^c^J52^ ninosa (^^ ^^), Thy care or charge. ^53^3^ nipati^, s. Ruin. ^Sj^i nipata, s. Falling, coming down, alighting, adj. Irre- gularly formed, gram, ^zjd^d T^oodj interjection. ^^3^9 nip una, adj. Clever, skill- ful, conversant. — ^^ skill, proficiency in any art, efc ^^cl nipune, s. A clever man. ^33) J niputre, s. A sonless man. ^20oq^^ nibandhane, s. Order, mandate. 2. appointment, engagement. nibasuni, nibhasuni, nibhayisu- ni, v. a. (oi23^co, o^ep^cJ, o)2p^ osocJ), To bear, endure. 2. to manage, sustain. ^^^ ra nibbana, see ae^^r®. ^2;:ii)^cl nibbavane, s. Endu- rance, toleration. 2. under- taking, sustaining. ^dj^to nimaji,^. A Mussulman's ritual or form of prayer. ^Do^, ^Oo^, ^^0^^ nimita, ni- mitta, nimitya, s. Cause, rea- son. 2. object, motive, pur- pose. 3. consulting stars, an omen, or fate-book. postp. For, on account of. — ^js^a result of soothsaying. — cjdoSo an astrologer, soothsayer. _^j3lb^ to consult stars or a fate-book. ^^0^ nimislia, s. The twinkling of an eye, a second, instant, minute. s/^sjoodo^ nimuruni (o^^i^oS), v.n. To become straight. ^ojjs^ niyatiji, s. Restraining the natural appetites and passions; good morals or conduct. ^ojj niya 358 ^UD Eird toid^ niyata, adj. Checked, restrained, as the natural appetites and passions. ^oi^^d niyama, s. An agreement, contract, engagement. 2. a religious observance in gene- ral; voluntary penance. 3. a rule, law; c/. ^e^. ^ojjo^ niyukta, adj. Appointed, ordered. 2. attached to. ^oSjS^r! niyog^a, s. An order, command. 2. authority, ap- pointment. 3. occupation, engagement. ^oSjs^h^^ niyogipuni (rjoSjseT.), V. a. To order, command. 2. to authorize, appoint. ^D^, ^7:f nir^, nis^, prefixes implying Certainty; 2. nega- tion, want. 3. out, without; as: ^■^-■TOz^ innocence ; ^S^^'ptX blamelessness; ^i;^o^^i child- less; ^:^o:2e^ undoubted. ^dotiF^ niranjana, adj\ Immacu- late, pure, spotless. 2. ab- sorbed in. — ■s5?i3^, ^-dosd^ God, the immaculate one. ^doad nirantara, <2:^/. Continued, continuous, perpetual. 2. unimpeded, constant, adv. Ever, always, generally, fre- quently. ^d=s*^ nirak^, s. Current or fixed price. 2. assize or tariff. ^d^ niradi, see S)e"c^w. ^d?^D^qj niraparddha, i". Inno- cence. ^d3:?75)9 niraparidhi, s. An innocent person, adj. Inno- cent, not guilty. ^c!^ nirapu, s. A frame of boards, fitted with planks, as a shutter or a door. r^. J^dsJ niravu, s. The anus; cf. ^ ^0;^ nirasa, s. Want of flavour or passion. 2. dryness, want of juice, adj. Insipid, tasteless. ^d3do=5^d nirahankara, s. Ab- sence of pride, humility, modesty. o)^soo53& a modest person, one without egotism. ^DD=3^&^^, ^cd=i^:d:^o^ nirakari- puni, nirakarisuni (^t:^^&, ^t:^ ^^oj), 7'. a. To transgress, disobey, disregard. 2. to re- ject, set aside, refuse, decline. ciD'3^c)C5 nirakara, s. Shapeless- ness, absence of form. 2. censure. 3. denial, negation. adj. Shapeless, formless, ^^i) ^■c? God, who has no mate- rial form. ^D^^^ nirakhyi, see ^^^. ^0?)co niraji, s. A kind of cloth with gold borders. ^os^o^niratanka, adj. Uninter- rupted, unmolested. ^)D«)9c)d niradhara, adj. Unsup- ported, unsustained. 2. poor, destitute. ^jto^toS a destitute person. ^De)^ nirani, s. A kind of erup- tion on the skin, eczema. ^D'33Jo-5)9 niraparadhi, see ?iTi-^ ^D^ nira 359 ^lidF nirgu ^De)doo;io niramaya, adj. Well, hale, free from sickness. ^D^o:ij^;^ nirayasa, adj\ Easy, unfatiguing. ^D"30Jjoqj nirayudha, adj. Unarm- ed, defenceless. ^D^d nirara, see ^Tjzm7>-d. ^D^4 uiravu, see o^d^i: 2. see ^^4- ^cr^^ nirase, s. Despair, des- pondency. 2. disappointment. — t?^^ to be disappointed. —■^^o^ok^ to despair. ;fjDe)^ o^j nirasraya, adj. Without refuge, asylum or support; helpless, destitute. '^D^k nirasi, see o)us^. ^D-3aoDd nirahara, s. Fasting. Tju^=§^t>-'^oi>'i^t>£^ nirakshepa, nirakshepane, aaj. U n question- able, unobjectionable. ^D niri, see ^a. ^Dp^^,^) nirikshipuni (^^etx^), :'. a. To hope, desire, look for, expect. ^De=^ nirikshe, ^. Hope, expec- tation, waiting. ^CjdJ?o^h nirudyogi, s. A man without employment, a lazy man. J^OjCj niruddha, ^^/. Obstructed. ^ 9 _ ^dJS3i nirupa, ^. A letter, epistle, representation in writing. 'J ^6 nire, s. Neighbourhood ; also ^^5-5. adj. Neighbouring, adjoining. — ^ec^o/^ a bad neighbour. — ^o3o a neigh- bour. ^6^ nirepu, see o^t^^. ^^do* nirely, i". A shadow, resem- blance. 2. shade, shelter. J^dsJ^ nirevuni (^^^), v.n. To be ready; ^. ^^^o). ^dJS^A nirogi, ^. A man who is free from sickness, a healthy man. ^dJS^c^nirodha, ^. Loss, destruc- tion. ^^Fcd nirkande, s. A soft root. ^^F^O) nirkakke, .y. The sea-gull. ^=5rcl nirkane, s. A small branch of bamboo. ^^ctF^o nirkanya, s. A water- nymph. ^=3^jro£J nirkunta, s. A post fixed in water. ^^a.FoeJj nirkuntu, see ^^^orowo. ^=s'jF^e;o^ nirkujeluni (o)^or^6), V. n. To curdle, coagulate. ^^0F|^ nirkutta, s. Dropsy. '^'=6:^7 h^ nirkutti, s. The post of a watering-machine. ^^JSF^ nirkuve, s. A kind of arrowroot. '^T^'F nirgiji, ^^^ F^Aor^. ^rlFocJ nirgandha, ^^^'. Inodo- rous, without smell. ^rlFSJo nirgama, ^. Setting out, exit. 2. total loss or depar- ture. ^rioFra nirguna, adj. Void of all properties. 2. destitute of the qualities incident to humani- ty. 3. having no good quali- ties, bad, worthless. ^nr nirja 360 c^^OJSF nirmu ^UFf^ nirjana, ^dj. Lonely, un- inhabited. — ^^3?^, — 8[5j^so a deserted country. ^tciF^ nirjala, ad/. "Waterless. ^iSo^rsJ nirjiva, adj. Lifeless, inanimate. 2. weak, help- less. 3. inactive, lazy. ^)C^?f^ a dead body. ^rsFCdj nirnaya, s. Resolution, determination. 2. certainty, positive conclusion. 3. settle- ment, final arrangement. _iio<^j^^ to resolve, settle, fix. ^rarcOo?:!^^) nirnayisuni (oir®ro3o cJ), v.a. To resolve, decide, settle. ^;^r nirta, see ^^r. ^c5rOjo nirdaya, s. Unkindness. ^C3c)r^r?o nirdakshinya, s. Dis- regard, want of attention. " 2. severity, strictness. ^z3js^r5S[ nirdosha, ^. Blameless- ness, innocence. 2. freedom from blemish, adj. Innocent, sinless. 2. unblemished. ^)Zp'srd nirdhara, s. Certainty, ascertainment. 2. determina- tion, resolution. ^cS'srdjnirnama, s. Extirpation, eradication. ^c3e)roao nirnayi, s. An otter. ^c3«)r^ nirnala, s. The sixth Tulu month between Sep- tember and October. cic5e>F© nirnali, s. A water-spout. c^c^rds^* nirnirel^, see ?)e5^T5^. ^3JreoJ nirpatt^, adj. Moist, wet. 2. diluted. -^?5 diluted milk. c^2oroq5, c^zoFoqif^ nirbandha, nir- bandhana, s. Violence, oppres- sion, force, constraint, —"s^o ^^oi to constrain, or oppress. ^ZdoF^ nirbuddhi, s. Foolish- ness. ^efr, ^E^r nirbe, nirbhe, .?. A kind of oblation given to a priest. ~-t>^2s^ to prepare. ^e^jro^j, ^tp^Fvl nirbhaya, nir- bhiti, s. Fearlessness. adj. Fearless, undaunted. ^doFcSnirmade,^^". Uncovered. ^doFe;nirniala, s. Purity, clean- liness, ad/. Pure, transpa- rent, pellucid, clear. ^^je)Fr3 nirmana, s. Creation, manufacture, production, in- vention. —T^^^?^ to create, produce* invent. ^Ojf^ nirmita, adj. Made, in- vented. 2. fabricated. 3. artificial, —d^^i to produce, invent. ^Dj*^?jO^ nirmisuni {^^r^^i'.a. To create, produce. 2. to manufacture, invent. 3. to fabricate. ^SJooFfS nirmune, s. An appa- ratus for watering a field. adj. Blunt. ^^ioordoori^ nirmuruno^ele, .v. An arrogant man. QidoJSFe^nirmula,^. Extirpation, eradication. — ^os?j^oi to ex- tirpate, eradicate. ?:)s5j^^r nirmo 361 nilku ^dx^Fod nirmoha, s. Want of affection or love. ^Da3e)rr3 niryana, s. Death, demise; final beatitude. ^OF'S> nirlajje, s. Impudence, shamelessness. ^6^ph nirlepi, adj. Un defiled, untainted. 2. innocent, blameless. ^^FC'J ^ nirvancane, s. Sincerity, ingenuousness. ^dr2o;^j^ nirvahisuni (^^r&^), z>. a. To manage, transact, sustain, effect. ^^34)^=5^, ^s3e)rso nirvaka, nirva- ha, s. Management, power or ability to perform, execute, sustain, ^Z^-.; also ?)^^r. _too^ without power to manage, etc.\ unavoidably. ^STSFrQ nirvana, s. Nakedness. 2. reunion of the soul with the deity, final beatitude. ^S3^rcj, ^^FS3i)d nirvada, nirvi- vada, adj. Undisputed, un- questionable, unobjection- able. ;i^F^ nirvisha, s. An antidote for poison. 2. the plant Cur- cuma fertc7nbet. ^sSf nirve, see ^tSr. ^^^rd nirveda, s. Humility. 2. despair. 3. weariness. 4:. see ^rj"SFcl) nirsani, see ^as?i. ^^ nila, see f^^- ^^0 nilam, s. Ballast. 2. the bottom of a vessel. ^^o=5^d nilankara, .s-. Disfigure- ment. 2. ruin. ^^^d nllakara, see ^^^-d. ^O'uDZ^ nilakari^, s. Stretching. —^^4^ to stretch out the forelegs, to scrape along the ground, y^i^ri:! nilagade, s. Settlement, adjustment, conclusion, de- termination. 2. cessation, intermission, /^^sj, p^D^ nilavu, nilavu, see V^e3^. 2. see <30£jd^. i®^, ^0^=^ nilike, nilike, adj. Full, replete. y^Oo^P nilipuni, see ^a^^. ^^jdohniluvangi, ^. Along coat. ^^3 nile, s. The bottom, as of a well, eU.; depth, profundity. 2. a secret, mystery, adj. VFirm, fast, abiding. 2. quiet, still, calm, — e?rfj3|^^ to be firm, steadfast, -^h^ to be quiet. ^s3c2^ nilenci, see ??e3oel. >y^s3Q§ nileppu, s. State. 2. pos- ture, station. >/^23d) nilevu, s. Balance, arrears. 2. standing, residence. v^dsj^i nilevuni (^«3), z: n. To be steadfast. ^s;^,s^Qi nilkavuni, c.v. {of ^^\ c^) To cause to peep. 2. to cause to reach. >^'^e;o,^ nilkuni (^^i), >^'. ^. To peep, look slily, get a glimpse of. 2. to reach. 31 ^d nilke 362 ^3l nishka ^d nilke, see ^e5^. ys^^zl nilg-ade, see ?)<2JazS. ^^s->o nilpu, ^. A pause, stop, interruption. 2. stay, dura- tion. J'^^^^'^ nilpuduni, c.v. (of a *^ii^) '^^ P^^ ^ stop, cause to stop, make stand. V^e;j^^ nilpuni (^^), v. n. To stay. 2. to cease; to become quiet. ^s:-3Sj^ nillavuni, see t:hF^ to prove. "^^ ^ niscala, s. Firmness stabi- lity. adj. Firm, steady, fixed. ^boi niscinte, s. Ease, freedom from care or anxiety. ^h^ niscita, ad/. Determined, 'Settled. ^^^^ nistika, see ^Ti^"^. ^^20 nissabda, adj. Noiseless, stilL, quiet. ^<2^rf nishiddha, adj. Prohibited, forbidden. ^3§^q5 nishedha, s. Negation, prohibition. 2. the negative mood, gram. c^slsjy nishkapata, s. Sincerity. adj. Frank, sincere. ^^dor? nishkaruna, adj. Pitiless, cruel, harsh. ^3l nishka "o" 363 ^^y nit a ^^^r, ^^^r nishkarsha, ni- shkarshe, s. Determination, settlement. 2. certainty. ^^^e^o^^, c^^i-^o^^ nishkalankij, nishkalank^, adj. Irreproach- able, spotless, unblemished. ^^j.c^, ^^jp d nishtura, nishtura, adj. Cruel, harsh, severe, s. Harshness, severit}^ ^^ o3J3^t^^ nishprayojana, s. IJselessness. adj. Useless, vain, bootless. ^sl^^ nishphala, adj. Fruitless, vain. ^T^T^F nisarga, s condition. ^?:jc)^ nisani, see ^^^. ^^D^^ nistaripuni (^i&), v. a. To endure, bear, sustain. 2. to cross or pass over. ^T^J^'d nistuka, adj. Critical, serious, as the turn of a disease. ^jioTi nissanga, s. Separation. 2. seclusion, retirement. 3. indifference. ^7^or\ nissang-i, s. A man who mortifies himself to the world, a recluse. ^^o3'3?^ nissantana, adj. Child- less, issueless, heirless. —^ t^^ to die childless; to be ruined, annihilated. ^;